Q.977.3794 K622 1 Jllizabeth Killie, coitp. Kinmundy: Railway to Thruway, 1857- 1957. (1957) ;ST0IIICM. K INM UND Y ^^IMi*^ ICailwav to Tliruwa> ?U^ ^ 1857 - 1957 ! Dedication To those early Kinmnndians who founded this community, and to those who con- tinued building it; to those whose names are listed here; and to those whose names did not reach us in time to be included, we dedicate thi s book. To those present day citizens, who have joined in making this hundredth birthday pai ty a time to remember, and whose wonderful si)irit of cooperation promises much for the fu ture of our eommunit.y, we dedicate this book. T. M. and Bessie King Smith F. D. P. and Martha Rutherford Snelling Fred .1. and Elizalietli Tomlinson Nirider Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Banning .Mr. and Jlrs. F. A. Pruett Lew A. and Ethel Wantland Alderson Miss Mollie A. Songer Barney Alderson Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Songer Charles B. and Annie G. Rohrbough Christian J. and Elizabeth Feller Hiller Rev. and Mrs. William R. Bradley Leauder C. and Elizabeth Lydick Matthews Jojni H. Nelms John M. and Martha Tucker Rotan Dr. Chark's II. Dennis Martin and Barbara Phillips Schoeiiborn D. A. and Susanna Fairall Porter Charles E. and Kate Sclioenboni Buswell Charles E. and Hazel Denni.s Siemer R. C. and Hannah Robb Moses and Elizabeth Green Swift Ml', and Mrs. Eli Connant Charles M. and Mary Elizabeth Neavill .Mr. and Mrs. James Harvey Gray Frank V. and Breniee Young Davis Clarence and Virginia Gray Hanna .Mr. and IMrs. Harry E. Miner Clarence Schooley A. S. and Ellen Doty Scliermerhorn Capt. and Anna Moore Rohrbough A. V. and Belle Dillon Schermerhorn Edwin and Katherine Groves Wormley Gottlieb and Rachel Hope Fenster The Melvin Downs Family S. R. Wooley Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Mendenhall Roj- Fenster Mr. and I\Irs. Jolni Merchant Gustin L. and Jennie D. Eagan Gilbert Ward Morgan Charles H. and Rose Dillon West Ml-, and Mrs. Thomas Hargrave Jesse and Louisa George ■Mr. and Mrs. James T. Sexton Owen and Dovey Gray George Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Warren Walter S. George Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Bosley Ray George Louis M. and Jennie B. Rotan William and Elizabeth Holt Morris .Ml', and .Mrs. Denton Gray Pleasant F. Robuett EIroy and Jennie Hallett Snelling Anna Chalfant David P. and llaniiali A. Snelling Mr. and Mrs. Noah Robuett George and Emma Snelling James E. Williams npilieution I Ihosc early Kinmimdians who founded this community, and to those who con- ihliny it ; to those whose names are listed here; and to those whose names did nut in time to be included, we dedicate this book. To those present day citizens, who have makinsj this hundredth birthday party a time to remember, and wiiose wonderl'iil •ooperation ])ronuses much for the future of our comnnniity, we dedicate this book. \'a How \\n\ Xei \w\ Sii ■ W ari'o l;iley Williams Mr. and .Mrs. Oliver Y W. W. and Frances (i Xon Harlan diaries and Adora Lowry Shnreldt Henry and Ida Shr J. Oscar Cox Georg-e and Elizabeth F.rammer West James B. and Elizabetli Parker ^IcHryde J. P. and Sallie McBryde Steen Richard P. and Mary E. West McRi-yde Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wilkinson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Telford William L. and Harriett Forshee King- Will and Nellie Rejaiolds Oscar X. and Gertrude Tyner M. A. Snelliny Babcock William Coleman Erasmus and ilary Jane Jones Eagan Isaac and Athaline Eagan J. F. and Mary C. Hockaday The Storrs Family A. j\I. and Sallie IIowcl Allen Edwin Charles and Nellie Ibilbrook Bargh George Holbrook Bargh John and Mary Faucher Hammer Dick Atkins George Dillon John R. Dillon Howard L. Robb John and Lois Xelms Roiib F. .M. and Julia Lowe Robb James Harvey Gray -Mary Gray Ingi'am Robert Lee Ingram Jennie Bascom Grisson Levi C. and Sarah King Rohrboiigh The Emmet t Porter Family Dr. A. J. G. and Julia Gould Hall George P. and Anna Foster Tondinson S. J. and Elzora Ray Allen James 0. and Anna Humphrey Fish The Scawthorn Family Page Thi-ee Dedication r* to Mrs. Harriet DeVore, "Aunt Harriet," who was boru in Ohio in 1852. She remembers as a little girl, the Civil War and Morgan's raiders, and re- ealls the day when a neighbor told her family of Lincoln's assassination. After the death of her husband in 1891 .she brought her nine children to Ivinmundy, where her parents had moved in 1872. She was the baby nurse of the community and most young mothers of this area asked her to be with them when their babies were born. July 24 is her 10.5th bifth- day, and if her health permits, she will receive old friends during- the Centennial, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Florence Franklin, where she now lives. to Miss Luella Parill, «ho celebrated her 94th birthday by baking her own cake and inviting the neighbors in. She is the only one of these ladies who have been able to participate in the Centennial activities, and has been an honored guest at the Finid raising dinner, and other celebrations. She lives alone and does her own house keeping. Born in Meacham town- ship, she moved Avith her family to Kinmundy in October 1907. S h e worked in Chieaao for manv years and returned to her old home in 19:50. to Mrs. Elzora Dennis Nelms, who was born in Zancsville, Ohio, in October, 186:3 and came to Kinmundy with her family, the Alec Porters, when she was a year and a half old. She was in the millinery business for 20 years, a milliner for 10 years in the shop of Miss Mollie Songer and then in her own shop in her home, on jMadisou street. She now lives near the Metho- dist church, of which she is a lifelong member, with her brother, Frank I'orter and her daughter, Mrs. Hallie Combs. to Mrs. Nan Whisnant, who would have been 97 on August 26, and intend- ed til eclihrafe hcfdi'e that by riding iu the Centemiial parade. She was born in -lenniims Co.. Indiana in 1860 and moved with her parents to a farm near Salem when she was about a year old. After her marriage in 1879 to David C. Whisnant, she moved to a farm near Kinmundy and later to town where she lived alone after Mr. Whisnant 's death in 1926. A few years ago she was forced by failing health to give up her home and live with relatives. A recent serious illness caused her to be moved to a nursing home, tho .she was able to go to a family reunion on June 16. A short time later she fell, breaking a hip and arm. She did not recover. to Mrs. Sara McGee Miller, who Mas born in Carol County, Virginia, on .March 11, 1859. Her family came west in a covered wagon when she was a 1 hild. When one of their horses died, they stopped at a small mining town near Washington, Indiana where they lived for some years, her t.itlier working as a miner. Later they moved to Sandoval, where she married Theodore "Pete" Miller in 1888 and moved to Kinmundy where .Mr. Miller worked in the mine till it closed. She died on March 1, 1957, at the age of 98. + Page Four Board of nir0'€*t€prs Members of the Centennial Board, left to right, standing, Rodney Schooley, Carl Dunlap, Lewis O'DeU, Mrs. Max- ine Robb, treasurer, Jesse George Dr. Dwight Hanna, president. Seated, Mayor E. E. Jahraus, Mrs. Lura Robnett, sec- retary. Mildred Bargh, Mrs. Pola Effie COMMITTEES FINANCE: Harvey Hanna, Mrs. Grain, Ray Vandeveer, Emmett uruy. Bud Robnett, C. R. Alderson. GO\^RNOR'S: E. E. Jahraus, Mark .Vrnold, Arno Miller. Elwin Ingram Robert Marshall, Ellis Johnson, Fred Miselbrook. _ PARADE: Mrs. I'ola Robb, Pauline Ba- gott, Mrs. Marge Boyd, Gene Ernst, Jesse George, Rev. Rutus Gerkin, Dwight Ingram, Mrs. Maxine Robb, Glen Johnson. HOSPIT.\LITY: Mrs. Lillian Gnssom, Elno Brown. Miss Dorothy McCuUey, Oi.iii 1.. mIi Mi.~. -Vmelda Vallow, Mrs. 11,., \' II, . \Ua Bagott, Mrs. Peail 1 i.i I \I Mi-d Brown, Mrs. Fer- (li. i. 'I iJrissom, Arno Miller. (■().\i i:~ ~ i' ' s lied Gammon, Fred Klii.ss Dan Hiestand, Roy Doolen, Wayne Robb. R. R. Atkins, George Feather. PUBLICITY: Mrs. Adina LeMay, Eliza- beth Killie. Mrs. Phyllis See, Orous Leach. Arno Miller. Mildred Kleiss. Russell Williams, Mrs. Bertha John- FIREWORKS: Jesse George. Ray Van- deveer. Virgil See. Wayne Robb. Dwight Day. Virsil McKitrick. Orville Gordon Jr..' Robert G.-iler. Ti;-VKFK- SA1-i:TY and PARKING: Tom Helpingstine, Norma n BUi VETERAN'S: R. R. Atkins, Roy Dool- en, E. E. Jahraus. Mrs. Roy Doolen. Merle Jackson, Wyelt Colclasure, Fred Boyd. I. C. R. R.: F. O. Grissom. Ray Mauld- - - R. Lee. Ruth Alexander. iTrs. Louise Feather, Ernst, Wilma Boughers, Mrs. Lora Ingram, Mrs. Virginia Montgomery, Mrs. Mary Esther Jones, Mrs. Florence Weiss, Mrs. Fern Ballance. FARMERS DINNER: James Bagan, Howard Hammer, Wayne Robb, Gil- bert Doolen, Bill Green, John Phillips, Gene Ernst, Dwight Hanna. HISTORICAL DISPLAY: Mrs. Elizabeth Lux, Mrs Ruby Linton. Mrs. Bertha See. Mrs. Huffy Hanna. Mrs. Grace Mendenhall. Elizabeth Killie. Glenn Jahraus. Mrs. Dorothy Schooley. A. C. Dunlap. RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES: Jamie Mc- Gee, Fred Kleiss, Fr. Str:^clf-r R.v i: rl Phillips, Rev. Rufus G.il i, \:.\ \ C. Martin, Mrs. Bertha ."^i , M \ O'Dell, Mrs. Dorothy M ' ! 1 Lillian Grissom. Mr.s. i I. h. B. J. Rotan, Mrs. Maisaid c?l.iii, UK. Mrs. Thelma Bailey. Leland Bras. 1. Emmett Gray. Gilbert Doolen, Russell Williams, Mrs. Amelda Vallow, Gene Ernst, Mrs. Maxine Robb, John Wm. McCuIley, Tom Helpingstine, Fred Gammon, Fred Alexander, Ray Ingram, Paul Montgomery. HOMECOMING: Mrs. Margaret Shu- feldt, F. O. Grissom, J. B. Maxey, J. R. Mahan, Mrs. Bertha Pruett, Mrs. Florence Franklin. CENTENNIAL BALL: Wayne Robb, Mrs. Alecia White. Mrs. Pola Robb. Merle Jack.son, Bill Lux. Charles Bas- .5. tt i;-, y ()!,trn. Frosty Jones. George Bailey. Robb. ENTERTAINMENT: Cecil Bailey, Kath- erine Wormley, Dwight Day, Herbert Vandeveer, Dwight Hanna, Mildred Kleiss, Mrs. Maxine Robb, Mrs. Ferdie Leach, Tom Helpingstein, Raymond Swift, R. R. Atkins, Gene Williams. SOUVENIR: Mrs. Lura Robnett, Mrs. Vera ilaxey. Mrs. Stella P'ruett. Mrr Me rron Sill. Mrs i.STUME: Charles Bas- i White. Glenn Doolen, .. F. .\. Motch. Harry B. F. Linton. low. Katherine W( Mrs. Lura I Hulsey. Fred Kki.'!.«. -Mr.-; Mrs. Wanda Eagan. Mr.<. mer. Mrs. Millie Bassett gene Hammer. FUND RAISING DINNER DECORA TIONS: Mrs. Alice Lewin, Holt. Mrs. Lou Neathery, + ,._ Ml. Th.hn,, l;,ll^^. .-I'll- .Lispi-r, Ed- .' ,1 hiiHS. .Ml-.- I,iI1i:m, <;ii.->..rn. Mrs. 1:1,,, Ingram. -Mr.s. .Milared Bargh. \l! .Mildred Brown. Marshall Wil- 1 I P. O. Grissom. ! \XT: Mrs. Thelma Bailey. Mrs. Iv ithl.en Day. E. E. Brown. Kather- ine Wormley. Mrs. Alma Ern.«t. Glen White. Mrs. Alice Lewin, Enno Lietz, Bill Pottebaum. MUSIC: Bill Pottebaum, Rev. Vance Comer, Mrs. Rufus Gerkin. Lloyd Bailey, Mrs. Erma Ingram, Mrs. Jes- sie Vallow. Mrs. Louise Feather. Mrs. Pauline Johnson. Maud I QUEENS: Mrs. Nora Olden. Mrs. Marge Boyd. Mrs. Effie Grain. Mrs. Thelma Vallow, Gilbert Doolen, Ina Mae Tate, Mrs. Ann Jackson, Mrs. Mary Sechler. TEEN AGE: Butch Boyd, Charles Boyd, Carolyn Alberson, Kaye Hammer. TEEN AGE: Butch Boyd, Charles Gray, Ruth Rohrbough, Mr.s. Bernice Alber- SPEAKERS PLATFORM CONSTRUC- TION: Ivan Devor, Oran Alderson, Don " jgerson, Fred Collett, Ed Green, Gene ;lm, Winifred Yearin, W. R. Wisher. STREET DECORATION: R. R. Lee, Alva Olden, Clifton LeMay, John Wm. McCulley, John Phillips, Harry Sug- gett, John Ilg. RESTROOM CONSTRITCTION: Rodney Schooley, Gene Jahraus. AGRICULTUR^YI. EXHIBITS: Carroll Garrett, Bill Lux. Fred Wilson. Le- land Brasel. Merle Kline. Glen Brasel, Bob Green, Glen Jahraus. CONDUCTED HISTORICAL TOURS: Mrs. Lillian Grissom, Elno Brown. Mrs. Mildred Brown. B. J. Rotan. Harry Dennis. Mrs. Olga Alderson. Mrs. Pearl FiEher. Mrs. Maud Holt. Pauline Ba- gott. HISTORICAL HOUSES: Ray Suggett, Mrs. Florence Franklin. Mrs. Erma Ingram, Mrs. Ferdie Leach, Lloyd Bailey. STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL: Mrs. Lil- lian Grissom, Emmett Gray, Fred Kleiss, Fred Alexander, Bert Garrett, Mrs. Olga Alderson, Mrs. Ferdie Leach. Mis. Ruby Linton, Mrs. Ruth Doolen, Mrs. Florence Franklin, Mrs. Alecia White, Mrs. Lois Alderson, Mrs. Dor- othy McCulley, Mrs. Georgia Soldner. Mrs. Marjorie Green, Mrs. Fern Bal- lance, Mrs. Margaret Shufeldt, Mrs. Mildred Brown, Mrs. Bertha See, Or- ous Leach, Virgil See, Eugene Shufeldt, Elno Brown, Mrs. Sam Lowe. Mrs. Bert Garrett. Mrs. Maud Holt. Mrs. Bessie Dif5s. Mrs. Emma Ballance. Mrs. Effie Roblj. Leland Brasel. Tom Helping- stine. E. E. Jahraus, Harvey Hanna and George Feather. .. . . — . — . + Page Five FUND RAISING ACTIVITIES KKKOFF DINNER £^ ''lA^ '"^"f^^ IVI^.IVH^/l ) CENTENNIAL BALL This Page Courtesy Of MR. AND MRS. WAYNE ROBB MRS. LURA ROBNETT MR. AND MRS. LEWIS J. T. O'DELL MR. AND MRS. TOM HELPINGSTINE MR. AND MRS. GILBERT DOOLEN F. G. ALEXANDER MR. AND MRS. FRANK BOSLEY W. L. GREEN MR. AND MRS. JOHN G. PHILLIPS F. O. GRISSOM LILLIAN PARRILL GRISSOM MAUDE L. PORTER MR. AND MRS. CLYDE BALLANCE Page Six PROGRAM Daily registration of visitors 9:01) a.m.-5:00 p.in. Friday^ August 2 11:00 a.ra Crowning of Queen 1 :0n p.m.-8:00 p.m Parade 3:00 p.m.-3:15 p.m Float Awards 8-15 pni-3-30 pm Remarks. Paul Farlow, Agriculture Agent, I. C. R.R. 3 :30 p.m.-4 :00 p.m Entertainment 7:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m Entertainment 8:15 p.m.-9:30 p.m Pageant 9:30 p.m.-12:00 p.m S(iuare Dance SntiBrduy^ August 3 9:00 a.m.-ll:00 a.m Conducted tours of Historic places 10:00 a.m Amateur Elimination Contest 10:00 a.m Kids Program and Contest directed bj' E. E. Jahraus 1:00 p.m Old Timers Parade on reviewing stand Judging of Beards and Centennial Costumes 2 :00 p.m Amateur Contest 6 prizes, $50- $25- $10- $5- $5- $5- 7:00 p.m. -8:15 p.m Choir and Barber Shop Quartet Singing Appearance 3 top winners Amateur Contest 8 :15 p.m.-9 :30 p.m Pageant 9 :30 p.m. -10 :30 p.m Fireworks 10 :30 p.m.-12 :00 p.m Dance Sunduy^ August 4 10::>() a.m. -12:00 noon Union Service, New High School Gymnasium Guest speaker and choir of 75 voices under tlie direction of Mrs. F. O. Grissom, Mrs. 0. I. Leach, accompanist. (iROrP OF EAKLV KIXlMrXDIAXS lall, Elias Xeil, I5,. The I.C. fast mail made its first tri]j July 11, 1890. This ere-H on the handcar is not identified. They are photograi^hed in front of the old ( \.K\ stalion In ls')s— daily smitldiound G:r>8 a.m., 5:0') p.m.— northbound Id 'id a in 4 4'_' ])m /^^ This page courtesy GRAY'S HARDWARE * " " .ty ■ Kinmiindy Finns B. F. LINTON FUNERAL IIO]ME ALEXANDER'S GULF SERVICE MARSHALL WILLIAMS GROCERIES Ill 1861.' Tihiian Raser bought tlie other half of lot 95. He was a nuiu who would be very ac- tive ill the new towu. lu 1863 Abram Elder bought lot 108. lu 1864, April 25, lot 100 to James Kevins; .May 23, lot 91 ^o Frederic Emmet; June 10 the Trustees of the ]\Iethodist Church bought one third of lot 59 and that is where the church still stands; Oct. 13, lot 102 to A. J. Swan and lot 104 to F. 11. Green. Nov. 27, lots 69 and 70 to Matison P. Tilden, and lots 77, 78 to Bayard Chalfant, al.so lot 52 to 1). C. Moore; ou Nov. 28, lot 105 to Daniel Kelly. The Civil War ended in April 1865 and peo- ple began to come home from the front and oth- ers to move west and north. On Jan. 28, Mary Eagan bought lots 109, 110; Feb. 2, lot 141 to Henry Eagan; on Jidy 5, Thomas and Washing- ton CuUey purchased lots 87 ^umI '^>. Auu. 5. lot 56 to John JSteinmaii and Geo. l^Lirr: Aul;. 18, 117 to W. B. Eagan, 122 to Wcslry liorkliukl, and lot 51 to David C. Moore; Aug. 25, lot 64 to Mar- tin Beaver; Nov. 18, lot 13 to J. 0. Dumoud; Nov. 22, lot 84 to James Barrett, lot 85 to John Stein- man; Nov. 23, lot 71 to William Becker and lot 50 to Moses Fi-euch. Ou Dec. 28, Munger and Moore bought lot 83. lu 1866 ou Jan. 2, lot 44 to Claris Grotl; Feb. 12, lot 81 to Charley Misselbrook; Feb. 17, lot 42 to James H. Gray, Sr. ; March 16, lot 41 to Isaac D. Gray; March 19, lot 61 to C. B. Hol- lister; April 9, lots 106 aud 107 to A. C. Elder; April 16, lot 3 to Michael Hoar and lot 114 to L. D. Allmon; June 22, lot 72 to Edward Free- man, lot 80 to J. C. Haw^orth, aud lot 82 to Mary A. Valentiue; July 10, lot 98 to Christopher Houts; Oct. 27, lot 93 to Stoddard Russel; Nov. 23, lot 94 to Tillman Raser ; Dec. 6, lot 68 to Nel- son Graves and H. C. Fi-eemau; and ou Dec. 13, lot 97 to Tillmau Raser. lii 1867 Chas. Montross bought lots 73, 74, 75, aud 76 ou Jan. 3; lot 45 to Claus Grott on Jan. 5;Jau. 16, lots 7 and 8 to Rob't. Sprouse; lots 9 and 10 to Sam'l McCloud; lots 11 and 12 to Amos Jackson and lot 79 to James Barratt. On April 2, lot 34 to Joshua Goodwin aud lot 37 to Ed. Herrick. Ou May 8, lot 60 to David W. Johnson; on July 24, lot 48 to Mattie Kepley; on Oct. 23, lot 57 to Henry Hall, lot 157 to J. W. Howard and Franklin Russell, and on Oct 30, lot 23 to Thos. H. Parker and lot 55 to Anna Marie Schmidt. In 1868 only three lots w^ere sold, lot 47 to ;Mary Ann Valentine iu Feb. 19 ; lot 24 to Wilber Deuel on Aug 29 ; and lot 22 to Fanny Miselbrook ou Dec. 8. In 1869, June 29, AVashiugton Culley bought lots 5 and 6, and John B. Elder bought lots 111 and 112; on Sept 20, lots 29 and 30 to Martha Hart, lot 31 to James M. Kenton, and lots 32 and 33 to Geo. L. Brenner. Only 2 lots were sold in 1870, lots 27 and 28 to Isaac Eagan, and in 1871 the last 2 lots of the original townsite were sold, lot 57 to Ed. Ilerriek ana Henry Hall and lot 58 to J. F. Barnard, both sold ou April 14. Meanwhile other subdivisions were being opened on all sides, Sprouse to the south, Good- win to the east, Eagan to the uortli, aud Snelling to the southwest. On Fremont street iu Snelling atuiition were some or the early homes, Snelliug, ihrane, .\elson, Porter, and I^Veuch. The Frencli laiiiily are ilie only ones of the origiuai settlers w no still live there. In the early days before transportation be- came so swift, a small towu had to be pretty much self sufiicieut. i'iiere were millls, bakeries, uarrei and basket factories, banks, mines, brick- yards aud casKct makers. Early bakers were Bill v.awrey and Clias. Swander. i'he Ross brothers uaa me iirst bread mixing machine, about 191U HI iiie Duuamg where the Express now is. The last oaKery here was Euer Zimmer's, where Grain's eaie IS now. i\icCreary and Monger had a baukuig busi- ness lu 1S6(, and T. \V. Haymond & Co. bank was organized Jan. 1870. Tilmau Raser, presi- dent. In 1899 the Merchants & ilechanics Bank was established and later became the Haymond .-^tate Bank. R. P. .ucBryde had a small private uanK but went with the J^lrst National as cashier, wlien it was organized in 1902. Capt. Rohrbough was first president, iu 1906, Henry Warren & ►Sons started a private bauk, later changed to i-armer's & Merchant's Bauk. The Building & Loan Co. was organized Aug. 12, 1887. A brickyard was started by Jonathan Walls in lti91; the Kinmundy creamery began opera- tion Dec. 23, 1892. The Coal mine was organized m I'eb. 188-t with $12,000 capital, and iu April Zard l<'rost contracted to sink the shaft. The en- gine house burned in Feb. 1886, but on March 2b, "the diamond drill strikes coal" said the Ex- press. This was a shallow vein but on June 3 they struck a vein 5 ft. thick at a depth of 867 ft. aud the Express got out a special edition. About 1900 operations became too costly aud it was aban- doned. When the city hall burned in 1903 it was thought that all city records were lost but this year the council found the minutes of the first meetings, from the time of organization ou April 10, 1867 to June 17, 1874. This book, written iu several Spenceriau hands, provided much infor- mation. It gives a picture of a small community, building board walks and plank roads to get up out of the mud, making fire prevention law.s-, building a jail, and in general having all the struggles that city councils have. From the first there was a battle between the temperance group and those who favored sa- loons. We have handbills advertising huge tem- perance meetings sponsored b.y Royal Templars of Temperance, and one time, a lady took her hatchet, like Carrie Nation, and went down and Page Thirteen DOL Snmh t.dking to Clav Ue\ore in the buggy This is in iront ol Smith's office which still stanch on West Thud stieet Looks like Jim Posey m the backgiound The othei man ls not identified. This was the old Eagan homestead, where Isaac Eagan died in 1873, and where a store was kept before the town of Kinmundy was platted. This photo shows the last reunion of the family before the house was torn down to make way for the C.&E.I. raih-oad. W. B. and wife are seated at right. Compliincnts of tlicso Salom Merchants ILLINOIS BROKERAGE PETE'S PAINT SHOP VURSELL'S IGA BRACY FOOD STORE THE KROGER CO. Page Fourteen wrecked a saloon. Histories tell us that drinking was a great problem in the middle west in pion- eer days. There was an attempt every year to vote the town dry but it didn't really make it till about 1908, and since then licinor lieen.ses have not been issued. On April 10, 1867, just ten years after the town had been i)latted the eity coimcil met to organize. The oath of office was administered by Tilman Baser, a Justice of the Peace, in and for tiie County of JMarion and the State of Illinois, to the following officers: W. R. Hubbard, Mayor; U. M. Humble, City Clerk; A. R. Swan, City Marshal; Robert Nevins, Street Commissioner; Alderman for 1st w-ard, Clinton Wolf and I. C. Haworth; for 2nd ward, T. 0. Hatton and Til- nuin Kaser; for 8rd ward, I. S. Sweney and C. H. Mungcr, and for 4th ward, W. B. Eagan and W. T. Sprouse. A seal w-ith the words "City of Kinmundy" and "Incorporated March 26, 1867" on it was ordered. It was voted that all ordi- nances of the old town which M-ere consistent with tlie city charter should remain in effect un- til revised or repealed. On April 13 the council met at Tilman Ra- ser's office, appointed committees, passed ordi- nances concerning tie votes, and bonds of city officers. The mayor suggested that a map or chart of the eity be drawn and street corners es- tablished. Stated meetings were to be held on the first Monday of each month, and ordinances were to be published or posted, whichever was deemed best. On April 22, C. H. Mimger was elected City treasurer. They proceeded to meet very week for some time and the most frequent business to be considered was building streets and sidewalks, luisanitary conditions of streets and alley.s, the licensing of places where liquor was sold, animals running at large in the city, and boys jumping on and off moving trains. A frequent expense was paying for the removal ot dead hogs. No wonder Dr. Skilling called atten- tion to the unsanitary conditions, this was refer- red to the Committee on Health. On May 27 the financial report of W. C. Dorris, (town treasurer) was accepted and he turned over to the city $759.63. On May 31, Aid. Raser presented a resolution that the Mayor ap- point a committee to "investigate and inquire into the propriety of erecting a city prison." The mayor agreed and appointed Sprouse, Haworth and Raser. On Jiuie 17 the council voted $3 each to 4 special policemen for their work on the day of the circus, June 13. The resolution to build a eity jail carried and a committee was appointed to deal with specifications and contracts. It was also voted to pay Aid. Raser $36 for the year for the use of his office and furniture as a council, meet- ing place. Madison street was to be graded from the south side of Second st. to the north side of Third. On June 21 the committee on the jail was authorized to negotiate for a lot. On July 8 Aid. Raser reports lot purchased and negotiations with Wm. Fuqua to build. At a special mcotiiii;- on Aug. 12, Aid. Raser presented a bill for $100, for the lot for city jail, which Avas i)aid. A resolu- tion was pas.sed to enclose the jail grounds with a suitable fence. On Sept. 6, Wm. Fuciua i)rc- sented his bill for building the jail, .$39r).00, jdus $36.08 for extras. W. M. Motch presented an or- der for $18.00 in favor of James Haworth for painting the jail. The marshal was instructed to get a table and two chairs for the use of the marshal at the city jail. The council minutes do not give the lot's location, so we do not know where the first jail was situated. Raser was )i<)t the first owner of lot 144 where the "calaboose" was. In November a petition was offered asking for a sidewalk on the south .side of Third street between Monroe and Madison. D. P. Snelling pe- titioned a sidewalk on Fremont street and citi- zens of the second ward wanted one on First street. These sidewalks were, according to one set of specifications, "good lumber not less than 1" thick, laid on 3 stringers not less than 2"x4". walks to be 4' wide." The druggists were pray- ing for the repeal of the druggist's license and 3 liquor licenses were issued. In December they were ordering sidewalks on east side of Monroe from First to Third street, and south side of Third from Madison to Monroe. In January the street commissioner reported names and number of days delinquent on labor on streets and it totaled 100 days. Only those who worked the required number of days on the streets were allowed to vote. On March 7, 1868, L. B. French presented a bill for $5 for 2 tubs for the jail. The eity assessor presented his bill of $12.50 for taking census. A motion was made to publish the reports of the council, treasurer's re- port and census in the Kinmundy Telegram. May- or issues proclamation of city election to be the 2nd Monday in April 1868. On April 6 the bids for laying street cross- ings were opened and John B. King, who bid 19e per foot, was awarded the job. April 20, 1868 — election results: I. S. Sweney, mayor; Mont- gomery Wilson, treas. ; U. M. Ilmnble, clerk ; J. L. Smith, marshal ; Robt. Nevins, street comm. ; John Robb, surveyor; H. H. Chesley, assessor; alder- men, D. C. Moore, H. R. Hale, B. Freeman and W. R. Hubbard. They wanted the I. C. R.R. to make a crossing on First street and change the Third street crossing to accommodate Jefferson, too. In June they passed an ordinance regarding shade ti'ees and it seems that you could plant trees instead of working on the streets. (These are the trees that have about reached their prime and are breaking down all over town.) In the following months they tried in vain to open Van Buren street. (Where it was we don't know but from the map it might have been the allev between the Christian church and Arno :\Iiller's. That was the boundary of the original plat.) They spent $4.60 for stars for the police- men to wear, these must have been the special police for 4th of July and Circus day. They fenc- Background shows old Cooperage Building. diuK at. (.'.itE.l. railroad. Compliments of BACHMANX'S PURNITURE STORE— Salem. Leander Matthews pays off an election Ijct by wlieeling Dr. Clause around the block when Bryan was defeated in 1896. Compliments A. C. DUNLAP & SON, Kinmundy Page Sixteen ed the jail, built wells, euinplaiiicd to the I. ('. K.R. about the north-bound freight bloeking the crossing. Thii-ty citizens petitioned for an elec- tion to vote on the question of subscribing for $r)0,000 worth of stock in the proposed Kiniuun- dy & Pana railroad. Ill 1869, N. H. Hubbard, mayor. There were l)etitions for gravel crossings; to open Sycamore from Monroe to Madison; make a sidewalk on the east side of Madison from 2nd to ;]rd ; and always the problem of cattle and hogs as well as dogs nnining at large. Tilmau Raser agreed to be city attorney and represent the city in all except the supreme courts, for .i;100 per annum. The prop- erty owners of Madison street requested that it be graded and macadamized from 2nd to West street. In 1S70, 1. S. Sweney, mayor, they hired a night watch for ^U) per month. They accepted the deed from the cemetery trustees and voted $50 for imprrovemeiits, later they recorded the deed, surveyed and platted it and had deeds for the lots printed. They voted to allow permanent residents to sell lemonade, ice cream and soda water on the 4tli of July, for payment of clerks' fees only. The finance committee was to have control of who should erect stands on the grounds where the celebration was held. They voted to dig a good deep well at the corner of 2nd and Madison and furui.sh it with a pump and good substantial cover. In 1871, Haworth mayor, they got costs for building a bridge over the railroad at 2nd street. Tiiey moved that the cemetery committee should buy a bier and other articles necessary to bury the dead. Appointed a special committee to con- fer about buying Shelton's grove for a city park. The mayor "called attention to the approaching national anniversary", appointed a committee to license ice cream and other stands on the grounds and instructed the marshal to see that there were no stands on the city streets. On Aug. 7, the fi- nance committee showed a balance of $27.95 after defraying the costs of celebration and moved to hold it for future celebrations. More petitions for sidewalks ; a well built by D. C. Moore opposite his property on 3rd street (this should be the one in the picture on page 20). They rented a lot to build a city pound. (This was for all stray animals and later Capt. Reno was sued for breaking in and recovering his animals). A resolution to license a bowling alley at $5 per year was decided out of order. Wetter asked permission to move his saloon to new brick building on corner of 2nd and Madison. In 1872, D. C. Moore, mayor, but resigned and was succeeded by E. Freeman. Petition for sidewalk to extend to M.E. Church south, on Ad- ams street. In 1873, Mayor Haworth. Ordinance passed Ucen.sing groceries. Extra land was purchased for cemetery; resolution to purchase new pump for public well, paint the fence around it, and clean the yard for "as little expense as possible." Gro- ceries petitioned against heavy taxes. Street com- missioner was instructed to work out all who have not paid or worked, within the next 30 days. In 1874, G. M. Souger, mayor. Opening of South street was referred to committee. Resolu- tion that the board "should pledge united and individual influence against selling or giving away of intoxicating liquor to minors or habitual drunkards." The city to spend not more than $300 on repairing and building sidewalks. Aid. Raser moves to procure lamp posts and lamps before fall and they vote to procure not more than 10 street lamps, provided they cost not more than $10 each erected. This is the la.st entry in the minutes of the book recording the first meet- ings of the Kinmundy City Council. The Illinois Central Directory for 1868 writes very glowingly of Kinmundy. (It still had lots of land to sell in the vicinity for from $7 to $13 per acre.) The following people advertised in the book so we have their names : N. S. Hubbard, American Express and I. C. R.R., H. H. Chesley and Tilman Raser, attorneys; C. Miselbrook, bar- ber; B. Chalfant, blacksmith; W. Graves, carpen- ter; Scott Shrigley, dentist; (full sets of teeth, $10) ; J. O. Hatton and Price & Denby, druggists; W. B. Eagan, A. C. Elder, John Brenner, Rohr- bougli & iloore, Solomon & Co., C. Spafford, Wilson & Elder, dry goods and general merchan- dise Capt. Reno and Songer Bros., flouring mills ; Herrick & Hall, W. A. Howell, Hume & King, Geo. K. Jenkins, J. H. Landrum, groceries; W. B. Eagan, D. C. Moore, hardware; E. Eagan, hotel (.$2 per day) ; J. H. Robb, J. P.; W. Culley, livery stable; C. A. Moutross, lumber; Miss M. M. Hart, Mrs. A. Parker, Mrs. J. R. Smith, Songer & Lee- ver, millinery; E. Freeman, house and sign paint- er; T. W. Forshee, J. M. Fox, U. M. Humble, L. D. Skilling, physicians; J. C. Haworth, saddles & harness; A. W. 'Bryant, Kinmuudy Tele- gram; Pat Mullins, H. H. Robertson aud C. Wet- ter, saloons; John Coleman and Wiiuiie James, shoemak- ers; E. Mendenhall, stationery; wagon & carriage makers, William Becker, J. C. Moon, and F. Sei- ser. Besides these, they say, there are sawmills, tobacco factory, woolen factory, sorghum mills, cabinet makers and coopers, and more than 50 homes were erected iu 1867. The Kinmundy Independent for 1876 has ads for : Geo. Craig aud S. VanAruam, shoemakers ; Dan Lovell, barber; Eagan & Porter, livery sta- ble; Mrs. V. A. Brown, dressmaking & tailoring; B. Blakeslee, plows & cultivators; Songer Bros., flour; Edward Freeman, real estate, newspaper; Wm. R. Fish, Kinmundy market; Spring & Ree- der, hardware, tinware, etc. ; J. H. Gray and W. C. Squier, hotels; Dr. W. 0. Smith and E. G. Forshee, M.D.; J. F. Donovan, B. B. Smith, at- torneys; Wilson & Boothes, McBryde's gen. mdse. ; HoUister's drugs, Simpson's groceries. Page Seventeen jj ' ^ The Mendenhall Evaporator was started on Jul.y 4, la9U, and in 1»91 F. A. Pruett started one. In those days before freezers, drying fruit was a big busi- ness. Frost's Lumber yard in the background. These both burned in the 90s. The IMendenhall family and em])loyees are shown. This is the intei-iui- ( William (Jolenuni. n hall, bov not identifi 1)^ iiv oil .h-d street about 1898. Seated are Alii' Smiucr. Standing, ToUev Menden- Miul Fred Killie. This page compliments of TED HOLS APPLE BODY SHOP. Salem, Hi. Page Eighteen The Kinmuiidy Express got out a spoeial Cliristmas edition in 1889, witli a glowiug Avord nieture of Kinmundy and drawings and short biographies of prominent citizens. We have space to list them and birthplace, only: Geo West, from I'liiladelpliia, farmer; James C. Haworth, mer- cliant. lud. ; James H. Gray, farmer, Tenn. ; Mrs. Klizabeth Boothe Gray, Ind.; Thos. Williams, farmer, Tenn.; Giles Songer, mill, Ind.; John M. Kotan, Tenu., real estate; A. W. Songer, miller, (May CO.; 0. N. Tyner, photos. Dr. E. G. Forshee, Ohio; J. F. Donovan, mayor, New York city; J. P. McBrydc, merchant, Ala.; J. M. Brenner Bavaria, lumber yard; S. J. Allen, A. M. Allen, carpenters, Ohio; W. L. King, merchant, Ohio; Rev. W. T. Brannum, M.E. Church, St. Clair co. ; (i. W. Gillinore, merchant, Ky. ; M. Deiwert, mer- cliant, Effingham co.; Dr. Charles Dennis, den- tist, Ohio; J. F. Croft, boot & shoemaker, Eng- hind; R. F. Lawson, editor; Chas. Ryan, New York, livery man; S. M. Stokely, Pa., salesman, uiachinist; Mrs. M. R. Lawwill, hay prc^js; Dr. W. O. Smith, lud.; J. N. Street, Montgomery co.. School Supt. ; F. A. Pruett, Anna Chalfant, Katie (jrove, Mrs. A. E. Whittaker, teachers; E. S. Mendenhall, England, nursery; J. Nel- son, watchmaker, Denmark; P. 0. Thrane, tailor, Denmark; G. Fenster, restaurant, Germany; Miss M. A. Songer, merchant, Marion co. ; H. F. Green, Ohio, druggist; W. M. Chapman, grocer, Marion CO.; Mrs. M. E. Hollister, Wayne co., druggist; E. C. Bargh, druggist ; D. Gunn, Richview, gro- cer ; C. H. West, farmer, Ind. ; Dr. J. D. Camerer, Edgar co. ; Rev. J. D. Brown, Ind., M.E. Church south ; J. G. Wilson, Scotland, Supt. coal mine. A clipping in an old scrapbook tells of the discovery of natural gas about 50 years ago G miles west of Kinmundy on the farm of Sauuicl Holt. He was drilling for water with a steam drill Mild at 83 feet the water began to bubble and boil. When they discovered what caused tliis the family decided to use it for cooking and lighting. Mr. Holt said he had found the same tiling when he dug his well 30 years before but didn't know what to do with the gas. In spite of much exploration in this area no oil boom has de- veloped here but the big field near Salem gave Kinmundy the lift it needed after the depression. New people came to live here and have helped much in the town's life. The .small towns of today are suburbs of the nearest large town or city. They have their schools and churches, their groceries and general stores, their drug stores, post office and filling stations just as the shopping centers in the cities. There is no need for the clothing stores and other businesses which were important when towns were isolated and self sufficient. Since the closing of the mine, Kinmundy depends on agriculture and not on industry. Larger factories elsewhere iiow make the baskets for the fruit so there are no basket factories or cooperages. There are pleasant humcs, lovely gardens, and friendly people. All aioiiinl us are pro.sperous farms and beautiful eomitiysidr. New homes are being built and old ones ifiiiiideled and in tliis Centennial year we can be pleased and i)roud of tiie only Kinmundy in the U.S.A. In an old scrap book we found obituaries of cai'ly citizens who should be mentioned, since they were unusual peoi^le and since they left no descendants to remember them. Dr. A. J. G. Hall Wily born in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1819 and died in Kinmundy April 1, 1909. He was gradu- ated from the Medical College of Bochas, Ger- man}', and spoke seven languages. He came to the United States in 18-49 and married Julia Gould in Washington Territory in 1865. They came to Kinmundy in 1869. Mrs. Hall was born in London and went on the stage at the age of five. She was a pupil of Balfe and appeared in his "Bohemian Girl" and other operas. After (;oming to this country, she made three trips to tlie west coast, appearing on the stage in the early days of California. She taught music and painting in Kinmxmdy and there are still paint- ings around that were done under her instruc- tion. Mrs. Hall died at 68 but Dr. Hall lived to be almost 90. Also, Mr. W. H. Brewer, who always car- ried the flag in the Decoration Day parade be- cause he was six feet seven inches tall. He was born in 1841 in Bear Creek, Alabama, and came to a farm near Eastland cemetery southwest of Kinmundy, shortly after the close of the Civil War. Later he moved to the last house on East Fourth street, in Kiummidy, where he lived many years. He died in Biloxi, Mississippi, at the age of 9'J, and was buried in Eastland cemetery which he had helped to foimd. In an old part of the cemetery near the graves of Col. Booth and Capt. Sprouse is a grave with a plain headstone, and the inscription reads, Enuis Taylor, Hampshire Co. Virginia. A confed- erate soldier. This was for a long time Kinmun- dy "s unknown soldier. The story goes that during the Civil war a prison train stopped in Kinmundy on its way to exchange prisoners, and one young lad, Avho had died en route, was buried hastily in a shallow grave by the tracks. Isaac Eagan, discovering this, had the boy properly buried and the grave marked. Many years later a Kiumundian, who had come from West Virginia, recognized the name and got in touch with the family. In a letter, received by Mrs. Pearl Fisher, in 1941 when she was head of the Cemetery Associa- tion, a sister-in-law wrote that a cousin had been on the same prison train and had told the family of the death and burial and they expected never to be able to find the grave. They were overjoyed when they were told and could come to Kinmundy about 1920 and find the grave. They were touched by the kind- ness shown them and their loved one and later sent mon- ey to have the grave put in perpetual care. On Decora- tion day it is not forgotten by people who know the story. Page Nineteen stole one ot the Lowe be Flanagan, the poUceman. not identified. I lust wai Jennie Philhps sits in front of their up m tioiit of then store, and it looks like Bob on his vest in front of W. W. Neils. Others are Below, George Tomlinson, standing, Chas. Witwer and Noah Robnett seated, next one not identified. Doc Laswell and someone sit on his doorstep, and Bert Williams sits with Clabe Cockrell in front of Rohrboughs store, farther down Miss Mollie Songers, and then the bank. Other people not identified. I'liis page compliuients of JESSE GEORGE, General Men-liaiidise Page Twenty ELOCUTIONARY!! —AND— MUSICAL! ENTERTAINMENT, AT EAGAN'S HALL —ON— Friday Eve, May 22, 1885 —BY— Miss Gertrude Gwynn's Glass. Programme: PART I. Music - Vandalia Glee Club Young Lochinvar Mrs. Kilpatrick Reverie Before Church Mamie Songer Music Vandalia Glee Club Aunty Doleful Annie Whittaker, Helen Rohrbough Tom - - Katie Groves Jack Harry Wilson Music - Vandalia Glee Club Pyrimus and Thisbe - - - Annie Elder Nick Vanstann Helen Rohrbough European Guides - Harry Whittaker Music Vandalia Glee Club Ride of Jennie McNeal Bert Hollister Socrates Snoocks Lotta Neil Sliip of Faith Gertrude Gwynn Music .- Vandalia Glee Club Leap Year In A Village With One Young Gentleman. A Drama In Three Acts. DRAMATIS PERSONAE: Matilda Dix - Katie Groves Mary Elder Lou Blakslee Bert Hollister JpdPdiah Brown A M. N. V. Lovell ADMISSION: CHILDREN 15 CENTS - ADULTS 25 CENTS. Doors open at 7:30. Performance to commence at 8 o'clock. Without extra charge reserved seats may be secured at Miss M. A. Songer's store. WEDNESDAY EVE, APRIL 13th, 1887 Piano - SOIREE - Organ MlJSIi:ALE Mrs. Lou Miller's (lass Assisted by Volunteer Vocalists. Encourage your home talent, and note the impiovenient made by the class. An evening of rare enjoyment promised you EAGAN'S OPERA HALL NOTE THE NOVELTIES IN THIS PROGRAM. Greeting Song By Class Ripples of the Alabama, (Pianoj Mrs. Lou Miller Belle Pountaine (Piano) ._ Miss Josie McBryde Palling Leaves (Piano; Miss Anna Elder Eherin on the Rhine (Song) Miss Sallie Letton Miss Maude McBryde Schottish (Piano) . Glen Harlan MRS. WILLIS' WILL. DRAMATIS PERSONAE. Mrs. Robinson, (Mrs. Willis' Executrix) Miss Anna Elder Lady Spindle, (haughty and dignified) Miss Josie McBryde Mrs. Dwindle, (a votary of fashion) „ Miss Sallie Dardon Jennie, (,a farm servant) Miss Sarah Glazebrook Rachel, (Mrs. Robinson's servant) Miss Mamie Songer Brilliant Variations, "When You and I were Young," Mrs. Lou Miller The Storm at Sea, i piano) . Miss Mamie Songer "Lauterbach" Miss Maude McBryde Little Red Rose, (Inst.) Mrs. Lou Miller TWO SONGS My Johnny is a Shoemaker, O! You Little Darling I love You. Egypt's Humming Bird. Gertie Tyner, of Mason. THE FORTUNE TELLER Bass— Pred Snelhng. Alto— Miss Minnie Tyner. Tenor— Will Reynolds. Soprano— Mrs. O. N. Tyner. Chorus, Good Night Class DIAGRAM OF HALL AND TICKETS AT TYNER'S. Admission. lOc, Adults 15c., Reserved Chairs 5c. Extra DOORS OPEN AT 6:30. CURTAIN RISES AT 7:30. Page Twenty -One South side of Third Street from tlie railroad going up "Quality Hill," in the early 1900s. These pictures eompliments of THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Kinmundy ('RAIN'S CAFE, Kinnnmdy KINMUNDY BUILDING & LOAN SALEM, FLOWERS, Salem NATTIER'S VOGUE SHOP, Salem Page Twenty-Two Uim^^0^»^l ^.::;f This ^^as lhm^U'\ tlu'w \ li.iriioss sli( Dr. H. L. Hannah others. , store, also known as the Compaoy store. Next was Mat- ]) . CLOSED '^^1^'" Third street west from the I. C. raih-oad. Mrs. Jessie Embser says lier grandfather. Isaac Heaton built this building for a store about 1860 and rented it till he moved to town. His farm, south of town, was a station on the "underground railroad" during the civil war. Between this store and the railroad stood Rohrboughs mill. The old Songer mill, which was built in 1868, and made flour and corn meal till milling became the specialized business it now is. The Ingram brothers ran it many years and now Ingram sons ship the grain for the community. They are descendents of the first James Harvey Gray. This page compliments of INGRAM'S ELEVATOR, Kinmundy KINMUNDY LUMBER CO. Page Twenty-Six nisL loui buildings die blill Uuic out. Uic Opt,i.i Houcl ■ulli Oi Camerer'i office. Rices Stoie and otlieib aie gone I here was once an the picture The Meat Maiket, Dr. lift. The old light plant, whose wlublle suimcied lor ;ill the fires and wrecks, as well as the ba.sket ball victories. It furnished electricity from dusk to 10 or 11 p.m. You were sup- posed to be home by then. You heated your irons, and cooked on coal or wood stoves, and cooled with ice, so you didn't need electricity in the daytime. This page compliments of FARINA LUMBER CO., GEILER'S GARAGE, Kinmnndy L. M. Westphal D C, DAY, Standard Oil Dealer ATLAS TIRE & SERVICE STATION Kinmundy Kiumundy Page Twenty-Seven Looking west on the south side of Third Street across from the ^lethndisi Church, about 1908. The first house was George Elder's, now Dr. Franklin's, the second one, Frank Smith's, is gone and the new parsonage stands there, the third was W. W. Neil's, later C. F. Pruett's. WiWSSSSSSSiiiJS This page courtesy of these Kinmundians E. E. JAHRAUS MULVANEY'S LAUNDRY WHITE'S FEED AND PRODUCE JACKSON'S TEXACO SERVICE STATION W. A. FRANKLIN, M.D. WHITNEY'S GROCERY HENRY HASSEBROCK MAHAN & MOTCH HAMPSTEN'S GROCERY DOOLEN'S BARBER SHOP 4.._.._.._.._.. Page Twenty-Eight ENTERTAINMENT The earliest entertainments were the husking bees, barn raisings, (juiltings and such. Candy and box suppers were continued until the present. Taffy pulls were popular in the rarlv 19n0s, as a way to raise m"ney f"r a l"dge "i- chiireli, •irid tluM there ^\ere the ehurch dnuiers and lee cream soi-ials Tlic Euicka Keaihng Club was founded m 187.') and ga\e liM\.iti HMdni-rs until 1^77 when tlie\ began to gi\e pla> s and piililh .MMt.iimiK nts Tlu'N disbanded iii l'^^^ with a baiKiuef ,1 v,,u ,,v II , 1 ^^^ M^ W0M l(ip lo E R H. 1 t r \\ KiUu Hon i I Ostei Paul Sandhofei, O. N. Tjnei. Second low J H Nclmt, Fllis \ illow Chas Beavei, Hershel Vallow. Third row, Chas. Vallow. J. B. Brenner, E. A. SnelUng, G. W. SnelUng, B. Bruce. Bottom row. W. D. Reynolds, F. S. Songer, Orval Foster, J, B. Garner. Picture taken about 1896. The location of Eagan's Hall has not been discovered, hut it was the site for the early graduation ceremonies, and other meetings and entertainments. Then there was Haj'- worth's Opera House which burned in the fire of 1903. It was rebuilt on the same lots and again burned in 1916. This last one was the scene of class plays, graduations, and the stock companies who u.sed to tour in the days before radio, movies, and television. The Reynolds and Tyner Stock Companies were welcomed as artists and hometown folks. They played in the Opera House in the winter and in tents in the summer. Speaking of tents, remember the Chatauqua? It w^as held ill the Park and for one week gave afternoon and evening performances which ranged from famous .speakers, preachers, and chalk talks to music of all kinds. One of the favorite acts was the Swiss Bell Ringers, a group who performed behind a long table on wlii.li lulls were arranged harmoniealh'. They woidd play anytliiiiL: finiu Poet and Peasant to Annie Laurie, dashing up and duw ii to ring the bell or group of bells with the proper notes. About 50 years ago '"Uncle T" (Jlr. Tyner) showed col- ored lantern slides at the K. P. Hall. The K. P.s also had a wonderful contraption which could be placed in front of a ]iiano and by inserting a roll and pumping the pedals you could play a tune. This was replaced by a player piano and those syncopated numbers — "Eileen", "Florene", "Nights of Gladness". "Uncle T" also played them for us in his music store while we danced outside on the sidewalk. There were movies, too, with col- ored slides of songs, and "The Per- ils of Pauline" or "The Million Dollar Mystery" every Saturday afternoon. Prom earliest days Kiiiiiiuiuly seems to have had bands ami or- chestras. In the oldest papers there are piano advertisements, music teachers, and recitals. E. A. SnelUng was (Die of the early band directors aiul tlie old band .stand, which was I'ccently torn down, was built ni 1888. Mr. Snelling and the mer- chants of Kinnuuidy were amateurs in the true sense of the word, they played for the love of it, practicing after they closed their stores for the evening, and giving a conceri on Saturday night. Ben Phillips, with his cornet, was the leader about the time of the first war. and he always closed the program witli ••Till We Meet Again." A high school band was organ- ized in 1930 by Mr. Tessman. In 1935 Mr. Fi-ank Hickman created much interest in bands and there have been been bands since then. In 1951 music was added as a school course, a chorus was organized aiut the band reorganized. The students have done well in competition and iiave given very good concerts un- der the guidance of Bill Pottebaum, this last season. He has composed a Kinmundy Centennial March which will be used in the Celebration. He leaves this year to continue his studies at the Eastman School of Music. The BAND BOOSTERS were or- ganized on May 19, 1953, with 40 charter members. Carl Broeker, who was band instructor at the time, was the first president. (Mrs. Nila Col- clasure, vice president ; Mrs. Lura Robnett, recording secretary; Mrs. Elizabeth Lux, corresponding secre- tary; and Virgil See, treasurer.) They work to earn money for band activities and provide new instru- ments and other necessities. Under their auspices the baud presents three concerts, one at Easter, one at Christmas, and the summer ice cream social and concert. The membership has increased to 80 and they meet once a month. Mrs. Alta Diss is pres- ident, Mrs. Bertha See, seeretarj-. Page Twenty-Nine A group uf liidica .vol uut lur a picuiy iu Davis woods or Sii\uci > .-|m m^^ 111 the background is Killie's grocery, Cox's restaurant, the tree in front of Mrs. Dennis' house and millinery shop, and the barber shop. The far corner was Wetter 's saloon, later the newspaper office, now a vacant lot. Snyder's Springs was the favorite place for Sunday School picnics for many years. The trip was made on a hay wagon or in your buggy or surrey. A trolley ride which stretched from the grove down to the springs below was the favorite amusement. A pulley wheel, with a cross bar to hold on to trav- eled on the wire, you hung on and whizzed through space to the bottom of the hill. Compliments of EGYPTIAN NUESERY, Farina DISS TRUCKING, Kinmundy Al.ovi Tiic -.mmI old win feiieos around tlicm. The J' (lencc before remodeling'. Below — This picture was made from an old photographic plate made by Iluf: Spencer, lent bv the Ernsts. Mr. Speneer takes a ride in the cutter. Note 1,1 Slei-hbells (.n the horse. Compliments FRANCIS HAMMER, SEALTEST DISTRIBUTOR BYRON SILL, QUALITY USED CARS C. E. liAILEY DRILLING CO. E. A. ERNST & SONS, PUREBRED ANGUS SINCE 1933 Page Thirty-One Communications NEWSPAPERS In his trip tlirougli the United States during the Civil War, Anthony Trollope was amazed at the number of newspapers which were printed. Everyone read newspapers. Kinmundy has had its sliare, too. The Kinmundy Telegram was start- ed on March 13, 1867 by Col. J. W. Filler who sold it to H. H. Chesley and in 1868 it was bought by two printers, 'Bryant and Pyles. 'Bryant bought out Pyles and changed it to the Kinmun- dy Democrat and supported Seymour and Blair in the campaign but after the election in Novem- ber it was changed to the Kinmundy Independ- ent. Edward Freeman bought this in 1873 and continued it for at least 10 years as we have copies of one dated 1876 and another dated 1883. The latter carries his obituary and notes that liis sons will now continue the paper. The Pas- toral Visitor, a religious monthly edited by Rev. N. B. Cooksey for the M.E. church, was also printed by the Independent. Uui'ing this time Pyles started the Kinmundy Bulletin on Jan. 1, 1875, advocating retrenchment and reform in government, and democratic principles for the country at large. This published 13 nvunbers only. W. L. Arnold started the Kinmundy Regis- ter in 1879 and it lasted 26 issues. In 1881 G. W. Rutherford moved the Reform Leader from San- doval to Kinmxuidy. It had quite a circulation as an advocate of the greenback policy. R. F. Lawson started the Kinmundy Express on Nov. 8, 1883, as he stated in the paper's slo- gan — "in the intei'ests of Dick Lawson and Kin- mundy." In 1890 he bought the double brick buikUng which was later to house the company store. He crusaded for a bridge over the I. C. R.R. on 2nd street. Miss Evelyn Killie remembers set- ting type for him. She and Mrs. Pearl Fisher later worked for Grissom when he bought The Express. In 1898 F. 0. Grissom came down from Farina to help get the paper out one week and never went back. He bought the Journal which had been brought from Patoka and for a while pub- lished both till he merged them after the fire of 1903. His .shop burned again the following July in the block where the filtering plant now is. He then moved into a house east of the Il- linois Central depot (now Arnold's.) There he sold it to Gus Spitze, formerly a teacher in Kin- mundy high school. Spitze moved it down to the old Wetter building (now gone) and sold to Lem Ballance who sold to Norris Vallow. Vallow mov- ed it one door soutli into the building he still occupies. Besides the Express, Vallow prints a Methodist paper, a Gideon paper, and the Marion Co. Farmer. Early newspapers were large sheets of pa- per folded in half and then folded again making 8 pages, or folded once making 4 pages. In the 1900s they were still made in tlie same way and only part was local news, in hand set type, the rest, being more like magazine articles on world affairs, jokes, home remedies and recipes. They received these large sheets, already printed on one side. Since type is set by linotypes and not mucli by hand it is now possible to make up the entire newspaper locally. TELEPHONES The first mention of telephones found when compiling this historj' was in an 1883 paper which stated that on Nov. 15 E. Heriuck and B. Blakes- lee had gone to Salem to work up a telephone. For the rest of this information we are indebted to W^ill Ross. The earliest phone he remembers connected Andy Young's hardware store with his house. The store was the now vacant room south of Jesse George's and the home was on the north side of the highway across from the park where Frank Davis lived, and Glenn Doolen now lives. Eb McBryde had also rigged up some sort of speaking arrangement between the McBryde store (now Jesse George's) and home (now Har- vey Brown's). Whether it worked by wire or not is not known. The apparatus of Young's used wire and batteries and the speaker signalled and then hung up till the person at the other end signalled back, then the conversation was car- ried on. In these early days there was a local long distance line from Mt. Vernon to Effingham with a booth in the Ryan Hotel, a phone in the Company Store and probably one at the mine which were both projects cf Chas. Hull at thai time. Mr. Hull built the first local exchange in 1898. It was located over the Company store (empty lot south of Dunlap's). About 1904 Mr. Hidl moved his exchange to the Hultz home (now Harvey Brown's). He had perhaps 15 lines running in to this switchboard and Katie Hultz was the operator. Hull at one time owned or controlled all phones of Marion County except Ceutralia Bell. About 1905 W^ill Storrs started a new mu- tual exchange which he built up to 180 phones and went into competition with Hull. This was on the second floor of the Masonic Temple. In this era you bought your own instrument, strung your own wire to the city limits and the exchange did the rest. This was the age of Mu- tuals and there were groups in Salem, Odin, Pa- toka, Sandoval, Vernon, luka, and Omega, the latter being one of the big ones and having 400 members. A salesman would come through and sell everyone in the area a phone and the new company would be started. On October 11, 1910, Will Ross bought out Storrs, and continued operating in the same building. In 1913 the first real toll line from Sa- lem Commercial Telephone and Telegi-aph Co. was installed. Before this open wires were used and service was not very clear but this was a No. 9 metallic circuit which was a big improve- Page Thirty-Two Above — Tlie streets were worse iu those days am elegant, but we had a bank on each corner then. Below— "23" passing the old coal mine. The Illinois Central south-bound came in at 5:23 p.m. and you came back on it from a day spent in Farina. The pupils from Alma went home from school on it instead of buses. Compliments of BARGH'S DRUG STORE LEE'S PHILLIPS 66, ROUTE 37 CHRIS JASPER SHOE REPAIR GORDON POOL ROOM Page Thirty-Three nieiit. The Bell Company brought in a toll line from Ceutralia about the same time. lu 1920, Ross sold his exchange to the Com- mercial Telephone and Telegraph Company of Salem and went to Salem as Manager for their Salem and Kinmiuidy exchanges. In 192-t this company sold out to Bell. They moved the Kin- mundy exchange to the first floor of the now va- cant building on Madison Street just below Dmi- lap 's. There it remained until 1955 when the dial system was iustalled and a new building was built on Jefferson street next to the Fire Depart- ment. ELECTRICITY In the late 90s when Leander Matthews was mayor, the city of Kinmundy set about to build its own light plant. They inspected plants in other towns and then built one of their own on the site of Reno's mill on Jef- ferson and 4th street. This fm-nished DC current made by a dynamo which was turned by a coal-fired steam en- gin. They had about 100 customers and the streets were lit at the corners by the old carbon lamps. W. G. Sims was the first superintendent. About 1909, J. C. Lee bought the plant from the city for $10,000 to be paid in Installments for ten years. During the first war coal cost five times what the price had been when the con- tract was made, so Mr. Lee was unable to fulfill his agreemint and sold it back to the city. He continued to operate it for them until 1937 when it was sold to Cen- tral Ilhnois Public Service company and the city signed a 25 year contract to buy power from that company. In the 1920s the plant was overhauled and chang- ed to AC cun-ent. More electric equipment was being used and it became necessary to standardize current so that irons, fans, etc. could be used anywhere. The many electrical appUances that we now use did not become practical in small towns and country until the big power lines went through. WATER In 1953 Kinmundy built its own water plant. This was especially useful last year when many wells were dry because of the drought. The water is pumped from the I. C. reservoir to the filtering plant (used to be the old calaboose) and then to the tank which stands where Washington and East street join. There are 250 cust- omers. Fifty years ago houses with ruiming water had tanks in the attic and water was pumped from well or cistern up to these, and then fed by gravity into the water system. Later windmills, then gasoline engines and finally electricity did the job. FraternalOrganizations and Clubs KINMUNDY LODGE NO. :i98, A.P.&A.M. was chartered on October 5, 1864, and held its first meetings in the home of Col. Booth on West Fourth Street. There were nine charter members, B. H. Bodwell being Worshipful Master. As more members were added the meeting place was changed to the hall over Blakeslee's Store on the southwest corner of Third and Madison. After several other meeting places on Madison Street, they built a temple of their own on the site of the present temple and dedicated it on Jan. 10, 1902. This burned in the fire which destroyed that block on Dec. 2, 1903. They met temporarily in the K.P. hall but planned to rebuild and moved into the present building in September, 1904. They celebrated their Diamond Jubilee in 1940, with 135 members. The present member- ship is 178. James Strieker is Worshipful Master. The MAYFLOWER CHAPTER OF THE ORDER OF EASTERN STAR was foimded Sept. 11, 1891. All of its records were lost in the fire of' 1903. On Feb. 11, 1908, a meeting was called in the Masonic hall by 20 dimitted members of the Mavflower Chapter asking for a charter for Kinmiuidy Chapter No. 606. A. U. Allen acted as chairman, and Bessie King was secretary. The charter was granted April 7, 1908, and Farina Chapter No. 112 O.B.S. instituted the new lodge. The first officers installed were Worthy Matron, Ellen K. Donovan; Worthy Patron, Raymond Walters ; secretary, Bessie King ; treasurer, M. A. Babcock. This chapter is still active having a membership of 125. Mrs. Marge Boyd is Worthy Matron. The MODERN WOODMEN was established August 30, 1889, but it no longer holds meetings. Their women's affiliate, the ROYAL NEIGH- BORS OF A:MERICA was organized March 13. 1897, by Deputy Supreme Oracle D. C. Kingsley and was one of the first camps ever organized. They still meet, though they are not a large group any more. Mrs. Betty Wagoner is Oracle. The I.O.O.F. ROSEDALE LODGE NO. 354 was chartered Oct. 9, 1867, with eight members. It was very active for many years and owned its own building, but that was lost in the fire of 1903. It no longer meets in KLinniuidy, members from here go to the Farina or Salem Chapter. The ROSEDALE REBEKAH LODGE NO. 371 was instituted Nov. 20, 1895, by the Salem Lodge with 34 charter members. Miss Mary Shriver was the first Noble Grand. Lois Heaton of Pueblo, Colo., and Lib Humphrey Gramley of Westwood, Calif., are the only charter members now living. The group still meets and takes care of its organizations. It is now the oldest organ- ization in Kinmundy. Mrs. Carrie Yeager is Noble Grand. Organizations in the early daj's were the Royal Templars of Temperance, Fidelity Lodge No". 24, organized in 1880, and the Kinmiuidy Lodge 1091, Knights of Honor, organized May 31, 1878. with 13 charter members. In the early 1900s the Knights of Pythias Clipper Lodge No. 413 with its Pythian Sisters took a most active part in the town's social life. None of these meet now. The AMERICAN LEGION POST 519 was first organized about 1921 but the rocerds are lost aud they seem to have disbanded after a few years. They reorganized in November, 1929, and "have been active ever since. In 1954 they bought (Continued on Page 36) Page Thirty-Four I)iH'or.itii.)ii Day 1908 Lett to rii^lit, standing. John Sohoenboni, W \ Brewer, 1. T. Dillon, II". Shafler, .) iluberl, Le\ i Thomas, (Jeo. Fonster, (\ Rolirhough, Jack Foster, Denny Ingram and Dr. Smith. Left to right, seated, Bill Neil, John Nelms, Howard Nelms, Joel Youngkin, John Doolen, John Miller, Wm. Coleman. T. J. Greenlee. Hi Ilerriek, Wm. Brown, Chris Shaffer and J. F. Donovan. Hi OTJH, Kebuilding the opera house after the fire of 1903. This page courtesy of these Farina Merchants FRANK WOERNER & SONS, HOWELL MOTOR CO., J. COTTRSON FORD TRACTORS BOSTON CHEVROLET GALE BOSTON, OWNER Page Thirty -Five the first floor of the Masonic Temple building and occupied it, as theii" first ijermaueut home, in August 1955. They have been most generous in lending it for meetings and activities for the Centennial. With the Ladies Auxiliary they main- tain several wheelchairs and hospital beds whicii are available free to any person in the community who needs them. The present Commander is Gil- bert Doolen, and there are 110 members. Kinmundy has had soldiers in ail wars, In- dian, Mexican, on both sides of the Civil War, Spanish, World Wars I and II and the Korean conflict. These graves ai-e remembered each Dec- oration Day by the Legion. The LADIES AUXILIARY OF POST 519 was organized on Oct. 16, 19-±7,_with '6'6 charter members, 27 new and 6 who transferred their membership from Salem, where they had belong- ed while there was no Auxiliary in Kinmundy. Mrs. Pearl l^'isher acted as temporary chairman till the new officers were elected. The first pres- utent was Mrs. Maxiue Robb. The present presi- dent is Mrs. Lela Mae Doolen and there are 83 members. The KINMUNDY WOMAN'S CLUB v/a.s or- ganized about 1911. Mrs. George H. Mayer was Its first president. She was treasurer of the Illi- nois State Federation that year and in 1914 was delegate for the 23rd district to the Biennial Con- vention of the General Federation in Chicago. It was a very active club in those years and seems to have continued till 1940. The present club was organized on July Hi, 1946, with Mrs. R/.chard Broom, president, and 46 members. Throughout the years they have ac- complished much for the community. In 1951 the children's choir, under the direction of Mrs. F. 0. Grissom, won honor for the club and Kinmundy at the State convention in Chicago. Mrs. Eugene Shu- feldt served as recording secretary of the 2lird dis- trict for 1952-54 and Mrs. W. A. Franklin was county president in 1956. This Cciiteiuiial lUiok was a club project originally and tlie\' luive done much for the Centennial Celebration. jMrs. Huffy Ilanna is president. The Junior Woman's Club, which was organized in 1955, is also known for its civic work. Mrs. Henry J. Steinlicht is president. The PARENTS AND TEACHERS ASSOCI- ATION, with 188 members this year, is one of the strongest organizations in the community. It is believed to have begun about 1914 and was instituted by the late Mrs. Fannie Simpson Schwartz (originally a Kinmundian) who started the PTA in Marion county. Mrs. Annie Young was the first president. About 1936 it became very active and began its fine health progi-am, giving diphtheria and scarlet fever shots in the schools; and its Summer Roundup, which i.s a medical examination, including eyes and teetli, for children of pre-school age. It was instrumen- tal in getting the equipment for the school cafe- teria, and the latest project was the handsome new curtain for the stage in the new High School gymnasium. Mrs. Margaret Shufeldt is the out- going ])resideut and Mrs. Lura Robuett, the new president. 4-H CLUBS train yoimg people in home- making and agricultural pursuits and are tuider the direction of the Comity home and farm ad- visors. Pioneers in this work in Kinmundy were Katherine Wormley and Mrs. Jessie Vallow, who were group leaders for many years, and organ- ized the Aienuettes. From this group Kay Green- wood won recognition at the State Fair for her (•lothiiig i^rojects. This j'ear the Kinmundy Menuettes 4-H Club is a group of 25 girls whose leaders are Mrs. iJorotiiy McCulley and Mrs. Lora Ingram. Sue Ernst IS the president and Carol George the sec- retary-treasurer. They meet twice monthly at the Home Ec room in the High School. This year they all have food projects and will study all phases, from baking to freezing foods, and meal plan- ning. A demonstration and talk is given at each meeting. The Wide Awake 4-H club has agricultural projects and was organized in 1949 by Gene Ernst. The first club had 9 members and Bettj' Ernst was the president. Members of this group liave won recognition at various fairs : Nolan McKitrick for public speaking on safety, and Warren and Robert Shufeldt for their entomo- logical display at the 1956 State Fair. Garry Ernst had Grand Champion Angus steer in Mar- ion County in 1956 and 8th place for an Angus heifer in the Land 'o Lincoln contest. The PLEASURE HOUR CLUB was organ- ized March 27, 1923 by a group of young mar- ried couples who met once a month at each oth- ers' homes for an evening of pleasure. It is still very active and is fortunate that in its 34 years it has lost only three members by death, A. J. Young, Hubert M. Fisher and Walter S. Pruett. The JOLLY GIRLS CLUB was first organ- ized in 1944 by Mrs. Clifton Lemaj' and was call- ed the Friendly Circle. It was abandoned about 1946 but reorganized in 1948. At present it has 14 member's, who, at each meeting, help their hostess with household tasks, such as ironing, mending, quilting or such tasks. The WEST SIDE THIMBLE CLUB was a social and fancy work club (started by Mrs. Dora Brenner and Mrs. R. P. McBryde It is said) which flourished in the early 1900s when ladies had time and inclination for things embroidered and crocheted. The membership was kept to 24, and at the Christmas party, each member gave, and received 24 presents, perhaps a chamois with ribbon and lace, hand whipped around the edge. (For those who don't remember, these were the fore-runners of the powder puff.) The ladies were always willing to teach any child how to make the things they were mak- ing and are part of the past we remember fondly. The SIX G'S (whose name was never explained) was also a social club but this one was noted for the ele- gance of its entertainments and members vied with each other for unusual decorations and refreshments. It is believed to have originated with Mrs. Will Gray, and its members were the social leaders of the town. It is no ^longer active. Page Thirty-Six flR F MRS. BEN MILLICAN, CUSTOM RUG WEAVING MRS. HATTIE HUDDLESTON, CUSTOM RUG WEAVING ga Busiuessef HUGO WAGONER, GARAGE. GENERAL REPAIRING ANDREW MULVANEY. BLACKSMITH SHOP LESLIE EBLIN, GROCERY & MDSE. GEORGE FISK, GROCER and Kinmnndy Businesses VIRGIL SEE, SEE'S PONY FARM INA'S BEAUTY SHOP ROBERT LANE, TRUCKING PHYLLIS' BEAUTY SHOP Page Thirty-Seven Greens steam enyn G. C. Doolen farm- This community was settled as an ag- ricultural community, and lias remained so, though many changes have come about. When the early settlers came, the prairie was covered with 6 foot high grass that had never been cut. They set- tled near the creeks, and cleared spaces in the woods for cabins, and fields to grow only what they, or their neighbors would consume. If they did grow any surplus, it was hauled by wagon to St. Louis, to be sent by boat to New Orleans, or back up the Ohio to the east. It was tlie custom, they say, for farmers in this area to have "drives" in the fall. Neigh- bors would collect all their livestocik, poultry, butter, anything they had to sell, and set out for St. Louis. The chickens were in coops, the butter in barrels, and these were hauled by wagon, while cattle and other livestock, even turkeys, would be driven on foot, the whole party camp- ing at night along the way. The railroads changed all that. They made it possible to get produce to market, so it became profitable to raise some to sell. Railroads were useless without freight to haul, so they early encouraged agricultural pur- suits. Hayricker bought about 1890. One of the first in this area. G. C. Doolen Paiin— 1920. Agrictitture With the invention of reapers and mowers, and plows strong enough to break the prairie sod, more farms were opened. In the 1850s a great tide of people from Europe came to the United States. With the build- ing of railroads they were able to settle on farms throughout the middle west and many settled near Kin inundy, and their names: Kolb, Mettzgar, Stock, Nach- niann,' Bilek, Jessman and Tschudi are old names around tliis area. Early crops were hay, gram and wheat. Timothy was important as ha^' and was first grown by James H. Uray in Section 15. Hay was shipped in great quantities, there being several "hay presses" in Kinmundy which baled the hay before shipping. Now it is done by the farmer as he cuts it. In the 80s orchards and small fruit began to be important. Apples, peaches, pears, straw- berries, cherries, and mushmelons, as well as vegetables were raised for the market. Later refrigerated cars were developed which rushed the produce to the markets. One story, explaining how Southern Illinois came to be called ^'Little Egypt", tells of the 2 or 3 year drought and crop failures in Northern Illinois, which caused the upstate farmers to come south for grain. This was in 1818, the year Illinois became a state, and the wagon train went as far down as Clinton and Jefferson Counties, some say down the Effingham-Kinraundy road wliicli later became the Egyptian Trail, then Route 37. In 1818 there was no Marion County; it was still part of Jefferson, and Clinton was part of Bond and Washington. This area was then the land of plenty, but by the early 1900s, the soil was becoming overcropped and poor. There had been no need for rotation of crops or conservation when there was plenty more land to use as the first became worn out. Fifty years ago it was the saying around Kinmundy that we didn't need any col- lege boys to tell us how to farm, but after some of the farm boys went to college and came back with ideas that were pretty helpful, and as new ideas were spread through Farmer's Institutes and County Fairs, practices were changed and the land built up again. The Lime- stone Club was formed and its members subscribed for 100 carloads of limestone. This was one of the early steps in what now is regular procedure, putting back into the soil what you take out. Modern equipment has made great changes in farm- ing in this area. Before combines were used, a threshing crew, with a steam engine, toured the countryside. The neighbors helped one another, men on the wagons, bring- ing the grain from the field to the machine; women in tlie kitchen, cooking wonderful meals for the men (and assorted children who were lucky enough to be there). Who can forget the fried chicken, chicken and dump- lings, and country ham; and the pies and cakes which to])i)ed off the meal? Tractors have probably changed things most, by speeding up the work. Fields can be cultivated, planted, reai)ed, and brought to town in much less time than wit I) horse drawn equipment. Page Thirty-Eight One man alone can aeeomplisli what used to take many. So farm- ing this area reflects the great .•hanges that have come during a ci'utury: fr(nu a bare sustenance tor each family to vast quantities for world markets; from hay and wheat to corn and soybeans as cash >-vapA: and about every 20-25 years a return of strawberries. F. A. I'ruott and .sons, Charles and Walter, shipped produce from Kiiimundy starting in 1892. In the 192()s they specialized in eggs and in one peak year shipped 300 car- loads. They also shipped fruit and jobbed flour, feed, etc. The lO'iG as- sessor's census shows 153 farms in Kinmundy township, 4681 acres of soybeans,' 3826 acres of corn, 1279 acVes of wheat, 1135 acres of oats, 777 acres redtop, 585 acres clover hay, 259 acres rye, and 40 acres of barley. Ingram's elevator shipped 374 carloads of various grains that same year. There have been Agricultural fairs in Illinois since the early 1850s according to old record books. Kin- mundy organized one on Oct. 1. 1894, "and held one annually for nmny years. Old clippings in scrap books tell of the great success of tiiese affairs. lu the years before the first "World War, the Farmers Institute was an event looked for- ward to by all. New ideas in farm ing and homemaking were demon- sti-ated by people from Illinois Uni- versity, and from these came the ideas "for the Farm Bureau, Home Bureau and 4-H movements. From the pioneer with his poor hand tools to the modern farm and farm house in one hundred years is an amazing step. Fi-om oxen to crop-dusting with airplanes ! ! Changes come more rapidly each year — and who can sav w'hat comes uext? The ]\Iarion County Farm Bureau began in 1918. A committee was ap- pointed on Jan. 21 of that year, two members from Kinmundy being Wm. Gray and J. Lem Ballance, and on Feb. 4 it was organized with 79 members. C. W. Vursell was acting- secretary at the meeting. Joe Hchwartz of Salem was elected pres- ident. Its purpose was to hire coun- ty agents or farm advisors for coun- sel on teclmical problems which Some of the membeis of the Umestone Club who wt-u the lust to .slait rebuilding the worn out land aiound Kinmundy Lett to nght uont row, George Snelling, Harmon Lenhart, Billy Maxey, I. R. Widdis, George Spies, Jerome Embser, Billy Morris, Russell Lenhart, Will Gray, Chas Hull, Lish Hammers. Back row, John Holt, T. Wilkinson, Chas. Shufeldt, Will Shriver, Ed Dillon, Fied Kleiss, J. T. Arnold, George Newell, Percy Blake, Lloyd Hammer. were increasing as farming became more scientific. They also founded cooperatives, insurance groups, etc. The first county agent was Fi-ed Blackburn and one of the early problems was control of chinch bugs which were a menace at that time. John Holt of Kinmundy and Frank Nor- ris of Meacham w^ere members of that committee. The Farm Bureau works with Illinois University which is a land grant college. This means that it was founded with money from the sale of public lands, and in return must foster agriculture and mechanic arts. The bureau has no local chapters but embraces the entire county, with directors from each township. It now has 1,998 members. Roy Doolen was president for last year. The Kinmundy Unit of the Home Bureau was organized in 1945. Only four of the original number are still in the group — ^Mrs. Wilma Vandeveer, Mrs. Jessie Vallow, Mrs. Margaret Shufeldt aiul Katherine Wormley — and since Katherine has just moved to California, that leaves three. They meet one evening each month .and a lesson is given on some household subject, cooking, sewing, crafts, homemaking, health, etc. These lessons are first given by instructors from the University of Illinois Extension bureau at the Country headquarters, to two or more from each unit and they in turn, instruct their fellow members. The ladies suggest a list of subjects they would like to study and the programs are made up from the most popu- lar items. The present president is Mrs. Huffy Hanua, and the unit has 18 members from both town and country homes. Last year a group of young women organized another unit called the Joy Belles, with the assistance of Mrs. Ruby Shaffer, then County vice-chairman. They have 8 members and their chairman is Mrs. Jane Lowe. They study \,he same lessons as the other groups. Both clubs work with the 4-H clubs, the Kinmundy Menuettes, Wide Awakes. Meacham Worthwhile, and others. G gan^' plow used on Joe Telford Farm between Alma and Kinmundy. Page Thirty-Nine Cars were really rare when Pleasant Kobnett started tlu.^ garage shown above. BeloM- yon see two of the early cars, an Allen and a Dort, for which he had the agency, and the garage has grown considerably. Some visitors are shown with Noah, Pleasant, Miss Anna and Mrs. Robnett. Behind the Allen yon can see the stock barn that used to be there. This page courtesy of ROBNETT 'S D-X SERVICE, P. F. ROBNETT Transportation Like many other towns in the mid west, Kiiimuudy has been greatly affected by changes in transportation. The pioneers came in covered wagons and used oxen for lieavy work. In the minutes of the early city council there are payments listed for working on the city streets with ox team. Our grandparents remember when produce was ship- ix'd in wagons to St. Louis or some river port and then on hv water to New Orleans or farther. After the covered wagon, the .stagecoach was the method of travel, unless you walked or rode horseback. With the coming of the railroads that was changed. People were able to get from one place to another, and more important, were able to send their produce to market ami get finished goods in return. From the peddler who sdUl what lie could carry on his back, as he walked through the country, or traveled in a wagon with a little bit of ev- erything to sell, we changed to the frontier store, then to the general store. The Illinois Central created little towns all up and down its length wherever it put stations, though the sta- tions were probably placed where there was a settlement or a good location for one. It had lots of land to sell and did lots of advertising to get people to settle in Illinois. In its guidebook for 1868, which has descriptions of all towns on the railroad, it lists Kinmundy as having 2,000 popula- tion, which seems exaggerated; no other listing found was more than 1,200. Tonti was built to service Salem which as yet had no railroad. Freight was hauled by wagon be- tween Salem and Tonti. After 1850 the whole country went wild building railroads. Many small ones were built which were after- wards acquired by the larger companies and merged into networks. In the city council minutes for May 19, 1869, there is a petition from 30 citizens, asking that the council order an election to vote on sub.scribiug $50,000 worth of stock in a line to be called the Kinmundy Pana railroad. The Chicago, Paducah and Memphis railroad passed through Kinmundy in 1896 when tracks were laid from Altamont to Marion. This road was acquired by the C. & E. I. in 1887, and that company proceeded to connect Shel- byville and Altamont, and in 1899 extended its line to Thebes on the Missis.sippi, thus the length of the state. Mail order houses sped the decline of the small town store. Then the railroads offered excursions for shopping. If you bought about $25 worth of merchandise the mer- clmnts of Centralia would buy your ticket both ways. You could go down at 9:30 in the morning, return on old 8:22 in the evening.. Gradually the stores in small towns were not able to compete with the larger places which had be- come so accessible. Changes came to the railroads, too. An 1876 newspa- per lists one mail train north and one south daily except Sunday, and express and three freights both ways daily. In 1883 the listing shows not only the Illinois Central, but tjie Vandalia Line connections in Effingham for St. Louis or New York. Cincinnati and Louisville ; and the Ohio and Jlis-sissippi connections in Odin for both east and west. After 1896 when the C. & E. I. was built you could go to Centralia on the I. C. return to Salem on the M. & I., ride across town in a horsedrawn hack, and come home on the C. & E. I. In these years the hacks met all the trains in Kinmundy too, and brought people to i(j\vn and to the hotels. In the late 1800s and early lilOOs I lie drummers (.salesmen they call tlicia iKiw) came to town by train and stay- cil at one of the hotels. They hired a rig from the livery stable and made their calls on small stores in the sur- rounding territory, that were not on a railroad. In those days there were morning and evening trains, both north- and south-bound that stopped here. If you wanted to go to Chicago the fast train would stop, or you could leave at 9:30 with your lunch (fried chicken and deviled eggs) and get to Chicago in time for supper. During this era the raih-oads were growing, more traltic meant bigger locomotives and that meant more water tor steam. A larger lake was built, (the present one), and most trains going south or north stopped for water. That grade from Tonti to Kinmundy is still one of the toughest ones on the route, and gives the diesels trouble, too. This water- itop caused one of the bad wrecks which people still remember; one midnight train plowed into the other one which had stop- ped for water, and killed 4 railroad officials whose private car was at the rear. At this time a block signal system was being install- ed to prevent just such occurrences. When the first autos came to Kimnundy there were no roads except dirt ones. After the fall rains started, you put your car up on wooden jacks in the garage (it was still call- ed the barn) and you left it there till next summer. Dr. Miller and Dr. Camerer each had cars about 1912, the kind you cranked. These models had acetylene lamps which had to be lit with a match at dusk. It was a long trip to Centralia and a real journey to St. Louis, and Chicago. There were no marked routes and it was easy to loose your way in strange territory. Then two men in a bug- gy came along one day. down the road from Effingham and painted black and orange triangles on every other telephone pole. This marked the Egyptian trail which became Route 37, in 1931. Then came the trucks and buses. Gradual- ly they took business from the railroad, es- pecially passenger and short hauls, and now the streamliners go roaring through without stopping and the small town depends on truck, bus and private car. Many people have never ridden on a railroad, which was true long ago but for a different reason. Nowadays they don't need to. With good highways and faster cars you can live in Kinmundy and work elsewhere, so people who are not on the farm, do not have to move to the city for employment, and the small town is again a nice place to live. You can drive to St. Louis for a show or ball game or shopping. With the new thru-ways, places even fai-ther away will become more accessible. At least one resident has his own plane, and several fly planes from the Salem Airport. Perhaps the plane will do for the automobile what the automobile did to the railroad. The next hundred years will tell. Page Forty-One PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH NOW CHURCH OF GOD BAPTIST CHURCH SOUTHERN METHODIST CHURCH CHURCHES IX THIS AREA The first settlers in this community were of English or Scotch and Irish protestant groups and came from southern and southeastern states: Bap- tists, Methodists and Presbyterians. Catholicism was brought by the French to Kaskaskia as early as 1685, but it did not reach Kinmundy till the Irish and German settlers came in the 1840s. CUMBERLAND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The first Cumberland Presbyterian Church was organized at the home of James Eagan, Sept. 7, 1840 by William Pinley. It was called Mt. Carmel but took the name of Kinmundy after the town was founded. In 1842 a camp meeting grounds was established near the townsite .and out of these meetings grew most of the Cumberland Presbyterian congregations in the country. After the town was platted, Isaac Eagan gave to the congregation lot 5 block 3 in Eagan's first addition for a church site, and was instrumental in organizing the group, affiliated with the Mt. Vernon Presbytery. This church was erected in 1859 and is said to be the first church built in Kinmundy. The building still stands, and is now used by the Church of God. On August 19, 1865 the First Presbyterian Church was organized by the Alton Presbytery. This was a different group from the Cumberlands. They bought lots 64-65 in the original town and the building on them which had been used as a school house till the new building was built. This building known as Presbyterian Hall was later moved to Madison and Second street where it stood for many years. The congregation united with Cumberland Presbyterian, and the united congregation was known as the First Presbyterian Church of Kinmundy. When it became too small to support a church, they disbanded in the 1920s and the members went to other churches. BAPTIST CHURCH The Baptists are one of the earliest sects in the county. The Liberty Baptist church was a log house 4 miles northwest of Kinmundy. Elder Dick- ens, a pioneer in this county, probably organized this church before 1826. According to the History of Marion and Clinton Counties they were still hold- ing church in the log house in 1881. Harmony Baptist church was located about 1 \-2 miles southwest of Kin- mundy and was named, by the settlers who came from Mason County, Vir- ginia, for their church back home. This group of See, Shelton and Martin families met in the See schoolhouse on March 13, 1852 and organized, and later built a church on a lot donated by R.E. Shelton. This church was da- maged by a tornado about 1902. It was dismantled and rebuilt in Alma later that year. When the congregation grew too small to support a church they sold the building to the Primitive Baptists who now use it. In 1866 8 members organized a church in Kinmundy but it was dissolved in 1873 and several reunited with Harmony. On April 9, 1904 the Ti-ustees of the First Baptist church bought a lot on south F^-emont street from W. B. Ross and wife. There a church building was erected. After using it for sev- eral years it proved to be too far from the congregation and they moved to the .Southern Methodist building on Adams Street to hold their services. In 1922 the building was sold to T. M. Smith. In the last year the building was torn down .and a dwelling building on its foundation. There is no congregation now in Kinmundy. METHODIST CHURCHES Circuit Riders were preaching Methodism in this area before Kinmundy was a town. Their stations were Sandy Branch, Fosterburg, and Pleasant Grove. James Harsha was pastor of the Salem Circuit in 1833, and preach- ing was held at the statioris as well as in private, homes. In the summer of 1858 Dr. Elliott, of Salem Circuit, preached occasionally in Kinmundy. Kev. James WoUard, of the same circuit, was the first regular pastor. He organiz- ed the first class whose members were Waller Hensley and wife, Samuel Law- rence and wife, George Marshland and wife, Melinda Sprouse, Clara Russell, Sarah Fish, Marshall Gee and Wm. Blurton. The present Methodist minister is Rev. Earl Phillips. Father Strzelec is pastor of St. Philomena's Church, Page Forty-Two In 1863 the Kinmundy Circuit was formed, P. P. Hamilton became pas- tor, and through his efforts the first church, a white frame building, was built, on lot 59 in the Original town plat, and where the pre.sent church now stands. Elias Neil was the first superintendent of Sunday School. In 1904 plans were made for a new building and the following committee was appoint- ed: Capt. C. Rohrbough. Chairman: F. A. Pruett, Miss Molly Songer. W. W. Neil and W. H. Gray. In July the contract was let and Samuel Ingram, the oldest member, turned the first spade of dirt. The new brick building with beautiful stained glass windows, was dedi- cated the next year. It is still a fine church and has been improved during the years by the congregation. This year, 1957, a new parsonage was built across the street from the church and the old one was sold, to be torn down. A worthy project of this church is "God's Acres," forty acres of land bought by the Methodist Men and farmed by them for the benefit of the church. A Southern Methodist Church was active from 1869 to the early 1900s but they disbanded and the members joined with Cumberland Presbyterians or Methodists. Their church, which stood on block 9 on Adams Street was torn down after having been used by the Baptist congregation for some time. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH ST. PHILOMEN.4S CATHOLIC CHURCH Many Catholic families came to Uiis area when the railroad was built and as early at 1866 Father Killian Schlosser was saying mass in the homes. In 1870 a church was begun, Isaac Eagan donated 2 acres of land and Patrick Carrick on his death bed bequeathed a note with interest amounting to $809 which was to be used for the building. This is the old building in northeast part of the town, and the summer festival is still held on its grounds. The first trustees were Martin Schoenborn and James Mahon. For the first ten yeare it was in charge of the Franciscan fathers of Teutopolis, then in 1878 the Diocesan clergy were sent once a month to hold mass. In 1931 with the completion of Route 37 more people were able to attend and one pastor was able to serve the church at Salem, as well as Kinmundy, and hold mass every Sunday. In 1940 the congregation grew larger with the coming of people attract- ed by the oil boom. In 1945 it celebrated its 75th year Jubilee and plans were begun to build a new church. This lovely brick building was dedicated in 1951 and stands on a site donated by Mr. and Mrs. Fied Kleiss. CHRISTI.'VN CHURCH About 1900 the Christian congregations of Centralia and Salem lent their ministers, Rev. Smart and Rev. Rowe to hold a meeting in Kinmundy. The results were vei-y encouraging and a congregation was organized. On July 4th of the next year. E. C. Bargh bought the lot on the corner of Third and Monroe from D. C. Beaver, whose house was located there. The house was then moved to the lot on the south of the High School Ag building, where it now stands. They immediately set about building a church, and on June 1, 1902 the present brick building was dedicated. According to old records there were about 41 charter members: Mercer, Bargh, Lovell, Lynch, Nelms and Matthews families being among them. Rev. F. O. Fannon was the first minister and served for about twenty years before accepting a call to Centralia. They have always been active in mission work and at present are help- ing to support Kiamichi Mission, working with the Indians in Talihina, Okla- homa, and the Burnside family who are near Honolulu, Hawaii. The present minister is Rev. Rufus Gerkin. CHURCH OF GOD The Church of God was organized about 1925 with a membership of 20, by Rev. Sam Miller. The first trustees were Noah Robnett, Harry Warren, Fi-ank Kline and Mrs. Albert Maxwell and they bought the Cumberland Pres- byterian church building which had not been used for some time, since that congregation disbanded. The new church grew to about 40 members but there was a change in membership, some original leaving, others joining with 45 or 50 for Sunday School. The present minister is Rev. A. C. Martin. PHILOMENA'S CATHOLIC CHURCH CHRISTIAN CHURCH Page Porty-Thiee Old s,'li(H)l house, Imilt in ISG.j, and erected in 1910. down when I he new mmmmmmsmmmmmmMMmMMMMMWSWMmm ST'GAR CREEK CREAMERY I.G.A. FOODLINER ,.se K;irili,-| Ale, Til,-, Ills WESTERN STORE, General :\Ids CRANDALL STOKES Page Forty-Pour NEW (ilJADK _f^|iililililfl|i|||li!i! SCHOOLS The first settlers taught their own children or one, who was more educated than the rest, taught all the neighboring children. The first school in this area was a log house with a puncheon floor, large fireplace with stick chimney, and no win- dows. It was built northwest of Kinmundy in 1837 and was taught by Samuel Whiteside. It was later moved to the lot just west of the C.&E.I. rail- road and south of the cemetery tui-n. and classes were held there until 1857. Miss Annaline Pruett taught in 1856. After the town was laid out. Judge D. P. Snelling donated a lot on Fremont street, just north of the French home, and a new building was erected there. This was frame, 36'x24' with a hall. Classes were taught by James P. Smith of Hudson, New Hampshii-e. Later teachers were W. R. Hub- bard, Dr. L. S. Skilling, N. S. Hubbard and Miss Carrie Herrick. This building became so crowded in the 60s that the directors rented a hall on lot 64 in the original town, and held classes there for the older pupils. Professor Pollard was instructor and he was followed by Professor Vincent of Farina. When the new school was finished this hall was bought by the Presbyterians who used it as a church and Sunday school. In the 80s "Select School" was held here. This was a spring term in March and April after the Public school closed in February. Pupils paid $1.00 per month tuition. The hall was later moved down town to the corner of Second and Madison street, where it stood many years. In the fall of 1865 a new four-room frame building was erected on the site of the present high school. This opened in October, with Prof. Simeon Wright, ex-soldier of the Civil War, as principal. He came from Bloomington, Illinois. Miss Permelia Elder taught the grammar department. Miss Amelia Woodruff the intermediate, and Miss Matilda Young, the primary. The contractor was Tilden Raser; W. C. Smith was one of the carpenters. In 1883 it was necessary to enlarge this and two rooms were added on the north, making six rooms in all. This was torn down in 1910. and a two-story brick building erected, which sei-ved both grades and high school until 1955, when a new grade school was built on the Kinmundy-Louisville black- top east of town. High school and junior high con- tinue in the old building. In 1912 our school was accj-edited by the Uni- versity of Illinois so that our pupils can enter uni- versity without entrance examinations.. In 1924 a gymnasium was built at the north end of the school grounds and served for all school functions, as well as town affairs, until the new and larger one was finished this last year. Early rural students walked miles through snow and mud. rode horseback or stayed during the week with townspeople, and were the baby sit- ters of that era. After the automobile became standard equipment, country roads were improved and in 1940 school buses were instituted to bring country pupils to school. This was the death kiiell for the one-room country school, and now North Fork, Arnold Chapel, Maple Grove, Shanghai. Wilson and other country school pupils ride in to Kinmundy school. The buildings have been sold and are converted into town-houses, community centers or even dwellings. In 1941, High School District 25 was enlarged into Community High School District 500, and in August. 1953. the Kinmundy-Alma Consolidated District 301 was lormed. With all this growth, new buildings have been added, a cafeteria and home economics building in 1949, and an Ag buildmg in 1954. The newest addition is the new gym. NFAV HIGH SCHOOL GYMXASILLM Page Forty-Five , ^Si-fO-s-S-sffiSK^f: m'^^SS^^ ■ 1 This is a photograpli made Dec. 24, 1903. The fire of 190:! wliich destroyed the buildings from the alley on IMadison street to tlie bank corner, and west on 3rd street inclnding- the opera house. Photo was taken at Third and Madisou Streets. This page compliments of THE STATE BANK OF FARINA and F. G. STONECIPIIER and FUNERAL HOME, F.XRINA Page Forty-Six Fires and FitH' fPeparitnent Tli(> first mt-nt the City Coiuu-il ii Sept. l(j. 18G7, will to procure 5 dozen on of a fire department is in linntes of a si)ecial meeting n tlie mayor was instructed buckets, either india rubber or leatlier, also half-dozen ladders and half dozen ]ioles with hooks for fighting fire. In Sept. 1870, the mayor appointed a committee to inspect all flues in the business part of the city, and report on defective ones, and in October, a special com- mittee was empowered to enter any house or liuiltling in the city, between sun up and sun- down, on any week day, to examine any hearlh, chiinney, stove, oven, boiler, etc.. and notify owner of the danger and that he shoidd correct it. Failure to comply was subject to $50 fine and costs and $5 for every day the danger continued. In December, 187:5, an ordinance to establish fire limits was introduced and 2 dozen buckets, a .SO ft. ladder and necessary rakes and poles anil other implements were ordered. In March, 1874 they voted to procure a wagon, and a place to keep it, and the implements ready and safe for use in case of fire. There were many bad fires — the lumber yard — the Mendenall Evaporator and others in the 90s. •eal estate ; C. W. Wit- g; W. H Gray, build- ) lost all the town ill this yaw when iM'tings v,-ere fomul newspai)er: S. R. Woolley, wer, real estate and buildi ing; and the City Council w records, or so they thought, the minutes of the very first and lent us for this book. The bucket brigade saved the buildings (;n the opposite side of the street, but were powerless to stop the blaze, till they tore down Dr. Camer- er's office and the building next to it. The Ef- fingham fire department came down on a freight train, and made the run in 35 minutes but ar- rived too late to save the buildings. The next year the buildings to the south burned, and the Kxj)ress was again destroyed. In 1916 the Opera House which had been re- built, burned again, and this time there was a jnunp cart and hose to aid the bucket brigade, but it was not enough. Those buildings have never been rebuilt since that time. About 1919 a small Ford truck was purchas- ed and that was used til 1940, when the city got a bigger Ford pumper. AImo.st immediately, there was another big fire which took the whole south side of the block of Third street between ^ladison and the alley. At this time the fire companies came from St. Peter, Farina and Sa- lem. This block was never rebuilt. Ill 190:5 the business section was destroyed from the Masonic Temple to the bank and west to Dr. Camerer's office. The list of losses were: the ]\Iasouie temple, Weisberg clothing store; Gunu and Killie Grocery; M. A. Songer, dry- good and Millinery; First National Bank, their safe remained in the fire but the contents were found to be unharmed; the offices above the bank, the I.O.O.F. and Rebekah halls on the third floor ; John Spillman barber shop ; C. T. Middle- ton grocery ; J. P. Whitson Harness shop ; Ha- worth Opera Hou.se ; Gramley Bros., Meat market S. L. Bundy, clothing and shoes ; Express Journal KINMUNDY-AOIA VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT In 1955 the Kinmiuuly-Alma fire protection district was organized. This takes in quite a bit of territory outside of the two towns and acts to lower the insurance rates for farmers living in the district. In addition to the old pumper the depart- ment now has a new and bigger Ford triple com- bination, low pressure, high pressure and com- bination ladder. A siren has replaced the old bell and light plant whistle, whose frightening sound ■we remember so well. OFFICERS Jim Alexander, Pres. George Feather, Vice Pres. Gilbert Doolen, Secy.-Treas. Carl Dunlap, Fire Chief Jesse George, Assistant Chief P. H. Robnett, Captain James Lane, Lieutenant MEMBERS Vernon Allen R. R. Atkins James Brasel D. C. Day Lowell I. Devore Edward Elston Fi-ed Gammon Robert Geiler E. E. Jahraus R. R. Lee John W. McCnlley Everett Tate O. Yates Jr. E. O. Zimmer Page Forty-Seven HOUSES SHOWN ON HISTORICAL TOUR PARRILL RESIDENCE The Pan-ill residence i, town was platted in 1857. office by W. B. Eagan. I Council meetings when W weigh hay and grain. He sold it east and it passed through 1907 by the Pa "' ' lid to be the first house built after t was used as a house and store and pi mentioned in th.. minutes of early C: 1. petitiont'il i.. liiiil.i s<:iles in front ed ho] 11 family whe Luella li\ sister, Evanglii \. LEACH RESIDENCE This hundi.d \eii old hous bv MRhiel Wolle ol LouisMlle thKk md muk of buck Most outside elitiances ^md ^^ele lar those dajs was loi a tamlly t( on tht newlv tliuntd land It laimb, the Absalom Tuckers and the gieat ferandmotliLi ot Woltt. died a bachelor h i\iii, the estate, and in 18bb ' .. r ^. Galena. Ill, bought and I'ln 1 it to his son. Charles, who i.l.l laised tine cattle there uiilil Gieemng, Wm H Meeks, Ay lti20, Tony loung who had ex It Vftei his death it was sold by the their home was built Wolfe and his sistei s other of Byron Rot ii Uotans and Wadi s DUs I s . 111. I I .| . 1 1\ was sold to wli wi li.Mi Indiana by waj Mil I u^ll^ 1. i,i» In 1885 he s„ II nun la Hereford Paik ai w.iit thioU(,h many hands. Hi n ant John Mei chant and finally orchards in the neighboihood boug widow to O I Leach, the prese \ purchaser of the land was Isaac Eagar nt in 1852 sold it to W J Sprouse, bought by Michael Wolle Eleven own now the lesidmci Snelling was bom New Hampshue is on all sides whuh lush, going to c il and horseb.K k h the middle wi si , Id 1 Sn ;iv Sug^t .NOikid m uded to settli old home wli ts bouf,ht md \ GRISSOM RESIDEI The V. O I 1 Rohrbough md li i bough came to k i i Cilendu ipt Rohi 1 the ci\il huich ipt the leet Kohl bough I ih est ite xbout l')23 ind hi' 1 juodLinized and ii-modeled but looks \ tditid the Kinmundy Express md i Giissom teaches voice and is dut INGRAM RESIDENCE This houie now the residence of Mi and Mi£ by Abram Soiit,( i " ^ mundy from Xi ni prisoner in I ii)b> who tunneled out N cime to Ki M s Ml Songei w is nf,er was a scht I 1 I eived her edui II With his biot ol antiques BAILEY RESIDENCE The home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bailey is about 100 yeai old originally the home of the George Rutherford family. been put together with wooden pegs instead of iinils, i ut Mi i tensively remodeled since then. The .soutli. :isi iniini i.s i I i M I ford taught shorthand to the many yunin |.im|,|, ,,i il i went to Chicago and got jobs. In the sn ii^ nnh lui ii I er, an early newspaper, devoted to the Gni nio. k p.iri\. i i i i i mundy Register. He was also an osteopath ami wa.s knuwi s li i doctor." The daughters Sue and Ida Ixitli went to Chicago but late back and remodeled and landscaped the place. It was bought present owners in 1943 when they came here at the time of the oil They have modernized and improved the house and grounds liy th. boom I'.f i THIS PAGE COURTESY SALEM TIMES-( OMMONER Page Forty-Eight i- t , ,_ ., • z:^ UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA liiriBi 3 0112 050743688