THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY 3£>2a7G3 Sb8or V0O2> REMOTE SlOKAub BUOKSTACKS OFFICE Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 ORDINANCES (1839-1909) City of Shreveport Louisiana Compiled by Authority of THE CITY COUNCIL By S. C. FULL1LOVE, City Judge M. L. BATH CO., Ltd. Printers and Manufacturing Stationers SHREVEPORT, LA. MAY, 1909 CITY OFFICIALS Mayor Comptroller Auditor Attorney Physician Engineer Chief of Police Lieutenant of Police Desk Sergeant Chief of Fire Department... Assistant Chief Electrician and Building Inspector. Plumbing Inspector Street C )mmissioner Assistant Poundkeeper Sexton Judge Marshal Secretary to Mayor ; S. A. Dickson l.C. G. Bives — T. H. Thurmond L. C. Butler Dr. W. M. Ledbetter Geo. K. Wilson E. O. Allen W. W. Nolen D. C. Heine Chris O’Brien M. J. Harris F. H. Beed J. Gill B. N. McKellar John Wise Ed Bofles C. C. Bailey S. C. Fullilove G. F. Gerrald Miss Bertha Smith COUN OILMEN - AT-LABGE. Paul Lowentihal. J. M. Ledbetter. W. F. Thoman. H. B. Scofield. J. Dambly. S. B. Hicks. COUNCILMEN BY WABDS. One — Ben S. White. Two — J. McW. Ford. Three — J. J. Lyon. Four— -H. H. Prescott. Nine — Chas. Deal. Five — J. H. Jordan*. Six — J. A. Bell. Seven — H. Bodenheimer. Eight — O. C. Hardeman. 2 wqjcVvi mls I If; CM: V • 352, ail* 3 flCH'l l:MTV ft I IIW'ii \ 3 03 REMOTE STORAGc. BOOKSTACKS OFFICE % STANDING COMMITTEES FINANCE — Hy. Bodenheimer, Jno. McW. Ford, H. B, Scofield. IMPROVEMENT — J. M. Ledbetter, Jno. McW. Ford, C. C. Hardman. BUILDING AND GROUNDS— Jno. McW. Ford, Paul Lowenthal, J. H. Jordan. t FIRE — (B. S. White, W. F. Thoman, H. H. Prescott. RAILWAYS — J. A. Bell, J. J. Lyon, C. C. Hardman. EDUCATION — H. H. Prescott, J. J. Lyon, S'. B. Hicks. LIGHTS — W. F. Thoman, J. M. Ledbetter, Chas. Deal. ORDINANCES — Chas. Deal, J. M. Ledbetter, Hy. Bodenheimer. CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS— J. J. Lyon, Paul Lowenthal, H. H. Prescott. POLICE — J. Dambly, Hy. Bodenheimer, B. S. White. WATER — Paul Lowenthal, J. Dambly, S. B. Hicks. COMMERCIAL AND MANUFACTURING— S. B. Hicks, J. H. Jor- dan, J. A. Bell. FRANCHISE— H. B. Scofield, J. Dambly, W. F. Thoman. SANITARY— C. C. Hardman, Chas. Deal, H. B. Scofield. BRIDGE^— J. H. Jordan, J. A. Bell, B. S. White. 3 979080 CITY BOARD OF HEALTH President — Dr. A. S. Eeisor. Secretary — D. B. Seay. Milk Inspector — Geo. L. Woodward. Meat Inspector — ‘George Wihite. Sanitary Officer — J. W. Wimibish. Vidanguer — J. F. Fisiher. Bacteriologist — Dr. J. M. Bodenheimer. 4 PREFACE This book professes to contain the ordinances of the City of Shreveport, now iin force, which have been passed since 1839, the date of the organization of the city government, up to January 1st, 1909. It has been compiled as the duties of my office would permit, at odd mo- ments, and with a view to include every law of general application. Certain ordinances, to-wit, those providing for extension of water and sewer mains, the license ordinance and others, have not been included because they would more than double the size of the book and are not general in their nature. I have carefully examined the records of the meetings, of the coun- cil, and have been convinced that the laws of the City of Shreveport should be codified. It is doubtful whether the charter gave this author- ity, but I am constrained to recommend that at the next session of the Legislature, the charter be so amended as to permit of a general code, and that immediately thereafter a commission be appointed to do the work. A code commission, of three lawyers, would need about a year to properly draft a code that would meet all the requirements' of a city of the importance of our own. In the meantime, I express the hope that this compilation will fill a long felt want; that it will make easier your efforts to know what laws are enrolled and in force; that it will justify the time and money spent on it. S. €. FUiLLILOVE. Shreveport, La., May 12, 1909. 5 THE FIRST ORDINANCE Be it Ordained, That the Mayor shall issue proposals for cutting down the trees, and digging up the stumps of the same, upon Commerce street, commencing at Cross Bayou and running entirely through the town. The contract to be given to the lowest and most efficient bidder, who shall give a satisfactory bond for the faithful performance of his duty. Signed: JOHN 0. SEWALL, Mayor. S. E. BELKNAP, Clerk. Shreveport, Louisiana, September 11th, 1839. 6 CHARTER of the City of Shreveport SENATE BILL 120 By Mr. Barret Act No. 158 of 1898 AN AOT To incorporate the City of Shreveport, in the Parish of Caddo, define its boundaries, and provide for the better police and municipal govern- ment. BOUNDARIES OF CORPORATION. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Lou- isiana, That all that portion of the Parish of Caddo embraced in the fol- lowing limits, to-wit: Commencing at the northwest corner of the south- west quarter of section 2, township 17, range 14 west, of 'Caddo Parish, Lou- isiana; run thence east to the center of said section 2; thence south on the half mile to the center line of said section 2 to a point opposite the south boundary of the negro or Star cemetery; thence east to the north- east corner of the lands of Woodward (same being the southeast corner of said Star cemetery) ; thence due south to the southern boundary of said section 2; thence due east along said section line to the Houston East and West Texas Railroad; thence northeasterly along the east boun- dary line of said railroad’s right of way to the southern boundary line of ten-acre lot eight (8) of the subdivisions of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section 1; thence east to Southern avenue; thence south along said avenue to where the line which divides ten-acre lot seven (7) and ei^ht (8) of the Alley land intersects said Southern avenue; thence east along said dividing line to Fairfield avenue; thence 7 8 in a northerly direction up said avenue to the intersection of said avenue and First street of the Thornhill subdivision; thence east along First street to the range line between ranges thirteen (13) and fourteen (14); thence north along said range line to Olive street; thence east to the bank of Bayou Pierre; thence northeasterly on the bank or shore line of said Bayou in its course to the intersection of its waters with the center line of Red river; thence up the center of Red river northeasterly to a point which is immediately opposite to a point one hundred (100) feet north of tihe bank or shore line of the north bank of Cross bayou; thence west- erly following a line parallel with the shore line of Cross bayou at a dis- tance of 100 feet from the bayou bank or shore line to a point known as Bull’s point on the bank of said bayou; thence southwesterly across and along the waters of Cross bayou and its branches to the center of the stream known as Bowman’s Chutes; thence along said stream in a southwesterly direction to a point where the west boundary line of sec- tion 35, township 18, range 14, would intersect said stream; thence south on the west boundary line of section 35, township 18, range 14; and the west boundary line of section 2, township 17, range 14, to the place of be- ginning, shall be included in, constituted and declared to be the corpo- rate limits of the City of Shreveport. BOUNDARIES OF CORPORATION. Section One (1). (As amended by Act 309 of 1908.) Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana, That all that portion of the Parish of 'Caddo embraced within the following limits, to-wit: Commencing at the southwest corner of the northeast quarter (1-4) of Section Ten (10), Township Seventeen (17) north, Range Fourteen (14) west, same being the center of said Section Ten (10); run thence due east along the center east and west lines of Sections Ten (10), Eleven (11), and Twelve (12), Township Seventeen (17), Range Fourteen (14) west, and along the east and west center lines of Section Seven (7) and Eight (8), Township Seventeen (17), Range Thirteen (13) west, to the west bank of Bayou Pierre; thence run in a northerly direction on the west bank of shore line of said Bayou to its junction with Red river; thence run due north to the center line of Red river; thence run up the center line of Red river in a northwesterly direction to a point which is immediately opposite to a point one hundred (100) feet north of the bank or shore line of the north bank of Cross Bayou; thence run westerly, fol- lowing a line parallel with the north bank of Cross Bayou and one hun- dred (100) feeit north of same to the junction of Cross' Bayou, Middle Bayou and Bowman’s Chute; thence run directly across Bowman’s Chute to its southeast bank; thence run along the southeast bank of Bowman’s Chute in a southwesterly direction to where the north and south center 9 line of Section Tihirty-four (34), Township Eighteen (18) north, Range Fourteen (14) west, crossing said Bowman’s Chute; thence run due south along said center line and along the north and south center line of Sec- tions Three (3) and Ten (10), Township Seventeen (17) north, Range Fourteen (14) west, to the place of beginning, shall be included in, con- stituted, and is hereby declared to be the municipal corporation of the City of Shreveport. STYLE AND POWER OF CORPORATION. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, etc., That the inhabitants of the City of Shreveport laid out as above, are hereby constituted and declared to be a municipal corporation and body politic, in fact and in law; by the name and style of the City of Shreveport, and by the same name shall have and enjoy perpetual succession, shall be capable of suing and being sued, defended and being defended, impleading and being impleaded, in all courses and places whatsoever shall be capable of acquiring, receiv- ing, holding, farming, leasing or conveying any property, real or per- sonal, within or without the limits of the city, and may have and use a common seal. GOVERNMENT— IN WHOM AND HOW VESTED. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, etc., That the government of the City of Shreveport and the administration of its affairs shall be vested in a mayor and fifteen trustees, said mayor and trustees shall be elected as hereinafter provided and shall form the Council of the City of Shreve- port. The present mayor and trustees as apportioned, with the Comp- troller, Street Commissioner, City Attorney and City Physician elected by them all, shall remain in office until the first Tuesday after the third Monday of April, 1900. Within sixty days of the passage of this act an election shall be held to choose seven additional trustees who shall be chosen at large by the qualified voters of this city, and this election shall be ordered by' the Council and notice thereof given by the Mayor at least ten days before the election in the official journal. These seven, with the eight already in office with the mayor, shall constitute the city council, who shall serve until the first Tuesday after the third Monday of April, 1900. The election of the seven trustees herein provided for and all vacancies that may happen prior to the first Tuesday after the third Monday of April, 1900, shall be chosen by the general voters qual- ified to the laws now in force in the State of Louisiana; any vacancy among the seven to be chosen by the voters at large, and any . among the eight at present serving from the wards at present represented by them. The mayor shall give at least ten days’ notice of the election at polling places in each ward designated by the City Council. On the firs* 10 Tuesday after the third Monday of April, 1900, the mayor and trustees shall be elected to serve until the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, 1902, and their successors on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, 1902, and bi-annuaHly thereafter. At the elec- tion in 1900 and thereafter, the mayor and seven trustees shall be elect- ed at large and eight trustees shall be chosen, one from each ward of the city and by the voters of each ward of the city as hereinafter di- vided. The mayor and trustees before entering on the duties of their of- fices shall take and subscribe before any officer authorized to administer oaths, the oath to obey the laws and Constitution of the State of Louis- iana and the United States, and to faithfully perform the duties imposed on them by his act. At every election the polling places and the three commissioners with one clerk for each polling place shall be named ten days in advance by the 'Council and due notice thereof given by the may- or in his proclamation. Sec. 3. (As amended by Act 309 of 1908.) Be it further enacted, etc., That the government of the City of Shreveport and the administra- tion of its affairs shall be vested in a mayor and fifteen (15) trustees. Said mayor and trustees shall be elected as hereinafter provided and shall form the Council of the City of Shreveport. The present Mayor and Trustees as apportioned, together with other city officials shall re- main in office until the first Tuesday after the first Monday in Novem- ber, 1908, on which date their successors shall be chosen to serve until the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, 1910, and said elections for said purposes shall be held on the said day biennially there- after. At these elections the Mayor and six (6) Trustees shall be elect- ed at large, and nine (9) Trustees shall be chosen, one (1) from each ward of the city and by the voters of each ward of the city as herein- after divided. The Mayor and Trustees, before entering on the duties of their of- fices, shall take and subscribe before any officer authorized to admin- ister oath, the oath to obey the constitution and laws of the State of Louisiana and of the United States, and to faithfully perform the duties imposed on them by this Alct. At every election the polling places and the three (3) commissioners with one (1) clerk for each polling place, shall be named at least ten (10) days in advance by the Council and the notice thereof shall be giv- en by the Mayor in his election proclamation. 11 DIVISION OF WARDS. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, etc., That the said 'City of Shreveport, as hereinbefore defined, shall be and is divided into eight (8) wards, as follows, to-wit: Ward number one (1) shall commence at a point on the corporation line north of Cross bayou, where the center line of Edwards street would strike if extended from its present northern terminus in a straight line, run thence to the center of Edwards street, and along said street to Jones street; thence along the center of Jones street to the center of Red river; thence following the corporation line in a northwesterly direction to the place of beginning. Ward number two (2) shall commence at the starting point forWard number 1; run thence to the center of Edwards street, and along said street to Cotton street; thence along Cotton street to Common street; thence along Common street in a northwesterly direction and from the northern terminus on Common street in a straight light from the center thereof to the corporation line north of Cross bayou; thence in an easterly- direction on the corporation line to the place of beginning. Ward number three (3) shall commence at the intersection of Cot- ton and Common streets; run thence in a southerly direction on Common to Howell street; thence in an easterly direction on Howell street to the track of the Shreveport Belt Railway Company; run thence along said track in a southerly direction to Stoner avenue; thence east on Stoner avenue and old corporation line to the bank of Bayou Pierre; thence bn the boundary of said city in a southerly direction to a point where Jones street would strike if extended in a straight line east, from its present terminus; thence westerly to Jones street to Edwards street; thence on Edwards to Cotton, thence on Cotton to Common, the place of beginning. Ward number four (4) shall commence at the intersection of Jordan street and Fairfield avenue; run thence in a southerly direction on Fairfield avenue to the intersection of said avenue with First street of the Thornhill subdivision; thence in an easterly direction along the cor- poration line to the range line between ranges thirteen and fourteen; thence north along said range line to 'Olive street; thence east to the banks of Bayou Pierre; thence along the banks of said Bayou on the corporation line to the old corporation line; run thence west on the old corporation line and Stoner avenue to the track of the Belt Line Railway Company; thence along said track to Jordan street and along Jordan street west to the place of beginning. Ward number five (5) shall commence at the intersection of Texas avenue and Common street; run thence on Texas avenue to Jordan street 12 to where the Belt Kailway Company leaves said street; run thence along said railway track in a northerly direction to Howell street, thence to Common street, and thence on Common street to the place of beginning. Ward number six (6) shall commence at the intersection of Jordan street and Fairfield avenue, run thence on Jordan street to Texas ave- nue; thence on Texas avenue and Texas road in a southwesterly direction to where the said road or avenue crosses the corporation line; thence south along corporation line to the -south boundary line of section 2, be- ing corporation line; thence east on the corporation line to the Houston East and West Texas Railroad; thence along the corporation line and rail- road’s right of way to the south boundary line of ten-acre lot eight (8) heretofore described; thence east to Southern avenue; thence south along said avenue to the division line between ten-acre lots seven (7) and eight (8) of the Alley lands; thence along said division line to Fairfield ave- nue; thence along said Fairfield avenue in a northerly direction to the place of beginning. Ward number seven (17) .shall commence at a point where Western avenue if extended to 'Cross ibayou would strike Common street if Com- mon street was extended to Cross bayou; run thence southerly to the cen- ter of Common street, thence on Common street to the intersection with Texas avenue; thence on Texas avenue to the crossing of the Texas and Pacific railway track; thence in a northerly direction along the Texas and Pacific railway track to Western avenue; thence along Western ave- nue in a northerly direction and in a straight line to place of beginning. Ward number eight (8) shall commence at the crossing of Texas avenue and the Texas and Pacific railway track; run thence along said track in a northerly direction to Western avenue; thence along Western avenue in a northerly direction, and in a straight line from its northern terminus to the intersection of 'Common street if extended to Cross Bayou; thence on the line of Common street if extended, in a straight line to the corporation line north of Cross Bayou; thence westerly and southerly on the corporation line, to the • northwest corner of the south- west quarter of section 2, township 17, range 14, run thence east along the corporation line to .center of said section 2; thence south along the corporation line to a point opposite southern boundary line of Star or ne- gro cemetery; thence east along corporation line to the northwest corner of the lands of Woodward; thence south along the corporation line to the Texas Road or avenue; thence along said Texas Road or avenue in a northerly direction to the place of beginning. Section four (4). (As amended by Act 309 of 1908.) Be it further enacted, etc., That the said City of Shreveport, as hereinbefore defined, shall be and is hereby divided into nine (9) wards, as follows, to- wit: Ward number one (1) shall commence at a point on the corporation line north of Cross bayou, where the center line of Edwards street would 13 strike if extended from its present northern terminus in a straight line, run thence to the center of Edwards street, and allong said street to Jones street; thence along the center of Jones street to the center of Red river; thence following the corporation line in a northwesterly direction to the place of beginning. Ward number two (2) shall commence at the starting point for Ward number one (1); run thence to the center of Edwards street, and along said street to Cotton street; thence along Cotton street to Common street; thence along Common street in a northwesterly direction, and from the northern terminus of Common street, in a straight line from the center thereof to the corporation line north of Cross Bayou; thence in an easterly direction on the corporation line to the place of the beginning. Ward numlber three (3) shall commence at the intersection of Cotton and Common streets; run thence in a southerly direction on Common street to Howelil street; thence in an easterly direction on Howell street to the track of the Shreveport Belt Railway Company; run thence along said track in a southerly direction to Stoner avenue; thence east on Stoner avenue and old corporation line to the bank of Bayou Pierre; thence on the boundary line of said city in a northerly direction to a point where Jones street would strike if extended in a straight line east from its present terminus; thence westerly to Jones street to Edwards street; thence on Edwards to Cotton street; thence on Cotton to Com- mon street, the place of beginning. Ward number four (4) shall commence at the intersection of Louis- iana street and Jordan street; thence north with Louisiana street to Stoner avenue; thence due east with Stoner avenue to’ the west bank of Bayou Pierre, the corporation line; thence in a southerly direction with the corporation line and Bayou Pierre to the southeast corporation corner; thence with the corporation line due west to Line avenue; thence with Line avenue due north to Jordan street; thence with Jordan .street due east to Louisiana street, the place of beginning. Ward number five (5) shall commence at the intersection of Texas avenue and Common street; run thence on Texas avenue to Jordan street; thence east on Jordan street to where the Belt Railway leaves said street; run thence along said railway track in a northerly direction to Howell street; thence to Common street and thence on Common street to place of beginning. Ward number six (6) shall commence at the intersection of Jordan street and Line avenue; run thence west on Jordan street to Texas road, thence on Texas road in a southwesterly direction to where the Mans- field road intersects with Greenwood road and Texas road; thence with 14 the Mansfield road in a southerly direction to where it crosses the city corporation line; then with the city corporation line due east to Line ave- nue extended; thence with Line avenue due north to Jordan street, the place of beginning. Ward number seven (7) shall' commence at a point where Western avenue if extended to Cross bayou would strike Common street if Com- mon street was extended to Cross bayou; run thence southerly to the cen- ter of Common street; thence on Common street to the intersection with Texas avenue; thence on Texas avenue to the crossing of the Texas and Pacific Railway track; thence in a northerly direction along Texas and Pacific Railway track to Western avenue; thence along Western avenue in a northerly direction and in a straight line to place of beginning. Ward number eight (8) shall commence at the intersection of Mur- phy street and the Texas and Pacific Railway track; thence along the Texas and Pacific Railway track in a northerly direction to its intersec- tion with Western avenue; thence aJlong Western avenue in a northerly direction and in a straight line from its northern terminus to its intersec- tion with Common street if extended to Cross bayou; thence on the line of Common street if extended in a straight line to its intersection with the corporation line north of Cross bayou; thence westerly and southerly with the corporation and Bowman’s Chute to the northeast corner of the city on center line of section thirty-four (34), township eighteen (18) north, range fourteen (14) west; thence due south to the intersection of the corporation line with Murphy street if extended due west; thence due east to the corner between sections thirty-four (34) and thirty-five (35), two (2) and three (3); thence due north to Fourth street; thence due east with Fourth street to Alley between Oxford and Madison streets; thence due south with Alley to center line with Murphy street extended due west; thence due east to center of Murphy street and with Murphy street to its intersection with the Texas and Pacific Railway, the place of beginning. Ward number nine (9) shall begin at the intersection of Murphy street and the Texas and Pacific Railway; thence in a southerly direction with the Texas and Pacific Railway to the Texas road; thence with the Texas road in a southwesterly direction to the junction of the Texas road, Greenwood road and the Mansfield road; thence with the Mansfield road in a southerly direction to the corporation line, thence with the cor- poration line due west to the southwest corner of the city, center of sec- tion ten (10), township seventeen (17), range fourteen (14) west; thence with the west corporation line due north to the point where Murphy street extended would intersect the corporation line; thence due east to corner between sections thirty-four (34), thirty-five (35), three (3) and two (2); thence due north to center Fourth street; thence due east to 15 Alley between Oxford and Madison streets; thence due south to center of Murphy street if extended; thence due east to center of Murphy, and with Murphy street to its intersection with the Texas and Pacific Rail- way, the place of beginning. Provided, this Act shall be submitted for adoption or rejection by the qualified electors of the entire City of Shreveport, including the new or annexed territory, at the municipal election to be held on the same day as the first primary to nominate city officers in 1908. J'he majority of the votes east on the proposition to determine the result. And on the ballots shall be printed the words: “For extending the corporate limits of the City of Shreveport,” “Against extending the cor- porate limits of the City of Shreveport,” the voter to signify his choice by stamping opposite “For” or “Against”. VACANCIES— dlOW FILLED. Section 5. Be it further enacted, etc., That should a vacancy occur at any time in the office of Mayor or Trustee, by death, resignation or otherwise, more than three months preceding the expiration of his term of office, the Council shall, at their first meeting after the occurrence of said vacancy, or as soon after as practicable, order an election for suc- cessor to fill the same, of which due notice shall be given in the official journal of the city ten days prior to said election. In case of a vacancy in the office of Mayor the Council shall select one of their number to act as Mayor pro tempore, until a successor is duly elected and qualified. In case of illness or temporary absence of the Mayor he may appoint one of the trustees to exercise the powers of the Mayor during said absence or sickness. Record shall be made upon the minutes of the 'Council. At all elec- tions held under the provisions of this act a plurality shall be sufficient to elect, and in case of a tie a new election for the office in which there was a tie shall be immediately ordered, of which ten days’ previous no- tice shall be given in the official journal of the city. No one shall be eligible as Mayor or Trustee who is not a duly qualified elector, nor an actual resident of said city, during twenty-four consecutive months pre- vious to any general election for any office. ELECTIONS AND' QUALIFICATIONS. Section 6. # Be it further enacted, etc., That all elections for officers of the corporation, one or more polls in each ward shall be opened under directions of commissioners appointed by the Council for that purpose 16 and at such place as may be designated by the Council. No person shall be permitted to vote who is not a duly qualified elector under the general laws of the State. ELECTION RETURNS. Section *7. Be it further enacted, etc., That the returns of all elec- tions held under the provisions of this act* shall be made sworn to as correct 'by the commissioners above provided, for the Mayor and Trus- tees; within twenty-four hours after the closing of the polls the return® shall be handed to the Mayor, who shall at once call the Council to meet within twenty-four hours to receive, count and announce the result and the certificate of said commissioners shall be sufficient warrant, without any further commission, for said officers to enter upon the duties of their respective offices, after taking the prescribed oath of office, of which proceedings due notice shall be given. ORGANIZATION OF COUNCIL. Section 8. Be it further enacted, etc., That on the second Monday following the day of their election and the announcement of the result by the Council, the Council shall hold their first meeting at the City Hall, or the usual place of such meetings, at which the Mayor and Trus- tees, having presented and filed their certificates of election and oath of office, as herein provided, shall enter upon the discharge of their duties as specified in this act, and their predecessors shall turn over to them all books, papers, property, money and accounts pertaining to their office And to the City of Shreveport. DUTIES OF THE MAYOR. Section 9. (As amended by Act 117 of 1904.) Be it further enacted, etc., That the Mayor shall be chief executive officer of the city, he shall fix the seal of the corporation to all its official acts; he shall countersign all warrants drawn on the fiscal agent; he shall see that the laws and or- dinances are properly and faithfully executed; he shall have general su- pervision of all matter relating to discipline and efficiency of the police, the protection of the public and private property, the preservation of public order and peace, and the enforcement of the ordinances relative thereto, the houses of refuge and correction, and lighting the city; he 17 shall call extra meetings of the Council whenever he shall deem the same necessary, or whenever eight members of the same shall in writing stating the object thereof, request him to do so; he shall from time to time lay before the Council a full stateinent of the affairs of the city; it shall be his duty to report to the Council a/ll officers and persons employed by the city who fail to perform their duty, or who shall commit any act for which they should be removed from office, and may in his discretion, suspend any sub-officer or employe until the action of said Council, to whom he shall report such suspension at their first meeting thereafter; he shall preside at the meetings of the Council, but shall have no vote therein except when there is a tie, in which case he shall have the casting vote. He shall receive a salary of $2,000.00 per annum, payable monthly on his own warrant, and no perquisites. POWERS OF COUNCIL. (Section 10. Be it further enacted, etc., That the Council may ordain and impose such fines for the breach of the by-laws, rules and ordinances of the city as they shall think proper, not exceeding one hundred dollars fine and not exceeding ten days’ imprisonment for each offense, recover- able before any court of competent jurisdiction, in the name and for the use of said city; and in default of the payment of the said fine he shall be ordered to work the same out in the streets and alley or other public works of the City of Shreveport at the rate of one dollar per day for each day of labor performed. Section 11. (As amended by Act 283 of 1908.) That the Council shall have full power to make and pass such by-laws and ordinances as are necessary and proper. PEACE, ETC. First — To regulate and preserve the peace and good order of the city, and to provide for and maintain cleanliness and sanitary condition. Second — To regulate and make improvements to the streets, alleys, public squares, wharves and other public property, and to provide for the lighting and watering of the same, to provide grounds and facilities for any of its departments, and to order and direct the ditching, filling, opening, widening and continuing of the streets or alleys, and if, for such purposes the land of any person or body corporate is necessary to be had, said City Council shall have the right and power of purchasing the same at a reasonable price; or to cause the same to be expropriated according 18 to the manner and formalities prescribed by existing laws on the subject; the said Council shall have the power to acquire amicably or by expro- priation proceedings, electric light or gas or waterworks or sewerage plants or to provide for the construction and operation of proper facili- ties for lighting and furnishing water and sewerage to the city and citi- zens, same to be owned by the City of Shreveport. To regulate the proportion and to make and repair all common sew- ers, drains, canals, public roads, levees, dykes, causeways and bridges, notwithstanding any superintendence which might be set up by any cor- poration or individual over such work. To determine the completion and dimensions of the pavements of the streets, to fix the squarring, and to prevent any encroachments upon or stopping and obstructing the streets, alleys, public squares, levees, public roads, or any part of the landing or port of Shreveport, and to order any object, whatever may be its value, which may incumber such places, or prevent and embarrass the free use of the same, to be torn down and removed, or sold for whom it may concern, in the same manner and after such notices as shall be required by such regulations. EWER BANKS. Third — Eor cleaning of the banks of the river or other navigable streams within the limits of the city for the reopening of such amount of natural drainage as have been obstructed by the owners of the ad- jacent lands, or opening or filling up of any water course which is not navigable for the purpose of carrying the public highways over the same, provided, no injury be occasioned thereby to the neighboring inhabit- ants. Fourth — To prohibit, prevent and suppress mock auctions, and every kind of fraudulent game, device or practice, and to punish all persons managing, using, practicing, or attempting to manage, use or practice the same, and all persons aiding or abetting in the management, use or practice thereof. To prohibit, regulate, restrain or prevent persons from gaming for money or property, whatever may be the amount there- of, with cards, billiards, dice, dominoes, ten pins alleys (whatever may be the number of pins used to the contrary notwithstanding), tables, ball alleys, wheels of fortune, boxes, machines or other instruments or de- vice whatsoever or character of game whatsoever, in any building or place in the city, and to punish the persons keeping the building, instru- ment or means of such gaming, and to compel the destruction of all such instruments or means. To prevent, prohibit and suppress all lotteries' or raffles for drawing and disposing of money or other property or things whatever, and to punish all persons maintaining, directing or managing 19 the same or aiding in the maintenance, direction or management thereof. To regulate (or suppress) all circuses, show theaters, billiard tables, bowl- ing alleys, concerts, itinerant sellers of medicine, corn doctors, pet bear exhibitors for pay, fortune tellers, cane or knife racks and like device, gift enterprises, lung testers, feather renovators, muscle testers or de- velopers, peddlers, flying jennies, pistol or shooting galleries, theatrical exhibitions, skating rinks, roller coasters, and other like things, dance houses and rooms, keno rooms, opium dens, hop joints and clairvoyants. To pro'hibit and suppress desecration of the Sabbath day and all kinds of indecency and other disorderly practice and disturbance of the peace. To create by ordinance such district or districts within which all bars, saloons and clubs or other places where intoxicating liquors are disposed of, may be confined; to regulate the police of theatres, public balls, tav- erns, places for shows and exhibitions, houses for public entertainments, shops for retailing liquors, houses for public prostitution, and to order the same to be closed whenever the public safety and tranquillity may re- quire it, and to impose such regulations and duties upon persons keep- ing such places as they may deem proper and necessary, and to punish all vagrants. Fifth — To prohibit and prevent riot, rout, disturbances or disorder- ing assemblage in the streets or elsewhere in the city, and preserve quiet and order therein. Sixth — To prohibit or prevent in the streets or elsewhere in the city, indecent exposure of the person, the show, sale or exhibition for sale of indecent or obscene pictures, posters, drawings, engravings, paintings and books and all indecent or obscene exhibitions or shows of any kind, and to regulate bill posting and bill boards. Seventh — (To regulate and prevent the running at large of dogs; to prevent dog fights in the streets; to prevent the fighting of game cocks in the city, and to provide for the destruction of stray, dangerous or vi- cious dogs; to require the payment of a license fee by the owner or per- sons having possession of dogs, and for imposing a penalty upon such person or persons for refusing to pay such license fee. Eighth — To regulate draymen, cartmen, truckmen, porters, runners, drivers of cabs, hackney coaches, omnibus, stages, carriages, automobiles, express vehicles and vehicles of every description used and employed for hire, and to fix and regulate the amount and rate of their compensa- tion. To describe and designate the stands, places and location in the city within which all such conveyances and vehicles, as aforesaid, may stand. Ninth — To prescribe and regulate the speed of automobiles, cars and .engines on railroads, street or electric cars within the limits of the city, and prohibit railroad cars from standing across or otherwise obstructing 20 the streets or alleys of the city. To determine and designate the route and grade of any railroad to be laid in the city; to regulate the use of locomotives and cars upon railroads within the city, and to compel the owners and managers of any railroad to station flagmen at street cross- ings or maintain safety devices and warnings at said crossings, and make such other rules and regulations concerning such railroads as may be necessary for the safety of citizens of the city, and to compel said own- ers of railroads to erect bridges and viaduct® over the tracks at street crossings wherever the same are necessary and to provide the necessary drainage passages wherever their railway embankments, roadbeds or oth- er improvements obstruct the drainage; and to make all other rules and regulations necessary for the reasonable operation of said railroads with- in the limits of the city. Tenth — To regulate the ringing of bells and the crying of goods and other commodities for sale at auction or otherwise, and prevent disturb- ing noises in the street. Eleventh — To provide for and regulate the cleaning of highway®, streets, avenues, lanes, alleys, courts, public places and grounds, cross- walks and sidewalks in the city; to prohibit, regulate and control the ex- hibition of signs, on canvass or otherwise, in or upon any vehicle stand- ing or moving upon the streets of the city; to control, prescribe and regulate the mode of constructing and suspending signs and awnings; to prescribe and regulate the manner in which the highways, streets, ave- nue®, lanes, alleys, courts, public grounds and public places within the city, shall be used, and for the preservation thereof; and the prevention of injury to the curbs, gutters, pavements, sidewalks, trees, streets, lawns and parts therein. Twelfth — To prohibit all practices, amusements and doings whatso- ever in said streets, having a tendency to frighten teams and horses, dangerous to life or property and persons indulging therein. To remove or cause to be removed therefrom or from the premises adjacent there- to, all walls and structures liable to fall therein. To remove or cause to be removed therefrom or from the of suitable hitching posts and blocks. Thirteenth — To pass all needful laws and regulations governing sex- tons and undertakers for burying the dead, and to regulate the business of scavengers and chimney sweepers and their compensations and the fees to be paid by them for licenses, and to regulate the kinds of monuments, enclosures and other needful marks of improvements on or around bury- ing lots in the public cemeteries. Fourteenth — To require any horse or other animal attached to any vehicle or standing in any of the streets, lanes, and alleys, highways, 21 courts, public places or public grounds of the city, to be securely fas- tened, watched or held, and to secure the proper driving of the same through such streets*, lanes, alleys, courts, public grounds or places. To prevent horses racing or immoderate or reckless' riding or driving in any such streets, lanes, alleys, courts, public grounds or public places, either with horses, carriages, automobiles bicycle® or other vehicles, to authorize the stopping or detaining of any person violating the provi- sions of this paragraph, and to provide for the punishment of any such person. Fifteenth — To regulate pawn shops, loan offices, second-hand deal- ers, junk shop®, and all owners thereof and dealers therein. Sixteenth — To regulate the placing of telephone, telegraph, electric light and other wire carrying poles upon the streets, sidewalks, alleys, or other public places of the city, and to regulate the stringing of wires thereon, and to compel the removal of said poles and the placing of said wires underneath the ground, whenever deemed necessary. Seventeenth — To regulate the number of street car® necessary to be operated over any tracks; to require that a motorman and a conductor be provided for each car; to require that some reasonable device shall be placed upon each car in order to indicate to the persons awaiting the approach of said car the last trip of a car; to regulate the manner of stringing and protecting trolley wires; to require fenders on each car; and to provide for all other reasonable or necessary regulations pertain- ing to the operation of said cars. Eighteenth — To make regulation® to prevent the introduction and spread of contagious or infectious diseases; to make quarantine laws not contrary to the general state laws on these subjects, and to enforce the same within five (5) miles of the corporate limit®, to establish pest houses within or without the corporate limits and to provide for the sup- port and government of same. Nineteenth — To appoint an inspector of gas meters and gas, and to fix the quality of gas furnished in the city, both in regard to its lighting and heating power; to fix a uniform pressure of gas, and to establish a standard of gas to be sold within the city, and to regulate as far as may be necessary in the interest of the public, the delivery of said gas to the consumers thereof; to appoint a city electrician and an examiner of engineers and of Stationary engine® within the city; to prescribe their power and duties and fix their compensation and to regulate the manner of the operation of engines within such bounds as may be necessary for public protection, and to regulate the boilers of stationary engines. 22 Twentieth — To prescribe the duties of the building inspector and fix his compensation, to provide regulations for the construction and re- pair of buildings, and may restrict the height of buildings within the city, and the proportion or space or any lot or lots that may be covered by buildings, to require by ordinance, plans and specifications of pro- posed buildings to be submitted to the building inspector under the rules and regulations of the council, and may collect from the owner a rea- sonable fee for the inspection of all buildings to be erected or repaired and the said inspector shall issue permits for the erection of said buill- ings after approval. In the event any expense is incurred by the city in pursuance of any action or recommendation of its building inspector in relation to any building while in the discharge of his duties, such expease shall be a personal charge against the owner of the building and may be collected of him in the name of the City of Shreveport in any competent court having jurisdiction thereof; and in case any expense is incurred by said city in abating or removing a public nuisance growing out of the condi- tion or location of a building, such expense shall be the personal charge against the owner of such building and may be collected of him in the name of the said city. In either of the foregoing cases, and also where inspection fees are charged, such fees and such expenses as above re- ferred to, so incurred by the city, shall be and remain a special lien and privilege upon such building, and the premises upon which the same may be located and the appurtenances thereto, until such fees and expenses are paid, and such fee and expense may be assessed upon such building and premises and appurtenances thereto, and collected in accordance with the provision of Section Sixteen (16) of Act 158 of the General Assemibly of the State of Louisiana for the year 1898, for the assess- ment and collection of the expense of constructing and repairing side- walks, and the said lien and privilege shall entitle the city to be paid said fees and expenses by preference over any other claim lien, privi- lege, mortgage or other incumbrance upon said property, except taxes and paving and sidewalk assessments, and the said owner shall pay the city the cost of assessing and recording said lien and privilege. Any building composed of wood or other combustible material, erect- ed in or removed into any part or portion of the city, wherein the erec- tion or removal of such building is prohibited by any ordinance of the 'City Council, shall be deemed and is hereby declared to be a public nuisance, and the City Council may take measure to abate, tear down and remove cl me, and the said Council may provide a penalty for the failure of any owner to submit plans and specifications as provided herein. Twenty-first — To prevent and prohibit the location or construction or maintenance of buildings for the storing of gun powder, powder fac- tories, tanneries, distilleries, buildings for the manufacturing of turpen- 23 tine, camphene and all other dangerous or explosive substances, hide 'houses, slaughter houses and yards, butchering shops, soap, candle, starch and glue factories, establishments for steaming or rendering lard, tallow offal and such other substances as can be rendered into tallow, lard or oil and all establishments where any nauseous or unwholesome business may be carried on shall be restricted to certain limits wit'hin the city, to be determined by the City Council. 'Such buildings, factories, shops and establishments as aforesaid now existing or hereafter to be constructed in the city, together with black- smith shops, foundries, cooper shops, steam boiler factories, carpenter shops, planing establishments, breweries, round houses, and all buildings and establishments usually regarded as hazardous in respect to fires, shall be subjected to such regulations in relation to their construction and management as the City Council shall make for the preservation of the health, safety and property of the inhabitants of the city, and to pre- vent the same from becoming in any way a public nuisance, and in the event same becomes nuisance, the said Council may proceed in the courts for their abatement and removal, to take all necessary measures to pre- vent annoyance to the public and protect all persons in the city from injury to their health and property caused by the discharge of dense smoke into the atmosphere. Twenty-second — To prohibit and prevent the location or construc- tion of any wooden or frame house, store, shop, building or brick veneer structure on such streets, alleys and places, or within such limits in the city as it may from time to time prescribe; and prevent or regulate the removal of wooden or frame buildings from any part of the city to any lot or location on such streets, alleys and places within such limits and the rebuilding or repairing of wooden or frame buildings on such streets alleys and places within such limits when damaged by fire or otherwise. Twenty-third — To regulate the construction of partition fences, par- tition and parapet walls, the walls of buildings, the thickness of walls, and regulate the construction of chimneys', hearths, fireplaces, fire arches, ovens and the putting up of stoves, stovepipes, kettles, boilers or any structure or apparatus that may be dangerous in causing or promoting fires; to prohibit and prevent the burning out of chimneys and chimney flues; to compel and regulate the cleaning thereof and fix the' fees there- for to compel and regulate the construction of ash houses and the deposit of ashes; to compel the owners of houses and other buildings to have, scuttles upon the roofs thereof and stairs or ladders leading to the siame; to appoint one or more officers to enter into all buildings and enclosures to discover whether the same may be in a dangerous condition and to cause such as are in a dangerous condition to be put in a safe condition; to authorize any of the officers of the city to keep away from the vicin- 24 ity of fires all idle or suspicious persons; to aid in the extinguishing of fires and in the preservation of property exposed to danger therefrom. Twenty-four — To haye the power to regulate the business of wiring buildings for conducting electric currents into and through the same; to provide a series of conduits, under the streets, lanes, alleys and public places of the city, or any part or parts thereof, for the use of telephone, telegraph, electric lights and other wires, or for other purposes, either by constructing the said conduits or authoriizng their construction by others on such terms and conditions as the City Council may impose, and to regulate and control the use of such conduits and prescribe and es- tablish reasonable rentals to be paid by any person or company using any of said conduits by whomsoever the same may be constructed for the use thereof, and to provide for the collection of such rentals in ad- dition to the ordinary process by such summary methods as it may deem proper. If any such grant be made to any person, firm or corporation, such guarantee shall not have the power to sub-let the same or the use of the same to any person, firm or corporation engaged in the selling, hiring, leasing or otherwise receiving any income from the business or purposes for which it desires to use such conduits, without such person, firm or corporation first obtaining, as provided in this Act, a franchise for such business, purpose or use. The City Council shall also have the power to cause persons engaged in the erection and maintenance of such wires and the wiring of build- ings, to submit plans and specifications in that regard to the city electri- cian for his approval thereof. Twenty-fifth — To regulate the buying, caring, storing, selling and us- ing of gun powder and fire crackers, and fireworks manufactured or pre- pared therefrom, and all other combustible or explosive substance; the exhibition of fireworks, the discharge of firearms and the lights, in barns, stables and other buildings, and restrain the making of bonfires at any place within the limits of the city. 'Twenty-sixth — The members of the police force of the City of Shreveport are hereby given the power to arrest, without warrant, any person within three (3) miles of the city limits who has or is suspected of having committed an offense within the limits of the city. LEYEE DUES AND WATER ORAETiS. Twenty-seventh — To prescribe and collect rates of levees dues and wharfage; to designate the place for anchoring and mooring of steam- boats and other water crafts in the port of Shreveport, and regulate and maintain the public peace on same while in the limits of the said city. 25 TAXES. Twenty-eighth — To every year levy an equal and uniform tax upon all real and personal property in the said city, not to exceed for any one year ten (10) mills; or one (1) per centum of the assesed value thereof, except as hereinafter provided and at its first regular meeting in Decem- ber, and on the same day annually, thereafter impose an annual license tax upon trades, professions and callings, such license to expire on the 31sit day of December in the year in which it was obtained, and which license tax shall be due and payable on the first of January to the 'fif- teenth (15) day of January inclusive; provided, that all persons engag- ing in the business after the first of July shall pay of the current year only one-half (1-2) of said license. No tax shall be imposed or levied for the year 1898 upon property not embraced or included within the old limits of the City of Shreveport, under its charter of 1878. ESTIMATE OF EXPENSES, ETC., AND PUBLICATION THEREOF. Section 12. Be it further enacted, etc., That the Council shall, once in every twelve months, before fixing and deciding upon the amount of taxes and licenses to be assessed and imposed for the ensuing year, cause to be made out a detailed estimate, exhibiting the various items of lia- bilities and expenditures, including the requisite amount of contingent expenses during said year, and shall cause same to be published at least ten days in the official journal of the city, and such rate of taxation not to exceed $1.00 on every hundred dollars of valuation (except as to the obligations of the city which arose prior to the adoption of the Consti- tution of 1879), shall thereafter be assessed and fixed as together with other revenues of the city as may be necessary to meet liabilities and’ expenditures. The adoption of said detailed estimate shall be considered as an ap- propriation of the amount stated herein for the purpose stated therein, and the City Comptroller or Auditor of Public Accounts shall not audit or pay, draw or sign any check upon fiscal agent for any claim, unless appropriation therefor has been duly made in accordance with this act. TAXES, A LIEN. Section 13. Be it further enacted, etc., That taxes assessed and levied by virtue of this act, real or personal, or any firm, person or corporation are hereby declared to be a lien and privilege upon said property to date from this first day of August of the year for which they may be assessed; 26 any alienation thereof or incumbrance thereon, notwithstanding, and said lien or privilege shall exist in favor of the city for the amount of taxes so assessed, until same be fully paid; and the same shall be paid in pref- erence to al'l mortgages, privileges or encumbrances, other than the taxes due the state, and if the license tax as herein provided shall not have been paid by the person liable therefor on or before the first day of March of each year, the City of Shreveport shall have a lien in the nature of a lessor’s privilege upon the personal property may be provisionally seized and sold in satisfaction of the said license tax. TAXES, WHEN ELIGIBLE AN© HOW COLLECTED. Section 14. Be it further enacted, etc., That all taxes levied and imposed by the City of Shreveport shall be due and payable from the 1st day of August to the 1st day of November. At the expiration of said date, November 1st, said taxes shall become delinquent and subject to a penalty of 2 per cent per month until paid, which said tax penalties shall be enforcable and collectable by said City of Shreveport through its Comptroller or other official whom the Council may designate, in the same manner and to the same extent as may now or shall be hereafter provided by the general revenue ‘law of this State for sheriffs and tax collectors. The said Comptroller or other proper officer, being hereby vested with all the powers conferred by the general law on the sheriff and tax collector in tax matters. SALE WITHOUT APPRAISEMENT — PROPERTY REDEEMABLE. Section 15. Be it further enacted, etc., That all personal property seized or levied upon for non-payment of taxes or licenses due said city, shall be sold after ten days’ advertisement, without appraisement and for cash, and all real estate shall likewise be sold without appraisement for cash after thirty days’ advertisement in the manner provided by law. All the property (except personal property) sold for taxes, shall be liable to redemption by the owner, his heirs and representatives, for and dur- ing two years from the day of sale, by paying in cash to the purchaser or party holding under him, an amount being fifty per cent over and above the amount of the taxes and all costs incurred by the sale, and also the amount of all taxes paid since the sale. 27 SIDEWALKS. Section 16. IBe it further enatced, etc., That whenever the owner or owners of property in front of which a sidewalk, banquette or other walk shall have been ordered to be made, filled up, graded or repaired, shall fail to do so within the time required by ordinance or resolution of the Council, the Council shall order the same to be done at the expense of the owner or owners of said property, and the city shall have a special 'lien and privilege on said property to secure the payment so due, which shall entitle the corporation to be paid by preference over any other claim, mortgage or encumbrance upon said property, and said amount shall be recoverable before any court of competent jurisdiction, and in case the owner shall be absent from and have no authorized agent in the Parish of Caddo, or be unknown, a curator ad hoc shall be appointed to represent such owner, contradictorily with whom the proceedings shall be conducted. That all paved and unpaved streets shall be kept in repair by the city, and all banquettes or sidewalks be paved and kept in repair by the owners of the rea'l property fronting thereon. OFFICER'S NOT TO BE INTERESTED IN CONTRACTS. Section 17. Be it further enacted, etc., That no Trustee or officer of the City of Shreveport, or other person in the employ of said corpo- ration, shall be directly interested in any work, business or contract which is paid or to be paid by the city or by assessment levied by the Council, nor in the purchase or lease of any real estate or other prop- erty belonging to the corporation or be surety of any person having work, contract or business with the city, under pain of nullity of the contract and dismissal from office, and such officers or employes shall in addi- tion be liable to exemplary damages recoverable before any court of com- petent jurisdiction. POWERS OF REMOVAL, POLICE, ETC. iSection 18. Be it further enacted, etc., That the Council may re- move by a vote of the majority thereof any officer or employe for incom- petency, neglect of duty, malfeasance in office, or when the services of such officer or employe be no longer necessary to the public interest. The Council shall have power to organize, appoint, uniform and commission, the police force, and to appoint as many officers as may be necessary, to fix salaries and compensation for all such officers and other employes 28 elected or appointed by them under the restrictions contained in this act; and to define their duties, and to remove for sufficient cause any such appointee. MEETINGS, ETC.— APPOPRIATIONS OYER $500.00. Section 19. Be it further enacted, etc., That the Council shall hold a regular meeting on some stated day of every month. Their sessions shall be made public; their proceedings shall be duly recorded and published in the official journal of the city, selected by them; eight members with the Mayor, or nine without him, shall be requisite to constitute a quorum for doing business, no ordinance grant- ing a franchise on any of the streets, alleys or public places within the City of Shreveport, levying a tax, making an appropriation over $500.00, or providing for the purchase or sale of real estate, shall be passed, ex- cept by a vote of a majority of the Council, nor shall a final vote on the same be taken except at a regular meeting subsequent to a previous regular meeting at which same shall have been introduced and passed to its second reading and said ordinance, together with the vote on same, and the names of the members voting yea and nay, shall be published in the official journal of the city (except in cases of invasion, insurrec- tion and pestilence). FISCAL AGENT. Section 20. Be it further enacted, etc., That the Council at its first regular meeting, or as soon thereafter as practicable, shall elect one of the banks of the city as the fiscal agent of the City of Shreveport, in' which shall be deposited daily by the Comptroller all the moneys, bonds and notes collected or received by him on account of the city, which said fiscal agent shall open and keep special accounts as the Council may pre- scribe and shall pay from the funds so deposited as checks which may be drawn by the Comptroller and countersigned by the Mayor, and shall make monthly reports to the Council of the moneys deposited to the credit of the several accounts, the moneys paid out for each and the balance remaining on hand. The Council shall fix the amount of compen- sation for the said fiscal agent, not to exceed $300.00 per annum; said fiscal agent shall not exercise the functions of the office until he shall have given bond and security to the satisfaction of the said Council, provided that should none of the banks of the City of Shreveport accept the position of fiscal agent, then the Council shall be and is hereby em- 29 powered to elect one of the citizens of the City of Shreveport to carry out the provisions of this section. The Council may change its fiscal agent whenever the public interest may require. Section 21. Be it further enacted, etc., That it shall be the duty of the Council, at its first regular meeting, after its induction into office, or as soon after as possible, to elect a Comptroller, Street Commissioner, City Attorney, City Engineer and City Auditor, Chief Lieutenant of Po- lice, who shall hold their respective offices until the expiration of the term of said office of the members of the Council by whom they were elected or appointed, it being the true meaning and intention of this section that each incoming or new Council, shall have the right to elect its own officers and employes. DUTIES OF THE OOMPT ROLLER AND AUDITOR. Section 22. (As amended by Act 192 of 1906.) Be it further en- acted, etc., That the Comptroller, before exercising the function of of- fice, shall give bond and security, to be approved by the Council, and made payable to the City of Shreveport, in the sum of five thousand dol- lars, and take oath of office as herein prescribed for the Trustees. A copy of said bond shall be recorded in the office ol the Recorder of Mort- gages, and the inscription shall operate as a judicial mortgage against all the property of the principal for the amount of which he is bound. The comptroller shall have general superintendence of all claims and de- mands against the City of Shreveport, and all contracts entered into by the city under the direction of the Council; he shall keep a record of all ordinances, making appropriations for special or general claims; he shall issue warrants on the fiscal agent for the payment of claims only against money actually in the treasury, the said warrants to be consecutively numbered, corresponding to the number of vouchers upon which they are issued, and shall specify. the amount of fund upon which they are drawn; shall in the months of January and July of each year, and oftener if requisite, lay before the Council a report of the claims and accounts against the city, warranted for during the preceding six months, or since last report, with a full detail of the names of the persons to whom is- sued, the amount thereof, the number of the warrant, and the number and date of the ordinance or resolution authorizing the same. The report shall also embrace a statement of the indebtedness of the city, showing in detail all outstanding obligations, their amount, date, to whom and for what issued, when due and under what ordinance and resolution author- ized. No warrant shall be drawn on the fiscal agent unless there are funds in his hands and an appropriation to meet the same; he shall have, under the direction of the Council, general superintendence of all 30 matters relating to the finance of the City of Shreveport, and the receipt and disbursement of the same, he shall receive and collect all moneys, bills receivable, dues and assets belonging to the corporation, and shall deposit the same daily with the fiscal agent for the corporation, as herein provided, keeping a separate deposit account for each specific fund on ac- count of which deposit is made; shall keep a correct account of all in- debtedness of the city, and make all disbursements for account of the same by checks on said- fiscal agent, but shall make no payment or dis- bursement unless the claim, bill or account for the same shall have been authorized by ordinance or resolution of the Council; shall keep correct accounts of the resources, revenues and disbursements of the corporation, which shall at all times be open to the inspection of the Mayor and mem- bers of the Council; shall collect all taxes, licenses and dues which may be imposed by the Council, and shall be vested with and perform such other duties and functions as may from time to time be prescribed by the Council. He shall receive a salary not to exceed $2,400.00 per an- num. The Auditor shall be ex-officio secretary of the Council, keep a record of all their proceedings, attest all^ordinances, receive and file all papers belonging to the Council, and shall prepare two copies of the as- sessment roll and file one with the Clerk of the Court of the Parish of Caddo, and the other in the Comptroller’s office, and the said Council shall fully define the duties of the Auditor, and may impose on him any of the duties herein defined as those of the Comptroller, except those of collection of taxes and licenses, and shall fix his salary not to exceed $1,500.00 per annum, and shall give bond in a sum to be fixed by the 'Council. DUTIES OF STREET COMMISSIONER. Section 23. Be it further enacted, etc., That the Street Commission- er, before entering upon the duties of his office, shall take the prescribed oath and give bond and security, to be approved by the Council, and make payable to the City of Shreveport, in the sum of twenty-five hun- dred dollars. A copy of said bond shall be recorded in the office of the Recorder of Mortgages, and the inscription shall operate as a judicial mortgage against all property of the principal for the amount for which he is bound; he shall have, under the direction of the Mayor and Council, general superintendent of all matters relating to the streets, alleys, side- walks, pavements and wharves and the reconstruction and repairing of bridges and crossings and the drainage of the city; the superintendent of the water works, school houses, hospitals, asylums, markets, railroads, canals, weights and measures and fire department and the manufactories, and shall perform such other duties as the Council may from time to 31 time prescribe. He shall receive a salary to be fixed by the Council, not to exceed one thousand dollars per annum. DUTIES OF THE CITY ATTORNEY. Section 24. Be it further enacted, etc., That the City Attorney shall be learned in law, and shall be the legal adviser of the corporation in all matters in which legal advice may be necessary; he shall represent the corporation in all judicial proceedings and actions to which it may have an interest, and shall in all cases when required by the Mayor or Trustees, furnish a written opinion of the legality or the constitutional- ity of the law or ordinance to be submitted to, or as to any question in- volved in the discharge of the respective offices of the corporation. He shall receive a salary to be fixed by the Council not to be less than $600.00 per annum. DUTIES OF THE CITY ENGINEER. Section 25. Be it further enacted, etc., That the Council shall pre- scribe the duties of the City Engineer and fix his salary. All records of the office of the City Engineer shall be kept at the City Hall and shall always remain the property of the city. CONTRACT'S, HOW AWARDED. Section 26. Be it further ordained, etc., That all contracts, public works, or materials, or supplies ordered by the Council, when the same exceeds $500.00 shall be ordered at auction and to be given to the lowest bidder who can furnish security satisfactorily to the Council, or the same shall, at the discretion of the Council be advertised for sealed pro- posals in writing and be opened by the Mayor in the presence of the Council, and given to the person making the lowest proposal therefor, who can furnish security satisfactorily to the Council; provided the Coun- cil shall in either case have the right to reject all bids or proposals. BONDS AND SECURITIES DISPENSED WITH. Section 27. Be it further enacted, etc., That in all judicial proceed- ings when by law, bond and security are required from litigants, the 32 City of Shreveport shall be dispensed from furnishing bond or security or making affidavit. The Trustees shall receive no salary, fees or other compensation of office. PUBLIC PROPERTY TITLES, ETC. Section 28. Be it further enacted, et£., That all the right, title and interest of the City of Shreveport to all lands, tenements, hereditaments, bridges, ferries, streets, alleys, drains, wharves, levees, markets, stalls, landing places, buildings, and other property of whatever description and wherever situated, and with all goods, chattels, moneys, effects, debts, dues, demand bonds, obligations, judgments, liens, actions and rights of actions, books, accounts and vouchers, to be, the same are here- by vested in the City of Shreveport as incorporated in this act; provided that all estates, incomes, funds of property of any description now held in trust by the City of Shreveport shall be held by the city under this act, upon and for the same uses, trusts, limits, limitation, charities and conditions, as the same are now held, and all valid indebtedness or lia- bilities of the City of Shreveport, shall be assumed and paid by the City as constituted and incorporated by this act, and said city is declared liable therefor, and upon the organization of the Council as provided for in this act all the powers, rights and privileges and immunities possessed and enjoyed by the Mayor and administrators of the City of Shreveport, as at present constituted shall cease and terminate and be vested in the City of Shreveport, as established by this act. All ordinances of the city now in force shall remain in force as valid ordinances of the City of Shreveport, except where same may be in con- flict with this Charter. DUTIES OF OFFICERS UMDER FORMER CHARTER. Section 29. Be it further enacted, etc., That upon the organization of the Council, as created by this act, it shall be the duty of the Mayor and Administrators, and all other officers of the City of Shreveport, to forthwith’ turn over and deliver to the Mayor and Council as created by this act, all books, papers, records, documents, moneys, bonds, notes, ob- ligations and every description of property whatsoever, belonging to the City of Shreveport, and if any person holding under the City of Shreve- port as constituted pervious to the passage of this act, have control or possession of any property belonging to said city, and shall neglect or re- fuse to forthwith deliver up the same to the Mayor and Council, as ere- 33 ated by this act, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and pun- ished by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, and imprisonment not exceeding six months. OPEN STREETS, FIX GRADES, ETC. Section 30. Be it further enacted, etc., That the Council shall have power and authority to locate, establish and open streets and alleys in said City of Shreveport; to establish the width of said streets and alleys, as well as banquettes or sidewalks and to establish, fix, alter or change the grade or contour lines of such streets, sidewalks, or banquettes and alleys, provided, however, that when work on said streets or banquettes is done by or at the expense of the property holders abutting in said streets, alleys or banquettes, either in whole or in part bringing the same to the grade established by the proper authority, said abutting property holders shall not be required at their expenses to conform to any change of grade, made or adopted after they shall have brought their sidewalks to the grade established by the proper authority at the time said work was done; but the expense of bringing such sidewalks and streets to the changed grade shall be made only at public cost. Provided, further, That in the work of street improvement, which requires any excavation or fill- ing up, before any work is done or contract made for . said work the 'Council shall cause to be made a survey of said proposed work by the engineer of the city, as well as plans, profiles specifications of same and submitted to and approved by the Council at a regular meeting before said work shall be ordered to be done, and no change in such plans, pro- files, specifications shall be made, except after said proposed change shall have been discussed and agreed upon by the Council at a regular meet- ing. This provision to apply only to work cost of which shall exceed one hundred ($100.00) dollars. Section 31. Be it further enacted, etc., That all laws in conflict with this act, and all laws on the same subject matter, be and the same are hereby repealed and this act shall take effect from and after this pass- age. S. P. HENRY, Speaker of the House of Representatives. R. H. SNYDER, Lieutenant Governor and President of the Senate Approved July 14, 1898. MURPHY J. FOSTER, Governor of the State of Louisiana. A true copy: JOHN T. MIOHEL, Secretary of the State. 34 PETITIONS TO THiE COUNCIL. That in future all communications and petitions addressed to the Council be in duplicate, the original to remain with the auditor and the duplicate to be* given to the committee to which it may belong. The following is proper form in which to direct and address commu- nications to the various city departments: The Mayor. The Mayor and the City Council. The Finance Committee (or any committee). The Chairman Finance Committee (or any other chairman). Leaving off the words His Honor, Honorable, Dear Sir, Sir, Gentle- men, or any other word. Adopted October 10, 1901. STANDING RULES for the Government of The City Council of the City of Shreveport, La. Rule I. At the hour of meeting, the Mayor shall" take the chair and call the council to order, direct the secretary to call the roll, alphabetic- ally; and if a quorum be present, he shall direct the secretary to read the journals of the last meeting. When read, the journals shall be open to corrections and approval, or to approval, if no corrections be made. Rule II. The Mayor shall preserve order and decorum and decide questions of order, subject to an appeal to the Council, a majority of whom may either sustain or overrule his decision. Rule III. In the absence of the Mayor, the . Mayor pro tern., or in the absence of the Mayor and Mayor pro tem., the city secretary shall call the 'Council to order, and the roll having been called and a quorum found to be present, the trustees present shall then proceed to elect a presiding officer for that meeting, or until the appearance of the Mayor or Mayor pro tem. Rule IV. The chief of police or his deputy shall attend all meetings of the Council and act as sergeant at arms, and as such officer he shall be clothed with all the powers necessary to aid in the enforcement of or- der during sessions of the Council. • Rule V. At the first regular meeting of the City Council, after an election of trustees, or as soon thereafter as practicable, the Mayor shall proceed to select the standing committees of the Council, subject to the approval of a majority of the Council. 35 36 Rule VI. 'The standing committees of the Council shall each con- sist of three trustees, and shall be as follows: Art. 1. Finance and Records. — 'With general supervisory control, subject to the action of the City Council, of all tax matters pertaining to finance, revenue and taxation, and the examination of all official re- ports and the inspection of the books and records of each department of the city. 2. Improvements. — With general supervisory control, subject to the action of the City Council, of all matters pertaining to the building, re- pairing, opening up, operating, protecting and cleaning of the streets of the city, and the purchasing of supplies for the same. 3. Public Grounds and Buildings. — 'With general supervisory con- trol, subject to the action of the City Council, of all matters pertaining to the building, repairing and protecting of the public grounds and buildings of the city, and the operating, repairing, protecting and the proper maintenance of the parks, and the purchasing of supplies for same. Also the issuance of permits for the erection of new buildings or the repairing of old ones, providing, however, that same do not conflict with such ordinances or laws as may from time to time exist, regarding the protection of the fire limits. 4. Education. — The duties of this committee shall be to keep in touch with the progress of educational matters in the city and report to the Council any changes or improvements they may think will prove beneficial. 5. Fire Department. — With general supervisory control, subject to the action of the City Council, of all matters pertaining to the fire and electrical departments, including the purchasing of supplies for the same, and the fire limits of the city and the protection of the city from fire. 6. Railways. — 'With general supervisory control, subject to the ac- tion of the City Council, of all matters pertaining to railways, whether employing steam, electricity or any other motive power. 7. Lights. — With general supervisory control, subject to the action of the City Council, of all matters pertaining to lighting city and city buildings. 8. Ordinances. — ‘With advisory duties on all matters pertaining to ordinances. 9. Claims and Accounts. — 'With general supervisory control, subject to the approval of the City Council, of all matters pertaining to claims and accounts against the city. 37 10. Commercial, Manufacturing and Industrial. — With advisory du- ties on all matters pertaining to said affairs. 11. Water Commissioners. — In addition to such duties as may be prescribed by the ordinances, shall have general supervisory control, sub- ject to the action of the City Council, of all matters pertaining to the city water supply, its quality and quantity, both for city use, public use and the use of the fire department. 12. Police Board. — With general supervisory control, subject to the action of the City Council, of all matters pertaining to the police de- partment and police regulations, and the purchasing of supplies for the same. 13. Franchises. — W r itn advisory duties on all matters pertaining to franchises. 14. Sanitary. — With general supervisory control, subject to the ac- tion of the City Council, of all matters pertaining to the sanitary condi- tion of the streets, alleys, sewers, gutters, drains, and the general sani- tary condition of the city. 15. Bridges — With advisory duties on all matters pertaining to bridges in the city, including the Red River bridge. 16. All committees shall submit a written report to the City Council, at least once in each quarter, giving a full account of their respective departments and of their acts in the management of the same. Rule VII. Special committees, if needed, unless otherwise decided by the Council, shall consist of three trustees to be appointed by the Mayor. In the absence of the chairman of any committee, the next trus- tee on the list shall act as chairman during the meeting. Rule VIII. All reports of the committees or of city officers to the Council shall be spread upon the journals and at any reasonable time, such reports or the journals containing the same, shall be accessible to any citizen or to any authorized representative of the press, who may copy and examine same; and the secretary shall keep an index of all re- ports and communications, indicating where they appear in the journals. The provisions of this rule do not apply to the journal kept of executive sessions. Rule IX. All petitions and communications addressed to the council shall be endorsed by the party presenting same in a manner that will in- dicate their contents, and the same after being filed with the secretary shall at the proper time be announced by endorsement only, to the coun- 38 cil, when they shall then be referred to the proper committee without reading or debate, but such petition may be read by request of any al- derman. Rule X. Reports of standing committees when there is no minority report, shall be signed by the chairman and such other members as are present at the meeting at which said report is presented; and when there is a majority and minority report all concurring trustees shall sign them. Reports of select or special committees shall be signed by the trustees agreeing thereto. If there be a majority and minority report of such a committee, then all concurring members shall sign their respective re- ports. Rule XI. Any trustee may demand the ayes and nays on any ques- tion, when the roll shall be called. On all questions requiring more than a majority the roll shall be called for the ayes and nays. Rule XII. On the introduction of a bill designed to have the effect of a law, it shall be read the first time either by the secretary or the au- thor, and may be either referred to a committee to be reported upon at the next meeting, or it may be filed in its regular order for action when reached. When reported back by committee recommending passage, bills shall be read a second time and placed upon final passage. If amend- ments be reported the question shall be first upon their adoption and next the adoption of the bill as amended, on its final passage; but in all cases while a bill or resolution is pending its second reading, amendments to it may be submitted, provided the same amendment, nor the substance thereof when defeated, shall not be renewed at the same meeting unless combined with new matter. Any trustee having voted with the major- ity on any question may move a reconsideration during the same or next succeeding meeting of the council whether regular, adjourned or call meeting, and the question unless laid on the table by another motion shall be at once put. If carried, the measure shall stand as if no action had been taken on same. When a committee reports adversely on any meas- ure referred to it, the adoption of the report is a defeat of the measure; and the rejection of such a report leaves the measure on its scond read- ing open to amendment or final passage or both. Rule XIII. Resolutions for the dispatch of business, providing for minor affairs, operating as instructions to officers or other matter not amounting to any expenditure of money, may be introduced by any trus- tee, read and adopted at the same meeting; otherwise all resolutions will be referred to the proper committees. Rule XIV. Any alderman may move the previous question on a pending measure, and if same be seconded the question shall be put with- out debate in this form: “Shall the main question be now ordered?” If the majority of the trustees present vote “aye,” the vote shall next be 39 at once taken on the amendments in their order and on the main ques- tion, all without debate and further amendment. Rule XV. 'When a trustee is about to speak in debate, or desires to present any matter to the council, he shall rise from his seat and respect- fully address the presiding officer, and when recognized, shall confine himself to the subject before the council, at all times avoiding personali- ties and duly observe the rules of decorum in vogue in deliberate bodies. When two or more trustees arise to speak at the same time, the one rec- ognized by the presiding officer shall be entitled to the floor; provided that if one of the trustees so arising has not spoken on the question, he shall be entitled to preference to the one wh6 has spoken on it. Rule XVI. The presiding officer shall, or any member may, call to order any member violating the rules of the council,- or guilty of any in- decorum, or indulging in any unparliamentary language or personalities, and the member so called to order shall immediately resume his seat un- less permitted to explain. Any member refusing to resume his seat when requested to do so by the presiding officer, may, by order of the presid- ing officer, be removed from the hall. When an appeal is taken the coun- cil shall decide the same; otherwise the -decision of the presiding officer is final; and when such decision is in favor of the member called to or- der he may then proceed; otherwise he can not proceed further on the matter incident or involved in the question of order. Rule XVII. The business of the Council shall be conducted in the following order: 1 — Roll call. 2 — Reading of the journal and approval of same. 3 — Reception and disposition of reports from city officers. 4 — Reports from standing committees. 5 — Reports from special committees. 6 — Resolutions. 7 — 'Ordinances, first reading. 8 — ‘Consideration and disposal of ordinances upon second read- ing. 9 — Petitions, communications and memorials. 10 — Unfinished business. 11 — New business. 12 — Committee of the whole on the state of the city. When in committee of the whole the mayor shall call some trustee to preside. The order of business provided in this rule may be temporarily sus- pended for a designated purpose, by a two-thirds vote of the trustees present. 40 Rule XVIII. While a matter is under consideration no motion shall be received except (1), to adjourn; (2), to reconsider; (3), to lay on the table; (4), the previous question; (5), to postpone to a day certain; (6), to commit; (7), to amend; (8), to postpone indefinitely; which several motions shall have precedence in the order in which they stand. While a member is speaking or the council voting no motion shall be enter- tained. After a motion is stated by the president, or an ordinance or a resolution is read by the introducer, or secretary, it shall be considered in possession of the Council and as read the first time; but by leave of the council it may be withdrawn at any time before it is amended or acted on. A motion to postpone to a day certain, to refer or postpone in- definitely, after being decided shall not be again allowed at the same session, at the same stage of the ordinance, resolution or proposition. A motion to strike out the enacting clause shall have precedence of a mo- tion to amend, and if carried defeats a measure. A motion to lay on the table, unless for an express time or purpose, if carried, defeats a meas- ure. On a motion to refer a measure to a committee, standing commit- tees shall have preference before special committees. Rule XIX. A motion or proposition on a subject different from that under consideration shall not be entertained under color of amendment. Rule XX. Regular meetings of the council shall be held on the sec- ond Tuesday in each month, and the hour of meeting shall be 7:00 p.m., beginning with the January meeting, provided, however, that by a two- thirds vote the council may from time to time suspend the hour of meet- ing and meet at any other hour. All meetings of the council shall be held in the council chamber of the city hall unless otherwise provided. Rule XXI. Every member of the Council who is present when a question is put, shall give his vote unless excused by the council. Pro- vided, that in elections no member shall be allowed to deposit his ballot after the ballot has been closed and the count has begun; and provided that no member can vote on matters in which he is personally financially interested. Rule XXII. No member of the Council shall speak over five minutes at any one time on matters under discussion, nor more than once until all members desiring to speak shall have spoken, nor more than twice with- out the unanimous consent of the Council, unless the Council shall havo first resolved itself into a committee of the whole, or a motion to be car- ried to discuss the question in an informal manner. Rule XXIII. No one except members of the Council, or ex-mem- bers of the Council, or city officers or policemen, or authorized represen- tatives of the press shall be allowed within the railing of the Council chamber, and solicitors, contractors, lobbyists and all persons not con- 41 nected with the city government shall remain outside the railing during sessions of the Council unless invited by a majority of the members pres- ent. Rule XXIV. Any of the foregoing rules may be suspended on a par- ticular question by a two-thirds vote of the aldermen present, or they may be altered or amended at any regular meeting by notice being given at one regular meeting before the meeting at which such alterations and amendments are to be taken up. Such notice shall state the number of the rule to be affected and the substance of the amendment or alteration. Rule XXV. Questions of order not provided for in these rules shall be decided according to well established parliamentary rules pertaining to the conduct and government of deliberative bodies; and, in the absence of a standing rule, reference shall be had to “Roberts’ Rules. of Order,” or to “Cushing’s Law and Practice of Legislative Assemblies.” Adopted December 8, 1904. Effective second Tuesday in January, 1905. PLUMBING ORDINANCE Alphabetical Index — Sections. Abstract 5 Auxiliary Vent - 8S Application Permits , 10B Application Inspection 10E Automatic Mush Tanks 16A Alteration, Old Work 26 Back Vent 9-0 Back Filling 11-0 Brass Pipe 13-0 Back Vents — Not Required ...— .. 17-L Beginning Work — When . 10-A Bad Faith Doing Work . r , 31 Bath Tubs, How Trapped and Vented . 15-F Changes of Plans . 6 Circuit Vent 9-Q Covering Earthenware Pipe 11-E Connections Separate 11-F Cleanout Fittings 13-C Connections, Waste 14-0 Concealed Partitions ....15-C Connected Wastes . 15-D Cleanout on Traps 15-L Cooling on Discharge 15-P ■Connections, Drainages of Heating System 15-Q Connections, Elevator Waste 15-R Construction, Urinals 18-E Compulsory Fixtures 24-A Certificate of Inspection 30-A Curb Cock . ‘ 12-B Descriptions, Plumbing Old Buildings 3-A Duties of Inspector : 8-A Definition of Terms Used 9-A Ditches Graded 11-B Ditches, Back Filling 11-0 Diameter and Weights .:..... 13-A Double Top Closets 16-M Earthenware Pipe 11-D 42 43 Earthenware Pipe Covering 11-E Earthenware Pipe, Separate 11-F Excavations 12-E Exhaust Blow Off 15-0 Elevator Connections 15-P Extensions, Old Work 26-A Floor Rests » 13-E Flashing Roof 13-K Fountains — Soda 14-G Fountains, Spittoons 14-J Fixtures, Prohibited 16-J Fixtures, Compulsory 24-A Galvanized Pipe, Size of 12-B 'Galvanized Pipe 12-C Galvanized Pipe Covering 12-D Grease Traps 14-M House Sewers , . 11-A 'House Boilers - 16- A House Heaters 9-F Inspector, Duties of , 8-A Inspection, All Work : 7-A Inspector, Neglect of Duty 8-B Inspection,. Roughing in 8-C Inspector, Meaning of 9-A Inspection, When Made 10-E Inspection, Certificate of 30-A Joints, Filling of 13-D Light and Ventilation *. : 21-A Lead Pipe, Streets and Alleys 12-A Lead Roof Flashing 13-K Lead Waste Pipe 14-C Lead Traps 15-G Lead 15 Lead 15-M Lead Pipe in Partitions 15-C Lead Pipe, Weight of in Partitions 1 14-D Minor Repairs 10 : *C Minor Wastes 14-B Non-syphon Traps 19- A Non-syphon Traps 19-B Official Blank 9-A Plumbing Board 1-A Plans 4-A Pipes — Quantities and Weights 13-A Pipes, joints Sewer : 11-A 44 Pipe, Joint, Iron Pipe Supports Prohibited Fittings Prohibited Traps Prohibited Wastes ... Prohibited Fixtures Permits, Excavation Permits, When Used Permits, Special Permits, Extension Alterations Permits, Storm Sewers Plumbing Rules Penalty Relating to House Sewers Roof Flushing Rejected Joints Refrigerator Wastes Rack, Stables ........ Regulations Sewers, House Sewers, Separate ... - Sewers Tested Sewers — 'Old Buildings Sewers, Covering Sewers, Grade Sewers, Joints Sewers, Separate Sewers, Tested Sewers, Depth of Ditch Sewers, Traps — Prohibited. Stop and Wastes on All Rises.— Stop Cocks, Boiler or Heater Supply- Testing, Roughing in Testing, Final Testing, Sewers .. Top Closets Toilet Compartments Urinals, How Constructed Urinals, How Flushed Urinals, Material Allowed Urinals, How Vented -13-D .13-F ..13-1 .15-B ~15-H .16-J .12-D .10-E .25-A .26-A Urinals, Public Buildings and Factories. Vent Stacks, Termination Vent Pipes, Near Openings Vent Pipes, Outside Buildings ...15-M ... 15-N .... 16-B ...-11-A ....11-F ..-.11-G ... 11-iH . 11-1 ...11-A ...11-A ...11-F ...11-G ,.11-H -11-K ...11-B 16 ...10-G ..10-H ...11-G ..16-M ...22 -.18-B ..18-C ..18-D -18-E .18-A 13-J ..13-L -13-M 45 Water Supply . # 12-A Water Supply 12 Water Pipe, Size of - . 12-B Water Supply — Depth 12-D Working Rules 13 Waste Connections 14-C Waste Fixtures, Size of 14-F Water Closets, How Connected 14-A Water Closets, Tanks 16-B Water Closets, Flushing r Ii7-0B Water Closets, Where Allowed 17-C Water Closets, Under Sidewalks 17-D Water Closets, Separate 17-E Water Closets, Lodging Houses '. 17-F Water Closets, Business and Residences 17-G Water Closets, Tenement Houses 17-H Water Closets, Removal ' 17-1 Water Closets, How Vented 17-K Water Closets, When Not Vented 17-L Water Closets, Top, Single or Double....,; 17-M Waste Connections Prohibited : 15-H Water Closets, Compartments - 20 AN ORDINANCE Prescribing Rules and Regulations to G-overn Plumbing, Plumbers and Inspectors in the City of Shreveport, La. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport, in le- gal and regular session convened, That the following rules and regula- tions shall govern plumbing, plumbers and plumbing inspectors in the City of Shreveport: Plumbing Board — There shall be a plumbing board to be composed of the chairman of the Board. of Health as president, the city engineer, the chairman of the sanitary committee, the plumbing inspector and the mayor, whose duty it will be to examine and license master plumbers and act, when necessary, as an advisory board in matters of plumbing and draining of buildings. Journeymen plumbers will only be required to register with the in- spector. 46 Rules and Regulations for the Plumbing and Draining of Buildings. Requirements. Section 1. It is required that the plumbing, drainage and ventilation of all buildings, both public and private, hereafter erect- ed in the City of Shreveport, shall be executed in accordance with plans previously approved, in writing, by the department of health, and that suitable drawings and descriptions of said plumbing and drainage and means of ventilation shall, in each case, be submitted and placed on file in the office of the department of health. Limitation of Time for Commencing Work. Sec. 2. Plans of the plumbing work filed with this department for approval, shall state within what time the work therein described will begin. If it is not begun under the approved plans within the time there- in specified, such plans must be again presented to the department for consideration. Plans are approved upon the condition that such approval expires by its own limitation within six (6) months from the date of permit, un- less work under it is then in progress. Plans and specifications will be approved or rejected within five (5) days from the date of filing with the inspector of the board. Descriptions of the Plumbing of Old Buildings. Sec. 3. Drawings and descriptions of the plumbing and drainage of buildings erected prior to the passage of these rules and regulations, may be placed on file with the department of health. New systems of plumbing in old buildings are governed by the same rules and regulations as those which govern new systems of plumbing in new buildings. Plans and Specifications. Sec. 4. Plans of the plumbing and drainage of buildings must be drawn in ink on heavy paper or on tracing cloth, 7x11 inches, or mul- tiples thereof. One vertical drawing is sufficient for a building when it can be made to show for all the work; if not, others must be submitted. Where the buildings are situated together on one street and the plumbing is the same in each, the plan for one building in the block will be sufficient. Abstract to Be On Official Blank. Sec. 5. Every plan must be accompanied by a clear description thereof, or abstract, of the specifications, on a blank prescribed and sup- 47 plied for this purpose by the department of health, showing block and lot number of each house, size, kind and weight of pipes, and kind of traps, closets and fixtures to be used. Changes or Modifications of Plans. (See. 6. No change or modification of plans will be permitted unless such change or modification is submitted to the department, approved and placed on file, as in the case of the original work, and no alteration of the original plan will be allowed, except on the written application of the owner of the property or his duly authorized agent. All Work to Be Inspected. Sec. 7. As it is required that the plumbing and drainage be exe- cuted according to the approved plans, the department of health will call upon the plumbing inspector to examine the work, and to ascertain whether it is in accordance with the approved plans. No part of the work shall be covered or concealed in any way until after it has been examined by the plumbing inspector, under the direc- tion of the department of health. Duties of the Inspector of Plumbing. Sec. 8. It shall be the duty of the inspector of plumbing, under the direction of the health officer, to sign and. issue all notices and certifi- cates and to pass on all plans submitted, to keep a daily record of his work, including all notices and applications received, violation of these regulations and all other matters which may pertain thereto; to make daily, weekly and quarterly report, and annual report of his operations to the City Council, and a copy of same sent to the health officer. He shall inspect all houses in course of erection, alteration or repair, as often as may be necessary, and shall see that all work for plumbing, drainage and ventilation is done in accordance with the provisions of these regu- lations. The inspector will inspect all sewer connections and external house drains within five (5) hours after notification from the plumber, Sundays and holidays excepted, and all waste and vent pipes and other inside plumbing within twenty-four (24) hours after notification, Sundays and holidays excepted. Should the plumbing inspector fail to comply with the above re- quirement, the plumber doing the work shall file with the health officer a written statement that the inspection was not made within the above mentioned time. Inspection fees shall be one ($1.00) dollar per fixture, one ($1.00) dollar for water connection, and one ($1.00) dollar for sew- er connection. 48 The plumbing board may permit plumbing installations being made, though same may conflict with these rules and regulations, if in its judg- ment the work, material and methods provide equal or better safety from a sanitary standpoint. The following plan of construction has been approved by the depart- ment of health. Sec. 9. That the definition of the terms used in this ordinance shall be as follows: A. — Inspector — 'When the word Inspector is used, without prefix or affix, it means chief inspector charged with the enforcement of the pro- visions of this plumbing ordinance and the rules contained therein. B. — Sewer — That the term Sewer is a general term for a system of horizontal piping used to convey the drainage from any building site to a main, public or private sewer. C. — Private Sewer — That the term Private Sewer is a main or branch sewer, located either on public or private property, not constructed or accepted by the city, which conveys the drainage of one or more build- ings to its public outlet. D. — House Sewer — That the term House Sewer or main drain is a lateral or main drain of the horizontal piping of a house drainage sys- tem, extending from the house drain to its connections with a main or private sewer, and conveying the drainage of one or more buildings on the same lot. E. — House Drain — That the term House Drain is that part of the horizontal piping of the house drainage system, which receives the dis- charge of all soil, waste or other drainage pipes inside the walls or build- ing line of any building, and conveys the same to the house sewer or main drain on the outside of the foundation walls or building line of such building. F. — Fixture or Fixtures — The term Fixture or Fixtures, when used in a general sense, applies to all receptacles which receive the house sew- age or waste from which water is used as a flush; when used specifically it means any of such receptacles, including water closets, tt also means any tank, heater or any other contrivance or vessel through which water passes to supply hot water to bath tub, sink, basin or other vessel where hot water is needed. H. — Trap — 'Seal of — The seal of the trap is the height of the water column measured between the point of overflow and the dip or diversion 'level separating the inlet and outlet arms of the trap. 49 I. — Mains — 'The term of any system of horizontal, vertical or contin- uous piping, is that part of such system which receives the discharge or back vents from fixture outlets, direct or through branch pipes. J. — Branches — The branch of any system of piping is that part of the system which extends horizontally at a slight grade from the .main to receive fixture outlets, not directly connected with the main. K. — Stack — Stack is a general term for any vertical line of house drainage piping exclusive of the main and its branches. L. — Soil Pipe — A soil pipe is any pipe which conveys the discharge of water closets, with or without other fixtures, to the house drain. M. — Waste Pipe — A ‘waste pipe is any pipe which receives the dis- charge of any fixture except water closets and conveys the same to the house drain or soil pipe. N. — Vent Pipe — A vent pipe is any special pipe provided to ventilate the drainage or plumbing system of piping and to prevent trap syphon- age and back pressure. O. — (Back Vent — A back vent is that part of a vent line which con- nects directly with an individual trap near the fixture and extends either to the main or branch vent pipe. P. — Soil or Waste Vent — 'The soil or waste vent is that part of the main soil or waste pipe above the highest installed branch, or fixture out- let connection, extending through the roof. Q. — 'Circuit Vent — A circuit vent is a system of venting by which the syphonage and back pressure on the seal of the trap is prevented, by extending the branch soil or waste pipes and connecting them with the main or an auxiliary vent stack of equal size, which vent stack, in con- junction with the main soil or waste vents completes and forms a con- tinuous air circuit or vent for each branch line so installed. R. — Loop Vent — A loop vent is a modified circuit vent, where the branch or branches of soil or waste pipes of only one floor having no oth- er fixture or fixtures installed above them, loop over above the flow line of fixtures and reconnects with the main soil or waste lines. S. — Auxiliary Vent — An auxiliary vent is an additional vent stack assisting the main vent, which passes through the roof independently. T. — 'Outside Water Closets — By an outside water closet is meant any closet that is installed in a building detached from the main building, and not inhabited, or on the porch of a house when it is located in a room which has no door or other opening between it and the main house. 50 U. — Fixture, Flow Line Of — The flow line of a fixture is the extreme top or overflow point of same. Y. — Sizes and Lengths — The given caliber or size of a pipe is for its standard internal diameter, and the length of a pipe is its developed 'length taken along the center line. W. — Spacing — The distance of pipes from each other or from fix- tures, is the horizontal distance between centers of pipes or fixture out- lets. Terms not herein specifically defined shall be construed in the man- ner commonly accepted. Plumbing Rules. Sec. 10. That each person, firm or corporation doing business as a plumber or drain-layer, or property owner personally doing or perform- ing his own work, must conform to the following rules and regulations of this ordinance: A. — 'Before beginning any work all of the requirements mentioned in sections 1 to 6 must be complied with and permit issued for said work must be in the possession of the person, firm or corporation making ap- plication for such permit. B. — Applications must be made and permits obtained for all exten- sions, alterations or other work to be done in connection with the house drain, any plumbing work or water supply in old buildings, except minor repairs, and the work shall be done in the same manner and under the same rules as work in new buildings. 'C. — By minor repairs are meant leaks in pipes, traps and cocks or faucets; opening up waste pipes, traps and drains, through cleanouts only, and repairing broken fixtures and broken pipes. All repairs on sewer side of trap must be inspected. D. — All plumbing fixtures shall be installed as open plumbing and no plumbing, or drain laying work, shall be covered up until inspected by the inspector, or his deputy, who shall show his badge of authority on request. E. — Applications for inspections must be filed at the office of the in- spector of plumbing, by the plumber, on blanks furnished by the city, before 10 a. m. for morning inspections, and before 1 p. m. for afternoon inspections. Inspections will be made between 10 and 12 a. m. and between 1 and 3:30 p. m. 51 No inspections will be made before 10 a. m. or after 3:30 p. m. of any day or after 12 a. m. Saturday. Plans will be received and permits issued from 8:30 to 10 a. m. and from 4 to 5:30 p. m., Sundays and holidays excepted. Applications for rcughing-in inspection must be made when roughing-in is complete and this includes water supply, unless same is exposed on walls or ceilings, and before any of the work is covered up or made inaccessible to the in- spector. For sewer inspections application must be made, stating time when sewer will be complete, and before same is covered. For final in- spections application must be made when all fixtures are complete and before the house drain is connected or any portion of the system is used. A separate inspection will be made on lead water connections in street* and alleys. F. — All plumbing work must be tested by the plumber in the pres- ence of the inspector before it is accepted. When it is inconvenient or impracticable to test the entire work at one time it can be tested in sec- tions; but each new portion tested must include all portions of the work previously tested. G-. — All roughing-in tests must be made with water. For such test- ing the iron extension of the soil pipe outside of the foundation of the house or building shall be securely closed, as shall all branches, inlets and other openings of the work to be tested. The closing of joints and pipes must be sufficiently tight and strong to withstand the pressure of a col- umn of water reaching the top of the pipe to be tested. The pipe shall then be filled with water to its top and shall stand so without perceptible lowering. If the water is lowered by leakage, the leakage must be found and made tight by the plumber, and the work shall not be approved by said inspector until the water stands at the top without perceptible low- ering. H. — The final test shall be made with peppermint, if so directed, after all fixtures are set in place and finished, by using two ounces of oil of peppermint to each three gallons of hot water, and an additional ounce of peppermint and one gallon of hot water to each story, above the three-story building, by first securely closing 'the bottom of house drain and filling all traps with water. The peppermint solution shall then be poured into the highest point of stack which together with all other openings shall be securely closed and remain closed until the plumbing inspector shall pronounce the entire system tight, perfect and free from leaks and other defects. Section 11. Relating to house sewers: A. — In laying sewer pipes the plumber shall lay them in a straight and direct line, from the opening in the city main or private sewer, to 52 the end of house drain. All sewers shall be laid with the greatest pos- sible fall from the end of the house drain to the main or private sewer opening, and no line shall be laid with a less than two per cent grade, unless by special permit in writing signed by the plumbing inspector. All changes of direction must be made with Y’s and 1-8 bends, and cleanout end brought up to the grade line with cast iron and cleanout connection. The sewer pipe shall be vitrified earthenware, hardburned glaze and free from defects and cracks. Bowed or curved joints shall be termed defec- tive, all pipes shall receive spigot ends with a clear space all around of at least 3-16 of an inch. All joints shall be made with Portland 'cement mortar, not more than two parts sand being used to one part cement. All joints must be made by first inserting a swab of the full diameter of the pipe. The bell shall be filled to the spring line with cement mortar, the spigot end properly inserted in the bell, the joint to be cemented on the outside to a level finish at the end of the bell, and the swab drawn out and cleaned. B. — Ditches Graded — All ditches must be properly bottomed to a perfect grade before sewer pipe is laid. No pipe shall be laid on made o? filled ground without thoroughly tamping same until a solid founda- tion is secured. C. — (Back Pilling Ditches — The back filling must be properly and sol- idly tamped under the pipe at its sides; to the height of twelve inches above it; all large stones shall be excluded from this filling. D. — Earthenware Pipes — 'Where Used — No earthenware pipe shall be nearer than four feet from the foundation or outer wall or building line of the house whether approaching or parallel with such wall or building line. All spigot ends of iron pipe will be allowed to connect with the bell ends of sewer pipe; but no spigot ends of tile sewer will be allowed to connect with the bell ends of iron pipe except as hereinafter men- tioned, and then only where the sewer line is crossing through brick storm sewer or across ditches when suspended. B. — Earthenware Pipe Covering — In the event of a sewer pipe hav- ing three feet or more of covering, and it is necessary to run nearer than four feet to the houses or rear of alley end of .lot the tile sewer pipe may be used, provided there is no basement under same, but in no in- stance will the tile sewer pipe be allowed under a house of any kind. IF. — Separate Connections — Where there is a public sewer in the street or alley, within 320 feet, every house or building 1 1 if owned by different parties” must be separately and independently connected with it. When possible, such connection must be directly in front or in the rear of the house or building. 53 G. — iSewers Tested — All sewers must be tested by turning in a good and sufficient flow of water in the presence of the inspector. If any joints or pipes should be found defective they will be rejected and same must be made good by the plumber ibefore acceptance by the inspector. All repairs made on soil pipe, public or private sewers, must be inspected before they are covered up, and when an opening is made, or found in a soil or sewer pipe, the same shall be properly repaired, and in case of iron pipe, by inserting a tapped screw, in case of earthenware pipe by putting in a new joint, and the work must be left in first-class condition. All such drains shall be not less than four inches in diameter, except as hereinafter prescribed for soil pipes. IH. — No part of such drain constructed of tile shall be less than three feet below the surface of the ground, except on private property, where there is no wagon traffic, which then may be laid with eighteen inches' of covering. Such parts as are laid at a less depth on private property must be made of standard cast iron pipe with joints made as hereinafter described for soil pipe, but in all cases where pipes of any kind are laid in streets, avenues or alleys, they shall be at least three feet in depth be- low the surface of the established gradei of same. Where three feet in depth cannot be secured in street, avenue or ally then standard cast iron soil pipe must be used and joints in same be made as hereinafter pre- scribed for soil pipe. I. — 'Where either an old or new building is placed on a lot which has an old tile sewer within the lines of any part of foundation or building line of such building, such sewer must be either removed or replaced with cast iron pipes run in accordance with these rules and regulations. J. — The man in charge of the sewer ditch must be present when the work is inspected and have all permits necessary with him. He must have a good level and line, and must give such information as may be re- quired. Notice will be given whether the work is satisfactory, and if passed; also if improperly put in and not passed, and he shall notify his employer immediately. In *no case will it be permissible to turn a Y or break any joint in a city or public sewer without first obtaining the written permission of the superintendent of the water company. K. — Traps on Line of Sewer Prohibited — No trap or any manner of obstruction to the free flow of air through the whole course of the house sewer, house drain or main soil stack with which it is connected, shall be constructed or introduced anywhere between the interior of the pub lie sewer and the open air above the roof of any house or building, and any mechanic who shall directly or indirectly place or cause or allow to be placed such construction or obstruction shall be subject to the penal- ties of this ordinance. 54 L. — No such drain shall be finally completed so as to admit the waste from the building to reach the public or private sewer until the plumb- ing in the building to be connected has been approved and passed by the plumbing inspector, as being in full accordance with the rules herein set forth. Section 12. Water supply: A. — Water supply in streets and alleys shall be laid three feet be- low the established grade and not less than three feet where no grade has been established, and shall not be less than three-quarters inch extra heavy lead pipe connected to water main with Mueller or other approved corporation cock wiped with heavy joint on to lead pipe, brass tail piece must be properly tinned and made to enter lead pipe not less than one- half inch. Lead pipe shall be continued to a point one foot inside of curb line, and wiped to a three-quarter inch heavy brass soldering nipple in manner as described for corporation cock. A heavy body round way curb cock shall be used with strong T handle. No detachable handle of any kind will be permitted on curb cock. A cast iron box must be placed level with top of curb, with approved center. When curb cocks are duplicated on one main supply, they shall be lead branches wiped into main supply and connected to cocks as pro- vided for single connection and subject to inspection fees as for separate connection. B. — That no iron water pipe shall be used from curb line cock to top of highest riser, less than three-quarters (3-4) inch wrought iron galvan- ized pipe; 1-2 inch branches may be used from main riser to floor line of fixtures and further reduced at this point to suit fixture supply. A stop and waste cock with suitable key attached shall be put at bottom of each riser. >C. — No three-eighths (3-8) inch galvanized pipe shall be used for any purpose except for supply from floor line to tank of outside closets. If any connection is made to this supply between floor and closet tank, the main supply must be continued full size from ground up to point of con- nection. iD. — All water supply laid under ground shall be laid in ditch eigh- teen (18) inches deep. This dH-ch refers to all pipe laid inside the prop- erty line of premises. [E. — ‘Excavations — It is hereby required that a permit be taken out for each excavation in any street, avenue, alley or sidewalk. The appli- cation for such permit must be approved by the plumbing inspector and permit issued before the work is commenced. Work under said permit must be begun within forty-eight hours after the issuance of same, oth- 55 erwise the said permit to become void. The said permit shall be kept at the place of excavation while the work is being done, and exhibited when- ever called for by the city engineer, street commissioner or any of their assistants, the police or any other person having authority to examine same. That all the requirements relating to said permit shall be strictly observed. That no authorized underground construction shall be injured or interfered with; that no asphalt, bitulithic, brick, concrete, granite or other improved surface be disturbed, unless a deposit shall have been made with the comptroller, to cover the cost of repairing the same. The amount of deposit in each case shall be fixed by the street com- missioner and subject to the provisions of these regulations. No more than one-half of the street, avenue or alley shall be opened at one time. All portions of the street or ally excavated to be put in as good condition as before the excavation was made; that the trench be filled up and thoroughly rammed (and puddled if required) within forty-eight hours after making the connection or repairs, the ramming to be done in six- inch layers, and that all rubbish or other foreign material be removed within time designated for the completion of the work, after which the permit shall' become void and of no effect. That during the execution of the work the excavation be suitably guarded during the day, and it be thoroughly covered or securely barricaded from sunset to sunrise, and that lighted red lamps be so placed after dark every night and so main- tained as to prevent ^ accidents to persons or animals passing along the street or alley; and that the City of Shreveport shall be protected apd saved harmless from the consequence of any injury to any person or property, due to the execution of the permit issued by the said City of Shreveport, to any person or corporation, to excavate in any public street or alley. When an excavation is made in any paved street or alley, where it is necessary to remove the paving, the plumber who has taken out the permit shall leave a written notice with the plumbing inspector at his office that the said excavation has been properly filled and tamped and is ready for repaving. Whenever any person making an excavation in the street or alley fails to refill the same in a proper manner as re- quired by this ordinance, or fails to maintain the same for a reasonable period satisfactory to the street commissioner, then the street commis- sioner shall cause such work to be done and the cost thereof shall bfe charged against the deposit hereinbefore provided. Section 13. Working rules: That all work shall be done in faithful compliance with the follow- ing rules: A. — Iron Pipes — Qualities — All soil, waste and vent pipes, except as hereinafter specified for lead branches and brass pipe, shall be standard cast iron pipe coated inside and outside with coal tar. Each length shall 56 bo branded with the word standard or letter S. All soil or waste pipes shall be free from sand holes, cracks or defects of any nature. When so specified by owner, extra heavy soil waste and vent pipes shall be used and each pipe shall be so branded. Diameter and Weights — Extra heavy cast iron soil pipe: 2 inch 5 1-2 pounds per lineal foot; 4 inch 13 pounds per lineal foot; 5 inch 17 pounds per lineal fot; 6 inch 20 pounds per lineal foot; standard cast iron soil pipe, 2 inch 3 1-2 pounds per lineal foot; 3 inch 4 1-2 pounds per lineal foot; 4 inch 6 1-2 pounds per lineal foot; 6 inch 10 1-2 pounds per lineal foot. IB. — [Fittings, Quality — All fittings used for soil or waste pipe, ex- ept as hereinafter specified, shall be standard, or equal weight and qual- ity, cast iron, and coal tarred. €. — Cleanout Fittings — Proper sized cleanout fittings shall be in- stalled at each 90 degrees intersection of soil or waste pipe, at the foot of all stacks, changes of horizontal directions and end of lines. When cleanouts come under floors or grade lines, they must be brought up flush with level of same. When cleanout comes within six inches of wall it shall be brought through same, and up to grade line. All cleanouts must be left in plain sight and accessible at all times. On soil or waste pipes four inches or more in diameter, heavy iron bodied brass cleanouts not less than four inches* in diameter shall be used, all others to be the same diameter as pipes. No iron drain, soil, waste or vent pipe shall be drilled and tapped. No cleanout shall be connected to spigot end of any fitting or pipe. D — Pipe Joints, Filling Of — All joints on cast iron soil, waste or drain pipes shall be so filled with picked oakum and molten lead, and hand-caulked as to make them air and water tight; the quantity of lead used shall be ten ounces of lead for each inch in diameter of the pipe. E. — Floor Rests — On all vertical lines of soil, waste or other pipes within buildings shall be provided with floor rests at intervals of not less than one to each story. Such rests shall be placed immediately be- neath the hub or fitting. F. — Pipe Supports — Pipe Hooks prohibited — The foot of every ver- tical soil or waste pipe shall be adequately supported by brick, stone or concrete piers properly constructed, or otherwise equally well supported. Pipes under basement floors shall be properly laid, graded and supported or suspended with heavy iron hangers, not less than three-eighths of an inch in diameter placed at intervals not less than ten feet apart. When a horizontal line runs parallel with and against a wall it shall be sup- ported by heavy iron clamps not less than one-inch in width and three- 57 sixteenths of an inch in thickness, firmly secured to the wall with lag- screws or expansion bolts to be placed at intervals of not less than five feet apart. G — Offsets Allowed — Pitched offsets may be used as follows: For 2- inch 2x8; for 4-inch pipe, 4x8; for 6-inch pipe, 6x10. All offsets exceed- ing the above are to be made with one-eighth bends. GET. — The foot of all stacks must be made with Y's and eighth bends, when building exceeds two stories in height. I. — Phohibited Fittings — No double hubs, sleeves, plain crosses, or sanitary crosses shall be used on horizontal runs. On vertical lines straight T’s, straight crosses or sleeves shall not be used, except on vent pipes above the flow line of fixtures, unless permission is obtained from the inspector. The use of bends and saddles is prohibited. No duptli-r cated wastes will be allowed on fitting unless such duplicate waste has a hub connection af same strength as the other hubs on the same fitting. J. — Soil Vent Stacks, Termination of — 'All soil or vent stacks shall continue from a point where connected to the house sewer undiminished in size to a point not less than one foot above the roof measured from the upper side of pipe and shall not terminate within twenty feet of a' window or other opening, unless carried two feet above the same. K. — Roof Flashings — The termination of all vents passing through the roof shall be carefully flashed with sheet lead weighing four pounds to the square foot, or with copper. The sleeve of flashing shall be suffi- ciently long so as to be turned over into top end of vent pipe. When hub of pipe rests on roof, the sleeve of flashing shall be made to fit out- side of hub and top of sleeve turned over into hub and extension piece of one foot caulked in as before prescribed for pipe joints. L. — Vent Pipes Near Openings — When vent pipes terminate within twenty, feet of any opening in adjoining buildings they must be carried to a point two feet above same in the best possible manner. No brick, sheet metal or earthenware flue shall be used as a sewer ventilation nor any chimney or pipes placed in a chimney shall be used as ventilators. M. — Pipes Outside Buildings — No soil, waste or vent pipes of any kind will be allowed to run on the outside of buildings other than yard closets, unless by written permission of plumbing inspector. N. — Fittings, Joints Rejected — All fittings such as split fittings, sand holes or porous fittings, or in any other way than sound and whole, shall not be used in any soil, waste or vent pipes of any building, and shall at once be removed by order of the plumbing inspector. No paraphine, rosin, coal tar, putty or gas fitter's cement will be allowed in the mak- 58 ing of any joints or to cover defects. All caulked joints shall be r,un full of molten lead on top of well packed oakum and no foreign material shall appear on the surface of the lead caulking. ‘O. — Brass Pipe — [Brass soil, waste or vent pipes must be of standard wrought iron pipe size, whenever and wherever same is used for either of above purposes. Section 14. That the method of connecting water closets and minor fixtures to the various kinds of soil and waste branches and vent pipes shall be as prescribed in these rules: A. — 'Water Closets — 'Water closets when connected to cast iron soil pipe, except as hereinafter described, must be connected to same by the means v of a lead bend wiped on to a heavy brass ferrule caulked in the stack fitting. B. — 'Minor Wastes, How Connected — The waste of minor fixtures must be connected separately into the soil pipe or branch on the sewer side of closet bend, into cast iron hub with brass ferrule and wiped joints. C. — Waste Connections Allowed — Lead wastes may connect into lead when lead is used for main waste branch, into cast iron when hubs of same are of the strength and shape of standard fittings and cast iron wastes into cast iron only. Brass wastes or vents may connect into cast iron and when so connected must be by having a half sleeve screwed on to the end of pipe and caulked into hub. These methods of connecting wastes apply to all soil wastes, vent or revent pipes. D. — Lead Pipes — ‘Quality Within Partitions — Lead pipe of quality equal to light shall be used for water closet bends, and extra light as branches for vent, revent and waste pipe connections. Lead pipe used for vent or revent connections shall not extend into or be used within partitions except from twelve inches above the flow line of fixtures to floor line. All connections from lead to lead or lead to brass shall be made with wiped joints. All branches in lead pipe shall be made with Y or T Y wiped joints. F. — 'Wastes of Fixtures — Size of — The internal diameter of all wastes from single fixtures shall not be less than the following sizes: Water closets 4 inches; slop sinks 2 inches; bath tubs 1 1-2 inches; foot bath 11-2 inches; shower bath 2 inches; each shower head shall consti- tute one fixture; lavatory 1 1-4 inches; laundry tubs 1 1-2 inches; each two tubs to count as one fixture; floor drains in houses and basements 4 inches, and must have a 4-inch P trap under same and vented, urinal wastes 1 1-2 inches; pedestal urinals same size as manufactured openings. 59 Section 15. Traps — That traps of all kinds shall be constructed in strict accordance with the following rules: A. — Trap revents shall be continuous where possible. Where the vent or revent pipes are continuous and traps are ventilated through the waste fittings, the center of the outlet of such fittings or lead Y branch shall not be set below the water seal of trap and the trap shall not be more than three (3) feet away from the waste fitting. No crown venting shall b^ permitted unless impossible to vent continuously and then only by ob- taining special permission from the plumbing inspector. All traps must be located as near the fixture as possible and at no time shall it be placed more than two feet from same. OB. — Traps — Prohibited Where — There shall be no traps at the foot of soil or waste stacks, nor shall there be any traps in the house drain or house sewer. 'C. — Trap Revents— 'Concealed Partitions — [For every water closet, urinal, sink, basin, bath and every laundry tub or set of laundry tubs, or any other plumbing fixture shall be effectively and separately trapped and revented, except as hereinafter provided for non-syphon traps. All traps shall be protected from syhponage by special vent or revent pipes, except where non-syphoned traps are permitted. Such revented traps shall not depend on any concealed partition for its water seal. D. — 'Connected Wastes — A connected waste pipe receiving the dis- charge of not more than two wash basins set in line may waste into a single trap not less than 1 1-2 inches in diameter; where batteries of ba- sins set in line exceeding two and not more than six, may discharge into a single trap not less than 2 inches in diameter. All such traps must be located as near the center of battery as possible and not more than two feet from the waste line of one of the fixtures. E. — Laundry tubs from one part up to four parts, when set in line, may be discharged into a single drum trap not less than 4x8 inches to be vented in the same manner as prescribed for bath tubs except as herein- after prescribed for non-syhpon traps. E. — •Bath Tubs — ‘How Trapped and Vented — All bath tubs shall be trapped by a 4x8 drum trap revented except as prescribed for non-syhpon traps. Drum traps on bath tubs shall be placed in such a manner that the cleanout screw shall be in plain view and above the floor. The top of trap shall be flanged over on the floor and tap screw wiped in. G. — Soda Fountains and Bar Wastes — How Trapped — All wastes from soda fountains and bar sinks shall be trapped with a 10x12 inch drum trap with an inlet not less than 1 1-2 inches in diameter and an outlet not less than 2 inches in diameter. Each compartment wasting into said 60 trap to be counted as one fixture. Where it is impossible to revent such traps they may be used by obtaining the written permission of the in- spector. QEL — Wastes Prohibited — In no case shall a waste pipe from any fix- ture discharge into any vent or revent pipe, nor shall it discharge into any other fixture, trap or any other fixture, except as allowed in refrig- erator wastes, connected basins or laundry tubs. I. — 'Floor Washers, Bell Traps, Back Water Valves — Where floor washers are connected it shall be by the means of a deep seal trap or bell trap, with a 4-inch P trap under same, and vented traps having trap held in place by lugs or bolts are prohibited. Where washer is placed in basement or ground floor of building, it shall be protected from back sewage by means of a suitable back water valve, approved by the in- spector. J. — Fountain Spittoons, How Trapped — (All fountain spittoons shall be trapped and vented as prescribed for other minor fixtures, except as hereinafter prescribed for non-syhpon traps. K. — 'Refrigerator Wastes — Size and Traps — The waste pipe from a refrigerator or ice box shall not be directly connected with any soil waste pipe or drain or sewer or discharge on the open ground. They shall discharge into a movable plan, or an open water supplied sink or over a floor drain in basement, and shall be as short as possible and disconnect- ed from the refrigerator by at least four inches, and where refrigerators or ice boxes are placed in buildings on two or more floors the waste and vent pipes thereof shall be continuous and run through the roof, and in no case shall it open within six feet of an open soil or waste pipe. The size of waste pipes for refrigerators for two or less shall be at least 1 1-2 inches, and 2 inches for three floors or under five floors, and 2 1-2 inches for five floors and over. Each refrigerator or ice box shall be provided with a suitable trap with an accessible trap screw or cleanout; shall be placed in the 1 1-2 inch waste pipe and shall be as near as possible to the refrigerator or ice box. Such trap need not be vented. L. - — 'Cleanouts on Traps — 'All traps must have suitable and accessible cleanouts; all drum traps to have cleanouts not less than 4 inches in di- ameter; all other traps to have not less than one inch. M. — 'Grease Traps — All hotels, restaurants and large boarding houses must have a suitable grease trap connected with the kitchen sink, or a catch basin in the yard as close to the sink as possible, same to be ap- proved by the president of the board of health, the superintendent of the waterworks and the plumbing inspector. Residence property owners may have grease traps under sinks if they so desire, but it shall not be com- 61 pulsory to install them as heretofore. When they are so installed they shall be constructed of brass, enameled iron or lead and to be 12 inches by 15 inches in size. When made of lead the lead shall, be of strength equal to 6 pounds to the square foot and constructed as cut shown be- low: N. — Stable Racks, Hall Drains — Stable racks or any urinal recepta- cle, when the washings carry sediment of solid, shall not be connected with any sewer drain or lateral unless a suitable catch basin suitably trapped with deep seal is provided to prevent the obstruction of said sewer drain or lateral, and should connect to storm sewer, if possible. O. — 'Exhaust, Blow Off and Drip Pipe Connections — The exhaust, blow off, sediment or drip pipe from a steam boiler shall not be connected with any sewer, drain, soil or waste pipe. Such pipes shall discharge into a suitable tank or condenser of the same capacity as the boiler, provided a relief pipe of at least three inches diameter is extended to the outer air above the roof. The waste from said tank or condenser shall be at least one size larger than the inlet, but not less than three inches in di- ameter and provided with a trap and back pressure valve, and wherever possible, shall connect to the storm sewer, or house sewer, not to the ■house drain. P. — Cooling of Discharge — The sewer into which the tank or condens- er discharges shall have sufficient drainage aside from that received from the condenser or tank to cool the discharge from the condenser tor Wink or such process as may be approved by the inspector, and must enter the storm sewer where possible. Water over T20 degrees Fahrenheit or so hot that it will cause steam to arise in the sewer, shall not be allowed to enter any street sewer drain or lateral. 62 Q. — Low Pressure Steam Drainage Connections — Connections for the drainage of a low pressure steam or hot water heating system must b,e made with the storm sewer if possible, or may be made with the house sewer with a properly tapped waste. R. — /Elevator Connections — All direct connected hydraulic elevators, lifts or pressure machines shall be provided with an intermediate tank of sufficient capacity to discharge its waste without pressure into any sewer or drain. Such tanks shall be trapped and vented the Same as other plumbing fixtures, and where there is danger from back pressure from the sewer, there shall be placed on its outlet side a suitable back water valve, and must connect to storm sewer if possible. Section 16. House Boilers, Sediment Pipes — That the sediment pipe from a house boiler shall not be connected into the sewer side of any trap, nor directly connected with any soil, waste or drain pipe. It may discharge on the outside of the building, but must be carried down to a point within one foot of the established grade line, or it may discharge over an open fixture or floor drain. All house boilers must have a shut off cock on supply pipe. A. — Automatic flush tanks for urinals shall be arranged for intermit- tent and automatic discharges. All urinals shall be flushed at regular in- tervals not to exceed 20 minutes. B. — Water Closet Tanks — All water closet tanks shall have syphon discharges. The valves of such tanks shall be fitted and adjusted so as to prevent a waste of water. Section 17. That water closets shall be installed, constructed and maintained in strict accordance with the plumbing rules. A. — All water closets shall have flushing rim bowls. B. — Water Closets, Flushing — Water closets shall not be supplied from any water pipe direct. All water closets shall be fitted with sy- phon discharge tanks of not less than five gallons’ capacity. All indi- vidual closets shall receive at each flush not less than four gallons of water into the closet bowl at each discharge, which shall be discharged at such time and with such force as^hall thoroughly flush the closet bowl at each flush. All water closets shall have a regulating valve on supply pipe. C. — 'Outside Water Closets — Where Allowed — All water closets which are placed in detached buildings, which are not used for human habita- tion, must be short fluslr rim hopper and trap, traps caulked into soil pipe fitting direct into vent stack. In no case shall the vent stack be less than 10 feet in height. Such closet, if placed on a porch or within twen- 63 ty feet of an inhabited house, must have the main soil vent run above the roof of the main house. All vent or soil pipes must be inside of property line. D. — Water Closets Under Sidewalks — 'Where water closets or other plumbing fixtures are placed under sidewalks or areas, or other like places adjoining an opening into the basement of any building, each and every fixture so placed shall be ventilated, in the same manner as provid- ed for the interior of all buildings, and the water closet compartment shall be adequately lighted and ventilated. E. — Water Closets Separate — Where Placed — In all places of employ- ment where men and women are employed, separate and sufficient water closets shall be provided for males and females. Water closets for men’s toilet shall be plainly marked men’s toilet, and water closets for women shall be plainly marked women’s toilet. In all places of employment one water closet shall be provided for every 25 males', or less number, and one water closet for every 20 females or less number. Such water closet fixtures shall be furnished upon at least every third floor. Where there are employes in a basement such basement shall be considered as one floor. F. — Water Closets in Lodging Houses — In lodging houses or hottls hereafter erected or altered there shall be provided one water closet for each twenty-five males or less number, and one water closet for each twenty females or less number. The number of water closets required shall be determined from the number of lodging quarters provided. There shall be at least one water closet on each floor. The general water closet accommodations of a 'hotel or lodging house shall not be placed in a basement. G. — 'Separate Water Closets for Business and Residence — In all build- ings used jointly for business and residence purposes, separate and suf- ficient water closets shall be provided for the use of families, and for the use of employes and patrons of the place. H. — 'Water Closets in Yards for Tenement Houses — Where water closets are placed in yards for the use of occupants of tenement houses, one water closet shall be provided for each two families; and the plumb- er contracting for the work must strictly conform to this rule and state on his plan of the work the number of families the water closets he in- stalls are intended for. I. — Prohibited Water Closets, Removal — Pan, plunger, offset or other closet, the bowl of which does not receive a proper flush, will not be al- lowed, nor any closet which has a direct supply instead of a tank supply, range closets and latrines shall be used only when special permission of 64 the plumbing board has been obtained. All such closets when found to be a nuisance shall be removed, or when taken out for repairs shall not again be installed. J. — Prohibited Fixtures not Reinstated-No fixtures shall be installed and no fixture shall be reconnected or reinstalled where it does not meet with the requirement of this ordinance. K. — Water Closets, How Vented — All water closets shall be vented through a T Y or A Y or a drainage fitting, or off the top of the, hori- zontal part of the lead bend or above the upper line of horizontal part of same, except for circuit venting and for top closets, as hereinafter pre* scribed. The revent of a single water closet shall not be less than two inches in diameter. L. — Rack Vents, Not Required — Where there is but one water closet, or minor fixture, located on a stack and the said water closet or minor ’ * fixture is located three feet or less from the stack in a direct line of pipe or in circuit venting no revent is required. M. — Double Top Closets — Where two water closets or other fixtures are located on the same floor and discharge into a double Y or a double T Y fitting and there is no other water closet discharging into the sftachj above the double Y or double T Y fitting, the said water closets or minor fixtures will be considered as one top fixture and vill not be necessary to revent either water closet or minor fixture, but this or any other sub- section shall not be construed so as to prohibit the placing of outlets of a number of minor fixture wastes each not exceeding two inches in di- ameter above the closet connection, provided that their aggregate area does not exceed one and one-half times the area of the soil pipe, and that such wastes otherwise comply with the conditions prescribed in these rules for waste and vent pipes. Section 18. That urinals shall be installed, constructed and main- tained in strict accordance with the following rules and regulations: A. — Number of Urinals, Public Buildings and Factories — In all places of employment or occupancy temporary or permanent, one urinal shall be provided for every 75 males or less number. (B. — Construction, Prohibited Use — The sides, back and base of every urinal stall placed within any building shall be of a non-absorbent ma- terial. Urinal stalls having troughs set in the floors are prohibited. The use of galvanized steel, cast iron, sheet metal, wood or absorbent mate- rial for the use of urinal bowl or trough is prohibited unless every part of such stall is thoroughly washed by each water flush. 65 C. — Urinals, How Flushed — Each and every urinal, trough or bowl shall be intermittently and automatically flushed with at least one gallon of water for each urinal bowl or two feet of trough space, and at inter- vals not to exceed 20 minutes during period of use. D. — Urinals, Kinds of Material Allowed — 'Every urinal stall shall have an individual lipped urinal bowl or cast iron enameled urinal trough or other urinal, constructed of non-absorbent material approved by the inspector. If enameled iron urinal trough is used, it shall be so con- structed as to retain at least one inch of water. E. — Urinal Traps, Wastes, Sizes of — Urinal traps for single urinals shall be not less than 1 1-2 inches in diameter, two feet of trough space to count as one urinal. Urinal troughs exceeding two feet in length to have trap not less than two inches in diameter; single urinals to lhacve wastes same size as traps. Where two and not more than four urinals are placed in line two-inch branch wastes must be used. F. — Urinals, How Vented — All urinal traps shall be revented through a T. Y, A Y, or drainage fitting except a,s hereinafter prescribed for non- syphon traps; all urinal trap revents to be not less than 1 1-2 inches in diameter and increased in proportion to number of urinals installed. Section 19. Non -Syphon Traps — Where Allowed — That non-syphon traps which have been tested and approved by the plumbing inspector may be used under the following conditions, and no others; provided that a statement of such traps so tested and approved, signed by the president of the plumbing board and the plumbing inspector shall be placed on file in the inspector’s office. A. — Non-Syphon Traps — Non-syphon traps may be used under all fixtures, except water closets and slop sinks, where the same are located within 20 feet of the main soil stack, into which they discharge, or an. auxiliary vent stack connected with the branches into which they dis- charge without reventing the same, provided that no fixtures of any kind discharge into the soil, main soil or waste stacks to which they are con- nected at a greater height than 40 feet above them. B — Non-syphon traps may be used in buildings of greater height than prescribed in sub section A under all fixtures except water closets and slop sinks, if they are not located at a greater distance than 20 feet from the main soil or waste pipes into which they discharge, provided there is a vented water closet or slop sink discharging into the same branch to which they are connected. In the event there is no vented closet or slop sink discharging into the said branch then the branch waste into which these fixtures dis- charge must be carried up full size above the flow line of said fixtures and looped back into the nearest vent, revent or auxiliary vent stack. 66 Section. 20. Water Closets and Urinal Compartments, Ventilation — That water closets and urinal compartments shall not be installed in un- ventilated rooms or compartments. Where a urinal, bath or water closet compartment is mechanically ventilated the air shall be changed at least three times per hour by exhausting the air from the compartment. Section 21. Light and Ventilation — That all urinal, bath or water closet compartments hereafter constructed in any building shall be light- ed and ventilated as hereafter provided for. Every water closet or urinal compartment or bath room in every now existing building, and every compartment in buildings hereafter erected, shall be ventilated by a window opening into the outer air or by proper ventilating pipes, shafts or ducts run through the roof or to the external air. All such compartments shall be adequately lighted, either by natural or artificial lights. Section 22. Toilet Compartments Separate — That the urinal, bath or water closet compartments shall be separate compartments and shall be entirely separate from any other room, workshop, office or hall, by a light partition extending from floor to ceiling, and every door of such compartment shall be provided with a door check to keep each such door closed. No window or other opening shall be made from such compart- ment into any adjoining room, office, workshop, factory, hallway or com- partment of any kind. Section 23. Ventilating Into Court — That nothing herein contained shall be construed as preventing the ventilation of the before mentioned compartments into any other inner or lot line court. Section 24. Compulsory Fixtures — That every house having a sewer either in front, side or rear, designed to drain the same, must be con- nected to the sewer and have at least one water closet in the yard or house, and one sink in house. The emptying of any waste or impure water on the surface of the yard or property is prohibited. Section 25. Special Permits, When Issued — ‘That where special per- mits are issued the location shall be inspected before the work is start- ed and duplicate plans shall be isubmitted, approved and placed on file. These plans shall show the proposed work in plan and elevation. Section 26. Extensions, Alterations — That in case of extension or alteration of any existing plumbing system the same, if new stacks are run, shall be tested when roughed in and when completed as hereinbefore provided. Section 27. That no connection shall be made to any part of the house drainage system, or house sewer, with the roof gutters or any othef channels for the conveyance of rain water. 67 Section 28. Permits for Connections to Storm Sewers — That permits must be obtained and inspections made for all connections to storm sewers. Section 29. Suspension of License — In the event a plumber should put in work contrary to this ordinance, it shall be the duty o£j ttye plumbing inspector to notify the plumber in charge of the work in writ- ing, stating wherein the work does not comply with this ordinance, and ordering defects in material or workmanship remedied, sending a copy of the notice to the chairman of the plumbing board. If the plumber fails to comply with the orders of the plumbing inspector within twenty- four hours after said notice has been given or in the same time fails to show to the chairman of the plumbing board why orders of the plumbing inspector had not been obeyed then the chairman of the plumbing board shall at once file charges against said plumber for violating this ordi- nance. That any licensed plumber who shall neglect or refuse to comply with these regulations or with the conditions of this permit shall have his license suspended or revoked and shall thereby be debarred from ob- taining permits or doing plumbing work for such length of time as the plumbing board shall deem just and proper, and shall also be liable to prosecution. 'Section 30. Certificates of Inspection — When any plumbing work for which a permit has been issued, is completed and done in accordance with the rules and regulations of this ordinance, it shall be the duty of the plumbing inspector to issue a certificate of inspection to the plumber certifying that the plumbing work had been inspected and approved by him. Section 31 — IBad faith or unreasonable delay in plumbing work shall be deemed a sufficient reason for subjecting the plumber so offending to a suspension of his license and every plumber shall be held responsible for the violation of these regulations by mechanics, laborers and helpers employed by him, as well as mechanics, laborers and helpers them- selves. Section 32. Penalty — Any person who puts in, or any plumbing in- spector who permits work to pass, which is contrary to this ordinance, or any person who refuses or wilfully neglects to pomply with this ordi- nace, shall, upon conviction, before any court of competent jurisdiction, be fined not less than twenty ($20.00') dollars, nor more than one hun- dred ($100.00) dollars for each and every offense, and in default of pay- ment of said fine, shall be ordered to work out same on the streets and alleys or other public works of the city of Shreveport, at the rate of one 68 dollar per day for each day of labor performed, and said person doing the work contrary to this ordinance, shall rearrange the work in accord- ance with the ordinance, except in cases where the plumbing board sus- pends this ordinance. Section 33. Be it further ordained, etc., that all other rules and reg- ulations upon the subject embodied in this ordinance and in conflict with same, are hereby repealed. i Adopted May 21, 1908. GAS FITTING AN ORDINANCE Governing Installation, Extension and Repairing or Alterations of Gas Piping in Buildings, for the Distribution of Gas for Lights and Fuel, and Providing for Inspection and Testing all Gas Piping, Fixtures, Apparatus and Meters Now in Use or to Be Hereafter in Use in the City of Shreveport; and Authorizing the Purchase of all Necessary Apparatus for Making Efficient Tests of all Gas Me- ters and Gas Piping. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport, in le- gal and regular session convened, That all inspection and testing of gas meters, gas piping and installation of all kinds of gas apparatus, shall be under the supervision of the plumbing inspector or his deputy, and that the following rules and regulations shall govern the same, the vio- lation of which rules and regulations, shall be unlawful: 'Section 1. Before work of any kind which is governed by these reg- ulations is commenced, a permit shall be applied for by the person hav- ing the work done, and an inspection fee of 50 cents shall be paid by the person to whom the permit is issued, which fee of 50 cents shall cover the cost of all inspection of the work for which the permit is issued, un- less hereafter otherwise provided. Sec. 2. A shut off cock of the same size as service pipe from curb to house, shall be placed not more than one foot inside of curb line, provided with the most approved box to insure immediate control of supply of gas by the fire department in case of fire, and such box shall have on its cover the ward “gas. M * Sec. 3. Within twelve months from the passage of this ordinance all existing service pipes not having shut off cocks and boxes shall be so equipped. Except that where located in paved streets or alleys a shut-off cock may be placed at the most convenient place on the prem- ises. Sec. 4. Any person or persons desiring to engage in any work gov- erned by this ordinance, as contractor, shall first prove himself compe- tent to do such work, after examination by the inspector, and obtain a certificate of qualification, for each certificate a charge of one dollar ($1.00) shall be made, to a contracting or master gas fitter. He shall obtain a license from the comptroller, such license to be governed by same rules as applies to licenses in general. 69 70 Sec. 5. All work shall be inspected and tested before any part of said work is concealed or covered up. Notices for inspection shall be made on blank forms to be supplied by the inspector, and be delivered at the inspector’s office twelve hours previous to the time at which the work will be ready for inspection. In case the work is not ready at the time stated on notice, and the inspector has to make a second journey to the job, an additional inspector fee of fifty cents shall be paid for each journey after the time stated on notice, caused by neglect or carelessness of the party to whom the permit is issued. Sec. 6. Inspection and tests of gas meters or existing pipes shall be made on application of the consumer, for which a certificate shall be is- sued, after such test or inspection has been made, and a fee of one dol- lar ($1.00) shall be paid at the time of the application for such inspec- tion or test. Sec. 7. All fees collected by the inspector under the rules of this ordinance, shall be paid to the city comptroller, and a record kept of all inspections and tests made and the amount of fees collected. Sec. 8. Architects, owners of buildings and building contractors, are requested to refuse to allow any bills for gas piping, unless accompanied by the inspector ’s; certificate of inspection. Sec. 9. All tests of gas piping shall be made with air pressure on a mercury or spring gauge showing ten pounds which must be maintained for fifteen minutes without failing. Sec. 10. Rules for Gas Fitters— Size of Pipes- — No service pipe from curb to be less than one inch in diameter, except by special agreement. All service pipes from curb to meter, must be as large as from main jto curb. From seven to ten fires, 1 1-4 inch pipe. Where boilers and hot air furnaces ‘are used, the main must be large enough to supply a suffi- cient quantity of gas. (Consult the gas company first in such cases.) Lateral or risers for one fire, half inch when not over ten feet long. Lat- eral or risers. for'- two- fires, three-quarter inch (3-4) when not over twen- ty feet long. Lateral or risers for seven to ten fifes, 1 1-4 inch when not over forty feet long. Risers and connection to stoves must be large enough to supply a sufficient quantity of gas. No union in stove con- nection allowed. No bushing or Gasket unions allowed. Sec. 11. No one-quarter (1-4) inch pipe will be accepted. Sec. 12. Openings and drops in halls, churches, schools and stores must not be less than (3-8) three-eighths inch. Sec. 13. The burr left on the inside of gas pipe must in every case be reamed out. 71 Sec. 14. All gas pipes must be graded to risers, free from traps or sags, properly supported with screws and gas pipe ho'oks or hangers. When it is impossible to prevent a trapped gas pipe, a suitable drip shall be provided, consisting of a nipple and cap located in an accejssibjle place. Sec. 15. All drops and openings for lights must project at least one inch beyond plaster on wall or ceiling, and must be securely fastened to joists or studding, or to notched or cross pieces fastened to joists or up- right studding. Sec. 16. No gas pipe notched into lower joists will be accepted. Sec. 17. In remodeling or extending old gas piping, connections must be made where sizes can be maintained. If this can not be done, new* lines must be run to meter. Sec. 18. The inspector may require the old piping to be included in the test, to which the extension is subjected, should he deem this neces- sary. Sec. 19. No service pipe from main in street to curb line, shall be less in size than one (1) inch pipe low pressure, and half (1-2) inch high pressure. Sec. 20. No person shall lay or cause to be laid a gas service pipe in a trench excavated for a house sewer, or within two feet thereof. Sec. 21. All foundation walls must be carefully cemented where gas pipes enter the building from the streets. Sec. 22. When any defective pipe or fitting is discovered, same must be replaced with sound material. No gas fitters cement will be allowed to patch up such defect. > Sec. 23. All outlets or risers where fixtures are not placed, shall be left securely capped. Sec. 24. No gas pipe shall be laid at a greater depth than the main. Sec. 25. All gas companies operating in the city of Shreveport, are hereby authorized to refuse to supply any consumer unless application is accompanied by the inspector’s certificate of inspection. 'Sec. 26. 'Be it further ordained, etc., That any person who shall vio- late any of the foregoing provisions', shall upon conviction before any court of competent jurisdiction, be fined not less than five ($5.00) dol- lars nor more than one hundred ($100) dollars for each offense, and in default of payment of such fine, shall work out same on the streets and alleys or other public works of this city, at the rate of one dollar per day for each day of labor performed. Adopted October 20, 1908. 72 AN ORDINANCE Creating the Office of Gas, Electric and Water Meter Inspector, Defin- ing His Duties, and Fixing His Compensation. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport, in le- gal assembly convened, That there be created by the adoption of this or- dinance, the office of inspector of gas, electric and water meters. Be it further ordained, That the duties of said officer shall be to make inspections of gas, electrical and water meters, in the 'City of Shreveport when requested in writing to do so by consumers of gas, electricity or water, having meters on their premises, and of the piping and other appliances from the meters to the jets, gas ranges, lights, fau- cets or other points of consumption of gas, electricity or water; to thor- oughly examine and report their condition, and to report any leakage, de- fective construction or faulty appliances to such consumers. Be it further ordained, That said inspector shall make such inspec- tions within five days after being so requested by said consumer or con- sumers. Be it further ordained, That said inspector shall be entitled to de- mand a,pd receive in advance for his services the sum of one dollar, pay- able to him by such consumer requiring his services, for the first meter read or the first inspection as aforesaid on his premises, and the sum of fifty cents for each additional meter read, or for each additional inspec- tion of fixtures or appliances connected with other meters on the same premises. Be it further ordained, That all laws or parts of laws in conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. Be it further ordained, That this ordinance shall go into effect and become operative from and after its adoption and promulgation. Adopted January 14, 1907. AN ORDINANCE Creating the Department of Street Cleaning and Sprinkling and Provid- ing for the Maintenance and Operation of Said Department. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreve- port in legal assembly convened, That a department of street cleaning and sprinkling be and is hereby created. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, etc., That there shall be a superin- tendent of said department, whose duty it shall be to keep the paved streets and paved alleys of the City of Shreveport thoroughly swept and cleaned and the sweeping to be hauled and dumped at places to be des- ignated by the iMayor and sprinkling committee. The superintendent shall receive as compensation for his services a salary of seventy-five ($75.00) dollars per month. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, etc., That employes to operate sprink- ler or sweepers shall receive not more than one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) per day; employes to drive carts, and other day laborers not here- inafter mentioned shall receive not more than one dollar and twenty five cents ($1.25) per day; all of whom shall be under the direction of the superintendent. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, That the Mayor and street cleaning and sprinkling committee are hereby authorized to purchase 23 mules at a cost of not more than $175 each; 4 sprinklers at a cost of not more than $210 each; 3 sweepers at a cost of not more than $235 each; 4 carts at a cost of not more than $50 each; 7 pair of harness at a cost of not more than $40 each; 4 sets of single harness at a cost of not more than $4.25 each; 6 hydrants at a cost of not more than $50 each. Sec. 5. Be it further ordained, etc., That the sum of six thousand four hundred fifty-two dollars and eighty-five cents ($6,452.85), or so much thereof as may be necessary, be appropriated from the street clean- ing and sprinkling fund to make the purchase enumerated in section four (4) of this ordinance, and that the sum of nine hundred dollars ($900.00) per month be appropriated from the street cleaning and sprinkling fund to pay the salary of the superintendent, the wages of all other employes, the feeding of the teams, and incidental expenses. Sec. 6. Be it further ordained, etc., That all moneys arising from the license of 1903 in excess of sixty-eight thousand ($68,000.00) dollars, or as much as may be necessary and is hereby appropriated to and shall be placed to the credit of the street cleaning and sprinkling fund. Adopted March 16, 1903. AN ORDINANCE Creating the Office of Inspector of Buildings, Defining His Duties and Providing the Fees for Inspections. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport, in reg- ular session convened, That the office of building inspector be and the same is hereby created. 74 : It shall be the duty of the building inspector to see that all the pro- visions of the building ordinances and flue ordinances of the city are enforced, and that all buildings hereafter- erected in the city shall be constructed in strict conformity to said ordinances. Said inspector shall make all necessary inspections and examinations, and upon completion of the work shall issue a certificate that the build- ing is completed and erected according to and in conformity with the building ordinances of the city, and shall collect from the owner of the building the inspection fees at the following rates: For the erection or repair of any building costing less than $100, no fee; above $100 and not exceeding $250, fifty cents. For the erection or repair of any building costing more than $250 and not exceeding $1,000, due dollar. For the erection or repair of any building costing more than $1,000 and not exceeding $2,000, two dollars. For the erection or repair of any building costing more than $2,000 and not exceeding $5,000, five dollars. For the erection or repair of any building costing $5,000 or more, ten dollars. These fees shall be collected by the inspector and turned over to the comptroller. The said inspector shall receive a salary of seventy-five dollars per month, payable monthly. Be it further ordained, etc., That owners failing upon completion of the work on his building to obtain a certificate from the inspector and pay the inspection fees, or who shall in any way violate this ordinance shall on conviction be fined in a sum of not less than $5 nor more than $50 for each offense, and on the failure to pay be condemned to work out said fine on the streets and alleys of the city without delay. Be it further ordained, That this ordinance take effect from and after the passage of its promulgation. Adopted January 23, 190'2. 75 AN ORDINANCE (As Amended February 12, 1902; May 15, 1906; June 12, 1906.) Creating the office of City Electrician, prescribing rules and regulations for the construction, repair and maintaining all electrical appara- tus in the City of Shreveport, including telegraph, telephone, elec- tric railway, electric light and power companie$, and providing for the inspection of same and for the inspection of meters of all kinds and fixing fees therefor, and providing penalties for viola- tion of this ordinance, and repealing all ordinances in conflict with same. Be it ordained by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Shreve- port: Section 1. The office of city electrician is hereby created and the salary of said office is hereby fixed at one hundred dollars per month. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the city electrician to see that all the prpvisions of this ordinance are fully complied with, to inspect all electrical work in the city and make monthly reports of same to the City Council. Sec. 3. All work, inside and outside, shall conform to the rules and re- quirements of the National Board of Fire Underwriters and of the Louis- iana Fire Prevention Bureau, for the installation of electrical wiring and apparatus, said rules and regulations being fully set forth in printed copies thereof filed with the city auditor, and made part hereof by refer- ence. Said work shall also conform to all new rules which may be here- after adopted by the above mentioned board and bureau, which new rules shall be filed with the city auditor and made part hereof immediately upon the publication of said rules. Sec. 4. All poles shall be erected and maintained in a perpendicular position, shall be straight and free from bark and must be placed imme- diately within the sidewalk. Sec. 5. All poles shall be run on one side of street or alley alone except where necessary to change over; but this may be done only by permission of city electrician. Sec. 6. Any pole used or owned by any electric company or person shall be removed within five days after notice has been given to said owner by the city electrician who may deem such pole unsuitable, unsafe or improperly placed. Sec. 7. All poles erected on or removed from sidewalks shall leave same in as good condition as it was found before said work was done, 76 and no pole shall be sawed off level with the sidewalk and body left in ground, but the same shall be moved and hole filled. Pavement shall be replaced and made as good, immediately, as surrounding pavement. Sec. 8. The insulation of all current-bearing wires shall be approved by the city electrician and whenever such insulation is found to be im- paired, defective or insufficient he shall serve notice on owner or user of such conductor to have same repaired or removed within such time as said city electrician may deem the nature of the defect or impairment, to require. Sec. 9. No wires of telephone, telegraph, electric light or power com- pany shall be allowed under or above sheds, galleries or awnings without the consent of the city electrician, and whenever found, they shall be removed by their owners after five days’ notice has been given to said owner by the city electrician, if he shall deem the removal of such wire necessary. Sec. 10. It shall be the duty of the city electrician whenever he completes the inspection of a building to leave a notice of any defect with occupant, or in the event of the building being vacant owner of building should be notified, with request to have same remedied within such time as said city electrician may deem necessary. And whenever in the judgment of the city electrician the defect amounts to a serious increase of risk, it shall be the duty of the company furnishing the cur- rent, upon notification of the city electrician to cut off the current or re- move the wire within twenty-four hours. Sec. 11. No person, firm, corporation or company, in this city, shall herafter commence the construction, installation, repair, alteration or removal of any pole or electrical work either inside or outside, without first giving notice in writing to the city electrician of such intention of doing so, which notice shall contain a general description of the work proposed and the location of the same by street and number. Sec. 12. Upon receiving such notice the city electrician shall inspect such work previous to, during and after completion, and if the same shall prove to have been constructed in accordance with all the rules and requirements of the ordinances governing same, and after the pay- ment of fees provided by ordinance for such inspection, said city elec- trician shall issue his certificate approving the work, and the person or company constructing such work shall begin the use of it. The use of any electric construction, such as is provided in this ordinance, is hereby declared to be unlawful previous to the issuance of the certificate above provided. The city electrician may grant a temporary permit for use of elec- tric current during construction or alteration of building. 77 Inspection Fees. Sec. 13. There shall be charged and collected by city comptroller the following inspection fees, said fees to be paid by the contractor do- ing the work, and said fees when so collected by the said city electrician shall be turned over daily to the comptroller. For inspecting incandescent lights, where the wiring is concealed, twenty-five cents per outlet for the first ten outlets; fifteen cents per out- let for all outlets over ten and up to twenty, and ten cents per outlet for all outlets over twenty.. For open work, twenty-five cents per outlet up to ten, and fifteen cents per outlet above ten; but no inspection shall be made for less than fifty cents. For each arc light, fifty cents. For inspecting each electrical horse-power of 746 watts used for mechanics and other purposes than above mentioned, one dollar but the maximum fees for such inspection shall not exceed five dollars. For inspecting each service connection for light or power, fifty cents, and for each electrical fan fifty cents. For inspecting temporary installations for show windows, exhibi- tions, conventions and the like, there shall be charged a fee of one dol- lar per hour or fraction thereof for the service of the City Electrician. (See ordinance abolishing fees adopted October 11, 1906.) See. ,14. Electrical Contractor’s Fees — 'Every electrical contractor, re- pairer or superintendent or other person in charge or engaged in electric- al construction or wiring, or any person engaged in the operation of any electric moving picture machine, must have the approval of the city elec- trician after examination by the city electrician, or some one else in au- thority. Applicant shall pay the sum of one dollar for examination feeSj, in case of a successful examination. V I Sec. 15. Penalties — Any person, firm, corporation or company vio- lating this ordinance or any provision of this ordinance shall be subject- ed to a fine of not less than $5 or more than $50 for each offense, col- lectable by the City Judge, and in default of the payment of said fine he shall be ordered to work the same, out in the public streets or alleys or other public works of the City of Shreveport at the rate of one dollar per day for each day of labor performed. Adopted January 16, 1902. 78 AN ORDINANCE Abolishing Inspection Fees for Electric Wiring. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport, in le- gal and regular session convened, That hereafter no charge whatever shall be made for the installation or inspection of the electric wiring in any building in the City of Shreveport. Adopted October 11, 1906. AN ORDINANCE. . Authorizing and directing the Chief of the Fire Department and the City Electrician to supervise and inspect the electrical wiring and gen- eral arrangements of the theatres and buildings used for public entertainments and to make recommendations for the operation of electrical energy and the safety of the public, and to provide a penalty upon owners and agents or managers of theatres or buildings used for public entertainment. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreve- port, in legal and regular session convened, That the Chief of the Fire Department and the City Electrician are hereby authorized and directed to supervise and inspect the electrical wiring and general arrangement of all theatres and buildings used for public entertainment and to fur- nish the Mayor and City Council with a quarterly report of said wiring and arrangement. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, etc., That no theatre or place of public entertainment shall be conducted in the City of Shreveport without a per- mit previously granted by the Mayor, which permit shall not be so grant- ed by him, until furnished with a certificate from the Chief of the Fire Department and the City Electrician that all rules governing the instal- lation and use of electrical current and the safety of the public have been complied with. Section 3. Be it further ordained, etc., That all electric wiring must conform with the latest rules of the National Electric Code, referring to the wiring of theatres, a copy of same now being on file at the office of the City Comptroller. Electric moving picture machines must be in- stalled according to the rules governing same, said rules being set forth in the National Electric Code referred to above. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, etc., That any failure on the part of the owner, agent, or manager of any theatre or building used for pub- lic entertainment to comply with the recommendations of the Chief of 79 the Fire Department and the City Electrician, shall constitute a separate offense for each twenty-four hours and shall be punishable by a fine of not less than ten ($10.00) dollars nor more than one hundred ($100.00) dollars for each offense, and in default of payment of said fine he shall work the same out on the public streets and alleys and other public works of the City of Shreveport at the rate of one ($1.00) dollar per day foil each day of labor performed. Adopted^January 21, 1908. FIRE DEPARTMENT RULES The' following is hereby promulgated to better perfect the discipline of the fire department: 1. The chief, or in his absence the assistant chief, will have full command at all times, and their orders must be promptly executed. 2. That the officers and members of the fire department be required to wear their uniforms while on or off duty. 3. During the period of service by any of the companies at a fire or otherwise, no member will be permitted to absent himself for meals, or under any other pretext, unless by permission of his captain. 4. During the progress of a fire and while the apparatus is in serv- ice by any of the companies, the captains must keep their men together and well in hand, ready for any emergency that may come up. 5. Captains of companies will be held strictly responsible for the enforcement of above rules. 6. The officers and members of the fire department are strictly pro- hibited from entering any barroom or drinking saloon or gambling house- while in their uniforms, whether on or off duty, unless in case of fire* 7. That the chief of the fire department be required to visit all the engine houses in his department, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 4 p. m., and after inspection, report in a book for that purpose the hours of visit and the condition of the house, apparatus, hose, etc. 8. That it is the duty of the chief to note in a book (kept for that purpose in his office for inspection), the water pressure daily, giving hours of inspection. 9. While your apparatus is on its way in response to a fire you will cause the driver to. ring his gong violently when approaching any street crossing or railway track, to avoid accident. While you should endeavor 80 to reach the scene of action with all possible dispatch, proper precautions should be taken to avoid accident. 10. It is made the duty of the chief to drill the members of the fire companies semi-weekly in their respective departments. 11. That apparatus from companies Nos. 1 and 2 shall not be al- lowed to go above Common street for drill or exercise purposes. 12. It shall be the duty of the chief to (have his office hours from 1] to 12 a. m. at such place within the fire limits as he may select. Adopted September 19, 1901. AN ORDINANCE. Fixing the Fire Limits of the City of Shreveport. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City 'Council of the City of Shreve- port in legal and regular session convened, That within the following lim- its no building shall be erected of wood or other inflammable material except residences. Commence at the intersection of Common and Cypress streets; thence along Cypress to McNeil street to Wylie street; thence along Wylie street to the bank of Cross bayou; thence along the bank of Cross bayou to the bank of Red river to a line in the rear of lots in block 69, Batture subdi- vision; thence along the line in rear of said lots in block 69 of Batture subdivision to where said line intersects the rear line of lots in block 68 of the Batture subdivision, which is 150 feet from Commerce street to where said line intersects Red river bank; thence along said bank to where the center of Jones street (if extended will intersect said bank), to Com- merce street; thence along Commerce street to Battle street; thence along Battle street to Spring street; thence along Spring to Franklin; thence along Franklin street across property to Snow street; thence along Snow street to Comon street; thence along Common street to Crockett street; thence along the center of Crockett street to within 150 feet of the southeast line of Texas avenue and parallel with same to Jordan street; thence along Jordan within 150 feet from west line of Texas avenue; thence along a line 150 feet from the said north- west line of Texas avenue and parallel with said avenue to a point where said line intersects the alley in block 69, ten-acre lot 4; thence along said alley to Travis street to the intersection of Common and Cypress streets, which is the point of beginning. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, etc., That the former ordinance pro- viding fire limits shall not be affected by the operation of the above 81 section, but shall prohibit the erection of all buildings whatsoever of wood or other inflammable material. Adopted February 14, 1907. Be it further ordained, That this ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage. Adopted January 21, 1886. AN OBDINANCE. Prohibiting the erection or stretching of tents in the fire district, except those used by traveling shows, permission for the erection of which to be first obtained from the City Council. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport in reg- ular session convened, That from and after the promulgation of this or- dinance it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to stretch or erect or maintain a cloth or wooden tent made of other inflammable material within the fire district of the City of Shreveport, provided that the City Council may grant permission to traveling shows to stretch their tents within said limits. Be it further ordained, That any person who shall violate the provi- sions of this ordinance shall be fined not less than $50 or more than $100, recoverable before any court of competent jurisdiction, and in de- fault of the payment of the said fine he shall be ordered to work the same out on the public streets and alleys or other public works of the City of Shreveport at the rate of one dollar per day for each day of la- bor performed. Be it further ordained that this ordinance shall take effect from and after its promulgation. Adopted March 22, 1904. FIRE ESCAPES AN ORDINANCE. (As Amended November 25, 1901; January 16, 1902.) An Ordinance to Require Fire Escapes on Certain Buildings for the Safety and Protection of Human Life. Be it ordained, by the City Council of the City of Shreveport and it is hereby ordained by authority of same, that it being necessary for the safety and protection of human life. That all buildings in the city three stories or more in height, not in- cluding basements, used as a factory, work shop, lodge room, hotel, board- ing house, public hall, or sleeping place, or apartment, hospital or sani- tarium, or three story building used as offices, shall have thereon suitable and substantial fire escapes of the following character and material: There must be a balcony on each floor above the first from the ground, and the said balconies to take in two or more windows. The bal- cony floor must be constructed with four (4) one and one-half by one- fourth inch (1 l-2xl-4) angle-iron stringers, resting on brackets, which must be placed not exceeding eight (8) feet apart; there must be one and one-fourth inch by one-fourth inch (1 l-4xl-4) flat iron strips riveted to the one and one-half by one-fourth (1 l-2xl-4) angle iron floor stringers, the said strips not to exceed one and three-fourths (1 3-4) inches apart, which shall form the floor. The main or top cord of the bracket shall be made from two and one-half by one-half inch ('2 l-'2xl-2) flat iron ex- tending out eight inches (8) beyond the balcony, with a seven-eighth* (7-8) inch bolt welded on the back end, which shall pass through the walj and bolt on the inside with a six inch (6) washer and a seven-eighths (7-8) inch nut. The main cord of the bracket must be braced with a brace made from two and one-half by one-half inch (2 l-2xl-2) flat iron into the main angle brace, which is made of one and three-fourths by one-fourth inch (1 3-4xl-4) angle iron, and must extend to the outside balcony. There must be a top or hand rail at each balcony made of one and one-fourth by three-sixteenths (1 1-4x3-16) inch angle-iron. The filling in between the hand rails and stringers of the balcony must be made of one and one-fourth by one-fourth inch (1 l-4xl-4) flat iion, two (2) bars between the hand or top rails and the floor stringers. The top or hand-rail of the balcony must have a three-fourths (3-4) inch bolt securely fastened to the end, which must pass through the wall 82 83 and fasten on the inside with a six (6) inch washer and a three-fourthis (3-4) inch nut. The stairs must be constructed with two (2) stringers each, made with a top and bottom cord of one and one-fourth by three-sixte i enths (1 1-4x3-16) inch angle iron, with a rise rail of one and one-fourth by one fourth (1 l-4xl-4) inch flat iron, and a tread rail of one and one- fourth by three-sixteenths (1 1-4x3-16) inch angle iron formed into a lat- tice of sufficient width to give an eight inch (8) tread and eight inch (8) rise step, so that the outer edge of the step will be the center of the said lattice. The one and one-fourth by three-sixteenths (1 1-4x3-16) inch angle-iron shall also form the support for the steps. The steps themselves must be made of one and one-fourth by three- sixteenths (1 1-4x3-16) inch angle iron, three (3) pieces to each step. The stairs must be provided with a hand-rail on each side constructed of one and one-fourth by three-sixteenths (1 1-4x3-16) inch angle-iron and each alternate one and one-fourth by one-fourth (1 l-4xl-4) inch flat iron rise rail shall run through the rivet to the said hand-rail, forming the balusters for the stairs. The stairs in no case shall be less than one (1) foot nine (9) inches wide from outside to outside of stringers. The stairs shall be on the outer side of the balcony, and the balcony including stairs, must not be less than three (3) feet six (6) inches wide. The hand-rails for the stairs shall be braced central between the stairs with a bracket of one and one-half by three-eighths (1 l-2x3-8) inch flat iron, riveted to the top and bottom cord of the stair. stringers, with a one-half (1-2) inch round iron brace-rod from the said hand-rails to the said bracket, as per section showing brace rod for stair hand-rails in detailed drawings on file in office of inspector of buidlings. The stairs shall have a one-half (1-2) inch round iron anchor rod, riveted to the top cord on the inside stair stringer about the central be- tween the stairs, which shall anchor between the wall, as per section showing bracket support for treads, etc., detailed drawings. The top rail of balconies shall be braced with a five-eighth (5-8) inch round iron brace rod, passing through the outer end of the top cord of the main bracket as per brace-rod for balcony as shown in detailed draw- ings. The balusters for the stairs must be made three feet (3) high from center of the tread, and must run through and fasten on the bottom cord of the stair stringer. 84 There must be a lattice truss riveted to the outside floor stringer with a stringer on the bottom of one and one-half by one-fourth (1 l-2x 1-4) inch angle iron, with one and one-fourth by one-fourth (1 l-4xl-4) inch flat iron pieces formed into a lattice or truss to be dropped down below the balcony floor, which will make the balcony rigid, as per de- tailed drawing showing lattice truss for balconies. There must be a flight of stairs* from the first balcony above the ground, which must pass down to within a distance of ten (10) feet from the ground, and be substantially fastened with a bracket, as per the above bracket specifications, and have a sliding ladder as shown to be so arranged as to raise or lower at ease. The whole must be thoroughly riveted together at every joint with suitable soft iron rivets, except where the stairs fasten to the balcony, which shall be bolted with one-half inch iron bolts well riveted over after being drawn up to their proper place. Everything shall be made in a thoroughly workmanlike manner in ac- cordance with the above specifications. This ordinance shall be published for ten days* in official journal, then it shall be the duty of the owners of all buildings coming under the requirements of this ordinance to have placed on said buildings with- in 60 days after advertisement, such fire escapes as are required. Should owner, agent or tenant in possession of any such buildings fail within the time specified in said advertisement to have fire escapes placed on any building as provided for by this ordinance he or she shall be subject to a fine of not less than $5.00 nor more than $50.00 per day and on failure to pay same, work out same on streets and alleys or other public work of the City of Shreveport at the rate of one dollar per day for each day of labor performed. Such owners or tenant in possession shall be subjected to the same penalties as the aforesaid. After the fire escapes have been placed on any building as aforesaid, in compliance with the provisions of this ordinance, and the same shall become unsafe or in need of a change or repair in order to make the same safe, the chief or the acting chief of the fire department shall serve notice to make such change within ten days. In case of failure of any owner to have such change or repairs made within the time as required bj the notice he shall for such failure be subjected to the same penalty provided in this ordinance to place fire escapes in the first instance. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the foregoing are hereby repealed. Adopted March 12, 1901. BUILDING ORDINANCES OF THE FIRE DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF SHREVEPORT Be it ordained by the Legislative Council of the City of Shreveport, as follows: Section 1. Conformity to ordinance. 1. No wall, structure, building, part or parts thereof shall hereafter be built, constructed, altered or repaired in the said fire district except in conformty with the provisions of this ordinance. 2. Corrugated buildings shall not be built within the fire limits. 3. All buildings hereafter erected within the said fire district shall have all walls constructed of stone, brick, iron or hard incombustible ma- terial, properly bonded and solidly put together with close joints; and the several component parts of such buildings shall be built and con- structed in such manner as herein provided. Section 2. Foundation walls and piling. 1. All -foundation walls shall be laid not less than two feet below the surface of the earth, on a good solid bottom, and in case the nature of the earth shall require it, piles shall be driven or timbers laid of suffi- cient size and thickness to prevent the walls from settling too deep, and such a pile or timber bottom must be driven or laid below the water lines. 2. Where piles are driven for a foundation they shall not be less than five inches in diameter at the small end, and shall be driven to a 85 86 firm and solid bearing. All piers, columns or posts resting on the earth shall be set upon a bottom in the same way as the foundation walls. Sec. 3. Thickness of brick walls. 1. Each fifteen feet in height to be considered one story, except the grade line story which may be sixteen feet in height. 1st. Thickness of walls in inches. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 9th. 10th. 10th story .... .... .... 13 9th story 13 18 8th story 13 18 22.5 7th story 13 18 22.5 27 6th story 13 18 22.5 27 31.5 5th story 13 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 4th story 13 17 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 3rd story .... 13 17 17 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 2nd story 13 17 17 22 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 1st story 13 17 17 22 26 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 'Basement 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 Parapet walls to rise not less than 18 inches above roof and to be not less than 13 inches thick. Girders and beams to rest on ledges of metal, stone or brick. 2. All the footings to be twice the width of the basement walls, and the depths of the footings shall be one-half of their width. 3. Dwelling houses may be built with four and a half inches or one brick less in thickness than the above table shows, but no wall shall be less than thirteen inches, or one and one-half brick in thickness. 4. The footings and foundation walls shall be laid in cement mor- tar at least twelve (12) inches above the grade line. 5. All floor joists shall rest on 4 1-2 inch projections as provided for, and all covering the thickness of the walls. 6. All bricks shall be laid with joints broken and all filled with mortar, and every fifth course shall be laid with headers. 7. All party walls shall have 4 1-2 inches projections, corbelled put on one or both stones, as may be necessary to carry full joists. 8. Front, rear and side walls shall be built up at the same time. 87 Sec. 4. Width between side walls. 1. Whenever the space between the side walls shall exceed twenty feet and not supported with partition walls or girders, supported on iron, stone, hardwood or brick pilasters, the thickness of the walls shall be increased four and one-half inches for every five feet or fraction thereof, in width, except as hereinafter provided. Sec. 5. Elevators trapped. 1. All elevators shall be properly guarded. See. 7. Cornices. 1. No cornices shall be built on any building except of fireproof material. Sec. 8. Parapet walls. 1. Parapet walls must extend above the roofs at least three feet, and shall be at least thirteen inches thick. The last four courses shall be laid in Portland, cement mortar and covered with some mortar one inch thick. 2. Stone or terra cotta may be used instead of the foregoing, in which the stone or terra cotta shall extend at least one inch over each side of the wall and all joints shall be well filled with Portland cement mortar. Sec. 9. Walls to be anchored. 1. External and party walls above the ground floor shall be securely anchored at least every twelve feet to each tier of joists with approved wooden anchors, which shall allow the joists to fall out without injuring the walls. 2. When joists, are supported by girders the anchorage of the joists must be made continuous by approved wooden anchors of proper propor- tions. Sec. 10. 'Brick. 1. The bricks used in all buildings shall be good, hard well burned brick; no swelled, refuse or soft bricks shall be used and in all brick walls every fifth course shall be a heading course, except, however, where walls are faced with brick in running bond, in which case every fifth course shall be bonded into the backing by cutting the course of the face brick and putting in diagonal headers behind the same, or by splitting the face brick in half and backing the same with a contiguous row of headers. 88 2. All brick laid in known freezing weather shall be well wet im- mediately before being laid. 3. Paragraph 1 of section 10 shall apply only to business houses and manufacturing establishments and public institutions and good salmon brick may be used in the upper stories of residence houses. Sec. 11. Lime mortar. 1. All lime mortar shall be thoroughly mixed in the proportions of one part of fresh unslacked lime to three parts of clean, sharp sand, free from loam. 2. All lime mortar shall be at least two days old before using. Sec. 12. Louisville cement mortar. 1. Louisville cement mortar shall be mixed in the proportion of one part of fresh Louisville cement and two parts of clean, sharp sand, free from loam. All Louisville cement mortar must be used within twenty minutes after mixing. Sec. 13. Portland cement mortar. 1. All Portland cement mortar must be used within thirty minutes after mixing. Sec. 14'. [Bearing on lintels or girders, width of party posts, sup- ports under lintels, fire proof columns, filling in party posts, cast iron columns, filling in iron castings. 1. Iron posts in front of party walls shall be filled up solid with masonry, and made perfectly tight between joists and walls to effectually prevent the passage of smoke and fire. 2. Cast iron .columns and posts which are to be used for the sup- port of the wooden or iron girders or brick walls not cast with one open side or back, before being set up in place shall have a three-eighths of an inch hole drilled in the shaft of each post or column by the manufac- turer or contractor furnishing the same, to exhibit the thickness of the castings, and any other similar sized holes which the inspector of the buildings or his duly authorized representatives may require shall be drilled in the side of the posts or columns by the said manufacturer or contractor at his own expense, and at any time prior to the setting of the said posts or columns. Iron posts or columns shall have solid iron plates on top of each to prevent the passage of smoke or fire through them from one story to another, and the bottoms and tops of all iron posts and columns, caps and bases shall be made true. 89 3. No posts or columns shall be used in any buildings of less aver- age thickness of shaft than three-quarters of an inch. Sec. 15. Floors to be of sufficient strength to hold the weight im- posed. 1. In all buildings every floor shall be of sufficient strength in all its parts to bear safely upon every superficial foot of its surface seventy- five pounds; and if used as a store, factory, warehouse or for any man- ufacturing or commercial purpose from one hundred and fifty pounds or upwards; and in every building used as a place of public assembly the floors shall be of sufficient strength to bear safely upon each superficial foot of its surface at least one hundred and twenty pounds; and every floor shall be of sufficient strength to bear the weights aforesaid in ad- dition to the weights of materials used in its construction; and every column, post or other vertical support shall be of sufficient strength to bear safely the weights of the portion of e'ach and every floor depending upon it for support, in addition to the weight required as above to be ( - supported safely upon said portions of said floors. Sec. 16. Buildings not to be enlarged, altered or built upon until after examination. 1. No building already erected or hereafter to be built in the fire district of the City of Shreveport, La., shall be raised, altered or built upon in such manner that where such buildings wholly built or construct- ed after the passage of this act, it would be in violation of the provi- sions of this title. 2. Before any building shall be enlarged, raised, altered or built up, the same shall first be examined by the inspector of the buildings to as- certain if the building or buildings are in good, safe condition, to be en- larged, raised, altered or built up; and the decision of said inspector shall be final. Sec. 17. Fire escapes. 1. All buildings that are now erected, or that hereafter may be erect- ed, three or more stories in height, occupied or to be occupied by three or more families above the first flo.or, and every building already erected or that may hereafter be built three or more stories in height, occupied or used as a hotel or boarding house, having more than fifteen rooms, and every factory, mill, office building, manufactory or workshop, hospital or asylum or institution for the care or treatment of invalids, and every building, if in whole or in part, occupied or used as a school or place of instruction or assembly, shall be provided with such good and suffi- cient fire escapes, or other means of egress in case of fire, as shall be di- 90 rected by the inspector of buildings, and said inspector shall direct such means of egress to be provided in all cases, where he shall deem the same necessary. 12. The owner or owners of any building upon which any fire es- capes now are, or hereafter be erected, shall keep the same in good repair and well painted, and no person shall at any time place any incumbrance of any kind whatsoever before or upon any fire escape from any building in this city. 3. It shall be the duty of all firemen, policemen or other officer of the city, who shall discover any fire-escape, balcony or ladder of any fire escape encumbered in any way to forthwith verbally notify the oc- cupant of the premises or apartments to which the said fire escape bal- cony or ladder is attached, and for use the same is provided, to re, move said encumbrance and keep the same clear. 4. Failure to remove any incumbrance or obstruction to a fire es- cape after notice, is hereby declared a misdemeanor, and upon convic- tion every person found guilty of same shall be fined not less than one dollar nor more than fifty dollars. Sec. 18. Powers of inspector of building. 1. The inspector of buildings shall have full power (except as here- inafter provided for) in passing upon any question relative to the mode, manner of construction or materials to be used in the erection or altera- tion of any building or other structure provided for under this title, in any part of the fire district of the City of Shreveport, to make same con- form to the true intent and meaning of the several provisions herein. He shall also have power to vary or modify the provisions of this title upon application therefor in writing, only in case of old buhldings or use of party walls belonging to different owners, where the same cannot be taken down and where there are practical difficulties in the way of car- rying out the strict letter of this law, so that the spirit of this law be observed, the public safety secured and substantial justice done; but no such deviation shall be permitted except a record of the same shall be kept by the inspector of buildings, and a certificate be first issued to the party applying for the same. Sec. 19. Penalty. 1. For each and every violation of this ordinance the offender shall be fined not less than $1 nor more than $35 or not exceeding 50 days’ imprisonment; in default of payment of the said fine he shall be ordered to work the same out on the public streets and alleys or other public work of the City of Shreveport at the rate of ohe dollar per day for each day of labor performed. 91 Be it Resolved, etc., That the city engineer, chief of the fire depart- ment and street commissioner shall constitute the board of building in- spectors. Adopted January 11, 1895. AN ORDINANCE. (As Amended August 21, 1900.) Regulating the erection of buildings within the City of Shreveport. 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport, that no building shall be erected, or its erection commenced, or any alteration made in any building already erected, or hereafter to be erected,, when such building or alteration shall cost more than $249, unless plans and specifications, with estimated cost of such building or alteration, shall have first been submitted to the City Engineer and his approval indorsed or granted thereon; the plans and specifications must be accompanied with the name and residence of the owner, architect and builder or con- tractor, and must set forth clearly the location of the building. 2. After approval of the City Engineer is obtained and attached to the plans and specifications, etc., they shall be handed to the City Comptroller, who shall make a record or minute of the location of said building, name of owner, builder or architect, estimated cost and char- acter of building, and shall issue a permit to the party applying. 3. That the charge for a permit be $1 in each and every case, and that the Chief of Police be instructed to report all buildings or improve- ments of buildings to the comptroller. 4. Whenever the City, Engineer refuses to grant his approval, the applicant may apply to the Council. 5. Any person violating this ordinance, and any owner of premises whereon the erection or alterations are planned to be made, by erecting or altering or permitting the erection or altering of buildings, without 'having first obtained a permit, or without a permit having first been ob- tained for said erection, repairs or alterations as herein provided, shall for each and every offense, be fined not exceeding $25 at the discretion of the Mayor and on failure to pay said fine he may be ordered to work the same out on the public streets or alleys or other public work at the rate of one dollar per day for each day of labor performed; each day in which owner or builder or other person persists in the work, after being 92 notified to desist by the street commissioner, there being no permit out- standing for said work, shall be considered a separate offense. 6. This ordinance shall go into effect from April 15, 1897. Adopted April 1, 1907. AN ORDINANCE Providing for the removal of any house or other structure that en- croaches or that shall hereafter encroach upon any street. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreve- port in legal and regular session convened, that it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to maintain any existing house or other structure of any kind, which encroaches upon any street, alley or public square, levee or public road, landing or port, or any other public place in said city. Further that it is hereby made unlawful for any person, firm or corporation hereafter to erect and maintain any such house or other structure. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, etc., That the owner of any such en- croaching house or other structure shall remove same from any such pub- lic property above described within twenty (20) days after he shall have been served with a written notice by the street commissioner so to do. In event that the said notice shall not have been complied with within the time designated, the street commissioner shall tear down and re- move said structure forthwith. Adopted June 11, 1907. Building on Levee or Other Streets. Be it ordained, That anyone who shall hereafter build or place any house, 'booth or shed on the levee or in the streets shall be subjected to a fine of ten dollars for each day such house, booth or shed shall re- main; recoverable before the Mayor or the Justice of Peace, and that any person or persons who have already erected houses, booths or sheds in the streets or on the levee shall be liable to the same fine ($10) 3tor each day if they fail to remove same after due notice. Adopted December 7, 1847. Gutter Spouts. Be it ordained, That all gutter spouts from buildings shall be so trained as to carry the water to the street gutter and any person or per sons not complying with the ordinance within ten days shall be subjected 93 to a fine of not less than $5 for each and every day then* gutter spouts remain in condition to throw water into the streets. Adopted April 10, 1875. AN ORDINANCE Regulating the Construction of Flues in the City of Shreveport. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport in le- gal assembly convened, that from and after the promulgation of this ordinance all flues to be built hereafter in houses in said city shall be constructed according to the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and filed herewith and made part thereof. 'The said flues shall be constructed of best quality of hard burnt brick and to be topped out at least one foot above the comlbs of all ad- joining roofs and to be lined on the inside with vitrified tile pipe as shown on said plan. Said pipe to be governed by the size and capacity of its service and to be extended below the ceiling at least three feet, and the said tile to be so placed as to have an air ehamebr all around same. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, etc., That any builder, contractor or owner, who shall construct any flue in violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not less than one dollar, nor more than one hundred dollars, and shall be ordered to remove same without delay, and on failure to do so shall be fined not less than one dollar or more than fifty dollars and on failure to pay said fine or fines, he shall be or- dered to work the same out on the public streets and alleys or other pub- lic work at the rate of one dollar per day for each day of labor per- formed. Adopted January 16, 1902. AN ORDINANCE Regulating the Height of Smoke Stacks in the City Within Certain Dis- tances from Residences or Wooden Buildings so as to Read as Follows: (Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport, in reg- ular session convened that all smoke stacks, of factories, laundries, com- presses, railroad engine round houses, gas works, electric light and pow- er houses, ice plants, hotels and shops in the city within two hundred (200) feet of any wooden residence or building, shall be twenty (20) 94 feet higher than said adjacent residence or building; where there are more than two hundred feet and less than three hundred feet distance from such wooden buildings or residences they shall be eight feet higher than the adjacent buildings. Be it further ordained that the present smoke stacks in the limits above named shall be adjusted to the proper height by the owner or per- son in charge within thirty days from promulgation hereof. And it is made a misdemeanor to operate or use said smoke stack not in conformity with this ordinance after thirty days of promulgation hereof. IBe it further ordained, etc., that any breach of this ordinance shall be punishable by a fine not less than one dollar and not more than fifty dollars, and in default of the payment of the said fine he shall be ordered to work the same out in the public streets and alleys or other public Works of the City of Shreveport at the rate'of one dollar per day for each day of labor performed. Adopted, June 15, 1903. Forges, Furnaces, Bake Shops, Etc. Be it ordained that every person or persons, who shall build, erect or construct any forge, blacksmith shop or bake house or oven, within the limits of that portion of the town from Commerce street, and from Fannin street to Crockett, inclusive, without permission from the Board of Trustees, shall upon conviction thereof pay a fine of not less than $25 or more than $100. For every five days such building or otherwise may remain an additional fine of not less than $5 per day. Adopted July 2*3, 1847. Laundry Ordinance. Be it ordained by the City Council of the city of Shreveport, that the operation and conduct of a steam laundry in block 6 of the City of Shreveport is dangerous to life and health and is hereby prohibited from and after this, September 10th. Adopted September 10, 1897. Wooden Awnings. Be it ordained by the Board of Trustees of the City of Shreveport, in legal council assembled, that wooden awnings are forbidden within the fire limits, and where wooden awnings exist at the passage of this ordi- nance, it shall be unlawful to make any repairs to the same, but when discovered out of order or dangerous, shall be torn down. Be it further ordained, etc., that this ordinance shall go into effect immediately after its publication, and that any violation of its provi- 95 sions shall subject the offender to a fine of not less than $5 nor more than $100, collectable before the Mayor or any court of competent juris- diction. OBe it further ordained, etc., that all awnings hereafter constructed shall receive their support from the front of the building to which they are attached. No support of any kind shall rest on the street or sidewalk. Adopted July 11, 1889. AN ORDINANCE Requiring Theatres to Have Fire Exits. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport, in le- gal and regular session convened that from and after the promulgation of this ordinance it shall be unlawful for the proprietor, owner, manager or agent of any theater or other public place of amusement in said city to operate same without first having provided same with the necessary fire exit, as follows: Each place of amusement shall be provided with at least one exit, not less in size than the ordinary door, 3x7 feet, not including the en- trance, and to be designated as fire exits, by the showing of a red light and sign to read “Fire Exit.” Be it further ordained, etc., that the proprietor, owner, manager or agent of any theater or other public place of amusement must, before operating same, have permission from the chief of the fire department and the electrical inspector. Be it also ordained that any one failing to observe all the provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction before any court of competent jurisdiction, be fined not less than twenty-five ($25.00) dollars or more than one hundred ($100.00) dollars, for each day of failure to comply with same, and in default of payment of said fine shall be sentenced to work same out on the streets and alleys and other public places of the City of Shreveport, at the rate of one dollar per day for each day of la- bor performed. Adopted July 9, 1907. SANITARY REGULATIONS AN ORDINANCE Forbidding the sale of unwholesome, adulterated or tainted food, fish, vegetables, milk and other liquids and medicines; regulating and keeping, prescribing and sale of poisonous drugs, etc., removal and reporting of persons and animals sick with contagious or infectious disease, etc.; removal of ordure or other offensive matter; regulat- ing and prescribing the duties of vidanguer; relating to the inter- ment or disinterment of dead bodies, etc.; requiring the vaccina- tion of school children, etc.; relating to quarantine and other rules of Board of Health and for other purposes and prescribing penal- ties for the violation of its provisions. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport, that it shall be unlawful for any person or persons within the corporate limits of the City of Shreveport to bring any animal sick with epidemic, infectious or contagious disease, owning or having in charge any animal so diseased, any person or persons upon being notified by the health officer, shall remove the same beyond the city limits. Any vio- lation of this section shall subject the offender or offenders to a fine not exceeding $25 nor less than $5. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, etc., That it shall be unlawful for the owner of any horse, mule, cow, dog, cat, or any animal that may die within the city, to permit the same to remain longer than twelve hours before removal to the nuisance wharf, and there to be thrown into the downward current of the river; provided, that the death is not caused from poisoning by the proper officers of the City of Shreveport; in such an event the removal shall be at the expense of the city. Any violation of this section shall subject the offender or offenders to a fine of not ex- ceeding $10 and not less than $1. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, etc., That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to throw any dead animal, fish, carrion, ordure, or other unhealthy or offensive matter into the river or bayou except it be at the nuisance wharf designated" by the Board of Health. Any vio- lation of this section shall subject the offender or offenders to a fine not exceeding $10, and not less than $1. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, etc., That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to bring or cause to be brought into the sanitary district any hides, bones, pelts, rags, or any other article which may 96 97 tend to produce infection or in any way injure or endanger the public health. Any violation of this section shall subject the offender or of- fenders to a fine inot exceeding $25. nor less than $5. tSec. 5. Be it further ordained, etc., That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to knowingly sell or expose for sale, in public or private, any blown, stale, decaying, rotten, or unwholesome provisions, vegetables, fruit, or any tainted meat, or fish, or any impure food, or any drink liable to be injurious to health, or the flesh of any animal that has died of disease, or which was diseased when killed. Any violation of this section shall subject the offender or offender®' to a fine not exceed- ing $25, nor less than $5. Sec. 6. Be it further ordained, etc., That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to adulterate, or cause to be adulterated, in man- ner liable to injure the public health, whether for sale or otherwise, any substance intended for food, any liquid intended for drink, or any drug intended for medicine, or to offer any such adulterated articles for sale. Any violation of this section shall subject the offender or offenders to a fine not exceeding $25, nor less than $5. Sec. 7. Be it further ordained, etc., That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to hold, keep or expose for sale any poisonous drugs, medicine, preparation or substance, or to give, prescribe or admin- ister the same, except for lawful purposes and with the proper motives, and by persons competent to give the directions and precautions as to the use thereof, or shall deliver or cause to be delivered to any person any box, parcel or receptacle containing any such article, unless the same is marked “ poison ’ ’ in large and legible letters. Any violation of this section shall subject the offender or offenders to a fine not ex- ceeding $50 and not less than $10. Sec. 8. Be it further ordained, etc., That it shall be unlawful for any distiller, brewer or keeper of a work-shop, manufactory, or labora- tory, warehouse, hidehouse, or soap boiler or any other person, to have, keep, use, or produce within the sanitary district, any foul, fetid, putrid, offensive or injurious matters, substances or vapors liable to injure health. Any violation of this section shall be liable to a fine of not more than $25 and not less than $5, and if the same is not abated in twenty- four hours after notification, shall be liable to a fine of not more than $50 and not less than $10. iSec. 9. Be it further ordained, etc., That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to knowingly or wantonly sell or expose for sale any unwholesome, watered or adulterated milk, or milk known as swill milk, or milk from cows fed on swill, garbage, or other unhealthful mat- ters, butter or cheese made from such milk, or any unwholesome butter 98 or cheese. Any violation of this section shall subject the offender or of- fenders to a fine of not more than $10 and not less than $5. Sec. 10. Be it further ordained, etc., That whenever in the opinion of the Board of Health there exists any nuisance, the continuance of which may endanger life or health, the said Board, through its proper officers, shall notify the owner or tenant of the premises where such nuisance exists; or the person or persons responsible for the existence of such nuisance, to abate the same. Any refusal or neglect to do so within the time designated in the notice, shall subject the offender or offenders to a fine not exceeding $25 nor less than $5. , Sections 11, 12 and 13 repealed. Sec. 14. Be it further ordained, etc., That it shall be the duty of the vidanguer to deodorize and disinfect the content© of each privy be- fore and after the removal of the same in such a manner as may from time to time be prescribed by the Board of Health, and deposit the con- tents into the river at the nuisance wharf. Any violation of this section shall subject the offender or offenders to a fine not exceeding $10 and not less than $1. Sec. 15. Be it further ordained, etc., That licensed vidanguers are allowed to charge not exceeding fifty cents per box; provided such box does not exceed the regulation privy box in size, and is not filled to over- flowing, when in such case $1 shall be the maximum charge. Sec. 16. Be it further ordained, etc., That the regulation prixy box shall be the size of half a barrel, or a box two feet square and eighteen inches* deep. Sec. 17. Be it further ordained, etc., That the regulation disinfectants shall be lime, gas lime or the following composition: Copperas, 10 pounds; crude carbolic acid, 2 gallons; water, 20 gallons. Sec. 18. Be it further ordained, etc., That the nuisance wharf shall be at a point below the Texas and Pacific Railroad depot, where the canal from Silver Lake empties into Bed River, and shall extend up the river 60 feet. Sec. 19. Be it further ordained, etc., That it shall be unlawful to int/er or disinter any body within the corporate limits of the City of Shreveport without a permit from the proper authorities. Any violation of this section shall subject the offender or offenders to a fine not ex- ceeding $50 and not less than $25. 'Sec. 20. Be it further ordained, etc., That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to remove or assist in the removal of any person fcjiek with r:,n cagious, infectious, or other disease dangerous to public 99 health from the house or dwelling in which such person may be, without a permit from the Board of Health. Any violation of this section shall subject the offender or offenders to a fine not exceeding $25 and not less than $5. QUARANTINE. Section 21. Whenever, in. the discretion of the Board of Health, it shall be deemed necessary for the protection of public health, a quar- antine may be established; provided, a majority of the City Council con- curs therein. Sec. 22. Be it further ordained, etc., That all practitioners of medi- cine; masters of vessels; 'hotel, boarding or lodging house keepers; prin- cipals of any boarding school or seminary; the chief officers or persons in charge of any boarding school or seminary; the chief officers or per- sons in charge of any public institutions of charity, asylum, or prison, are hereby required to report to the office of the Board of Health all cases of contagious or infectious diseases within twenty-four hours after said disease or diseases are known to exist. Any violation of this section ehal|l subject the offender or offenders to a fine not exceeding $25 and not less than $5. Sec. 23. Be it further ordained, etc., That no child shall be admitted as a pupil in any public school without a certificate of successful vacci- nation from a practicing physician, or satisfactory proof of the same; the Board of Health will from time to time afford means of gratuitous vaccination to those in indigent circumstances. Sec. 24. Be it further ordained, etc., That all offenses committed under the foregoing ordinance shall be collectable before the Mayor or any court of competent jurisdiction, and that all cases where the fines imposed are not paid, that the offenders shall be sentenced to work on the streets of the city one day for each dollar of fine. Sec. 25. Be it further ordained, etc., That all ordinances and parts of ordinances conflicting with this ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed, and that this ordinance shall go into effect from and after its passage. Adopted March 24, 1879. (See Board of Health laws.) 100 INSPECTOR OF MEATS. Act No. 192 of the session of Legislature of 1898 makes it impera- tive that Hoards of Health of all incorporated cities in the State shall establish the inspection of meat offered for sale within the corporate limits. The Shreveport Board of Health, therefore, with concurrence of the Mayor and Council at a regular session held on the 5th day of June, 1899, created the office of meat inspector, said inspection to conform to the laws governing the inspection of meat, fixed by the code adopted by the State Board of Health, and fixed the fees as follows: Livestock Carcasses Beeves .10 .10 Yearlings under 300 pounds 10 .10 Calves 05 .05 Hogs and Shoats 05 .05 Sheep and Lambs 05 .05 Croats and kids 05 .05 Packing Company imported meat, per car $10.00 Be it further ordained, etc., That it shall be unlawful for any per- son or persons to convey through any of the streets or alleys of the city, without being covered, any freshly slaughtered meats. All violations thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than $2.50 or more than $10 for each offense, recoverable before the City Judge according to the charter of the city. INFECTIOUS DISEASES. Resolved, That the Mayor and the Chief of Police are hereby in- structed to . co-operate with the Board of Health in any steps deemed necessary to abate the nuisance caused by the outbreak of glanders or any other infectious disease of stock at all times without further spe- cial act of this council. Adopted July 19, 1890. AN ORDINANCE Requiring all butcher shops, grocery stores, markets and other establish- ments in the City of Shreveport, where beef, fish, fresh meats, etc., are sold or exposed for sale, to be screened in such manner as to prevent flies from coming in contact with such meats; to prevent the sale of meats, etc., unless same have been properly screened; and to provide a penalty for a violation hereof. Be ordained, by the City Council of the City of Shreveport, in reg- ular and legal session convened, That all butcher shops, markets, grocery stores and other establishments in the City of Shreveport where beef, 101 fish or other fresh meats shall be sold or kept or offered for sale, shall be ; and they are hereby ordered, to so screen that portion of their shops, stores or establishments that flies cannot come in contact with or reach the meats so kept, during the months of April, May, June, July, August, September, October and November of each year; and that no person shall keep, sell, or expose for sale any fresh meat or fish in a shop, store or other establishment during said months unless same are properly screened from flies. f QBe it further ordained, That all hotels, with their halls, dining rooms, sleeping apartments, kitchens or other rooms, all boarding houses, lodging houses, lunch or eating stands, bakeries, or bread wagons, all fam- ily grocery stores, where food is kept in broken lots, prepared or eaten, shall be screened with 18-mes'h galvanized wire screens, so as to effective- ly prevent the entry of mosquitoes, flies or other insects. Be it further ordained, That all persons engaged on any of the above premises, or business, shall maintain strict cleanliness of their persons and hands while on duty; and that no person who is suffering with, or been exposed to diphtheria, tuberculosis, or any other contagious or in- fectious diseases, or any skin or venerial disease, shall assist or work in any of the above mentioned businesses or premises. Be it further ordained, That any person violating the provisions hereof, shall be fined in a sum not less than five (5) nor more than twen- ty-five (25) dollars. Adopted April 13, 1909. AN ORDINANCE Forbidding the sale of unwholesome, adulterated or tainted food, fish, vegetables, milk or other liquids and medicines; regulating keep- ing, prescribing and sale of poisonous drugs, etc.; reporting of per- sons and animals sick with contagious diseases, etc.; requiring the vaccination of school children; relating to quarantine and other powers of the Board of Health, and for other purposes, and pre- scribing penalties for violation of its provisions. Section 1. Diseased Animals — Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Shreveport, that it shall be unlawful for any person or persons within the corporate limits of the City of Shreveport to bring any ani- mal sick with epidemic, infectious or dangerous diseases, and any person or persons owning or having in charge any animal so diseased, upon be- ing notified by the health officer, shall remove the same beyond the city 102 limits. Any violation of this section shall subject the offender or of- fenders to a fine of not exceeding $25 nor less than $5. Sec. 2. Disposal of Carcasses — Be it further ordained, etc., that it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to throw any dead animals, fish, carrion, ordure or other offensive or unwholesome matter into the river or bayou except at the nuisance wkarf designated by the Board of Health. Any violation of this section shall subject the offender or offenders to a fine not exceeding $10 nor less than $1. Sec. 3. Hides, Bones, Rags, Etc. — That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to bring or\ause to be brought into the sanitary dis- trict any hides, bones, pelties, or any other article which may tend to produce infection, or in any way injure or endanger the public health. Any violation of this section shall subject the offender or* offenders to a fine not exceeding $25 nor less than $5. Sec. 4. Decaying Matter — Be it further ordained, etc., That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to knowingly sell or expose for sale in public or private any blown, stale, decaying, rotten or unwholesome provisions, vegetables, fruit or tainted meats or fish, or any impure food or any drink liable to be injurious to health, or the flesh of any animal that has died of disease, or which was diseased when killed. Any viola- tion of this section shall subject the offender or offenders to a fine not exceeding $25 nor less than $5. Sec. 5. Adulterating Food, Etc. — Be it ordained, etc., that it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to adulterate or cause to be adul- terated in any manner liable to injure the public health, whether for sale or otherwise, any substance intended for food, any liquid intended for drink, or any drug or medicine, or to offer any such adulterated articles for sale. Any violation of this section shall subject the offender or of- fenders to a- fine not exceeding $25 nor less than $5. Sec. 6. Sale of Poisons — Be it further ordained, etc., That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to hold, keep or expose for sale any poisons, any medicine or preparation or substance, or to give, pre- scribe or administer the same, except for lawful purposes and proper mo- tives, and by persons competent to give the directions and precautions as to the use thereof, or shall deliver or cause to be delivered to any per- son any box, parcel or receptacle containing any such article unless the same is marked “ poison ” in large and legible letters. Any violation of this section shall subject the offender or offenders to a fine not exceed- ing $50 and not less than $5. Sec. 7. Be it further ordained, etc., That it shall be unlawful for any dealer, brewer, keeper of workshop, manufactory or laboratory, 103 ■Warehouse, outhouse, or soapboiler, or any other person to have, keep, use or prodjiice within the sanitary district any foul, fetid, putrid, of- fensive or injurious matters, substances or vapors liable to injure health. Any violation of this section shal'l be liable to a fine of not exceeding $25 and not less than $5, and if the same is not abated in 24 hours after notification, shall be liable to a fine of $50 and not less than $10. Section 8. Adulterated Milk — IBe it further ordained, etc., That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to knowingly or wantonly sell or expose for sale any unwholesome, watered, adulterated milk, or milk known as “sweet milk” or milk from cows fed on swill, garbage or other unhealthy matter, butter or cheese made from such milk, or un- wholesome butter or cheese. Any violation of this section shall subject the offender or offenders to a fine of not more than $10 or less than $5. Sec. 9. Existing Nuisance — Be it further ordained, etc., that when- ever in the opinion of the Board of Health there exists any nuisance, the continuance of which may endanger life or health, the city board, through its proper officers, shall notify the owner or tenant of the premises where such nuisance exists, or the person or persons liable for the ex- istence of such nuisance, to abate same. Any refusal or neglect to do so within the time designated in the notice shall subject the offender or offenders to a fine not exceeding $25 or not less than $5. Sec. 10. Night Carts — Be it further ordained, etc., That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to convey through any streets of the public higirway within the sanitary limits of the City of Shreveport by means of any conveyance whatever, or in any manner, any ordure, ex- crement or other foul or offensive matter without a permit from the Board of Health, except between the hours of 11 P. M. and 4 A. M. Any violation of this ordinance shall subject the offender or offenders to a fine not exceeding $10 or not less than $5. PRIVY SINKS. Be it ordained, That after the first day of January, 1880, all privy sinks and vaults within the corporate limits of the City of Shreveport shall be abolished, and the regulation box system introduced in their stead, except in connection with the hotels and the parish jail, where such modified plans shall be adopted as in the judgment of the Board of Health may be deemed best. 104 MILK ORDINANCE. Be it ordained by the City Council of Shreveport, in legal assembly convened, that the ordinance concerning milk adopted by this Council on the 4th day of April, 1901, ratifying an ordinance of the Board of Health of the City of Shreveport, be amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows: Be it ordained by the City Council, in legal assembly convened, That no milk producer, or vendor, shall, either himself, or through his agents, or employes, offer for sale, or sell or deliver for sale or consumption, with- in the city, any unclean, impure, unhealthy, unwholesome or ' adulterated milk. The term ‘ ‘ adulterated milk, ” when used in this ordinance, shall mean milk showing the following characteristics, to-wit: (a) A specific gravity of less than 1.029 or more than 1.033. (b) Less than three percentum of fat. (c) Less than twelve percentum of milk solids. Milk drawn from. cows within fifteen days before, or five days after parturition; or milk drawn from animals fed on any substance in a state of putrefaction, or on any unhealthy food, or supplied with water which is impure or unwholesome; or milk drawn from cows kept in a crowded, filthy or unclean condition; or milk that has been diluted with water, or any other fluid, or to which had been added or into wh’eh has been in- troduced any substance producing any deleterious effect on said milk; or milk drawn from any animal infected with tuberculosis; or any form of disease. All adulterated milk shall be deemed unclean, unhealthy, im- pure and unwholesome. This ordinance shall go into effect twenty (20) days after its pub- lication, and it shall be thereafter unlawful for any person to have in his possession, with intent to sell, or offer for sale, or sell, offer or ex- pose for sale, or sell, deliver for sale or consumption within this city, any milk without having first obtained from the Board of Health a li- cense to so do, which license shall be issued on application in writing to said Board of Health upon blanks provided for such purposes, and upon payment of the license fee, which is hereby fixed as follows: Said license shall be based upon the number of cows milked, and is fixed as follows: On dairies where five cows or less are milked, the license shall be one dollar per month. On dairies where over five cows and less than ten cows are milked, $1.50 per month. 105 Ten cows and not over fifteen, $2.00 per month. Fifteen and not over twenty cows, $2.75 per month. Twenty and not over twenty-five cows, $3.50 per month. Twenty-five and not over thirty cows, $4.00 per month. Thirty and not over thirty-five cows, $4.50 per month. Thirty-five and not over forty cows, $5.00 per month. Forty and not over forty-five cows, $5.50 per month. Forty-five and not over fifty cows, $6.00 per month. Fifty cows and not over sixty cows, $7.00 per month. Sixty cows and over $7.50 per month. Said license to be taken out monthly in advance and said fees pay- able in advance. , Said license shall not be assignable; shall be effective till the end of eac'h month. Each licensee shall, before engaging in the sale of milk, cause the license number to be legibly placed and kept in a conspicuous place on the outer side of all carriages, carts, wagons, sleighs and other vehicles used by him in the conveyance and sale of said milk. In order to carry out the provisions of this ordinance, the officials, inspectors, and employes of the Board of Health shall have the right at any and all times to enter upon or into the premises of any producer or vendor of milk, licensed under the provisions of this ordinance, and any refusal upon the part of said producer or vendor to allow such entry and inspection, as may be required and directed by the Board of Health, may be followed by the revocation of the license of such ‘producer or vendor by said Board of Health. The milk producer or vendor who shall hereafter offer or expose for sale, sell or deliver for sale or consumption, within said city, any milk without securing a license as above provided, shall be subjected to the penalties provided by this ordinance. The Board of Health shall appoint a competent person, who shall chemically inspect milk, and who shall be designated as the chemist of the Board of Health, and who shall receive a minimum salary of $50 per month. iSaid Board shall also appoint an inspector, whose duties it shall be to inspect dairies and gather samples of milk for inspection by the chemist of the Board. Such inspector shall receive a minimum salary of $50 per month. He shall have the right to enter upon and inspect all places and premises from which milk is sold, and to board all carriages, 106 wagons, carts, sleighs, or other vehicles from which milk is sold or deliv- ered, and to take therefrom samples for analysis; and any person who hinders or obstructs isuch officials, inspectors or employes, while in the discharge of their duties, shall be subjected to the penalties provided in this ordinance. AN AMENDMENT. Be it Resolved, That the milk ordinance be amended to read: “ That any -consumer of milk shall have the right to carry a sample of milk purchased to the chemist and have same examined.” And further, That the inspector shall have the right to go into any hotel, restaurant or boarding house and take samples of milk being served to the guests, or boarders, and have same examined by the chemist. Adopted. , Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not less than $5 nor more than $50 for each offense, and on failure to pay, to work out same on the streets and alleys of the city at the rate of one dollar per day, according to law. All fines recovered for violation of this ordinance shall be paid over to the Board of Health of the City of Shreveport, to be used in maintaining the inspection herein provided for. (See Ordinance adopted July 11, 1909, in Appendix.) CONTAGIOUS AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES. AN ORDINANCE Prohibiting the introduction of small pox and other contagious diseases, or infectious diseases within the City of Shreveport; forbidding common carriers to bring into the city persons suffering from such; prohibiting introduction of infected clothing or personal property, and providing penalties. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport, in lawful assembly convened, That it is hereby made unlawful for any steamboat, railroad or common carrier, or any conductor, captain or agent of such common carrier, to bring into the City of Shreveport any person suffering from or infected with small pox or other contagious dis- ease, or infectious disease; and it is hereby forbidden any conductor or other person or agent of railroads, steamboat or other carrier, to permit 1 07 any one suffering from infectious, or small pox, or other contagious dis- eases, to be put on board for Shreveport, or transported on said trains or other carriers to Shreveport, or to accept for transportation to Shreve- port, or deliver in Shreveport, any person suffering with diseases, or any clothing or personal property infected with such diseases. Any person offending against this ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars nor less than five dollars, and imprisonment not exceeding ten days nor less than one day for each offense — one or both, at the discretion of the Court of competent jurisdiction; and in default of the payment of the said fine, the person in default ‘'shall be ordered to work the same out in the public streets and alleys, or other public works of the City of Shreveport, at the rate of one dollar per day for each day of labor performed. Be it further ordained, That this ordinance igo into effect as soon as promulgated. Adopted March 13, 1900. MISREPRESENTATION IN REGARD TO CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Shreveport, in legal and regular session convened, that it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to make, circulate or report any false and untrue re- ports in reference to any contagious disease or infectious disease in the City of Shreveport. That any person violating this ordinance shall be fined $50, at the discretion of the City Judge. Adopted September 12, 1897. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES, ETC. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Administrators of the City of Shreveport, in legal council assembled, That all proprietors of houses within the limits of said city, upon whose premises there is, or shall hereafter be, any person afflicted with small pox, shall close the doors of his premises in which said person shall be, and prevent all persons from entering said premises, excepting officers of Board of Health and physicians and nurses, and upon failure to comply with this ordinance the proprietor or controller of said premises shall be fined in a sum not to exceed $50.00 for every violation of this ordinance, and in addition thereto said afflicted persQn may be removed outside of the city limits 108 to the pest house, there to remain until all danger of communicating said disease shall have passed. Be it further ordained, etc., That any person found guilty of visit- ing any house in which any person is afflicted with the small pox, without the permission of .the attending physician, shall be fined in a sum not to exceed $25.00, and in default of paying said fine may be removed outside of the city limits to the pest house, there to remain until all danger of contagion shall have passed. Be it further ordained, etc., That it shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to arrest all offenders against this ordinance and bring them before the Mayor, to be dealt with as directed by law and the ordinances of said city. , Adopted February 8, 1873. SMALL POX SIGNALS. AN ORDINANCE Belative to the designation of premises infected with small pox, and penalties imposed for the removal of such. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport, in legal assembly convened, That there shall be placed at or near such premises as are known to be infected with small pox a yellow flag of such dimensions as the health officer may designate; and that it shall be unlawful for any person other than the health officer to tear down or remove or to cause to be removed such flag without permission of the Board of Health. Be it further ordained, etc., That any one so offending shall pay a fine of not less than $5, nor more than $25, at the discretion of the Court. Adopted January 1, 1884. AN ORDINANCE Imposing a penalty for failure to report births within the city limits. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport, the Board of Health concurring, That a fine of $2.50 be imposed upon the father or mother of each child born within the limits of the City of Shreveport, who shall fail to report such births to the Health Officer within twenty days from time of said birth. 109 Be it further ordained, etc., That it shall be unlawful to inter or disinter any body within the city limits of this city without a permit from the Board of Health. Any violation of this section shall subject the offender or offenders to a fine not exceeding $50 and not less than $25. Adopted May 3, 1883. (See Board of Health Laws.) AN ORDINANCE Prohibiting the Transfer of Second Hand Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport, in legal and regular session convened, That it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to sell, barter, give away, transfer, or ex- change any second hand bedding without the official approval of the Board of Health of the City of Shreveport. • Be it further ordained, etc., That any person, firm or corporation that shall violate this ordinance, shall be fined not less than ten ($10) dollars, nor more than fifty ($50) dollars, for each offense, and, in default of payment, shall work out same on the streets or alleys or other public works of the City of Shreveport, at the rate of $1 per day for each day of labor performed. Adopted March 20, 1906. AN ORDINANCE Prohibiting the existence of unused wells and of pools in which there is standing water inadequately drained, and in which water shall be allowed to stagnate. Whereas, it is detrimental to health and to proper sanitation to allow water to stand in unused wells or ponds, because of the resulting propagation of mosquitoes which carry germs and spread diseases, there- fore; Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport, in legal and regular session convened, That it shall be unlawful for any person, or persons, firm, company or corporation to permit any unused well, or any pond in which there is standing water inadequately drained, or allowed to stagnate, to exist on property belonging to them. 110 Be it further ordained, etc., That any person or persons, firm, com- pany or corporation that shall violate any ol the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not less than $5 and no more than $10, upon due conviction before any Court of competent jurisdiction, and shall be ordered to abate the evils within fifteen days, and upon failure of the guilty party to make said abatement within said time, he shall, upon due proof of same before any court of competent jurisdiction, be fined not more than twenty dollars nor less than ten dollars, and the Board of Health of the City of Shreveport may abate said evils at the expense of the said property owner. Adopted July 21, 1904. AN ORDINANCE , Relating to the Yidanguer Service of the City of Shreveport. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport, in regular session convened, That the vidanguer service shall be let by contract by the Mayor and Sanitary Committee of the City Council to a single individual, firm or corporation, for a period of not longer than four years. The person, firm or corporation contract- ing to do the vidanguer service shall execute a bond in favor of the Mayor in the sum of one thousand ($1000.00) dollars, with one or more solvent securities, for the faithful performance of the contract and the discharge of the service under the provisions of this ordinance, and under isuch additional rules and regulations as may from time to time be prescribed by the Board of Health of the City of Shreveport. All fees paid for the privilege of performing the vidanguer service shall be paid over by the city authorities to the Board of Health, said sum to constitute a part of the revenues of said Board. Section 2. Be it further ordained, etc., That all surface and privy closets shall be placed near the alley when practical, accessible to the vidanguer, and so the same can be cleaned without the necessity of tearing down the fences. Should it become necessary to tear down the fences, in order to clean the privy boxes, the vidanguer contractor shall replace the same with as little injury to the property as possible. The owner of the premises shall construct a door, or shield, which can be readily opened and closed so that the boxes containing the foeeal matter can be removed and replaced. Section 3. Be it further ordained, etc., That the occupants of the property shall be, required to procure boxes of the regulation material and size, as follows: Ill The regulation privy boxes shall be made of 1 1-4 inch pine lumber; dimensions 2 feet long, 15 incheis wide, 12 inches deep, water tight, with handles at each end. When any privy box shall be found defective, it shall be ordered replaced by sanitary officers at the expense of the owner. Any failure of the owner to comply with the provisions of this section, s'hall subject himself or herself to a fine not exceeding $10 or lesis than $1, at the discretion of the Court. , Section 4. Be it further ordained, etc., That the vidanguer shall remove, without notice, all foecal matter in all surface and privy closets within the limits of the City of Shreveport. Section 5. Be it further ordained, etc., That the owner or owners shall be liable for and shall pay for the removal of foecal matter, and the cleaning of all surface and privy closets, all fees to be paid semi-annually in advance. In event that said fees are not paid within ten days after maturity and notice to the owner, the same shall be recoverable in any Court of competent jurisdiction at the suit of the vidanguer or other person under contract with the city to do the said service. Section 6. Be it further ordained, etc., That the fees for cleaning of surface and privy closets in the residence and tenement houses, shall be as follows: Four dollars per annum for each regulation box. ^Residence and tenement houses of one family shall have one box, pro- vided that tenement houses of four rooms or more shall have two boxes. Section 7. Be it further ordained, etc., That the vidanguer shall clean each residence and tenement house surface or privy closet at least every forty -five (45) days, and at isuc'h other time as he shall be or- dered by the Board of Health. It shall be the duty of the vidanguer to deodorize and disinfect the contents of each privy before and after the removal of same, in such a manner as may be from time to time prescribed by the Board of Health, and deposit the contents of same into the' river at the nuisance wharf; and shall sprinkle in, around and under each box each time same is emptied; and should he fail to discharge his duty, he shall be subjected to a fine of not less than $5 or more than $25, recoverable before any court of competent jurisdiction, and in default of payment of said fine, to work out same in the streets and alleys or other public works of the City of Shreveport, at the rate of $1 per day for each day of labor performed. Section 8. Be it further ordained, ete., That the fee for the re- moval of foecal matter and the cleaning of all surface and privy closets, other than those specified in Section 6 of this ordinance, shall be fixed by the Board of Health. 112 Section 9. Be it further ordained, etc., That no one shall be per- mitted to remove the contents of the privys except the vidanguer, under a penalty of not less than one dollar or more than ten dollars for each offense, and in default of the payment of the said fine he shall be ordered to work the same out in the streets and alleys or other public works of the City of Shreveport at the rate of one dollar per day for each day of labor performed. Be it further ordained that this ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage and that all ordinances in conflict with the pro- visions of this ordinance, be and the same are hereby repealed. Adopted September 19, 1905. SIDEWALKS AND STREETS AN ORDINANCE (As amended October 11, 1888.) Providing for the width of sidewalks, mode of construction and charac- ter of the material to be used in the same, and mode ol curbing, etc. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Board of Trustees of the City of Shreveport, in legal council assembled, That forty (40) per cent of the entire width of every street and road within the corporate limits of the City of Shreveport shall be used exclusively as f ootwalks; to such roads and streets one-half of said forty (40) per cent to be alloted to each side of every road and street, the other 60 per cent to consti- tute the roadway for vehicular traffic between t'he curbs of every road and street. Provided, that the footwalks on the side of any street or road shall not exceed thirteen- feet in width. Section 2. Repealed. (See ordinance adopted December 19, 1906.) Section 3. Be it further ordained, That all sidewalks shall be level or filled, as occasion may require, to the common or established grade, and in accordance with the drainage contour of each block or subdi- vision of each block, street, roadway or alley. Section 4. Be it further ordained, That all footwalks of the fol- lowing named streets shall be paved with brick, stone flags, asphalt or other smooth, hard substance other than wood for their entire length, namely: Commerce, Spring, Market, Edwards, McNeil, Louisiana, Caddo, Eannin, Travis, Texas, Milam, Crockett, Cotton, Lake, Texas avenue,. Marshall and Common. The footwalks of all the alleys adjutting on the foregoing named streets shall also be' paved with brick or stone flags. Section 4. Be it further ordained, That the footwalks of all other streets not enumerated in Section 4 of this ordinance may be covered with boards not less than two inches thick, and for a width not less than six feet, the outer edge to be curved at proper lines as provided in Section one (1) of this ordinance j all plank to be well nailed down on not less than 6x6 sills, every four feet apart. Footwalks in front of 113 114 dwellings shall be privileged to use 25 per cent of the space allotted to each f ootwalk as neutral ground for sodding* with grass and plant- ing trees. Section 6. Be it further ordained, etc., That all the expenses of ascertaining grade, levels and lines of filling, excavating, paving and curbing the footwalks of all the streets, roads and alleys in the City of Shreveport shall be borne by the owners of lots and lands fronting theron. Section 7. Be it further ordained, etc., That any person or persons violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and be subject to a penalty of not less than $5 nor more than $100., collectable before the Mayor or any court of competent juris- diction, and be compelled to remove any material placed on footwalks contrary to that specified herein. Section 8. Be it further ordained, That all ordinances in conflict with this ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed, and that this ordinance take effect from and after its promulgation for ten days. Adopted September 13, 1888. A 1ST ORDINANICE Abolishing sidewalks in alleys and fixing the drainage in the center of same. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport, in legal and regular session convened, That henceforth no portion of any alley in this city shall be reserved for sidewalk purposes. Be it further ordained, That the drainage trough course of said alley is hereby placed in the center of same running longitudinally. Be .it further ordained, etc., That whenever any alley is paved that the city shall pay one-third and the owners of the abutting prop- erties shall pay two-thirds of the cost of said pavement, according to their respective frontages and pursuant to the provisions of Act No. 1 of the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana for the year of 1896. Adopted December 19, 1906. RESOLUTION. Resolved, That where property owners have failed to comply with the ordinance regulating the width and character of sidewalks, as adopted by this Council in September, 1888, that the Street Commis- 1] 5 sioner give them public notice that in five days after the City Surveyor has given lines, unless they have begun to do such wort, he will let out contracts for such work at their expense, and the Street Commis- sioner is 'hereby empowered to contract for the construction of all nec- essary work in carrying out the provisions of said ordinance, where the property owners have failed to comply with same. Resolved, further, That the outer curb of all sidewalks shall be of uniform height in each block following the contour of said street from rising from the curb to the block line not less than three inches. Adopted September 26, 1889. A RESOLUTION. Fixing the width of sidewalks to be hereafter laid on Common Street, Lake Street, Commerce and Caddo Streets and all streets in- cluded in the area bounded by the streets above mentioned. Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Shreveport, in legal and regular session convened, That all sidewalk pavements that shall hereafter be laid on Common Street, Lake, Commerce and Caddo Streets, and all sidewalk pavements that shall herafter be laid on any streets in the area bounded by the above mentioned streets, shall be six feet in width. Adopted April 10, 1906. AN ORDINANCE Providing for the laying of concrete sidewalks on all streets, the road- way portion of which have been brought to the grade established by the city. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport, in legal and regular session convened, That abutting property holders shall lay concrete sidewalks on all streets, the roadway portion of which have been been brought to grade established by the city. These side- walks shall be four feet wide, and shall be laid according to the plans and specifications adopted by the said city and on file in the office of the City Engineer. (Provided, that the provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to sidewalks in the business portion of the city, which shall continue to be governed by the provisions of a resolution adopted on April 10, 1906.) 116 Be it further ordained, etc., That if any abutting property holder shall fail to lay said- sidewalks, after due notice given him by any authorized officer of the city to do so, then the said city shall lay said sidewalk at the expense of said owner, and shall be entitled to a lien and privilege against said abutting property for the cost of said side- walk, according to the provisions of the charter of said city. Be it further ordained, etc., That all ordinances or parts of or- dinances in conflict be and same are hereby repealed. Adopted August 27, 1906. AN ORDINANCE Relative to Curbs and Sidewalks. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport, in legal session convened: Section 1. That wooden curbs on all sidewalks shall be of uniform height in each block and corresponding foot grade following the contour of the streets, and shall not be less than fifteen inches in height, and where plank is used the material must be sound lumber, not less than three inches thick by fifteen inches in width. Section 2. Be it further ordained, etc., That it shall be the duty of the Street Commissioner to inspect all street curbs constructed under this and prior ordinances relating to the subject matter, and report all defects in construction of same to the Council. Section 3. Be it further ordained, etc., That this ordinace shall take effect from and after its passage and promulgation. Adopted May 14, 1891. Resolved, That no more wooden gutters shall be put in on that portion of the city bounded by and including Milam Street, Commerce Street, Travis Street and the river. Adopted October 8, 1891. AN ORDINANCE Fixing Materials for Curbing. Be it ordained by the City Council, That throughout the city that all curbing of sidewalks shall be of the same material or of material 117 just as durable as the sidewalks are required to be, and that wooden curbings shall be permissible only in those parts of the city where wooden sidewalks are permitted. Be it further enacted, That where present curbings are repaired or rebuilt, parties shall conform to this ordinance, and the Street Com- missioner shall prevent any repairing or rebuilding contrary hereto. Be it further enacted, That for each offense against this ordinance the person offending shall be fined not exceeding $25 or not exceeding five days' imprisonment. Adopted May 21, 1900. CURB LINES. Resolved, That the curb lines shall be rounded off at sharp angles at the street intersections, so as to facilitate the turning of vehicles not to exceed thirteen feet from the property line at any point on the angle. Adopted April 24, 1890. .AN ORDINANCE Requiring the owners of property to make, grade and keep in repair the banquettes or sidewalks in front thereof. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport, in legal assembly convened, That all owner or owners of property shall make, grade, and keep in repair, at their own expense, all banquettes and sidewalks thereof. Section 2. Be it further ordained, etc., That the Street Commis- sioner shall examine all such sidewalks or banquettes as he may deem out of repair or necessary to be graded, and shall notify the owner or owners of the property, repairs or necessary grades to be made, and shall order them to have the same repaired or graded within a specified time. Section 3. Be it further ordained, etc., That on the failure to com ply with this order the Street Commissioner shall proceed to have the said banquettes or sidewalks graded or repaired in a proper manner 118 and that the City Attorney shall proceed to collect from the said owner or owners the amount expended on the same in accordance with the provisions of the City Charter on this subject. Section 4. Be it further ordained, etc., That this ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage. Adopted July 7, 1881. STREETS, GUTTERS, ETC., OBSTRUCTION OP AN ORDINANCE To prevent the obstruction of streets, gutters, banquettes and other places provided for the cleanliness of streets, gutters, lots, etc.; to prescribe the duties of householders and occupants' of premises, prescribing the duties of all persons relating to the enforcement of same and prescribing penalties for the viola- tion of its provisions. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreve- port, That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to encumber or obstruct any of the streets, alleys or banquettes, gutters or side- walks, or any public road, public places, river banks batture or levee of the City of Shreveport, by depositing in or on the same any box, bale, hogshead, barrel, any goods, waies or merchandise, or any article whatsoever, except for the necessary time of loading or unloading the same. Nor shall any person or persons be permitted to obstruct with, or lodge any merchandise, cotton, wood, lumber, timber, logs or other matter, thing, substance or material of any kind on the batture of the city, or anywhere on the river bank or wharves in front of the city or on the levee between Cross bayou ferry landing and the nuisance wharf, (provided that freight and cargoes of railroads and others incor- porated carriers, and steamboats and other water craft, shall be allowed necessary time for loading and unloading and delivery of the same) and should any person or persons owning or having charge of anything ob- structing or lodged upon or in other of the places hereinbefore desig- nated, fail t.o remove the same within reasonable time after being noti- fied by the Street Commissioner, police officer, health or sanitary officer, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be subject to fine before the Mayor or any court of competent jurisdiction in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, nor less than one dollar, according to the nature of the offense, and in which default of the payment shall be sentenced to work on the streets one day for each dollar of fine. (See ordinance adopted Nov. 13, 1888.) 119 Section 2. Repealed. (See ordinance adopted November 14 ; 1907.) Section 3. Be it further ordained, etc., That whenever any obstruc- tions for whic'h no owner or claimer can be found, or any obstructions which the owner or claimer fails to remove after a reasonable time, it shall be the duty of . any police, health or .sanitary officer to remove the same to the public pound or any public warehouse and have the same stored in the name of the City of Shreveport, except in the case of debris available for filling streets, which shall be taken charge of by the Street Commissioner and used for that purpose without any right of reclamation by the owner. Any obstruction so removed shall be ad- vertised for three days by Chief of Police, and if not identified and reclaimed shall be sold at public auction. All expenses incurred by re- moval and storage of such obstructions shall be paid by the owner or owners of same, or by the Chief of Police, out of the proceeds of the sale of the same. Section 4. Be it further ordained, etc., That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to keep or deposit any offal, ashes, cinders, filth, foul or offensive matter, garbage, ordure, straw, kitchen stuff or slops, vegetable matter, paper, corrupt or putrid water, or any substance of any kind that may be offensive to smell or injurious to health, or liable to become so, in any yard, lot, space or building, or to throw the same into any street, gutter or sidewalk, vacant lot or water channel, or cause the same to be done or to permit or suffer any servant or em- ploye or member of the family to do so, and upon being notified by any police, health or sanitary officer, it shall be the duty of its occupants, or owners of the dwelling, store, offices, buildings or lots, before which or in which the said substances, matter or stuff may be found, to imme- diately remove the same. Any failure so to do -shall be considered a mis- demeanor and subject the offender or offenlers to a fine of not more than twenty-five dollars or less than one dollar, according to the nature of the offense, to be collected before the Mayor or any court of com- petent jurisdiction, and in default of payment shall be sentenced to work on the streets or alleys or other public works of the 'City of Shreveport at the rate of one dollar per day for each day of labor performed. Section 5. Be it further ordained, etc., That it shall be the duty of all householders, tenants and occupants of all dwellings, stores, offices and other buildings or premises to put, or cause to be put, the ordinary refuse, sweeping, ashes, cinders, kitchen stuff and other sub- stances not offensive to smell or injurious to health, and coming from their buildings or premises, into tubs, boxes, barrels or other suitable receptacles, to have the same placed on the outside of the banquettes immediately in front of their buildings, or premises, conveniently to 120 be taken off by the day scavenger carts. Such deposits shall not be made earlier than 1 a. m., nor later than 9* a. m., and all receptacles shall be removed by 10 a. m. All foul or offensive matter, corrupt or putrid water, kitchen slops, and all matter, substance or thing injurious to health or offensive to smell, shall be put into strong tubs or barrels, and shall be kept inside their premises convenient for scavengers to remove same. Any violation of this section shall be deemed a misde- meanor, and shall subject the offender or offenders to a fine of not more than twenty-five dollars or less than five dollars, according to the nature of the offense, to be collected before the Mayor or any court of competent jurisdiction, and in - default of the payment of the said fine he shall be ordered to work the same out in the public streets and alleys or other public works of the City of Shreveport at the rate of one dollar per day for each day of labor performed. Section 6. Be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Health Offier, the sanitary and police officers, to enforce the provisions of this ordinance and enter complaint before the Mayor or any court of competent jurisdiction, against all persons violating its provisions, and it shall be the duty of the city police, or sanitary officer, to immediately arrest any person or persons caught in the act of violating same. Section 8. Be it further ordained, etc., That all ordinances or parts of ordinances conflicting herewith be and the same are hereby re- pealed, and that this ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage. Adopted March 24, 1879. RESOLUTION. Platforms Over Drains. Resolved, That the ordinance now in effect be amended so as to read that all cotton warehouses be allowed to extend a temporary platform of wood, extending over the gutters, not to exceed eighteen feet, includ ing the sidewalk, and the same to be put down not earlier than Octo- ber 1, and be removed on or before May 1, of each year; also laying temporary platform over gutters to be erected by any merchant from December 22 to January 2, of each year, same to be removed on or before January 3 of each year. Adopted November 13, 1888. 121 AN ORDINANCE Preventing the obstruction of streets, gutters and sidewalks, with build- ing material. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport, in legal and regular session convened, That it shall be un- lawful for builders, owners, contractors, or any other person or per- sons, when engaged in the construction, repair or alteration of any house or other building within the limits of the City of Shreveport, to de- posit any earth, lumber, brick, lime, sand, or other materials necessary for such uses, or remove any such material from any such building, in any manner so as to occupy any portion of a street or sidewalk or alley, other than is hereby permitted, as follows: Such material may ocupy one-third of the width of the roadway of the (Street directly opposite the lot of the owner upon Which said build- ing is being built or torn down, and five feet on each side of the said lot, said one-third of the roadway to be on the side of the street nearest to the property of the owner; provided, said material shall not be piled within six feet of the streets car tracks. All of the sidewalk dirctly in front of said property and contiguous thereto may be occupied by said material, except four feet of said sidewalk, which said four feet shall be kept open at all times for pedestrians, and well protected by a substantial roof over the sidewalk to be erected after the building under construction reached the first story and floored in event of exca- vation or where the sidewalk is not paved. One-third of the width of the alley contiguous to the property on which a building is being built or torn down may be used for the deposit of the material here- in above described, said material to be deposited next to the building lot. Before the street shall be used as provided for in the foregoing paragraph, the owner, contractor or builder is required to construct a bridge over the gutter so as not to obstruct the flow of water or pre- vent the gutter from easily being cleaned out. Section 2. Be it further ordained, etc., That any person or per- sons who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction before any court of competent jurisdiction, be fined not more than $50 or less than $5 for each offense, and in default of payment of said fine, he shall work the same out in the public streets and alleys or other public works of the City of Shreveport at the rate of one dollar per day for each day of labor performed. Section 3. (Be it further ordained, That each day that this ordinance 6hall be violated shall constitute a separate offense. Adopted November 14, 1907. 122 AN ORDINANCE Relating to tearing up and making excavations in the paved streets or alleys. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport, La., That it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to make any excavation or opening in the paved streets or alleys of said city without having first obtained a permit therefor from the Street Commissioner. Section 2. Be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of all persons making excavations or openings in said streets or alleys under permit as above provided for within forty-eight hours (Sundays ex- cepted) after completion for said work in said streets to replace the paving and restore the street or alley to its proper condition by filling all trenches and thoroughly tamping same within six inches of the sub- grade and then filling with concrete consisting of two parts good cement, two parts of good, sharp sand and five -parts of broken stone, ,and sur- facing the excavation with paving brick of the best quality well grouted with one part of Portland cement and two parts of sharp sand; said work to be done under the supervision of the Street Commissioner. Section 3. 'Whoever shall violate the provisions of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not less than five ($5) dollars nor more than one hundred ($100) dollars. In default of payment of fine the person in default may be ordered to work out the same on the streets and alleys of the City of Shreveport or other public works at the rate of one dollar per day for each day of labor performed. Section 4. Be it further ordained, That all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 5. Be it further ordained, That this ordinance shall take effect from and after its promulgation. Adopted July 18, 1900. AN ORDINANCE To prevent tunneling beneath paved streets and alleys of the City of Shreveport, except at a stipulated depth, and prescribing pen- alties for a violation thereof. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport, in regular session convened, That from and after the passage of this ordinance, that it shall be unlawful to tunnel beneath any paved 123 streets or alleys within the corporate limits of the city, except at a depth of twenty feet or more below the concrete foundation of said street or alley. Be it further ordained, That no street or alley shall be tunneled, except upon a written permit signed by the Street Commissioner and countersigned by the Mayor. Be it further ordained, That the party or parties to 06. AN ORDINANCE Prohibiting gambling tor money in the City of Shreveport and prohibit- ing keeping any room or place where gambling is carried on or allowed, and providing penalties thereof. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreve- port in legal session convened, that if any person shall bet or wager at any gaming table or bank, or pigeon hole, or jenny-lind, or shall bet 195 or wager any money, or other things of value at any gambling game, or at any of the following: Poker, Poker-dice, Jack-pot, High-dice, High- die, Low die, Low dice, Dominoes, Euchre with Dominoes; Poker with Dominoes, Mugging, Cracklo, Crackorloo or any game of matching money or coins of any denomination for such coins or for other things of value, or seven-up, or five-up, or coon-kan, or any other game of any character whatever, that can be played wtih cards, dice or dominoes, or at any table, bank or alley by whatsoever name the same may be known, or whether named or not, and without reference as to how the same may be constructed or operated, or shall bet or wager upon anything, in any place where people resort for the purpose of wagermg or betting, he shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars and not more than one hundred dollars, and in default of the payment of the said fine, he shall work the same out on the public streets and alleys of the City of Shreveport at the rate of one dollar per day for each day of labor per- formed. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained that if any person shall rent to another, shall keep or be in any manner interested in keeping any premises, building, rooms or place for the purpose of being used as a place to bet or wager, or to gamble with cards, dice or dominoes, or to keep or exhibit for the purpose of gaming, any bank, table, alley, machine, wheel or device whatsoever or as a place where people resort to gamble, bet or wager, upon anything whatever or shall knowingly permit property or premises of which he is owner, or which is under his control, to be so used, he shall be fined not less than $25 and not more than $100.00, and in default of payment of said fine, he shall work the same out in the streets and alleys or other public work of the City of Shreveport at the rate of $1 per day for each day of labor performed; and a place or device shall be considered as used for gambling or to gamble with or for betting or wagering, if any fees, money or anything of value is bet thereon, or if same is resorted to for the purpose of gaming or betting. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, etc., That if any person shall know- ingly permit any gaming or paraphernalia or device or equipment of a gaming house of any character to remain in his possession, or on prem- ises under his control or of which he is owner, and to be used for gaming purposes, such as described in the foregoing sections of this ordinance, he shall be punished by a fine of not less than $25 or more than $100, or in default of payment of said fine he shall work the same out on the public streets and alleys or other public work at the rate of $1 per day for each day of labor performed. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, etc., That none of the sections of this ordinance shall apply to any person found playing games with dominoes or cards at a private residence occupied by a family (and used only as such) unless same is commonly resorted to for the purpose of 196 gaming as described in previous sections, and provided further that no banking game played with cards or dominoes shall be exempted from the provisions of this ordinance on account of being played at a private residence. Sec. 5. Be it further ordained, etc., that this ordinance shall take effect from and after its promulgation. Adopted March 13, 1908. (Above ordinance held void, having been passed without charter authority, in case of City vs. Mike Lipsey, May 25, 1909. See appendix for new ordinance.) SUNDAY LAW. (As amended March 13, 1900). AN ORDINANCE Requiring all stores, shops, saloons, etc., within the City of Shreveport to be closed on Sundays, and providing punishment of violation. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Shreveport, La., in regular session convened, that from and after the promulgation here- of, all stores, shops, saloons and places of public business within the City of Shreveport are hereby required to be closed at 12 o’clock on Saturday nights and to remain closed continuously for twenty-four (24) hours, during which period of time it shall not be lawful for the pro- prietors thereof to give, trade, barter, exchange or sell any of the stock or any article of merchandise kept in any such establishment. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, etc., that whosoever shall violate the provisions of this ordinance shall be fine'd for each offense, on con- viction., not less than twenty-five nor more than one hundred dollars, recoverable before the Mayor or any court of competent jurisdiction, or punished by imprisonment not less than one day nor more than ten days, or both at the discretion of the mayor or any competent court, and on failure to pay fine may be ordered to work out same on public streets and alleys according to city charter at the rate of $1 per day,; provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to newsdealers, keepers of soda fountains, places of resort for recreation or health, watering places and public parks, nor prevent the sale of ice. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, etc., that the provisions of this ordi- nance shall not apply to newspaper offices, printing offices, book stores, drug stores, apothecary shops, undertaker shops, public and private markets, bakeries, dairies, livery stables, railroads, whether steam or horse, hotels, boarding houses, steamboats and other vessels, warehouses for receiving and forwarding freights, restaurants, telegraph offices, providing no intoxicating liquors be sold in the premises; provided, that 197 stores may be opened for the purpose of selling anything necessary in sickness and for burial purposes; provided that nothing in this ordi- nance shall be construed so as to allow hotels or boarding houses to sell or dispose of alcoholic liquors, except wine for table use on Sun- days; and provided further, that no alcoholic, vinous or malt liquors shall be given, traded, bartered, sold or delivered in any public place on said day, except when actually administered or prescribed by a prac- ticing physician in the discharge of his professional duties in case of sickness, in such case the physicians administering the intoxicating liquors may charge therefor. Adopted November 2, 1899. BARBER SHOP ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE Requiring all barber shops within the limits of the City of Shreveport to close on Sundays. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreve- port in legal assembly convened, that from and after the promulgation of this ordinance all barber shops within the limits of the City of Shreve- port are hereby required to be closed at 12 o’clock on Saturday nights and to remain closed continuously for twenty-four hours, during which period of time it shall not be lawful for the proprietor or proprietors or journeymen barbers to do any barber work therein. Sec. 2. iBe it further ordained that whoever shall violate the pro- visions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not less than $25 or more than $100 and in default of the payment of the said fine he shall be ordered to work the same out in the public streets and alleys or other public work of the City of Shreveport at the rate of one dollar per day for each day of labor performed. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained that this ordinance shall take effect from and after its promulgation according to law. Adopted August 15th, 1900. AN ORDINANCE SELLING LIQUOR WITHOUT LICENSE. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreve- port in legal assembly convened, that any'and all persons selling liquors within the corporate limits of the City of Shreveport, without previous- 198 ly having obtained license from the City Comptroller, shall be arrested and brought before the Mayor’s court, and, on conviction shall be fined not less than ten dollars nor more than $190. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, etc., That this act shall tak effect from and after its passage and promulgation. Adopted August 12th, 1896. SLOT MACHINES. AN ORDINANCE To prohibit the operation of Slot Machines in the City of Shreveport and to punish violations hereof. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport in lawful assembly convened, that it is hereby made unlawful for any person to engage in the operation of a slot machine, either as keeper or owner or player thereof where the prize or reward given in money or merchandise or any order to any third person for money or merchan- dise, and all such operations are prohibited within the City of Shreve- port. Be it further ordained, etc., That any person violating this ordi- nance shall be punished for such violation by a fine of not exceeding $50 and not less than, $10; recoverable before any court of competent jurisdiction, and in default of the payment of said fine, the person may be ordered to work the same out on ' the public streets and alleys or other public works of the City of Shreveport at the rate of one dollar per day for each day of labor performed. Be it further ordained, that this ordinance shall take effect ten days after its promulgation. Adopted April 5th, 1900. AN ORDINANCE Regulating Pool Rooms and Turf Exchanges in the City of Shreveport, Louisiana. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreve- port in legal and regular session convened, that from and after the first day of July, 1903, all pool rooms and Turf Exchanges in said city shall be confined to the following districts: Beginning at the inter- section of Cypress Avenue and Texas and Pacific Railway on Common 199 Street and including lots 1-9-10 in block 1; thence up Common street to alley between Caddo street and Fannin street; thence up said alley to Beauregard street; thence up Beauregard street to and including lots 1 and 2, ten acre lot 2; thence along south line of lots 1 and 2 hereinbefore mentioned to Hunter street; thence up Hunter street to alley between Elm and Christian street; thence up said alley to Texas and Pacific Railway; thence down Texas and Pacific Railway to the point of beginning, and it is hereby made unlawful for pool rooms or turf exchanges to be opened, conducted or operated outside of said limits. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained that any owner, operator or manager or employee of any pool room or turf exchange, who shall violate the provisions of this ordinance by operating or conducting a pool room oi turf exchange, shall be fined not less than $25 and ten day’s imprison- ment and not more than $100 and ten days imprisonment, and in de- fault of payment of said fine he shall work the same out on the public streets and alleys or other public works of the City of Shreveport at the rate of one dollar per day for each day of labor performed. Sec. 3. Be it further oidained, that each day on which a pool room or turf exchange shall be operated outside of said limits shall consti- tute a separate offense on the part of each and every person conducting same whether as owners or employees. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained that the owners or operators or managers or employes of pool rooms or turf exchanges shall not per- mit minors to buy any tickets, make any bets, or participate in any of the proceedings carried on in said pool rooms or turf exchanges. Anyone who shall violate the provisions of this section shall upon con- viction be fined not less than $25 and ten days imprisonment and not more than $100 and ten days, imprisonment for each offense, and on failure to pay said fine shall be ordered to work the same out on the streets, alleys or other public places o'f the City of Shreveport at the rate of one dollar per day for each day of labor performed. Section 5. Be it further ordained, etc., that all other laws or parts of laws or ordinances regulating pool rooms and turf exchanges in the City of Shreveport, Louisiana, be and the same are herey repealed. Adopted June 15, 1903. AN ORDINANCE DISORDERLY CONDUCT AND RESISTING POLICE. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport, in legal assembly convened, that whoever shall be guilty of disorderly con- duct or resisting arrest or of interfering with a police officer in the 200 discharge of his duty, shall, on conviction thereof, be fined not less than one dollar ($1.00) or more than fifty dollars ($50.00) and in default of the payment of the fine imposed shall be ordered to work out same on the streets and alleys of the city or other public works, at the rate of one dollar ($1.00) per day for each day of labor performed. Be it further ordained, that this ordinance shall take effect from and after its promulgation according to law. Adopted October 11, 1900. AN ORDINANCE Relative to disturbances of the peace in the public streets and other public places in the city of Shreveport, La., and in or near pri- vate houses within, the limits of said city, defining said offense and providing punishment for the same. Section 1. Be it ordained by the city council of the city of Shreve- port, in legal and regular session convened, that any person who shall go into any public place within the limits of the city of Shreveport, Louisiana, into or near any private house within said limits, or along any public street or alley of said city near to any private house, and who shall use loud and vociferous or obscene, vulgar or indecent lan- guage, or swear or curse, or expose his or her person, or rudely dis- play or wantonly or maliciously discharge or use any pistol or other deadly weapon in such public place, or upon such street or alley, or near such private house, in a manner calculated to disturb or alarm the inhabitants thereof, shall, on conviction thereof, be fined not less than five dollars and not more than fifty dollars, recoverable before any court of competent jurisdiction in the name and for the use of said city, and, in default of the payment of any fine imposed for the violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance, the person in default shall be sen- tenced to work out the same on the streets and alleys and other public works of said city at the rate of one dollar per day for each day of labor performed. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, etc., that the public place, within the meaning of the preceding section, is any public street or alley of the city of Shreveport, Louisiana, or inn, tavern, store, grocery, work- shop, or any place to which people commonly resort for purposes of business, recreation or amusement, and places of public worship within the limits of said city. Adopted May 14, 1907. 201 AN ORDINANCE To provide for the punishment for assault and battery. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport in regular and legal session convened, That whoever shall assault and beat another person within the limits of the City of Shreveport, La., shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars and not less than ten dol- lars, recoverable before any court of competent jurisdiction, in the name of and for the use of the said city, and in default of payment of said fine, shall be sentenced to work out the same in the streets and alleys or other public work at the rate of one dollar per day for each day of labor performed. Adopted May 14th, 1907. AN ORDINANCE To prohibit assault with or without a dangerous weapon, within the limits of the city of Shreveport. Section 1. Be it ordained by the city council of the city of Shreve- port, La., in legal and regular assembly convened, that whoever shall assault, with or without a dangerous weapon, any person within the limits of the City of Shreveport, La., shall, on conviction thereof, be fined not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, re- coverable before any court of competent jurisdiction, in the ( name and for the use of said city, and in default of the payment of any fine im- posed for the violation of this ordinance, the person in default shall be sentenced to work out the same on the streets and alleys and other public works of the city at the rate of one dollar per day for each day of labor performed. Adopted May 14, 1907. AN ORDINANCE To prohibit the carrying of dangerous weapons concealed on or about the person, within the limits of the city of Shreveport, La. Section 1. Be it ordained by the city council of the city of Shreve- port, Louisiana, in legal and regular assembly convened, that whoever shall carry a weapon or weapons concealed on or about his person, such as pistols, Bowie knives, dirks, razors, or any other dangerous weapons, within the limits of the city of Shreveport, La., shall, on conviction thereof, be fined not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, recoverable before any court of competent jurisdiction 202 in the name and for the use of said city, and in default of the payment of any fine imposed for the violation of this ordinance, the person in default shall be sentenced to work out the same on the streets and alleys or other public works of the city, at the rate of one dollar per day for each day of labor performed. Adopted May 14, 1907. AN ORDINANCE Prohibiting the carrying of loaded firearms on the streets of the City of Shreveport. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport 'n legal assembly convened, That it shall be unlawful for any person to carry a loaded pistol, gun or loaded firearms of any description upon the streets or within the market house of the City of Shreveport. Be it further ordained, etc., That any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be subjected to a fine of not less than $5 nor more than $25 or imprisonment in the City lock-up for twenty-four hours for each and every offense. Adopted September 26th, 1876. AN ORDINANCE Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport, La., in legal assembly convened, that it shall be unlawful to engage in the game of craps within the limits of the City of (Shreveport. Sec. 1. Be it further ordained, that it shall be unlawful for the proprietor of the house, the manager of the game and the players, with- in the limits of the City of Shreveport, to permit or play the games of craps, and whoever shall violate this ordinance shall be fined $50 for every offense. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained that this law shall take effect im- mediately after its passage, and that the mayor and chief of police be ordered to have this law strictly enforced. Adopted January 16th, 1893. 203 AN ORDINANCE To provide for the punishment of cruelty to animals in any street, park or other public place within the limits of the city of Shreveport, Louisiana. Section 1. Be it ordained by the city council of the city of Shreve- port, Louisiana, in legal and regular assembly convened, that if any person shall overdrive, overload, torture, torment or unnecessarily or cruelly beat or mutilate or kill, or cause or procure to be overdriven, overloaded, tortured, tormented or to be unnecessarily beaten or mutil- ated or killed as aforesaid, any domestic or domesticated animal in any public street, park or other public place within the limits of the city of Shreveport, Louisiana, every such offender shall, on conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not to exceed one hundred dollars nor less than five dollars, recoverable before any court of competent jurisdiction, in the name and for the use of said city, and, in default of the payment of any fine imposed for violation of any of the provisions of this ordi- nance, the person in default shall be sentenced to work out the same on the streets and alleys and other public works of the city, at the rate of one dollar per day for each day of labor performed. Adopted May 14, 1907. AN ORDINANCE To prevent the use of air guns and sling shots, negro shooters, and arms of any character, whatsoever, in the city cemeteries, or elsewhere within the city limits". Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport in legal session convened, that it sihall be unlawful for any person to have in his possession or use, in, any of the cemeteries of the city, any air gun, sling shots, “ Negro Killers/ ’ silent rifle or shooting instruments or arms of any character whatsoever, or to use or shoot any such air guns, sling shots, 1 1 negro killers, ’ ’ silent rifle or shooting instruments or arms of any kind anywhere else within the city limits. See. 2. Any person violating this ordinance shall on conviction before a court of competent jurisdiction be fined not less than five dol- lars nor more than fifty dollars, and upon default of the payment of the said fine he shall be ordered to work the same out in the streets and alleys or other public work of the citv of Shreveport at the rate of one dollar per day for each day of labor performed. Adopted February 11, 19*08. 204 AN OEDINANCE NUISANCES. OBe it ordained by the Mayor and the Board of Trustees of the City of Shreveport, in legal assembly convened, that in all cases' when any person be convicted of having committed a nuisance within the corporate limits of the city, the person so convicted shall be notified to abate the nuisance at their expense, and on failure of the person so sentenced to abate the same, shall be fined in the sum of not less than $5 or more than $100 for each day that said person shall fail to comply with said sentence. Be it further ordained, that whenever any nuisance shall be com- mitted, the person offending shall be arrested and brought before the city judge instanter, the case investigated, and the sentence immed- iately awarded. Be it further ordained, that this ordinance shall not be construed in any manner as repealing or impairing any laws hereto passed on the subject of nuisances. Be it further ordained, that this ordinance shall take effect on and after its passage. Adopted July 7, 1884. AN OEDINANCE Preventing the playing of phonographs, with Megaphone Attachments, except in enclosed buildings, where same cannot be plainly heard on the streets of the city of Shreveport, La. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreve- port in legal and regular session convened, That it shall be unlawful for any person to operate or play or cause to be played or operated any phonograph or (Similar instrument with a megaphone attachment, any- where in the city, except in enclosed buildings where same cannot be (heard upon the streets or alleys of this city, same being a nuisance; provided that these phonographs be permitted to play in the public between the hours of 11 a.m. and 9 p.m., on week days, and not at all on Sundays. See. 2. Be it further ordained, etc., That any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not less than ten dollars and not more than fifty dollars, and in default of the pay- ment of the said fine he shall be ordered to work the same out on the streets and alleys of the City of Shreveport at the rate of one dollar per day for each day of labor performed. Adopted June 11th, 1907. 205 AN ORDINANCE Prohibiting the dropping of refuse on the Paved streets or alleys of the City of Shreveport, and providing penalties for the violation of same. 'Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport in legal session convened that from and after the adoption of this ordinance, it shall be unlawful for any person hauling dirt, sand, brick, stone, gravel, old lumber, glass, bottles, wire, tacks, nails, tin cans, timber and waste rubbish of all kinds, to permit any portion of same to fall upon the paved streets or alleys of any portion of the City of Shreveport. Section 2. Be it further ordained etc., That any person who shall viola:e the provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction before any eourt of competent jurisdiction be fined not less than one dollar or more than ten dollars, and in default of the payment of said fine shall be ordered to work the same out on the public streets and alleys or other public work of the City at the rate of $1 per day for each day of labor performed. Adopted July 9t:h, 1907. AN ORDINANCE. Prohibiting the painting, chalking or imprinting of letters, words, signs or pictures on the sidewalks. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport, in legal and regular session convened, that it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to paint or chalk or imprint any letter, word, sign or picture of any kind on any sidewalk of this city. Be it further ordained, etc., that whoever shall violate any of the orovisons of this ordinance, shall upon conviction before any court of competent jurisdiction, be fined not less than ten ($10.00) dollars, lor more than twenty -five ($25.00) dollars for each offense, and in default of payment of said fine, shall work out same on the streets and illeys or other public works of the city of Shreveport at the rate of 51.00 per day for each day of labor performed. Adopted January 14, 1907. 206 BALL PLAYING ON THE STREETS. AN- ORDINANCE. Prohibiting the playing of ball on the streets, alleys and open squatqs or lots. Be it ordained by the City Council of Shreveport in legal meeting convened, That, base ball or any game played with a ball be and the same is hereb} r prohibited on any of the streets and alleys of the p ity of Shreveport, provided the Council in its discretion may give peirnis- sion for said games. Be it further enacted, that for each and every offense against this ordinance the person or persons so offending shall be fined eacl not more than $10 or less than $1 and in default of the payment of said fine he shall be ordered to work the same out in the public street^ and alleys or other public work of the city of Shreveport at the rate ot one dollar per day for each day of labor performed. 1 Adopted September 9th, 1886. AN ORDINANCE BICYCLE LAMPS. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the City\ of Shreveport, in legal assembly convened that it shall be unlawful foil a person to ride or parade upoh any of the streets within the corporate limits of this city on a bicycle after dark, without first providing for' a lighted lamp or lantern which shall be firmly attached to the machini. Any person violating this ordinance shall be fined not over five dollars for each offense. This ordinance to take effect twenty days after this date. Adopted July 11th, 1895. AN ORDINANCE BICYCLE BELLS. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of 'Shreveport ii legal assembly convened that after thirty days from the passage of thi ordinance it shall be unlawful for anyone to ride a bicycle through tin streets and alleys of this city unless said bicycle is provided with a bell with which the rider shall give warning when necessary to avoid col lision or injury to any one and at crossing and turning street corners 207 Be it further ordained etc., That any person violating this ordi- nance sihall be fined in an.y sum not exceeding ten dollars, recoverable before the mayor or any court of competent jurisdiction. Adopted June 4th, 1896. AN ORDINANCE. To prohibit fast riding on bicycles in the City of Shreveport. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport, in regular session convened, that it shall be unlawful to ride a bicycle on ihe streets or any of the thoroughfares of the City of Shreveport at a faster rate than ten miles per hour. Be it further ordained, that any person violating this ordinance shal be fined not less than $1 or more than $25 recoverable before the major, and in default of payment of said fine he shall be ordered to won the same out on the public streets and alleys or other public worts of the City of Shreveport at the rate of one dollar per day for eacl day of labor performed. Adopted April 1st, 1897. AN ORDINANCE. Pohibiting the riding of bicycles on and along that portion of the streets of the City of Shreveport between the double tracks of any street railway company and fixing the penalty for the vio- lation of the same. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreve- port, in regular session convened; That it shall be unlawful for any person to ride a bicycle on and along that part of the public streets of the City of Shreveport, between the double tracks of any street railway company. 'Section 2. Be it further ordained; That any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall, on conviction, be fined not less than $2.50 and not more than $25, and in default of payment of the fine shall be ordered to work out same on the streets and alleys of the City of Shreveport, or other public works at the rate of $1 per day for each day of labor performed. Section 3. Be it further ordained; That this ordinance shall take effect from and after its promulgation according to law. Adopted October 11, 1906. 208 AN ORDINANCE. Prohibiting expectoration or spitting on any sidewalk in the city Shreveport, La. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport la regular session convened, that it shall be unlawful for any person p r persons to expectorate or spit upon any sidewalks of the City of Shreye port or in the market house of the said city. Be it further ordained, that any /person or persons offending against this ordinance shall be fined in the sum of not less than $1.00 iior more than $5.00, and on failure to pay the sum, to work out samelon streets, alleys, etc., at the rate of $1.00 per day. This ordinance shall take effect in thirty days from passage. Adopted January 23, 1902. AN ORDINANCE. Providing for the removal of stands from sidewalks. Be it ordained by the City Council of Shreveport, in regular session convened, that all ordinances permitting the use of any part of the sile- walks of the city as stands for exhibit or sale of goods be and are here- by rescinded and annulled, and all parties occupying any part of si 03 - walk for such purposes be ordered to remove same in ten days. Be it ordained, that any one offending against this ordinance shal\ on conviction be fined not less than $1.00 nor more than $50.00 for each\ offense, and on failure to pay to be sentenced to work out same on the streets and alleys as provided by city charter. This ordinance shall go into effect ten days after its promulgation. Adopted November 21, 1901. AN ORDINANCE. BATHING IN PUBLIC. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Trustees, in legal assembly con- vened, that from and after th.e promulgation of this ordinance it shall be deemed a violation against the laws and ordinances for any person to bathe in Cross bayou or Red river within the city limits between the hours of 4 o’clock a.m. and 8 o’clock p.m., and any person found vio- lating this ordinance shall be subject to a fine of not less than $10 209 nor more than $25 for each and every offense. All laws and ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed and declared of no effect whatever. Adopted June 26, 1875. AN ORDINANCE. Be it ordained, etc., That from and after the passage of this ordi- nance it shall be unlawful for any person to walk across the Court House square except on the concrete walks, or play games in any way, trample upon the grass or injure the vegetation in said square. And for each violation of this ordinance a fine of not less than one dollar or more than five dollars shall be imposed. Adopted August 7th, 1901. AN ORDINANCE Forbidding the sale or use of fireworks, fire-crackers, rockets and other explosives within certain limits of the City of Shreveport. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Board of Trustees of the City of Shreveport, in regular council convened, that within the limits of wards No. 1 and 2 of the City of Shreveport the use of any fireworks of any description, or any explosives, such as fire-crackers, rockets, Roman candles, fire wheels, torpedoes or other matter cheated of fire and dan- gerous to property or person be and is hereby forbidden. Section 2. Be it further ordained, that any person or persons violating this ordinance shall be arrested by the police, and upon con- viction before the Mayor or any court of competent jurisdiction, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a fine or not less than $5 nor more than $100. Adopted December 10, 1885. AN ORDINANCE Prohibiting any person, firm or corporation from conducting a livery or feed stable business, or cattle feeding yard or stable or yard where horses, mules or cattle are kept for sale, within 250 feet of any church or public school in the City of Shreveport, pro- vided this ordinance shall not apply to such places already in operation. Section 1. Be it ordained by the city council of the city of Shreve- port in legal and regular session convened, That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons, firm or corporation to conduct any livery or 210 feed stable business or cattle feeding yard, or stable or yard where horses, mules or cattle are kept for sale, within two hundred and fifty (250) feet of any church or public school, measurement to be made be- tween closest points; provided this ordinance shall not apply to such places already in operation, until they suspend or go out of business. Section 2. Be it further ordained, etc., That such person or persons, firm or corporation that shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not less than fifty ($50.00) dollars nor more than one hundred ($100.00) dollars for each offense, and, in default of the payment of said fine, shall work out same on the streets and alleys and other public works of the city of Shreveport at the rate of one dol- lar per day for each day of labor performed. Section 3. Be it further ordained etc., That each day on which this ordinance is violated shall constitute a separate offense. Adopted March 12, 1907. AN ORDINANCE To prevent children under certain ages from loitering on the streets at night after certain hours, and fixing punishment against parents, tutors, guardians, etc., for permitting same. Be it ordained by the City Council of 'Shreveport, in regular session convened, that it shall be unlawful for any child under the age of sixteen years to loiter on the streets or elsewhere out of doors in this City, after the hour of 9:30 p.m., from April 15, to October 15, and after 8:30 p.m., from October 15 to April 15, of each year, unless such child shall be accompanied by a parent, tutor, guardian or by some adult person charged with its control, or unless such child shall bear a written statement from such parent, tutor, guardian, or person charged with its control, of even date and certifying that such child is on an emergency errand. Be it further ordained etc., that any child contravening the pro visions of this ordinance may be warned by any Police Officer to go home, and should such child fail to comply with such warning imme- diately, it shall be taken home by such officer, and in all cases a record shall be kept by the police of such violations containing the name of the child and of its parents, tutor, guardian or person charged with its control. Be it further ordained, etc., that any such parent, tutor, guardian, or person, charged with the control and custody of any such child, who shall permit said child to violate the provisions of this ordinance on more than two occasions, shall be subject to a fine of not less than five nor more than twenty-five dollars for each offense after such two vio- lations by such child or children, for permitting the same. Be it further ordained, etc., that this ordinance shall go into effect after promulgation, and all ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Adopted May 11, 1909. AN ORDINANCE (As amended June 21, 1908.) Begulating and governing the manufacture, storage, sale and use within the corporate limits of the City of Shreveport of combustible, ex- plosive or dangerous materials. Be it ordained by the city council of the City of Shreveport, in legal and regular session convened, that no person, firm or corporation without first securing a permit or license therefor from the city coun- cil shall within the corporate limits of the City of iShreveport, La., transport, have, store, keep, or manufacture, use or sell any explosive compounds or mixture compounds, adaption or contrivance containing an explosive compound or mixture, but that this prohibition shall not apply to the ordinary keeping and sale of small arms and ammunition as practiced in the hardware and sporting goods houses. 'Section 2. Be it further ordained, etc., that no person, firm or corporation without first procuring a license or permit therefor, as herein provided, shall within the corporate limits of the City of Shreve- port, La., store, manufacture, or keep for sale, or keep for use in any art, trade or manufacture, any benzine, gasoline or naptha, except if kept in safety metal cans, not exceeding five (5) gallons capacity. This ordinance shall not be construed to prohibit the storage of automobiles using gasoline. Section 3. Be it further ordained, etc., that it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation within the corporate limits of the City of Shreveport, La., to store, manufacture or keep for sale or keep for use in any art, a greater quantity of benzine, gasoline and naptha than five (5) gallons except that if kept in underground tanks (buried in the ground) contents to be drawn from by pump, but that this pro- hibition shall not apply to wholesale distributors, when gasoline, ben- zine or naptha, may be stored in properly constructed tanks of steel, located in the open air and not nearer than twenty (20) feet of a build- ing. 212 Section 4. 'Be it further ordained, etc., that any person, firm, cor- poration or company violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars ('$25) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100) for each offense, and in default of payment of said fine, shall work same out on the streets and alleys or other public places of the City of Shreveport, at the rate of $1 per day for each day of labor performed. Adopted October 8, 1907. AN ORDINANCE (As amended! May 15th, 1906.) Prohibiting cattle, horses, goats, sheep, swine, mules, geese etc., from running at large within certain prescribed limits of the City of Shreveport, providing for the impounding of the said animals and providing for their sale and disposition by the pound keeper. Section 1. Repealed by ordinance adopted May 11, 1909. (See below.) Section 2. The pound keeper will cause any of the said animals so running at large, to be taken up and put into the pound, which may be and is hereby established wherever the mayor may select within the city. Section 3. If within three days, from the day animal is placed in the pound, the owner or person in charge thereof calls for same, such animal shall be delivered to him upon the payment of one dollar for each, head of goat, sheep, swine, and one dollar and fifty cents for each head of horses, mules, cattle or cows, twenty five cents for each head of geese, and two dollars per head for each bull, stallion, or boar, or any animal with a bell so impounded; if no one claims the same within the said period, three days, or if the claimant fails to pay the amount assessed according to the above scale within said time the pound keeper shall cause a notice to be inserted in the official journal of the city for five successive days, briefly describing the animal, and giving notice that unless re'deemed the same will be sold at public sale; all of said animals not redeemed by the payment of the pound fees aforesaid, twenty five cents per head for each day after the expiration of the first three days, isihall be sold at the day and hour named in said notice, at public auction at the pound, to the highest bidder for cash, of which sale a record containing a brief description of the property sold, the price paid, and the name of the purchaser, shall be kept at the pound keeper’s office. The proceeds of such sale shall be received by the pound keeper, and shall be paid over by him each day, together with all 213 amounts for redemption of animals, to the comptroller, who shall hold such funds subject to the order of the owner of said animal after re- taining enough to pay all fees, costs and charges as herein provided, in- cluding the cost of advertising the sale. This ordinance is adopted, pursuant to provisions of act No. 60 of the acts of the general assembly of the State of Louisiana, for the year of 1904, and all other laws pertaining to the same subject matter. Adopted November 28, 1904. AN ORDINANCE To prohibit stock, such as cattle, horses, mules, goats, sheep, swine, geese, etc., from running at large within the limits of the city, and making certain exemptions. Be it ordained, by the City Council of the City of Shreveport, in regular session convened, that it „ shall be unlawful for the owner or person in charge of any stock, such as cattle, horses, mules, goats, sheep, swine, geese and other animals, not including dogs, to permit same, whether intentionally or otherwise, to run at large within the limits of the City of Shreveport, Be it further ordained, etc., That this ordinance shall in no way affect the previous ordinances in regard to the impounding of stock, cattle, etc., which shall remain in full force and effect, except as herein specifically repealed, and all ordinances in conflict herewith are here- by repealed. Be it further ordained, etc., That this ordinance shall go into effect from and after its passage. Adopted May'll, 1909. (See ordinance adopted August 10, 1909.) AN ORDINANCE Preventing the driving of any loose stock or cattle of any kinds through the streets of the City of Shreveport. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport, in legal and regular session convened, that it shall be un- lawful for any person to lead or drive any loose horses, mules, cows, swine, goats, sheep or any other stock or cattle through any of the streets or alleys of the City of Shreveport between 6 o’lcock a. m. and 214 6 o’clock p.m. unless permission be first obtained from the chief of police, whose duty it shall be to designate the street or streets over which said stock or cattle shall pass, and shall give other such direc- tions or require any such safeguards to be employed as he may deem proper and necessary for the protection of the public. Section 2. Be it further ordained, etc., that any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each offense, and in default of payment of said fine shall work out same on the streets or alleys or other public works of the City of Shreveport at the rate of $1.00 per day for each day of labor performed. Adopted March 13, 1906. AN ORDINANCE Prohibiting the hitching of any horse, mule or other animal to any tree, bush or shrub, etc., on sidewalks, public parks, school yards, or other public grounds and providing penalties for violat- ing same. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport in legal and regular session convened that it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to hitch a horse, mule or other animal to any tree, bush or shrub, standing on any sidewalk, in any public park, school yard or other public ground whatsoever in the City of iShreveport. Be it further ordained that any person or persons who shall vio- late this ordinance shall upon conviction before any court of competent jurisdiction be fined not more than twenty ($20.00) dollars nor less than ($5.00) five dollars for each offense, and on failure to pay said fine, shall work out same on the streets, alleys, etc., of this city at the rate of one dollar per day for each day of labor performed. Adopted March 16, 1903. BELLS ON ANIMALS. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of 'Shreveport, that it shall be unlawful for any cow, horse or mule or other animal to be belled in the City of Shreveport, and all bells on animals now in the City to be removed. 215 Be it further ordained that any person offending against this ordi- nance by allowing bells to remain on such shall be fined not less than one dollar and no more than ten dollars for each offense, recoverable according to law. Adopted April 22, 19‘01. NUMBERING OF VEHICLES. AN ORDINANCE Be it ordained by the Mayor and trustees of the city of Shreve- port, in assembly convened, that from and after the passage of this ordinance, all drays, carts and wagons, which are run for pay or hire within the incorporate limits of the City of Shreveport, shall be number- ed in numerical order, with the number of the license to be issued for running the same, fairly printed, painted or stamped upon tin, which shall be attached to the most conspicious part of said dray, cart or wagon, for which the applicant for license shall pay fifty cents to the collector, and all drays, carts and wagons, without numbers at- tached shall be considered not licensed, and shall be liable to the same fine as unlicensed vehicles. Adopted January 6th, 1852. Be it ordained etc., That the ^ordinance approved January 6th, 1852, providing for the numbering of vehicles, shall, from and after the passage of this act, be so worded and amended, as to include hacks, carriages and buggies, which are run for hire, etc., and that all the provisions of this ordinance shall apply to these vehicles, and that all livery stable keepers running these vehicles, be required under penalty of $25 to conform to this ordinance. Adopted July 2, 1867. RESOLUTIONS. Requiring abstracts of title and certificate of mortgage of property embraced in any proposed subdivision in the City of Shreveport to accompany the plat of the said subdivision upon its presentation to the City Council for approval; also requiring. the owners and all persons holding mortgages on said property 'to sign said plats. Section 1. Be it resolved that a complete abstract of title and cer- tificate of mortgage of the property embraced in each proposed sub- division shall accompany the plat of same upon its presentation to the Council for approval. \ 216 Section 2. Be it further resolved, etc., that all plats of subdivis- ions must be signed by the owners and by all persons holding mortgages on the land embraced in same. Section 3. IBe it further resolved that no subdivision shall be ap- proved by the Council or any of its authorized officers unless the above provisions are complied with. Adopted May 23rd, 1904. LAND PLATS. AN ORDINANCE Regulating the manner and form of making, approving and filing plats of land within the City of Shreveport. Section 1. That before any plat of land within the City of Shreve- port, purporting to divide such land into lots, blocks, streets, alleys or public grounds, shall be filed in the office of the recorder of Caddo parish, such plat shall first be approved by the City Council as herein- after provided. Section 2. All plats provided for in section one, before being sub- mitted to the City Council, shall first be submitted to the City Surveyor, who shall examine the same and see that they correspond with the general plan of the city in the vicinity of the lands so platted, and if he shall find that it does he shall approve the same. Such plat shall ^hen be submitted to the City Attorney and be by him examined to see whether the dedication of the streets, alleys and public grounds is sufficient to vest title of the same in the City of Shreveport, and if he shall find the dedication to be sufficient he shall approve the same and such plat shall thereupon be submitted to the City Council. Section 3. When any plat is approved by the City Council such approval shall be endorsed on such plat and be attested by the City Comptroller, and thereupon such plat shall be entitled to be filed for record. . . Section 4.^Any person, who shall file or cause to be filed for record in the office of the recorder of Caddo Parish any plat, which, by the provisions of this ordinance, shall require the approval of the City Council, without such approval being first obtained, shall, upon con- viction thereof before any court of competent jurisdiction, be fined in any sum not* exceeding $100, and the plat so filed shall be invalid and of no effect. Section 5. That all laws or parts of laws in conflict with the foregoing are hereby repealed. Adopted August 14, 1890. \ 217 LOOSE COTTON. Be it ordained by the Board of Trustees of the City of Shreveport in legal Council convened, that the gathering and picking up of loose cotton on the streets, alleys and wharves and other public places and around presses and warehouses in the City of Shreveport be <..nd the same is hereby declared unlawful, and shall be forbidden, and any person doing shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be subject to arrest and fined before the mayor or any court of competent jurisdic-' tion in acordance with the laws and ordinances now enforciag penalties, and providing the warehouse and press operators can authorize their employees to gather such loose cotton in the streets or walks in the immediate vicinity of their premises. Section 2. Be it further ordained etc., that it is hereby declared unlawful for any person or firm to purchase loose cotton in the city of Shreveport except from the producer of same or from a merchant buyer or broker, warehouse or press operator. Any person or firm violating the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the mayor or any competent court of jurisdiction. Adopted January 12th, 1885. STORAGE OF COTTON. AN ORDINANCE To regulate the storage of cotton on the streets, alleys and sidewalks of the City of Shreveport, and prescribing penalties for infringe- ment. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport, in regular session convened, That it shall be unlawful and is hereby pro- hibited to use the streets, alleys and sidewalks of the City of Shreve- port for the purpose of storing or placing bales of cotton, except in the neighborhood of warehouses, where the streets and alleys and sidewalks may be used, and then only in course of receipt and delivery. Be it further ordained, That said places shall not be used or occupied for the above purpose longer than twelve hours, and the streets, alleys and sidewalks shall be clear of all such temporary en- cumbrance by sundown of each day. Be it further ordained, That this privilege shall not be construed in such a way as to impede the free use of said streets, alleys and sidewalks to the public. 218 Be it further enacted, That any person offending against this ordinance shall be fined not less than $5 and not more than $100 for each offense, to be recovered according to law, or on failure to pay same to be worked out on the streets and alleys at the rate of one dollar per day. Adopted January 12, 1888. TRASH BOXES. Resolved that the police ]oe instructed to have all trash boxes removed and other receptacles for garbage placed in alleys where prac- ticable, instead of in front of buildings, as is now the practice. This order to take effect Feb. 6th. A penalty of five dollars to be imposed for violations. Adopted February 5th, 1899. PRINTING ORDINANCE. Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Shreveport, that all supplies of stationery, bill heads, briefs, pamphlets, letter heads, envelopes, ordered by the Comptroller and other officials of the city government for official use and paid for by the city, shall bear the Union Label of the International Typographical Union of North America or any subordinate union. Adopted May 21, 1900. DOG TAX. AN ORDINANCE Requiring a license to be paid on all canines kept within the corporate limits of the City of Shreveport; imposing penalties on their owners when not paid within a certain period; taking up, im- pounding and destroying same under certain circumstances. Be it ordained by the Board of Trustees of the City of Shreveport, that an annual license tax of $1 per head shall be imposed on all male dogs, and $2 per head on all female dogs kept within the corporate limits of the City of Shreveport, said license to be paid on or before the 15th day of June this year, and on or before the first day of May of each subsequent year, and when not paid by the owner or owners there* 219 of within said period, the owner or owners thereof shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to penalty of not less than $2.50 nor more than $10 for each unlicensed dog, recoverable in the manner provided by the City charter. Be it further ordained that the City Comptroller be and is hereby required to furnish a tax tag to fasten on a collar of every licensed canine, and the same shall be encircled and worn on their necks in evi- dence of payment. All dogs found at large within the corporate, limits of the City of Shreveport, without such tax collar, shall be shdt. Be it further ordained, that the police force of the City of Shreve- port, under the direction of the Mayor and Chief of Police, shall be required to carry out and execute the provisions of this ordinance. And be it further ordained, that all ordinances in conflict with this ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed, and this ordinance- shall go into effect ten days after its publication. Adopted June 4, 1896. EXEMPTION OF PARSONAGES FROM TAXATION. Be it resolved by the City Council, in regular session convened, that all parsonages occupied by ministers of any denomination shall be exempt from city taxes. This does not apply to any church property from which revenue is derived. This resolution is not retroactive. Adopted April 11, 1901. WIRE FENCES. Resolved that it shall be unlawful to erect or maintain any barbed wire fence within the city limits except upon written permit from the chairman of the improvement committee to be granted only upon the recommendation of the street commissioner. Resolved that all barbed wire fences within the city limits be in- spected by the street commissioner and reported to the chairman of the improvement committee and that permits be granted for them or else removed on ten days notice at the cost of the owner. Any person violating this ordinance shall be fined not less than $15 nor more than $100 at the discretion of the mayor. Adopted March 9th, 1893. 220 BILL POSTING ON FENCES. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport, that from and after the adoption of this ordinance it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to post any bills on any of the buildings or fences within the corporate limits of this city without permission from the owners of the same, and if any person or persons shall violate the provisions of this ordinance they shall be fined by the mayor, or any court of competent jurisdiction, not less than ten dollars or more than twenty dollars for each offense. Adopted March 11th, 1873. NUISANCES AND VIOLATIONS OF DECENCY. Resolved that all ordinances or parts of ordinances relating to hitching or permitting stock to run at large, and all ordinances or parts of ordinances relating to the committing of nuisances or violations of decency, and the penalties attached to the same in any part of the city or public place or grounds, shall equally apply to the same offenses committed within the parish court house square, and the police are hereby directed to arrest all offenders violating the city ordinances in said precinct. Adopted January 15, 1889. AN ORDINANCE To prevent the bringing of paupers into the limits of the City of Shreve- port. Be it ordained, etc., that it shall be unlawful for any steamboat, railroad or other common carrier to transport or bring from tlsewhere into the limits of this city any pauper or other indigent sick person. Any common carrier, corporation or individual violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be subject to a fine of $25 for each and every offense. Be it further ordained, etc.,, that this ordinance take effect from and after its promulgation. Adopted May 30, 1876. 221 PIGEONS. Be it ordained, etc., that no person after thirty days be allowed to erect or keep open a pigeon house in the limits of the town under a penalty of $50 fine for each day. Adopted September 3, 1850. AN ORDINANCE Fixing maximum rates for coach fares both for time and distance, in the City of Shreveport, except when the same may be otherwise agreed upon and regulaiting the privileges and duties of passen- gers, owners and drivers. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport in legal and regular session convened that the following fares for cabs or cabriolets, omnibuses, coach, hackney, carriage or carriage hire, both for time and for distance be and the same are hereby fixed as the maximum rates that can be charged by the owners of cabs or drivers of such vehicle®: Section 1. For train service, that is for carrying passengers to and from the depot in the City of Shreveport into or from the following bounded district, the fare per passenger is hereby fixed at 25 c'ents and no more, beginning at and including block No. 9 of the City of Shreve- port, thence running along Louisiana Street to Cotton Street, thence along Cotton Street to Texas Avenue, thence along Texas Avenue to Christian Street, thence along Christian to Sprague Street, thence along Sprague to Common, thence along Common to Fannin, thence along Fannin to McNiel, thence along McNiel to Caddo, thence along Caddo to Commerce, thence along Commerce to Battle, thence along Battle to Market, thence along Market to Lake, thence along Lake to point of beginning; provided not more than 25 cents per passenger shall be charged to any point on either side of Lake Street as above described. Sec. 2. For train service, that is for carrying passengers ' to and from any depot in the City of Shreveport into or from the following bounded district the fare per passenger is hereby fixed at 50 cents and no more; beginning at and including block No. 9 of the City of Shreve- port, thence along Lake Street to Marshall Street, thence along Mar- shall to Stoner Avenue, thence along Stoner Avenue to Gilbert Street, thence along Gilbert Street to Herndon Avenue, thence along Herndon Avenue to Creswell 'Street, thence along Creswell Street to Topeka Street, thence along Topeka Street to Irving Place, thence along Irv- ing Place to Olive Street, thence along Olive Street to Fairfield Avenue, thence along Fairfield Avenue to Boulevard Street, thence along Boule- 222 vard Street to Southern Avenue, thence along Southern Boundary of block No. 1 of the Sheppard and George Subdivision to Sycamore Street, thence along Sycamore Street to northwest corner of block No. 2 of the Sheppard and George Subdivision, thence due east to Southern Avenue, thence along Southern Avenue to Jordan street to Texas Ave- nue, thence along Texas Avenue to Cedar Street, thence along Cedar Street to Parke Avenue, to Walnut Street, thence along Walnut to Pierre Avenue, thence along Pierre Avenue to Buena Vista Street, thence along Buena Vista to Western Avenue, thence along Western Avenue to View Street, thence along View Street to Beauregard Street, thence along Beauregard Street to Travis, thence along Travis to Christian Street, thence along Christian to Sprague, thence along Sprague to Law- rence Street to Reynolds Street, thence along Reynolds Street to Christ- ian Street to Texas Avenue, thence along Texas Avenue to Wilson Alley (provided that no more than 50 cents- per passenger shall be charged to any point on either side of Christian Street or Texas Avenue as above described), thence along Wilson’s Alley to Snow Street, thence along Snow to Louisiana Street at the southeast corner. Sec. 3. For the aforesaid train service to or from any depot in the City of Shreveport into or from any portion of said city, not included within the two districts above bounded, the fare of a single passenger is fixed at $1, provided that where there are two or more passengers travelling together in one group or party, the fare for one of these pas- sengers shall be $1, the charge for each additional passenger shall only be fifty cents. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, etc., that for the use of any cab, cabriolet, omnibus, coach, hackney, carriage or other service than the kind designated in sections 1, 2, and 3 of this ordinance, the owner shall be entitled to receive the following compensations and no more: For less than a mile from point to point within the City limits each passenger 25 cents; for a mile, 50 cents; for each additional mile, 25 cents. For a single hour, $2; each additional hour, $1.50. The passen- ger may elect whether to select the vehicle by distance or time. The person electing to hire any of the aforesaid vehicles by the hour, shall have the right to have all the remaining seats occupied by other per- sons, without extra charge. When person hiring a vehicle enters into no agreement as to the amount of fare, or has not elected, at the time, to hire said vehicle by the hour he shall be deemed to have hired it by the mile, provided that for any detention of said vehicle by the pas- senger for fifteen minutes or more, all told, when working by the mile, the owner or driver may demand payment at the rate of $.1 per hour. Sec. 5. Be it further ordained, etc., That any driver of owner who shall charge higher than the above specified rates, or who shall refuse to carry a passenger when not engaged, shall be fined not less than $5 nor more than $25 on each defense upon conviction before any court of competent jurisdiction, and in default of payment of same lie shall work the same out in the public streets and alleys or other public work at the rate of $1 per day for each day of labor performed, provided the owner or driver shall be allowed to demand and receive the charge of fare in advance, if he so elect. Sec. 6. Be it further ordained, etc., That every owner or driver of any such vehicle as hereinabove described shall carry on his vehicle one piece of baggage not to exceed 50 pounds in weight, for each pass- enger without extra charge. But for any additional baggage which he may carry, he shall be entitled to extra compensation at the rate of 25 cents per piece, all disputes as to prices shall be settled by the chief or a lieutenant of police. Sec. 7. Be it further ordained, etc., That every vehicle as herein- before described, shall be provided with a suitable lamp, on each side, which shall be lighted at night. These lamps shall have plain glass fronts and both sides on which shall be painted legible in dark or golden colors the register number of the said vehicle. Each such vehicle shall also have said number legibly engraved or embossed upon a metal plate and affixed inside. Sec. 8. Be it further ordained, etc., That the driver of any vehicle hereinbefore described, immediately or after the termination of any hiring or employment must carefully search vehicle for any property lost or left therein, and any such property, unless sooner claimed or delivered to the owner muut be taken to the police station and deposited with the officer in charge within twenty-four hours after the finding of said property, and in addition a written notice, with brief description, must be forwarded at once to t'he city comptroller. Sec. 9. Be it further ordained, etc., that the owner or driver of any vehicle for the transportation of persons for hire shall keep on the inside of said vehicles, hung up in a conspicuous maner, so as to be easily seen and read, a printed copy of the rates of fares established by this ordinance; said printed copy to be furnished by the City Comp- troller, and the applicant for same shall pay the cost of the card. Each day that said number or said card shall not be displayed as aforesaid shall constitute a separate offense. Sec. 10. Be it further ordained, etc., That any owner or driver of any vehicle as aforesaid who shall violate any of the provisions of sections 6, 7, 8 and 9 of this ordinance shall be fined not less than five dollars nor more than $25 for each offense and in default of the payment of the said fine, he shall be ordered to work the same out in the streets and alleys or other public works of the city of Shreveport at the rate of one dollar per day for each day of labor performed. Adopted February 20th, 1906. 224 AN ORDINANCE Requiring public hacks to have lights. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport in regular session convened that all public hacks, omnibuses, carriages and all other vehicles, carrying or transferring passengers for hire in the City of Shreveport shall, at night, carry lighted lamps attached to the side of said vehicle in such a way that the light may be seen in front of said vehicle. Be it further ordained thht any driver or owner of any vehicle violating the provisions of this ordinance shall on conviction be fined not less than one dollar and not more than twenty-five dollars, and in default of payment of said fine he shall work the same out on the public streets and alleys or other public work of the City of Shreveport at the rate of one dollar per day for each day of labor performed. Adopted March 6th, 1902. VEHICLES AND HACKS. Be it Tesolved that on and after March 1st, 1900, all vehicles travel- ing on streets and Texas Avenue be required to keep to the right, and that signs be posted alternately on this route to this effect, and that the police force be required to rigidly enforce same. Any violation of the above ordinance be subjected to a fine of $ 10 . Adopted February 1, 1900. AN ORDINANCE Requiring drivers of hacks, etc., soliciting passengers at the Union Depot, to stand on outer e,dge of sidewalks. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport, in legal and regular session convened, that it shall be unlawful, for boot' blacks, peddlers, porters, or drummers for hotels or boarding houses, drivers or drummers for hacks, carriages, omnibuses, automobiles, or other vehicles, for the purpose of soliciting business, to go on or about the coaches of the railroad trains at the Union Depot at the corner of Louisiana and Lake Streets, or around the platforms or ground® attached thereto, or upon the sidewalks contiguous to said depot grounds, except upon the outer edges of the said sidewalks of a width of two feet, provided said strips of two (2) feet shall not extend beyond the 225 respective property lines of said depot grounds which said strips paral- lel; and any person who shall violate the provisions of this ordinance .shall, upon conviction by any court of competent jurisdiction, be fined not less than five ($5.00) dollars nor more than Fifty ($50.00) dollars for each offense, and in default of payment of said fine, shall work out same on the streets and alleys or other public works of the City of Shreveport, at the rate of one ($1.00) dollar, per day, for each day of labor performed. Adopted June 9, 1908. AN ORDINANCE Amending an ordinance locating public cab and carriage stands in the City of Shreveport and providing for its enforcement. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport, in legal assembly convened, that an ordinance adopted on June 4, 1896, locating public cab and carriage stands and providing foir its enforce- ment, be and the ,same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: That the following places in Shreveport are hereby designated as public cab and carriage stands on the streets; to wit: Both sides of Market street between Travis and Milam streets; the east side of Texas street between Edwards and McNeil streets, provided they shall occupy no wider space on said streets than the width of a carriage stand- ing close to the curb, and provided further that all public cabs or carriages may for thirty minute® prior to the leaving of all passenger trains, stand near or in front of the various hotels in the city. At all other times, than the thirty minutes allowed in above, and also for the purpose of loading or unloading passengers at the hotels, and also between the hours of 10 o’clock p.m. and 7 o’clock a.m., it shall be un- lawful for sail cabs and carriages to stop or loiter around any of the hotels. Be it further enacted that for each infraction of this ordinance a driver or person violating this ordinance shall be fined not less than $2 nor more than $10, and on conviction shall be ordered to work out the same on the streets and alleys at $1 per day for each day of labor performed. Be it further enacted that this ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage. Adopted July 2, 1896. 226 AN ORDINANCE Fixing a place where vehicles kept for common hire may stand; to pre- vent their standing at other places, with certain exceptions. Be it ordained, by the city council of- Shreveport, La., in regular session convened, That it shall be unlawful for the driver or other person in charge of any cab, carriage, coach, omnibus, dray, delivery wagon or other vehicles, kept for common hire, to piermit same to re- main at any one stand, place or location, on any paved street or alley in the City of Shreveport, except as hereinafter provided, for a longer time than twenty (20) minutes, on any brick street, or any length of time on any asphalt or bituliithic street, except when in the actual em- ploy of passengers, or in the discharge of unloading or other work. Be it further ordained, etc., That said vehicles shall not stand on paved streets between the west line of Common street and the east line of Spring street. Be it further ordained, etc., That any person violating the provis- ions of this ordinance shall be fined in a sum not less than five ($5.00) dollars nor more than twenty-five ($25.00) dollars, and in default of payment, shall work out the same on streets, alleys or other public works of the city at the rate of one ($1) dollar per day for each day of labor performed. And that this ordinance shall go into effect from and after its passage. Adopted March 9, 1909. GAS COMPANIES— RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES, AND FRANCHISES AN ORDINANCE Granting to the Shrevepdrt Gas Company the rights and privileges of laying gas pipes and mains and erecting lamp, posts throughout the limits of the City. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport in legal and regular session convened, That the .Shreveport Gas Company be and the same is hereby granted the right and privilege to lay down gas pipes, mains etc., in all the streets of the City of Shreveport; the said privilege to continue until the expiration of the charter of said company. The said company is hereby authorized and empowered to maintain pipes, mains and lamps now established and located in the event the said company purchases the same, and also to dig up the streets or sidewalks in said city for the purpose of laying pipes, pro- vided travel is not impeded and said streets and sidewalks are again put in as good repair by the company as when said openings are made. 227 Be it further ordained, That this ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage. Adopted January 21, 1886. AN ORDINANCE Granting The Citizens’ Oil and Pipe Line Company, their succes- sors and assigns, for a period of twenty-five years the right to acquire, lay, maintain, repair, replace, relay and remove mains and pipe lines and all necessary regulators and appliances for the transportation of natural or manufactured gas, petroleum, or either of said products to, in and through the City of Shreveport, together with the additional right to use all streets avenues and public grounds of the City of Shreveport, for the purpose of laying mains and pipes to (iupply and deliver to the said City and the inhabitants thereof, gas or petroleum for manufacturing, heating, illuminating and all other purposes for which natural or manufactured gas, petroleum or either of said products is, or may be, used during such period. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport, That the Citizensi Oil and Pipe Line Company, their successors or assigns be and they are hereby authorized and empowered for a period of twenty-five years from and af- ter the passage of this ordinance to construct, acquire ope- rate and maintain gas works in the city of Shreveport and to man- ufacture, sell and supply to said city and the inhabitants thereof, and to sell and supply natural gas and petroleum, to the city and its in- habitants. That the said Company, their successors and associates be and they are hereby authorized and empowered for a period of twenty- five years, from and after the passage of this ordinance, to enter upon and dig and excavate in the .streets, sidewalks and alleys, avenues and lanes, highways and public grounds of the said city, as the boundaries thereof are now or may be hereafter, and to lay, maintain and operate in said streets, sidewalks, avenues, lanes, highways and public grounds below the surface thereof and on the bridges and viaducts of said city, gas mains and gas pipes, with all necessary and proper attachments, connections and appurtenances for the supply, distribution and trans- portation of natural or manufactured gas, petroleum or either of said products to, in and through said city with the right at all times here- after during said period to dig and excavate for the purpose of relay- ing, repairing, replacing and removing the gas mains and pipes or other portions thereof and for the same purposes to make connections! for (consumers, with pipes fand mains; provided,^ how- ever, that after said gas mains and pipes are laid, all ex- cavations shall be refilled, thoroughly tamped in four inch layers and sprinkled as tamped, 'the tamper to weigh not less 228 than twenty pounds; and all sidewalks and pavements shall be re- placed and re-laid with material according to the original plans and specifications of said pavements and sidewlks by paving contractors as long as said pavements are under maintenance bond, and when any of the said pavements are not under maintenance bond, by the person designated by the city. All to be left in as good condition as before. Should said grantee fail or refuse to replace and restore said pavement, sidewalks and excavations within a reasonable time, then the same may be replaced and restored by the city at the expense of said grantee. JSTo street, alley, etc., shall be opened before the grantee is prepared to lay its pipes in said streets, alleys, etc., and refill and replace the same in accordance with the above provisions. Sec. 2. Under the aut'hortiy hereby granted, the said grantee shall ffuirniislh natural gas to said city and its imhatptants at the rate which shall not exceed fifty (50c) cents for each one thousand (1000) cubic feet of commercial gas and for manufactured gas shall not ex- ceed one ($1.50) dollar and fifty cents for each one thousand (1000) feet. The latter price to be reduced ten per cent for cash paid at the company’s office on or before the tenth of the month succeeding the month for which payment is made. Section 3. As long as natural gas is furnished and sold to the inhabitants of the said City of Shreveport under this franchise, said grantees shall in consideration of this grant, furnish free to the City of Shreveport, natural gas for light and heat in the City Hall and all offices and departments therein, and shall furnish along the lines of the mains natural gas for street lamps at $1.20 per year for each burner using incandescent mantle, provided that all lights in the city hall shall be extinguished when not in use, and no street lamp shall be left burning during the day time. The city to furnish lamps, posters, burners, mantles, fixtures and maintain and keep same in repair. Section 4. No person or company or corporation shall be per- mitted to make’ any connection with any of the distributing or service pipes of grantees, unless duly authorized by said grantees, their suc- cessors or assigns. The city shall pass such other ordinances, with penal provisions, and the grantees may adopt such rules and regulations as shall be necessary to protect said grantees their successors or assigns from loss or damage by imposition or fraud, and to prevent the waste of gas. Section 5. In the construction, repairing and operating said gas isystem or gas works, said grantees shall use every reasonable and proper precaution to avoid damage or injury to person or property and shall hold and save harmless the city from damages, injury, loss or expense 229 caused by the negligence of grantees in constructing, repairing and operating said gas plant, or in paving or repairing any street, alley or other public place. Section 6. All prohibitions, amendments, forfeitures and other provisions of this ordinance shall be binding upon said grantee, their successors and assigns, whether expressly so stated therein or not, and all rights, grants and privileges, secured by this ordinance to said grantees shall inure to the benefit of their legal and bonafide repre- sentatives, successors or assigns. The said grantee® shall comply with all rules and regulations, that are now or may hereafter be in jforce with reference to laying and safeguarding their pipes. Section 7. Said grantees, successors and assigns shall be supplying gas in the City of Shreveport within twelve (12) months from the construction by them of a line from the gas wells to Shreveport, whien pipe line shall be constructed within twelve months from the passage of this ordinance, otherwise this franchise becomes null and void; pro- vided, however, that any delay in laying pipe lines in or to said city, caused by injunction or Jegal proceedings or any other cause be- yond the control of the grantees shall not be counted as a part of the twelve months. Said grantees shall begin work in the city within three months after the passage of this ordinance and shall be in com- plete operation within two years. Section 8. Within thirty days from and after this ordinance shall take effect and become a law, the grantees shall file with the city clerk of the said city their written acceptance of the provisions hereof, and in case of failure to file such acceptance within the time specified then this ordinance shall ipso facto eease and become null and void. Section 9. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, and the filing of the said written acceptance in the office of the city clerk by grantees, and shall remain in force for 25 years thereafter. Adopted September 11, 1905. AN ORDINANCE Amending an ordinance, of date September 11, 1905, in which the Citi- zen’s Oil and Pipe Line Company was granted the right to operate a natural and artificial Gas Plant in the City of Shreveport, and was granted further right to lay gas pipes through the streets and alleys and other public places of the City of Shreveport and to charge certain rates for gas consumed. Section 1. Be it ordained by the city Council of the City of Shreveport in legal and regular session convened that the following amendment be added to the ordinance of September 1 lth, 1905 in which 230 the right and privileges granted to the Citizens Oil and Pipe Line Com- pany, its successors and assigns, to operate a natural and artificial gas plant in the city of Shreveport, and to lay gps pipes in the streets, alleys and other public places of the city, to-wit: DOMESTIC CONSUMPTION — 25 cents per 1000 cubic feet of gas, less a discount of ten per cent for bills paid prior to the tenth of the month succeeding that in which the gas was burned or consumed, shall be charged consumers by the said company, its successors or as- signs; provided that a less amount may be charged by the said com- pany on its own motion, but no greater amount shall be charged. FOR PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS’ Twenty cents per thousand cubic feet of gas, less* a dis- count of ten per cent for bills paid prior to the 10th of the month suc- ceeding that in which the gas was used or burned, shall be charged con- sumers by said company, its successors or assigns; provided that a less amount may be charged by the sa^.d company on its own motion, but no greater amount shall be charged./ MANUFACTURERS All amounts of gas up to twenty million cubic fe'et per month, eleven cents per thousand cubic feet, less a discount of 30 per cent, for bills paid prior to the tenth of the succeeding month in which the gas was used or consumed, shall be charged consumers by the said company, its successors or assigns; provided that a less amount may be charged by the said company on its- own motion, but no greater amount shall be charged. For next additional thirty million cubic feet of gas per month, eleven cents per thousand cubic feet, less a discount of fifty per cent for bills paid prior to the tenth of the succeeding month in which the gas is used or consumed, shall be charged consumers by said company, its successors or assigns; provided, that a less amount may be charged by the company on its own motion, but no greater amount shall be charged. For the next additional fifty million cubic feet of gas used per month, eleven cents per thousand cubic feet, less a discount of fifty five per cent for bills paid prior to the tenth of the succeeding month, in which the gas is used or consumed, shall be charged customers by said company, its successors or assigns; provided that a less amount, may be . charged by the said company on its own motion, but no ‘greater amount shall be charged. For the next additional fifty million cubic feet and over, used or consumed per month, 11 cents per 1,000 cubic feet, less a discount of sixty per cent for bills paid prior to -the tenth of the month succeeding 231 that in which the gas is used or consumed shall be charged by the company, its successor® or assigns; provided that a less amount may be charged by the said company on its own motion, but no greater amount shall be charged. Provided, that no single monthly charge for gas used or consumed shall be less than fifty cents. Section 2. *Be it further ordained that the rates as herein fixed and established shall remain in force and effect as long as what is known as the Caddo Gas Field shall furnish gas in sufficient quantities with natural pressure sufficient to force such gas from the gas wells through the pipe line of the company to the City of Shreveport, but should the supply of gas or the natural pressure diminish so as to make it necessary to use artificial force or power either to pump the gas from the wells or to force it through the pipe line of the company to the City of Shreveport, this amendment shall cease, and the rates herein fixed shall become inoperative and void, and the rates now authorized to be charged by said company as fixed in said franchise shall revive and become executory as if this amendment had never been passed, and in such event the said company shall be empowered and authorized to charge such rates as now fixed by its said franchises. Section 3. Be it further ordained that this ordinance within five days after its final passage, shall be formally accepted by the grantee, its successors or assigns, of the franchise granted by the ordinance of September 11th, 1905, in writing authorized by its Board of Director® and after such acceptance same shall become a contract between said company and the city of Shreveport for the time stated in the franchise of the Citizen’s Oil and Pipe Line Company, subject to the terms and conditions thereof as herein changed, altered or amended, and subject to the conditions herein, and remain inviolate as a contract between said company and the City ef Shreveport. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained etc., that the said grantee, its suc- cessors and assigns, shall extend its mains for the purpose of supplying new consumers where it can reasonably be assured of at least one bona fide consumer on an average of every seventy-five lineal feet of any such extension. Section 5. Be it further ordained, etc., that the grantee, its suc- cessors or assigns, shall furnish gas for use in the City Garbage Crema-. tory at the rate allowed in this franchise to manufacturers, and that street lighting shall be governed by the provisions of the ordinance of September 11, 1905. Free gas shall be furnished by the said grantee, its successors or assigns to the fire department for lighting and heating purposes. Sec. 6. Be it further ordained etc., That all the provisions embraced 232 in the original ordinance of September 11, 1905 (herein above referred to and not in conflict with any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be and remain in full effect and force. Adopted June 18th, 1907. Amended Franchise of the Citizen’s Oil and Pipe Line Company, (Caddo Company accepted) The Shreveport 'Gras, Electric Light and Power Company, of the City of Shreveport, Caddo ( Parish, La., and being the present Assignee of the Gas Franchise granted to the Citizens Oil and Pipe Line Com- pany, by the City Council of the City of Shreveport, on Sept. 11th, 1905, hereby accepts the foregoing amended Franchise and recognizes it as a binding contract between the said City of Shreveport, and the said Shreveport Gas, Electric Light and Power Company and its suc- cessors and assigns. Signed this 22nd day of June, 1907. SHREVEPORT GAS, ELECTRIC LIGHT & POWER CO., Per A. B. CURTIS, Manager. Attest: C. G. RIVES, D. G. FRANTZ The Caddo Oil and Gas Company, hereby accept the foregoing ordi- nance,^ amending the Citizens Oil and Pipe Line Company’s Gas Franchise of date of September 11th, 1905, in so far as ordinance may relate to or effect said Caddo Gas & Oil Company. Sign'ed on this 22nd day of June, 1907. Attest: C. G. RIVES, D. G. FRANTZ. CADDO GAS AND OIL COMPANY, By S. S. HUNTER, Pres. AN ORDINANCE Granting to J. B. and W. S. Atkins, their heirs and assigns for a period of twenty-five years the right to acquire, maintain, operate, lay, repair, replace, relay and remove, mains and pipe lines and all necessary regulators and appliances for the transportation of natural and manufactured gas in and through the City of Shreveport, together with 233 the additional right to use all streets, avenues, alleys, and public grounds of the said City of Shreveport for the purpose of laying mains and pipes to supply and deliver to the said city and the inhabitants thereof, gas for manufacturing, heating, illuminating and all other purposes for which natural or manufactured gas is or may be used during the said period. Be it ordained by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Shreveport, Louisiana, in legal and regular session convened: Section 1. That the said J. B. and W. S. Atkins, their heirs and assigns, be and they are hereby authorized and empowered for a period of twenty-five years from and after the passage of this ordinance, to construct, acquire, operate and maintain gas works in the City of Shreveport, La., and to manufacture, sell and supply gas to said city and its inhabitants thereof, and to sell or supply natural or manufac- tured gas to the said city and its inhabitants. That the said J. B. and W. iS. Atkins their heirs and assigns, be and they are hereby authorized and empowered for a period of twenty five years, from and after the passage of this ordinance, to enter upon, dig and excavate, in the streets, alleys, avenues, lanes, sidewalks and highways and •public grounds below the surface thereof, and om the bridges and via- ducts of said city, gas mains and gas pipes with all necessary attach- ments connections fixtures, and appurtenances, for the supply, distribu- tion and transportation of either natural or manufactured gas, to, in and through the said city with the right at all times hereafter during said period to dig and excavate for the purpose of relaying, repairing, re- placing and removing the said gas mains and pipes or any portion thereof, and for the same purpose to make connections for consumers with such pipes and mains; provided, however, that after the said gas mains and pipes are laid, all excavations shall be refilled, thoroughly tamped in four inch layers and sprinkled as tamped; the tamper to weigh not less than twenty pounds, and all sidewalks and pavements shall be replaced and relaid with material according to the original plans and specifications of said pavement and sidewalk by the paving contractors as long as the said pavements are under maintenance bond, and when any of the pavements are not under maintenance bond, by the person designated by the City, all to be left in as good condition as before. Should said grantee fail or refuse to replace and restore said pavement, sidewalks and excavations within a reasonable time, then the same may be replaced and restored by the said city at the ex- pense of the grantee®, their heirs and assigns. Further, no street, alley, etc., shall be opened before the grantee is prepared to lay its pipes in said street, alley, lane, avenue, etc., and to replace and refill the same in accordance with the above provisions. The said grantees, their heirs, successors and assigns shall lower their mains and pipes whenever required by the city to do so. 234 No excavation in the said streets, alleys, avenues, etc., or other public places of the city ishall be permitted without the written permit from the street commissioner so to do, that the street commissioner shall locate the route of said excavation and that said grantee, their heirs, successors or assigns shall be required to furnish bond, for the re- placing of the said street, alley, sidewalk, etc., in the condition in which they were prior to the excavation of same. The said grantees, their heirs, successors or asigns shall tunnel beneath all paved streets or alleys, whenever possible in the laying, placing, etc., of their pip^s, mains, etc., and this work shall be done under the supervision of the street commissioner. The said grantees, their heirs, successors or assigns are hereby required to place a shut off and box on each connection at the side- walk. The said grantees, their heirs, successors or assigns, shall extend their mains for the purpose of supplying new consumers where they can be reasonably assured of at least one bona fide consumer on an aver- age of every seventy-five lineal feet of any such extension. Section 2. iBe it further ordained, etc., that under the authority hereby granted, said grantees, their successors or assigns, shall furnish gas for domestic use for the said city and its inhabitants at a rate which for natural gas shall not exceed twenty five cents for each one thousand cubic feet, provided however, that the maximum charge for the gas shall be fifty cents per thousand cubic feet, when it becomes necessary to the said grantee, their heirs, successors or assigns to erect or maintain pumping stations to supply gas as required or authorized by this ordinance; provided further that a minimum charge of fifty cents per month may be made where there is a service connection, and premises are occupied, even though the gas consumed amount to a less sum. The price at which manufactured gas shall be furnished by the said grantees, heirs, successors or assigns, under this ordinance shall not exceed i$1.25 for each one thousand cubic feet of gas consumed, the price to be reduced 10 per cent for cash paid at the company’s office on or before the 10th of the month succeeding the month for which payment is due, subject, however, to same minimum charge of fifty cents per month as in the case of natural gas. The price of natural gas by whomsoever consumed shall be reduced 10 per cent for cash paid at the company’s office on or before the 10th of the month succeeding the month for which payment is due. Whenever there is a service connection, and premises are not tem- porarily occupied, if the grantees, their heirs, successors or assigns take out the meter, they shall not charge to replace same upon the request of the occupants following their return to the said premises. 235 Arbitrators composed of one person selected by the grantees, their heirs, successors or assigns, and one person selected by the City Coun- cil and a third person to be chosen by the above named persons seflected, if the third person’s services are deemed necessary shall decide when it shall be necessary for the erection and use of pumping stations on account of the diminution of the gas pressure at the wells. Section 3. Be it further ordained, etc., that the grantees, their heirs, successsors or assigns, shall furnish gas without extra charge to the city hall, the fire department, and the police station for heating and lighting purposes. That they shall furnish gas to all Welsbach or Hum- phrey’s four mantel incandescent arc street lamps at a price of one dollar per month per lamp when lamps are properly erected by the city under the supervision of the grantee’s superintendent, and not burned ex- cept from dark to daylight each night; and said grantees, their heirs, suc- cessors or assigns shall furnish gas to the churches, charity hospital, public schools, and all charitable institutions at one-half the price that shall be concurrently charged for domestic use, all expenses of making connections with grantees’ mains to be paid by parties receiving gas under this section. When gas is not furnished free to the city by the said grantees, etc., the city shall be charged, as long as the natural gas exists, no more than the minimum rate charged the most favored factory. All persons who desire to use lamps burning gas over sidewalks or anty portion of any street in this city shall pay no more than the rates charged the city for street lamps, as indicated in this section. Section 4. No person, company or corporation shall be permitted to make any connection with any other distributing or service pipes of said grantees unless duly authorized by said grantees, their heirs, suc- cessors or assigns (and the said grantees shall have the right to shut off gas from any consumer who is in arrears for a longer period than fif- teen days.) And the city shall pass such ordinances with penal provis- ions, and the grantees may adopt such rules and regulations as shall be necessary to protect said grantees, their heirs, successors, etc., from loss or damage by imposition or fraud and to prevent a waste of gas. Section 5. Grantees, their heirs, successsors or assigns shall furnish gas at the curb line and furnish a curb cock and box for each service and shall furnish a meter of standard manufacture as hereinafter pro- vided for and connect same with the pipes of each consumer without charge; all other services, pipes, fixtures shall be furnished by the con- v sumer. 236 In case of a dispute arising relative to the reading, same shall be governed by the existing ordinance covering this point. Section 6. In constructing, repairing and operating said gas system or gas works said grantees shall use every reasonable and proper precau- tion to avoid damage or injury to person or property and shall hold and save harmless the said city from damage, injury, loss or expense caused by the negligence of ©aid grantees in constructing, repairing and operat- ing said gas plant, or in paving, repaving or repairing any street or other public place. -\ v Section 7. The term “'Grantees” as used herein, shall be con- strued to mean J. B. and W. S. Atkins, their heirs, successors or assigns or other legal representatives. Any firm, company or other corpora- tion which may be the successor of the said grantees, shall establish or maintain its legal domicile in the City of Shreveport, Caddo Parish, Louisiana. A failure to establish said domicile shall operate as an ipso facto cancellation of this ordinance. In the event that said grantees, their heirs, assigns or successors, shall assign, sell or set over or transfer in any way their gas property or this -franchise to any other persons, firm, company or corporation holding a gas franchise from said city, said latter gas company, firm, corporation or individual shall operate under one of the said franchises providing the most beneficial and cheapest rates to said city and its inhabitants. And should the said grantees herein purchase or acquire in any manner the franchise or gas property or holding of any other gas company, firm, corporation or individual holding gas franchise from said city, said grantees, their heirs, successors or assigns shall operate under one of the said franchises providing the most beneficial and cheap- est rates to said city and its inhabitants. Section 8. All prohibitions, amendments, forfeitures and all other provisions of this ordinance shall be binding upon the said grantees, their heirs, successors or assigns, whether expressly so stated therein or not, and all rights, grants or privileges secured by this ordinance to said grantees, shall inure to the benefit of their legal and bona-fide representatives, heirs, successors or assigns without further action of the said City of Shreveport, Louisiana. Section 9. Within thirty days from and after the time this ordi- nance shall take effect and become a law the .grantees agree to file with the clerk of the City of Shreveport, their written acceptance of the provisions hereof. And in case of their failure to file their accept- ance within the time specified, then this ordinance shall ipso facto cease and become null and void. 237 Section 10. Said grantees, their heirs, successors or assigns, shall begin work of laying their pipe lines within the limits of the said city within sixty days from and after the passage of this ordinance, provid* ed same is accepted, and shall furnish gas within twelve months from construction of pipe line from their gas wells located in and about the Caddo Gas Fields, Caddo Parish, State of Louisiana, and pipe line shall be completed within twelve months after the passage of this ordinance, otherwise this franchise becomes null and void, however, that any de- lay in laying pipe line in said city or laying lines from wells of supply to said city, caused by injunction or other legal proceedings, shall not be counted as part of the twelve months, as herein provided. The use of the term “The Caddo Gas Fields” shall embrace the Annanias gas fields, the Pine Island Gas Fields and all other neighbor- ing fields that are or may hereafter be developed by said grantees, their heirs, successors or assigns, or other legal representatives. Section 11. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and the filing of said written acceptance in the office of the clerk of the said city by said grantees, and its publica- tion according to the law, and shall remain in force for twenty-five years thereafter; provided further, that the said grantees shall furnish a bond to the amount of five thousand dollars in favor of the said City, guaranteeing that they will begin the work of laying the pipe lines within the said city within sixty days after the passage of this ordi- nance, provided the provisions of same are accepted by the said grantees, and provided further that said grantees shall furnish a bond to the amount of ten thousand dollars in favor of the said city guaranteeing that they will furnish gas to the said city and the consumers therein within twenty-four months- after their acceptance of this ordinance, said bond to be furnished by them at the time of said acceptance. Adopted June 18, 19'07. ACCEPTANCE OF THE GAS FRANCHISE BY ATKINS BROS. State of Louisiana, Parish of Caddo. , Know all men by these presents, that we, John B. Atkins and W. S. Atkins, both residents of the above named Parish and State, as princi- pals and the UNITED STATES FIDELITY & GUARANTEE CO., of Maryland, as surety are held and firmly bound unto the City of Shreve- port in the full sum of Ten Thousand Dollars, for payments of which well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and our heirs, assigns 238 or successors and other legal representatives, firmly and in solido by these presents. Dated at Shreveport, Louisiana, this 16th day of July, 1907. The conditions of the above obligation are such, that whereas the said City of Shreveport by ordinance adopted June 18th, 1907, has granted to J. B. and W. S. Atkins, their heirs, successors and assigns a franchise, which franchise has been accepted by J. B. and W. S. Atkins, now therefore if the said J. B. and W. S. Atkins, their heirs, successors and assigns isihal'l reach the City of Shreveport with their pipe line, connecting the .city with their gas wells and shall begin to furnish gas to the said City and consumers therein within twenty-four months after the date of their acceptance of said franchise, according to the provisions of the said franchise which is made a part hereof, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Thus done and signed this day above written in presence of Ponder S. Carter and J. C. Foster, competent witnesses. J. B. ATKINS, W. ( S. ATKINS. The United Fidelity & Guaranty Co., of Balti- more, Maryland, per WM. FORD, Attorney. RED RIVER BRIDGE. AN ORDINANCE Relating to a wagon way and foot walk across Red river and the collection of toll therefrom, in connection with the bridge of Vicksburg, Shreveport and Pacific Railroad Company. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Shreveport, in legal assembly convened, that the City of Shreveport, in the State of Louis- iana, in connection with the Police Jury of the” Parish of Bossier, State of Louisiana, desiring that the bridge crossing Red river at Shreveport be built by the Vicksburg, Shreveport and Pacific Railroad Company shall be made available for the passage of road wagons and foot passengers, make and enter into the following agreement with Otto Plock, president of the said railroad company, to-wit: Section 1. The said City of Shreveport and Parish of Bossier, party of the first part, will pay unto said railroad company, party of Attest: Ponder S. Carter, J. C. Foster. Attest: T. A. Van Lear, E. F. Savage. 239 the second part, seven per cent per annum interest on the increased cost of constructing said bridge, so as to make same available for road vehicles and foot passengers, including in said cost the cost of all structural additions which may be necessary to make said bridge so available. This payment shatll be made semi-annually, and the same shall be due to 'the party of the second part by the party of the first part for each and every year of the duration of this agreement. This agreement shall operate perpetually, and the bridge shall forever be used for the passage of road vehicles and foot passengers. Section 2. Said party of the second part shall undertake and be responsible for the maintenance of said bridge and approaches thereto in first class order and condition at all times. The expenses incurred by such maintenance and inspection of said bridge shall be charged to party of first part and the party of the second part, respectively, in proportion to the nature of the work, and said party of the second part shall furnish to said party of the first part monthly, an itemized statement showing the details of the sum chargeable to the said party of the first part. Section 3. That in the matter of painting, said bridge the expenses thereof shall be pro rated between and paid by the parties hereto, respectively to the proportion to the increased cost entailed by the requirements by said party of the first part. Such cost of painting shall be charged to said party of the first part upon a certified voucher thereof, and the payment thereof by said first party under this agree- ment shall be made in twelve equal consecutive monthly installments, the balance not bearing interest. Section 4. That said party of the first part shall pay a propor- tion of the taxes and insurance payable on the said bridge and the approaches thereto in .accordance with the relative cost of said bridge as originally designed by said party of the second part, and the cost of said bridge as not desired by said party of the first part. Section 5. That the toll shall be collected by and be received by said party of the first part, and it shall be obligatory upon sail first party that the revenues arising from the collection of said tolls, shall after deductions properly chargeable thereto, for expenditures by the first party under this agreement shall have been made, be applied to a reduction of the ferry tolls for the ensuing year, and that said reductions shall be at the rate of ten per centum from the exist- ing rate not exceeding ten per centum for each succeed::!" year upon the rates charged during each preceeding year. It is further agreed that the surplus revenues accruing under this agreement shall not be applied to any other purpose than the reduction of the ferry tolls and the extinguishment of the debt for the construction of said bridge. Section 6. That the said party of the first part shall undertake 240 the full responsibility for collecting the tolls, and the said party of the first part shall maintain and keep whatever guard or guards may be necessary to collect the tolls and keep all vehicles and foot pas- sengers off t'he bridge on the approach of trains, and also at any time when the second party’s bridge tender shall advise said guard or guards that the roadway and footway must be closed either for rail- road purposes or for the passage of boats, said guard or guards shall work in unison with the said bridge tender, and in accordance with his requirements. Said guard or guards shall also obey and carry out the general and special instructions and rules prescribed by said second party, so far as the dutigs attending the work of draw and other bridges are concerned. Section 7. That the said party of the first part shall take im- mediate action, at the request of the said party of the second part, in all matters of irregularity on the part of the guard or guards. Section 8. That the trains and locomotives of the said party of the second part shall at all times have precedence of all other vehi- cles or passenger traffic. Section 9. That as regards the existing ferry, the said party of the first part undertakes on and from the opening of said bridge to abandon forever all rights to institute a ferry, or lease ferry privileges, and will undertake to assist and protect said party of the second part in any manner or claim, or any legal action which may arise under the abandonment of the said ferry privileges. Section 10. That the said party of the first part hereby under- takes to do and perform any and every act which may be necessary to remove any obstacles which may be interposed with a view to impede the construction of a bridge across Red river, as designed by the said party of the second part, and agrees to do whatever structure or other works may be necessary to provide as good facilities as now exist for the furtherance of business other than that- of the said party of the second part. Section 11. That the said party of the first part will take what- ever action may be necessary to give legal form and strength to this agreement, and will pass the necessary ordinance and regulations therefor. Section 12. That should any default arise on the part of the party of the first part in paying the sum due to the party of the second part, then within sixty days after the date of sending in the monthly statement on account as heretofore described, the said party of the second part shall have the right to step in and appropriate to itis own uses and purposes the tolls chargeable for the passage of road vehicles and foot passengers over the bridge and the right to do so is hereby expressly surrendered to the said party of the second part by the said party of the first part, in case of default in said payment or any of them by the said party of the first part. If, however, after the party of the second part has made avail of the foregoing condi- tions, and possessed itself of the right to collect and take possession of the tolls, it shall be the privilege of the party of the first part to give ten days' notice of its intention and ability, and to pay up all arrears due, to which shall be added interest at the rate of 10 per centum per annum of the amount of said arrears; and after such notice has been given to the party of the second part and the sum of money due properly tendered to said party of the second part, then shall the party of the first part be entitled to enter upon the collection and possession of the tolls with the obligation of observing the con- dition of this agreement as hereinbefore expressed, the same as if no default had been made. iSection 13. It shall be the privilege of the party of the first part to pay the party of the second part the sum incurred by the party of the second part in consequence of the requirements of the party of the first part at any time, and after such payment shall have been made, then shall the party of the first part be only bound to pay its proportionate part of the expense of repairing the roadway and approaches of the bridge. Adopted May 18, 1882. BRIDGE FREE TO SCHOOL CHILDREN. Resolved, that all children in Bossier Parish that attend school in the City of Shreveport shall be permitted to cross the bridge free, the Police Jury of Bossier concurring therein. Adopted October 9, 1884. AN ORDINANCE Providing that the tenders and toll collectors of the bridge connecting the City of Shreveport with the Parish of Bossier, shall be sworn in and authorized to' do police duty on same, etc. Be it ordained by the Board of Trustees of the City of Shreve- port in legal session convened, that the tenders appointed by the Vicksburg, Shreveport and Pacific Railroad company and also the toll collectors appointed by the Parish of Bossier and the City of 242 Shreveport, shall be sworn and invested by the Mayor with full Police Power to make arrests and keep order, etc., on said bridge. Adopted August 18th, 1884. AN ORDINANCE Prohibiting the driving or riding of animals faster than a walk across the bridge spanning Red river, connecting the City of Shreveport with the parish of Bossier, providing penalties for violation of same, etc. Be it ordained by the Board of Trustees of the City of Shreveport, in legal council assembled, that no person or persons shall drive or ride any animal across the toll and railroad bridge across Red river, connecting the City of Shreveport with the parish of Bossier, La., any faster or in any other gait than an ordinary walk. Be it further ordained, etc., that any violation of -this ordinance shall be deemed a misdemeanor, and any person or persons violating same shall be arrested by the bridge police, and be fined by the Mayor, or any court of competent jurisdiction, in a sum not exceeding $25 nor less than $5, according to the nature and gravity of the offense. Be it further ordained, etc., that this ordinance shall go into effect as soon as promulgated in the official journal of the city. Adopted August 18, 1884. DEPOSIT OF BRIDGE FEES. Resolved, that the bridge toll collectors be instructed to deposit with or report their deposits to the comptroller of the city, and that all disbursements for account of bridge be made through the comp- troller’s check, countersigned by the Mayor. Adopted February 15, 1889. BRIDGE COLLECTIONS. Resolved, that only one of the collectors on the bridge be required to be on _duty on Sunday, collectors to alternate with each other in taking a Sunday off. Adopted April 14th, 1887. 243 LETTER CARRIERS— FREE FERRIAGE. Be it resolved that the letter carriers be allowed free passage over the bridge on Red river. Adopted April 11, 1895. BRIDGES. SPRING STREET BRIDGE. Be it ordainel by the Mayor and the Board of Trustees, in legal assembly convened, that the Vicksburg, Shreveport and Pacific Rail- road Company be required to build a bridge across Cotton street and along Spring street over the excavation of the width of forty- six feet and the length of sixty feet, to be divided by a sill in the middle leaving two carriage ways each fifteen feet wide, and side- walks each eight feet wide, with fences running along the sides of the excavation from outer side of said bridge to the sides of the street; the whole to be so banistered as to render the street perfectly safe at all times, and that said bridge, if so constructed, shall be deemed sufficient if otherwise properly built. Adopted May 1, 1858. AN ORDINANCE Regulating Bridges over railroads. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Shreveport in regular session convened that it shall be unlawful for any person or for any railway company to build or erect any overhead wooden bridge over any railroad in the City of Shreveport or make any substantial re- pairs to any such wooden bridges heretofore erected; but that all such bridges shall be built of metal, stone, brick, or concrete or a combination of same. That any person or railroad company violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be subject to arrest and shall be fined in the sum of not less than Ten ($10.00) dollars or more than Fifty ($50.00) dollars, recoverable before the City Court, and shall be required to move the said wooden bridge, and on failure so to do within reasonable time, it shall be torn down and removed under the supervision of the Chief of Police, at the expense of the owners, who shall be liable to a fine of One Hundred ($100.00) dollars per day until such bridge is replaced with the kind of structure herein required. Adopted December 8th, 1908. 244 AN ORDINANCE Requiring junk dealers and all persons wiho purchase scrap iron, bottles, sacks, etc., to keep a register of names of persons from whom they purchase, and providing penalties for violations hereof. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Shreveport, in legal session convened, that all persons, firms or corporations who are engaged in the business of buying junk, scrap iron, brass or other metals, bottles, sacks, rags, second hand clothing, etc., be and they are hereby required to keep a register of the names of all parties from whom they purchase , said articles, together with a description of the articles purchased. Section 2. Be it further ordained, etc., that the register provided for in the preceding section shall be open to inspection by the chief of police of the City of Shreveport, or any officer bearing a commission as a member of the police force of said city at any and all times. Section 3. Be it further ordained, etc., that any one violating the provisions of this ordinance shall, on conviction, be fined in a sum of not less than $10, nor more than $50, and in default of payment shall work out said fine on the streets, or other public works, at the rate of $1 per day for each day of labor performed. Section 4. Be it further ordained, etc., that this ordinance shall go into effect on the first day of June, A. D. 1909, and each day said register is not kept as above provided for, shall constitute a sepa- rate offense. Adopted May 11, 1909. FIREMAN’S RELIEF FUND. Act No. 177 — By Mr. Winter — House Bill No. 194. An act providing for a Fireman’s Pension and Relief Fund for the City of Shreveport, and creating a Board of Trustees therefor; providing for the pensioning of disabled firemen and the widows or minor children, or widowed mother of deceased fireman; authorizing the retirement from service, and retiring and pensioning members of the Fire Department; providing for the raising of funds. Due notice of the intention to apply to the legislature for the passage of this Act has been published for thirty days in the City of Shreveport, Parish of Caddo, as provided in article 50 of the Consti- tution. 245 Creating a Fireman’s Pension Fund for the City of Shreveport. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana, Tihat the City of Shreveport, having a paid fire depart- ment, shall annually set aside one-half of all the license taxes collected by the said city from the fire insurance companies, or agents, as a fund for the pensioning of disabled or superannuated members of the fire department, and of the widows and orphans of the deceased members of the fire department, to relieve said members in case of temporary disability. Board of Trustees. Section 2. Be it further enacted, etc., That the Mayor, the Chair- man of the Fire Department Committee of the' City Council, the City Comptroller, who shall be treasurer, and a member of the fire depart- ment, to be selected by the said department by majority vote thereof, who shall be secretary, shall constitute and be a Board of Trustees, of the Firemen’s Pension and Relief Fund. The Mayor shall be, and is hereby made, president of the, said Board. Board’s Duties Section 3. Be it further enacted, etc., That the said Board shall have exclusive control and management of the fund mentioned in the first section of this Act, and of all the money donated, paid or assessed, for the relief, or pensioning of disabled, superannuated), and retired members of the Fire Department, their widows and minor children, or widowed mothers, and shall assess each member of the fire force, not to exceed one percentum of the salary of such members, to be deducted and withheld from the monthly pay of each member so assessed, the same to be placed by the treasurer of said fund to the credit of said fund, subject to the orders of said Board. The Board shall make all necessary rules and regulations for its govern- ment, in the discharge of its duties, and shall hear and decide all applications for relief or pensions, under this act, and its decisions on such applications shall be final and conclusive, and not subject to review or reversal except by the Board. The Board shall cause to be kept a record of all its meetings and proceedings. Section 4. Be it further enacted, etc., That the Comptroller of the City of Shreveport shall semi-annually, that is, before the 15th day of January, and the 15th day of July of each year, pay over to the Fireman’s Pension and Relief Fund one-half of the license taxes paid into the treasury of the said city of Shreveport, by the fire insurance rcompanies, or fire insurance agents doing business in said city, during the half year preceding such semi-annual settlement, and the money so paid over, shall, together with the amounts heretofore so paid, and hereinafter set forth, constitute a fund for the purposes and objects herein set forth. 246 Fines Collected to be Paid to said Board. Section 5. Be it further enacted, etc., That all the forfeitures and fines imposed by the Fire Commissioners, from time to time, upon any members of the Fire Department force, by way of discipline, shall be paid into said pension and relief fund. Proceedings of Sale of Condemned Property to be Paid to said Board. Section 6. Be it further enacted, etc., That all proceeds of sale of condemned horses and other personal property in use by the said department, shall be paid into said Pension and Relief Fund. Rewards, Gifts, etc., to be Paid to said Board. Section 7. Be it further enacted, etc., That all rewards, in money fees, gifts and emoluments that may be paid or given for, or on account of, extraordinary service or other services of said depart- ment, or any member thereof, (except when allowed to be retained by said member, or given to endow a medal or other permanent re- ward) shall be paid into said Pension and Relief Fund. The said Board of Trustees may take, by gift, devise or bequeist, any money, real estate, personal property, right of property, or other valuables or things, and such money, real estate, personal property, right of property or other valuables, or things so obtained, also all fines and penalties imposed upon members of such fire department shall in a like manner be paid into said pension and relief fund and treated as a part thereof, for the uses of such pension and relief fund; provided, that the sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) which may be received and ac- cumulated, shall be, when so received and accumulated, retained as a permanent fund and thereupon and thereafter the annual income may be made available for the use and purposes of such pension and relief fund. Section 8. Be it further enacted, etc., That the said Board of Trustees, shall have power to draw such sums of money from its treasury, to invest such fund in the name of the Board of Trustees of the Firemen’s Pension and Relief Fund, in interest bearing bonds, of the United States, of the State of Louisiana, and the City of Shreveport. And all such secruities shall be deposited with the treasurer of the Board of Trustees of the Pension and Relief Fund, and shall be subject to the orders of the said Board. When Fund Reaches $50,000.00 License Contributions to be Dispensed With. Section 9. Be it further enacted, etc., That the interest received from such investment of said sums after said fund shall have reached the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) shall be applicable to the payment of pensions and relief under this act. And when 247 such fund shall reach the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) the said one-half of all license taxes collected from fire insurance companies and agents mentioned in Section One (1) of this Act shall no longer be paid over to the Firemen's Pension and Relief Fund. How Funds shall be Warranted For. .Section 10. Be it further enacted, etc., That all moneys ordered to be paid from said Pension and Relief Fund to any person or per- sons, shall be paid by the Treasurer of said Board only upon warrant signed by the President of the Board and countersigned by the Secre- tary thereof. And no warrants shall be drawn except by order of the Board duly entered upon the records of the proceedings of the Board. In case of said Pension and Relief Fund, or any part thereof shall, by order of said Board, or otherwise, be deposited in any bank or banks, all interest or money which may be paid or agreed to be paid on account of any sum on deposit, shall belong to and constitute a part of said fund; provided, that nothing herein contained shall be construed as authorizing said treasurer to deposit said fund or any part thereof, unless so authorized by the Board. Pensioners. Section 11. Be it further enacted, etc., That if any member of the fire department of said city shall, while in the performance of his duty become, and be found, upon examination by the. department physician to be physically and mentally permanently disabled by reason of said service in said fire department, said Board of Trustees shall retire such disabled member from service in said fire department; provided no such retirement on account of disability shall occur unless said member has contracted such disability while in the service of said fire department, and upon such retirement the said Board of Trustees shall order the payment of such disabled member of such fire department monthly, from said pension and relief fund a sum equal to one-half of the monthly compensation allowed to such member as salary at the date of his retirement. Same. Section 12. Be it further enacted, etc., That if any member of the said fire department shall, while in the performance of his duty, be killed, or die as a result of his injury received in the line of his duty, or if any disease contracted by the reason of his occupation, or shall die from natural causes, while in said service, and shall leave a widow or child or children under the age of fourteen years surviving, said Board of Trustees shall direct the payment from said Pension and Relief Fund monthly to such widow, while unmarried, of fifteen dollars, and of each child until it reaches the age of fourteen, six dollars; should he Heave no widow or children, but a widowed mother 248 dependent upon him for support the said Board shall pay her the sum of fifteen dollars monthly, as long as she remains unmarried. When Pension Fnuds are Short Pensions Reduced. Section 13. Be it further enacted, etc., That if at any time there shall not be sufficient money in such pension and relief fund to pay each person entitled to the benefit thereof, the full amount per month as hereinbefore provided, then an equal percentage of such payments shall be made to each beneficiary until the funds shall be replenished to warrant the payment in full of each of said beneficiaries. Board Authorized to Retire from Service Members of the Fire Depart- ment with a Pension. Section 14. Be it further enacted, etc., That the Board of Trustees, by the majority vote of the members and with the approval of the department physician, shall have the power to retire from service in the department any member thereof who has become disabled while in actual performance of his duties, or any member who has performed faithful service in the department for a period of not less than twenty consecutive years and shall in such case place the member so retired upon the pension roll. Any member may be placed on the pension roll, when it shall be certified to the Board of Trustees in writing, by the department physician, that such member is permanently incapacitated — either mentally or physically, from performance of his duties as a member of said fire department. In case of total disabil- ity caused or induced by the actual performance of his duties, the amount of actual pension shall be two-thirds of the annual compensation allowed to the men of the grade in which such members served. The pensions of members of the permanent force who has served twenty years, shall be the amount, not exceeding one-half of the annual salary or compensation of the office from which said members are retired. Records to be Kept in the Office of Board of Trustees, Section 15. Be it further enacted, etc., That there shall be kept in the office of the Board of Trustees by the Secretary, a book to be known as a list of the retired firemen. This book shall give a full and complete history and record of the action of the Board of Trustees, in retiring any and all persons under this act,, such record shall give names, dates of joining the department, date of retirement, and the reason thereof, of any and all persons retired. When entitled to a pension, as provided by this act, such widow or children, or widowed mother shall make application to the Board of Trustees through the Secretary of such Board, on a form to be provided by the Board of Trustees. Accompanying such application shall be the proof of the marriage of the deceased to the widow claimant, such proof to be established by the marriage certificate, of other compe- 249 tent evidence. Proof of the birth of children shall be shown by the baptismal or the Board of Health certificates. The proof of a widow- hood of mother shall be shown by affidavit of such mother or disinter- ested persons. All applications and proof shall be retained in the custody of the Board of Trustees, due notice of such action shall be registered by the Secretary of the Board of Trustees in his office as pensioners of the fire department of the Firemen's Pension and Re- lief Fund. Fiscal Agent of City of Shreveport to be depository Section 16. Be it further enacted, etc., That the Board shall deposit all ‘moneys received by it in the bank selected by the City Council as the fiscal agent for the City of Shreveport; provided said moneys draw the same rate of interest from said bank as the city shall receive on its deposits, otherwise the Board shall make it£ own selection of a bank. Annual Reports. iSection 17. Be it further enacted etc,, That the Board of Trustees shall make report to the Council of said city of the condition of said Pension fund on the first day of January of each and every year. Pensions Exempt from Garnishment or Attachments of Debts. Section 18. Be it further enacted, etc., That no portion of said pension and relief fund, shall, either before or after its order of distribution by said Board to such disabled members of said fire department or to the widow or guardian of such minor children, or widowed mother of a deceased or retired member of such department be held, seized, taken, subject to, or detained or levied on by virtue of an attachment, execution, injunction, writ, interlocutory or other order or decree, or any process of proceedings whatever issued out of or by any court of this state for the payment on satisfaction in whole or in part, of any debt, damage, claim, demand, or judgment, against any member or said widow or the guardian of said minor children, or any deceased member of any dependent mother of any deceased member; but the said fund shall be sacredly held, kept, secured, and distributed for the purpose of pensioning the persons named in this act, and for no other person whatsoever. Duties of Treasurer of Board of Trustees. Section 19. Be it further enacted, etc. That the Treasurer of the Board shall be the custodian of said pension fund and shall secure and safely keep the same, subject to the control and direction o'f the Board. He shall deposit all moneys, received by him in his offical capacity, in such bank or banks, as the Board shall designate. Anl shall keep his books and accounts concerning the said fund in such manner as may be prescribed by the Board; and the said books and 250 accounts shall allway® be subject to the inspection of any member thereof. The Treasurer, shall, within ten days after his election or appointment execute a bond to the Board of Trustees, with good and sufficient security, in such penal sum as the Board shall direct, to be approved by the Board, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of his office, and that he wiill safely keep, and well and truly account for all moneys and properties which may come into his hahds as treasurer; and that on the expiration or retirement of his term of office he will surrender and deliver over to his successor all unexpended moneys and all properties which may have come into his hands as treasurer of said fund. Such bond shall be on file in the office of the Board of Trustees of said city, and in case -of a breach of same on the condition, thereof, suit may be brought on the same in the name of said Board, or of any person or persons injured by said breach. Fire Relief Association Amalgamated with Board of Trustees. Section 20. Be it further enacted, etc., That the Firemen’s Relief Association, and funds now existing in the fire department of said city, is hereby amalgamated with the Board of Trustees of the Fire- men’s Pension and Relief Fund, created by this Act, and all the assets and property of said relief association, or funds, are assumed, and shall become the obligation, debts, and liabilities of said Board of Trustees, and the forward business of said amalgamated associ- ation or funds, shall be conducted upon the terms of this act by said Board of Trustees. Funeral Expenses. Section 21. Be it further enacted, etc., That whenever an active or retired fireman shall die or be killed the Board of Trustees shall appropriate from the funds the sum of One Hundred Dollars, or as much thereof as may be necessary to pay the funeral expenses of said decedent. Members of the department to designate beneficiaries. Section 22. Be it further enacted, etc., 'That every member of the department must file with the secretary the name or names to whom death benefits are to be paid, and relations of the donor to the donee existing. Fund of $10,000.00 to accumulate before and funds can be paid. Section 23. Be it further enacted, etc., That this act shall take effect immediately after its promulgation; provided that no pensions shall be paid or money drawn from said fund for any purpose until the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars shall be to its credit. Section 24. Be it further enacted, etc., That all laws or parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this act be and are hereby repealed. R. H. SNYDER, Speaker of the House of Representatives. P. M. LAMBREMONT, President pro tempore of the Senate. Approved April 6, A. D. 1904. NEWTON C. BLANCHARD, , Governor of the State of Louisiana. A true copy. JOHN T. MITCHEL, Secretary of the State. APPENDIX AN ORDINANCE To govern and regulate the sale of milk in the City of Shreveport, La., to prohibit the saile at any place or the serving at any public hotel, restaurant, boarding house or cafe, of impure or adulterated milk; to define impure and adulterated milk; to provide for the inspection of dairies, and of all milk sold, kept or consumed; to impose a fee to cover costs of such inspection, and to provide a penalty for the violation of this ordinance. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport, in legal and regular session: convened: That it shall hereafter be un- lawful for any person, firm or corporation to sell or offer for sale, or. to serve for consumption at any public restaurant, hotel, boarding house or cafe, within the limits of the City of Shreveport, La., any milk which may be impure, unhealthful or adulterated, by which term is meant milk having the following characteristics: (a) A specific gravity of less than 1.029 or more than 1.033. (b) Less than three per centum fat. (c) Less than twelve per centum milk solids. (d) Bacteria not more than 100,000 per centum. (e) Milk drawn from cows within fifteen days or five days after parturition or milk drawn from animals fed on any unhealthful food or supplied with impure water, or drawn from cows infected with tuber- culosis; or milk which may be diluted with water or any substance which may be deleterious. Be it further ordained, etc., that in order to carry out the pro- visions of this ordinance, there shall be appointed by the President of the . Board of Health, an Inspector of Milk for the City of Shreve- port whose duty it shall be to make frequent inspections of all milk sold or offered for sale from wagons or carts of dairymen or others, or kept or served for consumption by hotels, boarding houses, restaurants or cafes within the city; *that said inspector shall be authorized to re- quire from such vendors of milk or proprietors or others in charge of such wagons, or such public hotels, boarding houses, restaurants or cafes, a quantity of milk not to exceed one half pint, for inspection and chemical analysis, and there shall be no charge for such milk. The said inspector shall also be authorized to enter upon the dairies of the dairymen or the premises used for the keeping or feeding of cows, from which milk may be furnished to consumers in the city, and there to make an inspection of the premises. 252 253 Be it further ordained, etc., that in order to meet the costs of such inspections and chemical analyses of milk the Board of Health shall be entitled to demand and receive from such persons an inspection fee of twenty-five cent® for inspection and chemical analysis of milk; and twenty-five cents for each inspection of such premises or dairies, and such inspector shall make such inspections as frequently as may be deemed advisable in the interests of the public health; provided, how- ever, that mo proprietor of a hotel, restaurant, boarding house or cafe shall be liable to the payment of more than one inspection fee in any one week, nor shall any vendor of milk from wagons or carts be liable for the payment of more than one inspection fee in any one week, for each wagon from which milk may be taken and inspected; nor shall any proprietor of such dairies or premises be liable for more than one inspection fee in any one month. The Board of Health must in- spect each dairy once per month. Be it further ordained, etc., that any person who shall refuse to permit an inspection of his milk or shall decline to furnish such inspec- tor with a sample thereof for inspection, or shall in any way hinder or interfere with the inspector in the discharge of hiis duties, shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this ordinance, and subject to its penal- ties. Be it further ordained, etc., that no person shall sell milk from wagons or carts in the city until he shall have first obtained a permit from the Board of Health to do so, which permit shall be for a period of twelve mom this. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall pay a fine of not more than twenty-five dollars, nor less than one dollar, and in default of payment, suffer imprison- ment for not more that thirty days, or both, at the discretion of the court having jurisdiction. Adopted June 11, 1909. AM ORDINANCE Be it ordained by the City Council of Shreveport, in regular sesision convened, that all concrete sidewalks and curbing put down in the city, whether by the city contractor or by a private contractor, shall be- in- spected by the City Engineer or his assistant, whose duty shall be to see that the sidewalk and curbing specifications are strictly adhered to, and finding that the specifications have not been fulfilled, shall order the contractor to tear the whode or such parts of said work as may not conform to said specification, and be relaid in accordance with said specifications. Be it further resolved, etc., that all contractors doing concrete work in laying sidewalks and curbing in this city, shall before starting said 254 work, get the City Engineer to set the line and grade stakes, and any contractor doing such work without having the lines so set by the City Engineer or his assistant, shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five nor more than one hundred dollars,' or imprisonment at the rate of one dollar per day in default of payment of the fine im- posed. Be it further resolved, that upon completion of same the City Engineer shall issue a grade certificate showing that the .work has been done in accordance with the specifications, and also that such work conforms to the lines and grades so fixed. Adopted June 11, 1909. AN ORDINANCE Regulating the speed of motorcycles, etc. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport in regular session convened: That no person shall be permitted to ride or operate a motorcycle, bicycle or other similar machine operated by motor power or by any power other than muscular pedal power on the streets or alleys of the city at a greater rate of speed than 12 miles per hour, nor turn any corner at a greater rate of speed than 6 miles per hour. Be it further ordained: That any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined in the sum of not less than $5.00 and not more than $25.00 and in default of payment, may be ordered to work out the same on the streets and alleys of the city at the rate of $1.00 per day. Be it further ordained, etc., that .this ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage. Adopted August 10, 1909. AN ORDINANCE Regulating all transfer companies, draymen, or drivers of vehicles kept for common hire to give to patrons duplicate claim checks for baggage, trunk's, etc., to be hauled to any railway depot; and pro- viding punishment for violtaion thereof. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport in regular session convened that all transfer companies, draymen or drivers of vehicles kept for common hire engaged in the business of hauling baggage, trunks, etc., to any railway depot in the City of Shreveport for transportation therefrom, be and they are hereby required to deliver 255 to their patrons at the time of the acceptance of the baggage for haul- ing, a duplicate claim check, the original of which shall be attached to the baggage at the time of its receipt, by such driver or drayman, which claim check shall bear .the name of the transfer company or driver or drayman and shall have a number for identification by the patron or railway or express agent of the transportation company. Be it further ordained that any tranfer company, driver or drayman who shall violate any of the provisions hereof shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a fine of not less than $5.00 nor more than $25.00 or be made to serve out the same on the streets of the city, at the rate of $1.00 per day. Be it further ordained that this ordinance shall go into effect ten days after its final passage. Adopted August 10, 1909. AN ORDINANCE Prohibit jog gambling with cards in public view; to prevent landlords, proprietors, etc., from operating such games or leasing premises for that purpose; or permitting such games to be operated on tiheir premises and providing punishment for violation thereof. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport in legal session convened that it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to gamble in the City of Shreveport with cards for money or representa- tives of money, within the public view or within view of any public highway. Be it further ordained, etc., that no landlord, proprietor or owner of premises within the City of Shreveport shall conduct a gambling game with cards for money, or representatives of money, nor lease his premises for such purpose, nor permit such gambling game® to be opera- ted on such premises. Be it further ordained, etc., that any person or persons violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined in the sum of not less than $25 nor more than $50 for each offense, and in default of payment of fine, may be imprisoned or be ordered to work out the same oh the public streets or alleys of the city at the rate of $1 per day. Be it further ordained, etc., that this ordinance shall go into effect from and after its passage. Adopted August 10, 1909. 256 AN ORDINANCE To provide for a labor sentence in default of payment of fines im- posed. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport in regular session convened: That every person being adjudged to pay a fine for the violation of any of the ordinances or law® of the City of Shreveport, shall, in default of payment thereof, be ordered to work out same on the public streets, alleys or other public works of the city at the rate of $1.00 per day for each day of labor performed Be it further ordained, etc., that this ordinance shall in no way affect existing ordinances that provide for a sentence of labor in de- fault of payment of the fine imposed, and is intended only to provide fo v a labor sentence for offenses hereafter committed, in violation of those ordinances in which no labor penalties are stipulated, in default of payment of fine imposed. Be it further ordained, etc., that this ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage. Adopted August 10, 1909. AN ORDINANCE Providing for the cutting of grass, weeds, on vacant lots and on side- walks, making certain exceptions, and providing penalties. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport in regular session convened, that all occupants of property, or ini case of vacancy, the owners of property, within the limits of the city shall, between the months of May and November of each year, be required to cut the high grass and weeds or trim same down and keep such sidewalks free from unhealthful and noxious weeds and grass. Be it further ordained, etc., that the owners of vacant lots in the city shall be required to keep same free from tall grass and from any unwholesome and noxious weeds and shall keep the borders of water streams free from the same. Be it further ordained, etc., that in case of the absence of the owner or lessee of any vacant lots or property adjoining such sidewalks, and Who have left no representative to care for same the city sanitary officers or health authorities shall be empowered to cut such grass and * weeds at the expense of the said absentee. It is further ordained, etc., that any violation hereof shall sub- ject the offender to a fine of not less than $1 and not more than $10, 257 and in default of payment thereof, shall be ordered to work out same on the streets and alleys of the city at the rate of $1 per day for each day of labor performed. Be it further ordained, etc., that all ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are repealed and this ordinance shall go into effect from and after its passage. Adopted August 11, 1909. AN ORDINANCE To amemd the stock ordinance adopted May 11, 1909. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Shreveport, in legal session convened, that stock, as designated in existing ordinance, be allowed to run at large within the city limits, within the following territory: That territory, outside, or west of the following lines: Beginning at a point on Bauman Chute where the line of Patzman Street if produced strikes Holzman Street, thence south along Holzman Street where said Holzman Street would strike Garden Street if pro- duced, thence east along said line of Garden Street, if produced, to where the line of Sycamore Street would intersect Garden Street if produced, thence .south along the line of Sycamore Street if produced and Sycamore Street to Walnut Street, thence west along Walnut Street, to Nonna Street, thence south along said Norma Street to Maple Street, thence east along Maple Street to Sycamore Street, thence south along Sycamore Street to the K. C. S. Railway main line, thence east along the K. C. S. Railway main track to the intersection of the main track of the H. E. & W. T. Railway; thence along the main track of the H. E. & W. T. Railway in a south- westerly direction to south boundary line of city limits. Be it further ordained, etc., that all ordinances in conflict with this amendment be and the same are hereby repealed. Be it further ordained, etc., that this ordinance ishall go into effect after its passage and promulgation. Adopted August 11, 1909. AN ORDINANCE To prohibit 'Owners, managers, proprietors, etc., of near beer .stands and places where .similar drinks are sold, from selling same to women and children under a certain age. Be it ordained by the 'City Council of the City of Shreveport in legal assembly convened: That it shall be unlawful for any owner, 258 manager, proprietor or other person in charge of a near beer stand or similar places where near beer, rice nutrine, moth, golden drops, etc., are sold, to sell or give any such drinks to any woman, or to any child under the age of fifteen. Be it further ordained, etc., That any manager, proprietor or person in charge of such a place of business shall permit no such drinks to be sold or given away on such premises to any woman or to child under the age of fifteen. Be it further 'ordained, etc., That any person violating the pro- visions of this ordinance ishall be fined in the sum of not less than $25.00, nor more than $100.00, and in default of payment thereof may be or- dered to work out same on the streets and alleys of the city at the rate of $1.00 per day for each day of labor performed. And this ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage. Adopted September 14, 1909. AN ORDINANCE To provide for the safety of the citizens by requiring railway companies to maintain light® at street crossings, to prohibit engineers from running trains over unflighted streets, and to provide penalties against certain officers, engineers, etc. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of iShreveport, in legal assembly convened, That considering the increased danger of travel by the operation of railway trains and cars over the streets of the city, all isteam railway companies owning, leasing or controlling lines of railway in this city over which are operated trains and cars, be and they are hereby required to maintain good and adequate lights, equal in illuminating strength to fourteen hundred candle power, at all surface grade street crossings, in and over which are operated cars at night as heretofore provided. Be it further ordained, etc., That sufficient lights shall be maintain- ed by said railway companies at such street crossing in use by the public, to illuminate well and fully such tracks, switches and sidings of railway lines controlled or owned by them and operated over at night, and to keep said flights burning at all times of night. Be it further ordained, etc., That any locomotive engineer who shall operate a train at night over such crossings where lights have not been provided in accordance with this ordinance and kept burning, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be subject to the penal- ties hereafter provided. Be it further ordained, etc., That any railway company, or its duly 259 authorized agent, or any owner, manager or superintendent thereof, or in their absence the railway official highest in authority, in this city, violating the provisions thereof, or failing to comply herewith, shall be fined not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars, and shall be imprisoned not less than one day nor more than ten days for each offense, and that each night on which this ordinance may be wilfully violated shall constitute a separate offense. Be it further ordained, etc., That this ordinance shall go into effect thirty days after its final passage. Adopted September 14, 1909. INDEX Abolishing collection of fees from butcher®, etc 167 Abolishing collection of fees from truck farmers 168 Absence, leave to patrolmen 177 Abstract to new subdivisions . 215 Adulterated food, sale of , ^ 96, 101 Adulterated liquids, drugs, etc 97, 101 Adulterated milk 103 Adulterated butter 169 Administer drugs, etc., 97 Agent, fiscal : 28 Air guns and sling shots — - ». 203 Alarms bells, electric 127, 128 Alleys, excavating J 122 Alleys, tunnelling . 122 Alteration of buildings 91 Animal®,' sick 96, 101 Appropriations over $500 2'8 Assignation, houses of, outside district 186 Assignation, use of premises for 187 Assault 201 Assault and battery 201 Atkins Bros., franchise 232 Attorney, city, duties of 31 Auditor, duties of 28 Automobiles, regulating use of 181 Awnings, wooden 94 B Bakery shop® 94 Bakeries, etc., screening 100 Banquettes, property owners to keep in repair 117 Banking games 193 Ball playing on streets 206 Barber shops to have sewer connections 164 I II Barber shops, closing law 197 Barriers around openings in streets 123 Bathing in public *... 208 Bedding, sale of second hand 109 Bells, electric, alarm 127, 128 Bells on animals . 214 Births, failure to report 108 Bicycle lamps 206 Bicycle bell® ..... 206 Bicycle, fast riding 207 Bicycle riding between car tracks 207 Bill posting on fences 220 Blowing locomotive whistles 129 Boarding bouses, screening 100 Boarding railroad trains while in motion 131 Boarding street cars while in motion 135 Bonds dispensed with r 31 Body, disinterring dead 98 Boundaries of city , 7, 8 Bones, hides, rags, etc., sale of 102 Bridge tenders to 'be sworn in as officers 241 Bridge, riding faster than walk 242 Bridge over railroad 243 Building Inspector 73 Buildings to be provided with fire escapes 82 Buildings in fire district 85 Buildings in city- limits 91 Buildings encroaching on streets 92 Buildings or booths on levee or on streets 92 Building material, obstructing streets with 121 Bullock franchise for waterworks 148 Bunco steerers 189 Butter, sale of adulterated 169 Butcher shops, screening of 100 c . Cab fare ordinance 221 Cars, street, crossing tracks 133 Cars, street, expectorating in 134 Cans, street, requiring conductor and motorman on each 135 Cars, street, requiring fenders on 134 Carcass, disposal of 101 Cattle on streets 212 Carriage and cab stands 225, 226 Carrying loaded firearms 202 Ill Cemeteries, air guns and sling shots in 203 Cemeteries', regulations for 143 Cemeteries, regulating curbs* and walls in 144 Cemeteries, prohibiting fences in 144, 145 Cemeteries, owners of lots to keep grass cut 145 Cemeteries, sale of dots in 145 Cemeteries, sexton’s duties 146 Cemeteries, desecration of graves in 146 Cemetery slabs : 146 Charter 7 Church, livery stable within 250 feet of 209 Cigarettes, sale to minors ^ 183 Citizens Oil and Pipe Line Company franchise | ’ 227 City Attorney, duties of 31 City engineer, duties of 31 City electrician, duties of , 75 Closets and sinks, flushing 165 Combustible material, storage of 211 Comptroller, duties of 29 Commissioner, street, duties of 30 Compresses to have steam mufflers 179 Committing a nuisance 204 Contracts, officers not to be interested in city . 27 Contracts, how awarded . 31 Concealed weapons 178, 201 Contagious diseases', moving person having 98 Contagious diseases, introduction of into city 106 Contagious diseases, misrepresentation as to 107 Contagious diseases, rules regarding 107 Confectioneries to have sewer connections 168 Construction of sidewalks 112 Concrete sidewalks 115 Conveying meat through streets . 100 Construction of flues 93 Council, organization of ... : 16 Council, powers of 17 Council, petitions to 34 Council, rules for government of 35 Cotton, picking up loose 217 Cotton, storage of on streets 217 Crhpjs 202 Crossing streets by locomotive 127 Crossings, street, railroad company to maintain lights at 129 Cruelty to animals 203 Curbs ,115, 116 Curbs and sidewalks 116 IV Curb lines . 117 Curb cocks, location and care of 164 Curfew ordinance 210 D Dancing and music in saloons 193 Dead bodies, interment of 96 Decaying matter 102 Delivery wagon stands : =. 226 Department of street cleaning . 72 Desecration of graves . 146 District© for saloons 190 District, red light 185 Disturbing the peace 200 Disorderly conduct 199 Disorderly houses - .... 187, 189 Dog tax 218 Drains, platforms over >. 120 Drainage in alleys 114 Drip pans for oil wagons 1 180 Driving, fast and reckless : 180 Driving loose cattle on streets 213 Dropping refuse on paved streets 205 Drunk and down . . 189 Drugs, poisonous, et* .. 97 Drug stores to have sewer connection© 164 E Elections .-. 15 Election returns v .• 16 Electors, qualifications of 15 Electrical inspector 72 Electrician, City ; 75 Electric alarm bells . 127, 128 Electric signs 140 Electric poles, signs on .142 Electric wiring of theatres 78 Electric wiring, inspection fees abolished : ‘78 Engineer, city, duties of 31 Escapes, fire ' 82 Exits, fire, theatres to have 95 Existing nuisance© 103 Excavating streets and alleys 123 Exemption of parsonages from taxation 219 V Expenses, estimate of 25 Expenses, publication of 25 Expectorating in street car j 134 Expectorating on sidewalks . 208 Explosive materials, storage and sale of 211 F Factories to have steam mufflers 179 Farmers, abolishing collection of fees from truck 168 East and reckless driving 180 Fast riding on bicycle 207 Fees, abolishing collection from butchers 167 Fees, abolishing collection from truck farmery 168 Fees, abolishing collection for inspecting electric wiring 78 Fees of gas, electric and water meter inspector 72 Fees of building inspector 74 Fees of city electrician j 77 Fees for inspection of meats .. 100 Fenders on streets cars .-...134 Fences in cemeteries 144, 145 Fences, wire 219 Fences, bill posting on 220 Fireman’s relief fund 244 Fire department rules 79 Fire escapes : 82 Fire limits 80 Fire limits, buildings in 85 Fire exits, theatres to have 95 Fires in wagon yards 179 Firearms, carrying loaded 202 Fireworks, sale and use of 209 Fiscal agent 28 Fish caught in stagnant water 168 Flues, construction of 93 Flushing isinks, closets, etc 165 Forges, furnaces, etc 94 Fruits, sale of rotten 97 Fuller map 159 Fumigating and screening houses 167 G Gambling in public view (see appendix) 193 Games, banking 193 Gas and water pipes, laying ..162 VI Gas franchises 226 Gas companies to lay pipes on streets 226 Gas fitting . 69 Gas fitting, inspection of 69 Gas fitters, rules for . 70 Gas inspector . .*. 72 Government of city, in whom vested 9 Grades, power to fix .* 33 Grade sidewalks, property owners to 117 Grass, cutting on sidewalks , i! Soliciting passengers 224 Spouts, gutter 92 Spitting on .street cars 134 Spring street bridge 243 Standard time 126 Stand pipe, water guage on 165 State offense, affidavits for 178 Steam mufflers 179 Street commissioner, duties of 30 Streets, power to open 33 Street cleaning and sprinkling 72 Street®, buildings, encroaching on 92 Streets, obstruction of ...118, 121 Streets, tearing up and excavating paved 122 Streets, tunneling under .! 122 Streets, barriers around openings iqj 123 Streets, lanterns at openings in .v, 123 Streets, throwing trasih in 124, 125 Streets, ball playing in .-. 206 Streets, right to erect poles on 132 Street crossings, railroads to maintain lights at 129 Street crossings, railroads obstructing 129 Street cans crossing tracks 133 Street cars, requiring fenders for 134 Street cars, requiring conductor and motorman for each 135 Street cars, boarding while in motion 125 Street railway to sprinkle tracks 125 Street venders to move on 182 Storage of cotton on streets 217 Subdivisions, abstracts for new 215 Subdivisions, plats of 216 Sunday closing law 1 19'6 Sunday, barber shops to close on 197 T Taxes , 25 Taxes, when due and how collected 26 Taxe®, sale of property for 26 Tax, dog 1 218 Tainted meats 169 Tents in fire district prohibited 81 Theatres, electric wiring for 78 Theatres to have fire exits - 95 Time, standard 126 Title to public property 32 Trash boxes .' 218 Trains, regulating speed of 129 Trees, hitching horses etc, to 214 Truck farmers, abolishing fee from . 168 Tunnelling streets and alleys 122 Turf exchanges and pool rooms 198 u Union Depot, obstructing platform of t 131, 224 Union Label : . 218 Unscreened saloons : .'. 191 v Vacancies, how filled 15 Vaccination 96, 99 Vagrancy 183 Vegetables, sale of stale j 97 Vehicles, numbering i 215 Venders, street, to move on 182 .Vidanguer ordinance 110 Vidanguer, duties of : 98 Violations; of decency 220 W Wagons, screening of bread 100 Wagon yards, no fires in 179 Walls and curbs in cemeteries 144 Wards, division into 11, 12 Water crafts 24 Water meter inspector :. 72 Water guage 161, 165 Water and gas pipes, laying 162 Water connection before street is paved : 163 Water and sewer connections T63, 164 Water hydrants, to protect 165 Waterworks and sewerage 148 Waterworks franchise 148 Weapon, carrying concealed 178, 201 Weeds, cutting on sidewalks and lots : 124 Weeds, cutting on .lots in cemeteries 1 145 Wells, prohibiting unused 109 Whistles, blowing locomotive 129 Width, etc., of sidewalks 1 112, 115 XIII VI; U I. 1.1 i on. i ,ii : ;{i / !', I I, I Wires, guard 133 Wire fences 219 Wooden awnings 94 Wooden gutter?® 116 Writing on sidewalks 205