H V y v, * 4 T^LOGUE OF THE CHARLESTON PUBLIC SCHOOL LIBRARY. >♦* ^ >k. ^ >! te % f & ** f f- if | If f f f f 14 ►*■ f V Ill >* if f f if if if if f if SEPTEMBER, 1894. t - i “The true University of these days is a collection of boohs.”==Carlyle. >ivrw>ioix' CATALOGUE OF THE PUBLIC SCHOOL LIBRARY. . / AUtjioijs jrjito subjects. “It is a man's duty to have books . A library is not a luxury , but one of the necessaries of life*' Objects of Our Library. 1st. To aid in cultivating a taste for good reading. 2d. To supply materials tor supplementary study and independent research. How to Read. • Read not to contradict and confute, nor to believe and take for granted, nor to find talk and discourse, but to weigh and consider. * * * Some books are to be read only in parts; others to be read but not attentively; and some few to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention.'* — Bacon. ••Reading maketh a full man; conference, a ready man; and writing, an exact man."— Idem . School Library. RULES. 1. All pupils of the Charleston Public Schools shall be entitled to the privileges of the Library on registering name and tiling a satisfactory guarantee for their observa- tion of the Library Rules. 2. Where books are taken from the Library by teach¬ ers, for use of their pupils, such teacher is responsible for the return of the books in perfectly good condition. 3. Books must in all cases be charged by the Librar¬ ian. before they are taken from the Library. 4. Any person who shall cut, write upon, or in any manner deface or injure any book, shall he required to re¬ place the book tints injured with a new copy. 5. Books must in all cases be charged by the Librar¬ ian, before they are taken from the Library. 6. Not more than one book shall stand charged tq the same person at one time. This rule does not apply where books are used in class-work. 7. No book shall be retained from the library longer than two weeks without renewal. 8. Books of reference shall not be taken from the school building. 3 0 ITU'fc’i \ Biography. “It is natural to believe in great men. The world is upheld by the veracity of good men. They make the earth wholesome. Life is sweet and tolerable only in our belief in such society, and actually or ideally we manage to live with super¬ iors.”—E merson. NAME OF AUTHOR. NAME OF BOOK. Adams.Familiar Letters Alcott. Louisa M.Life, Letters and Journals Aldridge, L.. The World's Workers Abbot, Jacob.Life of Cromwell .'.. .Life of Genhis Kahn .... Life of Alfred the Great .Life of Hannibal .Life of Josephine . ... , Life of Peter the Great .Life of Louis XIV Life of Mary Queen of Scotts .Life of Daniel Boone Abbot, John SC.Life of Columbus Andrews. Jane.The Boys on the Road from Long Ago Boswell, Jane.Life of Samuel Johnson (4 vol.) Balch. Wm. Ralston.Life of President Gartield Beaconsheld, Lord.Life and Letters Bartlett,.Life of Lady Jane Grey .Pioneers of America Blind.. .Life of George Eliot Burs...Life of N. P. Willis Bigelow. J.Life of W. C. Bryant Crockett, David.Life of David Crockett Carlvle, Thomas.Life of Frederic the Great “ “ .Life of John Sterling Clark Eliza.Life of Handel Cooke.Life of Gen. Robert E. Lee Dickens, Mamie.Life of Charles Dickens DeQuincey. Thomas.Confessions of an Opium Eater Emerson, R. W.Representative Men Franklin. Bei jamin.Autobiography Foster, Ernst. . .Abraham Lincoln Frothingham, O. B.Life of George Ripley Gay.Life of James Madison 4 Gilman.Life of James Monroe Gowing.Life of Richard Cobden Goethe.. .Autobiography Greely, Horace.Life of Henry Clay Holmes, Oliver Wendell. ... Ralph Waldo Emerson (2 vol.) Higginson, T. W.Stories of American Authors Higginson, T. W.'.Margaret Fuller Ossoli Huntington, Faye.Stories of Great Men Harris, Amanda.English Authors “ American Authors Hawthorne, Nathaniel.Biographical Sketches Humphrey, Mrs.Favorite Authors Irving, Washington.Mahomet “ .Life of Washington (2 vol.) “ “ .Life of Columbus K..The World’s Workers Lodge.Life of Alexander Hamilton “ .Life of Daniel Webster (2 vol.) Louisberg.Life of James F. Cooper Lossing, Benson.Eminent Americans Lewis, George H.Life of Goethe Lord, John.Beacon Lights of History (8 vol.) Morse.Life of John Quincy Adame Magruder, A B.John Marshall Nohl, Louis.Life of Beethoven Pierson. Rev. Hugh.Memoirs of Rec. C. Buchanan Plutarch.qEminent Lives (2 vol.) Prescott, William.Life of Ferdinand and Isabella Robinson, Mary.Life of Emily Bronte Ransdell, H. J.Life of James G. Blaine Spyn, Mme.Red Letter Stories Sumner.Life of Andrew Jackson Swaine, A. S .Life of Turner, the Artist Sanborn, T. B.Life of H. D. Thoreau Scudder, Horace.Life of Noah Webster Schurz, Carl.Life of Henry Clay (2 vol.) Steele, Rev. Robert.Burning and Shining Lights Samte.Portraits of Men Smith, Helen.One Hundred Famous Men Scott, Walter.Lives of Eminent Novelists “ “ .Pictures of Heroes Smiles, Samuel.Life of George Stephenson o Seward. William.Life of John Adams Thomas, Bertha.Life of George Sand Trevelyan, George Otto.Life and Letters of Macaulay Woodbury, George E.Life of Edgar Allan Poe t 6 History. “The student is to read history actively and not passiveiy; to esteem his own life the text, and books the commentary. I have no expectation that any man will read history aright who thinks that what was done in a remote age, by men whose names have re¬ sounded far. has any deeper sense than what he is doing to-day.” —Emerson. * NAME OF AUTHOR. NAME OF BOOK. Arnold.Lectures on History Abbott, Jacob.History of Nations (6 vol.) Bancroft, George.History of United States (6 vol.) Buckle, Thomas... .History of English Civilization (4 vol.) Bates, Lizzie.Stories from the Moorland Brayman.Daring Deeds of American Heroes Bush, Mrs Forbes.Memoirs of Queens of France Bulfinch, Thomas.Age of Chivalry Ballou.The New Eldorado *• .Under the Southern Cross Booth, Gen.In Darkest England and the Way Out Bryce.American Commonwealth (4 vol.) Creasy.Decisive Battles of the World (2 vol.) Coffin.Boys of ? 76 “ .Drum Beat of the Nation “ .Building of the Nation Curtis, George T.History of the Constitution Champlin. .Young Folks History of the War for the Union Church, A. J. Stories of the Old W orld Carlyle, Thomas.History (12 vol.) D’Aubigne.History of the Reformation Drake.The Making of the Great W^est Dodge, M. S.Stories of American History Freeman. Prof.English People in Three Homes Gibbon.Decline and Fall of Rome (11 vol.) Grote.History of Greece (4 vol.) Green.History of English People (3 vol.) .The Puritan Revolution Guizot.Civilization in Europe “ History of France (8 vol.) Gillman, Arthur.Historical Readers (3 vol.) “ “ ..., Pathfinders Goodrich. SR.North America Goodrich, S. R.South America and the West Indies Hallam. . .Middle Ages (2 vol.) Herbert, Henry.Cromwell Hale, Egmond A..Chinese Gordon Irving, Washington. Life and Voyages of Columbus “ “ . .Washington and His Country (2 vol.) “ *• .The Alhambra 44 “ .Conquest of Granada Johnston, Samuel.History of Rasselas Johonnet, James.Stories of Our Country “ “ .Stories of Olden Times 44 ,J .Stories of Heroic Deeds 44 44 .Stories of a Grandfather Kingsley, Charles.Greek Heroes Kippis.Cook’s Voyages Kaufman, Rosalie.Queens of England (3 vol.) 44 44 .Queens of Scotland (2 vol.) .Gibralter and its Sieges McMasters.History of People of United States (3 vol.) McCaulay.History of England (3 vol.) McCarthy, Justin.Ireland since the Union 44 44 .History of our Times (4 vol.) Mendenhall.A Century of Electricity Menjies.History of the Middle Ages May.Constitutional History of England (2 vol.) Martineau, Harriet.Peasant and Prince Motley.Dutch Republic (3 vol.) Pierson. Wm.History of the United States Prescott.Conquest of Mexico (6 vol.) 44 .Conquest of Peru [2 vol.] Rawlinson.Ancient Monarchies (2 vol.; Scull.Greek Mythology Stanley.Through the Dark Continent (2 vol.) Schiller.Thirty Years* War Swinton, William.The Army of the Potomac Paine T.History of English Literature (2 vol.) Watson, H. C .Camp Fires of Napoleon Willard.Universal History Ware, William.Zenobia 4 4 4 4 Julian 44 44 Aurelian Walpole .Kingdom of jreland 8 Yonge, Charlotte.History of France “ “ .History of Germany “ “ .History of Rome “ “ .History of England “ “ .History of Greece “ “ . . .Golden Age “ " .Remarkable Events of the World “ “ ...History “ .Adventures of Modern History Young, L. H.Remarkable Events 9 Poetry and Drama. “Histories make men wise; poets, witty; the mathematics, subtiie; natural philosophy, deep; moral, grave; logic and rheto ric. able to contend.”— Bacon. NAME OF AUTHOR. NAME OF BOOK. iEschylus.Prometheus Chained Aristophanes.... ...The Knight Butler. Samuel.Hudibras Bryant. William Cullen.Complete Poems Burns, Robert.Complete Poems (2 vol.) Browning, Mrs.Aurora Leigh Byron, Lord...Poems (2 vol.) Browning. Robert.Poems Campbell, Thomas.Poems Coleridge.Poems Chaucer.Knight's Tale Cervantes.Don Quixote (2 vol.) Collins.Poems Dante.Divine Comedy Euripides.Lion, Suppliants, etc Goethe. Poems [2 vol.] Holland, J. G.Kathrina (2 vol.) “ “ ...Bitter Sweet [2 vol.] “ “ .Mistress of the Manse (2 vol.) Hemans, Mrs.Poems [2 vol.] Holmes, Oliver Wendell.Poems Homer.Iliad, Odyssey [2 vol.] Johnson.Narrative, Lyrical and Minor Poems Kingsley.Poems Lessing. Dramas “ .Nathan the Wise Longfellow, Henry W.Poems “ “ .Tales of a Wayside Inn (3 vol.) Lowell, James R.Poems (8 vol.) “ “ . .Early Literary and Miscellaneous Poems Moore, Thomas.Poems (2 vol.) Macaulay, T. B.Poems Meredith, Owen. Poems Moliere. Dramas 10 Milton. Pope. Poe, Edgar Allan. Pollock. Robert. Rilev, James Whitcomb. it << u Rusk in... Scott, Walter. Schiller. She: lev. %> Southev. Spencer. Shakespeare. Tennyson .... Thompson. Thorn well, Emily. Virgil... Whittier, John Greenleaf Wilcox, Ella Wheeler Woods ft orth. .Paradise Lost .. P jems .Poems .Course of Time . .Pipes O'Pan at Jakesbury .Afterwhiles .Poems ..Poems ..Poems .Poems .Poems .Fairy Queen . .Complete Dramas (16 vol.) ... .Complete Works (2 vol.) .Complete Poems Rainbow Around the Tomb ..The Aeneid .Poems .Poems .Poems .Favorite Poems 11 Essays. NAME O y AUTHOR. NAME OF BOOK. Addison. Select Essays Bolton Sarah..How Success is Won Beecher, Catherine E.Domestic Economy Carey, Henry B ...Law Without Lawyers Coppleston.Advice to a Young Reviewer Coleridge. S. T.Table Talk Carlyle, Thomas.He.oes and Hero Worship (2 vol.) “ “ ..Complete Works (10 vol.) DeFoe.The Shortest wavs with the Dissenters •/ Froude, James.Historical Essays Holland, J. G.Titcomb's Letters Lamb, Charles.Tales From Shakespeare (2 vol.) Lowell, James Russell.Literary Essays (3 vol.) “ “ “ .. Political Essays (2 vol.) McCauley. Thomas B.Essays (3 vol.) Milton.'...Prose Works Matthews.. ...Oratory and Orators “ .Getting on in the World Ruskin, John.Complete Works (12 vol.) “ “ .Selections (2 vol.) Steele. Crises Smiles. Samuel.Character (2 vol.) ...Self Help ( vol.) .Thrift (2 vol.) ..Dutv .Life and Labor Swing, David.Motives of Life “ “ .Club Essavs Warner, Charles Dudley.Essays Wheetley.Historical Doubts a u u a it a a u 12 Oratory name of author. name of book. Burke, Edmund.Speeches in Parliament Lowell, J. R.Literature and Political Addresses Peabody, Selim .. American Patriotism Washington. Geo..Selections from Addresses Morals. NAME OF AUTHOR. NAME OF BOOK. Butler, Joseph.Analogy of Religion Bunyan, John.Pilgrim's Progress Cicero.Officers. Old Age. Friendship Draper, J. W..Religion and Science Drummond, Henry... .Natural Law in the Spiritual World Evans.Prince of the House of David Farrar, Cannon.Seekers After God (2 vol.) “ “ .Early Days of Christianity Fisk, John.Idea of God Geikie. Life of Christ Mann, Horace.Thoughts for a Young Man Norton, F. L.College of Colleges Spurgeon, Chas.John Ploughman’s Talks “ “ .Lectures to Students Strong, Josiah.Our Country Wallace, Lew.. / .Ben Hur Wiggins...Manners Wayland, Francis.Moral Science Rhiloeophy. NAME OF AUTHOR. NAME OF BOOK. Dick, Thos.Philosophy of a Future State “ “ ..The Emile “ “ .Orbiter Dicta 13 Science. NAME OF AUTHOR. NAME OF BOOK. Aristotle.Science of Government Andrews. Jane. .Stories Mother Nature Told Her Children Bryce, James.American Commonwealth (2 vol.) Burroughs, John.Sharp E}es Bain.Education as a Science “ Mind and Body Burke.Essay on the Sublime Bacon.Essays Cook. : .Fungi Comb, Geo.Constitution of Man Darwin, Chas.Formation of Vegetable Molds “ “ .Origin of Species Deane, Fannie A.Little Talks About Planets “ “ .Seashore Chats “ “ “.Animals EUmaker. Chas. E.Revelation of Right Guvot.Earth and Man Ingersol, Ernest.Habits of Animals (2 vol.) Johan not, James .Cats and Dog^ “ “ .Wings and Fins “ “ .Claws and Hoofs L’Estrange. Roger.Seneca’s Morals Locke.Essays LeConte, J.Evolution McKnight.Seaside and Wayside (2 vol.) Proctor, R.Our Place Among the Infinities Plato.Dialogues Payne, Jos.Science of Education Sturm. Adam.At Home in New York “ “ .In the Mountains .Commercial Products of the Sea Stewart, Balfour.Conservation of Energy Stephenson, Sarah.Boys and Girls in Biology Spencer, Herbert.Study of Sociology “ “ . . .Data of Ethics (2 vol. > “ “ .Education 14 Smith, Roswell... Wood, J. G. 44 4444 44 44 44 Williams Charles . .Modern Geography .Bird Life .Animal Life . .Our Domestic Pets Dogs and Their Ways X ravel. NAME OF AUTHOR. NAME OF BOOK. Abbott.Rollo in Scotland “ .Rollo in Holland “ .Rollo on the Rhine “ Rollo in Genoa Ballou, H. W.Footprints of Travel .Travels Under the Sun Benedict.Stories of Persons and Places in Europe Cook.Voyages Dana, Richard.To Cuba and Back “ “ .Two Years Before the Mast Frost.Perilous Adventures by Land and Sea Field.From Lakes of Killarney to the Golden Horn Goethe..Travels in Italy Hale, E. E..Family Flight Through France Holmes, O. W.One Hundred Days in Europe Howard, Blanche.One Year Abroad Irving, Washington. TaJ°s of a Traveler ** “ .Astoria Jenkins, J. S.Pacific Expeditions Peabody, Andrew...European Travel Smiles, Samuel.Travels Around the World Stanley, Henry.Through the Dark Continent (2 voi.) Taylor, Bayard.Views Afoot Vincent, Frank.Through the Tropics Ouidee. NAME OF AUTHOR. NAME OF BOOK. Allibone.Prose Quotations Allen, R.Handbook of Saratoga Brewer, E. C.*.The Reader’s Handbook Banibridge.School Room Games Baldwin.The Book Lover Baity.Practical Tr xidermy Chaney.Wood Working Tools Cross, J. G.Dictionary of Shorthand Edwards.Practical Steam Engineer's Guide Fowler. Home and Wealth Franklin, Benj.Poor Richard's Almanac Power, Mrs.Compendium of 11th Century (3 vol.) Ruskin.;.Sesame and Lilies Richardson.Familiar Talks on English Literature Roberts.Rules of Order Washington, Geo.Rules of Comfort “ “ Rules of Conduct Warren. Mrs.Comfort for Small Incomes Junior Literature. name of author. name of book. Alcott, Louisa M.Hospital Sketches “ “ “ . Jo's Boys “ “ “ .Under the Lilacs “ “ “ .Jack and Jill “ “ “ .Little Women “ “ “ .Life. Letters and Journals “ “ “ ...Eight Cousins “ “ . “ .Little Men “ “ “ .Old Fashioned Girl “ “ “ ....Rose in Bloom “ . “ “ .Mephistopheles Abbott, Jacob ....Rollo's Tour in Europe “ “ ■ .\ .Rollo in Holland “ “ .Rollo in Geneva “ “ . ...4 .Rollo in Scotland “ .Rollo in Rome • • • > » — •* “ .Rollo in Paris “ “ .Rollo in Paris “ “ ..Rollo on the Rhine Burnett, Frances Hodgson.The Pretty Sister of Jose Bouvet, Marguerite..Sweet William Burnett, Frances Hodgson.Sara Crew “ “ “ .... .Lord Fountleroy Andrews. Jane.Seven Little Sisters 17 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 Alden, Mrs. (Pansy).Getting Ahead .Pansies .A Hedge Fence .-Some Young Heroes .Side by Side .Jessie Wells .Six Little Girls .Bobbie's Wolf and Other Stories .Next Things and Dome's Day .Young Folks Worth Knowing .Pansie’s Scrap Book .Art of Good Manneis .At Home and Abroad .Five Friends .. New Year's Tangles and Other Stories ... .A flock of Girls and Their Friends . .. Stories and Pictures from the Life of and Jesus Church, A. J.Stories of the Old World Coffin, C C.Winning His Way Coleridge, Susan. Cross Patch Coffin, C. C.Building the Nation “ “ “.The Boys of ’7G Eggleston, G. C.Strange Stories From History Frost, John.Adventures by Land and Sea Gilman, A r thur... .Discovery and Exploration of America “ “ .Tales of the Pathfinders Huntington, Faye.Couldn't Be Bought “ .Stories of Great Men “ .That Boy, Bob Higginson, Thos. W.. .Short Studies of American Authois Harris, Amanda B.Little Biographies Hale, Edward Everett.Boys’ Heroes “ “ “ .Stories of Invention Humphrey, Mrs. F. A.Favorite Authors for Children Hale, Rev. E, E. and Miss Susan.A Family Flight Ingersoll, Ernest.Friends Worth Knowing “ “ .Habits of Animals Johnott, James.Friends in Feathers and Fur and Other Friends Johonott, James.Stories of Heroic Deeds Jewett, Sarah Orme.Betty Leicester 44 44 18 Kingsley, Rev. Charles.The Water Babies Longfellow, Henry W.Tales of a Wayside Inn Mannering, May.Salt Water Dick Muloch, Miss.Little Lame Prince “ “ .The Adventures of a Brownie Maskell-Anderson, Mrs. A. E_Children with the Fishes Martineau, Harriet.Biographical Sketch js Richards, Laura E.Captain January Swinton, William.Book of Tales Stowe, Mrs. Harriet Beecher.Queer Little People Stwin, Adam.At Home in New York “ " .In the Mountains Twain, Mark.The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Wright, Julia M.Seaside and Wayside Warner, Charles Dudley.Being a Boy Wood, Rev. J. W.Our Domestic Pets .My Feathered Friends . .Sketches and Anecdotes of Animal Life Woodruffe, Anne.The History of Michael Kemp Williams, Rev. Charles.Dogs and Their Ways Williams, H. L.. .Poems of Nathaniel Parker Willis <6 a i* M 19 Fiction NAME OF AUTHOR. Anderson, Hans... Aldrich, Thomas B Alcott, Louisa M.. << << << n (< a (< a a a a a (( a .< a a a ft a a a «< <«