"<•*< Ma ^'i ^«^C C5SC C^ c< c«^ «0^ ■■ < «. * < — -^r <: *<5' ■-« ordship and your Right Reverend brethren w'ill seek a suitable occasion for bringing these misstatements under the notice of Her Majesty, we ask your Lordship's advice with respect to the proper course to be pursued by us in satisfying the minds of our parishioners. "Leeds, 25th March, 1850." THK END. London : SPOTTiawoouKs and SllAW, Ncw-8trei't-. Square. MR. MURRAY'S LIST OF WORKS LATELY PUBLISHED. THE BISTTOP OF EXETER'S LETTER to the Arch- BISHOP OP Canterbury. Seventeenth Edition. Svo., S«. 6d. GORHAM V. BISHOP OF EXETER. The Speech of Ed- WARD Badei.ey, Esq., before the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. With a Preface on the Judgment. 8vo., 5s. THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER. With 1000 Ornamental Borders, Initials, Vignettes, SiC. New and smaller Edition, 8vo. 21s. cloth. 31. ^^l 3' J^^i^^^. >:>^e»» • 35? 3 5 ^W > > > > o> _ » > > > > >> > > > > >i:*jfti "^^ i ^^ ' ->T ^ -2 B: 5g > ») >^ i *^^ , > > ■ >;> :^^^ > :> > ) ) ) > !