THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY 3&3 L5lp i ^OLP ‘ / I . i j. g I H 4 \ "" ::::'^ -^’' 3 A ''■ V. 1^, vV _ . - - <. . "'/ / Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates 'i-.' POST OFFICE DIREGTO’M,; OR, BUSINESS MAN’S GUIDE TO THE POST OFFICES IN THE UNITED STATES, CONTAINING THE NAMES OF THE POST OFFICES AND POST MASTEES IN THE UNITED STATES ON THE IST OF JULY, 1856, AEEANGED BY STATES AND COUNTIES ; EXHIBITING THE EE VENUE OF EACH OFFICE FOE THE YEAE ENDING JUNE 30, 1855, AND THUS, AT A GLANCE, SHOWING THE BUSINESS IMPOETANCE OF EVEEY TOWN; WITH INFOEMA- TION IN EEGAED TO THE EATES OF POSTAGE TO INLAND AND FOE-^ EIGN PLACES, THE FEANKING PEIVILEGE, AND OTHEE MAT- TEES OF INTEEEST TO CITIZENS GENEEALLY. CONTAINING ALSO A COMPREHENSIYE CODIFICATION OF THE EXISTIISTG EOSTA.E COMPILED FEOM OFFICIAL BODECES, By D. D . T. leech. NEW YORK: J. H. COLTON AND COMPANY, No. 1T2 WILLIAM STEBET 1856 . TO THE EEBEIC. , / The value of this book will at once be appreciated, to some extent, by the business-man, who has often wished for, but never could procure, the information it contains. It may be well, however, to name the following as SOMK ADVANTAQES OF THE WORK: 1st. The arrangement adopted of grouping the Offices by States and Counties will prove convenient to Publishers, Merchants, Inventors, Politicians, and business men generally, who have occasion to send circulars and other docu- ments to all the Post Offices in a given district. 2d. Jobbers and others being solicited to give credit to parties from distant places can readily judge, by referring to this book, what would be a reasonable amount of credit to give ; for by comparing the revenue of an office where a customer has credit to the amount of say $5,000, with the revenue of an office from which a stranger comes, it will be easy to decide whether the latter would be likely to need credit for more or less than $5,000. It is said that the late Daniel Webster once remarked that there was no more reliable guide to the size and import- ance of the various towns in the United States than the revenue of their respective Post Offices. This statement of the Post Office Eevenues has formerly been given only in the official “ Blue Book,” but is here furnished in a cheap and popular form. 3d. The fact that the name of the County Seat of each County is given in itaUcs, will make the work valuable to the Legal Profession. 4th. Postmasters will observe that the Postal Laws in the Appendix, which have never before been codified, are here systematized in such a manner as to make them perfectly comprehensible. 5th. The information contained in the first sixteen pages, relative to the Bates of Postage, the Franking Privilege, Buies for Mailing Letters, etc., will be valuable to all persons having occasion to send or receive matter through the mafls. 6th. It will be valuable to Emigrants and Speculators, in showing the development and productiveness of a State or a County, by the number and revenue of its Post Offices. 7th. This is the only work of the kind published; the Author, Mr. D. D. T. Leeoh, is the compiler of the List of Post Offices and Postal Begulations in use at the Post Office Department, and the work may therefore be relied upon as correct < Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1S56, by J. H. COLTON AND COMPANY, in the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. DAVIES AND- ROBERTS. STEREOTYPERS, 201 William Street, N. Y 21 Sept. 3S3 L5lp . I I ! I, / ■: THE GENERAL POST OFFICE. CHAPTEK I. ITS HISTORY. As a means of civilization the Post Office ranks next to the pulpit, the school-house, and the press. No other of the executive departments of the General Government is so closely allied to the necessities and interests of the public as this. Its progress and mode of operation are, therefore, worthy of consideration. The American postal establishment was controlled by the British government till 1776, when the Continental Congress took it into their own hands, and appointed Benjamin Franklin their Postmaster General, giving him, at the same time, almost unlimited discretion as to its management. He, however, being called to other public trusts, resigned the post the following year, when his son-in-law, Richard Bache, was appointed in his stead, who in turn, in 1782, was succeeded by Ebenezer Hazard. Prior to 1789, when the Federal Government took this and the other U. S. executive offices in hand, the operations of the concern were small ; owing, doubtless, mainly to the paralyzing effects of the Revolutionary War upon commerce and social correspondence — its postage receipts having averaged only about $30,000 per annum for the thirteen years previous. In 1790 there were but seventy-five post offices in the United States. The following is a statement of the revenue of a few of these as compared with a period sixty-five years later, viz. : New York in 1789— $5,537 per an.; in 1855— $492,972 I Baltimore in 1789— $3,937 per an.; in 1855 — $97,290 Philadelphia “ “ 9,674 “ “ “ “ 159,870 Eichmond “ “ 2,994 “ “ “ » 19,080 Boston “ “ 3,695 “ “ “ “ 149,378 1 Charleston “ “ 1,*040 “ “ » “ 80,397 The new Federal Government having power to enforce laws in all parts of the Union in regard to the punishment of offenders against the postal regulations, without the aid of the State authorities, of course infused new vigor into the establishment. The return of the people to peaceful pursuits also added to its prosperity. Henceforward its course was widening and onward, commensurate with the advance of the country in other respects. The following persons have successively presided over the concern since this period, viz. ; Samuel Osgood, Timothy Pickering Joseph Habersham, Gideon Granger Keturn J. Meigs, John McLean William T. Barry, Amos Kendall, John M. Niles, Francis Granger Charles A. Wickliffe, Cave Johnson, Jacob Collamer Nathan K. Hall, Samuel D. Hubbard, James Campbell, of Massachusetts, appointed 26 Sept. 1789. Pennsylvania, U 12 Aug., 1791. Georgia, U 25 Feb., 1795. U Connecticut u 28 Nov., 1801. Ohio, u 17 March, 1814. u Ohio, Kentucky, (( 26 June, 1823. ii 9 March, 1829. Kentucky, u 1 May, 1835. Connecticut, u 25 May, 1840. New York, u 6 March, 1841. Kentucky, (( 13 Sept., 1841. Tennessee, 5 March, 1845. Vermont, (( 7 March, 1849. New York, (( 20 July, 1850. Connecticut, u 14 Sept., 1852. Pennsylvania, a 8 March, 1853. 97308 ’ 4 THE GENERAL POST OFFICE. ft • The establishihent ma;^ he considered as in its infancy till the close of the second war in 1815, when its post olO&ces amounted to but 3,000, and its annual postage receipts to less than three-fourths of a million of dollars. Hitherto, horseback, wagon, and the slowly trudging coach had constituted its exclusive reliance for the transmission of the mails. The general introduction of the steam-paddle about this period added a valuable auxiliary to its facilities for this purpose between places contiguous to the seaboard or rivers. The unshackling of commerce resulting from the termination of a naval war, and the commencing march of immigration to the new settlements in the Western States, tended at the same time to give a fresh impetus to the operations of the Post Office ; so that its receipts more than doubled in the next fifteen years, amounting in 1830 to $1,850,583. The anthor of the “ Columbiad” had sung, as far back as 1808, “ Soon shall thy arm, unconquered steam, afar— Drag the slow barge or drive the rapid car.” But it was not till the inauguration of the railway enterprise, in 1835, that the full realization of this prophecy burst upon the public view. Perhaps no one of the great interests of the nation has shared more largely in the benefits conferred by this Herculean motive power than the Post Office. Throughout the settled portions of the country the iron horse prances swiftly along with the great mails, to the great discomfiture of his tardy fleshly predecessor and competitor. The growth in this species of service is shown by the following table : Year. Length of Bailvoad Mail Routes. Annual Cost. 1843 3,714 miles $531,752 184T 4,735 “ 597,921 1851 8,216 “ 985,019 1855 .18,249 “ 2,073,089 In view of the speed and regularity of the railroad mails, and the vast increase in matter sent in the mail bags, railroads may be said to have revolutionized the postal facilities of the nation. Now-a-days, while the merchant takes his nightly slumber, his letters fly, as if borne by the wings of the wind, to points three or four hundred miles distant ; and the New York morning papers, instead of taking three or four days, as formerly, to reach Buffalo, Boston, or Washington, furnish the resi- dents of those cities the staple for tea-table chat on the evenings of their publication day. Owing, too, to the precision in the times of the train arrivals, the community are enabled to judge wfith almost unerring certainty as to the proper moment for making application at the post offices for expected correspondence, a convenience, all will admit, of the utmost importance. A desideratum amounting almost to a public necessity remained to be effected. This was a reduction in the postage rates. Prior to 1845 the charge for a letter going over 30 miles was 10 cents, and for one going over 150 miles 18| cents ; and should these enclose one or two bank-notes, or other pieces of paper, double or treble of said sums. These rates were entirely too high. The law of this year fixed the tariff on a single letter at five cents for distances not over 300 miles, and ten cents for greater distances, and conceded'the further justice of regarding as single letters all weighing not over half an ounce, without regard to the number of their enclosures. Modifications were also made by this statute in favor of printed matter. Subsequent laws, the public are aware, have further cheapened the rates for letters, and greatly diminished the tax on newspapers, pamphlets, and magazines. In consequence, the poorest citizen is no longer debarred the privileges of the mail, and the business of the Post Office has been wonderfully augmented. The morning and evening mails issuing from some of our large cities, which filled, twenty-five years ago, only the boot of a coach, or the space under the driver’s seat, now require as many spacious railroad cars for their convenient transmission. That the public intelligence, the commercial prosperity, and the social advantages of the nation have been immensely promoted by the enlarged postal facilities alluded to, we think all will allow. As an indication of the vast operations of the department at the present, we have simply to state that its expenditures, for the year ending 30 June, 1855, amounted to $10,579,809.20 and its receipts, to 6,642,136.12 ORGANIZATION OF THE DEPARTMENT^' ' ' / 6 CHAPTEE II. ORGANIZATION OF THE DEPARTMENT. The General Post Office is located in an elegant marble edifice 204 feet in length, -witli wings 116 feet deep, situated on a slight eminence fronting the Potomac, about midway between the U, S. Capitol and the President’s House. To afford its employees adequate accommodation it is now being greatly enlarged. The Department proper, made up of the Postpaaster General, his three assistants, and eighty-four clerks, occupies the western portion of the structure. The eastern portion is used by the settling branch, consisting of the Auditor, and one hundred and ten clerks. The Postmaster General distributes the business under his supervision among four bureaus, styled Appointment, Contract, Finance, and Inspection, respectively in charge of an assistant, or of his chief clerk. The Appointment bureau, of which the 1st Assistant Postmaster General is the head, enrolls eighteen clerks on its list, and supervises all matters connected with the establishment, discontinu- ance, or change of site of post offices, the appointment, removal, and general instruction of postmasters, as well as the foreign mail service. The Contract bureau is in charge of the 2d Assistant, who has twenty-five clerks. It embraces in its sphere of duty the arranging, placing under contract, and keeping in operation, of the various mail routes. The Finance office, under the direction of the 3d Assistant, who is aided by twenty-two clerks, attends to so much of the fiscal operations of the establishment as the law has not expressly devolved upon the Auditor. This officer receives the quarterly returns of postmasters, instructs them as to the mode of paying over their balances, makes drafts for the collection and transfer of the Department’s funds, and issues warrants on the Treasury Department for balances due mail contractors and others. The dead-letter business also falls under his management. The Inspection bureau, in charge of the chief clerk, employs nineteen clerks, supervises the performance of mail contractors, investigates reported cases of depredations on the mails, and conducts the correspondence connected with the distribution of mail bags, locks and keys. The Auditor and his large force of clerks examine the quarterly accounts of the numerous post- masters, adjust the accounts of all ex-postmasters, and conduct the correspondence connected therewith, as well as make quarterly settlements with all mail contractors and other agents of the Department. His office is a branch of the Treasury Department, and is located in the Post Office building simply for convenient consultation with the Post Office authorities, (through whom the accounts he settles originate,) and ready reference to their records. As this officer is competent to refuse the payment of allowances authorized by the Postmaster General which he may deem illegal, he operates as a check upon the latter. The outside machinery of the establishment embraces 25,000 postmasters, 6,000 mail contractors, 400 route agents, (traveling postmasters,) 1,000 mail messengers — conveying the mails between the railroad depots or steamboat landings and the adjacent post offices — and about 50 special and local agents. If to this list be added the clerks employed in post offices — supposed to average one for each— and the postriders and drivers— say three for each loute-rit appears that the post office army embraces a rank and file of about 75,000. How numerous an organization for an establishment less than three-fourths of a century old ! OHAPTEE III. LETTER POSTAGES. 1. The law requires the postage on all letters to be prepaid, except those to foreign countries, and those on official business to government officers having the franking privilege. But prepayment on drop letters (not to be mailed) is optional. 2. Single letters passing in the mails distances not over 3,000 miles, between offices in the United States, are to be charged three cents; and for distances over 3,000 miles ten cents. Double letters are charged double these rates, treble ones, treble, and so on. 6 THE GENERAL POST OFFICE. , , , ■ , > ,1 I i3. Letters pass^g from ohe office to another within the United States or Territories, also those going between places in the United States and the British North American Provinces, are rated as single if not exceeding half an ounce in weight ; double if exceeding half an ounce but not exceeding an ounce ; treble if exceeding an ounce but not exceeding an ounce and a half, and so on. 4. Drop letters are charged one cent each. 5. Single letters to or from any of the British North American Provinces are charged ten cents for distances not exceeding 3,000 miles, and for greater distances fifteen cents. Double letters pay double, and treble ones treble these rates. 6. It is unlawful to place in a post office, to be transmitted by mail, within the United States, an envelope of packet containing letters addressed to different persons. 7. Handbills, circulars, or other printed matter, containing any manuscript writing, are subject to letter postage ; so are all packets so closely enveloped, or sealed, that their contents cannot be known. 8. Advertised letters are charged one cent additional to the ordinary postage. 9. Letters brought by ships and packets to ports in the United States, or passing from one port therein to another, are to be rated six cents each, when delivered from the office at which they were first received ; when forwarded thence by mail to other offices (instead of said six cents) simply, two cents in addition to the ordinary rates of postage. 10. The charge to the persons addressed upon letters and packets received at post offices from the masters, clerks, or other employees of steamboats, on waters deemed post routes, is the same as if they had been conveyed on land routes. CHAPTEK lY. POSTAGE ON PRINTED MATTER. 1. The postage on each newspaper, periodical, unsealed circular, or other article of printed matter, (except books,) not over three ounces in weight, going by mail to any place in the United States, is one cent, and one cent additional for each additional ounce or fraction of an ounce. Only one half of these rates is charged when the postage is paid quarterly or yearly in advance. The postage on all transient matter, unless prepaid, shall be charged double the rates above first mentioned for newspapers and periodicals. 2. Packages of small newspapers, published monthly or oftener, and pamphlets not containing more than sixteen octavo pages, sent to one address, and weighing at least half a pound, prepaid by postage stamps, are rated at half a cent an ounce. 3. All printed matter, chargeable by weight, is to be weighed when dry. 4. Books bound, or unbound, not weighing over four pounds, are chargeable at the rate of one cent an ounce for distances under 3,000 miles, and two cents an ounce for greater distances. If not prepaid, the charge is one and a half cent an ounce for distances under 3,000 miles, and three cents an ounce for longer routes. 5. Each newspaper or periodical, not over one ounce and a half in weight, to any place in the State of its publication, is chargeable with half a cent postage. 6. Publishers of newspapers and periodicals may send to each other from their publication offices one copy of the same free of postage, and may enclose therein to actual subscribers, bills and receipts for such publications without postage charge. 7. The publishers of weekly newspapers may send to each actual subscriber within the county of publication, one copy thereof free of postage. 8. Newspapers and other printed matter cannot be sent at the foregoing rates, unless without covers or wrappers, or in covers or wrappers open at the ends or sides so that the character of their contents may be known : or. if any word or communication be printed on the same,- after their pub- lication, or any writing or other marks be placed thereon, or on the covers or wrappers, except the names and address of the persons to whom they are sent ; or, if any paper, or other thing, be enclosed in or with such printed matter. i POSTAGES TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES 7 CHAPTEK Y. POSTAGES TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES. RATES OF POSTAGE FOR RATES OF POST- LETTERS WEIGHING HALF AGE FOB OZ. OR UNI>KR. NEWSPAPERS. In the first two columns of this list, the rates named must in every Instance be prepaid, In open mail to Great Britain. sB S rS c H M fl and with 6 cents more when the letter is from Oregon or California. The 21 cent rate is the IT. S. Inland and Atlantic Sea, and the 5 cent rate the U. S. Inland postage only. In. the Prussian S I M -M M -a S 0 5* S ^ 1 closed mail, (third column,) the rates set down are generally the lull postage to destination. CS ^ o ® od ^ Newspapers must be prepaid. In the British mail, the 4 cent rate is the U. S. and British, and cog-S . "eg - . ft ^ . ft the 2 cent the U. S. postage only. In the Prussian mail, the 6 cent rate is the U. S., British, and •rt rv Qi gp c, German postage. ^ ^ U 5 P .Ti g O' •3 u’g PIh nil ^ Qd o; " 5.0 0 Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. Aden (Asia) via Southampton 45 45 4 do, via Marseilles 65 65 Alexandre tta 21 5 40 2 6 Alexandria 21 5 *38 2 6 21 5 *33 2 6 21 5 2 6 Antivari , 21 5 40 2 6 Ascension, via England 45 45 4 Austria and its States 21 5 *30 2 6 Australia or any other foreign country, by private ship, via England ' 37 37 4 Azores, Islands, via Southampton and Lisbon 63 63 4 21 5 *80 2 6 Bavaria 21 5 *30 2 6 Belgium 21 5 2 Beyrout 21 5 *40 2 6 Borneo, via Southampton and India 41 41 do. via Marseilles 61 61 Bourbon, via Southampton and India 53 53 4 do. via Marseilles 73 73 Bourghas 21 5 40 2 6 Bremen 21 21 45 5 *30 2 2 0 Brunswick 5 0 Brazils, via Falmouth 45 4 Buenos Ayres, via England 45 45 4 21 5 40 2 6 Canary Islands, via England 65 65 4 Candia 21 - 5 *40 ^/f A 2 6 91 5 2 4 Cape of Good Hope 45 45 0 Cape de Verde Islands 65 91 65 4 5 0 A Ceylon, via Southampton 45 65 43 A A 0 do. via Marseilles “tO 65 43 China (except Hong Kong) via Marseilles do. do. via Southampton A do. do. via Trieste CO OO A9 IQ Constantinople 21 91 K vA ikAf\ 0 Xo £* Cnxhaven o K ^QA A 0 0 Dardanelles ^X 91 o K ^oU A A 0 D a Denmark, (Holstein included) ^X 91 o K A 2 0 0 0 Durazzo ZiL K SFOD Afk D A East Indies, via Southampton aX 91 o W A A 0 do. do. via Marseilles ZX 91 O 4 do. do. (English possessions in) via Trieste do. do. all other countries in and beyond the East Indies, via Trieste ZX O 88 70 10 18 Egypt, (except Alexandria) via Southampton QQ A do. do. do. via Trieste I ou OO QQ 4 A do. do. do. by closed mail, via Marseilles .• ASK AO OO 0 do. do. do. by French packet, via Marseilles France 51 91 40 51 1 0 91 0 f' A A 0 A Gallipoli ZX 91 0 A 0 0 German States Ax. 91 0 K *40 ^QA A 0 6 Gibraltar Ax ' n-i 0 ♦oU A A 6 Greece, via Trieste Ax 01 0 4 0 do. via Marseilles Ax Ol 0 ♦4* A 0 C do. via Southampton Ax K!7 0 A 0 Hamburgh Ol 01 Ol akOA A 0 Hanover Ax 01 0 ikOA A 0 0 Heligoland, Island of, via London Ax QQ 0 QO A A oO OO 4 * The Asterisk (*) indicates that in cases where it is prefixed, prepayment is optional : in all other cases, prepayment is required. 8 THE GENEKAL POST OFFICE. In the first two columns of this list, the rates named must in every instance be prepaid, and with B cents more when the letter is from Oregon or California. The 21 cent rate is the U. S. Inland and Atlantic Sea, and the 5 cent rate the U. S. Inland postage only. In the Prussian closed mail, (tliird column,) the rates set down are generally the full postage to destination. Newspapers must be prepaid. In the British mail, the 4 cent rate is the U. S. and British, and ttie 2 cent the U. S. postage only. In the Prussian mail, the 6 cent rate is the U. S., British, and German postage. RATES OF POSTAGE FOR LETTERS WEIGHING HALF OZ. OR UNDER. RATES OF post- age FOR NEWSPAPERS. In open mail to Great Britain. In Prussian closed mall by either United States or British packet. In British or open mail by eltlier U. S. or Brit- ish jiacket, prepayment required. In Prussian closed mail by either U. 8. or Brit- ish packet, prepayment required. By United States packet, prepay- ment le- quired. By British pack- et, prepayment required. Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. Holland 21 5 2 Hong Kong, via England 21 5 4 do. do. via Trieste. 38 10 Ibraila 21 5 *40 2 6 21 5 40 2 6 21 5 *38 2 6 21 5 *33 2 6 do. (except Lombardy, Modena, Parma, Tuscany, and the Papal States) 30 6 Indian Archipelago, places in, via Marseilles 73 73 21 5 40 2 6 Java, via Southampton 33 33 4 do. via Marseille's 53 53 Larnjea .". 21 5 *40 2 6 Latakia 21 5 40 2 6 Labuan, via Southampton and India 41 41 4 do. via Marseille's 61 61 Lauenburg 21 5 *33 2 6 Lubec, free city of 21 5 *30 2 6 Levante . 21 5 30 2 6 Lombardy 21 5 *33 2 6 Madeira, Island of, via Southampton 65 65 4 Malta, Island of 21 5 2 Mauritius, via Southampton 45 45 4 do. via Marseilles 65 65 Mecklenburg 21 5 *30 2 6 Mersina V 21 5 40 2 6 Modena 21 5 *33 4 6 Moldavia 21 5 30 2 6 Moluccas, via Southampton and India 41 41 do. via Marseilles 61 61 Montevideo, via Falmouth 45 45 4 Mitylene 21 5 40 2 6 Naples, Kingdom of 21 5 30 2 6 New South Wales, via Plymouth 33 33 4 do. do. via Marseilles 43 43 New Zealand, via Southampton and India 53 53 4 do. do. , via Marseilles 73 73 do. do. via Melbourne or via Sydney 33 33 North Australia, via Southampton 53 53 4 do. do. via Marseilles 73 73 Norway 21 5 *46 2 6 Oldenburg 21 5 *30 2 6 Parma 21 5 *33 2 6 Placentia 21 5 SO 2 6 Philippine Islands, via Southampton 41 41 do. do. via Marseilles 61 61' Poland 21 5 *87 6 Portugal, via Southampton 63 63 4 Prevesa 21 5 40 2 6 Prns.sin *. 21 5 *30 2 6 "Rhodes 21 6 *40 2 6 Roman or Papal States 21 5 *85 2 6 Russia 21 5 *37 g Sa.lonica : ) , . . . 21 5 *40 2 g Samsum 21 5 *40 2 g Sardinia 21 5 *38 2 g Saxony 21 91 5 *30 2 g Sehwerin 5 *30 2 g St.relitz 21 5 *30 2 g Scutari fAsial 21 5 80 2 g Smyrna 21 5 *40 2 6 21 5 80 2 g Sinope 21 1 u 40 2 6 21 1 5 80 2 Sierra Leone ‘ 45 j 45 4 South Australia, via Plymouth 33 33 4 do. do. via Marseilles 43 43 Spain, via France. .. . I 44 do. via Southampton 73 : 73 4 * The Astorislc (*) indicates that in cases where it is prefixed, prepayment is optional : in all other cases, prepayment is required. POSTAGES TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES. 9 es- In the first two columns of this list, the rates named must in every instance be‘ prepaid, and with 5 cents more when the letter is from Oregon or California. The 21 cent rate is the U. S. Inland and Atlantic Sea, and the 5 cent rate the U. S. Inland postage only. In the Prussian closed mail, (third column,) the rates set down are generally the full postage to destination. Newspapers must be prepaid. In the British mail, the 4 cent rate is the U. S. and British, and the 2 cent the U. S. postage only. In the Prussian mail, the 6 cent rate is the U. S., British, and German postage. * RATKS LKTTEKB OZ. OF POSTAGE FOB WEIGHING HALF OU UNDER. RATKS OF POST- AGE FOR NEWSPAPERS. In open mail to Great Britain. In Prussian closed mail by eitlier United States or British packet. In British or open mail I by either U. S. or Brit- ish packet, prepayment required. In Prussian closed mail by eitlier U. S. or Brit- ish packet, prepayment required. By United States packet, prepay- ment re- quired. By British pack- et, prepayment required. Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. Sumatra, via Southampton, 41 41 4 do via Marseilles 61 61 Sweden 21 5 *42 2 6 Switzerland 21 5 *35 2 6 Syria, Ada Southampton 57 57 4 do via Marseilles, by French Packet 51 51 do do. by closed mail 61 61 Taltcha ; 21 5 *40 2 6 Tenedos 21 5 40 2 6 Trebizonde 21 5 *40 2 6 21 5 *40 2 6 Tunis, via Marseilles, by French packet 51 51 Turkey (in Europe) and Turkish Islands in the Mediterranean— except as herein mentioned 21 5 30 2 6 Tuscany 21 5 *35 2 6 21 5 40 ■ 2 6 Van Dieman’s Land, via Plymouth 33 33 do do do by Australian mail packet, via England 33 83 21 5 *40 2 6 Venezuela, via Southampton 45 45 4 Venetian States 21 5 *30 2 6 Victoria, (Port Philip) via Plymouth 45 45 4 Volo 21 5 40 2 6 W allachia ; 21 5 30 2 6 West Australia, via Plymouth 83 33 do do by direct Australian packet, via England 83 83 4 Wurtemburg 21 5 *30 2 6 BY THE NEW YORK AND Cents. Bremen *10 Altona *22 Austria, empire of (including Hungary, Galacia, Lom- bardy, Venice,) &c *15 Bavaria *15 Brunswick *15 Hamburg *15 Hanover *15 Lubec ■. *15 Mechlenburg-Schwerin *15 Mechlenburg-Strelitz *15 Oldenburg *13 Prussia, kingdom and provinces of. *15 Saxe-Altenburg *15 Saxony, kingdom of *15 All other German States, cities, and towns *22 Alexandria 80 Constantinople *33 Corfu 30 Denmark *27 Greece *33 Italy, (except Lombardy and Venice,) 33 Malta, Island of. 30 Netherlands, The *25 Norway *37 Poland *29 Russia *29 Schleswig *27 Sweden *33 Switzerland *25 Wallachia 80 Newspapers sent from the United States by the Bremen Line, 3 cents each, prepayment required. This pays to any part of the German Austrian Postal Union. Newspapers received by the Bremen Line are in like manner prepaid in Germany. On Pamphlets, Magazines, and other printed matter, 1 cent an ounce, or fraction of an ounce, must be prepaid at the mailing office when sent /row, and collected at the office of delivery, when received in, the United States. This is the U. S, postage only. Havre, (France,) or any other port or place on the coast of ) France, Germany, or any other port or place in Europe f 20 cents— U. 8. postage. Prepayment required. This where the United States steam packets touch, (Great Brit- t pays to Havre only, ain and Ireland excepted) by the Havre line j Newspapers, 2 cents each, prepayment required. Letters of the weight of \ oz. and under, by the Havre line, are subject in France to an additional postage of 30 centimes, (6 cents,) if destined to Havre ; and 60 centimes (12 cents,) if destined to any other part of France or Algeria. These rates are respectively doubled on letters over ^ oz., and not over ^ oz. an additional rate being charged for each additional | oz., or fraction thereof. * The Asterisk (*) indicates that in cases where it is prefixed, prepayment is optional : in all other cases, prepayment is required. 10 THE GENERAL POST OFFICE. Canada, New Brunswick, Cape Breton, Prince Edward’s Island, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland *10 cents, when not over 8,000 miles from the line of crossing. 15 cents, where the distance exceeds 3,000 miles. Newspapers and periodicals are chargeable with the regular United States rates to and from the line, which postage must all be paid in the United States. Editors, however, may exchange free of expense. UNITED STATES AND GREAT BRITAIN. Great Britain and Ireland, by either U. S. or Brit- ) *24 cents, (California and Oregon excepted) 5 cents to be added ish line f when to or from California or Oregon. ^Prepayment opfionaL On either a letter or packet of any weight, the whole postage or none at all should be prepaid. If any thing less than the whole is prepaid, no account is taken of it, and it is entirely lost to the sender. In respect to British Mails, where the ofiScial postage entries, on the letters received are in red ink, the letter is to be considered as paid, and is to be delivered accordingly ; where in black ink, as unpaid, and the postage is to be collected. Postage in such cases is either wholly paid or wholly unpaid. The credit and debit figures on such letters show, on the paid letters, the amount to be credited to the United States ; on the unpaid letters, the amount charged to the United States by England; and these figures, “3 cents,” “ 19 cents,” “5 cents,” “21 cents,” &c., are solely for the convenience of the exchange offices in keeping the account with the British Post Office. Newspapers 2 cents each, prepayment required. Pamphlets and periodicals 2 cents each, if not weighing over two ounces, and 4 cents an ounce or fraction of an ounce, if they exceed two ounces, to be collected in all cases in the United States. All such printed matter is subject to like additional charges in Great Britain, each country collecting its own postage on printed matter, whether the same is sent or received. No pamphlet can be sent weighing over 8 ounces, and no periodical over 16 ounces, without being subject to letter postage. Neither pamphlets nor periodicals are entitled to conveyance through England. Chagres Cuba — Mexico .’ Panama and other foreign places where the rates are not fixed by postal treaty 10 cents, if distance from the mailing office does not exceed 2,500 miles ; and 20 cents where distance exceeds 2,500 miles. Prepay- ment required. Ne>vspapers, 2 cents each, prepayment required. The above is the United States postage only. Except for Acapulco, on the Pacific, and vicinity, the mails for Mexico will be dispatched by the U. S. mail steamship line from New Orleans, via Tampico to Vera Cruz, three times a month. West Indies, «Sec., British, viz. Antigua Barbadoes Bahamas Berbice Carriacon Demerara Dominica Essequibo Grenada Jamaica Montserrat, Nevis St. Kitt’s, St. Lucia St. Vincent Tortola, Tobago, Trinidad . . . 10 cents, where distance from the mailing office does not exceed 2,500 miles; and 20 cents, where distance exceeds 2,500 miles. Prepayment required, being U. S. postage only. Newspapers, 2 cents each — Prepayment required. West India Islands (not British) except Cuba Turk’s Island Cartliagena Honduras St. Juan, (Nicaragua) St. Thonnus,* «fcc 34 cents, where distance from the mailing office does not exceed 2,500 miles; and 44 cents, where distance exceeds 2,500 miles. Prepayment required- being U. S. and British postage. Newspapers sent, G cents each, prepayment required. On papers received, the rate to be collected is 2 cents only, the British postage being prepaid. POSTAGES TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES. 11 Guayaquil, (Ecuador) 1 Quito do Cobija (Bolivia) La Paez do Copiapo... .(Chili) Huasco do Coquimbo.. do Valparaiso., do 8. lago do 48 cents on letters sent; being the United States and foreign postage. Prepayment required. 24 cents on letters received; being the United States postage only. Newspapers sent, 8 cents, and newspapers received, 4 cents each, to be collected in the United States. Payta (Peru) Lambayeque, do Huanchaco. . . do Casma do Huacho do Callao do Lima do Pisco do Islay do Arica do Iquique do 82 cents on letters sent; being the United States and foreign postage. Prepayment required. 20 cents on letters received ■ being the United States postage only. Newspapers sent, 8 cents, and newspapers received, 4 cents each, to be collected in the United States. Bogota New Grenada Buenaventura, do 28 cents on letters s&nt; being the United States and foreign postage. Prepayment required. 20 cents on letters received; being the United States postage only. Newspapers sent, 8 cents, and newspapers received, 4 cents, to be collected in the United States. Australia, by private ship from New York, 5 cents, prepayment required. China New South "Wales Sandwich Islands By mail to San Francisco— thence by private ship. Newspapers and periodicals must be prepaid the regular domestic rates to San Francisco. The rate payable on letters at the point of destination in the Sandwich Islands is 5 cents, and on news- papers 2 cents each. In China and New South Wales the ship postage, it is understood, is compara- tively trifling. 10 cents, being the United States postage to San Francisco. Pre- payment required. Valuable Letters, addressed to Germany, or any part of the German Austrian Postal Union, by the Bremen line via New York, or by the Prussian closed mail via New York and Boston, will be registered on the application of the person posting the same, in the same manner and on the same terms as those deliverable in the United States, provided that the full postage chargeable thereon to destination, together with a registration fee of five cents on each letter, is prepaid at the mailing office. On Pamphlets and Magazines, to or from the west coast of South America, the United States postage is 4 cents, and to or from all other foreign countries (except Great Britain and the British North American Provinces as above,) 1 cent an ounce or fraction of an ounce, to be collected in all cases in the United States. Newspapers and Periodicals to foreign countries (particularly to the continent of Europe) must be sent in narrow bands, open at the sides or end ; otherwise they are chargeable with letter postage. All letters to and from foreign countries (the British North American Provinces excepted) are to be charged with single rate of postage, if not exceeding the weight of half an ounce ; double rate, if exceeding half an ounce, but not exceeding an ounce ; quadruple rate, if exceeding an ounce but * To St. Thomas and the other Danish Islands, hy U. S. Packet to Kingston, the single rate is 18 cents under 2,500 miles, and 28 cents over 2,500 miles, prepayment required. 12 THE GENERAL POST OFFICE. not exceeding two ounces, and so on, charging two rates for every ounce or fractional part of an ounce over the first ounce. As this rule differs from that followed in respect to domestic letters, great care is requisite to prevent mistakes. Postmasters should be careful, also, where the postage is pre- paid to collect the proper amount. They should be particular to notice the route indicated on the envelopes of letters, and to collect postage accordingly. Letters mailed at some offices, marked “ via England^'' or “ via Prussian Closed Mail” for a German State, are frequently taken upon the prepayment of Bremen rates, and those marked “ via Bremen” at Prussian closed mail rates, &c. If letters for foreign countries, marked “ Paid,” are dropped into the post office without being paid, the postmaster will erase the word “ Paid,” and write on the back of the letter, the words “ JVot Paid” with his name and title of postmaster. In the case of letters to go through France, the French postage is rated by the quarter ounce for the single letter. This is 10 cents, except with reference to letters for Egypt, Syria, and Tunis, by French packet, when the single French rate is 20 cents. Therefore, the quarter ounce French rate only being embraced in the above rates for letters marked “via France,” or “via Marseilles,” the French rate on all such letters must be doubled for each quarter of an ounce. CHAPTEE YI. FRANKING PRIVILEGE. 1. The President, the ex-Presidents, the Vice President, and ex- Vice Presidents, and the widows of deceased Presidents, are allowed to frank letters and documents agreeably to the provisions of the Act of March 3, 1825, and subsequent acts. 2. The heads of the U. S. executive departments, the Assistant Postmasters General, and other chiefs of bureaus connected with the government, including the Superintendent and Assistant Super ' intendent of the CoasfSurvey, and the General in chief and Adjutant General of the Army, may send and receive free letters and packages on official business. 3. Members of Congress and Delegates from Territories may send and receive free during their official terms, and till the first Monday of December following, letters and packages upon official business not exceeding two ounces in weight, and public documents not weighing over three pounds. 4. The Governors of States may frank laws, records, and documents of their respective legislatures to the Governors of other States. 5. Deputy postmasters may send and receive free letters and packets relating exclusively to their official business ; and those whose compensation did not exceed $200 for the previous year may also send free letters written by themselves, and receive free those addressed to themselves, on their private business not exceeding half an ounce in weight. This does not include the correspondence of any member of their families, nor transient newspapers, or circulars. 6. Publishers of newspapers, pamphlets, and magazines, may interchange free a single copy thereof, when not exceeding sixteen ounces in weight. 7. Public documents are those printed by order of either House of Congress, and books or other publications purchased by either or both Houses for the use of their members. 8. The Secretary of the U. S. Senate, and the Clerk of the U. S. House of Representatives, during their official terms, may frank under the same restrictions as members of Congress. CHAPTEE YII. POSTAGE STAMPS AND ENVELOPES. 1. These are furnished for sale only to postmasters. 2. They are allowed to purchase temporary supplies from other post offices for cash, but are expected as a rule to order from the department such quantity as they think will supply them three months. 3. In selling envelopes the department expects of postmasters to be accommodating, but not to lose POSTAGE STAMPS AND E N V E L 0 P E S . — MI S C E L L A N E 0 U S . 13 the fractions of a cent in disposing of small quantities. Accordingly, if they cannot readily make change the purchaser must tender the exact sum. 4. Postmasters are not allowed a commission for selling stamps or stamped envelopes, nor are pur- chasers in any case allowed a discount thereon. Neither are postmasters permitted to sell stamps for more than their face, or stamped envelopes for more than the Department charges for them. 5. The stamps and envelopes may be used in prepayment of postages to foreign countries in cases where such prepayment in money is allowable. 6. Persons attempting to use a stamp, or stamped envelope, in the payment of postage which has been previously used for a like purpose, subject themselves to a fine of fifty dollars. 7. Letters enclosed in stamped envelopes of the proper denomination may be carried out of the mail provided such envelopes are sealed. 8. Stamps cut. or separated from stamped envelopes cannot be used in the payment of postage. 9. No application enclosing money to the Department for stamps or stamped envelopes is attended to further than to return the money, and refer the applicant to a postmaster. 10. It is a highly penal offence to counterfeit postage stamps or envelopes. CHAPTEE YIII. MISCELLANEOUS. 1. Advertising Letters. — Postmasters, the gross receipts of whose offices do not exceed $500 a quarter, are to advertise the uncalled for letters once in six weeks. Those whose gross receipts are between $500 and $1,000 a quarter are to advertise such letters monthly. Where such receipts are over $1,000, and less than $7,500 a quarter, the advertisement is to be twice a month ; and when they exceed $7,500 a quarter, it is to be weekly. Such advertisements are to be inserted in one newspaper only, which must be printed in the city, town, or village in which the post office is situated, and must have the largest circulation within the range of delivery of said office of any paper issued weekly or oftener, printed in such city, town, or village. In places where no newspaper is printed, the postmaster is to post manuscript lists in conspicuous positions. 2. Dead Letters. — These are such as have been advertised, and have remained on hand three months or longer ; also such as have been refused, or cannot be delivered ; and those detained for the payment of postage, and not attended to, or for having been placed in the office bearing stamps pre- viously used. * 3. Lost Letters and Mail Depredations. — The Department does not hold itself responsible for money and other articles of value sent in the mail ; but if they be lost, it will, on proper notice of such mishap, make efforts to discover the same ; and, if ascertained to have been stolen, to punish the offender. In every case of loss by mail, it should be informed without delay of the circumstances. The statement should set forth the names of the writer and depositor of the lost letter, and of the person addressed, as well as of the mailing office, and of that to which the letter was directed, the route over which it was to go, the time of mailing, and a description of the valuable enclosures, with any other particulars calculated to aid the Department in investigating the case. No reported loss is investigated by the Department unless satisfactory evidence is furnished, by a statement of a postmaster, or other disinterested individual, that the missing valuable package was deposited in the post office. 4. Coinmissions of Postmasters. — The rates fixed by law as commissions on the quarterly postages collected are as follows : Sixty per cent, on the first $100, fifty per cent, on the next $300, forty per cent, on the next $2,000, and fifteen per cent, on sums exceeding $2,400. Seventy per cent, on the first $100 is allowed to offices where the mails arrive by contract between the hours of 9 v. m. and 5 A. M. Postmasters at the general distributing offices are allowed 12^ per cent, on letters received for distribution. The commissions on newspaper postages is fifty per cent. Postmasters whose commissions are less than $500 a quarter receive one cent for the delivery of each manuscript free 14 THE GENERAL POST OFFICE. letter not addressed to themselves, also two mills for each free weekly newspaper delivered to sub- scribers within the county of publication. No postmaster can retain as commissions over $2,000 a year, nor over $2,000 a year for box rents and other emoluments. 5. Mail Contracts. — The Union is divided into four sections, a letting for one of which takes place each spring. As the contracts are let for periods of four years, this arrangement keeps the entire service in continual operation. The contracts for the routes in the New England States and New York, under the current term, run from 1 July, 1853, to 1 July, 1857. Those for the Middle States run from 1 July, 1856, to 1 July, 1860. Those for the Southern States from 1 July, 1855, to 1 July, 1859. Those for the Western, South-Western, and North-Western States, from 1 July, 1854, to 1 July, 1858. 6. Keeping Open of Post Offices, and Closing Mails. — Postmasters are required to keep their of&ces open for the dispatch of business every day except Sunday during the usual business hours in their respective localities, and to attend at such other hours as may be necessary to receive and send off mails. If mails come to their offices on Sunday, they are to keep their offices open one hour or more, if the public convenience require, after their arrival and assortment, unless this occurs during the hours of public worship, in which case they are to open them for an hour or more, if necessary, after the religious services have ceased. The great mails' are to be closed at distributing offices not more than an hour before the time fixed for their departure ; and all other mails at such offices, and all mails at all other offices, not more than half an hour before such time. But if the time set for their departure is between 9 p. m. and 5 A. M. the mails are to be closed at 9 p. m. 7. Letter Carriers. — They are appointed by the Postmaster General on the nomination of post- masters, and are required to give bonds to the United States. Postmasters are authorized to place in their hands for delivery all letters received except those for persons having lodged with them a written request to retain the same in their offices. Such carriers are entitled to two cents for each letter, and half a cent for each newspaper delivered by them, unless otherwise directed by the Post- master General. 8. Collection of the Revenue. — No money is allowed to be sent by postmasters to the Department in payment of their postage collections. The following indicates the process by which the establish- ment collects its revenues. Of the 24,410 post offices existing on the 30th of June, 1855, 18,202 were styled “ Collection,” and instructed to pay over their quarterly proceeds to the mail contractors serving them with mails, or to such others as the Department might direct. 4,000 were styled “ Special and Mail Messenger,” and were directed to defray the expense of their mail supply out of their postage receipts. 1,199 were denominated “ Deposite,” and required to place their net proceeds in depositories prescribed by the Department. 1,009 were styled “ Draft,” and directed to hold their net postages subject to special drafts issued by the Postmaster General. As the acknowledgments of payment taken by the postmasters from the individuals to whom they thus disburse their postage collections entitles them to corresponding credits on the books of the Auditor, it will be seen that this admirable financial system enables the Department to make complete quarterly settlements with both postmasters and contractors ; in other words, with its debtors and creditors. 9. Letters, alleged to be valuable, posted at one post office in the United States, and deliverable at another such office, shall from and after the first day of July, 1855, be registered at the office of mailing, on the application of the person posting the same, ayid the payment of a registration fee office cents. Such letters addressed to Canada may be registered on the same terms. Postmasters are instructed to enter all such letters in a book to be prepared and kept for the pur- pose. to be called the Receipt Book (which, in small offices, will be prepared by stiching together the several sheets of blank receipts furnished by this Department,) containing blank receipts with a wide margin for a brief duplicate of each, as in Bank check books. The postmaster will enter in this margin the number of the receipt, the date of filling it, the name of the person to whom the let- ter is addressed, and of the place ,to which it is to be mailed. He will then fill up the receipt to correspond with this marginal entry, separate it from the margin, and deliver it to the person who deposited the letter. UNITED STATES MAIL SERVICE ABROAD. 16 CHAPTEE IX. UNITED STATES MAIL SERVICE ABROAD. TTNITED STATES MAIL SERVICE ABROAD, AS IN’ OPERATION ON THE IsT OF OCTOBER, 1855. Distance. Number of Trips. Annual Pay. New York, by Southampton, England, to Bremenhav- en, Germany. Charleston, S. C., by Savan- nah, Ga , and Key West, Fla., to Havana, Cuba. New York to Aspinwall, New Grenada, direct.^ New York, via Havana, to New Orleans. Havana to Aspinwall Astoria, Oregon, by Port Or- ford and San Francisco, to Panama, New Grenada, (supplying Monterey, San Diego, &e., by a separate coastwise steamer from San Francisco, in due con- nection with main line.) New York to Liverpool, England. New York, by Cowes, Eng- land, to Havre, France. Aspinwall to Panama, New Grenada. New Orleans, by Tampico, Mexico, to Yera Cruz. mjes. 8,760 669 4,200 3,100 8,270 48 900 Once a month . Twice a month , Tri-monthly Twice a month Twenty-six trips a year. Once a month . , Twice a month Tri-monthly . . . . Ocean Steam Nav- igation Compa- ny, C. H. Sand, president. M. 0. Mordecai.. . . M. O. Eoberts, B. E. Mcllvain, and Moses Taylor. Pacific Mail Steam- ship Company, Wm. H. Aspin- wall, president. E. K. Collins, Jas. Brown,andStew- art Brown. Ocean Steam Nav- igation Compa- ny, M. Living- ston, agent. Panama Eailroad Company. E. H. Carmick. $200,000.00 50,000.00 290,000.00 348,250.00 858,000.00 150,000.00 122,614.92 69,750.00 Under contract with the Postmaster General, agreeably to act of Con- gress of March 3, 1845. Under contract wittf the Postmaster General, agreeably to acts of Con- gress of March 3, 1847, and July 10, 1848. Under contract with the Sec- retary of the Navy, agree- ably to acts of Congress of March 3, 1847, and March 3, 1851. Under contract with the Sec- retary of the Navy and Postmaster General, agreeably to acts of Con- gress of March 3, 1847, and March 3, 1851. Under contract with the Sec- retary of the Navy, agree- ably to acts of Congress of March 3, 1847, and July 21, 1852. ider contract with the Postmaster General, agreeably to act of Con- gress of March 3, 1847. Under a temporary arrange- ment authorized by act of Congress of March 3, 1851 . Service recognized at the rate of 22 cents a pound up to the 31st of March, ,1855, and at 18 cents a pound since that period. Under contract with the Postmaster General, agreeably to aet of Con- gress of August 80, 1852. As yet semi-monthly ser- vice only, omitting Tam- pico, has been performed, and deductions for these omissions have been made in pay. Inc The revenues derived by the United States, and also by the United States Post Office, during the year ending 30 June, 1855, from each of the trans- Atlantic mail steamship lines, were as follows ; The gross amount of United States postages on mails transported — By the Cunard (English) line, was $100,768.41 By the Collins line ; 454,681.11 By the Bremen line 117,321.70 By the Havre line 89,011.12 Total gross revenue 761,762.34 16 THE GENERAL POST OFFICE. The number of letters exchanged between the United States and the United Kingdom in British Mails, during the year ending 30 June, 1855 — By the Canard line, was 1,815,601 By the Collins line 1,544,315 By the Bremen line 245,850 By the Havre line 236,562 Total 3,842,228 The number Qf newspapers — By the Cunard line, was 1,377,470 By the Collins line 1,276,540 By the Bremen line 242,227 By the Havre line 258,363 Total 3,154,600 CHAPTEK X. GENERAL RECAPITULATION. GENERAL RECAPITULATION, SHOWING THE AMOUNTS ACTUALLY CREDITED FOR THE TRANS- PORTATION OF THE MAILS, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES, AND THE AMOUNT OF POSTAGES COLLECTED IN THE SAME, DURING YEAR ENDING 30 JUNE, 1855. States and Territories. Letter Postage. Newspaper Postage. Stamps Sold. Total Postage Transporta- Collected. tion. Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts. .▼. Rhode Island Connecticut New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Virginia North Carolina . South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi Texas Kentucky Michigan Wisconsin Louisiana Tennessee Missouri Illinois Ohio Indiana Arkansas Iowa California Oregon Territory Minnesota Territory New Mexico Territory Utah Territory Nebraska Territory Washington Territory Kansas Territory $75,779.81 46,225.67 44.465.15 239,894.87 23,812.87 75,691.47 734,453.80 66,645.35 301,646.67 9,967.91 82.029.26 17,876.91 92.562.63 26,831.98 36.156.26 50,117.08 8.167.52 46,416.00 86,092.95 87,873.40 59,307.46 77,223.52 65,406.13 69.140.64 42.070.50 71.872.50 142,177.16 237,457.30 95,248.74 16,894.54 44.540.15 141,833.90 8,859.02 6,681.71 578.46 1.745.52 817.81 1,718.86 258.06 8,148,037.49 $15,418.88 10.995.53 12.036.91 33,226.95 4,520.79 24.254.54 106,206.19 11,556.74 64.073.29 2,377.32 31.712.92 3,548.70 28.499.29 11,692.26 8,075.48 16,066.34 2,343.38 13,583.62 11.464.17 8,532.58 15,065.68 15.201.00 13.959.18 18.833.66 18,238.50 14,587.37 32.457.55 47.227.01 24,578.87 4,828.46 9,680.99 11.819.67 1,192.30 1,160.85 147.81 178.45 61.46 223.42 40.22 639,112.82 $60,165.27 38,887.94 36,814.04 259,062.90 80,291.31 79,284.36 542,498.23 31,495.71 217,293.83 7,298.88 77,743.40 21,288.57 96,799.30 84,235.13 47,368.45 73,880.03 8,764.26 44.514.93 81,182.87 24.530.07 55,694.12 • 49,763.61 83,588.66 60,778.89 48.377.15 53,742.18 105,252.61 167,958.81 60.578.07 8,941.16 28.198.94 81,437.69 753.48 4,245.04 291.56 140.77 12.61 78.82 468.54 2,612,641.63 $151,368.46 95,609.14 92.816.10 632.184.22 58,624.57 179,230.37 1,383,157.72 109,697.80 683,013 29 19.644.11 191,485.58 42.714.18 217.861.22 72,759.37 91.600.19 149,063.40 19.275.16 104,514.55 78,739.99 70;436.05 130.067.26 142.188.18 112,908.96 133.753.19 103,686.15 189,662.00 279,887.82 452,643.12 180,405.63 80.664.16 82,420.08 234.591.26 10,804.80 11,087.10 1,017.83 2/)64.74 . 891.87 2,015.60 761.82 6,294,791.44 $82,218.18 46,631.34 64,437.93 153,091.01 13,891.73 81,462.52 481,410.21 80,084.20 251,833.46 9,243.66 192,743.08 245,592.51 148.249.59 192,216.88 216.003.59 77,553.96 226.816.56 170,785.05 209,986.28 144,161.34 148,204.11 92,842.89 133,810.73 116.091.59 185,096.96 280,038.39 421,870.53 190,480.32 117,669.92 84,428.95 185.886.57 27.242.41 18,818.70 82,013.83 14,753.04 5,082,102.02 POST-OFFICES AND POST-MASTERS IN THE UNITED STATES ON THE 30TH OF JUNE, 1856. WITH A STATEMENT OF THEIE POSTAGE EECEIPTS FOE THE TEAE ENDING BOTH OF JUNE, 1855. OfiSces in the following list noted by dashes in the figure columns are such as failed to render complete returns to the Department during the year, or are of recent establishment. The commissions of Postmasters are 60 per cent, on postage collections not exceeding $100 per quarter, 50 per cent, on the next $300, 40 per cent, on the next $2000, 15 per cent, on all sums over $2400 ; but no Postmaster can receive a larger compensation from commissions than $500 per quarter. ALABAMA. Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Eight-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Autaugaville — Chesnut Creek . Crystal Springs.. ” 3d Hartwooi Huntington Independence Kingston (c. h.) Milton Mulberry Prattville Eobinson’s Springs. . Swift Creek Antan^a County. Geo. A. McAllister. Andrew J. Cooper. Jacob P. House John D. Strock Wm. T. Massengale Charney Cale Alexander Sample .John H. Barlow . . Charles C. Dickerson Benjamin Durden. . Joseph L. Chapman B. B. Smith Benton County. Baldwin County. Blakdy (c. h.) James H. Stanmyres Honey Cut Edward P. Brown. . Stockton iLuke C. Lane Tensaw 1 Charles Daniels Barbour County. William N. Adkison. Fletcher G. Thweatt E. Eaymond Mears. . .Jonathan Thomas. . . .Joseph Whigham, Jr Whitfield Clark Milton H. Streater . . James M. Hamilton. Seaborn .Jones William Williams. . . Daniel M. Weston . . Adkison’s BattsviUe Buck Branch... . Buford Choctawhatchie Clayton (c. h.) , . Cowikee Eufaula Fort Browder. . . Fort Williams . . Glennville . Jernigan David Averett King.s 'E. Me. D. Bostwick, Louisville iDanfel McKenzie... . Midway iThomas Harris . ... . . Mount Andrew 'Joseph W. Smith Mount Prospect John W. Norton Mount Serene Aaron Brown New Topia Eobert 11. Davis. . . . White Oak Springs.. John G. McLendon. 2 4.94 4.55 209.82 45.76 535.28 30.19 351.88 40.36 20.74 98.18 127.22 37.45 4.15 10.60 2.89 ; Cane Creek : Corn Grove ! Cove Creek ' Cross Plains , Fair Play JacJcsonmlle (c. h.). . Kemp’s Creek i Ladiga I Lead Mines i Loydville j Morrisville Mount Polk i Narrow Valley j New Bethel ! Oak Level ; Oxford ' Palestine j Eabbittown I Shoal Creek j Ten Islands I White Plains i^femes P. Wood $129.87 Leroy Bedwell 3.53 A. J. Gritfin George H. Boyd 20.28 Eobert E. Jelks 9.89 Jacob F. Daily 28.83 Marcus D. Heath . . . 12.37 John Y. Nisbit 335.64 James Kemp 10.64 John E. Graham. . . . 19.96 Daniel P. Davis John J. Eailton 2.89 Thomas J. Loyd Daniel M. Walker . . 21.61 John B. Camp . 2.32 Benjamin N. Pago. . 7.60 William Carmichael. 15.56 John Smartt 91.87 Gardner Wheeler. . . 6.75 John U. Whitesides. 10.05 James D. Thompson. .98 Wm. J. Whisenant. . — Fred’k W. Vaughan. 6.84 Benjamin F. Bray. . . 68.16 i Caudle’s Shop I Cmtrmille (c. h.). . . Maplesville i Mars ' Eandolph • Scottsville ■ Blount Spring ! BlovMtsville (c. h.) . . ! Brooksville : Copperas Gap ! Chepultepec Bibb County. Stephen Caudle Josiah S. Kennedy.. Nathan Peeples Eobert Oldham John Brown Taliaferro F. Samuel Blount County. John IT. Henderson. Philip M. Musgrove. Houston Scott .Josepli 1). Harrison. Wilson B. Deaver... Little Warrior iHenson D. Harbin. . 6.88 131..37 48.75 14.33 55.97 42.74 22.58 42.98 9.76 5.94 6.18 $37.62 2.10 10.90 2.81 13.60 7.90 280.78 2.07 13.18 134 5.10 10.01 76.98 4.01 7.09 .58 8.20 38.96 8.91 189.75 29.11 3.47 81.53 3.09 10.88 22.88 6.11 4 . 6(1 4.57 18 POST-OFFICES AND P 0 S T - M A S T E R S Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster, Kight-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Blount Coimty — (Continue^. Murphree’s Valley. Summit Village Springs — Violy Walnut Grove Butici’ Comnty. Butler’s Spring . . . Camp Creek Dead Fall Friendship Georgiana <.h'ee'ihville (c. h.) Kirkville Manningham Millville James Eeynolds Nathaniel E. Daniel. Joseph S. Hartley. . Henry Terry! Pitt S. Milner Alexander McKellar James Kirkpatrick, . Darius J. Ferguson. Louis Marshall Monterey [Jonathan M. Teldell Oaky Streak | James W. Josey. Sal Soda j Stephen Bishop. . South Butler Ijohn T. Henderson. Starlington j James W. Page.. Three Euns 1 Joseph Steiner. . . 47.27 18.29 252.00 82.98 89.15 19.68 58,61 12.95 17.95 24.80 19.86 22.04 Choctaw County — {Continued). Baily B. Murphree. . $3.90 $2.72 Pushmataha Joseph Levy $46,551 Absalom W. Arnold. 22.02 11.46 Eed Creek Hezekiah Dubose. . . 22 32 Moses M. Posey 17.00 9.34 Tompkinsville John A. Eussell 54.12 Joel Blackburn Harvey Cornelius. . . 4.92 14.87 3.40 9.30 Williams’s tx) Eoads Wm. J. Tankersley.. 28.9ol Cl.^irfe Cosiuty. $24.89 9.52 55.31 7.88 Chambers Comilyt Bethlehem Chambers C. H.. Beulah Cusseta Fredonia Hallawoka Hickory Flat Kendall’s M Eoads Milltown Mount Hickory New Harmony Oak Bowery Osanippa Eock Shoals Eough and Eeady . Waverly William C. Dobbins John H Fraser James M. Eoberts. . . Zachariah P.Worthy James L. Eobinson. . Marshall J. Thomp- son William C. Hudson . E. H. Kendall Vfilliam Graggs WTlliam Clark Wm. H McWhorter Walton E. Smith John P. W. Amerine James M. Griffin. . William C. Bandy Henry H. Eatman. . . C&ero&cc Coissity. Ball Play Blue Pond Cedar' Bluff (c. h.) . . Cedar Springs Centre Cobb’s Mills Coloma Gadsden Gaylesville Goshen [lannegan Howel’s M Eoads. Hoke’s Bluffs King’s Hill Kirk’s Grove Leesburgh Oceola Pleasant Gap Eio Grande Einggold 7 77i 295.56, 85.27 52.61 8.22 2 29 John G. Garrett — Andrew Poore John Laurence John 8. Willson. , . . Dennis L. E. Butt. . . James M. Moseley.. Eobert W. Clark — John D. McMichael. John M. Hendrix. . . Henry Fulenwider. . James Newberry — George W. Howel. . William B, Wynne. Francis W. King — Wm. E. Kirkpatrick. James B. Land .... Benj. F. Chapman. Samuel Snodgrass. . Solomon P. Wood. . Carter M. McCul- lough Sand Eock Asa E. Brindley .... Spring Garden James Montgomery. Turkey town I Eobert S, Cowan. . . . Choctaw County. Barryton IWm. D. Humphrey.', Jlladen Springs Henry W. Stafford . . | Butler (c. h.) William W. Wier . . . Desotoville Simeon Walton Hurricane Creek |James L. F. Blanks. Isney Thomas Bonner Mount Sterling Thomas H Lanier. . Nicholson’s Store . . . W’^illiam L Mitchell. Old Washingt’nC. H. Benjamin D. Turner Pelham Janies L Fontaine.. Air Mount Bashi Choctaw Corner Coffeeville Gainestown Gosport Grove Hill Jackson Morvin Saint Paul Suggsville . John Hope George Carleton. . Lycurgus Poole . . . John W. Figures.. . James M. Jackson. Alfred Davis Henley W. Coate. . . Eudolph E. Priestffi*. Archibald Campbell. Nathaniel Bradford Solomon Nordlinger 13.21 30.09 68.82 77.68 42.65 15.08 90.08 52.77 15.74 8.70 81.441 6.53' 14.07 29.50 26.51 19.38 5.10 168.16 22,80 4,46 4.53 50.59 CotFce County. Buzbeeville Oliver H. Buzbee . . . ! 11.88 11.04 Coffee Corner Jesse Gainer 12.95 7.59 Elba L. J. G allow av . ' — 1 133.45 79.77 Geneva Alexander Monroe. . 96.28 93.51 Indigo Head Nace Collins ^ 29.18 17.93 Oldtown Christopher C. Holly. 'Jciilus S Perdue 1 5.00 3.00 Wellborn {c. h.) Joseph B. Peacock..! 2.40 .27 Conecuh County. Belleville Brooklyn Evergreen Fort Crawford . Jamestown — Lewis’s Station Nathansville . . Eural Hill Sepulga Sparta (c. h.) . Alex. A. Autrey 64.50 31.38 Julius G. Eobinson. 41.33 15.86 C. L. Grant 47.59 35.00 James L. Sewell 14.57 7.91 Wm. A. B. Lamm . . — — Henry M. Lewis — — Nicholas S. Travis. . 9.82 6.24 W m. W. Johnson. . . 13.01 . 9.62 Andrew E. Jackson. 46.92 80.80 Andrew J. Burnett . 86.81 82.77 Coosa County, 41.29| 69.69 80.70, 14.15: 3i'.82' 68.99 63 501 49.50 19.02 88 61 82.16 8.90 41.83 74.29 19.54 85.97 Adams’ Store Bradford Bulger’s Mills Buycksville Equality Good Water Hanover Lynchburgh Marble Valley Mount Olive Nixburgh Hockfbrd (c, h.) ... Soccopatoy Traveller’s Eest ... Weogufka Wetumpka 3.84 89.37 78.90 96.58 6.62 19.86 89.18 60.32 20.96 9.60 12.39 lO.eo 32.01 31.03 17 05 9 33 Andalusia {c-h.). 11.02 2.32 87.02 41.43 Samuel P. Adams . . Gideon Stringer — Leroy M. Parker Wm. H. Spigener. . . Braddock Harriss .. William Adkiys John C. Brown Thomas M. Lynch . . James L. Findley. . . John Works . . . i . . . Augustus C. Morgan. West D. Walden . . . Geo. J. McKenzie . . Stephen A. Pearce.. John Clisley Leander Brj*an . ... 16.00 62.89 10.85 46.65 21,00 16.91 10.70 81.03 1794 19.06 85.40 103.31 34.57 10.84 9.67 756.89 13.23 7.53 81.84 7.66 9.59 6.85 8.57 10.33 8.99 54.74 85.96 20.22 9.00 7.48 Covington County. Barnes’ M Eoads — Beaver Creek Big Creek . . . Clopton Daleville Echo Goline Haw Eidge. . Keu'ton (c. h.) Eocky Hoad. Skipperville Westville ... Wood Shop . [John E. Salter 1 5S.71| 44.23 IW. M. Eabun — — [Andrew J. Feagin. . 1 1 — Da!e County. Colmon Barnes 88.31 87.64 John L. Collins 9.79 5.86 Ezekiel Watford — — Francis T. Dickinson 44.2i 25.96 Esau Brooks 51.96 29.60 Francis J. Marshall. 5.84 2.84 Edw'd H. Woodham 2O.00 6.60 Isaac N. Preston . . . 55.78 1 30.65 . Isaiah J. Prim 62.59 , 75.15 . Willis Lawrence ... ' 24.41 87.12 . Eedick P. Peacock . ' 36.30 22.83 Mordecai White : 9.04 5.24 . Thomas Bullard — ' 15.38 15.06 ALABAMA; 19 Li ft-hauil column shows compensation of Postmaster. Right-hand j, net of Otiice to Di-pai tnient. Dallas County. Burnsville ( 'ahaba (c. h.) . . . Cambridge Carlo'.vsville . . . . Elm Bluff Forts Liberty Hill Moseley’s G-rove . Orrville Pleasant Hill Portland Kicbmond Sardis Selma Summerfield Woodlawn Josiah Dunn $74.82 Robert J. Travers . . 441.96 Claudius M. Cochran 8(i..52 JonathanS.Davidson 99.27 Wm. S. La Tourette. 17.85 TT^nry TTmiatoTi .... C. J. Currie 69.68 Lewis P. Moseley. . . 19.60 Frederick H. SmitL. 93.85 Thos. B. Sommerille. 96.17 Chauncy Hall 74.27 Allen W. Coleman . . 73.21 Charles J. Provost.. — Wm. H. Eager 1082.05 Robert H. Baker . . . 293.72 Robert C. Gibson. . . — Harrison Havanna Hollow Square, Hopewell Knoxville Mount Hebron Greene ( "otm ty — ( ( ''oniin u ed) James A McCrary . George H. Sheldon Samuel Beck James D Duncan . George W. Fox — Phillip G. Morgan. Newbern George B. Turpin New Prospect Pleasant Kidge Springfield Union Welton FranklinWillingham Irvin Barnes Julixis Cleveland. . . William Miller .... Fountain Gaines. . . De Ralb County. Hancock County. Clear Creek Falls. . . i Benjamin Boteler. . . Houston j Samuel W. Deskin. . LiltlesviUe | James M. Little Annawaika Atwood Coxville Duck Spring F airview Greenwood Head Spring Hendricksville Lebanon (c. h.). — North Bend Porterville Jiawlinyaville (c. h.) Keese’s Mills Sand Mount Valley Head Van Buren Will’s Valley George C. White . . . 4.54 Thomas Logan 1.92 Thomas G. A. Cox.. 8.44 Nathan S. Penn 14.97 Charles W. Lay — Jeptha Edwards 5.47 Abner Phillips 2.65 James Y. Carithers . •24.17 George W. Malone, . 40.99 Pleasant D. Phillips. 7.86 Andrew J. Ward . . . 11.79 Jesse G. Beeson 32.49 David V. Reese 4.00 John C. Latham — Wm. 0. Winston . . . 27.13 Warner L. Driskell. 88.00 Stephen J. Tiner . . . 12.00 Abbeville Columbia Cureton’s Bridge . , Franklin Hilliardsville Henry County. James W. Stokes . A. J. Coe John A Wood . . . John B Appling . . Lawrenceville Mill Grove Open Pond Otho Eed Level — cock Mumford Collins . . Thomas Brown. . . William Wood . . . James K. Morris . . Alex. W. Bateman Jackson County. Fayette County. William Owens Le Grand Shepherd. David Loftis Green M. Richards . James Killingsworth John L. Walton James Middleton . . . Lewis Bobo Garrett Griffin . . . . James R. Mitchell . . Mud Creek j Hiram Smith John R. Yerby . ... Richmond M. Shep- herd Asbury: Beaverdale Big Pond Davis’ Creek Dublin . Fayette C. H Hester’s Hill Military Springs. Millport . New River NewtonvUle Olinda Pilgrim’s Rest , Sheffield Henry W. Cole Yellow Creek I Peter Camper Elisha E. Trull Guilford J. Childress Franklin County. Allsboro’ Blue Lick Burleson Buzzard Roost. . . . Chickasaw Churubusco Frankfort La Grange Newburgh Newport Pleasant Site Rock Creek — J{nH'51 -2.33 4.90 2.68 13.65 6.39 .28 .16 95.11 110.39 9.87 5,75 24.28 14.80 4.52 3.08 19,37 11.73 6.50 3.00 28.57 10.91 29.89 23.34 11.41 6.24 35.32 11.24 84.00 19.50 53.76 28.03 2.09 2.33 106.98 88.27 9.27 3.67 5.95 4.59 8.85 6.53 14.58 4.76 9.65 4.42 24.00 9.36 12.30 7.38 19.85 13.92 19.75 18.40 6.64 3.69 10.33 2.89 16.13 8.50 30.44 7.45 .28: .24 15.34 9.58 4.40 2.10 65.55 77.95 29.57 24.45 29.11 13.72 4.93 3.53 1.65 1.04 8.39 6.78 15.24 11.03 26 POST-OFFICES AND P 0 S T - M A S T E R S . I.eft-liand cnliiTim sliows compensation of Postmaster. Kiglit-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Seb^istian County# Back Bone Bloomer . . Brunner . . Chocoville. Fort Smitli GremAcood (e. h.). Hodge’s Prairie . . James’ Fork Jenny Lind Long Prairie New Market Bound Knob Sugar Loaf Brownstown . . Centre Point. . . Farmington Norwoodsville. Paraclifta Eocky Comfort Saline Ultima Thule . . Beaver Euin . . Champagnolle. Eldorado Hillsboro’ Lisbon Meeks Mount Holly . . New London . . Pigeon Hill Scotland Three Creeks. . Tremont Union Springs . Wilmington . . . Henry A. Gouger. . . $ (P Andrew J. Brooks . . 7.33 3.71 David L. Cormack. . 3.48 2.14 William Chadwick. . 5.49 4.13 Samuel H. Mont- 453.62 487.17 gomery James Johnston. 13.70 9.17 Win. G. Woodson .. 9.65 5.13 Francis M. Moore. . . 13.15 8.23 James J. Baker 19.93 13.04 Alexander D. Scott. . — — W m. M. Bradshaw. . 11.80 6.96 Leonard Spradling. . — — Francis W. Daniels. . 17.25 8.55 Sevier County, Burton H. Kins- worthy 49.71 . E. W. McFall 40.83 . J ohn T. Turrentine . . Lewis H. Norwood.. . Henry G. Bind 18.99 64.31 . Franklin L. Eeid . . . 54.67 . Stephen Clienault. .. 5..55 . William K. McKean. 23.53 48.92 18.05 14.69 18.58 2T.33 2.13 9.14 lutou County. Needham Powell.... William H. Adams.. John A. Avera. William E. Hunt David S. Arnold Hugh B. Cobb James H. Capers Armand Lefils William M. Ware. . . Hugh Kelly Artemus Brown Leonel B. Hyatt Warren Parker Stephen Smith Fan Eiiren County. Clinton Kinderhook Liberty Springs. Quitman Valley Springs.. . .Jonathan T. Bradley . William Cullura 87.57 13.52 . Eobert L. Norman. . — . , Jesse YCitt 27.72 . John T. Jones 4.61 Washington County. Billingsly [Hiram H. Barrow. . . I 11.441 Boonsboro’ [Ewing W. McClure, j 159.53 j 18.18 3.37 14.80 2.00 7.01 75.18 Washington Cou nty — ( Continued). Boon’s Grove Elm Springs Evansville Fayettemille (c. h.) . . Greenville Herrnannsburgh . . Hilochee Maguire’s Store Sylva Taney West Fork Benjamin F. Eeagor. $21.-36 $14.52 William S. Deaver. . 37.68 18.84 John H. Barney 48.04 21.35 William Adams 413.32 258.58 Jeremiah Brewster.. 4.50 3.00 James S. Hukill 16..37 9..39 Daniel B. Neal 10.46 6.23 Hosea M. Maguire. . 13.43 7.19 Martin W. Thorn- bcrrv 46.30 44.52 -John Crawford 7.25 4.96 i Oliver L. Karnes 2.29 .92 Buena Vista Buffalo Camden (c. h.). . . Caney Freco Herrnannsburgh . Lamartine Leake’s Store Liberty Ouachita Petersburgh Seminary Two Bayou Woodlawn Washita County. Francis M. Cross James A. Norris Eobert A Callaway. John McNeely James Thompson . . . John H. Hermann. . Thomas P. Dockery. Samuel Leake George Adams E. C. Bacon Thomas Satterv’hite. Eiley Manning N. Wilder Thomas C. Old 8.75 4.22 21.61 10.28 374.89 480.42 211.78 7.55 72.41 45.49 1 6.-37 19.-39 46.51 42.43 56.18 32.02 22.63 10.26 25.89 13.61 9.28 2.68 White County. Centre HiU Cold Well Eoyal Colony . . . Searcy (c. h.). . . Stony Point Ten Mile Creek. Velvet Eidge. . . West Point William B. Holland . — Elijah Little 17.49 David Thornton — 8.60 Hugh Eeed 18.5.46 John E. Wooten 24.02 Jacob Pate .21 Parks S. Middleton . 7.14 W. H. Bradshaw 32.23 5.90 173.23 13.66 .16 3.54 17.58 Fell County. Bluffton Chikalah Dawdille (c. h.) Dardanelle Gravelly Hill Parkersburgh Petite Jean Eock Creek — Eover Joseph Gault 16.50 8.00 Burk Johnson 15.42 7.05 Jonathan T. Shoupe. 83.78 91.88 George Magness . . : . Lorenzo E. F'rie 140.31 108.11 3.60 — Sidney A. Shed 8.63 3.23 Henry Ward 5.25 3.60 Alexander A. Scott. . 7.70 4.17 William Anderson Carter 2.28 1.00 CALIFOENIA. Alameda County. Alameda . Arthur S. Barber $49.65 Alvarado A. M. Church 276.79 "RrArklrlvn Bclzal’l M. Atchinson Centreville Ecuben Z. Clements. 30.00 Oakland . . . , Thonuis Gallagher. . — San Leandro! Lewis Jjangfeld — San Lorenzo Freedom H. Cowles. 72.48; Drytown . . Jackson. . . Sarahvillo Volcano. . . Amador County. William O. Clark . . . B B. Eedhead Hugh Eobinson Ileiu-y T. Barnum .. 827.58 648.(10 749 86 $12.56 176.78 24.40 187.88 389.00 4S5.0S Bid well’s Bar Brush Creek ... . Charley’s Eancho. Cherokee Chico Forbestown Hamilton Lassens Oroville Pea Vine W^oodville Butte County. John W. Gilkyson . . ($606.05 David G. Martin. . . John Lowery Thomas McDanel. . John Bidwell Nathaniel D. Plum. Eobert Davis William P. Mayhow Dewitt C. Downer . David Whipple Joseph Wood Calavaras County. Angel’s Camp [John C. Scriluier.. . Camp Seco [jared L. Dixon | 550.00| 289.851 $371.68 41.00 73.22 124.69 18.00 15.04 191.15 305.00 CALIFORNIA. 27 Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Right-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Calavaras County — {Continued). Double Springs Fourth Crossing Jone Yallev Mill Talley Mokelumne Hill. . . . Murphys North Branch O’Byrue's Ferry Pleasant Springs . . , San Andreas Sutter Creek Yallicita Coins! County. Coluai (c. h.) 'William Tincent. Grand Island Thomas Eddy . . . Monroeville J. Weston, Jr . . . Moon's Eanch Nathaniel Merrill Princeton Eobert S. Arnett. Tehama Owen Gerry Nelson T. Norcross . Alex'r C. Bentzhof . . James H. Alvord . . . "PI .T O-al^nrn $53.62 193.92 $36 35 90.86 Henry S. Anhiser. . Augustus H. Stevens Edwin T. Lake .Tnim 1022.28 642.48 284.95 798.46 411.10 154.20 [Adolphe H. Hoerch^ 1 ner 42.00 18.00 'Charles C. Sweet Dwight Crandall . . . Geo. T. McMurray.. S'lO.OO 244.25 123.00 125.00 11.3.92 62.00 222.06 129.53 19.50 12.16 36 50 21.00 13.37 8.07 162.00 79.00 Contra Costa County. Alamo Antioch ^lartinez (c. h.). . San Pablo John M. Jones 50.48 30.70 George Brown 20 68 14.28 Hiram Fogg - 341.14 129.77 Asa B. Bates 11.44 3.94 [Samuel EusseU 6.05 3 23 Eldorado County. Bottle Hill Cedarville Clarksville Cold Spring Coloma (c. h.) Diamond Spring. . . Eldorado Fiddletown Garden Yalley Georgetown Grizzly Flats Greenwood Indian Diggings . . . Kelsey Newtotvn PUot Hill Placerville Salmon Falls Spanish Flat Yeomet Samuel M. Jamison. Abrah’m Blockmann 74.49 46.60 David Cummins John M. Goetschines 279.19' 166.74 Eobert F. Davis 1583.19: 1475.26 Michael K. Shearer. 839.34: 504.95 Alexander Irvine. . . Dennis Townsend. . . 242.40 123.51 Simeon L. Stewart. . 35.00 19.00 Joseph C. Terrill 1240.44 1014.34 .J ames Burgess Samuel B. .Jaques. . . 454.63 303.54 .John W. Gilbert .John White. 115.80 54.92 Joseph W. Smith . . . 57.00 34.00 Alexander J. Bayley 93.11 46.87 Allen M. Thatcher.. 2500.00 2200 00 Eeuben K. Berry. . . 1 185 60 101.51 Jacob Glassman 277.51 166.49 Edwin Bebee Humboldt County. Bucksport . . Eureka TJniontown , William Eoberts Tristram H. Foss . . . Albert H. Murdock. . Klamath County. Crescent City (c. h.).] David C. Lewis Trinidad lEliakim C. Darling . Los Angeles County. Tames S. Waite.. . .. Los Angeles Monte San Gabriel. San Padro . Ira Thompson Thomas Burdick . . . Geo. C. Alexander. . . Marin County. Novate IHenry F. Jones. . San lidfael (c. h.). . . i Walter Skidmore , Marii»osa County. AguaFrio. . (Benjamin F. Whitten' Bondville Stephen Bond i Forlorn Hope 1 Thomas Eagleson ' Gwin William Laughlin... I Indian Guleh James A. Morton. . . 112.55! 1 68.96 409.56 1 241.44 57.00 1 28.35 892.16 219.35 11.83 6.99 7.(Ui 4,00 31.40 16.40 21.15 ! 11.56 32.S8[ 17.36] 1 112.68 1 68.57 ‘ 34.33 19.51 : Mariposa County — {Continued). Homitas Leach’s Store .... 3Iariposa (c. h.). Maxwell’s Creek. Millerton New Potosi Ophir Pleasant Yalley. . Quartsbuigh Snelling’s Eanch . . . , Willis L. Goss Lewis Leach John F. McNamara. George W. Coulter. . Hugh A. Carroll James A. Bolin Joseph H. Miller Arthur Shearer David M. Pool Charles Y. Snelling. Split Eock John A. Bugg Monterey County. Monterey (c. h ) Natividad Salinas San Juan William Curtis James Stokes James Bryant Hill. Patrick Breen $ 666.35 $ 470.65 227.75 136.80 107.81 47.42 259.14 148.18 87.20 46.59 9.00 8.60 242.001 107.00 34.23^ 22.36 112.66; 1 61.67 Rapa County. Napa City (c. h.) . . . [George N. Cornwell, j Sebastopol [Donald M. Johnson. | RfeYada County. Alpha Clinton Grass Yalley Little York Nevada City (c. h.) . Patterson Eed Dog Eough and Eeady . . Andrew J. Alston. , . — Henry M. Moore . . . 110.00 Erastus Mathewson. 1462.80 Wm. W. Cozzens . . . — Wm. H. Endicott. . . 2000.00 Eugene P. Turney . . — - Jeremiah C. Green.. — Edwin B. Winans .. 733.48 50.00 1245.48 2248,99 290.00 Placer County. Auburn Corn Creek Hlinoistown Iowa City Lisbon Michigan Bluff. Mountain Springs . . Neillsburgh Ophirville Oro City Eattlesnake Bar Secret Eavine Todd’s Yalley Yankee Jims Eobert Gordon .Tnhn Bnrnps 846.00 627.00 Barzillai BrickeU — 165.61 58.17 Joseph Colgan 720.00 437.00 Geo. W. Applegate . — — Frederic S. Washeim 843.52 190.38 Henry H. Brown . . , 260.67 84.24 Arthur C. Neill — Daniel B. Curtis 422.05 235.41 George White 108.00 27.00 Thomas Woods 197.00 42.00 Horace G. Hart 155.00 50.00 William N. Hall James Herrick 784.99 491.06 Meadow Valley. Nelson’s Creek . Onion Yalley... Quincy Plumas County. Orlando Fuller I John C. Lewis 240.00 James E. Whitson . . Lewis Stark 150.00 Sacramento County, Brick Post Office . . . Buckner Cosumne Elliott’s Eanch Folsom City Franklin Georgiana Michigan Bar Mormon Island Onisbo Sacramento City Sutter T. Lufkin James Buckner Wm. D. Wilson Lewis T. Mitchell. .. James Clarken J. E Crawford .John M. Sidwell Benjamin F. Wayne. .Tames W. Denison.. Charles S. Howell . . Ferris P’orman Daniel E. Hastings..! 20 43 115.96 19.72 874.95 33.00 1800.00 120.00 108.00 4..31 47.55 10.72 468.27 10.00 9500.00 San Bernardino County* SanBernardinoi.c.\\)\D&m(i\ M. Thomas . . [ 99.50] 64.66 San Diego County* San Diego (c. h.) . . . | George Lyons j 156.88] 76.78 28 POST-OFFICES AND POST -MASTERS. Left-hand column shows comi)ensation of Postmaster. Eight hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. San Francisco County, Belmont San Francisco (c. h.) Steinberger’s Woodside lyXiirshfl-ll E* Pcilni6r ^ Charles L Weller... 1856.40 V 9,2049.$8 Edward Hancock . . . 132.00 39.00 Matthias Ail’d Park- 1 hurst San Joaquin County • Foreman’s Eancb. French Camp Knight’s Ferry Loving’s Ferry McDermott’s Bridge Staples’ Ranch Stockton Samuel Foreman . . . 27.00 4.50 Robert W. Noble 31.61 20.15 Wm. E. Stewart..... 127.00 49.24 .Tr^hn T.Avinor Wm. F. McDermott. 27.67 12.26 David I. Staples 66.00 38.00 William Lanius 1920.60 2498.59 San Luis Obispo County* Sa/nLuisObispoi^^a..) 1 Alexander Murray. . | 13.981 Santa Barbara County* Santa. Aa-r&araCc.hOlGeorge D. Fisher. . . I 45.00 1 Santa Clara County* Gilroy McCartysville Mayfield Mission San Jose Mountain View. Milpitas Santa Clara San Jose (c. h.) Santa Cruz County* Santa Cruz (c. h.) . . lElihu Anthony I 227.981 Watsonville | Llewellyn Thrift | 162.46 1 6.92 23.36 Shasta County* American Ranche. . . Cottonwood Thomas A. Freeman William Lean 90.00 TT'rpup}! O-nlpli William G. Gibbs. . . .Tames R. Pile Hor.setown. . AfiHHlptnwn Chas. M. McKinney. Joseph R. Bradway. James Lemmon Red Bluff. 125.69 1157.00 Shasta Whiskey Creek Benjamin Mix Sierra County* Downerville Forest City Gibsonville Goodyear’s Bar. Plum Valley Eabbittown — Saint Louis James Gernon William Henry Nobl eC . Cunningham Julius Meinhardt. . . . F. B. Cloecker Eli S. Lester. Wm. P. Williams. . . 1317.86 530.00 414.39 Siskyou County. Henley Ottitiewa . . . Scott River , Treka George C. Merritt. . . George H. Coe 14.50 Riley Hayden — William Grow 1507.37 173.95 65.11 18.00 53.74 940.00 958.39 255.00 251.54 4.50 1484.28 Solano County. Benicia .. Cordelia . . Putah Suisun Vacaville. Valleio. . . Aaron O. Lamorce Elijah Silvey .Tohn W. Barton . . Edgar F. Gillespie Eleazer Frisbie. . . Lucien C. Everett. . . 152.29 60.49 T.pvn .TaIvti OttpraAn Jose J. Vallejo 140.58 77.81 Jacob Shumway 137.61 67.50 Frederick Crighton. — — Henry D. McCobb . . 616.48 329.22 P. 0. Minor 1210.81 692.99 r . 898.97 534.59 58.00 30.00 223.00 145.00 73.00 38.00 250.00 9.00 La Grange ,..| Louis M. Booth 1 1 Suiter County* Johnson’s Ranch. . 1 91.561 Nicolaus 116.61 Yuba City . . [Caleb E. Wilcoxon . . 1 62.34| Sonoma Countv. Bodega Petaluma Russian River Santa liosa (c. h.) . , Smith’s Ranch Sonoma Windsor Joseph M. Millar Wm. R. Swinerton. . Harman G Heald . . Theod. G. Hahmann Stephen Smith $142.06 409.f'9 40.56 191.6T John Selling 249.54 Seveir Lewis Stanislaus County* Trinity County* Big Bar Canon City Lewiston Minersville Trinity Trinity Centre Wm. Codington . B. F. Chamnell. . Cephas Wood.. . . Samuel A. White Craven Lee Moses Chadbourne (c. h.). . jSamuel D. Kreider Tulare County King’s River I James Smith . . . Visalia | John P. Majors.. 118.58 10.50 701.18 $89 98 233.49 23.20 101.14 140.10 49.12 62.12 27.23 68.75 5.50 565.16 Tuolumne County. Big Oak Flat Chinese Camp Columbia Curtisville Don Pedro’s Bar. . Garrote Green Springs. . . . Horr’s Ranch Jacksonville Jamestown Montezuma Shaw’s Flat Sonora Buck Eye Cache Creek Fremont Grafton Washington (c. h.) . . Yolo Joseph W. Butler . . . Milton R. Graham . . Z. B. Tinkum James M. Root Richard Smith J. H Watts Reuben L. Gardner. Gallant D. Dickinson George B. Keys Benjamin A. Mardis. Janies T. Hoyt Johanna Roberts. . . . George W. Patrick. . lolo County* James M Charles E. C. Lane Jonas Speet William G. Seely . Amos W aring James A. Hutton.. 174.62 92.89 279.34 91.82 1801.75 1639.78 18.69 10..52 118.00 35.00 92.77 57.79 81.87 47.11 59.41 39.66 174.48 90.03 644.00 333.00 414.00 254.00 255.55 106.57 1636.25il248.74 82.98 53.21 38.50 13.33 57.36 29.12 162.69 106.59 Yuba Count V* CamptonviUe Dry Creek Emery’s Crossing. . . Empire Ranch Foster’s Bar Honcut Marysville (c. h.). . . Oregon House Owsley’s House Park’s Bar Round Tent Strawberry Valley. . . Samuel J. Bowlby . . Robert McAdam — Thornton C. Emery. ftnImoTi AfArt/ly 451.49 253.14 J. Baker Whitcomb. AT "Pi'/pr 428.10 295.77 Philip W. Keyser. . . 20' 0.00 3000.00 Peter Rice 147.00 TnOO Francis Bridges . — George Wiser 811.37' 173.06 Jonathan E. Slater. . 37.29: 19.68 John A. Barnhart. . . | . — CONNECTICUT 29 Left-hand colnmn shows compensation of Postmaster. Eight-hand one, net revenue of OfBce to Department. CONNECTICUT. Fairfield County. Ball’s Pond. Banksville . Bethel Black Kock Bridgeport . Brookfield . . Alvah S. Pearce John Banks Edward Taylor Alanson Allen Epaphras B.Goodsell Homer Lake Oliver 8. Botsford. . . Francis Fairchild . . . John 8. Waterbury. . IsaaaH. Clock Hezekiah Lyon Edmund Hobart Lloyd 8eeley .... Joshua L. Mosher. . . William Bradley, Jr. 8amuel Close Daniel B. Hawley. . . Isaac Jones Zachariah L. 8helton Elnathan Todd Edward B. Hewes . . Barnabas Allen William A. Clark. . . Cold 8pring — Danbunj (c. h.) Darien Darien Depot . . Easton Fairfield (c. h.) Georgetown — Glenville Greenfield Hill. . Greenwich Hawleyville High Eidge — Huntington Long Eidge — Miauus. Mill Plain Monroe New Canaan ! Henry B. Hoyt New Fairfield [Enoch Knapp Newton Jerome Judson North Greenwich. . . Levi Mead North 8tamford [Alvin Weed North Wilton [Lewis Olmstead Nom^alk lEeuben A. Williams. Eedding ! Jared Olmstead Eedding Bridge | Francis A. 8anford. . Eidgebury I George Bouton Eidgefield ^Harvey K. Smith . . . Eound Hill Calvin Purdy Saugatuck Harvey Allen Sherman Nelson W. Northrop Smith’s Eidge . Stephen A. Keeler. . South Norwalk William C. Sammis.. South Port Samuel Pike Stamford Eoswell Hoyt Stanwich Farnam Knowlton. . Q, Daniel E. Fayer- Stepney weather f... Stepney Depot Allen Platt Stratford David Brooks Trumbull Elihu Beach Trumbull Long Hill. Miles Beardsley Weston ‘Nelson Townsend. . . Westport George L. Cable West Norwalk James L. Benedict. . West Eedding William Griffin Wilton Joseph P. Fitch Winnipauk George H. Eandle.. Hartford County. Avon Berlin Bloomfield Bristol Broad Brook Buckland Burlington Canton Canton Centre — Collinsville East Berlin East Granby East Hartford East Windsor .... East Windsor Hill Enfield Farmington Forestville Glastenbury James Hilton Henry N. Galpin Chauncey N.Latimer George H. Mitchell. . Elihu Hubbard William Jones Borneo Elton Uriah Bailey Simeon Mills Seth P. Norton Edward Wilcox Charles 0. Cornish . . Edward S. Goodwin. William Me Fall. ... James H. Charlton. . Geer Terry George D. Cowles. . . Chauncey Goodrich. Benjamin Taylor . . . $18.59 $11.58 81.28 15.37 285.90 128.81 68.13 20.82 1803.07 5216.54 258.04 77.76 42.23 14.22 989.63 1087.86 94.37 81.27 127.00 50.94 45.05 17.04 274.60 237.98 56.44 16.94 63.97 33.17 51.84 23.43 248.09 118.94 89.02 13.10 24.97 18.57 89.78 20.72 84.04 21.08 154.29 73.40 34.37 20.98 66.68 26.24 893.83 362.57 42.27 21.53 448.26 457.23 27.82 4.49 87.68 17.25 25.59 12.09 914.91 724.07 60.13 37.67 68.88 37.70 16.31 6.66 303.63 327.95 22.00 11.33 99.85 68.09 61.70 29.33 10.81 5.75 347.35 293.50 814.52 240.95 1038.71 11.55.90 36.93 19.66 25.22 13.31 72.44 25.95 356.98 297.75 12.22 3.63 24.53 10.04 24.68 7.24 479.38 469.42 29.84 14.79 163.37 180.22 57.41 22.65 83.76 80.99 204.73 169.11 104.07 16.91 749.87 719.59 175.91 131.89 71.37 29.05 54.25 20.10 ; 48.42 8.21' 50.86 17 04: 373.05 757.60 ' 89.62 78.05 • 51.45 .5.61 ' 186.44 60.26 34.94 7.16- 167.41 147.83 121.35 54.61 402.30 306.71 229 58 48.24 233.08 48.61 ; Hartford Covmty — {Continued). Granby Hartford (c. h.) Hartland Hazardville Hockanum Kensington Manchester Manchester Station.. Marion Marlboro’ New Britain Newington North Canton North Granby Plainville Plantsville Poquonock Eainbow Eocky Hill Scitico Simsbury South Glastenbury . . Southington South Manchester . . South Windsor Suffield Tariffville Thompsonville Unionville ; . . Warehouse Point. . . West Avon West Granby West Hartford West Hartland West Suffield Wethersfield Windsor Windsor Locks Windsorville Bennett B. Loomis. . Wm. J. Hamersley. . Luther H. Stebbins. . Timothy H. Abbe. . . George A. Hall Cyprian Goodrich . . Ealph W. Haughton. Melancthon Hudson. Thomas M Beecher. Asa Day Marcellus Clark . . Henry Kilbourn . . George Adams — Solomon Gaines . . Henry L. Welch. . Simeon H. Norton Samuel Clark Sam’l T. McKenney. Henry Webb Alvah Simons Jeffrey O. Phelps . Oliver Brainerd. . . Amon Bradley Ward Cheney Eoderick King George Williston.. Charles W. Ensign George C. Owen. George Eichards. Joseph Olmstead, Jr. Cory don Woodford Elam Kendall .... Leonard Buckland James H. Seymour Calvin Freeman . . Charles Clapp H. S. Hayden. ... Lucius B. Chapman. Sumner Shepard $126.06 $29.56 2000.00 15,149.94 42.08 — 76.00 4 t .00 57.20 16.58 118.10 15.77 122.17 24.13 214.26 51.33 43.15 13.67 1275.99 1398.49 58.05 18.01 16.92 7.64 22.17 12.19 299.52 234.04 206.91 71.93 94.88 46.74 47.40 24.39 105.24 15.53 51.14 23.96 148.03 20.14 172.38 114 07 410.17 390.33 250.97 58.69 58.63 18.06 5-39.16 527.16 154.41 97.08 552.46 437.04 187.78 21.24 289.53 247.90 37.31 21.42 50.35 19.08 117.53 24.00 22.85 9.10 70 22 18.35 230.31 51.70 132.50 37.05 318.27 354.90 35.54 20.06 Bakersville Bantam Falls Barkhamsted Bethlehem Bridgewater Burrville Campville Canaan Chapinville Colebrook Colebrook Eiver Cornwall Cornwall Bridge Cornwall Hollow. . . East Canaan East Kent Ellsworth Falls Village Goshen ! Harwinton I Hitchcockville j Hotchki.ssviIle [ Huntsville i Kent Lakeville j Lanesville I Lime Kock : Litchfield (c. h.) . . . . I Marble Dale \ Merwinsville I Mill Brook j Milton ! New Hartford 1 New Hartford Centre ; Litchfield Countjb !S. N. Pettibone . . . ■Leonard Kenney.. [George W Merrill [Henry W. Peck.. . I Smith E. Weeks.. Nelson Koberte... Jabez M. Camp. . . William Watson. . Horace Landon . . . Eufus Seymour. . . Ford L. Bidwell . . Horace Hitchcock. Myron Harrison. . . John B. Doughty . Harvey Lawrence. Benjamin Tompkin Calvin F. Peck . . . William S. Marsh . Norman Norton . . Lewis Catlin, Jr. . . Josiah 11. Sage . . . Keuben .1. Allen. . Charles Hunt Eufus Fuller Lorenzo Tupper. . Isaac Northrop . . . William H. Barnum George H. Baldwin Joseph Watson.. Sylvanus Merwin Harvey W. Pinney Homer Kilbourn Daniel S. Bird . . John C. Mason. . 63.47 25.72 62.64 26.60 29.67 1-3.58 87.95 26.57 94.07 32.82 55.60 23.39 29.10 8.75 220.10 207.62 33.15 17-83 93.20 40-59 73.91 26.26 118.11 19.58 109.44 47.48 22.95 14.26 12846 48.56 12.37 8.10 28.15 26.60 427.41 229.48 149.84 112.30 1.37.65 15.06 120.71 76.12 132.35 14.79 46.29 29.56 194..52 15.92 200.37 122.32 50.38 9.71 90.-34 51.66 598.75 637.30 40.90 14.89 141.00 6.76 1-3.78 5.01 .53.05 17.85 209.31 17.88 78.25 21.59 30 POST-OFFICES AND P 0 S T - M A S T E K S . Left-hand column sliows compensation of Postmaster. ItigUt-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Litchfield County — (^Continued). New Milford New Preston Norfolk North Cornwall. . North Colebrook. Northfield North Goshen . . . North Norfolk. . . Northville Ore Hill Pine Meadow . . . Pleasant Valley Plymouth Plymouth Hollow . Eoxbury Salisbury Sharon South Canaan South Farms South Kent South Norfolk Southville Terrysville Torringford Torrington Warren. Washington Watertown West Cornwall West Goshen West Norfolk West Winsted Winchester Winchester Centre.. Wolcottville Woodbury ... Woodville Centre Brook Chester ClinWn Cobalt Cromwell Deep Eiver Durham Durham Centre East Haddam East Hampton Essex Haddam. (c. h.) Haddam Neck Higganum KillingAvorth Lee.sville Middlefield Middle Haddam Middletown (c. h.) . . Moodus Portland Baybrook Saybrook Ferry West Brook Winthrop Ansonia Beacon Falls Bethany Branford Cheshire Derby East Haven . Fair Haven . Guilford . . Hamden , Madison , Meriden. Middleburj Milford . Mount Carmel. Solomon E. Bostwick $464.561$675.60 Marvin S. Beeman. . 94.S9 32.31 Aaron Gilbert 299.80 444.79 Anson Eogers 47.23 15.86 1 Jasper Pinney 35.02 7.93 AVilliam Newton 51.50 18.85 Samuel H. Merwin . 5.26 8.51 Amos E. Collar 23.00 Id.Od Mrs. Betsy E. Hunt . 34.55 14.85 Philip Eockefeller . . 51.(11 24.25 Joseph Gould 106.55 24.25 Evits Carter 48.32 17.81 EdAvin Talmage 281.90 271.46 Seth Thomas, Jr 283.61 2^9.57 Job Z. Warner 82.03 77.40 Eobert H. Ball 181.99 185.66 Eleazer Jenkins 281.78 261.91 AVilliam M. Burrall . 26.82 21.39 William L. Smedley. 78.52 17.66 Edward Fanton 28.45 16.99 Samuel D. Northway 54.01 82.39 Preston D. Peck .... 41.72 19.23 Sefeno Gaylord 262.8' ( 35.06 Eufus W. Gillett 29.22 7.53 William H. Coe 72.5(1 32.29 Edmund E. Swift. . . 91.43 35.12 Henry J. Church — 168.83 41.30 Ilinman Atwood 259.61 184.00 Charles H. Gardner. 207.42 283.33 Frederick Miles 74.49 28.50 John Dewell 95.75 37.17 Harvey B Steele 649.53 71.35 Eowland Hitchcock. 315.29 832.13 Calvary Wetmore . . 82.93 48.79 Eussell C. Abernethy 481.03 452.49 George P. Allen 306.25 415.72 Julius A. Glover — — Idicsex Coimty. Alexander Pratt 73.94 7.36 David Henshaw 284 33 266.80 Daniel W. SteA'ens.. 300.64 125.40 Henry W. Tibbals . . 60.83 1512 Charles Kirby 220.67 70.03 Hyman G. Loomis. . 291.82 271.79 Asher Eobinson 165.70 129.22 Catharine C. Smith.. 63 74 59.71 Alfred Gates 301.75 293.00 AVilliam G. Buell . . . 90.90 15.70 William Latimer 454.34 515.31 Samuel M. Kelsey. . . 108.09 43.34 Samuel House 25.02 10.10 Theodore Child 98.18 10.20 Horace Eedfield 41.21 16.76 Daniel Penfield 9.38 5.05 George W. Bacon. . . 106.38 27.52 Henry Hurd 115.22 47.21 Norman Smith 2007.42 2-307.12 George W akeman . . 162.'7 41.56 George Taylor 489.12 437.94 J ames Treadway . . . 268.32 21.56 AVilliam E. Buell 37.44 IS.dO Oliver Morris 118.98 63.29 'Albert C. Clark 31.09 13.30 ' Haven County. Burr Perkins 499.15 454.13 George Goodyear. . . — — Nathan Clark 15.04 10.86 Levi S. Parsons 267.53 201,49 Alfred S. BaldAvin. .. 231 17 19-3.26 Thomas S Shelton.. 835.60 872.68 Stephen HemingAvay 51.87 18.25 Daniel Foot 430.94 376.28 Franklin C. Phelps. . 450,79 531.89 Leverett Hitchcock . 224.31 190.86 202.96 83.28 Bertrand L. Yale. . . — — v.ll s Smitli AVilliam Brotherton. 435.76 212.95 Leverett A, Dicker- man 125.58 48.32 Naugatuck New Haven (c. h.) North Branford . . . North ford North Guilford . . . North Haven North Madison . . . Oakville Orange Oxford Prospect Seymour South Britain Southbury Southford Stoney Creek Wallingford Waterbury Waterville West Cheshire West Haven West Meriden New Haven Cotinty — {Continued). Stephen H. Nichols Egbert E. Bishop . William Evarts Stephen FoAvler James F. Hall. . Alvan A. Blake. Nathaniel H. Perry William T. Grant. , Edwin E. Tyler. David Betts, Jr. . Anson Bray Charles H. Hall. Horace Oatman Timothy Barker Orrin Andrews. . William Pickett John A. Hitchcock. , Thomas Ward. Joel H. Guy Westville j William Barbour,. Wolcott ! Jason Hotchkiss.., Bozrah Bozrahville Centre Groton Chesterfield East Lyme Colchester Gales’ Ferry Gardner’s Lake Greenville Griswold Groton Hadlyme Hamburgh Jewett City Lebanon Ledyard Liberty Hill Lisbon Lord’s Bridge ..... Lyme Montville Mystic Mystic Bridge Mystic Eiver New London (c. h.) Niantic Noank North Franklin — North Lyme North Stonington. . Noncich (c. h.) Norwich Town Pendleton Hill Poquanoc Bridge. . Poquetanuck Preston Salem South Lyme Stonington Uncasville Waterford AVest Chester Yantic IVew London County. William Fitch Peter WickAvire David A. Fox Eussell Damon Elias H BeckAvith . , Elisha S Bill Simon Huntington., John F. Wells Calvin Pease Elijah Bailey, Jr. . . Lucius I. Fuller — John Bachelder Samuel Miller Charles W. AVait . . , Wm. H. Wheeler . . , Henry Harding Peter Forsyth Caleb E Tafts James B. Lyman . . , Selden Cook William Latham Amos F. Eoyce Thomas Clark Henry B. Tracy. . . Sanford A. Maine. Sanford Morgan.. Samuel K. L. Aliner. Daniel T. Eichards. John C. Daniels. . . Calvin G. AA'illiams. AA'm. G. Johnson . . Henry Gardner, 2d. . Ealph T. Carrier . . . Dan. L. Huntington Tolland County. Andover i William Cook Bolton Columbia Coventry Coventry Depot . . . Eagleville Ellington Gilea'd Gurleyville Elisha K. AVilliams . Chauncey K. Hill. .. Eleazer Hunt Jared Clark Eliphas B. Hibbard. Henry Gunn Miss Caroline Post.. . $580.14 $5.54.56 . 20d0.0(( 15,209.(i7 34 64 13.96 . 59 74 12.83 . 20.37 9.49 . 116.(;5 42.29 22.20 10.12 . 67.28 .86 . 33.61 9.10 1 104.76 30.41 . 42.20 14.09 69.59 18.74 72.96 10.78 . 46.84 18.30 . 15.72 3.63 . 458.10 377.44 . 196.3.(l(: 2811.79 . 151.9(' 65.86 . 89 57 9.97 . 126.18 2..3S . 1095,69 1060.98 . 258.80 97.58 . 15.52 10.61 1 16.76 7.77 1 68.08 17.29 . 79.99 21.70 15.71 13.06 25.23 7.97 1 . 518.24 359.23 48.24 16.12 4.00! 2.50 . 1409.62 1195.02 13.76 8.30 . 114.35 38.79 50.95 1 21.08 r 73.59 30.05 . 322.26 224.08 . 158.44 1 24.08 37.(-7| 10..32 48.84 18.08 63.88 22.54 , 271.48 216.79 71.57 1 26.73 170.70 j .51 409.91 1 149.90 247.89' 87.75 1462.20 3533.11 11.76 83.12 48.24 17.60 2.(9 24.81 10.35 92.13 23.78 2000.0(1 9582.48 806.12 724.96 26.86 11.05 25.30 10.82 43.25 14.26 60.04 18.86 147.<6 ; 17.18 12.,55 600.91 917.75 91 761 42.93 81.17: 43.07 86.77| 7.14 128.07, 36.15 97.43 16.76 45.54 21.14 69.32 35.30 76.45 27.19 67.73 10.47 47.49 27.50 ' 234.1(1 18.49 1 88.42 8.74 i 46.60 DELAWARE 31 Left-hau l column shows couipensatiou of I'ostmaster. Kight-luiiid one, net revenue of Oflice to Dopn.tment. Tolland County— {Continued). Hebron Charles Post Mansfield Samuel S. Fuller — Mansfield Centre . . . Evans Parish Mansfield Depot .... Lewis Brigham Mashapang i Harvey Walker Merrow Station Joseph B. Merrow.. Windho/m Coxinty — {Continued). Moose Meadow. iNorth Somers Quarryville Kockville Somers Somersville South Coventry. . , Spring Hill Square Pond Stafford StafTord Springs . . Staffordville Tolland (c. h ). . . . Union Vernon Vernon Depot.. . . West Stafford West Willington . . Willington Willard Fuller. Amariah Kibbe. Sessions Lawson Edward P. Allen — Warren Kibble Ansel Arnold Xathan L. Bidwell. . Artemas G. Storrs. . . Henry C. Aborn .... Jasper H. Bolton.. . . Horatio M. Bolton. . . Edward G. Hyde . . . Obadiah P. Waldo. . David L. Newell Francis McLean, Jr. Ira Ellis Asa Lewis Darius Starr, Jr. Origin Weston.. Windham County # Abington Ashford Brooklyn (c. h.). . Campbell’s MJIs Canterbury Central Village.. Chaplin 9 38 1T1.20 3(5.55 97.55 272.91 81.55 92.75 79.80 66.38 88.58 65.02 John Williams 54.55 Dyer H. Clark 69.55 Benjamin E. Palmer 344.13 Elisha Potter 13.27 Marvin H. Sanger . . 115.85 Jonathan Gorton . . . 295.40 Lester Bill 86.49 7.39 54.64 247.08 57.62 250.89 20.48 140.42 12.43 38.05 3 40 103.27 28.76 27.66 800.74 7.59 37.68 7.00 22.59 Collamer Eastford East Killingly East W oodstock . . . FishersviUe Hampton Killingly Moosop New Boston North Ashford North Killingly North Windham North W oodstock . . Oneco Phoenixville Plainfield Pomfret Pomfret Landing . . , Putnam . . Scotland South Killingly South Windham Sterling Sterling Hill Thompson Voluntown West Ashford Westford West Killingly Westminster West Woodstock . . Willimantic » . , Windham Woodstock Samuel T. Dow Joseph Dorsett, Jr. . . Edwin A. Hill Caleb May John E. Williams. . . William Brown Leavens Jencks Joseph S. Gladding. Harvey Lamson Zachariah N. Allen. George Warren Ealph Lincoln Ezra C. May John Harris Simeon A. Wheaton. Henry Sabin Benjamin Child Darius Day John O. Fox James Burnett Lowell Graves Alfred Kinne Darius A. Fish Charles Mason Jeremiah Olney Samuel Gates Ebenezer Knowlton. James Kichmond . . . Horatio Webb Peter Spicer Andrew A. Williams Thomas Campbell. . . John A. Perkins Geo. S. F. Stoddard . d). $11.81 $3.61 94.26 29.18 73.28 39.55 81.00 48 53 83.92 54 65 130.31 103.62 187.43 23.96 170.86 55.49 46.18 22.83 7.73 3.71 84.26 13.74 115.88 23.98 — 24.25 8.81 299.52 234.04 115.67 80.76 89.04 20.95 — SO 89 24.83 24.84 16.73 106.16 11.97 63.53 28.57 14.08 ‘5.89 287.69 300.85 50.10 19.58 26.27 12.65 53.69 24.89 468.93 943.43 38.36 17.53 74.17 26.65 600.56 895 34 167.46 205.15 138.05 40.01 DELAWARE Rent County. Berrytown . . . Camden Canterbury . . . Dover (c. h ). . Frederica HazlettviUe . . . Hollyville Leipsic Little Creek Landing Magnolia Masten’s Comer Milford Smyrna. Vernon Whiteleysburgh Williamsville Black Bird Brandywine Springs Centreville Chippewa Christiana Claymont Gooch’s Bridge Delaware City Fieldsboro’ Glasgow Henry Clay Factory. Loveville McClellandsville McDonough Mermaid Middletown Newark Edward D. Mileham $12.90 $8.12 Samuel Dickson . .♦. 212.98 142.78 James B. Conner . . . 27.,S4 7.00 Timothy C. Killen . . 579.77 440.02 W m. L. Timmons . . . 166.07 80.36 Wm. D. Vashell . . . . 12.92 7.90 Burton C. Prettyman — — George W. Spicer. . . 39.62 22.63 Charles H. Heverin. 63.46 48.41 Thomas H. Mcllvain 32.10 14.54 William Masten 7.79 4.-34 Wm. N. W. Dorsey. 402.55 254.73 Ezekiel I. Galt 561.07 523.45 Solomon Barwick. . . 20.48 8.63 David Marine 8.17 6.18 John H. Johnson. .. 3.49 2.73 r Castle County. Richard Ferguson . . 44.30 24.48 Jacob Foulk 15.-39 8.76 James L. Delaplain. 48.38 18.77 Charles E. Ayars . . . 1.3.93 — Elijah H. Roberson . 98.90 51.12 George W. Lodge . . 64.09 25.50 William Cooch 12.50 8.84 Edward H. Foster . . 368.49 296.06 Edward Silcox 14.85 9.30 Robert Cann 32.52 15.32 •James Moore 56 45 31.58 1 Aaron Robinson . . . 27.16 7.26 Wm. McClelland . . . 4.23 2.67 Zadock A. Pool 49.32 26.98 Milton Steele 11.85 5.00 Charles Foster 218.94 93.06 Matthew Maclem . . . 456.20 232.41 New Castle County — {Continued). Newcastle (c. h.) New Port Odessa Pleasant Hill Port Penn Red Lion Saint George’s Stanton Summit Bridge Talleyville Thoroughfare Neck. Wihnington (c. h.) . . James Duncan, Jr. . . Major Yeates Jos. W. Vandergrift Alban Buckingham. Samuel B. Cleaver. . James Kettlewood.. James N. Sutton Levi Workman James Nicholson . . . Wm. H. Day Benjamin F. Binns . Henry F. Askew Sussex County. Angola Black Water Bridgeville Cannon’s Ferry Cedar Creek Concord Dagsboro’ Draw Bridge Georgetown (c. h.) . . Gumborough Hall’s Store Horsey’s M Roads . . iNathaniel Horsey. Laurel John Ellegood Lewes Jesse T. Pool Middleford John M. Rawlins. . . , Millsboro’ George W. Willin . , Milton James Ponder Seaford Wm. F. Robinson . , Selbyville Isaac McCabe Tunnell’s Store George S. Williams , Peter E. Burton . . , James Turner Samuel Laws Charles J. Smith . . . James Ward Littleton H. Smith , John Smith of M. . . Caleb R. Paynter. . James A. Wolfe . . . John D. Littleton. . William S. Hall. $436.20 $59.63 77.09 25.42 28.64 14.36 84.76 68.06 73.92 24.83 186.10 189.33 65.55 26.88 69.19 30.05 9 52 5.60 .70 .53 2000.00 6811.03 6.11 4.86 15.20 9.46 49.18 26.37 16.78 9.65 8.77 3.35 49.88 22.69 46.18 20.25 20.21 1.3.56 220.63 168.84 8.49 6.11 18.91 12.10 8.84 6.03 162.51 T 39.70 203.21 132.08 7.78 5.91 56.81 27.47 95.72 60..32 73.00 41.79 21.87 13.25 12.65 8.80 82 POST-OFFICES AND POST-MASTERS Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Eight-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. FLOEIDA. Alachua County* Fort Clark Fort Harley Micanopy Morrison’s Mills Neumawoille (c. h.) . Gilbert L. Denton. . . Nathaniel Jones Josnia P. G arisen. .. John W. Peacock. . . Samuel W.. Burnett. $20.80 222.09 28.66 125.87 $8.03 166.55 11.54 139.44 Benton County* Augusta . ,. [Albert Clark . 1 13.93[ 2.89 , . [James Edwards . . . .1 11.451 6.89 Brevard County* Indian Eiver [John S. Heermans. . | 18.02| 14.10 Calhoun County* Abe Spring Aspen Grove — Long Cane Ochesee Eobert J. Taylor Needham McKinney Wm. V. Stone Jason Gregory Columbia Coimty* AlUgator (c. h.) — Barber’s Blount’s Ferry Cason’s Ford Columbus Durham Ellisville Little Eiver Newburgh New Eiver Olustee Providence St. Helena Saint Louis... ., Santa Fee Spring Grove Suwannee Shoals . . . Tustenuggee Edward E. Ives . . . Moses Barber James L. King Wm. C. Hazel Wm. H. Watson. . . Durham Hancock.. Jesse L. Coleman. . Geo E. McClellan . John Harvey Wm Z. Herndon . . Hansford E. Alford Abraham J. Prevatt Thomas D. Dexter. Lewis Cone Nathan’l A. Jamison C. L. Carruth . . . Shubael Burns. . C. H. B. Collins. 6.54 37.20 237.16 10’.77 26.01 24.40 4.34 42.66 36.76 20.06 7.30 27.00 9.07 25.51 4.00 42.47 184.12 5.14 10.43 1246 2.09 21.65 14.00 5.55 5 36 9.00 2.89 Miami Dade County* . . I John Duke | Duval County* 25.491 27.88 Bayard Hibernia JacJcsoiwille (c. h.) . . Magnolia Mills Mandarin Mayport Mills Middleburg Yellow Bluff Escambia County Pensacola (c. h.) . . . Dillon Jordan | 561.191 476.62 496.C7 171.06 Warrington 1 Alfred I. Lamberton, Franklin County* Apalachicola |Benj. F. Simmons. .. | 704.131 715.71 €adsden County* Aspalaga Chattahoochee.. China Hill Concord Mount Pleasant. Quincy Kickoe's Bluff. . . Eidleysville L. C. Armstead Thos. D. Wilson, Jr.. John E. Hardison... John W. Eeeves George W. Fagg John T. Seegar Thomas D. Nixon. . . Matthew M.McAliley 84.81 27.15 872.56 33.39 55.32 82.49 827.62 23.89 Ala.fla Antoine W^ordehoff. . Ichepuckesassa Jacob Summerlin. . . ■21.37 Manatee Franklin Branch . . . 37.01 Tampa Alfonso De Launey . 363.08 Efhelete Woodard.. Lewis Fleming — — William Grothe 897.74 988.48 Nathan’l D. Benedict 80.06 26.29 John C. Brown 42.03 18.74 A. Parsons 58.00 15.00 John Hoas 97.21 23.64 Wm. E. Tomb 19.09 .17 Hamilton County* BelMlle Jasper Jennings ... White Springs. Wm. F. Eowan Stephen S. Smith . . . George Jennings . . . Allen W. Knight Hernando County. $56.56 42.44 21.61 46.45 $31.40 62.12 23.78 17.78 Bay Port. . . Cedar Tree. Fort Dade . . Fort Tyler.. Pierceville . John E. Johnson 11.00 .37 James M. Bates 7.80 5.85 Francis B. Hagan...- 15.58 7.48 David Hope Thomas H. Pars«ns. 9.05 1.91 6.50 .07 Hillsborough County* Holmes County. Anderson’s Mills Cerro Gordo Home Spring Ponce De Leon James T. Townsend. 8.00 Henry Hewett — Dempsey Fennell . . . 4.72 Daniel J. Brownell. . 1.96 8.31 10.05 262.29 3.00 3.82 Jackson County* Campbellton Crowell Greenwood Mariana (c. h.) Millwood. John W. Butt 83.16 35.02 Jesse Crowell .95 3.22 John B. Whitehurst. 112.69 97.99 Henry 0. Bassett . . . 265.38 217.21 Joseph Irwin 21.24 12.68 Jefferson County* Beaseley [Charles W. Dewitt. . | Monticello (e. h.) — Alfred H. McCann. . Waukeenah jWm. T. Carpenter.. | ^ Leon County* Centreville '. [Alphonzo E. Combs. Miccosukee George E. Dennis. . . 16.871 314.36 54.691 58.871 67.16 398.06 19.88 17.41 Tallahassee (c. h.). . 1 Miles Nash | 912.09 j 1070.66 Levy County. AtsenaOtie.. Clay Landing. Fort Fanning. Long Pond — Wekeiva Augustus Steele George H. Tresper. . Sylvester Bryant, Jr. James S. Turner P. A. Presler 27.23 13.31 Madison County* Cherry Lake Clifton Finkholloway Fort Hamilton Hamburg Madison (c. h.) Mosely Hall Sandy Ford Stillepica Camp Izard Flemington Long Swamp. .. Newton Ocola Orange Lake . . . Orange Springs. Silver Spring. . . Wacahootie 'Joseph L. Dutton. . . 29.10 Andrew J. Lea 82.29 Nathan Smart 7.00 Jeremiah W. Ander- son — Joseph B. Watts. ... 15.26 John L. Miller 859.74 Orien E. Sullivan . . . 24.14 Jacob C. Bugg 24.28 Eoswell H. Willard. 13.64 arion County* Wm. J. McGrath . . . 6.16, William T. Kails — Joseph Evans 11.01 Kinchin W. Syms . . 12.21 Mordecai Alexander 803.29 W’^illiam Connell 20.69 T. P. Kellv 83.02 Hiram T. Mann 44.58 Irvin I. Bankright.. 1 41.92 24.67 12.56 15.08 16.71 2.50 9.97 370.SS 9.24 11.26 5.37 2.94 6.83 7.46 211.68 4.77 40.25 33.20 19.02 GEORGIA. 33 Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Eight-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Monroe County t Key West (c. h.) [Joseph C. 'Whalton. . [$459. 66 [$309.9 IVAssau County. Fernand ino Amaziah Coy I 1 King’s Ferry. Edwin R. King 1 — Orang^e County. Fort Butler Washington Rogers. 12.20 8.75 Jernigan Aaron Jernigan 14.04 8.32 Nellonville (c. h.). . . Isaac Winegord 31.18 14.80 New Smyrna Jane Sheldon 13.96 .31 Volusia Jtickson J. C&yton., Pi itnam County. Fort Gates [Kirkland R. Duke . . 1. Lake George Samuel Saunders . . . Pilatka Joseph R. Price 408.45 313.72 W elaka [James W. Bryant. . . 13.30 8.89 St. John’s County. Orange Mills Elijah C. Simkins. .. 1 19.78 1 21.98 Picolata George Colee 55.42; St. Augustine (c. h.). [Lawrence Andrew. . 1 449.181 394.64 Santa Rosa County. Austinville Au.stin Nieholns Coon Hill Wm. L. Williams. ; . 17.24 8.81 McLellanville John McLeUan Milton James A. ChaflSn . . . 199.54 217.12 Sumter County. Lake Griffin [James L. Hawthorn. | $7.23 ( $4.26 Mossy Grove . . Warren L. Story — 3.00 1.00 Pine Level .... 6.001 8.00 Tolusia County. Enterprize 27.22 [ — Wakulla County. Benhaden . . , Newport Saint Marks Shell Point . , Sopchoppy . John H. Rhodes James Caverly Alonzo B. Noyes.. I. Berrien Oliver John E. Pigott Walton County. Alaqua Almirante Douglassville. East River — Gentsville Knox Hill.... lichee Anna. . Washington County. Econfina Orange Hill St. Andrews Bay . . . Vernon Henry Howard Geo. W. Underwood N. Marcellus Hentz. Duncan W.McCraine 23T.58 23T.00 T.65 11.43 James Evans 6.87 John B Meigs 12.20 John Bland 8.00 Edward Bedsole 4.76 John Ghent 10.17 David G. Gunn 25.94 Walter S. C. Tonge. 29.29 Asbery B. Griggs.. . . — 36.45 47.26 31.20 301.99 27.04 6.17 8.12 4.84 6.80 1.60 2.35 22.85 14.63 .28 GEORGIA. ippUng County. Cook’s Store Hall Eolmesmlle (c. h.) . . Linder’s Bluff Middleton’s Store.. . Rushville Instance Cook $ $ Middleton Graharh. . 15.28 8.56 Henry Pindarvis 37.2S 23.37 Joseph L Robinson. 8.55 4.17 Stephen S. Middleton — — John M. Joyner 13.16 8.45 Baker County. Albany Gillion’s Gum Pond McElveensville Milford Newton (c. h.) Edmund Richardson John Boatright William B. Crawford John W- Pearce Walter B. Mason Robert M. Douglas . . Baldwin County. Black Spring Milledye'cille (c. h.). Talmadge Whitings Samuel G. Chandler. Thomas M. Cook Randolph H.Ramsay Henry Stevens 722.62 32.26 81.17 155.49 10.61 1132.96 140.61 18.06 701.10 18.04 54.94 100.79 .18 1294.80 26.52 4.37 Bibb County. Macon (c. h.) [James A. Nisbet. . . . [1264.85 [4997.85 Bryan County. Eden (c. h.) |Clun C. Slater | 42.93 [ 25.39 Bullork County. Bengal iThomas Nevil | 8.50 1 2.00 Mill Ray. Hardy B. Hodges. . . 23.09 11.42 (c. h.)..,-.lCharnockE.Fletcherl 21.51 13.94 Bnrke Connty. Alexander Birdsville Cushingville Fryer’s Ponds Girard Green Out Holcombe Hopeful Joy’s Mills Lester’s District Midville Millin Wa/ynesboro (c. h.). . Oscar L. Shewmake. $53.64 $28.45 Joseph B. Jones 50.70 22.50 John M. Robbins.. . 18.92 11.50 Martin Godbee 27.65 18.33 Samuel H. Buxton.. — James E. Palmer . . . 65.00 2.00 W. N. W. Hutchins. 67.39 19.49 Enoch H. Carswell. . Samuel H. Littlefield 17.75 9.85 Joseph D. Perry 55.81 22.91 Benj. L. Kirkland. . . 78.93 24.64 Robert H. Gray 44.30 11.59 Simeon A. Gray 272.04 207.63 Cork Indian Springs Jackson (c. h.) Seven Islands Worthville Butts County. Hubbard Williams.. William H. C. Mick- elberry William B. Hunt Charles A. Nutting. . William McClelland. Calhoun Connty. Beckcom’s M Roads. i Abraham Dyson Morgan William G. Pierce . , Pachitta (James 8. Saxon 15.56 121.28 100.58 19.76 24.41 61.00 33.00 Camden County. Centre Village Jeffersonton (c. h.) . . Langsbury Saint Marvs Trader’s HiU Domingo C. Acosta. . John May 79.48 121.19 42.98 Isaac Lang Levi C. Harby 290.96 John Roberts 55.46 10.01 98.68 113.67 10.13 6.01 18.00 16.22 131.83 .81 370.73 25.16 34 POST-OFFICES AND POST- MASTERS. Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Right-hand one, net revenue of Office to Depaitnient. Campbell Coualy. Cam/pbellton (c. h.).. William B. Swann.. Cedar Branch William Davenport. Chapel Hill M. Smith County Line James Hutcheson. . . Dark Corner George W. McLarty. Palmetto jWilliam H. Abbott. . Eivertown i William P. Yates... Salt Spring iWade White Sandtown Jo.seph H. Coryell. . . Sweetwater Factory William E. Gould... •Carroll County# Bowdon Edwin G. Womble Bowenville i William W. Moore Buffalo John B. Gamble . . Burnt Stand Robert A. Reid . . . Carrollton (c. h.)... John W. Wood $95.76 9.52 35.47 15.72 163.19 10.S4 14.89 23.23 27.59 $80.43 1 5.46 22.15 7.50 154.20 5.43 8.21 6.71 18.12 Copper Hill. Flint Hill Hickory Level . Laurel HiU Rotherwood . . . Sand Hill Tallapoosa Trickum Villa Rica Thomas Farmer William H. Autrey James Baskin Wilson L. worth Robert H. Springer Henry M. N ewton. Joseph Carr John B. Slaughter. 34.18 20.25 12.25 6.81 6.29 3.34 5.50 15.00 10.00 2.00 23.18 10.03 d- 19.60 10.67 10.67 3.30 12.50 4.50 . 37.53 48.06 7.32 3.84 134.71 141.68 # Adairsville Allatoona Cartersville CoMmille (c. h.) Etowah Euharley Kingston Little Prairie Pine Log Saliquoy Stilesborough Cass County# Donald M. Hood 218.26 179.24 Henry Kingsbury. . . 50.37 27.17 Jesse R. Wikle 391.29 430.24 Arthur Haire 395.17 423.84 Mark A. Cooper 124.25 85.78 Robert S. Phillips.. . 62.55 34.84 E. V. Johnson 209.65 132.42 Henry McCrary 9.05 4.77 Edward Barrett 22.67 12.32 John G. B. Adams.. 8.92 6.13 Derrill L. Wingard. . 70.47 39.57 Chatham County# Savannah (c. h.). . . . [Solomon Cohen |1910.15|i3,030.87 Chattahoochee County# Cusseta [William A. Helms . . | [ Halloca [Henry J. King | 16.45 1 Chattooga County# 1.92 Alpine Chattoogaville Dirt Town Farmersville Melville Mount Hickory — Subligna i Summerville (c. h.). Teloga Springs Trion Factory Valley Store Isaac S. Smith 46.08 24.52 William L. Gwyn. . . 17.13 7.91 Franklin W. Cheney 39.59 8.67 William L. Mercer.. 13.76 6.54 James W. McCollum 16.64 9.69 Josiah Flourney 21.41 13.26 Oscar F. Perry 21.26 10.54 Elisha L. Rosser 149.28 95.27 Samuel McWhorter.. 18.59 10.15 Andrew P. Algood.. 33.84 20.52 Francis I. Grogan . . 6.50 3.50 Cherokee County# Ball Ground Board Tree Canton (c. h.) Cherokee Line . . Farmhouse Field’s M Roads. Fort Buffington. . Foster’s Mills Freemansville .. . Hickory Flat James B. Kelly 32.13 25.12 Littleberry Holcomb. 18.67 7.47 John H. Wood 192.23 187.29 Pinckney F. Rain- water.’ 8.19 5.74 Isham Teasley 11.65 4.25 John H. Cook , . . . 7.57 5.50 Nelson L. Dickerson • 8.62 1.92 Ira R. Foster 15.34 8.82 Joseph W. Johnston. 32.53 22.15 'Isaac McConnell — 26.21 15.68 lOolcinan Farguson. . — — Samuel M. Hunt 10.83 5.76 Joseph B. Lively.. . . 3.70 2.18 Cherokee Covmty — ( Continued.). Orange Joseph Underwood. $20.53 $9.46 Sharp Top Ladson Worley ■ 15.92 10.67 Sutallee Sam’l M. McConnell. 13.65 10.53 Troy Eli McConnell 19.25 14.00 W alesca John J. A. Sharp . . . Woodstock lEli C. Harden 51.71 17.64 ( /lark County# Athens (c. h.) John Crawford 1179.58 1548.82 Farmington John Knott 13.C1 1.45 Salem Samuel Fielding 17.67 3.92 Watkinsville Thomas Simonton . . 153.67 19.36 Clay County# Pomaria [Joseph M. Gardner. [ 1 1 — Clinrh County# Homersville [John H. Mattox 1 4.80 [ 1.00 Magnolia (c. h.) John L. Morgan 36.88 18.70 Troublesome 1 Jesse P. Prescott 1 13.94 1 9.68 Cobb County. A c.wortb John W. Grantham. 141.24 49.75 Silas Brown Fulton James A. Ragsdale.. 10.43 4.44 T.phflnoTi John G. Felton^’. .... 14.11 3.54 Lost Mountain John Moore, Jr 27.86 8.53 Marietta^ (c. h.) William F. Groves.. 1210.06 1625.71 Mill Grove Samuel Burdine — 11.04 7.83 Moon’s Abel Willis 22.00 9.88 Neal Dow. William A Tweedle. 29.48 12.58 Newtown William H. Autrey.. 6.00 3.30 Noonday S. W. Bentlev 9.52 3.45 Powder Springs Wiley I. Kiser 91.96 64.79 Roswell George H. Camp 21(1.36 190.38 Columbia County# Appling Henry W. Gerald. . . 86.29 17.22 Berzelia Henry D. Lgitner . . . 87.92 5.67 Eubanks Elial Lockhart 20.43 11.65 Kiokee William McLean — 14.75 8.60 Lombardy James B. Rowland.. 31.35 10.29 Nebraska John Smith 7.0(1 1.75 Raysville Virgilius M. Barnes. 77.53 83.54 Saw Dust John W. Drane 37.58 15.11 Thompson Auren W. Stanford. . 175.49 55.29 White Oak William S. Smith . . . 16.92 7.86 "Wrinfipifl Richard S. Neal 82.40 10.30 Wrightsboro (c. h.) . Alfred L. Massengale 100.42 68.64 Coweta County# Grantville William B. Smith. . . 103.21 43.89 Haralson George W. Perdue. . 25.23 18.29 Kidron Walter II. Smith 22.42 9.09 Location Henry Freeman — 20.10 12.54 Lodi William L. Hilton. . . 16.31 8.07 Nevenan (c. h.) William Brewster . . . 679.55 887.85 David Linch 14.45 12.88 Rio John W. Pearce — 9.79 4.50 Saluda William M. Jones. . . 25.:35 9.69 Willow Dell John Williams. 1.77 .04 Willow Grove Tolleson Kirby 18.76 12.99 Crawford County# Hickory Grove Jonath’n McClendon 42.59 11.36 T^fnppwpll John M. Ha vies 8.36 8.81 Knoo'ville (c. h.) — Francis H. Slurdock 170.69 276.93 T>*ir^rk T rkv/il Emanuel Aultman . . X lllti V Cl # . • I )ade County# Ilobbie Benjamin Clarke — 1 ■ — Lookout Station Frank Rockholt — — Rising Fawn Alexander B. Hanna 10.86 5.33 Salula Farm Richard M. Aycock. 3.29 ‘ 1.42 Trenton (c. h.) Robert Hawkins [ 69.35 i 62.10 GEORGIA 35 Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmastei-. Right-liand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Argyle Attapulgus Bainbridc/e (c. h.) Blowing Cave Cairo Faceville Sofkey Steam Mill Tired Creek Decatur County. Tray- I.. Singleton Avick . . Emery Lasseter Noah L. Cloud William S. Eackley. Robert D. McElveen Ira Sanborn .... George A. Wright . . Samuel H. Dickinson Samuel Bradwell . . . $10.04 $2.97 83.97 70.49 29). 32 339.42 24.41 22.42 26.77 16.65 12.12 20.n4 46.34 20.50 De Ralb County. Cross Keys Decatur (c. h.) Lythonia Pantbersville Stone Mountain. . . . Utoy John Y. Flowers 18.55 11.55 William A. PoAvell. . 263.66 165.46 John C. Maddox 92.77 9.5S Lochlin Johnson 7.92 4.43 Thompson A.Brown- 195.82 93.64 ing Thomas A. Kennedy 6.97 3.92 Dooiy County, Byromville Drayton (.c. h.) Gum Creek Millwood Vienna Warwick William H. Byrom. . 24.84 16.10 Henry J. Davis 53.15 70.82 John F. Lewis 32.12 16.01 J. J. Lock 25.46 13.98 David 8. Kellam 113.85 116.19 James G. Brown. . . . 42.62 18.60 Dougberty County. Wildfel IWindbern J. LaAvton] Blakely (c. h.) . Fall Creek Fort Gaines Spring Creek. . Spring Town. . Stamperville . . Early County. William J. Cheshire. Simeon Tyner Spencer CaldAvell . . . Reuben McCorquo- dale Guilford Boykin Daniel F. Gunn Effingham County. Egypt Guyton Sister’s Ferry Sprinqfidd (c. h.). George Foy Thomas P. Elkins. . . Augustus H. Mallory James Eahn 1 216.03 10.02 272.82 T.91 34.05 39.84 9.2S 97.02 271.41 3.12 326.32 4.33 16.08 6.82 3.40 67.08 Elbert County. Amandaville Anthony Shoals . . . Broad River Cold Water Cook’s Law Office. . Craftsville Eagle Grove Elherton (c. h.) Fishdam Grove Harmony Indian Hill Montevideo Ruckersville Summervale John C. Donehoo . . . 18.46 12.86 Job Russell 22.51 14.76 Jasper Kinnebrew . . 8.54 1.43 Barnabas Barron . . . 7.21 5.93 Bud C. Wall 23.55 9.97 Kelly Sullivan 13.49 8.71 William Bowers 25.63 13.96 James M. Wyche. .. 131.83 219.50 Thomas B. Bullard. . 15.08 5.25 James A. Rumsey. . . 7.20 4.97 James H. Reynolds. 8.93 3.94 Albert C. Matthews. 4.84 1.54 Richard S. Hill 24.72 13.82 , William M. Haslett 63.89 30.05 , J. H. M. Barrett — — Fayette County. Emannel County. Battle Ground Canoochee Ohoopee Swainehord' (c. h.).. Charles H. Colston . . Benj. E. Brinson Ephraim Edenfield. . VincentE.Hargroves 13.37 12.72 7.62 36.39 Fannin County. Hot House 3!organton (c. h.). . . Eollin Skeinah William C. Fain — 24.46 John A. Powell — Burton Mathis 2.42 Wm. A Campbell. . . — Falrburn Fayettemlle fc. h.). Glenn Grove Jonesborough Red Oak .' Rough and Ready . White Water Natlian Camp W. W. BosAVorth.... Jolin W. Wilkins. . . Luke Johnston Harrison Walker . . . Samuel G. Pegg Wm. H. Henderson, Floyd County. Armuchee Cave Spring Cedar Creek Coosa Everett’s Spring . . . . Floyd Springs Johnson McGuire’s Store Missionary Station . . Rome (c. h.) Thomas Mills Vann’s Valley Yarborough Stephen Ball. Walton R. Webster Martin F. Kinnard . John W. Stett Thompson P. Everett W m. McCullough . . . John Johnson Terence McGuire . . . William J. Smith . . . Thomas J. Perry. . . . George W. Thomas. Rufus Barker Laban Barrett Forsyth County. Ashland Big Creek Coal Mountain Gumming (c. h.) Davis Creek Hartford High Tower Sawney’s Mountain. Sheltonville Vickery’s Creek W arsaAV William L. Haslett. George Kellogg. James M. West . Wiley Owens. Isaac Tinsley. John H. Campbell . . Joseph T. Garner. . Jackson Graham. . . Franklin County. Samuel Knox George W. Bowden Nathan Gunnels Job Bowers Willis Allen John Johnston John M. Freeman. Aquilla Auburn Hill Bald Spring Bowersville Bowling.sville Bushville darnesmlle (c. h.) . Erastus i Isaac M. David . . . Flintsville ; Henry 'j. Mize Ford’s Store j Henry Ford Franklin Springs . . . I Richard W. Royston Goodwill I Thomas A. Yow. . . Grove Level John E. Harper — Middle River Michael Ragsdale.. Mosely’s Store Daniel Mosely Nail’s Creek Eli T. Wilmot Parker’s Store John D. Parker Phi Delta John W. Pruitt Walnut Hill William E. Wellbori Fulton County. Atlanta (c. h.) IThomas C. Howard Irbyville |Eiall B. Hicks 7.27 7.55 4.85 33.75 14.95 2.04 Alma ' Blue Ridge Carticay Cherry Log Chesnut Gap . . Edom Ellejay Mountain Town. Pierceville Gilmer County. Wesley Jamison. . . Enos McLure Daniel E. Slagle . . . Overton L. Searcy. . Reece J. McClure . . Thos. E. Trammell. We.stern R. Welsh. Andrew J. West. . . Jepthah Patterson . Prince Edward John Stone Rock Hill Lemon Stone Santa Lucah EbenezerFain — Tail’s Creek Ira Critchfield Talking Rock James M. Steele . . White Path Bartley G. Pinson $96.39 $18.14 103 16 80.83 11.00 7.O0 199.55 184.57 13.02 8.11 43.72 18.63 17.41 10.43 11.20 3.98 171.96 145.62 3.96 84 40.OO 17.31 16.62 10.-33 25 31 17.23 13.30 9.94 31.22 9.09 1040.88 1305.12 7.00 .84 22.99 8.21 3.78 2.-52 . 27.69 15.87 24.67 6.69 163.95 87.46 2.00 .75 21.42 14.50 ■ 35.96 20.12 33.24 • 21.58 17.36 9.77 17.51 5.58 13.38 7.90 1.09 — 20.32 6.67 12.87 7.64 33.52 34.53 76.27 53.09 12.70 7.08 9.89 6.51 5.66 3.76 30.04 . 1.87 7.09 4.51 11.16 5.77 11.84 5.59 10.01 4.65 15.70 9.86 10.22 .42 i 15.04 8.18 1 1834.53 1 2957.87 9.21 6.04 80.51 13.80 9.67 3.3i» 4.82 3.73 9 ..56 100.89 8.41 4.87 29.-36 14.2-3 4.07 2.76 12.95 9.05 8.32 1.52 ,1 40.71 20.60 ,| 8.12 4.51 86 POST-OFFICES AND POST- MASTERS. Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Right-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Bethel Brunswick Frederica Mount Pleasant. €lynn County. John M. Tyson John S. Martin James W. Armstrong Samuel A. Hooker. . Gordon County* Calhoun (c. h.).. . . . . ; William H. Morris Fair Mount Joseph M. Bogle. . Free Bridge lEnoch Humphreys Bed Bud iFrancis M. Gibbs. Kesaca Wells C. Bewley. . Sonora Obadiah C. Campbell Sugar Valley Jesse Miller Greene County. Curtright Creenshoro' (c. h.). , Penfield Public Square Scull Shoals Union Point Utah White Plains. John Curtright William L. Strain. Nathan Hobbs Hugh C. Mitchell . Thomas N. Poullain Richard A. Newson William Hudson. . . Thomas Hightower Woodville James Davison Alcova Auburn Berkshire - Cain’s Chinkapin Grove.. Lawrenceville (c. h, Pinckneyville Rock Bridge Suwanee Sweet Water. Yellow River Gwinnett County. William Kirk James A. Pattillo . . William J. Nash... Willis Heard Samuel H. Freeman James D. Spence. . . Thomas A. Jones.. Thomas Maguire . . Robert S. Brown. . . Hiram R. Williams. Thomas P. Hudson Allandale Batesville Blue Creek Clarksville (c. h.) Dawson Dry Fork Hollingsworth . . . Hughesburgh . . . Leo Loudsville Mount Yonah — Habersham County. Robert Allen Joshua Sutton Young Davis Alexander Erwin. Charles R. Gibbs. . Silas A. Addison. . Lilburn H. Wright Thomas J. Hughes Josiah D. Jarrard. F. Logan Ezekiel McCravey. Nacoochee 'Charles L. Williams. Walton’s Ford Charles K. Jarrett.. . Hall County. Argo Big Wauhoo Chesnut Mountain . Duane Street Gainesville (c. h.). . Gillsville H og Mountain Polksville Poplar Springs Rancher Shoal Creek Skitt’s Mountain. . . Sugar Hill War Hill Wolleysford . . ; Philip M. Byrd . . . James R. F. Luck. Ambrose Kennedy Simpson Herrin. . . Henry S. Campbell Charles R. Simmons Elijah Puckett William R. Bell... Andrew I. Pool ». . Asa P. Vandiver. . James M. Cole Ashford Quinn.. . James A. Thomas. Allen Langford . . Elhanon H.Langford Bulah Culverton Island Creek Long’s Bridge Mount Zion Powelton Shoals of Ogcchee. . . Sparta (c. h.) Hancock County. George Boyer Hardy C. Culver. . . Augustine T. Berry James Ray Henry S. Beman. . . James Bell Richard H. Clarke. Jackson B. Johnson $54.43 $19.74 191.67 159.60 53.65 36.26 417.00 296.20 58.57 61.09 21.71 10..57 9.03 4.98 70.85 42.29 20.76 17.41 19.51 12.65 40.16 26.15 546.89 603.27 294.37 280.04 25.59 9.61 79.00 27.46 55.77 41.68 12.0(1 12.00 81.77 65.03 86.59 8.09 9.68 4.39 6.00 8.73 13.98 5.31 11.15 4.55 309.27 320.72 21.50 12.44 13.48 5.42 16.87 10.-38 10.04 3.21 30.53 28.17 5.69 2.67 4.94 5.68 7.93 3.14 226.54 201.78 5.03 2.01 10.48 7.00 6.88 3.79 12.95 6.79 12.92 7.54 32.55 17.24 44.20 18.99 32.06 5.20 13.30 6.19 15.07 11.02 5.41 3.22 1.63 1.16 205.20 189.11 21.55 1-3.56 19..3S 8.42 9.68 4.95 10.61 4.48 1.87 .83 2.15 1.37 13.17 4.71 7.08 4.-35 22.00 7.20 30.44 — 27.50 7.25 27.37 10.84 111.46 — 58.27 14.94 2.5.42 18.82 465.47 750.04 1 Hart County. Hartwell (Frederick B. Hodgesl IIenley'’8 Store (c. h.)|John S. Henley | Harris County. Cataula Ellerslie Goodman’s }x) Roads Hamilton (c. h.) King’s Gap Mountain Hill Mulberry Grove Piedmont Waverly Hall Whitesville Wisdom’s Store William H. Jackson. 46.77 Wm. B. Strawbridge 32.89 William C. Johnston 12.79 P. B. Hall 216.89 Samuel W. Kirven . . 8.78 John F. Brown 16.60 William T. Smith.. . 12.82 William McNeil 5.10 John B. Foster.; 60.47 John B. Smith 109.33 John M. Wisdom . . . 19.-37 Heard County. Corinth Enon Grove Franklin (c. h.) Houston Saint Cloud State Line Union Mills David L. Grimes... Henry J. Kight Wm. M. K. Watts.. William T. Formby John W. Black Jackson Allen Norvel M. Robinson Henry County. Bear Creek |Asa Lowery Bersheba lElisha Copeland . . . Flat Rock Charles Latimer . . . Ghentsville (Alien Rape Locust Grove 'Wm. H. Spier McDonough (c. h.). . 'David Knott Mount Carmel Samuel Murphy . . . Sandy Ridge 'Francis M. Hail Spring IWm. M. Cleveland. Stockbridge jjohn W. Henderson Tucker’s Cabin lira L. Gunter White House I John T. Bentley . . . Houston County. Busbayville Fort Valley Hayneville Henderson Perry (c. h.) Powersville Wellborn’s Mills Daniel F. Gunn 80.41 David N. Austin . . . 3-36.52 John Henrv 78.83 Thomas S. Cobb 48.37 John S. Jobson 371.05 Wm. D. Graham . . . 31.86 John A. Sperry. ... 41.11 Irwin County* Adams Edenfield House Creek Irvinsville (c. h.) . . . Orel Pennsborough Vineyard James K. Brown Oscar Edenfield 15.4-3 14.tt0 Charles M. Powers. . 27.04 Love M. Colberth . . . 22.36 Nicholas Baker 1.78 Isaac R. Porter 7.91 Jonathan Smith 6.66 Jackson County. Bascobel Milton Matthews. . . Delay George A. Delay . . Harmony Grove — Clement W. Hood . Indian Creek Josiah L. Blalock. . J,.f^non (c. !..) ™ O' Marcus Allen Justice . . . Mavsville Abram Atkins.. Mulberry Delmas R. Lyle. Pond Fork Aaron Sowell. . . Jasper County. $15,361 $4.18 15.75 6.82 10.90 11.05 9.58 233.15 5.14 6.<‘4 5.42 3.17 21.59 113.35 6.59 26.12 12.60 109.41 58.73 27.63 15.38 2.61 7.38 5.87 10.97 2.02 13.60 190.49 5.72 6.62 2.25 10.85 6.54 11.72 22.04 319.39 44.99 33.79 535.83 6.42 36.27 9.33 11.00 14.43 11.01 1.36 4.56 4.87 4.38 7.43 10.23 1.72 125.31 2.07 5.69 20.82 6.62 59.53 22.68 112.42 94.71 32.55 23.85 4.81 34.40 13.70 22.29 6.13 25.02 186.82 16.39 13.33 4.50 19.19 10.54 21.10 S.94 12.34 27.92 3.36 109.43 8.78 22.42 24.40 10.41 GladesAille Moses Chapin Hillsboro’ Wiley Peddy Leakesville Wm. G. Smith, Jr... Mechanicsville Burrell P. Key J. ,, , , V Maximiliam H. Hut- Monticello ...| e,,inson Palo Alto Jeremiah M. Gilstrap Shady Dale |Matthew Whitfield. . 18.23' 9.-39 33.51 11.95 12.80 11.86 14.82 1 10.67 186.44' 228.14 14.86 6.67 46.52! 17.56 GEORGIA. 37 Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Right-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Fenn's Bridge Louis^ville (c. h.) Pope Hill Reedy Creek Speir’s Turn Out Sylvan Grove Woodburn Jefferson County • Elam R. Dudley . . Nicholas Diehl John B. Oshire — Thomas Peebles. . George W. Outlen Wm. M. Verdery . Rhesa Farmer Jones County* Blountsville Sandford M. Tufts Cardsville Robert Caldwell . . Clinton (c. h.) Cornucopia . . . Griswoldville , Poverty Hill . . Wallace Wiley B. Pope . . . Robert B. Ridley . Samuel Griswold . Geo. W. F. McKay Thomas W. Choate Laui’ens County. Buc^ Eye Nathan Tucker JhMin (c. h.) i Francis Thomas Laurens Hill I David Harvard Black Smith Chenuba Chickasawhatchie. . . Flat Pond Palmyra Pleasant Level Starkmlle (c. h.) . . . . Sumterville Lee County. Elijah F. Lewis Wm. I. Parker Henry D. Miller Wm. B. Richardson, Jesse H. Watson Jesse M. Davis Gilbert M. Stokes. . . M. N. B. Outlaw Liberty County, ITinesville (c. h.) Riceboro Taylor’s Creek Walthourville Simon A. Fraser Charles Stebbins Henry McGillis Joseph N. Miller Lincoln County. Double Branches . . . Goshen Leathersville Lincolnton (c. h.) . . . Gabriel H. Parks . . . Benjamin W. Moore. Robert L. Walton. .. [Stephen B. Smith. . . Lowndes County. Anderson Alapaha Ava Clyattsville . . . Flat Creek . . . Griflin’s Mills. Hahira Morven. Jesse T. Register Andrew J. Liles . Robert N. Parish James M. Clyatt . Wm. D. Griffin . . Mitchell Griffin. . Berry J. Folsom. John I. Pike Nankin C. I. Blalock Okapilco Piscola Tallokas Trouijville (c. h.) . Robert Peacock. John W. Spain . Elijah Wade . . . william Smith.. Lumpkin County* John Spriggs James E. Wood Reuben Barrett James B. Gordon . . . Truman H. Sanford, George T. Quillian., William Burt James L. Whelchel.. Wm. B. Winters Dennis Hyde Gilderoy W. Smith . Benjamin Jones . . . . iflacon County* Creek Stand iJohn W. Foster Grangersville ] William Gilbert Hamburg jThomas H. Morgan. Amicalola Auraria Barrettsville Catoosa Crossville Dahlonega (c. h.) . . . Juno New Bridge Pleasant Retreat Round Hill Smithville Yellow Creek 26.10 I4.4ul 9.91 6.82 I $29.88 ! $14.39 170.94 1 172.53 17.30 1 10.16 70.67 10.50 17.84 10.83 33.20 15.60 14.33 6.41 145.65 143.21 53.48 21.35 10.44 5.63 9.77 10.43 73.86 1 16.57 112.06 113.58 31.96 ! 32.62 18.80 7.13 42.48 13.60 - 6.32 2.12 65.75 25.03 13.73 171.25 62.13 47.49 28.76 66.97 24.46 172.52 150.28 22.90 10.36 77.06 25.15 72.91 17.24 2L01 17.89 25.67 15.95 59.80 40.86 22.54 ( ( 57.30 22.10 8.75 6.74 ; 37.33 20.84 - 20.02 15.44 J 33.65 22.23 J 5.00 3.55 ' 32.76 14.97 48.03 22.84 , 18.35 7.97 24.81 15.74 128.37 256.37 j 8.95 5.04 77.65 60.12 24.39 15.99 6.89 4.00 ] 52.51 20.54 J 289.01 274.72 ] 9.50 5.10 ] 49.27 35.84 - 7.80 4.20 1 13.92 8.64 ' 11.90 7.58 16.32 10.45 Macon County — {Continued). Lanier (c. h.) Marshallsville. Montezuma . . Oglethorpe . . . Winchester. . . Lovick A. Pearce. . . $43.37, Isaac Johnson 85.52 William W. Davis . . 191.46 William H. Willis . . 371.76 Littleton L. Snow . . . 40.S0| Rladison County. Brookline DanieUmlle (c. h.) . . Fort Lamar Madison Springs Paoli Planter’s Stand Samuel Eberhart . . . 20.69 Anderson Philips... 57.80 John N. Montgomery 19.50 Keeland Tyner 25.00 Joseph B. Long lo.OO Henry White 10.24 $21.53 16.80 130..34 451.T3 10.68 10.23 66.78 8.25 3.00 1.75 4.15 Me ntosh County. Darien (c. h.), I Alex. L. Blount | South Newport Francis B. Williams. Temperance Grove . |T. W. Houston 1 398.651 272.32 38.59 j 7.26 Mar!on County. Buena Vista . Fragoletta . . . Glenalta Pineville Richard R. Stevens . James J. Mapp Daniel Majors James H. Jarvis . . . Poindexter I Joseph R. Beggs Tazewell (c. h.) Benjamin P. Rouse . Meriwether County* Erin Farmer’s Flat Shoals (ireenville (c. h.) Holly. Jones’ Mills Magdalena Oak Ridge Rocky Mount Warm Springs Warnerville White Sulphur Springs Woodberry 229.64 15.80 31.84 37.44 21.16 55.62 213.94 7.62 15.83 31.81 11.52 27.76 Hamilton G. Sullvan 50.00 34.00 Milton Clayton 8.56 2.15 James C. Freeman. . 44.38 19.67 John F. Hatton 270.83 305.02 James F. A. Peebles 17.50 10.19 Rufus Johnson 33.05 16.16 Green B. Rollins 17.18 14.14 Cyrus J. Clower 22.20 13.25 William T. Loftin. . . 31.52 19.50 Lovick H. Jeter 30.26 10.34 Francis W. Baggarly 18.06 9.14 John A. Crawford. . . 75.69 75.94 James T. Lawrence. 66.46 69.42 Monroe County, Colaparchee Culloden Forsyth (c. h.) Johns tonville Samuel F. Story 65.77 22.04 Romulus C. Persons. 111.80 48.54 Cary A. King 505.80 526.87 John Johnston 4.46 2.65 M. Goggans 25.17 10.93 p. G. Proctor 9.60 5.45 William Askins, Jr.. 27.63 10.55 [Thomas R. Grace . . . 26.34 7.14 Montg’omery County* Moumt Vernon (c. h.) William D. Wall 14.49 9.11 James Hall William C. Fain ... 24.46 12.95 Alexander McMiller. 14.23 8.6S Farquhar McRea . . . 27.31 10.24 William A. McLeod. 14.22 10.69 Morgan County* John S. Walker. L. G. Anderson. 9.51 16.70 15.64 52.21 918.49 14.53 Murray County* Chaseville Cohuttah Springs... Coosawattee Fancy Hill. Hassler’s Mills Dean W. Chase 7.46 Samuel M. Walls . . . 32.74 John il. Hawkins. . . 1417 John R. Cain 24.54 William Ilassler 2.5U 8.21 5.27 19.79 7.09 12.49 .75 38 POST-OFFICES AND POST- MASTERS, Left-hand column sliowci compensation of Postmaster. Ilijjht-hand one, net levenue of Oflice to Department. Murray County — {Continued). Holly Creek Pleasant Valley Spring Place (c. h ). Tilton WoodlaM'U Elijah M. Ellis John H. Johnson ... Wm. C. Loughmiller Wm. T. Campbell.. . John W. Beck $9.21 10.24 159.70 63.31 16.36 $5.16 4.23 171.26 24.41 8.77 ITiustogee County. Columbus ( c. h.) . Cottage Hill Jamestown Upatoie Steam Factory . . . Water Oak Eobert C. Forsyth. . . 1299.40 3( 83.30 Grigsby E. Thomas. 10.84 8.74 Nathan J. Bussey. . . 67.51 24.05 Benjamin 11. Davis. — — Valentine Pye 21.08 9.54 John W. Morrison . . — — IVcwton County. Brick Stole i Isaac H. Parker Conyers David T. White I'ovington (c. h.) Francis S. Womack. Middle Eidge William B. Eoberts Newborn Gideon Eoberts Newton Factory John Webb. Oak Hill Shelby Downs Oxford Jacob T. Parker Eocky Plains James H. Mabry — Sheffield Daniel N. Baker Snapping Shoals James W. Hester . . . Starrsville Silas H. Starr 27.71 103.81 534.11 21 . 0 ^ 46.16 57.62 39.31 359.81 20.59 17.61 89.52 81.41 3.77 69.77 640.14 8.20 27.44 21.61 8.50 298.20 7.5-2 11. .31 29.27 9.74 Oglethorpe County. Bairdstown Lexington (c. h.) . , Maxey Millstone Philomath Point Peter Stephens Thomas Callahan. . . 42.8S 13.89 Eobert Morgan 331.61 335.93 Thomas Maxey 59.71 26.99 Samuel Lindsay — — Thomas Morrow 83.20 30.65 John H. Tiller 40.99 15.43 Nathan L. Collins... Paulding County. Dallas (c. h.) . , De Soto . Drake Town. . . Etna Huntsville William I. Chastain. 83.67 54.30 B F. L Ware . . . 6.48 .72 James M. Bryant — Lovick P. Garrison . 14.05 9.66 Thomas H. Dozier. . 15.86 10.22 Evan Parsons 7.77 4.50 Pickens County. Hamageville Jasper (c. h.) 1 Samuel Tate . . 1 84.21 1 [Adin Keeter...... ,..l 48.861 21.85 26.69 Pike County. Barnesville Frederick N. Barnes 354.331 1 263.66 Griffin Martin A. Bowdoin. 1056.33 1179.17 Liberty Hill William W. Head. . . 43.92 29.35 Milner William J. Howe . . . 25.57 9.26 Zebulon (c. h.) ,John C. Eedding.. . . 158.43] 161.79 Polk County. Cedartown Brooks M. Willing- ham 196.51 150.43 JTill ...... Jacob Dennis 5.76 3.95 Lake Creek 1 Abner Darden 8.53 .68 Mountain House [Moses K. Holland. . . — — Pumpkin Pile John F. Williams. . . 11.46 6.42 Van Wert jWilliam W. Simi)son 71.97 41.63 Vellow Stone John Eowe 1 — Pulaski County. Lawson • IMatthcw Grace . 1 232.291 Darling Johnson.. . 5.08 i George AValker . 1 20.03] Piitnaui County. Putnam County — {Continued). Dennis John C. Beardin Eatonton (c. h.) Sidney C. Prndden. . Glades M Eoads James McKinzie Hearnville 'William Hearn Eockville [Lucius D. Eogers. . . Stanfordville. D. E. Andrews Turn wold j William W. Turner. Rabun County. Clayton (c. h.) James M. Quillian. . . Head of Tennessee . Albert G. Dillard . . . Pine Mountain Jas. Billingsley, Jr.. Tiger. Horace W. Cannon . War Woman John Q. Adams Randolph County. Benevolence John T. Fentress . Brooksville Wm. J. Whaley. . . Cotton Hill 'John M. Smith Outhbert (c. h) Dover Georgetown . . . Hamlet Nochway Petawla Pinier Samuel E. Peacock. Thomas S. Grieves. . Green B. Lewis Eufus M. Johnson . . Benjamin Gibson. . . Lewis P. Dozier Samuel Berry . . $19.78 $3.21 463.76 544.37 17.45 9.86 13.90 4.76 20.77 10.10 39.98 11.14 54.35 31.88 6.66 4.23 3.00 2.25 7.38 1.63 2S98 16.80 45.92 28.60 389.12 366.04 58.89 29.98 9' '.41 69..31 21.00 1.55 36.98 18.93 . I 0U.i?0 Richmond County. Augusta (c. h.) Belair McBeen Depot Eichmond Factory. , Toombs James M. Smjdhe . . 1881.19 3351.95 Wm. P. Crawford. . . 17.10 — Walter S. Natt 43.00 16.00 D. Bruce Hack 38.24 8.70 David Palmer — - — Scriven County, Black Creek — Buck Creek George ville Halcyon Dale .. Middle Ground. Mill Haven Mobley Pond . . . Ogech'ee Scarborough . . . Sylvania (c. h.). Moses N. McCall 24.35 George H. Maner. . . 15.41 Hilliard I. Minchy. . — Willis Young 7.3.26 Barton L. Boykin . . . 18.00 Wilkins H. Nunnally 17.26 Thomas E. Smelie.. 36..52 Eobert Williams 58.61 David E. Wadley . .. 71.86 Napoleon B. Potts . . 42.53 Stewart County. Bladen Creek — Florence Hannahatchee . . . Holly Grove I.umLjJcin (c. h.) Eichland Scienceville Union Americ%hs (c. h) AndersonviUe . . Danville Plains of Dura . Pondtown Providence Quebec Avlona INathaniel Walker. . . 1 — —I Cloptou's Mills lAllcn Lawrence [ 10.841 239.22 2.54 10.18 4.08 Belle\iew . . . Bluff Spring. Box Spring . Centre Geneva ..... Pleasant Hill . Prattsburgh . . Quito Talbotton (c. h.) . . Lewis Lee .98 Henry W. Jones 119.17 Wm. D. Bussev 40.05 Joseph Wood 21.71 John C. P. Ewing. . . 374.63 Wm. L. Jarrell 66.68 James M. Granberry 15.10 Willis C. Holt 26.00 iimter Conntyt Wm. P. Haines 789.06 Wilson L. Dykes — Benton Bvrd 50.00 Thomas Simpson . . . 84.96 Hiram L. French. . . 135.65 Ezekiel Hawkins . . 9.75 William J. Moore. . . 28.62 ralbot County. 57.34 Wm. B. ^Marshall. . . 14.36 HezekiahD. Williams 41.20 Simon P. Viele . . 17.41 jo. H. Walton 45.60 Thomas B. Hancock 30.14 William W. Drane. . ] 33.71 John A. Hunt 37.22 William Bacon 370.41; 14.95 8.93 22.04 9.00 13.59 36.43 36.53 9.74 19.97 .44 129.29 17.62 8.73 347.56 49.89 8.92 80.00 981.60 22.00 14.66 120.73 3.48 14.62 25.52 8.11 8.45 10.70 17.95 70.29 8U.68 .30.95 290.75 GEORGIA. 39 Lel't-liauJ column shows compensation of Postmaster. Riglit-iiand one, net revenue of Ollice to Department. Taliafeiro Couuty. Crau'fordsville {c.h.) Wm. Alexander |$173.37[$14fi.97 Eaytown iWm. H. Wilder. ... 50.(iS 16.9G Sharon (Joseph E. W. Nance] 2S.S8| 5.18 Tatuall Coiiiiiy. Matlock J^erry’s Mills (c. h.). Eeidsville Watermelon Elza Tillman 2.75 .30 Nicholas Smith 26.11 13.98 Wm. M. Sharpe 49.68 20.03 Robert C. Surrency . 9.63 6.55 Taylar Coimtyt Butler — Daviston . Howard . . Reynolds. John 0. Cozatt Geo.W. M. Gammon. Jackson L. Downs.. Standley W. Rogers. 184.03 34.04 82.96 70.26 15.17 22.79 Telfair County. Tbomas County < Boston Angus B. McKinnon Duncanville Jackson J. Marsh. . . Eastwood Alfred Bryan Glasgow John A. McIntosh. . . Grooverville Joshua S. Groover.. Ocklockney James Nesmith Station Abner H. Wilson . . . ThomasvilU (c. h.). . Thomas Simmons. . . Troup County. Antioch Asbury Hoganville La Grange (c. h.) . . Long Cane Mountville O’Neal’s Mills Troup Factory. . . , . . Vernon W est Point George A. Stitt Wm. P. Ragland . . . William Hogan John H. IT. Colquitt. Matthew Crenshaw. Isaac Fincher Hilliard O’Neal Thomas Leslie John W. Brady Alston B. Croft 31.49 51.00 6.97 24.40 5.04 10.13 28.69 383.47 40.04 21.17 50.47 849.88 71.12 51.88 30.42 414.02 18.79 274.13 Twiggs County. Jeffersonville Marion (c. h.) Tarversville TwiggsviUe Ellis Long 126.67 Wright Neal 76.39 Thomas E. McCrea . 22.80 Green B. Bridger. . . 14.95 BlnirsvilJe (c. h.) Brasstown Choestoe Gaddistown Ivy Log Mount Eolia New Coosa Shady Grove Stock Hill Tnion County. John Butt James Kimzey .... Andrew J. Comer . . Newton K. Williams William R. Utter . . . Robert H. Erwin John M. Roberts Jesse Osborn James C. Odell Wellscott iJoel 11. Legg jMathadeas M. Gran- ■ tham Young Cane. Delray Double Bridges. Hootensville The Rock Upson County. Richard A. Ford Drury W. Wamble . Jesse C. IMcCord Wm. H. Furguson . . 81.20 6.27 9.10 8.61 9.27 5.34 5.50 12.85 22.70 4.07 19.21 20.81 20.83 22.74 23.24 12.94 12.80 .31 13.81 33.60 4.46 19.94 595.53 23.05 11.16 18.24 1043.55 43.17 13.71 9.65 20.61 14.11 266.13 53.58 84.93 8.38 5.36 65.31 4.24 3.75 5.00 5.90 3.74 7.00 4.16 9.09 2.50 12.10 18.33 8.59 13.25 13.27 i William Jones 7.29 3.60 1 Thomas M. Brantley 1.88 1.04 John B. Coffee 20.21 9.60 1 Jonathan M. Ashley. 12.37 7.99 John McDearmid. . . 44.48 73.89 IWm. H. Wootten... 29.56 16.92 1 Elijah Wells 9.90 3.92 (John C. McRae 6.88 1.14 1 Thomas Fletcher . . . 8.71 5.76 Uj)son County — ( Continued). Tliommton (c. h.) .. Daniel G. Wilson. .. Thundering Springs., William P. Bethea.. Waynmanville (George P. Swift Walker County. Anderson L. E. Wilson Cassandra William Ilinnard . .. Cedar Grove Henry T. Shelton . . . Chesnut Flat 'John W. Williams. . Cotoosa Springs . . . Duck Creek Frick’s Gap Gordon’s Springs . . Graysville Greenbush High Point Lafayette (c. h.) Naomi Pond Spring Ringgold Rock Spring Eossville Snow Hill Villanow Wood’s Station Ezekiel Harris Robt. W. Blackwell. William Simmons . . George W. Gordon . Robert Gray Spencer Bomar David B. Dickey Samuel Thatcher . . . William White James Hunt Sterling S. Kent Peter S. Anderson . Thos. G. McFarland. C. Gordon... Adam Clements. . . . D. K. Rawlings $316.42 1 $304.67 64.81 1 17.10 22.54| 10.18 4.39 72.93 ;• 26.63 11.47 4.25 16.57 8.43 30.78 1 1.95 184.55 215.68 17.64 8.60 275.80 308.32 49.79 15.04 9.46 5.85 16.30 8.53 8.41 2.24 Walton Coimtjb Cutoff Good Hope Loganville Monroe (c. h.) . Social Circle. . . Walnut Grove. Windsor Hope H. Camp 18.28 Wm. H. Richardson. 23.52 Joseph R. Ivie 37.28 Leroy Pattillo 242.96 James W. Stark 166.08 Augustus W. Clay . . 16.31 John Bennett 15.72 Ware County. Guy’s *. Kettle Creek Saint Ilia Strickland’s Waresl)oro'' (c. h.). . William Guy Cuyler W. Hilliard. . 12.16 David J. Miller 2.68 John F. Sweat 18.16 Calvin W. Smith — 60.46 12.34 19.04 24.33 269.48 128.19 9.49 14.20 5.72 2.10 8.16 30.39 Warren County. Double Wells Mayfield Republican Tannville Warremton (c. h.) . . Jethro Darden Thomas Whaley John Adkins Joel T. McGinty Eliphalet Hale 57.34 8.30 376.07 Washington County. Bluford A. Mathis . . 11.29 5.44 John J. Watkins 90.47 30.24 Marshall H. Bland. . 26.27 25.16 William A. Irwin. . . 36.71 20.39 ITuel A. Joiner 59.84 9.90 Haywood Brookins . 264.S<; 400.94 Samuel 0. Franklin. 66.20 10..39 Richard W arthen . . . 29.53 10.18 Curry’s Mills Davisboro’ Hebron Irwin’s !<<) Roads Oconee Liand ersville (c. h.) . . Tennville War then’s Store Wayne County. Bennettsville I Braxton Bennett I Pendarvis Store Caleb Pendarvis Waynesville (c. h.) . (Joseph R. Richard. . ( Webster County. Preston i Charles W. Bird.songl Hawthorn 8. Cham- ( berlin ( Wilkes County. Centrevllle Luke Turner Jr. . . . | John L. Anderson . . | James M. Hawkins . Caroline B. Roi)inson 24.98 78.10( 12.55 Danburgh Mallorysville Washington (c. h.) . 15..56 67.53 44.78 457.73 2.41 25.16 15.63 576.99 40 POST-OFFICES AND P 0 S T -M A S T E R S. Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Riglit-tiand one, net revenue of Ottice to Department. \¥bitfi€ld County. Cedar Eidge Cuba Dalton Fillmore S, B. Dwight $17.52 ! $6.45 Joseph E. Ford 3.68 — Edw’d H. Edwards . 569.67 767.89 Andrew Mauldin . . . 3.41 2.31 Archibald E.T. Ham- bright 105.83 71.61 Eobert Watkins 9.S7 8.72 Thomas E. Gherry. . 105.53 90.76 Benjamin F. King.. — — Mitchell P. Varnell . 49.89 15.36 Eed Clay Eural Vale Tunnell Hill Upper King’s Bridge Varnell’s Station Wiililnsou County. Cool Spring | Willis Allen j 44.85 1 22,00 ^yincinson Covmty — {Continued). Emmitt Tames U. Floyd Fleetwood Leroy Fleetwood Gordon Jrwinton (c. h.) Milton Stephensville Toombsborough Washington I. Solo- mon Eichard L. Storey. . . •Joel Deese James E. Billue James Jackson Isabella (c. h.) . . Worth County. . . I Gordon Sumner I Minton Lewis M. C. Britt ... $24.81 $12.65 81.36 20.44 133.02 98.35 6.31 4.33 25.76 12.80 32.13 20.59 11.04] 1 8.68 2.571 1 1.88 ILLINOIS. Adams Beverly Big Neck Burton Camp Point . , Clayton Coatsburgh . . . Columbus Elm Grove . . . Fair Weather. Houston Adams County. Thomas Tripp John B. Eobertson. . James Shannon Isaac N. Enlow Grandison M. Hess,. Joseph Wallace Hiram T. Keenan. . . John Gault John Spence Abraham High John Eice Liberty I James E. Howerton. Lima ; James P. Archer — E. L. F. Trimble John L. Arnold D. W. Chase Benjamin Collins Eobert Moore..*. Austin Brooks Thomas E. Jones . . . John Delaplain Wm. H. McClyment. James F. Owen Marcelline Mendon Paloma Payson Pitman Quincy (c. h.). . Eichfield Stone’s Prairie . Ursa Woodville Alexander County. Alexandria | Alex’r M. Fountain. Cairo ! Samuel 8. Brooks. . Clear Creek Land-'^^^^^^ mg I Dogtooth Jefferson Martin — Santa Fe Clark Jones Thebes. John Dollman Unity Hugh P. Craig. $30.69 41.85 18.34 80.86 72.26 145.08 172.59 15.52 29,14 30,25 99.-35 61.85 51.67 138.52 177.64 1925.79 20.60 49.40 37.96 8.92 350.98 9.45 8.19 9.14 48.53 3.42 $22.04 19.55 14.75 21.80 20.19 35.59 72.83 6.27 18.47 29.88 57.21 33.61 29.29 53.45 24.49 2754.96 10.13 23.01 15.75 1.92 13.83 6.08 6.02 22.91 2.30 Bond County • Beaver Creek Cottonwood Grove . . Elm Point Gree'ivcille (c. h.) — Mulberry Grove Old Eipley Pocahontas David W. Wise 14.57 6.19 David J. McCord . . . 80.43 17.21 William Paisley 24.06 12.98 Samuel H. Crocker. . 842.89 308.36 Reps Elam 50.49 39.44 Henry G. Jandt 14.89 9.29 William Watkins . . . 83.69 48.54 Boone County. Beaverton Bclvidere Bonus Boone Burton's Corners... Caledonia Station . Garden Prairie Hunter Kossuth Leesville Park's Corners Pojdar Grove Samuel Clark Tohn Saxton Wallace W. Lambert •Tames Alexander. . . Benjamin P. Patten. Manpiis L. Pierce. . . Cyrus H. Avery. . . . Frederick P. Ham.. Henry Fish, Jr William Lee •Tohn Kerr, Jr Harvey Johnson 15.36 1051.90 50.93 4.98 25.84 42.02 62.65 19.33 8.64 10.68 12.96 1811.59 29.33 2.80 15.79 24.89 26.75 10.75 5.12 7.('2 54.39 ‘ 33.93 27.02' 16.46 Brown County. Buck Horn Cooperstown La Grange Bluff. . Mount Sterling Eipley Versaille.s Walker’s Neck, . . , Alexander Hedrick . $12.70 G. A. BATns 12.46 H. F. C* Johnson 6.80 John P. Nye 265.96 Samuel E. Glenn . . . 51.69 Jephthah Wilson 76.92 William Lee 19.72 Arthur Martin 1 4.50 Bureau County. Arispe Arlington Buda Bureau Junction Dover East Concord Enon Holloway ville Lamoille Macon Milo Neponset New Bedford Ohio Perkins’ Grove Princeton Providence Selby Station Sheffield Tiskiiwa Truxton Walnut Wiona Wyanet Yorktown Henry A. Morgan. . , James Waugh George S. Emerson . . William M. Shields . William B. Harford. Tristram C. Dow. . . . Apollos W. Ballard. . B. S. Cash Henry H. Holbrook. Charles Lee Isaac Sutherland — Joseph Lyford Azor A. Smith Stephen Wilson — Libbeus Stanard Charles N. Pine Daniel Williams. . . . Hiram White Gamer C. Mills Joseph T. Cook Allen S. Lathrop Elijah McNitt Allen B. Isaac Samuel Miles Knox . Eufus H. Sheldon. . . I 20.43 29.51 1-38.77 11.05 13.11 43.95 33.04 14.95 87.24 $8.47 8.85 5.02 832.03 30.93 74.14 13.72 3.05 24.47 14.01 18.42 6.95 23.13 687.21J123.80 71.19! 2!.04 40.77j 23.16 282.901 142.50 2-32.19 60.51 5.71 3.77 18.18 9.85 Calbonn County^ Belleview Deer Plain Gilead Hamburgh Hardin (c. h.) Monterey News Henry G. Hart 21.57 9.76 John Euckstukle — 28.59 1*39 Daniel T. Simpson. . Nehemiah J.Woodin 10.37 6.29 36.23 24,78 Benjamin F. Child. . 58.65 89.82 Israel L. Euland 21.22 18.06 Henry L. Bush 27.53 18.17 Carroll County. Ashford Argo Bluffville Cherry Grove Elk Horn Grove. . . Milledgeville Moimi ('arroll (c. h.) Eock Creek. . . Savanna Spring Valley. George Ashby I [ George H. Carpenter' 18.02 George Cole i 1 24.53 SuTuviel Sheller 1 42.0" Calvin Tucker 1 49."< William E. Winters. ; luo.oO George W. Harris . . 1 456.45 Daniel Bolding 14."C> Daniel P. Holt I 1 7(1.9: 1 Leonard M. Healy. . . i 2 1.47 9.28 12.71 14.37 24.47 62.07 486.09 5.62 07.' i9 10.67 ILLINOIS. 41 Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Kight-hand one, net revenue of Ollice to Department. Cass County. Arenzville 'John L. Cire. Beardstown James Shaw. Bcrrytou Bagley Jersey Prairie . . Lancaster Panther Creek. Virginia . Jesse Crews Samuel Craven Moses llainsfurther Samuel Christy. . . . Thomas N. Canfield Samuel Ifeeley. Champaign Coimty Homer Mahomet Pera Station Pesotum Point Pleasant Saint Josephs Sidney Sodom Sodorus TJt'hana (c. h.) West Urbana William Waples. . . Robert P. Carson . . John Lucas Thomas Lyon Joseph T. Kelly Otho W. Upp Thompson Dickson John P. Tenbrook . John Gere John Mills Christian County. Blueville jlsham J. Hicks. . . Bond’s Point Thomas Simpson.. Mount Auburn ‘Moses Stafibrd Owaneco Joseph P. Durbin. Pana Milan S. Beckwith Stonington C. T. Chapman Tacusah Geo. W. Hillabrant., Dorice Dwigh 1 Shumway Taylorsville (c. h.) . Anderson Casey Darwin Dolson Fin Castle Johnson’s Mills. Livingston Lodi Margaretta Marshall (c. h.). Martinsville Melrose Sacton Wabash Valley. Westfield Bible Grove Flora Ingraham Prairie. Larkinsburg Louisville. Maysville (c. h.) . . Sutton’s Point. Clark County. Moore McIntosh . . . Jonathan Maring.. Hugh Malone John B. Beadles. . . John W. Morgan . . Zachariah J. Crouch Elza M. Hanks Samuel Williams. . . William B. Marrs. . Thomas J. Starr . . . George W. Hollings- head David J. Eitfe . Jesse Draper . . Elijah Stephens Richard F. Williams Clay County. Wm. W. Apperson.. Havillah G. Gunn . . Osman Pixley William Aldredge. . . Benj. G. Sullivan . . . Daniel L. McCawley. Elijah Sutton Xenia Fjchard C. Junkins. . Clinton County. Aviston [Josiah C. Shelton... Carlyle (c. h.) iOliver A. Hervey . . . Collins Station !Wm. H. IT. Dobbins. Jamestown Spencer Shepard. . Keyesport Thomas Keyes Looking Glass Laurens Geiger. Trenton Ashby Ashmore Bourbon Brushy Fork. Isaac W. Buckman. Coles County. HL| b^ ■Eb • ork. . Benjamin F. Bulla. . .James M. Ashmore.. j7illiam Chandler... cnjamin Maddox. . $60.41 $35.90 428.15 45''.29 9.01 4.64 17.32 10.22 31.60 21.66 56.41 21.91 58.84 4.92 157.66 158.63 118.58 85.78 112.08 57.47 13.08 7.88 4.6S 3.12 16.17 8.20 449.56 544.00 140.36 — 4.68 3.12 3.63 1.36 53.22 26.76 32.68 3.60 12.39 2.51 ' 226.15 213.27 6.84 4.96 69.45 45.13 59.53 25.46 14.08 9.34 16.21 10.74 4.60 8.00 36.18 20.29 27.62 12.06 12.90 8.07 389.89 229.38 101.32 60.95 37.99 26.96 5.17 4.13 16.15 11.02 48.54 28.53 14.46 6.67 17.08 11.50 23.56 13.66 94.73 89.06 112.50 18.68 15.44 7.77 139.07 99.55 1 31.58 16.60 234.18 185.70 i 52.76 87.37 13.50 9.77 32.31 22.00 19.12 18.42 1 46.70 ; 25.63 26.92 13.73 69.63 19.01 , 16.44 6.88 Coles Campbell Charleston . . . Fuller’s Point. Hermitage . . . Hitesville Mattoon Oakland Paradise Rural Retreat Springville Upper Embarrass. . . Bach elder’s Grove. Barrington Barrington Station . Bloom Calumet Chicago Comorn Deer Grove Elk Grove Evanston Hope Jefferson Lake Lemonte Leyden Leyden Centre Lyons Lyonsville Maine Mainville New Bremer New Trier Niles Northfield Noyesville Orland Palatine Palos Plum Proviso Rich Ringgold Shaumburgh South Northfield Strasburgh Thornton Thornton Station West Northfield West Wheeling Wheeling Wickliffe Worth County — ( Continued'). John Phipps Jacob J. Brown Joseph Keller Thomas Kerney Nicholas S. Wiley. . . David J. Connelly . . Marion P. Cash Augustus H. Chap- man John Cofer Henry ClayWortham William H. Lamb. . . Cook County. Robert Patrick Theodore A. Miller. . John M. Porter Christopher Brown. . Corydon F. Stewart. Isaac Cook Elvin A. Hempstead Mason Sutherland. . . Caleb Lamb James B. Colvin Fayette D. Rexford . Amos I. Snell Asher Bonham Horace M. Singer . . . Matthew L. Dunlap . William Emerson. . . William Lunn Robert Vial William Johnston. . . William Ellis Moses R. Ballard. . . . Anson H. Taylor William Horner Douglas Boyd Henry P. Flower . . . George Cox Darius B. Wood Melancthon A. Pow- $20.02 $11.68 574.36 633.45 7.44 4.83 33.34 25.13 63.02 35.63 117.19 52.64 87.62 54.87 15..50 6.32 34.17 17..53 58.17 23.78 George F. Kidder. . . Augustin Porter Charles Ohlendorf. . . Eli Whitney Earnest P. Swain . . . John Cammack. ... Charles Sauter Lyman B. Babcock . Henry Simmer Milo Winchell William G. Wing. . . John M. Schafer Willis F. Johnson.. . Ferdinand Schapper 89.48 14.1 20.56 l(t.76 200('.00 6.80 25.75 51.16 21.88 60.12 12.76 46.29 46.47 18.92 28.23 38.84 20.85 3.35 33.47 85.72 16.71 21.90 17.95 46.27 23.62 25.22 10.04 45.71 20.25 27.25 9.74 18.51 16.69 66.39 38.77 68.22 91.81 165.31 10.95 6.09 23,4.66.38 4.32 13.78 32.57 12.06 23.96 5.24 21.84 15.02 3.74 12.82 10.68 12.85 1.80 16.43 48.11 8.53 12.81 9.58 24.83 13.45 Crawford County. Beil Air ■ Wm. B. Bowman. . . John Eaton 38.23 6.61 43.98 10.75 17.17 115.32 21.56 Eaton Filkton John Rathbun Flat Rock William Maxwell. . . David Dyar Hardinaville Hutsonville William L. Draper. . Sam’l G. Swearingen David W Odell New Hebron Oblong Palestine (c. h.) Rohinson (c. h.) Rfiflpsville Henry Young 178.57 72.69 James Larrabee — Christopher Stifle. . . Renick Heath Vernon 14.05 78.91 York Benj. F. Robinson . . 92.17 25.85 8.16 27.46 5.84 11.37 103.87 11.82 155.57 55.49 8.89 27.97 Cumberland Coiin+y. Greenup Hazle Dell Johnstown Long Point Grove IWm. H. Woodbury . 6.32 3.61 Leman H. Fauncc . . 4.08 2.45 !C. C. Starkweather.. 130.56 107.70 1 John B. Kelly 17.12 11.01 J. H. Johnston 3.20 1.84 .John G. Morri.son. . . 23.53 12.75 William B. Morrison 24.39 13.91 David T. Wisner.... 27.85 17.30 42 POST-OFFICES AND P 0 S T - M A S T ER S . Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster.' Itishl-huiifl one, net levenuo of Ctlice to Departmenl. De Ra!b County, Blood’s Point Courtland Station. . , De Kalb Centre — Dorset Freeland Genoa Ilick’.s Mills Kingston . John Lee Chauncey Luce Jackson lliland Alexander McJSfish. . Tliaddeus B. Car- penter William H. Allen. . . George A. Gillis George H. Hill, Lacey i Henry F. Merrill . . . La Clair Timothy Goble New Lebanon [Allen Bigelow Ney iLeander P. Kellogg. North King.ston Charles W. Branch . Ohio Grove Homer Eoberts Pierceville Moses Hill Eoss’ Grove 'Matthew Nisbet Sandwich lEobert Patten Shabbona’s Grove.. . William Marks, Jr. . Somonauk Lyman Bacon South Grove Henry Safford Squaw Grove 'John Sebree Si/eavtore (c. h.) | William P. Dutton. . Van Buren Jeremiah Mulford. . . Williamsburg ! John F. Snow De Witt County. Clinton. . . . De Witt.. .. . Santa Anna. . Tunbridge .. Wapella Waynes ville. Zabriskie Ephraim M. Burns. . Samuel Walton Emofy L. Waller James W. Armstrong Daniel Thompson... J. W. Wells Walter Karr Addison Babcock’s Grove. . Big Woods Bloomingdale Bonaparte Brush Hill Cass Cottage Hill Danby Downer’s Grove . . Lisle Naperville Sagone Turner Warrensville Wayne Wayne Centre Wheaton Winfield York Centre Du Page County. Henry Bartling Joseph B. Hull John Warne.. Hiram Cody William Anderson.. Benjamin Fuller Thomas Andrus Gerry Bates Mark Davis James Depue John Thompson Eobert Naper Smith D. Pierce Washingt’n J.Mow-ry Julius M. Warren... Solomon Dunham. . . Albert Guild Fred’k C. Hageman. Andrew Van Deusen George Fuller $15.20 49.52 136.85 11.81 73.04 5.51 17.22 25.47 33.35 26.73 13.76 14.14 15.88 10.64 29.57 104.06 110.39 69.25 23.40 23.52 891.14 17.85 4.27 365.38 52.90 79.12 4.54 31.36 121.09 16.07 60.08 92.28 4.83 86.46 11.36 30.27 87.89 80.80 118.28 39.36 6.84 462.47 19.17 108.51 46.27 37.40 122.74 46.67 9.49 $9.90 22.12 63.42 7.98 79.60 3.04 7.85 16.59 16.54 13.39 4.98 6.31 3.50 6.65 20.22 45.21 72.91 43.21 11.74 15.19 389.72 13.61 2.53 250.24 37.07 41.30 2.04 16.52 99.66 11.24 42.52 56.58 2.25 52.68 7.36 19.05 19.30 46.40 65.75 25.88 2.76 458.90 9.25 46.81 24.04 25.12 56.92 28.84 6.64 Edgar County. Baldwinville. Bloomfield. . . BonweU .... Dudley Elbridge Grand View. (c. h.). Alhion (c. h.). . Mills Prairie . . . Maple Grove .t West Salem Alanson Baldwin... 12.47 20.63 William B. Baily 127.43 125.04 William M. Jones. . . 7.20 4.80 Thomas J. Langford — — Thomas McDonald. . 65.53 27.97 Joel S. Cary 157.40 114.40 Win. F. Bover 43.6!i 10.24 Samuel C. Wilkins.. 24.69 16.58 Daniel G. Burr 601.43 620.74 Edwards County. Broomsburg. Effingham. . . Elliottstown . Ewington — Freemanton lone Nelson Hill. Tentopolis . . Effingham County— {Continued). John C. Defebaugh. Aaron W. Henry Isaac E. Elder Clemens Uptmor $57.89 49.86 1.48 96.53 $35.32 32.87 .20 61.49 Fayette County. Bowling Green Cumberland Four Mile Prairie. . Hickory Creek Howard’s Point London City Prairie Mound John A.McClanahan 20.63 13.45 Ezra Griffith 7.92 4.38 Lorenzo D. Morey . . 15.19 14.87 Berry Edwards. .... 14.37 8.69 James H. Young.. . . 24.01 13.37 Benj. M. Backensto. 37.70 29.06 Elijah Pope 4.48 3.00 Salmon Washburn. . — — Henry G. Habich. .. .890.65 322.97 Franklin County. Joseph Williams. . . . 183.09 191.06 Thomas Wilkinson.. 26.15 14.01 Eobert Marshall — — Stephen S. Gunn... . 14.72 5.10 Fiiighani Coiiuty* Samuel Broom 6.36 5.76 George 11. Scoles . . . 0.4S 7.24 Lewis J. Field — — Abraham B. Eagay. 132.12 127.12 Benton (c. h.) . . . . Cave . . Crittenden Ewing Frankfort (c. h.). Hall Little Muddy Marcy Osage Pleasant Shade. . Webb’s Prairie.. Astoria Avon Bernadotte Canton Copperas Creek. Cuba Ellisville Fairview Farmington Fiatt Ipava Lewistown Liverpool Marietta Middle Grove Midway Otto John G. Goe.ssman.. 121.11 John W. McCreery. . 20.88 Benjamin E. Pope.. 3.79 Bennett Scarborough 9.78 Milton S. Clark 33.18 Jacob S. Clark 4.47 John Kirkpatrick. . . 14.88 Harral Lemme 10.52 Isaac Snider — John Foster Kirk- 7.75 patrick William L. Britton. . 5.71 ulton County. Jacob Deary 175.18 Stephen Tompkins . . 65.13 John M. Lewis 96.15 Parley C. Stearns. . . 632.00 John McCan 15.17 Daniel G. Havernale 72.66 Anson Smith 91.321 Joseph I. Perrine . . . 121.72 John W. Eussell 353.80 Peter Wheeler 16.20 J. T. MeWhirt 10-3.82 George McLeran 846.21 George Prichard. . . . 48.73 Eichard Osborn 60.07 Timothy W. Morse. . 13.82 Eobert W. Combs.. . 27.38 William T. Galeher. 43.24 Anson BaldAvin 75.50 Summum John Schenck Table Grove William Lovell Troy Mills Stephen F. Bobbins Vermont Moses C. Mathewson' Virgil David J. Austin i Eallatin County. Cottonwood j Thompson Boyd Christmasville | William Cook Crawford :John Crawford Equality (c. h.) jWm. H. Crawford . . New Haven Samuel Dagley Saline Mills Wm. N. Warford . . . Shawneetown George W. McKeaig South Hampton Davici Keasler i 23.08' l".6s; 282.09, 95.14 13.57 2.55 -3.34 15.21 2.39 8.84 6.61 4.49 4.39 96.59 25.20 86.88 706.00 8.96 80.49 55.65 82.47 411.23 8.10 49.10 366.88 17.89 30.63 7.57 12.91 27.95 31.76 10.10 6.42 124.53 31.43 Creene Counlji Athensville Bluff Dale Breese ('"arrollton (c. h.) . . . Fayette. Greenfield Kane Pisgah . Eockbridge White Hall. John Armstr. Wm. E. Buckingham John L. Van Allen. . Francis M. Johnson. Mason County. William J. Odell.... D. C. Morgan Orlando H. Wright.. John Pemberton . . . Freeman Marshall.. Walker’s Grove | William Wamock. . . Massac County. George’s Creek William I. Simpson. 19.94 16.82 Hickory Grove Wm. J. Thompson.. 5.70 2.96 Metropolis City . — Aaron B. Browne. . . 188.83 147.87 Pellonia William McCawley.. 15.00 1.60 Menard County* Athens Joel Hall 106.04 58.50 Ppfprahnrp- -1 acob Garber 804.31 323.96 Eobinson’s Mills — John Bonnett 26.98 15.82 Eushaway ■Tames AV. Simpson . 29.99 21.58 Smoot’s Point William C. Smoot. . . 5.64 1.-32 Water tlohn D. Alkire 45.13 25.03 M ercer County, Centre Eidge Almond Shaw 20.96 10.44 Eliza David F. Noble 7.97 2.75 Farlow’s Grove John II. Park 45.18 17.71 ' Ferdinand John H. Elwell 4.16 2.60 1 Hamlet Graham Lee 4.60 1.10 High Point (George Scott 12.38 4.44, $25.43 1 $9.63 165-3.42 2339.22 26.-53 7.20 218.54 84.-55 298.68 110.96 202.97 85.36 361.77 222.80 11.-59 4.-39 118.79 31 60 2.64 2.01 27.45 1 7.-55 16.-39 9.-54 36.67 25.87 5.02 2.12 123.37 59.04 338.97 272.65 62.62 26.67 8.50 4.50 84.99 46,56 90.05 26.40 3.75 2.75 82.89 19.43 12.22 5.67 21.83 19.98 19.56 7.32 8.50 4.87 350.19 240.58 12.28 • 8.40 52.95 27.45 14.45 9.67 18.18 5.72 663.04 445.22 482.89 744.50 5.40 1..50 40.i’7 2''.21 2.22 .92 10.46 6.03 27.49 16,24 87.10 13.06 20.01 14.24 152.08 135.08 839.79 254.26 : 21.18 12.01 14.47 4.52 18.22 14.98 3fercer County — {Continued). Keith sburg 3Iillerfiburgh (c. h.). New Boston North Henderson. . . Perrryton Pope Creek Preemption Eichland Grove Sunbeam Edward Moran Hiram W. Thornton Eichard Thomas. . . . Samuel E. Boggs . . . James Gingles Henry Bridger George W. Wright. . Thomas IJ. Morey. . . Samuel Dihel $232.91 $204.89 9y.6o -3-3.11 163.75 280.96 36.64 9.82 8.92 3.00 67.-36 32.62 51.49 37.41 4-.71 28.24 13.20 2.10 Monroe County. Eagle Cliffs StephenW. Miles, Jr. Ilarrisonmlle (c. h.) Hecker Monroe City Eenault Waterloo Noah B. Harlow. Augustus Eittmeyer. i Michael Dace I Caleb IT. Sampson . . Wm. L. Adelsbergeri 146.30 1 11-3.09 25.56, 1 10.85 31.77! 1 1-3.82 18.28 12.65 8.03 4.54 293.64 2-31.18, Montgomery County ( Audubon Bear Creek Butler. . ., Fillmore nilU'bord’ (c. h.). Hurricane Litchfield Euthsville Seward’s Point.^ Walshville * Woodsboro’.. . . Zanesville -John Sanders, Jr 45.06 William Eussell 11.22 Henry Eichmond . . . — Jonathan B. Lane. . . 15.64 Aaron H. Eountree . 349.65 Eobert White 39.78 John P, Bayless 7-3.72 AV ashington S. Flem- 11.95 ing . . Joseph M. Scott 8.88 Michael AValsh 50.70 William AVood 7.52 William Mclver i 44.74 Morgan County. Arcadia Bethel Concord Emerald Point Evans’ Mill Franklin Jacksowcille (c. h.). . Lynnville Maradosia James M. Dougherty Andrew J.Thompson Eugene W. Wiswell. Joseph Hays James B. Seymour. . Harry Eeinbach Samuel Hunt Andrew M. Emerick John Walihan Orleans Eobert S. Anderson. Waverly Peter C. Arnett Zion 'James M. Gunn 50.05 78.6S 72.80 17.99 5.55 92.21 1356.05 102.55 122.34' 38.331 261.19' 12.44 21.53 5.94 13.50 827.89 2:kS5 1.92 5.07 4.30 26.47 2.75 42.01 14.20 83.14 34.11 5.21 8.37 36.61 1990.02 50.86 8-3.05 17.05 190.67 8.39 Moultrie County. Lovington I Stephen Cannon. . Sullivan [Joseph E. Eden. . . 85.121 22.60 206.48 176.19 Adeline Brookville Byron Daysville Dement Station . Eagle Point Fitz Henry Foreston Grand Detour . . Hale Killbuck Kyte Elver Lindenwood Lane Depot . . . . Lee Mount Morris. . . Ogle..., Oregon Paiiie’s Depot . . Polo Taylor. Wales White Eock.. . Woosung Ogle County. George W. Mitchell. David Hoffhine Silas St John Mix . . William J. Mix Thomas Smith Mason Crary, Jr — Freeman Woodcock Samuel Mitchell Horace H. Paine — Joshua White Nathan K. Eoss Alanson D. Clark . . . Daniel Gifford David B. Stiles Galutia B. Alverson. Edward Davis Aaron Weeks Edmund P. Sexton. James M. Collier — George D. Eead Dexter Stocking John Light Aimis Lucas Wm. Brimblecom. . . 106.89, 81.47; 155.17: 55.621 14.49! 43.04| 14.00: 23.76 194.69! 32.181 19 . 51 ; 38.57 68.91 145.291 20.231 38i‘.:13l 85.70 262.00 38.44 33.50 21.28 88.04 68.86 50.16 79.57 2-3.92 8.94 •25.86 9.24 164.04 16.38 14.53 25.97 37.63 66.99 9 4.65 298.62 23.19 190.05 16.05 IS.oO 14.06 13.87 ILLIN OIS 47 Left-haiul column shows compensation of Postmaster. Kight-liaud one, net revenue of Office to Department. Peoria County. $259.99 16.55 $108.09 Brunswick William Fahnestock 5.32 Chillicothe Lewis H. Thomas. . . 159.9S 61.53 1 Edwards' Station . . . E. D. Edwards — Elmore Jason Wilkins . . . 50.S7 21.73 1 Elm Wood Anson S. Andrews. . 122.51 78.76 Helena (c. h.) Thomas Mooney — — Kickapoo Eichard F. Seabury. 111.80 54.54 Kingston Mines Samuel Hutchinson. 54.87 29.70 Mount Hawley Aaron Hawley 34.08 12.72 North Hampton Eeuben B. Hamlin. . 60.65 36.52 Peoria (c. li.) Peter Swear 1966.41 3931.84 Princeville Geo. W. Hitchcock. . 114.60 42.74 85.80 13.01 Eome Farms George H. Clapp — 20.44 14.47 Eosefield Benjamin Miller 2.56 1.72 Smithville Thomas P. Smith. . . 23.92 13.97 42.90 20.65 Southport Ephraim W. Gibbs. . 43.21 21.14 Starfield Thomas J. Moore. . . 6.70 4.90 Summerville William 0. Hard — — — Timber 43.98 22.10 Trivoli Charles Eobinson . . 122.71 46.99 1 Carnent Prairie *crry County. James Campbell ' 4.37 3.12 Duquoin Chester A. Keyes. . . 82.16 17.33 Galum James P. Burnell. .. 7.46 5.90 Grand Cote Prairie . John C. Huey 8.83 4.99 19.75 17.95 Mount Hawkins John F. Griffith. . . . 32.94 10.18 Pinckneyville (c. h.) Alex’r D. Gosney. . . 87.71 77.49 7.48 1 Bement Platt County. Joseph Bodman Cerro Gordo Isaac E. McKinney . 32.02 15.78 Monticello (c. h.) . . . Jonathan C. Johnson 268.96 140.69 XJba Eichard B. Monroe. 70.00 31.00 ] Pike County. .Tnhn S Ball 34.31 20.94 Barrv Londoree N. Ferris. 275.34 68.30 Bedford Thos. M. Killpatrick 16.30 5.00 Chambcrsbur^ James H. Dennis . . . 30.36 15.47 Detroit Thomas J. O^nbey. 37.36 2.96 Douglassville William Bowers 2.74 .50 F,1 D:ira Samuel Lippincott . . 33.60 25.13 "Rlmt George Alexander.. Florence . ■. Willis Peckenpaugh 16.59 9.51 Grigg.sville .Taenb Parsons 400.54 457.76 Keyshiirg Daniel A. Shaw 11.31 5.40 Kinderhook Henry Orr 62.47 31.75 Martinsburgh William M. Gooden . 16.95 10.68 Jlilton Abraham H. Selders 77.14 44.48 Montezuma Henry A. Sumwault. 30.18 18.93 ^Monument (David Hollis 10.66 3.85 New Hartford Thomas Aiton 42.32 25.98 New Mavsville Samuel Laird 19.16 11.20 New Salem , Isaiah Cooper 50.31 21.97 Pearl 1 Orange F. Howland. Perry John K. Cleveland. . 195.39 179.48 Pitl'siaville Wiuship’s Mill. . Hiram Dougherty . ! William Boyl Perry W. Gard .... John E. Loveless .. James Iliff Ptichard L. Shilling Edwin Winship . . . Crawford Cciinty. James A. Brown. Elias O’Bannon . , John V. Grant. , . . Marcus Clark Addison Williams Lewis B. Stewart Malachi Ott Libbeus Erisbie . , John H. McMickle English Frkhinia (c. h), Grantsburg Leavenworth . . . Magnolia Marengo Mifflin Milltown Mount Prospect Kebraska !Hiram B. Meylin Pilot Knob 'John C. Morris . Wickliflfe George W. Kice Daviess County. Alfordsville J. W. Jackman Maysviile Horace 8. Anderson. Owl Prairie Asa M. Helphenstine Plainville Clement Lee Eaglesville Francis Williams . . . Washington (c. h.) . . Michael Murphy 17.40 10.05 5.92 4.47 140.66 85.85 6.55 4..54 22.92 17.82 2.15 1.49 21.76 15.66 14.11 9.50 39.16 19.47 8.56 5.71 14.35 9.70 Dearborn County Aurora Josephus Clark Braysville Joseph Weber Bright ‘ ^ Coopersville dVbner B. Whipple . John Kemp. Dillsborough i Moses Shott. Farmer’s Eetreat . . . George Bosse Guilford Eobeft Chidester . . . Guionsville Hamilton Conaway . Kelso William Swift Latcrencel3iirgh{c-.h.) Francis Jackson Lawrenceville Godfrey Krummel . . Logan Charles Jolly Manchester Gilbert Platt, Jr Moore’s Hill Wm. J. McCreary .. New Alsace Mrs. Mary Kessler.. Saint Leon John C. Sterger Sparta George W. English . Yan Wedding’s Sta- jj. Lilie tion I Wilmington jZera Vincent Wright’s Corners . . . George M. Lozier . . . Yorkville [Joseph Ege Eossburgh 'George W. Barkley Saint Oiner. Saint Paul Sardinia Smyrna Spring Hill Waynesburg Westport Williamstowm David Hooten Eoswcll J. Pearce. . . John T. McCormick. Elijah S. Elder William Anderson.. George W. Crouch. . Wm. H. Vanhorn.'.. Eichard E. Tafham. Wintersville Eobert S. Ward . . , 29.18 366.12 50.3.71 22.81 24.22 11.99 76.69 9.30 56.53 27.21 30.96 867.24 26.50 18.18 12.3.49 7.3.18 48.64 23.32 27.84 64.20 30.00 2.72 8.89 20.44 271.20 462.51 14.60 16.54 8.40 29.28 4.86 24.54 19.68 20.85 828.20 21..57 9.89 82.99 31.18 3.3.83 17.20 20.72 17.94 12.00 27.29 14.83 Decatur County. Adams |Wm. Goldsborough . j Cave Spring [Edward A Jocelyn.} Clarksburgh | James F. Morrence . f Clifty Isaac W. Fugit Forest Hill Eeuben Gibson Greenshnrgh (c. h.). John B. Covington . Kingston .Justus Wilson McCoy’s Station William A. McCoy. . Millhousen Bernard Harderback 31.«6 9.84 3.75 102.82 82.66 517.95 33.52 21.11 44.95 60.39 73.79 40..58 7.25 45.31 1 8.051 6.3.27 [ 28.25 9.13[ 28.59 6.40 2.50 69.89 25.10 516.97 28.01 17.00 26.76 42.37 42.92 28.78 5.00 27.91 5.09 4.5.34 17.76 6.01 Dc Raib County, Artie : ! Amos Sterns . . . . AuJjurn (q. h.) Macob B. Hoover Buck Hill Harris Boogc Butler DeKalb Fairfield Centre. . Iba Mount Hope Newwille Norristown Spencerville . . . . . Taylor’s Corners . Victor Eobert Work. Jonathan Hall Edward Wrigl Lyman Green Isaac B. Goldsmith James M. Litwrence Joseph E. Banning. Bushrod Catlin ... Edward H. Taylor. James E. Cosper . . $11.36 252.27 8.05 16.20 39.95 37.45 10.50 8.73 57.94 49.93 59.59 13.18 2.00 $7.59 278.08 5.73 10.59 24.96 20.28 5.75 2.45 37.46 35.02 39.12 .72 1.00 Delaware County, Albany Anthony Bell Creek Eaton Granville Harrison Mmxcietv^on (c. h.) . New Burlington . . . . New Corner Selma Sharon Smithfield Wheeling Torktown Elisha Bcrgdoll 41.30 27.93 James C. Merit 9.90 6.02 .John Tbomn.s T^rfinAtt. Jesse Brackin 56.79 37.66 Jacob W. Miller 11.65 7.63 John Brady 472.14 492.76 John S. Hutchings. . 30.43 19.(,9 Jacob Hatfield 11.51 8.43 William J. Moore. . . 54.73 34.65 John L. Eiley 10. s4 7.20 William F. Gray 20.60 14.49 William G. Bunker . 55.32 32.05 William S. Horne. . . 53.60 34.40 Bubois County, Birdseye Celestine Davis’ Creek. . Ditney Hill Ferdinand Haysville Huntingburgh Ireland Jasper (c. h.) . . Ludlow Worth Thomas King Joseph Streigel 9.17 6.9T John A. Wineinger . 12.60 8.94 Samuel Jacobs 3.47 2.51 Gerhard W. Keeper. 75.46 49.34 Dewitt Clinton Bru- ner 25.83 17.04 William G. Helfrich. 40.58 29.65 Alsephus McGinnis. 13.03 5.65 Dominick Eckhert.. 102.58 50.27 Eobert M. Davis 8.24 6.49 Benj. T. Goodman.. 8.01 5.43 Elkhart County. Benton Bristol Delcamp Elkhart Fish Lake Forest Grove. Nathan Bates 65.50 27.44 Samuel B. Eomaine. 202.56 192.26 Samuel Sailor 7.50 4.50 Bradford D. Sher- wood 502.32 506.14 Eric Haglind 9.00 3.75 Brice Larimer 16.24 10.76 Elbridge G. Cham- berlain .' 673.09 615.36 Levi 8. Stoner 17.68 15.10 Henry F. Brown 177.18 76.83 Frederick Zeiber 2>:.54 15.34 Wm. B Macomber.. 55.79 30.44 Henry S. Overlees. . . 6.00 3.37 William S. Eeed 1.34 .94 William D. Billings. 28.10 4.33 Wm. L. Baker 23.95 14.17 Goshen (e. h.) Locke Middlebury Mount Olive New Paris Eichville South West Vistula Waterford Mills .. Fayette County. Alquina Bentonville Columbia Connersville (c. h.). . Everton Falmouth Harrisburgh. Longwood Null’s Mills Orange Waterloo Joshua Lemmon 31.73 Albert Cortleyow" 73.84 Daniel 0. Darby 29.50 Henry Goodlander. . 694.19 William Kerr 89.21 Joseph H. Shawhan. 30.79 Eobert MeWatson. . . 40.50 Eoss Smiley 13.9U Oliver G. Mcllwain. 811.79 Joseph P. Daniel . . . 57.92 Thomas G. Price 12.57 2.3.27 44.72 15.98 749.82 55.56 20.06 23.51 6.07 19.13 1.84 8.86 Floyd County. Floyd Knobs John Albert I Galena Charles Frederick .. Georgetown James Burger Greenville Cyrus Bradford Kew Albany (c. h.) . Francis M. Gwin Il9l3.53i2622.29 2o.oo; 80.27 27.30 76.27 12.00 21.30 16.73 59.25 62 POST-OFFICES AND P 0 S T - M A S T E R S . Lefl-hauiJ column shows compensation of Postmaster. Eight-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Attica Cole Creek < 'ovington (c. h.) Crossport Headley’s Mills. Hillsborough Newtown Portland Kob Eoy Steam Corner Wallace Andersonville Blooming Grove . Blue Creek Brookmlle (c. h.), Cedar Grove Drewersburgh.. . . Fairfield Jennings Laurel Metamora Mixersville Mount Carmel . . . New Trenton Oak Forest Oldenburgh Peoria Saint Peters South Gate Springfield Stip’s Hill Whitcomb Wynn Fountain County* . . . Curtis L. Knight . . . John Boden . . . Selman K.Hannegan . . . James Townsley. . . . . . . Samuel I. Snoddy . . . . . John H. McCormick. . . . Aaron Black . . . Mailet Miner . . . Win. M. Porter . . . William Bell . . . Thomas W, Parsons. Frankiin County. . .. Eenatus ^hriner ... ElnathanCory . . . Michael Fries . . . Cyrus E. Bentley Emanuel H. Cham- bers . . . I. Mecum . . . Thomas Irwin . . . John A. Sauerland. . . . . William S. Geyer. . , . . . Peter C. Woods . . . Edward Williams. . . . . . Caspar Fogel . . . Frederick Deike . . . Thomas Coen . . . John H. Fisse . . . James W. Fye . . . Michael Geiz . . . Joseph Sauer.' . . . Nixon Davis . . . Eobert A. Ward . . . Samuel Fye ... William McDonnold $553.54 43.26 486.26 5.0(1 14.22 46.62 95.01 32.53 52.46 18.67 57.71 53.65 10.59 383.52 47.49 22.34 116.21 8.61 187.95 109.21 45.94 96.73 58.49 66.18 15.89 33.56 17.44 29.55 13.51 29.46 23.20 $577.11 28.32 360.23 2.00 6.32 25.52 67.80 18.30 2.84 12.11 38.22 23.87 7.85 447.00 24.11 16.97 55.29 5.72 154.04 72.57 20.37 46.59 34.14 43.62 10.19 2.='.04 10.71 16.81 7.32 16.12 7.59 FuMoii Coimtv* Akron Aubbeenaubbee. . Bloomingsburgh . Blue Grass Bruce’s Lake Fulton Green Oak Indian Field Kewanna Mill Ark Rochester (c. h.) . Bovine Buckskin Dangola Field’s Station Fort Branch Francisco Haubstadt Marsh Creek Owensville Patoka Port Gibson Princeton (c .h.) .... Eobb’s Mills Somerville West Buena Yista.. . Gibson County. John Kirk Jacob Skelton William C. Barrett. Eeuben Field Tlioma^M. Strain. . Albert Knowles Henry Haub Claiborn Polk Nelson Johnson — Sylvester T. Jerauld Daniel P. Holcomb. John Arbuthnot . . . Percival S. Fuller. . George S. Vannada John Cunningham. Grant Greenbush . J ad den Jalapa Jonesboro’ . Marion Mier Oak Woods. Eigdon — Eoseburgh . Slash ....... Grant County. . . William Hall . . William Brown . . Thomas Smith . . Corbin Jackson . . Samuel Jay . . John W. Dodd . . A. L. McGuire . . John Coulter . . William W. Cotteral. . . Job S. Mills . . Samuel A. Swan Trask jElijah Carter Walnut Creek |Aaron S. Foulke. Zion iP«ter Speelman. . 4.56 16.44 9.00 10.71 83.88 67.16 4.56 339.96 18.75 9.36 12.55 30.17 6.50 6.68 29.59 164.32 384.49 26.86 5.65 1('.59 22.67; 13.42 1 7.60 : 2.08 10.33 6.00 5.61 67.86 32.10 1.52 371.39 8.95 6.48 7.14 20.86 5.10 4.32 20.(iS 85.46 268.''2 17.57 3.75 7.el 7.98 9.95 4.18 Greene County* Bloomfield (c. h.) . . . William K. Eouft Buck Creek Aaron ITagaman Fair Play John W. Coffey. Hobbieville William B. Evans Linton Thomas Mason . I Marco John S. Benefiel I Newberry 'John E. Bell John Whittenberger. 40.57 24.59 Hiram E. Fenimore. 6.98 4.18 Eichard'Coplen ..... 15.06 10.85 John Mathews 23.73 15.01 Benneville Stamm.. — — Eobert Aitken . . 42.45 28.99 Samuel Carruthers. . 12.18 7.77 Charles Schoch 6.84 3.84 Quincey A. Kelso . . . 44.37 28.54 Henry D. Hoover. . . 7.87 5.79 Cyrus 11. Eobbins. . . 254.03 195.87 Owensburgh Pleasant Eidge Point Commerce Scaffold Prairie Scotland Solsberry Worthington Wright Andrew J. Wall .1 ames Eecords . Jacob Smith Elias Dayhoff. . . John Ilornbaker AndreAv J. Axtell Steph’n H. Lockwood John M. Humphreys Hamilton County. Arcada Boxley Carmel Cicero Clarksville . . Deming Eagletown . . New Britton. Noblesville .. Olio Sheelville John I. Caylor Thomas Harman . John Kenyon Samuel Eussell . . . George N. Steffy . . Harman Stanley.. Hermon Hiatt Jacob S. Tyson . . . Joseph A. Messick Napoleon J. Kinna- man Calvin C. McDoweU Strawtown Matilda M. Colip. . . Westfield Brookin T. Miller. . Hancock County* Charlottesville Daniel Bohn Cleveland Eobert McCorkhill. . Eden Hiram Barrett Greenfield (c. h.) . . . John T. Sebastian. . . Harvey John Harvey Oliver H. P. McDon- Kinder McCordsville . . . Mount Comfort . Philadelphia . . . Sugar Creek Walpole Warrington Westland Willow Branch. aid Nelson Bradley Eobert H. Church. . . Joseph F. Marshill. . George H. Eobinson Samuel V. B. Noel.. John M. Comas Levi Eeece Jonathan Smith Harrison County. Barren Bradford Byrne\ille ( orydon (c. h.). , Crisp’s >4 Eoads Elizabeth Grassy Valley — Hancock Knob Creek Laconia Lanesville Mauckport New Amsterdam. New Salisbury. . . Palmyra Eosewood Sharp’s Mills Spring Dale White Cottage. . . George Arnold Ulrich H. Hon Samuel L. Fite Ignatius Mattingly.. Anthony J. Crisp . . . Asa S. F. Jones George W. Wolf — Samuel Eyan liams Thomas Patlinson. . . Joseph Glotzback. . . Hiram Darter Joseph Dewees Squire Standeford. . . Thomas Strong Abraham Sharp Franklin McEae John W. Welker. . . . Hendricks County. Amo Isaac Larrance Belleville Clayton T. Swindler. Brownsburgh |Behjaniin M. Logan. Cincinnatus [Abner Snoddy Clayton ^Benjamin F. Thomas Coate«ville Addi.son Osborn Danville (c. h.) William W. Matlock New Elizabeth [James Gibson $111.93 $31.63 5.51 4.12 5.88 1.50 23.64 15.88 41.98 28.32 6.13 3.62 63.611 35.60 22.33 17.07 9.74 6.35 54.58 39.06 4:o(i 2.00 i 33.14 22.25 i 24.50 16.05 111.64 80.75 15.59 8.95 36.01 15.67 39.00 26.76 61.53 41.05 57.17 32.46 31.20 22.21 34.48 24.26 ls.58 11.96 334.33 359.65 8.09 6.48 30.88 21.55 32.57 16.16 246.16 159,23 25.^2 16.90 54.52 34.24 — . 193.82 170.71 184.46 163.12 18.80 13.63 21.60 11.40 5.67 3.52 35.46 21.49 53.01 34.45 74.04 47.79 26.72 20.20 1-1.35 6.36 — — - 6.17, 3.74 15.72 9.33 7.85 8.48 189.23 170.70 12.93 8.63 34.44 18.83 16.96 4.80 2.80 2.12 9.71 6.62 37.52 20.29 96.01 6n09 46.46 21.66 27.10 22.92 12.62 , 8.54 20.90 ' 10.28 6.74 ! 3.29 12.15 7.94 7.66 3.80 7.53 1 5.60 101.84 44.00 74.71 49.28 20.78 9.61 45.47 34.09 87.10 27.38 255.35, 209.80 12.00 1 1 8.00 INDIANA 53 Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Right-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Hendt'iclcs County — {Continued). New Winchester | William H. Faught . $37.94 North Salem ! Jacob C. Faught . . . 64.5S Pecksburg iBenjamin F. Scherer Piltsboro’ 'Asa T. Iloadley Plainfield Isaac Osborn Springtown John L. Welshans . . Stilesville John G. Kelley 26.26 41.31 189.74 25.50 S6.69 $27.27 52.1S 16.02 23.59 110.57 17.33 59.44 Ashland Blounts\dlle Cadiz. Dan Webster Devon Greensboro’ Knightstown Lewisville Luray ilechanicsburgh Middletown Millville New Castle New Lisbon Ogden Eaysville Eogersville Spiceland . '. Sulphur Springs Wenona John Millikan 11.48 8.61 Edwin House^ 41.02 28.27 Jacob Meek.: 38.80 24.29 Davis Haynes. 29.86 10.60 Isaac Baker. : 9.29 5.37 James W. Crowley.. 93.85 94.67 Amos B. Fithian 327.47 304.23 Thomas J. Smith 126.64 73.04 Thomas Gough 42.20 28.32 James Beck 40.00 25.94 Noah F. Trayer 69.25 40.17 Andrew J. Cromer. . — — Jacob Mowrer 332.13 328.0S Emery Southwiek. . . 33.49 20.81 Silas C. Cooper 139.91 106.98 Harry Pierson 10.3.49 52.40 Jabish Luellon 21.42 13.84 Jacob Foster 54.12 42.51 Bushrod W. Scott. . . 23.00 14.08 Josiah M. Hickman. — — Howard County. Alto CassviUe Centre Greentown . . . Honey Creek. Jerome Kokomo New^ London . Oakford Poplar Grove. Vermont West Liberty . Jonathan Pickering. 31.41 18.15 Michael J. Stetler. . . 28.20 22.12 Thomas W. Banks. . 6.60 2.52 Isaac B. Vankirk. . . •TnpnH T^rmilr 32.57 26.15 Charles P. Baldwin. 42.57 27.74 Alfred H. Ploughe.. 263.36 221.76 Joseph E. HaEowell. 82.86 71.60 Eobert C. Fo^ 37.37 18.26 Jonathan Allen 1.50 .50 Charles Bindley 7.60 4.79 Moses Eich — — Antioch Australia Branch Creek ; Huntington (c. h.) . Mahon Markle. Euaticg^^oa County. John B. Collins Benjamin M. Slusser Horace Miner . . William Norton. Quincy J.Drummond Olediah Carper Mount Etna 'Jesse Calvert Price .• Phinehas Skinner. . Eoanoke William Hendry. . . Warren Noah McGrew Jackson County. Thomas W. Baker. Mary Dunbar. Jacob Brown John F. Otte Jeremiah Sutton. .. Thomas Todd James A. Manahan Tazewell Vawter .. Joel Suttler Andrew L. Newkirk A. B. Bates John W. Willey, William E. Marshall Thos. J. McCollum. Jesse Browning. , . . Franklin W. Gibson C. L. Dunham Baker’s Mills '. . Brownstown (c. h.).. Cortland Dudleytown Dunham’s Station. . . Freetown Houston Mooney New Farmington. . . Newry Eeddington Eetreat Eockford Seymour Stillwell Tampico Valley Farm Valonia |Eicliard Alsup Woodville jJohn W. Holmes.. . Jasjier Coiinly. Alfred D. Tale George G.Thompson' Charles G. iCartman. John Ade 4.71 11.27 S.12 21.79 4.14 23.14 5.6S 69.46 45.39 4.96 2.1. S 2'.]0 17.42 Jasper County — {Contimied). Pilot Grove William A. Flowers. $5.16 $2.88 Pleasant Grove Henry Barkley 16.23 6.97 Eensselaer William H. Jacks. . . 270.28 276.22 Walkersville Landie B. Walker . . — — AVhite’s Grove Zechariah Spitler — Jay County. 6.93 5.40 Bear Creek Elias M. Lewis 34.83 20.57 Bluff Point Ealph V. Cherry 19.07 11.71 Boundary . Daniel Heister 16.21 11.02 Gillum . ' Brooks WntsoTi Half Way W. James Hesser. .. 7.73 4.43 Hector Wilbur Morehouse. . Jay C. H William McCormick 114.25 133.84 New Corydon George Stolz 54.03 36.81 New Mount Pleasant Jacob H. Sanders. . . 30.62 21.59 Pennville Samuel McClain 135.76 83.87 Salamonia George W. Abel 21. .52 12.97 Westchester iWm.H. Montgomery^ 14.74 9.59 Barbersville Bryansburgh . . . Buena Vista Camargo Canaan Dupont Graham Home Kent Lancaster Madison (c. h.) . Mud Lick Neel’s Creek.. . . North Madison . Saluda South Hanover . Stony Point Swanville Volga Wirt Brewersville Butlerville Cana Montgomery New Centrevllle Oakdale Paris Planter’s Hill Queensville San Jacinto Scipio Six Mile , Slate Jcffjrson County. Charles Schnitzger. . Stark Holmes Nicholas Manville . . William Friedly Enoch Eabourn Wm. D. Houghton. . Charles K. Lard Mordecai Brooks John Chitwood William Brazelton.. Eolla Doolittle John King Joshua C. Tibbetts . . Jacob V. E. Hicks . . Joseph H. Bridges. . William T. Eankin. . John H. Bowen Joel Dickey. William J. Chambers Ezra Wood JenniDg? County. Thomas F. Spillman Edward Hambleton. John E. Wilson. . . . George Gardner. . . Wm. S. Eou debush George E. McElroy Daniel M. Hill John S. Torbet Frederick P. Cone. Thomas Bland. . . . Joel B. Heaberlin. . James P. Swarthoul Levin W. Hudson. . Andrew P. Huckle- berry Abraham G. Eeed . Tripton Vernon (c. h.) . . Weston ! Joseph Eoseberry. Zenas John Cooper Johnson County. Amity Beardstown Bargersville Bluff Creek i Edinburgh Franklin (c. h.) . . . ‘ Glenn’s Valley Greenwood Nineveh Trafalgar [ Worthsville Brook Carpenter’s Creek. . . Davison Morocco. .Solomon Toner . . Findley Eeed Peter D. Jacobs . . T. H. Welch William P. Eush . . James IT. McClella Franklin Hardin . Kobert Vanhorn . . William J. Matbes Ezekiel W. Morgai John F. McClellan Iino\ Coun-y, 19.71 82.96 22.61 15.38 26.74 130.(11 20.30 10.24 85.86 25.97 1817.21 3.48 13.37' 237.14 34.92 279.48 4.14 32.51 22.66 58.38 6.15 19.16 6.26 3.68 75.38 6.78 62.87 19.85 63.86 38.91 13.14 284.45 39.10 14.69 13.20 384.53 765.69 8.08 15.5.43 67.16 .50.13 22.93 12.66 18.03 14.89 10.97 16.42 41.08 13.43 6.89 18.44 I. 3.00 3155.15 .75 7.S0 117.82 13.48 268.83 2,41 II. 39 26.31 6.69 7.28 440.10 834.77 5.32 88.04 51. .52 36.73 12.91 21.50 .5.1311 4.011; Berrysville jAndrew Berry Bruceville jLevi Stowell.' 16.00 Busseron iDavid H. Morgan. . . 11.511 .5.80 42.73 21.91 54 POST-OFFICES AND POST- MASTERS. Left-hiviid column shows compensation of I’cstmaster. Itiijlil-liand lie ol' Ollice to Dejiailmeut. Knox County — {Continued). Edwardsport Lovely Dale Maria Creek Oak Station Pond Creek Mills . , Vincewnes (c. Ii.) . . George Bartlett Andrew Helderman. George Krebs Elijah Snapp James D. Williams. James Dick County. Beaver Dam Boydston’s Mills Claypool Clear Spring Etna Green Exeter Farmers Leesburgh Milford Millwood Monoquet North Galveston Oneida Oran Oswego Palestine Pierceton Kose Hill.... Silver Lake Syracuse Wa7'ScnD (c: h.) Wooster Yellow Creek Samuel Eickel Abram Deardotf David Caldwell Jacob Kyler George Jordan W esley J. Corbus . . . George Moore William B. Barnett John W. Sparklin . . Jonathan D. Koffel. . Joel Lamson Joseph Curtz Christian Correll Abraham Sarber. . . . Jacob Adams Charles Garwood. . , Oliver P. Smith Abraham Eowland . Jacob Paulus Samuel Pressly William C. Gordon , John F inton Eichard Lee La Grange County, Brighton Brushy Prairie Fly Creek Haw Patch La Grange (c. h.) Lima Marcy Mongoquinong . . . Mount Pisgah Ontario Pashawn Einggold South Milford Utah Wolcott’s Mills . . . Henry E. Crandell. Conrad Deal Augustus Porter . . . Limerick Parks. . . . Eensselaer Eheubot tom Arra C. Van Ornum Thomas G. Starkey E. Dykes Nidi’s B. Nunum, Jr, Christopher Stuzaker Benj. F. Koffman William Baxter. . Oscar B. Taylor. . John Merriman. . William Myers . . Lake County. Cedar Lake Crown Coint (c. h.). Deep Eiver Eagle Creek Hickory Point Hobart Lake Station Merrillville Orchard Grove Outlet Saint John West Creek Winfield Alfred Edgerton... Joseph Jackson . . . Nathan Wood Amos H. Andrews. William A. Nichols Jesse B. Albee Silas L. Scrgent . . . Daniel H. Hall .... Deforest T. Warner 'Francis W. Howk. . Francis Keelman. . Edward P. Farley . James S. Sanders. . $55.2.3 1.4S 12.71 5.64 200(i.UU 19..33 20.6S 6.27 S.80 1. 3.-32 3.25 6.5S 117.7(1 55.89 1(1.41 13.12 16.84 Bigelow’s Milla Big Springs . Bvron Callao ('rossing .... Door Village. Holmesvillc. Hud.son .... Kankakee. . . l^ingsbiiry . . 1 (iliorte (c. 1 Michigan Cil New Durban Eosellc. . . 8.08 86.41 40.11 85.27 10.75 82.88 266.44 6.27 28.97 15.81 16.61 84.79 157.01 218.81 9.64 47.25 25.61 95.58 $.37.76 .48 5.76 2.68 12.03 14.60 4.57 5.80 8.16 2.5n 2.50 52.47 33.05 6.84 7.17 10.49 5.19 21.27 20.20 21 ..57 7.12 21.85 286.22 3.23 20.92 11.01 11.73 20.04 149.53 21.3.12 6.15 24.16 14.51 Laprrt^' County. I Charles i\r. Teeple . .1 |lra C. Nye ! Elizabeth Salisbnry.; Peter C. Bonham. . . i Isaac AVeston | Jose],h B. Higgins. . , Tln'odore Hoiines . . llallani Huntingdon. Jas. Van ,\mbnrgh. . HiramC. Bfirlingame . Thomas D. Lemon. . . Thomas .lernigan . . . . Abram G.Standiford . William Unrick , 2.98 2.08 12.41 7..54 50.5.3 26.98 3.83 2.59 47.78 25.57 18.17 13.16 196.71 197.41 4.0(( 1.75 l(i.9( 7.46 36.23 .22.25 92.65 36.34 51.26 84.61 7.5(1 5.O0 82.69 17.51 33.43 22.78 22.20 il4;32 13.09 9.14 51 .70 32.35 2.5.75 16.87 li7!87 56.98 7S.19 31.33 4.5.57 24.60 ; 52.51 29.88 7.86 4.91 81.79 66.(‘9 1312.43 1687.54 1112.25 ; 1096.72 4'‘.S(i j 23.70 iMporte County— {Continued). Sauk AHllage | Gabriel Drolingen . . | Union Mills Thomas AV. Allison. Westville | Benjamin Elliott | .$8,331 104.24 157.^61 Lawrence County. Avoca Bedford (c. h.) Bono Bryantsville Fayetteville Guthrie Heltonville Juliet Lawrenceport Leatherwood Leesville Mitchell Pinhook Silverville Spring Mill Springville Doctor Bridwell Jno.WesleyNewland 316.56 Jame.s W. Prow. 22.86 Charles G. Back Ambrose Kern 1417 William W. Owens. . — Josiah C. Foster 51.39 •Tames Davis 13.99 George N. Steele . . . 25.53 Jas.Douglass McAfee 8.‘,^7 John Holland f5.47 George Sheeks 64.62 Michael Beck 3.95 Lewis J. Baker 4.91 Hugh Hamer 6.26 George Eichards 51.62 $5.67 40.21 81.51 338.21 11.42 11.78 7.80 38.19 8.95 10.40 1.45 32.07 11.59 2.78 2.56 3.76 25.09 ItladiFon County. Alexandria Alfont Anderson (c. h.). Chesterfield Duck Creek Fishersburg Frankton Forestvillq HuntsviUe Mendon Ovid Pendleton Perkinsville Prosperity SummitviUe Nathan E. Tomlinson 107.89 56.45 Hezek’h W. Moulden 39.96 24.68 Joseph Fulton 196.70 165.22 H. Adamson 71.91 35.77 William Barton 20.64 10.44 Jacob Moler 22.64 15.09 TTAnvy Tinnd Jesse W. Eoberts... 65.02 52.49 Thomas Jordan 4.50 2.72 Hiram Peden 80.43 22.63 Hezekiah B. Franks. 158.76 119.66 Thomas L. Beckwith 5(».45 3-3.10 Henry Mustard 10.92 7.78 John S. Moore 6.91 4.84 Marion County. Acton Augusta Augiista Station Bridgeport Broad Eipple Castleton Clermont Cumberland Fall Creek Gallaudet Germantown Indianapolis (c. h.). Lawrence *Millersville Southport AVest Newton James Hodges Preston D.AVakeland J oseph K 1 i ngensmith Eansom Wooton G. C. Johnson •John E. Anderson.. James T. Morgan. . . Andrew J.A'an Sickle Samuel Trittifo AA^m. H. Eichardson. John W. Combs AATlliam W. Wick . Samuel Eecord AATlliam AVinpenny James E. Webb David F. Walker . . 33, 32, 48, 106. 20 . 48. 41. 70. 1 36. 66 . |20( ('.' 68. 29. 68 .: 30.1 20.59 37.40 18.61 5-3.19 14.85 26.04 26.16 41.41 12.75 20.64 33.12 1449.79 44.16 29.34 87.73 16.00 Marshall County. Bourbon Bremen Celcstia Fair mount Lycurgus / lynwuth (c. h.) Sidney jAAJlliam Downey . . . Sligo John Coleman Tipifccanoetown John Cless Yellow Eiver James Lyon, Jr Daniel O. Beeman. . , George Pomeroy — Philip Dnncomb Levi Crim Uriah F. Townsend. -John K. Brooke 37.82 26.47 32.15 22.12 18.41 12.75 381.41 5.9.3 6.-34 1(*.92 12.99 11.58 7.59 350.09 4.03 3.75 9 84 7.59 Martin County. Belgrade llover Hill Keck's Chnrcli . . . McCormick.stown . Mountain Spring , Mount Pleasant. . Natchez Pleasant A'alley. . Trinity Springs . . Thomas W. Brown .' 1 — William H. Donahey’ 3.3.491 13.00 Christian Keck , 6.7o, 5.05 AVm. E. AlcCormick.j ( — Absalom Coiqter ■ S.I'O 5.7.3 l.,evin Bramble 188.27' 100.62 .Tolm P. Davis j , — Henry Duncan ' 34.85 i 16.63 Samuel F. Leonard . 51.13 21.57 INDIANA. 65 Lel't-liiinil column showS compensation of Postmaster. Riglit-liand one, net revenue of Office to Department. illiaiui Ccuiityt Chili iNelson C. Hall Five Corners ;llaymoiul Bryant . . Gilead j William II. Wright. Leonda ; Jacob Arnold Mexico E. Nelson Banks. Miami Nicunza Palos Paw Paw . . . Perrysburgh rent (c. h.) . . Eeserve Santa Fe Wawpecong. Xenia David C. Jenkins. . . Mathias Moyer Eben Moseley William O. Miller. . . ■Wesley I. McFarland Samuel Coulter liobert Cook Samuel G. Mettert . . Alonzo A. King Lewis S. Conner Monroe Coimly. Bloomington (c. h.). John M. Berry Br 5 -ant’s Creek Charles G. Carr Ellittsville 'James S. Sharp Harrodsburgh 'Michael Deckard . . . Mount Tabor Porter P. Lundy . . . . Smithville Presley L. Holland. . Stanford William C. Trabue.. UnionviUe Charles C. Bedmore. $02.09 42.S7 29.4(1 75.03 82.77 30.01 2.65 24.70 47.71 736.57 31.96 80.76 23.43 32.00 543.36 5.97 74.57 53.42 15.97 49.07 36.16 19.24 $43.89 27.63 15.65 45.97 56.16 20.38 2.02 14.76 25.34 731.22 20.65 19.13 16.50 23.00 577.87 3.32 40.04 28.10 11.00 27.11 17.54 9.74 Montgomery County. Alamo Beck’s Corners Brown’s Valley . . . . Craiofordsville (c.h.) Darlington ..... Ladoga Linden Mace New Eichmond New Boss Parkersburgh Pleasant Hill Prairie Edge Shannondale Sugar Eiver Wav eland Waynetowm Whitesville TountsviUe William S. Smith .. . 85.17 63.75 Philip Saidla 8.41 6.52 Robert Carson 22.55 14.53 George W. Snyder.. 816.70 761.4:3 Nathan Booher 107.67 8.3.67 Martin L. Rudisill . . 175.46 80.71 Hiram Hughes 63.53 28.23 Jesse Williams 16.13 9.93 Elliott Detchon 28.08 17.80 Nathan F. Bo web. . . 18..55 8.13 Samuel McDaniel. . . 41.78 27.42 William A. Krug 6.78 5.34 rToliTi k^hnnlcliTi Jonas A. Jones .... 40.50 26.99 Thornton Griffiths. . . — — Thomas Lofling 128.9.3 97.48 Samuel Mawhorter. . 42.09 28.58 Alexander P. Mann . 7.22 4.33 Aron Walter 36.92 22.66 Morgan County. Brooklyn Centerton Centre Valley Hall Mahalasville Martimville (c. h.). Monrovia Mooresville Morgantown Morrillville Mount Washington. Sheasville Waverly White liiver Franklin Landis William H. Spencer. Jesse W. Craven John C. Brewer Jacob Vansickel Andrew Wampler .. John McLellan Calvin 'Moore Eeuben Griffitt Joseph S. Gutridge. . William H. Parker. . Francis M. Gray John L. Knox' James D. Newton. . . i\ol}le County. Alhion (c. h.) [John B. Hiskey Avilla ;Noah J. Hill Cold Springs Harvey A. Adair Cromwell Jeremiah Castetter. . Ilecla Lafayette Lamson. . . Kendallsville Samuel Minot Ligonier James McConnell. . . Lisbon .John S. Lavering. . . Marseilles .John Longyar Merriam .James Cunningham. Noble C. fl Nathan Frink. Northport Justus C. Alvord Springfield Mills William Stienbarger. Swan Hiram Cramer AVilmot Henry D. Stewart. . . Wolf Lake Henry T. Utford 107.28 40.34 8.46 25.06) 1.5.67 161.23 111.18 6.5.68 4.88' 12.07 9..39 48.16 21.61 .36.87 6.92 67.51 74.47 2.5.51 5.61 17.30 8.89 85.60 68.14 45.-36 2.99 7.76 .5.97 .3(t.0l 14.91 22.18 3.99 46.09 Orange County, Campbell Chambersburgh French Lick Leipsic Lost Eiver Orangeville Orleans f'aoli (c. h.) Stamper’s Creek Valeene Stephen Scarlett $20.30 $7.08 Linus Campbell 2‘2.13 12.79 William A. Bowles . 14.69 6.86 Spencer Smith 1 7.-35 15..59 Thomas W. Riley. . . 13.54 8.48 John B. Buskirk 30.36 18.00 Wm. T. Spicely 208.24 2.39 Patrick Dougherty. . 157.72 33'^.25 Seth M. Stone 4.52 3.16 John Maxedon 22.35 15.34 Owen County. Atkinson ville Frederick E. Boley. . 5.50 Cataract Alfred N. Bullitt 30.68 Cuba William L. Hart 28.10 Deem Adam J. Deem 5.86 Freedom James A. McBride. . 19.15 Gosport John R. Kerr 222.51 Ilausertown John G. Hulett 25 95 Jordon Village John Ilofia 4.68 Mill Grove Milton Goodwin 7.46 Patricksburg Robert Harrison 16.92 Quincy William Vestal 23.07 Spencer (c. h.) Harrison 0. Halbert. 121.49 Stockton J acob J. Hochstetler. 30.00 Vandalia Edward M. Maxey . . 46.94 White Hall David Butler 26.94 Aberdeen Bear Branch. Hartford Eising Sun . . Ohio County. Daniel W. Sisson'. . . Jonathan Cole Aaron Y. Maryman . Jacob H. Friend 14.56 17.53 27.14 441.40 3.40 20.68 18.25 4.19 13.86 196.29 16.48 1.78 5.22 8.33 11.60 11.3.34- lo.oO 30.68 16.78 2.99 12.42 15.90 426.56 Parke County. Annapolis Armiesburgh Banner Mills . . . . Bellmore Bethany Bridgeton Bruin’s M Eoads. Clinton Lock Delta Gallatin Hollandsburgh. . . Howard Lick Branch Lodiville Mansfield Medelline Montezuma Numa Parkville Piattsville TtockvilU (c. h.). . Eoseville Eusscll’s Mills . . . Sylvania "Wright’s Mills. . . Washington Hadley. Henry F. Keith James A. White — George C. Snow — John N. McCampbell .John Briggs AVilliam O. Phillips . Walter G. Crabb William Manwarring Solomop B. Garrigus Lorenzo' D. McGil- vrey Isaac P. Grimes, Enos Newlin — Geo. Williston .Jones Samuel H. .Johnston. Absalom Sappenfield Isaiah Swain Wilford M. Olinger. . William Edgman .. . Ashford Mankin Scott Noel Benjamin Hawkins. Joseph D. Eussell. . . Elwood Hadley. ... Zachariah Byers Perry County. Cannelton Derby Leopold Lilly Dale Rome I'roy (c, h.) Delectable Hill. . . Hawthorn’s Mills Petcrsbiirgh.. . Daniel L. Armstrong 432.96 426.37 Samuel Hargis 23.03 14.66 Mathias Ward 'J3.incs IT AXolund 40.72 26.21 John -J. Gordon - 70.07 39.93 Otto Scheeffer 111.71 84.-38 Pike Ccuu'y. I.JamesF. Alexander. 9.11 6.09 George W. Glover . . .3.0) John Rhoads .^.00 4.00 IN. W. Thornton 146.71 138.02 'George Chambers. . . 17.S7 12..54 iNatIiaiii(d Payne.... 9.77 3.55 'Daniel Crow.'. 30.0’ 17.00 66 POST-OFFICES AND P 0 S T - M A S T E R S . Left-hand oluiim sliows comijensation of Postmaster. Kisht-hand one, net ievenue«of Office to Department. Porter County. Boon Grove Timothy Squier Coffee Creek jWilliam Tliomas Fillmore lElisha Arnold Hebron I John H. lloughman. Lansing |Elijah H. Johnson . . Porter’s M Eoads. . . [Aaron Servis Tassinong Grove John W. Wright Valparaiso * Samuel E. Bryant. . . $8.25 1411.58 11.18 27.U6 16.20 10.56 19.92 465.87 $5.21 62.04 6.80 13.74 13.''5 7.25 11.56 506.41 Posey County. Blairsville Cynthiana Farmersville Mount Vernon New Harmony Parker’s Settlement. Posey ville Saint Wendels Stewarts ville Wadesville West Franklin John B. Gardiner. . . 41.56 19.72 Silas M. Cox 66.19 55.48 Moses Phillips 19.67 7.21 John B. Wilson 326.71 301.26 Nelson Felch 277.54 219.58 William Hoffman. . . 18.63 i3.;8 John L. Waters 47.96 29.86 William Schneider. . 18.61 9.58 John W. Eobb 82.85 23.76 James L. Gardiner. . 17.2'> 3.96 Washington Minier. 25.12 14.86 Hermaan Eobert W. Fisk. . . Holton Henry Abater Milan | Francis M. Slater. Napoleon IJames Parker New Marion ! John B. Sands. . . . North Hogan. Glean John H. Smith. Pulaski County. Francesville Medarysville Monterey Mooresburg Oak Pulaski Two Mile Prairie . . Winnamac (c. h.)... Alonzo Starr Moses Cherrie Gustavus Adolphus Durr Samuel Ward, Jr. . . John M. Bernethy . . John H. Gillaspie. . . John Nickles Gerrard T. Wicker- sham 60.55 70.72 20.28 11.67 11.50 12.67 76.81 37.45 43.82 13.40 9.17 7.50 8.23 50.52 Putnam County. Bainbridge Brunerstown Carpentersville Cloverdale Fincastle Greenca^tle (c. h.). Groveland Grubb’s Mills Little Walnut Manhattan Mount Meridian New Maysville Nicholsonville Portland Mills PutnamviUe Eeelsville Eussellville John W. Cooper 159.36 150.09 Miles F. Wright 8.18 5.74 Philip Carpenter 44.14 25.58 Solomon Akers lol.56 ■' 56.86 Samuel J. Eitchey . . 82.78 22.70 Edw’d E. Kercheval 784.06 768.05 Daniel T. Summers. 13.39 9.38 Collingw’d C. Grubb 17.11 10.65 James Nicholson — — Volney Smith 66.56 45.24 William S. Bourne. . 30.57 19.34 Eobert C. Boyd . ... 41.47 24.73 Moses T. Bridges . . . 100.81 63.89 Henry Baker •. . 92.49 69.23 Jay T. Wakefield. . . 108.49 123.84 John Eeel 56.87 27.67 William H. Durham. 33.66 28.19 Randolph County. Arba Bartonia Bloomingsport Cerro Gordo Deerfield Emmettsville Fairview Farmland Losantville Lynn Mar’s Hill Parker Eidgeville Spartanburg Trenton Union City Wincheatei- (c. h.). . . Windsor Ballstown Batesviile Cross Plains Delaware Elrod Henry Cammack . . . 16.57 Jeremiah ^Fulghum. 17.24 Jonathan *Hucheon. . 26.32 Joshua M. Johnson. 28.27 Festus A. W. Lindsay 46.02 Dennis Thornburg. . 9.79 John King 37.69 Jonathan Macy 76.37 Lemuel Wiggins 9.25 Thomas H. "Smith. . . 45.43 Wm. Wickersliam . . — Andrew Devoss 32.26 Arthur McKew 80.12 Stei)lu'n Barnes .... 35.58 Eeuben 11. Britton-. 61.84 John Diehl 275.21 Eeuben B. Farra — 334.42 George W. Brouse. . 29.50 'pley Couiity. ISamuel Ball 22.82 1 Daniel Kipper 31.3.>l .Mpheus G. Hunter.. 41.871 Eeuben W. Chamidin 82.94 1 dosiali C. Bartlett. . . 86.51 1 12.22 11.71 17.23 17.49 38.16 6.81 24.68 47.78 5.90 27.75 17.46 19.02 28.38 42.87 161.68 32 -.28 21.09 19.67 20.92 27.51 20.75 24.08 Osgood Otter Creek Otter Village Pierceville Prattsburg Spade’s Depot Stringtown Versailles ic. h.) Way lain Charles E. Knapp. William Elrod George Miller Squire H. Knapp . . . Henry S. Christian . . William Bower Beech Grove Carthage Farmington Groves Hannegan Homer Manilla Melrose Milroy Moscow New Salem. Ealeigh Eichland -Rtishville (c. h.) . Smelser’s Mills. . . Star Steele’s Swain’s Mills RiiEh County. George D. Hamel.. Morgan James John W. Looney Wm. A. Bush William E. Leisure John J. Inlow . . . John Abernathy. John Long James Trimble . . Hamilton Miller . Arthur P. Butler. John S. Campbell John M. Bohrer. . William Ging. . . . J ames M. Conner Benjamin F. Folger. Cottage Hill Lakeville . . . . ; Mishawaka New Carlisle North Liberty Notre Dame Eichardson /South Bend (c. h.) . . Sumption Prairie . . . Terre Coupee West York Woodland Alpha Austin Lexington (c. h.). New Frankfort . . Vienna St. Joseph County. Joseph P. Jones Benjamin W. Eyan. Major H. Smith Gabriel W. Druliner. James Harvey Edward Sorin Jabes C. Pavey Ealph Staples Thomas L. Holloway . I Abel A. Whitlock. . . . ; Chas. W. N. Stephens .'John Kelly Scott Couuty. Christian A'oung John Allen William E. Eae Henry M. Wilson. . . George W. Eandalb. 1). . $82.89 $21.95 . 78.341 62.89 16.72 1 9.83 5i;59 53.33 90.89 57.50 48.84 29.18 . 31.18 19.75 34.21 17.83 ■ 29.00 13.00 i 13.32 8.68 19.05 12.92 i ‘22.95 12.02 30.70 21.63 — ! 12.27 8.26 113.77 ! 65.91 7.11! 4.47 60.82 37.21 97.91 47.91 28.88 13.31 38.22 19.04 17.50 11.50 . 56.97 31.29 15.77 10.97 93.46 58.18 52.26 32.67 37.85 20.81 28.78 19.63 52.38 31.94 455.34 460.79 26.64 20.01 j ■ 45.41 19.82 10.95, i 8.72 10.35! 6.24 28.04' 16.63 4S7.20| 397.75 81.33 55.84 34.71 21.16 99.04 36.83 27.00 12.00 1000.71 7.96 1030.03 4.53 36.59 17.61 41.00 26.64 5.67| 4.25 31.42 18.22 185.71 133.19 61.36 31.58 85.06, 42.49 Shelby County. Blue Eidge Brandywine Conn’s Creek Davisville Fairland Flat Eock Freeport London Manwarings Marietta Martin’s Corners Moral Morristown Mount Auburn Noah Pleasant View Shelhi/rille (c. h.). . . Smitliland I Sulphur Hill I Wiuterr*wd Andrew Jarrell ' Samuel Eosengarten Thomas K. Short . . . ' Lucius Walton Isaac N. Odell ' John E. M. Gonce. . Joshua Carney Ealph McKay James H. Hi'nzman David Engler William W. 'Martin. ' George W. Wood . . . ■ William A. J. Peak. Jacob Mohr Leander Kennedy . . Stephen Gould. ..... Elias M. IVilson ; Jesse Smith [ jdohn F. Lewi.s i IWm. P. Wiiiterrowili 17.50 60.85 9.96 49.03 26.40 44.88 37.81 46.52 33.92 60.21 38.S(' 15.68 17.81 088.82 18.28 27.62 23.65 12.02 41.06 5.21 27.81 13.52 24.17 22.90 23.19 23.36 34.06 19.55 10.75 12.22 659.02 10.02 17.04 12.49 INDIANA. 67 Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Right-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Spencer Couatyt Anderson Eiver. . Dale Enterprise French Island. . . Fulda Gentryville Grand YieAv Midway New Boston Oakland RockpoH (c. li.). . Santa Claus W. B. Samuels Thomas Walker . . . George Young ■lames W. Lemmon Nicholas Fisher — Chessley Millikan. . G. W. Mansfield . . . John Bryant Thomas B. Phillips James F. Sincla,ir. . George W. Lenionds John^Specht Starfe County. Bogus Eun. Knox North Bend. San Piere.. . Toto Jas. Munroe Tucker. W. W. Calkins Jeremiah Mosher, Jr. D. D. Adair William Moller $ 17.93 32.98 20.08 46.05 60.20 12.57 265.63 41.4:3 4.19 242.68 .60 29.02 2.36 Steuben County. Alvarado A . Angola (c. h.)^. . Crooked Creek . . Fish Creek Flint Fremont Hamilton Mets Orland Pleasant Lake. . . Salem Centre Sandy Eidge Turkey Creek York Centre Marvin B. Gordon.. Eobert Patterson 192.98' 197.15 Theron Storrs 60.20 26.81 Jacob 0. Eose . . . 16.64 10.46 Erastus M. Eoberts. . 41.02 25.28 John Eussell 89.65 55.37 Benajah B. Long 59.64 82.05 Justus Barron 26.01 16.21 Nathan Eoberts. .... 100.78 59.03 Simeon C. Aldrich . . 34.47 20.37 Orson Woodford 19.8:3 10.72 James A. Segur 316 2.37 Porter Johnson 8.27 6.52 Henry Eldridge — — SuUlvan County. Ascension Black Creek — Black Heath Carlisle Currysville Greysville Hymera Merom New Lebanon . . Sullivan (c. h.). . Turman’s Creek Benjamin Bulger . . . 14.00 4.68 Jackson Hinkle 18.57 10.65 George W. Betts — — James K. O’Haver.. 190.07 60.15 Adam Carrithers . . , 2:3.00 — Samuel S. Brewer. . . 21.70 14.15 Porter Burks 36.67 21.45 William F. Dodds... 40.56 19.65 John P. Duflficy 186.49 185.53 John Eusher. 30.42 15.32 Switzerland County. Allensville Bennington . . . Craig Florence. Grant’s Creek. . Jacksonville. . . Log Lick Moorefield .... Mount Sterling. Patriot Pleasant Quercus Grove. Eutherford Sugar Branch . 1 vvuij (c. h.) . , John Moore . . , Hugh E. Hale David Trowbridge Ellison McGuire. Mrs. Sally North. George McCulloch Jonathan M. From Squire llulley John W. Murphy Silas Q. Howe . . . Eussell C. Olmsted AVilliam D. Hollid Isaac Nash — H ugh S.Montgomery Eobert J. Lanham . . 65.48 34.48 17.95 62.91 19.60 34.29 8.04 47.90 26.70 153.12 41.47 16.55 4.15 27.17 21.27 12.09 37.03 8.95 16.03 4.17 27.42 13.18 125.12 21.67 10.56 1.51 248.87 268.33 Tippefanoe County. Americus Baker’s Corners Battle Ground Clark’s Hill Concord Dayton I.afdijette (c. h.) Lauramie Montmorency Pettit Eomncy Shawnee Mound . . . John Delmer 70.40 38.46 Keuben Baker 78.06 40.02 John Dutiel 60.08 20.86 Edwin J. Loveless . . 54.30 26.26 Jacob Hoover 41.16 29.S1 Samuel Favorite 128.98 91.05 Jacob Walker 1843.86 8908.94 Philip McCallv 6.01 4.11 •lames ^f. Stockton. . 29.08 18.19 Moses Banker 11.71 7.25 John P. Oglebay 81.18 38.61 Jesse Meharry 34.34 22.82 Tippecanoe County — {Continued'). Sugar Grove. W eaview West Point . . Wyandotte . . Andrew Insley David McClurkin. Jesse Eider James T. Chute. . . Tipton County, New Lancaster Normanda Sharpsville Tetersburg Tipton C. H West Kinderhook. Windfall James Beeson Isaac C. Vandeven- der William L. Winslow Thomas Prickett. . John S. Eessler. . . Silas Blount Geo. E. Zimmerman $24.92 $11.56 89.00 1.00 148.48 68.88 30.57 21.22 28.11 18.95 12.00 10.00 81.21 49.23 20.58 11.93 131.64 62.48 11.20 7.34 tnion County, Beechy Mire Billingsville Brownsville Clifton Cottage Grove Dunlapsville Four Mile Valley Liberty (c. h.) . . . Elijah Yansandt. . . , 28.51 William A'ansceyoc. 86,86 Henry Eider 107.33 William W. Sullivan 26.17 Samuel H. Crawford 76.55 Eobert Eay 69.23 Samuel Goodwin. . . — David S. Pierson . . . 273.79 Tanderburgh County. Evansville (c. h.). McCutchonville . . Nash Depot Oakdam Saundersville Ben Stinson 2000.00 Samuel McCutchon . 11.15 Eichard Nash 4.44 Eobert Parke 11.14 John Ingle 27.87 VermUiion County. Clinton (c. h.) Eugene Highland Indiana Furnace Newport (c. h.) Perrysville Toronto James McCulloch. . . Abraham C. Perkins George W. Edwards. AT T^rnpp 187.14 85.08 54.60 James M. Hood John B. Eupe 111.73 271.24 52.90 Charles Wigley 253.55 2650.30 7.43 3.60 7.34 13.09 180.92 ■55.83 22.00 124.86 240.93 29.17 Vigo County. Fruit Hill Lewis Maurius New Goshen Pimento Prairie Creek Prairieton Eiley Saint Marys Sandford Terre Haute (c. h.). . Wauhoo David Carruthers . . . 8,00 5.00 Peter Y. Buskirk . . . 24.26 14.76 John V. Carr 8.00 4.44 William L. Shuey. . . 34.46 19.51 William H. Weeks. . 1.5.00 4.00 Thos. K. Catherwood 8S.86 17.71 Milton L. Wyeth 52.01 19.00 Daniel Fisk 35.78 19.89 Francois E, Leseure. 109.32 9.00 Jas. B. Armentrout. . 36.00 16.00 B. H. Cornwell 1877.62 2847.58 Wm. B. Mewhinney. 9.89 6.47 Wabash County. America Belden La Fontaine La Gro Laketon Liberty Mills Lodi New Holland North Manchester. . . Somerset William Botkin Arch’d M. Kennedy George K. Cooke . . Benedict W. Lowry William W. Depuy. John Cumstock Elisha Bolin Imla Drake Daniel M. Marshall Elisha Stout Stockdale William Baker Wabash 1 William Steele, Jr . Warren County. Elisha Eodgers John Thompson . . . John Eyan Thomas A. Wiggins. James A. Haigh .lohn Shaweross Willard Brown Baltimore Clark’s Eoads Independence Pine Village. . Poolsville Eain.sville .... West Lebanon WiUiamsport (c. h.).'De Loss Warren 30.94 21.70, 36.42 256.93 21. ''5 79.41 11.30 83.54 109.20 557.12 14.11 10.00 65.16 26.24 62.03 79.01 65.85 185.92 18.59 13.16 23.09 117.19 13.62 45.21 6.46 23.25 98.74 490.56 8.62 6.00 41.65 16.40 89.45 50.08 89.14 159.97 58 POST-OFFICES AND P 0 S T -M A S T E R S Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Right-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Warrick County. BoonvilU (c. h.) Canal Crowville Hartsboro Lee , Lynnville Newburgh Polk Patch Yankeetown Thomas Hudspeth. John P. Zint Overton O. Walker John II. Massie. . . . John Fuquay Abram Chambers. . Simeon Lemasters . Samuel F. Webb. . . Alj^ha Frisbee Campbellsburg . . . . Canton Chesnut Hill ...... Claysville Flower Gap Fredericksburgh . . Hardinsburgh Harristown Kossuth Little A"ork Livonia Martinsburgh Mill Port New Philadelphia. . New Eetreat Pekin Prowsville Salem (c. h.) Saltilloville South Boston Texas Walnut Eidge Washington County Wilford Carter John L. Anderson Samuel C. Taylor. William S. Lemon Jefferson Crowe.. . John Cromer James McIntosh.. Tilman Hartley. . . Spencer B. Peugh. William Wilson. . . Jas. A. MePheeters Joseph Loughmiller Sidney Eedfield . Jacob Eayhill . . . Mary E. Baker. . . Charles D. Green Christian Prow . . Deborah Curry.. Asa W. McKinny Newton E. Eodman William Eobertson . Isaiah Peugh Wayne County. Abington Bethel Boston Cambridge Centremille (c. h.). Chester Cox’s Mills Dalton Dublin Daniel Weaver. . Peter M. Ellis . . . Joseph I. Druley. Nathan Eaymond John B. Stitt Wm. B. Williams Alexander Caffey William S. Chamness Ezra Walton $168.92 $122.07 22.16 15.15 8.44 5.55 9.24 6.38 5.80 l.f'S 47.68 29.96 188.85 19.5.44 18.10 11.51 13.11 5.35 49.32 26.78 41.19 17.65 18.95 10.70 24.33 12.04 9.64 7.99 24.67 15.00 48.06 30.07 22.25 9.63 8.42 4.60 24.02 16.96 58.47 35.32 38.53 27.24 27.40 16.10 43.58 18.14 8.28 4.80 87.71 22.46 4.00 1.00 316.68 304.62 16.11 7.99 6.50 4.20 14.52 9.33 15.42 6.13 53.86 32.23 15.00 10.00 4,5.03 30.67 429.69 496.77 433.59 320.80 37.29 15.29 16.09 11.50 45.37 30.30 250.39 138.29 Wayne County— {^Continued). East Germantown Economy Green’s Fork Hagerstown Jacksonburgh . . . . Milton New Garden Eichmond W ebster White Water Williamsburgh . . . Jacob Sowers Absalom Wright Thomas M. Kerr George De Bolt. John Berry Luther C. Ch amberlin Stanton Judkins . . . James Elder Isaac G. Sheward. . Lorenzo D. Bunch. Samuel Johnson; . . . $ 120.11 95.06 6S.SS 243.12 • 46.60 184.77 114.23 1193.56 15.02 31.05 74.67 $84.03 49.04 46.26 193.97 36.89 135.25 59.48 1407.13 8.99 21.73 35.77 Wells County. Barber’s Mills Bluffton (c. h.) Flat Creek Murray Nottingham Ossian Eeiffsburg Vera Cruz Zanesville Emerson Barber 12.{/o 2.80 Amza White 212.16 178.19 Ezekiel Eoe 2.50 1.70 W^ash’t’n C. Stockton 46.11 30.55 Samuel Watts 18.21 12.15 John Cartwright 72.37 43.02 Cjrus Van Emon. . . 12.00 5.00 Emanuel Heilbrauer 31.50 21.77 John W. Jacobs 28.00 20.00 While County. Brookston Oliver P. Hamilton . 89.88 Buffalo Jonathan W. Sluyter William S. Davis Freder’k B. Eishling. William J. Bledsoe. . 14.62 Burnett’s Creek Cathcart 46.12 12.05 Monon 88.01 ISfn'ni.'inplln (o. h 5. John E. Dale 202.93 Mudge station Eeynolds Gardner Mudge Silas Adams 28.45 77.09 Whitley County. Churubusco Ooesse Collamer Columbia City..;... Laud South Whitley Summit Washington Centre . William B. W alker Joseph H. Boot, Jr. Abel Puffenbarger. Ignatius Hook Thomas Neal .. ... Job Dow Henry M. Lallen . . . Martin Bechtell 12.08 89.56 40.77 267.58 51.61 37.83 38.52 10.04 25.57 7.27 44.47 122.24 12.81 44.19 7.86 23.60 17.43 242.49 83.64 21.61 IOWA. Adair County* Adair j Thomas N. Johnson. Fontanelle James G. Gibbs Holaday’s 1 George M. Holaday. Adams County* Icaria [Samuel Larimer — | Quincy [John W. Jones j Aliemakee County* Capoli Centre Valley French Creek Hardin Ion Lansing Orin 8. Conkey John L. Paxson William Brooks Alonzo D. Frazier. . . Norman Andrews. . .' Thompson E. Wil- liams Lybrand S. A. Cooper Lycurgus James Shepard Makec Sanford C. Marsh... O.ssian John O. Porter Paint Eock William H. Morrison Postvillc Emeralligbey Eossville William F. Eoss $6.72 10.00 $4.08 43.17 [ 41.55 48.66 30.37 42.54 20.86 207.14 118.95 21.89 11.75 7.00 4.50 14.95 9.66 20.09 , 12.09 14.63 8.60 130.28 . 97.64 55.92 80.30 AllemaJcee Coimty— {Continued). Union Prairie Volney Waterville . . . Wawkou Wexford. Edward Eells Thomas Crawford . Daniel P. Carpenter Lawson T. Woodcock William Eyan . . Willson’s Ford John Williver Appanoose County* i Jefferson M. Lenks wilier. Centreville [Daniel P. Sparks Cincinnati Hibbsville. . Iconium Memphis". . . Moravia Sharon ITnionville.. Wells’ Mills Wm. ISI. Cavanah. . Jacob W. Hall Jonathan Davenport James S. Wakefield Edward Eeich Thomas Swearingen James G. Connolly. Grant S. Stansberry Audubon County. Exira [David L. Anderson Hamlin Grove [Ndthauiel Hamlin.. $21.31 24.84 13.00 76.87 9.87 $13.71 21.07 8.00 47.82 7.24 220.88 118.46 26.86; 18.38 11.00 6.08 10.47 7.16 8.5.42 21.99 12.42 8.30 52.^8 33.88 31.95 18.52 15.651 1 7.93 IOWA. 69 Left-hand column shows compensation of Tostmaster. Kijjlit-hand one, net revenue of Ollice to De Benton City . . Beulah Burk Gwinville Marysville Taylor's Grove. Vinton (c. h.) . . Benton County. Albert G. Green . Loyal F. North . . Hugh B. Jones.. . John E. S. Gwinn Samuel Osborn George T. Hendricks James Wood Black Hawk County. Barclay Blakeville Cediir Falls (c. h.). . Cedar Y alley Eliza Elk Bun Enterprise Knox Laporte City Jesse Wasson Waterloo Julius C. Hubbard Jacob Wolf. .. B. G. Updike Andrew Mullarky Thomas E. Points Nathan S. Merrill Daniel G. Ellis. . . Daniel B. Teeter. Manuel E. Mallo . Boone Coualy. Boonesboro’ Charles W. Hamilton Mineral Eidge William M. Bell Eapids Alfred E. Williams.. Eiver Side James B. Hamilton. Sweede Point | Marcus B.Euther ford Jaynesville Nautrill Polk Precinct.. Waverley Bremer County. George W. Maxfield. Henry Stears William N. Gaines.. Porter W. Earl Buchanan County. Brandon William H. Fonts. . . Buffalo Grove AbiathanEichardson Chatham . Charles Melrose. . Erin William Fanning Fairbank Newton Baldwin. Frink's Grove Thomas Frink. . . Greely’s Grove j Allen M. Coy Indf^pendence (c. h.) Edward Brewer . Pine Isaiah Hearn Quasqueton Eobert H. Thompson Beaver Grove, Butler Centre Elm Springs . . Leoni Parkersburg Butler County. Silas B. Ensign . . Charles Stewart.. John H. Miller.. . J. E. Fletcher — Pascal P. Parker. Shell Eock George G. Hawker Willoughby George M. Danels. Cass County. Edna — Iranistan . Lewis Lura PjTnosa . , John Irwin John Phebus Charles Baldwin Gershomo S. Morri- son Jas. W. Brinkerhuflf. Cedar County. Charles Williams . . Eobert Gower James H. Noe Samuel Macy Ecuben Baughman Jos’ph C.Armcntrout Cedar Gower's Ferry . Harwell Honey Grove. . Inland Lactin Massillon , |David Slope r Onion Grove iTliomas Eobinson Pedee 'John S. Lewis .. Pioneer Grove Goodwin Taylor. Pleasant Hill Martin G. Miller. Kery rVpplr Dnnipl Athnngb rj-mvp John B. Pnfler Forfax James TTre 8.00 6.00 La Fayette Richard Laning 20.27 8.94 Lisbon Martin Floyd. 134.96 66.16 Marion (c. h.) Henry H. Welch 383.16 393.50 Mondieu William P. Gardner. 4.74 3.57 Mount V ernon Joshua Hess 175.08 121.35 Nugent’s Grrove. .T .T ISTncrPTit Necot George C. Perkins.. 4.75 2.52 Oak Grove Levi W. Johnson ... 17.88 9.59 Palo John Hallenbeck 18.87 8.15 Prospect Hill Jos’ph Norm’n Kirby 13.00 4.00 Saint Julian John Safley 13.61 7.14 Saint Marys Harvev Gillett 25.09 13.54 Spring Grove Josiah H. Walton, .v 18.97 8.90 Springville Moses P. Winans . . . 36.83 15.25 Valley Farm Matthew E. Coon. . . — — Louisa County. Columbus City William A. Colton . . 173.27 151.33 Concord James T.atta 9.50 6.50 Grand View James H. Sprague.. 111.58 62.96 Harrison James Herron 19.86 10.86 Morning Sun Henry C. Blake. . .. 45.67 24.92 Palo Alto Whitney S. Kremer. 9.91 4.91 Port Allen William H. Hayward 18.71 6.07 Port Louisa George Hutchinson. 40.61 24.11 Spring Bun Barton Jones 10.27 3.86 Toolsborougb R. C. Palmer 27.02 13.83 Virginia Grove Elias Marshall 21.87 12.10 ^Vapello (c. h.) Lauren P. Wells 221.47 215.82 Lucas County* Arjrro Matthew Irvin 6.02 4.75 Cedar Grove. ....... "lohn W. May 5.50 4.00 Chariton (c. h.) Cyrus T. Temple 214.65 140.22 Freeland James T. Plymate . . '4.25 2.50 Greenville Xury E. West 18.93 12.50 T,n. Grancre John Hood 42.79 23.50 Tallahoma Edwin C. Rankin. . . 9.40' 9.81 Madison Coiuity. XTirl/llp "nnviq Ncm Con Morris C. Debord. .. — — Nortli ISmncli Jacob Bennett 8.21 4.88 Peru Benjamin F. Brown. 8.87 6.26 OuPPTI’q T^PlTlt JJiYorpyi OitPPn O i • • • • • » Saint Charles Milton Thompson . . . 87.90 22.24 Winterset Win. M. Knowlton. . 277.77 146.78 Malias?5a County. Agricola George W. Darland. 9.50 5.00 Auburn William B. Godfrey. 14.48 6.49 Belle Fountain Daniel W. Counsil. . 48.20 26.50 Bluflf Creek Samuel Berrv 4.75 2.20 i n t. fJositis It, dacksoii. •* FremonL John Q. White 64.07 41.05 Mahaska County — {Continued). Granville 1 Martin Poling $29.63 ! $17.06 Hopewell [Isaac Mills. . "^. . . . . 20.96 1 8.24 Indianapolis Thomas T. Tinsley. . 25.02 1 19!72 Laredo George Dunsmore . . 9.2S 1.75 OsJcaloosa (c. h.) [Sylvester Greenough , 654.76 ' 712.58 Peoria James L. Warren. . . 28.24 16.48 Rose Hill Samuel B. Waters. . . 17.51 10.81 Scott Ambrose Downs 26.07 9.49 Timber Creek Andrew J. Smith . . . Union Mills John B. Stewart 80.43 - 13.85 Marion County. Attica. Samuel C. Child 62.15 38.94 Bennington Ezra H. Baker 18.46 12.59 Columbia Samuel S. Walker . . 8.44 4.88 Dallas .Tnhn B Parrntt. Ely Peter Kline 11.47 6.94 English Settlement. . Macklin Copeland . . 14.75 7.45 Gosport John Hunt . 25.84 13.32 Hamilton Peter A. Schnack. .. 30.86 20.46 Jnla . ,Tn«appli ninrV Knoxville Andrew C. Cunning- ham 257.58 216.85 Mennon Jonas C Reed Newbern John Kewmnn. 85.32 16 30 Pella Peter Barendregt. . . 277.50 262.19 Pleasantville Harrison Jordan 69.29 43.86 Red Rock George W. Eubank. 87.26 43.50 Terry’s ... Rjimiipl PprVinQ Wheeling William A. Mills 29.31 18.64 Marsball County. Albion Hezek’h H. Seymour 48.00 28.00 T,e Grand. John H Carleton 36.25 15.19 Marietta Edwin C. Hall 119.21 113.89 Marshalltown Wells S. Rice 68.00 28.00 Mormon Hill Isaac Mever 18.81 4.54 Reedsville Ansel .T. Cnoper Timber Creek Joseph M. Ferguson 23.10 12.04 Mills county. Cerro Gordo Conrad Engleman . . 52.12 20.08 Florence James H. Clark 5.22 3.99 Glenwood 1 Oliver K. Tyson 208.10 149.32 Indian Creek David Silkett 4.25 2.75 Ingraham James H. Goodman. 2.40 16.31 Wahaghbonsy Bennet Creech 7.89 6.20 White Cloud Samuel S. Jamison.. — — Mitchell County. Cardiff Oliver Tillot.son rinrn A.lexander H Moore IVfitphpll . S B. Orville Lewis West An^crnr Charles G. Classen M( mona County. Ashton ' 1 William Burton I 1 Preparation [ Chas. B. Thompson. | 2.241 1.50 Monroe County. Albia John Phillips 218.55 225.53 A very Justus Selby 11.13 7.59 Cuba John Tavlor 11.80 5.52 T.ewis Oeorore . . . Gray^s Creek Robert Kirkwood . . . 15.34 5.07 Half Way Prairie.. . Lorenzo 0. Haskell . 15.04 5.44 Adrian Miles 25.00 13.50 John C Montgomery County. Or A (■ Joseph I Zuber [ 1 Ross Grove |l Samuel Baker — — Sciola r Chauucey Sager ...1 7.601 — IOWA 63 Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Right-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. ITIuscatme County* Atalissa Centre Grove . . . Fairport Melpine. Moscow' Muscatine Pike Strawberry Hill. Centre Clarinda Hawleysville Tarkio Fort Des Moines. William Lundy John B. Hanson . . $ 14.50 $ 4.32 Elijah Dollarhide . . . 41.06 20.47 Jesse B. Henneker. . 16.24 6.24 James Baxter 52.36 59.17 Henry Reece 1448.95 2001.41 Thomas B. Hubbard. 14.89 4.92 JlenryS. Griffin 25.11 15.33 Joseph Heinley 26.47 .45 Freeman Alger 136.97 45.61 Page County. Robert Maxwell 11.36 5.91 John S. B. Polsley.. 32.03 18.00 James M. Hawley. . . 43.26 25.21 Isaac Miller 1.48 1.00 Polk County. Morell C. Keith 35.49 12.36 ,ircLci [Wesley Redhead 822.03 1140.11 Mathew Cowley 32.34 17.83 Jefferson Robertson. — — Darius G. Merrihew. — — John C. Bennett 35.67 21.32 Arthur J. Barton 30.15 8.32 John E. Welsh 32.31 11.28 James H. Sloan — — Pottawattamie County. Boyer Council Blufifs Ellisdale Macedonia Walnut Grove Mills. Hiram Bostick Joseph E. Johnson . . 561.11 706.86 Lewis J. Goddard. . . — — Joseph Z. Losh 18.00 4.50 William A. Reel — 12.00 13.30 Poweshiek County. Bear Creek Deep River Montezuma (c. h.) Sugar Grove Victor Edw'ards Barton 35.00 16.00 Myron Whitney 6.12 1.40 Asel Stanley 101.16 90.74 John A. Killin 47.97 5.73 Charles Comstock. . . 20.67 2.99 Ringgold County. Caledonia I Peter G. Walter. Allen’s Grove Amity Big Rock Blue Grass . . . Davenport . . . Dixon Le Claire Linn Grove Mount Joy Pleasant Valley. Princeton Round Grove . . . Walnut Grove. . West Buffalo — Wolcott [Barton B. Dunning . — — [Wendell Poor 1 1 1 Scott County. John Connor 5.92 2.49 James F. Morton — 1.3.44 5.46 George T. Barcley.. 29.93 11.80 Horace Carpenter. . . 74.80 48.42 A. T. Mast 1935.77 3088.90 Rodolphus S. Dick- 24.68 5.24 inson John F. Newman. . . Alexander Wells — 1.42 .71 Moses C. Farber — — .Jabez A. Birchard, Jr 40.01 17.29 Henrv G. Mathews. . 52.83 23.32 . 'JUoClill XX. X-iCdilu.lI. . Henrv H. Pease 31.01 12.50 Warliam I. Ruby . . . 24.08 11.39 . William D. Moore .. 11.46 5.99 Shelby County. Blue River lAlex’r Rittenhouse. . I SheWy-cille (c. h.). . . | James M. Butler. . . . | Story County. Cambridge i William G. Burwell.l Goshen Thomas C. Davis ... Jlevada j William Aldridge. . . 1 7.50 1 8.27 20.00 46.25 6.00 26.88 Indian Town. Kinisaw Ola Redman Tamaville Toledo Tama County. John Moore ........ Anthony Wilkinson George Morison . . . James R. Graham . Normand Lewis . . . Henry C. Foster . . . Taylor County. Bedford [Samuel Dale. . . . Gravity [John Banks Union County. Afton Kings Petersville Philo Platt ' . T. M. Robinson James M. Campbell. A. R. Bowen John A. Day S. M. Riggs Van Biiren County. Benton’s Port 'William M. Appleton Birmingham ; George P. Martin . . . Bonaparte Jehial Gregory Business Corner . . Gustavus M. Aldrich Farmington (c. h.). . W alter W. Grubb . . . Gainesborough Isaac Nixon Home Charles Hilles lowaville E. A. Harper Keomugtoa (c. h.) . . Seth Millington Lebanon Giles K. Ten Eyck . . Milton James J. Cassady. . . Mount Sterling James A. Alcorn New Market Calvin P. Davis .... Oak Point David Mowrie Pameko Frederick A. Stump. Philadelphia Wells Edgerton Pittsburg Mark A. Newton — Portland John D. Woodworth Upton James W. Dowthitt. Utica Robert Browmfield . . Vernon John M. Estes Winchester Ezra S. Rand Wapello County. Agency City Ashland Bladensburg . . . Blakesburg Chillicothe Competine Dahlonega Eddyville Greene Kirkville Ottumwa (c. h.). Point Isabelle . . Joseph Myers John W. Lafone — Mathias Noel Samuel H. Butcher. . Asa C. Olirey Solom’n McReynolds William Lewis Michael Welch Hiram Frederick . . . Henry Crabbs Thomas J. Holmes.. George W. Thomas. Warren County. 54.00 6.00 127.23 167.10 178.99 278.20 13.09 24.39 61.11 287.26 33.28 86.89 41.87 13.29 16.71 .08 11.73 48.37 20.47 13.11 57.27 57.17 103.75 184.48 55.44 76.78 17.78 3.89 60.88 236.08 8.18 53.09 362.42 9.30 Carlisle. . . .^ Dorrville.. Fort Plain Hammondsburgh . Handsome View. . Hartford fndianola (c. h.). . Lacona Lynn Montpelier '. Palmyra Planeville . . . .'1 . . . Pyra Sandysville Somerset Abram B.Shoemaker Madison M. Melvin. Anselm H. Barker.. Aaron Oliver Cox . . . George W. Coverdell John D. Hartman. . . Thomas J. Atkcson. Willis Cleavinger. . . Leonard 8. Spencer. Charles G. Stim.son. Christopher Turnip- seed 31.30 26.83 16.00 4.93 74.80 219.00 6.00 8.21 45.85 Thompson Walton.. W S Glaze II Shadracli B. Johns.. W. S. Barnes '.30 Washington County. Amboy [William Adams ( Brighton Daniel L. Lee. Clay [Murcellus Meacham.| 160.66 21.51, $9.17 8.46 .75 16.00 4.00 4.00 85.99 141.78 159.47. 238.91 5.92 12.83 32.62 333.27 11.04 22.54 23.18 8.72 5.04 .04 5.83 16.51 16.40 7.97 32.22 25.00 57.85 99.11 25.14 40.79 8.59 -2.04 27.34 204.41 3.77 28.02 309.84 5.71 18.79 18.71 9.00 3.36 30.52 208.93 4.00 5.00 20.53 .12 16.21 138.07 6.18 64 POST-OFFICES AND POST- MASTERS. Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Eight-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Washington County — {Continued), $87.04 $47.54 11.51 6.43 Dutch Creek Robert Kinkade 29.37 16.66 Marcellus Stephen W. Stone. . . 8.49 4.85 Pottsville John Marsden 11.39 6.77 Richmond Joseph L. Cox 99.57 85.72 Valley William Seeton. ... 36.00 24.00 Washington (c. h.).. Mary Parker 312.10 275.31 Wasson viUe R. S. Higgins 71.20 33.75 Yatton Samuel Younkin . . . 22.88 13.86 Wayne County. Bethlehem I Samuel T. Kirk 20.84 11.68 Cambria Wm. McCutchan... . 8.00 7.50 .Tnhn W Ta.bler. . Corydon T. M. Bowen 39.66 21.78 TrrppHnm 'Willinm Cnmp Grand River William L. Burge. . . 39.16 27.73 South Fork Peter Ruark 19.64 10.36 Warsaw James H. Lyons. . . . Webster County. "RAr/lAV "PliiinQ Shprmnu Hart Chnrlpa Ttprgk Fort Dodge William Williams. . . 50.00 18.00 Homer Harvey G. Pember- 79.04 58.72 Webster City ton Henry B. Martin . . . _ — — Winnebago County. Forest City 1 Robert Clark | 1 $ 1 $ Winneshiek County. Blufftnu... . James D. Vannatta. . Burr Oak Albert W. Tinckham 40.42 27.70 Calmar Alfred Clark 10.00 6.08 Castalia Lucius W. Smith. . . . 9.00' 6.00 Decorah William F. Kimball. 317.03 309.79 Fort Atkinson David M. Ferguson . 27.00' 16.00 Frankville Thomas Bell 41.29 35.50 Freeport William M. Fannon. 50.80 14.78 Moneek Lewis Boughner 36.84 33.10 Old Mission Francis J. Heuber . . 24.80 14.89 Plymouth Rock Warren B. Gilliam . Twin Spring Elijah Clark Winneshiek Ignatius F. Volts.. . . 8.68 1 5.19 Woodbury County. Sergeant’s Bluff. .... I T. Elwood Clark — 1 1 Sioux City John K. Cook — — Smithland 1 Orin B. Smith 1 — Wright County. Belmond I Archer Dumond — I 1 Fryeburgh William C. Hurd — — Gold Field 1 J. B. Skinner | — KENTUCKY. Adair County. Breeding’s James Breeding — $15.66 $11.66 Cane Valley Patrick H. Bridge- — : Casey Creek Robert B. FerreU.. . 7.00 6.00 CoVwmMa (c. h.) William N. Robinson 133.18 117.97 East Fork Martin N. Carr 8.80 5.20 Gradyville William F. Grady. . . 18.49 12.52 Millersville Archela’s A. Strange, •Tf 4.42 4.22 Milltown Matthew M. Tucker. 9.70 8.20 MoutpRlip.r. . . James Miller 9.83 6.31 Neats viUe Joseph G. Campbell. 24.32 15.51 Allen County. Butlersville •. Wiley W. Davis — 6.52 17.36 Cedar Spring R. M. Spilman 9.03 4.10 Gainesville Charles C. Stark . . . 3.18 1.29 Motly John W. Rigsby — — Mount Aerial Willis E. Arnold 5.50 6.75 New Roe Chriswell K. O’Neal. 30.86 19.28 Scotismlle (c. h.) — David M. Wilson — 146.51 93.27 Anderson County. Camdenville Grandison Utterback 26.69 21.02 Chesher’s Store Albert G. Mullins. . . 10.81 6.38 John F. Bean 16.00 12.00 Lawrenceburgh — James Ripy 19.5.81 77.49 Rough and Ready . . Urbane V. Williams. 34.53 19.17 Ballard County. A 4^ n rn q v il 1 a QAArorA TVI" Afiv Belle Ombre Martha A. Thompson 10.49 8.22 Bhmdville (c. h.) . . . Osburn Belt 80.75 75.19 Elm John W. Peebles 2.46 1.75 Hazlewood . . Edwin 11. Bridge- 15.50 6.58 Lovelaceville Andrew Lovelace, Jr 61.75 80.78 Melvin Thomas Rudd 6.18 8.62 Millburn Hermon Reed 51.16 19.51 Newton Creek Reuben M. Beck. . . . 25.01 17.02 Barren County. Antioch Bear Wallow Jerman B. Morris ... James E. Terry $ 88.62 $ 12.80 Blue Spring Grove. . Wm. W. Bagby 28.65 10.57 Centre Thomas E. Newman 19.4^ 11.82 Cross Plains Thomas M. Piper. . . 5.01 3.91 Dry Fork Alfred P. Maury 5.56 2.94 Edmonton William 0. Newman 46.84 13.74 Glasgow (c. h.) James R. Barrick . . 419.98 493.21 Merry Oaks David B. Denton . . . 12.13 7.25 Nobob H enry L. Holsclaw . 6.65 2.26 Pace’s Sanford R. Pace 25.15 13.68 Pageville John F. F. Jewell. . . 26.67 3.68 Park John C. Green 41.U8 13.68 Peter’s Creek Oscar F. Mosby 11.89 9.54 Prewitt’s Knob Cincinnatus Roberts. 84.37 14.58 Randolph Ausmun D. Fiers . . . 18.75 10.96 Rockland Mills Sampson Jones, Jr.. 3.54 2.50 Rocky HiU Fr.nnklin Settle. . . . Roseville Henry Saunders 19.05 8.01 Skegg’s Creek William A. NorveU . 13.27 7.50 Sugar Plant James H. Read 10.71 6. "6 Three Forks George M. Procter. . 29.1U 7.00 Woodland Wilson Ritter 10.19 2.86 1 Bath County. Bethel William R. Hope 1 76.93 39.29 Eastville Ephraim Goodwin . . ! 2.74 1.51 Gill’s Mills William M. Ragland : 17.58 8.19 Laurel Fork Lewis McCormack . . 5.77 8.91 Little Flat Levi Hawkins 12.67 12.10 Marshall Levi Fratman 22.4S 16.01 Olympian Springs . . Harrison Gill 20.90 11.68 Oioingsville (c. h.). . . William Fenwyck. . . 183.84 183.94 Peeled Oak John W. Tomlinson. 8.75 8.00 Sharpsburgh James S. Rainey 175.61 177.67 Wyoming Robert A. Caldwell . 89.67 22.35 Boone County. BCtivcr Lick . . • . . • . • I [John W. Tucker. . . . 1 7.961 5.79 Bullittsville | Absalom Graves — | 14.831 4.65 KENTUCKY Ltfc-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Kight-liand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Boone Burlington (c. h.). . . Constance East Bend Elijah’s Creek Florence Hamilton Middle Creek Mills. . Petersburgh Union Verona Walton County — ( Continued) Cyrus Eiddell William Turner Hiram J. Calvert . . . Albino 0. Hedges... Absalom Connor — Calbert B. Johnson . Thomas Eoberts — William W. Srnith.. Noah A. Baker John M. Ossman Thomas J. Johnson. Bonrbon County. Centreville Clintonville .... Elat Eock Houston (c. h.) Jacksonville Lilley’s Station Millersburg Moreland North Middletown. Paris (c. h.) Euddle’s Mills John W. Harcourt.. Charles F. Scruggs . William S. Adams . . Willis P. Dorsey Patrick M. Hill George F. Lilley James Bassett Thomas C. Wood. . . William T. Allen John V. Lovely W. T. Purnell Danville MitcheUsburg Boyle County. .{Wesley E. Orear . .Tames T James P. Mitchell Perry ville [John A. Burton. . Bracken County. W. Williams William N. Dora . . . Abner Holton Seth C. Goshorn William A. Pepper . James M. Browning. .Jedediah S. Hogue . .Joseph Chipman John A. Hamilton. . . Eobert A. Struve . . . Breatbitt County. Frozen Creek jBenjamin F. Sewell. [ Jackson (c. h.) John. 0. W. Cardwell Lost Creek Ota H. Ward Augusta Brookville (c. h.) . . . Browningsville Foster Locust Mills Milford Mount Olivet Pleasant Eidge Powersville Santa Fe Bewle 3 rville Big Spring Cedar Grove Clifton Mills Cloverport Ilardinshurgh (c.h.) Hudsonville Lost Eun Planter’s Hall Stephensport Union Star Webster Breckenrid^e County. William Bewley William Wiseheart . Samuel T. Elder ... Daviess E. Crawford George La Heist — .James G. Haswell... Ealph E. Cox William H. Davison. .James H. Moorman. Eich’d A. S. Brashear Jacob P. Severs . . . Martin McGlothan . . Belmont Cane Spring Mount Washington . Pitts Point Shepherdsmlle (c. h.) Shortsville Bullitt County, William Patterson . . Sexton E. Samuels. . William A. Foreman Charles Green well.. William .J. Colbow. . Samuel C. Eussell. . . Butler County. Berry’s Lick {Benjamin Porter Harreldville David D. Mann Logansport {Thomas C. Carson.. Martin’s Spring iThomas B. Benton. . Morgantoicn (c. h.).j.John C. Howard Quality Valley Moses G. Watkins . Eocheker Sugar Grove . . . Welch’s Creek. Woodberry 5 .John Eeneer Nathaniel Porter Mark T. Brown Warren W. Hines .. $ 89 . 1 ? i $ 106.33 12 . 0 C 1 7.00 19 . 3 C 1 11.76 108 . 3 c ; 52.27 40.67 ' 20.94 15.81 7.00 90.04 91.40 49.04 : 27.57 34.99 ' 23.49 70.39 ' 38.46 55.60 18.68 50.54 32.46 61.50 24.70 20.06 18.53 22.00 6.50 297.15 197.71 65.84 20.01 112.84 38.99 847.12 977.52 85.93 40.59 1085.28 11188.57 21.71 7.29 150.10 1 33.48 171.64 1 136.96 66.16 63.79 47.07 23.04 9.47 6.84 19.79 12.62 20.28 13.55 16.09 10.79 8.28 4.43 12.43 7.26 2.46 1 1.50 20.25 13.10 9.731 1 8.34 15.66 15.92 86.60 29.99 7.39 4.60 27.56 17.66 193.49 158.89 206 . 4 S 163.61 30.22 16.14 3.06 .94 9.83 1.70 29.12 10.80 21.96 10.52 41.42 12.73 40.04 20.33 15.14 10.67 119.03 46.31 25.86 16.84 123.20 106.67 14.43 14.51 16.50 7.89 7.28 1.80 49.52 63.87 7.76 3.38 39 . S 6 18.94 10.71 6.06 41 . 94 ' 4.79 1 Caldwell County. Farmersville ! James A. Greer. Fredonia Long Pond Pollard’s Tan Yard Princeton AValnut Grove Hiram M. T spoon W. O. Stokes. Azariah Eice . William D. Tinsley Callaway County. Henry W. Cook. William Hardy. Clark’s Eiver Cook’s Valley Hico Locust Grove Murray New Concord Pine Bluflf. Shiloh Wadeslooro (c. h.). . . Lewis L. Trevathan. Campbell County. Archibald H. Wear. Cyrus Owen . . . John Hodges.. E. P. Chandler. Alexandria (c. h.) . . California Carthage Cold Spring Flagg Spring Newport (c. h.) Grant’s Lick James M. Boyd Persimmon Grove . . {Jacob White. Tibbatt’s Eoads .. Jesse Yelton. Frederick Brown. . , James G. Kercheva Edward Morin. Carrollton Ghent Grass Hills Prestonville Sandefer’s Store. Worthville Bell’s Trace Bruin Grayson (c. h.) Knaps Mount Savage Olive Hill Star Furnace Upper Tygart Carroll County. David Supple Samuel Sanders Lewis Sanders Eichard Hanks. A. D. Coplinger William S. Bailey. . Carter County. William Watson Samuel Mobley Benj. F. Crawford. . . Daniel T. Pearce. Kirk 0. Valdenar. . . James W. Scott Samuel P. Williams. Casey County. Liberty Middleburgh . , Mintonville Poplar Hill Amalek T. Eoyalty . Eichard N. Hatter.. James Davis Pendleton Jenkins. . Christian County. Atkinson , Bainbridge Belleview Beverly Cottonwood Fruit Hill Garretsburgh JIopkiMsmUe to. h.). , La Fayette Long View Mills Newstead Oak Grove Pembroke Williams Woolridge’s Store... son Bird Hardy Wilson J. Lander. . . I. S. Poindexter P. W. Magaron William D. Ferguson Hillery E. Bacon Thomas H. Baker. . . Hardy S. Sypert William B. Eadford. 0. W. Mills John C. Whitlock. . . George B.Blakemore Francis C. Cowardin Joseph Cordier Enoch A. Brown Clark County. Dunaway’s {Jesse Powell .... Fishback George T. Fishback. Fryville ( William M. Eowe. . , | . $ 6.04 : $ 3.17 ■ 57.70 17.80 6.66 5.96 . 14.56 6.65 . 329.59 362.09 . 22.31 1.74 . 11.84 7.38 7.23 5.45 . 19 00 11.00 5.85 1 7.22 . 99.55 95.26 . 44.60 31.14 . 13.63 6.55 . 23.53 14.24 . 85.90 23.61 114.80 75.67 1 14.22 9.99 27.84 47.19 ^ 16.85 9.04 15.95 9.29 3.00 — , 672.80 355,22 6.96 4.04 . 294.44 204.71 , 117.22 64.68 22.94 17.11 , 42.98 26.26 9.74 5.45 20.55 10.31 86.02 41.94 8.15 2.06 29.21 22.47 17.71 11.67 . 25.56 18.65 4.34 3.05 48.37 28.08 10.21 7.43 12.83 8.75 7.16 5.55 4.83 2.95 28.05 8.53 36.50 6.48 25.41 7.27 12.64 24.91 13.36 8.19 73.72 23.00 685.87 990.14 124.55 125.96 40.57 17.85 85.02 4.96 60.47 15.04 50.03 15.70 15.23 9.59 15.14 6.85 1 4.591 2.48 29.27 5.37 66 POST-OFFICES AND POST-MASTERS. Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Right-hand one, net revenue of OfBce to Department. Clarh County — {Continued). Goode’s Precinct — Jones’ Nursery Kiddvillo Loydsville Pine Grove Pucker ville Walnut Valley Winchester (c. h.). . . John Hughes Fauntleroy Jones. . . Vivian Daniel Elijah Loyd Edmixnd Pendleton. Reuben Rucker David Meredith John W. Laughlin. . Clay County# Bull Spring [Washington RPberts Manchester (c. h.).. . Edward"‘Gibsou Sexton’s Creek I Henry I. Clark Clinton County. Albany (c. h.) William E. Harrison Alpha Elliott’s M Roads . . Green Grove Seventy Six Alpha C. Davis. Harvey R. Ryan . . . James M. Bristow.. Abijah Guthrie Crittenden County. Bell’s Mines Camp Creek Crittenden Springs . Dycusburgh Ford’s Ferry Marion Shady Grove Walker’s James W. Ralph — Daniel A. Flannary. Edmund Banks I. N. Flanagan Levi Yeakey Julius N. Sutcliff . . . . John W. Jenkins . . . Robert A. Walker.. . Cumberland County Daviess County. Cedhoun (c. h.) Crow’s Pond Curdsville Knottsvllle Long Falls Creek. . . McLean’s Retreat. . . Ov^ensboro' (c. h.). . . Pleasant Point Sand Spring Two Mile Creek Wm. H. Williams... Walker Glover Aquilla Spray Anthony H. Clements James P. Moseley. . . John L. Shaw James B. Watkins. . Tapley Maddox William A. Oglesby. James W. Lashbrook Whitesville iFrancis E. Taylor. . . Yelvington i Charles V. Pierce. . . Edmonson County. Bee Spring [Frederick Meredith. Big Ready ! John 11. Woosley. . . Brownsville | James Locke Dripping Spring Hamilt’nM.Crochran Mammoth Cave jW. S. Parker Sun Fish (William S. Bush. Estill County. Cottage Furnace . . . . Irvine (c. h.) Mountain Spring Old Landing RedR iverIrbnW orks James L. Wheeler Charles W. Friend Ludwell Lowery. . Martin P. Moore. . Green E. Farney. . Athens Cleaveland Leerington (c. h.). Reform Walnut Hill Fayette County. . . . John E. Parker . . . Benjamin F. Watts. Jesse Woodruff. $13.40 $8.00 27.12 8.56 47.55 24.22 15.63 4.20 62.02 14.07 8.48 5.48 471.09 572.22 79.60 66.07 4.931 2.69 82.69 69.60 6.49 5.61 9.81 6.09 2.78 2.00 12.60 8.75 49.27 31.79 14.78 9.96 10.78 7.33 65.96 41.88 7.46 4.69 97.75 97.49 16.01 12.10 8.83 1.99 1 131.151 1 80.67 1 43.51 1 22.72 98.60 80.69 16.44 9.89 9.00 41.98 22.27 15.55 8.72 3.21 .68 587.23 609.79 10.89 4.59 4.10 2.54 32.00 20.00 54.67 16.28 3.00 2.00 8.70 7.05 35.62 14.78 25.06 9.51 23.12 11.52 4.53 2.59 118.38 91.50 3.21 2.17 21.51 12.47 61.26 42.59 9.96 2.42 1650.63 4342.11 15.37 5.70 18.07 4.26 Fleming County. Elizaville. . . Henry B. Taylor 76.17 [Thomas J. Thomas . | 9.50l 4-1. C7 8.52 Bn tier . Alexander W. Dillon Compromise W m. R. Dickinson . . 21. .58 Hickman William M. Ellison.. • 436.91 Lodge Robert Morris 40.00 Glencoe 6.48 Napoleon 33.07 Warsaw 171.87 Fleming Cov/nty — ( Continued). Fleming 8burgh{c,\\. ) Hillsboro’ Mount Carmel Oak Woods Pleasant Grove Mills Plummer’s Mill Poplar Plains Sherburne Mills Tilton Triplett White Oak Hill Andrew J. Stevens.. $390.27 $578.58 Thomas M. Crain . . . 50.29 15.36 Gilbert Adams 59..35 30.80 Walter S. Case 37.68 16.10 Austin R. Saunders. 11.87 9.16 Benjamin Plummer. 16.23 9.76 Joseph Throop 77.14 27.83 Thomas Dudley • 78.64 17.95 James C. Sousley. . . 50.00 20.00 Benjamin F. Powers 6.40 4.66 Benjamin G. Johnson 3.30 1.97 Floyd County. 1 Elijah Patrick I 1.48 [James S. Layne 9.34 1! Edwin 1. Friend 1 49.82 Franlirm County. Benson Aaron B. Dooley.. . . Bridgeport Charles S. S. Todd . . Elkhorn Benjamin S. Arnold. Farmdale Benedict Farmer . . . Forks. of Elkhorn. . . Chesterfield Warren; Fra>nkfb7't {c. h.) Benjamin '•^.Johnson Peek’s Mills |A. B. Tarrant Stedmanville John S. Stedman 24.84 110.05 12.01 174.78 48.71 1827.23 Fulton County. €allatin Coiintr. Back Creek Bryantsville Buck Eye Edinburgh Lancaster (c. h) Paint Lick Garrard County. Joel N. Ramsey David C. Alspaugh. . James H. Letcher, Jr. John T. Leavel Hervey D. Brown. . . James H. Spilman.. Grant County. 5.75 96.96 27.26 4.57 273.00 61.53 1.08 6.54 37.36 12.03 47.97 5.90 151.14 17.42 2199.60 9.98 504.97 39.00 9.63 20.92 105.08 9»78 38.72 19.55 3.55 330.48 41.84 Cordova Crittenden . . . Downingsville Dry Ridge Gouge’s Stateley’s Run Williamstoun (c. h.) J. W. Spears 8.80 James O’Hara 108.06 George W. Salyers . . 19.12 Fleming F. Nesbit. . 47.03 John A. Turner — William P. Parrish. . 5.89 Squire Lucas 42.22 Graves County. Depot. Dublin Fancy Farm — Farmington — Feliciana Kansas Leander Mayfield Oak Ridge Symsonia Wilson’s Creek Melboum Saxon S. S. Brown Samuel Willet Wm. D. Kesterson. . William E. Bolinger. John W. Smith Charles E. Hay Edward S. New John W. Taylor Edward j^ustin John Nance 7.91 8.99 25.731 13.99 25.201 16.38 87.21 1 91.45 9.461 9.02 9.41 i 5.46 161.12; 56.78 8.43 6.22 18.24' 11.58 23.49, 15.87 Grayson County. Big Clifty Caneyville Falls of Rough . . Grayson Springs. lAtchJield (c. h.) . Millerstowu Stephen W. Bond. . . 13.29 9.05 Willis Green 23.96 14.13 Manoah P. Clarkson. 22.66 5.58 James Prunfy 77.89 87.19 Harvey S. Webb — 36.97 22.88 KENTUCKY. 67 Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Ivighi-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Greene County. Allendale Barrish Catalpa Grove Clover HUl Felixville Greemhiirah (c. h.). Haskinsville Laurel Grove Summersville Union Hall James A. Howell . . . Harlow 11. Harlow. . John Victor Joseph Perry David Terrill John A. Adair Eobert Haskins Elijah T. Scott Fielding Chelf Daniel M. Williams. Greenup County. Amanda John Eussell Ashland Elias S. Fletcher Canuonsburg ^ William L. Geiger.. Catlettsburgh Nelson P. Andrews. Greenup C. H I Joseph Pollock La Belle John Means Lime Works |D. C. Munn Laurel Furnace John S. Jones Oldtown Uardinal F. Stark. . . Truittsvile 'Jonas Whitt Tygert’s Creek ;Bazil Waring BennettsviUe Blackford Hawesville . . Lewisport . . . Hancock County. James H. Moorman . Pius M. Montgomery Eisom Shrader Gabriel I. Pate Hardin County. Cofer EUzahetJitoxon (c. h.) Howell’s Springs Howe’s Valley Nolen Otter Creek Bed Hill Stephensburgh West Point Yagersville Eobert Funk John B. Quiggins David B. Lewis . . Lewis Straus Earhart Winders. Ignatius Bryan . . William Tarpley. Abraham S. Gardner Bernard McCoy . . . Philip G. Bunger . . Harlan County. CaUoway [Charles J. Calloway Friendship Harlan C. H . La Fontaine . Poor Fork . . Washington Smith. Carlo B. Brittain . . . John M. Persifttll.. John H. Smith Harrison Coimty. Berry’s Station. . . Boyd’s Station . . . Broadwell Buena Vista Claysville Colemansville . . . Conners ville Curry's Eun < 'yrdhiana (c. h.) Garnett’s Station. Havilandsville. . . Kentontown Leesburgh I Bush rod T. Boswell Oddville P^ke“ Eaven Creek Charles H. Burgess, Eobertson’s Station, . Geo! W. Eobertson. Eutland William F. Laughlin Scott’s Station Hamlet L. Webb . . George W. Berry.. Thomas Boyd Andrew J. Beale . . Eobert Smith Edwin E. Jackson. William T. McNees James J. Laughlin. James Slade Oliver Lucas Tandy Wiglesworth Henry H. Haviland Orville G. Cameron Bacon Creek. . Glen Brook. . Green Elver. . Hammonville Monroe Hart County. George H. Eeed John B. Cobb... William H. L. Eenfro Eossamus S. Thomas Joshua Brents $21.03 $12.65 5.12 3.38 8.36 3.65 4.62 2.90 210.57 150.46 124.00 22.00 1.36 .84 20.23 8.23 22.00 12.70 123.32 36.90 46.05 29.68 154.91 163.93 170.82 167.77 10.00 4.00 14.84 4.50 19.23 12.46 13.66 9.13 15.37 9.95 6.48 3.44 271.46 204.92 68.85 43.52 19.22 7.16 347.90 335.67 14.41 8.68 17.50 13.12 60.59 21.92 37.00 18.55 47.89 35.65 126.49 58.83 1.52 1.20 15.30 9.89 1.37 1.00 1.40 1.09 20.00 7.00 24.S7 18.42 14.18 9.73 32.03 19.36 36.41 24.99 1-3.70 7.88 21.08 19.88 367.29 319.51 6.00 2 00 . 18.82 14.67 15.8«i 8.46 61. .51 21.79 19..50 15,11 4.45 3.13 14.19 9.59 9.00 6.00 9.98 6.27 10.07 6.31 30.46 9.01 11.36 10.41 13.33 8.04 Hart County — {Continued). Munfordsville. . Eio Three Springs. Uptonville Woodsonville . James C. Eush John T. Gardner . . . James M. Poynter. . . George W. Upton.. . William V. Garvin. . 82.20 1 $92.-32 57.55 Henderson Ccujity. Cairo Corydon Hebbardsville Henderaon (e. h.) . . Poole’s Mill Smith’s Mills. Steamport. Walnut Bottom AVise’s Mill Herman Nottenius . . [ 35.71 15.86 William B. Pentecost ' 15.68 10.04 Jery T. Pittman — 37.84 16.58 James E. Eicketts . . 61S.90 670.09 AVilliam W. Poole ■. . 9.00 2.80 Eobert Smith, Jr 18.68 11.52 Thomas Gates 21.52 13.08 Benjamin Faulkner. 6.89 3.42 Peter Wise — — Henry County. Bethlehem Campbellsburg . . . Eminence Franklinton Jericho Lockport Midview A'ew Castle (c. h.). Pleasureville Jimmerson S. Hall . . 18.78 Bland B. Elston 59.01 John Brown 102.18 Francis Gross ...... 24.94 James H. Moore — 35.52 Charles Abrahams. . 33.04 Isaac M. Underwood 30.80 Isaac N. Webb 217.-32 Henry H. Calvert . . . 69.94 ! Merit Gains 57.91 Julius AVilhoite 52.24 'Fleet H. Goodridge. 49.49 'Joseph P, Evins 20.09 10.43 51.77 47.80 13.74 13.81 19.19 4.14 15.51 63.58 41.97 28.2.3 21.27 8.00 Hickman County. Baltimore Clinton Cohoml)us (c. h.) Moscow Wesley Thomas A. Slayden. 9.60 7.40 Benjamin M. Hatch. 111.43 34.98 James M. Moore 120.41 120.19 John M. Jackson . . . 51.61 25.51 Otho Hardin 1 8.81 5.60 Hopkins County. Ashbysburgh Carlow Chalk Level Charleston Clyde Day’s Store Hall Little Prairie Madisowoille (c. h.) . Mulberry Grove — Nebo Providence Slaughtersville Underwood Vanderburgh Samuel W. Cox 18.-39 10.59 Lorenzo D. Orr 26.04 11.73 Gabriel W. Jennings 10.08 4.96 .Tnsepb AV i pt.t Wesley Skinner .... — Joseph Day 8.58 6.96 Eowland Gooch 18.48 10.48 Eeuben Medley 7.-35 5.26 Christopher 0. Hard- wick 264.07 218.24 P. D. Clayton 19.07 7.94 Miles Maiin 21.50 12.00 William D. Bailey . . 57.25 25.18 Henry A. Prather. . . — Van S. Teague 10.71 5.64 Philip D, Clayton. . . — — Jefferson County. Cedar Creek Falls of Harrod Mrs. Louisa Miller.. Fred’k B. Penebakcr — — Fern Creek Simeon B. Lewis 36.62 16.-38 Fisherville C. S. Wilson 82.00 17.00 Fishpool Joseph E. Gailbreath 14.01) 7.00 Grassy Pond William Arnold 11.00 5.00 Hav’s Spring Arcliibald Hays 32.16 9.91 Jeffersontown Joseph P. Futik — 25.63 9.76 Laeona A. 11. Hussey 18.62 9,23 James G. Malone. . . 57.61 21.98 Louisville (c. h.) Francis S. J. Eonald. 2000.00 21.047.18 Middletown William Waters 101.66 81.84 Portland Louis Euth 203.46 77.54 Saint Matthews John B. Anderson . . 84.85 8.79 Salina Mansfield G. Kendall 32.82 8.29 AVilliamson John B. O’Bannon. . 42.22 5.22 Jessamine County. Cogar’s Landing [Thomas S. Cogar ... 1 2-3.66 1 10.15 Jessamine [William J. King 1 8.07 1 8.08 68 POST-OFFICES AND POST- MASTERS. Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Kight-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Jessamine, County — {Continued). Keene Marble Creek Mount Freedom Nicholasmlle (c. h.). Pekin Potts’ Mills Sulphur Well Charles McDavitt. . John M. Taul Isabell Sutton Henry J. Campbell Samuel Hedger. . . . James H. Blakaman James M. Harris $123.85 19.54 .31.00 308.0.3 47.55 22.00 17.40 $57.08 15.70 18.00 278.81 16.12 17.00 9.70 Johnson County. Pcdntsmlle (c. h.). . . | Samuel P. Hagar . . . [ 81.53 1 10.72 Kenton County. Bank Lick Covington Dry Creek Fiskburgh Fowler’s Creek Independence (c. h.) Morning View ...... New Canton Piner’s ><) Eoads — ! Stephen Mosher . . . 16.83 1 7.90 William D. Holt — 1420.77 1568.06 Thomas E. Lindsay . 82.83 18.94 D. L. Fisk 12.46 7.09 Joel Dedman 5.60 4.16 John W. Johnson. . . 73.18 42.65 1 George H. Mullins . . — — John Morris 14.58 ' 6.70 Gabriel M. Mullins . 14.62 8.95 Knox County. Barbowrsmlle (c. h.) Clear Creek Cumberland Ford. . . Flat Lick Lynn Camp Yellow Creek William B. Anderson 120.90 123.56 .T A Pflrtnn Eufus M. Moss 15.85 6.28 John Jacobs 3i'.53 18.03 Stephen D. Colyer . . 13.99 8.02 Wm. M. Dickinson . 8.73 5.76 La Rue County. Hodgensville Cadwalader W. Wil- li3,mson 99.59 90.24 Magnolia Wayne Ferguson. . . 5.00 2.00 Oak Hill Wm. W. Brownfield. 15.02 7.49 Salt Lick Jacob T. Miller — — Laurel County. Bush’s Store Laurel Bridge London Mershon’s M Eoads. Middle Fork Eose Hill 1 Stephen Wood . . . . White Lilly Samuel Benjey Whippoorwill Samuel McHargue. George A. Bush . . . Charles Colyer John Horton Abraham Baugh . , I. I. Forbes 1.46 1.00 4.88 4.25 50.71 10.90 1.06 .50 Lawrence County, Blaine Bolt’s Fork Falls of Blaine. Louisa (c. h.). . Peach Orchard Prosperity Warfield Samuel Sparks 8.30 5.95 Edmund Gibson 20.68 12.99 Talton W. Everett.. 6.50 4.14 John M. Cook 95.79 74.59 Ambrose Wilbur 55.36 35.26 John Wellman Samuel Laird — — Letcher County. Cornett’s Mill iSamuel Cornett I Indian Bottom Stephen Hogg ^yJdtes'b^l7'gh (c. h.). iJames W. Vermillion| Lewis County. Cabin Creek (Jlaj'kshui'gh (c. h.) . Concord Kinniconick Martin’s Fork Orange Valley Poplar Flat Quincy . Eock Creek Tolesboro Vanceburgh White Oak Plains . . John D. Tully .... INIichael M. Teager John Lovell Nathan’l E. Garland Tames D. Irwin . . . Thompson Irwin. . . Thomas Henderson James E. White Alex’r K. Thompson James H. Day. . John C. Allison. James Williams. l.OOl 1.00 18.81 1 9.84 25.60 12.37 31.08 24.24 61.42 58.19 20.69 9.90 4.77 2.89 17.96 8.69 5.00 1.75 14.11 9.71 22.91 17.88 65.89 42.91 Crab Orchard Hustonville Milledgeville Stan ford (c. h.) Walnut Flat Waynesburgh Lincoln County. John Edminston Francis S. Kauffman Nicholas Wolfflin. . . Joseph A. Lytle Henry B. Middleton. John Griffin Livingston County. Berry’s Ferry Uriah G. Berry •. Carrsville Edmund H. Angle . . Boss’ Ferry John Eoss, Jr Salem (c. h.) .... Joseph D. Barker. . . Smithland John A. Martin Logan County. Adairville Isham j. Inman Escipion William Porter Gordonsville Aaron D. Kennedy. . Hague E. H. Collier Henrysville 'William F. Henry. . . Keysburgh Joseph S. Chastain . Logan Mills blames G. Meador. . . Eabbitsville William W. Smith. . Eichlieu William Dial BusseUville (c. h.) . . Elihu H. Finley South Union John E. Eades Volney IJohn I. Vick $145.34 88.15 23.29 174.12 20.00 14.14 17.04 22.00 15.94 66.04 315.96 89.52 25.40 26.83 19.56 46.59 16.16 9.68 15.00 4S7.29 88.83 61.98 $112.03 49.83 14.80 164.03 11.40 8.78 9.65 20.00 4.41 40.22 382.15 95.98 11.60 12.55 9.26 20.67 14.46 5.58 8.50 518.55 34.49 26.50 Lyon County# Eddyville (c, h.) [Matthew M. Lyon. McCracken County# 1 William H. Kidd ... I lO.cSj MinervaAnnGholson 8.50 Idohn Milliken ! 774.421; McLean County# Bremen Calhoun (c. h.) Eumsey Social Hill W orthington . . Benjamin F. Arnold. 32.73 William H. Williams 98.60 James M. Percival. . 87.17 John M. Eaves 8.00 Paschal Leigh Townes 9.64 I 213.941 146.86 4.21 3.00 15.75 80.69 83.62 3.79 5.36 Madison County# Berear Big Hill Boonesboro’ Elliston Goochland Joe’s Lick Kingston Kirksville Menelos Posey Prunty’s Mill Richmond (c. h.) . . . Eogersville Speedwell Tate’s Creek White Hall William B. Wright.. 7.00 5.00 William W. Smith.. 16.49 6.75 John Stevens 8.34 4.42 Thomas S. Ellis 41.38 18.11 C. D. Gooeh John Gav 19.51 12.70 James B* Heatherly. 23.67 11.20 Thomas Brown 59.77 17.80 John Dozier 12.36 8.97 Fleming T. Owens. . 5.50 3.68 Harvey Hamilton . . . — James 11. Berrv 360.00 444.00 Samuel Fechheimer. 23.14 12.43 Henry B. Dillingham 11.65 5.67 James G. Munday . . Thomas Wagle — — Marion County# Bradfordsville Augustus Eyder 50.81 22.19 Havsville Ebenezer G. l^Iartin. 51.13 20.45 Lebanon (c. h.) Henry L. Mudd 381.45 324.68 Loretto Anne E. Lancaster. . 17..S5 9.24 Manton Edward E. Green. . . 21.84 15.17 New Market Henrv Carter 19.43 6.22 Eaywick William E. 11. Cass Marshall County# 37.98 21.37 Aurora S.OO 83.89 6.00 59.65 Benton (c. h.) James T. Clark Birmingham .Toiiathnn Ellis 25.62 13.86 Brieeshiircirli William 11. Yancey. William Noel Davis M Eoads 5.00 5.00 4.59 F:nr Tle.ilino' •Tjiitics A Filbcck 5.24 Palma Alfred Johnston Samuel Licky Watson’s — — KENTUCKY. 69 Left-hand column shows oompensatiou of Postmaster. Right-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Dover Fern Leaf Germantown Helena May’s Lick Maysville j. . . , Minerva Mount Gilead Murphysville North Fork Orangeburg Sardis Slack Washington (c. h.) . , Mason County. John Gates William Howell Anderson Doniphan Lucien B. Luttrell. . . Edward H. Herndon Benjamin O. Pickett Henry Hubbard . . . Geo. C. Kichardson Joseph W. Howe John Larew Joseph Varian .. David Wood. .... Charles S. Smoot Jacob P. Downing Mead County. Bra/tulenhnrgh {c.h,.) William T. Hayes . Flint Island [William Eoberts. . . Garnettsville John C. Lawson... Meadville Sigmund Griff Kock Haven Robert Graham — Stapleton.. |Thomas A. Brown. Mercer County. Bohan James Wilson Cane Run Peter C. Depauw .. Cornishville Garland Symmes.. Duncan Abrah’m B. Voorhies I/arrodsbzcrgh{c.h.) Walter Wheatly McAfee jFrank M. McAfee. . . Nevada Charles H. May Pleasant HiU ... John E. Bryant Salvisa ! William H. McAfee. Centre Point. . . Fountain Run. Hilton Monroe County. Wilson L. Bigger- staff William P. Denton. William E. S. Taylor Mud Lick Thomas Webb Rock Bridge Madison H. Hardin . Sulphur Lick Winford Daniel Ibrnphinsville Peck Aaron’s Run Camargo Cash’s Nob Howard’s Mills Levee Mount Ida Mount Stirling (c.h.) Montgomery County. David 0. Tully Adam B. Dishong. . William C. Shubert. John Turley James P. Turner. . . John B. Dobyns . . . Benjamin F. Berkley Morgan County. Black Water Archibald Day Bloomington James M. Kendall . . Caney David I. Lykins Cassity’s Mills William W. Phillips. Christy’s Fork Thornton W. Sanford Hampton’s Mills — Geoi'ge M. Hampton Hazle Green David S. Trimble.. Head of Paint William Brown Johnson’s Forks William S. Lykins. Licking Station Joseph Gardner . .. .Little Sandy Daniel Horton Swiftville Cud M. Hanks . .. West l.iherty (c. h.). A. L. Davidson Woodlawn Jesse Kendall Miihlcuburg County. Airdrie [Samuel S. Heath Earles | Samuel W. Earle . . , Ellwood. . ; [Hugh W. McNary . . Greenville tc. h.) .. . Francis B. Hancock. Laurel Bluff Samuel Turner Lead Hill Jjames B. Hancock. Model Mills 1 John L. Roark. . . . . $83.87 $70.02 5.00 3.00 121.26 154.05 42.25 24.41 182.52 57.80 1163.75 638.68 13.96 6.46 26.00 10.00 61.19 25.74 38.43 18.02 34.83 19.11 20.08 1.50 194.25 18.68 186.72 214.90 37.99 19.18 84.38 4.24 18.19 9.79 25.65 13.61 4.20 — 37.001 1.62 16.40 10.60 34.86 1 .21.86 26.111 15.56 655.87 787.80 49.80 6.69 13.13 6.50 65.98 18.93 123.75 14.12 18.47 8.05 ‘28.17 20.14 7.36 5.36 5.34 3.33 1.47 1.06 8.24 4.92 91.45 68.37 31.79 15.16 24.28 14.53 102.61 5.35 lS54 12.03 14.75 6.34 32.18 13.76 466.71 487.96 3.98 2.63 3.08 2.08 4.60 4.50 3.62 2.57 4.04 2.77 [ 26.72 11.02 1.94 1.26 1 .60 .411 i 11.23 7.60 ; 5.52 4.26 1 5.83 4.20 1 80.32 34.69 ; 3.17 2.32 9.75 4.29 5.72 .90 251.37 260.12 10.82 5.25 5.08 2.44 ■ — Muhlenhurg County — {Continued). Pond River Mills. . . Richard B. Earle. . . . ! $14.29 Nathaniel H. Row land. ... Absalom J. Rhoads Charles B. Wickliffe South Carrollton. Sulphur Springs. Wickland 72.53 1.20 IVclson County. Bardstown (c. h.). . . Bloomfield Boston Chaplin Deatsville Fairfield High Grove New Haven New Hope Poplar Neck Rolling Fork Thomas B. Mattingly 635.51 William R. Finley.. 208.76 William J. Carpenter 20.72 Thomas K. Marshall 32.12 Thomas Conn 14.60 William R. Marshall 5('.40 Daniel McClean 40.82 Joseph Brown 123.91 Lawrence J. Berry . . 8.28 James Coy 10.75 Martin Y an Buren Stiles 2.68 $8.86 23.22 689.19 1.95 15.54 11.80 7.79 40.52 18.00 52.31 4.83 4.06 1.72 IVkholas County. Blue Lick Springs . . Buzzard Roost Carlisle (c. h.) Carter’s Store East Union Forest Retreat Head Quarters llinkston IrvinesviUe Moor efi eld Beaver Dam Briggs’ Mills Brown’s Grove. . Buck Horn Buford Cromwell Fordsville Hartford (c. h.). Hines’ Mills Livermore Pleasant Grove. James M. Hildreth. . 61.07 21.41 Andrew W. Shrout. . 11.39 9.50 Hugh M. Stitt ■ 156.19 162.75 John Carter 8.34 5.58 John L. Gardner. . . . 5.93 4.25 Samuel L. Brancker. 33.54 2.39 John G. Conway . . . 18.37 16.02 Jno. McConnaughay 2.87 1.00 John B. Taylor 11.08 8.38 Robert W. Howe 47.39 18.66 James T. McCabe. . . 8.47 5.49 1 Martin B. Smedley.. 15.73 10.33 Ohio County. Elijah G. Williams. . 8.72 2.50 Hopkins Bright 2.43 1.58 John G. Brown 2.43 1.58 Basil M. Bennett. . . . 4.51 2.54 Samuel K. Bell 17.03 7.06 Quintus C. Shanks . . 33.71 17.63 John Hall 23.71 14.38 Joseph T. Benton. . . 152.74 166.39 Alfred T. Hines 16.42 8.24 H. J. Belt 32.38 14.45 James R. Edwards. . 4.00 2.00 John A. Taylor. . . . 9.66 6.01 .William Austin 1.39 .59 Ballardsville — Brownsborough. Centrefield Floydsburgh Goshen Kelly’s Landing. La Grange Oldhamburgh — Pewee Valley — Westport (c. h.) . . Oldham County. John Swain Zaeheriah W. T. Pin nell Henry P. Norton. . . James F. Wilson.. . Robert H. Moore. . . John Kelly John H. Ford Humphrey Gwynn. Charles F Smith. . . Edward P. Johnston Owen County. 23.30 64.09 8.79 52.66 43.30 4.86 13s 64 20.88 11.78 20.72 6.20 20.96 18.02 3.01 167.53 12.95 Dallasburg Gratz Harmony Lusby’s Mill Monterey New Columbus New Liberty (hoenton (c. h.) Poplar Grove Rock Dale Savern Sparta Joseph B. Wheatley. 32.37 John Baker 16.36 I. P. Hardy 23.34 William Lusby. 3.68 Jesse A. A. Hardin.. 44.00 Augustus Price 12.00 James P. Orr 108.08 Lindsey Briscoe. . . . H'S.ll Y. Je.sse Crouch 14.06 Belfield C. Glass . . . 5.21 Sidney S. RoAvlett. . . 11.29 William Bond 7.80 32.54! 22.85 23.91 9.91 25.72 2.44 28.00 T'.OO 56.01 65.15 9.92 3.55 7.43 4.92 70 POST-OFFICES AND POST- MASTERS. Kight-Uand one, net revenue of Office to Depurtiaentt Owsley County. Boone/cille (c. li.). Devil’s Creek — Gray Hawk Green Hall Proctor South Fork Spruce Grove Traveller’s Eest.. Moses C. McNew . . . Sandlbrd E. Shackel- ford John Farmer M. C. Hughes Montgomerylloward Abijah B. Gilbert. . . Samuel Heironymus James E. Gibson — $35.59 1.50 7.17 2.5<) 35.S7 3.91 33.00 6.S9 $14.35 l.OO ’ 4.84 1.76 24.79 2.50 1.20 5.17 Pendleton County. Ash Eun Aspen Grove — Callensville De Mossvilie Falmouth (c. h.) , Flower Creek Meridian Morgan Motier Wright’s Station . Alfred D. Moore 6.89 5.65 Nicholas Pettit — — — John W. Hume 22.97 17.00 Henry Bullock 23.40 14.23 John B. Eawling.s. . . 126.61 92.92 William Moreland.. 26.57 18.80 Heber Shoemaker. . . lO.Otf .5i» Benjamin F Hume. — — Edward W. Holmes. 14.46 10.69 John P. McCracken. — — Perry Countjb [Eobert S. Brashears. | 4.09 [ (Jesse Combs | 9.061 Pike County. Coal Grove 'Anthony W. Hatcher Democracy John Clay Lonville. Piketon Eobinson Creek. Eichard M. Ferrell. . James N. Draper. . . David May 10.01 1.87 9.81 85.87 2.26 1.61 3.17 6.51 1.29 5.30 12.20 1.83 Stanton. Powell County. . . [Achilles C. Daniel . . j 21.681 10.40 Pulaski County. Adams’ Mills . . . Cuba Dabney Dallas Dobbsville Grundy Line Creek Somerset (c. h.) . Telico W aterloo Waitsboro i. Paschal H. Saunders 24.76 17.40 Armstrong Adams. . — — Joel Hubbel 7.41 4.37 John Bobbitt 16.68 10.02 Bartholomew Neel. . 3.' 0 2.70 Eli S. Salyer 7.41 3.80 Andrew Decker. . . . — — — Frank J. White. . . . 2611.92 143.90 William Hyden — — C. I. Sievers 17.75 10.73 Daniel S. Munn — — Roekcastle County. Mount Vernon G. Williams | 127.941 Eound Stone I J araes Sayers Scaffold Cane [Moses Easley Russell County. 76.45 4.831 2.81 Horse Shoe Bottom J amestown Eowena Eussell Springs Israel C. Winfrey. .. 27.14 Janies Paul 2.23 Mary A. Callicotte . . 59!63 Tolin .4. Leveriilge. . 12.55 Timoleon Bradshaw. — 21.90 1.53 49.10 8.67 SfOit County. Georgetown (c. h.) . . Great Cro.ssings Griffoe’s Mill Joncs'.s Little Engle iSewtowu (lx ford Payne’s Depot Slami)ing Ground. . . Turkey Foot AVhite Sulphur Philip B. Hudson George Griffee. .. Peter N. Jones . . John S. Getty.. .. George E Biuidel Cary .\. Ward. . . Asa Pavne dacob Eussell. . . . Samuel S. Forsee >1.. 659.26 704.21 52 19 5.01 8.44 1.92 1(111. (10 50.11(1 4"."3 21.51 .3(1.86 12 sS 27.98 14 73 20. 7.58 vay 85.94 69.82 5.61 K.33 23.06 10.16 Shelby County. Chesnut Grove. . . Christiansburgh. . Clay Village Consolation Cropper’s Depot. Hardinsville. . .. Harrisonville .... Jesse’s Store Shelby ville (c. h.) Simpsonville Southville James Lowery John G. Farmer. . William Hulett . . . Lemuel D. Bryant James H. Cropper I. E. Nigh Eobert J. E. Baker Warner B. Jesse . . James L. Ellingwood Thomas H. Milligan. William A. Wilson.. Simpson County. Franklin (c. h.) [Thomas S. Mahin. . . | Hickory Flat [Samuel Hatfield | Spencer County. Elk Creek Mount Eden Smileytown Taylorsville (c. h.) . Van Dyke’s Mill. . . Waterford Wilsonville Samuel Clark Thomas M. Eastland Jesse Kendall George Welling John C. Van Dyke Simon Straus George W. Brooks Taylor County. Eobert Colvin. . . . John Taylor James A. Sublet! . Todd County. Allensville IDavid B. Hutchings Campbellsville Mannsville Sublett’s Store. Cliffy Daysville Flkton (c. h.). . Fairview Graysville Had'ensville . . . Lynchburgh . . . McLean’s Mill. Pilot Knob . . . . Eoscoe Trenton John C. McGehee William H. Campbell William E. Bean. . . Thomas H. Shaw. . Edward E. Spurrier Burnley D. Smith. . James T. Porter. . . E. L. McLean John J. Black William S. Hickman Thomas D. Walker . Trigg County. Cadiz (c. h.) James Q. Miller . . . Canton i William J. Fuqua . Donaldson Peyton Thomas Empire Ironworks. Daniel Hillman Golden Pond Daniel Flora Lindsay’s Mills Sackfield S. Lindsay Eoaring Spring 1 William Eichards. . Eoek Castle iDrury W. Standrod Wallonia [Stephen W. Gray. . Trimble County. $i9.3n[ 62.36 115.19 60.15 27.42 54.57 33.24 16.68 827.11 114.61 19.58 240. 60 [ 7.42 87.60 130.69 33.72 14.57 37.56 114.921 4.63 63.99 5.2S 24.(!5 313.93 71.51 32.15 67.02 2.00 6.13 21.48 115. Garriott’s Landing Milton Winona Berry’s Mill Bordley Caseyville Clay Cypress Gum Grove Harmonia llentsville Montezuma Jforganjield (e. h.). Ealeigh Uniontown Ambrose 11. Talbott. 112.32 Leven Garriott. 16.59 G. W. Miller 121.08 John D. Miles 18.21 Jnion County. 1 6.06 Charles B. Boss 9.3.3 James P. Finnie 201.58 Joel Blackwell . ... 15.00 Francis H. Shouso..' i John Dyer 15.01 William Harmon . . . 1 Henry A. Hents.. . . . lO.Of' John D. Wynns — I.IG John II. McCormick. 216.62 Eobert P.lMackeown 28.92 Churchill B. Bohan- 91.02 nan $10.73 81.48 62.61 30.96 16.12 44.23 21.15 9.02 909.59 58.13 10.76 265.84 4.40 15.58 122.67 24.74 9.14 12.13 116.87 3.14 22.04 2.89 4.06 312.09 25.37 1.00 17.73 1.00 2.84 7.70 96.02 217.37 41.57 1.20 40.49 4.63 14.10 24.00 10.58 15.93 57.33 14.15 101.97 S.29 3.95 6.27 7n..83 8.l 11.47 Timothy WoodAvard. 6.42 i 2.59 [Joseph Sherburne. . . 244.381 194.64 John A. Burke i 1(*.27| 5.46 Moses Patterson | 15.261 7.44 MAINE. 75 Left-hau(l cohimn shows compensation of Postmaster. Kight-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Franklin County — ( Continued). South Chesterville . . Elisha Perry Strong Edw’d K. Hitchcock. Temple Mills Samuel F. Small — 'Weld Charles A. Coolidge. "West Freeman John Dyar "West Mills Peter 'W. Butler "Wilton Sumner B. 'Walker . Hancock County* Amherst Aurora Blue HiU Blue Hill Falls Brooklin Brooksville Bucksport Bucksport Centre. . Cavtine (c. h.) Cranberry Isles Dedham Deer Isle East Eden East Sullivan East Trenton Eden Ellsworth . . Ellsworth Falls. ... Franklin Gouldsboro’ Great Pond Greenfield ... Green’s Landing Hancock Mount Desert North Blue Hill North Bucksport North Castine North Ellsworth North Hancock North Haven North Mariaville . . . North Penobscot North Sedgwick OceanvUle Orland Otis Penobscot Prospect Harbor . . . Salisbury Cove Sargentville Seal Cove Seaport Sedgwick South Brooksville. . . South Deer Isle South 'West Harbor. Sullivan Surry Swan’s Island Tilden Tremont Trenton Point "Waltham "West Brookville "VV’est Eden "West Ellsworth "West Gouldsboro’. . . “West Sedgwick M est Trenton "West Harbor Benjamin G. Foster. Roswell Silsby Frederick A. Holt . . Simeon P. "Wood Calvin K. Higgins. . . John Walker .llonzo Colley Nehemiah Cole. . . Charles Rogers AVilliam P. "Preble. . . Winslow P. Spotford John P. Johnson James Hamor Joseph Bean Francis D. Hodgkins Nicholas J. Thomas. Steph’nG. Woodward Robert Gerry David Springer Amos G. GuptiH Tobias Lord Samuel Wheeler Stephen Wells Pelatiah Moore John Somes, Jr Lewis H. Green Benjamin Groce .a. George H. Emer^. James McGown David McFarland . . John Kent Richard Goodwin . . Austin L. Ward well. Ephraim Closson Seth Whitmore Stillman Cotton John B. Frazier . . . Reuben H. Perkins . Asa Cole Benjamin Emery . . . George M. Sargent . Orville B. Heath John Rich Daniel Morgan, Jr. . . Rufus B. "Walker . . . Richard Warren Andrew H. Haynes. Hiram Emery John T. Morse James Joyce . . Eben Jordan ....... Wilson Guptill Barnabas Hodgkins . Daniel T. Swan John Lord John T. Knowles . . . James F. Hooper. . . John Pherson Joseph F. Gray John Hopkins Thomas Stewart K«nn£bcck County Albion ; . . AwjiiHta (c. h.) Belgrade Belgrade Mills Benton Brown’s Corners . Artemas Libbey I William S. Badger. . Frederick fencer.. George H. Foster. . . Andrew H. Richard- son George Shaw Centre Sidney Alpheus S. Hayward China ! Jacob S. Marshall. . . $ 26.40 $ 7.13 101.40 9.14 44.08 8.32 69.28 42.85 6.33 . 9 r 39.13 18.44 184.65 16.90 33.50 16.82 20.01 12.14 190.02 74.57 10.76 5.83 68.57 32.96 46.80 19.81 584.36 700.36 18.47 9.24 410.42 459.29 29.16 17.34 58.60 24.36 87.28 41.58 19.61 11.06 29.99 16.49 17.93 13.18 28.70 1 . 5.60 823.43 926.18 50.68 26.18 100.90 34.64 33.74 16.82 4.40 2.80 13.35 10.35 22.00 15.00 35.04 15.42 56.78 20.79 20.05 10.89 26.49 1 . 5.37 49.15 26.45 24.03 9.47 13.65 7.57 43.48 24.08 4.98 8.82 12.35 8.29 24.78 14.72 191.45 51.57 4.62 2.45 49.85 20.30 29.45 19.33 23.50 11.53 20.00 8.00 13.36 6.81 122.98 42.78 40.60 20.82 81.97 30.02 69.57 27.62 97.70 45.62 17.73 10.16 15.66 5.92 50.19 29.37 18.41 9..50 11.70 4.76 15.59 10.64 23.04 9.77 2.50 — 3 . 5.46 12.60 11.42 17.25 37.95 12.12 1 94.07 1 20.56 ' 1586.81 ' 3612.96 76.96 21 . 66 - 38.28 15.44 89.85 21.72 61.00 11.41 i 30.77 4.45 136.77 118.11 1 Kennebeck County — {Continued). Clinton Curtis’ Corner East Monmouth East Pittston East Readfield East Vassalboro’ East Winthrop Farmingdale Fayette Gardiner Hallowell Kent’s Hill Litchfield Litchfield Corners . . Moiwnouth Manchester Mount Vernon North Belgrade North Fayette North Monmouth. . . North Pittston North Sidney North Vassalboro’. . . North Vienna North Wayne Pishon’s Ferry Pittston Readfield Readfield Depot Rome Seward’s Mills Sidney South Albion South China South Vassalboro’ . . South Windsor Strickland’s Ferry. . . Togus Spring Vassalboro’ Vienna Waterville Wayne Week’s Mills West Gardiner West Sidney West WaterviUe Windsor Winslow Winthrop Oren Smith Salmon Brewster . . . James R. Noi-ris Harrison Small Joseph A. Sanborn. . Benjamin F. Homans Azel Perkins Sumner B. McCaus- land Howard B. Lovejoy. Freder’k P. Theobold Thomas W. Newman Robert G. Skofield . Thomas J. Foster. . . Thomas Holmes — William G. Brown . . William A. Sampson Abner Small Crowell Taylor Samuel S. Walton... John A. Tinkham. . . Jesse Gould John Merrill Seth Nickerson Sanders Morrill Josiah F. Taylor. . . . John Totman. . '. Hiram T. Clark Moses Whittier Daniel Craig Thomas Whittier . . . James Rowe James Sherman Thomas Burrill Ebenezer Meigs Pelatiah Pierce William Ware Solomon Millett Samuel W. Lawton . Jonathan Snow Rufus M. Mansur. . . Elbridge L. Getchell Bartlett W. Varnum. William Pereival . . . William P. Haskell . David Robinson William McCartney. Isaac F. Thompson. Robert Ayer Joseph R. Stanley. . $ 115 , 20 , 35 . 58 , 37 , 140 , 80 . G 3.17 84 , 1105 . 1005 , 80 , 31 . 142 . 220 . 45 . 123 . 36 . 29 . 78 . 20 . 25 . 125 . 25 . 106 . 35 . 214 . 172 . 51 . 25 . 23 . 52 , 17 . 104 . 21 . 30 , 17 , 14 . 118 . 55 , 1031 , 116 . 34 . 32 . 16 , 240 , 54 , 39 , 417 , $ 52.78 3.76 7.39 25.38 12.49 41.86 .42 25.40 22.21 1258.27 1020.27 14.00 2.34 39.52 201.60 3.74 37.88 9.23 6.88 10.80 11.61 6.96 47.94 5.95 61.45 16.48 157.32 68.85 17.11 13.93 12.50 16.76 5.40 35.30 8.54 8.04 6.32 8.05 14.04 12.03 1406.91 43.77 11.26 18.26 5.76 62.00 10.24 2.99 486.02 Lincoln County. Alma Booth Bay Bremen Bristol Cooper’s Mills Cushing Damariscotta Mills Dresden Dresden Mills East Union Edgecomb Friendship Hodgdon’s Mills . . Jefferson Matinicus New Castle Noblesboro’ North Boothbay North Edgecomb , . North Union North Waldoboro’. . North Washington. North Whitefield.. . Owl’s Head Patricktown Pemaquid Rockland Round Pond Saint George Thomas B. Heath. .. 64.90 27.28 Benjamin Blair 101.33 40.36 Daniel Keene 18.29 17.99 Henry Chamberlain. 126.33 25.87 J. K. Folsome 42.62 24.39 Thomas C. Kelleran. 24.23 11.45 Mrs. Clara J. Huse . . 7.5.64 28.11 George Theobald. . . 38.11 20.37 William Chism 62.61 32.84 Ezekiel G. D. Bever- idge 16.42 9.41 Samuel Wilson 23.99 12.43 Nathaniel H. Cook. . 36.43 17.84 John Gould 81.U 40.45 John N. Bond 61.30 23.16 Freenwin Hall 12.71 4.82 Jo.seph Brown 696.12 61^.28 John A. Chapman 2.5.30 7.80 William P. McCobb. 84.99 .38.70 Wood bridge Clifford .54.13 26.06 John C. Robbins 21.40 10.74 Reuben Orff 23.06 9.37 Sanborn Howard . . . 17.76 3.44 James Keating 32.16 1.5.56 Elisha Brown 41.03 19.01 Samuel A. Bruce 19.19 9.18 Oakman Ford .37.56 25.34 Elkanali S. Smith. . . 1380.33 1816.39 Parker Mears 77.14 .50.28 ! George Gilchrest. . . . 54.95 30.61 76 POST-OFFICES AND POST-MASTERS. Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Riglit-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Lincoln County — {ConUnued). Sheepscott Bridge South Dresden — South Jefferson — Southport South St. George. . . South Tliomaston. , Tenant’s Harbor. . . Tliomaston Union Waldoboro’ Warren Washington West Jefferson Westport Whitfield Wiscasset (c. h.) . . Albany Andover Bethel Brownfield Bryant’s Pond — Buckfield Byron Canton Canton Mills Centre Lovell Denmark Dixfield East Bethel East Dixfield. . ., EastFryeburgh. . . East Hebron East Eumford East Stoneham . . , East Sumner Fryeburgh Gilead . Grafton Greenwood Hanover Hartford Hebron Hiram Letter B Locke’s Mills Lovell Mexico Newry North Albany North Buckfield . . North Fryeburgh. North Lovell North Newry North Norway North Paris North Waterford . North Woodstock. Norway Oxford Paris c. h.) Peru Porter Poxbury Pumford Pumford Centre. . . Pumford Point Snow Falls South Andover . . . South Hartford . . . South Newry South Paris South Waterford . Stow Sumner Sweden Waterford WelchTille West Bethel Ovford County — {Continued). . Franklin L. Carney. $81.01 $30.43 . Elwell Costellow 12.81 8.49 . Merrill Peaslee T.Oil i 3.00 . Freeman Grover . . . 24.00 i 12.00 Ira M. Gilman 34.63 i 10.65 Miss Eliza Spalding . 103.6,'i i 40.88 Joseph Long 70.58 ; 26.67 Ambrose Lermond . . 816.03 ; 955.92 . Andrew Libbey 160.69 i 148.73 William Fish, Jr 466.86 I 758.90 260.45 James Burns 40.12 ; 15.37 ^illiam Tibbitts 21.34 8.54 Henry Fowle 24.58 ; 23.77 Amos Newhall 10.07 8.16 William F. Carleton. 66.06 i 27.95 Silas L. Young 557.84 : 586.46 Oxford County. [Leonard Towne 23.47 9.79 Samuel A. Allen 70,00 24.00 Richard A. Frye 265.62 318.68 Jesse P. Sweat 97.76 50.44 Benj. F. Crawford . . 95.60 40.37 George Thornes .... 205.01 154.18 George D. Austin . . . 10.07 40.2 Cornelius M. Holland 24.56 12.97 William Thompson . 123.59 56.58 George Russell 27.06 2.51 Levi P. Sawyer 76.39 89.00 Ephraim Marble. . . 109.^4 2.3.78 Charles E. Swan — 13.68 8.86 Asa 0. Pike 10.92 4.86 Isaac W. Marshall . . 28.95 14.16 Alvan Bolster 21.84 6.28 Joel S. Sawyer 12..39 5.91 Bethuel Cary 21.94 12.96 William H. Abbott.. 217.14 39.48 Jason W. Kimball . . 18.19 6.80 Stephen S. Bean 7.26 3.96 George W. Patch . . . 25.34 12.24 Albion K. Knapp. . . 20.93 14.74 Aranda G. Tinkham 33.13 17.14 Harriet G. Barrows. . 35.85 22.59 Noah B. Hubbard.. . 87.65 50.45 Charles Abbott 28.61 5.97 Alvah Hobbs 73.12 26.01 Jonath’n S.Farington 93.92 27.30 Lewis Peed 41.62 14.80 Charles H. Choate . . 13.54 6.01 Franklin Cross 9.32 5.33 Roscoe G. Buck 13.67 6.50 Simeon C. Wiley . . . 35.24 18.34 17.33 8.98 Ithiel Smith 11.64 2.17 Jeremiah McAllister 22.13 8.42 : Eliab W. Murdock. . 25.29 17.21 ; John B. Rand 35.05 16.77 : John M. Gallison . . . 24.66 12.80 ; Robert Noyes 274.71 34.79 ; Charles Durell 88.81 27.81 ; Samuel R. Carter . . . 164.49 65.11 ] Jonas Greene 39.36 16.96 ] William Stanley . . T. 34.78 17.97 ] Jolm Peed 3.33 .82 ] Timothy Walker 40.57 20.50 ] James M. Dolloff. . . . 25.14 4.12: ] Warren Mansur 83.00 14.00 ] .\lfred W. Stearns . . 11.65 4.01 ] Philip H. Abbott 16.87 8.02 ] Richard Hutchinson. 1.56 1.26 ] Josiah Atherton 7.25 3.76 ] Samuel M. Newhall. 233.64 25.91 , Daniel W. Noble . . . 62.43 11.77i ^ Win. C. Walker .... 31.94 15.43, ] Abel W. Bisbee 20.99 11.58 ] Benjamin Nevers. . . 31.21 13.82 ] Livingston G. Robin- 65.92 7.16 3 son 52.76 17.47 ( Gilbert Chapman . . . 48.77 15.83 1 < West Paris . . West Peru . . . West Sumner. Wilson’s Mills Woodstock . . . Elijah S. Berry Alpheus C. Small . . Jacob F. Howe John M. Wilson — Penobscot County. Alton Alton Village Argyle Bangor (c. h.) Bradford Brewer Brewer Village Burlington Carmel Carroll Charleston Chester Corinna Corinna Centre — Corinth Deerfield Dexter Dixmont Dixmont Centre . . . East Bradford East Corinth East Dixmont East Eddington East Exeter East Hampden East Lowell East Holden East Newport East Orrington. East Stetson " . Eddington Edinburgh Enfield Etna Etna Centre Exeter Exeter Mills Five Islands Garland Glenburn Great Works Greenbush Hampden Hampden Corner. . . Hermon Hermon Pond Holden Howland Hudson Kenduskeag La Grange Daniel Milliken Isaac F. Bussell Isaac C. Haynes Thos. P. Kingsbury Thomas Davis Amzi Libbey Israel W. Johnson. Galen Gates Mark Hatch Walter Haynes Volney A. Sprague. Freeman Knowles . Charles Hodsdon . . George Hamilton. Moses Cook Lewis H. Todd . . . Alson L. Cary Amos Whitney Luke S. Mills Thomas Bryer William Cary Thomas W. Porter Henry C. George. . George F. Coffin — Warren Ware, Jr Eben Dresser Thomas Wiswell John L. Sargent . . Ephraim Francis . . . Ellis Friend . . . Edward Carter, Joshua Gammon Albert Grinnell. . Lewis F. Stratton Charles Haskell. . Marv Merrill Charles W. Campbell Samuel Phipps Joseph Wardwell . . . Josiah G. Eaton. . . . George M’". Patton . . Luther N. Jones Dudley D. Poberts. . Seneca P. Hayes Tim't’y P.Batchelder Hazen W. Danforth. ilbert S. Gatchell. . . Joseph P. Sawyer. . . William R. Ayer .... Addison P. Chesley. Joseph Stickney. . Asa Smith Franklin Tourtillott. Peleg Hall Jabez Knoulton Leonard Jackson . . Augustus W. Norris. Benjamin N. Fiske. . Sanluel Gowen . . . . Charles Kimbal Benj. J. Gardner... Christopher C. El- dridge George Brackett. . . William S. See Ira Shqffierdson . . . Cyrus .L Fay George W. Merrill. George P. Cony. . . . Samuel Buffum — L). , $30.45 ) $13.16 . 31.34 t 16.21 . 36.2g ! 10.07 . 11.9t 1 2.38 . 18.71 12.82 . 1.3.09 ' 7.52 19.00 ' 13.00 18.44 8.80 1236.95 ' 7128.21 , 90.85 ' 27.14 225.60 69.66 84.37 31.63 33.00 11.00 86.92 26.63 27.48 12.97 75.24 25.05 8.00 2.00 81..35 14.04 11.29 4.00 18.60 3.15 5.00 3.00 379.06 423.39 1 71.77 .35.67 16.91 10.48 20.56 9.57 — 17.16 12.11 46.02 17.37 9.21 .77 36.08 10.39 ■ 14.09 4.23 29.03 11.21 28.48 20.03 1.34 41.96 20.81 1.80 1.06 24.07 11.53 26.63 11.69 15.90 5.03 132.98 38.04 48.20 15.80 19.35 11.54 75.08 38.41 16.70 8.01 75.12 24.85 19.88 10.53 218.31 152.00 146.80 52.87 64.69 30.85 — , 40.4.5 8.69 17.56 4.66 12.58 3.43 130.45 29.36 32.17 12.50 86.49 41.67 63.30 27.13 162.72 22.03 44.45 14.38 17.22 7.47 75.37 15.91 9.23 4.73 102.27 85.43 88..54 25.77 12.73 7.31 13C75 88.10 21.55 6.89 29.48 13.S2 — — 69.82 23.46 — — 16.63 S.S7 3.97 1.67 18.91 10.54 2 6.. 59 13.82 18.19 6.67 382.38 256.24 863,70! 317.40 MAINE. 77 Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Right-hand one, net revenue of OITicc to Department. Somerset County — {Continued). Passadumkeag Samuel Orcutt. . Patten Joseph Ileald. . . Plymouth Daniel Stone — Puttugunpus John C. Scott. . , Six Mile Falls George Dickey South Exeter Timothy E. Shaw. . South Levant Josiah K. Weston.. South Lincoln John Q. A. Gove . . South Newburgh William E. Simpson South Orrington — Horace J. Nickerson Springfield. Bial II. Scribner Stetson j William Plaisted, Jr Sunkhaze ’Charles Bailey Upper Stillwater Joshua Buck Veasie Isaac H. Spencer... West Bangor Eoland Tyler West Charleston Joseph Bridgham.. West Corinna Isaiah Lincoln West Enfield Nathaniel Jones... West Garland Charles Hayes West Glenburn Simon B. Harriman West Great Works.. Daniel G. Sawyer.. West Hampden Thomas P. Stetson. West Levant ! Abraham True Piscataquis Countjc Abbot Atkinson JefferSon P. Moore.. Andrew Gage Blanchard Cyrus A. Packard. . . Harrison G. 0. Cass. William W. Willard. Simeon Lombard. . . Abijah B. Chase . . . Woodm’nW.Magoon Ezra ToAvne Si. Bower Bank Brownsville Centre Guilford Dover (c. h.) Dover South Mills. . . East Dover East Sangerville Elliottsville Benjamin Lane. .... John E. Sawyer Joseph D. Brown. .. John H. Everleth . . . Henrv Hudson. Foxcroft Greenville Gnilftwd Katahdin Ironworks Kilmarnock Eoyai Quimbv •Jonathan J. Hunt. . . Theron E. Heald Wm. H. Stanchfield. Alex’r G. Houston. . . Joseph Gowin Almon Sprague. Emerson F. Harvey. Henry Williamson.. Thomas Sanders Theodore Wyman . . Paul S. Merrill Kingsbery Milo Monson North Brownsville.. Orneville Parkman Parkman Centre Sangerville Sebec Shirley Shirley "Mills Maurice Phillips, Jr. A. C. Getchell . . . . . . Thomas A. Keating. •Jesse Nutting Alvarado D. Sprague Gilman B. Blood ICvriis Libby 'Asa A. Macomber.. . 'Adam II. Merrill — South Atkinson South Dover. South Parkman South Sangerville. . . South Sebec Wellington West Dover ' Williamsburgh Sagadahoc County. Bath Bowdoin Bowdoin Centre Bowdoinham East Bowdoinham . . Georgetown Parker's Head Phipsburg Eichmond Eichmond Corner. . . Small Point 'f’opsham (c. h.) Winnegance Woolwich Athens . Joseph C. Snow James Tarr Abner Coombs Charles P. Quint Convers Hatch AiWlrew J. Berry Franklin Wyman. .. Nathaniel C. Eeed.. Joseph A. Southard. William H. Smith.. . Lowell A. D. Wheeler Alfred S. Perry Samuel Merry Somerset County. . . . I Orchard D. Metcalf . . Gilbert L. Palmer . . . ec 7). [ $79.42 $42.72 45.55 4.63 115.16 8.87 58.89 17.99 12.96 5.69 11.10 5.73 12.24 9.10 16.00 2.50 12.20 5.72 27.53 13.58 59.03 25.22 93.77 28.61 84.13 41.38 24.25 10.65 121.43 53.25 101.53 41.78 7.00 2.00 16.47 6.15 9.13 8.58 16.00 3.25 14.07 5.19 4.72 2.46 45.29 27.15 36.45 5.76 . 32.80 15.27 57.94 26.04 55.90 22.44 20.12 7.45 6.44 4.76 110.69 45.36 16.13 8.73 198.69 472.77 15.01 4.90 3.96 1.91 22.13 9.68 15.17 10.88 178.94 44.52 116.22 58.27 11.82 18.97 6.11 12.00 6.00 7.58 3.82 83.76 22.00 99.91 1.21 5.11 3.49 1.3.16 6.07 48.03 19.62 6.77 4.72 57.60 15.(10 54.68 15.97 8.42 6.64 8.06 4.57 — — 43.92 19.73 11.68 4.83 18.78 11.35 25.90 15.25 13.91 10.90 8.15 2.50 19.67 9.21 1548.80 29-35.76 8.41 4.98 •32.66 21.66 324.31 98.24 40.11 19.13 60.70 37.24 7.5.00 39.78 45.36 2.5.13 621.68 591.98 17.29' 11. .32 199.80' 32.00 ! 247..53 I 195.49 : .34.15 12.98 1 88.711 37.01 1 10.001 2.00 1 1 2.3.00 1 60.09 Bingham Bloomfield Brighton Cambridge Canaan Carrifunk Concord Cornville Dead Eiver Detroit East Madison East New Portland. East Pittsfield Embden Embden Centre Fairfield Fairfield Corners Flag Staff. Harmony Hartland Highland Kendall’s Mills Larone Lexington Madison Main Stream Mercer Moose Eiver New Portland Norridgewoclc (c.h.) North Anson North Fairfield North New Portland Palmyra Parlin Pond Pittsfield Eipley Saint Albans Skowhegan Smithfield Solon Somerset Mills South Bloomfield . . . South Norridgewock South Solon Stark The Forks West Anson West Embden West Moscow West Eipley Benjamin Smith, 2d. Joseph Locke William E. Briggs.. Alonzo Herrick Winthrop Tuttle Joseph Clark, Jr Oren 0. Vittum ... . Marcus Parsons Thomas Butler George E. Frye Melvin Lincoln Mathew McKnight. . Hiram B. Connor.. . Jonathan Eames Eichard Delling . . . Henry S. Tobey Nathan Fowler Bryant N. Savage. . . Truman A. Stevens . William Folsom Benjamin F. Abbott. Elhanan W. McFad- den Tilly Emery Daniel Boynton, Jr . Taylor Mosher Peter Folsom Asher D. Whitcomb. Philander M. Colby. John P. Hodsdon. . i James Trench Eodney Collins John Noble Asa A. Knowles Thomas J. Pratt .... George Parks George Whitney John L. Jones Benjamin Ireland. . . Lyman Perry William D. Branch. . Sumner Webb William M. Clark. . . William Parker Daniel W. Ames George W. Fargo. . . Leander G. Smith. . . Moses W. Burnham . George Bray John Pierce, Jr Jabez D. Hill Samuel A. Todd Waldo County. Belfast (c. h.) Beimont Brooks Burnham Village. . Camden Carver’s Harbor... Centre Lincolnville Centre Montville. . . East Knox East Montville East Northport East Palermo East Thorndike Ell ing wood’s Corner Frankfort Frankfort Mills. . Freedom Hope Isleboro’ Jackson Knox Liberty Lincolnville McLain’s Mills. . . Monroe Monroe Centre . . Montville Morrill North Appleton. . Joseph S. Noyes Charles B. Black . . . Andrew D. Bean . . . Elias Milliken Benjamin J. Porter. . David Vinal Burton Eobinson . . . William Nashe S. Smith William Ayer Miss Emily Stevens. Joab Boynton David Thompson. . . Eufus B. Ellitigwood George E. Sullivan. . Dodge N. Ewell Levi F. Watts Asa Pay.son Thomas Boardman. . Edmund Chase Joseph Chandler . . . Ezra W. Eeeves John C. Perry John Hanly Timothy Mayo David S. Flanders . . Aaron P. McFarland Joseph E. Mears . . . Joseph Wentworth.. $77.22 $1.54 153.43 77.70 87.49 2 M.11 35.77 15.66 165.03 126.24 12.02 5.31 7.99 2.67 42.95 19.70 12.80 7.06 5.3.91 20.50 39.98 7.08 27.35 1 . 3.94 116.84 6.43 7..31 I 2.15 4.67 .32 57.31 25.07 26.29 12.99 26.62 8.76 93.72 3-3.81 131.55 9.43 6.48 1.77 208.61 143.87 23.65 10.79 20.58 5.90 128.36 7.82 21. .58 9.55 1.33.77 46.41 18.75 7.80 68.78 28.96 178.94 236.12 263.13 407.85 48.35 15.61 64.68 23.51 71.97 23.56 7.45 2.20 23.22 6.70 28.08 13.62 11.3.56 29.-31 464.18 502.94 8.02 168.9*7 12.87 14.65 8.88 17.80 10.65 21.46 2.40 34.23 13.55 32.96 7.81 5.56 3.62 6.92 2.61 11.07 3.90 1043.04 1287.80 59.36 14.48 65.03 24.64 52.58 27.63 429.70 840.69 78.-39 32.51 4.5.86 20.85 1-3.23 5.03 41.37 9.89 15.49 8.48 21.80 6.43 10.00 4.00 21..36 10.80 16.281 8.42 4.57.20! 430.12 149.08 59.12 119 . 74 ! 45.79 40..55| 16.41 .34.75 21.93 50.73 9.32- 94..50 21. .32 99.08; 38.03 76..55! 8.5.89 10 - 3 . 10 ; .50.00 21. . 52 ' 14.29 60.16' 19.86 36.00! 8.00 21.99 j 11.28 78 POST-OFFICES AND POST-MASTEK Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Eight-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Waldo County — {Continued). North Frankfort.... North Isleboro’ .... North Monroe North Palermo Northport North Prospect North Searsinont . . . North Searsport Palermo Palermo Centre Prospect Prospect Ferry Eockport Eockville Searsmont Searsport South Brooks South Freedom South Hope South Montville South Liberty South Prospect Swanville Thorndike Troy Unity Waldo West Camden Addison Point. . Alexander Baring Beddington Calais Charlotte Columbia Cooper Crawford Cutler Deblois. . *. Dennysville East Machias. . . Eastport Harrington Indian Eiver. . . , Jackson Brook Jonesboro’ Lane’s Brook Lubec Lubec Mills Ilachias (c. h.) Machias Port Marion Medybemps Millbridge Milltown Narraguagus North Cutler Northfield Pembroke Perry Plantation No. 14. . . Princeton Ked Beach Kobbinston South Beddington . . South Princeton Hosea Sullivan $11.14 $4.56 Finley B. Kellar 44.29 20.71 Gilman Gould 9.39 3.75 Mrs. Mahalah Carr. . 33.57 15.00 James Lancaster 56.52 £8.88 Luther Mudgett 74.58 37.43 Charles R. Wormell. 28.35 5.36 Walter Nichols 34.98 9.42 Hiram Worthing . . 79.30 30.47 Christopher Ir.skine. 15.00 1.75 Nathaniel Stowers.. 57.22 28.75 Albert Harriman . . . 35.71 15.68 Alexander Martin. . . 220.51 219.02 Alvan E. Hewett . . . 17.14 5.21 Sumner Pattee 105.61 33.05 Albion 0. Ellis 355.17 800.57 John Lane 27.07 15.59 Benjamin Fuller . . . 8.61 5.22 James Manley 33.12 16.91 Mrs. Abba True .... 56.75 9.72 John B. Pierpont. . . — — Crawford S. Fletcher 182.59 62.27 Sol’m’nCunningham 38.31 14.76 Truman Harman . . . 24.49 10.82 Charles A. Vickery. . 43.64 22.30 James B. Murch. . . . 164.78 78.24 Henry Davidson 72.30 20.14 Calv’nHemmingway 34.06 17.75 ihiD^ton County. Oliver Nash 97.17 38.61 Belcher W. Tyler. .. 16.95 3.83 John Moore 46.54 23.88 Robert Collins 3.00 1.50 Edgar Whidden 1167.96 1285.65 Horace Clapp 35.03 11.84 Truman Wilson 133.56 15.38 Asaph Sawyer 23.97 12.81 Ephraim H. Wright. 9.19 4.18 Phineas Libby 46.98 23.39 Pearson Gould — — Benjamin Kilby 188.25 53.60 Cyrus G. Folsom . . . 348.39 150.13 Warren Hatheway.. 1048.17 547.01 Luther P. Wass 57.10 27.59 Abraham K. Maken- 51.25 33.71 zie Sewall L. Boulter . . . 9.06 5.93 George W. Taylor. . . 44.79 8.50 Benjamin A. Strout. 3.00 1.25 Sabine H. Kimball. . 222.85 201.07 Wincknorth Allan.. 43.59 23.53 Amos F. Parlin 486.56 502.83 Matthias Phinney. . . 73.75 40.85 Phineas Foster 4.14 1.62 Ezra Whitney 12.80 6.54 Warren Leighton. . . 110.29 58.86 MathcAV Hastings . . . 223.52 68.96 Nathan Godfrey 299.78 313.55 Ellery Turner 8.28 4.94 Andrew Harmon . . . — — ThomasW. Sherman 342.98 242.64 Charles S. Davis 46.57 28.96 Alvan Bridgham . . . — — Putnam Rolf. 20.92 12.56 Joshua Pettigrove . . 52.94 28.79 1186.93 Wilmot Bridgham.. — Moses Sprague — — Washington County— {Continued). Sprague’s Falls . Steuben Topsfleld Waite Wesley West Lubec Whiting Whitney ville . . . HarloAv Thompson . . $6.74 Benjamin Godfrey. . 87.30 Samuel B. Crabtree. 34.13 John Dudley 11.54 Daniel Chase 13..36 Robert Newsman 43.91 William S. Peavey . . 28.28 Stephen Pennell 77.99 $4.29 24.56 17.63 6.47 6.68 21.45 11.29 25.25 York CouDty. Acton [Horace Bodwell... Alfred , Silas Derby Bar Mills ' Samuel Sawyer Biddeford [Jonathan Tuck Bonny Eagle Nathaniel H. Lane. Buxton ! Josiah Berry Buxton Centre [Jonathan C. Lewis. Cape Neddick [George M. Freeman Centre Lebanon, [Daniel WentAvorth. Cornish [Horace A. Pike East Limington [Henry Small East Parsonfield Simeon D. Mudgett Elliot 'Jeremiah Libbey. . . -C'ir^+ I Jeremiah P. Shap- Elliot Depot lejgjj ^ Emery’s Mills Justin B. Merrill . . . Goodwin’s Mills Silas M. Emerson . . Hollis Hollis Centre Kennebunk Kennebunk Depot. , Kennebunk Port . . Kezar Falls Kittery Kittery Point Lebanon Henry K. Bradbury Thomas C. Mulvey. EAmt Willard Robert Mitchell . . . Silas Perkins Gideon M. Eandall. Alf’dW. Walker, Jr Joseph Seaward Sylvester Fall Limerick [Simeon Barker , Limington Lyman Lyman Centre Newfield North Acton North Berwick North Hollis North Kennebunk Port North Limington . . . North Parsonfield . . Ogunquit Parsonfield Eoss’ Corners Saco Sanford Scotland Shapleigh South Berwick South Parsonfield . . South Sanford Springvale Waterboro’ Waterboro’ Centre . . Wells Wells’ Depot West Buxton West Lebanon West Newfield West Parsonfield , . . York (c. h.) Isaac L. Mitchell . . John Roberts Hiram Waterhouse. Mark Wood John Stevens Benajah Buffum. . . Nicholas Eidlon . . . Edmund Currier, Jr John S6avey Robert T. Blazo.. . . William Goodale . . Gilman L. Bennett. Edmund Warren . . Charles Nutter Timothy Shaw Sylvester Meintire. Enoch W. Bodwell. William A.CromAvell George Hilton Joseph H. Moulton. Samuel Lord Joseph Alien James Leavitt Chase Moulton Samuel Osborn — Albert G. Bradbury Samuel W. Jones. . Darius Davis Alvah Doe Joseph P. Jenkins. 88.611 16.71 205.44 118.61 83.951 16.72 1281.28 '1677.23 80.08! 21.99 55.90! 24.06 90.26' 37.98 60.201 26.03 13.90 7.69 141.73 45.47 50.61 31.39 43.00 23.61 9.64 48.77 29.09 113.19 117.931 340.96 42.03 177.63 160.00 53.61 ! 177.S0i 119.98 7.60 3.66 65.63 17.98 171.36 11.80 4.71 16.11 49.$6 49.50 33.11 27.50 1138.41 87.18 13.07 30.59 4.38.73 28.95 13.23 93.77 41.51 62.19 80.41 73.79 91.16 22.13 63.44 27.21 132.03 25.05 12.46 17.00 6.02 3.77 26.40 16.02 24.60 17.10 79.08 24.60 49.56 14.00 17.78 185.16 39.73 3.93 .82 26.54 6.45 103.37 5.14 3.38 8.41 19.63 28.08 13.05 14.99 1684.29 25.74 4.74 15.70 454.65 9.25 4.70 28.61 21.12 22.11 24.05 24.71 34.85 9.66 22.82 14.67 78.42 MARYLAND 79 Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Eight-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. MARYLAND. Alleghany Countyt Accident Barrallville Barton Bloomington Brady’s Mill Clarysville Cumberland (c. h.), Flint Stone Frankville Frostburgh Grantsville Lonaconing Mount Savage Oakland Oldtown Orleans Eatvling’s Station. . . Sbelbysport Shade Mill Summitville Western Port Winston Richard Fairall Clarence Jewett John Jones James Bell Samuel D. Brady. . . George W. Haller. . . [William A. Taylor. . Jonathan Wilson — James P. Hammill.. Joseph Walsh James Burton William H. Smith... Thomas Whelan John Matthews Lloyd Lowe John McLaughlin. . . Newton T. Rawlings John V. Smith William Frost Jonathan H. Wilson. Henry Wilson Philip Pendleton Anne Arundel County. $20.75 10.55 72.82 32.06 LOO 33.58 2392.40 4.41 24.92 424.21 62.54 118.13 266.79 96.38 8.25 18.83 11.41 25.74 46.28 24.25 Annapolis (c. h.) . . . Annapolis Junction. Bristol CrownsviUe Davidsonville Forest Home Friendship Governor’s Bridge., Saint Margaret’s . 1 Augustus Gassaway. 1205.04 1376.53 Geo. G. Latchford. . . 32.95 15.81 Joseph Chaney 45.14 20.30 Brook Mead 25.78 4.78 Miss Elizabeth Du- vall 62.39 14.42 Alethea Robinson... 6.00 Robt. S. D. Jones. . . 68.33 42.55 Samuel Anderson... 52.84 29.23 Addison Johnson. . . 12.00 9.00 George Miller 93.76 51.35 Robert Lemmon — 53.01 24.77 Frederick I. Watts.. 40.00 26.00 John S. Boone 12.00 13.00 John Owens 26.80 6.34 Franklin Weems. . . . 43.07 10.40 John W. Chew 187.21 168.54 Baltimore County. Avalon.- Baltimore (c. h.) Black Rock Buchanan Brooklandville Burkstown Butler Calverton Mills Chase’s Catonsville CockevsviUe Cub Hill Fllengowan Fork Meeting House Freeland Gorsuch’s Mills Grave Run Mills — Govanstown Harewood Harrisonville Hookstown Lauraville Little Gunpowder... Long Green Acad- emy Maryland Line Monkton Mills Mount Washington . North Branch Owing’s Mills Parkton Jas. H. Hann 21.09 9.00 Jacob G. Davies 1500.00 97,290 21 Benj. Gor-such 4.03 2.80 nrhnmflq TCinpr Joshua K. Fuller 38.16 18.99 Dominick J. Bourk. 7.68 4.49 John D. C. Duncan. 28.67 15.15 Geo. M. Boice ....... 14.61 4.82 George Hooker — — [Joseph P. Fusting . . 175.40 116.38 Gist T. Cockey 142.20 32.06 Theodore Boyer 27.43 11.75 Joshua M. Bosley. . . 119.64 56.94 Elijah Carman 58.56 15.67 Jas. L. Gemmill 26.12 4.61 Stephen Gorsuch . . . 12.85 3.10 Elijah S. Morrison . . 6.08 2.39 Cornelius A. Kelley.. 44.62 12.59 Joshua Hitch 6.00 1.50 Nicholas N. Haight. 21.22 9.38 Joseph Feelemeyer. 26.44 11.15 Chas. Bemasco 18.65 5.93 George King 63.67 13.38 Jos. G. Dance 22.58 8.58 Clement Standiford. 26.73 19.36 Samuel Miller 36.35 6.25 Jos. J. Gambrill 52.00 18.00 William Beam 19.18 9.36 Benjamin F. Groff.. 47.76 13.92 James Turner 35.04 14.89 Baltimore County — (Continued). Philopolis Pikesville .... Reisterstown. . Rossville * Saint Dennis. . Stablersville.. . Sweet Air Towsontown. U nionMeetingHouse Upperco Upper Falls . . Warren Weisesburgh Westerman’s Mills. Wetheredville White Hall Woodberry Zoucksville Shadrach G. Sparks. $57.58 Joseph Mettam 128.29 Amos A. Harryman . 176.51 George F. Waters.. . 2.5.00 Jesse M. Lowe 56.38 Henry Stabler 8.95 Robert Agnew 33.29 Lewis Vogle 92.83 John Michael 41.77 Thomas Upperco... 15.25 James Manhool, Jr.. 73.34 Mark W. C. Thomp- son 29.00 Pleasant Hunter 20.03 Jacob R. Woolen. . . 42.0(1 Richard S. Griffith. . 42.16 John Wise 16.39 Horatio N. Gambrill. 49.83 George C. Zouck | 7.38 Calvert County. Dunkirk Huntingtown Lower Slarlboro’ Port Republic Prince Frederich- toicn (c. h.) . . Saint Leonards Charles H. Johnson. 42.77 Charles R. Harrison. 50.53 Walter Crosby 21.38 Elijah J. H. Bowen. 25.74 Thomas J. Hutchins. 50.00 B. H. Ireland 29.22 Caroline County. Bridgetown Burrsville De/nton (c. h.) Fowling Creek Greensboro’ Hillsboro’ Melville New Hope Potter’s Landing. . . Preston Carroll County. Bachman’s Mills Bark Hill Bruceville Carrollton Double Pipe Creek . Finksburgh Franklinville Frizellburgh Freedopi Hampstead Hood’s Mills Houck’s Store McKinstry’s Mills. . . Kroh’s Mills Manchester Middleburgh Mount Airy New Windsor Piney Creek Porters Sam’s Creek Silver Run . ; Sykesville Taneytown Union Bridge Union Mills : Uniontown Wakefield Warfieldburgh Westminster Winfield Woodbine David Bachman Jacob Eicholtz. . . George Mering) . . George R. Rhodes.. Daniel P. Saylor. . . Adam L. Hoover . . Roderick Dorsey. . . Edmund S. Everhart Jemima Wadlow . . . John L. Hoover John Grimes David W. Houck . . . Samuel McKinstry. . John Kroh Edwin J. Crumrine. David Hope Henry Bussard Jacob Roop, Jr Daniel Eickoltz Henry Carter, Jr . . . David Engel Henry Shuler James Sykes Samuel Smith Wm. Zimmerman... Andrew K. Shriver. . Fred’k Hamburgh.. Abraham Cassell Wm. P. Shilling John F. Reese Aquila Pickett G. W. Delawder $ 43.24 62.99 14.00 7.18 11.73 5.36 18.65 15.03 8.88 13.86 21.00 3.15 16.00 24.76 3.48 21.12 .87 22.90 24.98 11.95 14.03 20.54 13.10 John Graham. 15.59 8.56 James Melvin 15.43 6.67 Jacob Alburger 101.15 74.48 Samuel W. Collins.. 5.00 2.71 John E. Lobstein . . . 58.91 33.92 Warren R. Busteed. 36.17 19.51 Thomas Melvin 3.00 2.00 Willis Corkran 8.28 4.98 Thomas F. Johnson. 7.50 5.00 William H. Gootee . . — 10.46 6.81 . 4.00 1.20 18.84 9.73 12.17 3.14 14.34 10.10 63.60 32.87 11.78 6.69 34.32 19.71 26.45 16.40 37.34 18.65 38.57 17.01 11.98 7.54 23.98 14.22 13.10 9.34 135.11 69.79 18.40 8.77 70.48 30.70 10S.S8 43.67 6.44 4.66 85.52 14.08 11.00 4.00 139.54 84.88 126.43 60.66 38.86 17.13 11.90 7.94 110.19 85.36 16.85 8.60 13.64 5.15 293.06 289.99 11.22 5.59 19.89 14.62 80 POST-OFFICES AND POST-MASTERS Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Kight-haud one, net revenue of Office to Department. Battle Swamp Blue Ball Bohemia Mills Brick Meeting House Cecilton Charlestown Cherry Hill Chesapeake City ElJcton (c. h.) Fair Hill Farmington Northeast Perryville Port Deposit Port Herman Principio Principio Furnace.. Kising Sun Eock Springs Eowlandsville Saint Augustine Shelemiah South Milford . : Warwick Zion Cecil County. Thomas Taylor John L. Biles John Walston Eeuben Passmore . . Geo. B. Pennington. John N. Black Joseph T. Brown. .. David W. Farror . . . John E. Brown Daniel H. Sutton . . . John W. Caldwell . . William Beatty Joseph Cochran Alonzo Snow James Vanhorn John Lackland Amos H. Evans Leonard Keynolds.. David M. Eeynolds. Samuel Eowland — Thomas P. Hazel . . . Elihu B. Hall Washington Ewing. Julius A. Bond John Carhart $52.98 14.52 12.35 8f».6S 149.60 32.89 33.42 238.90 645.80 25.97 18.77 197.31 78.48 564.88 8.50 41.75 59.97 92.66 25.92 56.64 10.14 12.45 46.00 29.34 $25.54 5.48 5.76 60.85 120.62 17.80 16.66 145.08 495.33 14.53 10.30 106.44 83.77 366.90 5.85 26.36 15.85 48.81 15.84 27.62 7.04 8.35 27.00 16.85 Cbarles County. Allen’s Fresh Beantown Benedict Bryantown Doncaster Duffield Harris’ Lot Nanjemoy Newport ' . . . Patuxent City Pomonkey Port Tobacco (c. h.). Sandy Bottom Jnbn T. Coltnn j I 53.86 27.27 Edward D. Boone. . . 16.76 10.23 Charles H. Young . . ! 10.47 3.20 Thomas J. Stewart. . 53.88 20.54 Thomas Skinner — — Elizabeth Duffee 25.76 8.77 John Fearson 37.76 14.56 E. D. P. Eatclifif. 55.80 24.64 George H. Simpson. 46.15 15.29 James T. Thomas. . . 13.30 7.48 S. W. H. McPherson 32.35 17.82 Peregrine Davis 216.72 205.48 Thomas A. Davis. . . 1 — Dorchester County. Big Mills Bucktown Cornersville Cambri'tgs (c. h.). . Church Creek East New Market.. Federalsburgh Golden Hill Hicksburgh Lakesville Taylor’s Island . . . Tobacco Stick Vienna George W. Percy . . . G TTnlt. 6.48 4.75 Joseph Flint 264.53 256.70 Daniel T. Orem 37.05 26.57 James W, Eawlings, 52.38 29.61 Edward E. Goslin. . . 50.06 24.67 John E. Shenton — 11.63 5.64 John W. Eoberson . 11.19 5.21 John S. Staplefort. . . 20.72 9.50 Levi D. Travers 14.5-7 9.28 Edmund Harrington 10.00 6.00 Alexander S. Evans. ! 48.92 17.29 Frederick County, Adamstown Barry Bolivar Bridgeport Buckey’s Town Burkittsville Creagerstown Emraitsburgh Frederick (c. h.) — Graceham Greenfield Mills Ijamsville jefiferson Johnsville Keinptown Liidiesburgh Liberty Town Linganore Meclianicstown Middletown Monrovia Mount Pleasant Myersville Adam Kohlenberg. . James W. Hamilton. Joshua D. Koogle. . . Isaac Hyder Grafton Duvall Ezra Williard Jacob H. Stonesifer. Joachim Elder John J. Smith Simeon Meredith . . . Meredith Davis Samuel Nixdorf Perry G. Thomas. . . John Kinzer Jr.. .. Wm. A. Bennett Samuel Birely John 11. Spohn Isaac Brower Eeuben Osier Perry J. Levy Jacob Cronise John W. Ogborn... . Win. Metzger 52.87 30.89 19.94 10.69 79.38 59.72 39.81 521.01 2000.00 44.63 31.77 51.28 85.13 47.86 8.09 12.36 142.16 71.73 173.65 77.71 30.24 22.21 ' 27.52 9.49 9.83 7.35 24.10 37.33 17.43 305.33 4915.17 15.58 16.44 21.46 64.46 22..33 4.22 6.16 5.11 32.47 181.57 80.81 12.79 11.85 Frederick, County— {Continued). New London . . New Market . . Oak Orchard. . . Petersville Point of Eocks. Sabillisville Unionville .... Urbana Utica Mills W alkersville . . Weverton Wolfsville Wolfsboro’ Eoderick D. Hobbs Absalom Anderson. Levi Z. Barnes Wm. Graham Philip McGaugheen Lewis Collifiower. Benjamin Lindsay Sebastian G. Cockey Wm. Todd Edward G. Marlow Christopher Thomas Samuel Weller George W. Shank. . Harford County. Abingdon Bel- Air (c. h.) Churchville Cottage Home Clermont Mills Darlington Dublin Emmorton Fallston Federal Hill Forest Hill Glenville Grey Eock Hall’s M Eoads Havre De Grace Hickory Tavern Harford Furnace . . . Hopewell M Eoads . Jarrettsville Jerusalem Mills Magnolia Michaelsviile Mill Green I Charles Biles Perrymansville j Thomas Cord Pleasantville |Thos. Bradenbaugh Pylesville i Nathan Pyle, Jr ... Sandy Hook. iThomas H. Morgan Shawsville. . ". Abraham Slade Taylor Alfred Garrison Thomas’ Eun Daniel T. Hawkins Upper M Eoads Thomas Eiley William H. Pierce . . James Herron Hugh JefFers’nDever Levi B. Finley Wm. Street Joseph E. Ely» Thos. J. McCausland Emmor Morrison . . . Eobert P. Titus Thomas S. Eobinson Emanu’l J. Schmank James F. Eeasin.. Joseph Eoss Eobert L. Morgan Christian Case John Wann Wm. F. Pannell . . John H. Mitchell . Benjamin Mason, . David Lee Charles F. Smith. . Jacob J. Michael. . Howard County. Alberton Clarksville Cooksville Dorsey’s Store Elk Eidge Landing. Ellieott’s Mills Glenelg Ilchester Mills Lisbon Marriottsville. Alexander F. Gaw Joseph A. McNew Caled Sheets John E. Dorsey. . . George H. Pocock George Bond Joshua 0. Thompson Eeuben H. Merri- weather Thomas Lucy Eobert Adair Matthews’ Store [James B. Matthews. Pierceland 'Joshua Anderson. . . Poplar Springs ^Edward U. Owings. Savage George Wheeler Sixteen Mile House. Beal Whalen Woodstock William F. Adams. . Rent County. Chestertoion (c. h.) . . Chesterville Georgetown Cross Eoads Harmony Head of Sassafras. . . Millington Eees’ Corner Eock Hall Eogers’ Store Stifl Pond Urieville John L. Siam. Peter Broes. . . William F. Briscoe Isaac L. Price. . . John C. Voshell. William F. Smith Abel J. Eees Joseph Harris... Isaac Eoger.s Geo. W. Covington Joseph P. Copper.. $34.86 $10.11 71.35 35.62 16.31 8.87 73.66 26.44 90.82 13.37 21.85 10.37 41.96 18,17 69.16 18.59 47.42 10.21 31.17 13.91 221.57 91.62 14.42 8.10 51.08 22.62 60.94 29.83 215.68 135.66 67.45 31.29 6.13 2.65 20.23 12.71 154.69 143.54 51.08 19.52 46.84 9.73 106.73 21.81 6.00 4.00 35.93 12.00 19.00 3.00 6.19 4.34 72.89 30.19 438.95 527.39 18.27 12.79 38.15 17.30 57.06 27.80 67.55! 28.04 67.28 13.82 26.37 16.63 12..53 5.99 161.68 49.40 23.81 14.57 21.71 9.02 14.62 10.12 36.59 19.97 14.71 9.91 17.63 9.96 17.61 10.55 32.46 19.56 44.36 23.17 23.69 10.60 94.82 36.07 381.84 225.63 16.00 6.00 25.13 12.37 64.80 31.94 37.32 11.05 9.00 6.00 21.45 18.49 69.81 33.15 46.12 20.91 412.97 375.58 26.71 16.31 121.28 59.68 96.36 42.39 56.30 34.25 99.00 b'^.OO 27.95 13.01 36.11 15.61 46.88 ' 37.06 27.77 17.19 MARYLAND. 81 Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Eight-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. lYIoiitgomery County. Barnesville jLeonard Hays Brookville Zachariah D. Waters Burnt Mills 'J. E. Maus Clarksburgh Leonidas Willson. . . Colesville Hilleary O. Higgins. Concord Harvey C. Shepard. Cottage Susan M. Bunting . . Damascus George W. Hilton. . . Darnestown Leon’rd W.Chandler Dawson ville Thomas D. Darby. . . Drayton j Caleb Stabler Forest Oak Joseph Thompson. . Goshen Henrietta D. Peugh. Hyattstown D. A. Ze^gler Laytonsville Middlebrook Mills.. Monocacy Olney Poolesville Rockville (c. h.) Francis L. Bell James G. House — Gassaway Sellmon . . Jonath’n D.Barnsley Philip Keed John W. Spates Eoslyn Henry Stabler Sandy Spring lEdward Stabler Triadelphia [Thomas C. Miller. . . Unity iJIimrod Davis $36.06 $12.51 116.96 32.61 5T.29 20.10 3.00 29.84 12.54 64.84 14.63 1T.90 20.10 11.35 42.24 26.84 18.28 13.61 70.89; 130.41' 240.00! 19.34' 95.78! 48.62, 17.01 Prince George’s County. Aquasco [John W. Thomas Beltsville John Simms Bladensburgh [Charles L. Gault. Brandjnvine i William H. Early Buena Vista [William T. Duvall Croom I John W. Coflfren. Horse Head John Burke Laurel Factory 'Jesse Duvall .... Long Old Fields ^ James J. Jarbo. . Nottingham 'John T. Stamp . . Piscataway James H. Griffln . Queen Ann William H. Perveil Surratt’s John H. Surratt. . . Upper Marlboro Jeremiah MuUikin 56.17 105.95 176.20 24.18 72.64 25.93 208.68 55.43 86.00 114.46 56.21 14.00 352.25 25.24 8.07 2.00 14.33 8.48 46.75 10.67 3.94 2.43 6.40 26.21 15.47 2.69 11.72 121.49 153.33 6.23 4.47 22.37 5.63 18.85 42.86 65.62 7.63 37.08 8.90 177.05 15.17 83.00 60.57 25.50 12.00 159.69 Queen Anne County. Broad Creek Centremille (c. h.) . . . Church Hill Long Marsh Queenstown Sudlersville Templeville Wye Mills W. W. K. Goodhand 58.72 17.95 Elizabeth J. Keating 265.79 165.12 Eichard Hyder 86.19 38.76 Mordecai Price 21.36 14.28 John F. McFeely. . . 52.54 16.63 Eobert Norville 52.39 28.43 Thomas A. Cooper. . 13.99 9.84 Louis W. Neal 99.59 51.75 St. Chaptico Charlotte Hall Great Mills Leonardtovyn (c. h.) Milestown Mount Olive Oakville Piney Point Eidge St. Clement’s Bay. . . Bt. Inigoes 6 Mary’s County. 'J. T. M. Eobey ITheophilus Harrison ‘Henry Stainhice. William J. Yates William H. Garner John Shadrick. . . . Jol\n Parsons W. W. Dix Joseph Milburn. . . Daniel T. Morgan Joseph T. Artis. . . 140.36 88.66 74.16 169.49 40.53 31.44 16.47 33.70 81.70 84.02 123.95 28.66 54.61 102.80 82.36 19.81 15.15 11.89 20.70 24.52 Somerset County. BarrenCreekSprings Thomas B. Taylor.. $28.94 $16.00 Bell Mount William H. Eoack. 32.29 19.66 Fairmount Wesley S. Tull — — Fork Town 'Arthur H. Lankford. 19.34 11.24 Deal’s Island !Noah Webster — — Kingston Isaac T. Beauchamp 19.28 12.70 Princess Ann (c. h.) William H. Fisher.. 200.97 193.08 Quantico George Moore 27.56 16.20 Salisbury 'William Waller 159.27 54.55 Sharp Town Edward Burford 21.72 14.00 Tyaskin Geo. A. J. Hopkins. — — Upper Trappe 1 Thomas W. Dashiell 17.15 9.67 Whitehaven [William J. Ballard.. 80.14 11.02 Talbot County. Bay Hundred Augustus Wittman . 24.00 10.44 Easton (c. h.) William T. Eowlison 585.25 578.24 Oxford ' William H. Valliant 49.70 14.54 Eoyal Oak Eichard 0. Lane. . . . 50.24 19.05 Saint Michaels Henry F. Byrne 125.91 106.71 Trappe George W. Mullikin — — Washington County. Bakersville Beaver Creek Benevola Boonsboro’ Brownsville Cavetown Chewsville Clear Spring Conococheague College of St. James Downsville Fairview Funkstown Green Spring Fur- nace Tlagerstown (c. h.). . Hancock Indian Springs Keep Trieste Keedysville Lappon’s M Eoads. . Leitersburg Millstone Point Einggold Eohrersville Sharpsburgh Smithsburgh Williamsport Elias Baker Dewitt C. Witmer. . Jona’n Newcomer Jr Samuel H. Smith.. John Brown, Jr Henry Colliflower. . Luther D. Betts George Cook William Stake John B. Kerfoot. . . Christopher Downs George Seibert James H. Berry B. Franklin Eoman Samuel Eidenour. . . Henry Snyder Lancelot Jacques. . . James O’Neal, Jr.. . Edward Eeilly Wm. B. Kennedy. . . Benjamin F. Slick.. Jacob Myers, Jr James J.' Metcalfe. . . John J. Grim Lewis H. Burkhart. . Jeremiah S. Besore. William Stefify Berlin BishopsviUe Derickson’s Cross Eoads Newark Newtown Saint Martins Sandy Hill Snow mu (c. h.) Whaleysville Worcester County. James Brittingham William P. Harper. James M. Fooks.. E. C. Studley William H. Merrill Lemuel Showell.. Thomas Mason . . . Thomas Hamill... James Whaley. . . . 20.83 12.08 81.60 220.31 29.55 21.00 21.57 242.01 20.32 154.84 11.95 101.07 16.01 1030.73 235.52 14.03 23.43 43.33 10.91 87.60 19.08 81.23 41.84 153.48 82.89 289.94 149.96 9.25 14.56 70.58 13.74 12.86 202.42 19.11 6.52 3.72 18.65 172.60 16.18 8.00 11.24 176.11 8.07 99.51 7.72 62.74 5.27 1170.96 158.92 7.16 8.34 16.82 5.95 54.23 9.14 18.82 19.14 119.15 28.92 198.42 147.41 6.42' 8.59 35.76 6.96 8.11 143.70 12.20 82 POST-OFFICES AND POST- MASTERS Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Eight-hand one, net revenue of OflSce to Department. MASSACHUSETTS Barnstable (c. h.). . . Brewster Centreville Cliatham Cotuit Port Dennis East Brewster East Dennis East Falmouth Eastham East Harwich East Orleans East Sandwich Falmouth Harwich Harwichport Hyannis Marston’s Mills Monument North Chatham North Eastham North Falmouth North Sandwich North Truro Orleans Osterville Pocassett Provincetown Sandwich South Dennis South Harwich .... South Orleans South Sandwich South Wellfleet Somn Yarmouth Spring Hiii Truro Waquoit Wellfleet West Barnstable West Brewster West Dennis West Chatham WestJPalmouth West Harwich West Sandwich West Yarmouth Wood’s Hole Y armouth Yarmouth Port Barnstable County. Elijah Lewis, 2d Jeremiah Mayo Ferdinand G.'Kelley Josiah Mayo Eandall Kelley Howes Chapman.. George W. Higgins. Lothrop Howes, Jr. . John H. Eobinson. . George Seabury Danforth S. Steele.. Freeman Doane Joseph Ewer, Jr Frederick Davis Obed Brooks Benj. W. Eldredge. . Eowland S. Hallett. Charles Bassett Erastus O. Parker.. Thatcher Eyder David C. Atwood . . . Ferdinand G. Nye. . Charles Bourne John Grozer Edward Barber Isaiah Crocker Howard Perry Godfrey Eider Charles B. Hall Watson Baker Joseph P. Nickerson Seth Sparrow, 3d . . . Solomon C. Howland Stephen A. Hatch. John Larkin,. Nathan Wing Josiah Wilder Asa Phinney Allen Higgins Shadr’chN.Howland David Harwood... Salmon Crowell, Jr Daniel Hewes Stephen Dillingham David H. Small Isaac Keith Freeman H. Crowell Elihu Fish Isaac Eyder. . Thomas Arey. Berkshire County. Adams | George A. Lapham Alford iMark E. Van Denser Ashley Falls *. . . John Scovill Becket | Alexander Clark Berkshire iStephen T. Whipph Boston Corner Abram J. Vosburgh Cheshire Eussel C. Brown Cold Spring Alonzo Waterman.. Curtisville Marshall S. Heath.. Dalton Franklin Weston . . East Lee George E. Sturges. East Sheffield Elijah S. Deming. . East Windsor lEeuben Pierce Egremont Plain Florida Glen Dale Great Barrington . . . Hancock Harlow A. Van Deu- sen Nathan White. . . John H. Strong. Samuel B. Suhin Hiram S. Smith. Ilartsvillo I Austin Brett. Hinsdale Alonroe Emmons. . $353.35 $188.17 180.08 268.08 83.87 26.43 291.50 209.16 78.64 35.03 126.35 32.32 62.55 30.83 129.18 50.03 45.84 19.56 64.77 20.39 82.89 12.88 49.02 14.25 8.50 4.00 301.08 883.88 110.57 193.16 115.33 78.62 331.93 121.88 56.06 11.78 78.95 34.86 41.02 2.32 83.63 13.80 53.73 28.28 54.85 21.06 47.85 23.87 187.84 49.68 112.74 30.32 63.06 22.14 440.60 513.00 479.09 753.43 103.25 40.78 71.10 52.91 17.75 7.85 64.18 23.85 51.05 11.95 166.37 145.56 57.47 5.90 164.66 58.17 49.84 26.13 194.86 73.72 80.96 22.21 40.47 20.30 176.00 111.79 69.20 27.43 174.80 134.73 67.33 35.81 53.94 28.57 81.57 3.56 80.00 32.89 301.31 24.05 1 485.44 456.11 52.50 10.02 83.16 21.92 27.02 8.50 : 47.71 25.69 81.96 18.92 259.46 97.63 20.65 11.03 45.86 22.68 282.62 231.84 69.89 82.32 39.10 19.53 89.27 15.46 ■ 27.75 10.92 20.26 6.14 113.24 40.15 1 865.96 1095.96 i 68.33 i 28.19 ! 47.83 : 15.27 , 95.30 92.30 , 214.42 222.95 Housatonic Lanesborough Lee Lenox (c. h.) Lenox Furnace Mill Eiver Monterey. Montville New Ashford New Boston New Lenox New Marlboro’ North Adams North Becket North Egremont Otis Peru Pittsfield Eichmond Sandisfleld Savoy Sheffield South Egremont Southfield South Lee South Williamstown State Line Stockbridge Tyringham Van Deusenville — Washington West Becket West Otis West Pittsfield West Stockbridge. . . Williamstown BerJcsldre County — {Continued). William Selkirk 1 $89 George E. Eockwell 122 Albert M. Howk 906, George Wells 446. William A. Phelps. . 117. Henry N. Wheeler. . 119, Wilbur C. Langdon Wm. W. Langdon.. 50. James Dev'ey 20. Samuel 0. Parsons.. 61 David W. Dewey . Sarah D. Catlin 62 Abel Wetherbee — 961 Henry A. Bidwell.. . 170. George W. Lester. . . 53 Lyman J. Strickland 113 Sylvester S. Bowen. 38. Phinehas Allen, Jr. . 1992, Eleazar Williarns. . . George Hull 84. Calvin Bowker 71 Edward F. Ensign . . 288 William O’Connell . . 106 Augustus Turner. . . 26 Amos B. Manley 142, John H. Jordan 70 E. E. Peet Nathaniel A. Waters Fred’ck C. Williams John H. Coffing Daniel Sibley Kendall Baird Alanson Thompson. August’sW. Williams Cyrus H. Woodruff. Keves Danforth Windsor jEoland S. Miner. .731 $16.52 72! T5.49 92 1039.84 891.52 39.83 67.48 86.21 25.78 6.51 19.46 4.18 25.41 1149.63 177.22 22.27 20.20 15.70 2749.16 ,10 ,50 ,19 31 ,65j 46.63 ,87 1 33.08 ,51! 32.21 ,86' 275.50 ,32| 35.42 36i 10.77 12! 42.46 40 1 19.20 Bristol County. Attleboro’ Berkley Dartmouth Dighton East Freetown East Taunton Easton Fairhaven Fall Eiver Freetown Long Plain Man^sfleld Mirickville Ne^o Bedford (c. h.). North Attleboro’ — North Dartmouth. . . North Dighton North Easton North Fairhaven... North Eehoboth North Swansea Norton Eehoboth Seekonk Somerset South Attleboro’ South Dartmouth.. . South Easton South Seekonk Ij South Westport Swansea Taunton (c. h.) Westport Westport Point West Mansfield Lyman W. Dean . . Daniel S. Briggs . . Charles Tucker. . . Charles Talbot — Eenel Washburn. Charles H. Leighton Thomas F. DavJdson Joseph Cutler James M. Morton. . . Joshua Shove Charles F. Thatcher Marshall F. Shaw.. . William Simms Joseph C. Kent Josiah D. Eichards. John Cummings — John Kose Augustus 0. Howard Cyrus E. Clark ... Grenville Stevens. Mason Barney — Earl Hodges John C. Marvel. . . William Ide. ., . . . John A. Sayles. . . James S. Day Jireh Sherman . . Horatio Copeland. Nathan Munroe. . . Frederick BroAvuell. John Mason Abijah M. Ide, Jr. . . Nathan C. Brownell. Alexander H. Cory . Martin M. Braley.. . 451.35 521.86 6I.6O1 24.02 100.00, 13.50 55.57, 19.93 10.86^ 4.44 17.29! 10.02 129.36 2.49 310.43 298.99 619.23 . 511.28 28.88 9.79 415.39 318.81 24.79 7.54 69..34 32.28 7.3.70 20.34 38.45 23.59 108.17 68.88 132.01 57.11 580.45 ; 617.27 1 1338.11 3323.00 104.65 31.60 60.46 ; 35.73 296.11 ; 296.61 59.93 ' 16.42 2000.00 7344.19 421.09 : 359.81 71.92 27.13 82.67 30.34 265.65 ' 110..32 159.15 58.32 26.17 12.82 33.76 17.51 831.67 49.09 58.28 . 15.47 55.80 22.81 190.07 67.05 41.04 11.87 189.03 64.85 65.45 16.97 ! 10.11 ' 5.06 1 23.67 1 11.17 ! 74.70 80.08 1904.81 3370.81 98.80 , 17.41 46.65 1 22.00 MASSACHUSETTS. 83 \:i. \ Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Eight-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. I Dukes County. Chilmark. Holmes’ Hole. West Tisbury. Amesbury Andover Annisquara Ballard Vale Beverly Beverly Farms . , Boxford Bradford Byfleld Danvers Danvers Centre . , Danversport East Haverhill. . . East Salisbury. . . Essex G-eorgetown Gloucester Groveland Hamilton Haverhill Jpsioich (c.‘h.)... Lanesville ....... Lawrence Lynn Lynnfield Lynnfield Centre Manchester Marblehead Methuen Middleton Nahant Xetohu)'yport{(t. h.). North Andover. North Beverly. , Salisbury Eockport Rowley Salem (c. h.) Saugus South Danvers. Sutton Mills Swampscott Topsfleld Wenham West Amesbury. West Boxford... West Newbury.. Adamsville Ashfield Bernardston Buckland Charlemont Colerain Conway Deerfield East Charlemont.. East Shelburne . . . East Whately Grout’s Corners Lock’s Village Monroe Montague Montague Canal New Salem North Bernardston. . . [Tristram Allen, Jr. . $21.6( 5 $7.81 . Silvanus L. Pease. . . 433.3^ t 495.39 . George Dunham . 377.71 1 270.46 . Joseph B. Nickersoi 1 61.3( ) 29.23 Essex County* 529.6( ! 551.42 1120.71 1178.37 . William AV. Chard. . 128.92 1 69.98 . Isaac 0. Blunt 166.90 1 104.93 548.44 : 527.75 . Josiah Obear 39.83 1 8.87 . Osgood Dale, Jr . wrillam Tenney — 19.66 i 11.00. 277.66 i 122.28 . Samuel S. Moody. . . 85.11 25.59 . Levi Merrill 734.90 700.35 . Henry Prentiss — — . David Mead 120.92 54.05 . John W. Ladd 38.57 19.90 . Cyrus Dearborn 31.94 17.39 . Albert F. Low 154.39 113.75 . Samuel Wilson 293.30 259.66 . . [Gorham Parsons 910.13 825.36 . . Nathaniel H. Griffith 127.74 29.57 : . George Appleton... 59.38 22.14 ; . 1 James V. Smiley 1679.07 2224.89 : . Stephen Coburn 558.78 468.04 < . Levi Dennen 29.70 13.38 ' . Benjamin F. Watson 1246.92 4356.42 < Jeremiali C.Stickney 1842.84 2491.96 < Henry W. Swasey.. 67.87: 39.19 < . Samuel N. Newcomb 64.34 34.99 ] John P. Allen 260.50 182.05 ] Samuel Cox 628.58 596.94 ] . John Low 4-34.61 391.34 ] . Amos Batchelder.. . 81.72 45.81 1 . Welcome AA''. Johnson 92.91 28.29 ] . John M. Cooper 1844.56 3317.72 ] . J. Prescott Foster. . . 212.97 97.66 ] . Elijah E. Summus.. 25.52 13.74 ] . Benjamin E. Fifield. 75.53 10.44 1 . Francis Tarr, Jr. ... 391.29 299.98 I . Ezekiel Bailey 1-30.72 49.18 i , George B. Loring. . . 2356.33 4634.72 1 . Herbert B. Newhall. 160.57 144.02 I Alhprt, T?. Ti'i^alr ] , Jacob W. Reed 22.57 9.56 ] Laban Sawver 193.19 159.95 ] Waldo Thompson. . . 175.00 89.-32 f Benjamin P. Adams 146.94 68.10 " John A. Putnam 82.53 16.54 ^ Stephen Bayley 170.77 77.99 5 Moses Kimball 57.30 26.40 'I Daniel Nichols 139.75 99.56 5 anklin County. ^ .John Wilson 19.47 7.99 ^ Richard Cook 178.-32 .81 ^ Daniel W. Temple. . 164.44 127.38 ' Josiah Trow 52.15 13.75 David B. Hawks . . . 202.31 222.38 Calvin W. Shattuck. 120.94 47.92 Thos. S. Dickinson.. 41-3.97 528.18 Charles AVilliams . . . 319.-34 184.88 I Horace Wells 40.02 2.34 J Henry M. Fisk 10.81 2.49 C "Josiah Allis 77.67 30.87 C 'Daniel Pomroy 118.26 19.74 C I.Josiah D. Canning . 37.64 5.-52 'David N. Carpenter. ; 119-3.13 1556.-50 P Martin Grout 22.47] 7.77 P ! Calvin S. Longley . . ! Samuel Barber 26.23' 3.-37 F 51.-53I 13.90 G j Francis Frary 57.14! 24.35 G '.John Mowry, 2d 44.131 6.80 G Eli Ames 8.431 -3.721 G Samuel Stafford 6.28; 3.711 P Elisha Wright 267.97, 1-31.67 I] Benjamin Henry 2-3. 67 1 8.22 J] AlpheusHarding,.Jr, 81.00' 13.-37 li Timothy K. Horton . 20.071 10.22 L Franklin Covmty— {Continued). Northfield Charles Osgood . Northfield Farms .. . Moses Fifield. . . North Leverett Benjamin F. Graves North New Salem .. William Whittemore Hillel Baker George A. Whipple. John Ballou Lyman Conant Alfred Bowen Hiram H. Spear .... William D. Bates. . . Levi Holden, Jr Sidney S. Warren. . . Lemuel Scott Otis Chittenden William Putnam . . . Steph’n K.IIitchcock Elijah E. Belding Dennis Dickinson North Orange Orange Rowe Shelburne Shelburne Falls Shutesbury South Deerfield . . . South Hawley Sunderland ....... AVarwick Wendell Wendell Depot West Hawley West Northfield . . . Whately Hampden County. Lyman Whitman .. Edward Kneeland. David P. Robinson Nathan D. AVight . Nathan F. Robinson ThaddeusK.DeAVolf Charles H. AVarner William W. Johnson Lester Dickinson . . . Warren Collins Carlos Gibbons Henry J. Crooks . . . Enoch Leonard Elisha Kinney Lester Newell Elisha A. Fuller Chester Crafts William White Jerre Miller Luke Bliss Foster Pepper Nelson Clark Edwin Ely Jonas Parmenter . . . John Bowles Tryon AVinchell Henry L. Gridley. . . Andrew J. Forward. Solomon C. Spelman Abijah W. Chapin. . Davis B. Bishop Asa Shumway William W. Harrison George C. Royce . . . Gilbert W. Cobb James M. Goodwin. Lewis Leonard Luther B. Bliss Closson Pendleton.. -f 262.-57 .$250.17 46.09 18.48 37.44 11.63 40.99 13.27 47.56 9.38 236.17 320.67 55.36 7.14 53.43 3.55 486.97 589.77 54.08 22.61 292.10 254.88 2.87 2.01 146.49 36.13 93.98 29.26 45.99 14.94 35.67 9.21 19.70 14.84 56.74 30.00 102.72 34.63 59.03 47.83 33.901 3.85 86.281 1-54.91! 74.47 156.29: 105.22 14.521 5.32 171.60 152.35 1189.98 1497.67 454.54 76.48 64.01 50.83; 85.90 18.31 1097.19 140.00 37.38 133.84 112.47 267.97 426.12 322.08 .48 11.91 9.63 37.03 5.10 1312.29 10.00 2.99 30.62 41.04 132.67 457.02 13.75 69.32 33.11 465.65 2.58 134.06 77:02 92.80! 2000.00,8747.55 229.79 183.65 113.38 56.98 45.15 9.65 31.90 15.22 683.77 .80 14.57 26.78 53.43 67.22 1139.98 66.03 129.32 387.00 29.82 15.85 20.74 1541.57 16.49 75.59 298.46 4.55 ^ Hampshire County* Seth Nims Joel Haskins Phineas S. Bridgman Oliver Edwards, Jr. AVilliam Swan ummington West -c,,. - „ Yillao-e Elisha Mitchell lira Haskell 965.45,1133.07 27.43 362.32 63.61 120.72 46.99 540.05 284.60 218.86 50.44 92.24 72.82 72.82 248.14 147.04 249.55 335.00 88.90 8.77 99.60 8.80 3.60 18.89 467.11 211.21 43.60 16.58 40.91 16.92 16.92 211.64 126.15 364.49 47.43 84 POST-OFFICES AND POST-MASTERS Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Kisht-haml one, net revenue of Office to Dei>ai'tment. Hampshire Comity— {Continued). Middlefleld Solomon Eoot $84.88 North Amherst Horace Cutler 117.72 Northampton (c. h.) Amos H. Bullen North Hadley Simon F. Cooley North Prescott Horace Hunt Norwich Pelham Plainfield Prescott Eingville South Amherst a. . .. Southampton Jonathan N. Judd.. South Hadley I George L. Smith . . . $112.40 16.65 Levi Clark Christopher Paige. Ethan C. Eing . . . Ware West Chesterfield . West Hampton West Worthington Williamsburgh Worthington ...... Addison Sandford Ansel Thayer John A. Judd Eussel Bartlett . . . Lewis Bodman ... Edward C. Porter. . . Middlesex County, Acton Ashby Ashland Assabet Auburn Dale Bedford Belmont Billerica Boxboro’ Braggville Brighton Burlington Cambridge (c. h.). .. Cambridgeport Carlisle Charlestown Chelmsford Cochitustte Concord (c. h.) Dracut Dunstable East Cambridge East HolJiston East Lexington East Pepperell East Woburn Feltonsville Forge Yalley Framingham Groton Graniteville Holliston Hoi)kintqn Lexington Lincoln Littleton Lowell Middlesex Village.. Malden . . Marlboro’ Medford Melrose Mount Auburn Natick Newton Newton Centre Newton Lower Falls Newton Upper Falls Newtonville North Billerica North Cambridge . . North Chelmsford . . North Evading North Sudbury North Tewksbury.. . North Wilmington . North AVoburu Pepperell Eeading Eock Bottom Samuel Despeaux . . George L. Adams . . James H. Jones Amory Maynard . . . George L. Bourne . . Henry A. Gleason . . John L. Alexander . Wm. H. Blanchard . Nathaniel H. Talbot Dennis Hartshorn . . William Warren . . . Silas Cutler William Caldwell . . Samuel James George W. Green. . . Charfes B. Eogers . . Eli F. Webster Charles E. Damon. . Charles B. Davis — Simeon Flint William Dunn Andrew Fogg Harrison Whiting. . . William H. Smith, 2d Crosby Lewis Albert L. Eichardson George L. Manson . . Luther Prescott John Clark Theodore Andruss. . Daniel C. Mead Abel Pond Eliakim A. Bates.. . John Davis Charles E. Tarbell. . William Hurter Fisher A. Hildreth . John E. Chase Eeuben Green Joseph C. Getting... James C. Winnek .. Francis Bugbee Truman H. Salford. Calvin W. Perry . . . Dexter Whipple Jonathan St. Clair . . Charles E. Snow James Taylor Andrew H.AVard, Jr. James Faulkner James H. Davis Jose])h II. Smith . . . Frederick Abbott. . . Lewis C. PulTer — Leonard Huntress . . Silas Buck Stephen Nichols, Jr. John Loring Horatio N. Cate Augustus Eice , 101.47 55.25 37.69 19.07 19.10 4.45 21.26 8.49 78.16 17.77 36.41 36.01 63.29 — 1 70.76 31.33 , 144.41 8.09 504.43 — i 167.31 129.72 732.92 841.76 28.49 5.53 56.87 16.99 21.84 9.33 279.80 300.25 82.97 17.25 111.84 31.93 125.23 51.04 253.59 184.16 127.18 45.70 180.82 .56 146.60 115.23 90.46 — 160.00 50.00 19.66 11.06 51.61 28.21 415.87 391.69 37.27 19.19 1594.84 2077.10 1033.25 338.65 42.62 36.56 2000.00 3038.29 99.11 61.49 40.00 20.00 496.38 458.83 50.22 25.57 37.47 19.30 1008.05 1464.68 41.72 8.21 93.57 38.95 72.74 27.96 51.64 20.84 128.92 59.69 32.30 14.69 505.54 530.79 416.05 468.26 57.08 94.70 396.15 453.81 462.34 381.19 207.60 29.66 94.03 24.56 1903.62 11,184.7,5 28.09 8.61 416.27 259.81 409.59 249.84 f 626.66 177.88 245.54 48.90 625.31 690.12 813.64 234.67 178.71 51.53 197.99 155.04 208.66 164.15 81.32 24.05 69.44 19.67 178.19 67.96 163.18 89.63 130.50 53.36 26.26 12.98 24.32 12.68 25.00 13.00 129.23 55.04 218.60, 126.43 895.14 871.24 87.28: i 18.04 Middlesex County — ( Continued). Saxonville Sherborn Shirley Shirley Village Somerville South Acton South Framingham South Groton South Malden South Natick South Eeading Stoneham Stow Sudbury Tewkesbury Townsend Townsend Harbor.. Tyngsboro’ Waltham Watertown W ayland West Acton West Cambridge.. . . West Chelmsford . . . Westford West Groton West Medford West Newton Weston West Townsend . . . . Wilmington Winchester Woburn Woodville [Samuel P. Griffin. . . 'Jeremiah E. Hawes. Thomas Whitney. . . Israel Longley George A. Sanborn. AVilliam E. Shattuck AATlIard Howe Harvey A. Wood . . . Solomon Corey John J. Perry Samuel Kingman . . George W. Dike. . . . Winthrop Eobinson. Samuel D. Hunt Benj. F. Spaulding . Charles Osgood Charles Emery Samuel Elliot Frederick M. Stone. Benjamin Dana Newell Hard Charles Eobinson . . Edwin E. Prescott. . Christopher Eoby . . Samuel Fletcher Adam Archibald . . . Franklin Patch John Mead Charles Johnson Augustus G.Stickney Amasa AVaterman . . Josiah Hovey A. Elbridge Thomp- son Albert Wood $280.62 131.52 52.21 202.81 205.61 108.77 216.85 185.03 76.67 123.59 445.25 404.54 87.39 109.95 87.65 178.40 78.17 87.93 961.60 431. a 3 108.75 93.50 345.78 66.57 147.92 88.13 51.29 284.14 120.97 220.84 49.03 278.38 $221..57 195.77 14.68 55.51 150.05 52.07 163.48 15.84 48.76 52.82 294.60 157.75 44.89 89.17 28.24 149.52 18.37 39.76 1040.15 426.00 86.36 36.12 326.77 35.52 16.16 17.89 9.SS 12.65 92.12 136.24 22.98 189.29 IVantucket County. IVorfolk County. Bald Hill Bellingham Braintree Brookline Canton Charles EiverVillage Cohassett Dedham (c. h.) Dorchester Dover East Foxboro’ East Medway East Eandolph East Sharon East Stoughton East Walpole East Weymouth .... Foxborough Franklin Franklin City Grantville Harrison Square Jamaica Plain Medfield Medway Milton Needham Neponset Village. . . North Bellingham.. North Cohassett North Weymouth . . North AV rentham . . . Plainsville Quincy Point Quincy Eandolph Eockville Eoxlniry Sharon Sheldonville South Braintree .... Elias Cook Ellery Thayer Thomas Morton Alexander H. Clapp Caleb S. Taft Lewis B. Eussell . . . Zenas Stoddard William B. Tower.. Eobert Vose Ealph Sanger Joseph Kingsbury.. George H. Holbrook John Henry Jordan. Warren Cobb Elijah Blanchard . . . George W. Johnson. ZechariahL.Bicknell David Hersey Smith Fisher David Dean Alvin Fuller, 2d Isaac Field Eobert Seaver Walter Janes Samuel W. Metcalf . Nathan C. Martin . . George E. Eaton . . . Charles Hunt Clement H. Chase.. Solomon J. Beal Elisha Pratt Henry Trowbridge . John'P. Cheever... . Peter W. Newcomb. John A. Green Luther F. Thayer . . John S. Walker Isaac S. Burrell Calvin Turner James Arnold i Joseph Dyer, Jr — 634.10 659.92 38.58 22.09 |1615.58|2105.48 8.781 6.85 66.51 82.64 154.38 120.66 499.98 119.89 560.52 464.26 45.21 11.96 210.53 72.86 815.12 888.01 374.25’ 508.60 38.62 4.82 66.82' 3.22 74.83! 12.85 115.32 48.02 5.14 i 3.36 202.7 li 50.79 S 4.85' 14.62 199.29! 143.06 136.27 362.63 298.68! 279.47 28.84: 4.61 57.08! 94.70 248.95 74.19 452.79 249.60 251.56 99.03 226.99, 26.13 534.35 232.11 106.85' 21.22 200.86 85.37 26.21 i 17.15 82.88| 14.16 79.28! 43.17 98.84, 84.17 74.56 88.66 720.91 710.21 459.60 521.22 75.96 22.97 1618.68 2095.16 156.70 45.11 66.05 87.50 146.87' 56.97 -MASSACHUSETTS. 85 Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Riglit-hand one, net leveuue of Office to Department. Kot'folk County — {Continued!), South Dedham South Franklin South Kandolph South Walpole. South Weymouth. . . South Wrentham . . . Stoughton Walpole W est Dedham West Foxboro’ W est Medway West Needham W est Eoxbury West Wrentham . .. Weymouth Wrentham Ebenezer F. Gay . . . Jos'phH. W adsworth Daniel Faxon . . . Truman Clarke . John W. Thomas William E. Pond Bradford Kinsley David E. Metcalf Theodore Gay, 2d Henry Hobart . . . Gilbert Nourse . . William Flagg. . . William S. Keith Philander P. Cook . Elijah F. Hall Charles J. Eandall . Plymouth County. Abington Bridgewater Campello Carver Chiltonville Cochesett Duxbury East Abington East Bridgewater . . East Marshfield East Middleboro’ . . . East Wareham Halifax Hanover Hanson Hingham Hull Kingston Marshfield Mattapoisett Middleboro’ North Bridgewater . North Abington North Carver North Marshfield . . . North Middleboro’ . . North Plympton North Rochester . . . North Scituate North West Bridge- water Pembroke Plymouth (c. h.) ... Plympton Rochester Rock Scituate Scotland Sippican South Abington South Carver South Hanson ...... South Hingham South Middleboro’. . South Plymouth South Scituate Wareham West Bridgewater .. West Duxbury West Scituate West Wareham Jesse E. Keith Lafayette Keith Nelson J. Foss Daniel Shaw George Bramhall, Jr Albert Copeland, Jr. •John Holmes Daniel Blanchard . . Hector O. A. Orr . . . TildenHall Nathaniel Eddy Sam’l T. T. Sherman Eliab Pool Stephen Josselyn. . . Cyrus Drew Hosea J. Gardner. . . Joseph Pope Horace L. Collamore Proctor Bourne Benjamin F.Barstow Sidney Tucker Abel W. Kingman . Benjamin Frost William S. Savery.. Constant Oakman . . Morrill Robinson . . . Zenas Cushman Israel F. Nickerson. Joseph B. Merritt . . Levi French Horace Collamore . . Moses Bates, Jr Martin Perkins Theophilus King . . . Israel Smith William P. Allen. . . George Chipman . . . Walton N. Ellis Cyrus A. Dyer Thomas B. Griffith. . Barak Osborn Andrew Cushing . . . Nathaniel Sears William Clark John K. Nash Charles F. Washburn Calvin Williams .. . . George B. Standish. Ebenezer Blanchard James R. Sproat Boston (c. h.) . . Chelsea East Bo.ston . . . Norili Chelsea. Winthrop Suffolk County. Edwin C. Bailey . . Gideon W. Young. Samuel C. Allen.'. . George Newcomb . Warren Belcher... Worcester County. Aahbumham I Samuel Y. Whitney. $204.58 $155.16 22.21 12.65 30.75 18.17 88.31 33.25 225.69 170.92 36.76 21.97 283.59 348.86 230.56 238.46 112.86 43.56 17.05 6.46 148.81 68.03 78.62 26.00 131.60 — 21.49 12.59 341.57 314.97 246.23 186.97 374.41 410.73 546.76 560.42 126.72 25.53 14.49 4.52 51.99 30.27 50.58 24.13 294.59 200.31 311.8-3 274.38 360.59 302.99 67.33 25.28 28.02 10.39 111.61 46.95 51.88 23.03 176.8-3 38.96 59.99 30.24 396.71 378.31 26.67 1-3.44 803.93 214.28 102.86 51.75 285.83 202.59 717.74 674.85 684.25 820.83 100.00 • 5.00 34.10 18.98 20.60 9.21 76.44 36.09 20.89 11.37 21.99 16.97 55.88 26.49 34.68 19.12 60.26 17.17 964.23 677.25 72.61 ’27.41 81.20 22.53 21.96 12.24 1-30.91 58.94 21.11 12.23 138.94 107.26 232.66 61.68 93.72 74.35 76.91 8.19 95.60 52.00 33.04 14.80 39.68 16.60 61.35 22.47 378.98 387.98 92.89 2-3.55 5-3.77 6.18 54.00 20.00 99.591 54.94 2000.00 1085.94 10.53.78 1793.26 2295.79 57.50 26.60 17.17 5.84 1 309.72 1 273.86 80.42 j Worcest&r County — ( Continued). Athol Athol Depot Auburn Baldwinsville Barre Barre Plains Berlin Blackstone Bolton Boylston Boylston Centre Brookfield Burrageville Charlton Charlton Depot Clappville Clinton Cold Brook Cordaville Dana Douglass Dudley East Brookfield East Douglass East Princeton Farnumsville Fiskedale Fitchburgh Gardner Grafton Hardwick Harvard Holden Hubbardston Lancaster Leicester Leominster Lunenburgh Mendon Milford Millbury Millville New Braintree NewEnglandYillage North Blackstone . . Northboro’ Northbridge Northbridge Centre. North Brookfield . . . North Dana North Leominster.. . North Oxford North Spencer North Uxbridge — Oakdale Oakham Oxford Paxton Petersham Phillipston Princeton Royalston Rutland Saundersville Shrewsbury Southboro’ Southbridge South Gardner . . . . . South Lancaster .... South Milford South Royalston Spencer Sterling Still River I Sturbridge I Sutton . Templeton ; Upton j Uxbridge ! AVachusett Village . ; AVarr'm ' AVebster 1 AV estboro’ John H. Williams.. . SilvanusE.Twitchell Elisha M. Knowles . James H. Clapp .... Charles Briniblecom Edward Denny Rufus 8. Hastings... Darius Bennett Joshua E. Sawyer . . Eli B. Lamson Henry White Franeis Howe Charles W. Burrage. Alfred E. Fisk Julius E. Tueker . . . Samuel L. Stone John T. Dame William B. Sibley . . Curtis Wood Nathan’l L. Johnson David Holman Moses Barnes Braman B. Adams . Norris Yates Joseph Whitcomb . . Thomas A. BufiFum. Amos Munroe John Todd Levi Heywood Silas A. Pearce Albert E. Knight .. . Zophar Wetherbee. . Charles Chaffin William Bennett, Jr. Christ’ph’rA.Pollard Henry D. Hatch Charles H. Colburn. Daniel Putnam William H. Aldrich. •James H. Barker. . . Simon Dudley Willard Wilson Charles B. Frost Robert W. Flagg . . . Alvah P. Colvm George G. Valentine Hazen 0. Bean AVilliam B. Fuller.. . John Hill George T. Johnson . AVilliam F. Howe . . Stephen Barton, Jr. Jonas Wilson Charles E. Whiting. Augustus V. Sheldon Alanson Prouty William E. Pease . . Silas D. Harrington. Samson Wetherell. . Jason Goulding Ivory Wilder Joseph Estabrook . . Zadock W. Gates. . . Gilbert C. Taft Lozano C. Knowlton Solomon Este And’w F.Amnidown Si mconAV. A. Stevens Stephen H. Turner . Sam’l AV. Gilbert, Jr. Lucas AV. Partridge. Lutiier Hill John M. Stephenson William F. Bateman James Bachellor ... Salem (ihamberlairi. Dexter Gilbert Davis J. King Charles B. Raw.son . Benjamin AVyman. Daniel Russell .... Lyman Shehlon .... Josiah A. Brigham . $272.41 301.08 89.11 279.56 499.44 37.81 128.97 675.91 144.64 29.62 47.02 259.48 120.00 96.70 331.89 181.36 987.95 60.75 171.19 78.87 42.27 73.55 207.70 274.48 58.26 86.47 217.42 1426.22 2.57.95 410.26 134.24 203.64 220.26 . 249.94 279.45 485.88 543.75 139.95 140.99 1065.59 587.57 265.16 108.40 217.92 27.25 287.75 67.40 78.97 390.07 60.00 129.47 118.31 21.41 117.68 96.88 112.09 437.86 117.33 212.01 102.74 145.35 83.58 104.08 91.13 172.26 1.37.74 56-3.22 226.54 123.08 36.19 151.07 358.89 252.68 80.00 116.17 l(i2 (,4 326.80 822.88 356.13 41 .9t* 373.53 536.24 533.09 $61.-31 7.75 25.34 284.70 484.35 13.33 98.09 711.07 26.00 21.50 9.33 228.18 84.60 14.04 25.00 1112.03 9.59 44.54 21.46 1.52 8.96 512.50 49.43 22.66 84.69 189.77 2259.75 6-3.79 441.29 52.46 46.60 67.76 24.02 427.32 470.91 5-39.56 22.54 20.98 1159.77 695.32 276.95 12.52 40.98 17.62 224.85 8.65 48.92 4-39.52 30.00 99.20 66.84 1-3.48 56.16 35.07 29.60 442.90 18.85 8.64 8.12 23.05 31.55 30.57 25.34 ' 3.27 76.43 428.13 65.-38 2.24 14.-38 1.55.13 310..55 22.96 10.00 69.56 41.00 -314.91 341.00 8.09 28.-35 -366.17 772.85 475.00 86 POST-OFFICES AND POST-MASTEKS. Left-han.l column shows compensation of Postmaster. Kight-hana one, net revenue of Office to Department. Worcester County— (Continued). WestBoylston . West Brookfield . West Fitcliburgh West Millbury. . . Westminster West Eutland . . . Benjamin Smith . . . Jacob Dupee Harrington Sibley . Ephraim Gouldlng. Joseph Whitman .. Michael Quimby . . ii2T5.89|$201.53 ' West Sterling 9,07 r.9 98.^ i Woof 297.02 175.49 103.02 225.01 18.89 285.95 j , West Sutton 49.95 . Whitinsville 65.60 I Wilkinsonville 39.59 i Winchendon 9.96 1 1 Worcester (c. h.) . . . Worcester Coimty — (Continued). Elisha Smith I $26 Rufus C. Hall George Benson . . William E. Hill.. Edwin S. Merrill Emory Banister. . $26.03 $8.84 44.46 18.59 887.00 298.46 119.99 22.81 659.05 818.83 2000.00 10,745.17 MICHIGAN. Allegan Connty* Allegan (c. h.) Bradley Cheshire Ganges Gun Marsh Hojjkins Leighton Manlius Martin Monterey Otsego Pine Plain Plainwell Proctor Saugatuck Silver Creek Wayland John J. Jones Ezra Whitney How&rd 1 $399.96 25.91 $385.58 10.93 Loi'enzo Weed 324.00 96.00 Joshua E. Goldsmith : 8.52 5.51 Erastus Congdon... ! 120.00 48.00 Charles Furber 1 6.00 3.00 Ralph R. Mann .... i 32.49 11.49 E. Phetteplace j 39.38 20.19 Noah Briggs Lintsford B. Coates. 22.34 12.28 199.73 111.57 Boyd W. Phillips. . . 7.60 2.60 Orson D. Dunham. . 189.56 21.48 William Miner 11.37 4.99 Stephen A. Morrison 64.31 17.45 John W. Baker 21.28 13.17 Nelson Chambers . . ; 80.81 12.19 Antrim County* Stevens [Theron Bostwick. . . | 16.36 1 Barry County. Assyria Baltimore Bri.stolville Carlton Castleton Cedar Creek Glass Creek Gun Lake Hastings (c. h.) . . . Hickory Corners. . . Irving Johnstown Maple Grove Merritt Middleville Milo Orangeville Mills. . Prairieville Woodland Yankee Spring Richard Jones 15.44 ,Tr>bn Baker 12.35 William P. Bristol. . 29.78 Enos Drver 6.27 Sheldon Whitcomb . 25.66 Solon Doud 11.84 Chauncey H. Brewer 4.00 Nathan Barlow 3.85 Nathan Barlow, Jr. . 290.99 John B. Brown 27.44 Leonard K. Pow^ers. 26.21 John Culver 15.78 Joel Hvde 20.86 David 'W. Smith 14.90 Winslow W. Ralph. 90.51 Charles AV. Spalding — Eli Nichols 19.14 Andrew J. Bowne . . 17.97 Nehemiah Lovewell 14.72 Nathan Parrish 18.41 Berrien Countyi Bainbridge Berrien !<{ Eoads De Soto County. Osborn F. West Elijah Stannard . . . Larkin I. W. Perry Job Ilarrol Woodson H. Ander- son Albert G. Wilkerson George B. McDade Georgia Greenleaf. Ilarkleroad William N. Brown Jlevnando tc. h.) Stephen W. Miller Horatio Moses M. White . . Horn Lake John Davis Looxahoma [William T. Cole. Olive Branch Augustus P. Burditt Pleasant Hill Meredith G. Ward. Tatesville James M. Williams Franklin County. . . . Patrick Grant . . . C. C. Campbell . . . . . . Nathan Bunckley. . . . Stephen Van Allei James llerrinaton Friendship Hamlmrg llomocliilto . . . Knoxville McCall’s Creek. jSloadr.illi- (c. h.) Fielding .1. Whilley I’ino Grove James 11. McDaniel 23.15 27.00 27.13 16.13 69.20 9.8. 19.19 371.53 55.79 88 . 0 '. 99.74 84.62 111.09 15.621 49.H0I 14.421 82 . 18 ! 15.1 0| 64.43, 9.00: 19.S8 4.00 15.36 9.92 46.51 6.97 12.02 8S4.6S 10.99 29.e0 8.41 18.14 8.42 88.21 4.00 €reene County* Adamsville Leakesville McLeod’s State Line Station . Vernal Lewis M. E. Knobles $24.00 : $12.00 Daniel Mclnnis, Jr. . 12.49 - 6.31 Norman McLeod . . . 28.13 8.S9 Mrs. Virginia Haig. . — — John Mclnnis — — Bajcock County. Gainesville Habolochitto Merrellville ' Pearlington Eiceville Shieldsboro^ (c. h.) . , Thomas Eandall . . . | Sherrod Bird Farr Proctor; Asa H. Hursey William G. Wheat. . Benjamin Sones 51.67 17.47 44.16 6.38 236.88 17.39 12.92 25.86 3.55 67.75 Harrison County. Biloxi Handsboro’ Hester’s Ferry. . Mississippi City. , Pass Christian. . . Eosalee Edward La-sTes Jacob T. Liddle Asa C. Stevens William Moorehouse Burton Sarah A. Hiern John J. McCaughan. 311.091 109.61 120.37 6.0U 97.18 436.54 2.05 Hinds County. Auburn Bolton’s Depot Brownsville Cayuga Clinton Edwards’ Depot Jackson (c. h.) Newtown Eaymond Spring Ei'dge John E. Kelly 67.63 Seth H. Pond 60.42 Andrew J. Perry Hayward Foote F. M. Comfort Eichard 0. Edwards. Christopher E. Dick- son 94.9S 115.98 396.01 154.41 1429.00 W. H. Tribette 43.85 Joseph Gray 457.09 John Coon 58.24 George W. Mimms . . 117.78 43.83 5.00 30.30 321.80 .87 30.85 3.00 73.59 50.65 302.85 11.40 1866.94 20.73 409.13 38.59 161.63 Holmes County. Bolingreen Dulci Ebenezer Emory Franklin Lexington (c. h.) Lockhart’s Store — Eichland Shiloh Tchula Wheeling Tsham W. Jordan. . . 51.28 7.29 Levi Anderson 10.43 3.92 Bailey C. Lovin 11.01 7.81 Jesse E. Bell 36.00 16.00 Ansel A. Hardin 54.00 34.00 William H. Drennan 35.80 13.19 Henry S. Allen 424.60 507.18 Sampson Botters 75.69 40.47 Eobert E. Campbell. 196.79 1 129.13 Samuel Canterbury. 83.20 ! 19.16 William F. Cole 74.18 ! 42.32 James AVhittaker . . . 36.49 18.00 Itawamba County. John S. Aderhold. . . Alfred J. Eoberts . . . Edwin G. Thomas.. Thomas B. Shearer. Mason Cummings. . . George W. Williams John W. Justice . George W. Williams Henry W. Stegall William A. Smith. Jacob L. Dominick. David K. Cummings: Pleasant G. Thomas; Eobert F. Lvons Miles W. McClellan. Thomas J. Gibson. Alfred II. Eaymond. James W. Kyle. Eiley N. Davison. . . William A. Smith.. . Eichard M. Borum.. Boland’s Bigby Fork Campbellton City Point Cummingsville Fremont Fulton (c. h.) Graball Ironwood Bluff Marietta Maryville Minto Mooreville Ozark Pleasanton Priceville Eichmond Saltillo Thompson’s Store. . . Van Buren Woodlawn Tocony iJohu Wylie Issaquena County BrunsAvick Landing Deer Creek Tallulah (c. h.) Alexander M. G uin. Etheldred E. AYest- brook AATlliam B. Farr 21.14 O.til 19.52 2s.n 63.77 84. Ou 11.05 3.93 18.21 14.23 27.00 12.00 MISSISSIPPI. 93 Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Kight-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Jackson County. Brickley Cross Koads . . . Elder’s Ferry. . Dwyer’s Ferry . Jacksou C. n. . Ocean Springs . Pascagoula Enoch N. Eamsay.. John Davis $72.00] 9.00 19.07 William G. Elder. . . •TnniP.a rinfP Samuel Davis 26.63 89.00 186.031 FrederickG.Moeling Hilaire Krebs $34.00 7.00 9.61 8.60 80.00 134.96 Jasper County. Buckley’s Claiborne Davisville Garlandrille Montrose PmiMing (c. h.) Twistwood »Jeflferson County. Church Hill... Fayette (c. h.) . Malcolm Eoduey Union Church. Jones County. EUisville iMoses B. "Welbom. Erata Malcolm F. Smith . Pinnellville ISeborn Wade Kemper County. Big Oak Eli T. Gibson Black Water Joel McWilliams . . . Calvert’s Store !Adam Calvert Cow Creek Henry B. Speir iJe Kalb (c. h.) 'William P. Keoser . . Kemper Springs i Edward C. Mosby.. . Pleasant Springs i John W. Jackson. . . Eocky Mount Uohn H. Oden Scoober j James T. Whitsitt . . Wahalak [Patrick McCalebb . . La Fayette County. Abbeville Banner CaswelL College Hill Dallas Delay La Fayette Springs La Fomba Liberty Hill.. Maple Springs Oxford (c. h.) Paris ^ring Dale Wvatt Haney S. Arnold Eobert I. Brower. . . D. M. Nelson Mary T. Smith ’ John T. Eayburn . . . 'William Powell 1. H. Bigger John McKelly John H. Jones William S. Nichols. . William Delay, Abner Collums William H. Lawshee William H. Brister. . Lauderdale County. Alamutcha Thomas B. Lucy, Sen Battlefield 'James M. Trussel. . . Chunkeyville |Benjamin F. Gaddis Daleville I. L. Wilkinson Lauderdale Springs. James F. Paton.. . . . Marion (c. h.) jJubal B. Hancock. . Meridian 'Alfred Beck Okatibbee lEdward J. Kew Eawsonville I Charles Eawson Sookalena I Peter G. Hughes.. . . Why Not jlsham K. Prindle. . . Zero I Owen Pigford Lawrence County. Brookhaven Fair Eiver Monticello (c. h.) Oak Vale Eayville Augustus 0. Cox AlexanderMcKenzie William C. Lemay.. Obed May John Eay, Jr 42.07 ! 24.14 45.44 42.82 170.52 1480 14.92 96.44 71.61 44.31 24.90 28.79 83.14 19.55 4.31 22.04 19.02 18.29 593.19 27.49 44.11 32.24 50.50 15.41 47.35 63.97 117.97 187.08 6.53 42.41 22.34 152.39 2.87 7.58 7.42 36.18 45.ll 18.28 16.33 17.34 7.75 10.27 2.16 11.60 13.57 11.49 716.80 17.45 21.10 19.13 26.05 9.27 22.85 21.77 59.39 262.25 67 6.00 3.00 10.50 5.54 16.33 7.53 22.74! 9.38 55.001 26.87 4.00 2.00 200.651 249.27 12.81 1 7.00 Joseph E. Buckley.. 27.11 14.81 Thomas C. Moffett. . 34.10 18.79 James S. Tenal 17.56 10.27 William A. Payne . . 89.73 74.94 Eichard W. Burge. . 26.63 22.63 Jonathan B. Gough. 190.64 201.17 N. F. Ferguson — — (William Adams I 62.64; 1 14.69 John D. Burch 282.95 497.98 James Brown 25.03 10.03 John A. Limerick. . . 324.94 247.53 William H. Bowen.. 1 1 59.41 1 1 47.55 Carthage (c. h.). Edinburgh Good Hope Hopahka Pensacola Standing Pine... Thomastown Walnut Grove... Yorka Leake County* Hector H. How'ard.. Johnson M. Hooper. John G. Billingsley. Hewitt Arnold Eobert A. Harris Abram Buford William Joyce John L. Kiernoghan John P. Scrivner . . . $141.17 $169.49 38.09 25.13 34.17 12.09 7.85 3.76 24.56 15.08 108.18 51.95 7.07 3.17 14.50 9.56 Lowndes County. Barton Caledonia Colvmibus (c. h.) Crawfordsville W averly West Point Benj’n M. Howorth. 92.21 Elam Eobinson 47.85 Jacob Isaacs 1219.81 Wm. M. Strickland. 158.18 George H. Young.. . 13.06 Benj’n F. Eobertson 48.55 89.59 37.75 2166.82 73.47 4.15 18.68 Madison County. Battle Springs Beatie’s Bluff Camden Canton (c. h.) Kirkwood Livingston Madisonville Sharon Sulphur Springs Vernon John A. Forrest 27.13 9.29 J • 21.54 37.94 22.97 79.70i 54.51 9.05 3.85 261.49 253.93 18.00 12.00 173.531 145.85 16.49 16.06 i 29.691 16.46 1 1 7.71 6.36 104.75 105.61 ! 22.63 16.34 j 40.46 14.10 ! 8.52 4.39 !| 79.25 29.92 62.82 26.03 j 1 40.41 1 27.85 ' 2.50 1.00 1 19.95 1-3.441 17.92 8.7411 McDonald County — ( Continu ed). Honey Creek Pineville Rutledge (c. h.) White Eock Prairie Burton McGhee . John B. Fulton . . T. A. B. Pearson James T. Davenport $14.33 19.33 13.84 5.00 niacon County. Bloomington (c. h.). Coulter’s Store East Fork Economy La Plata Macon City Mechanicsburgh . . . Middle Fork New Boston Newburgh Ten Mile Woodville Madison County. Arcadia Fredericktown{..56 94.25 AA’arham R. Platts . . 67.68 9.83 Samuel Burt 60.97 13.04 Hope Lathrop 52.78 10.63 Asa Heald 109.16 55.13 Alonzo Bascom 157..04 41.08 Caleb Goodnow 26.65 4.22 Foster Wight 48.81 laso Silas Cummings 310.00 8.15 Ezra Webster 36.0(i Charles C. P. Harris. 77.68 13.00 Frederick Boyden . . 64.46 15.65 Ethan Cutler 79.51 18.75 Joshua D. Colony. . . 1134..32 2169.21 Gideon D. Richard- 16-3.24 60.08 son George W. Garfield^. 56.94 19.77 Orville F. Mack 109.52 41.46 Frederick Taylor . . . •31. ' 2 7.27 Euel Nims 65.02 24.76 .James F. Isham — 53.42 12.04 Edson Starkey 21.03 8.05 •John F. Weaver 151.28 53.39 Prentiss W. Green- 29.43 13.49 wood Jarvis AA’'eeks 62.33 17..31 Willard G. Jones . . . 171.06 53.95 William Rice 8.58 4.34 Frederick A. Gilson. •33.27 19.26 •John M. Whiton, Jr. 71.60 49.59 Daniel H. Mason.. . . 27.63 1.32 Almond Stevens — 29.21 11.50 Elijah Sawyer 87.14 14.23 Edward P. Kimball. 154. S3 41.58 Amherst K. Maynard 396.02 406.98 Anson Cole 78.00 10.03 Charles White 60.29 6.95 Sylvanus Bartlett . . . 34.07 16..34 Jotham W. Frink. . . 105.17 41.21 .John Severance 266.24 155.49 Coos County, [Alexis Garland .."... 7.58 4.04 Greenlief Coffin 9.64 6.36 iOliver H. Alason 93.01 41.08 i Jonas Howe 11.35 5.36 ! Edmund K. A^oung . 12.49 .5.77 illezekiah B. Parsons 17.3.11 181.90 jSamuel AV. Harvey 30.84 20.00 hVlbe Holmes 118.44 35.37 •Joseph T^. Gibb 2.5.48 1.91 [.James B. Sumner. . . 58.82 2.3.15 [.James F. Bragg 16.09 .44 •John E. Hitchcock. . 141.75 38.29 IWavne Cobleigh 5.05 2.22 AVni. H. H. Crawford 8.95 .3!26 vtlivcr P. Alcserve. . . 17.34 10.84 iCharlesL. Plaisted.. 1.5.90 6.37 [Asa B. AVest 12.01 5."7 Harvey Adams ' Ge orge Pitman 37.5.64 .314.00 2-1.92 10.11 1 Lewis Snow 15.' 9 1 9.36 Hiram T. Ellingwood 35.7.5 ' 2' ..39 'James B. Brown j lO' .OO 36.32 |lra Quimby K'O 2.92 iThomas J. Hubbard. 1 48.50! 15.451 Stark Stew'artstown Stratford West Stewartstown , West Milan Wentworth’s Loca- tion Whitefield WhiteMount’nllouse Coos County — {Continued). ClefTord Cole John Flanders. . . ... James M. Mahurin Henry Fling Ezra Horn Ziba F. Durkee. ... Baker Dodge George T. Brabrook. Grafton County. Alexandria Bath Benton Bethlehem Bridgewater Bristol Campion Campion Village — Canaan Danbury Dorchester East Canaan East Haverhill East Lnndatf East Lebanon Ellsworth Enfield Flume Franconia Grafton Grafton Centre Groton Hanover Hanover Centre Haverhill (c. h.) — Haverhill Centre — Hebron Hill Ilolderness Landaff. Lebanon Lincoln Lisbon Littleton Lyman . . . . Lyme Monroe North Dorchester. . . North Enfield North Groton North Haverhill — North Littleton North Monroe Orford Orfordville Piermont Plymouth (c. h.) Eumney South Danbury .. . Sugar Hill Thornton AV arren AVentworth West Campion AVest Canaan AVest Enfield AVest Lebanon AAT-st Plymouth West Eurnney AVest Thornton AVoodstock Horace Ballou Wm. W. Hutchins.. Amos AVhitcher Otis G. Hale B. F. Marston Oscar F. Fowler AVilliam Clark Benjamin F. Cutler. Edwin Cobb ichabed S. Johnson. Benjamin K. Norris. Jonathan Barnard . . Nills Doty AVilliam L. Shattuck. Caleb Plastridge — John Johnson, Jr. .. Mark Purmort John Bobbins Eleazer B. Parker . . Horace Barney Daniel Follansbee . . Augustus G. Bagley. Daniel F. Eichardson Elihu Hurlbut Henry W. Eeding.. Russell Kimball, 'Zd. David Hazelton Isaac T. Parker Jonathan F. Keyes . Eufus H. Noyes . . . Calvin Benton Simon Tuttle John R. Thompson . Cyrus Eastman Samuel Hoskins David C. Churchill.. George L. Williams. Lorenzo AVhicher. . . Alpheus Conant John Kidder Nathan’l M. Swasey. William J. Higgins. . Albert Mason Henry H. Howard.. Eufus C. Beal Joseph 0. Evans John T. Cutter Daniel S. Ward. ... Albert A. Currier . . . Artemas Wells .... Jofiathan Sanboiui . . Charles C. Durant. . . Thomas J. Smith Thomas J. Sanborn. Gordon B. Pattee. . . Denison Sargent. . . . Jewett 1). Holsey . . . James Cochron Joseph Abl.)ott Charles Woodman.. Thomas Vincent Amherst (c. h.) Amoskeag Antrim Bedford Bennington ... Brookline Deering nillslxtro’ CoiFiity. Nathaniel H. George AA’alter B. Jones . . . Charles .AIcKean . . . Oliver L. Kendall. . Oeo. A. AVhittemore Sumner S. Kendall AA'illiam T. AVilkins $21,421 $13.96 24.92 11.87 52.23 22.17 40.98 15.70 28.39 13.00 5.36 3.26 154.79 53.02 61.80 29.13 231.97 149..35 25.50 9.69 68.26 33.85 24.71 1(554 289.59 343.94 62.21 2.5.85 83.88 39.55 149.48 105.18 75.27 10.80 5.20 155.13 74.85 64.01' 25.00 11.12 7.12 55.91 15.42 116.36 21.58 4.3.41 1.73 75.93 20.19 76.26 17.92 39.58 16.72 45.24 — 781.54 117.25 30.29 12.00 296.0t' 506.00 4.46 2.64 67.32 14.51 117.84 34.2.3 210.85 178.44 31.84 13.63 440.41 2322.05 26.31 ■ 9.23 197.17 248.18 301.52 21.16 17.47 12.78 263.99 298.65 76.21 31.14 215.63 41.97 .34.-37 15.55 119.33 41.34 19.60 9.06 243.10 41.80 67.26 — 70.52 48.72 .358.31 535.01 124.36 31.63 .52.12 29.83 26.72 14.68 1.57.77 49.49 173.45 73.25 19..5S 5.39 219.9-: 158.41 1-3.37 5.00 169.47 95..50 26.02 4.63 So. '16 — 39.91 13.64 65.97 16.21 .3.33.10 1 301.04 46.12 1 1.5..52 128.07 33.99 58.32 ^ 10.35 92.91 .5.55 9.3.81 11.90 ' 39.74 j 11.86 104 POST-OFFICES AND P 0 S T -M A S T E R S. Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Right-hand one, net revenue of OfBce to Department. milshoro'’ Comity — {Continued). East Weare Francistown Goffstown Goffstown Centre . . . Greenfield Hancock Hillsboro’ Hillsboro’ Bridge... Hillsboro’ Centre . . . Hollis Hudson Lyndeboro’ Manchester Mason Village Milford Mount Vernon Nashua New Boston New Ipswich North Weare North Branch Oil Mill Village Pelham Peterboro’ Reed’s Ferry South Lyndeboro’. . . Scmth Merrimack . . . South Weare Temple Thornton’s Ferry . . . Weare West Wilton Wilton Robert B. Caswell. . . Charles F. Patch Philo H. Pattee Eliphalet R. Poor. . . Jacob Stephenson. . . John Whitcomb Jonathan Moore Ephraim Dutton Benjamin Priest William N. Tenney. George W. Hills William J. Herrick . Thomas P. Pierce . . George W. Scripture James Taft, Jr Simeon S. Stickney . Daniel R. Baker. . . . George Bowers James M. Gregg John U. Davis Peter C. Gove Almus Fairfield Perry Richards John Woodbury Henry Steele Matthew P. Nichols. Joel H. Tarbell Harding Ball Moses Dearborn Adam R. Searle Caleb Jones George Simons V. S. Holt.... Leonard Pettingill.. Allenstown Andover Boscawen Bow. Bradford Canterbury Chichester Concord (c. h.) . . , . . Contoocook Village. Dunbarton East Andover ...... East Concord Epsom Fishersville Franklin Henuiker Hookset Hopkinton Loudon Loudon Centre Loudon Ridge Mast Yard Newbury New London North Cliicliester . . North Dunbarton.. Northfield Depot . . North Sutton Pembroke Pittsfield Salisbury Sliaker Village South Bradford.... Rowe’s Corher . . . . South Newbury. .. Suiicook Sutton AVarner West .Viidovcr AVest Boscawen AV’est Concord lleimikcr. .-. . Wilmot AVilmot Flat Ideri’imack County. Samuel Martin John M. Shirley Eliphalet K. Webster John T. Morgan John W. Morse Jonathan C. Green- ough Thurston J.Carpenter Jacob Carter John F. Burnham. . Moses Perley Caleb Cross John M. Dearborn. John Wallace John Ellsworth. . . . David Gilchrist John W. Morse Albert S. Rowell. . . Joseph Stanwood.. Ira Osgood ... — Nathan’l D. Clough Esek Young John M. Hayes. . Henry Robey. . . . George AV. Page. Merrill Moore . . . Perley Sargent . . Jacob Sawyer — AVilliam Knowlton.. Nathaniel Bean Samuel Morrill Leonard AVest lohn N. Jones John Cutler John Tennant .Joseph Pillsbury . . . Abner B. Kelly George S. Clement. George AA''. Stevens Charles 11. Clough. John C. Campbell . Merrill Cross Otis Jones $59,071 $23.71 216.77 40.89 142.33 1.08 45.50 8.24 94.64 21.05 149.26 6.59 95.48 ,32.79 167.30 36.36 47.26 14.87 170.40 98.80 55.27 26.28 39.63 10.63 1882.39 5808.52 70.94 28.23 190.65 40.01 567.89 677.83 165.00 2.70 1752.82 3211.78 191.90 — 393.82 410.60 64.47 27.03 54.45 2.96 66.70 27.10 444.98 406.86 100.44 42.55 37.96 18.32 34.98 8.95 40.31 10.13 88.48 20.15 89.28 30.82 85.14 — 71.24 14.95 35.15 10.88 85.61 18.45 135.81 50.69 19.02 8.54 199.96 258.14 80.45 28.70 44.39 15.90 1700.84 5207.00 144.64 — 53.62 8.20 115.24 31.13 82.86 7.29 90.98 40.00 385.44 410.43 464.68 447.20 179.99 21.26 166.25 121.17 212.76 20.24 ■ 82.96 31.39 12.61 3.76 21.67 6.68 ; 2^.24 7.90 238.81 7.72 28.26 14.27 7.34 1.38 62.61 10.46 115.35 8.20 825.30 • 72.22 158.88 77.23 58.40 21.79 19.30 7.98 3.5.18 18.09 197.43 46.03 92.60 42.00 248.02 51.92 92.29 32.84 , SL53 ll.OS 89.88 40.44 :)5.32 2.55 52.72 26.29 90.93 20.92 Atkinson Atkinson Depot Auburn Brentwood Candia Candia Village Chester Danville Deerfield Deerfield Centre Derry East Chester East Kingston East North wood Epping Exeter (c. h.) Fessenden Mills Tremont Greenland Greenland Depot . . . Hampstead Hampton Hampton Falls Kensington Kingston Londonderry Newington New Market Newton North Hampton North Londonderry. North Salem Nottingham N ottingh’mTurnpike Plaistow Portsmouth (c. h.).. Raymond Rye Salem Sandown Seabrook South Deerfield South Hampton South Kingston South New Market . Stratham West North wood. . . . West Windham Windham Rockiugham County. Leverett P. E. Rich- ards Jacob Irving Augustus G. AViley. James C. Robinson Stephen B. Fitts . . . Plumer W. Sanborn Alfred S. Dearborn. Enos Tewksbury . . Enoch F. Stevens, Jr John S. French Ithamer Hubbard. . Robert Shirley Jr. . . Benjamin L. Morrill George W. Ashby. . James L. Rundlet . Daniel Melcher Stephen Fessenden Josiah L. Robinson John G. Pickering James B. Rand. . . Ezekiel Bartlett. . . John A. Towle. . . . James W. Green . George W. Walton Oren Spofford . . Arley Plumer. . . F. W. De Rochemont Nathan H. Leavitt Michael F. Hoyt. . Thomas D. Hobbs Reuben White John Taylor Noah 0. 'Smith . . . John Crawford James G. George . Gideon H. Rundlett William P. Tufts. , Albion D. Parsons Rawson Coburn. . . Henry L. Taylor. . Sarah Ann Brown Francis J. White . Moses Eaton Abner Burbank . . John T. Locke . . . Zebulon AVlggin.. John G. Mead Moses S. Palmer. . Robert Bartley . . . Strafford Coimtv. Barrington Centre Strafford Dover (c. h.) Downing's Mills Durham Farmington Gonie Great Falls Lee Middleton Milton Milton Mills North Barrington. . . North Strafford Rochester Salmon Falls Strafford Strafford Corner Wadley’s Falls John Wilson, Jr. West Milton John Colbath Hiram Hall Demeritt Place Benjamin F.. A'ittum. Samuel Downing, Jr. Alfred D. Hoitt W arrenll.Parmenter Chas. S. Whitehouse Harriet S. Russell. . . Nicholas D. Meserve Fitz Henry Hamilton John S. Edgerly . . . John L. Swlnerton. Hiram H. Carter. . . Joel S. Hall William Jackson . . John P. Emerson. . John W. Jewell George C. Pinkham $71.46 33.00 51.67 24.78 93.01 93.01 166.60 40.i'l 77.99 55.95 276.42 15.15 75.78' 56.45 189.60 1015.32 18.56 95.28 44.34 70.86 190.94 98.^5 42.50 96.41 60.23 17.62 494.83 59.(9 52.72 46.98 26.02 44.92 11.28 177.60 1879.41 110.66 50.36 99.73 34.45 62.47 44.90 37.50 15.! 176.83 71 .^ 61.06 23.12 45.43 43.66 24.52 1562.19 44.55 132.S5 243.54 70.54 1154.13 85.47 18.01 113.92 85.65 7.20 11.27 377.21 454.55 52.66 12.67 21.(7 41.46 $20.44 Sullivan Conn'v* Acworfh Charlestown . Claremont. . . Cornish Flat Crovdon . . . . Chas. M. Woodbury. 112.55 Josiah H. Hubbard' . .38i(. 1 5 AVilUam M. Ladd... 051.1^ Orlando Powers 127.37 David AA^. Frye 53.59 Dellavan D. Alarsh . 2.5.571 Sumner Eaton 2 7.35 i 17.69 8.03 2031.93 26.20 11.83 149.81 19.81 1315.58 11.69 7.92 50.79 27.29 4.04 6.59 821.07 292.29 16.24 7.78 10.40 10.53 20.28 421.67 094.27 24.30 18.65 13.47 13.99 NEW JERSEY. 105 Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Rigiit-nand one, net revenue of Oflice to Department. Sullivan County— {Continued). Miss Susan Ann Mar-i tin Tappan Sanborn. John Haynes Daniel George George S. Thompson John N. Brown. Itoyal Shumway Lemuel Miller. Converse Cole. Dexter Dodge. Henry Alexander. . . East Plainfield . . . East Unity East AYashington . George's Mills Goshen Grantham Langdon Lem'pster Meriden Mill Village North Grantham . d). $23.82 $11.52 j 15.53 3.23 ! 82.32 24.45 i 9.34 5.19 1 29.75 12.77 40.74 19.06 81.45 11.73 90.17 28.26 333.10 — 24.11 11.38 — — Sullivan County — ( ContinuedC), Newport (c. h.) North Charlestown . , Plainfield 1 South Acworth ^ South Charlestown. . Springfield Sunapee Unity Washington West Claremont . . . . West Springfield. . . . Sawyer Belknap Duren M. Dinsmore Bradbury Dyer. . . Harvey C. Piper. . Boswell Eobertson Orra C. Howard . . John P. Knowlton Gilbert Lewis William B. French Leonard Gilmore. Daniel N. Adams. $419.01 $404.80 85.66 .95 59.69 17.91 39.7(1 19.83 39.93 1 2.-36 83.28 14.44 50.63 12.35 89.73 4.11 116.56 16.84 53.26 13.48 40.53 23.16 NEW JERSEY. Atlantic County. Absecon Atlantic City Bargaintown Deed's Point Nay's{h Krusen i Anyelira (c. h.) Ezra Starr Belfast Wellington Tillotson Bclvidere |e. Lv< n Shavs , Birl-U l''rh.v'Sr.lT..?;: 2000.00 25,610.70 74.17 24.75 15.33 8.59 11.28 5.87 16.98 1.96 24.64 15.82 36.63 20.55 157.80 129.05 51.62 22.51 777.83 360.61 16.37 6.81 13.28 4.28 19.91 5.69 26.98 10.00 137.43 44.57 76.23 83.17 40.71 19.62 24.17 5.68 18.79 10.57 8.60 4,20 37.56 10.16 36.69 11.19 28.73 11.81 33.31 10.78 29.53 7.42 36.22 23.21 20.14 12.47 10.77 6.78 49.20 16.55 38.33 13.67 14.63 8.59 204.37 179.84 21.42 13.72 57.60 25.64 64.23 34.27 79.59 20.01 25.18 9.31 1378.93 715.12 100.90 86.26 205:67 209.15 20.11 8.01 16.60 8.15 5.65 2.35 818.57 294.28 179.44 101.51 476.31 686.88 253.30 116.47 152.51 47.58 1.26 .54 Black Creek Bolivar Burns Caneadea Centre Almond Centreville Ceres Chautauque Valley. 'Cuba !Elm Valley j Fillmore I Friendship Granger ! Grove Hallsport Houghton Creek. . . . Hume Independence Little Genesee Mills’ Mills New Hudson Nile North Almond Oramel Ossian Phillipsville Phillips’ Creek Eichburg Rockville Eushford Scio Seymour Shongo Short Tract South Bolivar Spring Mills Swainsville Transit Bridge Wellsville West Almond West Clarksville West Genesee Whitesville Whitney’s Crossing. Whitney’s Valley. . . Willing Win Wiscoy {Continued). Ezekiel B. Carpenter Merril Cowles Philander S. Jones.. Henry Burleson Lazarus S. Rathbun. John A. Thompson. George J. Adams . . . John H. Ross Aaron W. Dunkin . . George J. Osborn . . . Abraham Lapham. . Ira D. Hartshorn. . . Freeman Atwood .. . William Jones Jabez Card Truman Hall Jonathan Nye, Jr. . . John C. Green Ephraim Fairlamb.. Augustus Goodrich. Jos. V. D. Kelly Luther B. Whitwood William Howe Horace E. Purdy . . . James Lemen Alvan E. Parker . . . Silas W. Cartwright. Jesse O. Gould .... Arthur S. Lanning. . William A. Stewart. James E. W eston . . . Ichabod B. Sharp . . James E. Wood Jacob L. V an Winkle Gilbert Chapel John B. Robbins . . . Joseph Doyle George D. Frisbie . . Ephraim A. Smith. . Stephen Prentiss . . . Anson Congdon — Albert K. Crandall. . Dugald C. White . . . Andrew Whitney. . . Firman Boylan Hiram York Joel B. Kenyon Luther Couch Eroomc County. Barker |Nathau Harrington. Binghamton (c. h.) . Joseph B. Abbott.. . Castle. Creek Moses Puffer Castle Creek Corners Daniel W. Eanney.. Centre Lisle Elias W. Seymour. . $60.75 1 $31.89 57.79 ! 32.66 75.28 1 39.99 104.65 1 56.49' 5.65 8.69 88.42 45.55 111.45 48.46 8.36 4.72 530.78 547.00 5.38 3.69 76.07 41.48 310.20 218.52 26.35 14.16 32.57 20.96 23.80 10.97 9.56 4.52 113.88 118.04 22.28 14.93 66.83 15.91 17.54 11.32 52.09 33.07 60.50 32.97 13.34 8.32 234.64 104.31- 19.94 10.10 294.60 119.27 19.90 13.16 85.52 45.50 15.29 9.99 864.08: 868.33 250.49 101.46 27.40' 6.04 18.42- 10.85 43.:391 23.89 7.40 [ 5.06 33.51 - 21.01 26.631 14.95 12.47: 6.12 501.82! 607.18 37 . 12 ; 18.90 15.981 7.51 6.26 1 3.89 67.35 1 32.96 110.59 52.26 5..’>4i 2.23 8.63 1 5.19 40.741 18.49 1961.-11 294.5..55 45.62 21.80 2.39 1.26 44.7L 15.95 NEW YOKE. 109 Left-band column shows compensation of Postmaster. Eight-liaud one, net revenue of^fflce to Department Broome Coimty — {Continued). Centre Village Chenango ; . Chenango Forks . . . Colesville Conklin Conklin Centre Corbettsville East Maine Glen Aubrey Harpersville Hawleyton Hooper Killawog Kirkwood Lisle Maine Nanticoke Springs. . New Ohio Ninevah Osborne Hollow Port Crane Kandolph Centre . . . Sanford Susquebannah Tracy Creek Triangle Union Union Centre Unitar i a Upper Lisle Yallonia Springs .... Vestal Vestal Centre West Colesville West Windsor Whitney’s Point Windsor East Eandolph Elton Fairview Farmensville . . Five Mile Pun Franklinville. . F reedom Gowanda Great Valley . . Haskell Flatts . Hinsdale Leon. Limestone . . Little Valley Machias Napoli New Albion. Clean OnoviUe Otto Perrj'sburgh Plato Portville Kandolph . . . Eawson Sandusky . . . Sociality . . . . Edward P. Northrup $38.02 $21.47 Hawley Thomas — 6.68 1.76 William B. Squires. . 156.95 77.58 Nathan K. Williams 7.70 5.00 Edward Y. Park . . . 28.05 14.28 William Whitney . . . 10.90 4.71 Ira Corbett 11.79 6.15 Silas Brown 8.50 6.17 George W. Smith . . . — — Henry A. Olendorf. . 89.53 32.92 James C. Johnson. 86.92 10.47 Noyes Salisbury 41.00 17.35 I’eter T. B. Emmons 100.09 49.69 William H. Stoddard 65.39 26.14 Derrick S. Ball 105.47 93.59 Edwin P. Smith 19.03 6.36 Levi Pratt 11.09 4.83 Franklin Edgerton. . 59.75 30.12 Alonzo Everts 16.52 8.37 Hannon V. Waite . . 13.48 5.98 Alvin Griggs 11.72 7.77 Andrew Kedzie 29.27 — Harley Doolittle 22.52 11.30 Lncius Barnum — ■ Dexter Whitney 56.65 23.21 Ira Chandler 212.96 97.39 Aaron Heath 45.15 13.87 Daniel Hurlburt 8.76 5.70 Darius Pratt 83.34 42.53 William C. Poyer.. . 26.47 14.25 Samuel B. Foster . . . 32.27 16.95 Arad Platt 20.11 13.11 Justus Pickering 13.79 9.69 Daniel Phillips, Jr. . 9.89 6.15 Lewis Tufts 145.49 74.79 Harper Dusenbury . 156.20. 48.74 araugus County. lErastus Willard 236.82 110.12 John Van Slyke 44.71 28.70 John Boardman 12.29 5.37 Eobert Eeid 48.46 25.83 Grin W. Tubbs 129.40 74.27 ! Charles McGlashan. 37.78 16.74 'John D. Knowlton. . 25.21 15.50 Jonathan Shephard . 47.80 26.21 Alonzo Wiltse 20.57 1.3.90 Stephen Laing 61.72 39.78 Horace H. Holt 224.17 298.03 1 Wm. A*. Beardsley. . 25.34 14.72 {Jacob S. Nottingham 29.44 18.26 Horace Eazey 476.19 452.67 Eeuben BroAvn 19.30 13.58 GriflSth G. Griflfith . . 26.83 16.15 John T. Cummings. 75.21 39.26 Cornell Wiltse 1.77 .81 David McClure 176.14 101.72 John Lewis 26.78 17.52 David N. Brown . . . 328.93 332.09 Andrews L. Norton . 46.48 26.66 Morris N. Brown . . . 12.95 7..33 Thomas T. Wasson. 215.46 95.49 William S. Morris . . 15.49 10.22 Benj’n C. Townsend James W. Phelps . . . 127.56 51.60 John Cooper 89.73 73.89 Daniel Warner 32.19 1.5.56 Fuller Bucklin 194.32 149.99 i William Loomis 111.64 56.99 Silas Earl 58.35 24.62 John Kinnicutt 45.98 22.09 David Day 478.37 534.15 Erasmus D. Fenton. 13.28 8.46 Warren D. .\llen . . . 99.08 44.25 Amaziah Clark 76.64 37.06 Christopher Church. 8.97 . 5.67 William Wales 139.23 61.85 Enfield Leach 303.10 294..33 Silas S. Seelv 24.63 11.03 Milo Holmes 77.88 34.58 Nelson Hillebert 12.24 6.09 Cattaraugus Cotmty — {Continued). Sugartown . . . Ten Mile Spring Tuna Versailles West Yorkshire. Yorkshire — .. Yorkshire Centre. . . Virgil Eeed 1 $15.15 Jonathan Crick 10.14 Jeremiah Cronen. . . 5.00 A. A. Walker 100.39 Edwin L. Marsh 33.43 Elliot A. Cobb 71.33 Henry Howe 45.63 Cayuga County. Auburn (c. h.) Aurelius Aurora Cato Cayuga Conquest Dresserville East Genoa East Venice Fair Haven Five Corners Fleming Fosterville Genoa Glen Haven Ira Kelloggsville King’s Ferry Ledyard Levanna Locke Martville Meridian Montezuma Moravia Niles North Sterling Owasco Owasco Lake Pantico Poplar Eidge Port Byron Scipio Scipioville Sempronius Sennet Sherwood’s Sterling Summer Hill The Square Throopsville Union Springs Venice Victory Weedsport Westbury Elmore P. Eoss ' Cornelius M. Peek . . 1 John Marsh | Edwin G. Allen i And’w S. Cummings David Horton | Jehiel Mather | HoraceLeavenworth Fulton Goodyear. . . j Garret Van Sickle. . I Samuel C. Lyon Lyman S. Wilkinson Abner Sanders Theodore N. Miller. Calvin T. Haskell. . . Lewis L. Suydam. . . Kenyon Wickes Walter G. Bradley. . Joseph H. Fulkerson Seneca Boyce Barnabas King Heman Myers William Ingham . . . Samuel W. Budlong Charles E. Aikin . . . George W. Dewitt. . German W. Develle John Cuykendall . . . Christopher G. Post. Osman Ehoades William Sprague . . . George Eandall Leonard H. Searing. George L. Watkins. . Ph’p H. Van Schaick Ebenezer H. Quick.. Allen Thomas James Green Alonzo Campbell . . . Peter Vankeuren. . . Jonathan Foster Edward Eldredge . . David Fish Walter H. Sayre Dexter E. Havens . . John W. Tator ..... 1264.09 25.31 254.28 92.T3 196.61 54.83 2T.14 28.19 26.77 55.60 Chautauqne County. Arkwright Arkwright Summit Barcelona Blockville Brigham Busti Cassadaga Centre Sherman Charlotte Centre Cherry Creek Clear Creek Clymer De Wittville Dunkirk Ellery Ellery Centre Ellington Falconer Fentonville Findley’s Lake Fluvanna Forestville Fredonia. Charles Moore Martin H. Town Isaac Shaw Mrs. Jiliette E.Lewis Thomas Flanders. . . Valentine C. Clark.. Charles Phillips . . . William L. Freeman Miss Loanda A.Lake Silas Vinton Thomas G. Bailey . . Henry O. Mackres. . Hiram Eussell George B. Stockton . William S. Scofield . Liscomb Weeks John F. Farman — Harry Abbott Wm. H. H. Fenton. Kobert A. Corbett.. . Samuel Whittemore Benajah Tubbs j Lorenzo Morris i $6.57 5.86 2.60 59.08 16.84 30.53 25.49 4744.04 13.75 234.61 45.13 99.89 30.45 20.49 16.69 11.65 29.49 French Creek IWilliam H. Jones.. 1 63.81 34.26 ' 98.93 42.85 32.43 14.98 111.52 52.58 85.71 39.92 113.64 35.92 196.76 84.69 63.86 34.06 60.21 16.92 101.79 36.25 43.06 25.08 316.46 214.14 193.72 114.18 272.10 87.12 4.10 2.08 27.88 16.31' 126.58 64.59 21.34 7.33 13.58 5.06 112.54 49.12 474.29 376.98 65,26 29.84 70.28 38.56 39.00 14.54 103.12 44.63 65.01 18.87 119.20 66.05 56.87 24.53 26.51 13.24 58.04 29.93 452.38 417.03 56.12 29.06 79.81 39.62 396.06 350.25 56.31 29.84 4.90 3.51 5.00 1.50 20.76 3.21 80.33 14.19 7.91 1.71 136.05 58.95 42.80 20.33 15.16 5.26 45.83 16.48 85.89 44.86 4.3.87 25.47 141.98 74.79 72.79 8.83 1190.17 1.352.16 20.08 12.40 61.70 26.29 150.72 81.74 42.83 22.29 21.09 13.85 1.-32 .85 82.89 13.50 i 292.83 49.87 1 878.72 1520.00 ! 80.36, 15.22 no POST-OFFICES AND P 0 S T - M A S T E R S . Left-hand column shows compensation of Po Eight-hand oue, net. revenue of OfSce to Department. Fi*ewsburgh Friends Gerry Hamlet Harmony Hartfield Irving Jamestown Kiantone Laona Levant Magnolia Marvin JlaymlU (c. li.) Mina. Nashville Oregon Panama Poland Centre Portland Eipley Salem M Eoads Sheridan Sherman Silver Creek Cliautauque County— {Continued). $124.8Ti Hugh A. Frew Nehemiah L. Finn . . Edward Taylor Timothy G. Walker. Daniel Williams Perry S. Barnes Jehial Sackett Eufus Pier Levant B. Brown . . . Volney P. Bull Miss SophroniaShaw Eichard Whitney, Jr Orlando Durkee ... Jesse Brooks Thomas Baker Jason W. Storm — John West Eichard E. Winsor . Ephraim Davenport Philip Mericle Solomon B. Northam William L. Minton.. Hiram N. Wheelock Jay La Due Mrs. Hannah 0. Van Duzer Eodney B. Smith. . . Marcus Cowden John 1. Losee Lucius Bump Charles H. Moon . . . Alexander Morian.. Sidney E. Palmer. . . Yillanova jDaniel D. Morey... . Volusia jWm. A. Crossgrove. Westfield David Mann Smith’s Mills South Stockton Stedman Stockton Towerville Van Buren Harbor Vermont 5.50 254.43 51.00 9T.81 38.96 128.09 963.00 13.34 115.65 25.63 15.29 16.22 2T3.81 49.43 33.30 12.65 237.39 28.53 111.28 162.31 115.65 73.07 219.40 824.82 74.87 12.93 43.20 117.69 12.53 9.69 48.91 30.37 25.80 32.15 $35.67 8.62 21.83 24.87 33.93 12.70 59.07 1043.57 6.87 15.10 6.24 5.21 6.51 167.24 8.90 165.45 10.41 48.00 60.25 49.39 34.62 61.68 104.80 53.08 4.27 26.92 51.97 6.82 3.44 26.45 14.13 12.95 15.42 Chemung County. Baldwin Beaver Dams Big Flats Breesport Catlin Centre Chemung Chemung Centre . . . Elmira Erin Green Hill Horseheads Mill Port... North Chemung. . . . Pine Valley Post Creek Seely Creek South Erin Southport State Eoad Sullivanville Van Ettenville Veteran Webb’s Mills Wellsburgh Ayreshire Bainbridge Bennettsville Cheshircville Church Hollow. . . Columbus Coventry Coventry villc East German East Greene East Guilford East McDonough. East Pharsalia.... Gcneganislet Gorman Greene Guilford John S. Gunterman. 15.72 9.01 Byron Frost 26.64 18.57 Nelson Hotchkiss. . . 137.54 72.12 David L. Lincoln . . . 12.93 9.45 Nelson Colegrave. . . 4.00 1.60 Henry Baker 133.80 86.59 Daniel Bean 5.50 3.00 Daniel Stephens 1436.80 4195.17 Francis Hollenbeck . 6.31 3.97 Hiram Eoushey 14.59 9.43 Samuel H. Maxwell. 882.21 108.38 Luna White 195.56 84.06 Johnson Little 17.57 8.39 Curtis Miles 27.37 13.69 Jacob Bucher 11.48 6.89 Finla M. Jones 84r.l9 15.61 John Mitchell 8.68 2.45 Charles Evans 53.95 24.89 Alexander H. Park. 6.61 5.13 Simon Bozzard 25.06 20.80 Guy Purdy 31.92 16.24 George L. Worden.. 17.70 12.46 Sylvester W. Brees . 25.89 16.19 Elias Wyckoff 113.69 45.47 enango County. George F. Hard 10.19 5.83 Simeon Sheparson. . 252.87 270.32 David Van llorne . . 40.11 21.23 Leonard Foot 9.79 8.71 Samuel Moore 8.22 4.86 ' Grant B. Palmer — 61.37 18.33 George W. Cornish. 119.82 49.71 Peleg Pendleton — 87.36 14.66 Luke Carr 12.79 5.56 Albert Jewett 85.48 16.83 Samuel Elwell 27.88 13.58 Stephen Eandall 6.87 8.87 George L. Baker — 49.41 13.51 Alvin' Gray 18.25 5.24 Alexander Ferris. . . 10..36 4.54 . William D.- Purple. . 897.17 881.03 . Nathan W. Cady . . . 107.89 28.98 , George F. Humphrey 1 47.04 16.61 Chenango County — {Continued). King’s Settlement. . . Liuklaen McDon Mount U New Be New Berlin Centre. North Linklaen North Norwich North Pharsalia., North Pitcher Norxoieh (c. h.). . . Otselie Oxford Pharsalia Pitcher Pitcher Springs. . . Plymouth Preston Eockdale Sherburne Smithville Flats.. Smyrna William Johnson. . . | $6.40 John L. Eaton I 22.24 Theodore Hill I 65.63 Chauncey S. Graves 92.35 Thomas H. Avery I 295.49 Avery Williams j 10.90 Joshua C. Davis : 4.91 Alfred Paul .53.25 South Bainbridge... South New Berlin . . South Otselie South Oxford South Pitcher South Plymouth West Bainbridge . ., White’s Store Ichabod Crittenden. Joseph H. Stanbro. . Sherwood S. Merritt. Amaziah D. Parker. Cyrus A. Bacon Calvin G. Brown . . . Ebenezer C. Lyons. . . Daniel M. Chapel. . . Henry S. Miller John Noyes Eansom Clrrk Edmund Shaw Benjamin Brown. . . David B. Leaven- worth Cornelius Atherton . Alva Babcock David B. Parce Ebenezer Park Eoswell K. Bourne Miss Adeline M. Johnson Thomas Nichols George B. Winsor.. 38.04 965.46 83.06 610.00 29.13 76.62 8 . 00 : 44.25 85.43 28.48 392.97 j 50.46 191.571 140.83 1 103.191 75.18 9.22 14.43 10.64 11.80 14.611 $3.40 11.43 27.82 42.57 288.15 4.43 2.79 20.07 21.90 741.38 13.89 620.00 9.06 21.89 4.00 18.57 15.97 14.31 288.52 24.32 66.04 67.65 89.46 25.75 5.04 8.69 5.19 7.07 8.73 Clinton County. Beekmantown Black Brook Cadyville Champlain Chazy Churubusco Clintonville Dannemora East Beekmantown . Ellenburgh Ellenburgh Centre . . Frontier Garlick Falls Ingraham Mooer’s Moore’s Forks Morrisonville New Sweden Perry’s Mills Perce Plattsburgh (c. h.). . Bedford Eouse’s Point Saranac Schuyler’s Falls Sciota Union Falls Valcour West Chazy West Plattsburgh.. . Ancram Ancram Lead Mines Austerlitz Canaan Canaan Centre, Canaan Four Corners Chatham Chatham Centre ners Churchtown Clavorack . . Clermont Copake Thomas Fassett 45.54 John Pogers. 96.25 Wm. H. "Brockway. . David Finley 347.26 Eussell C. North 129.10 John M. Humphrey. 29.42 Samuel Y.Fitzgerald 240.00 Heman Lowry 1 83.06 John Pierce 1 30.61 Eussell W. Eanson . 90.42 Brackett L. Prescott . Anson Hogel ' 28.58 Benj’n J. Scripture. . I John Vaughan i 10.32 John P. M. Eansom.; 168.28 Asa Corkins ! 106.95 John T. Finn 32.39 Wm. V. B. McLean . ' 49.11 Lucian Perrv 49.22 Leon L. Channell . . . 190.04 Charles S. Mooers . . 1108.09 Daniel Dusten 71.32 Eufus Heaton : ; 579.26 Ebenezer Kimball . . i 77.16 Hiram H. Everett. . . 96.37 Cyrus Stafford i 29.44 John T. Duncan i 9.95 David K. Day ; Daniel Dodge ^ 104.44 Nathan A. Vaughan , 31.40 lumbia County. Peter P. Eossman. . . 42.33 John S. Eockefeller. 23.21 Aaron Bell 34.53 Samuel Frisbee 41.92 Norman W.Williams 14.66 John W. Pitts 144.9(> Seth Daley 114.06 Jacob V. 11. Scher- 65.65 merhorn John H. Mesick 3SS.87 Albert Shelden 14.58 John H. Dickie 364.22 Joseph Shirts 1 5S.56 William Elliott 127.05 J. Lee Bliss 17.02 61.04 316.84 51.82 16.50 197.85 38.50 14.96 65.57 16.63 5.32 85.08 65.65 15.31 29.65 28.77 78.09 1435.41 24.46 169.60 89.18 45.66 17.59 7.30 57.42 15.66 2.3.11 15.44 17.13 19.92 4.17 88.73 69.28 43.52 504.48 8.21 9.34 21.79 54.54 NEW YORK. Ill Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Right-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Colvmbia County — {Continued). East Chatham John Knight $114.6T 9.59 57.76 1S.63 91.25 84.' Elizaville Henry Kipp .... Elat Brook Wm. S. Woodworth Gallatinville James D. Niver... . Germantown Elias Miller Ghent Philip W. Mull Glenco Mills Henry Heermance . Green Eiver Lewis B. Adsit Harlerntdlle Eleazer Tracy Hillsdale Eefine Batting JIudson (c. h.) Henry C. Miller Kinderhook Lawrence A^anBuren Livingston Henry Hare Malden Bridge Eussel D. Ashley . . Martindale Depot. . . Martin Ham Mellenville .' Jeremiah M. Storm Moffett’s Store Ezra Waterbury . . . New Britain Allen B. Davis New Lebanon Moses Y. Tilden. . . New Lebanon Centre Freder’k AV. Everest New Lebanon Spr’gs Hampton C. Bull. . . Niverville Edward Carr. . . . , North Chatham John Schermerhorn North Copake Benson Simpson. . . Philmont Cornelius M. Horton Smoky Hollow Christopher Germon Spencertown Denison J ones . . Stockport Andrew Moore . Stuyvesant Stuyvesant’s Falls . . ‘Peter A. Van Allen Taghkanick j Jacob Boice Valatie . John H. Corning. . . West Taghkanick. . . I Robert A. Boraback Corilandt County* Blodgett Mills Cincinnatus Cortland Village cM. Cuyler East Homer East Scott East A^irgil Freetown Corners. . . Harford Homer Hunt’s Corners Keeney’s Settlement. Lapeer Little York McGrawville Marathon Messengerville Preble Scott Solon South Cortlandt Taylor Texas Valley Truxton Union Valley Virgil WUlet ! John H. Tanner — [George J. Kingman [Hiram Crandall . . . 'Amaziah Parker. . . George Geutcheus . Alvin Kellogg Alexander McVean William W.S wetland Simeon E. Griffin. . George Ross Lewis Swift Alvin Brown . * Royal Johnson. ... James E. Cushing. . Leander B. Palmer. Anson Peck Bradley M. House. . Leonard F. Barrett. William Alvord . . . Samuel Emerson . . . Enos Smith Orrin Leonard Robert E. Beach. . . Lytle Ferguson Nelson L. Brooks. . Edwin P. Slafter. . . John S. Dyer Delaware County. Andes Alex’r B. Douglas., Barbourville Harvey Bryant Batavia Kill John Loughran — Bloomville jAValter Hill, Bovina Brushland Cabin Hill Cadosia Valley Cannonsville Clark’s Factory Clovesville Colchester Croton Davenport Davenport Centre. . . Delhi ic. h.) Thos. McFarland, Jr Edward McKenzie. James Marshall — Alexander Kiersted AVilliamK. Owen.. Henry A. Clark — John Kelly Perry Radeker Andrew T.Treadwell John Sherman . Edwin E. Brown Crawford B. Sheldon 43.94 84.30 192.S3 1817.54 3^8.71 82.83 81.56 '81.55 55.02 87.06 7.40 168.99 60.14 189.17 49.74 49.09 44.: 5S.-12 33.35 104.-30 105.59 113.78 82.31 10.08 336.77 19.26 29.06 18S.7S 676.72 46.46 22.32 1-3.50 21.20 45.24 79.02 750.0(i 17.29 17.93 30.00 260.17 196.30 111.23 146.74 34.80 17.14 52.60 15.26 182.52 29.18 111.02 46.89 114.16 15.01 6.40 90.8-3 28.32 .53.80 14.38 33.40 7-3.65 56.82 3''.S8 24.80 85.62 91.23 5.5.14 563.40 $50.12 5..33 23.79 11.11 42.00 46.43 17.58 14.46 84.64 2803.00 291.55 30.01 37.55 7.63 23.48 17.13 4.63 85.39 81.14 183.28 12.91 81.43 16.77 9.27 8.81 61.56 22.18 41.05 44.20 6.77 282.02 7.00 15.00 145.89 1034.44 26.05 10.36 10.69 11.17 25.05 36.79 650.00 11.47 13.15 , 18.00 3.61 76.8-3 62.98 273.92 15.51 11.-35 28.78 7.56 160.4-3 15.75 88.19 28.72 71.81 6.52 4.48 27.10 13.42 31.98 7.64 20.34 56.97 82.27 11.-36 11.48 8-5.78 5-5.42 1 -5.-35 589.10 Delaware County —{Continued). Deposit Downsville . . . East Branch . . Fergusonville Franklin Griffin’s Corners Halcottsville Hale’s Eddy Hamden. Hancock Harpersfield Harvard Hobart Kortright Lordsville Lumberville Margarettville Masonville Mert^dith Moresville New Kingston New Road North Franklin North Hamden North Harpersfield . . North Kortright Ouleout Partridge Island Pepacton Eoxbury Shavertown Sidney Sidney Centre Sidney Plains South Kortright Stamford Stockport Station . . . Stratton’s Fall Trout Creek Walton West Brook West Davenport West Meredith Adriance Amenia Amenia Union Arthursburgh Attlebury Bangall Barnegat Barrytown Beekman Bull’s Head Campbellville Carthage Landing . . Chesnut Ridge City Clinton Corners Clinton Hollow Clove Crouse’s Store Crum Elbow Dover EastFishkill Farmer’s HiU Federal Store Fishkill Fishkiil Landing Fishkill Plains Freedom Plains Glenham Green Haven Hart’s Village Hibernia Hughson villa Hull’s Mill Hyde Park , Silvester D. Hulce . . $596.67 $678.55 . Eenssela’rAV.Elwood 57.48 10.37 . vTCv/l^C’ VV . AXU.UU.CX1, , Sandford J.Ferguson 126.88 1.10 . William W.aters. . . . 397.58 368.67 . John A. Person . . . . 66.47 -32.56 , Jonathan H. Dean.. 16.62 13.09 . Elias Greenmail 40.19 12.84 , Jabez Bostwick, Jr.. 101.80 62.67 , Nelson G. Hyatt . . . .' 31-3.43 197.72 Johnson B. Bragg . . 83.40 37.23 Henry B. Clanson. . . 20.87 8.24 , Wm. B.Champlin,Jr. 168.14 74.88 , Wm. Y. McLaughry 50.51 29.63 Alva J. Lord -32.00 12.00 Nelson Tompkins. , . — — George G. Decker . . 86.09 37.63 Joseph S. Getter 93.88 48.08 , Edward Douglass. . . 73.24 29.12 John L. More 6-3.99 31.28 Isaac Birdsill 22.32 10.78 Daniel Weed 28.67 9.09 William A. Miller. . . 15.53 8.53 Allen Stoodley 7.09 3.29 Levi Seley 26.71 11.64 Calvin M. Tinker '. . . 31.00 13.-33 Thomas Covert 21.49 5.27 James Wheeler, Jr. . 5.86 3.28 Townsend Shaver. . . 16.30 9.32 Wm. W. Noble 100.80 44.10 Alfred Shaver 10.00 5.46 George Thatcher 7.05 2.-32 Samuel Davis 22.04 13.91 Chffrles S. Rogers. . . 55.42 78.29 John S. Andrews . . . 35.82 9.62 Charles Griffin 118.52 54.80 William Knight 39.63 13.15 Ira Hicks 21.29 8.23 Lebbeus L. Teed — 11.83 9.22 Gabriel S. Sawyer. . . 249.18 209.38 John H. Niles 7.S0 4.86 Elisha B. Fero ,23.19 11.93 Martin Leet 22.51; 6.62 itcbess County. Peter A. Baldwin. . . 35.79 15.70 George Conklin . 338.40 303.83 Amariah Hitchcock, 67.98 35.09 Vermilya Brooks . . . 22.97 12.27 John Pulver 21.55 11.54 Nehemiah llalsted.. '56.84 18.1-3 John R. Matthews . . 11.43 7.23 Joseph Martin 181.51 140.58 Jonathan Sweet 52.07 23.80 Frederick B. Schultz 13.93 9.68 John B. Hethrington 9.-34 6.21 Gilbert Budd 42.26 25.09 Edgar Vincent 2.5.11 13.-34 William 11. Bostwick 29.86 6.16 Stephen H. Smith. . . 52.34 12.92 .Tolin A W^ond . . 32.66 17.22 Harrison W. Tilton. . 14.34 7.85 -Joshua Brownell 9.97 5.61 Israel Marshall 24.08 8.24 Hiram W. Chapman 148.41 160.13 Jacob Horton 32.38 15.54 Sherman Howard . . . 10.-311 6.S9 James Hammond. . . 20.09 -3.98 -Tohn W. Brett 35i.36 382.-34 Joseph Cromwell . . . 411.10 298.48 Rynier S. Van Wyck 32.81 14.28 Sumner Mandeville. 23.42 12.3-3 George W. Wescott. 131.47 20.18 William C. Carl 10.93 8.10 Isaac G. Sherman. . . 72.45 24.96 George E. Ketcham. 16.60 5.68 Zach’r’hV. Hasbrook 12-3.78 35.05 Edward P. Barton . . 9.03 2.01 Jacob J. Stall 7.92 4.94 Abraham Way 29.28 13.54 [John Killmer' 62.15 24.66 112 POST-OFFICES AND POST-MASTERS Left-liand colnmn shows compensation of Postmaster. Eight-hand one, net revenue of Office to 'Department. Dutchess County— {Continued). La Grangeville Leedsville. ... Lithgow Little Best Locust Glen — Mabbettsville . . Mansfield Matteawan Milan New Hackensack. . New Hamburgh . . . North East North East Centre . North East Station. Oblong Oswego Village Pawling Pine Plains Pleasant Plains Pleasant Eidge Pleasant Valley Poughquag Pulver’s Corners . . . Quaker Hill Eed Hook Ehinebeck Eock City Salt Point Schultzsville Sharon Station Slate Dock South Amenia South Dover Sprout Creek Staatsburgh Stanfordville Stormville Tivoli Upper Eed Hook. . Verbank Wappinger’s Falls. Washington Washington Hollow. Wassaic Wing’s Station Akron Alden Big Tree Corners.. . Black Eock Black Eock Dam. . . Boston Bowmansville Brant Buffalo (e. h.) Buffalo Plains Cheektowaga Clarence Clarence Centre — Clarksburgh Col den Collins Collins Centre Crittenden East Amherst East Aurora East Eden East Evans East Hamburgh Eden Eden Valley Eggertsville Elma EllicoU Evans Farnliam Four Mile Creek . . Glcnwood (Brooks Vermilyea. . . $19.82 $5.22 Joseph D. Hunt 30.85 4.73 William Sutherland. 49.05 25.40 Bennet Humeston. . . 19.85 8.30 Isaac Van Wagner. . James Mabbett 47.62 29.04 John E. Miller 13.10 5.26 John J. Hall 11.46 5.24 Chauncey Green 295.^7 167.59 John Crandall 26.71 15.92 Henry D. Needham. 40.70 12.75 Thomas Burroughs. 142.50 20.60 Newman Lord 28.00 16.32 John G. Caulkins. . . 48.47 24.53 Harvey Eoe 101.40 136.44 Oliver Barrett 13.53 1.81 James Congdon 33.87 16.51 Orwin Theall 16.3.72 127.68 William Toms 186.65 130.78 Benj’n I.VanKeuren 26.39 F.ll George Weight 4.37 3.24 Joel 0. Holmes 138.58 46.54 Albert 8. Pease 1722.76 4514.20 Stephen V. Eogers. . 67.34 35.15 Isaac J. Sutherland. 20.17 5.96 John P. Hayes 31.16 10.43 Jeremiah Hendricks 223.95 163.69 Albert A. Eider 583.18 587.64 John H. Stilwell 37.39 14.16 Charles Brown 86.58 9.3-i Daniel H. Schultzs. . 21.16 9.95 Noah G. Clark 72.86 2.53 John M. Keese 35.54 19.33 Milo F. Winchester. 50.50 17.51 Daniel White 31.46 11.02 William H. Hopkins. 22.03 6.29 James Eussell 78.55 25.32 Charles Gregory 76.13 28.00 William E. Kelly 48.45 22.30 Philip H. Lasher 276.50 155.20 Gottlob Haas 83.92 28.92 Lewis S. Davis 41.04 18.85 James Eoy 325.54 248.27 John 8. Thorn 110.96 19.80 Seymour Tomlinson. 87.64 25.44 Orville Gridley 54.11 13.45 William B. Eoss 108.11 21.95 Erie County • Silas Tabor 202.33 115.80 Elisha Saunders 195.37 70.85 James Craig 22.95 10.17 George Johnson 253.92 174.09 Charles Manley 200.00 120.00 James L. Drake 87.14 42.96 Eli H. Bowman 73.91 32.71 George C. Akeley . . 4'9.34 21.59 Jame's G. Dickie . . . 2000.00 19,57,!.: 9 Joseph B. Scott 28.68 12.17 Nathan’] Illingworth 40.87 19.72 Samuel Utley 185.20 73.63 John Eshleman . . . 69.80 39.67 Simeon Clark 18.61 6.59 Eichard S. Shelley. . 42.94 16.18 Thomas S. Hibbard. 71.34 36.12 Alexander M. Bruce 84.57 36.42 Henry P. Sadler 63.49 27.24 Christian L. Frick. . 8.98 5.14 James M. Payne . . . 146.35 18.42 John Casper 15.96 6.19 Charles S. Clark 84.51 22.29 Abner D. Potter 108.80 48.63 Hiram E. Jones 87.77 86.72 Joseph Webster ... 26.31 7.77 Chri.stian Eggert . . . — — Warren Jackman .. 80.73 14.99 ' 23.82 12.82 ' James S. Stray 88.79 49.02 i 1 Alonzo D. Winslow. 81.25 7.98 ; I "jr r'iii S how , 'Elisha P. Adams . . . 6.69 5.15 1 , 1 Stephen I. Hedges . 44.63 22.09 1 Erie Cownty — {Continued). Grand Island GritHn’s Mills Hamburgh Hamburgh on the Lake Harris Hill Holland Lancaster Langford Looneyville ■. . . Manila Marshfield Mill Grove Morton’s Corners . . . New Oregon North Boston North Clarence North Evans Patchin Pontiac Eed Jacket Sardinia Shirley South Wales Spring Brook Springville Tonawanda Town Line Wales Wales Centre Water Valley West Falls West Seneca West Seneca Centre Westwood White’s Corners .... Williamsville Willink Winspear Woodward’s Hollow Daniel Morgan 1 $36,051 Benajah Stockwell . 1 58.11 Levi Lawrence i 60.69 Theron B. Eogers . . j 20.63 Joseph E. Koch 14.71 Oliver G. Eowley. . . 87.45 Henry L. Bingham . 346.81 George P. Sippel. . . — Eobert Looney 19.36 Towler Munger — John Potter 17.74 John Holley 60.26 Samuel A. Morton. . 30.54 Timothy Taylor ' 8.08 John Stilwell 34.59 Jared Parker 4.27 James Cleghorn a5.32 Henry Burgess 25.40 William Tunkey . . . 33.67 Asa Whittemore 18.38 Horace Bailey 85.60 Paul H. White 25.04 Greenman Smith . . . 55.98 Asa J. W. Palmer . . 50.00 Camden C. Lake . . . 362.09 Christian M. Eggert. 409.13 Eobert Neel 85.11 Clark Hudson, Jr. . . 40.11 Willard W. Stevens. 63.14 William S. Earl 20.21 J. Hoyt Henshaw. . . 51.63 Nelson Eeed 16.04 Henry F. Hill 4.67 Andrew J. Pickard . 8.50; Abel E. Brayman, . . ^ 29.59 Philip J. Zent ' ‘275.71: Stephen Holmes | 93.79 1 William Winspear. . | 16.58 Isaac Woodward ... 11.30' Essex Cennty. Au Sable Forks Bloomingdale Crown Point Dead Water Iron Works Elizdbetldovm (c. h.) Jay Keene Keeseville Lewis Minerva Moriah New Eussia North Elba North Hudson Olmstedville Port Henry Port Kendall Port Kent Schroon Lake Schroon Eiver Ticonderoga Upper Jay Wadham’s Mills — Westport Whallonsburgh Willsborough Wilmington Thomas D. Trumbull Sidney Carr Chauncey Fenton Herbert L. Cady . . Samuel C. Dwyer Eobert Fortune . . Alex’r M. Pitcher Edmund S. Eussell Gorton T. Thomas William Thompson Absalom P. Morse George W. Lee. . . Lucius Bishop — Hiram K. Wiles. . Charles H. Potter . Benjamin T. Willis John C. Douglass Levi Higby Charles P.'Allen. . Ashley P. Eawson Eussell Eoot Wm. A. G. Arthur Benjamin Wells .. Asa P. Hammond Harvey Pierce . . . James S. Whallon Charles Sheldon. . Walter Child 236.02 28.90 835.32 253.95 324.60 97.20 44.80 854.94 74.49 40.39 252. 78 j 18.73; 23.26 35.03 22.00 303.63 6.86 83.93 163.05 46.01 263.45 29.91 80.53 294.66 68.37 108.92 86.57 Franl^lin County. Andrusville Bano^or Joseph E. Dav Clark A. Patterson.. 119.89 Bombay Schuyler Button Eli Barse 66.11 "Rrnah’Q Afillft • 67.41 T^i^r|rA Giles W. Smith 25.26 Chateau<’"ay Silas A. Douglas — Smith M. Payne — George J. Cook — 840.89 Chateaugay Lake . . Cook’s Corner 6.98 $21.29 28.46 30.34 7.37 8.00 35.32 246.66 8.56 8.36 80.56 15.26 4.25 18.83 1.31 53.31 13.94 17.80 10.55 26.54 15.94 15.53 25.00 75.81 313.12 44.17 19.68 25.10 9.27 24.26 9.84 2.55 5.50 16.32 147.03 33.77 .17 8.15 84.40 8.48 316.39 175.98 261.29 44.65 20.04 949.16 26.62 192.32 7.36 9.35 17.75 10.56- , 303.92 4.60 84.59 69.02 10.43 197.20 14.32 83.44 207.19 72.36 65.97 22.59 76.40 80.08 23.16 1S.S2 818.44 4.56 NEW YORK. ns Left-hiuiii column shows compcnsution of Postmaster. Eight-hancl one, net revenue of Office to Department. Dickinson l Simeon C. H Dickinson Centre. . . jHarvey M. S; Duane John Phipps East Corfstable i Joel Perkins Hogansburgh lAlCred Fulton. . . Malone (c. h.) Charles Durkee North Bangor [George H. Stevens North Burke jDavid Bush.. Saranac Lake iMilote Baker. South Bombay George T. Burgess Trout Eiver Elisha Hollister West Constable iNelson Wiley FiiUon County. Bleeker Broadalbin Cranberry Creek . . , Crum Creek Ephratah Garoga Gloversville Johnstoten (c. h.). . . Keck’s Centre. Kingsborough Lassellsville Lotville Mayfield Mill’s Corners Newkirk’s Mills Northampton North Broadalbin. . . Northville Oppenheim Osborn’s Bridge Perth Kockwood Sammonsville Stratford Union Mills Vail’s Mills Westbush West Galway West Perth Whitesburgh John D. Shaver. Alonzo J. Banks John A. Beilis. . Bussell Wells Leander Wood son Isaac Combes James Dunn . Joseph Keck. Daniel Potter Harvey D. Smith . John P. Swartwout. Seth Cook George Stewart. . . Elli Dennis George W. Berry. John S. Hyatt .... Irwin H; Van Wart. Peter J. Hoes . . John M. Swobe James B. White . . . [ Genesee County. Alabama {Selah Vosburgh Alexander jAbial W. Ensign — Batavia (c. h.) | William Seaver Bergen ; Horace S. Green . .. Bethany Carlos A. Huggins . Brookville Lucius Farnham . . . Byron James W. Seaver. . . Corfu Eobert Millar Darien [ Quartus Graves . . . Darien Centre Benjamin Vickery. . East Bergbn Gilbert Churchill . . East Betiiany William H. Eumsey. East Elba Alonzo J. Ilulett East Pembroke Eeuben Babcock . . . Elba Alvah U. Willis Le Boy i Alanson T. Drake . . Linden Buf us B. Spencer. .. Morganville German Lathrop . . . North Bergen ;D.aniel F. Merrill... North Pembroke Levi Blackman Oakfield Bansom Deshon Pavilion Warren Fay Pavilion Centre Josiah N. Eogers... Pembroke Alvin Harroun Boanoke Joel P. Beed South Alabama Jacob Winslow South Byron John Bean Stafford William Barnett vedH). d $21.80 $13.3T n 22.51: 10.09 8.78 1 3.79 . 82.35 46.45 . 364.6? i 111.71 . 41.8^ i 25.59 . 79.81 ' 38.10 . 838'.0? ! 980.84 11 8.04 i 4.12 e 107.71: ; 95.03 . 59.58 i 29.34 . 21.41 ' 13.55 . 31.12 1 10.77 — — ; 78.43 1 50.41 6.29 1 4.07 . 66.32 ! 45.17 . 48.32 1 36.93 . 294.32 ! 324.87 . 12.29 ' 6.99 y 6.26 7.63 . 47.38 27.93 ■ 22.05 10.06 . 413.62 411.64 . 636.63 560.18 . 108.21 28.86 r 24.65 12.61 — — . 68.77 38.39 6.29 4.58 . 34.50 20.47 . 107.64 47.61 . 26.18 12.78 ' . 111.68 41.64 . 86.10, 18.75 . 35.17 17.73 30.34 14.89 43.87 19.71 18.48 9.92 , i 40.63 24.71 i , ' 13.06 6.84 i- i, 49.69 29.27 1^ 1 12.40 7.22 ; 76.59 36.21 ! 8.52 6.90 ■ ! 14.70 7.86 - 105.89 70.00 174.12 131.89 1491.12 1556.12 233.89 •85.33 ] 73.87 31.26 ] 13.77 7.95 < 145.29 130.69 J 190.51 112.64 ( 101.52 35.37 ( 100.64 73.76 ( 16.52 10.37 I 62.16 28.73 I — I 123.97 63.08 I 192.60 107.11 I 1181.64 1193.67 I 67.40 23..35 I 63.87 36.75 T 73.29 45.43 I 41.11 27.11 C 277.07 1-34.02 G 108.13 63.47 1 1 45.04: 18.71 I 83.85 i 48.37 J ! 15.46: 7.09! I j 82.43 45.05 j I 176.46 74.04 A 1 156.491 76.111 A Genesee County — {Continued). Stone Church . AVest Batavia . West Bergen .. West Bethany. Orison Stephens $44.84 Alva Winans 38.44 Eobert L. Traver . . 36.80 Heman Brown 3.64 $30. 8o 1T.34 22.44 1.53 Creesie County. Acra Ashland Athens Big Hollow BushnellsviUe. . Cairo Cutskill (c. h.) . . Cornwall ville . . , Coxsackie Durham East Durham . . East Jewett East Windham Gayhead Greenville Heusonville Hunter.. Jewett Centre. . . Kiskatom Leeds Lexington Medway New Baltimore. Norton Hill Oak Hill Palenville Prattsville Bed Falls South Cairo South Durham . . . Tannersville Union Society West Kill West Lexington . . Windham Centre. Daniel S. Lennon Sanford Tuttle . . . James G. Foster John B. Fish Francis P. Dewey. William Pierson. . Joseph Joesbury . . . . D. France Henry Hermance.. . Erastus T. Peck. . Amos Cleaveland Alanson Woodworth Ira Sherman Orson Howard Bradley S. McCabe. . Simon Winfield Frederick Beach. . . West Chase Jacob S. Bloom Silleck D. Smith Newman J. Lament. Frederic S. Green. . . Henry Slingerland . . Nehemiah Eamsdell Henry I. Peck Charles H. Teal Philander K. Salis- bury John E. Bassett Zerah Ferry Gilbert Curtis Norman H. Gray. . . . Thomas Day Elijah P. Bushnell.. Austin Chase Noble P. Cowles . . . Hamilton County. Hope Centre. jMorehouseville (c.h.) Leonard Anibal King H. Hall Elias P. Gilman James H. BrowneU . John Eesseguire Aaron B. Sturges . . . Havilla Winchell . . . John C. Holmes William J. Powell. . . Herkimer County. Zachariah Popple... Addison Lamberson. John Gird William H. Morgan. Cameron Moon James B. Hawks Job Bronson Peter Green Alexander V an Slyck William M. Dutton.. John D. Champion.. Patrick M. Smith . . . Arthur D. Ward Jarius Mather Absalom Hotaling. . . Elisha AVetmore, Jr. Henry Bills William L. Gray Hubbard H. Morgan Ira E. L. Hamilton. . Adam Miller 31.041 17 34 240.20 183.49 229.09 92.49 9.20 5.06 17.18 10.92 182.13 82.99 962.42 1223.07 7.17 5.09 449.36 578.93 145.85 82.56 64.30 33.97 7.24 4.50 6.S0 3.05 8.30 6.74 129.66 47.67 11.61 7.55 80.52 28.46 8.83 4.98 24.10 14.56 177.03 19.90 57.97 26.22 85.35 20.30 111.11 52.U 30.70 17.77 75.13 41.87 49.75 29.94 250.99 241.57 60.21 30.30 25.54 12.80 23.27 13.40 25.00 14.71 18.35 6.66 75.53 45.94 8.18 6.58 145.17 118.10 10.10 7.10 9.96 9.18 1.80 1.31 6.06 3.74 10.57 7.10 9.50 4.81 27.66 14.46 15.01 3.22 41.54 27.04 Horatio N. Johnson. •e. [John Marked Samuel C. Franklin. ! 24.02 1 13.09 ■ 125.58 : 52.75 27.87 17.67 116.56 47.66 58.27 82.76 28.78 20.43 2.34 1.17 , 15.41 11.56 52.78 25.15 52.29 23.15 40.04 20.92 10.19 5.79 274.94 5.71 292.86 251,64 40.71 24.61 24.48 12.21 42.89 19.78 497.14 89.5.90 363.28 292.59 71.64 30.42 40.93 17.93 1259.75 175.5.48 83.71 1 10.81 130.69 i 53.00 8 114 POST-OFFICES AND P 0 S T -M A S T E RS . Left-hand column shows compeusation of Postmaster. Kight-liand one, net revenue of Otflce to Department. Herkimer County — {Continued). Mohawk New Graefenberg. Newport Newville North Winfield . . Norway Ohio Page’s Corners . . . Paine’s Hollow , . . Poland Kussia Salisbury Salisbury Centre . . Soijth Columbia . . Starkville Van Hornesville. . Warren West Schuyler West Winfield Wilmurt Winfield Adams Adams Centre Alexandria Antwerp Belleville Black Eiver Brownville Burr’s Mills Cape Vincent Carthage Champion Champion South Roads Chaumont Clayton Clayton Centre Dcpauville D< xter East Iloundsfield. . . . blast Rodman Ellisburgh Evans’ Mills Felt’s Mills Great Bend Henderson La Fargeville Le Eaysville Limerick Lorraine Mannsville Military Road M men’s Bay Narrows Natural Bridge North Adams North Wilna Omar Orleans Four Corners Oxbow PameliaFourCorners Perch River Philadelphia ; . . Pierrcpont Manor. . . Pillar Point Plesis Point Peninsula Redwood Pobcrts’ Corners Rodman Rural Hill Rutland Sackct’s Harbor Saint Lawrence Sanford’s Corners. . . Smithville Soulli Kulland Stcrlingville Stone Mills Stowell’s Corners Richard Hooper Abner Reede Lewis L. Jabez . . . Alford Allen Simeon Oaks George O’Leary.. . Samuel B. Starr . . Ira Hall 432.49 83.32 82.U9 94.39 51.11 SS.94 61.77 19.12 411.02 19.78 7.10 70.22 19.73 86.30 23.06 4.S3 Leonard B. Root $41 6.97; $324.49 Richard Holland . . . 67.52 ' 34.39 Sherman Wooster . . 313.55 840.41 Ezra Jones 28.98 15.54 Nathaniel M.Morgan 21.99 12.40 Jeremiah Smith 77.113 38.74 William Coppernoll. 39.08 23.09 Rufus W. Crain 23.40 12.07 Asa C. Eichtmyer. . . 16.56 8.46 James Bebee 60.74 26.42 James Policy 65.49 27.93 Frederick Ives 100.04 33.34 John Bliss 96.85 39.87 Philip Haner 19.98 12.03 John A. Walrath — 56.95 21.71 Julius Dayton Munn 68.35 32.45 William Kinne 42.29 22.43 Vaughn Sweet 41.88 21.94 Sewell S. Morgan.. . 190.82 67.82 Harvey Nethaway.. 5.50 2.56 Dean Burgess 38.93 21.40 [ferson County. [Mason Curtiss 485.48 554.58 Danforth Doty 171.86 72.03 Andrew Cornwall. . . 90.19 49.11 Joseph P. Ellis 287.27 212.86 Daniel H. Chapman. 205.80 102..59 George W. Hazelton 59.09 34,49 George Brown 278.65 221.06 Dewitt C. Strong 17.69 7.31 Jacob Beringer 942.84 36.76 Benjamin V. Buxton 371.75 364.12 Oran 0. Johnson. . . . 62.63 29,46 Milo S. Twining 15.27 5 77 Alex’r C. Hamblin . . 125.95 74.06 N apol eonB. Johnston 316.77 274.15 Isaac Chapman 2.79 ,59 James Johnson 103.54 49.43 Julius C. Riggs 141.62 101.85 Nelson Jones 24.97 ■ 12.22 Thomas Wait 36.02 14.13 Jeremiah Lewis 85.66 56.51 Henry Walradt 199.011 185.46 Orlen Wheelock 59.14 23.65 Samuel McNeill 77.10 34.69 156.81 86.05 Edgar W. Bedell 125.^7 95.97 Horace Grover 83.59 20.93 John W. Edwards.. 55.74 23.76 Parley Brown 46.73 11.15 James I. Steele 141.43 72.41 Daniel S. Becker. . . . 7.21 8.32 Christ’ph’r Irvine, Jr 31.13 18.54 Thomas W. Collins. . 7.37 3.31 Elkanah French 31.08 10.52 Albert Rice 8.06 5.08 Sanford Lewis 24.25 14.13 Pliny Newton 34.61 14.05 James A. Pierce 13.91 6.91 [Martin V. Brainard. 100.89 45.96 Solomon Baum 74.68 41.08 Hugh Smith 52.23 22.12 [George E. Tucker. . . 100.31 40.81 Jerome Allen 124.98 41,89 John L. Alger 41.69 7.39 vTonas C. Bidleman. . 118.84 103.09 Francis C. Cline ... 22.46 12.10 Abner Burlingame. . 111.26 05.68 Albert R. Lee 12.68 6.64 Almanson Tibbitts.. 138.60 59.74 Henry Green 42.77 19.37 Hiram W. Tuttle.... 7('.88 2.61 Jefferson County — {Contirmed). Theresa Three Mile Bay Ward well Wdiertown (c. h.) . . . West Theresa Wilna Woodville Worth ville Lucius Hannahs $228.40 Menzo Wheeler 180.90 David Wheeler .... 14.64 Wm. H. Sigourney. . 1959.90 'John Rappole 6.78 Nelson Lewis 10.76 John B. Clark 51.80 Henry Hitchcock . . . 24.30 Rings Cousity. Brooklyn (c. h.). Canarsie ' Creseo East New York. Fldthush (c. h.). Flatlands Fort Hamilton. . Gravesend Green Point New Utrecht Williamsburgh . Daniel Van Voorhis. 2000.00 Andrew A. Myers . . 7.00 Alonzo G. Hammond 6.54 Philip H. Reid 146.75 Richard L. Schoon- maker 183.18 John B. Hendrickson 31.41 Joseph Crocker 151.49 Gilbert Hicks 60.81 Isaac K. Snell 398.59 Englebert L. Barre. . 79.51 James Murphy. 1715.33 Lewis Coiintyt Barnes’ Corners Brantingham Collinsville Constableville Copenhagen Croghan Cronk’s Corners Deer Eiver Denmark Diana Glensdale Greig Harrisburgh High Market Houseville Indian Eiver Leyden Lowville Lyonsdale Lyons’ Falls iSlartinsburgli (c. h.) Montague Naumburgh New Boston New Bremen Osceola Pinkney Port Leyden South Harrisburgh. . Sterling Bush Turin Watson West Leyden West Lowville West Martinsburgh. Horace Lucas Adam Deitz James A. Pratt John C. Stiles Gustavus A. Scovill. Joseph Rivet Zebulon S. Jones.. . . Edward L. Hulbert. . Morris IlartM'ell Alanson C. Caldwell. Sherburn D. Mason . Cyrus W. Pratt Oren E. Moody Charles P. Felshaw. Mortimer Smith Darius G. Bent Thomas Baker George S. Case Joel W. Ager Gordias H. Gould. . . James H. Sheldon . . Adam Snell Jacob Rohr, 2d Thomas Taylor J ames H. Morrow . . Seymour Green John J. Goodenough John H. Williams. . . [Egbert Lanpher Howard Sterling j Charles D. Budd i I Joseph Garmon : lOrson Jenks I Luther Hamblin | Van Rensselaer R.j ! Leonard ! Avon Brooks’ Grove . . Byersville Caledonia Conesus Conesus Centre . Cuylerville Dansville Livingston County. George Hosmer Nelson La Rue Robert Denison. Orange Dean, Jr.. . , Hiram Boyd John Magee -Melvin ll. Dales Merritt H. Brown. . 13.90 6.91 32.88 215.76 253.07 30.42 74.00 107.48 19.36 C.i'O 20.03 26.58 11.02 71.40 4.60 101.32 570.70 21.91 77.99 291.42 13.91 37.92 20.58 15.62 59.76 7.16 26.2U 200.20 39.23 59.48 10.08 60.17 459.83 33.00 32.50 280.48 25.06 121.02 12 '.1 .$180.49 82.15 6.36 3528.85 2.21 5.07 24.94 7.89 16,993.n 3.00 3.18 86.47 63.48 20.70 58.36 42.01 321.36 34.52 4371.79 7.49 1.54 16.52 134.63 91.12 20.43 32.41 26.88 9.33 5.00 8.07 14.91 6.14 21.38 3.00 42.88 473.59 6.19 26.07 119.12 5.22 19.94 13.40 6.60 28.43 1.91 16.00 135.92 9.94 32.17 4.84 23.83 395.38 17.15 19.03 198.94 15.28 63.36 34.36 East Avon [Anson Hazard. . . EastGroveland nverp^' East Hill William Robinson East Springwater. . . Isaiah Horton h'eneseo (c. h.) Walter E.Lauderdalel Gibsonville. Joseph Wilson Greigsville Elihu H. Lyman — , Groveland Addi Arner Grovelaud Centre . . Edward P. Fuller. . . [ 997.67 1185.36 125.50 lul.51 36.51 13.62 28.35 772.15 17.25 40.95 53.94 24.13 18.02 7.41 12.65 1028.97 14.37 19.12 32.70 14.85 NEW YORK 116 Left-haaJ column shows compensation of Postmaster, Kiglit-haiid one, net revenue of Ollice to Depai tment. Livingston County — {Continued). Hemlock Lake William B. Lemon. . .$11S.2S 1 $52.21 96.1(1 1 86.36 Inverness William Fraser 191.11 ^3.74 Kysonville Abraham S. Thomp- ' 14.26 1 6.35 114.4.S i 64.82 7(14.26 i 683.51 Livonia. George F. Eamsdell. 1S5.S6 2' >0.00 44.01) 34.00 Moscow Horatio Jones. Sd. . . 19H.10 167.92 §84.87 564.61 J7..38 16.27 515.36 547.67 Nunda Station James Douglass Oakland 47.63 17.94 PiflTard 39.68 13.83 Eidge Andrew J. Sharp . . . . 24.(!0 14.00 Eiver Eoad Forks . . Giles W. Foote 13.72 13.13 Scottsburgh Harvey G. Baker . . . 95.10 56.11 South Avon Josiah Chadwick . . . 57.62 27.84 South Lima Samuel T. De Forest 41.02 20.86 South Livonia Alonzo N. Hastings. 58.08 24.25 Sparta John Culbertson 19.77 9.58 Spring Water Joseph C. Whitehead 14(i;17 88.70 Tuscarora 71.99 43.27 25.86 12.89 York Duncan McIntyre. . . 224.80 61.48 . Madison County* Bennet’s Comers . . . Micah Foster 24.12 13.21 Bouckville ! . . . William Coolidge. . i 86.18 41.72 Bridgeport Spencer Marsh, Jr. . 75.69 41.66 Brookfield Benjamin Gorton, . . . 121.50 55.84 Canastota Edwin E. White 369.01 444.31 Cazenovia George C. Brown . . . 962.41 910.35 Chittenango Perez D. Harrington 481.0(1 894.24 Chittenango Falls. . . Orrin Eansom 22.31 12.25 Clockville Harvey Simons. 101.10 41.41 Cowaselon William A. Snook . . 15.03 9.77 De Lancey Lewis C. York 16.93 13.61 De Euvter. Stephen G. Sears . . . 324.64 268.78 Earlville Joel S. Loveland 223,31 51.07 East Hamilton Franklin Blanding.. 64.66 25.17 Eaton John T. Whitney . . . 302.06 240. 91 Erieville Canfield J. Jennings 53.80 31.94 Fenner Caroline A. Barrett . 26.53 11.09 Georgetown Alexander H. Niles. lpl.89 49.56 Hamilton Henry G. Beardsley. 835.02 1004.27 Hubbard’s Corners . . Clark E. Nash 66.15 36.42 Lakeport John Brezee 27.58 18.79 ■ Lebanon i Edwin M. Lamb 64.47 35.22 ' Lenox Joseph W. Bruce. .. 49.58 26.98 - Leonardsville 1 James H. Brand . . . 156.44 183.30 : Madison • Isaac Curtis, ’id 198.77 78.00 ; JiarrinviUe (c. h.) . . ! James Norton 356.75 OT i CQ iSi-i.eO ( Munsville | William 0. Sumner. 9.3.44 102.09 , Nelson j John Donaldson 66.73 33.52 New Woodstock James Knight 132,74 63.14 , North Brookfield 1 Harry Morgan 82.48 49.32 . Oneida Isaac N. Messinger . 500.00 500.00 ' On cid:iT.akft Airs MaryAI Nichols 42.59 2o 69 i Oneida Valley George T. Kirkland. 49!7] 2t!94 i Perryville ' Orrin J. AVood worth 74.50 44.09 : Peterboro’ ^ Asahel C. Stone 196.15 72.69 ] Pine Woods Benjamin M. Knapp 34.82 22.58 , Poolville Lansing Swift 83.92 19.01 1 Pratt’s Hollow Henry J. Peet 47.0S 30.97 Shed’s Corners Alfred D. Gardner.. 1-3.66 5.32 ] Siloam Abel French 19.04 12,13 - Solsville Alarsden Kershaw . . 70.00 30.00 ] South Brookfield Joshua D. Clarke. . . 48.65 29,24 ^ South Hamilton Lewis Tabor 1-2.00 lo.oO 1 Stockbridge Charles L. Anderson 101.16 50.48 ] Sullivan Wm. T. Abercrombiel 70.56 40.46 1 Wampsville Duncan AIcDougall. 139.60 79.29 West Eaton Joseph E. Darrow , . j 91.51 69.38 f Monro® County. t i Adams’ Basin | James B, Dresser. . . 1 106.571 44.94 S Brighton \ Benj’n B. Blossom..! 129.211 41.84 j Monroe ( "ounty — {Continued). Brockport I Samuel M. Olden. Bushnel’s Basin | Samuel Fairbanks Charlotte IDavid S. Holden . . Chili 'John Panned Churchville Merritt Moore .... Clarkson Clarkson Centre Clifton East Clarkson. . . East Penfield ... Egypt Josiah C. AldrichT° Fairport | Jeremiah Chadwick, Moses S. Barker William N. Davis. . George Arrowsmith Thomas Toll'ord Gates. Greece Hanford’s Landing Henrietta Mathias L. Angle Chauncey Howell. William Fall Elias Avery . . . Honeoye Falls Irondequoit Mendon Mendon Centre Mumford North Chili North Clarkson North Greece North Parma Ogden Parma . . Parma Centre Penfield Pittsford Riga Rochester (c. h.) . . . . Kush Salmon Creek Scottsville . South Greece Speneerport Sweden Webster West Brighton West Greece West Henrietta West Kush West Webster Wheatland George B. McBride Caleb K. Hobbie... Lucius 0. Hill Samuel Cox Eobert Fulton Alonson Hyames . . . Mrs. Mary Phelps. . . William Berridge. . . James Sanders . . . . . Joseph W. Brown . . Johnson Servis Eobert Staring Horace Wheeler Henry Straight Hubbard S. Allis Jess H. Loomis Sylvanus Buel David B. Lewis Asa D. Wood John Borst Ackurious Johnson . Ural J. Eeynolds . . . William Luther William M. Hills . . . Alonzo D. Webster.. Egbert S. Cooking ham Henry E. Dwinell . . John Murdock Buel Montgomery County, Loring H. Tifiiany. . . Joseph French William Irving Conrad I. Winne. . David M. Scott David Spraker William H. Biggam Isaac S. Frost Jeremiah Groat. . Hiram Burns .... Eobert Campbell . . . Peter Enders John P. Ferguson. . . John I. Wendell William Shuler Alonzo Putnam Henry Pawling Uriah Potter Elias A. Brown. . . . Walter Keller Matthew Smith John H, Brook man . Hannibal Fox Abraham Hees Keuben J. Ide John Bowdish j Charles McAllister.. I William Strong jDavid Quackenbush IJames E. Lewis Joshua Empie :Fisher Putman $870.12 $924.84 167.50 1 73.04 11(».99 ' 47.41 56.44 15.49 242.98 1 118.50 188.48 1 61.26 52.37 18.41 77.86 1 36.49 64.83 ; 23.64 14.) 10 ‘ 10.75 47.15 ' 24.28 , 321.63 - 126.00 2o..5y - 10.77 76.66 i 45.93 35.61 18.89 104.71 42.86 300,42 239.64 19.03 10.81 151.83 96.66 48.96 24.50 . 178.04 85.07 133.19 100.25 S3. -'3 17.24 54.99 30.03 21.95 13.85 41.81 2-3.50 96.21 57.52 70.84 25.47 214.17 154.78 405.46 230.21 66.54 34.72 2000.0(1 18,711.29 127.91 54.20 44.45 20.18 361.87 327.12 17.17 7.41 258.13 87.91 70..53 23.42 183.27 88.62 25.72 12.83 52.16 12.31 87.94, 44.84 89.74 45.52 37.83 17.03 58.50 22.08 78.16 30.59 748.64 621.44 11.12 7.06 57.48 28.71 66.46 42.54 886,80 23.40 8.80 40.53 19.85 44.30 27,44 17.41 10.88 466.77 249.30 84.24 38.11 843.87 770.75 35.06 22.11 232.25 158.76 44.53 22.48 58.01 26.4-3 19.06 8.41 63.72 36.51 37.29 23.92 28.01 19.84 5.56 4.76 27.-0 14.05 12-2.15 20.89 70.35 88.24 42.58 26.83 20n45 120.33 14.43 9.44 62.74 31.64 20.82 12.40 12.17 9.06 71.78 49.23 116 POST-OFFICES AND POST-MASTEPvS. Left-liand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Right-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. IVew York County. Haerlem King’s Bridge — <. . . Manhattanville New York Washington Heights Yorkville John S. Kenyon John P. Dodge. , James Doyle — Isaac V. Fowler Abiel B. Mills . . , Jordan M. Ball . IVlagara County. Bergholtz John Sy Cambria Darwin S. Fellows., Coomer Theodore M. Titus. , County Line Eldridge Chapman. Dickersonville East Porter East Wilson Gasport Hartland Hess Eoad Hickory Corners . . , Johnson’s Creek .. . Lake Eoad La Salle Lewiston Lockport (c. h.) Locust Tree Mapleton Martinsville Middleport Mount Cambria Newfane Niagara Falls North Eidge North Wilson ■. Olcott Orange Port Pekin Pendleton Pendleton Centre . . Eansomville Eapids Eeynale’a Basin . . . . Eoyalton Shawnee Somerset South Pekin SheldonC.Townsend George Lake David H. Sweet Alfred Colwell Edmund Yoke John Collard Daniel' Pomroy Lewis Goodremont. . Jeptha W. Babcock. John Mason Benjamin Cornell .. Asher Torrance Leonard Saxer Nathan Thayer William Dornfield . Francis L. Taylor . . John Hodge John J. Outwater. . . John F. Murdock . . Orlando B. Averill. . Emulous Stacy Henry A. Eeynolds. Nathaniel S. Eussell Sparrow S. Sage Martin Woock Henry Pickard Wm. 11. H. Eansom. Alopzo J. Mansfield. John H. Bennett . . . Joseph Arnold Edwin Cooke James Mathews John S. Starr South Eoyalton William Fubsman.. South Wilson Augustine W. Swick Suspension Bridge.. 'Jacob Henning Walmore j August Wolf. West Somerset Marvin S. Hess Wilson’s Hiram B. Tabor Wright’s Corners ... Solomon C. Wright. Youngstown Eobert Holland Alder Creek Augusta Ava Babcock Hill Big Brook Blossvale . Booneville Bridgewater Camden Cassville ■ Clark’s Mills Clayville Clinton Deansville Deerfield Delta Durhamville East Florence . . . . Florence Floyd Forest Port Glenmore Hawkiusville Heclu Works Higginsville Hillsboro’ Hill Side Oiieid.-i County. Chancery Platt Henry L. Hawley . . Silas C. Morse Peleg B. Babcock.. . Chauncey Hayden. . •lohn Bloss Eobert Bamber Ezra Brown Aaron Stone Norman Merrill Henry Bettis Benjamin F. Joslyn. John H. Tower Joseph Oster ....... Elisha A. WalswortV Henry P. Truax Aaron 11. Thomson Lewis Eider Linus L. Moulton.. Alfred N. Hough . . William W. Barber Henry Neejer Ealph B. Shelley . . (leorge B. Fiteh . . . Harvey W. Dana. . George Fletcher. . . Oneida 1 $558.84 13511.41 Holland Patent l(i7.89 48.1 1 Hurlbutville 343.77 1 80.58 Kirkland 2000.00 ■; I92,!)T'2.46 Knox Corners 231.30 1 122.60 Lairdsville 433.86 1 997.98 Lee Lee Centre Lowell McConnellsville 61.12 38.33 Marcy 73.62 33.76 Marshall 18.29 8.39 New Hartford' 27.62 21.13 New London 21.64 9.48 New White Lake. . . — — New York Mills 21.55 9.27 North Bay 131.34 70.70 North Bridgewater. . 62.71 33.33 North Gage { 30.30 15.10 North Western | 23.80 7.18 Oneida Castle > 121.25 81.11 Oriskany i 18.04 9.01 Oriskany Falls ' 84.59 15.84 Paris 571. .51 140.15 Prospect ! 1784.46 3347.63 Eemsen ; 12.71 7.84 Rome (c. h.) ' 9.49 6.62 Sangerfield 36.00 25.00 Sauquoit 198.89 126.70 Sconondoa 5.42 3.67 South Trenton 96.93 48.85 Stamvix 1116.61 1045.80 State Bridge 20.92 10.65 Steuben Rtitfvin A 111.29 44.70 Stokes 57.17 32.75 Taberg 138.62 76.93 Trenton 87.61 58.39 Trenton Falls ! 17.34 8.94 Utica 75.10 47.74 Vernon 12.99 6.73 Vernon Centre 63.64 29.91 Verona 92.87 49.61 Verona Depot 43.50 23.47 Verona Mills 156.90 ! 84.43 Vienna 37.19 12.42 Walesville 9.101 6.01 Washington Mills . . 23.83 12.42 Waterville 1602.62' 8.06 5.55 West Camden 33.98 17.14 Westernville 292.14 106.37 Westmoreland 75.70 22.02 West Vienna 353.22 . 290.67 'WliiteHtown (c. h.) . . One 160.47 Amber 71.90 88.23 Apulia 55.42 27.38 Baldwinsville 28.36 14.87 Belle Isle 7.08 .24 Boi’odino 43.46 11.33 Brewerton 478.09 519.90 Camillus 121.39 1 50.87 Canal 473.48 503.34 Cardiff 98.80 : 83.42 Cicero 63.06 25.65 Clav 352.87 66.73 Collamer 1 917.90 752.47 Deljjhi 1 111.85 42.08 De Witt 66.61 29.56 Elbridge 97.531 53.90 Euclid 243.52 159.74 Fabius 28.51 12.92 1 Fnir’Mo\int 139.13 67.30 ' i Fayetteville 100.90 35.45 ! ! Ge'ddes | 1 , Hart Lot ' 25.19 14.93 ■ Howlet Hill i 93.0G 1 54..33 ! Jack’s Eecf ' 67.73 ! 44.89 'jjamesville 96.7(1 1 56.57 , Jordan 7.01 t 4.56 ; Kirkville , 86.0C 1 21.81 Ij La Fayette Oneida Cotmty— {Continued). John T. Thomas. . Payne K. Burt . . . Charles E. Hart. . . James E. Knox. .. Hector W. Eoberts Asa D. Johnson . . Charles Stokes . . . William Wylie . . . Truman A. Wilcox William M. Mayhew Sol’m’n A.Hitchcock John Carpenter Gershom Edwards . . Theophilus Houser. Sylvanus Hoag Hiram Higby George P.^'Oatley. . . Thomas Bees Jonath’n E.Dunning Archibald Hess John O. Jones Sylvester B. Atwood Marinus Hawkins. . . Julius C. Thorne . . . John Billings David W. Bacon . . . Isaiah Tiffany John B. Loomis Elihu M. Foote Norman Maltby George Tipple Solomon Eathbun . . John Haws Alton Buel Adnah H. Ingham.. Thom’s K. Wilkinson John K. Barnes Henry F. Winchester Griffith W. Jones. . . Andrew C. Bettis. . . Jonathan N. Conant William O. Merrill.. Onontia^a County. Albert Niles Edudn Miles Edward B. Wigent. . Henry G. White — David Becker John L. Stevens Oliver Kimberly John Lakin Timothy Cuddiback. Julius A. Dunham. William B. Wandell James Stevenson . Charles E. K. Hill James L. Willard Alonzo Wood Allen y. Snyder.. Sherman H. Corbin. Atwood Griffin Andrew T. Gilmor Julius Earll. Joseph Hoag. $198.47 $118.75 47.38 : : 25.07 93.69 28.63 113.46 88.99 39.24 11.44 14.19 9.29 86.21 48.40 102.04 31.14 57.98 31.25 12.58 8.83 26.04 6.53 280.88 197.58 178.57 89.28 318.7P 301.96 73.85 43.45 ■ 29.83; 12.13 36.82 21.07 71.85 38.00 140.95 1 19.94 225.97 93.97 192.76 , 168.25 154.74 41..55 99.43 56.27 228.55 115.72 2013.29 2777.24 84.34 89.60 251.97 280.41 17.34 10.88 92.27 35.94 60.11 35.27 65.87 37.50 25.71 7.41 89.90 32.82 39.49 20.39 126.71 70.58 228.17 89.90 50.08 5.50 1967.64 8223.68 430.01 299.74 109.30 47.18 148.43 76.60 45.38 19.19 27.88 10.40 56.47 23.44 58.41 25.53 150.79 64.67 16.00 8.00 42.04 21.29 32.77 13.92 137.22 29.15 221.33 68.52 36.90 17.80 414.68 341.15 42.85 14.05 51.84 23.18 457.06 426.01 74.41 22.13 89.26 41.69 130.97 79.30 264.49 ! 190.58 49.55 22.72 61.97 82.66 98.94 51.90 99.48 55.32 49.46 26.85 101.78 49.40 83.80 88.24 291.42' 110.41 61.841 31.64 183.771 75.90 29.62! 12.50 411.81 S2.6S 139.69! 82.31 ■ 67.42, 16.85 22.85' 17.59 ' 20.tU‘ 14.32 1 145.281 61.54 448.951 409.91 1 62.161 87.34 ; 93.891 1 51.03 NEW YORK 117 Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Right-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Onondaga County — {Continued). Lamson’s iMerrickS.Thompson Linn Liverpool Lysander Mandana Manlius Manlius Centre Manlius Station . . . Marcellus Marcellus Falls Marietta Messina Springs . . . Mottville Navarino North Manlius Onondaga Onondaga Castle . . Onondaga Valley. . Oran Otisco Plaimdlle Plank Load Polkville Pompey Pompey Centre . . . Salina Skaneateles South Onondaga . . Spafford Asahel M. Eoundy. . Spafford Hollow 'William 0. Farrell.. Hyracu^e (c. h.) Henry J. Sedgwick, Thorn Hill i®‘bur|h Three Eiver Point . . Horace P. Eno Tully Hiram Chapin Van Buren Horatio N. Howe. . . Van Buren Centre.. Stephen W. Betts.. . Vesper , Robert Earll Watervale Ralph T. Reed West Onondaga ‘Denison Hull Reuben Bryan, Jr. Arthur Macarthur Barclay Wooster . Hiram Smith. Ralph Chapin Peter J. Terpening. Henry T. Kennedy. . Joseph H. Steele — Alanson Hicks Rufus R. Kinne Henry Hunsicker.. . Martin L. Gardner, . Cyrus P. Camp William T. Moseley. Albion Jackson . .Richard R. Slocum . .1 Julius Candee. . . . . . Anson Whitcomb. . . Lyman Norton George Woodward . Ebenezer Allen John J. Taylor Judson Candee . . - . Harry Gifford Josias Garlock Olmsted Quick Ontario County. Academ}' Allen’s Hill. . . Bristol Bristol Centre. Canadice Canandaigua (c. h.) Centrefleld Chapinville Cheshire Clifton Springs East Bloomfield East F armington F armington Fishers Flint Creek Geneva Gorham Gypsum Hall's Corners Honeove Hopewell Hopewell Centre Manchester Manchester Centre . . Naples North Bloomfield . . . Norton’s Mills Oaks’ Corners Orleans Phelps Port Gibson Reed's Cornor.s Richmond Mills | Seneca Castle ■ Shortsville i South Bristol ' Sfanley Corners j Taylorsville I Benjamin Haight.. Charles E. Goodsell Gilbert Francis George Gooding . . Robert Ogden, Jr. . Nicholas G. Cheese bro Solan Parmley John J. Bush Robert Renwick . . . David A. Lisk Harvey Hobart Edward H. Nichols Sunderland P Gard ner Charles' Fisher Edmund O. Garrett Luther Kelly George B. Cook . . .Marcus Persons.. . Edward S. Dixon. Stephen Albro Nathaniel Lewis. . Gahazi G. Benham Nathaniel K. Cole. George N. Short. . Henry H. Watrous Joseph Chambers. Zurial Brown Nathan Oaks Daniel W. I.itchfield William Dillon Leander C. Ru.ssell Samuel McPherson .Joseph Morse. Jr . Isaac W. Itunyan. Cornelius Sal.sbury Joseph A. Allen. . . Shel(l(;n Merwin. . VCilliam A. Emmons $62.30 $16.64 13.28 6.82 199.22 116.47 116.07 111.22 20.26 7.88 368.13 329.49 76.76 , 31.63 287.56 209.43 76.66 39.29 15.00 4.60 25.32 13.75 96.45 40.53 62.55 26.77 20.09 13.84 88.86 43.92 21.94 13.87 115.56 52.16 1 66.23 27.31 119.16 45.15 59.77 59.93 37.18 22.79 35.22 18.84 180.63 82.74 27.93 12.19 520.46 491.12 793.51 840.00’ 57.54 31.34 39.39 15.76 11.88 8.17 2000.00 9860.41 23.44 5.91 32.14 16.74 176.24 74.92 27.72 9.78 57.33 24.09 47.01 23.21 22.17 5.68 9.26 8.16 23.52 15.15 183.38 120.24 129.66 62.64 75.56 41.44 51.29; 38,14 1860.58 2402.72 26.58 10.41 52..32 23.45 314.29 125.10 345.14 289.86 14.92 6.40 82.36 26,73 22.78 14.49 88..52 23.59 2017.16 2576.49 154.56 79.21 36.25 2.5.11 42.24 22.06 144.46 86.24 42.61 25.88 160.86 80.47 55.58 3n.7S 2s6.57 229.0! 57.6(i 29.49 1 24.90 14.75 1 79.2!. 38.11 61.1.5 38.51 567.65 446.54 |, 79.65 4!'. 5 .. 7(*.5S 31.19 39. 2 ; 71.34 57.70 83.21 13.35! 52.19 2;.77|i 4S.S2 29.24 li Ontario County — {Continued). Victor 1 William M. Boltwood I $374.79] $2.36.38 West Bloomfield. . . . John W. Earl 236.35 186.73 West Farmington. .. I John Lapham • 4l,4u| 18.98 Amity Bellvale Blooming Grove Bullville Buttermilk Falls . . . Centre Point Chester Circleville Coldenham Cornwall Craigsville Cuddebackville . . . Edenville Florida Fort Montgomery.. (roshen (c. h.) Greenwood "Works. Highland Mills Howell’s Deppt Huguenot Little Britain Middle Hope Middletown Minisink Monroe Monroe Works Montgomery Moodna Mortonville Mount Hope Newburcsh (c. h.) . . New Hampton .... New Milford Otisvihe Otterville Oxford Depot. Pine Bush Port Jervis Ridgebury Saint Andrews Salisbury Mills Savill Scotchtown Searsville Slate Hill Sparrow Bush Sugar Loaf Turner’s Unionville AValden Warwick Wells’ Corner West Point West Town Orang^e County. Henry C. Seely . . Henry F. Breed . . William W. Wallac< Timothy O’Leary . . John Lougheed Charles P. Smith, . . Harrison Bull William B. Hunter. Peter Cuddeback . . Legrand Mead Thomas J. Curtice . Jeremiah Drew . . . Harvey Shove Morgan Shuit . Adoniram J. Horton John Vanton Daniel A. Shuart. . . John Hardwick Hiram V. King .John .1. Bockover. . James H. Bertholf . Hudson McFarlan. Francis Colwell David Carson, Jr . . Charles F. Morton . Isaac Tuttle Hiram Phillips. Cromloin Brown Peter B. Taylor . . Archibald E. Taylor, James Van Fleet. Moses D. Stivers. Lotan Kidd Mott Cannon Ira 8. Bradner . . George Hunter . . , Lewis C. Wood. . Lucas F. Hough . Charles Turner Lewis L. Smith Marcus K. Hill Milton McEwen Martin L. Mapes — Mary Berard William Hatch 48.42 AlHon (c. h.). Barre Centre . Carlton Clarendon — Eagle Harbor. East Carlton. . East Gaines . . Hindsburgh . Holley Hiilburton Jcddo Kendall Kendall Mills Knowlesville . Lyridonville . . Medina Millville Murray Orleans Countr. .Jonathan O. Wilsea. William H. Gates. Enos T. Simpson.. Nicholas E. Darrow. .Jacob M. Jackson, Walter E. Dye.... Horatio Ball Carlos V. .1. Beecher John Hutchinson . .labez Allison Horace B. Perry. . .Tacob Reed Ahsx’r H. Jameson William Griswold. James II. lingers . Dyi-r B. .\bell .... William .\ludgett . Daniel Starr, y. . , Thomas (). Castle. Asa Clark . 32.72 17.88 , 193.84 137.62 } 53.75 ■ 20.30 . 125.74 72.37 7.94 8.86 , 288.68 90.78 18,86 12.87 1 57.011 21.61 3 281. no 185.69 . 53.76 19.62 55.34 25.26 . 2e.82 10.23 , 160.85 13.69 . 674,16 774,10 57.00 17.00 45,87 25.44 . 103.94 38.99 . 80.19 18.08 23.95 17.90 29.68 14.97 , 869.15 900.71 33.08 10.63 153.19 85.40 32.59 17.50 , 292.36 197.71 72.96 8.43 25.34 12.66 33.13 18.11 r 1973.58 3266.10 . 117.72 29.90 8.41 5.03 . 232.50 168.73 19.70 11.90 . 47.77 25.30 . 55.75 24.31 , 826.11 927.65 81.16 16.21 85.53 15.02 98.59 41.21 7.19 2.89 30.26 11.60 42.69, 18.44 10.53 6.23 85.92 18.93 , 23.93 15.20 63.94 32.79 84.40 45.66 15M6 73.71 181.94 28.40 27.75 10.39 1 856.38 605.99 1 47.171 16.72 1250.00 1516.64 11N59 46.26 72.37 35.79 1.5. ..93 91..39 1.54.11 88.93 20., 53 14.02 89.3s 20.76 4.5.' 9 27.26 122.80 50.43 71.65 46.76 20S.65 122.49 9 .13 40.21 4.8. N 36.' il 103.76 51.04 3 . 1 ! 14.8- 1(;7.2'. 75.30 141.90 71.94 7.53..52 982.99 92.64 .52.48 64.25 32.08 2.3.89 118 POST-OFFICES AND POST- MASTERS. Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Right-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Orleans County — {Continued). North Eidgeway . . Oak Orchard . ... Eidgeway Shelby Shelby Basin South Barre Waterport West Barre West Carlton West Gaines West Kendall West Shelby Yates Charles H. Eolph. John T, Gillett Jacob Swobe Ozias S. Church Ealph H. Jackson.. . George Kuck Isaac V. Saunders Steuben S. Forbes. Morton A. Post . . . John M. Pitts Oswego County. Amboy Centre | William Sergeant. . . Leonard Curtiss Azariah Wart J ohn Parsons .A. .. Eobert G. Carter. . . . Charles Breed Thomas Warner Abner H. Allen Cyrus H. Harvey Sereno Clark Jacob Lince Henry L. Barker. . . . Albert Taylor Stephen Griffith Wm. M. Thompson. Henry Wright Palmer Keteham William Titus Lewis F. Devendorf. John N. Holmes . . Daniel P. Stafford . Peter H. Morrison Bernhard’s Bay Boylston Butterfly. Cartersville Caughdenoy Central Square Cleaveland Colosse Constantia Constantia Centre . Dugway Fulton. Gilbert’s Mills Granby Centre Greensboro Hannibal Hannibal Centre Hastings Hastings Centre Hinmansville Kasoag Kinney’s Four Con ners Mexico Minetto Molino New Centreville New Haven Orwell Oswego (c. h.) Oswego Falls Palermo Parish Pennellville Phoenix Port Ontario Pulaski Eedfield Salmon Eiver Sand Bank Sandy Creek Scriba Seneca Hill South Albion South Granby South Hannibal South Eichland South West Oswego, Texas Aolm Clapsaddle. . . . Union Settlement. . Silas Penoyer Union Square L\very Skinner Vermillion Ylorris Place Volney Jacob Piper Amboy Henry Garber West ^ilonroe John F. Slocum Williauistown Jacob M. Selden ft's^go County. Eichard B. Dimock. | A. F. Arnold j William 1). Babcock. j .Joiin W. Pearce — I ■ 'olin Hurd Charle.x McLean • hnu'd C’Oodyi'ar Charles J. Stilluiau. . James Martin, Jr . . . John A. Fort Calvin Gifibrd Eli Strong Uri Salisbury Solomon White, Jr. . William Beadle. . . . Samuel E. Beardsley Orlin E. Jaycox .... James A. Beckwith. Isam Simons Tosiah Chaffee Francis David Nobles W. Fisher. . Henry N. Wright. . . Eeuben Drake John Boom Horace Pierce Hymenius Cole Hiel Stone Almon C. Clark Daniel Y. Thomas . . lines Campbell Eansford Case Marshall Pierce Asa Watson Burlington Burlington Flats. . . . Buttc'rnuis Centre Brook C'lia.seville Cherry Valley (k)lliersville Cuoperstowu (c. h.) . ,| $31. 6f ) $17.85 1 32.6e i 16.40 76.64 i 43.66 101,01 48.65 29.2f ) 12.28 29.6i ■ 2S.-3 , 61. 7S 1 42.29 13. IS 1 9.14 40.99 1 2.5.91 81.96 i 19.93 37.33 1 23.20 17.00 1 9.00 178.07 67.15 82.72 18.75 85.65 18.70 10.01 6.47 7.65 2.80 15.40 9.60 33.97 18.95 140.81 72.05 ; 228.58 165.14 73.93 36.37 158.53 76.07 9.87 6.56 39.24 22.36 1090.99 1305.22 41.22 25.39 29.27 12.74 1.85 1.19 174.50 61.96 45.50 23.86 53.90 31.21 22.36 1.3.26 51.92 29.20 25.49 12.13 19.39 9.92 440.91 465.36 51.68 22.25 11.19 5.33 81.55 19.79 1 127.09 68.96 75.18 74.61 ' 1993.95 4976.85 109,24 59.56 61.20 30.77 75.42 43.00 19.92 10.29 293.87 242.30 50,05 21.97 461.29 515..59 56.75 20.92 46.79 27.52 133.81 91.96 208.01 100.01 135.94 42,89 12.83 6.72 25.11 14.58 75.48 85.89 21,18 39.S6 22.05 13.76 9.99 43.12! 12.6.8 44.* 9 25.17 46.0.5 28.4 1 2'!.66! 16.: 9 37.02; 22.0S 119.24' 04.50 64.89 26.65 70,77 27.73 27.5.37 143.;:4 1 .’■..95 8.62 ! 8.\mo 8,00 ; 491.01 43* .u7 , 21. >1 5.74 i 955. ib 970.69 i, Otsego County — {Continued). Decatur East Edmeston East Springfield East Worcester Edme.ston Exeter Fly Creek Garrattsville Hartwick , Hartwick Seminary. Laurens Maple Grove Maryland , . . . May Flower Middlefield Middlefield Centre.. Milford Movies Mount Vision New Lisbon Oaksville Oneonta Otego Otsego Lake Otsdawa Pittsfield Pleasant Brook Portlandville Eichfield Eichfield Springs . . . Eoseboom Salt Springville Schenevus Schuyler’s Lake South Edmeston South Hartwick . . . . South Valley South Worcester Spooner’s Corners. . Springfield Springfield Centre . . Toddsville Unadilla •. . Unadilla Centre Unadilla Forks West Burlington. . . . West Edmeston — West Exeter Westford ; West Laurens West Oneonta Westville j Worcester [Hamilton Waterman ! Warren Chase. . . John Scollard . . . John Champion.. Eobert G. Eussell . . . William P. Jones Ezra W. Badger . John T. Mather . Dolphus S. Luce . William Davison Fitch Gregory. . . Olney Braley John T. Thompson. . Loring Dow Harrison North Aborn T. Bigelow. . . John Eddy Cornelius A. Church. Washington T.Keyes George J. Peck Hugh M. Seaton Andrew G. Shaw . . . Samuel E. Follett. . . Arthur A. Brown . . . Schuyler Osborn Alvin Peck Stephen Eldred — William H. Branch . Floyd C. Shepard. . . James S. Davenport. Eobert H. Smith Eobert G. Walradt. . Amos H. Brown John W. Garratt. .. Daniel H. Spurr Le Eoy E. Sergent.. Luther J. Eice Abraham Becker . . . Charles Spooner Albert Cotes Eichard Ely John T. Wilson Christ’ph’rD.Fellows Abel S. Palmer Henry H. Babcock. . Willis P. Smith John L. Carrier Ira M. Matteson . . . James T. French George W. Eandall . Lansing Strait George J. Phillips . . Nathaniel H. Wilder $29,61! $18.19 sj.o: 42.1 S 08.63 43.41 148.211 99.25 139.45 78.36 152,20 9.4U 5(1.13 14.37 102.44 6(1.81 119.61 325.65 48.08 52.52 23.48 328.89 167.55 22.49 18.60 21.87 94.86 74.51 234.981 33.151 10.22 102.241 113.13! 51.59i 22.451 46.72 66.77: 14.79' 45.08! 123.72’ 49.41' 332.54; 21.15; 106.60 1 SS.09| 52.91 49.90: 73.87 j 25.76; 28.27: 32.15: 63.78: 48.78 35.04 17.18 14.05 26.83 84.27 46.60 1.47 107.19 3.9T 19.38 7.59 51.22 27.22 83.34 247.93 15.90 15.46 10.15 181.00 128.43 7.11 7.29 10.08 34.83 36.66 154.24 12.91 6.52 41.31 80.06 25.94 11.23 19.62 21.52 6.95 22.97 46.02 20.76 282.87 14.17 35.98 14.40 28.67 22.73 38.23 9.32 3.53 15.42 29.74 Putnam Countyi Brewster’s Station. , Carmel (c. h.) Cold Spring Dykeman’s Farmer’s Mills Garrison’s Haviland Hollow . , Kent Ludingtonville Mahopac Milltown Patterson Eed Mills South East Towner's LegrandRDeForrest 140.94 67.96 William J. Blake . . .• 224.89 150.79 Alfred 11. Ladue 52:k79 477.96 Elijah Penny 31.58 14.84 Coleman K. Towns- end 13.57 8.53 John Garrison 31.04 11.29 John Laurence, Jr. . James Foshay 19.44 13.17 4.92 3.23 George Ludington . 17.00 10,00 Eeuben D. Baldwin. 42.23 20.19 Flovd Brush 19.97 8.59 HerVey Crosby 136.20 51.75 John C. Tompkins.. 2.5.27 15,23 William H. Crosby. . 55.53 63.20 Eoswell B. Taylor. . . 82.69 84.68 Queens County. Astoria Edw in Mills Brushville Henry W. Eowland. Buckram |Lo1 Cornelius Cedar Swamp James Luysfor, Jr. . . East Norw ich j John Vernon ... Farmingdal(j 'George Vau t’ott.... Flushing Charles W. Cox I Freeport John Mead ' Glen Cove Eichard M. Bow ue. . ; 291,37; 5'.46 51.30' 81.96 .’•■4.56, 10. '.‘i:;: 2e.6ili 199.99 82.60 81.25 24.01 o'^.OO 60.49 8;)7.77 13.95 221.08] lOO.C NEW YORK. 119 Left-hand coluuiii shows compensation of i’ostiivisier. Kight-liand one. net; revenue of Ollice to Depilrtment. Hempstead Hempstead Brancli Hicksville Jamaica Jericho Jerusalem South. . Manhasset Maspeth Merrick Newtown If^’orthlJempsteadi^c.h) Oyster Bay Eavensw'ood Kockaway Kockville Centre Koslyn South Oyster Bay. . . Syossett Whitestone Woodhaven Queens County — {Continued). Ebenezer Kellum . . . Luke Fleet, Jr David Sammis Martin V. N. Eider.. Albert G. Carll John B. Post EobertH. Titus Thomas Venus Carman Smith AVilliam H. Holman Jesse P. Kelsey Harriet L. Minor..., James S. "Wright — David T. Jennings. Eobert Pettitt Sealy Schenck Timothy Carman . . Philetus Ketcham. . , Augustus H. Kissam Haniel Cobleigh Rensselaer County. Alps Thomas Ten Eyck Berlin Eowland Thomas. Brainard Seth Hastings Laurence C. Hoge- Castleton. boom Centre Berlin 'James A. Culver Cropseyville John W. Clum Defriestville Eobert A. Downs. . . Eagle Bridge James H. Houghton, Eagle Mills John H. Mambert. . . East Grafton Joshua W. Hakes. . . East Greenbush Edward P. Stimson. East Nassau Ebenezer S. Strait. . . East Poestenkill | William Cooper EastSchodack Nicholas Lester Grafton Potter Maxon Greenbush James Hallenbeck. , Havnerville Ira A. Button Hoag’s Corner .Oliver C. Thomson. . Hoosick I John E. Wilcox Hoosick Falls . . . . : .Tv'illard Herrington. JohnsonviUe Gilbert Miller Junction Isaac T. Grant Lansingburgh Sidney D. Smith — Nassau ^Lewis O. Kirby North Hoosick lAIvah H. Webster . . North Nassau [James H. Ball North Stephentown. Henry T. Douglass. . Petersburgh [Joseph D. White.. . . Petersburgh Four , g j Eldred Comers 1 James N. Halsted . . Pittstown — Poestenkill Potter Hill Quacken Kill Eaymertown Sand Lake Schagbticoke Schodack Centre Schodack Depot Sehokack Landing. . South Berlin South Sand Lake. . . . South Schcvlack South Steph<.mtown . Stephentown Tomhannock Troy (c. h.) Valley Falls West Berlin • West Hoosick "West Sandlake West Stephentown.'. Wynantskill — . . . • George Pierce . . . Aaron F. Dumbel Harmon Cole Calvin Sliter Henry N. Wales. llen.Vandenburg, William J. Morrison. N icholas Kittle William Stevens. William Hand Eandall A. Brown John E. May Solomon Gale. . . John Chapman. Isaiah B. Coleman. Eufus E. Allen $331.99'; $272.24 86.30 27.32 ; 42.00 17.00 ‘ 414.19 305.99 99.51 48.8.") 57.63 28.10 160.24 47.27 80.15 18.17 13.75 9.58 120.11 65.08 64.96 32.28 227.72 174.80 52.05 29.45 73.22 40.44 24.57 14.37 109.74 38.28 41.90 24.58 42.59 ILSO 17.51 5.45 107.00 53.91 82.39 38.02 138.09 58.97 26.64 10.51 16.00 5.00 26.97 11.48 26.96 12.21 73.60 26.97 17.75 9.01 50.41 20.56 38.57 21.91 16.27 6.63 18.00 12.50 27.94 11.44 337.81 180.17 13.68 3.13 20.32 13.01 109.10 101.11 304.63 301.57 88.33 41.14 60.28 81.07 1075.61 855.36 163.70 76.36 95.44 25.68 26.42 6.77 20.67 10.46 75.84 32.82 6.50 4.59 64.79 24.71 56.20 23.54 23.95 10.56 i 4.37 2.24 89.83 18.88 , 131.50 25.77 , 305. 66 159.86 . 17.39 11.14 . 32.07 16.00 . 87.37 47.35 . 25.83 11.34 . 22.29 13.14 1 15.83 7.69 . 10.27 8.62 . 72.97 29.45 . 57.43 27.S7 1 2000.00 1 GS.iiO 13.00 5.15 , 3.5'i 27.7.' . 15.-4 '. 85.04 40.77 . 38.02 1 13.24 . 36.00 1 13.93 Ric'mi^nd County. Bentley. I Margaret E. Cole...; TEG-Si .38.2 Lemon Creek Jacob M. AVeir. | 2-L94 12.;r2 11.30 Richmond County — ( Continusd). Marshland N ew Brighton New Springville. . North Shore Port Eichmond . . . Richmond (c. h.) , . Eichmond Valley. Eossville South Side . . . Stapleton Tompkinsville . James G. Odell Benjamin P. Brower Isaac J. Simonson . . John J. Clute Amos Pearce John Johnson John II. Cole Bornt P. Winant James O. Van Hoe- venbergh Francis L. Hagadorn Peter H. Wandel . . . Rockland County. Blauveltville ClarTcstown (c. h.). Haverstraw Monsey Nanuet North Haverstraw . Nyack Nyack Turnpike. . . Palisades Piermont Eamapo Works . . . Eockland Lake Sloatsburgh Spring Valley Tappantown . . — Simon D. Demarest. Abraham J. Van Houten Samuel C. Blauvelt. . John H. AVigton David P. Demarest . AVilliam Govan Daniel D. Demarest. Samuel G. Ellsworth George M. Laurence David Clark Lucius D. Isham Edward E. Conklin. Jacob Sloat Erastus Vanzant William Devoe St. Lawrence County, Long Neck. David E. Decker 1S.4) Black Lake Brasher Falls Brasher Iron Works Brier Hill Buck’s Bridge Canton (c. h.) Chase’s Mills Colton Crary’s Mills De Kalb De Peyster East De Kalb East Pierpont East Pitcairn Eden ton Edwards Edwardsville Fine Flackville Fowler Fullersville Iron Works Gouverneur Hammond Helena Hermon Heuvelton Ilopkinton Lawrenceville Lisbon Lisbon Centre Louisville Louisville Landing Macomb Madrid Madrid Depot Alassena Alassena Centre Morlcy Morristown Nicliolville Norfolk North Lawrence North Potsdam Nortli Eiissell North Stockholm . . . Oak Point Ogdensburgh Pari-shville Peter Bellinger Henry M. Hulburd Isaac AV. Skinner. . Charles Carter .... William H. Willcox 0. Brown . . . AVilliam W. Tuttle. . Dolphus S. Tupper . Aaron Barrows, Jr.. Stephen Slosson Levi Fay Marcus Mitchell . . . Leonard Peabody. . . Benj’n F. Partridge. Justus B. Pick it Lemuel S. Weaver.. William P. Smith . . Steph’n B. Ainsworth Jabez Glazier William H. Bowne . Orange G. Waldo . . Hannibal Andrews., William Ashley David B. Thurston , Clark S. Chittendon William C. Blish . . , John Bell Elijah McPherson . Ealph D. Marsh . . . David Day, 2d Abram Eoss Samuel A’'an Bure,n Ijohn O. Bridges.*. . lira Goo2.00 ■ 12.80 193.72 ; 120.13 38.39 20.65 ji 128.95 58.44 1 277.()9 1 106.19 60.87 .! 155.63 1 75.26 1 126.24 1 60.82 139.87 47.26 14. .50 9.03 , I 49.03 1 20.19 ! 19.49 i 11.. 57 .1617.93 ,2821.13 Alexander Easey. . . lG9.5l>j 59.86 120 POST-OFFICES AND POST- MASTERS. Left-hand coin of Postmaster. Kight-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. JSt. Lawrence County— {Continued). Pierpont Pitcairn Pope’s Mills Potsdam Racket River Raymondville — Rensselaer Falls . , Ricliville ... . . , Russell Shingle Creek Somerville South Colton South Edwards. . . South Potsdam . . . Southville Stockholm Stockholm Depot. Waddington Wegatchie West Fowler West Potsdam ... West Stockholm . John T. Leonard . . . Eli R. Paul Timothy Pope Samuel B. Gordon. . Peter Vilas Giles J. Hall John W. Brown Artimus B. L5mde . . James Brodie Nelson Doolittle Eben Gillet Lyman Merriman, Jr Thomas McGarry . . Elijah L. Shaw Ira T. French Deloss Dustin Hiram Hulbard Philo Abbott Horace Fenton Louis Foster George Draper Franklin W. Smith . Riley Sprague Saratoga County. BalUton (c. h.) Ballston Centre Barkersville Bemus’ Heights Burnt Hills Charlton Clifton Park Moses W'illiams ' William Crapo i Ira J. Barker Henry Lent Samuel B. Edwards. John A. Sweetman . Joseph Wiltsey Nathan W. Buck- master '. . . William Wilcox Nathan F. Philo — Samuel T. Rockwell Cornelius J. Wright. Abram V. Fowler . . William Bogert Robert A. Ogden . . . John Barker Levi S. Noyes Truman Wilcox John Whiteside Harlow Lawrence . . Calvin J. Reed George F. Johnson. John Palmer George Kenyon , I Warren Rulison Jonesville . . I Norman B. Prentiss. Ketcham's Corners . j Lewis Barber Malta j Smith Parsons Maltaville | Joshua F. Seaman. . Mechanicsville ! John Elmer Middle Grove .• ilTirapi S. Freeman . Moreau Station Hiram Wilcox Mosherville | William Cornell Mount Pleasant Henry C. Gra7iger.. North Galway Abel S. Whitlock. .. North Greenfield . . . John Gifford Northumberland ... Joseph Finne Pope’s Corners T.saac P. Bemis Porter’s Corners IBenjamin F. Prior.. Providence j John C. Robertson. . Quaker Springs lAmos Reynolds Rexford PJats .Tohn Philo Rock City Mills .*. .. Harlow Van Ostrand Saratoga Springs. . . Lewis P. Close SchiiykTsvillo Corinth Coveville Crescent Day Dean’s Corners. . . . Dry Dock East Galway East Line Edinburgh Edinburgh Centre. Fortsville Galway Gansevoort Grangerville Greenfield Centre . Groom’s Corners . . Hadley Half Moon South Corinth ....... Hiram Barrows South Galway Jtlilton C. Bowers... South Glenn's Falls -Iitlius H. Bice Stillwater Ashbel Palmer . . . Victory Mills Kphraim Lockwood. Vischer's Perry Benj'n F. Chadsey.. Waterford. ..* lames J.Seott West Charlton I'inley MeMartin .. . West Day . . IB iiry Eglin West Greenfield Mrs. Lydia H. King. f33.98| .$15.54 11.73 4.34 19.91 15.22 878.78 1139.71 32.78 17.02 66.27 30.60 51.50 31.85 103.54 38.90 102.03 62.94 88.01 43.98 27.82 11.88 51.34 26.15 14.00 6.50 20.09 10.45 2.48 .62 27.58 6.80 86.02 27.08 141.43 58.39 298.01 116.26 33.12 19.99 12.04 6.38 342.78 125.51 79.07 39.50 890.00 822.46 43.22 ' 28.69 27.41 8.32 58.45 29.21 92.94 37.77 134.19 57.10 83.09 42.85 76.81 38.55 30.83 12.08 210.75 92.37 3.72 2.39 17.81 20.68 16.69 4.77 30.58 15.36 36.77 17.66 34.99 20.99 25.60 13.81 201.81 54.85 96.32 38.84 8.30 5.72 54.01 32.64 20.27 9.20 77.66 46.36 40.82 14.46 145.70 41.19 32.11 17.97 84.40 81.86 33.18 14.32 346.61 290.66 29.20 13.13 56.44 10.41 15.61 4.00 24.80 17.42 11.63 6.81 25.75 11.49 41.28 15.36 35.74 18.33 23.23 16.85 15.64 4.10 49.59 27.90 56.85 41.70 52.00 67.60 1954.92 2754.54 822.76! 305.32 42.92 24.21 2(1.95 12.01 59.07. 25.51 175,94 146.38 162.12 : 114.10 •14.79 1 27.61 763.05 4S4.57 58.22 25.25 34.7( i 15.55 , 18.7i ■| 12.17 Saratoga County— {Continued). West Hadley West Milton West Providence. . . Whiteside’s Corners Wilton David Wait $34.51 $18.70 Noah S. Young 82.84 47.33 Isaac Woodard 7.41 1.32 Stephen L.Hagedorn 12.67 6.89 The’d’reF. Comstock 44.78 23.59 Schenectaily County. Braman’s Corners ..'John Ladd Duanesburgh Truman Case East Glenville Roswell Kelley Glennville Adam C. Van Patten Hoffman’s Ferry . . . John Carroll Mariaville Hiram Hansett North Duanesburgh James Donnan. Van Scotia James W.Pangburn Schoharie County. Argosville Barnerville Barton Hill Breakabeen Broome Centre Carlisle Central Bridge Charlotteville Cobleskill Cobleskill Centre.. . Conesville East Cobleskill ... . Eminence Engellville Esperance Frankl inton I'ultonham Gallupville Gardensville Gilboa Grovenor’s Corners. Hunter’s Land Hyndsville Jefferson Lawyersville Leesville Livingstonville . . . . , Lutheranville .... Manor Kill Middleburgh Mine Kill Falls Morseville Orville Hodge Isaac Nethaway Jacob J. Barton Peter Snyder William M. Rugg . . John H. Angle John G. Caryl Wm. T. La Mont . . . Marcus Sternberg . . Jerome France Devi F. Stevens John C. Fredendall. Henry A. Cleav eland John ll. Engell George Priest John Russell Christian B. Best. . . Simeon Morgan Robert S. Conyne . . Harvey M. Bliss Jeremiah McCulloch George W. Tippets Gilbert G. Hynds. . George W. Childs . North Blenheim Richmondville Schoharie (c. h.) . . . Seward Sharon Sharon Centre Sharon Springs Shutter’s Corners. . . Sloansville South Gilboa Summit SValdensville Warnerville West Fulton West Gilboa West Richmondville Garrett Hone. . . John B. Judson. Parlia Brown . . Worthington Brown Nathan T. Ro.sseter. Peter V. Mattice . . . Jeremiah Ruland . . Thomas H. Knicker- bocker John Westover Jacob Nellis Jacob H. Diefendorf Harmon Beckman . Owen O. Hiller Marshall N. De Noyelles [Horace Crary [Stephen C. Teeple. . [Calvin Stevens 'Seymour Boughton. Hiram AValdcn [William B. Borst . . . Daniel J. Dow Henry Kingsley Samuel Wilt 33.65| 19.84 78.34' 35.18 19.68' 10.17 81.23 27.95 33.18' 15.80 24.84' 15.46 j 23.86, 16.60 ; 101.31 ' — ' 70.91 39.12 1760.73 2765.32 92.03. 42.20 49.711 30.41 28.59 j 17.54 14.31 ! 7.69 35.92 23.31 15.41 10.79 214.44 172.38 45.14 16.07 479.45 399.67 151.44 117.88 28.85' 11.81 82.54 20.55 35.01 20.87 1.40' .71 7.79 6.39 93.87: 57.00 21.65: ; 12.55 28.81' t 11.50 72.95 ' 83.52 55.40 29.00 140.16 107.30 14.74 9.93 16.92 11.44 24.77 15.69 70.13 26.85 44.65 ’ 15.81 30-42 13.08 45.90 25.81 6.25 4.30 16.21 8.38 1 197.46 77.07 ' 6.58 4.33 63.99 31.28 63.72 34.66 ' 97.17 62.45 343.77 333.34 , 24.54 13.10 ! 33.56 17.05 i 19.81 9.77 : 202.25 ' 137.16 1 14.80 1 8.06 ' 73.09 82.84 ' 5.17 8.06 1 59.27 25.88 8.62 4.88 164.76 ; 53.38 22.72 : 14.14 17.47 • 8.33 1 11.24 1 4.73 Schuyler CounA* Alpine ISamuel Mix. Altay jEthan Jackson Burdett Herman 11. Inger.sollj Catharine 'Aliller V. Ameigh Cayuta .lacob Swartwood ('avutaville Nelson Griflin Croton Corners Charles H. Curtis. T2sd7 121.46 62.76; 84.76 12. -SO 29.S9 2U.00, 4.21 14.S9 10.00 NEW YORK 121 Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Right-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Uavanna (c. h.) — Hector Logan Mecklenburgli Moreland Mount Washington North Hector Odessa Orange Pine Grove ■Reading Reading Centre . . . Eeynoldsville Searsbnrgh Seneca. ^ Sugar Hill Townsend Tyrone Schuyler County — (Continued). Jeremiah jSIcGuire Simeon P. Bradford Gideon F. Gerow. . Daniel B. Wheeler John M. Bennett... Orrin Longwell . . . Theodore Squires. . Merwin Bulkley . . . Alonzo Gaylord . . . Ellison Vanderhoof John H. Nichols Isaac Conklin . . David F. Sears . Stephen T. German Alonzo Robbins . . . Andrew S. Scoby. . Eli Sunderlin Watkins Horace Ogden. West Caynta I Leroy Wood . . Seneca County. Canoga Covert Cruso East Varick Farmer Fayette. -Tunius Kidder's Ferry . , . . . Lodi Lodi Centre Ovid Romulus Romulus Centre — Rose Hill Seneca Falls Sheldrake Townsendville Trumansburgh Lan- ding Tyre Varick Waterloo (c. h.) West Fayette West Junius I William IJ. Smith. I Myron R. Cole . . . j John G. Evans . . . iBenjamin Barrick IjacobD.Wintersteen Harvey Deuel I Peter Crise. . . I John De Mott i Abram La Tourrette jHalsey Sandford Robert R. Steele iWilliam Martin . James D. Rogers Josiah T. Miller . John Harris John Whiteford . David Davenport John Nearpass .. John y. Gambee Samuel Birdsall . Peter Kohler .... John S. Vandemark Jesse Vanderhoven John Coston Steuben County. Addison Horatio E. Jones . . Addison Hill John A'oung Arkport James Hurlbut. . . . Avoea Oscar S. Smith . . . Bath (c. h.l Bennett’s Creek Big Creek Freeman Bardeen Bonny Hill John S. De Pue . . , Bradford Edgar Munson Buena Vista Samuel S. MuHikin Cameron Wickham R. Crocker Cameron Mills Alphonzo Hubbard Campbelltown Aden J. Pratt. Cani«eo “ Caton Samuel H. Smith. Centre Canisteo Phineas O. Stephens Cohocton Cooi)er's Plains. Walter M. Eldred. , Jo.seph Hammond Corning Charles C. B. Walker Crosbyville John Crosby Derby Henry S. French .. Doty's Comer George G. Babcock East Painted Post . . Henry A. Burt East Troupsburg . . . William Ten Broeck Gibson Pef. r Reas Goff’.s Mills Henry H. Bouton.. Greenwood John Davis. James Walker. Haskinville . . Hedgesville Sebring Clarkson . . Hornby !Clark L. Smith . . . . Hornciisville ,Luman A. Ward. . , $528.01 $496.82 48.83 21.08 18.61 8.76 148.03 64.20 20.79 7.83 7.14 4.41 56.33 29.19 1.65 .55' 108.18 61.08 27.60 17.97 3.92 1.16 48.17 29.28 40.65 23.79 36.48 20.96 7.63 4.17 13.02 8.95 31.57 11.85 63.92 38.20 325.26 314.49 32.28 16.52 ■ 59.98 31.36 75.41 : 41.44 78.55 i 43.72 24.21 15.15 22.46 10.45 207.75 192.84 73.12 30.43 59.86 32.20 27.18 10.14 168.28 54,90 17.94 9.74 434.62 532.28 127.76 52.75 14.61 5.30 34.85 ! 20.47 1303.58 1433.87 67.51 j 29.28 53.36 28.52 30.95 1 i 18.06 19.20 ‘ 8.17 1067.27 1100.15 31.49 ; 14.57' 29.51 ; 13.32 499.76 624.44 15.28 7.90 36.99 15.21 117.50 36.85 949.52 1284.22 13.67 6.04 7.03 4.31 6.47 3.18 85.38 41.11 90.45 45.66 25.36 15.52 116.91 59.08 168.70 33.(.9 39.79 22.06 13.08 6.08 141.57 120.92 ‘ 107.67 44.53 : 1206.46! 1053.72 ' 40.49; 16.11 ; 2.]3i 1.37 10.821 5.36 1 9.89' 4.28 : 0.90 4.30 , 6').16. 24.36 lO.Obj 1.30, 55..57I 31.10 8t.l5' 23.<3 13.96 7.5S 45.16: 24.47 1 852.20 i 968.31 1 Steuhe/n Cotmty — (Continued^) Howard Jasper Kanona Lindleytown Loon Lake Mitchell ville North Cameron North Cohocton. . . . North Reading North Urbana Painted Post Peltonville Prattsburgh Pultney Purdy Creek Rathboneville Rexville Risingville Riker’s Hollow Rough and Ready . . Savona Sonora South Addison South Bradford South Dansville South Hill South Howard South Pultney South Thurston South Troupsburgh. Stephens’ Mills Thurston Towlesville Troupsburgh Urbana ■Wallace Way land Depot Wayne W ayne Four Corners West Addison West Cameron West Greenwood. . . West Jasper West Troupsburgh . . West Union Wheeler Wileysville Woodhull Young Hickory Amagansett Amityville Babylon Baiting Hollow Bell Port Blue Point Bridgehampton Centre Moriches Centreport Cold Spring Harbor. Commack Coram Cutchogue Deer Park Dix Hills Flast Hampton East Marion East Moriches Fireplace Flanders . ' Pond Good Ground Green port Haiij^pavige Huntington Islip . Jarnesport Lakeland Manorvillo Mattitiick Middle Island Salmon H. Palmer. . $112.62 $52.52 Uri W. Metcalf 103.98 38.77 John Ostrander 80.31 30.00 William More 40.82 15.18 Enoch G. Buel 16.96 9.28 Rufus P. Mason 19.66 10.89 Elias Mason 6.32 4.67 Asa Adams 98.85: 64.92 James Masters 12.19 6.92 Zebulon P. Brimdage 34.03: 15.40 William S. Rumsey . 321.82: 91.10 John Gload 4.35: 2.91 John F. Williams. . . 355.08 93.49 Bennet F. Gulick. . . 73.52 67.96 Shepherd Amidon . . 18.0(: 7.29 Ransom Rathbone.. 72.93 25.92 ♦TprpmiJih .TnnpQ Noble H. Rising .... 10.52 4.56 Wesley A. Cornell . . — — J. B. Chadwick 28.33 9.50 William W. Barnes. 113.67 48.41 Hamilton Lane lO.'Kl 5.00 Charles W. Robinson 37.02 23.18 Jesse Hallack 16.29 10.13 William M. Rogers.. • 91.77. 53.83 David S. Leach 10.50 7.25 Moses S. Bennet .... 11.18 6.93 Hiram L. Clark 27.94 14.80 Henry Rising 4.6(1 2.35 James B. Murdock. . 4.37 2.01 Elisha G. Stephens . . 14.60 8.01 Samuel R. Creveling 6.9' 4.28 Eben Towle 26.31 11.44 William N. Griggs. . 27.71 16.75 Stanley B. Fairchild. • 24.5.62 212.94 Samuel H. Allen 38.01 21.61 Dexter S. Jolley 103.43 43.61 Reuben Smith 69.36 49.18 Reuben H. Schuyler. 12.12 6.99 Isaac Horton 28.10 10.01 John Santee 18.34 12.42 Alvin Mead 4.74 3.35 Allen W. Hayes 6.89 3.11 John Clark 11.58 5.32 David Sherman 10.28 6.00 Ephraim Aulls 35.27 17.45 John Wiley 5.00 3.00 S olomon V .Lattimore 102.19 57.01 Joshua Sluyter 1 18.05 9.23 aSfoIk County. David B. Van Scoy. 18.27 11.93 Richard J. Cornelius 62.-32 24.71 LawrenceSeaman,Jr 22.3.12 9.3.11 Micah Howell 18.45 11.32 William Raynor 115.88 69.73 Humphrey A. Tuthill — — Nathan N. Tiffany.. . 18:1.19 47.29 Mahlon Chichester. . 54.46 22.'0 Robert S. Dickerson. 16.40 9.83 Samuel A. Jones 154.76 75.82 Charles S. Cutting . . 72.02 38.56 Richard W. Smith. . 23.07 9.32 Thomas J. Conklin . 118.77 4.3.57 Gideon Seaman — 63.34 23.72 John II. Duryea 18.94 9..59 Thomas T. Parsons . 162.58 1.37.00 Benjamin C. Tuthill. 32.70 17.71 Jacob H. Miller 42.''3 22.91 Charles Swezey 25.80 15.33 James Weeks 12.26 8.58 Albert G. Mulford. . . 2.5.84 11.83 Hiram Fournier .... 45.57 85.-18 William J. Wlu'cler. 423.38 405.12 Thoirms W. Conkling| — — Stephen C. Rogers. . .347.(5! 308.87 Sclah C. Smith . 1 . . 112.911 46.36 David Williamson...! 91.31 3-1.91 Cliarles Wood j 194.02 141.63 Jeremiah G. Wilbur. 1 50.22 24.35 Jolin Shirley . . ..' 80.81 47.65 Beuj. T. Hutchinson 23.37 15.59 122 POST-OFFICES AND P 0 S T -M A S T E R S . of Office to Department. Suffolk County — {Continued). Miller’s Place Moriches Mount Sinai New Village North-port Orient Patchogue Penataquit Port Jefferson Quogue Eiver Head Sag Harbor Saint James Sayville Seatuck Selden Setauket Shelter Island Smithtown. Smithtown Branch. . Soutliampton South Haven Southold . : Speonk Springs Stony Brook." Success Thompson’s Station. Upper Aquebogue.. W ading Eiver West Hills I Ezra Oakley West Southold Thomas Payne . Yaphank ! John P, Mills . . . Samuel E. Davis James M. Fanning . Cliarles Phillips Samuel B. Lee Elkanali Soper Marvin Holmes John S. Havens Treadwell O. Smith. Henry K. Townsend. Josiah P. Howell Wells Griffing. Thomas E. Crowell . Eichard Smith Wilson J. Terry Parker S. Eobinson. Joel D. Norton John E. Satterly Archibald E. Havens Jesse Mills James Halliock Charles Parsons Silas Homan William H. Wells. .. Luther Cook David D. Parsons. . . James N. Gould. . . . J abez- Corwin Francis M. A. Wicks Benjamin F. Wells . Svlvester Miller Sullivan County. Barry ville Beaver Brook Beaver Kill Beech Wood Bethel Bloomingburgh — Bridgeville Burlingham Bushville Ciaryville Cochecton Cochecton Centre . . Collicoon Collicoon Depot . . . Delaware Bridge . . Fallsburgh Eorestburgh Fosterdale Fremont Fremont Centre . . . Gales Glen Wild Grahamsville Hasbrouck Homowack Jeffersonville Liberty Liberty Falls Loch Sheldrake . . Long Eddy Low’s Corner Lumberland Mamakating Mongaup Mongaup Valley. . ,Mmiic(4fo (c. h.) . Morsston Narrowsburgh .... Ncversink North Branch . . . . Parksville Phillipsport Pike Pond Pond Eddy Purvis Eobertsonvillc Lemand D. Fuller . . Wm. M. Mapes Jackson Joscelyn. . . John Moerseh George O. Fraser... Thomas Stevenson. . Marcus Hunter Mat’w C. Holstander Myron Crane Gideon E. Bushnell. William McCullough Ozias D. Stevens Aaron Fraser, Jr — William H. Curtis . . Sylvester Mapes Edward Palen Isaac Penney William Eoper Carlos P. Holcomb. . Simeon D. Wood . . . Catharine M. Burtis. William F. Bowers. . Nathan C. Clark William M. Hall.... Cornelius G. Taylor. James P. Bogafdus. Eobert Y. Grant Eobert T. Humphrey Jonathan W. Low. . . Hamlet C. Gordon.. Abraham B. Low. . . Charles C. P. Eldred William Jordan . Peter B. Decker. William Gillespie Ephraim L. Burnham Henry E. Osborn Georg(' W. Stiuigel . John G. Childs Jacob 1). Schermer- horn Cyrus Gray John H. Osborn .... Philip J. Justin Eodman kl. Fidler. . James E. Sjfrague. . . George W.Eobcrtson $60,971 34.24! $26.77 15.49 18.16! 11.00 IS.TOj 10.43 83.59: 43.77 98.32 51.13 291.50 321.57 41.11 22.97 195.55 110.37 41.93 15.53 703.97 781.99 120,27 72.24 21.00 15.97 35.63 21.53 151.29 89.65 57.96 27.02 128.78 68.45 85.16 23.29 29.72 13.91 49.22 29.32 13.97 8.28 100.34 54.06 15.64 11.13 99.62 27.42 41.25 27.76 39.98 20.68 9.69 6.29 63.00 34.00 80.97 41.83 83.15 43.78 18.87 7.70 16.85 9.11 10.53 5.72 83.39 28.51 174.91 71.66 50.31 21.86 27.47 13.47 23.53 12.72 26.85 14 43 126.62 '50.84 28.80 18.85 1S.S8 12.07 55.66 32.95 43.79 16.45 22.71 10,31 86.56 52.20 32.00 19.42 11.07 5.07 12.56 2.92 57.52 21.22 20.01 5.51 50.34 22.48 123.96 73.18 . 153.20 63.70 43.45 21.29 22.03 12.62 3-''.62. 22.‘'1 6.71 3.27 18.13 7.13 18.92 7.88 31.20 21.51 87.08 34.39 414.70 434.e0 21.33 12.82 16.5.56 65.00 42.76 15,49 26.20 11. S7 .57..52 41.45 I 46.55 24.05 53.13 1 25.01 4n.95 ' 24.‘'3 ' 5.09 l.Stl 1 .70 Eockland Sand burgh Shin Creek Stevensville Thompsonville West Brookville. . . . White Lake Woodbourne Wurtsboro’ Youngsville SulUvan County— {Continued). Marvin Kimball . . William Patmore. Samuel N. Hendrix. Walter H. Stevens . Jonathan Stratton Daniel Smith John P. Eoosa Medad T. Morss. . Harvey E. Morris. Hiram L. Shepard Apalachin Barton Berkshire Campville Candor Canfield’s Corner . Catatonk East Berkshire . . . East Candor Factory ville Flemingsville . . . . Halsey Valley Hooper’s Valley . . Jenksville Ketchumville Newark Valley . . . Nichols North Barton Owego (c. h.) Eichford Shepherd’s Creek. Smithsboro South Owego Spencer Strait’s Corners . . . Tioga Centre Waverly Weltonville West Candor West Newark West Eichford Willsey ville Wilson Creek. — Tioga County. Ransom Steele Amos Moore George Williams . . . George K. Steele . . . John J. Sackett Clark Hyatt Charles R. Sackett.. John G. Bunnell Ebenezer Lake Silas Fordham Eobert L. Fleming. . Israel Hoyt Gilbert Pearsall George G. Nixon . . . James Chapen William S. Lincoln, . Timothy P. Alden . . Stephen Eeed Hiram A. Beebe Chauncey L. Rich, . . George W. Newell. . Miss Harriet M. Sey- mour Caleb Lamb Abram H. Miller David Strait William Ransom Alvah Jarvis John C. Parmele . . . Eomanti Woodford . Russell S. Mead Eri Osborn Cornelius Hoover. . . Anson M. Kimball. . Tompkins County. Bennettsburgh . . , Caroline Caroline Centre . Danby Dryden East Lansing Enfield Enfield Centre... Etna Forest City Groton Groton City Ithaca (c. h.) — Jacksonville Caleb Keep Jonathan Norwood. Lorenzo Brink Sherman Miller . . . Abraham Tanner. . . John Ludlow Charles Vandorn. . . William D. Bagley. . Walker Marsh John F. Burdick.. . Martin S. Delano. .. Vernum Mather. . . . Arthur S. Johnson. . James Mattison Harvey Holden. Orrin D. Lull . . Lake Eidge John Moe. . . . Lansingville Dana F. Fox Ludlowville iWarren Seely , McLean I Mott's Corners New field j North Lansing — i Peruville I Pugsley’s Depot. . Slaterville I South Danby Roswell Beardsley. Pliny Hall Cornelius A. Pugsley Henry Krum . Aaron Bennett South Lansing iAlmon C. Ives I Speedsville ! Josiah Lawrence . . I Trumansburgh |Benjamin .Mien . . . . ! Trumbull Corners . . Amasia C. Slu'rwooc Uivsses Tallman Ccwbin . VaVna William Seutt. '2d . . ij Waterburgh Levi H. Owen $40.68 $19.74 16.92 9.29 9.10 3.64 34.94 16.83 21.06 6.57 19.60 13.66 93.71 20.23 66.31 37.58 121.19 114.27 45.81 26.56 60.06 25.80 94.88 — 138.00 7.00 37.58 15.53 93.29 42.36 2.49i 1.19 32.97 16.97 7.00 13.00 14.55 8.31 138.65 113.85 16.60 6.25 29.44 13.64 26.00 11.50 11.34 5.95 18.44 11.53 194.14 158.35 138.93 104.10 14.36 7.43 1269.50 1565.72 69.54 36.41 5.00 1.00 96.25 25.55 12.17 6.67 1 29.62 j 62.17 10.371 3.70 67.78 40.26 452.221 556.01 15.471 5.73 9.951 4.75 9.S5| 5.13 33.28 42.99 1.781 1.24 26.11 12.88 23.75 10.75 37.07 16.05 81.92 30.38 236.69 116.10 23.53 12.89 25.67 8.88 41.66 17.42 92.28 35.94 22.10 6.34 86.13 85.14 25.55 19.25 1522 14 2171.29 120.47 57.00 29.19 13.53 43.27 26.62 144.95 152.27 147.69 89.99 41.82 1 20.85 125.28 77.31 31 90 16.68 55.00 27.38 15.54 8.13 S4.19 38.89 30.91 14.21 46.18 16.09 69.41 38.57 4'25.74 486.85 1 14.46 8.49 ; 20.05 7.81 , 56.60 23.75 , 1 45.94 : 26.86 NEW YORK. 123 Left-hand column shows i . of Postmaster. Right-hand one, net revenue of Oflice to Department. "West Danby TVest Dryden West Groton Tompkins County — {Continued). John Patchen . . James D. Kelsey lister C canty. Accord Amesville Arnoldton Bearsville Bruynswick Clintondale Denning Ellenville Esopus Fly Mountain Galeville Mills Glasco Greenfield High Palis Hurley Jamesburgh Kerhonkson Kingston (c. h.). — Kripplebush Kyserike Lackawack Lake Hill. Libertyville Loyd Malden Marbletown Marlboro’ Milton Modena Napauock New Hurley New Paltz New Paltz Landing. Olive Olive Bridge maker Thomas M. Holt Benjamin C. Arnold Christian Baehr . . . John Lang Abner Wood John W. Smith Geo. N. Sinsabaugh Cheney Ames Wm. Van Wagenen Tesse T. Conkling . Henry D. Martin . . Fred’k H. Pomeroy James D.Terwilliger Ab’mB.Houghtaling Jacob Walker Melford Vernooy . . William Kerr Stephen B. Chambers Dumond Elmendorf Harmon N. Morse .. William M. Cooper. Alex’r Schoonmaker Samuel D. Bond .. . Almon Canfield C. M. Van Buren. . . James S. Knapp Peter M. Carpenter. Henry Deyo Charles Ver Nooy . . Jacob J. Van Steen- bergh Abrah’m A.Deyo,Jr. Daniel Coe Abraham Merrihew. Andrew D. W. Dela- mater Isaac D. Vandervort Theodore Gingon . . James Hunt Peter H. Freligh . . . Nicholas T. Jansen. David W'olley John H. Stratton Wm. H. Snyder, Jr. Henry A. Samson. . . James Eussell Elias Eighmey Peter F. Mastin Thomas Hill Isaac Robison Abraham D. Ladew Joseph L.Hasbrouck James Green Samuel W. Cutler.. . William Adams Martin T. Schoon- maker Lysander C. Tubbs Henry D. H. Snyder George W. Snyder. Warren County. Athol Michael Byrnes . Bolton Stephen Pratt . . . ('(ddwell (c. h.) Hiram Wood Che.stertown William Hotchkiss Creek Centre Thomas Akley . . French Mountain. . . George Brown . . Glenn's Falls William Peck . . . Hague John B. Jenkins. Horicon Charles W. Osborn Johnsburgh John Noble Luzerne John B. Burneson Mill Brook Edwin A. Bush. . . Phoenicia Pine Hill Plattekill Quarryville Red Bridge River Side Rondout Rosendale Samsonville Saugerties Shandaken Shawangunk Shokan Stone Ridge The Corner Tuthill Ulsterville Wawarsing West Camp West Hurley West Shandaken. Woodland Woodstock 1 $19.12 i $11.81 34.43 18.67 1 23.38 1 11.07 87.37 34.24 16.47 ■ 7.79 45.54 25.33 27.69 9.31 46.31 22.04 28.42 17.21 13.31 7.65 90.42 65.47 97.48 45.63 51.10 31.55 22.27 13.68 115.99 60.87 31.02 17.16 68.48 30.98 35.65 26.53 47.53 17.06 1224.45 1400.46 3.66 .02 38.71 22.31 9.51 6.55 23.72 9.37 41.66 21.70 128.15 57.70 17.52 4.36 122.37 74.73 213.63 127.33 70.03 69.04 203.12 172.08 23.72 14.53 139.10 14.59 123.42 59.53 45.03 20.21 21.41 9.78 32.54 14.69 21.61 12.21 28.22 15.17 34.00 24.00 14.92 6..54 7.02 5.49 1112.05 999.42 107.49 74.81 53.97 25.48 672.26 644.14 55.61 20.25 45.71 22 ..35 63.21 18.89 92.69 35.06 18.55 10.38 27.64 13.91 47.62 24.97 66.04 31.20 40.11 29.73 100.58 42.38 28.80 16.47 31.79 13.17 21.51 1 7..52 .37.11 18.84 129.60 22.02 167.26 77.49 26.64 ' 10.97 1 1096.83 1291.95 29.21 ; 13.99 36.86 , 25.85 5-1.45 .34.21 92.11 ■ 29.86 14.00 1 8.00 ! Wai'ren Cowity— {Continued). North Creek... North River .. Pottersville . . . Queensbury . . . Stony Creek . . . The Glen Thurman Wardboro Warrensburgh Thomas J. Converse $49.07 $28.78 Lincoln M. Root 20.00 10.00 Michael Codman . . . 68.89 85.21 Gilbert Clements . . . 83.10 16.16 Lewis T. Fenton . . . 83.97 19.06 David Whitaker •Tohn pr • 35.00 15.38 William H. Ward . . 24.07 18.04 Frederick A. Farlin 225.67 88.25 Washington County. Adamsville ' Clemons Gibbs . . . Anaquasscook 'James Thompson Argyle jJohn C. Sill Bald Mountain j Samuel B. Thorn . Battenville Ed^in Weir Belcher Andrew T. Crawford Buskirk’s Bridge. . . Andrew Houghton.. Cambridge | James R. Livingston Centre Cambridge. . jThomas E. Kenyon. Centre White Creek.jDavid Fowler Coila William Weir Comstock’s Landing Andrew Clark East Greenwich William P.McCall Easton Aaron Barker . . . East Salem Edwin D. Miner. Fort Ann George Clements Fort Edward James McIntyre . Fort Edward Centre Elisha H. Ferris. Fort Miller Samuel Pike Galesville Samuel M. Burke Granville Marcellus Strong Greenwich William C. Allen Griswold’s Mills Charles M. Thorn Hampton Aaron C. Broughton Hartford Soloman S. Cowen.. Hebron John S. McFarland. Jackson Charles O. Valentine Kingsbury Charles B. Vaughn. Lake Walter G. Stewart.. Low Hampton Howard Leonard . . . Middle Granville.. . William H. Allen. . . North Argyle John Stevenson North Cambridge.. Ebenezer McLean.. North Easton Solomon Baker North Granville Robert G. Dayton. . . North Greenwich. . .'William Reid North Hebron 'Martin V. B. Bull . . North White Creek. Benjamin F. McNitt Patten’s Mills Byron G. Knapp .. . Putnam William G. Corbet;. Salem (c. h.) Charles Crary Sandy Hill (c. h.)., . James M. Moss William Lawrence.. Charles H. Bull Ezekiel Smith John Hall Shushan Slateville Smith’s Basin South Argyle South Easton James R. Cherry South Granville jHorace Smith South Hartford. West Fort Ann. West Hebron. . . White Creek . . . Whitehall William H. Ward .. Artemas II. Wheeler Thomas McLaughry Stephen Barker Atherton Hall 21.33 10.32 '203.68 51.10 56.06 32.34 109.59 19-T.04 39.04 22.65 68.33 48.86 72.01 71.09 28.74 276.65 686.55 10.43 68.13 74.12 830.84 428.69 12.61 70.61 113.00 86.95 24.89 33.13 42.41 17.33 229.63 65.83 16.20 69.81 136.35 40.27 30.12 213.19 25.18 60.24 440.67 499.82 160.43 20.00 50.86 48.24 45.61 23.49 61.28 21.06 71.55 57.69 1164.13 14.46 4.26 54.73 27.43 23.83 21.49 95.57 142.45 - 28.28 13.57 33.85 14.70 29.89 34.52 15.84 110.54 588.01 7.03 30.87 75.78 782.46- 248.48 6.34 43.12 36.83 26.03 16.23 20.50 23.32 8.42 107.23 38.80 9.78 38.57 106.98 23.34 25.08 225.25 14.59 33.60 467.16 437.18 40.67 3.00 24.79 22.79 27.41 13.97 32.92 8.62 48.45 38.60 877.92 Wayne Ccunly. Alton Arcadia Clyde East Palmyra Fairville Huron Joy Lock Berlin.-: l.yons (c. h.) Macedon Macedon Centre. , Marengo Marion i Newark Ontario Oliver Leonard Samuel Baldwin . . . James Chapman . . . Jacob Sliernian Lyman A. Crandall. Alfred P. Crafts Enoch Granger Edward B. Pynehon Daniel Watrous Calvin Tucker Ira Odell Benjamin F. Pound. Levi Clark Iliram Clark Nathan Hinckley. . . 59.571 191.20| 706.47 1 41.50, 46.01 44.02' 47.84' 40.00 1129.43 1287.27 220.60 230.61 97.37 54.79 30.61 16.27 207.58' 125.93 735.78 647.38 139.821 105.28 31.41 117.79 678.17 20.18 34.12 26.43 29.81 34.00 124 POST-OFFICES AND P 0 S T - M A S T E R S . Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmastei'. Eight-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Wayne County— (Continued). Palmyra Port Glasgow . . Pultneyviile Red Creek Rose Savannah Sodus Sodus Centre... Sodus Point South Butler . . . South Sodus Walworth West Butler West Macedon . West Walworth Williamson Wolcott William L. Tucker. . Miss Eliza Botiser. . . David C. Higgins.. . William O. Wood . . Eron N. Thomas Joseph F. Case Willis T. Gaylord . . Milton Seely Benjamin L.Lummis John E. Hough James J. Cuer Riley Hill George Doolittle Ichabod W. Briggs. William D. Wylie . . Franklin P. Rogers. Hiram Church Armonk Bedford (c. h.) . . Bedford Station. Bouton ville Bronxville Chappaqua Cross River Croton Falls Croton Landing Crugers Dobbs’ Ferry East Chester Fordham Golden’s Bridge Harrison Hastings upon Hud- son Irvington Jefferson Valley Katonah Kensico Lewisboro’ Mamaroneck Mori ngvi lie Morrisania Mott Haven Mount Kisko Mount Vernon Neperan. New Castle New Rochelle North Castle North Salem Peekskill Pelham. Pine’s Bridge Pleasantville Port Chester Poundridge Purdy’s Station Rye Salem Centre Scarsdale Shrub Oak Sing Sing Somers Soutli Salem South Yonkers Spiiytc'U Duyvil Tarrylowii Tuekahoe Verplank Vi.'^ia Cheater West harms West Somers Westchester Countyi j Israel Townsend . . . ! Benjamin J. Ambler [John J. Banks. , Seth Abbott Lancaster O. Under- hill Ijevi Hunt, Jr ■William Hunt William T. Bailey. James McCord James F. Ferris. . . Effingham W. Wal- grove — Alexander M. Lane Anthony W. Fishe Orin P. Frost.. .. Edward Willets . . Isaac Lefurgy, Jr. Peter M. Warman Cornelius Putney . David Putney Evander Odell Cyrus M. Ferris . . Edward Seaman. . Isaac H. Barker . Marquis L. Mann. Hervey H.Robertso Harrison Y'oung.. George Gould Henry Clark Charles H. Kirby . Robert H. Coles. . . Nathan J. Green . Wm. P. Van Tassel Hackaliah B. Strang John E. Jones Benjamin D. Mille Robert Montross. . Jonathan J. Dealt Edwin Adams Isaac H. Purdy. . . Daniel Strang Anson W. Lobdell Mblliam S. Popham Lewis Purdy Alfred Buckhart.. AVilliam Turk I Gould Hawley ;dolm Warner 'David 11. Kellogg. .laoob B. Odell dames Dusenbury . James A. Whitbec Alfred W. 11 listed. William H. Bowiie Ralph H. Smith . . Munson E. Frost . $990. 12 , 151, ITO. 151. 52. 217. 40. 49. 117. 62. 147. 22 . 61. 43. 158, 228, 80 1043.13 73 i 6.34 104.58 104.49 74.32 8.22 114.59 19.08 20.28 70.93 34.14 90.36 14.25 16.92 31.81 62.92 124.26 80.19 114.90 975.25 75.19 119.88 63.43 120.68 113.97 62.44 200.29 82.59 263.51 46.511 51.08 202.73 29.71 150.22 47.38 16.54 213.52 170.00 378.25 127.31 100.58 205.34 86.37 59.58 494.27, 34.16 81.78^ 913.05 175.20' 15.14 57.64 408.61 41.03 66.00 181.46 42.61 52.57 24.41 941. OG 88.36 73.19 32.00 596.84 112.89 152.94 0.1 .306., 313.92 20.29 23.97 68.91 39.10 53.18 44.56 30.47 91.88 63.48 49.48 23.54 36.06 112.88 17.26 37.46 25.01 8.52 116.59 106.00 249.61 57.58 42.30 113.64 21.68 45.72 294.16 20.81 29.92 1019.79 47.62 8.91 85.61 116.68 20.77 28.85 57.53 43.98 20.54 13.55 884.78 29.70 19.83 12.00 452.27 53.69 67.48 6.30 14i!.98 165.96 12.29 White Plains (c. h.), Williams’ Bridge . . . Yonkers Yorktown Westchester County — ( Continued). Emory Palmer $505.55 John T. Briggs j 49.99 Esther A. Bashford . 890.39 James H. Purdy j 46.41 Wyoming County* Attica Attica Centre. Bennington . . Castile China Covington Cowlesville Dale Eagle Eagle Village East China East Gainesville East Java East Koy East Orangeville East Pike East Warsaw Folsomdale Gainesville Hermitage Java Java Centre Java Village Johnsonsburgh La Grange North Java North Sheldon North Wethersfield . Orangeville Pearl Creek Peoria Perry Perry Centre Pike Portageville Saint Helena Sheldon South Warsaw Strykersville Varysburgh Warsaw (c. h.) Wethersfield Wethersfield Springs Wyoming Moses Colcord William Tanner . . . Bissell S. King Lucius Carter Burnett H. McClen then William J. Martin. . Luther C. Barnum. Sidney S. Monroe. . Cyril Rawson William S. Agett. .. Heman Wilson John D. Brownell. . William P. Day.T. . Isaac Quackenbush David J. Finch Spencer S.Hammond Silvester R. Adams John B. Folsom. . . William Bristol, Jr Horace Blodget. . . Melvin Woodworth Patrick O’Conner. Thomas B. Ring. . George W. Merrill Henry B. Robinson Reuben Cook Elihu H. Persons John Gardner . . . Thomas Norton.. Thomas P. Miller James Gordon. . . William Mitchell Jason Lathrop . . . Delano P. Gordon George B. Hinds. Silas Bartlett Amos H. Castle , . Alonzo Choate. . . Jonathan Turner. Andrew PettengiU Jacob W. Knapp Alexander H. Baker Ray Greene Thomas S. Cushing Barrington Benton Benton Centre Big Stream Point. . Branch Port Dundee Eddy town Ferguson’s Corners Italy Hill Italy Hollow Middlesex Milo Milo Centre Cenn )■e County. Bnttleboro’ Isaac W. Eicks 49.23 15.65 Joyner’s Depot William D. Farmer . 50.62 9.94 Kocky Mount Charles C. Bonner . . 152.70 30.92 Sarntocra Nathan Webb 7.98 .44 Sparta -James Carney 58.97 50.10 Stantonsburgh ■John Wilkinson 54.96 17.56 Tarhoro’ (c. h.) David Pender 386.16 504.84 Wil.son Edwin G. Clark 222.25 233.20 F( nsytb County. Bethania Eugene C. Lehman . 38.62 14.35 Flint Hill Jolm H. Kreeger — 1.00 .50 KGrncrsvillG -John F. ICerner 37.0(1 14.00 T.AltnTinTi Daniel Ee.lck .... Muddy Creek Samuel Alspaugh. . . 6.18 2.22 Old Eichmond Washington Payne.. 1.41 1.10 Eural Hall Anthony Bitting 2.53 1.95 Salem ; Orestes A. Keehln . . 425.74 539.28 Sedges Garden ' Joseph Waggoner .. 7.15 5.59 Walkertown Eobert L. Walker . . ,3.77 2.70 Waughtown ; Henry M. Lash 18.42 8.14 White Eoad George V. Fulp 6.29 4.59 Winston (c. h.) Peter A. Wilson 65.29 82.69 Fr n\iin County. Franklinton Addison D. Ellis 17-3.11 197.67 Hall’s Eoads Richard T. Harris... 6.36 4.07 Harriss’ ><| Eoads. . . Samuel Harriss 7.89 5.64 Lo^Gshurgh (c. h.) . . William Arendell. . . 287.66 267.15 -John VoiinoTj .Ir, 19.79 7.05 Wrightsville Eansom H."l)uke. . . 10.00 6.00 Gaston County. Castania Grove William A. Bell. Catawba Creek Alfred C. Dickson . . 8.80 4.85 Crowder’s Creek .... Lawson Wilson 13.13 7.31 Crowder’s Mountain. James B. Oats 5.52 3.27 Gaston County — ' Continued). Dallas (c. h.) Andrew Hoyl .$67.50 Erasmus Manuel Ford 2.75 King’s Mountain . . . Benjamin F. Briggs. 14.93 Mountain Island John Tate 17.00 Nail Factory Thomas Darling 11.62: Old Furnace John E. White 5.46 South Point Samuel W. Craig . . . .9.00 Stanley’s Creek Valentine Derr Stowesville Edwin B. Stowe 16.80 White Pine Benjamin Black 4.91 Woodlawn James C. Eudisill.. . 13.93 Gates County. Buckland Samuel E. Smith 1.5.70 Gatesville Shadrach W. Worrell 67.05 Mintonsville John 0. Trotman . . . 23.29 Eeynoldson Dempsey Langstun Sunbury Cos ten Jordan 50.51 Gr anvilie County. Asvlum John F. Harris 15.94 Berea Eichard S. Wood.. . 12.57 Blue Wing Detron T. Walker. . . 19.00 Brookville Samuel H. Cannaday 8.85 Brownsville Mary C. Griffin -16.96 Dutchville Elijah Hester 13.66 Fairport Donalds’nP.Paschall 9.00 Gregory’s Mill Thomas J. Gregory . 8.22 Henderson William W. Eeaves. . 187.51 Kittrell Elisha H. Overton. . . 29.54 Knap of Eeeds Logan W. Umstead. 11.66 Millbank Eaton Davis 8.48 Oak Hill William H. Puryear. 83.44 Oxford (c. h.) A. T. T. Jones 3((5.40 Sassafras Fork James A. Satterwhite 15.23 Tabb’s Creek Thomas D. Harris. . . 4.75 Tally Ho Augustus H. Cooke. . 24.00 Tar Eiver Cameron W. Allen . . 11.00 Townesville William B. Hughes . 10.88 Tranquility Nathan’l E. Cannady 9.41 Waterloo William 0. Gregory. 5.82 Williamsboro’ Elijah Satterwhite. . . 60.50 Wilton Lewis T. Smith 10.88 Woodworths ..' James 0. K. Paschall Young’s jxj Eoads. . . Marcus D. Eoyster . . 20.68 Greene County. Bull Head John J. Edmunson . . 1 Hookerstown Jesse W. Mbore 71.00 Maysville George W. Moore. . . 14.80 Snow Hill (c. h.) John T. Freeman . . . 54.47 Speight’s Bridge William A. Darden . 26.22 Guilford County. Allemance William E. Smith. . . 26.-32 Brick Church Thomas G. Wharton 8.81 Centre Andrew C. Murrow . 31.71 Deep Eiver Cyrus J. Wheeler. . . 12.64 Fentriss Frederick Fentriss. . 6.76 Friendship .John TTiint, 22.48 GribsonvillG . .• fTGrclGn A. Nggsg. Gilmer’s Store Joseph W. Gilmer . . 14.49 Greensboro’ Branson G. Graham. 754.96 High Point Austin H. Welch.. . . 11.00 Hillsdale Anseloin Reed 15.40 Hunt’s Store Nathan Hunt, Jr 101.90 Jamestown Pinckney N. Wheeler 140.31 ATpT.Af»n«villA TH-ITIGS IVTo.TjA*!?! Monticello C. W. Thacker 15.21 New Garden. . . 74.18 Oak Eidge Thomas Graham 33.00 Shaw’s Mills Finley Shaw 6.81 Summerfield Sydner A. Powell. . . 20.59 Summer’s Mill James M. Wharton . 3.89 Westminster David Beard, Jr 15.48 Halifax County. Brinkleyville Benjamin Hunter. . . 1 45.081 Dawson’s ^ Eoads . Spier Cochran — Enfield Lewis H. Whitaker. 1 179.-321 $94.92 2.08 6.54 6.00 3.72 3.74 4.49 3.25 3.58 9.83 11.-37 49.64 15.07 16.14 10.85 6.43 14.00 4.86 ' 8.01 8.00 3.00 6.77 186.60 12.55 7.49 2.74 22.17 277.16 8.73 1.20 15.15 10.65 1.79 6.93 5.21 22.70 4.84 13.57 27.09 4.52 86.70 16.00 11.26 3.12 15.22 5.46 3.80 10.-37 7.55 952.92 3.00 3.59 48.96 34.54 6.61 ' 11.38 4.61 9.98 2.30 7.44 6.67 117.03 128 POST-OFFICES AND POST- MASTERS Left-lian<] column shows compensation of Postmaster. Right-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Halifax Comity — (fjontmued'). Halifax (c. h.) . . Heathsville Littleton Palmyra Eingwood Scotland Neck. . Sycamore Alley. Weldon Westland Fred’r’k S. Marshall $253.20 $250.62 Beverly B. Daniel . . 15.55 7.06 James M. Newson . . 63.50 34.66 Thomas Jones 40.97 8.47 William H. Jones. . . 54.38 37.14 John H. Speed 132.25 154.56 Alfred W. Moore 13.7.5 4.14 Charles J. Gee 152.38 77.17 Jesse Pittard 9.00 4.36 Harnett Countyt Averysboro’ : Buey’s Creek. Burns Level . . Harrington . . . Mill Grove Summerville . Neill S. Stewart Julius W. McLeod.. William Parker Wm. D. Harrington. John McNeiU Malcom McKay Haywood County • Balsam Mountain. . Big Spring Crab Tree Fine’s Creek Forks of Pigeon . . . Jonathan’s Creek.. Ivy Hill Ocona Lufty Peru Pigeon Eiver Quallatown Scott’s Creek Waynesville James B. Fitsgerald. James Eaby Hiram McCracken. . Hiram Eogers Joseph Cathey David Howell John Killian John Mingus William McClure. .. Robert H. Penland . . James W. Terrell. ,. Allen Fisher Samuel Fitzgerald.. Henderson County. 42.T6 8.11 19.83 1.53 .94 7.90 2.46 27.99 6.35 2.88 3.00 5.00 18.86 42.66 57.17 9.73 5.53 6.45 1.45 .72 5.48 1.68 17.90 3.32 2.07 1.73 3.50 8.96 30.26 49.93 Boilston Boman’s Blutf Calhoun Cathey’s Creek Cedar Mountain Cherryfield Claytonville Davidson Eiver Dunn’s Rock Edneyviile Flat Eock Green River Hend erfionville{c,.\i.) Mill River Mud Creek Tryou Thomas E. Murray . 7.62 4.52 James M. Davis — — David Shuford — — James Hamblen 16.28 .13 F. L. D. Thomas . . . — — Giles L. Glazner. . . . 8.46 4.38 Leander S. Gash . . . 14.27 3.60 James W. Killian. . . 13.28 2.35 Rufus Edney 5.41 3.47 Peter Stradley 127.08 66.65 Meredith Freeman . 2.86 1.50 William Patton 160.40 86.69 John W. Erwin 10.94 3.24 Henry E. Lain 10.15 5.00 Enoch G. Foster — 3,25 2.49 Hertford County. Bartonsville Harrellsville Lewis W. Spaulding. Abner Harrell 44.83 Murfreesboro’ Samuel J. Wheeler . 296.21 Pitch Landing John 0. Askew 28.36 Saint John. Godwin C. Moore. . . 6.62 Win ton John A. Anderson. . 73.76 Hyde County. Fairfield Lake Comfort Lake Landing Middletown. . . Ocracoke. John Jordan Reuben Benson Selby Watson Lorenzo D. White. . Daniel Tolson Sladesville John E. Fortiscue.. Swan Quarter (c. h.) Thomas F. Credle . Iredell County. Amity Hill Bethany Church Chcsnut Grove Cool Spring Crater’s Mills Deep Well Eagle Mills Fallstown Fanev Hill Ebenezer McNeily. William A. Dunlap. Robert M. Bready. . Marshal Turner . . . Quinton Holton John C. Hargrave.. ,\ndrew Baggasly. . John Young James Mears 23.34 in.86 43.27 69.06 19.54 35.65 20.21 13.03 24.99 6.23 2.42 80.77 9.41 10.86 8.11 26.65 259.78 16.70 5.69 39.20 19.56 6.59 28.93 73.47 10.67 19.61 14.49 9.00 1.69 1.68 1.40 16.03 6.28 8.27 8.57 Iredell County —{Continued). Houstonville Liberty Hill Mount Mourne New Hope Olin Oak Forest Poplar Grove Post Oak Snow Creek Statesville (c. h.) Tulin Williamsburgh Zion John H. Dalton $8.59 $1.45 Abner Feimster 15.31 1 6.91 Rufus R. Templeton. 39.99 1 3.45 Samuel McHorgue. . 4.56 1 3.03 William D. Watts. . . — Ninian F. Steele 7.86 2.95 Silas Best 13.00 4.66 Alfred A. Sharpe 3.19 1.83 Shadrach Clay well . . 11.89 6.93 Robert F. Simonton . 187.40 274.49 Edwin Falls — Robert S. Colvert . . . 5.72 4.10 Thomas L. Jennings. 2.47 1.48 Jacksun County. George towm iNathan’l G. Abrams. Hogback Valley John Barnes i Horse Cove 1 Stanhope W. HiU. . . 1 Johnson CouiUy. Bentonsville Beulah Boonhill Clayton Creachville Earpsborough Elevation Eureka Leechburgh Lowell Pine Level Saint Charles Sandy Level Smithfield (c. h.) . . . David H. Bridgers . . Stephen Bagley Willie Hastings William D. Joyner . Samuel P. Horton . . W. Earp David H. Holland . . Oren L. Dodd Hardy H. Carroll . . . Nathan B. Cox Thomas G. Hinnant. Joseph Hare B. C. Richardson Henry H. Hobbs 2.541 2.48 11.72 9.73 28.89 8.92 16.04 3.00 13.75 18.99 8.0(i 15.95 178.83 2.16 1.90 5.97 5.91 17.05 5.43 7.08 3.90 11.24 6.55 216.57 Jones County. Comfort I Elijah L. Franck . Pollocksville i John A. Barrus. . . Trenton (c. h.) | Benjamin Askew. Lenoir County. Kinston (c. h.) Moseley Hall Pink Hill Sandy Foundation. . Strabane 11.83' 5.90 35.26 1 3.53 45.27! 42.12 Joseph Tilghman . , . 298.41 304.79 John Joyner 17.18 8.53 Anthony Davis 20.12 13.30 Stephen Herring . . . 8.86 4.50 George Jones 9.91 3.46 Lincoln Coimtv. Beattie’s Ford Catawba Springs. . . . Chronicle Cottage Home Dry Ponds Early Grove Killian’s Grove TAncolnton (c. h.). . . Lowrance’s Mills. . . . Sherrill’s Ford Siegel’s Store Spring Hill Forge. . . William B. Withers. Richard S. Proctor. . Osborne Munday . . . Robert H. Morrison. William W. Munday Joseph Best Absalom Brown Benjamin H. Sumner Joseph M. Lowrance John G. Bynum Daniel Siegel Chas.LHammarskold 44.52 6.95 .97 12.29 2.81 4.31 5.06 242.77 4.00 6.47 11.82 15.00 UlcDoweU County, Black Mountain Elisha C. Neal 4.65 Dysortville Alberto Higgins 15.60 Marion (c, h.) Edwin S. Hull 69.42 Minersville MarinusH.Van Dyke 12.85 North Cove J.ames H. Brown . . . 1(>.'^5 Old Fort Robert Burgin . . . . 11.80 Stone Mountain Harriss Gilliam 1 2.00 Sugar Hill Benjamin F. Bynum C.3S ITlacon County. Casher’s Valley Cowee Franklin Governor’s Island. . . Nantihala Thaddeus P. Siler. Skeeneh James B. Addington Tennessee Eiver Thomas P. Jameson. Mordeeai Zachary Alfred Hall Jesse E. Siler Mark Coleman — 11.33 2.36 123.71 4.77 5.50 8 . 0 ' 5.76 .92 .67 5.34 1.94 1.31 3.00 243.89 l.Sl 4.23 4.97 9.00 3.10 3.93 44. 7S 6.03 6.62 6.87 1.63 5.41 6.50 1.44 105.16 2.46 8.22 8.78 NORTH CAJIOLINA 129 Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Eight-hand one, net revenue of Offlce to Department. lladison County. Big Laurel 1 Stephen "Waller. . . Clay Edward S. Carter. Cross Eock Jacob Glance Gabriel’s Creek j James B. McMahan Holly Grove Ehilip H. Neilson. . Ivy Bend j Joseph P. Ellar Jewell Hill .R. M. Farnsworth.. Lapland i Willis W. Williford Eaysville [ A..B. Eay Walnut Mountain. . . ; James Edwards — White Eock 'Abner G. Tweed . . . iHartin County. Hamilton T. W. Ward j 122.09 Jamesville | Simon Jones Williamston William B. Lanier . . I 200.21 $0.51 3.80 Mcekleubnrgli County. Alexandriana Charlotte (c. h.) Clear Creek Cowan’s Ford Creaghead Davidson College . . . Fullwood’s Store. . . . Hemphill’s Store Hopewell Hornet’s Nest Martindale Morrison’s Tan Yard Orrville Pineville Providence Eanaleburgh Eosevale Sharon Steele Creek. Tuckasaga . . White Hall . . John E. Alexander, i Francis M. Eoss . . . . Isaac N. Alexander Samuel Blythe 'David O. McEaven Hanson P. Heifer. . Jeremiah S. Eeid . . ; Richard Peoples. . . Eobt. Henderson, Jr • Charles B. Cross . James W. Martin.. Elam King ; Robert McEwen ... ! James T. Downs. . . ! William M.Matthews William L. Erwin Arthur Grier Amanda J. Hutchi son Alexander G. Neel. Alexander F. Sadler Eobt. W. McDowell 12.401 722.40 9.09 3.S1 111.23 5.54 5.21 10.00 7.04 2.70 2.88 5.38 S.IO^ 11.31 4.37 19.39 2.15 13.82 84.56 204.81 3.25 658.28 3.94 1.53 138.45 5.12 -3.13 5.00 1.46 1.36 1.59 2.30 1.92 7.92 1.04 15.57 1.39 4.82 Montgomery County. Auman’s Hill John J. Leach 4.97 3.19 Clark’s Creek Dewitt C. McAulay . 9.52 4.98 Edinboro’ William B. Ingram . — — Harrisville Nelson Harris 2.97 1.48 Macedonia Malcom Lamonds. . . 9.54 6.15 Matamoras Levi N. Lucas 3.34 2.34 Milledgeville Lackey W. Elliott... 8.56 8.10 Montgomery James W. McRae. . . 3.45 2.00 Mount Gilead David S. Pemberton 11.21 5.16 Pekin Hugh G. Lucus 26.70 36.71 Rush’s Mills Calvin H. Rush Swift Island James H. Reed 8.85 3..59 Troy Regina R. McRae . . 34.18 15.36 Wind HiU Alexand’rM. Russell Moore County* 18.26 11.47 Buffalo 1 Wesley Mclver. ... 1.50 Caledonia [Francis Munroe 7.09 2.00 Carthage William T. Jenkins. 101.06 102.:’.6 flent.reville Neill McLeod 2.75 2.00 Clark’s Mi Us Daniel McKenzie. . . 4.99 2.66 Crain’s Creek Uriah Schermerhom 20.57 11.72 Curriersville •John R. Currie — — Gold Region Bethuel Coffin 5.67 4.-36 Lawhon’s Hill Leonard W, Lawhon — — Long Street John Sheppard 5.57 2.90 New Gilead Hugh McDonald . . . 4.87 2.28 Pharr’s Mills Harris Tyson 8.94 4.72' Pocket Daniel M. McIntosh . 9.05 5.33 Prosperity Reedy Branch Robert W. Goldston. 3.60 2.82 John M. N. Ferguson 4.65 3.69 RoUins’ Store Thomas Rollins 7.02 17.15 Solemn Grove Archibald Buchan . . 5..50 2.47 Watson’s Bridge |Wm. D. Harrington. 5.35 3.40 IVash County* Botanic Hill John Q. A. Drake. . . Castalia William D. Harrison Hilliardston Richard F. Drake . . . George N. Lewis . . . Littleton Arrington. . Evan N. Bryant Elijah H. Morgan. . . Nashville (c. h.) Ransom’s Bridge . . . Springhope Stanhope Rfcw Hanover County. Angola Bannerman Black River Chapel. Burgaw Depot Caintuck Cypress Grove Dogwood Grove Harrell’s Store Long Creek Moore’s Creek Scott’s Hill SiU’s Creek Spring Garden Topsail Sound Wilmington (c. h.) . . 1 Isaac Rochelle ! John P. Bannerman. 'John M. Corbett Sterling Allen Sylvanus F. Wilson. John N. Bowden . . . J ohn W. Cowan Ollen M. Lewis Evan L. Miller Isaac M. Alderman. Joseph M. Foy John E. Johnston. . . George I. Moore John Howard Daniel Dickson Garysburgh . . . Gaston Green Plains . . Jackson (c. h.) Margaretsville Pleasant Hill. . Potecasi Rich Square . . Seaboard Summit Woodland l^ortkampton County* Roderick B. Gary. John W. Pugh . . . B. Moore James W. Newsom Joseph W. Cocke . Thomas J. Garner Jordan Beale William T. Jasey. Seth B. Turner . . . William H. Wesson Andrew J. Harrell $14.85 59.91 57.93 21.34 8.92 22.88 10.00 8.00 9.04 20.00 7.94 12.90 69.92 9.00 8.87 22.23 5.21 6.07 1991.91 40.20 76.81 5.13 98.74 32.06 86.75 10.11 42.45 19.91 ' 89.10 5.51 $25.04 23.18 13.62 12..52 5.26 9.44 5.00 4.10 2.67 9.00 2.97 8.00 33.54 8.00 4.76 10.98 1.54 5.28 4924.66 9.44 61.07 4.09 146.32 19.93 20.59 7.61 27.57 7.83 9.49 4.13 Onslow County* Aman’s Store . . . Catharine Lake Golden Place . Haw Branch ... Onslow C. H Palo Alto Piny Green Eichlands Snead’s Ferry . . Stone’s Bay Swansboro’ Wolf Pit Jesse Aman 2.50 1.50 John A. Avirett 17.67 .41 Elzey S. Hardison . . Jona’nW.Thompson 5.69 1.89 Rufus L. Pellitier . . . 50.70 23.13 David W. Sanders . . 5.42 4.18 Z. Marshall 11.-38 7.77 James H. Foy 38.61 41.12 Burgess Williams . . 15.54 10.97 .Tjirrflff (rnrnt.n. Cyrus B. Glover 43.24 20.91 Edward W.Fouvielle — — Orange County. Big Falls CaldAvell Cedar Grove Chapel Hill Clover Garden — Clover Orchard . . . Dial’s Creek Durham’s Enoe Mills Hartshorn Hawflelds Ilillshoro' (c. h.) . . Meadow Creek Mount Willing Oaks Orange Factory . . . Red Mountain Rock Spring Round Hill South Lowell Stagville Trice’s Store Walnut Grove West Orange West Point John A. Murray Lambert W. Hall . . . William W.AHison.. James B. McDade.. John Morrow 13.23 3.06 20.45 647.16 6.05 6.40 2.00 9.04 587.72 3.32 Peter Foust 3.36 .93 Oxford Moize 15.55 11.24 Chas. T. McMannen — — John F. Lyon 2.29 1.04 Henry Fogleman . . . 4.72 3.07 Wilson Brown -3.87 2.25 James M. Palmer. . . 372.74 872.13 William S.Bradshaw 2.57 1.56 Hugh Kirkpatrick.. 2.12 1.18 Hudson M. C. Stroud 55.62 25.79 John H. Webb 6.93 3.90 George W. Jones . . . . 16.28 5.64 James J. Cate 6.62 3.2-3 Doctor C. Parrish . . . 8.81 5.21 -John A. McMannen 48.10 6.65 Paul C. Cameron . . . 5.90 William Trice 1.61 .93 Bedford Hurdle 5.07 3.28 Nathaniel D. Bain. . 3.00 1.00 James S. Leathers . . 8.39 8.17 180 POST-OFFICES AND POST- MASTERS. Left-hauU column shows compensation of Postmaster. Eight-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Pasquotank Countyt EUzabetli City (c. h.) Ilintonsville Newbagon Creek . . . Nixonton George A. Williams. William B. Dozier.. John D. Bailey Eeuben F. Overman $526.45 26.22 19.78 27.16 $671.26 11.50 7.85 11.61 Perquimans County, Durant’s Neck . . Hertford (e. h.). . Newby’s Bridge. WoodviUe ; Watson White 17.491 1 11.30 Edwin Brace 197.75 166.59 Jeptha White 26.71 17.53 James A. Woodard. . 27.871 16.17 Person County, Allensville Bushy Fork Cunningham’s Store Daniel’s Mills Five Forks Gordonton Hester’s Store Mount Tirzah Olive Hill Boxboro' (c. h.) Van Hook’s Store. . . Williamsville Woodsdale John W. Thomas . . . William A. Bradsher _ — — Jno.W. Cunningham 18.31 11.83 Charles Holeman . . . 2.12 1.38 Bedford Vaughan. . . 5.02 4.11 Elizabeth C. Baynes 7.58 5.81 Robert H. Hester . . . 5.57 4.11 William T. Noell . . . 12.67 7.46 James M. Winstead. 13.14 9.71 William R. Read . . . 69.71 69.00 John C. Van Hook.. 3.85 2.79 Green Williams 7.81 4.69 John Rogers 18.03 11.84 Pitt County, Boyd’s Ferry Coxville Falkland Gremmlle (e. h.). Johnson’s Mills . . . Marlboro’ P'actolus Wm. J. Laughing- house 10.73 8.23 Calvin Cox 9.84 4.11 James L. Cobb 52.52 18.18 David Lawrence 262.63 295.13 Lewis B, Pugh 17.70 13.10 William G. Lang. . . 33.52 7.84 Churchill Perkins. . . 29.28 14.21 Joseph L. Ballard . . Caleb Cannon 23.48 10.37 22.11 14.00 Columbus , Polk County, , ]Kansom Ponder. Randolph C aunty i AsKboro’’ (c. h.) iLucy A. Baldwin. Brower’s Mills [Alfred Brower Brush Creek |Thomas Brooks . . Buffalo Ford John Pope Caraway 'John A. Craven . . Cedar Falls Cox’s Mills Eden Franklinville Hill’s Store Hoover Hill Jones’ Mine La Grange Lassiter’s Mills Long’s Mills Marley’s Mills Moffitt’s Mills New Market Newport New Salem Normal College Reed Creek Salem Church Sandy Creek Sawyersville Science Hill Soap Stone Mount. , Stone Lick Troy’s Store White House William 8. Marsh Micajah Cox Hezekiah Andrews James C. Skeen . . Samuel B. Hill . . . H. W. B. Prevo . . Bishop Slix Dempsey Brown . Emsley Lassiter . . John Long Thomas Marley . . William D. Moffitt Joseph Newlin... Hiram A. Davis . . Noah C. Jarrell. . . Martin S. Leach. . Isaac H. Foust Emsley Backerdite Sampson C. Fox . . William Dougan. . Mathew M. Troy . Lewis F. McMasters W. Ward Verdin, Jr, James W. Brower . Benj’n Brookshire. Bear Branch . . Bostick’s Mills Capell’s Mills . . Covington — Richmond County, Pleasant P. Terry . Tristram Bostick . . Pleasant R. Capell. Jesse A. Baldwin. . 125.99 9.42 3.85 10.50 18.83 35.20 3.60 5.33 49.24 3.83 4.11 8.35 9.82 9.20 14.19 11.28 10.19 28.02 36.96 128.67 15..30 9.70 11.34 1.44 5.73 .95 9.59 8.62 1.14 8.02 14.31 1.50 8.39 127.71 5.64 1.80 7.37 6.08 17.68 2.19 3.00 3.07 2.13 2.81 4.54, 3.431 6.741 6.36: 5.69 i 5.65' 11.84 I 17.48 7.28, 3.95 5.97: 6.58 .92 2.40 . -72 4.34 2.34 .62 Richmond County — {^Continued). Mark’s Creek. Montpelier . . . Powellton Rock Grove . . Rockingham . Springfield . . . Stewartstown . Ann Eliza Dockery. $6.06 $4.45 John A. Graham . . . 4.00 2.00 iNoah Gibson 15.62 9.00 iWm. 0 . McFarland. i Henry Andrew.s 50.65 18.85 'Thomas R. Baldwin 13.19 2.90 Martin R. McDonald 2.56 1.76 Duncan N. Patterson 5.90 3.13 John W. Freeman.. 1.99 .46 John Johnson ; 27.66 7.12 Pleasant M. Powell . 4.74 2.14 Solomon Townsend . 4.37 3.06 William Long Mathew W. McNair 104.08 97.66 37.20 19.46 Nancy McIntosh 9.98 7.40 Robeson County, Lumber Bridge . . . . Lurnherton (c. h.).. Marysville Melrose Philadelphus Queensdale Randalsville Red Springs Saint Pauls Smith Bridge Sion Alford 27.71 16.36 Emory V B. Lee... — — jWillis P. Moore 5.69 4.68 Mennet McNair 5.93 3.00 Norm’ll McCrimmon 18.90 8.03 Simon P. McNeill.. . — — Stephen D. Collins . 36.00 25.00 James Gaddey 3.51 2.32 Edmund Lilly . .. 53.63 20.51 [Edward B. Patterson 3.51 2.21 [Henry F. Pitman. . . 18.75 11.42 Stephen J. Cobb 12.88 7.53 Albert Lawson 97.87 114.95 ATit/^hpll Joseph B. McCallum Duncan McKay 7.89 4.61 Duncan McCallum.. 13.46 6.88 Adam Currie 29.70 14.60 William McNeill 4.68 3.24 Alex’r A. McIntosh 51.59 16.56 Rily Kinlaw 3.14 2.54 Rockingham County, Dan River Eagle Falls Elm Grove Grogansville Hogan’s Creek Lawsonville Leaksville Madison Mayfield Mayo Monroeton Oregon Pleasantville Reidsville Stacyville Thompsonville Troublesome Wentworth (c. h.)... John A. Ratliff 8.83 6.19 Franklin Harris 13.90 8.90 Richard H. Scales . . — — John P. Grogan 9.26 5.53 Rich’d B. Henderson 2.00 .25 Hugh L. Guerrant.. 25.80 13.06 Jones W. Burton . . . 108.10 69.94 James Irvin 107.53 119.85 G. Ferrel 9.04 5.35 Nathaniel Scales .. . 2.00 .75 Alfred M. Whitsett. 7.11 5.64 James G. Rainey. . . 9.45 6.95 Richard A. Ellington 5.82 1.56 Marcus C. Holderby 47.94 22.28 John Staev 13.80 8.27 Edwin S. Morris 20.71 11.66 David Scott 12.28 6.26 Thomas A. Ratliff.. 73.09 66.28 Rowan County, Bringle’s Ferry Calaubria Eufaula Gold Hill Miranda j Mount Ulla I Mount V ernon : Organ Church Rockville Roseman’s Store Rowan Mills S(dishury (c. h.) . . . Spring Grove Wood" Leaf Lawrence A. Pringle Solomon J. Peeler. Philip A. Correll . . . Francis W. Scott . . . Joshua Miller James Cowan Richard W. Griffith Moses Barringer Jacob Holshouser . . M. A. J. Roseman . . Osborn G. Foard . . . John A. Weirman .. Matthias Boger Daniel Wood 3.83| Rutherford County, 1.57 Brittain 4.66 [Butler .75 I Cedar Creek . . . 5.41 i I Chimney Rock Jacob Deck Morris R. Moore . John Hemphill . . John W. Harris . 580.80 11.00 3; 46 9.19 660.90 6.18 2.16 1.60 4.06 NORTH CAROLINA. 131 Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Right-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Rutherford County — {Continued). Cooper’s Gap Cuba First Broad Golden Valley Grassy Knob Green Hill Hicksville High Shoals Island Ford Logan's Store Mill’s Gap Oak Spring Otter Creek Patton's Home Rutherfordton (c. h. Sandy Plains Suck Creek Webb’s Ford Caleb King . . . John Gilkey. . ■Williamson Fortune Benjamin Hamilton William Davenport William B. McEntire R. H. Hicks Micajah Durham. . . Richard L. Harris. . John Freeman George J. Mills. . . . Amos Harrill Moses Wilkerson . . Benj’n W. Andrews Or vis Bartlett Robert McFarland. Philip R. Davis George M. Webb . . I T- Sampson County. Beman’s X Roads . . Bennett’s X Roads . Clinton (c. h.) Draughon's Store. . . Hawley’s Store Monk's Store Kewton Grove Owenville Piney Grove Six Runs Springvale Taylor’s Bridge Wardsville George W.Draughon R. F. Allen George W. Atkins . . Kilba Lossiter Daniel Ray Archibald Monk Blackman Lee Thomas N. Culbreth. Isaac W. Lane John Colwell Thomas Vail John S. Parish Clifton Ward Albemarle (c. h.) . . Efird’s Mills Kendall’s Store Norwood Rowlandsville Stanly County. Elisha S. Moss, . Simon H. Eflrd . . . John Kendall George J. Allen. . . Thomas Rowland . Stok€s County. Ayersville Big Creek Blakely Colesville Crooked Creek J'anhury (c, h.) Francisco Germanton (c. h.) . . Little 'Vadkin Martin’s Lime Kilns. Old Town Peters Creek Pine Hall Red Shoals Walnut Cove Wilson’s Store John W. Martin . Lewis B. Banner William Withers. Thomas Martin , . Stephen H. Poor. Lemuel Pitzer . . . J. W. Bitting William W. Petree David N. Dalton •John J. Martin. Leven Hine . . . David Hall, Jr. Samuel 8. Wall James Davis . . William A. Lash . , George W. Wilson Dobson Elkin Flat Shoal Fisher’s Gap . . . Hay Stack Indesville Mount Airy .... Richmond Hill . Rockford (c. h.). Rusk Roaring Gap . . . Siloam State Road Stony Ridge Tom’s Creek Columbia (c. h.). Fort Landing Surry County. David M. Cooper . Richard R. Gwyn. •Joel Harrison William Hodge. . . Anderson Fowlkes Elijah Thompson. Thomas Smith. . . . Joseph Williams . Mark A. York Thomas B. Roberts John P. Roberts . . Richard C. Reeves D. R. Cockerham. William W. Wolff F rancisK. Armstrong Tyrrel County. . . I William W. Walker, j . . I William J. Beasley. . j $7.53 $3.41 7.41 4.11 10.49 6.55 7.48 3.35 11.27 6.88 3.19 1.83 I 6.07 2.S6! 17.r)6 8.591 4.08 2,42; 1.75 1.25 5.56 3.43 202.33 187.23 11.04^ 6.42 1.00 .62 12.18 6.69 1.72 1.03 5.45 3.70 249.35 236.51 10.96 8.25 18.88 9.76 9.33 5.62 16.48 20.-32 28.88 11.98 7.57 5.87 6.75 3.3S 12.94 4.99 9.30 5.52 69.42 81.44 2.93 2.68 13.89 7.31 39.42 17.52 1.00 1.00 17.84 9.53 9.34 6.64 9.30 3.90 10.11 5.03 8.93 3.27 33.27 18.56 9.89 6.23 98.99 99.92 19.42 9.72 7.72 4.45 11.57 6.1.3 3.67 2.64 7.15 2.87 .5.12 4,28 31.60 18.99 4.09 2.35 10.54 5.41 7.09 5.99 2.80 2.15 6.65 4.11 86.10 .5,5.76 22.21 18.75 •32.19 48.00 2.71 .65 7.00 3.50 7.61 2.88 5.05 2.99 20.54 12.99 112.30 1 52.71 — — Beaverdam Coburn's Store Jenkin’s Store .t . . . Lane’s Creek Love’s Level Monroe (c. h.) Morgan’s Mills. . . . Oak Grove Oakville Olive Branch Richardson Creek. . Stevens’ Mills Walkersville White Hill Winchester Wolfsville Jnion County. 'Calvin Trull $5.62 11.19 Elam C. Stewart Robert N. Bivens.. . 2.25 Thomas L. Marsh . . . 19.45 Richmond Turner. . . .30 Thos. D. AVinchester 55.83 Henry Morgan 2.75 James H. K. Rodgers 3.78 Joseph R. Hudson.. 7.72 Joseph E. W. Smith. — Jonathan Trull 8.25 John H. Stevens 4,26 Hugh AVilson 7.20 Benj’n D. Rushing. . 7.16 Geo. A. Winchester. 6.56 Gassel D. Broom 7.19 Wake County. Auburn Brassfield Cary Eagle Rock Fishdam Forestville Green Level Holly Spring Middle Creek New Hill New Light Raleigh (c. h.) Rogers’ Store Rolesville Wakefield James J. Ferrill William P. Hayes A. F. Page William H. Hood.. Mark A. Tate William I. Eddins . Golden A. Upchurch Archibald Leslie . . Thomas G. Whitaker Robert M. Brown . . Peleg S. Rogers . . William White. . . . Geo. W. Thompson John M. Fleming. . iBertis T. Strickland 18.49 28.12 8.93 214.52 9.06 , 28.00 4.61 18..85 15.09 1610.87 10.18 35.51 23.26 $2.42 1.99 2.00 5.49 .20 80.53 1.75 1.59 2.43 3.32 1.90 7.83 6.20 2.58 3.19 4.73 2.7a 1.20 45.77 8.49 9.00 2.60 3.64 4.41 1115.-39 2.47 9.20 2.61 Warren Countyi Almeria Areola Exchange Grove Hill Macon Depot Merry Mount Nutbush Ridgeway Shocco Springs . . . Warrenton (c. h.) H. G. Goodloe Samuel T. Alston . . . 13.77 9.31 Thomas P. Paschall. 9.32 7.00 Henry Y. Egerton . . 11.81 5.71 Nathan Milam 26.37 8.62 Henry P. White 13.84 2.29 John H. Bullock 27.55 14.40 James A. Cheatham. 92,37 40.40 Solomon D. Sessums 36.00 10.92 Thomas Reynolds. . . 556.69 603.09 Washington County. Plymouth {e.'h.) Wm. A. Hardison .. I 479.131 519.84 Scuppernong Hardy Harrison I 65.64 29.43 Union 'James A. Melson ... 1 27.181 7.36 Watauga County. Boone Cranberry Forge Legs Moretz Mill Rotherwood Sody Strong Fork Sugar Grove .... Sweet Water Valley Crusis AVatauga Falls,. . Jordan Councill 17.57 4.54 Jacob Snider 1.45 1.04 F. M. Boatwright... — — Christian Moretz 5.24 •3.67 John C. Blair 3.80 2.18 Albert P. Wilson . . . 2.00 1..30 Alfred Miller. 5.48 3.93 Joseph P. Matheson. ll.(t5 4.39 Thomas Farthing. . . 1.99 1.50 Joseph Shull 7.20 1.2T William Rowland. . . — — Wayne County. Everittsville . . Falling Creek Goldsborough Jericho Millard Mount Olive. . Nahunta Pikeville Sleepy Creek. Almon Hart Everitf Smith John Taylor James M. Davis . . . Sanders P. Cox William T. Pollock Bennett Hooks . . . Calvin G. Perkins.. Laban W. Lewis. . . Wilkes Countv< Brier Creek ILeland Martin Buggabo [Obadiah Sprinkle. 86.84 1 48.51 9.63 4..55 793.23 1 143.06 .34.5(1 ' 14.22 11.- 6 9.75 .'■'(1.18 83.85 71.83 25.11 5.64 2.47 15.04 1 1.51 2.50 1 1.73 132 POST-OFFICES AND POST- MASTERS. Left-liand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Right-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. WilA:es Elk Spur Elkville Hay Meadow Hunting Creek Lewis’ Fork Lovelace Mulberry New Castle Keddie’s Eiver Swan Pond Trap Hill Warrior Creek Wilkesboro' (c. h.) . , Willbar Zimmerman East Bend Forbush Hamptonville Huntsville Jonesville Locust Shade. Coimty — ( ConUnued). James Eoberts Calvin J. Cowles. . Lewis Sebastian . . Eobert Wright . . . Elij ah Dyer Larkin I. Bicknall John M. Vanhoy . . Mrs. Diana A. Hunt A. A. Whittenton. Wm. W. Hampton Wm. C. Dijournett James Bryan Isaac S. Call Henry T. Willbar. Dabney W. Parks. Yadkin County. Eichard Phillips. . David Hutchens . . Josiah Cowles . . . . Neely Bohannon . Bilson B. Benham Wilie Felts $0.69 $0.50 Yadkin Mount Nebo 40.57 25.26 Oak Level 3.25 1.05 Panther Creek Eed Pl.nins 7.33 4.95 Eepilblic 5.45 2.88 Yadkinville .80 .58 Walnut Lane 6.83 3.35 7.21 4.52 Y£ 1.22 .89 15.87 8.33 Bakersville 5.42 3.46 Bald Creek 123.76 109.36 Burnsville (c. h.) . . . 5.87 3,30 Childsville — — Day Book 14.73 11.39 Egypt... Grassy Creek Ivy 4.35 2.82 Ledger 51.47 36.16 Paint Gap 83.98 8.22 Eamseytown 66.67 78.23 EedHiU 1.50 .62 Yellow Mountain. . . Yadkin County — {Continued). Nathan B. Dozier. . . Jesse Conch Nicholas L. Williams Eobert C. Poindexter Ellis C. Brown John E. Long Samuel Johnson Yans«y County. $15.32 1.00 9.39 9.98 4.11 45.56 8,72 Isaac A. Pearson 7.01 Samuel L. Wilson . . 6.95 Jesse N. Broyles 63.77 Albertus D. Childs. . 8.05 Melchizedec Chand- ler 4.76 Hezekiah Lewis Jesse Mason 8.07 Thomas D. Carter. . . 18.83 John C. Green 7.02 Jesse Horton 1.53 Cornelius E. Byrd . . — John W. Bailey .... 4.03 Alexander Erwin. . . .69 $8.23 .50 1.04 3.35 1.31 21.22 4.39 3.22 57.94 5.22 2.10 4.44 8.90 4.6T .90 3.17 .54 OHIO. Beasley’s Fork Bentonville Blue Creek Bradyville Dunbarton Dunkinsville Eckmansville Emerald Gustin Locust Grove ... — Lovett’s Mahala Manchester Marble Furnace Mount Leigh Osmans Eockville Mams County* Henry Kennedy . . . Allen S. Brownfield John S. Clark Wm. M. Greenlee . Isaac Eakins S. C. Black John Morrison Hillis Eees Jonathan McMillen James S. Baker Addison Turner . . . James M. Drenan. . David Dunbar James H. Sumner . William L. Blair. . . David S. Black George Pettit Scott Edward E. Wilkins Stouts Lyman Taft Tranquility |John McCreight . . . Waggoner’s Eipple.. John Beach West Union (c. h.).. William E. Eape.. . Wheat Eidge William B. Brown. Youngsville William Young. . . Atlen County. Acadia jBennet D. Harter. . Allentown 1 Jackson Shull Beaver Dam Frederick Shull Blue Lick i Elias Everett Cranberry Isaac Parker Croghan Era.smus Thompson Elida Jesse J. John Gomer Wm. W. Williams. Herring George E. Strayer. Hog Creek James B. Ilagerman J.ima (c. h.) Samuel Sanford West Cairo David Ilartzog Westminster Eobert W. Bodel ... West Newton William A. Howe .. Ashland Coimty. Albion [William Spencer — Ashland (c. h.) Burr Kellogg Friends 1 George Witwer $ 58.84 $ 38.69 1 18.79 11.29 28.39 16.88 30.80 21.76 21.73 13.50 99.10 53.81 7.37 4.69 53.58 20.32 18.05 13.20 16.31 13.00 104.48 98.62 2.99 2.14 4.18 2.94 84.01 22.79 140.91 118.22 40.47 21.77 34.84 16.70 15.71 7.26 114.14 152.70 11.38 7.99 22.09 13.13 62.381 45.34 16.03! 14.09 19.22: 12,51 1 18.79 11.29 1 16.00! 10.65 i 47.07; 31.68 j 36.00' 20.00 20.23 13.99! 5.5.04 26.71 i 22.64 15.39, 442.72 373.23 , 10.00 5.001 125.26 14.67 ! 27.92 17.67 i ! 34.71 i 1 18.82 , 710.35 658.14 18.061 1 9.68 J Ashland County — {Continnied). Hayesville . . . Jeromesville Lake Fork. . . Loudonville. . McKay Mifflin Mohican Nankin Nova Perote. . . — Perryville . . . Polk Eows Euggles Savannah . . . SuUivan Abr’h’m Armentrout Benj’n F. Hargrave. David Dillier John C. LarweU Levi Spencer John M. Crory Thomas A. Eagle . . . James Alberson Chas. S. Van Arnam Abraham Fast Horace L. Stearns. . . John S. White John Van Nest Orsamus L. Andrews Joseph McCutchin.. Hamilton Porter $159. 72. 1 . 255. 27. 61. 59, 58. 44. 12 . 71. Ashtabula County. Amboy Andover Ashtabula Austinburgh . , . . Cherry Valley . . , Clark’s Corners. . Conneaut Cork Denmark Dorset Eagleville East Plymouth . . East Trumbull.. . Geneva Harpcrsfleld Hart’s Grove Jefferson (c. h.). . Kelloggsville — Kingsville Lenox Leon Lindenville Monroe Centre . . Morgan New Lyme North Sheffield . . Orwell Phelps Charles Barrett James S. Morley — Ezekiel C. Eoot Oliver B. Henderson Samuel F. Hollister . Asahel K. Warren.. Thomas J. Carlin . . . G. IK Secheverell. .. Ebenezer Williams . James S. Collins Sylvester Stanly William W. Mann . . Jesse H. Wheeler. . . Joseph V. A. French Oscar F. Gibbs William Jarvis Stephen D. Dann. . . Benjamin Wetmore. George G. Gillett . . . John^M. Eay Merriman Barber . . . Barthol’w I. Decker. George H. Wickwire Alex'r McCausland . i Alva E. Beckwith. . . ; Harcy Purdy.. . -.. John W. Babcock. . . Milton 0. Jayne ... I 18 1 $128.11 47 43.33 38 .39 73 161.72 2o! 17.03 201 40.48 86.27 32.03 26.47 6.43 50.71 23.30 72.22 27.43 139.63 72.53 43.50 S.5.83 697.92 173.11 48.12 17.24 524.09 10 07 5.20 20.02 66.77 19.32 83.69 847.88 240.67 32.26 811.64 81.26 815.69 51.11 23.20 98.12 43.07 162.00 82.70 27.52 123.44 43.61 20.04 39.49 802.91. 87.42 37.10 9.92 503.07 5.55 3.40 8.18 22.51 9.62 17.51 242.99 166.84 15.10 825.31 89.04 262.52 21.84 12.28 189.65 25.10 65.90 40.96 9.59 66.49 22.99 OHIO 133 Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Right-hand one, net revenue of Offlce to Department. Ashtabula Coxmty — ( Continued). $79.62 $33.92 Eichmond Centre. . . Solomon Waters, Jr. 47.6:3 23.90 Eome Sylvester Eogers — 37.76 13..52 Saybrook Lewis B. Brockett. . . 10('.74 59.65 South Eidge William H. Cherry.. 35.01 12.^6 18.69 3.94 60.08 25.30 "West Pierpont Archibald Gould 15.69 8.72 West Williamsfleld . Heman Tickner 45.56 18.39 Wiiliamsfield Alvan B. Leonard. . . 60.67 30.82 Windsor Harry A. Adams — 78.16 42.69 Athens County. 103.58 46.34 Athens (c. h.) Eodolph De Steig- ner, Jr 600.95 697.46 13.16 8.13 Canaanville Nehemiah 0. Warren 16.41 10.50 Chauneey Wm. M. Edwards. . . 52.70 25.64 103.00 47.40 Federalton Sidney S. Beebe 19.28 9.20 23.73 19.10 Gnvsville Abraham Parrill m.^9 27.86 Haftleyville Benjamin Norris 13.16 8.26 47.08 26.08 Hoekingport Erastus II. Williams. 50.89 25.79 Hub’s Benona E. Pierce . . . 14.22 9.39 Lee James M. Gorsline. . 146.43 78.25 Lottridge Edward Lawrence . . 8.61 5.49 24.07 12.53 Millfleld Henry Brown 25.78 16.10 Nelson ville Charles A. Cable . . . 154.:37 100.00 22.23 15.83 Shade Asbury Cremer 20.06 13.11 Sharp’s Fork Austin S. Dickey . . . 5.39 2.97 Tnreh Nicholas Baker 11.56 8.27 Trimble Lewis W. Eussell . . . 16.15 9.88 Wnndvard’s . iLeven Oliver 14.16 8.59 Anglaize County. Fryburgh Andrew Gutmann . . 29.34 20.86 Kossuth William Gamble 34.31 17.63 Afinster Fritz Kramer 84.84 56.32 "NT AW ErpmAn .... Adam Kunzel 143.49 58.02 New Hampshire James J. Hutchison. Saint John’s James W. Porter . . . 38.38 19.57 Saint Marys (c. h,). . Anthony Dicker 367.83 295.65 Unipolis Eobert C. Layton. . . 9.88 6.29 W apakoneta Thornton J. Young. 141.06 12S.:il Waynesfleld Evan G. Atkinson . . 21.87 14.53 Belmont County. Armstrong’s Mills . . Alexand’r Armstrong 21.20 6.24 Allas William H. Porter . . 11.95 7.91 Barnesville Benjamin MackalL. 334.09 205.81 Bell Air John S. Anderson.. . 184.85 154.69 Belmont Mahlon T. Fawcett.. 88.19 67.91 Bethesda Merrick S. Burr 18.93 11.58 Bridgeport [David E. Howell.... 285.66 140.36 Captina : Michael Dorsev 24.42 11.46 riolprflin 'Joshua Maule .59.77 19.88 Demos Jlenry McMaster . . . 27.29 16.60 Dille’s Bottom Benjamin Lockwood 44.14 12.20 Fp^t Ttichlund .... Henry Daniel 24.70 7.92 .Inlin F.ekels 4.00 1.50 Egypt Mills Samuel L. Caldwell. 10.12 3.93 Jonathan P. Judkins 9.5.81 47.28 OIgucoc .Tnhn Welsh . . Ilendrysburgh Hamilton Murphy. . . 89.62 62.42 Hunter Lewis Boyer 19.96 11.69 Jucolisburgli John A. Weyer 41.86 13.93 KGnnon .1 oh n A Pay 16.84 9 51 Lamira Oliver G. Metcalf. . . 43.72 18.78 Lampsville Wm. C. Thrasher. . . 13.42 9.21 Lovdsville Joel Elliott 86.26 61.16 Aftirtm’*! Fprry .John Zane. . . . 214.72 121.35 Morristown Eobert McKelvey . . . 171.49 4S.n5 Olire Hill Eobert Heaney, >Jr. . 18.96 9.55 1 Pilcher David Hosinan 20.17 10.55 j Plank Eoad James Giffen 30.29 9.431 Belmont County— {Continued). Powhatan Point Henry Disque $74.25 $56.73 Eing’s Mills Samuel Eing 5.24 1.87 Saint ClairsvilleC.h.) William Darrah 394.22 354.04 Sewellsville Hiram G. Martin — 27.57 16.85 Shepherdstown Thomas M. Graham. 17.46 10.92 Somerton Eichard C. Miles 90.24 62.77 TemperanceviUe . . . John Slevin 12.61 7.72 Uniontown Thomas Fell 72.60 34.75 Wegee Thomas G. Allen 8.86 1.50 Brown County. Aberdeen Arthur Mitchell 143.37 46.11 Arnheim William C. Davis . . . 27.08 19.96 Ash P.ido'e .... Andrew Potts 24.26 12.10 Bloom Pose Joseph Brown 5.58 3.76 Decatur Joseph Stevenson . . 88.27 25.16 De La Palma William P. Connor. . 11.45 5.95 Fayetteville John Ballard 190.10 89.46 Feesburgh Daniel Trout 26.68 15.78 Fincastle Daniel Hare. . 29.49 17.89 Five Mile Charles W. Garoutte 13.94 8.96 Georgetown (c. h.) . . James T. Morgan. . . 267.94 166.22 Hamersville William K. Flick . . . 40.35 24.85 Higginsport Alfred London 98.71 101.77 Lewis Columbus C. McKee 15.94 10.36 T.npiiaf. TTpTiry TT -TriTtp.^ Maple William N. Conover. 8.16 5.91 Mount Crab William Weeks 7.99 4.77 New Harmony A. P. Henning 21.48 14.48 New Hope Oscar I. Stewart . . : . 43.33 27.52 Puebla James McAfee 4.S8 8.60 Piple.y Henry Biehn 515.30 517.33 Eussellville Thomas Mefford 77.46 82.13 Sardinia Houston Bare 40.00 20.00 Union Plain Edwin TiCwis 6.67 3.62 White Oak Valley . . i William Espey 3.30 2,45 Butler County. Alert John Iseminger 11.84 8.53 Bethany Peter Williamson. . . 69.74 11.41 Blue Ball James Logan 59.12 38,07 Bunker Hill William E. ^ierson . 17.51 11.72 College Corner John M. C. Howe. . . 116.81 50.91 Collinsville James M. Steele 64.78 34.31 Contreras Ezra Bourne 18.61 7.63 Darrtown |John McMechan. . . . 73.91 56.04 Hamilton (c. h.) Lawrence M. Furrow 1071.73 1024.57 Jacksonboro’ Andrew J. Dine 33.50 23.10 •TAnpft’ fttntinn T>f>nipl 'W’pHatpr T.e Sourdsville. ... Lewis Emmons 10.80 7.65 Middletown John Harnish 460.95 405.36 Millville Eobert Ferguson . . . 69.00 33.73 Monroe Peter Vlerebome — 147.13 130.24 Oxford George G. White . . . 638.15 612.87 Paddy’s Eun Henry H. Eobinson. 63.76 86.59 Philanthropy Lewis W. Miller 27.92 17.22 Pisgah David Conover 43.01 21.66 Poast Town John Selby 37.00 24.00 Port Union James Patchell ..... 13.05 9.18 Princeton Stephen B. Squier. . . 23.59 14.;32 Eeiley Joseph W. Frazer . . 66.18 37.88 Eoss L. D. Anderson 116.53 55.53 Saint Charles Samuel E. Stewart. . 19.92 10'. 11 Seven Mile David M. Wieder. . . 103.96 54.38 Somerville James Cook 121.00 70.119 Stillwell’s Jacob G. Stillwell . . . 50.9 > 3U.83 Symmes’ Corner — Benjamin E.Symmes 65.95 42.46 Tariff Wiliiarn Wright 23.09 14.09 Trenton Samuel D. Eose 135.08 105.77 West Chester Zadok AVharton 88.08 .50.^9 Winton Ecuben T. Butler. .. 20.09 10.96 Carroll County. Algonquin . .1 Illiram Tope 10.48j 6.47 Augusta Alexander McLean . 60.49! 37.84 Cabello William Rutledge. . . 6.40 1 4.58 < arrollton (c. h.) . . . James S. Bell 236.29, 147.13 '7> Afjiy Figley’sMill lAndrew Figley — — Harlem Spring Ebenezer Howey . . . 59 . 07 ! 41.25 Hickory Jacob Gladden 2.501 2.00 134 POST-OFFICES AND POST - MASTERS. Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Kight-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Kilgore Lamartine Leavitt Leesville Malvern •.•••• Mechanicstown ' New Hagerstown. . . New Harrisburgh . . . Norristown Oneida Mills Palermo Eose . Scroggsfield Sherodsville Shober’s Mills Watts ville Champasgn Countyt Baker’s Brinton Carysville Cliristianburgb . . Mechanicsburgh . Millerstown North Lewisburgh . . Saint Paris Spring Hills Terre Haiite Urhana (c. h.) Westville Woodstock Clark County. County— {Continued Joseph Creal $27.20 $13.00 James Harper 28.00 16.00 Samuel Allen 22.86 15.06 Garvin Lawther 75.86 41.56 1 Christian G. Paessler 68.50 33.81 Joseph G. Whittiker 32.88 21.39 John Moore 79.78 40.50 John Coyan, Jr 65.31 19.78 John F. Beans 14.i»3 6.69 George Hull 41.96 15.88 J ohn H. Moreland . . — — Eliezer Herron 15.74 10.23 John D. George 20.15 12.51 Conard Pearch 9.96 5.82 John H. Shober 2.70 1.62 Charles Boies 12.92 8.64 Harvey Talbot 16.47 10.41 Benjamin Moffitt 42.46 25.32 Samuel Bowersock . . — George McCullough. 98.09 58.34 Furman E.D.McGin- ley 169.79 152.70 Hardin A. Smith 19.61 13.59 1 Francis A. Morrison. 30.46 18.16 Hartland D. Gowcy. 73.22 47.17 Francis Wert 77.45 49.16 J. Libourne Skeen.. 52.83 26.24 Shem Neese 21.36 13.75 James Taylor 946.63 1197.00 Joseph Smith 69.68 31.06 Edward G. Clark . . . 120.10 137.33 Catawba John L. Cartwell 136.72 45.75 Donnelsville William Ager 39.11 24.66 Enon John Wallace 143.17 76.07 Harmony Joseph Wise 24.77 1 5.43 Medway Daniel I. Stiles 53. S6 34!70 New Carlisle Thomas Wise 224.33 148.52 North Hampton John E. Fenimore . . 46.54 17.42 Selma Jacob Landis 1 111.99 52.90 South Charleston . . . John Bussard 1 27.5.77 196.46 Springfield (c. h.). . . William G. Boggs. . . 1930.51 2247.29 Tremont AndrewtC.McLaugh- 1 81.48 16.90 Vienna t«<) Eoads. . . . lin Caleb Barratt i 82.43 50.62 Clerraont County. Amelia Wm. B. C. Sterling . 105.91 49.81 Angola Ezekiel Slade 10.5(1 8.00 Bantam Benjamin Ely 76.71 39.57 Catama (c. h.) Jesse S. Dustin .... 204.15 155.01 Belfast James S. Johnson. . . 10.89 7.12 Bethel Thomas J. Morris . . . 22.99 69.0.3 California Eobert J. Vanosdol . 19.47 10.73 Cedron John Parks 13.00 10.00 Chilo Jedediah Hunt, Jr. . 3-1.28 19.27 Clover Nelson A. Hitch 30.75 20.54 Edenton Henrv Morgan 25.70 17.83 Felicity Oliver P. 8. Fee 139.96 135.1^5 124.41 1 Laurel E'oliert McLaughlin. 3u!.51 17!70 Locust Corner John Wagner. 22.03 17.92 TjOvclund James Loveland .... 107.17 43.48 Marathon. Tims. AV. Abernathy. 43 ! 17 25.‘71 MiaTuiosville Mark Buekingham . 1 60.56 87.57 Milfonl Ainos Hill 192.29 154.05 Mf)ntf^r<‘y John Barr 24.63 14.91 1 James E. Moore ... 1 76.00 4. 5 ! 42 Mount Carmel [llcTbert ll’. Cumback lil.95 1 32.02 Mount Olive Hiram Carr .... ; 6.00 3.75 ■Mount Pisgah Cyrus P. Hayford ‘ 22.30 1 14.95 Mnibcrrv David G. Sparks . . . : 62.18 i 24.37 i Neville ‘ jWm. F. Borradaile. 57.85 ' 29.47 New P.-ilestine. . . . 'dames 11. Grant 12.33 8.13 New Eichumnd .... Daniel L. Stinchfield 3I(M2 ' 306.8 1 1 > N(‘Wtonsville N’ath.aniel M.Ilihbets 10.81 7.17 ' Nichols ville N'^ithan B. Nichols . . • 25.U0 , 16.15 Clermont Comity — {Continued). Olive Branch Joseph D. Hatfield. . Ezekiel Dimmitt Darius Perin $37.62 i 86.28| 54.1 1 1 14.03, 8.59! 22.01 1 31.58 Owensville Perin’s Mills Pleasant Grove Pleasant Plain Point Isabel Point Pleasant William Young Edward Gregory . . . Andrew J. Trees John Cooper Eural T. Loyd West Wood ville Williamsburgh Withamsville Thomas B. Haynie. . John W. McMillen.. William Hall . . 1 12.37i 161 .94! 47.50 $21.87 51.46 3.\35 9.01 9.58 14.13 17.91 7.97 61.41 26.71 Clinton County. Blanchester Bloomington Clarksviiie Cuba Lee’s Creek Lumberton Martinsville New Antioch New Burlington New Vienna Oakland Port William Sabina Sligo Snow Hill Westborough Wilmington (c. h.) . . Wilson’s Station a . . Samuel Baldwin Henry H. Bruce John Gardner Henry M. Green John Mathews, Jr . . Isaac N. James John Hunt David Marble John Arnold ' John Mathews George F. Birdsall . . Abraham H. Botkin. Jacob Theobold Allen Hazard Elisha Harris William W. Slone . . Daniel James Fallis. Alexander Wilson. . . Columbiana County. Achor Bayard Buck’s Calcutta Cannon’s Mill Clarkson Columbiana Damascoville Dunganon East Fairfield East Liverpool East Palestine East Eochester Elkton Franklin Square Gavers Glasgow Green Hill Hanoverton Ingraham Inverness Little Beaver Bridge McKaig’s Mills Moultrie Nebraska New Alexander NewChambersburgh NeAv Garden .Xew T.ifthon (c. h.) . . New Salisbury New Waterford North Georgetown. . Saint Clair Salem Salineville Sandy... Spear's Mills Summitville Unity Wasiiingtonville Well.«ville West Beaver West Point Samuel Young Allen Williamson. . . Isaac Miller Archibald F Sinclair William Hays Eichard Stock John Hiner Martin Delzell James Hagan John P. Farr Joseph Forbes Joseph Young Jacob Emmons Adam Huffman George M. Chandler. Samuel Ewing. .... William B. Orr Eeuben Clemson . . . ' Thomas T. Ickes . . . | Edwin Dutton I David Eose Mathew Laughlin . . . Martin Armstrong . . John B. Irvin Thomas Cannon ! Nicholas Ickes * John L. Hime I James Graham I Alfred G. McCaskey. Ebenezer N. Allen.'. | John Baker ' Henry Fox ' David Culbertson . . . ■ Peter H. Boswell — ■ George W. Boring. . Aquiila Burchfield. . | Jefferson D. Stuart. . ' Patrick Eogers ; John ilollenkopf . . . : Jacob Boston Oliver P. Shearman. John Eobinson Hezekiah Bennett . . Bakersville. Boyd's Mills Caiial Lewisville Coskoft ''u C' tin’y. 1 Ernst Negelspaoh . . . .Vdam Gardner ! 1. 1 Henry Murray . . 100.44 63.12 32.09 16.53 130.93 84.48 28.03 19.96 22.03 14.86 20.76 1 . 3.11 73.07 52.18 5.5.59 35.25 70.93 53.14 107.43 54.12 89.55 19.27 39.91 18.02 75.97 42.75 55.20 28.37 ■ 15.22 9.03 72.33 42.10 41.5.71 403.71 13.82 8.86 34.45 81.27 52 , 01 : 1.61 36.151 14..34 54.01 1 t 29..59 16.911 27.72 39.51 ; 19.90 242.261 152.40 69.73 i 37.93 51 . 21 ; 33.69 84.12! 54.30 216.78; 147.39 8i'..5s! 36.06 71.71: 85.67 88.1Si 16.27 56.41, 26.-34 22 . 05 ' 6.17 20.57 9.15 1.5.62 11.75 168.84 82.54 42.4^' 18.06 18.51 12.15 13.46 8.27 6.64. 1.99 89.00 21.55 6.32 3.18 20.26 11.61 29.92 17.05 68.89 16,65 802.29 457.15 21.00 3.50 56.62 29.84 83.14 21.-37 19.95 12.86 895.24 1150.68 219.57 83.26 83.03 42.06 8..54 4.U2 55.67 27.04 46.12 28.22 48.37 27.04 .519.00 5uo.ll 14.05 4.40 89.85, 21.78 45.90 27.19 1.20 .30 47.0.5, , 28.37 OHIO 135 Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Right-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Coslwcton County — (^Continued). Chili John Cunning | $3\20 Clark’s Sylvester L.Edwards Conesville Beebe 8. Cone. . . Henry N. Shaw . . Charles F. Davis Co-shoctoti (c. h.) . Evansburgh Keene John Sprague . . . Linton Mills Joseph Heslip... Mohawk Valley James Moore, Jr. Munnsville John Carnahan. . New Bedford Josiah E. Fleming Newcastle Sam’l H-.Zimmerman New Guilford 'James 0. Wright New Moscow ' Wm. C. Witson . . New Princeton 'William Whinery Plainfield David Brelsford . Kidge Samuel Anderson Eoseoe Chauncey Bassett Eural Vale John G. Elder. . . Tiverton ; Washington Hiett Tyrone Aaron Eeed . . . Wakatomita 'Newman Smith Walhonding James Gamble Warsaw ! David McDermott West Bedford Samuel P. Kinsey West Carlisle William E. Forker West La Fayette Samuel Ketehum Will’s Creek John Miller .... Yankee Eidge. William Kelly Crawford County. •ds 59.33 29.27j 320.58 29.07 101.99 13.09 14.83 4.12 58.25 an 50.10 21.58 9.53 4.96 78.84 19.27 181 11 6.72 11.71 17.96 41.62 54.05 70.62 46.93 28.85 18.45 ' 4.36 Broken Sword Bucyrus (c. h.). . . Camp Eun ...... Chatfield Crestline De Kalb Gallon Liberty Corners . . Leesville ^ Eoads Likens James Winters . New Washington.. . George Walter . North Eobinson John B. Magers Oceola John N. Eichey Poplar Daniel Tuttle. . . Sulphur Spring George L. Ziegler Tiro David C. Morrow Wellerville James K. Davis . William Wingart . . Alexander A. Euhl, Matthew Torrence. Wilson Stewart Alexander E. J enner Thomas A. Mitchell Daniel Eiblet . . . George Parsons James Clements 26.17 642.34 4.74 37.31 327.15 31.98 415.50 35.24 56.44 18.23 46.27 4.00 45.S1 48.19 79.79 20.26 27.66 Cuyahoga County. Barry Bedford Berea Bricksville Brooklyn Chagrin Falls Cleveland Coe Eidge Collamer Dover .... East Cleveland . . . East Eockport — Euclid . ; Gate’s Mills Independence . . . , Mayfield Middleburgh Newburgh North Dover North Eoyalton. . Thompson WiUett . . 26.18 Eansom S. Benedict. 339.66 Jonathan Pickard . . 348.77 Chauncey L. Young. 104.02 Gurdin Woodruff. . . 193.75 Lorenzo D. Mix 363.57 Joseph W. Gray 2000.0O Asher M. Coe 20.39 Sargent Currier 122.41 Jonathan Spencer.. . 76.25 Kuel G. Hoyt 232.25 Horace Dean 63.93 Charles Farr 9 .25 George Halstead 33.65 Benjamin F. Sharp . 61.96 i John Sherman 20.78 Wheeler Wellman.. ’4.71 jLispenard S. Webb . 'Calvin Phinney 22.5.69 22.80 |\V'in. W. Stockman.. 76.04| GeorgcW.Thompson 163.93; lOIiver Emerson ... 52. .59; iBenjamin Phinney . 53.53: ,.\rchibald Bobbins. . 76.56. ! Herman L. W. Leon- i ard 12.5.02 iJohn M. Burke 71..39, Darke County. Ansonia Samuel C. Edington. 29.23 Arcanum John Smith 52.56 Beamsville i John McLoughlin . . i 23.12 $22.41 33.61 18.13 299.34 16.38 78.11 7.31 S.17 2.58 34.22 33.72 13.51 7.81 4.16 50.06 12.99 174.60 4.59 7.08 8.40 21.27 33.12 31.49 33.52 15.34 10.75 2.33 14.53 745.82 3.01 19.40 134.26 14.60 415.68 20.15 35.43 15.51 29.27 3.09 27.67 27.28 39.99 9.30 15.69 15.10 223.40 300.00 . 67.72 89.88 276.12 9.32 ■38.28 27.03 47.54 22.88 2.5.51 9.92 3.3.12 4.49 2.09 92.45 19.20 26.54 71.63 2ns7 18.66 26.91 94.95 29.83 17.08 .33.44 22.65 Darke, County — {Continued). Brock George D. Medford Castine Duffield B. Clew Concordia Christ’ph’r C. Walker; Darke Elias Wenger De Lisle Edward Dougherty Edon Josiah F. Johnson German j William Brown Gordon John Layton . . Greenville (c. h.) C. Sloaii Smith Hill Grove . . ! Lemuel L. Eeeves Ithaca Jacksonville Matcliett Mississinawa Mount Heron New Harrison New Madison North Star Painter Creek Pittsburgh Poplar Kidge Eepublican Eobison’s Sampson Seven Mile Prairie . Tampico W ebster Woodington Yankeetown .Joel Thomas William Hole Erick Matchett . . William H. Light Louis B. Lott Jacob Wood William J. Eyhn. John M. Houston Frederick Shaffer George Poe David Glower . . . Alexander Pugh . Jacob W. Martin John Leas James McFeely . Eaiford Wiggs. . . Frederick T. Seibt Pearson Snyder John Bilman . . . $15.65 42.07 12.64 11.85 40.60 3.5. S3 41.5.66 69.48 37.53 91.56 10.00 13.90 3.02 2.3.81 70.1.3 5.00 10.95 7.00 2.15 28.64 57.93 14.82 7.40 7.00 14.1^ 10.62 7.57 Defiance County* Arrowsmith’s Miller Arrowsmith . . 14.00 Ayersville Joseph P. Ayers. . . . 27.17 Brunersburgh George Moss .37.91 Cicero Davi3 M. Grier 10.03 Defiance (c. h.) William Moore 562.69 Evansport Houston Eussell 42.34 Farmer Wm. M. Brown 41.26 Hicksville 'Joseph M. O’Connor 61.80 Mil Id ale Galen B. Abell . ... 25.97; Milo Jacob De Hart Ser- rill ' 11.86' Ney George Eidenour. . . 13.65^ Panama |Tra W. T.add . . . 18.95' Snookville Gilbert Coffin 8.69. Delaware County. Alum Creek Ashley Belle Point. Berkshire Centre Village Cole’s Mills Constantia Condit Delaware (c. h.) . . , East Orange Galena Genoa M Eoads . . . Harlem Killbourne Kingston Centre... Leonardsburgh Lewis Centre i Maxwell . Norton . . Ostrander Patterson Porter . . Eadnor . . Siiiibury . Unison .. Van’s Valley Williamsville Alba Peet 11.71 Jonathan M. Coomer 150.76 James Liggett 29.25 James P. Crawford . 59.26 Lyman B. Hanover 24.78 Hugh Cole 12.71 Charles G. Scott 41.21 George M. Achison . — George F. Stayman. 1176.07 1 Urban H. Hyde 31.76 Harlowe Allen 115.18 Vernon Franklin . . . 8.21 William Tompkins.. 23.35 John David.son 87.90 28.04 Olho H. Williams. . . 3A77 James A. Netlleton . 24.03 Eich’d Martin 9.63 JamesF.Wintermute 31.87 Michael C. Bean, . . . — .Tohn Detwiler 17.14 George P»laney 11.87 .John F. Eowland. . . 69.69 Ashur A. Davis 1 114.20 James It. Youel 1 16.90 .John 1 21.28 iHenry .Jarvis I 24,40 Erie County. Berlin Heights Bcrlinville . . . llirmiugham . . Bloomingville. . Eli P. Hill 87.641 .Joi'^eph E. Otis 5^.39 1 .\ndre\v .\I. Smith . . 137.291 Andrew W. Prout . . 27.-51 $9.01 18.04 7.39 8.02 26.46 25.71 414.89 37.67 22.68 55.22 2.50 9.13 1.55 14.66 43.45 2.50 5.75 5.00 1.56 12.63 38.88 8.64 3.81 4.60 10.09 6.23 3.91 10.11 19.32 22.25 5.33 542.51 25.56 24.53 34.89 15.51 7.17 9.24 10.50 4.41 5.19 152.38 17.73 27.29 16.58 7.25 34.78 1530.29 16.59 58.68 4.34 12.87 16.15 18.02 17.76 13.22 . 6.23 18.76 10.87 7.0O 42.29 4'-.34 13.35 13.13 9.33 44.20 28.85 11S.60 22.78 136 POST-OFFICES AND P 0 S T -M A S T E R S Left-liaiid column shows compensation of Postmaster. Itight-haud oue, net revenue of Office to Department. Erie County — {Continued) Castalia jJallier Billings Cooke’s Corners lElihu Parker Florence ! Jeremiah B. Baker . Furnace Huron lone Kelley’s Island Milan SanduHky (c. h.) Venice Vermillion Parker Lewis Lyman M. Dunbar. . Waitstill G. Hastings William S. Webb . . . Hiram C. Jarvis John M. Brown William Shepherd . . John Wines $86.00 5.72 108.98 20,15 263.59 8.e4 39.05 501.77 2000.00 26.11 161.85 $40, 1 57, 8 , 181 5, 33, 504, 3997. 15, 468, Fulton Cov/nty — {Continued). Fairfield Caunty. Amanda Baltimore Jared Lerch Can ode Bremen Eli S. Gardner Carroll Andrew Saylor Cedar Hill John Vt afters .... Clear Creek Clear Port Bernhard Kiefaber. James Terry Dumontville Green Castle Lancaster (e. h.). . . . Lithopolis Lockville New Salem Pickerington ... Pleasantville Royalton Rushville Solomon D. Eade- baugh Samuel Weiser -John L. Tuthill William W. Hite . . . Edward T. Mithoff. . Ferdin’dArmentrout Oliver P. Landon. . . William Kraner Philip Hane Wm. L. Clement . . . Elijah Kalb Stoutsville Sugar Grove West Rushville | Benjamin Stout Reuben B. Ream. . . Adam L. Turner . . . 81.94 19.71 1150.90 116.88 43.27 38.23 48.97 11.44 32.56 16.28 11.00 15.02 9.86 1289.51 57.71 25.44 57.88 39.38 59.48 52.91 67.00 55.48 117.88 13.50 67.82 50.23 Fayette County. Bloomingburgh Convenience Duff’s Forks Good Hope Jeffersonville Moons New Martinsburgh . Otterbien Pancoastburgh South Plymouth Staunton Washington C. H. . . West Lancaster Franklin County. Alton Jacob G. Magill . . Black Lick [Thomas McCollum Blendon Cicero P. Griswold iWm. R. Southward. 111.85 John DeWitt, Jr William A. Phelps. . 9.40 10.13 Henry C. Coffman.. 42.00 Horace K. Pearson. 57.91 James W. Burton . . 31.70 Gershom Perdue . . . 19.36 Amos Loyd 1.11 John E. Bailey 44.90 Eliab L. Ford 22.58 Charles Van Pelt.., 24.95 John Sanders 332.87 William T. Johnson. 11.48 Canal Winchester . Central College Clintonville < ohimbus (c. h.) Darby Dublin Gahanna Georgesville Grove City Grove Port Harrisburgh Hibernia Hilliards Hope Lockbourne Ovid Park’s Mills Eeynoldsburgh Shadeville Westerville Worthington Peter T. Krag. . . Austin Stebbins. . James Ferguson Thomas Sparrow Joseph O’Harra . John Eberly — John T. Baughman William Scott . . . William F. Breck Samuel Sharp Henry Miller Wm. F. Armstrong Thomas F. Dobyns Jacob Ulry John H. Haire . . . William Headley. James Park Harvey E. Miller . Adin G. Hibbs. . . James Westervelt. George H. Griswold 47.20 42.38 21.71 125.05 47.75 54.70 2000.00 5.56 100.81 26.97 16.29 51.22 152.26 54.25 24.31 45.06 73.31 73.87 26.42 30.38 31.21 36.89 69.13 5.00 27.73 18.44 82.19 8.00 5.67 29.61 55.38 21.12 12.80 .61 20.43 13.90 14.32 340.51 6.79 29.26 24.97 9.16 54.85 14.04 37.38 2967.00 4.23 48.17 12.55 9.78 24.08 82.17 21.21 10.20 24.59 86.36 46.87 Blanc Chesterfield Delta Elmira Emery Gorham Groveland Lavona Lena Lyons Metamora Mill Creek Ottokee Parchers Corners . . Tedrow Wauseon WestBarre Winnameg Addison Anselm Bay’s Bottom . Cheshire Ewington Firor Gallipolis Kyger McDaniels Patriot Pine Grove . .. Eacoon Island Rio Grande . . . Rodney Smith’s Swan Creek. Thivener Thurman . . . Vinton Wales Reuben Mason $22.17 $14.14 James M. Hough . . . 28.95 17.93 Charles C. Allman. . 144.00 77.00 Daniel Brown 61.70 38.24 Michael Poorman . . 10.33 6.69 Joseph 0. Allen 88.70 22.49 Charles C. Eddy 2.43 1.61 Gilman Cheadle 5.98 4.00 Jinks Mory 16.74 10.74 Joel Brigham 47.16 25.09 Thomas W. Fowler. 89.89 25.69 Calvin Ackley 10.51 6.41 Jabez W. Carter 61.63 25.91 William Holland . . . 11.09 5.05 Mortimer D.Hibbard 69.84 38.73 Nathaniel Leggett.. 50.00 23.00 Amos Taft 26.43 17.35 Daniel Knowles — — ilallia County. Eli B. Ramsey 22.25 14.89 Kinsey Robinson . . . 4.45 3.33 Nelson Layne 52.01 1.61 Amasa Van Gilder.. 46.01 21.83 Andrew Edmiston. . 14.83 9.21 .Tnhn Hnmp.r S. B. Drouillard 24.61 17.71 Daniel H. Gates — — David Tate 22.29 27.69 Friend McDaniels.. 7.02 4.86 Daniel T. Sharp . . . 41.12 22.14 Andrew J, Holman . 48.12 20.35 James W. Thornley. 16.38 6.89 James P. Wood — 27.71 15.22 Joseph Bierly 20.80 10.03 Jackson T. Smith . . . 11.38 7.16 Joseph Shallcross . . 11.69 7.06 James H. Guthrie . . 21.43 12.21 John Spangler 6.42 4.66 William Steele 91.44 63.63 Edward T. Holcomb 29.79 14.79 John J. Eickabaugh 1 — Auburn Bissell’s Bridge Creek Bundysburgh Burton Char don (c. h.). . . . Chester M Roads.. Claridon East Claridon Ford Fowler’s Mills Hampden Huntsburgh ; Middlefield Montville Mulberry Corners . Newbury North Newbury. . . . Parkmau I Russell Thompson Welshfield Geauga County James Mayhew . William Harpham -John W. Moore Reuben R. Bourn Wm. E. McLellin James Lvon Charles S. Field . Wellcome Bullock Reuben Harper . John B. Griste.. . George L. Kile . . Hiram L. Bishop George Wells . . . Elihu 0. Lyman . Anson Mathews . Oren Knox James L. Johnson Iddo Bailey John H. Sumner Phidelus Pool . . . 82.29 L . . 56.49 y- 27.75 14.69 1. . 117.94 292.05 75.71 71.79 50.69 36.84 121.41 46.71 78.59 53. i & 61.78 28.73 88.70 6.26 156.29 80.59 84.46 69.48 20.78 1 12.01 21.63! 7.09 Fulton Coniity. Ai 1 32.85 j Allston lOrrin G. Greely . . . . 5.U0 Archbold .1 1 129.93 76.28 57.00 26.00 177.10 61.37 296.86 211.14 3.00 Greene County# Alpha Enoch Needels — iBellbrook Silas Hale j Bowersville Peter Bowermaster 1 Byron Michael Folkerth. . Cedarville Adam W. Osborn.. i Clifton John Anderson ' Clio William J. Carman Fairfield William S. Scudder Grape Grove Andrew Fogg Jamestown Charles Dingess... Kneisly Daniel S. Huffer . New Jasper William H. Moore.. 1 Osborn Sam’l Buffenburgher 49.91 75.00 27.90 26.06 23.3.11 lti7.17 12.28 14fl.79 14.9.S 144.25 34.74 25.00 11.00 49.73 84.44 13.49 7.18 37.69 333.88 42.75 80.13 34.90 21.77 30.90 27.42 71.62 82.67 26.64 14.31 21.57 4.18 110.07 18.24 18.56 37.16 18.61 50.00 16.15 17.42 120.53 64..50 8.34 102.43 12.29 86.06 9.59 12.00 8.0S OHIO. 137 Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Kight-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Geauga County — {Continued). Paintersville [Arthur Ellison Spring Valley ! Colbert A. Watson.. Xenia (c. h.) 'James Hoyle Yellow Springs Ilsaac Kershner Zimmerman.'! [Jacob Zimmerman . Gaeaiisey County# Antrim Alexander Sankey. Bailey’s Mills William Craven. . . Batesville Samuel Gebhart. . . Bird’s Eun Wm. M. Miskimins. . Buffalo Stephen P. Dennison Cambridge (c. h.) . . Francis Creighton . . Claysville William G. Harrison Creighton James Porter Cumberland Kobert Savage Dyson’s Alexander Dyson. . . Fairview Joseph Johnson Galigher J ames H: White Gibson’s Station James Gibson Gomber John Fordyce Indian Camp Eezin Addy Kimbolton Samuel W.Luccock. Leatherwood Thomas Euth Londonderry Samuel B. Lindsey . Middlebourne [Alex’r Kirkpatrick.. Milnersville 'Mrs. Sinah Cunnard North Salem. 'John Burgess . . . Salesville •'^Ser® Senecaville ^ John M. Sayre Washington William Chance Winchester ‘Daniel Naftel Hamlltoin County# Bevis’ Tavern Carthage Cher^' Grove Cheviot Cincinnati (e. h.). Cleves College Hill Columbia Cove Dale Cuminsville Delhi Dent Dry Eidge Dunlap Elizabethtown Fulton Glendale Harrison Madisonville Miami Montgomery Mount Airy*. Mount Healthy Mount Washington Newtown Oury’s Plainville. Pleasant Eidge Pleasant Eun Polktown. Preston Eeading Sharonville Sixteen Mile Stand , Spring Dale Storrs*^ Tompkins Walnut Hills Jesse Bevis Benjamin Bonnel. . . Samuel Morlson. . . . Isaac C. Garrison. . . John L. Yattier George Cassady Edward D. Serisy,Jr. Abraham Knicely . . William S.Westeott. Joseph F. Lakeman Peter Zinn William Cox Wm. H. Markland.. Jesse Struble Isaac D. Mills Joseph A. Eeeder. . . Cephas S. Terry. . . Benj’n Bookwalter.. David A. Black Augustus E. West . . Wilson Eeid Anthony Denier. . . . Joseph F. Wright. . . Cyrus Dunham Hiram Bodine Martin Skidmore. . . Nath’l 8. Armstrong Charles B. Ferguson Paul G. Huston William S. Barnett.. Isaac S. Frost Isaac Brecount Wm. T. Eddingfield William E. Baxter. . Erastus S. Close Henry F. Sedam Ernst Kohlriesen ... Bartholom’w Fowler Hancock County# Arlington [Edwin B. Vail Asherey Joseph Twining Benton Eidge Philip Ballard Big Lick [Andrew Moore Blanchard Bridge . . iAquiUa Gilbert $25.3? S $15.50 134.0^ i 90.67 1205.94 t 1421.49 713.51 ’ 614.98 29.8t ) 16.48 136.85 115.10 6.16 3.40 62.47 ■ 40.78 17.57 ■ 11.52 18.00 1 10.22 503.04 : 474.98 65.02 i 35.40 146.70 66.22 20.97 13.26 167.41 127.90 16.43 10.61 3.60 2.75 187.73 138.83 53.72 83.56 47.28 24.80 88.58 40.91 65.15 38.90 9.38 3.98 117.68 70.89 364.19 336.44 66.45 39.88 43.20 29.59 140.68 105.69 11.33 5.81 116.17 58.52 1993.43 58,356.16 118.88 60.91 303.22 2.98 2000.09 2967.00 27.63 15.87 149.02 74.24 37.00 19.00 55.61 23.34 27.70 4.74 19.49 7.13 60.38 5.77 322.93 138.35 168.86 49.98 327.24 227.38 69.89 26.10 76.29 36.12 109.49 57.13 84.58 34.58 170.04 56.67 80.81 39.22 93.24 38.01 6.96 3.93 88.06 14.14 71.88 21.45 31.33 11.32 43.58 12.08 189.39 71.15 100.32 20.83 105.21 61.00 23;00 13.50 23.00 13.55 219.32 265.48 21.38i 11.03 7.33 5.01 36.28 22.35 12.53 9.22 12.04 7.61 Hancock Coumty — {Continued). Oannonsburgh Fuller Ballard ^ James Vickers Noah Sharrick Clement Eagle : Finley (c. h.) McComb Mount Blanchard. . . Oak Eidge Van Buren V anlue West Independence. Abel F. Parker . . William Mitchell. Chester Cook. . . . William Downing John Zarbaugh.! William Vanlue . Ada Dudley Dunkirk Forest Hale Huntersville Kenton (c. h.) McDonald Mount Victory North Washington. Eound Head Syjvia Hai’ilm County# Nathan Ahlefeld. William S. Wiles . . Albertus Howe .... Jonathan H. Sieg. . Eeuben Huff Albert Zugschwert James Harvey Wm. M. Eoberts. . . Peter Ash Archer Bowerston Cadiz (c. h.) Cassville Cold Spring Conotton Deersville Fife Freeport Germano Harrisville .' Heller’s ^ Eoads . . , Hopedale Jewett Lacey ville Means Moorefield New Athens New Eumley Nottingham Scio Short Creek Smyrna Station 15 Tappan Tippecanoe Harrison County# Anthony C. Nixon Steward Price Hugh M. Mitchell . Joshua Cope William T. Deming Alexander McNary Daniel Smith Joseph Allen Andrew Lynch John Eomick Henry B. Heller . . . . John C. Delany Eeuben H. Tedrow . Eobert S. Lacey James Cady Samuel West Alexander Mahood. . George Wert J.I., X 141 Iipciu Wm. P. Saunders. . . Stewart Johnston . . . Elias I. Phipps .... John Snider Leonard D. Eowley Edwin H. Picket . . Henry County. Colton Damascus Durand Florida Napoleon (c. h.) . . . New Bavaria Odessa Eidgeland Eidgeville Corners. Shunk ’Nelson Crockett Texas George W. Fisk, Cyrus Montgomery James E. Thompson David F. Welsted .. James E. Scofield. . . Asa H. Tyler Charles Hornung. . . . George P. Hinsdale. Daniel Harshberger. Francis A. Palmer. . Allensburgh. Bell Berrysville . . Buford Centrefleld . Dallas Dodsonville East Monroe. Highland County# Charles W. Newton. William Calvert Enos West William Scott Andrew Jackson Dunlap Isaac F. Eoades Adam Orebaugh William Cherry Economy 'Egbert G. Boatright. Fairfax | John Dickey Greenfield Charles W. Buck . . . . $40.95 $26.04 . 29.17 16.29 . 13.21 5.48 . h) 34 16.81 . 587.15 562.94 . 64.88 37.93 . 65.31 39.68 . 10.46 7.32 . 73.00 36.04 . 61.78 41.43 . 31.90 23.40 . 40.00 17.00 . 11.76 4.09 . 34.05 12.76 . 46.00 24.00 . 48.44 27.55 19.91 13.42 . 501.79 520.11 6.17 8.00 . 48.58 27.09 , 24.00 11.50 . 49.91 31.29 . 96.13 59.19 . 18.76 7.60 . 431.49 548.16 23.53 15.35 , 82..S5 16.77 19.72 12.72 . 94.86 8.83 8.85 5.71 63.22 23.23 68.83 39.10 108.29 139.94 4.51 3.19 108.08 51.70 18.50 15.28 17.76 74.29 32.25 119.25 64.27 48.88 40.81 i 16.75 10.45 43.98 27.75 96.00 39.83 44.00 28.00 18.75 5.10 20.61 14.41 26.83 16.62 18.00 16.00 18.79 10.57 89.67 52.36 209.66 140.49 17.00 12.12 10..35 5.95 16.22 11.06 20.59 10.15 96.29 48.47 8.71 5.05 27.16 9.84 13.44 8.52 36.89 21.50 36.89 17.92 31.02 11.21 15.46 9.91 12.00 7.00 10.76 5.91 17.26 11.97 387.30 346.37 138 POST-OFFICES AND P 0 S T -M A S T E R S . Left-hanil column shows compensation of Postmaster. Right-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Highland County — {Continued). Highland HUhhorough (c. h.) : Leesburgh Lynch burgh Marshall Mowrystown Nevin New Corwin New Market New Petersburgh. . . North Uniontown. . . Pricetown Eainsborough Eussell’s Station . . Samantha Sicily Sinking Spring . . . Sugar Tree Eidge Willettville Wes’ey M. Nutt . . . John Baskin Charles M. Bentley NormanW. Cummins James P. Bayham Wilson Ball William W. Malcom Isaiah Eoberts. . James A. Purdy Nathan Pearce . AVilliam Siders . Commodore P. Don- ohoo James G. Thurman John W. Murphy . . Joseph Starr William Matthews. Samuel Patton Thomas A. Bunn . . Eobert 0. Ayres . . . ! $67. i 569. i 181. 114. 44. 17. 31 . 5. 37. 89. 11 . 17. 73. 10 . 36. 18, 71. 10 . 16. Hoc&iag County. Ewing Gibesonville. Gore Islesboro’ . . . Logan (c. h.). Middle Fork Pattonsville . Eock House. South Perry . Starr Holmes County. Benton Berlin Black Creek Holmesville Humphrey’s VUla . . Killbuck Millershurgli (c. h.) . Mount Hope Nashville Plimpton Salt Creek Walnut Creek Winesburgh Hosack Eeed Philip Ley :Henry W. Sill iThomas A. Taylor. Levi Cooper Erastus Gleason . . . Joseph Tidball . . . . William F. Cranz. . George Teazle Jarvis Clements . . . John B. Eoussel . . . Melchi Buzzard . . . . John Eaber Huron County. Bellevue Bronson Centreton Clarksfield East Clarksfield East Townsend Fitchville Four Corners Greenwich Station . Groton Havana Lyme Monroeville New Haven New London North Fairfield North Norwich KoncaHc (c. h.) Olena Peru Pontiac Eipleyville Sherman Steuben Wakeman . Daniel K. Hitt 10.96 . John L. Williams. . . 25.96 . Cromwell B. Culver. 7.66 . William G. Waller.. . Oakley Case. Samuel McClure 390.10 8.69 Hunter . William M. Moore . . 29.12 . Samuel Wilson ..... 29.78 . Abner Buzby 28.31 . Isaac Lewis 25.91 Amos' Woodward. . . Isaac Sanford William S. Shriner . James S. Porter David Milner John Miller Daniel White Lewis Pierce Hiram Townsend . . . John P. Deyo Peter 0. Jump John Seymour Win. E. Jackson ... Ezra Stewart Eiibraim II. Sanford Daniel S. Stevens. . . Harriet Boughton . . lit bony S. Sutton. . Charles W. Manahan Cliester S. Howe Henry Boarii Silas *L. Hall Abram S. Dayton. . . ChauiiceyB. Wheeler Lester T. Faraud 38.00 87.64 18.06 7iL45 13.41 81.87- 364.52 53.42 97.56 46.22 7.83 16.45 120.01 419.30 13.30 53.39 126.19 23.0S 91.23 122.56 56.27 148.63 12.11 53.33 71.65 436.51 138.18 215.13 216.62 12.92 9; ', 3 ; 65 $40.04 666.39 74.37 59.12 13.52 10.13 14.66 2.17 14.36 87.64 2.97 12.30 46.87 5.24 12.14 11.18 33.00 5.65 6.22 6.04 16.52 5.38 350.56 17.98 21.51 18.07 14.74 24.05 44.20 9.46 47.24 5.28 17.23 262.43 30.42 74.37 38.00 5.04 11.24 89.90 6.32 31.24 58.30 11.17 42.13 65.10 31.48 75.85 7.05 27.36 45.26 445.17 109.14 207.15 161.44 8.51 1167.22 Jackson Couiity( Berlin txj Eoads John Stevenson Buck Eye Furnace .[Peter Hoop, Jr j 24.64 Dawkiu’s Mills 1 George W. Brown. . 1 e*’ ’e 81.67 46.97 7 ‘.7.'' 25.26 34.49 18.70 24.79 11.97 3s.(l0 22.50 110.22 98.48 96.04 85.43 31.89 1 19.05 24.64 17.03 22.10 1 13.87 Jackson County — {Continued.) Jackson (c. h.). Jackson Furnace . . . Keystone Levi Mabee’s McGhee’s Store. . Meadow Branch. Oak Hill Eocky Hill Lott C. Steel $271.51^ Luke P. S. Smith . . . 15.8.5 Samuel Benner . ... Ezekiel Inman 9.22 Michael McCoy. ... 11.53 John W. West 3.46 Sam’l 8. A^'andevort.. 13.21 Amos H. Samson . . . 86.44 Thomas P. McClure. 36.00 Aden a Amsterdam Annapolis Bloomingdale . . Cope’s Mills Cross Creek Croxton East Springfield Elliottsville Hammondsville Holmes’ Mill . . . Island Creek . . . Jeddo Knoxville Linton Mitchell’s Salt Works Moore’s Salt Works. Mount Pleasant .... Nebo New Alexandria. . . . New Somerset Philipsburgh Port Homer Eichmond Smithfield Steutenville (c. h.). Tiltonville tlnionport Updegraffs Warrenton WintersviUe Jefferson County. Peter Hixson David Aughey . . . William Vantz JohnB. Simmerall Martin Adams. . . . Adam Eeed Peter Dallas John McKinley. . . John C. Elliott . . . William H. Wallace Thomas Holmes.. Thomas Blackburn Joseph McAlpin.. Abram Peters. . . . Isaiah W. Grafton John Mitchell John C. Guiney, . . David Chambers . . William Allmon . . Thomas Chambers Elias 8. Easterday Isaiah Brainard . . Joshua W. Daugha day David Cameron . . Jason Brown Thomas Brashears Joseph Hall James Waggonner Eobert T. Thompson Samuel Gillespie . . Thomas H. Shane. 34.15 37.26 60.79 11.50 7.93 97.44 57.76 32.58 63.67 5.00 29.12 31.92 55.19 48.76 13.23 26.31 266.89 8.67 62.75 10.27 34.17 48.20 204.53 136.63 110.22 Bladensburgh Brandon Centreburgh .... Danville Democracy Fredericktown .. Gambler Greersville Jelloway Knox Levering Lock Lucerne Martinsburgh . . . Milfordton Millwood. .• Monroe Mills Mount Liberty. . . Mount 1 'ernon (c. h.) Nonpareil North Liberty... Shaler’s Mills Wolf Rno\ County. John Hanna Hiram Coleman Enoch Nichols. . '. . . . George H. Davidson. James S. Gdcreet.. . Levi S. McCoy James Young Robert Greer Sam’l Beeman Jacob Fisher John Levering Eber Smith Joseph Conger ... . William McWilliams John Stevens Lewis Britton .... Henry Boynton. . Prentice S. Wilson Fred'kl.Zimmerinan William Sturgeon. James W. Pearce. Henry W. Gregor. Simon Bonnett . . . 1.201 29.0(ii 122.23' 42.57] 64.35 37.00 63.51 33.28 54.59 388.80 3i6.63 19.51 51. 1-3.05 40. 6S 34.29 14.95 114.35 14.03 10.70 16.06 5^92 1-353.01 19.91 83.40 21.79 3.20 $245.86 11.10 6.67 7.77 1.98 9.32 61.39 24.00 20.42 24.74 32.19 7.26 1.66 54.43 24.60 15.16 34.53 2.00 11.76 16.52 24.82 21.56 1.98 13.18 258.37 5.22 36.25 5.05 14.67 25.18 164.06 103.83 98.48 .70 17.00 59.70 24.04 44.92 34.00 86.85 21.45 29.66 357.86 218.51 11.63 24.35 8.25 1.5.36 25.14 5.60 65.32 8.81 4.71 9.75 34.30 1601.91 8.70 1.5.:55 12.45 2.04 Lake County. Concord Roswell Burr Fairport Robert McCormick Ililliiouse Allen C. Beebe . . Kirtland George Frank . . . Madison Lewis Parker ... Mentor Daniel Holmes... I'ainesmlle (c. h.). . . Landon Smilh . . . Perry : Jolham C. Judd South Kirtland William E. Peck. Unionville S])encer Shears . . AVickliffe iDavid S. Hutchinson AVilloughbv : Samuel L. Egbert . . . 81 4'.' ; O' 96 313 96, 1131. 56 19 128 •'9, 895 14, 13, 55 ] 267. 46. 1410. 28. 12. 19. 31-8 OHIO. 189 Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Right-hand one, net revenue of Ofliee to Dei)artment. Lawrence County. Aid John Adams Athalia John Tiernan . . . Jiurlington (c. h.). . . Oamillus Hall. . . . Campbell Robert Scott Coal Crove IWilliam P. Israel, Jr Greasy Ridge IThomas C. Tagg Hanging Rock I ■ ames Martin Irontou Benjamin F. Cory... Israel James M. During. . . Kelley's Mills William H. Kelley.. Miller's Horace W. Warner . Quaker Bottom Clark M. Singer. . . Rock Camp Robert C. Brammer. Russell's Place Francis Russell Simmons Cornelius Markin . . . South Point ... Elijah I. Langdon. . . Symmes E. McK. Hanley Willow Grove Robert Richey $ 11.26 $ 7.40 64 . 4S 58.31 50.37 83.42 33.60 17.76 19 . 3.51 156.94 668.-35 717.43 15.32 9.03 24..52 13.75 59.11 19.72 10.42 3.14 5.50 3.26 Alexandria Appleton Brownsville Chatham Clay Lick Columbia Centre Croton Etna Fallsburgh Fredonia Granville Gratiot Hanover Hebron Homer Jacksontown Jersey .... Johnstown Kirkersville Linnviile Jsewark (c. h.) — New-way Patas’Kala Perryton Saint Louisville . . . Sylvania Utica Licking CouiHy. Henry V. Owen . . . Daniel T. Hobart . . . JohnF. Bane James Morford Alonzo Deweese David Herron Daniel Franks Celia E. Lamson Lorenzo Balcom Thomas B. Pease. . . Darwin Humphreys. Stephen R. Tucker. . George Hollister Silas B. Woolson Edwin Williams pJames Clark Leonard Headley... Alfred Follett Owen Kelly William Orr William Bell, Jr David’Stratton Jesse S. Green George Leatherman. ' Daniel Allbaugh I John T. Rogers ! James Turner 1 149.20 41.89 95.76 34 . 55 . 28.69 55.64 97.44 94.37 14.54 44.85 598.87 55.96 82.01 138.97 81.81 73.60 79.29 130.21 100.15 42.93 1170.93 17.16 60.26 41.91 57.94 24 . 55 199.45 Logan County. Belle Centre . . . Bellefontaine . . Bloom Centre . . De GrafiF East Liberty . . . Harper Huntsville Lewistown Loganville ... Muchinippe . . . New Richland. Pickereltown Hinry Ferguson.. Quincy John Webb Rushsylvania William McAmis . West Liberty Benj'n E. Shumate West Mifldleburgh. . Joseph Evans . . . . Zanesfield James S. Robb . . . Charles Mains William V. Marquis. Edwin Pratt Andrew J.Lippencott Thomas F. McAden. James A. Brown . . . Hezekiah Shafer .... Daniel I. Deardurff. Rich’d T. Youngman Moses Smith Miles II. Wadhams . Lorain County. Amherst Avon Avon Lake Black River .... Brighton Brownhelm .... Camdf-n Station . Columbia Station Copopac Ehjrin (c. h.) Grafton Henrietta John C. Bryant. ... Hiram A. Langdon . .\rcbiba! 11.34 16.15 7.44 17.54 OHIO. 141 Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Right-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Morgan Moscow Mills . . . Neelysville Olive Penusville Pleasant Valley Eeinersville . . . Einggold Eokeby Eosseau Eoxberry Stockport Todd’s Triadelphia "Wood Grove . . . County — ( Continued), John Blackburn . . . Jacob Kraps John C. Headley. . . John Spurrier Arza Alderman Augustus S. Martin James L. Porter. . . Joseph G. Edwards James Sopher Joab J. Montgomery James H. Broomhall William Todd Elijah Pettet $15,291 23.67 57.22 79.45 14.39 34.60 29.16 35.83 26.28 10.90 69.58 7.60 20.77 John Eex I 21.75 Blorrow County. Andrews lEbenezer Dakan.. Bennington ' George N. Clark . Bloomfield ; Eobert Patton Burns’ Corners .Daniel Burns Cardington ‘ George W. Stark . Chesterville Anna Goble Corsica Dennis W. Eoberts Iberia Joel Myers Lincoln Eobert Blakeley . . McEwen’s t>< Eoads. Benjamin Mitchell Marengo Isaac P. Freeman Marit’s John L. Show Mount Gilead Eobert B. Wright Nimmon’s M Eoads. Absalom Doherty Pulaskiville : Silas Peterson . . . Shauck’s George W. Murry Smith’s Mills Eli Townsend. . . Sparta John Chase Vail’s X Eoads 'Benjamin T. Vail Westfield 'George Granger. Whetstone Benj’n A. Meredith Woodview Jacob Van Buskirk Muskingum County. Horace A. Smith. . . Henry S. EofF. William Watson. . . John Henderson . . John W. Winn .... Isaac Britain Abram Garges NathanielM.Mathew Samuel Adams .... John Westbay Law^son Jones Eichjrd Grifiee Morgan Morgan . . . John M. Herron . . . Stephen E. Tucker. Allen C. Moore Wm. M. Chappelear Jacob T. Fouch Benjamin Wickham Cornelius Springer. Henry Onstot John W. E. Lane . William Lynn Noble Kelly John B. Dugan Horatio W. Chandler Elijah Coulter James McColley. . . Jeremiah Elder . . . Leander L. West . . Lemuel N.Coverdale Jmos L. Moore . Orange W. Pace Jonathan B. Milhous Thomas Armstrong Edwin Owings.. .. Enos Jennings 'William P. Conn . . Wm. V. Hurdle . . . Wm. W. Wimmer. Benjamin Johnson. James Hutcheson.. John B. Eoberts... Adams’ Mills Adamsville Ark Spring Blue Eock Bridgeville Chandlersville Coal Dale Cottage Hill Dresden Duncan’s Falls East Green w'ood . . . Frazeysburgh Freeland’s Fultonham Gratiot High Hill Hopew'ell Irville Licking Valley Meadow Farm Muse Muskingum Nashport New CoTicord Newdon Norwich Otsego Philo Putnam Eich Hill Eidgeway Eix’s Mills Eoseville Eural Dale Saintfield •. . . Shannon Sonora Stovertown Symmes Creek. West Zanesville White Cottage Young Hickory . . . . Zaneaville (c; h.) . . . 32.01 58.44 20.66 3.17 245.78 160.14 37.56 134.04 15.19 3.24 80.52 21.49 425.36 30 41 20.78 55.15 7.60 55.22 16.08 85.71 $10.48 14.14 39.59 45.73 11.00 23.80 20:74 16.87 15.84 5.00 85.88 5.60 8.62 12.59 19.62 22.56 13.28 1.67 156.29 140.81 20.28 84.17 8.83 1.58 14.41 10.82 836.60 17.84 9.71 30.52 5.50 33.85 14.97 58.92 10.23 17.83 53.29 80.17 102.98 42.48 37.50 44.40 80.76 5.50 4. 321.19 98.46 9.42 52.07 7.59 89.07 55.96 28.10 87.31 40.00 10.00 3.35 12.88 11.19 91.67 211.34 4.05 114.37 31.71 45.13 823.33 7.25 7.00 29.05 68.12 59.82 7.85 16.22 18.00 24.65 9.58 85.18 as.86 36.41 1611.04 20.64 19.87 37.89 3.00 6.00 281.95 60.03 2.74 .78 4.37 44.24 23.54 15.80 46.44 21.20 5.00 2.56 5.64 6.75 52.62 53.16 2.46 56.26 19.30 32.15 316.77 2.66 5.00 18.41 36.81 38.96 8.85 8.98 5.00 17.76 4.76 37.22 10.59 20.69 3098.98 IVoble Couuty. Claytona Gardner Harriettsville Hiramsburgh Keith’s Kennonsburg Middle Creek Mount Ephraim . . . . Noblesville Eenrock Sarahsville Sharon South Olive Summerfleld Wharton’s WhigviUe Edward Clayton. . . . William McKee Oliver P. Mason George McClure Philip W. Keith Perry Nichols Felix Ogle John Keller James Hellyer Samuel J. Paxton. . . William Van Meter. Joseph A. Marquis. . Joseph Look Charles Hare David Elder Samuel Large Ottawa Couuty* Elmore Genoa Germanville . Graytown . . . Marblehead . Ottawa Ottawa City . Port Clinton. Erastus M. Beach . . . Abel B. Eudes John F. Tiase Travis Kelly Alexander Clemons. Frederick Bender . . Wm. W. Johnson. . . Albert Briggs Paulding Couuty* Antwerp . . , Charloe Cranesville Junction . . , Murat Paulding. . . Thomas J. Jones . . Joseph Shirley H. N. Curtis John I. Snyder John Suyland William T. French Perry County* Asbury Buck Eye Cottage Chapel HUl Crossanville East Eush Creek. . . Maxville McCluney Mount Perry New Lexington Oakfield Pike Portersville Eehoboth Sego Somerset (c. h.) Straitsville Thorn ville Whipstown Worth George Kishler William B. Lewis. . . Peter Coyle Frederick Stonebur- ner George Wolf E. G. Collins Sherwood K. Burch. John Danison Jesse Skinner Alfred Dean John Shriver John F. Ball Amos Fairman George Boor Charles Elder Andrew Huston John Weimer .... William Story William C. Moore. Ashville Beckett’s Store Camp Charlotte — Oircte/ville (c. h.) ... Darbyville East Einggold Five Points Hedges’ Store New Holland Palestine South Bloomfield . . . Tarlton Teegardin Williamsport Yellow Budd Station Pickaway County* John E. Eay :. Hilery P. Bunch . . . Levi P. Whisler . . . Jason Case Elijah Beathard . . . Wm. C. Finkel James Dawson Thomas Gregg Alexander Draper. James Taylor John Euth Samuel Karshner. . William Teegardin. Ebenezer 8. Davis . Joseph W. Low — Pike County* Beaver lAndrew I. McNeal.. Byington Baylis James Cynthiana [James H. Hadley. . . $10.06 $6.95 154.83 120.52 44.98 27.87 26.98 17.26 24.66 18.04 12.57 8.92 22.44 16.08 52.35 32.90 12.38 8.51 16.22 12.32 96.64 61.93 87.33 34.58 150.04 98.16 71.32 48.62 9.21 6.72 15.66 11.39 111.54 57.90 25.78 15.51 26.35 13.25 21.76 15.18 10.00 5.00 161.56 50.07 107.36 50.03 42.87 22.75 17.82 11.11 53.49 21.96 23.12 12.89 34.90 16.95 13.12 5.71 22.57 11.07 25.12 16.44 ■ 21.33 13.71 2.67 1.47 9.61 6.58 98.49 51.18 33.88 23.84 13.75 9.11 11.00 7.75 34.1^2 20.37 23.84 11.72 483.44 447.12 30.59 ; 13.03 102.46 i 62.76 4.88 3.54 7.27 1 5.19 63.11 89.66 51.91 33.46 28.77 16.05 1217.67 1435.79 68.43 8-5.15 6.66 8.94 8.77 4.76 74.00 7.00 87.75 49.49 25.-38 1.5.00 111.16 79.64 141 . .55 98.80 2..3(i 1.80 8-3.56 6.5.65 42.56 20.89 I 30.-341 20.77 11.75 6.69 1 47.631 26.63 142 POST-OFFICES AND P 0 S T -M A S T E R S . Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Kight-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Pike Cotmty — {Continued). Richland County- Flat Gibson Jasper Morgan’s Fork Omega Piketon (c. h.). Waverly Jeremiah Sailor . . Abishai Ruckman . Samuel W eaver . . . Jackson Clay Albert McCollister . James Jones Charles Gross Portage County. Atwater Aurora Brimfield Campbell’s Port . . . Charlestown Deerfield Earlville Edinburgh Franklin Mills Freedom Garrettsville Hiram Mantua Centre Nelson Palmyra Parisville Randolph Rapids Ravenna (c. h.) Rootstown Shalersville Streetsboro’ Suffleld Windham I Homer Hillyer Noble A. Witherill. . Charles Bassett John H. Bostwick . . Nehemiah Heath . . . Nehemiah L. Wann. Jacob Vandeusen. . . William D. Davis. . . Benj’n F. Anderson. Orsamus L. Drake . . Robert Lee Clinton Young Jacob W. Foster . . . Ezeriah I. Pixley . . . David E. Wilson. . . . Brainard Selby, Jr.. Benjamin Norris Gilbert Webster Bradford S. Hopkins Otis Reed Samuel Ledyard Michael Stuart Simon I. Ward George S. Parsons.. Preble County. Camden |Amos W. Toast. . Campbelltown . . ... Mathew MeWhinney Eaton {c. \.) iDaniel Reid El Dorado ! Andrew Sterling Enterprize John H. Coffman . . . Euphemia Daniel Earhart Fair Haven , Charles Pierce Gettysburgh iMary Ann Watt Gratis ! Abraham W. NefiF . . Thomas S. Johnson. William Kelly Joseph Brown Abram P. Johnson. . Alex’r P. Campbell . Francis MeWhinney Rutser C. Kline John Bowers Samuel S. Dix Luther Collins William Fitton Jesse Tilman David Karn Greenbush Lewisburgh Morning Sun New Paris New Westville — Sugar Valley Upshur West Alexandria .. West Elkton West Florence West Manchester.. West Sonora Wheatville Puluam County. Francis S. Godfrey. . Hervey Bacon Amos Boehmer Peter Myers John T. Harris Clark H. Rice John W. Pecken- paugh William Krauss Henry Kilheffer . . . . Joseph B. Jones Sugar Ridge iEzra II. Alward Vaughns ville Emille A. Husson. .. Richlauil County. Adario [Mathias Buzzard . . . Barnes David B. Day Belleville Elijah Clark Butler Thomas B. Andrews Ganges Jacob C. Rupert — Buck Eye — Dog Creek Fort Jennings Franconia. . . . Gilboa Kalida (c. h.) Leipsic. Medary Pendleton Pleasant $! 6.071 $15.94 8.95 i 5.63 44.41 ^ 24.15 6.8( ) 4.88 64.2‘t 1 40.74 132.75 i 195.84, 177.61 ’ 88.29 i 116.69 1 ' 55.99 ' 132.57 65.93 ! 6^.62 1 33.13 ! 17.42 ; 5.77 1 76.53 21.85! 98.98 66.47 i 39.41 12.88 1 95.59 6(t.38| 344.27 263.39 1 67.63 19.07' 153.77 96.841 91.45 44.34 66.68 45.01 104.75 59.59 56.69 36.62 113.32 50.53 21.78 12.74 j 770.72 929.37 1 107.13 41.26 : 112.94 32.49 61.50 29.01 25.06 13.17 124.30 71.45 202.88 156.86 25.68 15.35 518.01 569.05 44.74 24.03 22.42 11.42 47.89 30.84 112.64 100.44 21.56 16.93 110.21 59.05 14.95 10.73 79.64 18.63 73.08 45.25 177.71 174.37 23.77 11.5S 18.45 12.13 3(1.22' 19.16 143.25 85.80 66.35 39.65 29.61 22.40 8.12 4.77 64.00 37.49 10.24 7.04 14.42 9.22 9.00 6.00 92.86 60..55 81.09 62.03 37.10 22.81 11.20 6.01 58.58 37.57 40.50 25.96 10.41 5.65 29.09 14.59 19.57 12.24 19.55 10.85 224. «!6 186.24 64.62 27.09 41.22 21.74 I Hastings ! Lexington j Lucas I Marutfield (c. h.) I New ville j Olivesburgh Ontario Plymouth Riblet’s Richland Rives . Shanandoah Shelby Six Corners West Windsor ( Continued). $15. 21.5, Joseph Hastings Ebenezer Craig Ezekiel Ervin Jacob Reisinger .... John Hughes Isaiah Walker Abraham Jenner . . . Hezekiah L.Kirtland John P. K. Riblet. . . Thomas Boorman . . 1 Thomas I. North . . .; John Winbaugh Harrison Mickey William B. Miller. . . Reuben N. Hershey. ! Ross County. 64 1369. 56 62, 360, 16 . 84, 58. 26. 391. 9. 53. 63| $8.97 68 110.12 451 21.16 41.1623.41 S3| 36.50 30.72 45.18 355.45 9.45 42.73 33.82 12.47 351.17 6.55 43.48 Adelphi Austin Bainbridge Bourneville Chilicothe Clarksburgh Frankfort Gillespieville . . . Hallsville Kingston Lattas Richmond Dale South Salem Waller Yellow Bud Dama Bartlett 73.51 28.53 Solomon W. Bush . . 24.54 14.69 Mather Gillfilland . . 123.14 39.29 Eli McKenzie 93.00 27.00 John Hough Jonas M. Crum 1814.48 2350.85 72.65 33.60 John Ferrell 182.12 187.84 William Day 90.67 60.08 Sam’l D. Buckwalter 49.87! 20.49 Jacob Nye lS7.73j 1 138.83 Timothy H. Davis . . 41.17 16.69 Williatn H. Elliott . . 88.83 46.88 Samuel M. Pricer . . . 129.81 117.13 William Lockwood . 23.29 10.02 Lucian Dunning 42.56 26.89 Sandusky County. Black Swamp [Samuel Ritter Exeter i Henry Nichols Fremont Lucius Caul Rollersville John C. Thompson Townsend William Hoff Woodville Charles Powers . . . Scioto County. Brushy Fork Franklin Furnace . Friendship Haverhill Iron Furnace Junior Lucasville Lvra John F. Gould . William Veach. Pearson McCoy. Cornelius Moore Henry W.*Norris. . . Thomas McGillig Albert M. Collett Nairn Laughlin Noble. (c. h.). . j William P. Cam Rarden Loya N. Moore Scioto [John M. Violet. Sciotoville [Elias Marshall Wheelersburgh 'Samuel N. Bruner .. Seneca Connty. Adams Adrian Attica Bascom Berwick Bettsville Bloomville Butternut Ridge. . . Flat Rock Fort Seneca Fostoria Green Spring Mel more Palo Alto Reedtown Republic 7i^n (c. h.) ’. . Watson jxj Roads . . . Watson's Station . . . West Lodi Edwin Bernard . . . Francis J. Weaber Augustus Shoenheit John Miller Joseph Sailor James Lewis William Dewitt Henry F. Niles Jeremiah C. Horner Lorenzo Abbott Philip Faulhaber .. . Isaac Kugy Oscar Lewis Alexand'rMcIlvaiue Walter W. Kellj' Samuel McClung... George Knupp James P. Watson.. . W. S. McMeens WilliamEasterbrook 44.47 27.04 J 236.16 133.52 . 17.99 15.85 847.89 957.71 23.72 13.15 50.28 24.16 . 47.57 23.75 . 98.68 56.98 3.31 1.69 85.86 43.67 12.39 8.24 53.09 25.06 44.96 28.52 87.02 21.41 . 43.83 23.59 ' 2fi.60i 22.38 I 19.13 12.85 1 904.57 791.76 15.03! 12.25 86.791 14.84 29.5S| 16.16 111.291 66.63 22.16 14.83 68.43 36.78 161.48 96.54 25.30 18.93 82.12 55.58 41.29 25.18 78.201 49.55 18.i4l 12.65 88.23' 68.97 44.S3 28.72 228.00 106.98 106.05 67.02 121.77 69.07 80.04 13.71 816.51 283.40 1165.18 1410.95 1 24.00 9.00 10.66 4.29 i 70.16, 88.84 OHIO ■ 143 Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Eight-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Dinsmore riardiii Houston Lockington Loramie’s Moiitra Pemberton Plattsville Pratt Sidney Speer's Landing. Tawawa Wynant Shelby County* Daniel Boyer William Marshall . . William Griffin James K. Gillespie. Bernhard Mayer . . . George Hintz Cyrus Apple . . . John C. Applegate.. John Ogden Daniel L. Bush Thomas Skillen Alexander E. Cory. . Harry Gloyd $18.25 37.45 63.92 27.87 22.30 36.43 16.68 85.87 565.18 75.58 25.99 35.25 $10.58 24.07 31.15 17.67 15.47 12.63 11.18 60.88 602.60 58.54 17.53 22.58 Stark County* . Alliance Barryyille Cairo Canal Fulton Canton (c. h.) East Greenville Frease’s Store Freeburg Greentown Hartville Lake Limaville Louisville Magnolia Mahoning Mapleton Marlborough . . Massillon Maximo Middle Branch Minerva Mount Union . ISTavarre .... New Baltimore New Berlin. . . . New Franklin. Thomas Beer Nimrod Smith David I. Shafer — Godfrey Bernower. . Nicolas Bowr Joseph Doll . Abraham Burd . Edward Marsh . Abraham Zupp . Jacob B. Machamer. . John B. Woods . Myron M. Williams. . Adam Eodabaugh.. . William H. Greer . . . William Kingsbury. . George H. Snyder . . , John Pennock , John J. Hofman Samuel Marvin Aaron S. Wise Charles M. Malin. . . Isaac H. Stallcup . .. John Erb Willin Underwood.. John P. Pierson I Jacob Slenty North Industry jBradley C. Goodwill North Lawrence 'John Shafer Osnaburgh j John H. Klippert.. . Pallow I Peter Wear Paris I Adam Koons- Pierce George Finkenbiner South Eome Lewis Koons Waynesbu^h iEobert B. Hamilton. West BrooMeld . . . I William Ealston Sumiuit County* Akron (c. h.) Edward W. Perrin. . Bath Francis Andrews. . . Boston Wm. H. Porter .... Clinton Moses Weaver Copley Byron Chapman . . . Cuyahoga Falls Josh.L.Hommedieu. Hudson James K. Frost Inland Charles A. Perdue.. Johnson’s Corners.. Jacob Triplett Macedonia Depot. . . Moses N.Eoach Middlebury George A. Peckham Mogadore Charles Norris Montrose Archibald Hubbard. New Portage Elnathan Conner . . . Nimisila John Siller Northfield George Lillie North Springfield. . . Samuel Ellet Norton Centre Thomas G. Young.. Peninsula Lawson Waterman. . Eichfield Thomas W. Hall . . . Stow Oliver E. Gross Summit Marcus M. Spiegle .. Tallmadge Homer S. Carter Twinsburgh (Alonzo L. Nelson... . Vallcns James Schoonover.. Western Star Fred’k A. Dunham. Trumbull County* Bazetta [Herman Pierson ... I tiraj'fiviiie [Franklin E. Stowe. . 265.48 32.87 9.07 ■85.22 909.88 36.45 73.47 46.56 36.13 73.35 96.28 143.00 40.38 12.74 24.00 99.21 1107.72 26.55 23.30 106.71 147.89 250.00 22.96 69.87 50.68 20.08 29.00 68.68 20.41 114.60 14.65 8.30 116.23 55.03 1116.35 45.58 18.03 151.44 67.33 648.19 598.71 49.43 24.92 88.45 215.41 90.83 58.13 40.21 -56.31 65.21 23.84 .37.33 68.25 127.73 25.42 12.60 164.29 211.14 14.95 51.12 108.48 20.06 5.75 149.87 1075.46 21.60 27.63 28.64 18.35 43.81 49.51 78.54 23.10 6.39 15.93 75.99 1380.79 17.58 12.25 58.74 121.97 170.00 15.61 39.04 29.25 8.77 9.80 30.40 12.42 43.04 9.11 4.26 29.96 30.26 1458.66 21.45 10.61 89.15 a3.43 617.43 530.96 31.33 13.88 47.53 143.31 54.12 33.87 8.96 85.73 88.67 13.79 14.73 44.22. 144.18 10.09 8.44 127.77 196.91 9.45 Trunibull County — {Continued'). Bristolville . . Brookfield . . Burgh Hill . . Champion . . Church Hill . Duck Creek. Eden Farmington Fowler Girard Greensburgh Gustavus Hartford Howland Hubbard Johnsonville Kinsman’s Mecca Mesopotamia. .... Newton Falls . . . . Niles North Bloomfield , Ohl’s Town Orangeville Southington State Line Vernon Vienna Warremie,, h.) Willow Dale (Jacob Hammond. . . $91.35 Ira Hart 86.02 Eichard Hayes 52.27 John Woodrow 22.39 George Hood 24.02 Jesse Fenton 6.17 Theodore Nuhren- berger . 36 62 Austin D. Kibbee. . . 183.71 Isaac A. Smith 68.30 William Jolmson . . . 106.28 George P. Curtis . . 84.75 Sextus H. St. John. . 179.69 John Yetman 95.58 John Sowers 16.69 John Cramer 54.73 John W. Jackson. . . 65.09 John Kinsman 193.97 Milo Powers 71.89 John Blood 97.15 Erastus H. Ensign . . 234.42 Henry H. Mason. . . 142.88 Isaac G. Clark 148.82 Abraham B. Coble.. 83.81 John Scaling 86.14 Hiram Hurd 47.97 Augustin L. Ford . . 12.52 Levi Eice, 2d Nathan B. Tyler 48.39 59.96 John S. Kibbee 1094.95 . Jesse S. Haymaker . 12.70 Tuscarawas County. Albany Bolivar Buena Vista Cadwallader Canal Dover Deardorfif’s Mills . . . Dundee Gilmore Gnadenhutten Mineral Point New Comerstown. . . New Cumberland. . . NemPhiladelphiaQ. i Peoli Port Washington . . . Eocksford Eogersville Eush Sandyville Shanesville Stillwater Stone Creek Strasburgh Tabor Tuscarawas Uhricksville Winfield Zoar John McFee 16.87 Isaac Teller 97.02 Thomas Eavl 16.59 WUliam Fleming . . . 55.86 Joseph W.Newburgh 358.88 James Sewell 26.00 Jacob Yanney 30.76 Philip Laning 80.00 Gustavus Fox 54.90 Alfred Davis 19.60 John W. Eodney 165.79 Thomas H. Beard . . 47.48 Peter W. Himes 520.71 Edward Eosemond . 26.64 George W. Dingman 136.62 John D. Walker 12.31 Peter Kienz 61. .55 Alex’r B. Kennedy . 10.70 John Livensberger . . 46.60 David M. Good 77.80 Ezra Brainard 50.98 Joseph Murphy 10.37 Henry Fansler 39.10 Moses Wright 7.63 Harrison J. Knisely. 6.5.14 John Brisben 200.52 Jesse W. Snyder 83.00 Christian Weebel . . . 70.85 $27.75 87.47 82.31 5.98 11.19 2.56 16.00 53.93 28.61 43.56 35.43 130.19 102.77 9.65 23.77 80.18 42.01 26.13 45.92 229.70 63.14 89.02 21.26 15.78 23.09 6.90 23.60 17.54 1396.84 5.02 8.18 40.66 9.00 30.66 224.80 4.00 13.60 39.00 22.35 7.80 126.11 28.54 531.90 13.74 102.04 5.24 35.35 6.01 23.09 35.60 35.83 2.73 19.01 4.62 19.67 94.78 21.66 46.41 Union County* 41.041 19.031 64.18 1 25.21 1 Allen Centre Boke’s Creek Byhalia Coberly’s Darby Plains Jerome Marymnlle (c. h.) . . , Milford Centre New California New Dover Pharisburgh Eaymond’s Eichwood Eush Creek Unionville Centre . . . Watkins Wilkins York Eansel B. Smith 5.09 8.38 Amos S. Davis 15.52 9.72 Eees Miller 9{6.5 6.37 William Bales ...... 10.07 6.31 Henry J. King . ... 10.118 7.93 Horace Beach 36.87 25.37 William M. Smith. . . 297.10 263.77 Oliver C. Kennady. . 1 48.-38 101.26 Sam’l B. Woodburn. 26.50 18.51 William Slmler Samuel A. Tunks. . . -34.81 25.7(1 John I. Wall, ace 61.94 26.64 William II. Ferguson 204. .5.3 164.06 Samuel P. Shull. ... 22.28 1-3.29 Andrew J. Ferguson 51.88 33.63 William Tliomp,son . 18.00 1-5.50 Beriah P. Wilkins.. . 14.12 8.81 Hugh T. Knox 10.34 6.12 144 POST-OFFICES AND P 0 S T-M A S T E K S . Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Eight-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Auglaize Delplios Dixon Middle Point . Tully Allensville Dundas Eagle Furnace . Elk McArthur New Plymouth . Prattsville Eeed’s Mills — Swan Vinton Furnace. ■Wilkesville Zaleski Van Wert County. Benjamin A. Welch. $12.T9I $8.94 313.43 324.40 Isaac Dougherty 14.00 7.50 Nathaniel Sykes 100,03 11.49 John Clendining 4.95 3.30 John W. Conn 249.54 145.41 Wm. B. Harb 85.00, 84.50 Vioton County. Joseph Wilcox 54.67 26.04 Joseph K Will William B. Derfnis . . 24.00 8.00 James Gibson 8.44 4.17 Judson Caldwell 202.78 173.51 Christian Johnston . 33.08 19.31 Philemon J. Crawford 28.19 13.42 Ephraim Frazer 97.30 54.58 William M. Taylor. . 31.73 12.38 Cyrus N ewkirk 11.52 9.21 Samuel S. Murray. . . 84.09 42.33 Asa B. Waters — — Warren County. Brown’s Store Butlerville Carlisle Station Dallasburgh Deerfield Village . . . D unlevy Edwardsville Fort Ancient Franklin Harveysburgh Hopkinsville Lehmion (c. h.) Level Mainville Mason Morrow Mount Holly Oregon Bed Lion Eidgeville Springboro’ Twenty Mile Stand.. Waynesville D. H. Maleham 8.05 5.89 Levi W. Ludlum 51.40 29.08 Henry Eby 49.39 17.86 Wm. I. Hill 14.81 9.36 Clinton D. Eoosa 55.05 28.27 William W. Ivins. . . 19.94 11.01 John Mason 13.47 8.66 George Harner 47.71 24.72 John E. Kinder 331.88 296.37 Budd Scroggy 164.01 139.41 William Haney 41.54 20.11 Elijah Dynes 679.75 711.94 William McFerren. . 9.17 5.65 James Ford 87.88 37.55 David W. Vandyke. 121.52 53.13 James Turk 233.42 208.63 Josiah Craft 18.78 12.61 Jonathan Sherwood, 48.26 26.74 William H. Ballard . 49.86 25.44 Samuel Graham 62.44 26.37 Jeremiah Stansell. . . 146.55 46.76 GeorgeW.Thompson 70.51 25.92 Henry W. Printz. . . 116.23 29.96 Washington County. Aurelius Barber Barlow Bartlett Belpre Beverly Bonn Brown’s Mills Centre Belpre Coal Eun Constitution Decaturvillc Fearing Fillmore Flints Mills Grand View Ilarmar Lawrence Layman Liberty Hill Little Hockbocking Lowell Lower Lawrence. . . Lower Newport Lower Salem Marietta (c. b.) New Metamoras . . . Newport North Union Olds Ostend Eegniet’s Mills .... Jesse Johnson .... Lyman Laflin • William Crow Ebenezer Benedict John Keyboe Isaac Hill Philip Shrader, Jr Thomas F. Stanley Elliott Holland.. . Anthony Sheets. . , Henry H. Drown William llume.. . Thomas Ellison. Jacob King Joseph C.awood William F. Plumer Alex’r McWilliams Thomas O'Neal. . . Thomas Bundy, Jr Wilders D. Jones. William Eea, Jr . . Benjamin Brown . 5.37 3.29 5.40 4.20 73.21 23.98 81.31 44.96 31.79 12.29 215.68' 125.58 26.98 14.96 26.44 15.99 54.70 22.69 24.72 19.22 30.27 10.56 14.44 10.51 14.26 7.73 16.39 11.14 7.16 4.76 46.04 23.13 210.08 76.40 8.18 5.51 3.00 1.80 47.38 25.63 104.61 83.29 13.16 6.46 31.56 14.82 1075.83 1413.20 53.95 36.59 53.57 23.92 21.18 13.28 2.66 1.86 23.40 14.52 36.06 17.24 Saltpeter . . , TunneU Veto Waterford. . Watertown . Wesley. ... Washingtcni County — {Contmued). John Holst, Jr ker Charles Bowen Augustus Winsor . . . Apple Creek Bau^man Big Prairie BlacklysvLUe Burbank Canaan Cedar Valley Chippewa Congress Dalton Easton # East Union Fredericksburgh . . . Golden Corners Koch’s Madisonburgh Marshallsville Mill Brook Moorland Mount Eaton New Pittsburgh New Prospect Number One Old Hickory Orrville Plain Eeedsburgh Shreve Smith ville West Lebanon West Salem Wooster (c. h.) Wayne County George Messmore . . Valentine W. Ault . . John Eainey Jesse Crull John G. Hewer. .. Daniel Emerson . . John Beale 0. G. Franks Anthony Kline . . . Elijah W. Cahill. . Thomas McElhenie. Emanuel F. Sander Wm. C. Eeehm Samuel T. Brothers Sterling Bucher . . . Charles E. Graeter. Henry Winger John VannesL Adam Hensel Anthony Knoble,' Jr. Joseph H. Coder.. . Jacob Knupp Charles J. Swan . . . E. E. Willson Frederick.Seas William Wagner .. Benj. Hildebrant . . . David K. Jones — Theodore A. Krysher J esse Shank David F. Young I Jacob A. Marchand. Williams Countv. Bridgewater. . Bryan (c. h.) . Deer Lick — Domestic Durbin’s Corners. . . Edgerton Lockpprt. Luke’s Corners — Montpelier. Nettle Lake North West Pioneer Primrose Joseph W. Back. George W. Watt. Elias Barrett. . . . Theron Landon . . AbrahamG.Eichard- son James Winters Abraham Gish John Luke James T. Platt John E. McConnel. . Calvin C. Hills Philetus W. Norris. . Lewisa Keith Pulaski I John M. Welker — Saint Joseph. jPajm C. Parker Spring Lake William Van Fossen Stryker William Sheridan, Jr. West Buffalo 'David B. Maze. West Union Meredith E. WUlet. . Williams Centre i John Manon Bowling Green . ... Bloom Brown’s Comers — Gilead Lovetts’ Grove Miltonville Montgomery^ Beads New Kochester Perrysburgh (c. h.) . Portage Prairie Depot — ’. . Scotch Eidge Stonv Eidge West Mill Grove. . . . Weston Woodbury Wood County# Levi C. Lock John Weaver Justus Sternes Peth C. McDonald . . Peleg G. Thonia^. . . William Ewing Ezra Morgan Michael Myers John Powers John McCrory Theodore G. Frisbie. William P. Carr John P. Elderkin . . . August’sG. McClellan Edmund Pennock . . Samuel McCrory .... $11.61 . $7.60 i 13.57 7.12 52.63 1 25.65 51.61 27.33 23.33 ! 14.85 1 73.52 1 21.77 68.07 40.56 37.56 ' 15.63 28.06 15.86 76.70 48.32 33.73 21.62 18.68 10.87 101.00 87.29 77.84 64.42 176.75 156.45 37.78 21.93 30.51 15.07 176.75 142.94 42.23 16.60 70.00 33.00 28.52 18.32 30.67 17.52 142.17 64.92 69.09 41.72 10.20 6.02 14.24 5.04 54.96 49.97 151.61 59.11 33.10 1 13.68 57.17 35.63 90.26 i 46.03 121.46 ! 61.33 43.54 27.15 58.43 34.90 1015.43 ! 958.77 31.06 17.37 240.55 195.7S 10.18 7.15 32.87 22.34 16.70 4.28 19.86 10.91 16.90 11.11 7.33 4.12 65.87 43.93 20.06 11.29 23.07 14.00 35.48 22.48 5.60 3.75 59.00 34.41 10.29 5.15 22.22 11.21 66.00 12.00 5.45 3.25 144.13 152.72 61.90 85.10 95.90 46.68 7.75 4.69 9.03 6.43 104.30 46.69 7.95 4.02 17.71 10.06 11.31 4.44 14.99 7.S2 a54.15 310.90 70.7' 45.46 35.01 20.43 19.73 14.34 20.49 9.40 88.96 29.55 28.75 13.46 15.25 8.75 PENNSYLVANIA 145 Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Right-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Wyandott County. Belle Vemon ! Ashford Stover.. BowshersviUe ^ Albert Mears. . . Carey ! Abraham Myers Crawford Solomon Hare Kirby Little Sandusky . . . McCutchenville Marseilles Mexico Franklin Hilliard. Robert W. Malone John Myers John M. Chesney. Edward P. Marble $26.25 $17.44 6.54 4.08 181.23 82.56 17.23 8.15 66.49 42.20 75.04 46.78 74.44 44.69 43.80 14.00 Nevada Seal.... Sycamore Tymochtee Upper Syc(tmore{Q.'ti} W arpole Whartonsburgh .... Wyandott Wyandott County — {Continued). William McJunkin. . James F. Wadsworth Alexander W. Brin- kerhoff John Eingeisen James W. Brown. . . Daniel Straw ■ Ira Bristol! Henry Flock d). $30.00 $14.00 13.86 10.54 44.88 26.83 17.25 10.22 408.76 860.54 9.17 5.74 25.00 30.93 55.17 28.25 PENNSYLVANIA. Abbottstown Arendtsville Bendersville Bermudian Bigler Cashtown East Berlin Fairfield Fountain Dale Gettysburgh (c. h.).. Grafensburgh Green Mount Hampton Heidlersburgh Hunterstown Littlestown McSherrystown Menallen Mummasburgh •New Chester New Oxford Round Hill Square Comer Table Rock Two Taverns T orkSulphurSprings Adams County. Miss Louisa Wolf. . Peter Eyster. William Overdeer . . Henry B. Smith Henry Koser . . . . Jacob Mark Joseph Woods Jacob BrinkerhofiF . . William B. Rogers . . William Gillespie. . . David Goodyear John Weikert Jacob C. Schriver. . . Leonard Deiap Simeon Melhorn Matilda Jones Elizabeth Will Jacob Eppleman Samuel Hart baugh John Blair Adam S. Myers Jacob Noel Catharine Thomas., Jacob Little Jonas Johns Allegbany County. Alleghany Thomas Farley. . . An trim illenry Eeister — Arsenal I William Johnston Bakerstown Charles Austen, Jr Braddock Fields Henry Bailey ... . Buchanan- : Daniel Berg Buena Vista James M. Rowan. Carrick j Christopher Linhart Clinton 'John Pollock Coal Valley lArchibald McLees Courtneyville I William Courtney Culmerville John R. Carnahan Dorseyville Edward McCorkle Duquesne William McConnell Eakin Noah Stahl Elizabeth Ephraim A. Davis Etna James McConnell. Fayette Andrew Pierce . . . Gamble’s James Torrence .. Gill Hall William Snee Green Tree iWilliam Heap — Harmarville David P. Ingersoll Herriottsville John McEwen Hope Church David Calhoon . . . Houston James Hallstead . Hulton Keran B. Bracken Library William Stewart.. Logan’s Ferry Hugh Logan McKeesport William E. Harriso Monroeville James Lang — Moon I Aaron A. Beer • $60.50 $24.05 29.01 1.3.90 77.91 51.12 14.36 8.91 12.88 4.34 47.59 26.74 72.46 29.12 73.77 31.65 1S.82 8.17 801.86 741.17 30.40 14;97 17.85 6.41 40.41 1.3..3S 23.90 13.49 33.32 10.17 94.50 47.40 39.08 13.90 15.63 5.40 12.08 7.24 16.09 4.11 82.91 29.94 13.22 9.03 7.94 5.41 24.98 ' 12.88 210.30 i 183.18 1742.01 2128.72 25.15 2.22 104.28 24.75 85.08 35.45 42.04 52.00 453.08 391.44 10.86 .87 2.3.46 4.95 58.94 26.46 59.89 22.29 40.64 20.37 16.55 5,19 3.75 2.25 82.81 19.02 34.41 19.22 165.56 48.28 129.19 50.99 41.63 14.79 88.85 22.66 24.35 10.31 85.42 21.03 52.60 17.09 63.75 25,56 24.51 8.76 26.92 6.82 8.94 5.09 47.52 10.41 40.82! 10.90 435.06! 190.99 18.981 5.79 81.271 11.54 Alleghany Coimty — {ConUniued). Mount Lebanon . . New Texas Noblestown Perrysville Pittfiburgh (c. h.) . Port Perry Remington Rich Valley Rural Ridge Sewickly Bottom . Sewicklyville Sharpsburgh Shirland Shoustown Spring Dale Street’s Run Surgeon’s Hall Tally Covey Tarentum Temperanceville . . , Turtle Creek Upper Saint Clair . . . Walker’s Mills West Elizabeth West Manchester . . . Wexford White Ash Wilkins Wilkinsburgh Woodville Joseph T. McNight. Johii A. Conn6r $ $ William McClean. . . 96.28 28.97 William Ray 43.19 28.34 Robert Anderson . . . 2000.00 21,117.14 John McCloskey 128.25 64.16 Joseph McFarland. . 68.88 26.45 Robert Bigham 32.55 15.13 William Porter 18.19 4.11 David Shields 66.81 1.80 John Way 159.03 42.86 Francis A. Klein 173.71 51.04 Alexander McFar- land, Jr 30.64 10.19 John Hamilton — — James C. Bunting . . 15.89 3.85 James McFadden. . . 13.60 .77 Mrs. Eliza Irwin 80.44 12.51 John H. Hunter 12.64 5.25 William G. Fulton. . 261.86 112.39 George B. Holmes.. 194.23 108.93 John Black 69.43 27.24 Henry Bockstoce . . . 24.78 7.59 Isaac Walker, Jr . . . 19.03 5.62 John Munhall 61.86 36.45 Sylvanus Perkins. . . 162.55 71.63 Martin Byrne ... 27.45 17.95 Henry Morrow ? 10.25 4.97 Andrew J. Davis 193.06 134.24 Henry Z. Mitchell . . 79.27- 19.25 Robert Lea, Jr — — Armsfroug County. Adams Apollo Belknap Blanket Hill Brady’s Bend Brattonville Cochran’s Mills Cowansville Dayton Elderton Freeport Kiskiminitas Kittaning (c. h.) . . . Lawrenceburgh . . . Leechburgh Oakland Olivet Orrsville Phoenix Pine Township Putney ville Red Bank Furnace Rural Valley Scrub Grass Slate Lick South Bend Spring Church Worthington James Adams 38.66 Wm. P. McCulloch . — Chas.W. Ellenberger — William Sinclair 9.S5 Charles B. Gillespie. 362.23 Samuel M. Sloan . . . 14.57 Robert A. Saul 180.19 Robert A. Thompson James McQuown . . . 44.85 John Ralston 50.90 Hugh D. Gallagher. 334.91 Wm. H. Richardson. 22.47 Simon Truby, Jr 523.94 Samuel M. Robinson 29.23 William Fitzgerald . 118.93 David Jones 19.21 Henry Townsend . . . 16.86 Jeremiah Bonner. . . 35.89 William Guthrie 18.36 William Gallagher.. — David Putney 25.55 Gottleab Keller 15.40 Henry Keck 49.11 George W. Goheen . 24.65 Jacob McDonald . . . 68.88 David Ralston 21.90 Robert Beatty 19.71 Joseph Graflf 123.54 16.31 5.19 282.S3 8.88 101.85 24.55 32.(8 261.94 14.00 434.75 8.73 61.30 12.71 9.70 22.72 10.83 12.88 1('.31 29.00 15.65 38.30 7.81 13.74 67.09 10 146 POST-OFFICES AND P 0 S T -M A S T E R S Left-hand column Bhows compensation of Post-master. Kight-haiid one, not revenue of Office to Department. Bearer County* Baden David Anderson. .. $29.49 $14.95 28.88 16.62 Beumer (c. h.). . Elvira D. Carter 283.79 320.46 18.38 10.39 Brighton James McCallan 83.27 10.59 5.50 4.00 146.60 65.90 Economy Eomelius L. Baker. . 47.88 23.80 Faliston 109.18 104.95 Frankfort Springs . . William E. 'Foster . . 71.24 70.31 119.26 79.28 Georgetown Charles Calhoun 28.82 21.44 79.89 88.67 55.93 30.47 Kendall 16.23 6.47 New Brighton Charles H. Hlgby . . . 366.09 391.49 New Scottville 10.64 ' 4.60 35.57 20.10 North Sewickly Melvin Nye 47.83 14.52 Ohio Philip Hill 8.87 6.32 19.93 8.65 Poe 9.80 5.34 Eochester Chester W. Bloss . . . 381.11 167.58 Service William Harrison . . . i 25.96 14.09 Seventy Six 19.63 8.96 41.05 21.25 Bedford County. Allaquippa Samuel S. Fluck 9.64 4.62 Alum Bank Simon Hershman. . . 27.95 11.20 Bedford (c. h.) Agnes Saupp 507.75 500.46 113.61' 30.02 Charlesville James S. Beckwith . 6.80 2!oO OhnTieysville Alexander Fletcher. Clearville Matthew Murray . . . 22.98 11.39 Cumberland Valley. Jacob B* Anderson . 83.11 15.32 Dry Eldge Fred’k Hildebrand . 20.88 4.29 Dublin Mills George Kesselring. . 18.85 12.80 Elbinsville William Lashley 7.46 4.72 Hopewell John Dasher 23.84 9.71 Mann’s Choice Valentine V. Wertz. 10.35 5.32 Pattonville James Piper, Jr 65.42 18.79 Eainsburgh Alexander C. James. 23.66 15.12 Bay’s Hill D. A. T. Black 65.95 29.97 Eobisonville William Eobison . . . 16.18 • 5.16 Saint Clairsville .... Frederick D. Beegle 52.83 30.31 Schellsburgh *. . . Mrs. Maria Schell. . . 171.66 125.18 Six Mile Eun Christian Broadstone 16.82 9.52 Stonerstown Amos Evans 67.78 38.76 West End William H. Platt 22.63 17.40 Woodbnrv Simon Beard ....... 105.66 55.93 • Berks County. Albany Benjamin Levan 16.33 4.41 Baumstown George W. Jones . . . 23.80 12.07 Bechtelsville Isaac H. Bechtel. . . . 28.67 11.73 Beckersville Jacob Becker 9.99 6.30 Bernville John Yeager 87.71 20.44 Bethel Frederick Harner. . . 39.50 9.11 Birdsboro’ George Smith, Jr . . . 134.37 31.14 Boyerstown Daniel B. Boyer 96.25 23.65 Brower Eichard H. Jones. . . 10.93 5.79 Brumflcldvillo Henrv Yor.iyy . . . . i 18.24 8.31 Clayton Eichard F. Smith. . . 22.86 13.57 Colebrookdale Christoph’r K. Shultz 31.18 14.32 Coxtown John M. Schollinber- ! 8.74 2.03 Cross Kill Mills j Jacob Newcomet . . . 26.92 6.54 Dale David Schall 13.47 4.10 Douglassville Michael laidwlg 141.91 103.60 Dryville Eeuben E. Dry 15.31 1.41 Earlvillo George Kline . . 25.47 10.48 FetherollTsville Jonas Dauber 2U7 4.59 Frcdericksville David Frederick 2..')4 .3ii Furnace John C. Shearer 41.23 13.41 Geiger’s Mills I.-^aac Geiger 20.53 3.75 Gotiglersvillo Philip Gongler — — Gresliville Jesse Bechtel 13.89 5.58 Grimvillo Daniel B. Grim 22.41 4.58 Hamburgh Daniel Wolff 287.24 149.52 Be,rTcs Comdy — {Continued). Hereford Samuel Treickler, Jr ! $42.65 $22.10 Host Jacob Shaffner . Joann a_ Furnace Bentley H. Smith. . . 16.69 11.84 Klinesville Peter A. Kline 11.11 ,5.78 Kn.aner’s Daniel Knauer Kutztown George J. Fister 113.27 28.09 Kutzville John Kutz 6.(h .83 Landis’ Store Nathan Landis 10.95 '3.09 Leesport David P. Crosby 110.80 15.59 Lenartsville Benneville Lesher . . 14.00 5.00 T.ein]>’.s Elias A. Leinbach . . ' Lobachsville David Lobach 18.73 6.00 Long Swamp William Trexler 82.22 9.94 Lower Bern Joseph Obold 28.56 .97 Maiden Creek George D. Stitzel . . . 33.69 18.18 Manatawny Isaac Yoder 11.00 4.70 Maxatawny David Gross 25.81 14.50 Mohrsville John H. Mohr 62.30 28.10 Molltown . . Abraham Graeff 7.44 5.02 Monterey .’ Joshua S. Miller — 15.03 8.94 Morgantown Eachel Evans 66.9ii 29.77 Moselem Solomon Leibelsper- ger 36.36 21.32 Mount Aetna Christian Strohm . . . 9.00 2.00 New Jerusalem William A. Yoder . . 11.64 .90 Oley Benneville A. Glase. 18.05 7.75 Pike Township Henry Bauman — — Pricetown Charles Levan 10.92 5.75 Reading (c. h.) Lewis H. Wunder . . 1864.36 3625.83 Eehrersburgh Benjamin Klahr . . . . 53.66 13.45 Eobeson Eeuben B. Seidel . . . 11.11 1.98 Seisholtzville Charles N. Gery. . . . 17.38 7.31 Shartleysville Benj’n Nunemacher. 35.71 25.05 Sinkinof Spring Aaron Yocum 58.75 30.90 Spangsville Jacob S. Spang 10.50 6.54 Stonersville George Stoner 25.19 10.06 Stouchburgh Edward G. Fisher . . 89.00 50.42 Sti’ciustown Joseph Boltz 25.34 7.82 Tnckertown Daniel Baum 46.61 17.12 Tulpehoccan Edward K. Manbeck 10.80 4.45 Herman Umstead. . Virginsville ^ Jacob Dreibelbis 14.98 i Wernersville Charles Spohn 40.46 1 11.11 Womelsdorf William W. Petree . 212.71 ! 120.08 Blair County. Altoona Henry A. Sellers . . . 930.15 1014.75 A nt-pstnwn John Bell 74.66 19.14 Arch Spring Israel C. Caldwell . . 36.15 29.66 Jacob Emerick 8 70 ! 5.54 . . Duncansville John E. Vaughn 168.07 1 95.13 East Freedom William Anderson. . 52.00 i 26.00 Fostoria William Easterline . 47.83 i 23.43 Frankstown MattheAv Simpson . . 62.00 : 33.00 TIollid a ysMu ‘gh{Qih . .) William G. Murray. 1202.93 141.3.17 Martinsburgh Benj’n F. Gibboney 149.75 : 53.20 Newry Cornelius McConneil 59.24 : 24.57 Snbbntb Best .... William Beigle 48.51 21.33 ftnrnh . Jacob Confer 47.53 17.91 Sinking Valley Henry McMullen . . . 32.61 : 17.62 Eobert Todd 17.45 1 8.91 Springfield Furnace Samuel Eover 34.91 ' 8.96 Tipton William P. Dysart. . : 59.98 1 18.59 Tvrone John B. Stewart 293.85 128.79 Williamsburgh William A. Fluke. . . ^ 232.50 179.90 Yellow Spring , John Suter | 63.361 22.67 Bradford Couv.ty. Alba Hiram Lockwood . . 54.66 30.15 Asylum Julius G. Brown ... 18.95 9.92 (c. h.) Waller Olmsfead . . . 456.12 408.97 Bently Creek Benjamin F. Buck . 23.18 14.16 Browntown George M. Black ... 16.95 9.82 Burlington Henry Vosfurgh . . . 78.37 52. .34 Camptown Cyrus Avery 22.67 7.82 John Van Dvke, Jr. 239.79 99.97 Columbia txj Eoads. . William Gernert . . . 85. '18 ^ 18.07 Dnrell Simeon Decker 4.42 1.78 East Herrick Jeremiah C. Barnes. ■ 7.70 1 4.11 East Smithfield Marcus B. Gcrould . 167.81 ; 77.97 East Springhill Moses Quinby 7.49 i 4.61 PENNSYLVANIA. 147 Left-hand colnmu shows compensation of Postmaster. Kiglii-liand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Bradford County — {ContinuedC). East Troy ;Luther F. Loomis . Edsallville James M. Edsall . . Frankliodale Lemuel T. Eoyse . . French’s Mills John Brownell .... Granville Luman D. Taylor . Granville Summit. . . i William Nichols . . . Havensville 'Daniel D. Watkins. Herrick j George W. Elliott.. Herrickville lAsa E. Brown Highland lEmanuel Guyer Hornbrook. Laddsburgh Le Eaysville Le Eoy Lime Hill Linwood Litchfield Merryall Milan Monroeton Myersburgh New Albany North Orwell North Eome North Smithfield. . Old Hickory Orcutt Creek Orwell Overton Pike Potterville Eidgebury Eome Eummerfield Creek. Sheshequin South Asylum South Creek South Hill South Warren Springfield Spring Hill Standing Stone Stevensville Sugar Eun Sylvania Tioga Valley Toicanda (c. h.) Troy TJlster Warren Centre Warrenham West Burlington . . . West Franklin West Warren West Windham Windham Wyalusing Wysox Charles W. Bullis . Peter Sterigere — Amos S. Baldwin. . Marlin Holcomb . . . John F. Chamberlain Samuel C. Naglee.. John Layton John H. Black Guy Tracy Anthon^ Mullan. . . John D. Allen Benjamin Wilcox . John W. Alger James B. Demoney William S. Pierce . Lorenzo M. Leonard Anson Beidelman. . Samuel N. Bronson Geo. W. Hottenstein Miss Arabella J Crandall Isaiah Potter Albert II. Voorhis John W. Woodburn William Griffis , Alfred Gore — John M. Horton Ebin Dunning., Jarvis Buttles. . . Jacob A. Ide . . . Hiram Spear . . , Eobert Montgomery Henry W. Tracy Nelson Eoss Elmore Horton. Lorenzo N. Tinkham Hiram Eogers, 2d. . Henry C. Porter . . . James A. P. Ballard James McCarty Calvin Dodge Alexander Dewing Frederick Johnson Thomas T. Smiley Electa Tyrrel.... John S. Madden. William Eussell . Andrew F ee' William Allen, Jr Buclvs County. Andalusia 'David Woodington Applebachsville .... illenry Applebach Attleboro’ Alfred Marple .. . Bedminster iCharles Scheetz . Bridge Valley William .Jamison Bridgewater 'Samuel S. Swain Bristol Pugh Dungan. . Brownsburgh Stacy Brown . . . Buckingham James C. Iden . Bncksville John II. Buck.. Bunker Hill Henry Ochs Bursonville Ephraim Shank Carversville I. Paxson Hough Centre Bridge Thomas B. Scott Danboro’ Henry P. Sands. , , Davisville Samuel Chambers Dolington John E. Bitting Do ileatown (c. h.)..|George T. Harvey PiilJin Joseph H. Loux Dnrtiam [William Bennett Erwinna jOliver Worman., $21.90 $13.06 4.84 2.93 2-3.96 14.00 21.08 12.93 18.83 1019 6.58 4.22 8.53 5.06 11.63 6.25 10.45 4.55 12.05 6.99 149.73 68.83 45.69 32.54 18.86 10.13 10.27 6.83 1.3.52 5.48 23.62 11.85 92.24 85.98 • 24.44 9.64 2-3.66 12.94 9.79 4.31 3.20 2.47 4.33 2.28 3.59 2.75 22.58 12.26 56.11 22.19 18.60 7.80 10.78 6.87 22.48 13.86 77.83 34.41 16.54 6.57 48.49 26.05 30.02 14.04 47.40 26.33 5.92 3.28 20.25 9.31 42.00 27.00 37.56 15.91 14.07 7.57 22.31 8.76 35.84 19.05 2.90 1.04 599.87 708.93 3.31.86 259.90 70.52 32.19 7.14 4.92 24.76: 14.24 11.00 6.76 15.36 5.01 20.85 11.40 13.04 6.11 32.29 14.50 63.28 21.40 51.66 20.66 70.62 82.40 32.4^3 8.10 124.26 72.05 6.70 4.-36 25.27 10.76 69.04 12.43 560 42 i 511.621 .33.76 17.12 77.02 .32.17 31.81 ' 17.01 31.19 18.91 2.22 1..39 20.96 13.17 31.37 8.44 25.86 16.87 ,39.26 20.94 48.25 1-3.24 432.13 437.-38 : 11.91 7.72 1 50.57 22.73 1 26.79 17.22 ' Bucks Coimty— {Continued). Fallsington Jonathan Hibbs . . . Feasterville Simon V. Fenton . . Hagersville William S. Woods . Hartsville Aiidrcw Craven . . . Hilltown Abiah .James Hulmesville James G. Hibbs . . . Kintnersville Levi F. Sassman.. . Lahaska [William Balderston Lumberville | Cyrus Li vezey . . Mechanicsville Stephen B. Wesner Milford Square .... Morrisville Mahlon M. Wright, New Hope James P. Smith Newportville John G. Hibbs Newtown John T. Simpson . . . Oakford Eandal P. Scott Ottsville Abraham Billger . . . Oxford Valley John G. Spencer. Pineville Jesse P. Carver. Pipers ville Pleasant Valley William Keep Pleasantville Albert Thomas Plumstead ville Edward Yost.. Point Pleasant Samuel W. Trimmer Quakertown John A. Kaull Eichboro’ Thomas H. Hart Eichlandtown Eiegelsville Seller’s Tavern . . Spinnerstown Springtown Steinsburgh Taylorsville Trumbaursville Tullytown Upper BlackEddy Warminster Warrington Whitehallville Wrightstown Y ardleyville merer Tobias Worman . . . Amos Jacoby Edwin D. Spinner. Newton M. Bryan . Thomas T. Ochs. . . Mahlon K. Taylor . Uriah M. Engelman John W. Paxson . . . .Jacob Fulmer William Glasgow . . . Edward H. Eadclifif, David Barndt William McDowell.. Charles Shoemaker. Butler County. Anandale Anderson’s Mills . . . Baldwin Barnhart’s Mill Bovard’s Store Breakneck Brownington '. . Bruin Butler (c. h.) Coultersville Coyleville Glade Mills Harmony Harrisville Jacksville McCandless Maple Furnace Middle Lancaster. . . Murrinsville North Hope Ogle Petersburgh Portersville Prospect Eiddle’s M Eoads . . Sarvensvillc Saxenburgh Slippery Eock Wliitestown Zelienople Hiram McCoy Samuel M. Anderson William Alexander. Michael Dieter Eobert Bovard .Joseph Harbaugh . . Eichard Doncaster. . fJudson C. Halsted.. Daniel Coll David Vance .John Green George Cooper Jacob Staufler .John E. Curry -John Boyle Matthew H. Adams.. Henry Luebben William Murriri John Folwell Eobert Duncan .... Thomas Critchlow . -James Newton Lewis Eoth James Norris George C. Sedwick Henry F. Aderhold William S. Bingham John A. Fletcher, . . Eudolph Kelker — Bemis Creek . . Bethel Station CarrolltOAvn . . . Chess Springs . Cambria County. Joseph Graham Josei)li Craig Henry Scanlan . . $50.53 $25.84 33.49 18.64 27.18 16.15 139.30 — 32.12 21.05 44.40 24.02 ,34.65 14.43 72.43 17.57 58.05 31.05 9.-32 5.57 8.21 3.-31 1.33.10 108 28 289.80 241.82 49.08 23.82 212.50 163.82 19.31 10.86 9.87 7.21 57.71 35.08 7.19 4.77 18.98 11.97 8.19 5.30 23.82 11.64 39.80 23.34 10-3.17 68.38 52.72 30.76 12.68 8.90 127.20 75.48 11.05 6.35 14.26 3.76 5.53 3.46 39.39 15.85 6.70 3.86 45.25 16.06 40.85 18.80 33.38 17.26 20.59 12.18 51.77 26.67 140.68 70.09 8.04 5.00 16.94 9.16 37.28 16.42 39.30 24.22 48.02 32.66 17.91 11.04 483.09 454.52 43.74 28.87 24.66 15.61 53.00 29.00 46.18 13.13 113.61 27.-30 19.29 10.35 1 12.31 4.46 1. 5.-38 10.40 ,34.60 20.18 19.88| 11.79 47.90| 31.23 26.02; 15.73 21.46, 6.94 100.42: 48.57 76.85| 31. ,39 12.14 6.83 34.25 15.94 79.22 34.14 IOS.,54 70.93 28.30 8.40 93.74 89.74 20.90 12.84 63.15 32.72 22.47 13.81 148 POST-OFFICES AND POST- MASTERS Left-hanJ column shows compensation of Postmaster. Kight-liand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Cambria Cov/nty — {Continued). Cresson EljOTishurgh (c., h.) . Fallen Timber Gallitzin Hemlock Johnstown Loretto Mineral Point Munster Saint Augustines . . , Scalp Level Sonman Bummer Hill Summit Wilmore Albrightsville Beaver Meadows . . . East Penn Hickory Eun Lausanne Lehigh Gap Lehighton Little Gap Mauch Chunk (c. h.) Nesquehoning New Mahoning Parrysville Eockport Stembersville Summit Hill Weatherly Weissport Eobert M. S. Jackson $110.50 .$52.25 Michael C. McCague 40T.91 293.76 Jones Eollin 28.48 16.22 Maria Magehan — — Henry Schnetberg.. 114.20 85.91 Ephraim Buck 1135.94 1159.83 Patrick Shiels 99.36 86.41 Ephraim Wissinger. — — Patrick Bradley 15.69 9.09 Joseph Mayers 3.9T 1.39 George Conrad 11.T2 8.25 Albert F. Cartwell. . — — William Murray 81.42 28.83 James F. Eiffel 246.44 185.30 Mary Jane Palmer. 155.77 54.62 arboii County* George H. Weiss ... 27.61 15.96 Benjamin F. Fruit. . 181.40 143.13 Eeuben Dinkey 8.04 5.84 Samuel Saylor 59.18 86.89 William Hartz 9.00 2.60 Eeuben Leh 74:68 36:81 Thomas S. Beck 60.24 35.54 Samuel Ziegenfus . . 11.78 7.66 Eliza Cooper 888.23 981.14 Ealph Corby 120.24 55.20 Tilghman Arner . . . 16.83 11.43 James Anthony 26.71 17.26 William J. Eothrock 148-86 77.27 Daniel Stember 4.15 3.26 Abraham Harris . . . 339.23 276.69 Charles H. Williams 63.80 24.62 Daniel Heberling . . . 94.41 52.59 Centre County. Aaronsburgli Hellefonte (c. h.) Boalsburgh Buffalo Eun Centre Hill Centre Line Fillmore Fleming Half Moon Hannah Howard Hublersburgh Juliann Furnace Meshannon Milesburgh Millheim Nittany Old Fort Philipsburgh Pine Grove Mills. . . Pine Swamp Pleasant Gap Port Matilda Potter’s Mills Eebersburgh Spring Mills Stover’s Place Walker Wolf’s Store Woodward Zion Avondale Black Horse Blue Eock Brandywine Manor . Cain Chandlerville Chatham Chester Springs Chesterville Coatsville John G. Kurtz 70.80 83.86 William Cook 540.88 660.00 George Jack 148.05 74.14 Peter Murray 25.89 13.63 John Gilliiand 62.38 35.11 Cyrus Cronister 13.73 8.33 Caleb Kephart 18.98 8.44 John Bing 66.20 87.02 Simon Sellers 81.78 44.07 Samuel Patton — — Sarah E. Sterett 104.93 42.83 John E. Burkert 58.56 35.44 John Adams 14.09 9.06 Trip OliU. W iXl u, xnc *...•••• John S. Proudfoot . . 146.62 107.04 William L.Musser . . 104.46 60.65 George Delcamp. ... 34.49 19.96 George Otenkirk . . . 66.69 38.28 James A. Ganoc 124.28 87.02 Alexander Sample.. 82.35 40.75 William Stewart 27.78 13.05 Joseph G. Stone 15.57 8.64 .TckVin (y .TnnPQ James Potter 57.59 56.68 George Cross 45.56 23.49 Jared B. Fisher 90.23 43.91 Joseph A. Eankin. . 59.67 26.08 William Allison, Jr. 53.24 86.47 T'lmmnQ Wnlf John E. Motz 20.13 9.12 Samuel Pontius 27.28 12.98 hester Connty. Bebccca F. J. Brown 71.20 10.00 William S. Latta.... — — Charles Eettew 81.74 13.74 William W. McClure 61.6S 17.51 1 C. Williamson 82.19 14.92 Thomas H. Brown. . 4S.Z1 19.33 Eachel B. Lamborn. 94.70 15.21 Joseph G. Holman . 92.28 42.24 John Stephens. 22.00 5.60 Mrs. Martha F. Gor- don ' 287.20 254.06 Chester County — {Continued). Cochransville Joseph Gilmor Collamer |Thomas Baker Dilworthtown Doe Eun | John D. Worth Thomas Scott Jasse Eamstine Samuel Hughes William W. Durnal. Mrs. Mary Ann F ulton Amos Sharpless Thomas Stilley . Joshua P. Lee.. Andrew Bear. . . ,T. L. Hibberd. . . Eobert Fairlamb Alexander Eigg Euth Anne Gause James Hayes W illisoR W. Andrews David M. Anderson. Downingtown East Nantmeal Elk Dale Embreeville Ercildoun Fairville Forestville Fountain Green Frazer Goshenville Gnm Tree Guthriesville Hamorton Hayesville Hickory Hill Honey Brook Hopewell Cotton Works Jennersville Kemblesville Kennett’s Square . . . Kimberton Lewisville LionviUe Doag... Londonderry London Grove McWilliamstown . . . Marlborough Marsh Marshallton Milltown Mortonville Mount Vernon New Garden New London Nottingham Oxford Paoli Parkersville Parkesburgh PenningtonviUe Phoenixville Pickering Pughtown Eockville Eussellville Sadsburyviile Saint Mary’s Saint Peters Schuylkill Setzler’s Store Spread Eagle Steeleville Strickersville Sugartown, Thornbury ThorndaleIr’nW’rksj David E. Baugh Unionville | James Smith Uwchland | Jacob Beerbower. . . Valley Forge i James Hoy Vincent John Eosen Wagontown | William W. Eachus. Wallace Levi H. Crouse Warren Tavern Isaac King Samuel J. Dickey. . . William Hughes George Kemble Sharpless Mercer . . . George Moses Joseph Hughes Joel Hawley David West Joseph Vickers David Walton John W. Gilbough. . Isaac Martin Jesse Hause George Martin Jesse Matlock John C. Ely John D. Eoss Jacob Taylor SarahA.Cunningham Levi E. Mearns Eobt.G.McClenachan Sarah Davis Carpenter Webb Joseph Wiley William McCanna.. Jacob B. Morgan. .. Eobert Hughes William H. Brown. . John Ealston Eobert Eussell John Kerlin Jacob Dampman . . . John L. Wells Isaac Price Thomas M. Poland . Mifflin Lewis Eli Seltzer. John C. Powley William B. Sill Eli S. Bullock Westchester (c. h.) . . iWilliam A. Moore West Grove IWm. Gawthrop, Jr., j West Vincent Samuel Fertig | 4(t Brinkerton Callensburgh . . . ' Calflsh Furnace I Clarion (c. h.) . . i Curllsville . . Samuel Sinquet Clarion Comity. Solomon H. Hamm. David Guthrie John G. Beaver Jesse D. Porter Eobert Thorne $180.19 $101.85 6.59 3.50 37.47 13.94 78.87 31.09 263.85 185.52 27.78 10.90 35.33 2.08 143.84 140.03 43.72 6.69 14.85 7.11 32.47 18.06 106.27 35.07 11.75 5.10 39.77 21.20 58.10 31.57 85.24 17.98 33.37 15.26 18.23 6.14 86.00 33.94 104.C0 50.53 46.60 4.33 43.29 24.13 256.18 209.11 68.98 29.59 45.45 19.64 77.49 32.88 39.63 7.72 24.00 2.45 74.00 65.33 43.70 29.92 22.81 5.93 33.58 9.18 118.62 25.86 26.35 6.74 24.96 11.20 20.28 10.00 49.24 17.23 166.86 166.56 19.18 7.84 163.94 90.19 123.45 , 52.30 23.55 i 7.47 246.31 i 155.00 176.55 : 182.89 6-24.13 664.73 35.44 19.82 66.64 ' 31.50 62.49 25.40 50.78 i 12.96 50.22 ! 21.35 29.17 15.59 23.421 11.91 71.2oj 40.87 16.541 9.72 106.16 62.77 30.78 17.62 68.94 27.49 19.32 8.77 13.62 5.09 36.00 22.00 121.47 68.09 49.31 19.94 66.82 29.46 16.16 9.52 46.82 24.43 58.93 14.63 87.79 32.17 13.28 S.61 1548.79 1SC3.S5 30.60 6.87 40.38 18.39 75.65 17.87 23.15 4.28 142.51 1 68.53 18.46 1 11.85 278.36 208.17 96.28 84.59 PENNSYLVANIA 149 Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Kight-hana oue, net revenue of Office to Department. Clarion Co^inty— {Continued). Frampton Fryburgh Hellen Furnace . . . Jefferson Furnace . Kerr’s Store Kingsville Knox Kossuth Lamartine Leatherwood Limestone Lucinda Furnace. . . Matildaville New Bethlehem . . . North Pine Grove.. Piny Keidsburgh Eimersburgh Kiver Scotch Hill Shannondale Shippensville Slant’s Store Strattonville Tylersburgh West Freedom Amos W. Corbett. . . $6.35 $0.78 Paul Sterner 53.88 32.42 James McKin 25.59 10.93 John Haslet 36.60 10.71 William Yost 19.17 12.63 William King, Jr. .. 7.56 8.23 7.40 4.32 Edward Heeter 7.14 4.91 Charles Klotz 25.69 *7.04 J ames Laughlin 42.49 25.81 John P. McGinity . . 48.68 20.16 Nathan Evans 22.60 11.23 •John B. Grazier 20.50 10.30 Thomas McKelvy. . . 36.36 22.90 James Black 7.51 3.88 Levi Kifer 20.02 11.03 Jacob F. Benn 46.83 20.64 William M. Abrams. 79.00 27.00 James L. Colgin 9.93 3.11 George Alsbach 19.45 11.84 Christopher S. Shan- non 11.55 6.66 Eliza Sloan 115.03 32.36 John L. Forker 11.76 6.79 Hugh Maguire 139.17 84.79 Joseph Chambers. . . 40.87 18.51 John B. Hessin 16,60 10.00 Clearfield County. Ansonville Bald Hill Bower Burnside Chest Clearfield (c. h.) — Clearfield Bridge . . , Curwinsville Cush Frenchville Glen Hope Grahumton Grampian Hills Jefferson Line Jeffries Karthous Kylertown Leconte’s Mills . . . . , Lumber City Luthersburgh Marron Morrisdale New Washington. . , Penfield Rockton Salt Lick BhawsvUle Smith’s Mills W oodland Miss Eliza Chase . . . James Irvin George W. Elder . . James McMurray. . Thomas A. McGhee John H. Hillburn. . Charles Sloan Samuel Way Asa White Francis Coudriet . . W illiam E .Dickinson James B. Graham . Jonathan Evans . . . John Hoover Thomas Henderson J. F. W. Schnars . . G. F. Hoop . . .' Augustus Leconte . Thomas McCracken Augustus L. Schnell Greenwood Young James McClellan . . John M. Cummings Valentine Havener William F. Johnson William S. Sankey William L. Eishel. James A. Hogerty William Albert . . . Clinton County. Beech Creek Joseph Bro^vnlee . . Birch Island ; J. Oscar Loraine . . Cameron Epaphras B. Eldred Carroll jllenry Bamer Cedar Springs Thomas J. Fox Chatham Eun Henry Myres Cook’s Eun John McClosky Cross F ork .Moses Clements . . . Defranceville I Coleman Grugan . . Dunnsburgh .’. . . j Jacob Myers Farrandsville. Mathew S. Barnum First Fork jShepherd Norcross Flemington |Wm. B. Carskadden Hiner's Run James ^1. McCloskey Keating Martin Krydcr Lamar 'William P. Ward.. Leidig | Joseph Suinmerson Lockkuven (c. h.). . . iThomas W. Coller. Logan Mills McElhatton Mill HaU. . . Salona .' John H. Anman. . Jacob Dice David Clark Samuel Bridgens. . , 10.93 5.79 20.02 11.06 16.13 8.77 301.92 324.01 29.4') 13.15 168.1:' 43.39 24.73 14.35 38.66 21.85 47.87 25.26 28.44 8.57 25.79 12.27 7.70 5.08 11.80 5.39 48.66 14.77 20.46 6.98 23.78 15.55 92.02 43.30 32.86 14.87 28.73 21.49 11.31 4.-57 11.17 4.20 35.18 13.12 19.00 8.(0 84.13 37.46 14.64 4.57 4,38 1.69 29.43 13.95 94.70 15.21 4.24 1.05 14..55 5.54 15.06 6.24 28.86 1.5.50 94.25 37.83 8.53 4.23 40.82 17.74 74.14 30.10 590.41 699.11 13.031 9.23 6.57 3.49 86.46 28.73 100.55, 34.41 ' Clinton County — {Continued). Sinnamahoning Sugar V alley Tylersville Westport Y oung W omansto wn Arthur Vosburg $46.07 Samuel B. Snook . . . 48.00 Barnhard Euff 7.00 Charles E. Noyes. . . 14.63 James W. Crawford. 30.31 $15.87 25,34 6.00 3.42 14.95 Columbia County. Beaver Valley Benton Berwick Bloomsl>urgh{(i. h.). Buckhorn Catawissa Central Cole’s Creek Espy Evansville Fishing Creek Foundryville Fowlersville Greenwood Jerseytown Light Street Lime Eidge Maineville Mifflinville Millville Mordansville Orangeville Pe'aler’s Polkville Roaring Creek Eohrsburgh Rupert Sereno Stillwater Wright Allen Mann 6,40 4.81 Daniel Hartman 29.31 12.16 Isaiah Ball 200.00 164.00 Philip Unangst 455.97 467.85 M. G. Shoemaker. . . 47.95 23.25 Casper Rahn 240.63 198.94 Peter Hess 4.17 2.92 Alinas Cole 7.10 2.62 Regina W orman 65.74 28.05 John F. Dretterick. . 8.00 5.00 James N. Jones 9.16 6.24 Samuel Henry 9.00 5.00 Jacob Creasy 16.61 10.61 Jacob Bittenbender. 13.70 4.43 John A. Funston 44.22 24.45 John H. De Witt 72,56 44.83 Charles W. Low 40.76 20.39 Isaac Yetter 12.08 5.71 Charles H. Hess 46.71 21.69 George Masters 50.54 24.33 William Hutchison . . 5.00 3.00 William Fritz 56.78 34.24 Peter P. Pealer 8.19 2.71 John P. Hess 7.00 4.15 Jacob Yeager 41.93 27.88 Wm. H. Burchfield . 42.46 23.37 Jeremiah H.Harman 36.00 — John Leggott Daniel McHenry . . . 8.^2 5.70 7.19 3.45 George W. Drisbach 8.72 2.47 Crawford County. Adamsville Bloomfield Blooming Valley Centreville Chapinville Cochranton Conneautville Crossingville Cussawago Custard’s Espyville Evansburgh Guy’s Mills Harmonsburgh Hartstown Kingsley’s Line Mills Little Cooley JkIcDowell’s Marsli all’s Corners. . Mead Corners Meadville (c. h.) New Richmond North Shenango Oil Creek Penn Line Randolph Riceville Rockdale Rundells Saegerstown South Shenango Spartansburgh j Spring I Stcamburgh I Steuben ; Sugar Lake Tamarac I Teepleville Titusville Troy Centre TurnersviUe Unity Loring Mayo 41.00 Chelous Edson 14.81 George Rondebush . 22.56 Stephen Post 49.57 William Porter — Hugh Smith 83.59 William Meyler 411.85 Warren Gill 67.20 Gideon Mosier 60.23 Hiram Power 85.02 Russell Marshall 21.10 James R. Freeland.. 72.60 Andrew Radle 34.34 David Barron 62.16 Joseph K. St. Clair. . 83.11 Thomas G. Boyles . . 38.56 .Tohn MeEwan 107.50 Joshua Hamilton . . . 15.90 R. D. Proctor 30.73 Joseph D. Pelton — 8.64 Elam Clark 6.82 James E. McFarland 1204.00 Ira H. Clark 9.32 James McAfferty 11.83 Peter Gilson, Jr 10.17 William Wadsworth. 41.16 Edward Tyler 25.('5 Lorenzo Westgate. . . 00.70 Martin Carringer,. . . 85.60 Lyman Holcomb . . . 16.0't Charles D. McGill... 94.42 Joseph McArIhur. 2d 15.68 Francis Fralick 70.61 Ebenezer R. Hall . . . 123.17 Ralph Williams 6.09 Henry Baiighcr 14.12 Hugh I. Brawicy 11.63 Charles II. Lewis . . . — Zadok Vanscodcr. . . — John G. Burliiigharn 104.73 John G. Stratton .3..5e Gilbert Thomas 24.95 Chaunccy Brown . . . 11.29 18.59 9.58 10.05 23.47 42.02 307.96 36.93 22.86 111.75 28.12 6.30 26.84 53.f)6 10.23 17.89 8.90 13.72 1.95 1.67 1228.52 4.68 5.90 6.09 12 .' 8 9.54 20.25 66.87 8.26 83.86 10.41 30.00 56.38 1.91 7.'-2 2.09 47.39 3.00 12.17 5.38 150 POST-OFFICES AND POST- MASTERS. Left-hand column shows ( ipensation of Postmaster. Eight-liand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Crawford County — {Continued). Yenango iJohn 11. Culbertson "West Greenwood . . . Eobert Logan Cramberlasid County. Allen Big Spring Bloserville Boiling Springs Carlide (c. h.) Carlisle Springs Dickinson Eberly’s Mill Good Hope Hogestown Kerrsville Lee’s ^ Eoads Lisburn Meehanicsburgh Mount Eock Newburgh New Cumberland . . . New Kingstown Newville Oakville Papertown Plainfield She}jiherdstown Shippensburgh Sliiremantown Sterrett’s Gap Stouglistown Walnut Bottom West Pairview West Hill White House ' Peter Livinger Joseph Hood William Green.. . . Adam M. Leidich. . John B. Bratton . . . Anson P. Norton . . John Auld Christian Eberly. . . Samuel Shaetfer . . . John B. Leidig Charles Harvey. . . Daniel S. Croft William Lloyd William Eckels. . . . George Miller John A. Eea John G. Miller Valentine Shaley . . Daniel S. Dunlap . . Patrick G. McCoy. . Joseph W. Patton. . Eufus K. Burns George Thomas . . . John H. Criswell . . Samuel Shireman. . JohnBigham. Samuel Greene . . . James Kyle George W. Fessler. John Bigham Isaac Newcomer.. . Dauplihi €ou»ty< Benvenue Berrysburgh Dauphin Elizabethville Enders Enterline Fisherville Gratz Halifax Ilarrishurgh (c. h.). High Spire Hockersville Hummelstown Linglestown Majiadallill Middletown Millev.sburgh j . Pillow Portsmouth Powl's Valley Short Mountain. ... Susquehannah Union Deposit West Hanover Wiconisto Joseph Smith I Henry C. Beshler. . . John Hetzel Adam Q. Bender . . . William Enders Jonathan Enterline . James Hoffman Daniel Lehr William D. Waldron John H. Brant Henry Stoner Martin Hocker, Jr . . George Wolf Thomas Barnett — Thomas Ilufnagle . . CatharineA nnStouch George Bowman . . . Daniel Brua ...... Catharine E. Niman. J acob Koons Uriah D. Fcrree, Jr. Jacob Halbach Amos I. Horner .... Jane S.Van Der Slice Henry Shaefer Delaware Coitaity. Booth Corners Thomas Booth Chadu’s Ford Isaac Watkin Cheder (.c. h.; (Jharlotte Doyle . . . Concordville U>eorge Hush Darby Garrett Pearson . . . Edge’mont I Hiram Grei'u GlonEiddlc Samuel Eiddle .. . llaverford !'\Vm. Y. Stackhouse. llowcllville ■. . . .Charles E. Baldwin. Ivy Mills i Henry B. Pratt . . . Kellysville lA'ipersville . . Inina Marcu.s Hook. Maiqile Media Cliarles Kellv Miles M. Stifle Walker Y. lloopes.. John U. Casey Fbenezer 11. Curtis.. Chas. E. Williamson. .1 .$60.2.’ )[ $2,5.92 . 12.01 ) 6.00 . I 87.01 )| 40.33 . 66.7.3 1 22.84 31.66 1 7.18 12.011 ( 5.50 35.15 ■ 13.55 1493.0(1 1687.47 32.38 26.-33 85.10 88.05 31.78 20.56 2.5.61 12.25 56.87 89.70 14.66 6.75 81.54 20.44 29.41 28.61 380.84 ' 310.53 12.80 : 4.76 92.88 48.52 98.98 ■ 38.60 52..50 26.05 292.07 223.43 25.21 12.62 611.81 27.14 27.13 1".13 79.06 68.24 433.51 3'^0.23 117.19 84.00 12.09 7.64 81.75 17.62 2.5.49 16.08 ■ 44.09 19.11 47.45 22.71 79.74 33.23 220.67 88.72 36.18 14.77 20.04 10.64 89.20 23.30 97.93 47.86 20O".0o 14,72().flO 57.10 24..51 36.o(' 19.00 200.60 58.18 47.61 25.83 19.42 9.96 333.42 379.23 191.43 41. .58 32.23 19.27 233.92 390.62 42.91 22.43 1.5.57 7.64 35.12 15.33 49.63 25.67 ! 161.6-' S6.U6 14.24 6.95 4.5.97 13.75 727.58 649.61 73.22 24.10 213.88 1-34.05 .5.5.1 1 1S.83 15.8.40 96.13 37.31 18.41 38.2 ' S.77 6( .44 2.3.41 T5..'6 49.-8 110.43 5t.,8l .5' 1.46 23.86 12 ' .oe 4..44 36.13 18.9 ; 16; ■..83 67.57 Delcmare Covnity— {Continued). Newtown Square Oakdale Eadnor Eose Tree Spread Eagle Thornton Thurlow Upper Darby Village Green West Haverford . . Benezett Benzinger Caledonia Hellen Hick’s Eun Kerseys New Righland Pine Street Mdgetoay (c. h.) Second Fork Williamsville Leedom Kirk $73.75 William Ogden 51. .37 John W. Pechin 54.21 Matilda B. Cummins 12.S5 Mifflin LeAvis 1(;6.16 Thos. W. Pilkington. 5. 28 EdAvin H. Curtis — John HaAvkins . . . . 51.19 Jonathan E. Johnson 104.59 John G. Henderson. 266.82 Elk County. William A. Bly 16.43 George Weis 58.00 Eobert Eothrock 47.62 Minor Wilcox 27.74 James Barr 13.13 Charles E. Earley. . . 17.29 Charles Stubbs 2.50 Henry Mason 12.63 Jerome PoAvell 111.60 Jacob Stahlschmidt. 23.17 Easselas W. Brown. 14.80 $33.0G 2!k39 32.46 7.34 62.47 3.15 20.35 13.21 4.l9 9.02 87.00 16.60 10.79 8.93 16.00 L70 8.12 31.00 10;34 7.04 Erie County. Albion Belle Yalley Carter Hill Cherry Hill Cook East Greene Edenville Edinboro’ Elk Creek Erie (c. h.) Fairview Franklin Corners . . . Girard Greenfield Harbour Creek Leboeuf Lundy’s Lane McKean Moorhead ville North East Northville Platea Springfield jxj Eoads, Sterrettania Stewart SAvan Station Union Mills Waterford Wattsburgh Wayne Weils’ Corners Wesley ville West Springfield Josiah Sullivan •Tnaepb Vanc.e 164.57 I 165.00 David White 8.38 4.51 Ira Harrington 18.79 1 9.87 Harvey Davis 26.10 1 12.64 Joseph Smith 4.00 2.50 Eobert H. Frisbee . . — — Marcus Salev 159.40 ! 90.61 Daniel M. Wood 42.02 26.81 Benjamin F. Sloan . . 1 2000 . 00 ! 2.59 Daniel Weidler. . .. 165.11 63.23 Ivory Hawkins 1".32 5.26 Monroe Hutchinson . 345.(4 267.00 William P. Barber. . 11.93 i 7.58 Clarilla Stinson 78.011 1 36.19 Perry G. Stranahan. 9.29 3.96 Wallace Sherman. . . 73.58' 41.86 Titus D. Chellis 32.06 Joseph Y. Moorhead 33.27 8.47 Mrs.KebeccaBraAvley 1 318.481 244.46 John Tajdor 50.511 21.56 Samuel Sisson 113 . 95 ; 39.22 Timothy S. Cowles . . j 1 1.53.92 75.22 Elias Brecht ' 13.04 7.16 Eobert McCrea, 4th. i 11.06' 3.21 Samuel Seldon | 51.89' 27.05 Eoswell H. Brown. . 1 94.8 li 39.48 HenrvColt i 372.14 284.21 Wareh’m B.Williamsj 167..59 71.93 EosAvell B. Adams . . i 5,5.80 23.65 Henry Hitt 1 22.21 ; 9.66 Samuel L. Potter . . . j 82.36' 23.83 Gilbert Hurd j 82.63 1 59.08 Fayette County. Belle Vernon Eobert Boyle [ BroAvnsville Isaac Bailey I Connellsville ProvanceMcCormick| CookstoAvn Eobert G. Mullin . . . ' DaAvson — John Davis Liberty William Beattie ; Elm Jacob A. H. Miller.. Farmington Sebastian \ Fayette'Springs jWilliajii M. Shipley.; Flatwoods John Townsend Heistersburgh ! John S. CoiiAvell McClellandtOAvn Masmitown .MerritstoAvn IMoiTi.^ Eoads . Ni'av Geneva .... IS'eAV Salem Pennsville Perry opolis . Eed Stone . . .David E. Eillle j jElisha Langhead . . . , I .Alexander BroAA n. . Nicholas Jolin.-on, Jr Samuel E. Dilliner. . , Charles S. Seaton, . j Chri.-5toi)her E. Ston- .‘cker I William I. Glirist . . . ' Hughlleiiry Connelly 1 66.42 1 731.22; 33".‘20 176.9S: 9.6o O-'.Jc 33.(i7 44.14 15.67 16.99 4. 3. 77) 44.76 S8.46j 9it.46| 25.26: 32.71 558.67 251 .58 93.82 4.58 23.72 21. >4 13.96 s!71 5..92 Mitchell’s Mills I John C. Conner 38.38 21.79 Newman’s Mills 'David E. Kinports.. 94.9-: 40.66 Penn Eun AVilliam Evans 23.53 12.39 Plumville Philip Mickesoll 41. ()4 21.51 Saltsburgh jAlexander Fleming. 235.74 I 2.v!.17 Shclocta ISamuel Walker ! 36.41 1 15.19 Smicksburgh William Eobinson . . 1 3-^.59 20.23 Strongstown lAdam Lowry [ 113.52 1 1,5.72 Tunnel Eobert G. Johnston. ! 24.84 ! 1.5.00 AVpst. T.pbnnnn rTaincs ^ViIso^ 34.-22 ' 1 9.59 Willet Jesse Marlin 1 19.66 ' 1o!33 JcilcrBon County. Alvan j.Vlcx’r McConnell. Big Eun . Brockwayville. . . James U. Gillespie. tVsai^h .M. Clarke . . 19.74 12.51 6.0(1 1 2..50 33.65! 11.62 152 POST-OFFICES AND P 0 S T - M A S T E R S . Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Right-hand one, net revenue of OflQce to Department. Jefferson County — {Continued). Bt'oohville (c. li.) . . . Cool Spring Corsica Hamilton Porter Pimxutawney Eeynoldsville Eiehardsville Einggold Summersville Warsaw Kennedy L. Blood . Thompson A.McKin stry Mark Eodgers . . . Eobert Hamilton . Eobert A. Travis Thomas McKee . John S. Smith . . . William E. Eichards Eobert T. Perry . Leopold Heilbruner John Eeed Juniata County. Academia .Sarah Ellen Todd. East Salem Joseph Kurtz East Waterford Undrew J. Ferguson Honey Grove j Joshua Beale McAllisterville McCoysville McCulloch’s Mills . . . Mexico Mifflintown (c. h.) . . Mohontongo Oakland Mills Patterson Peru Mills Pleasant View Port Eoyal Eichfield Spruce Hill Thompsontown Walnut .' Waterloo Calvin B. North . . . Joseph S. Laird . . . Abraham Given . . David Gingerich . . . Jacob A. Christy . . . A. G. Cox Lucian Wilson Jacob W.Oberholtzer William H. Patterson James B. Milliken . . | John B. Henderson.! Andrew Kohler, Jr . i John Maffett j Erasmus D. Crawford David A. Dough man Eobert Eobinson i Lancaster County. Adamstown Bainbridge Bareville Bart Bartville BeartoAvn Beliemonte Binkley’s Bridge . Blue Ball Bowmansville Brickerville Brinkley’s Bridge. Buck Cain’s Camargo Cambridge Chesnut Level. . Christiana Churchtown Clonmell Cocalico Colemanville . . . Colcrain Columbia Conestoga Durlach East Hempfield. Elizabethtown . . Enterprise ICphratah Falmoulli Farmcrsville ... Fuilon House . . Oap Goodville Gordonsville . . . Greene Grotf's Store . . . Herni.fl.-ld Highville Hiliklelon Iiitorcourso Kiiizers Kirk’s Mills . . . . Martin L. Weidner. Eliza F. Galbraith . Martin B. Weidler. Ann Elizabeth Miller Thomas Ferguson Martin Leber Samuel Spindler. . David ^mmy Henry Yundt Israel B. Musselmau Jacob Miller — Thompson Brubaker Nathaniel Mayer Eobert Smith H. H. Breneman, John W. Irwin Barbara Johnson . . Marshall J. Speak man Lott Eogersv James B. Kennedy Eichard Flickinger Joseph H. Peters . Ab’m D. Whitesides, Amelia S. Moderwell Adam Kcndig John Elser •lohn Shreiner Benjamin F. Baer . John Dunlap John W. Gross Abraham Collins . . Christian F. Groff. . Harvey Swift James Hopkins ... Martin E. Stauffer . Josej)!! H. Black. . . Fleming JilcSparrow Samuel Groff. Jr. John Seaclirist . . Christian H. Zimmer John AVickel Benjamin F. lloll Robert Tagert . . . Levi Kirk $348.88 $365.81 19.14 11.74 77.00 31.26 16.68 7.93 8.44 2.15 135.11 72.34 36.80 12.59 18.23 12.10 18.77 11.66 22.73 13.47 18.00 7.00 104.29 3.00 18.55 11.81 41.35 18.61 ,7.07 ' 4.64 70.00 30.06 20,00 11.34 22.03 9.61 77.96 39.38 1 239.62 311.18 47.00 27.47 108.78 48.38 24.25. 12.42 i 25.79 9.14 1 232.00 45.84 i 50.29 29.07 j 19.43 6.40 100.26 66.59 20.69 9.63 1 i 27.15 15.94 56.93 24.83 83.07 29.24 51.78 3.90 75.29 27.88 15.50 7.60 21.12 8.88 47.11 12.57 19.62 4.80 43.3s 26.12 17.28 8.63 20.35 2.55 38.00 ^1.87 32.19 14.92 16.58 6.04 16.11 7.95 S7.S2 29.13 137.53 19.90 97.47 25.84 6.06 2.60 7.34 2.73 31.18 3.72 28.00 13.00 1118.85 1112.30 59.44 17.80 34.92 8.60 51.03 1S.98 237.36 167.53 127.21 33.45 193.67 4.25 33.25 14.38 26.49 10.14 187.85 159.21 41.94 11.78 41.73 22.21 86.84 15.33 22.97 7.00 32.1 1 17.39 14.67 0.26 50.27 3.51 6S.97 1 7.93 76.9(' 32. IS 28.15 14.24 Lancaster County — {Continued). Lampeter Henry Miller 1 $36.23 $20.97 Lancaster (c.. h.) Henry M. Eeigart . , 2000.00 4272.06 Landisville Martin M. Swarr 63.97 28.04 Leacock Michael Bender 55.06 12.50 Liberty Square Joseph P. Hutton. . . 34.52 17.93 Litiz Daniel Kreider 342,15 331.15 Manheim Andrew J. Eby ..'... 107,90 Manor Abraham H. Kauff- man 44.89 25.20 Marietta James Cushman 402.39 283.73 Martickville Hiram Watson 15.74 10.47 Martinsville John Eaub 15.27 5.23 Mastersonville Joseph Masterson . . 22.15 8.32 May Hiram Beaver 21.76 7.39 Maytowm .Taeob Rower 105.87 24.67 Mechanic’s Grove .. John S. Jordan 20.21 6.84 Millersville Peter H. Lvne 91.99 24.56 Mount Hope A. Bates Grubb 14.0,6 4.69 Mount Joy Joshua Leader 370.98 399.61 Moiirit Np,1)o 1^(11 O'! OS 23.60 6.26 Mountville Benjamin A. Witmer 58'.94 30.83 Neffsville Daniel Hoffman 31.17 2.07 Kow Ttaovillp .Tnlin riAnrnfl New Holland Peter Eeam 153.36 52.98 New Milltown Thomas J. Eingwalt. 12.34 7.47 New Providence John Tweed 26.37 8.00 Nine Points Lewis Phipps 6.94 2.93 Oak Hill Jonathan Hamilton. '38,49 21.97 Oak Shade Franklin Sutton — 14.81 6.06 Octoraro Francis J. Pennock. 19.75 10.75 Oregon Jacob F, Young 32.41 6.33 Paradise Amos L. Witmer 132.30 88.89 Penn Hiram E. Hull 21.90 2.27 Peter’s Creek Law’rence Hippie ... 59.90 26.56 Piquea George W. Werntz. . 36.61 14.00 Pleasant Grove Jeremiah B. Haines. 51.67 30,31 Pusey ville Mahlon Pusey 12.85 6.04 Quarryville James E. Ewing 24.94 8.77 Eawlinsville Wm. E. Eamsay 82.92 8.72 Reamstow'n Andrew Eeam 71,92 9.72 Eeinholdsville George Eeinhold . . . 14.05 8.50 Eothsville .Teremiab Roth ... . 33.65 16.14 Safe Harbor John Kolp 351.25 200.75 Salisbury Henry Worst, Jr 11.00 7.00 John W. Mentzer. . . 19.61 4.90 Silver Spring Henry G. Bruckhart 55.24 29.53 Slack Water Andrew' F. Metzgar. 9.S9 1.63 Smithville John C. Smith 17.36 9.00 Smyrna John Homsher, Jr . . 22.11 7.39 South Hermitage . . . John McGill 26.70 10.26 Sporting Hill j Henry AI. Brubaker . 24.58 1,63 Strasburgh ' James Paul 257.87 145.88 Swarr’s Mills Jacob Hershev 5.08' 1.10 Terre Hill Jeremiah Garmau . . 28.04; 13.35 Vogansville Herman S. Hoffman. 18.601 6.31 Wakefield Samuel Wilkinson . . 29.97] 13.46 West Earl Jacob Bussor 86.44 3.93 Willow Street Henry M. Kreider . . 9.18 3.29 Weaver’s Mill John Weaver '”] White Oak Daniel Hankins i — Lawrence Coimty. Chenango Cross Cut East Brook — Edinburgh — Enon Valley . Ilarlensburgh Hillsville Irish Hippie . . Iilarr Marvin William C.Harbeson David Beaver Joseph Campbell.. James jMitcheltree. George E. Patterson Henry Hall William McCreary Elizabeth Steen .'. John McClung — Josephs. Williamson l^Iount Jackson George Cooper Neshannoek Falls. . . Samuel Holstein . . . New Bedford Isaac P. Cowder. . . Xewcaxile (c. h.) [David Tidball New 'Wilmington . . . James S. Hunter . . Plain Grove [Hutchison Bovard. Princeton John Randolph Pulaski William McCready. Rose Point John Smith. Wurtemberg Johnson Kirker . . . 8.65 2.52 44.78 19.76 39.39 10.69 57.00 26.00 151.32 75.15 62.37 32.13 28.26 14.90 40.37 17.28 9.35 5.71 97.55 51.51 11.00 7.00 47.95 25.83 941.75 :1045..53 2S1.74 19.5.29 ,30.59 21.27 25.52 16.30 75.71 41.51 11.79 37.92 217.65 -f PENNSYLVANIA. 163 Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Kight-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Lebanon County* Anmille John Frantz Bangor John Lee Bellview Jacob Hgilman Campbelltown 'John Wolfersberger Colebrook j William Coleman. . . ; Cornwall | Robert W. Coleman East Hanover Thomas A. Harper. . | $1T4.33 $144.46 Fredericksburgh. Jonestown Lebanon (c. h.) . Meyerstown Millbach Mount Zion Ono Palmyra Shaefferstown . . I John Painh John Bickel, Jr ! Mrs.AnnL.Euthrauff William Stoever Oliver Weigley .... Samuel Goshert Milton Cooper Christian Hoffer Alfred V. Bucher. . . 31.98 5T.84 1T.38 T4.55 62.84 60.89 120.80 738.80 186.00 16.06 19.30 14.30 97.60 84.55 Lehigh County. Allentoxcn (c. h.) . . Breiuigsville Catasaiiqua Centre Valley Claussville Coopersburgh Dillingersville Emaus Fogelsville Friedensville Germansville Hosensack Jacksonville Lowhill Lynnville Macungie New Tripoli North Whitehall .. Orefield Rittersville Eucksville Saucon Valley Schnecksville Seiberlingville Shimerville Shoenersville Slatedale Slatington South Whitehall. . . Trexlertown W'eisenburgh .... , Maria E. Hornbeck . Matilda Cope 920.81 31.86 Solomon Biery Jacob Jacoby 268.95 38.68 Joseph Slough 11.10 73.20 6.74 39.46 45.60 27.94 Jonathan Price Erwin Burkhalter . . Joseph Treichler ... Solomon Fogel . ... Reuben Lichtenwal- ter David Ross 17.75 Solomon L. Holder. . Henry Creitz 26.74 26.36 Peter Lentz 5.48 John Seiberling Aaron Erdman Samuel Camp Stephen Balliet Samuel Sieger Charles Ritter 12.09 52.76 17.17 79.29 21.33 16.96 Martin A. Seiple Charles Wittman . . . Peter Gross 34.77 20.10 26.42 John F. Seiberling. . Charles B. Shimer.. Samuel Saylor 12.56 28.04 12.91 Stinson Hagaman.. . Robert McDowell . . . AYilliam Walbert . . . John E. Schall Samuel Fritz 168.38 14..34 38.98 9.44 J Israel Wesco 24.32 Luzerne County* Albert’s 'Simon Shoemaker Archbald 'Peter Walsh Bailey Hollow H. L. Halstead . . . Bald Mount | Amos Beemer Beach Grove I Andrew Cortright Beach Haven Stephen Hill Bear Creek iStiles Williams... Blakeley Levi Lillibridge . . Black Creek Amos Eittenhouse Cambra William E. Barrett Campbell Richard H. Burns. Carbondale Anthony Grady . Carverton Rufus Carver Church Hill Freeman Thomas Clark’s Green .John C. Higgins.. Clifton Emanuel Van Horn Conyngham William Drumheller Daleville Michael Latouche Dallas .Jacob Rice, 2d ... Dorrance William S. ICester Drum’s George Drum . . . Duninore Henry Summers. Dunnings Hiram Griffin . . . Exeter James Mantayne Fair Mount Springs David Goss I'leetville Milo B. Hartley . Forty Fort Elijah Shoemaker Green Grove — ...jSilas H. Callender 37.00 118.00 46.05 27.30 2.3.98 58.10 22.50 27.11 14.09 27.63 5.27 778.00 4.. 38 9.. 39 56.95 45.27 43.93 80.24 22.36 6.96 51.52 260.48 20.46 32.37 11.69 29.97 19.86 12.75 12.49 22.76 2.16 12.56 16.18 7.00 73.39 780.00 150.62 8.03 .43 4.66 36.51 35.98 869.40 11.32 177.40 22.11 7.53 39.38 3.64 24.11 22.36 16.20 6.49 10.28 5.12 8.69 1.00 19..33 2.97 23.33 14.10 8.15 15.89 13.06 8.62 6.66 12.07 7.98 87.81 8.73 18.04 3.44 13.33 1.84 69.98 23.81 14.76 8.20 34.96 8.44 15.45 10.40 14..37 3.98 723.48 3.05 5..34 30.97 18.78 34.46 43.09 14.65 3.89 24.60 176.67 13.01 20.65 6.88 11.80 8.25 10.60 Luzerne County— {Continued). Harveyville Hazleton Hendricksburgh . . . Hobbie Humphreysville . . . Huntsville Hyde Park Jeansville Jessup liingston Kunckle Lake Lehman Lutsey Milwaukie Morrison Moscow Muhlenburgh Nanticoke Nescopeck New Columbus Newport Centre Old Forge Orange Pencader Pittston Ferry Plainsville Plymouth Port Blanchard Providence Ransom Red Rock Scranton Shickshinny Sloyersville Sweet Valley Sybertsville Throopsville Town Hill Town Line Trucksville Wallsville Wapwallopen Waverly West Nanticoke White Haven Wilkesbarre (c. h.), Wyoming Robert S. Patterson. William Ivisner William Barkman .. Peter Readier Joseph P. Northrop. Thomas M. Ather- ton Oliver P. Clark Charles S. Fowler . . Lewis Seybolt Abram II. Reynolds AVesley Kunckle . . . Abram Bisher Lorenzo D.Flanagan Frederick M. Jones Nicholas G. Reed . James Morrison . . . Henry Gross William S. Monroe. Lewis C. Paine Joseph W. Frey . . . Jacob Brittain George W. Hess . . . Ebenezer Drake . . . Benjamin Saylor . . Natiian Kleintob . . Charles E. Gorman James Frick Ira Davenport Patrick Landhan .. Horace Hollister .. Rich’d Byron Smith George G. Guiser. Benjamin H. Throop James Post David Walker . Barton Mott Jacob Bilheimer Daniel E. Coolbaugh Nathan D. Stiles. . . William Davenport Jacob Rice James T. Gorman . John M. Heller John Stone Minor Van Loon.. . j William Fish Jacob Sorber lAlpheus M. Jeffords Lycoming County* Alvira Barbour’s Mills Bodine Cedar Run Chesnut Grove Clinton Milis Cogan House Corson’s Elimsport English Centre Haney ville Hughe.sville Huntersville Jersey Mills Jersey Shore Lairdsville Linden Loyalsock Lycoming Creek . . . Monturesville Moreland -Muncy Newberry Nippenose Oval Pcrkinsville Port Blanchard Ralston Road Hall Sallady burgh Abraham Buss John Barbour Samuel Bodine .... Lucius Truman . . . Zeboeth I. Brittain John Kinsey Charles Persun Daniel Corson Eobt. F. McCormick Jacob C. Reese George W. Glover . . James Laird Robert B. Web.ster. William Stoddard . . Thomas Calvert, Jr. Brittain McGargel. . Thomas Johnston . . Stephen Tomlin.soTi. Alexander Thomp- son James D. Bennett Thomas Opp, Jr. . John AVhitlock . . . James C. Funston John I. Sanderson George Clark Harford .J. Perkins Patrick Lniiahaii John Hepburn . . William Sedam . Chas. AV. Pepperman i). ■ $43.41 $27.63 315.19 203.71 31.32 -8.92 13.78 9.19 22.83 11.00 261.77 1304.50 284.03 174.35 286.02 177.00 5.30 3.57 10.59 7.16 2.80 1.49 11.48 -6.32 57.77 32.00 22.61 18.29 59.15 24.57 15.64 6.71 31.55 15.28 11.04 7.17 46.97 24.71 19.83 10.95 3.00 -2.00 936.56 972.51 26.40 12.33 119.17 24.43 34.77 21.92 216.13 35.08 14.59 6.62 10.05 5.00 . 791.32 282.66 52 00 '24.22 15.04 9.14 5.18 3.00 28.73 16.98 35'.02 19.17 14.33 10.47 14.22 5..52 11.83 7.72 8.33 4.59 126.19 184.32 20.39 10.61 224.26 233.91 1353.96 1493.05 147.68 51.21 15.73 9.30 3.71 2.21 55.42 26.16 7.59 ..52 43.46 21.86 3.00 1.00 3.00 26.97 11.31 4.09 2.93 82.68 38.00 7.62 3.66 .5.21 — 529.00 473.70 74.73 31.9t 2.75 1.66 9.16 5.08 153.00 46..52 10.33 .5.31 521.97 501.18' 80.34 21.24 30.49 10.10 12.00 2.00 84.77 21.92 106.00 45.17 18.77 10.89 50.00 7.00 154 POST-OFFICES AND POST- MASTERS Left-hand column showa compensation of Postmaster. Kight-hand one, net revenue of OlTlce to Department. Lycoming County — {Continued). | Texas William Foote $6.56 : $3.24 Tomb’s llun 6.59 ! .92 Trout Hull Frederick E. Weed. 46.57 20.51 .^.70 2 80 5.49 1 1.25 Warrensville Nathaniel B. Kimble 81.87! 20.05 410.00 ' 144.00 White Deer Mrs. Sarah Kreamer 59.21 1 31.92 Williamsrjort (c. h.) Thomas Throp 1182.24'1390.68 Wolf Run 11.871 m eJisan Coucty. Alleghany Bridge . . [Nathan Dennis 22.75 10.96 6.97 4.56 Bradford Abraham k! John- 75.74 33.98 Clermontville John G. Boyer 2.00 1.25 Eden John H. Brasington 10.50 6.32 Farmer’s Valley Andrew J. Otto 21.50 10.80 Glenn Sarah Clendenon... 2.70 1.78 Kendall Creek John F. Melvin 36.00 22.00 La Fayette William N. Tenny. . 11.96 7.34 Liberty Hill Lorenzo Easterwood .93 .61 Norwich William J.Colegrove 7.69 3.05 Port Alleghany William Wilkins 38.06 22.14 Prentiss Yale Arthur Prentiss 12.65 6.78 Sartwell Ransom Larabee . . . 19.00 11.65 Eli Felt 56.76 17.46 Smithport (c. h.) . . . Solomon Sartwell. . . 185.39 213.36 Mercer County. Centretowh Samuel Coleman . . . 21.65 10.37 Clark Elhannon W. Woods 228.11 174.70 Delaware Grove George Hyle 34.12 16.87 French Creek Francis Dunn 8.03 3.9S Harthegig Henry Fulton 28.70 12.73 Henderson Jonathan Henderson 87.74 21.59 Hermitage John Hoagland 14.46 6.25 Irish town James Long 6.47 2.20 Jame.stowTi William Gibson 134.46 74.12 Leesburgh Benjamin F. Gordon 33.07 5.21 London William A. Coulter . 49.64 20.45 Maysville Geo. E. Hassenpluck 23.21 13.06 Mercer (c. h.) John Sloss 499.05 422.60 Milledgeville Cookson Long 16.59 9.36 New Hamburgh John George 54.22 20.07 New Lebanon James A. Leech . . . 23.07 10.78 New Vernon William B. Travis. . . 26.91 14.51 North Liberty Robert McKee 32.62 9.89 Perrine Enoch Perrine 31.88 10.11 Salem John A. Clark .... 29.73 19.69 Sandy Lake James F. Brown 50.00 19.00 Satterfield John Wharton 17.00 9.24 Sharon Abner Applegate 342.30 315.9S Sheakleyville James Dunn 147.54 56.15 West Greenville William P. Hanna.. 408.69 3S0.03 West Middlesex John W. Veach 79.98 29.66 Westi. Salem John S. Mossman. . . 10.18 6.51 Worth AVilliam Gallagher. . 36.84 13.47 Willow Brook AVilliam AV. Pool . . . — — Wolf Creek Georw, Shaw 30.09 15.15 County. Allensville John M. Horrell 61.21 35.56 Afills Amos J. North 20.63 12.13 Belleville Henry S. McNabb... 110.25 54.89 Decatur Elizabeth E. Sigler. . 7.21 3.90 Kisliacoquillas Benjamin Garver.. . 2S.11 2.64 Lewixtoicn (c. h.) . . . Charles Ritz 928.88 1054.40 Locke’s Mills Enoch E. Locke .... 25.S5 12.35 McVey toAvn . . • George Macklin 250.58 227.22 Newton Hamilton... dohii AV. Smith 163.57 149.32 Reedsville Rob('rt U. Parker. . . 1 28.29 i 51.34 Strodc’s Mills Joseph Strode, Jr. . . 16.051 8.00 Monroe Ceiinly. Analomink j William S. White... 86.901 17.28 Ttnrfotiville ... John Butz 13.42 4.77 Bossardsville 1 Joseph A. Bossard. . 16.92 10.54 ‘ Monroe County —{Continued). Brodheadville Chas. D. Broadhead. $26.41 11.79 1 $13.82 Coolbaugh’s John Coolbaugh ' 4.90 Covesville Simon N. Stright 1 5.21 3.04 Delaware Water Gap Effort Lewis Brodhead.... ! 51.32 26.64 Patrick Daily. . . . 1 26.15 12.37 18.81 19.54 Experiment .Tames Bell, .Tr 39.52 Fennersville Linford Marsh 1 36.78 Henrysville James Henrv ! 36.32 21.52 Kellersville Samuel S. Keller 1 16.95 10.29 Kresgeville Joel Berlin 4.84 3.28 Kunkletown Reuben Stever 6.02 3.83 Long Y alley Jacob Kresge 9.56 6.3S Marshall’s Creek Henry Peters, Jr 22.99 8.20 Merwinsburgh .lohn Merwine 17.49 8.43 N aglesville Samuel Case 91.88 51.14 New Mount Pleasant Joseph Mpyer 163.22 101.40 Paradise Valley David Edinger 83.30 54.97 Priceburgh Wilkinson Price 6.62 3.98 Rossland iSn yinrsbnrgh Franklin H. Smith. . David Sai lor .96 1 Shawnee Catharine Wilson . . . 7.79 3.81 Shoemaker’s Charles Shoemaker. 11.55 : 5.43 Snydersville Peter Snyder 10.39 5.79 Soxville Washington Winter. 10.82 , 6.41 Spruce Grove Joel Vliet 12.00 59.48 7.16 Stoddartsville Benj. F. Schneller . . 31.62 Stormville Casper Metezgar 10.09 5.49 Stroudsburgh (c. h.). David Keller 401.57 310.85 Tnnnersvillft Reuben Swiuk 58.43 30.47 Treibleville Daniel Brown Montgomery County. 4.76 2.59 Abington Moore Stevens ' 47.101 20.30 Barren Hill Nicholas Freas 73.17 31.92 Blue Bell 'Jacob H. Michener 56.48 30.06 26.77 Bridgeport Amos Shoffner ' 62.47 A YA 'Jolm Cti(lw3,lti(l6r Ccil)in6t 'Joseph T. Pearce. . 71.12 25.64 Centre Square olf Otlll OTAI Ephraim H. Shearer. Tiioiritis Bowltincl Jr. 1 23.00 15.00 . • • • . • • • Conshohocken E. Lewis Schrack. . . 1 251.34 190.24 Crooked Hill William Wildermuth 18.59 9.95 Douglass Aaron K. Stauffer. . . 14.98 6.85 Eagieville Daniel Bruner, Jr. . . 22.87 7.09 Fairview Village. . . . Solomon Shultz .... 21.43 12.70 Fitzwatertown Jacob Fitzwater, Jr. 86.89 22.18 Franconia Tobias S. Eeiff 12.46 15.00 Frederick Abraham Fryer 22.74 3.50 General AYayne David Young 37.50 21.15 Gilbertsville 'J. William Hillegass. 17.51 4.24 Gulf MiUs Daniel Kenzie 68.16 45.59 Gwynedd Charles F. Jenkins. . 132.59 78.17 Harleysville Samuel H. Cassel . . . 28.90 14.72 Ilatboro’ Hillegass Jacob V. Reading. . . Abraham Croll. 71.71 6.58 43.4S 4.54 Hoppenville Lewis P. Christman. 7.69 8.80 Horsham Absalom Michener. . 61.23 86.11 Huntingdon V alley . George F. Shelmire. 54.59 22.95 Jeffersonville William Pennick 2S.i9 11.89 Jenkintown AAhlliam Cottman . . . 100.64 36.84 King of Prussia Charles I. Elliott 14.63 10.46 Kulpsville Franklin E. Baker. . 22.36 16.44 Limerick Frederick AV. Graff . 24.20 14.06 Limerick Bridge — Aliss Harriet Frick. . ^ 54.02 17.39 Line Lexington Sarnu’l Bartholomew 78.53 37.62 Lower Merion Hamilton Egbert . . . 21.01' 13.86 Montgomeryville . . . Matliias A'oung. . .. 81.79 40.71 New Hanover Frod’k Brendlinger. 41. S',' 13.s'9 jS’orridown (c. h.) . . Henry G. Hart 1295.24 1519.87 AT t rm v i 1 1 A .Tiicnli T’ Tlinrntmi 1 .fsi 49.341 0.72 PAiAiichiirtrh llnnrv Dntfs 3 .00 Perkiomeu Bridge. . ' Albert Longakcr — le:.41 25.48 Perkiomcnville I.^aac Rahn I 9.' 0! O.llU Plymouth Aleeting. . 'Jeremiah AA'ills ; 84.34 41.52 Port Kennedv ' Edi^ard AVoodman.. 1 4.90: 78.42 Port Providence Dyer A. Nichols . 37.291 16.-2 Pottstown Thomas G. Rutter.. . 5 7."i- 541.87 Prospectville (Nathaniel B.Johnson 17.80, 11.83 Ouinzvville Patrick Douiihcrty . . i 4.' 2j 2.71 Royer's FortoD County* . Henry Scholl 122.71 59.20 . John K. Patrick 7.55 3.99 . Abraham Gish 27.00 14.73 , William F. Miller. . . 971.20 968.90 , Geo. E. Frankenfield . Michael G. Stier 12.92: 3.71 George J. Cleaver. . . 19.42 7.82 Eobert Wentz 115.09 58.17 Charles B. Daniel. . . — — John I. Herster 1360.26 3510.31 Theodore Eobison . . 28.79 11.71 Samuel Buchman . . . 169.00 107.17 Jacob Schweitzer . . . 44.26 8.97 Samuel E. W'eber. . . 8J.05 46.73 , William Kessler 76.86 45.06 Charles Kleckner . . . 19.01 3.96 George H. Young. . . 29.64 10.47 Samuel Laubach 90.12 55.98 Joseph T. Hess 1.3.30 7.89 George Applegate. . . 5.90 3.31 George Stocker 49.03 21.07 George B. Middagh. 15.60 .66 Joseph Kleckner 14.00 10.00 Jacob Eeimer 75.26 35.79 William Beitel 342.40 197.65 Michael Newhart . . . 12.00 6.70 •John Gemmel 31.72 11.-37 Elijah Hagerman . . . 34.70 20.90 Edward Overpeck . . 10.40 6.23 Samuel Tavlor 64.68 38.44 Edwin Messinger . . . 18.95 11.22 Jo.seph 0. Miksch. . . 36.02 15.39 Isaac Stout 6.45 .86 James Bongher 25.29 15.81 Samuel Weaver. . . . 40.07 15.9.) Franklin Stotz 30.08 15.65 iVoi’chuFidbedaDd €ouu(y. Augusta William Eaker 1-3.11 Bear Gap Jacob Leisenring . . . 9.4S Chillisquaque Thomas Search 29.50 Chulasky Samuel E. Wood 31 .Q - Dalmatia Peter Bovel.. .33.S7 Elysburgh Mr.s. Ann Gulick . . . 17.31 Fisher's Ferry. .' William E. Jones. . . 9.00 Greenbrier Daniel Heine 22.72 Kline’s Grove Josiah F. Kline 14.oo| Line Moimiain Felix Maurer (i.lO McEwensville Geo. W.- Armstrong. 107.34' Mahanoy William Deppen 49.11 Milton James 11. -McCormick 543.37 Mount Carmel William H. Lerch. . . 74.-33 Northumberland Jacob Ulp 357.15 Paxinos Charles Martz 37.56 Pott’s Grove James Eeed 22.14 6.49 4.04 17.78 20.29 14.12 9.681 5.00 ! 4.98 1.50 2.63 57. :3 8.91 524.62 23.75 226.49 19.44 12.06 Eushtown Shamokin Snydertown Sunbicry (c. h.). Trevorton Turbotville Union Corner . . Watsontown William Johnson Lewis L. Bevan Sebastian Boughner John Youngman . . Jacob Yordy William Savage William Eoadarmel Edmund L. Piper . . Perry Coimtyo Andersonburgh John B. Zimmerman Andesville Blain Bosserman’s Mills Centre Donnally Mills Duncannon Elliottsburgh Ickesburgh Juniata Landisburgh Liverpool Millerstown Montgomery’s Ferry Morleytown New Bloomfield New Buffalo New Germantown . . Newport Eoseburgh Sandy Hill Sherman’s Dale Jacob Eichard John Stockton George Market, Jr. James L. McNeal. . John E. Donnally. . John Swartz Cadwallader Jones. A. B. Wilson Thomas McDoneld John Burtnett Henry W. Shuman . Mrs. Jane W. Jen- nings James M. Linton. . . David H. Stabler.. . Isaac N. Shatto George Dunkel Wilson W. Morrison Harriet M. Singer.. Jacob Spanogle Samuel Milligan. . . David Mickey 366.68 9.76 372.38 78.42 91.12 31.83 19.85 69.24 41.95 22.52 2()..o9 5.16 3GII.S7 26.52 62.22 19.18 113.75 155.89 172.39 23.74 231.94 45.87 38.62 202.79 15.07 10.00 20.64 PliiladelpMa Coiia^y. Andora Blockley Bridesburgh Bustleton Byberry Chesnut Hill Falls of Schuylkill . . Feltonville Fo-x Chase Frankford Germantown Holmesburgh Kensington Kingsessing Leverington Manayunk Miiestown Mount Airy ! ‘hiladelphia (e. h.). Port Eichmond Eising Sun Somerton Spring Garden Bushkill Delaware Dingman’s Ferry . . . Egypt Mills Lackawaxen Narrows Nyces . . , Paupac . Sawkill . Shehola Tafton . . Westfall . Franklin W. Hagy. . 29.26 Joseph Lent 8-3.54 Andi'ew McMillan . . 257.56 Howard Banes 93.21 Henry J. Brown 279.00 Samuel Butcher ... 142.59 •Joseph Evans 15' '.-35 George W. Felton . . 5-3.73 James M. Eamsay . . 71. .55 John Deal 643.54 •lonathan Wolf 571.59 Jackson P. Comly . . 255.82 Peter Eambo 2000.00 Thomas Palmer 68.87 Arnold Heigley 51.39 James McGlinchy . . 632.49 Bennett Med ary 141.75 Samuel K. Wolf .... 10.50 John Miller 21)00.00 1 Edward Cummings. 746.94 Jacob Miller.- 143.20 Benjamin Comly . . . 41.95 Patrick Murray 529.85 Pilie County* Henry Peters 33.71 Albert G. Brodhead. 12.85 Martin W. Dingman 5•'.7^ James Martin 6.87 John M. Williamson 63.47 .Simeon Lord 1'‘.''6 James Selden 37.36 Oliver S. Dinunick. . 17..54 John E. AVells 2Mi.v9 Eankin E. "Walker. . 1 .83 •lolin Nyce 10.49 Calvin Pellet 4. <2 Enoch Honeywell .. 3.30 Chauncey Thomas. . 52.53 Thomas Y. Taft 14.55 Alamanzor Griswold 19.04 etter County* -Tames B. Jones I .5.211 John K. Burt | 7.96 1 $4.50 112.59 6.51 356.02 48.48 38.02 7.00 8.00 7.51 29.81 22.22 12.63 7.26 2.70 195.28 11.49 17.16 10.49 88.63 79.37 138.93 14.66 180.23 22.19 17.9> 156.00 5.01 3.00 11.66 13.73 43.86 588.15 39.64 5.00 67.76 73.83 35.59 40.19 372.29 543.91 144.55 3290.27 30.74 24.12 57.37 77.69 4.56 .57.870.7S 640.91 92.20 10.26 371.93 16.52 7.38 31.83 4.24 84.76 5.29 22.35 ‘'.82 148. S5 .5.71 7.47 3.29 1.90 30.82 8.00 14.17 8.43 2.46 t 156 POST-OFFICES AND P 0 S T - M AS T E R S . Left-ljanrl column shows compensation of Postmaster. Right-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Potter Carter Camp Clara Colesburgk ( 'owdersport (c. h.) . Cushingville Donnally East Sharon Ellisburgh Genesee Fork Harrison Valley Hebron Hector Homer Kettle Creek Lymansville Mill Port Kelsonport North Wharton Oswayo Pike Mills Pike Valley Eaymond’s , Eoulette Sharon Centre Shinglehouses Sweden Turner Creek Ulysses Ulysses Centre West Pike Wharton White’s Corners Willlston Peter Tochem $8.84! $5.69 Anna Maria Allen . . 11.90 3.39 Nathaniel L. Dike . . 7.83 3.31 John M. Judd 220.80 209.84 Alonzo Horton 10.85 4.04 John Swartz 7.68 3.07 George W. Sherman 14.84 9.61 Harry Ellis 27.-34 10.65 Seth S. Eoberts 15.73 9.80 Charles Howard 19.18 10.82 Stephen P. Eeynolds 11.50 4.37 John L. Wilber 4.6T 2.54 .T.nsnn T.pwis Ezra H. Prichard. . . 2-3.51 6.85 Horatio A. Nelson . . 10.01 2.72 Bodney L. Nichols. . 18.21 10.80 John S. Barto 1.70 .96 William Burleson. . . 4.12 2.05 Charles H. Simmons 20.19 12.24 John Davis 13.59 3.61 Joseph Sanderlin . . . 9.07 2.56 Asa F. Eaymond . . . 7.4S 3.31 Burrel Lyman 14.10 5.67 Bobbins Brown 18.54 9.S8 George W. Mosher . — — Joshua T. Jackson. . 3.05 1.25 Amos E. Lewis 4.53 2.33 Chester C. Lyman . . 39.(»0 24.00 Chauncey G. Cushing 7.25 4.79 Stephen H. Martin. . 5.70 8.00 N. Victor Jackson . . 18.48 6.21 John H. White 20.14 11.62 Joel C. Fessenden . . 5.14 1.93 Scbuylkiil County. Auburn Barry '. . . Bearmont Branch Dale Broad Mountain Donaldson. Focht’s Forge Fountain Spring Fried ensburgh Hecksherville Hepler Hughes Klingerstown Lindnersville Liewellan Lower Mahantango. McKeansburgh Middleport Minersville North Penn Orwigshurgh (c. h.), Pine Grove Pitman Port Carbon Port Clinton Pottsvihe Bingtown llougli and Beady . . Sacramento Saint Clair Schuyllvill Haven. . . Silver Creek Summit Station Swatara Tamaqua Tremont Tuscarora Upper Mahantango. West Penn Beaver Springs. JohA Hossler 88.50 John A. Otto 18.48 Levi Fehler 8.72 Edward Connelly. . . 129.31 Joseph Poisol 56.84 Samuel Gaskins 133.00 George Dreibelbis . . — Jonathan Faust 277.57 Charles Krecker 11.18 Joseph Faiflkner . . . — Augustus B. Karter- 3.50 man John S. Graham 46.89 John Weist 6.06 Daniel Lindner 8.00 Ezra Cockill 118.59 Joseph B. Ossman . . 21.28 Joshua Boyer 5.27 John Bechtel 264.02 Joseph H. Eichards. 1177.00 Peter Seiberling 4.31 W'iiliam M. Bickel.. 187.96 Paul Barr 251.70 Samuel Miller 1.61 Mrs. Mary Coll ah an. 501.07 Samuel Boyer 97.44 John Clayton 1408.03 John Eiscnliower. . . 40.25 Gabriel Herb 3.17 George F. Weist 13.70 Martin Dormer 6-34.98 Geo. L. Huntzinger. Michael Boony 189.27 Beuben Bceser — Abraham Evans 73.62 Peter Aurafid 1060.43 John B. Zeibach 276.-55 Henry F. Haas 141.12 Maria Hintzelman.. 17.77 Gideon Whetstone. . 14.74 nyder County* 1 Beuben Keller 42.31 George A. Smith 8-3.88 Uiviere G. Hetzel. . . 28..53 lllenry Bcnler 25.50 17.3S 7.()2 6.09 85.63 82.43 55.00 112.77 7.41 1.50 30.14 4.82 5.ft0 66.66 6.58 2.80 163.60 1247.32 2.74 1S2.S6 176.02 .20 414.26 58.78 3740.44 19.12 1.11 3.38 587.37 249.22 11L07 41.86 11 . 59.79 177.19 78.93 7.13 7.78 17.14 6.25 10.84 14.17 Potter County — {Continued). Freeburgh Kratzerville McKee’s Half Falls Middleburgh Mount Pleasant Mills Penn’s Creek Selin’s Grove Shamokin Dam Troxelville Edward Bassler $56.70 $32.86 Samuel B. Yearick . 12.33 5.34 Philip Hilbish 33.91 18.97 Henry A. Smith 66.98 88.41 John Schnee 16.94 10.27 Daniel Shower 27.23 17.27 James Eagan 298.45 154.50 George Keen 17.06 10.00 William B. Baum. . . — — Somerset County. Addison Bakersville Benford’s Store Berkley’s Berlin Buckstown Davidsville Elk Lick Forwardstown Gebhart’s Harnedsville Jenner’s M Boads. . , Jennertown Lavansville Meyer’s Mills New Lexington Pocahontas Sand Patch Tunnel Shade Furnace Shanksville Sipesville Somerfleld Somerset (c. h.) Southampton Stony Creek Stoyestown Summit Mills Turkey Foot Wellersburgh Wittenberg Joseph Hendrickson 105.21 Daniel Dickey 23.09 Josiah Snyder 15.94 Elijah Walker — Charles Krissinger . . 193.92 David Husband 16.00 Aaron Miller 30.00 Peter S. Hay 84.36 Isadore A. Biffle 8.65 Simon Vought 48.71 Samuel Harned 21.48 John Kepler 49.55 Hiram Graver 18.54 David Lavan 41.27 William P. Welshons .56.01 Jacob E. McMUlen. . 81.02 Philip Boyts 15.-33 James McAnally — Ezra Dunham 7.87 Edward M. Shrock. . 15.4-5 Peter Sipe 10.81 James Black 61.31 Harvey C. Marks . . . 325.-35 Peter Bovles 24.40 Jacob Phillippi 7.00 John F. Bainey 107.44 Ephraim Miller 11.83 John K. McMillen.. 9.83 Barnev Dillev 104.91 John Fitchner 76.18 Sullivan County. Campbellville Culley Davidson Dushore Eagle’s Mere Eldredville Forksville Hill’s Grove Laporte Millview Muncy Bottom Eobinson’s Lake Shunk S ones town Brookdale. Brooklyn . Ellerslie. 99.86 16.06 7.94 137.18 11.00 16.46 16.63 5.96 24.99 8.76 24.88 9.84 10.42 20.27 9.57 8.50 5.25 6.94 5.90 89.62 300.74 13.58 5.00 5:. 05 5.43 3.76 64.02 25.25 Great Bend John Campbell 9.72 6.27 Jonathan Colby 7.18 4.61 Jesse Pennington. . . 5.74 2.71 Jacob Miller 101.26 49.25 John N. Lukens 14.2(1 8.87 Thomas J. Peck. . . . 19.77 14.25 William Brown 14.85 7.11 Fleming Webster. . . 24.30 14.03 Charles C. Finch . . . 62.25 35.80 John Molyneux 12.04 9.23 James Tavlor 5.00 l.(;0 Clemuel G. Eicketts. — — Henry Williams . . . 5.70 1.65 John Sones 12.00 4.00 lehaunah County. 1 Garry 0. Baldwin . . | 17.24 10.49 1 Cornelius H. Low. . . 6.04 4.11 David Bushnell John S. Birchard ... 12.31 6.29 6.41 2.26 John W. Brackney . | 42.98 20.26 Zcbulon Blakeslee..! 21.43 12.79 1 Sally Bagley 1 Alvron S Town | le9.S2 42.22 iLewis Chamberlin. . 14.34 9.15 ; John Halstead ...' 37.11 22.'36 George W. Lewis.*. . 51.39 14.09 Charles C. Church. . 1 141.37 61.60 'Jane Ann Stanley . . ]1.(»2 6.92 1 John Hancock 25.2" 11.39 'Elisha Griflis 22.06 3.^1 ;Miles AV. Bliss ' K t^SO 26.70 Beuben Tuttle ' 75.90 33.95 Edwin B. Grow 1 .55.82 12.54 Beuben T. Stephens. 129.36 89.84 George W. Seymour. 156.98 1 138.63 Asa W. Dimock . . . 1 4.9Si 2.73 PENNSYLVANIA 167 Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Right-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Susquehannah County — {Continued). Hop Bottom Amos B. Merrill Jackson Gordon G. Williams Jackson Talley John T. Buxton . .. Lathrop’s Lake Grin F. Fargo Lanesboro’ Lauren Norton Lawsville Centre . . . Bussell B. Sherman Lenox Dan Payne Lenoxville Abraham Churchill Little Meadows Harry Barney Lynn David G. Sherman. Montrose (c. h.) Amory N. Bullard . Montrose Depot John C. Lee New Milford Francis W. Boyle. . Niven Seth B. Stark North Jackson Nathan S. Williams Oakley Daniel Oakley Porter Eidge A. B. Lathrop Bush Norman Granger.. Eushville Philo Sherwood . . . Saint Joseph Francis Quin Silver Lake Edward Kernan . . . Smiley Goodrich Elton South Auburn Eufus I. Carter South Gibson Adon P. ^filler — Springville Israel B. Lathrop.. Summers Eichard L. Sutphin Susquehannah Depot Alex’r W. Eowley . Thompson Jonas Blandin Union Dale John L. Miller l^sonville Titus L. Meriman.. Auburn Jesse Hines $42.: 53 .^ Tioga County. Bailey Creek Blossburgh Brookfield Charleston Chatham Valley Covington Crooked Creek Daggett’s Mills East Charleston — Elkland Elk Bun Farmington Centre. Gaines Gray’s Y alley Hammond’s Creek. . Knoxville Lawrenceville Liberty Little Marsh Mainesburgh Mansfield Maple Eidge Middlebury Centre. Mixtown Morris Nauvoo Nelson Oceola Ogden sburgh Pine Creek Eutland Sabinsville Sullivan Tioga Wellsboro’ Westfield William Lawrence.. Alexander H. Gay- lord Wm. H. Corwin .. John W. Bailey. . . James N. Wylie .. John C. Bennett . Samuel J. Holiday Abraham B. DeWit Alonzo Whitney. . Joel G. Parkhufst Northrop Smith.. . Carlos H. House. . William Griffin . . James Gray Mathew K. Eetan Hiram Freeborn . . Harriet B. Mann. . Horace Fellows. . . Amasa Clark John Fox 0. H. Phelps Isaac Spencer . . . Henry H. Potter. . Lewis J. Stone Williarq W. Babb. Daniel W. Canfield Morgan Seely Enos Slosson John Irvin Deroy Herrington William Bose, Jr. William Simmons. James B. Dewey. . Charles G. Denison Ira D. Eichards Philetus Boardman Union County. Buffalo M Eoads ...'James McCreight... Forest Hill lAmmon H. Lutz Forest Iron Works.. Daniel B. Reber Hartleton Laurel ton Lewi sburgh Middle Creek Mifflinburgh New Berlin {q. h.) .. Elijah C. Moore Samuel Weidensaul William W. Crotzer. William Barth John Forster Charles D. Roush.. . 6.30 129.00 16.54 9.11 16.67 140,90 32.27 38.70 9.80 67.93 11.58 50.00 12.67 10.24 135.71 210.94 116.32 5.93 46.79 99.91 41.81 10.61 10.49 3.85 48.50 45.15 14.66 39.70i 6.74 12.79 320.25 490.191 64.29 $22.42 29.37 6.(i3 48.23 14.95 4.01 35.05 14.77 31.22 744,43 10.74 74.14 7.69 13.46 3.28 16.21 11.34 18.21 7.58 14.05 4.96 16.44 25.15 13.09 362.47 8.50 12.13 18.39 2.08 4.19 95.42 8.20 2.71 10.00 62.99 16.95 24.33 6.55 28.62 10.74 31.50 3.99 6.10 59.64 94.59 94.00 3.04 26.23 63.05 19.71 7..52 1.31 2.17 27.40 25.98 6.26 22.35 4.86 8.98' 321. .57 457.68 33.00 48.77 19.49 9.97 6.09 3.65 1.32 104.55 53.54 699.45 668.70 9.46' 6.23 164.32! 80.71 156.151 122.00 Union County — ( Continued) New Columbia Port Treverton White Deer Mills. . . White Springs Winfield Lloyd Ginter $34.91 Jacob P. Bogar 27.54 Jonas Fisher 34.78 Andrew Bechel — Jesse M. Walter 36.72 Venango County. Agnew’s Mills Big Bend Canal Cass Cherry Tree Clintonville Cooperstown Oornplanter Cranberry Dempseytown East Sandy Emlenton ... Fertigs Five Points Franklin (c. h.) Holland Howe Nebraska Perry Plum Plumer Polk President Furnace. . Rockland Stewart’s Bun Sunville Ten Mile Bottom.. Tionesta Tyrrel Utica Wallaceville Wesley Wilson’s Mills William H. Porter . James P. Biddle . . Isaac Hanna Levi Dutchess Ninian Irwin John B. McMillan. . . Joseph G. Hale .. Thomas Moran. .. Michael Boil Peter Dempsey. . John Pettit Henry Gormly . . , Isaac Fertig G. S. Myers Adam Webber David W. Hender- son James’Green Benjamin F. Lacy.. John Neill John M. Newton Thomas Turner. . Oliver McKissick . . . Ralph Clapp Daniel Smith James F. Connely.. Wm. K. Gilliland Owen Reid Samuel H. Haslet. James N. Tyrrel. . John W. Biddle . . Samuel O. Small. . Philip H. Walter . Alexander S. Wilson Warrcii County. Beech Woods Columbus Ansel Franklin Edwin C. St.ney Corydon Ellis Gamble Eagle E. Le Boy Williams. Fordyce Alexander. Hiram Andrews Mrs. Harriet Holman William A. Irvine.. Wellington Greene. Enoch Bordwell Jonatlicin Mott Freehold . . . Garland Germany Irvine Kiuzua Lottsville Mend . Pine Valley T.e Boy Beals Pittsfield Ezra. Chaffee. Busselsburgh John Russell Sheffield John Gilson South West Spring Creek Steam Mill John 'VV Brigham.. 1 William G. Garcelon ! James Hill . . Sugar Grove Tidionte Warren (c. h.) West Sheffield West Spring Creek . Youngsville [Alonzo L. Frank John D. Stedwell. , . TIios.W. Summerton Minor B. Dunham. . William H. Doming Francis D. Kinnear. Washington County. Amity ! James Hughes Barington iJohn Witherspoon Beallsvillo [Morgan Hartman Bentleyville John McKenna Bower Hill ;.John Bower Brush Run /James Clark . . . Buffalo John H. Smith., Burgettstown [Jesse Spencer . . Candor William Bigham Cannonsburgh 'Benjamin South Chartiers Ephraim I, Agnew. 11.83 166.27 24.10 7.17 32.83 14.20 7.76 54.81 40.99 39.00 2.91 6.75 48.02 66.02 29.51 39.93 17.10 34.33 142.74 98.38 561.07 7.02 26.02 100.50 33.02 31.41 100.00 55.50 18.08 13.63 32.48 98.59 72.00 598.65 2.93 $20.02 3.38 17.12 18.00 3.65 9.62 21.47 4.71 11.12 22.02 21.21 9.02 4.33 16.18 3.41 16.88 11.83 12.90 276.57 15.67 9.28 15.20 8.77 14.16 15.14 19.48 17.68 4.26 7.24 56.51 9.19 16.16 6.14 22.08 4.40 6.49 53.45 11.03 4.13 20.69 8.16 4.32 16.10 16.91 22.35 1.52 3.84 14.12 21.38 12.29 21.83 10.22 20.66 71.63 56.45 476.66 3.71 15.66 146.04 11.88 13.03 50.00 31.00 5.57 7.86 9.86 41.28 35.03 544.37 •70 168 POST-OFFICES AND POST- MASTERS. Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster.. Right-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Washington Count/y— {Continued^. Cherry Valley Claysville Clokey Commettsburgh Coon Island Cross Creek Village. Dunningsville East Bethlehem East Finley Elclersville Finley vile Florence Freclericktown Ginger Hill Good Intent Hickory Hillsboro’ Independence Kerr’s Station Limetown Lindly’s Mills Locust Hill Maple Creek Millsboro’ Monongahela City. . Munntown Murdocksville North Star Paris Patterson’s Mills . . Pike Kun Prosperity Simpson’s Store . . . Sparta Strabane Taylorstown Ten Mile Thompsonville . . . . Van Buren Venice Washington (c. h.). West Alexander. . . West Brownsville . West Finley West Middletown . Woodrow Zollersville Ebenezer Smith Anthony A. Mealy. . Samuel Clokey Hugh P. Miller Eobert Holmes Cornelius Simmons. Boyd Emery Isaac M. Cleaver . . . John S. Knox George G. Hopkins. James Finley Jacob Huffman Israel Dalbey Andrew Clark James Eoney William Simcox Eachel Standley.. . . John Lane William Kerr Michael Sanders . . . Edward P. Miller. . . Hugh O. McKnight. Samuel Frye George W. Wilson.. John W. Smith William Hamilton.. Joseph McClarn James Donaldson . . Alexander W. Pat- terson James Patterson ... Jacob Qualk Jesse Dille Jonathan Simpson.. Cephas Lindly Nathaniel Buchanan Alex’r E. McClees . . Philip Axtell James Moore Adam Weir, Jr James M. Adams. .. David Acheson Benjamin L. Craven Eobert McKinley . . . Alexander A. Gun.. David M. Boyd Hugh McConaughy. Elijah Hawkins Wayne County, Aldenville Ariel Ashland Berlin Center Bethany (c. h.) Canaan Cherry Eidge Damascus Dyberry East Sterling Eldrcd Equinunk Galilee Hainlinton . Hawley Hill Top Hollisterville Honesdale Hopedale Indian Orchard . . Pleasant Mount . . Julius T. Alden . . Daniel Evarts .... Horace Drake John W. Seaman . Wm. D. Ketcham Philip W. Lerch. . John J. Schenk . . Charles Irvine Ephraim B. Kimble. Harriet L. Bortree Thomas Y. Boyd . William M. Nelson Philip P. Brigham Butler Hamlin ... Patrick Jordon . . . William Partridge Alanson Hollister. John Y. Sherwood Gottleib F. Oehlcr . . Calvin Y. Lillie. . . . . Thomas H. Brown 1 Preston Daniel Underwood . Priccville ]Matthias Mogridge . Pronipton ; Sanford Eobinson . . Eileyville John Lincoln Eock Lake Arthur Connor Starucca Lewis A. Osborn Stevenson’s Mills . . . Oliver Stevenson . . . Waymart James Murphy White Mills Benjamin F. Di $15.85 , $5.31 133.03 38.91 13.77 7.24 11.23 5.85 24.91 14.56 62.22 24.28 56.20 20.55 84.83 I 46.45 14.28’ ! 8.04 74.19; 39.80 62.55 30.72 120.87 117.21 47.71 27.27 16.97 9.18 19.31 10.96 72.18 18.64 69.31 30.01 70.90 23.74 51.12 31.60 14.67 3.85 10.37 3.10 6.02 3.82 32.38 16.69 335.46 283.63 16 A 7 6.95 18.24 7.54 20.80 11.53 62.98 42.15 28.32 14.00 103.36 70.63 16.05 10.62 4.55 2.95 17.07 11.82 19.72 11.76 56.45 9.17 38.03 13.29 21.64 7.86 20.55 8.06 37.13 22.83 1123.97 1190.94 242.80 187.06 46.89 16.16 18.31 • 9.47 190.88 135.55 20.79 15.33 55.28 23.77 6.60 3.55 11.95 6.82 160.66 73.95 46.98 81.07 24.95 16.68 102.75 51.78 1.25 3.86 28.56 19.70 10.47 5.36 143.44 110.66 3.77 2.16 125.80 63.53 249.06 149.13 16.27 9.63 1080.90 1809.42 60.00 80.00 24.72 10.45 120.74 57.84 12.56 8.68 5.67 3.97 74.74 82.33 16.28 10.17 4.53 2.63 20.57 10.67 ! 54.04 27.28 ; 82.00 1 19.20 6.83 4.87 1 132.72 75.62 Daniels' 5.59i 8.14 Westmoreland County Adamsburgh Bolivar Bradenville Branch Junction Cavettsville Conemaugh Furnace Crawford’s Mills Dan’l W.IIighberger James Glover William S. Braden. William Donnelly . Fayette Morris George Ehey Zachariah Zimmer man Adam Cover Alexander Milligan Eobert Thompson. . John Loor Henry Beamer Henry H. Bear Henry Breniser John Hill William F. Caruthers Eobert W. Singer. . Eobert A. Hope John W. Coulter. . . Thomas B. Patton. . Jacob Lobingier. Jr John Hargnett Donegal Fitz Henry Fulton Greenshurgh (c. h.). Harrison City Harvey’s Five Points Hillside Hill’s View Irwin’s Station Jones’ Mills Larimer’s Station . . . Latrobe Laughlintown Laurelville Ligonier Livermore Lockport Station McKean’s Old Stand Madison Manor Dale Mendon Millwood Mount Pleasant Murrysville New Alexandria New Derry New Florence New Stanton N orth W ashington . . Pleasant Unity Poke Eun Eostraver Salem [xj Eoads Shearer’s^ Eoads.. Stahlstown SteAvartsville Tinker Eun Walts’ Mills Weaver’s Old Stand. Webster West Fairfield West Newton Youngstown 'Daniel Mershon Yohoghany | Alexander Guffey Wyoming County, Eichard I'reeland . Eobert M. Graham. Henry H. Null James L. Brown. . . William P. Humes. Philip Fisher John W. Akers. . . . George W. Keller . Josiah Harvey Thomas G. Stewart George S. Christy. . Eobert Given ... . Henry P. Horbaugh David Shaw John Latta O. PI. McKoun Morgan W. Eckley. John Zimmerman.. Henry K. McKallip William C. Eichard James P’. Dailey. . Daniel S. Kunkle . Jacob Walts Henry I. Stevens. . John Bake William Peoples . . George Armstrong Bowman’s Creek. Braintrem Centre Moreland Clinton Corners. . Eaton Evans’ Falls Factoryville PM! Is Farmer’s Home . P'orkston Golden Hiram. . . Keelcrsburgh Lacey ville La Grange Lemon Lovelton Mehoopany Messhoppin Nicholson North Flat Pierceville Eussell Hill Scottsville Skinner’s Eddy. . South Eaton Tunkhannock (c. h.) James Kelly Vernon Samuel Harrison. West Eaton Hiram Drake Abraham Frear ' MissSa rahSturde vant Jacob Sharps Nathan Philo Orval W. Benjamin Eliicott Evans Stephen Casswell . . Ederick P'rear Eobert H. Atkinson Eichard Adams Hiram B. Keeny. . . Asa Keeler Piphraim I. Keeney Orlando Osterhout . J. (Crandall John Pfouts Joseph T. Jennings S. V ernooy Albert D. King I'homas J. AVright . Ziba Billings j Lorenzo D.Vosburgh Henry AV. Fassett. . i Ebenezer W. Sturdc- vant W. B. Monevpenny $76.22 $37.87 34.33 16.40 16.82 8.88 44.96 25.29 25.24 14.79 56.67 26.65 14.78 9.69 29.73 12.17 621.41 495.43' 21.70 12.23 24.52 6.63 17.90 7.41 7 S .53 27.98 31.37 16.63 40.09 27.15 307.32 153.53 56.06 26.69 15.19 6.70 136.24 100.37 59.20 29.82 102.19 32.94 38.80 22.10 50.03 27.03 27.69 14.78 22.18 12.46 39.69 17.01 335.59 314.28 87.53 18.10 1(7.48 30.36 59.02 24.30 128.16 61.95 48.91 24.15 41.58 23.36 86.63 44.91 21.78 7.-36 27.30 16.41 96.29 39.62 22.01 12.56 39.02 20.45 20.92 13.49 46.69 34.70 33.93 21.30 51.40 27.63 289.62 173.02 132.70 72.51 48.61 28.03 20.75 8.63 18.25 12.34 20..52 13.29 4.31 .97 13.78 6.76 2.58 1.79 92.54 44.57 82.94 12.18 17.00 7.00 29.55 15.15 72.53 27.72 10.82 2.53 22.39 12.03 53.59 29.33 63.11 21.36 2.36 1.82 17.36 9.92 19.06 11.25 12.39 5.53 26.38 13.44 16.78 7.76 27S.S,! 270.30 “ .'icg 2.39 7.61 3.92 RHODE ISLAND 169 Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Kight-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. York Couniy. Apple Grove IDaniel S. Mitzel. Bald Eagle , Bryansville Castle Fin Chanceford Clear Spring Codorus Cross Koads Dallastown Dillsburgli Dover Emigsville Etter’s Farmer's Fawn Grove Franklintown GlenEock Graliamville Hall Hanover Hanover Junction. . Hellain Hetricks Hopewell Centre ... Jefferson Station ... Lewisberry Loganville Lower Cbanceford . , McCall’s Ferry John Channel! J antes Y. Bryan John Finley Joseph Tosh Edw ard Dick Jacob Spangler John Logan James Cross, Jr Henry G. Sidle EnglehartMelchinger George Wehrly Isaac Frazer Henry Boose. William Webb Martin Arnold Emanuel Sheffer Robert Graham Michael S. Bower.. . Theresa C. Myers. . . Edmund Snodgrass. Alexander Blessing. Henry Stick ■William Wallace, Jr. Henry F. Berger Jacob Smith Jacob A. Sechrist. . . Joseph McSherry. . . William Richardson. $11.55 13.1(t 22.42 84.51 13.2T 20.4(1 30.28 31.46 19.56 l(d.6S 28.37 20.77 66.85 14.57 27.82 14.78 93.86 12.53 12.81 354.47 14.05 10.00 17.00 10.95 65.48 15.68 26.73 23.27 $8.50 6.30 8.08 13.16 4.35 8.55 12.93 15.19 10.10 3%34 11.75 12.79 21.05 2.29 14.49 5.95 ' 1T.07 4.85 7.70 320.27 4.00 10.53 5.60 40.51 9.66 13.92 10.19 York Manchester Margaretta Furnace. Mount Campbell Muddy Creek Forks. Newberry town New Bridgeville . . . . New Freedom Peach Bottom Pine Hill Porters Seidling Rossville Seven Valleys Shrewsbury Sidonsburgh Slate Hill Slate Ridge Smith’s Station. Spring Forge . . Stewartown Strawbridge . . . Strinestown . . . Union Wells ville Windsor Wrightsville .. Yocumtowm. . . York {a. h.).... York Furnace. Co imty — ( Continued). I John Drayer . .• Thomas Himes Henry Bonge J ohn Manifold Jesse C. Hays John Eckert Eli W. Free Jeremiah B. Kirk. . . John S. Kline Hamilton A.Glessher Tempest T. Gardner Henry Bott Robert Ritchey George Burns Thomas S. William- son Robert S. Ramsay. . . Adam H. Green Michael Fish el Christian Lcib John Strawbridge, Jr Daniel Wehrley David Brooks Abraham Wells, Jr.. Michael Anstine James Kerr George Yinger. ..... David Small Samuel DiflSnbauch. $41.84 $21.42 56.41 21.50 17.67 6.95 11.57 6.62 16.59 1.62 17.00 10.94 41.64 20.40 45.01 16.97 6.41 4..30 12.24 3.54 3.3.21 12.27 37..59 15.56 161.82 78.24 22.09 8.00 189.19 112.73 9.62 6.06 7.28 3.66 16.47 1.19 39.41 16.60 13.61 7.59 7.70 4.12 14.11 4.59 87.52 23.14 13.91 10.27 250.85 205.18 30..39 15.56 1465.64 2088.68 33.17 20.26 RHODE ISLAND Bristol County • Barrington . . . Bristol (c. h.). 5>ayatt Point.. Warren Anthony . . Centreville Coventry . . Escoheag Natick Nooseneck Hill. Pawtuxet Phenix Rice City Summit AVarw'ick Warwick Neck . West Green- Centre George R. Kennicutt $70.82 Hezekiah J. Pitman. 865..52 Noel Mathewson — Elisha P. Phinney,2d 681.96 Sieiit County* -Joseph G. Hayward. 135.34 James R. Tanner. . . 278.08 Joel M. Spencer 117.72 James Slocum 541.13 .John R. Hazard 13..34 Benjamin Albro 100.02 John T. Lewis 28.29 Alfred Fisher 79.68 Ebenezer F uller ■298.57 Amos Fisk 33.16 Giles M. Nichols — Benj amin W. V aughn 82.00 George A. Willard. . 15.31 ■John James $32.11 866.42 648.99 29.29 223.00 27.78 494.52 8.02 58.52 15.((9 80.25 286.40 16.77 32.60 7.29 Newport County* Adamsville IPhilip Manchester . . Jamestown |John Congdon Little Compton Henry T. Brown Newport (c. h.) Joseph Joslen New Shoreham — . Elijah Macomber,Jr. Portsmouth Ge rge C. Tallman . South Portsmouth Moses Lawton Tiverton John W. Almy TivertonFourCorn'rs Arnold Smith Prolilence County* 65.961 35.27 25.37 11.36 124.721 46.07 1854.96 3425.49 Albion Burrillville Centred ale Chepachet Cumberland Hill — Reuel P. Smith.... Daniel S. Mowry. . . James H. Angell. . . Horace Kimball . . . Edmund L. Cook . . 51. .54 106.S7 51.57 65.15 64.58 60.20 77.52 70.13 133.97 45.15 24.33 53.64 4.84 12.14 21.03 33.79 35.04 10.-39 116.63 15.19 Providence County— {Continued). Diamond Hill. . Foster Foster Centre . Georgiaville . . . Greenville Harmony Hopeville Knightsville. . . Lime Rock Lonsdale Manton Mapleville Mount Vernon. Mohegan North Scituate. Olneyville Manville Pascoag Pawtucket Providmee (c. h.).. . Rockland Slaterville South Foster South Scituate Valley Falls West Gloucester W^oonsocket Falls. . . Allenton Arcadia Ashaway Carolina Mills Charlestown Davisville Dorrville Exeter Hopkinton Kingston (c. h.) . . Narragansett Eugene M. Mason . . $39.59 James G. Cook 32.06 Job W. Hill. 12.56 Henry C. Arnold 76.00 William Winsor .... 145.44 Albert E. Steere William H. Arnold . . 109.50 D. H. Batchelder . . . 70.77 Reuben M. Wilber. . 39.21 Hazard Sherman 311.76 Christopher Holden. 32.90 Albert Haines 70.74 Owen Howard 32.51 Francis Callahan . . . William A. Brownell 204.26 Robert Wilson 31.3.13 CarlileVose 74.74 Lorenzo P. Ward. . . 228.23 Joseph T. Sisson 1525.16 Welcome B. Sayles . 1769.34 Oscar Angell 33.91 Arthur Y oung 275.53 Seamans Davis 1.3.96 Owen Battey ' 40.13 Daniel Patt 252.73 Horace W. Keach. . . 15.29 John Burnham 1115.60 hin^ton County* William H. Allen. . . 78.81 Elisha L. Bagg 32.91 Isaac Cundall 80.09 Joseph H. Babcock. 95.56 George W. Cross . . . 18.29 James M. Davis 32.56 Charles Vars 37..5.3 32.98 Henry Whipple 50.06 Job W. Watson — Joseph Eaton, Jr. . . 27.37' 17.00 9.53 25.27 86.52 32.19 37.72 18.16 190.10 15.90 36.81 13.11 111.43 150.54 30.31 143.93 1905.79 21,809.95 1.3.45 203.33 7.74 1.5.14 109.70 9.69 1112.48 37.26 22.47 14.77 88..39 11.29 20.52 14.83 21.72 22.60 17.69 160 POST-OFFICES AND P 0 S T - M A S T E R S . Left-liand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Right-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Washington County— {Continued). Peace Dale Perrysville Pine Hill Potter Hill Quonochontaug Eockville Bhamrock Mills Stephen 0. Fisk $212.77 Benjamin Carpenter 29.97 Thomas Phillips, Jr,' 11.61 John Staunton 61.57 William H. Stillman 10.96 Jonathan L. Spencer 58.52 Henry Hoxie 60.53 $5.97 19.47 5.22 81.44 4.74 40.36 8.87 Washington County — {Continued). Tower Hill Benjamin Hull . Usquepaugh lEdmund Bagley Wakefield Westerly Wickford Woodville Wyoming William N. Austin . . George Brown Gideon G. Congdon John W. Hoxie Aaron Watrous $7,411 45.14 $3.53 19.27 197.65! 19.25 680.72 939.41 235.341 38.00 22.90 i 9.87 SOUTH CAROLINA. Abbeville District* AlybexMle (c. h.) Bordeaux Calhoun’s Mills Cambridge Cherokee Heights . . Cokesbury Diamond Hill Donnaldsville John McLaren, Jr.. Joseph L.Bouchillon TheophilusA.Eogers Henry E. Godman. William Speer Maurice Strauss . . . Ezekiel Trible John N. Seawright D. Washington Haw- thorn William Long Felix G. Parks Henry H. Harper. . Dewitt C. Tillotson Charles M. Pelot . . Thomas J. Lyon . . . Hugh Robinson Alex’r L. McCaslin. Lowndesville Daniel F. Freeland Mapleton 'Samuel C. Edmunds Mill Way John Cothran Due West Corner. . . Gentsville Greenwood Harper’s Ferry Harrisburgh Hodges.. Indian Hill Level Land Long Cane Monterey Mountain Yiew Mount Carmel New Market Ninety Six Sandover Smithville Swancy’s Ferry — Temple of Health . . Warren ton White Hall Wideman’s Willington Wilson’s Creek Andrew Giles J. H. Baskin Sandiford Holmes . Wm. W. Perryman Nimrod W. Stewart Jacob B. Britt William Smith E. M. Puckett John Cunningham. Andrew Gillespie . Milton W. Coleman Edmund Cowan.. Paul Rogers John Speer $413.04 22.23 73.61 21.28 5.00 126.54 11.81 28.06 156.87 4.80 177.30 5.18 28.89 64.00 13.86 6.00 12.53 69.31 8.62 28.16 25.43 9.38 88.37 46.81 96.27 16.63 6.96 3.24 16.76 21.29 23.78 9.66 42,16 5.83 Anderson District* Anderson C, H Andersonville Belton Brushy Creek Butlersville Calhoun Churubusco Craytonville Deej) Creek Double Branches . . . Douthet Equality Evergreen Golden Springs Honey Path Locust Hill Millwee’s ^lolTcttsville Mountain Creek Nowell Pendleton Pierce Town Queensboro’ Eock Mills Rocky Eidge Edmund Webb 431.93 Francis E. Harrison. 13.70 Jonathan B. Lewis.. 44.75 William D. Sitton... 9.52 James Jones 12.74 James F. Mattison .. 7.44 Bavlis Watkins 8.67 J. W. Featherston . . 6.46 Hiram Bolt John S. Walker 31.13 William Orr 4.17 Thomas H. McCann 17.02 Elias J. Earle 7.84 Sion Turner Rich- 5.00 ardson James J. McBath.. . 85.45 William Major 2.84 John Milwee 2.83 William Sherard 28.82 James McCown .... 8.80 William S. Pickens, 8.76 John B. Sitton 294.34 Mioajah B. Williams 5.87 Halbert Acker 1.58 David Humj)hrey3 . 12.46 William H. Haynie. 4.77 $466.52 11.60 102.07 10.79 2.29 179.54 3.91 3.00 153.55 2.84 71.66 1.35 5.92 5.70 4.00 3.53 95.00 8.45 ' 8.21 10.84 2.70 11.84 39.02 53.90 3.15 2.74 1.34 5.86 2.34 8.50 6.41 8.69 .77 641.11 4.43 10.07 3.29 5.23 3.86 1.39 8.53 8.16 1,89 .66 4.22 3.00 12.94 .64 2.00 8.63 1.00 2.12 289.26 .79 .89 2.68 .83 || Anderson District — {Continaied). Saddler’s Creek . . Seneca Shallow Ford Silver Glade Slab Town Steele’s Storeville Townville Varennes Williamston James L. Simpson. . Sam’l C. Humphreys John B. Smith Charles Irby Perry McKinney Martha A. Darracott Theod’e G.Trimmier Samuel Brown Jesse W. Norris Crawford W. Pickle. Barnwell District Aiken Allendale Angley’s Branch . . Bamberg Barnwell C. H Blackville Buford’s Bridge Cowpen Branch . . . Davis’ Mills Duck Branch Dunbarton Duncansville Erwinton Fiddle Pond Four Mile Pond Graham’s Turn Out. Greenland King Creek Lower Three Runs, . Merritt’s Bridge Midway Millersville Red Oak Grove Rice’s Ridge Silverton Smyrna Speedwell Tincker’s Creek White Pond Williston Woodward Bethel T. Rogers . . . Wm. B. Barnes John A. Hayes William T. Easterlin Cornelius F. Tobin. . Tobias E. Still Martin L. Cloy John D. Sease Needham Davis Charles M. Young.. C. Killingsworth Decani Dowling W. B. Peeples Solomon W. McKen- zie Reuben E. Wilson . . Mary A. Tyler Joshua M. Tyler .... Robert E. Brown. . . Alexander 8. Collins John D. Plunkett. . . Peter Carson Gabriel E. Miller ... Hansford D. Owens.; Joseph Rice ^ Silas H. Stallings Benjamin Coleman. George A. Beck I Willison Dicks i Benjamin Williams. William B. Beazly .. William Woodward. Beaufort District* Beach Branch Beaufort (c. h.) Blutfiton Brighton Danielton Gillisonville Grahamville Greenfield Hickory Hill Horse Clall Lawtonville Long Branch Pocotaligo Robertsville Sand Hill Silver Hill Steep Bottom Whippy Swamp Thos. H.Willingham Benj’n R.Bythewood John G. Bulchen. . . Josiah Lavrigne Joseph H. Rushing. John Moore ^ . William P. Zealey. . Freelove Daniel Isaac Ellis Alison Winn George Rhodes John J. Forrester. . . James 11. Sanders . . Benjamin Jaudon.. . Wm. McK. Bostick. | William T. Speaks . Ulysses I. Rushing.. Philip Terry, Jr $6.28 i $0.54 2.75 .75 4.88 1 2.39 7.54 2.18 17.93 ; 1.64 14.19 5.87 27.97 ; 6.40 7.82 1.29 78.37 , 2.63 414.80 512.43 43.59 6.46 10.91 9.91 89 95 48.12 326.25 175.92 221.58 94.97 59.73 32.53 17.05 14.14 3.83 2.23 10.51 7.20 8.98 6.83 21.85 16.68 8.75 5.44' 42.51 22.19 95.93 22.81 20.12 6.08 25.89 11.87 4.67 2.53 59.85 16 44 6.49 3.28 1.00 30.77 14.69 12.34 4.89 27.88 13.82 18.37 9.81 26.42 22.84 7.00 3.00 27.11 3.66 81.911 17.17 425.00 405.82 162.00 82.68 27.781 ' 17.79 17.00 9.78 116.:33 103.67 156.84: 164.73 9.00 ; .37 5.08 8.23 6.8S 2.04 29.75 12.18 160.72 51.24 83.78 81.59 11.32 5.42 17.66 11.42 28.07 14.41 SOUTH CAROLINA. 161 Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Right-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Charleston District* Black oak 'Arnold J. Harvey . . Charleston (c. h.). . . Alfred Huger Danner’s M Koads.. Archibald K.Danner Haddrell’s i Henry S. Tew Holly Hill William B. Thomas. Jedburg Monk’s Comer Mount Holly . . Pineville Eoadville Summerville . . John 0. Wilson Mary M. Von Hagen Theodore C. Tharin. Philip P. Davis Stephen W.Williams Alexander Bidault. . Chester District. Black Stocks [ Baton Eouge Beckamsville Carmel Hill Cedar Shoal Chesnut Grove Chester C. H Cornwell Turnout. . . Crosbyville Halsellville John P. Latham — August’sF.Anderson William Anderson. . James M. Carter... . James A. H. Gaston Samuel J. Lewis 1 John E. Allen James Boyd Chesley Crosby John G. Gladden... David Moffet T.a Crnngft . .... Jacob F. Strait Landsford William D. Fudge. . -Joseph Wylie Eich Hill ^ Eoads. . Eo.a«(villft Wm.^ B. McMillen. . . Daniel E. Stevenson John Boss Aravnllp Tnmsvillo. Wm. M. Creight Samuel McCaw Tnrhit.’s Stnrp, nllfl AP . . John Newlan Well Eidge Edwin Wilson j $73.78 313.70 3.00 40.09 30.93 11.99 32.22 8.52 107.53 14.99 131.86 4.75 10.39 19.75 22.71 12.00 514.07 27.48 20.98 17.86 30.82 6.61 32.07 88.41 26.35 17.64 4.27 15.84 11.40 $51.83 !0,3y7.S2 2.00 12.44 15.24 4.90 1.71 18.02 5.50 29.73 7.00 8.72 6.50 690.87 .69 .77 10.38 .83 .99 38.59 24.23 9.88 9.21 1.41 1(1.85 4.00 Chesterfield District. Cheraw Chesterfield C. H. . . Homsborough Jefferson Mount Croghan Pine Tree John C. Evans 508.45 539.71 William A. Mulloy . 39.77 20.86 Eeuben P. Lowry. . . 5.50 3.04 John S. Miller 29.82 11.55 James H. Taylor . . . — — Jeremiah Anderson. 1.68 .27 Manning . Adam’s Eun Ashapoo Ferry Blue House Broxton’s Bridge . . . Buckhead Causey. . . Edisto Island Elmville Eantowles Eeevesville Eidgeville Saint Georges Saltketcher Bridge . Walker’s Walterboro’ Andrews’ Mills. Cartersville Darlington C. H, Effingham Florence Gully Hartsville Leavensworth Clarendon District. I Thomas 8 . Coogler.. Colleton District. James Legare, Jr. . . John Clark Thomas A. G. Clarke Aaron E. Yarn Eeuben Stephens. . . Septimus H. Jenkins J. D. D. Weimer Thomas Hillier William W. Eigby .. Henry M. Norris . . . William S. Utsey . . . Alex’r McB. Peebles Jacob C. Folk John W. Burbridge. Darlington District. John Andrews William J. Carter.. . Samuel J. Wilson... .John .J. Steele William P.Campbell Eobert N. Hicks Thomas C. Law Thomas E. Howie.. Linton Bluff i Jared Woodham Merchant’s Bluff Philadelphia Eollinsville Society Hill Sparrow Swamp Swift Creek Tan’s Bay Timmensville Wood Shop 11 William H. Cannon. -John G. Gatlin D. A. McEachern. .. Lewis M. Coker Daniel W. Carter. . . Peter E. Campbell,. -James Thwing Wm. Brockinton Franklin Skinner.. , 87.82 26.16 86.29 3.12 49.82 17.67 30.45 23.72 28.42 21.22 46.94 18.33 14.74 6.37 26.13 7.73 18.42 6.60 52.49 22.84 78.58 20.81 31.91 10.92 25.45 18.19 259.40 250.52 12.21 7.72 23.08 7.05 434.95 420.43 22.40 11.37 22.65 6.03 11.-34 6.66 19.13 5.12 47.96 86.52 25.46 19.39 ! 14.63 11.15 7.90 4.44 170.42 139.20 4.02 8.87 14.29 4.00 5.03 .55 60.20 49.76 7.00 1.00 Edgefield District. Bath Beech Island Big Creek Cairo Cold Spring Coleman’s Eoads. CoUiers Duntonsville Dyson’s Mills Edgefield C. H Edisto Mills Elton Fruit Hill Germanville . . Graniteville Hamburgh Higgin’s Ferry Ivy Island Kirksey’s M Eoads. Longmire’s Store . . . Lotts Meeting Street Mine Creek Mount Willing Oakland Parks’ Perry’s M Eoads. . . Phoenix Pleasant Lane Poverty Hill Eehoboth Eichardsonville, Eidge Eocky Pond Shatterfield Sleepy Creek. ,. Woodlawn Sumner Brown $31.77 $12.03 Cornelia J. Cox 37.30 11.65 Charles Nickerson. . 9.04 1.89 J. M. C. Freeland.. . 29.78 17.22 John M. Clark 16.99 10.-33 Matthew W. Clary. . 19.92 7.21 Samuel C. Scott 9.49 3.93 John Cheatham 17.34 7.00 Thomas J. Dj^son. . . 18.67 6.64 Andrew Eamsay 368.00 410.00 Patrick I. Coleman. 5.91 3.81 Joseph Adams 7.33 1.30 George J. Strother,. 7.91 1.83 Asa F. Langford 10.88 6.16 Samuel Glover 168.27 61.06 Eichard Campbell.. — — Joel Abney 9.02 5.70 Thomas H. Patterson 8.09 5.11 W ash’nD.Eoundtree 18.61 15.19 Nathan T. Skinner. 58.04 39.65 John Lott 48.60 11.98 John S. Smyly 11.60 3.98 ‘fJ A-f Pn/lcvptf. L. W. Youngblood.. 18.15 8.-34 John P. Mickler 10.84 8.35 Eichard Parks 16.84 7.86 Edwin H. Addy 12.21 .6.87 William P. Andrews 41.21 19.33 J. F. C. Settle 14.19 7.92 Silas Lanier 8.61 2.91 Batte Howard 11.14 5.77 Joseph M. Eichard- son . 23.78 8.85 Elijah Watson 23.68 . 10.15 WilliamD. Jennings 16.34 5.47 James Callison — — James Dorn 18.08 10.92 Thomas McKie 23.92 12.36 Fairfield District. Alston Bell’s Store Brown’s Buck Head Feasterville Gladden’s Grove . . . Jackson’s Creek Lilesford Long Eun Longtown Monticello (c. h.) Eidgeway Eocky Mount Shelton Strother Thompson’s T. D. Feaster James Lemmon John E. Kennedy.. . John Q. Arnett Andrew Feaster Dan.MeCulloughjJr. David Milling James Andrews . . . Jacob N. O’Neale. . . Eli Harrison John McCrorey James F. Kennedy. Eobert 0. Bailey James F. V. Legg... E. B. Suber John A. Martin Winnsboro’ 'John McMaster. . . . Yonguesville John L. Tongue — Georgetown District. 40.00 9.90 21.6fl 66.42 12.92 28.36 4.60 17.20 14.00 35.92 121.26 19.83 12.02 487.36 9.99 3.04 6.52 98.65 6.00 3.55 1.90 7.25 6.00 12.58 21.78 6.97 3.54 701.36 Georgetown (c, h.). . Ehyme Yanhanna William McNulty. . . I Eobert J. Davidson. Benjamin M. Grier. I Greenville District* Buena Yista Caesar’s Head Cedar Falls Chick’s Springs Clear Spring Cottage Hill Cripple Creek Dunklin Fairview Fountain Inn Gilder Golden Grove Gowensville Grove Station. Greenville (c. h.) . , . Highland Grove William F. Lester . . P. B. Martin Micajah Berry Alfred Taylor William Goldsmith. T. Henry Stokes -John 11. Harrison.. . John C. Sullivan James 8. Peden William McNeely. . . William L. M. Austin Charles G. Garrison. -James McMakin W. 8. Howell Susan W. Thruston, Lewis H. Dickey . . , 896.851 922.00 13.601 5.12 20.94 5.89 14.61 5.71 9.08 6.00 3.93 9..531 14.38 21.90 8.90 2.54' 16.84! 801.83; 7.84 1 8.44 2..51 12.52 1.25 1.79 7.87 1.00 1.62 5.25 .77 8.55 905.96 8.61 162 POST-OFFICES AND POST- MASTERS Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Right-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Gre&mille District— {Continued). Highway Lavinda Lickville Lima Line Creek Merrittsville . . . Milburg Milford North Saluda. .. Plain Pleasant Grove . Pliny Pomeroy Sandy Flat South Saluda. . . Sterling Grove. . Stone House Stonesville Tituroy Traveller’s Best. White Horse Isaiah Cox A. Y. Owings Samuel Moore John H. Goodwin... William Eiley Davis W. Hodges . . . John Weaver William I. Gibson.. Jefferson Barton Thomas Goldsmith . William C. Bailey . . Daniel Fowler Francis A. Miles John M. Crotwell. . . David Blythe Joseph H. McCul- lough James W. Young. . . William D. Hunter.. Henderson Goode . . Henry E. Lynch Wesley Phillips Horry District. Blanton’s M Eoads. Bucksville Bug Swamp Conway sho rough (c. h.) Dogwood Neck Little Eiver John T. Moody. . . Henry H. Wright. Solomon Cortrit. . . Thomas W. Beaty.. Peter Cox Benjamin N, Ward. Kershaw District. Bee Tree Camdem, (c. h.) Elm Grove Flat Eock Hanging Eock Liberty Hill Lynchwood Palmettcfc Eed Hill. Eussell Place Tiller’s Ferry William L. Pickett.. Thomas W. Pegues. Alison A. McDowall William G. Kirkland James M. Ingrem. . . Wyat Patterson James P. Bell. Columbus C. Haile . . Jesse Kilgore Darling I. George . . Benjamin S. Lucas.. Lancaster District. Belair. 'Charles P. Evans. . . Butler IWesley Hilton Craigsville Nathaniel B. Craig.. • " William J. Cureton. John W. Twitty Eanford Horton Stephen T. Small.. . John Clyburn John H. McMurray. Thomas E. Magill . . H. V. Massey James E. Magill George D. Beckham Eobert Hegler Cureton’s Store Dry Creek Dudley Flint Eidge Hickory Head. . Jacksonham Lancaster C. H.. Longstreet Pleasant Hill . . Pleasant Valley, Wild Cat Laurens District. Bluff Eabun Brewerton Centreville Clinton Cross Hill Eden Huntington Laurens C. H Marengo Martin’s Depot Milton Monrge Mount Gallagher . . . Mount Pleasant Mountville Pleasant Mound Eeynosa Bcuffletown John S. Wolff. Wyly Murff Oliver H. P. Jones. . Darling L. Henry. . . James Carter William Mahaflfey . . William D. Byrd . . . Edward Anderson . . William P. Coleman Addison P. Martin.. James G. Williams.. Eobert A. Gray Benjamin F. Jones . Marioah McPherson. A. A. Fuller Eeuben Martin Job Deen Alford W. Parks $4.00 $2.50 8.63 2.44 8.87 3.43 10.90 1.06 15.23 8.78 6.71 3.24 7.34 1.87 2.36 1.62 14.52 15.65 15.16 3.51 14.75 5.63 19.07 6.11 6.15 8.10 12.89 6.33 4.10 1.72 8.28 2.35 11.96 6.87 2.00 1.00 20.94 12.69 8.62 2.00 143.86 166.60 9.49 2.94 42.49 13.43 5.42 2.08 782.98 1151.52 6.57 3.09 37.54 18.00 14.19 6.47 50.77 13.71 6.00 4.00 2.20 .85 10.28 5.36 11.00 1.25 23.86 7.79 7.54 4.94 6.00 1.00 24.43 21.00 9.46 4.39 4.00 8.00 1.87 1.26 11.45 8.11 8.61 6.57 161.86 110.88 19.18, 6.90 25.86 10.15 12.00 4.90 5.00 4.50 6.26 2.73 13.78 4.34 4.86 2.94 49.22 6.17 27.59 14.42 6.78 1.00 11.83 3.64 808.70 528.25 3.67 2.83 51.76 7.76 14.10 11.66 17.40 2.74 17.00 7.75 12.00 20.00 12.00 7.00 5.59 1.46 15.96 5.35 Laurens District — ( Continued). Simpson’s Mills John Culbertson Spring Grove John G. Williams... Tumbling Shoals. ... Milton A. Sullivan. . Tylersville Samuel I. Craig Waterloo David W. Anderson Young’s Store John N. Young Beaver Pond Calk’s Ferry Clark’s Mills Counts ville Edisto Hollow Creek Hope Station Leesville Lexington C. H Oakville Pleasant Spring Eish’s Store Eockville Eocky Well Sandy Eun Sawyer’s Mills Steedman’s Lexington District. George Sawyer Joseph Sutton James J. Clark John H. Counts James E. Coleman. Henry L. Crout John C. Hope Joel P. Eidgell Eeuben Harman Joseph Coogler Jacob W. Dreher.. Levi Eish John Whites George I. Hooks Jacob B. Anthony . Sampson Dufifey . . . A. Steedman Williamson’s Mills.. John T. Williamson Marion District. Allen’s Bridge Britton’s Neck Campbell’s Bridge. . Catfish Centenary Flintville Floydsville Forestville Friendfield Gilchrist’s Bridge . . . Gum Swamp Jeffrey’s Creek Little Eock Lynch e’s Creek Marion C. H Mar’s Bluff Mclnnis Bridge Mullin’s Depot Peedee Eed Bluff. Eeedy Creek Selkirk Sugar Hill Tabernacle Willow Creek Tristram Eogers. . Geo. W. Woodbury Alexander Campbel Isaiah W. Moody Andrew C. White George J. Myers. Harmon Flovd . . James L. Harrell Moses W. Brown Daniel Gilchrist . Henry Berry Joseph S. Cunnin ham John W. Bethea. Henry Davis John McMillan. . John M. Smith . . Paisley Alford. . . Stephen Smith... Neill McDuffie. . . Allison H. Brown William B. Sellers Neill Alford.... Neal Carmichael Edwin J. Goodman James L. Davis Marlborough District. $12.53 $3.85 14.45 6.77 12.29 2.90 19.17 7.54 34.00 12.23 21.10 7.46 8.77 10.64 Adamsville. .. Bennettsville. Brightsville. . . Brownsville . . Clio IVewberry District. 3.43 6.10 3.42 24.93 3.80 8.42 8.74 19.53 6.55 7.90 24.83 83.43 9.48 196.52 145.52 4.00 .22 3.00 19.30 2.98 1.85 3.27 3.57 Jesse Bethea Alexan’r Sutherland 4.00 308.43 312.15 John W. Stubbs 16.00 5.15 Simeon Emanuel . . . 21.70 8.00 John A. McEae 21.78 11.21 John W. Powell .75 4.00 Beth Eden Belmont Boazman’s Turnout. Boulwareville Brooks Chappell’s Bridge . . Cotswood Glymphville Indian Creek Jalappa Jolly Street Kinnard’s Turnout. . Liberty Hall Little Mountain Long Pond Maybinton John S. Eenwick. . . Andrew J.Longshore D. C. Boazman. . . James Boulware. . Michael Buzehard Archy M. Smith . . Allen S. Scruggs. . John Glymph Jared L. Johnson. John H. Sligh. . . . George M. Singley Thomas F. Harmon Thomas H. Cromer Fred’rk H. Dominick John Moore David Gross 16.86 4.19 2.20 .76 40.00 12.00 3.00 .12 80.10 15.76 8.23 2.37 19.97 10.71 4.96 5.62 1.00 .02 89.08 18.84 SOUTH CAROLINA. 163 Left-hand column shows compensation of rostraaster. Kight-haiid one, net revenue of Office to Department. med). $5.6S ; $2.24 8.27 2.04 14.64 8.77 1.00 1 .37 — 10.71 2.14 41.40 19.94 14.21 7.44 5.59 2.64 10.68 3.54 9.03 . 3.75 21.50 7.85 8.68 2.84 69.91 61.00 6.61 2.66 7.00 — 13.50 3.91 16.37 9.99 2.47 1.57 148.15 107.84 6.95 1.03 9.69 7.43 11.85 5.67 2.57 .46 10.65 2.88 1.23 — 3.47 2.10 4.16 1.99 1.14 .70 360.66 411.45 — — 4.76 1.23 15.20 5.85 12.36 2.54 13.23 6.12 27.00 11.11 6.00 3.00 96.96 107.45 3.63 1.00 24.96 10.18 7.00 1.89 10.71 4.00 28.92 21.47 — — — 50.11 19.53 82.13 24.55 41.00 1.00 59.94 28.58 45.19 16.80 86.26 2.95 27.66 9.76 6.31 1.98 6.18 2.82 16.52 7.31 30.67 6.89 20.34 15.00 8.99 6.00 14.60 4.56 8.31 4.56 134.26 68.67 594.71 799..54 9.94 5.20 42.65 15.95 8.00 2.00 6.46 3.39 7.81 4.43 27.11 10.03 11.65 6.85 11.18 3.34 20.67 11.82 80.00 27.70 17.76 7.00 21.00 5.14 Kewlterry District— {Continued). Newberry C. H. Pomaria Prosperity Saluda Mills Shop Spring Vaughansville. . "Walton Whitmires Branchville Bull Swamp Fort Motte Jamison Jordan’s Mills Kitching’s Mills McOantsville Orangeburgh C. H. Poplar Kocky Swamp Eowe’s Pump Saint Matthews Vance’s Ferry White Cane Eoscius F. Atwood.. $11.19 Solomon P. Kinard. 689.68 William Summer... 42.45 David Kibber 52.79 John E. Bobo 1.33 Calvin 8. Buzzard. . . 26.95 Samuel A. Dun 9.82 John F. Glymph 20.76 Baruch Duncan 36.36 ig^eburgh District. 1 John B. Morrow 44.35 William Knotts 21.00 David W. Barsh 53.06 Andrew Inabinet. . . 20.19 John Jordan 10.98 L. A. Culler 21.47 John C. Edwards... 9.71 John V. Glover 378.18 J amesA.Brookhardt 18.72 Gabriel E. Summers 3.00 D. A. F. Summers. . Eufus Cleckly 65.54 Daniel Dantzler, Jr. 70.90 Eichard Evans $5.27 1047.89 8.52 20.21 .84 9.44 7.00 15.47 17.62 59.13 10.84 5.00 2.64 7.45 14.52 4.15 419.00 9.53 1.50 19.87 2.90 8.48 Pickens Districtt Anderson’s Mills. . . . Bachelor’s Eetreat.. Bounty Land Branch Island Camp Ground Cheohee Claremont Clayton’s Mills Colonel’s Fork Crow Creek Dacusville Eastaloe Eighteen MUe Fair Play Five Mile Fowler’s Creek Glassey Mountain . . Horse Shoe Martin’s Creek Oakway Oconee Station Pickens C. H Pickensville Eock Mountain Salubrity Snow Creek Table Mountain .... Toxawav Tunnel Hill Twelve Mile Walhalla Warsaw Way Side Whetstone Wolf Creek Wm. H. Anderson Ebenezer P. Verner. Mrs. M. S. McElraey Joseph Young James A. Ballenger. Asbury B. Grant Patrick I. Miller Carter Clayton George W. Phillips. Eobert Stewart Benjamin F. Morgan Thos. N. McKinney. Lemuel Kendrix Thomas I. Sloan Charles Thompson.. George A.Hendricks Judge G. Ferguson. Edward Hughes M. E. Hunnicutt Abner F. Hutchins . Samuel E. McFall . . Elijah E. Alexander Eufus W. Folger Camilla D. Barton . . William S. Williams Emry Moore S. D. Keith James Eobertson... Wesley Pitchford. . . James E. Hagood. . . Christian II. Issertel Marshall B. Dendy . J. Overton Lewis.. . Abel Eobins James D. Beacham. Richland District. Cedar Creek Columbia (c. h.) Doko Gadsden Hopkins Turn Out. . Wateree Samuel A. Proctor. . James B. Glass G. P. Hoffman William B. Flowers. John S. Galligan Thomas Baskins Spartanbnrj'h District Algooa Arrowoo Barleywood Bivingsville Boiling Springs Buck Creek Burnt F actory CamDbellville Willis Smith William T. Thom.. . Pinckney W. Miller. John P. Fowler Henry Dodd Philemon W. Head. Stephen Taylor William Cole 25.87 8.40 11.81 1.90 4.71 2.67 3.75 2.64 6.98 4.68 4.78 2.44 11.68 6.27 6.00 4.50 3.54 2.56 12.13 7.25 3.00 1.50 5.32 .69 35.35 8!56 10.00 3.88 1.80 1.20 2.77 1.45 7.33 4.21 4.38 2.68 1.00 .12 4.33 1.37 62.11 62.99 18.00 11.43 1.62 8.74 4.90 4.80 2.00 1.00 .16 33.49 12.38 25.45 7.55 67.40 24.05 5.24 2.01 2.58 .20 8.97 7.00 5.15 2.81 15.00 4.00 777.21 4212.13 64.00 8.00 40.65 5.10 2.11 1.00 1.19 .86 i 7.00 2.75 1 12.09 6.65 3.42 1.66 j — Spartanburgh C. H . Templeman’s Mil empleman’s Mills . Thickety Fork Yernonsville Wallace’s Factory .. Walnut Grove Woodruff’s E. P. Wood, Newton P. Walker. Cannon’s Store | John Y. Jackson. Cashville Cedar Springs Asy lum Clarksville Cowpens Cowpen Furnace... Crawfordsville Cross Anchor Crowsville Damascus Earlesville Enoree Fingersville Fort Prince Glen Siprings Grassy Pond Hebron Hobbysville Hurricane J ackson Hill Limestone Springs. . Millville Moultrie Mount Lebanon Mountain Shoals New Prospect Poolsville EichHill Eogers’ Bridge Smith’s Store Sparta John E. Ellis Eobert Scuggs Jesse Hollis James D. Bivings.. William I. Whitmire James M. Lanham. . Fielder Cantrell Oliver P. Earle Nicho’sV.VanPatten Joseph Finger. . . Alexander C. Bomar Eobert A. Cates. Jacob Q. Carpenter. Harvey Wafford William Hunter . . . Simpson Bobo Arthur F. Jackson. . Clayton L. Clarke.. . William P. Hoy Joel H. Garrison Calvin Foster James Nesbitt Oliver Clark Andrew M. Evins. . . B. F. Bates. James M. Nesbitt. . . William F. Smith. . . William C. Kilgore. John A. Lee David B. Collins W illiamLipscomb, Jr Eichard Ballenger. . Peter M. Wallace. . . | Gideon H. King : Andrew B. W oodruff Sumter District. Bethlehem Bishopville Black Eiver Bradford Springs . . . Bradley ville Brewington Clarendon Dove Flowerton Friendship Fulton Harmony College. . . Lynchburgh Manchester Mayesville Mechanicsville Mill Grove Mott New Zion Packsville Plowden’* Mills Privateer Salem Sandy Grove Shiloh Stutehurgh (c. h.). . . Sumter Taylor’s Wright’s Bluff James B. McElveen. Charles Spencer. Eobert E. McFaddin William I. Eeynolds Mathew E. Muldrow Thomas L. Burgess . Benjamin A. Walker Samuel Chandler... Nicholas S. Punch.. James L. Jones Jacob V. Welch Gilbert Morgan Eobert W. Durant. . Alexander Campbell Eobert P. Mayes John C. Strother William McCutchen. Andrew M. Wood . . James A. Budding. . Henry Kelley Carter G. Capell William Nettles John I. Cantey John E. McElveen.. ChristopherT.Player Vincent Parsons Henry Haynsworth. George W. Truluck. Wm. L. Branson, Jr. Union District. Bowlingsville Cold Well.... Coopersville. . Cross Keys . . . Draytonsville. Fair Forest . . Fishdam Goshen Hill .. Gowdeysville. JonesvUle Willis Allen William H. Sartor.. Alex’r M. Latham . . Jesse B. Davis Eowan Jennings . . . Jasper Gil)l)s John T. Hill Ezekiel Gross Thomas J. Orr Berryraon D. Bear- den 164 POST-OFFICES AND P 0 S T - M A S T ER S . Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Right-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. McBridesville Meansville Mount Tabor Pacolett Mills — Pea Eidge Pinckneyville — Simsville Timber Eidge UnioTwille (c. h.) TVartola West’s Spring — Wilkinsville Black Mingo Camp Eidge Cedar Grove China Grove Deer Grape Indiantown Johnsonville Kingstree (c. h.) — Lenude’s Ferry Lynche’s Lake . . . , Murray’s Ferry Natural Grove Plantersville Singletarysville Sutton’s Vine Co\t,nty—{ Continued'). Stephen Kirby $2.57 $1.41 Albert G. Means 2.00 112 B. F. Eeid 9.66 4.821 Thomas D.Littlejohn 20.79 5.36 Joseph G. Gault — 7.90 5.19 James H. Alexander 17.81 5.50 President Lawson . . — — Hamlet Gondelack.. 6.76 5.20 Robert A. McKnight 177.20 108.17 Allen 0. Walker 4.79 2.81 Moses West 9.00 4.50 John McCulloch 15 15 11.64 nmsburgBi District • John T. McConnel. . 43.25 11.20 Charles W. Cade . . . TnaATAli nhjrnHlPT* 4.12 2.08 fj LlOl.yy.fJJ. -Lf. • Thomas N. Britton. . 18.26 8.68 Jolin F Tio®^6rs Isaac 8. Lifrage Alex’r L. Crawford . 49.74 83.08 Martin E. Dye 42.09 11.22 Adam I. Connor 109.89 54.13 Samuel H. Lofton . . 14.38 1.80 Aaron F. Graham . . 17.00 6.00 Thomas China 19.70 11.74 William H. Cockfield 6.00 , 4.00 Joseph Nesmith — — — John D. Singletary.. 4.75 2.57 Isaac W. Graham. . . 4.00 2.00 Wm. S. Camlin : — York Distrkt* Allison Creek Antioch Bethany Bethel Blairsville Boyalton Bullock Creek Catawba Cherokee Ironworks Clark’s Fork Clay Hill Coate’s Tavern Ebenezerville Fort Mill Guthriesville Harmony Hickory Grove Hopewell McOonnellsville Meek’s Hill Nation Ford New Centre New House Eock Hill Smith’s Ford Smith’s Turn Out. Taylor’s Creek . . . Tirza Yorkville (c. h.) . . Zeno Joseph Miller $ 2 . 95 : Eufus H. Whitenaut 11.32' William M. Gill 4.54: •Jerome B. Brian . . . 13.00: William Crosby 12.86; Andrew I. McGill . . 5.64 John G. Davidson.. 12.42 j J. A. Hill 1 StanhopeH.Anthony 10.29 •John McGill 8.^ John Watson James Daniel 89.34 Alexander F. Fewell 26.61 B. F. Powell ...... 58.98 Francis A. Erwin . . . 22.81 Joseph McCosh — 3.91 Thomas G. Wylie .. 15.60 Samuel Wright 9.56 Joseph P. Moore 11.41 J. Y. Whitesides . . . 7.72 Mrs. Emily Creigh- ton Myles Smith....*... 8.96 Theodore D. Fulton. 7.42 Henry F. Broach . . . 77.88 John Smith 3.31 C. B. Smith 19.65 Jonathan N. McEl- wee, Jr 8.00 Philip Sandefer 6.52 Wm. E. Alexander . 454.41 Ailhur A. McKenzie 5.08 $0 .54 2.46 2.09 5.18 3.00 8.87 6.74 6.15 3.58 3.33 13.82 13.28 18.40 3.32 2.44 9.68 2.35 2.98 3.00 1.76 3.43 39.19 1.85 7.50 5.32 1.47 619.22 1.79 TENNESSEE. Anderson County. (c. F.) Loy’s M Eoads Moore’s Eest Oliver’s Eobertsville Eoss Wallace’s M Eoads.. Wilson’s John Jarnigin $69.38 William C. Hitch.. 16.83 Austin L. Moore 3.29 John H. Kington . . . 11.13 Clark G. Crozier — 27.27 James Eoss 8.11 William Wallace 8.80 James A. Moore 11.30 $37.78 10.89 2.04 6.48 33.93 3.13 6.83 6.70 Bedford County. Bryan’s Creek |John T. Carlyle — Bell Buckle i Townsend Fugit. . . . Fairfield iMicajah T. Cooper. . Flat Creek j Ja.sper N. Blanton. . McGowansville iJefiTerson I. Long ... Normandy Moses A. Kennedy.. Eichmond 'Alsa Freeman Rover John Jordan Eowesville George W. Heard... ShelbyTille (c. h.) . . . David G. Deason . . . Unionville iW illiam C. Blanton. Wartrace Depot .... John A. Ganaway . . Benton County. Camden I John II. Farmer . . . . | Chaseville Joseph E. Matthews Morgan’s Creek ... - 1 James w alkcr Bledsoe Connty. George Alexander Moyers Creek Crossville Fillmore Foster’s M Eoads . Grassy Cove Mount Airy James Scott John E. Wheeler William Foster . . AVeatherstonS. Greer Thomas A. Pope 54.91 14.52 44.38 16.53 40.25 29.66 9.82 4.73 22.34 11.95 42.76 23.70 11.84 6.87 46.43 24.45 1604.76 687.88 71.08 53.28 100.00 — 1 103.91 1 89.05 14.19 9.12 1 65.08 1 44.82 1.25 .59 86.69 8.21 7.23 1.76 8.29 2.60 6.71 4.82 1 4.00 2.00 Bledsoe County — {Contiimed). Nine Mile Orme’s Store Pik&cille (c. h.) Roberson’s M Eoads Spencer Hill Stephen’s Chapel . . . -Joseph McDowell .. $14.51 Anderson Sloan 14.34 Lewis E. Fain 79.09 Isaac Roberson 13.53 Robert A. Penfro . . . 5.80 Joseph Hixson 4.00 Blount County. Cade’s Cove Chilhowee Clover Hill Cloyd’s Creek Ellejoy Friendsville Gamble’s Store Louisville Marysville Montvale Springs . . Morgantown Rockford Tuckaleechee Cove. Hnitia George W. Foute. . . Samuel Ghormley . . John Gault Andrew Ferguson.. Andrew Bogle . . . David Morgan . . John Gamble H. Talbot Cox... Samuel L. Yearont. H. C. Cunningham . William G. iicKen- zie Alexander Williams George Snider . . . James H. Donald- son Bradley Conntyc $2.72 6.36 96.31 5.79 1.32 .25 3.00 4.55 9.48 5.18 10.10 10.00 70.00 261.27 11.39 28.83 4.00 Charleston PViototv Samuel Kelly Ake Henry 160.91 8.00 605.62 8.92 5.98 88.48 1.25 484.93 6.14 8.39 Clea'celand (c. h.).. . Flint Springs Maple Grove Thomas AV. Johnson Hiram H. H. Ham- bright Robert H. Pharis . . . Muskrat Springs — Potter’s Branch Stony Point Wansville David Kerr Charles Grigsby Robert T. AVeatherly Silas M. AVan 8.35 2.00 6.04 TENNESSEE. 165 Left-hand eolumn shows compensation of Postmaster. Kight-hand one, net rovcnue of Office to Department. Campbell Coiintyi Buffalo Creek . Coal Creek — Fincastle Grantsboro’ Jackson (c. h.). Lost Creek Straight Fork . Well Spring. . . , Joshua Duncain $ . John Kincaid 19.68 4.61 48.70 12.59 1.33 6.36 . James H. Grant . George W. Smith. . . . Jacob Sharp . John Adkins . Oty T. Cliborn Cannon Coimty* Auburn Bradyville Mechanicsville Woodbury (c. h.) ... Earner H. Mason ... 16.94 David Patton 26.50 Samuel E. Burger . . 18.76 Frank Coleman 94.22 17.99 3.10 89.22 7.42 .85 15.06 18.07 7.68 76.67 Carroll County. Atwood Buena Yista Christmasville Hecla Hico Jhmtingdon (c. h.) Latinia McLemoresville Macedonia Marlborough Eoan’s Creek Sandy Bridge Terry Carter County. Cave Spring Doe Eiver Cove Dugger's Ferry Elizabethton (c. h.). . Happy Yalley Limestone Cove Peoplesville Eoan Mountain Cheattiaiu County. Shaw’s Store [Washington Wall. . Claiborne County. 10.941 6.38 Big Barren Cumberland Gap . . . Head of Barren Oldtown Pleasant Powell’s Eiver Eob Camp Speedwell Sycamore lazeioell (c. h.) Woodson’s Eoads James B. Smith Yellow Springs Melbern Overton. Cocke County. Drewry Laffoon John G. Newlee Edward Keelly Zachariah S. Gibson. William T. Moss Leroy Hurst Isaac S. Buchanan . . William Eogers Jacob Shultz William Houston . . . 5.62 28.23 9.27 12.89 3.33 6.19 7.15 22.54 122.53 4.16 11.19 3.44 11.20 5.36 5.47 1.74 3.15 8.59 9.20 152.15 1.78 Cato Eeioport (c. h.) Parrottsville Wilsonville Wilton Springs Coflee County. Beech Grove Benjamin F. Moore. Hickory Creek A. B. Davis Hillsboro Eliot A. Eutherford. Manchester HarrisonShackelford Tullahoma Eobert E. Enochs. . . Davidson County. Chesmit Grove I James H. Fulghum. | Elm Hill James H. Charlton. Franklin College . . . [Tolbert Fanning. . . 54.88 40.84 59.70 80.51 132.04 21.56 10.65 22.94 94.46 95.84 Eli Gnpp . Eobt. P. McCracken 37.19 22.29 Thomas E. Hall 28.85 17.73 Adam E. Cams 8.84 6.00 John H. Brigance. . . 19.00 8.71 John Kendrick 187.87' 164.91 Edward H. Williams 10.00 1.00 Charles O’Neill 216.99 193.42 George H. Prince . . 26.68 .8.41 John Travis 22.00 13.42 Priestly E. Parker . . * 33.37 25.58 David Green 11.40 5.18 John B. Terry 15.58 12.62 Jacob F. Perkins . . . 7.45 5.24 Phineas Williams. . . 8.89 5.10 Lawson W.Hampton 2.72 1.67 Benjamin Dyer 8.76 .53 •J ames A. Burrow . . . 107.55 116.25 Nathaniel L. Taylor. 14.58 5.55 David Baker 2.21 .26 William I. Peoples.. 7.00 4.00 Nicholas Smith 7.77 5.19 Edmund McMahan. 10.98 7.57 Jacob H. A. Weaver 8.89 5.10 David W. Stuart 98.63 117.92 Malcolm McNabb. . . 44.97 19.56 Henry H. Baer 12.64 7.22 George McNabb 5.0t .62 Davidson Coxmty— {Continued). Goodlettsville Hamilton’s Creek . . . Marrowbone Nashville (c. h.) Eidge Post South Harpeth Stewart’s Ferry Sycamore Mills Tank White Bend John 11. Galbreath. . $54.49 Elmore G. Eowe . . . 9.44 Jackson Crockett . . . 17.13 Samuel E. Anderson 2129.69 Wilkins T. Garrett. . 9.88 Thomas I. Allison. . . 12.16 Benjamin Hurt 11.94 Eandolph Simmons. 55.90 J oseph H. Dillahunty P. M. Wade 15.50 2.00 $23 7, 16 6679. 1 , .14 Deeatus’ County. Decaturville Etna Hermitage. . . Howesville . . Perrysville . . David E. A.McElrath 93.46 Silvan F. Lockwood. 4.37 Daniel McLever 19.64 Jerome B. Howe. . . 9.06 William Stout 38.84 72.72 2.96 14.00 4.31 13.61 De Kalb County. Alexandria Laurel Hill Liberty Pine Creek Smithville (c. h.) Temperance Hall. . Tyree’s Mills William Floyd T. H Kerr 84.78 35.79 Isaac Whaley 68.43 30.75 Thomas Durham. . . . 2.43 .22 Joseph Y. Stewart . . 112.27 67.21 Nicholas Smith 6.88 5.44 Samuel L. Tyree 8.29 7.00 Barton’s Creek. . Bellsburgh Charlotte (c. h.). Danielsville Independence . . White Bluffs WiUidmsville. . . Dickson County. Elijah W. Cunning- ham John J. Hinton James P. Priestley. . Joseph T. Kern Tolbert Slayden John McCaslin James E. Williams.. Dyer County. 10.19 10.25 140.55 16.28 4.59 22.71 6.09 7.46 119.53 lO.UO 3.25 8.53 Chesnut Bluffs Dyersburgh Friendship Grove Mount. . , Miller’s Chapel Newbern Isaac A. Nunn 39.55 12.63 J oseph W. Echols, . . 1^.46 177.85 John F. Sinclair 21.85 11.78 Eich’d B. Henderson 1.50 — George Miller 8.31 4.48 Gilbert G. Harris . . . 35,42 13.46 Fayette County. Belmont Championville Concordia Egypt Elba Fayette Corner Hickory Withe Lagrange Laurel Creek Macon Moscow Mount Comfort Nonconner Oakland Pierce Eossville Somerville (c. h.) . . . Willis’ Station William Clayton Jack T. Chapman. . . William A. Martin.. Anthony Matthews. . Eobert F. Buckelew. BenJ. P. Bridgewater James M. Lane Hugh H. Falls Metier L. Davis William E. Daly John W. Dyer William A. May John F. Boyet Thomas J. Tuckniss. Benjamin I. Love . . John F. Eobertson. . Marion S. Godbey . . Euffin N. Willis i 48.97 13.87 45.85 13.00 14.38 9.78 80.71 419.78 11 '.42 113.12 90.72 16.79 31.10 68.50 1.75 102.13 642.00 Wolf Eiver [William P. Dowdy . | 14.73 12.44 34.70 5.22 24.54 10.00 5.18 3.74 72.79 411,40 4.92 175.56 19.82 9.39 14.06 59.00 1.00 16.22 838.97 Fentress Comity* Boatland . . Coopersville Hale’s Mills Jamestown (c. h.) . . . Pall Mall TravisviUe Solomon Alberton. . . Pern bert’n Gatewood Jonathan I). Hale. . . John P. Martin Henry Gatewood — Charles B. Eyau — Alisonia. . Anderson. Cowan. . . Franklin County. William B. Dcery. . Larkin Willis James A. England. 4.51 3.10 6.86 4.49 4.5.90 19.83 17..56 lu.89 6.00 3.00 61.43 1 29.85 20.OOI 24.00 21.07: I 1.00 166 POST-OFFICES AND P 0 S T - M A S T E R S . Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Ri^ht-hand one, net revenue of Office to Deiiartment. Franklin Cornity— {Continued). Decherd Elk Elver Hawkerville Hurricane Pettysville Salem (c. h.) Town Creek Winchester (c. h.) . . Aaron Lynch Michael S. Winford. John Oliver James A. Silvertooth Eli Petty James N. White Joseph L. Baugh. . . George A. Shook. . . $36.52 12.65 16.00 2.46 4.45 88.39 $5.21 5.35 10.00 1.23 • 1.92 42.54 501.86 Gibson County# Andalusia Antioch Bluff Springs Chester Eaton Enterprise Gibson’s Wells Holly Leaf Hope Hill Pond Hill Poplar Grove Quincy Shady Grove Shiloh South Gibson Trenton Waterford Yorkville Harvey Eckley 4.92 2.78 J erem’hH.MeKenzie 16.11 9.07 William Gay 17.88 13.61 William West 20.97 9.81 Benjamin T. Dodd.. 72.60 49.28 James M. Senter — — — Wm. T. Blakemore. 25.27 10.10 Noah Williamson. . . 9.76 7.11 Wade H.Eichardson 23.73 14.76 Ute S. Halliburton.. 14.62 9.03 Franklin M. Nobles. — — Solomon Shaw 36.45 25.13 Swinburn Craven. . . 51.85 49.40 Samuel Booth 50.98 20.72 James Sharp ?. . 60.59 32.04 Algernon S. Currey . 461.24 428.67 Sarah V. Harvey . . . 15.06 7.26 Eobert Q. Eoache. . . 78.22 31.90 Bethel Bodenham Bradshaw Brick Church. Bunker’s Hill.. Campbellsville. Cornersville. .. Elk Eidge Elkton Lynnville Midbridge Poplar Hill Prospect Pulaski (c. h.). Vale Mills Giles Connty. Joseph C. Eogers.. . Lewis Cosby W. F. Simpson Martin B. Wood Theophilus Harris. . William Peaton William E. Baird. . . James J. Walker.. . A, Lee Harney James Ham Samuel H. Stout Carey Gilbert Thomas A. West- moreland Ira E. Brown Daniel Guthrie 9.72 12.29 21.00 22.30 19.51 188.39 5.68 87.39 67.53 15.93 17.34 452.33 14.80 15.51 4.96 6.61 8.00 14.72 11.86 183.00 2.82 24.21 69.10 9.47 11.52 379.00 7.50 Grainger County. Bean’s Station Blain’s X Eoads Cedar Cliff Cedar Ford Clear Spring Haynes Maynardsville Marshall’s Ferry Morristown Noe’s Ferry Powder Spring Gap Eed Hill Rtitledge (c. h.) Spring House Tampico Thorn HUl W oodsonWBowman Samuel Shields TJ.pnlipn rimvA 52.07 27.72 13.14 16.39 Anderson Acuff. 3.42 2.37 William C. Mallicoat 1.23 .73 Joseph Yadon 7.93 4.97 Levi Satterfield — — James Shields 9.95 5.40 Noah F. Eead 47.92 16.48- John V. Brewster.. . — — William Sharpe 2.97 1.93 Joseph Clark 7.69 4.96 Michael Goldman . . 71.97 91.21 Archibald P. Green. 13.33 10.65 Joel Dyer 12.40 3.51 John Easley 22.32 10.14 Greene County. Bay Mount Camp Creek Caney Branch Cedar Creek Clear Creek Fair Plains Graysburg (ireenmlle (c. h.) Gustavus Henderson’s Mill... Horse Creek Laurel Gap Limestone Springs. . John 0. Martin Daniel Kennedy. . . AndersonW.W alker William Girdner. . . Mason F. Jerlds. . . John Eader Nathan Morelock . . William Boyce . . . . James W. Jackson. Joseph Henderson. John J. Broyles Martin D. Strong. . John Love 28.85 14.38 15.65 17.58 7.06 6.21 7.97 852.08 20.44 86.02 7.74 11.96 15.36 26.67 5.06 12.14 7.93 4.84 8.67 5.58 838.11 15.51 13.80 5.99 6.81 7.40 Greene County — {Continued). Little Chucky. . Newmansville. Ones Eheatown Eomeo Timber Eidge. Warrensburgh. White Sulphur. Anthony Eankin . . . John Eush Jesse Hays Isaac M. Pierce James E. Bailey Alexander M. Doak. James M. Eankin . . James H.Euenburgh Grundy County. Altamont (c. h.) Bersheba Springs. . . Cumberland Pelham , E. W. Smith John Armfleld William G. Guinn . . Anderson S. Good- man $9.20 5.86 118.59^ 10.05 16.73: 36.521 2.12 27.95 13.87 3.73 40.21 $5.73 8.86 40.73 5.82 7.69 12.38 24.51 .93 2.37 21.83 Hamilton Connty. Birch Wood Chattanooga Chickamoga Dearing Double Branch Harrison (c. h.) Julian Gap Limestone Loddy Long Savannah Merry Oaks Sail Creek Snow Hill West View Zion Hill Seth J, Walker 5.00 .80 Harvey T. Phillips. . 1057.39 1337.14 Smith Finley 20.11 6.22 Gilbert W. Dearing. 11.92 5.00 Edward S. Card . . . — — Addison P. Hunter . 129.00 81.53 William H. Crowder 14.71 9.33 Jonathan Wood 35.37 18.25 John M. Watson 12.25 6.16 John Anderson 7.70 4.95 Samuel H. Hunter . . 4.78 2.17 Abel A. Pearson 11.77 6.66 Jesse Locke 10.78 7.53 Samuel T. Igon 7.13 1.71 Henry Swisher 14.21 7.20 Hancock Coimty. Alanthus Hill. . Fain’s Stand.. . Mulberry Gap . Sneedsville . Archibald Bales James M Baxter — . John W. Graham. . . 14.93 . Anderson Campbell 50.72 10.00 37.63 Hardeman Connty. Black Oak Grove. . . Bolivar (c. h.) Clover Port Crainsville Grand Junction . . Jenkins’ Depot Matamora Middleburgh New Castle, Piney Grove Salisbury Van Buren Whiteville George Frank Smith 13.43 8.45 Charles H. Dorion.. 230.78 393.23 David Thorn 6.68 4.03 Albert Haynie 11.70 6.00 Francis L. Pledge . . Andrew J. Stricklin. — John H. Eosson 50.06 12.99 Thomas A. Puckett. 47.11 49.12 John J. Polk Alfrcrt Eio-jrs 50.46 11.96 M C. Humphrey.... John E. Mastin 16.57 8.05 James S. Bagley 65.18 83.00 Hardin Connty. Coffee Landing... Eagle Mills Hamburg Ingleside Lowryville Monticello Saltillo Savannah (c. h.), . Smith’s Fork Swallow Bluff. Mrs. Elizabeth Parks Calvin L. Herbert. . . Wash’n G. Campbell John A. Smith Noel F. Cherry Eiley W. Tucker Thomas Davy James Irwin Eobert P. Bailey Lawson Kelly Hawkins County. Bull’s Gap Anthony B. Keele... Lee Valley John H. Pearson Lyons’ Store William Lyons l^Iarble Hall Ijohn D. McFarland. Mill Bend Absalom L. Buram . New Canton Littleton 11. Eogan.. Quarrysville AndrewGalbraith,Sr Eed Bridge James M. Moore RogersviUe (c. h.) .. Anders'nE Edmonds Saint Clair William E. King.. . Van Hill John W. Mays War Gap John W. Phillips.. Yellow Store Cornelius C. Miller. 29.20 6.77 67.33 16.64 31.49 33.00 38.91 151.22 16.26 13.15 8.31 ; 7.80 30.67 28.62' 2.66 38.281 8.00 89.14! 338.15 19.24 8.91 13.29 13.63 12.27 4.82 84.41 8.98 15.00 13.00 27.31 163.90 9.47 5.90 4.84 13.07 10.06 1.80 19.33 5.26 17.71 294.41 14.79 2.74 7.63 4.95 TENNESSEE. 167 Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Right-liand one, net revenue of Office to Department, Haywood County* Brownsville. Cageville — Carolina . . . . Cherryville. . Copan Dancyville. . Lanefleld — Kusk Wesley WoodviUe. . . William McCormick $458.21 $571.73 Isaac M. Johnson.. . 85.48 25.35 Lorenzo T. Heart. . . 9.34 8.55 Hiram A. Partee . . . 33.41 19.50 John Drake 25.00 16.00 George W. Parrott. . 128.03 112.17 Corday B. Eevelle. . 30.11 29.17 Ichabod Herring... 11.53 3.74 William 1. Hicks. . . 48.00 13.47 Hudson J. Hendren. 40.40 15.20 Henderson County. Centre Point Farmville Jack’s Creek Juno Lexington Middle Fork Mifflin Oak Forest Pleasant Exchange. Poplar Spring Eed Mound. Scott’s HiU Shady Hill Spain’s Tobasco ■. Daniel M. McCallum Elisha A. CoUins A. C. McCorkle Brooks Beal Wm. F. Dougherty.. James Mitchell Charles W. Cooper.. William Shackelford John E. Hodge Hugh Lasater James I. Teague Ephraim H. Austin . Eobert J. Dyer Daniel N. White Wiley S. McBride. . . Henry County. Albany Barren Hm Caledonia Chanceford Cheap YaUey Como Conyers ville Cottage Grove Ell Grove Manlyville Mansfield Mount Holyoke Mouth of Sandy New Boston North Fork Paris (c. h.) Sandy Hill John Dillahunty James Walker William M. Maxwell Thomas Poyner James A. Nance Samuel S. Boss Henry P. Barbee John W. Todd Vincent B. Walker.. William C. Manly... Wm. H. Thompson . James Cowan John Cooney, Jr Benjamin T. Bowden William F. England. WiUiam C. Williams John H. Warren 23.33 12.97 67.34 15.06 169.29 11.25 62.66 1.00 9.76 3.34 39.61 15.84 4.25 4.00 3.00 25.13 15.37 53.00 5.00 19.32 31.29 47.73 12.30 28.29 44.89 16.90 8.00 65.84 29.00 405.11 19.71 6.08 26.19 ■ 7.91 157.36 5.15 28.40 1.50 5.75 2.31 21.19 7.62 4.20 2.00 15.82 7.05 33.00 8.00 12.45 19.33 27.59 8.17 16.82 27.81 7.85 3.00 29.94 16.00 379.96 Hickman County. Beaver Dam Springs Bon Aqua Centreville Duck Eiver. , Lick Creek Palestine Pine W ood Pleasantville Totty’s Bend Vernon (c. h.) Whitfield Alexander M. Keller 5.00 1.50 E. W. Anderson 9.22 5.36 Pleas’ntM.Hornbeak 9S.25 25.00 James N. Bigham. . . 24.13 16.23 Horatio C. Primm. . . 13.84 8.04 William H. Harder . 10.51 10.19 Eichard A. Graham. 30.(10 14.13 ■William Whitwell.. . 7.65 5.82 G. W. Martin 9.08 5.56 William P. Phillips. 48.43 25.50 John W. W^alker.... — — Humphreys County Buffalo William Hill Honey Point Turkey Point. . . Wa'cerly (c. h.). Weaw White Oak Thomas T. Stribling. John Edwards Dossey Cowen H. M. Whitfield Samuel Wildridge .. Jackson County. Bennett’s Ferry Buck Point Butler’s Landing Byrne Celina Qlementsville Double Springs Equality Flynn’s Lick Frank’s Branch Wilson T. McColgan Edward M. Casen. . . John E. Hampton. . . Brice Byrne Landon’w. Oglesby. William C. Brocket!. Eobert L. Lindsay.. Elijah H. Matheny. . Hugh H. McClendon Benjamin A. Smith . 14.86 6.85 6.00 2.00 112.71 141.72 12.45 9.17 2.62 1.77 2.46 1.72 6.86 2.81 31.37 15.38 12.41 6.72 19.65 8.57 6.00 4.14 25.53 18.50 Jackson County — {Continued). Gainesboro (c. h.). . . E. C. Kirkpatrick. . . Granville White Myers Hamilton Landing. . Oliver P. Hamilton.. Hio-hlnnd Monterville G. B. Highland Stubblefield Lodi Eichard B. Gass Mayfield William Craig Meigsville Amos Kirkpatrick. . . New Columbus John Y. Minor North Springs Thomas L. Draper. . Pekin Charles F. Burton. . . Eocky Mount Littleton C. Hall White Plains Stephen D. Burton. . Whitley ville William C. Purcell.. $70.91 $67.40 44.48 14.60 2.25 1.25 10.19 6.78 9.73 6.3S 3.00; 1.00 7.55 5.18 5.10 3.14 23.84 14.82 2.14 1.40 28.10 14.68 8.53 3.67 Jefiersou County. Chesnut Hill Chucky Bend Damdridge (c. h.). . . Green Yale Kansas Flat Gap Leadvale Mill Spring Mossy Creek Nebraska New Market Oak Grove Panther Springs Eussellville S’noddyville Strawberry Plains. . . Texanna Trion Tuckahoe John W. Me Andrew William McClister.. 7.37 4.13 William D. Fain — Isaac Alderson 6.27 3.88 John L. Jacobs 2.87 1.75 A SbaddfiTi L. D. Franklin 24.28 13.42 Ben. F. McFarland . 11.52 8.58 John E. Brawner. . . 92.58 23.00 George McFarland. . 2.25 1.37 William Brazelton.. 121.87 87.66 John C. Turnley 8.97 5.03 John C. Tate 31.32 16.04 Erastus L. Andrews. 85.69 17.52 Barnet W. Smith 10.90 7.35 Thomas Stringfield. . 60.11 10.38 Samuel D. Price ... — John Cowan 1.37 .84 Marcus I. Parrott. . . 15.50 8.26 Johnson County. Baker’s Gap Cable’s Valley Cobb’s Creek Little Doe Pandora Shady Shown’s H Eoads. . . Taylorsville (c. h.). . Trade Hiram McBride 8.83 2.92 Henry I. Money .... 1.00 .50 James M. Smith G. TT. SbowTi. — — Abraham Murphy. . . 6.37 4.58 William M. Tipton. . 2.82 2.18 William E. Waugh . — Greene Moore 44.77 45.07 Davis E. Bower 2.89 2.22 Knox County. Academia Ball Camp Beaver Eidge Campbell’s Station. . Church Grove Concord Flint Gap Gallaher’s Gap Creek Knoxville (c. h.) Low’s Ferry Mecklenburgh Eacoon Valley Thorn Grove Yandergriffs Woodbourne Thomas Smith 51.69 15.19 William S. Callaway 7.51 2.99 P. H. Toomy 6.46 1.79 Eobert Eussell 89.45 31.72 John C. Mynatt 12.92 8.11 William Gi Bogle. . . — Charles Smith 10.31 4.57 Eobert W. Hardin. . 2.00 David F. Dearmond 4.63 1.35 Felix W. Earnest. . . 1304.13 1799.81 Samuel D. W. Low . 2.00 2.00 James G. M. Eamsey 9.81 5.27 Henry Graves 8.30 5.29 Benjamin Eoberts.. . 4.00 2.00 Eufus M. Hall 3.38 1.95 William A. Eodgers. 23.22 11.94 Lauderdale County. Cane Bottom Cottage Hill Double Bridges Dry Hill Durhamville Fulton Goldin’s Eidge Leesville Ripley (c. h.) Walnut Post Henry Willard 3.92 2.43 Leonard Dunavant.. 8.75 8.57 Wm. T. Eoundtree.. 26.13 9.81 Ogden Vaulin 11..50 4.82 James H. Borum . . . 101.20 41.61 Josiah M. Alexander 13.25 6.22 James Gillespie 1.75 1.00 Thomas F. Lee 3.14 1.77 Presley T. Glass 80.41 112.15 John D. Lankford . . 3.84 3.25 Lawrence County. Cass ISamuel McBride I 15.151 Hebron j William K. Lindsay. I , 1 10.81 168 POST-OFFICES AND POST-MASTERS Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Right-hatid one, net revenue of Office to Department. Lcmrence CovMty — {Continued). $43.71 $14.13 jMwrf-ncehurg (c. li.) Ferdinand F.Bentley 228.57 181.33 9.75 5.45 Sugar Creek Eobert W. Appleton. 18.16 17.11 Wayland’s Springs.. Amasa Spencer 21.00 14.00 West Point Snowden M. True. . . 19.70 13.07 Lewis County. Nenoburgh (c. h.) . . . [Albert G. Cooper. . . | ! 28.00] 1 11.74 Lincoln County* 30.09 18.68 13.62 7.29 Samuel Talley 17.22 7.65 10.22 6.49 Chesnut Kidge Perry G. Prosser . . . 12.02 8.09 9.19 3.00 Craighead Bennet W. Childs. . . 4.80 5.00 Cyruston James K. Moores. . . 4.64 3.72 Fayetteville (c. h.) . . Charles A. French . . 399.73 323.90 Gas Factory Thomas W. Hayes.. 9.00 5.59 George's Store Benjamin C. George. 12.57 6.20 Gill’s Store 13.00 9.00 Goshen Archibald McKee. . . 23.15 12.70 Kinderhook Jacob Stonebreaker. 9.80 5.59 Lynchburgh Benjamin H. Berry . 63.69 21 52 Marble Hill 17.43 9.69 Millville Curran D. Benson . . 20.45: 12.50 D. C. Hall 17.54 50.00 66.60 .32.05 Norris’ Creek George W. Higgins. 25.53 11.14 Oregon Henry Warren 9.68 8.46 Petersburgh Hugh M. Blake 59.30 27.62 Pleasant Plains Williams W. Pettey. 26.30 10.20 Eobinson’s Store William B. Eobinson 6.41 4.23 Viney Grove • Peter G. McMullen . 9.32 1 70 McMinn County* Athens Francis Boyd 483.41 771.71 Calhoun J. H. Efforts 65.90 17.60 Cantrell’s Eoads. . Baswell P. Cobb 23.82 7.88 Cog Hill William S. Gouldy.. 13.16 4.00 Cook’s Bridge E. A. Eutherford — — Facility James H. Eeagan ... 17.24 4.19 Green’s Store Charles Bogart 7.79 4.77 Jalapa John Thomas 5.37 3.70 Middle Creek Israel C. Smith 9.76 1.87 Alniise Creek .Toltn T.nnc Oxford Daniel 3.00 2.50 Pine Eido-ft A Barb Eiceville Wilford Dodson 59.69 9.72 Eodger’s Creek John H. Pearce MclVairy County* Adamsville William Q. Eogers.. 41.05 24.80 Anderson’s Store. . . . William T. Anderson 28.08 2! 1.00 Gravel Hill Leroy M. Huggins . . 23.43 13.15 Monterey Benjamin Sanders . . 20.86 9.27 Montezuma A. H. McKinnon 49.90 80.13 Morse Creek John A. McAlpin. . . 2.48 1.44 Mud Creek Joseph Anderson . . . 11.25 7.31 Fut'dy (c. h.) William H. Braden . 212.30 205.06 Eidgewny ... Eli H Tisdale 2.00 Eose Creek Win. Carroll Moore. 28.16 16.00 Stantonville Thomas E. Beck 15.02 5.63 Tatcsville Thomas A. Pittman. 15.93 18.79 Macon County* Alton Hill W^ilson Y. Adams. . . 13.55 5.04 Brooks' Tan Yard . . John E. Brooks 3.50 2.81 F.chn Prier W. Carter . . . Eclipse Francis L. Eubank. . 8.12 1.95 Eiilia tfiuTic's T> - 3.05 2.69 La Fayette Peter Dance 63.42 50.45 Meadorville Fleming W.S.auuders 7.86 5.22 Puncheon Camp Powell M. Hall 2.75 2.50 Eed BoilingBprings.lJoel Chitwood i 17.28 9.46 Madison County* Andrew Chapel John W. McElwee. . $25.37 $21.39 Cotton Grove Julian E. Woolfolk.. 55.72 24.61 Denmark John II. Wray 224.47 178.07 Jackfion (c. h.) James Hughes 695.78 705.83 Mason’s Grove Henry B. Wilson. . . . 69.18 37.79 Medon George W.. McGuire. 117.67 89.79 Mount Pinson .Tames T. Byrd 17.80 12.21 Poplar Corner Peter H. Cocks 13;52 3.73 Spring Creek James S. Coates 132.31 107.74 Marion County* Battle Creek George W. Eice 3.25 2.00 Cheeksville .James Griffith 11.92 6.73 Coop’s Creek William Eankin 10.69 5.94 Jasper (c. h.) David Chaudoin 117.26 153.75 Looney’s Creek Daniel I. Eogers 8.97 5.23 Nicojaek George A. Grant . . . 28.18 4.16 Pregmore’s Station. . .Joseph K. Prigmore. — — — Eankiville. Peter F. Eankin .... Punning Water. ... David H. Wells 46.53 8.68 Wallden’s Eidge Edwin Newby 6.73] 3.00 Walnut VaUey James M. Stewart. . . 21.201 10.79 Marshall County* Belfast 1 Eobert Williams 87.35 15.65 Berlin ! James M. Boren 30.33 16.77 Caney Spring 1 John M. Knight 37.08 19.33 Catalpa Grove Eichard Tanner 9.68 6.73 Chapel Hill .John H. Eobinson . . 49.93 13.66 Farmington iSinnett A. Duling. . . 61.65 31.63 Globe Creek iBenj. P. McConnell. 10.00 2.00 l.&wisburgh (c. h.) • James P. Smith . . . 126.00 99.52 Medium ! Washington Hunter. . 7.00 5.00 Mooresville Samuel I. Wadley . . 35.96 14.69 New Hope jJoel A. Morris 14.64 9.25 Spring Place Joseph McBride 6.00 3t00 Maury County* Ashwood Isham Malone 1 98.55 73.59 Bigby ville J ohn W. W itherspoon 47.65 28.93 Columbia (c. h.) Edward F. See ..... 885.90 1155.41 TTnTnpqbirp .Tnftl TiPft.wich 40.38 24.63 Hope Mill Henry I. Bragg 5.00 2.50 Hurt’s M Eoads William S. Hurt 16.81 7.66 Isom’s Store Thomas A. Hill 10.13 5.43 Mount Pleasant Henry A. Miller 1 179.88 64.00 Pleasant Grove John Ballanfant 1 40.46 15.29 Eflllv Hill Duncan McEae 1 14.00 14.21 Santa Fe James Caughron . . . i 35.18; 25.70 Screamersville Matthew M. Morrow 13.75 8.59 Silver Creek Gabriel L. Morton . . 1 8.72 6.65 South Port N. H. Mattliews — — Spring Hill Jeremiah Crafton. . . 209.43 195.47 Union 'William W. Cochran 8.90 5.27 Williamsport Samuel P. Hunt 94.75 25.10 Meig^s County* Decatur William H. Baldwin. 53.31 46.48 Goodfield Abraham Cox, Jr. . . 8.05 4.57 ,\npn XVdlj »3 X' Cll J .....*♦ Kincannon’s Ferry. . Joseph N. Witt 10.62 8.93 Mouth of Hiwassee . Barton Holman 12.00 7.00 Pine Land Pleasant M. Miller.. S.S7 4.42 James Gettvs 17.65 9.03 Ten Mile Stand James B. McCallon. . 81.861 87.42 Monroe County* Ball Play Jackson K. W yley . . 5.86 3.22 Belltown Sam’l M. Henderson 10.05 4.4S Citico Tliomas A. Harrison 4.44 8.00 Austin Frv 9.84 4.62 5.20 3.63 Four Mile Branch... William M. Smith... 22.98 7.23 Hiwassee College. . . G. W. Butler 41.44 3.81 Madisonville Lewis Gohrcn 154.29 889.63 Midway Jesse Cunnynghnm 8.79 5.50 Mount Vernon i Newton I. Spilnian. . 15.65 5.00 Philadelphia iDaniel E. Kennedy. 96.15 28.05 TENNESSEE 169 Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Kight-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Monroe Comity —{Continued). Eockville Sweet Water . Tellico Plains Towee Falls . Gabriel Eagsdale. . . John 0. Vaughn Jonathan Ogden — David E. Hedgecock ITlout^omery County. $18.31 119.29 41.30 1.59 $9.55 10.09 1.18 Asbury Clarksville (c. h.) Daley’s Fredonia Henrietta McAllister’s X Eoads New Providence ... New York Onecho Palmyra Poacher’s Mills Pea Eidge Pleasant Mound . . . Poplar Spring Iron Works Port Eoyal Eichardson’s Einggold Sailor’s Eest Woodford Woodlawn Yellow Creek Fur- John Gold 8.97 3.17 Charles 0. Faxon.. . 1107.18 1559.63 Joseph P. Daley 3.39 2.79 John H. Adkins 31.32 13.32 Eobert T. Gupton . . . — — William C. Batson . . 15.73 9.97 John F. Barnes 105.95 9.51 Joseph I. Bowers. . . 13.20 6.08 James H. Williams.. 9.50 6.96 William P. Laird . . . 52.60 16.85 Peter Peacher 21.91 3.51 James E. Evans 24.20 9.57 Benjamin C. Felts . . 13.00 10.00 John H. Jones 24.54 16.70 William W. Kirby . . 76.34 83.33 B. Fauntleroy 4.33 2.49 John T. Eichardson. 39.90 — Isaac D. West 16.21 6.24 Garland A. Woodson 12.00 8.00 John D. Wood 18.27 5.90 Eobert Steele 5.79 3.71 Crooked Fork Glades Longview Morgan C. H. . Owl Hill Morg^an County. Daniel M. Kelly. . Louis Veney Jesse Adkins John L. Myers John H. Kindred. Sagefleld Ephraim Langley . . . Yellow Creek Hugh Brown 4.72 4.50 3.83 65.08 9.00 Obion County. Bulah Fremont Mason Hall Mount Prospect Silver Top Totten’s Wells Troy (c. h.) Overton County. Fox Spring Jonathan C. Sewell. Hilham Thomas J. Murphey Li/vings^n (c. h.). . . ^Andrew J. Goodbur. John M. Turner John Eose A. M. Garrett Eich^d Poteet EawlingsH. Johnson Quin M. Gardenhire Abram Grimsley James M. Goodbar. . Abraham Gearhart . Perry County. Locust Shade. Mill Creek Monroe Netherland Nettle Carier.. Oak Hill Olympus Walnut Grove. West Fork 10.15[ 12.15! 69.631 18.791 .74 20.80 11.89 5.54 7.33 13.08 12.,31 4.42 Beardstown CedarGroveFurnace Linden Lobelville Wood’s Benton Brush Creek . . Canasauga Copper Mines . Higdon’s Store. Kimsey’s Store. Lonsville Polk County. •John H. Dobson James M. Kerby Hiram Phillips John B. Newbery. . . Abraham McKissack James B. Kimsey. . . Leonidas H. McGin- 3.33 2.75 2.69 44.82 4.00 Daniel Glen 48.50 13.82 James A. White 29.79 18.79 B. Boyett 17.91 10.57 James M. Hunter. . . 1.75 1.18 Appleton Atkinson.. 20.26 16.17 Willis A. Nailling. .. 98.66 31.25 Francis Wylie 120.96 82.00 6.95 7.50 62.27 12.18 .55 10.99 5.43 3.27 4.15 7.82 9.12 2.71 Andrew .J. Bates.... 30.00 18.00 James L. McKeel... — — Isaac N. Hulme 67.43 65.30 William N. Baker . . 6.45 3.08 William C. Porter... 5.89 4.12 125.86 8.85 21.99 240.00 11.43 6.96 162.72 1.60 13.00 239.00 5.29 4.41 Polk Coxmty — {Continued) Ocoa James Sloan Parksville A. C. Parks ^ringtown William Morgan Wetmore Moses W. Wetmore. $11.72; $5.39 9.00 i 1.75 5.79| 3.75 18.43! 6.36 Putnam County Bear Creek lEobert Peek Cookville Curtis Mills Falling Water iJohn Chilcut Riiea County Sandy Mills Smith’s M Eoads . . . Sulphur Springs . . . Washington (c. h.)'. John 0. Thompson. — Franklin C. Moore . . 35.25 Addison C. Day 38.12 Flavius J. Paiiie 74.35 Roano County. Barnardsville Belleville Cross Keys Eagle Furnace Emory Iron Works . Erie Gray’s Hill Hackberry Kingston (c. h.) Lenoir’s Loudon Paw Paw Ford Post Oak Springs. . . Tabor 1 Martin Sharp Welcker’sMill Charles F. Welcker Wood’s Hill James Lackey WrightsviUe I Charles Taliaferro. . . Robertson County. John A. Barnard . . Joseph Kimbrough Samuel Johnson. . . Jesse Lincoln James H. Johnston James E. Eobertson Hamilton Gray Joseph Anderson . . Stephen M. Center. William Lenoir Benjamin F. Davis Edmund Waller . . . Thomas A. Brown. 16.33 18.95 5.17 42.41 7.29 14.04 6.55; 11.00 210..35 74.97 356.53 1.00 66.51 5.33 11.24 20.03 28.00 7.95 22.91 30.12 51.45 10.47 9.25 2.65 30.62 1.24 8.62 3.68 4.00 169.93 10.76 389.91 .50 10.51 2.87 2.29 10.73 17.00 Barren Plain Black Jack Coopertown Cross Plains Hurricane Flat Millersville Mitchellsville Mulloy’s Ked Eiver Sadlersville Springfield (c. h.) . . Thomasville Turnersville Granberry B. Mason 20.06 11.05 William S. Simmons 8.80 4.22 David S. Alsbrook . . 27.11 23.38 William Villines 65.17 68.36 TTfinry TTlnlrlf' George K. Link 4.00 William M. C. Barr. 54.76 23.30 Jacob Warren 29.13 12.74 JohnByrns 9.78 6.11 William E. Sadler . 21.00 14.39 David P. Braden . . . 173.75 116.24 John W. Shaw 16.81 6.38 Eobert H. Alley 49.29 20.59 Carlockville Fosterville Hall’s Hill Independent Hill . . . Jefferson Jordan’s Valley Las Casas La Vergne Middleton Milton Murfreesboro (c. h.) . Eeadyville Smyrna Versailles Rutherford County. Epenetus Oarlock. . . Thomas Edwards. . . T. S. Wright James M.^Layne John Jones Ezra Eeed Eobert W. Martin . . . Lemuel E. Mullins. . Eobert B. McLean. . Franklin W. Eankin Win. Eeuben Butler Thomas T. Peay James H. Simmons . Willis S. Eansom. . . 21.53 47.70 15.73 8.00 48.61 23.38 9.53 86.28 32.83 34.65 722.23 57.00; 83.31! 22.18 17.67 15.49 12.12 7.00 25.35 2.46 4.12 24.18 12.29 19.83 850.29 46.81 15.19 16.07 Scott County, Horse Shoe Bend . . JfmitsviUe (c. h.). . . Clarsboro Pouch Creek John Sandusky — William Baker 7.70 Joshua Cummings. . David Acres 5.17 Sevier County. Boyd’s Creek . . Cannon’s Store Fair Garden. .. Gatliuburgh . . . Thomas C. BraKson. 1.3.91 William H. Cannon. 18.46 John Walker 12.67 Eadford Gatlin — 8.46 4.58 10.90 170 POST-OFFICES AND P 0 S T - M AS T E R S . Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Eight-hand one, net revenue of OfiBce to Department. Sevier County — (^Continued). Henry’s M Eoads. . , Pigeon Forge Sevier C. H Trundle’s M Eoads , Walden’s Creek — Wear’s Cove Elisha C.ates $12.22 William J. Trotter . . 2.10 William C. Murphy. 48.00 W. T. Dowell 8.17 James Camming 2.02 Valentine Mattox. . . 3.19 Ammonia Big Creek Colliersville Cuba Delta Fisherville Germantown Green Bottom Hazel Flat High Hill Memphis (c. h.) Morning Sun Nashville Raleigh (c. h.) Eosstown Sulphur Well Shelby County. Samuel Leake Allen S. Wynne F. M. Eobinson W. G. Eoberts John K. Kerr Wm. G. Lancaster. . William N. Morgan. John Bond Thomas 11. Bass William W. Eochell. William 11. Carroll. . William Wash Samuel E. Anderson Belfleld W. Pryor. . . Cyrus M. Stewart . . . Eichard E. Wortham 13.63 37.91 138.98 23.95 29.43 202.69 39.35 20.10 2000.00 36.40 2129.69 132.01 41.00 15.18 $7.10 1.12 19.00 2.86 1.29 2.18 7.63 11.45 176.92 16.41 18.31 48.15 4.21 6362.83 10.79 6679.61 32.48 19.00 9.07 Bagdad Bairdsville Carthage (c. h.) Chesnut Mound Convenient Dixon’s Springs Gibb’s M Eoads — Goose Creek Gordonsville Smhh County. James H. Young . George C. Flippin John Bridges I. G. Wyatt Warren Nichols .. Wm. S. Alexander Gilbert Gibbs Joseph Johnson . . John Gordon Lancaster i Michael Lancaster Montrose 'Leonidas D. Hogg New Middleton Sterling Ward Peyton’s Creek William Baugh. .. Pleasant Shade Jason E. Sloan . . . Eome William M. Bell . . 19.02 9.03 6.88 1.50 26.13 15.84 65.84 25.92 7.19 3.29 9.64 9.31 13.68 9.45 13.12 9.69 22.14 6.48 20.00 13.00 2.89 1.97 9.60 10.28 92.11 45.24 Stewart County. Big Eock Blue Spring Bowling Green Cumberland Iron Works Dover (c. h.) Hope Indian Mound Lineport Magnolia Mint Springs New Portland Standing Eock Tobacco Port William Stone 3.10 2.29 Willialn 8. Bibb .... 2.50 2.00 Nathan T. Allmon . : 41.56 18.95 Judson Horn 69.07 3.90 James M. Cherry . . . 124.18 72.29 William C. Jones . . . 5.45 4.18 ^John Eichards 33.84 16.97 Thomas B. Brigham. 32.31 15.27 Charles S. Summers. — — James D. Barnes . . . — — Seth T. Andrews 15.82 9.83 Elijah Dawson 12.69 5.18 i Ephraim P. Weaks . 13.24 10.35 Sullivan County. Arcadia BlountsvUle (c. h.). . Bristol Campbell’s Eest Clover Bottom Eden’s Bridge Gott’s M Eoads Hilton’s Holston Valley Kingsport Mill Point Papcrville Thomas Fain 22.43 12.05 .John Powell 186.95 226.67 Joseph E. Anderson. 89.37 22.48 Jonathan M. Crouch 0.90 5.85 William McClelland. 8.80 3.66 -John Shaver 21.98 3.99 Eolaud P. Gott 12.19 7.86 Peter Yoakley, Jr . . 20.95 1.3.25 John E. Delaney . . . 8.00 4.70 Eobert Patton 101.87 96.00 John Harr 4.92 3.S9 Eli Marsh 26.07 14.41 'Leaiulcr M. King. . . 4.75 3.00 1 William Eockhold .. 4.52 2.76 , Alfred Emmert — — Sumner County. Castalian Springs. . . I Alfred E. Wynne ... I Enou College lEdwiu L. Payne | 66.391 18.35 22.031 10.20 Summer County — {Continued). Fountain Head George H. Patterson Gallatin (c. h.) | Thomas Boyers Hanna’s Hartsville Hendersonville , Montgomery . . . Eockhouse SaundersviUe. . . Trammel Tyree Springs . . White Hall Willow Grove . . J. W. McGaughney Eichard Averitt Charles Clendening Francis K. Taylor . Oscar Staley Thomas S. Watson. James A. Nimmo. . Andrew J. Cole — Erasmus D. Fonville William Stovall Tipton County. Bloomington Wm. H. McQuiston Covington Gum Hill Mountain ? Mount Zion Portersville. Eandolph Sharon Edward I. Mariner John Sharp James W. Hall . . . I. E. McCreight . . Eobert McDill Landon B. Y arbro Joseph A. Green. . Union County. 1 . 28.63 165.75 11.78 22.00 78.61 77.53 42.40 $10.35 515.87 97.91 15.66 11.14 11.00 13.29 29.67 7.13 13.20 136.66 7.67 100.17 28.69 25.13 Maynardville (c. h. [Abel Hill .[ 3.421 ijLevi Satterfield •1 1 Tan Buren County Mill’s Branch I John B. Hill Spencer (c. h.) [Daniel F. Wood . . . 2.37 67.81 Warren County. Caney Fork Clearmont Increase Irving College McMinnville Mountain Creek Pine Bluff Eocky Eiver Eough and Eeady . . Trousdale Leonard Adcock . . Allen Youngblood Edward Yager . . . Henry E. Etter . . . Smith J. Walling . Eobert Webb J. W. Miller George W. York. . William. L. Scott . . William E. Akers. 7.97 5.32 19.19 7.38 4.00 3.00 130.98 228.29 308.37 6.10 3.04 1 12.28 7.25 39.15 15.05 21.54 11.99 Washington County. Blue Plum Boon’s Creek Brabson’s Mills Broylesville Buffalo Eidge Cherry Grove Clear Branch Cox’s Store Falls Branch Flag Pond Indian Creek Jonesboro' (c. h.) . . Knob Creek Leesburgh Locust Mount Longmire Swingleville Watauga Bend West’s Store... Ashland Carrollville Clifton Craven’s Mills Cypress Inn Houston Patriot Pleasant Valley . . . Sorby Victory Wa ynesboro vgh (<■• h v John H. Bowman. . . 21.09 9.41 David J. Carr 85.48 17.12 Alexander Brabson. — — Adam M. Broyles. . . 43.40 14.35 John F. Grisham . . . 5.00 2.00 Matthew S. Mahoney 9.81 6.53 John B. Tompkins.. — — Joseph G. Murray . . 15.24 9.75 William S. Crouch. . 53.5n 18.79 Joseph B. Sams — 8.90 2.96 Benjamin F. Brown. 2.06 1.75 George W. Willett . . 352.73 336.93 Alpbpiis T)oyp Samuel B. McAdams 44.4:3 49.04 Thomas C. McAdams 8.07 1.84 Charles Longmire . . 13.30 .92 Benjamin F. Swingle 3.59 2.03 Ebenezer Smith Mathes 48.86 54.62 William E. Ehea . . . 8.97 5.06 Edward West 22.08 2483 rayne County. John C. Johnston . . . 21.42 14.43 William L.Montague 28.31 14.67 Samuel S. Pickets . . 69.52 36.95 Wm. J. Strayhorn . . 7.51 4.05 Brinkley Hopson . . . 3.71 2.61 Jonathan J.Downing 14.64 9.73 24.85 15.84 William Sinclair 10.05 9.14 Abraham Montague. 10.97 8.64 Jesse Downing ... 9.96 8.50 ) Thomas C. Palmer . 160.81 115.41 , Eichard H.Whitaker 15.02 9.8S TEXAS 171 Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Right-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Weakley County. Alma Black Oak Boydsville Dedliam Dresden Dukedom Elm Tree Fleming’s Irvine’s Store . . . Latham’s Mills. . Locust Grove . . . Mount Pelia Old Hickory Pillowville Poland Springs . Winston Alexander Kalston $0.87 $0.62 Edward R. Cook . . . 42.95 23.50 Nelson 0. Under- wood 25.61 16.45 Samuel Q. Anderson 259.50 242.37 Preston Wright 63.41 43.83 Neander Y. Cavitt.. 7.61 4.27 Robert R. Gilbert.. . 6.99 3.46 Samuel Irvine 6.81 4.18 Thomas J. Latham.. 7.00 3.50 Enoch Brock 15.67 8.89 Ephraim P. Knox. .'. 36.73 19.67 D. P. Caldwell 27.02 6.77 Isaac E. Scales 26.18 14.63 Alexander H. Scales — Samuel W. Over- ton 15.80 7.57 White County. Bon Air Springs Cassville Cave Claysville Cumberland Insti- tute Dry Valley Green Tree Newark Eiver Hill Eock Island Solon Sparta (c. h.) William R. Tucker.. 11.04 1.00 John L. Grissom . . . 14.31 8.57 William Anderson.. 12.47 4.19 Martin S. Hopkins.. 17.38 2.51 Curtis McDowell 14.50 8.81 Branton D. Hunter . 9.23 6.09 Zaehariah Anderson 1.00 .62 Rodom Russell 18.67 11.09 Joseph G. Mitchell . . 8.52 5.48 Carter Dillon 22.38 7.00 Willard J. Wads- worth 5.07 2.42 Pinckney P. Trewitt 258.26 144.69 Arrington Barren Bethesda Boston Eagleville Good Spring Jordan’s Store Lake Creek Leiper’s Fork Nolensville Peytonsville Pinckney Eigg’s M Eoads Thompson’s Station. Triune Williamson County. Robert A. Sayers . Wm. 0. Hendricks Thomas Banks . . . Seth Sparkman . . . Chesley Williams. J ames M. Reed . . . William P. Rucker 8. G. Hindman . . . John M. Byers . . . Francis Hawkins . Thomas J. Gray . . Mark M. Andrews Joseph F. Brittain Edward Burch — Samuel M. Copeland $26.63| $22.58 10.00 5.48 J.65! 24.40 6.19 18.51 14.T6 12.00 8.T1 81.57 16.09 5.47 44.82 41.86 87.91 Wilson County. Big Spring Cainsville Cherry Valley Coles’ Ferry Commerce Gladeville Green Hill Huddleston’s Cross Lagado Lebanon (c. h.) Lockport Mount Carmel Round Top Rural Hill Silver Spring Shop Spring Statesville Three Forks Baker W. Harris . . . 34.46 20.44 William P. Harris . . 40.37 22.40 Wilson T. Cartwright 29.55 5.96 Z. W. Frazier 10.12 9.40 Levi D. Smith 14.72 8.44 John M. Bland '3.00 .25 Wm. W. Masterson. 58.39 25.85 John B. Richmond. . 18.78 11.70 Turner Vaughan . . . 26.10 18.30 Tilmon I. Wilkinson 759.20 910.21 Peter B. Vaughn .. . 12.38 10.98 Robert P. Donnell.. 8.72 4.86 Thomas E. West . . . 1 John Logue 38.51 20.30 O T. AfftrHn Thomas Waters 23.57 12.36 Commod’e P. Patton 24.81 15.88 Wilson L. Waters . . 25.14 10.17 TEXAS. inderson County. Barton $ gt Beaver William 1. Hamlett. 30.00 13.85 Bethel Henry W. McMorris 13.70 6.42 Hendersonville Daniel Henderson . . loni William T. Sadler . . 9.06 6.26 Kickapoo John E. Smith 79.43 51.22 Magnolia William A. Hagood. 46.62 26!oO PaleHtine (c. h.) Eli Bailey 826.11 353.22 Plenitude James S. Hanks 49.12 24.46 Roadville Andrew Wilson .... 20.56 12.30 Tennessee Colony . . John Woolverton. . . 19.56 11.54 Angelina County. Angelina Josiah Bradshaw ... 1 Herrington William Herrington 15.44 7.79 Marion (c. h.) | Jacob Davis j 38.37i 1 18.98 ^ Austin County. Bellville i Benjamin Grenville. 77.02 88.39 Cat Spring Edwin N. Clarke ... 30.47 19.78 Hartville Augustus W. Hart.. Industry Ernst Knollft 56.54 84.08 Millheim F. Engelking New Ulm Laurence Miller 48.00 33.00 Rock Island Ramsay B. Hannay. 83.16 23.76 San Felipe (c. h.) . . . Z. W. Matthews . . . 59.62 17.51 Sempronius William Punchard. . 19.89 5.74 : Shelby W. Bernt Witte 30.29 20.90 Travis i John B. Pier 36.61 19.641 Bastrop County. Alum Creek .John T/. Fnstfir $44.00 440.80 27.94 24.00 18.70 13.30 298.76 30.98 $10.42 485.96 8.66 20.50 9.45 5.58 284.01 20.95 Bastrop (c. h.) Cedar Creek Cunningham’s Sand Fly Young’s Settlement. Belton Howard Jena John S. Johnson.. .. William A. Oatman. John C.Cunningham William R. Hobbs . . Oliver H. P. McGin- nis Bell County. W. D. Eastland James A. Graves . . . .John Adams. Salado 1 William Young 14.11 5.19 Bexar County. Fort Clark ... Thomsis Riordfiii Fort Davis Thomas G. Pitcher , Fort Inge Henry Levering 124.89 23!^ Fort Lancaster. . » . . . T). 'TAiciciif^r Post Oak Claiborne Rector . . . 25.96 9.74 Sabinal Thomas B. Hammer San Antonio (c. h.) . Henry L. Eadaz 1258.06 1887.72 Selma Arthur Fo.ster Sutherland Springs. John Sutherland 28.06 6.13 Boirle County. Boston (c. h.) Orlando L. Poole. . . 129.74 133.83 De Kalb John M. Kimball .. . 24.84 11.70 Mill Creek 6J4 8.28 12.80 Moore’s James C. Moore 21.07 21.49 Myrtle Springs John R. Rochelle.... 11.’51 172 POST-OFFICES AND P 0 S T - M A S T E K S . Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Right-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Meridian . Brazoria — Columbia . . . Gulf Prairie . Liverpool . . . Quintanna . . Sandy Point. Bosque County* — [James W. Smith.. Brazoria County* Henry Wilkes William F. Swain . Horace Shattuck . . William M. Scott . . William N. Payne . William M. Brown ■I $ 185.37 15.23 39.58 87.97 28.00 160.50 172.30 8.00 13.38 84.81 15.00 Brazos County* Boomiille (c. h.) [William McIntosh. Millican [Arthur Edwards. . , Burleson County* 27.41 [ 18.21 9.10 6.44 Blue Branch Brazos Bottom . . . Caldwell (c. h.). . . Chance Prairie . . . Lexington Porter’s Prairie . . . Prospect Joseph Jackson 7.00 5.00 Eeuben Wilkinson. . — — Martin K. Snell 183.27 132.59 William W. Dawson 9.02 4.84 John B. Munn 59.70 43.47 William H. Welch. . 2.00 — Jerem’h W. Thomas 21.82 10.88 Bqrnet County* Burnet (c. h.) [Andrew Schoton.. . . Oatmeal George Scott Mormon Mills I John K. Hubbard. . . Caltlwell County* Lockhart (c. h.) lEdw’d Heppenstall. Plumb Creek Wm. E. Johnston. . . Prairie Lea [James A. Glenn .. . . Calhoun County* Indianola [David Lewis Port Lavaca (c, h.). Allan Cameron Saluria [Samuel S. Givens . . 115.991 82.93 14.37 7.81 831.88[ 808.70 35.62 23.94 86.281 23.37 474.191 433.42 491.07 657.86 51.001 25.00 , Cameron County* Brazos Santiago . . . Brownsville (c. h). . Edinburgh Point Isabel Elkin Moses 43.44 1.24 Franklin Cummings 494.46 576.38 Martin Norgrave . . . 17.89 8.15 Joseph Kleiber 123.09 56.66 Cass County* Alley’s Mills [Daniel N. Alley — Cusseta [John A. Heard. .. Douglassville ... Forest Home. . . HaAmna Hickory Hill .... Jefferson (c. h.). Linden Point Monterey . Smithland Unionville James C.G.K. Patton David H. Moores . . Daniel Cole Lewis A. Pattillo . . Wm. D. F. Moore.. John W. Moore Norplilet Gupton . . Francis P. Smith . Henry A. Moore . . . 11.00 7.00 19.00 84.65 13.80 37.29 852.72 77.20 26.97 12.00 86.00 20.00 20.64 7.07 20.34 203.78 49.66 16.20 9.00 17.00 Cherojice County* Alto Box Creek Griffin Jacksonville Knoxville Larissa Linwood Mount Comfort. . Pine Town Rusk (c. h.) Sulphur Springs. Marcus II. Limpins. 69.58 81.16 Jolin A. Box 10.14 6.81 IsaacE.Montgomery — — William McKinney. 124.75 91.50 John W. Gready 21.13 11.72 John E. Newton 122.16 86.70 Thomas Hart 44.66 23.15 William A. Gates. . . — — Green Wallace — — James M. Wiggins. . 809.12 859.87 Henry Ashmore 18.85 15.85 CoSlin County* Highland . ! McKinney {c. h.). Millwood Isaac N. Foster .[ 89.191 John W. Haynes . . . 2-10.50 James Smith .[ 80.831 12.76 296.66 15.46 Collin County — {Continued). Plano Eock Hill Eoseland. Weston. . . Henry H. Holfar Coleman White William H. Herren. Larkin Adamson . . . 180.271 3.00 1 17.23 [ 22.69 Colorado Couutyi Columbus (c. h.) Eagle Lake Frelsburgh San Bernard Skull Creek. John M. Harrison... 99.76 John Thatcher 1.06 Charles Jordt 50.19 Frederick Gaul 5.88 Laurence A. Wash- ton Cooke County. Gainesville (c. h.).. . [Erastus E. Salisbury [Benjamin B. Haney Comal County. $31.14 1.50 11.74 11.59 104.62 .67 40.82 2.75 43.79 [August Staff’d ,| [ Adolphus Benner . . 455.41 385.38 1e. Degener ,1 32.131 15.50 Dallas County* Cedar Hill Dallas (c. h.) Duck Creek Farmer’s Branch . . Locust Shade Palace Hill Pleasant Eun Scyene James L. Berry 46.92 30.07 Thos. F. Crutchfield 316.46 289.63 William M. Lyons.. 2.00 .50 Eobert M. Cook 26.22 15.73 Benjamin J. Hunter — — Alfred M. McBryan. 3.75 2.28 Madison M. Miller . . 101.59 86.32 J. L. Tharp 1 14.54 8.36 Denton County. Alton (c. h.) Glenr Creek .... William M. Eoark. . | ATyers 1 90.94 TiRwisville Theodore J. Dorsett. 1 Christopher C. King James D. Walcott . . Little Elm 8.03 Pilot Point 39.38 4.93 De Witt County* Clinton Concrete Cuero (c. h.) — Hesterville Live Oak Meyersville Pierpont Place Price’s Creek. . Yorktown Brocksville Chambers’ Creek . . Covington Milford Eed Oak Tellico Waxahachie Theron Brownson. . . 74.16 88.20 Joshua P. Kindred. . 34.83 6.90 Daniel B. Friar 68.40 82.58 Eobert H. Hester.. . Wiley Duren 8.28 4.98 Adolph Meyer 6.71 4.31 William Pierpont. . . 45.66 27.95 Bolivar J. Pridgen. . [ 15.44 1.22 John A. King 1 76.68 83.21 Ellis County* Joshua W. Brock. . . James M. Lewis 235.80 225.06 J.ames J. Gathings. . ' 1 William E. Hudson. 25.00 17.00 Eobert H. Goodloe. . 23.98 20.88 Thomas H. McCray. — — Joseph Whitenburg. 137.22 159.68 El Paso County* El Paso (A. C. Hyde San Elisario [Edwin B. La Fayette [ Falls County* Spotswood D.Tucker 42.09 David Barclay 6.00 James M. Wright. . . — Eobert Childers 5.00 William Killebrew. . 106.65 George W. Martin.. 5.74 Alta Springs Blue Eidge Carolina Elm Creek Marlin (c. h.) Prosperity Faiiwn C iinfy* Bonham (c. h.) [Harvey P. Dyer — Honey Grove 'Benjamin S. Walcott Licke ;Edward H. Dodd. . . ! North Sulphur Jlilliard H. Fatheree 1 Warren Jefferson C. Parrish. 254.56 123.80 15.69 44.92 29.96 212.66 72.83 9.18 85.06 15.54 TEXAS 178 Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Right-hand one, net revenue of Oflice to Department. Fayette County. Fayetteville La Grange{c,. h.).. Lyons Plum Grove Bound Top KutersviUe John H. TJjfiFy David G. Gregory . . Norman McKinnon. William Scallorn..., Calvin P. Kankin. . . Nathan M. Wilcox. . Fort Bend County, Big Creek j George B. Pilant . , Hodge’s Bend Arche Hodge Eichmond I David Ferguson. . , Freestone Conntjc Butler Cotton Gin Fairfield Flowerdale Keechil Troy John T. Gill James S. Wills . . . Dunbar Bragg B. T. Patton Henry C. Stagner. John E. Oliver . . . Calveston County. Galveston (c. h ; [John B. Boot. Seven Oaks .* Jonas Butler. . Gillespie County. Goliad County. Charco Fanning’s Defeat. . . Goliad (c. h.) Middletown William P. Hassell. . Ebenezer Sumerlin . Joseph M. Gofle James Kenney Gonzales County. Belmont 'MuhlenburgH.Beaty China Grove I Abe 0. Hamon Gonzales (c. h.) John V. Law Hopkinsville Isaac K. Zumwalt. . . Moulton James W alker Eancho William Longworth Salt Stream James A. Burnett. . . $90.51 $39.72 515.32 525.79 40.77 22.74 24.55 8.53 114.63 64.89 88.70 56.59 13.14 1 8.68 187.95 1 274.59 87.37 17.38 194.82 176.89 13.90 6.91 30.89 18.12 2000.00 12784.32 T.OOl 1 6.00 160.00] 128.00 6.63 3.83 178.37 214.72 49.00 25.56 24.45 10.63 488.94 430.53 18.48 10.85 Grayson County. Basin Springs — Clayton Ferguson’s Ken tucky town. . . Pilot Grove Sherman (c. h.) . . Woodboro’ E. C. Psice 10.87 5.46 John Harding 1.50 1.40 John Ferguson — — Benjamin F. Savage ■ 45.48 18.52 Buford Clements 66.88 40.59 John Brooke 181.30 157.74 Calvin Jackson 88.36 19.55 Grimes County. Anderson (c. h.) Bedi Grimesville Navasota Prairie Plains J. B. Harris Thomas P. Plaster.. ■James Miller ■Jeremiah Lee Daniel Bookman . . . Eetreat John A. Yan Alstyne 39.27 12.54 858.28 16.41 8.00 9.00 43.19 408.08 14.53 4.00 23.69 Gnadaloupe County. Bonito Beguin (c. h.) . . . . Valley Orchard Henry E. Crawford . Edmond C. Anderson Thomas J. Perryman T. H. Duggan 7.71 412.92 29.69 8.57 430.33 6.51 Harris County. Cypress Top Stephen A. Chambers! Harrisburgh Dewitt C. Harris Houseville AlexanderM. Walker Houston (c. h.) . Owen L. Cochran.. , Lynchburgh Alvin P. Tompkins. Bose Hill Christian F. Duer. . . 1 4.-35 2.09 42.18 8.91 1494.84 2122.64 i 85.91; 25.98 57.59, 82.28 Harrison County. Ash Spring.. . . Benton Elysian Fields . Freedom Friendship .... Galatea Glade Spring.. Jonesville Port Caddo Powellton Union Springs. James E. Whitehorn $17.27 $8.10 B. H. Martin 3.00 .62 William H. Watson. 94.04 106.58 Charles B. Dickard. 4.00 2.88 Bobert P. Taylor . . . 11.37 9.72 John G. Eoberts 6.64 4.15 John L. Sherrod 35.51 25.67 A. B. Stone, Jr.. 24.00 19.00 John P. Matt 495.62 685.66 William H. Farley.. 63.30 30.29 William H. Chatham 40.00 13.00 John P. Maddux . . . 2.30 — Hays County. Manchac [John M. Duncan . . . i 1 San Marcos |John S. Owen | 131.941 Henderson County. Athens Brownsborough Buffalo (c. h.) . . . Fincastle Malakoff Hidalgo County. Budyville | Edward Dougherty. Hill County. James J. Gathings. , William M. Nunn . , Fielding Lewis Thomas Johns J. J. Greenwade John W. Crow Covington Crimea Greenwade’s Mills . . Hillsborough (c. h.) , Eobertson White Bock 62.00 34.31 Hopkins County. Black Jack Gr»ve . . Black Oak Bright Star Gold Hill Pleasant Hill Eetina Sulphur Bluff Tarrant (c. h.) White Oak Woodland Houston County. Crockett (c. h.) Naches San Pedro Shady Grove Telegraph Mills Joseph A. Wright... 230.16 James E. Bracken.. 8.58 John Blair 30.98 Alfred L.Kavanaugh — W. W. Peacock — Hunt County. Greemille (c. h.) j William T. Thayer..! 104.34 Hooker 'James Hooker 20.75 ShUoh i Willie J. So Belle. . . | 2.75i Jackson County. Morales De Lavaca. I Abraham Baker I 26.461 Teaeana (c. h.) | William G. Ford 1 149.89| Jasper County. 49.66 Etheldred J. Thomp- son 80.82 89.28 David M. Weir 25.88 15.39 A. M. Cobb 4.87 3.45 Daniel E. McBae. . . 11.33 9.72 James A. Mitcham . . • .OOJ 2.00 36.00 24.21 James Brown 88.01 24.00 David H. Campbell. 2.00 .25 William G. Wells. . . 12.00 8.00 John W. Moore 3.00 1.26 David K. Shrode . . . 17.99 12.24 John Garrett 3.07 2.08 Bobert Har^ove . . . 12.84 7.71 William M. Ewing. . 85.85 63.61 L. A. Tollar 31.84 20.70 John I. Bird 10.00 5.76 91.00 4.34 19.12 13.84 1.58 14.62 156.56 Magnolia Spring. jEandblph C. Doom . 4.00 .3.00 James A. Craige ; 4.29 2.89 William W. Maund. 113.75 72.58 iKenzey L. Walker. . 1 46.62 26.00 Simon Wiess 1 12.26 7.42 JeHcrson County. Beaumont (c. h.). . . . iWilliam P. Herring. | 46.76 Pine Island Bichard West 3.51 Sabine City III. V. C. Edmondson! 62.23 23.22 2.61 28.62 174 POST-OFFICES AND POST-MASTERS Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Eight-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Johnson County. Alvarado Oamanche Peak — Grand View Wardville William Balcli James Plemmons. . . F. L. Kirtley W. H. S. Verstille... Karnes County. Helena. . [John Archer | 25.961 .[Thomas Ruckman..} 68.79[ $36.00 $12.00 12.59 30.58 Kaufman County. College Mound Kaufman (c. h.) Keinp Prairieville Eockwall Trinidad Warsaw Prairie Wiley T. Barns 8.26 5.25 WidiafQ Gibbard 24.42 15.49 John J. Beck 9.91 5.96 Percival Moorhouse. 47.79 25.35 Levi Noble 26.40 17.00 Andrew H. Irbeck. . 9.00 5.00 John H. B. Jones.. . 12.36 6.94 H. K. Valentine 9.00 3.00 Arthur Eenshaw .... 18.22 11.66 Eagle Pass Kinney County. . . |Ludwic Colqhoun. Lamar County. ,| 166.7TI 21.43 Ben Franklin Blossom Prairie Lake Creek Paris (cfh.) Prairie Mount Shockey’s Prairie . . . Mark A. Nidever 14.00 7.00 Lorenzo D. Murphey 18.79 10.58 Zachariah R. Terrell 14.89 11.04 Francis Miles 260.82 267.05 James H. Stevenson. 11.76 7.64 David H. Davis 8.84 5.50 Lavacca County. Antioch Bearden Hallettsville Mustang Oakland Petershurgh (c. h.) . . Sweet Home Riley Tate Kinchen Mayo 13.84 8.45 Coletinus Ballard. . . 143.00 129.00 Louis M. Savoy 3.00 2.00 Amasa Turner 29.66 15.94 W. E. B. Wills 28.25 13.10 Alfred G. Patton.... 14.00 10.42 Leon County. Centreville Kidd’s Mills Leona (c. h.) Look Out Navarro Edward C. Spalding. 196.65 181.23 DuncanC.Carrington n T. TiAtann 77.89 73.56 Alonzo D. Perrin . . . 14.76 ' 6.63 Liberty County. Cedar Bayou Chambersia Grand Cane Johns Liberty (c. h.) ' Swartwout Tarkingtoii’s Prairie West Liberty W. I. Mills 36.29 T. J. Chambers — Hugh M. Farrier 8.29 Amos C, Shelton — 35.77 James Wrigley 104.15 Nathaniel Bailey 41.65 Adolphus Richards.. 2.42 Albert G. Van Pra- delles 17.40 Limestone County. Personville I William T. Person..! Springfield (c. h.). . . Hinton 0. Smith .... Tewockony Springs. ISylvanus 1. Foster..! Matagorda County. Caney I Presley C. Evans ... I Matagorda (c. h.).. . Robert T. Van Slyke Tres Palacios jEdwin A. Heming. . I Madison County. Madisonville [Ledford L. Swindler, j McLennan County. Blue Bluff John H. Bowen. Bold Springs Vlberto Vaughah.. . Gilbert William Jackson Waco Village Itich'd M. Billingsley 15.30 6.26 12.60 69.74 14.29 .69 10.04 200.00 186.58 13.081 6.00 39.131 15.68 282.57 280.00 40.001 16.00 6.24 10.80 382.20 1.53 8.48 854.54 Medina County. CastroviUe (c. h.). . . (John Vance i D’Hanis Hen. Joseph Richarz Quihi [Louis Bohle 1 $90,271 $40.60 11.36 7.55 4.30 1 3.04 Bryant'S Station. Cameron Naslwille (c. h.) Port Sullivan . . . San Anders Willow Springs. Milam County. Jordan P. Arnold. Joseph T. Jeffries. Alex. C. Thomson . L. H. Bollinger . . . David G. Davis. . . Alsey H. Allen 8.62 110.24 12.85 56.80 18.86 8.00 3.11 94.67 4.70 52.98 6.98 1.90 Montgomery County. Danville [John E. George I Montgomery (c, h.). Calvin McCormick. . Shannon’s [Jacob Shannon [ Nacogdoches County. John N. Fall James W. Johnson. William S. Massey . Philip A. S. Hall... Frederick Voigt . . . 137.521 53.36 230.00 113.15 14.38 [ 12.90 Cherino Douglass Linn Flat Melrose Nacogdoches (c. h.). 49.84 71.26 34.46 62.67 441.25 19.31 56.91 17.88 18.15 458.99 Navarro County. Corsicana (c. h.). . . . Dresden Muskete Richland Crossings . Spring HiU Taos Lucious T. Wheeler. 131.67 85.60 Henry S. Crossland. 43.83 18.79 George M. Hogan. . . 36.77 18.58 Asa Chambers 22.89 13.12 Robert H. Matthews. 17.00 9.00 TelemachusW. W ade 40.63 24.88 Biloxi Burkesville. Gotland Newton Salem Newton County. David E. Wingate.. John A. Hall James Herrin Christiana F. Moore. Seth Swift 9.04 49.62 9.93 7.36 16.87 3.42 24.68 6.70 4.15 13.85 Nueces County. (7(?ppws(7A/’t5#£(c.h.)|William J. Moore...( 410.09[ 425.00 Orange County. Duncan’s Woods, Madison [Joseph Bunn .[ 1.75 1 |Rees*e A. Myers . 3.00 2.00 .Id. C. Hewson .1 67.85] 86.30 Panola County. Bethany Carthage (c. h.) Fair Play Grand Bluff. Lineville McMillanls Pulaski Reed’s Settlement. . . Sugar Hill Walnut HiU Wood’s Thomas A. White. . . 69.41 33.73 William M. Thomas. 78.61 75.95 P. H. Hoskins 13.33 9.21 Charles F. Lewis 29.37 23.02 Lewis Midyett 2.74 1.49 William McMillan.. 8.14 5.50 Charlotte Ramsay. . . 8.59 1.84 WiUiam Walton 10.13 5.81 Tyson A. Sullivan. . . 19.00 12.24 William T. English . 6.33 5.29 Theodorick B. Wood 8.75 3.77 Polh County. Cold Spring [James A. Hall Colita Halifax William McCormick Livingston James Andress Moscow ! John W. Leggett . . . Randolphsville lOswin Teagarden. . . Smithfield [John F. Carr 88.26 9.94 8.47 50.44 62.19 11.54 135.25 4.17 4.25 20.59 28.65 7.05 Red River County. ClarTc.SfciUe (c. h.) . . . iFlintham’a Tan Yard iKiomatla James W. Thomas. . I 437.93 ( 464.67 Thomas B. Flintham Travis G. Wright. . . [ 22.5l[ 10.23 TEXAS 176 Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Eight-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Red River County— {Continued^). Maple Springs I William Humphries.! $10.34| — » I- . I 26.26 12.801 Pine Bluffs Benj’n H. Perkinsou Savannah [Thomas F. Titus — 1 $4.81 14.82 7.21 Refugio County* Aransas Copano Lamar Refugio (c. h.). Daniel M. Hastings. 23.24 10.13 Walter Lambert 7.32 1.83 John E. Tally 13.09 10.60 Patrick Shelly 42.00 19.72 Robertson County. Wieeloek (c. h.) [Thomas B. Williams| 161.24] 164.43 Rusk County* Alma Anadarco Belleview Caledonia Centre Cotton Plant Harmony Hill lIender( 23.95 ■ 201.75 1 198.75 16.87 9.57 87.69 • 35.04 27.57 8.97 21.63 1 8.06 25.38 1 14.71 233.55 ' 131.47 82.59 28.64 94.02 22.79 122.30 23,88 44.61 17.58 32.95 7.00 42.69 23.67 7.85 8.62 188.42 106.00 55.00 7.74 76.37 12.38 46.90 18.75 70.15 15.21 87.41 76.92 247.97 121.95 38.26 10.93 25.18 12.29 76.10 80.33 131.43 85.05 326.11 394.62 144.06 48.03 87.48 12.26 186.89 26.65 333.73 267.65 52.44 5.13 95.60 29.30 90.94 171.41 14.76 2.14 12-2.44 43.51 208.33 202.93 179.49 33.43 60.84 9.90 401.28 138.98 97.04 112.58 38.32 11.14 89.16 18.60 333.09 273.69 100.40 20.91 39.59 14.47 29.67 6.59 45.19 18.42 24^35 202.10 46.48 13.63 174.09 165.90 277.37 297.61 142.60 106.15 41.86 20.07 57.73 24.09 30.48 4.57 33.47 11.16 216.44 44.24 139.63 21.52 452.34 510.03 70.17 21.55 91.53 41.53 50.48 24.92 34.89 11.73 54.48 2.91 12.38 10.19 110.43 3.77 12<.35 89.30 21.66 12.38 252.44 251.88 646.98 612.59 826.87 1576.17 VIRGINI.A 179 Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Eight-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. VIRGINIA. Accomack County. Accomack C. H Samuel E. Lilliston . . ■D 11 XT Joshua E. Hum- Belle Haven ^ Chincoteague John W. Corbin ... Gnilford Samuel Andrews . . Horn town John Henderson. . . Locust Mount Nathaniel B. Lecato LocustviUe EmanuelBinswanger Messongo Thomas A. Northam Metompkin John L. Snead Modesttown George W. Widger . New Church William H. Marshall Onancock Samuel I. Carmine.. Pungoteague Walter Raleigh TemperanceviUe William S. Byrd Wagram Irving W. Merrill.. . Wiseville Oliver P. Drummond Albemarle County. BatesviRe Bentivoglio Boyd’s Tavern Brown’s Store Carter’s Bridge Charlottesville (c. h.) Cobham Covesville Earlysville Free Union Garland’s Greenwood Depot . . Howardsville Hydraulic Mills Kesnick Depot Mechum's River MiUington Moreman’s River . . . North Garden Nortonsville Bcottsville ShadweU Stony Point Universityof Y irginia Warren Woodville’s Depot Yancey’s Mills — William H. Walker. Lyman Burnham . . . A. J. Shepherd William W. Brown . William W. Pace . . . W ickliffe Hutchinson John B. Faulkner. . . John A. Hamner . . . Franklin Sampson . . James Way land Nathaniel Garland. . Jas. W. Timberlake. Daniel J. Hartsook. . Nathaniel Burnley . . William M. Smith William P. Jarman . Thomas Ballard Thomas J. Golding . Clifton G. Sutherland Parrot H. Elliott . . John L. Brady Louis Bremond . . . William Beck Wm. Wertenbaker John F. Staples. . . William H. Cosby Samuel M. Powell Alexandria County. Alexandria (c. h.) . . [Turner W. Ashby. . . Glebe Cottage [Abner W. Law Alleghany County. Callaghan’s 1 Joseph T. Steele Clifton Forge (John J. Paxton Covington (,c. h.) i James Burk Cowpasture Bridge . Thomas W.Pleasants Crow’s jEdwin D. Crow Morris Hill Robert C. Noel Mountain House Henry Walker. Red Sweet Springs. . Cesario Bias. . . Rich Patch Stephen Hook . Selma John D. Sadler Amelia County. Amelia C. H. Deatonsville. Dennisville . . Elk Hill Finney Mills Jetersville.. . Lodore Mannboro’. . . William B. Barnes.. John T, Foster, William A. Mileston Benjamin Bridgforth James E. Jeter Edward A. Blanton E. Coleman $115.18 $113.53 50.42 29.69 14.41 8.25 43.58 22.90 24.12 16.48 26.09 15.77 10.31 7.27 19.78 14.63 32.93 1S.S5 13.80 9.87 87.14 59.42 74.56 37.82 15.64 10.70 9.13 4.89 27.31 11.91 55.45 14.37 5.46 3.35- 13.24 5.54 50.26 9.18 1161.09 1489.30 81.43 12.95 29.96 4.49 39.93 23.65 26.13 11.23 28.75 . 14.58 97.98 8.4b 68.81 44.79 11.82 6.90 70.43 12.19 10..33 3.17 17.57 5.10 27.93 14.82 9.40 6.61 275.94 283.26 68.18 19.73 32.58 26.54 805.41 732.97 50.67 16.76 91.15 93.29 23.64 20.54 CO 1 [5694.78 53.93 22.16 84.91 30.86 115.82 165.62 10.00 3.00 10.00 — 28.54 9.43 10.59 7.94 69.47 5.00 8.54 4.54 138.40 82.14 23.14 19.00 11.06 4.53 10.41 4.60 i 15.21 4.47, 63.80 11.811 89.19 5 . 49 ; 29.45 16.11 1 Mat,nfl.x Ulysses T. Jones . . . $ 22.47 Morven James V. Musgrove. Alfred E. Whitworth Painesville 37.41 Rich Woods Page L. Hunter Joseph M. Scott Winterham 27.62 Amelia Cownty — (^Continued). Amherst County. Allen’s Creek Amherst C. H Buffalo Springs Cool Well Elon Galt’s Mills New Glasgow Oronoco Pedlar’s Mills Pryor’s V ale Rose Mills Sandidge’s Stony Fork Temperance Tobacco Row Aiipomattox County. Bent Creek Clover Hill (c. h.) . . Evergreen Nebraska Oakville Spanish Oaks Spout Spring Spring Mills Stone Wall Mills . . . Walker’s Church . . . Woodlawn Augusta County. Barter Brook Burke’s Mills Church ville Cline’s Mills Craigsville Deerfield Fishersville Greenville Hermitage Jenning’s Gap Lebanon White Sul- phur Springs Long Glade Middlebrook Mint Spring Moffatt’s Creek Mossy Creek j Mountain Top j Mount Eutopia j Mount Meridian 1 Mount Sidney ! Mount Solon I New Hope I Parnassus ; Pond Gap I Rockland Mills j Sherando I Starnitan (c. h.) Steele’s Tavern I Stuart’s Draft j Swoope’s Depot . . . . Waynesboro' Thomas W. Shelton Gideon Barber Thomas N. Lindsey I. E. Cline Robert 8. Craig Robert J. Glendy . . John E. Morris Henry Shultz John W. Palmer . . John J. D. Brown . Mrs. Sarah E. Heis kell James A. Clinedinst Robert M. Firth.. . . Alexander Gardner Henry Stewart Jed Hotchkiss Wm. C. Lipscomb . Jacob H. Plecker.. James Craig James E. Ross Henry Blakemore. . Thornton G. Stout. James A. Hamrick. Lorenzo Shaw . . . George W, Roller . Charles T. Palmer. Levi L. Stevenson . Samuel D. Nelson . John P. Wilson . . . James H. Burdett . Abraham Lynn 23.23 24.24 67.74 45.30 21.20 58.46 57.48 102.70 9.91 15.21 8.04 45.95 95.21 24.13 22.41 49.71 74.41 4.70 38.83 128.90 98.83 43.11 27.17 9.95 7.58 1393.15 52.96 249.06 50.61 $ 7.78 18.60 7.45 Alexander Mundy..j 40.79 15.61 James P. Smith 140.80 90.62 Samuel W. F. Myers 20.57 12.65 Charles J. Ryan 4.95 1.14 Jesse Kelly 17.66 8.61 David T. Staples . . . Valerius McGinnis.. 17.27 3.85 63.98 22.18 Edward J. Davis . . . 2.94 2.11 George W. Ray 47.92 17.78 James N. Pryor 3.34 2.11 Samuel Pettit 43.16 10.80 George W. Henley. . 9.59 7.23 Nicholas Hicks 2.60 2.28 Jacob M. Woodson . 26.60 15.73 Thomas Barbour . . . 15.98 13.54 Wilson Hix 46.31 12.80 Samuel Glover 93.21 96.14 Fred’kM.Boatwright 22.18 11.79 Richard H. Mann . . 9.00 — John W. Isbell 15.63 9.07 Wyatt W. Hamner.. 17.13 7.00 John H. Plunkett, Jr. 41.81 13.33 Gabriel S. Fisher. . . — — Robert Isbell 7.13 4.41 Charles J. Fore 23.80 14.12 Robert D. Moore . . . 5.96 5.31 6.00 11.21 31.61 9.64 9.00 19.10 27.29 18.54 5.57 5.24 4.67 9.49 25.55 3.67 9.53 27.19 40.68 2.83 18.62 37.17 40.21 25.53 14.43 4.16 2.71 1956.02 12.72 70.49 18.11 West View 1 James 0. Hobbs . . . Barbour County. Belington [Francis O. Shurtleff. I 1 Bumersville [Morgan H. Burner.. | 17.68| 11.03 180 POST-OFFICES AND POST-MASTERS Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Right-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Barhow CovAiVy — {Continued). Calhoun Glady Creek Hackersville Melon Nestorville . . Overfleld .... Peel Tree PhilUppa (c. h.) . Wm. P. Woodruff .. r$ Jesse Phillips 17.56 Abraham M. Tolbert 6.00 James E. Hall 10.97 George G. Campbell 20.00 John C. Eadcliff 14.35 William McKendree Harrison 8.77 Isaac H. Strickler. . . 94.73 $ 10.76 3.00 6.18 12.47 10.53 6.21 97.83 Bath County. Bath Alum Cleek’s Mills Green V alley Hot Springs Healing Spring Millboro’ Springs . . Miller’s Mill Morris Hill Mountain Grove Sun Eise — ‘Williamsville 1 William H. Bryan.. 159.00 149.62 James P. Wood — 35.76 5.38 Adam G. Cleek 5.57 2.49 James Howell 12.31 2.94 Samuel Goode 61.49 1.52 John P. McDannald — — John U. Dickinson. . 76.45 87.68 James M. Johnston. 5.79 3.18 Eobert C. Noel 28.54 9.43 Eugenia Gatewood. . 8.85 .86 John P. Erwin 2.66 1.76 William J. Weldon . 23.98 13.86 Bedford County, Big Island ' Body Camp 1 Buford’s 1 Bunker Hill Chamblissburg Charlemont Chesnut Fork Dross Eonds James L. Arthur . . . Mrs.Maria Eobertson James L. Oney George W. Sanders, John F. Thaxton . . . John Davis, Jr William P. Tinsly . . Elias James Davis’ Mills Emaus Fancy Grove Forest Depot Goodview Hendrick’s Store . . . Holcomb’s Eock — Ivy Creek Mills Kasey’s Liberty (c. h.) Tiisbon Augustine L. Thur- man iAlex’r Kasey, Jr Elijah C. Cundiff . . . Th'eod’e E. Eeynolds David S. Nininger. . Francis H. Board. . . E. Parker Lane Albert McDaniel . . . Christop’r Musgrove Eeuben Parker John W. Jones Lone Pine Lowry John C. Noell Nelson Lowry Oak Mulge Otter Bridge Peaksville Pierceville [James M. Williams. William L. Bell Addison A. Jones. . . John Goode White Lock Wade’s William A. Leftwick Wm. C. Mitchell.... Belli eley County. Arden | Darkesville i Falling Waters I Gerrardstown | Glengary j Hainesville | Hedgesville j Jones’ Springs | Little Georgetown . . Lightsville Martinfsburgh (c. h.) Mill Creek North Mountain Shanghai Tomahawk Spring.. Van Clevesville E. A. Sommerville . . John Wysong Elenora P. Strode. . . John D. Gordon John D. Barney James Turner Henry Hull John W. Everhart.. Eli Fleming Jonathan Phillipy . . I. Thornton Young James H.Clendening Conrad K. Eobins. . . .John W. Grantham. Stephen Snodgrass. Ilezekiah A. Holmes Bald Knob . . Ballardsville. Big Cole .... Hewittville.. . Pcytona Boouc County. Jasper Workman. . Joseph Barrett Augustus Pack — John H. Avrel Lewis J. Clark 42.60 8.42 67.94 12.00 28.97 30.23 5.00 6.25 13.38 15.35 28.81 82.66 13.89 17.00 11.32 10.59 329.46 45.78 9.26 17.80 43.25 38.85 23.22 24.71 13.99 14.35 47.90 18.95 52.25 4.66 44.85 118.74 11.59 41.60 803.07 49.00 5.00 14.95 86.93 2.74 21.87 2.49 2.28 17.94 23.89 5.57 37.06 7.00 32.74 23.00 3.00 3.00 2.52 7.83 8.61 13.00 4.95 7.48 8.00 8.52 339.47 82.90 5.26 7.51 20.38 26.28 18.91 8.10 7.65 7.76 25.47 10.46 24.15 3.28 11.48 73.91 6.14 12.11 892.51 12.36 8.00 9.19 17.24 2.40 7.30 1.68 1.53 10.14 Botetourt County* Amsterdam Blue Eidge Cloverdale Dagger’s Springs . . Fincastle (c. h.) . . . Flukes Grace Furnace Junction Store Middle Mountain . . Mountain Union . . . Old Hickory Pattonsburg Eoaring Eun Eocky Point Mills . Tinker Knob Waskey’s Mills Achilles A. Woodson Samuel Obenshain. . Hiram Martin Patrick A. Hatcher Lewis Housman, Jr Nathan P. Luck. . . James L. Patton. . . James M. Jones . . . James Scott George Bigler Frederick Griggen- heimer Alphonso Finney . Edward G. Flaherty Harrison B. Eogers John Hammon John Q. A. Kelly . . Braxton County* Birchtown Braxton C. H Buffalo Fork Bulltown Brown’s Mountain . Flat Woods Hacker’s Valley Holly Eiver Middleport Perkin’s Mills Eoek Camp Salt Lick Bridge Samuel Fox Philip Duffy Eobert McCray . James M. Berry. Joseph D. Brown John L. Ehea Jacob P. Conrad Thomas Saulsbury. Ezra B. Clifton Jacob M. Hyer Andrew A. Wilson. Charles E. Singleton Sideling Hill j John W. Arthur Two Lick Eun [Adonijab Harris. . . Brooke County* Bethany Cherry Hill Fowler’s Short Creek Wellsburgh (c. h.) . . A. Campbell George Hooker Thomas Baker Joshua E. Windsor . William De Camps . Brunswick County* Burntville Crichton’s Store — Diamond Grove Edmunds’ Gholsonville Harper’s Home Jonesboro’ Kennedy’s Lawr&ncevUle (c. h.) Lewisville Pleasant Oaks Powellton Smoky Ordinary — Stony Mount Sturgeonville White Plains William E. Davis . . . Eobert H. Turnbull. Eliza Eawlings Nicholas S.Edmunds Nichol’s W.Eawlings Abram V. Wills. . . Eobert B. Jones . Isham H. Trotter . Eobert Kirkland . . James H. Moore. . Isaac E. Walton Jefferson II. Powell George E. Mallory George Stone William Loveland . John S. Harris Bockingham County. Austin [Charles E. Shepherd Eobert Shaw William E. Sanders Charles S. Saunders Albert Baldwin . . John J. Newton . Eichard S. Gray . John C. Fitz .... William C. Word Beverly A. Brown Mount Vinco | Samuel M. Spencer New Canton JeffersonS.Eobertson Charles D.McKinney John E. Spencer John S. Nicholas Buckingham C. H . . Buckingham Mine. Chambers’ Mills . . . Curdsville Diana Mills Gary’s Store Glenmore Gold Hill Gravel Hill New Store Staunton’s Precinct . Virginia Mills Cabell County* Bloomingdale I Wm. F. DusenburJ^ I CabeU C. H WUliam C. MUler . . . | $44.89 $8.35 32.33 8.96 27.57 5.82 29.68 8.05 323.52 339.00 18.36 10.06 40.17 17.62 2.85 1.25 a3.85 22.76 366.20 825.09 8.72 2.16 11.48 5.26 8.07 .17 15.12 11.24 59.27 44.76 4.28 1.75 7.61 3.67 1.13 .71 1.17 .84 .26 .25 11.29 6.41 359.98 381.36 9.67 4.00 19.72 12.20 23.95 12.44 857.75 308.16 16.86 8.47 10.53 8.04 17.90 3.89 16.(i0 11.50 21.59 10.23 9.15 6.S5 8.75 4.13 39.09 13.93 143.10 172.97 20.31 6.27 3.40 2.55 13.88 8.S8 31.19 8.62 41.91 10.96 24.71 7.81 35.15 18.11 174.85 321.76 39.00 15.21 18.38 21.96 74.26 15.33 17.73 9.80 15.28 9.12 25.06 11.36 127.32 — 18.20 7.82 61.03 21.09 39.41 18.61 1.87 1.36 21.99 11.09 120.64 122.95 VIRGINIA 181 Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Ri^ht-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. CabeU Coxmtu— {Continued). Falls Mill Green Bottom Guyandotte Hamlin Mud Mud Bridge Paw Paw Bottom . Ten Mile Thorndike EnochD.Blankenslip Thomas E. Hannant Lewis Sedinger James C. Black Thomas Koberts John M. Rece James McComas James M. Drake Edmimd B. Malcolm $10.36 9.24 163.2S 10.26 2.00 4.88 $6.51 6.81 159.27 7.40 .87 1.56 23.131 9.45 Campbell Couuly. Amoldton , Charles A. Douglass. 17.72 8.42 Brook Neal 'Samuel S. Whitlow . 39.80 19.05 Campbell C. H [Edward Hunt 85.10 88.76 Castle Craig !Wm. H. Hazlewood. 28.92 9.67 Concord Depot . . Thomas L. Arrington 15.00 1.75 Dinwiddie’s Tan ^ Dinwiddle • — — Fredonia Mills Thomas C. Coleman. Green Hill John Pannill 29.47 : 11.88 Hat Creek Pleasant C. Howard. 111.68 1 13.12 Leesville Abner Anthony, Jr . 43.04 55.76 Lynchburgh Robert H. Glass 1806.09 4110.84 Marysville John H. Swinney. . . 34.91 26.00 Morris Church Anders’nM. Jennings 10.25 6.00 Mount Athos Milron W. Foster.. . — — Mount Zion Lewis Page 12.20 8.92 New London Edward C. Echols . . 62.61 20.90 Nowlin’s Store. elames B. Nowlin . . . — Pigeon Run Edward B. Herndon 160.10 51.80 Yellow Branch [William S. Wade . . . 23.00 11.00 Caroline County. Athens John Wright 1 BoiolingGrem (c.h.) Robert S. Wright . . . 190.62 183.26 Central Point Philip C. Samuell. . . 24.06 ll.&l Crafton James F. Campbell. 1 ^ — Flippo’s Littleton Flippo 23.95 16.22 Golansville Wm. W. Dickinson. 23.84 13.77 Guinev’s William F. Catlett . . 65.76 16.00 Milford Charles W. Blanton . 23.55 .35 Port Royal Ezra Bauder 197.06 155.33 Raymoth Henry Y. Reamey . . Ruther Glen Levi Stern. 75.05 18.70 Sparta Robert S. Broaddus. 41.29 24.55 Turner’s Store Robert M. Wright . . 16.83 7.49 White Chimneys — Ewell Brannan 17.17 7.59 Carroll County. Cranberry Plains . . . John Early. 23.35 Dug Spur William Dalton 6.77 4.07 Gladesborough John H. HietseU 3.82 .88 Hillsville Churehel F. Worrell 141.36 140.96 Laurel Fork Hiram Bolt 3.17 2.17 Level’s Creek Anthony Lewis Piper’s Gap William Hanks, Jr. . 5.48 3.45 Charles City County. Apperson’s James P. Apperson. 35.98 13.40 Charles City C. H . . . John J. Fear 64.00 16.00 Pocahontas Mills . . . Richard S. Rowland. — Swinevards George F. Baker . . . 58.26 11.52 Waddill’s Store Christian Waddill. . . 9.51 7.07 Charlotte County. Aspen W^all James R. Hill 41.00 23.48 Charlotte C. H Alfred A. Wilbon.. . 245.37 836.00 County Line Roads Newton B. — — Cub Creek Robert W. Cronin . . 54.99 10.96 Drake’s Branch Stephen Bedford, Jr. 69.28 — Dupree’s Old Store. . Thomas I. Morriss . . 12.45 4.57 Harvey’s Store William T. Pugh . . . 16.63 8.16 Keysville Henry S. Davenport. 124.75 27.50 Mossing Ford Isaac Overbey 78.77 41.27 Red ' Charles W. Hunter . 27.28 23.72 Red Oak Grove Albert G. Jeffress. . . 38.23 13.14 Roanoke Bridge Samuel D. Morton . . 19.75 11.03 Rough Creek Andrew Bailey, Jr. . 22.33: 11.42 Talcott William T. Gilliam.. So.ool — WyUiesburgh LudweU T. Barnes . . , 41.75, 19.00 Chesterfield County. Blackheth — iJohn Robinson Bermuda Hundred.. William F. Bishop . , Hallsboro’ Manchester Midlothian Proctor’s Creek. Skinquarter Winterpock William A. Marlin Albin G. Saunders . . James Morrissett . . . Patrick A. Chalkley. Silas S. Goode William E. Crostick. $79.60 $22.93 52.22 101.65 60.00 50.93 26.37 66.66 Clarke County. Berryville Berry’s Ferry Castleman’s Ferry.. Millwood Wadesville Christian Bowser . . . 325.27 John L. Lindsey 6.00 Erasmus P. Williams 34.73 Mrs. Mary B. Little. 188.49 John H. P. Stone . . . 42.36 IGreenburyW Weaver 97.66 Craig County. Craig’s Creek Level Green Midway New ( asUe (c. h.) . . Simmonsville Sinking Creek . . . , George H. Walker. . 18.57 William Thomas . . . 5.22 John W. Peek 10.34 Thomas J. Wharton. 52.03 Daniel Huffman . . . 6.22 Oscar Wiley 10.99 15.53 69.86 12.00 22.47 18.93 29.21 336.00 2.50 12.52 128.65 1.00 51.92 12.09 3.86 4.37 52.44 5.83 4.87 Culpeper County. Boston Brandy Station Castleton Culpeper C. H . , Eldorado Grifflnsburgh . . , Homeland Jeffersonton. . . . Kellysville Charles Smith John A. Stone Albert G. Corbin . . , Edward B. Hill John T. Jones John Conner Strother H. Shaw . . , Denis McDermott . , Granville J. Kelly . , Mitchell’s Station . . . John Wharton Rapid Ann Station. . .William S. Peyton Kichardsvme Rixeyville Charles W. Rixey . Shepherd’s Grove. . . Travis Shepard . . . Stevensburgh John I. Rickard . . Waylandsburgh John W. Way land.. Ciunberland County. Edward W. Sims . . Ca Ira Cartersville Cumberland C. H Oak Forest Royal Oaks Stony Point Mills Starry Creek Abram Oberndorfer Zachariah Talley . . . John C. Taylor. . John R. Palmore William Menifee . Dinwiddle County. Bothwick Darvill’s Dinwiddle C. H Ford’s Depot . . . Goodwynsville . Mulberry Inn . . . Petersburgh Ritchieville Sutherland Wilson’s Depot ’Charles H. Wilson Wyoming George B. Gibson Doddridge County. Berthier Bott Isaac S. Keeler . . . Frederick A. Ford Marvin R. Griswold. Henry W. Jones . . . William N. Friend. . Thomas F. Scott . . . Winston Sutherland. Buckeye Run . . . Cold Water Greenbrier Run. ! Greenwood McElroy New Milton Mark Davis Philip S. Cox William F.Randolph Charles G. Ogden. . . Michael Lynn Jepthah F.Randolph Jacob Mason Pear Grove . . . Went Union (c. h.).. .George Kinney. . 13.59, 7.53 . 112.09 7.15 . 10.11 ! 4.00 , 424.23 574.73 . 13.85! 6.16 . 20.00 '1 14.20 ! 45.56' 5.38 17.41 7.74 55.61 13.86 t 17.01 1 5.43 1 62.47 i 24.38 , 100.83! ■ 11.60 6.24 18.66 3.42 9.95 2.92 76.32 1 29.14 13.30 1 5.14 32.95 7.19 L 141.97 34.58 70.65 59.13 56.99 22.06 12.61 5.84 52.55 29.34 3.00 2.00 41.87 6.93 65.94 17.46 1.75 .50 1478.02 6762.79 .75 .59 21.71' 7.10 80.771 5.08 61.25 14.43 5.68 4.40 3.0(1 2.00 8.91 6.82 63.23 42.34 8.13 6.67 7.6' 1 5.54 175.33 95.27 182 POST-OFFICES AND P 0 S T - M A S T E R S . Left-hand column shows compensation of fustmaster. Kight-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Elizabeth City County. Ilam/pion (c. h.) I 'William Massenburgl Old Point Comfort . . John B. Maher $377.4T' $306.22 352.171 207.S4 Essex County. Dunnsville Lloyds Loretto Miller’s Tavern Montague Mount Landing Qccupacia . . TappaJianock (c. h.) George W. Dillard . . 34.94 17.44 Eichard Saunders . . 37.27 23.21 Bevin D. Pitts 90.19 82.81 John Saunders 60.21 34.35 John 0. Brown 54.241 45.44 Thomas I. Hundley. 28.37 16.75 Joseph J. Gouldman 19.37 3.95 Eobert L. Pendleton 37.70 18.85 William A. Muse . . . 164.21 179.18 Floyd County, Fairfax County. Accatink Anandale Burke’s Station Centreville Chantilly Dranesville Dye’s Mill Fairfax 0. H Fairfax Station Falls Church . . ... Langley Mount Pierce Peach Grove Pleasant Valley — Prospect Hill Eepublican Mills . . . Sangster’s Station . . . Spring Vale TheologicalSeminary George J. Haines . . . William C. Garges.. Jesse Hinds Betty D. Grigsby . . . John S. Boss John Kowzee James S. Buckley. . . Eobert Allison JonathanKichardson Simon J. Groot William Means John H. tJurquhart. William Tyson James L. Cross Mark C. Jones John Powell Thomas W. Payne . . Joshua Loomis William Sparrow . . . 47.85 1 26.75 36.79 26.22 63.00 42.14 55.00 262.26 22.59 74.79 80.76 12.88 26.69 25.91 31.51 14.91 16.23 18.90 230.54; Fauquier County. Auburn Bealeton Bristersburg Broad Enn Station . Catlett Clift Mills ......... Elk Eun Foxville Fremont Leeds Manor Markham Station . . Millview Moreland Morrisville New Baltimore New Brighton Orlean Paris Piedmont Station . . . Pine View Eectortown Station . Saint Stephen Salem Fauquier Somerville The Plains Upperville Warrenton (c. h.) . . . Warrenton Springs . Waterloo. Weaversville Wheatley Clifly Cotton Hill FayettemUle (c. h.) . . Gauley Bridge Kanhawa Falls Lane Mountain Cove Perdu .... Pleasant Hill Eocky Hill Stephen McCormick. 11.69 Julius Bear 62.06 Joseph D. Tulloss . . 16.63 Sampson B. Bagley. 30.00 James M. Peters. . . . 43.57 John Gaskins 6.53 Harvey B. Ealls 13.86 Charles P. Chilton.. 9.16 Henry Williams .... — John S. Payne 3.79 Benj aminT. Bradford 137.89 Thomas Johnson 68.89 James T. Turner . . . 3.19 Benjamin W. Allen. 13.48 Fred’k W.S. Grayson 22.71 Silas H. Newhouse. . 6.23 Jacob P. Weaver . . . 27.96 Abner H. Settle 62.22 Samuel T. Ashley. . . 151.40 Wm. T. Crittenden.. 14.71 John H. Storer 53.51 Newton Laws 9.11 Thomas Allen 141.27 John H. Ensor 16.28 Augustine Jennings. 109.72 Lemuel Hutchison . . 280.38 Alexand’rll.Spilman 574.12 Alexander Baker... 22.00 James W. James ... 44.50 Joseph Bear 26.32 W alter Buchanan . . 7.77 ayctte County. William S. McVoy. . 3.00 Thomas 8. Eobson.. 8.46 John J. Stiles 51.69 James H. Miller 15.35 Samuel H. Carrick. . — 20.82 Clement Vaughn — 88.88 John A. Totten — Gerard M. Blumo. . . 21.24 Alexander Anderson 4.38 20.00 10.41 30.78 17.44 27.53 197.78 1.14 42.81 14.23 6.11 9.96 13.27 13.13 8.27 7.94 8.83 198.00 4.39 7.85 8.31 3.00 12.00 1.76 11.15 8.21 1.78 9.75 8.85 2.66 7.61 7.11 3.45 8.58 31.88 42.75 8.97 18.97 5.59 79.85 8.36 16.93 184.20 775.98 4.00 15.50 14.63 4.84 2.00 54.10 18.80 7.95 8.87 11.00 8.86 Cannaday Gap Copper Hill Floyd C. H Greasy Creek Indian Valley Little Eiver Simpson’s West Fork Furnace. Willis Eidge Edgar M. Jett $2.88 Samuel Griggs 3.00 Thomas G. Shelor . . 137.71 William Slusher .... 3.37 Eobert W. Phillip. . . 11.71 E. T. Anderson 9.43 David Hall 13.30 Eobert L. Toneray.. 8.57 Jacob S. Harman. .. 5.43 $1.95 1.75 120.45 2.20 5.15 5.53 8.30 3.24 1.90 Central Plains . . Chapel Hill Columbia Fork Union Glenarvon La Fayette Hill Pahnyra (c. h.). Seven Islands . . Union Mills Wilmington .... Fluvanna County* Jefferson E. Noel ... William N. Perkins. Joseph Hodgson George H. Snead . . . Cornelius P. Snead . William G. Wood .. John L. Scott Samuel S. Bugg James E. Campbell. Eich’dOmohundrOjJr Franklin County. Bonbrook . . . Boone’s Mill. Cooper’s Dickinson’s . Gill’s Creek Glade Hill Gogginsville Hale’s Ford Long Branch Lynnville Mills Nafifs’ Penhook Pig Eiver Prillaman’s Eetreat Rocky Mount (c. h.). Eosevale Shady Grove Snow Creek Sontag Starry Creek Sydnorsville [Kemmuel C. Gilbert. Taylor’s Store i John H. Booth Union Hill jJohn W. Draper Villa Jefferson Chitwood . Stephen Showalter Jefferson Wade. . . Eobert Wright .. . Washington Dickin- son Solomon Pasley . . William Pannill . . John D. Horn Asa Holland Stephenll.Cannaday-' Lewis Wysong '. Jacob Naffs Edward C. Murphy. Lewis Jones Ealeigh W. Dyer . . . L. H. TurnbuU John D. Noble Allen Woody Philemon Smith Jesse H. McGhee. . . William H. Dent . . . Samuel Fishburn . . . 2-3.79 16.12 133.72 149.65 . 58.63 24.38 5.19 2.33 16.24 11.18 106.40 102.47 44.8" 9.49 51.-56 26.36 39.71 21.95 17.36 12.53 23.02 10.64 5.94 3.2S 18.31, 11.59 8.00 4.18 19.17 11.74 37.00 21.82 18.45 9.39 14.6S 10.14 4.50 8.00 11.00 5.53 6.00 4.00 9.58 7.80 22.84 15.36 107.91 72.84 23.44 15.20 17.73 12.15 3.50 2.50 8.00 2.00 12.24 8.66 24.44 12.43 81.08 21.02 3.001 2.00 Frederick County. Ashton’s Mills Back Creek Valley . Brucetown Cedar Creek Gainesboro’ Gravel Spring High View Middletown Mountain Falls Mount Vernon Tan- nery New'ton Stephensb’g Stephenson’s Depot. White Hall Winckester (,c. h.) . . John Shockey 5.75 8.99 Eobert Lockhart — 30.24 12.76 William Timberlake. 28.52 15.09 George W. AUen . . . 17.11 9.27 Jacob Hutsler 28.03 14.30 Daniel M. Hart 1.91 1.36 James Garvin 11.51 7.54 Jacob S. Danner 87.56 27.41 James A. Eussell . . . 24.17 12.13 Lewis V. Shearer . . . 4.06 8.04 John Allemong 177.85 143.73 John Stephenson . . . 9(‘.19 19.22 James H. Griffith . . . 40.00 19.64 George B. Graves . . . 1484.24 1922.78 €iles County. Bell Point Kimberlin Macksburg MechanicsBurgh . New'port North View Pearisburg Pembroke Poplar Hill White Gate James Adair Hiram Neel John Porterfield — John AVilliaras WilliamL.Porterfield Charles Hale Henry G. Dennis . . . Samuel E. Lybrook. Thomas G. Shannon William H. Bane . . . 7.S4 5.78 8.77, 28.82 48.82 103.77 18.39' 19.20' 6.23 i 5.40 8.72 2.58 17.22 30.96 77.74 10.00 6.52 4.30 VIRGINIA. 183 Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Right-hand one, net revenue of OfKce to Department. £ilmer County. Peregrine Hays. , PLobert Bennett . . Oliver P. Cox . . . William L. Stalnakeri Stephen L. Euddell Asa Andrews J. Emmet Norman. William P. Haverty Jacob M. Stump . . . Stout’s Mills 'James F. Carder. . . Townsend Afills John B. Townsend. Arnoldsburgh Big Bend Cox’s Mills ... De Kalb Glenville Henrie’s Fork Normantown . Pine Creek Steer Creek . . Gloucester County. Glenn’s Gloncester G. H — Hayes’ Store Hickory Fork New Upton Wood’s M Eoads . . . William Masson Thomas B. Taliaferro Thomas H. Hughes. William V. Heywood Edward Sears William Chapman.. Goochland County. Beaver Dam Caledonia Coal Hill Dover Mills Fife’s Goochland C. H Hadensville Eobert B. Haden . Johnson’s Springs . . iWilliam S. Crouch Loch Lomond ! William Fontaine Perkinsville Thomas J. Perkins Poweli’s Tavern S. S. Duval Shannon Hill William H. Goode Nat. M. Lewis William H. Parrish William A. Deitrick William G. Ellis. . Jane Poore John S. Swift Grayson County. Big Meadow Bridle Creek Elk Creek Grayson C. H Jnde 2 )endence (c. h.) Meadow Creek Mouth of Wilson. John C. Greear. John K. Ballard Oswell Jones James Waugh. . Jacob Grubb . . . Joel Kirby Charles Cole .... Point Hope j Weldon Edwards. . . ^ring Valley | Archibald M. Young White Top I Joshua Weaver Greenbrier County. Anthony’s Creek . . . IWilliam Edgers Big Clear Creek Andrew H. McClung Blue Sulphur Springs Jacob H. Argabrite. Bunger’s Mill Wallace Eobinson . . Clintomille ! Alexander S. Skaggs Falling Spring William K. Brown. . Frankford John A. Arbuckle . . Lev^Usburgh (c. h.). . jSamuel S. Smith Little Sewell 'Eobert A. Vincent. . Marshallsville Henry Hedrick Meadow Bluff Thomas A. Henning Maysville Thomas M.McClintic Palestine 'Charles E. Hines . . . Eucker’s Eepose IWilliam J. Hefner . . Second Creek John Burdett. ... WhiteSulphurSpr’gs James Crow Greene County. Dawsonville McMullen’s Mill Euckersville StanardsviJle (c. h.). Swift Eun John G. Herndon . Neal McMullen Elisha I. Williams. George W. Price . . St. Clair T. Deane Greenville County. HieJoiford (c. h.) — |Z. K. D. Turner Poplar Mount jEverard M. Field. . . Eyland’s Depot j Benjamin D. Tillar . n « 1 4.79 2.67 4.44 1.23 5.SS 4.38 69.98 45.00 2.00 ■ 1.13 8.95 6.14 7.99 3.84 146.92 191.72 88.00 20.39 53.60 7.40 12.07 7.35 8.67 3.92 87.11 19.51 8.49 5.93 20.34 14.15 59.18 18.42 29.79 16.00 76.51 69.32 30.20 13.00 12.82 8.81 32.21 .62 24.43 9.50 15.62 11.19 6.66 4.28 6.45 4.71 7.53 4.61 20.02 10.48 47.85 44.55 40.34 20.37 14.98 5.19 3.96 1.43 1.16 .89 14.69 8.91 5.34 2.09 41.56 13.76 6.76 19.51 4.04 16.48 9.30 34.75 12.34 348.34 496.78 3.21 .99 36.15 6.41 20.00 12.00 24.68 13.73 2.93 1.80 12.14 5.99 413.72 251.92 8.18 4.45 3.12 1.25 21.44 13.93 89.76 36.73 1.75 1.00 21 0.38 j 1 184.21 34.20 1S.85 46.001 19.00 Halifax County. Mayo Meadville Mount Carmel . . New^s Ferry Omega Providence Eepublican Grove . . Eogersville Scottsburgh South Boston Depot. Whitesvnie Whitlock j Daniel B. Easle^ . . . $17.00 John M. Owen 55.64 'Alexander Watkins. 26.61 William Easly 45.81 William T. Ballow. . 68.94 Isaac Adkisson 56.88 James S. Easley 329.25 Nicholas L. Wade . . 13.24 Eobert L. Eagland . . 17.33 iCamillus V. Lanier. . . 17.85 Eobert E Owen 4.58 Jeremiah White 62.40 Nathaniel T. Watkins 17.19 Clement M. Adkisson 28.00 Lewis W. Turbiville. — Charles W. Edwards 11.09 Adaline McAdams. 22.13 Lafayette Jennings . 25.27 John S. Eogers 5.09 George W. Tuck 50.63 Edwin B. Jeffress . . . — Eobert W. Bradshaw 20.65 Claiborne W. Barks- dale Ham{)siiire County. Bloomery Burlington Capon Bridge Capon Springs Dillon’s Eun Forks of Potomac . . Frankfort Green Spring Eun. . Hanging Eock Higginsville Hook’s Mills New Creek North Eiver Meet- inghouse North Eiver Mills . . . Okonoko Patterson’s Depot. . . Piedmont Pleasant Dale Purgitsville Eidgeville Romney (c. h.) Sheetz Mill Smith’s Gap Springfield Wind Lea Hancock County. Fairview (c. h.) Freeman’s Landing. Holliday’s Cove New Cumberland . . John Wilson 86.08 James H. Gibson . . . 41.95 Samuel Eoberts 78.28 Thomas Brandon . . . 76.35 Ashland Beaver Dam Depot. Chickahomeny Etna Hanover C. H Junction Montpelier Morris Negro Foot Old Church Eockville Spring Level Taylorsville Verdon Hanover County. John L. Thompson Lancelot Philips. . . William Chiles Lucius H. Minor. . . Philip H. Winston. Wm. C. Walstrum. George W. Doswell James L. Swift Charles Vest Lewis Johnson Walter C. Shelton . William G. Maddox William D. Taylor. John T. Anderson. 11.23 William SommerviUe 29.63 13.49 John S. Wilson 23.74 12.07 Evan P. Cooper 43.62 17.31 Samuel M. Mullin . . 76.57 .92 Isaiah Lupton 3.90 2.59 Newton B. Guthrie . 30.71 15.26 Lemuel F. Moore . . . 22.00 9.37 W. Montgomery 38.82 21.44 Mary C. Blue 17.41 5.65 Harriet Milleson 10.99 5.70 Evan P. Ward 5.00 ' 3.00 Thomas Crawford . . 12.20 2.82 IWilliam Horsman .. 6.66 2.43 John B. Miller 25.04 17.83 Hiram Michael 13.53 6.87 Daniel D. Keller 27.71 9.88 Mortimer C. Totten . — — James W. Albin 16.02 8.81 Granville Purgit 25.38 5.63 Henry Trout 30.13 14.97 Samuel E. Smith 313.00 233.00 Henry Hend 22.51 12.83 John W. Eichard. . . 9.22 4.60 Henry K. Hoffman . 73.00 37.00 Norman C. Smoot . . ' — 4U 37.11 20.25 31.23 73.24 20.56 43.54 53.65 18.00 19.51 10.49 12.17 11.62 9.19 33.63 15.35 22.64' 10.34 99.82 89.55 15.60, 8.19' 109.901 48.151 5.00 4.92 .56 9.26 Baker’s Eun. . Barbeetown . . Fabius | Abner Bean Hardy County. . I Samuel L. Boone. . . S. W. Bradley 9.601 6.38 4.63 2.58 8.891 6.26 184 POST-OFFICES AND POST-MASTERS. Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Kight-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. Hardy County— {Continued^, Greenland Howard’s Lick . . . Inkermann Laurellon Lost River Luney’s Creek .... Moorejield (c. h.). Seymoursville Wardeusville Williamsport Samuel W. Davis. . . $19.26 $12.97 •TnVin ATfitliifiQ William H. Davidson 1 1 Lewis C. Barbee — — Samuel Harper 15.00 9.18 Joseph S. Barbee. . . 63.21 80.44 Robert W. Gilkerson i 250.91 231.63 George Berry 81.20 43.68 George W. Snider. . 54.55 18.56 Lewis Vandiver | 14.43i 8.65 Barrisoia County. Bridgeport ('lark'Hhurgh (c. h.). Grass Land Hessville Kincheloe Limestone Station . . Lost Creek Lumberport New Salem Quiet Dell Eomine’s Mills Shinnston West Milford Susan Carpenter 141.261 79.79 Benjamin S. Griffin. 471.79 514.77 Andrew D. Coplin . . 8.38 4.95 James Hawker .Tr»Al Wpatfnll — — J. D. Wilson 18.00 6.00 Levi Boyd, Jr 13.73 9.31 J. W. Bo^gess Madis’nW.Randolph 34.37 13.47 70.39 40.43 Isaac W. Carper . . . 15.00 9.00 John Hood 35.78 15.10 Edward Ebert 44.95 19.94 Marquis G. Patton . . 49.19 17.35 ‘nrico County* Wm. M. McGruder. . I 8.001 4.56 Thomas B. Bigger. . 1985.39 19.0, -<0.37 Benjamin J. Duval . 1 10.381 1.73 Henry County. Dyer’s Store Horse Pasture Irisburgh Leatlierwood’s Store Martinsville (c. b.) . Oak Level Ridgeway Traylorsville George Reynolds Reed Ayres | 31.31 George A. Ralls | Benjamin F. Gravely Sigmund Putzel Samuel 0. Smith. ... William D. Perkins. James Eangeley 15.30 38.94 86.97 11.69 11.46 13.03 HigliJand County. Clover Creek... Crab Bottom Doe Hill... Head Waters. . . Hevener’s Store. McDowell Meadow Dale. . . Mill Gap Monterey Palo Alto Spruce Hill Wilson ville Christopher Carlisle James W. Seiver . . Alfred Armstrong . . Stephen J. Reynolds William Snyder George W. Hull James Slaven David V. Ruckraan . Jolm S. McNulty. ... Decatur H. Jones. . . Amos E. Campbell. . William Wilson 9.84 33.76 14.82 9.00 19.33 15.91 9.00 8.00 68.00 2.12 5.00 4.90 12.61 8.10 25.61 78.88 6.45 3.58 6.65 4.88 17.85 11.85 6.86 7.28 7.46 4.42 2.39 66.00 1.71 3.46 3.32 Isle of Wight County. Burwell’s Bay Carrsville Cedar Fields Corowaugh Smithjield (c. h.) . . . . John 0. Thomas 82.20 11.67 Edward Rawls 25.54 12.98 Elias J. Battin 11.18 5.00 Edwin L. Ballard. . . 7.49 4.28 Benjamin Bidgood . 211.19 204.79 Jac'^son County. Angerona Boggsville Elba Frozen Camp . . . Grass Lick Fork . Jackson C. H Moore’s Mills David Sayre Dewitt C. Heaton. . John O. Custard. . . Elias Parsons Simon B. Reed ... James A. Park — Daniel S. Moore . . Murraysville [James F. Scott. . . New California M.BensonAniustrong Plelley Utah Horace Burdick flednr Uity Iron Isaac C. Haight 48.00 89.00 Centerville Davis Aaron B. Cherry 3.00 2.00 Draper Salt Lake David James 7.00 5.00 Farmington . Davis James Leithead 19.60 13.11 Fillmore City Millard Thomas R. King 12.00 7.00 Fort .Tohnaon Iron Joel H. Johnson TTome. Salt Lake Samuel Bennion. Kaysville Davis Samuel Henderson 14.04 9.93 T.ehi Uity Utah David Evans 17.00 13.00 Uity Isaac Houston Ala n ti San Pete George Peacock 23.23 11.62 Aformon Salt Lake William Hyde Afonnt Pleasant Lyman Wright Ogden City W eber James G. Browning 59.23 35.33 Palmyra Utah Charles A. Davis i . . 9.78 6.57 Parowan I ron James Lewis 31.73 21.79 Pay son Utah Charles B. Hancock 14.22 9.78 Pleasant Grove William G. Sterrett 16.00 11.00' Provo City Lucius N. Scovil 41.42 27.68 Halt Ureek U Timothy B. Foote Salt Lake City Salt Lake William Bell 703.37 576.85 Santaquin Utah Benjamin F. Johnson .......... Bpringville U Wiliiam Miller 31.00 24.00 Stoker Davia . David W. Sessions 9.96 6.02 Tooele Tooele John Rawberry 11.57 7.39 Union Salt Lake Warren Foote 5.36 8.22 202 POST-OFFICES AND POST-MASTERS Left-hand column shows compensation of Postmaster. Eight-hand one, net revenue of Office to Department. WASHINGTON TERRITORY. Cascades Castle Rock Catalamet Cowlitz Chenook Grand Mound Highland Lake River Monticello (c.h.) Oak Point Olympia (c. h.) Pacific City (c. h.) Port Townsend (c. h.) Scales Creek ; . Seattle (c. h.) Steilacoom City (c. h.) Vancouver Washougal Rkumania Isaac H. Hush $22.78 Tiftwis William Huntington James Hirnie u Edward D. Warbass 44.30 Pacific Washington Hall 24.00 Thnraton Jot, ham W. Goodell 20.90 T.cwia : John R. Jackson 7.94 Clark .1 Marshall R. Hathaway ; . 6.00 Cowelitz Henry-D. Huntington 58.00 Thurston Alexander S. Abernethy 32.00 William M. Rutledge 423.03 Pacific .. . ... Edward G. T.oomis .Tcffcrsnn . Erancis W. Pettygrove Thurston Abraham Tilley ; King Charles Plummer 74.14 Pierce . . j Reuben A. Finnell 152.79 Clark William Kelly u H. J. G. Moxon 13.12 $17.42 14.00 10.13 5.31 5.00 36.00 20.00 343.72 35.00 81.92 9.40 THE POSTAL LAWS, CLASSIFIED BY SUBJECTS, '■L OMITTING THOSE SUPERSEDED OR ENACTED FOR A TEMPORARY PURPOSE. COMPILED BY D. D. T. LEECH. NEW YORK: J. COLTON AND COMPANY,. No. 1T2 WILLIAM 8TBEET. 1866 . THE POSTAL LAWS. CHAPTEE I. ORGANIZATION AND MISCELLANEOUS. Sbq. 1. Be it enacted &?/ the Senate and House of Bepresentatvves of the United States of America, in Congress asserribled, That there be established, at the seat of the Government of the United States, a General Post Office, under the direction of a Postmaster General. The Postmaster General shall appoint two Assistants,* and such clerkst as may be necessary for the performance of the business of his office, and as are authorized by law ; and shall procure, and cause to be kept, a seal for the said office, which shall be affixed to commissions of postmasters, and used to authenticate all transcripts and copies which may be required from the Department. He shall establish post offices, and appoint^ postmasters,. at all such places as shall appear to him expedient, on the post roads that are, or may be established by law. He shall give his assistants, the postmasters, and all other persons whom he shall employ, or who may be employed, in any of the departments of the General Post Office, instructions relative to their duty. He shall jprovide for the carriage of the mail on all post roads that are, or may be established by law, and as often as he, having regard to the productiveness thereof, and other circumstances, shall think proper. He may direct the route or road, where there are more than one, between places designated by law for a post road, which route shall be considered the post road. He shall obtain, from the postmasters, their accounts and vouchers for their receipts and expenditures, once in three months, or oftener, with the balances thereon arising in favor of the General Post Office. He shall pay all expenses which may arise in conducting the post office, and in the conveyance of the mail, and all other necessary expenses arising on the collection of the revenue, and management of the General Post Office. He shall prosecute offences against the Post Office establishment. He shall, once in three months, renderg to the Secretary of the Treasury a quarterly account of all the receipts and expenditures in the said Department, to be adjusted and settled as other public accounts. He shall, also, superintend the business of the Department, in all the duties that are, or may be, assigned to it. * * * — Sec. 1, Act of Z March, Sec. 2. And he it further enacted. That it shall be the duty of the Postmaster "General to decide on the official forms of all papers to be used by postmasters, and other officers or agents of the Post Office Department, concerned in its receipts and payments, and the manner and form of keeping and stating its accounts ; to enforce the prompt rendition of the returns of postmasters, and of all certificates, acknowledgments, receipts, and' other papers, by post- masters and contractors, relative to the accounts of the Department; to control, according to law, and subject to the settlement of the Auditor, the allowances to postmasters, the 'expenses of post offices, and all other expenses incident* to the service of the Department ; to regulate and direct the payment of the said allowances and expenses for which appropriations have been made ; to superintend the disposition of the proceeds of post offices anxi other moneys of the Department; to prescribe the manner in which postmasters shall pay over their balances; to grant wan-ants for money to be paid into the Treasury, and out of the same, in pursuance of appropriations by law, to persons to whom the same shall be certified to be due by the said Auditor: Provided, That advances' of necessary sums to defray ex- penses may be made by the Postmaster General to agents of the Department employed to investigate mail depreda- tions, examine post routes and post offices, and perform other like services, to be. charged by the Auditor for the Post Office Department, and be accounted for in the settlement of their accounts. — Sec. 9, Act of July 2, 1836. 8eo. 3. And, he it further enacted, That there shall be employed by the Postmaster General a Third Assistant Post- master General, who may receive and send letters and packets free of postage.!— /Sec. 20, Act of July 2, 1836. Sec. 4. And he it further enacted. That in case of the death, resignation, or absence of the Postmaster General, all his powers and duties shall devolve, for the time being, on the First Assistant Postmaster General.— /Sec. 40, Act of July 2, 1836. Sec. 5. And he it further enacted. That hereafter, as the office of Assistant Postmaster General, or either of them, shall be vacated, the appointment of his successor shall be made by the President of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate.— /See. 3, Act of Zd March, 1853, establishing post routes. Sec. 6. And, he it further enacted. That there shall be appointed by the President, with the consent of the Senate, an Auditor of the Treasury for the Post Office Department, whose duty it shall be to receive all accounts arising in « The law of July 2, 1836, (see Se^^oTthls compilation,) authorizes a Tilled Assistant. That of 3d March, 1853, directs their appointment by the President and Senate ; see No. 5 of tills compilation. t The clerks in the settling branch (Auditor’s Office) are appointed by the Secretary of the Treasury. . it Postmasters of offices yielding $1,000 per annum and upwards are appointed, under the Act of July 2, 1836, (see No. 7 below,) by the Presi- dent and Senate. % The 8th Sec. of the Act of J uly 2, 1836, devolyes this duty upon the Auditor. -II See note to No. 87 ; see also Sec. 95. 4 THE POSTAL LAWS. the said Department, or relative thereto, to audit and settle the same, and certify their balances to the Postmaster General : Provided^ That if either the Postmaster General, or any person whose account shall be settled, be dissatis- fied therewith, he may, within twelve months, appeal to the First Comptroller of the Treasury, whose decision shall •be final and conclusive. The said Auditor shall report to the Postmaster General, when required, the official forms of papers to be used by postmasters, and other officers or agents of the Department concerned in its receipts and payments, and the manner and form of keeping and stating its accounts. He shall keep and preserve all accounts, with the vouchers, after settlement. He shall promptly report to the Postmaster General all delinquencies of post- masters in paying over the proceeds of their offices. He shall close the accounts of the Department quarterly, and transmit to the Secretary of the Treasury quarterly statements of its receipts and expenditures. -He shall register! charge, and countersign all warrants upon the Treasury for receipts and payments issued by the Po.stmaster General, when warranted by law. He shall perform such other duties, in relation to the financial concerns of the Depart- ment, as shall be assigned to him by the Secretary of the Treasury, [or Postmaster General,] and shall make to them respectively, such reports as either of them may require respecting the same. The said Auditor may frank, and re- ceive free of postage, letters and packets under the regulations provided by law for other officers of the Government And all letters and packets to and from the Chief Engineer, which may relate to the business of his office, shall be free of postage.*— /Sec. 8, Act of July 2, 1836. Sec. 7. And he it further enacted, That there shall be appointed by the President of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, a deputy postmaster for each post office at which the commissions allowed to the postmaster amounted to one thousand dollars or upwards in the year ending the thirtieth day of June, one thou- sand eight hundred and thirty-five, or which may, in any subsequent year, terminating on the thirtieth day of June, amount to or exceed that sum, who shall hold his office for the term of four years, unless sooner removed by the President. — Sec. 33, Act of July 2, 1836. Sec. 8. And he it further enacted. That * * * no person shall hold the office of postmaster who shall not be an actual resident of the city or town wherein the office is situated, or the district of country usually supplied by said office.— 36, Act of July 2, 1836. Sec. 9. And he it further enacted, That the Postmaster General, and all other persons employed in the General Post Office, or in the care, custody, or conveyance of the mail, shall, previous to entering upon the duties assigned to them, or the execution of their trusts, and before they shall be entitled to receive any emolument therefor, respectively take and subscribe the following oath, or affirmation before some magistrate, and cause a certificate thereof to be filed in the General Post Office : “ I, A B, do swear or affirm, (as the case may be,) that I will faithfully perform all the duties required of me, and abstain from every thing forbidden by the laws in relation to the establishment of the post office and post roads within the United States.” Every person who shall be, in any manner, employed in the care, custody, conveyance, or management of the mail, shall be subject to all pains, penalties, and forfeitures for violating the injunctions, or neglecting the duties, required of him by the laws relating to the establishment of the post office and post roads, whether such person shall have taken the oath or affirmation, above prescribed, or not.— /See. 2, Act of 8 March, 1825. Sec. 10. And he it fiorther enacted. That no fees or perquisites shall be received by any person employed in the General Post Office, on account of the duties to be performed by virtue of his appointment.!- /Sec. 12, Act of 3 March, 1825. Sec. 11. And he it further enacted. That the postmasters, postriders, and drivers of the mail stages, shall be exempt from militia duties, and serving on juries, or any fine or penalty for neglect thereof.— /Sec. 35, Act of 3 March, 1825. Sec. 12. And he it further enacted, That assistant postmasters and clerks regularly employed and engaged in post offices, shall be exempt from militia duty, and serving on juries, and from any fine or penalty for neglect thereof.— Sec. 34, Act of July 2, 1836. Sec. 13. Be it further enacted, * * * That no greater sum shall be paid to any mail agent of any description than one thousand dollars per annum, and no greater sum for all his travelling and incidental expenses than at the rate of two dollars for each day he shall be actually employed in the capacity of mail agent.]: — P. 0. appropriation. Act of 3 March, 1845. Sec. 14. And he it further enacted. That the Postmaster General is hereby authorized to allow hereafter to the spe- cial agents of the Post Office Department the annual salary of sixteen hundred dollars. ♦ ♦ ♦ —Sec. 4, Act of S March, 1851. Sec. 15. And he it further enacted, * * * That the Postmaster General be, and he is hereby, authorized to employ, when the service may require it, the assistant postmasters general as special agents, and to make them compensation and allowance therefor, not to exceed the amount expended by said agents as necessary travelling ex- penses while so employed.— /Sec. 2, Act of 8 March, 1847. Sec. 16. And he it further enacted. That it shall be the duty of the Postmaster General, upon the appointment of any postmaster, to require, and take of such postmaster, bond, with good and approved security, in such penalty as he may judge sufficient, conditioned for the faithful discharge of all the duties of such postmaster, required by law, or which may be required by any instruction or general rule for the government of the Department : JW/oided, hcncerer. That, if default shall be made by the postmaster aforesaid, at any time, and the Postmaster General shall fail to insti- tute suit against such postmaster, and said sureties, for two years from and after such default shall be made, then, and in that case, the said sureties shall not be held liable to the United States, nor shall suit be instituted against them.§ —Sec. 8, Act of 3 March, 1825. Sec. 17. And, heit further enacted. That when any one or more of the sureties of f^pistmaster shall notify to the Postmaster General their desire to be released from their suretyship, or when the Postmaster General shall deem it * Tho Act of 3 March, IS-lfi, (Bee Sec. 93' of this compilation,) repeals the privilege of these oflicers to frank ; but the heads of the govern- ment bureaus are allowed to frank papers and document.s on otllcial business under the provisions of the Acts of 1847 and 1851. See notes to Sec. 87. t The 3d Sec. of Act of 3 M.ii-ch, 1839, has a more comprehensive provision on this subject. See No. 204. t Following Sec. (No. I'l) modltles this. S See provisions of following Sec., also of Nos. 184 and 185. COMMISSIONS OF POSTMASTERS. 5 necessarj', he shall require the said postmaster to execute a new bond, with security which, when accepted by the Postmaster General, shall be as valid as the bond given upon the original appointment of said postmaster, and the sureties in the prior bond shall be released from responsibility for all acts or defaults of said postmaster, which may be done or committed subsequent to the acceptance of the new bond, the date of which shall be endorsed thereon : Provided, That payments made subsequent to the execution of the new bond by said postmaster shall be applied first to discharge any balance which may be due on the old bond, unless he shall, at the time of payment, expressly direct them to be applied to the credit of his new account. — Sea. 3T, Act of 2 July, 1836. Sec. 18. And he it further enacted. That the Postmaster General shall, within sixty days after the making of any contract, cause a duplicate thereof to be lodged in the office of the Auditor of the Post Office Department. Upon the death, resignation, or removal of any postmaster, he shall cause his bond of office to be delivered to the said Auditor : and shall also cause to be promptly certified to him all establishments and discontinuances of post offices, and all appointments, deaths, resignations, and removals of postmasters, together with all orders and regulations which may originate a claim, or in any manner affect the accounts of the Department.— /S'ee. 11, Act of July 2, 1836. Sec. 19. And heit further enacted. That all waters on which steamboats regularly pass from port to port, shall be considered and established as post roads, subject to the provisions contained in the several acts regulating the Post Office estsiblishment.— ;6'6C. 3, Act of 3 March, 1823. Sec. 20. And he it further enacted. That the Postmaster General shall be authorized, in his discretion, to contract for carrying the mail.on the navigable canals of the several States, in all cases where, in his opinion, the public inter- est and convenience shall require it : and for the time during which mails may be carried on such canals, or any parts thereof, the same are hereby declared to be post roads. — Sec. 42, Act of July 2, 1836. Sec. 21. Besolvedi That the Postmaster General shall be, and he is hereby authorized, in his discretion, to contract for carrying the mail on all the plank roads which have been, or shall be constructed in the United States ; and in all cases when, in his opinion, the public interest and convenience require it; and that for the time during which mails may be carried on such plank roads, or any part thereof, the same shall be, and they are hereby declared to be, post roads of the United States. — Joint Resolution of July 12, 1852. Sec. 22. And he it further enacted. That all post routes which hereafter, within the term of th^’ee successive years, fail to yield one-fourth of the expense incident to their establishment, shall be discontinued by the Postmaster General, unless in cases where it may be necessary as a connection or continuance of a route or routes: Provided, also. That this Section shall not be so construed as to deprive the seat of justice, in each county, of one mail going to and from said town.* — Sec. 2, Act of 3 March, 1825. Sec. 23. Arid he it further exacted. That every postmaster shall keep an office, in which one or more persons shall attend on every day on which a mail shall arrive, by land or water, as well as on other days, at such hours as the Postmaster General shall direct, for the purpose of performing the duties thereof; and it shall be the duty of the post- master, at all reasonable hours, on every day of the week, to deliver, on demand, any letter, paper, or packet, to the person entitled to, or authorized to receive the same ; and all letters brought to any post office half an hour before the time of making up the mail at such office, shall be forwarded therein, except at such post offices where, in the opinion of the Postmaster General, it requires more time for making up the mail, and which he shall accordingly prescribe ; but this shall in no case exceed one hour.— ^S'ec. 11, Act of 3 March., 1825. CHAPTEE II. COMMISSIONS OF POSTMASTERS. - Sec. 25. Be it further enacted. That, * * * the Postmaster General may allow to the postmaster at New Orleans,! at the rate of eight hundred dollars a year in addition to his ordinary commissions. The Postmaster General is hereby authorized to allow to the postmaster of the city of Washington, in addition to the allowance made by this Act, for postage collected and for free letters received by him for delivery, a commission of five per cent, on the amount of mails distributed at his office: Provided, nen)ertheless. That the whole annual emolument of the said post- master, including the extra compensation of eight hundred dollars which is hereby allowed him, shall be subject to the restrictions imposed by the forty-first Section of this Act.— 14, Act of Z March, 1825. Sec. 26. And. he it further enacted. That, whenever the annual emoluments of any postmaster, after deducting therefrom the necessary expenditures, incident to his office, shall amount to more than two thousand dollars, the sur- plus shall be accounted for, and paid to the Postmaster General, and by him to be accounted for, in the same manner as other moneys accruing from the Post Office establishment.— xSec. 41, Act of 8 March, 1825. Sec. 27. Be it further enacted. That in addition to returns now I'equired to be rendered by postmasters, it shall be the duty of postmasters at New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and New Orleans, and the other several cities of the Union, each and every year hereafter, to render a quarter yearly account to the Postmaster General, under oath, in such form as the latter shaffiprescribe, for the purpose of giving full effect to this proviso, of all emoluments or sums by them respectively reeved for boxes or pigeon-holes, or other receptacles for letters or papers, and by them charged for to individuals ; or for the delivery of letters or papers at or from any place in either of said cities, other than the actual post office of such city ; and of all emoluments, receipts, and profits that have come to their hands by reason of keeping branch post offices in either of said cities; and if, from such accounting, it shall appear that the • Sec No. 30, as to mails for couuty towns. t See Secs. 30 and 31, for renewal of this provision. 6 THE POSTAL LAWS. net amount received by either of the postmasters at either of such cities, for such boxes and pigeon-holes, and other receptacles for letters and papers, and for delivering letters or papers at or from any place in either of said cities other than said post office, and by reason of keeping a branch post office in either of said cities, shall, in the aggre- gate, exceed the sum of three thousand* dollars in any one year, such excess shall be paid to the Postmaster General for the use and purposes of the Post Office Department; and no postmaster shall, hereafter, under any pretence whatsoever, have, or receive, or retain for himself, in the aggregate, more than five thousand dollars per year, includ- ing salary, commissions, boxes, and all other fees, perquisites, and emoluments, of any name or character whatsoever, and for any service whatsoever.— /Sec. 2, Civil and Diplomatic Appropriation Bill of May 18, 1842. Seo. 28. Be it further enacted, That in lieu of commissions allowed deputy postmasters by the fourteenth Section of the Act of the third of March, eighteen hundred and twenty-five, the Postmaster General may allow' ’bn the pro- ceeds of their respective offices, a commission not exceeding the following rates on the amount received in any one year, or a due proportion thereof for less than a year : * * * on all sums arising from the postage on newspapers, magazines, and pamphlets, fifty per cent. ; on the amount of postages on letters or packets received for distribution, sevent per cent. : Provided, That all allowances, commissions, or other emoluments shall be subject to the provisions of the forty-first Section of the Act which this is intended to amend ; and that the annual compensation therein limited shall be computed for the fiscal year commencing on the first of July and ending the thirtieth of June each year, and that for any period less than a year the restrictions contained in said section shall be held to apply in a due proportion for such fractional period : And provided further , That the compensation to any deputy postmaster under the foregoing provisions (to be computed upon the receipt at his office of a larger sum) shall in no case fall short of the amount to which he would have been entitled under a smaller sum received at his office.— /Sec. 1, Act of 1 March, 184T. Sec. 29^ Be it further enacted. That * * * it shall not be lawful to make any allowance or compensa- tion to deputy postmasters in addition to their commissions as authorized by law, excepting the receipts from boxes, of which all beyondt two thousand dollars, shall be applied in defraying the expenses of their offices, and to be ac- counted for in the same manner as they are required to account for their commissions; and excepting the special allowance made by law to the postmasters at Washington City and New Orleans. $— /Sec. 13, Act of i Ma.i'ch, 1847. Sec. 31. Be it further enacted. That in place of the compensation now allowed deputy postmasters, the Postmaster General be, and he is hereby, authorized to allow them commissions, at the following rates, on the postage collected at their respective offices in each quarter of the year, and in due proportion for any period less than a quarter, viz.: On any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, sixty per cent. ; but any postmaster at w'hose office the mail is to arrive regularly, between the hours of nine o’clock at night and five o’clock in the morning, may be allowed seventy per cent, on the first hundred dollars. On any sum over and above one hundred dollars, and not exceeding four hundred dollars, fifty per cent. On any 8\jm over and above four hundred dollars, but not exceeding twenty-four hundred dollars, forty per cent. And on all sums over twenty-four hundred dollars, fifteen per cent. On the amount of postage on letters and packages received at a distributing office for distribution, twelve and one-half per cent, commission may be allowed. Every postmaster whose compensation shall not exceed five hundred dollars in one quarter, shall be allowed one cent on every free letter delivered out of his office, except such as are for the postmaster himself. But the special allowance now made by law to the postmasters at New Orleans and Washington City shall not otherwise be either increased or diminished. Each postmaster who shall be required to keep a register of the arrival and departure of the mails, shall be allowed ten cents for each monthly return which he makes to the Postmaster General. Each postmaster may be allowed two mills for the delivery from his office to a subscriber of’each new'spaper not chargeable with postage ; Provided, That to any postmaster of a distributing office at which the commissions, al- lowances, and emoluments, since the thirty-first day of March, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three, have been insufficient to defray the actual and necessary expenses, and afford the postmaster the annual compensation derived from commissions at the office before said thirty-first of March, the Postmaster General may, in his discretion, allow quarterly, from the date aforesaid, out of the postages collected at any such office, an amount sufficient to supply such deficiency : Provided further, That to any postmaster of a separating office, whose commissions, allowances, and emoluments may be found insufficient to provide the extra labor necessary to a prompt and efficient performance of the duties of separating and despatching the mails passing through his office, the Postmaster General may make such quarterly allowance, out of the postages collected at such office, as he may deem sufficient to compensate such extra labor : Provided further. That the commissions and allowances authorized by this Act shall be subject to the provis- ions of the forty-first Section of the Act entitled “ An act to redude into one the several acts establishing and regulating the Post Cilice Department:” And provided further. That the Postmaster General may, in his discretion, dispose of any quarterly returns of mails sent or received, which were made up previous to the first day of July, eighteen hund- red and fifty, preserving the accounts current, and all vouchers accompanying such accounts, and use such portion of the proceeds thereof as may be necessary to defray the cost of separating and disposing of the same. This Act shall take effect and be in force from and after the commencement of the next fiscal quarter after its passage. — Act of June 22^1854. 8ko. 32. And he it further enacted, Tliat the Postmaster General may allow to the postmasters in the Stale of Cali- fornia, and in the Territories of Oregon and Washington, from the first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three, such sums of the postage collected at their respective offices as will, in aAition to the commissions, al- • Sec. 13, Act of 3 March, 1847, (see Sec. 30 below,) re.stricta this allowance to $2,000, and consequently the limit of a postmaster’s entire Income to $1,000 a year. t The Act of 22 June, 1S54, (see No. 31,) raises the commissions of general distributing offlces to 12 1-2 per cent, t See Sec. 25 for statute referred to. CONTRACTS. 7 lowances, emoluments, be suflScient to defray tbe actual and necessary expenses of their offices. — See. 4, Act of July 27, 1854. Sec. 33. And be it further enacted, That the Postmaster General be, and he is hereby authorized and directed, in the settlement of the accounts of postmasters in the State of California and Territory of Oregon, serving as such previous to the thirtieth of June, Anno Domini eighteen hundred and fifty-three, to allow to such postmasters all just and reasonable expenses incurred by them in and about the business of their respective offices and the discharge of their official duties : Provided, That no allowance shall be made whereby the United States shall be charged with any indebtedness whatsoever.— /Sec. 5, Act of July 27, 1854. CHAPTEE III. CONTRACTS. Seo. 34. And be it further enacted. That the Postmaster General shall cause a mail to be carried from the nearest post office on any established post road, to the Court House* of any county which is now, or may hereafter be, estab- lished in any of the States or Territories of the United States, and which is without a mail : and the road on which such mail shall be transported shall become a post road, and so continue, until the transportation thereon shall cease. It shall, also, be lawful for the Postmaster General to enter into contracts, for a term not exceeding four years, for ex- tending the line of posts, and to authorize the persons so contracting, as a compensation for their expenses, to receive during the continuance of such contract, at rates not exceeding those for like distances established by this Act, all the postage which shall arise on letters, newspapers, magazines, pamphlets, and packets, conveyed by any such posts ; and the roads, designated in such contracts, shall, during the continuance thereof, be deemed, and considered as post roads, within the provision of this Act: * * # — Sec. 4:, Act of % 3Tarch,l%'2,6. Sec. 35. And be it further enacted. That no other than a free white person shall be employed in conveying the mail : and any contractor who shall employ, or permit any other than a free white person to convey the mail, shall, for every such offence, incur a penalty of twenty dollars. — Sec. 7, Act of 3 March, 1825. Sec. 36. And be it further enacted. That whenever it shall be made to appear to the satisfaction of the Postmaster General, that any roads established, or which may hereafter be established as a post road, is obstructed by fences, gates, or bars, or other than those lawfully used on turnpike roads to collect their toll, and not kept in good repair, with proper bridges and ferries, where the same may be necessary, it shall be the duty of the Postmaster General to report the same to Congress with such information as can be obtained, to enable Congress to establish some other road instead of it, in the same main direction. — Sec. Q, Act of Z March, 1825. Sec. 37*. And be U further enacted. That if any person shall, knowingly and wilfully, obstruct or retard the passage of the mail, or of any driver or carrier, or of any horse or carriage carrying the same, he shall, upon conviction of every such offence, pay a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars : and if any ferryman shall, by wilful negligence, or refusal to transport the mail across any ferry, delay the same, he shall forfeit and -pay, for every ten minutes that the same shall be so delayed, a sum not exceeding ten dollars.— /Sec. 9, Act of 3 March, 1825. Sec. 38. And be it further enacted. That it shall be the duty of the Postmaster General to give public notice,! in one newspaper published at the seat of Government of the United States, and in one or more of the newspapers published in the State or States, or Territory, where the contract is to be performed, for at least twelvej: weeks before entering into any contract for carrying the mail, that such contract is intended to be made, and the day on which it is to be concluded, describing the places from and to which such mail is to be conveyed, the time at which it is to be made up, and the day and hour at which it is to be delivered. * ♦ * Provided, That no contract shall be entered into for a longer term than fourl years.— /See. 10, Act of % March, 1825. Sec. 39. And be it further enacted, That no postmaster, assistant postmaster, or clerk, employed in any post office, shall be a contractor, or concerned in a contract for carrying the mail : Provided, That this section shall not interfere with contracts heretofore made.§— .See. 42, Act of 3 March, 1825. Sec. 40. And be it further enacted. That no additional allowance shall be made, by the Postmaster General, to the contractor or carrier of any mail, on any route, over or beyond the amount stipulated in the contract entered into for the transportation of the mail on such route, unless additional service shall be required ; and|| then no additional compensation shall be allowed, to exceed the exact proportion of the original amount to the additional duties required. * * ♦ —Sec. 43, Act of S March, 1825. Sec. 41. And beit further enacted. That any person or persons, who shall hereafter make any proposal in writing, to carry or transport the mail upon any route or routes, which may be advertised to be let, and such person or per- sons shall be determined by the Postmaster General to be entitled to the contract, by virtue of such proposition, and such person or persons shall fail or refuse to enter into an obligation, with good and sufficient security, to perforin such contract within the time required by the Postmaster General, in such advertisement, such person or persons shall for- feit and pay so much money as shall be the difference between the amount contained in such proposal, and the • See Sec. 22 for further provision cfii this head. t See Sec. 215 for modifleation of statute as to number of newspapers in which to publish. t The 23d Sec. of Act of July 2, 1836, (see No. 42 ,) provides for a four weeks’ advertisement in cases of temporary contracts. Railroad service can be let without advertising, (see No. 160.) Further, the Ist and 8th sections of the Act of 3 March, 1845, authorize contracts for sundry steamboats and foreign mails for periods of ten years. § See further provision on this subject In No. 45 . See also Sec. 197. 0 See further legislation on this point in Sec. 42 . 8 THE POSTAL LAWS. amount the Postmaster General shall have to pay for the same transportation of the mail on such route or routes, which sum may be recovered by the Postmaster General in an action on the case ^ec. 34, Act of 3 March, 1825. Sec. 42. And be it further e/nacted, That it shall be the duty of the Postmaster General, before advertising for pro- posals for the transportation of the mail, to form the best judgment practicable as to the mode, time, and frequency of transportation on each route, and to advertise accordingly. No consolidated or combination bid shall be received, and no additional compensation shall be made to any mail contractor, so as that the compensation for additional reg- ular service shall exceed the exact proportion which the original compensation bears to the original services stipulated to be performed ; and no extra allowance shall be made to any contractor, by the Postmaster General, for an increase of expedition in the transportation of the mail, unless thereby the employment of additional stock or carriers, by the contractor, shall be rendered necessary; and in such case, the additional compensationt shall never bear a greater proportion to the additional stock or carriers rendered necessary, than the sum stipulated in the original contract bears to the stock and carriers necessarily employed in its execution ; and when any extra service shall be ordered, the amount of the allowance therefor, in dollars and cents, shall be signified in the order for such service, and be forth- with entered upon the books of the Post Office Department, and no additional compensation shall be paid for any extra regular service rendered before the issuing of such order, and the making of such entry ; and every order, entry, or memorandum whatever, on which any action of the Department is to be had, allowance made, or money paid, and every eontract, paper, or obligation drawn up in said office, by any officer thereof, shall have affixed to it its true date ; and every paper relating to contracts or allowances filed in said office shall have the date of its filing endorsed thereon. And whenever it shall become necessary to change the terms of any existing contract in any other manner than that designated in this Act, or to enter into a eontract for the transportation of the mail at any other time than at the annual letting, the Postmaster General shall give notice in one newspaper published at 'Washington City, and in one newspaper published as near as may be to the route on which the services are to be performed, for at least four weeks before changing or making such contract, inviting proposals therefor; which proposals shall be re- ceived and opened, and such proceedings thereon had, in all things as at the annual lettings : Provided, however. That the Postmaster General may make temporary eontracts until a regular letting can take place. — Sec. 23, Act of July 2, 1836. Sec. 43. Andbe it further enacted. That proposals for mail contracts shall be delivered to the Department sealed, and shall be kept sealed until the biddings are closed, and shall then be opened and marked in the presence of the Postmaster General and of one of the Assistant Postmasters General, or in the presence of two of the Assistant Post- masters General. And the contracts in all cases shall be awarded to the lowest bidder, except§ when his bid is not more than five per centum below that of the last contractor, on the route bid for, who shall have faithfully performed his contract : Provided, however. That the Postmaster General shall not be bound to consider the bid of any person who shall have wilfully or negligently failed to execute or perform a prior eontract. — Sec. 24, Act of 2 Jxdy, 1836. Sec. 44. And be it further enacted. That it shall be the duty of the Postmaster General to have recorded in a well- bound book, a true and faithful abstract of offers made to him for carrying the mail, embracing as well those which are rejected, as those which are accepted. The said abstract shall contain the names of the party or parties offering, the terms on which he or they propose to carry the mail, the snm for which it is offered to contract, and the length of time the agreement is to continue. And it shall also be the duty of the Postmaster General to put on file and pre- serve the originals of the propositions of which abstracts are here directed to be made, and to report at each session of Congress a true copy from the said record of all offers made for carrying the mail as aforesaid. — Sec. 25, Act of July 2, 1836. Sec. 45. And be it further enacted. That if any person employed in the Post Office Department, or postmaster, shall become interested in any mail contract, or act as agent, with or without compensation, in any matter or thing relating to business in said Department, for any contractor, or person offering to become a contractor, he shall be forthwith dismissed from office, and shall be liable to pay so much money as would have been realized from said contract, to be recovered in an action of debt in any court having jurisdiction thereof, in the name of the United States, for the use of the Post Office Department; and it shall be the duty of the Postmaster General to cause prose- cution to be instituted.— /Sec. 26, Act of July 2, 1836. Sec. 46. A nd be it further enacted. That every proposal for the transportation of the mail shall be accompanied by a written guaranty, signed by one or more responsible persons, to the effect that he or they undertake that the bidder or bidders will, if his or their bid be accepted, enter into an obligation, in such time as maybe prescribed by the Postmaster General, with good and sufficient sureties, to perform the service proposed. No proposal shall be con- sidered unless accompanied by such guaranty. If, after the acceptance of a proposal, and notification thereof to the bidder or bidders, he or they shall fail to enter into an obligation within the time prescribed by the Postmaster General, with good and sufficient sureties for the performance of the said service, then the Postmaster General shall proceed to contract with some other person or persons for the performance of the service, and shall forthwith cause the differ- ence between the amount contained in tlie proposal so guarantied, and the amount for which he may have contracted for the performance of said service, for the whole period of the proposal, to be charged up against the said bidder or bidders, and his or their guarantor or guarantors, and the same may be immediately recovered by the United States* for the use of the Post Office Department, in an action of debt against either or all of the said persons.' — Sec. 27, Act of July 2, 1836. Sec. 47. And be it further enacted. That no contract for the transportation of the mail shall knowingly be made by the Postmaster General, with any person who shall have entered into any combination, or proposed to enter into any combination, to prevent the making of any bid for a mail contract by any other person or persons ; or M ho shall have made any agreement, or shall have given or performed, or promised to give or perform, any consideration Mffiatever, or to do or not to do any thing whatever, in order to induce any other person or persons not to bid for a mail contract. * See also 27 Sec. of Act of July 2, 1S36, (In No. 46.) t See antecedent provisions on this head In Sec. 40. t See Sec. 216, { The 18th Sec. of the Act of 3 March, 1845, (see No. 62 below,) repeals this provision. II See also Sec. 41. DEAD LETTERS. 9 And if any person so offending be a mail contractor, he may be forthwith dismissed from the service of the De- partment : Provided, That whenever the Postmaster General shall exercise the power conferred on him by this sec- tion, he shall transmit a copy or statement of the evidence on which he acts to Congress, at its next session.— ySec. 28, Act of July 2, 1836. Sec. 48. And be it further enacted. That no person whose bid for the transportation of the mail may be accepted, shall receive any pay until he shall have executed his contract according to law and the regulations of the Department ; nor shall any payment be made for any additional regular service in the transportation of the mail, unless the same shall have been rendered in obedience to a prior legal order of the Postmaster General. — ^’ec. 29, Jet of July 2, 1836. Sec. 49. And he it further enacted. That it shall be the duty of the Postmaster General to furnish to the postmasters at the termination of each route, a schedule, specifying the times of the arrival and departure at their ofiSces, respect- ively, of each mail, a copy of which the postmaster shall post up in some conspicuous place in his ofSce : and the Postmaster General shall also furnish a notice in like manner, of any change or alteration in the arrivals and departures which may be ordered by him. And it shall be the duty of every postmaster promptly to report to the Department every delinquency, neglect, or malpractice of the contractors, their agents or carriers, that may come to his knowl- edge. And the Postmaster General shall cause to be kept, and returned to the Department, at short and regular in- tervals, by postmasters at the ends of routes, and such others as he may think proper, registers, showing the exact times of the arrivals and departures of the mails. — Sec. 31, Act of July 2, 1836. Sec. 51. And he it further enacted. That the Postmaster General be, and he is hereby authorized, upon all mail routes over or upon which the amount of matter usually transported, or which may be offered or deposited in the post office, or post offices, for transportation, is or may become so great as to threaten materially to retard the pro- gress or endanger the security of the letter mail, or to cause any considerable augmentation of the cost of transporting the whole mail at the present rate of speed, to provide for the separate and more secure conveyance of the letter mail, at a speed at least equal to that at which the mail is now transported over such route, taking care to allow in no case of any greater delay in the transportation of the other matters and things to be transported in the mail on any such route than may appear to be absolutely necessary, regard being had to the cost of expediting its transportation, and the means at his disposal or under his control for effecting the same.* — Sec. 4, Act of 3 March, 1845. Sec. 52. And he it further enacted. That it shall be the duty of the Postmaster General in all future lettings of con- tracts for the transportation of the mail, to let the same, in every case, to the lowest bidder tendering sufficient guar- anties for faithful performance, without other reference to the mode of such transportation than may be necessary to provide for the due celerity, certainty, and security of such transportation : nor shall any new contractor hereafter be required to purchase out, or take at a valuation, the stock or vehicles of any previous contractor for the same route. — Sec. 18, Act of 3 March, 1845. CHAPTER lY. DEAD LETTERS. Seo. 53. And he it further emacted. That the postmasters shall, respectively, publish,t at the expiration of every three months, or oftener, when the Postmaster General shall so direct, in one of the newspapers published at or nearest the place of his residence, for three successive weeks, a list of all the letters remaining in their respective offices, or instead thereof, shall make out a number of such lists, and cause them to be posted at such public places in their vicinity as shall appear to them best adapted for the information of the parties concerned : and at the expiration of the next three months shall send such of the said letters as then remain on hand, as dead letters, to the General Post Office, where the same shall be opened and inspected ; and if any valuable papers, or matters of consequence, shall be found therein, it shall be the duty of the Postmaster General to return such letter to the writer thereof, or cause a descriptive list thereof to be inserted in one of the newspapers published at the place most convenient to the supposed residence of the owner, if within the United States ; and such letter, and the contents, shall be preserved, to be delivered to the person to whom the same shall be addressed, upon payment of the postage, and the expense of publication. And if such letter contain money, the Postmaster General may appropriate it to the use of the Department, keeping an account thereof, and the amount shall be paid by the Department to the rightful claimant as soon as he shall be found. — Sec. 26, Act of 3 March, 1825. Sec. 54. And. he it further enacted. That all newspapers conveyed in the mail shall be under cover, open at one end, * * * and should the publisher of any newspaper, after being three months previously notified that his paper is not taken out of the office to which it is sent for delivery, continue to forward such paper in the mail, the postmaster to whose office such paper is sent, may dispose of the same, for the postages, unless the publisher shall pay it. * * * — Sec. Za, Act of ^ March, Sec. 55. And he it further enacted. That lists of letters remaining uncalled for in any post office, in any city, town, or village where a newspaper shall be printed, shall hereafter be published once only in the newspaper which, being is-sued weekly or oftener, shall have the largest circulation within the range of delivery of said office, to be decided by the postmaster at such office, at such time, and under such regulations, as the Postmaster General shall prescribe; and at a charge of one cent for each letter advertised. And the postmaster at such office is hereby directed to post in a conspicuous place in his office a copy of such list, on the day or day after the publication thereof; and if the publisher • See kindred statute In No. 170. t See in following Sec. from Act of 3 March, 1851, superseding these provision ns to advertising. 10 THE POSTAL LAWS. of any such paper shall refuse to publish the list of letters as provided in this section, the postmaster may designate some other paper for such purpose. Such lists of letters shall be published once in every six weeks, and as much oftener, not exceeding once a week, as the Postmaster General may specially direct: Provided, That the Postmaster General may, in his discretion, direct the publication of German and other foreign letters in any newspaper printed in the German or any other foreign language, which publication shall be either in lieu of, or in addition to the publication of the list of such letters in the manner first in this section provided, as the Postmaster General shall direct. — Sec. 5, Act of 3 March, 1851. Sec, 56. And he it further enacted, That when a list of uncalled-for letters shall be published in any newspaper printed in any foreign language, said list shall be published in such newspaper having the largest circulation within the range of delivery of said office. — Sec. 6, Act of 30 Aug., 1852. Sec. 57. And he it further enacted. That if the publisher of any periodical, after being three months previously notified that his publication is not taken out of the office to which it is sent for delivery, continue to forward such publication in the mail, the postmaster at whose office such publication is sent may dispose of the same for the postage, unless the publisher shall pay it ; and whenever any printed matter of any description, received during one quarter of the fiscal year, shall have remained in the office without being called for during the w'hole of any succeeding quarter, the postmaster at such office shall sell the same, and credit the proceeds of such sale in his quarterly accounts, under such regulations, and after such notice as the Post Office Department shall prescribe.* — Sec. 4, Act of 30 Aug., 1852. Sec. 58. And heit further enacted. That the Postmaster General is hereby authorized to make such arrangement as he may deem advisable, by causing letters sent to California and Oregon to be advertised free of expense to the United States, and by the issuing of circulars to postmasters, and causing the same to be published, to insure, as far as possible, the delivery of letters sent by mail from the Atlantic States to California, to the individuals to w'hom they are directed. — Sec. 5, Act of March 3, 1853. Seo. 59. And he it further enacted. That the Postmaster General be, and he is hereby authorized to cause the dead letters which may accumulate in the State of California, and in the Territories of Oregon and Washington, after the 30th of June, 1854, to be returned in periods not less than quarter yearly to the post office at San Francisco, to be there opened and examined under the direction of the postmaster at that office, who shall, according to such regulations as the Postmaster General may prescribe, return to the Post Office Department such of said letters as shall be found to contain money, valuable papers, or matters of consequence, to be disposed of according to law, and destroy such letters as shall be found to contain nothing of value : Provided, however. That no dead letter shall be opened which the postal arrangements of the United States with foreign countries require to be returned unopened to such countries respectively. — Sec. 3, Act of July ‘PI, 1854. CHAPTEK Y. FINANCE. Sec. 60. Be it further enacted. That the revenues arising in the Post Office Department, and all debts due to the same, shall, when collected, be paid, under the direction of the Postmaster General, into the Treasury of the United States. — Sec. 1, Act of July 2, 1836. Sec. 61. And he it further enacted. That the Postmaster General shall submit to Congress at the next and each suc- ceeding annual session, specific estimates of the sums of money expected to be required for the service of the Depart- ment in the subsequent year, commencing on the first day of July, under the following heads, viz. : “ Compensation of Postmasters,” “ Transportation of the Mails,” “ Ship, steamboat, and way letters,” “ Wrapping paper,” “ Office furni- ture,” “ Advertising,” “ Mail-bags,” “ Blanks,” “ Mail-locks, keys, and stamps,” “ Mail depredations and special agents,” “ Clerks for offices,” and “ Miscellaneous.” And the Postmaster General shall render an account to Congress, at each succeeding annual session, of the amounts actually expended for each of the purposes above specified. — Sec. 2, Act of July 2, 18^36. Seo. 62. And he it further enacted. That the aggregate sum required “ for the service of the Post Office Department” in each year shall be appropriated by law^ out of the revenue of the Department, and that all payments of the receipts of the Post Office Department into the Treasury shall be to the credit of the said appropriation. — Sec. 3, Act of July 2, 1836. Sec. 63. And he it further enacted , T\i&i the sums appropriated for the service aforesaid shall be paid by the Treasurer in the manner herein directed : Provided, That the compensation of postmasters, the expenses of post offices, and such other expenses of the Department for which appropriations have been made, as may be incurred by post- masters, may be deducted out of the proceeds of their offices, under the direction of the Postmaster General: And provided, also. That all charges against the Department by postmasters, on account of such expenses, shall be sub- mitted for examination and settlement to the Auditor herein provided for; and that no such deduction shall be valid, unless the expenditure so deducted be found to have been made in conformity to law : And jwovided, aUo, That the Postmaster General shall have poAver to transfer debts due on account of the Department, by po.stmasters and others, in satisfaction of the legal demands for Avhich appropriations have been made, of such contractors who may be cred- itors of the Department, as shall have given bonds, with security, to refund any moneys that may come into their hands over and above the amount Avhich may be found due to them on the settlement of their accounts. — Sec. 4, Act of J^dy 2, 1836. Sec antecedent provisions on this point in Sec. 64. FINANCE. 11 Sec. 64. &6 That the Treasurer of the United States shall give receipts for all moneys re- ceived by him to the credit of the appropriation for the service of the Post Office Department ; which receipt shall be endorsed upon warrants drawn by the Postmaster General, and without such warrant no acknowledgment for money received as aforesaid shall be valid.— 5, Act of 2 July, 1836. Sec. 65. And he it farther enacted. That the appropriations for the service of the Post Office Department shall be disbursed by the Treasurer out of the moneys paid into the Treasury for the service of the Post Office Department, upon the warrants of the Postmaster General, registered and countersigned as herein provided, and expressing on their faces the appropriation to which they should be charged. — Sec. 6, Act of July 2, 1836. Sec. 66. And he it further enacted. That the Treasurer shall render his accounts of the moneys received and paid by him on account of the Post Office Department, quarterly, to the Auditor for the Post Office Department, hereinafter provided for, and shall transmit copies of the same, when adjusted by him, to the two Ilouses of Congress. — Sec. 1, Act of July 2, 1836. Sec. 67. And he it further enacted. That the Auditor for the Post Office Department shall state and certify, quarterly, to the Postmaster General, accounts of the moneys paid pursuant to appropriations, in each year, by postma.sters out of the proceeds of their offices, towards the expenses of the Department, under each of the heads of the said expenses specified in the second section of this Act; upon which the Postmaster General shall issue warrants to the Treasurer of the United States, as in case of the receipt and payment of the said moneys into and out of the Treasury, in order that the same may be carried to the credit and debit of the appropriation for the service of the Post Office Department, on the books of the Auditor for said Department. — Sec. 10, Act of 2 July, 1836. Sec. 68. And he it further enacted. That the accounts of the Post Office Department shall be kept in such manner as to exhibit the amount of its revenues, derived respectively from “Letter postages,” “Newspapers and pamphlets,” and “ Fines ;” and the amount of its expenditures, for each of the following objects, namely : “ Compensation of postmasters,’’ “ Transportation of the mails,” “ Ship, steamboat, and way letters,” “ Wrapping paper,” “ Office furniture,” “ Adver- tising,” “ Mail bags,” “ Blanks, mail locks, keys, and stamps,” “ Mail depredations and special agents,” “ Clerks for offices,” and “ Miscellaneous.”— xSec. 12, Act of July 2,, 1836. Sec. 69. Ayid he it further enacted. That it shall be the duty of the Postmaster General to make to Congress, at each annual session thereof, the following several reports : First. A report of all contracts made for the transportation of the mail within the preceding year, stating in each case of contract its date and duration, the name of the contractor, the route or routes embraced in the contract, with the length of each, with the times of arrival and departure at the ends of each route, the mode of transportation con- tracted for, and the price stipulated to be paid by the Department : also, a statement of all such land and water mails as may have been established or ordered by the Department within the year preceding, other than those let to con- tract, at the annual lettings of mail contracts, specifying, in each case, the route or water course on which the mail is established, the name of the person employed to transport it, the mode of transportation, the amount paid or to be paid, and the proposed duration ofdhe order or contract. Second . A report of all allowances made to contractors, within the year preceding, beyond the sums originally stipu- lated in their respective contracts, and the reasons for the same ; and of all orders made by the Department, whereby additional expense is, or will be incurred, beyond the original contract price on any land or water route, specifying, in each case, the route to which the order relates, the name of the contractor, the original service provided by the con- tract, the original price, the date of the order for additional service, the additional service required, and the additional allowance therefor ; also, a report of all curtailments of expenses effected by the Department, within the preceding year, specifying, in each case, the same particulars as required in cases of additional allowances. Third. A report of all incidental expenses of the Department for the year ending on the thirtieth day of June preceding, arranged according to the several objects, as for “ Wrapping paper,” “ Office furniture,” “ Advertising,” “ Mail bags,” “ Blanks,” “ Mail locks, keys, and stamps,” “ Mail depredations and special agents,” “ Clerks for offices,” “ Miscellaneous,” showing the sum paid under each head of expenditures, and the names of the persons to whom paid, except only that the names of the persons employed in detecting depredations on the mail, and other confidential agents, need not be disclosed in said report. Fourth. A report of the finances of the Post Office Department for the year ending on the thirtieth day of June pre- ceding, showing the whole amount of balances due to the Department at the beginning of the year, from the posl^ masters and all others, the whole amount of postage that accrued within the year, the whole amount of the engage- ments and liabilities of the Department for mail transportation during the year, the amount actually paid during the year for and on account of mail transportation, and otherwise, stating separately so much of the said amount as may have been paid on account of the transportation of the mail, and for other debts for the same object, in preceding years. Fifth. A report of all fines imposed, and deductions from the pay of contractors made during the preceding year, for failures to deliver the mail, or for any other cause, stating the names of the delinquent contractors, the nature of the delinquency, the route on which it occurred, the time when it occurred, the time when the fine was imposed, and whether the fine has been remitted, or order for deduction rescinded, and for what reason.— -Sec. 22, Act of July 2, 1836. 12 THE POSTAL LAWS. CHAPTEK YI. FOREIGN xW AILS. Seo. 70. And he it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the Postmaster General to make provision, where it may be necessary, for the receipt of all letters and packets intended to be conveyed by any ship or vessel beyond sea, or from any port in the United States to another port therein ; and the letters so received shall be formed into a mail, sealed up, and directed to the postmaster of the port to which such ship or vessel shall be bound ; and for every letter or packet so received there shall be paid, at the time of its reception, a postage of one cent,* which shall be for the use of the postmasters respectively receiving the same. And the Postmaster General may make arrangements with the postmasters in any foreign country for the reciprocal receipt and delivery of letters and packets through the post offlce.t— xS'ec. 34, Act of % March, 1825. Sec. 71. Be it resolved. That the Postmaster General be, and he is hereby, authorized to make such arrangements as may be deemed expedient, with the Post Office Department of the British Government, for the transmission of the British mail in its unbroken state or condition between Boston and Canada. Be it further resolved, That the Postmaster General be, and he is hereby, authorized to enter into such arrangement or arrangements with the proper authorities of France and Germany, and the owners or agents of vessels plying reg- ularly between those countries and the United States, whereby a safe and, as near as possible, a regular direct mail communication, under official guaranty between the United States and the continent of Europe, viz. : the ports of Bremen in Germany and Havre in France, and such other principal ports on said Continent as the Postmaster General may deem most proper, shall be secured— so that the entire inland and foreign postage on letters and all other mail matter, sent over sea from and to the United States, to and from any part of France, and of the States comprehended within the German Customs Union, and of those countries on the Continent between which and France, and of the said Germanic States, there exists a continued arrangement of the like kind, may be paid at the place where they are respectively mailed or received. — Joint Resolution of 15 June, 1844. Sec. 72. Be it further enacted. That the Postmaster General of the United States be, and he is hereby, authorized, under the restrictions and provisions of the existing laws, to contract for the transportation of the United States mail between any of the ports of the United States and a port or ports of any foreign power, whenever, in his opinion, the public interest will thereby be promoted ; and it shall be his duty to report to the next ensuing Congress a copy of each of said contracts, with a statement of the amount of postage derived under the samQ, as far as the returns of the Department will enable him to do. And such contracts may be made, if it shall appear to the Postmaster General to be required by the public interest, for any greater period than four years, and not exceeding ten years.— -See. 1, Act of 8 March, 1845. Sec. 73. And he it further enacted. That all such contracts shall be made with citizens of the United States, and the mail to be transported in American vessels, by American citizens. Each contract entered into under the provisions of this Act, besides the usual stipulations for the right of the Postmaster General to discontinue the same, shall contain the further stipulation that it may, at any time, be terminated by a joint resolution of the two Houses of Congress.— Sec. 2, Act of ^ March, 1845. Sec. 74. And he it further enacted, That the Postmaster General, or the Secretary of State, be, and he is hereby, authorized to empower the consuls of the United States to pay the foreign postage of such letters destined for the United States, as may be detained at the ports of foreign countries for the non-payment of postage ; which postage shall be by the consul marked as paid by him, and the amount thereof shall be collected in the United States, as other postage, on the delivery of the letters, and repaid to said consul, or credited on his account at the State Department. —Sec. 6, Ac^-of 3 March, 1845. Sec. 75 And he it further enacted. That the Postmaster General shall, in all cases of offers to contract for carrying the mail between any of the ports of the United States and any foreign port or place, give the preference to such bid- der for the contract as shall propose to carry the mail in a steamship or ships, and the said contractor stipulating to deliver said ship or ships to the United States, or to their proper officer, upon demand made, for the purpose of being converted into a vessel or vessels of war; the United States being bound, on their part, to pay to said owmer or owners the fair full value of every such ship or vessel at the time of such delivery ; said value to be ascertained by four appraisers to be appointed, two by the President of the United States, and two by the owner or owners ; and in case of disagreement among said appraisers, the President of the United States to select and appoint an umpire, who shall fix the value. — S^ec. 7, Act of 3 March, 1845. Seo. 76. And be it further enacted. That the Postmaster General may, if he shall deem it to be for the public inter- est, make contracts to continue not exceeding ten years, for the transportation of the mail from place to place in the United States in steamboats by sea and on the Gulf of Mexico and on the Mississippi Eiver from the mouth thereof up to the city of New Orleans, on the conditions specified in the last preceding section of this xVet.— ■. S, Act of 3 March, 1845. Seo. 77. And he it further enacted, That the Postmaster General be, and he is hereby, authorized to contract fer trans- porting a mail from Charleston, South Carolina, to Chagres, touching at St. Augustine and Key M"est, and also at Havana, in the Island of Cuba, if deemed expedient, and across the Isthmus of Panama, and from thence to Astoria, or Ih; mouth of the Columbia River, touching at Monterey, St. Francisco, and such other places on the coast as the Postmaster General may direct; the mail to be conveyed from Charleston to Chagres, and from Panama to xVstoria. in steamships, Seo Section.s "7, 172, nuU 173. FOREIGN MAILS. 13 and to be transported each way once every two months, or oftener, as the public interest may require : Provided, That the expenditure for said service shall not exceed one hundred thousand dollars per annum.— Aec. 6, Act of 3 March, 1847. Sec. 78. And be it further enacted, That any contract made in pursuance of this Act shall provide for the purchase by the United States, of the steamships to be employed in conveying the mail, at its option, agreeably to the provisions of an act, entitled, “ An act to provide for the transportation of the mail between the United States and foreign coun- ries, and for other purposes,” approved the third day of March, one thousand eight hundred and forty-five : Provided, That the departure and return of said mail may, at the discretion of the Postmaster General, be either from Charleston, New York, Savannah, Pensacola, or New Orleans, as may be deemed most consistent with the public interest.— Aec. 8, Act of 3 March, 1847. Sec. 79. Be it further enacted, * * * That the Postmaster General, by and with the advice and con- sent of the President of the United States, shall be, and he hereby is, authorized to reduce or enlarge, from time to time, the rates of postage* upon all letters and other mailable matter conveyed between the United States and any foreign counti’y, for the purpose of making better postal arrangements with other governments or counteracting any averse measures aflfectiiig our postal intercourse with foreign countries ; * * * —Sec. 2, Act of 3 ALarch, 1851. Sec. 80. And be it further enacted. That to secure the regular transmission of the mail to and from foreign coun- tries, the Postmaster General be, and he is hereby, authorized and required to impose fines on contractors for any un- reasonable or unnecessary delay in the dep^dure of such mails or in the performance of the trip : Provided, That the fine for any one default shall not exceed one half of the contract price paid for the trip.— xS’ec. 4, Jict of June 27, 1848. Sec. 81. And be it further enacted. That in case the person or persons, or the directors of any incorporated company, who have entered into any contract, or who may hereafter enter into any contract, with the Postmaster General for conveying the mail of the United States to any foreign country in pursuance of the act entitled, “ An act to provide for the transportation of the mail between the United States and foreign countries and for other purposes,” approved the third day of March, eighteen hundred and forty-five, or of any other act, in which said contract there is a stipulation on the part of such contractor, giving to the United States the right to purchase, at an appraised value, the steamship, or ships, required by such contract to be employed in conveying the mail, shall decline to sell and deliver to the United States such ship or ships, or shall refuse to name and appoint appraisers to value the same agreeably to the provisions of said act, or the same having been appraised and valued, shall refuse to convey and deliver said ship or ships to the United States, on the payment, or tender of payment, by the United States, of the sum at which the said ship or sliips may have been appraised and valued, such person or persons so offending shall forfeit a sum not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars, to be recovered in any proper action, for the use of the Treasury of the United States ; and in case of refusal or inability to pay the same, shall be liable to be imprisoned not exceeding one year at the discretion of the court rendering judgment for such penalty. — Sec. 3, Act of June 27, 1848. Sec. 82. And be it further enacted. That it shall not be lawful for any contractor for transporting the mail to any foreign country to assign or transfer his contracts ; and all such assignments or transfers shall be null and void : Pro- vided, That assignments and transfers which have been made and accepted by the Postmaster General, or the Secre- tary of the Navy, before the passage of this Act, shall not be affected by this Section.— xS'ec. 5, Act of Jwne 27, 1848. Sec. 83. And be it further enacted. That the Postmaster General be, and he is hereby, authorized to enter into a contract for the transportation of the United States mail on board of the steam vessels which at present ply regularly between Boston, in the State of Massachusetts, and Halifax, in Nova Scotia, upon such terms as may appear to him reasonable : Provided, That the contracts authorized by this Section shall be let to the lowest bidder according to the provisions of the existing laws : And provided further. That the amount paid shall in no case exceed the amount of postage derived from the said mails.— ,Sec. 2, Act of 31 Aug., 1852. Sec. 84. And be it further enacted. That the Postmaster General be, and he is hereby, authorized to enter into con- tracts, or to make suitable arrangements for transporting through any foreign country the mails of the United States, running from and to any point in the said United States: Provided, That such contracts as shall be made under the authority conferred by this Section, shall not be for a longer period than four years, and that, in making them, the Postmaster General shall be bound to select the speediest, safest, and most economical route: Provided further, Thai such contract shall be subject to be revoked and annulled whenever any new road or caniW shall be cut or opened, affording a speedier, more economical, and equally as safe means of communication between the point of departure and the point of destination of the mail to be transported ; and that, in such case, a fair indemnity be awarded to the parties concerned : And provided further. That before making such contracts, notice shall be given during sixty days, by advertisements in the usual manner, for inviting proposals for mail contracts.— ,S'ec. 2, Act of 3 March, 1851. Sec. 85. And be it further enacted.. That the Postmaster General may from time to time, by and with the advice and consent of the President, make any arrangements which may be deemed just and expedient for allowing the mails of Canada, or of any other Province, State, or country adjoining the United States, to be carried or transported -at the expense of the Province, State, or country to wiiich such mails belong, over any part or portion of the territory of the United States, from one point in the Province, State, or country to w^hich .such mails belong, to any other point in the same, upon obtaining the same privileges for the transportation of the mails of the United States through the Province, State, or country to which such privileges shall be granted : Provided^ That such privileges may at any time be an- nulled by the President of the United States, or by joint resolution of the two Troii.«es of Congress, from and after the expiration of one month next succeeding the day on which the notice of the act of the President or of the joint reso- lution of the tw'o Houses shall be given to the chief executive ofileer or head of the Post Office Department of the Province, State, or country whose privilege is to be thereby annulled. — Sec. G, Act of .31 Aug., 1852. Sec. 86. And be it further enacted. That every mail of any Province, State, or country having the privilege author- See Sections 70, 172, aud 173. 14 THE POSTAL LAWS. ized to be granted in and by the next preceding section, shall, while in the territories of the United States, be deemed and taken to be a mail of the United States, so far as to make any violation thereof, any depredation thereon, or any act or offence in respect thereto, or any part thereof, which would be punishable under the existing laws of the United States, in case the same had been a mail or part of a mail of the United States, an offence of the same grade, and punishable in the same manner, and to the same extent, as though the said mails were those of the United States : and in any indictment for such act or offence, the said mails or any part thereof may be alleged to be, and on the trial of any such indictment they shall be, deemed and held to be mails or parts of mails of the United States. — Sec. 7, Act of 81 Aug., 1852. CHAPTEE YII. FRANKING PRIVILEGE. * * * § Sec. 87. And he it further enacted, That letters and packets to and from the following officers of the United States, shall be received and conveyed by post free of postage : Each postmaster, provided each of his letters or packets shall not exceed half an ounce in weight ; each member of the Senate, and each member and delegate of the House of Eepresentatives of the Congress of the United States ; the Secretary of the Senate, and Clerk of the House of Eepre- sentatives, provided each letter or packet (except documents printed by the order of either House of Congress), shall not exceed two ounces in weight, and during their actual attendance in any session of Congress, and sixty days before and after such session, and in case of excess of weight, that excess alone shall be paid for : the President of the United States, Vice-President; the Secretaries of State, of the Treasury, of War, of the Navy; Attorney General; Postmaster General, and the Assistants Postmaster General ; the Comptrollers of the Treasury, Auditors, Eegister, Treasurer, and Commissioners of the General Land Office ; and such individuals who shall have been, or may hereafter be, President of the United States ; and each may receive newspapers by post, free of postage : Provided, That postmasters shall not receive, free of postage, more than one daily newspaper each, or what is equivalent thereto ; nor shall members of the Senate, or of the House of Eepresentatives, the Clerk of the House, or Secretary of the Senate, receive newspapers free of postage, after the privilege of franking shall cease.* — Sec. 27, Act of 3 March, 1825. Sec. 88. And he it further enacted. That if any person shall frank any letter or letters, other than those written by himself, or by his order on the business of his office, he shall, on conviction thereof, pay a fine of ten dollars, and it shall be the especial duty of postmasters to prosecute for said offence : Provided, That the Secretary of the Treasury, Secretary of State, Secretary of War, Secretary of the Navy, and Postmaster General, may frank letters or packets on official business, prepared in any other public office, in the absence of the principal thereof. And if any person, hav- ing the right to receive his letters free of postage, shall receive enclosed to him, any letter or packet addressed to a person not having that right, it shall be his duty to return the same to the post office, marking thereon the i)lace from whence it came, that it may be charged with postage. And if any person shall counterfeit the hand writing or frank of any person, or cause the same to be done, in order to avoid the payment of postage, each person, so offending, shall pay, for every such offence, five hundred dollars.! — Sec. 28, Act of 3 March, 1825. Sec. 89. And he it further enacted, That the Commissioners of the Navy Board, the Adjutant General, Commissary General, Inspectors General, Quartermaster General, Paymaster General, the Secretary of the Senate, Clerk of the House of Eepresentatives, and the Superintendent of the Patent Office, be authorized to frank, and to receive letters and packets by post, free of postage, and that no other persons or officers, excepting those enumerated herein, and in the act “ to reduce into one the several acts establishing and regulating the Post Office Department,” passed on the third of March, eighteen hundred and twenty-five, shall be authorized to frank or to receive letters through the mail free of postage. t — Sec. A, Act of 2 March, 1827. Sec. 90. And he it further enacted, That no postmaster or assistant postmaster shall act as agent for lottery offices or under any color of purchase, or otherwise, vend lottery tickets ; nor shall any postmaster receive free of postage, or frank, lottery schemes,* circulars, or tickets. For a violation of this provision, the person offending shall suffer a penalty of fifty dollars.g— /8'ec. 6, Act of 2 March, 1827. Sec. 91. Be it further enacted. That it shall be lawful for the governors of the several States to transmit by mail, free of postage, all laws and reports, whether bound or unbound, and all records and documents of their respective States which may be directed by the legislatures of the several States, to be transmitted to the executives of other States ; and tlie governor of the State transmitting the same shall, in addition to his frank, endorse the kind of book or document enclosed, and direct the same to the governor of the State to which the same may be sent." — Act of June 30, 1834. Sec. 92. And he iifurther enacted, Tliat no postmaster shall receive free of postage, or frank any letter or packet composed of, or containing anything other than paper or money ; and for a violation of this provision, the offender shall be dismissed from office, and upon conviction in any court of competent jurisdiction, pay a fine of twenty dollars. * * * —Sec. 36, Act of Jidy 2, 1836. Sec. 93. And he it further enacted. That the twenty-seventh section of the act of Congress entitled “An act to re- • The flanking privilege was repealed by the .Mh Section of the .\ct of March 3, 1SI.'>, (See .^ec. 93 below,! with the exceptions specified in Sections 94 to 98. Nevertheless, in consideration of the allowances to the Depaitinent for transporting the free matter ot Congress, tb.e De- partments, and other government ollices, directed by the Acts of 1817 and IS.'il, see Sections 103 and Uis below.! it is revived with reference toojJkUil packauen, under certain lestriclions, to the members of that body, and sundry idher public functionaries. Pee the remaining Sections of this Chapter for the special legislation referred to ; and for privilege of postmasters in this particular, Nos. 9.'. and 102. t See Note to Sec. 87. See also No. 93. J See Note to Pec. 87. Pee Sec. 93. § bee Sections 93 and 102 for privilege of postmasters on the subject of franking. II See Nos. 93 and 90, also note to No. 87. FRANKING PRIVILEGE. 15 (luce into one the several acts for establishing and regulating the Post Office Department,” approved and signed the third day of March, In the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five, and all other acts and parts of acts grant- ing and conferring upon any person whatsoever the right or privilege to receive and transmit through the mail, free of postage, letters, packets, newspapers, periodicals, or other matters, be, and the same are hereby, utterly abrogated and repealed.* — Sec. 5, Act of March 3, 1845. Sec 94. Se it farther enacted, That from and after the first day of July nextt members of Congress and delegates from Territories may receive letters, not exceeding two ounces in weight, free of po.stage, during the recess of Con- gress, any thing to the contrary in this Act notwithstanding; and the same franking privilege which is granted by this 'Act to the members of the two houses of Congress, is hereby extended to the Vice President of the United States; * * * — Sec. 1, Act of 8 March, 1845. Sec. 95. And he it further enacted. That * * ♦ the three Assistant Postmasters General shall be entitled to have remitted by the postmaster in Washington all postage charged upon letters, packages, or other matter received by them, respectively, through the mail, touching the business of the Post Office Department, or the particular branch of that business, committed to them, respectively ; and each of the said Assistant Postmasters General shall be, and hereby is, authorized to transmit through the mail, free of postage, any letters, packages, or other matters relating ex- clusively to his official duties, or to the business of the Post Office Department ; but he shall, in every such case, en- dorse on the back of the letter or package so to be sent free of postage, over his own signature, the words “ official bus- iness.” And for any such endorsement falsely made, the person so offending shall forfeit and pay three hundred dollars. And the several deputy postmasters throughout the United States shall be authorized to charge, i and have allowed to them in the settlement of their accounts with the Post Office Department, all postage which they may have paid or had charged to them, respectively, for letters, packages, or other matters received by them on the business of their respective offices, or of the Post Office Department, upon a verification on oath of their accounts for the same, and the transmission of the charged letters as vouchers ; and the several deputy postmasters shall be, and hereby are, au- thorized to send through the mail, free of postage, all letters and packages which it may be their duty, or they may have occasion to transmit to any person or place, and which shall relate exclusively to the business of the respective offices, or to the business of the Post Office Department; but in every such case the deputy postmaster sending any such letter or package shall endorse thereon, over his own signature, the words “ Post Office business.” And for any and every such endorsement falsely made, the person making the same shall forfeit and pay three hundred dollars. * * « —Sec. 6, Act of Z March, 1845. Sec. 96. And he it farther enacted. That the Act of Congress entitled “An act authorizing the governors of the sev- eral States to transmit by mail certain books and documents,” approved June the thirtieth, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four, shall remain and continue in full force, any thing hereinbefore to the contrary notwithstanding ; and the members of Congress, the delegates from the Territories, the Secretary of the Senate, and the Clerk of the House of Eepresentatives, shall be, and they are hereby, authorized, to transmit, free of postage, to any post office within the United States, or the Territories thereof, any dociiments which have been or may be printed by order of either House of Congress, any thing in this law to the contrary notwithstanding. — Sec. 7, Act of 3 March, 1845. Sec. 97. And he it further enacted. That each member of the Senate, each member of the House of Eepresentatives, and each delegate from a Territory of the United States, the Secretary of the Senate, and the Clerk of the House of Eepresentatives, may, during each session of Congress, and for a period of thirty days before the commencement and thirty days af er the end of each and every session of Congress, send and receive through the mail, free of postage, any letter, newspaper, or packet, not exceeding two ounces in weight ; and all postage charged upon any letters, packages, petitions, memorials, or other matters or things received during any session of Congress by any Senator, member, or delegate of the House of Eepresentatives, touching his official or legislative duties, by reason of any excess of weight, above two ounces, of the matter or thing so received, shall be paid out of the contingent fund of the House of which tho person receiving the same may be a member. And they shall have the right to frank written letters from themselves during the whole year, as now authorized by law^A^ec. 8, Act of Z March, 1845. Sec. 98. And he it farther enacted. That nothing in this Act contained shall be construed to repeal the laws hereto- fore enacted, granting the franking privilege to the President of the United States when in office, and to all ex-Presi- dents, and to the widows of the former Presidents Madison and Harrison.— /S'ec. 23, Act of 8 March, 1845. Sec. 99. Andhe it fin ther enacted. That all members of Congress, delegates from Territories, the Vice President of the Unifed SA es, the Se-rjtary of the Senate, and the Clerk of the House of Eepresentatives, shall have the power to send and receive public documents free of postage during their term of office, and that the said members anfi delegates shall have the power to send and receive public documents free of postage up to the first Monday in December fol- lowing the expiration of their term of office. — >'6C. 8, Act of 3 March, 1847. Sec. 100. And he it farther enacted. That the Secretary of the Senate and Clerk of the House of Eepresentatives shall have the power to receive, as well as to send, all letters and packages, not weighing over two ounces, free of postage, during their term of office.— Vec. 4, ^fc^ of 3 March, 1847. Sec. 101. And. he it farther enacted. That members of Congress shall have the power to receive, as well as to send, all letters and packages, not weighing over two ounces, free of postage, up to the first Monday in December following the expiration of their term of office. — Sec. 5, Act of 3 March, 1847. Sec. 102. Be it farther enacted, * * * That each deputy postmaster, whose compensation for the last preceding year did not exceed two hundred dollars,? may send through the mail all letters written by himself, and re- ceive through the mail all written communications addressed to himself on his private business which .shall not exceed in weight one half ounce, free of postage. * * * —Sec.\. Act of 2 March,\8i^l. * Exception in favor of C.overnora of States anon ; an j inivilege extended to postmasters whose compens.atlon is less than $200 per .annum. See Sections 91, 95 , 90, 97, 9?. t Sections 97-99 and lOt extend this privilege. J Ihis authority to charge is no longer in force. See Sec. 102 for special provision for postmasters whose compensation does not exceed $200 a year. § gee 95 above for right of other postmasters in the matter. 16 THE POSTAL LAWS Seo. 103. Be itfiiHher enacted, That, * * * in compensation for such mail services as may be per- formed for the several departments of the Government, there shall be paid to the Post Office Department, from the Treasury, for each year’s service, the sum of two hundred thousand dollars, which is hereby appropriated for that purpose, out of any unappropriated money in the Treasury.* — /Sec. 12, Act of 3 March, 1847. Sec. 104. Be it further enacted. That * * h: such publications or books as have been or may be published, procured, or purchased by order of either House of Congress, or a joint resolution of the two houses, shall be considered as public documents, and entitled to be franked as such ; * * — Sec. 13, Act of 3 March, 1847. Sec. 105. Be it further enacted. That all letters and packages to and from Sarah Polk, relict of the late James K. Polk, shall be received and conveyed by post, free of postage, for and during her life.— .4c# of January 10, 1850. Sec. 107. Be it further enacted, * * * that postmasters at the office of delivery are hereby authorized, and it shall be their duty to remove the wrappers and envelopes from all printed matter and pamphlets not charged with letter postage, for the purpose of ascertaining whether there is upon or connected with any such printed matter or in such package any matter or thing which would authorize or require the charge of a higher rate of postage thereon. And all publishers of pamphlets, periodicals, magazines, and newspapers which shall not exceed sixteen ounces in weight, shall be allowed to interchange their publicationst reciprocally free of postage : Bromded, That such inter- change shall be confined to a single copy of each publication : And provided also. That said publishers may enclose in their publications the bills for subscription thereto, without any additional charge for postage ; * * * —See. 2, Act of 3 March, 1851. Sec. 108. And he it further enacted, That there shall be paid to the Post Office Department, in further payment and compensation for the mail service performed for the two Houses of Congress and the other Departments and offices of the Government in the transportation of free matter, the sum of five hundred thousand dollars per year, which shall be paid quarterly, out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated ; * * * —Sec. 8, Act of 3 March, 1851. ' Sec. 109. Be it resolved, That from and after the present session of Congress, the Congressional Globe and appendix, which contain the laws and debates thereon, shall pass free through the mails so long as the same shall be published by order of Congress : Provided, That nothing herein shall be construed to authorize the circulation of the Daily Globe free of postage. * * * — Joint Resolution of Aug. Sec. 110. Be it further enacted, That the Superintendent of the Coast Survey, and the Asssistant in charge of the office of the Coast Survey, shall be authorized to receive and transmit, free of postage, by the mails, all letters and doc- uments in relation to their public duties.— Ac# of Feh. 2, 1854. Sec. 111. And he it further enacted. That all books, maps, and charts, or other publications entered for copyright, and which, under the Act of August tenth, eighteen hundred and forty-six, are required to be deposited in the Library of Congress, and in the Smithsonian Institution, may be sent through the mail free of postage under such regulations as the Postmaster General may prescribe. — Sec. 5, Act of 3 March, 1855. Sec. 112 And he it further enacted. That the right to frank letters and documents, now allowed by law to the Vice President, be continued to those who have heretofore or shall hereafter hold that office, during life. — Sec. 4, Act of Sd March, 1855. CHAPTEE YIII. LETTER CARRIERS. Sec. 113. Andhe it further enacted, HhxHqHqv carriers shall be employed at such post offices as the Postmaster General shall direct, for the delivery of letters^: in the places respectively where such post offices are established ; and, for the delivery of each such letter, the letter carrier may receive, of the person to whom the deli\’ery is made, two cents : Provided, Tiiat no letter shall be delivered to such letter carrier for delivery, addressed to any person who shall have lodged at the post office a Avritten request that the letter shall be detained in the office. And, for every letter lodged at any post office, not to be carried by post, but to be delivered at the place where it is so lodged, the postmaster shall receive one ccnt§ of the person to whom it shall be delivered. — Sec. 3G, Act of 3 ^farch, 1825. Sec. 114. And he it further enacted , lAuA * * * the letter carriers employed at post offices shall be authorized to receive for each newspaper delivered by them, an half cent, and no more.]] — Sec. 2, Ac# of March 2, 1827. Sec. 115. And he it farther enacted, That the Postmaster General shall be authorized, Avhenever the same may be proper for the accommodation of the i)ublic in any city, to employ‘5' letter carriers for the delivery ot letters received at the post office in said city; except such as the persons to whom they are addressed may have requested, in writing, addressed to the postmaster, to be retained in the post office; and for the receipt of letters at such places, in the said city as the Postmaster General may direct, and for the deposit of the same in the post office; and for the delivery by a carrier of each letter received from the post office, the person to whom the same may be delivered shall pav not ex- ceeding two cents; and for the delivery of each newspaper and pamphlet, one half cent; and for everi letter rcceiAcd • See See. 10^ for a.Idltinniil allowance fov (Ins i.urposc. t Sec more conivvelieiisive statute in Seo. lOS, ns containeil in Act of .no August, IS52. t See Xos. ll.'i and 11 7. 5 See Sections lef) and ifiC for further provisions respecting drop letters. 11 Following section, from the Act of July 2, 1856, renews this statute. - T See antecedent provisions on this head in 113. MAIL DEPREDATIONS. 17 by a carrier to be deposited ia the post office, there shall be paid to him, at the time of the receipt, not exceeding two cents; all of which receipts, by the carriers in any city, shall, if the Postmaster General so direct, be accounted for to the postmaster of said city, to constitute a fund for the compensation of the said carriers, and be paid to them in such proportions and manner as the Postmaster General may direct. Each of the said carriers shall give bond with sure- ties, to be approved by the Postmastel- General, for the safe custody and delivery of letters, and for the due account and payment of all moneys received by him. — Sec. 41, Act July 2, 1836. Sec. 116. And be it further enacted., That the Postmaster General be authorized and directed, when in his judgment the public interest or convenience may require it, to establish one or more branch post offices, to facilitate the opera- tion of the post office in any city or place which in the opinion of the Postmaster General may require such additional accommodation for the convenience of the inhabitants ; and it shall be the duty of the Postmaster G eneral to prescribe the rules and regulations for the branch post offices which may be established by virtue of this Act ; and no additional postage shall be charged for the receipt or delivery of any letter or packet at such branch post office. — Sec. 10, Act of 8 March, 1847. Sec. 117. And be it further enacted. That it shall be in the power of the Postmaster General, at all post offices where the postmasters are appointed by the President of the United States, to establish post routes within the cities or towns, to provide for conveying letters to the post office, by establishing suitable and convenient places of deposit, and by employing carriers to receive and deposit them in the post office ; and at all such offices it shall be in his power to cause letters to be delivered by suitable carriers, to be appointed by him for that purpose, for which not exceeding- one or two cents shall be charged, to be paid by the person receiving or sending the same ; and all sums so received shall be paid into the Post Office Department: Prodded, The amount of compensation allowed by the Postmaster General to carriers shall in no case exceed the amount paid into the Treasury, by each town or city, under the pro- visions of this section.— Aec. 10, Ad of 3 March, 1851. Sec. 118. And be it further enacted. That the Postmaster General be and he is hereby authorized to empower the special agents of the Post Office Department in the State of California and in the Territories of Oregon and Washing- ton to appoint letter carriers for the delivery of letters from any post office in the said State or Territories, and to allow any letter carrier so appointed to demand and receive a sum for all letters, newspapers, or other mailable matter not more than may be recommended by the postmaster for whose office such letter carrier may be appointed : Provided, That not more than twenty-five cents shall be charged for any letter, newspaper, or ounce of other mailable matter. All such appointments may be determined and rates of compensation modified within the limits aforesaid, whenever the same is found expedient in the opinion of the appointing agent: And it is further pn. rid ed, That all such appoint- ments and contracts shall be subject to the approval of the Postmaster General: and upon notice to any carrier of his rejection by the Postmaster General, his appointment and contract shall be determined ; and that all letter carriers appointed in pursuance of this Act shall be subject to the provisions of the forty-first section of the Act entitled “ An Act to change the organization of the Post Office Department, and to provide more etfectually for the settlement of the accounts thereof,” approved July 2, 1836, except as herein otherwise provided : Provided, That no letter or letters or other mailable matter shall be delivered by any postmaster to said carriers unless requested in writing by the person or persons to whom said letters or other mailable matter may be directed.— ^Scc. 1, Act of July 27, 1854. Sec. 119. And be it further enacted, That each and every letter-carrier route which may be .established under the provisions of this Act, shall be deemed a post route during its continuance ; and the provisions contained in the ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, and fifteenth sections of an Act entitled “ An Act to reduce the rates of postage, to limit the use and correct the abuse of the franking privilege, and for the prevention of frauds on the revenues of the Post Office Department,” approved March 3, 1845, and the fifth and eighth sections of an Act entitled “ An Act to establish certain post roads, and for other purposes,” approved August 31, 1852, are hereby made applicable to said letter-carrier routes. —Sec. 27, Act of July, 1854. CHAPTEK IX. MAIL DEPREDATIONS. Sec. 120. And be it further enacted. That if any person employed in any of the departments of the Post Office Estab- lishment shall unlawfully detain,* delay, or open, any letter, packet, bag or mail of letters, with which he .shall be entrusted, or which shall have come to his posses.sion, and which are intended to be conveyed by post ; or, if any such penson shall secrete, embezzle, or destroy, any letter or packet entrusted to su'-h person as aforesaid, and which shall not contain any security for, or assurance relating to money, as hereinafter described, every such offender, bcin" thereof duly convicted, shall, for every such offence, be fined, not exceeding tiiree hundred dollars, or imprisoned, not exceeding six months, or both, according to the circnm.stances and aggravati ms of the offence. And if any i)erson, employed as aforesaid, shad sf-ercte. embezz'c, or destroy any letter, packet, bag or mail of letters, with which he or she shall be entrusted, or which shall have come to his or her possession, and are intend -d to be convejmd by post, containing any bank note or bank post bill, bill of exchange, warrant of fhe Treasury of (he Unitcfl States, note of assignment of stock in the funds, letter- of attorney for receiving annuities or dividends, or for selling .stock in the funds, or for receiving the interest thereof, or any letter of credit, or note for, or relating to. payment of moneys, or any • Sec. 32, Act of 1836, makes sfiecial provision against detention of letters and packets, or forwarding one in preference to others by post- masters. See Sec. 129. 18 THE POSTAL LAWS. bond, or warrant, draft, bill, or promissory note, covenant, contract, or agreement, whatsoever, for, or relating to, the payment of money, or the delivery of any article of value, or the performance of any act, matter, or thing, or any receipt, release, acquittance, or discharge of, or from, any debt, covenant, or demand, or any part thereof, or any copy of any record of any judgment, or decree, in any court of law, or chancery, or any execution which may have issued thereon, or any copy of any other record, or any other article of value, or any writing representing the same ; or if any such person employed as aforesaid, shall steal, or take, any of the same out of any letter, packet, bag or mail of letters, that shall come to his or her possession, such person shall, on conviction for any such offence, be imprisoned not less than ten years, nor exceeding twenty-one years ; and if any person who shall have taken charge of the mails of the United States shall quit or desert the same before such person delivers it into the post office kept at the termination of the route, or some known mail carrier, or agent of the General Post Office, authorized to receive the same, every such person, so offending, shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars for every such offence; and if any person concerned in carrying the mail of the United States shall collect, receive, or carry any letter, or packet, or shall cause or procure the same to be done, contrary to this Act, every such offender shall forfeit and pay, for every such offence, a sum not exceeding fifty dollars.— 21, Act of?, March, 1825. Sec. 121. And he it f urther enacted. That if any person shall rob any carrier of the mail of the United States, or other person entrusted therewith, of such mail, or of part thereof, such offender or offenders shall, on conviction, be imprisoned not less than five years nor exceeding ten years ; and, if convicted a second time of a like offence, he or they shall suffer death ; or, if, in effecting such robbery of the mail, the first time, the offender shall wound the person having custody thereof, or put his life in jeopardy, by the use of dangerous weapons, such offender or offenders shall suffer death. And if any person shall attempt to rob the mail of the United States, by assaulting the person having custody thereof, shooting at him or his horse or mule, or threatening him with dangerous weapons, and the robbery is not effected, every such offender, on conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment, not less than two years nor exceeding ten years. And, if any person shall steal the mail, or shall steal or take from, or out of, any mail, or from, or out of, any post office, any letter or packet ; or, if any person shall take the mail, or any letter or packet there- from, or from any post office, whether with or without the consent of the person having custody thereof, and shall open, embezzle, or destroy any such mail, letter, or packet, the same containing any article of value, or evidence of any debt, due, demand, right or claim, or any release, receipt, acquittance, or discharge, or any other article, paper, or thing, mentioned and described in the twenty-first section of this Act ; or, if any person shall, by fraud or deception, obtain from any person having custody thereof, any mail, letter, or packet, containing any article of value, or evidence thereof, or either of the writings referred to, or next abovementioned, such offender or offenders, on conviction thereof, shall be imprisoned, not less tlian two, nor exceeding ten years. And if any person shall take any letter or packet, not containing any article of value, nor evidence thereof, out of a post office, or shall open any letter or packet, which shall have been in a post office, or in custody of a mail carrier, before it shall have been delivered to the person to whom it is directed, with a design to obstruct the correspondence, to pry into another’s business or secrets ; or shall secrete, embezzle, or destroy, any such mail, letter, or packet, such offender, upon conviction, shall pay, for every such offence, a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, and be imprisoned not exceeding twelve months. — Sec. 22, Act of 3 March, 1825. Sec. 122. And he it further enacted-. That if any person shall rip, cut, tear, burn, or otherwise injure, any valise, portmanteau, or other bag, used, or designed to be used, by any person acting under the authority of the Postmaster General, or any person in whom his powers are vested, in a conveyance of any mail, letter, packet, or newspaper or pamphlet, or shall draw or break any staple, or loosen any part of any lock, chain, or strap, attached to, or belonging to any such valise, portmanteau, or bag, with an intent to rob, or steal any mail, letter, packet, newspaper, or pam- phlet, or to render either of the same insecure, every such offender, upon conviction, shall, for every such oflence, pay a sum not less than one hundred dollars, nor exceeding five hundred dollars, or be imprisoned not less than one year, nor exceeding three years, at the discretion of the court before whom such conviction is had. — iS'ec. 23, Act of 3 March, 1825. Sec. 123. Le it further enacted. That, * * * if any person employed in any department of the post office shall improperly detain, delay, embezzle, or destroy any newspaper, or shall permit any other person to do the like, or shall open, or permit any other to open, any mail or packet of newspapers, not directed to the office where he is em- ployed, such offender shall, on conviction thereof, forfeit a sum not exceeding fifty dollars, for every such offence. And if any other person shall open any mail or packet of newspapers, or shall embezzle or destroy the same, not being directed to such person, or not being authorized to receive or open the same, such offender shall, on conviction there- of, pay a sum not exceeding twenty dollars for every such offence. And if any person shall take, or steal, any packet, bag, or mail of newspapers, from, or out of any post office, or from any person having custody thereof, such person shall, on conviction, be imprisoned, not exceeding three months, for every such offence, to be kept at hard labor during the period of such imprisonment. If any person shall enclose or conceal a letter, or other thing, or any memorandum in writing, in a newspaper, pamphlet, or magazine, or in any package of newspapers, pamphlets, or magazines, or make any writing or memorandum thereon, which he shall have delivered into any post office, or to any person for that purpose, in order that the same may be carried by post, free of letter postage, he shall forfeit the sum of five dol- lars for every such offence : and the letter, newspaper, package, memorandum, or other thing, shall not be delivered to the person to whom it is directed until the amount of single letter postage is paid for each article of which the pack- age is composed. * ♦ * — 30 , Act of 8 March, 1825. Seo. 124. And he it further enacted. That every person. Avho, from and after the passage of this Act, shall procure, and advise, or assist, in tlie doing or perpetration of any of the acts or crimes by this Act forbidden, shall be subject to the same penalties and punishments as the persons are subject to, who shall actually do or perpetrate any ot the said acts or crimes, according to the provisions of this .Vet.— .S'ec. 24. Act of 3 March, 1825. Sec. 125. And he it further enacted, That every person wlio shall be imprisoned, hy a judgment of court, under and by virtue of the twenty-tlrst, twenty-second, twcuty-third, or twenty-fourth sections of this Act, shall be kept at hard labor during the period of such imprisonment. — i>ec. 25, Act of 3 March, 1825. MAIL DEPREDATIONS. 19 Seo. 126. And le it further enacted^ That all pecuniary penalties and forfeitures, incurred under this Act, shall be one-half for the use of the person or persons informing and prosecuting for the same, and the other half to the use of the United States, and shall be paid over to the Postmaster General, and accounted for by him as other moneys of the Department. — Sec. 83, Act of 3 Jfarch, 1825. Sec. 12T. And he it further enacted., That if any person shall buy, receive, or conceal, or aid in buying, receiving, or concealing, any article mentioned in the twenty-first section of this Act, knoAving the same to have been stolen or em- bezzled from the mail of the United States, or out of any post office, or from any person having the custody of the said mail, or the letters sent or to be sent therein ; or if any person shall be accessory after the fact to any robbery of the carrier of the mail of the United States, or other person entrusted therewith, of such mail, or of part thereof, every person, so offending, shall, on conviction thereof, pay a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars, and be imprisoned and confined to hard labor for any time not exceeding ten years. And such person or persons, so offending, may be tried and convicted without the principal offender* being first tried, provided such principal offender has fled from justice, or can not be found to be put on his trial. --/Sec. 45, Act of 3 March., 1825. Sec. 128. And he it further enacted.. That if any postmaster shall unlawfully detain in his office any letter, package, pamphlet, or newspaper, with intent to prevent the arrival and delivery of the same to the person or persons to whom such letter, package, pamphlet, or newspaper may be addressed or directed in the usual course of the transportation of the mail along the route ; or if any postmaster shall, Avith intent as aforesaid, give a preference to any letter, pack- age, pamphlet, or newspaper over another which may pass thi’ough his office, by forwarding the one and retaining the other, he shall, on conviction thereof, be fined in a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, and imprisoned for a term not exceeding six months, and shall, moreover, be forever thereafter incapable of holding the office of postmaster in the United States.— /Sec. 32, Act of 2 July., 1836. Sec. 129. And he it further enacted, That if any person shall be accessory after the feet, to the offence of stealing or taking the mail of the United States, or of stealing or taking any letter, or packet, or enclosure in any letter or packet sent or to be sent in the mail of the United States, from any post office in the United States, or from the mail of the United States, by any person or persons whatever, every person so offending as accessory, shall, on conviction thereof, pay a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, and be imprisoned for a term not exceeding five years ; and such acces- sory after the fact may be tried, convicted, and punished in the district in which his offence was committed, though the principal offence may have been committed in another district, and before the trial of the principal offender: Pro- vided, such principal offender has fled from justice, or can not be arrested to be put upon his trial. t—6ec. 38, Act of July 2, 1836. Sec. 130. And he it further enacted, That all moneys taken from the mails of the United States by robbery, theft, or otherwise, which have come or may hereafter come into the possession or custody of any of the agents of the Post Office Department, or any other officers of the United States, or any other person or persons whatever, shall be paid to the order of the Postmaster General, to be kept by him as other moneys of the Post Office Department, to and for the use and benefit of the rightful owner, to be paid whenever satisfactory proof thereof shall be made ; and upon the failure of any person in the employment of the United States to pay over such moneys when demanded, the person so refusing shall be subject to the penalties prescribed by lav/^ against defaulting officers. — Sec. 2, Act of 1 March, 1847. Sec. 131. And heit further enacted. That if any person shall steal, purloin, embezzle, or obtain by any false pretence, or shad aid or assist in stealing, purloining, embezzling, or obtaining by any false pretence, or shall knowingly and unlawfully make, forge, or counterfeit, or cause to be unlawfully made, forged, or counterfeited, or knowingly aid or assist in falsely and unlawfully making, forging, or counterfeiting any key suited to any lock which has been or shall be adopted for use by the Post Office Department of the United States, and which shall be in use on any of the mails or mail bags of the said Post Office Department, or shall have in his possession any such mail key or any such mail lock, with the intent unlawfully or improperly to use, sell, or otherwise dispose of the same, or cause the same to be unlawfully or improperly used, sold, or otherAvise disposed of, or who being employed in the manufacture of the locks or keys for the use of the said Post Office Department, whether as contractor or otherwise, shall deliver or cause to be delivered any finished or unfinished key or lock used or designed by the said Post Office Department, or the interior part of any such mail lock, to any person not duly authorized under the hand of the Postmaster General of the United States and the seal of the said Post Office Department to receive the same (unless such person so receiving the same shall be the contractor for furnishing such locks and keys, or engaged in the manufacture thereof in the manner authorized by the contract, or the agent for such manufacturer), such person so offending shall be deemed guilty of felony, and, on conviction thereof, shall be imprisoned for a period not exceeding ten years. — Sec. 3, Act of 31 Augmt, 1852. Seo. 1-32. Ard he it further enacted.. That if any person shall steal, purloin, or embezzle any mail bags in use by or belonging to the Post Office Department of the United States, or any other property in use by or belonging to the said Post Office Department, or shall, for any luore, gain, or convenience, appropriate any such property to his OAvn, or any other than its proper use, or for any lucre or gain shall convey away any such property to the hindrance or detriment of the public service of the United States, the person so offending, his counsellors, aiders, and abettors (knowing of and privy to any offence aforesaid) shall, on conviction thereof, if the value of sucli property shall exceed twenty-five dollars, be deemed guilty of felony, and shall be imprisoned for a period not exceeding three years; or, if the value of such property shall be less than twenty-five dollars, shall be imprisoned not more tlian one year, or be fined not less than ten dollars, nor more than two hundred dollars for every such offence.— /See. 4, Act of 31 A uyust, 1852. Seo. 133. And. he it further enacted. That all fines and penalties imposed for any violation of any law relating to the Post Office Department shall, when collected or recovered, be paid into the Treasury to the credit of the United States for the use of the Post Office Department, excepting, however, such part thereof as may by law belong to the party informing or prosecuting for the same.— /Sec. 10, Act of 31 Augunt, 1852. Seo. 134. Andheit further enacted, 'YXmi in all ca-ses where the Postmaster General shall be satisfied that either t See Sections 127 and 131 also. See Sections 129 and 131 for additional legislation on this subject. 20 THE POSTAL LAWS. money or property, stolen from the United States mail, shall have been exchanged for other money or property, and has been, upon the conviction of the thief, received at his Department, he shall have authority, upon satisfactory evi- dence tliat the same justly belonged to any individual, firm, or corporation, to pay over and deliver such money or i r -perty to the owner thereof. — Sec. 3, Act of March 3, 1853. CHAPTEK X. MAILABLE MATTER. Seo. 135. Ard he it further enacted, That no postmaster shall receive, to be conveyed by the mail, any packet which shall weigh more than three pounds ; and the postage marked on any letter or packet, and charged in the post bill which may accompany the same, shall be conclusive evidence in favor of the postmaster who delivers the same, of the lawful postage thereon, unless such letter or packet shall be opened in the presence of the postmaster or his clerk.* Any memorandum which shall be written on a newspaper or other printed paper, pamphlet, or magazine, and trans- mitted by mail, shall be charged with letter postage. — S c. 13, Act of 3 March, 1825. Sec. 136. And he it further enacted, That no newspapers shall be received by the postmasters, to be conveyed by post, unless they are sufiiciently dried, and enclosed in proper wrappers, on which, besides the direction, shall be noted the number of papers which are enclosed for subscribers, and the number for printers : Provided, That the number need not be endorsed, if the publisher shall agree to furnish the postmaster, at the close of each quarter, a certified statement of the number of papers sent in the mail, chargeable with postage. The Postmaster General in any con- tract he may enter into for the conveyance of the mail, may authorize the person with whom such contract is to be made, to carry newspapers, magazines, and pamphlets, other than those conveyed in the mail : Provided, That no preference shall be given to the publisher of one newspaper over that of another, in the same place.— /Sec. 30, Act of 3 March, 1825. Sec. 137. And he it further enacted. That “ mailable matter,” and “ matter properly transmittablo by mail,” shall be deemed and taken to mean all letters and newspapers, and all magazines and pamphlets periodically published, or which may be published in regular series or in successive numbers, under the same title, though at irregular intervals, and all other written or printed matter whereof each copy or number shall not exceed eightt ounces in weight, except bank notes, sent in packages or bundles, without written letters accompanying them ; but bound book8,J of any size, shall not be held to be included within the meaning of these terms. And any packet or packets, of whatever size or weight, being made up of any such mailable matter, shall subject all persons concerned in transporting the same to all the penalties of this law, equally as if it or they were not so made up into a packet or packages. But nothing in this Act contained shall be so construed as to prohibit any person whatever from transporting, or causing to be trans- ported, over any mail route, on any road or way parallel thereto, any books, magazines, or pamphlets, or newspapers, not marked, directed, or intended for immediate distribution to subscribers or others, but intended for sale as merchan- dise, and transported in the usual mode of transporting merchandise over the particular route used, and sent or con- signed to some bona fide dealer or agent for the sale thereof ; nor shall any thing herein be construed to interfere with the right of any traveller to have and take with him or her, for his or her own use, any book, pamphlet, magazine, or newspaper.— /Sec. 15, Act of ^ March, 1845. Seo. 138. And he it further enacted. That the term “ newspaper,” hereinbefore used, shall be, and the same is hereby defined to be, any printed publication, issued in numbers, consisting of not more than two sheets, and published at short stated intervals of not more than one month, conveying intelligence of passing events, and bona fide extras and supplements of any such publication. And nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to prevent the free exchange of newspapers between the publishers thereof, as provided for under the twenty-ninth section of the Act entitled “ An Act to reduce into one the several acts for establishing and regulating the Post Office Department, ap- proved the third day of March, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five.” — Sec. 16, Act of 3 March, 1845. Sec. 139. And he it further enacted. That it shall not be lawful to deposite in any post office, to be conveyed in the mail, two or more letters directed to different persons enclosed in the same envelope or packet ; and every person so offending shall forfeit the sura often dollars, to be recovered by action tarn, one half for the use of the informer, and the other half for the use of the Post Office Department : Provided, That this prohibition shall not apply to any letter or packet directed to any foreign country, and all newspapers conveyed in the mail shall be subject to postage, except those sent by way of exchange between the publishers of newspapers, and except those franked by persons enjoying the franking privilege ; * * ♦ and it shall be lawful for any contractor, or mail carrier, to trans- port newspapers§ out of the mail for sale or distribution to subscribers. * * ♦ —Sec. 13, Act of 3 March, 1847. And he it further enacted, * * * bound books, and parcels of printed matter not weigh- ing over thirty-two ounces,! shall be deemed mailable matter. * * ♦ — 2, Act of 3 March, 1851. • The 2(\ Section of the Act of August 30, 1852, (see No. 168,) makes books bound or unbound, not weighing over four pounds, mailable mat- ter. Also, ii\iblic documents are umestjicted as to weight. t Uefereuce to Sec. 140 shows the limit iii this particular is sixteen ounces under Act of 3 March, 1851. I Books to amount of four pounds mailable under Act of 30 August, 1852. See Sec. 168, § See also Sections 136 and 137. II Limit for books extended to four pounds by Act of 1863. See Sec. 168, POSTAGE STAMPS. 21 CHAPTEE XI. POSTAGE STAMPS. « Sec. 141. And 1)6 it further enacted, That to facilitate the transportation of letters in the mail, the Postmaster Gen- eral be authorized to prepare postage stamps, which when attached to any letter or packet, shall be evidence of the payment of the postage chargeable on such letter, which said stamps the Postmaster General may deliver to any dep- uty postmaster who may apply for the same, the deputy postmaster paying, or becoming accountable for the amount of the stamps so received by him ; and if any of said stamps shall not be used, but be returned to the General Post Office, the amount so returned shall be credited to such deputy postmaster ; and such deputy postmaster may sell or dispose of any stamps so received by him, to any person who may wish to use the same ; but it shall not be lawful for any deputy postmaster to prepare, use, or dispose of any postage stamps not authorized by and received from the Postmaster General f and any person who shall falsely and fraudulently make, utter, or forge any postage stamp with the intent to defraud the Post Office Department, shall be deemed guilty of felony, and on conviction shall be subject to the same punishment as is provided in the twenty-first section of the Act approved the third day of March, eighteen hundred and twenty-five, entitled “ An Act to reduce into one the several acts establishing and regulating the Post Office Department.” — Sec. 11, Act of 3 March, 1847. Sec. 142. And he it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Postmaster General to provide and furnish to all deputy postmasters and to all other persons applying and paying therefor, suitable postage stamps, of the denom- ination of three cents, and of such other denominations as he may think expedient to facilitate the prepayment of the postages provided for in this Act ; and any person who shall forge or counterfeit any postage stamp provided or fur- nished under the provisions of this or any former Act, whether the same are impressed or printed on or attached to envelopes or not, or any die, plate, or engraving therefor, or shall make or print, or knowingly use or sell, or have in his possession with intent to use or sell, any such false, forged, or counterfeited die, plate, engraving, or postage stamp, or who shall make or print, or authorize or procure to be made or printed, any postage stamps of the kind provided and furnished by the Postmaster General as aforesaid, without the especial authority and direction of the Post Office Department, or who, after such postage stamps have been printed, shall, with intent to defraud the revenues of the Post Office Department, deliver any postage stamps to any person or persons other than such as shall bo authorized to receive the same by an instrument of writing duly executed under the hand of the Postmaster General, and the seal of the Post Office Department, shall, on conviction thereof, be deemed guilty of felony, and be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding five years, or by both such fine and imprisonment ; and the expenses of procuring and providing all such postage stamps and letter envelopes, as are provided for or authorized by this Act, shall be paid, after being adjusted by the Auditor of the Post Office Department, on the certifi- cate of the Postmaster General, out of any money in the Treasury arising from the revenues of the Post Office Depart- ment.— /Sec. 3, Act of ^ March, 1851. Sec. 143. And he it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of every postmaster to cause to be defaced,* in such manner as the Postmaster General shall direct, all postage stamps attached to letters deposited in his office for deliv- ery, or to be sent by mail ; and if any postmaster, sending letters in the mail with postage stamps attached, shall omit to deface the same, it shall be the duty of the postmaster to whose office such letters shall be sent for delivery to deface the stamps and report the delinquent postmaster to the Postmaster General. And if any person shall use or attempt to use, in prepayment of postage, any postage stamp which shall have been before used for like purposes, such person shall be subject to a penalty of fifty dollars for every such oflence, to be recovered in the name of the United States, in any court of competent jurisdiction. — Sec. 4, Act of 3 March, 1851. Sec. 144. And he it further enacted. That if any person or persons shall forge or counterfeit, or shall utter or use knowingly, any counterfeit stamp of the Post Office Department of the United States issued by authority of this Act, or by any other act of Congress, within the United States, or the post office stamp of any foreign government, he shall be adjudged guilty of felony, and, on conviction thereof in any court having jurisdiction of the same, shall undergo a confinement at hard labor for any length of time not less than two years, nor more than ten, at the discretion of the court. — Sec. 5, of 3 March, 1845. Sec. 145. And he it further enacted. That the Postmaster General shall be, and he is hereby, authorized to provide and furnish to all postmasters and other persons applying and paying therefore, suitable letter envelopes, with such water-marks or other guards against counterfeits as he may deem expedient, and with one or more suitable postage stamps, with such device and of such denominations and value as he may direct, printed or impressed thereon ; which envelopes shall be sold at the cost of procuring and furnishing the same, as near as may be, with the addition of the value or denomination of the r)Ostage stamj^s so printed or impressed thereon or attached thereto, as aforesaid ; and letters, when enclosed in such envelope with postage stamps printed or impressed thereon (the postage stamp or stamps in every such case being of the value, denomination, or amount required to prepay tlie postage which would be chargeable on such letters and envelopes if sent by ipail to the xfiace of their destination under the provisions of the laws then in force, and such stamps and envelopes not having been before used), shall pass in the mails as pre- paid letters; and all letters enclosed in such envelopes as shall be provided and furnished by the Postmaster General, as first in this section prescribed, and with postage stamps thereon as aforesaid (and such postage stamps on such envelopes being equal in value and amount to the rates of postage to which such letters would be liable if sent by mail, and such postage stamps and envelopes not having been before used), may be sent, conveyed, and delivered • See also No. 147. 22 THE POSTAL LAWS. otherwise than by post or mail* notwithstanding any prohibition thereof under any existing law : Provided^ That the said envelope shall be duly sealed, or otherwise firmly and securely closed, so that such letter can not be taken there- from without tearing or destroying such envelope, and the same duly directed and addressed, and the date of such letter, or the receipt or transmission thereof, to be written or stamped, or otherwise appear on such envelope.— S’ec. 8, Act of 81 August^ 1852. Sec. 146. And h& it further enacted. That any person who shall forge or counterfeit any postage stamp printed or impressed upon any letter envelope authorized by the eighth section of an Act entitled “ An Act to establish certain post roads and for other purposes,” approved August 31st, 1852, or % any other act, or who shall counterfeit any die, plate, or engraving therefor, or who shall make or print, or knowingly use or sell, or have in his possession with intent to use or sell, any such false, forged, or counterfeited die, plate, engraving, or stamped envelope, or who shall make or knowingly use or sell, or have in his possession with intent to use or sell, any paper bearing the water-mark of such letter envelopes, or any fraudulent imitation thereof, or who shall make or print, or authorize or procure to be made or printed, any stamped or printed letter envelope of the kind provided by the Postmaster General under the author- ity aforesaid, without the especial direction of the Post OflSce Department, or who, after such letter envelopes have been prepared or printed, shall, with intent to defraud the revenues of the Post Office Department, deliver any such letter envelopes to any person or persons other than such as shall be authorized to receive the same by instrument of writing, duly executed under the hand of the Postmaster General and the seal of the Post Office Department, shall, on conviction thereof, be deemed guilty of felony, and be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding five years, or by both such fine and imprisonment.— /Sec. 7, Act of March 3, 1853. Seo. 147. And he it further enacted. That it shall be the duty of every postmaster to cause to be defaced,! in such manner as the Postmaster General may direct, all letter envelopes with postage stamps thereon, which may be depos- ited in his office for conveyance in the mail ; and if any postmaster sending such envelopes in the mail shall omit to deface the same, it shall be the duty of the postmaster to whose office such envelopes shall be sent for delivery to de- face them, and report the delinquent postmaster to the Postmaster General. And if any person shall use, or attempt to use, for the conveyance of any letter or other mailable matter or thing, over any post road of the United States, either by mail or otherwise, any such stamped letter envelope which has been before used for a like purpose, such person shall be liable to a penalty of fifty dollars, to be recovered, in the name of the United States, in any court hav- ing competent jurisdiction. — Sec. 8, Act of March 3, 1853. Seo. 148. And he it further enacted. That it shall not be lawful for any postmaster or other person to sell any post- age stamp or stamped envelope for any larger sum than that indicated upon the face of such postage stamp, or for a larger sum than that charged therefor by the Post Office Department ; and any person who shall violate this provision shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than ten nor more than five hundred dollars. This Act to take effect and be in force from and after the commencement of the next fiscal quarter after its passage : Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to alter the laws in relation to the franking privilege.- /Sec. 2, Act of 3 March, 1855. CHAPTER XII. PRIVATE EXPRESSES. Seo. 149. And he it f urther enacted. That no stage or other vehicle, which regularly performs trips on a post road, or on a road parallel to it, shall convey letters ; nor shall any packet boat or other vessel, which regularly plies on a water declared to be a post road, except such as relates to some part of the cargo. For the violation of this provision, the owner of the carriage, or other vehicle, or vessel, shall incur the penalty of fifty dollars. And the person who has charge of such carriage, or other vehicle, or vessel, may be prosecuted under this section, and the property in his charge may be levied on and sold, in satisfaction of the penalty and costs of suit : Provided, That it shall be lawful for any one to send letters by special messenger.— /Sec. 19, Act of 8 March, 1825. Sec. 150. And he U further enacted. That no person, other than the Postmaster General, or his authorized agents, shall set up any foot or horse post, for the conveyance of letters and packets, upon any post road, which is or may be established as such by law. And every person who shall offend herein, shall incur a penalty of not exceeding fifty dollars, for each letter or packet so carried.— /Sec. 3, Act of March 2, 1827. Seo. 151. And he it further enacted. That it shall not be lawful for any person to carry or transport any letter, packet, newspaper, or printed circular or price current (except newspapers in use, and not intended for circulation in the country to which such vessel may be bound) on board the vessels that may hereafter transport the United Statesman, as provided for in this Act ; and for every violation of this provision, a pen.alty of five hundred dollars is hereby im- posed, to be recovered by presentment, by information, or qui tain action — one half for the use of the informer and the other half for tlic use of the Post Office Department.— 'See. 4, Act of 3 March, 1845. Seo. 152. And he it further enacted. That it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to establish any private oxjiress or expresses for the conveyance, nor in any manner to cause to be conveyed, or provide for the conveyance or transportation, by regular trips, or at stated periods or intervals, from one city, town, or other place, to any other city, town, or place, in the United States, between and from and to which cities, towns, or other places, the United * Under this section letters enclosed in stamped envelopes may be sent out of the mail. A letter with a postage stamp merely can not be so sent. • See further provisions on this head in No. US. PRIVATE EXPRESSES. 23 States mail is regularly transported, under the authority of the Post Office Department, of any letters, packets, or pack- ages of letters, or other matter properly transmittable in the United States mail, except newspapers,* * * § pamphlets, mag- azines, and periodicals ; and each and every person offending against this provision, or aiding and assisting therein, or acting as such private express, shall, for each time any letter or letters, packet or packages, or other matter prop- erly transmittable by mail, except newspapers, pamphlets, magazines, and periodicals, shall or may be, by him, her, or them, or through his, her, or their means or instrumentality, in whole or in part, conveyed or transported contrary to the true intent, spirit, and meaning of this section, forfeit and pay the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars.— >S6c. 9, Act of 3 JfrtrcA, 1845. Seo. 153. And he it further enacted, That it shall not be lawful for any stage-coach, railroad car, steamboat, packet- boat, or other vehicle or vessel, nor any of the owi^rs, managers, servants, or crews of either, which regularly per- form trips at stated periods on a post route, or between two or more cities, towns, or other places, from one to the other of which the United States mail is regularly conveyed under the authority of the Post Office Department, to transport or convey, otherwise than in the mail, any letter or letters, packet or packages of letters, or other mailable matter whatsoevert except such as may have relation to some part of the cargo of such steamboat, packet-boat, or other vessel, or to some article at the same time conveyed by the same stage-coach, railroad car, or other vehicle, and excepting also, newspapers, pamphlets, magazines, and periodicals; and for every such offence, the owner or owners of the stage coach, railroad car, steamboat, packet boat, or other vehicle or vessel, shall forfeit and pay the sum of one hundred dollars ; and the driver, captain, conductor, or person having charge of any such stage coach, railroad car, steamboat, packet boat, or other vehicle or vessel, at the time of the commission of any such offence, and who shall not at that time be the owner thereof, in whole or in part, shall, in like manner, forfeit and pay, in every such case of offence, the sum of fifty dollars. — Sec. 10, Act of 3 March, 1845. Sec. 154. And he it further enacted. That the owmer or owners of every stage coach, railroad car, steamboat, or other vehicle or vessel, which shall, with the knowledge of any owner or owners, in whole or in part, or with the knowledge or connivance of the driver, conductor, captain, or other person having charge of any such stage coach, railroad car, steamboat, or other vessel or vehicle, convey or transport any person or persons acting or employed as a private express for the conveyance of letters, packets, or packages of letters, or other mailable matter, and actually in possession of such mailable matter, for the purpose of transportation, contrary to the spirit, true intent, and mean- ing of the preceding sections of this law, shall be subject to the like fines and penalties as are hereinbefore provided and directed in the case of persons acting as such private expresses, and of persons employing the same ; but nothing in this Act contained shall be construed to prohibit the conveyance or transmission of letters, packets, or packages, or other matter, to any part of the United States, by private hands, no compensation being tendered or received therefor in any way, or by a special messenger employed only for the single particular occasion.— /Sec. 11, Act of^ March, 1845. Sec. 155. And he it further enacted. That all persons whatsoever who shall, after the passage of this Act, transmit by any private express, or other means by this Act declared to be unlawful, any letter or letters, package or packages, or other mailable matter, excepting newspapers, pamphlets, magazines, and periodicals, or who shall place or cause to be deposited at any appointed place, for the purpose of being transported by such unlawful means, any matter or thing properly transmittable by mail, excepting newspapers, pamphlets, magazines, and periodicals,^ or who shall deliver any such matter, excepting newspapers, pamphlets, magazines, and periodicals, for transmission to any agent or agents of such unlawful expresses, shall, for each and every offence, forfeit and pay the sum of fifty dollars.— /Ssc. 12, Act of 3 March, 1845. 8eo. 156. And he it further enacted. That nothing in this Act contained shall have the effect, or be construed to pro- hibit the conveyance or transportation of letters by steamboats, as authorized by the sixth section of the Act entitled “ An Act to reduce into one the several acts for establishing and regulating the Post Office Department, approved the third of March, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five; Provided, That the requirements of said sixth sec- tion of said Act be strictly complied with, by the delivery, within the time specified by said Act, of all letters so con- veyed, not relating to the cargo, or some part thereof, to the postmaster or other authorized agent of the Post OflQce Department at the port or place to which said letters may be directed, or intended to be delivered over from said boat ; and the postmaster or other agent of the Post Office Department shall charge and collect upon all letters or other mailable matter, so delivered to him, except newspapers, pamphlets, magazines, and periodicals, the same rates of postage as would have been charged upon said letters had they been transmitted by mail from the port or place at which they were placed on board the steamboat from which they were received ; but it is hereby expressly provided, that all the pains and penalties provided by this Act, for any violation of the provisions of the eleventh section of this Act, shall attach in every case to any steamboat, or to the owners and persons having charge thereof, the captain or other person having charge of which shall not, as aforesaid, comply with the requirements of the sixth section of the said law of one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five. And no postmaster shall receive to be conveyed by the mail, any packet which shall weigh more than three§ pounds. — Sec. 13, Act of i March, 1845. Seo. 157. And he it further enacted. That all pecuniary penalties and forfeitures, incurred under this Act, shall be one half for the use of the person or persons informing and prosecuting for the same, and the other half to the use of the United States, and shall be paid over to the Postmaster General, and accounted for by him as other moneys of the department ; and all causes of action arising under this Act may be sued, and all offenders against this Act may be prosecuted, before the justices of the peace, magistrates^, or other judicial courts of the several States and of the several Territories of the United States, they having competent jurisdiction, by the laws of such States or Territories, to the trial of claims and demands of as great value, and of the prosecutions, where the punishments are of as gi’eat extent; and such justices, magistrates, or judiciary, shall take cognizance thereof, and proceed to judgment and exe- cution, as in other cases. — Sec. 17, Act of 3 March, 1845. * By the eighth Section of Act of August 31, 1852, letters enclosed in stamped envelopes may be sent out of the mall. See No. 146. t See Section 145 for exception in favor of letters enclosed in stamped envelopes. t See Section 145 for provision in relation to letters enclosed in stamped envelopes. § Limit with respect to boolsB extended to four pounds by 2d Sec. of Act of 30th August, 1852. See No. 168. 24 THE POSTAL LAWS. CHAPTER XIII. RAILROAD SERVICE. Seo. 15S. And be it further enacted, That each and ever}' railroad within the limits of the United States, which now is, or hereafter may be made and completed, shall be a post route'; and the Postmaster General shall cause the mail to be transported thereon, provided he can have it done upon reasonable terms, and not paying therefor, in any in- stance, more than twenty-five per centum over and above what similar transportation would cost in post coaches. — Sec. 2, Act of July 7, 1838. Sec. 159. Be it further enacted, That the Postmaster General shall not by virtue of the authority vested in him by the second section of the “Act to establish certain post routes, and to discontmue others,” approved July 7th, 1838, allow more than three hundred dollars per mile, per annum, to any railroad company in the United States, for the conveyance of one or more daily mails upon their roads : Provided, That nothing in this Act contained shall be con- strued so as in any way to remove or impair the limitations upon the power of the Postmaster General, imposed by that section .— of Jamiary 25, 1839. Sec. IfiO. Be it resolved. That the Postmaster General be, and he hereby is, authorized to make and enter into con- tracts with any railroad company for the transmission of the mail, without advertising for bids on such railroads, as now required by law . — Joint resolution of February 20, 1845. Sec. 161. And be it further enacted. That to insure, as far as may be practicable, an equal and just rate of compen- sation, according to the service performed, among the several railroad companies in the United States for the trans- portation of the mail, it shall be the duty of the Postmaster General to arrange and divide the railroad routes, includ- ing those in which the service is partly by railroad and partly by steamboats, into three classes according to the size of the mails, the speed with which they are conveyed, and the importance of the service ; and it shall be lawful for him to contract for conveying the mail with any such railroad company, either vrith or without advertising for such contract: Provided, Tliat, for the conveyance of the mail on any railroad of the first class, he shall not pay a higher rate of compensation than is now allowed by law; nor for carrying the mail on any railroad of the second class, a greater compensation than one hundred dollars per mile per annum ; nor for carrying the mail on any railroad of the third class, a greater compensation than fifty dollars per mile per annum. And in case the Postmaster General shall not be able to conclude a contract for carrying the mail on any of such railroad routes, at a compensation not exceed- ing the aforesaid maximum rates, or for what he may deem a reasonable and fair compensation for the service to be performed, it shall be lawful for him to separate the letter mail from the residue of the mail, and to contract, either with or without advertising, for conveying the letter mail over such route, by horse express or otherwise, at the great- est speed that can reasonably be obtained, and also to contract for carrying over such route the residue of the mail, in waggons or otherwise, at a slower rate of speed : Provided, That if one half of the service, on any railroad, is required to be performed in the night season, it shall be lawful for the Postmaster General to pay twenaty-five per cent, in addition to the aforesaid maximum rates of allowance. And provided further. That if it shall be found ne- cessary to convey over any railroad route more than two mails daily, it shall be lawful for the Postmaster General to pay such additional compensation as he may think just and reasonable, having reference to the service performed and the maximum rate of allowance established by this Act. — Sec. 19, Act of 3 March, 1845. CHAPTER XIY. RATES OF POSTAGE. Sec 162. And be it further enacted. That every letter or packet brought into the United States, or carried from one port therein to another, in any private ship or vessel, shall be charged with six cents, if delivered at the post office where the same shall arrive ; and if destined to be conveyed, by post, to any place, with two cents added to tho ordinary rates of postage. — Sec. 15, Act of ^ March, 1825. Sec. 163. And be it further enacted. That the deputy postmasters, and other agents of the Postmaster General, shall duly account, and answer to him, for all way letters which shall come to their hands ; and for this purpose, the post riders, and other carriers of the mail, receiving any way letter or letters, (and it shall be their duty to receive them if presented more than one mile from a post office,) shall deliver the same, together with the postage, if paid, at the first post office to which they shall afterwards •arrive ; where the postmaster shall duly enter the same, and specify the number, and rate or rates, in the post bill, adding to the rate of each way letter one cent, which shall be paid by the postmaster to the mail carrier from whom such way letters shall be received. — Sec. 20, Act of March 8, 1825. Sec. 164. Be it further enacted. That the better to enable the postal treaty with Great Britain to go into full efifoct with equal advantage to both countries, letters shall be mailed as composing one rate only where the letter does not exceed the weight of a half ounce avoirdupois; where it exceeds a half ounce but does not exceed an ounce, as com- posing two rates ; where it exceeds an ounce but does not exceed two ounces, as composing four rates ; where It RATES OF POSTAGE. 25 exceeds tvro ounces but does not exceed three ounces, as composing six rates ; where it exceeds three ounces but does not exceed four ounces, as composing eight rates ; and in like progression for each additional ounce, or fraction of an ounce, and that each rate shall be subject to the full postage charge ; and that letters refused, or which cannot be delivered, may be immediately returned to the dead letter office, and that newspapers not sent from the office of publication shall be charged with the same postage as other papers to be prepaid. — Sec. 3, Act ofS J/arcA, 1849. Sec. 1C5. Be it further enacted, That from and after the thirtieth day of June, eighteen hundred and fifty-one, in lieu of the rates of postage now established by law, there shall be charged the following rates, to wit : For every single letter in manuscript, or paper of any kind upon which information shall be asked for, or communicated in writing, or by marks- or signs, conveyed in the mail, h: * Avholly or in part by sea, and to or from a foreign country, for any distance over twent}'-five hundred miles, twenty cents, and for any distance under twenty- five hundred miles, ten cents, (excepting, however, all cases where such postage has been or shall be adjusted at different rates by postal treaty or convention, already concluded or hereafter to bo made ;) and for a double letter there shall be charged double the rates above specified ; and for a treble letter, treble those rates ; and for a quadru- ple letter, quadruple those rates ; and every letter or parcel not exceeding half an ounce in weight, shall be deemed a single letter ; and every additional weight of half an ounce, or additional weight of less than half an ounce, shall be charged with an additional single postage. And all drop-letters, or letters placed in any post office, not for trans- mission, but for delivery only, shall be charged with postage at the rate of one cent each ; and all letters which shall hereafter be advertised as remaining over or uncalled for, in any post office, shall be charged with one cent in addition to the regular postage, both to be accounted for as other postages now are.* — sVc. 1, .-1c^ ofS March, 1851. Sec. 1G6. Be it further enacted, That in lieu of the rates of postage now established by law, there shall be charged the following rates, to wit : For every single letter in manuscript, or paper of any kind in which information shall be asked for or communi- cated in writing, or by marks or signs, conveyed in the mail for any distance between places in the United States not exceeding three thousand miles, three cents ; and for any distance exceeding three thousand miles, ten cents. And for a double letter there shall be charged double the rate above specified ; and for a treble letter, treble those rates ; and for a quadruple letter, quadruple those rates ; and every letter or parcel not exceeding half an ounce in weight shall be deemed a single letter; and every additional weight of half an ounce, or additional weight of less than half an ounce, shall be charged with an additional single postage ; and upon all letters passing through or in the mail of the United States, excepting such as are to or from a foreign country, the postages as above specified shall bo prepaid, except upon letters and packages addressed to officers of the government on official business, which shall be so marked on the envelope. And from and after the first day of January, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, the Post- master General may require postmasters to place postage stamps upon all prepaid letters upon which such stamps may not have been placed by the writers. And all drop letters,! or letters placed in any post office not for transmission through the mail, but for delivery only, shall be charged with postage at the rate of one cent each ; and all letters which shall hereafter be advertised as remaining over, or uncalled for, in any post office, shall be charged with one cent each, in addition to the regular postage ; both to be accounted for as other postages now are.— 1, Act of 3 March, 1855. Sec. 167. Be it further enacted. That from and after the thirtieth day of September, eighteen hundred and fifty-two, the postage upon all printed matter passing through the mail of the United States, instead of the rates now charged shall be as follows, to wit : Each newspaper, periodical, unsealed circular, or other article of printed matter, not exceeding three ounces in weight, shall be sent to any part of the United States f(»r one cent, and for every additional ounce, or fraction of an ounce, one cent additional shall be charged ; and when the postage upon any newspaper or periodical is paid quarterly or yearly in advance at the office where the said periodical or new.spaper is delivered, or is paid yearly or quarterly in advance at the office where the same is mailed, and evidence of such payment is fur- nished to the office of delivery in such manner as the Post Office Department shall, by general regulations, prescribe, oije half of said rates only shall be charged. Newspapers and periodicals not weighing over one ounce and a half, when circulated in the State where published, shall be charged one half of the rates before mentioned : Provided, That small newspapers and periodicals, published monthly or oftener, and pamphlets not containing more than six- teen octavo pages each, when sent in single packages, weighing at least eight ounces, to one address, and prepaid by affixing postage stamps thereto, shall be charged only half of a cent for each ounce or fraction of an ounce, notwith- standing the postage calculated on each separate article of such package would exceed that amount. The postage on all transient matter shall be prepaid by stamps or otherwise, or shall be charged double the rates first above men- tioned. — Sec. 1, Act of 2)0 Auqwd, 1852. Sec. 168. And he it further enacted. That books, bound or unbound, not weighing over four pounds, shall be deemed mailable matter, and shall be chargeable with postage at one cent an ounce for all distances under three thousand miles, and two cents an ounce for all distances over three thousand miles, to which fifty per cent, shall be added in all cases where the same may be sent without being prepaid, and all printed matter chargeable by weight shall be weighed when dry. The publishers of newspapers and periodicals may send to each other from their re- spective offices of publication, free of postage, one copy of each publication ; and may also send to each actual sub- scriber, enclosed in their publications, bills and receipts for the same, free of postage. The publishers of weekly newspapers may send to each actual subscriber within the county where their papers are printed and published one C'»py thereof free of postage.— ective cities, at the said mints, all public moneys collected by them, or in their hands ; and that all such collectors and i-eccivers of public moneys Avithin the cities of New York, Boston, Charleston, and St. I.ouis, shall, upon the same direction, pay over to the a.ssistant tre.asurers, in their respective eitie.s, at their offices, resi)Octivoly. all the public moneys collected by them, or in their hand.s, to be safely kept by the said respective depositaries until otherwise disposed of according to hiAv; and it shall be the duty of the said Secretary and Postmaster General respectively to direct such p.ayments by the said collectors and receivers at all the saiil places at least as often as once in each AATck, .and as much more frequently, in all cases, as they in their discretion may think proper. — . 9, Act of Ang. 6, 1846. Sec. 218. .l;;r/ he it further enacted. That it shall be lawful for the Secretary of the Treasury to transfer the moneys in the hands of any depositary tiereby constitute*! to the Treasury of the United States, to be there safely kept, to the credit of tlu> Treasurer of the United States, according to the provisions of this Act ; and also to transfer moneys in the hands of any one depositar}' constituted by this act to any other depositary constituted by the same, at his discre- tion, and as the safety of the pul)lic moneys, and the convenience of the public service shall seem to him to require ; ACTS BEAKING ON THE POST OFFICE. 33 which authority to transfer the moneys belonging to the Post Olfice Department is also hereby conferred upon the Postmaster General, so far as its exercise by him may be consistent with the provisions of existing laws ; and every depositary constituted by this Act shall keep his account of the money paid to or deposited with him belonging to the Post Office Department, separate and distinct from the account kept by him of other public moneys, so paid or deposited. And for the purpose of payments on the public account, it shall be lawful for tlie Treasurer of the United States to draw upon any of the said depositaries, as he may think most conducive to the public interest or to the convenience of the public creditors, or both. And each depositary so drawn upon shall make returns to the Treasury and Post Office Departments of all moneys received and paid by him, at such times and in such form as shall be directed by the Secretary of the Treasury or the Postmaster General.— ,S'ec. 10, Act of & A ngust, 1816. Sec. 219. And 1)6 itfu/ tlier enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury may, at his discretion, transfer the balances remaining with any of the present depositaries to any other of the present depositaries, as he may deem the safety of the public money or the public convenience may require: Provided, That nothing in this Act shall be so construed as to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to transfer the balances remaining with any of the present depositaries to the depositaries constituted by this Act before the first day of January next : And 'provided. That for the purpose of payments on public account, out of balances remaining with the present depositaries, it shall be lawful for the Treasurer of the United States to draw upon any of the said depositaries as he may think most conducive to the public interests, or to the convenience of the public creditors, or both.— /iSec. 14, Act of 6 August, 1846. Sec. 220. And he it further ena ted. That all marshals, district attorneys, and others having public money to pay to the United States, and all patentees wishing to make payment for patents to be issued, may pay all such moneys to the Treasurer of the United States, to the treasurer of cither of the mints in Philadelphia or New Orleans, or to either of the other assistant treasurers, or to such other depositary constituted by this xVet as shall be designated by the Secretary of the Treasury in other parts of the United States to receive such payments, and give receipts or cer- tificates of deposite therefor. — Sec. 15, Act of August, 1846. Sec. 221. And he it farther ena> ted. That all officers and other persons, charged by this Act, or any other Act, with the safe-keeping, transfer, and disbursement of the public moneys, other than those connected with the Post Office Department, are hereby required to keep an accurate entry of each sum received, and of each payment or transfer ; and that if any one of the said officers, or of those connected with the Post Office Department, shall convert to his own use, in any way whatever, or shall use by way of investment in any kind of property or merchandise, or shall loan, with or without interest, or shall deposite in any bank, or shall exchange for other funds, except as allowed by this Act, any portion of the public moneys intrusted to him for safe-keeping, disbursement, transfer, or for any other purpose, every such act shall be deemed and adjudged to be an embezzlement of so much of the' said moneys as shall be thus taken, converted, invested, used, loaned, deposited, or exchanged, which is hereby declared to be a felony ; and any failure to pay over or to produce the public moneys intrusted to such person shall be held and taken to he i)rirna fade evidence of such embezzlement ; and if any oflicer charged with the disbursements of public moneys shall accept or receive, or transmit to the Treasury Department to be allowed in his favor, any receipt or voucher from a creditor of the United States, without having paid to such creditor, in such funds as the said officer may havo received for disbursement, or such other funds as he may be authorized by this Act to take in exchange, the full amount specified in such receipt or voucher ; every such act shall be deemed to be a conversion by such officer to his own use of the amount specified in such receipt or voucher ; and any officer or agent of the United States, and alt persons ad- vising or participating in such act, being convicted thereof before any court of the United States of competent jurisdic- tion shall be sentenced to imprisonment for a term of not less than six months nor more than ten years, and to a fine equal to the amount of the money embezzled. And, upon the trial of any indictment against any person for embez- zling public money under the provisions of this Act, it shall be sufficient evidence, for the purpose of showing a bal- ance against such person, to produce a transcript from the books and proceedings of the Treasury, as required in civil cases, under the provisions of the Act entitled “ An Act to provide more effectually for the settlejuent of accounts between the United States and receivers of public money,” approved March third, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven ; and the provisions of this Act shall be so construed as to apply to all persons charged with the safe- keeping, Transfer, or disbursement of the public money, whether such persons be indicted as receivers or depositaries of the same ; and the refusal of such i>erson wliether in or out of office, to pay any draft, order, or warrant wliicli may be drawn upon him by the proper officer of the Treasury Department, for any public money in his liands belonging to the United States, no matter in what capacity the same may have been received or may be held, or to transfer or disburse any such money promptly, upon the legal requirement of any authorized officer of the United States, shall be deemed and taken, upon the trial of any indictment against such person for embezzlement, as prima facie evi- dence of such embezzlement.— iS'ec. 3, Act of Atigust 6, lSt6. Sec. 222. Aiid. he it fwther enacted. That on the first day of January, in the year one thousand eight hurulred and forty-seven, and thereafter, all duties, taxes, sales of public lands, debts, and sums of money accruing or becoming due to the United States, and also all sums due for postages or otherwise, to the General Tost Olfice Department, shall be paid in gold and silver coin only, or in treasury notes issued under the authority of the Unitcul States ; Pro- vided. That the Secretary of the Treasury shall publish, monthly, in two newspapers at the city of Washington, the amount of specie at the several places of deposite, the amount of treasury notes or drafts i.ssucd, and the amount out- standing on the last day of each month. — Sec. 1^^, Act of A'ugust 6, 1846. Sec. 223. And he it farther enacted. That on the first day of April, one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven, and thereafter, every officer or ag'-nt engaged in making disbursements on account of the United States, or of the General Post Office, shall make all pa)'ments in gold and silver coin, or in trea.sury notes, if the creditor agree to re- ceive said notes in payment; and any rc’C^dving or di.sbnrsing officer or agent who shall neglect, evade, or vii)lale the provisions of this and the last ])receding section of this Act, shall, by the Secretary of the Treasury, be immediately reported to the President of the United States, Avith tie* facts of such neglect, evasion, or violation ; and also to Con- gress, if in session, and if not in session, at the commencement of its session next after the violation takes place.— Nee. 19, Act of 6 August, 1846. 34 THE POSTAL LAWS. Sec. 224. And he it further enacted^ That no exchange of funds shall be made by any disbursing officers or agents of the Government, of any grade or denomination whatsoever, or connected with any branch of the public service, other than an exchange for gold and Silver; and every such disbursing officer, when the means for his disbursements are furnished to him in gold and silver, shall make his payments in the money so furnished ; or when those means are furnished to him in drafts, shall causae those drafts to be presented at their place of payment, and properly paid according to the law, and shall make his payments in the money so received for the drafts furnished, unless, in either case, he can exchange the means in his hands for gold and silver at par. And it shall be and is hereby made the duty of the head of the proper department immediately to suspend from duty any disbursing officer who shall violate the provisions of this section, and forthwith to report the name of the officer or agent to the President with the fact of the violation, and all the circumstances accompanying the same, and within the knowledge of the said Secretary, to the end that such officer or agent may be promptly removed from office, or restored to his trust and the performance of his duties, as to the.President may seem just and proper: Provided, however. That those disbursing officers, hav- ing at present credits in the banks, shall, until the first day of January next, be allowed to check on the same, allow- ^ ing the public creditors to receive tlieir pay from the banks either in specie or bank notes. — Sec. 20, Act of 6 A uQUfd, 1 S46. Sec. 225. And he it further enacted. That it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury to issue and publish regulations to enforce the speedy presentation of all Government drafts for payment at the place wffiere payable, and to prescribe the time, according to the different distances of the depositaries from the seat of Government, within which all drafts upon them, respectively, shall be presented for payment : and, in default of such presentation, to direcl any other mode and place of payment which he may deem proper; but in all these regulations and directions, it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury to guard, as far as may be, against those drafts being used or thrown into circulation as a paper currency or medium of exchange. And no officer of the United States shall, either directly or indirectly, sell or dispose to any person or persons or corporations, whatsoever, for a premium, any treasury note, draft, warrant, or other public security, not his private property, or sell or dispose of the avails or proceeds of such note, draft, warrant, or security in his hands for disbursment, without making return of such premium, and accounting therefor by charging the same in his accounts to the credit of the United States; and any officer violating this section shall be forthwith dismissed from office. — Sec. 21. Act of 6 August, 1846. Sec. 226. Andhe it further enacted, 'Thai tA\ acts or parts of acts which come in conflict with the provisions of this Act be, and the same are hereby, repealed.— /Sec. 24, Act of 6 Augthst, 1846. Sec. 227. And he it urther enacted, That all books, papers, documents, and records in the War, Navy, Treasury, and Post Office Departments, and the Attorney General’s office, may be copied and certified under seal in the same manner as those in the State Department may now by law be, and with the same force and effect, and the said Attor- ney General shall cause a seal to be made and provided for his office, with such device as the President of the United States shall approve.— Sec. 3, Act of February 22, 1849. ADDITIONAL ARTICLES Of agreement between the Post Office Department of the United States and the Post Office Depart^ ment of Canada, providing for the exchange of registered letters between the two countries. Article I. Letters, alleged to be valuable, posted at any post office in the United States or its Territories, and ad- dressed to Canada, or posted in Canada and addressed to the United States, and deliverable at any of the respective offices of exchange to be thence conveyed to their destination, shall be registered at the office of mailing, on the application of the person posting the same : Provided, That the full postage chargeable thereon to destination, to- gether with a registration fee of five cents on each letter, be prepaid at such mailing office : And Provided, also, That such registration shall not be compulsory, and shall not render the respective Post Office Departments of the United States or Canada, or their revenues, liable for the loss of such letters or packets, or the contents thereof. Article II. All such letters or packets mailed in the interior of the United States or Canada, respectively, shall be received, registered, and receipted for, as directed in the general regulations issued in each country in regard to the registration of valuable letters, and shall be sent to the respective exchange offices for the purpose of being forwarded thence by the first mail. Article III. The respective exchange offices shall make a separate letter-bill for each registered letter, or parcel of registered letters, originally mailed at said exchange offices, or sent to them to be forwarded, as prescribed by the regulations referred to in Article II., and shall enter therein the name of the person addressed and the post office to which it is to be mailed for delivery. The postmaster of said exchange office will then mail each such letter, or parcel of letters, in the usual manner in a separate package from the unregistered letters. The letter-bills of suoli registered letters shall not be enclosed in the packages containing them ; but shall be enclosed in a separate wrapper or enve- lope, sealed, and addressed to the postmaster of the corresponding exchange office. Article IV. On receipt of registered letters for delivery or distribution at either of the respective exchange offices, the postmaster of such receiving office will compare the letters with the bill, and endorse it “correct,” if it is found so, or will note the error, if there be one, in the manner prescribed with regard to registered letters received from an inland post office. He will then fill up the corresponding return bill, noting upon it whether correct or otherwise, and will see that it is returned by the first mail thereafter to the exchange office of mailing. Article V. Registered letters received at either of the exchange offices, and destined for an inland post office, shall be forwarded in the same manner as other registered letters originally mailed at such office. Articie VI The registration fee of five cents shall accrue to the United States Post Office Department upon all registered letters sent from the United States to Canada, and to the Canadian Post Office Department upon all regis- tered letters sent from Canada to the United States. Article VII. The present articles shall be considered additional to those agreed upon between the two offices on the 25th day of March, A. D. 1851, and shall come into operation on the 1st day of October, A. D. 1856. INDEX TO THE LAWS Abstract of offers, sec. 44. Advertised letters, sec. 165, 166. Advertising, sec. 38, 42, 55, 56, 216. Accounts, sec. 1, 2, 6, 32, 68, 193. Additional service, sec. 40, 42, 47, 69. .Aiding, abetting, or being accessary, sec. 126, 128, 130, 131,172. Agents of Department, sec. 1, 2, 12, 13, 182, 223. Allowances to postmasters, sec. 2, 25. “ to agents of Department, sec. 13, 14. “ to contractors, sec. 69, 161. “ for ship and steamboat letters, sec. 176, 177. Appointment of postmasters, sec. 1, 7, 8. Assistant Postmasters General, sec. 1, 3, 4, 5, 14, 40, 94. Auditor, sec. 2, 6, 63, 66, 67, 184, 189, 190, 192, 193, 194. Attorneys of United States, sec. 189, 190, 220. Annulment of contracts, sec. Appraisements, sec. 75, 81. Appropriations for Department, sec. 1, 2, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 210 . Authentication of transcripts, sec. 1. Annual lettings, sec. 38. Bnis and receipts for newspapers, sec. 168. Balances due Department, sec. 2, 6, 18, 184, 188, 192, 208,219. Bids, sec. 46, 211. Books, sec. 104, 137, 140, 168. Boxes and pigeon-holes, sec. 27, 29. Bonds of postmasters, sec. 17, 18, 19, 188. Branch post offices, sec. 27, 116. Bremen mails, sec. 71. British postal treaty, sec. 164. Buying articles stolen from mail, sec. 123. Canal routes, sec. 20. California and Oregon service, sec. 32, 33, 58, 59, 118. Canada mails, sec. 85. Celerity, certainty, and security of mail, sec. 52. Census documents to go free, sec. 106. Changing the terms of a contract, sec. 42. Chief Engineer allowed to frank, sec. 6. Clerks in Department, sec. 1, 10, 45, 205, 207. “ in post offices, sec. 11. Clerk of House of Eepresentatives, sec. 89, 95, 96. 98, 100, 205, 211. Collectors of ports, sec. 178, 182, 217. Collection of debts, sec. 184. Comptroller of Treasury, sec. 6. Compensation to Department for free matter, sec. 103, 108. Compromise, sec. 194. Commissions of postmasters, sec. 7, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31,32. Combined bids, sec. 42, 47. Concealing letters, sec. 123, 128, 182. Congressional documents, sec. 104. “ Globe, to go free, sec. 1 09. Contractors, sec. 46. Consuls of United States to be empowered, see. 74. Contingent fund, sec. 210, 214. Custom House officers, sec. 172. County seats, sec. 22, -34, 35. Coimterfeiting key, sec. 131. “ franks, sec. 88. “ postage stamps, sec. 144, 145, 146. Curtailments of service, sec. Custody of the mail, sec. 9. Cutting the mail bags, sec. 122. Dead letters, sec. 53, 54, 57, 58, 59, 164. Defacing stamps and envelopes, sec. 143, 147. Default of postmasters, sec. 16, 203. Depredations on mail, sec. 2, 86, 120 to 135. Delinquencies of contractors, sec. 51, 69. Deserting the mail, sec. 120. Detention ofletters, etc., sec. 28, 123, 129. Debts due to Department, sec. 192, 196. Delivery ofletters, sec. 23, 27, 28, 113, 115, 177. Disbursements, sec. 214, 221, 224. Destroying mail matter prohibited. Distribution, sec. 31. Dismissals, sec. 45. Dividing the mail, sec. 51. Discharge from imprisonment, sec. 187. Directors of incorporated company, sec. 81. Discontinuance of routes, sec. 22, 35, 73. “ of offices, sec. 18. Drop letters, sec. 165, 166. Duplicates of contracts, sec. 28. Duty of postmasters, sec. 9, 17, 27, 28. Establishment of post offices, sec. 1, 19. Emoluments of postmasters, sec. 25, 26, 27. Embezzling mail matter, sec. 121, 123, 131. “ public moneys, sec. 221. Estimates for service of Department, sec. 61, 208. Engravings, sec. 213. Exchanging funds of Department prohibited, sec. 221, 224. Envelopes for letters, sec. 142 to 148. Exchange newspapers, sec. 138, 168. Express mails, sec. 50, 51, 161, 170. Expenses of Department, sec. 1, 2, 32, 38, 193, 208. Extending the posts, sec. 34. Execution of contracts, sec. 43. Extra clerks, sec. 209. Extra compensation, sec. 25, 204. Failing bidders, sec. 41. Failure to execute contract, sec. 41, 46. Forging stamps, etc., sec. 141, 142, 145, 146, 148. Fees and perquisites, sec. 10. Ferryman delaying mail, sec. 37. Fines, sec. 11, 38, 69, 194, 200. Finances of Department, sec. Foreign letters and mails, sec. 55, 56, 70, 72, 79, 86, 172. Forfeitures, sec. 9, 49, 80, 123, 186, 194, 211. Franking privilege, sec. 88 to 112, 168. “ “ repealed, sec. 93. Fraudulent acts, sec. 141, 142, 145, 146, 148, 171, 192. Free whites only to carry mail, sec. 35. Governors of States may frank, sec. 91, 95. Guaranty of bids, sec. 41, 46, 52. Havre mails, sec. 71. Instructions to po.«tmasters, sec. 1. Imprisonment of offenders, sec. 121, 122, 123, 125, 131, 132, 141,142, 143, 221. Increase of expedition, sec. 42. Incidental expenses, sec. 69. Incorporated companies, sec. 81, 198. Injuring the mail bags, sec. 122. 86 INDEX. Judgments, sec. 190, 192, 194. Keeping open of offices, sec. 27. Letter carriers, sec. 113, :'.ll, 115, 117, 118. Letters containing value, sec. 53, 59, 70. Letter stamps and envelopes, sec. 141 to 148. Letters testamentary, sec. 2(i2. Land and water mails, sec. 38, 69. Lettings of mail contracts, sec. 38, 69. Library of Congress, sec. 111. Lists of uncalled-for letters, sec. 53, 54, 56. Loaning funds of Department, sec. 221. Lottery schemes, etc., sec. 90, Locks and keys, sec. 68, 69, 84. Magazines and pamphlets, sec. 27, 34, 107, 137, 136, 152. Mailable matter, sec. 135, 136,137, 138, 139, 140. Mail carriers, sec. 16, 163. Mail contracts, sec. 38, 43, 44, 69, 73, 75. Mail depredations, sec. 2, 83, 120 to 135. Malpractice of contractors, sec. 51. Mail distribution, sec. 31. Maps and charts for Congressional Library, sec. 111. Marshals of United States, sec. 182, 220. Masters of steamboats, sec. 177, 178, 179. Members of Congress to frank, 87, 94, 99, 101. Members of Congress not to be contractors, sec. 196, 197, 198. Merchandise, sec. 137. Militia duty, and serving on juries, sec. 11. Mississippi river mails, sec. 76, 183. Memorandums on newspapers, sec. 135. Messengers and watchmen, sec. 210. Moneys taken from mail, sec. 130, 134. Moneys of Department, sec. 2, 222, 223. Neglect to render accounts, sec. 184, 185, 186, 210. Newspapers, sec. 27, 107, 114, 138, 155, 215. Night mails, sec. 31. Oath, sec. 9, 182, 193. Obstructing the mail, sec. 36, 37. Organization of Department, sec. 1. Official forms of papers, sec. 2. Owners and managers of vehicles, etc., sec. 149, 153, 154, 177, 178, 180. Panama mails, sec. 77. Pamphlets, sec. 137, 155. Payments to Department, sec. 222, 223, 225. Payments for Department, sec. 216. Penalties, sec. 9, 11, 16, 25, 28, 44, 80, 92, 121, 122, 123, 131, 132, 133, 141, 142, 146, 148, 150, 152, 171, 177, 182. Periodicals, sec. 57, 166, 167, 168, 213. Plank roads, sec. 21. Postmasters, privileges of, sec. 94, 101. Postriders, sec. 11, 163. Post routes, sec. 1, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 117, 119. Postal treaty, sec. 164. Postage stamps, sec. 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 167. Postage on foreign letters, sec. 79, 164, 172, 173. Postmaster General, duty of, sec. 1, 2, 8, 9, 17, 18, 23, 24? 26, 51, 53, 60, 69, 72, 183, 191, 217. Postmaster General, authority to, sec. 2, 13, 14, 23, 52, 58, 59, 77, Sit, 85, 117, 176, 194. Prepayment of postage, sec. 142 to 148. President of United States, sec. 7, 79, 85, 87. Printed matter, sec. 167, 168. Printing of Department, sec. 211. Private expresses, sec. 149 to 157, 178. Priority of claim, sec. 196. Proposals for contracts, sec. 41, 42, 43, 211, 212, 215. Proceeds of offices, sec. 2, 6, 82, 67. Prosecutions, sec. 1, 17, 45, 190. Publishers of newspapers, etc., sec. 107, 168, 169. Purchasing stock of former contractors, sec. 52. Quarterly returns, sec. 31, 179, 139. Quitting or deserting mail, sec. 120. Railroad service, sec. 158, 159, 160, 161. Rates of postage, sec. 162 to 175. Receipts and payments, sec. 179, 214, 220, 221. Recovering moneys improperly paid, sec. 191. Remission of fines, sec. 194. Retarding the mail, sec. 36. Register of mails, sec. 31, 51. Registration of letters, sec. 175. Registration of letters to Canada, page 34. Repeal of franking privilege, sec. 93. Reports to Congress, sec. 26, 38, 42, 69, 72, 205, 214. Returns of postmasters, sec. 28. Revenues of Department, sec. 1, 60. Ripping mail portmanteau, sec. 122. Robbing the mail, see. 121, 122, 124, 130. Resignation or removal of postmasters, sec. 19. Sale of uncalled-for printed matter, sec. 57. Sale of stamps and envelopes, sec. 141 to 148. Schedules, sec. 49. Seal, sec. 1, 226. Search of vessels, etc., sec. 182. Seat of Government, sec. 195. Seizure of letters, sec. 182. Securities of postmasters, sec. 16, 17, 186. Secretary of the Senate, sec. 87, 89, 95, 93, 100, 211. Secretary of the Treasury, sec. 6, 12, 13, 201, 218, 219 225. Secretary of State, sec. 74, 205. Secretary of the Navy, §ec. 201, 205. Settlements, sec. 32. Separating mails, sec. 31. Slips from newspapers, sec. 50, 170. Ship letters, sec. 70, 162, 179, 181. Ship and steamboat mails, sec. 176, 177, 178, 180. Smithsonian Institution, sec. 111. Special agents, sec. 2, 13, 14, 38. Stationery, sec. 211. , Stealing the mail, sec. 121, 123. Superintendent of Census, etc., sec. 110. , Steamboat service, sec. 20, 176, 177, 180. Steamboat routes, sec. 19, 161. Stock employed on routes, sec. 42, 52. Steamships, sec. 75, 77, 73. Suits, sec. 1, 17, 49, 127, 184 to 192, 203. Sureties of contractors, sec. 41, 46, 203. Supplements to newspapers, sec. 138. Transfers, sec. 60, 82, 216, 218, 217, 221. Transporting newspapers out of mail, sec. 136, 137. Time allowed for making up mail, sec. 23. Treasurer of CTnited States, sec. 60, 61, 66, 216. Temporary contracts, sec. 42. Transient matter, sec. 167. Uncalled-for letters and papers, sec. 165. Using the public moneys, sec. 221. Unsealed letters and circulars, sec. 167. Valuable letters, sec. 53, 59, 70. Vessels of war, sec. 75. Vice President, to frank, sec. 87, 94, 112, 189. Vouchers, sec. 1, 6, 221. "Warrants on the Treasury, sec. 2, 6, 64, 65, 67. Way letters, sec. 163. Wrappers of new'spapers, sec. 168. Western rivers mails on, sec. 176, 180, 183. Widows of Presidents to frank, sec. 98, 105. J. H. 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