; ■.::.:■; :: ::.:■■ :,■'■: ; . .: Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from CARLI: Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois http://www.archive.org/details/constitutionbylaOOphys THE . PHYSICIANS' CLUB OK CHICAGO. INCORPORATED, DECEMBER, 1895. Constitution, By-Laws, Members, Etc. Tl\e Regular Meetings of trie Club are r^eld oi\ tl\e last 2VSoi\day of eacl\ n\or\tr\. STATE OP ILLINOIS. DEPARTMENT OF STATE. Wm. H. HinrichsEN, Secretary of State. To all to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting: Whereas, a Certificate, duly signed and acknowledged, having been filed in the office of the Secretary of State, on the 14th day of December, A. D., 1895, for the organization of "The Physicians' Club of Chicago," under and in accordance with the provisions of An Act Concerning Corporations, approved April 18, 1872, and in force July 1, 1872, and all acts amenda- tory thereof, a copy of which Certificate is hereto attached. Now, Therefore, I, Wieeiam H. Hinrichsen, Secretary of State of the State of Illinois, by virtue of the powers and duties vested in me by law, do hereby certify that the said, "The Physicians' Club of Chicago," is a legally organized Corporation under the laws of this State. In Testimony Whereof, I hereto set my hand and cause to be affixed the great Seal of State. Done at the City of Springfield, this 14th day of December, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five, and of the Independence of the United States, the one hundred and twentieth. W. H. Hinrichsen, Secretary of State. Recorded in the office of the County Clerk of Cook County, February 23rd, 1897. J SEAE. I HISTORICAL. The Pltysicians' Club was formed by the union of the Doctors' and Practitioners' Clubs. The former had a membership almost wholly on the South Side, while the latter was composed of • members from every part of the city. Their aims and purposes were similar, viz. : to promote sociability and good fellowship among the members of the profession, and to discuss at monthty meetings general topics of current interest, related in any way to medical affairs. It was thought that a combination of these forces would be more useful and more productive of good than both operating singly. In answer to an invitation from the Executive Committee of the Practitioners' Club, the Executive Committees of both Clubs met October 14th, 1895, and agreed to advise consolidation of the membership, and that the Doctors' Club amend its Charter by inserting the word " Physicians' " in place of the word "Doctors'." It was further agreed that all members in good standing, in either of the Clubs, should be members of the new organization ; that the membership should be limited to 250 ; that the annual dues should be $2.00; and that monthly meetings, with dinners and discussion, should be the order, as heretofore. The Reports of the Committees were discussed by each of the Clubs in special sessions, and adopted by vote. The first meeting of the new organization was held at the Union League Club, Monday evening, Nov. 25th, 1895. Dr. John Ridlon presided, and sixty-five members from both of the old Clubs were present. The new Constitution and By-Laws that had been formulated and endorsed by the Executive Com- mittees in a joint session, were presented and adopted. The second year of the existence of the Physicians' Club was marked by prosperity; the membership limit was almost reached, in spite of the fact that a number of members were retired for non-payment of dues, and a considerable number of old members were added to the honorary list. With the notice for the meeting of January 25th, 1897, at which was discussed the subject " What is the attitude of the Physicians' Club in local political affairs ? " a postal card vote was taken, which resulted almost unanimously in the resolution that the Club should take some active part in local municipal affairs. Final action upon this question was deferred until the next meeting of the Club, which was held Febru- ary 22nd, 1897. The following resolutions were adopted : Whereas, The necessity is apparent and urgent for every good citizen to use his influence to promote local good government, and Whereas, It appears that the Physicians' Club may reasonably undertake as an organization that which each member attempts individually, therefore, Be it resolved, That the Physicians' Club shall, in a non-partisan way, exert its influence for good government in Chicago. Resolved: That no discussion or action upon a question which is of a partisan or party character shall be tolerated. Resolved ; That a committee of five, which may be called the "Good Government Committee" be appoint- ed by the Directors, which Committee shall act in conjunction with the Civic Federation, the Municipal Voters' League, and other organizations having similar objects, to the end, that good men may be nominated for local offices, and that the members of the Club may be informed as to the best men before them for their suffrages. Resolved : That it is the sense of the Club that all medical offices be filled by medical men. At the following meeting of the Directors a Good Government Committee was selected. Of this Com- mittee, Dr. H. M. Starkey was chosen chairman, and Drs. A. R. Edwards, D. R. Brower, Truman W. Miller and George F. Fiske the other members. This Committee took immediate action and issued a circular to nearly all the physicians and dentists of Chicago, containing information and advice concern- ing the candidates in the spring municipal election. The Physicians' Club of Chicago represents the liberal-minded element in the profession. It takes cognizance of political and sociological conditions which relate to medical practice and principle. It has de- nounced, in no uncertain manner, partisan favoritism in the management of our health department. It has taken exception to irregularities in the administration of public charities and the control of eleemosynary institutions. It has criticised any apparent deviation from professional etiquette. It has discussed with freedom some of the vagaries of contemporaneous practice. It has invited to participate in its discus- sions and has treated in a tolerant manner, persons holding all sorts of opinions on all sorts of questions. It is an open arena to which is invited the expression of the most diversified views on matters pertaining to the welfare of society. It seeks the truth, and its endeavor is to foster a spirit of altruism among its members. At the end of its third year of existence, its membership is full and several applicants are in waiting. Its meetings are well attended and the consideration of live topics of the day has often been animated. It is safe to assume that its future usefulness will be increased along these same lines, and that its influence will become more powerful in the profession — an influence constantly exerted for the public good. The Physicians' Club of Chicago is in affiliation with the Illinois State Medical Society. Its members are admitted to membership in the American Medical Association upon certificate. CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS. ADOPTED NOVEMBER 25, 1895. This organization of the Doctors' Club and the Practitioners' Club shall be known as The Physi- cians' Club of Chicago. Primarily the object of this Club shall be to foster that spirit of friendty intercourse which should prevail among those having a like aim in life. In view of these purposes let it be held : Section i . That the limit of membership shall be placed at two hundred and fifty. Sec. 2. That hereafter any male member of the regular medical profession, in good and honorable standing, shall be eligible for membership, providing that his application is duly certified and placed in the Secretary's hands, together with the membership fee of five dollars ($5.00). Membership will then be acquired upon the favorable action of the Board of Directors. (Amendment adopted September 28th, 1896). The Directors may elect to honorary member- ship such laymen or physicians as in their judgment seem fit ; such honorary membership to confer all the privileges of the Club except the right to vote. Sec. 3. The Officers shall consist of a Secretary, who shall be elected ex-officio a member of the Board, and six (6) Directors, who shall be elected by the Association at the Annual Meeting, and a Treasurer, who shall be chosen by the Directors. The Secretary and Treasurer shall hold office for one ( 1 ) year, and the other Directors shall hold office for two (2) years, provided that, of those chosen, three (3) shall hold office until May, 1896, and three (3) until May, 1897, (amended to read June, 1897). The Board of Directors shall appoint a Chairman for each meeting of the Club, it being understood, however, that no member shall serve as Chairman twice within a year. Sec. 4. That there shall be a repast at each meeting, after which the discussion will be in order. Sec. 5. That the Annual dues shall be two dollars ($2.00) payable within three (3) months from the beginning of the fiscal year, dating from May 1st. (Amended to read June 1st). Failure to pay dues shall constitute good cause for depriving the member of the Club benefits. Sec. 6. That each member shall be permitted the courtesy of the Club for one or more guests at any meeting, becoming responsible for the extra covers thus provided. Sec. 7. That amendment or revision of these Rules may be made by a two-thirds ( fi) vote of the number present at any meeting of the Club, provided due notice has been given at the preceding meeting, and such notice sent to each member with the regular announcement of the meeting at which the amend- ment will be acted upon. (Amendment adopted September 28th, 1896). Sec. 8. Conduct unbecoming a physician and a gentleman shall be considered good cause for the expulsion of any member, provided charges be pre- ferred to the Directors, and the member so accused be permitted a hearing before them, or before a tribunal appointed by them for the purpose. PROGRAMMES. THE FOLLOWING PROGRAMMES HAVE BEEN PRESENTED AT REGULAR MEETINGS OF THE CLUB: November 25th, 1895, first meeting of the new organization at The Union League Club. Subject : "IS A UNION OF MEDICAL SOCIETIES IN CHICAGO DESIRABLE?" Chairman : Dr. John Ridlon. Speakers : Dr. Sanger Brown, Dr. Nicholas Senn, Dr. H. T. Byford, Dr. E. L. Holmes, Dr. John M. Dodson, Dr. A. E. Garceau, Dr. George F. Fiske, Dr. W. a. Pusey, Dr. Clark W. Hawley, Dr. Denslow Lewis, Dr. Fernand Hrnrotin. Appointment of a Committee consisting of Dr. N. Senn, Dr. E. J. Doering and Dr. Fernand Henrotin, to endeavor to secure subscriptions for a permanent home for the Medical Profession in this city. December 30th, 1895. Wellington Hotel. Subject : "SCIENTIFIC CHARITIES." Chairman : Dr. Edward L. Holmes. Speakers : Dr. Bayard Holmes. Dr. Philip W. Ayres, Secretary Bureau of Charities, Civic Federation. General Discussion : Prof. Geo. A. Coe, Dr. John Ridlon, Dr. W. Franklin Coleman, Dr. L,. H. Mettler, Dr. C. W. Courtright, Dr. E. H. Dorland, Dr. W. A. Pusey, Dr. Joseph B. Bacon. January 27th, 1896. Wellington Hotel. Subject : " LIFE INSURANCE AND ITS RELATIONS TO THE MEDICAL PROFESSION." Chairman : Dr. Horace M. Starkey. Speakers : Mr. W. E. Stewart, Mutual Life Ins. Co. of New York. Dr. S. L. Fuller, Chicago, Washington Life Ins. Co. Mr. H. H. C. Miller, Chicago, Past Supreme Regent Royal Arcanum. General Discussion : Chas. B. Soule, Union Central Life Ins. Co. Dr. J. E. Stubbs, Mr. Jackson, New York Life Ins. Co. Dr. John Ridlon, Dr. Bayard Holmes, Dr. W. A. Pusby, Dr. Denslow Lewis. 13 February 24th, 1896. Wellington Hotel. Subject : "THE MANAGEMENT OF THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT OF LARGE CITIES." Chairman : Dr. Nicholas Senn. Speakers : Dr. Arthur R. Reynolds, Commissioner of Health, Chicago. Dr. U. O. B. Wingate, Secretary of the Wisconsin State Board of Health. Dr. F. W. Rkilly, Asst. Commissioner of Health, Chicago. Dr. Walter Kempster, Health Commissioner of Milwaukee. General Discussion : Dr. Denslow Lewis, Dr. T. W. Miller, Dr. J. E. Stubbs. 14 March 30th, 1896. Wellington Hotel. Subject : "THE EVIL OF FOOD ADULTERATION." Chairman : Dr. Frank Billings. Speakers ; Mr. Franklin MacVeagh. Mr. C. L. Kennicott, City Chemist of Chicago. Mr. G. Edward Fuller, of the Thomson & Thomson Spice Co. Dk. John H. Long. General Discussion : Dr. John Ridlon, Dr. E. J. Doering, Dr. Denslow Lewis, Dr. L. C. Borland. r April 27th, 1896. Wellington Hotel. Subject : "DEGENERACY IN RELATION TO VICE AND CRIME." Chairman : Dr. Densi,ow Lewis. Speakers : 1. " Physical and Mental Characteristics of Degeneracy as Observed in the Vicious and Criminal, ' ' Dr. James G. Kiernan. 2. " The Legal Responsibility of the Degenerate," Hon. John S. Miller, Ex-Corporation Counsel. 3. " The Degenerate as an Anti-Social Being," Dr. A. W. Smaix, Head Professor of Sociology, University of Chicago. 4. ' ' Unjust Dispensation and Mai-Administration of Law in Relation to the Degenerate, ' ' Hon. James Goggin, Judge of the Superior Court. 5. " Sociological Therapeusis of Degeneracy," Dr. G. Frank Lydston. 6. " The Consideration of the Degenerate from the Standpoint of the Philanthropist, ' ' Hon. Clarence S. Darrow. General Discussion : Judge Henry V. Freeman, Mr. Mark Crawford. 16 May 25th, 1896. Union League Club. ANNUAL MEETING. Chairman : Dr. George W. Webster, President of the Board of Directors. Election of Officers and transaction of general business. Smoker. July 30, 1896. Chicago Beach Hotel. MID-SUMMER MEETING FOR MEMBERS AND THEIR LADIES. The meeting was preceded by an excursion on the lake. The dinner was followed by an impromptu program of declamations and music, in which the Misses Whitmore, Mrs. Fairburn, Dr. G. Frank Lydston and others took part. The evening ended with a dance. 18 September 28th, 1896. Wellington Hotel. Subject : ♦'WHAT SHALL BE THE ATTITUDE OF THE MEDICAL PROFESSION TOWARD PROPRIETARY REMEDIES?" Chairman : Dr. E. P. Cook. Speakers : Dr. Edwin J. KtiH, Dr. B. T. Whitmore, Dr. John Ridlon, Dr. J. Homer Coulter. General Discussion : Dr. Archibald Church, Dr. Wm E. Casselbbrry, Dr. Wm. L. Baum. 19 October 26th, 1896. Wellington Hotel. Subject : "THE MANAGEMENT OF COOK COUNTY HOSPITAL." Chairman : Dr. Christian Fenger. Speakers : Dr. Thomas A. Davis, Dr. d. a. k. Steele, Dr. R. H. Babcock, Dr. Daniel R. Brower, Dr. Nicholas Senn, Dr. Arthur R. Reynolds, Dr. John B. Hamilton, Dr. Harold N. Mover, Dr. Wm. T. Montgomery, Dr. Henry F. Lewis. 20 November 30th, 1896. Victoria Hotel. Subject : "THE WATER SUPPLY OF CHICAGO." Chairman : Dr. Arthur R. Reynolds. Speakers : Prof. Carl S. Hallberg, Chicago College of Pharmacy. Dr. F. W. Reilly, Health Department, Chicago. Dr. Adolph Gehrmann, Health Department, Chicago. General Discussion : Dr. Nicholas Senn, Dr. Clark W. Hawley, Dr. S. C. Stanton. December 28th, 1896. Victoria Hotel. Subject : "THE ATTITUDE OF THE PRESS TOWARD THE MEDICAL PROFESSION." Chairman : Dr. John B. Hamilton. Speakers : Col. Louis H. Ayme, Chicago Press Club. Dr. Jas. G. Kiernan, Rev. Dr. Arthur Edwards, Editor North- Western Christian Advocate. Mr. Mei/viixe E. Stone, Associated Press. General Discussion. 22 January 25th, 1897. Victoria Hotel. Subject : " SHALL THE PHYSICIANS' CLUB ATTEMPT TO EXERT SOME INFLUENCE IN LOCAL POLITICAL AFFAIRS? " Chairman : Dr. Truman W. Miller. Speakers : Mr. George E. Cole, President Municipal Voters' League. Dr. E. Fletcher Ingals, Dr. William E. Quine, Dr. John B. Hamilton, Dr. Fernand Henrotin. General Discussion : Dr. Horace M. Starkey, Dr. Robt. H. Babcock, Dr. Denslow Lewis. Report of the Good Government Committee by Dr. Horace M. Starkey, Chairman. 23 February 22nd, 1897. Victoria Hotel. LADIES' NIGHT. An Executive Session was held in which were discussed and adopted the following resolutions presented by the Good Government Committee : Whereas, The necessity is apparent and urgent for every good citizen to use his influence to promote local good govern- ment; and Whereas, It appears that The Physicians' Club may reason- ably undertake, as an organization, that which each member attempts individually; therefore, be it Resolved, That The Physicians' Club shall, in a non- partisan way, exert its influence for good government in Chicago. RESOEVED, That no discussion of or action upon a question which is of a partisan or party character shall be tolerated. Resolved, That a Committee of five, which may be called the "Good Government Committee," be appointed by the Directors, which Committee shall act in conjunction with the Civic Federation, the Municipal Voters' League, and' other organizations having similar objects, to the end, that good men may be nominated for local offices, and that the members of the Club may be informed as to the best men before them for their suffrages. Resolved, That it is the sense of the Club that all medical offices be filled by medical men. (For names of the Committee, see page 7). The business session was followed by a social entertainment in which the ladies participated. March 29th, 1897. Victoria Hotel. Subject : "MODERN ATHLETICS." Chairman : Dr. Daniel R. Brower. " Introduction of the Subject," Prof. A. A. Stagg, Chicago University. "Competitive Athletics," Dr. Arthur Dean Bevan. " Modern Athletics in Relation to the Circulatory System," Dr. E. Fletcher Ingals. " Influence upon the Male Genito-Urinary System," Dr. G. Frank Lydston. " Influence Upon the Female Genito-Urinary System," Dr. Thomas J. WaTkins. General Discussion. 25 April 26th, 1897. Victoria Hotel. Subject : "THE RELATION OF SPECIALISTS TO GENERAL PRACTITIONERS." Chairman : Dr. C. W. Courtright. Speakers : Dr. Thomas B. Swartz, Dr. Henry F. Lewis, Dr. Wm. L. Baum, Dr. John M. Dodson. General Discussion : Dr. W. H. Wilder, Dr. Denslow Lewis. 36 May 28th, 1S97. Hotel Bismarck. ANNUAL MEETING. Chairman : Dr. Jos. B. Bacon. Election of Officers, Reports of retiring Officers, and transaction of business. After the Business Meeting, Dr. G. Frank Lydston took the chair, and the Club was delightfully entertained by mem- bers of the Cipher Club, who were guests of the occasion. 27 September 27th, 1897. Victoria Hotel. Subject : "FAITH AS A REMEDY FOR DISEASE." Chairman : Dr. William E. Quine. Speakers : Rev. Father Dorney, Dr. M. H. Lackersteen, Rev. Dr. P. S. Henson, Dr. Harold N. Mover. General Discussion : Dr. A. H. Burr, Dr. H. T. Patrick, Dr. Denslow Lewis, Dr. A. R. Reynolds, Dr. S. B. Clevenger. 28 October 29th, 1897. Victoria Hotel. Subject : "THE PROTECTION OF THE COMMUNITY FROM CONTAGION." Chairman : Dr. J. Nevins Hyde. Speakers : " The Dangers of Leprosy," Hon. Lorrin Thurston, Formerly Minister to the U. S. from Hawaii. " The Prevention of Syphilis and Venereal Diseases," Dr. Jos. Zeisler. " The Prevention of Tuberculosis, " Dr. N. S. Davis, Jr. ' ' Protection from Yellow Fever, ' ' Dr. F. W. Reiixy, Dept. of Health, Chicago. General Discussion. November 29th, 1S97. Chicago Medical Societj' Rooms, Stewart Building. LADIES' NIGHT. Dr. Jos. ZEiSLER read a paper on Programme Music, which was illustrated with selections on the piano. A lunch was served. 30 January 31st, 1898. Victoria Hotel. Subject : "OSTEOPATHY AND ITS RELATION TO MEDICINE AND SURGERY." Chairman : Dr. Denslow Lewis. (In the absence of Dr. John E. Owens.) Speakers : Dr. J. H. Sullivan, Representative in Chicago of the School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. Dr. H. M. Smith, Kirksville, Mo. Dr. G. A. Dorsey, Curator, Field Columbian Museum. Dr. I,. L. McArThur, Dr. John Ridlon. General Discussion : Dr. A. Church, Dr. J. H. ETheridge, Dr. E. P. Cook, Dr. C. C. Hunt, of Dixon, 111. Prof. Geo. A. Coe, Dr. Taylor, of Oakland, Cal. March 7th, 1898. Victoria Hotel. Subject : "THE TRAINED NURSE." Chairman : Dr. E. C. Dudley. Speakers : Miss Isabel McIsaacs, Supt. Illinois Training School for Nurses. Miss Emily Wakem, Supt. Visiting Nurses Association. Dr. Edmund Andrews. Dr. A. C. Cotton. Getieral Discussion : Dr. T. B Swartz, Dr. Denslow Lewis, Dr. D. Harrison Mettler, Dr. W. H. Wilder. 32 April 4th, 1898. Palmer House. Subject : "THE PROBLEMS OF ADOLESCENCE." Chairman : Dr. E. J. Doering. Program : " Psychology of Adolescence," Prof. John Dewey, Head Professor of Philosophy, Chicago University. " Physical Penalties," Dr. M. P. Hatfield. ' ' Ethics of Adolescence, ' ' Mr. W. m. Salter, Lecturer of Society for Ethical Culture. " Lying, Stealing and Kleptomania in Adolescence," Dr. W. X. Sudduth. " Sexual Instability," Dr. Jas. G. Kiernan. " School Fatigue in Adolescence," Dr. Colin A. Scott, Professor of Child Psychology, Chicago Board of Education . General Discussion. May 2nd, 1898. Palmer House. Subject : "THE MEDICAL ASPECTS OF THE WAR QUESTION." Chairman : Dr. PL P. Merriman, Program : "The Medical Department of the Army: Its Organization and Duties." Dr. Truman B. Miller, late A. A. Surgeon, U. S. A. " The Attitude of the Insurance Companies Toward the Military Man." Dr. J. H. Stowell, Pres. Chicago Medical Examiners' Ass'n. "The Surgeon on the Battlefield." Dr. Nicholas Senn, Surgeon General I. N. G. " The Surgeon on a Warship." Dr. J. Nevins Hyde, late Passed Ass't Surgeon U. S. N. " Probable Influence of the Modern Small Arm Projectile on Military Surgery. ' ' Dr. G. Frank Lydston, Surgeon 2nd Regiment I. N. G. ' ' Climatology of Cuba as a Factor in the Present War. ' ' Dr. John B. Hamilton, Late Surgeon General Marine Hospital Service. Music by The Lexington Vocal Quartet. 34 May 31st, 189S. Temple Club. ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING. Officers for the ensuing year were elected, the reports of retiring officers presented, and the policy and management of the Club discussed. Smoker. Chairman : Dr. Denslow Lewis, in the absence of Dr. N. Senn, Chairman of the Board of Directors. After the Business Meeting there was a "Stag Social Session' and a lunch. 35 October 3rd, 1898. Victoria Hotel. Subject : "RELATIONS OF THE MEDICAL PRESS AND THE MEDICAL PROFESSION." Chairman : Dr. Jno. B. Hamilton. 1. " The Medical Press and Scientific Progress," Dr. Sanger Brown. 2. " Relation of the Medical Press to the Public and Government," Dr. Archibald Church. 3. "Ethics of the Medical Press," Dr. Jas. G. Kiernan. 4. "Compensation of Medical Authors," Dr. H. N. Mover. 5. "The 'Reading Notice,' " Dr. J. H. Hoijjster. 6. ' ' The Medical Press as a Critic of Medical Literature, ' ' Dr. J. Homer Coulter. October 31st, 1898. Grand Pacific Hotel. Subject : "THE LESSONS OF THE WAR." Chairman : Major G. Frank Lydston, Surgeon 2nd Illinois Volunteer Infantry. 1. " From the Political Standpoint," Senator William E. Mason. 2. " From the Strategic Standpoint," Col. Marcus Kavanagh, 7th Illinois Volunteer Infantry. 3. " From the Standpoint of Hospital Organization," Lteut.-Col. Albert Hartsufe, Deputy Surgeon General U. S. A. 4. ' ' From the Standpoint of a Regular, ' ' General Andrew S. Burt, U. S. A. 5. " From the Medical, Surgical and Sanitary Standpoints," Major Wm. Cuthbertson, Surgeon 1st Illinois Volunteer Cavalry. Major Wm. G. Willard, Surgeon 1st Illinois Volunteer Infantry. Capt. Thos. E. Roberts, Asst. Surgeon 1st Illinois Vol. Infantry. 6. " What Profiteth It ? " Lieut.-Coe. Nicholas Senn, Deputy Surgeon General U. S. Volunteers. Chief of the Operating Staff with the Army in the Field. 37 November 28th, 189S. Kinsley's. Subject : " SEXUAL HYGIENE." Chairman : Dr. John Milton Dodson. 1. " The Awakening of the Sexual Instinct," Dr. Emil Ries. 2. " The Effects of Genital Derangements and Malfor- mations on Sexual Appetite," Dr. C. S. Bacon. 3. "Sexual Desire as Influenced by Religious and other Emotion," Dr. G. F. BuTLER. 4. " The Sexual Act, Frauds in the Conjugal Embrace," Dr. Jos. Zeisler. 5. "The Results of Sexual Excess or Continence." " Sexual Misinformation and Quack Literature. " Dr. W. T. Belfield. 6. " The Effect of Coitus during Pregnancy and Lactation," Dr. A. C. Cotton. General Discussion : Dr. C. W. CourTright, Dr. H. A. Norden. Mr. A. S. Trude. Dr. F. H. Montgomery. Rev. Paul Carus. Dr. W. Rittenhouse. Dr. Rachel Hickey Carr. Prof. W. M. Wheeler. Dr. C. A. Parker. 38 January 30th, 1899. Union Hotel. Subject : "SOCIAL SETTLEMENTS." Chairman : Dr. Bayard Holmes. 1. " Origin of the Social Settlement," Mr. H. F. Ward, Northwestern University Settlement. 2. " Industrial Situation which calls for the Settlement," Prof. Graham Taylor, Chicago Commons. 3. ' ' The Aim of the Settlement, ' ' Miss Jane Addams, Hull House. 4. ' ' Instruction of the Needy Public in Hygiene and Sanitation," Dr. J. H. KEEEOGG. 5. "The Poor Man's Lawyer," Mr. Joseph W. Errant. 6. " Duties of the Outsider to the Settlement Movement," Prof. C. R. Henderson, Chicago University. February 27th, 1899. Palmer House. Subject : " ILLEGITIMACY. " Chairman : Dr. Hugh T. Patrick. 1. " Etiology and Statistics of Illegitimacy," Dr. EffiE L. Lobdeee. 2. " The Effects of Law and Regulations," Hon. Edward T. Noonen. 3. " Sociological Conditions in relation to Illegitimacy," Mr. A. M. Simons, Bureau of Charities. 4. ' ' Educational and Religious Prophylaxis, ' ' Rabbi A. Norden. 5. " Provisions for the Illegitimate Child," Mr. Cari, Kersey, Supt. of Children's Dept., Children's Home and Aid Society. 6. " What would Human Brotherhood Require? " Proe. Geo. A. Coe, Northwestern University General Discussion : Dr. Frances Dickinson, Dr. Denseow Lewis, Dr. John Ridi^on, Dr. A. H. Burr, Dr. J. E. Stubbs, Dr. H. N. Mover. 40 March 27th, 1899. Sherman House. Subject : " HOSPITAL ETHICS." Chairman : Dr. E. J. Doering. Program : " Relation of Hospital Staff and Internes," Dr. Casey A. Wood. " Relation of the Executive Body to the Staff," Dr. T. A. Davis. ' ' Relation of the Members of the Hospital Staff to Each Other," Dr. H. J. Burwash. " What Shall be our Attitude Toward Professional Mistakes? " Dr. J. E. Stubbs. 11 Duty of the Hospital Physician to his Outside Brethren," Dr. Weixer Van Hook. ' ' What Would Professional Etiquette Demand ? ' ' Dr. John Ridlon. General Discussion : Dr. B. Meyer. Dr. James Burry. 41 April 24th, 1899. Sherman House. Subject ; " MARRIAGE." Chairman : Dr. James Burry. " The Purpose of Marriage," Dr. L. Harrison MettlER. " The Dissolution of the Marriage Contract," Judge 0. H. Horton. " The Regulation of Marriage," Dr. A. H. Burr. " The Future of Marriage," Rev. Frank Crane. General Discussion : Dr. John Ridlon, Dr. L. Blake Baldwin, Dr. W. L. Baum. i-: May 29th, 1S99. Sherman House. ANNUAL MEETING. Chairman : Dr. Denslow Lewis, President of the Board of Directors. Reports from the Secretary and Treasurer were read. A discussion on the policy of the Club was participated in by Dr. A. R. Johnstone, Dr. H. N. Mover, Dr. Joseph B. Bacon, Dr. J. H. Coulter, Dr. W. A. Pusey, Dr. T. J. Watkins, Dr. Z. H. Going, Dr. C. W. Courtright, Dr. H. T. Patrick, Dr. W. H. Wilder, Dr. N. H. Henderson, Dr. Clarence A. Earle. Election of three Directors : L. Harrison Mettler, Hugh T. Patrick, Geo. F. Butler, to serve for two years. And a Secretary, William H. Wilder, for one year. Lunch was served and appropriate musical selections were rendered. • 43 BOARD OF DIRECTORS, 1895-1896-1897. George W. Webster, - - - President. William H. Wilder, - - - Secretary. Henry F. Lewis, - Treasurer. M. H. Cazier, George F. Fiske, Nicholas Senn, C. D. Wescott. 44 BOARD OF DIRECTORS, 1897-18S8. Nicholas Senn, - President. William H. Wilder, ... Secretary. M. H. Cazier, ... . Treasurer. Joseph B. Bacon, Denslow Lewis, John Ridlon, George W. Webster. 45 BOARD OF DIRECTORS, 1338-1899. Denslow Lewis, William H. Wilder, John Ridlon, - Joseph B. Bacon, H. H. Deming, Harold N. Mover, Wm. Allen Pusey. President. Secretary. Treasurer. BOARD OF DiRECTORS, 1899-1900. Wm. Allen Pusey, - - - President. William H. Wilder, - - - Secretary. L. Harrison Mettler, - - Treasurer. H. H. Deming, Harold N. Moyer, Hugh T. Patrick, Geo. F. Butler. 47 OFFICIAL LIST OF MEMBERS. HONORARY. Date of Admission. Jane Addams, Hull House, Chicago. 1899 Edmund Andrews, 65 Randolph St., Chicago. 1896 Philip W. Ayres, 105 E. 22nd St., N. Y. City. 1896 S. P. Black, Pasadena, Cal. 1897 Norman Bridge, Los Angeles, Cal. 1895 Henry C. Burdett, London, England. 1895 Geo. A. Coe, 620 Univ'ity PL, Evanston.Ill. 1896 E. P. Cook, Mendota, 111. 1895 Lester Curtis, - 35 University PL, Chicago. 1897 Clarence S. Darrow, 100 Washington St. , Chicago. 1899 Richard Dewey, Wauwatosa, Wis. 1898 DlTTMAR FlNKLER, Bonn, Germany. 1895 C R. Henderson, Chicago University, Chicago. 1896 J. H. HOLLISTER, 3430 Rhodes Ave., Chicago. 1897 E. L. Holmes, 150 Evanston Ave., Chicago. 1897 Ephraim Ingals, 4753 Grand Blvd., Chicago. 1897 Rudolph Jurgens, Berlin, Germany. 1895 Herman Knapp, New York, N. Y. 1895 Henry M. Lyman, 200 Ashland Blvd., Chicago. 1897 Henry C. March, Boston, Mass. 1895 Donald Maclean, Detroit, Mich. 1895 De Laskie Miller, 110 Astor St., Chicago. 1895 Daniel T. Nelson, 2400 Indiana Ave., Chicago. 1898 J. L/. NOTTLER, Nettler, England. 1895 Chas. A. Oliver, 1507 Locust St., Philadelphia . 1896 Adam Politzer, Vienna, Austria. 1895 A. W. Small, Chicago University, Chicago . 1896 W. P. Stewart, - Mutual Life Ins. Co., N. Y. 1896 Ernest T. Tappey, Detroit, Mich. 1895 Graham Taylor, Chicago Commons, Chicago. 1899 Victor C. Vaughan, Ann Arbor, Mich. 1895 R. Von Winckel, Munich, Germany. 1895 R. J. Wole, Glasgow, Scotland. 1895 48 ACTIVE MEMBERS. Abbott, W. C. Abt, I. A. Allport, Frank Anderson, H. G. Andrews, E. W. Auld, J. M. Babcock, R. H. - Bacon, C. S. Bacon, Jos. B. Bacon, M. W. Baldwin, L. Blake Ballenger, Wm. L. Bartholomew, J. N. Baum, W. L. Beard, Chas. H. Belfield, Wm. T. Bevan, A. D. Billings, Frank Binkley, J. T., Jr. Bishop, R. W. Borland, L. C. Bouffleur, A. I. Bouton, W. C. Bradley, C. D. - Brower, D. R. Brown, M. R. Brown, Sanger Brumback, A. H. Burr, A. H. Burr, C. S. - Eurry, James Burwash, H. J. - Butler, G. F. Byford, Henry T. 2666 Hermitage Ave. 4326 Vincennes Ave. 92 State St. 128 67th St. 65 Randolph St. 714 W. Monroe St. Date of Admission. 1897 1895 1898 1896 1895 1895 103 State St. 1896 426 Centre St. 1898 4125 Drexel Blvd. 1895 6817 Wentworth Ave. 1896 100 State St. 1898 100 State St. 1895 421 Centre St. 1896 103 State St. 1896 34 Washington St. 1896 112 Clark St. 1895 100 State St. 1897 35 E. 22nd St. 1895 452 E. 49th St. 1895 70 State St. 1895 685 Ogden Ave. 1895 1178 Washington Blvd. 1895 210 Grand Ave.,Waukegan,Ill. 1S95 133 Dearborn Ave. 1895 597 Jackson Blvd. 1895 34 Washington St. 1895 757 Washington Blvd. 1895 100 State St. 1898 100 State St. 1895 9373 Longwood Ave. 1896 4862 Washington Ave. 1895 721 N. Hoyne Ave. 1899 103 State St. 1895 100 State St. 1895 49 Carr, Rachel H. CASSELBERRY, WM, E. CAZIER, M. H. Chapin, S. N. Cheney, H. W. - Christopher, W. S. Christie, Wm. Church, Archibald Churchill, F. S. Clement, F. M. Cleveland, Geo. H. Colburn, J. E. Coleman, W. F. Cook, J. C. - Coolidge, F. S. - Corwin, A. M. Cory, A. L. Cotton, A. C. Coulter, J. Homer Courtright, C. W. CUTHBERTSON, WM. Daneorth, I. N. Davis, T. A. Deming, H. H. - DeVeny, S. C. Dewey, F. J. Dickinson, Frances Dickerman, E. T. Dickson, W. F. Dodd, Oscar Dodson, J. M. DOERING, E. J. Dudley, E. C. DUNAVAN, Iv. W. Earle, C. A. Earle, Frank B. Edwards, Arthur R. Date of Admission. 4725 Kenwood Ave. 1895 1830 Calumet Ave. 1895 125 La Salle St. 1895 70 State St. 1895 6303 Monroe Ave. 1895 408 Centre St. 1895 7100 Cottage Grove Ave. 1896 4858 Madison Ave. 1895 583 E. Division St. 1896 95th & Wood Sts. 1896 951 W. Harrison St. 1895 34 Washington St. 1896 34 Washington St. 1895 5708 Rosalie Court. 1895 2636 Prairie Ave. 1895 691 W. Harrison St. 1899 4101 State St. 1895 677 Jackson Blvd. 1895 103 State St. 1895 346 E. 63rd St. 1895 189 41st St. 1895 70 State St. 1895 987 Jackson Blvd. 1896 4356 Greenwood Ave. 1895 2542 Indiana Ave. 1895 100 State St. -1895 70 State St. 1895 103 State St. 1895 70 Madison St. 1895 103 State St. 1895 568 Washington Blvd. 1895 2458 Indiana Ave. 1895 1617 Indiana Ave. 1895 4257 State St. 1895 Des Plaines, 111. 1895 903 W. Monroe St. 1895 2818 Indiana Ave. 1895 50 ElSENDRATH, D. N. Elliot, Arthur R. Emmons, F. A. ESKRIDGE, J. H. - Evans, W. A. Favill, H. B. Fsnger, Christian Ferguson, A. H. Fisher, J. Fisher, W. A. - - Fiske, Geo. F. Froom, A. E. FUTTERER, G. Garceau, A. E. - Gardiner, E. J. German, Wm. H. Gill, J. C. - GlLLMORE, ROBT. T. - Going, Z H. - Goodkind, Maurice L. Graham, D. W. - Graves, C. H. Graves, Robert Greene, F. C. Gregory, L. L. - Haight, Allen T. Hamill, Edwin Hammon, G. M. - Hanna, E. A. Hardie, T. Melville Hardon, R. W. - Karris, M. L. Harsha, Wm. M. Haskins, Geo. W. Hatfield, M. P. Haven, A. C. 3125 Michigan Ave. 103 State St. 4129 Drexel Blvd. 831 43rd St. 103 State St. 138 Pine St. 269 La Salle Ave. 100 State St. 363 La Salle Ave. 103 State St. 438 La Salle Ave. 3901 Wentworth Ave. 716 Fullerton Ave. 5213 Kimbark Ave. 85 Astor St. Morgan Park, 111. 34 Washington St. 460 E. 63rd St. 4612 Indiana Ave. 103 State St. 34 Washington St. 615 W. 12th St 807 S. Halsted St. 42 Wabash Ave. 514 Evanston Ave. Date of Admission. 1896 1899 1895 1895 1895 1895 1895 1895 1895 1895 1895 1895 1895 1895 1895 1895 1897 1899 1895 1898 1895 1895 1895 1895 1895 103 State St. 1897 812 Warren Ave. 1895 6S3 W. Adams St. 1895 7135 Union Ave. 1896 34 Washington St. 1896 103 State St. 1896 100 State St. 1895 103 State St. 1S95 100 State St. 1899 100 State St. 1895 P.O. Box 96, Lake Forest, 111. 1895 51 Haven, Joseph Hawkey, A. W. - Hawkey, C. W. - Hawley, Joseph Hayman, L. B. Hector, W. S. Henderson, N. H. Henkel, F. W. E. Henrotin, F. Hequembourg, J. E. Herrick, J. B. Hessert, Wm. Hester, W. W. Hilton, G. V. Hoadley, A. E. - Holmes, Bayard Holmes, R. W. Hooper, Henry Hyde, J. Nevins Date of Admission. 59 Gordon Terrace. 1895 111. East. Hosp., Hospital, 111. 1895 70 State St. 1895 3515 Grand Blvd. 1895 70 State St. 1895 3673 State St. 1895 4147 Lake Ave. 1895 538 Ashland Blvd. 1895 353 La Salle Ave. 1895 512 Fullerton Ave. 1895 103 State St. 1895 100 State St. 1898 3640 Cottage Grove Ave. 1895 6327 Woodlawn Ave. 1895 34 Washington St. 1895 104 E. 40th St. 1895 558 E. Division St. 1896 541 N. State St. 1895 100 State St. 1895 Ingals, E. Fletcher 34 Washington St. 1895 Jaques, W. K. 4316 Greenwood Ave. 1895 Jay, Frank W. 2510 Indiana Ave. 1895 Johnson, F. S. - 2521 Prairie Ave. 1896 Johnstone, A. Ralph 4454 Cottage Grove Ave. 1899 Kennedy, H. J. 4247 Calumet Ave. 1895 Kiernan, J. G. - 103 State St. 1896 Kreissl, F. 92 State St. 1898 Krieger, G. E. - 100 State St. 1895 Kuh, E. J. - 103 State St. 1895 Kuh, Sidney 103 State St. 1895 Larkin, F. A. 63rd St. & Stewart Ave. 1896 Larkin, J. J. 277 91st St. 1895 Leeming, Jno. 3541 Indiana Ave. 1895 Lewis, Denslow 5100 Madison Ave. 1895 52 Date of Admission. Lewis, Henry F. 4426 Lake Ave. 1895 Luehr, Edw. 9141 Houston Ave. 1896 Lydston, G. Frank 100 State St. 1895 Lyons, J. A. 4118 State St. 1895 MacMartin, D. R. 77 Jackson St. 1898 McArthur, L. L. 100 State St. 1898 McNab, M. D. 601 69th St. 1897 McWiuiams, S. A. 3456 Michigan Ave. 1895 Macy, H. C. - - 4554 Cottage Grove Ave. 1899 Manierre, C. E. 552 La Salle Ave. 1895 Manierre, J. T. - 215 Schiller St. 1896 Mann, W. A. - - 70 State St. 1895 Marshall, J. S. - 48 Groveland Park. 1895 Mellish, E. J. 307 Belden Ave. 1895 Menge, F. - - - 154 E. 42nd St. 1895 Merriman, H. P. - 2237 Michigan Ave. 1895 Mettler, L. H. - 4544 Lake Ave. 1895 Miller, T. W. - 1071 N. Clark St. 1895 Montgomery, F. H. - 100 State St. 1895 Montgomery, W. T. 31 Washington St. 1896 Moore, F. B. 55 Arcade, Pullman, 111. 1895 Morgan, Wm. E. 3000 Michigan Ave. 1895 MORGENTHAU, G. L. 34 Washington St. 1895 Moyer, Harold N. 103 State St. 1896 Murphy, J. B. 100 State St. 1895 Newman, H. P. - 103 State St. 1895 Newton, G. W. - 878 W. Adams St. 1895 Niles, J. W. - 420 La Salle Ave. 1895 Norden, H. A. - 103 State St. 1895 Ochsner, Edw. H. 710 Sedgwick St. 1898 Ogden, E. R. 100 State St. 1895 O'Neill, John 1886 Diversey Blvd. 1896 Oughton, C. M. - 131 53rd St. 1895 Owens, John E. 1806 Michigan Ave. 1895 Paddock, C. E. - 103 State St. 1895 Pardee, L. C. 34 Washington St. 53 1896 Parker, Chas. A. Parker, C. W. Patrick, H. T. Patrick, Z. E. Patton, Jos. M. - Pennington, J. R. Peterson, H. d. Peterson, Reuben Pettyjohn, E. S. Pierce, N. H. PlNCKARD, C. P. - Porter, John L. Prince, L-. H. PUSEY, WM. ALLEN Q_v,»£ Yfm. E . Reynolds, A. R. Reynolds, G. Wm. Rhodes, John E. Rice, E. Perry Ridlon, John Ries, Emu, Riese, B. L. Rittenhouse, Wm. Robinson, W. F. Robison, J. A. Rumpf, W. H. Sammons, E. H. Sauer, H. Edward Schaefer, F. C. Schmidt, F. W. - Senn, E. J. - Senn, Nicholas Simmons, Geo. H. Sinclair, J. G. Small, A. R. Small, Chas. P. Stahl, Frank A. Stanton, S. C. Date of Admission. 776 W. Lake St. 1895 103 State St. 1895 34 Washington St. 1896 25 Woodland Park. 1895 237 S. Hoyne Ave. 1895 103 State St. 1897 93 E. 18th St. 1898 103 State St. 1895 Alma, Mich. 1895 31 Washington St. 1896 103 State St. 1895 103 State St. 1899 Palmyra, Wis. 1898 103 State St. 1895 / O J s&ti*U &* . tf%r 34 Washington St. 1895 100 State St. 1895 34 Washington St. 1895 950 Jackson Blvd. 1899 103 State St. 1895 100 State St. 1896 215 Wabash Ave. 1895 975 Warren Ave. 1895 100 State St. 1895 297 Ashland Blvd. 1895 4720 Kenwood Ave. 1895 51 31st St. 1895 34 Washington St. 1899 70 State St. 1895 Riverdale, Chicago. 1895 100 State St. 1895 532 Dearborn Ave. 1895 61 Market St. 1899 4101 Grand Blvd. 1895 3035 Indiana Ave. 1895 5727 Madison Ave. 1899 103 State St. 1895 9 Cedar St. 1895 54 Date of Admission. Starkey, H. M. 70 State St. 1895 Stearns, Wm. G. 103 State St. 1899 Steele, d. a. K. 103 State St. 1895 Storer, W. D. 1402 Wrightwood Ave. 1S95 Stowell, J. H. 2633 Indiana Ave. 1895 Strong, A. B. 312 Grand Ave. 1895 Stubbs, F. Gurney 583 43rd St. 1896 Stubbs, J. E. 3203 South Park Ave. 1895 SuDDUTH, W. X. 100 State St. 1897 Swartz, T. B. 77 39th St. 1895 Thomas, A. L. 4424 Indiana Ave. 1895 Thomas, H. M. - 31 Washington St. 1895 Tillotson, G. K. 4134 Went worth Ave. 1897 Tucker, J. L. 52 35th St. 1895 Van Hook, Weller - 103 State St. 1896 Walker, S. J. 34 Washington St. » 1896 Walling, Willoughby 103 State St. 1895 Walter, Will 103 State St. 1899 Waterhouse, C. F. 103 State St. 1895 Watkins, T. J. - 3625 Indiana Ave. 1895 Weaver, G. H. - 535 Washington Blvd. 1895 Weber, S. L. 100 State St. 1896 Webster, G. W. 70 State St. 1895 Wescott, C. D. 31 Washington St. 1895 Wesener, J. A. - 103 State St. 1896 Whitmore, B. T. 90 Maiden Lane, New York. 1896 Wilder, Wm. H. 103 State St. 1895 Williams, Helen S. 453 W. 63rd St. 1895 Wing, Elbert 34 Washington St. 1895 WolEy, H. P. 4257 Grand Blvd. 1896 Wood, Casey A. 103 Adams St. 1895 Woodruff, T. A. 103 E. Adams St. 1896 Woodworth, P. M. 1246 N. Clark St. 1895 •WORTHINGTON, HARRY C. Oak Park, 111. 1895 Zeisler, Jos. 100 State St. 1895 ^ 55 &n &lsnx0vitxm. DATE OF ADMISSION. 1 H. N. HALL, 1895. Died February 20th, 1896. D. D. BISHOP, - 1895. Died April 1st, 1896. MARK H. LACKERSTEEN, - 1895. Died December 7th, 1897. ERNEST HART, - 1895. Died January 7th, 1898. WILLIAM E. CLARKE, - 1895. Died March 22nd, 1898. EDWIN H. DORLAND, - 1895. Died May 14th, 1898. JOHN B. HAMILTON, - 1895. Died December 26th, 1898. JAMES H. ETHERIDGE, 1895. Died February 9th, 1899. - Pkf:ss o*' S. D. GHILDS & CO.. Chicago. % ,: ■'" . ; '^'iM'" ■■■■