917,73 1 1 eig A Guide to the Illinois Central Rail- road Lands . ... offer for sale over 1,400,000 acres ... (1859) ILLINOIS HISTORICAL SURVEY A GUIDE ILLINOIS CENTRAL Tno Illinois Central Railroad Company offer Tor sale over 1,400, ()()() Acres selected. Prairie and. "Wood Lands, in Tracts of l^oi-ty acres and. Tip'vvards, sxiitalale foi- Farms, on loiif* credits and lo-w prices, sitxiated on. eacK side of tlieir Kail- road, extending throixgli tlie State of Illinois. CHICAGO: ILLINOIS CENTRAL R A I L R.O A D OFFICE. 1859. I i .0 n UL & WISCONSIN S.llNE EXPLANATION R R.ia Operation. ........ R.H. Progressing. IAf fieaxy sAaeftny stairs f/ie boundary of tAc leaidf of IheJl/mois Central