1 i I ;i ;:8 It »i»i * *! H[itjitt 4 »ti»i January Inl, 1909 &0U SH^niif^rtitrcritf of tUf Kmi^roOfO JMPjirllttlt inOf &i»mpinn ^ntf Cnttinn »ntf Ctt»t$infi i$vtn0tp^ HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT, U. S. A. ! i m Dcs(Ti[)ti\'e Catalogue OF THK GALLY IMPROVED UNIVERSAL PRESSES. Highest Awards at the Centennial Kxhibition, 1876; Melbourne. (Australia) Exhibition, 1880; Columbian Ivxposition, 1893; Paris Exposition, 1900. Award given for “adaptability for the work intended: originality: fine mechanical construction; practical utility: fine adjustments and simplicity:” and the judges’ verdict is, “Press pos.sesses every requisite for first-class work and great durability. The National Machine Company, Sole Manufacturers, 111-135 Sheldon Street, - - Hartford, Conn., S. A. OCTOBER 1. 1908. Gaily Improved Universal Printing Press Style No. 1. Improved Universal Printing Press. New Style No. i, T his is the regular press, adapted for general commercial letterpress printing, as described in the appended descrip- tion. Made in three sizes as follows : Quarto Medium, 10 x 15 inches inside chase. Half Medium, 13 x 19 inches inside chase. Half Super Royal, 14 x 22 inches inside chase. '1 he following small parts are included with each Quarto .Medium Press; h'ive cast iron chases, one roller mould (for which a set of cast rollers or two cast iron chases will be sub- stituted, if preferred), six form roller stocks, four ^distributor ro'ler stocks, two ductor roller stocks, twelve roller wheels (six large, six small), two iron lateral distrihutors, two feed tables, om- large impression wrench, one socket wrench, one chase latch wrench and treadle fixtures ( for which two cast iron chases will be sulistituted if preferred). '1 he same parts are included with the Half Medium except cha.'es, and (■ne steel chase and three cast iron chases are supplied; with the Half Super Royal, two steel chases and two cast iron chases. No tre.adle iixtures are supplied with Half Super Royal or Half Medium Presses. An improveii gear wdieel is now' put on all style No. 1 13 19 and 11 X 22 UniversaU w'ith a steel section cast into the cam- way at the place where the friction roller wears the hardest. F.ach pres.s is shipped complete with ink fountain and power fixtures, including tight and loose pulleys, and the improved belt shifter and brake combined No overhead fixtures are included. Gross weight complete, crated for domestic shipment : Quarto .Medium, I,9(i0 pounds; H.alf Aledium, 2.700 pounds; Half Super Royal. 2,H50 pounds. Prices furnished on aiiplication to .Agents or The National Machine Co. 2 25Mr iar-fl. r f t 6 5 0 , ?) I Hud Gaily Improved Universal Printing Press. Style No. 2. T his style differs from the No. i in that it is heavier and stronger in its general bnild, having a much heavier platen and heavier fly-wheel for “carrying over” on a more pow'erfnl impression. It has a steel section welded into the rim of the large gear wheel, in which are formed the teeth which are in engagement with the teeth of the driving pinion during the time of the impression, also a steel section in cam-way where the friction roller does its hard w^ork. The style No. 2 is equipped with our new style double rolling device, which lifts one of the form rollers clear of the form on the downward movement of the carriage, by means of latches, which drop automatically as the rollers leave the distributing cylinders, and hold one roller off the form by supporting its journal boxes. Wdien the roller carriage passes the low'er edge of form, the latches are released by pins coming in contact with stops on frame of press, and the roller, with a fresh supply of ink, passes over the form on the upward movement. This is one of the best of the Universal Presses for gen- eral work and is therefore specially recommended to printers wishing to do very fine, or tint work, or large half-tone plates. Built in two sizes only: Half Medium, 13x19 inches inside chase. Half Super Royal, 14x22 inches inside chase. Improved Universal Printing Press. I he same small parts are included as specified on page New Style No. 2. number two, for these sizes. Gross Weight, complete, crated for domestic shipment: Half Medium, 2,750 pounds; Half Super Royal, 2,900 pounds. Prices furnished on application to Agents or The National Machine Co. 3 Gaily Improved Universal Printing Press. Style No. 3. Improved Universal Printing Press. New Style No. 3. T he Style No. 3 is recommended to those printers who want the best press procurable for executing the finest class of cut, solid block and color printing. The Style No. 3 Universal Press differs from Style No. i in the following particnlars : The pinion shaft is extended and given an extra out- side floor support. The pulleys are wider and intended to carry a 23^2 inch belt on Quarto Medium and a 33^2 inch belt on the larger sizes. The fly-wheel on Quarto Medium weighs 200 pounds and on the Half Medium and Half Super Royal, 300 pounds each. The large gear wheel has the steel sec- tions like the Style No. 2, described on page number three. The main shaft is of high grade steel, with solid reamed bearing through the bed. The connecting rods are of forged machinery steel, very heavy, and bushed with phosphor- bronze where bearing on crank-pins. The bridge and platen are solid to each other — no pressure whatever being sus- tained by screws. 4 Combinations of Gaily Improved Universal Presses* Style No. 3, as designed for Letterpress work with facilities for many other purposes added Combination A. For letterpress printing of the highest grade, cold em- bossing, stamping, and all work that can be executed on a platen set to print at the height of type. Quarto Medium, 10 x 15 inches inside chase. Half Medium. 13 x 19 inches inside chase. Half Super Royal, 14 x 22 inches inside chase. Combination B. For letterpress printing and (in addition to all work that can be done on Combination A) book-cover inlaying, and cutting and creasing. This combination is fitted with a movable 1-8 inch steel platen plate and a movable 1-8 inch brass platen plate, the latter for use in cutting and creasing. Quarto Medium, 10 x 15 inches inside chase. Half Medium, 13 x 19 inches inside chase. Half Super Royal, 14 x 22 inches inside chase. Combination C. P'or letterpress printing and hot embossing (in addition to all work that can be done on Combination A and B,) This combination is fitted with a steam-blank, 7-8 inch thick, a movable 1-8 inch steel plate for same, a movable 1-8 inch steel platen plate, a movable 1-8 inch brass platen plate and two cast iron platen plates. Half Medium, 13 x 19 inches inside chase. Half Super Royal, 14 .x 22 inches inside chase. Combination D. For letterpress printing, printing on wood not exceed- ing 1 inch in thickness, and cold embossing. I'liis combi- nation is fitted with a 7-8 inch movable cast-iron platen blank, a movable 1-8 inch steel platen plate and a movable 1-8 inch brass platen plate, the latter for use in cutting and creasing. Quarto Medium, 10 x 15 inches inside chase. Halt Medium. 13 x 19 inches inside chase. Half Super Royal, 14 x 22 inches Inside chase. Combination E. Same as Combination C, except fitted for printing on wood. Half Medium. 13 x 19 inches inside chase. Half Super Royal, 14 x 22 inches inside chase. In ordering Combination C or E, it is necessary to state the average thickness of embossing dies. It is recommended that 1-4 inch dies be used. The same small parts are included with Stvle No. 3 presses as specified on page number two for the different sizes. Gross weight, complete, crated for domestic shipment: — Quarto Medium, 2000 lbs.. Half Medium, 2900 lbs.. Half Super Roj’al, 3100 lbs. Prices furnished on application to Agents or The National Machine Co. 5 Improved Universal Printing Press. Style No. 4. T' '0 meet the demand of those printers who require a larger press than the 14 x 22 inches ; to publishers using ready prints, in small towns, for one-page work ; blank book makers and others who do not have constant need for a cylinder press, we offer the Style No. 4 Universal. This press is built in one size only — 17 inches by 25 inches inside chase, on new lines and no ex- pense has been spared in this new production, now offered to the trade for the first time. The frame is of a solid, modern design, and is pro- portionately heavier than the 14 x 22 inches; the bridge, fly-wheel, hook connection and cam lever are heavier; the cam-way in the large gear wheel is of an improved de- sign, requiring a larger friction roller; the gear wheel has the steel sections in the rim and cam-way like the Style No. 2 and Style No. 8 Universals; the carriage ways are of a new design, the carriage slot being perpendicular its full length ; this press has the long pinion shaft with the outside floor support like the Style No. 3 Universal and the ncvv style double inking device without springs is a part of the regular equipment. The following small parts are included : — FIVE STEEL CH.A-SES, one roller mould (for which a set of cast rollers will be substituted if preferred), eight form roller stocks, six distributor roller stocks, two vibrator or ductor roller stocks, sixteen roller wheels, (eight large and eight small), three iron lateral distributors or changers, two fee'l tables and one set of wrenches. No treadle fixtures are supplied with this press. Each press is ‘^hiijped complete with ink fountain and side power fixtures, including tight and loose pidleys, and the improved belt shifter and brake combined. Gross weight complete, crated for domestic shipment, ;!,.5()0 pounds; floor space required, — including feed tables and stands in position, — 44 inches from front to back and 60 inches sideways; Pulleys, 16 inches in diameter with 3)4 inches face, carrying a 3(4 inch belt; the flywheel makes eight (8) revolutions to each impression and the press will require about 1)4 M. P. to operate it. Price furnished on application to Agents or The National Machine Co. Super Royal No. 4. 6 Gaily Universal Gally Universal Cutter and Creaser. Cutter and Creaser E arly in isze the first printing presses adapted to the work of cutting and creasing paper and pasteboard for boxes were made by M. Gaily, since which time there have been placed hundreds in most of the paper-box manufactories of the United States. The press now offered is the latest improvement, and is the most powerful and easily handled machine ever produced for this purpose. It has the improved platen movement of the Universal Press, it is remarkably simple, and being extremely solid in its build, it is peculiarly adapted for either stamping or paper-box cutting. All sizes have the extra steel gibbed lock and are also provided with phosphor-bronze bushings between the draw bars and impression cranks. In these presses are combined unequaled power, speed, strength and facility for operating. The speed is limited only by the expertness of the feeder. The platen is under absolute control by means of the instantaneous throw-off. These presses are double geared, extremely powerful, durable and effectiv'e, and will not “stall.” 7 Gaily Universal Cutter and Creaser. BUILT IN FIVE SIZES. 1 20 X 30 inches inside chase. u OOl ww 2 X 301 66 66 66 2 23J X 31 66 66 66 3 27 X 40 66 (6 (6 4 30 X 44 66 66 66 Each press is furnished with a steel platen plate, -J inch thick (or a brass plate if preferred), three chases, two feed tables, power fixtures on press, brake and one wrench. Gross weight, complete, for domestic shipment: No. 1, 4800 pounds; No. 1^, 4900 pounds; No. 2, 5100 pounds; No. 3, 0500 pounds; No. 4, 7500 pounds. Prices furnished on application to Agents or the National Machine Company. Note the No. 4, 30 x 44 inches inside chase, something new, the largest and most powerful Cutter and Creaser ever constructed and as easily operated as the No. 1. 8 Gaily Universal £mbossing' Press Gally Universal Embossing Press. O N this press the impression is obtained by means of a rocking and sliding platen held at the point of impression by lugs, to which is added a steel gibbed lock at the front of the platen and in the line of the face of the embossing dies. This extra lock holds the platen to position and exact register for the dies, and effectually prevents the bridge from rising from its seat and the platen from tilting in either direction. This device is of great value and is used exclusively on the Gally Presses. The Gally Universal principle permits of devel- oping for the purpose practically unlimited strength and power. The larger size (24 x 20 inch bed) made can be run at 1800 perfect impressions per hour. The platen is set low, is easy to feed, and is under absolute control liy means of the instan- taneous impression throwoff and impression adjuster. These presses will not “stall” on the heaviest work. 9 Gaily Universal Embossing^ Press T he wide doiilde gears have steel sections welded into their rims at the point where impression is sus- tained. The main shaft is of inch steel, with solid reamed bearing through bed. The pinion shaft is of 2-fs inch steel and runs in a series of six bearings (two within and two outside the frame of press) and an end floor support to each extremity of shaft. The platen bridge shaft is of 3g inch steel. There are two flywheels, one on each side of press, each wheel weighing 375 pounds, revolving 5J times to each impres- sion. The driving and loose pulleys are 10 inches in diameter and carry a 35 inch belt. The connecting rods are massively heavy, of machinery steel, and the “eyes” where bearing on crank pins are bushed with phosphor bronze metal. Unless otherwise ordered, the platens of embossing presses are set “type high.” For cold process work, the dies if blocked “type high,” may be locked in chases. If unblocked dies are used a cast iron bed blank is furnished in lieu of chases, for backing and holding the dies. For hot process work a steam blank and a steel die plate are used, and the platen l)lank is removed to provide space for the dies. 10 . Gaily Universal Embossing' Press Emboss larger dies, give more room for stock, and do quicker work than any other Embosser. BUILT IN TWO SIZES. No. I 21)4^ X 22 inch Bed-Plate. i8 x 20>4 inches inside chase. No. 2 24 X 26 inch Bed Plate. 22^ x 24^ inches inside chase. Each press is supplied with three chases (or a cast-iron bed blank at the option of the purchaser) two feed tables, power fixtures on press, belt shifter, brake and one wrench. The steam blank with steel die plate, cast iron platen plates or steel platen plates are not a part of the regular equipment, and are charged for extra. Prices furnished on application to Agents or The National Machine Company. Gross weight, complete, for domestic shipment. No. i, 3400 pounds; No. 2, 4300 pounds. 11 Universal Stamping Press F or Book-covers, Signs, Photo Mounts and other work requiring Greater Strength and Pressure than for General Embossing. This kind of work has heretofore been done successfully only on slow-running upright embossing presses. The Universal Stamping Press is the only FAvST RUNNING machine ever built that is sufficiently rigid and powerful to do this work satisfactorily. Its speed is from 1800 to 2000 impressions per hour, and is really limited only by the ability of the feeder. The old upright machines require an expert man to feed them, while the Universal Stamper can be fed perfectly by an ordinary press-boy. This press is made only in one size, 24 x 26 inch bed-plate; is of the same general design as the Universal Embosser, but heavier and more powerful. Its main shaft is 6 % inches diameter and the bridge shaft is 4J4 inches diameter. To insure absolute rigid impression, this press has no impression throw-off, and has solid bushed bearings for crank pins and bridge shaft. This press can be adapted for either hot or cold work. Gross weight, complete, for domestic shipment, 4600 pounds. Prices furnished on application to Agents or The National Machine Company. 12 TABLE OF USEFUL INFORMATION. SIZE OF PRESS. FLOOR SPACE. INCHES. Diameter and Face of Driving Pulley. Inches. Width of Belt Inches. Revolutions of Fly Wheel to each Impression Horse Power Required. Shipping Weights for Domestic Shipment. Quarto Medium 10 X 16 No. 1 34 X 30 12 X 2^ 2 6 y 1900 No. 3 34 X 40 14 X 2^ 2^ 1 2000 Half Medium 13 X 19 Nos. 1 & 2 40 X 40 14 X 2V4 8 1 No. I 27(10 No. 2 27.50 No. 3 2^m No. 3 40 X 52 16 X 3^ ly Half Super Royal 14 X 22 Nos. 1 & 2 40 X 43 14 X 2^ 8 1 No. 1 2850 No. 2 2