LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAICN IN MEMORY OF STEWART S. HOWE JOURNALISM CLASS OF 1928 STEWART S. HOWE FOUNDATION 917.731 R324 I.H.S. f ^2,4 REVERSED DIRECTORY IE Xj Z T E3 8&* CHICAGO. Giving the numbers of the houses on the most fashionable streets, IN NUMERICAL ORDER, '.vith the names of the 02211- pants, and other informa- tion valuable in the household. OCTOBER, 1880. , , , , , ^Chicago, ill. ^ 7"^ < .^~.~ r.^^X ?.' ' ' ' '\i '/J-=r^> *-^-W^3 ^ Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1880, l>y C4 , ' ^AS. G. COZZENS, In the Office of theLibrarian of Congress, at Washington. I. 3* V THE REYERSED DIRECTORY. t TRICE In Cloth, - . . - $2.00 In Leather, gilt-edged, (pocket edition) a. 00 presenting to the public this little Directory, we desire state that great care has been taken to see that none but respectable and responsible householders are represented, There are not to exceed two hundred in our lists who are not heads of families, and nearly all are housekeepers. We claim that this reversed p an (so popular in other large cities), will be found very useful to every merchant, lawyer doctor and all engaged in business, as well as interesting and desirable iu ev.:ry house. It informs you who your neighbors ar, which in a large city is i ot easy to find out (certainly not in the City Directory), and with it you can toll your friend from abroad who lives in all the fine houses. In it you will fir.d all information usually found in tho City Directory, such as the fire alarm, public buildings, blocks, postal rules, etc. etc. If j-ou know the number of the st:eet, you will find the name of tho occupant opposite ; if you only know the name of a party, and want his number, it is as easy to run over the names in this book, as it is to find it in the volumiuous City Directory, especi- ally if you know the street, or the division of the city he lives on. Should the amount of labor it requires to compile such a book ELETE OF CHICAGO. occur to your mind, you will excuse the possible errors and omis- sions that may be found in it. We desire to be informed of all such as may appear to any one, and we shall publish such changes as come to our notice once a month, in our paper "The Play"which will be sent to all whose names are in the book, and to all who purchase a copy. We trust that every one will find it interesting to look through this little book, just to see who Iive3 in Chicago, and where they live. H. A. FIERCE & CO., Publishers. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 5 INDEX TO Asylums, hospitals, and dispensaries . . . Cemeteries Churches IND GENER, 89- 91 93 97-101 97 89 n Jo ICES. \L INFORMATION 63- 77 61 97 95 79- 89 101-107 93- 95 159 88 129-130 134 147-150 90 84- 86 104-100 137 158 154-155 80- 82 159 130 159 72 98 98 145 88 141-142 Hack ordinance Libraries and reading Club Houses Colleges, universities Convents Parks Postal department... Public halls, blocks.. Street railway lines. Express companies.. INDEX TO STREETS. South Sid ^ IfiS nhnrMi cfivoof West side North side 1()1-145 140-159 133 136 121-125 106 138-139 138 102 (ii; TO 145 145 131 147 159 Congress st. East).... Congress st. (West) . . . Curtis street Dearborn avenue Eighteenth street Ellis avenue Aberdeen street Ada street Adams street (West) Aldine Square Ashland avenue Ellis Park.! Bishop Court Bryant avenue Calumet avenue Campbell avenue Carpen er street Carroll avenue Cass street Cedar street. Elizabeth street Elm street Erie street Forest avenue Franklin street Fulton street Fullerton avenue Grand boulevard...., Groveland Park Centre avenue Centre street. 135 157 l.->9 157 156 Groveland Park av... . Hamilton avenue Harrison st. (East) Hoiiore street Cherry avenue Chestnut street Chicago avenue 6 ELETE OF CHICAGO. IN DEX TO 108 155. 156 44- 56 152 144 80 125-127 86- 88 100 82- 84 138 145 159 137 159 140 28- 44 150 118-121 158 1.-. (-162 102-104 157 108 140 163 153-154 158 109-111 88 108 146 r,s ;.! 7i 5 7s 146-147 133 STREETS. Schiller street 159 Huron street Illinois street Seeley avenue 142 Sixteenth street 90 Indiana avenue . ... Sheldon street 138 St John's Place 141 Irving place South Ann street 145 South Green street... 131-132 SouthHoyne avenue. 143 South Leavitt street.. 143 South Lincoln street.. 141 South May street 134 South Morgan street.. 134 South Oakley avenue. 144 * South Kobey street... 142 South Park avenue... 70-72 South Paulina street.. 139-140 South Peoria street... l ?,'_>- 1 : 5; ; Soutii Wood street. ... 141 Stanton avenue 74 Johnson place Jackson street (West) Lake Park avenue. . . . Langley avenue Laflin street Lexington avenue Lincoln Park place. . . Loomis street Maple street Marshfieid avenue Michigan avenue Michigan street Monroe street (West). North avenue Superior street 1 55-1 56 Throop street 136 North LaSalle street. Oak avenue Thirteenth street 108 Twentieth street los Twenty-first street... 108 Twenty-seroml street 90 Twenty-third street.. 90- 92 Twen'y-fourth street. 9'J Twenty-fifth street..,. iti>- 94 Twenty-sixth street.. 94 Twenty-seventh st. . . . 1 os Twenty-eighth street. 94 Twentv-ninth street.. 96 Thirtieth street 96 Thirty-first street 108 Thirty-second street.. 96 Thirty-third street. ... 96- 9S Thirty-fourth street.. 100 Oak street Oakwood avenue ...... Ogden avenue Ohio street Ontario street Orchard street Park avenue , ParkJRow Peck court Pine street Prairie avenue Rhodes avenue Bush stree 1 Sangamon street REVERSED DIRECTORY. INDEX TO STREETS. Thirty-fifth street.... 100-102 Thirty-sixth street.... 108 Thirty-seventh street 104 Thirty-eighth street.. 108 Thirty-ninth street... 106-108 Union Park Place 1 4 ."> University Place 100 VanBurenst. (West). 127-12S Verrion avenue 74- 7(5 Vincennes avenue 78- 80 Wabash avenue... 9- 20 Warren avenue 115-117 Washington st. (West) 111-115 Washington Place. ... 159 Webster avenue 158 Wells street 159 Wilcox avenue 145 Winchester avenue... 145 Winthrop Place 144 Wisconsin s treet 159 White street 159 Woodland Park 100 INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. Almini,P.M.(decorat's).. 19 Cobb's Library 57 Craig, J. O. (florist) 15 Foote, J. H. (orguinette) . 25 Foulke,W.H.& Co (tiles). 47 Gardner House 29 Hall, J. 13. & Co. (tailors). 55 Haseltin3 Galleries 45 Kantzler & Hargis 41 Kinsley(artistic caterer) 49 Lowe 1, H. H. (cigars).... 87 MatsonN.&Co.(jewel'rs) 1:5 Mosher, C.D. (photo'er). 39 Niagara Fire Ins. Co. ... 160 O'Brien (art gallery) .... 23 Ovington Bros.. '43 Pardee, L. C. (groceries) 17 Roller Skating Kink 27 Riley, A. A. (mantels). . . 59 Stevenson, Mrs. (d'sm'kr 53 "The Play" 31 Thome (hair) 35 Tyler (hatter) 51 Ward & Davis (tailors) . . 33 Warner (Japan curios) . . 21 ELETE OF CHICAGO. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 9 n . - -r-f^ . . n " 1 /Ts 1 % * [ ' -HJC SOUTH'SIDE. $- WABASH AVENUE. Wabash avenue cars from State and Randolph to Twenty -second street. Busses run to Thirty-first street. State street cars (one block west) run to Thirty -ninth street. CLIFTON HOUSE. 127 Montony, E. H. Room 102 Hunger, G. B. & E. M., proprietors. 12 i Mudie, R. A. and family 130 Spencer, F. T\ 8.3 Koler, A. K., clerk. 131 Frost, P. and J. 85 Clark, J. H. 132 Brewst r, J. 17 Wallworth, Col. N. H. 134 Tucker, Mrs. M. 18 Hal!, E. P. and wife 136 Downe, G. E. 28 Clark, L. G. and wife 136 Simmons, E. F. 44 Doyle. T. P. 137 Grassie, Henry 40 Youn'.;, C. F. 138 Moore, A. J. 50 Killick, R. J. and wife 138 Zearing.W.E. 58 Ha ch, M. and family 14:) Willard, W. S. 9 Fox, E. A. 143 Henry, Mi s Emma 77 Liney;C.P. 144 Ely, H.B. 85 Witherall, J. N. 152 Cadle.W. L. 89 Andrews, J.H. 1 53 Kenn dy, T. A. 91 Manning, Mrs. C. E. 154 Brennan, T. J. itii Soule, Sidney 155 Holbrook, D. 96 Cameron, J. P. 110 Colb -, A. N. PALMER HOUSE. Room 110 Barnett, C. F. ;t:t Horsey, Dr. E. H. 116 Kamere , F, G. 48 May, H. N. 124 Pow r, M. J. ana wife 51 Dandy, John M. 125 Webster, R. L. 52 Harvey, J. M. 126 Engel, B. and wife 55 Foote, Ira 10 ELETE OF CHICAGO. WABASH AVENUE. 50 Swart, J. H. 456 Bates, Mrs.A.E.& family 59 Nickell, J. M. 458 Seixas, H. L. and wife 59 Elile, H. E. 459 Dickey, Mrs. 61 Messereau, B. C. & wife 464 Doxey, C. T. & family 62 Forman, E. and wife 466 Lamb, Fred 64 Myers, F. B. and wife 468 Alexander, G. M. &H. W. 116 Howe, J, H. & family 469 Low, J. M. 117 Stevenson, Dr. S. H. 473 Hitchcock, A.B. & family 125 Hatch, B. and wife 474 Day, K. H. and wife 127 Hurlbut, E. F. & family 478 Kirkwood, T. S. 129 Campbell, Mrs. 479 Edwards, William 132 Eames, H. F. and wife 480 Mixer, E. L. 183 Winterbotham, J. K. 481 Hills, Fred 217 Watkins, V. A. & wife 483 Weil, S. and wife 226 Eames, F. S. and wife 488 Eakins, D. S. and wife 236 Lanin L. and wife 489 Barnes, C. W. & family 256 Colernan, S. and wife 506 Bockwood, A. L. 257 Ogden, Dr. M. D. 507 Lawrence, C. H. 262 Walker, H. H. 510 Pierce, Frank 264 Pearson, D. K. & family 510 Haggles, Neal 267 Baley, Mrs. 510 Bichardson, Con 269 Brown, Mrs. and family 510 Beaksley, E. M. 270 Ward, Mrs. and family 510 Leavitc, F. B. 272 Andrews, W. B. and wife 613 Tallman, T P. and wife 323 Hooley, B. M. & family 517 Camp, B. F. 343 Carter, L. and wife 518 Hall, C. W. and family 363 Baird, A. and wife 527 Carter, H. S. and wife 369 Kelsey, G. A and wife 534 Thornton, Miss 370 Morse, F. E. and family 639 Gross, Dr. and family 374 Shay, M. D. 563 Dodge, Mrs. C. F. & sister 376 Whitney, H. H. 568 Dainty, A. H.- and wife 378 Crane, H. H. and wife 569 Haskell, S. D. & family 379 Bonfield, J. F. & family 578 Hallowell, Miss 382 Kensett, Mrs. and Miss 579 Warfield, Mrs. 422 Beers, C. H. & family 580 Weston, G.F. and family 424 Burke, M. 636 Spicer, G. A. and wife 445 Pay son, H. E. and wife 588 Sterling, G. E. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 11 WABASH AVENUE. Gil Hilles, D. M and family 362i2Sturges,W. P. 012 Boot, Miss 380 Miles, E. G. 014 Payne, L. and wife 382 Casterline, Shaw 015 Baxter, T. M. and wife 384 Farley, Z. P. 019 Watson, W. Jr. 386 Townsend, M. G. 022 Silverhorn, W. H. 386 Woodhul, Fred 023 Barnuna, W. L. and wife 408 Stafford, T. E. 025 Bigler.W. A. 430 Bosenfeld, Levi 020 Willoughby, J. D. 432 Bauer, J. 629 Warran, W. S. 436 Byder, Dr. W. H. 630 Givens, B. and family 430 Hall, Mrs. E. G. 032 Palmer, Miss L. 437 Shirek, Samuel 034 Botune, John and wife 454 Adam, Wm. H. 038 Meek, W. J. 458 Bardon, D. G. 040 Palmer, M J. and wife 402 Wheeler, Hiram 045 Bruce, B. 404 Wheeler, G. H. 047 Lieberman, E. 475 Stearns, M. C. 048 Lewis, H. L. 480 St. Mary's Ch. (Catholic) 054 Pratt, J. 489 Hendrickson, John S. 055 Collenger, J. and family 492 Sauret, G. 050 Stauffer, B. F. and wife 493 Gould, Mrs. Dr. Ann 057 Hemon, Dr. J.B. and wife 498 Lehman, E. J. 053 Wight, J. and wife 500 Summerfield, C. 659 Scranton, D. C. 500 Smith, J. W. 000 Stiles, Charles 510 Jones, J. J . 001 Heth, H. S. 513 Stuver, Tunis D. 080 McNabb, G. B. 519 Thurston, E. H. 524 Smith, Frank 260 Stevenson, Mrs. C. 520 Ludlam, Dr. B. 293 Sprague, Levi 535 Bolte, Chas. G. 295 Sawdy, H. J. 542 Snell, A. 329 Skidmore, Geo. C. 543 Bonter, H. B. F. 331 Cline, J. F. 554 Isham, E. S. 337 Lord, A. H. 501 Dorsey, Allen T. 362 1.3 Bacon, E. 501 Bristow, Henry 302 io Trench, R R . 502 Ro^enthal, L. N. 362bHugunin, W. P. 503 Campin, Edw. i 12 ELITE OF CHICAGO. WABASH AVENUE. 564 Farrell, Ed W. 1257 Wilson, W.B. 506 Treulich, L. 1300 Hamill, B. C. 567 Bapp, Catherine 1301 Tilden, Wm. M 570 Burch, W. A. 1302 Myer, M. A. 573 Gerstley, M. M. 1306 Hoffman, E 593 Tyler, Mrs. E. B. 1307 Gerst, E. 1290 Muchmore, J. E. 1307 Boynton, A. P. 1201 Andrews, Martin 1308 McVicker, B. 1209 Wyle, B. T. 1309 Fitzgerald, Win. 1210 Goodwin, J. 1310 King, W. H. 1211 Hilton, W. W. 1313 Frisbie, E. C. 1514 Pierson, S. L. 1318 Harncount, G. A. 1219 Mantou. T. Jr. 1328 Armstrong. Mrs. F. B. 1221 Marsh, S. J. 1330 Lincoln, B. T. 1222 Wellworth, S. 1332 Walker, E. 1223 Brand, G. B. 1338 Bichards, Mrs. Harriet's 1224 Smith, W. A. 1340 Weinman, M. ]_"_'<> Cornwell, Dr. Willett 1344 Myer, Martin 1230 Lindley, W. T. 1347 Munger, G. L. 1230 Alexander, E. S. 1348 Billings, H. F. 1231 Church, Leroy 1349 Goodnow, W. H. 1232 Crouch, B. B. 1350 Durant, Wm. A.. 2233 Bliss, S. 1852 Thompson, Mrs. Wm. 1235 Page, W. B. 1353 Swasey, Mrs. F. 1 2 Schlesinger, Mrs. S. 1252 Wright, J. E. 1417 Crowes, D. 1253 Wells, M. D. 1418 .Ward, M: 1,. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 13 5 N. MATSON & CO. {WATCHES, JEWELRY, | SILVERWARE. 166, 168 and 170 STATE STREET, ~=3 CHICAGO. A SPECIALTY. 14 ELITE OF CHICAGO. WABASH AVENUE. 1419 Casey, J. 1021 Stubbs, Mrs. W. B's. 1420 Stevens, F. A. 1622 Evarts, H. W. 1421 Ferris, J. 1629 Eisendrath, B. W. 1424 Foreman, Gerhardt 1633 Barker, J. R. 1425 Berg, M. 1634 Hoyiie, Dr. T. S. 1426 Verrill, H. M. 1637 Sard, W. A. 1428 1429 Hilton, J. C. Buckingham, F. W. 1641 and 3701 Hunt's, Mrs. Sophia 1433 Howe, F. A. 1702 Engel, Bernard 1440 Anderson, J. 704 Livingston, Isaac 1444 Soule, Geo. 705 Burdick, F. H. 1446 Simpson, Jno. E. 705 Evans, H. B, 1446 Kichard, C. 706 Howard, Frank E. Grace Ch. (Episcopal) 707 Holbrook, Win 1453 Buel, H. K. 713 Phillips, H. 1455 Shire, I. 716 Griffith, R. 1459 Weiss, J. 719 Gillette, A. F. 1463 Rocher, H. 722 Clifford, M. 14(55 Smaltz, Mrs. J 727 Pope, Charles 1467 Gatzert, J. L. 728 Forbes, R. 1469 Marks, Rev. S. 733 Crumbaugh, F. P. 1471 Hamer, R W. 1800 Fry, J. H. I5os Hyman, S. 1801 Sturges, Buckingham 1510 Bovett, Dr. J. A. 1S02 Phelps, Dr. J. R. 1511 Goldman, G. 1804 Liprnan, A. 1517 Liesegang, A. 1806 Jon s, A. D. 1518 Van Baalen, J. 1808 Marks, Isaac 1 .-,-__> Kempton, J. M. 1809 Bird.H. G. 1529 Ottenheiiner, L. 1810 Klein, S. 1532 Shampey, A. 1813 Chamberlin, W. E. 1684 Osborn, T. H. 1814 Kelsey, C. 1604 "Mayer, H. 1815 Wheeler, N. M. 1606 Burmell, W. B. 1 S22 Noble, Mrs. O. K. 1608 Mayer, Geo. D. 1823 Carter, Mrs. 1C, 12 Coburn, Mrs. Lucia's 1823 Crane, Albert (owner) 1812 Crandall, Edw. M. L826 Hibben, George 1612 Cozzens, James G. 1827 Russell, M. H. REVERSED DIRECTORY 15 LORIST! No. 161 State St. Floral Designs of every description furnished on short notice. Flowers packed for transportation, and guar- anteed to keep three days in transit. 16 ELITE OF CHICAGO. WABASH AVENUE. 1828 Schmidt, Dr. E. WOODRUFF HOUSE. 1829 Hartman, G. A. Tuttle, Mrs. Nelson 1830 Sutherland, St. Glair Tuttle, Emerson 1832 Brooks. Dr. J. W. Tuttle, Miss 1837 Katzaner, Isaac Johnson, C. R. 1839 Jackson, M. Davis, Warren J. 1841 Simons, Mrs. Hannah Palmer, L. L. 11)00 Bateson, Alex. Bigelow. A. A. 11101 Martin, L. F. Browne, A. 1902 Poucelet, A. Srnythe, Miss Lillian E. 1903 Almini, P. M. Durkee, R. P. H, and wife 1905 Ramsey, Wm. W. Ralston, R. W. 1906 Lassig, M. Hitchcock, H. 1911 Betticher, P. D. Marsh, F. A. 1912 Merrill, J. P. Compton, Mrs. H. D. 1913 Wallingford, Mrs. M. Mason, A. B. 1918 Perry, S. H. Ham, C. H. rnd wife 1918 Combs, J. C. Michener, W. W. 1920 Koehler, E. L. Quackenboss, A. Q. 1921 Hay, Dr. Walter Quackenboss, Miss 1923 Hay wood, K. B. Shaw, G. B. and wife 2002 Cooper, E. M. Loring, F. L. and wife 2004 Clark, J. H. Holmes, Edgar and wife 2007 Boughton, Willis L. Michener, Frank L. & wife 2009 Foote, Erastus Dunlevy, J. C. and wife 2010 Washburne, D. Dunlevy, Miss 2010 Sanders, J. W. Knight, W. S. 2011 Curtiss, C. C. Woodruff, C. W. 2013 McPherson, Frank W. Eldridge, H. N . and wife 2015 Orcut, W. F. Allister, W. M. and wife 2018 Noyes, George M. Baldwin, G. F. and wife 2020 Rappleye, K. 1'.. Darr, M. M. and wife 2022 Kelsey, Sidney D. Clifton, Frank and wife 2032 Parker, R. B. Wood, George E. and wife 2033 Fisher, S. M. McKay, John A. 2037 Clmmberlaiu, F. V. C a uipbell, Charles V. 2JOO Bigelow, C. Boardnian. J, AY. and wifcj REVERSED DIRECTORY. 17 LUCIUS C. PARDEE, FINEST OF ROCERIES CHOICEST OF FRUIT, IMPORTED DELICACIES, Entrements and Condiments, ) RARE OLD V/inesf Liquors EXPRESSLY FOR FAMILY USE. 54 & 55 Madison Street, Havana Cigars. CHICAGO. 18 ELITE OF CHICAGO. WABASH AVENUE. Gilrcan, W. E. Hirsch, A. and wife Wedeles, T. and wife - 2101 Crocker, W. - 2106 Cordingley, John - 2108 Noble, Catharine -2109 Avery, W. B. -2119 Gilman, W. E. -2122 Solon, D. A. - 2124 Devine, T. -2125 Warder, L. C. - 2125 Quinlan, Simon - - 2126 Case, S. M. -2127 Belknap.E. C. ~_ 2129 Walker, D. T. SOUTHERN HOTEL. Myles, A. Schenck, H. H. Parker, J. G. Jennings, J. D. Mulford, R. L. Jennings, E. B. Hurch, G. W. Howes, S. B. Hall, Dr. G. A. White, John T. Murray, A. F. Harrington, Theo. Dean, A. S. Alvord, H. B. Sheldon, J. H. Bailey, W. L. Jessups, R. B. Davis, N. S. Jr. Thompson, W. L. Ablewhite, Thomas Champlain, H. C. Gardiner, L. Windsor, J. F. Logan, F. C. Beyers, J. E. Smith, W. W. " Rankin, J. C. Jeulls, C. E. Strong, Ullman Gellispie, A. Puetz, John C. McConnell, Samuel P. Kruh, S. M. Lash, W. H. Knickerberder, J. J. Young, W. H. Hills, C. F. Morse, Albert Bachelder, E. A. 2211 Clapp, Caleb 2213 Judah, N.B. '2215 Carson, Jas. D. 2217 Maginn, F. J. 2219 Nason.E.W. 2220 Follansbee, M. C. 2221 Fisher, Mrs. F. S. 2222 Taylor, Mrs. Josephine '-'227 Lord, Miss E. 2230 Roberts, Mrs. C. T. 2236 Strong, E. B. HH:]!{ j Benedict's, Mrs. H. W. 2240 Dewitt, John -"2413 Campbell, W. P. 2242 Ten Eyck, Fenodor >4r> (iuthman, S. 2246 Berry, F. A. CORATIONSJ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ - CHURCHES HEAT \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ k\ \ \ \ \ \ PUBLIC HALLS: , \ \ ';;N^^^^^^ . \ \ \ \ 20 ELITE OF CHICAGO. WABASH AVENUE. 2247 Long, H. 2402 Comstock, G. P. 2248 Jacques, Myron 2403 Goldsmith, L. 2249 Myers, E. B. 2406 Morey, Fred L. 2250 Hess, J. 2406 Coryell, George R. 2251 Bryant, J. O. 2407 Oberholster, S. 2252 Comings, Mrs. E. H. 2408 Thompson, John 2253 Bassett, Thomas 2409 Kellcgg, Henry 2250 Brown, F. B. 2411 Day, Ralph B. 2257 Botsford, H. 2415 Childs, Mrs. H. 2258 Follansbee, C. 2419 McElroy, Solon /2259 Peck, Fred W. 2423 Stiles, John M. 2300 Jackson, G. C. 2425 Sweger, Aaron 2301 Fish, C. W. 2427 Hafner, Wm. H. 230G Bonnell, Wm. H. 2431 Pratt, Dr. N. 2308 Corbridge, John 2441 Lane, J. A. 2310 Forman, Joseph 2443 Carter, James S. 2311 Carter, Mrs. J. F. 2450 Clarry, P. M. 2314 Smith, Ira 2453 Barter, C. T. 2317 Tucker, Dr. D. M. 2500 Schlossman, Simon 2320 Leech, W. H. 2502 Florsheim, S. 2324 Pitken, George 2503 Cahn, Aaron 2320 Terry, C. fl. 2506 Booman, Christ 2332 Gribbler, John 2507 Rosenthal, Rudolph 2334 Delong, M. D. 2508 Reiss, L. W. 2335 Levi, Leipman 2509 Haneaur, Gustave 2343 Sink, Adolph 2511 Wampold, Lewis 2346 Luther, Wm. y-2513 Burtis, J. K. 2347 Aultman, James 2515 Fleetwood, Mrs. S. H. 2348 Witkowsky, C. 2517 Kretzinger, G. W. 2349 Hartzfeld, Albert 2517 Tenny, D. K. 2350 Witkowsky. Mrs. Dora 2520 Rothschilds, E. 2351 Solomon, Fred 2521 Mannsheimer, Dr. M. 2354 Miers, Charles J. 2522 Adam, Dr. J. 2356 Jay, H. W. 2523 Lawrence, E. H. 235G Stieglitz, N. 2527 Strauss, L. 2357 Philip: J. S. 2531 Strauss, Abraham 2359 Hamlin, L. A. _' ,--;;_' King, Jos. B. REVERSED DIRECTORY 21 URIOS3 . / Choicest Treasures of the Orient IMPOKTED BY AUGUSTUS WARNER, 175 Wabash Avenue, CHICAGO. TOKIO. OSAKA. NAGASAKI * 22 ELITE OF CHICAGO. WABASH AVENUE. 2533* Wilcox, Cyrus 2810 Benzinger, Moses 2533 Hirsh, I. 2821 Trussing, E. 2535 Hamburger, Max 2825 Cameron, R. 253(3 Edwards, Dr. E. W. 2827 King, C. B. 2537 Goodman, H. 829 Patterson, W. H. 2538 Cooley, Charles G. 2900 St. James Ch. (Catholic) 2541 Chenie, Henry 2905 Foot, Peter 2552 Martin, Thomas 2909 Smith, W. B. 2554 Ayer, James G. 2923 Cudahy, M. 2556 Gray, C. M. 2931 Melson, N. J. 2558 Kulter, Samuel C. 2935 Brodwell, T. 2601 Wheeler, M. 2937 Simon, M. 2609 Isaacs, Mrs. C. 2939 Loomis, J. W. 2611 Meyer, L. 2941 Barton, W. A. 2613 Cahn, H. 2965 Garrett, G. 2615 Baker, J. P. 2967 Howison, George 2624 Hyman, S. 2969 Prendirgast, J. E. 2703 Weil, J. 2970 O'Donaghue, H. 2705 Sinckre, Dr. E. 2978 Holmes, T. W. 2707 Heidweyer, S. 2979 Spring, T. O. 2711 Wilcox, J. F. 3000 Huntly, S. 2712 Davis, James 3002 Gamble, I. 2714 Chaffee, Dr. Charles W. 3003 Bauland, M. 2718 Remick, F. C. 3007 Fitch, W. H. 2719 Austin, C. D. 3009 Hirsh, S. 2720 Moon, V. M. 3012 Kern, C. 2721 Sanders, W. H. 3013 Morton, L. G. 2722 Evans, H. L. 3014 Schaaf, I. 2723 Huling, E. C. 3015 Kinzie, F. H. 2724 Bauland, J. H. 3017 Schimferman, W. H. 2725 Leopold, L. 3018 R minion, D. 2727 McConnett, L. L. 3024 Squires, C. S. 2729 Miller, George 3025 Rosenheim, U. 2806 Lindauer, M. E. 3028 Wright, James 2807 Hire, F. A. 3032 . Mason, D. W. 2808 Shoenbrun, L. 3035 Leffler,J. 2809 Minchrod, Simon 3100 Celley, Dr. F. M. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 23 ART IN OUR HOMES. 1A HOUSE WITHOUT PICTURES LIKE A Body Without a Soul. A house without pictures is like a body without a soul blank, cold, and repellant. You may put in it the costliest furniture, carpets into whose long, soft pile the foot sinks as in a bed of moss, upholstery of the richest description, and if no picture greets you from its walls, no statue charms your eye, then it is like the inanimate clay clad in the costliest of bridal robes, but with no sympathetic light in the glazed eye, no throbbing pulse at the stiffened wrist, no warm breath moistening the faded lips . It may be a grand, gorgeous show-place, but it can never be a home. In contradistinction, take the most simply -fitted-up cottage or suite of rooms, add a few well-chosen pictures, and there will be a warmth, a life, about it which your warehouse of costly furniture can never achieve. ' ' For the rest of this story ' ' go and see Mr. O'Brien, 208 Wabash avenue, and he will fit you out in the most elegant manner. ; GOO 00 24 ELETE OF CHICAGO. WABASH AVENUE. 3109 Daft, Charles 3216 Briggs, Clinton 3110 Claflin, Dr. Hetron 3220 Meyer, L. 3111 Schelley, Joseph R. 3223 Hancock, Charles D. 3112 Brown, J. M. 3226 Turner, A. P. 3117 Kohn, David 3231 Bell, Alex. 3117 Burke, John C. 3232 Wolf, M. W. 3119 Van Doozen, B. R. 3237 Irvin, James 3120 Wood, J. H. 3238 Pray, E. H. 3121 Beaver, J. E. 3241 Ross, Ed 31-2 teyes, David H. 3243 Cudahy, John 3123 Rohrbach, U. 3247 Rosenthal, J. 3123 Wolf, Arnold 3300 Hale, A. H. 3126 Beckett, J. R. 3300 Marsh, George F. 3127 Wightman, W. T. ;>,:;<>_' Lord, D. M. 3 128 Levy, Newman 3304 Wilson, M. J. 3129 Siegel, Ferd 3306 Nedder, A. 3132 Garrison, M. 3308 Dailey, Andrew E. 3136 Abraham, James S. 3330 Whitman, J. H. 3137 Neuberg, A. J. 3336 Hotchkiu, C. M. 3138 Ccuibs, G. W. 3338 Dunne, M. 3140 Becker, Mrs. Sarah 3340 Owen, James 3141 Kufman, B. 3342 Tabor, Milton 3143 Frieberger, L. H. 3359 Morley, Ed 3148 Lindauer, D. M. 3400 Henry, H. R. 3149 Putman, S. K. 3401 Tourtellotte, F. W. 3150 Barbe, Martin. 3402 Anderson, Jos. 3150 Quinn, William E. 3403 Hinckley, Charles 3152 Freeman, William 3404 Peek, W. H. 3155 Waterman, F. A. 3407 Brown, M.D. 3155 Loeb. A. 3408 Sidwell, R. L. 3157 Klauber, Mrs. C. 3409 Terry ,J.E. 3158 Gilmore, A. R. 3411 Jacobus, O. I. 3159 Toppan. Jarncs S. 3413 Palmer, Edwin B. 3160 Lindauer, B. 3419 Drew. P. W. 3161 Robinson, J. M. 3421 Googins, H. F. 3200 Klein, David :;::! Bowers, S. J. 3211 Guerin, John 3444 Hardy, Charles REVERSED DIRECTORY. 25 BY THE INVENTION OF ' Automatic Musical Instruments Y Time and money on other and expensive musical instruments maybe saved for other and better purposes and the victims of a foolish and l>\ tyrannous fashion can have at any time better music than they could ever make upon an instrument requiring skill and practice. THE ORGUINETTE has been on the market but two years, and is now selling at the rate of Sixty Thousand a Year. It is simply the truth to say that there are to- day millions of people of all classes and ages, from the little one in short frock and pinafore to the grandma in mob cap and spectacles, who are taking daily delight in their own musical performance , who, before the invention of the ORGUINETTE, could no more make their own music than they could their own watches or paintings. Verily, the world does move, and in the direction of an independent enjoyment by the many of what was aforetime a monopoly in the hands of the few. J. HOWARD JT-OOTE, General Agent for the Orguinette, 188 and 190 State St. , opposite the Palmer House, Chicago. 26 ELITE OF CHICAGO WABASH AVENUE. 3446 Hatfleld, M. P. 3648 Hammer, D. H. 3449 Merrick, H. A. 3650 Knapp, G. S. 3450 Smienk, Warren 3651 Excell, Robert 3452 Stamposki, B. A. 3652 Bamberger, A. 3456 Maher, John 3656 Shoenberg, Lev! 3511 Taylor, James M. 3658 Ingwersen, H. C. 3544 Goldring, Wm. 3660 Scott, J. M. 3646 Bears, Samuel 3850 Trude, A. S. HOTEL BRUNSWICK. 21 Fazzie, T. F. Knill, Henry C., prop'r. 25 Brat, Vic or N. Room 6&7 Richmond, Mrs. 26 Welch, D.N. and wife 9 Smith, G. E. and wife 28 Kerr, Samuel 10 Dennis, W, R. 29 Bmolijh, J.W. 11 Fro t, A. H. 30 Gue, D. J. and wife 12 Eson, J. 31 Bront, D. R. 13 Miller, E. and wife 33 Le-, C. E. 14 Wheeler, Gilbert & wife 34 Br wn, H. E. 16 Jenkins, Mrs. 35 Laflin Bros. 17 Swivell, Jacob 36 Thomas, J. C. 18 20 Hurington, G.B.&wife Graham, H. q 37 38 S| v,(^ $ Scott, E. L. Gold, T. R. :',; >==fi.- REVERSED DIRECTORY. 27 sCHICAGOs ROLLER SKATIIG MICHIGAN AVENUE AND CONGRESS STREET, ENTBANCE ON CONGRESS ST. The management, in behalf of patrons, reserve the right to refuse admission cr use of skates to any objectionable person. DAY. Sinale admission 25 cents. Children, 12 years and under 10 EVENING. Single admission 40 cents. Saturday 25 SUBSCRIPTION TICKETS. Three admissions $100 Ten " dav or evening 2 50 Twenty-five admissions 5 00 Use of skates at all times, 15 cents. Skates not transferable. This season rnding on or about March 4th. Second season commencing about October 1st. M. W. FERGUSON, Manager. ' 28 ELITE OF CHICAGO. MICHIGAN AVENUE. NOTE. Indiana avenue cars, starting- from corner State and Randolph, run within one block of Jliehigan avenue its whole length. AT GARDNER HOUSE, G2 Culver, A.M. Goodrich, Cap. A. E. 79 Dawson, Martin Crawford, J. D. 91 Cowan, J. S. Bye, J.*W. 99 Beewell, S. S. Bishop, J. A. 100 Crowell, Miss S. Rich, Jas. C. 106 Loring, D. A. Peabody, F. H. 107 Hanley, W. C. Wagener, J. F. ?? \ D. P. Ballard and wife Black, W. P. 111 ' Kirnball, Mark 125 Towle, H. S. 131 Brand, G. B. Room. 132 Schulenberg, Mrs. F. S. !j } Adams, J. M. G. 140 Jones, N. H. 30 Kimball, Walter 141 Collins ,G.E. 34 Culver, H. L. 143 Crane, W. N. 36^ 148 Ball, E. 4 37 > J. v. Farwell and family 1 .VJ Davison, Mrs. 38 > 153 Emmons, 8. M. 40 Barret, Mrs. E. S. 155 Bealin. James 43 Hanaford, G. A. 150 Lally, G. H. g}Webb,T.H. 159 Hills, R.D. GO Kitson, S. G3 King, Miss S. A. <;.-) King, Miss J. (ii; ) 1G4 Bacon, R. B. 1G8 Hames, W. F. 17-J Sheldon, E. " 179 Abell, C. C. Jly j "Wheeler, C. H. 183 Martin, R. B. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 29 CO $ & c^ s* Cf S Q) (> Cook, Mrs. A. Augusta 1416 Martin, O, P. 1528 Merkle, Dr. Henry 1418 Lpcke, William 1532 Talley, Alfred M. 1420 Leibenstein, Jacob 1533 Hathaway, W. G. 1421 Haven, S. R. 1545 Johnson, W. P. 1421 Milner, D. E. 1547 Kirtland, C. B. 1424 Harris, Solomon 1553 Morrel, C. E. 1426 Nathan, Samuel 1559 Colby Mrs.M. K. 1428 BradweU, J. B. 1601 Spencer, F. F. 1436 Caine, Mrs. R. M. 1607 Barker, Mrs. C. E. 1436 Dodge, E. 1610 Blakley, Cyrene H. 1447 Kussell, Philip 1611 Blair, C. B. 1448 Bassett, J. A. 1612 Greenebaum, Elias i 36 ELITE OF CHICAGO. MICHIGAN AVENUE. 1614. Laflin, G. H. 1805 Cowles, Alfred 1615. Mayer, Nathan 1806 Owens, J. E. Dr. 1619 Lancaster, R. 1810 York, A. J. St. Paul's Ch. (Universalist) 1812 Walker, A. E. 1620 Rosenberg, Jacob 1814 Peacock, Jos. 1626 Preston, J. W. 1815 Kelloggs, P. V. 1628 Ope nheimer, Henry 1816 Kohn, David A. 1632 Hilger, F. R. 1819 Millington, J. W. 1<*54 Etheridge, Jas. H. Dr. 1820 Peck, J. L. 1635 Wright, J. M. 1823 MacVeagh, Franklin KJ36 Ogden, E. J. Dr. 1825 Dobbins, Mary C. 1637 Luddington. N. 1826 Page, Mrs. Peter 1638 Booth, A. 1827 Collins, James L. .1639 Reed, Alanson, H. 1831 Sibley, S. 1641 Kimball, W. W. 1832 Allen, Prof. Ira W. 1702 Corwith, Henry 1833 Walker, W. B. 1703 Cook, Henry W. 1836 Boone, L. D. 1704 Botsford, J. K. 1838 Skidinore, G. C. 1706 Kuppenheimer, B. 1339 Horner, Joseph H. 1709 Schawb, C. H. 1841 Stager, Anson 1710 Otis, G. L. 1842 Friedman, Jacob 1712 Walter, J. C. 1843 Culbertson, C. M. 1714 Vanschaick, A. G. 1903 Latham, A. J, 1716 Sacket, D. B. 1906 Otis, X. L. 1720 Hanson, F. S. 1907 Wai worth, J.R. '1722 Goodman, James B. 1911 Hough, O. S. 1725 Bloom, Leopold 1912 Birch, H. T. 1726 Bevan, Mrs. Thos. 1915 Tutcle, Mrs. Charlotte 1728 Cass, Dr. A. L. 1918 Ogden, J. W. 1729 Loomis, Wm. 1919 Wilber, W. H. 1730 Frankenthal, E. 1982 Keen, W.B., Jr. 1731 Leopold, Samuel 192:5 Mac'arland, A. J. IT:;--' Ayers, Encs 1924 Durke -, Mis. J. 1737 Calumet Club 1925 Wheeler, A. W. 1800 Morton, George C. !<_' 7 Lewis, Mrs. H. 1801 Fairbanks, N. K. 1933 Counselman, Chas. 1802 Chittendon, G. R. Second Presbyterian Church REVERSED DIRECTORY. *\ (Shot ce THE FINEST SELECTION OF CAN BE FOUND AT 110 and 112 MADISON ST. HENRY H. LOWELL, WITH C. JEYXE. THE FINEST STOCK OF MEERSCHAUM GOODS IN CHICAGO. \ \ \ \\ \ \\ . 38 ELITE OF CHICAGO. MICHIGAN AVENUE. 2000 Schneider, Geo. 2236 Bingham, Dr. R.H. 2001 Bickford, C. D. 2237 Oglesby, C. B. 2010 Keep, Albert 2239 Monroe, Henry S. 2011 Otis, L. B. 2244 Johnson, W. E. '.' >13 Stone, Luther, Rev. 2246 Squires, Geo. W. J;)14 Keep, Henry 2247 Fargo, Chas. 2017 Seeberger, A. F. 2248 Wilson,- J. E. 2019 Gardner, Mrs. J. D. 2250 Breakey, B. Akin 2021 Goodell, Mrs. M. J. 2251 Tait, John 2022 Tuttle, Fred'k 2253 Parker, Samuel K. 2023 Norris, B. F. 2254 Peck, Walter, L. 2026 Storrs, Ernory A. 2254 Peck, Mrs. Mary K. 2027 Balcom, Uric 2255 Baker, W. T. 2027 Grannis, C. D. S. E $ Church of the Me~- '2032 Haskel I, Fred'k 23d \ siah (Unitarian) 2100 Keith, D. W. 2304 Gilbert, Henry 2101 Grouse, John N. Mich. Av. Baptist Ch. 2101 Riley, Albert A. 2313 Milward, Mrs. Henry 2103 Ripley, Mrs. M. T. 2317 Satterlee, M. L. 2104 Anders on, Thos. W. 2319 Baldwin, Geo. D. 2107 Hutchins, C. S. 2322 King, Tuttle 21 12 Leonard, Mrs. R. B. 2323 Stiles, Josiah 2116 Lane, E. S. 2327 Moulton, Byi'on P. 2118 Sherwood, H. M. 2330 Myers, L. K. 2120 Buckley, H. T. 2331 Gibbs, Aaron 2124 Clancy, Mark B. 2332 Mendell, Max 2128 Dore, E. F. 2333 Parsons, Win. 2130 Cobb, Geo. W. 2336 Harper, C. D. 2209 Hollister, Miss J. F. 2338 Baker, Wm. S. 2212 Bemelmanns, E. C. 2339 Shattuck, L. B. 2213 Holz, Wm. A. 2359 Binz, Mrs. Francis 2215 Murphy, B. F. Mosely School 2216 Sutton.P.A. Christ R. E. Church 2218 Grant, F. D. 2400 Cross, Jas. E. 2222 Tyler, David _'!!<; Cohen, Men die A., surg. 2231 Bryant, H. B. 2-108 Lewis, Marcus 2235 Loomis, Edgar jut;) Chapman, B. F. Sexto n REVERSED DIRECTORY. 39 0. D. MOSHER, PHOTOGRAPHER, 125 STATE ST., - - CHICAGO, ILL. THE LEADING GALLERY OF AMERICA IN PHO- TOGRAPHY. OVER 2,000 SPECIMEN PORTRAITS ON EXHIBI- TION DAILY. SPECIALTIES MEMORIAL PORTRAITS FOR THE SECOND CENTENNIAL. IN CRAYON PORTRAITS NONE CAN EXCEL. CALL BEFORE ORDERiNG. 40 ELITE OF CHICAGO. MICHIGAN AVENUE. 2410 JBehrena, Ivan M. 2517 Doyle, Mr. 2412 Strelitz, Isaac 2518 Spaulding, S. G. '-'414 Moore, Nathan 2519 Artz, Mrs. C. Burr 2415 Banks, Dr. J. N. 2521 Simmons, Moritz 2415 Benham, John 2522 Howard, John L. 2420 Clough, Jno. H. 2523 Powell, Jos. 2426 Fuller, G. W. 2525 Rood, A. D. 2428 Strader, Jacob Plymouth Cong. Ciiurch 2429 Foster, E. W. 2555 Hancock* Jno. L. 2430 McLain, Win. Trinity Ch. (Episcopal) 2431 Kay, Charles E. 2612 Myers, S. G. 2432 Mitchell, Dr. Joseph S. 2619 Sondheimer, E. 2435 Cnapin, Henry D. 2620 Sargent, E. H. 2436 Hall,F. G. 2621 Swan, J.H. 2438 Washburn, Edgar 2627 Rosenberg, B. 2439 Henry, Mrs. L.E. 2629 Vanwoert, G. E. 2441 Mauran, C. G. 2632 Holmes, Edgar 2442 Richardson, Wm. 2638 Garnett, Win. 2446 Peck.H. S. 2645 Duncan, S. F. 2450 Crane, D. E. 2701 Bingham, A. E. 2451 Seaverns, Geo. A. 2702 Wells, R. IK. 2452 Philpot, Brian 2706 Martin, S. K. 2453 Sackett, Edw. B. 2707 Thain, J. A. 2454 Byrne, Edward 2708 Googins, D. S. 2455 Loomis, R. R. 2713 Traynor, John 2456 Benjamin, Moses 2718 Mida, Win. 2457 Levy, S. A. 2720 Moorehouse, W. H. 2459 Kellogg, A. M. 272:; Barber, L. 2500 Cusick, Frank 2724 Cox, Wm. M. 2501 Campbell, Alva E. 2733 Cole, A. V. 2502 Brown, G. P. 2802 Shreve, L. M. 2503 Florshehn, S. 2804 Dunton, F. H. 2504 Converse, Wm. 2S07 Metcalf, Clarence 2:>or> Coates, I. B. 2810 Chapman, F. A. 2509 Heimerdinger, Henry 2si 1 Burrows, W. F. 2512 Greenfelder, Isaac 2815 Fitch, H. S. 2513 Pierce, Addison G. 2816 Witkowsky, D. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 41 KANTZLER & HARGIS, IMPORTERS OF AND JOBBERS OF KEY WEST AND DOMESTIC ALSO, A FINE LINE OF 119 CLARK STREET, AND COR. 22nd. ST. AND W ABASH AY. "*C^ G e^ji 42 ELITE OF CHICAGO. MICHIGAN AVENUE. 2822 Adams, G. 2977 Cahn, Joseph 2823 Koch, J. H. 2979 Lyford, O. S. 2823 Campbell, E. L. 3142 Slaughter, A O. 2825 Snyder, F. L. 3154 McNeill, Archibald 2826 Hull, M. B. 3003 Swazey, J. A. 2827 Berg, D. 3007 Carpenter, Geo. B. 2840 Kohn H. S. 3009 Fenn, Dr. Curtis 2900 Fuller, W. A. 3009 Allen, Philo 2902 Brega, C. \V. 3011 Wadskier, T. V. 2904 Alcock, W. H 3014 Taft, OB. 2912 O'Mally, John Jr. 3015 Snow, H. H. 2918 Barrel, James B. 3016 Kathbone, N. W. 2922 Moore, W. H. 3018 Rothschilds, Morris 2924 Wetmore, C. L. 3019 Loornis, H. M. 2925 Lawrence, Daniel 3020 Fauntleroy, H. 2926 Gassette, N. T. 3021 West, Andrew F. 2929 Donnelly, J. H. 3022 Bristol, H. L. 2931 Peiser, Marcus 3023 Baker, M. C. 2932 Ware, J. W. 3024 Stoddard, Henry S. 2934 Corneau, D. E. 3028 Nicholson, J. W. 2938 Dalton, J. P. 3029 Hausbrough, Wm. 2941 Wright, N. T. 3030 Pennoyer, Le Hoy 2949 Boies, Henry M. 3031 Boone, D. L. 2951 Orton, Thos. 3035 Buckley, S. S. 2951 Hervey, J. F. 3110 Tyler , Marks 2954 Austrain, Jos. 3112 Kesler, C. B. 2956 Seymour, J. M. 3113 Chamberline.Mrs.H. W. 2957 Kohn, S. H. 3117 Hewes, John 2959 Towner, H. G. S12I Fleming, A. F. 2960 Manclel, E. 3122 Spaulding, Dennii 2961 Gorton, Anson 3128 Snyder, Thomas D. 2902 Mattocks, J. 3129 Shepherd, Jno. F. 2965 Leach, D. C. 3130 Walker, D. K. 2969 Seavey, D. H. 3131 Wilson, Joseph L. 2971 Singer, A. L. 3133 Green, Harley 2973 Stubbs, J. B. 3135 Daft, Fred 2976 Haddock, E. H. 3137 Packard, Henry K. 1 REVERSED DIRECTORY. 43 v FINEST PRODUCTIONS OF EUROPE IN- ROYAL CHINAS, RICH DINNER SETS, REAL BRONZES, FAIENCES, ETC. GIFTS i GREAT VARIETY, OF 'Hhe Choicest M^ua^u. i BROTHERS & OYIHGTOK, 146 STATE STREET, CHICAGO. BROOKLYN. 44 ELITE OF CHICAGO. MICHIGAN AVENUE. 3139 Sibley, D. E. 3319 Hay den, H. H. 3141 Stone, Edward 3327 Turner, E. H. 3155 Hayden, Albert 3329 Turner, L. H. 3159 Kelley, David 3337 Wolcott, Alexander 3206 Mandel, Sirnon 3347 Guthrie, Ossian 3207 Hall, E. P. 3357 Libby, A. A. 3210 Fay,BenjaminB. 3426 Schwartz, Chrst. 3211 Brown, W. F. 3428 Marsh, James B. 3212 Rowe, Charles H. 3440 Willetts, Henry 3213 Angus, John 3500 Brown, S. B. Mich. Av. (Methodist) Church 3510 Blakeslee, G. S. 3222 Marsh, J. P. 3512 Manvel, Chas. J. 3223 Pulsifer, Geo. W. 3537 Farrell, James 3233 Richards, Seman P. 3538 Neill,Jos.P. 3237 Patten, W. E. 3539 Bowden, T. A. 3239 McGrath, Morris J. 3543 Spooner, D. R. 3240 Eg~?les*ton, C. B. 3811 Reiter, Wm. 3253 Kerfoot, Chas. A. 3813 Card, Chas. W. 3254 Porter, Mrs. O. F. 1499 > 3257 Lahee, E. H. (old > Hoffman, W. 0. 3311 Rosenbaum. Morris No.) ) 3317 Cooley, Henry H. INDIANA AVENUE. Horse ears to Thirty-ninth street; also to Fifty -first and the South Park. 1220 Walker, F. E. 1250 Dickerman, E. F. l'JL'4 Wilson, J. R. 1252 Brunswick, Charles 1228 Bluitt, Charles 1257 Harmon, H. I. 1234 ElieL Gustave 1302 Buford, N B. 1244 Mergentheim, B. 1300 VauValkenburg, Mrs. EEVEKSED BIEECTOKY. CpEHS^B n o | ;> hr! && 46 ELITE OF CHICAGO. INDIANA AVENUE. 1312 Busby, C. 1732 Price, Solomon 1322 Boy den, N. B. 1735 Brown, Mrs. C. B. 1324 Green, I. 1800 Hunt.E. S. 1410 Boulton, Dr. Henry H. 1801 Wright, Thomas 1420 Keely, J. 1803 Hill, Mrs. Charles IIHH) Jenks, Dr. E. W. 1804 Purington, D. V. 1602 Gunther, C. F. 1807 Bmgs, D. 1604 Phillips, B. W. 1809 Davidson, M. 1G04. Mooreback, Win. 1813 Cook, G. C. 1605 Tebbetts, C. H. 1814 Pinney, G. P. 1608 Loomis, J. M. 1815 Kimball, C. P. 1609 Sayers, H. 1816 Smith, E. M. 1610 Grant, W. C. 1818 Hyde, Dr. James N. 1612 Murison, George W. 1818 Cheney, Bishop C. E. 1616 Clark, W. C. 1819 Lombard, I. G. 1816 Hawks, H. F. 1821 Talbot, F. M. 1017 Beeme, J. B. 1826 Price, Cornelius 1618 Patridge, E. 1828 Marsh, G. B. 1619 Murray, W. H. 1829 Lowenthal, B. 1620 Burley, A. G. 1832 Byford, Dr. William 1021 Tewkesbury, W. J. 1833 Banney.H. C. 1628 Nelson, Murray 1837 Moore, A. P. 1624 Moore, Mrs. E. A. 1838 Powell, Samuel 1626 Bay, Alfred 1839 Croskey, A. F. 1628 Hayden, F. N. 1840 Mair, C. A. 1629 Ly decker, J. G. 1842 Thomas, B. W. 1631 Baker. William 1901 Lord, J. F. 163? Thompson, JohnL. 1904 Cooper, J. S. 1640 Sawyer, C. B. 1907 Griswold, J. W. 1C, 11 Cummings, C. B. 1909 Packard, E. A. 1703 Phelps, E. M. 1910 Small, E. A. 1710 Gallup, B. E. 1911 Beebe, J. E. 1713 Geddes, Alexander 1914 Marshall, Mrs. J.M. 1714 Peac::ck, C. D. 1918 Swift, W. H. 1720 Sargent, H. E. 1920 Piper, Anson 1727 Tyler, Mary C. 1921 Brush, Edward 1730 Holbrook, E. S. 1923 Jacobs, B.F. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 47 ENAMELED, ENCAUSTIC, GEOMETRICAL AND MAJOLICA \ TILES WM. DEMORGAN HAND-PAINTED TILES, J. VAN HULST, HOLLAND. WM. H. FOULKE & CO., 335 WABASH AV Manufrs. of WOOD MANTELS, 48 ELITE OF CHICAGO. INDIANA AVENUE. 1926 Gore, George 2259 Campbell, Mrs. C.C. 1927 Knight, Darius 2301 Mayo, John 1931 Mixer, C H. S. 2303 Green, A. W. 2001 Bentley, Cyrus 2305 Hecht, Benj. 2003 Giles, W. A. 2306 Jones, B. L. 2007 Sheridan, M. V. 2307 Strader, J. E. 2009 Kothschild, M. M. 2310 Osborne, J. O. 2011 Partridge, C. W. 2311 Rayner.J.B. 2013 White, Charles 2312 Page C. L. 2017 Stouffer, H. I. 2316 Mueller, William 2019 Gage, A. S. 2318 Nichols, J.F. 2021 Darlington, H. P. 2320 Robert, Mrs. L C. 2023 Fuller, Mrs. E. 2323 McRoy, Samuel N.E. \ 2323 Bernis, H. V. cor. > First Presbyterian Ch. 2326 Jones, Joseph 21st. > 2328 Densmore, E. W. 2100 Jewish Synagogue 2330 Roller, Dr. E. O. S. 2101 Schobinger, J. J. 2331 Griswold, E. P. 2107 Buckingham, John 2335 Schutt, Louis 2110 Granis, J. M. Trinity Church (Methodist 2111 Wexelburg, A. W. 2340 Blackwelder, J. S. 2115 Talmadge, L. C. 2342 Burnett, W. A. 2116 Glaser, L. 2350 Wells, Thomas J. 2117 Lombard, Josiah 2351 Mills, J. A. 2118 Adams, G. P. 2352 Riddle, Myron 2119 Harvey, J. D. L. 2353 Coweii, Bennett 2123 Kerwin, Mrs. M. A. 2354 Cunningham, William 2128 Steele.Dr. D. A. K. 23. r >7 Wheeler, M. L. 2129 Richards, Ransom 2358 Baker, F. T. 2130 Bass, George 2359 Delemater, Frank C. 2133 Berry, F. J. 2400 Nelson, Dr. D. T. 2134 Taylor, J. R. 'J401 O'Hare, James 2146 Hess, C. J. -MOtt Berver, E. S. 2230 Goodman, J. D. J-105 Hirsch, Adolph 2238 Schwab, B. L'!()7 Kahn, Jacob 2251 Lusk, G. W. Jl(\s Newton, P. A. 2258 Allen, Charles -2410 Curtis, S. T. 50 ELITE OF CHICAGO. INDIANA AVENUE. 2411 Steele, Bernard 2548 Brooks, Mary A. 2412 Buel, Ira A. 2552 Arnold. :.H. 2413 Wallack, David 2600 Campbell, G. C. 2415 Debeny, S. C. 2601 Jewish Synagogue 2420 Baker, Moses 2612 Bradley, S. 2421 PraH, C. C. 2613 Dudley, H. W. 2424 Holmes, Ebenezer 2617 Baker, Samuel 2427 Phelps, 0. B. 2619 Neely, J. C. 2428 Thorn, Frank 2620 Platner, B. 2430 Hollingsworth, James 2623 Jennings, S H. 2437 Leahy, James 2625 Pendleton, Edmund 2438 Henderson, W. S. 2627 Jacobs, 2441 Mahla, Frederick 2629 Blackwell, George A. 2446 Espert, C. 2632 Tennison, J. W. 2447 Starkweather, F.H. 2633 Smith, Sidney 2449 Shephard, J. H. 2643 Merriman, John W. 2453 Morris, Nelson 2644 Teal, A. P. 2500 Christian Church 2701 Dickenson, O. B. 2501 Smith, G. E. . 2704 Crilley, F. 2503 Smith, J. J. 2706 Hall, W. E. 2506 Curtis, F. H. 2710 Farwell, P. 2507 Tuke, W. F. 2712 Glazer, M.. 2508 Holman, M. A. 2714 Pollak, J. 2510 Jay, Milton 2715 Whitcomb, H. F. 2511 Lundgren, Dr. A. L. 2717 Hayden, William 2512 Chandler, E. B. 2718 Biefeld, Joseph 2520 Wheeler, Henry N. 2719 Stiles, R. D. 2521 Burch, G. W. 2720 Earl, Josephi 2523 Lally.H. T. 2721 Sherman, F. C. 2525 2529 2532 2535 Cook, G. T. Luse, C. P. and A. P. Chapin, L. D. Riddle, Hugh 2723 2724 2725 Higginbotham, H. N. Strickland. Dr. A. Gilbert, H. E. 2536 Harding, G. F. 2725 Boomer, JL. B. 2539 Irish, S. A. 2728 Mead, W. (i. 2541 Ogden, Wm. L. 2729 Barrett, Mrs. J. E. 2542 Warner, H. D 2731 Foster, Thomas REVERSED DIRECTORY. 51 52 ELITE OF CHICAGO. INDIANA AVENUE. 2732 Hayes, Dr. P. S. 2943 Olinger, J. P. 2733 Wolford, K. B'. 2945 Steele, Max 2734 Weinberg, Mrs. B. 2940 Hamilton, D. G. 2735 Boot, Chester L. 21)47 Burbank, W. M. 2802 Pollard, J. B. 2948 Munger, S. M. 2804 Cook, L. M. 2949 Newberger, F. 2806 Burnham, D. N. 2950 Furguson, W. G. 2807 Levell, H. M. 2951 Liebenstein, Hy 2808 McCleary B. J. 2952 Marsh, F. O. 2809 Moulton, G. W. 2953 H inback, Ferd 2811 Vastine, L. B. 295S Wrenn, J. 2811 Marvin, William 2960 Hughitt, Marvin 2813 McArthur, J . H. 2960 Hurlbut, N. L. 2814 Lyons, Mrs. A. 2962 Hoyt, H. W. 2815 Grannis, Amos 2966 Snow, E. E. 2816 Edwards, Bev. A. 2967 Peck,O. D. 2817 Covert, John 2968 Morton, M. A. 2821 Beeves, A. H. 2969 Fellows, Dr. H. B. 2822 Guthrie, W. 2970 Carroll, Miss C. 2827 Umlauf , Lewis 2971 Clark, B. W. 2829 Macdonald, Dr. B. S. 2972 Noble, George W. 2832 Day, J. E. 2973 Whaling, W. J. 2835 Phelps, E. P. 2974 Murchesi. F. W. 2837 Toner, J. W. _".75 Isham, C. T. 2841 Bliss, H. W. 2977 Hawley, Henry S. 2843 Merrick, L. C. 2977 Hanford, John 2906 Marshall, J. M. Jr. 297S Curtis, J. Lafe 2908 Vogl, A. 3000 Huchberger, L. 2910 Anderson, F. B. 3006 Milzer, D. 2915 Kaufman, Moses 3008 Kent, Mrs M. 2919 Wilder, Miss E. A. 3010 Adams, E. 2921 Hodgson, M. A. 3011 Koch, C. B. E. 2923 Mackenzie, C. 3012 Talcott, C. D. 2025 Holbrook, S. 3013 Staub, S. W. 2934 Stewart, F. H. 3014 Hardy, J. E. 2937 Waterbnry, D. U. 3020 Tillinghast, Mrs. C. 2941 Gunning, Mary 3025 Boyd, Dr. H. W. REVERSED DIEECTOF.Y. 53 Constance SteYenson, FROM PARIS, DRESSMAKER, WABASH AVENUE, , 111. 54 ELITE OF CHICAGO. INDIANA AVENUE. 3029 Morrison, J. 3223 Lowe, H. E. 3030 Callaghan, B. 3227 Peters, F. H. 3031 Chamberlin, Dr. G. W. 4 3228 Greyson, C. E. L. 3037 Jacobus, Judson S. 3239 Morau, Thomas A. 3118 Swander, A. F. 3235 Shephard, G. W. 3119 Dexter, Dr. E. ?241 Cook, Amanda S. 3123 Leger, E. 3246 Dexter, W. W. 3124 Leitsch, E. 3249 Bowles, Jacob 3125 Wetherell, George F. 3250 Walker, H. C. 3128 Expert, Michael 3251 Nash, Joseph 3130 Brawley, F. W. S. 3253 Storrs, D. W. 3132 Abbott, O. E. 3257 Hammond, J. E. 3135 Hess, Siegel 3259 Dean, John E. 3136 Vaughan, A. W. 3300 Waliwork, John 3136 Nash, Mrs. Thomas 3302 Haight, Frank 3139 Frendenthal, J. 3316 Conrad, G. E. 3141 Strauss, Jonas 3318 Eldredge, Isaac 3142 Brown, T. H. 20 Phelps, JohnM. 3143 Hutchinson, John .22 Vail, George W. 3144 Bates, David 3326 Dibble, Henry 3149 Hess, J. 3339 Bo wen, George H. 3153 Flesnman, Eosa 3341 Ralston, H. M. 3154 Kippax, John E. 3343 Sanford, J. E. 3158 Wagner, D. C. 3345 Dodson, Benj. W. 3160 McPherson, Daniel 3352 Stone, Leander 3160 Connard, John F. 3352 Eynchon, John P. 3206 Fleishman, Louisa 3357 Smith, Humphrey 3207 Towle, J. E. 3359 Goodman, Daniel 3208 Fenimore, William 3361 Boal, C. T. 3211 Spencer, George T. 3363 Prentice, William 3212 Anderson, George 3400 Duncan, J. D. 3213 Keller, Daniel 3402 Steele, Julius 3218 Elliott, Horace M 3403 Phillips, James T. 3219 Uphoff, A. H. 3404 Nickerson, James C. 3220 Schmid, Q. U. 3405 Parsons, Mrs. S. A. 3221 McKinnon, D. C. 8406 Nickerson, F. 3222 Hise, George J. 3108 Turner, E. A. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 55 j. B. eU AILORS 130 DEARBORN STREET, i CHICAGO. ELITE OF CHICAGO. 34OO 3410 411 3416 3416 3417 3418 3420 3421 3422 3423 3427 3429 3430 3431 3432 Mater. Phillip Colby. E. Bichards, J. T. McGflvany. E. B. Brown, E. C. Brignam. P. S. Biattner. Henry Webb. Charles Brush. D. E McBean. D. S. HubbelL A. C. Vanschaak, Cornelius Malony. Henry C. Inelede-w, Loudly Schoeneman, Sam Besenhan. J. Pnnnost, BL C. McBean, James G. Wmrinson. C. T. I/DtL Mrs. Mary A. Eliel Lambert . ;-.; 3514 - ' r. Philip Doty, E. D. Kann. Johanna Hitchcock, B. J. Upton, Parley W.W. 3531 Gtt>bs,Pl*tt Eobertaon. J. B. [DuffettrGeoiseandJohn 9617 Bichardson, J. H. 3CI9 Thompson- J. S. 3621 Norcoct. John Gifford,Wm. Jones, George P. 3643 Clawson. L. J. Jr. . ttf HnUMl L GL 347 Seton. C E. -' - - -T - ' Fairest, J. K. C. Walcott, E. G. Adams, C.J. Paxson, D. C. NUIiken, Robert Gnmp.B. F. Boney.W.B. Cowries. Merritt Patterson, John Wrightson, George Armstronjj, Wfflimm Fuller, I Frazee, M. Y. . - : 3S33 HalL- Durtee. C B. Malony r WH. Cheatham. Ja - Taber.W.B. 58 ELITE OF CHICAGO. PRAIRIE AVENUE. 1601 Heinrichs, Mrs. C. L. 1 945 Armour George 1609 Dan, J. J. jooo Clark, John M. 1611 Greenleaf , G. F. '_'()()! Adsit, J, M. lf!13 Weeks, J. F. _>()03 Bissell, G. F. Kill) Liebenstein, Jas. 2009 Hodges, L. 1G20 Law, Robert 2010 Grey, W. L. 1621 Goggin, J ohn 2011 Chisholm, Wm. 1626 Hervey, C. W. 2018 Herrick, Mrs. L. 1630 Brush, Ptter 2021 Adams, B. 1634 Bartlett, C. S. 202<> Wahl, Christian 1635 Stewart, H. L,. _'o:!i Tolman, S, A. 1636 Hall, Amos T. 2033 Otis, F. R. 1637 Spa'ding, Jesse 2035 Stone, Mrs. H. O.' 1638 Shortall, John G. 2036 Buckingham, E. 1701 Hibbard, Wm. G. 2100 Shernmn, J. B. 1702 Harvey, T. W. 2101 Cobb, S. B. 1709 Williams, N. O. 2108 Kimball, Mark 1712 Sturges, Albert 2109 Rolosrn, R. W. 1717 Dexter, Wirt 2112 Wilson, W. G. 1720 Walker, J. M. 3116 Armour, P. D. 1726 Silvennan, Chas. 2130 Ci pp. O.W. 1729 Pullman, Geo. M. 2125 Wheeler, Chas. H. 1730 Otis, J. E. 2129 Hamill, Chas. D. 1736 Strong, Henry 8131 Tucker, W. F. 1808 Galloway, A. J. 2216 Gould, Nathaniel 1812 Wooley, J. C. 2219 Price, Abner 1816 Henderson, C, M. 22 ;l Mass, F. 1828 Shipman, D. B. L 'J , > D'Unger, Dr. R. 1834 Storey, W. F. 222(5 Thompson, W. M. 1900 Keith, Elbridge 2227 McBean, A. J. 1905 Field, Marshall 222S Pulsifer, C. A. 1906 Keith, Edson 2331 Higgins, H. I. 1923 Kellogg, Chas. P. 2283 Wheeler, W. E. 1936 Allerton, S. W. 22:17 Rosenbnch, M. S. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 59 ALBERT A. RILEY, Registers, Brass Fire Places, Fenders, Andirons, Fire Sets, COAJL, HODS, ETC., ETC., INTOS. QSO ^L-IfcTID SSS Wabasli Aveniu^, ^\^ Cliicago, Illinois. ' 60 ELITE OF CHICAGO. PRAIRIE AVENUE. 2239 Cothran, G. W. 2452 Page, J. F. 2324 Locke, Rev. Clinton 2453 McMurtny, J. G. 2332 Hurlbert, H. N. 2457 Nash, Richard P. 2336 Taylor, N. S. 2458 Hughes, R. E. 2338 Titcornb, A. M. 2459 Pillbury, Dr. J. M. 2348 Hitt, W. M. 2500 Schoenhofen, P. 2352 Mannierre, Edward 2510 Phelps, W. W. 2400 Chumasero, J. T. 2517 Huntington, W. S. 2404 Rowley, S. E. 2520 Church, G. E. 2406 Gatchell, Frederick 2522 Mathews, P. P. 2407 Kissel], Abraham 2523 Harming, Jesse 2408 Scovill, M. M. 2527 Haas, Jacob 2410 Darrow, D. W. 2528 Ward, 0. H. 2412 Sanger.Mrs. A. F. 2532 Woodcock, Asa 2413 Murray, C. H. 2535 HoweUs, Miss T. W. 2414 Ballard.D. B. 2536 Libby, C. P. 2417 Green, C. H. 2540 Cox, L. B. 2422 Neff, E. W. 2548 Pearce, M. L,. 2423 Pitt, H. T. 2550 Olcott, W. M. 2426 Sheerder, E. 2552 Belden, J. S. 2427 Cohen, Julius 2554 Newcomb, W. H. 2428 Schmidt, A. 2556 Swiskey, Harry 2429 Orvis, 0. D. 2558 McKee, Melvin 2430 Migely, Rudolph. 2600 Meyer, E. 2431 Berdan, Hamilton 2602 Wing, A. R. 2432 American, O. li. 2604 Gibson, W. T. 2433 Root, Enoch . .2606 Gore, Dr. J. R. 2435 Lovitz, Elias 2612 Kent, W. A. 2436 Waughup, J. W. 2618 Burgie, H. C. 2437 Eldred, D. M. 2619 Rew, H. C. 2438 Opper, P. H. 2620 Schaffner, B. F. 2439 Berger, Robert 2622 Park, G. H. 2443 Barnes, F. J. 2623 Eaton, E. 2445 Cassiday, J. A. 2625 Manvei, Allen 2446 Willard, C. W. 2628 Hoodless, G. L. 2447 Allen, Benjamin 2629 Fitzgerald, J. P. ' 2448 Maynard, Henry 2632 Baldwin, John REVERSED DIRECTORY. 61 HACK ORDINANCE. The price to be charged by the owner or owners, or dr vers, of any hackney coach, carriage or vehicle for the conveyance of passengers, except oninibusses, for hire wi hin the cit of Chi- cago shall be as follows, to be regulated and estimated by the dis- tance on the most direct route , namely : For conveying each passenger irom one railroad depot to an- other depot, fifty cents. For conveying each passenger not exceeding one mile, fifty cts. For conveying^pas-enger any distance over one mile and less than two mil s, one dollar. For C9nveying each additional passenger of the same family or party, fifty cents. For conveying a passenger in sai 1 city any distance exceeding two miles, one dollar and fifty cents. For each additional passenger of the same family or party, fif- ty cents. For conveying children between five and fourteen years of age, halt the above rates may be charged for like distances, b t for children under five years of age, no charge will be made. Provid- ed, that the distance from any railroad depot, steamboat landing or Hotel, to any other railroad depot, steamboat landing or hotel, shall in all cases be estimated as not exceeding one mile. For the use by the day of any hackney coach or ether vehicle drawn by two hors s or other animals, with one or more passen- g rs, eight dollars per day. For the use of any such vehicle by the hour, with one or more passengers, with the privilege of going from place to place, and stopping as of ten as may be required, as foil ws : For the first hour, two dollars ; for each additional hour or part of an homy oue dollar. For conveying one or more passengers to or from any place in said city between the hours of tweiveo clock midnight and 7 A. M., for each trip, without regard to distance or number of r assengers, two dollars. For the use of any cab or other vehicle drawn by one horse or any other animal, by the hou , with the privilege of going from place to place, with 'one or more passengers, and stopping when required: F r the first hour, one dollar ; for each additional hour orpart of an hour, fifty cents. For the use of any such carriage by the day, four dollars. Every passenger shall be allow d to have conveyed upon such vehicle, without charge, his ordinary traveling baggage, not ex- ceeding in any case one trunk and twenty-five pounds of oth r baggage. For every additional package, where the whole weight of baggage is over one hundred pounds, if conveyed to any place within the city limits, the owner or driver shall be permitted to charge fifteen cents. 62 ELITE OF CHICAGO. PRAIRIE AVENUE. 2633 Donohue, Wm. 2933 Goldman, P. 2634 Nichols, Geo. E. 2936 Dempster, W. 2636 Denton, D. H. 2938 Ledyard, G. C. 2637 Bryan, W. H. 2940 Sweet, S. H. 2637 Asay, J. F. 2944 Chapman, Charles A. 2638 Day, R. H. 2946 Leopold, H. C. 2640 Comstock, C. H. 2947 Wright, James 2641 Dorney , John 2947 Ulm, JohnW. 2700 Bowen, C. G. 2948 Ogden, r. G. 2704 Lowrie, John M. 2949 McLean, C. A. 2710 Bentz, A. 2950 Whitehead, W.H. 2710 Hennig, MaryL. 2950 Whitehead, H. 2718 Almy, Miles 2952 Hall, Mrs. E. T. 2722 McDowell, John 2954 Johnson, S. J. 2728 Harris, Israel 2955 Kimball, J. G. 2728 Wilson, AnnaL. _><<>_> Keith, O. R. 2731 Furlong, T. T. 2962 Palmer, E. P. 2732 Mayer, M. H. 2965 Whitehall, E. P. 2734 Barnett, Miss A. 2968 Shaw, Archie 2735 Haine, W. W. 3004 Turner, James 2737 Carpenter, Chas. J . 3010 Smith, H. R. 2801 Richards, J. W. 3011 Powell, M. W. 2802 Herford, Rev. Brooke 3016 Ryder, Adolphus 2803 Lavender, John 3018 Lewis, S. B. 2864 Holland, R. A. 3020 Cheney, C. C. 28O8 Van Inwagen, James 3022 Underwood, R. L. 2811 Singer, M. D. :!o-_>4 Lowell, I. W. 2813 Reid, Henry 5028 Henry, G. W. 2833 Kaiser, M. L. 3105 Abbott, H. H. 2834 Williams, A. 3109 Douglas, E. P. 2912 Isreal, Mrs. Addie 3112 Dolph, Mrs. M. J. 2914 Kramer, F. 3113 Iverson, Edward 2920 Harvey, C. E. 3118 Deloine, M. 2922 Townsend, S. P. 3123 Skidrnore, G. W. 2928 Bash, D.N. 31'_'5 Lane, Jos. G. 2930 McClelland, T. S. 3129 McGuire, H. G. 2932 Rernick, Charles F. 3131 High, J. L. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 63 FIRE DEPARTMENT. Fire Alarm and Police Telegraph Room 1 City Hall, Quincy street entrance. John P. Barrett, Superintendent ; David M. Hyland, Chief Operator; John F. Stevens, Isaac R. Jenkins, Operators; William Carroll, H. Lescr, John Fitzpatrick, Assist- ant Operators. Fire limits are co-extensive with the city limits. SIGNALS. FIBST ALARM The number of the box from which the alarm is given, struck three (3) times on all the gongs and bells. SECOND AL ABM -Two eleven (211) followed by the number of the box struck once. THIBD ALAKM Three eleven (3 11) followed by the number of the box struck once. SECOND AND THIKD ALABMS COMBINED Four eleven (4 11) followed by the number of the box struck twice. GENEBAL ALABM Six eleven (6 11) struck three times, fol- lowed by the number of the box struck once. To this call the entire department will respond. CALL FOB HOOK AND LADDEB COMPANY Eleven (11) blows, followed by the number of the Truck Company wanted, and one r, und of the box where the Truck Company is wanted, thus : (11 2 125) H. & L. No. 2 will run to box 125. FIBE OUT One blow on all the gongs and bells. If a second i're is signaled and put out before notice of the extinguishment of the first fire is given, notice of this fact will be announced by 64- ELITE OF CHICAGO. PRAIRIE AVENUE. 3132 D wight. Homer 3238 Start, John 3133 De Young, Benj. R. 3239 Nourse, Mrs. M. A. 3134 Thomson, Charles 3241 Harper, Wm. H. i 3135 MaUory, H-E. 3246 Scrafleld, E. 3141 Smith, J. S. 3248 Campbell, John McA. 3143 Seavey, T. B. 3251 Addy, E. 3145 McAtee, W. A. 3255 Bridges, E. T. 3148 Fitch, N. T. 3258 Watrous, W. S. 3149 Chase, Marvin S. 3269 Hoyle, J. M. 3152 Stone, C. D. 3350 Mark, C. W. 3156 Beer, R. B. 3354 Keepers, Wm. E. 3157 Meinager, Ferd 3404 Sunderlanu, Geo. 3158 Clements, C. R. 3404 VWhite, Mrs. E. 3170 Peterman, Geo. C. . 3406 Tryman, Joseph 3200 Longley, Wm. H. 3416 McGraw, M. 3202 Wells, W.K. 3418 O'Connell, D. 3204 Cole, Russell 3432 Ward, Joseph 3205 Nexsen, E. F. 3436 Holloway, Geo. A. 3206 Cudeney, Wm. 3437 Krick, Henry 3207 Bridges, Mrs. M. A. 3440 Hazzard, I I. 3209 Sample, Andrew 3522 Blake, E. W. K. 3210 Smith, J. W. 3524 Donaldson, Charles 3211 Moses, O. H. 3539 Merrill, T. B. 3214 Willis, Mrs. Aggie 3541 Thompson, Chas. D. 3223 Wadlie, Horace 3543 Day, Fred S. 3226 Green, Jefferson 3545 Griggs, Mrs. Emma 3229 Pratt, A. H. :;.-,.-, 7 Reid, Wm. A. 3230 Sibley, J. A. 3657 Harrison, B. T. 3231 Livermore, D. E. ::(><)() Keeper, Lewis 3232 Greeley, Horace ;!(>.->;; St. John, Alvah R. 3233 Bell,R. B. 3801 Springer, George A. 3235 Wilder, Frank N. tr* REVERSED DIRECTORY. 65 FIRE DEPARTMENT. one stroke as above, repeated in seven seconds , and in the same manner, three strokes for a third fire, four for a fourth, etc. .LIST OF STATIONS. SOUTH DIVISION. 12 Elevator B. foot S. Water 13 14 Rush street bridge 15 State and South Water 16 Clark and South Water 1 7 Fifth av. and South Water 18 Lake and Franklin 19 Lake and LaSalle 21 Engine house 13, Dearb'n 22 Lake and Wabash av. 23 Lake and Central av. 24 Randolph & Michigan av. 25 State and Randolph 20 Clark and Randolph 27 Fifth av. and Randolph 28 Randolph and Market 29 Franklin and Washington 31 Washington and LaSalle 32 DearbornandWashington 33 Washington & Wabash av. 34 Madison and Michigan av. 35 Madison and State 30 Madison and Clark 37 Madison and Fifth av. 38*Franklin and Madison 39 Market and Madison 41 Monroe and Franklin 42 Monroe and LaSalle 43 Monroe and Dearborn 44 Monroe and Wabash av. 45 Adams and Michigan av. 4(5 Adams and State 47 Adams and Clark 48 Adams and Fifth av. 49 Adams and Market 51 Jackson and Franklin 52 Jackson and LaSalle 53 Jackson and Dearborn 54 Jackson and Wabash av. 55 Van Buren & Michigan av. 50 Van Buren and State 57 Van Buren and Clark 58 Van Buren and Fifth av. 59 Van Buren and Market 61 Congress and Franklin 62 Harrison and Fifth av. 63 Harrison and Clark 64 State and Harrison 65 Congress and Wabash av. 66 Hubbard ct. and Mich. av. 07 Polk and State 68 Polk and Clark 69 Polk and Fifth av. 71 Taylor and Fifth av. 72 Taylor and Clark 73 Taylor and State 74 Eldridgect.& Michigan av. 75 Michigan av. and Twelfth 70 Twelfth and State 77 Clark and Twelfth 78 Stowel land Sherman 79 Thirteenth and Fourth av. 81 Wabash av. and 13th 82 Michigan av. and 14th 83 State and 14th 84 Clark and 14th 85*Dearborn and 15th 86 Haven School,Wabash av. 87 I. C. R. It. Shops, Ind. av. 88 Michigan av. and 16th 89 Sixteenth and State 9 1 C lark an d Six teenth 92 Sixteenth and Grove 93*Kighteenth and Grove 94*Nineteenth andBlackwell 95 Eighteenth and Clark 96 Stats and Eighteenth 97 Michigan av. and 1 8th 98 Prairie av. and 18th 99 Calumet av. and 2()th 112 Indiana av. and 20th 113 Wabash av. and 20th 114 Archer av. and 20th 115 Wentworth av. and 20th 110 Grove and 2()th 117 Grove and 22nd 66 ELITE OF CHICAGO. CALUMET AVENUE. 57 Leith, A. J. 2235 Hawes, Kirk 61 Logan, Johii A. 2238 Barnes, C. J. 61 Manheimer, G. 2239 Beynolds, C. L. 1840 Towne, Chas. E. 2240 Kohn, H. A. 1900 Williams, N. 2241 Eikins, H. K. 1928 Manierre, George 2343 Simon, Leopold 1932 Asay, E. G. 2244 Kelley, A. P. 2000 Crawford, Henry 2247 Gould, Sarah P. 2004 Mitchell, W. H. 2249 D wight, J. H. 2016 Colernan, J. G. 2252 Coolbaugh, Mrs. A. 2018 Kohn, Jos. A. 2253 Brewster, J. P. 2100 Aldrich, Win. 2257 Paddock, Mrs. K. J. 2101 Gunn, Dr. Moses 2259 Mayo, J. B. 2106 Badger, A. C. 2300 Kaymond, B. W. '2107 Meeker, Albert B. 2310 Gould, J. S. 2114 Leiter, L. Z. 2312 Whipple.W. D. 2124 Shaw, Theo. 2316 Hill, H. L. 2125 Markely, Jno. A. 2320 Roche, P. J.- 2129 Mel drum, B. E. 2331 McAvoy, J. H. 2131 Ailing, John 2322 Lawton, James 2133 Walsh, J.E. 2328 Greenebaum, Isaac 2140 Jones, D. A. 2330 Crouch, Thomas 2141 Durand, C. E. 2333 Boss, J. W. '2201 Hanford, P. C. 2337 Mariner, Edward 2213 Silverman, L. 2339 Burras, M. A. 2217 Marsh, Chas. V. 2341 Yondorf , Simon 2220 Smith, C. G. 2342 Warner, G. L. 2221 Armour, J. F. 2343 Taylor, C. W. 2222 Bartlett, A. C. 2346 Baker, C. H. 2226 Hickling, Wm. 2351 Snow, A. J. 2227 Lester, John T. 2353 Bruner, C. E. 2229 Bosenbaum, Jos. 2355 Kellogg, W. F. 2231 Tobey, E. P. 2357 Leach, D. B. 2233 Barrett, O. W. 2408 Bagg, F. S. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 67 FIRE DEPARTMENT. 118 Archer av. and 2 2nd 175 State and 31st 119 Clark and 22nd 176 Indiana av. and 31st 121 State and 22nd 177 South Park av. and 31st 122 Indiana av. and 22nd 178 Cottage Grove av. and 3 1st 123 Calumet av. and 22nd 179 Cottage Grove av. and 33d 124 South Park av. and 24th 181 South Park av. and 33d 125 Indiana av. and 24th 182 Indiana av, and 33d 12(3 State and 24th 183 State and 33d 127 Wentworth av. and 24th 184 Wentworth av. and 33d 128 Portland av. and 23d 185 Stewart av. and 33d 129 Archer av. and Grove 186 Wallace and 33d 131 McGregor and Hanover 187 Halsted and 33d 182 Archer av. and Wallace 188 Laurel and 33d 133 134 Engine H. No. 2-Sanger st. Archer av. and Halsted 189 Waterville and Laurel 191 Iron and 33d 135 Main and Cologne 192 Ashland av. and 33d 136 Archer av. and Quarry 193 Archer av. and 33d 137 Halsted and 27th 194 Long John and 33d 138 Wallace and 26th 195 Saratoga and 33d 139 Stewart av. and 26th 196 Saratoga and 35th 141 Portland av. and 25th 197 Long John and 35th 142 Wentworth av. and 26th 198 Wood and 35th 143 State and 26th 199 Ashland av. and 35th 144 Indiana av. and 26th 211 Thirtv-fifth and 145 146 EngineH. No. 9, Cot. Gr. av CottageGrove av. and 27th 212 Ullman and 35th 213 Laurel and 35th 147 148 Cottage place and 29th South Park av. and 29th 214 Halsted and 35th 215 Wallace and 35th 149 Indiana av. and 29th 216 Stewart a v. and 35th 151 State and 2 9th 217 Wemworth av. and 35th 1 52 153 154 Wentworth av. and 29th Stewart av. and 29th Wallace and 29th 218 State and 35th 219 Indiana av. and 35th 221 South Park av. and 35th 155 Halsted and 29th 222 Cottage Gr. av. and 35th 156 Main and Stearns 223 Lake av. bet. 35th & 37th 157 Archer av. and Main 224 Lake av. and Pit r st. 158 159 161 162 163 Archer av. and Deering Cologne and Deering Cologne and Fuller Archer av. and Bi-oad Archer av. and Hickory 225 Lake and Maywood avs. 226 Cottage Gr. av. and 39th 227 Cottage Gr. av. and 37th 228 Vincennes av. and 38th 229 Oxford ct. and Vernon av. 164 Long John and 31 st 231 Oak and Stanton aves. 165 Wood and 3 1st 232 Indiana av. and 37th 166 Ashland av. and 31st 233 India a av. and 39th 167 *Wahle Bros, glue factory 234 State and 39th 168 Ullman and 31st 235 State and 37th ](>9 Laurel and 3 1 st 236 Wentworth av. and 37th 171 Halsted and 31st 237 Wentworth av. rnd 39tb 172 Wallace and 3 1st 238 Stewart av. and 39tn 173 Stewart av. and 31st 239 Stewart av. and 37th 174 Wentworth av. and 31s ^ 241 Wallace and 37th 68 ELITE OF CHICAGO. CALUMET AVENUE. 2417 Kramer, E. 2807 Wilcox, M. A. 2419 Kohn, Morris 2812 Marsh, Geo. A. 2421 Liberman, M. J. 2813 Clancy, B. B. 2425 Clark, G. K. 2814 Jacobs, B. N. 2437 Crowley, John 2815 Classen, A. D. 2528 Bntler, Esther 2818 Perine, Mrs. M. S. 2534 Cook, Geo. W. 2819 Spiess, Joseph 2536 Blake, H. H. 2820 Platt, B. F. 2GOO Mercer, Dr. F.W. 2822 Bailey, Wm. H. 2G02 Hamlin, Go. A. 2823 Atwood, E. S. 2604 Hayes, S. J. 2828 Bragg, F. A. 2606 Southworth, W. L. 2832 Lehman, Mrs. M. 2608 Gregg, H. H. 2838 Mayhon, Wm. 2610 Hartman, Isaac 2004 Montgomery, E. H. 2611 Holmes, John D. 2914 Goodwin, Mrs. S. A. 2620 Hardin, M. D. 2918 Blossom, Alonzo 2624 Meeker. Mrs. E. 2920 Loveland, Wm. R. 2624 Hall, George 2922 Co well. B. L. 2624 McCreag, J. 2924 Cowdry, H. C. W. 2629 Lewis, J.C. 2947 Bigoness, Octave 2632 Burbank. N. J. 2957 Emerick, Geo. E. 2633 Garlick, D. S. 2962 Pierce, N. F. 2634 Campbell, James 29(54 Granger, E. E. 2636 Meeker, Theo. 97 Brackett, W. S. 2646 Harper, Wm. 3100 Wetherell, O. D. 2704 Seymour, Edwin O. 3104 Miller, K. B. 2712 Hickey, M. C. 3200 Mead, W. L. 2716 Adams, Geo. W. 3201 Blair, Charles 2718 Ullman, D. 3202 Howland, L. A. 2722 Pollard, J. K. 3203 Kent, T. 2728 Shaw, W. S. 3207 Wells, Thomas C. 2730 Weinscherk, M. 3210 Callahan, A. P. 2732 Cole, Mrs. J. D. 3212 Dixon, L. B. 2800 Eandall, T. D. S21fl Moody, J. A. 2803 Mitchell, H. C. 3218 Eoff, J. H. 2804 Shipman, Sol 3220 Shurly, E. R. P. 2805 Brook, A. P. 3222 Green, A. W. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 69 FIRE DEPARTMENT. 242 Wallace and 39th 295 Desplaines and Polk '243 Halsted and 39th 296 Jefferson and Taylor 244 Haisted and 37th 297 Desplaines said 12th 245 Laurel and 37th 311 Union and O'Brien 246 Laurel and 39th 247 Ullmanand3!)th 31.' , Wright and Jefferson 313 Union and 15th 248 Ullman and 37th 314 Jefferson and 16th 249 Thirty-seventh and 315 Union and 18th 2ol J. hirty-seventh and 252 Ash and av. and 39th 317 Lumber and 22nd 253 Ashland av. and 37th 318 Union and 22nd 254 Wood and 37th 319 Union and Lumber 255 Wood and 39th 321 Halsted and John 250 Long John and 39th 322 J ohnson and Lu liber 257 Long John and 37th 323 Halsted and Canalport av. 258 Thirty-seventh and 324 Halsted a d 16th 259 Union Stock Yards 325 Halsted and 14th 326 Halsted and 12th 327 Halsted and Taylor WEST DIVISION. 328 Halsted and Polk 329 Halsted and Harrison 261 Beach and Harrison 331 Halsted and VanBuren 262 Ellsworth and Polk 332 Hal ,ted and Adams 263 Beach and Taylor 333 Madison and Halsted 264 Lumber and 12th 334 Halsted and Randolph 265 Maxwell, near Lumber 335 Fulton and Halsted 266 Stewart av. and Barber 336 Halsted and Kinzie- 267 *Armour,Dole&Co. elevat'r 337 Halsted and Indiana 268 Lumber and 18th 338 Erie and Union 269 Lumber and Stewart 339 Green and Phillips 271 Canal and 18th 272 Canal and 16th 273 Canal and Maxwell 274 Canal and 12th 275 Polk and Canal 341 Halste 1 and Chicago av. 342 Sangamon; nd Chicago av 343 Carpenter and George 344 Carpenter* Milwaukee av 345 Erie and Milwaukee av 276 Canal and VanBuren 277 Can >1 and Adams 346 Sangamon and Hubbard 347 Sangamon and Fulto'i 278 Madison and (-anal 279 Clinton and Washington 281 W.Wat rand Randolph 282 Engine H. No. 17, W. Lake 348 Sangamon and Randolph 349 Sangamon and Madison 35 1 Sangamon and A^ams 352 Morgan and Van Buren 283 Can aland Fulton 284 Kinzie and Canal 353 Sangamon and Harrison 354 Morgan end Polk 285 Jefferson and Indiana 355 Morgan & Blue Island av. 286 Kinzie and Milwaukee av. 356 Johnson and 12th 287 Desplaines and Fulton 357 Morgan and Maxwell 288 Desplaines and Randolph 291 Desplaines and Madison 358 Johnson and Wright 359 Morgan and Rebecca 292 Adams and Desplaines 361 Brown and 18th 293 Desplaines aud VanBuren 3(52 Fisk and 1 8th 294 Harrison and Jefferson 363 Morgan and 20th 70 ELITE OF CHICAGO. CALUMET AVENUE. 3224 Mann, Bell 3249 Bloch, I. 3226 Ives, F. B. 3251 Conger, Moore 3228 Lyman, N.W. 3253 Horner, B. T. 3230 Barrett, John R. 3255 Thomson, David 3232 Miller, M. B. 3331 Hough, D. C. 3233 Murdow, T. H. 3333 Colt, L. Chester 3235 Lincoln, D.H. 3337 Countiss, R. H. 3236 RootB. W. 3339 Whitney, C. A. 3236 Evans, David I. 3341 Latschain, Frank 3238 Bradley, Mrs. B. O. 3343 Titmau, Jesse 3239 Wilcox, Mrs. Augusta 3345 Linsted, D. B. 3240 Gushing, E. T. 3345 Brown, G. F. 3241 Allen, Mrs. Julia 3347 Bee, Joseph 3243 Ward, Geo. R. T. 3413 Day, F. 3245 Sayles, John E. 38th st. VaUequette, J. B. 3247 Guthman.R. SOUTH PARK AVENUE. 2251 Whiting, H. L. 2414 Friend, Win. 2251 Snow, W. B. 2416 Crilley, D. F. 2253 Slocum, James E. 2418 Dickenson, George 2300 Pulsifer, E. F. 2419 Judah, M. S. 2302 Putnam, J. R. 2421 Martin, R. T. 2358 Wagner, I. H. 2422 Fortier, G. G. 2359 Bolton, James 2424 Gunzenhauser, John 2400 Spruance, Harmon 2427 Upton, George P. 2401 Nutt, H. H. 2508 Shoenbrunn, Rev. Isaac 2403 Norton, E. G. 2701 Gollhardt, Liborius 2405 Bemis, E. C. 2703 Tossette, Ernst 2407 Schwerdt, C. F. 2717 Horton, E. M. 2408 Stone, R. B. 2719 Gunning, R. C. 2409 Robinson, T. S. 2722 Seipp, Conrad 2411 Summerfield, John 2723 Deethnian, C. H. 2413 Lowenstein, Leopold 2725 Seipp, Win. C. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 71 FIRE DEPARTMENT. 364 Morgan and 22nd 365 Fisk, bet. 22nd & Lumber 436 Throop and Lumber 437 Loomis and 22nd 366 Centre av. and 22nd 438 Lanin, bet. 22d & Lumber 367 Centre av. and 20th 439 Ashland av. bridge 368 Centre av. and 18th 441 Ashland av. and 22nd 369 Rebecca and Centre av. 442 Lanin and 20th 371 Margaret and Fifteenth 443 Ashland av. and 20th 372 Blue Island av. and 14th 444 Ashland av. and 16tti 373 Centre av and 13th place 445 Ashland av. and 14th 374 Blue Island av. and 12th 446 Ashland av. and 12th 375 Taylor and Centre av. 376 May and Polk 447 Ashland av. and Taylor 448 Ashlandav. and Polk 377 Aberdeen and Harrison 449 Lanin and Harrison 378 Aberdeen and Jackson 451 Ashland av. and V. Buren 381 Madison and Aberdeen 452 Lanin and Jackson 382 Curti s and Randolph 383 Curtis and Carroll 453 Ashland av. and Madison 454 Ashland av. and Lake 384 Kinzie and Bucker 455 Ashland av. and Carroll 385 Curtis and Indiana 456 Ashland av. and Indiana 386 Erie and Bucker 457 Armour and Erie 387 Chicago &Milwaukeeaves 391 Milwaukee av. and Corn eD 458 Chicago and Ashland aves 459 Ashland av. and Cornell 392 Elston av. and Augusta 461 Ashland av. and Emma 393 Elston rd. and Division 462 Milwaukee av. & Division 394 Elston av. and Blackhawk 463 Ashland av. & Blackhawk 395 Elston road and North av. 464 North an 1 Ashland avs. 396 N. Chicago rolling mills 397 Holt and Blanche 465 Bloomingdale& Elston av. 466 Ashland & Clybourn avs. 411 North av. and Noble 467 Arrnitage and Elston rds. 412 Bradley and Noble 468 Elston road and 413 Noble and Milwaukee av. 469 Elston rd. and Webster av. 414 Noble and Cornell 41 5 Noble and Chicago av. 471 Wood and Clvbourn pi. 472 Paulina & Waubansia av. 416 Erie and Noble 473 North av. and Wood 417 Indiana and Noble 474 Lincoln& Milwaukee avs. 418 Elizabeth and Indiana 475 Paulii a & Milwaukee av. 419 Elizabeth and Carroll 476 Wood and Division 4-21 Fulton and Sheldon 477 Wood and Aucusta 422 Sheldon and Randolph 423 Elizabeth and Randolph 481 Chicago av. and Wood 482 Wood and Erie 424 Elizabeth and Madison 483 Paulina and Indiana 425 Sheldon and Madison 484 Carroll and Wood 426 Throop and Jackson 427 Throop and Harrison 485 Wood and Lake 486 Madison and Wood 428 Loomis and Me Ali ster pi, 429 Loomis and Tavlor 491 Paulina and Ogden av. 492 Wood and Jackson 431 Throop and 1 2th 493 Wood and Harrison 432 Loomis and 1 3th 433 Loomis and Henrv 494 Polk and Hermitage 495 Wood and Tavlor 434 Bluo Island av. and 16th 496 Wood and 12th 435 Throop and 19th 497 Wood and 14th 72 ELITE OF CHICAGO. SOUTH PARK AVENUE. 2727 Seeleman, S. 3019 Doud, L. B. 2729 Hess, Isaac 3024 Hess, Adolph 2800 Schmidt, J. P. 3037 Clowery, P. M. 2805 Redmond, J . P. 3046 Kelley. J. D. W. 2810 Heath, F. C. 3048 Kelley, Harrison 2826 Gruelich, F. J. 3091 Melody, T. B. 2827 Burgy, Charles 3136 Aniory, Wm. A. 2837 Urbanus, J. P. 3138 Pettengill, Keuben 2911 Meahan, P. 3141 Jeffrey, John B. 2933 King, T. B. 3149 Collins, W. T. 2939 Maxwell, John 3151 Buhner, John S. 2945 Spitzer, Joseph S. 3208 Westervelt, D. 2946 Garber, William 31216 Ruffner, F. W. 2950 Hirsch, Joseph 3318 Hunter, J. W. JOrxi Cleary, P. 3226 Chase, H. W. 2967 Sunderland, T. 3228 Taylor, Joseph 2968 Spencer, S. C. 3234 Honey, Ir^neB. 2970 Smith, Morris 3250 Lees, Edward 2972 Koberts, Byron 3252 Williams, G. T. 2974 McNeal, Mrs. E. A. 3254 Chapman, Sidney S. 2975 Updike, C. M. 3256 Prickett, Julia A. 2977 Fisk, James H. 3361 Sibley, David B. 3002 Hart, A. P. 33(53 Dickenson, Emma K. 3006 Cornell, Louis 3365 Gre?g, Richard 3008 Shephard, G. C 3438 Bean, D. 3014 Skeele, J. H. 3404 Goff, Frederick 3016 Horten, B. F. GRAND BOULEVARD. 3517 Hayward.John 3623 Warren, Horace 3521 Hollabird, Wm. 8887 Tresser, J . F. 3523 Smith, H. H. 3645 Nourse; B. F. 3547 Campbell, Jan?es 3800 Excell, Robert 3551 Pflaurn, Isaac 3807 Waters, Alex. 3611 Isreal, Stephen G. 3811 Parmly, H. C. and S. P. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 73 FIRE DEPARTMENT. 498 Wood and 16th 566 Leavitt and 14th 511 Wood and 19th 567 Leavitt and 16th 512 Wood and 2 1st 568 T -^avitt and 19th 513 Wood and Blue Island av. 569 I Q .avitt and 22d 514 Paulina & Blue Island av. 571 Leavitt & Blue Island av. 515 Wood and 572 Leavitt and 516 Lincoln, nr. Bl. Island a v. 573 Western av. and 518 Hoyne and Blue Island av. 575 Western & Laughton avs. 519 Rooey & Blue Island av. 576 Western av. and 22nd 521 Robey and '22nd 577 Western av. and 19th 522 Robey and 19th 578 Western av. and 16th 523 Robey and 16th 579 Western av. and 14th 524 Robey and 14th 581 Harvard and Western av. 525 Hoyne and 12th 582 Western av. and Harrison 526 Robey and Taylor 583 Western av. and Jackson 527 Ogden av. and Polk 584 Western av. and Madison 528 Ogden av. and Harrison 585 Western and Paik avs. 529 Robey and Jackson 591 Fulton and Western av. 531 Madison and Robey 592 Western av. and Hubbard 532 Robey and Lake 593 Western av. and Erie 533 Hoyne av. and Fulton 534 Hubbard and Robey 594 Western and Chicago avs. 595 Western av. and Augusta 535 Paulina and Indiana 596 Western av. and Division 536 Erie and Robey 597 Western av. and Hirsh 537 Robey and Chicago av. 598 Western & Milwaul- ee avs 538 Robey and Augusta 539 Robey and Division 541 Robey and Fowler 542 North and Milwaukee avs. 599 Western & North Park avs 6 1 1 Western and North avs. 612 Rockwell and North av. 613 Rockwell and Hirsh 543 Hoyne & Milwaukee avs. 544 Lincoln and Bloomingdale 614 Rockwell and Division 615 Rock-well and Augusta road 616 Rockwell and Chicago av. 545 Robey and Clvbourn place 546 Robey and Frankfort 617 Rockwe'l and Ohio 618 Fulton & Washtenaw av. 547 Leavitt and Webster av. 619 Rockwe 1 and Lake 548 Leavitt and Armitage rd. 621 Rockwell and Madison 549 Leavitt &Milwaukee av. 622 Rockwell and Jackson 551 Leavitt and North av. 623 Washtenaw and Harrison 552 Leavitt and Fowler 624 Rockwell and Harvard 553 Leavitt and Division 625 Rockwell and 1 2i h 554 Leavitt and ' ugusta 626 Rockwell and Jackson 555 Leavitt and Chicago av. 627 Rockwell an'' 16th 656 Leavitt and Erie 628 Rockwell and ] 9th 557 Hubbard and Leavitt 629 R ckwell and 22d 558 Lake and Leavitt 631 Rockwell and Laughton 561 Madison and Leavitt 632 Rockwell and 26th 562 Leavitt and Jackson 633 Rockwell and 563 Leavitt and Harrison 634 House of Correction 564 Taylor and Oden av. 635 California av. and 26th 565 Ogden a v. and 12th 636 California av. & Laughton 74: ELITE OF CHICAGO. STANTON AVENUE. 3542 Foss, Chas. E. 3731 Springer, James 3548 Tilton, F. C. 3733 Eldredge, C. L. 3624 Launder, W. H. 3740 Albee, B. F. 3634 Wooley, Wm. K. 3751 Cochran, W. L. 3636 Excell, Isaac 3761 Bardan, J. H. 3725 Fox, F. L. 3763 Ruprecht, G. 3727 Fowler, Chas. C. 3856 Hovey, Mrs. M. A. VERNON AVENUE. 213 Frisbee, E. C. 3009 Bohner, George 243 Swezey, M. B. 3013 Wilcox, W. W. 247 Mills, B. A. B. 3015 Milliken, J. D. 2824 Foster, M. P. 3017 Davis, Mrs. A. 2911 Barnett, James 3018 Havens, C. A. 2926 Wing, Thomas 3028 Smith, Eli 2927 Quinan, George 3122 Mulliner, J. S. 2931 Dewt y, Miss Electa E. 3201 Lei and, W. 2935 Smith, S. C.. 3206 Conger, S. W. 2937 Harris, E. P. 3211 Falter, D. B. 2939 Kramer. M. 3213 Riordan, Daniel "2941 VanBokkelen, B. O. 3215 Layton, J. M. 2942 Hall, D. A. 3217 Chapman, J. L. 2943 Major, Dr. L. S. 3219 Gartside, John M. 2947 Durham, James 3222 Parker, H. C. 2948 Garrigan, Thomas J. 3224 Thomson, Mrs. S. 2949 Baldwin, George 3226 Chase, B. K. 2950 Draper, N. C. 3228 Strauss, Simon 2951 Allen, James Lane 3230 McLean, J. G. 2953 Chappell, James A. 3232 Swisshelm, Jane Grey 2954 Meyer, Isaac 3237 Sullivan, J.E. 2966 Seymour, C. L. 33 1 6 Teegarden, Wm. 2967 Myrick, W. F. 3318 Latimer, John M. 2970 Pennoyer, J. C. 3329 Wood, James 3001 Brockway, J. W. 3342 Loker, Geo. T. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 75 FIRE DEPARTMENT. 637 California av. and 22d 694 Homan and Jackson 638 California av. and 19th 695 Homan and Harrison 639 California and Ogdenavs. 696 Homan and Harvard 641 California av. and 12th 697 Homan and 12th (>42 California av. & Harvard 698 Homan ana 16th 643 Francisco and Harrison 699 Hornan and 19th 644 California av. and Jackson 711 Homan and 22d 645 California av. & Madison 712 Homan and 24th 646 California av. and Lake 713 Homan and 26th 647 California av. and Kinzie 714 Homan and Swift 648 California av. and Ohio 715 Homan and 31st 649 California & Chicago avs. 651 California av, & Augusta 717 Central Park av. & 652 California av. & Divisirn 718 Central Park a v. and 31st 653 California and North avs. 719 Central Park av. & Swift 654 Sacramento and Kinzie 721 Central Park av. and 24th 655 Sacramento and Lake 722 Central Park av. and 22nd 656 Sacramento and Madison 723 Central Park av. and 19th 657 Sacramento and Jackson 724 Central Park av. and 12th 658 Sacramento and Harvard 725 Central Pk. av.& Harvard 659 Sacramento and 22d 726 Central Pk. av. &Harrison 661 Sacramento and 24th 727 Central Pk av. and Ohio 662 Sacramento and 26 oh 728 Central Pk. & Chicago avs. 663 Sacramento and 729 Central Pk.av. & Augusta 664 Kedzie and 3 1st 731 Central Pk. av. & Division 665 Kedzie and Swift 732 Cent. Pk. av. & Frederick 666 Kedzie and 26th 733 Hamlin av. and Frederick 667 Kedzie and 24th 734 Hanlin av. and Division 668 Kedzie and 22d 669 Kedzie and 19th 735 Hamlin av. and Augusta 736 Hamlin and Chicago avs. 671 Kedzie and 16th 737 Hamlin av. and Ohio 672 Kedzie and 12th 738 Crawford av.and Kinzie 673 Kedzie and Harvard 739 Hamlin av. and Lake 674 Kedzie and Harrison 741 Hamlin av. and Madison 675 Kedzie and Jackson 676 Kedzie and Madison 6 - 7 Kedzie and Lake 678 Kedzie and Kinzie NORTH DIVISION. 679 Kedzie and Ohio 752 Lighthouse & North Pier 681 Kedzie and Chicago av. 682 Kedzie and Augusta 753 Myer's mill, North Pitr 754 Michigan and Pine 683 Kedzie and Division 755 Kinzie and State 684 Homan and North av. 756 Kinzie and Clark 685 Homan and Weage 761 Kinzie and Wells 686 Homan and Division 762 Kinzie and Market 687 Homan and Augusta 688 Homan and Chicago av. (J89 Homan and Ohio 763 Indiana and Kingsbury 764 Indiana and Market 765 Wells and Indiana 691 Homan and Kinzie 771 Indiana and Clark 692 Homan and I ake 772 Indiana and State 693 Homan and Madison . 773 Indiana and Bush 76 ELITE OF CHICAGO. VERNON AVENUE. 3344 Reynolds, S. G. 3554 Adams, W. H. 3401 Favorite, C. M. 3557 Launder, David 3403 Wescott, R.A. 3559 Foot, A. D. 3405 Goodman, E. 3561 Steam, George R. 3409 Stone, George H. 3563 Douglas, Jos. C. 3411 Leonard, Fred D. 3565 Baker, Charles E. 3413 Parker, B. S. 3567 Riser, Abraham F. 3415 Steel e, Ed. T. 3600 Boggs, C. T. 3419 Oliver, A. D. 3602 Ross, J. L. 3427 Schuyler, D. J. 3608 Sherer, W. T. 3431 Sawyer, Mrs. E. B. 3609 Lynas, Thomas R. 2433 Fuller, Henry W. 3611 Murray, Robert 3437 Ramsey, Mrs. M. D. 3616 Launder, Miss M. 3439 Wallace. Andrew 3618 Field, James C. 3513 Anderson, C. J. 3620 Brown, Milton 3514 Haigh, W. N. 3622 Hahri, J. W. 8516 LaFountain, E. L. 3623 Larnard, Francis 3518 Ston^, Burk 362 ;> Cook, Benj.L. 3520 Coldgran, James 3627 Halsey, GeoigeE. .3521 Jacobs, H. C. 3629 Stuart, John 3522 Hunt, Daniel H. 3630 Van Hagen, Isaac 3.V28 Wells, George H. 3632 West, C. H. 3529 Chumasero, Ed R. 3634 Hovey, E. S. 3542 Crosby, H. E. 3636 Burlingame, Olney 2548 Tower, J. B. 3643 King, S. D. 3548 Dewey, B. M. :W45 King, Mrs. C. E. 3550 Button, W. J. 3647 Croft, M. E. 3552 Henderson, H. M. RHODES AVENUE. 3200 Conerley, Fred 3255 Smith, W. E. 3202 Lichtstein, B. :\-2:>7 Pope, Mrs. Geo. G. 3204 Lynch, S. G. :;_>.->!) Wishard, S. E. 3206 Luschner, John 3261 Grant, Alex. 3208 Haskins, George W. :J-J(>5 Wilbur, C. M. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 77 FIRE DEPARTMENT. 774 Indiana and Seneca 874 Blackhawk and Smith 775 Indiana and 881 North and Sheffield avs. 781 Erie and St. Clair 882 North and Clybourn avs. 782 Erie and Cass 891 North av. and Orchard 783 En?, h. 180 Dearborn av. 911 Larrabee and North av. 791 Erie and Clark 912 Sedwick and North av. 792 Erie and Wells 913 Wells and North av. 811 Erie and Market 914 Clark and North av. 812 Erie and Kingsbury 915 Wells and Menominee 813 Chicago av. and Larrabee 916 Sedgwick and Menominee 814 Chicago av. and Townsend 917 Eugenie and Hurlbut 815 Chicago av. and Market 918 Willow and Larrabee 816 Wells and Chicago av. 921 Willow and Halsted 817 C ark and Chicago av. 922 Willow and Sheffield av. 818 Chestnut and State 923 Hawthorne and .819 Rush and Chicago av. 924 Clay and Fremont 821 Chicago av.e. of water wks 925 ( >i chard, near Center 822 Delaw re pi. and Bush 926 Wisconsin ana Hurlbut 823 L'ocust and Clark 927 Wisconsin and Lincoln av 824 White and Wells 931 Center and Lincoln av. 825 White and Market 932 Center and Larrabee 826 White and Bremer 933 Haisted and Center 827 North Branch and Halsted 934 Sheffield av. and Center 828 North Branch and Cherry 831 Oak and Crosby 935 Racine rd. & Clvbourn av. 936 Clybourn pi. & Southp't av. 832 H bbie and Bremer 937 B and Dominick 833 Oak and Sedgwick 938 Clybourn av and Herndon 834 Hill and Market 939 Clydel and Kroger 835 Wendell and Wells 941 Sophia and Fabius 836 Maple a id Clark 942 Sophia and Fremont 837 Oakwood and Rush 943 Sophia and Orchard 841 Division and State 944 Sophia and Lincoln av. 842 Division and Clark 945 Webster av. and Clark 843 Division and Wells 951 Webster av. and Larrabee 844 Division and Clybourn av. 952 Webster av. and Halsted 845 Division and Larrabee 953 Webster & Sheffield aves. 846 Division and Halsted 954 Webs er av & Racine rd. 847 Division andRees 961 Webster & Southport avs. 848 Blackhawk and Cherry 962 Webster ave & Do* inick 851 Rees ml Halsted 963 Clvbourn & Ashland avs. 852 Vedder and Pleasant 964 Belden av. and Herndon 85:; Clybourn av. & Larrabee 965 Belden av. and Fabius 854 Hurlbut and Sigel 966 Belden av. and Fremont 855 Goethe and Sedgwick 971 Belden and J incoln avs. 861 Sdgwick and Schiller 972 B Iden av. and Hurlbu t 8P2 Wells and Schiller 973 Fullerton av. and Clark 863 Clark and Schiller 974 Fullerton av.& Larrabee 864 Schiller and State 981 Fullerton & Lincoln av 871 Frank in, near North av. 982 Fullerton av. and Sheffield 872 Blackhawk and Hurlbut 983 Fullerton av. & Racine rd. 873 Blackhawk & Clybourn a v 984 Fullerton & Southport avs 78 ELITE OF CHICAGO. RHODES AVENUE. 3307 Warren, S. L. 3424 Bumsey, Israel 3327 Watkins, M. 3430 Hollister, John H. 3436 Dresser, Mrs. C. N. 3436 Smith, C. F. 3418 Murfey, Jesse C. 3442 Porter, Geo. M. 3418 Osgood, Caroline W. 3498 Barnard, F. E. VINCENNES AVENUE. 3501 Parks, Mary E. 3705 Patterson, T. H. 3520 Whitehair, N. 3706 Wilson, George 3538 Hall, Augustine 3707 Bishop, Mrs. E. H. 3548 Donahue, Thos. S. 3708 Griswold, F. H. 3549 Randall, O. T. 3709 Vannatta, Wm. 3550 Hale, S. H. 3714 De Forest, John 3559 Bray ton, H. B. 3737 Wolff, I. M. 35(30 Bogart, Frank W. 3739 Wolff, P. F. 3501 Kolbe, H. 3741 Root, Kings bury 3507 Callahan, Andrew 3745 Lansing, Odell E. 3617 Barnum, J. W. 3747 Newberger, Meyer 3625 Brayton, Geo. W. 3749 Chance, J. L. 3627 Hump, S. H. 3751 Jenkins, W. H. 3629 Smead, J. D. 3751 Caswell, C. L. 3629 Vailey, S. L. 3753 Shaw, G. W. 3631 Bogardus, H. D. 3755 Weaver, B. F. 3633 Rodier, N.J. 3757 Leddy, James 3635 Page, Henry 3759 Shedd, E. T. 3638 Van Housen, J. H. 3800 De Wolf, Calvin 3640 Wilder, Jacob 3800 Eldridge, B. 3 1! 1 U Magill, C. W. 3803 McMahon, Patrick 3644 Burr, C. A. 3805 McCord, John C. 3546 Mathews, G. W. 3807 Hornick, Wm. 3648 Sanborn, R. H. 3809 Graham, Mrs. D. 3700 Wheaton, Mary 3826 Schmidt, C. 3701 Sawyer, E. W. 3S29 Smith, H. J. 3703 Brady, J. G. ::s;;.-i Hewitt, A. B. 3704 Fisher, I. L. 3837 Spalding, A. G. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 79 POSTAL DEPARTMENT. New Government Bull ding, Clark cor. Adams. Postmaster Frank W. Palmer. Assistant Postmaster C. S. Squires. Chief Clerk and Superintendent of the Mails M. J. McGrath. Private Secretary D. Shepard. Clerk of Business Office W. E. Patten. Auditor E. P. Upham. Cashier P. B. Forrest. Accountant Fred Meyer. Superintendent of carriers John M. Hubbard. Superintendent of Money Order Division Theo. F. Swan. Superintendent of Begistry Division W. D. Bawlin^s. Superintendent of Stamp Division F. S. Groth. BAIL WAY MAIL SERVICE. Superintendent of Sixth Division James White. Chief Clerk W. P. Campbell. Special Agent Post-Office Department James E. Stuart. OFFICE HOUBS. Accountant and Cashier, from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Superintendent of Stamps and Stamped Envelope Department, from y a. m. to 5 p. m. Money Order Department, from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Begistered Letter Department, from 8 a. m. to f> p. m. Persons having grievances against the office on any account will please report the fact in writing, or in person to the post- master. BRANCH OFFICES. NOETH DIVISIO'N STATION Turner Hall, N. Clark, cor. Chicago ave. Superintendent, Jacob Livingston NORTHWEST STATION Milwaukee ave. cor. Fig st. Superintendent, T. C. Thielepape. WEST DIVISION STATION W. Washington st. cor. S. Halsted st. Superintendent, G. T. Go 1 d. SOUTHWEST STATION Blue Is. and ave. and W. Nineteenth st. Superintendent, E. L. Taylor. SOUTH DIVISION STATION State cor. Thirty-second st. Super- intendent, H. Blattner. STOCK YARDS STATION Unin Stock Yards. Superintendent, James Galbraith. FOREIGN MAILS. Mails for Great Britain and Ireland, dispatched in closed bags . 80 ELITE OF CHICAGO. VINCENNES AVENUE. 3839 Pratt, Geo. L. | 3845 Beach, F. A. 3841 Carter, D. K. 3847 Kay. B. F. 3843 Hubbard, J. M. 3848 Clark, Mrs. Flora JOHNSON PLACE. 3733 Holroyd, B. T. 3806 Gardiner, I. C. 3739 Bacon, B. E. F. 3808 Chauwick, J. E. 3741 Mitchell, C. P. 3811 Haskell, Da\id F. 3742 Mills, \. J, 3817 Hoffman, H. C. 3743 Herbert, Martyn 3823 Lane, Mrs. L. E. 3745 Mackey, P. S. 3828 Bristol, G. S. 3747 Gibbons, G. G. 3829 McKeand, Archibald 375"! Magee, J. C. 3830 Jackson, W. S. 3752 Brown, T. B. 3831 Levey, Mrs. M. J. 3753 Kogers, H. H. 3832 Wall, J. H. 3754 Holmes, D. T. 3833 Cassell, Win. 3755 Patterson, O. S. 3834 Gifford, H. B. 3756 Baker, B. F. 3835 Wood, J. M. 3758 Ottley, F. M. 3842 Spear, Edwin 3800 Jones, Otis 3844 Herrick, E. K. 3802 Cole, C. L. 3840 Griffith, J. C. 3804 Woodruff, A. L. FOREST AVENUE. 3100 Shepherd, Thomas Jl'jr, Scofield, J. W. 3104 Griswold, E. B. 3129 Lawrence, Henry 3106 Martin, N. 3130 Dickenson, W. T. 3110 Judson, C. F. :;i:52 Munch, H. C. 3112 Griffith, D. K. 3134 Polly, J.W. 3114 Baldwin, M. T. 3136 Thompson, Herbert 3116 Porter, Henry A. 313S Wadsworth, S. G. 3121 Healy, Stephen 3140 Vredenbergh, J. S. 3123 Knowles, J. 3142 Brigham, Geo. F. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 81 POSTAL DEPARTMENT. three times each week, as follows, viz : Mondays and Thursdays, via Portland, Maine, close at 3 :45 p. m. Wednesdays, via Port- laud, Maine, close at G : 00 p. in. For Germany, Denmark, Norway and Sweden, dispatched in closed bags for Hamburg and Bremen twice each week as fol- lows, viz : Tuesdays, via Hamburg Steamship Line, close at 3 :45 For China Japan, New Zealand, Australia, Sandwich Islands, Fiji Islands' Phillipine Islands, Ceylon, Siam, and Straits settle- ments close daily at 1) :30 a. in., and sent to San Francisco for dispatch in closed bags from that oflice. Note Mails for countries not named above close daily at 3 :45 p. m., and are sent to New York for dispatch in the closed bags from 'that office For Canada Provinces rf Ontario and Quebec, dispatched in closed bags as follows, viz. : Toronto to Montreal, G. T. Railway postal car, close at S :()() p. m. Sarnia to Toronto, G. T. Railway postal car, close at 8 :()() p. m. Windsor to Clifton, G. T. Railway postal car, close at 8 :00 p. m. Hamilton (city), Ontario, close at 4 and 8 : p. m. Toronto (city) Ontario, close at 4 and 8 : p. m. For Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edwards Island and Newfoundland, close daily at 8 p. m., (except Saturday and Sun- dav, at 4 p m.) and sent in bags for Boston for dispatch from that office. For British Columbia, dispatched via San Francisco, closing daily at 8 p. m., except Sunday at 4 p. m. Foreign postage tables will be found in the public lobbies of the main branch offices. RATES OF POSTAGE. The single letter rate of postage is three cents throughout the United States for half ounce or under. An additional rate of three cents is required for each additional half ounce or fraction thereof. The postage on If tters dropped in the office f or delivery in the city is two cents per half ounce, prepaid by stamps. MAIL MATTER OF THE THIRD CLASS. Miscellaneous Printed Matter Embraces all matter wholly in print except newspaper and other periodical publications sent to regular subscribers), and is subject to a postage rate of one cent for every two ounces or fraction thereof. "Printed matter" is denned to be the reproduction upon paper by any process except that of handwriting, of any words, letters, .characters, figures, or images, or any combination thereof, not "having the characters.of an actual and personal correspondence. MAIL MATTER OF THE FOURTH CLASS. Merchandise Embraces all matter not embraced in the first, 82 ELITE OF CHICAGO. FOREST AVENUE. 3144 Lord, S.R.B. 3341 Wright, W. L. 3146 Stone, M. V. 3343 Can-, H. H. 3148 Hanks, Thos. L. 3345 Harland, L. H. 3150 Cone, Geo. W. 3347 Keep, W. B. 3152 Cross, R. W. 3349 Cromwell, Charles 3160 Johnson, C. O. 3351 Stowell, John D. 3210 Fountain, Mrs. M. 3352 Thornahlen, Wm. 3230 Kinsley, Louis 3353 Chase, B. F. 3231 Custard, M. B. 3355 Weissker, Victor 3200 Hummitzsh, Adolph 3362 French, W. B. 3236 Neal, E.D. 3364 Lewis, David 3240 Sellers, Morris 3413 Saltow, John 3258 Strahorn, R. 3455 Bent, George P. 3310. Evans, W. N. 3458 Englert, Frank 3312 Boomer, L. S. 3534 Overman, H. C. 3316 Eldridge, J. M. 3536 Bogart, E. H. 3318 Wood bridge , J ohn 3613 Foley, W. C. 3323 Knight, Mrs. Clarence A. 3615 Isonweiler, E. H. 3325 Dodge, A. C. 3716 Soames, John 3327 Harper, W. Z. 3729 Carhart, D. W. 3329 Hines, Theo. F. 3731 Poole, O. A. 3331 Dunklee.W.A. 3733 Sherman, Daniel 3333 Liberty, G. H. 3746 Carpenter, W. 3335 Fravier, S. L. 3754 Owen, John W. 3337 Montague, Gilbert 3756 Hart, Mrs. M. 3339 Roper, Howard 3758 Conover, H. H. LANGLEY AVENUE. 3701 Sherwood, Philip 3731 Cook, Geo. M. 3715 Barber, A. H. 3732 Wadel, John 3716 Daggy, Peter 3734 Patterson, F. B. 3721 Harvey, S. A. 3735 Holton, Geo D. 3726 Fleetwood.B-F. 3738 Bourne, C. A. 3728 Lawrence, Miss J. R. 3739 Talbott, J. L. 3730 Fake, Mrs. H. 3740 Cone, Mrs. Mary REVERSED DIRECTORY. 83 POSTAL DEPARTMENT. second, and third class, which is not in its form or nature liable to destroy, deface, or otherwise damage the contents of the mail bag, or harm the person of any one engaged in the j ostal service, and is not above the weight provided by law, which is four pounds for each package. Matter in this class is subject to a postage rate of one cent for each ounce or fraction thereof. UNM ATT/ ABLE LiETTEBS. By the instructions under the postal laws, unmailable letters are specified to be : Letters attempted to be sent with stamps previously used, or stamps cut from stamped envelopes. Unpaid letters for foreign countries, on which prepayment is required by the regulations. Letters not addressed, or so badly addressed that their destination cannot be known. Letters misdirected to places where there are no post offices. Civilians' letters (domes- tic) wholly unpaid (including unpaid drop letters). Only such let- ters as are herein described are, when deposited in any .post- office, to be forwarded to the dead letter office ; all others must be dispatched to their aesanation, ch; r_ed with the amount of unpaid postage. When unmailable letters are stnt to the dead letter office, the speconc reason therefor must be indorsed upon the envelope of each. The fo lowing classes of letters are not advertised: Drop let- ters, box letters, letters directed and sent to hotels, and thence retuurned to the postoffice as unclaimed, letters returned from the dead letter omce to write 1 s, circulars, free packets, contain- ing printed documLnts, speeches and other printed matter. U. S. POSTAL MONEY ORDER SYSTEM. The Money Order system is intended to promote public con- venience and to insure safety in the transfer through the mails of small sums of money. The mode by wh ch safety is secured consists in leaving out of the order the name of the payee, or party for whom the money is intended. In this respect a money order differs from an ordinary bank draft or check. All ad\ice or notification, containing full particulars of the order, is transmit- ted by the issuing postmaster to the postmaster at the office of payment. The latter is thus furnished, before the order itself can be presented, with the necessary imformation ;o detect fraud, if any should be attempted. RATES OF COMMISSION CHARGED FOR MONEY ORDERS. On orders not exceeding $15 10 cents. over $15 and not exceeding $30 15 cents. ::<> " 40 20 cents. 40 " 50 25 cents. No fractions of cents to be introduced in the order. 84 ELITE OF CHICAGO. ANGLEY AVENUE. 3743 Fslsenthal, H. 3818 Harper, V. M. 3745 Felsenthal, M. 3819 Deutsch, F. 3746 Clements, J. 3820 Brown, J. M. 3747 Neberger.H. 3821 Boss, Mrs. B. C. 3748 Myers, J. C. 3822 Bobinson, D. 3749 Prins, B. J. 3824 Smith, J. E. 3751 Sidwell, G. H! 3825 Morris John 3756 Beading, E. A. 3826 Wright, Alfred 3800 Thomas, E. E. 3829 Parsons, H. E. 3801 Caliger, T. M. 3830 Spencer, C. F. A. 3802 Bosenfeld, Simon 3832 McClelland, John 3803 White, M. W. 3836 Bensley, Geo. E. 3804 Moulton, E. A. 3840 Starr, Edward 3806 Jackson, D. C. 3842 Hill, E. W. 3807 Leavitt, Dr. S. 3844 Chandler, P. B. 3808 Barker, Frank 3848 Macky, Spoor 3812 Parsons, Chas. F. Langley Ave. Meth. Ch. 381G Waterman, J. A. ELLIS AVENUE. 47 Short, J.L. 3625 Buck, J. A. W. 3512 Burroughs, J. E. 3626 Orr, F. B. 3517 Tucker, Horace 3701 Overman, Mrs. S. A. 3518 Walker, Mrs. M. P. 3703 Norton, Horace 3521 Weaver, Daniel 3709 Fry, Geoige C. 3527 Pickering, A. D. 3711 Weller, J. S. 3570 McClellan, Bobert 3713 Jacobus, J. A. 3606 Smith, A. P. 3715 Welner, Moses 3607 Fillans, D. 3722 White, Owen 3609 Mulford, B. L. 3729 Norcum, Dr. F. B. 3613 Gleason, C. O. 3731 Slott, Shaw 3616 Boberts.C. J. 3734 Grossman, Benjamin 3618 McMurdy.John 3738 Beed, A. H. 3622 Smith, G. W. 3740 Clinpman, William 3624 McBride, S. W. 3742 Tiffany, H. S. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 85 POSTAL DEPARTMENT. United States Treasury notes or National bank notes only re- ceived or paid. No single order issued for more than $50. Parties desiring to remit larger sums must obtain additional money orders. No applicant, however, can obtain in one day more than three orders payable at the same office and to the same payee. INTERNATIONAL MONEY ORDER SYSTEM. Orders can be obtained upon any money order offices in the kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, and Canada, for any sum not exceeding $50, in United States currency. FEES FOR BRITISH AND SWISS INTERNATIONAL MONEY ORDERS. On orders not exceeding $10 $ .25 Over $10 and not exceed ng $20 50 20 " " " ' 30 75 30 " " 40 1.00 40 * 50 1.25 FEES FOR GERMAN MONEY ORDERS. On orders not exceeding $5 $ .15 Over $5 and not exceeding $10 25 " 10 " " 20 f,<) " 20 " " " 30 .75 " 30 " " 40 1.00 " 40 " " 50 1.25 FEES FOR CANADA MONEY ORDERS. On orders not exceeding $10 , $ .20 Over $10 and not exceeding $ 40 20 " 30 60 30 " 40 80 40 50 1.00 United States National bank notes only can be received or paid. REGISTRY DEPARTMENT. Letters can be registered to all parts of the United States upon payment of a fee of ten cents, in addition to the regular postage. POSTAL RULES. Many errors occur by persons not observing the following reg- 86 ELITE OF CHICAGO. ELLIS AVENUE. 3750 McHem-y, F. L. 3834 Silvey, Edward, 3757 Endicott, A. M. 3836 Davis, F. B. 3767 Graff, Mrs. M. 3837 Braymer, F. A. 3804 Brown, Thomas Jr. 3839 Davis, W. H. 3811 Lyon, P. K. 3845 Gale, D. W. 3813 Knowles, H. W. 3848 Sidley, W. K. 3813 Knowles, S. S. 3854 Bentley, C. D. 3815 Clark, Mrs. N. 3855 Bowker, S. W. 3816 Miller, A. H. 3857 Wilson, J. E. 3821 Lambs, C. C. 3865 Fernald, G. W. 3822 Forsyth, Robert 3869 Learning, J. 3823 Buchanan, E. M. 3871 Walter, Henry 3828 Richards, W. C. 3873 Wiggins, J. B. 3831* McMurray, G. T. 3908 Pike, Samuel 3833 Davis, M. D. 4014 Marsh, Jesse K. LAKE AVENUE. 3502 Cooley, J. H. 3612 Connor, T. B. 3504 Sutter, Adolph 3613 Jaurish, C. F. 3506 Hill, Matson 3615 Cleaver, E. C. 3508 Metz, Christopher 3617 White, Carleton 3510 Mayo, G. A. 3618 Chambers, J. M. 3512 Waterbery, A. M. 3620 Morris, A. W. 3516 Pickering, A. H. 36-21 Mitchell, J. C. 3526 Christopher, C. P. 3622 Fowler, B. 3536 Watkins, W. W. 3626 Huber, Mrs. Amanda 3536 Crowfoot, A. B. 3631 Windett, A. W. 3540 Torrence, J. T. 3632 Morrison, E. 3541 Trego, C. T. 3716 Sutter, Jacob 3542 Horton, J. M. 3726 Baker, E. P. ?600 Fuller, M. W. 3729 Bond, W. S. 3601 Sutter, L. P. 3736 Coffin, C. C. 3604 Erhardt, G. A. 3741 Wilson, J. H. 3605 Day, Mrs. J. M. 3744 Vickery, C. W. 3611 Marshall, E. R. 3751 Brown, F. E. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 87 POSTAL, DEPARTMENT. ulations in depositing letters, papers or miscellaneous publica- tions, in the office for mailing. All drop letters must be prepaid by postage stamps at the rate of two cents for each half ounce or fraction thereof, at all offices where the free delivery system is established. Prepayment by stamps required on all letters to places within the United States. Letters addressed to initials and fictitious persons and firms, unless directed to be delivered at a designated place, or to the care of a certain person or firm within the delivery of the office to which they are addressed, must be returned, at the end of each month, to the dead letter effice. Full prepayment by stamps required on all transient printed matter, foreign and domestic. Insert the county in which the office is located, upon all let- ters ; many errors in superscription may thus be detected, and mistakes in mailing be avoided. The vast increase in the mails demands this. Persons calling for letters for others than themselves, must present a written order therefor. Samples and packages containing poisons, oils, explosive chemicals, liquids, sharp instruments, sugar, glass, flour, soap, or anything calculated to injure or endanger the safety of the mails, will not be received. Valuable letters should in all cases be registered; and when money is designed to be transmitted a postal money order (to secure safety in transmits sion) should be obtained when practi- cable. Persons presenting drafts drawn by the post-office department upon the postmaster of the city, will be required to identify themselves before payment is made. Cashiers of banks, and agents of express companies, holding post-office drafts for collection, will please leave their official sig- natures with the cashier of this office, to enable him to verify their indorsements and save delay. The public are requested to inform tne postmaster of any inat- tention to their duties on the part of the carriers or the clerks in the office. Employes of this office, while on duty, cannot be seen except oh official business. STAMPED ENVELOPES. The attention of the pubic is called to the advantages of using stamped envelopes rather than postage stamps. Daily, numbers of letters are dropped in the post-office, without prepayment, with revenue stamps and stamps cut from stamped envelopes affixed, which are held for postage : whereas, by the use of stamped envelopes, these letters would go forward without delay. Special Bequest Envelopes are furnished by the Department, in quantities of 500 and upward, \\ ith the name and address of 88 ELITE OF CHICAGO. LAKE A 3755 Tucker, J. C. 3766 Page, Walter 3807 Shelmire, A. H. 3809 Fox, B. M. 3811 Dumas, Jno. 3816 Whitcomb, G. D. 3827 Irvin, Miss A. C. 3829 Cook, Alex. 3830 Eckley, C. F. 3834 Gates, H. S. 3838 Meyer, I. H. VENUE. 3849 Gray, W. B. H. 3866 Mayer, Jacob 3870 Dunham, R.W. 3879 Carr, Geo. 3900 Fancher, Fred. 3906 Fisher, L. G. 3912 Lotz.L. C.F. 3916 Hoit.J. P. 3918 Tower, F. H. 3918 Baker, W. G. CONGRES 5 McVicker, James H. 9 Parson, Mrs. S. V. 13 Davison, Dr. S. 17 Thompson, John H. S STREET. 18 Beers, John 48 Kennedy, F. H. 48 Bristol, L.. D. HARRISO1 12 Palmer, Wm. J J \ Coburn, Charles. 16 Hutchinson, B. P. NT STREET. 18 Lancaster, E. A. 20 Rice, Mrs. A. M. 21 Davis, A. B. 44 Wadhams, A. S. PARK ROW. 1 Barnard, George W. 2 Hopson, E. J. 2 Sexton, S. 3 Wheeler, S. P. 4 Welter, Mrs. J. E. 5 VanCott, A. B. 6 Laflin, M. 7 Van Arman, John 8 Knapp, D. D. 8 Kessler, Mrs. A. J. 10 Williams, F. M. 10 Scovel, Harry M. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 89 the writer printed upon the upper left hand, corner without addi- tional charge. CITY DELIVERY. Free delivery of letters by faithful carriers will be secured by having the letters addressed to the street and number. Persons calling for mail at the carriers' department of this office on Sun- days, ur holidays, will please give the number of the carrier for the district, and the name of the applicant or rirrn inquired for. Head letters with the names of the writers, post-office and state, street and number, sign thsm with full name, and request that answers be directed accordingly. Parties owning boxes can receive their mail at their places of business or residence by leav- ing an order in the business office. The advantages of the free delivery system cannot be too highly estimated. It is more reg- ular, more secure, and more conv nient than the box system. Many letters pass through the mails, reach this city, are de- posited in the boxes,and because of the divided responsibility, Jail to reach the parties addressed. COLLEGES, UNIVERSITIES, ETC. Bennett Medical College 511 and 513 State st. Chicago College of Pharmacy 235 W abash ave. Chic igo Homoeop ,thic College and Dispensary s. w. cor. Van Buren st. and Michigan ave. Chicago Medical College Pr p irie ave. cor. Twen y-sixth st. Chicago Conservatory of Music Se. cor. State and Adams st. Chicago Musical College 493 Wabash ave. Chicago Theological Seminary Cor. S. Ashland ave. and War- ren ave. H hnemann Meo'ical College 2813 Cot age Grove ave. Hershey School of Musical Art 83 E. Madison st. Presbyterian Theological Si urinary of the North-west 10GO N. Halsted st. Bush Medical College Cor. Woorl find W. Harriaon sts. St. Ignatius College 41 3 W. Twelfth st. Union College of Law of the University of Chicago and the Northwestern University. University of Chicago 570 Cottage Grove ave. ASYLUMS, HOSPITALS, AID DISPENSARIES. Alexian Brothers' Free Dispensary, and hospital, 539 N. Mar- ket st. Bennett Free Dispensary, 511 and 513 State st, 90 ELITE OF CHICAGO. SIXTEENTH STREET. 2 4 6 10 12 14 16 22 24 26 28 30 31 Wells, B. R Johnson, H. A. Andrews, E. Srnythe, Miss A. Bates, J. N. Buchanan, R. Westerville, A. Hirsch, S. H. Whitmore, C. B. Aberle, Oscar Hart, A. Hart, H. N, Leon, Jacob 32 33 34 36 37 38 40 42 44 46 50 54 Leopold, S. F. Scarlett, R. L. Meader, O. Gimbel, Moses Swift, Ira T. Leopold, L. F. Huntlngton, A. Huntington, H. A. Mitchell, F. A. Hay den, F. Taylor, T. T. Hefton, N. EIGHTEENTH STREET. 9 11 13 1 35 37 39 49 69 60 64 65 Bigelow, D. F. Babcock, Henry H. Barber, O. L. 41 62 125 Huson, George B. Lindsay, H. H. McWillianis, Dr. S. A. TWENTY-SECOND STREET. Wilcox, E. Gile, D. H. Worster, Asa Bullen, W. H. Bergman, Edward Brougham, Geo. Irvin, D. W. Van Shaack, Peter Wheeler, Mrs. U. H. Oliver, T. S. Hale, Dr. E. M. 74 75 75 82 89 TWENTY-TH Shepard, J. B. French, S. M. Lawrence, Mrs. M. IRD 65 67 70 STREET. Babrook, S. G. Cummings, M. A. Everest, Rev. C. H. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 91 ASYLUMS, HOSPITALS, AND DISPENSARIES. Central Free Dispensary of West Chicago, cor. of Wood and Harrison sts. Centra] Homoeopathic Dispensary, cor. of Van Bureu st. and Michigan ave. Cook County Hospital and Free Dispensary, cor. Wood and Har- rison, streets, Dispensary of Woman's Hospital, cor. Paulina and Adams sts. Free Dispensary of Woman's Hospital of Illinois, '271 Thi.tieth. German-American Dispensary of Chicago, 2<>1 Fifth ave. Hahneman College, hospital and Dispensary, 2313 Cottage Grove ave. Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary and Dispensary, 121 S. Peoria. North Star Dispensary, 270 Sedwick st. South Side Free Dispensary, cor. 01 Calumet ave. and Twenty- sixth st. St. Luke's Free Dispensary, and hospital 724 Indiana ave. Chicago Nursery and Orphan Asylum, 855 N. Halsted and 173 Burling sts. Chicago Protestant Orphan Asplum, 780 Michigan ave. Chicago Reform and Industrial School, 7O7 Archer av. Chicago Hospitalfor Women& Children, W. Auams, cor. Paulina. Erring Women's liefuge, cor. of Indiana av. and Thirty-lirst st. Foundlings' Home, 72 S. Wood, near W. Madison st. Good Samaritan Industrial Home, 151 Lincoln av. Home for the Friendless, 9 1 1 Wabash av. Marine Hospital, five miles n. from Court House, on Lake shore. Mercy Hospital, (Sisters of Mercy,) Calumet av. cor. 20th. st. Newsboys and Bootblacks' Home, Quinc .- st. near Fifth av. Old People's Home, Indiana av. n. w. cor. Thirty-ninth st. St. Joseph's Home for the Friendless, 409 S. May st. Uhlich Evangelical Lutheran Orphan Asylum, Burling st., nw. cor. of Center st. Washingtonian Home, 560 to 572 W. Madison st. Woman's Hospital of the State of Illinois, 273 Thirtieth st. CONVENTS. Little Sisters of the Poor, S. Halsted, cor. Polk. The Benedictine Sisters, N. Market, cor. Hill. The Good Shepherd, N. Market st. cor. of Hill. The Immaculate Conception, 511 N. Franklin st. Poor Hand Maids of Jesus Christ. 212 Church st. Ladies of the. Sacred Heart, cor. Throop and W. Taylor sts. Servants of Mary, 12GG W. Van Buren st. Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin, 203 W. Eighteenth st. Sisters of Mercy, Wabash ave. cor. of Twenty-ninth st. Priory of St. Joseph, of the Benedictine Fathers. ' The Kedemptorist Fathers, Hurlbut st. near Eugenie st. 92 ELITE OF CHICAGO. TWENTY-THIRD STREET. 71 Delafontaine, Mark. 8.8 Rankin, Sanford 83 Blair, G. A. 175 Black, Chas. 85 Methren.J.F. 186 Cohen, A. 87 Hecht, Isaac TWENTY-FOURTH STREET. 38 Cohn, D. H. 72 Buck, Geo. 42 Hiercmimus, F.- C. 73 Allen James 43 Sherwood, Geo. A. 45 Wright, A. H. 74 Moberly, J. H. 75 Littauer, Meir 46 Wood, J. R. 76 Cassard, G. H. 48 Graham, H B. 50 Erich, Victor 77 Favor, C. D. 79 Newman, Louis 51 Long, Albert 81 Moss, Moses 52 Liberman, H. 83 Bostler.P. E. 57 Moore, W. M. 85 Loeb, Carl 59 Waddell, W. G. 87 Shaw, Emory E. 61 Marcus, Adolph 99 Tobin, Thomas 62 Gerstley, Jos. 101 Leopold, H. F. 63 Blodgett, G. E. 64 Whitcomb, G. P. 108 Ettlinger, Simon 128 Bournique, A. E. 67 Bell, K. H. 132 Nye,J.W. 68 Allen, J. J. TWENTY-FIFTH STREET. 27 Hayden, Herbert 43 Haines, E. H. 29 Barker, M. W. 74 Charles, Joseph 31 Mitchell, Richard 75 Oliver, Richard 33 Hervey, Robert 77 Harvey, E. S. 35 Steele, James 88 Forest, P. R. 37 Stephens, Henry 94 Wilson, Robert 39 Eisendrath, Benj. 120 Voss, Edward 41 Shoeneman, B. 122 Snydackcr, Louis ^REVERSED DIRECTORY. 93 CEMETERIES. CEMETERY OF THE CONGREGATION OF THE NORTH SIDE At Waldheim. S. Glickauf, pres. CHEBRA GMILAT CHASUDIM-Green Bay road, s. of Grace- land. Superintendent, Louis Rosenbaum. CHEBRA KADISHA CHOLIM-Green Bay road s. of Grace- land. Superintendent, M. Levin. CONCORDIA Five miles west of city limits on Madison st. Office, 39 Market st. Agent, Leopold Brauns ; Superintendent, Theodore Harks. FORREST HOME CEMETERY Office, 88 Washington freet. Ferdinand Haase, pres. : E R. Haase, sec. ; E. S. Dreyer, treas. GERMAN LUTHERAN OF ST. PAUL AND EMANUEL CHUCRCHES Two miles n. of limits, near Graceland cemetery. GRACELAND Green Bay road, five miles n. of court house. Spen every day (Sundays, to lot owners only). Office, room 8, 94 earborn st. President, Thomas E. Patterson ; Secretary and Treasurer, Bryan Lathrop ; Superintendent, J. L. Birkland. MOUNT GREENWOOD CEMETERY Office, room 53, 79 Dearborn st. OAKWOOD-Sixty-seventh st., Hyde Park. Office, room 9, 1 81 Clark st. J. Young Scaminon, pres. ; George M Bogue, sec. and treas. ; T. Maple, supt. ROSEHILL Seven miles from city on Mil. Div. C. &N. W. Ry. Office, room, 19, 132 LaSalle st. President, Frederick Tuttle ; Vice President and Auditor, William H. Turner ; Treasurer, Van H. Higgins ; Secretary, Joseph Gow : Res. Supt.,Geo. H. Hanson. ST. BONIFACE Green Bay road, three miles n. of city limits. WALDHEIM (Formerly Haas pk.) Ten miles from court house on Galena Div. C. & N. W. Ry. Office, 78 Fifth ave. President, Philip Maas. STREET RAILWAY LINES. Chicago City Railway Co. S. B. Cobb, pres. Daniel A. Jones, v.-nres. : C.B. Holmes, supt. : J F. Johnson, Treas. W. N. Evans, sec. Office, 50 State; Superin endent's of- fice, 90 ')Stat st. Archer ave. cars leave State' cor. Lake, every t en minutes ; Cott ige Grove ave. cars leave S'ime place every four min- utes: HydePark dummy leaver Cottage G ove ave. every hour ; Indiana ave. cars leave State, cor. Lake, every four minutes ; Stats st. cars leave same place every three minutes ; Stock Yard cars leave State cor. Thir- tv fourth everv twenty min- utes. Twenty -fifth leave Stats cor. Lake every eight minutes ; Clark and Twenry- fifth st. cars leave Clark cor. Randolph every twelve min- utes. N. Chicago City Ry. Co V. C. Turner, pres. ; H. Craw- ford, treas. ; M. W. Squires, surtt. Office, 430 N. Clark st. Chicago av. and Larrabee st. cars leave Clark cor. Madison every six minutes; Clark st. 94 BUTE OF CHICAGO. TWENTY-FIFTH STREET. 130 Miller, Richard 190 Fair r R.M. ir>3 Garnet, Dr. D. 192 Stone, J. A. 164 Stickney, Geo. 194 Cohn, Charles 183 Cadwallerder, A. H. 196 Ellas, Isreal 185 Van Winkle, D. 233 Besh, Dr. Ed 189 Florsheim, Aug. TWENTY-SIXTH STREET. 8 Roeddyer, Emiel 75 McChesney, Robert 12 Lamb, L. E. 77 Thomas, John 16 Wimbush, T. H. 81 McAdams, Jno. 23 Gooding, D. W. C. 82 Lindsay, L. F. 27 Lathrope, James 83 Holmes, John 47 Reader, D. L. 92 Hinkley, W. S. 61 Mize, Theo. 137 Frost, W. E. 53 Flood, Thos. H. 206 Washburn, A. W. 57 Fritts, David H. 229 Nass, R. 71 Straus, Levi 251 Burghard, G. 74 Garber, C. C. TWENTY-EIGHTH STREET. 206 Shephard, Joseph 247 Langbein, F. 208 Ely, Edward '249 Thomas, G. W 210 Bane, L. B. 253 Eisendrath, L. 212 Steele, Mrs. Geo. 254 Thomas, S. 213 Macdonald, Godfrey 255 Wormser, D. 214 Shaw, J. 257 Salkey, S. 216 Manning, W. K. 260 Gilbert, Rev. C. 229 Smith, W. W. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 95 STREET RAILWAY LINES. and city limits cars leave same place every twelve min. Clybourii av. and Divisions st. cars leave same place every twelve minutes : Lincoln ave. cars leave same place every twelve minutes ; Sedgwick st. North av. cars leave same place every twelve minutes ; Wells and Lincoln Park cars leave Fifth av. cor Randolph st. every six minutes ; Webster ave and Centre st. cars leave Clark & Madison every twelve minutes. West Division Railway Co. - J. li. Jones, pr, s. ; B. H. Campbell, v.-pres. ; George L. Webb. sec. and treas. ; Jas. K. L'ike. Supt. Office, State near cor. Randolph. Blue Island av. cars leave State cor. Randolph every fowc minutes ; Madison st. cars leave State cor. Randolph every two minutes ; Milwaukee ave. cars leave State cor. Ran- dolph every live minutes ;Ran dolph st. cars leave same place eve.y three minutes; VanBu- ren st. cars 1 ave same place every six minutes ; Indiana st. cars leave same place every five minutes; Halsted sb. cars leave same place every six min- utes Ogden ay. cars leave same place every six minutes ; Canal st. cars leave same place every eight minutes; W. Twelfth st. cars leave same place every eight minues ; Chicago av. cars every eight minutes. EXPRESS COMPANIES. Adams Express Madison st. between State & Wabashave. American Express Co. 72-78 Monroe st. Brink's City Express Ne. cor. Randolph and State sts. Parmelee's Express and Omni- 1 us Transfer Co. Office 156 Dearborn st. United States Express Co. Gen. offices, Washington st. bet. Clark and DearcO-n st. PARKS. LINCOLN PAEK--L : ncoln Park, N. Clark, and Wells st. cars. CENTBAL PABK W. Madison st. cars. DOUGLAS PABK -Ogden ave. HUMBOLDT PABK Milwaukee JEFFEBSON PABK W. Madison st. cars. LAKE PARK Michigan ave. nr. Exposit'on Building. UNION PABK Randolph and Madison st. car-. VEBNON PABK Blue Island av. and W. 12th st. cars. WICKEB PABK Milwaul: ee av. cars. SOUTH PABK Cottage Grove and Indiana ave. cars. DEXTEB PABK S. Halsted, Ar- che.-av. and State st. cars- 96 ELITE OF CHICAGO. TWENTY-NI1 99 Van Riper, A. J. 101 Thornton, A. L. 102 Evans, Walter D. 104 Mathews, Chas. 107 Lane, W. P. 110 Hale, W. F. Ill Kosenberg, B. 117 Bowen.P. K. 128 Saltsman, Erwin vTTB STREET. 131 Williams, James 131 Nelson, J. L. 139 Beverly, J. M. 143 Drake, Frank 164 Edwards, H. J. 166 Osher, Joseph 212 Woodford, W. D. 216 Mailer, Wm. THIRTIET 107 Witkowsky, David 169 Greenebaum, Henry 170 DeGolyer, Nelson H STREET. 271 Tucker, E. N. 275 Daffc, Byron C. THIRTY-SEC( 35 Heiland, John 79 Cahn, Jacob L. 85 Meyer, J. 87 Low, I. 89 Kleinberger, H. L. 91 Sheuer, L. 93 Mandel, Leon DND STREET. 95 Brown, G. L. 182 Coffin, S. L. 184 Eggleston, A. W. 276 Marcus, Solomon 282 Rothschild, Mrs. L. 316 May, Gordon A. THIRTY-TH1 7 "Wallace, Logan D. 9 Smith, W.L. 11 Gushing, J. W. 13 Cohn, Louis 15 Wolf, Peter [RD STREET. 17 Stuart, Robert 21 Harris, C. H. 23 Seileck, W. E. 25 Hunt, H. W. 27 Hanson, H. A. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 97 CLUB HOUSES. Ca'umet Club Cor. of Mich- igan ave. and Eighteenth st. Chicago Club Monroe st. b-t. State st. and Wabash ave. Union Club Dearborn ave. n. w. cor. Lafayette Chicago Branch Union League of America Honore Block. LIBRARIES AND READING ROOMS. Chicago Law Institute City Hall, room 12. Public Library and Free Bead- ing Room Dearborn nr.Lake Chicago Athenaeum Library 50-52 Dearborn st. Bail road Chapel Library 715 State st. Union Catholic Library Asso- ciation 204 Dearborn st. Young Men's Christian Associ- ation 150 Madison st. CHURCHES. BAPTIST. Centennial Church W. Jack- son, cor. Lincoln. First Church- South Park ave. cor. Thirty-first. Fourth Church W. Washing- ton, cor. Paulina. Michigan Ave. Church Michi- gan ave. near Twenty-third. Second Church Co/. Morgan and W. Monroe. University Church Douglas ave. cor. Rhode save. CONGREGATIONAL. First Church W. Washington, s. w. cor. Ann. Leavitt Street Church W. Ad- ams, cor. Leavitt. Lincoln Park Church Sophia street, cor. Mohawk. New England Church Dear- born ave. cor. Delaware place Plymouth Church Michigan ave. near Twenty-sixth Tabernacle W. Indiana, cor. Morgan. Union Park Church--Cor. Ash- land av. and Washington st. EPISCOPAL. All Saints' Church W. Ohio st. cor. Carpenter. Cathedral Church SS. Peter & Paul Cor. Wash'n & Peoria, Church of Our Saviour .Lin- coln ave. cor. Bel en ave. Church of The Ascension N. LaSalle st., cor. Elm. Church of The Atonement W. Washington st. cor. Kobey. Church of The Epiphany Throop, bet. Monroe & Adams Grace Church Wabash ave. near Sixteenth st. St. James Church Cor. Cass and Huron sts. St. John's Church Ashland av. bet. Madison and Monroe sts. St. Marks Church Cor. Cot- tage Grove ave. and 3Gth. 98 ELITE OF CHICAGO. THIRTY-THIRD STREET. 32 Hubbard, James M. 92 Smith, W. A. 33 McCarthy, B. F. 94 Eussell, P. C. 35 Swett.L.E. 119 Wright, John 75 Cannon, M. S. 123 Winship, James 90 Meiswinkle, B. A. 260 Fairman, George GROVELAND PARK. 1 Moulton, J. P. 11 Griggs, S. C. 2 Colbert, Elias 1 5 Forsyth, John 3 Forsyth, James 20 Whiten, H. K. 4 Greenly, C. C. 22 Bowen, Mrs. F. A. 5 Warren, Robert 24 Doolittle, J. B. Jr. 6 Sweet, W. O. 28 Wells, Frank 7 Woodward, J. L. 30 Gage, F. N. 8 Mills, A. H. 35 Peterson, A. 9 Beed.C.H. 35 Carrington, J. W. 10 Thayer, Mrs. E. L. GROVELAND PARK AVENUE. 2934 Hullhorst Edward 3041 Dickey, H. M. 3022 Davis, Benj. 3042 Lefens, T.J. 3023 Caswell, Henry 3043 Hutchinson, J. 3024 McElroy, James 3047 Wolsely, W. 3025 Parish, Sam 3112 McKeel, Geo. M. 3026 Ely.O. C. 3116 Winchel, Solomon 3027 Kettelle, George H. 3123 Cloak, Geo. W. 3028 Southworth, H. E. 3128 Barnett, Napoleon 3029 Shedd, A. T. 3133 McKay, James 3032 Christoph, H. J. 3137 Hottinger, J. M. 3034 Putnam, A. M. 3141 Lester, Frank 3035 Smith, L. H. 3143 Van Etten, T. M. 3036 Stephens, James T. 3157 Campbell, A. M. 3040 Basson, H. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 99 CHURCHES. Trinity Church Cor. Michigan ave. and Twenty-sixtn. EPISCOPAL, (REFORMED). Christ Church Michigan ave. and Twenty- fourth. St. John's Church Oak-wood ave. near Cottage Grove ave. St. Paul's Church-W. Wash- ington, nw. cor. Ann. Tyng Mission Archer ave. cor. Twenty-first. INDEPENDENT. Chicago Ave. Church Cor. N. LaSalle and Chicago ave. .Central Church Me Vicker's Theater, Madison st. nr. Stat9 JEWISH. Congregation of the North Side Dearborn av. e. of Wash. sq. Kehilath Anshe Maarey Indi- ana av. cor. Twenty-sixth st. Kehilath B'Nai Sholom Mich- igan av. bet. 1 4th and 1 lith sts Sinai Congregation Indiana ave. cor. Twenty-first st. Zion Congregation Cor. San- garnou and Jackson sts. METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Ada Street Church Ada W. Lake and Fulton sts. Centenary Church Monroe st. near Morgan. First Church Cor. Clark and Washington sts. Grace Church Cor. N. LaSalle and White sts. Grant Place Church Cor. Lar- rabee st. and Grant place Michigan Ave. Church Michi- gan av. bet. 32nd and 33d sts. ; Trinity Church Indiana ave. near Twenty -fourth st. Wabash Avenue Church Cor. Wabash ave. and 14th st. PRESBYTERIAN. Eighth Church-W. Washing- ton cor. Robey. Fifth Church Indiana ave. cor. Thirtieth. First Churcn Indiana ave. cor. Twenty-first st. Forty -first Street Church Prairie av. cor. Forty-first st. Fourth Church -Rush st. cor. Superior. Fullerton Avenue Church Fullerton ave. near N. Cla 1 k. Jefferson Ptrk Church W. Adams, cor. Throop. Railroad Chapel 715 Stato st. Second Church Michigan av. cor. Twentieth. Six h Church Vincennes ave. cor. Oak ave. Third Church W. Washington cor. Carpenter. ROMAN CATHOLIC. Cathedral of The Ho! v Name Cor. Sup rior and N. State st. Church of The Holy Familv Cor. May and W. Twelfth st. St. John's Church Clark ccr. .cf Eight 3enth st. St. Mary's Church Wabash ave. cor. of Eldridge ct. St. James Church Cor. 29th and Wabash ave. SWEDENBORGIAN. New Church Hall Pr. irie ave. c^r. E ghteea.h st. 100 ELITE OF CHICAGO. LAKE PARK AVENUE. 3024 Whiting, F. G. 3028 Eaton, Dr. L. 3030 Bryant, J. M. 3032 Smith, W. H. 3034 Sea, Mrs. S. W. 3036 Steele.H. T. 3042 Walker, M. A. 3044 Manassee, L. 3050 Sherwood, N. WOODLAND PARK. 1 Flagg, W. H. 2 Beam, N. B. 4 Tyler, S. G. Fetrow, Jacob Denny, W. A. Eockwood, H. W. UNIVERSITY PLACE. 21 Wilhelm, Kudolph 23 Winter, William W. 25 Chandler, Jos. B. 35 Garrigus. J. C. 39 Greig, John D. 41 Tolman, Cyrus F. 41 Blackman, Darnel 43 Tyner, Albert H. 45 Baker, D. W. 53 Havens, S. S. ,69 Willett, Consider H. THIRTY-FOURTH STREET. 135 Williams, S. K. 137 Bragg, C. M. 139 Ludlarn.J.D. | 291 Gorton, Ed F. ! 321 Marks, Charles THIRTY-FIFTH STREET. 19 Bell.W.W. 21 Murray, E. D. 23 Kelly, Dr. Horatio 31 Smith, F. C. 36 Volks, Leonard W. 44 Sawyer, John C. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 101 CHURCHES. Union Church Hershey Music Hall, 83 Madison st. Union ParK Temp.e Cor. W. Washington atid Ogdeii ave. UNIVERSALIST. Church of Thi Redeemer W. Wash. cor. San amon st. St. Paul's Church Michigan ave. near Eighteenth st. Third Universalist S. School- Indiana ave. cor. 31st. MISCELLANEOUS. First Society of Spiritualists- Meet at 517 W. Mad'son st. Frej Methodist Church 49 N. Mor an st. Friends' Meet r ngH~rse 26th, bet. Ind. and Prairie i^ves. PUBLIC HALLS, BLOCKS, ETC. Abbott Block 23 to 27 Lake st. Accordia #tt-112and 114 Ran- dolph. Adams building. 358 and 3GO Wabash av. Agricultural Ins. C'o.'s building 544 W. Madison st. American Express Co.'s building 72 to 78 Monroe st. Andrews building 153 and 155 LaSalle. Apollo Hall 1270 State st. Apnlrby b uilding Monroe, bet. Fifth av. and LaSalle. Arcade building. I'M-'CA Clark. Arthur Block 970-'7'2 Wabash Ashland Bit Clark & Randolph Aurora Turner Hall Milwau- kee av. cor Huron Batcheidtr building Clark, se. cor. Randolph Bc.miricaye building Michigan av. nw. .cor. Van Bureu Bernauer building Lake, n. w. cor. Clinton. Board of Trade LaSalle, s. e. cor. Washington Boger's building 1SS and 270 North av. Boone Block 129 to 1 33 LaSallo Bonfteld building J.9U to LM)3 Randolph Bool-sellers' Sow 113 to 119 State Brand's ffalll GO to 170N. Clark Brink-worth Block 7 '3 Monroe Bryan Block LaSaue, nw. cor. Monroe Bryant Block Randolph, n. e. cor. Dearborn Burlington Hall State, cor 10th Caledonia building tfc IIalll(J7 Washington Card Block W N. Clinton Castle's Bll . Ln ke. cor. Paulina Central Block Washington, sw. cor. Market Central Hall Wabash av. n. c. cor. Twenty-second Central Union Block Market, nw. cor. Madison Chamber of Commerce building Lasalle, se. cor. Washm; ton Chase, Hanford ck Co. bit'lding Wabash av. sw. cor. Wat r City Bank building 15G Wash- ington. Citi/ Hall Adams, cor. La Salle Cobb building-1'20 to 128 Dear- Coles Block Madison, cor. Hal- steel Concordia If all 166 and 1G8 Twenty-second * 102 ELITE OP CHICAGO. THIRTY-FIFTH STREET. 48 Sheldon, O. M. 112 Gammon, E. H. 50 Tucker, James T. 114 Slee, Wm. J. 72 Ives, George H. 119 Hill, F. B. 75 Stevenson, George 121 St^nton, W. A. 76 Sheldon, Mrs. J. 130 Tuttle, Edwin 78 Allard.J. O. 132 Bosletler, M. C. 80 St. John, John M. 135 Bevan, John 84 Purdy, D. C. 150 Truax. Jane 84 Babcock, Franklin 152 Tobin, Cornelia O. 89 Brown, A. F. 157 White, James H. 91 Huntington, C. R. 159 McCurdy, Albert 95 Russell, W.H. 161 Bogart, C. G. 96 Irish, George 194 Proctor, George 98 Freaser, J. H. 261 Flemings, J. E. 100 Colven, C. H. 274 Roggo, Charles BRYANT AVENUE. 13 Spalding, H. S. 49 Jacobs, W. B. 16 Waters, H. H. 53 Cook, O. S. 17 Warner, Spencer 54 Mead, S. P. 18 G:-osvenor,Mrs. C. 5(5 Hirsch, Ferd 20 VanDusen, F. 58 Reynolds, H. F. 22 Strawn, James E. 60 Burdsall, E. H. 25 Hayward, A. D. 61 Couch, G. W. 31 Blair, S. O. 63 Bailey, S. G. 33 Rea, John H. 68 Low, Peter 38 flarshberger, Adam 80 Pride, J.F. 43 Beach, E. A. 82 Sargent, Samuel C. 46 Belding,H.H. 84 Sargent, S. S. OAK AVENUE. 13 Rice, T. F. 20 Sutton, E. Charles 23 Norton, M. H. _'t McMillen, G. W. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 103 PUBLIC HALLS, BLOCKS, ETC. Corinthian Hall -187 E. Kinzie Cornell Block 10 to 1 6 N Canal Corriffan's Block 395-'99 State Covenant Hall Lake, sw. cor. LaSalle Criminal Court building Mich- gan, cor. Dearborn av. Custom House C ark, bet. Ad- ams and Jackson Dearborn Block Randolph, nw. cor, Michigan av. Dore Block State, cor. Madison Douglas Hall South Park ave. se. cor. Twenty-seventh Drake Block Wabash av. se. cor. Washington Eagle Work a Block Clinton, se. cor. Washington Ellis Block Cottage Grove av., sw. cor. Douglas place Empire Block -\2X-"M LaSalle Swing Block N. Clark, bet. the Bridge and Kinzie st. Excelsior Hall 13 S. Halsted Exchange building Washing- ton, sw. cor. Clark Exposition building Michigan av. from Monroe to Jackson Farwell Ii/iildingA.rc&de court rear of 1 f>!) LaSalle Farwell Hall 148 Madison First National Batik building State, sw. cor. Washington Fate's Ball 267-69 North av. Foote Block Cl&rk sw.cor.Mon- roe Forbes Stock 103 Washington Freemasons' HallKJ Monr e Fuller Block 1 48-'o(5 Dearborn Fullertoh Block <)()-'(> Dearb'rn Gardner's building I (>4 and K>t> Wabash av. German M. E. Church Block Van Buren, sw. cor. 4th av. f ,':,-, nania Sjall60 N. Clark (,'of/fffn. 8 W.Mad- ison st. Major Block Madison, se. cor. LaSalle Marine buikUnff'L52-'58 Lake 104 ELITE OF CHICAGO. OAK AVENUE. 28 Johnson, Frank A. 41 Week, J. R. 30 Wigelsworth, John 43 Brockway, George 31 Griswold, C. A. 44 Ross.C.W. 31 Persons, V. T. 55 Judson, Dr. E. 36 Holmes, Israel 56 Lowe.W. 38 Black, C. N. 61 Best, William THIRTY-SEVENTH STREET. 20 Goodwin, W. W. 136 Suntar.W. B. 29 Goddard, L. O. 137 Boon, A. T. 31 Fairweather, E.E. 139 Crawford, T. J. 33 Bloomingston. J. S. 140 Fisk, C. J. 35 Ford, T. P. 141 Stillman, T. W. 37 Purcell, Joseph 146 Thompson, J. F. 48 Garland, D. D. 150 Durland, E. T. 61 May, Moritz 179 Vaughan, David 62 Boyder, Fred 181 Volk.JohnH. 63 Rothwell, H. R. 187 Bushnell, S.,S. 67 Ivers, G. A. 189 C:evenger, Dr S. V. 68 Purdy, W. G. 203 Hunt. Thomas B. 69 Boomer, Mrs. Geo. 206 Deane.EdL. 89 Carson, R. B. 207 Culver, Mrs. S. H. 89 Stone, L>. F. 209 Gilmore, F. 91 Cushing, C. W. '215 Smith, Chas, M. 95 Boyiugton, L. C. 224 Halsey, Wm. 135 Lyons, C. W. 228 Earle, John G. 136 Hunt, J. B. 244 Putnam, W. D. ELLIS PARK. 3603 Springer, E. B. 3612 Fordham, A. J. 3605 Boardman, S. R. 3614 Doyle, E. T. 3607 Stewart, J.W. :;c.i:. Ellis, A. D. 3612 Brewster, H. W. D. 3616 Browing, A. W. . REVERSED DIRECTORY. 105 PUBLIC HALLS, BLOCKS, ETC. Mariner '$ Temple Market, cor. Michigan Mason Block 92 and 94 Wash- ington McCormick Block Dearborn st. se. cor. Randolph McCormick Music Hall Clark, ne. cor, Kinzie Mctfeil building 128-'30 Clark McNeill building 188 Clark 3fcVicker's Theatre, building Madison, bet. State& Dearb'n Mercantile building 112-'18La- Salle Merchants' &?7rfjfir^-Washing- toii, nw. cor. LaSalle. Methodit Church Block Clark, se. cor. "Washington Metropolitan Block Randolph, nw. cor. LaSalle Mill,',- Block W Clark Miller (& Fry buildin LaSalle Morrison h n tiding Madison, ne cor. Clark. Morrison Block. Madison, se. cor. Clark Mueller'* Hall-35G to 304 North avenue National Lije In*, bldg. Dear- born, bet. Jackson and VariB. Nevada Block Washington, s w. cor. Franklin Nixon b uilding- 1 69-'7 aLaSal 1 e Norton's mock- l >'M to 230 W. Washington Odd Fellow*' Ildll Clark, se. cor. Washington Odd Fellow* Hall 278-80 Mil- waukee av. den b uilding Clark, sw. cor. Id City Hotel biock State, se. cor. Lake Oft, ntal IniildlH'] and HallIll LaSalle OH* ft?'Wmsr Madison, sw. cor. State Otis Block LaSalle, sw. cor. Madison O //*/!"//'* Jilock Madison, cor. Robey Orjd Old Orpheus J7atf 239-'41 w. Lake Pacific Block Clark, se. cor. Van Bure i Parker Block Madison, ne. cor Halstcd Pierce lock2oO-T>2 Wabash avenue Pike's Block Monroe, sw. cor. State Pleiades Ifall-'2'2()7V. Twelfth Portland Jilock Washington, se. cor. Dearborn Produce Exchange Ulock Water se. cor. LaSalle Piirington building 294 to 302 Wabash av. Purple Block Clark, bet. Erie and Ontario. Quit/ Ian Jilock 81 & 83 Clark Reaper Block Wasnington} ne. cor. Clark Republic Life building 157- -'03 LaSalle Rice & Jackson's building 9~> to 107 W. Randolph Rice's building 1 5 to 82 Dearb'n Jii!/don Block 387 to 405 Cot- tage G.ove avenue Robbing Block 224 to 232 S. Halsted Roonet/'s bu tiding Lake, se ; cor Franklin St. A loans Slock 291-'97 Wa- bash av. M. Mart/'s L'lork Madison, sw. cor. Wabash av. St Peter's Hall328-'ftQ State ,sv-A/or.v.sY-r Jllock LaSalle, nw. cor. Adams Scknaitman's Hall 0,54 Ijtirra- bee Sharpshooters Hall Clark, cor. Illinois Wn'jjlierd building T&S&isou st. bet. l^aSailc and Fifth av. A7//Y -re bvfldtiiffClaxk,lLW. cor. Lake Shreve Block 91 and 93 Wash- ington Siiiti,-,' bttttdijigBt&te, ne. cor. Washington 106 ELITE OF CHICAGO. ELLIS PARK. 3618 James, Wm. E. 3626 Weiss, Geo. A. 3620 Sotnmers, E. L. 3627 Barny,Geo. H. 3621 Hoffman, G. W. 3632 Rawson, A. A. 3622 Forester, R. H. 3634 Keene.L.H. 3624 Marean, J. M. ALDINE SQUARE. 1 Rust, H. A. 20 French, C.G. 2 Chandler, R. G. 21 Davis, S. B. 3 Wicker, C. G. 22 Hazzard, George 4 Boyce, S. L. 23 Wilkins, Mrs. M. 5 Miller, Rev. H. T. 24 Reitz, C. T. 6 Dement, M. H. 28 Rice, W. H. 7 Hildreth.C. H. 29 Spalding, C. L. 9 Tisdale, Geo. M. 29 1 oHelmstein, John J. 9 Millei, James H. 30 Streeter, Dr. John W. 10 Grinnell, Julius S. 31 Wills, W, M. 11 Coolidge, Walter G. 32 Rollins, A. W. 12 Wheeler, Edmund 33 Warren, H. A. 13 Helmer, Joseph W. 36 Whitacre, D. B. 14 Ellison, George 37 Dwight, Ward A. 15 Smith, Abner 38 Sanford, J. T. 16 Wolf, Isaac 39 Miller, James Ross 17 Deane, C. A. 40 Pierce, Charles F. 18 Cameron, C. S. 41 Hill, Charles B. 19 Hurlbert, Lucius 42 Baldwin, Heman THIRTY-NINTH STREET. 14 Deardoff, D. P. 34 Tolman, J. A. 15 Pitney, Mrs. L. R. 36 Velie, J.W. 16 Bliss, S. E. 38 Jerome, L. R. 17 Hibbard, F. A. 44 Jounson, H. B. 18 Larenia.W. H. 45 Brown, H, F. REVERSED DIKECTORY. 107 PUBLIC HALLS, BLOCKS, ETC. Skandinaven -' 57 5th av. Wadsworth building 175 to LSI Madison Washing to n Blocl W ashington sw. cor. Fifth av. Water Works building Chicago av. cor. Pine Williams building 85 and 87 Dearborn Williams b nilding Monroe, sw. cor. Fifth av. Wiliiiartfi building 390-'9GWa- bash av. Windett Block State, lie." cor. Randolph YttH's I>/l2Bond,W. R. 686 Bond, M. S. P. 686 ^Parker, Thomas Sr. 688 Polly, John C. 689 James, Fred S. 690 Marsh, W. D. 692 Farwell, J. A. 693 Gofif, Mortimer 696 Curtis, J. F. 697 Ullman, Herbert J. 701 Hood, Thomas 703 Banks, A. O. 708 Safford, Isaac T. 709 Wallis.O.W. 711 Cogswell, Thomas 713 Dickerman, Milo 716 Barker, William 717 Fay, Charles M. 718 Pease, George D. 720 Bullock, Milan 721 Avery, Dr. Samuel J. 723 Sampson, W.H. 7-24 Hill, Francis H. 725 Skinner, Oscar 727 Rawleigh, James T. 731 Dunkley, Charles W. 732 Ball, F. Q. 733 Chambers, J. B. 740 Wight, JosiahW. 742 Merriani, Mrs. Laura 745 Lindsay, Thomas 749 Martin, W. A. 751 Christy, Henry A. 760 Barry, J. K. 764 Fay, J. W. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 115 WEST WASHINGTON STREET. 777 Redfield, A. P. 846 Gibbs, George I. 782 Bridgeman, J . W. 848 Hannah, Alex. D. 797 Thompson, Edward W 849 Morris, Tom 803 Loveday, Julius L. 805 Cary, Hirarn S. 809 Wilson, George W. 871 Fay, E. M. 811 King, James 890 McAndrews, James 813 Russell, S.I. 895 Peeves, Thomas 815 Pardee , Theron 987 Adank, John 834 Reddington, Fred A. 1007 Williamson, Thomas 830 Glass, A. J. 1075 Branch, H. 839 Ames, Miner T. 1093 Howard, John H. 841 Crain, George F. 1165 Mathews, John T. 842 Gunlock.P. WARREN AVENUE. 10 Foster, Richard N. 88 Brachvogel, Mrs. C. 12 Hall, A. O. 89 Baldwin, E. B. 14 Bernaur, Mrs. Fanny 98 Nichols, M. S. 28 Hale. P. H. 99 Garst, Morrison 50 Wai s, Charles 300 Noble, F. A. 53 Litten, N. L. 101 Graham, D. W. 54 Burreil, L. F. 103 Lewis, W. E. 58 Harrison, Mrs. G. A. 104 Dickinson, H. L. 01 Wheeler, H. 105 Banks, W. H. 03 Johnson, S. 109 Noble, J. T. 05 Hodge, T. 110 Smith, H. GO Hopkins, Mrs. R. 112 Atwater, J. B. 67 Clement, J. C. 122 Clark, G. F. 67 Rice, E. P. 134 Farson, J. W. 08 Kraybill, E. W. 140 Woodward, G. W. 70 Fitzsimmons. C. 141 Braiuard, H. J. 72 Powell, Simon 145 Farr, James 74 Gross, Jacob 146 Jeanneret, C. 79 Athow, W. H. 149 Wells, D. H. 83 Smith, J. F. 150 Noble, Mrs. Margaret 116 ELITE OF CHICAGO. WARREN AVENUE. 152 Ring, H. H. 267 Tomblin, J. W. 155 Powers, A. H. 269 Shipman, S. V. 158 Heineman, W. 270 Ashworth, W. 159 Pettibone, P. F. 271 Caldwell, W. W. 163 Snow, B. B. 272 Schimmel, E. O. 164 Snowhook, P. W. 273 Stevely, J.F. 165 Green, F. H. 275 Race, Mrs. E. C. 168 Hutchinson, C. 279 Harris, A. J. 170 Kimbark, Mrs. D. A. 281 Hambletou, J. W. 170 Sturtevant, F. H. 284 Barnard, R. 170 Bradley, G. W. 285 Mountain, J. H. 174 Whitney, E. H. 287 Hosking, B. T. *76 Warrell, Rev. J. M. 287 Fitzgerald, James 178 Pearson, John 288 Warren, J. C. 181 Collins, Mrs. V. E. 296 Glennon, Thomas 183 Bartlett, T. A. ' 298 Dale, H. S. 185 Raymond, Mrs. E. S. 302 Kirkman, M. M. 188 Clark, A. E. 304 Holton, Mrs. AuraM. 190 Gardner, S. S. 305 Brooks, E. W. 191 Free.J. W. andH.W. 309 Sherwood, M. 199 Witbeck, J. H. 311 Laparle, W. B. 215 Hare, D. 313 Devlin, Frank 217 Lines, D. J. 315 Magill, A. D. 225 Balthis, C. C. 322 Rice, T. B. .227 Holmes, Mrs. Sarah 324 McKiiight, W. S. 231 Hankins, T.J. 326 Hunt, G. W. 235 Brearly, D. B. 328 Woodruff, Mrs. B.C. 236 Newcomb, G. W. 330 Houghton, G. R. 243 Lloyd, W. 332 Slack, J. 245 Swartwout, J. H. 333 Davies, C. 259 McClure, V. C. 334 Hawley, J. R. 260 Oswald, F. A. 336 Rowell, C. S. 261 Knowles, J. C. 336 Waters, J. B. 263 Stiles, I. N. 338 Cravens, W. 265 Neilson, N. J. 340 Reichelt, J. A. 265 Wilson, W. J. 342 Brown, M. 266 Blanchard, M. 350 Weber, H. KEVEKSED DIEECTOKY. 117 WARREN AVENUE. 352 Walton, T. B. 430 Thompson, J. K. 356 Dexter, C. F. 436 Millard, S. E. 358 McGay, J. H. 438 Eider, B. L. 364 Conkey, W. B. 439 Kane, Thomas 364 Kinne.l. D. 440 Douglas, A. 365 Adcock. A. W. 442 Day, C. G. 367 Greenhood, J. 443 Duncan, H. 375 Hoagland, A. J. 444 Thompson, Mrs. Ida 376 Frost, Mrs. C. H. 451 Mehring, Frederick 382 Patterson, A. L. 452 Follansbee, C. E. 385 Cleland, Mrs. M. A. 460 Raff en, J. F. 386 Saunders, J. H. 475 Height, A. B. 387 Gross, Jacob 482 Fyfe, G. 389 Hubbard,W.L. 483 Smith, J. E. 391 Beers, J. H. 484 Nutting, S. S. 393 Miner, J. A. 492 St. John, Dr. L. 395 Hawkins, C. H. 492 Dell, Levi 397 Stoddard.J.B. 505 Garvin, Dr. H. D. 399 Wait, E. S. 513 Stevens, J. B. 400 Williams, S. 531 White, C. M. 401 King, O.H. 535 Wright, M. 403 Ayers, M. 549 Townsend, T. B. 409 Kel!ogg,W.E. 551 Matthews, G. 414 Eogerson, Joseph 570 Bergen, H. B. 415 Wilcox, G. H. 578 Dutton, M. N. 417 Dunton, T. F. 580 Cavanaugh, B. 421 Hall, S. M. 584 Davis, J. A. 422 Stridiron, J. 595 Black, G. 424 James, Edward 686 White, H. 425 Broomel, G. D. 762 Pratt, B. P. 426 Metzger, H. E. 1023 Eice, Henry 427 Eoche, J. A. 1025 Ford, J. W. -^z^s ^ 118 ELITE OF CHICAGO. WEST MONROE STREET. 226 ShuIl.EliasD. 358 Swift, George B. 234 Bellinger, Peter E. 359 Anderson, David 234 Budle, Edwin 361 Owens, Robert 287 McKay, William 362 Ripley, William 289 Seeley, Dr. ThaddeusP. 365 Bates, Newton H. 291 Hague, Charles A. 371 Harcoui-t, William L. 293 Race, William B. 372 Chalmers, Wm. W. 294 Myer Phillip 374 Chalmers, Thomas 296 Fitch, Dr. T. Davis 375 Owens, Owen 300 Stevens, R. E. 376 Skelton, John 304 Hopkins, Anson L. 377 Lyman, Frank 305 Randall, Benj. 378 Robbing, Arthur 307 Sloan, William H. 382 Beecher, Joseph 309 Wheeler, John 385 Baker, Mrs. Harriet C. 311 Prescott, Mrs. Alice P. 399 Outhet, R ble M. 314 Eisentaedt, Isadore 401 Miles, Moses T. 317 Lull, Walter 402 Barry, Samuel S. 318 WestfaU, Peter R. 411 Clark, William E. 319 Look, Joseph L. 412 Holland, John 321 Lane, Elisha B. 413 Millard, Edward R. 323 Stewart, Philander 415 Rogers, William B. 324 Moore, Silas M. 423 Bateham, William B. 327 Schaffer, Henry R. 447 Foss, John P. 330 Moore, J. H. 475 Foss, Eliza 334 Baxter, Dr. Andrew J. 479 Spry, John 334 Anderson, Wm. B. 487 Pope, William J. 335 Barnes, Charles T. 491 Turnbull, John 336 Cowan, Douglas 493 Whitcomb, Rodney S. 340 Schute, William B. 494 Fennimore, Richard 345 Nourse, John A. 4<>6 Rawson, Stephen 347 Wood, Charles J. 497 Anderson, Benj. L. 348 Glover, Joseph N. 498 Humble, William P. 356 Donahue, Frank 499 Eckhardt. B. A. 357 Crarj T , Oliver A. 500 Holden, William H. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 119 WEST MONROE STREET. 504 McArthur, John 634 Grassie, James 505 Cook, Charles W. 634 Boyles, Samuel 506 Aldrich, W. Howard 638 Curtiss, Asa E. 507 Russell, Mrs. Benj. L. 640 Andrews, Mrs. Mary L. 513 Bradshaw, John 642 Homer, Benj. F. 516 Parker, Thomas Jr. 646 Sweet, Albert L. 519 Hogan, Joseph 647 Squires, Charles 520 Smeal, Robert 649 Nelliger, John 521 Eldrect, George C. 651 Hambleton, Chalkley J. 528 Town, Henry 652 French, J. H. 532 Johnston, H. Morris 654 Maughan, Mrs. Sarah J. 533 Strong, Dr. A. B. 655 Best, William E. 534 Work, Samuel J. 657 Bard, Charles W. 535 Fowler, Henry W. 660 Gregory, Mrs. Mary 536 Mason, George 661 Brigham, James A. 539 Mantonya, Lucius L. 663 Pieronnat, William F. 542 Holden, C.'N. 666 Burt, Augustus S. 543 Skinkle, Jacob W. 667 Mitchell, John 545 Dale, William M. 669 Baker, Digory 547 Dean, Thaddeus 670 Duncan, Dr. T. C. 549 Camp, Isaac N. 671 Dick son, Carlos 550 Pinkerton, Wrn. A. 672 Mathews, George L. 554 Pinkerton, Allen 673 Anderson, James K. 593 Rosenbaum, Solomon 674 Hanna, William J . 595 McArthur, Archibald 676 Benson, Charles E. 597 Smith, A. Ferris 678 Gillet, Egbert W. 599 Hankm, Albert 679 Jones, William 601 Williams, John 680 Crane, Simeon H. 605 Moore, John 681 Femald, James A. 609 Harvey, Squire T. 682 Hodge, S. Morris 619 SJosson, Enos 684 Hebard, Henry 623 Granger, Mrs. Sarah 684 Belfour, John 630 Friend, Feist 690 Clark, Edward G. 632 Elder, J. E. 692 Corby, Mrs. Emily 633 Paul, Abraham W. 693 Harkness, Edson J. 633 McGovern, John 695 Oakley, Henry D. 633 Barnett, James F. 695 Wells, William 120 ELITE OF CHICAGO. WEST MONROE STREET. 606 Wolf, Moses 773 Henderson, Isaac W. 697 Smith, Thomas P. 774 Ingalls, FfedC. (398 Wolf, Simon 774 Buchanan, Alex. J. 701 Donnelly, Charles 777 Hardick, A. T. 702 Hill, Edward N. 778 Whitaker, Melvill T. 703 Cole, Martin E. 779 Foster, Dr. Addison H. 703 Chamberlain, George 786 Kuggles, Charles B. 704 McGregor, William 788 Young, J. B. 705 Woods, George P. 792 Aldrich, John G. 706 Molloy, William T. 808 Scott, Bobert 709 Smith, George T. 810 Scott, George .710 Hamill, Samuel S. 820 Merriman, A. N. 719 Smith, Thomas C. 824 Whit'.ock, Joseph L. 721 Chambers, Archibald B. S2!) Burnham, James W. 7'_ > 5 Coyne, Charles B. 834 Wilcox, Boberr, S. 726 Lockwood, Samuel T. 834 Wakefield, Nathan B. 727 Ewing, John A. 839 Emmeit, J. S. 729 Galpin, Homer B. 841 Dayton, Mellville E. 730 Greenlee, Ralph S. 865 Ordway, David E. 732 Bice, Henry H. 867 Hodges, Lathrop S. 734 Barclay, Mrs. Daniel 871 Squires, Zachariah 735 Curtis, Henry 873 Hoyt, Gjorge 738 McDonald, JohnB. 875 Hunt, Albert B. 739 Morenouse, George A. 877 West, John J. 740 Shaughnessy, Thomas 881 Moulton, B. H. 741 Cushing, Mrs. Alice 906 Cashman, David 742 Turner, Edward S. 908 Downs, Myron D. 746 Shays, John W. !)_> 1 West, Byron D. 750 Wingrave, John 926 Brown, Edmond L. 756 Skinner, Samuel C. 928 Pierce, Aratus F. 757 Bond, Dr. Thomas S. 930 Floyd, James B. 759 Broughton, P. 931 Mills, Dr. James P. 761 Dawson, Mrs. John 932 Schoonover, George W. 765 Albright, Thomas S. 933 Sleeper, James M. 769 Butler, Abraham G. 935 Calkins, John W. 770 Strong, Charles E. 937 Sewell, Martin 772 Dye, Mrs. Mary 938 Baker, Harry REVERSED DIRECTORY. 121 WEST MONROE STREET. 939 Cleary, James W. 1008 Jefferson, William J. 941 Morgan, George 1021 West, John 943 Foreman, Henry C. 1023 Goodrich, Frank M. 945 Norton, O. W. 1024 Stewart, Charles E. 901 Buckley, George D. 1025 Gueaney, Thomas T. 9G3 Brophy, Dr. Truman 1027 Cummins, William 995 Holroyd, Slevin A. 1038 Case, ElishaW. 99!) Widden, George F. 1046 Darrow, Alex. H. 1003 Owens, John 1068 Brooks, John W. 1-00(5 Howard, Marti u 1250 Seaton, Samuel G. 1007 Harrison, Nathan B. 1280 Watson, Josiah J. WEST ADAMS STREET. 221 Johnston, J. W. 336 Doeg, George 232 Starkweather, C. H. 338 Kidston, A. 2(57 Bishop, A. E. 339 Gleason, M. B. 209 Dean, M. C. 341 Miller, Mrs. H. M. 283' Wilcox.W.B. 343 Goodkind, Michael 286 Holden, H. 344 Sherwood, John B. 287 Schuttler, P. 345 Nichols, William 290 Kendall, D. W. 346 Brecher, Mrs. P. 292 Stone, M.E. 346 Ellis, E. D. 300 Parkhurst, A. 347 Curtis, B. F. 31)1 Hotz, Chnstoph 348 Juergeus, D. L. 304 Wheelock, S. 349 Danforth, Dr. I. N. 308 Nichols, G. 350 Dalley, C. M. 314 Harris, H. H. 352 Werner, H. 320 Watson, W. W. 354 Stannarcl, W. B. 322 Cosgrove, W. H. 355 Lindsay, Charles 324 Brady, ElizaLeth 359 G ay, M. 32(5 Robinson, Orrin 361 Traffoi-d, Henry 328 Fallows, Samuel 363 Jeffries, F. F. 330 Bloom, Moses 365 Saulsbury, Alvin 331 Stone, E. 378 Titcomb, D. A. 333 Thomas, G. S. 380 Cook, A. B. 122 ELITE OF CHICAGO. WEST ADAMS STREET. 381 Debus, Jacob 468 Soper, A. 382 Thompson, Hiram J. 471 Mills, L. L. 383 Letz, Mary 472 Astell, F. F. 384 Hutchins, Dr. John W." 473 Will, Henry 385 Cook, W. 474 Moyes, Mrs. F. E 380 Henkel, F. 475 Prentice, L. H. 388 Moore, B. J. 476 Herman, Thomas 388 DeClerq, M. 477 Myers, Jacob 389 Bradley, David 479 Crumb, S. P. 390 Mendsen, William 481 Schinimen, R. E. 393 Currier, C. L. 482 Rivenburgh, H. 390 Eeed, Mrs. Fred 492 Blake, E. N. 397 Casey, Patrick 495 Irons, Agnes F. 402 Hewett, Dr. A. C. 495 Drake, J. 420 Jaeger, Ernest 499 Horton, Joseph 428 Peters, J. G. 503 McClain, H. T. 430 Reece, A. N. 507 Reed, F. L. 432 Colsat, H. H. 509 Manning, Mrs. J. S. 434 Moyer, W. 509 Bangs, Mark 430 Whitman, George B. 511 Dow, Asa 440 Barnes, G orge K. 513 Sherwood, George 440 Turner, Henry L. 515 Champlin, G. W 442 Foster, Nathan R. 517 Carpenter, W. O. 442 Armstrong, Martin A. 519 Rush, Dr. D. G. 444 Hughes, W- S. ;->_>!> Teall, Edward M 44<3 Baker, Silas 586 Richberg, J. C. 448 Shaw, A. K. 528 Packard, J. A. 410 Abbey, Mrs. M. L. 530 Holmes, Dr. E. L 452 Hoffman, John 531 Kings land, A. W 454 Sawyer, D. T. 533 Lyman, Dr. H. M . 450 Stockham, A. B. 534 Spooner, F. E. l.-.r, Richardson, J. C. 53 B Knox, Joseph 458 Munn, D. W. 530 Schlesinger, L. 404 Russell, H. M. 537 Keogh, Eugene 404 Brown, Samuel 538 Pond, W. M. 464 Brentnall, Solon 539 Bigelow, H. D. 404 McMasters, D. B. 541 Bowes, F. K. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 123 WEST ADAMS STREET. 543 Johnston, K. J. 643 Lyon, Harry A. 545 Philips, Dr. H. A. 644 Peabody, T. B. 565 Hahn, H. F. 645 Pollard, L. D. 569 Neemes, I. C. 646 Hartwell, E. A. 571 Brower, Dr. D. R. 647 Taylor, James E. 576 Wood, Charles H. 649 Piatt, 577 Joseph. Jacob 650 Brooks, Silas N. 578 Trimmer, John B. 651 Cochrane, S. B. 579 Marguerdt, E. 652 Twitty, Edward 580 Case, C. H. 654 Bang, H. 582 Buss, Lewis 655 Bobinson, E. A. 584 Culver, George N. 659 Ingalls, Mrs. E. A. 588 Coonley, J. C. 660 Forsyth, M. J. 592 Dyas, Dr. W. G. 664 McChesney, Dr. A. C. 594 Hughes, Joseph 666 Bandall, C. W. 598 Buchanan, S. B. 667 Brown. G. P. 604 Chapman, A. A. 667 Toles, W. C. 620 Bates, B. W. 668 Spaulding, M. M. 622 Sherburne, E. 669 Brasher, V. A. 623 Howard, J. K. 671 Stanley, James 824 Graves, Dr. L. M. 673 Sc ites, Eugene 625 Higgle, James L. 674 Ck-ndler, C. T. 626 Jones, D. C. 679 Thomas, T. D. 627 McLeish, Andrew 681 Sibley, James H. 628 Brigham, B. 684 Briggs, F. H. 630 Munday, John W. 685 Holmes, George P. 631 Dow, S. K. 686 Bothschild, F. 631 Hol.lon, A. H. 686 Waters, John H. 632 Fowler, C. M. 687 Sherwin, Joseph 634 Muncey, Mrs. C. M. 688 Smith, B. J. 635 Solbery, Mrs. C. 690 Daniels, A. 637 Ingalls, Dr. E. F. 692 Harding. A. T. 638 Huyck, J. H. 693 Ducker, George 639 Judson, W. B. 694 Bubel, P. 6.40 Morris. Charles 695 Jones, S. O. 641 Cochrane, William 696 McLaren, John 642 Ilett, William 697 Haverkampf, J. L. 124 ELITE OF CHICAGO. WEST ADAMS STREET. 698 Platt, L. C. 816 Roe, J. G. 705 Davis, Dr. Charles 818 Olds.J.W. 700 Port, W. R. 820 Richardson, L. P. 707 Blackman, C. H. 821 Jewell, W. J. 708 Dore, A. E. 822 McClain, A. 709 True, D.J. 824 Purington, James A. 711 Knight, M. G. 835 Briggs. T. 712 Lloyd, Lewis 836 Baker, B. F. 714 Rothschild, S. 837 Dunning, W. C. 716 Tatham, Eobert L. 838 Skillman, A. D. 717 Coulter, Louis 839 Osborne, F. C. 719 Ahrens, H. 840 Stagg, J. L. 729 McMullen, J. C. 842 Sackett, F. 733 Duffy, T. J. 844 Krusenmarck, William 735 Skinner, N. A. 846 Ferry, A. D. 737 Stoner, D: 865 Duckham, Richard 739 Boyeson, I. K. 867 Northrur, W. A. '743 Anderson, W. H. 869 Harnlin, L. A. 745 Bailey, Geerge 871 Wolf, Wallace 747 Pool, F. J. 871 Hinckley, S. K. 751 Leavitt, I. P. 873 Stewart, W. T. 753 Lovejoy, Moses 875 Crumb B. L. 755 Knowlton, W. H. 877 Brown, E. F. 757 Tucker, W. S. 881 Moore, Mrs. I. 759 Burke, Edmund 885 Wookey, H. E. 761 Enos, H. R. 886 Fick, L. W. 763 Polascheck, Max* 887 Goold, Thomas 765 Chapman, W. S. 896 Wise, A. J. 766 Lyons, Gardner W. 898 Decker, M. A. 767 Monroe, B. F. 904 Fowler, E.W. 770 Campbell, J. H. 906 Batchelder, G. F. 774 Conger, M. L. 971 Jarnian, W. S. 776 McNarnee, Mrs. E. 980 Hatchings, S. B. 778 Hodges, Dexter B. 981 Chenoweth, W. H. 782 McVey, J. C. 983 Board, J. L. 808 Edwards, Joseph B. 988 Carr, Fred 814 Burnham, Arthur 995 Howe, E. W. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 125 WEST ADAMS STREET. 999 Hemstreet, W. J. 1028 Jordan, F. S. 1001 Wilson, E. J. 1032 Foss, George W. 1002 McGaflery, I. W. 1058 McClelland, John 10J3 Coulter, John 1061 Mason, M. D. 1014 Drury, L. H. 1 0(53 Baker, W. G. 1017 Brown, C. H. ]()t!4 Marr, W. W. 1020 Flagler, F. W. 1078 Hickok, G. W. 1024 Stewart, Charles 1129 Lewis, Dr. George 1025 Bullard, R. WEST JACKSON STREET. 170 Bigley, T. B. 364 Holden, Charles 175 Richards, J. W. 365 Borland, M. W. 207 Unger, Benjamin 366 Hedenburg, J. W. 269 Miller, W. J. 376 Abt, Levi 270 Beidler, W. H. 382 Chandler, Mrs. M. D. 275 Becker, N. 391 Raster, Herman 285 Harper, Mrs. Maria 393 McDonald, Malcolm 289 Richards, E. S. 396 Gutches, J.H. 292 Bailey, F. H. 85)H Haskell, G. W. 293 Jones, H. J. 400 Fleming, J. C. 295 Gano, Daniel 402 Adset, W. H. 299 Webb, E. A. 403 Loomis, A. H. 300 Thayer, C. H. 404 Sawyer, K. H. 302 Forbes, A. M. 408 Graves, A. M. 300 Klauber, Sigmond 409 Connett, J. W. 309 Birkenstein, S. 410 Hodge, A, C. 314 Carter, C. B. 414 Arnold, Frank 318 Carter, Wallace 415 Coe, D. A. 347 Reasner, Willis 417 Lee, E. W. 349 Bennie, D. 420 Fossman, Mrs. S. T. 351 A very, D. J. 422 Fleming, W. J. 355 Rhodes, G. H. 425 Huntington, Charles 359 Leadbeater, W. J. 426 Conger, J. S. 302 Grunewald, C. 426 West, E. A. 126 ELITE OF CHICAGO. WEST JACKSON STREET. 427 Nash, C. T. 607 Hobs, Dr. J. 0. 428 Garrett, James 608 Powell, G. W. 429 Rever, J. L. 612 Finn, Patrick 430 Parker, T. G. 614 Pyott, D. 434 Willett, J. R. 627 Oliver, John 438 Jones, David 629 Brintriall, W. H. 441 Barnes Francis A. 687 Koehler, Balzer 448 Stanton, Fannie 691 Osgood, E. 449 Parker, Andrew H. 692 Wallace, David C. 452 Spence, H. A. 695 Putnam, P. H. 453 Erickson, G. 697 Wallace, J. H. 454 Hesselgrin, N. A. 700 Campbell, E. H. 456 Buttolph, A. 701 Wright, A. M. 458 Gannon, Thomas 703 Wallace, R. S. 459 Gardner, George 704 Hardwick, H. H. 460 Day, Charles 705 Hair, S. G. 461 French, B. W. 707 Neahr, M. J. 463 Wheelock, E. B. 709 Bowie, James 464 Hewit, W. P. 713 Enright, J. W. 465 Byington, H. H. 714 Childs, T. T. 468 Beal, M. 715 Seavey, Ann L. 470 Anderson, J. E. 716 Jennings, Albert 471 Hunger, D. S. 717 Cantwell.F. A. 518 Walker, Edward 720 Banks.. A. A. 547 Hutchinson, J. M. 721 Blackman, Willis 555 .Lull, A. G. 722 Magill, J. C, 580 Carleton, W. L. 741 Morrison, J. C. 587 Merrill, C. H. 751 Barcalaux, W. 591 Daniels, H. E. 757 Kellogg, Dr. George 593 Williams, S.L. 761 Foster, C. H. 594 Trimingham, R. N. 765 Rising, C. L. 596 Pryble, Mrs. Agnes 768 Harves, Wm. H. 598 Preston, D. H. 770 Thurman. Wallace 599 Milne, J. H. 772 Lane, Richard 600 Emery, Joshua, Jr. 774 Forster, Frank 601 Hyde, J. E. 776 Rogan, W. J. 603 Jorden, C. H. 777 Warner, Frank 1 BEVERSED DIRECTORY. 127 WEST JACKSON STREET. 781 Griswold, George E. 903 Martin, George G. 795 M Her, J. M. 905 Mitchel.H. A. 806 Grant, William 907 Wright, C. B. 821 Munroe, H. T. 1009 Ganson, J. T. 825 Ashley, Charles 1010 Glass, W. L. 828 Brown, R. F. 1018 Burg, C. F. 831 Dumphy, J. M. 1031 Hitchcock, D. J 832 Crawford, J. N. 1068 Payson, J. R. 859 Dunstan, E. 1071 Baker, R. M. 861 Lackey, George W. 1099 Gibbs, O. G. 863 Booth, K.W. 1101 Wright, Thomas 865 Segal 1, Ben 1109 Good, M. G. 885 Shepard, J. W. 1234 Pritchard, JohnF. 885 Birdsall, R. M. 1336 Hall, Charles 896 Hoadley.J.M. 1362 Everett, J. D. WEST VAN BUREN STREET. 205 Dixon, F. C. 370 Wendt, George 233 Forbes, Donald 372 Dorsey, B. 237 Robinson, J. A. 376 Ramburg.A. 242 Clement, N. L. 378 Borland, M. W. 273 Midgely, J. W. 380 Latourney, G. 286 Barrett, O. W. 392 Strauss, S. 296 Behrens, J. H. 404 Shirra, James 297 Wood, Beth 406 Taft.T.W. 299 Kraefft, Louisa 408 Radley, D. 304 Barbous, L. L. 420 Cook.J. G. 321 Martin, C. E. 422 Brown, C. E. 323 Clark, E. 426 Weidman, R. C. 325 LeBoeuf, J. 428 Guy, G. O. 327 Wilder, A. A. 430 Watson, S.E. 340 Averill, George B. 432 Bicknell, F. W. 345 Johnston, J. 435 ] 2 Speer, C. W. 356 Roskell, E. 436 Goodrich, L. H. 360 Lott, Charles 438 Gilbert, William 128 ELITE OF CHICAGO. WEST VAN BUREN STREET. 438 McCasky, I. W. 610 Lang, J. R. 440 Wheelock, S. A. 612 Kelly, M. J. 441 Bunker, W. H. 616 Waixel, Henry 442 Hyers, George A. 635 Lewis, G. F. 443 Drake, W. H. 642 Wadsworth, C. 445 Adam son, R. J. 644 Wade, John. 448 Page, Harlan 648 Maguire, H. J. 449 McBeth, Isaac N. 650 Horton, C. H. 459 Pattison, J. L. 652 Snow, James F. 451 Bigelow, T. M. 654 Goodman, F. M. 453 Thompson, A. 656 Corrigan, George 4t51 Reeder, W. H. 660 Beatty, T. M. 468 Ashland, J. G. 666 King, John 469 Hartman, E. 669 Bahe, Henry 545 Rogers, J. M. 671 Williams, C. B. 547 Richeson, J. D. 675 Kirchner, J. A. 549 Scott, J. G. 685 Skaats, H. A, 551 Templeton, Hugh 703 Lauterman, A. P. 584 Douglas, F. 707 Gray Arthur 586 Gilman, William 719 Martin, R. L. 588 Ludden, S. D. 756 Carson, F. 589 Brown, H. H. 758 Fern, George B . 590 Guilford, M. A. 777 Hunton, K. A. 591 Gilbert, William 779 Martin, William 592 Gano, Mrs. M. L. 988 Clark, W. R. 593 Lyon, D.W. 990 Crosby, H. L. 594 Smith, E. B. 997 Faulkner, John 506 Russ 11, A. 1006 Brown, W. G. 598 Gregg, J. W. 1010 Patterson, N. R. 600 Hanley, William 1033 Clancy, Thomas f.O'J McBirney J. L. 1062 Highlands, John 604 Stiner, Joseph 1066 Wright, P. B. 606 Boehm, A. 1115 Holderness, S. 607 Wells, W. A. 1-214 Fallou, Peter 608 Mayer, H. 1218 Kesselburg, William REVERSED DIRECTORY. 129 WEST CONGRESS STREET. 231 Mills, M.B. 502 Hartwell.A. V. 233 Jones, J. Ross 504 Burdick, O. 235 Shaw, William 506 Loveday, H. W. 239 Wayman, William 508 Oliver, J. M. 243 Murray, James 510 Richards, A. M. 244 Rothberger, A. H. 512 Field, Frank 250 Cunningham, Peter 567 Weeks, Harvey T. 255 Hubbard, J. 571 Post, C. A. 257 Callendar, F. J. 573 Hill, J. G. 257 Grace, Stephen 575 Fuich, Frank 259 Liphthall, J. N. 577 Parker, G. G. 297 Fitzpatrick, P. H. 592 Holmes, C. B. 308 Diamond, Thomas 018 Patt won, T. E. 319 Sullivan, Thomas 020 Bates, M. E. 321 Steuder, C. F. 022 Clark, D. R. 322 Letz, Fred 026 Morris, T. G. 340 Bluett, Charlotte 028 Miley, G. W. 341 Gates, Frank 030 Hiarson, William 341 Runnells, C. R. 032 Payn, Eli 343 LeBarron, William . 934 Greer, H. F. 345 Brennan, T. W. 636 Agnew, H. 347 Parker, O. L. 037 Ogden, Henry 349 Barnes O. A. 039 Lebolt, L. 354 Marr, Peter 040 Cook, C. N. 354 ^Campbell, A. 041 Hexter, K. 355 Moore, George (544 Haskell, J. W. C. 356 Bishop, C. J. 050 Purdy, J. H. 357 Underwood, H. G. 720 Kremer, Chrs. E. 358 McKewin, H. W. 732 Hynes, W. J. 359 -Hyde, J. C. 741 Bruce, E. A. 3GO Krause, F. W. 743 Wing, Annie E. 305 Corbett, John 705 Reed, James 394 Pearson, William 771 Brush, William 404 Grommes, J. B. 781 Lasenby, J. 416 Burkhoff, George 799 Ragi-io, S. C, 427 Hyde, Anna 816 Barber, G. L. 130 ELITE OF CHICAGO. WEST CONGRESS STREET. 817 Hewitt, O. W. 847 Wareham, H. 821 Esher, J. G. 964 Crosby John 823 Guinnip, L. 965 Dennis Joseph 825 Helm.H.T. 968 Danforth, Matthew 827 Douglas, G. A. 970 Adams, H. B. 829 Hopkins, C. K. 995 Newman, G. W. 831 Magee.H.W. 997 Carpenter, J. S. FULTON STREET. 420 Webster, F. 687 Seaman, John 424 Bonney, C. C. 693 Mason, W. E. 426 Austin, H. S. 711 Curtis, J. S. 457 Watt, John 731 Clingrnan, J. 458 Gray, H. 735 Wolf, Louis 460 Goodman, Thomas 799 Milne, David 462 Baker, W. D. 799 Kawling, J. W. 464 Butler, J. H. 845 Norton, John O. 477 Plumsted, J. M. 878 Sykes, C. R. 478 Schoentha'er, J. 882ioHall, M. 480 Fisk, E. D. 884 Hall.E. 482 Friedman, Henry 889 Wentworth, J. H. 485 Rogers, John 891 Arnold, Charles 504 Bushick, G. 906 Howard, H. S. 512 Shaffer, E. F. 908 Hadley, George 513 Humphrey, George 916 Kirkwood, T. 514 Ruger, William 916 Helm, D. T. 518 Sherwood, C. W. 917 Harvey, Ira L. 520 Messenger, W. D. 1030 Eastman, H. R. 528 Michaels, C. D. 1031 Miller, George H. 550 Gray, John V. 1 (>:;_' Griffin, J. S. 590 Hand, B. E. 1365 Merigold W A. 001 Carpenter, J. G. 1401 Lewis, William 625 Little, J. H. 1407 Wilkin, J. S. 647 Rugg, John 1475 Pittawaz, James 649 Crandall, Charles E. 1491 Coolbaugh,A. 684 Woiflnger, W. R. 1563 Farnham, C. W. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 131 ' CARROLL AVENUE. 347 Hayes, H. V. 593 Smith, James 412 Murdoch, William 598 Scales, Charles E. 423 Sweet, Henry 601 Humberstone, Alford 425 Coon,H.J. 607 Smith, Franklin W. 427 Snow, Solomon 611 Chambers, William 429 Osborn, William 629 Langley, Edward 433 Stanley, John W. 631 Savage, Lyman B. 437 Gates, Mary C. 635 1 uKidney, William F. 437 Gates, SumnerE. 637 Cook, Charles E. 439 Griffin, H. 647 Hellman, Louis 463 Courtney, Thomas E. 65H2Mondell, Orlando S. 507 Osborne, Charles W. 653 Macheret, John 513 Williams, Samuel 655 Hounds, S. P. Jr. 515 Griffith, Thomas 662 Long, William C. 518 Cornhausor, Maurice 662 Church, Frank L. W. 521 Adams, S. H. 664 Brackett, Charles 522 Carson, Frances 669 Rice, Nathaniel B. 524 Moore, Warren 710 Stone, William F. 525 Squire, Oscar C. 722 Barnum, Charles H. 526 Baker, James 729 Bonnie, Byron W. 529 Evans , Wil liam R. 731 Callaghan, John 532 Smitz, Caroline 734 Holt, John 536 Busboy, William H. 735 Miner, Daniel P. 537 Moeller, Malissa 743 Welch, Rodney 539 Earnshaw, Otto 754 Ranney, Roderick L. 540 Worthy, William 756 Shade, William 542 Bearce, Larnard S. 759 Atwell, James W. 571 Squire, William M. 763 Reinhardt, William F. 578 Wrightson, William T. 864 Boddy.JohnC. 589 Merritt, Amelia S. 874 Jennings, Augustus H. SOUTH GREEN STREET. 17 Livesey, J.H. 73 Barstow, J. H. 19 Gotlieb, H. 81 Stewart, R. 55 Wilson, Ira C. 84 Merrimee, J. 132 ELITE OF CHICAGO. SOUTH GREEN STREET. 99 Bawleigh, J. 187 Crabb.N: 108 Fredrnan, L. 195 McBride, W. 123 McAuley, M. 197 Sheriff, John 124 Faro, F. J. 198 O'Shaunessy, M. 132 Leary, J. J. 202 Draws, A. P. 137 Sollitt, William 208 Brown, W. J. 145 Upham, F. A. 210 Kimbisky.L. 154 Pratt, Oliver 210 McKeown, John 357 Smyth, J. M. 214 Edmunson, George 158 Simon, D. 217 Gale. George H. 162 Rubel, B. 218 Schaefer, J. A. ' 164 Rubel, G. 226 Bermingham, T. 179 186 Livesey, J. K. Watson, W. J. 2^8 > 2 3* j Neff, William SOUTH PEORIA STREET. 42 Ward, James 149 Johnson, J. W. 45 Weinsheimer, A. L. 150 Henricks, J. N. 46 Amburg, William A. 153 Adams, L. 47 Nichols, F. 155 Witkowsky, S. 51 Stanbro, S. P. 1T>8 Merriman, A. T. 52 Lovejoy, D. S. 162 Brown, Thomas H. 55 Gale, S. T. Westminster Presb. Ch. 83 Goodridge, E. 168 Davidson, W. B. 107 Ottaway, T. P. 169 Kohlsaat, S. 132 Berlin, A. 171 Can-oil, W. D. 133 Wells, M. A. 172 Kils, C. 137 Phelps, T. 173 Bullwinkle, B. 138 Lichtenbcrger, George 182 Morey, H. C. 338 Bars tow, J. W. 193 Davis, M. P. 142 Dunham, N. _'(() Schlecht, G. 143 Meglade, William 204 Kauff, Peter 344 Whyte, W. H. I'D.-. Clark, J. 146 Williams, B, A. _'!><> Sheldon, A. H. 148 Mitchell, William 211 Baker, William K. - REVERSED DIRECTORY. 133 SOUTH PEORIA STREET. 212 Treyser, George A. 529 Hammer, A. 213 Ruff, J. 231 Hanrahan, P. 214 Bourke.U. 243 Pfister, J. 219 Perry, S. Q. 247 Rutherford, S. 227 Stenson, J. 288 Drake, G. B. SANGAMON STREET. 24 Saunders, Ed 151 Miller, James A. 44 Gale.E. F. 152 Christian, John 47 Dickerson, John Jewish Synagogue 48 Thompson, W. H. 1G7 Beidler, J. 49 Be'dler, H. 168 Oberndorf, H. 50 Kellogg, H. 172 Shaw, M. W. 52 Clark, D. W. 176 Reid, A. D. 85 Murphey, H. P. 178 Keeler, Charles F. 89 McCormick, R. 182 Boyles,C. C. 93 Flood, Peter F. 185 Wardrobe, F. T7 Plarnondon, Charles A. 190 Lilly, J. A. 102 Burnstine, A. 192 McCarthy, O. 104 Kellogg, H. 202 Farrar, E. P. 107 Boynton, E. S. 214 Sherman, E.B. 109 Moor, A. G. 215 Hutchinson, T. 113 Miller, A. 21S Gaynor, John 114 Haddock, Charles 219 McDonald, A. 116 Reynolds, William E. 220 McCloud, E. C. 117 Doolittle, E. M. 221 Shufeldt, H. H. 121 Chapman, H. M. 228 Lally, John 123 Brady, J. P. 229 Hill, M. W. 125 Marshall, G. D. 232 Amick, Pleasant First Scotch Pres. Ch. 233 Hayes, W. A. 135 Daniels, C. W. 234 Stomet, J. H. 139 Baker, John 289 Nieman, C. 145 Robinson, O. P. 247 Ohlendorf , Fred 134 ELITE OF CHICAGO. SOUTH MORGAN STREET. 72 Osborn.L. K. 187 Blood, S. N. 74 Spencer, John 205 Hoard, S. 82 Severns.l. W. 207 Gardner, E. M. 84 Welsh, N. 209 Solomon, H. 86 Lasier, N. B. 213 Herschman, L/. 90 Schaffer, James A. 215 Haas, Charles 109 Hot, F. C. 216 Egan.W. C. 112 Hagerty, C. K. 218 Egan, S. E. 118 Clark, Mrs. Maria 219 Benze, H. 120 Strand, John 229 Graser, J. A. 136 Cook, J. S. 230 Smith, J. H. 140 Warren, George 232 Norton, H. N. 144 Curtis, E. G. 235 Isdell, James E. 149 Hinchman, W. N. 236 Haulsby.J.R. 176 Crowe, M. F. CURTIS STREET. 10 Hodgson, John J. 49 Dodge, George 13 Magill, Charles J. 51 Clark, James P. 17 McFarland, Thomas 53 Corbett, H. E. 44 Hanson, Dr. Z. P. 56 Reasner, Robert 46 Good, John SOUTH MAY STREET. 11 Taylor, James P. 44 Archibald, George 14 Root, Fred J. 46 Milnor, G. W. 15 Engert, Dr. R. H. 46 Troup, James 16 White, F. F. 49 Miles, J. H. 19 DeForest, G. V. .-,:: Kaiie,W. H. 40 Kane, P. B. 195 Wheeler, E. 43 Newland, W. D. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 135 ABERDEEN STREET. Id Freeman, D. B. 16 ^Foster, B. N. 73 Robinson, C. G. 75 Otto, August F. 89 Williams, Dr. T. D. 05 Kelly, Harry D. 142 Wayman, Samuel 154 McHugh, G. fl. 159 Rich, J. H. 1G2 Sundell, A. C. 166 Clarke, T. D. 174 Walton, Isaac 176 Clark, Thomas 179 Stephens, John 216 Jones, John H. CENTRE AVENUE. 7 Bell, Jane E. 12 Snell, W. L. 15 Bowen, E.R. 19 Walker, S. P. 20 Galligan, J. 21 Dell, Joseph 22 Truax, D. A. 31 Kavanagh, Mrs. 3J. 37 Mann, O. L. 43 McHenry, W. B. 49 Milligan, W. F. 57 Lathrop, J. L. 62 Adams, F. 64 Howe, J. N. 66 Sargent, J. 68 Swan, Theo. F. 70 Pangborn, J. V. 72 Neely, R. 73 Thome, F. H. 74 Harmon, J. K. 77 Dyer, J. 80 Blackburn, C. 86 Carlisle, F. 88 Holden.J. H. 89 Lonergan, Thomas 90 Soper, James 93 McMullen, James 95 Holmes, W. G. 97 Parker, C. W. 101 McMaster, William 107 Hair, W. F. 116 Soper, A. C. 134 Keller, Jacob 139 Button, Peter 146 Beckwith, George 153 Stockwell.F. W, 155 Greenberg, S. 163 Lange, L. A. 188 O'Brien, T. 136 ELITE OF CHICAGO. THROOP STREET. 11 Stowe, E. L. 56 Jones, F. W. 13 Gardner, William 58 Goit.O.W. 14 Foster, C. G. 76 Williams, Rev. D. 16 Gardner, E. T. 79 Currier, B. B. 17 Hornbey, Mrs. J. A. 81 Bridge, Dr. N. 18 Peck, J. A. 83 Patten, A. S. 19 Betts, George 107 WiUard.P.H. 20 Fishburn, T. T. 132 Hutchison, F. Qflj 145 Longstreet, A. 25 > g) Mrs- 147 Willing, W. C. 28 Hartzell, J. A. -151 Gillespie, John 29 Brightly, H. A. 158 Haas, L. 30 McChesnay, W. B. 160 Wright, Anna 34 Ingalls, E. 160 Wright, J. 36 Plamondon, A. 172 Beard, Richard O. 40 Cochrane, J. 175 Phillips, J. A. Epiphany Ch.(Episcopal) 176 Harmon, James 52 Hammond, H. L. 180 Tomlinson, Isaac 54 Herrick.M.B. ADA STREET. 9 Bice, F. E. 24 Howell, E.P. 11 Furman, W. C. 42 Lake, A. 13 Stanton, W. M. 48 Freeman, J. H. 15 Clarke, G. W. 49 Jones, H. Webster 17 Moore, F. E. 53 Martene, J. Edwin 18 McCollom, A. 54 Wakeman, A. C. 18 Mason, James 56 Durlacher, A. 20 Hilton, C. C. 92 Chapman, G. C. 22 Nichols, M.W. 99 Oliver, David REVERSED DIRECTORY. 137 ELIZABETH STREET. 19 Eedington, E. D. 57 Sisson, Henry 45 Leit, J. M. 61 West, James 47 Wolgamoth, G. W. 62 Arnold, E. F. 51 Lockman, M. 63 Hutchins, A. W. 55 Miller, Dr. A. 64 Ackerly, E. C. . 56 House, E. M. 134 Armendson, A. LOOMIS STREET. 14 Knox, Dr. J. S. 108 Ingram, E. J. 17 Mix, Ernest 113 Hickcox, P. 18 Rathbun, E. 114 Wheelock, S. A. 40 Lynch, Mrs. J. S. 114 Hoilister,H. 42 Platt,N.E. 115 Groves, D. F. 44 Ziegfeld, Dr. F. 122 Cliander, H. C. 46 Crittenden, Thomas 126 Prentiss, L. M. 48 Keen, E. H. 127 Jack, A. 48 Wormer, H. G. 129 Johnson, Jacob 50 Hay, A. B. 130 Fritze, George 52 Cole, E. C. 132 Rooker, D. B. 75 Perkins, B. C. 134 Hobbs, H.H. K5 Morgan, W. H. 134 Lindenberger, G. H. 87 Ullman, L. 138 Pretty man, W. B. 89 Page, E. 140 Elms, Charles 91 Ward,J.H. 142 Friel, E. J. 93 Clark, C. M. 151 Rickcords, Fred 102 Morgan, F. T. 153 White, Frances 104 Talbot.W. 159 Leopold, L. 105 Hubbard,J. S. 226 Nichols, George 106 Jones, H. 230 Powell, H. 107 Keener, W. T. 250 Henneberry, J. E. 138 ELITE OF CHICAGO. 8 11 13 15 17 43 44 9 11 13 14 SHELDON STREET. Follansbee, A. S. Woodard, W. Throop, Arnos G. j Gregg, Miss C. A. Dent, Thomas Fish, Seth 45 Berg, Ole 4<> Crighton, John 48 Bryson, Mrs. Julia 50 Becker, Frederick 52 Howes, Allan 54 Howe, G. L. 117 Beebe, T. H. BISHOP COURT. Pratt, Cyrus N. Burnham, Andrew Noyes, L. Lerow, William T. 1 5 Chisholm, Willington P. 10 Kuhns, Mrs. Mary A. 17 Knapp, Allen C. 19 Mason, Carlyle LAFLIN STREET. 11 Livcsey, Joseph 15 Wiswell, J. C. 39 Mason, J. A. G4H>Laskey, Stephen 65 Fowler, A. G. 104 Melvin.W. L. 209 Meile, A. '_';;,-) Meddis, George 249 Wagner, H. V. 338 Ponsonby, G. 352 Franke, J. 17 31 35 37 47 49 50 51 ASHLAND Pinto, W. H. Durand, E. Bennett, J. W. Lewis, A. M. Howe, G. T. Cropper, W. E. Cribben, Henry Coit, Mrs. D. B. AVENUE. 53 Knapp, Mrs. S. H. ."> ."> Spencer, Mrs. E . 1<; Morse, C H. 57 Wilcox, G. 15. 77 Worthington, P. 99 McCrea, S. H. (President Illinois Club) 103 Bates, A. E. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 139 ASHLAND AVENUE. 118 Kittredge, A. 211 Haines, T. L. 120 Moore, S. M. 213 Sanders, A. N. 122 Sweet, Leonard 215 Hair, W. B. 124 Wait, W.W. 222 Bradley, J. H. St. Johns Ch. (Episcopal) 224 King, Ulric 130 Woodward, Dr. A. W. 226 Scribner, S. A. 132 Campbell, George W. 230 Rogers, John G. * 140 Hamlin, John A. 231 Harrison, Carter 142 Morgan, Mrs. M. 242 Wilson, Mrs. J. 144 Eilithorpe, A. C. 243 Talcott, M. D. 145 Hart, Mrs. J. P. 244 Hair, James A. 146 Buchanan, M. B. 247 Owsley, J.E. t 1 47 Hirsh, Moritz M. 248 Ward. J. D. 149 Furst,C. 251 Roddin, C. E. 153 Hempsted, Dr. C. W. 254 Edwards, J. W. 154 Jones, J. Russell 256 Ryan, Martin 160 Burrows, Thomas 258 Pullman, A. B. 164 Diller,J. B. 260 Swazey, Arthur 165 Kend.W.P. 1 261 Hirsch, Mayer 166 Fitzer, S.B. 262 Symond, H/R. 167 Brine, George J. 264 Rubel, M. 169 Morrison, T. B. 266 Rubel, A. 170 Thompson, W. B. 268 Tuthill, R. S. 173 Crawford, W. H. 269 Clark, E. A. 173 Wolcott, J. H. . 271 Leidigh, John H. 176 Martin, C. H. 273 Hayt, Henry C. 192 Rn ddock , Thomas 275 Hamilton, I. K. L'09 Yaggy, L. W. 276 King, John A. 210 Waller, Henry Sr. 277 Featherstonc, John 210 Waller, Henry Jr. 281 Holmes, E. B. SOUTH PAULINA STREET. 55 Durand, W. H. 159 Birkrnan, Charles F. 100 Walker, O. 183 Coe, Simeon L. 114 Brouillett, C. C. 185 Clark, L. E. 140 ELITE OF CHICAGO. PAULINA STREET. 215 Bohleus, C. E. 296 Yeoman, E. 249 Farson, James 349 Kenneddy, James js 1 Kohlsaat, C, C. 485 Kempton, Samuel 287 Badger, L. V. 646 Keifer, John OGDEN AVENUE. 18 Whelan, Mrs. James 216 Batchelder, A. 26 DeGoot, W. E. 218 Colebrooke, W. 30 Rounds, W. H. 228 Collins, E. H. 40 Lake, Dr. W. W. 229 Beebe.W. H. G2 Clark, A. B. 230 Hudsell, C. A. G4 Conrad, J. H. 234 Lockett, O G6 Coyne, J. H. , 238 Richardson, E. H. C. 72 Cheatle, H. 289 Bristol, A. B. 76 Cronkhite, Orville 296 Morrell, Fred A. 78 Taft.H. E. Calvary Tabernacle 80 Salisbury, W. H. 362 Bickerdike, J. N. 99 Branson, F. A. 410 Walsh, James 208 Thurber, L. L. 438 Wassaman, Frank 212 Cox. H.A. 453 Brown. H. L. MARSHFIELD AVENUE. 216 Hill, G. W. 284 Howard, J.J. 218 Kingsley, E. P. _'s<; Lawrence, W. E. 220 Thomas, A. R. 260 Mc(ice, J. B. 222 Hutchkins, Jeff 302 Sharp, James 223 Davis, C. J. ::<)0i McCullam, William REVERSED DIRECTORY. 141 ST JOHN'S PLACE. 25 Lowenthal.J. 38 Stranahan, J. L. 29 Sill, R. T. 40 Powell, W. T. 29 Coggeshall, C. P. 46 Sweetland, Frank 36 ^Kaufman, PMlip 48 Baker, O. P. SOUTH WOOD STREET. 150 Small, J. F. 200 Blake, C. V. 150 Bradley, D. C. 203 Sherwood, Isaac 1G2 Price, D. A. 260 Adler, Louis 164 Alden, W. A. 262 Schram, J. 166 Street, R. R. 392 Weinhardt, Nieman 395 Martin, M. T. 733 Warnick, F. J. 197 Smith, John B. SOUTH LINCOLN STREET. 112 Campbell, John 188 Fieldhouse, J. 1 13 Patterson, T. W. 192 Powell, Frederick 139 Clark, Henry 194 Guerin.R. L. 151 Fleming, Robert 196 Dennison, E. J. 152 Murray, Mary 232 Healey, P.J. 150 Gillespie. David 236 Marsh, George L. Fourth Baptist Church .'5:53 Latshaw, J. F. HONOR E STREET. 11 Oliver, Mrs. E. J. 42 Dix, W. S. 13 Thomas, A. B. 43 Greenlee, R, L. 15 Fulton, J. K 44 Perrett, J. C. 19 Ellis, W. F. 45 Read, Dr. A.M. 21 Storey, R.E. 46 R'ollo, R. B. 23 Alexander, J. H. 47 Branson, S. 112 ELITE OF CHICAGO. HONORE STREET. 48 Bubb, S. B. 75 Berg, Joseph 49 Barry, J.L. 112 Weigley.W. 50 Kinzly, L. 116 Johnson, B.M. 71 Atkins, Charles SOUTH ROBEY STREET. Ill Loomis, Beach 247 Acldison, Mrs. 147 Griggs, Charles 257 Hare ; LidaR. 151 Secrist, John M. 265 Brown, Edward H, 153 Burkhardt, Henry 269 Mead, D. S. 155 Bickford, Russell K. 277 Ll odge, Walter 161 Lake, James K. 299 Lewis, William B. 195 Tucker, George W, 303 Hooker, Chester D. 211 Ormsby, Talcott 309 Crosett, John B. 225 Harris, William 317 Dunham, John 235 Tillottson, JohnE. 372 Sackett, Charles L. SEELY AVENUE. 37 Wilson, J. O. 80 Hamilton, G. A. 39 Emerson, M. I. 81 Lincoln, E. B. 41 McClellan, B. A. 85 Fitch, M. J. 42 Dickenson, David 88 Dick, Theodore 45 Selleck, A. C. 90 Stevens, Frank 47 Whitcomb, H. J. 91 Austin, John 48 Eddy, A. 92 Thomas, L. 51 Baker, J.S. 93 Smith, C. M. 63 Arnold, L. H. 95 Jordan, W. H. 78 Post, I. F. 117 Ferrier, T. E. 78 Woodman, T. J. 126 Atwood, Charles - REVERSED DIRECTORY. 143 SOUTH HOYNE AVENUE. 35 Dickerson, Mathew S. 171 Wrigley, William 48 Underbill William 176 Thompson, Mrs. Mary 54 Kline, John H. 187 Barrett, Anton 56 Collins, George W. 211 Dunning, Charles W. 87 Norfolk, George 227 Pattison, Thomas 123 Barnett, Ezra B. 230 Woodruff, Cutler 131 Barlow, George 235 Benz, Philip 139 Demming, Charles 234 Wareham, Harry 139 Bigelow, James H. 301 Darlington, Herbert 141 Pnchanan, James 304 Erby, C. W. 145 Bounds, George 305 Mitchell, Charles 150 Durphy, Charles H. 3Q7 Mitchell, Harley 167 Townsley, Lloyd 343 Kennedy, John P. SOUTH LEAVITT STREET. 107 Metzger, Laura 226 Toy, S. J. 109 Coolidge, H. W. 238 Lusk, James Ill Dibble, C. A. 240 Stengele, Elizabeth 117 Atwood, F. ]S. 243 Kernberger, A. 121 Scott, William 243 Manford, E. 123 Young, Willis 264 Ives, E. J. 158 Wilson, Daniel 383 Frink.D. 200 Wilson, George 385 Grafton, M. E. 206 Lapham, A. B. 389 Joslyn.D. C. 209 Whittlesey, Lydia F. 395 Colter, A. 212 Dewey, James B. 399 Tillotson, Theodore 214 Gibson, C. A. 417 Shefhaurer, Aug. 217 Jones, Charles W. 423 Hall, George A. 218 Sturges, Charles A. 441 Crandall, G. E. 222 Thomas, A. P. 451 Howe, Ellen 2'_'5 Sherman, J. 144 ELITE OP CHICAGO, IRVING PLACE. 4 Smith, N. T. 294 Harrison, W. P. 10 Woodford, O. F. 296 Smeal.J. G. 220 Clark, Robert 298 Morehouse, Joseph E. 224 Leland, S. D. 304 Hubbard, H. H. 230 Morse, H. R. 419 Clayton, H. D. 232 Stewart, William 464 Swortfigner, Charles SOUTH OAKLEY AVENUE. 108 Cook, G. M. 301 Utter, G. S. 110 Orvings, F. P. 303 Mateer, A. H. 112 Hallenbeck, John C. 305 Tuthill, J. D. 118 McNeil, M. 346 Hitt, A. M. 120 Straus, J. C. 386 Peaty, W. R. 160 Watson, Eli 388 Pratt, Martha 183 Conley, Thomas 392 Hills, A. H. 187 Campbell, F. W. 393 Conley, W. 189 North, C. A. 394 Cady, George W. 271 .McMillan, James 395 O'Leary, Daniel 271 Wmsted, George 397 Mollau, H. E. 277 Roe, Mary 400 Howard, Joseph 281 Fields, H. N. 416 Hawkes.H. W. 289 Williams, A. 420 Phoenix, Jane A. 291 Pope, P. H. 422 Edington, J. A. 299 Pierce, C. K. WINTHROP PLACE. 23 Warner, A. J. 48 Carter, Z. R. 33 Call, F. M. 53 Maeley, J. 38 Mahafify, J. B. 57 West, A. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 145 UNION PARK PLACE. 12 Carpenter, L. B. 38 Andrews, F. N. 40 Long, F. C. 42 Poor, John K 55 56 58 62 Watt, H. Hellrnan, George A. Wyman, G. X>oty, M. MISCELLANEOUS. WINCHESTER AVENUE. 16 Morrison, A. L. 18 Schrock, Amos 93 Wells, T. B. Ill Whitfield, Mrs. J. 221 Kelly, Dr. F. W. WILCOX AVENUE. 985 Wall, J. K. 989 Ball, Thomas 1035 Wright, F. S. 1039 Wilson, J. E. 1041 Beach, George HAMILTON AVENTTE. . 12 Wilkie.F.B. 22 Wallace, Thomas CARPENTER STREET. 41 Besley, Oliver 46 Gibson, J. J. 47 Clemens, C. H. f>3 Kehoe, Mrs. LEXINGTON AVENUE. l.">9 Kenney, H. SOUTH ANN STREET. 18 Price, Robert CAMPBELL AVENUE. 208 Beuron, A. H. 290 EsteUe, F. S. 411 Shaffner, F. 146 ELITE OF CHICAGO. y-l. ..*. IORTH SIDE. PINE STREET. 25 McCarroll, A. F. 31 Woodruff, M. 33 Crawford, J. A. 35 Cox, A. J. 39 Fox, Harry 53 Trussing, E. L. 55 Floto, William F. 89 Poole, A. 99 Johnston, Samuel 101 Medill, Joseph 101 Patterson, K. W. 103 D wight, C. F. 104 Arnold, I. N. 105 Stickney, Mrs. E. S. 1()7 Sturges, George 108 Keith, A. 112 Smith, Perry H. 118 Adams, A. J. 122 Waters, C. ] 32 Wischmeyer, Henry 234 Hemrnersheets, Henry 135 Stokes, J. H. 137 Mundy, H. W. 139 Warner, A. 141 Stockton, J. L. 143 Hicks, George 147 Jones, N. S. 149 Crampton, John 166 Prentiss, S. 220 Almindinger, Tobias RUSH STREET. -14 Smith, K. A. 23 Marshall, S. 34 Stanley, G. 43 Rood, J. H. 44 Spiking, Mrs. M.J. 45 Woodworth, J.D. r,:i Kimbail, J.W, <;_' Paul, J.R. (;r> Willing, H. J. 09 Adams, A. B. 72 Lamed, E. C. 7-t Lamed, W. C. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 147 HUSH STREET. Adams, C. H. 91 Palmer, J. w. '157 McCormick, William G 97 McLaughlin, W. F 100 Skinner, Mark 122 Clarke, J. V. 159 King, C. B. 161 Kirkland.J. 163 Bishop, H.W. ?2?1^ 0r " lk;k ' K - Ha11 Jicr^ormick, L/eander J 167 Fourth Presb. Church 168 Wilkinson, D. P. 126 Carter, Ernst 134 Ackerman, W. K. 135 McCormick, C H 136 Kerfoot.S H 146 King, C. B. 148 Rumsey, G. F. 151 King, H. W 171 Myers, Caroline 173 Mulliken, C H 175 Wright, A. E. 177 Woodbridge, John 182 Chandler, F. R. 237 Rosen berger, E 241 Power, D. 156 Nixon, W.K. 277 Manhardt.E. CASS STREET. 35 Hei rick, John J. 37 Beebee, Clarence 39 Brooks, W. C. 83 Ryerson, J. T. 87 Mears, Nathan 45 Jones, Reed 1 1 3 Johnson, W S 46 Bosworth, F. A. 57 Brooks, J. W. Jr. 59 Barnes, J. 8. 61 Coit, W. B. 126 Reed,J. E. J 20 Bowen, Ira P. St James Ch. (Episcopal) j Claussenius. H. i-5 Hartman, Isaac 67 McCagg, E. B. 1 59 Barnard, J F 163 Rumsey, J. g' -'IS Herbst, F. DEARBORN AVENUE. K'6 Hartman, J. los Newman, L. 1(| ! Hood, Thomas 1-1 Ely, C. F 125 Sheldon, G. W 127 Miller, F. G. 1281-jMorton, Mrs. E. 129 Foster, G. B. 148 ELITE OF CHICAGO. DEARB.ORN AVENUE. , 131 Wadsworth, F. L. 219 Oertel.F.D. 145 Dahl.N. L. 220 McGrath, J. J. 151 Warren, J. H. 222 Stearns, J. K. 153 Witt, Mrs. M. 223 Reesing, G. W. 153 Me Murphy, Malvina 226 DeWolff, Henry 157 Wischmeyer, William 230 Shufeldt, G. A. 159 Gates, C. 235 Lyon, G. M. 101 Dunham, J. S. 237 Tooker, K. N. 1 G2 Ger sten berg, M r s . H . 239 Smith, Orson 104 Ruhling, A. 240 O'Brien, M. 1 66 Henrotin, F. 241 Hawks, W.J. 169 Sample, A. ^42 Black, J. C. 171 Douglas, R. 243 Martin, Z. J. Jr. 183 Bundy.J. C. 244 Marble, A. J. 185 Dennett, F. O. 245 Nixon, William P. 187 Cook, J. 11. 248 St. John, E. 189 Stein, Louis 248 Potwin, William 190 Johnson, W. H. 250 Field, B.J. 190 Stenson, S. R. 254 Burley, A. H. 191 Herriott, Mrs. M. L. 255 Milliken, C. J, 192 Gruby, W. H. J.->G McClark, Arthur 194 Thompson, A. 257 Valentine, E. G. 195 Cavanaugh, Mrs. S. 259 Hale, Mrs. V. 196 Bower, K. A. New England (Cong.) Ch. 197 Cavare, C. Jr. Unity Church (Unitarian) 198 Baker, J. M. ::21 Isham.R. N. 200 Esty, Mrs. W. :;-_'5 Fuller, O.F. 202 Me Arthur, R. D. :;-_'S Dunlap, George L. 208 Lipsch, M. H. :;:;<; Waller, J.L. 208 Gibbs, W. S. :;;;? Dole, J. H. 210 Weil, Marcus ; i 4 3 Houghtel ing, W. D . 212 Sercomb, A. L. 344 Johnson, Enos 214 Underwood, B. W. :: 15 Walker, J. H. 215 Hooper. H. 346 Lewis, H. F. 216 Cutler, C. H. :547 Phillips, T. S. 217 Wolford.J. A. 348 Kerfoot, W. D. 218 Burke, J. E. 349 Erskine, F. P. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 149 DEARBORN AVENUE. 350 Towner, H.A. 351 Carinichael, Mrs. M 353 Brady, L. B. 356 Waller, E. 357 Taylor, George 359 Daniels, William S. 301 Burke, Edmund 302 Palmer, Potter 447 Schumann, Charles 449 Senn, Mrs. M. 450 Britlen, Peter 450 Brosseau, Z. R. 462 Krick, George 407 Ayers, H. C. 409 Sturges, W. N. 370 Hoyt.W.M. 375 Kennett.F. J. 375 Durand, J. M. 377 Hurlbut,H.A. 381 Washburn, E. S. 381 Niles, Mrs. H. 385 Hutchinson, O. K. A. 387 Webster, A. E. 390 Johnson, W. F. 393 Wadsworth, E. S. 395 Indirieden, J. B. Ascension Ch. (Epis.) 402 DeKoven, John 405 Charnley, C. M. 408 Ott, O. 4 / 1 Ross, H. H. 473 Odell, J. W. 476 Yoe, P. L. 479 Appleton, Samuel 480 Bates, Eli 484 Molter, John 486 White, Mrs. A. 487 Johnston, John 488 Lichtenbergei, C. 494 Tobin, S. C. 496 Ortmayer, A. 500 Payson, George 502 Felix, B. F. 504 Rothschild, D. 505 Irwin, John 409 Edsall.J. K. 410 Carpenter, A. A. 411 Cowling, J. V. 412 Jewett, John M. 415 Watkins, G. G. 4'26 Peabody, F. 430 Beerce, W. W. 432 Porter, H.H. 434 Street, C. A. 435 Chandler, T. E. 437 Kreigh, Charles 439 Bailey, E. VV. 441 Casey, Mrs. M. M. 445 Powers, 1). J. 507 Fechter, C. 509 Smith, A. R. 5 1 Armstrong, George B . 512 Borchardt, A. F. 514 Savieres, Mrs. G. W. 516 Harrison, N. P. 518 Lisenburth, F. 519 Slack, C.H. 520 Ward, A. M. 522 Schintz, Theodore 523 Armstrong, E. R. 524 Loeb, William 528 Loeb, A. 529 Chard, T. S. 531 Waller. T. S. 150 ELITE OF CHICAGO DEARBORN AVENUE. 533 Potter, O. W. 573 Chapman, F. A. 533 Campbell, J. B.; 588 Prussing, George C. 537 McConnell, L. W. 590 Hosmer, Henry 540 Olsen.JohnC. 594 Tripp, Arnold 550 Gait, A. TJ 600 Moerecke, W. 552 King, P. K. 602 Fargo, S. M. 564 Wilson, John P. 623 Stewart, William; 568 Bullock, J. C. 627 Withrow, Thomas F. 571 Stanley, Caroline NORTH LA SALLE STREET. 127 Butz, Casper 300 Washburne, E. B. 193 Phelps, A. S. 305 Coe, A. L. 217 Woodman, C. L. 307 Blatchford, N. H. 219 Scranton, A. K. 307 Thayer, E. A. 223 Smith, Mrs. 227 Walton, S. 308 312 Taylor, Otorge H. Brentano^j. 228 Anthony, Elliott 314 Whitaker, J. A. 230 Blaisdell, C. W. 314 Foster, Ella 235 Lynch, T. 316 llogers, H. W. Jr. 238 Reed, Mrs. A. 317 McConn.Mrs. A R. 239 Stead, Mrs. J. H. 320 Veiler, P. B. 241 Webster, B. G. 3-22 Elmendorff, W. A. 242 Foot.D. S. 323 Barrett, S. E. 243 Spaulding, S. 324 Weed, Mrs. A. 245 Purington, G. E. 324 Smith, J. B. 246 Smith, Mrs. J. E. 326 Pratt, Dr. E. H. 247 Mullen, E. F. 328 Smith, J. B. 249 Lindsay, David 330 Hey wood, P. P. 252 Rockwood, F. S. 831 Gamble, A. H. 254 Maynard.J. N. 335 Bradley, W. H. Grace Church (Meth.) 337 Burton, L. 260 Leblom, R. 339 Clow, James B. 272 Weigle, F. 343 Hobbs, J. B. 300 Adams, J. McGregor 344 Stephaui, G. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 151 NORTH LA SALLE STREET. 340 Rogers, G. H. 408 Reynolds, J. P. 348 Dauchy, George K. 470 Dickenson, W.- 352 Cragin, E. F. 474 Collins, 353 Henrotin, C. 478 Vowell, S. B. 357 Rounsweil, G- 480 Talbott, P. W. 307 Courtney, liev. Fred'k 482 Wilkinson, J. 370 Barnum, W. H. 489 Mullins, O. B. 372 Kenley, D. F. 490 Starring, Henry 375 Biatchford, E. W. 491 Louenbeck, James 378 Stevenson, A. F. 493 Vandermark M. V. B. 380 White, C. 490 Fullertoii, N. N. 382 Little, Rev. Arthur 497 Watson, W. J. 383 Prentiss, JohnH. 498 Becker, G. 387 Hammond, C. G. 499 Leake.J.D. 300 Millard, C. 499 Miller, J. E. 391 Sturges, J. D. 500 Durham, C. H. 392 Jenkins, G.R. 501 Young, Benjamin T. 394 Bausher, Mrs. H. 503 Merrill, B. 401 E boner, F. J. 505 Terham, J. W. 402 Bauer, A. 507 Deschaur, J. 403 Green, O. B. 509 Cooke, E. G. 404 Bust, William 512 Beckwith, C. 400 Potwin, A. C. 514 Stevenson, R. 408 Cloury, R, C. 519 Junker, A. 410 Smith, C. M. 520 Vocke, William 412 Foray the, H. H. 521 Hamlin, F. N. 414 Schrenk, A. 520 Vogler, H. 420 Washburne, Elmer 527 Foster, O. C. 422 Mullen, W. S. 531 Walker, S. O. 435 McVay, J. 558 Clarke, John S. 437 Watson ; Mrs. R. M. 509 Charmon, H. 445 Colvin, H. D. 583 Flammer, E. 447 Moss, R. E. 587 Ullrich, M. 449 Alston, John 589 Engle, A. 454 Schubeck, E. 593 Temple, A. 45G Hinsdale, N. C. 595 Lundgren, W. O. 406 Smith, L. 001 Collins, H. 0. 152 ELITE OF CHICAGO. NORTH LA SALLE STREET. 6O2 Hess, Ernest 629 Schamer,L. 6O4 Bauuentine, G. A. 628 Schafer, C.F. G06 Lochner.F. 630 Meyer, Jacob 611 Fielder, A. B. 652 Gradle,B. 614 Flentye, Henry 654 Bush, H. 616 Lieb, Herman 656 Palruer. F. W. 622 Kerrigan, W. J. 660 Reike. Henry 624 Goldsmith, A. 662 Weadley, William 625 Waller, C. L. INDIANA STREET. 94 Presson, O.A. 292 Huck, L. C. 183 Smith, M. A. 299 Harmon, Henry 207 Schnider, J . C. 3O2 Herrick, B. 215 Sherman, Philip 306 Radzinski, A.J. J45 Jonas, Julius 310 Hatch, H. L. 250 Normile, M. 312 Kirk, W. M. Sampson, Mrs. J. 314 Hamilton, J. G. Tunnicliffe, William H. 324 Tunnicliffe. Charles Sampson, W. C. 333 Sturges, Frank 267 .Whedon, Mrs. C. A. 334 Waite, Horace F. 273 'Springer, C. A. 339 Mann. H. M. 274 Jennison, H. F. 341 Nichols, W. C. Mackin, Thomas \oyes, M. C. Weyl, A. 349 Schakman, A. 281 Seeleck, W. R. 352 Kinsella, F. J. 283 Hand, William H. 354 Hoffman, Theo. 284 Hawley, O. F. 355 Nichols, D. C. 285 Nash, H. H. 359 Molton, George M. '. Payne, A. M. 366 Miller. X. K. 286 Raffington, T. M. 374 Vance, John 288VzRoelle, Joseph 384 Walsh. William OHIO STREET. Fee.Mre.M-A. Cobb.M.D. Walsh, Mn.EEca Oakiey.aH. : i 336 MeweO.Mre.C-D. 337 Hazmoo. E. C. 345 347 Baxter, D.F Morse. F. EL Pence, A. M. Hunter Da rid SvBrtcfaild, & .H. E. ONTARIO STREET. I H. IS8 221 Riee,C.Lu 4 Freer, C. 225 C. 236 Corner, JLW. 154 ELITE OF CHICAGO. ONTARIO STREET. 260 Cameron, Augustus 350 Adams, Benjamin F. 262 Wright, A. J. 352 Dow, J. Hall 263 Chandler, George 356 Forsythe, J . F. 264 Norton, Edward 358 Dater, P.W. 266 Judd, S. C. 359 Rogers, E. K.. 266 Foltz, F.L. 361 Oldershaw, P. P. 267 Mulliken, C. H. 363 Leslie, George 269 Dwight, W. J. 365 Hammond, C. N. 271 Wallace, James 367 Cloyes, Charles 273 Johnson, J. B. 369 Garey.^J. E. 275 Preston, George E. 370 Fox, William 277 Goodwin, Daniel 373 Baunard, H. C. 279 Clark, George C. 374 Stephen, J. W. 281 Bellas, Thomas 379 Sheldon, E. H. 285 High, George M. 381 Hills, D. H. 287 Gilman, A. P. 383 Eames, Mrs. M. 289 Miller, A. P. 383 Crosby, F. W. 291 Jones, D. B. 384 Newell, John 295 Wheeler, Tolman 385 Burlock, W. E. 301 Sawyer. S. ERIE STREET. 202 Brosseau, John 264 Beek, G. W. 205 Kronberg, M. 267 Hessart, Gustav. 207 Eisendrath, C. 269 Harvey, G. D. 212 Neuberg, A. E. 269 North, R. L. 237 Remington, H. H. 270 Whedon, J. P. 239 White, Joseph 979 Dupee, C. A. 240 Waldo, J. A. B. 277 Tucker, J. F. 241 Blackiran, E. 286 Rice, Mrs. J. 242 Cross, George W. 287 Brewer, John S. 243 Wooley, Robert 287 Stron?, W. B. 247 Razinski, D. S. 290 Bush, E. 251 Scorck, Charles 292 Abbey, R. 253 Istel, William L'tlT Douglass, J. M. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 155 ERIE STREET. 299 Charmley, James 300 Corbin, C. R. 363 Sheldon, H. J. 378 Blair, F.M. 301 Kales, F. H. 302 Hill, E. A. 382 Shay, Thomas J. 384 Qnan, W. J. 314 Gregory, Charles A. 386 Day, A. M. HURON STREET. 237 Gormley, R. P. 275 Adams, Mrs. E. S. 240 Wickoff, J. S. 286 Krantz, John 241 Epstein, Nathan 291 Davis, F. H. 243 Beecher, S. F. 294 Otis, E. A. 246 Ide,H. P. 305 Pietch, C. F. 247 Raymond, Andrew 309 Butterfield, W. L. 253 Weil, S. 268 Drury.J. H. 313 Rumsey, J. S. 406 Dobbins, G. JD. 275 Kirkland, E. S. SUPERIOR STREET. 213 Merz, G. 317 Kerwin, M. W. 214 Kuhnen, George 218 Kuhnen, Nic 319 Lawrence, C. B. 324 Knauer, Edmond 233 Pratt, JL. G. 237 Brown, L. A. 244 Ralph, A. H. 353 Gorham, S. H. 248 Nelson, A. 357 Parsons, J. C. 249 Lewis, I. J. 361 Flower, J. W.. 264 Ash, Isaac N. 363 Page, B. V. * 268 Donlin, John 365 Shehan, J. W. 273 Quirk, Daniel 369 Winston, F. H. 277 Lowry, William Holy Name (Cath.) Cathedral 310 Hesing, Washington 373 Spears, H. D. 377 Althrop, Thomas 379 Gehr, Samuel 310 Hesing, A. C. 381 DePuy, M. A. 315 Hennessy, P. M. 383 Hosmer, E. D. 156 ELITE OF CHICAGO. SUPERIOR STREET. 385 Stein, Philip 402 Boardman, H. M. 387 Wheeler, Mrs. C. V. 403 Swing, Bev. David 389 Truesdell, John P. 406 Bent, W. B. 391 Butter, J. O. 407 Yale, John A. 393 Brown, Frank C. 408 Hopkins, M. 395 Walsh, James 412 Davis, Charles C. 396 Jones, A. M. K. 414 McKinney, J. S. 397 Gardiner, H. H. 416 Cline, John 399 Maniere, W. B. 418 Bayrnond, H. W. 400 Weston, E. D. 425 Schoyer, C. A. 401 Cobb, A. W. 426 Casler, G. H. ILLINOIS STREET. 238 Wyckoff, H. A. 274 Wolcott, H. E. 241 Sheldon, E. H. 289 Boof, A. E. 268 Waterman, B. 290 Galloway, W. C. 269 Moses, C. A. 292 Eaton, D. 272 Etheridge, F. 359 Stanley, H. P. CHICAGO AVENUE. 101 Akerlimd, A. 310 Beebe, Mrs. A. J. 117 Anderson, John A. 319 Hurlbut, Mrs. H. 149 Felt, L. W. 327 Milling, M. 153 Anderson, Mrs. M. 333 Bell, Mrs. W. S. 181 Anderson, H. 350 Beed, J. S. 247 Bush, G. 352 Bussell, W. B. 271 Cook, A. H. 361 Howe, A. B. 272 Cly bourne, J. A. 374 Hoffman, H. H. 273 Hancock, Bradford 376 Barrington, W. L. 297 Crosby, N. D. 376 Cox, Mrs. E. H. 302 Bartling, F. 384 Metzler, Jacob 303 Clark, George 390 Cox, C. C. 304 Memory, Henry 393 Hunt, W. C. 305 MacMahon, John E. 418 Cregier, D. C. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 157 .242 246 CHESTNUT STREET. 201 Greeley, Samuel S. 208 Archer, Julius 222 Porter, T. 224 Paul, A. E. 237 Redell, R. F. Aldrich, H. Robbins, R. 265 Ryerson, E. L. 367 Hunt, A. L. 269 Houghling, J. 301 Maltman, J. S. 305 Fulle -, C. W. 306 Pellet, O. B. 308 Bradley, P. B. 331 Finney, G. C. 335 Harding, Charles 337 Harmon, William CENTRE STREET. 375 Roseboom, W. L. 383 Meyer, Henry 387 Young, W. S. 402 Hobart, H. M. 404 Maus, Fred K. 406 Hawkins, H. D. 408 Reed, William 414 Hedges, S. P. 418 Rehm, Jacob 419 Forest, F. L. 426 Holton.C. C. OAK STREET. 68 Jeffries, C. 176 Lenox, John F. 181 Richie, John 207 Ward, D. 225 Lamonte, M. 229 Wolff, George 293 Rorke, M. A. 239 Chai.dler, H. S. 241 Congdon, C.B. 241 Bigelow, J.L. 273 Griesheimer, M. 278 Pryor, G. 287 Ayers, J. M. 289 Rountree, John M. 291 Chetlain, A. L. 291 Chetlain, Arthur 292 Mason, R. B. 293 Gilbert, A.M. 299 Brooks, T. C. 376 Tyffe, J. W, 382 Hartman, F. 384 Fuchs, Julius 418 Baerlin, L. 429 Bus h, Ulrich 431 Matson, O. H. 158 ELITE OF CHICAGO. ELM STREET. 68 Johnson, J. H. 01 Adams, W. H. 92 Willie, D. 126 Wilkins.J.N. 128 Stanley, P. E. 223 Gee, Charles WEBSTER AVENUE. 192 Snyder, William H. 210 Potter, W. L. 307 Gage.H. H. 415 Gortlin, William H. 431 Goetz, Henry 486 StiUwell.John 488 Patton, F. F. 491 Plocke, N. 492 Shipman.Elias Messereau, M. D. Goodwillie, R. W. Paoli, Dr. G. C. NORTH AVENUE. 236 Franke, F. H. 239 Fisher, John 245 Freeman, Theodore 267 Foltz, Conrad 279 Jungen, H. 282 Brunke, J. 283 Birren, C. 285 Baade, Henry 287 Bateman, S. 305 Gerhardy, E. 326 Fleisher, K. 340 Heno, E. 341 Grinnel, Fred 354 Jung, M. 364 Hess,J. 405 Grimme, L. 416 Hogenson, E. 449 Hanney.Phil 455 Baur, John 510 Gates, C. F. 516 Fogg.J.F. 516 Go wan, V. D. ORCHARD STREET. 279 287 294 301 Cooley, Wm. T. Quinn, William V. Clifford, John Bowman, Dan M. 311 Faulkner, Mrs. William 379 Fogg, G. L. 417 Furness. William E. 437 Dow, William REVERSED DIRECTORY. 159 WELLS STREET. 420 Feder, F. A. 451 Fielder, A. B. 460 Freund, W. 472 Friesse.A. 660 Fuick, J. A. 717 Armbruster, John MISCELLANEOUS. WASHINGTON PLACE. 1 Cowan, Charles 2 Marshall, Thomas 4 McKay, A. 7 Magruder.B.D. 8 Preston, E. B. MICHIGAN STKEET. 2(50 Hanford.E. 262 Johnson, M. WHITE STREET. 239 Clark, G. M. FULLERTON AVENUE. 575 Buckingham, C. P. WISCONSIN STREET. 25 Patterson, E. W. 68 Alstrum, W. SCHILLER STREET. 24!> Bailey, E. LINCOLN PARK. Benson, O. CHURCH STREET. .'570 Garretson, D. G. FRANKLIN STREET. 2,51 Eisendrath, M. S. 295 Eyster, Benjamin CHERRY AVENUE. 249 Edler.F. MAPLE STREET. 20 Drescher, H. 67 Dorman, M.E. 67 Dickenson, W. P. CEDAR STREET. 32 Brand, M. 38 Dewes, F. J. 45 Douglass, Thomas 53 Brand, Rudolph 160 ELITE OF CHICAGO. Established 1850. Losses Paid, Over $0,000,000. Cash Capital, Reserve for Re-Insurance, Reserve for Unpaid Losses, Dividends Unpaid, Net Surplus, $500,000 00 302,657 13 46,500 00 258 50 570,973 53 $1,420,389 16 Surplus as to Policy Holders, $1,070,973.53. AGENCIES AT ALL PROMINENT POINTS IN THIS NATION. P. NOTMAN, Prest. THOS. F. GOODRICH, Sec. DAVID BEVERIDGE, Mang'r. Western Dept. CHICAGO.