'L'l B RAHY OF THL UN IVLRSITY OF ILLINOIS 355.22 oop- 4 ILL. HiST. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/selectiveserviceOOkleb Selective Service in Illinois 1940 - 1947 The publication of this volume was au- thorized by the Sixty-Fifth General As- sembly of the State of Illinois. The funds appropriated for the production of the book were allotted to the Gov- ernor's Office. SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS 1940-1947 A complete history of the operation of the Selective Service System in Illinois from its inception on September 16, 1940 to its termination on March 31, 1947 Written and compiled by COL. VICTOR KLEBER, A.G.D. formerly Deputy State Director Illinois Selective Service System PRINTED BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS Service in the measure of that given by the personnel of the Illinois Selective Service System in America's crucial emergency and war period could be achieved only as the result of great patriotic urge. Volunteer per- sonnel gave freely of their time without thought of material gain. Compen- sated personnel toiled hours far beyond the time requirements of their jobs. The only purpose of all was to do a job that was vital to the freedom and well-being of their Nation. Time was, by no means, the limit of contribution by these staunch citizens of Illinois. The quality of their efforts was unsurpassed, their judgment unex- celled and their integrity unswerving. In spite of difficult and sometimes heart- breaking decisions, and in the face of almost insurmountable obstacles, all carried on faithfully. Little wonder, then, that the State of Illinois and all its citizens are profoundly grateful to their fellow men and women who achieved such a magnificent record in the administration of Selective Service in this State. It is indeed most fitting that, through this history of Selective Service operation in Illinois, posterity shall know of their glorious achievement which not only helped Illinois contribute more than her proportionate share of manpower to the armed forces but also was a definite factor in our State establishing enviable records of wartime industrial and agricultural production. As the Governor who had the privilege of being the nominal head of Selective Service in Illinois during World War II, I congratulate State Director Paul G. Armstrong and his thousands of loyal associates and extend to them my most sincere personal thanks for their unselfish, patriotic service. Governor of Illinois. December 15, 1948. IV jss~, £<& Cj~ \QJa. f HERBERT GEORG PHOTO HON. DWIGHT H. GREEN Governor, State of Illinois — 1941-1948 Upon receiving the sad news of the death of Governor Henry Horner, I was called upon by the Adjutant General of Illinois to recommend a selection of the various members of the Selective Service System for the State of Illinois, and it became my responsibility to recommend citizens to serve on the Boards who were to select our young men for military service. In the defense program and later in the war effort of our Nation, the prime requisites as recommended by Washington were integrity, intelligence, fairmindedness and courage. It was no less important that those in their official duties be entirely free of political influence, racial prejudice and religious intolerance. None of these latter matters could be allowed to enter into decisions which, in a collective sense, affected the lives of almost every man, woman and child in the State. Realizing the responsibility, I called upon individuals whom I had known in The American Legion of Illinois for the twenty years prior to 1940. I called these from a group of 101 downstate counties at Springfield, and from Cook County at Chicago, and these men were told of the objective that was wanted by the high officials of the Selective Service in Washington. The magnificent record attained by the Illinois Selective Service System was, in itself, the highest possible tribute that could be paid to the way that the members of the Boards were selected. They proved their ability, fairness and courage. The Selective Service Boards, from the State Director, Paul G. Armstrong, down to every individual who served on Local Boards, all of whom gave loyal and unselfish, patriotic service, constituted a vital factor in America's emerging victorious from a terrible war that threatened our very existence. I know that every other citizen of Illinois joins me in expressing profound gratitude to them for their momentous service during this trying time of need. Former Governor of Illinois. December 17, 1948 PHOTO BY BRETZMAN HON. JOHN STELLE Governor, State of Illinois — 1940 HERBERT GEORG PHOTO THE LATE BRIG. GEN. LAWRENCE V. REGAN Former Adjutant General, State of Illinois viii MOFFETT PHOTO THE LATE HON. HENRY HORNER Governor, State of Illinois — 1933-1940 Time after time — in the press, on the radio, and on the public stand — I have paid generous tribute to the loyalty, intelligence and ability of the patriotic citizens who were associated with me in the operation of the Selective Service System from 1940 to 1947. Yet, any words I might have used then, or could use now, fall hopelessly short of expressing my real feelings of gratitude. No one knows better than I the ceaseless toil of the workers, the tremen- dous personal sacrifices they made, the forging ahead in their tasks in spite of countless difficulties and critical decisions, their high purpose and their unwavering loyalty to their country's cause. The President of the United States did me great honor by conferring upon me the Medal of Merit in appreciation of the exceptional record which the Selective Service System achieved. Personally, as State Director, I was only the symbol of a great body of faithful men and women whose efforts — and theirs alone — made possible the opportunity for my receiving special honors. In fact, I was privileged to accept the Medal for Merit on behalf of my loyal associates who were the real earners of any acknowledgment for outstanding performance of duties. Again, I am happy to express my deepest gratitude to my staff, the Local and Appeal Board Members, the Government Appeal Agents, the Examining Physicians and Dentists, the Medical Advisory Board Members, the Members of the Registrant's Advisory Boards, the Reemployment Committeemen, the compensated personnel, and the many other citizens who rendered special voluntary services to the System. The memories of my association with them will always be one of my most treasured possessions. State Director of Selective Service. December 16, 1948 KAUFMAN & FABRY PHOTO COL. PAUL G. ARMSTRONG State Director of Selective Service XI My heartiest congratulations to the State of Illinois for its record of achievement in raising manpower for our armed forces during one of the most critical periods in our country's history. The brilliant Selective Service record of Illinois and the other States con- cerns the past, of course, but in certain respects it is a definite yardstick by which we can measure the future; and the experience should teach us a great many invaluable things which are of more than passing value, because our existence may very well depend on how well we have learned the lesson of those gruelling war years. Victory could not have been won had it not been for Selective Service, and the evidence is plain and irrefutable that Selective Service could not have functioned successfully were it not based on democratic principles older even than our Nation. If we face an uncertain future, we must not forget that there has been no time in our history when our future was certain. All we can do is to plan arduously and intelligently for a number of contingencies and resolve that any mistakes made in the past will not be repeated. That is why I so firmly believe that the Selective Service organization in Illinois and the other States has a job now — a job very well begun, but a job by no means finished. Director of Selective Service February 2, 1949 Xll SIGNAL CORPS PHOTO MA J. GEN. LEWIS B. HERSHEY, USA National Director of Selective Service Xlll ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The preparation of a history such as this volume represents more than the individual capabilities of the author. It is fitting, then, that I should acknowledge my deepest thanks to those who have been especially helpful in providing necessary research material and giving personal services which contributed to the completeness and completion of the book. Major Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, the able National Director of Selective Service, graciously gave permission to reproduce certain portions of his four Reports to the President and various other publications issued by National Headquarters. In addition, he provided special statistical information neces- sary to tell the full story of the Selective Service program in Illinois. I am indeed obligated to him for his generous helpfulness. I am particularly grateful to Col. Paul G. Armstrong, who established such an outstanding record as Illinois State Director of Selective Service in 1940-47, and who is again serving his country in a similar capacity. In the planning of the book, Colonel Armstrong gave me countless hours for interviews pertaining to policies to be followed. Night after night, he sacrificed his personal time to read and edit reams of copy. He made available to me important records and granted permission to use significant excerpts from his Final Report to the National Director. Words are inadequate to express fully the depth of my appreciation for his earnest and willing helpfulness, his patience and his encouragement. Space restrictions prevent my listing the names of all others who cooperated in less, but important, measure toward the achievement of this volume, but my thanks to them are none the less sincere. These words would be wanting were I to fail to make mention of the wisdom and farsightedness of Gov. Dwight H. Green and the Illinois State Legislature in their making available to present and future generations of Illinois citizens a complete history of this great State's glorious patriotic contribution to its Nation in time of gravest need. To Governor Green, I am especially thankful for the privilege of writing and compiling this historical volume. V.K. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I. Origin and Development of Selective Service ... 1 II. Principles of Selective Service 7 III. Creation of the Selective Service System 15 IV. Illinois Organizes 19 V. Establishment of State Headquarters 25 VI. Local Boards 59 VII. Boards of Appeal 77 VIII. Medical Advisory Boards , 81 IX. Operation of State Headquarters 85 X. Local Board Operation 91 XI. Registration 97 XII. Serial and Order Numbering 107 XIII. Classification HI XIV. Classification in Operation 123 XV. The Appeal Process 199 i XVI. Medical Aspects of Selective Service 207 9 XVII. Induction 229 < XVIII. Reemployment 241 XV TABLE OF CONTENTS— Continued CHAPTER PAGE XIX. Public Relations 253 XX. Enforcement of the Law 263 XXI. Selective Service Cost in Illinois 267 XXII. Appreciation of Service 271 XXIII. State Director's Recommendations 281 L'Envoi 289 Appendix 291 Addenda 507 Index 511 CHAPTER ORIGIN AND DEVELOPMENT OF SELECTIVE SERVICE The principle of requiring able-bodied men to participate actively in the defense of a nation in time of war dates back almost to the beginning of man. From times immemorial, men have recognized the obligation to join in a common defense — the defense of their persons, their women and children, their property and their rights. Back almost to the time of Adam, father and brothers combined to stand off enemies of the family; later, the bond of unity in battle was extended to tribes and, finally, to nations. The first recorded history of operation of selective service principles can be found in the first chapter of Numbers in the Holy Bible, wherein it is told that Moses and Aaron registered and classified the Jews, placing 603,550 able-bodied men in the fighting class — or, as it came to be popularly known in our day, Class 1-A. In the Roman empire, under the rule of Julius Caesar, men were drafted for ten years military service and were required to furnish their own equip- ment. When this program of conscription was discontinued, the power of Rome declined. AMERICAN WAR OF INDEPENDENCE In America, the recognition of an able-bodied male citizen's obligation to military service is as old as the Nation itself. The very necessities of pioneer existence demanded a self-armed citizenry and emphasized the need for universal military service. The Continental Congress, recognizing that need, recommended to the inhabitants of the United English Colonies that all able-bodied men between sixteen and fifty years of age be formed into companies of militia (July 18, 1775). Such militias were formed — though not by conscription methods — each group differing considerably from the other in standards, requirements and procedure. The thirteen colonies were united in their desire to become a free and independent nation. Yet, each colony was a separate political body with powers individual to itself, jealous of its rights and too often unwilling to give up any of its powers to the Congress — even for a mutual cause. Common sense dictated that a unified, mobile military force, that could be used in any part of the war area, was necessary in the campaign against the British during the War of Independence. Yet, it was almost impossible to get the colony militias far from home, for tradition held them to be purely local defense forces. Nor could they be kept in the field long enough to acquire the proper amount of training, conditioning and discipline necessary SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS for successful military operations. Hence, the newly-organized Nation fought its victorious struggle for independence under severe military handicaps. A Regular Army had been created (mostly on paper) by the Continental Congress. Sufficient manpower, however, could not be induced to enlist on a volunteer basis. Even though large cash bounties were offered, voluntary enlistments remained hopelessly inadequate to meet the crucial needs of the harassed leader of the colonies' armed forces — Gen. George Washington. Time after time, Washington was forced to call urgently upon the various States for personnel from the militia, and these ill-trained troops were gen- erally unsatisfactory. While history records countless instances of valor, the militia troops lacked training and discipline and proved a constant problem to their army leaders. Then, because the men had volunteered or were drafted in the militia of their own colony for certain specified periods of time and for service within their own colonies, they could not be counted on for the carrying out of an extended campaign. (One example of the plight of Washington lay in his report from Morristown, New Jersey, on March 14, 1777, when he stated that he had but 1,000 Regulars and 2,000 militia men — the latter's engagement for military service expiring that same month — to face over 20,000 British troops in and around New York.) All of these faults served to put the American military leaders at great disad- vantage against the highly trained and experienced hired foreign troops of the British. With the formation of the new Republic in 1776, the Constitution gave the central government the necessary authority to wage a war effectively and successfully. Realizing the necessity of manpower volume and control, Washington proposed a true selective service procedure to the First Con- gress. He wanted to register and classify the men of the new nation by age and physical fitness; to segregate the fit men between eighteen and twenty- five years of age into tactical units; to give them special training by selected instructors; to retain the men as long as necessary. Had the Congress fol- lowed General Washington's request, an effective citizen army would have been developed with a resulting shortening of the war. . . . His proposals, however, failed to become law — despite his own pleas and those of Jefferson and Madison. As a result of this failure on the part of the First Congress to use adequately its power to raise an army that could fight effectively, the war dragged out for seven long years. During those seven years, the Americans employed a total of close to four hundred thousand men, while the strength of the enemy in any one year (1781) was but forty-two thousand men. THE WAR BETWEEN THE STATES At the beginning of the War between the States, we had no effective military policy as a nation. The first troops raised by the North in 1861 ORIGIN AND DEVELOPMENT OF SELECTIVE SERVICE were ten companies of District of Columbia militia — troops which could not be used more than ten miles outside that area. Next, Lincoln called for seventy-five thousand militia for a period of three months. The President soon discovered that the South could not be subdued in three months. Union troops in the Manassas area actually marched away from the field of battle during the height of conflict — simply because their enlistment time had expired! The South, in the meantime, had begun with a one-year enlist- ment period which, while unsatisfactory, at least was a better policy than was in effect in the North as it provided greater stabilization to the Southern armies and kept the troops in the field during critical operations. President Lincoln, finally sensing a long, drawn-out war, began recruit- ing for "three years of the war." Here again the principle of obtaining military manpower in volume by voluntary enlistment failed miserably. Within a year, voluntary recruiting had fallen far short of its goal, and when the Northern government, in desperation, ordered the draft of 300,000 militia to serve for nine months, recruiting collapsed entirely. Therefore, the North was forced to rely upon the draft for its military manpower in its effort to preserve the Union. Many mistakes in the Draft Act of those days became readily apparent. The first major error was that the draft was not introduced until almost two years after the war began. In fact, the draft was resorted to simply to put pressure upon those who had failed to volunteer. Next it was a strictly mili- tary operation, Federally controlled and without consideration of State or local rights. Furthermore, among other faults, there was the great mistake of per- mitting any able-bodied man to avoid service if he paid $300 to purchase exemption or hire a substitute to fight in his stead. This latter phase of the Draft Act led to the establishment of "substitute brokers" throughout the North, a "racket" in which a man would hire out, for military service, through a "substitute broker," report for duty, desert, then go back to the "substitute broker," and hire out for some other man willing to pay $300 to stay home. This process was repeated over and over again with the con- sequent loss of manpower and waste of funds. Brig. Gen. James Oakes, as Assistant Provost Marshal ("State Director" would be the term today), administered the draft in Illinois during the civil war in the sixties. With the termination of the war and his active duties ended, General Oakes prepared and submitted a comprehensive report in which he particularly noi.ed the Draft Act's shortcomings and made sug- gestions for corrective procedure for any future emergency which might again require compulsory military service. Fifty years later, General Oakes' recommendations were made the fundamental basis for the draft law which was put into effect in World War I and which operated with reasonable success. SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS SELECTIVE SERVICE IN WORLD WAR I History had proved time after time that a nation at war could not ef- fectively obtain manpower in sufficient and continuing volume solely through the volunteering process. The 66th Congress therefore lost little time, after its declaration of war upon Germany and the latter's allies, in passing a law requiring able-bodied men to serve their Nation in its emergency. The World War I Draft Act eliminated the serious faults of the draft of civil war days. It provided for the examination, selection and induction of physically fit men of certain age groups by the local boards. Once a selected man was mailed an induction card by his Local Board — telling him that he had been inducted into the armed forces (National Army) — such selected man was thereupon subject to military law and could be tried by court-martial if he failed to report as directed by his Local Board. One outstanding fault of the World War I Draft Act was that it permitted "blanket deferment" for all men employed in some particular industry, the outstanding example being the Emergency Fleet Corporation which was engaged in ship-building occupations. Although countless men were neces- sarily and properly deferred because of their industrial work, this provision of the law enabled many other able-bodied men (the bulk of them untrained and inexperienced industrially) who were needed by the armed forces, to evade military service by gaining employment with the Emergency Fleet Corporation. Outside of a few other minor faults, the World War I Draft Act is considered to have operated satisfactorily. There were 4,650 local draft boards in World War I. Approximately 24,000,000 men were registered. The draft provided 4,000,000 men to the armed forces and, at the time the armistice was signed on November 11, 1918, an additional 3,500,000 men were classified in I-A and were awaiting induc- tion call. SELECTIVE SERVICE PLANNING PRIOR TO WORLD WAR II Long before the actual passage of the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, men who were alert to the need for the defense of the Nation, including the established defense agencies of government with all of the major veteran organizations cooperating, had been busy planning and pre- paring a selective service law for passage in the event of a serious emergency. While many amendments were later found necessary to correct certain abuses and conditions which developed, the original version of the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 was first written back in 1932. In the National Defense Act of 1920, Congress placed upon the War Department General Staff the responsibility for developing plans to obtain military manpower in any emergency which might confront the Nation. In 1926, the Joint Army and Navy Selective Service Committee was estab- ORIGIN AND DEVELOPMENT OF SELECTIVE SERVICE lished for the purpose of formulating and improving plans for the operation of a selective service system that could be put into effect immediately in case of necessity. The Committee was composed of a board of officers from the Army, Navy, Marine Corps and National Guard. Approximately one hundred reserve officers of the various service branches were assigned to the Committee for training. After the original drafting of the proposed law in 1932, the Committee set up four annual regional conferences (Washington, Fort Sheridan, New Orleans and San Francisco) for instructional purposes. These conferences were attended regularly each year by the reserve officers assigned to the Committee, specially assigned National Guard officers of the various State Staffs in the respective conference areas, and a few Army and Navy officers as liaison representatives. Each conference was of two weeks' duration and was conducted for the thorough consideration of every phase of the pro- posed selective service law and the regulations prepared for its administration. In between conferences, the Committee's reserve officers and designated members of the State Staffs took regular correspondence courses dealing with the various aspects of selective service. The Burke-Wadsworth bill of 1940, passed by the 76th Congress, was the result of this extensive planning of more than eighteen years for a se- lective service program for use in the Nation's emergency. The successful administration of the Selective Service law was due not only to the careful planning entered into long before the emergency arose, but also to the abili- ties of the National Director, the State Directors and their staffs to adapt the System rapidly to changing conditions and needs brought about by total war. CARTOON BY HARRY TURNER, INDUCTEE OF CHICAGO BOARD NO. 14 CHAPTER II PRINCIPLES OF SELECTWE SERVICE Perhaps the shortest and broadest definition of the underlying principles of Selective Service can be found in that portion of the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, which reads as follows: "The Congress further declares that, in a free Society, the obligation and privilege of military training and service should be shared generally in accordance with a fair and just system of selective compulsory military training and service." In those words, the Congress expressed the doctrine of the obligation of man to join with his fellow men in the defense of the rights and principles com- mon to a family, a community, a State or a Nation. Perhaps no other activity which the Nation has ever experienced affected the homes of so many of its citizens as did Selective Service. It was a far- flung organization which reached into the densely populated sections of New York City . . . the mines in Pennsylvania . . . the wheat fields of Minne- sota . . . the oil fields of Texas . . . the apple orchards of Washington . . . the cotton fields of Mississippi ... in fact, into every little hamlet in the re- motest parts of the country. In every one of the three thousand and seventy counties in the United States, at least one Local Board was set up with from three to five members, assisted by clerical, legal, medical and other personnel in their work of operating the Selective Service System. Originally, the Act provided that every male citizen, and every male declarant alien residing in the United States, who had attained his twenty- first birthday but had not yet reached his thirty-sixth birthday, was required to register and be subject to twelve months of military training and service. In later amendments to the law, Congress extended the registration age limits to include all men between the ages of eighteen and sixty-four years, inclusive. Induction liability was confined to men ages eighteen to forty- four years, inclusive. Inducted men were required to serve for a period of twelve consecutive months unless sooner discharged or the Congress declared the national interest imperiled. After their service, they were to be transferred to a reserve component of the land or naval forces for a period of ten years or until they reached their forty-fifth birthday, whichever was sooner. The Selective Service law, as passed in 1940, provided a limit of 900,000 men on active duty with the Army. World events of 1941 sounded a warn- ing of growing danger to the safety of the United States, and on August 18, 1941, Congress amended the Act to extend the period of an inducted man's military service from twelve months to eighteen months period also SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS empowering the Army to enlist or induct as many men as it needed, so long as proper facilities were available for all in service. (This amendment had only one vote majority in the House of Representatives.) After Pearl Harbor the period of military service liability was made unlimited. Deferments from compulsory training and service were confined mostly to those whose civilian occupations were necessary to the Nation's health, safety and interest, and to those whose removal from civilian life would work a personal or financial hardship upon their dependents. Details of deferments of other nature will be found under "The Various Classifications" later in this volume. Classification of a registrant was made in his own community — by men who were his neighbors, who knew local conditions and, in many cases, actually had extensive knowledge of the circumstances of the individual registrants themselves. Thus the law intended that the process of selection was not to be done mechanically by some far-removed group, but rather by local groups who were vitally interested in community and individual welfare as balanced against the Nation's military needs. So that no arbitrary element of classification would exist, the law pro- vided that a registrant, a dependent, an employer, or certain others, could appeal from the determination of a Local Board. In some cases, even an appeal to the President of the United States was provided. Every person concerned was thus assured of the fullest possible consideration before final decision was made as to the registrant's availability for military training and service. Since the average registrant was untutored in the technicalities and com- plications of filing claims for deferment, the law provided assistance to them — first, through Advisory Boards for Registrants, who helped regis- trants fill out their Selective Service questionnaires: second, through Gov- ernment Appeal Agents who advised the registrants and assisted them in filing deferment claims and appeals. By their watchfulness, the Government Appeal Agents also protected the interests of the Federal government. No classification, under the law, was permanent. Any exemption or de- ferment provided by the Act prevailed only so long as the legal reason for such exemption or deferment continued. Considerable criticism of the draft in World War I developed because of group deferment of men employed by the Emergency Fleet Corporation at that time. While a great number of men so employed were most valuable to their country in their civilian occupation, the special exemption allowed many others to find an easy means for escaping military service. Therefore, in the Act of 1940, the 76th Congress eliminated the possibility of such criticism by specifically providing that (1) no deferment should be made except on the basis of the individual status and circumstances of the regis- trant, and (2) no deferments should be made of individuals by occupational PRINCIPLES OF SELECTIVE SERVICE groups, or of groups of individuals in any particular plant or institution. (During a later period of administration of the Selective Service law, critical shortage of vitally needed war materials required that certain industries be given adequate protection by special deferment consideration. However, even in these cases, deferment was made by the Local Board only on the basis of the individual importance of each registrant's occupation and ability and was supported by documentary evidence showing skill and need. In the administration of the Selective Service program, men would have to leave good-paying jobs and enter military service. To protect the civilian livelihoods of these men after their release from active duty, the Congress made it mandatory for inducted employees of the Federal government and private enterprise to be restored to their same positions, or positions of like seniority, status and pay, after their military service. State, county and municipal governments, under the Constitution, were not covered by this law. (The State of Illinois later passed a similar reemployment law for military personnel.) Throughout the entire administration of the Selective Service Training and Service Act, both the law and the regulations pursuant thereto were amended to meet any changes and problems which arose. Thus, the basic fairness of the law itself and the ability and willingness to make necessary changes for the good of the Nation and its citizens demonstrated, in actual practice, the true democracy which our forefathers so wisely set up as the path for the United States of America. OBJECTIVES OF SELECTIVE SERVICE Obviously, the basic objective of Selective Service was to procure mili- tary manpower for the armed forces. However, the System had the further responsibility of obtaining such manpower with the least possible disturbance to the industrial, agricultural, social and religious life of the Nation. Too, from the standpoint of the armed forces themselves, every fit man of mili- tary age could not summarily be drafted and sent into service, for many of these men were vital in the production and shipping of food, armament, ammunition and other equipment so vital to the active and successful prose- cution of war. It has been carefully estimated that it takes seven men behind the lines to support every single fighting man at the front. Picture, then the tremendous number of civilians necessary to produce the sustenance, equipment and supplies needed by the total number of men actually engaged in the pursuit of war. Extreme hardship in family life could not be permitted, for the man whose family is in dire need because of his being in service could not possibly avoid worry over his loved ones which caused low morale with a consequent inefficiency that made him a liability, rather than an asset, to the armed forces. The religious life of the community could not be sud- SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS denly upset; political structures had to be maintained intact; true conscien- tious objection to organized war had to be recognized as a fundamental liberty. These and many others, were the vital considerations that confronted Local Board members in determining just who should go into service and who should stay home. ILLINOIS PREPARED National plans for selective service provided that the National Guard State Staffs of the various States were to assume the responsibility of plan- ning for individual State operation of selective service in case emergency required. The original plans for a State selective service organization in Illinois were therefore prepared in 1935 and 1936 under the direction of Adj. Gen. Carlos A. Black, who assigned the task to Major John A. Prosser of the State Staff. The State Plan was founded on the basis provided by the Joint Army and Navy Selective Service Committee, being amended and amplified to cover the requirements of this particular State. (At the time, plans were also made to institute a voluntary recruiting plan which was intended to be operated in the interim while the Congress was considering the adoption of a selective service law. The Voluntary Recruiting Plan for Illinois was thoroughly worked out and ready for immediate activation, but the quick action of the 76th Congress in 1940 in passing the Selective Service law eliminated the necessity for using the organized voluntary enlistment campaign.) In developing the State Plan for Selective Service in Illinois, the assigned members of the State Staff set up local and appeal board areas on the basis of population, also selecting tentative locations for the various board head- quarters. Arrangements were made for the use of the election machinery for registration of men in the event mobilization of military manpower be- came necessary. During the succeeding years prior to 1940, Majors Stanley R. McNeil and Robert M. Woodward of the State Staff were given special assignments for selective service training and attended the yearly conferences conducted by the Joint Army and Navy Selective Service Committee, also expanding their knowledge of the subject by correspondence courses. (In addition, the State's Voluntary Recruiting Plan was developed under the immediate supervision of Major McNeil.) When Adjutant General Black died in 1939, he was succeeded by Brig. Gen. Lawrence V. Regan who, shordy after taking his new office, ordered certain members of his staff to assemble in Chicago for the purpose of study- ing plans for operating Selective Service in Illinois. The following officers were in attendance at that conference: 10 PRINCIPLES OF SELECTIVE SERVICE Col. William E. Swanson Maj. Stanley R. McNeil Maj. Robert M. Woodward Capt. Alexander T. Sedgwick Capt. Frank J. Conley 1st Lt. Fred W. Jacobi 1st Lt. Charles J. Magnesen Maj. Victor A. Kleber, an Army reserve officer assigned to the Joint Army and Navy Selective Service Committee, was in part-time attendance at the conference and assisted in the meetings. Because of the trend of events, General Regan later assigned Lt. Charles J. Magnesen to full-time duty on coordination of Illinois' selective service planning. In early summer of 1940, when it appeared inevitable that some kind of selective service legislation would be introduced shortly in Congress, General Regan, along with other Adjutants General, conferred with the Joint Army and Navy Selective Service Committee in Washington. On his return, he immediately ordered the organization of a selective service school at Camp Grant, Illinois, and arranged for members of the State Staffs of Michigan and Wisconsin also to attend the school, which was conducted by Lt. Col. Peter C. Bullard of the Regular Army. Almost every phase of se- lective service operation was considered at this school. Actual selective serv- ice operations, including a simulated "registration" at the Armory in Rock- ford, were gone through in order to attain a working familiarity with the various procedures in the subject. As soon as it appeared that the 76th Congress would approve the Burke- Wadsworth selective service bill, General Regan made assignments of State Staff officers to specific duties in connection with the selective service organi- zation. Because approximately 45% of the State's population resided in Cook County, it was decided that a branch office of State Selective Service Headquarters should be located in Chicago. Thus, Illinois was well prepared to function when the Congress deter- mined to authorize compulsory military service. a Glutton for Punishment When the call went out in 1940 for volunteers to serve as Local Board Members, William Eggleston of Pontiac, a veteran of World War I, was one of the first to respond. He served on Livingston County Local Board 2 until August 12, 1942, when he resigned to enlist in the Seabees. After serving in uniform for almost three years, Eggleston was discharged and returned to civilian status. Within sixty days afterward, he was again in the harness as a Member of the same Local Board. What a patriot! 11 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS — • Z U2 Z b < o H Z 0* c/f CD W W H > DS g c £» ™ H >^ H W w CD ILLINOIS STATE HEADQUARTERS STAFF On the opposite page is shown the group which attended the 5th Anni- versary Selective Service Conference which was held at Illinois State Headquarters in Springfield on September 16-17, 1945. (Individuals in the photograph are listed from left to right.) FIRST ROW (left to right)— Lt. Col. Harry W. Taylor, Field Officer and Ass't Occupational Advisor*; Lt. Comdr. Walter J. Eden, USN, Navy Liaison Officer and Field Officer; Col. Stanley R. McNeil, Executive Offi- cer*; Col. Louis A. Boening, Ass't State Director*; Col. Paul G. Arm- strong, State Director; Maj. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, National Director of Selective Service; Col. Harris P. Ralston, Deputy State Director; Col. George A. Irvin, Regional Field Officer, National Headquarters* ; Col. Victor A. Kleber, Deputy State Director; Lt. Col. Edward I. Edwards, Chief, Field Division; Lt. Col. Marshall G. Buck, Chief, Veterans Per- sonnel Division; Mr. Edwin H. Felt, Administrative Assistant*. SECOND ROW (left to right)— Maj. John B. Morgan, Field Officer and Ass't Occupational Advisor*; Maj. James C. Foster, USMCR, Marine Corps Liaison Officer and Field Officer; Lt. Col. Edmund P. Coady, Chief. Manpower Division; Lt. Col. William A. Rodger, State Procurement Officer; Mr. Nate Felt, Chairman, Illinois Appeal Board No. 1, Group 12*; Maj. William H. King, Administrator, Illinois Board of Appeal No. 1*; Maj. Fred W. Jacobi, Ass't to State Procurement Officer; Maj. George W. Biggerstaff, Ass't to Colonel Ralston; Capt. Earl R. Stege, State Legal Advisor; Lt. Col. Robert H. Sykes, State Medical Officer; Capt. Earl H. Blair, Ass't State Medical Officer. THIRD ROW (left side only— left to right)— Capt. Robert J. Turnbull, Field Officer and Ass't to Col. Buck; Lt. Comdr. William S. Bishop, USNR, Naval Liaison Officer and Ass't Chief, Veterans Personnel Divi- sion* ; Maj. Chas. J. Magnesen, Administrative Assistant and Chief, Per- sonnel and Master File Divisions; Maj. Robert B. Sherwood, 6th Service Command Selective Service Liaison Officer* ; Maj. Sidney T. Holzman. Ass't Chief, Field Division*; Maj. Homer R. Lewis, Employment Coordi- nator and Field Officer*. REAR ROW (left to right)— Capt. Francis W. Lorman, Ass't to State Procurement Officer*; Mr. Waldo J. McCoy, Transportation Manager; Capt. W. Robert James, Administrative Assistant; Capt. Kenneth L. Allen, Field Officer and Ass't Occupational Advisor; Maj. Peter N. Mar- tin, Field Officer*; Capt. Harry D. Melcher, Ass't State Procurement Officer; Capt. John E. Egdorf. Medical Survey Officer*; Prof. Robert C. Ross, Chief, Agricultural Division; Mr. Charles Coan, Ass't to Lt. Col. Buck; S/Sgt Jay W. Bailey, Ass't to Lt. Col. Buck. * Stationed at Chicago. 13 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS DEPUTY AND ASSISTANT STATE DIRECTORS LT. COL. LEIGH N. BITTINGER Deputy State Director October, 1940 to December, 1941 KOEHNE PHOTO COL. HARRIS P. RALSTON Deputy State Director November, 1942 to August, 1947 MARSHALL MARKER PHOTO COL. LOUIS A. BOENING Assistant State Director October, 1940 to November, 1945 HARRIET LANE PHOTO COL. VICTOR A. KLEBER Deputy State Director November, 1942 to April, 1947 14 CHAPTER III CREATION OF THE SELECTIVE SERVICE SYSTEM NATIONAL ORGANIZATION Under the law, the President of the United States was the head of Se- lective Service. His major duties, in connection with the law, were to: 1. Establish the Selective Service System; 2. Prescribe the necessary rules and regulations for carrying out the Act; 3. Appoint the Director of Selective Service, appoint State Directors, Members of Local Boards and Boards of Appeal, Government Appeal Agents and Examining Physicians and Dentists; 4. Delegate any authority vested in him under the Act; 5. Take such other actions as were necessary to carry out the Act. Almost immediately after signing the selective service bill into law, the President issued his Proclamation for the First Registration on October 16, 1940. Several days later, he formally prescribed the regulations (fortunately, as explained heretofore, a workable set of regulations had already been prepared by the Joint Army and Navy Selective Service Committee) for the organization and administration of the Selective Service System, and on September 28, 1940, he designated Lt. Col. Lewis B. Hershey (who, at the time, was the executive in charge of the Joint Army and Navy Selective Serv- ice Committee) to perform certain duties under the Act. Dr. Clarence A. Dykstra, President of the University of Wisconsin, was appointed Director of Selective Service on October 14, 1940, and continued in that capacity until he resigned on April 1, 1941. Colonel Hershey was promoted to Brigadier General in November of 1940, and continued in charge of the national headquarters and on July 31, 1941, the President designated him as Director of Selective Service. (He was promoted to Major General in April of 1942.) It would be ungrateful to pass this point without acknowledging the excellent cooperation given to the Illinois Selective Service System by General Hershey. From the very beginning, he recognized the special problems of this State, and he never failed to lend his whole-hearted assistance toward their solution. On numerous occasions, he visited the Illinois State Head- quarters and, on other occasions, made important addresses to Selective Service groups and many industrial meetings in Illinois at which problems of the draft were a paramount issue. By his ability, understanding and fairness, General Hershey won the IS SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS profound respect and genuine admiration of every member of the System in Illinois. His inspiration and guidance unquestionably served to help Illinois become one of the outstanding States in the administration of the Selective Service law. National Headquarters, which was staffed by a large group of trained officers from the Army, Navy and Marine Corps, maintained the policy of non-interference with State administration. While the national organization was ever ready and willing to assist whenever we in Illinois sought their help, they not only respected our right of self-operation but actually pro- mulgated the policy of requiring each agency down to and including the Local Boards to carry out its own delegated responsibility of decision. Close cooperation and coordination existed between the various State Head- quarters and National Headquarters. Field officers from Washington visited the State offices at regular intervals. These officers worked out of Regional Field Offices established at various points in the country. Illinois was fortunate to have a Regional Field Office located in Chicago. The President, in Executive Order 9279 dated December 5, 1942, placed the Selective Service System under the jurisdiction of the War Manpower Commission (Paul V. McNutt, Chairman) which had been given the full responsibility for mobilizing the entire manpower of the Nation. Exactly one year later, in Executive Order 9410, the President removed the System from such jurisdiction and appointed Maj. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey a member of the War Manpower Commission. * ILLINOIS' FIRST INDUCTEE James Manning, 7742 Monroe Street. Forest Park, having his fingerprints taken by Sgt. William Jackson, after Manning was first draftee accepted at 122nd Field Artillery Armory on No- vember 19, 1940. Manning later rose to the rank of First Lieutenant and. unfortunately, lost his life on the field of battle. CHICAGO TRIBUNE PHOTO 16 CREATION OF THE SELECTIVE SERVICE SYSTEM REGIONAL FIELD OFFICE AT CHICAGO In March of 1942, the National Director established a regional field office at Chicago for the purpose of maintaining closer and more frequent liaison between National Headquarters and the area offices of the War Manpower Commission, the War Production Board, the Sixth Service Command (subse- quently the Fifth Army Headquarters), and other Federal agencies concerned with the war effort. This office was in charge of Col. George A. Irvin, Inf., of National Headquarters staff, during most of its period of existence. The Regional Field officer also acted as liaison officer with the Illi- nois State Director of Selective Service and rendered advisory counsel on request. Colonel Irvin was recalled to Washington in December of 1945 and was replaced by Maj. John W. Barber who conducted the affairs of the office until he was released from active duty on May 17, 1946. Major Barber was suc- ceeded by Lt. Comdr. Donald C. Hayward, USNR, who continued in charge until July 8, 1946. At that time, Comdr. Chester J. Chastek, USNR, took over and operated the Regional Field Office until its termination on March 31, 1947. COL. GEORGE A. IRVIN The officers of the Regional Field Office at Chicago cooperated excellently with State Selective Service Headquarters and, on a number of occasions, gave valuable counsel and assistance to the State Director and his staff. While there were many officers who were temporarily assigned to duty with the Regional Field Office, most of them were in a liaison capacity with separation centers and did not actually office in Chicago. There were, how- ever, certain officers who were on the regular staff of the Regional Field Office for limited period of time. They were: 1st Lt. William L. Klare— February 6, 1943 to March 8, 1943 Lt. Col. John B. Cuno— April 13, 1943 to April 6, 1944 Lt. (later Lt. Comdr.) Donald C. Hayward, USNR, who subsequently be- came Regional Field Officer— March 1, 1945 to May 17, 1946. 17 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS PERSONNEL IN THE ENTIRE SYSTEM So that the reader may gain a better idea of the magnitude of the adminis- stration of Selective Service from the national level, the following limited statistics (as of August 31, 1945) are quoted: PERSONNEL Civilian Personnel No. Com- Uncom- Unit Designations of Units Military pensated pensated Totals National Headquarters ... 1 132 903 3 1,038 State and Territorial Head- quarters 55 752 2,522 9,427 12,701 Local Boards 6,443 . . . 14,052 87,122 101,174 (6,270 in Continental U. S. and 173 in Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico) Boards of Appeal 249 ... 433 2,501 2,934 Extra Appeal Groups .... 265 ... .... .... .... Advisory Boards for Reg- istrants 5,354 ... ... 75,896 75,896 Medical Advisory Boards. 674 ... 22 8,502 8,524 13,041 844 17,932 183,451 202,267 Breaking down the above statistics still further, we find the following persons served the System (as of August 31, 1945) as volunteer workers not receiving compensation from the System. 24,323 Members of Local Boards 7,900 Government Appeal Agents 28,350 Examining Physicians 7,414 Examining Dentists 19,135 Reemployment Committeemen 2.501 Members of Boards of Appeal 75,896 Members of Advisory Boards for Registrants 8.502 Members of Medical Advisory Boards 8,876 Medical Survey Program Workers 257 Veterans Activities Workers 3 Medical Assistants 294 Miscellaneous 183,451 Total The above two sets of figures reveal the magnitude of the System which involved approximately 35,000,000 male residents of the United States and its Territories. 18 CHAPTER IV ILLINOIS ORGANIZES Under the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, the Governors of the States were responsible for the administration of Selective Service within their various states. Most of the Governors delegated their powers to their State Directors. On September 16, 1940 — the date on which the Selective Service bill be- came law — the Hon. Scott W. Lucas, United States Senator from Illinois, and Adj. Gen. Lawrence V. Regan conferred with Paul G. Armstrong, a former Illinois Department Commander of The American Legion, and in- formed the latter that they wished to submit his name to the Governor, recommending his appointment as State Director of Selective Service. Mr. Armstrong, a staunch Republican, inquired of his conferees as to whether or not acceptance of the post would involve changing of his politics. On their assurance that it did not, and that the position would be entirely free of any political pressure or interference, he expressed his willingness to accept. Senator Lucas and General Regan then presented Mr. Armstrong's name to the Governor. Governor Horner, having had considerable contact with Mr. Armstrong while the latter was State Commander of The American Legion, and knowing of the wide and favorable acquaintance of the prospec- tive Director throughout the State, readily agreed to the nomination and immediately forwarded his recommendation to the President of the United States. The President made the appointment which was shortly confirmed by the United States Senate. (At the time the appointment was being con- sidered, Mr. Armstrong was a leading candidate for the national commander- ship of The American Legion — at The Legion's National Convention at Boston in 1940 — but withdrew his candidacy immediately upon learning of the Presidential appointment of himself as Illinois State Director of Selective Service.) BACKGROUND OF THE STATE DIRECTOR Paul G. Armstrong, the son of Rev. Arthur E. and Luvia A. Armstrong, was born in the Presbyterian parsonage at Leadville, Colorado, on October 26, 1890. At the age of five, while on a visit to his grandparents in Vermont, he suffered the loss of his father through death. Later, his mother returned with her children to Denver, Colorado, where Paul was reared. At the age of sixteen, while still a student in high school, Paul enlisted in the Colorado National Guard — his first military experience. Through circum- stances beyond his own control, he was forced to leave high school in his 19 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS senior year to take employment and thus aid in the support of his mother. A veteran of World War I, he served in that emergency as a member of Machine Gun Company, Eighth United States Infantry. He was in active service in France for one year, and was given an honorable discharge in 1919, having attained the grade of sergeant. Most of Armstrong's business life has been spent as a salesman. After his discharge from the Army in 1919, he became affiliated with Parker, Thomas and Tucker Paper Company of Chicago, ultimately rising to the position of Vice President of that firm at the time he became State Director of Selective Service, taking a leave of absence while serving the Federal Government. Armstrong's great interest in the affairs of veterans extends well over a quarter of a century. In early 1920, he joined Square Post No. 232 of The American Legion, Chicago, and became active in that organization; he held all the elective offices of his Post, including that of Commander in 1927. Subsequently, he held all the elective offices in the District, County and State, finally being elected State Commander in 1934. He was elected National Committeeman of The Legion in 1935 and 1937, and has served on many committees all the way from his own Post up to the national organi- zation; he served as Vice Chairman of the National Rehabilitation Com- mittee — with the exception of one year when he was a member — from 1937 until November of 1947. NOTE: At this point, the author takes the liberty of adding that the President of the United States, in November of 1946, awarded Paul G. Armstrong the Medal for Merit (the highest civilian award for wartime service) for distinguished service through his administration of Selective Service in Illinois. The Medal for Merit was presented personally by Maj. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, the National Director of Selective Service, at a testimonial dinner given by over 1,200 friends of State Director Armstrong — Selective Service associates, public officials, business executives and other friends. Furthermore, Armstrong ivas appointed a Lieutenant Colonel in the Illinois Reserve Militia by Governor John Stelle in November of 1940. THE GOVERNOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES According to the provisions of the Selective Training and Service Act, the Governor was responsible for the proper administration of Selective Service within his State. Likewise, the Governor had the authority to delegate his powers to the State Director of Selective Service, which action was taken by the Governor of this State. All three Governors who held office during the period that Selective Service was in operation placed their full confidence in the State Director and refrained from exerting or allowing any political pressure or influence to interfere with proper administration of the Act. This "freedom from politics" was first manifested by Governor Horner when he, a Democrat, 20 ILLINOIS ORGANIZES— GOVERNOR cast aside political considerations and recommended a Republican, Colonel Armstrong, for the post of State Director, at the same time giving assurance that proper and impartial administration of Selective Service was paramount. While Colonel Armstrong was attending the Boston Convention of The American Legion, he conferred with the then Lieutenant Governor, Hon. John Stelle (likewise a Democrat), who was to succeed to the office of Governor after Governor Horner's death on October 6, 1940. The two agreed that political equity should obtain in the selection of Members of the Local Boards and that such membership should be denied to any man holding a public office, contending for public office or openly active in the political life of his community. Furthermore, there was ready understanding that the actual operation of Selective Service would be kept free of politics. In November of 1940, a new Illinois Governor was elected — the Hon. Dwight H. Green, a Republican. He was inaugurated on January 13, 1941. Shortly after his election, Governor Green called in State Director Armstrong and stated that he was entirely satisfied with the way Selective Service was being operated in Illinois and that the State Director would continue to be the active head of the System in Illinois. The Governor also assured Colonel Armstrong that he would immediately issue orders to all office holders and others under his jurisdiction to the effect that no one would be permitted to exercise any pressure or influence upon any member of the Selective Serv- ice System in Illinois because of political interest in some particular registrant. Governor Green adhered rigidly to his pledge, and during the entire administration of Selective Service in this State, he did not — nor would he permit anyone under him to do so — ask for special consideration for any particular registrant. In addition, early in the program, Governor Green issued a proclamation to all State employees under his jurisdiction to the effect that no deferments would be requested by department heads except in the most critical cases. Even in these cases, such deferment requests were to be submitted to the Governor for his approval before being forwarded to the Local Boards concerned. The other elected State officials issued similar proclamations. In all cases, the policies set forth in the proclamations were adhered to rigidly throughout the entire Selective Service operation. Whenever the Governor received a letter pertaining to the Selective Service status of some particular registrant, the Governor immediately replied with the statement that, since Selective Service was under Federal jurisdiction, he was turning the letter over to the State Director for whatever action was indicated according to the regulations. While Governor Green religiously refrained from interfering with the operation of Selective Service in Illinois, he nevertheless maintained a con- stant interest in its problems and progress and frequently conferred with State Director Armstrong, receiving regular reports on such problems and 21 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS progress. In addition, the Governor always willingly gave his whole-hearted cooperation on any request made by the State Director. In order to promote constant high morale among Selective Service person- nel in Illinois, Governor Green made numerous trips to various parts of the State to address the volunteer and compensated personnel and encourage them to carry on their arduous and trying duties, so necessary to the success of the Nation's war effort. It was through the Governor's personal interest and official help — and gen- erally at his own suggestions — that Illinois Selective Service obtained: (1) The Governor's Rehabilitation Program (sponsored by Governor Green), in which the State furnished the surgical skill and hospitaliza- tion necessary to correct certain defects of rejected men in order to make them eligible for military service. (2) A Joint Resolution of the Senate and House of the Illinois State Legislature, commending Local Board Members and Government Appeal Agents for their patriotic service. This resolution, presented at a time when resignations of non-compensated personnel were being threatened because of cessation of war with Germany, was credited with continuing the important services of experienced men vitally needed in the operation of Selective Service. (3) Funds in the amount of several thousand dollars annually to print the Illinois Agricultural Questionnaires and Supplements which were used in gathering substantial evidence pertaining to farm deferments. This Questionnaire, originated by Illinois, was adopted by a number of. other States where agriculture was outstanding. (4) Funds for printing and mailing important morale-building messages to non-compensated personnel. (5) Publication of a 48-page booklet containing the names of Illinois Local Board Members, Board of Appeal Members, Government Appeal Agents and other non-compensated personnel who had been awarded the Selective Service Medal by Congress. (6) Funds for printing, framing and mailing the Distinguished Service Certificate awarded to certain volunteer personnel of the System in this State, the Certificate being authorized by the Illinois State Legislature at the Governor's suggestion. (7) Publication of this volume — a permanent record of the magnificent and vital national service performed by Illinois citizens in peacetime and in war. (8) Miscellaneous assistance necessary and beneficial to the proper operation of Selective Service in Illinois. The constant support and cooperation given by Governor Green to the 22 ILLINOIS ORGANIZES— STATE DIRECTOR State Director was one of the factors which enabled Illinois to establish an enviable record among all the States in the Union for its outstanding efficiency, integrity and impartiality in the administration of Selective Service. THE STATE DIRECTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES From the very beginning of the Selective Service program, and during the entire period of operation under three Governors (two Democrats and one Republican), the State Director had full control of the administration of Selective Service in Illinois without official interference of any kind. Whenever he requested help from the Governor's office, he received all possible cooperation and support. With unrestricted liberty of action, it was possible to exercise his powers to the fullest extent in the proper and efficient administra- tion of the law and regulations. The earliest statement made by Colonel Armstrong, as State Director, was that "Every citizen of Illinois who was under the jurisdiction of Selective Service would receive honest and fair consideration and that the law and regulations would be administered without fear or favor." This statement became the keynote for administration of Selective Service throughout Illi- nois and inspired and enabled all Illinois personnel of the System to carry out their duties freely, and strictly in accordance with the rules and regula- tions according to the law. While the State Director's general responsibility was to administer the Selective Service and Training Act within the State of Illinois, it is apropos that his major duties, under that responsibility, be set forth herein: 1. Organize and direct State Headquarters and its various departments and divisions; 2. Organize and direct Local Boards, Boards of Appeal, Advisory Boards for Registrants, Medical Advisory Boards and all other Selective Service agencies within the State under his control, maintain such agencies at full strength; 3. Organize and direct regional instructional meetings for volunteer and compensated personnel of the Selective Service System and sustain high morale among such personnel; 4. Issue State Headquarters memorandums and bulletins in connection with interpretation of regulations and policies of Selective Service; 5. Require all agencies under his jurisdiction to submit necessary reports and maintain files of such reports ; 6. Direct the leasing of all property for Selective Service use and author- ize the expenditure of Federal funds for salaries, transportation, furni- ture, equipment, supplies, etc. 7. Confer with agricultural, industrial, racial, religious and special 23 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS groups with reference to their particular problems encountered through Selective Service operations; 8. Keep the general public, industry, agriculture and other groups in- formed, through the press and radio, as to Selective Service regula- tions, policies, requirements and activities important to such groups; 9. Build and maintain public morale and promote confidence of regis- trants, dependents, employers and all others in the principles and operation of the Selective Service System; 10. Maintain proper liaison with other Federal agencies, such as: Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Civil Service Commission, Department of Justice, War Manpower Commission (U. S. Employment Service), Department of Agriculture, Veterans Administration, etc. 11. Take any other action to insure the proper and efficient administration of Selective Service within his State. * Tunisian Sand There's blood on the sand of Tunisia. It's blood of the brave and the true Of three nations who battled together With banners of red, white and blue. As they marched o'er the sand of Tunisia To the hills where the enemy lay They remembered the orders they were given "The Pass must be taken today!" Some thought of their homes and their mothers Some of their wives or sweethearts fair, And some, as they plodded and stumbled. Were softly whispering a prayer. But, forward they went into battle With faces unsmiling and stern They knew, as they charged up the hillside, That many would never return. Their blood's on the sand of Tunisia. It's their gift to the freedom they love. May their names live in glory forever And their souls rest in Heaven above. — Pfc. Frank 0. Smith. ASN 36302278 24 CHAPTER ESTABLISHMENT OF STATE HEADQUARTERS As soon as he received confirmation of his appointment as State Director of Selective Service, Colonel Armstrong set about immediately to establish State Headquarters. At the time, he was maintaining an office in the Morrison Hotel in connection with his candidacy for the national commander- ship of The American Legion, and used this office temporarily to begin his functions as State Director, working in close cooperation with Adjutant General Regan. Mr. Edwin H. Felt of Chicago was placed on the Adjutant General's payroll and assigned to Colonel Armstrong as an assistant. The first order of business was to find locations for the State Head- quarters office in Springfield and a branch office in Chicago. Through the courtesy of Adjutant General Regan, arrangements were made to provide several rooms on the first floor of the State Armory Building in Springfield for the location of State Headquarters. Several rooms in the building at 100 West Monroe Street, Chicago, were leased for the Chicago Office. On September 23, 1940, Col. Harris P. Ralston, C of E, and Maj. Howard G. Wade, Ord., both reserve officers and engineers in civilian life, were as- signed by the Under Secretary of War to the State Director as liaison offi- cers; Lt. Comdr. Walter J. Eden, USNR, a transportation company executive, was also assigned for a period of several weeks, later (July 1, 1941) or- dered on extended active duty at Illinois State Headquarters. Maj. Stanley R. McNeil, AGD, and Maj. Lester N. Johnson, MC, both Illinois National Guard officers, reported for duty on September 27, 1940 — Major McNeil took temporary charge of the Cook County Office and Major Johnson became State Medical Officer to supervise the procurement of phys- icians and dentists for use in the Selective Service program. On September 30, 1940, State Director Armstrong opened his headquarters in the Armory Building, Springfield. The Adjutant General very generously provided personnel and equipment to assist the State Director during the organizing period of the System in Illinois. Fortunately, also, The Adjutant General arranged for Illinois State Headquarters to obtain the temporary services, on inactive status, of Lt. Col. Edward A. Fitzpatrick, Spec., a reserve officer who not only had been a member of Gen. Enoch Crowder's staff in the World War I draft organization, but had also continued his activities through the Joint Army and Navy Selective Service Committee. Perhaps no man in the country ever made a more thorough study of com- pulsory military training. His book, "Conscription and America," pub- lished in the summer of 1940 became the "bible" of hundreds of military 25 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS officers in their study of the subject. In civilian life, Colonel Fitzpatrick is the president of Mount Mary College for Women in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Illinois was extremely fortunate in obtaining the services of Colonel Fitzpatrick, not only to steer State Headquarters' course in its uncertain days, but also give specific instructions to staff members and civilian personnel, both compensated and volunteer. Truly, Illinois' initial success in its ad- ministration of Selective Service was due largely to the valuable assistance and sound advice given by this officer who had long been considered the dean of Selective Service men. After assisting in the organization of Illinois, he was later (1941) ordered to active duty and assigned to National Selective Service Headquarters in Washington where he rendered magnificent service throughout the war. On October 7, 1940, Col. Clay M. Donner, QMC, Maj. Marshall G. Buck, QMC, Maj. William A. Rodger, FD, Capt. Joseph U. Dugan, QMC, and 1st Lt. Charles J. Magnesen, Inf., all of the Illinois National Guard, were assigned to extended active duty with the State Director. Maj. Victor A. Kleber, Spec, Army Reserve officer, reported for duty at the Chicago office on October 10, 1940. United States District Attorney Howard L. Doyle at Springfield, on October 10, 1940, loaned his assistant, Baird V. Helfrich, an Army Reserve lieutenant of infantry, to help the State Director in obtaining Government Appeal Agents and Members of Registrants Advisory Boards in the State. Lieutenant Helfrich was later commissioned a Captain, JAGD, in the National Guard of the United States and ordered to active duty as the State Legal Officer at Illinois Selective Service Headquarters on March 18, 1941. (Promoted to Major while at State Headquarters, he was later trans- ferred to the Office of Strategic Service and went to Burma for counter- intelligence work.) On October 16, 1940, through the recommendations of Governor Stelle, Lt. Col. Leigh N. Bittinger (Illinois Reserve Militia) was appointed assistant State Director for the entire State, and Lt. Col. Louis A. Boening (Illinois Reserve Militia) was named Assistant State Director in charge of Cook County. Colonel Bittinger, a veteran of World War I, had just completed a year as Illinois Department Commander of The American Legion and was holding the position of Superintendent of the Onarga Military Academy at Onarga, Illinois. He was appointed Deputy State Director on October 12, 1941, and served in that post until November 26, 1941, when he resigned to accept the position of Superintendent of the Chicago Home for Incurables. Colonel Boening, a veteran of the Spanish- American war and a Major in World War I, was a well-known motion picture equipment manufacturing executive, and remained in charge of the Chicago office of Selective Service until October 31, 1945, when he resigned to become General Sales Manager for the Revere Camera Company. 26 STATE HEADQUARTERS Capt. Edmond P. Coady, Inf., reported for duty at State Headquarters on November 6, 1940, and 1st Lt. Fred W. Jacobi, FD, reported the following day. Both of these officers belonged to the Illinois National Guard. They completed the 1940 staff organization of State Headquarters. In the early days of organization, the State Director and his Staff worked day and night in order that Illinois would be ready for the national regis- tration to take place on October 16, 1940. Permanent clerks were selected; final arrangements were made for the first registration; printing, equipment and supplies were procured; members of Local and Appeal Boards were chosen. The last function occupied the State Director's primary attention, and the method of selecting these uncompensated board members will be discussed in a later chapter. By October 16, 1940, the day of the First Registration, State Headquar- ters was sufficiently organized so as to function adequately, and the bulk of the Local Board Members had been appointed by the President. Since the First Registration was handled by the election officials, the Local Board Members did not assume active duty until after that date. The regular staff of the State Director was composed mainly of officers on active duty with the Army, Navy, Marine Corps and National Guard. A number of these officers had received special training in Selective Service procedure and were specifically assigned to Illinois State Headquarters by their respective branches of service. Subsequent to Colonel Bittinger's resignation, Col. Clay M. Donner, QMC, served as Executive Officer from December 1, 1941 to August 31, 1942, when he was transferred to National Headquarters. Mr. Edwin H. Felt, special assistant to the State Director, was previously employed in newspaper and radio work, and was prominent throughout the midwestern States as a referee in football and other sports. Mr. Waldo J. McCoy, the transportation manager, held the position of General Freight Agent for the Illinois Terminal Railroad and, early in the Selective Service program, volunteered his services in organizing the procedure for the transportation of registrants. His services were so valuable and necessary that the State Director prevailed upon the management of the Illinois Terminal Railroad to grant Mr. McCoy a leave of absence for the duration of Selective Service activities. Prof. Paul E. Johnston of the Department of Farm Economics, University of Illinois, was appointed Agricultural Advisor to the State Director on February 1, 1942 and rendered most valuable gratuitous service to the Sys- tem until August of 1945. Through the good offices of Dean Howard P. Rusk of the College of Agriculture, University of Illinois, Dr. Robert C. Ross, Professor of Farm Management at the University, was given permission to assist the State Di- 27 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS rector on a part-time basis, as Agricultural Advisor, from August 2, 1943 to March 1, 1944. The problems in connection with agricultural deferment requests became so numerous and important that Professor Ross was ap- pointed Chief of the Agricultural Division on March 1, 1944 and continued in that position, on a full-time compensated basis until March 31, 1947. Mr. William H. King, as Administrator of the Cook County Boards of Appeal, Mr. Tappan Gregory as Coordinator of the Government Appeal Agents in Cook County, and Mr. Stephen E. Hurley, as Coordinator of Cook County Advisory Boards for Registrants, all made outstanding contri- butions, without compensation, to the System in Illinois. These three exec- utives were, at various times, presidents of the Chicago Bar Association. As a special advisor on occupational deferments, Professor John Schommer of the Illinois Institute of Technology gave his voluntary services in generous measure and rendered valuable assistance to the State Director. When the Medical Survey Program was put into effect, the State Di- rector obtained the uncompensated service of Dr. David Slight, Professor of Psychiatry, University of Chicago, as the Medical Survey Advisor. FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL RELATIONSHIPS National Headquarters, under the Direction of Selective Service, was the policy-making authority for the entire System. Regulations, memoranda and directives on general policy, and "State Director Advices" on adminis- tration, were issued to the State by National Headquarters. The State Director and his Staff interpreted these publications in the light of conditions in Illinois and, wherever necessary, issued supplementary publications for the guidance of Local Boards in adapting national policies to local conditions in the respective Board areas. As is shown in several parts of this volume, State Headquarters main- tained close relationship with all agencies under its jurisdiction. Countless visits to individual Local Boards were made by the Staff officers and field auditors. In addition, the State Director frequently held general meetings throughout Illinois, such meetings being attended by Local Board Members, Government Appeal Agents, Board of Appeal Members and clerks of the Boards. These meetings were usually scheduled concurrently with the ad- vent of some new function or significant change of regulations, such as prepa- ration for Registration Day, the urgency for reviewing deferments for the purpose of obtaining additional needed manpower for the armed forces, the inauguration of the veterans' assistance program, etc. These meetings served a valuable purpose in promoting a better understanding of the policies of National and State Headquarters. Illinois maintained most satisfactory liaison with other Federal agencies, and received excellent cooperation from the Department of Justice, the United States Attorneys, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Bureau of Natur- 28 STATE HEADQUARTERS alization and Immigration, United States Civil Service Commission, War Manpower Commission, United States Department of Agriculture, Office of Price Administration, Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard. The advantageous cooperation received from the Governors of Illinois has been set forth elsewhere in this volume. The Adjutants General, like- wise, were exceedingly helpful. All other state officials responded generously whenever called upon to render any assistance to the Selective Service Sys- tem. Effective liaison was also maintained with Department of Public Safety (including the State Board of Pardons and Paroles and the various prison authorities), Department of Public Welfare, Department of Public Health, Illinois Public Aid Commission and the Department of Registration and Education. PERSONNEL AND FUNCTIONS More detailed explanation of the duties of the various Divisions of State Headquarters will be presented later in this chapter. Following is a roster of the executive personnel of the State Headquar- ters staff and their principal assignments, each executive being listed ac- cording to the date of his entrance on duty with State Headquarters. Also, each officer is shown with the highest rank held during his duty with the System in Illinois, some of the officers achieving further promotion after transfer to other duty with the armed forces. STATE HEADQUARTERS EXECUTIVE STAFF Name (and Rank Principal Date assigned Date left if Military Officer) Assignments to Illinois System Paul G. Armstrong* * * State Director Sept. 18, 1940 July 1, 1947 After termination of Selective Service System, he was appoint- ed State Director of the Office of Selective Service Records. Col. Harris P. Ralston, C. of E.** . . .Deputy State Director Sept. 23, 1940 July 31, 1947 Reverted to inactive status Oct. and State Occupational 15, 1946; then received Presiden- Advisor tial appointment as Dep. State Dir. (Civilian status). Released account of completed service. Maj. Howard G. Wade, Ord Occupational Advisor Sept. 23, 1940 Aug. 1, 1941 Transferred to National Head- quarters. Col. Stanley R. McNeil, AGD* Executive Officer, Chi- Sept. 27, 1940 May 20, 1947 Retired for physical disability. cago Office Lt. Col. Lester S. Johnson, MC State Medical Officer Sept. 27, 1940 Mar. 5, 1941 Transferred to 33rd Division. Col. Clay M. Donner, QMC Executive Officer; also Oct. 17, 1940 Aug. 31, 1942 Transferred to National Head- Chief of Manpower and quarters. Field Divisions 29 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS STATE HEADQUARTERS EXECUTIVE STAFF— Continued Name (and Rank Principal Date assigned Date left if Military Officer) Assignments to Illinois System Lt. Col. Wm. A. Rodger, FD* Chief, Finance, Procure- Oct. 7, 1940 May 20, 1947 Retired for physical disability. ment and Supply Divi- sion; also State Pro- curement Officer Lt. Col. Marshall G. Buck, QMC* . . .Chief, Veterans Person- Oct. 7, 1940 May 27, 1947 Transferred to duty in Alaska. nel Division; also Chief, Field Division Maj. Charles J. Magnesen, Inf.*. . . .Chief, Personnel Divi- Oct. 7, 1940 Nov. 15, 1946 Transferred to overseas duty in sion; also Chief Regis- Pacific theater. tration and Dependency Classification Divisions Capt. Joseph U. Dugan, QMC* Chief, Public Relations Oct. 7, 1940 Mar. 12, 1943 Transferred to overseas duty in Division European theater. Col. Victor A. Kleber, AGD* Deputy State Director Oct. 10, 1940 Apr. 14, 1947 Transferred to National Head- (Administration) ; also quarters. Chief, Public Relations Division Leigh N. Bittinger Deputy State Director; Oct. 16, 1940 Nov. 26, 1941 Resigned to take commercial po- also Assistant State Di- sition. rector Louis A. Boening Assistant State Director Oct. 16, 1940 Oct. 31, 1945 Resigned to take commercial po- sition. Edwin H. Felt Administrative Assist- Oct. 18, 1940 July 1, 1947 After termination of Selective ant; also Personnel Su- Service System, he was appoint- pervisor, Cook County ed to position of Assistant State Director, Office of Selective Serv- ice Records. Waldo J. McCoy Transportation Man- Oct. 23, 1940 Aug. 31, 1947 Released account of establishing ager; also Chief, Per- business for himself. sonnel Division Lt. Col. Edmond P. Coady, Inf.* . . . .Chief, Manpower Divi- Nov. 6, 1940 Jan. 3, 1947 Released account of completed sion service. Maj. Fred W. Jacobi, FD* Assistant Chief and Nov. 7, 1940 Aug. 31, 1947 Loaned to National Headquar- Chief, Finance, Pro- ters from Mar. 17, 1943 to April curement and Supply 2, 1945, and from Jan. 3, 1947 to Division; also Records Mar. 8, 1947. Disposal Officer Maj. Baird V. Helfrich, JAGD*. . . .State Legal Officer Mar. 18, 1941 Mar. 7, 1944 Transferred to Office of Strategic Services for overseas service in Burma. Capt. Walter A. German, QMC Field Officer Mar. 18, 1941 Mar. 16, 1" 1 1 Transferred to National Head- quarters. Maj. Corwin S. Mayes, MC State Medical Officer April 4, 1941 Sept. 14, 1941 Retired for physical disability. 30 STATE HEADQUARTERS STATE HEADQUARTERS EXECUTIVE STAFF— Continued Name (and Rank Principal Date assigned Date left if Military Officer) Assignments to Illinois System Lt. Comdr. Walter J. Eden, USNR* . Navy Liaison Officer July 1, 1941 Dec. 31, 1945 Released account of completed service. Maj. Lloyd W. Warfel, C. of E Occupational Advisor, Aug. 1, 1941 June 16, 1942 Transferred to Secretary of War Cook County Office. Lt. Col. E. Mann Hartlett, MC State Medical Officer Oct. 2, 1941 June 7, 1944 Transferred to National Head- quarters. Capt. Norman W. Smith, Spec Public Relations, Reg- Apr. 26, 1942 July 29, 1944 Transferred to overseas duty in istration and Field Di- European theater. vision, Cook County Lt. Col. Harry W. Taylor* Occupational Advisor; June 6, 1942 May 2, 1947 Released account of completed also Field Officer, Cook service. County Lt. Col. Robert H. Sykes, MC* Assistant State Medical June 30, 1942 Jan. 6, 1946 Released account of completed Officer and State Med- service. ical Officer Lt. Comdr. Wm. S. Bishop, USNR* .Assistant Navy Liaison July 15, 1942 Mar. 4, 1946 Released account of completed Officer; also Veterans service. Personnel Division, Cook County Maj. Peter N. Martin, C. of E.* . . . .Occupational Advisor; July 23, 1942 Jan. 31, 1947 Released account of completed also Manpower and service. Field Divisions Maj. Sidney T. Holzman, Inf., DSC*. Field Officer, Cook July 24, 1942 Sept. 28, 1945 Transferred to Regular Army County Recruiting Service. Maj. John B. Morgan, C. of E.* . . . .Occupational Advisor; Sept. 4, 1942 Oct. 30, 1945 Released account of completed also Field Officer, Cook service. County Maj. Wilbur A. Thomas, AUS* Occupational Advisor Feb. 19, 1943 July 12, 1945 Released account of completed service. Dr. Robert C. Ross Chief, Agricultural Di- Aug. 2, 1943 May 31, 1946 Released account of completed vision service. Maj. James C. Foster, USMCR* . . . .Marine Corps Liaison Apr. 9, 1943 May 16, 1946 Released account of completed Officer service. Capt. Kenneth L. Allen, AUS* Occupational Advisor July 8, 1943 Nov. 2, 1945 Released account of completed service. Capt. Harry D. Melcher, QMC* Finance, Procurement Aug. 27, 1943 Jan. 21, 1947 Formerly served at State Head- and Supply Division quarters as Master Sgt. from Oct. 10, 1940 to Apr. 17, 1943. Commissioned and reassigned to Illinois Aug. 27, 1943. Trans- ferred to overseas duty in Pacific area. 31 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS STATE HEADQUARTERS EXECUTIVE STAFF— Continued Name (and Rank Principal Date assigned Date left if Military Officer) Assignments to Illinois System Maj. William C. Talsey, AUS* Occupational Advisor Sept. 2, 1943 June 26, 1945 Retired for physical disability. Maj. Geo. W. Biggerstaff, Inf.* Occupational Advisor; Oct. 1, 1943 June 30, 1946 Released account of completed also Records Disposal service. Officer Lt. Col. E. I. Edwards, Jr., QMC* . . .Occupational Advisor; Oct. 13, 1943 Apr. 16, 1947 Transferred to National Head- also Assistant Chief, quarters. Field Division Capt. John E. Egdorf, MAC* Medical Survey Officer Dec. 20, 1943 June 30, 1946 Released account of completed service. Capt. Francis W. Lorman, CMP* . . .Induction Station Officer Feb. 3, 1944 Nov. 30, 1946 Formerly served at State Head- quarters as Tech. Sgt. from Oct. 10, 1940 to Aug. 28, 1943. Com- missioned and reassigned to Illi- nois Feb. 3, 1944. Released ac- count of completed service. Capt. Robert J. Turnbull, C. of E.* . .Occupational Advisor; Feb. 1, 1944 Apr. 29, 1946 Released account of completed also Field Officer service. Capt. Earl R. Stege, CMP* State Legal Officer Feb. 16, 1944 Apr. 29, 1946 Released account of completed service. Capt. Earl H. Blair, MC* Assistant State Medical Mar. 10, 1944 Mar. 26, 1946 Released account of completed Officer and State Med- service. ical Officer Capt. Benj. R. Wetenhall, CMP* .... Field Officer Apr. 1, 1944 Oct. 10, 194-4 Transferred to Prisoner of War Section, War Dept. Maj. Homer R. Lewis, FA* Field Officer, Cook Feb. 1, 1945 Nov. 25, 1946 Previously served overseas. County Transferred to overseas duty in Japan. Capt. William R. James, Inf.* Administrative Assistant Apr. 27, 1945 Apr. 29, 1946 Previously served overseas. Released account of completed service. ***Awarded Medal for Merit. ** Awarded Legion of Merit. *Awarded Army Commendation Ribbon. It Wouldn't Help Anyway A proud registrant called up his Local Board office and reported the birth of twins. The clerk at the Board didn't quite catch the message over the phone and said "Will you repeat that, please." "Not if I can help it." was the reply. 32 STATE HEADQUARTERS SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS ILLINOIS STATE HEADQUARTERS STAFF IN 1943 On the preceding page are shown State Director Armstrong and members of his staff on September 19, 1943. Where an asterisk (*) is shown, the officer was then assigned to duty at the Chicago office. Military rank shown is the highest achieved while on active duty with the Selective Service System. In the picture, from left to right, are: BOTTOM ROW: Lt. Col. William A. Rodger, Col. Victor A. Kleber, Col. Harris P. Ralston, Colonel Armstrong, Col. Louis A. Boening*, Col. Stanley R. McNeil*, Lt. Col. E. Mann Hartlett. MIDDLE ROW: Lt. Col. Marshall G. Buck, Lt. Col. Harry W. Taylor*, Lt. Col. Edmund P. Coady, Lt. Col. Robert H. Sykes, Prof. Robert C. Ross, Maj. Baird V. Helfrich, Maj. William C. Talsey*, Maj. Wilbur A. Thomas, Maj. James C. Foster, USMCR. TOP ROW: Edwin H. Felt*, Maj. John B. Morgan*, Lt. Comdr. William S. Bishop*, USNR, Maj. Walter A. German, Maj. Peter N. Martin, Prof. John Schommer*, Maj. Sidney T. Holzman*, Maj. Charles J. Magnesen, Capt. Kenneth L. Allen, Capt. Norman W. Smith*, Capt. Harry W. Melcher. Lt. Comdr. Walter J. Eden, USNR, and Waldo J. McCoy were also mem- bers of the Staff in September of 1943, but were not able to be present for the above picture. Maj. Fred W. Jacobi, while a member of the Illi- nois Staff, was on loan to National Headquarters at Washington. THE STATE DIRECTOR'S FIRST STAFF On the opposite page are shown State Director Armstrong and the mem- bers of his first staff. An asterisk (*) denotes assignment to duty at the Chicago office of State Headquarters. Military rank shown is the highest achieved while on active duty with the Selective Service System in Illinois. In the picture, left to right, are : BOTTOM ROW: Col. Harris P. Ralston, Lt. Col. Leigh N. Bittinger, Col. Armstrong, Col. Louis A. Boening*, Col. Stanley R. McNeil*. MIDDLE ROW: Col. Clay M. Donner, Col. Victor A. Kleber* f Lt. Col. William A. Rodger, Lt. Col. Marshall G. Buck, Maj. Lester S. Johnson, Lt. Col. Edmund P. Coady, Maj. Baird V. Helfrich. TOP ROW: Edwin H. Felt*, Prof. John Schommer*, Maj. Fred W. Jacobi*, Capt. Joseph U. Dugan, Capt. Walter A. German, Maj. Charles J. Magnesen. 34 STATE HEADQUARTERS SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS STAFF MEMBERS NOT SHOWN IN GROUP PHOTOS SIGNAL CORPS PHOTO COL. EDWARD A. FITZPATRICK Special Adviser to the State Director September-October, 1940 MORTON HARVEY PHOTO MAJ. HOWARD G. WADE Occupational Advisor, Cook County, September, 1940 to August, 1941 JEROME FRITZ PHOTO MAJ. CORWIN S. MAYES HON. TAPPAN GREGORY MAJ. LLOYD W. WARFEL State Medical Officer, Coordinator, Occupational Advisor, April, 1941 to Government Cook County, September, 1941 Appeal Agents August, 1941 to Cook County, June, 1942 March, 1941 to March, 1947 36 STATE HEADQUARTERS ADDITIONAL STAFF MEMBERS NOT SHOWN IN GROUP PHOTOS PROF. PAUL E. JOHNSTON Dep't of Farm Economics University of Illinois Agricultural Advisor February, 1942 to August, 1945 CAPT. BENJ. R. WETENHALL Field Officer, Springfield April, 1944 to October, 1944 :::m HON. STEPHEN E. HURLEY Coordinator, Registrants 11 Advisory- Boards, Cook County March, 1941 to March, 1947 DR. DAVID SLIGHT Professor, Dep't of Psychiatry University of Chicago Medical Survey Advisor, October, 1943 to August, 1946 CURTIS STILLWELL Special Coordinator September, 1940 to March, 1947 37 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS NON-EXECUTIVE CIVILIAN COMPENSATED PERSONNEL Secretaries, stenographers, typists and clerks at State Headquarters were obtained through the cooperation of, and in accordance with the rules and regulations of the United States Civil Service Commission. Therefore, the employes were free of outside influences and were able to progress strictly according to their own demonstrated ability and industry. Time after time, these employes manifested their loyalty and willing- ness to make their contributions to patriotic necessity far more than could be measured in terms of material compensation. In stress times, they re- peatedly worked overtime — even long hours nights and Sundays — without compensation, or with compensatory time off. The normal work week was forty-eight hours for the greater part of the entire operation, but many of the employes worked sixty hours a week and over whenever it was necessary to keep abreast of critical work. The majority of the compensated employes who began their service at State Headquarters in 1940 or early 1941 remained at their posts until the closing of the program when slackening work forced their release. Time after time, these "pioneers" refused offers from other agencies and organiza- tions — in spite of being tendered higher pay and shorter working hours. The following list shows the non-executive civilian personnel who were employed at State Headquarters (at either Springfield or Chicago) with the month and year each entered the service of the System and the month and year of their release from Selective Service employment at Illinois State Headquarters. NON-EXECUTIVE CIVILIAN EMPLOYES OF STATE HEADQUARTERS Springfield Office Name Entered on duty Left Adair, Ruth V March 22, 1913 June 17, 1946 Adrian, Agnes January 3,1942 March 26, 1944 Armstrong, Jane T November 27, 1940 November 4, 1942 Banaitis, Vito F November 16, 1940 March 11, 1942 Barniskis, Muriel C November 25, 19 10 October 31, 1941 Bensch, Francis L November 12, 1011 December 16, 1941 Berger, Glen H October 28, 191°) July 11, 1947 Beveridge, Joseph I January 12, 1942 March 31, 19 18 Blackwood, Carolyn P March 5, 1941 August 17, 19 17 Borden, Charles October 29, 19 10 July 31, 1947 Bower, William H October 24, 1940 July 31, 1947 Bowman, Loretta December 12, 1941 July 31, 1943 Brockschmidt, Marian K November 12, 1941 January 14, 1946 38 STATE HEADQUARTERS NON-EXECUTIVE CIVILIAN COMPENSATED PERSONNELr-CWmaed Springfield Office Name Entered on duty Burch, Eleanora A May 9, 1944 Burger, Betty R October 21, 1940 Burns, Harry October 12, 1944 Cadigan, Catherine M January 1, 1943 Coan, Charles October 18, 1940 Cobb, Helen M October 11, 1940 Coulter, Russell D October 26, 1940 Crawford, Roceil February 2, 1942 Crookston, Dorothy J July 6, 1942 Crump, Virginia December 26, 1941 Cunniff, William M October 23, 1940 Curry, Mary F March 30, 1942 Davis, Bobbette K June 21, 1943 Deames, Germaine M October 10, 1943 Devine, Thomas J October 18, 1940 Dittmar, Lois H April 22, 1942 Doherty, Betty A August 29, 1941 Donohue, Marjorie A October 5, 1942 Dudda, Gertrude E August 23, 1943 Egan, John R October 18, 1945 Eldridge, A. Eileen May 29, 1944 Erickson, Marjorie M April 16, 1942 Ferreira, Edna V October 12, 1940 Firke, William F July 1, 1941 Fitch, Gerald G October 21, 1940 Flinn, Christine S April 3, 1941 Flinn, Raymond E November 8, 1940 Flynn, Virginia G January 4, 1944 Franklin, Betty R February 10, 1944 Freeark, Mary B January 24, 1944 Furman, Eleanor W August 30, 1943 Gallett, Claude W October 23, 1940 Geist, Mary M May 6, 1941 Gillan, Walter H October 21, 1940 Goulet, Joseph E June 21, 1943 Graham, Josephine B February 16, 1942 Grintson, Robert E November 6, 1944 Grissom, Louis E October 18, 1940 Left February 16, 1945 March 22, 1945 August 15, 1947 December 5, 1945 October 21, 1945 September 8, 1944 July 31, 1947 April 16, 1943 October 7, 1946 April 4, 1947 July 31, 1947 June 30, 1947 September 11, 1944 July 31, 1947 July 31, 1947 December 29, 1944 January 16, 1943 May 31, 1944 July 14, 1945 August 30, 1947 May 22, 1946 July 31, 1947 July 31, 1947 March 27, 1945 June 25, 1945 March 31, 1948 July 21, 1946 September 29, 1946 December 21, 1945 September 24, 1945 September 14, 1945 July 31, 1947 July 11, 1947 July 31, 1947 May 31, 1944 August 24, 1947 August 15, 1947 July 31, 1947 39 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS NON-EXECUTIVE CIVILIAN COMPENSATED PERSONNEI^Contf/med Springfield Office Name Entered on duty Hagar. Martha J October 16, 1940 Halberg, Juliana D June 13, 1941 Haley, Paul H November 29, 1940 Hamilton, Helen October 14, 1940 Harford, Andrew J July 20, 1942 Hayes, Ernestine B June 28, 1943 Hildenstein, Ellen E July 28, 1942 Hogan, Mary J January 2, 1945 Holmberg, Nina M July 15, 1943 Holt, Arthur S October 19, 1940 Hornbeck, Walter L November 18, 1940 Hostick, Catherine R January 24, 1944 Housh, Marjorie M July 11, 1945 Humphrey, Mary E November 9, 1943 Humphries, Henry, Jr August 3, 1942 Ianson, Agnes M August 24, 1942 Ingerski, Doris C December 29, 1941 Jacobs, Roscoe C January 6, 1942 Jones, Dorothy M December 1, 1941 Kennedy, Teresa V September 7, 1942 Keslick, Lucile April 11, 1941 King, Ira April 1, 1941 Kingdon, Clyde October 26, 1940 Kinsey, Ruth E February 25, 1944 Knepler, Rose C January 8, 1944 Korkok, Ruby B October 13, 1943 Kruzick, Kay M June 2. 1943 La Rue, Dorothy J December 30, 1941 Lasher, Clayton S November 14. 1940 Long, Kathern K October 11, 1940 Lochbaum, Isabel S December 22, 1941 Lukens, Mary C May 5, 1943 McAfee, Margaret S December 29. 1941 McCaleb, Beulah M October 10, 1940 McDonald, Mary E January 27, 19 11 McGeath, James G May 12, 1941 McGowan, Bernadine May 3, 1944 Marrs, Edith E March 6, 1944 Mayfield, Jess J March 7. 1945 Left August 8, 1942 March 8, 1942 February 3, 1946 December 7, 1941 December 3, 1945 December 30, 1944 June 9, 1945 December 11, 1945 October 9, 1944 December 12, 1943 May 12. 1946 June 19, 1945 October 17, 1946 November 6, 1944 March 31, 1944 April 1, 1946 May 26, 1945 July 1, 1947 June 4, 1944 June 30, 1947 July 26, 1947 February 3, 1945 October 19, 1944 May 25, 1945 April 10, 1946 January 2, 1946 September 23, 1946 December 9, 1941 July 31, 1947 February 4, 1946 March 15. 1946 February 7, 1945 August 21, 1945 June 30, 1947 December 26, 1945 October 11. 1943 June 30, 191-7 June 30. 1947 July 1, 1947 40 STATE HEADQUARTERS NON-EXECUTIVE CIVILIAN COMPENSATED PERSO^NEl^^Continaed Springfield Office Name Entered on duty Meacham, Eva S July 21, 1942 Merritt, Pauline M December 11. 1942 Metz, Mary E April 1, 1941 Milkovich, Pauline February 3, 1942 Miller, Margaret J October 14, 1940 Mitchell. Jeanette M June 30, 1941 Mohlenhoff, Emily M January 2. 1942 Moore, Helen S June 10, 1944 Moos, Alice A December 27, 1940 Naber, William H January 20, 19 11 Nickels, Violet M October 16, 1940 O'Bryan, Roland F June 11, 1946 O'Connor, Florence A February 16. 1942 Odom, June G July 16. 1945 Oliver, Nelda K February 14, 1944 Olson, Josephine K October 10, 1940 Osborn, Evalyn M October 11, 1940 Paine, Isabelle A April 19, 1944 Palman, Morris October 17, 1940 Pearce, Frederick L October 25, 1940 Pehlman, Carl E November 7, 1940 Peters, Anna B October 14, 1940 Peters, Dorothy M March 23, 1945 Peterson, Vivian L May 11. 1942 Pfeifer, Margaret M January 5, 1942 Pronto, Marie T November 22, 1940 Ramey, Nettie E November 11, 1943 Rash, Lauren E May 12, 1941 Reesor, Ola October 19, 1942 Reilly, Lillian A June 10, 1943 Reisch, Susanne M September 1, 1943 Rice, Abigail December 14. 1942 Riddel, Marie A January 10, 1945 Ruddell, Marie L February 16, 1942 Rudolph, Roy H October 21, 1940 Ryan, Imelda J July 8, 1942 Ryde, Albert P October 30, 1940 Samuel, H. Gene January 14, 1941 Sankey, Katherine C June 1, 1943 Left February 5, 1946 October 24, 1944 September 23, 1946 June 20, 1947 June 20, 1947 May 31, 1942 March 6, 1946 April 1. 1947 July 1, 1947 March 31, 1947 July 31, 1947 July 31, 1947 July 31, 1947 June 30, 1947 June 21, 1946 January 16, 1945 March 10, 1946 March 22, 1946 October 26. 1945 February 25, 1944 November 12, 1945 July 31, 1947 December 31, 1946 March 8, 1946 July 31, 1947 January 22, 1946 July 11. 1947 November 19, 1942 July 31, 1947 August 5, 1947 October 12, 1945 January 4, 1945 January 6, 1946 May 12, 1946 July 31, 1947 November 22, 1946 August 1, 1947 February 28, 1946 July 14, 1944 41 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS NON-EXECUTIVE CIVILIAN COMPENSATED PERSONNEL— Co/iftnucrf Springfield Office Name Entered on duty Sanner, Marjorie April 8, 1941 Sargeant, Elma A October 18, 1943 Saylor, Alva J February 16, 1942 Schienle, Carlyne K August 12, 1943 Scott, Oren E March 4, 1946 Shaw, M. Clarice September 1, 1942 Simpson, Cecil C October 18, 1940 Simpson, Maridall July 1, 1943 Spille, Fred S June 17, 1942 Stahl, Anita February 11, 1942 Sullivan, Frances E August 1, 1942 Sullivan, Helyn S December 1, 1942 Swope, Marian L January 14, 1944 Taylor, Ruby B October 16, 1940 Thomas, Velma H November 1, 1943 Thompson, Lois M February 15, 1945 Thon, Ann January 2, 1942 Todd, Edna B October 15, 1940 Vanlandingham, Faye I June 2, 1944 Vickers, Emory H October 31, 1940 Wallace, Myra B January 2, 1942 Weiler, Joseph J October 25, 1940 Wheatfill, Fern G March 28, 1944 Williamson, Frances L November 12, 1943 Wise, Leona L March 22, 1943 Wolf, Edwin C April 1, 1941 Zoch, James E February 2, 1946 Zoch, Wanda E November 25, 1940 Chicago Office Abrams, Rose J May 4, 1944 Anderson, Esther December 27, 1940 Askin, Eleanor L February 16, 1943 Barber, Edna S July 26, 1943 Beeskow, Elizabeth M April 28, 1942 Bitterli, Arthur C October 27, 19 10 Blanchard, Winifred A October 28, 1940 Brill, Shirley January 24, 1944 Left January 31, 1946 December 14, 1945 February 23, 1943 December 5, 1944 March 1, 1948 July 29, 1944 July 31, 1947 September 21, 1944 August 30, 1947 July 18, 1944 February 28, 1947 June 30, 1947 September 28, 1945 October 4, 1943 December 27, 1945 March 21, 1946 July 31, 1947 July 28, 1946 December 13, 1946 July 11, 1947 February 1, 1946 July 31, 1947 June 30, 1947 August 2, 1945 April 18, 1946 March 31, 1948 June 30, 1947 March 31, 1948 September 5, 1944 June 30, 1947 March 31, 1946 May 31, 1947 August 1, 1947 July 1, 1947 December 1, 1942 October 7, 1946 42 STATE HEADQUARTERS NON-EXECUTIVE CIVILIAN COMPENSATED FERSONNEI^C ontinued Springfield Office Name Entered on duty Left Carlson, Ann October 26, 1940 May 25, 1947 Cairo, Evelyn L April 8, 1944 July 31, 1946 Connors, Nancy M October 5, 1942 September 18, 1943 Daley, Clara M May 16, 1942 February 17, 1946 Daugherty, Margaret May 10, 1941 February 20, 1946 Dubil, Sophia L February 19, 1942 August 31, 1944 Duffy, Jeanne C October 16, 1942 November 9, 1945 Dungan, Seville I April 1, 1942 July 2, 1947 Dwyer, Dulcie B December 30, 1940 April 21, 1946 Erbach, Elsie E October 29, 1940 January 6, 1943 Esterly, Mabel April 10, 1942 October 7, 1946 Gembolish, Marie S October 22, 1940 June 30, 1947 Graffy, Madeline C October 28, 1940 July 1, 1947 Hailman, Harriet C October 10, 1940 September 12, 1942 Hamalian, Elizabeth M November 18, 1940 February 20, 1943 Hanson, Olive G December 6, 1942 May 31, 1947 Holcomb, Mary J December 1, 1942 November 9, 1944 Jung, Matilda H March 3, 1943 November 23, 1945 Kaeser, Dolores M July 1, 1944 October 17, 1946 Kaminsky, Lillian April 19, 1944 September 23, 1945 Kelly, Margaret H July 30, 1941 November 27, 1943 Kerwin, Mae W June 17, 1942 September 30, 1946 Kinney, Marie W January 18, 1943 July 4, 1947 Korsland, Olga M May 12, 1942 June 30, 1947 Lacey, Clyde M June 30, 1945 June 30, 1947 Litzkow, Elaine R March 2, 1943 February 1, 1946 McMahon, Mary March 14, 1941 January 25, 1944 Mason, Lillian W October 10, 1940 October 1, 1942 Mitchell, Lucille M July 27, 1942 November 10, 1944 Norton, Mary B May 3, 1944 July 31, 1946 Orlich, Mary April 10, 1944 June 24, 1946 Parker, Elnor E February 18, 1945 October 7, 1946 Peri, Marie F .August 20, 1942 October 31, 1945 43 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS NON-EXECUTIVE CIVILIAN COMPENSATED PERSONNEL— Continued Chicago Office Name Entered on duty Plummer, Marie E July 6, 1942 Reszel, Antoinette L March 20, 1941 Riggs, Rosemary E October 12, 1940 Ringler, Lucille January 2, 1942 Rogers, Eileen M May 18, 1942 Rubin, Betty C March 1, 1944 Russell, Helen L August 24, 1942 Rynder, Mary A March 9, 1942 Salavatore, Lucille D February 19. 1943 Sarbacker, Kathryn M July 9, 1945 Saunders, Anne E July 13, 1942 Schenden, Marguerite July 16, 1942 Sheehan, Raymond P October 8, 1940 Smithwick, Eleanor L January 2, 1942 Snoddy, Mildred November 18, 1943 Stautis, Helen V January 13, 1941 Stephenson, Marie A November 17, 1943 Stogdell, Clarence L September 27, 1943 Swain, J. D August 18, 1945 Torrey, Edith July 27, 1942 Vinje, Hulda A December 21, 1942 Von Langworth, Gladys S November 15, 1940 Walsh, May L March 14, 1941 Wasilewski, Mabel N February 1, 1945 Wennerberg, Chester C January 12, 1942 Wheeler, Darlene B December 16, 1940 Winters, Helen M January 2, 1942 Left May 31, 1945 July 1, 1947 July 7, 1942 February 8, 1944 May 9, 1947 May 5, 1945 January 9, 1946 February 1, 1946 February 22, 1946 February 21, 1946 March 17, 1946 March 31, 1946 March 11, 1946 January 27, 1946 September 30, 1946 February 18, 1943 September 16, 1945 October 18. 1944 May 9, 1947 May 15, 1946 January 30, 1946 August 22, 1942 January 24, 1944 July 12, 1946 September 14, 1944 May 17, 1946 February 2, 1917 ft Speaking of Patriots! What was probably the Nation's record in "family action" in volunteering for induction into military service occurred in the case of the five Harkless brothers of Peoria — Burrell, Weldon, John, Leonard and Fred. The five brothers, part of a family of fourteen children, all volunteered at one time and reported for induction on May 6, 1941. 44 STATE HEADQUARTERS ILLINOIS STATE REGISTER PHOTO STATE DIRECTOR AND ENLISTED DETACHMENT OF STATE HEADQUARTERS The above photo was taken just prior to the transfer of the enlisted detachment (except Sergeants Bailey, Lau, Musialek and Smith) to the Army Finance School at Fort Benjamin Harrison. Shown, left to right, front row, are: Sgt. Jay W. Bailey, Sgt. William H. Pronto, Sgt. Walter Ignatchuk, Colonel Armstrong, Sgt. Walton Leach, M/Sgt. James E. Zoch; rear row, left to right, are: S/Sgt. John R. Egan, T/Sgt. Francis W. Lorman, Sgt. Donald F. Lau, S/Sgt. Charles A. Lucas, Sgt. Robert Noesges, T/Sgt. Clifford S. L. Griffin. Other enlisted men who were members of the detachment at the time, but not present for the photo were: T/Sgt. Vincent H. Egan, T/Sgt. Harold R. Smith, Sgt. George W. Donnelly, Sgt. Stanley Musialek. 45 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS ENLISTED DETACHMENT Fifteen enlisted men of the Finance Department and the Quartermaster Corps of the Illinois National Guard were inducted into Federal service on October 10, 1940, and assigned to the Finance, Procurement and Supply Division of Illinois State Headquarters. They were: M/Sgt. Harry D. Melcher, FD*f Sgt. Jay W. Bailey, QMCf M/Sgt. James E. Zoch, FD*f Sgt. George W. Donnelly, FD T/Sgt. Vincent H. Egan, FD* Sgt. Walter Ignatchuk, QMC*f T/Sgt. Clifford S. L. Griffin, FD*| Sgt. Walton Leach, QMC* T/Sgt. Francis W. Lorman, FDf Sgt. Stanley Musialek T/Sgt. Harold R. Smith, QMC Sgt. Robert Moesges, FD* S/Sgt. John R. Eganf Sgt. William H. Pronto, FD* S/Sgt. Charles A. Lucas In the early days of organization, these men toiled from fifteen to eighteen hours a day — frequently more — receiving, packing and shipping countless forms, office equipment and supplies for the various local and appeal boards in the State. They also performed administrative and clerical duties concerning the pay of civilian personnel, travel of local and appeal board members, preparation of purchase orders and vouchering of all accounts. Several of the enlisted men supervised civilian employes in the performance of their duties in the Finance, Procurement and Supply Division. The original group of enlisted men served faithfully until August 30. 1943 when all except Sergeants Bailey, Musialek and Smith were transferred to Army Finance School at Fort Benjamin Harrison for service with the Army Ground Forces. Subsequently, a number of them were promoted and served overseas. Sergeants Melcher and Lorman were graduated from Officers Candidate School, commissioned and returned to duty at Illinois State Head- quarters. Sergeant Smith was later discharged because of physical disability, and Sergeant Musialek was released because of being over age. Sergeant Bailey enlisted in the Regular Army in November of 1945, but continued with State Headquarters until February of 1947, at which time he was transferred to duty with Fifth Army Headquarters in Chicago. Subsequent to the transfer of the original group listed above, three other enlisted men reported for duty at State Headquarters: Sgt. Donald F. Lau, who reported on November 23, 1942 and served in the Finance, Procurement and Supply Division until December 1, 1943, at which time he was transferred to the Quartermaster Corps Officers Candidate School at Camp Lee. \ irginia. * Served overseas. t Awarded Army Commendation Ribbon for work with Selective Service. $ Awarded Purple Heart Medal for wounds in action in Europe. 46 STATE HEADQUARTERS Sgt. William P. Butcher, an attorney in civilian life, who reported on May 1, 1944 and assisted the State Legal Officer until he was trans- ferred to Fifth Army Headquarters in July of 1945. Corp. Francis M. Thompson, a veteran of the Canadian Army in World War I, who reported on October 8, 1942 and functioned in the Finance, Procurement and Supply Division until April 3, 1943, when he was released on his request for discharge because of being over the current military age. ORGANIZATION OF STAFF FUNCTIONS From the outset, the administration of Selective Service in Illinois was under the direction of the State Director whose office was located at Spring- field. At first, nine divisions were established at the Springfield office, func- tioning under the immediate supervision of Assistant State Director Leigh N. Bittinger, each Division Chief being responsible State-wide for the proper accomplishments of the functions assigned to his partciular division. In Cook County, the branch office operated under the supervision of Assistant State Director Louis A. Boening, four Section Chiefs serving as coordinators on the various functions. Colonel Bittinger served as Assistant State Director until October 12, 1941, on which date he was advanced to the position of Deputy State Director. After his resignation on November 26, 1941 — to become Superintendent of The Chicago Home for Incurables — Col. Clay M. Donner was appointed Executive Officer. Late in 1942, State Director Armstrong deemed it advisable to reorganize his staff in the interest of increased efficiency. His reorganization, effective on November 7, 1942, established two Departments and twelve Divisions. In the accompanying listing, the Chiefs of the various divisions are listed from the beginning of the Selective Service program. STATE HEADQUARTERS ORGANIZATION DEPARTMENTS Operations Department — Col. Harris P. Ralston, C of E, Deputy State Director. This department included the activities concerned with registration, classification, man- power calls and functional operations of Local Boards. Administrative Department — Col. Victor A. Kleber, AGD., Deputy State Director. This department included the activities concerned with personnel, finance and procure- ment, legal matters, physical examination procedure, field inspections, public relations and general administrative procedure. 47 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS DIVISIONS Finance, Procurement and Supply Division — Chiefs: Lt. Col Wm. A. Rodger, FD, from October 10, 1940 to May 12, 1947 Maj. Fred W. Jacobi, FD, from May 12, 1947 to September 31, 1947 Duties : 1. Preparation of the budget to cover fiscal requirements; 2. Obligation of all funds for necessary purchases and other expenditures, including rents and payrolls, authorized by the State Director; 3. Procurement of furniture, equipment and supplies; 4. Leasing of and alterations on all leased property; 5. Arrangements for necessary transportation for registrants and Selective Service personnel; 6. Arrangement for meals and lodging for registrants forwarded for physical examination and/or induction; 7. Preparation of vouchers for payment of rents, furniture, equipment and supplies; 8. Maintenance, including protection, of all Federally-owned automo- biles and other property under the care of the Illinois Selective Service System ; 9. Maintenance of a comprehensive accounting system; 10. Until May 17, 1943, this division handled payrolls for compensated personnel. This function was then transferred to the Personnel Divi- sion. Personnel Division — Chiefs: Maj. Charles J. Magnesen, Inf., from October 10, 1940 to October 29, 1946 Mr. Waldo J. McCoy from November 4, 1946 to August 29, 1947 Assistant Chief for Cook County: Mr. Edwin II. Felt Duties : 1. Procurement and assignment of all compensated civilian non-executive personnel necessary for the operation of State Headquarters, Local Boards and Boards of Appeal; 2. Maintenance of records of compensated civilian personnel: 3. Preparation of compensated civilian employes payrolls (and also certification of same after May 17, 1943) for transmission to the Finance Officer, United States Army, Chicago; 48 STATE HEADQUARTERS 4. Liaison with the United States Civil Service Commission on matters pertaining to the employment of civilian compensated personnel; 5. Responsibility for sales of war and victory bonds and maintenance of records of same. Registration Division — Chief: Maj. Charles J. Magnesen, Inf. Duties : 1. Liaison with election officials in connection with First Registration; 2. Supervisory management of subsequent registrations; 3. Advice to Local Boards on registration and processing of registration cards ; 4. Clearance of out-of-State and out-of-Board-area registration cards; 5. Liaison with prisons, jails and insane asylums in connection with registration of inmates of such institutions; 6. Maintenance of State Headquarters registration records. Occupational Deferment Division — Chief: Col. Harris P. Ralston, C of E. Duties: 1. Advice to Local Boards on all occupational deferments including scientific engineers and professional students; (NOTE: This division handled agricultural deferment matters in the early part of the pro- gram. This function was later transferred to another division.) 2. Issuance of policies in regard to replacement schedules and advice and assistance to employers in the preparation thereof. 3. Processing of all industrial employment certification forms; 4. Participation in instructional meetings of the Illinois Manufacturers Association, Chicago Association of Commerce and other industrial groups on the subject of industrial occupational deferment; 5. Processing of deferment requests for physicians, dentists and veteri- narians certified by the Procurement and Assignment Service; 6. Advice to Local Boards on registrants' requests for permits to leave the United States. Dependency Classification Division — Chief: Maj. Charles J. Magnesen, Inf. Duties : 1. Advice to Local Boards on interpretation of regulations pertaining to dependency classifications; 2. Assistance to Local Boards in obtaining special dependency investi- gations; 49 SELECTIVE SERVICE I\ ILLINOIS 3. Coordinator in classifications of penal institution inmates requesting parole for the purpose of entering the armed forces. 4. Liaison with Special Panel Boards, penal institutions and the Illinois Board of Pardons and Paroles. Agricultural Division — Chief: Prof. Robert C. Ross. Advisor: Prof. Paul E. Johnston. Duties: (NOTE: Agricultural deferments became such an important and voluminous part of occupational deferments that a special Division was set up on August 2, 1943 to deal exclusively with agricultural deferment problems.) 1. Advise State Director on Agricultural deferment policies and status of agricultural employment and production in Illinois; 2. Advise Local Boards on agricultural deferment matters; 3. Liaison with agricultural associations, United States Department of Agriculture War Boards, the Extension Service, farm bureaus, farm advisers, and other agricultural agencies, regarding agricultural de- ferment policies; 4. Preparation of Illinois Agricultural Questionnaire used for obtaining evidence necessary in connection with agricultural deferment claims: 5. Recommendations on applications for release from armed forces be- cause of agricultural necessity. Manpower Division — Chiefs : Col. Clay M. Donner, QMC, from October 10, 1940 to September 1, 1942 Lt. Col. Edmund P. Coady, Inf., from September 1, 1942 to January 29. 1947 Lt. Col. Marshall G. Buck, QMC, from February 1, 1947 to May 12, 1947 Duties : 1. Apportioning of manpower calls received from the National Di- rector to Local Boards; 2. Liaison with the Armed Forces Induction Station in connection with manpower calls; 3. Processing of transfers for physical examination and/or induction: 1. Advice to Local Boards on classification of aliens; processing of forms for such aliens; 5. Advice to Local Board- on classification of conscientious objector>: processing orders for const ientious objectors to report to camps of work of national importance; 50 STATE HEADQUARTERS 6. Advice to Local Boards on classification of ministers of religion and divinity students; 7. Maintenance of induction records, including statistics. Medical Division — State Medical Officers: Lt. Col. Lester S. Johnson, MC, from October 10, 1940 to March 5, 1941 Maj. Corwin S. Mayes, MC, from April 1, 1941 to September 14, 1941 Lt. Col. E. Mann Hartlett, MC, from September 29, 1941 to June 1, 1944 Lt. Col. Robert H. Sykes, MC, from June 1, 1944 to January 15, 1946 Capt. Earl H. Blair, MC, from January 16, 1946 to March 26, 1946 Duties : 1. Assistance in obtaining the voluntary services of physicians and dentists necessary in the operation of Selective Service in Illinois; 2. Supervision and coordination of physical examinations, and liaison with, Local Boards and Group Examining Physicians and Dentists and Medical Advisory Boards; 3. Interpretation of and advice on regulations pertaining to physical examination of registrants; 4. Advice to Local Boards on classification of physicians, dentists and veterinarians and students for these professions; 5. Liaison with the Procurement and Assignment Service on matters per- taining to the availability of physicians, dentists and veterinarians for military service; processing of forms submitted in this connection; 6. Operation of Medical Survey Program (Dr. David Slight, Director, and Lt. John E. Egdorf, Assistant Director) ; 7. Processing of registrants selected for correction of physical defects through the Governor's Rehabilitation Program. Field Division — Chiefs : Col. Leigh N. Bittinger, from October 15, 1940 to October 12, 1941 Col. Clay M. Donner, QMC, from October 12, 1941 to August 31, 1942 Lt. Col. Marshall G. Buck, QMC, from August 31, 1942 to December 3, 1944 Assistant Chiefs: Capt. Norman W. Smith, Spec, Ass't at Chicago from August 31, 1942 to July 29, 1944 Lt. Col. E. I. Edwards, QMC, Ass't from December 8, 1944 to April 14. 1947 Duties : 1. Assignment and direction of Field Officers; UN N t folTY OF ILLINOIS' 51 LIBRARY SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS 2. Training, assignment and direction of Field Auditors; 3. Maintenance of Local Board inspection records; (NOTE: Field Auditors operating in the downstate area had their base station at Springfield; those operating in Cook County were based at Chicago.) Legal Division — State Legal Officers: Maj. Baird Helfrich, JAGD, from October 10, 1940 to March 1, 1944 Capt. Earl R. Stege, CMP, from March 1, 1944 to April 24, 1946 Duties : 1. Advice to State Director, Staff, Local Boards, Boards of Appeal, and Government Appeal Agents on legal questions pertaining to the Selective Service regulations; 2. Processing of appeal cases passing through State Headquarters; 3. Advice to Local Boards on classification of moral basis (Class IV-F, Moral) ; 4. Processing of transfers for classification; 5. Maintenance of records, including statistics, on delinquents; 6. Liaison with and assistance to United States Attorneys in cases involv- ing violations of the Selective Training and Service Act and regula- tions ; 7. Clearance of files of conscientious objector claimants granted hear- ings by hearing officers in United States Attorneys' offices; 8. Supervision of procurement of Government Appeal Agents and Advisory Boards for Registrants — including maintenance of records pertaining to their service; 9. Liaison with Government Appeal Agents and Boards of Appeals; 10. Liaison with State and Local Bar Associations. Veterans 9 Assistance Division — Chief: Lt. Col. Marshall G. Buck, QMC Assistant Chief for Cook County: Lt. Comdr. William S. Bishop, USINR Duties : 1. Instructional and coordinating contact with Local Boards and Re- employment Committeemen on matters regarding reemployment of veterans ; 2. Conduct regional meetings on reemployment matters; .'). Assistance in establishment of local information and employment centers for veterans; 52 STATE HEADQUARTERS 4. Liaison with United States Employment Service; 5. Liaison with United States Attorneys in connection with troublesome reemployment cases; 6. Direct contact with employers, where necessary, in efforts to obtain reemployment for veterans without resort to Federal courts; 7. Supplying of officer-speakers to organizations desiring explanations of Selective Service law and policies pertaining to reemployment of veterans ; 8. Processing of requests for discharge from armed forces when State Director's recommendation was requested; 9. Advice to Local Boards on classification of veterans. Public Relations Division — Chiefs : Capt. Joseph U. Dugan, QMC, from October 10, 1940 to March 12, 1943 Col. Victor A. Kleber, Spec, from March 12, 1943 to April 14, 1947 Duties : 1. Preparation and distribution of State Headquarters publicity releases to press and radio ; 2. Arrangements for and preparation of radio broadcasts; 3. Editing of "CHATS," State Headquarters' house organ (originally named, "Selective Service News") ; 4. Liaison with press and radio; 5. Handling of public requests for lists of registrants, confidential in- formation pertaining to registrants, and general information per- taining to Selective Service. CHICAGO OFFICE While the State Director spent the bulk of his time at State Headquarters, Springfield, the fact that the majority of registrants in Illinois were located in Cook County made it necessary for him to maintain a branch office at Chicago. Ordinarily, he spent an average of two days a week at the Chicago office, which was organized along lines similar to Springfield. All Chicago activities were coordinated with and functioned under the State Headquarters office at Springfield, the central point of administration for the State. When the Chicago office was first established, it was temporarily under the supervision of Major (later Colonel) Stanley R. McNeil, AGD. The position of Assistant State Director in charge of Cook County was created and, through the Governor's recommendation, Mr. Louis A. Boening (Lieu- tenant Colonel, Illinois Reserve Militia) was appointed to the post on Octo- ber 10, 1940. Colonel Boening continued to head the Chicago office until 53 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS October 31, 1945, at which time he resigned to become general sales man- ager for the Revere Camera Company, Chicago. Following Colonel Boening's resignation, Colonel McNeil, as Executive Officer, assumed charge of the Chicago office and continued in that respon- sibility until May 30, 1947, when he was retired for physical disability. Subsequently, Mr. Edwin H. Felt was placed in charge and remained in such position until the termination of Selective Service. In addition to his duties as Executive Officer. Colonel McNeil was in charge of the Classification and Induction Sections, as well as serving as counsel on Selective Service matters in general. Occupational deferment matters in Cook County were originally handled by Maj. Howard G. Wade, Ord. : upon his transfer to National Headquarters on August 1, 1941, he was succeeded by Maj. Lloyd W. War f el, C of E who continued in the Occupational Deferment Section until June 16, 1942, the date of his transfer to the Office of Secretary of War. Major Harry W. Taylor, C of E, then assumed charge of the Section, Captain John B. Mor- gan, C of E, becoming his assistant on September 4, 1942. On August 7. 1944, Captain Peter N. Martin of the Manpower Division in the Springfield office was transferred to Chicago and assigned to duty in both the Occupa- tional Deferment and Field Sections. Prior to his transfer to Springfield in November of 1942, Col. Victor A. Kleber was in charge of the Registration and Public Relations Sections, these functions being taken over by Capt. Norman W. Smith who, in addi- tion, served as Assistant Chief of the Field Division until July 29, 1944 when he was transferred for overseas duty. From the outset to the termination of Selective Service, compensated clerical personnel in Cook County were under the supervision of Mr. Edwin H. Felt who, in addition, served as an Administrative Assistant to the State Director. When the Selective Service program first commenced in Illinois, the 361 Local Boards had to be furnished with forms, stationery and other supplies on short notice. Because 180 Boards were concentrated in Cook County alone, it was deemed advisable to set up supply facilities in the Chicago office. Accordingly. First Lieutenant (later Major) Fred W. Jacobi was assigned to the Supply Section. That phase of the Chicago organization was discontinued in March of 1943, by transfer to the Finance, Procure- ment and Supply Division at Springfield. # >l STATE HEADQUARTERS NAVY AND MARINE CORPS LIAISON From the very beginning of the Selective Service program, cooperation between the System in Illinois and the Navy (which also had jurisdiction over the Marine Corps and the Coast Guard) was always of the highest order. In the early days, liaison between the System and the Navy was readily handled by the State Director or a member of his staff. As the Navy manpower requirements rose, however, the Navy found it advisable to assign one of its officers to the Illinois State Director for the primary purpose of handling all Navy liaison matters connected with the System, at the same time making the officer available for any special work which the State Director might assign consistent with the primary duties of the officer. Lt. Comdr. Walter J. Eden, USNR, a Chicago transportation executive and veteran of World War I, officially reported for duty with the State Director on July 1, 1941 and remained with State Headquarters until his release from active duty on December 31, 1945. Commander Eden, prior to his official assignment, was already somewhat familiar with Illinois State Headquarters procedure for he had spent several weeks at the Headquarters in September and October of 1940, giving his personal assistance to help organize the Sys- tem in this State. His regular assignment as Navy Liaison Officer was there- fore doubly welcome. After America entered World War II as an active participant, the Navy manpower requirements rose still higher, and Lt. (later Lt. Comdr.) William S. Bishop, USNR, also a veteran of 1917-18 and formerly the well-known conductor of the column, "The Soldier's Friend," in the Chicago Herald- American, was assigned to Illinois as Assistant Navy Liaison Officer, with duty station at Chicago. These two officers maintained close contact with the Navy recruiting sta- tions and other Navy installations and rendered valuable service both to their own branch of service and to the Selective Service System. In addition, Com- mander Eden served as a field officer, visiting and counseling many Local Boards throughout the State. When America's victory appeared certain and the armed forces began discharging men in volume, Commander Bishop was appointed Assistant Chief of the Veterans Assistance Division and aided im- measurably in the achievement of the System's outstanding service to veterans in Cook County. Commander Bishop was relieved from active duty on Decem- ber 31, 1945. The Marine Corps likewise established its own liaison when, on April 9, 1943, it assigned Capt. (later Major) James C. Foster, USMCR. a veteran of Marine Corps service in the First World War and, at the time of his reactiva- tion, a prominent steel manufacturing executive of Sterling, Illinois, to State Headquarters as Marine Corps Liaison Officer. Major Foster carried on con- stant and effective liaison between the System and the Marine Corps recruiting stations. In addition, through the cooperation of Marine Corps Headquarters, 55 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS he served the State Director as an administrative assistant and also rendered valuable special service in the Field Division. During Major Foster's period of service as Marine Corps Liaison Officer. Illinois provided (both by enlistments and inductions) 14.339 men of military age to the Marine Corps. Additionally, 3.680 seventeen-year olds who en- listed in the Corps brought the total Illinois contribution to the Marine Corps up to 18,018 for the period. Major Foster was relieved from active duty on July 18, 1946. The following figures — covering the period from September 16, 1940 through December 31, 1945 — show the relative manpower contributions of Illinois to the Army, the Navy, the Marine Corps and the Coast Guard: Total Credits Inductions Enlistments (Men) Army 504.875 134.682 639.557 Navy 95,682 122,757 218,439 Marine Corps 14,168 17,755 31,923 Coast Guard 1,248 10,272 11,520 TOTALS 615,973 285,466 901,439 Subsequent inductions and enlistments brought Illinois" manpower contri- bution up to 910,448 men by January 31. 1947. This was augmented by the enlistment of 19,850 women in the armed forces. SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS A number of the officers were given special assignments which did not normally come under the domain of any of the major organized divisions of State Headquarters. These assignments were: Senior Military Officer: Col. Clay M. Donner, QMC, from October 17, 1940 to August 31, 1942 Col. Harris P. Ralston, C of E, from September 1, 1942 to October 15, 1946 Col. Victor A. Kleber, Spec, from October 16, 1946 to April 14, 1947 Chicago Office — Col. Stanley R. McNeil, AGD, from September 27, 1940 to May 20, 1947 Military Adjutant: Maj. Charles J. Magnesen, Inf., from October 7. 1940 to November 15, 1946 Navy Liaison Officer: Lt. Comdr. Walter J. Eden, USNR, from July 1, 1941 to December 31, 1945 Ass't Navy Liaison Officer: Lt. Comdr. Wm. S. Bishop, USNR, from July 15, 1942 to December 31, 1945 Liaison Officer from December 31, 1945 to March 4, 1946 56 STATE HEADQUARTERS Marine Corps Liaison Officer: Maj. James C. Foster, USMCR, from April 9, 1943 to May 16, 1946 Savings Bonds Officer: Maj. Charles J. Magnesen, Inf., from October 7, 1940 to November 15, 1946 Chicago Office — Col. Stanley R. McNeil, AGD, from September 27, 1940 to May 20, 1947 Records Disposal Officer: Maj. George W. Biggerstaff, Inf., from July 16, 1945 to August 1 1946 Maj. Fred W. Jacobi, FD, from August 1, 1946 to August 31, 1947 Chicago Office — Maj. Sidney T. Holzman, Inf., DSC, from July 16, 1945 to November 27, 1945 Chicago Office — Lt. Col. Harry W. Taylor, C of E., from November 27, 1945 to May 2, 1947 -A- GENERAL HERSHEY HONORED BY ILLINOIS PERSONNEL As a tribute to his superb leadership, the entire personnel of the Illinois Selective Service System honored Maj. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, National Director of Selective Service, with a testimonial dinner held in Chicago on May 29, 1942. More than 1,100 persons attended the dinner. Honor guests shown in the picture on the next page are: Col. Chester L. Fordney, USMCR, commanding the U. S. Marine Corps station at Chi- cago; Maj. Gen. George C. Grunert, USA, commanding general of the 6th Corps Area; Gov. Dwight H. Green; General Hershey; Col. Paul G. Armstrong, State Director of Selective Service; Capt. E. A. Lofquist, USN, representing Adm. John Downes, commandant of the Ninth Naval District, Great Lakes. Colonel Armstrong was the toastmaster for the dinner. At this testimonial meeting, the State Director's own Post of The American Legion — Square Post No. 232 of Chicago — presented Colonel Armstrong with a stand of the National Colors on behalf of those attending the dinner. The Selective Service Mural at the rear of the speakers was painted by the well-known Chicago painter, J. Z. Allen, for Chicago Local Board 144. 57 STATE HEADQUARTERS CHAPTER VI LOCAL BOARDS SELECTION OF MEMBERS The Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 required that every Mem- ber of a Local Board must: 1. Be a citizen of the United States; 2. Reside in the county in which his Local Board has jurisdiction; 3. Be a civilian (not a member of the land or naval forces of the United States; 4. Not be subject to induction under Selective Service (before the induc- tion age limit was reduced, all Local Board Members had to be thirty- eight years of age or older. Later on, when Congress reduced the induction age limit, vacancies on Local Boards were filled by younger men, many of whom had served in the armed forces of the Nation) . In the early part of the Selective Service program in Illinois, Local Boards were composed of three members each. (After Pearl Harbor, this number was increased to five so as to assure a minimum of three members being present at every board meeting.) The urgent problem of the State Director at the outset was to obtain reputable Illinois citizens to serve as Members of the 361 Local Boards which were to be established throughout the entire State. While the average citizen is highly patriotic, America was at peace at the outset of Selective Service, and no man properly could have been cen- sured for any unwillingness to sacrifice considerable personal time and risk incurring the ill will of some of his neighbors by service on a Local Board. Yet, the citizens of Illinois responded nobly when called upon to render special service on behalf of their Nation's mobilization of manpower. Because State Director Armstrong had formerly served as Illinois Depart- ment Commander of the American Legion, he had achieved personal acquaint- anceship not only with countless veterans of World War I (in The American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Disabled World War Veterans, United Spanish American War Veterans, and others) but also with numerous promi- nent citizens without veteran affiliation. His appeal for volunteers was therefore directed to the veterans' organizations, service groups such as Rotary, Kiwanis, Lions and others, Chambers of Commerce, farm organiza- tions, civic groups and the labor unions, both A. F. of L. and C. I. 0. Citizens of the United States are, under the Constitution, all on an equal basis without regard to nationality, race, religion, politics or special affili- ations. The selection of Local Board Members, therefore, presented the problem of elimination of Board control by any special group — to prevent 59 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS any public criticism, just or unjust, because of preponderance of Members of a Board belonging to any individual group. Because the State Director had made his recommendations with "equali- zation of representation" in mind, complaints as to favoritism or prejudice on the part of a Local Board were rare indeed and, if raised, were very easily answered. Any man who was known to be politically active was auto- matically rejected as a possibility for Board membership. In any case where an already appointed Board Member became politically active after his ap- pointment, his resignation was requested and obtained. The general poli- cies which were maintained reduced political charges to a minimum and enabled the State Director to refute successfully any occasional charge of political favoritism on the part of some Local Board. After lists of prospective Members were obtained, each prospect was sent a questionnaire requesting information as to his willingness to service, his ability to devote the necessary time for Selective Service duties, the nature of his busi- ness or profession, prior military service, if any, his political, club, society or labor union affiliations. From the information received in the questionnaire, the State Director was able to select tentative Board Members who were over the current military age limits, to make proper political division in each Board, and to insure against domination of any Board through political, religious or racial preponderance. At the American Legion National Convention in Boston during the latter part of September, 1940, Lt. Gov. John Stelle discussed with the newly- appointed State Director the matter of appointments to membership on Local Boards. Governor Stelle felt that the majority of the members should be veterans of previous wars — because of their familiarity with military pro- cedure and their special interest in national defense — and that the Board membership should reflect an equitable representation of the various aspects of each community. He furthermore stated that there should be, to the greatest extent possible, an equal division of the two major political parties — in order that actual or suspected political favoritism be eliminated. State Director Armstrong heartily agreed with the principles expressed by Gov- ernor Stelle. A few weeks later, after Governor Horner passed away, Governor Stelle called a meeting in Springfield of downstate district and post commanders and other leaders of The American Legion for the purpose of obtaining names of citizens for appointment to Local Board membership. This was done because (1) both Governor Stelle and State Director Armstrong were very active in affairs of the Illinois Department of the Legion and knew the vet- erans organization leaders personally; (2) these veterans were well ac- quainted with the citizens in their own communities, and ( .'} > the veterans could be depended on for the immediate action which was urgently needed at the time. A similar meeting was called in the Engineering Building. 205 60 LOCAL BOARDS West Wacker Drive, Chicago, to obtain recommendations for Members of Local Boards in Cook County. Since not all of those recommended as the result of these meetings were able to serve, and because a number of Boards were not completed, it was therefore necessary to obtain additional Members. Fortunately, the annual State-wide meeting of the Commanders and Adjutants of The American Legion was scheduled for Springfield on October 19 and 20, 1940 and, with the assistance of the Legion leaders, all Boards were completed. At all meetings, the veterans were told of the qualifications needed for appointment to Local Board membership and that the Governor (who was responsible for the submission of recommendations to the President) would not consider any man who was politically active — that is, a man who held public office or who was an active candidate for such office. These meetings provided the names of veterans and other substantial citizens in each community wherein a Local Board had been established. After the selected names had been processed in the State Director's office (with full consideration as to political affiliation, race and creed), they were presented to Governor Stelle for approval, following which action they were forwarded to National Selective Service Headquarters in Washington for appointment by the President. The same basic procedure was followed on subsequent lists of pros- pective appointees as Local Board Members, as well as on other volunteer positions for which the President made the appointments. The Governor, having been assured that his policies with reference to selection of rec- ommendations had been and would be followed, delegated the authority for such recommendations to the State Director. Because of their familiarity with military procedure, every effort was made to obtain the maximum number of veterans of previous wars as Local Board Members. Approximately 70% of the Illinois Local Board Members were veterans. They were men of various creeds, races and political groups, who were engaged in industry, business services and agriculture. Many of them were executives in important corporations. In the beginning — because of the urgency for speed in organizing the Local Boards — recommendations for appointments as Local Board Members were sent in without consulting the potential appointees. It developed, how- ever, that some of the potential appointees felt that they could not or should not serve on Local Boards, and it was therefore necessary to submit new names to Washington. In one county, twenty-three appointments were re- quired before a three-man Local Board was obtained. After the basic set-up had been completed, recommendations were made only after each indi- vidual had been contacted and had signified his willingness to serve. In obtaining replacements made necessary by additions to Boards, death, resignation or other reason, it became the policy to request recommendations 61 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS from the original Members of the Local Boards. This was done to insure full cooperation and harmonious procedure at the Local Board level. In any case where the Board, itself, had no specific recommendation to offer, the State Director made his selection from available lists of volunteers, each proposed appointment being carefully checked with the Local Board con- cerned before it was forwarded to National Headquarters at Washington. LOCAL BOARD MEMBERSHIP INCREASED Hardly had the terrible news of Pearl Harbor flashed over the radio on Sunday, December 7, 1941, when State Headquarters was flooded with offers to help in the carrying out of the job that everyone knew was absolutely necessary in order to preserve the Nation. Realizing that the number of men inducted through Selective Service would be tremendously increased, and feeling that the Local Boards should be strengthened so that a minimum of three Members would be assured for every meeting, the State Director, on January 17, 1942, announced an increase in the membership of Local Boards from three to five. By the time that the State Director determined to increase the member- ship of each Local Board from three to five Members, he had learned the necessity for placing experienced farmers on Local Boards situated in areas where agriculture predominated or was, at least, a vital factor in the community. Consequently, recommendations on such basis were sought from each farming area Board, as well as from Mr. Earl Smith (then president of the Illinois Agricultural Association), the United States Department of Agriculture War Boards and other farm groups. The State Director furthermore endeavored to obtain, as agricultural Members, men who were actually "working farmers" (familiarly referred to as "dirt farmers") who operated their own farms rather than men who owned farms but were primarily engaged in some other activity. On vir- tually every Local Board in the agricultural areas, the State Director man- aged to place at least one, and in most cases two. working farmers, thus giving the Local Board the benefit of the practical and valuable knowledge of the men who were thoroughly familiar with the production and labor requirements of almost every farm in their respective communities. At the outset of the program for obtaining farm representation on the Local Boards in agricultural areas, there was a feeling that these farmer members might lean too heavily in favor of agriculture. This, however, was a needless fear, for the farmer members of Local Boards — knowing the agricultural situation in their own areas so well — were extremely strict and invariably insisted that a farm registrant (and his employer) show a real and specific need for his services before they would consent to deferment. 62 LOCAL BOARDS METHOD OF SELECTION PROVED SOUND The Illinois State Director's method of selection for Local Board mem- bership was a definite success, and was later adopted by a number of other States. Board Members demonstrated their even temperaments, their flexi- bility in the face of reason, their intelligent judgment and their integrity. Only in a few instances was it necessary to take special corrective action. These corrective actions were taken quietly and without publicity which, if released, might have jeopardized public confidence in the System. Such publicity might also have reflected upon the separated Member and unjustly injured his reputation. Little or no difficulty was encountered as the result of racial or religious composition of a Board. In one instance, it was discovered that a Local Board in Chicago was composed entirely of men of a certain nationality. Upon learning that the Board meetings were being conducted in a foreign language, the State Director transferred one of the Members to another Local Board, replacing the latter with a man who did not speak or under- stand the foreign language concerned. In Chicago, there are certain areas which each have tremendous popu- lations of some particular group of foreign origin, areas in which the in- fluence of the mother country is still a strong factor. The same situation prevails in a number of areas throughout the rest of the State. The Illinois policy of selecting Local Board Members and other non-compensated per- sonnel equitably on the basis of a spread of representation proved success- ful and prevented criticism that might otherwise have been received from those citizens who were not members of some particular race, religious faith or political party. The quality of the membership personnel selected was evidenced not only by the outstanding record of fair decisions by Illinois Local Boards but also by the fact that most of the Members willingly gave up their nights, Sundays and holidays in order to keep abreast of the ever present volume of work. In dozens of cases, Members worked as high as fifty hours a week without one cent of pay, their compensation being realized in the satisfac- tion of making an important contribution to the successful prosecution of their Nation's war. The names of Local Board Members, as well as location of the Board offices, will be found in the Appendix. LOCAL BOARD OFFICES Original Selective Service regulations provided that each Local Board be established, so far as possible, to have jurisdiction over not more than 3,500 registrants. On the basis of the election registration (the 1940 census figures were not available at the time of planning), the State Selective Serv- 63 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS ice Plan, formulated by the Illinois National Guard, set up 284 Local Board areas for the entire State. Chicago was allocated 78 Boards, suburban Cook County 25, and downstate Illinois 181. After the First Registration, it was discovered that the results of registra- tion did not work out strictly according to the planning. For instance, one Local Board in Chicago was found to have almost 12,000 registrants, while another Board in the same ward had only a trifle over 800 registrants. This divergence, on a lesser scale, was found to exist in different parts of the State, but particularly within Cook County. As the result of the necessary redistricting of Local Board areas so that each Board would have approximately 3,500 registrants, 361 Boards were established for the whole State — 144 downstate county Boards, 37 down- state city Boards, 151 Chicago city Boards, 14 suburban city and 15 rural boards in Cook County. In any county where a large city was located, it was found best to have one or more Local Boards handle the urban registrants and one or more Boards take jurisdiction over the registrants in the agricultural area of the county. County Local Boards were designated with the name of the County and numbered from 1 up, depending on the number of Boards in each county. City Local Boards were designated with the name of the city and numbered according to the number of Boards in each city. Outside of Cook County, the "county" Local Board was generally estab- lished at the county seat. Whenever additional county boards were neces- sary, they were located according to distribution of population and con- venience of transportation. During the period of Selective Service operation, a number of necessary changes were made in Local Board locations. In September of 1944, a program of consolidation of Local Board offices was started with the result that Illinois accomplished an annual savings of ap- proximately $100,000 in rentals. In establishing Local Board offices, free space in public buildings (posl offices, State armories, county and city buildings, veterans' organization headquarters) was obtained as far as possible. At the peak. 57 Local Board offices were located in such free space in all parts of the State except within the City of Chicago. When Selective Service first began operation in Illinois, things happened so quickly that it had not been possible to make arrangements for office space, office furniture, equipment and uecessar) supplies lor the 361 Local Boards. However, this deficiency did not daunt the public-spirited citizens who had been appointed to carry out Selective Service operation. They pro- vided or borrowed office space Eurniture, equipment and supplies, generally using their own funds for necessary cash expenditures, in order to get the organization under way and at work. Because oi technical regulations M LOCAL BOARDS pertaining to purchases for the Federal government, these citizens were never reimbursed for their expenditures. In addition, all of them gave up untold amounts of personal time away from their businesses and positions. It was determined that the office equipment and furniture for each Local Board would be held to an absolute minimum, and the original purchases for each Local Board was authorized for the following: 1 — 50x34 double pedestal flat top desk 1 — 60 inch center drop DP typewriter desk 1 — standard typewriter 1 — swivel chair without arms 1 — typist's swivel chair 1—72x34 inch table 6 — straight leg chairs 1 — 4-drawer letter size filing cabinet with lock. Additional 4-drawer filing cabinet for each 1,000 registrants or frac- tion thereof. Later on, it was necessary to increase this furniture and equipment by additional typewriter desks, typewriters and filing cabinets. It was not deemed necessary to provide any Board Chairman, Secretary or Member with a desk for his own use, since it was rarely ever necessary for any one of these officials to perform any clerical function. His task was to conduct hearings — confer with registrants and dependents and meet with the other Members of the Board for consideration of cases. Except for the initial supply of Selective Service forms necessary for the First Registration, all printed matter was obtained from the Government Printing Office through National and State Headquarters. Only on occasion did State Headquarters provide necessary special forms which were pro- duced at the Springfield office by the multilith or mimeograph process of duplication. Most of these letter forms were required for the obtaining of special reports required by State Headquarters. GOVERNMENT APPEAL AGENTS Attached to each Illinois Local Board was a Government Appeal Agent (attorney) who served as a legal counsel for both the Federal government and the Selective Service registrants. Specifically, his duties were: 1. Review classifications made by the Local Board and, as authorized by the regulations, take an appeal from the Board's classification in any case where he believed that a registrant's induction would create an injustice to the government, a registrant, a dependent or an employer; 2. Advise and assist registrants in the preparation of the claims for deferment; 3. Make special investigations requested by the Local Board; 65 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS 4. While not listed as one of their official duties, many Government Ap- peal Agents, on the Boards' requests, advised Local Boards on legal questions which arose pertaining to Selective Service regulations or the status of registrants; 5. In the event a Government Appeal Agent felt that a case warranted an appeal to the President, he presented the facts to the State Direc- tor for the latter's consideration and determination as to whether or not such an appeal should be made. Obviously, it was necessary for each Government Appeal Agent to de- vote considerable time constantly to thorough study of Selective Service regulations and directives in order that he could capably perform his duties. As time passed and classification actions became too voluminous — making it physically impossible for one man to perform all of the above duties — one or more Associate Government Appeal Agents were assigned to any Local Board making request for additional legal help. The State Director selected his recommendations for Government Ap- peal Agents and Associate Government Appeal Agents from lists submitted by the Illinois Bar Association and the county and local bar groups within the State. Appointments, as the result of these recommendations submitted through the Governor, were made by the President of the United States. Because of the large number (180) of Local Boards within Cook County, State Director Armstrong deemed it advisable to have a Coordinator of Government Appeal Agents within that county. He, therefore, recommended and obtained the appointment of the Hon. Tappan Gregory, former presi- dent of the Chicago Bar Association and presently (1948) president of the American Bar Association, to serve in that capacity. Mr. Gregory gave valuable and distinguished service in such post. On February 24, 1941, at the quarters of the Chicago Bar Association, the State Director held a meeting of the Government Appeals Agents and Members of Boards of Appeal in Cook County. Colonel Armstrong, Appeal Board Administrator King, Coordinator Gregory, State Legal Officer Helf- rich and several other Staff officers addressed the meeting. Approximately six hundred Illinois attorneys gave up a tremendous amount of their valuable time to serve as Government Appeal Agents and Associates during the life of the Selective Service System. By their careful evaluation of classification actions, their counsel to Local Boards and, in many cases, their ability to convince registrants of the fairness of their clas- sifications, these attorneys rendered an outstanding contribution to their Nation and State. Government Appeal Agents and Associates are listed under their re- spective Local Boards in the Appendix of this volume. 66 LOCAL BOARDS REEMPLOYMENT COMMITTEEMEN Section 8 of The Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 provided that, under certain specified conditions, every person who entered active military service during the life of the Act was, after release from such serv- ice, to be reemployed in essentially the same position he occupied at the time he went on active military duty. The law also required the Selec- tive Service System to render every possible assistance to such veterans and also give employment help to other veterans who were not able to take advantage of the reemployment provision of the law. Congress later ex- tended reemployment rights to all persons who entered the armed forces, subsequent to May 1, 1940, regardless of how they entered the service and, in addition, to men who left their positions to serve in the Merchant Ma- rine. Hence, under this provision of the law, a Reemployment Committee- man was assigned to every Local Board in Illinois, some of the Boards find- ing it necessary to have one or more additional Committeemen. In selecting the Reemployment Committeemen for appointment, State Director Armstrong requested recommendations from each Local Board, and such recommendations were invariably followed. Because the already established veterans' organizations had amply demonstrated their interest and capabilities in the matter of finding jobs for veterans, a large number of the Reemployment Committeemen in Illinois were also chairmen of the employment committees of their own local veterans' organization Posts. While most veterans experienced little difficulty in being reemployed in their old jobs after release from military service, the Reemployment Com- mitteemen were able to perform distinguished service in the few trouble- some cases that did arise. Likewise, they rendered excellent service in the matter of placing other veterans in new positions. (A more detailed ac- count of the reemployment problem will be found later in this volume under "Reemployment." Reemployment Committeemen who served in Illinois are shown under their respective Local Boards in the Appendix. LOCAL BOARD EXAMINING PHYSICIANS AND DENTISTS Under the original plan of determining whether or not a registrant was physically qualified for military service, registrants were first examined by a physician, serving without compensation, attached to each Local Board as Examining Physician. On the findings of such examination, the Local Board placed a registrant in Class I-A (qualified for general military duty), Class I-B (qualified only for limited military duty), or Class IV-F (physically or mentally unfit for any military duty). At the outset, only physicians were appointed for the examinations at the Local Board level. On March 31, 1941, however, the regulations were 67 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS amended so that one or more dentists could be assigned to assist in the physical examinations at that level. Local Board Examining Physicians were selected by the State Director, recommended by the Governor, and formally appointed by the President. The names of prospective Examining Physicians were obtained through the cooperation of the Illinois Medical Society and the many county and local medical societies. On a number of occasions, Local Boards made appoint- ment suggestions which were followed. The Examining Dentists were also appointed by the President and were obtained through the recommendations of the Local Boards and the various dental societies. Examining Physicians and Dentists were, so far as possible, above the ages liaMe for military service. From time to time, it became necessary to appoint additional physicians and dentists due to many of their col- leagues leaving Selective Service to enter the medical departments of the different branches of the armed forces. The Illinois physicians and dentists who gave voluntary assistance to the Selective Service System made a genuine and vital contribution to the war effort. Many of them examined thousands of registrants — and often under trying and embarrassing circumstances which interfered with their normal practice — and thus caused the process of obtaining manpower for the armed forces to be speeded up immeasurably. The names of Local Board Examining Physicians and Dentists who were part of Selective Service in Illinois will be found under their respective Local Boards in the Appendix. ADVISORY BOARDS FOR REGISTRANTS The average registrant found it somewhat difficult to understand the technicalities and give adequate answers to the voluminous questions on the Selective Service questionnaire. Therefore, in order to assist registrants in filing complete and correct information on their questionnaires (and often on special claim papers), Advisory Boards for Registrants uric established. In most of the counties, a complete Advisory Board was assigned to each Local Board. In the populous areas of Chicago, however, one Ad- visory Board was assigned to each ward and handled the registrants' as- sistance for as high as five Local Boards in a single ward. Their were only a few instances wherein a Local Board in Chicago had its own Advisory Board. The Advisory Board members were obtained through recommendations made by the various Bar Associations throughout the State, and their ap- pointments were made by the Governor. Approximately 3,000 Illinois at- torneys voluntarily served in the uninteresting and sometimes tedious work 68 LOCAL BOARDS of filling out necessary Selective Service forms and other papers for regis- trants. Invariably, a registrant could obtain advice almost at any hour of the day. Each Advisory Board consisted of at least three attorneys. The Chair- man of each Advisory Board outside of Cook County was usually the County Judge. So that the Chairmen and Members of the Cook County registrants' advisory boards might readily obtain correct information pertaining to their duties and to Selective Service procedure in general, the Hon. Stephen E. Hurley, prominent Chicago attorney (and later President of the Chicago Bar Association) was appointed Coordinator of Advisory Boards for Regis- trants in that county. In his capacity, Mr. Hurley sacrificed of his own per- sonal time in great measure and rendered a genuine patriotic service to his Nation. Members of the Advisory Board for Registrants are listed in the Appendix. LOCAL BOARD CLERKS (COMPENSATED PERSONNEL) While compensated employes of the Federal government are ordinarily hired and assigned by the United States Civil Service Commission, the urgency for speed in the organization and operation of the Selective Service System was such that, at the beginning, Local Boards were permitted to hire their own clerks. This was done by a majority vote in each Board. At the outset, only one clerk was allowed for each Local Board, more having been added subsequently, as needed. In a great many cases, the Boards selected veterans of World War I to serve as their clerks. These men — a number of them disabled veterans — were somewhat familiar with military procedure, were clerically efficient, could ordinarily work longer hours, and were considered able to deal prop- erly with the thousands of men who were to cross each Local Board's threshhold during Selective Service operation. Many Boards, however, se- lected women for their clerks, and these women not only showed themselves competent, but also matched the men in overtime work and demonstrated their adroitness in handling registrants. As time went on, because many of the men clerks obtained more lucrative positions, women came to occupy most of the clerical positions in the Local Board offices. After the original clerks were hired, Civil Service requirements were put into effect, and necessary additional clerks were hired through the Civil Service Commission and assigned by the Personnel Division of State Head- quarters. Ultimately, all clerks without Civil Service status were required to qualify as war appointees. In April of 1941, under the terms of the Classification Act relating to Federal civil service employes, it was provided that Local Boards (and 69 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS other Federal Agencies) should not employ, nor continue in employment, any person related to any Member of the Board by blood or marriage as close as first cousin. At the time Local Boards were organized in 1940. a few of the Board members in Illinois obtained the appointment of wives, daughters, daughters- in-law or other close relatives as employes of the respective Boards on which these Members served. These cases of nepotism were quickly and easily corrected by the simple process of transferring the employes concerned to other Boards. Written words cannot possibly express the importance or extent of the service of the Local Board clerical personnel. From the beginning until almost the termination of the Selective Service program, they worked under constant pressure and often under conditions that taxed their nerves almost to the breaking point. When the average citizen was home from work and enjoying his evening with his family, the Local Board clerks were frequently found at their offices straining every faculty to meet some work deadline. Quite often it was necessary for the clerks (and, in many cases, one or two Local Board Members) to be at the Local Board offices until the late hours of the night, or to arise as early as three or four o'clock in the morning to check in registrants who were to leave by street car, bus or train for the in- duction station for physical examination or induction. (In 1944, the State Director was able to change the procedure for the Cook County Local Boards so that the registrants reported direct to the induction station rather than to the Board offices.) An average of approximately 7,985 Illinois citizens rendered volunteer service regularly to the Selective Service System in the overall period from (Continued on page 72 J # YES, IT'S AN OFFICIAL SELECTIVE SERVICE NOTICE Several hundred of Chicago Board 80"s registrants could not read or understand *fa A *■ L--t BIPTION OF REGISTRANT RACE HEIGHT WEIGBT (Approx.) COMPLEXION EVES EA1R Light l-Oj« B ta Ruddy Gray Red Dark OrlcDiJ tlsicl Bro$*. This is to certify that in accordant* with the Selective Service Proclamation of the President o( the United States FORM 2— REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE Presented to registrant at time of his registration, and required to be carried on his person at all times. SPECIAL SITUATIONS Regulations, as well as instructions from National Headquarters, required that a Local Board jurisdiction should ordinarily be limited to 3,500 regis- trants. The First Registration had been carried out according to the plans developed by the staff of The Adjutant General's office in cooperation with the election officials. As might logically be expected in a great and hurriedly organized undertaking like the First Registration, some of the planning did not work out — particularly in Cook County. Since no authoritative census figures were available except those of ten years previous, unrealized increases and decreases in the populations of certain proposed Local Board areas pro- duced unexpected inequities in numbers of registrants for these particular Board areas. In one Chicago ward, as stated earlier in this volume, one proposed Local Board had approximately 12.000 registrants while an adjoin- ing Board in the same ward had less than 800 registrants. Obviously, it was necessary that this and many other inequities be corrected immediately. The end result of the upset of planning was that all of the registration cards for Cook County had to be withheld from distribuiton to the organized Local Boards until a re-distributing could be accomplished to correct, so far as possible, the existing inequities. 102 REGISTRATION On registration night, the registration cards had been packaged and de- livered according to the original registration areas. In order to re-district the Local Board areas — as close as possible to 3,500 registrants each — it was necessary to combine the packages accordingly. This was done only after a day and night time-consuming job of figuring out the potential registrant population of the proposed new Local Board areas and outlining new maps to cover the wards, precincts and other areas involved. The tremendous re-districting job was not completed until five days before the National Lottery, which took place on October 29, 1940. The re-districting procedure brought about the establishment of seventy- three new Local Boards within the City of Chicago and four in the suburban area of Cook County. In spite of the almost insuperable problem of obtaining the required num- ber of Members for the newly-established Local Boards in only a few days' time, the State Director nevertheless did overcome the near-impossible situa- tion and had the new Members ready to function in due time. On the evening of Friday, October 25, 1940, the members of Local Boards in Cook County were called into meeting at the Council Chamber in the Chi- cago City Hall, and each Chairman was given the registration cards belonging to his Board. Explanation was made as to the reasons for delay in delivery of the registration cards. The personnel of the Boards were told of the critical situation which existed and the possibility of Illinois' delaying the National Lottery which was to be held in Washington less than four days later. Director Armstrong appealed to everyone present to devote every moment of his time, if at all possible, to the serial numbering, listing and other work necessary to put the State in a position of readiness in proper time. He cited the comment of the New York Times that "the National Lottery would prob- ably have to be postponed because Illinois would not be ready." He reminded them that the situation before them was a challenge to their patriotism and efficiency, and assured them of his confidence in their ability to "come through on time." The Local Board Members with the assistance of their clerks and volun- teer helpers, met the challenge! Not a single Board had been assigned any office space, furniture, equipment or supplies. Consequently they did their work in the business offices of Board members or in offices donated by other public-spirited citizens. Typewriters, desks, chairs and tables were borrowed, stationery was donated by Board members or, in some cases, seized wherever the necessary materials could be found. Continuously, and without sleep from Friday night until late Sunday, these loyal patriots worked against time — with the result that, on Sunday, October 27, 1940, Director Armstrong was able to report Illinois ready for the National Lottery which was to be held on the following Tuesday. 103 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS The superb performance of the Illinois Local Board members and their assistants enabled Illinois to be the first large State to report readiness for the National Lottery. Dr. Clarence Dykstra, National Director of Selective Service at that time, knew of the difficulties Illinois had encountered as the result of the First Registration and, on receiving Director Armstrong's report of readiness, answered with a telegram reading: "Congratulations on doing the impossible. It has been a splendid job." Thus, at the very outset of Selective Service operation, Illinois Local Boards amply demonstrated their patriotism, intelligence, ingenuity and capability to handle the many arduous and complex tasks that developed in the seven succeeding years. SUBSEQUENT REGISTRATIONS Registration for the five registrations subsequent to the First Registration were handled by the three hundred sixty-one Local Boards in the State. Complete instructions and supplies were furnished to each Local Board sufficiently in advance to enable the Board to make all plans and obtain the volunteer help necessary to accomplish each registration. Also, Field officers from State Headquarters traveled throughout the State a few days before the registration — to insure that instructions were fully understood and that Boards were well prepared to operate in accordance with the organized plans. On each occasion, the State and metropolitan police stood by to rush emerg- ency supplies to many Local Boards throughout the State. ANALYSIS OF AND COMMENTS ON THE SIX REGISTRATIONS First Registration — The date was October 16, 1940, and was for men who had been born on or after October 17, 1904 and on or before October 16, 1919 (ages 21 through 35 years). Illinois registered 1,003,316 men — 461,022 downstate and 544,294 in Cook County. Late registrants brought the State's figure for this registration up to 1,017,613. Second Registration — The date was July 1, 1941 (at Local Board offices) and included men born on or after October 17, 1919 and on or before July 1, 1920 (men who had become 21 years of age since the First Registra- tion). A total of 47,014 was registered for the State — 21,626 downstate and 25,388 in Cook County. Third Registration — The date was February 16, 1942, for men born on or after July 2, 1920 and on or before December 31, 1921 (20-year olds I . also men born on or after February 17, 1897 and on or before October 16, 1904 (men aged 35 through 44 years). A total of 559.429 men un- registered in Illinois — 257,337 downstate and 302.092 in Cook County. 104 REGISTRATION Fourth Registration — The date was April 27, 1942, for men born on or after April 28, 1877 and on or before February 16, 1897 (men aged 45 through 64 years). A total of 968,055 men was registered for the State — 445,305 downstate and 522,750 in Cook County. The Fourth Registration involved what may have been the most unusual registration dilemma encountered in all World War II. Chicago Local Board 120 is located in the heart of the human derelict region of Chicago — noted the world over for its gathering of hobos, bums and panhandlers who live in the district's cheap hotels, flop houses, tin shack and other forlorn places. Most of these men were in the higher age brackets — specifically, over 45 years of age. When the Fourth Registration opened, Chicago Local Board 120 found itself with a waiting line of human derelicts several blocks dong. Tenaciously, the men clung to their places in line. The volume continued so great — and the registration process was slower with these men — that Board 120 did not finish its registration until after four long days of nerve-wracking experience. Fifth Registration — The date was June 30, 1942, for registrants born on or after January 1, 1922 and on or before June 30, 1924 (18 and 19- year olds.) This registration brought in a total of 157,848 — 72,610 down- state and 85,238 in Cook County. Sixth Registration — This registration was divided into two parts: (1) those men who had become 18 years of age since the Fifth Registra- tion (June 30, 1942) ; and (2) those men who became 18 years of age on or before January 1, 1943. The first part of the Sixth Registration was held between the dates of December 11 and December 31, inclusive, 1942 — the individuals concerned being divided into three separate age groups who were registered in three successive weeks. A total of 28,406 men was registered during this first part — 13,067 downstate and 15,339 in Cook County. The second part of the Sixth Registration was continuous. It began registering male persons who became 18 years of age on January 1, 1943 and, as other young men became 18 years old on successive days, they were required to register on their 18th birthdays, such registration continuing until March 31, 1947 and totaling 144,364 men. Summary The statistics below — taken from the Fourth Report of the National Di- rector of Selective Service — show the net results of registration of Illinois men of military age in the five registration periods. (The Fourth Registra- tion of 968,055 men is not included, since men over 45 years of age were not liable for induction.) These figures, compiled through December 31, 1945, include men who registered late. 105 >Kl.i:cri\K SERVICE IN ILLINOIS First Registration, October 16, 1940 1,017,613 Second Registration, July 1, 1941 47,014 Third Registration, February 16, 1942 559,429 Fifth Registration, June 30, 1942 157,848 Sixth Registration — December 11-31, 1942 28,406 Subsequent to December 31. 1942 144.364 172.770 Total Registrants of Military Age 1.954.674 Thus, adding the 968,055 non-military age men of the Fourth Registra- tion, Illinois accomplished a grand total registration of 2,922,729 men. During the operation of the Selective Service program. 536 Illinois citi- zens living abroad registered while abroad. On V-J Day (September 2, 1945), Illinois had approximately 1,300,000 registrants of the then current military service age — 18 through 37 years. This figure placed Illinois second only to Pennsylvania in the matter of registration volume within one State Headquarters jurisdiction. (New York was divided into two separate administrations — one for New York City and the other for the remainder of the State.) According to statistics furnished by National Headquarters, as of August 1, 1945, the 361 Illinois Local Boards were divided, according to number of military age registrants in each Board, as follows: No. of Registrants No. of Registrants in each Board No. of Boards in each Board No. of Boards 500-999 1 3.500-3.999 85 1,000-1.499 8 4.000-4.499 76 1.500-1.999 11 4,500-4,999 34 2.000-2,499 24 5.000-5,499 8 2.500-2.999 44 5,500-5,999 7 3.000-3.499 61 6.000 and over 2 & WHIZZ! Burnet Robert Tedford, of Newton. Illinois, registered with Jasper County Local Board 1 on his eighteenth birthday — September 24, 1945. He asked if he could be included with the induction group which was to leave for the Chicago induction station at two o'clock the next morning. The Board Clerk gave Burnet an emphatic "No!" but Burnet was so persistent that the Clerk had the youngster fill out all the necessary forms from the Questionnaire to the request for immediate induction. Result — Burnet was in the Army within seventeen hours after he registered! 100 CHAPTER XII SERIAL AND ORDER NUMBERING FIRST REGISTRATION After each Local Board received the registration cards (following the First Registration), it was required to give a serial number to each regis- trant determined to be permanently under the jurisdiction of that Board. The registration cards were shuffled in accordance with procedure established by the Selective Service regulations, and then numbered consecutively. Each Board started with No. 1 and continued until all its cards had been given a serial number. The highest serial number in Illinois, at that time, was 4904. A complete list of each Board's registrants was typed (DSS Form 3) in sequence of serial numbers. One copy was posted prominently in the Local Board Office, another copy forwarded to the State Director. A third copy was sent to the local press. Serial numbers of registrants were given full publicity to prevent any charge of favoritism or tampering with the process of establishing priority of induction call among registrants. The National Lottery, held in Washington, D. C, took place on October 29, 1940. Since there w r ere several Local Boards in the country which had each numbered their registration cards beyond No. 8,000, the authorities in Washington determined that it would be best to place 9,000 capsules, con- taining Nos. 1 to 9,000, in the large glass bowl to be used for the lottery — thus allowing for possible late registrants. (The glass "fish bowl" used in 1940 was borrowed from Independence Hall, Philadelphia, where it had been placed after serving the same purpose in the World War I draft.) The first number drawn in the National Lottery on October 29, 1940 was 158 — 100 numbers less than the first draft number drawn in 1917 (258). Therefore, every man who held Serial No. 158 in his Local Board was given Order No. 1 in that Board. Unless he later qualified for defer- ment, such man became the first registrant in his respective Local Board to be subject to induction call under the Selective Service process. Since Serial No. 192 was the second number drawn from the Lottery bowl, each registrant holding that serial number was given Order No. 2 in his respective Local Board; and so on. The placing of order numbers on registration cards was not accomplished until each Local Board had received the National Master List — a list which showed the sequence in which the 9,000 serial numbers had been drawn out of the bowl at Washington. Each Local Board, after it received the National Master List, first crossed out all the serial numbers over and above its own highest number. For instance, if a Local Board had only 2,486 registra- 107 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS CHICAGO TRIBUNE PHOTO ONE OF ILLINOIS' MOST FAMOUS REGISTRANTS Heavyweight Boxing Champion Joe Louis is shown registering for Selec- tive Service at the Faren School, 51st Street and Wabash Avenue, Chicago on October 16, 1940. Shown, left to right, are: Alonzo Brooks, half- brother of Joe Louis; Louis; Julian Black, Louis' manager; Virgil Cook, Selective Service registrar. tion cards, all serial numbers above 2,486 on the National Master List were crossed out. The Board then assigned order numbers to its registrants ac- cording to the sequence of the serial numbers remaining on its copy of the National Master List. By this procedure, no one knew — prior to the National Lottery — whose serial number would get what order number, and the process of establishing priority for induction call represented the ultimate in honesty and fairness, as well as a complete absence of favoritism. (No serial number could legally be changed once it had been placed upon the registration card.) The order numbers li-l \\a> posted at (he Local Board office (usually on the window), filed with State Headquarters and sent to the local press. 108 SERIAL AJMD ORDER NUMBERING Using its order numbers list for sequence of mailing, each Local Board sent out questionnaires to approximately five per cent of their registrants. These questionnaires, when completed, together with other written informa- tion, statements, affidavits, etc., furnished by the registrant — and in many cases, his dependents or employer — provided the basis for classification and selection, procedures which will be explained later in this book. Any man who registered after the completion of order numbering accord- ing to the National Master List was given the serial number following the highest serial number held in his Local Board. His order number was as- signed according to the position which that serial number occupied on the National Master List, being given the same order number to that given to the serial number which preceded his on the Master List — with the addition of the letter, "A." For instance, suppose a late registrant drew Serial No. 1984. If Serial No. 1721 was allotted Order No. 768, and Serial No. 1984 followed Serial No. 1721 on the Master List, Serial No. 1984 would receive Order No. 768- A, and the registrant holding that number would be subject to induction call before Order No. 769. Thus late registration made no difference in the equitable process of determining priority of induction call. SECOND REGISTRATION Serial numbers for the Second Registration were drawn by lottery as had been done in the first Registration. The system of order numbering was varied somewhat in that each new registrant, in the sequence established by the Second National Lottery, had his registration card placed after each group of ten registrants of the First Registration. The numbers thus assigned were called "sequence numbers." This variation of procedure caused prac- tically no difference in priority of call. THIRD REGISTRATION The Washington lottery, which was employed as a means of determining the sequence of order numbers after the First and Second Registrations, was discarded and not used for the Third Registration. Instead, serial num- bers were given a "T" prefix, and cards were numbered from T-l up. A national master list provided for order numbers beginning with 10,001, and the procedure for assigning the orders numbers was similar to that used in the previous Registrations. FOURTH REGISTRATION Since the men in this Registration were 45 years old and up, and were not in the then current military liability age limits, no order numbers were assigned to the men in this particular group. 109 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS FIFTH REGISTRATION A new system was used for serial numbering and order numbering the registration cards of the men of this Registration. Registrants' cards were sorted according to birth dates, and serial numbers were given an "N" prefix. The cards were numbered from N-l up. In cases where two or more men had the same birthdate, the cards of such men were arranged in alphabetical sequence. The order numbers for this group commenced with the order number following the highest order number used for the Third Registration. Thus, order numbers were assigned according to birth dates. SIXTH REGISTRATION This registration also called for the assignment of serial and order num- bers by sequence of date of birth. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES HAS AWARDED THIS Certificate of Commendation Edmund L Wilson IN GRATEFUL RECOGNITION OF AID AND SUPPORT GIVEN THE SELECTIVE SERVICE SYSTEM ' Of TMt UNITED < DIRECTOR t'f SCLCCTIVI ' PRESIDENTIAL CERTIFICATE OF COMMENDATION 110 CHAPTER XIII CLASSIFICATION As stated earlier, each Local Board forwarded to all of its registrants a questionnaire for the purpose of obtaining information which would en- able the Local Board to determine whether a registrant should be selected for military service or deferred for specific reasons authorized in the Se- lective Service regulations. If a registrant had dependents, and either he or his dependent desired to claim his deferment for dependency reasons, the dependents filled out a certain section of the questionnaire and, in some cases, added affidavits or other statements. Where an employer desired the registrant's deferment for occupational reasons, the employer submitted information endeavoring to show that the registrant's civilian occupation and activity should receive priority over military need. Supplementary information was also filed in claims for deferment for reasons other than dependency or occupation. Early in the program, each registrant was required to fill out and re- turn his questionnaire within five days after the date on which it was mailed to him. This period was later changed to ten days. Whenever necessary, a registrant could contact a member of the Ad- visory Board for Registrants assigned to his Local Board and obtain help in filling out his questionnaire. So that each Local Board could keep current with its classifications and all Boards would have approximately the same percentage of their registrants available, the Illinois Local Boards were directed initially to mail out ques- tionnaires, in sequence of order numbers, to only five per cent of their regis- tration lists. Similar batches of questionnaires were subsequently mailed out at intervals until each Local Board had covered its entire registration. This procedure eliminated, to a maximum degree, the possibility of some significant change of status between the time the registrant submitted his questionnaire and the date of classification by the Local Board. GENERAL PRINCIPLES It was vitally necessary that every Local Board Member understand the specific details of classification as governed by the Selective Service regula- tions, as well as understand the fundamental principles surrounding such classification. The general rules which applied to the classification system may be set down as: 1. Classification had to be based on the individual status of the regis- trant at the time the classification was made. Conditions of the past or plans for the future could not be considered. Ill SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS 2. No classification was permanent. It prevailed only so long as the reasons for the classification existed. 3. The law exempted certain people in high governmental positions so long as they held such positions — the Vice President, elected State officials, and certain legislative and judicial officials. 4. All deferments and exemptions were for the benefit of the Government and not for the benefit of the individual. 5. Every classification by a Local Board was subject to appeal by any person entitled to such appeal. 6. The administrative agencies of Selective Service could review a case at any time. 7. The Government Appeal Agent was duty-bound to review the Local Boards classifications, and he could appeal or take other authorized action without the consent of the Local Board. 8. Full publicity was to be given to the Local Boards classifications. 9. There was to be no discrimination for or against any registrant be- cause of his race, creed, or color, or because of his membership or activity in any religious, political, labor or other organization. 10. When the status of a registrant changed, he was required to report the change to the Local Board, or if the Local Board otherwise ob- tained the information of a change of status, the registrant was to be reclassified if such action was indicated. 11. Every time a registrant was classified, a notice of such classification was to be mailed to the registrant and any other person who filed a request for the registrants deferment. 12. Every registrant was entitled, by law, to a personal appearance be- fore the Local Board provided he made written request for such hearing within ten days after the date of which his classification card was made. (No such privilege existed on the classification made fol- lowing any such personal appearance.) 13. No registrant could be inducted until after he had been placed in a class available for service. 14. No registrant could be inducted into the armed forces until and unless he was acceptable to the armed forces. 15. Volunteers for induction were to be classified in exactly the same manner as other registrants, except that the classification of such volunteer took precedence over the classification of other registrants. If the volunteer was placed in a deferred class, he could not be inducted. 112 CLASSIFICATION PROCEDURE 16. The classification determination of a Local Board was to be the result of the collective opinion of the individual Board Members, and was not to be decided or influenced by any one Member. LOCAL BOARD PROCEDURE In order for a Local Board meeting to be legal, each meeting had to have a quorum of Members present. When the Board membership was three (until April 16, 1942), two Members were required for a quorum; when Boards consisted of five Members, three of them were required for a quorum. While the basic regulations as to classification procedure were followed by all Local Boards, the methods of administrative procedure varied among the individual Boards. Most Board meetings included the presence of the Clerk, who was depended on for his knowledge of the regulations, as well as memoranda and directives from National and State Headquarters. Many Boards invited the Government Appeal Agent to sit in at the meetings, and CLASSIFICATION RECORD— FORM 100 Each Local Board kept a detailed account of the classification record of each of its registrants. This record, open to public inspection at all times, revealed all significant dates in connection with the classification procedure of every registrant, along with all classifications granted to such registrant. 113 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS while he was not allowed to vote on classifications, he frequently rendered valuable assistance by advising the Board legally and, on occasions, ques- tioning persons before the Board. Prior to the Board meeting, the Clerk usually assembled the files of the registrants whose order numbers had been reached (for classification), plus other cases which had been carried over, and presented them for action at the Board meeting. Some Boards required the Clerk to make a "digest" of the evidence in each case prior to the meeting. The procedure of most Local Boards was to have either a Member or the Clerk read the evidence in each file to the assembled Board. The evidence would then be discussed by the Members, such discussion frequently re- quiring a consultation of regulations or pertinent memoranda. A vote of the Board members present was then taken, the majority vote determining a classification. Occasionally, where a tie vote was encountered, lengthy dis- cussions developed, but were usually resolved, sometimes requiring the ob- taining of additional evidence. In all the seven years of Selective Service Administration in Illinois, less than a handful of cases were referred to State Headquarters because of a deadlock vote; in each absolute deadlock, the State Director usually transferred the classification responsibility to another Local Board. According to regulations, the Local Board was required to follow a definite sequence in considering the classification of a registrant. In other words, classification consideration always began at the most remote class, and all possibilities for deferment were fully considered and eliminated before a registrant was finally placed in a class available for service. While the sequence of classification consideration varied from time to time throughout much of the period of operation of Selective Service, the following sequence prevailed after the procedure had been stabilized: Classes I-C . . . I-G . . . IV-D . . . IV-B . . . IV-A . . . II-C . . . II-B . . . II-A . . . III-D . . . IV-C . . . IV-F . . . IV-E . . . I-A-0 . . . I-A. After a Board meeting, the Clerk was directed to mail classification no- tices to each registrant whose case had been acted upon at the meeting. Many registrants took advantage of their mandatory right to a personal appearance before the Local Board, after classification. While the regula- tions permitted such personal appearance to be held before one or more Members of the Board, the usual procedure was to have the registrant appear before the entire Board. Local Boards were not required to grant hearings (personal appearances) to employers or dependents. However, in the true spirit of fairness that characterizes the American system of consideration, virtually every Local Board in the State was very generous in the matter of granting such hear- 114 CLASSIFICATION-THE VARIOUS CLASSES NOTICE OF CLASSIFICATION A PP . not R eq . (First ual (Middle n»me) (LuIiiih) (Drier N:>. has been classified in Class. _ (Until 19 ) (Inwrt d.w (or Clm II-A and II-B only) Local Board. Board of Appeal (by vote of to ). President. 19. Nof/'ce of right to appeal Appeal from classification by local board must be made within 10 days after the mail- ing of this notice. You may file a written notice of appeal i with the local board, or you 6 may go to the office cf the local ~ board and r:gn appeal form on -5 back of Selective Service Ques- 5 by rj tionnaire (Form 40). J? i— i Within the same 10-day pe- § LJ riod you may file a written "g U request for personal appear- ^ ance before the local board. If this is done, the time in which you may appeal is ex- tended to 10 days from the date of mailing of a new Notice of Classification (Form 57) after such personal ap- pearance. If an appeal has been taken and you are classified by the board of appeal in either Class I-A. I-A-O, or IV-E and one or more members of the board of appeal dissented from such classification, you may file appeal to the President with your local board within 10 days after the mailing of notice of su:h classification. For advice, see your Government appeal agent. The law requires you: (1) To keep in touch with your local board; (2) to notify it of any change of address; (3) to notify it of any fact whUh might change your classification; (4) to comply with the instructions on the notice of classification part of this form. gpo 16— 31524-4 ( D»t« of m»illa4) (M«mb«r of loe*l bo»rd) The law requires you, subject to heavy penalty for violation, to have this notice, in addition to your Registration Certificate (Form 2), in your personal possession at all times — to exhibit it upon request to authorized officials — to surrender it, upon entering the armed forces, to your commanding officer. DSS Form 57. (Rev. i:-10-43.) -Cut along this line to detach card- NOTICE OF CLASSIFICATION— FORM 53 Each time a Local Board classified one of its registrants, the Board was required to send the above Notice to the registrant and any other person who had filed any written statement with reference to deferment of the registrant. The registrant was required, by law, to carry this card on his person at all times. ings. These, plus the personal appearances granted to registrants, accounted for a considerable share of the time Board Members found necessary to devote to Selective Service duties. If they were not busy hearing claims for deferment, they were diligendy applying themselves to the monotonous but necessary work involved in the studying of written evidence submitted in cases for classification. To give the reader an idea of the extent of time put in by Local Boards, it can be said that the average Board Member reg- ularly gave as high as twenty hours a week of their personal time to Local Board work. Many Members even went far above that in crucial periods. THE VARIOUS CLASSES The classification system, under the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 and its Amendments, provided for classification of registrants in four major classes. Class I consisted of men immediately available for serv- ice because of being found physically and mentally fit and without reason for deferment. Class II was made up of men who, for civilian occupation necessity, could be deferred for periods up to six months; in the main, they 115 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS were necessary men in war production industries and agriculture. Class III comprised men who had dependents who relied upon the registrants for financial support from earned income or for physical support (in cases of invalids). Class IV consisted of men who had completed their military service, persons exempted by law, non-declarant aliens, ministers of religion and divinity students, conscientious objectors to both combatant and non- combatant military service, and men found physically, mentally or morally unqualified for military duty. As with any major and extended program, it was found necessary to amend the requirements for deferment in various deferred classes; also, in some cases, to abolish certain classifications and establish others. There- fore, for the sake of brevity and simplicity, all classes which existed during the administration of Selective Service are listed below in outline: Class I — Available for Service I-A — Physically, mentally and morally fit for full military service; I-A-0 — Same as I-A, but conscientious objectors to combatant military service ; I-B (changed in July of 1943 to "I-A (L)")— Fit only for limited mili- tary service, because of some minor physical defect; I-B-0 — Same as I-B, but also conscientious objectors against combatant military service. Note: Classes I-B and I-B-0 were abolished August 18, 1942. Desig- nations of "I-A (L)" and "I-A-0 (L)" were made beginning March 6, 1943, to prevent unnecessary appeals and to show specifically the "limited" classification. I-C — While this classification was included in the "available for service" major group, it actually comprised members of the armed forces and, during most of the program, those men who had received honorable discharges, or discharges under honorable conditions. On April 21, 1944, Class I-C "Dec" was established to include those men who had been separated from the armed forces by death. Class I-C "Disc" was set up on October 5, 1944 to include men who had been separated from the armed forces by honorable discharge or dis- charge under honorable conditions. The above two sub-classifications enabled the Local Board and higher agencies in the System to determine quickly how many of a Board's regis- trants still continued as members of the armed forces. To further delineate between the number of men each Local Board had furnished through Se- lective Service process and those men who had enlisted or had been com- missioned, a further division of Class I-C was instituted (date not available) by establishing Class I-C "Ind." and Class I-C "Enl." 116 CLASSIFICATION— THE VARIOUS CLASSES The four sub-classifications of Class I-C were set up solely for statistical purposes. I-D — Same as I-A. except deferred from service until July 1, 1941 be- cause of being bona fide students in college or university. I-D-0 — Same as I-D, but also conscientious objectors against combatant military service; I-E — Same as I-D, but fit only for limited military service; I-E-0 — Same as I-E, but also conscientious objectors against combatant military service: Note: Classes I-D, I-E and I-E-0 were abolished on August 31, 1941. I-G — Registrants who were members of the armed forces of cobelligerent nations, or who had completed satisfactory service with the American Field Service, or had completed satisfactory service with the United States Merchant Marine; I-H — Available for service, but over 27 years of age; Note: Class I-H was established on August 16, 1941; was effective only until Pearl Harbor; was formally abolished on November 19, 1942. (The peacetime conditions under which the Selective Service law was being administered during the middle part of 1941 and the state of public opinion in that situation prompted State Director Armstrong to have a survey made as to the ages of men then being accepted for induction. The survey, made by the Chicago office, indicated that approximately 75% of the men being inducted were un- der twenty-eight years of age. Because of disruption to industries and families encountered at that time by the induction of the older men, it was felt that the needs of the armed forces could readily be met by use of the younger group — that is, those under twenty-eight years of age. Results of the survey and recommendations were forwarded to the National Director, with the result that Congress shortly there- after reduced the maximum induction age limit to twenty-seven years. Men older than twenty-seven years, but who were otherwise imme- diately available for service, were classified in Class I-H. Pearl Har- bor, of course, quickly eliminated the prohibition of inducting these men into service.) Class I was not a stable group, nor did it constantly accumulate in num- ber. While men were being regularly added to it, other men were always being withdrawn from the classification by: 1. Being commissioned in the Army, Navy and Marine Corps. 2. Enlisting in the armed forces. 3. Reclassification of men inducted into service. 4. Reclassification by Local Boards, Boards of Appeal or the President. 117 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS 5. Physical disqualification. 6. Deaths of registrants. 7. Various statutory acts (change of induction ages, marital status, etc.). In one of the lighter moments (yes, there were such at times) of Se- lective Service administration, one local board clerk very aptly put down her board's problem of keeping sufficient men available in I-A. In spite of the humor contained in the following poem, the seriousness of the situation is quite apparent: Ten little registrants standing in a line One joined the Navy, then there were nine. Nine little registrants sitting on a gate One broke a vertebra, then there were eight. Eight little registrants talking 'bout heaven One went conscientious, then there were seven. Seven little registrants, what a strange mix! One became a pilot, then there were six. Six little registrants very much alive One went and drowned and then there were five. Five little registrants full of canny lore One stole a pig and then there were four. Four little registrants, spry as could be One became twenty-eight, then there were three. Three little registrants, all alone and blue One fed his relatives, then there were two. Two little registrants, what can be done One went to a psychiatrist, then there was one. One little registrant, classified I-A Physically, mentally, morally okay. One little registrant to tote a big gun He got married and then there were NONE! — Reprinted from "Selective Service in Peacetime," the National Director's first Report to the President. Class II — Occupationally Deferred II-A — Man engaged in and necessary to any industry, business, agri- cultural pursuit, governmental service, or any other service or en- deavor, or in training or preparation therefor, the maintenance of which was necessary to the national health, safety or interest; 118 CLASSIFICATION— THE VARIOUS CLASSES II-B — Same as II-A, but engaged in defense or war production occupa- tions; (Established June 5, 1941) II-C — Same as II-A, but engaged in agricultural occupations; (Established November 18, 1942) Class III — Deferred Because of Dependency III-A — Registrant with dependents who depended on such registrant for support from earned income; (Discontinued on December 11, 1943 and formally abolished on April 21, 1944; reestablished on Novem- ber 15, 1945, to provide classification for any registrant with three or more children III-B — Same as III-A, but also engaged in essential war production; (Established April 23, 1942; abolished April 12, 1943) III-C — Same as III-A, but also engaged in agriculture essential to the war effort; (Established November 17, 1942; abolished February 17, 1944) III-D — Registrant whose induction would cause extreme hardship and privation to wife, child or parent; (Established April 12, 1943) Class IV — Not Militarily Liable IV-A — Registrants who had completed certain periods of military serv- ice and had received honorable discharge or discharge under hon- orable conditions. Class IV-A was reserved for registrants "not mili- tarily liable" only until December 8, 1941. No classifications were then made in IV-A until November 13, 1942 when registrants 45 years old and over were placed in Class IV-A. Effective, October 5, 1944, men ages 38 through 44 years were also included. On August 31, 1945, the regulations were amended to include registrants 26 years old and over in Class IV-A; however, the age for qualification in IV-A was raised to 30 years on May 23, 1946. Effective December 7, 1944, any man classified in IV-D, IV-B or IV-E was not eligible for Class IV-A, regardless of his age; Class I-C was added to this provision on July 6, 1945, and Class I-G on August 31, 1945. The qualifications shown below for Class IV-A apply to registrants "not militarily liable" — in effect prior to Pearl arbor: (1) Men who has satisfactorily served as officers or enlisted men for at least three consecutive years in the Regular Army, Navy, Marine Corps or Cost Guard; (2) Men who served in the active National Guard satisfactorily for one year in Federal service and two consecutive years in the National Guard; 119 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS (3) Any man who was serving in the active National Guard at the time of registration and who had served satisfactorily for at least six years; (4) Any man who was on the eligible list of the Officers' Reserve Corps for at least six consecutive years; (5) Any man who had satisfactorily served for at least three con- secutive years on active duty in the Naval Reserve of the Marine Corps Reserve; (6) Any man who had served at least one year on active duty and two consecutive years in the Regular Navy or Marine Corps, or an organized unit of the Naval Reserve or Marine Corps Reserve ; (7) Any man who had satisfactorily served in the organized Naval Reserve or Marine Corps Reserve for at least six consecutive years ; (8) Any man who had satisfactorily served for at least eight con- secutive years in the Naval Merchant Marine Reserve or Volun- teer Naval Reserve or Volunteer Marine Corps Reserve; (9) Members of the Coast Guard Reserve, other than temporary members, received the same classification as members of the Naval Reserve. IV-B — (1) Officials deferred by the law itself, including the Vice Presi- dent of the United States, the Governors of the States, and other State officials chosen by the voters of the entire State, Members of Congress, members of a State legislative body, and judges of the court of record of the United States or a State; (2) Officers and enlisted men in the Coast and Geodetic Survey, or in the Public Health Service, and cadets of the advanced course, senior division, of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps or the Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps; (3) Men who had been accepted (but not yet entered) as Mid- shipmen of the United States Naval Academy and cadets of the United States Military Academy and the United States Coast Guard Academy. IV-C — All aliens who did not have on file with the Federal Immigration and Naturalization Service, a valid declaration of intention (First papers) to become citizens of the United States. IV-D — Regular and duly ordained ministers of religion, and students preparing for the ministry in a theological or divinity school rec- ognized as such for more than one year prior to September 16, 1940 120 CLASSIFICATION— THE VARIOUS CLASSES IV-E — Objectors to both combatant and non-combatant military service, who were available only for civilian work of national importance (conscientious objector camps) . IV-F — (1) Men who had been dishonorably discharged from the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard; (2) Men who had been discharged from the armed forces because of undesirable traits of character or habits; (3) Men who had been convicted of any of the following heinous crimes: treason, murder, rape, kidnapping, arson, sodomy, pandering, any crime involving sex perversion, or any crime involving illegal dealing in narcotics or other habit-forming drugs; (4) Men who had been convicted on two or more occasions of any offense (other than a conviction for an offense committed in violation of the Selective Service law or regulations) for which he could have been punished by death or confinement for a term exceeding one year in a penitentiary or prison; (5) Chronic offenders with pronounced criminal tendencies who, in addition thereto, had been convicted on at least three occasions of any offense for which they could have been punished by a jail sentence; (6) Men who were being restrained in the custody of any court of criminal jurisdiction or other civil authority; (7) Irrespective of any of the provisions mentioned above, registrants who were found to be morally unfit for military service; (8) Registrants who were found, after physical examination, to be physically or mentally unfit for military service. IV-H — Registrants between 38 and 44 years of age, inclusive (Established January 1, 1943; discontinued on March 6, 1943, and formally abolished on November 6, 1943. Note: After March 6, 1943, deferred registrants between the ages of 38 and 44 years, inclusive, had the designation "(H)" added to their classifications (a procedure abandoned on October 5, 1944); Like- wise, commencing April 21, 1944, the designation "(F)" was added for a deferred registrant who had been found unfit for any military service, and the designation "(h)" was added to show fitness only for limited military service. As previously stated, changes in the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 and its regulations were necessary from time to time. These changes will be discussed in detail in the various chapters which follow. 121 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS LTD § TV?? 1^ o On £ 6 \ 2 a <3- * ■« 8 3 E •o *- >- -j c ITS*.*! sirs "0 .0 1 str-ii >i S^ E 3 3 y ■ K a? "to CO ad CO o Q3 CO §2 Or- IO o _J o < to <"5 2 1 o > a o c a D t - JJ-o E n o S~ £ o ? ^ 3>-£ x* -r c 3 Q. JJUL V - - i 3 a* .0 o E55 J E»£ 5*0 o ° "<0 *s Sf*5 * o ■ « « U n * u Q > CO £3 -, 1 o „ 2 O ^ c ^-15 eft* ° = 5-3E-3E3 * e ilfi i 111 i! o 5E1I ; 1 ~^ ^ rvj S 8 4 "J* ' f 'd c 2- 1 2 S3? S 5J £ Sg 3 f S) < 5 s S c 1* CO as to) <^ C-3 TO 2 j2 < r- O < ID Is 3>- ' "0 r>- ? a« o 3 ° 9 t, 2 2>o E v, oSOi "BoO; ,« c J I- 3 c^S S- C-ttJ^ [t ^ 1*1 -3 !; e «c Z" c |ao a. L f fa 122 CHAPTER XIV CLASSIFICATION IN OPERATION After receiving a registrant's Selective Service questionnaire, plus any other written evidence which might be submitted, each Local Board studied the evidence carefully to determine the classification for which the registrant qualified in accordance with the regulations. During the draft administration of World War I, a Local Board com- menced its classification process with the presumption that every registrant was in Class I-A unless the evidence in his case showed that he was entitled to some other classification. During World War II, however, the procedure was reversed; the Board's first course was to eliminate eligibility for all other classes before finally determining that a registrant belonged in Class I-A. Various sequences of classification consideration were prescribed, although all of these sequences followed a basic pattern. As the Board applied the evidence to the requirements for each class, it either found the registrant qualified for that class, or it found him not qualified for such class and forth- with passed on to considering him for the next classification in the prescribed sequence. When the non-eligibility classes had been eliminated, and the Board came to a class for which the registrant might qualify, a vote of the Board Mem- bers was taken. A majority vote determined the final action. A few Boards in the State pursued the policy of arguing out each case until a unanimous vote was achieved. Most Boards, however, determined their classifications by majority vote without endeavoring to reach a unanimous opinion. After classification was determined, the Board turned the registrant's file over to the clerk, who immediately forwarded a Notice of Classification (DSS Form 57) to the registrant; to an employer, if the employer had filed a deferment statement in the case; to a dependent who submitted a statement of dependency; to any other person entitled to such notice. The post-marked date on such Notice was the beginning of the period in which a registrant could file an appeal or request a personal appearance before the Local Board (or other person could file an appeal) . If the registrant, within the prescribed period (originally five days and, later, ten days), filed written request for a "personal appearance," it was mandatory upon the Local Board to grant such hearing before the Board. The date for such hearing was set at the Board's convenience, and the regis- trant had the opportunity to come in and explain to the Board why he felt that the Board had erred in determining classification in his case. He was also permitted to submit any additional evidence which might assist the Board in its new determination of classification. After each such hearing, the Board was required to determine classification anew and again send the 123 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS registrant (plus all others concerned) a Notice of Classification. The second Notice of Classification did not give the registrant a mandatory right to another personal appearance before the Local Board. Instead, if he wished, the registrant could then appeal his classification to the Board of Appeal. If such notice of appeal was mailed within the prescribed period of time following the date of the classification notice, it was mandatory upon the Local Board to forward the registrant's file, along with any appeal statements submitted, to the Board of Appeal having jurisdiction over the Local Board's area. Notice of appeal could also be filed after the first Notice of Classifica- tion — without requesting a personal appearance. From time to time, Local Boards were requested to review the cases of their registrants in deferred classes so that all available manpower for the armed forces could be obtained. Also, the Boards, on various occasions, received orders to reclassify men in a certain class which had been abolished. When the Board made its reclassifications in these instances, it was required to send the Notice of Classification to all registrants and others concerned. PROBLEMS INCIDENT TO CLASSIFICATION As previously stated, the process of classification was not a mechanical one. Classification in each case had to be determined on the basis of the evidence in the particular registrant's file. All evidence was required to be written, and had to be substantial rather than implied. Hearsay or anonymous evidence could not properly be used for consideration unless and until such type of evidence had been verified by investigation. Only by investigation and preparation of new written evidence could hearsay statements or anony- mous communications develop into substantial evidence which the Local Board could use legally. Many anonymous communications were received by the Local Boards. Usually, they were perpetrated by some crank, or by someone who had a grudge against some particular registrant or employer. In the bulk of the cases, such letters were signed "Real American," "Patriotic Citizen," or some such title — a title which belied its claim through the un-American indulgence in unidentified communications seeking to discredit a registrant or employer. Invariably, these anonymous communications were investigated and found to be without truth or logical evidence. There were a few of such letters, however, which actually provided a sound basis for investigation and which later revealed specific evidence upon which changes were quickly made in the classifications of the registrants involved. One instance of the lack of foundation for complaints of political favor- itism occurred in early 1942. The State Director was stopped in the State capitol building by an elected public official who stated that the Local Board in a particular downstate county was composed entirely of members of the political party opposite to that of the elected official and that men of his own 124 CLASSIFICATION— AVAILABLE FOR SERVICE party were being inducted in order to reduce his party's votes in a forth- coming election. The State Director's policy, of course, had been to have an equitable division of members of the two major political parties on each Local Board, and he found the official's complaint hard to believe. Therefore, in company with the official, the State Director examined the personal questionnaire of each Member of the Local Board in question. As he had expected, Colonel Armstrong found the usual equitable division of representation. Further- more, it was revealed that three of the five Local Board Members and the Government Appeal Agent (who also had certain functions in connection with classification) were actually members of the same political party as that of the elected official. All complaints — whether signed or anonymous, whether against a regis- trant or against a Local Board — were carefully investigated. If a complaint pertaining to a registrant was received at State Headquarters, it was for- warded to the Local Board concerned; if it referred to a Local Board's action, procedure or policy, it was investigated by State Headquarters. In the latter cases, a field officer was usually dispatched to the city or town in which the Board was located. Since no law, rule or regulation could possibly be made that would fit perfectly the situation of every registrant, Local Boards often encountered a difficult problem in making a determination that would be fair to both the armed forces and the registrant, his dependents or employer. In cases of doubt, the Boards — in accordance with the regulations — were generally will- ing to resolve such doubt in favor of the registrant, dependent or employer. It was important — in the prosecution of the war — that the social, religious and industrial life of our country not be disturbed to such an extent that there would be created a bad morale which could easily interfere with America's efforts to prosecute the war successfully. Men could not be sent into battle without proper equipment. Therefore, necessary men had to be deferred — at least temporarily. Indeed, at times, decision on the part of a Local Board was extremely difficult. Yet, only in less than a handful of cases throughout the entire Selective Service program, did Illinois Local Boards fail to carry out their classification responsibility by arriving at some specific determination. The few such cases were transferred to other Local Boards for classification. CLASS I— AVAILABLE FOR TRAINING AND SERVICE Class l-A — Available for Full Military Service Since the primary objective of the Selective Service System was to obtain needed military manpower for the armed forces, the objective of the Local Boards was to place the maximum number of registrants in Class I-A. To 125 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS reach this point, each Local Board first had to eliminate each registrant from qualification for any deferred or limited class. A man in Class I-A was presumed to be physically fit for any of the rigors of military service. He was not entitled to deferment. He was not a conscientious objector against combatant military service. Examinations to determine the physical fitness of registrants were origi- nally done by the Examining Physicians of each Local Board. This pro- cedure was later changed so that physical examinations were done by the medical officers at the Armed Forces Induction Station. If the Induction Station officers found a registrant fit for full military duty, he was then avail- able for selection for induction according to his order number — unless he was a volunteer for induction, in which case he was placed ahead of all other order numbers in the Local Board's next induction call. (Full details on physical examinations will be found under "Class IV-F — Physical and Men- tal" in this same chapter.) If a registrant volunteered for induction, the classification consideration given to him was the same as that accorded any other registrant. If the Board decided that he should be deferred in the interest of the Government, or there was some other valid reason for deferment, his application for volun- tary induction was denied, and he was placed in the proper deferred class. During the seven years of Selective Service administration, thousands of Illinois registrants (farm boys and others) wanted to join the fighting forces of their country, but were turned down because, after full consideration, their Local Boards felt that they could render better service to their Nation in their civilian positions. While the patriotism of these volunteers was most laudable, the good judgment of the Local Boards in placing the public inter- est first is worthy of genuine commendation. Class l-A(L) — (Formerly LB) — Available for Limited Military Service The physical standards of the armed forces provided for the acceptance, for limited military duty (such as clerical and other positions which did not involve heavy physical activity or undue exposure), of registrants with minor physical defects. Such defects will be discussed generally in the section de- voted to the medical aspects of Selective Service. By correction of some of these minor physical defects (such as missing or carious teeth, need for eye glasses in minor vision defect cases, acne, etc.), many registrants were able to qualify for Class I-A and obtain immediate induction. Other limited service men obtained correction of their minor defects after they were inducted into the armed forces as limited service men. Class I'A'O and I-A-O(L) — Available for IS on-Combatant Military Service These two classes comprised registrants who had been found to be con- scientiously opposed to combatant military service. While objecting to 126 CLASSIFICATION— AVAILABLE FOR SERVICE being engaged in actual fighting as a part of the combat forces, these men were willing to serve in those sections of the armed forces which functioned outside the theater of operations, or which performed duties which were not directly associated with combat. Limited service men were subject to assign- ment in medical, finance, administrative and other non-combatant sections of the armed forces. In his Selective Service questionnaire, each registrant was given the op- portunity to state if he objected to non-combatant service or combatant service, or both. If he simply objected to non-combatant service, he sub- mitted to his Local Board any evidence he cared to submit to show that his objections were genuine and well-founded. It was then up to the Local Board — subject to appeal, of course — to determine his classification. Occasionally, a registrant would claim objection to any kind of military service, but because of certain evidence in his file, would be classified in Class I-A-O. Many others — both complete and partial objectors — would be denied the benefit of classification in either Class I-A-0 or Class IV-E be- cause of lack of sufficient substantial evidence to reveal a sound basis for classification as a conscientious objector. While most Local Boards were inwardly resentful of the unwillingness of conscientious objectors to shoulder their full share of responsibility for defending the country which gave them protection and opportunity, the Boards were nevertheless fair and open-minded in their consideration of all claims to conscientious objection. Classes I-B and l-B-O Registrants placed in Classes I-B and I-B-0 (the latter being conscientious objectors to combatant military duty) were not called for induction until several months after Pearl Harbor. These men were fit only for limited military service, and the need for them was not felt until after America had actually entered a state of war. In July of 1943, these classifications were changed to Class I-A(L) and I-A-0 (L). Class l-C When a Local Board received official information that one of its regis- trants had been inducted, enlisted or commissioned in the armed forces of the United States, such registrant was automatically classified in Class I-C. Such classification was mandatory upon receipt of the official notice. As explained under "The Various Classifications" earlier in this volume, Class I-C was sub-divided into I-C "Dec," I-C "Disc," I-C "Ind," and I-C "Enl." Classes I-D, I-DO, I-E and LEO Local Boards had little difficulty with this classification, for its require- ments were specific. It applied only to certain students in college or univer- 127 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS sity whose induction was delayed until after July 1, 1941. The "D" designa- tion was for men found fit for general military duty, and the "E" applied to those qualified only for limited military duty. The "0" signified conscientious objection. Class I-G In determining whether or not a registrant was eligible for Class I-G, the Local Board was required to have substantial evidence to show that the registrant qualified for one of these divisions: a. On or after September 16, 1940, was a member of the armed forces of a co-belligerent nation (Established May 23, 1945) ; b. Had completed satisfactory service with the American Field Service (Established August 31, 1945) ; c. Had completed satisfactory service in the United States Merchant Marine, 32 months of such service being considered as "completed service." (Established November 15, 1945.) A few of the cases in Class I-G produced considerable difference of opinion among Local Board Members as well as higher officials. In general, however, the information provided in these cases was extensive enough for the Local Boards to determine classification without much difficulty. CLASS II— DEFERRED AS OCCUPATIONALLY NECESSARY Under Selective Service — a program made necessary by the state of world affairs — every physically fit registrant was, basically, deemed to be available for military service. However, realism required that the needs of industry and agriculture be recognized to the extent that registrants be "loaned" to industry or agriculture until such time as their necessity ceased, or until replacements for them could be found. Occupational deferment was not, in any sense, a permanent status. In fact, as the manpower and production needs of the armed forces became more critical, the standards for occupational deferment became correspond- ingly stricter. Necessary industrial and agricultural employees were "frozen" in their jobs (by order of the War Manpower Commission) and reclassifica- tion penalties were provided for any such necessary men who left their jobs without first obtaining determination from their respective Local Boards that their proposed changes in jobs would be in the Nation's interest. Since the Nation's headway in scientific production and medical advance- ment depended upon its people engaged in scientific and certain professional pursuits, and because there was constant need for replenishment of such personnel, the Selective Service regulations provided for the deferment of bona fide students in certain sciences and professions. Students who could qualify were placed in Class II-A. 128 CLASSIFICATION— INDUSTRIAL Liberal Policies in Early Years Because the early phase of Selective Service operation presented no es- pecially urgent demand for military manpower in volume, Local Boards were somewhat lenient in their attitude toward occupational deferment. However, with the Presidential proclamation of an unlimited national emergency (May 27, 1941), the coming of actual war in the following December, and the subsequent and vastly increased demands of the armed forces for physically able men, the Boards became extremely critical in their consideration of all requests for occupational deferment. This attitude became particularly no- ticeable when the casualty lists began to appear in the press and the true impact of war manifested itself incisively in every community in the country. Another observation which might be made is the fact that employers in general, because of their patriotic attitudes, were reluctant to request occupa- tional deferments during 1940 and the greater part of 1941. The result was that skilled men of all ages were allowed to be inducted without deferment effort by their employers. However, as time went on and the numbers of men withdrawn from civilian life increased tremendously, these same employers — many of them engaged in vital war production — found it impossible to obtain satisfactory replacements for men of military ages whose Local Boards had (because of the increased pressure upon them to produce more manpower) adopted a rigid policy of refusing occupational deferments except to the most critically needed men. The first sign of necessary special protection to the industries engaged in war production came after the President's declaration of an unlimited national emergency when, on June 5, 1941, Class II-B was established as a special class to accent the importance of uninterrupted war production and make sure that necessary men in such activities would be properly deferred. Originally, Class II-A encompassed all registrants deferred on grounds of occupational necessity to industry, agriculture and private business. The June 5, 1941 amendment to the Selective Service regulations divided occupa- tional deferments into two groups: Class II-A — Man employed in an industry, the maintenance of which was necessary to the national health, safety, or interest in the sense that it was useful or productive and contributed to the employment or well- being of the community or Nation. Deferment was ordinarily limited to six months, but could be renewed where indicated. Class II-B — Man employed in an industry essential to the national health, safety, or interest in the sense that a serious interruption or delay in such activity was likely to impede the national defense program. At first, such deferment was not limited as to time, but the Local Board could reopen the case at any time, particularly on a change of status. However, the time limit on such deferments was later changed to six months. 129 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS Class II-A was confined mainly to registrants working in industries not directly engaged in war production work, and included registrants whose self-operated businesses were deemed necessary to the health, safety or well- being of the community or Nation. Class II-B was restricted to registrants employed in war production plants and other activities which directly served such production. The effect of the splitting of the original Class II-A was to stress the importance of war production at a time when it became obvious that America would shortly be forced to enter as an active participant in the then raging European war. The effect was also a gentle but definite pressure upon per- sons engaged in ordinary civilian activities to transfer to war production. On November 13, 1942, the famous "Tydings Amendment" (of Public Law 772) went into effect, requiring the deferment of necessary agricultural workers — under certain specified conditions. Immediately after the passage of the Tydings Amendment, the regulations were amended to set up Class II-C which was to be composed entirely of agricultural registrants found necessary to and irreplaceable in their farm occupations. (The implications of, and problems under the Tydings Amendment will be thoroughly discussed under "Class II-C — Agricultural deferments.) The primary responsibility for deciding which men should be deferred because of their civilian occupations rested upon the Local Board. Until National Headquarters (on January 30, 1943) established the List of Essen- tial Activities, it was up to each Local Board to determine whether or not an activity was essential to the Nation's health, safety and interest. In making such decisions, the Local Boards were assisted greatly by occupational bulle- tins received from National and State Headquarters. Class II-A While Class II-A originally included all phases of occupational deferment, it continued to include a large number of the registrants deferred on occupa- tional rounds, even after the establishment of Classes II-B and II-C. If a registrant was not employed directly in war production work or in an agri- cultural endeavor, he could still qualify for occupational deferment if an affirmative answer could be given to all five of the following questions con- sidered by the Local Board: 1. Is the activity in which he is engaged one that is essential to the national health, safety, or interest? 2. Is the registrant's occupation necessary to the activity? 3. Is the registrant, except for seasonal or temporary interruption, regu- larly engaged in such occupation? 4. Can a satisfactory replacement be provided in the event he is made available for military service? 5. Will his removal cause serious loss of effectiveness to the activity? 130 CLASSIFICATION— INDUSTRIAL The increased strict attitude of Local Boards — keeping step with the heightening intensity of the war effort — was reflected in the proportions of Class II-A deferments to the totals of the Illinois registrants deferred indus- trially at various periods. On September 30, 1941, the II-A men constituted approximately 77% of the total deferred industrially. Then came Pearl Harbor, and the proportion had dropped to 56%. By November 30, 1943, Illinois Local Boards had reduced the figure to 19%. The manifestation of greater strictness on the part of Local Boards on occupational deferments was undoubtedly due to new occupational classifica- tion policies expressed in National Headquarters' Local Board Release No. 115, dated March 16, 1942. This instruction stated that the "national health, safety, or interest" no longer included mere comfort and convenience of the civilian population. Deferments were therefore limited to activities which supported the war effort (even though not directly engaged in the manufac- ture of arms, ammunition and other necessary war materiel) — activities which provided food, clothing, shelter, health and safety. In addition, a more specific interpretation was given to the "necessary man" in war produc- tion work. The List of Essential Activities was provided, and occupational bulletins were published which enumerated critical occupations within the essential activities. Until the issuance of the occupational bulletins, the Local Boards had to depend largely on advice from the Occupational Division of State Head- quarters, as well as from the local United States Employment Service offices. In order to acquaint themselves better with the actual conditions in large plants in their respective areas, many Local Boards visited these plants and made personal inspections of the jobs of their own registrants in those plants. LIST OF ESSENTIAL ACTIVITIES Production of Aircraft and Parts Production of Ships, Boats and Parts Production of Ordnance and Accessories Production of Ammunition Agriculture Food Processing Forestry, Logging and Lumbering Construction Coal Mining Metal Mining Nonmetallic Mining and Processing and Quarrying Smelting, Refining and Rolling of Metals Production of Metal Shapes and Forgings Finishing of Metal Products Production of Industrial and Agricultural Equipment Production of Machinery 131 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS CHICAGO HERALD-AMERICAN PHOTO COLONEL ARMSTRONG RECEIVES MEDAL FOR MERIT In recognition of his outstanding performance as Illinois State Director of Selective Service, Col. Paul G. Armstrong was awarded the Medal for Merit by the President of the United States. The award — the highest presented to civilians- was made at a testimonial dinner given on November 7, 1916 by over 1,200 friends of Colonel Armstrong. Maj. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey National Director of Selective Service, made the presentation on behalf of the President. (Continued on next page) 132 CLASSIFICATION— INDUSTRIAL Production of Chemicals and Allied Products Production of Rubber Products Production of Leather Products Production of Textiles Production of Apparel Production of Stone, Clay and Glass Products Production of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Petroleum and Coal Products Production of Finished Lumber Products Production of Transportation Equipment Transportation Services Production of Materials for Packing and Shipping Products Production of Communications Equipment Communication Services Heating, Power and Illuminating Services Repair and Hand Trade Services Health and Welfare Services, Facilities and Equipment Educational Services Governmental Services Class II-B As stated earlier, this class was established in order to accent the special importance of all activities and occupations directly connected with the pro- duction of ships, guns, tanks, airplanes, ammunition and other materiel and supplies needed by the armed forces in their prosecution of the war. The significance of Class II-B was demonstrated by the fact that its proportion of industrially deferred registrants jumped from 23% on September 30, 1941 to 81% on November 30, 1943. On April 18, 1942, the War Manpower Commission was created by Presi- dential order. This Commission was given complete charge of mobilization of the manpower of the Nation, and the Selective Service System was trans- ferred on December 5, 1942 to the jurisdiction of the Commission. One year later Congress revoked this transfer. In cooperation with the United States Employment Service (also a part of the War Manpower Commission), an Occupational Questionnaire was (Continued from preceding page) Brig. Gen. Thomas A. Hammond was general chairman of the affair; the toastmaster was Edward A. Hayes, Past National Commander of The American Legion. Other special guests included: Gov. Dwight H. Green; United States Senator C. Wayland Brooks and Mrs. Brooks; Comdr. Chester J. Chastek, USNR; Col. Chester L. Fordney, USMCR; Rev. George Keepin, State Chaplain, Illinois Department of The American Legion; Mrs. Edward A. Hayes; Mrs. Paul G. Armstrong and the Arm- strong's two children, Don and Patricia. 133 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS developed and sent to all registrants not already members of the armed forces. One copy of this questionnaire was placed in the registrant's file, and one copy went to the United States Employment Service to serve, along with the questionnaires of other registrants, as a survey of the industrial manpower of the country. It also aided the Employment Service to locate critically needed skilled labor whose skills were not then being effectively employed. The Occupational Questionnaire often furnished Local and Appeal Boards with specific information upon which classification was determined. In gen- eral, however, the Boards depended more on the Affidavit for Occupational Classification (filed by the registrant's employer), as well as other written evidence, as their basis for determination of classification. There were times when Local Board members did not know the exact nature of the specific activity in which a registrant was employed, and there was a natural tendency on the part of the Board to deny deferment without knowing just exactly why the registrant should be deferred. Local Boards often could not understand — and rightfully so — how a young man under twenty-six years of age could be considered so tremendously im- portant to the war effort and why Army officials, the State Director and others were so urgent in their requests for his deferment. Yet, in certain cases, it could properly be said that a particular registrant was probably of more value to his Nation in the prosecution of the war than a whole battalion of infantry would be. The most outstanding example of this kind of case could be found in the Manhattan Engineering Project — the project which developed and manufactured the atom bomb. Many of the men working on the atom bomb were young physicists, scientists whose professional knowledge was of immeasurable value to the Manhattan project. So that the State Director would understand the vital importance of the work being done in Manhattan project, he was taken on a tour of the Project's laboratory at the University of Chicago. While State Director Armstrong did not know, at the time, that the men employed at that laboratory were specifically engaged in the development of the atom bomb, the extreme secrecy surrounding his visit and the absolute prohibition against his discussing the visit convinced him that the project was unquestionably something that was most critically essential to American victory. Conse- quently, he could take no course but to use all possible power and influence in his efforts to assist in obtaining deferment for these young men who were so vitally necessary in their civilian occupations. At the same time, he was unable to reveal the specific reasons for his zeal in connection with these special cases. In spite of their full confidence in the personal integrity and the judg- ment of the State Director, a number of Local Boards refused to grant defer- ment to these young scientists in the Manhattan project. Most Local Board Members had sons or close relatives of their own in military service; some 134 CLASSIFICATION— INDUSTRIAL Members lost their sons in battle. Hence, it was understandable that they should balk at granting deferment to a physically fit young man without knowing, in detail, exactly why his occupation in civilian life made him so valuable to the war effort. Many of such cases of denied deferment were, through the appeal system, sent to the President for final determination. As the armed forces' demands for military manpower increased, and industry was losing a considerable number of its trained men, employers turned to a hitherto unexploited source of labor — women. Because of stark necessity, employers began hiring and training women to do work which, because of the skill and physical effort concerned, had been generally and strictly kept within the province of male labor. There was hardly an employer but who began his program of hiring womanpower with hesitation and apprehension. Yet, after the program had been in sway for six months or so, almost every such manufacturer was agreeably surprised to find that, generally speaking, the women not only matched their male predecessors in skill but actually exceeded many of them in precision work. Though demobilization of selectees has long since ended, many manufacturers have continued to employ women in mechanical and other jobs which, prior to 1942, they considered could be filled only by men. No State in the Union can boast more than Illinois about her women who, in their Nation's hour of crisis, summarily left their kitchens and clerical jobs to take tiring and tedious physical jobs in order that there should be no gap in the constant flow of critically needed war materiel and supplies to our fighting men on the far-flung battle fronts. Replacement Schedule Plan As the war progressed in 1942, it became increasingly difficult for em- ployers to obtain continued deferments for men who already had been given two or three deferments of six months each. As war tension rose, Local Boards became less and less inclined to extend deferments indefinitely, regardless of any particular registrant's value to the activity in which he was employed. The result was that war production employers encountered a diffi- cult situation in the loss of many key men. This situation was largely due to the employers' negligence to train replacements or to classify the skills of the men in their plants. The Illinois Selective Service System had constantly urged employers to take these actions. Demands for manpower for the armed forces increased, and the filling of these calls could be accomplished mainly by taking men who had been de- ferred in industry. In order to interrupt production as little as possible, the War Manpower Commission and the Selective Service System developed the "Replacement Schedule Plan" — a plan intended to provide for the orderly release of men from industry and give each employer time to train necessary replacements. 135 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS After a successful trial in several plants in the East, the Replacement Schedule program was officially adopted and established on November 5, 1942. Illinois, being one of the largest industrial States, put the Plan into effect immediately and was able to have it functioning effectively by the latter part of the next month. In the operation of the Replacement Schedule Plan, the employer first obtained the basic data with respect to each employe, covering his occupation and Selective Service status. This data was analyzed on the Replacement Summary and, as a result, the employer learned how many of his employes in each department were then liable for induction under current Selective Service policies. This Summary also provided the State Director (to whom it was submitted) with a complete picture of all the personnel in the em- ployer's plant, the potentiality of military manpower in the plant, and whether or not the employer's employment policies (the hiring of older men, women and men not physically acceptable for military service) were con- sistent with Selective Service policies. Each Schedule accepted by the State Director was given an Acceptance Number, and each employer whose Schedule was accepted was given the authority to use an Acceptance Stamp (bearing the State Director's Accept- ance Number) on the occupational deferment request for any man named on the Replacement Schedule. In spite of the State Director's "acceptance," the classification of any man listed in a Replacement Schedule had to be deter- mined by the registrant's Local Board of jurisdiction, such determination being subject to the usual appeal. A Replacement Schedule was effective for six months only, and was sub- ject to renewal after the expiration of that period of time. The Replacement Schedule Plan was used mainly by employers who were particularly vulnerable with reference to a large number of their men being of military age and being subject to induction into the armed forces. The processing of Replacement Schedules at Illinois State Headquarters took the entire time (which often included sixty to seventy hours a week, and more) of seven officers in the Occupational Division and approximately a third of the time of the State Director, himself. While the Replacement Schedule Plan worked out very satisfactorily in Illinois, the great amount of time required for its processing in State Headquarters prevented many of the officers from making their usual (and important) coordinating visits to the Local Boards and to the Industrial plants throughout the State. The Replacement Schedule Plan consisted of: 1. Manning Table- — a complete survey of each plants complete labor requirements and future labor plans, including the hiring and trans- ferring of workers, training and upgrading, use of women, placement of handicapped persons, and general utilization of labor in the plant. 136 CLASSIFICATION— INDUSTRIAL (A Manning Table was prepared by a company under the supervision of the regional director of the War Manpower Commission and was used as a basis for, rather than a part of, the documents submitted by the company to the Selective Service System. 2. Replacement Summary — a summary of the jobs of the personnel in a company's plant, including women, men over Selective Service age and men under such age, plus the family status of the persons holding the various jobs. Names of individuals were not shown on the Re- placement Summary. 3. Replacement List — a list showing the names of male employes of Selective Service ages, including the particular job of each man, his birth year, Selective Service classification, family status, Local Board of jurisdiction, Selective Service Order Number, and the approximate date on which the company would be prepared to release the employe for military service. The date of release was to be checked for any one of the first six months following the date of the List, the period be- tween the sixth and twelfth months following such date, or a period following the twelfth month. In order to acquaint large industrial companies of Illinois with the pur- poses and details of the Replacement Schedule Plan, meetings were arranged with the Illinois Manufacturers' Association, the Chicago Association of Commerce and other large groups representing industry. At these meetings, the Plan was thoroughly discussed by State Director Armstrong and Col. Harris P. Ralston, Deputy State Director and Chief of the Occupational Divi- sion, and questions regarding the Plan were answered — to the end that all companies taking advantage of the Plan would be able to do so effectively. Some of these meetings had as many as 1,500 industrial executives in at- tendance. Colonel Armstrong promised every possible cooperation but, on the other hand, left no doubt in the minds of his hearers that the companies expecting to use the Plan would necessarily have to be honest in their calcula- tions as well as realistic as to the inevitability of their being required, sooner or later, to give up many of their key men to the armed forces. Operation of the Replacement Schedule Plan required that a company prepare its Replacement Summary and Replacement List (State Headquarters gave much counsel to individual companies in the preparation of their docu- ments) and submit the two documents in duplicate to the State Director for consideration. If, after thorough study by the Occupational Division, the State Director believed a company's Plan to be fair and reasonable, he "accepted" the Plan, placing his official stamp of acceptance on both copies, retaining one copy for his file and returning the other copy to the company. Many companies were required to revise their Summaries and Lists one or more times before receiving the State Director's acceptance. Illinois employers, at the outset, were slow to adopt the Replacement 137 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS Schedule Plan, feeling that they preferred to deal direct with the Local Boards in each individual employe's case. However, as the employers observed the Plan's effectiveness in the cases of other companies, more and more came to accept it as the most practicable solution of their problem of retaining skilled personnel of Selective Service ages for a maximum period of time. At first, Local Boards in general felt that the Replacement Schedule was a usurpation of their classification prerogatives, but later reversed their atti- tude to a point where many of them almost insisted that a registrant be on a Replacement List in order to be deferred. Boards of Appeal, on the other hand, almost universally granted deferment to any registrant whose occupa- tional affidavit bore the authorized "State Director's acceptance stamp." Local Boards were "sold" on the Replacement Schedule Plan by State Headquarters through area conferences with Local Board Members, visits of Field Officers to individual Local Boards and by special memorandums. In addition, copies of instructions to employers were furnished to the Local Boards in order that the latter might be fully informed as to the administra- tive instructions given to the employers by State Headquarters. During the year 1943, a total of 3,196 original Replacement Schedules, 1,425 first renewals and two second renewals were approved by the State Director — a total of 4,623 Schedules approved for the year. The number of Advisors on the Occupational Division staff was so limited during the summer and fall of 1943 that sixty and seventy hours a week were frequently required in order to keep abreast of the current load. During those crowded months, personal visits to plants were out of the question. In evaluating Replacement Schedules, Occupational Advisors, all of whom had been industrial executives in civilian life, depended on the official List of Critical Occupations, the assistance of Federal procurement agencies, the very efficient help of the Federal Apprentice Training Program, personal conferences at State Head- quarters with employers, and their own wealth of civilian experience. Obser- vation of any statistics on the war-time industrial production of Illinois, as well as note of the number of men this State furnished to the armed forces, provides the best criterion of the excellent job done by Local Boards and by the State Headquarters Occupational Division in the consideration of Replace- ment Schedule Plans. REPLACEMENT SCHEDULES PROCESSED IN ILLINOIS Original First Second Third Year Schedules Renewals Renewals Renewals Totals 1942 2 ... ... ... 2 1943 3,196 1,425 ... ... 4,623 1944 423 902 668 83 2.076 Totals 6,701 138 CLASSIFICATION— INDUSTRIAL The Replacement Schedule Program, having generally served its purpose, was abolished on March 12, 1945. Occupational Deferment Policy Changes A new occupational policy in regard to registrants 18 through 21 was made effective February 1, 1944. This policy excluded from classification in Class II-A or II-B any registrant age 18 through 21 unless the State Director had approved a Form 42 A (Special). Under the revised occupational policy of May 12, the restricted age group was changed from 18 through 21 to 18 through 25. During the period February 1, 1944 (when the approval of the State Director on Form 42 A (Special) for such registrants was first required) through December 31, 1944, the State Director had approved 5,884 Forms 42A (Special), of which 1,245 were cancelled. Those recommended for de- ferment were registrants engaged in industry, instructors in colleges, students and professional men. On February 26, 1944, the President stated that the armed forces were still short 200,000 trained men — because Selective Service had fallen behind in the armed forces' calls for manpower. He stated that, in his opinion, defer- ments of younger men had been too liberal, and that deferments in industry included over a million non-fathers, 380,000 of whom were under 26 years of age. The President further stated that the time had come for industry and agriculture to release the younger men who were physically qualified for military service, and that the gravity of the situation required the immediate review of all occupational deferments. The Director of Selective Service had, only a short time before, notified Local Boards that no registrant ages 18 through 31 years (whether father or non-father) should be granted occupational deferment except in exceptional cases where such deferment would be authorized by the State Director. Im- mediately on his receiving the President's memorandum of February 26, the National Director directed Local Boards to review all their cases of occupa- tionally deferred registrants ages 18 through 37 years, and to apply strict consideration to such registrants under 26 years of age. On April 7, 1944 — as the Local Boards were busily engaged in the review of occupational deferment in the age groups mentioned above, the Army and Navy decided that subsequent inductees must have the vigor and stamina that only youth could supply under combat conditions, and the National Director therefore directed the postponement of processing all men 26 years of age and over until such processing for men under 26 years had been sub- stantially accomplished. Decreasing losses by the armed forces and improved deliveries by Se- lective Service enabled the Army to reach its full strength of 7,700,000 men by April 5, 1944. Thus, while the need for induction of the younger men 139 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS (as replacements) was still emphasized, registrants over 26 years were vir- tually assured of deferment if they were engaged in war production activities or activities essential to the national health, safety and interest. The instructions pertaining to occupational deferment were revised on May 12, 1944, and the prospect for registrants 18 through 25 was service in the armed forces unless they met specific conditions for occupational defer- ment; the prospect for registrants 26 through 29 who were found to be "necessary to and regularly engaged in" activities in war production or in support of the national health, safety, or interest was that they would remain in civilian life for the time being; and the prospect for registrants ages 30 through 37 who were "regularly engaged in" activities in war production or in support of the national health, safety or interest was that they would remain in civilian life for an indefinite period, regardless of their physical condition. This change in policy necessitated a change in Replacement Sched- ules, and each Replacement Schedule was made to apply primarily to regis- trants ages 26 through 29. Those schedules in effect at the end of May were to remain in effect until their normal expiration date, but no new schedules were to be accepted from establishments not already operating under the plan. Existing schedules could be renewed for one additional six months period, which would carry them to the spring of 1945. The invasion of Europe began on June 6, 1944. That meant that large numbers of additional American troops would be engaged and that casualties would increase. The demands for guns, planes, jeeps, trucks, ammunition and all the material of war, including gasoline of all kinds, would increase at a progressively greater rate. The demand for food would increase corre- spondingly. Simultaneously, at the time, the tempo of the war in the widely scattered areas of the Pacific increased. Even though the Army, as previously stated, had reached its authorized strength, there was a substantial increase in the demand for manpower in the Navy and in the Merchant Marine. Thus, coupled with the continuing de- mand for military manpower, the demands for materiel, food and supplies for the armed forces were stepped up, and the problem of achieving a max- imum balance between the two major requirements was primarily a problem for the Local Boards. If they hysterically inducted their physically fit regis- trants, the war production in this country would suffer; if they were excep- tionally liberal in their deferments, the armed forces would be seriously hampered. To the credit of Illinois, Local Boards in this State met the chal- lenging problem squarely and managed to supply a reasonable quota of men to the armed forces, yet leaving enough men in war production to assure a continuing supply of material, food and supplies flowing to the battle fronts. There is no known instance where the action of an Illinois Local Board caused delay of material needed by the armed forces. 140 CLASSIFICATION— INDUSTRIAL The Certification Plan In the Fall of 1943, industrial employers throughout the country were encountering more and more difficulties in obtaining deferments for their skilled men. The need for aircraft workers in California had grown so urgent that it was found necessary to establish a certification plan, and put responsi- bility upon the Army, the Navy and other Federal Government procurement agencies to certify registrants who, in the opinions of the procurement officers of the prospective services and departments, were necessary in the aircraft plants on the West Coast. In December of 1943, the Certification Plan was extended to other specific plants where the need for skilled workers was exceptionally pressing and their retention vital. In the Certification Plan, the employer filled out a special form — the Form 42 A (Special) — and submitted the completed form to the Army or Navy procurement officer assigned to the employer's plant. If the procurement officer deemed the registrant vitally necessary to the operation of the plant, the officer certified such necessity on the form, which was then forwarded to the State Director of the State in which the Local Board having Selective Service jurisdiction over the registrant was located. At the State Director's office, each certified Form 42 A (Special) was carefully considered in the Occupational Division and then submitted to the State Director, who either approved or disapproved the form. The form was then sent to the Local Board of jurisdiction, and was placed in the registrant's file as additional important evidence to be considered by the Local Board in determining classification. The receipt of a Form 42 A (Special) made it mandatory upon the Local Board to reopen the registrant's case and deter- mine classification anew — on the basis of the new evidence. Near the beginning of 1945, the armed forces indicated that their greatest immediate need was for physically fit men in the younger age groups capable of the highest degree of efficiency under combat conditions. The policy was therefore adopted to release large numbers of younger, physically fit men for military service, and at the same time provide sufficient numbers of men to engage in activities in war production or in support of the national health, safety, or interest who were in the older age groups. The supply of young men ages 18 through 25 was practically exhausted, and the supply of those between the ages of 26 and 29 was limited. A new certification plan was adopted on February 15, 1945, covering registrants ages 18 through 29 — DSS Form 42A (Special-Revised) — and a list of certifying agencies was furnished to Selective Service classifying agencies, together with a list of essential activities and critical occupations. In order to qualify for deferment a registrant 18 through 29 had to be "neces- sary to and regularly engaged in" and "indispensable and irreplaceable" in one of the activities indicated. A registrant 30 through 33, in order to qualify for deferment, must be "necessary to and regularly engaged in" an activity in war 141 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS production or in an activity supporting the national health, safety, or interest, preference being given to fathers. A registrant age 34 through 37 was only re- quired to be "regularly engaged in" an activity in war production or in support of the national health, safety, or interest. Illinois was scraping the bottom of the barrel so far as younger men were concerned. This plan tightened up on deferments and made more men available for service. At the same time, it left in industry practically all men over 33. No difficulty was experienced with Local Boards in following through on this certification plan. A similar certification plan — through the use of DSS Form 42 A (Special- Merchant Marine) was operated for registrants serving in the Merchant Marine. Procurement and Assignment Service While it was realized that there existed a shortage of physicians and dentists to take care of the medical needs of the civilian population, as well as a shortage of graduate veterinarians, the need of the armed forces for men of these professions was so great that, in the early part of 1942, plans were made to evaluate the community necessity of every physician, dentist and veterinarian in the country, the armed forces to obtain any such professional man who could reasonably be spared from his community. The Procurement and Assignment Service was formed as a part of the War Manpower Commission. The function of the Procurement and Assignment Service was to make an exhaustive survey of all military-aged men in the professions named and be prepared to report impartially whenever the Selective Service System requested such a report on one of its registrants under consideration for classification. On January 28, 1942, the National Selective Service Director forthwith issued instructions requiring the Local Boards to obtain a recommendation from the Procurement and Assignment Service in the case of any physician, dentist or veterinarian before classifying any such registrant. The organization and operation of the Procurement and Assignment Service proved of great value to the Local Boards, as well as the Occupa- tional Division of State Headquarters. Invariably, the recommendations of the investigative agency were followed by the Local Boards, the gross result being the procurement of a considerable number of younger physicians, dentists and veterinarians for active service in the Army or the Navy. If any physician, dentist or veterinarian was found to be available for military service, the practice was to permit him to apply for and obtain a commission. In only one case in Illinois was it necessary to induct a full-fledged physician as an enlisted man, and then only because he failed to cooperate and take advantage of the commission privilege accorded him. Special thanks are due to the following men who, as representatives of the Procurement and Assignment Service, gave whole-hearted and effective co- 142 CLASSIFICATION— INDUSTRIAL operation to the Selective System in Illinois in connection with the classifi- cation consideration of registrants engaged professionally in their respective fields : Dr. Harold M. Camp, Monmouth, Illinois — Secretary of the Illinois Medical Society Dr. Robert J. Wells, Chicago — then Secretary of the Chicago Dental Society. Dr. Anthony Bott, East St. Louis, Illinois — President of the Illinois Veterinary Association Deferment of Pharmacists While the pharmacists bore a similar relationship to public need as did the physicians and dentists, the former were not included in the operations of the Procurement and Assignment Service. Thus, the deferment considera- tion of pharmacists presented quite a problem until State Headquarters made an arrangement with the Illinois Pharmaceutical Association which involved an Association survey of the entire pharmaceutical employment in Illinois and a complete report on each registrant claiming to be a pharmacist. This report included the registrant's professional qualification, the number of customers of the drugstore in which he was employed, the number of drug- stores in the area concerned, the amount of prescription drug business, the number of pharmacists necessary to carry on the business, etc. The report was furnished in duplicate, one copy being placed in the registrant's file at the Local Board office. This contribution of the Illinois Pharmaceutical Association provided the Local Boards concerned with substantial information and enabled these Boards to determine classification fairly and properly in all cases of regis- trants employed as pharmacists. Deferment of Federal Government and Other Public Employes On March 5, 1943, the President issued his Executive Order No. 9309, which restricted requests for deferment of Federal Government employes, and also established a specific procedure to be followed when such defer- ments requests were indicated. On April 8, 1943, in Public Law 23, the 78th Congress confirmed the President's Executive Order, giving it a statutory status, and established committees in the legislative and judicial branches of the Federal Government to consider deferments in those branches. This law also required a monthly report to Congress of all deferments of Federal Government employes. Under the President's order, classification agencies within the Selective Service System were not permitted to give any consideration to the fact that a registrant was in the employ of the executive, legislative or judicial branch of the Federal Government unless a request, in conformity with the law, was presented by the major committee on deferments of the branch of 143 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS the Federal Government in which the registrant was employed. Any such request which had the approval of the special committee bore the stamp, "Authorized Government Request." Little or no difficulty was encountered in connection with the classifica- tion of Federal Government employes except during the period when men of ages 30 through 37 years were liable for service. Several Local Boards insisted on deferring postmen and rural mail carriers in spite of the absence of an Authorized Government Request for such deferment. Since the people of the few communities concerned were generally in favor of such deferments, no unfavorable community reaction appeared. Because of the strict order of Governor Green pertaining to deferment requests on State of Illinois employes, none but critically needed employes in that category were granted deferment, and those few deferments were usually made for specific limited periods of time. Illinois municipalities in general followed the Governor's lead, and the only deferments requested were for a few firemen, police radio operators and other obviously necessary men. Merchant Marine Deferments Deferment of men in the Merchant Marine was always a serious problem in Illinois. The principal objection of Local Boards was that such men re- ceived considerably higher pay than the bulk of the men in the armed forces. Until the War Shipping Administration organized its Merchant Marine De- ferment Section (wherein no deferment was asked for except through the use of a certified DSS Form 42 A (Special-Merchant Marine) in the Cer- tification Plan), most of the Illinois Local Boards refused to grant defer- ment to merchant seamen. However, after the War Shipping Administration began its participation in the Certification Plan, Local Boards were more inclined to grant deferment. Merchant Marine deferments in Illinois reached their peak (approxi- mately 3,000) early in 1945. On October 31, 1946, there were only 1,257 such deferments. Educational Deferments Education was bound to feel the impact of the war — in the loss of some teachers and many students. Yet, these men — when they could be spared — were under the same obligation as other citizens of America to defend vigor- ously the principles which afforded the very educational opportunities they had to give up temporarily. In the early part of the Selective Service program, Local Boards through- out the country were prone to give little deferment consideration to teachers. This attitude caused such serious inroads into American educational insti- tutions that it later (on July 15, 1942) became necessary for the Selective Service System to define "educational services" as one of the activities essential 144 CLASSIFICATION— INDUSTRIAL to the support of the war, and to designate certain occupations within the educational institutions as "critical." Thus, having a clearer idea of the importance of retaining school heads and others engaged in the teaching of the sciences and professions, Local Boards became more liberal in their consideration of registrants engaged in educational work. Policies pertaining to the deferment of students were first organized comprehensively in a bulletin on occupational classification which was issued by National Headquarters on March 16, 1942. This bulletin set up certain standards by which the Local Board might judge reasonably and intelligently as to whether or not a student in college was entitled to deferment. Deferment of students was to be limited to those men who had already completed two academic years of study in a recognized college or university, who were "in training and preparation" to acquire a qualification or skill which would fit them for a "critical occupation" in activities necessary to war production or essential to the support of the war effort, and who were pursuing such course satisfactorily. The same principles were applicable to students attending accredited trade or vocational schools. The Certification Plan included the consideration of certain college or university students for deferment, and the strictness with which Illinois Local Boards applied such consideration is revealed by the fact that, on August 1, 1944, there existed only 469 of such student deferments among all the State's registrants. Where theological and divinity schools were on the basis of a profes- sional school of a university, students in pre-theological schools were rec- ognized on the same basis as pre-medical schools. Any pre-theological student approaching the end of his sophomore year, who was definitely headed for specific training in the ministry or priesthood, was given occupational de- ferment in Class II-A. This deferment was usually renewed until the regis- trant entered the theological or divinity school. The students who were actually in attendance at recognized theological or divinity schools were classified in Class IV-D. The classification of II-A for students in pre- theological schools applied only so long as they remained in attendance at such schools and pursued their courses satisfactorily. Occupational Deferment Policies After V-E and V-J Days After the termination of the war in Germany, calls on Selective Service were reduced in July and succeeding months, and government procurement agencies began to readjust war production to fit the requirements of the war against Japan, which resulted in substantial production cut-backs. These new conditions tended to increase the supply of and decrease the demand for manpower. Occupational policies were re-stated in June, 1945 and were designed to re-emphasize the need for men ages 18 through 29 in the armed forces and to liberalize the requirements for occupational deferment of registrants 30 through 33 and 34 through 37, and made a change in cer- 145 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS tifying agencies. Registrants 30 through 37 needed merely to be "regularly engaged in" an activity in war production or in support of the national health, safety, or interest. After the war with Japan ended, classification policies were again changed during the latter part of 1945. The term "national health, safety, or in- terest" was re-defined to include the production and services required to maintain the armed forces during occupation; research, development and manufacture of weapons and other items essential to the maintenance of an adequate national defense; transportation and other activities required for demobilization; activities and services required to expedite reconver- sion; and other activities which the Local Board considered essential on a national or local basis. The deferment of those 18 through 29 was con- fined to those "necessary to and regularly engaged in" an activity in sup- port of the national health, safety, or interest, as defined above, but Form 42A (Special-Revised) was not required to be certified. Special considera- tion was given to students in certain professional schools, to registrants engaged in national defense projects, to key personnel in reconversion proj- ects, and to fathers. On January 1, 1946, occupational deferments (excluding agriculture) in Illinois totaled only 3,446, including 501 industrial and professional, 2,508 Merchant Marine and 322 students. All others of the inductible age group who were physically qualified were made available. In May of 1946, the Selective Training and Service Act was extended until June 30, but inductions were suspended. Registrations, however, con- tinued. Public Law 473 of the 79th Congress extended the Act from June 30, 1946, until March 31, 1947, but excluded the processing of 18-year-olds, except for registration. Occupational policies were amended the following month, restricting those eligible for consideration for occupational defer- ment to the age group 19 through 29. Later the policy was amended to provide for certification for occupational deferment of registrants of this age group engaged in the physical sciences and engineering; college teach- ers; certain registrants engaged in production and transportation; and cer- tain construction workers. On October 31, 1946, there were 3,797 registrants age 19 through 29 (excluding agriculture) deferred in Illinois for occupational reasons, of which 882 were industrial and professional, 1,257 Merchant Marine, and 307 students. CLASS II-C— AGRICULTURAL DEFERMENT Agricultural deferments were granted under the same authority and by the same regulations which governed the granting of industrial deferments. An agricultural enterprise, to be necessary to support of the war effort, had to produce and market more food and other products than could be 146 CLASSIFICATION— AGRICULTURAL consumed personally by the people living and working on the farm. The farm employer had to show that a farm registrant was a necessary man in the enterprise and could not be replaced without materially decreasing the yield of the farm. This "necessity" would be evidenced by the extent of his experience and training as a skilled farm hand or farm operator and by the results of his work, or by a lack of adequate farm labor supply in his immediate neighborhood. Basically, then, the five important considerations in agricultural defer- ment were: 1. The importance of the products of the farm; 2. The importance of the particular enterprise; 3. The importance of the skill of the registrant; 4. The registrant's share in the farm's production; 5. The availability or shortage of farm labor in the area. Agricultural workers were permitted to change occupation from one farm to another when in the judgment of their respective Local Boards, such moves meant the likelihood of increased production. Where, however, such a move was made simply because the need for the worker's services on the first farm ceased, reclassification for induction was generally inevitable. The State Agricultural Situation Before Pearl Harbor Illinois stood in second place among the States in gross farm income. This position stemmed from a combination of fertile soils, ample rainfall, a favorable growing season, and experienced farmers well equipped with necessary buildings and mechanical equipment. The result was the produc- tion of a variety of major agricultural products rather than a highly devel- oped specialization, although a degree of specialization is found in certain areas of the State. Thus, in corn production, Illinois stood in second place; first in soy- beans; third in oats; sixth in hay; and tenth in wheat. The State was in fifth place in value of all livestock; second in numbers of hogs; fourth in number of chickens; fifth in volume of milk production; and seventh in number of cattle. Crop production was indicated by the relative distribution of acreages of various crops in the cultivated area. In 1942, corn occupied 41 percent; oats, 19; soybeans, 18; hay, 14; wheat, 5; and other crops 3 percent. Because a large part of the feed crops are fed to livestock on Illinois farms, the cash farm income was divided approximately two-thirds from livestock and livestock products and one-third from sale of crops. Sales of hogs accounted for 27 per- cent of cash income in 1942; cattle and calves for 18 percent; dairy products, 12 ; chickens and eggs, 7 ; and other livestock sources 2 percent. Corn brought in 15 percent; soybeans, 10; other feeds, 3; and food grains, truck, fruit and miscellaneous crops 6 percent. 147 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS During the war period, agricultural production was materially increased in the State of Illinois, in the face of a constantly diminishing labor supply and a growing shortage of farm equipment. Illinois agriculture made a marked contribution to the war effort, both in the production of essential foods and other raw materials for war production and also in providing personnel for the Armed Forces. Thus — in view of the tremendous wartime agricultural production of the State — the necessity for deferring a large number of Illinois registrants for farm work was readily apparent. Nevertheless, in accomplishing this great agricultural production, Illinois' proportion of registrants deferred for farm work was considerably less than that of other agricultural States. Impact of War and of Industry on Farm Labor in the State The initiation of the National Defense Program many months before Pearl Harbor attracted substantial numbers of farm workers into war in- dustry because of the much higher wages as compared to those in farm work. With the declaration of war and the resultant expansion of war in- dustry, the withdrawal of agricultural workers from the farm increased greatly, especially in areas within a 50 to 60-mile radius of war plants. With the wide distribution of such plants in Illinois, about two-thirds of the area of the State was directly affected. These developments were but symptoms of the general withdrawal of agricultural workers which was taking place over the country during the year 1942, and especially during the fall months of that year. This situation in time created a widespread alarm that adequate food production could not be maintained. This matter came to the attention of Congress, which took action by adding the Tydings Amendment to the Selective Service Act. The Agricultural Questionnaire During the first months of the war, no official plans had been developed by which to measure agricultural needs as closely as possible according to a specific formula or system of rating agricultural work. Large numbers of farm operators and workers were being inducted, and the serious effects of heavy withdrawals of farm workers by the armed forces were quickly noted at the local level. The need for complete information regarding farm production and each farm registrant's necessity on the farm, as a basis for Selective Service classification, became apparent. The general Selective Service Questionnaire (DSS Form 40) and the Occupational Deferment Statement (DSS Form 42) contained several ques- tions in reference to agricultural necessity of a registrant. These forms, however, proved to be entirely inadequate for efficient classification of agri- cultural registrants. The first plan designed specifically for the classification of agricultural 148 CLASSIFICATION— AGRICULTURAL registrants was developed by and for the use of the Logan County Local Board. This was a plan under which Township Farmers' Defense Commit- tees were organized to assist in the evaluation of individual cases and to advise the Local Board on the needs of particular farms. The plan was developed in December of 1941 and approved by State Headquarters early in the next month. The Logan County plan included a special information questionnaire for each farm registrant and the farm on which he was employed, as well as statements of cooperation to be signed by both the farm employer and the registrant employed by him. On January 16, 1942, this plan was outlined to the other Illinois Local Boards in a State memorandum in which the Boards were encouraged to foster a similar organization in their own counties. Many of the Local Boards in the agricultural areas of the State did set up similar organizations which proved most helpful to the Boards in passing on requests for farm deferment. The success of these local efforts prompted the State Director to call a meeting of the agricultural leaders of Illinois in company with members of his staff who were handling farm deferment matters, the purpose being to develop plans and procedures which would help solve the serious farm labor problem then confronting Illinois as a whole. Those present at a meeting in State Headquarters on February 18, 1942 were: State Director Armstrong Howard Leonard, Director, Department of Agriculture, State of Illinois Harry M. Combrick, State Agricultural Conservation Office (AAA) E. A. Eckert, Master, Illinois Grange H. P. Rusk, Dean, College of Agriculture, University of Illinois A. H. R. Atwood, Superintendent, Farm Labor Placement Paul E. Johnston, Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Illinois Earl C. Smith, President, Illinois Agricultural Association Edwin Bay, Farm Advisor, Sangamon County Col. Harris P. Ralston, Chief Occupational Advisor, State Headquarters Capt. Baird V. Helfrich, State Legal Advisor, State Headquarters As an outcome of this meeting, an Agricultural Questionnaire (State Form 401-A — later changed to "AQ44" and "AQ45") was developed for state-wide use to afford adequate information by which Local Boards could evaluate the need for farm registrants on their agricultural jobs. The form included specific information as to the size of the farm, crops and livestock raised, the production accomplished on the farm in 1941 and that contem- ( Continued to page 154) 149 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS FORM AQ-43 Illinois Agricultural Questionnaire ILLINOIS STATE HEADQUARTERS SELECTIVE SERVICE SYSTEM SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS me> ~1 Address (First) (Middle) (Last) (R. F. D. or Street) (Town or City) (State) Order No. r | Local Board Stamp | TO YOU AS AN ILLINOIS AGRICULTURAL REGISTRANT Pages 2, 3 and 4 of this Agricultural Questionnaire should be promptly completed, with full answers to all questions, legibly written in INK. Return the completed Questionnaire to your Local Board within one week from receipt. Employers will please cooperate in providing the information necessary for filling out this Questionnaire, which is to be submitted in addition to the Selective Service Questionnaire (DDS Form 40). Classification is based solely on the written evidence in each file, and no classification is permanent. Your Selective Service Board is charged with classifying you, as well as other registrants in their juris- diction, in an impartial and honest manner under the Selective Service Act and Regulations. Exact informa- tion in your case is necessary to be fair to yourself, as well as to other registrants, in this wartime requirement. Please cooperate at once, understanding that this information is confidential and will be treated as such by your Local Board and its advisers. No "blanket deferment" has been given to all farmers, and the present national and state farm policy is to carefully scrutinize and strictly review all agricultural deferments For 1945. every effort must be made to keep farm acreage under cultivation and to maintain livestock and crop production in needed lines. Each registrant who is deferred has a solemn obligation to make his maximum contribution to the war effort Defer- ments are to be made solely in the national interest and the case of each registrant must be reviewed on the basis of the amount and quality of his production and his replaceability, to determine if he is essential to agriculture. If you are dissatisfied with your classification, you should make written request to your Local Board for a personal appearance before the Local Board within 10 days after your Notice of Classification (Form 57) is mailed to you, or contact the Government Appeal Agent of your Local Board on the question of taking an appeal to the Appeal Board (separate, from the Local Board and without personal hearing) within said 10-day period. Time limitations on appeals are now strictly enforced. Act at once, if you desire a personal appearance before the Local Board or an appeal after classification. PAUL G. ARMSTRONG, State Director. P. S. Fill out this Questionnaire with the help of your employer, and both of you will please sign it. The assistance of your Registrants' Advisory Board or the Farm Adviser's Stall is available, without charge, in filling out this form. (Contact Local Hoard Clerk for names.) (OVER) 150 CLASSIFICATION— AGRICULTURAL On the preceding page, this page and the two following pages is shown the Illinois Agricultural Questionnaire (III. Form AQ). This form was originally designed early in 1942 by Illinois State Headquarters, but was later adopted by a number of other States. SUPPLEMENTAL AGRICULTURAL INFORMATION GIVE FULL ANSWERS, CLEARLY WRITTEN IN INK A. FARM OPERATION (farm where registrant will work 1945) : Is registrant the owner or employee __? 1. Size of farm: Total acres ; acres owned— _; acres rented ; total acres in crops- compact unit, or scattered? direction from_ Location of farm: Township. ; distance- Is land in one -miles, and If farm rented, name and address of landowner- If registrant works for more than one employer, explain- 2. Fertility of soil, good? Medium? Fair? 3. Show the number of machines and horses owned on this farm: Tractor Combine . Tractor cultivator Binder Corn picker Mower Corn sheller (large) Baler 4. Production Motor trucks. Silage cutter Milking machine- Work horses- 1944 (Actual) 1945 (Anticipated) Hogs Sold (No.) Pigs Weaned (No.) Cattle Sold (No.) Sheep or Lambs Sold (No.) Chickens Sold (No.) Dairy Cows Milked (No.) Cream, Butterfat Sold (lbs.) Milk Sold (lbs.) Wool Sold (lbs.) Corn harvested (bu.) Corn raised (acres) Production Soybeans harvested (bu.) Soybeans raised (acres) Wheat raised (acres) Oats raised (acres) Barley raised (acres) Hay (acres) Hay tons) Fruit (kind) (bu.) Vegetables (acres) Honey (lbs.) 1944 (Actual) 1945 (Anticipated) FARM LABOR SITUATION (for farm 1. Record below the names of all persons over 10 on which registrant will work in 1945) : years of age who will live or work full or part time i the farm for 1945, and the informa- tion concerning each. (Name full) Sex Age Years farm ex- perience Months will work 1945 Number depend ents Classi- fica- tion Operate and maintain tractor? Physical condition and any defects 3. Is registrant related to employer? working on this farm Acres ; Type If so, state relationship- Custom w rk registrant did in 1944: Type. : Type_ .Date registrant began 4. How many year-round workers are needed on the farm in 1945 ? For what months? How many part-time workers will be needed?- 5. Has the employer requested labor from the Farm Adviser or U.S.D.A. War Board' (2) 151 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS 1945 ACREAGE AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION C. ESSENTIAL FARM PRODUCTS (farm where registrant will work in 1945): DIRECTIONS: Column A to be filled in by employer (registrant if self-employed). No animals or acreage to be entered twice on this page. DO NOT WRITE IN COLUMN "C" MOTE: — The employer (or registrant) trill be asked to file a supplementary form toicard the end of the crop season to shoic production actually accomplished. Column A Number of animals Column B Conversion Factor Column C To be entered by Local Board (War Units) LIVESTOCK (now on farm— list each animal once only) i no .10 (b) Beef Cattle 20 .10 07 (c) Hogs 33 .33 .03 (d) Chickens 0017 013 0033 (e) Sheep 03 00(S? 02S FIBER AND OIL CROPS AND POTATOES (acres 1945) Acres 67 35 .12 .20 so FIELD CROPS (acres 1945, list acres once only) 07 10 (c) Corn, grain sorghums, broomcorn, rice, dry edible beans, green peas and .18 (J) Corn for hybrid seed production (farmer furnishes all labor) and sweet corn 33 .00 .50 .20 SMALL FRUITS AND BERRIES (acres) Blackberries, grapes, dewberries, raspberries, strawberries, currants, pnosebprrirs, quinres 1 SO To he filled in bv Local Hoard only. W TOTAL WAR UNITS (Forwarded to Page 4) (3) 152 CLASSIFICATION— AGRICULTURAL TOTAL WAR UNITS (forwarded) VEGETABLES FOR FRESH CONSUMPTION AND PROCESSING (acres) Asparagus (from present plantings), beets, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, carrots, chard, cauliflower, collards, endive, escarole. green leafy lettuce, green pascal celery, green peas for fresh consumption only peppers, kale, lima beans mustard greens, onions, parsnips, rutabaga, snapbeans, spinach, tomatoes and turnips VEGETABLE PLANTS AND SEEDS OTHER FOOD AND SPECIAL CROPS (a) Nuts (from present plantings) (acres) (b) Sugar beets, sorghum, and sorgo syrup. (c) Honey bees (colonies) (d) Tobacco (acres) Other Crops not Listed Logging, cutting ties, posts pulpwood. firewood. e*c Column A ACRES TOTAL WAR UMTS ON THIS FARM Conversion Factor .1.00 .1.50 . .20 . .50 . 04 _2. 00 Column C To be entered 6v Local Board I War Units) Custom work on other farms: Kind: Kind : Units for harvesting or processing canning crops. Units allocated to registrant from farm of Acres Acres. (lOOhrs.-l unit). (Separate Agric. Questionnaire required for additional tear units claimed. TOTAL WAR UNITS 1. Changes in livestock production for 194v Increase (kind and amount). Decrease (kind and amount) In essential crop production, 1945. Increase (kind and amount). Decrease (kind and amount). 2. REMARKS: WE HAVE READ THESE THREE PAGES AND THE STATEMENTS CONTAINED THEREIN ARE TRUE Date Signature of Registrant Address of Registrant Date Signature of Employer Address of Employer NOTE: — The Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, Amended, provides that any person or persons knowingly making or being a party to the making of false statements or certificates shall, upon conviction, be punished by imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine of not more than ten thousand dollars, or both. (4) 153 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS (Continued from page 149) plated for 1942, equipment available, the labor force required, and other pertinent information. The Illinois Agricultural Questionnaire was presented to all Illinois Local Boards by the State Director on February 26, 1942, and its immediate adoption by the Boards was urged. Needless to say, every Local Board in the State lost no time in putting the new Questionnaire to work in order to help them judge farm deferment claims more accurately and fairly. Subse- quent revisions were made in the Agricultural Questionnaire, and Supple- ments were issued at intervals as a check on accomplished and anticipated production. Illinois' farm form was the first "farm questionnaire" to be used by any State in connection with the consideration of classification of agricultural registrants, and a number of other States adopted the form for their own use. The use of the Illinois Agricultural Questionnaire brought about more uniform and equitable classification of farm registrants and helped to re- solve the farm labor deferment problem of the State. It unquestionably con- tributed largely to both the outstanding farm deferment record of Illinois Local Boards and, by its strict requirements, helped to achieve the tremendous agricultural production accomplished by this State during wartime. It is also felt that the use of the Illinois farm form may have had considerable influence in the development of the "agricultural war unit" plan which was developed and used on a national basis and which will be described in subsequent paragraphs. Since the Illinois Agricultural Questionnaire was purely of State develop- ment, there were no federal funds for the printing of the supply needed. Gov. Dwight H. Green arranged to provide the necessary funds for the printing of the required supply through the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Finance. A portion of the supply was multilithed at State Headquarters. U. S. Department of Agriculture War Boards In February of 1942, National Headquarters suggested the use, by Local Boards, of assistance from the War Boards of the United States Department of Agriculture. These Boards consisted of men with agricultural back- grounds and their function was to establish the communities' farm pro- duction possibilities, determine the general labor needs, and stimulate the maximum agricultural production in the interest of the war effort. The memorandum from the National Director of Selective Service stated that the War Boards could render valuable assistance to Selective Service Local Boards by providing general information regarding the importance of farm products and the farm labor situation, but were not to interest themselves in cases of individual registrants. The County War Boards thus supplanted 154 CLASSIFICATION— AGRICULTURAL the need for township committees such as was used under the Logan County Plan and made available extensive information. Beginning on March 5, 1943, a War Board was permitted to appeal cases of agricultural registrants provided the War Board had previously filed with the Local Board concerned a statement regarding the agricultural necessity of any such registrant. This right of appeal on the part of the War Boards was exercised in very few cases. The great majority of the Local Boards in Illinois freely sought the help of the United States Department of Agriculture War Boards and the various county agricultural advisers in obtaining information as to the necessity or non-necessity of registrants on the farms on which they were employed. Only in a few instances — where the War Boards and county agricultural advisers were obviously one-sided in their considerations — did Local Boards fail to request their cooperation. In general, the USDA War Boards and the county advisers worked harmoniously with the Local Boards and were most helpful in carrying out the spirit and letter of the Selective Service law as well as being an active force in maintaining maximum agricultural production in this State. The Tydings Amendment to Public Law 772 In late fall of 1942, the Congress — disturbed by reports that farm labor was being depleted through induction into military service — passed the Tydings Amendment to Public Law 772. This amendment was widely hailed by farmers as practically a "blanket deferment" for agricultural registrants. A few Illinois Local Boards interpreted the amendment likewise until State Headquarters corrected the misunderstanding. (An odd situation was that several of the so-called "toughest farm boards" misinterpreted the law and felt that "farmers were being shown unfair favoritism" — a situation that was actually non-existent.) In reality, however, the Tydings Amendment granted no "exemption from induction" to farm registrants, and specifically made the Local Board responsible for determining whether or not a farm registrant was necessary to the farm on which he was employed. The decision by the Local Board in each classification case was, of course, subject to appeal. The Tydings Amendment to Public Law 772 (approved November 13, 1942), read as follows: "Every registrant found by a selective service local board, subject to appeal in accordance with Section 10 (a) (2), to be necessary to and regularly engaged in an agricultural occupation or endeavor essential to the war effort, shall be deferred from training and service in the land and naval forces so long as he remains so engaged and until such time as a satisfactory replacement can be obtained: Provided, that should any such person leave such occupation or endeavor, except for induction 155 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS into the land or naval forces under this act, his selective service local board, subject to appeal in accordance with section 10 (a) (2), shall re- classify such registrant in a class immediately available for military serv- ice, unless prior to leaving such occupation or endeavor, he requests such local board to determine, and such local board, subject to appeal in ac- cordance with section 10 (a) (2), determines, that it is in the best interest of the war effort for him to leave such occupation or endeavor for other work." A careful reading of the amendment reveals that it did not grant outright exemption to farm workers; in fact, it added nothing new to the policies already established by Selective Service and actively in force — except the mandatory provision for reclassification of any registrant who left the farm for other work without the permission of his Local Board. This latter pro- vision was welcomed by both Selective Service and the farm interests. The War Unit Plan On November 17, 1942, National Headquarters established a definite plan whereby Local Boards could use a set of specific standards by which to determine whether or not an individual farm registrant could qualify for deferment on the grounds of agricultural occupation. The War Unit Plan, as it was commonly known, set up a list of the various essential and non-essential farm products, and established a war unit value on the labor required to produce a certain amount of each of the various products. The normal goal of production — the desired amount for qualification for agri- cultural deferment — was determined, on a national basis, as sixteen "war units." Local Boards were told that they must not be too rigid, but must consider all conditions, particularly the possibility of future achievement of the sixteen unit goal. Under exceptional circumstances, allowances could be made in cases of less than sixteen units, but no consideration was felt warranted for a registrant with fewer than eight units. When the "war unit plan" was promulgated by National Headquarters, arrangements were made for a meeting in each county of Local Boards and County War Boards at which a war unit goal was selected, to be applied to prospective production for 1943. Most counties in Illinois adopted the national goal of 16 war units per worker for 1943. Late in 1943, recognizing that the manpower requirements would soon necessitate a stricter policy regarding deferments, a proposal was submitted to agricultural leaders for reviewing and revising still further upward the war unit objectives in the various counties. This was supported bv a sample study of actual war unit accomplishment on farms in fifteen counties widely distributed over the State. Upon the acceptance of this general plan by agricultural leaders, joint meetings of Selective Service Local Boards and County War Boards were requested during the month of January, 1944, to review the county was unit objective. As a result, in 97 of the 102 coun- 156 CLASSIFICATION— AGRICULTURAL ties of the State, for which reports were received, 13 counties showed a war unit objective of more than 20 units per man, these varying from 21 to 25 units per worker; 44 counties adopted a war unit objective of 20 units per worker; 19 counties of 18 units: 16 counties of 16 units; and 5 other counties included local variations which were not readily classifiable. Al- most without exception, the counties which adopted the lower unit objectives were in the southern part of the State, or in other areas of rough topography where agricultural conditions were less favorable. When the Agricultural Questionnaire was revised for 1944, numerous questions were raised regarding the war unit credit for individual products. Because of the importance of corn and soybeans in Illinois and the relative position which this State holds in the national production of these crops, a proposal, which was supported by the agricultural leaders of the State, was submitted to National Headquarters to modify the per-acre credit for these two crops to bring them into a relationship consistent with the labor requirements in their production. This proposal provided for a reduction in the acre credit for corn from .20 to .18 and for an increase in that for soybeans from .08 to .12. In the absence of definite disapproval by National Headquarters, the change was made by administrative action at State level. When the mandatory War Unit Plan was officially withdrawn by National Headquarters on April 5, 1944, polls were taken separately of Illinois Local Boards and of County War Boards at a series of joint meetings then in progress, as to whether the Plan should be continued to provide substantial information as a basis of classification. Upon the affirmative response of both groups, the Plan was continued by the bulk of the Local Boards in this State. Its use was, of course, then discretionary with each Board. The operation of the War Unit Plan unquestionably played a great part in increasing farm production in Illinois. In thousands of cases where the number of units per individual farm laborer was short of the required stand- ard in the county, the farm employer immediately made arrangements to increase production to the point where it would equal if not exceed the unit requirements. Special Problems in Agriculture In the Spring of 1943, it appeared that there would be a serious national shortage of agricultural (including dairy ) products in America. The situation was such that men who were working in activities not essential to the war effort, but who had had previous farming experiences, were urged strongly to return to the farm. Many registrants responded to this urgent request — many of them knowing that failure to engage in an essential activity would bring certain reclassification. In addition, Class IV-F men and men over 38 years of age, who had previous farm experience, were induced to return to agriculture in order that the threatened shortage of vital farm products would be averted. 157 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS Fortunately, the Nation was able to reduce the probability of a serious shortage in farm products by using prisoner of war labor, also Mexicans and Jamaicans. Several thousands of these men were used in Illinois at the peak. In addition, conscientious objectors were frequently assigned to agricultural work, and further help was obtained from students in vacation periods and from many members of the military forces volunteering for farm work on short passes from their camps. In January, 1945, a directive from National Headquarters required pre- induction physical examinations for all II-C registrants under 26 years of age. In order to conform to schedules for examinations of other groups and the capacity of the examination station, the examination of this group was spread out through February, March and April. Actually, the reduction in number of agricultural registrants was small, but some 5,000 registrants were found to be qualified for military service or qualified for limited service only and hence were classified in II-C(F) or II-C(L). Regulations provided no definite basis by which such registrants could be reclassified if they left their agricultural occupation; yet only a small proportion left agricultural employment. The end of hostilities in Germany eased the pressure on all registrants under 30 years of age and indefinite deferment of II-C registrants 30 years and over and all II-C(F) and II-C(L) registrants was permitted. Following the end of hostilities with Japan, a change in Regulations left only regis- trants under 26 vulnerable (except for volunteers). Some agricultural regis- trants 26 and over left farm jobs for other work. In the Fall of 1945, a paradoxical situation developed in which, despite cutbacks in industry and the release of large numbers of men from the armed forces, the farm labor force was the smallest of the entire war period. Men released from industry refused to accept work on farms. Discharged veterans who formerly worked on farms were prone to seek other work. Yet, in spite of agriculture's acute shortage of labor, Illinois managed, by almost superhuman effort, to harvest tremendous crops of corn and soybeans. Attitude of Farmers and Local Boards on the Agricultural Deferment Problem Farm people, on the whole, were intensely patriotic, and took a realistic view of the agricultural deferment problem. While they understood the im- portance of food in the war picture and put forth maximum effort to pro- duce food, they nevertheless recognized their responsibility to furnish man- power to the armed forces whenever such manpower could reasonably be spared from the farm. Some farm people mistakenly felt that the Tydings Amendment provided an outright exemption for all farm workers, failing to understand that under the law, the determination of whether or not an agricultural worker was actually necessary on the farm was left to each Local Board concerned. A 158 CLASSIFICATION— AGRICULTURAL small number of registrants attempted to use employment in agriculture as a means of avoiding military service. The addition of working farmers (popularly called "dirt farmers") to all Illinois Local Boards in farm areas helped maintain a fair balance in the determinations of the Boards. A few Local Boards gave undue weight to the provisions of the Tydings Amendment and deferred farm registrants with great liberality. Conversely, some other Boards interpreted the law strictly with the result that farm labor in some sections was reduced too drastically, leaving practically no farm registrants under 29 years of age in those sections. The large majority of the Local Boards in agricultural areas did a splen- did job of evaluating farm registrants. The kind of action taken in each case probably represented the attitude of the Local Boards inasmuch as the inter- pretation of the Tydings Amendment was largely a matter of final determina- tion by the Local Board. The very character of the farm problem complicated the situation. The farms of Illinois are productive; they are highly mechanized; they are of the family type, each employing a very small number of workers, yet requir- ing a high degree of ability and manual skill in a wide variety of jobs. Under such conditions, high production requires skilled workers and replacement in a brief period is difficult. These conditions were generally well understood by Local Boards and by farm people, and doubtless were basic to the atti- tudes developed toward agricultural deferment. Final justification of the policies employed is found in the records of the exceptionally high production of farm products with a limited labor force and at the same time supplying from the farms of the State very sub- stantial numbers of men for the Armed Forces and for war industry. Farm Labor Released to Industry By the nature of most agricultural enterprises, work on the farm is rela- tively slack during the winter months. In the interest of making the greatest use of available man labor in the war effort, plans were worked out and quite generally used by Local Boards under which agricultural registrants were given temporary releases by the Local Board to engage in other agri- cultural work or in essential work of a non-agricultural character during the winter months, the registrant being required to return to the farm with the opening of spring work. Large numbers of farm registrants were released in this way during the winters of 1942-43 and 1943-44, but this plan reached its greatest development in the winter of 1944-45 in the Vermilion County plan of temporarily releasing farm workers to industry. The plan which came to be known as the Vermilion County Plan was developed by Local Board No. 1 of Vermilion County, located at Hoopeston. The Local Board, Farm Adviser, and representatives of the U. S. Employment Service cooperated in a meeting on December 13, 1944, to which were invited 159 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS II-C registrants of the Local Board and their employers. The need for tem- porary workers in local industries was presented and registrants who could be spared temporarily from farms were urged to accept such employment for the winter months, the workers to return to the farms in time for spring work. Arrangements were provided at the meeting for clearance with the Local Board and the Farm Adviser and assignment to specific war jobs. This meeting proved so successful that Colonel Paul G. Armstrong, State Director of Selective Service, Charles P. Casey, the State Director of the War Manpower Commission, and Paul E. Johnston, State Director of Emer- gency Farm Labor, cooperated by giving the plan publicity and encouraging their respective county representatives to jointly sponsor similar meetings. The plan met with the largest response in areas of grain production or of general farming where farm work has the greatest seasonal labor require- ments and least in dairy and livestock areas where farm labor requirements remain high during the winter. Many temporary slack season releases had been granted to II-C registrants by Local Boards prior to the inauguration of the Vermilion County Plan, and continued to be granted by Local Boards which did not actively participate in this Plan. Moreover, during the winters of 1942-43 and 1943-44, and also during shorter slack seasons between summer and fall harvesting, very sub- stantial numbers of agricultural registrants had been released each year by Local Boards for a like purpose although no organized campaign was carried on. Thus, throughout the war period, many agricultural registrants, with the consent of their Local Boards, made a very substantial additional contribu- tion to essential war production without curtailing farm production for which they were deferred. State Headquarters' Part State Headquarters of Selective Service in Illinois, since its organization, had followed a consistent policy regarding agricultural registrants. This policy protected essential agricultural production but did not protect agri- cultural registrants as a specific group. The Illinois policy encouraged the cooperation of agricultural leaders of the State, and conferences were held from time to time with these leaders for the discussion and formulation of policies. Because of this mutual understanding, a marked degree of coopera- tion was developed both at state and county levels which was of immeasureable value to Selective Service. In the beginning, the supervision of agricultural deferments was not or- ganized separately at State Headquarters, but was included as part of the Occupational division; this work was under the direction of Colonel Harris P. Ralston, Advisor on Occupational Deferments. Later, because of the increasing burden of work on the Occupational Division, (as a result of the setting up of the Replacement Schedule), the supervision of agricultural registrants was transferred to the Legal Division 160 CLASSIFICATION— AGRICULTURAL of State Headquarters, under Major Baird V. Helfrich. With the growing complexity of the agricultural problem, State Director Armstrong requested the Dean of the College of Agriculture, University of Illinois, to loan a staff member on a part-time basis to assist with these problems. Paul E. Johnston, Professor of Agricultural Economics, was made available as Agricultural Advisor to the State Director on March 2, 1943. Nine district meetings, attended by Selective Service Local Boards, Appeal Boards, and County War Boards of each district, were held over the State during March, 1943, at which the State Director, the Legal Advisor, and the Agricultural Advisor discussed current Selective Service problems. The State Emergency Farm Labor program was developed shortly there- after, and Professor Johnston was named as State Supervisor. The active work of Agricultural Advisor was then taken over by Robert C. Ross, Profes- sor of Farm Management, University of Illinois, Professor Johnston continu- ing to maintain a liaison relationship between the Farm Labor organization and State Headquarters of Selective Service. Both Professor Johnston and Professor Ross had served for many years on the staff of the College of Agriculture and were well-known throughout the State. Both were overseas veterans of World War I. On October 19, 1944, following the transfer overseas of Major Helfrich, agricultural deferment supervision was set up as a separate division of State Headquarters, with Robert C. Ross as Chief. After beginning in the spring of 1943, the work of the Agricultural Advisor developed in a number of directions, which may be briefly summarized as follows: 1. To assist in the shaping, interpretation and application of Selective Service policies to agricultural registrants. This included the prepara- tion of State Memoranda for the information and direction of Selec- tive Service Local Boards and Boards of Appeal. 2. To maintain liaison relationships between State Headquarters of Selective Service and the various agricultural organizations and groups in the State in order to keep both types of agencies fully in- formed on matters of mutual interest. 3. To be alert for trouble spots and, so far as possible, to correct the difficulties and to smooth out the trouble spots before they become acute. 4. To investigate complaints made by agricultural registrants, their em- ployers, County War Boards, Government Appeal Agents, Local Boards, Congressmen, and others. 5. To handle correspondence, telephone calls and personal interviews at State Headquarters relative to agricultural problems. 6. To make investigations and to submit suggestions for action of offi- cials of State Headquarters on applications of soldiers for release from military service for agricultural purposes. 161 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS With the appointment of an Agricultural Advisor, serving actively within State Headquarters, facilities were established for a very close liaison rela- tionship with all agricultural agencies of the State. At the state level, the agencies contacted from time to time were the College of Agriculture and Agricultural Extension Service, including the State Farm Labor office; the State Department of Agriculture; the State U.S.D.A. War Boards; the Illinois Agricultural Association; and the Illinois State Grange. Frequent conferences were held with representatives of these various organizations and particularly at times when changes of policy were imminent, these changes were thoroughly discussed before action was taken in order that they might have full consideration by the agricultural interests. During the latter part of March and the early part of April, 1944, a series of eleven regional meetings was held in Illinois, at which the State Director and the Agricultural Advisor discussed agricultural policy. These meetings included all Selective Service Local Boards in the State, outside Chicago, as well as Appeal Boards and Appeal Agents, and all County War Boards of the State. The Agricultural Advisor at State Headquarters, Robert C. Ross, having been a member of the Agricultural College staff for twenty-two years— during which time he had participated in many Extension activities sponsored by the College — was not only well acquainted with the problems of agriculture within the State but also had a wide personal acquaintanceship among and knowledge of the many County Farm Advisors. This acquaintanceship pro- vided a splendid basis for direct cooperation with the Farm Advisors and, through them, with the County War Boards. The Agricultural Advisor appeared before the group of Farm Advisors in their semi-annual conferences and discussed Selective Service problems as they related to agricultural registrants and answered questions raised by the group. These contacts helped greatly in the clearing of specific problems and in the establishment of a broad basis of understanding with regard to the functions and spheres of action of Selective Service agencies and of the County War Boards and Extension agencies. Even with these close relationships, it was inevitable that some misunder- standings would arise locally between Selective Service Local Boards and County War Boards, and some interpretations of agricultural memoranda by Local Boards were made which appeared to be contrary to the existing State policy. Under such circumstances, conferences were arranged jointly with Selective Service Local Boards and County War Boards, or with Selective Service Local Boards alone, as the nature of each case indicated. The Agri- cultural Advisor, in company with administrative officers or field officers of the State Headquarters staff went to these informal conferences wherein the problems in question were fully discussed and suitable policies worked out to the satisfaction of all concerned. 162 CLASSIFICATION— AGRICULTURAL During the first few months following the appointment of the Agricultural Advisor, much educational effort was necessary to make clear to all groups concerned that his function was not the protection of individual registrants, but rather to make sure that essential agricultural production could be main- tained in the national interest and to promote the doctrine that a farm regis- trant had no claim for deferment unless he was actually necessary to such agricultural production and that no replacement for him was available. In time, this point of view was generally accepted by both agricultural agencies and Selective Service Local Boards. The agricultural agencies came to recog- nize that it was to their interest to render assistance in individual cases that were really meritorious and to take the position that registrants who were not actually needed on the farm should be released for service in the armed forces of the Nation. Reclassification of Agricultural Registrants The reclassification of farm registrants placed in Class II-A into Classes II-C and III-C began in November of 1942, but some time elapsed before the Local Boards were able to complete their reviews of such cases and accom- plish the reclassifications into the specific agricultural classifications of II-C and III-C. During the first half of 1943, this group included all agricultural regis- trants 18 through 44 years of age. The changes during this period indicated that Local Boards, in spite of a volume of other work, maintained a steady reclassification schedule. On January 31, 1943, II-C and III-C registrants in Illinois totalled 15,510; on March 31, the figure rose to 34,683; by June 30, the number was 85,566. The statistical table below shows, by intervals, the numbers of Illinois registrants holding agricultural deferments during the period of February 1, 1943 to August 1, 1945. The number of deferred agri- cultural registrants held rather consistently until the early months of 1945, when II-C registrants under 26 years of age were given preinduction physical examinations which resulted in a shift from II-C classifications to II-C(F) or II-C(L). The make-up of the agricultural classifications during this period was by no means static. Eighteen-year-old registrants, if deferred, were added to the group and increases also took place by means of transfer from other occupa- tions and particularly in the spring of 1943, at which time encouragement was given to registrants with agricultural experience to return to the farms in the interest of maintaining necessary food production. Simultaneously, the numbers of agricultural registrants were also being decreased as a result of reclassifications by local board action; by registrants reaching the age of 38; and by some shift of agricultural registrants who were released from their farm occupations with Local Board approval. While the numbers of men holding agricultural deferment declined at a fairly uniform rate from February 1, 1944, until August 1, 1945, the with- 163 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS drawals were not sufficiently drastic to impair the necessary food production of the State. The heaviest withdrawals were, of course, in the group under 26 years of age, although in some counties, considerable numbers were with- drawn in the 26-29 year age group. Geographically, the heaviest withdrawals of agricultural registrants were in the southern third of the State, where agricultural production is more limited and registrants could be withdrawn with less effect upon the total food production. ILLINOIS AGRICULTURAL REGISTRANTS ON DATE INDICATED Feb. 1 Apr. 1 II-C (Ages 18-44) 12,736 23,712 III-C (Ages 18-44) 2,774 10,976 II-C (Ages 18-37) III-C (Ages 18-37) Total II-C and III-C 15,510 34,688 1943 - Julyl 36,390 49,176 Sept. 15 34,403 36,528 Dec.l 34,518 37,940 85,566 70,931 72,458 1944 1945 II-C (Ages 18-37) . . III-C (Ages 18-37) . II-C (Age 18) II-C (Ages 19-25) . . II-C (Total 18-25). II-C(F) and II-C(L) II-C (Ages 26-29) . . II-C (Ages 30-33) . . II-C (Ages 34-37) . . II-C (Total 30-37) . . Total II-C and III-C. incl. (F) and (L) Feb. 1 May 1 33,834 38,372 40,624 34,910 38 Aug 1 Nov.l Feb.l Mayl Aug. 1 1,869 2,060 14,366 14,294 24,439 22,735 21,098 16.235 16,354 953 1,532 1.996 6.884 7.746 13,781 13,441 12,930 12.132 11,501 16,437 16.266 16,899 16.896 34,508 34,249 33,369 33,336 33.162 ..74,458 73,320 73,681 71,957 69,393 68,587 68,763 ILLINOIS AGRICULTURAL REGISTRANTS INDUCTED INTO ARMY NOVEMBER, 1940 TO JUNE, 1945 Inducted Percent of All Inductions November, 1940 to November, 1942 17,048 7.1 December, 1942 to December, 1941 11,436 l.o January, 1945 to June, 1945 2.' H - 1 11.3 TOTAL 31,448 6.1 164 CLASSIFICATION— DEPENDENCY CLASS III— DEPENDENCY DEFERMENTS The regulations originally provided that registrants upon whom one or more depended for support in a reasonable manner should be placed in Class III. While there were varying standards and interpretations as to the specific definition of the word, "dependent," earlier in the Selective Service program, this uncertainty became well resolved by the latter part of 1942. The regulations restricted the persons who could properly be considered dependent on a registrant to: 1. A wife, including a divorced wife; 2. A child, (Definition of "child" included any of the following: a. Son or daughter of the registrant; b. An adopted child; c. A child born out of wedlock, provided that the registrant acknowl- edged himself as the father, or provided the registrant had been, by court order, adjudged the father; d. A child conceived but yet unborn.) 3. A parent*, grandparent, brother, sister, grandchild, any person under 18 years of age whose support the registrant assumed in good faith or a physically or mentally handicapped person of any age whose sup- port the registrant assumed in good faith. Dependents had to be citizens of the United States, its Territories or pos- sessions. Prior to Pearl Harbor, the deferments on grounds of dependency were generally liberal and were thus warranted by the peacetime situation in which such deferments were granted. As the Nation became involved in actual war, however, the dependency deferment policies of all Selective Service agencies became more and more stringent. The Selective Service law originally and specifically limited dependency deferments by the following words: "SECTION 15. When used in this act ****** (c) the term "dependency" when used with respect to a person registered under the provisions of this act, includes an individual (1) who is dependent, in fact, on such person for support in a reasonable manner, and (2) whose support in such manner depends on income earned by such person in a business, occupation or employment." Thus, at the outset, stress was laid mainly upon financial dependency. However, policies developed later in the program that required giving con- sideration to dependency of a physical nature; such as an invalid mother depending on a son to give her physical care, and other cases of similar * The term "parent" included a foster parent or any person whose relationship was similar to that of an actual parent and whose support the registrant assumed in good faith. 165 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS nature. Temporary periods of unemployment did not alter a registrant's eligibility for dependency deferment. The regulations emphasized that the maintenance of the family, as a unit, was of importance to the Nation's well-being; that each case had to be weighed carefully and decided on its own merits, and that no hard and fast rules were to be applied. Illinois Local Boards were diligent in the endeavor to prevent registrants from evading military service through intentionally or unintentionally mak- ing false dependency claims, but were equally diligent in granting deferments where the facts warranted. It was humanly impossible to attain general uniformity of decision, in basically similar cases, among the many Local Boards. Some Boards were inclined to be lenient; others strict. Nevertheless, the process of appeal — in the interest of either the registrant or the Govern- ment — usually maintained a stable level as far as the overall picture was concerned. Prior to Pearl Harbor, the manpower calls were limited in volume, and Local Boards were generally able to fill their calls with volunteers and other registrants without dependents. On January 1, 1942, the regulations were amended to provide that no registrant should be deferred on grounds of dependency if (1) he acquired the dependency status on or after September 16, 1940 (the date on which the Selective Service Act became law) and before December 8, 1941 unless he was able to present information which convinced the Local Board, or any appeal agency, that such status was not voluntarily acquired when his selec- tion for induction was imminent or for the primary purpose of providing him with a basis for dependency deferment; or (2) if he acquired such status on or after December 8, 1941 unless he could prove that such status was acquired under circumstances beyond his control. This regulation was the first to set any actual dates to be used by a Local Board in considering whether or not a dependency status was acquired for the purpose of evading military service, even though the specific term "evading military service" did not appear in the regulations. The regulation also placed upon the registrant the responsi- bility of furnishing satisfactory proof of non-evasion of service in acquiring a dependency status. Before this regulation was adopted, a registrant had only to show that his dependency was acquired "in the normal course of human affairs and not for the primary purpose of providing himself with a basis for Class III deferment." The interpretation of the term "when selection was imminent" was a serious problem until after several rulings on Presidential appeals had been received and passed on to Illinois Local Boards. Invariably, the problem revolved around a registrant being married after September 16, 1940; in some cases where Local Boards were pursing a strict policy, marriage even as far back as May 27, 1940 (the date of the President's proclamation of an 166 CLASSIFICATION— DEPENDENCY unlimited national emergency), was a factor in determining whether or not a registrant would be deferred on the grounds of dependency. The major factor in considering the application of "imminence of selec- tion" to a case was whether or not, at the time a registrant acquired a de- pendency status, the registrant's call for military service was not far off. The fact that a registrant, himself, did not know of his imminence of selection was no basis for deferment. By April of 1942, it was evident that there would soon be a pressing need for more men in both the armed forces and in the war industries, and that a change in policy was required. A new degree of dependency deferment status was therefore set up by establishing Class II-B on April 21, 1942. This new class included men who had dependents and who were also employed in war production industry. New Laws Affected Dependency Consideration In order to obtain additional manpower for the armed forces through legislative procedure calculated to lessen the dependency problems of regis- trants, the 78th Congress passed two laws: 1. The Pay Readjustment Act of 1942 (approved on June 16, 1942) which increased the pay of enlisted men and made minor adjustments in the pay and allowances of officers. The principal effect of the law was to establish the base pay of privates and apprentice seamen at $50 a month and effect proportionate increase in pay for the other grades. These pay increases made possible a larger financial con- tribution to dependents in the event of induction. 2. The Servicemen's Dependents Allowance Act of 1942 (approved on June 23, 1942) which provided a monthly family allowance to certain dependents of any enlisted man, (including selectees) except those of the upper three grades (master, technical, and staff sergeants and first, second, and third class petty officers). The dependents of the enlisted men were placed in two classes: Class A — Wife (including a divorced wife) or child of the enlisted man; Class B — Parents, grandchildren, brothers or sisters dependent on the enlisted man for a substantial portion of their income. Either the enlisted man or the dependent could file a written application for the allowance. The law provided that the enlisted man was to contribute $22 a month out of his pay (only where Class A dependents were involved) and, while there were some variations and limitations under certain circum- stances, the Government was to contribute monthly sums as follows: TO CLASS A DEPENDENTS: $28 if the enlisted man had a wife but no child. 167 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS if the enlisted man had a wife and one child, and an additional $10 a month for each additional child. if the enlisted man had no wife but one child, and an additional $10 a month for each additional child. $20 in addition to the amounts, if any, payable under the three items above, if the enlisted man had a former wife, divorced. TO CLASS B DEPENDENTS: $15 if the enlisted man had only one parent as a dependent. $25 if the enlisted man had two dependent parents. $ 5 for each grandchild, brother or sister of enlisted man who could qualify as a Class B dependent, but not more than $50 in the aggre- gate. (NOTE: Any allotment of the enlisted mans pay to Class B dependents was voluntary.) The 78th Congress later amended the Servicemen's Dependents Allowance Act (by Public Law 174, approved on October 26, 1943) to increase the allowances to dependents. Under the amendment, a wife alone received $50 a month from the Government; a wife and one child, $80, and additional $20 for each additional child; a child but no wife, $42, with an additional $20 for each additional child; a former wife divorced but no child, $42; a former wife divorced and one child, $72, with an additional $20 for each additional child. Increases were also made for Class B dependents. While the service pay increases and the establishment of dependency allowances did not, by any means, solve the dependency problems com- pletely, these two measures did enable the Local Boards to furnish to the armed forces a considerable number of registrants who otherwise might not have been available. The Servicemen's Dependents Allowance Act also repealed the definition of "dependent," which restricted dependency to financial dependency, and permitted "the deferment of registrants when they maintain a bona fide family relationship in their homes, provided the status with respect to such dependency was acquired prior to December 8, 1941, and at a time when selection was not imminent, and even though no financial dependency exists." This attitude of the Congress was undoubtedly a reflection of the general public which felt that fathers, regardless of order number, should not be inducted so long as single men or married men without children were avail- able for selection for induction. During the consideration of the Servicemen's Dependency Allowance Act, Congress indicated the desirability of selecting (for induction) registrants without dependents before any registrants with dependents were selected and, when it was necessary to induct registrants with dependents, they should be selected in the following order: 168 CLASSIFICATION— DEPENDENCY 1. Those not maintaining a bona fide family relationship, in their homes, with a wife and child or children; then 2. Those maintaining a bona fide family relationship, who have a wife but no children; then 3. Those maintaining bona fide family relationships who have a wife and child or children. Administrative Changes On July 15, 1942, the National Director, in a directive to Local Boards, instructed the Boards to review all their Class III classifications when, in the opinion of each Board, such action became necessary in order to meet antici- pated calls for military manpower. The first group of III-A registrants to be reconsidered were those men in Class III-A who had wives but no children; the same type of men in Class III-B followed. With the passing of time and the vitally necessary increase of national participation in the war effort, the question of dependency became subdued more and more to the question of a registrant's value, in civilian life, to production activities which directly supported the war effort. Therefore, on April 12, 1943, Class III-B was eliminated and all registrants in this class were reclassified. Registrants not clearly entitled to remain in Class III-A were reclassified. A new classification — Class III-D — was established for those men whose induction would cause extreme hardship and privation to their dependents. In short, dependency classifications in the future were to be granted only when personal hardship and privation to the dependents would result from a registrant's induction. In order to delay as long as reasonably possible the induction of fathers, National Headquarters, on April 27, 1943, set up the requirement that induc- tion calls were to be filled from men finally classified in I-A, I-A-0 and IV-E by groups, in the order listed: 1. Single men with no dependents; 2. Single men with collateral dependents (parents, brothers, sisters, etc.) ; 3. Married men with wives only; 4. Men with children. This system of "categories" accented the importance of keeping fathers home with their children as long as possible, and unquestionably improved Selective Service relations with the general public. On January 30, 1943, National Selective Service Headquarters issued instructions to the effect that "the national interest will no longer permit the deferment of registrants in Class III-A where such registrants are engaged in activities or occupations which are non-deferrable." Accompanying the in- structions was a list of such "non-deferrable occupations" as designated by the War Manpower Commission. This so-called "work or fight" order became 169 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS effective April 1, 1943, when men working in these non-deferrable industries were required to change their occupation to an essential industry within 30 days, or to be inducted. As soon as the "work or fight" regulation was pub- licized, registrants then employed in non-essential activities began applying for and taking jobs in war production plants and other activities designated as essential to the support of the war effort. The keeping of statistics on these enforced changes was, of course, out of the question, but it is known that thousands of men were channeled into essential jobs as the result of the regulation. Local Boards seized upon the new regulation as an opportunity to re- classify registrants who refused to take heed of the order to "get into vital work or go into military service." Many of the Local Boards scrutinized their deferred lists carefully, and on noting that a registrant was engaged in one of the non-deferrable occupations, notified such registrant that he was subject to reclassification as available for service unless he immediately took the proper action in accordance with the regulation. However, as the result of pressures, the further enforcement of this regulation was prohibited by Public Law 197, and the list of non-deferrable occupations was abolished on December 10, 1943. On July 31, 1943, the National Director informed Local Boards that the requirements of manpower for the armed forces were such that the restric- tions on the inducting of fathers would be lifted, effective October 1, 1943. The issuance of this instruction caused a public reaction and an agitation inside Congress for legislation against the induction of fathers living with their families. The result was that Public Law No. 197, enacted December 5, 1943, amended the Selective Train and Service Act of 1940 to provide, among other matters, that fathers who had maintained bona fide family relationships with their families since December 8, 1941 (or since the date of the birth of a child, if such birth occured after December 8, 1941) would, in sequence of their order numbers, be inducted only after all other available registrants had been inducted; the selection to be made on a nation-wide basis within the Nation and on state-wide basis within each State. Actually the legislation was not substantially different from the Selective Service policy then existing (adopted April 27, 1943), except as to the provision for the particular nation- wide basis and state-wide basis for making calls. The regulations provided that any father who was delinquent, or who left his agricultural occupation without the permission of his Local Board, would be moved to the head of the list of other available fathers and would be inducted ahead of them regardless of his order number. It will readily be seen, then, that the legislation of December 5, 1943 simply delayed the induction of fathers, but did not exempt them from service. Class III-C — men deferred because of having dependents and also engaged as necessary men on farms — was abolished on February 17, 1944, the impor- 170 CLASSIFICATION— DEPENDENCY tance of a registrant's necessity in agricultural occupation taking precedence over any dependency element in his case. The only exception was in the event any such registrant's induction would cause extreme hardship and privation to his dependent, in which case he would be classified in Class III-D. Most of the registrants who had been classified in III-C were, on reconsidera- tion of their cases, transferred to Class II-C. As the emphasis was placed more and more upon the ages of registrants, the regulations were later revised, with rigid requirements for men aged 18 through 25 years, but progressively more liberal ones for the older age groups. Men 30 through 37 years — the group which contained the greatest proportion of fathers — needed only to be "regularly engaged" in war produc- tion or in an activity in support of the national health, safety or interest to qualify for occupational deferment. In the younger age groups, however, the stress was placed upon the importance of occupation which specifically aided the war effort; a young father was not eligible for deferment unless he was regularly engaged in war production, agriculture, or, in general, an activity supporting the national health, safety or interest. After V-J Day, the problem of dependency classification was reduced considerably, and the Manpower calls upon the Local Boards were filled almost entirely from the available registrants of ages 18 through 25 years. Local Board Attitudes on Dependency Classification VARIOUS INTERPRETATIONS The more that the human factors enter into classification consideration, the greater the inevitability that there will be differences in interpretation of any regulation involving such factors. It was natural, then, that there was considerable variation among Local Boards as to the interpretations of the different factors to be considered in claims for deferment on the basis of dependency. Serious public relations problems were frequently encountered when two Local Boards in the same city — sometimes in adjoining offices — operated on entirely opposite policies, each Board feeling that it was correct in its deter- minations. Usually, these situations were caused by one of the Boards being exceptionally liberal and the other being extremely strict, neither following a middle-of-the-road policy. In all such situations of extremely wide variance in policies, State Headquarters dispatched a trained officer to the city con- cerned, with the result that the troublesome condition was corrected. In a few cases, State Headquarters found that a Local Board had set up its own special policies which were based upon the Members' own personal and individual beliefs and sympathies. These policies were in direct contrast to both the letter and spirit of the written regulations. Difficulties were en- countered in some of these particular situations, and it was necessary, at times, for the State Director to resort to his statutory right of appeal in order 171 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS to convince the offending Local Boards that improper decisions would not be allowed to stand uncontested. The State Director was extremely careful, of course, to avoid dictation or influence in any Board's determination in an individual registrant's case, but he did take all legal steps possible to eliminate the occasional practice of a Board setting up and following any policy which specifically controverted the Selective Service law and regulations. In general, Local Boards gave full and sympathetic consideration to all claims for dependency deferment, at the same time balancing the factors in such claims against the armed forces' need for military manpower. No Local Board in the State escaped the efforts of some registrants to obtain dependency deferments by trickery, subterfuge and improper defer- ment claims. Of necessity, the Board Members came to develop an imme- diate suspicion in any case where there was the slightest indication that the evidence presented might not be the entire truth. In time, also, the Members developed the faculty of "spotting a phony" the minute he started talking at a Board hearing. Where, however, evidence was presented in a clear, com- plete, factual and sincere manner, a registrant could be assured of an honest and uncolored determination by the Local Board. It has been rightfully said that membership on a Local Board was the finest kind of education in practical psychology, for every Member was in a splendid position to observe carefully the workings of the human mind under certain conditions. FINANCIAL DEPENDENCY From the very outset, most Local Boards were inclined to be rather strict with reference to the factor of financial dependency, particularly in cases of registrants without children. The general attitude was that, since America was in an unlimited emergency and, later, at war, it was the obligation of every able-bodied man to share physically in the defense of his Nation. If a married man had a wife who was not ill or handicapped, Boards felt that the wife could and should obtain a position to help maintain herself and at the same time contribute to the war effort while her husband was away in the military service. The same policy obtained for registrants who had parents or brothers or sisters who were able to work for themselves. One point on which all the Local Boards remained firm was that earned income constituted the only financial factor to be considered. Where a regis- trant had income from securities or other property, the receiving of which income did not involve his own personal services, the Local Board invariably refused to consider the registrant for dependency deferment — unless, of course, other factors in the case warranted such consideration. The enactment of the Servicemen's Dependency Allowance Act — which provided certain payments to dependents of inducted men — helped Local 172 CLASSIFICATION— DEPENDENCY Boards to determine whether or not financial hardships would follow a registrant's induction. In many cases, of course, the governmental allowances were insufficient to prevent some degree of hardship. Since, however, war always demands sacrifices of many kinds, the Local Boards properly felt that financial sacrifices (without extreme hardship on dependents) were the easiest to make, and most Boards were therefore strict in all cases involving only financial considerations. INDUCTION OF FATHERS One of the greatest problems encountered — from both the standpoint of the public and that of the Local Boards — was the question of whether or not a father should be deferred. The public in general felt that single men with- out family responsibilities and married men without children should be drafted before consideration was given to inducting fathers. The preservation of the family unit is a deep-seated tradition of the American people. Many Local Boards were reluctant to make fathers available for induction; yet, under the regulations which existed in the early years of Selective Service administration, a registrant was not entitled to deferment solely because of the simple fact that he was a father. Since the regulations did not permit Local Boards to make their official decisions on the basis of their own personal beliefs and feelings, State Head- quarters encountered no little difficulty with a few Boards who strongly per- sisted in deferring men solely because they were fathers. The State Director, whose own son was serving in the armed forces, was no less sympathetic than the Local Boards who maintained that fathers should not be taken while single men roamed the streets. Yet, the State Director — as were the Local Boards — was sworn to carry out the Selective Service law and regulations as prescribed, and it was necessary to inculcate in the minds of all Board Members the principle that the law and regulations must be followed regardless of conflict- ing personal beliefs and feelings. In the later Selective Service years, there was considerable changing of regulations pertaining to the deferment and induction of fathers — changes which, at times, gave the Local Boards just cause for being provoked. How- ever, in spite of the numerous regulatory changes, Illinois Local Boards in general maintained their equilibrium and carried out their duties to the best of their ability in accordance with the written rules of the System. EXTREME HARDSHIP AND PRIVATION CASES After National Headquarters reduced the importance of dependency as a factor in deferment and eliminated Classes III-A, III-B and III-C, a relatively small percentage of claims of extreme hardship and privation (Class III-D) was allowed by Illinois Local Boards. A few Boards — particularly in the urban districts — were still inclined to be somewhat lenient in spite of the 173 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS specific rules for determining extreme hardship and privations, but the Class III-D determinations of such Boards were examined carefully at State Head- quarters with the result that, with requests for some reopenings plus some appeals by the State Director, the number of such classifications for the entire State was held down to what we felt to be an absolute minimum. In every case where the evidence showed some doubt as to whether or not extreme hardship and privation would actually exist if the registrant were inducted, a special dependency investigation was made by a social worker assigned (or temporarily loaned) to the Selective Service System by the various social service agencies within the State. On the basis of the investi- gator's thorough report, a fair determination could inevitably be made. Investigative Aid Rendered by Public and Social Agencies The Selective Service System in Illinois was exceptionally fortunate in obtaining maximum cooperation from various public and private social agen- cies in obtaining special reports to be used by the Local Boards in determining whether or not registrants claiming dependency deferments were entitled to such deferment. Trained welfare workers were assignd full time to the Selec- tive Service System, and other such workers were loaned temporarily to con- duct individual case investigations. From the outset, Local Boards were often confronted with a case in which either the information pertaining to dependents was not complete or there was a reasonable doubt as to actual existence of dependency to the extent of warranting deferment. The Board concerned would then — either directly or through State Headquarters — request the social agency to make an investiga- tion and submit a report of the actual circumstances in the case. The trained social worker visited the home of the registrant in question, as well as rela- tives and others who might furnish substantial information as to the facts surrounding the dependency claim, finally submitting his or her report on a factual basis without any recommendations either for or against deferment. A great portion of the dependency investigations downstate were con- ducted by social workers attached to the Illinois Public Aid Commission, the rest being accomplished by the American Red Cross and county and private agencies. Because of the greater number of low-income families residing in the metropolitan area of Chicago, it was natural that Cook County Local Boards should encounter a greater problem than downstate Boards on the matter of dependency deferments. This situation became quite evident as time went on, and State Director Armstrong determined that the Local Boards in Cook County should, in accordance with Selective Service regulations, avail them- selves of assistance on a broad scale from welfare agencies in the investiga- tion of dependency claims wherein any degree of doubt existed. 174 CLASSIFICATION— DEPENDENCY Social Service Investigation Unit Colonel Armstrong consulted with Mr. Leo M. Lyons, then Administrator for the Chicago Welfare Administration in March of 1942, and requested the loan of several of the latter's investigators, a supervisor and a few stenogra- phers. The Chicago Welfare Administration had no funds available for the specific purpose, but Mr. Lyons agreed to loan three social workers, a super- visor and a stenographer for a 90-day trial period, also agreeing to pay minor expenses. The space necessary for the operation of the dependency investigation unit was to be provided by the Selective Service System. Miss Dorothy Sherman was assigned by Mr. Lyons to supervise the 90-day test operation. As a test of the idea, all Chicago Local Boards were each notified to send in two or three special cases in which the dependency status of each registrant was questionable. The results of the test were so satisfactory — a number of dependency claim frauds being uncovered by the trained investigators — that the State Director decided to expand the idea by enlisting the additional assistance of the Council of Social Agencies in Chicago, which incorporated all the large welfare groups. As the result of a conference between Selective Service officials and rep- resentatives of the Council of Social Agencies, arrangements were made to establish a centralized service to be responsible for dependency investigation requested by the Local Boards and to be housed in the Chicago office of State Selective Service Headquarters. Colonel Armstrong also appointed an Advisory Board consisting of the Assistant State Director, the State Medical Officer, and representatives of the local social agencies which loaned staff members to the dependency investigation unit, plus representatives of other community interests. The new department, established on December 20, 1942, was known as Social Services for Selective Service Registrants. The staff consisted of as high as forty trained social workers and eight clerical workers loaned by various local public and private social agencies, and Mrs. Lenore Levin was appointed the director of the unit, being immediately responsible to the Assistant State Director. Suitable referral forms were devised for Local Boards' use in forwarding their dependency investigation requests to the unit. Each referral was turned over to a trained investigator who not only visited the family of the registrant but also obtained pertinent and valuable information from all other possible sources — relatives, governmental agencies, social agency files, banks, land- lords, employers, etc. After each investigation, the investigator made out a complete report which showed the detailed findings without recommendation of the de- pendency status as to classification of the registrant concerned. This impor- tant information enabled the Local Board in question to determine classifica- tion with almost perfect judgment. 175 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS The Social Services for Selective Service Registrants also rendered valu- able assistance in the conduct of the Governor's Rehabilitation Program (dis- cussed later in this volume) and, through this cooperation, were able to assist the Office of Scientific Research and Development in its special study, at the Illinois Research Hospital, of convalescence after surgery in corrective cases. MEMBERS OF STATE DIRECTORS SOCIAL SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD Francis D. Scully (Chairman) 1 North LaSalle Street Rev. Vincent W. Cooke Catholic Charity Bureau Dr. Andrew W. Brown Assistant Professor, Department of Psy- chology, University of Chicago Dr. Marshall Davison University Hospital Stanley P. Farwell Secretary and Treasurer, Soldiers' and Sailors' Council Virginia C. Frank Executive Director, Jewish Social Serv- ice Bureau Dr. Charles W. Freeman (D.D.S.) . .Dean, School of Dentistry, Northwestern University Jeanette Hanford Assistant General Superintendent, United Charities Brigadier Crawford Salvation Army Raymond Hilliard Director, Illinois Public Aid Commission George J. Klupar Executive Secretary, Catholic Cemeteries Wayne McMillan School of Social Service Administration, University of Chicago Joseph L. Moss Director. Cook County Bureau of Public Welfare Dr. William F. Petersen Chairman, Board of Governors, Institute of Medicine Mary A. Young Staff Secretary, Division of Child Wel- fare, Council of Social Agencies Howard L. Russell Director, American Public Welfare As- sociation Eleanor S. Feeney Director, Home Service, American Red Cross A. E. Rose Commissioner, Chicago Welfare Admin- istration Joel D. Hunter General Superintendent, United Charities 176 CLASSIFICATION— DEPENDENCY TOTAL NUMBER SERVED BY SOCIAL SERVICES FOR SELECTIVE SERVICE REGISTRANTS, ACCORDING TO TYPE OF SERVICE March, 1942, to September, 1945 Service Cases Received Cases Completed Dependency Investigations 8.108 1 7,776 2 Consultation and Information Service 1,624 1,624 Special Service to Social Agencies 771 771 Inter-City Service I Requests from cities outside of Cook County) 251 251 Governor's Rehabilitation Program 2,996 :: 2,939 4 Miscellaneous 9 9 Totals 13,759 13,37c 1 " 2 NOTES: 1 299 cases reopened and reinvestigated. 2 332 cases received; investigations were begun but not completed, due to change? in Army regulations. 3 Of this number of registrants interviewed in connection with the Governor's Re- habilitation Program. 1,552 were referred for corrective surgery. Out of the 1.552 referrals, 1,039 were later inducted into the armed forces. Of the 513 remaining men not inducted: 33% were still under medical care; 15.7% were accepted into essential industry; 32.5% had same or new defects occur after remedial care had been completed; 15.1% were average according to changes in regulations after completion of remedial care; 3.7% were not called by their Local Boards. 4 57 cases were still under care at the time this report was completed. 5 Upon investigation, these cases were referred to the Veterans Administration. Consultation and Information Service In June of 1942, arrangements were made with the President of the Cook County Board of Commissioners and the Director of the Cook County Bureau of Public Welfare to establish a Consultation and Information Service for Selective Service Registrants. This Service, formally established on August 1. 1942, was located in Room 505 of the Selective Service Headquarters building in Chicago, and was made available to registrants and servicemen, and mem- bers of their families, who sought advice and counsel on many personal and social problems resulting from their imminent or actual induction. The Cook County Bureau of Public Welfare provided the quarters, the necessary equipment, three professional workers and a clerk. Referrals to the Consultation and Information Service were received from Local Boards, induction station, local social agencies, women's clubs, governmental agencies and other interested persons. The greatest number of cases pertained to financial difficulties; a serviceman's non-support of his family was a frequent complaint received at the office; housing, employment and other social prob- lems constituted the remainder of the 1.625 cases handled. 177 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS Cooperation of Social Agencies Important Factor From the inception of Social Services for Registrants, both public and private social agencies made available the necessary professional and clerical staff to carry on the functions assigned to the unit. At the end of the 90-day experimental period, the Chicago Welfare Administration agreed to match the total staff loaned by all other social agencies. In addition, the Relief Ad- ministration made available the Director of Social Services, Mrs. Lenore Levin, who served in such post until September 1, 1944, at which time she was succeeded by Mrs. Jean C. Laufman, who remained as Director until the unit's work was terminated. During one period when it was imperative that a backlog of cases be cleared up, the Chicago Welfare Administration and the Cook County Bureau of Public Welfare (Joseph L. Moss, Director) shared the responsibility of providing the necessary additional staff for thirty days. The following agencies participated whole-heartedly in the program: Chicago Welfare Administration American Red Cross Cook County Bureau of Public Council of Social Agencies Welfare United Charities of Chicago Jewish Social Service Bureau Jewish Children's Bureau Salvation Army Catholic Charity Bureau Illinois Public Aid Commission The degree of contribution to the war effort by the various participating public and private social service agencies and their welfare workers cannot be measured by words. The agencies were extremely generous in placing their facilities at the command of State Headquarters and the Local Boards. The welfare workers, themselves, put in hours far beyond the line of duty and their intelligent and thorough investigations and reports were of im- measureable benefit toward obtaining military manpower for the armed forces as well as preventing any hardships which otherwise, even though honestly brought about, might have occurred. CLASS IV— DEFERRED FOR VARIOUS REASONS Class IV-A Originally, the Selective Service law relieved, from training and service, men who had satisfactorily completed prescribed periods of service in the Regular Army, the National Guard or the Officers Reserve Corps. It is thought that the Congress inadvertently left out any reference to similar serv- ice in the Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard. At any rate, representatives of the people in Congress were soon flooded with protests and, on May 29, 1941, Public Law 87. 77th Congress, was approved. Its purpose was to amend the Selective Service law as to relieve 178 CLASSIFICATION— CLASSES IV-A AND IV-B 3-year Regular Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard members and certain members of the reserve components thereof from training and service. Section 208 of the Coast Guard Auxiliary and Reserve Act of 1941 (Public Law 8, 77th Congress— approved February 15, 1941) affected Sec- tion 5 (a) of the Selective Training and Service Act. It provided that mem- bers of the Coast Guard reserve, other than temporary members, would receive the same exemption from registration and liability for training and service as members of the Naval Reserve. At the outset, the qualifications originally prescribed for deferment in Class IV-A were in effect only while our Nation was at peace. Previous military service, however, ceased to be a basis for IV-A classification after Pearl Harbor, for the regulations had provided that no person was to be placed in Class IV-A in time of war. On November 13, 1942 — as the result of Public Law 772 (77th Congress) — National Selective Service Headquarters issued the following instructions: "1. The Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 has been amended to provide that no man, without his consent, shall be inducted for training and service after he has attained the forty-fifth anniversary of his birth. "2. No registrant who is liable for training and service by reason of be- ing under the age of 45 years at the time fixed for his registration shall be inducted after he has attained the forty-fifth anniversary of his birth unless he shall consent in writing to such induction. "3. Every registrant who reaches the age of 45 years before his induc- tion, whether he has been ordered to report for induction or not, shall be classified in Class IV-A and shall not be inducted for train- ing and service without his written consent to his induction." Thus, Class IV-A became, specifically, an "age" classification. Subse- quently, the requirements for deferment in IV-A were modified: (1) On October 5, 1944, to include registrants between the ages of 38 and 45 years, inclusive, except registrants in I-C, IV-B and IV-D and men in Class IV-E who were in public service camps; (2) On August 31, 1945, to include registrants 26 years of age and over, except registrants in I-C, I-G, IV-B, IV-D and IV-E men in public service camps. Class IV-B As previously stated, this classification was first restricted to (1) the Vice President of the United States, Governors of the States, and other State officials chosen by the voters of the entire State, Members of Congress, members of a State legislative body, and judges of courts of record of the United States or a State, and (2) officers and enlisted men of the Coast 179 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS and Geodetic Survey, or of the Public Health Service, and cadets of the advanced course, senior division, of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps or the Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps. Later, the regulations were amended to include men who had been accepted (but not yet entered) as midshipmen of the United States Naval Academy and cadets of the United States Military and Coast Guard Academies. Because deferments in this class were made as the result of specific pro- visions of the Selective Service law itself, no difficulties were encountered except in the case of several judges whose qualifications were challenged. These cases were being resolved satisfactorily. There were a number of instances in Illinois of judges and State legislators foregoing their statutory right to deferment in order to enter the armed forces voluntarily. Class IV -C There were no serious problems regarding aliens in peacetime Selective Service. Male aliens residing within the United States or its Territories, who had declared their intention to become United States citizens, were liable for training and service. All other aliens were also required to regis- ter, but had no other obligation under the law; they were placed in Class IV-C and were not called for military service. The only exceptions were the diplomatic and technical attaches of foreign legations, consuls general, con- suls, vice consuls, and consular agents (foreign subjects, none of whom had declared their intention of becoming citizens of the United States) of foreign countries all of whom were not required to register. After Pearl Harbor, however, the situation changed, and the 77th Con- gress (Public Law 360, approved December 20, 1941) amended the original Act with respect to non-declarant aliens, and provided that "every other male person residing in the United States, who is between the ages of 18 and 45 at the time fixed for his registration" was liable for training and service in the armed forces of the United States. This amendment, however, had two important exceptions: 1. Any citizen or subject of a neutral country might be relieved from liability from training and service by making application therefore in the manner prescribed, in accordance with the rules and regula- tions prescribed by the President, and provided that such persons should be debarred forever from becoming citizens of the United States. 2. Various diplomatic representatives of foreign embassies, legations and other persons not citizens of the United States, and not having de- clared their intention to become such citizens, might be specified by the President as not required to register. To assist an alien registrant in applying for relief from training and service, of relief from registration, a special form (DSS Form, Alien's 180 CLASSIFICATION— CLASS IV-C Personal and History Statement) was provided. This form furnished in- formation which (1) would enable Local Boards to determine, subject to appeal, whether or not an alien was, in fact, "residing in the United States," and (2) furnish necessary information to the armed forces for determining the acceptability or non-acceptability of such alien for military service. The term, "non-resident alien" was applied to: 1. Officials and employes (other than the diplomatic representatives shown above) of foreign governments, who were nationals of the gov- ernments employing them. 2. Nationals of foreign governments who, with the consent of their gov- ernments, entered the United States in good faith for the sole purpose of obtaining an education. At times, difficult situations arose with respect to non-resident alien stu- dents who were pursuing courses at colleges and universities in Illinois. In one particularly troublesome case, there were a number of alien students at the University of Illinois — there under the sponsorship of the particular government, taking courses which would ultimately help fit themselves to become officers in their own country's army. These alien students appeared to have plenty of money, and were lavish in their expenditures for social purposes, as well as seemingly having no limitation on gasoline for their expensive automobiles. It was natural that the citizens of Champaign and Urbana having their own sons and husbands in military service, and some having already lost their loved ones on the battle field — should develop a strong resentment against the liberties and privileges accorded these appar- ently physically fit young men from other countries. While, under international agreements, the Selective Service System was unable to take any drastic action to correct the situation which was logically disturbing the morale of the two university communities, State Headquar- ters did take steps to require these young alien students to meet continually the strictest requirements of their respective courses, and also obtained the return of the students to their native country as promptly as possible after their studies had been completed. RECIPROCAL INDUCTION AGREEMENTS After Pearl Harbor, it became important that no citizen of a co-belligerent nation, who happened to be located in the United States, should evade contributing to the defense common to both his own nation and this country simply by the fact that he was not subject to military service in our own armed forces. Agreements were therefore executed between the United States and the various co-belligerent nations whose defense aims were identical with those of our own country. These agreements provided essentially that: 181 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS 1. An alien could voluntarily elect to serve in the armed forces of his own country or those of the United States. (Such privilege was also accorded to United States citizens residing in the various countries with whom the reciprocal agreements were made.) 2. An alien residing in this country, or a citizen of the United States residing in one of the countries with whom the reciprocal agreements had been signed, could be returned to the armed forces of his native land if proper request were made. The number of men who actually availed themselves of the opportunity of service with their own country is not available, but it is believed that the effects of the reciprocal agreements did obtain a considerable number of additional men for the armed forces of the United States and the nations signing the reciprocal agreements. This was particularly true of United States citizens residing in Canada and vice versa, Canadian citizens residing in this country. Class IV-D Freedom of worship was one of the four freedoms for which America went to war. Even in the days before we realized that our civilization was to be challenged — even to its religious roots — it was felt that regular and duly ordained ministers of religion should be exempted from military duty. The first bill submitted to Congress contained this provision and was readily accepted; the similar exemption or deferment of divinity or theological students was added on the floor of the Congress. Only minor difficulties were encountered with this classification as a whole, and such difficulties invariably arose out of the question as to whether or not a registrant claiming IV-D was actually a "minister of religion" under the law. Any minister, priest or rabbi who had been duly ordained and was de- voting all his time to the ministry received deferment without question. The same principle included: Christian Brothers, who are religious, who live in communities apart from the world and devote themselves exclusively to Christian teaching; Lutheran lay teachers who also dedicate themselves to teaching, including religion; lay brothers in Catholic religious orders, and many others, who dedicate their lives to the spread of their religion. Regular ministers of religion — that is, those who were not normally or- dained — were also given every possible consideration. Even in the cases of ministers who, because of the financial weakness of their congregations, were forced to take full-time civilian positions in order to support themselves and their families were given the benefit of doubt by virtually all Local Boards. Shortly after the Selective Service administration was put into effect, some registrants began to claim Class IV-D on the basis of having been "ordained" by some previously unknown religious organization. Careful 182 CLASSIFICATION— CLASSES IV-D AND IV-E investigation revealed that a number of these organizations were set up for the specific purpose of providing a basis for deferment and, in a few cases, an "ordination certificate" could be obtained by mail order for anywhere from $5 to $50 each. The greatest single problem encountered in connection with determin- ing whether or not a registrant claiming IV-D was actually a "minister of religion" under the law was in the case of members of the Jehovah's Witness sect. These members, in general, earn their living by going from door to door selling the tracts and other publications of their organization, at the same time endeavoring to further the Gospel. The problem was national in scope, and National Headquarters partly resolved the problem by estab- lishing a list of Jehovah's Witnesses who were considered by National Head- quarters to qualify for classification IV-D subject, of course, to Local Board determination and, if taken, appeals. Any Jehovah's Witness whose name did not appear on that list had to take his chances on his Local Board's de- cision and the appeal process. Local Boards, in the main, were prone to classify a Jehovah's Witness as a conscientious objector (I-A-0 or IV-E) rather than as a minister of religion. In practically every case where a Jehovah's Witness was denied a IV-D classification, the registrant appealed his case. Many of the members of this sect, after resort to the appeal process failed to win them ministerial deferment, refused to report for either induction or for work in a public service camp, this procedure resulting in their being reported to the United States District Attorney for prosecution under the law. Exemption from training and service was also granted to students who were preparing for the ministry in recognized theological or divinity schools. The term, "recognized," as applied to such schools, did not mean approval by educational accrediting agencies, but rather recognition by the denomina- tion of the school as leading into the ministry of that particular denomina- tion. In addition, such schools were required to have been established and operating on or before September 16, 1939. Any pre-theological student approaching the end of his sophomore year, who was definitely headed for training in the ministry, was given occupa- tional deferment (Class II-A) instead of being placed in Class IV-D. Class IV-E (Conscientious Objectors) The right of conscientious objectors under the 1940 law were not con- fined to the historic peace churches, such as the Church of the Brethren, the Mennonite and the Society of Friends (Quakers). The rights of con- scientious objectors were granted to all men who, by reason of religious training and belief, were conscientiously opposed to war. During World War I, it was necessary that a man be recognized as a bona fide member of a well-recognized religious sect whose creed forbade 183 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS participation in war. In World War II, because the registrant was required to be classified on an individual basis rather than on the basis of his mem- bership in a religious sect, the problem for the Members of the Local Board became one of individual conscience and, therefore, one that was most diffi- cult to decide. The overworked Board Members found it hard to evaluate the mass of supporting evidence and community opinion of a conscientious objector. A large number of Local Board Members were men who served in other wars, and they in particular found it hard to appreciate the position of a conscientious objector, especially when it was not publicly known that he had any such beliefs, and when he was not affiliated with any specific church. In general, the Local Boards did a fair and intelligent job in the classifica- tion of conscientious objectors. Boards of Appeal, of course, had the benefit of recommendations from the Department of Justice in doubtful cases. A few days after Pearl Harbor, representatives of the various groups interested in conscientious objectors were given an audience at the Spring- field office. At this conference, all of the problems of both sides were dis- cussed, which assisted materially in creating a better understanding of our policy and their position. Some registrants classified as conscientious objectors changed their views and asked to be assigned to combat duty. Others requested assignment to non-combatant duty in the armed forces. With few exceptions, this group presented no major problem. The majority of the group assigned to work of national importance rendered valuable service. There were two types of objectors; (1) those who were willing to render non-combatant service in the armed forces and (2) those unwilling to render any kind of military service. The former type have been dealt with in the section on Classes I-A-0 and I-A-O(L), and was seldom the source of trouble or controversy. It was in the claims of conscientious objection against any and all types of military service that Local Boards often found difficult situations. While many of such registrants had, over a period of years prior to the beginning of Selective Service, established their sincere objec- tions to military service, many others endeavored to take advantage of this provision of the law simply to evade such service. Before the subject of conscientious objection could be considered in the classification process, a registrant claiming such objection had to be found not qualified for any deferred class. This having been done, the Local Board determined whether or not such registrant was. in fact, a conscientious objector. As previously stated, the registrant who simply objected to combatant service (if the Board determined that his objections were real and sincere) was placed in Class I-A-0 or Class I-A-0 (L), according to his physical fit- 181 CLASSIFICATION— CLASS IV-E ness for service. If, after physical examination, any such registrant was found not physically fit for service, he was placed in Class IV-F. If the Local Board decided that a registrant's objections to any kind of military service were well-founded and authentic, the registrant was classified in Class IV-E and, on being found physically fit, was then subject to assignment to work of national importance in any of the 137 national work camps in the Lnited States and Territories. In a number of cases, such men were assigned to special projects in hospitals, on farms and in scientific research institutions. To the benefit of this type of registrant, it may be said that many of these men offered themselves for perilous medical experi- ments, through which important contributions were made in the field of medical science. All money expended by the farm employer, hospitals and other institutions for the employment of conscientious objectors was paid into the United States Treasury. If the Local Board determined that, in spite of the registrant's claims, he was not entitled to be classified as a conscientious objector and, in addi- tion, was not entitled to deferment, the registrant was classified in Class I-A or Class I-A(L), whichever applied. Invariably, such determination was appealed, after which the registrant's file was forwarded to the Board of Appeal for re-determination of classification. In determining classification of a registrant claiming conscientious objection, the Board of Appeal followed the same classification procedure of that of the Local Board, except that, effective April 19, 1945, in the event that the Appeal Board decided that the registrant had not fully established his claim to conscientious objection, his file was then sent to the Depart- ment of Justice for a special hearing on such claim. Within the Department of Justice, and under the supervision of the United States Attorney in the district concerned, a special hearing officer, after receiving a case forwarded by the Board of Appeal, summoned the registrant claiming conscientious objection and any witnesses desired by registrant, questioning the latter and his witnesses carefully in order to de- termine whether or not, in the opinion of the hearing officer, the claim to objection was substantial and sincere. The services of the Federal Bureau of Investigation were utilized when necessary. After the hearing was completed, the hearing officer made his report and recommendation which was inserted into the registrant's file, such file then being returned to the Board of Appeal having the case. The Board of Appeal then considered — but was not bound to follow — the hearing officer's report and recommendation, as well as the evidence presented at the hearing, and made its own determination as to classification. Up to October 1, 1945, Illinois had forwarded 623 Class IV-E registrants to public service camps. 185 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS The exact figure on the number of conscientious objectors among Illinois registrants is not reasonably possible, for many of such registrants who claimed conscientious objection were, because of other circumstances which took precedence, classified on the basis of dependency, occupation or physical unfitness. WORK OF NATIONAL IMPORTANCE The program of work of national importance under civilian direction was agreed upon in conference between representatives of the National Serv- ice Board for Religious Objectors and the Director of Selective Service, aided by representatives of other agencies of the Federal Government. Through the Executive Secretary of the National Service Board for Re- ligious Objectors, the American Friends Service Committee, the Brethren Service Committee, the Mennonite Central Peace Committee and the Fellow- ship of Reconciliation stated that they were prepared to organize and finance, within the limits of their ability, a program under which conscientious ob- jectors could perform work of national importance. On December 20, 1940, the Director of Selective Service, by direction of the President, accepted the proposal, and agreed to give the program the heartiest cooperation and a general supervision. It was not until February 6, 1941, that the President signed the Exec- utive Order authorizing the Director of Selective Service to establish or designate the work of national importance to which the conscientious ob- jectors could be assigned. In the beginning, some difficulty was encoun- tered in obtaining suitable Civilian Conservation Corps camp sites. Also, in most cases, the camps obtainable required considerable repair and re- habilitation. Projects under consideration were: farm labor, sanitation, attendants in hospitals, research work for forestry, soil conservation and fish and wild life. Other special projects developed as the program progressed. The first five camps for immediate use were selected in March of 1941. and the first set of camp regulations were drawn up by Selective Service which prescribed the government of the camps and set forth the duties and responsibilities of the agencies involved. On May 8, 1941. the Camp Operations Division was established at National Headquarters, its duties having been to obtain, equip and operate the camps and assign the men classified as IV-E to the various camps. After a registrant was finally classified as IV-E. the Local Board reported his name I through State Headquarters) to Camp Operations Division. The National Service Board obtained the names and sent each man a question- naire which provided information concerning his religion, occupation and education. Men were assigned to camps on the basis of their answers in the questionnaire. Wherever possible, they were allowed to go to a camp op- erated by a religious group of their own choice. 186 CLASSIFICATION— CLASS IV-E Assignees to public service camps had the same responsibility as to length of service as did regular inductees in the armed forces. When Con- gressional action extended the service of the men in the Army, the period of service of men in work camps was likewise extended. On the other hand, when the induction of men over 28 years of age was suspended, the assigning to camp of men of such ages was likewise suspended. When the privilege of discharge from the armed forces was given to overage men under rules and regulations and with the approval of their commanding officers, similar privileges were extended to conscientious objectors in public service camps. The general rule was to follow Army policy in such matters — not because the assignees were deemed to have a military status, but with the idea of making the condititons of their service comparable whenever this could be done. It was felt that the assignees should be neither favored nor punished because of their beliefs, but that, so far as the law allowed, they should undergo the same inconveniences and receive the same length- of-service considerations as the men in the armed forces. Many of the conscientious objector projects — particularly the so-called "guinea pig" experiments, were not only of national importance but of the widest possible humanitarian service. They helped to build up respect for the courage and the seriousness of the conscientious objectors' personal con- victions. Even though most of us feel that the conscientious objector was mistaken in his conception of duty with reference to joining in the militant defense of his country, his vital contribution to the welfare of humanity and science has earned him a certain measure of admiration. Certainly, the conscientious objector found out the great privilege of living in a democracy where he was permitted to stand up for his personal beliefs and receive full consideration because of them — -instead of being faced with the horrors of concentration camps, brutality and firing squads. CLASS IV-E REGISTRANTS FROM STATE OF ILLINOIS REPORTED TO NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS ON D.S.S. FORM 4S (CONSCIEN- TIOUS OBJECTOR REPORT) AS OF OCTOBER 1, 1945 D.S.S. Forms 48 received 900 Registrants in C.P.S. Camps 452 Registrants discharged from camp 166 Registrants delinquent 58 Registrants reclassified 134 Registrants awaiting discharge 3 Registrants in C.P.S. Reserve 2 Registrants on whom prosecution is pending 9 Registrants for whom Form 48 has been withdrawn 76 Total 900 187 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS CIVILIAN PUBLIC SERVICE CAMPS OPERATING IN STATE OF ILLINOIS AS OF OCTOBER 1, 1945 (Note: Most of the conscientious objectors serving on projects in Illinois were registrants of other states) Camp No. 22 — Henry, Illinois Soil Conservation Service Opened November, 1941 Closed December, 1942 Average number of assignees — 129 Man-days of work 21.797 Camp No. 26 — Alexian Brothers Hospital Chicago, Illinois Hospital Attendants Opened March, 1942 Number in unit — 76 Man-days of work IS, 171 Camp No. 97 — Dairy Farm Labor McHenry County Project started April, 1943 Number in unit — 20 Man-days of work 15,876 Camp No. 100 — Dairy Herd Testers State-Wide Project started February. 1944 Number in unit — 35 Man-days of work 10. 175 Note: Twenty-four counties in the State used assignee herd testers. One man was assigned to the Artificial Breeding Association. Camp No. 115 — Office of Scientific Research and Development Note: Some of these "guinea pig" projects wen- carried out by men on detached service before No. 115 was set up as an operating unit. University of Illinois: Heat Research — Man-days worked 2,738 Cold Research — Man-days worked 10.089 Chicago University: Altitude Project — Man-days worked 450 Anti-Malarial Drugs — Man-days worked 2.536 Northwestern University Medical School: Effects of Diet on Altitude Tolerance — Man-days worked . 4,754 Total Man-Days Worked on Illinois Projects 114,189 L88 CLASSIFICATION— CLASS IV-F Class IV-F (Physical or Mental) The determination as to whether or not a registrant qualified for Class IV-F (Physical or Mental) was usually made as the result of physical examina- tion procedures to be discussed in detail later in the chapter on the medical aspects of Selective Service. Classification in this particular class took place only after (1) the Local Board had received professional medical information to the effect that a registrant was physically or mentally disqualified for military service or (2) the Local Board had observed that a registrant had a manifestly disqualifying defect such as blindness, amputation of an arm or leg, etc. In the face of either of these two situations, the Board had no choice but to classify a registrant accordingly. At times, a Local Board found it difficult to reconcile disqualifying medical information with the fact that the registrant concerned appeared hale, hearty and active. Yet, a bad heart or a tuberculous bone or some other serious internal defect could not be detected through a suit of clothes or even through the nude skin of a registrant. Registrants who failed to meet the physical and mental standards of the armed forces were too often the source of considerable unfair criticism against the Local Boards concerned. In many cases of rejection, the men were able to do a full day's work yet failed to meet the requirements for military service. The result was that neighbors of such a registrant, failing to note any manifest physical or mental disability, had a tendency to feel that the Local Board had shown favoritism or special consideration in the classification of the registrant. Since the regulations required that all infor- mation pertaining to a registrant's physical or mental condition be kept strictly confidential, the Local Board was in the unfortunate position of not being able to defend its classification action other than to state that the registrant had been rejected by the military authorities, not by the Board. This explanation, however, generally failed to satisfy a critic. Trying problems were also encountered among the rejected men, them- selves. Many youngsters, anxious to join their Nation's fighting forces, suf- fered severe mental shock and depression upon being rejected for service. This was particularly true in many cases of men rejected for neuro-psychiatric reasons. Until their rejection, they had considered themselves as perfectlv normal individuals, when suddenly they found out that they were considered mentally unfit for military duty. The tendency, of course, was for them to become depressed and wonder if they were insane without knowing it. The truth, however, was that the bulk of these registrants were not even bordering on the stage of insanity. They simply suffered from some personality dis- order which made it advisable for the medical examining officers to deter- mine that the registrants could not adapt themselves to the rigors of military 180 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS life. It was the Local Board, to be sure, that got the brunt of the repercus- sions of men rejected because of being found unfit for military service. There were known cases of men rejected for military service for mental or physical reasons who, rather than confess their failure to pass a physical examination, claimed they had been deferred because of some influence or other reason. Such statements, of course, were a source of embarrassment to any Local Board involved. During the early part and middle of 1944, manpower for the armed forces became scarce, and it was necessary for Local Boards to review the majority of their deferments in an effort to obtain additional manpower. In order to make sure that no man was deferred on physical or mental grounds who could properly be accepted by the armed forces, the National Director ordered a review of all Class IV-F men who had been previously rejected on those grounds. While the specific number of men "recovered" on such review is not available, it is known that such review failed to pro- duce many I-A men out of Class IV-F. Out of 1,002,800 Illinois registrants, aged 18 through 37 years, who had been examined for induction or enlistment up to August 1, 1945, 263.000 were rejected — a rejection rate of 26%. Only eleven other States had a lower re- jection rate than Illinois. The combined rejection rate for the six other largest States (California, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Texas) was 27.5%. The highest rejection rate for any individual State was 44.2% ; the lowest was 23.0%. The national rejection rate was 30.2%. These figures show that Illinois registrants were, on the whole, healthier mentally and physically than the registrants of most other States. Class IV F (Moral) Since it was necessary to furnish morally as well as physically acceptable men to the armed forces, each Local Board had the responsibility of deter- mining whether or not its physically fit and available registrants were morally acceptable. Each registrant, when completing his questionnaire, was required to state whether or not he had been convicted of a criminal offense and, if so, to give the details of such conviction. He was also required to state whether or not he had previously served in the armed forces and, if so, the type of dis- charge he received. Whenever a registrant had a criminal record, or had received a dishonor- able or "undesirable" discharge, the Local Board, in considering such regis- trant for classification, applied the standards shown under Class IV-F listed in the section, "The Various Classes." If the registrant's status came under any of the restrictions listed, he was classified in Class IV-F (Moral). There was no variation from this procedure until January 2, 1942. at which time National Headquarters issued Local Board Memorandum 77 setting up pro- visions for the processing of applications for waiver from certain registrants 190 CLASSIFICATION— CLASS IV-F considered morally acceptable to the armed forces or for work of national importance. The new procedure made it possible for previously unacceptable men who were considered to have been morally rehabilitated to take their places along the other men in the armed forces. When a registrant was in the custody of the law, it was necessary to obtain a termination of such custody, or a conditional or outright release from civil custody in order that he might be considered available and be forwarded for induction. The Special Panel Boards handled a large number of these cases. Many others were handled through various civil court judges. In the proc- essing and consideration of these cases, the officials of the State Board of Pardons and Paroles, the State Division of Supervision of Parolees and the wardens of the several penal institutions in the State gave their fullest co- operation. Special mention of appreciation must be given to Director T. P. Sullivan of the Department of Public Safety and Col. Frank D. Whipp, Super- intendent of Prisons, whose whole-hearted assistance helped to insure the success of the Special Panel Board procedure. Under Local Board Memorandum 77, a registrant who had been con- victed of a heinous crime was morally unacceptable for service in the armed forces for a period of six months immediately following his release from confinement in an institution, or for six months following his conviction if he had been placed on suspended sentence or paroles. After such period of six months, any especially meritorious case would be given full and sympa- thetic consideration upon application for waiver. Any registrant who had been discharged from any branch of the armed forces under conditions other than honorable was unacceptable for military service unless and until a waiver had been granted by the proper military agency. Even without any record of conviction for a crime or a discharge other than honorable from the armed forces, a registrant might still be classified in Class IV-F (Moral) if the Local Board had evidence to lead it to believe that the registrant was morally unacceptable for military service. Procedure was established whereby records of men on parole would be forwarded to State Headquarters. When so forwarded, each file would con- tain the recommendation of the Local Board, the parole officer and, in addi- tion, letters from substantial citizens of the community. The State Parole Board would attach a suspension parole, pending the man's induction into service. State Headquarters would then write the military authorities re- questing a waiver. Through this arrangement a substantial number of men were inducted into the armed forces. During the period from October, 1940, to October, 1945, Local Boards requested a total of 1,573 waivers covering cases which were considered to have sufficient merit upon which to base an application for waiver, and applications were forwarded in these cases for final determination by the 191 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS proper officer of the armed forces. Of the total number of waivers requested, only 314 were denied. Thus, 1,259 Illinois men, formerly unacceptable, were made available to the armed forces. In addition to the 1,259 Illinois men inducted on waiver, 3,036 prison inmates were paroled and released to the Armed Forces Induction Station (discussed fully under "Special Panel Boards" below), making a total of 4,485 previously unacceptable men who were inducted. Operation of Special Panel Boards In a meeting with the State Director, the Commanding General of the Sixth Service Command (Army) expressed his approval of the plan to obtain additional manpower through release of worthy men confined in State prisons and furthermore agreed to furnish a mobile examining unit to travel to each institution for the purpose of determining the moral and physical qualifica- tions of the selected inmates. A conference with State parole officials brought about the appointment of committees to check the records of inmates who were eligible for release and to select those who might qualify morally for military service. (Dr. Roy G. Barrack, head of the State Diagnostic Depot, assisted in the determination of the qualifications of the inmates concerned.) The warden at each penal or corrective institution arranged for X-Rays and serological tests prior to the visit of the Sixth Service Command Mobile Examining Unit. The Mobile Unit, in its first examination of registrants of the six Special Panel Boards, examined 1,368 inmates, found 699 acceptable (of which 103 were denied releases by the Parole Board pending further study) and rejected 669 men. Each man found physically qualified by the Mobile Unit was furnished a certificate containing a full statement of the examination for the use of the medical examining staff at the armed forces induction station, which was the final authority on acceptance or rejection. The results of the examinations by the Army Mobile Unit proved so satisfactory that the Commanding General of the Sixth Service Command approved a request to send a second unit to one prison. Arrangements were made by the State authorities to move temporarily all selected inmates to the Stateville prison for the subsequently planned examination, but such plans had to be cancelled when the Secretary of War notified all Army service commands that the furnishing of such units would be discontinued. On receipt of this information, the State Director called a meeting of the original committee and State officials concerned. A new plan was initiated, providing for the physical examinations of inmates to be conducted by a group of State civilian physicians under the supervision of State Headquar- ters Medical Officers. To eliminate examinations of men who might not be eligible for waiver, the Commanding General of the Sixth Service Command furnished two officers to check the state prison files of all inmates considered 1<)2 CLASSIFICATION— SPECIAL PANEL BOARDS potential inductees and approve such inmates who, in their opinion, were entitled to a moral waiver. After the list of inmate potentials had been culled by the two officers from the Sixth Service Command, a medical examination team visited each State penal institution, examining 302 inmates, 207 of whom were found acceptable and 95 rejected. Some of the 207 acceptable men were later rejected at the induction station, but a number of these rejected cases were subsequently reviewed and the registrants were found acceptable for military service. SPECIAL PANEL BOARD'S FUNCTIONS AND PERSONNEL Organization — Special Panel Boards organized with membership consisting of one official of institution, one member of Local Board having jurisdic- tion over institution and one substantial citizen of area not previously connected with Selective Service. Registration — All inmates of institutions registered. Cell-block by cell-block registration by inmate registrars under supervision of prison officials and members of Special Panel Board. Classification — Cover sheets prepared for all inmates not previously regis- tered. Files obtained from Local Boards of jurisdiction for those pre- viously registered. All cases considered by Special Panel Board and appropriate classification given. Examination — Army Induction Station Mobile Unit and later special team of medical examiners from State and Selective Service conducted mass examinations. Waivers — Parole authorities issued special suspensions — complete discharge from parole after six months' satisfactory military service. Induction — Separate inductions for large groups of inmates. Induction direct into armed forces with no return to institution or granting of furlough period. Rejection — Parole after rejection by induction authorities. Special Panel Boards, their locations and membership were: Illinois State Penitentiary, Stateville-J oliet Frank Hill, Assistant Warden of Joliet Prison Clarence D. Atherton, Assistant Warden of Stateville Prison Steve S. Sergeant, Member of Will County Local Board 1 Joseph S. Birsa, Member of Will County Local Board 2 Alex Padley, Joliet businessman (NOTE: The above Board handled the cases of men in both the new prison at Stateville and the old prison at Joliet, both being under the direction of Warden Joseph Ragen, who freely made available the facilities of the hospital, X-Ray equipment and laboratories.) 103 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS Illinois State Penitentiary, Pontiac Arthur Bennett, Warden L. W. Tuesberg, Member of Livingston County Local Board 2 Roy G. Hershey, Pontiac businessman Illinois State Penitentiary, Menard Walter Nierstheimer, Warden R. A. Divers, Member of Randolph County Local Board R. C. Bloome, Chester businessman St. Charles Training School for Boys, St. Charles Theodore L. Sharp, St. Charles Training School Staff Robert F. Munn, Member of Kane County Local Board 2 Claron Maynard, Hampshire businessman Cook County Jail and House of Correction, Chicago Frank Sain, Warden, Cook County Jail Dr. Andrew W. Brown, Psychiatrist Joseph Moudry, Member of Chicago City Local Board 111 Dr. Milton A. Saffir, Psychiatrist W. C. Milota, Superintendent, House of Correction (NOTE: This Special Panel Board was declared inactive in 1945, no inmates or parolees having been inducted from this institution due to the shortness of confinement periods.) A letter to all State Directors dated November 6, 1946 (0-9-411), discon- tinuing all Special Panel Boards as of December 2, 1946, required that a report be submitted to National Headquarters listing the names of registrants inducted by each Special Panel Board, together with the Army Serial Num- ber of such registrants, if available, and the Local Boards originally having jurisdiction over such registrants. This report was furnished in detail as requested. Following is a summary of the parolees released to the Armed Forces Induction Station: PAROLEES RELEASED DIRECT FROM PENAL INSTITUTIONS TO ARMED FORCES Induction Station — Pontiac 607 Stateville 174 Menard 51 St. Charles 35 867 194 CLASSIFICATION— SPECIAL PANEL BOARDS PAROLEES RELEASED TO THE ARMED FORCES INDUCTION STATION WHILE ON PAROLE Induction Station — Pontiac 1,299 Stateville 587 Menard 239 St. Charles 44 2,169 Total Inducted 3,036 An analysis was made of the rejections by the Mobile Unit at Stateville, for the purpose of study. Following is the result: Total rejected remaining in institution — 299 Nature of Rejection — Number Percentage Constitutional psychopathic state 139 46.5 Physical defects 58 19.4 Failure to pass minimum mental and literacy test. . . 51 17.1 Inadequate personality 49 16.4 Psychoneurosis 2 00.6 299 100.0 c ; The institution at Stateville was selected for the study for the reason that the prisoners assigned to this institution were those whose recovery was "doubtful," and incorrigibles. The rejections therefore were probably higher than they would have been at the other institutions. It has been unofficially stated by the Department of Public Safety that approximately 100 of the parolees inducted became non-commissioned offi- cers, and that as of October 1, 1946, only about 50 of the 3,036 men sent to the armed forces had been returned to custody. Many of them achieved honors for outstanding records while in service. Class IV-H (Not Subject to Induction) Since Class IV- A (after November 13, 1942) was the only existing classi- fication based upon age, and because it then applied only to registrants 45 years of age and over, who were not eligible for induction into military service, it was found necessary to establish a classification for men above the currently inductible age when the limit was reduced to 37 years of age. Class IV-H therefore established on January 1, 1943 and included men who had reached their thirty-eighth birthday but had not yet reached their forty- fifth birthday. After a short trial of the new classification, it was discontinued because of the tendency of men in Class IV-H to feel free to leave essential employ- 195 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS ment for other work. No restriction on change of employment existed in Class IV-H. Consequently, effective March 6, 1943, it was determined that registrants between the ages of 38 and 44 years, inclusive, should be placed in the classifications to which they were entitled regardless of age, and be given the special identification "(H)" behind such classification. (For in- stance: if a registrant in this age group was employed in essential work on a farm and normally would have received a II-C classification, the new procedure provided that he be classified in Class II-C(H). A registrant in this age group who was normally available for full military duty was classified in Class I-A(H) , but was temporarily not eligible for selection and induction.) On October 5, 1944, the "(H)" designation was discontinued, and all men aged 38 through 44 years so classified were ordered to be reclassified into Class IV-A. The only exceptions were registrants of those ages eligible for classification in Class IV-D, Class IV-B and men in Class IV-E who were performing or had performed work of national importance in civilian camps. INVENTORY OF LOCAL BOARD CLASSIFICATIONS Commencing on September 15, 1943 and continuing for a period of two weeks, each Local Board reviewed the classification of all its registrants and prepared an inventory report which was submitted to the National Director. This inventory provided National and State Headquarters with substantial information upon which to base the allocation of future manpower calls. It also enabled State Headquarters to determine which Boards needed special counsel with reference to classification policies. PERSONAL APPEARANCES Every registrant, after being classified by his Local Board, was entitled to request (in writing) and receive a personal appearance before the Board for the purpose of discussing his classification. Originally, the request had to be submitted within five days after the date of the registrant's classification notice; this period was later extended to ten days. The granting of such personal appearance, when made by the registrant in writing and within the prescribed period of time, was mandatory upon the Local Board. This privilege applied only on original classification or when a registrant's classification was changed. In every case of such personal appearance, the Board was required to redetermine classification and send the registrant another notice informing him of the classification granted as a result of the hearing. The registrant, however, could not request and receive an additional personal appearance after being notified of the classification given him after his appearance be- fore the Board. 1% CLASSIFICATION— MISCELLANEOUS While Local Boards were not required, under the regulations, to grant hearings to dependents and employers, most Boards were extremely con- siderate and generous in this matter. The attitude of these Boards was that it was better to take a little more time for the additional hearings and thus develop every possible bit of evidence than to classify solely on the testimony of the registrant. As stated in the section on occupational deferments, many Local Boards not only welcomed the personal appearance of employers at the Board meet- ings, but actually made trips to employers plants so that they (the Board members) might be more fully acquainted with the employers' production and labor problems. Most Local Boards were exceptionally careful to make sure that the registrant, or any other person entitled to appeal, understood that a "personal appearance" was not a formal and legal "appeal" and that the registrant or such other person still had the right to formal appeal if the Local Board declined to grant the classification requested at the hearing before the Board. PERMITS TO LEAVE THE UNITED STATES Occasionally, it was necessary for a registrant to leave the continental United States for the purpose of taking employment in one of the American Territories or some foreign country or to transact business of commercial or personal nature there. Such a registrant was required to apply to his Local Board for the necessary permit to leave the United States. The decision to grant or not grant the requested permit was primarily the responsibility of the Local Board. Such decision — as in classification deter- mination — was subject to appeal. The permit provision of the regulations thwarted many registrants who felt that they could successfully evade training and service by going to an- other country. Reciprocal arrangements with the Government of Canada also assisted in preventing registrants from evading service through residence in that country. o -r co "i '~ - 5 tO -r r3 CO .(MO . »0 »o — — CO c S CO ^.9 • CM CM CO co" >-' s — ""■^.l- 1 -! rt ' •— i a s CO -* ^ 3 OS IO CT> CO : CM as t>. r— t^ tn c > a - CO CO CO CO . t^ t^. Tfi CM (M CO if s t*. -*f 00 -^ . O iO — — i CO t^ • co_ z. CM - OO as ■* cm i— t^ a S i — I -* OS co" OJ iO .I— CO o • oo" in CO i-i t— co a co" — L ^ /. t* ;-h(N ex 3 0O t^ c— si oo CO o .wcoc; . tH »o -* OS OS CM f CM t^ ■ Si CO O CO . to co o . co co co Tt< -r — — j co v. -f • <£ L 1 ~~ t °i • °1 iO i-t cm a L °1 oT •to" tjT • ^ cm" t^ fi • OO -r-H ie ' oo - 1 ■ co ; "* u £-*- ; m ITS IO US CO ^ >*i CM "* Tt*NMN00CDO5CC > g. r co Sa ^ co . 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J3 = ><- S W £ -< CO CO X X X 0) C _1 \ the Board of Appeal of the area, the State Director felt it highly unlikely that a Local Board could go that far amiss in its classification actions. As a corrective action, the State Director 200 APPEALS appealed the twenty cases to the President, with the result that nineteen out of the twenty appeal board decisions were reversed, thus substantiating the judgment of the Local Board and indicating the necessity for State Head- quarters conference with the Board of Appeal in question. Subsequently, the State Director dispatched his State Legal Advisor and his Agricultural Advisor to the particular Board of Appeal to determine whether or not a prejudicial policy existed and, if so, to convince the Board that such policy was contrary to both the letter and the spirit of the regula- tions. Future decisions of that Board reflected a different attitude. To promote greater uniformity of consideration and decision, the State Director had his two executives visit every other appeal board in the State, and the improvement in the matter of uniformity of consideration was sub- sequently noted. APPEALS BY LAW Late in the Fall of 1943, senators and representatives in Washington received a volume of complaints from industrial employers throughout the country, complaining of certain procedures in the appeal system. At the time, the appeal of a registrant employed outside his original appeal area was being decided by the Board of Appeal assigned to his own Local Board. Employers claimed that an appeal board in another state or county, or out- side the area in which the industry was located, did not know the specific industry's needs or labor problems. As a result of these complaints, Con- gress enacted Public Law 197 on December 5, 1943, providing that the files of all registrants who had been classified in Class I-A, I-A-0 or IV-E following claims for occupational deferment should be forwarded, without regard to state, county or other boundary lines, to the Board of Appeal which had jurisdiction over the area in which each registrant concerned was employed, such appeal board to determine the classification on appeal. In other words, if a registrant under the jurisdiction of a Local Board in Cook County was employed in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, any appeal in his case had to be decided by the Board of Appeal at Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The only major difficulty encountered in the determination of "principal place of employment" was found in the cases of merchant seamen who were, for the greater part of their time, on the high seas. This problem was finally resolved so that the "principal place of employment" was determined to be the city in which the administrative office of the company employing him was located. While the appeal-by-law procedure entailed considerable additional clerical procedure — most of such appeals being transferred to other States — it did provide a certain protection to both the government and the employ- ers concerned because of the classification being considered by a Board of Appeal familiar with local employment conditions in the area of employment. 201 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS SPECIAL APPEALS OTHER THAN FROM CLASSIFICATION The National Director and the State Director were authorized, by the regulations, to appeal from any other determination of the Local Board, regardless of the nature of the decision. These two officials took several appeals from Local Board determinations in connection with requests for permits to leave the United States. This action was taken in cases of registrants who were to be sent out of the country on secret missions vital to the war effort. Because of the extremely confidential nature of these missions, the specific purpose of these trips could not be revealed to the Local Boards concerned. Outside of classification appeal, a registrant was permitted to appeal a Local Board determination refusing to permit registrant to leave his agri- cultural work (in slack season) for other work. Only a few cases of this type of appeal occurred during the entire Selective Service operation. VOLUME AND APPRAISAL OF APPEAL CASES Appeals taken in the early stage of Selective Service were comparatively light in comparison to the number of classifications being made by Local Boards. Registrants, dependents and employers were reluctant to make appeals — often in extremely urgent and worthy cases — because of the fear of public opinion. However, as more and more men were being inducted, and the withdrawal began to be felt keenly in both homes and industry, ne- cessity swept aside the previous reluctance with the result that the percent- age of appeals, as against Local Board classification actions, rose consid- erably. Yet, in spite of this increase in volume, the percentage of appeals taken in Illinois was less than the percentage in most other States and con- tinued to stay below the national level during the entire period of the Sys- tem's operation. This fact can only reflect the intense patriotism of Illinois residents who preferred to set aside their individual interests in favor of the military needs of their country. It also reflects their confidence in Se- lective Service administration in the State, such confidence having been built up by honest and intelligent performance of duty by Local Board Mem- bers and others connected with the System. Generally speaking, the Boards of Appeal in Illinois sustained the de- cisions of the Local Boards. Nevertheless, there were many cases in which the Board held a viewpoint directly opposite to that of the Local Board. This variance of opinion exemplified, to the fullest possible extent, the true spirit of democracy, the policy of traditional American justice and the citizen's right of individual opinion. The soundness of decisions by Illinois local and appeal boards is sig- nificantly revealed in the national statistics which show that our State con- sistently had the lowest number of appeals to the President out of all the 202 APPEALS larger States in the country. Only .0065% of Illinois' Boards of Appeal decisions were carried up to the President — the final court of judgment in the matter of Selective Service classification. Because of the shortness of the statistics on appeals, it is felt advisable to include such statistics in this section rather than to relegate them to the Appendix. DATA ON APPEALS TO BOARDS OF APPEAL (October 16, 1940 to December 31, 1946) Reported Actions of Boards of Appeal by Type (October 16, 1940 to April 30, 1942) Number of Appeals Type Filed Occupational 3,723 Dependency 9,380 Physical unfitness* 321 Conscientious objection. . 162 Miscellaneous 306 Number Sustained 2,449 6,412 248 53 187 Number Reversed 855 2,041 39 22 78 Withdrawn Returned to LB 116 394 31 22 33 59f Pending 403 690 25 91 16 13,892 9,349 3,035 655 1,225 * Second edition of Regulations issued February 1, 1942 eliminated right of appeal from determination of physical fitness. t Reclassified by LB. Reported Actions of Boards of Appeal by Type and Origin (May 1, 1942 to January 31, 1944) Occupational 39,892 Dependency 26,666 Conscientious Objection 527 Miscellaneous 2,926 Total for period 69,732 Registrant 32,654 Dependent 1,174 Gov. Appeal Agent 523 Employer 29,487 State Director 76 National Director 6 Other 3,812 Total for period 69,732 203 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS ANALYSIS OF APPEALS AS TO ORIGIN, GROUNDS, DISPOSITION (February 1, 1944 to December 31, 1946) Appeals pending February 1, 1944 5,970 Total appeals taken by registrant 7,620 Total appeals taken by dependent 413 Total appeals taken by employer 31,578 Total appeals taken by Government Appeal Agent 346 Total appeals taken by State Director 282 Total appeals taken by National Director 19 Total appeals taken by others 228 Total appeals by law 104,175 Total Appeals 150,591 Occupational Grounds: Total Local Board classifications sustained 22,319 Total Local Board classifications changed 10,950 Total Appeals on Occupational Grounds 33,269 Hardship: Total Local Board classifications sustained 3,192 Total Local Board classifications changed 896 Total Appeals on Dependency Grounds 4,088 Conscientious Objection: Total Local Board classifications sustained 17 Total Local Board classifications changed 79 Total Appeals on Grounds of Conscientious Objection. . 126 Other Grounds : Total Local Board classifications sustained 266 Total Local Board classifications changed Ill Total Appeals on Other Gcounds HO Appeals by Law: Total Local Board classifications sustained 92.900 Total Local Board classifications changed 8,500 Total Appeals by Law 101,400 TOTAL CLASSIFICATIONS BY APPEAL BOARDS 139.293 (Carried forward to next page 204 APPEALS (Carried forward from preceding page) TOTAL CLASSIFICATIONS BY APPEAL BOARDS 139,293 Appeals Withdrawn or Returned Without Action : Occupational grounds 4,109 Dependency grounds 1,000 Conscientious objection 26 Other grounds 1,036 Appeals by law 5,092 Total 11,263 TOTAL APPEALS DISPOSED OF 150,556 TOTAL APPEALS PENDING DECEMBER 31, 1946 35 GRAND TOTAL FOR PERIOD 150.591 October 1, 1940 to April 30, 1942 13,892 May 1, 1942 to January 31, 1944 69,732 February 1, 1944 to December 31, 1946. .150,591 234,215 Total— Oct. 1940— Dec. 1946 234,215 APPEAL TO THE PRESIDENT Originally, an appeal could be taken to the President from a Board of Appeal determination only on the grounds of dependency, and then only when the members of the Board of Appeal were not unanimous in their decision. Such appeal had to be made in writing by the registrant, a de- pendent of the registrant, or the Government Appeal Agent, within five days of the mailing of the notice showing the classification granted by the Board of Appeal. The Local Board could, for good reason, grant an exten- sion of this appeal period. On March 21, 1941, appeals to the President were liberalized so as to allow a ten-day period for taking the appeal and to permit the National Director of Selective Service, or the State Director, to take an appeal to the President from any determinattion of a Board of Appeal whenever it was deemed to be in the national interest, or necessary to avoid an injustice. Thus, in any case, whether or not dependency was involved, and whether or not the decision of the Board of Appeal was unanimous, a registrant, employer or other person concerned could bring the case to the attention of the State or National Director for review and possible appeal action. When an authorized appeal to the President was made, the Local Board forwarded the registrant's complete file to State Headquarters (Legal Di- 20. r ) SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS vision) where the file was recorded and then forwarded to the Director of Selective Service at Washington, D. C. The President had delegated his power of decision on Presidential ap- peals to the National Director of Selective Service, and the National Direc- tor assigned a number of officers to study each appeal case and make their recommendation to him as to decision, noting special phases of each case in which might require his personal study. After classification was deter- mined on a Presidential appeal, the file, including the decision, was returned to the Local Board through the State Director's office. A classification thus determined was not subject to further appeal. Occasionally, when a unanimous decision by the Board of Appeal pre- vented a registrant, dependent, employer or Government Appeal Agent from taking an appeal to the President, the case was brought to the attention of the State Director. If the evidence in the case convinced him that an injustice might be done to the government, a registrant, dependent or em- ployer, the State Director requested a Presidential appeal. As stated in the section pertaining to Boards of Appeal, only .0065% of the decisions of Illinois Boards of Appeal were appealed to the President. The following statistics apply to those cases: ILLINOIS APPEALS TO THE PRESIDENT Na- tional State Director Director Regis- trant Regis- trant's De- pendent Em- ployer Gov't Appeal Agent TOTAL to Dec. 31. 1946 1941 2 16 35 15 68 1942 22 201 108 7 95 433 1943 21 195 69 8 28 321 1944 23 232 29 1 84 369 1945 17 110 22 1 127 277 1946 6 38 3 7 54 Total 91 792 266 17 246 110 1,522 &■ Two C or Not Two C Tazewell County Local Board 1 reported early in 1946 that they had re- ceived hundreds of requests for "farm deferment" but none so striking as that received from one of their registrants who had been committed to the Illinois State Prison Farm at Vandalia. The registrant wrote: "I'll be at the State Farm until December 1, so you should give me a farm deferment until then." The Board told us that the registrant was "deferred on the farm" — but by the judge in the case, not the Local Board. 206 CHAPTER XVI MEDICAL ASPECTS OF SELECTIVE SERVICE PHYSICAL EXAMINATION PROCEDURE During the summer and early fall of 1940, when the Selective Training and Service Act was being considered as a bill in Congress, it was antici- pated that the physical examination of registrants at the Local Board level should be a physical inspection rather than a complete examination. (In the draft procedure of World War I, the registrant was given a complete physical examination by the Local Board Examining Physician and, if found physically qualified at that level, the registrant was inducted into the Army by the Local Board itself.) As consideration of the training and serv- ice bill progressed in Congress, the idea developed that men selected for induction should not be considered for induction until its was determined whether or not such men were acceptable to the armed forces. It was finally determined that the physical examination by the Local Board Examining Physician would be complete and in accordance with the physical standards used by the Army at the induction station. The Examining Physicians were directed to make a complete examina- tion of each registrant and to record all minor defects as well as disquali- fying defects in the appropriate parts of the Report of Physical Examination (DSS Form 200). The scope of the examination included questioning re- garding the registrant's past and present physical condition. His mental characteristics and speech were observed. The possibility of malingering was borne in mind at all stages of the examination. When in doubt regard- ing the disqualifying degree of a physical or mental defect, the Examining Physician requested the Local Board to refer the registrant to the Medical Advisory Board for a special examination and recommendation. (Registrants could likewise be forwarded to the nearest Medical Advisory Board when- ever either the Local Board or the Government Appeal Agent was dissatis- fied with the Examining Physician's findings.) Naturally, all of the Local Board Examining Physicians were not thor- oughly acquainted with the detailed physical standards of the Army and, in spite of their being provided with the governing regulations pertaining to such physical standards, there was a widespread tendency to pass or reject registrants on the basis of individual professional opinions as to fit- ness rather than applying strictly the standards established by the Army. In other cases, the civilian physician simply did not have the time to devote to a careful and complete examination as required by the Army. The result was a substantial percentage of rejections at the Army induction stations. However, as the Local Board Examining Physicians became more familiar 207 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS with the physical standards of the Army, and applied those standards in their examinations of registrants, the percentage of rejections at the induction sta- tions decreased measurably. Under this original system of physical examination, unless there was reason for deferment, the Local Board classified a registrant in Class I-A if the Board's Examining Physician found the registrant fit for military serv- ice. The registrant's call for induction would occur anywhere from several weeks to several months after the first examination — depending on his Board's induction calls and his order number. If, on submission for induc- tion, the registrant was found physically and mentally qualified by the medical officers at the induction station, the registrant was immediately in- ducted and forwarded to a reception center. If the medical officers found him not qualified, he was rejected and given his transportation home. The net result of this first system was that a considerable number of registrants, having been ordered to report for induction, quit their jobs, settled their civilian affairs (many of them were given "going away" parties and presents) and left home prepared to enter the Army. Having been found fit by one doctor, they were surprised to be told by another doctor that were not physically qualified for military service. This created not only confusion and personal embarrassment for the registrant, himself, but also created public dissatisfaction. The public did not object to the high physical standards of the Army, but they did object to the contradictory procedure which created personal embarrassment and, at times, economic hardship. At the outset, only one Examining Physician was appointed for each Local Board. However, as the physical examination load increased, addi- tional Examining Physicians and Dentists were appointed. Physical examina- tions of registrants were usually done at the office of the Examining Phv- sician, a sample of the registrant's blood taken at the time — for serological test. The burden in connection with serological tests became so great that it became necessary to make special arrangements for such tests. Dr. Roland R. Cross, Director of Public Health, State of Illinois, and Dr. Herman N. Bundesen, President of the Chicago Board of Health, agreed to furnish, without charge, serological reports on all blood specimens submitted for registrants of this State. The contributions of these two health officers did much to expedite the physical examination process and make registrants available for military service. By early 1942, the volume of examinations in urban centers increased to such a proportion that the Local Board Examining Physicians found it im- possible to keep abreast of their current load. On March 23. 1942 — under the supervision of Maj. E. Mann Hartlett. the State Medical Officer at that time — streamlined "group examination stations" were set up in Chicago and, later, in several cities downstate. These stations were staffed l»\ a number of volnn- 208 MEDICAL ASPECTS— PHYSICAL EXAMINATION teer medical and dental specialists and laboratory technicians. One Chicago station alone was equipped to examine up to 1,000 registrants daily, and actually exceeded this number some days. Here again, Dr. Herman N. Bunde- sen placed the facilities of the Board of Health at the disposal of Selective Service, and set up a physical examination station in the Board's office. This examining station was manned by physicians attached to the Board of Health and, for a considerable period of time, examined up to 700 regis- trants daily. The advantages of group examination stations were proved by the fact that 165 physicians and dentists, aided by five laboratory technicians, han- dled all the physical examinations (Local Board level) in Chicago, while over 2,000 physicians and dentists had been required previously for the examinations conducted on the individual Local Board basis. In addition, it can be said that the quality of the physical examination was better than under the original system. DATA ON CHICAGO GROUP EXAMINATION STATIONS Daily No. of Capacity Physicians* (No. of Station and Dentists Registrants) Chicago Board of Health, 54 W. Hubbard St.— Dr. Henry C. Niblack, chairman 9 600 Pulaski Park Field House, 1419 Blackhawk St.— Dr. John F. Tenczar, chairman 12 2,325 Sherman Park Field House, 52nd and Racine Ave. — Dr. J. H. F. O'Neil, chairman 27 1,700 Columbus Park Field House, Central and Congress — Dr. John Peters, chairman 14 2,195 Grand Crossing Park Field House, 77th and Ingleside — Dr. Frank J. Norton, chairman 20 1,740 Washington Park Field House, 5601 South Parkway — Dr. Robert D. Douglass, chairman 19 1,575 Portage Park Field House, Berteau and Central — Dr. Sol. M. Goldberger 18 2,211 West Town (for suburban Cook County Local Boards) , Cicero Stadium, 1905 S. 52nd Ave., Cicero — Dr. Hugh Leaf, chairman 8 300 * Supported by laboratory technicians, Local Board clerks and volunteer clerks from service clubs, etc. 209 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS EXAMINATIONS MADE Station Chicago Board of Health — (Discontinued in Sept., 1942) Pulaski Park Field House — Sherman Park Field House Columbus Park Field House- Grand Crossing Park Field House- Washington Park Field House- Portage Park Field House- Examinations Made 1942— 32,249 West Town — 1942— 1943— 1944— 1942— 1943— 1944— 1942- 1943— 1944- 1942— 1943— 1944— 1942— 1943— 1944^- 1942— 1943— 194 1942-1944 26,498 46,746 1,308 24,158 33,165 722 26.809 49.597 1,511 33,160 44,668 1,230 11,235 30,140 1,170 23,040 43,299 1,430 4,875 Repeat Blood Tests 386 866 1,279 1,381 1,050 415 Totals 32,249 74,938 58,911 79,196 80,439 43,595 68,184 4,875 Totals 437,010 5,377 442,387 Changes in Physical Examination Procedure In December of 1941, the procedure was changed so that registrants were sent to the induction station for physical examination and then, if found acceptable, were returned home for a period of ten days. This period gave the registrant time to adjust his personal affairs before reporting for in- duction into military service. The next change came in March of 1942, at which time the new procedure was to induct all examinees found qualified and immediately forward them to the Army Reception Center. However, emergency physical exami- nations were occasionally permitted prior to the date of induction in cases where special arrangements had to be made for the registrants family, or if a business had to be liquidated or otherwise turned over to other manage- ment in the event of the registrant's induction. A further change took place in May of 1943 when the procedure was modified so that a registrant found acceptable for service was given the option of requesting temporary transfer to the Enlisted Reserve Corps, with a period of seven days furlough in which to adjust his personal affairs. On July 1, 1943, the furlough period was increased to fourteen days, a further 210 MEDICAL ASPECTS— PHYSICAL EXAMINATION extension to twenty-one days taking effect two months afterward. On January 6, 1944, a new system of preinduction physical examination and induction was announced, to take effect on February 1, 1944. Under the new system, a registrant found acceptable for military service was mailed a Certificate of Fitness (DDS Form 218) by his Local Board, and his induction could not properly take place until twenty-one days had elapsed after the date of mailing such Certificate. Furthermore, if such regis- trant was not called for induction within ninety days after the date of his preinduction physical examination, he could not be inducted until after he had been given another preinduction examination and an additional twenty-one days had elapsed after the date of mailing his new Certificate of Fitness. At the same time, the "screening" examinations at the Local Board level were discontinued except in case where the registrant had an obvious phys- ical defect, such as blindness, an amputation, serious deformity, etc. SELECTIVE SERVICE SYSTEM App. not req. ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF FITNESS (Local Board dat< (Order number) (First name) (Middle name) (LaBt name) I hereby certify that the above-named registrant has been given a preinduction physical examination and found: 1. □ Physically fit, acceptable for general military service. 2. □ Physically fit, acceptable for limited military service. 3. □ Rejected, physically unfit. 4. □ Rejected, physically fit but unacceptable for other reasons. Name . Rank ... Station Induction Station Commander. CERTIFICATE OF FITNESS— FORM 218 After each registrant was physically examined at the induction station, he received the above report on his examination. If he had been found fit for military service, his Local Board could not send him for induction until 21 days had elapsed after the mailing date of the Certificate of Fitness. 211 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS Physical Standards The Selective Service regulations provided that men determined to be available for military service should be placed in two classes (1) those physically fit for full general military duty and (2) those who, by reason of some minor defect, were fit only for limited military service. The objective of the physical examination at the Local Board level was to determine whether or not registrants were physically and mentally fit for the rigors of general military service. The plain instructions were: "The registrant must be able to see well; have comparatively good hearing; have a heart able to withstand the stress of physical exertion: must be intelligent enough to understand and execute military maneuvers, obey commands and protect himself; and be able to transport himself by walking as the exigencies of military life may demand." General duty men were required to pass a strict examination and had to be in excellent physical and mental condition in order to be found ac- ceptable for such duty. Limited duty men had to be mentally sound, but allowances were made for certain minor defects which would not prevent these men from perform- ing limited military duty such as clerical work, medical orderly duties, and other light duty. Most of the allowed minor defects were found in the vision, teeth, bone structure, hearing, skin and varicose veins. Most of the limited service men were placed in that classification by reason of defects in vision, bone structure defects being next. From time to time, there were minor changes in the physical standards for qualification for limited military service, and space does not permit going into the details of these many changes. Toward the end of the war. when the shortage of military manpower became genuinely acute, the Army relaxed considerably in certain of its physical standards and permitted the induction of men with defects which previously had caused their rejection. Medical Circular No. 1 was issued by Selective Service National Head- quarters on November 7, 1940. Its purpose was to present to Examining Physicians (the great majority of whom were not psychiatrists by profes- sion) the methods by which they might suspect the existence of incapacitating mental and personality factors in registrants. In cases of sound suspicion, such registrants could be rejected immediately at the Local Board level or be referred to the Psychiatric Member of a Medical Advisory Board for more qualified examination. It was felt that the screening out of the mentally unfit should begin at the time the registrant appeared for the Local Board physical examination. In many cases, the knowledge which the Local Board and the Examining Physician had regarding the registrant and his circumstances would greatl) assist in reaching a wise decision as to his acceptability tor military service. (Con tinned on page 215) 212 MEDICAL ASPECTS— PHYSICAL EXAMINATION REPORT OF PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS OF ILLINOIS SELECTIVE SERVICE REGISTRANTS OF ALL AGES l By Principal Defect of Examined Registrants) 1940 — 1944* Total Physically Examined RESULT OF EXAMINATION Defect Fit for General Service Fit for Limited Service Disquali- fied Total 151.347 11,449 4,511 6.937 799 2.445 775 1,342 3.649 5,749 68 4.836 921 1,717 2.614 2.122 489 1,715 861 2,395 2.536 8,986 2,439 9,258 7.655 960 955 105 3.653 678 58,728 91,093 3.165 958 2.963 587 1,662 713 172 1.268 1,152 3 957 138 519 2.000 737 254 1.280 563 1,543 18 142 64 2,835 6.785 138 370 1,409 13 58.685 16,596 5,793 422 2,873 72 330 25 144 141 523 9 1.790 128 102 314 396 136 112 89 117 17 112 165 1,440 421 102 96 36 662 1 28 43,658 2.491 3,131 Teeth 1,101 140 453 Throat 37 1.026 2,240 4,074 Blood Hernia .56 2.089 655 Abdominal \ iscera 1.096 300 Syphilis 989 Gonorrhea Skin 99 323 Hemorrhoids 209 Varicose Veins 735 Mental and Educational Deficiency"".. Mental Disease 2.501 8.732 Neurological 2.210 Musculoskeletal 4,983 449 Feet Endocrine 720 489 Infections 69 1,582 664 Non-Medical Reason^ 15 * Based on approximately a 20% sample of DSS Forms 200 (Report of Physical Examination) for the period of November, 1940 to September, 1941. inclusive, and DSS Forms 221 (Report of Physical Examination and Induction) for the period of April, 1942 to December, 1944, inclusive. Does not include reports of second or subsequent examina- tions of registrants — to avoid possible duplication of data. ** "Mental and Educational Deficiency" includes registrants recorded as "educationally deficient" prior to June 1, 1943, and as "failing to meet minimum intelligence standards" after that date. It also include- moron-, imbeciles, idiots and those with unspecified mental deficiencies. 213 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS REPORT OF PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS OF ILLINOIS SELECTIVE SERVICE REGISTRANTS OF ALL AGES (All Recorded Defects of Examined Registrants) 1940 — 1944* Defect Total Physically Examined RESULT OF EXAMINATION Fit for General Service Fit for Limited Service Disquali- fied Total Defects Eyes Ears Teeth Mouth and Gums Nose and Sinus Throat Lungs and Pleura Tuberculosis Cardiovascular Blood Hernia Kidney and Urinary Abdominal Viscera Genitalia Syphilis Gonorrhea Skin Hemorrhoids Varicose Veins Mental and Educational Deficiency Mental Disease Neurological Musculoskeletal Feet Endocrine Neoplasms Infections Weight and Other Medical Non-Medical Reasons 144,840 16,172 6,906 11,416 3,114 5,775 2,443 1,928 4,247 6,977 105 8,214 1,102 3,039 5,995 3,143 753 4,738 2,414 3,636 2,967 9,772 2,805 12,454 12,938 1,580 1,668 151 7,672 716 54,453 4,730 2,052 5,676 1,481 3,292 1,441 281 1,332 1,387 5 2,283 153 937 3,928 860 282 2,823 1,288 1,984 26 211 88 3,825 9,301 255 754 2 3,763 13 27,966 6,294 907 3,653 752 1,201 531 263 206 888 16 2,406 153 526 1,043 494 193 943 517 463 72 291 221 2,293 1,859 290 222 38 1,225 6 62,421 5,148 3,947 2,087 881 1,282 471 1,384 2,709 4,702 84 3,525 796 1,576 1,024 1,789 278 972 609 1,189 2,869 9,270 2,496 6,336 1,778 1,035 692 111 2,684 697 * Based on approximately a 20% sample of DSS Forms 200 (Report of Physical Examination) for the period of November, 1940 to September, 1941, inclusive, and DSS Forms 221 (Report of Physical Examination and Induction) for the period of April, 1942 to December, 1944, inclusive. Does not include reports of second or subsequent examina- tions of registrants — to avoid possible duplication of data. ** "Mental and Educational Deficiency" includes registrants recorded as "educationally deficient" prior to June 1, 1943, and as "failing to meel minimum intelligence standards" after that date. It also includes morons, imbeciles, idiots and those 'with unspecified mental deficiencies. 214 MEDICAL ASPECTS-REHABILITATION (Continued from page 212) It was logical to eliminate, as early as possible, these individuals who would most probably develop various types of mental disorder or personality dis- turbance when they were introduced into the unfamiliar environment of a military life with its necessary regimentation, close contact with strangers, separation from their families and their inability to escape without fear of grave penalties. On December 30, 1940 — after the appearance of several cases of fraud in physical examination by sending substitutes who were not in good phys- ical condition, the State Director had to request Examining Physicians to compare the registrant's description and signature on the registration cer- tificate (DSS Form 2) with those of the person being examined. No further cases of this type of fraud were reported thereafter. GOVERNOR'S REHABILITATION PROGRAM Many selectees were rejected for military service because of physical de- fects which were considered correctible. The Army, itself, could not induct these men and do the corrective surgery later. Hence, such rejected regis- trants could be made available for service if remedial care were arranged. Because most of the registrants could not afford the corrective surgery, or medical care, Gov. Dwight H. Green, in full cooperation with the State Director of Selective Service, organized the State Departments of Public Health, Public Welfare and Registration and Education into an agency for the rehabilitation of Selective Service registrants who had been rejected for military service by reason of certain correctible defects. The program was inaugurated on December 1, 1942. The objectives of the program were: 1. The correction of physical and mental defects which, upon satisfactory correction, would enable the acceptance for service in the armed forces of a registrant who would otherwise be found "non-acceptable"; 2. The correction of certain defects so that the rejected registrant might directly support the war effort through being able more fully to apply his efforts through war industry. Governor Green made available the facilities and personnel in ten State institutions, and private hospitals and their physicians, surgeons and den- tists were invited to participate in the rehabilitation program on a volunteer basis. The response from these invitations was most gratifying, for a total of one hundred fifty beds throughout the entire State were made available and ear-marked for the service of this program. Neuropsychiatric, medical and surgical defects were rehabilitated in the following nineteen hospitals and in the Medical Colleges of Northwestern 215 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS University, University of Chicago. Loyola University and the University of Illinois: Peoria State Hospital Lincoln State School and Colony Hospital M ante-no State Hospital Dixon State Hospital Anna State Hospital Alton State Hospital Chicago State Hospital Elgin State Hospital East Moline State Hospital Illinois Research and Educational Hospital Michael Reese Hospital Wesley Memorial Hospital Cook County Hospital Mount Sinai Hospital Albert Merritt Billings Hospital University Hospital Evanston Hospital Kankakee Hospital Jacksonville Hospital The services of the participating hospitals, physicians, surgeons and den- tists were rendered without expense to the registrant. The round-trip trans- portation expense to the rehabilitation facility was the only obligation placed upon the registrant. Arrangements were made with the induction station to forward lists of rejected selectees (and the reasons for their rejections) to the Chicago office of State Headquarters where the lists were carefully screened by the Medical Division. Local Boards were then sent the names of those registrants with defects considered correctible and for whom rehabilitation could be arranged. If a registrant requested correction of a defect, the Local Board clerk would obtain essential information, including full details of financial re- sources, hospital insurance, etc. I In Cook County, this function was per- formed by the Social Services unit.) Free medical care was arranged only in such cases where the registrant was found to be unable to assume the cost himself. In areas where it was possible to do so, each registrant selected was given the opportunity to select a hospital of his choice from the available list. A total of 2,174 men throughout the State were given surgery and med- ical care for the correction of physical defects. 1 ,552 of such number having been cared for in Cook County. Thus, through the help of Governor Green and the cooperation of the participating hospitals and physicians, many Illinois men who might other- wise have been denied the privilege of military service were given the oppor- tunity to serve their country in its time of need. ILLITERACY During the first six months after inductions commenced under Selective Service, the \rm\ was confronted with the problem of training and integrat- ing approximately 60,000 illiterates who had been inducted. These men 216 MEDICAL ASPECTS— ILLITERACY had been accepted because they were physically fit and could generally understand simple verbal orders given in English. Training was greatly hindered by the inability of these illiterates to read or understand instruc- tions and orders of the slightest complexity. Their judgment, even in ex- tremely simple situations, was poor. The burden of the general education of these men was heavy; the Army did not have the personnel, facilities or time for such a function. Consequently, after April 13, 1941, the Army required that all registrants reporting for physical examinations should be tested for their literacy. It became necessary for such registrants to be able to read and write and to compute on the fourth grade educational level in order to qualify educationally for military service. For a time after this declaration of Army policy, the determination of literacy was left to the Local Board Examining Physician. He made a rough estimate of what constituted a fourth grade education and, tending to be strict, the result was that greater numbers of men were deferred because of literacy than were actually warranted. This administrative deficiency was corrected with the transferring of physical examination function from the Local Board to the armed forces induction stations, where the literacy examinations were made by psychiatrists and psychologists. Because of the increased need for manpower, the Army, beginning August 1, 1942, liberalized its regulations regarding the acceptance of illiterates and placed a daily percentage limitation on such type of inductees. These par- ticular inductees were used mainly for manual labor, a type of military service which experienced considerable demand at that time. The lowering of the Army's literacy standards, however, applied only to those men in- ducted through Selective Service; the standards for enlistees were main- tained on the higher level. Cook County Educational Rehabilitation Program In the field of illiterate registrants, Illinois Selective Service pioneered with an experimental literacy school project for men rejected at the induc- tion station for failure to meet the prescribed Army literacy test. It was felt that, in the short literacy course, these men could be given sufficient general education and specialized training to enable them to pass the test upon resubmission to the induction station. Accordingly, on September 8 and 15, 1942, conferences were held at the office of the Chicago Board of Education, attended by the State Direc- tor and the Assistant State Director representing the Selective Service Sys- tem and Major Robert II. Owen of National Headquarters; the Superin- tendent of Chicago Schools, the Dean of Adult Education and a number of adult education teachers for the Board of Education; Army representatives from the Adjutant General's Office, the Medical Corps and the Manpower Branch: a representative from the United States Commission on Education. The Chicago Board of Education agreed to provide qualified teachers (one 217 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS for every fifteen students) and also to arrange for suitable meeting places at convenient places in the Chicago area where classes could be held. Chicago Local Boards submitted to the Assistant State Director the names and addresses of registrants rejected for illiteracy, a total of 665 Chi- cago registrants having been rejected for that cause at the time. Class rooms were established at the following locations in Chicago: 1. Abraham Lincoln Center, Oakwood Boulevard and Langley Avenue 2. South Parkway Center, 5120 South Parkway 3. Kosciusko Park Field House, 2732 North Avers Avenue 4. Gage Park Field House, 55th Street and Western Avenue 5. Olivet Institute, 1441 North Cleveland Avenue 6. South Chicago Community Center, 9135 Brandon Avenue 7. Crane Technical High School, 2245 West Jackson Boulevard The first class meeting was somewhat of a disappointment, for the only registrants attending were those who had received their notices and had taken the notices to their respective Local Board offices for explanation. A large number of the literacy school announcement notices were returned unclaimed. However, through the volunteer help of several investigators attached to the Social Services Unit, many of the "missing" registrants were found and en- rolled in the school. All enrollments were on a voluntary basis. Originally, it was proposed that the Army furnish several hundred text- books, "The Soldier's Reader" for use in the literacy classes. It developed, however, that these text books were not available, and the adult education system that was being used in the Chicago public schools was adopted. During the first term of approximately ten weeks duration, there were fourteen evening classes in the seven literacy schools. Classes were held from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. three evenings a week. By February 24, 1943, twenty-seven men had been informally graduated from the school and inducted into the Army, while thirty-eight more registrants attained acceptable literacy stand- ards and reported to the Local Boards for examination and induction — a total of sixty-five men salvaged for the armed forces within five months' time. A complete check and record of attendance was kept by the Selective Service System. Absenteeism was promptly followed up by letter. It was significant that some of these absentees answered these letters in their own handwriting whereas, before starting the classes, many of these same men could not sign their own names. Many employers cooperated willingly on the matters of adjusting working hours so that illiterate registrants in their employ could take advantage of the opportunity to improve themselves. Out of the total of the reported 665 illiterate registrants in Chicago, 337 attended classes at the literacy school; 182 others were otherwise disqualified mentally; 54 were employed evenings and could not attend; 24 registrants were employed out of town; 27 were physically disqualified; 18 could not be located; the remainder were over age, in jail or in mental institutions. 218 MEDICAL ASPECTS— MEDICAL SURVEY PROGRAM On March 29, 1944, a formal graduation of students took place in the auditorium at 185 North Wabash Avenue, Chicago. Diplomas were distrib- uted to the forty-five students who had successfully completed a course equivalent to the first four years of elementary school. The auditorium was filled to capacity by educators, military personnel, fellow-students, relatives and friends of the graduates. The Educational Rehabilitation Program was successful not only because it recovered men for the armed forces but also because of its inspiration and influence in the self-improvement of illiterate citizens. Also, the success of the Program in Chicago led to the establishment of a similar school by the Army at Fort Sheridan, Illinois, for the purpose of advancing the literacy of untutored soldiers. Particular thanks are due on the part of the Selective Service System and the Army to Dr. William H. Johnson, former Superintendent of the Chicago Public Schools, to Mr. James T. Gaffney, Assistant Superintendent, to Miss Frances K. Wetmore, Dean of Adult Education whose system of adult edu- cation was used in the literacy schools, and to the highly competent teachers under whose earnest and patient guidance, many students of the Selective Service literacy school found new avenues of life opened to them through educational improvement. MEDICAL SURVEY PROGRAM DEVELOPED Psychoneurosis was not a new wartime problem, for it had appeared in World War I as "shell shock" and later as "war neurosis." The cost of treatment of psychoneurosis cases after 1913 and 1919 had been tremendous — well in excess of over one billion dollars, or $30,000 per patient for dis- ability compensation and hospital treatment of this particular group prior to our entry into World War II. In 1940, of the ninety hospitals then operated by the Veterans Administration. Twenty-seven of such hospitals were occupied by neuropsychiatric patients who composed one-half of all the veterans hos- pitalized at that time. Emotional stability is a prime requisite for the combatant soldier, and it is also essential to the mass or group living that is necessary in military training. Countless registrants who were fully able to live stably in the privacy and routine of civilian life were found not to be able to adjust them- selves to military life with its speed, tension, necessary sudden changes and group living. World War I taught us a great lesson through the emotionally unstable (psychoneurotic) men who were sent into battle and, under unusual strain, cracked mentally and often unintentionally endangered the lives of their comrades, not to say the success of military undertakings. Because the importance of emotional stability had been so thoroughly proved, the armed forces determined that, in World War II, every possible precautionary measure would be taken to screen out men whose emotional 219 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS instability of varying degrees would constitute not only a hazard but a waste of military time in useless training, hospitalization and handling of men who could not satisfactorily adjust themselves to military life — in either camp or combat. Because of the shortage of psychiatrists (a maximum of approximately 4,000 practicing in the entire United States), it was determined in the early part of the Selective Service program that psychiatric examinations would be concentrated at the induction stations, although one or more psychiatrists was attached to each Medical Advisory Board to pass on special cases sent to these Boards. The rejection of registrants for military service because of psychiatric defects during the peacetime period was 3.9 per cent, but this figure jumped to 6 per cent in wartime. Neuropsychiatry defects were accounting for ap- proximately 40 per cent of the disability discharges of the Army. Because of this situation, a conference of representatives of the armed forces, medical, welfare, and educational institutions, and the psychiatric profession was held to formulate a plan which would screen out, to the greatest extent possible, registrants with psychiatric defects prior to their being examined at the in- duction stations. As the result, on October 2, 1943, the Medical Survey Pro- gram was established under the sponsorship of the Medical Division of the Selective Service System. This program sought to provide the armed forces with adequate medical, social and educational histories on each registrant by the time he was sub- mitted to the induction station for preinduction physical examination. Med- ical Field Agents, assigned to the various Local Boards, were to obtain from schools, physicians, social service agencies, hospitals, clinics, employees and correctional institutions the desired information if it was available. This would help — more effectively than before — to screen out the unsuspected registrants suffering from nervous and mental diseases and personality dis- orders. Activities of the Program in Illinois The first step toward activating the Medical Survey Program in Illinois, as outlined in Medical Circular No. 4 (dated October 18, 1943) was the appointment of a Medical Survey Advisor to the State Director. From a broad field of competent and able men, the State Director appointed Dr. David Slight, then Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Chicago and President of the Illinois Society for Mental Hygiene, to such post. By reason of his record of achievement in the field of psychiatry, his wide association and acquaintanceship among welfare workers and associations, plus his mag- netic and forceful personality, Doctor Slight proved to be especially qualified for this important post — a position which involved volunteer service. The State Director was also fortunate in obtaining the assigning of First Lieutenanl (later Captain) John E. Egdorf, Medical Administrative Corps, '2'20 MEDICAL ASPECTS— MEDICAL SURVEY PROGRAM as Medical Survey Officer, to take immediate charge of the Program under the direct supervision of the State Medical Officer. Headquarters for the operation of the Medical Survey Program was estab- lished in the Chicago office of Selective Service Headquarters, by reason of the fact that the Medical Survey Advisor resided in Chicago, the Induction Station was located in Chicago, and one-half of the State population resided in Chicago and Cook County. It was thought that the problems involved in establishing a routine clearance system would be greater in a large city like Chicago than they would be downstate, which proved true. Because of the extremely heavy calls placed on Local Boards in Chicago at the time of the activation of the Medical Survey Program, it was decided to relieve pressure from Chicago and Cook County Local Board clerks by maintaining sufficient clerical staff at State Headquarters to type the identi- fying information on Part I of DSS Form 212. This procedure was aban- doned after a trial of 2 months when it was found the volume was prohibitive. In addition to the assignment of one officer as Executive for the Medical Survey Program, it was found necessary to maintain an average staff of nine clerks to handle the volume of correspondence, transmittals, sorting and filing, etc. The greatest number was needed in the beginning months of operation and was gradually reduced with improvement in the Medical Sur- vey Program procedures and the reduction of inductions. By December 1, 1945, the Medical Survey Officer, one clerk and one stenographer were ade- quate to meet the State Headquarters' need for this program. Problems Encountered The problems confronting the activation of the Medical Survey Program were many, a few of which are listed as follows: 1. There was no central file within the State Department of Public Wel- fare of the names of persons who had been committed or treated by the various State agencies and institutions, through which registrants' names could be cleared. This was a basic requirement of the Medical Survey Program. 2. There was no Selective appropriation to pay for the clearance of registrants' names through the social service exchanges in the State, also a basic requirement of the Program. 3. The preinduction calls were the heaviest of any period in the mobiliza- tion (over 100 per month per board) which necessitated the recruit- ment of a large number of volunteers to adequately serve the 361 Local Boards in the State as Medical Field Agents. 4. The additional work involved in preparing medical survey forms on registrants was a heavy task for the already over-burdened Local Board personnel. 221 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS 5. There was little time available to prepare an adequate survey from the date a registrant was reclassified from a deferred class to the date of physical examination. 6. Many Local Boards were located in areas not easily accessible to pro- spective Medical Field Agents, as for example, in outlying parts of Chicago, and assignments to such Local Boards were not always ac- ceptable to such volunteers. Testing of the Medical Survey Program Since a considerable number of other State Directors reported that the Medical Survey Plan had not functioned successfully in their States, and still others expressed a definite disapproval of it, the Illinois State Director deter- mined that a "test run" of the Program should be made prior to establishing its procedure throughout the entire State. Consequently, on February 17, 1944, six Local Boards were selected in various parts of the City of Chicago and of Cook and DuPage Counties for the operation of the Program on a trial basis. This test operation was con- ducted diligently and earnestly, and from the results achieved and the expe- riences gained by the volunteers assigned to these six Local Boards, plans were laid for the operation of the Program throughout the State. How the Program Functioned Whenever the Local Board classified a registrant as available for service, such registrant's name was turned over to the Medical Field Agent assigned to the Board, along with certain forms designed for the purpose of obtaining the educational, social, employment and medical history of the registrant. (Several of these forms were furnished by National Headquarters, while others were designed and produced by State Headquarters.) The Medical Field Agent visited the home of each registrant listed and obtained all possible information as to social and medical history. A medical questionnaire was used, on which common physical and mental defects were listed; the registrant was required to check the disorders or diseases he had had, giving the names and addresses of the physicans or hospitals treating him, so that verification could be made. Inquiries were invariably made of physicians, hospitals and social service agencies mentioned in any registrant's case. After the registrant provided the names and addresses of all of the sec- ondary schools he had ever attended, special forms were sent to these schools to obtain information as to the educational progress and school demeanor of the registrant. If he had ever been employed, his employers were con- sulted as to his work record. The information which the Medical Field Agent obtained and which per- tained to the social, employment, medical and educational history of each registrant was sealed in an envelope by the Agent and remained confidential 222 MEDICAL ASPECTS— MEDICAL SURVEY PROGRAM Name and address of school last attended Age at time of leaving school Date of leaving . >n for leaving school _ _... PART II 1. SCHOOL RECORD Intelligence-test i (if i r.Q. l>atc Name of test . 2. ADJUSTMENT TO WOKiC n Poor adjustment to employer. □ Poor adjustment to associates. □ Frequent change of jobs. Work conditions: Good n Bad □ n Frequent absence from wo rk becau se of s icknesi □ □ Froqucnt absence from work without pood cause. G D Inadequacy in work P D Work or. level below mental ability. □ f~l Persistent unemployment. ^_^ C] Head or spinal injuries (severe D Convulsions (fits, epilepsy). PI Encephalitis (sleeping sickness D Enuresis (bed wetting) after 12 D Somnambulism (sleepwalking). O Heart disease. D Tuberculosis. Diabetes. Stomach ulcer. Rheumatic fever. Ever confined as chronic invalid. Suffering from insurable disease. O □ Permanent rt. f.d as i.-.ult of Hiicate or accident 4. PERSONALITY OR MENTAL DISORDERS Drug or alcohol addiction. Evidence of sexual abnormabti Arrests for sexual misconduct Extreme cruelty ordestrurlivei Treatment for mental disorder. Admission to mental institution Chronic anxiety or worry. Overdependent on some person. Recurrent depression. G Excessive shyness. ["I Seclusiveness. D Marked aggressiveness. n Vagrancy. n Repeated marital difficulties n Detrimental personal habits — give details. Court . .id. "P"'" 5. HISTORY OF MEMBERS OF FAMILY Q Commitment of any member of family to mental institution, n Mental defect. O Epilepsy. D Broken home befor □ □ Chrcn : c alcoholism. D D Drug addiction. □ D Severe nervous breakdown. D □ Repeated marital or domestic difficulties. D8» Form 112 U regarding items cheeked "Yes") [OVEH] MEDICAL SURVEY FORMS 210 AND 212 Through the use of these and other Medical Survey forms, Medical Field Agents were able to obtain information that was most valuable to the induction station examining officers in determining acceptability of registrants for military service. 223 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS until the envelope was forwarded, with the registrant's examination or in- duction papers, to the induction station, where the medical examiners used the confidential information to determine whether or not the registrant should be found fit for military service. After the confidential information was used by the medical examiners at the induction station, it was forwarded to the Medical Survey Program Headquarters at Chicago and kept in con- fidential files. Thus this confidential information never became a part of the Local Board file of the registrant. At the outset, the medical examiners at the induction station apparently failed to recognize the importance of the information provided through the Medical Survey Program. The State Director made a protest to the Com- manding General of the Sixth Service Command, with the result that the special information was used regularly thereafter. As time went on, the in- duction station officials and medical examiners fully realized the enormous value of the special information in helping them determine the fitness or unfitness of a selectee. Medical Field Agents To obtain volunteers for assignment to the Local Boards as Medical Field Agents, the State Director sent letters of appeal to social service agencies, social and welfare agencies, community funds and chests, councils of social agencies and social service exchanges throughout the entire State. The results of the appeal were indeed gratifying. By March 31, 1944, 344 volunteers had been appointed, and by June 1, 1944, a total of 492 Medical Field Agents were assigned to and serving Local Boards in Illinois. Raymond M. Hilliard, Director of the Illinois Public Aid Commission, was especially helpful in obtaining volunteers for downstate Local Boards. Of the 181 downstate Boards, eighty per cent were staffed with Medical Field Agents by June 30, 1944. Through the cooperation of the Commission, every downstate Local Board eventually had the services of one or more Medical Field Agents. Dr. Edward A. Piszczek, Director of the Cook County Public Health Unit, rendered valuable assistance toward providing Medical Field Agents for Local Boards in Cook County outside the limits of the City of Chicago. The Chicago Welfare Administration and its Commissioner, George J. Klupar, cooperated splendidly in obtaining the services of Medical Field Agents for Local Boards within the City of Chicago. (In addition, this agency was called upon more heavily than any other social sen ice agency in the State to furnish information from agency records. Mrs. Ethel Lees, of the Administration office, gave unstintingly of her time and efforts in reviewing and preparing abstracts of case records.) Approximately fifty Local Boards in the southwestern, western and north- western sections of Chicago had remained without Medical Field Agents serv- 224 MEDICAL ASPECTS— MEDICAL SURVEY PROGRAM ice from March 1, 1944 to May 22, 1945. Mr. Joseph L. Moss, Director of the Cook County Bureau of Public Welfare, assisted materially in providing Medical Field Agents for these Boards. Thus, by May 22, 1945, every Local Board in the State was being served by one or more Medical Field Agents. Altogether, 1,005 men and women qualified as Medical Field Agents according to the standards established by National Selective Service Headquarters and volunteered to serve the Local Boards of Illinois. Up to V-J Day. it was estimated that the average Local Board required from three to five hours a week of a Medical Field Agent's time to prepare medical surveys on registrants being processed for induction. The time needed to prepare a report ranged from five minutes in some cases to several hours in others. The varying conditions of health or social adjustment of selectees processed determined the time required to prepare the reports. Since an average of 700 volunteers actively served the Local Boards dur- ing the period of July 30, 1944 to July 30, 1945, it is estimated that over 145,600 hours of volunteer service were given by the Medical Field Agents in that period alone. In addition, much time was given by social and health agencies, hospitals, State institutions, physicians and schools in reviewing case histories and records and preparing pertinent abstracts therefrom for incorporation in the Medical Survey reports. Social agencies and hospital associations, physicians and others concerned were informed of the aims and purposes of the Medical Survey Program, the inquiry form and the type of information desired by Selective Service so that, w T hen inquiries were made by a Medical Field Agent, the proper infor- mation was furnished promptly and completely. The Medical Survey Program Under Way Extensive operation of the Medical Survey Program on a state-wide basis began in March, 1944. Considerable difficulties existed in many Local Boards in putting the Program into effect. The detailed operation of prepar- ing numerous additional Selective Service forms, clearance of names with social service exchanges and with the Central Index file, and obtaining cooperative school reports involved much extra work to the Local Board paid personnel. To acquaint Medical Field Agents with procedure and to answer ques- tions on problems, several large conferences were held in Chicago. Tele- phone calls to key people in large agencies helped to clear up problems, and such information was relayed on to other workers. In the larger towns downstate, conferences were conducted by the Medical Survey Advisor and Medical Survey Officer with Medical Field Agents and Local Board clerks from Local Boards in the area. The Illinois Public Aid Commission had eight territorial divisions downstate with two district rep- 225 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS resentatives in charge of each district. These 16 persons were appointed as "District Medical Field Agents" and several conferences were held with them. Their duties were to recruit volunteers for Local Boards, assist with local problems of procedure among their own employees, etc. Instructive bulletins were issued by State Headquarters from time to time to assist Medical Field Agents, Local Boards, social agencies, schools and hospitals with a view of improving the operation of the Program. In the ensuing months of the Medical Survey operation, the value of the Medical Survey Program became more apparent and the Medical Field Agents became part of the Local Board "team." The Medical Field Agents proved their value in many ways, and Local Board personnel became aware of the skill and efficiency with which the social workers obtained their infor- mation, and learned to respect the social work profession. The State Headquarters' staff of field auditors was instructed in Medical Survey operation. Local Board efficiency of operation was increased by hav- ing the traveling auditors complete an inspection report form devised for the purpose for Local Boards inspected. Monthly comparative tabulations of Local Board coverage in the Medical Survey prepared by the Medical Survey Officer tended to increase Local Board activity in the Program. For the month of May, 1945, 76% of registrants examined from Chicago and Cook County Local Boards were covered by complete surveys which included DSS Forms 210, 211, 212, 213 or 214, MS Letter No. 5 and medical affidavits. 74% of registrants from downstate Local Boards were covered with complete surveys, or a state average of 75%. State-wide coverage of DSS Forms 210 (Identity verification), 211 (Edu- cational verification) and Medical Questionnaire averaged 90%. A study of the circumstances surrounding the registrants known to social agencies in different parts of Chicago revealed striking contrasts. In certain areas, less than five per cent of the registrants cleared through the Social Service Exchange were found to have had any recorded social, medical or court history. In other areas, as high as eighty per cent of the registrants cleared had some sort of agency record. It is difficult to establish an exact figure on the number of selectees rejected who might have been accepted but for the Medical Survey data — also those accepted who might have been rejected. However, it is definitely known that the medical examiners at the induction station did lean heavily upon the Medical Survey data and, on countless occasions, based their deci- sions of acceptance or rejection upon such data. State of Illinois Lent Full Cooperation At the request of the State Director, the State of Illinois established in the Department of Public Welfare a central file of all males 16 through 38 who had been known to any of the State institutions for the mentally ill or 226 MEDICAL ASPECTS— MEDICAL SURVEY PROGRAM mentally defective, to the Department of Child Welfare, the Institute for Juvenile Research, the State Training School for Boys, and the 30 private mental hospitals in the State. The task involved a considerable expenditure of time, effort, and money. Cards of registrants of this age group had to be sorted from the hundreds of thousands of cards of men, women, and children on file. New cards had to be typed and filed in such a manner that they would be readily accessible for clearing thousands of registrants' names through the files. The "soundex" system was used, which was the latest development in a rapid riling system. The central file was ready for operation in late April of 1944 and then contained about 70,000 names. Additional names were added from time to time and by November, 1945, the file contained approximately 80,000 names. No charge to Selective Service was made for clearing the names of registrants through this file. For the entire period of operation of the Medical Survey Program up to December 31, 1945, a total of 136,254 names were referred to the Central File for clearance. Of these, 1,521 were identified as being known to a State Welfare Agency or institution. A social history from the agency or institu- tion was included in the Medical Survey Report when the registrant was forwarded for preinduction physical examination. In the absence of federal funds for the purpose, special arrangements were made — through the help of the Illinois Public Aid Commission, to clear the names of selectees through the Chicago Social Service Exchange, the largest in the State. Some downstate social service exchanges cleared names for Selective Service on a gratis basis; other downstate exchanges granted clearances of names on a three month trial basis with the understanding that charges would be made should federal funds become available for the purpose. Such funds were eventually made available, and social service exchanges were reimbursed for the clearance of selectees' names after July 1, 1944. (From July 1, 1944 to September 30, 1945, a total of 41,455 names were cleared through the social service exchanges of Illinois; the cost of Selective Service being only $3,311.41 — an average of 7.78 cents each.) The information obtained by clearing names of registrants through the social service exchanges and agencies proved to be of great value. In a con- siderable number of cases, information (such as history of epilepsy, juvenile delinquency, mental illness within the immediate family, false registrations, falsification of educational history, diseases, etc.) which had been concealed from the Local Boards was uncovered and later proved to be of importance to both the Local Boards and the induction station authorities. Cooperation of Schools Excellent Through the offices of the State Department of Public Instruction and the Chicago Board of Education, the phase of the Medical Survey Program 227 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS concerning the furnishing of information by secondary schools was activated in March 1944. The larger schools in Chicago and Cook County volunteered to give additional information to that requested on DSS Forms 213 and 214. On some students, so-called "child studies" offered information that was of considerable value in a medical examination. This group of schools also recommended that, in addition to teachers, vocational guidance counsellors or personnel departments of schools be requested to furnish information on students. From March 1944 until May 1, 1945, Cooperative School Reports (DSS Forms 213 and 214) were obtained from secondary schools by Medical Division, State Headquarters, and forwarded to Local Boards. On May 1. 1945, Illinois Local Boards were instructed to obtain Cooperative School Reports directly from the high school attended by the registrant. This change effected considerable saving in postage and stationery expense, time in transit, and clerical expense. Special Acknowledgments It would be difficult to enumerate and name the many persons to whom a debt of gratitude is due for their excellent cooperation and assistance in the development and operation of the Medical Survey Program. However, it is felt that special tribute should be paid to Mr. George McKibbin, then Director of the Department of Finance, for the invaluable help and encourage- ment he gave throughout the operation of the Program. (Mr. McKibbin also gave important assistance to other phases of the Selective Service program.) Profuse thanks are due to many others: to social and health agencies, to social service workers and public health nurses, to hospitals and clinics, to many physicians, to the State Department of Public Instruction, to the Board of Education of Chicago and the Superintendent of Cook County Schools and his staff, and to the many teachers in the secondary schools. The greatest satisfaction to all the helpers in the Medical Survey Program is their pride in the fact that, through their efforts, the State of Illinois took a leading place in the operation of this vital phase of the war effort. & Hard on the Movies! One of those believe-it-or-not things that happen once in a lifetime oc- curred on January 22, 1943, when Coles County Local Board 2 at Mattoon sent the following three men to the Peoria induction station for induction: CHARLES CHAPLIN . . . BEN Tl RPIN . . . ROBERT TAYLOR. Yes — it really did happen! 228 CHAPTER XVI INDUCTION In the early phase of the Selective Service program, inducted men were assigned only to the Army. On January 1, 1943, the Navy (which in- cluded the Marine Corps and the Coast Guard) began taking a propor- tionate number of the selectees who were found qualified for induction. Until December 4, 1942, the Navy continued to enlist men between the ages of 18 and 38 years of age. On that date, the President issued an order halting such enlistments and requiring that the Navy thereafter obtain its men of that age group through the Selective Service process. Originally, the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 provided for one year's training and service of male citizens and male aliens be- tween the ages of 21 and 35 years, inclusive. During the first nine months of inductions, men of those ages were selected and placed in military service. In the summer of 1941, studies (including a comprehensive survey pre- pared by Illinois State Headquarters which was used by the National Di- rector in a Congressional hearing) were made in connection with the phys- ical limitations of men of certain age groups in training with the Army and the percentage of rejections among various ages of selectees. In addi- tion, public opinion was fairly well crystallized to the belief that modern mechanized warfare required young men and that it was inefficient to train the older men. To meet the situation, an amendment (Public Law 206. 77th Congress) to the Selective Service law was enacted on August 16, 1941. It limited inductions to ages 21 through 27, and provided that men 28 and over previously inducted could be released from active duty upon their own request and upon receiving approval from the Secretary of War. (The period of training and service was extended from twelve to eighteen months by Public Law 213, 77th Congress, enacted August 18, 1941.) The attack upon Pearl Harbor by the Japanese on December 7, 1941. threw the Nation into actual w^ar, and on December 13, 1941. Public Law 338 (77th Congress) was enacted, removing all restrictions on territorial use of units and members of the Army, and extending the periods of such service for military personnel. Because war brought with it the demand for total mobilization, the Con- gress (on December 20. 1941 — -Public Law* 360, 77th Congress) passed a law extending military liability to men aged 20 to 44 years, inclusive, and required registration of those 18 to 64 years, inclusive. Selective Service immediately began selecting men of ages 20 to 44 for induction. Before a year of actual war had passed, the armed forces were pleading for younger men for combat troops. In response to these pleas, the 77th 229 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS Prepare in Duplicate (Dal* of mailing) (Local BoaBD Dan SraMP With Codi) ORDER TO REPORT FOR INDUCTION The President of the United States, To Order No GREETING: Having submitted yourself to a local board composed of your neighbors for the purpose of deter- mining your availability for training and service in the land or naval forces of the United States, you are hereby notified that you have now been selected for training and service therein. You will, therefore, report to the local board named above at at _ m., on the day of , 19 ( Hour of reporting) This local board will furnish transportation to an induction station. You will there be examined, and, if accepted for training and service, you will then be inducted into the land or naval forces. Persons reporting to the induction station in some instances may be rejected for physical or other reasons. It is well to keep this in mind in arranging your affairs, to prevent any undue hardship if you are rejected at the induction station. If you are employed, you should advise your employer of this notice and of the possibility that you may not be accepted at the induction station. Your employer can then be prepared to replace you if you are accepted, or to continue your employment if you are rejected. Willful failure to report promptly to this local board at the hour and on the day named in this notice is a violation of the Selective Training and Service Act of 1910, as amended, and subjects the violator to fine and imprisonment. If you are so far removed from your own local board that reporting in compliance with this order will be a serious hardship and you desire to report to a local board in the area of which you are now located, go immediately to that local board and make written request for transfer of your delivery for induction, taking this order with you. ; GOVLRNMEVT Member or clerk of the local board. THE FAMOUS "GREETING FROM UNCLE SAM"- FORM 150 When a registrant received the above form, he knew thai hi- time for military service had really come. Through the use of the Order to Report for Induction, Illinois furnished 629,516 men to the armed forces. 230 INDUCTION Congress (in Public Law 772, enacted November 13, 1942) made all 18 and 19-year-old registrants available for training and service, at the same time relieving all men 45 years old and over from training and service. On December 5, 1942, the President restricted induction liability to regis- trants aged 18 through 37 years. The following table briefly presents the actions, and their sources, which established the induction ages at various stages of the period of Selective Service operation: LEGISLATIVE ACTIONS ON AGES LIABLE FOR INDUCTION Inclusive Ages Public Law Date for Induction No. 783, 76th Congress September 16, 1940 21-35 No. 206, 77th Congress August 16, 1941 21-27 No. 360, 77th Congress December 20, 1941 20-44 No. 772, 77th Congress November 13, 1942 18-44 No. 379, 79th Congress May 14, 1946 20-35* No. 473, 79th Congress June 29, 1946 19-44 ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIONS ON AGES LIABLE FOR INDUCTION December 5, 1942 18-37 August 15, 1945 18-25 May 16, 1946 20-29 July 16, 1946 19-29 * Applied to age at time of registration. Miscellaneous Phases of Induction Procedure On November 13, 1942, the 77th Congress (in Public Law 772) pro- vided that any registrant eighteen or ninteen years of age who was pursuing a course of instruction at a high school or similar institution of learning and was in the last half of the academic year of such school or institution could, on his request, have his induction postponed until the end of such academic year. This provision was clarified by Public Law 126, 78th Congress (July 9, 1943) by specifying "the last half of one of his academic years," regard- less of the date. On September 18, 1945, the regulations pertaining to the induction of high school students were liberalized to permit a high school student's in- duction to be postponed until his graduation or until he became twenty years of age, whichever was sooner — provided the student had entered his high school studies prior to reaching his eighteenth birthday. Public Law 197 (June 8, 1944) provided that inductees were to be per- mitted to express their choice or make their selection of which service they would enter. At the time of induction, these men were accepted for either the Army or the Navy, each service having had its own manpower pool. 231 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN [LLINOIS In proportion to the sizes of the calls of the two services, more men were choosing the Navy than the Army. Consequently, the Navy pool increased while the Army pool became smaller. It soon appeared that a situation was developing wherein the Army would not have enough men to meet its calls, whereas the Navy would have a surplus of men awaiting call. To correct this situation, a single pool was created on July 1, 1944. Under the new system, a selectee was given every possible consideration with reference to his expression of choice of service, but there was no guarantee that he would be assigned to the service he selected. It was necessary to adopt this system in order to give preference to the needs of the armed forces over and above the desires of individual selectees. The regular induction of limited service selectees ended on June 30, 1945. After that date, the only limited service men who were inducted were "job jumpers" and small contingents of others for whom the Army had special need from time to time. The induction of "job jumpers" who were not acceptable for general military duty was stopped in July of 1945. EXTENSION OF THE ACT AND INDUCTION CHANGES Since the original Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 was due to expire on June 30, 1945, and because the turn of events began to indicate early victory, the 79th Congress (Public Law 54, enacted May 9, 1945) extended the Act to May 15, 1946. After considerable and heated Congressional debate, and less than six hours before the midnight deadline of expiration on May 14, the Senate agreed to House restrictions on a new extension law, and the measure (Public Law 379, 79th Congress) was signed by the President at 8 p.m. that same evening. This law provided for an extension only to July 1, 1946. Public Law 379 contained the following principal changes:, 1. A ban against the induction of fathers 2. A prohibition against drafting 18 and 19-year-olds and any reg- istrant 30 years of age and over. The crisis which developed in the extension of the Act served, in some measure, to refocus public attention upon the problem of national defense. General public opinion held that the Nation's interests were still imperiled and that there should be no abandoning or let-up in national defense efforts. New support arose for the President's request for a one-year extension. Nevertheless, it was not until June 29, 1946 — the day before the end of the six- weeks' extension — that a bill (Public Law 473. 79th Congress) was passed by the Congress and approved by the President. The question of drafting "teen-age" registrants had again become an issue, and this had been the occasion of some delay in Congressional action. Public Law 473, which was a re-enactment of the original legislation 232 INDUCTION rather than mere extension, provided for the operation of Selective Service for an additional nine months (through March 31, 1947) unless terminated earlier by a joint resolution of the two houses of Congress. The law also restricted inductions to non-fathers, between the ages of 19 and 44 years, inclusive. The 18-year-olds, however, were still required to register. Although liability for training and service was restored through age 44, except 18-year-olds, the Secretary of War requested, and the President approved, the limiting for inductions to men aged 19 through 29 years. INDUCTION BY DEPENDENCY STATUS Because of the great surge of public opinion against the inducting of fathers while eligible single men and married men without children roamed the streets, the regulations were amended on April 12, 1943 (and further clarified on April 27 and July 31, 1943 to provide for the induction of selectees by "categories" or "groups" according to their dependency status. Perhaps the simplest method of explaining the procedure is to quote from the regulation applying: "When a Local Board is filling a call (induction call), it shall first se- lect and order to report for induction specified men who have volun- teered for induction. To fill the balance of the call, it shall, from the groups listed below, and insofar as possible in the order in which the groups are listed, select and order to report for induction specified men classified in class I-A and Class I-A-0 who are available for induction: "(1) Men with no dependents. (All men not qualified for group 2, group 3, or group 4, below, will for this purpose be consid- ered as men with no dependents.) "(2) Men with collateral dependents (parents, brothers, sisters, etc.). provided such status was acquired prior to December 8, 1941. "(3) Men who have wives with whom they maintained a bona fide family relationship in their homes, provided such status was acquired prior to December 8, 1941. "(4) Men who have children with whom they maintain a bona fide family relationship in their homes, provided such status was acquired prior to December 8, 1941." NOTE: A registrant placed in Class I-A or Class I-A-0 be- cause he left an agricultural occupation with Local Board con- sent, or because he was engaged in a non-deferrable occupation, was selected for induction prior to any men in the above four groups. Beginning June 2, 1945, the induction of 'job jumpers' was discontinued for those who did not meet the existing phys- ical standards for military service. 233 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS On November 5, 1945, regulations were issued to prohibit the induction of any registrant who was the father of three or more children — whether he was a volunteer or non-volunteer. On December 12, 1945, this prohibi- tion was extended to include a registrant with one or more children. APPORTIONING QUOTAS AND CALLS The method of determining how many selectees the respective Local Boards in the State should forward to the induction station at various times was as follows : 1. The Army and the Navy (including the Marine Corps and the Coast Guard) determined the number of men needed for their respective services and, sixty days in advance, made formal request upon the National Director of Selective Service for the furnishing of such numbers of men in two groups: (a) men for full military service and (b) men for limited military service. 2. The National Director allotted quotas to the various States first on the basis of proportion of registration, then on the basis of each State's manpower service credits (inductions, enlistments, and com- missions), and later on the basis of number of selectees available for call for induction. The State Director of each State was di- rected to furnish a certain number of selectees (without specific reference to either Army or Navy service) within a specified period of time. 3. The State Director, through his Manpower Division, made his man- power calls upon Local Boards, first in proportion to the number of registrants in each Board, then on the basis of the existing credits, and later on the basis of selectees available. (In assessing quotas for the various Local Boards, consideration was given to the number of each Board's registrants in service, men discharged from the service, and those from the community who were enlisted or com- missioned but not registered. At first, a careful record was kept for each Local Board showing all credits for inductions, enlistments and commissionings, and debits for discharges. During the latter part of the Selective Service operation, it became expedient to base induction calls solely upon the number of registrants currently avail- able for military service.) During the period in which the "service credit" system was in effect, State Headquarters and the Local Boards encountered a problem with enlist- ments. On countless occasions, Local Boards were denied the benefits of service credits because (1) the enlistment notice supposed to be sent to an enlistee's Local Board was not mailed, (2) enlistment notices were sent to the wrong Boards, (3) enlistment notices were made out in such a man- 234 INDUCTION ner as to make it impossible to determine, from the notice, the correct Local Board of jurisdiction for the enlistee, (4) enlistment notices were mailed late. Quite frequently — before enlistments of men of inductible age were stopped by Presidential order on December 5, 1942 — registrants were called by their Local Boards for physical examination or induction and did not report for the reason (discovered later) that they had already enlisted in the armed forces. In several cases, such enlisted registrants were reported to the United States District Attorney as Selective Service delinquents, al- though such reports were made by the Local Boards properly and in good faith. For the above reasons, and because every enlistment reduced their availability lists, Local Boards in general strongly resented the granting of enlistment privileges to Selective Service registrants. The order stopping enlistments most probably was issued because of the mass of complaints received from Local Boards. SELECTION OF INDUCTEES BY LOCAL BOARDS When a Local Board received a manpower call from State Headquar- ters, the Board sent induction notices to the required number of available registrants in sequence of the registrants' order numbers. (This procedure had to be varied in accordance with the law pertaining to induction by de- pendency status, as described earlier in this section.) Exceptions to the order number sequence were made in the cases of volunteers and registrants reclassified because of leaving an essential activity or occupation, these two types of registrants being included first on the Board's induction call. If a Local Board, at the time it received an induction call, did not have sufficient selectees available to meet the call, it simply forwarded induction notices to all the men then available, reporting its shortages to the State Director. TRANSFERS FOR INDUCTION Selective Service regulations provided that a registrant who received an induction order while away from his own Local Board area, who could show good cause for such absence, and who would be inconvenienced by having to return to his Board area for induction, could have his induction transferred to the area in which he was located, either within or outside the State. Any such registrant, on receiving an order to report for induction, pro- ceeded to the Local Board in the area where he was located and made re- quest for transfer for induction. It was up to that Board to determine whether or not the registrant had good cause for being away from his own Local Board area, and when the Local Board of Transfer gave such approval and made formal request for transfer for induction, the registrant's own 235 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS Local Board of jurisdiction was required to comply with the request. After the registrant's papers had been transferred to the Local Board of Transfer, this Board included the registrant in its next induction call and ordered the registrant to report. Since a great many registrants moved away from their own Local Board areas, Illinois Local Boards handled a considerable number of induction transfers for other Boards both within and outside of the State. FORWARDING SELECTEES FOR INDUCTION (OR PHYSICAL EXAMINATION) Normally, registrants included in an induction call (or physical examina- tion call) reported to their own Local Board offices, from where they boarded a street car or bus or were taken to a nearby railroad station to board a train for the induction station. Most of the transportation was accomplished by railroad or bus, consideration being given to the comfort of the registrants and the comparative expense of the movement. In the cases of large movement, special trains or chartered buses were used. Early in 1940, it became evident that transportation was to become a major problem, and Mr. Waldo J. McCoy of the Illinois Terminal Railroad Company volunteered his services to assist State Headquarters in the man- agement of transportation activities. Mr. McCoy was loaned by his com- pany — without compensation by the Selective Service System — to prepare schedules for the transportation of selectees to the induction stations. The transportation of selectees later became such a major function of Selective Service operation that the State Director prevailed upon Mr. McCoy's com- pany to furlough him to State Headquarters on a full-time basis with com- pensation being paid by Selective Service. Early in the operation, it was discovered that transporting a group of registrants on a long haul by passenger bus did not provide proper arrange- ments for the comfort of the men; danger from ice and snow was often encountered; the kind of supervision normally found on railroad trains was lacking; men (if they so desired) easily managed to purchase liquor at bus stops. Consequently, railroad transportation was determined to be preferable and was used wherever possible. Until January 1, 1942, while registrants were given complete examina- tions at the Local Board level, it was necessary for Selective Sen ice to trans- port the selectees only one way — except those rejected by the armed forces. However, when the plan for complete physical examination at the induction station (instead of by Local Board examining physicians and dentists) was put into effect, the expense for transporting selectees increased considerably. Under the new plan, the registrant, if found acceptable, was returned to his home to await induction call. 'Jims, three hips between the Local Board 236 INDUCTION CHICAGO TRIBUNE PHOTO A SNACK PRIOR TO THE INDUCTION STATION TRIP Many Illinois Local Boards regularly gave "going away" parties for their inductees. Shown above is a group of inductees of Evanston Boards 1, 2 and 3 eating breakfast at the Elks Club, Evanston. Each inductee also received a supply of cigarets and a dollar bill. area and the induction station were required where only one had been nec- essary theretofore. On February 23, 1942, the armed forces inaugurated the plan of induct- ing all selectees found physically qualified, swearing them into service and granting seven days (subsequently increased to fourteen days and, later, to twenty-one days) leave to those who wished to go home and arrange their personal affairs. Under this plan, Selective Service bore the transpor- tation cost of only one trip. From February 1, 1944 until the termination of the program, while the preinduction physical examination plan was in effect, Selective Service again had to bear the cost of a round trip from the Local Board area to 237 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS the induction station, as well as the trip back to the induction station for actual induction. While this plan was more costly to Selective Service, it proved to be the most satisfactory of all the methods tried because of its maximum elimination of inconvenience to registrants and their dependents. SPECIAL PROBLEMS IN TRANSPORTATION OF SELECTEES In Chicago, it was found that many Local Board clerks (Board Mem- bers, also, in a number of cases) were required to meet their selectees as early as three or four o'clock in the morning in order to assemble their groups and reach the induction station at the scheduled hour (from 7 a.m. on). A number of these clerks were women, and because of the embarrassing conditions created for them, as well as the unnecessary inconvenience created for the men clerks, a "rendezvous plan" for Cook County examinees and inductees was instituted on March 16, 1944. Under this plan, space was rented in the Insurance Exchange Building in Chicago (where the in- duction station was located the greater portion of the Selective Service period) , and registrants from Chicago and its suburban towns were ordered to report at this place (at an hour much later than previously necessary at the Local Board offices) for roll call and processing by their own Local Board clerks. The selectees were then taken to the induction station in the same building. An officer from State Headquarters supervised the operation of the "rendezvous." Much of the cost of rental of the "rendezvous" in the Insurance Exchange Building was offset by savings in street car or bus transportation previously required when registrants reported directly to their Local Board offices. More important, the selectees arrived at the induction station sober and in better condition than under the old system wherein many registrants, having to report so early in the morning, simply stayed up all night and, too often, arrived at the induction station not in proper condition for a physical ex- amination for military service. This particular plan was so successful that it was recommended for national use. When the induction station at Peoria was abandoned, a serious difficulty was experienced in the transportation schedules of selectees from the south- ern part, or other remote parts of the State, to Chicago. Frequently, be- cause of the distance, the railroad or bus carrier failed to arrive in time for processing the selectees on the day scheduled for their induction. This necessitated housing the selectees at a hotel until the next day. The situation was alleviated as far as possible by arranging transportation to leave the Local Board offices in these distanl areas late at night or very early in the morning of induction. In many cases this required a Local Board clerk or a Board Member to stay up practically all night to check in selectees leaving for induction or physical examination at the induction station. 238 INDUCTION Some groups voiced objections to their members being inducted on religious holidays. At the direction of National Headquarters, State Director Armstrong therefore, whenever such arrangements did not conflict with the plans of the armed forces, issued instructions permitting the Local Boards to adjust individual inductions so they would not occur on Christmas, Good Friday, Yom Kippur and other significant religious holidays. ILLINOIS' MANPOWER CONTRIBUTIONS According to information supplied by National Selective Service Head- quarters, 910,448 Illinois men were inducted, enlisted or commissioned into the armed forces of the United States from September 16, 1940 to January 31, 1947. Of this total, over 629,516 men were inducted through the Se- lective Service process. Approximately 19,850 Illinois women enlisted or were commissioned in the WACS, WAVES, Marine Corps Women's Reserve and the SPARS— swelling Illinois' manpower contribution to more than 930,000 persons. LOCATIONS OF INDUCTION STATIONS While the major Illinois induction station was located at Chicago, various other stations were used for the induction of Illinois registrants during the period of Selective Service operation. In early years of the program, men from the southern half of the State were generally inducted at East St. Louis and, later, at Peoria. Beginning in June of 1943, virtually all inductions were accomplished at Chicago. Following is a list of the various induction stations, their commanding officers and the dates of their operation: INDUCTION STATIONS FOR ILLINOIS REGISTRANTS Location and Commanding Officer Period of Operation 122nd Field Artillery Armory, November, 1940 to March, 1941 234 E. Chicago Avenue, Chicago Capt. Leigh W. Johnson, CO. 132nd Infantry Armory, March, 1941 to June, 1941 2653 W. Madison Street, Chicago Capt. Leigh W. Johnson, CO. 515 S. Franklin Street, Chicago June, 1941 to September, 1942 Capt. Leigh W. Johnson, CO. 166 W. Van Buren Street, Chicago September, 1942 to October, 1946 Maj. Charles Bell, CO. U. S. Army Reception Center, January, 1942 to February, 1942 Camp Grant, Illinois Capt. C L. Bush, CO. 239 INDUCTION STATIONS FOR ILLINOIS REGISTR \M> Continued U. S. Army Reception Center, Fort Sheridan. Illinois Maj. H. A. Suman, CO. U. S. Army Reception Center. Camp Custer, Michigan Capt. John H. Hunt, CO. U. S. Navy Recruiting Office, 321 Plymouth Court, Chicago Lt. Comdr. W. S. Hatch, CO. 234 N. Broadway, Milwaukee. Wise. Maj. Henry C.Walter, CO. Old Library Building, 8th and Broadway, East St. Louis Capt. Thornton C G. Goering, CO. 112 N. 5th Street, East St. Louis Capt. Thornton C G. Goering, CO. 418 Collinsville Avenue, East St. Louis Capt. Thornton C. G. Goering, CO. 5 13- A Missouri Avenue, East St. Louis 1st Lt. J. Haberle, CO. Scott Field, Illinois Capt. Thornton C G. Goering, CO. 523 N. Adams Street, Peoria Capt. Thornton C. G. Goering, CO. 1701 Main Street, Peoria 1st Lt. J. Haberle, CO. Jefferson Barracks, Missouri Capt. John 0. Simon, CO. June, 1912 February, 1944 to June, 19 1 1 December. 1941 to February, 1942 February, 1911 to May. I'M! August, 1943 to March, 191 I November. L940 to February, 19 1] March, 1941 to June, 1941 October, 1941 to March, 1912 July, 1942 January and February, 1912 November, 1940 to June. 1911 August, 1942 to May, 19 13 July, 1943 A Delayed Mail? Private Joe Zilch of the Marine Corps had just returned to regimental headquarters after lying in a foxhole for three days picking off Japs. The clerk at headquarters handed Joe a letter. It was from Joes Selective Service Board, and was covered with forwarding addresses. Joe slit the envelope open and, after taking one look at the letter, piped out, "Get a load of this! It's from my draft board. They tell me that the doctor said I'm emotionally unstable . . . thai 1 got cyko neurosis. Hot dog, boys Fin in 4-F!" :'li) CHAPTER XVIII REEMPLOYMENT The draft of World War I made no provisions for the reemployment for men inducted into service at that time. The result was that the demobiliza- tion of the military forces after World War I presented an enormous prob- lem which disturbed the Nation politically and economically. Men who had undergone the rigors of battle returned home to find their jobs occu- pied permanently by others. The common sight of veterans selling apples on street corners was considered a national disgrace. Virtually all the ef- forts in the direction of reemployment or job procurement was carried on by veterans organizations, military unit organizations and other patriotic groups. Even the combined efforts of these agencies could not solve the vex- ing problem satisfactorily on a large scale, and unemployment of veterans continued for many years after the termination of the first world war. It was logical, then, that the 76th Congress, in considering the adoption of a selective service law in 1940, should incorporate in the law some pro- tective measure to prevent reemployment difficulties. Section 8 of the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 therefore provided (1) that every person inducted under the Act and discharged or released under honorable conditions was, under certain circumstances, to be restored to the position (or position of similar nature) which he occupied at the time he entered service and (2) that the Director of Selective Service establish a "Personnel Division'" within his organization and be made re- sponsible for rendering all possible reemployment aid in accordance with the provisions of the law. Section 7 of the Service Extension Act (Public Law 213, 77th Congress, enacted August 16, 1941) made the reemployment benefits of Section 8 of the original Selective Service law applicable to all members of the military and naval forces of the United States who entered service subsequent to May 1, 1940, regardless of whether inducted, enlisted or com- missioned. Public Law 87, 78th Congress (enacted June 23, 1943) extended such reemployment benefits to any person who left his position in order to serve in the Merchant Marine. REQUIREMENTS OF THE LAW The original provisions relating to reemployment were set forth in Sec- tion 8 of the Selective Service law as follows: "SEC. 8 (a) Any person inducted into the land or naval forces under this act for training and service who, in the judgment of those in authority over him, satisfactorily completes his period of training and service under section 3 (b) shall be entitled to a certificate to that effect upon the completion of such training and service * * * * *. 241 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS (b) In the case of any such person who, in order to perform such training and service, has left or leaves a position, other than a temporarv position, in the employ of any employer and who (1) receives such cer- tificate, (2) is still qualified to perform the duties of such position, and (3) makes application for reemployment within fortv 1 days after he is relieved from such training and service — (A) if such position was in the employ of the United States Govern- ment, its Territories or possession, or the District of the Columbia, such person shall be restored to such position or to a position of like seniority, status and pay; (B) if such position was in the employ of a private employer, such employer shall restore such person to such position or to a posi- tion of like seniority, status and pay unless the employer's cir- cumstances have so changed as to make it impossible or unrea- sonable to do so; (C) if such position was in the employ of any State or political sub- division thereof, it is hereby declared to be the sense of the Con- gress that such person should be restored to such position or to a position of like seniority, status and pay. (c) Any person who is restored to a position in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (A) or (B) of subsection (b) shall be consid- ered as having been on furlough or leave of absence during the period of his training and service in the land or naval forces, shall be so restored without loss of seniority, shall be entitled to participate in insurance or other benefits offered by the employer pursuant to established rules and practices relating to employes on furlough or leave of absence in effect with the employer at the time such person was inducted into such forces, and shall not be discharged from such position, without cause, within one year after such restoration. (d) * * * * * (e) In case any private employer fails or refuses to comply with the provisions of subsection (b) or subsection (c), the district court of the United States for the district in which such private employer maintains a place of business shall have power upon the filing of a motion, petition. or other appropriate pleading by the person entitled to the benefits of such provisions, to specifically require such employer to comply with such pro- visions, and, as an incident thereto, to compensate such person for an\ loss of wages or benefits suffered by reason of such employer's unlawful action. The court shall order a speedy hearing in any such case and shall advance it on the calendar. Upon application to the I nited States district This period was later extended to ninety days. 242 REEMPLOYMENT attorney or comparable official for the district in which such private em- ployer maintains a place of business, by any persons claiming to be en- titled to the benefits of such provisions, such United States district attorney or official, if reasonably satisfied that the person so applying is entitled to such benefits, shall appear and act as attorney for such person in the amicable adjustment of the claim or in the filing or any motion, petition, or other appropriate pleading and the prosecution thereof to specifically require such employer to comply with such provisions: Provided, that no fee or court costs shall be taxed against the person so applying for such benefits." FUNCTIONS OF REEMPLOYMENT DIVISION The principal functions of the Reemployment Division established at National Selective Service Headquarters — functions which were carried out, to the greatest possible extent, by the Reemployment Division of Illinois State Headquarters — were : 1. To assist Local Boards (through their Reemployment Committeemen and Board Members ) in the restoration of former positions to men and women released from the armed forces; 2. To assist Local Boards, Veterans Service Committees and community employment centers in locating of employment for servicemen and servicewomen who were not employed at the time they entered service or who, for valid reasons, were unable to return to the jobs previously held. 3. To promote, by every means possible, the public obligation of re- employing men who had rendered military service: 4. To furnish conciliatory assistance in special cases presenting reem- ployment difficulties, and to cooperate with the United States District Attorney in cases requiring legal action; 5. To make direct referrals for employment of veterans when such pro- cedure did not conflict with the functions of other governmental agencies. Employment Bulletin No. 1, issued by National Headquarters on September 29, 1943, set forth the specific functions of Local Boards and Reemployment Committeemen in reference to procedure in the reemployment and employ- ment of veterans. STATE HEADQUARTERS ROLE IN REEMPLOYMENT Because of the scant number of men and women being released from the armed forces during the early years of the war, reemployment functions were carried on in a limited but effective manner. However, in the early part of 1944, the function increased considerably and presented problems — particu- 243 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS larly in the larger cities — which indicated the necessity for organizing reemployment activities on a vastly larger scale. The Veterans Personnel Division of State Headquarters, under the imme- diate charge of Lt. Col. M. G. Buck, QMC, was expanded, and Lt. Wm. S. Bishop, USNR, was placed in charge of the Chicago section of the division. In the process of obtaining Reemployment Committeemen for the 361 Illinois Local Boards, many Board Members temporarily took over the func- tions of the Committeemen in order that no veteran would be denied the serv- ice afforded him by law. SPECIAL PLAN FOR COOK COUNTY At the New York City Headquarters for Selective Service, a very success- ful Veterans Personnel Division had been operating for several months, this division having had charge of all veteran's reemployment and employment responsibilities for the entire city. The Illinois State Director dispatched two of the members of his staff — Lt. Col. Marshall G. Buck, QMC, and Lt. William S. Bishop, USNR — to New York City to make a close observation and study of that city's Selective Service reemployment operation with a view to estab- lishing a similar operation for the Chicago metropolitan area. Subsequent to the visit to New York by the two staff officers, a special section was estab- lished in the Chicago office of State Headquarters, and the following pro- cedure was adopted: 1. When a veteran's Notice of Separation from Service was received by State Headquarters, the State Director sent a "Welcome Home" letter to the veteran, offering the assistance of his staff in obtaining reem- ployment or new employment. A return card was included on which the veteran could express his desires as to employment assistance or reemployment, in the latter case furnishing the Veterans Personnel Division the name of his employer at the time he entered military service. 2. If the veteran's information card indicated that he needed employment or reemployment service, he was sent a letter stating the date and hour he should appear for an interview at the Veterans Personnel Division in the Chicago office. 3. If the veteran, when he appeared for his interview, indicated that he was having some difficulty in being restored to his old job, a member of the Veterans Personnel Division contacted the former employer and usually managed to get the veteran reemployed on short order. Only in a few cases was it necessary to use forceful tactics in order to accomplish the granting of reemployment rights to the veteran in ac- cordance with the law. In still fewer cases, it was necessary to make reports to the United States District Attorney and obtain his assistance in restoring a veteran to his former position. 244 REEMPLOYMENT 4. In any case where a veteran was unemployed at the time he entered service, or could not, for valid reason, return to a former position, the Veterans Personnel Division: a. Referred the Veteran to the United States Employment Service, or b. Referred the Veteran directly to some potential employer whose employment needs were on file in the Division. The above program in Cook County was just getting under way when the 78th Congress passed Public Law 346 ("G. I. Bill of Rights") on June 22, 1944, which placed upon the United States Employment Service of the War Manpower Commission the sole responsibility to render a counselling and placement service for veterans. Because of a possible duplication of effort by two governmental agencies, the National Director of Selective Service and the Chairman of the War Manpower Commission entered into an agreement to the effect that all new employment problems would be referred to the appropriate United States Employment Service branch. Since reemployment still remained the responsibility of the Selective Service System, the activities of the Veterans Personnel Division had to be confined to assistance to Veterans on being restored to their old jobs, counsel and referral to the United States Employment Service for new jobs. In order to facilitate referral for new employment — and thus expedite service to the veterans — the State Director requested that a Veterans Employment Repre- sentative of the United States Employment Service be assigned for duty in the Veterans Personnel Division of the Chicago office of State Headquarters. Unfortunately, however, this assignment was never accomplished. DOWNSTATE PROCEDURE The principal problem downstate was to find qualified men who would accept appointment as Reemployment Committeemen. When such appoint- ments were completed, the Reemployment Committeemen did an excellent job of handling most of the problems locally. Occasionally, extremely difficult problems were referred to State Headquarters for action which was taken by officers of the Veterans Personnel Division. Problems of this latter type usually involved a difference of opinion between employers and labor unions as to the interpretation of the law on the matter of "seniority." The Veterans Personnel Division maintained the opinion of National Director that veterans — all other factors being equal — had to be given the benefit of any question of seniority. Several large Illinois employers, as well as a few unions, carried their cases into the United States courts, decision being based, of course, upon the specific circumstances in each particular case. LOCAL BOARD ASSISTANCE When a veteran reported to his Local Board after release from the armed forces, his rights under Section 8 of the Selective Service law were thoroughly 245 IIIKMPI/h MKNT STATE VETERANS SERVICE COMMITTEE The chairman and members of the State Veterans Service Committee — Chas. Casey, State Director, War Manpower Commission, Chairman; Col. Paul G. Armstrong, State Selective Service Director. Member; C. Gordon Beck. Regional Director. Veterans Administration. Member — gathered at a veterans reemployment regional meeting in Elgin. Illinois, on October 13, 1944. Shown, left to right, are: Lt. Col. Marshall G. Buck, Chief of Veterans Personnel Division. State Headquarters; Colonel Armstrong; Lt. Comdr. Walter G. Eden, Navy Liaison Officer. State Headquarters; Mr. Casey and Mr. Beck. 210 REEMPLOYMENT explained to him. If, after making proper application to his employer (within the prescribed period of time) for restoration of his old job, the veteran encountered any difficulty, he reported such difficulty to the Local Board, and was referred to the Reemployment Committeeman. In such cases, the Committeeman usually talked with the employer and, with the exception of comparatively few instances, was able to settle the matter locally. Local Board Members and clerks did not confine their help to veterans simply to matters of reemployment. Where a veteran needed a new job, the Board personnel generally went out of their way to obtain a position for the veteran. Likewise, assistance was cheerfully rendered to the veterans on many other matters. IMPLEMENTATION OF EMPLOYMENT PLANS To broaden the scope of service to veterans, the President of the United States, by Executive Order issued on February 24, 1944, created the Reem- ployment and Retraining Administration which required, through a State Veterans Service Committee, the establishment of Veterans Information Cen- ters in each community throughout the State to act as information and referral centers for veterans. A State Veterans' Service Committee for Illinois was established, consist- ing of Mr. Charles P. Casey, Illinois Director of the United States Employ- ment Service, Col. Paul G. Armstrong, Illinois Director of Selective Service and Mr. Charles Gordon Beck, then Illinois Director and later Deputy Ad- ministrator of the Veterans Administration. The Committee sent a directive to all branch offices of the cooperating agencies in Illinois, and in September and October of 1944, a series of area meetings was held with Local Board Members and Clerks, Reemployment Committeemen, Veterans Employment Representatives of the Lnited States Employment Service and representatives of the Veterans Administration in each area covered. At these meetings, the method of organizing, the responsibilities, services and procedures of the new Veterans Information Centers were described in detail. As a result, a Veterans Information center under the direct sponsorship of the State and County Veterans Service Committee was established in every county in Illinois. In such towns as Elgin, Rockford, Aurora, Moline, Peoria, Decatur. Springfield, and East St. Louis, each community itself had organized a Com- munity Information Center. The County Veterans Service Committees in these communities lent their full cooperation to these community centers, thus avoid- ing possible confliction and duplication of effort. State Headquarters worked closely with the community centers, furnishing them with the official reemploy- ment service handbook and assisting in any other way possible. 247 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS STATE COOPERATION The Hon. Dwight H. Green, a veteran of World War I himself, feeling a heavy responsibility as the chief executive of the State, established the Illinois Veterans Commission through the cooperation of the Illinois State Legisla- ture. The purpose of the Commission was to render every possible assistance to Illinois veterans of all wars. The Commission established offices in every county in the State and ap- pointed qualified veterans as County Service Officers. In order that the establishment of these veterans assistance offices could be expedited, State Director Armstrong permitted them to be set up temporarily in Local Board offices throughout the State. In addition, members of the System in Illinois assisted in all other ways possible, so that veterans could have the benefits of the State's assistance plan without undue delay. The Illinois Veterans Commission has continued to maintain its county service officers in all counties, and these men have given valuable service locally to the men and women who served in the armed forces of their country. THE PUBLIC RELATIONS VIEWPOINT That the reemployment provision of the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 was a sound provision was reflected by the approval and con- fidence of the veterans and the general public and the whole-hearted coopera- tion of employers in general. The assurance of a return to the old position after military service had been completed lightened the worries of many a man and woman entering the armed forces. The reemployment provision helped considerably to promote the general public's confidence in the whole law. The splendid and patriotic cooperation of Illinois employers as a class was reflected in the fact that, in the cases of approximately 900,000 veterans returning to Illinois, State Headquarters processed only 137 cases for Fed- eral court action — out of a possible 260 reported to the Headquarters. Illinois Selective Service constantly engaged in a campaign to educate both employers and veterans in the provisions of the reemployment section of the Selective Service law. The State Director contacted the Illinois Manu- facturers Association, the Chicago Association of Commerce and main other industrial groups and, in addition to addressing their meetings, prevailed upon them to publish complete articles on reemployment rights in their pub- lications. Special meetings of Chambers of Commerce, local chapters of Lions. Kiwanis and other groups, as well as meeting of the administrative staffs of individual manufacturers, were attended and addressed by officers on the State Director's staff. Releases were issued regularly to the press and radio so that veterans and their families might become fully acquainted with the benefits accorded 248 REEMPLOYMENT by the Selective Service law. Detailed information was supplied to newspaper columnists and radio commentators for transmission to readers and listeners. By virtue of the attention which Illinois Selective Service gave to educating both employers and veterans as to veterans' rights, reemployment problems in this State were reduced to a minimum. The cases requiring Selective Serv- ice assistance were usually borderline or where either the employer or the veteran was obstinate and unreasonable in his stand. As a rule, only about one case in a hundred was deemed serious enough to refer to State Head- quarters for special action. In Cook County, the cases were handled by telephone conversation or by personal appearance at the Veterans Personnel Division in the Chicago office of State Headquarters. Downstate, depending on the nature of the case, each case was handled by mail or by personal visit of the local Reem- ployment Committeemen (in a few cases, an officer from State Headquarters) with the employer concerned. Following is a brief report of the numbers of reemployment cases handled by the three United States District Attorneys in Illinois — for the period of September, 1940 to January, 1947, inclusive: Northern District Eastern District Southern District Number of veterans receiving re- employment assistance from U. S. District Attorney 59 90 27 Number of cases settled by con- ciliation or court action 59 71 18 Number of cases still pending as of January 31, 1947 19 9 HANDLING OF SEPARATION NOTICES The Veterans Personnel Division had the responsibility for distributing the separation notices of veterans discharged from the armed forces. This function was carried on routinely by the Division, each separation notice being mailed to the Local Board of jurisdiction so that the Board might know of the discharge of its registrant and be prepared to render any needed and possible assistance to the veteran. Beginning with October, 1944, when gen- eral demobilization began, the Veterans Personnel Division was required to add ten clerks to its staff and, during several months of that period processed over 100,000 separation notices a month. DISCHARGE REQUESTS On January 10, 1942, the National Director issued special instructions on the subject of assistance to be rendered in cases of registrants inducted 249 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS through Selective Service process applying for discharge from the Army. Applications for discharge arose chiefly from the following types: 1. The registrant who was not deferred because his wife worked and aided in the support of the family unit. Frequently, following induc- tion of such a registrant, the wife found herself unable to carr\ on because of illness, loss of job, pregnancy, or other substantial reason. 2. The new 1\ -married registrant whose claim for deferment had not been recognized because of the recent date of his marriage. 3. The registrant whose home dependency status changed by reason of death, illness or other disability of a parent or other individual ren- dering family support — subsequent to the registrant's induction. 4. The registrant whose employer's production suffered because of in- ability to find a satisfactory replacement for the registrant in the latter's occupation prior to his induction. For several years, the Army followed the policy of forwarding every such discharge request to the State Director for consultation with the Local Board concerned and approval or disapproval. Under this system, the State Director forwarded the discharge request to the registrant's Local Board asking that the Board investigate the dependency or employment claims set forth in the discharge application and render its opinion as to the worthiness of the request. The State Director, on his own consideration, made his recommen- dation either for discharge or retention in service and forwarded the dis- charge file to the Army, which exercised final decision in the matter. In a number of cases where the application for discharge was denied, commanding officers would improperly notify the soldier requesting the dis- charge that the latter's Local Board had recommended retention in the service (a statement which may have been either true or false I . with the result that the soldier and his dependents made vigorous complaint against the Local Board. In many of such cases, the Local Board or the State Director had actually recommended discharge, but the Army, being the final authority, had determined to retain the applicant in service. In the last years f the Selective Service program, the Army did not call upon State Directors for assistance on discharge applications, but handled me subject within the Army, occasionally calling upon the American Red Cross for investigation of dependency claims. This latter procedure, while the Red Cross was given no blame whatever, rightfully Irritated Local Boards who felt that, because the law had given them the responsibility of determining whether or not a registrant's dependency status entitled him to deferment from military service, the Board should also make' the decision as to whether or not the soldier's dependents status at home warranted his release from service. 250 REEMPLOYMENT During the period of January 10, 1942 to January 4, 1946 a total of 13,608 individual applications for discharge were processed through the Veterans Personnel Division of State Headquarters as indicated below: DEPENDENCY State Director recommended disapproval 6,758 State Director recommended approval 495 State Director took no action 848 8.101 CONVENIENCE OF THE GOVERNMENT State Director recommended disapproval 3,872 State Director recommended approval 493 State Director took no action 888 Erroneous Induction 26 Added applications from same individual 282 5,507 13,608 <> A Tale of Dan Cupid Romance, too, flourished within the Selective Service System in Illinois. While no statistics of marriages due to Selective Service contacts were kept, one instance is worth special mention. Emmet Felker, a veteran of World War I and a confirmed bachelor, was the Clerk of Chicago Board 50. In the territory next to his own Board, Mrs. Mildred Pfister, a widow, was the clerical chief of Chicago Board 56. The interchange, by telephone, of inquiries pertaining to registration cards in their respective areas was the first introduction of the two clerks. Four months after Felker and Mrs. Pfister started talking to each other on the telephone, they met personally. It was really a case of love at first sight — aided, perhaps, by mutual friendliness and helpfulness over the phone. At any rate, they were married on December 13, 1941, and Mrs. Felker told us that she, for one, fully understood the reasons why her husband had to work late so many nights. 251 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS C{jertific&te o€ In accordance unth )(ouse Joint Resobjtion'Jt: 40 abcyub by the 1 64* (WalAs^tW tltt State c^ IllinoU w this Certificate of PUtincjuisheo Service is au>aroeo to : Paul WiUar* %chu#\cr QtotmLy Cocci 3oar6 1 Elective £cr\>xc* J&yzUxt) far his patriotic continuation of voluntary service so necessary to the successful ano complete prosecution of our Hations \»av effort, his honest, conscientious ano efficient performance of official outlet atxb his fioelity to his oath of office . Presenter Tor the State of Illinois : COVIQNM ICOETAHY Of STATl THE STATE'S TRIBUTE TO VOLUNTEER WORKERS Authorized by the Illinois State Legislature, this Certificate was awarded to certain volunteer personnel who continued their service after victory appeared inevitable. Each recipient's name was hand-lettered on the Certificate awarded to him. 252 CHAPTER XIX PUBLIC RELATIONS Since public opinion is the final court in which the success or failure of any public activity is judged, it was important that the functions, policies and achievements of the Selective Service System constantly be kept before the general public. Complete information on the functions of the System and the obligations of registrants, dependents, employers and others concerned promoted smoother operation and more efficient accomplishment of the objec- tives of the law. Knowledge of the System's policies promoted understand- ing, cooperation and appreciation of the many and complex problems in- volved. Stories of the achievements of the System in its efforts to procure manpower for the armed forces promoted confidence at a time when public faith in the System's democratic process was vital to the success of the war effort. Occasionally, when some unusual circumstance or misunderstanding would arise to create the possibility of dangerous unfavorable opinion toward the System, facts had to be ferreted out and the truth given to the public. In setting up his public relations policies and procedures, the State Director was fortunate in having two staff officers who had formerly served as newspaper reporters and public relations counsel, and these two men were given, in addition to other duties, the task of keeping the public informed on Selective Service matters. In order that factual information and policies might be disseminated in an orderly manner, the State Director issued orders that: (1) all publicity releases would be given out only by the two officers assigned to public rela- tions duties; (2) no release would be issued where a matter of policy or other importance was involved without the State Director's personal approval; (3) that all publications and public information media were to receive equal consideration and that no exclusive release would be issued unless to a pub- lication which, of itself, had originated the query on the matter to be issued; (4) that publicity releases would be issued from time to time only as definite needs indicated. The press and radio were made fully acquainted with, and gave hearty approval to, the public relations policies of the System in Illinois. NEWSPAPERS As relations with the newspapers of Illinois are viewed in retrospect, it can honestly be said that the cooperation which they gave to the Selective Service System was virtually perfect. Every release issued by the System was given full consideration. Whenever a situation arose which, on first impres- sion, indicated unfairness to a registrant, dependent or employer, the news- paper concerned invariably checked the story with the State Director or the System's public relations officers so that the truth might be published. 253 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS In the early phases of Selective Service operation, it would have been im- possible for the System to function had it not been for the dissemination of instructions and other vital information through the press. At the period when time was short, the newspapers devoted pages to printing the main features of the Selective Service law, detailed obligations of registrants, de- pendents and employers. All of the publications devoted considerable space to the lists of registration stations, the areas covered, many of them producing large maps of the Local Board territories. (One large map of Chicago Local Board areas was produced by The Chicago Tribune and, through the courtesy of that newspaper, was reproduced and distributed as an official map to all the Local Boards in Illinois, as well as to hundreds of employers.) A number of newspapers conducted regular columns ("Soldier's Friend" in The Chicago Herald-American, "Friend of the Yank" in the Chicago Tribune, and others) for the benefit of readers desiring information on cur- rent Selective Service regulations and policies. The conductors of these col- umns were in constant touch with the public relations officers of the System in order to print substantial and correct information. During the first year and a half of the Selective Service operation — at a time when most needed instruction on the various functions of the System and the obligations of registrants, dependents and employers — a weekly "news-bulletin" was sent to all daily and weekly newspapers in Illinois, as well as to trade publications, Chamber of Commerce publications and indus- trial house organs. The brief and factual information contained in this "news-bulletin" was universally used by the Illinois press. RADIO It would be difficult to estimate the value of the broadcasting time given free to the Selective Service System by the radio industry in Illinois. Unfor- tunately, a detailed record of all such time was not kept by the System, but it is safe to say that every radio station in the State contributed generously toward keeping the public informed as to the requirements and achievements of Selective Service. Countless spot announcements were issued to and made by the radio. Time after time, stations gave the System periods varying from five to four- teen minutes for talks by the State Director or members of his staff. Perhaps the most extensively planned and produced radio program on behalf of Selective Service was the "Draft Quiz," a program produced through the cooperation of The Chicago Herald-American and Radio Station W J J D of Chicago. The program, which was inaugurated on May 5, 1941 and con- tinued until August 20, 1942, took place once a week at a regularly scheduled broadcast hour. It was conducted by the "Soldier's Friend"* Editor (first b\ William S. Bishop, who subsequently was commissioned in the United States Navy on July 24, 1942 and assigned to the Illinois Selective Service System, 2f>t PUBLIC RELATIONS THE PUBLIC WAS INFORMED So that the general public might be kept constantly informed of the requirements of the Selective Service law, as well as changes in the regulations, the State Director and his staff were steady users of the radio and press to present import- ant messages to the public. At left, Col. onel Armstrong is shown broadcasting helpful information regarding "Jobs for G.I. Joe" over Radio Station WBBM on January 14, 1945. and later by Jack Little) of The Chicago Herald- American. With the "Sol- dier's Friend," appeared State Director Armstrong (every fifth or sixth pro- gram) or one of the members of his staff. Popular questions submitted to the "Soldier's Friend" were asked on the air by Mr. Bishop (and, commenc- ing July 30, 1942, by Mr. Little) and answered by the Selective Service representative appearing on each program. Every "Draft Quiz" program was recorded, the transcriptions then being shipped to fifteen other radio stations in Illinois for broadcasting locally. Thus, the entire State was well covered by these instructional broadcasts. Following is a chronological list of the "Draft Quiz" programs broadcast over Station WJJD in Chicago and fifteen other Illinois stations. The interviewer on all programs was Mr. William S. Bishop up until July 30, 1942, at which time the program was taken over by Mr. Jack Little, Mr. Bishop's successor of the Herald-American's service column, "Soldier's Friend." Guests of the "Soldier's Friend" were: May 5, 1941 Col. Paul G. Armstrong, State Director May 12, 1941 Col. Louis A. Boening, Assistant State Director, and Mr. William H. King, Jr., Administrator of the Cook County Boards of Appeal May 19, 1941 Col. Paul G. Armstrong and Mr. Stephen E. Hurley, Coordinator of Advisory Boards for Registrants of Cook County May 26, 1941 Maj. E. Mann Hartlett, State Medical Officer, and Mr. John Rigney, pitcher for the Chicago White Sox 255 SFXECTIYK SKRVICK IN ILLINOIS June 2, 1941 Col. Paul G. Armstrong and Maj. Stanley R. McNeil, Executive Officer at the Chicago office of State Head- quarters June 9, 1941 Lt. Col. Leigh N. Bittinger, Deputy State Director, and Maj. Howard G. Wade. Occupational Advisor June 16, 1941 Gov. Dwight H. Green and Col. Paul G. Armstrong October 9, 1941 Maj. Stanley R. McNeil October 16, 1941 Col. Harris P. Ralston. State Advisor on Occupa- tional Deferments October 24, 1941 Maj. Marshall G. Buck. Chief of Field Division November 3, 1941 Maj. E. Mann Hartlett November 10, 1941 Col. Paul G. Armstrong November 17, 1941 Coy. Louis A. Boening November 24, 1941 Maj. Lloyd W. Warfel, Occupational Advisor December 8, 1941 Capt. Baird V. Helfrich. State Legal Advisor December 14, 1941 Col. Paul G. Armstrong December 22, 1941 Col. Clay M. Donner. Executive Officer, State Head- quarters January 5, 1942 Maj. E. Mann Hartlett January 12, 1942 Mr. William H. King. Jr. January 19, 1942 Maj. Stanley R. McNeil January 26, 1942 Maj. Marshall G. Buck February 9, 1942 Lt. Charles J. Magnesen, Administrative Assistant February 23, 1942 Maj. Lloyd W. Warfel March 9, 1942 Col. Clay M. Donner March 16. 1942 Lt. Col. Victor A. Kleber. Administrative Assistant. Chicago Office March 26, 1942 Col. Harris P. Ralston April 2, 1942 Mr. Tappan Gregory. Coordinator of Government Appeal Agents in Cook County April 9, 1912 Mr. Edwin H. Felt, Administrative Assistant. Chi- cago Office April 16, 1942 Maj. E. Mann Hartlett May 7, 1942 Maj. Lloyd W. Warfel June 4, 1912 Anniversary Program (half hour) -Col. I'aul G. Armstrong and Fight Members of State Headquar- ters Staff June 11, 1942 Lt. Com. Walter J. Eden. Navv Liaison Officer June 18, 1912 Lt. Norman \\ . Smith. Assistant Public Relations Officer, ( Ihicago Office June 29, 1912 Mr. Edwin H. Felt July 3, 1912 Maj. E. Mann Hartlett 256 PUBLIC RELATIONS July 9, 1942 Col. Louis A. Boening July 16, 1942 Col. Paul G. Armstrong July 23, 1942 Maj. E. Mann Hartlett July 30, 1942 Col. Harris P. Ralston August 6, 1942 Maj. Baird V. Helfrich August 13, 1942 Capt. Roy W. Bartlett of Finance Department, Sixth Service Command, and Lt. William S. Bishop, As- sistant Navy Liaison Officer August 20, 1942 Col. Louis A. Boening ILLINOIS RADIO STATIONS WHICH USED TRANSCRIPTIONS OF "DRAFT QUIZ" Radio Station WSOY, Radio Station WCBS, Radio Station WEBQ, Decatur, Illinois Springfield. Illinois Harrisburg, Illinois Radio Station WGIL, Radio Station WHBF, Radio Station WTMV, Galesburg. Illinois Rock Island, Illinois East St. Louis, Illinois Radio Station WDAM. Radio Station WROK. Radio Station WDWS, Danville, Illinois Rockford, Illinois Champaign, Illinois Radio Station WDZ. Radio Station WMBD, Radio Station WJBC, Tuscola, Illinois Peoria, Illinois Bloomington. Illinois Radio Station WTAX, Radio Station WTAD, Radio Station WCAZ, Springfield, Illinois Quincy, Illinois Carthage, Illinois Gov. Dwight H. Green and State Director Armstrong appeared on several radio programs over Station WGN for the discussion of Selective Service matters. Colonel Armstrong also made three appearances on the Northwestern University "Reviewing Stand" broadcast over the same station. WGN also carried four special talks by Colonel Armstrong, as well as innumerable spot announcements on Selective Service information. For over a year. Radio Station WBBM carried the program, "This War and You," in which representatives of the Army, the Navy, the Marine Corps, the Selective Service System and the War Manpower Commission, gave ad- vice to registrants pertaining to their status and possibilities in the various branches represented. A staff officer from State Headquarters represented the System at each broadcast. WBBM also carried talks by the State Director and members of his staff in addition to a flood of spot announcements. Stations WMAQ. WENR, WIBO, WCFL and WIND also generously allotted periods of five to fourteen minutes for Selective Service talks by Colonel Armstrong and members of his staff, also making numerous spot announcements. Special announcements were made by Stations WAAF, WMBI, WEDC, WGES and WSBC. Downstate radio stations cooperated likewise and gave their time freely for talks by Colonel Armstrong and his staff members and for spot announce- ments — in addition to the "Draft Quiz" re-broadcasts mentioned above. 257 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS STATE HEADQUARTERS HOUSE ORGAN— "CHATS" From the beginning, it was believed that a State Headquarters "house organ" would be advisable. Therefore, after an opinion survey among local board members and clerks, State Headquarters launched the publication. "Selective Service News." The name of the publication was later shortened to "CHATS." This publication presented (1) an editorial message from the State Director, (2) special news items about local and appeal boards and their personnel, (3) short items regarding the application of regulations and policies and (4) a few items of appropriate poetry and humor. Occasionally, photographs and drawings were used for specific purposes. The publication was produced by multilith process, and was issued approximately every 60 days. On two occasions, in the publication itself, we invited comments and criticisms about "CHATS." While there were a few caustic criticisms (some of them helpful), the overwhelming comment was in favor of the publication. "CHATS" was, in the later years, sent to officers at National Headquarters and to other State Directors, many of whom were kind enough to send State Director Armstrong favorable comment regarding the publication. All in all, it was felt that "CHATS" was an indispensable publication. It was not only a handy means of promoting morale; it was a medium in which State Headquarters could clarify doubtful points of regulations or correct some existing evil — in a manner far more human and interesting than could ordinarily be permitted in formal memoranda from State Headquarters. PERSONAL APPEARANCES BY STATE DIRECTOR AND STAFF During the period of almost seven years operation of the Selective Service System, State Director Armstrong made over 700 talks before veterans" or- ganizations, chambers of commerce, trade groups, service clubs, women's clubs, churches and other associations and groups in Illinois— in addition to educational talks to area group meetings of Selective Service personnel. Members of his staff also appeared before such groups to discuss the various phases of Selective Service operation, as well as presenting to many industrial and community groups a specific explanation of rights of returning service- men under the Selective Service law and the G.I. Bill of Rights. Colonel Armstrong, Colonel Ralston and several other members of the staff appeared before the Chicago Association of Commerce, the Illinois Manufacturers Association, the Chicago Newspaper Publishers Association and other industrial groups for the purpose of explaining specific require- ments and policies in the matters of occupational deferment and reemploy- ment. The Chicago Association ol Commerce conducted Selective Service 2. r ,a PUBLIC RELATIONS "schools" and panel discussions at regular intervals in order that their mem- bers might not only become fully acquainted with the Selective Service regu- lations and policies but also might lend their fullest cooperation in the interest of the war effort. The dates, speakers and subjects of these educational meet- ings were: Date of Meeting Nov. 5, 1941 Jan. 21, 1942 May 20, 1942 Sept. 22, 1942 Dec. 17, 1942 Feb. 24, 1943 Apr. 23, 1943 Speaker State Director Armstrong Maj. Lloyd W.Warf el Maj. Lloyd W.Warf el Maj. Harry W. Taylor Lt. Col. George A. Irvin of National Headquarters Lt. Col. George A. Irvin Capt. John B. Morgan May 7, 1943 Col. Ralston July 15, 1943 Col. Ralston Dec. 3, 1943 May 1, 1944 State Director Armstrong Col. Ralston June 8, 1944 Col. Ralston Dec. 20, 1944 Mar. 5, 1945 State Director Armstrong and Col. Ralston Col. Ralston Subject "Reemployment Program of Selec- tive Service" "Occupational Deferment in Selec- tive Service" "Occupational Deferment in Selec- tive Service" "The Occupational Status of Your Married Personnel Subject to Draft" "Manning Tables and Replacement Schedules" "Occupational Deferment for Es- sential Workers" "How the New Selective Service Regulations Will Affect Your Em- ployees" "The Policy of the Illinois State Director of Selective Service on the Submission of Revised Re- placement Schedules" "Recent Changes in the Prepara- tion of the Replacement Schedule and the Renewed Schedule" "Current Developments in Selec- tive Service Policy" "Current Illinois Selective Service Policy on Replacement Schedules and Occupational Deferments" "Revised Replacement Schedule Plan and Other Deferment Pro- cedures" "Providing Labor for Essential War Production in Chicago" "Revised Procedure for Request- ing Occupational Deferments for Employees: Ages 18 through 29 and Ages 30 through 37" 259 SKI.KCTINK SKK\ ICE l\ ILLINOIS GENERAL Typical of the special problems which arose and which required careful public relations procedure in handling was the case of the missing registra- tion cards at Cook County Local Board No. 1 at Arlington Heights, which took in all the far northwest territory of the county. As stated previously, the first registration was conducted by the election machinery. Through some inadvertence, 211 registration cards from the town of Palatine became lost between the registration station at Palatine and the County Clerk's office. After a careful search failed to disclose the missing cards, State Director Armstrong determined that new registrations would be taken of the 211 registrants concerned. Immediately, State Headquarters began to get reports that the people of Palatine and the surrounding territory suspected some collusion or conspiracy to show favoritism to certain of the registrants whose cards were missing. It was vital that public confidence in the Selective Service System be main- tained, and Colonel Armstrong decided that the serial numbering of the cards of the men re-registered at Palatine should be dramatized in order to focus public attention upon the fairness of the Selective Service method of determining the order in which men would be called into service. Accordingly, after the entire 211 men had been re-registered, Colonel Armstrong, Assistant State Director Boening and several staff members went to Palatine and, before an assemblage of approximately a thousand citizens of the community, held a drawing of the serial numbers involved in the re-registration. A glass bowl was set up — after the fashion of the National Lottery in Washington — and, after Colonel Armstrong picked out the first serial number, each registrant concerned was permitted to select his own serial number which, according to the National Lottery Master List, would determine the order in which he would be called for service. Because the dramatization of the selection of serial numbers at Palatine was given widespread publicity, not only were the citizens of the communit) of Palatine convinced that the registrants concerned were receiving a fair deal, but a good share of the rest of the country saw how the Selective Service System insured equality in selection in the case of loss of original registration cards. Another phase of public relations was in the handling of confidential in- formation by the Local Boards. Selective Service regulations provided that certain information in a registrant's file be kept strictly confidential. In addi- tion, since the information contained in a registrant's file had been compiled solely for use of the Selective Service System, rigid policies were established to prevent such information from being used for private purposes. Among the "private purposes," was the widespread idea thai Selective Service files could be used as a "missing persons bureau.*" Deserted wives sought the latest addresses of their errant husbands; collection attorneys and 260 PUBLIC RELATIONS credit firms tried to locate delinquent debtors; insurance companies sought special information regarding the physical condition of registrants — and so on. Illinois Selective Service, however, held strictly to the regulations and policies and refused to permit any confidential information to be revealed except, as provided by the regulations, when the registrant concerned signed a written consent for the revelation of the confidential information desired. In most cases, it was the job of the public relations officer to explain the legal inability to comply with requests for confidential information unless consent was obtained from the registrant in question. Occasionally, the handling of some case would cause public resentment in a community. When word of such feeling reached State Headquarters, the facts in the particular case were obtained and, where violation of con- fidence was not involved, publicized in the community involved in order that the public confidence in the operation of the System be maintained without break. While it was logical that all persons concerned could not be satisfied, State Headquarters usually managed to clear up misunderstandings and show the factual reasons for a Local Board taking a particular action. State Director Armstrong several times issued publicity releases on the matter of rejected registrants who were being unfairly subjected to local criticism. A registrant might appear to the general public to be in good condition; yet his careful physical examination revealed a bad heart, a serious rupture, or some other defect which, while not apparent to the general public, was a specific cause for rejection for military service. Colonel Armstrong pleaded with the public for fair consideration of these cases and asked that Class IV-F men not be judged by their physical appearance and apparent good health, but rather by the judgment of the Local Board concerned. Of course, in any case where evidence uncovered either an intentional or pre- meditated fraud, proper action was taken to correct the situation promptly. REACTIONS AND ATTITUDE OF THE PUBLIC, PRESS, AND OF SELECTEES TOWARD SELECTIVE SERVICE OPERATIONS The attitude of the public in general was excellent, the best proof being the many flag presentations made to Local Boards and the many testimonial dinners and meetings in honor of Local Boards given by The American Legion and other civic organizations throughout the State. The attitude of the press was exceptionally fine. State Headquarters en- deavored to work closely with the press and maintain the policy of treating every publication with the same consideration. In several instances, where hostility appeared to be starting in some particular newspaper, we met the threat by contacting the publisher, making any necessary investigation and clearing up what inevitably proved to be a misunderstanding or an unwilling- 261 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS ness to investigate before publication. Too much credit cannot be given the press of Illinois for their great contribution to the Selective Service effort. Selectees generally accepted their lot without complaint. Obviously, there were many cases in which the selectees — because of an unwillingness to accept their just share of the Nation's defense burden — felt that they were mis- treated. Some of these men changed their minds. The closed minds of others could not be opened by any means. The fact that many Local Board Members have been warmly greeted by their veterans of World War II is evidence that the selectees' attitude toward Selective Service was friendly- It is felt that the Selective Service process, as operated prior to and during World War II. has been "fair and just." The complete absence of mass reaction in any community in Illinois is evidence of public satisfaction. No Selective Service law could possibly be written to satisfy everyone — or even to insure that no person somewhere along the line would be subject to injustice. So long as the human element is involved in any operation, such operation must develop errors from time to time. However, in view of the tremendous size of the operation the many factors involved and various other considerations, it is felt that Selective Service was operated in a most effective and satisfactory manner. It is also felt that policies and regulations in effect at the termination of Selective Service may, with some slight variations, be considered the logical basis for future Selective Service operation. APPRAISAL OF VALUE OF GOOD PUBLIC RELATIONS The success of the war effort depended mainly upon the maintenance of good will, confidence and national enthusiasm of the general public. The breaking down of confidence in a local spot would spread, like an infection, to wider areas. Hence, no incident was too small to be investigated and have proper measures taken to correct a misunderstanding or misconception of the functions or operation of the Selective Service System. It is believed that the contacts made through personal appearances, the press, the radio and correspondence were a definite factor toward building and retaining good will for the System and to eliminate fears and misconcep- tions about the application of the regulations. While the Selective Service law, itself, was prima facie evidence of the provisions and requirements of the Act, there was nevertheless a great and continuing need for keeping the public fully informed as to the requirements of the law and changes in the regulations, as well as the reasons for certain actions. The Illinois Selective Service System recognized its responsibilities on the matter of public relations — not only with the general public, but also with its own personnel— and took almost every possible step toward disseminating necessary information to the public and building and retaining good will for the System. Good public relations procedure unquestionably helped tlii- State achieve its unusual record in Selective Service accomplishments. 262 CHAPTER XX ENFORCEMENT OF THE LAW The Selective Service Regulations, which had the full effect of the law itself, provided that any registrant who failed to register, failed to notify his Local Board of a change of address or other important status, failed to report for physical examination or induction, or failed to perform any other duty required of him under the Act, was to be declared a "delinquent" and, unless the delinquency were cleared up. was to be prosecuted for such delinquency in accordance with the law and regulations. The Selective Service law also imposed certain duties upon dependents, employers and others and provided that failure to comply with such duties, or the commission of any act which hindered or interfered with the adminis- tration of the law. made such persons liable to federal prosecution. The penalties for conviction of violation of the Selective Service law were: up to five years confinement in a federal penitentiary, or up to $10,000 fine, or both confinement and fine. In general, the citizens of Illinois gave excellent cooperation toward full compliance with the law and regulations. Cases of deliberate violations were rare, and these were dealt with promptly and strenuously. It was natural, of course, that many persons would go afoul of the specific provisions of the law or regulations unintentionally. Illinois Local Boards, the State Director and his legal staff recognized the practical side of human weakness and always gave every delinquent full opportunity to correct his delinquency, hesitating to take stringent action unless it appeared that a violation was deliberate. That the problem of delinquency was a minor one in Illinois is best re- flected by the fact that only .007% of the total registration (excluding the Fourth Registration — men 45 to 64 years, inclusive) was reported delinquent, and at the termination of Selective Service, only .003% was still delinquent. PROCEDURE IN HANDLING DELINQUENTS In the early part of the Selective Service program, many Local Boards found it necessary to declare a number of registrants delinquent because of failure to report changes of address. Only a few of these cases were formallv reported to the I nited States District Attorney, and then only when a Board had some evidence or reasonable grounds for suspecting that the registrant was attempting to evade service. Most of the delinquencies of the above type were found in Board areas where the standards of literacy and intelligence were lowest. Men in the so-called lower strata were inclined to change residence frequently, and it was almost impossible to keep up with them. Generally speaking, there was 263 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS no deliberate attempt on their part to evade any of their responsibilities under the law or regulations. However, the careless attitude usually found in illiter- ate persons and those of low intelligence was such as to cause them to overlook the importance of notifying their Local Boards of changes of address. Too, these particular men, because of their general inability to understand, often failed to realize that they had certain Selective Service responsibilities to carry out. The list of minor delinquents was so great in Illinois in January of 1943 that Local Boards were requested to release lists of such delinquents to their local newspapers. This publicity action cleared up the great majority of minor delinquencies and promoted a future caution on the part of registrants to make sure that they notified their respective Local Boards whenever mailing addresses were changed. In cases where Local Boards learned that persons required to register for Selective Service had not done so and would not so comply with the law, the Boards reported the delinquents to the L^nited States District Attorney, who took prompt action, obtaining a number of convictions in these cases. In the first few months of the program, there was considerable publicity in connection with cases of men who, because of religious convictions or other reasons, refused to register for Selective Service. As convictions increased, other pro- testers against registration lost their recalcitrance and complied with the law. A delinquent registrant who failed to report for induction was reported to the United States District Attorney, by the Local Board. The District Attorney immediately notified the Federal Bureau of Investigation, who would then endeavor to apprehend the delinquent. Based upon its findings, the F.B.I, made its report to the District Attorney who was the sole authority as to prosecution or dismissal of the case. In February of 1943, the National Director of Selective Service requested that a special and concentrated effort be made to clear up as many delinquency cases as possible. A drive was immediately conducted in Illinois with the result that approximately 45% of the delinquencies were taken off the records. Again in the fall of 1944. a similar drive to reduce delinquencies was under- taken, which resulted in a clearance of 758 cases, or approximately 40%. In both of these drives, Selective Service was given the full cooperation of the press and radio. SPECIAL CASES OF ENFORCEMENT Illinois was exceptionally fortunate in avoiding a volume of prosecutions and convictions for violation of the Selective Service law. As compared to the great number of registrants in this Slate, the figures quoted below reveal the scarcity of violations — as well as the efficienc) of the I nited States Districl Attorneys and the Agents of the F. B. I. The great bulk of the cases brought to the attention of the District Attorneys had to be closed without prosecution 264 ENFORCEMENT OF THE LAW for want of specific evidence to warrant conviction. The second largest num- ber of closures of cases was occasioned by delinquent registrants being per- mitted by the Federal courts to volunteer for induction in lieu of prosecution for delinquency. As is the case in any large organization, Illinois Selective Service could not hope to escape entirely the tendency of some humans to become weak in their obligations and succumb to temptation of gain. Local Board Members throughout the State were constantly being offered bribes for certain conces- sions or classifications favorable to registrants, employers or dependents. To the everlasting credit of almost the entire family of Local Board Members, it can be said that they refused to lend an ear to these bribe offers, and pre- ferred to render their decisions in true accordance with their sworn obliga- tion. Yet, unfortunately, three Board Members did weaken in the face of money offers, were convicted and sentenced to Federal prison for their parts in conspiracies to keep certain registrants out of service. There were very few occasions when violence played a part in the adminis- tration of the Selective Service law. The outstanding one in our State oc- curred in central Illinois where a father and son conspired to keep the son from being inducted. When a clear violation of the law had been established and the sheriff's deputies went to the home to arrest the son, a gun fight ensued with the result that the deputies, in defense of their own lives, had to kill the son and wound the father. One of the deputies was wounded so critically that his life was despaired of for several days. When the two officers reached the farm house and notified the son that it would be necessary for him to accompany them under arrest, there was ap- parently no objection. However, the father suddenly lunged at the Deputy Marshal with a large knife and inflicted a gaping wound in the Marshal's neck. The son then attacked the Deputy Sheriff. The officers finally managed to draw their guns from under their overcoats and wounded both the father and the son, the latter more seriously. The officers took the wounded son immediately to the hospital in a nearby city, where an emergency operation was performed, but without avail, for the son died the next morning. Both the Deputy Marshal and the Deputy Sheriff were seriously wounded, and an emergency operation was performed upon the Deputy Marshal, who remained in a critical condition for several days before being pronounced out of danger. The father was indicted and convicted in the Circuit Court of his county and sentenced to a term of one to fourteen years in the Illinois State Peniten- tiary at Joliet, a Federal warrant having been filed with the Warden of the Penitentiary as a detainer against the release of the father. 265 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS STATISTICS The following statistics are based upon reports submitted in February of 1947 by the United States District Attorneys in the Northern. Eastern and Southern Districts of Illinois: DELINQUENCY CASES Reports p,y the U. S. Attorneys for the Three Districts in Illinois Northern Southern Eastern District District District Oct., 1940 to Oct., 1940 to Oct., 1940 to Dec, 1946 Feb., 1947 Jan.. 1947 Totals Cases reported to U. S. D. A 14,117 1,765 1,281 17,163 Cases closed without prosecution. . 8,515 391 812 10,718 Cases closed by conviction 573 60 220 853 Cases dismissed by the U. S. Commissioner 3,334 .... 243 3,577 Closed by volunteering for induction 7 1(> .... 746 Indictments but registrant fug- tive * 18 3 21 Indictments dismissed by nolle or dismissal * 13 . . . . * 13 Cases pending 678 .... 3 681 Cases Registered, but no registra- tion card :: 470 .... * 470 Cases apprehended and removed to other districts * 62 . . . . * 62 Cases acquitted after indictment * 5 ....'" 5 Cases not accounted for 17 .... .... 17 14,117 1,765 1,281 17,163 Cases were closed without prosecution because of the following general reasons: rectification of delinquency between time of referral to District Attorney and his action, facts indicated no deliberate wilfulness of viola- tion, registrant reinstated by Local Board, mistakes by Local Boards, in- sufficiency of evidence, registrant confined in penal institution, registrant suffering from fatal illness or having obvious disqualifying delects, voluntary enlistment, etc. * After receiving these reports Stale Headquarters again wrote the Northern and Eastern District Attorneys and requested a more complete report similar to that of the Southern District, but were told it was impossible to furnish this, as reports ami records had heon sent to the Department of Justice and were no longer available. 266 CHAPTER XXI SELECTIVE SERVICE COST IN ILLINOIS The induction of 629,516 Illinois men into the armed forces through their selection by the Selective Service System was a tremendous undertaking which, quite naturally, cost a considerable amount of money. The amount of money spent for obtaining these men for our righting forces might, in all propriety, also include the obtaining of perhaps an additional 50,000 men — a part of the group of 280,932 who enlisted or were commissioned in the various branches of service. The inevitability of their being inducted through Selec- tive Service unquestionably played a major part in the decisions of these 50,000 men to enter the armed forces voluntarily. The processing of 629,516 men for the armed forces involved the em- ployment of hundreds of paid personnel and thousands of persons who served without compensation. It required the rental or procuring of office quarters for State Headquarters, 361 Local Boards and 20 Boards of Appeal, plus a tremendous amount of equipment and supplies. It meant many millions of classification actions and several million trips of registrants to and from the induction stations. In spite of the vast operation, Illinois held its cost down to an almost irreducible minimum. OPERATING PERSONNEL To accomplish a massive manpower procurement objective such as that achieved by Illinois required a large organization. While not all of the persons who served the Illinois Selective Service System (11,000 at the peak of its activities in 1945) were compensated, the System was required to maintain a salaried group of civilian employes — a peak of 1,367 in 1945. (The Army, Navy and Marine Corps officers assigned to the Illinois State Director were paid by their respective branches of service.) As the operating cost table on an ensuing page will show, the largest single item of cost was that of personnel. Close to 87% of the expenditure for personnel was used for the employment of clerical help for the Local Boards. The State Headquarters personnel expenditure amounted to approxi- mately 12% of the total for the entire personnel of the State. Originally, each Local Board was limited to one clerk. As the volume of work increased, the State Director was authorized to employ necessary addi- tional clerks. TRAVEL OF SELECTEES Another large item in Selective Service cost was the transportation of selectees to and from the induction stations. Only a slight, fractional part of 267 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS the Travel of Selectees cost was incurred by the transportation of registrants to and from Medical Advisory Boards. fn the early days of the program — when selectees were inducted immedi- ately after being found acceptable for military service — Selective Service was required to pay for a one way trip of the selectee to the induction station. Only in case a selected man was rejected for military service was the System required to furnish transportation back to the rejected man's home area. After several methods of physical examination and induction procedure were tried, the final method made it necessary for the System to pay each selectee's transportation to and from the induction station for physical examination, plus another trip when the selectee was returned for actual induction. In addition to paying the cost for transporting Illinois registrants to the inductions stations, the System in this State was also required to provide the transportation for registrants of other States who were "transferred" for either physical examination or induction. This added, in no small measure, to the overall cost of such travel. RENTS AND UTILITIES Rents and utilities constituted the third largest item of cost. Through the generous cooperation of a number of postmasters, county commissioners or supervisors, and a few city officials, a small number of Local Boards in Illinois were provided with rent-free office space. Most of the Local and Appeal Boards had to operate in commercial space which was leased and paid for by the United States Government. In many cases, it was necessary to make alterations in order to conform strictly to the office arrangement required by Selective Service. These altera- tions were paid for by the Selective Service System. FINANCE A VITAL FACTOR IN SYSTEM A glance at the figures shown in the operating cost table presented at the end of this chapter quickly reveals the tremendous importance of efficient operation of all finance, procurement and supply activities. A similar opera- lion in a private commercial enterprise undoubtedly would have required far more personnel than the number so employed at Illinois State Head- quarters. While the State Director, himself, was responsible for the budgeting and expending of all Selective Service funds required for the operation within this State, the detailed procedure was carried on most efficient!) by the State Procurement Officer and his stall. As stated elsewhere in this volume, the First Registration was conducted only thirty days after the passage of the Selective Service law on September 16, 1940. In order to carry out the Presidential order for registration on 268 SELECTIVE SERVICE COST IN ILLINOIS October 16, 1940, and because Congress had not appropriated the required funds, an emergency appropriation of $25,000 was allotted to the Illinois State Director from the emergency fund of the President of the United States. This emergency appropriation enabled the State Director to procure the equipment and supplies necessary to commence operation and insure carry- ing out the First Registration. Regular funds from the System were allotted to Illinois shortly thereafter. At the outset, there were no data available for use in judging anticipated financial needs on a long term basis. Each State Director was therefore obliged to submit his budget estimate month by month. After November of 1941, all State Directors were required to submit their budget requests on an annual basis. Audits of the expenditures of the Illinois Selective Service System were made at frequent intervals by auditing officers from National Selective Serv- ice Headquarters and members of the staff of the General Accounting Office in Washington. Due to the excellent previous training of the State Procure- ment Officer and his staff — plus constant watchfulness and efficient financial operation — no major discrepancy ever appeared in the System in Illinois, and any minor discrepancy which showed up only on rare occasion was the result of technical misunderstanding. The per capita cost of obtaining men for the armed forces varied from time to time according to the volume of men required, the size of the per- sonnel force of the System, and the different methods of induction procedure. The figures in the table shown immediately below were obtained by dividing the total period operating costs of the System in Illinois by the number of selectees (Illinois registrants) actually inducted into the armed forces. No. of Men Per Capita Period Inducted Cost November 11, 1940 to June 30, 1941 45,207 $30.09 July 1, 1941 to June 30, 1942 91.328 22.33 July 1, 1942 to June 30, 1943 244.954 11.87 July 1, 1943 to June 30, 1944 161,949 24.10 July 1, 1944 to June 30, 1945 60,595 50.93 TOTAL MEN AND AVERAGE COST 604,033 $21.09 NOTE: The high cost of $50.93 per capita from July 1, 1944 to June 30, 1945 was occasioned by the Illinois System having been required to forward a large num- ber of its Class II-A, II-B and II-C registrants to the induction station for phys- ical examination. While most of these particular men were never inducted, the cost of forwarding them to the induction station and returning them home had to be added to the regular selectee travel expenditures, thus making the per capita cost for the period concerned higher than the average normal. (The cost figures from July 1, 1945 to the termination of Selective Service were not available.) 269 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS 00 CO CN r— 1 c^ o o co LO i-H LO o ON CN CO CO LO On NO CO -^ LO i-H CN CO CN LO NO CN CO CN LO HH On CO o Tf O CN O rf O CN < ^ CO l> i-H CO o CO ON LO CO CO C/) H r> CN no" a\ On" o" no" S" CO l> CO O g ►J O t* NO O CN CO O rf I - H CO CO CO CN CO r^ CN 1—1 €©= cn r-4 NO* fa 'rt >> § s NO O CO o U 4) » • rt > (H o cd o l I 1 1 1 1 1 1 o 1- w H < 0) 3 p CN LO £^£ co" cn co" CN H in tn cd CO CO CO i— 1 NO <* W £ c S 8 >Ch l> d 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1- NO 10 CN CN H LO © CN LO r-4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 On - - - CO NO NO CO 3 On On CN en W „ o o fl - 1 - T3 •- be o 1 - i i | 1 1 d co 1 CO E H ^ NO VO 1 1 1 1 LO co 1 w C3 c/3 co V X, © On CN co nO^ ° >H J3 ^5£ o d i-H c/3 P LO NO o €© && - o NO r-* LO CO CN CO ^ 13 ERVI rough "^^ in 1>I I-H l6 I I CO CO I CO LO rH On CO o cd ll 00 o 1 1 1 LO NO l> On On c o* CN ^ W o CN r-i °v o <« ■£ co & CO On" CO" CO" LO" CO On - W o CN CN o > 5 4^ 4^ '_ i-h On - hH r-l t« LO l> _z SELEC From -a vq l> CM CO CN t~- X t> LO On c (h ■ CO i> LO CN i-H ON 1 NO co d d CN / C r—l LO r— | CN 1 CO o o CO CN o PC CN CN t> On r-H LO 00^ On i-H l> CO Cn" "^ NO" O o On" l> o" 00 On" s o cn NO On CO r-H LO O CN ^_ W o l> CO i-H CN CN °l H On" CN r-4 O en CO CO On ,_| O rj o ° ^ NO 7 g q NO On l—l CO ^ q On On CO T H »s © ^ 1 NO ^ LO $ CN i-h CN CN > - i^ 3 I On On o i— H Tt tj CN - <* 2 g. i> CN l> co €j 0> CO t> On I- - cd co~3 CO NO co" MO o" CN 10 co" co" NO" r CO CO l 1 CO CN o i-H 1—1 Tt CO CO cq S" o €© m fa .— ■ c ! ,', c o .2 . o . — ^c • 5 .i _- M / H O u is .a c > C «-i 0) 13 c O o — tf> t/j Cv «-t-i & cO 'f. 5 "3 H i* 3 .EbE H OJ '^ Cu CO -5 3 3 C^ Oh H H H U c- pci /. u 270 CHAPTER f i-jmSBaM 5 xx 'l m APPRECIATION OF SERVICE When the clouds of war began to gather over this country in 1940 and the 76th Congress passed the Selective Training and Service Act to strengthen the defenses of our Nation, Illinois men and women responded freely to the call for voluntary service to carry out the Act. Many thousands of teachers, poll workers, veterans and others helped to register more than a million Illinois men on October 16, 1940. Public officials gave the utmost in cooperation. Both the Governor and the State Director of Selective Service publicly expressed their gratitude for this voluntary service in the First Registration. Several thousand additional Illinois men volunteered their service as Members of Local, Appeal, Medical Advisory and Registrants Advisory Boards, as Government Appeal Agents, as Reemployment Committeemen and as Examining Physicians and Dentists. Later in the program, over seven hundred men and women gave their time as Medical Field Agents to assist in obtaining important social, medical and educational information on registrants. Hundreds of trained social welfare workers made necessary investigations in Medal pictured at top is the Selective Service Medal awarded by Congress to certain uncompensated personnel of the Selective Service System. 271 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS cases where dependency deferment claims were doubtful. Many others assisted in specialized fields. None of these patriotic individuals received a cent for his or her personal services. Many of these volunteer workers toiled countless hours — even on nights, Sundays and holidays — in order to perform their duties properly. Great personal sacrifices were made beyond measure. Ocassionally, unjust criticism was received because of some action taken in accordance with the regulations. It was humanly impossible for Congress to enact a law that would satisfy everybody concerned, and Local Boards were often blamed even though they had tried earnestly to administer the law in fairness to everyone. Perhaps the greatest compensation which these faithful workers received for their patriotic service was the deep-down satisfaction which came from the knowledge that they had served their Nation in its time of need. Yet, time after time, they were accorded public honors for their magnificent contribu- tion to America's war effort. PRESIDENTIAL APPRECIATION From almost the beginning, the Chief Executive determined that the uncompensated personnel who were regularly performing service for the Selective Service System should be accorded recognition for their patriotic contribution to their Nation. He therefore authorized the distribution of a (Continued on page 274) of tlje ^mir- o j^tatt-s of (America nas auiarded tn*& latin d. Ktncmnt m/ieMa/ed iexm'res fiatiriofaoMu rendered tui cotm/ru in vie adnu nid ration cf vie .Jtudivr , /< PtKtM Juste m &* vie /tedot/ ofe feu* ueai&. PRESIDENTIAL CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION 272 APPRECIATION OF SERVICE ?» //,. „„,>,, t/ //,< Congress of the United States 1Clic Selective Scrvncc ftlcdal JAMES L LEEN fu'wn /-/ /{/ft/// fi/u ff,n// tpf/A/>tt/ cmn/w Mia/ion /< //**' tm/tffrfoff ting satisfaction from the knoweldge that you have made personally a contribution of real importance to the preservation of American ideals of liberty and justice. You have justified the faith of the American people in our form of government, and you have <:iven convincing demonstration of one of the reasons why America is the greatesl and strongest nation on earth. Again 1 say it is with pleasure thai I join in this tribute and present to you the individual medals and cert ideates of merit which are symbols of the gratitude of your govern- ment and vour fellow citizens." 276 APPRECIATION OF SERVICE SELECTIVE SERVICE MEDAL PRESENTATION Among many others who received the Congressional Medal from Governor Green (right front) at the Galesburg area meeting were (left to right) Dr. C. P. O'Neill, Examining Physician. Allen A. Klore, Government Appeal Agent. William H. Layden, Reem- ployment Committeeman. Dr. O'Neill was with Rock Island City Board 1. and Messrs. Klore and Layden with Rock Island City Board 2. No one knew better than State Director Armstrong how well the volunteer personnel of the system merited the Congressional recognition, and he was happy to add his words of praise for the outstanding patriotic service which had been rendered: "Governor Green, in his presentation of the medals awarded by the Congress of the United States to the uncompensated personnel of the Selective Service System who have served loyally and efficiently for tw r o years or more, has extended his own thanks and appreciation, as w T ell as the gratitude of the people of Illinois, for an outstanding job well done. "The Governor has told you of the tremendous wartime contribution made by Illinois — in agriculture, in industry, and in research in the great laboratories of our universities. He has told you of the mighty army of almost a million men and women who went from the fields and the factories, stores and offices, the schools and colleges of this State, and the great sacrifices that were made by them and their families to bring victory to our beloved country. "You men — more than any other group in America, excepting the armed forces alone — made victory possible. You provided the manpower for the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps, giving every consideration fairly, democratically and judiciously, to the dependents and to the agricultural and industrial needs of the Nation. You always remembered that Military Manpower alone could not win the war, but that our forces had to be fed. transported and equipped — or fail. It was through your judgment — with wisdom that might well be ascribed to Solomon himself — you raised a victorious fighting force that brought the final victory without disruption of the production that was so vital to industry and agriculture. "In carrying out this stupendous task, there was tragedy, drama, pathos and heartbreak. There were, however, compensations resulting from your service. Friend- ships were made with those whom you had served in a great common cause. You gained a new understanding and tolerance for your fellow men. These and other intangible benefits are among the rewards that will long endure in your memories. 277 SELECTO E SKH\ ICK IN ILLINOIS "'Jii your service, \»>u made greal sacrifices — in main instances 'above and beyond tin- call of duty.' You spent endless and painstaking hours, da>^ and nights away from your families. You had to make main heart-rending decisions. You were under pressure at all times from the community, industry and agriculture to withhold induc- tions as well as being constantly urged by State and National Headquarters to fill your quotas, but we asked you at the same time to save the necessary and essential men for production. Through all these hectic years, you went steadfastly on carrying out your patriotic duties without fear or favor, making an unparalleled record of service to your State and Nation that will always remain a brilliant page in history. The credit for this great accomplishment is yours. "It has been a great privilege to serve with a group of real Americans in this great work, and I wish to add my own most heartfelt thanks and the thanks of each and every member of my staff on the occasion of this award. The memories of your friendship and support through these difficult and trying years I shall always cherish beyond measure. "My heartiest congratulations on your receiving a well-merited award.'" STATE ACKNOWLEDGMENTS On the State level. Illinois was constantly aware of the importance of the service performed by workers within the Selective Service System. It was natural, of course, that special appreciation be shown to those serving without compensation. On June 26, 1943, the House of Representatives of the Sixty-Third General Assembly of the State of Illinois adopted a resolution I House Resolution No. 74) commending, on behalf of the people of the State, both the volunteer and compensated personnel of the Selective Service System in Illinois. Copies of this Resolution were printed and forwarded to State Headquarters, all Local Boards and Boards of Appeal in the State. The House of the Sixty-Fourth General Assembly passed a similar resolu- tion (House Resolution No. 21) on January 31. 1945, this Resolution also having been distributed to the various agencies of the System in Illinois. On May 16, 1945, at the Governor's suggestion, the Senate of the Sixty- Fourth General Assembly joined with the House in adopting a resolution I House Joint Resolution No. 10 i in which especially generous tribute was paid to the uncompensated personnel who continued their volunteer service to the Selective Service System in spite of the inevitability of approaching complete victory in war. In accordance with the authoritv granted by the State Legis- lature, a most attractive Certificate of Distinguished Service was printed; each individual's name was hand-lettered on his Certificate: all Certificates were appropriately I rained and mailed to the uncompensated personnel qualify- ing for the award. (Certificate is shown on page 252.) At every opportunity, the Governor acknowledged the quality and vital nature of the service rendered I»\ all personnel in the System in this State. 278 APPRECIATION OF SERVICE State Director Armstrong repeatedly voiced his profound appreciation to not only the volunteer personnel but the compensated employees as well for their honesty, loyalty and efficiency and carrying out the arduous duties imposed upon them by the requirements of Selective Service procedure. COMMUNITY HONORS TO LOCAL BOARDS Communities were generous in their recognition of the honest, capable and faithful service rendered by Local Boards. In many cases, public meetings or testimonal dinners were held, at which leaders of every phase of each community's life paid unstinted homage to the people who toiled almost cease- lessly in order that needed manpower might flow unabated to the armed forces. That the general public deeply appreciated the labor of the Local Boards was evidenced clearly by the many voluntary honors paid to these Boards. While we were not able to obtain complete statistics on the various honors bestowed upon Illinois Local Boards, we did learn that: — 198 Local Boards received presentations of the National Colors; — 101 Local Boards were the recipients of Testimonial Dinners; — 76 Local Boards received special local citations, certificates or plaques testifying to public recognition of their work: — 16 Local Boards received miscellaneous other forms of testimonials re- ferring to performance of their Selective Service duties. a Two Timers Yes, but "two-timers"' of a different sort, for Phillip Weinberg and William F. Wendel served in the Selective Service organizations of both World War I and World War II. Mr. Weinberg, a Chicago businessman, was a civil service employe on the staff of Gen. Enoch Crowder, administrator of the World War I draft, and took part in the original draft lottery held in Washington in July of 1917. Weinberg soon afterward resigned his position to enlist in the Army. During the recent war, he served as a Member of Chicago Local Board 125. Mr. Wendel, retired businessman in Waukegan, served as Chairman of Lake County Local Board 2 in 1917-18 and again served his country in World War II as Chairman of Waukegan City Local Board 2. 279 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS The Reason for Patience A patriotic restaurant owner in Chicago, in 1942. presented his customers with a unique jingle as an explanation for the curtailed service which existed in his restaurant during wartime: Remember December the Seventh, Friend? Well, to even the score, we decided to send All of the help we could possibly spare To join in the scrap it's our duty to share. The girl known as Ethel, who waited on you Has taken her place in a factory crew. Frank is a doughboy, and our own little Bob Walked out long ago and "joined up" as a Gob. And then there are others, as you well may surmise By the plaque in our window and what it implies — Manuel, Robert, Irving and Frank .... They're flying, or marchin', or ridin' a tank. We know you miss Charlie who worked at the bar, And say, by the way, if you can't park your car, We're sure you won't mind when you hear the excuse — Our garage houses trailers for Government use. SO, PLEASE HAVE SOME PATIENCE. BE EASY AND FREE, AND THE DAY THAT IT'S OVER, THE DRINKS ARE ON ME! — John F. Ricketts, Member. Chicago Local Board I I 1 280 CHAPTER XXIII STATE DIRECTOR'S RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE SELECTIVE SERVICE PLANNING Several months prior to the official termination of the Selective Service law on March 31, 1947, the National Director of Selective Service requested the Illinois State Director to prepare a report of the accomplishments of the System in Illinois. The National Director also solicited constructive criticisms of the various phases of Selective Service and invited specific recommenda- tions as to procedure in the event of future reactivation of the System. In response to General Hershey's request and solicitation, Colonel Arm- strong prepared and submitted a comprehensive report, including a number of specific recommendations to be considered for future planning. His rec- ommendations, in brief, were: Administration 1. National Headquarters should be extremely vigilant with reference to making sure that each State prepare a sound and intelligent State Selective Service Plan well in advance of the activation date of any Selective Service operation in the future. This plan should be checked annually with reference to changing conditions, shifts of population, industrial and agricultural changes, etc. Such procedure would insure orderly and efficient operation from the beginning, and would prevent radical changes made necessary by improper planning. 2. Continue advance training of officers qualified to serve on a State Selective Service Staff should be carried on, with regularly scheduled conferences for the purposes of revising plans, developing necessary new procedures, attaining proficiency in specialized functions, etc. 3. Select Local Board Members not only on the basis of their own individual character and ability but also to insure equitable repre- sentation on each Board, thus avoiding, to the maximum degree possible, charges of political, religious or racial favoritism. 4. Refrain from selecting, as Selective Service personnel, persons who are prominently engaged in political party activities. 5. With reference to Illinois, it is believed that the fact that the State Director was a civilian instead of a military officer on active duty was not without benefits. Because of the definite tendency of military officers to respect the opinions and desires of officers superior in rank, there were occasions (particularly the contacts with high Army and Navy officers at area headquarters) when the State Director — had he been a military officer — would not have been able to stand his 281 SELECTI\ e >i;i;\ [CE l\ ILLINOIS ground and thus obtain specific advantages and benefits for the Se lective Service System as such. (). The use of military officers on the State Director's Staff is wise pro- cedure. The innate respect for the military uniform tended to accord State Headquarters officers (by Selective Service personnel, em- ployers, registrants, dependents, etc.) better reception and greater cooperation in time of war. 7. Authorize the appointment, for Local Boards predominating in agricultural or industrial registrants, of special advisory members qualified to investigate and report to the Local Board their findings on prevailing conditions within each area or existing circumstances in certain cases. Local Board Members, being required to spend con- siderable time on class classification duties, have very little time to go out and personally investigate detailed conditions or circumstances. 8. So that Local Boards can judge disputed dependency deferment claims fairly and competently, it is necessary that the Boards be furnished with reports based upon investigations by trained social workers. This procedure in Illinois gave Local Boards, as well as the higher agencies of classification, factual and unbiased information and helped to avoid injustice to registrants, dependents or the government. 9. No regulations which change established procedure should be issued by National Headquarters until after a survey of the opinions and suggestions of the State Director has been made. Each State Direc- tor would consult with his field staff and, if necessary, with representa- tive Local Boards before determining whether or not a proposed change in regulations would be practical and. if such change were indicated, what revisions in the proposal would eliminate faults or objections. 10. Regulations should be written so that: (1) they are readily under- standable and clear to any person of reasonable intelligence, and (2) they mean one thing specifically and cannot be interpreted either for or against a particular viewpoint. Very few Local Board Mem- bers were lawyers. Therefore, legal phraseology should be sacrificed in favor of underslandability and clarity. I I. Policies with reference to deferments should, from the \er\ outset, be rigid, clearly defined and stable. 12. Policies of National Headquarters as to the various phases of Selec- tive Service operation should be disseminated to State Headquarters and, through the latter agency, to Local and Appeal Boards. Such policies should not alter or restrict a Boards right of self-determi- nation of classification, but should merel) explain National Head- quarters' viewpoint or position with reference to an) situation or regulation containing potential controversy. 282 STATE DIRECTOR'S RECOMMENDATIONS 13. Any publicity release from National Headquarters announcing a change in regulation or policy should not be released until all State Directors have been advised of such change. Inevitably, following such a release, newspapers bombard the State Director with requests for information or comment, and an extremely embarrassing situation (to the System as well as the State Director) is created when the State Director is without official knowledge of the matter being publicized. 14. A strict policy of fairness and impartiality in handling the press should be adhered to rigidly. Favoritism of one publication over another should not be tolerated. On the other hand, any publicity information developed solely on the request of one specific publication should be restricted exclusively to that one publication. 15. Specific information with reference to the various phases of Selective Service should be disseminated regularly through the press, radio, industrial associations and other media of publicity. The importance of keeping the public informed cannot be minimized. 16. Regular visits to Local Boards by traveling auditors are almost an indispensable need. Frequent checking is virtually the only method of (1) detecting and correcting improper Board or clerical procedures and (2) getting the Local Boards to keep up-to-date on their work. Traveling auditors should, if at all possible, be chosen from the ranks of Local Board clerks — even if it means the postponement (for several months) of establishment of the auditing staff, so that the abilities of the various clerks may be observed. 17. Each county (excepting Cook County) having two or more Local Boards should have all of its Local Boards grouped in one office, one chief clerk to be in charge of all clerks, assistant clerks being assigned for work on all Boards. The chief clerk's salary, based upon the number of Local Boards he must supervise, should be commen- surate with his work and responsibility. In Cook County, twenty or more areas should be established, each area to contain from five to seven Local Boards, administered as suggested above. Under this plan, probably up to one hundred less Local Boards would be required than were needed in the 1940-1947 program of Selective Service. Also, the operation of a number of Local Boards in the same office and under the same clerical administration would make for greater uniformity in size (number of registrants) in Boards and eliminate comparisons, complaints and jealousy among Boards. In addition, administration from State Headquarters would be simpler and much more expeditious. Finally, the grouping of Local Boards would effect a tremendous savings in the System's operating costs. 283 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS Personnel 1. The selection of compensated personnel in Local Board offices should not be left to the Members of the Local Board. Instead, such selec- tion should be made through the U. S. Civil Service Commission and the State Director. Local Boards should, of course, be given the privilege of recommending certain persons for any vacancies, but the actual selection and appointment should be kept out of a Board's hands. This procedure would eliminate favoritism charges and produce higher clerical efficiency. Classification — General 1. The Illinois Policy of requiring the initials of Local Board Members to be placed after each classification — that is, the initials of the Members voting jor the classification given — proved to be a good policy. It eliminated the possibility of illegal classification by one Member or by a clerk; it prevented "one man rule" of a Board; it tended to prevent change of opinion without new evidence to war- rant change of classification; it helped State Headquarters in solving troublesome cases. 2. Establish "Class I-S" in which Local Boards may place high school and college students who, while otherwise available for military serv- ice, have their inductions temporarily deferred for the purpose of allowing them to continue their studies for a limited period of time. Classification — Agricultural 1. Agricultural registrants and their employers should be required to fill out and submit a special agricultural questionnaire which sets forth the area farmed, the production, the labor force and other per- tinent facts about each farm on which a military-age registrant is employed. This type of questionnaire was employed in Illinois with great success and, in our opinion, was indispensable to Local Boards and higher classifying agencies. In addition, the agricultural question- naire provided data which could be used by the State Headquarters auditors to determine whether or not certain Local Boards were being unusually strict or unusually liberal in their determinations of agri- cultural classifications. 2. The use of the "agricultural conversion unit" as a factor in determin- ing values in agricultural production should be restored. The "unit system provided an almost perfect formula for determining whether or not an agricultural registrant could be spared from the farm on which he was employed. In some cases, it may be necessary to give special consideration to the type of soil on the farm, types of farm equipment available, and other unusual factors which make it in- advisable to rely solely upon the "unil" system. 284 STATE DIRECTOR'S RECOMMENDATIONS 3. Any future Selective Service law should be devoid of any provision that gives or implies exemption to agricultural registrants. The "Tyd- ings Amendment" not only created a false impression as to deferment of farm workers, but it caused unnecessary difficulties to and unfair criticism against Local Boards. 4. Many Illinois Local Board Members have suggested that, in any future Selective Service effort, agricultural employers should be forced to comply with the same information standards as were required of industrial employers. This could best be done by nation-wide adoption of a questionnaire similar to the Illinois Agricultural Ques- tionnaire (Illinois Form AQ), plus the use of the "agricultural con- version unit" as suggested in Item 2 above. 5. Experienced agricultural workers above the age of 25 years should be "frozen" in their jobs early in any future Selective Service pro- gram, the younger and less experienced workers to be made available to the armed forces first. 6. A regulation should be established prohibiting any experienced farm worker from leaving the farm on which he is employed to (1) enter war industry, except temporarily in slack farm season, or (2) purchase or rent a farm of his own, thus attempting to set up his own basis for deferment. Classification — Industrial 1. Experienced industrial workers over the age of 25 years in essential activities should be "frozen" to their jobs early in any future Se- lective Service program. During World War II, much important war production was lost by reason of highly skilled artisans and mechanics having been drafted before properly trained replacements were available— even under an accelerated training program. 2. Adopt, at the very beginning, a Replacement Schedule program for essential activities in order that withdrawal of military-age manpower from industrial plants may be accomplished in an orderly fashion and without serious interference with necessary war production. 3. Establish early a Procurement and Assignment Service plan for phys- icians, dentists, veterinarians and osteopaths, using a special occu- pational questionnaire applicable to men in these professions. 4. Adopt early a special certification plan for engineers, technicians, teachers, scientific students and, if applicable, men in the Merchant Marine. 5. Develop a more inclusive List of Essential Activities and List of Critical Occupations. 6. Conduct special and specific advance training for officers expected to serve as Occupational Advisors within the Selective Service System. 285 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS 7. Tighten the regulatitons with reference to "come lately" men in in- dustry (and agriculture) to the end that such men be denied the op- portunity to set up their own basis for occupational deferment. Men of this type were the source of considerable trouble to and complaints by Local Board Members in World War II. Classification — Dependency 1. Adopt positive definitions and policies in regard to dependency and "extreme hardship" at the very beginning of any future Selective Service program. 2. Adopt a specific definition of "father" at the outset, and have regula- tions provide that "fathers" shall not be inducted until all available "non-fathers" have been taken into military service. 3. In all cases of disputed dependency claims, make available the services of a social service agency for unbiased investigation and report to each Local Board concerned. Classification — Conscientious Objectors 1. Deny "conscientious objector" classification to any registrant claim- ing conscientious objection who is directly or indirectly engaged in the manufacture of any instrument of war. Induction 1. Continue the induction policy in force at the termination of World War II Selective Service program — that of giving a registrant a pre- induction physical examination at the induction station and, if he is found acceptable for military service, allow him a period of 21 days in which to make all necessary personal and employment arrange- ments and adjustments. 3. Induction calls should be based upon the number of Class I-A and I-A-0 men each Local Board has available for military service, with credits given for enlistments, commissions and discharges. This pro- cedure will eliminate undue pressure upon Local Boards, as well as tend to prevent complaints and jealousies among Local Boards. 4. Illinois, during the 1940-1947 Selective Service program, inducted 629,516 men, most of whom entered service through the induction station at Chicago. It is believed advisable to set up two induction stations for Illinois selectees — one at Chicago and the other at St. Louis, Missouri, the latter for selectees from the southern half of the State. This procedure will (1) effect economies in the cost of selectee travel, (2) expedite inductions, and (3) enable selectees to reach the induction station in better physical and mental condition. with a resulting decrease in rejections for military service. 286 STATE DIRECTOR'S RECOMMENDATIONS Physical and Mental Examinations 1. Continue the procedure of having complete physical examinations done at the induction station, the services of the Local Board Exam- ining Physician to be used only in cases where the existence of an "obvious physical defect" is doubtful. If necessary, any such doubt- ful case may be referred to a Medical Advisory Board prior to being submitted to the induction station. 2. Establish, at the very outset, specific minimum physical standards required for military service. This will (1) eliminate confusion, (2) save Local Boards considerable unnecessary work, and (3) permit registrants and employers to make long range plans in which the registrants" liability or non-liability for military service call is a factor. 3. All registrants in the vulnerable age groups should be examined at the induction station prior to their being given Selective Service classification. Medical Survey Program 1. This Program should be initiated when mobilization is ordered; it was established much too late in World War II. 2. Eliminate, as far as possible, the concealing of medical survey in- formation (gathered by Medical Field Agents) from Local Board Members and clerks. Board personnel were constantly in possession of other confidential information, and they rightfully resented being denied access to the Medical Survey information on their registrants. This resentment caused many Boards to give less than proper at- tention to the Medical Survey Program. In many cases, had the Local Board known that a registrant had a rejectible defect (infor- mation developed by the Medical Field Agent) , great savings in selectee transportation might have been effected by utilizing such information in rejecting such registrant at the Local Board level. 3. Devise a suitable form which can readily be sent to various social and health agencies, hospitals, physicians, etc., as a "letter of inquiry'" pertaining to a particular registrant. Such a form would eliminate laborious letter writing by the busy Medical Field Agents. 4. Eliminate State Headquarters' routing of Cooperating School Reports from secondary schools. The Medical Survey Program operates more successfully and expeditiously when Local Boards obtain school in- formation direct from the schools. 5. Require medical examiners at the induction stations to make full use of the Medical Survey information from the very beginning. For a number of months during the activation of the Medical Survey Pro- gram in World War II, the material laboriously gathered by the 287 SELECTIVE SERVICE l\ ILLINOIS Medical Field Agents was neither full) understood nor utilized by the induction station examiners. It was only after the State Director explained to the Commanding General of the Sixth Service Command that Medical Field Agents were threatening to resign unless their material was used that proper action was obtained at the induction station. Enforcement of Selective Service Law 1. The punitive provisions of the Selective Service law should be made more drastic and specific. By this suggestion, it is not meant that the amount of fine or the term of penal confinement should be in- creased, but rather that possible offenses against the Act should be defined in the most specific terms possible instead of broad generali- ties. There should particularly be more specific terminology with reference to (1) conspiracy to violate the Act. (2) employers making false statements regarding the "essentiality" of employes who are Selective Service registrants, and ( 3 1 the use of violence against Selective Service personnel. Governor's Rehabilitation Program 1. The Federal government should join with each State in the estab- lishment of a special program wherein a registrant with a correctible defect could, by volunteering for induction, have such defect cor- rected at public expense and thus be made available for service in the armed forces. The Governor's Rehabilitation Program in Illinois warranted the effort put forth and recovered for the armed forces several thousand men who otherwise might have been denied the opportunity to serve their country in uniform. Educational Rehabilitation Program 1. The Federal government should join with the public educational agencies of each State, county and city in a program to afford illiterate registrants to obtain sufficient education to warrant their being accepted for military service. Such a program should applv particularly to those registrants whose literacy is only slightly below the standards required for acceptance by the armed forces. As dem- onstrated by the Educational Rehabilitation Program in Cook County, such a program would not only make more men available for the armed forces, but would also help to build more subst; ntial citizens and thus increase the assets of the Nation. State and e« mmunity. # 2KH VEJSVOl As this volume goes to press, a new Selective Service Act is in operation. Many of the "old faithful" members of the Boards of World War II are back at work with us — giving their voluntary and unselfish service once again so that America can be strong and thus have the greatest assurance of continued peace. God grant that history does not repeat itself by making this peacetime Selective Service a forerunner to another war that can bring only terror, destruction and useless sacrifice to the peoples of the world. State Director of Selective Service Chicago, February 10, 1949 289 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS ILLINC STAFF OFFICERS COMMENDED Col. Paul G. Armstrong, State Director of Selective Service, on May 4, 1946, presented Army Commendation certificates and ribbons to staff members in recognition of meritorious performance of duty with the Selective Service System. Pictured above, left to right, are: Lt. Col. M. G. Buck, Lt. Col. William A. Rodger, Maj. Fred W. Jacobi, Col. Victor A. Kleber, Colonel Armstrong, Capt. Harry W. Melcher, Lt. Col. E. P. Coady, Lt. Col. E. I. Edwards and Maj. Charles J. Magnesen. Other staff officers similarly commended but not present for the picture were: Col. Stanley R. McNeil, Maj. Joseph U. Dugan, Lt. Col. Baird V. Helfrich, Lt. Comdr. Walter J. Eden, USNR, Lt. Col. Harry W. Taylor, Lt. Col. Robert H. Sykes, Lt. Comdr. fin. S. Bishop, USNR, Maj. Peter N. Martin. Maj. Sidney T. Holzman, Maj. John B. Morgan, Maj. Wilbur A. Thomas, Maj. James C. Foster, USMCR, Capt. Kenneth L. Allen, Maj. William C. Talsey, Maj. George W. Biggerstaff, Capt. John E. Egdorf. Capt. Francis W. Lorman, Capt. Robert J. Turnbull, Capt. Earl R. Stege. Capt. Earl H. Blair, Capt. Benj. R. Wetenhall, Maj. Homer R. Lewis. Capt. W. Robert James. Most of those officers not present had already been released from service. 290 APPENDIX 291 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS giTCTraremriTi 4 fi B VJ O ft, 2 ( ;2 ILLINOIS SELECTIVE SERVICE MAP < < «! O H U x O 293 SELECTIM-: SEKUCE IN ILLINOIS Kb • o Q>2 joOtj 6 S ? 5 r i Z n O • • o X ^s J -L* s rtn g *-tt I *< 1 2o & u tn < s Ok -^ ►< - * C/> - H J tn < 3: o i— i H U W en fa O M MBER W \R[> FUH \[>\RY WARDS AND DRAFT BOARD AREAS »•>< Droll too'd Humbert 26. ...40 117 118 27.. 41 119 120 28 42 121 122 29 43 123 124 30.. .44 45 125 31.. 46 126 127 32. 47 128 129 33.. 48 130 131 34 .49 132 133 35 . .50 51 134 36 52 53 135 37 54 55 136 38 56 57 137 39. 58 59 138 40 60 61 139 41 62 63 140 42 64 141 142 43 65 143 44 66 144 145 45 67 68 146 46 69 70 147 47 71 72 148 48 .73 74 149 150 49 75 76 151 50 77 78 79 MAP OF CHICAGO LOCAL BOAR I >S Courtesy of The Chicago Tribune THE SELECTIVE TRAINING AND SERVICE ACT OF 1940 (As enacted on September 16, 1940) Public, No. 783, 76th Congress; Chapter 720, 3d Session; S. 4164 AN ACT To provide for the com- mon defense by increasing the personnel of the armed forces of the United States and providing for Its training. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That (a) the Congress hereby declares that it is imperative to increase and train the personnel of the armed forces of the United States. (b) The Congress further declares that in a free society the obligations and privi- leges of military training and service should be shared generally in accordance with a fair and just system of selective compulsory military training and service. (c) The Congress further declares in ac- cordance with our traditional military policy as expressed in the National De- fense Act of 1916, as amended, that it is essential that the strength and organization of the National Guard, as an integral part of the first-line defense of this Nation, be at all times maintained and assured. To this end, it is the intent of the Congress that whenever the Congress shall determine that troops are needed for the national security in excess of those of the Regular Army and those in active training and service under section 3 (b), the National Guard of the United States, or such part thereof as may be necessary, shall be or- dered to active Federal service and con- tinued therein so long as such necessity exists. Sec. 2. Except as otherwise provided in this act, it shall be the duty of every male citizen of the United States, and of every male alien residing in the United States, who, on the day or days fixed for the first or any subsequent registration, is between the ages of twenty-one and thirty-six, to present himself for and submit to regis- tration at such time or times and place or places, and in such manner and in such age group or groups, as shall be deter- mined by rules and regulations prescribed hereunder. Sec. 3. (a) Except as otherwise pro- vided in this act, every male citizen of the United States, and every male alien residing in the United States who has declared his intention to become such a citizen, between the ages of twenty-one and thirty-six at the time fixed for his registration, shall be liable for training and service in the land or naval forces of the United States. The President is author- ized from time to time, whether or not a state of war exists, to select and induct into the land and naval forces of the United States for training and service, in the manner provided in this act, such num- ber of men as in his judgment is required for such forces in the national interest: Provided, That within the limits of the quota determined under section 4 (b) for the subdivision in which he resides, any person, regardless of race or color, between the ages of eighteen and thirty- six, shall be afforded an opportunity to volunteer for induction into the land or naval forces of the United States for the training and service prescribed in sub- section (b), but no person who so volun- teers shall be inducted for such training and service so long as he is deferred after classification: Provided further, That no man shall be inducted for training and service under this act unless and until he is acceptable to the land and naval forces for such training and service and his phys- ical and mental fitness for such training and service has been satisfactorily de- termined: Provided further, That no men shall be inducted for such training and service until adequate provision shall have been made for such shelter, sanitary facili- ties, water supplies, heating and lighting 297 SELECTIVE SERVICE I.N ILLINOIS arrangements, medical care, and hospital accommodations, for such men, as may be determined by the Secretary of War or the Secretary of the Navy, as the case may be, to be essential to public and personal health: Provided further, That except in time of war there shall not be in active training or service in the land forces of the United States at any one time under sub- section (b) more than nine hundred thou- sand men inducted under the provisions of this act. The men inducted into the land or naval forces for training and serv- ice under this act shall be assigned to camps or units of such forces. of those men in a status with respeel to persons dependenl upon them for support which renders their deferment advisable, and (2> of those men found to be physically, mentally, or morally deficient or defective. No deferment from such training and service shall be made in the case of any individual except upon l lie basis of the status of such individual, and no such deferment shall be made of individuals by occupational groups or of groups of individuals in any plant or in- stitution. if) \n\ person who, during the year 1940, entered upon attendance for the academic year 1940-1941 — • I) at any college or university which grants a degree in arts or science, to pursue a course of instruction satisfac- tory completion of which is prescribed by such college or university as a pre- requisite to either of such degrees; or (2) at any university described in paragraph (1), to pursue a course of instruction to the pursuit of which a degree in arts or science is prescribed by such university as a prerequisite; and who, while pursuing such course of instruction at such college or university, is selected for training and service under this act prior to the end of such academic year, or prior to July 1. 1941, whichever occurs first, shall, upon his request, be deferred from induction into the land or naval forces for such training and service until the end of such academic year, but in no event later than July 1. 1941. (g) Nothing contained in this act shall be construed to require any person to be subject to combatant training and service in the land or naval forces of the United States who, by reason of religious train- ing and belief, is conscientiously opposed to participation in war in any form. \n\ such person claiming such exemption from combatant training and service because of such conscientious objections whose claim i- sustained 1>> the local board shall, if he is inducted into the land or naval forces under this act. be assigned to noncom- batanl service a- defined by the President, or -hall, if he is found to be conscien- tiously opposed to participation in such noncombatant service, in lieu of such in- duction, he assigned to work of national importance under civilian direction. Any such person claiming such exemption from ((•inhalant training ami service because of 300 THE SELECTIVE TRAINING AND SERVICE ACT OF 1940 such conscientious objections shall, if such claim is not sustained by the local board, be entitled to an appeal to the appropriate appeal board provided for in section 10 I a I (2). Upon the filing of such appeal with the appeal board, the appeal board shall forthwith refer the matter to the Depart- ment of Justice for inquiry and hearing by the Department or the proper agency thereof. After appropriate inquiry by such agency, a hearing shall be held by the Department of Justice with respect to the character and good faith of the objections of the person concerned, and such person shall be notified of the time and place of such hearing. The Department shall, after such hearing, if the objections are found to be sustained, recommend to the appeal board (1) that if the objector is inducted into the land or naval forces under this act, he shall be assigned to noncombatant service as defined by the President, or (2) that if the objector is found to be conscientiously opposed to participation in such noncombatant service, he shall in lieu of such induction be assigned to work of national importance under civilian direc- tion. If after such hearing the Depart- ment finds that his objections are not sus- tained, it shall recommend to the appeal board that such objections be not sus- tained. The appeal board shall give con- sideration to but shall not be bound to follow the recommendation of the Depart- ment of Justice together with the record on appeal from the local board in making its decision. Each person whose claim for ex- emption from combatant training and serv- ice because of conscientious objections is sustained shall be listed by the local board on a register of conscientious objectors. (h) No exception from registration, or exemption or deferment from training and service, under this act, shall continue after the cause therefor ceases to exist. Sec. 6. The President shall have au- thority to induct into the land and naval forces of the United States under this act no greater number of men than the Con- gress shall hereafter make specific appro- priation for from time to time. Sec. 7. No bounty shall be paid to induce any person to enlist in or be inducted into the land or naval forces of the United States: Provided, That the clothing or enlistment allowances author- ized by law shall not be regarded as bounties within the meaning of this sec- tion. No person liable for service in such forces shall be permitted or allowed to furnish a substitute for such service; no substitute as such shall be received, en- listed, enrolled, or inducted into the land or naval forces of the United States; and no person liable for training and service in such forces under section 3 shall be permitted to escape such training and serv- ice or be discharged therefrom prior to the expiration of his period of such train- ing and service by the payment of money or any other valuable thing whatsoever as consideration for his release from such training and service liability or thereof. Sec. 8. (a) Any person inducted into the land or naval forces under this act for training and service, who, in the judgment of those in authority over him, satisfactorily completes his period of train- ing and service under section 3 (b) shall be entitled to a certificate to that effect upon the completion of such period of training and service, which shall include a record of any special proficiency or merit attained. In addition, each such per- son who is inducted into the land or naval forces under this act for training and serv- ice shall be given a physical examination at the beginning of such training and service and a medical statement showing any physical defects noted upon such ex- amination; and upon the completion of his period of training and service under section 3 (b), each such person shall be given another physical examination and shall be given a medical statement show- ing any injuries, illnesses or disabilities suffered by him during such period of training and service. (b) In the case of any such person who, in order to perform such training and serv- ice, has left or leaves a position, other than a temporary position, in the employ of any employer and who (1) receives such certificate, (2) is still qualified to perform the duties of such position, and (3) makes application for reemployment within forty days after he is relieved from such training and service — 301 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS (A) if such position was in the em- ploy of the United States Government, its Territories or possessions, or the Dis- trict of Columbia, such person shall be restored to such position or to a position of like seniority, status, and pay; (B) if such position was in the em- ploy of a private employer, such em- ployer shall restore such person to such position or to a position of like seniority, status, and pay unless the employer's circumstances have so changed as to make it impossible or unreasonable to do so; (C) if such position was in the em- ploy of any State or political subdivi- sion thereof, it is hereby declared to be the sense of the Congress that such per- son should be restored to such position or to a position of like seniority, status, and pay. (c) Any person who is restored to a position in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (A) or (B) of subsection (b) shall be considered as having been on furlough or leave of absence during his period of training and service in the land or naval forces, shall be so restored without loss of seniority, shall be entitled to participate in insurance or other bene- fits offered by the employer pursuant to established rules and practices relating to employees on furlough or leave of ab- sence in effect with the employer at the time such person was inducted into such forces, and shall not be discharged from such position without cause within one year after such restoration. (d) Section 3 (c) of the joint resolution entitled "Joint Resolution to strengthen the common defense and to authorize the President to order members and units of reserve components and retired personnel of the Regular Army into active military service," approved August 27, 1940, is amended to read as follows: "(c) Any person who is restored to a position in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (A) or (B) of subsection (b) shall be considered as having been on furlough or Leave of absence during his period of active military service, shall be so restored without loss of seniority, shall be entitled to participate in insurance or other benefits offered by the employer pursuant to established rules and practices relating to employees on furlough or leave of absence in effect with the employer at the time such person was ordered into such service, and shall not be discharged from such position without cause within one year after such restoration." (e) In case any private employer fails or refuses to comply with the provisions of subsection (b) or subsection (c), the dis- trict court of the United States for the district in which such private employer maintains a place of business shall have power, upon the filing of a motion, peti- tion, or other appropriate pleading by the person entitled to the benefits of such pro- visions, to specifically require such em- ployer to comply with such provisions, and, as an incident thereto, to compensate such person for any loss of wages or benefits suffered by reason of such employer's un- lawful action. The court shall order a speedy hearing in any such case and shall advance it on the calendar. Upon appli- cation to the United States district attor- ney or comparable official for the district in which such private employer maintains a place of business, by any person claiming to be entitled to the benefits of such pro- visions, such United States district attor- ney or official, if reasonably satisfied that the person so applying is entitled to such benefits, shall appear and act as attorney for such person in the amicable adjust- ment of the claim or in the filing of any motion, petition, or other appropriate pleading and the prosecution thereof to specifically require such employer to com- ply with such provisions: Provided, That no fees or court costs shall be taxed against the person so applying for such benefits. (f) Section 3 (d) of the joint resolu- tion entitled "Joint Resolution to strengthen the common defense and to authorize the President to order members and units of reserve components and retired personnel of the Regular Army into active military service," approved August 27, 1940, is amended by inserting before the period at the end of the first sentence the following: ". and, a^ an incident thereto, to compen- sate such person for an> loss of wages 01 302 THE SELECTIVE TRAINING AND SERVICE ACT OF 1940 benefits suffered by reason of such employ- er's unlawful action." (g) The Director of Selective Service herein provided for shall establish a Per- sonnel Division with adequate facilities to render aid in the replacement in their former positions of, or in securing posi- tions for, members of the reserve compo- nents of the land and naval forces of the United States who have satisfactorily com- pleted any period of active duty, and per- sons who have satisfactorily completed any period of their training and service under this act. (h) Any person inducted into the land or naval forces for training and service under this act shall, during the period of such training and service, be permitted to vote in person or by absentee ballot in any general, special, or primary election oc- curring in the State of which he is a resi- dent, whether he is within or outside of such State at the time of such election, if under the laws of such State he is entitled so to vote in such election; but nothing in this subsection shall be construed to re- quire granting to any such person a leave of absence for longer than one day in order to permit him to vote in person in any such election. (i) It is the expressed policy of the Congress that whenever a vacancy is caused in the employment rolls of any business or industry by reason of induction into the service of the United States of an em- ployee pursuant to the provisions of this act such vacancy shall not be filled by any person who is a member of the Communist Party or the German-American Bund. Sec. 9. The President is empowered, through the head of the War Department or the Navy Department of the Govern- ment, in addition to the present authorized methods of purchase or procurement, to place an order with any individual, firm, association, company, corporation, or or- ganized manufacturing industry for such product or material as may be required, and which is of the nature and kind usually produced or capable of being produced by such individual, firm, company, association, corporation, or organized manufacturing industry. Compliance with all such orders for products or material shall be obligatory on any individual, firm, association, company, corporation, or organized manufacturing industry or the responsible head or heads thereof and shall take precedence over all other orders and contracts theretofore placed with such individual, firm, company, association, corporation, or organized man- ufacturing industry, and any individual, firm, association, company, corporation, or organized manufacturing industry or the responsible head or heads thereof owning or operating any plant equipped for the manufacture of arms or ammunition or parts of ammunition, or any necessary sup- plies or equipment for the Army or Navy, and any individual, firm, association, com- pany, corporation, or organized manufactur- ing industry or the responsible head or heads thereof owning or operating any manufacturing plant, which, in the opinion of the Secretary of War or the Secretary of the Navy shall be capable of being readily transformed into a plant for the manufacture of arms or ammunition, or parts thereof, or other necessary supplies or equipment, who shall refuse to give to the United States such preference in the matter of the execution of orders, or who shall refuse to manufacture the kind, quan- tity, or quality of arms or ammunition, or the parts thereof, or any necessary sup- plies or equipment, as ordered by the Secretary of War or the Secretary of the Navy, or who shall refuse to furnish such arms, ammunition, or parts of ammunition, or other supplies or equipment, at a reason- able price as determined by the Secretary of War, or the Secretary of the Navy, as the case may be, then, and in either such case, the President, through the head of the War or Navy Departments of the Gov- ernment, in addition to the present author- ized methods of purchase or procurement, is hereby authorized to take immediate possession of any such plant or plants, and through the appropriate branch, bureau, or department of the Army or Navy to manufacture therein such product or ma- terial as may be required, and any indi- vidual, firm, company, association, or cor- poration, or organized manufacturing in- dustry, or the responsible head or heads thereof, failing to comply with the provi- 303 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS sions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and upon conviction shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than three years and a fine not exceeding $50,000. The compensation to be paid to any individual, firm, company, association, cor- poration, or organized manufacturing in- dustry for its products or material, or as rental for use of any manufacturing plant while used by the United States, shall be fair and just: Provided, That nothing herein shall be deemed to render inap- plicable existing State or Federal laws concerning the health, safety, security, and employment standards of the employees in such plant. The first and second provisos in section 8 (b) of the act entitled "An Act to ex- pedite national defense, and for other pur- poses," approved June 28, 1940 (Public Act Numbered 671, Seventy-sixth Congress), are hereby repealed. Sec. 10. (a) The President is author- ized — (1) to prescribe the necessary rules and regulations to carry out the provi- sions of this act; (2) to create and establish a Selec- tive Service System, and shall provide for the classification of registrants and of persons who volunteer for induction under this act on the basis of availability for training and service, and shall es- tablish within the Selective Service Sys- tem civilian local boards and such other civilian agencies, including appeal boards and agencies of appeal, as may be nec- essary to carry out the provisions of this act. There shall be created one or more local boards in each county or political subdivision corresponding there- to of each State, Territory, and the District of Columbia. Each local board shall consist of three or more members to be appointed by the President, from recommendations made by the respective Governors or comparable executive offi- cials. No member of any such local board shall be a member <>l the land or naval forces of the United States, but each member of any such local board shall be a civilian who is a citizen of the LJnited States residing in the county or political subdivision corresponding thereto in which such local board has jurisdiction under rules and regulations prescribed by the President. Such local boards, under rules and regulations pre- scribed by the President, shall have power within their respective jurisdic- tions to hear and determine, subject to the right of appeal to the appeal boards herein authorized, all questions or claims with respect to inclusion for, or exemp- tion or deferment from, training and service under this act of all individuals within the jurisdiction of such local boards. The decisions of such local boards shall be final except where an appeal is authorized in accordance with such rules and regulations as the Presi- dent may prescribe. Appeal boards and agencies of appeal within the Selective Service System shall be composed of civilians who are citizens of the United States. No person who is an officer, member, agent, or employee of the Se- lective Service System, or of any such local or appeal board or other egency, shall be excepted from registration, or deferred from training and service, as provided for in this act, by reason of his status as such officer, member, agent, or employee ; (3) to appoint by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and fix the compensation at a rate not in excess of $10,000 per annum, of a Director of Se- lective Service who shall be directly responsible to him and to appoint and fix the compensation of such other offi- cers, agents, and employees as he may deem necessary to carrj out the provi- sions of this act: Provided. That an) officer on the active or retired list of the Army, Navy Marine Corps, or Coast Guard, or of any reserve component thereof or any officer or employee of any department or agency of the United States who may be assigned or detailed to any office or position to carry out the provisions of this act (except to offices or positions on local hoards, appeal boards, or agencies of appeal established or created pursuant to section 10 (a) (2)1 ma) serve in and perforin the functions of such office or position without loss 304 THE SELECTIVE TRAINING AND SERVICE ACT OF 1940 of or prejudice to his status as such officer in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard or reserve component thereof, or as such officer or employee in any department or agency of the United States: Provided further, That any person so appointed, assigned or detailed to a position the compensation in respect of which is at a rate in excess of $5,000 per annum shall be appointed, assigned or detailed by and with the advice and consent of the Senate: Pro- vided further, That the President may appoint necessary clerical and steno- graphic employees for local boards and fix their compensation without regard to the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, and without regard to the pro- visions of civil service laws. (4) to utilize the services of any or all departments and any and all officers or agents of the United States and to accept the services of all officers and agents of the several States, Territories, and the District of Columbia and sub- divisions thereof in the execution of this act; and (5) to purchase such printing, bind- ing, and blarikbook work from public, commercial, or private printing estab- lishments or binderies upon orders placed by the Public Printer or upon waivers issued in accordance with section 12 of the Printing Act approved January 12, 1895, as amended by the Act of July 8, 1935 (49 Stat. 475), and to obtain by purchase, loan, or gift such equipment and supplies for the Selective Service System as he may deem necessary to carry out the provisions of this act, with or without advertising or formal con- tract; and (6) to prescribe eligibility, rules, and regulations governing the parole for serv- ice in the land or naval forces, or for any other special service established pursuant to this act, of any person con- victed of a violation of any of the pro- visions of this act. (b) The President is further authorized, under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, to delegate and provide for the delegation of any authority vested in him under this act to such officers, agents, or persons as he may designate or appoint for such purpose or as may be designated or appointed for such purpose pursuant to such rules and regulations as he may pre- scribe. (c) In the administration of this act voluntary services may be accepted. Cor- respondence necessary in the execution of this act may be carried in official penalty envelopes. (d) The Chief of Finance, United States Army, is hereby designated, empowered, and directed to act as the fiscal, disbursing, and accounting agent of the Director of Selective Service in carrying out the pro- visions of this act. Sec. 11. Any person charged as herein provided with the duty of carrying out any of the provisions of this act, or the rules or regulations made or directions given thereunder, who shall knowingly fail or neglect to perform such duty, and any person charged with such duty, or having and exercising any authority under said act, rules, regulations, or directions who shall knowingly make, or be a party to the making, of any false, improper, or incor- rect registration, classification, physical or mental examination, deferment, induction, enrollment, or muster, and any person who shall knowingly make, or be a party to the making of, any false statement or certificate as to the fitness or unfitness or liability or nonliability of himself or any other person for service under the provisions of this act, or rules, regulations, or directions made pursuant thereto, or who otherwise evades registration or service in the land or naval forces or any of the requirements of this act, or who knowingly counsels, aids, or abets another to evade registration or serv- ice in the land or naval forces or any of the requirements of this act, or of said rules, regulations, or directions, or who in any manner shall knowingly fail or neg- lect to perform any duty required of him under or in the execution of this act, or rules or regulations made pursuant to this act, or any person or persons who shall knowingly hinder or interfere in any way by force or violence with the administra- tion of this act or the rules or regulations made pursuant thereto, or conspire to do so, shall, upon conviction in the district 305 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS court of the United States having juris- diction thereof, be punished by imprison- ment for not more than five years or a fine of not more than $10,000, or by both such fine and imprisonment, or if subject to military or naval law may be tried by court martial, and, on conviction, shall suffer such punishment as a court martial may direct. No person shall be tried by any military or naval court martial in any case arising under this act unless such person has been actually inducted for the train- ing and service prescribed under this act or unless he is subject to trial by court martial under laws in force prior to the enactment of this act. Precedence shall be given by courts to the trial of cases arising under this act. Sec. 12. (a) The monthly base pay of enlisted men of the Army and the Marine Corps shall be as follows: Enlisted men of the first grade, $126; enlisted men of the second grade, $84; enlisted men of the third grade, $72; enlisted men of the fourth grade, $60; enlisted men of the fifth grade, $54; enlisted men of the sixth grade, $36; enlisted men of the seventh grade, $30; except that the monthly base pay of en- listed men with less than four months' service during their first enlistment period and of the enlisted men of the seventh grade whose inefficiency or other unfitness has been determined under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of War, and the Secretary of the Navy, respectively, shall be $21. The pay for specialists' ratings, which shall be in addition to monthly base pay shall be as follows: First class, $30; second class, $25; third class, $20; fourth class, $15; fifth class, $6; sixth class, $3. Enlisted men of the Army and the Marine Corps shall receive, as a permanent addition to their pay, an in- crease of 10 per centum of their base pay and pay for specialists' ratings upon com- pletion of the first four years of service, and an additional increase of 5 per centum of such base pay and pay for specialists' ratings for each four years of service there- after, but the total of such increases shall not exceed 25 per centum. Enlisted men of the Navy shall be entitled to receive at least the same pay and allowances as are provided for enlisted men in similar grades in the Army and Marine Corps. (b) The pay for specialists' ratings re- ceived by an enlisted man of the Army or Marine Corps at the time of his retire- ment shall be included in the computation of his retired pay. (c) The pay of enlisted men of the sixth grade of the National Guard for each armory drill period, and for each day of participation in exercises under sections 94, 97, and 99 of the National Defense act, shall be $1.20. (d) No back pay or allowances shall accrue by reason of this act for any period prior to October 1, 1940. (e) Nothing in this act shall operate to reduce the pay now being received by any retired enlisted man. (f) The provisions of this section shall be effective on and after October 1, 1940. Thereafter all laws and parts of laws insofar as the same are inconsistent here- with or in conflict with the provisions hereof are hereby repealed. Sec. 13. (a) The benefits of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act, approved March 8, 1918, are hereby extended to all persons inducted into the land or naval forces under this act, and to all members of any reserve component of such forces now or hereafter on active duty for a period of more than one month; and, except as hereinafter provided, the provisions of such act of March 8, 1918, shall be effective for such purposes. (b) For the purposes of this section — (1) the following provisions of such act of March 8, 1918, shall be inop- erative: Section 100; paragraphs (1), (2), and (5) of section 101; article 4; article 5; paragraph (2) of section 601; and section 603; (2) the term "persons in military serv- ice," when used in such act of March 8, 1918, shall be deemed to mean per- sons inducted into the land or naval forces under this act and all members of any reserve component of such forces now or hereafter on active duty for a period of more than one month; (3) the term "period of military serv- ice," when used in such act of March 8, 1918, when applicable with respect to 306 THE SELECTIVE TRAINING AND SERVICE ACT OF 1940 any such person, shall be deemed to mean the period beginning with the date of enactment of this act, or the date on which such person is inducted into such forces under this act for any period of training and service or is or- dered to such active duty, whichever is the later, and ending sixty days after the date on which such period of train- ing and service or active duty terminates; (4) the term "date of approval of this act", when used in such act of March 8, 1918, shall be deemed to mean the date of enactment of the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940. (c) Article III of such act of March 8, 1918, is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new section: "Sec. 303. Nothing contained in section 301 shall prevent the termination or can- cellation of a contract referred to in such section, nor the repossession or retention of property purchased or received under such contract, pursuant to a mutual agree- ment of the parties thereto, or their as- signees, if such agreement is executed in writing subsequent to the making of such contract and during the period of military service of the person concerned." Sec. 14. (a) Every person shall be deemed to have notice of the requirements of this act upon publication by the Presi- dent of a proclamation or other public notice fixing a time for any registration under section 2. (b) If any provision of this act, or the application thereof to any person or cir- cumstance, is held invalid, the remainder of the act, and the application of such provision to other persons or circumstances, shall not be affected thereby. (c) Nothing contained in this act shall be construed to repeal, amend, or suspend the laws now in force authorizing volun- tary enlistment or reenlistment in the land and naval forces of the United States, in- cluding the reserve components thereof. Sec. 15. When used in this act — ■ (a) The term "between the ages of twenty-one and thirty-six" shall refer to men who have attained the twenty-first anniversary of the day of their birth and who have not attained the thirty-sixth an- niversary of the day of their birth; and other terms designating different age groups shall be construed in a similar manner. (b) The term "United States", when used in a geographical sense, shall be deemed to mean the several States, the District of Columbia, Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. (c) The term "dependent" when used with respect to a person registered under the provisions of this act includes only an individual (1) who is dependent in fact on such person for support in a reason- able manner and (2) whose support in such a manner depends on income earned by such person in a business, occupation, or employment. (d) The terms "land or naval forces" and "land and naval forces" shall be deemed to include aviation units of such forces. (e) The term "district court of the United States" shall be deemed to include the courts of the United States for the Territories and the possessions of the United States. Sec. 16. (a) Except as provided in this act, all laws and parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this act are hereby suspended to the extent of such conflict for the period in which this act shall be in force. (b) All the provisions of this act, except the provisions of sections 3 (c), 3 (d), 8 (g), and 12, shall become inoperative and cease to apply on and after May 15, 1945, except as to offenses committed prior to such date, unless this act is continued in effect by the Congress. (c) There are hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such sums as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this act. Sec. 17. This act shall take effect im- mediately. Sec. 18. This act may be cited as the "Selective Training and Service Act of 1940." Approved, September 16, 1940, 3:08 p. m., E. S. T. 307 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS SELECTIVE SERVICE QUESTIONNAIRE Order No. Date of mailing (StAttr Of Local Board) (First) (Last) (Number and street or R. F. D. route) (City or town) (County) (State) NOTICE TO REGISTRANT You are required by the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 to Gil out this Questionnaire truthfully and to return it to this Local Board an or before the date shown below. Willful failure to do so is punishable by fine and imprisonment. Tlu's Questionnaire must be returned on or before M ember of Local Board. (The above Items are to be filled In by the Local Board before the Questionnaire ts mailed to the registrant ) INSTRUCTIONS This Questionnaire is intended to furnish the Local Board with information to enable it to classify you in one of the following Selective Service classes: Class 1 includes men who are available for induction into the armed forces of the United States. Class II includes those whose induction Is deferred be- cause of the importance to the Nation of the service they are rendering in their civilian activities. Class III includes those whose induction Is deferred be- cause they have persons dependent upon them for support. Class IV includes those whose induction is deferred by law and those unfit for military service. You will receive notice from your Local Board of your classification. Oaths required in tjie Questionnaire may be administered by (1) a member or chief clerk of a Local Boaro o< Boaro of Appeal member or associate member of an Advisory Board for Registrants or a Government Appeal Agent, (2) any Postmaster Notary Public, or any Federal State, county, or municipal officer authorized by law to administei oaths generally or for military purposes. No fee shouia be ctiarged for this service Advisory Boards for Registrants are organized to assist -egistrants in completing their Questionnaires. No charge Any statements in this Questionnaire marked (Confidential) regulations to examine them. i > 8. 8. Form 40 will be made for this service. If there is no Advisory Board availaoie, you must nevertheless complete your Questionnaire. If the registrant is an inmate of an institution and is unable to complete the Questionnaire, the executive head of the insti- tution ehall communicate these facts immediately to the Local Board. 1. Make no alterations in the printed matter in this Ques- tionnaire. 2 Write the applicable words in the spaces provided in the Questionnaire. 3 U vou furnish additional information or affidavits with your Questionnaire, attach the same securely to it. 4. If you are already in the active military or naval service, obtain a certificate to that effect from your commanding officer ano attach same to your Questionnaire. 5. Aftei this Questionnaire has been returned, report to your Local Board at once any change of address or any new fact wmen may affect youi classification. When a notice affecting you is posted at the office of vocr Locai Board, you are bound to pekkorm the duty required even if no notice reaches you b\ mill.. are for information only of the officials duly authorized under the (1) On this and the seven following pages is shown the Selective Service Questionnaire which registrants were required to fill out and submit prior to classification. 308 SELECTIVE SERVICE QUESTIONNAIRE STATEMENTS OF THE REGISTRANT Series I.— IDENTIFICATION INSTRUCTIONS. — Every registrant shall fill in all statements in this series. 1. My name is (print) (First name) (Middle name) 2. In addition to the name given above, I have also been known by the name or names of 3. My residence is , (Number and street or R. F. D. route) (Town— (City, town, or villagel) (County) (State) 4. My telephone number is „ (If you have no phone, write "None.") (Town) (Exchange) (Number) 5. My Social Security number is _ „ (If none, write "None.") Series II.— PHYSICAL CONDITION (Confidential) INSTRUCTIONS.— Every registrant shall fill in all statements in this series. 1. To the best of my knowledge, I physical or mental defects or diseases. If so, they are (Have, have no) (List defects or diseases here) 2. I an inmate of an institution. If so, its name is (Am, am not) (Name of hospital, prison, or other Institution) and it is located at _ _ (Oive address) Series ILL— EDUCATION INSTRUCTIONS.— Every registrant shall fill in all statements in this series. 1. I have completed years of elementary school and years of high school. (Number) (Number) 2. I have had the following schooling other than elementary and high school (if none, write "None'M: Name of Vocational School, College, or University Course of Study Length of Time Attended Series IV— OCCUPATION OR ACTIVITY INSTRUCTIONS. — All registrants shall fill in statement No. 1 in this series. Every registrant who is now working shall fill In all statements in this series except No. 9. Every registrant who is now prevented from working merely because of some seasonal or temnorary interruption shall fill in all statements except statements numbered 2 through 8 in this series. As used in this series, words such as occupation, work, and job apply to services rendered in any endeavor and to training or preparation for any endeavor. 1. I working at present. (Am, am not) 2. The job I am working at now is (give full title, for example: Construction draftsman, turret-lathe operator, stationary en- gineer, farm laborer, prosecuting attorney, physics teacher, medical student, policeman, marriage license clerk, etc.): 3. I do the following work in my present job (be specific — give a brief statement of your duties): , 4. I have done this kind of work for (Length of time) 5. My average weekly earnings in this job are $ (Confidential.) 0. In this job I am □ an employee, working for salary, wages, commission, or other compensation. (Put an X in one rj an independent worker, working on my own account, not hired by anyone, and not hiring any help. □ working for my father or for the head of my family, but receiving no pay. □ an employer or proprietor hiring paid workers. (Number) □ a student preparing for 7. My employer is: (Name of organization or proprietor, not foreman or supervisor) (Addres? Df place of employment— street or H. F. D. route, city, and State) whose business is (For example: Farm, airplane engine factory, retail food store, W. P. A.) 8. Other business or work in which I am now engaged is _ (II none, write "none") (2) 309 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS Series IV.— OCCUPATION OR ACTIVITY— Continued 9 If J are not now working because of some seasonal or temporary interruption, attach to this pace a --tatrmont la.) cvp'ainin- what t he interruption is, when it began, and when you expect to be able to resume your work, and (b) supplying substan- tially the same information regarding your last job as is required in the above items in this series. 10. I licensed in a trade or profession; if so, I am licensed as (Am, am not) (For example: Marine pilot, pby;>';.:. iry engineer) 11 I at present an apprentice under a written or oral agreement with my employer. (Am, am not) 12. Other facts which I consider necessary to present fairly the occupation which I have described, or my connection with it, as a ground for classification are (if none, write "None"): INSTRUCTIONS. — You may attach to this page any statement from your employer which you think the Local Board should consider in determining your classification. Such statement will then become a part of this Questionnaire. Series V.— OTHER OCCUPATIONAL EXPERIENCE INSTRUCTIONS. — Every registrant shall fill in this statement. Include any formal apprenticeship served. I. I have also worked at the following occupations other than my present job, during the last 5 years: (If none, write "None") OCCVPAT71S , tamper, etc.) Kisr> or Work DOMI (Be specific— Rive a brief statement of your duties) Years Woikkd (Otrc full title; for example, turret-lathe nperato From— To— 19 19 19 Series VI.— AGRICULTURAL OCCUPATIONS INSTRUCTIONS. — Every registrant who works on a farm shall fill in this series, in addition to filling out Series IT and V above. 1 . I work on or operate a farm as— □ sole owner of the farm. G joint owner with (Put an n h 'red manager "X" in D cash tenant or renter... the □ standing share tenant... f boi) t ^— share cropper... .'.... n share tenant... D wage hand (hired man). □ unpaid family worker. (Name) My agreement (if any) expires 2. I have farmed for years I actually and person (Am, am not) The principal crops and livestock of the farm I operate or work on are: 3. I live on the farm with which I am connected. (Do, do not) 4. I actually and personally responsible for the operation of the farm on which I work. (Am, am not) Names of Crops Acres De\oted to Each Kinds of Livestock Number ol Facb Now on Farm i 6. The number of hands employed on this farm is i Number) 7. Other facts which I consider necessary to present fairly the agricultural enterprise I have described and ni\ connection with it as a ground for classification are: (If none, write "None."). Series VII.— DEPENDENCY (Confidential except as to names and addresses of claimed dependents.) INSTRUCTIONS —Every registrant shall fill in the statements numbered 1, 2, and 3 in this series. 1. (a) I am □ single. tPut an □ married. X" In LJ a widower, one box) rj divorced. (6) If married, I married my present wife at (Month, day. year) (e) I .... . live with her. If not, her address Is (Do, do not) » 310 SELECTIVE SERVICE QUESTIONNAIRE Senes VII. — DEPENDENCY (Confidential except M to names and addresses of claimed dependents.) — Continued 2. I have children who are under 18 years of age or are physically or mentally (Number of children; if none, write "No") handicapped, and who live with me. "DEPENDENT." AS USED IN THIS SERIES DEFINED The word "dependent," as used in this series, means any person to whose support the r^ristrr.nt contributes more than merely a small part of such person's support (or to whose support the registrant would contribute were he not temporarily prevented from so doing by the registrant's physical or economic situation) who is either (a) the registrant's wife, divorced wife, parent, foster parent, or grandparent, or (t>) the registrant's child, unborn child, brother, half-brother, sister, or half-sister, who is under 18 years of age or is physically or mentally handicapped, or (c) a person whose support the registrant has assumed in good faith, who is either under 18 years of age or is physically or mentally handicapped. Only a person who is a United States citizen or who lives in the United States or its Territories or possessions may be regarded as a dependent. Based on the information contained in this Questionnaire and on other information which the Local Board may receive, the Local Board will determine whether the "dependent" is an individual who is dependent in fact for support in a reasonable manner in view of such individual's circumstances on income earned by the registrant by his work in a business, occupation, or employment. INSTRUCTIONS. — Only those registrants who believe that one or more persons are dependent for support on the regis- trant's earnings from his work are required to fill in the statements numbered 3 through 12 iD this series. 3. The following persons live with me in a home maintained by me and are entirely or partly dependent on my earnings from my work in my business, occupation, or employment, and have no other sources of income except as stated below: Age at bst •birth- day Dependent's income, last 12 months other than board and lodgicg provided by the Date registrant in his home. rheo support : ; ■ [flxned | Earned | BMJfiTed from registrant I dependent i her sources I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The net cost to me of maintaining my home during the last 12 months, after deducting S contributed by others than myself for the support of such dependents was S 4. The following persons do not live with me in a home maintained by me. but are entirely or partly dependent earnings from my work in my business, occupation, or employment, aud have no other sources of income except a below: on my income except as stated Sex Ace at last birth- day Relationship to registrant Pite when support began Depcadent'i income, last 12 months Name and address Contributed by the registrant Earned by the dependent Received from other sources Address 5. The cause of the dependency of any persons over 18 years of age (excluding my wife) listed above la m follows: (Give the name and a full statement of cause for dependency In each case.) ________ Of my dependents, only the following are receiving a pari of their support from persons other than myself. (Give name cl dependent, name and address of other person or agency contributing to his support, and amount so contributed in cash or other things of value by such other psrsoa ee a~««7 during the l_rt It months.) (4) 311 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS Series VII —DEPENDENCY (Confidential except as to names and addresses of claimed dependents.)— Continued 7. Of the amounts contributed by me to dependents listed above only S , contributed to (11 none, write Done) , was in payment for my own board and/or lodging. (Name of dependent) 8. The income I earned from my work in my business, occupation, or employment during the past 12 months was $ 9. My income from all other sources during the past 12 months was S 10. The following is a list of all property owned by (or held in trust for) either me or my dependents, the value of such property, and the net income received by either me or my dependents from such property during the past 12 months: (List this infor- mation separately as to the registrant and each dependent. Do not include clothing personal effects, or household furnishings; or cash less than S500 Indicate which cf such property is your home.) Name of person Tn>e of property Value fitter deducting encumbrance? Net Income from tach properly 1 1 ! 1 1 11. 1 rent the Louse in which I live. If so, the monthly rent is S , and the name and address of (Do, do not) my landlord Is . 12. Other facts which I consider necessary to present fairly my own status and that of my dependents as a basis for my proper classification are: (If none, write "None.") _~ INSTRUCTIONS. — With respect to any dependent (other than the registrant's own wife, child, parent, or grandparent) whose support the registrant has assumed, attach to this page a statement explaining why and under what circumstances the registrant assumed such person's support. Such statement will then become a part of this Questionnaire. SUPPORTING AFFIDAVIT OF DEPENDENTS OVER 18 TEARS OF AGE INSTRUCTIONS— If convenient, each dependent over 18 years of age except the registrant's wife shall swear to (or affirm) the following affidavit. The registrant shall furnish the Local Board a separate affidavit from each such dependent who does not sign the affidavit below. Blanks for this purpose will be supplied by the Local Board on request. State or __ , Cotjjjty o» .«■• We the undersigned do Foleranly suear (or affirm) each for himself and herself Individually, that we have read or had read to us the foregoing statements under "DEPE *DENCY"; that we understand the same thai « are named as dei>endenK that the statements contained therein as to the name, age, re- dence, relationship, and dependency of each of :i< toward said recis: rant, and tho statements of his contributions and the contributions by other persons to tbe sup- port of each cf us and the statements of the financial and material condition of each of us, and of the income of each of us from all sources, are true. Subscribed and sworn to before me this Series VIH— MINISTER. CB STUDENT PREPARING FOR THE MINISTRY INSTRUCTIONS. — Every registrant who u a minister or a student preparing for the ministry shall fill in the statements in this series that apply to bim (6) I. (Do. do not) since .. 1. (a) I a minister of religion. (Am. am not) (c) I have been a minister of the (Name of sect or denomlnat (icify> 313 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS Series xm.— STUDENTS, PRESENT MEMBERS OF ARMED FORCES, CERTAIN OFFICIALS, ETC. INSTRUCTIONS. — Every registrant who is a member of one or more of the groups named in this series shall check the appropriate item or items, and shall supply any further information called for under the item or items checked. I am at present: D A college or university student, having entered upon attendance for the academic year 1940-1941 at (Name of college on , 1940. This college or university is located at or university) (Month) (Day) . I am pursuing a course of study Involving hours attendance (Place) (Number) per week leading to the . I request that if I am selected for (Name of degree or certificate) (Do, do not) training and service, my induction be postponed until the end of the present academic year, which ends on __ (Month) , 1941. (Day) □ A commissioned officer, warrant officer, pay clerk, or enlisted man of the Regular Army, the Navy, the Marine Corps, the Coast Guard, the Coast and Geodetic Survey, the Public Health Service, the federally recognized active National Guard, the Officers' Reserve Corps, the Regular Army Reserve, the Enlisted Reserve Corps, the Naval Reserve, or the Marine Corps Reserve; my rank or commission is In the „ (Name of service) □ A cadet, United States Military Academy; midshipman, United States Naval Academy; cadet, United States Coast Guard Academy ; man who has been accepted for admittance (commencing with the academic year next succeeding such acceptance) to the United States Military Academy as cadet, to the United States Naval Academy as midshipman, or to the United States Coast Guard Academy as cadet, and whose acceptance is still in effect; cadet of the advanced course, senior division, Reserve Officers' Training Corps or Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps; I am _ (A cadet, midshipman, in „ or accepted for admittance) (Name of corps, academy, etc.) □ The Governor of a State or Territory, a member of a legislative body of the United States or of a State or Territory, a judge of a court of record of the United States or of a State or Territory or the District of Columbia; my office is REGISTRANT'S STATEMENT REGARDING CLASSIFICATION INSTRUCTIONS. — It is optional with registrant whether or not he fills in this statement, and failure to answer shall not con- stitute a waiver of claim to deferred or other status. The local board is charged by law to determine the classification of the registrant on the basis of the facts before it, which should be taken fully into consideration regardless of whether or not this statement is filled in. Jn view of the facts set forth in this Questionnaire it is my opinion that my classification should be Class (See Instructions, page 1) The registrant may write in the space below or attach to this page any statement which he believes should be brought to the attention of the Local Board in determining his classification. REGISTRANT'S AFFIDAVIT INSTRUCTIONS. — 1. Every registrant shall make the registrant's affidavit. 2. If the registrant cannot read, the questions and his answers thereto shall be read to him by the officer who administers the oath. State of , County or I, , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I am the registrant named and described in the foregoing statments in this Questionnaire, that I have read (or have had read to me) the statements made by and about me, and that each and every such statement is true and complete to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. Registrant sign here tS" (Signature or mark of registrant) Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 19 (Signature of officer) (Designation of officer) If the registrant has received assistance from an advisor, the latter will sign the following statementi I have assisted the registrant herein named in the preparation of this Questionnaire. m 314 SELECTIVE SERVICE QUESTIONNAIRE INSTRUCTIONS.— Registrant shall write nothing below this line when filling out the Questionnaire. MINUTE OF ACTION ON REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF TIME FOR FILING CLAIM OR PROOF The application of to have time for filing claim or proof extended to . 19 is te"ged} forthe reason that MINUTE OF ACTION BY LOCAL BOARD The Local Board classifies the registrant In Class , Subdivision , by the following vote: Ayes , Noes APPEAL TO BOARD OF APPEAL I hereby appeal from the classification by the Local Board In Class , Subdivision (Date) (Signature of person appealing) INSTRUCTIONS.— Yon must also attach here a written statement specifying the class or classes in which you think you should be placed. If you wish the appeal board to review a determination regarding your physical or mental fitness, you must fill out and sign the form for appeal on the Report of Physical Examination (Form 200) and you must attach to that form a statement specifying the class or classes in which you think you should be placed MINUTE OF ACTION BY BOARD OF APPEAL The Board of Appeal classifies the registrant In Class , Subdivision , by the following vote: Ayes Noes Member. I hereby appeal to the President from classification by the Board of Appeal in Class , Subdivision . Certificates and recommendations required by section 379, S. S. R., are attached. (Date) (Signature of person appealing) Dates MINUTES OF OTHER ACTIONS 315 SELECTIVE SERVICE SYSTEM AFFIDAVIT— OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION (Special— Revised) (Submit in triplicate, plus »ny additional copies specified by certifying agency) Name of company , ... . , . , (Corporation, partnership, individual — if self-employed, so state ) Address at which registrant is employed (Location of plant, office, or division where registrant works) (City) Description of the activities of this establishment Social Security Industrial Code (If not known, call local U. S. E. S. office) Name of registrant Selective Service Order No. Date of birth Local Board (Number) Title of present job (State whether journeyman, apprentice, helper, certificated, licensed, professional engineer, etc.) Describe duties actually performed (Be specific — include name of machine or machine tool, process, materials, etc.) Date employed Date entered present job Average weekly rate of pay Average hours worked per week Prior work experience _ — Educational background (Fill out if necessary to establish employees qualifications for a particular job) ft. 8. 8. Form 42A (Spociai-Rcviswi) DUPLICATE (ovbrI (Revised 2-19-15) •• !•— ao»- ()n this and the next page is shoicn r. Kenneth W. Kin-land Dr. Roy H. II. n \l> \|t (Continued) 320 ADAMS COUNTY— Continued Advisory Board Members for Adams County Charles L. Bartlett Carl B. Berter Herman H. Brown M. Finlay Carrott J. E. Carter Walter Craig Joel M. Dickerman William Dieterich John F. Garner Chester A. Groves John T. Inghram Jesse Klein Harold W. Lewis Delbert Loos S. E. McAfee C. C. Mason Charles G. Nauert Richard Neu Paul B. Nichols Philip Schlagenhauf Richard Scholz Aubrey D. Spence Rolland M. Wagner C. H. Wood ALEXANDER COUNTY ALEXANDER COUNTY No. 1 Location : Halliday Estate Building, Cairo Registration : 6399 Men furnished to armed forces: 1760 Personnel : Harry Cade M W. E. Cummins M Norman R. Halliday M Eastin L. Holliday M Victor H. Honey M John Thistlewood M Peyton Berbling GA D. B. Reid GA Dr. J. J. Rendleman XP Dr. J. K. Rosson XP Dr. H. D. Stuckey XP Dr. R. M.Young XP Dr. Van Andrews XD Dr. Howard Moreland XD Paul S. Clutts RC R. A. Gregory RC Joseph F. McGruder RC Robert L. Williams RC Robert L. Lansden AB Donald A. Miller AB Walter B. Warder AB Helen Jo Dorsett C Mary Flack C Mary Lottie Rock C Sarah H. Schmitt C BOND COUNTY BOND COUNTY No. 1 Location: First National Bank Building, Greenville Registration: 3421 Men furnished to armed forces: 958 Personnel : Christian J. Bauer M William Foran M Conrad 0. Kirstein M D. E. Sims M George H. Weber M Glen B. Wilson GA Dr. Dewitt T. Brown XP Dr. H. D. Cartmell XP Dr. Archibald M. Keith XP Dr. Richard Maxwell XP Dr. L. A. Floyd XD Dr. F. E. Linder XD Dr. W. A. McCracken XD Chester 0. Bare RC Fred A. Mier RC Ray A. Wise RC Friedolin A. Brandenburger J. H. Allio AB John D. Biggs AB L. C. Combe AB Foss D. Meyer AB Robert Smith AB Eileen M. Genre C Ira King C Rebekah Ann Smith C RC 321 BOONE COUNTY BOONE COUNTY No. 1 Location : City Hall, Belvidere Registration: 3822 Men furnished to armed forces: 1012 Personnel : Clifford A. Barringer M Arthur B. Cleaver M Robert J. Fischer M Eugene H. Frye M Wrate H. Hill M Julian L. Larson M Ives Law M Fred A. Marean M Einer Petersen M Warren C. Rowan M Frederick W. Shappert, Jr. M Robert Emmett Sullivan M Richard V. Carpenter GA Owen Johnson GA Dr. E. S. Davis XP Dr. Everett Dettmann XP Dr. Nevin E. Diehl XP Dr. F. E. Duncan XP Dr. W. M. Freeman XP Dr. M. L. Hartman XP Dr. David E. James XP Dr. Gordon J. Kaske XP Dr. Wesley B. Oliver Dr. Adrian Schreiber Dr. Stanley J. Smith Dr. A. W.Swift XP Dr. John F. West XP Dr. John E. Bruce XD Dr. W. D. McMaster XD Frank W. Braun RC George R. McConnell Edwin A. Loop AB Frank A. Oakley AB Patrick H. O'Donnell AB Albert S. O'Sullivan AB Mildred L. Shattuck C V. Ruth Welcher C XP XP XP RC BROWN COUNTY BROWN COUNTY No. 1 Location: Federal Building, Mt. Sterling Registration: 1708 Men furnished to armed forces: 452 Personnel : James R. Clark M L. W. Dunlap M Leonard A. Gross George 0. McCoy George Robinson Joseph R. Morton Dr. Ray McGann Dr. E. L. Browning M M M GA XP XD Albert E. Grether RC Carl M. Husted RC R. L. Webber RC Vernon Briggs AB John Q. Lawless AB Fred Manny AB Walter I. Manny AB Paul Martin AB Charles E. Turner AB Eloese S. Hallden C Harry C. Hutter C 322 BUREAU COUNTY BUREAU COUNTY No. 1 Location: Room 202, County Court House, Princeton Registration: 3662 Men furnished to armed forces : 939 Personnel : James H. Faley, Jr. M William B. Headley M Carey R. Johnson M Henry H. Morrasy M John C. Robb M William M. Russell M John S. Skinner M John F. Sullivan M Perry D. Trimble GA G. C. Wilson GA Dr. Charles C. Barrett XP Dr. Arthur N. Bolz XP Dr. A. G. Everhart XP Dr. 0. B. Giltner XP Dr. Harold Hamnett XP Dr. J. H. Hopkins XP Dr. F. E.Inks XP Dr. J. M. O'Malley XP Dr. J. W. O'Malley XP Dr. Peter H. Poppens XP Dr. E. H. Schnicke XP Dr. Albert B. Troupa XP Dr. F. Wright Hedenschoug Dr. John F. Highfield XD W. Roy Robinson RC Clifford Thompson RC Louis A. Zearing RC Virginia M. Foster C Margaret Hedlund C Mrs. Bernice Holloway C Mrs. Esther Sachs C Norman H. Weeks C XD BUREAU COUNTY No. 2 Location: Room B-2, Court House, Princeton Registration: 5050 Men furnished to armed forces: 1557 Personnel: Anton B. Ackerson M Bradford Reed Battey M Lloyd H. Coddington M Raymond A. Eiten M W. L. Jacobsen M Frank Martinelli M William Roy Robinson M Glenn Sitterly M T. E. Sullivan M C. N. Hollerich GA Josef T. Skinner GA Dr. T. L. Chiasson XP Dr. L. M.Dunn XP Dr. R. E. Davies XP Dr. Phillip V. Hall XP Dr. George E. Kirby XP Dr. K. M. Nelson XP Dr. M. A. Nix XP Dr. J.J. Nora XP Dr. Clarence Olson XP Dr. Louis Slatin XP Dr. H. D. Steele XP Dr. Richard E. Lee XD Guy Kasbeer RC Peter Ternetti RC William J. Wimbiscus RC Helen Ellis C Barbara C. Lindner C Helen Swingle C Advisory Board Members for Bureau County Claude Brown Robert A. Oakes Horace R. Brown Fred G. Russell Merville L. Brown R. L. Russell Arthur H. Ellis Ethel M. Sharp Edward Grampp J. L. Spaulding Hobart W. Gunning L. D. Spaulding, Jr. (Mrs.) Gene Johnson William W. Wilson Leonard A. Johnson Cairo A. Trimble Lillie M. Jones G. C. Wilson John W. Naffziger 323 CALHOUN COUNTY CALHOUN COUNTY No. 1 Location: Main Street, Hardin Registration: 2096 Men furnished to armed forces : 644 Personnel : Philip Aderton M Frank Droege M Arthur Kemp M Glenn S. Nevius M Harold L. Whitworth M C. C. Worthy GA Dr. George W. Fritz XP Dr. Sam L. Miller XP Dr. J. H. Peisker XP Dr. W. A. Skeele XP Dr. C. J. Monroe XD Dr. R. R. Hardesty XD Walter B. Holzwarth RC Elmer L. Sheer RC Raymond Siemer RC J. Clark Anderson AB S. A. Benz AB PaulR. Durr AB Charles M. Hagen AB Edmond J. Hughes AB Ben Klaas AB Howard Klemme AB Frank W. Mossman AB George Sibley AB Raphael Snyders AB William F. Suhling AB Charles Zigrang AB Arthur F. Eberlin C lone Mielke C CARROLL COUNTY CARROLL COUNTY No. 1 Location: Federal Building, Mt. Carroll Registration: 4474 Men furnished to armed forces : 1111 Personnel : Robert M. Coleman M Thomas H. Diffenderfer Ernest L. Frey M Arthur C. Reeves M J.V.Sullivan M Glendon V. Weir Charles E. Stuart Dr. A. A. Calkins Dr. S. P. Colehour Dr. J. C. Garland Dr. L. B. Hussey M GA XP XP XP XP Dr. William J. Scholes XP Dr. E. C. Turner XP Dr. G. W. Cassell XD Dr. C. F. lsenberger XD Joseph B. Loeser RC Roswell W. Packard RC J. L. Brearton AB Ralph M. Eaton AB Orion M. Grove AB Franklin U. Stransky AB A. F. Wingert AB Vernon B. Ackerman C Dorothea L. Edwards C Edith J. Smith C 324 CASS COUNTY CASS COUNTY No. 1 Location: Schmidt Building, Beardstown Registration: 3840 Men furnished to armed forces: 1054 Personnel : George V. Aldridge M Ralph P. Baxter M James E. Fox M John Joseph Jenkins M Myron L. Kloker M Harry E. Musch M Dr. W. D. Pence M Arthur H. Tuecke M R. L. Northcutt GA Dr. Thomas G. Charles XP Dr. V. M. Corman XP Dr. B. A. Desulis XP Dr. R. D. Burley XP Dr. J. F.Myers XP Dr. W. E. Shelton XP Dr. W. S. Taylor XP Dr. E. W. Thomas XP Dr. Forest V. Diggs XD Joseph M. Bergman RC Arthur H. Miller RC Cyril Robert Ratcliffe RC Harold Bishop AB Mrs. Rena Beard Krusie AB Lloyd Milton McClure AB L. M. McClure, Sr. AB H. L. Milstead AB George D. Shultz AB James C. Yancy AB Mrs. Ida J. Madison C Virginia Elaine Nagel C Wilma Thrasher C CHAMPAIGN COUNTY CHAMPAIGN COUNTY No. 1 Location: 110 South Race Street, JJrhana Registration: 4569 Men furnished to armed forces: 1070 Personnel : Harry E. Defibaugh M Virgil L. Harvey M Fred E. Stevens M Lawrence B. Walton M Roy A. Wright M Chester W. Richards GA Homer Shepherd GA Dr. C. G. Appelle XP Dr. E. S. Axtell XP Dr. C.E.Brown XP Dr. C. W. Christie XP Dr. C. D. Gulick XP Dr. G. Laymon XP Dr. John O'Connell XP Dr. M. M. Ricketts XP Dr.E.J.Rueck XP Dr.L. 0. Sale XP Dr. R.H. Smith XP Dr. G. D. Troyer XP Dr. L. E. Rasmusson XD Dr. E. C. Thompson XD Dr. K. M. Waxier XD Jesse L. Jones RC Rev. C.G.Hall RC H.Adair Webb RC Muriel M. Holmes C Doris M. Johnson C Edith Marlowe C Susie G. Webster C (Continued) 325 CHAMPAIGN COUNTY— Continued CHAMPAIGN COUNTY No. 2 Location: Bourne Street, Tolono Registration: 2908 Men furnished to armed forces: 658 Personnel : John Gorman M V. L. Horton M Howard Kemper M C. F. Maley M Edwin W. Smalley M 0. L. Browder GA Dr. Floyd W. Castator XP Dr. P. C. Casto XP Dr. William H. Cooper XP Dr. Glenn F. Fishel XP Dr. James S. Mason XP Dr. Willard L. Veirs XP Dr. J. W. Walton XP Dr. W. F. Johnston XD Dr. F.M.Rose XD Lewis G. Coonrod, Sr. RC Frederick D. Lewis RC J. C. V.Taylor RC Harriett H. Franks C Beulah Weasel C CHAMPAIGN-URBANA CITY No. 1 Location: 11Y2 East University Avenue Registration: 9486 Men furnished to armed forces : 2504 Personnel: Donald C. Dodds M T. J. Harbaugh M Harry E. Bigler M Justa M. Lindgren M William H. Owens M John B. Prettyman M Robert W. Webber M John H. Armstrong GA Dr. E. C. Albers XP Dr. V. T. Austin XP Dr. H. R. Bodine XP Dr. C. S. Bucher XP Dr. A. J. Dalton XP Dr. J. C. Dallenbach XP Dr. Raymond Evans XP Dr. S. S. Garrett XP Dr. L. T. Gregory XP Dr. Everett E. Hill XP Dr. M. W. Hedgcock XP Dr. B. Smith Hopkins, Jr. XP Dr. G. R. Ingram XP Dr. C. H. Irvin XP Dr. Darwin Kirby XP Dr. W. F. Lamkin XP Dr. J. D. McKinney XP Dr. C. T. Moss XP Dr. Joel A. Peterson XP Dr. C. F. Newcomb XP Dr. G. L. Porter XP Dr. John R. Powell XP Dr. H. F. Rawlings XP Dr. W. E. Schowengerdt XP Dr. J. E. Sexton XP Dr. C. H. Spears XP Dr. L. M. T. Stilwell XP Dr. George F. Way XP Dr. S. J. Wilson XP Dr. W. M. Youngerman XP Dr. C. M. Bechtol XD Dr. E. G. Stevens XD Harry E. Daniels RC Lvle H. Gallivan RC R.W.Webber RC Evelyn Downs C Doris E. Grant C Emily Morrison C R. Joan C. Moomau C Advisory Board Members for Champaign County W. Carl Allen John A. Appleman John H. Barth Oris Barth H. B. Boyer John J. Bresee Louis A. Busch Robert Busch A. E. Campbell James L. Capel (Continued) 326 CHAMPAIGN COUNTY [Advisory Board]— Continued F. T. Carson Joseph R. Carson Thomas Burke Carson Asa S. Chapman James F. Clark Roy R. Cline Edwin W. Collard Joseph W. Corazza R. W. Corman R. W. Davies Charles W. Davis Henry J. Dietz D. C. Dobbins Donald V. Dobbins R. F. Dobbins W. J. Dolan Lloyd S. Engert J. C. Ermentront French L. Fraker John L. Franklin J. Edwin Filson Chancy L. Finfrock Gail R. Fisher Forrest B. Gore E. W. Hollaran Fred B. Hamill J. L. Hanmore Earl C. Harrington Lawrence R. Hatch Julius J. Hirschfeld C. E. Iungerich Chester E. Keller Harry E. Kerker Thornton R. Kirk William H. Lee Roger F. Little T. E. Lyons August C. Meyer H. M. Miller John M. Mitchem A. D. Mulliken Wallace M. Mulliken W. A. Nichols Enos L. Phillips William G. Palmer Darius E. Phebus Alfred H. Reichman Donald M. Reno Don D. Richmond Walter B. Riley Edwin W. Sale Peter P. Schaefer Arthur J. B. Showalter H. F. Simonson James A. Solon Godfrey Sperling, Jr. C. E. Tate J. G. Thomas Albert Tuxhorn Earl W. Wagner Charles M. Webber A. S. Weeks Gene Weisinger James H. Wheat J. C. Williamson Forney Wingard R. E. Winkelmann W. F. Woods, Jr. W. F. Woods CHRISTIAN COUNTY CHRISTIAN COUNTY No. 1 Location: 123 1 /h Main Street, Taylorville Registration: 4988 Men furnished to armed forces: 1452 Personnel : Melle Calloway M Patrick J. Doyle M Clare E. Flesher M Rual Forsythe M Harry Clyde Irwin M Arthur Yockey GA Dr. G. L. Armstrong XP Dr. S. B. Herdman XP Dr. C. R. McPherson XP Dr. William H. Mercer XP Dr. Richard J. Miller XP Dr. Willis A. Monaghan XP Dr. F. L. Puckett XP Dr. W. H. Schott XP Dr. George A. Tankersley XP Dr. Albert F. Turner XP Dr.H. M.Wolfe XP Dr. J. W. Spresser XD Dr. B. R. Tedrow XD Ora E. Daggett RC Gilbert H. Large RC Louetta B. Roberts C Gertrude M. Roe C R. R. Simpson C (Continued) 327 CHRISTIAN COUNTY— Continued CHRISTIAN COUNTY No. 2 Location: County Court House, Taylorville Registration: 3854 Men furnished to armed forces: 1105 Personnel: Frank P. Anderson M Basil C.King M Norbert Leo LaRochelle M Charles R. Shake M Benjamin F. Zobrist M Edward E. Adams GA John H. Fornoff GA Dr. John Alderson XP Dr. Grover C. Bullington XP Dr. Walter Burgess XP Dr. Paul K. Hagen XP Dr. D. M. Littlejohn XP Dr. Wilfred S. Miller XP Dr. M. A. Reichman XP Dr. R. M. Seaton XP Dr. F. W. Siegert XP Dr. R. B. Seigert XP Dr. F. R. Hamilton XD Dr. A. E. Helm XD Dr. H. C. Pence XD JoeE. Bovd RC Roger De'Hart RC Louis Marsch RC Inez M. Porter C Mrs. Mona K. Yonce C Advisory Board Members for Christian County Charles E. Bliss Harold Broverman H. B. Clotfelter John W. Coale Daniel H. Dailey Logan G. Griffith Harry B. Grundy Scott Hoover David W. Johnston W. Quinn Jordan Joe P. Longwell W. B. McBride Pearl Montgomery Amos M. Pinkerton Guy L. Smith Thomas Sweeney Samuel M. Taylor CLARK COUNTY CLARK COUNTY No. 1 Location: City Hall, Martinsville Registration : 4226 Men furnished to armed forces: 1219 Personnel : John H. Davison M Harry L. Downey M Charles S. Foster M Robert Prewett M James W. Starner M John M. Hollenbeck GA Dr. R.B.Boyd XP Dr. Charles 0. Highsmith XP Dr. H. C. Houser XP Dr. Lester H. Johnson XP Dr. Earl H. Mitchell XP Dr. William M. Rogers XP Dr. John Weir XP Dr. L. J. Weir XP Dr. D. L. Wilhoit XP Dr. Clarence D. Mitchell Frank A. Johnson RC Basil W. Moore RC Howard E. Swinford RC Harrv J. Buxbaum AB Victor C. Miller Mi Stewart McClellan AB C.A.Williams \i: Norma Huffman C Everj n June Kanmacher Orion Wiser C \l) 328 CLAY COUNTY CLAY COUNTY No. 1 Location: Oil Exchange Building, Flora Registration: 4650 Men furnished to armed forces: 1390 Personnel : Willard R. Dewhirst M Arthur P. Holt M Robert S. Jones M Harvey D. McCollum M Lawrence E. McCommons M E. E. Rose M R. V. Stephens M Emery E. Calhoon GA Dr. Norton W. Bowman XP Dr. D. E. Fatheree XP Dr. Rolla D. Finch XP Dr. Curtis M. Henderson XP Dr. L. L. Hutchins XP Dr. J. P. Shore XP Dr. A. M. Sparling XP Dr. M. C. Powell XD E. D. Given RC Robert H. Scudamore RC Ira E. Theobald RC Ralph G. Meyer AB Alsie N. Tolliver AB Sara Mae Allen C Arthur K. Brentlinger C Lawrence Kellums C Lois Grace Tully C CLINTON COUNTY CLINTON COUNTY No. 1 Location: First National Bank Building. Carlyle Registration: 5471 Men furnished to armed forces: 1631 Personnel: T. C. Albers M Sterling Price Bond M Thomas Bond M William E. Carson M Joseph H. Finley M Charles N. Fisher M William F. Fix M Gordon E. Houck M Arnold J. Marcham M Frazier B. Newkirk M Oscar Spaeth M Fred F. Wollenweber M William R. Murphv GA Ernst C. Asbury XP Dr. M. A. Bateman XP Dr. W. S. Carter XP Dr. W. L. DuComb XP Dr. A. L. Fischer XP Dr. Edward Hediger XP Dr. W. R. Ketterer XP Dr. John Q. Roane XP Dr. William H. Sauer XP Dr. C. A. Z. Sharp XP Dr. R. S. Wallace XP Dr. C. S.Kurz XD Dr. H. D. Potts XD Theodore H. Gross RC Carl W.Willi RC Helen Brandt AB Marie T.Hahn AB Maurice B. Johnston AB Catherine Kueper AB Henrietta Kueper AB A. B. Lager AB C. A. McNeill, Jr. AB Joseph B. Schlarmann AB Irene A. Donnewald C Charles P. Flanagan C Helen Mueller C 329 COLES COUNTY COLES COUNTY No. 1 Location: County Court House, Charleston Registration: 3686 Men furnished to armed forces: 1243 Personnel : Samuel C. Ashmore M Charles H. Coleman M Delbert E. Hahan M Lewis S. Linder M Dr. P. B.Lloyd M Simeon E. Thomas M James Y.Kelly GA Wayne 0. Shuey GA Dr. J. T. Belting XP Dr. Martin W. Bisson XP Dr. G. B. Dudley XP Dr. Charles E. Duncan XP Dr. S. B. Goff XP Dr. W. J. Harned XP Dr. Herbert A. Iknayan XP Dr. Nicholas C. Iknayan XP Dr. L. T.Kent XP Dr. C. D. Swickard XP Dr. W. M. Swickard XP Dr. H. A. Shaffer XP Dr. O. E. Hite XD Dr. C. J. Montgomery XD Dr. W. E. Sunderman XD Dr. Byron C. Trexler XD Dr. W. B.Tym XD FaeW. Claar RC Harold Sensintaffar RC Viola Marjorie Clark C Earl J. Hibbs C Pauline J. Highland C COLES COUNTY No. 2 Location: 1521 Charleston Avenue, Mattoon Registration: 5589 Men furnished to armed forces: 1624 Personnel : Emanuel Berkowitz M William Neil Laughlin M W. H. Ownby M Gus Schlicher M Carl 0. Watkins M Russell B. James GA Fred H.Kelly GA Craig Van Meter GA Dr. J. G.Baker XP Dr. T.A.Bryan XP Dr. B.R.Cole XP Dr. Paul M. Hardinger XP Dr. F. B. Jones XP Dr. Edward X. Link XP Dr. C. E. Morgan XP Lou Morris C Dr. H. C. Lumpp XD Dr. J. F.Nolan XP Dr. S. B. Nuzie XP Dr. H. F. Osterhagen Dr. L. C. Small XP Dr. Albert Summers Dr. D. C. Baughman Dr. H. A. Baughman Dr.R. R.Burke XD Dr. C. L. Edmiston XD Dr. R.G.Jones XD Dr. W. L. Podesta XD E. Fred Gardner RC Harry I. Hannah RC Ferdinand F. Homann William G. Sawin RC Robert J. Welsh RC Mrs. Ivah E. Batcheldor XP XP XD XD RC (Continued) 330 COLES COUNTY— Continued Advisory Board Members for Coles County C. Wade Barrick Joseph Berkowitz Rev. William I. Blair H. Ogden Brainard W. M. Briggs Everett W. Brown F. W. Claar Frank E. Cox Elmer F. Elston Osborn Ferguson T. R. Figenbaum Kenneth Green John H. Hardin Edgar H. Hayes Maurice F. Rominger Jack E. Horsley J. E. Hougland Clarence W. Hughes Carus S. Icenogle William K. Kidwell John T. Kincaid S. Carl Lane J. B. Lane Kenneth Edward Moss Hugh Reat Christy Russell Orville F. Schoch R. Y. Stevenson Charles Wallace Robert M. Werden COOK COUNTY COOK COUNTY No. 1 Location: 121 North Douglas Avenue, Arlington Heights Registration: 6047 Men furnished to armed forces: 1458 Personnel : Burton A. Brannen M Paul F. Carroll M Elmer W. Crane M James E. Millay M Delmer R. Rippey M Robert M. Utpadel M Alphonse J. Weidner M Willard C. Walters GA Dr. B. T. Best XP Dr. J. A. Cousins XP Dr. J. Robert Jacobson XP Dr. Edward L. Larson XP Dr. Norbart Leckband XP Dr. Harold 0. Meisenheimer Dr. R. J. Novick XP Dr. Walter A. Schimmel XP Dr. William V. Sher XD Dr. E. W. Baumann XD John J. Lee RC XP Peter B. Atwood AB Carl M. Behrens AB Paul E. Collins AB Andrew J. Dallstream AB Arthur J. Donovan AB Arthur Fassbender AB W. Edward Fritz AB Edward A. Glaeser AB Paul M. Godehn AB Frank R. Hartman AB John A. Senne AB Hugo J. Thai AB Loraine M. Kehe C Helen Ruth Langlois C Vivian D. Masny C Esther 0. Smith C Frank 0. Smith C Lorna K.Walsh C (Continued) 331 COOK COUNTY— Continued COOK COUNTY No. 2 Location: 1137 Central Avenue, Wihnette Registration: 5313 Men furnished to armed forces: 1168 Personnel : George B. Bassler M Lester W. Coons M Howard F. Dusham M Roy Kroeschell M Lea J. Orr M B. 0. Sullivan M Albert B. Tucker M James C. Leaton GA Dr. Daniel R. Cunningham XP Dr. Donal G. Gladish XP Dr. M. C. Hecht XP Dr. Theodore Krumm XP Dr. Floyd L. McGrath XP Dr. Lester E. Mee XP Dr. Paul E. Minter XP Dr. B. L. Mitchell XP Dr. Fred D. O'Donnell XP Dr. Leo Oppenheimer XP Dr. Martin H. Seifert XP Dr. H. 0. Weishaar XP Dr. George Ambuehl XD Dr. Paul B. Bass XD Dr. Charles B. Blake XD Dr. Joseph A. Bobrow XD Dr. Albert J. Bushey XD Dr. Gordon G. Chinnock XD Dr. E. F. Christie XD Dr. S. A. Cowen XD Dr. George Eisenbrand XD Dr. A. H. Fuessle XD Dr. F. J. Genster XD Dr. Arthur W. Leaf XD Dr. Walter F. Schur XD Dr. C. G. Smith XD Dr. George D. Upson XD F. Dewey Anderson RC Alfred W. Jensen RC Harry B. Johnston RC Robert J. Lascelles RC Henry J. Brandt AB Samuel H. Gilbert AB Frederick J. Newey AB L. L. Richmond AB Manning L. Ware AB Olga B. Roberts C Harriett S. Seifert C COOK COUNTY No. 3 Location: 510 Green Bay Road. Winnetka Registration : 5633 Men furnished to armed forces: 1240 Personnel : Joseph P. Colligan M Kenneth B. Hawkins M Ralph B. Kraetsch M Frederic 0. Mason M Austin L. Wvman M Harold R.Odh M Ralph M. Snyder GA Grover C. McLaron GA Dr. Jay M. Garner XP Dr. John H. Gormley XP Dr. H. B. Lustigman XP Dr. Clarence Minnema XP Dr. Maurice H. Wald XP Dr. H. D. Wiley XP Dr. James Fonda XD Frank J. Brady RC Robert F. Doepel RC Thomas J. Lynch RC Donald C. Stixrood RC Clinton F. Costenbader John W. Day AB Martin S. Gordon AB Edward R. Lewis AB Hyman A. Pierce AB George Ragland. Jr. AB Merrill A. Russell AB Beverly B. Vedder \B Virginia W. Bulingham Joseph P. Colligan ( ! Elizabeth Hamilton C Barbara B. Lynde C Rachel L. Merrifield C AB (Continued ) 332 COOK COUNTY— Continued COOK COUNTY No. 4 Location: 3 South Prospect Avenue, Park Ridge Registration: 9891 Men furnished to armed forces: 2333 Personnel: Charles L. Bishop M Silas Cartland M Arthur W. Haab M Erwin Eugene Hirschberg M John J. Lenhart M Frank S. Scott M Raymond Canaday GA Robert J. Monahan GA Dr. M. W. Caveney XP Dr. H. H. Conley XP Dr. P. J. Fahey XP Dr. A. A. Fuhlbrigge XP Dr. Henry F. Heller XP Dr. Irving J. Pascoe XP Dr. Benjamin L. Sargent XP Dr. A. C. Sequin XP Dr. Rudolph V. Sintzel XP Dr. Charles A. Cameron XD Dr. J. F. Heller XD Dr. E. J. Lommel XD Dr. Albert Frederick Pagel. Jr. XD Dr. J. D. Pett XD Miles T.Babb RC Harley D. Hohm RC C. Edgar Johnson RC L. A. Platts RC John N. Ralston RC Harlan Mayne Stanton RC Vincent T. Connor AB Luther Binkley AB John V. Hanney AB Helmer Hansen AB J. Theodore Kiggins AB Joseph D. Lawyer AB W. Scott McDowell AB Norman L. Olson AB Philip A. Paulson AB Joseph T. Scott AB Joseph R. Tottenhoff AB Henrv L.Wells AB Joseph J. Witry AB Charles C. Wooster AB LeRoy A. Zaleski AB Elsie L. Fisher C Clarence A. Hall C Elizabeth J. Shea C COOK COUNTY No. 5 Location: 2400 North Harlem Avenue, Elmivood Park Registration: 8524 Men furnished to armed forces: 2307 Personnel : Joseph J. Charleston M William H. Dahlgren M Thomas V. Neil M William J. Norten M Daniel E. Peterson M R. H. Ubbelohde M Harry G. Hershenson GA Sim Thaxter McCray GA Joseph L. O'Brien GA Dr. Jack B. Deutsch XP Dr. C. E. Frybarger XP Dr. John A. Guerrieri XP Dr. James J. Leach XP Dr. George W. Moxon XP Dr. James A. Moxon XP Dr. P. W. Purcell XP Dr. Mario Simonelli XP Dr. Kenneth Weiler XP Dr. R. G. Kindelsperger XD Michael Korosy RC Irving R. Berg AB S. Edward Bloom AB Theodore C. Klotz AB Alvin J. Kvistad AB Albert Lavine AB Charles Libby AB Kris J. Myrdal AB Daniel E. Peterson AB Chester A. Reardon A 15 Donald D. Rogers AB Walter Fred Sass AB Adolph J. Doeing C Lillian Marzullo C Elaine S. Niekamp ( ' Eleanor Sorensen C (Continued) 333 COOK COUNTY— Continued COOK COUNTY No. 6 Location: 7520 Madison Street, Forest Park Registration : 6076 Men furnished to armed forces: 1619 Personnel : Morton E. Anderson M Charles S. Brophy M W. B. Carroll M Herbert Allen Edwards M August A. Frymark M Henry M. Lebovitz M Arthur F. Seegers M Frank D. Sweeney M David J. A. Hayes GA Lloyd W. Lehman GA Dr. George J. Baumgartner XP Dr. J. Blumenstock XP Dr. Lucius Cole XP Dr. William B. Knox XP Dr. Albert G. McNeil XP Dr. Thomas I. Motter XP Dr. R. C. Oldfield XP Dr. Robert F. Sharer XP Dr. Joseph C. Sodaro XP Dr. Stanley A. Danhauer Dr. A. F.Mayer XD John P. Conmy RC Emil F. Roehlke RC Harvey L. Cavender AB Carl F. Faust AB Orville W.Lee AB Lloyd W. Lehman AB William L. Murray AB Howard B. Robinson AB Frank J. Smith AB Joseph W. Townsend AB Donald L. Vetter AB George E. Woods Nicholas Barron C Mary C. Hess C Lucille Lienhardt C Louise Nelson C Marie B. Norton C XD COOK COUNTY No. 7 Location: 2515 St. Charles Road, Bellwood Registration : 6259 Men furnished to armed forces: 1862 Personnel : Mack W. Balzer M Peter Joseph Burr M Thomas W. Downey M LeRoy A. Brown M Charles E. Dougherty M William W. Haverly M Elmer F.Pflug M Edgar P. Romilly M Louis Peirce Smith M Ira E. Garman GA Mark E. Hattenhauer GA George Sass GA Dr. Edmund G. Brust XP Dr. Martin Wilson Green XP Dr. Jerry R. Hora XP Kenneth T. Hubbard XP Dr. Arthur E. Joslyn, Jr. XP Dr. A. Everett Joslyn XP Dr. Harold J. Tosney XP Dr. 11. A. Stasinski XD Albert J. Bayles RC Henry Miron RC Joseph W. Albright AB John A. Anderson AB Joseph I. Bulger AB P. W. Brust AB Edward G. Dickman AB Guy E. Guerine AB Marjorie Guerine AB R. N. Nelson AB Wesley Potts AB Thomas G. Sheahan AB Robert Wigglesworth All Lester D. Wilcox \ B NoelB. Wysong AB Ruth E. Kehring C Gladys F. Kupper C Louis P. Smith C Alma B. Solberg C Ma.x A.Wisner I (Continued) 334 COOK COUNTY— Continued COOK COUNTY No. 8 Location: Town Hall, LaGrange Registration : 6265 Men furnished to armed forces: 1451 Personnel : Frank W. Ault M Herman H. Drewes M George F. Hime M Lyman M. Mather M George W. Miller M Sidney G. Salvesen M John D. Wilson M Frederick A. Gariepy GA Dr. E. S. Baxter XP Dr. Edson W. Carr XP Dr.J.W. Carr XP Dr. James C. Clarke XP Dr. Robert W. Edwards XP Dr. D. J. Freriks XP Dr. J. A. Gardiner XP Dr. Edward L. Gillman XP Dr. H. T. Haverstock XP Dr. Charles F. Hubner XP Dr. Thomas C. McDougal XP Dr. J. G. Millas XP Dr. Ralph W. Nauman XP Dr. H. E. Ackerman XD Dr. Earl D. Emery XD Dr. Donald C. Lemon XD Dr. W. M. Lemon XD Dr. H. S. MacWithey XD Dr. Frank B. Olson XD Dr. J. C. Treat XD F. D. Cossitt RC William P. Mitchell RC Bernard Albert O'Reilly RC Fred J. Ashley AB Edward S. Cody AB Roy H. Ekberg AB Edward J. Farrell AB Henry G. Ferncase AB W. Stancliff Fuller AB Edward F. O'Toole AB Raymond S. Schultz AB Elmer F. Scott AB Randolph Thornton AB Robert C. Van Kampen AB Palmer C. Graves C Milladene Warnock C COOK COUNTY No. 9 Location: 5635 South Archer Avenue, Summit Registration : 6430 Men furnished to armed forces: 2001 Personnel : Ralph Beebe M Gordon Burk M Martin Ferentchak M George A. Soviesk M Mathias J. Viebrock M Frank A. Brodnicki GA Anthony A. DeGrazia GA Augustine J. Bowe GA Dr. R. H. Allison XP Dr. Thomas J. Benton XP Dr. Joseph Lieberstein XP Dr. Sidney L. Mann XP Dr. Paul W. Rush XP Dr. S. R. Krupka XD Dr. B. S. Lyznicki XD Dr. C. A. Lyznicki XD Charles J. Bulow RC R. J. O'Leary RC Louis R. Gentili AB Richard P. Lambert, Jr. James J. Mejda AB Frieda C. Drews C Lillian C. Durka C Lillian C. Lyznicki C AB (Continued) 335 COOK COUNTY— Continued COOK COUNTY No. 10 Location: Greer Hall, Orland Park Registration : 5769 Men furnished to armed forces: 1502 Personnel: A1J. Graf M Stewart M. Loebe M Walter R. Schussler, Jr. M Ralph J. Stellwagen M Charles H. Wolf M Alderman Dystrup GA Dr. Roberi H. Carraichael XP Dr. Earl W. Cauldwell XP Dr. E. J. Chesrow XP Dr. Anthony J. Giacobe XP Dr. H. E. Henke XP Dr. Samuel Sheldon Leavitt XP Dr. Paul G. Pomeroy XP Dr. John P. Po^ka XV Dr. J. V. Sanovic XP Dr. S. A. Lemke XD Albert E. Clifton RC Gilbert J. Helbig RC Francis A. Harper AB Robert McClov All Judd H. Matthews AB Paul R. Schreiber AB Nancy B. Knight C Pearl A. Otto C Mildred A. Shroats C Margaret E. Sullivan C COOK COUNTY No. 11 Location: Post Office Building, Harvey- Registration : 6363 Men furnished to armed forces: 1761 Personnel: Walter E. Deichen M Fred F. Geiss M Lawrence P. Holm M Walter Nagell M Charles J. Wilson M Fred H. Bartlit GA Dr. E. A. Harris XP Dr. M. C. Higgins XP Dr. L. W. Hughes XD Frank Cunningham RC Martin Forry RC Frank E. Foster RC Anthony Altier AB Bernard L. Beck AB Edwin L. Bennett AB Herbert C. Berggren Mi William F. Donahue A 15 Burton Evans AB Mitchell Kotefl AB Harry A. Lambert AB J. Dudley Lockrem AB Edwin A. McGowan AB Henry Piel AB Benjamin J. Sachs AB Neil E. VanderVeen AB Wesley D. Wiseman AB John E. Yates AB Esther V. Dennis C Claude W. Gallett C Rose A. Tocco C (Continued) :m COOK COUNTY-^Continued COOK COUNTY No. 12 Location: 3439 Ridge Road, Lansing Registration : 5776 Men furnished to armed forces : 1617 Personnel: Herman J. Anders M Edward Madderom M Ray H. Meeboer M Arthur Mullins M Kerwood L. Snyder M Robert J. Burdett ■ GA Foster A. Parker GA Dr. Rudolph D'Elia XP Dr. Cyril M. Gallati XP Dr. Anton Stockl XP Dr. J. L. Van Drunen XP Dr. M. R. Weidner, Jr., XP Dr. P. A. Beolens XD Dr. John Verkaik XD Arthur V. Goebel RC Jack E.Walker RC J. R. Barse AB Frank P. Cowing AB Nicholas J. DeYoung \I'» Arthur E. Dillner AB William Jacobs AB Orman I. Lewis AB John J. Pacyga AB Ira J. Thomas C Katherine Vroom C COOK COUNTY No. 13 Location: 2610 Flossmoor Road, Flossmoor Registration: 2969 Men furnished to armed forces: 736 Personnel: P. W. Goodson M H. Roy Gordon M Percy K. Groves M Charles J. Huston M Deatlef W. Jurgensen M Harry Karstens M Nobel Stibolt M Walter E. Wiles GA Dr. P. R. Blodgett XP Dr. W. L. Schmeckebier XD Earl D. Conant RC H. G. Portz RC H. L. Beck AB Wendell Philo Gilbert AB Leslie E. Salter AB Louise M. Huth C Frances M. Raak C COOK COUNTY No. 14 Location: Post Office, Blue Island Registration: 7084 Men furnished to armed forces: 2051 Personnel : Harvey 0. Antilla M EmilJ. Blat M William Schimmel M Walter H. Sevfarth M Ralph B. Sullivan M Edmund D. Adcock GA William H. Townsend GA Dr. Charles G. Davies XP Dr. Frank H. Lally XP Dr. L.C.Holt XD Stephen Hoag RC Robert L. Huffman RC Earle B. James RC William Aitchison AB Walter F. Briody AB Henry Buhring AB Robert H. Gilson AB PaulT. Klenk AB Roy Massena AB Frank M. Ozinga AB Mildred D. A. Flassig ( Walter J. Gaboriault C Ethel M.Tyler C (Continued) 337 COOK COUNTY— Continued COOK COUNTY No. 15 Location: 11 Quincy Road, Riverside Registration : 5584 Men furnished to armed forces: 1420 Personnel: M Anthony J. Hudec M Joseph A. McLoughlin Edward J. Quinn M Maurice T. Reilly M Frank P. Schreiber M Frank J. Wood M Homer C. Dawson GA Lawrence C. Mills GA Michael J. Thuma GA Dr. G. A. Barnett XP Dr. Marcellin J. Chiasson Dr. William Davies XP Dr. J. Merle Denker XP Dr. Edward F. Dombrowski Dr. John D. McCarthy XP Dr. Paul G. Peterson XP Dr. Phillip L. Peterson XP XP XP Dr. B. F. Howery XD Dr. B.R.Jones XD Dr. Frank A. Trager XD Phil C. Huntley RC Roderick N. Wyckoff RC Francis J. Benda AB John M. Beverly AB Osgood H. Dowell AB Ross 0. Hinkle AB James J. Kelly AB Joseph B. Lofton AB W. H. Shanner AB Rose L. Bolsness C Dorothy M. Daily C Ray L. Gustafson C Irene A. Soske C Willie C. Zimmerman C BERWYN CITY No. 1 Location: 1605 South Oak Park Avenue, Berwrn Registration: 5719 Men furnished to armed forces: 1761 Personnel : Edward J. Benes M Paul I. Coler M Arthur C. Krase M Fred Powell Page M Edward P. Skubic M William J. Soske M Wesley W. Howe GA Albert Peterson GA Dr. Charles B. Foucek XP Dr. Caryl C. Mclntyre XP Dr. Bernard Mantell XP Dr. Matthew Piatt XP Dr. Kamil Schulhof XP Dr. Benjamin F. Ward XP Dr.J.J. Hudik XD Dr. Laddie J. Kulhanek XD Dr. Robert B. Luehring XD Dr. Charles D. Ness XD H. Edward Almberg RC James R. Sedlacek RC Paul H. Whittenberg RC William E. Anderle AB StanleyS. Day AB John H. Ehardt AB Frank C. Jaburek AB Otto A. Jaburek AB Joseph J. Jaros AB Robert Jerrick AB Harry A. Kerins AB Edward J. Lesak AB Frank J. Mancl AB Laddie T. Pelnar AB Frank R. Sennot AB John G. Sevcik AB Arthur N. Thyfault AB Loretta E. Doleshek C Rosalind C. Foley C Adolph F. Matejek C Madeline E. Nieman C (Continued) 338 COOK COUNTY— Continued BERWYN CITY No. 2 Location : 6830 Windsor Avenue, Bertvyn Registration: 7340 Men furnished to armed forces: 1972 Personnel: Robert J. Bangert M Paul I. Coler M Edmund J. Krump M Joseph Page M George J. Petru M Harry A. Richards M Charles J. Sutka M John R. Heath GA William Kriz GA Frank H. Madden GA Dr. J. F. Bruianek XP Dr. J. J. Giardina XP Dr. Morris J. Hoffman XP Dr. Joseph F. VanCura XD Martin G. Glass RC Frank A. Rozhon RC Rudolph Basta AB Lester G. Burkhardt AB S. Ashley Guthrie AB James J. Hajek AB Sidney K. Jackson AB Raymond Kriz AB William J. Kris AB Harry Leviton AB David R. Mandell AB Joseph E. Serhant AB William Buchanan C Melba L. Jambor C Irene A. Tabor C Ellen Woodrich C CALUMET CITY No. 1 Location: 716 Wentworth Avenue, Calumet Registration: 4132 Men furnished to armed forces: 1533 Personnel: Harry Bloomberg M Francis 0. Case M William J. Flynn M John J. Jaranosky M Aaron A. Leedy M John J. McKenna M Frank H. Malak M John A. Murray M George S. Rider M Charles Smith M Charles J. Vesolowski M Martin H. Finneran GA Dr. Marshall Bascomb XP Dr. J. Diamondstein XP Dr. Irving Feinsot XP Dr. Andrew Nady XP Dr. Samuel Browe XD City Dr. J. C. Mankowski XD Stanley Edward Bejger RC Frank C. Keller RC Oliver J. Chambers AB Don Finneran AB James Kelly AB James H. Leonard AB John E. Pavlik AB Roman E. Posanski AB John J. Wallace AB Edna S. Barber C Dona L. Clark C Hazel C. Davis C Ethel M. LaVigne C Adeline W. Marcinski C Dorothy A. Ziminski C (Continued) 339 COOK COUNTY— Continued CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 1 Location : 35 South Dearborn Street Registration: 5912 Men furnished to armed forces: 1052 Personnel: Charles A. Bacon M James C. Boudreau M Thomas V. Casey M Jack Hogarty M Harold T. Huber M William E. Keith M Jules J. Lipp M Gordon Quinn M William M. Wilson M Cyril W. Armstrong GA Daniel J. McMahon Jr. GA Charles F. Rathbun GA John J. Rodgers GA Dr. Fred E. Ball XP Dr. C. R. Benner XP Dr. Thomas B. Dondus XP Dr. Vincent B. Bowler XP Dr. Charles P. Eck XP Dr. M. E. Engerman XP Dr. Charles M. Fox XP Dr. V. S. Frankenstein XP Dr. Walter H. Hawkins XP Dr. Fred M. Miller XP Dr. C. H. Resnick XP Dr. Anthony Santoro XP Dr. Arnold Schimberg XP Dr. Irving Siegel XP Dr. J. A. Brodsky XD Dr. I. S. Cohen XD Dr. A. E. McKnight XD Dr. John A. Poronsky XD Dr. Burton W. Zuley XD George J. Barry RC Frank Martin C Marguerite M. Warringer C Marguerite Schenden C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 2 Location: 3104 South Michigan Avenue Registration: 5924 Men furnished to armed forces: 1737 Personnel : James T. Copper M William H. Haynes M James Lorick M Matheus L. Porter M Robert H. Miller M Robert L. Stepto M Obed E. Vanderburg M Genoa S. Washington M Albert N. Powell GA Dr. Thomas C. Browning XP Dr. Jacob M. Epstein XP Dr. Lorenz B. Lapsky XP Dr. George A. Webster XP Dr. G. E.Behn XD Dr. R. F. Edwards XD Dr. Emory S. Gray XD Dr. Simmons C. Hamilton XD Dr. James H. Walker XD Fred D. Slater RC Louise Hatch C Ethel Holbert C Evelyn S. Williams C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 3 Location : 3858 South Parkway- Registration: 5881 Men furnished to armed forces: 1899 Personnel: M. C. Atkins M Thomas M. Clarke M Ralph Ferguson M Claude W. B. Holman M Edward Irvin M Clifton E. Jones M Earl B. Dickerson M Richard A. Harewood GA Dr. Benjamin H. Counts XP Dr. Clifford Doyle XP Dr. Barney Goldberg XP Dr. T. C. Raines XP Dr. G. W. Fields XD Joseph E. Clavton RC Ella Jane Dent C Lurlean Griffin C A It lira Mae Robinson C (Continued) 340 COOK COUNTY— Continued CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 4 Location: 4619 South Parkway Registration: 6622 Men furnished to armed forces: 2225 Personnel : Leslie D. Abernathy M Clark Buster M Hyman B. Mills M Eleson Murphy M Hugh L. Schell M George C. Adams GA Benjamin H. Crockett GA Dr. Abel C. Anthony XP Dr. James Appleman XP Dr. Paul P. Boswell XP Dr. Henry N. Cress XP Dr. Wallace S. Grant XP Dr. Ellsworth E. Hasbrouck XP Dr. Laynard L. Holloman XP Dr. Chauncey L. Morton XP Dr. Fred G. Trapp XP Dr. M. R. Hebert XD Kenneth G. Blewett RC Wilber A. Clarke RC Ruth D. Griffin C Tommie W. Hoggatt C Ellis E. Reid C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 5 Location : 5120 South Parkway- Registration: 7095 Men furnished to armed forces: 2341 Personnel : William James Davis M Gregory 0. Grady M Robert E. Harrison M Cyril M. Rapier M Milas S. Stephens M Eugene M. Jones GA Patrick B. Prescott, Jr. GA Dr. J. Edmond Bryant XP Dr. Herman Corren XP Dr. Thomas S. Green XP Dr. Nicholas H. Kern XP Dr. George T. Kersey XP Dr. Garfield B. Moore XP Dr. Joseph Moses Moore XP Dr. I. Rosen XP Dr. Hvman J. Schorr XP Dr. Elliott C. Small XD Horace R. Cayton RC Deweitt Davenport Hector RC George McCray RC Laurence Val Young RC Carl W. Cotton C Yvonne M. Galbreth C Melissa D. Murdock C Nathal G. Rogers C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 6 Location : 1104 East 47th Street Registration : 6507 Men furnished to armed forces: 1881 Personnel: M Winton I. Brown Paul Caspers M S. Friedman M Mervin G. Michaelis Edwin J. Quinn M George J. Wabol M Charles P. Schwartz Dr. Arrie Bamberger Dr. Mandel Cohen XP Dr. Clarence T. Plaut XP M G\ XP Dr. W. R. Schick XP Dr. Leonard H. Becker XD Dr. William A. Luety XD Wilfrid F. LaPoint RC Leo A. Parker RC John K. Segrave RC Magdalene Kees C Lois O. Thompson C Martha C. Zohn C (Continued) 341 COOK COUNTY— Continued CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 7 Location: 417 East 47th Street Registration: 7896 Men furnished to armed forces: 2577 Personnel: Sydney P. Brown M Max Goldberg M Robert S. Harrison M Lloyd M. Landeker M Thomas B. Mayo M Allen D. Holloway GA Royal W. Irwin GA Dr. Norman G. Adamson XP Dr. James M. Allison XP Dr. J. Henry Fitzbutler XP Dr. William M. Jones XP Dr. Joseph R. Mitchell XP Dr. L. B. Morrison XP Dr. George W. Prince XP Dr. W. J. Walker XD Louis Etshokin RC Samuel J. Evans RC Edwin Goldsmith RC Harry I. Hoffman RC James W. Washington RC Claude Jack C Beatrice Smith C Helen E. Watkins C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 8 Location : 5603 South State Street Registration: 8243 Men furnished to armed forces: 2619 Personnel : Douglas D. Clark M Rubynn M. English M Dr. A. L. Lucas M George H. McCree M Curtis Stillwell M T. L. Welch M John A. Yeatman, Sr. M William K. Hooks GA Carroll N. Langston GA Dr. Arthur C. Albright XP Dr. Ed. W. Beasley XP Dr. H. F. Bouver XP Dr. W. D. Cook XP Dr. A. L. Lucas XP Dr. T.M.Smith XP Dr. Harold W. Thatch.-. Dr. James J. Yarber XD Elma H. Davis C Cathalyn J. Hatch C Lillian F. Hunt C Avis R. Payne C Gertrude Thompson C XP CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 9 Location: 1233 East 55th Street Registration : 671 1 Men furnished to armed forces: 2023 Personnel: Charles Abrams M Richard I. Cole M Dr. J. W. Eichelberger M Daniel Jerome Fisher M Dr. HalE. Howland M John A. Leith M Carl E. Lindstrom M Sherman M. Strong M Nathan S. Blumberg G \ George W. Swain G \ Dr. E. Lawrence Adams XP Dr. Zachary A. Blier XP Dr. Robert H. Lawrence XP Dr. M. L. Mendel XP Dr. Emanuel Newman \P Dr. H. E. Randell XP Dr. Milton L. Brann XD Dr. Mortimer W. Xeimark XD Fay-Coper Cole RC ( lharles Himmel RC Redondo E. NewhaU RC Rose Mary Gonzales C Frances M. Maloney C Marcia B. Perquette C (Continued) 342 COOK COUNTY— Continued CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 10 Location: 6236 South Cottage Grove Avenue Registration: 7724 Men furnished to armed forces : 2528 Personnel: Ray A. Ferguson M Charles W. Hyber M Cornelius J. Kelleher M Roy H. Liddicott Enoch V. Linden Walter A. Praxl H.J.Blake GA Arthur W. Pettit M M M GA Dr. H. Hugh Bequesse XP Dr. Clarence E. Jamison XP Dr. D. E. Ricardo XP Dr. Murray W. Sims XP Dr. Harry Aaron Tyllas XP Dr. Wilbur Spencer XD John E. Devereux RC Helen L. Enochs C Harry W. Kohlmann C Doris M. Wilhelm C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 11 Location: 6850 South Stony Island Avenue Registration: 6712 Men furnished to armed forces: 1543 Personnel: Thomas E. Corcoran M Edward Kemp M Harry B. Melvoin M Frank W. Moran M John F. O'Brien M Thomas J. Cavanagh GA J. Warren McCaffrey GA Dr. Benjamin R. Bluitt XP Dr. Lewis A. Hare XP Dr. F. H. Renberg XP Dr. Selig A. Shevin XP Dr. Samuel Stein XP Dr. Matthew Taubenhaus Dr. Norman Zolla XP Dr. SolFindel XD Dr. William Gilruth XD Homer L. Davenport RC Arthur N. Glatt RC Conception Alvarez C Irene T. Hurley C John L. Stone C XP CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 12 Location: 1809 East 71st Street Registration: 6823 Men furnished to armed forces: 1605 Personnel: W. Ray Cosbey M C. Eugene Dillon M Harry Ford M Joseph G. Gorman M Murray B. Karman M Herbert Kettler M Roy N. Lesch M Edward C. Craig GA William E. Corrigan GA William J. O'Brien, Jr. GA Dr. Bernard L. Cohen XP Dr. Arthur H. Rosenblum XP Dr. F. B. Schutzbank XP Dr. C. J. Scofield XP Dr. Eugene A. Solow XP Dr. S. J. Sullivan XP Dr. L. M. Wallheiser XP Dr. Rudolph P. Zaletel XP Dr. Chester Blakely CD Dr. C. Duane Cory XD Dr. Bernard D. Glaser XD Herbert Barnhard RC David A. Brown RC Glenn G. Balcom C Rose Holzman C Alva Hubacheck C Ruth N. Juster C (Continued) 343 COOK COUNTY— Continued CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 13 Location: 7917 South Exchange Avenue Registration : 7975 Men furnished to armed forces: 2695 Personnel: Lewis C. Coyner M Raymond L. Keegan M George J. Morgan M Laurence A. Petit M Anthony L. Rich M George A Rooney M Frank Rydzewski M Harry Lawrence GA Dr. Harry Crystal XP Dr. M. E. Finsky XP Dr. William K. Herman XP Dr. Ernest 0. Larson XP Dr. Joseph E. Lepke XP Dr. Paul J. Patchen XP Dr. Louis H. Turek XP Dr. Harrv L. Aronson XD Dr. Joseph S. Clark XD Dr. A.J. Raffle XD Dr. William Stasiewicz XI) Claude V. Holmes RC John B. Sweeney RC Peter M. Bridges RC Violet C. Murray C Benjamin S. Watts C Hattye Withal! C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 14 Location: 231 East 79th Street Registration : 7460 Men furnished to armed forces: 2100 Personnel : Edward F. Barnicle M Earl Cates M Leland C. Cates M Thomas J. Conway M James M. Cull M Sidney H. Geist M Edward J. King M Bert W. Watton M Adolph E. Wellman M George J. Miller GA Thomas F. Reilly GA Dr. Edmund F. Bennett XP I »i. Clarence S. Duner XP Dr. Herbert B. Erikson XP Dr. Arthur H. Fisher XP Dr. C. H. Johnson XP Dr.T. F. Maher XP Dr. CM. Mann XP Dr. H. E. Mehmert XP Dr. Shavle Miller XP Dr. Anthony E. Polito XP Dr. Albert O. Stephenson XP Dr. A. V. Sherman XD Louis M. Hecker RC Robert S. Welch RC Eleanor J. Casey C Minnie R. Considine C Roseleen M. Dwan C Elaine June ^\ icklund C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 15 Location : 738 East 83rd Street Registration : 6231 Men furnished to armed forces: 1558 Personnel: Joseph P. Brodie M Orville Cost M Frank H. Cull M \bel A. DeHaan M Edward Schneider M Henry C. Thiel M Joseph C. Tufo M Vbel J. DrHaan GA George W. Sullivan < ^ \ Dr. Thomas F. Doyle XP Dr. Hugh Fox XP Dr. W illiam Murray XP Dr. H. Marchmont Robinson XP Dr. Fred Lauter XD Dr. R. G. Pinkerton \l> Frank A. Reker RC Harry J. Smith RC Francis Emmons I Virginia Griffith C RuthN.WesI I (Continued) 344 COOK COUNTY— Continued CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 16 Location: 11145 Michigan Avenue Registration: 6322 Men furnished to armed forces: 1773 Personnel: Roy L. Anderson M Carl E. Carlson M James W. Crane M John R. Davis M Frank C. Heitman M Harry L. Hull M John A. Kahoun M Leslie E. Roberts M Alfred J. Teninga M George R. Hillstrom GA Dr. Vaughn A. Avakian XP Dr. Louis H. Bos XP Dr. A. L. Karabin XP Dr. Alfred E. Lukasik XP Dr. Stewart J. McCormick XP Dr.J. M. Pape XP Dr. John Soukup XP Dr. Edward F. Studer XP Dr. Louis H. Sasso XD Dr. Will Stone XD Victor A. Beckman RC Charles P. Gallagher RC John A. Strom RC Minnie Considine C Frank Weber C Ruth M. West C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 17 Location: 7 East 119th Street Registration: 6929 Men furnished to armed forces: 2193 Personnel : Henry A. Blouin M Ralph DeCook M Elmer E. Helstrom M Charles A. Humphreys M J. Louis Roberts M Howard 0. Shedd M Arthur D. Townsend M Robert F. Bradburn GA Frank C. Leviton GA Dr. Harry H. Beil XP Dr. J.A. Kollar XP Dr. Robert Reich XP Dr. E. L. Winiecke XD Michael A. Dolinyak RC Bert A. Hoogland RC James J. Salchert C Catherine E. Sampson C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 18 Location : 3026 East 92nd Street Registration: 7834 Men furnished to armed forces: 2797 Personnel : Max Buzik M Ben H. Hazlett M George R. Hedges M Joseph Higgins M Frank Edward Ross, Sr. M Hal Wagner M Rudolph L. Johnson GA Dr. Anthony G. Cesare XP Dr. F. D. Garcia XP Dr. James Graybeal XP Dr. S. V. Haraburda XP Dr. Jacques I. Hootnick XP Dr. Stanley J. Mintek XP Dr. Bernard L. Pachynski XP Dr. H. E. L. Timm XP Dr. H. J. Urbanowicz XD Vincent L. Knaus RC Dorothy D. Brown C Helene S. Mathew C Bernice M. W. Urbaniak C (Continued ) 345 COOK COUNTY— Continued CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 19 Location: 2911 South Archer Avenue Registration: 5977 Men furnished to armed forces : 2363 Personnel : Stephen M. Bailey M Stanley J. Evans M J. Courtney Fitzpatrick M Francis L. Kennedy M Ray J. Wolff M Thomas J. Sheehan GA Dr. O. W. Rest XP Dr. William S. Sadler XP Dr. Joseph J. Valko XP Dr. Chester J. Radloff XD Patrick J. McCarthy RC William A. Benedix C Rita C. Farrell C Rosemary McNichols C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 20 Location: 3556 Archer Avenue Registration: 6886 Men furnished to armed forces : 2876 Personnel : James J. Appelt M Leo J. Dapser M Charles Fasan M Florian Pirofalo M Edward G. Scheidt M Thomas A. Shanahan M Earl G. Bingham GA Harry 0. Rosenberg GA Dr. Edmond T. Bartkowiak XP Dr. David V. Effron XP Dr. L. J. Isaacs XP Dr. Edward A. Bartkowiak William J. Raymond RC Irwin R. Stuchel RC Ethel M. Akerman C Gertrude M. Ott C Patricia D. Reynolds C XD CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 21 Location: 2517 West 69th Street Registration: 5882 Men furnished to armed forces: 2054 Personnel : Melville Cowan M Robert A. Dalzell M Virgil Danielson M Walter L. Nye M Peter W. Yasus M Crescent P. O'Connor GA Dr. Herman Mackoff XP Dr. R. J. Thoma XP Dr. Emil Joseph Coglianese XD Dr. Joseph Kella XD Herman Bollinger RC John J. Sheehan RC Verna G. Carey C Nellie Smale C (Continued) 346 COOK COUNTY— Continued CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 22 Location: 5649 West 63rd Street Registration : 6384 Men furnished to armed forces: 2123 Personnel : Claude E. Beckley M John J. Duginski M Herman Gustav Haaker M Joseph McPhee M John VanderWagen, Sr. M William A. Canavan GA Dr. Paul K. Anthony XP Dr. Samuel J. Bolonik XP Dr. Fausto Ciulini XP Dr. W. M. Eisin XP Dr. Harry Grant XP Dr. S. C. Kehl XP Dr. William J. Reilly Dr. Walter J. Balbat Dr. George Casserly Dr. H. Katz XD Dr. W. V. Raczynski Alfred D. Seltin RC Titus E. Quist RC Charles J. Smith RC James M. Burke C F. Carlson C Alice E. Kalenda C XP XD XD XD CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 23 Location: 1301 West 51st Street Registration: 4923 Men furnished to armed forces: 2201 Personnel: John W. Comise M Ernfrid R. Jacobson M Joseph Kaminski M Raymond R. Notter M Frank J. Peterson M Robert G. Youngren M Elmer N. Holmgren GA Dr. Maurice Kahn XP Dr. Moreno Y. Levy XP Dr. Edwin J. Lukaszewski Dr. T. S. Pierzynski XP Dr. M. M. Forb XD Dr. Walter B. Szok XD Richard R. Kowaleski RC John Harry Patka RC Mary E. Deegan C Mary C. Lamb C Thomas J. Murphy C XP CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 24 Location : 2512 West 51st Street Registration: 5431 Men furnished to armed forces: 1798 Personnel : Ben F. Bohac M Joseph Hemzacek M Frank J. Kosan M Dr. William G. Lexa M Dr. Anton J. Pok M Joseph J. Teclaw M Karl K. Wilcox M Mitchell S. Kilanowski GA Dr. Morris P. Orloff XP Dr. Joseph M. Ruda XT Dr. Frank C. Sternes XP Dr. John A. Sukev XP Dr. William J. Vopata XP Dr. Peter Werner XP Paul P. Dolenak RC Frank G. Matavosky RC Anna Borovicka C Charles J. Engemann C Helen M. Kenney C (Continued) 347 COOK COUNTY— Continued CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 25 Location: 1607 West 51st Street Registration : 5432 Men furnished to armed forces : 2230 Personnel: Joseph C. Biederman M Joseph L. Dluski M Theodore B. Jansey M Charles F. Kozlowski M Otto J. Raz M John Schwaba M Mitchell Bernick GA Dr. S. H. Ash XP Dr. R. C. Dalka XP Dr. Otto Kasik XP Dr. R. C. Leyers XP Dr. Vernon V. Schick XP Dr. Arthur Stenn XP Dr. Eli Stenn XP Dr. Fred Stenn XP Dr. Mathias Hoffman XD Dr. S. A. Rozanski XD Dr. E. Szczepanski XD James L. Cihak RC Mary C. Collins C Helen Jaronski C Harry W. Kohlmann C Joseph C. Salak C Madelaine R. Williams C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 26 Location : 6344 South Racine Avenue Registration: 6031 Men furnished to armed forces: 2042 Personnel : Donald L. Evans M John J. Flynn M Robert Oehmig M Lawrence F. Quirk M William C. Uhlhorn M Harry L. Viezens M John E. Devereux GA Raymond H. Murnane GA Dr. Julius Adler XP Dr. F. A. Berry XP Dr. Morris Greenberg XP Dr. Irving M. Harter XP Dr. Joseph A. Harter XP Dr. Milan M. Wasick XP Dr. Joseph T. McCarthy XD Carl A. Aimer RC Amos Ray Barnes RC William H. Freier RC Catherine M. Barry C Charlotte M. Hickey C Mary A. Morgan C Edward J. Tynan C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 27 Location: 6243 South Ashland Avenue Registration : 6809 Men furnished to armed forces: 2270 Personnel:* W. Ray Adams M Frank W. Bigeck M Edgar F. Bradford M Oren Oliver Campbell M Wendell K. Holmes M Robert R. Houghton M Frank H. Keteham M Ralph O. Winkenwerder GA Dr. Ary J. Arlon XP Dr. Eugene Field Carey XP Dr. Henry Christiansen XP Dr. Frank G. Douglass XP Dr. William L. Gregg XP Dr. Myrven A. Lane XP Dr. John K. McQiiarrie XP Dr. Frank J. Norton XP Dr. Charles S. Salmon XP Dr. Fred M. Sheehan XP Dr. R. L. VanDellen XP Dr. James VanEpps XP Dr. J. W. Seaborg XD Eugene \. Humphrey RC John J. Jovce RC R. (;. Follick C Betty M. Grieshaber C Lauretta E. Krugmann C (Continued) 348 COOK COUNTY— Continued CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 28 Location: 221 West 63rd Street Registration : 6886 Men furnished to armed forces : 2260 Personnel : Edwin J. Campbell M Alex R. Eunson M Loren B. Fry M Allen C. Johnson M Harold D. Osier M James Peacock M Charles J. Quinlan M Edward F. Slattery M Peter Zabello M H. Clay Calhoun, Jr. GA Charles B. Elder GA Milford H. Olds GA Dr. Nathaniel I. Baskind XP Dr. Ian H.Bond XP Dr. C. M. Hausman XP Dr. C. A. Hospers XP Dr. Thomas G. Jones XP Dr. Joseph J. Kagann XP Dr. A. C. King XP Dr. Jean Henry Motier XP Dr. Carleton S. Myers XP Dr. Eugene O'Neill XP Dr. J. A. Patka XP Dr. C. H. Piper XP Dr. Maurice Reilly XP Dr. Richard B. Stoop XP Dr. Frank A. Farrell XD Dr. Kenneth Sharpe XD Dr. E. C. Warfield XD Dr. Otto Windheim XD Henry C. Calhoun RC Russel R. Davies RC Joseph V. Crandall C Anna Marie DeVaney C Teresa Moroney C Mary Ellyn Sheehan C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 29 Location : 235 West 75th Street Registration: 7020 Men furnished to armed forces: 2124 Personnel : Theodore M. Becker M John DeNormandie M Oscar Henry Knoebel M Arthur F. Long M George F. Mundt M Dr. Wallace H. Rozell M Joseph E. Wolf M George W. Hansen GA M.K. Hobbs GA Dr. Charles K. Barnes XP Dr. H. A. Fitzmaurice XP Dr. John L. Meyer XP Dr. Joseph T. Meyer XP Dr. W. G. Rahn XP Dr. Charles I. Sack XP Dr. Albert G. Weiss XP Dr. James C. Black XD Victor C. Burton RC William J. Main RC George F. Mundt RC Lester R. Schroeder RC Marie A. Houle C Joseph McGovern C (Continued) 349 COOK COUNTY— Continued CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 30 Location: 1538 West 69th Street Registration: 6415 Men furnished to armed forces: 2140 Personnel : Robert Esplin M William M. George M Charles T. Keating M RoyO. Kester M Frank Kristufek M William A. Lauer M Frank C. Lemke M James A. McMahon M James E. McNamara M Henry L. Zaf t M William Nealon GA James Thorpe GA Dr. E.H.Blair XP Dr. Benjamin J. Gregory Dr. Frank C. Lawlor M Dr. Herbert Schmidt M Dr. James M. Wall XP Dr. Donald S. McVicar Harold Fax RC Earl B. Fox RC John J. Hartmann RC Genevieve M. Dunleavy R. E. Gilmartin C Evelyn M. Maddox C \I XD CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 31 Location : 7924 South Ashland Avenue Registration : 6559 Men furnished to armed forces: 1983 Personnel: Albert C. Boehm M Arthur E. Canty M David A. Ford M Daniel Joseph Hayes M Michael J. Healy M Paul Hobscheid M Walter J. Hunter M Raymond Milord M John F. Murphy M Joseph A. Riley M John A. Scott M Sam Smith M Peter J. Hower GA Albert J. Jennings GA Dr. Glenn A. Burckart XP Dr. Rocco J. Fazio XP Dr. S. L. Governale XP Dr. Edward Louis Jansen XP Dr. John H. Keehan XP Dr. James Donald Madden XP Dr. Edward M. Murphy XP Dr. Henry H. Newman XP Dr. John J. LaDuca XD Dr. A. A. Schubert XD Noland Howell RC Ralph C. Kresge RC Thomas E. McLaughlin RC Edward T. Gillard C Hugh T. McGrath C Elsie C. Miller C (Continued) 350 COOK COUNTY— Continued CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 32 Location: 9003Y2 South Ashland Avenue Registration: 8719 Men furnished to armed forces: 2193 Personnel : Paul E. Anderson M Fred Busbey M Paul G. Carlson M Frank H. Cenfield M Thomas C. Donovan M Henry A. Gano M Ralph W. Gruenwald M John B. McDonald M Daniel J. Lamont GA John A. O'Neil GA Dr. Edgar 0. Breakstone XP Dr. Eugene F. Lutterbeck XP Dr. I. E. Makar XP Dr. Silas S. Snider XP Dr. Leonard G. Vatter XP Dr. James W. McGough XD Frank T. Farwell RC Edward M. McClelland RC Roger Tuttle RC Mary C. Collins C Jean A. Devereaux C Dorothy M. R. Marks C Vilma B. Shaffer C John C. Wyatt C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 33 Location: 1443 West 103rd Street Registration: 8927 Men furnished to armed forces: 2622 Personnel : Raymond Dundon M Reuben A. Borsch M Gary Gale Grant M J. Meyer Holland M Oke L. Pearson M Joseph A. Ricker M Herb St. Germain M Charles J. Schipplock M James E. Shirey M Fred J. McManus GA Herman L. Taylor GA Dr. James E. O'Malley XP Dr. P. B. Christensen XD Dr. Richard H. Valentine XD John C. Hennessy RC Frank C. VanEtten RC Majorie Christiansen C John L. Devitt C Elsie A. Douglass C Myrtle E. Gruenwald C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 34 Location: 914 South Loomis Street Registration : 6044 Men furnished to armed forces : 2400 Personnel : Daniel G. Avallone M George Carbough M Domenick Cece M Domenick DeBartola M Paul DeLeonardis M Ralph J. Salerno M Thomas A. Hamilton GA James J. Yacullo GA Dr. Hallard Beard XP Dr. Myron C. Benford XP Dr. Seymour Brown XP Dr. George Byfield XP Dr. Roland R. Cross, Jr. XP Dr. Fernando deLeon XP Dr. Frank DiCosola XP Dr. Carl Ireneus, Jr. XP Dr. Joseph H. Kiefer XP Dr. William P. Kleitsch XP Dr. Vito R. Lucatorto XP Dr. Max Montgomery XP Dr. Eugene A. Riccio XP Dr. Harry A. Salzman XP Dr. James V. Tito XP Dr. Harold V. Wadsworth XP Dr. William H. Wright XP Dr. William Yacullo XP Dr. Joseph N. Albino XD Dr. William J. Serritella XD Frank A. Mentone RC Rosario D. Salerno RC Donna Marie Bagnole C Lucille P. Certa C Katherine M. Cesare C Susan Massey C (Continued) 351 COOK COUNTY— Continued CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 35 Location: 1801 South Ashland Avenue Registration : 51 77 Men furnished to armed forces: 1966 Personnel: Frank A. Cada M Walter Gulczynski M Robert Heyduk M Leo Niedzwiecki M John A. Stanek M James L. Kostka GA Dr. Charles A. Albrecht XP Dr. Charles C. O'Bryne XP Dr. Leonard H. Weisskopf Dr. Stephen Gorny XD Dr. Albert D. Persons XD Nathaniel A. Lubejko RC John J. Yarus RC Alyce Blundell C Marie M. Jawor C Mary Minkus C XP CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 36 Location: 2306 South Kedzie Avenue Registration : 6524 Men furnished to armed forces: 2279 Personnel: Sidney J. Keclik M Edward Kohout M Rudolph G. Kriz M Carl M. Melberg M Robert S. Melichar M George A. Bosomburg GA Walter True GA Dr. John B. Allen XP Dr. W. F. Briney XP Dr. Ferdinand E. Dostal XP Dr. Emanuel R. Dvorak XP Dr. Edward C. Jana XP Dr. Joseph H. Just XP Dr. John H. Luczak XP Dr. Frank Maurer XP Dr. Israel Walzer XP Dr. Benjamin A. Weinberg Dr. Fred N. Bazola XD George H. Martinec RC Joseph F. Polak RC Bernard Bohn C Irene Monaco C Elsie E. Ramsay C XP CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 37 Location: 3959 West Ogden Avenue Registration : 6886 Men furnished to armed forces: 2101 Personnel: John A. Cervenka, Jr. M Joseph J. Ferber M Henry A. Herhold M Jacob I. Jeffe M C. F. Lewerenz M James S. Vales M Thomas Vopatek M Joseph Z. Uhlir GA Dr. B. H. Lerner XP Dr. Melvin Newman XP Dr. J. Jaffe XP Dr. Andrew J. Toman XP Dr. F. C. Winskunas XP Dr. Frank A. Machek \l> Dr. John L. Mashek XD Edward Goldberg RC Lillian Duda C Julie Feldman C Josephine Kostal C (Continued ) 352 COOK COUNTY— Continued CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 38 Location: 3159 West Roosevelt Road Registration: 4886 Men furnished to armed forces : 1 703 Personnel: Sam N. Berman M George J. Goodman M William J. Klibanow M Charles E. Nelson M Joseph Redman M Eugene Bernstein GA Dr. H. X. Rubin XP Dr. Arthur Samuels XP Dr. William Schecter XP Dr. Max J. Lieberman XD Dr. Harry Rubens XD Maurice Cohn RC Nicholas L. Gallo RC Arthur K. Oldin RC Julius Cohn C Norma M. Plotnick C Esther R. Schultz C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 39 Location: 2124 West Van Buren Street Registration: 5189 Men furnished to armed forces: 2012 Personnel: Thaddeus V. Adesko M Gilbert J. Brett M George A. Dustin M George H. Fisher M Joseph H. Kruger M Leo Landsman M Charles H. Weicensang M Charles Clinton Wilson M Frank Arlt GA Dr. Blaine L. Ramsay XP Dr. H. R. Schwartz XP Hortensia I. Chorvat C Eleanor F. Getrambone C Lillian Kaminsky C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 40 Location: 1122 Milwaukee Avenue Registration : 4851 Men furnished to armed forces: 1958 Personnel : John J. Hodor M Frank J. Mytnik M Edward C. Schott M Joseph M. Skokna M George E. Weber M Alexander J. Pikiel GA Dr. Stanley C. Kucharski XP Dr. Harry Noskin XP Dr. W. C. Sutcher XD George Gillmeister RC Bernice Bladzik C John S. Koslowski C Eleanor F. Stankiewicz C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 41 Location: 2350 West Madison Street Registration : 7357 Men furnished to armed forces: 2531 Personnel: Nicholas J. Corrado M Jesse W. Johnson M George C. McCarthy M Arthur L. Macomber M William Miller M Harold E. Murphy M Harold J. Andelman GA Lee S. Landon GA Dr. D. T. Chechile XP Dr. E. R. Downing XP Dr. Michael W. Giannini XP Dr. A. Charles Huber XP (Continued) 353 COOK COUNTY [Chicago Board No. 41]— Continued Dr. Harry N. Petrakos XP Dr. Edward I. Peyser XP Dr. M. H. Turek XP Dr. Samuel L. Goldberg XD Dr. James C. Govostis XD Dr. W.E.Kelly XD Robert E. Smice RC William E. Knapp C Sylvia K. Miller C Marie Sezon C Prudence Stenge C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 42 Location: 3352 West Lake Street Registration : 5446 Men furnished to armed forces: 2154 Personnel: Harry L. Jansen M Harry Magee M David Olshan M John A. Pamphilon M Louis Rago M Jacob Rustman M Henry E. Sasso GA Dr. John B. Bellucci XP Dr. H. C. Coblens XP Dr. Maurice N. Knopp XP Dr. Joseph G. Arden XD Dr. S. M. Rakow XD N. Jacovelli RC John J. Kennedy RC Jeanette Anderson C Fred W. Baumgartner C Dorothy Sachs C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 43 Location: 7 South Pulaski Road Registration: 5635 Men furnished to armed forces: 2162 Personnel: Dominick M. Alberti M Raymond A. Corris M Fred J. Holdsworth M Thomas H. McCauley M Vincent F. J. Schimanek M Robert Stack M Henry M. Tufo M Theodore T. Cowgill GA Robert E. Crowe GA Dr. Max M. Jacobson XP Dr. Michael J. Parenti XP Dr. Eugene Joseph Sodaro XP Dr. Gerald M. Stazio XP Dr. Vito A. Taglia XP Dr. S. A. Vainisi XP Dr. Thomas G. Walsh XP Dr. Carl J. Medda XD Dr. William T. Wojahn XD Gerald M. O'Connor RC Sol Westerfeld RC Catherine A. Cujava C Margareta G. Romaine C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 44 Location: 108 North Pulaski Road Registration : 6540 Men furnished to armed forces: 2150 Personnel : Marvin W. Adams M Frank G. Carney M Edward G. Gilbertson M John H. Hagerty M Walter V. Hart M James T. McNulty M Robert C. Schoessling M Samuel M. Come GA Dr. Dan R. McLean XP Dr. Joseph F. O'Malley XP Dr. Orest J. Parrillo XP Dr. E. H. Rategan XP Dr. Irving Treiger XP Dr. Harold H. Epstein XD Dr. Emanuel Schachter XD Charles Mimmack RC James W. Sheridan RC Elizabeth Ann Conley C Thomas L. Long C Dorothea Schiniaiu'k C (Continued) 354 COOK COUNTY— Continued CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 45 Location: 4752 Washington Boulevard Registration: 6410 Men furnished to armed forces : 1905 Personnel: John P. Bennett M Thomas J. Gibbons M Joseph W. Kelly M Clyde R. Magnesen M Helmer C. Patterson M Frank J. Rogers M Harold A. Thompson M Lewis L. Root GA Dr. Samuel Berger XP Dr. Allison L. Burdick XP Dr. William R. Gubbins Dr. Joseph A. Josh XD Dr. Leon LaFond XD William Murphy RC Robert C. Novak RC Marianne Dooley Byrne Agnes Healy C Theresa M. Keenor C Rose A. LaRock C Edward M. Monahan C XD CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 46 Location: 1140 North Kedzie Avenue Registration : 6638 Men furnished to armed forces : 2244 Personnel: LeRoy Anderson M Victor E. Karlsen M Samuel Laderman M Merton H. Leeman M Walter C. Schmidt M Julius Wekony M Clement A. Dernbach GA Dr. B. L. Coniglio XP Dr. T. C. Jachimowski XP Dr. Leslie H. Reimers XP Dr. John R. Romano XP Dr. Joseph L. Soldinger XP Dr. Anton Palmer Limbardo Eugene S. Karlsen RC Eustach Trittermann RC Adele Anderson C Lenora S. Loyselle C Matthew Peyton C Lorraine M. Wesolowski C XD CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 47 Location: 1937 Milwaukee Avenue Registration: 7026 Men furnished to armed forces : 2734 Personnel : James L. Bottoms M Samuel E. Klafter M Joseph Z. Mendrella M Frederick B. Resag M John F. Rosen GA Dr. Julius A. Gurvey XP Dr. J. N. Helgo XP Dr. Adolph J. Jarosz XP Dr. C. P. Janicki XD Dr. J. A. Wojtalewicz XD Larry Atkinson C Julia H. Evans C Edna J. Ireland C Hazel M. Terreberry C (Continued) 355 COOK COUNTY— Continued CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 48 Location : 2740 North Kedzie Avenue Registration: 5921 Men furnished to armed forces: 1984 Personnel: John J. Boland M Andrew J. Cress M Irwin Marcus M Rudolph P. Sanders M David 0. Sark M Charles F. Fritz GA Dr. Reuben Bard XP Dr. Charles Goldberg XP Dr. L. E. Lundgoot XP Dr. Earl M. Lustgarten XP Dr. T. S. Proud XP Dr. A. M. Stober XP Dr. B. P. Davidson XD Dr. Walter Goldsmith XD William M. Hicks RC Ray Schlessling RC Lillian M. Edelson C Clare L. Lang C Gladys A. Olsen C Anne Seiton C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 49 Location: 3035 West Fullerton Avenue Registration: 6618 Men furnished to armed forces: 1904 Personnel : J. H. Burns M Joseph E. Hind M Frank Pawlowski M Irwin C. Rinn M Abe Weinberg M Matthew J. Cullen GA Dr. Ralph Baylin XP Dr. William DeBoer XP Dr. S. M. Goldberger XP Dr. Harry Kraut XP Dr. Francis J. Krueger XP Dr. Maurice Miller XP Dr. Hiram Septow XP Dr. Ewald Weber XP Dr. J. A. McCallum XD Walter C. Ganey RC Joseph Maloney RC Emaline A. Hunter C Mary A. LaVelle Rosenberg Elsie Sunter C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 50 Location: 5157 West Diver sey Boulevard Registration : 6760 Men furnished to armed forces: 2083 Personnel: John K. Edmunds M Nels Gilbo M Fred C. Leusch M John C. Moraczewski M William S. Stevens M Edward J. Thompson M Edwin J. Nergard GA Geary V. Stibgen GA Dr. Sidney Brown XP Dr. W. J. Mencarow XP Dr. M. P. Neri XP Dr. L. Willard Shabat XP Dr. Joseph F. Sokolowski XP Dr. Joseph J. Strzyz XP Dr. J. F. O'Connor XD Darling J. Karl C William R. Peters C Lillian A. Pierson C (Continued) 356 COOK COUNTY— Continued CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 51 Location: 2922 North Pulaski Road Registration : 6163 Men furnished to armed forces: 1758 Personnel: Andrew Christophersen M Edward B. Collender M Feliks Mackowiak M Irving Felkoff M W. J. Roberts M Allan K. Wattman M Chester Woolman M George A. Hawley GA Dr. W. E. Block XP Dr. Frank E. Doyle XP Dr. Edward A. Grabar XP Dr. Theodore L. Lescher XP Dr. William Sweeney XP Mae W. Kerwin C Martha I. Sanger C Mrs. Dorothy M. Steele C Shirley Swanson C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 52 Location : 5556 West North Avenue Registration : 6700 Men furnished to armed forces: 2036 Personnel : William C. Haack M Lester Jankowski M Edmund W. Jaworski M Edmund H. Simonsen M Harry A. Taif M Leo Bartoline GA Dr. Ira Edward Greenburg XP Dr. Merle R. Hadden XP Dr. Otto G. Kuchynka XP Dr. Fred A. Paradise XP Dr. Steven 0. Schwartz XP Dr. E. M. Gramke XD Dr. Herman J. Roe XD Dr. Eugene W. Szwajkart Otis E. Bergeson RC John Benedek RC Loretto M. Bernero C Mildred M. LaFaver C Eleanor Grange C Herman Mueller C XD CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 53 Location: 5247 West North Avenue Registration: 7372 Men furnished to armed forces: 2418 Personnel: Elmer F. Gysin M George F. Lundberg M William J. Mannion M Lawrence E. Monahan M Joseph V. O'Neil M Richard D. Prendergast M Walter H. Prescott M Joseph F. Schwieger M Elmer E. Challenger GA William L. Morgan GA Dr. Edward Berg XP Dr. John R. Lend XP Dr. Joseph B. Arneson XD Ronald J. Kennedy RC John E. O'Neill RC Mary J. Angelski C Freda M. Coggburn C Susan R. Murray C (Continued) 357 COOK COUNTY— Continued CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 54 Location : 5200 Chicago Avenue Registration : 6348 Men furnished to armed forces: 1778 Personnel : William E. Anderson M Frank R. Campbell M Harlan Richards M Emil Schwerdtman M Francis D. Scully M Walter J. Boland GA James B. McKeon GA Dr. Frank A. Anderson XP Dr. John J. Cronin XP Dr. Hugo T. Cutrera XP Dr. Fred L. Glenn XP Dr. Kyle C. Hawkins XP Dr. William F. McManus XP Dr. Carl M. Pohl XP Dr. Milton Charles Schell Dr. Carl F. Waters XP Dr. Joseph S. Cislak XD Robert George Fitchie RC Ernest A. Koehn RC William H. McManus RC Charles A. Paesch RC Edward N. Fitzgerald C Hope L. Lindquist C Mary B. Norton C Virginia A. Olson C XP CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 55 Location: 360 North Laramie Avenue Registration: 5963 Men furnished to armed forces: 1732 Personnel : Bernard R. Garner M Harry J. Janson M Dr. Irwin G. Jirka M Lawrence E. McGann M William Schiepan M Edmund M. Sinnott M Hobart H. Sommers M George W. Lyon GA Dr. John F. Brennan XP Dr. Leonard S. Ceaser XP Dr. Aaron Fagelson XP Dr. Jacob Paskind XP Dr. Andrew Robel XP Dr. C. H. Stentz XD Joseph Epstein RC Clem G. Shoup RC Marguerite B. Goldberg C William James McMullen C Anne M. Neville C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 56 Location: 6350*/% West Belmont Avenue Registration: 8166 Men furnished to armed forces : 2552 Personnel : Hildren L. Carney M George C. Ember M Edgar O. Ingalls M Jack Lebrecht M Oscar M. Lund M Andrew Pettinger M George I. Simpson M Clarence E. Threedy M William H. Chadwick GA Joseph G. Smietanka GA Dr. Morris Feldman XP Dr. Ray M. Fouts XP Dr. William P. Jonas XP Dr. Edward P. King XP Dr. Peter M. Nielsen XP Dr. I. Allen Sklar XP John H. Klunder RC Ethel M. Biegler C Mateo S. Game C Constance King C Gertrude Kiley C (Continued) 358 COOK COUNTY— Continued CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 57 Location: 5310 West Irving Park Road Registration: 6828 Men furnished to armed forces: 1970 Personnel: Charles E. Donath M' Harold LaPlant M William H. Nickels M Joseph C. Niec M John A. Nordstrand M Bernard E. Reinert M Orville F. Yetter M Leon C. Nyka GA Dr. Hubert Eckwall XP Dr. A. H. Hallman XP Dr. Arthur F. McAuley XP Dr. C. F. Pollowy XP Dr. Stanley F. Przygocki XP Dr. L. S. Sluzynski XP Dr. Bert G. Fratzke XD Dr. Alfred F. McKenzie XD F. Phil Garbark RC James D. Marnane RC Murline Kathryn Kvanman C Edward R. Lucas C Evelyn Anna Maline C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 58 Location: 4409 West Lawrence Avenue Registration : 6070 Men furnished to armed forces: 1676 Personnel: Bernard J. Elfman M William L. Jonhson M C. Ralph Jones M Harry H. Schraeder M Milton W. Servos M Zeamore A. Ader GA Samuel Heller GA Ewart Harris GA Oscar C. Miller GA Dr. Charles T. Kessler XP Dr. Edmund E. Kietzer XP Dr. Arthur Lehner XP Dr. Dominic T. Mastrianni XP Dr. Alex Bendersky XD Dr. Royal Dunkelberg XD William M. Gavagan RC A. C. Rochow RC Lester S. Phillips C Deborah Siegal C Alice Sundburg C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 59 Location : 4384 Elston Avenue Registration: 5846 Men furnished to armed forces: 1730 Personnel: Sven W. Carlson M Arthur Jensen M Harry R. McNamera M William S. Miller M Paul H. Mueller M George A. Rohde M Donald A. Bissell GA Cecil Emery GA Dr. H. R. Amberson XP Dr. Paul Mandel Egel XP Dr. M. J. Fox XP Dr. Edward J. Schowalter XP Dr. Raymond G. Sippel XP Dr. Frank J. Smejkal XP Dr. Charles W. Stigman XP Dr. A. I. Druckaroff XD Dr. Nicholas M. Simmon XD Leonard A. Borgeson RC Charles F. Kerbs RC Sidney A. Weber RC James R. Gunther C Rita E. Lundin C Irene F. May C Wilma M. Sell C (Continued) 359 COOK COUNTY— Continued CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 60 Location: 3304 West Lawrence Avenue Registration : 5304 Men furnished to armed forces: 1543 Personnel : Thomas A. Alperin M Louis J. Daniels M Henry S. David M Glenn F. Hewitt M James E. Inskeep M Stephen A. Gross GA Albert A. Gomberg GA Dr. Edward Aron XP Dr. John R. Ballinger XP Dr. Israel Fond XP Dr. Harry George Leon XP Dr. M. Edward Ushkow XP Dr. Maurice Ditkowsky XD Dr. L. S. Schlocker XD Dr. Ralph R. Wishneff XD Samuel R. Perwancher RC Louis Tanenbaum RC Germaine R. Fischer C Dorothy S. Leeb C Morris Palman C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 61 Location : 4609 North Kedzie Avenue Registration: 5393 Men furnished to armed forces: 1678 Personnel : Sam M. Arting M Joseph Bonnefoi M George W. Busch M Orville E. Clifford M Carl Ivan Ekstrom M Samuel H. Martin M Gustave F. Rutschmann M Joseph L. Theisen M George E. Fink GA Alexander Kaplan GA Dr. Jacob E. Blitstein XP Dr. Alfred J. Goldyne XP Dr. Morris Snyder XP Dr. S. Z Cole XD Mary E. Burke C Thea Joyce Hunter C Chester A. Schultz C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 62 Location: 6733 North Olmstead Avenue Registration : 4691 Men furnished to armed forces: 1364 Personnel : Frank Z. Beard M Gerald J. Flynn M Frank M. Hartigan M Edward G. Klotz M James E. Krum M Theodore J. Lefeber Thomas J. McGovern Fletcher Newell M Frank W. Pekar M Bernard J. Schneider Philp J. Weimer M Thomas H. Slusser GA M M M Oswell G. Treadway GA Dr. William E. Beckmann XT Dr. K. 0. English XP Dr. Edward C. Meyer XP Dr. F. K. Xavier XP Dr. Walter F. Zurawski XP Dr. Samuel C. Bromberg XD Tom C. Pemberton RC Wilbur M. Small RC Ellen B. Eriekson C Mian H. Lewis C Clara E. Muchowski C (Continued ) 360 COOK COUNTY— Continued CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 63 Location: 4926 Milwaukee Avenue Registration : 7394 Men furnished to armed forces: 2148 Personnel : Harry Bell M Thomas P. Braid M James R. Bryant M Lawrence J. Fenlon M George Woods M George F. Doyle GA Dr. Edward V. Boarini XP Dr. Irving L. Breakstone XP Dr. Francis A. Cirrincione Dr. Louis F. Kotler XP Dr. Willard A. Levin XD Dr. William Lowy XD R. C. Merritt RC J. R. Brett C Mrs. Elizabeth M. Raber C Alice Sundborg C XP CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 64 Location: 510 North Dearborn Street Registration: 6131 Men furnished to armed forces : 2029 Personnel: Carl A. Barrett M Forrest C. Beene M William J. Cameron M Joseph A. Darrow M William M. Medbery M Mario H. Guidarelli GA Downer McCord GA Walter H. Moses GA Dr. Frank A. Lagorio XP Dr. Richard A. Nagle XP Dr. Eugene Scheimann XP Dr. F. R. Connor XD Wade Booth RC Leonard Olson RC Clarita M. Kreissl C Mary K. Murphy C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 65 Location: 1656 North Mohawk Street Registration: 7105 Men furnished to armed forces : 2352 Personnel : Richard F. Dooley M George P. Eichhorst M Thomas C. Hardy M Roy G. Holmquist M Herbert H. Kennedy M Arthur E. Maybrun M Ralph Rosen M Homer V. Johannsen GA E. D. McDougal, Jr. GA Ralph J. Mohan GA George A. Ranney, Jr. GA Dr. Paul E. Grabow XP Dr. Eugene Grosz XP Dr. Samuel Haik XP Dr. Emil Jonas XP Dr. A. J. Nicosia XP Dr. Paul D. San Filippo Dr. G. F. Tufo XP Dr. I. W. Littman XD Dr. Max Wishner XD Edward E. Robbins RC Ethel M. Biegler C Pierce J. Butler C Eva D. Shields C Frances E. Toussaint C XP (Continued) 361 COOK COUNTY— Continued CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 66 Location : 563 Diversey Parkway- Registration: 6293 Men furnished to armed forces: 2036 Personnel : Salem N. Baskin M A. J. Clonick M Louis J. Ewald M William L. Leighly M Joseph Waldner M Raymond T. Woodville M F. Howard Eldridge GA Nathan Schwartz GA Dr. Lindsay A. Beaton XP Dr. Robert N. Crow XP Dr. G. L. Kaufmann XP Dr. Harold I. Meyer XP Dr. Arthur J. Strich XP Dr. Ernest E. Harwood XD Dr. Julius G. Schmidt XD Emery T. Erickson RC Jerome A. Gottschalk RC Myrtle Bentz C Anna A. Hoier C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 67 Location : 2238 West Roscoe Street Registration: 4947 Men furnished to armed forces: 1480 Personnel : EmilN. Arndt M Sam M. Baudouine M Oliver W. Cox M William J. Eitel M Dr. Glen H. Gilbreth M Edward J. Maass M Dr. Leonard F. Skleba M Martin L. Callahan GA Jacob Shamberg GA Dr. Bernard M. Cohen XP Dr. Charles Eiseman XP Dr. Eugene Gettelman XP Dr. Sol B. Kositcheck XP Dr. Paul McDaniel XP Dr. Julius Roos XP Dr. J. H.Sloan XP Dr. E. H. Ibbotson XD Dr. J. Raymond Link XD Elton A. Gould RC Harry A. Starr RC John W. Barnes C Susan M. Neiss C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 68 Location : 3354 North Paulina Street Registration: 6160 Men furnished to armed forces: 1880 Personnel: Edward J. Cremerius M William E. Gainer M Thomas Jakicic M Herman C. Klugman M Charles W. Lebrun M Edward W. Schoenenberger M Edward C. Schubel M Robert E. Berlet GA Seymour J. Frank GA Dr. Ernest F. Lidge XP Dr. George Noger XP Dr. Robert H. Saunders XP Dr. H. M. Swenson XP Dr. Louis A. Terman XP Dr. Merle R. ShafTner XD Walter W. Weiss RC Shirlev M. Fehn C Edna C. Fritz C Albert J. Hupfer C (Continued) 362 COOK COUNTY— Cofifi/wt'fZ CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 69 Location: 3701 North Halsted Street Registration : 6790 Men furnished to armed forces : 2043 Personnel : Laurent E. Clody M Herman Holleb M Thomas F. McManus M Raymond Mark M James A. Morrison M Ben Sandack M Sam Shure M Theodore Zimmerman M Emanuel Gordon GA Harry N. Pritzker GA Richard Weinberger GA Dr. Max Sinay XP Dr. Jerome J. Weil XP Dr. Irving Krain XD E. A. Detweiler RC Warren E. Buschner C Esther H. Ebert C Gertrude A. Lock C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 70 Location: 1000 West Belmont Avenue Registration : 5059 Men furnished to armed forces: 1493 Personnel: Edward K. Gleason M Gustave C. Johnson M Per Albin Nelson M George Paley M Dr. Caesar Portes M Joshua R. H. Potts M F. H. Remien M Thomas Carlin GA Dr. Edmond Levisohn XP Dr. John Pishotta XP Dr. Frank Blair XD Dr. William Webb XD Justus Mozart RC Carl A. Swenson RC Harry H. Tuveson RC Sella R. Maxwell C Ada R. McCann C Charles E. Smyth C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 71 Location: 4751 North Washtenaw Avenue Registration: 6238 Men furnished to armed forces: 1736 Personnel : Aubrey Warren Engs M Joseph J. Frisa M George W. Kind M Arthur H. Lageman M Cecil A. MacPherson M John J. Molloy M William Mathiesen GA Paul E. Price GA Dr. I. Applebaum XP Dr. Garland G. Brown XP Dr. Bernard V. Chern XP Dr. Chester L. Crean XP Dr. George R. Leonard XP Dr. G. T. Merryman XD Dr. Elmer Mertes XD John J. Crawford RC Walter R. Miller RC George S. Terbush RC Anna Marie Kley C Albert P. Reder C (Continued) 363 COOK COUNTY —Continue d CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 72 Location: 5154 North Clark Street Registration : 6554 Men furnished to armed forces: 1839 Personnel : Claude L. Foubare M Frank A. Hoff M Edward E. Jonathas M W. D. Kearfott M Robert P. Markus M Arthur C. Schweitzer M John E. Timm GA Dr. Grant V. Athanas XP Dr. C. A. Buswell XP Dr. David Goldfinger XP Dr. Eric Oppenheimer XP Dr. Anthony N. Trapp XP Dr. Ross Van Pelt XP Dr. Walter K. Davis XD G. C. Fitch C Lucille A. Chalfant C Anna M. Keck C Ann M. Mentgen C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 73 Location : 4554 Broadway Registration : 4738 Men furnished to armed forces: 1263 Personnel : Alexander E. Butler M Dr. E. Allen Frankel M Harry M. Glasser M Frank E.Gould M John J. Knight M Herman M. Mendelsohn M James S. Russell M J. William Smith M I. Roy Ross GA Dr. Alexander H. Barnett XP Dr.R. E.Dyer XP Dr. Charles W. Gorr XP Dr. John W. McLaughlin XP Dr. Dennis Rupp XP Dr. Herbert A. Sacks XP Dr. H. Kenneth Scatliff XP Dr. Marvin G. Ericson XD Dr. Thomas A. Howland XD Dr. Bruce L. Stocking XD Harold G. Dawes RC Mortiz T. Gruener RC Wilma Absher C Abbie M. Lang C Elmer C. Wahlman C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 74 Location : 4554 Broadway Registration : 5992 Men furnished to armed forces: 1560 Personnel: Samuel Burrows M Alfred J. Fredricks M James L. Leen M John T. Kinsman M Thomas F. Moran M John E. Naylor M John Paul M C. E. Wilfong M John W. Wilkerson M Frederick /. Marx GA Charles Edward Newton G \ Dr. George Abelio XP Dr. A. W. Calvert XP Dr. Philip H. Stevens XP Dr. Theodore Stein XD Dr. Ray S. Cooke XD George W. Johnson RC William Morrisse RC Man J. Butler RC Cecelia M. Vogel C Valerie Pierman C Constance K. Wahlman ( ' (Continued) 36 1 COOK COUNTY— Continued CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 75 Location: 6471 Sheridan Road Registration : 7524 Men furnished to armed forces: 1971 Personnel : James T. Carney M Herbert R. Collins M Charles Grombacher M Louis H. Kahn M Robert D. Steele M George J. O'Grady GA Theodore G. Remer GA Dr. E. F. Dehnert XP Dr. G. J. Fitzgerald XP Dr. Thomas V. O'Brien XP Dr. Charles Roth XP Dr. Paul C. Vermeren XP Dr. Edward J. Berkenstadt Dr. G. F. McGregor XD Peter Joseph Angsten RC Hugh O'Neill, Jr. RC Julius B. Rubenstein RC Rosetta Malanaphy C Ellen Y. Neumann C Joseph J. Weiler C Genevieve F. Zender C XD CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 76 Location : 6355 North Broadway Registration : 641 7 Men furnished to armed forces: 1763 Personnel : John T. Donahoe M Cassius M. Doty M Sam Howard M S. F. Kogen M George A. Lane M Elmer W. Roetter M Herman C. Schock, Jr. M Donovan Y. Erickson GA Thomas B. Hart GA Alexander J. Moody GA Dr. Edmund J. Burke XP Dr. John P. Burke XP Dr. E. P. Carroll XP Dr. Bertram Fitzgerald XP Dr. George M. Fitzgerald XP Dr. J. Major Greene XP Dr. E. W. Mueller XP Dr. R. A. Scott XP Dr. Henry A. Smith XP Dr. Guy L. Wagoner XP Dr. Paul H. Wosika XP Dr. A. F. Conarty XD Harold I. Tevnan RC John J. Garrity C Leona F. Prince C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 77 Location: 2356 West Tuohy Avenue Registration: 6100 Men furnished to armed forces: 1369 Personnel : J. E. Buckingham M Nicholas J. Budinger M Lawrence Jacobson M William J. Kehl M Albert Rudolph Muehlman M Bert H. Zahner M James H. Cronin GA George F. Mulligan, Jr. GA John E. Owens GA Dr. Donald H. Atlas XP Dr. Howard Champlin XP Dr. Aaron Gunther XP Dr. Bernard Horwitz XP Dr. William F. P. Phillips XP Dr. F.A.Smith XP Dr. Harold H. Sitron XD Dr. Howard L. Werch XD Dr. Francis J. Linane XD William J. Moynahan RC James J. O'Connor RC Barbara Jane Baker C Lillie M. Carney C Frederick L. Pearce C (Continued) 365 COOK COUNTY— Continued CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 78 Location: 2345 West Devon Avenue Registration: 4835 Men furnished to armed forces: 1162 Personnel : M M Robert E. Agee M Joseph F. Bernhard Frank J. Farley M Walter A. Ganscoe Ray D. O'Leary M James F. Wade M Gerard A. Koch GA Michael Koch GA Dr. Max P. Boykoff XP Dr. S. Sherman Halpern Dr. Walter C. Hammond XP XP Dr. Maurice W. Sbertoli XP Dr. W. B. Stromberg XP Dr. Sigmund Sommerfeld XD Dr. Wallace Walter Sommerfeld XD Leonard F. Carmody RC Leon N. Miller RC Samuel J. Winograd RC Henry M. Buchler C Dorothy F. Dutton C Maude C. Garner C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 79 Location : 5612 North Western Avenue Registration: 5787 Men furnished to armed forces: 1357 Personnel: C.Wylie Allen M Harry M. Ehrlich M Bert A. Gast M Henry A. Habel M Henry C. Hitzeman M Harold C. Osburn M Andrew C. Stayart M William H. Haight GA J. Lawrence Holleran GA Dr. Carl Apple XP Dr. Joseph T. Bolotin XP Dr. Salamon Boros XP Dr. M. R. Broman XP Dr. Ralph W. Erickson XP Dr. Ernest T. Faigle XP Dr. L. Z. Fishman XP Dr. John J. Hesser XP Dr. William E. Howell XP Dr. Leonard A. Kagen XP Dr. Benjamin M. Levin XP Dr. David S. Levy XP Dr. George H. Miller XP Dr. M. A. Varzhabedian XP Dr. Anders Weigen XP Dr. Richard E. Westland XP Dr. Joseph A. Norton XD Dr. H.F.Weber XD Frank H. Kemper RC Hugh C. F. Shannon RC Cyril V. Brady C Dorothy E. Dutton C June M. Lindebaum C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 80 Location: 2319 Wentivorth Avenue Registration: 6188 Men furnished to armed forces: 1599 Personnel: Karl M. Gibbon M Albert F. Gilman, Jr. M Nat Hirshfield M Harold Bennett Ingersoll M H. Huddler Moore M Gerald H. Moye M V. George Pirofalo M Joseph R. Salerno M William S. McNamara GA Karl Edwin Seyfarth GA Isidore Vise GAA Dr. William B. Campbell XP Dr. Samuel J. Fogelson XP Dr. A. A. Goldsmith XP Dr. Frank L. Hussey XP Dr. Willard G.Jeffries XP Dr. G. N. Krost XP Dr. Joseph M. Leonard XP Dr. Victor D. Lespinasse XP Dr. Harry 0. Maryan XP (Continued) 366 COOK COUNTY [Chicago Board No. 80]— Continued Dr. Harry L. Meyers XP Dr. T. P. O'Connor XP Dr. Norman G. Parry XP Dr. Vincent J. Renzino XP Dr. Adolph J. Rosenblate XP Dr. Reuben Seid XP Dr. Sam Seltzer XP Dr. Samuel Sher XP Dr. Edgar Weber XP Dr. Samuel H. Wiener XP Dr. Charles I. Ziman XP Dr. M. A. Horwits XD Dr. Samuel H. Rosenberg XD Richard P. Fredo RC Ralph P. Russo RC Muriel Bowater C Earl A. Rathbun C Katherine H. Worley C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 81 Location : 83 East 35th Street Registration : 6969 Men furnished to armed forces: 1902 Personnel : Walter A. Combs M Heber T. Dotson M Henry Freeman M Nelson T. Long M Charles L. Ragsdale M Tommie Parker M Ben Steward M Richard E. Westbrooks GA Dr. N. Alfred Diggs XP Dr. Roy P. Garrett XP Dr. Adolphus N. Gordon, Jr. XP Dr. Arthur W. Roberson XP Dr. John I. Miles XD Florence Davis C Alberta F. Greene C Valentine H. Murphy C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 82 Location : 3856 South Parkway- Registration : 6331 Men furnished to armed forces : 2005 Personnel : Michael H. Browning M Aaron Ferribee M Eugene P. Frierson M George H. Hutchison M John Harris M David B. Hawley M Stephen K. Kinnard M A. H. Lane M W. Ellis Stewart M Harry W. Winston M William H. Temple GA Dr. Philip Joseph DTorio Dr. Henry Schorr XP Dr. Leon Headen XD David Hawley RC Annie T. Evans C Evelyn H. Shorter C Pricilla D. Toney C XP CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 83 Location: 3856 South Parkway- Registration: 6105 Men furnished to armed forces: 2085 Personnel: Joyce G. Jacobs M Horace M. McDougal M Stanley B. Norvell M Henry H. Proctor M Joseph E. Snowden M Arthur L. Wise M David K. Cochrane GA Dr. A. J. Bennett XP Dr. K. David Cammack XP Dr. Othello R. Ennis XP Dr. LewSelig XP Dr. Troy Smith XP Dr. Henry M. Trammel XP Dr. C. Leon Wilson XP Dr. Daniel Claiborne XD Benjamin B. Church RC Horace Jordan RC Allen J. Rodgers RC Thelma B. Audley C Dorothy C. Davis C Caroline Webb C (Continued) 367 COOK COUNTY— Continued CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 84 Location : 309 East 47th Street Registration: 6487 Men furnished to armed forces: 2114 Personnel : Oliver A. Clark M Hobert E. Evans M T. 0. Fentress M Beverly L. Scales M Earl T.Wilson M Alva L. Bates GA Dr. Charles Bibb XP Dr. Robert L. Douglass XP Dr. William F. Lawton XP Dr. S.W.Smith XP Dr. Herbert Turner XP Dr. Henry J. Watson XP Dr. William E. White XP Dr. T. F. Harmon XD Oliver A. Greene RC Frank W. Keigher RC Louise Hatch C Valentine H. Murphy C Hazel Stillwell C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 85 Location: 108 East Garfield Boulevard Registration: 7274 Men furnished to armed forces: 2377 Personnel : William H. Benson M Hannibal M. Cox M James W. Fisher M B. Wayman Holliclay M Harry W. Inman M Blaine G. Alston GA A. M. Burroughs GA Dr. J. Allen Grant XP Dr. Henry M. Graves XP Dr. James M. Hall XP Dr. Murray M. Paull XP Dr. Pedro Santos XP Dr. J. N. Simpson XP Dr. Joseph R. Tanner XP Dr. H. B. Shepard XD Ashby B. Carter RC George McCree RC Norine E. Dixon C Lillian D. Ball C Lillian E. Foster C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 86 Location: 1511 Hyde Park Boulevard Registration: 6204 Men furnished to armed forces: 1666 Personnel: Emmet F. Byrne M James Lea Cate M Jacob B. Courshon M Richard A. Griffin M Ralph A. Levin M Perry J. Ten Hoor M Charles W. Tripp M Herbert C. DeYoung ( ', \ Robert McDougal, Jr. (- \ Charles S. Pratt GA Dr. J. S. Abrams XP Dr. Alex W. Adelman XP Dr. Albert Butterman XP Dr. Louis B. Goldman XP Dr. Harold Laufman XP Dr. Simon Y. Saltman XP Dr. George S. Schwerin XP Dr. E. F. Kenyon XI) Louis J. Cermak RC KurtA.Falk RC Elmer J. Reider RC Emeline Hopkins C Anne C. Lorenz C Gladys Rankin C (Continued) 368 COOK COUNTY— Continued CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 87 Location: 6156 South Cottage Grove Avenue Registration: 6285 Men furnished to armed forces: 1805 Personnel: Louis I. Arenson M Abner Goldenson M Theodore M. Holland M Samuel H. Levin M Harry Remer M Henry H. Thormahlen M James Williams M Arthur C. J. Chittick GA Max Frederick Goldberg GA C. N. Leach GA Dr. J. A. Berry XP Dr. R. H. Freeark XP Dr. John D. MacKellar XP Dr. Lester G. Walton XP Dr. G. S. Varounis XD Hal C. Bangs, Jr. RC Jacob W. Rovner RC Charles Borden C Martha L. Ford C Mary Elizabeth Murphy C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 88 Location: 5512 Harper Avenue Registration: 6045 Men furnished to armed forces: 1556 Personnel : Pherrell A. DePrad M Joseph L. Eisendrath M Harry 0. Gillet Leo J. Johnston Irvin Klein M Henry E. Ayers Edgar L. George George D. Mills M M GA GA GA Dr. Sunoll A. Blumenthal XP Dr. George J. D. Gertz XP Dr. Joseph A. Hubbell XP Dr. Leon Jacobson XP Dr. Lawrence J. Quillin XP Dr.J.A. Shere XD Charles L. Leindecker RC Irene Dahlquist C Clyde Kingdon C Dorothy Kingdon C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 89 Location: 1133 East 63rd Street Registration: 7096 Men furnished to armed forces: 2159 Personnel : Henry M. Hilton M James E. Leitch M Henry T. Martin M Ira Jesse Morgenthal M Nicholas J. Talbot M Roy J. Yunker M Russell C. Smith GA Dr. S. K. Robinson XP Dr. James F. Wharton XP Dr. J. D. Johnston XD Clement T. Lauer RC John M. Schmagner RC Edward J. Timmons C Helen Everling C Fannie Nicol C (Continued) 369 COOK COUNTY— Continued CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 90 Location: 2474 East 75th Street Registration: 7130 Men furnished to armed forces: 1677 Personnel: Frank M. Dukes, Jr. M Robert Patterson Hastey M Max Homan M Bernes L. Merrick M William H. Powell M Frank M. Stanley M Earl D. Hostetter GA Dr. Helmut Blumenthal XP Dr. Andrew J. Brislen XP Dr. Herman Joffe XP Dr. Ernest C. Olson XP Dr. George B. Rosengrant XP Dr. Alvin M. Winograd XP Dr. Adelbert Wuesteman XP Dr. J. R. Carlton XD Munro Gerrie RC Frederick J. Bryant C Minnie C. Marchello C Marcia B. Perquette C Shirley Petersen C Elaine June Wicklund C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 91 Location: 1547 East 79th Street Registration: 5892 Men furnished to armed forces: 1613 Personnel: George J. Ackerman M Jeremiah Joseph McCarthy Kieran P. O'Gallagher M Charles Z. Meyer M Edwin R. Peterson M Lester E. Wallace M J. Homer Andreas GA Leo N. McGlinn GA Dr. W. J. Nixon Davis, Sr. Dr. Roger T. Farley XP Dr. Charles F. Greene XP Dr. I. Halperin XP Dr. William H. Howard XP Dr. Clyde R. Landis XP Dr. R. H. McPherron XP Dr. Francis D. Malloy XP Dr. A. L. Morris XP M XP Dr. John C. Murray XP Dr. Louis Novack XP Dr. Harold Ovenu XP Dr. Robert Rothschild XP Dr. George M. Segal XP Dr. W. Morley Sherin XP Dr. Herbert F. Spierling XP Dr. A. J. Sullivan XP Dr. Charles S. Van Oosten XP Dr. Earl E. Wilcox XP Dr. R. E. Black XD Dr. J. C. Mackinson XD Harold H. Ward RC Russell Coulter C Ruie A. Flook C Esther E. Ormen C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 92 Location: 10655 South Michigan Avenue Registration : 6538 Men furnished to armed forces: 1959 Personnel : Albert V. Becker M Carl L. Goetz M Albert J. Isherwood M William B. Isherwood M .I'M Johnson M Frank Navigato M Aaron Spong M Stephens Van Clay M William J. Venning M Michael F. Zarek M Gotthard A. Dahlberg (. \ Dr. Jerome M. Brosnan XP Dr. Frank Heda XP Dr. lewis H. Lippman XP Dr. E. K. McVey XP Dr. Max Norman XP (Continued) :;:<) COOK COUNTY [Chicago Board No. 92]— Continued Dr. Angelo T. Ravasi XP Dr. John L. Woodlock XD Dr. John S. Boersma RC William VanderSteeg RC Irene L. Brinkman C Ruth E.Karl C Edith H. Kuester C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 93 Location: 9622 Commercial Avenue Registration: 5044 Men furnished to armed forces: 1891 Personnel : Emile N. Chalifoux M Frank Krolak M Thomas F. McArdle M Joseph C. Morris M Archie K. Smith M Frank Sawa M Henry J. Samuel GA Dr. Louis A. Draeger XP Dr. E. M. Egan XP Dr. Samuel S. Frankel XP Dr. Patrick H. McNulty XP Dr. Robert Schafer XP Dr. T. A. Carlos XD Edward T. Lynch RC William F. Marsh RC Alma F. Lionhood C Lucille A. Walters C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 94 Location: 10740 South Torrence Avenue Registration: 5981 Men furnished to armed forces : 2000 Personnel : Frank T. Black M Carl G. Buck M D. L. Hall M Anton Horn M Michael M. Muszynski M Hans Petersen M Frank W. Michalak GA Dr. Thomas F. Ahearn XP Dr. Nicolas B. Colombo XP Dr. John A. Czachorski XP Dr. Robert F. Day XP Dr. Don S. Harvey XP Dr. W. E. G. Johnson XP Dr. Otto Koehler XP Dr. Frank H. Stevenson XP Dr. Paul E. Weimer XP Dr. Paul Zander XP Dr. Anthony M. Zelazny XP Dr. James Sugrue XD Clarence J. Bohling RC Henry W. Smith RC Ewald Ernst C Mary C. Peloza C Antonia C. Rudzik C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 95 Location: 610 West 37th Street Registration : 6328 Men furnished to armed forces : 2585 Personnel: John Burke M Thomas L. Cook M James H. Hennessey M A. F. Kennedy M Jerry Kastris M Martin S. Rochford M Robert Q. Shaw M Daniel J. Stua M John B. Wheeler GA Dr. Anthonv J. Bertash XP Dr. John McGuiggan XP Dr. M. P. Goldman XD James Dovle RC Edward A. Nihill RC Charlotte M. Hickey C Ruth M. Lamoureaux C Ernst G. Sostheim C (Continued) 371 COOK COUNTY— Continued CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 96 Location: 3205 South Morgan Street Registration : 6572 Men furnished to armed forces: 2642 Personnel : Samuel L. Davis M John J. Derdzinski M James Gormley M Frank B. Joblecki M Michael Schoenwald M Fred L. Wassmuth M Harry Weinberg M John M. Falasz GA Dr. Alexander A. Backiel XP Dr. Myer M. Marbel XP Dr. Ben Pierzynski XP Dr. A. L. Kropidlowski XD Lewis W. Crane RC John J. Sharkey RC Bernice M. Endemann C Anne S. Kostris C Rita I. Ostrowski C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 97 Location: 4440 South Western Avenue Registration : 5356 Men furnished to armed forces: 2189 Personnel: B. R. Pietkiewicz M William A. Popell M William B. Sebastian M Paul M. Smith M Frank Wozniak M Vincent F. Kozlowski GA Stephen A. Wilson GA Dr. Thaddeus L. Bradel XP Dr. Tadeus Dundulis XP Dr. Roy H. Freeman XP Dr. L. P. Slakis XD Reuben Stiglitz RC Joseph Judickas C Dorothy A. Mason C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 98 Location: 4624 South Western Avenue Registration: 7338 Men furnished to armed forces: 2986 Personnel: William Butler M Wallace Fredriksen M James Haverlock M John W. Kaledinskas M John Kern M Charles F. Leach M Stanley J. Mitchell M Charles J. Moench M Joseph J. Berzin GA Dr. Leo M. DePlewski XP Dr. Frederick J. Rilev XP Dr. Peter Z. Zalatoris XP Dr. Paul M. Zilvitis XP Dr. Joseph G. Bergman XD Dr. L. P. Horevitz XD Thomas Clarke Hedden RC Cornelia J. Leighton C Irene A. Soske C (Continued) 372 COOK COUNTY— Continued CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 99 Location : 6405 South Kedzie Avenue Registration: 5145 Men furnished to armed forces: 1668 Personnel : Brinton 0. Baugher M Harold Cleland M Robert G. Crane M Thomas L. Hasbrouch M George M. Hill M Arthur E. Johnson M Leo J. Rychel M Egill Anderson GA Joseph J. Grish GA Dr. George A. Klein XP Dr. F.P. Levan XP Dr. Joseph Garofalo XD Dr. Joseph W. Jun XD Albert J. Howe RC Dale A. Medland RC Ruby S. Benson C Blanche C. Leske C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 100 Location: 5034 South Archer Avenue Registration: 5105 Men furnished to armed forces: 1823 Personnel : Vincent L. Decker M Francis B. Farrell M George G. Holme M Otto Lange M Robert C. Marshall M Martin L. Moreland M S. Charles Bubacz GA Dr. Orion 0. Coppock XP Dr. Alexander L. Stearns XP Dr. Meyer Pusstelnik XD Edmund Robert Guminski RC Virgil L. Montgomery RC Norman R. Butzow C Mary T. Kurtz C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 101 Location: 5114 Wentworth Avenue Registration: 5742 Men furnished to armed forces: 2237 Personnel : Joseph J. Ezerski M Charles A. Gidney M Anthony H. Kasper M John F. Kenny M Joseph A. Kibort M Peter L. Chadwick GA Dr. Anthonv Montvid XP Dr. Victor S. Nares XP Dr. Vincent A. Simkus XP Dr. Frank J. Wall. Jr. XP Dr. Clarence E. Bancherel XD Dr. Irwin G. Oaf XD Dr. Charles Vincent Zajdzinski Edward J. Bradv RC Charles F. Detrick RC David S. Kerwin RC John S. Chase C Man- Altierv Mevers C Helen E.Pukis C XD (Continued) 373 COOK COUNTY— Continued CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 102 Location : 4624 Emerald Avenue Registration : 6274 Men furnished to armed forces : 2396 Personnel: John Patrick Deegan M James F. Joyce M Raymond A. Naughton M John J. O'Hearn M Arthur J. Rutshaw M Charles E. Scannell M Michael J. Gasper M S. E. Basinski GA Dr. Jacob L. Albright XP Dr. J. William Davis XP Dr. Frank F. Fiore XP Dr. E. A. Galapeaux XP Dr. Irving Ginsburg XP Dr. Stanley Grudzien XP Dr. Harry G. Hardt XP Dr. Christian D. Hauch XP Dr. T. R. Hinchion XP Dr. Maurice M. Hoeltgen XP Dr. Percy E. Hopkins XP Dr. Mark Karp XP Dr. Thomas C. McGonagle XP Dr. Evan A. Miller XP Dr. Fred H. Muller XP Dr. Frank J. Nowak XP Dr. Charles W. Olsen XP Dr. Paul G. Papsdorf XP Dr. R. M. Parker XP Dr. Edgar V. Perkins XP Dr. Frank M. Phifer XP Dr. Andrew D. Schick XP Dr. Reinhold C. Schlueter XP Dr. John E. Siedlinski XP Dr. Leo A. Zelezenski XP Dr. Henry J. Mathews XD Dr. E. H. Ragan XD Albert J. Bugner RC Ralph G. Donegan RC John T. Houlihan RC Marjorie W. Hayes C Helen M. Kareiva C Thomas E. Sinon C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 103 Location : 2948 West 59th Street Registration : 6881 Men furnished to armed forces : 2245 Personnel : Rudolph G. Had M William Jonas M Frank E. Kemp M John P. Campbell M James Patrick Lynch M John S. Reiner M Walter W. Rodie M William T. Halvorsen GA Willis W. Judd GA Marx Loehwing GA Dr. Joseph A. Gazda XP Dr. Mace Gazda XP Dr. Anthonv L. Grizzaffi XP Dr. Henry C. Lewandowski XP Dr. Hannibal H. Paolozzi XP Dr. Emil R. Zaborskv XP Dr. E. C. Wach XD Dr. 0. F. Wagner XD Frank J. Ventura RC Albert P. Ryde C Phyllis C. Schulze C Marv E. Schwieman C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 104 Location: 1816 West 63rd Street Registration: 5678 Men furnished to armed forces: 2039 Personnel : Ravmond G. Hilger M Carl Lauth M Henry E. Mann M Mathrw Massey M Roy O. Olson M Otto Weimerskirch M Clarence N. Bergstrom G A Dr. Nicholas B. Pavletie XP Vincent A. Corcoran RC David Marcus King RC William Daniel Cotter C Mary A. Morgan C Tsabel 0. Reaves C (Continued) 374 COOK COUNTY— Continued CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 105 Location: 153 West 69th Street Registration: 5997 Men furnished to armed forces: 1939 Personnel: Harry M. Bender M James P. Houle M Joseph A. Huguelet M John B. Mannion M Frederick A. Nichols M Harry S. Ditchburne GA Claire T. Driscoll GA Dr. A. W. Anderson XP Dr. John Buckley XP Dr. M. M. Coopersmith XP Dr. Lester M. Choate XD Dr. George Kirz XD Edward V. Cassidy RC Gerald J. Haley RC Henry L. Kellogg RC Marjorie W. Facer C Edward Thomas Gillard Gladys I. Klein C Oliver R. Mulvey C Mary J. Smith C Axel S. Swanson C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 106 Location: 1310 West 79th Street Registration: 6088 Men furnished to armed forces: 1832 Personnel : J. Emmett Clair M Richard C. Crawford M Edward John Curley M Erwin L. Dankers M Charles W. Harris M Martin H. Holm M John D. Quan M Jeremiah Sheehan M H. G. Wielatz M Alfred C. Woyner M Edmund I. O'Connor GA Dr. Robert E. Cummings XP Dr. H. L. Foltz XP Dr. Charles F. Kramer XP Dr. Joseph M. Mahoney XP Dr. Nicholas Mennite XP Dr. Raymond Meyer XP Dr. Albert G. Peters XP Dr. Edmund S. Pisarski XP Dr. J. Norman Smyth XP Dr. Clifford Sullivan XP Dr. Raymond Anderson XD Dr. Thomas E. Gilmore XD Dr. Algot G. Person XD James McFarland RC Mrs. Mary Helton C Jean H. Keck C John J. Lyndon C Elsie C. Miller C Jeannette R. Ronan C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 107 Location: 1018 West Taylor Street Registration : 4933 Men furnished to armed forces: 1536 Personnel : Joseph J. Brandes M John Cilella M Joseph A. Doss M Alex J. Hoffman M Guy Iarussi M Frank D. Keyser M Edward Tomasetti M Joseph F. Mirabella GA Anthony M. Onesto GA Dr. Alfredo Bellizzi XP Dr. Carl J. Champagne XP Dr. James H. Conforti XP Dr. Ernest Olivieri XP Dr. C. J. Pintozzi XP Dr. James DeBiase XD Dr. George Falotica XD Guy DeFillipis RC Anthony G. Salerno RC Robert Tortoriello RC Donna Marie Bagnole C Florence Giovangelo C Jean Marion Massuci C Grace M. Sabella C Addison I. Wolf C (Continued) 375 COOK COUNTY— Continued CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 108 Location: 812 West Taylor Street Registration : 5747 Men furnished to armed forces : 2026 Personnel: Samuel B. Blanksten M Anthony Orlando M Sam Parrille M Secondo Salvino M Pompey Taglia M Harold S. Lansing GA Dr. Bernard S. Freedman XP Dr. I. Val Freedman XP Anthony J. Mentone RC Joseph Severino RC Marion F. Amato C Tessie P. Kazas C John Kodl C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 109 Location: 1908 Blue Island Avenue Registration: 5327 Men furnished to armed forces: 1960 Personnel : Jesse Bedford M Paul J. Harper M Anthony Iassilo M Bohumil J. Slivka M Matt Vacek M Albert K. Orschel GA Dr. Julius Auerbach XP Dr. Adolph Bona XP Dr. Francis Kodl XP Dr. Frank Kropik XD Frank J. Bilek RC Joseph Hucek RC William Sevic RC Frank J. Trcka RC Marie J. Czerwinski C Otto J. Frederick C Marion C. Smithwick < Frieda C. Wolf C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 110 Location: 1413 West 18th Street Registration : 5432 Men furnished to armed forces: 1929 Personnel : Louis S. Feinn M Albert Halpern M Joseph A. Husek M Theodore Maschek M John J. Phillips M John J. Velner M Sol M. Zechman M William E. Zink M B. E. Nowogradzki GA Dr. Joseph Gardzielewski Dr. Lincoln Stulik XP Dr. M. S. Krupa XD Morris Kaplan RC Joseph J. Vavrik RC Harold T.Webb RC Lena Goldstein C Sophie Grabitz C Wanda A. Wagner C XP (Continued) 376 COOK COUNTY— Continued CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. Ill Location : 3652 West 26th Street Registration: 6222 Men furnished to armed forces: 2171 Personnel: Stephen B. Jais M Joseph Moudry M Joseph B. Novak M Joseph J. Profant M Frank A. Svoboda M Dr. Harrv J. Smejkal M Arthur W. Vanek M Bernard M. Fisher GA Dr. Meyer H. Levy XP Dr. John L. Pieczvnski XP Dr. Carl Potkin XP Dr. Harry J. Smejkal XP Dr. Henrv F. Steinbach XP Dr. Constantine P. Theodore Dr. Joseph Zabokrtsky XP Dr. John J. Zavertnik XP Dr. Leo J. Pancoska XD Dr. Edward Soucek XD Edward 0. Curran RC Hugo F. Donat RC Donald J. Lotrich RC Harold J. Schultz RC Arlene Kirian C Eleanor V. Raz C Arthur W. Vanek C XP CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 112 Location : 3840 West 26th Street Registration: 6598 Men furnished to armed forces: 2279 Personnel : Joseph F. Batista M Frank J. Komarek M Otto J. Malina M Matthew J. Turk M John G. Zelezny M Henry L. Burman GA William H. Sullivan GA Dr. Bohuslav Bousa XP Dr. J. S. Chobot XP Dr. John J. Tingler XP Dr. Frank C. Bicha XD Dr. Ernest Maker XD Dr. C. L. Sarsoun XD Myron 0. Keel RC Frank R. S. Popper RC Joseph Baumruk, Jr. C Erma P. Vitt C EllaE. Vlk C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 113 Location: 3159 West Roosevelt Road Registration : 5468 Men furnished to armed forces: 1886 Personnel: Charles Barron M Harry Dicker M Leonard I. Micon M Dr. William Rothman M Jacob Siegel M Herman Young M Irving J. Karlin GA Edward P. Whelan GA Dr. Bernard Goldfield XP Dr. Irwin Hoffman XP Dr. Benjamin W. Lichtman XP Dr. William Rothman XP Dr. Irving Ginsberg XD Dr. Charles H. Zun XD Dr. Jacob Zun XD David J. Malkin RC Sam Rubenstein RC Shirley Brill C Goldye Levin C Nathan Rabson C (Continued) 377 COOK COUNTY— Continued CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 114 Location: 3159 West Roosevelt Road Registration: 5881 Men furnished to armed forces: 2015 Personnel: Meyer Berkovsky M Maurice S. Dick M Samuel S. Epstein, M.D. M Meyer Goldstein M Michael Leibow M J. Rubin M Maurice L. Aberman GA Dr. David Ackerman XP Dr. Charles Berkowitz XP Dr. Mandel Fisher XP Dr. Louis Handelman XP Dr. A. Neiman XP Dr. Maxwell N. Wacker XP Dr. Bernard Rodin XD Nate Bernberg RC Joseph G. Engert RC Mollie E. Armstrong C Amelia Stern C Lillyan Weiss C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 115 Location: 749 South Western Avenue Registration : 4682 Men furnished to armed forces : 1 748 Personnel : Edward L. Bass M Edward Fox M Norman E. Haight M Joseph Kasza M Toby Polito M Otto C. Rentner GA Dr. G. A. Bica XP Dr. Paul V. Carelli XP Dr. John B. Cipriani XP Dr. George DeTrana XP Dr. Aquil Mastri XP Dr. Louis S. Varzino XP Dr. Joseph M. Maggio XD Dr. George W. Parrilli XD Charles D. Mead RC Frank Spizziri RC Rae M. Buffardi C Silvio A. Cataldo C Violet F. Simmons C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 116 Location: 2300 South California Avenue Registration: 3881 Men furnished to armed forces: 1531 Personnel: Rudolph Dvonch M Lester Greenberg M Emil Janes M Edward F. Jirkovsky M Abe Kardoff M Frank Lavitas M Louis J. Mayer M Sylvester J. Pijanowski M Joseph J. Polacek M Henry R. Reineke M Felix Noti GA Dr. William F. Bartelt XP Dr. C. H. Courtney XP Dr. Frank L. Fortelka XP Dr. Joseph W. Krystosek XP Dr. Victor Levine XP Dr. F. B. Olentine XP Dr. J. J. Sprafka XP Dr. Charles Fortelka XD Dr. Emmett Watts XD Benjamin E. Novoselsky RC Isadore Shalowitz RC Albert J. DeLaurier C Frederick Dewey C Sade D. Sternberg C Shirley Lois Wolf C (Continued) 378 COOK COUNTY— Continued CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 117 Location: 1255 North Ashland Avenue Registration: 4986 Men furnished to armed forces: 2156 Personnel: Louis R. Connell M John F. Gillen M Anthony T. Krystek M Wenzel J. Love M Walter A. Miller M John Rybandt M John A. Bielawa GA Edgar H. Schroeder GA Dr. John J. Belensky XP Dr. A. C. Formusa XP Dr. Harry Noskin XP Dr. Herman Fink XD Stuart Arkin RC Michael M. Rachwalski RC Helen K. Grywaz C Clementine E. Kula C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 118 Location: 1014 North Noble Street Registration : 6422 Men furnished to armed forces : 2642 Personnel: Alex Bonczkowski M Edmund B. Dering M Aloysius A. Gordon M John Milas M Joseph Piech M Edmund J. Szumnarski M Raymond Kelner GA Dr. Joseph P. Cangelosi XP Dr. Edward Milewski XP Dr. Dominic A. Palmisano XP Dr. Frank J. Piszkiewicz XP Dr. John F. Tenczar XP Dr. F. F. Wagoner XP Dr. B. G. Duda XD Stephen Kostelny RC John Skibbins RC William Ziemann RC Jeanette F. E. Budnick C Helen M. Doyce C Josephine Z. Mondry C Frank A. Uczciwek C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 119 Location: 211 South Ashland Avenue Registration: 7522 Men furnished to armed forces: 2328 Personnel: Walter J. Benkert M Leo Capuani M Frank E. Gettleman M Francis P. Kevil M Dr. A. B. Rotche M Roy Stuart M Bernard J. McDonnell GA Dr. J. Paul Bennett XP Dr. James K. L. Choy XP Dr. Bernard Gumbiner XP Dr. Bernard A. Halperin XP Dr. Charles Hillenbrand XP Dr. J. B. Ioratti XP Dr. Frank B. Kelly XP Dr. Ralph E. Kirsch XP Dr. Fay H. Squire XP Dr. Alfons F. Tipshus XP Dr. Richard W. Watkins XP Dr. Leonard H. Weissman XP Dr. Willard L. Wood XP Jack H. Cameron RC Frank A. Meccia RC Herman J. Bittle C Carmella R. Marzullo C (Continued) 379 COOK COUNTY— Continued CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 120 Location: 809 West Madison Street Registration: 4898 Men furnished to armed forces: 808 Personnel : Emanuel Carbonari M James W. Harris M William G. Herrmann M L. J. Laurion M Anthony J. Montague M Greene R. Whitney, Sr. M Stephen J. Sullivan GA Dr. Arthur C. Berman XP Dr. John P. Crasseros XP Dr. A. S. Leven XP Moussa K. Moussa RC Anthony A. Boccio C Ida S. Young C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 121 Location: 206 North Western Avenue Registration : 6696 Men furnished to armed forces: 2077 Personnel: Frank J. Carsella M David S. Chesrow M Joseph N. DeGrazio M Charles E. Graydon M Graham T. Perry M Eugene Thompson M Nicholas Traficanti M Barney L. Hollowick GA Dr. William Henry Bowman John R. Fritz C Walter J. Garrity C Myrtle M. Jacobson C Patrick J. McManus C Hazelia G. Savage C XP CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 122 Location: 2229 West Chicago Avenue Registration: 6013 Men furnished to armed forces: 2718 Personnel : Louis Cesario M Clyde J. Craig M Fremont Gordon M James Jay M Edward J. Lyons M August Michalek M Donald J. Rizzio M John A. Rago M Louis Steinberg M Elmer E. Abrahamson GA Dr. M. A. Galgano XP Dr. Marco S. Petrone XP Dr. Michael F. Rago XD Dorothy H. Schiavoni C Rolland T. Steinert C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 123 Location: 3813 West Harrison Street Registration : 4950 Men furnished to armed forces: 1539 Personnel : Benson L. Baskin M George W. Kistner M S.J. Lehrer M John R. McSweeney M Frank J. Malone M Joseph R. Orrico M Anthony T. Clementi C \ Dr. John J. Casciato XP Dr. Nicholas A. Casciato XP Dr. Theodore M. Cohen XP Dr. E. P. S. Miller XP Dr. T. C. Mou/.akeotis XP Dr. S. R. DiCosola XD Dr. Howard Oringel XD Dr. Charles M. Salk XD Ben Flapan RC Marcia B. Perquette C Jack J. Stein C (Continued) COOK COUNTY— Continued CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 124 Location : 9 South Kedzie Avenue Registration: 6218 Men furnished to armed forces: 2418 Personnel: Alfred R. Anderson M William A. Bell M George Gamboney M Frank M. McKey M Harold Meckel M William S. Wilcox M I. J. Berkson GA Louis I. Shapiro GA Maurice G. Walsh GA Dr. Curtis Bowman XP Dr. D. L. Horning XP Dr. Herman Kamin XP Dr. Julius Prohovnik XP Dr. Gabriel Saltarelli XP Dr. A. C. Tivilini XP Dr. S. W. Brundage XD Dr. Frank C. Grippo XD Samuel Baldino RC Arthur P. Murphy RC Winifred Carey C Marie A. Horcher C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 125 Location: 223 South Cicero Avenue Registration: 4685 Men furnished to armed forces: 1452 Personnel : Charles J. Clusman M Paul J. Healy M John F. Simpson M Anastus A. Svarnas M Philip Weinberg M Francis T. Delaney GA Joseph A. Mclnerney GA Jack Rosen GA Dr. Philip C. Goergen XP Dr. James J. Marzullo XP Dr. A. L. Schiff XP Dr. D. C. Aubrey XD Eugene C. O'Reilly RC John M. Ryan RC Marie E. Bennett C Florence M. Sullivan C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 126 Location: 937 North Kedzie Avenue Registration: 4743 Men furnished to armed forces: 1701 Personnel: Abe Finder M Frank Hawkinson M Frank L. Kent M Michael LaRocca M Chester Mitchell M Samuel A. Aronfeld GA Andrew J. Flood GA Daniel A. Roberts GA Dr. Anthony M. Barone XP Dr. Nathan M. Kayne XP Dr. Joseph LaRocca XP Dr. Milton Ochs XP Dr. Gaston C. Parker Dr.I.S. Segall XP Dr. A. D.Yaney XP Dr. Michael DeRose Dr. Abraham Phillips Oscar H. Hagen RC Rev. L. M. Upton RC Edward C. Wasco RC Marcella J. Glon C Elizabeth A. Robertson XP XD XD (Continued) 381 COOK COUNTY— Continued CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 127 Location: 1020 North Western Avenue Registration : 6341 Men furnished to armed forces: 2364 Personnel: Emil Baumgartner M LaSalle de Michaels M Anthony Fortmann M Morgan L. Green M Frank Lajone M Claude Wamsley M I. Archer Levin GA Dr. Michael J. Kutza XP Dr. B. A. Pregozen XD David P. Hill . RC Arthur K. Young RC Marion M. Schroeder C Lenora B. Staiger C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 128 Location: 2044 West North Avenue Registration: 5287 Men furnished to armed forces: 2135 Personnel: Alexander M. Fisher M Dr. Ira I. Kaplin M Frank R. Maday M Oscar M. Nudelman M William Rusnak M Louis Dulsky GA Dr. John L. Koza XP Dr. Daniel T. Sokolowski XP Dr. Henry Wehringer XP Dr. Stanley Heynar XD Dr. M. V. Kaminski XD Ernest W. Schneider RC Harry Stephen Szeklucki RC William R. Charles C Teresa DeFalca C Berdie Grossman C Phyllis J. Leavitt C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 129 Location: 1409 North Milwaukee Avenue Registration: 5748 Men furnished to armed forces: 2312 Personnel: William L. Barnard M Louis Rosset M William Ruzin M James N. Semple M A. S. Wengierski M Ignatius V. Wiencek M Burton I. Stolar GA Casimir S. Wiczas GA Dr. J. M. Amberson XP Dr. Francis A. Dulak XP Dr. Frank H. Fowler XP Dr. John V. Fowler, Jr. XP Dr. John W. Harned XP Dr. Albert J. Kass XP Dr. I. P. Lombardo XP Dr. John A. Marszalek XP Dr. Casimir F. Przvpvzny XP Dr. Morris I. Tir XP Dr. S. H. Goodfriend XD Dr. G. B. Livingston XD Dr. John G. Sipple XD V.J. Busch RC Benjamin M. Edidin RC Isadore Kohn RC Mary' Hariette Babyar C John C. Gruschow C Francine S. Tauber C (Continued) 382 COOK COUNTY— Continued CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 130 Location: 2818 West Diversey Avenue Registration : 5255 Men furnished to armed forces: 1763 Personnel: John A. Blake M Frank J. Eder M Oscar Johnson M Edward A. Mims M Arthur R. Murphy M Rae E. Nehls M Joseph J. Sullivan GA Dr. Alfred Eckstein XP Dr. Vincent J. Greco XP Dr. Samuel Heller XP Dr. J. E. Hodes XP Dr. Edward J. Schmehil XP Dr. L. A. Slavin XD Dr. M. S. Wagmeister XD George A. Fiene RC Walter Schmidt RC Clarence L. Steber RC Astrid B. Dyrud C Mae M. Lindstrom C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 131 Location: 2422 West Fullerton Avenue Registration : 5756 Men furnished to armed forces : 2202 Personnel : Dr. Samuel R. Kleiman M Maurice Marble M William R. Neidhardt M Frank E. Pochowski M Thomas H. Sanford M William F. Ader GA Dr. Irvin Neufeld XP Dr. Myron A. Green XP Dr. Bernard F. Justus XP Dr. Jerome C. Prusinski XP Dr. S. R. Kleiman XD Dr. W. T. Pendergast XD Alex H. Dolnick RC Isadore S. Rosin RC Sam Sgaller RC Maurice F. Godin C Alice I. Hoffman C Adeline A. M. Malowe C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 132 Location: 3551 West Armitage Avenue Registration: 4694 Men furnished to armed forces : 1552 Personnel: George W. Guy M Joseph A. Hollander M Roy I. Johnson M James M. Parker M Charles C. Ramage M Fred W. Strasser M Leo Wulfsohn M P. M. Zuncker M Bernhard Stenge GA Dr. J. J. Boland XP Dr. Peter F. Czwalinski XP Dr. Leon P. Kozakiewicz XP Dr. Francis Tenczar XP Dr. Frank Biedka XD Dr. Wilbur C. Griffin XD Dr. Romuald J. Walczyk XD Claude L. Prish RC Erna Moff K. Hansen C Roy I. Johnson C Catherine Risetto C (Continued) 383 COOK COUNTY— Continued CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 133 Location: 2745 West Armitage Avenue Registration : 6005 Men furnished to armed forces: 1901 Personnel : John A. Kromrey M Henry Carl Offen M Henry Penge M Frank J. Prohaska M Otto M.Webb M Herbert F. Geisler GA Raymond Geisler GA Viola Geisler GA Dr. Stanley B. Abelson XP Dr. Elmer N. Ascherman XP Dr. C. A. Fleischner XP Dr. J. Friedman XP Dr. Alexander C. Peska Dr. E. G. Faller XD Dr. T. V. Weclew XD Wilfred W. Beseke RC Edward A. Meyer RC Louis J. Schutt RC Dolores Marie Kaeser C Henry L. Petersen C Georgia Xerogianes C XP CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 134 Location: 3110 Milwaukee Avenue Registration : 5449 Men furnished to armed forces: 1843 Personnel: Mark W. Bradwav M Edward L. Kuszewski M Charles Lowy M Clemans F. Menclewski M Stanley M. Pawelzyk M Glen Ryan M Casimir Griglik GA Dr. Richard V. Kochanski XP Dr. Nathaniel J. Kupferberg Dr. L. A. Nordstrom XP Dr. Phil A. Skwiot XD Ellsworth S. Dee RC Joseph S. Kaserow RC Apolonia B. Bartkowicz C Irene F. May C Walter Schwartz C XP CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 135 Location: 4310 West North Avenue Registration : 4698 Men furnished to armed forces: 1430 Personnel: Guy Thomas Coleman M Dr. Lewis Kent Eastman M Harry Eugene Eckland M Chris W. Keane M Dewey B. Olson M Adolph C. Sievers M William E. Vilsoet M Louis C. Karbiner GA Dr. Gene Arenson XP Dr. W. Lloyd Kenny XP Dr. Frank M. Laurenzana Dr. G. J. Sanfilippo XP Dr. M. L. Bramer XD Anthony Romano RC Loretta M. Bernero C Melvin H. Lund C EbbaK. Rohde C XP (Continued) 384 COOK COUNTY— Continued CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 136 Location: 5665 West Madison Street Registration : 4509 Men furnished to armed forces: 1247 Personnel : Richard S. Gill M Herman E. Krulewitch M Dr. Samuel Marmor M William J. Sheridan M Maurice Turner M Bernard McDevitt, Jr. GA Dr. Leon M. Beilin XP Dr. B. Norman Bengtson XP Dr. Vaclav G. Dvorak XP Dr. Leon S. Eisenman XP Dr. E. Frank Goodman XP Dr. J. W. Hayden XP Dr. Thomas D. Laftry XP Dr.J. M. Lally XP Dr. A. Sodaro XP Dr. Samuel Solomon, Jr. Dr. Irwin Spiesman XP Dr. Louis V. Batler XD Dr. J. W. Chulock XD Dr. L. J. White XD James J. Curtis RC William M. Rogers RC Allen J. Erne C Helen M. Hill C Mabel P. Keevan C XP CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 137 Location: 4006 Milwaukee Avenue Registration: 6415 Men furnished to armed forces : 2000 Personnel : Carl E. Abrahamson M Frank Gudgeon M Glenn C.Kufier M JohnE. Kulik M Philip M. Sandberg, Sr. M Stephen Schultz M N. K. Wertheimer M Peter J. Benda, Jr. GA Edwin A. Feldott GA Olaf A. Olson GA Dr. John Eterno XP Dr. P. K. Kent XP Dr. Lawrence W. Lynn XP Dr. LeRoy F. Maas XD Dr. F. L. Pierce XD Lloyd C. Larson RC Cornelius F. McCarthy RC Dr. B.H.Sachs RC Oscar Hansen C Mae C. Kempski C Laura V. Simmons C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 138 Location : 3326 North Pulaski Road Registration : 5885 Men furnished to armed forces: 1838 Personnel : Frank Benjamin Brandt M William Creely M Edward Lake M Clarence Lindstrom M Marlow J. Madden M Frank P. Pawlak M Herbert J. Schmidt GA Dr. R. F. Greening XP Dr. Rasmus J. Harr XP Dr. J. A. Johnston XP Dr. James M. McDonnough XP Dr. Harold R. Marsh XP Dr. Theodore H. Renz XP Dr. George C. Turner XP Dr. T. A. Czeslawski XD Dr. Robert F. Schroeder XD Edwin Thomas Brazelton RC Ravmond K. Theis RC Idabelle Graff C EbbaK. Rohde C Anna F. Rose C (Continued) 385 COOK COUNTY— Continued CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 139 Location: 3242 West Montrose Avenue Registration : 6771 Men furnished to armed forces: 2113 Personnel : Mervin H. Bower M Eli Herman M John A. McLeod M Adam J. Miller M Walter A. Sittig M Philip R. Davis GA Henry J. Heart GA Dr. Harold M. Brill XP Dr. Paul E. Kelly XP Dr. Henry M. Sarton XD Bernard H. Lefkow RC Sidney Rubin RC Irwin Abrams C Martha I. Sanger C Henry J. Sayad C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 140 Location: 5949 West Lawrence Avenue Registration: 6762 Men furnished to armed forces: 1979 Personnel: Chas. A. Amenta M Herman A. Hansen M Arthur Hollins M Gottfrid Hookanson M Richard J. Ruddy M George M. Weichelt GA Dr. E. Perry Vaughan XP CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 141 Location: 510 North Dearborn Street Registration : 5838 Men furnished to armed forces: 1344 Personnel: Frank A. Coari M Howard B. Bryant M Darius C. Franche M George H. Grear M Francis J. McDonough M William F. McDonough M Joe Rosasco M Scott S. Smith M Felix J. Streyckmans M Clement L. Harrell GA Kenneth F. Montgomery GA Dr. E. D. Bloomenthal XP Dr. Jesse F. Burton XD Dr. Joseph Chapman XD Ralph W. O'Farrell RC Martin A. Stanton RC Emmett Felker C Clara E. Muchowski C Dr. R. E. Dolkart XP Dr. John J. Eichstaedt XP Dr. E. D. Blumenthal XP Dr. C. H. Stadelman XP Dr. Irving D. Thrasher XP Dr. J. Allan Weiss XP Dr. B. J. Neiman XD Dominick Marubio, Jr. RC Dr. Robert D. Smoot RC Fred J. Bent C Lorraine M. Giovannetti C Nellie M. Steinweg C (Continued) 386 COOK COUNTY— Continued CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 142 Location : 200 East Chestnut Street Registration : 6025 Men furnished to armed forces: 1455 Personnel: Harry Ash M Ernest A. Faulhaber M Dr. J. M. O'Donoghue M Herb W. Sanborn M Fred Sans M Charles E. Schiller M J. C. Sturtevant M Ellis R.Hurd GA Marshall G. Sampsell GA Dr. Anton J. Barmaneder XP Dr. Herman N. Bundesen XP Dr. F. E. Cunningham XP Dr. Julius G. Levy XP Dr. John B. Nardi XP Dr. Henry C. Niblack XP Dr. Samuel C. Noto XP Dr. Emil A. Schlageter XP Dr. Martin L. Schwartz XP Dr. Robert Tigay XP Dr. Philip I. Dome XD Dr. Carl Greenwald XD Dr. F.J. Kurby XD Dr. C. R. Quinn XD Dr. Simon Price XD Joel Goldblatt RC Elaine N. Hantzis C M. Minerva Hines C Mildred O. Snoddy C Prudence Stenge C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 143 Location: 1930 North Clark Street Registration : 7430 Men furnished to armed forces : 2365 Personnel : William R. Bateman M Jay S. Cassriel M Fletcher M. Durbin M George Funk M Frank Lennartz M John Smida M James A. O'Callaghan GA Dr. V. 0. Cardenas XP Dr. Arthur I. Edison XP Dr. Louis J. Kahn XP Dr. Irwin W. Kross XP Dr. H. A. Lindberg XP Dr. Otto Schwartz XP Dr. Arthur Taylor XP Dr. Fred A. Tworoger XP Dr. Herbert W. Lee XD Dr. August Swierczek XD Ralph M. Isacksen RC Walter A. George C Evelyn M. Maddox C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 144 Location: 2723 North Clark Street Registration : 5956 Men furnished to armed forces: 1640 Personnel : Charles 0. Clark M Arthur H. Fischer M Egbert L. Polk M John E. Ricketts M Robert M. Stack M Carnot E. Valette M Henry I. Weisbrod M Alvin B. Olson GA Dr. Adalbert Klaptoz XP Dr. K. W. Ossendorff XP Dr. Edward J. Pengally XP Dr. George L. Percy XP Dr. Richard Edgard Somma Dr. Maurice I. Blair XD Dr. John M. Cloyd XD Lewis W. Barker RC Joseph G. Daly RC Lewis A. Tentler RC Mabel Esterly C Marion Healy C Leo R. Wood C XP (Continued) 387 COOK COUNTY— Continued CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 145 Location : 2608 North Halsted Street Registration : 5698 Men furnished to armed forces: 1621 Personnel: Murray Miller M Merton Lewis Cogwell M Arthur Hitzman M Joseph C. Miller M H. D. Roseth M Harry John Smith M Henry A. Umbreit M Emanuel Goldstrich GA Donald Korshak GA MaxM. Korshak GA Dr. Samuel Abrahams XP Dr. Hugo Deuss XP Dr. Martin L. Hannan XP Dr. Jordan Rose XP Dr. Joseph Zoltan XP Dr. Robert Smith XD Waldemar E. Erickson RC Luther Thomas Henderson RC Sally A. Hall C Kay McManus C Eileen Mary Rogers C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 146 Location: 3126 North Ashland Avenue Registration: 6430 Men furnished to armed forces : 2209 Personnel: Merlin J. Bartlett M William J. Duffy M George R. Huber M Albert H. Larson M Earl D. Peveler M William A. Spandau, Jr. M Allen E. Hoban GA Dr. L. E. Barryte XP Dr. A. J. Campagna XP Dr. L. A. Macaluso XP Dr. Joseph R. Mueller XP Dr. H. M. Sondel XP Dr. Adolph Sprecher XD Desse Anderson RC Harley F. Jones RC Herbert L. Schultz RC Edna C. Fritz C Edwin A. Ladendorf C Bertha E. Prosser C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 147 Location: 3319 North Clark Street Registration: 6771 Men furnished to armed forces: 1748 Personnel : Howard P. Evans M William E. Hammel M David Jacker M Herman Waldman M Henry P. Walshon M Aaron H. Cohn GA George Sugarman GA Dr. Lester Jack Baranov XP Dr. Frederick Grunt ck XP Dr. F. H. Kampf XP Dr. Arthur H. Levine XP Dr. David Padorr XP Dr. Alvin A. Palow XP Dr. Nathan Rosenberg XP Dr. Israel Sherry XP Dr. Sol A. Sugar XP Dr. Ralph P. White XP Dr. J. A. Atchison XD Dr. Maurice C. Berman Dr. Jacob Spira XD Mandel Anixter RC Benjamin R. Paul RC Jack L. Solomon RC Theron E. Douglas C Esther M. Klopf C Hilda C. Romme C Rose M. Suhr C XD (Continued) 388 COOK COUNTY— Continued CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 148 Location: 1967 Montrose Avenue Registration : 5560 Men furnished to armed forces: 1634 Personnel: William G. Ferstel M Aaron Glicksman M Ralph Rose M Erick Theodore Rysell M Herman V. Silvertrust M Harry Wilde M Edward S. Coath GA Dr. Raymond E. Bartelson XP Dr. F. E. Hirsch XP Dr. Philip R. McGuire XP Dr. John F. Oates XP Dr. Louis Carl Sondel XP Dr. E. Davis Wernick XP Dr. E. B. Williams XP Dr. Raymond A. Reillev X I ) Dr. Edgar M. Walker XD John B. Bobzien RC Richard Teising RC Paul B. Zaring RC Ethel S. Baker C Arthur C. Bitterli C CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 149 Location: 4532 Broadway- Registration: 6155 Men furnished to armed forces: 1620 Personnel : Dr. 0. R. Engelmann M Carl J. Johnson M John P. Keating M George Prasinos M Harold G. Thompson M Carl E. Buddenbaum GA John M. Connery GA Thomas P. Henehan GA Dr. Benjamin B. Elster XP Dr. Morris Goldstein XP Dr. Maurice V. H. Puckev Dr. Ernst Silberberg XP Dr. Basil Cupis XD Dr. Tsador Weisbach XD Vincent Endris RC Edwin L. Rvan RC Rudolph G.Smatlak RC Valerie Bierman C Marion D. Fry C Frank H. L. Wilder C XP CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 150 Location: 4145 North Broadway- Registration: 5580 Men furnished to armed forces: 1483 Personnel: Leo Cohen M Edward P. Dowline: M Raymond Hecht M Marshall W. Hill M R. Herbert Milligan M Phillip Sanders M Charles C. Arado GA Ruoert J. Barry GA Richard J. Zavertnik G \ Dr. Richard J. Burrows XP Dr. Samuel J. Burrows XP Dr. Benj. L. Ebert XP Dr. Abraham Ettelson XP Dr. Max Herzog XP Dr. Alexander Malek XP Dr. Louis W. Meckstroth XP Dr. Jerome J. Moses XP Dr. Harrv Nagel XP Dr. Martin T. Ross XP Dr. Philip Thorek XP Dr. Werner Tuteur XP Dr. A. H. Frev XD Rov W. Duore RC Ham- E. Heidhues RC Milton Janus RC Marv Brown C Andrew J. Getz C Man- Catherine Redmond C (Continued) 389 COOK COUNTY— Continued CHICAGO CITY BOARD No. 151 Location: 1791 Howard Street Registration : 5765 Men furnished to armed forces: 1325 Personnel: Cornelius C. Cole M Daniel M. Dever M Perice J. Fenlon M Frank J. Jacobson M Edward J. McArdle, Jr. M A. D. Quan M Harold I. Chayes GA Stephen T. Ronan GA Dr. Irving R. Abrams XP Dr. Norman S. Angel XP Dr. Thomas J. Conley XP Dr. M. G. Flannery XP Dr. J. Gilbert Gray XP Dr. Leonard A. Kratz XP Dr. Franklin C. McCarty XP Dr. James D. Pierce XP Dr. Charles W. Scruggs, Jr. XP Dr. Martin W. Sheade XP Dr. Cecil S. Taber XP Dr. L. T. Black XD Sylvan M. Edison RC Dennis J. Fitzpatrick C Ann E. Manau C Dorothy J. Walsh C CHICAGO ADVISORY BOARDS FOR REGISTRANTS Ward 1: Clarence W. Beatty, Jr. Harold E. Christensen Herman L. Ellsworth Ernest Stanley Hodges Robert Irmiger John G. McDonald Charles W. Stiefel, Jr. Ward 2: Joseph J. Attwell, Jr. Martin L. H. Barclay Maurice S. Barrington George A. Blakey Charles Earle Carroll James B. Cashin Benjamin W. Clayton William H. Crawford Fred H. Elliott E. Young Gay Luther Hill John S. King George W. Lawrence Marcia E. Lewis Franklin A. Lovelace William A. Maclntyre William C. Martin Edwin Clinton Moore A. L. Williams Christopher C. Wimbish Ward 3: Arthur Altschul Edward Blackman Zedrick T. Braden Jerome M. Brooks Bruce E. Brown Otis M. Buckner Daniel I. Cole William H. Creditt Bindley C. Cyrus Benjamin B. Davis Leon M. Despres Morton C. Elden Charles B. Evins Walter M. Farmer Lawrence C. Friedlander Harold M. Gilden William B. Gilmore Harry George Henry M. Goldsmith Raymond J. Goss James A. Greene Houston H. Hall Berthold J. Harris Stuart Hertz Sidney J. Hess, Jr. Eugene F. Hiller Galen Hunt Lewis F. Jacobson John T. Jones Louis E. Kahn Samuel M. Kane Elijah B. Kelley Ulysses S. Keys Leo S. Kositchek (Continued) 390 COOK COUNTY [Chicago Advisory Boards— Ward 3]— Continued Carroll N. Langston, Jr. Oscar Lee George E. Leonard William E. Lilly Leonard B. Lippman Cleveland L. Longmire Benjamin McAllister Daniel J. McCarthy Brooklyn J. McNeil David J. Maddox Jesse B. Mann W. G. Morgan Alvin H. Moss Lynch J. Nash Poindexter A. Orr Mandell Perlman Lawrence W. Pfaelzer Carl Pomerance Leonard C. Reid W. Harold Rutherford Ward 4: Joseph D. Bibb Frank S. Bloch William H. Brown Samuel L. Bullas Leonard M. Cohen Melvin Cohen Clarence L. Coleman David F. Dockman Adrian J. Eichberg Horace E. Galloway Leo W. Hoffman McHenry Kemp Harry D. Koenig Ward 5: Arthur H. Bellamy George G. Bogert Henry D. Brown Rudolph W. Burgeson Samuel G. Clawson Henry T. Chase Harold L. Eisenstein Dudley R. Emerson Ambrose Fuller Joseph A. Golde William S. Joy Edward A. McCarthy Ward 6: James H. Christensen Thomas A. Dillon Benjamin Samuels Archie Schimberg Leonard Schram Harry Shriman Ira L. Sherman Arnold Shure Arthur H. Simms Carlos A. Spiess Elyseo J. Taylor Euclid L. Taylor James A. Terry Edward B. Toles R. Esdras Turner Louis C. Tyree Robert H. Waterford A. L. Weber Marvin J. Welfeld J. Ernest Wilkins James MacQuaid Wilson Seymour M. Lewis Marcus Mahone Levi H. Morris Joseph Pavian James Graham Penn Robert I. Pitzele Leo Spira Lee L. Turoff James E. Webb Matthew J. Weiss Alexander C. Wells Lawrence J. West Philip A. Winston David F. Matchett Paul M. Mitchell James I. Morehead Theodore J. Reinert Rufus Sampson Kenneth C. Sears Emmcinual J. Seidner H. Lester Seidner Ernest J. Stevens Byron Tyler Kirby H. Wells Peter L. Wentz Charles A. Wilson (Continued) 391 COOK COUNTY [Chicago Advisory Boards]— Continued Ward 7: William A. Blake Nicholas Bohling Charles E. Clark John J. Crane William J. Drennan Edward E. Fleming Harold J. Goldberger Edward Hershenson Lowell A. Lawson Ward 8: Paul L. Anderson R. E. Blackwood John P. Costello Ward 9: Edward W. Barrett Leonard Bosgraf Grove Chidester Melvin L. Gibbard George D. Hillstrom Ward 10: Felix M. Buoscio C. L. U. Clemens Eugene Czachorski (Mrs.) Helen Fleming Rafael G. Guardado Daniel J. Hallahan Alvin L. Hansen Ward 11: Alan J. Altheimer Edward L. Berleman Daniel A. Costigan Vincent Chisesi Alexander J. Isaacs Ward 12: Lucien J. Bessette Davis P. Buzane Edward T. Havey, Jr. Ward 13: George A. Askounis Grenville Beardslcy Benjamin Clarke James T. Cunnea Charles P. Kal Samuel W. Kipnis F. J. Lyons Czachorski Frank Lindman John P. McGoorty, Jr. Jeffery Morrissey Howard D. Moses Victor G. Nardi George A. Rooney Gerald Ryan Samuel Silverman Hugh N. Johnson John Onufrock Arthur B. Skidmore James Isherwood Joseph Nelson Robert F. K. Rausch Hobart McKinley Sidler William C. Henry William F. Kompare Jack T. Lask Walter McNichols John Schorr Irvin W. Sippel Harry C. Trapp Herman A. Kabaker S. J. Krazeminski Irving R. Senn William N. Strack A. J. Jersild Maurice A. Levens Edward A. Rolwes A. B. Manion Samuel L. Montelione William R. Murphy Harold P. O'Connell Albin A. Peters John Simpson (Continued) 395 COOK COUNTY [Chicago Advisory Boards]— Continued Ward 14: Albin C. Ahlberg Daniel J. Colgan Robert N. Isbell, Jr. Francis T. McCurrie Thomas F. McWilliams Ward 15: Oren W. Coler William A. Cunnea D. Ellwood Davis Henry W. Dieringer John M. Dluhy Albin Dommermuth William E. Furlong Frank H. Hopwood William C. Mitchell Ward 16: Patrick A. Barton John S. Boyle John J. Flanagan Daniel A. Gallagher Anton R. Gecan James L. Griffin Joseph P. Griffin Ward 17: Raymond J. Budinger Opal Leon Bunn W. O. Bunn Willard E. Bunn Elmer S. Freeman James W. Fry Albert E. Grammer Roy F. Healy Ward Heidenrich Edward P. McKeown Ward 18: Joseph Barbera Albert C. Boehm Philip G. Brennan E. J. Camit John Cullom Thomas Patrick Foley Ward 19: Romeyn W. Nelson Martin J. McNally John F. Lesch George F. Matthews William F. O'Keeffe Anthony F. Peterka Thomas J. Reedy Stephen L. Ruff Walter L. Montgomery William F. Morrissey Thomas L. Murphy Michael F. Mulcahy Jerry Pech Francis X. Poynton Michael S. Rehak Raymond A. Rempert John E. W. Timm Henry Kloese John V. Kristy Francis T. Moran Edward H. Murnane Charles T. Myles Richard 0. Olson Edwin C. Podewell Thomas A. McManigal Samuel W. Miller William T. Murphy Edward F. O'Malley August R. Ortlepp Dana R. Simpson Robert G. Sippel Paul T. Weldon Peter Zabello William J. Gleason Edward J. Hines Raymond J. Lavery Edwin A. Lotko Justin H. McCarthy Thomas J. McNally Frederic W. Heineman John A. Bussian (Continued) 393 COOK COUNTY [Chicago Advisory Boards]— Continued Ward 20: Henry Auerbach Marvin J. Bas Henry Cimarusti Morris DeWoskin Arthur I. Grossman Amiel G. Hall Percy R. Jacobson Julius C. Jaffe Daniel Koch Seymour Koch Sidney H. Koch Leon L. Kogut Alec E. Kollenberg Abraham Kosdom Marshall David Landis Ward 21: Joseph J. Belinski Edward A. Cooper Anthony J. Darovic Irene Kuchinskas Stanley Kusper Ward 22: Arthur Abraham Donald C. Colby John R. Curran Craig R. Johnson Thaddeus F. Kuflewski Ward 23: Rudolph Bleier George W. Boucek Chester L. Butler Fred C. Cuchna Edward D. Feinberg Myles A. Grill William J. Kafka Ward 24: Benson L. Baskin Emanuel Eller Gabriel Goldberg Burton B. Jaman Ward 25: Leslie G. Donahue Ernest L. Duck Reuben Flacks Herman Herson Sidney Jaffe Maxwell Landis Barnett Larks Richard H. Levin Ellidor M. Libonati David S. Lozansky Zachary Gans Mazzone Cyril I. Milton Leonard Moses Horton J. Petrino Saul Plast Philip P. Salerno Leonard M. Spira Herbert H. Scheier Maurice Walk Harry N. Wyatt John R. Lamb John R. McSweeney Lad Dennis Smutny Steven S. Tyrakowski John Novak Otto C. Placek John J. Reichman Leon A. Wachowski Samuel A. Kanter Raymond T. Kilbride Bernard Kurlan James T. Mullaney Erwin J. Puta John Yonco Anton Zeman Harry H. Malkin Ben E. Palmer David White J. J. Klepah Alfred Newton Franklin Raber John T. Rcutrkr (Continued) 394 COOK COUNTY [Chicago Advisory Boards]— Continued Ward 26: M. J. Bachta Joseph M. Baron Edward G. Blonder Alex F. Borucki John A. Eckler Walery J. Fronczak John R. Hlavacka S. G. Jacobzak Ward 27: Samuel Block Robert E. Dowling. Jr. George E. Howell Morris Kompel Ward 28: Anthony R. Chiara Howard G. Deming Lane A. Fry George J. Harkness Paul A. LaRocque Ward 29: William A. Bell Anthony S. Bruno S. J. Lehrer James C. O'Brien, Jr. Ward 30: David I. Bairn Beryl B. Collins Irwin B. Clorfene Michael J. Creighton Thomas M. Daly William David Dreyer Thomas F. Ellis, Jr. Ward 31: Lloyd Cunningham Anthony Deering Herbert H. Lissner Max Luster Ward 32: Chester Greskowiak Gresher Frank Greskowiak Francis J. Kortas Edward M. Koza Andrew F. Kucharski Marion G. Kudlick William C. Jaskowiak Valentine P. Koszuba Joseph S. LaBuy Valentine J. Liss Irvin J. Moskal B. Pelechowicz Joseph Steller Joseph S. Tragarz Roger R. Leech Percv A. Rattrav Scott J. Vitell Charles F. McCarter John V. Schaffenegger Gerritt W. Wesselink George J. Zimmerman Nicholas A. Pope Pascoe W. Raymond Robert M. Sweitzer, Jr. Richard B. Finn Abraham Johnson Howard M. Harvey Kenneth Sinclair Mainland John I. Mayer Marshall D. Omans Thomas E. Rvan Frank J. Makovsky Harold Rivkin Bernard Savin William J. Pinkowski Harry R. Posner Theodore A. Siniarski Benjamin Waller John S. Wegerzyn John Zekowski (Continued) 395 COOK COUNTY [Chicago Advisory Boards]— Continued Ward 33: Mandel L. Aronfeld Benjamin Bass Leo Sanford Blustin Thomas J. Cameron Edward E. Contarsy Bruneau Ernest Heirich Ward 34: Louis W. Fischer Lawrence E. Fleischman James A. Geroulis Nunzio Giambalvo Meyer H. Goldstein Edward M. Klein Jay R. Lasky Ward 35: C. S. Cherpeck Paul M. Cocot Stanley R. Koy Joseph L. Lisack Adam J. Penar Ward 36: Nathan Glick Edward J. McGinnis Emmett A. Moynihan Ward 37: Ralph Charles Blaha Charles C. Bodenstab Theodor J. Cooper George A. Curran Harry Hoffman Ward 38: Carl E. Abrahamson Clyde C. Colwell Samuel Deutsch Jack E. Dwork Charles R. Holton Stanley Kielczynski, Jr. Ward 39: Abraham R. Berkson Merle E. Finch Joseph H. Horwich Ward 40: George E. Asselin Harry Bierma Joseph Bonnefoi Milton L. Durchslag Maurice J. Frccdman Harry S. Greenstein Bernard Hoban Francis S. Lorenz Walter N. Murray Paul V. Pallasch Alexander 0. Ramlose Benjamin D. Leavitt Morton E. Levin Walter P. Mack Milton H. Nelson Judson A. Samuels Samuel Yoelin Louis J. Priore Alexander J. Ross Lee A. Russell Stanley Werdell Henry H. Nowicki Lawrence F. Zygmunt Joseph C. Kanak John J. Murphy, Jr. Marvin A. Nelson William Schiepan Frank C. Wilkinson Saul J. Moss J. A. Nordstrand Henry Perlman Edgar A. Suter Harrv D. Taft Wallace S. Schall Samuel L. Schlocker Louis T. Herzon Eugene Kart Alfred R. Lasdon James R. O'Leary Carl B. Sussman Sydney Wolfe (Continued) 396 COOK COUNTY [Chicago Advisory Boards]— Continued Ward 41: G. Hilding Anderson Joseph T. Harrington Ward 42: Paul F. Boyer George Patterson Boyle Benjamin E. Cohen Robert A. Crane Stanley K. Fish Richard S. Folsom Seth E. Hough Charles Leviton Jerome H. Leviton Benjamin Mazur Francis E. Matthews Ward 43: William L. Bourland Robert Andrew Brown Lee J. Frank Charles Goodman Herbert H. Kennedy Frank D. Mayer Ward 44: W. Richard Bernays James E. Beverly Harold M. Eaton Edwin A. Hale John I. Howe Lester R. Korshak Marshall V. Kearney Leon A. Kovin Ward 45: Harry J. Busch Samuel S. Cohon Norman J. Dinkel Alvin Edelman Bernard L. Edelman Theodore L. Forsberg Adolph E. Gentzel George E. Gilbertson Chester L. Harris S. Jesmer John M. Kanne Hamilton Klorfine Irving L. Kruger Charles Kuckel Ward 46: Maurice Alschuler Gustav S. Andreen Max Arkin Stanley C. Armstrong Joseph S. Langer George F. Scheck J. Arthur Miller Victor C. Milliken Walter H. Moses Charles E. Peace Frank P. Prete Harold P. Shane Oscar D. Stern Harry A. White Sidney J. Wolf William R. Woodburn Herbert Norton Woodward John S. Miller Jonas Roseland Ralph Rosen Jeffrey Shedd Albert Healy Werner Arno Carl Kunz Bernard W. Mages George T. Mannion Theodore P. Nutt James A. O'Connell Arthur T. Olsen David C. Ruttenberg Sidney M. Libit Henry H. Marks Frank J. Marx Jacob Jud Mitnick Kenneth S. Nathan Theo Nemoyer Gustave Neuberg Seymour B. Orner Bernard M. Serlin Samuel Shamberg Louis Sheldon Benjamin L. Weisman Melvin F. Wingersky Paul Ziffern Horman H. Arons Morris Aronson Leonard A. Ash John W. Bennett (Continued) 397 COOK COUNTY [Chicago Advisory Boards— Ward 46]— Continued Seymour R. Blankstein Joseph H. Braun William S. Collen Irving H. Cooper Maurice S. Dolin Stanley K. Feinberg William E. Gainer Sol W. Harris Bernard T. Hecht Henry Heineman David W. Kahane Clyde L. Korman Edward Charles KosKoba Ira Lasker Brunson MacChesney Ward 47: Varian B. Adams Henry Barrett Chamberlin Robert J. Collins Charles G. Fendt Ward 48: William A. Cannon John J. Dobry Homer A. Dodge Isidore Fried Joseph Jarrett John J. Kelly, Jr. Clifford A. Kiracofe Ralph H. Lockwood M. George Livingston Ward 49: C. Henry Austin Ralph A. Berkowitz Leo L. Brunhild Joseph F. Charash Emmet J. Cleary James F. de la Motte John Cornelius Hayes Ira W. Hurley Frederick C. Jonas Edward J. McArdle, Jr. Erwin L. Martay Ward 50: Irving Bilton Joseph W. Cox William Edward Devrr Coll Gillies Paul A. Neuffer William P. O'Kerfe Ian P. MacDonald Henry J. McDonald Frank G. Marshall Morton A. Mergentheim, Jr. Sidney Mintz Sidney C. Nierman Israel B. Perlman Rudolph P. Perlman Walter S. Rady Donald A. Ritholz Harry S. Stark Aaron L. Stein George Sugarman Donald P. Vail Marvin Wallenstein James E. Marshall Walter C. Palmer Herman V. Silvertrust Daniel S. Tauman David B. Maloney Leroy J. Neiman Robert J. Nordhold Joseph P. Power Abraham Redman Edward H. Rosenberg Samuel Schein Robert D. Warner Alexander J. Moody Raymond J. Moudry George W. Ott Edward W. Parlee Thomas A. Reynolds Sidney L. Robin Francis J. Rooney Clifford K. Rubin Herbert Schoenbrod Benjamin J. Schultz Pressly L. Stevenson Samuel D. Rothman James G. Sheridan Percival E. Thompson Willett F. Weber Christian C. Zillman, Jr. (Continued) 39R COOK COUNTY— Continued CHICAGO HEIGHTS No. 1 Location: 1637 Halsted Street Registration: 6424 Men furnished to armed forces : Personnel: Fred W. Landsea M Arthur J. Poorman M Ray Harley Powell M Emmett C. Richards M Bernard J. Schwoeffermann Lee W. Carrier GA Ernest A. Lawler GA Howard P. Roe GA Dr. Paul Ashley XP Dr. Spencer P. Blim XP Dr. Warren C. Blim XP Dr. Harry W. Dale XP Dr. Henry B. Donaldson XP Dr. Edward F. Hay XP Dr. Raymond McCradie XP Dr. A. H. Pannenborg XP Dr. Jean Pilot XP 2298 M Dr. Lionel Drues XD Charles Fahlstrom RC B. N. Landeen RC Henry Leader RC Arthur V. Bishop AB Anthony J. Ciarlo AB Chris D. Gregory AB Dorman Jaffe AB William F. Kennedy AB Carl W. McGehee AB Robert A. Meier, Jr. AB Apollo Palionis AB George L. Shapiro AB Stanley A. Wilczynski AB Charles F. Kirgis C Hattie L. Poison C Margaret H. Soderholm C CICERO CITY No. 1 Location: 2502 South 52nd Avenue Registration: 5840 Men furnished to armed forces: 1966 Personnel: Fred E. Beuthin M James P. Dewey M Laddie James Houska M William A. Kaczmarek M Jerry Karlovsky M James G. Kostakis M George A. Morava M Jerome G. Zahradka M Felix A. Zdrojewski M Edmund E. Placzek GA Dr. A. E. Dennison XP Dr. Chester Fouser XP Dr. Daniel Haffron XP Dr. Gerald Anthony Hancur XP Dr. J. G. Hatzis XP Dr. Otto W. Hinn XP Dr. James C. McLallen XP Dr. C. N. Vetten XP Dr. Richard L. Voller XP Dr. M.J. Cunat XD Dr. L. M.Koch XD Jerry Brousil AB E. Marvin Capouch AB Henry Kavina AB Phyllis A. Mlyniec AB Julius Skrydlewski AB Frank E. Stacknik AB Kenneth E. Bartlett C Alveda 0. Larson C Cecile Stepanek C (Continued) 399 COOK COUNTY— Continued CICERO CITY No. 2 Location: 5015 West Cermak Road Registration: 5908 Men furnished to armed forces: 1724 Personnel : John E. Carlander M Jerome J. Cerny M Joseph T. Faust M Louis Mongreig M John F. Polakovic M Peter Tampoorlos M John A. Zvetina GA Dr. Benjamin Cohen XP Dr. Irving Frank XP Dr. Richard J. Humel XP Dr. George H. Rezek XP Dr. John C. Smith XP Dr. William F. Franta XD Anton Jecmen RC Jerry Fred Justin RC John B. Bernard AB Frank J. Dusak AB Frank S. Matousek AB Albert Mysogland AB Miles Wlodek AB Marguerite Homan C Marie A. Lewis C Charles C. Miller C CICERO CITY No. 3 Location: 2244 Laramie Avenue Registration: 6059 Men furnished to armed forces: 1960 Personnel: William J. Chmelik M Vincent W. J. Chvala M E. J. Krametbauer M August J. Nestroy M Thomas J. Pawlowski M James H. Richards M Frank M. Skrzydlewski M John J. Sherlock GA Dr. William F. Ashley XP Dr. George J. Brevis XP Dr. Frank H. Deane XP Dr. Samuel L. Fried XP Dr. Francis J. Griffin XP Dr. Stanley R. Palutsis XP Joseph G. Stone XP Dr. A. A. Thieda XP Dr. Frank Paulich XD Dr. L. J. Pavlicek XD Richard W. Hoffman RC Roy 0. Pearson RC Harold E. Jaeger AB Frank D. Kay AB Joseph B. Kovarik AB Adrian Theriault AB J. J. Viterna AB Edmund Z. Jerawski C Madeline L. Nieman C Kathryn G. Sherlock C EVANSTON CITY No. 1 Location: 605 Davis Street, Registration: 4289 Men furnished to armed forces : 890 Personnel : William E. Abell M David Beaton, Jr. M Howell G. Jenkins M John J. Louis M Edward E. Meyer M Richard L. Simonsen M Lambert Kaspers GA Dr. John R. Merriman XP Dr. William E. O'Neil XP Dr. Verne W. Swigert XP Dr. J. Lisle Williams XP Dr. Herbert E. Midgley XD Dr. Melvin A. Root, Jr. Sidney A. Bent RC R. E. Greene RC Edwin H. Shanks RC John J. Flynn AB Otis Lowell Hastings AB Charles H. Watson AB Wadsworth Watts AB Olive G. Hanson C Eileen Mary Rogers C Betty J. Whitmore C Emory Hall Vickers C XD (Continued) 400 COOK COUNTY— Continued EVANSTON CITY No. 2 Location: 605 Davis Street Registration: 5977 Men furnished to armed forces: 1972 Personnel: Edward T. Arnold M J. Allen Battle M Barre Blumenthal M Frederick C. Hack M Arthur W. Rogers M William J. Shea M Edwin W. Smedberg M Victor M. Langsett GA Philip H. Treacy GA Dr. Joseph Blech XP Dr. Seth E. Brown XP Dr. Walter C. Burket XP Dr. Joseph D. Croft XP Dr. Lawrence J. Crowley XP Dr. A. Rudolph Penn XP Dr. Gentz Perry XP Dr. John C. Washington XP Dr. L. V. Stephenson XD John W. Cook, Jr. RC B. Franklin E. Ricker, Jr. RC Andrew D. Collins AB Ralph G. Crandall AB William R. Ewen AB Ira E. Westbrook AB Lawrence S. Hellstrom C Bernice Lillian Johnson C EVANSTON CITY No. 3 Location : 605 Davis Street Registration: 5415 Men furnished to armed forces: 1262 Personnel: David T. Bjork M Addison L. Gardner M Arlington C. Harvey M E. R. Hughes M Carl R. Latham M Arthur H. Meyer M Arnold H. Svebilius M William M. Keeley GA Dr. William H. Droegemueller XP Dr. James I. Farrell XP Dr. Lawrence J. Lawson XP Dr. George J. Leibold XP Dr. Lenard C. Mulder XP Dr. James D. Pierce XP Dr. Marshall Underhill XP Dr. W. L. Waner XP Dr. 0. E. Scott XD Robert E. James RC Robert E. Redell RC Gaylord C. Burke AB Francis Joseph Koch AB Charles H. Lerch AB R. Malcolm McKershar AB Thomas B. Martineau AB Nelson Gregory Wettling AB Clayton S. Lasher C Jean G. Payne C Alvah T. Terry C MAYWOOD CITY No. 1 Location: 507 Washington Boulevard Registration: 6962 Men furnished to armed forces: 1948 Personnel: Howard Earl Carr M Russell W. Cochran M Edmund J. Engel M George S. HaU M Arne B. Hummeland M John Peters MD-M Irving C. Richards M Arthur C. Silber M Henry L. Warner M Jesse Marcus GA Dr. Leon F. Beall XP Dr. S. W. Coffman XP Dr. Walter C. Lovejoy XP Dr. Meredith B. Murray XP Dr. Robert L. Reynolds XP Dr. Morris Rosenthal XP (Continued) 401 COOK COUNTY [Ma> wood Board No. 1]— Continued Dr. Harold E. Smith XP Dr. Charles E. Wiley XP Dr. Robert Nicholas Warren XD Dr. H. L. Akin XD Dr. M. E. Smerling XD W. L. Castleman XD James R. Kozel RC Jacob E. Dittus AB Albert A. Gloor AB Fred B. Huebenthal AB Benjamin R. Morin C Alma B. Solberg C OAK PARK CITY No. 1 Location : 255 Augusta Street Registration: 5226 Men furnished to armed forces: 1311 Personnel : Edmund W. Getke M George R. Happe M Randolph C. Harris M Joseph H. Hester M Emory F. Schneider M Joseph P. Simons M Benjamin M. Stout M Neil M. Thomson, Jr. M Major Louis L. Ticktin M W. Scott Hodges GA Rex Mackenzie GA Dr. Leslie W. Beebe XP Dr. Robert S. Harwood XP Dr. Reid 0. Howser XP Dr. G. E. Linden XP Dr. Vernon D. Nerger XP Dr. William A. Ribbeck XP Dr. E. A. Prugh XD Dr. Spencer W. Magnuson XD L. H. Fritzemeier RC Andrew F. Hole RC Roy R. Barr AB William S. Bishop AB Emile 0. Bloche AB Robert E. Corcoran AB Walter F. Cunningham AB John E. Gavin AB Raymond L. McVean AB William J. McCormack AB Clyde E. Shorey AB Benjamin M. Stout AB Gay R. Harrington C Anne M. Neville C Phyllis W. Petrie C OAK PARK CITY No. 2 Location: 1011 Lake Street, Oak Park Registration: 4409 Men furnished to armed forces: 1031 Personnel : Joseph R. Dorfman M John R. Hackett M Olaf A. Finhold M Frederick A. Rowe, Jr. M Charles F. Lorenzen M Bernard M. Lockard M Alvin V. Nygren M Charles E. McGuire GA Harold F. Scovel GA Dr. George D. Allen XP Dr. Cecil Cooper XP Dr. Ralph M. DiCosola XP Dr. J. R. Hawkins XP Dr. Andrew Jerome Hurter XP Dr. Hilerd W. Jenkins XP Dr. John F. Kluzak XP Dr. J. C. McMillan XP Dr. William B. Marcusson XP Dr. C. Otis Smith XP Dr. John W. Stastny XP Dr. Henry E. Swantz XP Dr. Arthur R. Weihe XP Dr. James K. Betty XD Dr. L. F. A. Hein XD Dr. Robert W. Wirth XD Randall H. Cooper RC Martin A. Donlan RC Maurice O'Connor RC Edward I. DeBolt AB Claude H. Coon AB Donovan Y. Erickson AB Edward H. Fiedler AB Moore M. Peregrine AB Mabel P. Keevan C Margaretta S. Pierson C Mildred E. Willett C (Continued) 402 COOK COUNTY— Continued OAK PARK CITY No. 3 Location : 325 Harrison Street, Oak Park Registration: 4484 Men furnished to armed forces: 1240 Personnel : Capt. Herbert Bach M Alex Bezjian M A. C. Busche M William P. Churchill M Herman James Holle M Rev. George R. Keepin M Harry J. Lossau M Roy W. Richards M Thomas H. Murray GA Dr. K. M. Anderson XP Dr. Robert B. Hemphill XP Dr. H. M. Leaf XP Dr. Arvid E. Westerdahl XP Dr. N. M. Maxson XD Dr. Howard J. Quigley XD Edwin M. Duzan RC David C. Slagle RC Harold J. Hopkinson AB James A. Knowlton AB Frank A. Lyon AB Marguerite L. Lembke C Margaret A. Schuetze C Jerome J. Vavrock C EXAMINING PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS ASSIGNED TO GROUP EXAMINING BOARDS IN COOK COUNTY: Group 1: Harry E. Barnett MD Elmer Bernstein MD Arnold Black MD Robert I. Cutts MD Charles B. David MD Edmund R. Donoghue MD Julius L. Fried MD Leo S. Gelfand MD James Goodfriend MD C. L. Hoff MD Willard Z. Kerman MD Lawrence R. Leviton MD Matthew Lewison MD S. B. Mannel MD Louis Marks MD I. Marion McFadden MD M, Otsuka MD Seymour L. Pollack MD William Requarth MD Fred P. Robbins MD Daniel D. Sax MD Arthur J. Shapiro MD G. W. Smith, Jr. MD William Weisberg MD Harold Werbel MD Harvey White MD Wayne Wong MD V. B. Sorensen DDS Group 2: Deactivated and merged with other groups. Group 3: Henry Hoeksema MD 0. I. Jacobson MD E. G. Jonaitis MD B. B. Kopstein MD Louis Lebovitz MD C. B. Olney MD Group 4: Samuel J. Mark Group 5: John W. Wall MD J. W. Stocks MD L. M. Dochterman DDS R. W. Houghtaylen DDS Francis A. Napolilli DDS Jerome Robbins DDS Sidney Goren MD MD Warren Lutton MD (Continued) 403 COOK COUNTY [Group Examining Boards]— Continued Group 6: Frank DeTrana MD Louis Feinberg MD Clifford H. Peters MD G. Walter Dittmar, Jr. MD Group 7: John B. Batko MD Charles A. Burkholder MD Nicholas Capos MD Nathaniel B. Lans MD Group 8: John R. Cochran MD M. R. Guttman MD Group 9: John J. Brosman MD Charles J. Caul MD Group 10: Louis L. Beehler MD Charles L. Bidwell MD Henry W. Cheney MD Ralph H.Kuhns MD Group 1 1 : Herbert F. Binswanger MD Morris W. Lev MD Philip Lewin MD Group 12: Otto J. Jirsa MD John M. Krasa MD L. M. Marley MD Group 14: A. H. Andrews, Jr. MD William J. Baker MD Benjamin Boshes MD Richard B. Capps MD Faris F. Chesley MD James Wilson Clark MD Chester Coggeshall MD Clifford L. Dougherty MD George K. Fenn MD T. P. Grauer MD J. M. L. Jensen MD John L. Lindquist MD Selim W. Mc Arthur MD Foster L. McMillan MI) Group 15: L. C. DeLozier MD H. Kelikian MD Wayne J. Kinsinger MD Waldemar A. Link MD Kenneth C. Washburn MD S. H. Soboroff MD Carl Solander MD Louis E. Stern MD Carroll W. Stuart MD Henrv D. Feuerlicht DDS A. M. Schoenbrod DDS Francis C. Murphy MD J. Glen Powers MD Jeremiah E. Leahy MD Thomas E. Leahy MD John C. Wall MD Carl H. Banks DDS Samuel Perlow MD Albert J. Simon MD C. A. Sima MD B. C. Steinbrechter MD R. G. McMillan MD Earl M. Merz MD Guy V. Pontius MD C. 0. Rinder MD Edwin M. Smith, Jr. MD Alfred P. Solomon MD E. Lee Strohl MD Walter H. Theobald MD Howard Wakefield MD Walter J. Bittman DDS William H. Holmes DDS K. E. Shearon DDS Gilbert H. Marquardt MD (Continued) 404 COOK COUNTY [Group Examining Boards] — Continued Group 16: Joseph Baratz MD John G. Bellows .MD Adolph M. Brown MD Morey Chapman MD Maurice I. Edelman MD L. H. Gorfinkel MD Curt S. Grombacher MD A. H. Herman MD L. D. Joseph MD Frank Kaiserman MD S. Alvin Loseff MD David Mansowit MD M. I. Saberman MD Ira Schnaer MD John D. Singer MD Joseph J. Singer MD Milton Steinberg MD Louis M. Steiner MD Henry B. Baum DDS N. S. Durbrow DDS S. Y. Rosenberg DDS Group 17: L. R. Brewer MD Vincent J. Gaul MD Group 18: R. F. Elmer MD A. C. Held MD Howard C. Riordan MD A. P. Vincenti MD J. J. Jurgens MD A. C. Peterson MD Group 19 : Victor Blum MD C. W. Briggs MD F. L. Chenoweth MD H. E. Davis MD John J. Drammis MD H. L. DuVries MD W. H. Gehl MD M. Goldenburg MD H. R. Kenny MD Rudolph Lackenbacher MD Frederick Mueller MD R. J. Murphy MD Ernest D. Nora MD Daniel A. Orth MD William F. Parrilli MD I. E. Schapiro MD Karl J. Scheribel MD M. J. Seifert MD William A. Simunich MD J. L. Spivack MD Francis B. Tabaka MD Leslie D. Urban MD Paul Morris Bell DDS Harvey Kargau DDS Group 20: N. J. Balsamo MD G. W. Bohr MD H. T. Horner MD L. J. Houda MD F. J. Kotalik MD L. B. Newman MD C. T. Roe MD 0. M. Walter MD M. I. Lehr DDS Group 21: Dudley B. Reed MD Charles L. Spurr MD James D. Wharton MD Group 22 : Aaron Arkin MD Eric C. Benton MD Hardin E. Coen MD Jacques Cooper MD Harry Cotell MD Israel Davidsohn MD Louis Edidin MD Nathan Falk MD E. J. Feinhandler MD J. Gault MD Richard Gordon MD Seymour Greenwald MD Harry A. Gussin MD Albert H. Jenkins MD Abraham S. Kanne MD Samuel I. Kaufman MD A. M. Lazar MD Maurice Lewison MD (Continued) 405 COOK COUNTY [Group Examining Boards]— Continued Joseph J. Lubin MD Stephen Manheimer MD L. A. Maslow MD Leo F. Miller MD I. A. Rabans MD S. R. Rubert MD Leslie Schwartz MD B. B. Shapiro MD M. G. Spiesman MD Isadore M. Trace MD Stefan Van Wien MD S. J. Zakon MD Solomon S. Levadi DDS Leonard J. Sherwin DDS Group 23: George J. Bilek MD Walter H. Buhlig MD Marion j. Filipiak MD John H. Garwacki MD Jacob A. Goodhart MD A. Phillip Hess MD Roy M. Hohman MD Arthur G. Johnson MD G. Erman Johnson MD Richard D. Kearney MD J. H. F. O'Neil MD Rudolph W. Overby MD W. Walter Sittler MD J. R. Smith MD Francis S. Szvmczak MD C. F. Weinberger MD A. C. Wendt, Sr. MD Alfred C. Wendt, Jr. MD Matthew R. Deplewski MD Henrv E. Fonjemie DDS S. S. Holzman DDS Bernard J. Knitter DDS I. H. Libman DDS S. J. Pacer DDS Michael Vitek DDS Group 24: Peter Bartkus MD Andrew Dick MD Dominic DiCiro MD Rosario Drago MD James L. Foley MD Charles P. Galanti MD James G. Gallagher MD William H. Golub MD Edward J. Krol MD Edward R. Michaels MD John Edward Patt MD John Francis Ruzic MD Frank Saletta MD John Simonaitis MD Edward Szczurek MD Vincent Torczynski MD Joseph Ruzic DDS Edward C. Thomas DDS Vincent Zopel DDS Group 25: William E. Carey MD Alfred Lewy MD John VanProhaska MD Group 26: Frank T. Coote MD Maurice Dome MD Emory Fenwick MD R. B. Gaines MD Julius M. Glasser MD Edward F. Hess MD B. T. Hoffman MD Minas Joannides MD Oscar H. Kraft MD Leo J. Latz MD Frank B. Lusk MD Louis A. Manelli MD Louis M. Munson MD Daniel E. Murphy MD Frederick A. Rettig MD Michael Serio MD Theodore Steinert MD William J. Swift MD Leonard M. Wagner MD Edward W. White MD Walter Zurndorfer MD V. G. Urse MD Louis A. Friedrich DDS Group 27: W. F. Kalisz MD Casimir L. Jakubowski MD Gcrvaise P. Pallasch MD (Continued) 406 COOK COUNTY [Group Examining Boards]— Continued Group 28: Bernard M. Chapman MD J. A. Kohn MD Group 29: Henry Barancik MD Daniel E. Clark MD Tibor Czeisler MD Frank E. Mead MD Group 30 : T. J. Echerer MD I. J. Seheer MD N. F. Schwartz MD Group 32: Carl W. Apfelbach MD Charles M. Bacon MD Leo K. Campbell MD Arthur E. Diggs MD John M. Dorsey MD Egbert H. Fell MD Stanton Friedberg MD Henry Halley, Jr. MD Robert E. Johanneson MD R. L. Kesler MD Alvah A. Knight MD Stanley E. Lawton MD James W. Merricks MD William F. Moncreiff MD Group 33: Leonidas H. Berrv MD William D. Giles DDS Group 34: H. H. Epstein MD J. D. Kirshbaum MD Harry Leventhal MD Group 35 : A. F. Akkeron MD Edward J. Ginnan MD Raymond H. Grunt MD Edward A. Mladick MD Herman M. Slutske MD Robert M. Denton DDS Herman Louis Mishkin MD E. A. Proby MD Carl G. Sachtleben MD Raymond B. White MD James Valentine MD J. W. Phillips DDS George Sheafer DDS Bertram G. Nelson MD Evans W. Pernokis MD Wyatt S. Roberts MD Walter H. Segall MD George Shambaugh, Jr. AID Younger A. Staton MD Georse W. Stuppy MD R. ET Talbott MD Frank V. Theis MD William A. Thomas MD James R. Webster MD Merrill Killip DDS Kay L. Thompson. Jr. DDS Walter H. Hackh DDS Benjamin Seid MD Roger VanAtta MD Samuel W. Werch DDS Allen R. Morrison MD Walter V. Norak MD Herbert P. Rasche MD 407 CRAWFORD COUNTY CRAWFORD COUNTY No. 1 Location: Robinson State Bank Building, Robinson Registration : 4904 Men furnished to armed forces: 1664 Personnel : Isaac Adin Blake M William E. Bradbury M Orian CJyde Caldwell M Paul B. Harper M Joseph C. Hewitt M William A. Midgett M Lawrence A. Rhodes M Harry L. Thompson M William A. McCarty GA Dr. J. W. Carlisle XP Dr. Roy Griffy XP Dr. George H. Henry XP Dr. L. B. Highsmith XP Dr. John A. Ikemire XP Dr. Levi R. Illyes XP Dr. John W. Long XP Dr. Leslie P. Sloan XP Dr. Paul E. Smith XP Dr. Charles H. Voorheis XP Dr. E. G. Stephens XD Paul Elisha Hammer RC Leslie R. Seligman RC William B. Arnold AB A. 0. Bottenfield AB J. Stanley Bradbury AB O. H. Buck AB Leonard Chapman AB Carroll Cox AB Manford E. Cox AB Caswell J. Crebs AB J. C. Eagleton AB Richard H. Eagleton AB Chella R. Gullett AB A. Hanby Jones AB Charles E. Jones AB Joseph R. MacHatton AB P. G. McCarty AB W. A. McCarty AB H. E. Musgrave AB T. J. Newlin AB G. K. Phillips AB 0. L. Plunkett AB C. M. Weger AB E. C. Wesner AB Ray E. Wesner AB George M. Clements C Mrs. Mary Shaw C John S. Woodworth C CUMBERLAND COUNTY CUMBERLAND COUNTY No. 1 Location: Rhodes Building, Toledo Registration: 2580 Men furnished to armed forces : 740 Personnel : John Alexander M Walter H. Bingiman M Bert C. Birdzell M Dr. Charles E. Goodman M Frank J. Lawlor M Edgar A. Neal M Carl R. Ozier M George E. Spence M Charles F. Wilson M Max Young M Wilton A. Carr GA Dr. Walter R. Rhodes XP Dr. H. L. Gresens XD Gar Borden RC Nicholas F. Ettelbrick, Jr. M. C. Everhart RC Walter Brewer, Jr. AB Charles M. Conner AB Theodore 0. Cutright AB Irene Dugan AB Glen D. Neal AB George D. Ozee AB Erma Pauline Titus C Marion S. Underwood C RC m:; DEKALB COUNTY DE KALB COUNTY No. 1 Location: County Court House, Sycamore Registration : 4522 Men furnished to armed forces: 1121 Personnel: Oliver M. Barcus M Arthur U. Dodge M Guy Lanan M Thomas F. Olsen M Thomas J. Ronin M DeEstin L. Pasley GA Dr. L. B. Bagnall XP Dr. Paul L. Bergstrom XP Dr. Carl E. Clark XP Dr. George H. Joost XP Dr. Ivan Radeff XP Dr. Howard D. Spafford XP Dr. Grant Suttie XP Dr. D. 0. Thompson XP Dr. G. E. Boardman XD Dr. H. W. Hennis XD Dr. E. C. Miller XD Louis Dunn RC Glenn W. Reynolds RC Helen L. Basler C Elsie Decker C Helen R. Eddy C Bert B. Stroberg C DE KALB COUNTY No. 2 Location : County Court House, Sycamore Registration: 4155 Men furnished to armed forces: 1025 Personnel: PaulV. Eakle M Edward E. Gallagher M Gottlieb D. Hueber M Harry A. Joslyn M William M. McAllister M Guy W. Morgan M Elof Olson M Lucius D. Sears M A. M. Thompson M Robert E. White M Preston Woods M Carl W. Kellman GA Ross E. Millet GA L. Frank Moudry GA Dr. S. L. Anderson XP Dr. E. C. Burton XP Dr. Paul W. Carney XP Dr. Robert G. Dakin XP Dr. J. C. Ellis XP Dr. George W. Finley XP Advisory Board Members Lowell B. Smith George Spitz G. E. Stott F. E. Brower Dennis J. Collins Roy W. Cook Truman Crowell Eugene Donnelly Dr. P. I. Hopkins XP Dr. Robert S. Keller XP Dr. Dwight J. Ladd XP Dr. F. B. Moore XP Dr. Caryl Nelson XP Dr. George W. Nesbitt XP Dr. John W. Ovitz XP Dr. J. S. Rankin XP Dr. Fred E. Scheppler XP Dr. Clifford E. Smith XP Dr. Harold J. Trapp XP Dr. Howard L. Jennings XD Dr. Norman Ogilvie XD Dr. Ralph E. Curry RC Howard G. Seldomridge RC R. W. Storey RC Gilbert Blackman C Adelaide Frenier C Melen M. Knudson C for De Kail. Countv Harris D. Fisk William Lankton Harry C. Lewis Lewis M. Long Harry W. McEwen H. E. Mann Roy Racine 409 DEWITT COUNTY DE WITT COUNTY No. 1 Location: 701 x /i North Side Public Square, Clinton Registration: 4103 Men furnished to armed forces: 1222 Personnel : Melvin J. Bordner M Gordon V. Day M Lee Fosnaugh M Russell Eugene Spainhour Harry T. Swigart M Dr. R. A. Thompson M Edwin S. Wightman M John Bedinger GA Arthur F. Miller GA George J. Smith GA William F. Smith GA Dr. Fred M. Blome XP Dr. C. S. Bogardus XP Dr. Charles W. Carter XP M Dr. C. W. Hull XP Dr. Owen E. W. Nowlin XP Dr. Wilfred J. Nowlin XP Dr. John L. Dixon XD Frank T. Greene RC Harlow M. Stensel RC L. S. Collins AB George B. Marvel AB Grover W. Watson AB Raymond H. Wilson AB Wilma R. Adams C David W. Isenhour C Alice L. Lynch C Orpha M. Wellman C DOUGLAS COUNTY DOUGLAS COUNTY No. 1 Location: County Court House, Tuscola Registration : 3986 Men furnished to armed forces: 1091 Personnel: Jesse T. Brock M John R. Henson M Richard Clyde Horton M Dr. M. E. Lollar M Ward S. Maris M Jack J. Melody M George E. Nichols GA Dr. W. C. Blaine XP Dr. J. 0. Cletcher XP Dr. C. L. Hine XD Dr. M. M. Lossman XD Earl Busby RC George A. Jones RC Paul J. Cunningham AB Harley C. Helm AB Harold C. Jones AB James F. Lemna AB Edwin F. Meister AB Harry L. Pate AB Jean Y. Eastin C Mary Alice Gillispie C Ruby B. Taylor C 410 DUPAGE COUNTY DU PAGE COUNTY No. 1 Location: 104 Main Street, West Chicago Registration: 6427 Men furnished to armed forces: 1626 Personnel: Theodore Bauer M Fred Best M Dr. Earl E. Byerrum M Conrad S. Hegstrom M Wesley Inthout M Ralph W. Marshall M Harry B. Pearson M William H. Stark M James C. Baker GA John S. Woodward GA Dr. John T. Breme XP Dr. James P. Campbell XP Dr. Bruce A. Hollister XP Dr. Paul A. Isherwood XP Dr. Matthew W. James XP Dr. J. W. Lane XP Dr. Henry F. Langhorst XP Dr. Walter L. Migely XP Dr. Emil H. Oelke XP Dr. William C. Perkins XP Dr. George F. Schroeder XP Dr. H. H. Volberding XP Dr. Clayton S. Whitehead XP Dr. T. L. Jones XD Willard Robert Buchanan RC David A. Phillips RC Theresa A. Besch C Aura H. Curran C Violet M. Murray C Marion L. Veale C DU PAGE COUNTY No. 2 Location: Liberty Building, Wheaton Registration: 6416 Men furnished to armed forces : 1536 Personnel: George A. Erickson M Fllis C. Hutcheon M George T. Jennings M Fred C. Landorf M Edward F. Schultz M Frank J. Sheldon M Harold E. Splon M Joseph C. Thor M Benjamin A. Piper GA Dr. Willard J. Berwanaer XP Dr. Dan D. Jamison XP Dr. A. B. Jones XP Dr. L. J. Kunsch XP Dr. Stanley G. Law XP Dr. Winfred B. Martin XB Dr. A. R. Rikli XP Dr. Cloyd L. Pugh XP Dr. John H. Raach XP Dr. Richard F. Schiele XP Dr. Roy S. Schluchter XD Lee W. Brierton RC N. C. Knapp RC Joseph W. Kriebs RC James L. Nichols RC Clarence M. Sullivan RC Virginia Alexander C Arlene E. Campbell C Clara E. Welter C DU PAGE COUNTY No. 3 Location : 355 South Ardmore Avenue, Villa Park Registration : 7544 Men furnished to armed forces: 1763 Personnel : Jerome C. Alderman M James B. Cassidy M Charles H. Cress M Timothy Lehmann M John E. McCov M John F. Nichols M John E. Pherigo M Theodore F. Ashford Alben F. Bates GA George C. Potts GA William Webster GA Dr. A. D. Chidlow XP GA (Continued) 411 DU PAGE COUNTY [County Board No. 3]— Continued Dr. Joseph P. Crabtree XP Dr. Walter W. Frank XP Dr. Edward Horick XP Dr. S. K. Lewis XP Dr. Edwin F. Neckerman XP Dr. A. C. Carlson XD Dr. Winifield S. Fisher XD Dr. Stephen F. French XD Dr. Paul W. Schroeder XD Dr. J. R. YanDenBrink XD Nick T. Hubert RC Dave Rodger RC Alice Seton Berens C Alice Daniels C Bert F. Davis C Nimma Wilks C DU PAGE COUNTY No. 4 Location: 1001 Burlington Avenue, Downers Grove Registration: 6991 Men furnished to armed forces: 1806 Personnel : Stephen Ducay M Roy S. Erlandson M George A. Ferber M Newell H. Fishel M Harold T. Moore M Bernie F. Nesbit M Louis M. Oestmann M Edward Schuetz M Richmond D. Thomason M E. D. Timke M Harrv Lvnn Wheeland M C. W. Hadley GA Dr. Flovd M. Bravshaw XP Dr. William E. Bretz XP Dr. Keith L. Duncomhe XP Dr. Glenn G. Ehrler XP Dr. William W. Frank XP Dr. A. J. Hospers XP Dr. Charles I. Left XP Dr. August H. Lueders XP Dr. Roland P. Mackav XP Dr. R. F. Manning XP Dr. R. A. Matthies XP Dr. David L. Olinger XP Dr. L. W. Schneider XP Dr. Carl E. Schultz XP Dr. Herbert M. Stanton XP Dr. E. Field Worsley XP Dr. W. N. Kirby XD Alexander Clark RC C. E. Hacklander RC Herschel Hubbard RC Dr. George W. Roohte RC Betsy Northrup Keith C Florence H. Kellv C Ruth H. Monson C Ethel M. Robertson C May L. Seeger C Advisory Board Members for Du Page County Melvin F. Abrahamson Mark Bemis Joseph K. Blackman, Jr. Gordon C. Bunge Willard E. Cain Wilbur Dahn George F. Featherstone, Jr. William R. Friedrich R. A. Franzen William L. Guild. Jr. William E. Hooper Norman A. Hutchinson Edward C. Klein Michael Kross John D. Leedle Charles E. Loy John E. McCoy Charles L. Makemson Bruno Marschinke George C. Potts diaries J. Scofield. Jr. H. C. Strauschild Edgar F. Thoma J. E. Vandivere Frank E. Wardeckn Harrv G. Weaves Richard M. White 412 EDGAR COUNTY EDGAR COUNTY No. 1 Location : County Court House. Paris Registration : 5503 Men furnished to armed forces: 1388 Personnel: Earley 0. Delap M Shelby S. Ewing M Otha J. Linebarger M Grady O'Hair M Carl McKinnev M W. Starr Mayer M J. Wilson Smith M Robert R. Tate M Harry E. Willms M T. S. Wright M Robert F. Cotton GA J. L. Sullivan GA Charles F. Tvm GA Dr. William A. Bittner XP Dr. Paul E. Fleener XP Dr. Fred J. James XP Dr. H. D. Junkin XP Dr. Francis M. Link XP Dr. John Wesley Martin XP Dr. G. 0. Ruff XD Charles Redden Clement RC Burl Z. Redman RC Rev. Paul R. Spierling RC Don H. Wright RC Robert L. Bane AB Otho R. Eaton AB Albert Eldredge AB Ward E. Dillavou AB Roger Fruin AB Raymond Hewitt AB H. L. Hutchins AB Grant Johnson AB 0. Russell Jones AB Paul B. Lauher AB Raymond Mason AB Eddie Moren AB Harold Nimz AB Mason Oliver AB Carl C. Patrick AB Howard Ruff AB Hartman Schwartz AB Benjamin H. Redman AB Earl C. Sparks AB Frank Van Sellar AB Clifford White AB Betty Hancock C Ivan Howard C Jo Ann Link C EDWARDS COUNTY EDWARDS COUNTY No. 1 Location : Schick Building. Albion Registration : 21 57 Men furnished to armed forces: 670 Personnel : Henry Abby M Edgar J. Brandon M Henrv J. Busefink M Dan Crackel M Elmer W. Doty M Aaron Martin Helck M William J. Warmoth M P. C. Walters GA Dr. Andrew J. Boston XP Dr. Andrew Krajec XP Dr. James L. McCorma^k XP Dr. Ross Lee Moter XP Dr. E. N. Henderson XD Earl Frankland RC James Fay Hardy RC Peter H. Bamberth AB Arch Bassett AB Roy E. Boyles AB Llovd J. Voyles AB Charles J. Walters AB Maud Gubbins C Pierce M. Williamson C 413 EFFINGHAM COUNTY EFFINGHAM COUNTY No. 1 Location: 116 North Fifth Street, Effingham Registration: 5335 Men furnished to armed forces: 1533 Personnel: Harry Ebbert M John Gravenhorst M Yates Ingram M Russell Michaelree M Cheswold Robertson M Harriet J. Crown GA Howard Parker GA Maurice Anthony Rickelman GA Dr. F. L. Barthelme XP Dr. CM. Doty XP Dr. E. L. Damron XP Dr. W. J. Gillesby XP Dr. S. J. Hansen XP Dr. C. C. Holman XP Dr. S.F.Henry XP Dr. S. C. Lorton XP Dr. H. W. Schumacher XP Dr. D. H. Taphorn XP Dr. J. C. R. Wettstein XP Dr. C. M. Wright XP Dr. C. E. Bellchamber XD Dr. J. W.Hardy XD Dr. Stanley Hill XD Dr. L. 0. Kincaid XD Dr. G.I. Lewis XD Dr. J. R. Raney XD Dr. H. E. Winter XD Edward R. Davis RC Richard E. Wolters RC Frank Schneider j on RC A. L. Anderson AB George H. Bauer AB Ferd H. Hardiek AB W.S.Holmes AB Louis Krabbe AB M. C. McCallen AB G. F. Taylor AB Harold J. Taylor AB E. B. Tucker AB M. C. Wiedman AB David L. Wright AB Lester Wright AB Louis E. Grissom C Virginia A. Prater C Betty Zimmerman C FAYETTE COUNTY FAYETTE COUNTY No. 1 Location: 214Y2 South 4th Street, Vandalia Registration: 6799 Men furnished to armed forces: 1967 Personnel: Kenneth E. Burnett M Fred Crumbaugh M Walter L. Darner M J. L. Gerkin M Charles H. Hackleman M Clarence W. Leever M James Frank Morr M John F. Senik M Will M.Albert GA Dr. D. H. Ecke XP Dr. Miller Greer XP Dr. Edward A. Kuehn XP Dr. A. R. Stanbery XP Dr. George Stanbery XP Dr. Glen Walker XP Dr. Arthur R. Whitefort XP Dr. E.J. Bost XD Dr. W. L. Hamm XD AB AB R. S. Denny RC Cecil Edward Grandfield J. G. Burnside AB Robert G. Burnside J. Ivan Cole AB Leon Green AB George F. Houston Ira McCollom AB F. Mark Miller AB Dr. M. E. Murray AB Charles R. Myers AB Richard Royal AB Charles R. Schulte AB W. F. Sonnermann \I> Will P. Welker \B Jane M. Denny ( ! Eloise Engelhanlt C Helen Walker C RC 414 FORD COUNTY FORD COUNTY No. 1 Location: County Court House, Paxton Registration: 3522 Men furnished to armed forces: 889 Personnel : William L. Barnhart M Oliver C. Dilks M W. P. Kenward M Frank C. Linn M David Opperman M Eugene B. Radliff M Carl C.Shelby M William Sutton M Delmar E. Martensen GA E. J. Pacey GA Dr. J. A. Colteaux XP Dr. Robert N. Lane XP Dr. M. D. E, Peterson XP Dr. Albert L. Potts XP Dr. E. A. Tappan XP Dr. F. B. Stubbert XD Harold H. Hool RC William Overstreet RC A. C. Reynolds RC John Howard Benjamin Will M. Cannady AB Sidney H. Dilks AB Nobel G. Johnson AB Samuel Ludlow AB Warren Pacey AB C. S. Schneider AB Rudolph L. Schneider M.H.Scott AB C. M. Swanson AB Mary Davis C Mary Jane Olson C David C. Swanson C AB AB FRANKLIN COUNTY FRANKLIN COUNTY No. 1 Location: Community Building, Benton Registration: 6815 Men furnished to armed forces : 2202 Personnel : Edward H. Bourland M John R. Brown M Edgar S. Dillon M G. B. Dollins M Dr. H. M. Fry M L. 0. Harrison M Henry McCann M James Ransome Phillips M Raymond W. Simpson M Grover Webb M Evan E. Wilderman M B. W. Eovaldi GA Dr. G. C. Buntin XP Dr. James T. Donosky XP Dr. M. M. Fowler XP Dr. L. H. Kaplan XP Dr. G. G. Moore XP Dr. Lawrence M. Moore XP Dr. R. D. Shafer XP Dr. C. N. Stilley XD Carter Harrison RC Thurlow G. Lewis RC Alliegene Hungate C Beulah Johnson C Nellie Pennington C Dewey Saunders C (Continued) 415 FRANKLIN COUNTY— Continued FRANKLIN COUNTY No. 2 Location: 128 West Main Street, West Frankfort Registration: 5909 Men furnished to armed forces : 2051 Personnel: George P. Baggott M Luther Burpo M Vallie Flack M C.N.Logan M Dr. N. J. McCollum M Hubert E. Nunn M Homer E. Roman M Frank Russell M Asa Sharpe M Robert N. Smith M H.B.Wilkinson M Frank E. Trobaugh GA Dr. C. H. Eldridge XP Dr. J. J. Ellis XP Dr. Andrew F. Barnett XP Dr. William T. Harsha XP Dr. W. L. Johnson XP Dr. T.A.Jones XP Dr. C. E. Koons XP Dr. C. 0. Lane XP Dr. W. R. Tweedy XP Dr. Byford Webb XP Dr. W. S. Rains XD Walter W. Dimmick RC Edward T. Harris, Sr. RC James C. Randolph RC Ola Henley C Lena Lasak C Wilma Lois Summers C Stephen E. Brondos Myron E. Clem George E. Dodd William G. Eovaldi Uel Fox H. M. Hart W. B. Johnson Thomas J. Layman Advisory Board Members for Franklin County Everett Lewis Wayne T. Lewis E. A. Mcintosh Dewey McKissick Max Mitchell H. E. Morgan C. L. Phifer R. E. Smith FULTON COUNTY FULTON COUNTY No. 1 Location: 20 West Elm Street, Canton Registration: 6102 Men furnished to armed forces: 1815 Personnel : Forest L. Boden M J. Otis Boo M David McKay M Ernest R. Reeder M Earl C. Vittum M James F. Scott GA G. Ray Senift GA Dr. Mark S. Nelson XP Dr. P. D. Reinertsen XP Dr. H. M. Schwerer XP Dr. A. R.Welch XP Dr. J. W.Welch XP Dr. L. J. Lefebure XD Keith C. Perkins RC Claude H. Seaton RC Vernon C. Huffman C Dorothy E. Calder C VelmaC. Hukill C Imogene C. Lewis C (Continued I 416 FULTON COUNTY— Continued FULTON COUNTY No. 2 Location : Federal Building, Lewistown Registration: 4725 Men furnished to armed forces: 1257 Personnel: George R. Barton M Jack Bath M M.B.Boyd M J. E. Callans M Dr. Don F. Dickson M Paul J. McNally M Abe Paul Werbner M Clyde West M Frederick 0. Mercer GA Dr. Harry T. Baxter XP Dr. William H. Belts XP Dr. Marcus A. Quinones XP Dr. E. T. Blocher XD Dr. L. A. Lynch XD H. M. Barron RC Doyle Miller RC Phyllis Johnson C V. Pauline Oaks C Advisory Board Members for Fulton County H. S. Boyd Glenn Ratcliff Paul Green well Bernard H. Taylor Bernard Maxwell Joseph Toohill Floyd F. Putnam E. L. Weber GALLATIN COUNTY GALLATIN COUNTY No. 1 Location: Ridgway Registration: 2828 Men furnished to armed forces , Personnel : Ivan B. Greene M Clarence N. Hall M Benjamin Kinsall M Jesse C. Ramsey M William Edgar Talbott M Clyde D. Turner M Joe Wisehart M Marsh Wisehart M James W. Karber GA Dr. E. A. Green XP Dr. G. R. Johnson XP Dr. P. B. Komasa XP 938 Dr. J. C. Murphy XP J. T. Colnon RC Elgin C. Spivey RC Joseph L. Bartley AB B. E. Bieker AB Thomas H. Daily AB William L. Ford AB GuyE. Malin AB Harm J. Meyer AB Chester Barnum C Phyllis J. Jackson C Dortha E. Kester C 417 GREENE COUNTY GREENE COUNTY No. 1 Location: 301 West 6th Street, Carrollton Registration: 4444 Men furnished to armed forces: 1343 Personnel : Verne J. Allen M Charles V. Arnold M Olen J. Bott M Damon W. Driver M William Otis Harp M George Geers M Charles T. Meek M Gilbert K. Hutchens GA Dr. A. K. Baldwin XP Dr. C. A. Billings XP Dr. Nathaniel J. Bucklin XP Dr. Charles O. Bulger XP Dr. Paul Dailey XP Dr. William H. Garrison XP Dr. F. N. McLaren XP Dr. S.F.March XP Dr. Donion Rudolph Martin XP Dr. Robert Piper XP Dr. A. T. Robertson XP Dr. H.W.Smith XP Dr. W. T. Stickley XP Dr. W. F. Waggoner XP Dr. A. D. Wilson XP Dr. L. A. Rawlins XD Dr. A. C. Rich XD Dr. F. L. Walter XD Dewey A. Maholland RC Sidney E. Simpson RC Keith K. Angle AB Richard C. Bell AB Von Allan Carlisle AB A. L. Clark AB Leslie R. Forrester AB W. C. Giller, Jr. AB Leroy T. Hopkins AB James W. Howard AB Julian Hutchens AB Joseph Lyman AB John R. McConathy AB Jack McDonald AB William B. Martin AB L. A. Mehrhoff AB Carson T. Metcalf AB Fred Pewter AB C. L. Powell AB Thomas G. Roady AB J. Russell Shields AB John Singleton AB William G. Vogt AB George L. Berry C Dorothy Thien C Helen Willen C GRUNDY COUNTY GRUNDY COUNTY No. 1 Location: Post Office Building, Morris Registration: 4931 Men furnished to armed forces: 1372 Personnel : Nelson W. Campbell M Wendell Fletcher Dirst M Wayne Misener M George E. Trotter M Robert H. Walsh M Dr. Roscoe Whitman M S. J. Holderman GA David F. Root GA Frank W. Young GA Dr. F. C. Bowker XP Dr. W. F. Breisch XP Dr. J. B. Larsen XP Dr. A. D. Costello XD John J. Black RC William S. Brown RC August B. Black AB George Bedford AB Warren E. Bull AB Thomas B. Dunn AB Erwin C. Godfrey AB William Hynds AB Frank E. Monson AB Arley Munts AB William G. Peacock AB L. W. Simrall AB H.B.Smith AB U.G.Taylor AB Shirley S. Heap C Bernice Hegen C Le\ i C. Robinson C 418 HAMILTON COUNTY HAMILTON COUNTY No. 1 Location: Post Office Building, McLeansboro Registration: 3220 Men furnished to armed forces : 1132 Personnel : Laban E. Cross M Whitson W. Daily M Guy M. Farlow M A.G.Fiedler M Orville Kennedy M Herbert N. Witter M W.N.Wright M Frank Bonan GA Mastin E. Buck GA Dr. E.S.Hall XP Dr. Joseph C. Vickers XP Dr. Ralph Hall XD Dr.W. A. Tevis XD Frank S. Glenn RC Fred W. Underwood RC L. L.Aydt AB H. E. Barker AB U. B. Barnett AB Harry A. Barter AB Maurice E. Clark AB John D. Daily AB Lee Donelson AB Owen C. Goin AB George W. Hogan, Jr. AB Charles Hutchcraft AB Robert R. Johnson AB Edwin T. Jones AB Byron E. Lasswell AB Heber Pitman AB Ralph Prince AB Ira J. Spangler AB William B. Stephens AB David J. Underwood AB Martin L. Hunt, Jr. C HANCOCK COUNTY HANCOCK COUNTY No. 1 Location: County Court House, Carthage Registration: 5521 Men furnished to armed forces: 1476 Personnel: Paul 0. Botts M Hamill R. Graham M Edward A. Kane M Lewis Omer M Frank J. Sheridan M Harry R. Upp M Carl A. Wilkens M Earl N.Bell GA James L. Garretson GA Edward S. Martin GA Dr. Earl Cooper XP Dr. J. B. Dierker XP Dr. H. R. Folckemer XP Dr. B. C. Kappmeyer XP Dr. Blair Kelly XP Dr. Fred A. Kennedy XP Dr. R. R. Loomis XP Dr. B. I. Mueller XP Dr. Herman Rothert XP Dr. O. R. Zunkel XP Dr. R. W. McLellan XD Dr. Kenneth J. Mosley XD Leon G. Easum RC ArloW.Kunkel RC William S. Angell AB J. Arthur Baird AB D.S.Coffey AB Harry Conwell AB Lester E. Foote AB Katherine Forsythe AB John W. Gorby, Jr. AB G. C. Guthrie AB William H. Damron AB Clyde P. Johnson AB Edith Lambert AB Frank Larner AB 0. C. McCartney AB John A. Mead AB Apollos W. O'Harra AB Clifton J. O'Harra AB Emily C. Pennock AB Mabel Roeth AB Evelyn H. Schulz AB Clifford W. Warner AB William H. Bower C Flossie Cannon C Fern M. Smith C Norma J. Williams C 419 HARDIN COUNTY HARDIN COUNTY No. 1 Location: County Court House, Elizabethtown Registration : 2236 Men furnished to armed forces : 650 Personnel : Walter S. Barnard M Claude D. Capron M Warford T. Henry M Sebastian E. Herl M James A. Hunter M C. H. Jackson M Otis Lamar M Fred McDowell M Willard B. Pell M T. Henry Warford M C.E. Soward GA James A. Watson GA Dr. F. 0. Anderson XP Dr. J. R. DeVelling XP Dr. S. D. Hancock XP Dr.W.H. Birch XD Cylde Flynn RC EarlR.Kibler RC Ray Burklow AB J. L. Cadden AB Wiley Cochran AB Mary Dusch AB Ross V. Frayer AB Carson Fritz AB Gladys W. Galloway AB Fred Gintert AB Ezra Glenn AB James G. Gullett AB Guy Hale AB Luda Hancock AB C.C.Kerr AB Mildred Kerr AB Grace Kenney AB Milton Lewis AB Yeatman Northen AB Lowell Oxford AB Ida Louise Patton AB Orval Patton AB Orris Spivey AB Richard F. Taylor AB James M.Todd AB Roy Travis AB Laura Watson AB E. F. Walters AB Alice Frayser C Lewis T. Rash C HENDERSON COUNTY HENDERSON COUNTY No. 1 Location : Oquawka Registration: 2075 Men furnished to armed forces: 423 Personnel : James B. Alecock M Lee J. Allaman M John H. Arnold M Charles E. Fort M J. W. Gabby M Charles F. Heisler M Alfred G. Noble M Harold H. Schweitzer M Earl Knox GA Dr. A. W. Lovene XP Dr. E.T. Swan XP Dr. Cara D. Campbell XD Elbert J. Bricker RC E. G. Burkett RC J.P.Brooks AB Kenneth Ditto AB Louie E. Dixon AB Raamah Farquhar AB Lyle Graham AB Earle A. Kloster AB Peter J. McKay AB Wade Meloan AB M. E. Nolan AB Wayne Perrine AB John P. Edmunds C 420 HENRY COUNTY HENRY COUNTY No. 1 Location: Parkside Hotel, Kewanee Registration : 5893 Men furnished to armed forces: 1560 Personnel : Albert E. Bergland M Harry D. Cherry M Robert P. Hatcher M Harold T. Hawthorne M George F. Hayes M George Keim M Tom H. McConnell M W. R. Tracy M Gregg A. Young GA Dr. J. F. Beyerle XP Dr. J. T. Boswell XP Dr. T. B. Carney XP Dr. Charles A. Coffin XP Dr. C. R. Fortier XP Dr. G. H. Hoffman XP Dr. P. J. McDermott XP Dr. D.E.Meier XP Dr. Wm. Roan Smith XP Dr. R. H. Stewart XP Dr. P. J. Timmons XP Dr. C. P. White XP Dr. Leo Burcky XD Dr. F. P. Gleeson XD Dr. P. A. Helmer XD Dr. G. G. Lesemann XD Dr. D. E. Taft XD DeWitt Lomas RC Gale H. Overbaugh RC R. F. Powers RC Frederick F. Smith RC Frank Wiggins RC Ferae Allen Cox C Shirley M. Kays C HENRY COUNTY No. 2 Location: County Court House, Cambridge Registration: 4669 Men furnished to armed forces : 902 Personnel : Victor F. Boltenstern M August C. DeSutter M James E. McCafferty M Carl A. Melin M Joseph L. Shaw M Erman A. King GA Dr. P. J. Doering XP Dr. Ward B. Manchester XP Dr. Albert I. Mathre XP Dr. John H. Murphy XP Dr. W. A. Potter XP Dr. Wilbur F. Spencer XP Dr. C. L. Watters XP Dr. A. W. Wellstein XP Dr. J. E. Westerlund XP Dr. Worling R. Young XP Dr. Kenneth Johnson XD Dr. Elbert W. King XD Dr. George L. Wood XD Byron L. Pierce RC Raymond L. Raser RC Frank H. Rumler RC James H. White RC Helen Combs C Jean T. Johnson C Mildred B. Powers C Advisory Board William J. Curtis Charles G. Davis Reynolds M. Everett William C. Ewan Edwin J. Faull James R. Freddy Bartlett S. Gray R. T. Gustus Floyd B. Hadley Edward F. Keller Members for Henry County Phineas Morrow Charles E. Mulligan Carlyle A. Peterson Leonard D. Quinn Thomas H. Taylor Sam W. Timson Glenn K. Tracy Thomas J. Welch Edwin S. Woehr 421 IROQUOIS COUNTY IROQUOIS COUNTY No. 1 Location : Kay Building, Watseka Registration: 3898 Men furnished to armed forces: 1112 Personnel: Henry W. Beardslee M Harold K. Francis M Charles W. Hofmeister M Ollie E. McCarty M Dr. R. D. Short M Robert F. Goodyear GA John P. Pallissard GA Dr. Roy A. Buckner XP Dr. Wiliam F. Buckner XP Dr. C. H. Dowsett XP Dr. A. W. Fordyce XP Dr. A. D. Schneider XP Dr. W. H. Whitsitt XP Dr. 0. B. Schaller XD Dominic E. Lynch RC Julius Sapiro RC Beulah N. Stone C Charles H. Warnock C IROQUOIS COUNTY No. 2 Location : Kay Building, Watseka Registration: 3909 Men furnished to armed forces: 1027 Personnel: Chauncey L. Booth M Harold Geiger M Samuel J. Lober M Walter G. McEwan M Lawrence J. Martin M John A. Wisner M Claude N. Saum GA J. W. Thomason GA Dr. H. C. Andrews XP Dr. George W. I. Bard XP Dr. Ryland Buckner XP Dr. Raymond F. Donovan XP Dr. Arthur M. Everhart XP Dr. Norman 0. Hungness XP Dr. Fred A. Johnson XP Dr. Lorrell E. Massman XP Dr. C. S. Montgomery XP Dr. Earl L. Roberts XP Dr. J. M. Roberts XP Dr. William R. Roberts XP Dr. G.W.Ross XP Dr. Marvin F. Weissman XP Dr. Glen E. Clark XD Dr. Edward D. Martin XD Dr. Horace N. Ring XD Dr. Albert T. Ross XD Harry Holtkamp RC Lila W. Cassell C Geneva M. Highland C Advisory Board Members for Iroquois County Wallace J. Bell Stephen C. Malo F. P. Benjamin Arthur Bohn Edward F. Braden Fred S. Brewer C. G. Hirschi W. S. Kay Fred C. Kraft A. Fred Kendall Leslie A. Markwalder Fred R. Miller Dale A. Nelson Remi Roche Gordon H. Snow Elmer A. Taylor R. Morris Wheeler 422 JACKSON COUNTY JACKSON COUNTY No. 1 Location: County Court House, Murphy sboro Registration: 3584 Men furnished to armed forces: 1229 Personnel : H. E. Allen M Albert Charles M Clyde Cheatham M Dr. Lyle D. Perry M Samuel R. Plant M John Thomas Purcell M Al B. Stoelzie M L. A. Glenn GA Dr. E. K. Ellis XP Dr. A. R. Esposito XP Dr. Frank M. Keiser XP Dr. W. D. Mohlenbrock XP Dr. L. D. Perry XD Dr. W. E. Wagner XD Ardis Smith RC John H. Cook AC Blanche H. Mitchell C Pearle I. Somers C JACKSON COUNTY No. 2 Location : Post Office Building, Carhondale Registration: 5976 Men furnished to armed forces: 1905 Personnel : T. W. Abbott M Rex. H. Cook M J. E. Etherton M William McAndrew M Earl R. Matthes M W. Arthur Parrish M C. J. Thomas M Clarence E. Wright GA Dr. W. A. Brandon XP Dr. C. M. Brooks XP Dr. Leo J. Brown XP Dr. E. R. Carman XP Dr. Fred S. Etherton XP Dr. W. T. Felts XP Dr. Ben Fox XP Dr. Fred L. Lingle XP Dr. H. C. Moss XP Dr. J. B. Taylor XP Dr. J. M. Marberry XD Dr. H. W. Patterson RC John Kenneth Feirich RC George Nyle Huffman RC William McAndrew RC Joseph S. Morris RC G. W. Gladders RC Mose M. Hall C Elizabeth L. Ivy C Jewel Reynolds C Advisory Board Members for Jackson County Fred G. Bierer W. F. Ellis John G. Gilbert Fred B. Herbert David B. Levy I. K. Levy Fletcher Lewis Elmer J. Medlin John Stewart L. R. Stewart Raymond Stotlar C. Edgar White William Wolff 423 JASPER COUNTY JASPER COUNTY No. 1 Location: 118 l /2 West Washington, IS etvton Registration: 3116 Men furnished to armed forces : 977 Personnel : William G. Emmerich M John F. Kaufmann M John T. Madison M Earl R. Reese M George L. Roberts M Eugene R. Warren M James A. Eaton, Jr. GA John Kasserman GA Dale Wilson GA Dr. C. 0. Absher XP Dr. G. C. Brown XP Dr. Adam Franke XD Dr. Neil Franke XD Rolla Bernard Cramer RC Paul Walker RC Paul A. Weber RC Norma Eaton AB Leslie L. Isley AB Albert E. Isley AB Homer Kasserman AB W. F. Johnson AB George W. McColley AB Isabel Hines C Helen Smallwood C JEFFERSON COUNTY JEFFERSON COUNTY No. 1 Location : County Court House, Mt. Vernon Registration: 5207 Men furnished to armed forces: 1683 Personnel : John H. Ames M Paul Broyles M Dr. John J. Corlew M R. Earl Davis M Clarence C. DeWitt M Charles J. DeWitt M Frank B. Neal M Lester E. .Starr M Clarence Stelle M Curtis Williams GA Dr. C. J. Anslinger XP Dr. Robey Atkins Crum XP Dr. Clarence Hamilton XP Dr. W. G. Parker XP Dr. Harry G. Thompson XP Dr. B. W. Schmitt XD Brvan Dycus RC Charles C. Potts RC Carl Schweinfurth RC Eloise H. Apgar C Arnold Barthel C Helen Copple C JEFFERSON COUNTY No. 2 Location : County Court House, Mt. Vernon Registration: 3967 Men furnished to armed forces: 1421 Personnel: Clyde Adams M Ray Jones M Henry R. Luchsinger M Fred N. Maxey M Narrah W. Osborn M William A. Panzer M John F. Walker M Martin J. Dolan GA Fred A. DuHadwav GA Hassel B. Smith GA Dr. Claire M. Dixon XP Dr. J. E. Dixon XP Dr. Alson W. Modert XP Dr. Todd P. Ward XP Dr. R. G. Miller XD Dr. W. E. Setzekorn XD Trov Hawkins RC O. W. (Ted) Johnson RC Charles J. Thompson RC Crawford C. Cave C Mae Crai£ Ixiwry C Marjorie F. Mitchell C Gladys B. O'Dell C (Continued) 424 JEFFERSON COUNTY— Continued Advisory Board Members for Jefferson County Howard Campbell Maurice DeWitt George Gilbert L. G. George Harmon Gilbert John A. Kirk George W. Howard John Lannin Walter H. Maynor Conrad Schul Neil H. Thompson Don Turner Frank H. Walker Alvin Lacy Williams JERSEY COUNTY JERSEY COUNTY No. 1 Location: 120 x /<2, North State, Jerseyville Registration : 3256 Men furnished to armed forces : 895 Personnel : Percy P. Downey M Theodore A. Felkamp M William F. Hanley M Everett Hanlin M J. B. Hunter M Wesley W. Legate M Jacob H. Reddish M John A. Tuohy M Fred A. Du Hadway M Dr. H. R. Bohannon XP Dr. B. M. Brewster XP Dr. H. rL Gledhill XP Dr. H. L. Lawder XP Dr. B. A. Marsden XP Dr. Bryan Caffery XD Dr. B. H. Klueg XD Clarence T. Kibler RC Harry Modlin RC Frank J. Powers RC Theodore L. Conklin AB Martin J. Dolan AB John F. Gibbons AB Isaac D. Snedeker AB John W. Suddes AB Kent R. Wylie AB Doris R. McFain C Agnes S. Walsh C Verno N. Woodman C JO DAVIESS COUNTY JO DAVIESS COUNTY No. 1 Location: 106Y2 North Main Street, Galena Registration: 4875 Men furnished to armed forces: 1206 Personnel: Frank H. Bruce M Harold Enright M William J. Greenwald M Walter F. Jennings M Dr. R. E. Logan M Donald Joseph McNamara M Otto B. Schnerre M Bruce Stewart M John W. Westwick M , Louis A. Nack GA Dr. E. M. Bench XP Dr. Coleman Buford XP Dr. Edward F. Gollobith XP Dr. Francis H. Runde XD Dr. William C. Schiele XP Dr. Lawrence E. Harney XD Otto Berlage RC Percy Hutchison RC Leland E. Lloyd RC D. M. Eaton AB Leslie M. Gundry AB Harry L. Heer AB Thomas H. Hicks AB Harry C. Tear AB Ivor Smith AB Helen Rae Glasker C Eliza L. Kuchemann C John A. Thompson C 425 JOHNSON COUNTY JOHNSON COUNTY No. 1 Location: County Court House, Vienna Registration : 2355 Men furnished to armed forces: 838 Personnel : D. W. Chapman M W. L. Cummins M Roger M. Eastman M H. P. Frizzell M James E. Hard M Calvin Frederick Heaton M Clarence R. Moschenross M R. E. Wiggins M C. Ross Reynolds GA Dr. Walter W. Ritchey XP Dr. William Thomson XP Dr. E. A.Veach XP Dr. C. R. Moschenross XD Eugene C. Benson RC William 0. Verhines RC John 0. Cowan AB Charles J. Huffman AB Hazel Wiegman C KANE COUNTY KANE COUNTY No. 1 Location : County Court House, Geneva Registration : 5626 Men furnished to armed forces: 1496 Personnel: Albert H. Beck M George Dobson M Horace Jones M Edward Killey M Joseph S. Kostka M Homer W. McCoy M Harold R. Plumer M Emil J. Benson GA Clayton W. Mogg GA Dr. K, G. Bulley XP Dr. Armin L. Blaufuss XP Dr. D. E. Dick XP Dr. Vernon L. Evans XP Dr. J. Wilson Gray XP Dr. Edwin G. Hausmann XP Dr. R. C. Hetherington XP Dr. Oliver A. Kobisk XP Dr. Norman E. Marion XP Dr. A. L. Morley XP Dr. Henning T. Mostrom XP Dr. Kenneth M. Sears XP Dr. Benjamin F. Shirer XP Dr. Oliver B. Simon XP Dr. John C. West XP Dr. H. S. Witten XP Dr. E. L. Benson XD Dr. Richard Davis XD Dr. E. D. George XD Dr. G. 0. Kerfoot XD Preston 0. Douglas RC Walter E. Hoffman RC Harold M. Primm RC James H. Scott RC Lillian P. Budd C Mabel M. Cook C Bertha E. Gregory C Marcella H. Turk C (Continued) 426 KANE COUNTY— Continued KANE COUNTY No. 2 Location: County Court House, Geneva Registration: 5851 Men furnished to armed forces: 1386 Personnel: William A. Beith M Clarence G. Campbell M Lloyd D. Colson M Joseph C, Gaffney M John P. McDonald M Carl J. Markel M C. Jay Marvin M Claron Maynard M J. C. Myers M John E. Olson M Walter W. Seyller M William Thos. Wallace M Charles A. O'Connor GA Harry G. Hempstead GA Dr. C. E. Anderson XP Dr. R. W. Carpenter XP Dr. F. E. Haskins XP Dr. Archie Jones XP Dr. G. H. Patchanian XP Dr. Carl P. Struve XP Dr. S. W. Tonkens XP Dr. C. F. Wente XP Dr. E. L. Anderson XD Karl J. Gartner RC C. Jay Marvin RC W. T. Wallace RC Ethel L. Anderson C Charles L. Flick C June L. Osborne C Betty Zidell C AURORA CITY No. 1 Location: Keystone Building, Aurora Registration: 5072 Men furnished to armed forces: 1490 Personnel: Donald P. Frazier M Rollin R. Harrison M Frank 0. Jones M G. Everett Jordan M William L. Levedahl M Archibald C. MacDonald, Jr. M George H. Matyas M Louis James Santamy M Gail L. Thomas M Maurice F. Lord GA W. C. O'Brien GA Dr. Clifton U. Boon XP Dr. George Darmer XP Dr. John W. Dreyer XP Dr. John G. Goodfellow XP Dr. George M. Haan XP Dr. I. W. Howard XP Dr. A. G. Martin XP Dr. A. G. Martin XP Dr. W. H. Milbacher XP Dr. A. J. Zmugg XP Dr. Phil J. Kartheiser XD Dr. A. J. Konrad XD Arthur H. Melchert RC Martin R. O'Brien RC Howard N. Yates RC Selena M. Siegfried C Alma E. Carstens C Reye Ellen Peterson C Ina D. Urban C AURORA CITY No. 2 Location: Keystone Building, Aurora Registration: 6722 Men furnished to armed forces: 1786 Personnel : B. L. Waters M Gilbert N. Bryan M Clark R. Hulls M Paul H. Shinn M Carleton A. Shults M Fred J. Walz M B. F. Sears GA Dr. L. H. Anderson XP Dr. Eugene R. Balthazar XP Dr. A. S. Benson XP Dr. H. A. Brennecke XP Dr. Charles D. Brobst XP Dr. F. J. Coughlin XP Dr. W. E. Curtis XP 427 KANE COUNTY [Aurora Board No. 2\— Continued Dr. Richard Carl Dienst XP Dr. W. G. Eilert XP Dr. E. Graham Evans XP Dr. Frederick F. Garrison XP Dr. Kempton L. German XP Dr. H. S. Hulbert XP Dr. J. J. Kazak XP Dr. A. N. Kitenplon XP Dr. Samuel Klein XP Dr. A. P. Klomhaus XP Dr. Myron W. Larson XP Dr. E. W. Logman XP Dr. B. E. Moisant XP Dr. H. R. Moser XP Dr. J. 0. Murphy XP Dr. R. R. Ritzman XP Dr. E. J. Rossman XP Dr. G. L. Sharrer XP Dr. E. M. Thomas XP Dr. C. L. Wunsch XP Dr. E. V. Young XP Dr. Lewis D. Churchill XD Dr. Clark P. Currier XD Dr. C. B. Freeman XD Dr. LeRoy L. Hill XD Dr. J. W. Stubbs XD Dr. J. E. Wadkins XD Dr. J. M. Williams XD Chester W. Kerr RC Francis J. Steinbrecher BC Ada Elizabeth Ascott C Ethel Chesmadea C Ardell Hill C Milton Albert Judd RC Lillian A. Rankin C ELGIN CITY No. 1 Location: Pelton Clinic Building, Elgin Registration : 5671 Men furnished armed forces: 1477 Personnel: John G. Beall M Reuben H. Hollinshead M William G. Huber M Robert N. Newby M Leo R. O'Flaherty M John Peck M Roland W. Savage M Edwin H. Secombe M Harry V. Spurling M Carl W. Swanson M Herbert V. Woodson M Glenn R. Beverly GA Robert L. Kemler GA Lawrence McNerney GA Dr. S. L. Gabby XP Dr. Kenneth P. Johnston XP Dr. J. McDonald Milligan XP Dr. Rolland D. Russell XP Dr. E. S. Shonvo XP Dr. Lloyd C. Blackman XD Dr. 0. M. Chappell XD Dr. J. T. Shesler XD Frank D. Annis RC Charles D. Page RC Ralph P. Haddick RC Robert J. Beck C Dorothy M. Fields C Dorothv E. Schulz C ELGIN CITY No. 2 Location : Elgin Professional Building, Elgin Registration: 3097 Men furnished to armed forces: 810 Personnel: Adolph A. Lueck M Frank S. Mason M Harry J. Osborne M Clarence W. Roberts William M. Schuchcrt M Earl J. Woodring M Edward A. Geister GA Charles G. Seidel GA Dr. Parry Allerton XP Dr. Andrew J. Nowakowski XP Dr. H. H. Pillinger XP Dr. John C. Schmidtke XP Dr. H. R. Rovelstad XD Carl P. Brucker RC Joseph C. Gaffney RC Eloise Callison C Marguerite E. Howard C (Continued) 428 KANE COUNTY— Continued Advisory Board Members for Kane County Olney C. Allen B. P. Alschuler J. E. Alschuler J. Bruce Amell Florence Beaber H. Wheeler Brittain J. E. Brunnemeyer John B. Burkel George D. Carbary John Chivari Fred C. Churchill William C. Clausen D. W. Cockfield Harry C. Daniels Charles A. Darling Fred T. Dean Robert E. Dolph Robert G. Earley DeGoy B. Ellis Joseph J. Feldott William F. Fowler Stolp D. Fraser John C. Friedland Paul G. Funk Lester James Galvin David B. Givler Zalmon Goldsmith D. A. Green Arthur L. Griswold Earl H. Gromer Paul M. Hamilton Richard C. Hamper Austin Hansen Harry C. Hanson James F. Hennessey Lathrop J. Hunt Robert J. Janda Harold H. Jordan G. E. Jordan Glenn T. Johnson John N. Karnes Ramstead S. Lehman n Richard L. Lies Merritt J. Little Dale K. McAlpine J. V. McCarthy N. Vance McCay John L. McNerney John W. McQueen Duane L. Martin John T. Matthews T. J. Merrill W. B. Morgan Jerome Nelson John K. Newhall L. M. Ochsenschlager Donald J. Oddsen Thomas P. O'Malley Hugh Parker Arthur L. Paulson David J. Peffers William E. Perce John S. Petersen Roy R. Phillips Lyle E. Pierce John G. Plain James A. Powers Arthur L. Puklin Ralph C. Putnam, Jr. Frank R. Reid, Jr. Mrs. Ann R. Rieland Louis J. Rockwell Clarence J. Ruddy Theodore N. Schnell James Herrington Scott Donald F. Schumacher John S. Sears Earl R. Shopen William J. Smith, Jr. Roy J. Solfisburg, Jr. Roy J. Solfisburg Samuel J. Stephens Marcus J. Sternberg Harold M. Stoll Edward F. Streit Lawrence Swinyer Almore H. Teschke Kenneth David Thomas William J. Tyers John T. Vincent George R. Warner Perry D. Wells Richard W. West Joseph J. Wiedemann Peter Klein Wilson Dan B. Withers. Jr. Gilbert L. Wood 429 KANKAKEE COUNTY KANKAKEE COUNTY No. 1 Location: County Court House, Kankakee Registration: 6931 Men furnished to armed forces : 2032 Personnel : Edward Munroe Curtis M James G. Ginger M Claude M. Granger M Herbert N. Lussenhop M William B. Maass M William H. Maitland M Vernon G. Butz GA Ben Gower GA T. R. Johnston GA Victor Lauridsen GA Amos H. Robillard GA Dr. Paul H. Anthony XP Dr. E. N. Greenman XP Dr. R. 0. Hawthorne XP Dr. George E. Irwin XP Dr. D. J. O'Loughlin XP Dr. C. A. Perrodin XP Dr. H. R. Pommier XD Roy F. Dusenburg RC Fred C. Hefter RC William C. Oxford RC Martin L. Sheehan RC Gladys Marie Chinsky C Arthur D. Goudreau C Myrtle M. Mattocks C KANKAKEE COUNTY No. 2 Location: County Court House, Kankakee Registration: 6514 Men furnished to armed forces: 1697 Personnel: Frank J. Karcher M Frank J. Neiner M Harry Peterson M Walter W. Pointer M Earl J. Reising M John E. Holland GA Walter C. Schneider GA Fred R. Stith, Jr. GA Joseph J. Tolson GA Dr. R. L. Benjamin XP Dr. 0. A. Phipps XP Dr. J. J. Hennessy XP Dr. Charles H. Ruch XP Dr. C. K. Smith XP Dr. R. V. Thomas XP Dr. M. E. White XP Dr. E. G. Wilson XP Dr. L. G. Wisner XP Dr. B. J. Hagearty XD Raymon L. Canaday RC Thomas J. Devine C Antonia M. Fritz C Veigh Mclntyre C Advisory Board Members for Kankakee County John H. Beckers Anker Jensen Frank J. Burns Charles W. Kurtz Victor N. Cardosi John A. Mayhew Arthur W. DeSelm Eva Minor W. H. Dyer Harry S. Streeter Eben B. Gower Irwin C. Taylor Donald Gray W. H. Whittemore C. D. Henry, Jr. Elmer C. Wilson 430 KENDALL COUNTY KENDALL COUNTY No. 1 Location: Frazier Building, Yorkville Registration: 2702 Men furnished to armed forces : 687 Personnel : James P. Curry M Finley Thomas Fitch M Ertle C. Lane M G. Everett Morrison M Lee N. Shaddle M Sheldon J. Sauer GA Dr. Frederic M. Groner XP Dr. L. A. Perkins XP Dr. Michael R. Saxon XP Dr. Maximilian Spatz XP Dr. Paul L. Hoadley XD Dr. Roy C. Miller XD Ellis Michael Johns RC Frank G. Loomis RC O. A. Burkhart AB C. A. Darnell AB Melvin Julian Henricksen D. C. Newhirter AB Rita J. Hall C Lewis T. Wells C AB KNOX COUNTY KNOX COUNTY No. 1 Location: 203 Bondi Building, Galesburg Registration: 7018 Men furnished to armed forces: 1905 Personnel : Harry A. Anderson M George Donovan M Harold E. Hawkinson M John 0. Leahigh M William H. Moon M Harry W. Rose M Bert E. McLaughlin GA L. Fred O'Brien GA Dr. Ben D. Baird XP Dr. Crosiar Bower XP Dr. John Conway XP Dr. H. E. Graham XP Dr. E. B. Grogan XP Dr. S. M. Hanauer XP Dr. Forrester Maley XP Dr. A. B. McVay XD Dr. W. C. Marks XD John J. Herron RC Charles H. Toothe RC Ruth Hortense Hawkinson Mary V. Sullivan C Helen G. W'atson C KNOX COUNTY No. 2 Location: 311 East Main Street, Galesburg Registration : 5330 Men furnished to armed forces: 1408 Personnel : James E. Main M L. Fred O'Brien M Harry F. Peterson M Charles H. Snyder M Melva H. Taylor M C. M. Thurman M Edward S. Sticknev GA Dr. E. T. Zessin XP Dr. Edwin W. Nelson Arnold R. Kemp RC John M. Lewis RC Owen Mitchell Vesaas Jane Charles C K. Lorraine Nelson C Doris Sanford C XD RC (Continupd) 431 KNOX COUNTY— Continued Advisory Board Members for Knox County Herman S. Allen Robert M. Egan Lucien Field Louis Gard Ralph Lucas Kenneth Peel Robert C. Rice William K. Richardson Neil Ritenhouse P. B. Robinson Rodney L. Stuart Joseph E. West LAKE COUNTY LAKE COUNTY No. 1 Location: 358 Central Avenue, Highland Park Registration: 6926 Men furnished to armed forces: 1702 Personnel : Clarence E. Huhn M Robert L. Johnson M Walter F. Moeller M C. Edward Norris M Fred L. Thies M Richard L. Thorsch M Francis Nosek GA Dr. J. P. Fitzgerald XP Dr. Grover Q. Grady XP Dr. Livingston Josselyn XP Dr. J. H. Lundstrom XP Dr. W. M. McMillan XP Dr. Morley D. McNeal XP Dr. Luther J. Osgood XP Dr. Sylvan H. Robertson XP Dr. Allen D. Welch XP Dr. C. R. Sugden XP Dr. W. L. Winters XP Dr. Ernest B. Zeisler XP Dr. George C. Postels XD Dr. A. J. Wurth XD William Cruickshank RC Peter J. Duskey RC Edward Jacobson RC Frank J. Zipoy RC Margaret W. Miller Ives C June N. Krimel C Merlda Orr Zimmer C LAKE COUNTY No. 2 Location: 116 West Cook, Libertyville Registration: 5659 Men furnished to armed forces: 1348 Personnel : John C. Casperson M Homer T. Cook M John E. Fitzgerald M Lee A. Huson M Raymond A. Kennedv M Mark E. Neville M Alfred D. Smith M Minard E. Hulse GA Paul MacGuffin GA John F. Williams GA Dr. L. E. Bovik XP Dr. Paul H. Burgert XP Dr. George Buttemiller XP Dr. Clarence O. Edwards XP Dr. James M. Grove XP Dr. Donald J. McGrew XP Dr. John J. Milroy XP Dr. Maurice Penney XP Dr. A. J. Rissinger XP Dr. P. H. Stanul XP Dr. M. A. Wiese XP Dr. Chester H. Betzer XD Dr. J. S. Davis XD Dr. Henry J. LaHoda XD Sherman L. Cov RC William E. Webster RC Shirley Mae Kniggs C Charles Ling C Ella T. Powers C Nile Edith Slueser C (Continued) 432 LAKE COUNTY— Continued LAKE COUNTY No. 3 Location: 17 and Park, North Chicago Registration : 8746 Men furnished to armed forces: 2316 Personnel: Douglass D. Getchell M John Hayes, Sr. M Joseph A. Jadrich M Willard Money M Joseph J. Nemanich M George W. Nielsen, Jr. M Bohus Rause M Albert 0. Simonson M John Bedrosian GA Wesley G. Carey GA Lester F. Collins GA Albert L. Hall GA Dr. Stanley D. Anderson XP Dr. Amos P. Bratrude XP Dr. Mercer T. Brown XP Dr. G. B. Callahan XP WAUKEGAN CITY No. 1 Location: 1210 Washington Street, Waukegan Registration: 4190 Men furnished to armed forces: 1271 Personnel: Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Gasper Goshgarian XP Dr. Louis Kompare XP Dr. Winston W. Smith XP Louis F. Waldmann XP Alfred D. Decker XD W. I. Morrey XD Dr. Victor R. Sleeter XD John E. Hayes RC George S. McGaughey RC Joseph J. Nemanick RC Mildred B. Hise C Frances B. Hlousek C Clara L. Neville C J. Marjorie Rockenbach C Martha Rose Zdanowicz C Carl Atterbery M George W. Calhoun M Henry E. Ekstrand M Paul King M Walter A. Staszak M Charles H. Van Pelt M Jess L. Whitlock M Harry Breger GA Harry A. Hall GA Thomas A. Pojunas GA Dr. Clarence A. Barnes XP WAUKEGAN CITY No. 2 Location: 220 North Sheridan Road, Waukegan Registration: 5440 Men furnished to armed forces: 1319 Personnel : Dr. George P. Cassidy XP Dr. Chas. Joseph Foley XP Dr. John E. Freeland XP Dr. David J. Kweder XP Dr. H. J. McKean XD Raymonde Hyde RC Forest E. Jones RC Joseph V. Morrissey RC Ella Hensel C Myrtle Koehler C Harold J. Reardon C Casper Apeland M John R. Bullock M Arthur C. Fuller M Hugh M. Kelly M George Raymond Manz L William F. Wandel M Herman C. Litchfield GA Walter M. Givler GA George S. McGaughey GA Dr. Kenneth C. Beck XP Dr. Hugo Branyon XP Dr. W. C. Clark XP Dr. Roland M. Ekstrand XP Dr. John Folev XP Dr. Samuel L. Keller XP Dr. Vincent A. Lennarson XP Dr. G. J. Balbach XD Dr. E. W. Karst XD Richard W. Schuttenhelm RC Mex T. Wille RC Robert C. Winding RC Amy H. Hill C Arthur C. Holt C Gladys L. McElheny C (Continued) 433 LAKE COUNTY— Continued Advisory Board Members for Lake County Mark H. Beaubien Mortimer Binger L. Eric Carey George 0. Churchill Frank M. Daly William R. Dalziel Martin C. Decker Irving C. Deschauer Walter G. French Albert W. Froehde Rosalie Goveker John Hayes, Sr. Bernard J. Juron Hartley E. LaChapelle Max Lidschin Meredith Wesley Moody John V. Mooradian Charles NoU Willis A. Overholser George Edward Painter M. J. Pucin Joseph N. Sikes Mortimer Singer Albert T. Smith Glenn K. Seidenfeld E. C. Starbuck Harold J. Tallett LA SALLE COUNTY LA SALLE COUNTY No. 1 Location : 435 Main Street, Marseilles Registration : 5562 Men furnished to armed forces: 1313 Personnel: Royal B. Allen M Harry J. Bristoll M Daniel J. Becker M Fred B. Daggett M Lawrence L. Gast M Henry G. Kohl M Arthur P. Large M Ralph Yenerich M William H. Young M John W. Dubbs GA E. C. Van Hoorebeke GA Dr. W. M. Avery XP Dr. Paul R. Clark XP Dr. Edgar C. Cook XP Dr. W. E. Coulter XP Dr. C. C. Lawry XP Dr. E. H. Rayson XP Dr. F. A. Wiley XP Dr. Frank Blakeslee XD Dr. Ted R. Clark XD Dr. Dean Mosher XD Ralph Jacobs RC Alexander E. Wylie RC Henry E. Cerveny C Fanny W. Chapman C Teresa M. Kirbv C LA SALLE COUNTY No. 2 Location: City Hall , La Salle Registration: 7031 Men furnished to armed forces: 2529 Personnel: M. J. Faletti M Herman H. Frederick M James J. Scaliarini M William A. Shields M Bernard F. Zilinski M W. J. Aplington GA Thomas R. Clydesdale GA Dr. Otto Balanseifer XP Dr. E. J. Burke XP Dr. Edward F. Cox XP Dr. J. W. Geiger XP Dr. Aloysius F. Lenzen XP Dr. M. M. Sellett XP Dr. Leon X. Urbanowski XP Dr. O C. Yoder XP Dr. Hugh Black XD Dr. R. M. Bover XP Dr. Holmes C. Burt XD Dr. H. C. Mroczynski XD Dr. John R. Postma XD Charles W. Hoscheit RC Raymond I. McAllister RC Doris Coddington C Jeanne Domek C Frank Godawa C Rosemary Smith C (Continued) r,i LA SALLE COUNTY— Continued LA SALLE COUNTY No. 3 Location: Central Life Building, Ottawa Registration: 5888 Men furnished to armed forces: 1513 Personnel: Clarence Collins Cary M Wilford M. Hook M Burton S. Jordan M Lothrop Perkins M Frank M. Sprague M W. I. Hibbs GA Dr. D. Raymund Dwyer XP Dr. S. E. Parr, XP Dr. VitoVighi XP Dr. H. W. Hessling XD Dr. J. C. Heighway XD Ervin J. Morem RC Kathryn B. Anderson C William F. Fiesel C George H. Woolbert C LA SALLE COUNTY No. 4 Location : City Hall, Streator Registration : 5761 Men furnished to armed forces : Personnel: J. Lester Brehman M Patrick E. Carroll M Thomas F. Flesher M Angelo H. Fornero M James J. Hagerty M Richard R. Howard M Robert J. Kennell M George McGrath M Charles W. Wellman M Courtney Arthur GA Walter M. Dixon GA William D. Jones GA Arthur H. Shay GA Dr. R. I. Barickman XP 1837 Dr. D. 0. Conley XP Dr. D. R. Hanley XP Dr. H. C. Hill XP Dr. L. D. Howe XP Dr. William M. Purcell Dr. Frank E. Roe XD A. R. Patterson RC Herman Picker, Jr. RC Clarence H. Stewart RC Frances Groene C Dolores W. Kusnerik C Sam W. Plumb C Edith V. Sopher C XD Advisory Board Members for La Salle County John H. Armstrong Thomas M. Anderson Robert Ball B. 0. Berge Mary Biococchi Donald J. Bray Harold A. Butters D. J. Compeggio Joseph D. Carr Robert Carr Robert C. Carr C. B. Chapman A. Ernest Claus E. L. Connellee Joseph F. Diver Francis H. Dolan Francis T. Duncan Edgar Eldredge C. E. Fifield George J. Gleim Herman W. Grabowski Elsie Groezinger George 0. Grover Joseph T. Guerrini Elizabeth Hanley George Haegele Frank J. Harrison Stella Held C. A. Helffrich Charles W. Helmig Benjamin W. Hetherington Oscar W. Hoberg Wayne G. Hocking Lloyd H. Hoelle James D. Hurley Frank A. Jensen Elizabeth Keys Walter R. Koehler Andrew A. Koss Paul W. Lambert (Continued) 435 LA SALLE COUNTY [Advisory Board]— Continued Curtis T. Leaf Samuel McCartney David McNeilly J. E. Malone, Jr. M. D. Morahn John J. Massieon Clyde E. Mitchell Bab Morello Alay Murphy Mary O'Halloran Thomas O'Meara Rex E. Peddicord Andrew J. Percival Barbara Petz Henry X. Petz Amy Plym Ernest H. Pool Robb J. Purcell Hrayr B. Reck Parr A. Rhines Julius R. Richardson H. L. Richolson Herbert Schueler Charlotte Scanlon Verna Setinz F. L. Simmons Tom W. Smurr Harry C. Specner Russell Stephenson John Strell, Jr. Harry C. Sweger Jack Trager Earl Trobaugh C. P. Trowbridge William R. Wagner Gilbert J. Ward James L. Waring George V. B. Weeks T. Emmett White George H. Wiley George S. Wiley Roy Wilhelm Taylor E. Wilhelm Harry L. Wilmot Milly Wolff William Zwanzig LAWRENCE COUNTY LAWRENCE COUNTY No. 1 Location : County Court House, Lawrenceville Registration: 4925 Men furnished to armed forces: 1498 Personnel : Dr. L. C. Baldwin M Victor C. Buchanan M Lester E. Cook M C. P. Martin M R. E. Rominger M Roy R. Rucker M Harry S. Warner M Guy E. McGaughey G A Dr. Ralph B. Armitage XP Dr. Frank Arnold XP Dr. V. M. Brian XP Dr. E. A. Fahnestock XP Dr. W. I. Green XP Dr. Tom Kirk wood XP Dr. J. W. Montgomery XP Dr. R. F. Snider XP Dr. C. G. Stoll XP Dr. R. R. Trueblood XP Dr. D. D. Griffith XD Dr. J. J. Griffith XD A. J. Faust RC Arlie E. Pettv RC Paul L. Scott RC Robert Cain AB Lester B. Fish AB F. W. Gee AB M E. Gosnel 1AB James M. Groff AB George A. Laeke\ \ II Philip H. Lewis' AB EL M. Shaw AB Byron Sumner AB Elizabeth J. Abernathy Ada Harrolle C Arlene Parker C Alberta Pepple C Martha A. Pink^taff C 436 LEE COUNTY LEE COUNTY No. 1 Location: Armory Building, Dixon Registration: 3690 Men furnished to armed forces: 975 Personnel : William M. Loftus M Joseph R. Fitzsimmons M Dwight C. Rolph M John I. Sheaffer M Frank R. Weidman M Robert L. Bracken GA Elwin M. Bunnell GA Edward A. Jones GA Elwin S. Wadsworth GA Dr. R. L. Baird XP Dr. H. M. Edwards XP Dr. J. M.Lund XP Dr. H. S. McCall XP Dr. H. J. McCoy XP Dr. G. S. McShane XP Dr. A. F. Moore XP Dr. S. P. Stackhouse XP Dr. J. B. Werren XP Dr. L. R.Evans XD Rae A. Arnould RC W. E. Beanblossom RC Jeanne E. Friel C Albert Ruggles C Adeline E. Smith C LEE COUNTY No. 2 Location: 222 East Maine Streets Amboy Registration : 3693 Men furnished to armed forces: 939 Personnel : John Joseph Haas M Gerald Jones M James H. Knetsch M George L. Spangler M Frank J. Vaessen M Cuve M. Glosser GA Walter W. Stevens GA Edward M. Sullivan GA Dr. Edwin F. Baker XP Dr. I. E. Bartlett XP Dr. S. C. Fleming XP Dr. Clifford Hartman XP Dr. Edgar T. Hauser XD Dr. E. A. Sullivan XP Dr. Gene A. Sullivan XP Dr. W. L. Berryman XD Oscar Berga RC Ralph W. Ruckman RC Rita Kathleen Brady C Earl B. Carlson C Jeanne E. Long C Advisory Board Members for Lee County John J. Armstrong Warren H. Badger James E. Bales John M. Buckley John P. Devine George C. Dixon John Dixon Sherwood Dixon James Dubbs Grover W. Gehant L. S. Griffith A. G. Harris A. H. Hanneken Edward A. Jones Mark C. Keller William A. Keho John M. Keay Fremont M. Kaufman Albert N. Kennedy Edwin W. Merrick Ruth Levdig Merrick John W. Mills Anna M. Moore Morey C. Pires James C. Ryan Lloyd Scriven J. 0. Shaulis Clyde Smith Daniel Sullivan William T. Terrill Henry C. Warner E. E. Wingert William H. Winn Charles E. Yale Gertrude C. Youngman 437 LIVINGSTON COUNTY LIVINGSTON COUNTY No. 1 Location : Sterry Building, Pontiac Registration: 3781 Men furnished to armed forces: 930 Personnel: George Chappie M Joseph E. Geary M Robert R. Kirkton M Sam B. Lannon M Elmer Magee M Fred Mortland M Chester D. Pierce M H. A. Tallett M S. G. Turner M J. Kenneth Johnson GA F. A. Ortman GA Dr. J. G. Barnhizer XP Dr. L. H. Neff XP Dr. Homer L. Parkhill XP Dr. E. V. Wilcox XP Dr. G. H.Fitz XD Dr. C. L. Lehman RC Clement J. Steichen RC Mary Jane Lewis C Harold A. Lovingfoss C Harriet M. Murphy C LIVINGSTON COUNTY No. 2 Location: Sterry Building, Pontiac Registration: 4419 Men furnished to armed forces : 1243 Personnel: Dr. Thomas J. Boner M William J. Eggleston M Perry Keck M John D. Monahan M Fred Rieger M Leon M. Shugart M L. W. Tuesburg M Reid R. Tombaugh M Chester Crabtree GA Dr. E. G. Beatty XP Dr. 0. L. Bettag XP Dr. Paul A. Gannon XP Dr. Otis H. Law XP Dr. W. A. Marshal XP Dr. C. A. Alcorn XD Dr. E. L. Wilmoth XD Dr. F. H. Miller XD Roy G. Hershey RC Perry J. Keck RC Albert B. Koehler RC Eugenia Hansbrough C Helen M. Jobst C Walter G. Roeder C Advisory Board Members for Livingston County C. J. Ahern C. J. Ahern, Jr. Neale Hanley Jesse J. Herr P. C. James John H. McFadden R. M. Niven L. B. Orr R. B. Phillips Ray Sesler E. A. Simmons Francis T. Walsh Clair Westervelt 438 LOGAN COUNTY LOGAN COUNTY No. 1 Location: County Court House, Lincoln Registration: 5928 Men furnished to armed forces: 1530 Personnel : Noah L. Gordon M Frank Tyler House M Merle Houston M James R. McMath M George L. Meister M Richard C. Patton M Irvin G. Pemberton M Fredl. Edgell GA C. Everett Smith GA Dr. N. A. Balding XP Dr. Donald M. Barringer XP Dr. Carl F. Becker XP Dr. Carl B. Bradburn XP Dr. L. Roy Branom XP Dr. W. W. Coleman XP Dr. G. S. Connelly XP Dr. Chester Davis XP Dr. A. M. Drummy XP Dr. E. C. Gaffney XP Dr. LeeN. Hamm XP Dr. F. M. Hagans XP Dr. Russell Lynn Ijams XP Dr. Joseph M. Knochel XP Dr. Boyd Perry XP Dr. Wallace B. Perry XP Dr. Wayne J. Schall XP Dr. Robert N. Trapp XP Dr. W. Lowell Branom XD Dr. Deane E. Doolen XD Dr. J. W. Maher XD Dr. H. C. Sunkel XD Harold Heinle RC James W. McGrath RC Lloyd F. Arnold AB R. Marlin Baker AB Buford B. Beaver AB Luther Dearborn AB William S. Ellis AB Charles J. Gehlbach AB C. Marvin Hamilton AB D. H. Harts AB Homer B. Harris AB Richard R. Humphrey AB Dean Hill AB Uri Kissinger AB Lyman S. Mangas AB Leland P. Miller AB Edwin C. Mills AB Dean C. Montgomery AB George J. Smith AB Lawrence B. Stringer AB H. F. Trapp, Sr. AB C.H.Woods AB Stanley Woods AB Evan Worth AB Noah L. Gordon C Mary Kelly C Margaret Ann Tatro C MCDONOUGH COUNTY MCDONOUGH COUNTY No. 1 Location: Gumbart Building, Macomb Registration: 5972 Men furnished to armed forces: 1561 Personnel : Howard Bennett M Carence J. Good M Archie Lance M Ted E. Myers M G. EarlRaby M H. Dewey Ewing GA James C. Gumbart GA Wallace A. Walker GA Dr. S.S.Allen XP Dr. George Knappenberger XP Dr. C. P. McRaven XP Dr. S. J. Maydet XP Dr. R. F. Millet XP Dr. George F. Ritchey XP Dr. Frank Russell XP Dr. H. I. Stubblefield XP Dr. C. L. Weston XP Dr. C. D. Eshleman XD Dr. C. P. Jackson XD Hjalmar E. Larson RC Rex S. Lomax RC Clarence Paulsgrove RC Leonard C. Berry AB T. Otis Brown AB (Continued) 439 McDONOUGH COUNTY— Continued Dan J. Curran AB T. M. Downing AB Everett L. Falder AB George A. Falder AB John L. Fisher AB C. E. Flack AB Charles W. Flack AB E. D. Grigsby AB C. G. Gumbart AB Edwin L. Harris AB William R. Harris AB George B. Kerman AB Rufus E. Lybarger AB Ira J. O'Hara AB Keith F.Scott AB T. Ernest Switzer AB Theodore B. Switzer AB Fred B. Bennett AB William M. Carroll AB Hugh A. Deneen AB Floyd E. Eckert AB Charles H. Francis AB Roswell B. O'Hara AB My ma Hanan C Betty J. Nessel C Maxine H. Stewart C Dorothy Stump C MCHENRY COUNTY MCHENRY COUNTY No. 1 Location: I.O.O.F. Building, Woodstock Registration : 4854 Men furnished to armed forces: 1214 Personnel : Thomas P. Bolger M Richard C. Burton M Charles H. Doolittle M Donald H. Kingsley M W. W. Meyer M Lester T. Peacock M Andrew VanderVeen M Paul William Jevne GA James J. McCauley GA Dr. J. F. Harris XP Dr. R. G. Johnson XP Dr. C. W. Klontz XP Dr. H. J. Schmid XP Dr. Norman L. Seelye Dr. John M. Warren XP Dr. L. L. Metcalf XD Dr. Frank M. Connell XD Dr. L. B. Murphy XD William R. Cairns RC Harold Hyde RC Neva Baseley C Sanford A. Howard C Edna E. Steadman C MC HENRY COUNTY No. 2 Location: 108 East Jackson, Woodstock Registration: 5924 Men furnished to armed forces: 1428 Personnel: Rov H. Carpenter M Wayne John Colahan M Frank J. Green M Tra B. Reed M Henry W. Sandeen M John E. White M W. H. Williams M David R. Joslyn GA Don A. Wicks GA Dr. O. E. Nelson XP Dr. George H. Pfleuger XP Dr. \. S. Romberger XP Dr. Glenn E. Wright XP Dr. Bernard Morgan XD Harry G. Abraham RC William R. Copley RC George E. Sullivan RC Dorothy J. Berg C Rettie Francisco C Margaret J. Stamats C Theodore L. Hauler Thomas V. Houlihan Advisory Board Members for Mrllenry County Frederick R. Kelley 440 MCLEAN COUNTY MCLEAN COUNTY No. 1 Location : 220 West Jefferson Street, Bloomington Registration : 5309 Men furnished to armed forces: 1275 Personnel : Dr. W. B. Eaton M Timothy Enright M Mark Fruin M James Herman M Thomas Harold Kinsella George A. Kraus M William J. O'Hara M Chalmer C. Taylor GA Wayne C. Townley GA Dr. F. W. Brian XP Dr. Frank Deneen XP Dr. Henry W. Grote XP Dr. Walter E. Scott XP M Dr. Guy E. Seymour XP Dr. Howard P. Sloan XP Dr. Carlton E. Wittenberg Dr. H. C. Brown XD Dr. D. E. Hulvey XD Dr. Lynn H. TenEyck XD Dr. J. E. Willman XD Clarence A. Burner RC W. C. Goddard RC William T. Skinner RC Doris M. Marc C George L. Morris C Roy E. Taylor C XP MCLEAN COUNTY No. 2 Location : 220 West Jefferson Street, Bloomington Registration : 4044 Men furnished to armed forces: 1010 Personnel: J. Warner Carlyle M Alvadore Dennis M Lee M. DeVary M Miles C. Grizzelle M Carl M. Mount M Claude Murphy M Roy A. Ramseyer GA Dr. Ellis Bonnell XP Dr. Fred M. Bryan XP Dr. A. J. Casner XP Dr. C. A. Conklin XP Dr. G. E. Hartenbower XP Dr. G. Bradley McNeely XP Dr. James C. McNutt XP Dr. Albert Meyer XP Dr. Ralph Peairs XP Dr. D. D. Raber XP Dr. Edward C. Williams Dr. Leroy Yolton XP Dr. R. W. McLean XD Dr. Albert W. Peterson Dr. George W. Sargeant Dr. A. D. Shaffer XD Dr. William F. Watson Oscar R. Bebout RC Arthur S. Smith RC Viola I. Behrend C Mary Katherine Moore C XP XD XD XD (Continued) 441 McLEAN COUNTY— Continued BLOOMINGTON CITY No. 1 Location: 220 West Jefferson Street, Bloomington Registration: 7720 Men furnished to armed forces: 1999 Personnel: Clay Dooley M Ham- Kimball Dick M Dr. L K. P. Hawks M Arthur P. Kane M Roy V. Martin M Fred G.Paul M Charles A. Stephenson M Shelton B. Leach GA James C. Riley GA Dr. Orville Abbott XP Dr. W. H. Atkinson XP Dr. C. R. Ahroon, Jr. XP Dr. Ray Baxter XP Dr.G.M. Cline XP Dr. Homer 0. Dolley XP Dr. Joseph N. Elliott XP Dr. Benjamin Markowitz XP Dr. Robert G. Price XP Dr. Edwin Rypins XP Dr. G. W. Stephenson XP Dr. E. M. Stevenson XP Dr. Harold R. Watkins XP Dr. A. G. Orendorff XD Dr. T. A. Rost XD Bernard T. Grimes RC Warren F. Shult RC Maureen M. Dawson C Carlton E. Forker C Helen M. Miller C Pauline T. Turner C Advisorv Board Members for McLean Countv L. Earl Bach William J. Bach Arlo E. Bane Thomas M. Barger, Jr. Edward Barry Clifford N. Coolidge Will F. Costigan David Davis, Jr. Ralph C. DeMange Earl R. DePew James T. Dolan Homer English Birney F. Fleming George K. Foster B. A. Franklin Homer Hall J. Oscar Hall Frank 0. Hanson Ralph J. Heffernan Jesse E. Hoffman Oscar G. Hoose Raymond H. Imig Beulah E. Irvin Charles Kane Loren B. Lewis James A. Light E. W. Oglevee Wendell E. Oliver Carter Pietsch Horace I. Pratt R. H. Quisenberry Chester Thomason Robert C. Underwood Bernard Wall Thomas S. Weldon Louis L. Williams Dewev Montgomery Fred W. Wollrab Branson Wright Walter A. Yoder 112 MACON COUNTY MACON COUNTY No. 1 Location: County Building, Decatur Registration : 6351 Men furnished to armed forces: 1695 Personnel : Baxter B. Brown M Herman E. Eagler M S. W. McCarthy M Martin J. Myers M Carl Pritchett M Robert Earl Sadler M John R. Fitzgerald GA Ivan J. Hutchens GA Byron M. Merris GA Dr. C. Roy Johnston XP Dr. W. S. Monroe XD Fay Ickes RC William C. Storey RC Charles E. Bradley C Frederick E. Brimline C Amiel H.Weber C DECATUR CITY No. 1 Location : County Building, Decatur Registration: 7802 Men furnished to armed forces : 2268 Personnel: Roy M. Black M S. J. Bradfield M George McKinley Grandfield Lee D. Pigott M Phil H. Sproat M John W. Evans GA C.A. McMillen GA Dr. John C. Ellis XP Dr. Frank C. Greider XP Dr. George W. Haan, Jr. XP Dr. John J. Hopkins XP M Dr. F. G. Irwin XP Dr. C. Rainer Smith XP Dr. V. T. Turley XP Dr. Orville Wilhelmy XP Dr. U. R. Wilson XP Dr. T. J. Campbell XD Dr. L. H. Dodd XD Raymond 0. Augur RC Lawrence Rotz RC Mary S. Anderson C Leora Beery C DECATUR CITY No. 2 Location: County Building, Decatur Registration : 6739 Men furnished to armed forces: 1975 Personnel : Henry S. Fulks M Phillip L. Hohrein M Laurence L. Lindsay M Ernest J. Loftus M Paul B. Lyon M Edgar Allen GA Stocks W. Williams GA Dr. A. F. Goodvear XP Dr. William F. Hubble XP Dr. Cecil M. Jack XP Dr.A.A. Mertz XP Dr. Ralph G. Mills XP Dr. M.E.Rose XP Dr. Otis Stanlev XP Dr. C. Martin Wood XP Dr. Clavton E. Woodward XP Dr. H. S. Alsip XD Dr. H. L. Freidinger XD Edward T. Condon, Sr. RC Ernest J. Kilborn RC Frank M. Tennev, Jr. RC Frank E. Walker RC Paul F. Marshall C Waunita Euvonne Tabbert C (Continued) 443 MACON COUNTY [Decatur Board No. 2]— Continued Macon County Advisory Board Members James G. Allen Thomas H. Armstrong Fannie A. Bivans Arthur Delahunty W. Poyntelle Downing Kenneth Evans Noble Ferguson Roy B. Foster Horace B. Garman Gus T. Greanias J. Howard Helmick James E. Henson A. Lewis Hull A. Ralph Ivens Edwin Jokisch, Jr. Bruce M. Jones Edward A. Krebaum Orlando Kuhle J. R. Larson Fred Leach Charles E. Lee Perley Lupton Virgil McGowan Clive C. Martin Walker H. Mills Martin E. Morthland Robert N. Patterson Fletcher C. Ransom Roscoe W. Redmon William M. Rice Joseph Rosenberg Emanuel Rosenberg Wayne Schroeder H. C. Shults Paul Smallwood Elbert S. Smith George Walden George H. Waller A. G. Webber, Jr. Merrill F. Wehmhoff Lawrence C. Wheat James T. Whitley, Jr. E. V. Wierman S. Everett Wilson Lynn Woollen MACOUPIN COUNTY MACOUPIN COUNTY No. 1 Location: Burton Building, Carlinville Registration : 4744 Men furnished to armed forces: 1367 Personnel: George R. Hammann M John McCann M Robert C. Moore M Thomas H. Ryan M John Schoettler M V. Earl Starr M S. 0. Smith, Jr. GA Dr. F. E. Anspaugh XP Dr. R.H.Bell XP Dr. S. M. Blunk XP Dr. E. R. Chamness XP Dr. J. H.Davis XP Herbert Bowyer RC Dr. H. R. Finney XP Dr. O.J. Gause XP Dr. W. A. Knoop XP Dr. J. B. Liston XP Dr. W. W. Lusk XP Dr. R. H. Rutherford XP Dr. John R. Sharp XP Dr. I. H. Bernhardt XD Dr. A. E. Seymour XD Dr. Harold W. Stephenson Michael L. Cruise RC 0. 0. Mowery RC Wilma Bates C Pauline Milkovich C XD (Continued) 444 MACOUPIN COUNTY— Continued MACOUPIN COUNTY No. 2 Location: First National Bank Building, Benld Registration : 5645 Men furnished to armed forces : 1 789 Personnel: Charles E. Edwards M Thomas Elliman M W.H.Mercer M Joseph W. Rizzie M Theodore Whitehouse M James H. Murphy GA Dr. G. A. Floreth XP Dr. E. R. Hobson XP Dr. A. Harry Hunter XP Dr. Patrick B. O'Connell Dr. E. F. Sullivan XP Dr. D. J. Zerbolio XP Dr. E. H. Krekeler XD Dr. George Oehler XD Gene Wiegand RC William A. Heien C Geraldine O'Neil C XP Advisory Board Members for Macoupin County H. H. Cox E. D. George L. M. Harlan Carl J. Lane John P. Madden Fred N. Mayer Lucile J. Murphy E. R. Phelps Lewis Rinaker Michael F. Seyfrit H. V. Stutsman MADISON COUNTY MADISON COUNTY No. 1 Location: Edwardsville National Bank Building, Edwardsville Registration: 7841 Men furnished to armed forces : 2087 Personnel : Theodore L. Bollman M William G. Burroughs M Frank Godfrey M George Hardbeck M Joseph H. Ladd M William H. Schmidt M J. L. Simpson GA Arnold W. Steiner GA Dr. R. S. Barnsback XP Dr. William E. Delicate XP Dr. Edward Ferguson XP Dr. Joseph A. Hirsch XP Dr. Robert Holcombe XP Dr. Joseph T. Maher XP Dr. Earl S. Meloy XP Dr. J. R. Sutter XP Dr. Eugene F. Wahl XP Dr. H. E. Wharff XP Dr. E. L. Burroughs XD Jesse R. Brown RC E. A. Delicate RC Fred Pfeiffer RC Dorothy T. Burroughs C Dorothy Fink C Ralph M. Kearney C (Continued) 445 MADISON COUNTY— Continued MADISON COUNTY No. 2 Location : 30 Wood River Avenue, Wood River Registration: 9288 Men furnished to armed forces: 2419 Personnel: Ernest V. Giehl M Harry Ringering M Paul J. Schleeper M William R. Stoneham M William E. Wolf M L. H.Holland GA William P. Boynton GA Dr. L. D. Archer XP Dr. Lyle L. Baker XP Dr. J. J. Corbin XP Dr. Leo H. Konzen XP Dr. Zoda D. Lumley XP Dr. G. L. McKinney XP Dr. H. A. Mittleman XP Dr. H. P. Morgan XP Dr.E. R. Quinn XP Dr. W. J. Reuter XP Dr. B. L. Roberson XP Dr. W. V. Roberson XP Dr. Maurice WoU XP Dr. S. H. Allen XD Dr. Don F. Morgan XD Dr. W. F. Witthofft XD Richard P. Coffeen RC Taylor B. Elliott RC Mabel D. Barnhart C William E. Nixon C Everett L. Swaby C MADISON COUNTY No. 3 Location: Post Office Building, Collinsville Registration: 8812 Men furnished to armed forces : 2677 Personnel: Robert F. Campbell M Treffie Cox M Arthur 0. Graff M Eliot C. Long M Edward S. Nicol M Raymond H. Burroughs GA Joseph F. Snodgrass GA Mathew L. Welch GA Dr. W.W.Brown XP Dr. H. M. Crevens XP Dr. Philip M. Dale XP Dr. Edward H. Droege XP Dr. Robert H. Greeves XP Dr. Gabriel Halyama XP Dr. M. W. Harrison XP Dr. Ewald E. Herman XP Dr. Joseph W. Kempff XP Dr. R. E. Kraft XP Dr. Edgar G. Merwin XP Dr. Eugene F. Moore XP Dr. John Henry Phillips XP Dr. Joseph A. Scopelite XP Dr. J. H. Siegel XP Dr. Edward H. Theis XP Dr. J. L. Verneuil XP Dr. R. E. Baumann XD Dr. L. W. Cohlmeyer XD Dr. T. P. Francis XD Dr. M.C.Green XD Dr. J. C. Proctor XD Everett B. Burroughs RC Leslie E. Sutton RC George E. Thomas RC James C. Wallace RC William E. Campbell C Jeanette R. Grada C Paul D. Phipps C (Continued) 446 MADISON COUNTY— Continued ALTON CITY No. 1 Location : 200 East Broadway, Alton Registration: 9572 Men furnished to armed forces: 2915 Personnel: William B. Berfgeld M Thomas W. Butler M Nathaniel R. Farley M William 0. Hays M Fred A. Noblitt M John Alexander Ryrie M W. J. Chapman GA M.E. Newell GA Dr. R. M. Cruzat XP Dr. Edward W. Enos XP Dr. J. Barnard Hastings XP Dr. H. P. McCruistion XP Dr. T. W. Miller XP Dr. C. C. Potter XP Dr. A. P. Robertson XP Dr. J. W. Coleman XD Dr.W.W.Emons XD Dr. E. T. Gallagher XD Dr.F.M.Kane XD George J. Noll RC Leo F. Fitzgerald C Shirley L. Miles C Louise Nixon C GRANITE CITY No. 1 Location : City Hall, Granite City Registration : 6771 Men furnished to armed forces: 2115 Personnel: Harry Grotjahn M Chester F. Moore M L. 0. Reading M William F. Smith M Fern B. Stein M Ellsworth Wade M Carl D. Forth GA Roscoe Forth GA Leonard S. Hopkins GA Dr. E. M. Arnovitz XP Dr. R. W. Binney XP Dr. Willis W. Bower XP Dr. Fred Elmore XD Dr. E. K. Vickers XD OlvaR. Odum RC David H. Kendall RC Adeline M. Dishong C Sylvia F. Turner C Berniece B. Williams C Advisory Board Members for Madison County Ross E. Armbruster Marvin Barnes August H. Beiser I. T. Bennett Herman Bockstruck Alvin C. Bohm Gilson Brown Oren D. Buchanan Arthur Buehlmann C. W. Burton Wilma C. Busse Clyde V. Campbell Otis Connerly Gladys Rose Connors John B. Coppinger Keith Cox Mary Daly Cecil Dant Paul D. Davey Wilbur L. Deatherage C. Dana Eastman Henry B. Eaton George W. Edwards John F. Eeck T. P. Eggmann, Jr. Charles C. Ellison Harry Faulkner J. L. Fechte W. J. Franklin E. A. Friedman H. C. Garrett Richard F. Gates Irene W. Giberson Mary Grothjahn Frank C. Haddleton Ramona W. Harris M. E. Hayden Paul Herren (Continued) 447 MADISON COUNTY [Advisory Board]— Continued Perry Hiles Merlin Hiscot Karl K. Hoagland Walter S. Holtgreve Edward G. Holzweg A. N. Homan H. J. Homann R. H. Hord Thelma Hutti D. G. Hyle Virgil M. Jacoby Lester P. John J. W. Kelly Simon Kellermann, III W. R. Kearney Harry A. Kluege George H. Koopman W. C. Korte Evelyn M. Lemmon George A. Lochmann Wesley Lueders A. W. McBride Herbert V. McCoy W. F. McDaniel E. L. Maher Francis J. Manning Jolly L. Medler J. J. Middleton E. J. Miller John A. Miller George Moran A. J. Mueller Manley J. Oden J. B. Ogg Schaefer O'Neill L. D. Palmer Harry W. Patton Harold J. Preble Lois B. Reilly Albert B. Reinsch Robert L. Robins Charles A. Rogier Jesse C. Root Gilbert Rosch Edgar L. Schalter Claude E. Schildnecht Albert H. Schott Edward Schnurr Fred Schuman Henry J. Schurman William Shea Ralph T. Smith F. E. Springer Joseph C. Steele I. H. Streeper, III Robert H. Streeper J. P. Streuber E. T. Strong Arthur Sullivan W. H. Thomas Wilbur A. Trares Herman J. Trentsch F. E. Trares Robert W. Tunnell Donald B. Warnock Vernon A. Welker C. W. Wightman Carl A. Wilbert William H. Wille Walter W. Wood MARION COUNTY MARION COUNTY No. 1 Location: Court House, Salem Registration: 7166 Men furnished to armeil forces: 1832 Personnel: George Carneal M Clem D. Doolen M Jean T. McMackin M John R. McNeill M Virgil E. Musgrove M A. M. Wilson M John L. Kagy GA Charles Wham GA Dr. C. H. Black XP Dr. S. D. Carrigan XP Dr. George P. Dougherty XP Dr. W.N.Hamilton XP Dr. Maurice T. Horsman XI* Dr. Fritz C. Katzenstein XP Dr. Thomas D. Laney Dr. H.L.Logan XP Dr. M. Rothenberg XP Dr. Herbert E. Sehoonover Dr. C. F.Hampton XD Ivan T. Howe RC Leon R. Rhodes RC David P.Ryan RC Herschel Young Stormenl Lorin V. Cope C Gretchen I. Evans C Mary Ethel Hays C Kathryn M. Webb C XP RC (Continued) m MARION COUNTY— Continued MARION COUNTY No. 2 Location: Hoffman Building, Centralia Registration: 6178 Men furnished to armed forces : 1 778 Personnel : Earl J. Bergundthal M Claude M. Davis M Troy W. Clarida M Charles F. Frank M Norman Hoffman M Sevearn D. Phillips M Dr. T. W. Rice M Earl Telford M Orville L. Wollard GA Dr. Ben H. Barbour XP Dr. F. M. Edwards XP Dr. W. H. Gambill XP Dr. H. D. Gillette XP Dr. J. Carl Hall XP Dr. E. E. Holloway XP Dr. Herbert J. Levine XP Dr. Percy C. May XP Dr. W. F. Plassman XP Dr. Samuel S. Rosenblum XP Dr. 0. M. Sanders XP Dr. H. E. Snow XP Dr. A. L. Spiller XP Dr. E. F. Stephens, Jr. XP Dr.G. N.Welch XP Dr. Roy R. Baldridge XD Dr. F. M. Shupert XD Dr. M. A. Hicks RC C. O. Lowery RC Jack Reading RC Grace W. Hubbard C Marion Kelly C John A. Tunks C Mae Lucille Williams C Advisory Board Members for Marion County J. Paul Allen Allan L. Bostwick Glendon Hodson John L. Kagy William A. Miller W. G. Murphey Hugh V. Murray, Jr. Rudolph F. Niblo Clifford M. Raemer W. H. Redeker John Page Wham Eugene H. White Basil Wilson Russell Wilson MARSHALL COUNTY MARSHALL COUNTY No. 1 Location: County Court House, Lacon Registration : 3208 Men furnished to armed forces : 840 Personnel : Charles Kuhlman M Ray B. Litchfield M Robert N. Turnbull M Adolph T. Uebler M Forrest Wood M Robert A. Barnes GA Dr. Benjamin Q. Dysart XP Dr. T. C. Coggeshall XP Dr. N.J. Vespa XD Dr. J. H. Siegfried XP Dr. A. E. Peterson XP Walter M. Head RC Carlon V. W. Cronkrite Leo B. Walsh RC B.K.Brown AB Donald M. Gregg AB Walter C. Overbeck AB 0. B. Pace, Jr. AB Virginia L. Allen C Florence J. Howell ( ! RC 449 MASON COUNTY MASON COUNTY No. 1 Location: Central Illinois State Bank Building, Mason City- Registration: 3545 Men furnished to armed forces: 878 Personnel: W. Howard Ainsworth M Fred C. Cargill M Ray Carpenter M Herman A. Glick M Robert E. Lee M Robert L. McNeill GA Lyle R. Wheeler GA Dr.D.V.Auld XP Dr. H. 0. Rogier XP Dr. Charles Stubenrauch, Sr. XP Dr. A. E.Lyon XD Loren K. Himmel RC Olin Kennedy RC Raymond L. Copper AB William M. Coppel AB John S. Gaw AB Kenneth H. Lemmer AB Thomas A. Street AB Richard Velde AB Guy R. Williams AB Dora Ann Hibbard C Joe G. Stith C Mary Wharram C MASSAC COUNTY MASSAC COUNTY No. 1 Location: County Court House, Metropolis Registration : 3672 Men furnished to armed forces: 1170 Personnel: Walter R. Liggett M John A. Bourland M Arthur Crider M Henry H. Humma M Oscar Oakes M William H. Westerman M Roy R. Helm GA Grover E. Holmes GA Dr. George F. Cummins XP Dr. V. 0. Decker XP Dr. James A. Ward XP Dr. J. J. Goodall XD Dr. W. G. McCall XD S.F.Chase RC Lindell W. Sturgis RC Robert H. Chase AB Walter Roberts AB Carl H. Smith AB David A. Dejarnett C Helen Frances Lawrence Mary McDaniel C MENARD COUNTY MENARD COUNTY No. 1 Location: County Court House, Petersburg Registration: 2511 Men furnished to armed forces: 581 Personnel: Homer Austill M Byron L. Downing M Elton D. Ennis M Chester Arthur McDole M Archie E. McDonald M William Ramsey M Neville A. Shipley M Lane H. Sowers M Clarence C. Stier M Walter H. Thomas M Arthur W. Lilienstein GA Dr. B. D. Epling XP Dr. H. P. Moulton XP Dr. Irving Newcomer XP Dr. T.V. Plews XP Dr. Travis M. Scott XP Dr. P.G.White XD Edward F. Claussen RC Frank E. Blane AB Henry E. Pond AB Virgil 0. Whipp AB Ross A. Nance RC Anne Abbott C Glenna Ortgessen C ]M) MERCER COUNTY MERCER COUNTY No. 1 Location : County Court House, Aledo Registration: 4082 Men furnished to armed forces : 928 Personnel: Oscar E. Carlstrom M Meredith H. Davis M Albert L. McCreight M Jim T. McGaughy M Fred N.Stark M John Turley M Lorin Willits M James A. Allen GA Dr. Martin Conway XP Dr. Victor A. McClanahan XP Dr. Fred J. Rathbun XP Dr. R. W. E. Spreng XP Dr. M. M. Marquis XD Stuart J. Boultinghouse RC Lowell Charles Headley RC C. D. Lawson RC Gladys Felton AB Paul J. Graham AB George 0. Hebel AB Dale G. Ives AB Virgil C. Lutrell AB Vern H. Moberg AB A.D.Moody AB Stanton H. Prentiss AB Joseph L. Proctor AB Bonnie Detwiler C Helen I. Stephens C Lois J. Vance C Kathleen Sweeney C MONROE COUNTY MONROE COUNTY No. 1 Location: County Court House, Waterloo Registration : 3256 Men furnished to armed forces : 91 7 Personnel : Burr S. Goodman M Albert H. Hoffman M Arthur F. Kolmer M R. C. Kunz M C. B. Morrison M Robert T. Mudd M Herman F. Taake M Harry E. Jackson GA Dr. R. William Jost XP Dr.J. A.Werth XP Dr. A. H. Hotz XD Dr. J. P. McConnell XD Clarence W. Hoffman RC George W. Miller RC C. A. Brucker AB Chester J. Dillon AB Russell R. Gregson AB C. A. Hacker AB Albert G. Quernheim AB Nolan A. Rosan AB Ferd Schmitz AB Leo A. Weilbacher AB Edgar 0. Zimmer AB Otis J. Rexroth C Clara Rippelmeyer C Edith C. Volkert C 451 MONTGOMERY COUNTY MONTGOMERY COUNTY No. 1 Location: 102 Y 2 South Main Street, Hillsboro Registration: 4356 Men furnished to armed forces: 1297 Personnel: Roy N. Cloyd M W. Walter Davis M Leo A. Heise M Joel W. Laws M Arthur E. Price M William B. Seymour M Willis B. Sturgeon M Paul McWilliams GA Lester K. Vandever GA Dr. J. W.Adams XP Dr. Fred W. Barry XP Dr. L.S.Brown XP Dr. E. T. Douglas XP Dr. Ross W. Griswold XP Dr. George Hess XP Dr. G. A. Sihler, Jr. XP Dr. George A. Telfer XP Dr. Harry A. Yaeger XP Dr. H. L. Granier XD Dr. Frank Mansfield XD Dr. J. M. Patton XD Walter R. Adkisson RC Charles A. Napier RC Harold S. Blizzard C Mary E. May C Jessie Marie Roper C Mary J. Sidwell C MONTGOMERY COUNTY No. 2 Location: 102\<> South Main Street, Hillsboro Registration: 3294 Men furnished to armed forces : 903 Personnel: Edgar A. Arnold M Philip A. Bowers M Guy E. Lewis M Ben H. Lohman M Irba I. Seale M Ike Smith M Otto E. Funk GA M. J. Brown GA Dr. H. F. Bennett XP Dr. William T. Douglas Dr. C. R. Driskell XP Dr. J. M. Hoyt XP Dr. J. R. Rebillot XP Dr. Charles W. Vaughn Dr. W. H. Scherer XD Dr. A. E. Sihler XD XP XP Dr. E. B. Strange XD James Hilt RC LeRoy Kessinger RC Luther Battles AB Herbert W.Dey AB Dwight Kinder AB Harry C. Miller AB Martin S. Morgan AB Omer Poos AB Victor C. Singler AB George Spengel AB Robert C. White AB J.D.Wilson AB Marian Jett C Ada H. Merritt C 452 MORGAN COUNTY MORGAN COUNTY No. 1 Location: 301 West State Street, Jacksonville Registration: 3146 Men furnished to armed forces: 930 Personnel: Frank P. Cleary M Charles Clifton Davis M Carl E. Filson M C. P. Hedrick M GlenC. Hickle M Harry K. Hobaker M J. Miller Keplinger M Stanley Post M Harry Stringer M Arthur C. Wilson M Walter Bellatti GA Dr. PaulAllyn XP Dr. Walter Allyn XP Dr. Carl E. Black XP Dr. Ellsworth Black XP Dr. Harold S. Bowman XP Dr. F. A. Causey XP Dr. George L. Drennan XP Dr. Walter L. Frank Dr. William James Martin XP Dr. H. C. Woltmann XP Dr. A. G.Wolfe XP Dr. H. N. Knight XD Dr. W. B. Young, Jr. XD H. C. Duewer RC Commodore P. Hedrick RC Ira P. Story RC Marian Marie Botkin C Mary Emma Flynn C Anna C. Strandberg C MORGAN COUNTY No. 2 Location: 301 West State Street, Jacksonville Registration : 4040 Men furnished to armed forces: 1110 Personnel : Merle Cain M Leo S. Johnson M Estelle E. Neff M Carl E. Newport Glenn E. Skinner Edward J. Flynn Robert C. Gasen Carl E. Robinson Dr. E. D. Canatsey M M GA GA GA XP Dr. William Percy Duncan XP Dr. Friedrich Engelbach XP Dr. T. O. Hardesty XP Dr. Paul Hartley XP Dr. Vincent R. Lenth XP Dr. W. H. Newcomb XP Dr. F. A. Norris XP Dr. R. M. Norris XP Dr. A. M. Paisley XP Dr. J. Allen Biggs XD Dr. H. L. New XD John W. Larson RC Winfred E. Marine RC Frank A. Robinson RC Leavitt C. Arnold AB W.R. Bellatti AB Edward W. Cleary AB Paul Fenstermaker AB Bruce Thomson AB William E. Thomson AB C. F. Wemple AB Roy V. Wilson AB William T. Wilson AB Oscar C. Zachary AB William P. Zachary AB Frances L. Robinson C Kenneth Woods C Emily Rose Zeller C 453 MOULTRIE COUNTY MOULTRIE COUNTY No. 1 Location: County Court House, Sullivan Registration: 3086 Men furnished to armed forces : 838 Personnel: Max A. Cummins M Ralph C. Emel M Jay T. Foley M Russell Freesh M Orville Hogue M Charles E. McFerrin M Elmer Mcllwain M L. W. McMullin M Daniel L. Reedy M Lester Rushing M Roy E. Smith M Robert F. White GA Dr. W. B. Kilton XP Dr. J. F. Lawson XP Dr. G. E. Harshman XD Dr. D. M. Butler XD Owen Hutchison RC George A. Roney RC A. A. Brown AB Glen R. Cooper AB S. Donald Crowell AB Fred F. Ledbetter AB J. L. McLaughlin AB Robert W. Martin AB R. D. Meeker AB Francis W. Purvis AB Rodney A. Scott AB Albert Walker AB Marion Watson AB Frank L. Wolf AB Paul L. Chipps C Roberta Lucile McPheeters Fern E. Sams C OGLE COUNTY OGLE COUNTY No. 1 Location: Court House, Oregon Registration : 7066 Men furnished to armed forces: 1769 Personnel: Dr. G. M. Abbott M Solomon E. Avey M John L. Cecco M Ralph J. Hess M Harold V. Huleguard M Judson M. Perry M John Schroeder M Robert Sheaff M E. R. Tigan M Frank B. Wilson M Martin V. Peterman GA Dr. A. R. Bogue XP Dr. C. Spencer Bond XP Dr. M. S. DuMont XP Dr. Nate Izbicky XP Dr. W. E. Kittler XP Dr. Grant M. Kloster XP Dr. L. R. McDanicl XP Dr. C. H. Schaller XP Dr.F. E. Schon XP Dr. H. J. Stengel XP Dr. Lambertus Warmolls XP Dr. R. J. Coggeshall XD Dr. Henry L. H.ftv XD Horace H. Etnyre RC D. E. Warren RC Robert M. Brand AB F. W. Burchell AB Wilbur P. Cooper AB Martin H. Eakle AB Gerald W. Fearer AB Gerald K. Garard AB Fred E. Gardner AB John B. Hayes AB Steven Heifer AB Frank A. Kerr AB W. B. McHenry AB Harold A. Neff VB Philip H. Nye \B Paul F. O'Neill AB George K.Ray AB Ormond H. Runnels AB Floyd J. Tilton AB Harry Typer AB Gertrude M. Abbott C Zoe Engclbreoht C 1 1- l,n M. Jones C Rachael R. McLennan C 154 PEORIA COUNTY PEORIA COUNTY No. 1 Location: Federal Building, Peoria Registration : 6741 Men furnished to armed forces: 1644 Personnel : George W. Barrette M Frederick M. Blossom M ReedW. Blundy M William J. Gelling M T. G. Lovelace M George Shissler M 0. P. Westervelt GA Dr. George M. Borin XP Dr. L. V. Boynton XP Dr. A. H.Clark XP Dr. J. W. Dougherty XP Dr.G. M. Frye XP Dr. M. E. Harmeyer XP Dr. Earle E. Henson XP Dr. J. B. Jennings XP Dr. E. E. Nystrom XP Dr. F.J. Port XP Dr. Elmer W. Seaburg XP Dr. Lawrence L. Strong XD Dr. George Washburn XP Dr. John E. Welsh XP Dr. E. E.Hoag XD Dr. 0. B. Litwiller XD Frederick V. Arber RC Howard S. Beeney RC Doris L. Goetz C Jeremiah McQuade C Lois Ida Myers C A. Isabel Raver C PEORIA COUNTY No. 2 Location: Federal Building, Peoria Registration: 5169 Men furnished to armed forces: 1324 Personnel : Clarence Beecham M Roscoe W. McCullough M George W. Racine M Thurman Scott M Edward Seitz, Jr. M Ray A. Swan M Charles L. Wilkins M CD. Klatt GA Harry Dale Morgan GA Dr. Patrick A. Cusack XP Dr. R. C. Dunseth XP Dr. Clarence Fischer XP Dr. E. C. Kelly XP Dr. W.J.Roche XP Dr. John F. Sloan XP Dr. Charles D. Sneller XP Dr. C. P. Strause XP Dr. Victor Williams XP Dr. Harry F. Barcley XD Dr. J. F. Cart XD Dr. Karl J. Watson XD Harry W. Curry RC E. Leonard Fritz RC William Lee Mullen RC Lucille V. Adams C Marie C. LaHood C Cecelia M. Rafferty C Charles E. Thompson C PEORIA CITY No. 1 Location : 357 Federal Building, Peoria Registration : 7046 Men furnished to armed forces : 2003 Personnel : C. Walter Anderson M J. Ellis Dodd M Arthur G. Heidrich M William W. Hitchcock M Jerry McQuade M Frank Shrier M Luke L. Watson M Thomas C. Whalen M William C. White M William G. McRoberts Dr. M. E. Aaberg XP Dr. Glen Allen XP Dr.J.F. Duane XP Dr. Joel Eastman XP GA (Continued) 455 PEORIA COUNTY I Peoria Board No. 1 1 Continued Dr. C. G. Farnum XP Dr. W. H. Holbrook XP Dr. James T. Jenkins XP Dr. Amzie P. Kannapel XP Dr. A. D. Phillips XP Dr. James A. Walsh XP Dr. Wilbur Weinkauff XP Dr. Albert Applebaum XD Dr. C. B. Clarno XD Dr. S. S. Ferdinand XP Ted Fleming RC L. A.Welch RC Burleigh H. Cooper C Lorene B. Gillespie C Louise E. Meyer C Esther Waugh Thomason PEORIA CITY No. 2 Location: 333 Federal Building, Peoria Registration : 5926 Men furnished to armed forces: 1672 Personnel: William C. Connors M Daniel J. Fox M Arthur D. Herschel M Leonard B. Potter M Victor C. Reynolds M Henry H. Shaver M Spalding Slevin M J. Lewis Bond GA Dr. Eugene H. Mahle XD Richard J. Kavanagh GA Dr. Ernest C. Burhans XP Dr. Lee M. Coffey XP Dr. William Cooley, Jr. XP Dr. Milo T. Easton XP Dr. Dwight M. Ernest XP Dr. E. A. Garrett XP Dr. H. Sargent Howard XP Dr. A. A. Knapp XP Dr. D. F. Loewen XP Dr. John E. McCorvie XP Dr. Fred M. F. Meixner XP Dr. Carl F. Neuhoff XP Dr. Paul T. Palmer XP Dr. Kenneth N. Petri XP Dr. John C. Roberts XP Dr. Raymond H. Runde XP Dr. David C. Ryan XP Dr. Julius H. Ulrich XP Dr. A. H. Blome XD Dr. L. E. Steward XD Dr. J. W. Weidner XD Dr. Guy L. Sandy XD Dr. Elmer V. Stern XD Richard B. Bradley RC Donald L. Negley RC LeRoyE. Roark RC Daniel P. Sommer RC Dorothv Ann Cox C William G. Naas C Roma Stiff C Gertrude E. Vonachen C PEORIA CITY No. 3 Location : 333 Federal Building, Peoria Registration : 6733 Men furnished to armed forces: 1715 Personnel: Paul M. Coogan M George L. Luthy M Norbert F. Overstolz M Frank A. Stewart M Albert E. Streitmatter M Kenney E. Williamson M Clark B. Montgomery GA Dr. Fred C. Endres XP Dr. Allan Foster XP Dr. Ferdinand F. Haas XP Dr. William D. Madison XP Dr. Clarence W. Magaret XP Dr. George M. Parker XP Dr. Leslie Rutherford XP Dr. Clarence V. Ward XP Dr. Henry M. Wilson XP Dr. \. \. Mcxander XD Dr. R. 1, Graber XD Robert K. Clark RC Charles M. Putnam. Jr. RC Bert ion C. Fitton C Eloise B. Spencer C RuthM. Wilken C (Continued) 156 PEORIA COUNTY— Continued PEORIA CITY No. 4 Location : 357 Federal Building, Peoria Registration: 7297 Men furnished to armed forces: 2213 Personnel : Edward B. Klint M Howard Kinsey M Robert S. Marshall M John Moser, Jr. M Henry P. Ward M Donald W. Evans GA Ernest J. Galbraith GA Joseph L. Johnson GA Dr. J. E. Bellas XP Dr. Joseph P. Belsley XP Dr. Peter Bianco XP Dr. William Blender, Jr. Dr. Elliott P. Burt XP Dr. F. C. Hammitt XP Dr. Frank M. Huff XP Dr. Harry Ireland XP Dr. Lowell E. Kannapel Dr. Philip R. McGrath Dr. W. F. Mitchell XD XP XP XP Dr. William Major XP Dr. Walter E.Owen XP Dr. Harold Von Achen XP Dr. Emmett D. Wall XP Dr. Lorin D. Whittaker XP Dr. W. H. Hartz XD Dr. Clarence E. Bollinger XD Dr. Wallace M. Peters XD AbeH. Duboff RC Jack Rauck RC E. Baxter Travis RC Herbert Ralph Whitecraft RC Marjorie Brunnenmeyer C Edward F. Canty C Harriett F. Heinz C Clara E. Knoll C Grace LaMont C Peggy E. Tomblin C Advisory Board Members for Peoria County Jay J. Alloy Chester L. Anderson Emerson T. Anthony S. E. Ashbaugh Theodore C. Baer Lawrence R. Ball F. Newell Barnett George B. Barrett John Barron Carroll Baymiller Carl Behrman Donald G. Beste James F. Bierly Clyde R. Birkett Kenneth W. Black William P. Buchanan Robert L. Burhans Lucas I. Butts Ray P. Callery Robert S. Calkins Glen J. Cameron John E. Carlson Lester F. Carson Mary Doubet Cassell Leo Cavanaugh Charles G. Cisna Robert A. Coney William R. Conn Arthur B. Copeland G. F. Coriell Ira J. Covey, Jr. Sidney Davidson Robert G. Day John T. Dickinson Donald S. Dissman Walter W. Donley John F. Dougherty E. E. Downing William W. Dunn Theodore B. Durfee William L. Eagleton John M. Elliott J. C. Firth L. G. Fishel C. W. Frazier Otto Frederick Roscoe C. Frederick W. McD. Frederick Samuel M. Friedlandcr Edward E. Gale Willard B. Gaskins Raymond Gerdes Orville L. Glasford Alex L. Goodman Irving L. Gottlieb Berthold Graham Jacob W. Gross Elmer F. Gury Walter Hagemeyer Frank A. Hall (Continued) 457 PEORIA COUNTY [Advisory Board]— Continued E. Bentley Hamilton Willard M. Harlan Leslie Harrison H. C. Heintzman Roscoe Herget Thomas Hession, Jr. Harrv B. Hoffman Roy P. Hull Robert E. Hunt Russell F. Hunter N. D. Israelson Kinsey T. James Russell L. James Joseph R. Jefford Arber Johnson Velde Johnson Robert E. Kavanaugh Fred C. Kelly Thomas B. Kennedy Clyde King Claude D. Kitchell Henry Kneller Louis F. Knoblock Theodore Korb Adolph E. Lauterbach Fredric J. Lee Eugene Leiter Ernest R. Lightbody Max J. Lipkin David C. McCarthy Robert H. McCarthy Lowell R. McConnell Robert N. McCormick Roscoe W. McCullough Charles T. McElwee James R. McEntee Shelton F. McGrath J. R. McLaren Wayne H. Mathis Victor P. Michel London Middleton R. W. Miller Wayne B. Miller Robert F. Moreland Donald Morgan Robert D. Morgan Clarence D. Murphv T. E. Murphy John C. Newell, Jr. William C. Nicol David A. Nicoll Charles V. O'Hern, Jr. 0. E. Overen Leland F. Pacey W. 0. Pendarvis Fred W. Potter, Jr. Eugene M. Pratt Richard H. Radley, Jr. John Radley John H. Rovster William L. Rutherford Verle W. Safford Merle E. Schaad J. Chase Scully. Jr. L. E. Selzer Michael A. Shore Alex L. Sloan John F. Sloan. Jr. Willis D. Speight Fred Stamerjohn William Stedman Harold Sternfeld Fred V. Stiers Duane G. Stone Ralph W. Stone L. E. Sutherland James E. Sutherland Alexander A. Sutter Timothy W. Swain Gerald L. Sweat John D. Thomason Clyde C. Trager George Traicoff Charles B. Ullrich Lewis L. Van Dyke Francis C. Vonachen Jesse D. Weast John H. Welch Charles A. Wesner Clyde M. West Howard White Howard S. White L. Richard Whitnev Robert A. Wilhelm Hudi Wilson Walter W. Winget Margaret Wipperman Herbis: Younne i:.;i PERRY COUNTY PERRY COUNTY No. 1 Location: City Hall, Pinckneyville Registration : 5705 Men furnished to armed forces: 1748 Personnel: Fred L. Forester M Lester B. Howell M William F. McNulty M Allen G. Rountree M Emory C. Struck M John H. Stumpe M Marion C. Cook GA Michael K. Grabowski GA Dr. T. W. Brown XP Dr. G. H. Edwards XP Dr. G. H. Gutridge XP Dr. Frank B. Hiller XP Dr. Clarence F. Kelly XP Dr. Thomas B. Kelly XP Dr. J. A. Mathis XP Dr. H. I. Stevens XP Dr. J. S. Templeton XP Dr. J. W. Croessmann XD Dr. Ralph L. Kane XD J. Howard Bagwill AB Harold 0. Farmer AB Max E. Hanson AB L. P. Harris AB C. E. Kimmel AB Charles N. Miller AB J. G. Van Keuren AB L.W.Wiley AB Lorraine Bommerscheim ( Walter J. Forester C Betty Ross Harriss C Josephine Miller C PIATT COUNTY PIATT COUNTY No. 1 Location: County Court House, Monticello Registration: 3418 Men furnished to armed forces : 935 Personnel: Homer C. Dick M Perry Herman M Russell Pheanis M W. B. Porterfield M David Ephram Sisk M Bela M. Stoddard M Noble E. Hutson GA Dr.J. W. Blan XP Dr. C. M. Bumstead XP Dr. A. D. Furrv XP Dr.F. W. Keele XD Ona L. "Dempsey" Cline RC John Hardimon RC Frank R. McLaudilin RC Cary B. Kirk RC C. E. Corbett AB Burl A. Edie AB C. I. Glasgow AB Robert P. Shonkwiler AB Dean J. Berry C Mary C. Bradley C 459 PIKE COUNTY PIKE COUNTY No. 1 Location : Legion Hall, Pitts field Registration: 5803 Men furnished to armed forces : 1579 Personnel : W. W. Buchanan M Glenn Crump M Ray A. Kelly M Otto H. Reinhardt M Jess M. Thompson M Sam G. Jenkins GA George C. Weaver GA Dr. J. M. Bailis XP Dr. P. V. Dilts XP Dr. P. T. Dolan XP Dr. W. K. Jennings XP Dr. Earl B. Sanborn XP Dr. M. Shulman XP Dr. Edward C. Thurman XD Harold C. Ewing RC Winthrop B. Anderson AB Lee Capps AB J. Robert Courtney AB L. T. Graham AB Reginald 0. Graham AB W. Donald Hassett AB Elizabeth Mayo Hoover AB Edwin Johnston AB Merrill H. Johnston AB Paul F. Grote AB Barry Mumford AB Albert W. Schimmel AB Rolle Six AB A. Clay Williams AB David C. Williams AB Wayne P. Williams AB Leota A. Reathaford C Eva Ann Rowe C Ada Rukgaber C POPE COUNTY POPE COUNTY No. 1 Location: First National Bank Building, Golconda Registration: 1917 Men furnished to armed forces: 517 Personnel: Carl D. Bradford M Lewis Buchanan M Joel E. Futrell M Harry G. Gebauer M 0. R. Kerley M Harry G. Kluge M George R.Wallace M J.P.Willis M B. F. Anderson GA Charles Durfee GA W. Loren Reid GA Dr. L. S. Barger XP Dr. S.P.Ward XP Dr. J. B.Crist XD Dr. Kessner Barger XD Lewis Buchanan RC R. Gerald Trampe AB .1. Ado Whiteside AB Lorenzo L. Hamilton C Anna Bess Rottman C PULASKI COUNTY PULASKI COUNTY No. 1 Location : City Hall,, Pulaski Registration : 3749 Men furnished to armed forces: Personnel : Leonard J. Beisswingert M Roscoe Herren M Elbert C. Holcomb M Carl McCormick M 1165 Hiram C. Moore M Henry E. Wilson M Henry P. Wiesenbom M Loren H. Boyd < . \ (Continued) 460 PULASKI COUNTY— Continued Joseph 'Sullivan GA Dr. H. J. Elkins XP Dr. 0. T. Hudson XP Dr. Alphonso L. Robinson XP Dr. W. R. Wesenbert XP J.B.Jones RG William Arthur Reeves RC Charles E. Adams AB C. F. Bode AB George Crain AB Joseph Crain AB George A. Cross AB N.J.Harris AB Fred Koch AB Malcolm Lentz AB Dewey Mahoney AB Rev. Alonzo Parker AB O.E. Pawlisch AB Vivian Ruth Gunn C Wanda Manwaring C Frank Scanlin, Sr. G Harry Tolar C PUTNAM COUNTY PUTNAM COUNTY No. 1 Location: Post Office Building, Granville Registration: 1279 Men furnished to armed forces : 265 Personnel: Harold C. Griffith M Arvid 0. Magnuson M George N. Mathis M C. W. Matson M Paul Rehn M Wilbor M. Sutherland GA J.E.Taylor GA Dr. A. 0. Birgerson XP Dr. R. M. Germano XD Edward Edwards RC Walter D. Boyle AB Albert Pucci AB Norma Koehler C Vera M. Sickinger C RANDOLPH COUNTY RANDOLPH COUNTY No. 1 Location: 1027 State Street, Chester Registration: 6912 Men furnished to armed forces: 1898 Personnel: Royce D. Allison M Ray A. Divers M Shirly J. Dunhouse M Algeron C. Guker M Leonard B. Schoenberger M Robert G. Ottesen GA William H. Schuwerk GA Dr.J.W. Beare XP Dr. J. Omer Hoffman XP Dr. E. Ralph May XP Dr. J. M.Glenn XD Dr. E. G. Hoffman XD Roland C. Bloome RC Edwin Frederick Fiene RC Edward Clendenin AB Wilbert F. Ebers AB Leigh V. Finley AB William G. Juergens AB Everett L. Seymour AB John Tweed AB Arthur W. Brinkman C E. Bernelle Cox C Jane Douglas C Dorothy Michelsen C Ernestine Richter C 461 RICHLAND COUNTY RICHLAND COUNTY No. 1 Location: County Court House, Olney Registration: 4251 Men furnished to armed forces: 1132 Personnel: Clifford C. Cammon M H. E.Coen M Dewey A. Craig M Frank B. Godeke M Harvey D. Hayes M Oscar Kaufman M Joe Fite M Thomas E. Warren M James P. Wilson M Theodore Zwermann Howard L. Brockman Averill E. Butterfield A. J. McMahan GA Dr. Ira Johnson XP Dr. Ralph King XP Dr. Alexis T. Telford Dr. Paul C. Weber XP Dr. Joe G. Ronalds XD Dr. James Weber, Jr., XD M.D.Borah RC George A. Shipley RC Lydia R. Boley AB M GA GA XP Roy E. Boley AB Florence Cazel AB Leona Lawson Clark AB Vivian Clark AB Mrs. C. T. Cramer AB Evelyn E. Elder AB Arlye Goss AB Florence A. Harrolle AB Helen Jenkins AB Rosa King AB Bessie Kowa AB D. D. McCarty AB NolaMcFarlin AB Thelma Martin AB Lillian Roberts AB Mabel Shaw AB Leona Street AB Alta M. Sutton AB Samuel B. Unger AB Mildred M. Clifford C Charles Coan C Gwendolyn L. McKinley C ROCK ISLAND COUNTY ROCK ISLAND COUNTY No. 1 Location: 503 Fifth Avenue Building, Moline Registration: 8976 Men furnished to armed forces: 2215 Personnel: Marc F. Koenig M Joseph J. Grymonprez M William H. Parker M Carl C. Phillipsen M Harry Witherell M Albert Huber GA Andrew Kopp GA Dr. Edwin F. Condon XP Dr. L. A. Dondanville XP Dr. L. H. Eisendorf XP Dr. J. G. Gustafson XP Dr. R. W. Hardinger XP Dr. Louis Ostrom XP Dr. A. E.Baker XD Rene V. Speybroeck RC Norma Eileen Ashdown C Margaret DeWulf C Dorothy B. Myers C Robert Neville C (Continued) 162 ROCK ISLAND COUNTY— Continued MOLINE CITY No. 1 Location: 1630 Fifth Avenue, Moline Registration: 4776 Men furnished to armed forces : 1269 Personnel: Herman Cline M Rene Coelus M C. Mauritz Johnson M Odell M. Lannog M William J. Wilkings M Fred H. Railsback GA Dr. A. Henry Arp XP Dr. James H. Britton XP Dr. C. S. Costigan XP Dr. Fredriek L. Eihl XP Dr. Silvio Errico XP Dr. K. P. Froehlich XP Dr. Leo Gamberg XP Dr. Milton Hansen XP Dr. Joseph K. Hanson XP Dr. 0. Wilhart Koivun XP Dr. J. J. O'Halloran XP Dr. Harold H. Parsons XP Dr. Robert D. Perkins Dr. Russel Smith XP Dr. George A. Webster Dr. James A. S. Nelson Dr. Charles Ortman XD Dr. Milford J. Nelson XD Evald F. Ardahl RC James F. Lardner, Jr. Tom B. Mirfield RC Sarah J. Brown C Lois Dudley C Clara Nelson C Robert L. Rezner C XP XP XP RC MOLINE CITY No. 2 Location: 1630 Fifth Avenue, Moline Registration : 4798 Men furnished to armed forces: 1249 Personnel: Ludwig E. Anderson M Socrates M. Ellison M Pierre J. Flemming M Howard V. Johnson M Frank A. Salogga M William M. Samuelson M Donald S. Stophlet M Glenn A. Trevor M Wilmot Warner M Abe W. Waxenberg M Peter R. Ingelson GA Dr. Louis C. Arp XP Dr. Samuel Brown XP Dr. D. B. Freeman XP Dr. Elliott F. Parker XP Dr. H. A. Zeigler XD Clvde Parker RC B. A. Sheaver RC John S. Swennumson RC Harry A. VanderVennot RC J.F. Welsch RC Harry R. Youngberg RC Dorothy Bodeen C Jean English C Gertrude Oakley C ROCK ISLAND CITY No. 1 Location: Cleveland Building, Rock Island Registration: 7343 Men furnished to armed forces : 2006 Personnel: Edward H. Dunavin M William L. Layden M Robert F. McConochie M Gabe Mosenf elder M Harmon L .Ruff M E. Lee Siemon M Benjamin D. Farrar GA C. Dudley Marshall GA Dr. Arthur E. Glawe XD Dr. Ernest A. Anderson XP Dr. Reginald J. Belyea XP Dr. Raymond T. Boysen XP (Continued) 463 ROCK ISLAND COUNTY [Rock Island City Hoard No. 1]— Continued Dr. F. H. First XP Dr. S. C. Kaim XP Dr. Eugene Moses XP Dr. Clement P. O'Neill Dr. Daniel F. Paul XP Dr. William F. Schroeder Dr. W. D. Snively XP Dr. John C. Souders XP Dr. A. Walter Wise XP Dr. Ben H. Sherrard XD XP XP David B. Bergquist RC Frank J. Budelier RC Karl C. Dean RC Ray E. Summers RC Raymond R. Walker RC Loretta Detlefs C Gladvs Layden C Mar> Palike C Berea D. Wheelan C ROCK ISLAND CITY No. 2 Location : Post Office Building, Rock Island Registration: 4721 Men furnished to armed forces: 991 Personnel: James E. Condon M Charles C. Rosenfield M Albert F. Schersten M Harry P. Simpson M Warren C. Yerger M Allan A. Klove GA Elmore H. Stafford GA Dr. Joseph De Silva XP Dr. S. P. Durr XP Dr. Albert N. Mueller XP Dr. Marcus Archer XD William J. Layden RC Ira J. Roberts RC Harry P. Simpson RC Jennie Lee Beechler C Annetta F. Muench C Charles T. Rimmerman C Advisory Board Members for Rock Island County Theodore E. Anderson Sam M. Arndt Neil Ausmus Robert M. Bell Robert W. Boeye Junius P. Califf Cyrus Churchill Sherwood L. Costigan Sidney S. Deutsch Bert R. Durkee Edward L. Eagle, Jr. H. Hunter Gehlbach James R. Hansgen Isidor I. Katz Myron Murphy Henry Parsons Paul E. Rink Joseph R. Rosborough Edward Schoede, Jr. Clarence J. Schroeder Lloyd A. Schwiebert John W. Seids, Jr. Allen Seiffert Victor E. Walker Franklin F. Wingard Stewart R. Winstein W. E. Ackermaun Harold Baltz Edward Bareis Oscar Becherer 464 ST. CLAIR COUNTY ST. CLAIR COUNTY No. 1 Location: Commercial Building, Belleville Registration: 9134 Men furnished to armed forces: 2759 Personnel: Clyde Allen M Xavier F. Bertelsman M William 0. Loer M Fred 0. Reh M Erwin W. Seibert M Adolph Waigand M A. B. Davis GA Anthony J. Stoeckel GA Joseph A. Troy, Jr. GA Dr. August F. Bechtold XP Dr. W. C. Runyon XP Dr. R. F. Sondag XP Dr. E. P. Stiehl XP Dr. Edward Trippel XP Dr. Standlee Twitchell XP Dr. Earle Williams XP Dr. C. R. Hough XD Dr. Cornelius Wilbret XD Dr. T. J. Winkler XD Oscar L. Diefenbach RC Bayard E. Falconer RC Henry Knoebel RC Calvin J. Rasp RC George Darmstatter C Doroth Marie Fietsam C Beulah Lickenbrock C Verena Reuter C Bernice Schanuel C Edith M. Schmitt C Ruth Young Stowe C ST. CLAIR COUNTY No. 2 Location: Commercial Building, Belleville Registration: 7690 Men furnished to armed forces: 1976 Personnel: Elmer D. Bertelsmann M James Hart M Joseph A. Prediger M Isfried I. Probst M Charles J. Schmulbach M Josiah Whitnel M Charles W. Young M Chester H. Farthing GA Dr. Edward Dewein XP Dr. R.B.Ellis XP Dr. I. L. Foulon XP Dr. S. W. McKelvey XP Dr. 0. G. Schneidewind XP Dr. L. E. Tegtmeier XP Dr. J. S. Waldman XP Dr. S.S.Wood XP Dr. E. L. Rauth XD Sherman C. Stookey RC Jacab J. Wittman RC Fred C. Daab RC Delores Frances Etling C Marguerite Laura Groh C Grace T. Hammel C Elizabeth A. Kranz C (Continued) 465 ST. CLAIR COUNTY -Continued I5ELLEVILLE CITY No. 1 Location: Commercial Building, Belleville Registration : 7035 Men furnished to armed forces: 2030 Personnel : Albert B. Bald u* M Joseph B. Herman M Robert L. Kern M Wilbur E. Krebs M Dr. G. C. Otrich M P. K. Johnson GA Dr. Edmond Bechtold XP Dr. Irvin Davis XP Dr. R. J. Joseph XP Dr. G.E.Meyer XP Dr. L. W. Roth XP Dr. W. H. Walton XP Dr. J. E. Wheeler XP Dr. C. R. Conroy XD Dr. F. A. Neuhoff XD Irvin L. Klamm RC Herbert Schwind RC Ruth Jane Hesse C Harriet M. Lippert C Hilda E. Moehrl C Frank C. Wuller C EAST ST. LOUIS CITY No. 1 Location : 436 Murphy Building, East St. Louis Registration : 7560 Men furnished to armed forces: 2212 Personnel : Orville R. Batman M A. R. Beam M Harry L. Bise M John E. Eubanks, Jr. M James A. Gladden M Henry Mattern M G. V. Quinn M Norman Gundlach GA Josiah Whitnel GA Roland H. Wiechert GA Dr. William T. Gueno XP Dr. A. H.Smith XD Dr. William A. Griffith XP Dr. Edgar F. Woodson XP Dr. Nathaniel G. Hagler XP Dr. Max M. Goldenberg XP Dr. A. J. DeHaan XP Dr. W. J. Crotty XP Dr. John F. Brennan XP Dr. W. S. Baldwin XP Dr. Miles S. Davis XD Dr. V. W. Flannery XD Dr. J. R. Mulconnery XD Mike Hannigan RC Andrew Mulconnery RC Albert Thompson RC Arralean L. Brown C Betty J. Ferguson C Myrick C. Harris C Fayel. Witte C EAST ST. LOUIS CITY No. 2 Location: 503 Missouri Avenue, East St. Louis Registration: 7139 Men furnished to armed forces: 2165 Personnel : Harold Allison M Alfred L. J. Friederich M John B. Kusewitt M John J. Murphy M John J. Rogers M Charles Maine Salmons M Casper Siekmann M Adolph B. Tonohette M Thomas L. Fekete, Jr. GA Philip G. Listeman GA Dr. J. T. Murphy XD Ralph Walker GA Dr. Leo J. Conaty XD Dr. W. Gordon Letterman William J. Egan RC Thomas P. A. O'Donnell Wallace H. Wright RC Louis P. Adelman C Mary J. Bacon C Hazel Boismenue C. Virginia Clark C Vrrnice Scott C XD RC (Continued) 466 ST. CLAIR COUNTY— Continued EAST ST. LOUIS CITY No. 3 Location: 413-15 Missouri Avenue s East St. Louis Registration: 7009 Men furnished to armed forces: 1998 Personnel: Thomas Coonan M Ernest B. Hoehn M Kenneth Eugene Ferguson Perry F. Modrow M James Sho waiter M Everett C. Smart M Dr. George H. VanDusen Erwin R. Zuber M John E. Hamlin GA Charles W. Hatch GA Dr. Owen J. Eisele XP Dr. 0. W. Knewitz XP Dr. C. F. Alderson XP Dr. A. M. Aszmann XP Dr. Roy Barker XP Dr. W. H. Barrett XP Dr. R. L. Campbell XP Dr. J. J. Donahue XP Dr. C. E. Eisele XP Dr. R. C. Farrier XP Dr. J. C.Henry XP Dr. MaxHirz XP Dr. C.C.Kane XP Dr. H. F. Killene XP Dr. Homer Little XP Dr. Rolla Little XP Dr. 0. M. McCann XP Dr. A. B. McQuillan XP Dr. Leo Madden XP Dr. Leon Magarian XP Dr. W. L. Nolden XP \l \l Dr. W. C. Scrivner XP Dr. Henry D. Smith XP Dr. John C. Soucy XP Dr. C. B. Vonnahme XP Dr.W. H. West XP Dr. C. C. Winning XP Dr. W. J. Bloemer XD Dr. E. R. Brandt XD Dr. W. L. Buck XD Dr. W. E. Crystal XD Dr. G. O. Creath XD Dr. R. A. Hagarty XD Dr. G.J. Hobbs XD Dr. Kenneth Hood XD Dr. R. A. Hundley XD Dr. J. A. Kuebel XD Dr. H. W. Litsey XD Dr. E.Millard XD Dr. R. I. Moreland XD Dr. J. Clyde Reader XD Dr. K. M. Rinnert XD Dr. Frank G. Smith XD Dr. W.C.Smith XD Dr. J. C. Waddell XD Dr. G. W. Waters XD George William England RC William Benjamin England RC Muriel Hilderbrand C Thelma R. Hunter C Frank L. Mahoney C Ruth Mites C Advisory Board Members for Saint Clair County William F. Borders Robert L. Broderick Russell H. Classen Ralph Cook Frank Crowe C. C. Dreman James A. Farmer Carl W. Feichert John T. Fiedler Joseph E. Fleming Joseph H. Goldenhersh James W. Gray Louis J. Grossmann Walter G. Grossmann Charles P. Hamill Robert J. Harding James Hickey Rogers D. Jones Walter Kassly August Keller George F. Kelling Herbert F. Lill F. E. Merrills James 0. Miller T. S. Morgan L. N. Nick Perrin, Jr Frank Plattner John R. Sprague John T. Thomas Wilmer Vogt W. R. Weber James F. Wheatley 467 SALINE COUNTY SALINE COUNTY No. 1 Location: County Court House, Harrisburg Registration : 4755 Men furnished to armed forces: 1583 Personnel : Fred G. Burnett M Corliss Carrier M Amos J. Doom M John R. Harris M H. C. Lewis M Cecil Pullman M Everett N. Sneed M Charles E. Combe GA Dr. W. J. Blackard, Jr. XP Dr. R.G.Bond XP Dr. E. W. Cummins XP Dr. N. A. Herrmann XP Dr. B. E. Montgomery XP Dr. B. G. Funkhouser XP Dr. E. M. Travelstead XD Frank P. Parker RC Inglis M. Taylor RC C. Aud Turner RC Fred H. Wasson RC Ora Beatrice Fife C Anna Poulos C Everett Stricklin C SALINE COUNTY No. 2 Location : Post Office Building, Eldorado Registration: 4183 Men furnished to armed forces: 1232 Personnel: Seigel B. Hardy M Allen Murphy M W. Oma Reynolds M Willie H. Robinson M Arthur W. Summers M Philip 0. Upchurch M Harry J. Flanders GA Charles H. Thompson GA Walter W. Wheatley GA Dr. John V. Ferrell XP Dr. Frank Johnson XP Dr. Lee J. Pearce Dr. H. C. Holdoway XD Dr. W. F. Johnson XD Glenn A. Pfeifer RC Ross G. Putnam RC Nadyne Finley C Lorene Gates C Opal Lea Hausser C Marguerite C. Watson C Advisory Board Members for Saline County Luke Barnhill Leslie G. Beers Riley Belt S. Cleve Bond Lewis Cain Hugh Cozart Guy A. DeNeal Trafton Dennis Arthur Donaldson Byford Dunn Taylor Ferguson H. N. Finney John A. Gill Alpheus Gustin Sebe J. Kelly Fred Lassetir R. S. Martin Ralph Mathias John B. Owen E. M. Ozmenl J. L. Pittman James E. Raibourn K. C. Ronalds Don Scott F. M. Sewell Scerial Thompson \li- M. E. Thornton 468 SANGAMON COUNTY SANGAMON COUNTY No. 1 Location: U.M.W. Building, Springfield Registration : 5206 Men furnished to armed forces: 1492 Personnel: Thomas Cody M James N. Farley M Pearl Moore M Ole J. Nelson M Charles W. Frame M Scott B. Irwin M Elmer Nafziger GA Dr. Henry F. Berchtold XP Dr. Rex Campbell XP Dr. Herman H. Cole XP Dr. Charles F. Harmon XP Dr. M. E. Rolens XP Dr. C. B. Stuart XP Dr. John A. Wyness XP Dr. G. H. Traylor XD A. D. Campbell RC G. Wayne Churchill RC Fred E. Duncan RC Samuel I. Gresham RC Helen A. Chepulis C Helen J. Rupslaukis C Mary Staley C SANGAMON COUNTY No. 2 Location: 410 United Mine Workers Building, Springfield Registration: 4820 Men furnished to armed forces : 1236 Personnel : J. Earl Bell M Archie E. Dickerson M Frank H. Grant M Fleetwood H. Lindley M Judge DeWitt S. Crow GA Dr. William R. Bernard XP Dr. Robert Flentje XP Dr. J. C. Jackman XP Dr. Albert T. Kwedar XP Dr. Robert J. Patton XP Dr. John L. Schilsky XP Dr. Thomas Noxon Toomey Dr. Roger House XD Dr. E. L. Huff XD Edwin Bay RC Jacob Lewis Garver RC DeWitt H. Montgomery RC Mary E. Jordon C William J. Nattermann C Kathryn E. Perkins C XP SPRINGFIELD CITY No. 1 Location: 408 Mine Workers Building, Springfield Registration: 6422 Men furnished to armed forces: 1971 Personnel : William H. Bowe M Jess Bowman M James W. Dunigan M Leonard W. Esper M James L. Glaven M Albert C. Larson M S. Phil Hutchison GA Homer D. McLaren GA Dr. Emil L. Bernard XP Dr. Ralph T. Clark XP Dr. R. E. Cutts XP Dr. Frank M. Davis XP Dr. Clarence A. Fleischli Dr. George Fleischli XP XP Dr. Richard F. Herndon XP Dr. Walter C. Martini XP Dr. George J. Mautz XP Dr. Harry Otten XP Dr. Harry H. Southwick XP Dr. G. W. Staben XP Dr. A. E. Waters XP Dr. J. W.Green XD C. Archie Schryver RC John L. Taylor RC Rita Devlin C Homer V. Haynes C Melissa Smith C (Continued) 469 SANGAMON COUNTY— Continued SPRINGFIELD CITY No. 2 Location: 408 Mine Workers Building, Springfield Registration: 5637 Men furnished to armed forces: 1439 Personnel: A. R. Booth M Dr. C. W. Milligan M Leslie G. Pefferle M Albert J. Triebel M J. A. Weis M Michael Eckstein GA Dr. Nelson H. Chestnut XP Dr. Elmo Todd McClay XP Dr. E. F. Pearson XP Dr. Oscar L. Zelle XP Dr. B. B. Beatty XD Dr. J. J. Donelan, Sr. XD Dr. H. P. Robinson XD Robert W. Troxell RC Charlotte Kennedy C John H. Murphy C Cecilia Quinn C SPRINGFIELD CITY No. 3 Location: 408 Mine Workers Building, Springfield Registration: 6203 Men furnished to armed forces: 1913 Personnel: Clarence B. Davis M H. Ernest Fullenwider M Luther 0. German M James J. Gillig M A. E. Rouland M Paul W. Gordon GA Robert A. Stephens, Jr. GA Dr. A. M. Livingston XP Dr. Albert Mueller XP Dr. Harvey W. Sears XP Dr. George H. Vernon XP Dr. H. L. Hester XD Dr. A. W. Koratsky XD Dr. J. L. Lambert XD Dr. H. S. Lavman XD Dr. G. W. Mills XD Dr. E. B. Ratliff XD Dr. H. E.Weir XD Ward McKinley Johnson Dorothy Crookston C E. Josephine Goyke C Betty Lou Metz C Helen S. Sweet C RC Advisory Board Members for Sangamon County Charles F. Barber John W. Barber Francis Blair Clifford Blunk Roscoe Bonjean Charles G. Briggle, Jr. Lacey Catron George P. Coutrakon Eugene L. Davison Benjamin S. DeBoice George E. Drach Keith Dressendorfer Lee Ensel John P. Fizmer James J. Graham Miles Gray Lawrence HofT W. Knowles Laird Walter Lindgren C. Terry Lindner James E. Londrigan Robert Myers Roy Rhodes Sidney B. Smith Charles Stephens Frank Sullivan Loren E. Sullivan Herbert Tragethon Paul Wanless George H. Webb Harlington Wood 470 SCHUYLER COUNTY SCHUYLER COUNTY No. 1 Location : 202-204 North Congress Street, Rushville Registration: 2666 Men furnished to armed forces: 733 Personnel: Horner Dean M Ralph Davis M Franklin D. Garrison M Ward Horney M Henry S. Houston M Ralph K. Knowles M Clarence S. Loring M Lloyd J. McCormick M Ralph McCormick M Don Ward M Paul B. Willard M E. E. Yarbrough M Dr. George C. Bates XP Dr. F. D. Culbertson XP Dr. C. M. Fleming XP Dr. H.O. Munson XP Dr. Charles L. Eales XD Paul R. Stephens RC John P. Crandall AB Ernest G. Utter AB Marguerite Feglay C G. C. Sutherland C SCOTT COUNTY SCOTT COUNTY No. 1 Location: County Court House, Winchester Registration: 1937 Men furnished to armed forces : 500 Personnel: Glenn C. Funk M David L. Leonhard M Dr. William O'Reilly M Carl M. Ritter M William Strickland M Edward T. Wild M R. R. Funk GA Norbert L. Hutchens GA Dr. Manuel Alverez XP Dr. Ross E. Hermann XP Dr. R.R.Jones XP Dr. James Lynch XP Dr. J. Walton Dace XD Dr. W. E. Harper XD Roy S. Coon RC George H. Reid RC John E. Korty AB Bernard Meehan AB N. J. Moore AB T.J. Priest AB R. M. Riggs AB L. Allan Watt AB Charles R. Wills AB Joseph E. Winterbotham Alice I. Mudd C Patricia Smith C AB 471 SHELBY COUNTY SHELBY COUNTY No. 1 Location: 2008 North Broadway, Shelbyville Registration : 5738 Men furnished to armed forces: 1635 Personnel : W. F. Aichele M Haldon B. Avars M C. T. DeMonbrun M PaulH. Kull M John F. Ruff M Homer Turney M J. J. Baker GA Dr. Duncan Biddlecombe XP Dr. Louis Chabner XP Dr. John T. France XP Dr. C. H. Hulick XP Dr. K. L. Pistorius XP Dr. Henry Turney XP Dr. N. D. Boys XD Carl F. Morehead RC Arch Tallman RC Katheryn Brown AB Edna E. Conn AB Robert Bruce Crane AB R. I. Dove AB Edward FitzGerald AB Kenneth F. Kelly AB Ravmond F. Mose AB L. C. Peek AB Mabel A. Piety AB Robert J. Sanders AB Karl H. Sommermever AB Agnes I. Steidley AB Arthur Steidley AB J. Maurice Stice AB Philip L. Turner AB Dorothea D. Willard AB J. C.Willard AB A. L. Yantis AB Helen Louise Atkinson C Gertrude Frazier C Foy I. Morse C STARK COUNTY STARK COUNTY No. 1 Location: 108 North Seventh Street, Wyoming Registration: 2070 Men furnished to armed forces: 539 Personnel: Dr. C. A. Forbes M Marion G. Humphrey M Carl L. Lehman M Samuel Carl McMackin John E. O'Neill M G. W. Pendarvis M Floid B. Brian GA Raymond A. Liggett G \ Dr. J. E. Scholes XP Dr. John T. Wead XP Dr. C. N. Heinzman \l» Dr. J. T. Real XD O. M. Colwell RC David P. Real RC David Brown AB L. M. Burkrv AB J. R. Curran AB M R. C. Edmundson AB Leo A. Finnegan AB John W. Fling, Jr. \P> Clvde Friend AB Marshall U. Fa w \B H. C. Kibhee AB Bert McClenahan AB Noble Malone AB L. J. Mawbev AB Cliff R. Mokler AB Jack W. Osborn AB W. S. Perrin AB J. E. Richards AB Charles M. Wilson \R Ellen Blakev C Betty Cox C Beatrice Snare C 172 STEPHENSON COUNTY STEPHENSON COUNTY No. 1 Location: Room 202 Federal Building, Free port Registration : 4355 Men furnished to armed forces: 813 Personnel : Wayne E. Beddow M Carl John Block M Eric A. Carlson M E. A. Clock M Russell J. Conn M Arnold Karsk M Fred L. Kempel M Fred S. Schoeffler M Rollen R. Thompson M Robert A. Hunter GA Dr. Carl M. Becker XP Dr. E. M. Burns XP Dr. E. A. Diestelmeier XP Dr. C.J. Leavy XP Dr. J. A. Poling XP Dr. Henry C. Rosenstiel Dr. E. E. Shelly XP Dr. Louis G. Voigt XP Dr. E. L. Griffith XD Dr. Lou H. Matter XD V. J. Banter RC David H. Hardie RC F. H. Altemeier C Helen Brokhausen C Fairie E. Maxwell C XP FREEPORT CITY No. 1 Location: 302 Federal Building, Freeport Registration: 5218 Men furnished to armed forces: 1394 Personnel: Martin James Dorst M Wilbur Goddard M Joseph A. Gund M Fred V. Hayner M Ray T. Luney M Thomas Marshall M M.V. Peasley M George F. Korf GA Dr. Howard J. Stickle Dr. F. X. Graff XP Dr. A. M. McCallen XP XP Dr. N. C. Phillips XP Dr. K. B. Rieger XP Dr. L. F. Rockey XP Dr. William D. Van Lone XD Dr. Ned A. Arganbright XD John W. Briggs RC Frank H. Haupert RC Edward G. Luebbing RC Daniel W. Habecker C Claire Lavelle C Garnett McMurry C Advisory Board Members for Stephenson County John S. Ascher Louis J. Balles L. Edward Beckmire David M. Burrell Marvin F. Burt William Roscoe Carnahan James K. Cavanaugh Wesley A. Eberle Robert P. Eckert, Jr. Robert J. Ellis Oscar E. Heard, Jr. Gordon R. Hunter Robert C. Hunter Nicholas J. Keifer. Jr. Philip L. Keister Everett E. Laughlin Harold R. Nettles Louis F. Reinhold George H. Schirmer, Jr. Robert J. Schmelzle Ralph P. Sheridan Bert Snow Edward J. Sullivan John G. Whiton 473 TAZEWELL COUNTY TAZEWELL COUNTY No. 1 Location: County Court House, Pekin Registration: 7418 Men furnished to armed forces: 1937 Personnel : George H. Ehrilicher M Jonas W. Larson M Rudolph J. Mattheessen M Ray J. Meyers M Robert F. Whitfield M Ralph Dempsey GA Dr. A. E.Allen XP Dr. Louis A. Balcke XP Dr. W. A. Balcke XP Dr. Harlan W. Brink XP Dr. Neal D. Crawford XP Dr. Harold Feldman XP Dr. S. T. Glasford XP Dr. R. V. Grimmer XP Dr. R. F. K. Jordon XP Dr. Charles A. Nelson XP Dr. Richard A. Seibel XP Dr. L. F.Teter XP Dr. H. W. Walker XP Dr. Wayne R. Walker XP Dr. J. I. Weimer XP Dr. Nelson A. Wright XP Dr. R. M. Breedlove XD Dr. J. L. Corbett XD Dr. E. B. Gurney XD Clyde P. Cowser RC Lawrence H. Edelmann RC Mabel Hill < C Florence Leitner C B. Eileen Montgomery C Ruth Mary Onken C TAZEWELL COUNTY No. 2 Location: Room 201, Morton Street Bank Building, Morton Registration: 8371 Men furnished to armed forces : 1967 Personnel : Major Darst M A. B. (Gus) Fluegel M Chester C. Hamilton M John W. Meyer M Charles R. Thornton M George C. Willhardt M George Brecher GA Roth S. Smith GA Paul D. Reese GA Dr. Joseph Aronoff XP Dr. 0. P. Bennett XP Dr. George Cohen XP Dr. Cody A. Cox XP Dr. H.D.Fast XP Dr. F. C. Gale XP Dr. W. S. Needham XP Dr. Oliver Rian XP Dr.J.W. Rost XP Dr. John A. Rusk XP Dr. B. A. Shepherd XD Dr. A. J.Welty XD Henry A. Gunlher RC John W. Meyer RC Charles C. Mooberry RC Gaylord C. Shannabarger Louise Crocker C Walter H. Gillan C Florence M. Picerno C Betty Jane Rapp C Alma A. Wittmer C RC Advisory Board Members for Tazewell County Ralph Allen Robert H. Allison L. E. Bennett Frank P. Burkey C. L. Conder Irving John Cooper Robert M. Culbertson W. G. Cunningham P. A. D'Arcy George Donaldson N. Y. Dowell John T. KllifT G. A. Field C. V. Fririffs C. N. Fritch Ward Grundy Henry A. Gunthrr James G. Hatcher Louis H. Hackler A. J. Harman (Continued) 474 TAZEWELL COUNTY [Advisory Board]— Continued T. L. Haensel Rae C. Heiple D. C. Heiser H. Paul Jones E. G. Kilby Roy C. Kilby Eugene R. Mabee T. J. Markland William J. Mauschbaugh R. C. Morris P. R. Murphy Porter Orr J. M. Powers William S. Prettyman W. J. Reardon Charles Rickett Rayburn L. Russell Harold J. Rust Bert L. Urish Franklin L. Velde Thomas A. Verry Frank J. Wilkins Lucien Wise James P. St. Cerny Charles Schaefer Charles E. Schmidt G. C. Shannabarger Omar P. Smelz Ben L. Smith T. N. Smith Ben W. Sparks Lyman C. Stevens John W. Stovall B. F. Strunk John Stubbs UNION COUNTY UNION COUNTY No. 1 Location: Anna National Bank Building, Anna Registration: 4789 Men furnished to armed forces: 1519 Personnel: Russell Corlis M Dan R. Davie M Cecil F. Norris M Robert L. Shannon M Percy M. West M Russell E. Townsend GA Dr. A. L. Ashworth XP Dr. E.V.Hale XP Dr. Roy Keith XP Dr. L. J. May XP Dr. Berry V. Rife XP Dr. Claude A. Stearns XP Dr. Don B. Stewart XP Dr. H. 0. Taylor XP Dr. J. R. Tweedy XP Dr. O. E. Johnson XD Dr. Earl C. Kimbro XD Glenn C. Eddleman RC Robert M. Hagler RC Harley Queen RC Robert L. Rich RC James H. Allen AB Robert J. Basler AB Robert W. Brown AB Dellis Buzbee AB John Carter AB C.O.Clark AB John Paul Davis AB Langan J. Dodd AB Elmer J. Ford AB R. C. Gurley AB Lynn L. Karraker AB Louis C. Kelley AB Louie A. Lamer AB Melvin C. Lockard AB T. E. Meisenheimer AB George E. Parks AB E. W. Pirtle AB Harley Queen AB Ford L. Rendleman AB Fred Rixleben AB Fred Roberts AB Lynn D. Sifford AB Virgil Smith AB Curtis L. Trainer AB W. B. Valentine AB James F.Wahl AB Phil H.Walter AB Roy Wilkins AB Jean V. Brown C Roy H. Rudolph C Sybl A. Thompson C 475 VERMILION COUNTY VERMILION COUNTY No. 1 Location: 204 East Main Street, Hoopeston Registration: 5381 Men furnished to armed forces: 1423 Personnel : Sidney B. Cutright M Charles F. Dyer M Franklyn R. Johnson M Verne R. Shepard M Dale H. Willard M Guilford Henry Couchman GA Louis A. Lowenstein GA Dr. A. R. Brandenberger XP Dr. J. C. Moore XP Dr. William T. Snider XP Dr. J. M. Hannell XD Dr. J. A. Heaton XD Dr. Bruce Martin XD Dr. G. A. Wiseheart XD Blaine Heaton RC Fred M. Hess RC Helen Cromer C Constance B. Southwick C VERMILION COUNTY No. 2 Location : 202 V 2 South State Street, Westville Registration : 5388 Men furnished to armed forces: 1577 Personnel : Frank 0. Bushong M Fred E. Collins M Howard 0. Fletcher M Don H. Palmer M Mark Ord M Harris C. Parrish M B. F. Richardson M Roy F. Stark M Horace E. Gunn GA H. Ernest Hutton GA John F. Twomev GA Dr. Dudley T. Dawson XP Dr. C. C. Dillon XP Dr. J. Gilbert Ellis XP Dr. S. M. Hubbard XP Dr. James McKibben XP Dr. 0. J. Michael XP Dr. J. H. Myers XD Dr. B. C. Ross XD Felix Polakes RC John F. Shimkus RC Lucian J. Courtney C Lorraine Olson C Lucille P. Valantes C DANVILLE CITY No. 1 Location: 613 North Vermilion Street, Danville Registration: 5013 Men furnished to armed forces: 1493 Personnel: T. William Conron M Ferd G. Greiser M Carey B. Hall M Harold T. Leverenz M Dan (TConnell M Ernest T. Strawbridge M W. M. Acton GA T. Rav Carter GA Dr. P. K. Andrews XP Dr. C. L. Bennett XP Dr. T. J. Carmodv XP Dr. Floyd M. Clark XP Dr. Robert Clements XP Dr. \. F. Dalr XP Dr. J. G. Fisher XP Or. A. J. Fletcher XP Dr. I). C. Good XP Dr. Paul E. Hepner XP Dr. Mel yin L. Hole XP Dr. H. F. Hooker XP Dr. R. E. Johnson XP Dr. W. P. Maddux XP Dr. Arthur J. Peters XP Dr. Warren B. Smith XP Dr. C. F. Wilkinson XP Dr. Carl S. Williamson XP Dr. G. H. Guerke XD W. H. Debenham RC Homer B. Robertson RC ■\nna Boink C Raymond J. Kieran C Phoebe Williams C (Continued ) 476 VERMILION COUNTY— Continued DANVILLE CITY No. 2 Location: 613 North Vermilion Street, Danville Registration: 4043 Men furnished to armed forces: 1174 Personnel : Frank Prouty Abbott M W. R. Houpt M Clifford R. Kesler M Paul S. Millikin M Albert Overstreet M Harry Payne M Leo W. Burk GA Virion W. Mclntire GA Dr. Ray E. Bucher XP Dr. Harlan English XP Dr. L. G. McMillan XD Dr. J. C. Higgason XD Llovd Knowles RC R. j. Fitzgerald RC Irma Hayes C Marion King C Advisory Board Members for Vermilion County R. D. Acton M. E. Alexander Thomas Elwin Andrews Algy P. Appanaitis George C. Arnold W. I. Baird Donald S. Baldwin 0. E. Bantz Joseph H. Barnhart Arthur Beck Fred G. Bennett Paul Bird John M. Bookwalter George D. Borror D. W. Brewer Gordon Bridgmen S. E. Brittingham Charles Brooks Lester M. Burd G. W. Burroughs Gene M. Campbell John Raymond Canright Frank Carsman John E. Cast Cramer L. Cawthon J. A. Chisler George W. Clements Roy Clark George L. Clinebell Harold A. Craig Arnold Cromwell E. L. Dalbey Mrs. Ray Davis Robert M. Davis P. L. Davison R. R. Day Glenn A. DeLand George R. Dinsmore J. E. Downey Frank E. Dugas Arlie I. Duke Wilson Tate Duley Latney N. Field John W. Foster Mont Fox Al Galan Jack Goodwine U. S. Goodwine WUford J. Goreham V. W. Gorman Roy E. Green Men Gritten Vinson Earl Gritten Arthur R. Hall E. J. Hathaway John Franklin Haworth, Jr. Harold Heitsman Calvin G. Hubbell C. F. Huddleson Harold Preston Izard Alfred A. Johnson H. E. Jones Herman F. Keeney Martin J. Kovanic H. S. Littlepage 0. W. Longenecker 0. E. Longstreth R. H. McAlister Frank D. McCormirk Fred McDavid Frank J. Meyer Van B. Michael Ralph Miller John P. Morrison Lee Musser Charles C. Newman H. L. Newt son F. M. Nieman Ravmond H. Poland S. H. Porterfield Claude W. Pyle Francis G. Rearick (Continued) 477 VERMILION COUNTY [Advisory Board]— Continued Albert Rice Harrison M. Rogers Albert Saikley John E. Sebat Ernest Seymour J. R. Smoot Fred T. Sneyd Carroll E. Snyder Thomas C. Stifler Charles F. Thomas P. \\ . Thomas John W. Unger Cyril M. Urbas Ore Henry V acketta Alwin F. Von Behren Malcolm F. Waring Clayton Bymaster Wilcox J. C. Woodbury Lucille Woodin WABASH COUNTY WABASH COUNTY No. 1 Location: Post Office Building, Mt. Carmel Registration: 3499 Men furnished to armed forces: 1003 Personnel : Freeman Annis M Ralph W. Ewald M Nestor Mains M James B. Payne M Fred P. Raber M A. W. Stoltz GA Ben H. Townsend GA Dr. H. A. Elkins XP Dr. C. E. Gilliatt XP Dr. John J. Mcintosh XP Dr. Ludson D. Morris XP Dr. S. W. Schneck XP Dr. T. H. Daly XD Dr. C. K. Shannon XD Kenneth W. Wood RC Charles F. Ruth RC Frank Fornoff AB Walter Kolb AB C. E. Partee AB W. S. Willhite AB Margaret Rue Barnds ( Kathryn B. Dunkel C Aileen Seitz C WARREN COUNTY WARREN COUNTY No. 1 Location: Hancock Building, Monmouth Registration : 4698 Men furnished to armed forces: 1169 Personnel : Earl B. Pape M Emory B. Davis M Orville F. Davis M Reid L. Everett M Owen E. Frantz M Andrew Frymire M George Graham M Hiram A. Martin M Ivory Quinby M Walter Rusk Smith M Henry Tubbs M William M. Fulton GA Henry D. Lewis GA Melville G. Soule GA Dr. C. 0. Burgess XP Dr. W. M. Crosier XP Dr. H. G. Ebersole XP Dr. E. A. Fetherston XP Dr. James W. Firoved XP Dr. W. A. Frymire XP Dr.L.T. Hoyt XP Dr. H. L. Kampen XP Dr. Henry C. Scholer XP Dr. D. A. Simmons XP Dr. J. D. Worrell XP Dr. Richard E. Barnard XD Dr. Ross B. Vaughn XD Clarence F. Buck RC John Hillen RC Joseph H. Burkhard AB E. P. Field \ B Robert H. Howard AB C. E. Lauder AB Fred 0. Parrish AB Durbin Rannev AB John J. Ryan AB Mildred B. Jackman C Catherine R. Wilson C 178 WASHINGTON COUNTY WASHINGTON COUNTY No. 1 Location : County Court House, Nashville Registration: 3808 Men furnished to armed forces: 975 Personnel: Oran K. Allen M John L. Clarkson M Harry W. Klauke M 0. J. Foeller M Stanley G. Berry M John L. Muenter M Henry W. Niermann M Robert E. Schleifer M L. H. Carson GA Byron 0. House GA Dr. G. A. Green XP Dr. P. B. Rabbenneck XP Dr. R. C. Vernor XP Dr. Allen R. Shirley XD Dr. F. W. Schroeder XD Homer F. Hasemeier RC Joseph D. Maxwell RC Chester A. Bailey AB P. Eugene Green AB William P. Green AB Wilbert Hohlt AB Ralph L. Maxwell AB Virginia Hassler C Dorothy L. Maxwell C Clarence A. Reeder C WAYNE COUNTY WAYNE COUNTY No. 1 Location: 120 East Main Street, Fairfield Registration : 5286 Men furnished to armed forces: 1499 Personnel: Benjamin K. Felix M James A. Hilliard M Edmond A. Mietzner M Guy Nicholson M Greenleaf A. Norris M Peter G. Rapp M George E. Simpson M Alvin I. Steiner M Henry C. Sutherland M Luther Guy Yates M C. W. Creighton GA H.T.Kerr GA Dr. J. T. Blakely XP Dr. John D. Boggs XP Dr. Donald B. Frankel XP Dr. W. A. Hancock XP Dr. T. J. Hilliard XP Dr. L. W.Young XP Dr. F. C. Bailey XD Dr. Lloyd Hallam XD Harry L. Pitner RC Jerd V.Smith RC O. D. Standerfer RC John E. Burgess AB Arthur W. Elliott AB Virgil W. Mills AB Josephine N. Gualdoni Josephine Higgins C Beulah M. Jones C Doris Loy C 479 WHITE COUNTY WHITE COUNTY No. 1 Location: 324 South First Street, Carmi Registration : 5444 Men furnished to armed forces: 1541 Personnel: Victor E. Belva M Julius P. Botsch M Berry S. Crebs M Cyril Endicott M Albert V. Finch M Felix R. Finch M J. H. Harmon M George T. Proctor M William F. Sanders M Dr. J. Z. Stanley M Julius C. Kern GA Kenneth E. Pearce GA Dr. R.C.Brown XP Dr. J. G. Harrell XP Dr. Charles C. Kissinger XP Dr. John A. Legier XP Dr. Lawrence R. Medoff XP Dr. C. J. Rosenberg XP Dr. J. Z. Stanley XP Dr. R. A. McCallister XD Dr. A. E. Stocke XD Voyle C. Bennett RC A. V. Finch RC William L. Miller RC C. S. Conger AB A. M. Kershaw AB Stewart A. Pearce AB Charles T. Randolph AB Kenneth Frank Boeger C Mary Ann Erkman C Violet K. Neeley C Mary E. Tedner C WHITESIDE COUNTY WHITESIDE COUNTY No. 1 Location: 1113 Fourth Street, Fulton Registration: 4246 Men furnished to armed forces : 945 Personnel : Bert Butzer M William J. Considine M David W. Head M Henry E. Jacobsen M G. W. Nelson M Earl W. Olds M Mason Bull M Charles C. McMahon G \ Dr. W. H. Durkee XP Dr. R. E. LaRue XP Dr. R. H. Lester XP Dr. J. W. Medley XP Dr. H. L. Pettitt XP Dr. Isaac Vandermyde XP Dr. G. F. VanDeSand XP Dr. C. P. Hendricks XD Carl W. Nice RC Harold Sikkema RC \lar> F. Burden C Johanna Kuizenga C Verna C. Ward C (Continued) 480 WHITESIDE COUNTY— Continued WHITESIDE COUNTY No. 2 Location: Coliseum Building, Sterling Registration : 6642 Men furnished to armed forces: 1766 Personnel: William I. Anderson M Loren Elias Birdsall M Henry J. Dietz M William Henry Jacobsen M HenryJ.Kolb M J. W. McDonald M Sim T. Mee M Francis Tehan M John M. Stager GA Dr. Frank W. Brodrick XP Dr. William H. McCandless XP Dr. Neal J. Marquis XP Dr. W.H.Perry XP Dr. G. J. Pohly XP Dr. Lester S. Reavley XP Dr. John L. Snavelv XP Dr. Dane B. Bogaard XD Dr. W. J. Palmer XD Dr. William P. Rock XD FredG. Allai RC Roy Gleason RC John F.Phelps RC William Cunniff C Lois Leona Holschuh C Jacqueline Vertrees C Advisory Board Members for Whiteside County Kennard J. Besse Robert W. Besse Lloyd Brown J. A. Fletcher Alexander L. Haglund Harry J. Ludens L. A. Ludens Edward Mee K. W. Miller John L. Poole J. A. Riordon M. G Rogers Earl L. Scott Karl Yost G. Walter Zerr WILL COUNTY WILL COUNTY No. 1 Location: 126 North Scott Street, Joliet Registration : 5354 Men furnished to armed forces: 1507 Personnel : Gilbert C. Bengtson M Arthur C. Geuther M Richard I. Jones M Paul Leach M Stephen F. Sergeant M Milton Sonntag M Carlton F. Steigle M John Woock M James W. Faulkner GA Dr. Robert R. Bates XP Dr. J. W. Muncy XP Dr. E. J. Viskocil XP Dr. J. J. Devine XD Dr. Raymond H. Powell Dr. R.J. Rock XD Arthur E. Kelly RC N.L. White RC Bette Carey C Evelyn Dauwalder C Edna Larsh C XD (Continued ) 481 WILL COUNTY— Continued WILL COUNTY No. 2 Location: 126 North Scott Street, Joliet Men furnished to armed forces: 2348 Personnel: Joseph A. Birsa M John A. Legan M Mathias Pisut M Walter J. Ruddy M John Sicinski M Joseph Spelich M Albert H, Krusemark, Sr. GA Dr. Romus Arnold XP Dr. Harrison L. Harris XP Dr. Martin J. Ivec XP Dr. Donald W. Killinger Dr. Earl R. Steen XP Dr. J. F. Williams XP Dr. J. C.Brady XD Frank J. Gospodaric RC Alfred J. Martin RC Laura I. Daley C Verna C. Ondreja C Mary C. Morgan C \1» WILL COUNTY No. 3 Location: 126 North Scott Street, Joliet Registration : 5283 Men furnished to armed forces: 1316 Personnel : Norman F. Butterfield M Carl Ehrhardt M D. J. Feely M Anthony J. Garrity M Alphonsus J. Kelly M Dan V. Knowlton M C. A. Steevens M Oscar R. Laraway GA Dr. R. G. Barrick XP Dr. Gregory M. Carey XP Dr. Paul E. Landmann XP Dr. Lars S. Pederson XP Dr. C. R. Willson XP Dr. H. F.Lotz XD J.G.Campbell RC C. H. Martin RC Lena Klopfenstein C Elva T. Landendorf C Mary Meyers C JOLIET CITY No. 1 Location: 126 North Scott Street, Joliet Registration: 6802 Men furnished to armed forces : 2394 Personnel : Edward M. Brennan M Peter W. Dittmyer M Henry 0. Grassle M Carl Guard ia M Louis Leimbacher M John P. Haley GA Dr. Samuel Bergen XP Dr. Mat Bloomfield XP Dr. Philip McGinnis, Jr. XP Dr. Elmer J. Stephen XD Joseph Zalar RC Rosemary Garavalia C Helen Hausser C Betty Horwath C Frank Tushek C (Continued) 482 WILL COUNTY— Continued JOLIET CITY No. 2 Location: 126 North Scott Street, Joliet Registration : 5358 Men furnished to armed forces: 1727 Personnel : Ferdinand L. Formento M Perley E. Green M James G. Kinsley M C. A. McCay M James F. McGuire M Martin Schuster M Frank J. Wise GA Dr. Harold M. Hoover XP Dr. Bernard Klein XP Dr. Alfred Chione XP Dr. H. N. Flexer XP Dr. Frank H. Hedges, Jr. XP Dr. Kurt Hohman XP Dr. Robert W. Lennon XP Dr. Earl S. Leimbacher XP Dr. Leonard F. Roblee XP Dr. A. G. Sellards XP Dr. Anthony V. Stassi XP Dr. Joseph L. Trizna XP Dr. Paul A. Green XD Dr. E. A. Dainko XD Owen P. Horrigan RC Israel N. Lewis RC Ray E. Bassett C Leila A. Baldwin C Anita C. Ugoletti C Advisory Board Members for Will County Fred R. Adams George A. Barr Sidney E. Baskin Gordon W. Bedford George N. Blatt, Jr. Joseph E. Boles James E. Burke Alfred J. Cassiday Mrs. Angie B. Clarke Glen L. Cowing Emil Di Lorenzo J. Harold Downey Francis A. Dunn William Martin Garvey Raymond J. Harvey Stewart Curtiss Hutchison Frank J. Jones Francis P. Kelly Joseph V. Kirincich Stuart C. Kroesch Albert H. Krusemark, Jr. Ludwig V. Kuhar John C Lang William Edwin Long William P. Lowrey, Jr. J. Hinton Massey Martin K. Miller Ralph C. Murphy Warren H. North Willard S. Olson Joseph E. Rymsza Harry Leon Schenk Matthew William Stefanich Thomas W. Vinson 483 WILLIAMSON COUNTY WILLIAMSON COUNTY No. 1 Location: City Hall, Herrin Registration : 6305 Men furnished to armed forces: 2162 Personnel : J. H. Clayton M Clyde S.Coyle M LorenC. Hall M Paul Harris M Ernest S. Kratsch M Thoma c J. Shannon M Frank Spezia M A. D. Morgan GA Charles C. Murrah GA Dr. Norman Albert XP Dr. V. H. Burkhart XP Dr. W. R. Gardiner XP Dr. Frank V. Bonham XD Dr. O. E. Spiller XD Joe Dell'Era RC Fred A. Henderson RC Dr. A. H. Whittington RC Louise J. Hamilton C C. Bernell Oliver C Lou Ellen Peak C D. \\ WILLIAMSON COUNTY No. 2 Location: lOl^A West Main Street, Marion Registration : 5986 Men furnished to armed forces: 1859 nnel: H. E. Colp M Hoyt Allen Cosby M Maurice Hayton M Earl B. Jackson M L. C. Raybourn M George R. Stone GA H. L. Zimmerman GA Dr. A. J. Aird XP Dr. H. A. Felts XP Dr. J. G. Parmley XP Dr. H. L. Summers XP Dr. E. E. Woodsides XP Dr. Ralph Burkhart XD Dr. William Cain XD William S. Giles RC A. B. McLaren RC Oscar Schafale RC Sam L. Dunaway C Mildred L. Peterson C Dorothy Betty Stocks C Betty Jean Tidwell C Advisory Board Members for Williamson County Dr. G. R. Brewer Charles W. Campbell George T. Carter Eaban Carter George K. Crichton Hosea V. Ferrell A. L. Fowler Gordon Franklin J. O. Gallimore H. L. Garrison E. E. Green R. W. Harris Snyder Herrin Melvin Parks John M. Reid Carl D. Sneed Herbert L. Tygett George G. \ auglian D. A. Warford Charles D. Winters Frederick B. Baker Arthur C. Fort 484 WINNEBAGO COUNTY WINNEBAGO COUNTY No. 1 Location : 417 Empire Building, Rock ford Registration : 6057 Men furnished to armed forces: 1633 Personnel: John R. Condon M Paul J. Fisher M Edwin Hogan M Robert Leach M William H. McDermaid M A. C. Thompson M Carlton K. Welsh GA Dr. Carl Bartling XP Dr. T. A. Baumann XP Dr. W. J. Bryan XP Dr. Louis P. Dame XP Dr. A. Howard Erickson XP Dr. Carter Goodpasture XP Dr. Carl H. Hamann XP Dr. Courtney Hamlin XP Dr. John 0. Heald XP Dr. Martin C. Lindman XP Dr. H. P. Mosby XP Dr. W. H. Palmer XP Dr. Edmund B. Sutton XP Dr. A. M. Swanson XP Dr. Grover Tracv XP Dr. Vernon C. Voltz XP Dr. King G. Woodward XP Dr. Donald H. Wrork XP Dr. Arthur A. Hoffman XD Dr. E. A. Spafford XD Hilmer A. Johnson RC Lowell Spurgeon RC Rose Hyland C Eunice C. Fitzpatrick C Bernice Marie Kortendick ( Bess L. Powers C WINNEBAGO COUNTY No. 2 Location: 417 Empire Building, Rock ford Registration: 4416 Men furnished to armed forces: 1144 Personnel : FredC. Drager M Byron W. Easton M Ross W. Fleming M William F. Guetschow M Henry W. Larson M Arthur C. Woodruff M Dr. Thomas H. Young M Karl C. Williams GA Dr. Robert Bruce Armstrong XP Dr. Samuel H. Bess XP Dr. Earl C. Bucher XP Dr. Clifford Fredberg XP Dr. Charles E. Klontz XP Dr. Warren M. Miller XP Dr. C. A. Roberts XP Dr. W. G. VandeSteeg XP Dr. E.H.Weld XP Dr. Cyril Sharp XD Dr. E. J. Witherstine XD Hubert M. Bancroft RC Victor C. Frame RC Phoebe Gustafson C William B. Kortendick C Lucille E. Welch C (Continued ) 485 WINNEBAGO COUNTY— Continued ROCKFORD CITY No. 1 Location: 309-311 Rockford Trust, Rockford Registration: 6901 Men furnished to armed forces: 1720 Personnel: Andrew J. Doyle M Tuve J. Floden M Frank C. Franzen M William W. Joslyn M James E. Murray M Norman P. Peterson M Charles A. Thomas M William R. Dusher GA John H.Page GA Dr. R. E. Anthony XP Dr. Robert C. Bourland Dr. H.W.Edson XP Dr. H. W. Harrison XP Dr. Arvid Johnson XP Dr. Joseph S. Lundholm Dr. J. H. Maloney XP XP XP Dr. R. Randle Osborne XP Dr. A. C. Pearman XP Dr. C. M. Ranseen XP Dr. Francis E. Sauer XP Dr. B. C. Schnell, Jr. XP Dr. R. E. Tenney XP Dr. C. A. Walker XP Dr. M. L. Johnson XD Dr. C. 0. Olson XD Dr. C. E. Werner XD Arvid C. Paulson RC G. Amos Stockhus RC Alice M. Bakeman C Grace Ford C Bertha Munz C ROCKFORD CITY No. 2 Location: 607 Forest City National Bank Building, Rockford Registration: 8400 Men furnished to armed forces: 2050 Personnel: Fred C. Olson M Fritz Carlson M Judson H. Mansfield M Tirrie O. Prather M Charles L. St. Clair M F.Hugh Ward M Arthur V. Essington GA Dr. Sam Behr XP Dr. J. Hairy Bendes XP Dr. Anfin Egdahl XP Dr. Charles L. Leonard XP Dr. Charles Leppert XP Dr. Al L. Magnelia XP Dr. Elmer L. Mertz XP Dr. Homer Moore XP Dr. J. Tyler Rankin XP Dr. Harry Warner XP Dr. C. H. Grandstaff XD Dr. E. F. Sullivan XD Dr. H. L. Willcox XD Jarl H. Ederstrom RC J. Eugene Welch RC Helen P. Baumgarten C Erma E. Gallagher C Mary L. Jordan C Erma S. Markham C (Contimu'd > 486 WINNEBAGO COUNTY— Continued ROCKFORD CITY No. 3 Location: 609 Forest City National Bank Building, Rock ford Registration: 7779 Men furnished to armed forces: 2348 Personnel : Harold R. Clifford M Walter M. Fairbairn M Maurice L. Froelich M Carl A. Lagerstrom M Charles Stewart M Joseph Zammuto M Guy B. Reno GA Dr. Stanley Anderson XP Dr. Bernard E. Bolotoff XP Dr. L. L. Bowers XP Dr. W. P. Burdick XP Dr. Burt J. Canfield XP Dr. T. Harry Culhane XP Dr. W. H. Cunningham XP Dr. Anthony J. Daly XP Dr. William B. Fonvielle XP Dr. R.S.Grant XP Dr. J. E. Jackson XP Dr. Paul Johnson XP Dr. Joseph H. Kaplan XP Dr. Eugene T. Leonard XP Dr. N. A. Lindstedt XP Dr. W. J. O'Donnell XP Dr. Alfred B. Owen XP Dr. Gerald A. Rau XP Dr. (Col.) Ebden G. Roberts Dr. John T. Small XP Dr. Justin Steurer XP Dr. W. S. Timblin XP Dr. H. E. Rust XD Dr. James L. Shipley XD W. Harold Bailey RC Paul N.Wilson RC Ethelle I. Galbo C Agnes C. Nelson C Wilbur E. Shedd C Violet M. Soderquist C Bernice H. Stacy C XP Advisory Board Members for Winnebago County Alf 0. Ahlstrand Charles F. Andrews Harry L. Arnold William H. Barrick William H. Barnes, Jr. Roy H. Brown Robert C. Bourland, Jr. Robert R. Canfield David Connolly Charles H. Davis Samuel J. Ditto J. Phillip Dunn Albert D. Early B. B. Early John Early Edward J. Fahy John J. Faissler Edward S. Foltz, Jr. William H. Gates Robert M. Gibboney Thomas W. Gill Russell Goldman Stanley H. Guyer Frederick H. Haye Morris J. Hinchcliff Stanton E. Hyer Anthony S. Ingrassia Wilbur E. Johnson Thomas A. Keegan B. Jay Knight William D. Knight Fred J. Kullberg Shelby L. Large William Lathrop R. P. Lichtenwalner George Liddell Leonard Lundin John C. McCarthy David F. Madden L. W. Menzimer Robert E. Nash Carroll Nelson C. Oliver Nelson Carl 0. Nyman Lawrence F. O'Brien Clifford A. Pedderson Paul S. Pierson Guy B. Reno D. C. Ruttenberg Frank M. Ryan Dr. Louis A. Shultz, Jr. Fred H. Smith Russell E. Smith Truesdale Smith John R. Snively Roy E. Stone Carl A. Swenson Charles S. Thomas Alex J. Victor R. T. Welsh 0. M. Williams Edgar H. Wilson Raphael E. Yalden Ralph S. Zahm 487 WOODFORD COUNTY WOODFORD COUNTY No. 1 Location: County Court House, Eureka Registration : 4768 Men furnished to armed forces: 1272 Personnel : Clyde J. Davis M J. H. Gleason M Earl G. Irons M Glenwood C. Tanton M Floyd Lester Tarman M F. S. Wylie M Carl A. Yeck M Horace Baker GA Charles Williams GA Dr. S. M. Burdon XP Dr. A. E. McReynolds XP Dr. W. S. Morrison XP Dr. Frank W. Nickel XP Dr. E. H. Wallace XD Lawrence A. Cravens RC Harold D. Willis RC Ermine Kesler C Roger Mitchell C Marian E. Steninger C Esther Wadsworth C Advisory Board Members for Woodford County W. H. Foster Samuel G. Harrod, Jr. Ben C. Leiken Isadore L. Leiken Don B. Pioletti Edward F. Riely George H. Riley Ed E. Robeson J. F. Sturgeon SPECIAL PANEL BOARDS SPECIAL PANEL BOARD No. 1 Location: Cook County Jail, Chicago Andrew W. Brown, M.D. Sup't Edward J. Denemark Joseph Moudry Milton A. Saffir, M.D. Warden Frank Sain SPECIAL PANEL BOARD No. 2 Location: Illinois Training School for Boys, St. Charles Russell W. Ballard Robert F. Munn J. Clifford Hodgin Theodore L Sharp Harold Ebert Johnson SPECIAL PANEL BOARD No. 3 Location: Illinois State Penitentiary. Menard Warden C. F. Becker R. C. Bloome Walter Nierstheimer SPECIAL PANEL BOARD No. 4 Location: Illinois State Penitentiary. Pontiac Roy G. Hershey Warden Arthur A. Bennetl SPECIAL PANEL BOARD No. 5 Location: Illinois State Penitentiary, Stateville ClarenceD. Uherton Walter Moody Warden Frank Hill Ux Padley •188 EXAMINING PHYSICIANS AND DENTISTS- MISCELLANEOUS ASSIGNMENTS, DOWNSTATE Dr. Melvin Blaurock Dr. N. Lionel Blitzsten Dr. Louis D. Boshes Dr. E. J. Buchan Dr. Joseph Calvary Dr. John Chornyak Dr. Charles B. Congdon Dr. Isidore Diamond Dr. Jacob V. Edlin Dr. E. R. Eisler Dr. Eugene Falstein Dr. M. G. Farinacci Dr. Thomas Fentress Dr. Isidore Finkelman Dr. Malcolm H. Finley Dr. Thomas French Dr. Milton Goldberg Dr. Harold A. Greenberg Dr. Roy R. Grinker Dr. Paul Haas Dr. Ralph C. Hamill Dr. Leo J. Jacobson Dr. Maurice Kaplan Dr. Ernest Klein Dr. M. T. Koenig Dr. Paul Kramer Dr. Harry B. Levey Dr. David Levitin Dr. George Loewenstein Dr. A. A. Low Dr. Jerome J. Lubin Dr. J. E. McCormick Dr. William McKee Dr. Henry Mead Dr. John Mergener Dr. Milton Miller Dr. George J. Mohr Dr. John Thomas Nerancy Dr. Harry Paskind Dr. G. L. Perkins Dr. A. K. Peterson Dr. Morris Peterson Dr. Joseph P. Reich Dr. Paul Rosenfels Dr. D. B. Rotman Dr. Manning I. Sankstone Dr. Paul Schroeder Dr. Helmut P. G. Seckel Dr. H. M. Serota Dr. Julius Steinfeld Dr. Marvin Sukov Dr. Stanislaus A. Szurek Dr. Carel Van der Heide Dr. A. H. Vander Veer Dr. William Weisdorff DENTISTS— Dr. Irving Dome Dr. John S. Fafinski Dr. John J. Gapsis Dr. M. A. Goldberg Dr. J. B. Gomberg Dr. Sidney A. Goodman Dr. A. F. Mastrud Dr. Albert Pearl Dr. Arnold Raffel Dr. Samuel Spira Dr. A. D. Steynburg Dr. C. F. Tomaszewski 489 ILLINOIS BOARDS OF APPEAL Their Locations, Areas of Jurisdiction and Members No. 1— GROUPS 1 to 12, INCLUSIVE 1 Location: 105 West Monroe Street, Chicago Jurisdiction: Cook County Administrator : William H. King, Jr. Group 1 Rev. William S. Braddan Willard L. King A. F. Lewis Arthur J. Murphy Samuel Smith Rollin T. Woodyatt MD Group 2 Britton I. Budd Stanley P. Farwell R.R.Ferguson MD Paul V. Galvin William A. Lewis Charles P. Megan Sterling Morton Herman Smith MD A. A. Zdrojewski Group 3 John D. Black Homer J. Buckley Henry Crown Chester C. Doherty Robert H. Hayes MD James H. Hutton MD Joseph J. Kehoe Edward J. Turek Group 4 Thurlow G. Essington Charles B. Goes, Jr. Frank F. Maple MD Burt J. Mason Lewis J. Solomon General Robert Wood Group 5 David V. Colbert Byron Dalton John E. MacLeish Nelson Morris Charles H. Phifer MD Marcus D. Richards Sidney Rissman Joseph J. Seppi Group 6 Earl L. Blanchard F. Ray Bryant Whitney Campbell William C. Keuch Arthur F. Maue Maurice F. McElligott W. A. Michael J. H. O'Neil MD George W. Post MD Robert H. Soelke Group 7 Wilbur C. Bacon Charles L. Dressel Irwin T. Gilruth A. Paul Holleb IrvinS.Koll MD Fred M.Miller MD Fred Mulich Calvin F. Selfridge Colonel A. A. Sprague Group 8 Richard Abram F. 0. Fredrickson MD Peter Medema Henry A. Procsel Louis E. Schmidt Charles S. Traer Ednyfed H. Williams Group 9 Nicholas J. Conrad Joseph E. Fitch Nathaniel Leverone Earl J. McMahon F. Lee Stone MD (Continued) 1 Board of Appeal No. 1 was originally composed of Illinois Hoards of Appeal Nos. ^ 1 to S. inclusive, each Board having jurisdiction over appeals from specified Local Boards within Cook County. These eight original Boards were reorganized into Illinois Board of Appeal No. 1, com- posed of the eight original Boards, plus four additional Boards, all being designated from Groups 1 to 12, inclusive. Any Group in Board of Appeal No. 1 could act on an appeal from any Local Board in Cook County. 4, Mt. lemon — Blanche M. Dethrow, Thelma L Fenton. J. Nadine Pierce. 492 ILLINOIS MEDICAL ADVISORY BOARDS Their Locations, Areas of Jurisdiction and Members No. 1— RAVENSWOOD HOSPITAL Location: 1931 Wilson Avenue, Chicago Jurisdiction: Chicago Boards 71, 72, 73, 151 Clark A. Buswell MD Ralph Davis MD J. Bailey Carter MD George D. DeTarnowsky MD Robert E. Dyer MD F. 0. Frederickson MD Edward F. Garraghan MD R. F. Greening MD William H. Haines MD Robert H. Hayes MD Norris J. Heckel MD Alexander Hershfield MD 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 148, 149, 150, D. L. Jenkinson MD J. J. Moore MD William J. Noonan MD Darwin B. Pond MD Francis E. Senear MD Harold Sofield MD Albert Vanderkloot MD John C. Vermeren MD Joseph A. Wloczewski MD Michael Zeller MD Edward H. Ashley DDS Harper J. Hibbe DDS No. 2— NORWEGIAN-AMERICAN HOSPITAL Location: 1044 North Francisco Avenue, Chicago Jurisdiction: Chicago Boards 40, 46, 47, 117, 118, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 141, 142 James J. Callahan MD Manuel Lichtenstein MD T. T. Crooks MD David Markson MD Morris Glatt MD John M. Radzinski MD C. F. Goetzinger MD Ralph Warden MD Cyril Hale MD Cleveland J. White MD JohnW. Harned MD Col. William H. G. Logan DDS M. J. Kostrewski MD John A. McCallum DDS John E. Koons MD No. 3— MERCY HOSPITAL Location: 2537 South Prairie Avenue, Chicago Jurisdiction: Chicago Boards 1, 6, 19, 20, 21, 82, 86, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102 Robert S. Berghoff MD Fred M. Drennan MD W. W. Furey MD Emory Grimm MD William Kirby MD Norman A. Levy MD Milton Mandell MD Clement L. Martin MD Michael F. McGuire MD John V. McMahon MD 22, 23 103, 104 G. Henry Mundt MD Herbert T. Nash MD W.J.Pickett MD Charles F. Sawyer MD Abraham W. Schram MD Meyer Solomon MD F. M. Whitesell MD Frank Wojniak MD Kenneth Penhale DDS 24, 25, 26, 27, 80, 403 No. 4 — PROVIDENT HOSPITAL Location: 426 East 51st Street, Chicago Jurisiliction: Chicago Boards 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 81, 83, 84, 85, west half of 87 Walter Adams MD Julian Lewis MD H. Hugh Beguesse Ml) John W. Lawlah MD Audley F. Connor Ml) H. Reginald Smith MD Ulysses Grant Dailey Ml) C. J. Teffner MD Spencer C. Dickerson MD H. V. Wilburn MD R. C. Giles MD William D. Giles DDS Walter S. Grant MI) Silas P. Jones DDS Theodore K. Lawless MD No. 5— ST. FRANCIS HOSPITAL Location: 355 Ridge Avenue, Evanston Jurisdiction: Cook County Boards 1,2,3, 4, Evanston Boards 1,2, 3 T. E. Conley MD H. A. Richter MD Charles L. Conroy MD O. T. Schultz MD John J. Fahey MD Gail R. Soper MD Robert Moore Jones MD E. A. Wegner MD Alfred C. Ledoux MD Sidney B. Freud DDS W.J.Nolan MD W. E. Redlich DDS Jerome T. Paul MD L. V. Stephenson DDS No. 6 — WEST SUBURBAN HOSPITAL Location: 518 North Austin Boulevard, Oak Park Jurisdiction: Cook County Boards 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15; Berwyn Boards 1, 2; Cicero Boards 1, 2, 3; Oak Park Boards 1, 2, 3; Maywood Board Guy P. Conger MD James H. Skiles MD O. Hawkinson MD Irwin G. Spiesman MD Robert T. McElvenny MD John J. Theobald MD Mahlon P. Palmer MD Ralph W. Trimmer MD Eugene C. Piette MD W. R. Williams MD Gilbert P. Pond MD Albert W. Campbell DDS Willis Potts MD W. K. Frakes DDS Carl D. Render MD Louis W. Schultz DDS Frank J. Ronayne MD Paul Swanson DDS Howard M. Sheaff MD No. 7— INGALLS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Location: 155th Street and Page Avenue, Harvey Jurisdiction: Cook County Boards 10, 11, 12, 13, 14; Calumet City Board; Chicago Heights Board Alfred Biggs MD B. M. Johnson MD P. R. Blodgett MD Frank G. Murphy MD E. E. Dillon MD George W. Scupham MD William C. Doepp MD Kenneth Smith MD Eugene Grosz MD Leroy Rowland DDS 404 No. 8— ST. FRANCIS HOSPITAL Location: Freeport Jurisdiction: JoDaviess, Stephenson, Carroll Counties H. W. Ackemann MD N. C. Phillips MD J. A. Ascher MD W. E. Rideout MD Charles L. Best MD Karl Benedict Rieger MD Benjamin Braun MD Florance L. Sullivan MD John S. Clark MD Louis G. Voigt MD John J. Grant MD Charles Zipf MD Robert J. Hyslop MD N. A. Arganbright DDS William L. Karcher MD P. M. Breyer DDS Cuthbert J. Leavy MD J. A. Donahue DDS Donal 0. Manshardt MD William D. Van Lone DDS No. 9— ST. ANTHONY'S HOSPITAL Location: Rock ford Jurisdiction: Winnebago, Boone Counties, western half of McHenry County C. H. BosweU MD Rudolph J. Mroz MD William H. Elmer MD H. D. Palmer MD Egbert W. Fell MD Arthur Pearman MD William K. Ford MD J. J. Potter MD R. C. Fringer MD Justin Steurer MD John A. Green MD William M. Magnelia MD David Holman MD No. 10— ST. THERESA'S HOSPITAL Location: Waukegan Jurisdiction: Lake County, eastern half of McHenry County Douglas Boyd MD Hugo Branyon MD George B. Callahan MD G. P. Cassidy MD James P. Fitzgerald MD Everett M. Laury MD George L. Mosby MD Edward P. Norcross MD Luther J. Osgood MD Edgar W. Spackman MD Peter J. Stanul MD Louis F. Waldmann MD G. J. Balbach DDS E. H. Bixler DDS J. Mackey DDS No. 11— DIXON PURLIC HOSPITAL Location: Dixon Jurisdiction: Lee, Ogle, Whiteside Counties Robert L. Baird MD Frank W. Brodrick MD Howard Edwards MD Charles H. LeSage MD Henry J. McCoy MD William A. McNichols MD Edward S. Murphy MD David L. Murphy MD J. L. Tavenner MD W. A. Thompson MD H. A. Lazier DDS C. E. Smith DDS W. J. Worsley DDS 495 No. 12— ST. JOSEPH MERCY HOSPITAL Location : Aurora Jurisdiction: Kane, DuPage, DeKalb, Kendall Counties R. T. Bothe MD Richard K. Collins MD David J. Evans MD Vernon L. Evans MD C. L. Gardner MD Edward C. Holmblad MD Karl J. Kaiser MD Emmett L. Lee MD Earl E. Meister MD Charles G. Weller MD E. V. Young MD James B. Gorman DDS R. G. Nicholson DDS A. L. Roberts DDS No. 12-A— JOLIET HOSPITAL Ijocation : Joliet Jurisdiction: Will County- Arthur Fahrner MD George E. Roomey MD Arthur L. Shreffler MD George Woodruff MD David Bradley DDS George W. Young DDS No. 13— ST. ANTHONY'S HOSPITAL Location : Rock Island Jurisdiction : Rock Island, Mercer, Norbert C. Barwasser MD H. A. Beam MD Francis Blonek MD Florens E. Bollaert MD Frank N. Davenport MD Clifford C. Ellis MD George D. Hauberg MD H.P.Miller MD E. B. Neff MD Meredith L. Ostrom MD Henry Counties Frank J. Otis MD S. H. Richman MD C. E. Robb MD H. W. Shuman MD Maud J. Vollmer Ml) A. Walter Wiss MD Harry A. Albright DDS G. Arthur Nelson DDS C. M. Rile DDS No. 14— ST. MARY'S HOSPITAL Location : LaSalle Jurisdiction: LaSalle, Bureau, Putnam Counties J. H. Edgcomb MD William P. Fread MD George Klumpner MD John F. Lewis MD Felix J. Maciejewski MD J. R. Norcross MD John L. Rock MD M.H. Sawyer MD Clifford J. Strieker MD Ralph H. Woods MD S. C. Wood DDS 496 No. 15— ST. MARY'S HOSPITAL Location : Kankakee Jurisdiction: Kankakee, Iroquois Counties George F. Asselin MD Gilbert Ayling MD Edson W. Carr MD Charles W. Geiger MD Edwin S. Hamilton MD George E. Irwin MD Delbert K. Judd MD Anson L. Nickerson MD D. J. O'Loughlin MD C. H. Condit DDS R. F. Schroeder DDS A. C. Willman DDS No. 16— MONMOUTH HOSPITAL Location: Monmouth Jurisdiction: Warren, Henderson, Knox, McDonough Counties Charles P. Blair MD C. B. Ripley MD Herbert C. Eastman MD J. L. Sherrick MD Ralph Graham MD William M. Hartman MD Grover C. Klein MD A. R. Mailer MD Benjamin V. McClanahan MD James C. Redington MD V. D. Thomas MD Frank C. Winter MD C. E.Lauder DDS W.S.Phelps DDS L. H.Shaffer DDS No. 17— ST. FRANCIS HOSPITAL Location : Peoria Jurisdiction: Peoria, Tazewell, Stark, half of Fulton County E. C. Burhans MD Paul Dirkse MD Harry A. Durkin MD Walter King MD James Thomas Jenkins MD Emil Z. Levitin MD Harry Magee MD D. F. Loewen MD George W. Parker MD Charles Sneller MD Woodford, Marshall Counties, northern Arthur Sprenger MD R. M. Sutton MD Clifton S. Turner MD Wright C. Williams MD L. F. Carlin DDS Clarke E. Chamberlain DDS John C. Murdock DDS Earle V.Ryan DDS L. E. Steward DDS No. 18— ST. JAMES HOSPITAL Location: Pontiac Jurisdiction: Livingston, Grundy, McLean Counties, upper half of Ford County E. G. Beatty MD A. B. Middleton MD Reed Hanley MD Carl Riess MD Harry C.Hill MD L. W. Yolton MD William A. Marshall MD C. A. Alcorn DDS Clark C. Meeks MD J. T. Mohan DDS 497 No. 19— ST. MARY'S HOSPITAL Location : Quincy Jurisdiction: Adams, Brown, Hancock Counties, western half of Pike County Arthur H. Bitter MD Warren F. Pearce MD Norbert Blickhan MD John Roy Pollock MD Frank T. Brenner, Sr. MD J. C. Steiner MD Earl L. Caddick MD Walter Stevenson MD Frank Cohen MD Harold Swanberg MD Carson Gabriel MD Walter M. Whitaker MD Ralph Hinton MD Albert H. Sohm DDS S. R. Hoover MD Hugh Tarpley DDS Ralph McReynolds MD LeRoy H. Wolfe, Sr. DDS F. Garm Norbury MD No. 20— SCHMITT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Location: Beardstown Jurisdiction: Cass, Schuyler, Scott, Morgan, Greene, Jersey, Calhoun Counties, eastern half of Pike County, southern half of Fulton County Albyn L. Adams MD Henry 0. Munson MD Ivan E. Brouse MD Alfred G. Schultz MD Thomas G. Charles MD C. E. Soule MD V. M. Gorman MD Robert A. Spencer MD Walter L. Frank MD Thomas A. Starkey MD Dale E. Haworth MD R. F. Black DDS C. L. Morris MD H.O.Ellis DDS No. 21— ST. JOHN'S HOSPITAL Location : Springfield Jurisdiction: Sangamon, Mason, Logan, Christian, Menard Counties A. G. Aschauer MD D. M. Sirca MD John F. Deal MD George Staben MD William DeHollander MD Harry M. Steen MD Herbert B. Henkel MD George B. Stericker MD Thomas D. Masters MD Alajos Vass MD Joseph P. McGoey MD A. E. Walters MD Samuel E. Munson MD Albert E. Converse DDS Harry Otten MD H. D. Fullenwider DDS No. 22— DECATUR AND MACON COUNTY HOSPITAL Location: Decatur Jurisdiction: Macon, Piatt, DeWitl Counties S. Elliott Bell MD R. Zink Sanders MD Hymen J. Burstein MD Dean Stanley MD Fauntleroy Flinn MD F. E. Strickling MD Forrest R. Martin MD Stuart Wood MD Clarence E. McClelland MD William H. Hacker DDS Irving H. Neece MD Wray S. Monroe DDS T. S. Raiford MD Austin C. Stiles DDS Ciney Rich MD 498 No. 23— BURNHAM CITY HOSPITAL Location : Champaign Jurisdiction: Champaign, Douglas Counties, southern half of Ford County E. C. Albers MD Benjamin Markowitz MD Max Appel MD Cyrus F. Newcomb MD Arthur J. Dalton MD John A. Siegling MD E. L. Draper MD S. N. Tager MD Gerald D. Gernon MD Warren B. West MD Lewis T. Gregory MD Earl D. Wise MD Marcus W. Hedgcock MD H. W. Boone DDS Darwin Kirby MD F. E. Ebert DDS William F. Lamkin MD W. H. Karcher DDS No. 24— LAKE VIEW HOSPITAL Location : Danville Jurisdiction: Vermilion, Edgar Counties P.K.Andrews MD H. E. Baldwin MD F. W. Barton MD T. J. Carmody MD Robert Clements MD Henry F. Hooker MD B. M. Jewell MD Warren B. Smith MD M. R. Warden MD Edwin G. C. Williams MD H. S. Foster DDS H. L. Minnis DDS No. 25— MEMORIAL METHODIST HOSPITAL Location : Mattoon Jurisdiction: Coles, Cumberland, Moultrie, Clark, Shelby, Effingham Counties T. A. Bryan MD Albert T. Summers MD Charles E. Greer MD Edmund Summers MD F.B.Jones MD C. D. Swickard MD H.W.Long MD Charles B. Voigt MD Charles E. Morgan MD R. R. Burke DDS James A. Oliver MD R. G. Jones DDS Andrew P. Rauwolf MD B. C. Trexler DDS W.F.Stafford MD W. L. White DDS No. 26— ST. FRANCIS HOSPITAL Location: Litchfield Jurisdiction: Montgomery, Macoupin Counties L. G. Allen MD H.F.Bennett MD Charles Ford MD R. W. Griswold MD ZebV. Kimball MD F. Y. Kuhlman MD P. B. O'Connell MD Charles H. Sihler MD G. A. Sihler, Sr. MD George A. Sihler, Jr. MD C. H. Zoller MD C. W. Grafton DDS Arthur E. Sihler DDS No. 27— KIRKWOOD CLINIC HOSPITAL Location: Latvrenceville Jurisdiction: Richland, Lawrence, Crawford, Jasper, Edwards, Wabash Counties Ralph B. Armitage MD L. E. McGahey MD Victor M. Brian MD Randolph F. Snider MD Alan G. Brooks, MD B. C. Teasley MD Wendell I. Green MD C. E. Duff DDS H. W. Kinney MD D. Z. Wylde DDS Tom Kirkwood MD G. A. Ritter DDS 499 No. 28— ST. MARY'S HOSPITAL Location : East St. Louis Jurisdiction: St. CUiir, Madison, Monroe, Bond, Fayette Counties Charles Bell MD C. J. Nolan MD O. B. Boyd MD Guy Pfeiffer MD H. A. Cables MD Vivien P. Siegel MD Edward W. Cannady MD Groves B. Smith MD Justin Cordonnier MD Edward C. Spitze MD Killian Fritsch MD Walter C. Wilhelmj MD William L. Hanson MD N. H. Feder DDS J. J. Kane MD J. M. Hogan DDS H. C. Knapp MD J. E. Mahoney DDS Everett L. Lanman MD F. A. Neuhoff DDS Eugene McQuillan MD No. 29— MT. VERNON HOSPITAL Location: Mt. Vernon Jurisdiction: Jefferson, Clinton, Franklin, Washington, Perry, Clay, Marion, Wayne Counties James T. Blakely MD Walter F. Plassman MI) Andy Hall MD Paul B. Rabenneck MD Augustus P. Heller MD Robert R. Smith MD J. A. Johnson MD Harry 0. Williams MD Charles 0. Lane MD J. J. Corlew DDS Alson W. Modert MD M. M. Lumbattis DDS John Beverly Moore MD Evan W. Petty DDS William G. Parker MD No. 30— HOLDEN HOSPITAL Location : Carbondale Jurisdiction: Jackson, Williamson, Union, Johnson, Randolph Counties Lon Baker MD John H. Hrabik MD J.W.Barrow MD Willis I. Lewis MD W. A. Brandon MD E. R. May MD C. M. Brooks MD F. M. Sylvester MD Edmund R. Carman MD E. E. Mathes DDS G. G. Fischer MD H. W. Willis DDS No. 31— LIGHTNER HOSPITAL Location : Harrisburg Jurisdiction: Saline, Hamilton, Gallatin, White, Pope, Hardin Counties R. C. Brown MD Douglas A. Lehman Ml) John V. Ferrell MD Joseph C. Lightner MD Ernest L. Hennig MD Robert B. Nyberg MD Byrt B. Hutton MD H. C. Holdoway DDS Charles Kissinger MD E. M. Travelstead DDS No. 32— ST. MARY'S HOSPITAL Location : Cairo Jurisdiction : Alexander, Pulaski, Massac Counties Flint Bondurant MD Edward E. Miller Ml) James W.Dunn MD Harrv Phillips Ml) Homer J. Elkins MD Berry Rife Ml) D.B.Grossman MD Charles L. Welxr MD Bellenden S. Hutcheson MD Van Andrews DDS J. S. Johnson MD H. A. Mort land DDS 500 No. 33— DANISH AMERICAN HOSPITAL Location: 1615 North Kostner Avenue, Chicago Jurisdiction: Chicago Boards 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 133, 134, 135, 137, 138, 139, 140 Lewis Kent Eastman MD J. W. Klapman MD Peter Gaberman MD James M. McDonnough MD Marion Lee Gordon MD Max L. Bramer DDS W.Lloyd Kenny MD Alfred B. Wolter DDS No. 34 — WASHINGTON BOULEVARD HOSPITAL Location: 2449 Washington Boulevard, Chicago Jurisdiction: Chicago Boards 41, 113, 114, 115, 116, 121, 122 James F. Cox MD Linn F. McBride MD James F. DePree MD Arthur R. Metz MD J. N. Warren DePree MD Raymond Householder MD Robert L. Ladd MD Roland P. Mackay MD George R. McAuliff MD H. Ivan Sippy MD J. Kenneth Sokol MD Henry O. Wernicke MD Virgil Wescott MD No. 35— ST. ELIZABETH HOSPITAL Location: 1433 North Claremont Jurisdiction: Chicago Boards 51, Raymond Leo Abraham MD John J. Belinsky MD William P. Bell MD Julius Brams MD Wilbert 0. Brown MD John F. Chase MD Oscar Cleff MD Francis A. Dulak MD W. Francis Jacobs MD Jerry J. Kearns MD S. H. Kraines MD George F. Kristan MD Frank M. Laurenzana MD Avenue, Chicago 64, 65, 66, 143, 144, 146 Martin G. Luken MD Sol Nigro MD Henry C. Olechowski MD N. M. Pellettieri MD Harold A. Ramser MD Lawrence A. Russell MD Clifford J. Steinle MD Joseph A. Tobin MD Samuel L. Turek MD John P. Wojtalewicz MD A. S. Macaluso MD W. L. Westling MD No. 36— COOK COUNTY HOSPITAL Location: 519 South Wolcott Avenue, Chicago Jurisdiction: Chicago Boards 34, 35, 36, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 119, 120, 124 M. L. Afrenow MD A. W. Hall MD James Paul Bennett MD George B. Hassin MD Maurice L. Blatt MD Harry J. Isaacs MD George C. Coe MD Max Kaplan MD Louis T. Curry MD Sigmund Krumholz MD Jack Fields MD Nathan K. Lazar MD J. R. Fitzgerald MD Jacob Lifschutz MD Nicholas I. Fox MD Joseph A. Luhan MD Ellis B. Freilich MD Clayton J. Lundy MD Harry H. Freilich MD S. J. Pearlman MD E. A. Friedman MD Richard A. Perritt MD T. C. Galloway MD Edward A. Roling MD Sanford R. Gifford MD Albert F. Rosenblum MD Victor E. Gonda MD Leon J. Saul MD (Continued) 501 [No. 36 — Cook County Hospital] — Continued Elias Selinger MD L. J. Wallner AID Fred Shapiro MD J. Lester Wilkey MD Sidney Sideman MD Stanley E. Telser MD Frederick Steigmann MD Anthony Roucek DDS Theodore T. Stone MD No. 37— GARFIELD PARK COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Location: 3621 West Washington Boulevard, Chicago Jurisdiction: Chicago Boards 37, 38, 39, 42, 43, 44, 45, 54, 55, 123, 125, 136 Frank L. Brown MD Samuel G. Plice MD Frank Chauvet MD Clarence C. Saelhof MD Paul F. Doescher MD Paul G. F. Schmitt MD Edmund F. Foley MD Albert J. Stokes MD Palmer Good MD Harold N. Wait MD Otto C. Huber MD Claude Weldy MD Hubert F. Meacham MD Carl S. Geffert MD Vincent J. O'Connor MD No. 38— ALBERT MERRITT BILLINGS HOSPITAL Location: 950 East 59th Street, Chicago Jurisdiction: Chicago Boards 9, 10, 11, 31,32, 33, east half of 87, 88, 89, 90, William E. Adams MD Wright Adams MD Hugh T. Carmichael MD Arthur G Bachmeyer MD Sam W. Banks MD Emmett B. Bay MD Samuel W. Becker MD Robert Gustav Bloch MD Louis Bothman MD Alexander Brunschwig MD George F. Dick MD Justin M. Donegan MD C. Wesley Eisele MD Omar John Fareed MD Gustave Freeman MD Jerome A. Gans MD Vincent P. Graham MD C. Howard Hatcher MD Paul C.Hodges MD 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 28, 29, 30, 91, 92, 93, 94, 105, 106 Walter E. Hook MD Hilger P. Jenkins MD Delbert K. Judd MD Joseph B. Kirsner MD Alfred J. Klein MD Arlington C. Krause MD John R. Lindsay MD Clayton G. Loosli MD Jules H. Masserman MD George A. Nicoll MD Bruce Proctor MD Henry B. Perlman MD Richard B. Richter MD Donald Ross MD Frederic E. Templeton MD William B. Tucker MD Cornelius W. Vermeulen MD J. R. Blayney DDS Sigmund F. Bradcl DDS No. 39— COOK COUNTY Jurisdiction: Cook County A. L. Aaronson MD Franz Alexander MD Harvey Allen MD Stephen P. Anthony MD Alex J. Arieff MD Leon Aries MD Arthur J. Atkinson MD Scammon Barry MD Peter Bassoe MD Samuel A. Battaglia MD T. J. Bauer MD Hallard Beard MD James M. Beazell MD William L. Beccher MD Albert C. Bellini MD Joseph R. Bennett MD Myron Clyde Benford MD L. H. Berard MD (Continued) 502 [No. 39 — Gook County Jurisdiction] Robert S. Berghoff MD Arthur Bernstein MD T. B. Bernstein MD G. A. Bica MD I.E. Bishkow MD John W. Blair MD Frank W. Blatchford MD James H. Bloomfield MD Morris Braude MD Herbert C. Breuhaus MD S. B. Broder MD Roosevelt Brooks MD Edmund G. Brust MD Arthur D. Bussey MD Herman N. Bundesen MD Emil Bunta MD Stuyvesant Butler MD Joseph A. Capps MD Frederick Christopher MD Warren H. Cole MD George H. Coleman MD Thomas J. Coogan MD Nathan Crohn MD Irving S. Cutter MD William C. Danforth MD Duane Darling MD Loyal Davis MD F. Benson Deardorff MD Edward V. Del Beccaro MD Geza deTakats MD James B. Eyerly Md Samuel M. Feinberg MD Louis Feldman MD W. Z. Felsher MD G. K. Fenn MD Homer B. Field MD J. W. Fischer MD Frederick William Fitz MD Samuel J. Fogelson MD Francis L. Foran MD John W. Foster MD J. T. Gault MD Angelo S. Geraci MD Francis J. Gerty MD Max P. Gethner MD Staley Gibson MD Maxell Gitelson MD N. C. Gilbert MD Samuel Goldberg MD Jacob Golden MD A. A. Goldsmith MD Harry S. Gradle MD Earle Gray MD Robert M. Grier MD John B.Hall MD Emil D. W. Hauser MD Jerome Reed Head MD Morris R. Hecht MD — Continued Harry M. Hedge MD Richard E. Heller MD James B. Herrick MD Russell Dorr Herrold MD M. C. Higgins MD Paul H. Holinger MD Donald K. Hibbs MD Aaron Hilkevitch MD Laurence E. Hines MD Donald A. Hirsch MD Paul H. Holinger MD A. R. Hollender MD Hubert Houston MD John M.Howell MD J. Harvey Johnston MD Harold E. Jones MD Leo A. Kaplan MD Morris A. Kaplan MD Robert W. Keeton MD Frank B.Kelly MD David Kleiman MD Alva A. Knight MD Joel W. Knudson MD Grant H. Laing MD Victor LaMarre MD Earl Latimer MD Leonard 0. Leader MD Francis L. Lederer MD George V. LeRoy MD Victor D. Lespinasse MD Howard Levine MD Meyer R. Lichtenstein MD Robert C. Lonergan MD Hugo Long MD B. F. Lounsbury MD Albert A. Loverde MD William Mackenzie MD John J. Madden MD Arthur E. Mahle MD William A. Mann MD Jacob Marks MD John Martin MD Ernest G. McEwen MD Michael J. McGowan MD Newton G. Mead MD Jacob J. Mendelsohn MD T. J. Merar MD Harold I. Meyer MD Hershel Meyer MD J. Roscoe Miller MD Harry Mock MD J. M. Mora MD Milton M. Mosko MD Kathleen B. Muir MD J. Peerman Nesselrod MD Raymong Norfray MD Julius B. Novak MD Rudolph G. Novick MD (Continued) 503 [No. 39 — Cook County Jurisdiction] — Continued Eric Oldbert MD Benjamin Pearlman MD S. L. Pearlman MD Samuel Perlstein MD E.A. Piszczek MD Lewis J. Pollock MD George E. Poucher MD Irving Puntenney MD Jack I. Rabens MD I. A. Rabens MD Ben Z. Rappaport MD Stephen W. Ranson, Jr. MD David Rest MD Carl 0. Rinder MD Roy 0. Riser MD Theodore Roberg, Jr. MD David H. Rosenberg MD S. H. Rosenblum MD Morris William Rubinstein MD Edwin W. Ryerson MD Allan Sachs MD Alexander Sanders MD Carl F. Schaub MD Maurice A. Schiller MD James K. Shafer MD Paul L. Shallenberger MD Philip Shambaugh MD Philip Shapiro MD Noel G.Shaw MD Irving C. Sherman MD Mandel Sherman MD George C. Shockey MD Allan S. Shohet MD James P. Simonds MD Harold L. Sippy MD David Slight MD Alexander Slive MD Harry J. Smejkal MD Hiram J. Smith MD George O. Solem MD LV.Sollins MD Conrad Sommer MD Dean Spear MD Charles G. Spirrison MD Sidney Strauss MD Michael H. Streicher MD H. B. Thomas MD Frederick Tice MD Eli Tigay MD William S. Timblin MD Edward P. Trov MD Winston H. Tucker MD Edgard C. Turner MD JohnE. Tysell MD Magnus Peter Urnes MD Boris Ury MD Frank C. VelDez MD Howard Wakefield MD Leonard F. Waldman MD W. M. Winston MD Walter H. Young MD William Zelik MD Eugene Bodimer DDS Charles W. Freeman DDS Irvin T. Harris DDS Charles E. Hatch DDS John S. Kellogg DDS Robert G. Kesel DDS Edward J. Krejci DDS Max Kuharich DDS Howard M. Marjerison DDS James H. Pearce DDS Warren R. Schram DDS Stanley D. Tylman DDS No. 39— DOWNSTATE Jurisdiction : All counties other than Cook Julius S. Alexander MD R. A. Ahlvin MD Arlington Ailes MD Erwin Angres MD A. H. Argent MD W. H. Atkinson MD Walter H. Baer MD Frank M. Baker MD A. L. Barbakoff MD R. A. Barker MD R. E. Barnes MD A. C. Baxter MD Alfred Paul Bay MD Kenneth Beck MD Norbert Brim MD Max Beisenthal MD Louis Belinson MD R.G.Bell MD R. C. Benkendorf MD Otto L. Bettag MD J. B. Birch MD Carl E. Black MD Edward Bollinger MD Frederick P. Bornstein MD Robinson Bosworth MD W. J. Broad MD W. S. Broker MD G. C. Brown MD J. L. Bryan MD W. J. Bfvan MD H. M. Biiley MD K. G. Bulley MD (Continued) 504 [No. 39— Downstate Jurisdiction] A. W.Burke MD John P. Burke MD E. W. Burroughs MD Paul G. Buss MD J. A. Campbell MD Robert K. Campbell MD Paul S. Carley MD F. A. Causey MD Frank Christensen MD A.T.Cole MD B. Raymond Cole MD H.O.Collins MD L. L. Collins MD Frank H. Comstock MD M. E. Cosand MD J. A. Cravens MD Martin S. Croft MD -Continued F. Ci MD J. C. Dallenbach MD C. M. Dargan MD L. D. Darner MD W. E. Davis MD Richard Davison MD Percival Dawson MD Robert Dessent MD Donald B. Douglas MD R. W. Dunham MD W. C. Earle MD H. A. Elkins MD Harry D. Ellis MD J. H. Ellingsworth MD L. S. Ent MD Henry Falk MD R. C. Farrier MD Harry D. Fast MD Paul E. Feldman MD H. A. Felts MD J.A.Fisher MD H. B. Fitzjerrell MD L. W. Frame MD Sidney Franklin MD Leon P. Gardner MD Cesare Gianturco MD H. M. Gibson MD Zoltan Glatter MD Carl Heinz Goldschmidt MD Arthur Gollmar MD R.J.Graff MD N. O. Gunderson MD E. V. Hale MD Earl D. Hamilton MD S. M. Hanauer MD Milton Hansen MD Rov W. Harrell MD B. D. Hart MD Harry Hart MD Gert Heilbrunn MD Norman Heysett MD E. L. Hill MD Paul Hletko MD Sandor Horwitz MD Hubert Houston MD G. C. Hunt MD James R. Hunter MD Cecil M.Jack MD Nelson B. Jack MD R. L. Kane MD James A. Kirby MD Bernard Klein MD R. L. Kleinhoffer MD C. E. Kine MD Sidney D. Klow MD Leslie Knott MD Harry Leavitt MD I. A. Leef MD Eric Lehr MD A.J.Levy MD Alan A. Lieberman MD Erich Liebert MD Samuel J. Lipnitzky MD D. F. Loewen MD George A. Lofdahl MD R. E. Logan MD Edward William Logman MD Otto Lohman MD M. Lorber MD Joseph T. Maher MD S.N. Mallison MD D. A. Manelli MD A. C. Margliano MD Harold Marks MD V. B. Marquis MD Charles E. Mayos MD F. D. McCord MD Jesse H. Mcintosh MD Herbert G. McMahan MD C. P. McRaven MD W.J. Menke MD Solomon Meyerson MD Clare Miller MD Earl B.Miller MD S.M.Miller MD George W. Morrow MD Frank C. Murrah MD David L. Murphy MD Warren G. Murrav MD Mark S. Nelson MD Melvin M. Newman MD Charles D. Nobles MD J. J. O'Halloran MD Erich Otten MD George Thomas Palmer MD Elliott Parker MD Leonard Peal MD Chalres K. Petter MD Maxim Pollak MD (Continued) 505 [No. 39 — Downstate Jurisdiction]- Continued John R.Porter MD C.F.Powell MD Francis R. Prock MD J. L. Ranes MD H. F. Rawlings MD Albertine L. Rea MD Charles F. Read MD P.E.Reid MD R. F. Reider MD Walter C. Reineking MD Samuel S. Reinglass MD Boyd C. Rembe MD George F. Ritchey MD Charles F. Ritchie MD Ralph R. Ritzman MD Norman J. Rose MD Edward Ross MD E. J. Rossman MD R. H. Runde MD Jacob Schermer MD L. M. Schuman MD Leonard V. Sellett MD W. P. Shahan MD J. H. Shamel MD Cecil A. Z. Sharp MD Jerome J. Sievers MD Abraham Simon MD Bernard Skorodin MD L. P. Sloan MD James L. Smith MD Herman M. Soloway MD A. L. Spiller MD James J. Srail MD Wilbur F. Stanelle MD Claude A. Stearns MD P.A.Steele MD A. E. Steer MD Curt Steffen MD D. Louis Steinberg MD E. K. Steinkopff MD Thomas Sternberg MD Don Stewart MD Ester Stone MD C. B. Stuart MD V. J. Sutch MD Julius B. Stokes MD V.V. Suntzeff MD Walton Tackett MD W. M. Talbert MD Alexander Tarnawski MD Hyman Tavris MD George G. Taylor MD E. V. Thiehoff MD Williem A. Thomas MD F. O. Tonney MD A. A. Topcik MD F. A. Tornabene MD Joseph Louis Trizna MD Khacher H. Tutunjian MD J. R. Tweedy MD Stanley C. Usalis MD C. L. Vanatta MD John B. Vander MD George H. Vernon MD John P. Walsh MD Carlton H. Waters MD Philip S. Waters MD A.S.Webb MD C. L. Weber MD Charles G. Weissman MD J. E. Wheeler MD Walter Wilhelmj MD A. M. Winklepleck MD H. S. Witten MD Aaron P. Wolever MD ArminH. Wolff MD Louis Woodruff MD Armen N. Yazarian MD Worling R. Young MD Joseph Zalar MD No. 40— AUGUSTANA HOSPITAL Location : 409 West Dickens Avenue, Chicago Jurisdiction: Chicago Boards 67, 68, 69, 70, 145, 147 Loren W. Avery MD Albert T. Lundgren MD David S. Bellin MD George Milles MD John A. Christenson MD Oscar E. Nadeau MD Hugo 0. Deuss MD Earl Garside MD Carl A. Hedbert MD Chester C. Lockwood Chester H. Lockwood MD MD John W. Nuzum MD Rudolph Oden MD Nelson M. Percy MD Paul Lane DDS 506 ADDENDA Through oversight, certain important subjects were overlooked in the text and cannot now be added in their proper places. So that the reader will have a full understanding of our operations, these subjects are therefore in- cluded here as addenda. MASTER FILE DIVISION Page 30— In addition to his other assignments, Maj. Charles J. Magnesen was charged with the responsibility of supervision over the Master File Division at State Headquarters in Springfield. Page 53 — The Master File Division was a separate entity in the State Headquarters organization, Maj. Charles J. Magnesen having been the Chief of the Divi- sion. The duties of the division were to maintain complete files of all cor- respondence and special subject matter. JOB JUMPERS Bottom of page 140 — On December 22, 1944, a regulation was established which provided that any registrant classified in Class II-A or II-B (including those with "(F)" or "(L)" designations) who left his industrial job without first re- questing and receiving permission from his Local Board was subject to immediate reclassification and induction into the armed forces. Registrants who had been honorably discharged from the armed forces on or after Sep- tember 16, 1940 were exempt from this regulation. If any such registrant changed his job without consulting his Local Board, it was up to the Board to decide whether or not the change had been made in the best interests of the war effort. While most Local Boards were strict in their application of this regulation, they were nevertheless willing to give every possible consideration to comparative importance of the two jobs in- volved. In the event a Local Board denied a registrant permission to change his job, the registrant had the right to appeal the decision. The "job jumper" regulation was terminated on January 17, 1946. Page 156 (immediately ahead of "The War Unit Plan") In the fall of 1942, the problem of farm workers deserting agriculture to take higher paying jobs in industry became so serious that the 77th Con- gress included in the "Tydings amendment" (quoted in full on pages 155 507 and 156 of the text of this volume) a provision for immediately reclassify- ing as available for military service any registrant who, having been de- ferred in an agricultural occupation or endeavor essential to the war effort, left such occupation or endeavor without first having obtained the consent of his Local Board. Illinois Local Boards were extremely strict in their interpretation and application of this "job jumper" provision of the law. Invariably, an agri- cultural registrant who left his farm job for other work (non-agricultural I quickly found himself reclassified and made available for induction. An appeal in such case was ordinarily futile, and only physical or mental unfit- ness for military service prevented a "job jumper's" induction. The "job jumper" reclassification procedure was discontinued on Jan- uary 17, 1946. Page 231 — jolloiving first paragraph under heading, "Miscellaneous Phases of Induction Procedure 99 - — This law r also provided for the reclassification and induction of an agri- cultural registrant who left his farm job for other work (non-agricultural) without first having obtained the consent of his Local Board. On December 22, 1944, another regulation provided for similar reclassification and induc- tion of any Class II-A or II-B registrant who left or changed his industrial job (for which he had received occupational deferment) without consent of his Local Board. In order to give effect to this regulation, the War Department reduced the Army physical standards and authorized the acceptance of "job jumpers" who, under ordinary induction examination procedure, might have been rejected because of physical or mental unfitness. The first call for "job jumpers" was in February, 1945 and amounted to 15 ( c of the regular call. Page 232 — added to third paragraph — The reclassification and special induction procedure pertaining to all "job jumpers" was discontinued on January 17, 1946. TRANSFERS FOR CLASSIFICATION Page 112 — jolloiving Item 4-A. If the classification of a particular registrant was prevented by rela- tionship to a Member or Members of the Local Board, or for other reasons, such classification was to be transferred to another Local Board, the second Board thereafter retaining complete classification jurisdiction (at the Local Board level) over such registrant. 508 Page 114 — following the second complete paragraph — The Selective Service regulations specifically provided that: "No member shall act on a case of a registrant who is his first cousin or closer relation ... or who is an employee or employer ... or stands in relation of superior or subordinate in connection with any employment, or is a partner or close business associate of the member . . . The local board shall be disqualified to consider the classification of any registrant who is a member, examining physician, examining dentist, government appeal agent, associate government appeal agent, member of an advisory board for regis- trants, associate member of an advisory board for registrants, reemployment committeeman or employee of such board . . ." In case of relationship of a registrant to a Member of the Local Board, the Member concerned withdrew from the classification action or the Local Board transferred the classification to another Board. Transfer of classifi- cation was mandatory in case of a registrant directly connected with the Board. Once a Local Board classified a registrant — either its own registrant or one transferred from another Board for classification — that Board retained per- manent classification jurisdiction over the registrant. This rule was varied only in the "deadlock" cases referred to in a paragraph above. 509 INDEX Acceptance number, State Director's, 136 Activities, List of Essential, 131 Act, Selective Service Enforcement of, 263-266, 288 Extension of, 146, 232 Service period under, 229 Text of, 297,307 Violations and penalties, 263 Addenda, 507-509 Adjutant General, 10-11, 19, 25, 29, 97 Advisor Agricultural, 27-28, 37, 49, 161-163 Medical Survey, 210, 220 Occupational, 29, 31, 32, 36, 49, 160 Advisory Boards for Registrants, 8, 18, 52, 68, 111 Coordinator for, 28 Cook County, 68 Duties, 68 Members (See under Local Board of serv- ice in Appendix) Selection of members, 68 Advisory Board, Social Services, 176 Advisory Boards, Medical, 18, 81, 207, 212 Members, 493-506 Agriculture, Special problems in, 157 Agricultural Advisor, 27-28, 37, 49, 161-163 Appeals, 200 Deferments, 49, 130, 146-164, 284-285, 508-509 Data on, 164 Reviews of, 164 Division, 50, 160-164 Extension Service, 162 Questionnaire, 148-153, 157 Production in Illinois, 147 Registrants, Reclassification of, 163-164, 508-509 Situation before Pearl Harbor, 147-148 War unit plan, 152-153, 156 Allen, Capt. Kenneth L., 13, 31, 34, 290 Aliens Classification of, 120, 180-181 Non-resident, 181 Reciprocal induction agreements on, 181 Alexian Brothers Hospital, 188 American Friends Service Committee, 186 Legion, 60-61, 261 Public Welfare Association, 176 Red Cross, 176, 178, 250 Anonymous communications, 124 Appeal Agents (See Government Appeal Agents) Agricultural, 200 By law, 200 Boards (See Boards of Appeal) Cases, Volume and appraisal of, 202 Data, 203-206 From classification, 199-201 On physical grounds, 200 Process, 199-206 To the President, 205 Who entitled to, 8, 77, 199-202 Appeals, Special, 201 Appearance before Local Board, 123, 196 Appendix, 291 Selective Service Maps, 292-296 Text of Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, 297-307 Selective Service Questionnaire, 308-315 Affidavit — Occupational Classification [DSS Form 42- A (Special-Revised) ], 316-317 Illinois Monthly Calls and Inductions, 318 Local Boards in Illinois, 319-489 (Special Panel Boards, 488) Illinois Boards of Appeal, 490-492 Illinois Medical Advisory Boards, 493-506 Addenda, 507-509 Appreciation of service, 271-279 Areas of jurisdiction Boards of Appeal, 78, 490-492 Local Boards Chicago, 296 Cook County, 295 State, 292-294 Medical Advisory Boards, 493-506 Armstrong, Don, 133 Armstrong, Patricia, 133 Armstrong. Paul G., x, xi, 13, 21, 29, 35, 45, 96, 132, 149, 246, 247, 255-259, 274, 277, 281-290 Background of, 19-20 Statements, x, 289 Armstrong, Mrs. Paul G., 133 Army, 29, 119, 121, 140, 178, 210, 217, 232, 234, 250 Assistant State Directors, 47 Atherton, Clarence D., 193 Atom bomb project, 134 511 INDEX Atwood, A. H. R., 149 Auditing coordinators (field auditors) , 89-90 B Bailey, Sgt. Jay W., 13, 45 Barber, Maj. John W., 17 Bartlett, Capt. Roy W., 149 Bay, Edwin, 149 Beck, C. Gordon, 246, 247 Bell, Maj. Charles, 239 Bennett, Arthur, 194 Biggerstaff, Maj. George W., 13, 32, 57, 290 Birsa, Joseph S., 193 Bishop, Lt. Comdr. William S., 13, 31, 34, 52, 55-56, 244, 257, 290 Bittinger, Lt., Col. Leigh N., 14, 26, 30, 34, 47, 51, 256 Black, Adj. Gen. Carlos A., 10 Black, Julian, 108 Blair, Capt. Earl H., 13, 32, 51, 290 Bloome, R. C, 194 Boards Advisory for Registrants, 8, 18, 52, 68, 111 Local (See Local Boards) Medical Advisory (See Medical Advisory Boards) of Appeal, 77, 79 Areas of jurisdiction, 78, 292-294 Attitudes, 200-202 Composition, 77 In Cook County, 28, 79 In Illinois, Number, 78-79 List of Illinois, 490-492 Members List of, 490-492 Selection of, 77 Offices, 78-79 Personnel, 79, 490-492 Procedure, 185, 199-200 Reorganization of, 79 Responsibilities of, 78 Vote, 200, 205 Boening, Col. Louis A., 13, 14, 26, 30, 34, 47, 53, 96, 255, 257 Bona fide relationship, 233 Bott, Ur. Anthony, 143 Brethren Service Committee, 186 Brooks, Alonzo, 108 Brooks, U. S. Senator C. Wayland, 133 Brooks, Mrs. C. Wayland, 133 Brothers, Lay, 182 Buck, Lt. Col. Marshall G., 13, 26, 30, 34, 50, 52, 244, 246, 256, 274, 290 Budget, 48, 269 Bullard, Lt. Col. Peter C, 11 Bulletins, Instructional. 86 Bundesen, Dr. Herman N., 208, 209 Bush, Capt. C. L., 239 Cadets, 120 Calls Army and Navy, 232, 234, 508 Monthly, and Inductions, 318 Quotas and, 234 Camp, Dr. Harold M., 143 Camp Operations Division, 186 Capps, Dr. Joseph A., 83 Cardiovascular Reexamination Board, 82 Casey, Charles P., 160, 246, 247 Catholic Charity Bureau, 176, 178 Certificate of Appreciation Congressional, 273 Presidential, 272 Certificate of Commendation, Presidential, 110, 274 Distinguished Service, State, 252 Fitness, 211 Certification plan, 141-142 Changes In induction procedure, 236 Major, in Selective Service System, 122 Of Address, 263 Chastek, Comdr. Chester J., 17, 133 CHATS, State Headquarters house or gan, 258 Chicago Association of Commerce, 137, 248, 258 Bar Association, 66 Board of Education, 99, 217, 227, 228 Board of Health, 208, 209 City Council, 99 Commissioner of Police, 100 Council of Social Agencies, 178 Group examination stations, 209-210 Herald-American, 254 House of Correction, 194 Map, Selective Service, 246 Newspaper Publishers Association, 258 Office of State Headquarters, 11, 25, 53, 87 Regional field office, 17 Social Service Exchange, 227 Tribune, 254, 296 United Charities of, 178 University of, 134, 176, 188. 216. 220 Welfare Administration. 175. 178. 224 Child, Definition of, 165, 223 Chinese notice to registrants. 70 Choice of service, 231 Church of the Brethren, 183 Cicero Board of Education. 99 Civilian Conservation Corps, 186 Civil Service Commission. U. S.. 29. 49, 69 Classes, The various, 115 I, 115-116, 124 I-A, 116, 123. 125-126, 169. 201. 208, 233 I-A(L), 116, 126 I-A-0 and I-A-O(L), 116. 126. 169. 184. 201, 233 512 INDEX Classes — Continued IB and I-B-O, 116, 126-127 I-C, 116, 119, 127, 179 ID and I-D-O, 117, 127 I-E and I-E-O, 117, 127 I-G, 117, 119, 128, 129 I-H, 117 II, 115, 118, 128 II-A, 118, 129-133, 145, 163, 507-508 II-B, 119, 129-130, 133 II-C, 49, 119, 130, 146-164, 508-509 III, 116, 119, 165-178 III-A, 119, 169, 173 III-B, 119, 163, 170, 173 III-D, 119, 139, 169, 173 IV, 116, 119, 178 IV-A, 119, 178-179 IV-B, 119, 120, 179-180 IV-C, 120, 180-181 IV-D, 119-120, 145, 182-183 IV-E, 50, 119, 121, 169, 179, 183-188, 201 IV-F (Physical or Mental), 121, 185, 189- 190, 261 IV-F (Moral), 121, 190 IV-H, 121, 195 Classification, 111-196 Agricultural, 119, 130, 146-164, 284-285, 508-509 Alien, 120, 180-181 Appeal from, 199-201 By age, 119, 145, 179, 229 Conscientious objector, 50, 116, 119, 121, 126-127, 169, 179, 183-188 Data, Illinois, 198 Deferments by law, 120, 179 Dependency, 165-178 Evidence, 114, 123 General principles of, 8, 111 In operation, 123 In service, 116, 119, 127, 179 Mental, 121, 185, 189-190, 261 Moral, 121, 190 Notice, 112, 115, 123-124 Occupational (industrial), 118-119, 128- 146, 285-286, 507-508 Occupational, Affidavit for, 134, 316-317 Physical, 121, 185, 189-190, 261 Problems, 124 Record, 113 Reviews, 124, 139, 163 Sequence, 114, 123 Student, 120, 128, 145, 182, 231 Transfer for, 52, 114, 508-509 Vote, 114 Clerical personnel (See Boards of Appeal, Local Boards and State Headquarters) Coady, Lt. Col. Edmund P., 13, 26, 30, 34, 50, 290 Coan, Charles, 13 Coast and Goedetic Survey, 120 Coast Guard, 29, 119, 120, 121, 178, 229, 234 Coleman. Dr. George H., 83 Combrick, Harry M., 149 Communications, Anonymous, 124 Community honors to Local Boards, 279 Complaints, Handling of, 94, 124 Confidential Information, 222, 260 Congressional recognition, 273, 275 Conley, Capt. Frank J., 11 Connery, James, 99 Conscientious objectors, 119, 121, 169, 179, 183-188, 201 Consultation and Information Service, 177 Contents, Table of, xv-xvi Cook, Virgil, 18 Cook County Board of Commissioners, 177 Clerk, 101 Educational rehabilitation program, 217 Jail, 194 Map of Selective Service areas, 295 Rendezvous plan (induction), 238 Schools, Superintendent of, 228 Special reemployment program, 244 Cooke, Rev. Vincent W., 176 Cooperative school reports, 228 Cost Induction, per capita, 269 of Selective Service in Illinois, 267-270 Data on Illinois costs, 270 County Veterans Service Committees, 247 Crane Technical High School, 218 Crawford, Brigadier, 176 Credits, Service, 234 Criminals, Habitual, 121, 190 Critical Occupations, Bulletins on, 131 Cross, Dr. Roland R., 208 Cuneo Press, 101 Cuno, Lt. Col. John B., 17 Custody, Registrants in civil, 121, 191 Davison, Dr. Marshall, 176 Defects Correction of, 215-216 Data on physical and mental, 213-214 Mental, 212, 215, 223 Physical, 211, 212, 215 Deferment (Also see Classification) Claims, 111, 134, 136, 141, 147, 150-153, 158 Periods, 116 Delinquency cases, Data on, 266 Delinquents, 263-264 Dentists, Local Board (See Examining Den- tists) Dentists, Deferment of, 142 Dependency Classification Division, 49 Dependency deferment, 165-178 Local Board attitude on, 170-174 513 INDEX Dependency deferment — Continued Financial, 172 Status Change of, 165 Induction by, 233-234 Dependent, Definition of, 116, 165, 168-169, 233 Deputy State Directors, 47 Discharge requests, 249 Data on, 251 Discharges, Dishonorable, 121 Discrimination, Prohibition against, 112 Distinguished Service Certificate, State's, 252 Divers, R. A., 194 Divinity students, 120, 182 Donnelly, Sgt. George W., 45 Donner, Col. Clay M., 25, 29, 34, 47, 50, 51, 56, 256 Douglass, Dr. Robert D., 209 Doyle, U. S. Attorney Howard L., 26 "Draft Quiz," 254 Dugan, Capt. Joseph U., 26, 30, 34, 53, 290 Dykstra, Dr. Clarence A., 15, 104 Eckert, E. A., 149 Eden, Lt. Comdr. Walter J., 13, 25, 31, 34, 55-56, 246, 256, 290 Educational deferments, 144 Educational rehabilitation program, 217, 288 Edwards, Lt. Col. E. I., Jr., 13, 32, 51, 290 Edwards, Louis, 93 Egan, S/Sgt. John R., 45 Egan, T/Sgt. Vincent H., 45 Egdorf, Capt. John E., 13, 32, 220, 290 Eggleston, William, 11 Election Commissioners, Chicago, 100 Election officials' assistance, 27 Eligibility, Determining, for classification, 123 Elks Club, Evanston, 237 Emergency Fleet Corporation, 8 Emergency fund, 269 Emotional instability, 219 Employers Claims, 111, 134, 136, 141, 147, 150-153, 158 Reemployment obligations, 242 Employment Service, U. S., 245 Status, Change of, 507-508 Enlisted Detachment, 45 Reserve Corps, 210 Enlistment notices, 234 Equipment, 48, 65, 270 Essential Activities, List of, 131 Evidence, Classification, 114, 123 Examinees, Checking of, 70 Examinations, Physical Data on Chicago group, 210 Data on Illinois, 213-214 of Prison inmates, 192 Procedure in, 207-211, 287 Rejection rates, 190 Transfers for, 50, 235, 268 Examination stations, Chicago group, 209- 210 Examining Dentists, 68, 208 Duties of, 68 Selection of, 68 Examining Physicians, 67-68, 207 Duties of, 67, 207 Selection of, 68 Executive Order 9309, 143 Exemptions, 112, 507 Extension of Selective Service law, 232 Extension Service, Agricultural, 162 Extreme hardship and privation, 173, 174 "(F)" designation, 121 Factors in successful administration, 85 Farm advisors, County, 162 Farm labor release to industry, 159-160 Farmers, Classification of, 49, 130, 146-164, 284-285, 508-509 Farwell, Stanley P., 176 Fathers, Induction of, 170, 173, 232-233 Federal Government employe deferments, 143-144 Relationships, State Headquarters, 28 Feeney, Eleanor S., 176 Felker, Emmet, 251 Fellowship of Reconciliation, 186 Felt, Edwin H., 13, 25, 26, 30, 34, 54, 256 Felt, Nate, 13 Fenn, Dr. G. K., 83 Field Agents, Medical, 220, 222, 224-226 Field Auditors Direction of, 52 Selection of, 89 Field Division, 51, 89 Field Officers National, 16 State, 89 Files, Registrants', 114, 123 Finance a vital factor, 268 Finance, Procurement and Supplv Division, 48, 87, 267 Financial dependency, 172 Fitzpatrick, Col. Edward A., 25. 36 Flynn, Hon. Michael J., 101 Ford, Harry, 75 Fordney, Col. Chester L., 133 Forwarding of selectees, 236 Forms, Reproduction of DSS 1, 97 514 INDEX Forms — Continued 2, 102 40, 308-315 42A (Special Revised), 316-317 100, 113 150, 270 210, and 212, 223 218, 252 Foster, Maj. James C, 13, 31, 34, 37, 55, 57, 274, 290 Frank, Virginia C, 176 Freeman, Dr. Charles W., 176 Functions, Organization of staff, 47-53 Funds, Obligation of, 48 Funk, George, 274, 275 Furniture, 48, 65, 270 Gaffney, James T., 219 General Accounting Office, 269 General military service, 212 German, Maj. Walter A., 30, 34 Gethner, Dr. Max, 83 G. I. Bill of Rights, 245 Gibson, Dr. Stanley, 83 Gilbert, Dr. N. C., 83 Goering, Capt. Thornton C. G., 240 Goldberger, Dr. Sol. M., 209 Government Appeal Agents, 8, 65, 112, 199 Coordinator of, 28, 36, 65-66, 256 Duties of, 65, 112, 119 List of (See under Local Board of Service in Appendix) Selection of, 66 Government employes, Deferment of, 143 Governor's responsibilities, 20-22 Governor's rehabilitation program, 215-216, 288 Green, Gov. Dwight H., v, 21-22, 132, 133, 154, 248, 256, 274, 276, 277 Statement of, iv Gregory, Hon. Tappan, 28, 36, 66, 256 Gross, Lawrence M., 75 Group deferment, 8 Group examination stations, Chicago, Data on, 209 "Groups," Induction, 233 H "(H)" designation, 121 Haberle, 1st Lt., J., 240 Hammond, Brig. Gen. Thomas A., 133 Hanford, Jeanette, 176 Hardship, Extreme, and privation, 173-174 Harkless brothers, 44 Hartlett, Lt. Col. E. Mann, 31, 34, 51, 208, 255, 257 Hatch, Lt. Comdr. W. S., 240 Hayes, Edward A., 133 Hayes, Mrs. Edward A., 133 Hayward, Lt. Comdr. Donald C, 17 Hearing before Local Board, 114, 123 Helfrich, Maj. Baird V., 26, 34, 52, 66, 75, 149, 160, 256, 257, 290 Herald-American, Chicago, 254 Herrick, Dr. James B., 83 Hershey, Maj. Gen. Lewis B., xiii, 13, 15, 57-58, 132, 275 Statement of, xii Hershey, Roy G., 194 High school students, 231 Hill, Frank, 193 Hilliard, Raymond, 176, 224 Holzman, Maj. Sidney T., 13, 31, 34, 57, 290 Horner, Gov. Henry, ix, 19, 60 Hospitals in Governor's rehabilitation pro- gram, 216 Hunt, Capt. John H., 240 Hunter, Joel D., 176 Hurley, Hon. Stephen E., 28, 37, 69, 255 Ignatchuk, Sgt. Walter, 45 Illinois Agricultural production, 147 Certificate of Distinguished Service, 252 Classification data, 198 Manpower contributions, 239 (Also see data under Local Boards in Ap- pendix) Manufacturers Association, 136, 248, 258 Map, Selective Service, 292-294 Medical Society, 68 National Guard, 98 Organizes, 19 Pharmaceutical Association, 143 Prepared, 10 Research Hospital, 176 Selective Service System (See applicable subject) Society for Mental Hygiene, 220 State Selective Service plan, 10 State Headquarters (See State Headquar- ters) State of (See State of Illinois) Terminal Railroad Company, 236 University of, 161, 188, 216 Illiteracy, 216 Illiterates, School for, 217 Imminence of selection, 166 Impact of war and industry on farm labor, 148 Inductees Adjustment period for, 237 Checking of, 70 Selection of, 235 Induction, 229-240, 286 Ages, 228, 231-233 By dependency status, 233-234 515 INDEX Induction — Continued Changes, 232-233 Cost per capita, 269 Failure to report for, 264 Forwarding of selectees for, 236 "Groups," 233 Of agricultural registrants, 164 Of fathers, 170, 173, 232-233 Of "job jumpers," 232, 233, 507-509 Order, Reproduction of, 270 Procedure Changes in, 236 Miscellaneous phases of, 231-232 Selection sequence for, 168-169 Stations, Locations of, 239-240 Transfers for, 235 Volunteers for, 112 Inductions, Monthly calls and, 318 Information, Confidential, 222, 260 Information centers, Veterans, 247 Inspection tours by Local Boards, 92 Institute for Juvenile Research, 227 Institute of Medicine, 176 Inventory, Local Board, 196 Investigative aid, 174 Irvin, Col. George A., 13, 17, 259 J Jacobi, Maj. Fred W., 11, 13, 30, 34, 48, 54, 57, 290 James, Capt. W. Robert, 13, 32, 274, 290 Jarecki, Hon. Edmund K., 99, 101 Jewish Children's Bureau, 178 Jewish Social Service Bureau, 176, 178 "Job jumpers," 232, 233, 507-509 Johnson, Capt. Leigh W., 239 Johnson, Maj. Lester S., 25, 29, 34, 151 Johnson, Dr. William H., 217, 219 Johnston, Prof. Paul E., 27, 37, 149, 160 Joint Army and Navy Selective Service Committee, 4, 10-11 Jones, W. C, 75 K Keepin, Rev. George, 133 Kelly, Dr. Frank B., 83 King, Maj. William H., 13, 28, 66, 78, 255. 256 Klare, 1st Lt. William L., 17 Kleber, Col. Victor A., 11, 13, 14, 26, 30. 34, 47, 53, 54, 56, 96, 256, 290 Acknowledgments, xiv Klore, Allen A., 277 Klupar, George J., 224 "(L)" designation, 121 Lau, Sgt. Donald F., 45 Law Appeals by, 200 Enforcement of, 263-266, 288 Extension of, 146, 232 Penalties under, 263 Reemployment provisions of, 241, 301-303 (Appendix) Service period under, 229 Text of Selective Service, 297-307 Layden, William H., 277 Leach, Sgt. Walton, 45 Leaf, Dr. Hugh, 209 Leasing of property, 48, 268 Lees, Mrs. Ethel, 224 Legal Division, 52, 160 Legislature, Illinois State, 252, 278 L'Envoi, 289 Leonard, Howard, 149 Lewis, Maj. Homer R., 13, 32, 290 Liaison (See State Headquarters) Limited military service, 125, 212 List of Essential Activities, 131 Literacy school, Cook County, 217 Little, Jack, 255 Local Board Consent to change jobs, 507-509 Meeting, 113 Offices, 63-64 Vote, 114, 123, 509 Local Boards, 59-75, 91-96 Appeal procedure at, 199 Areas (Maps) Chicago, 296 Cook County, 295 Illinois, 292-294 Attitudes on deferments Agricultural, 158-159 Conscientious objectors, 184 Dependency, 170, 174 Occupational (industrial), 129, 131, 134-135, 138 Physical unfitness, 189 Classification procedure of, 113-115, 123. 185, 189 Clerks, 69-70, 113, 123 List of (See under Local Board of serv- ice in Appendix) Selection of 69-70 Community honors to, 279 Composition of. 59. 61-62 Cooperation with employers, 92 Data on. 64, 320-489 Inventorv. 196 List of Illinois, 320-489 Members Increase of, 62 List of, 320-489 Selection of, 59-63. 125. 281 Offices, 63-64 Operation of, 91-96 Organization of. 56 516 INDEX Local Boards — Continued Personal appearances before, 112, 114, 123, 196 Personnel, 59-62, 65-70, 320-489 Personnel in U. S., 18 Policies, 171 Public confidence maintained by, 92-95 Redistricting of, 103 Relations with Employers, 92 Public, 92, 279 Registrants, 91-95 State Headquarters, 95 Responsibilities of. 72-73 Logan County plan, 149 Lorman. Capt. Francis W., 13, 32, 45, 290 Louis, Joe, 108 Loyola University, 216 Lucas, S/Sgt. Charles A., 45 Lucas, U. S. Senator Scott W., 19 Lyons, Leo, M., 175 M xMagnesen, Maj. Charles J., 11, 13, 26, 30. 34, 48, 49, 56, 57, 75, 256, 290, 507 Maintenance of property. 48 Manhattan Engineering Project, 134 Manning, 1st. Lt. James, 16 Manning, table, 136 Manpower calls, 50. 232. 234, 318. 508 Manpower contributions, Illinois, 239 Manpower Division, 50 Maps, Selective Service Chicago, 296 Cook Countv. 295 Illinois, 292-294 Marine Corps, 29, 55, 119, 120. 121. 178. 229, 234 Marski, Henry, 99 Martin, Maj. Peter N.. 13, 31, 34, 51, 290 Master File Division, 507 Mayes, Maj. Corwin S., 30, 36. 51. 76 Maynard, Claron, 194 McCollum, W. G., 93 McCov, Waldo J., 13, 27, 30, 34. 48. 236 McKibbin, George, 228 McMillan, Wayne, 176 McNeil, Col. Stanlev R., 10, 11, 13, 25. 29. 34, 53, 54, 57, 256, 290 McNutt, Hon. Paul V., 16 Medal for Merit, 20, 132 Medal, Selective Service Presentation meetings, 275-278 Reproduction of, 271 Medical Advisory Boards. 18. 81-83. 207, 212 Composition of, 81 Personnel, 81. 82, 83, 493-506 Purposes of, 81 Referrals to 207 Special, 81 Medical Aspects of Selective Service, 207- 228 Medical Corps, Army, 217 Medical Division, 51 Medical examinations (See Physical exami- nations) Medical Field Agents, 220, 224-226 Medical Schools, 215 Medical students. 128 Medical Survey Advisor, 37. 220 Medical Survey Officer, 220 Medical survey program. 219-228 Melcher, Capt. Harry D., 13, 31, 34. 290 Members, Board (See agencies concerned) Memoranda, Instructional, 86 Mennonite Central Peace Conference, 186 Organization, 183 Mental unfitness, 121, 185, 189-190. 211-212. 219-220. 261 (also see text of Medical Survey Program) Mental Hygiene, Illinois Society for, 220 Merchant Marine, 140, 144 Midshipmen, 120 Military adjutant, 56 Military officers, 88 Senior, 56 Military service Classification while in, 116, 119, 127, 179 General, 212 Limited, 212 Miller. Dr. J. Roscoe, 83 Milota. W. C, 194 Ministers of religion. 120, 182 Moore. Harold T. 93 Moral standards. 190 Morgan. Maj. John B.. 13, 31, 34. 54, 259, 290 Moss. Joseph L.. 176, 225 Move. Gerald, 70 Moudry. Joseph. 194 Munn. Robert F., 194 Musialek. Sgt. Stanley, 45 N National Guard, 119, 120, 178 National Headquarters, 15-18 National Lottery, 103, 107. 260 National Master List, 107, 109. 260 National Service Board for Religious Ob- jectors, 186 Navy, 29, 55, 119, 120. 121. 140. 178, 229. 232, 234 Nepotism, 70 Nesbit, Bernie F., 93 Neuropsychiatric defects, 220 Neuropsychiatry reexamination board, 82 Newspapers, 248, 253-254 517 INDEX Newspaper Publishers Association, Chicago, 258 Niblack, Dr. Henry C, 209 Nierstheimer, Walter, 194 Noesges, Sgt. Robert, 45 Non-combatant military service, 119, 121, 169, 179, 183-188, 201 Non-deferrable occupations, 169 Non-resident aliens, 181 Northwestern University, 188, 215, 257 Norton, Dr. Frank J., 209 Notice of Classification, 112, 123-124 Reproduction of, 115 Notices Enlistment, 234 Separation, 249 Oakes, Brig. Gen. James, Report of, 3 Objectors, Conscientious, 50, 116, 119, 121, 126-127, 169, 179, 183-188, 201 Occupational Activity, 130 Advisor, 29, 31, 32, 36, 49, 160 Classification affidavit, 316-317 Deferments, 118-119, 128-146, 285-286, 507-508 Certification plan for, 49, 141 Policies, 129, 145 Changes in, 139 Replacement schedule plan for, 49, 135- 136 Reviews of, 139 Division, 49 Questionnaire, 134 Occupations Critical, Bulletins on, 131 Non-deferrable, 169 Ode to Selective Service (poem), 83 Offices Boards of Appeal, 78-79 Local Boards, 63-64 Regional Field, 17 State Headquarters, 11, 25, 53, 87 Olivet Institute, 218 O'Neil, Dr. J. H. F., 209 O'Neill, Dr. C. P., 277 Operation of Boards of Appeal, 199-205 Local Boards, 91-96 Medical Advisory Boards, 81-83. 207 State Headquarters, 85-90, 281-282 Order to Report for Induction (Reproduc- tion). 230 Owen. Maj. Robert H., 217 Padlev, Alex, 193 Palatine re-registration, 260 Photograph, 96 Panel Boards, Special, 74, 191-195, 488 Parker, Frank, 76 Parole, Registrants on, 191 Parolees, Data on, 194 Pay Readjustment Act of 1942, 167 Pearl Harbor attack, 229 Penalties under Selective Service law, 263 Penitentiaries, Illinois State, 193-194 Permits to leave the U. S., 197 Personal appearance before Local Board, 112, 114, 123, 196 Personnel, Selective Service Boards of Appeal, 79, 490-492 Data on Illinois, 71 Division, 48-49 Local Boards, 59-62, 65-70, 113, 123, 320- 489 Medical Advisory Boards, 81, 82, 83, 493- 506 Military, 71, 87-88 National, 18 Special Panel Boards, 488 State Headquarters, 6, 12, 14, 38-45, 47, 87-89 Volunteer (See agency concerned) (For policies and procedure in selec- tion of personnel, see text under agency concerned) Peters, Dr. John, 209 Petersen. Dr. William F., 176 Pfister, Mrs. Mildred, 251 Pharmacists, Deferment of, 143 Physical defects, 211 Physical examinations Data on Chicago group. 210 Data on Illinois, 213-214 Of prison inmates. 192 Rejection rates, 190 Procedure in, 207-211, 287 Transfers for, 50, 235. 268 Physical unfitness, 121, 189-190 Physicians Examining (See Examining Phvsicians) Deferment of. 49. 142 Piszczek, Dr. Edward A., 224 Policies Agricultural deferment. 125, 137. 160 Local Board, 171 National Headquarters. 16 Occupational deferment. 129. 139, 145 State Headquarters. 86-87. 125 President \ppeal to. 205 Duties of, 15 Presidential certificate of Appreciation. 272-273 Commendation, 110. 274 Presentation meetings. Medal. 275-278 Press, Attitude of. 261 518 INDEX Pre-theological students, 145 Printing, Emergency, 98, 101 Privation, Extreme hardship and, 173-174 Procurement and Assignment Service, 51, 142-143 Procurement of furniture, equipment and supplies, 48, 65, 270 Pronto, Sgt. William H., 45 Property, Maintenance of, 48 Prosser, Maj. John A., 10 Psychiatric defects, 219-220 Psychiatrists, 82, 220 Public Agencies, Investigative aid by, 174 Public employes, Deferment of, 143 Public evaluation of Selective Service, 73, 261 Public Health Service, 120 Publicity releases, 253 Public relations, 253-262 Appraisal of value, 262 Division, 53 "Draft Quiz," 255-257 Newspapers in, 253-254 Problems in dependency cases, 171 Radio in, 254-257 Reactions, 261 Puckorius, Paul, 93 Quakers (Society of Friends), 183 Questionnaire Agricultural. 148-153, 157 Occupational, 133-134 Selective Service, 108, 111, 123, 308-315 Quotas and calls, 234 F! Radio, 248, 254-257 Radio stations, WBBM, 255, 257 WGN, 257 WJJD, 254-257 WAAF, WCAZ, WCBS. WCFL, WD AM, WDWS, WDZ, WEBQ, WEDC, WENR, WGES. WGIL, WHBF, WIBO, WIND, WJBC, WMAQ, WMBD, WMBI, WROK, WSBC, WSOY, WTAD, WTAX, WTMV, 257 Ragen, Joseph, 193 Ralston, Col. Harris P., 13. 14. 25. 29, 34. 47, 49, 56, 149, 160, 256. 257. 258, 259 "Reason for Patience" (poem) , 281 Reciprocal induction agreements, 181-182 Recommendations. State Director's Administration, 281-283 Classification Agricultural, 284-285 Conscientious objectors, 286 Dependency, 286 General, 284 Industrial, 285-286 Educational rehabilitation, 288 Enforcement of law, 288 Governor's rehabilitation program, 288 Induction, 286 Personnel, 284 Records disposal officers, 57 Recruiting, Voluntary plan for, 10 Re-districting of Local Boards, 103 Reemployment, 241-249 Committeemen, 67, 243, 247 (Names list- ed under Local Board of service, 320- 489) Cook County special plan, 244 Data on law violations, 249 Division, Functions of, 243 Downstate procedure, 245 Employers' obligations under law, 242 Implementation of employment plans, 247 Local Board assistance, 245 Penalties under law, 242 Public relations viewpoint, 241 Requirements of law, 241 Restoration to position, 242 Seniority rights, 242 State cooperation, 248 State Headquarters' role in, 243 Regan, Brig. Gen. Lawrence V., vii, 10, 11, 19, 25 Regional conference of state directors, 6 Regional field office, Chicago, 17 Registrant Change of address or status, 112 Duties of, under law, 98-99, 112 On parole, 191 Replacement of 130. 147, 155 Tallest, 100 Registrants Delinquent, 263 Files, 114, 123 Social Services for, 175 Transportation of, 48, 236, 238, 267-268 Registrants' Advisory Boards (See Advisory Boards for Registrants) Registrars, How obtained, 98 Registration, 97-106 Card, Reproduction of. 97 Cards. Clearance of, 49 Certificate, Reproduction of, 102 Chicago, 64, 99-104 Cook County, 64, 99-104 Division, 49 Downstate, 98 Methods of. 98 Records, Maintenance of. 49 Special situations in. 102 Supplies, 98 Stations, 99, 101 519 INDEX Registrations, The 1st, 98, 269 2nd, 104 3rd, 104 4th, 105 5th, 105 6th, 105 Analyses and data, 104-106 Management of, 49, 97-101 Rehabilitation program Educational, 217, 288 Governor's, 215-216, 288 Rejection rates, Physical examination, 190 Release of farm registrants to industry, 159- 160 Rendevous plan, Cook County, 238 Rents, 268 Reopening of classification, 95 Reorganization of State Headquarters, 47 Replacement List, 137 Of registrant, 130, 147, 155 Schedules, 49, 135-138 Summary, 136-137 Requests for discharge, 249 Reserve officers training corps, 120, 179 Resignations of Local Board Members, 96 Responsibilities of Boards of Appeal, 78 Governor, 20-22 Local Boards, 72-73 State Director, 23-24 Review of classifications, 124, 139, 163 Ricketts, John F., 280 Rigney, John, 255 Rinder, Dr. Carl O.. 83 Rodger, Lt. Col. William A., 13, 26, 34, 48, 268, 290 Rose, A. E., 176 Ross, Dr. Robert C, 13, 27, 31, 34, 161, 162 Rusk, Dean Howard P., 27, 149 Russell, Howard L., 176 Sain, Frank, 194 Saffir, Dr. Milton A., 194 Salvation Army, 176, 178 Savings bond officers, 57 Schommer, Prof. John, 28, 34 School, Literacy, 217 Scully. Francis D., 176 Secretary of War, 229 Sedgwick, Capt. Alexander T., 11 Selectees Attitude of, 262 Forwarding of, 236 Transportation of 238. 267-268 Selection Imminence of, 166 Of inductees, 235 Sequence for induction, 168 Selective Service Cost in Illinois, 267-270 Law Enactment of, 7 Enforcement of 263-266, 288 Extension of, 146, 232 In World War I, 4 Service period under, 229 Text of, 297-307 Violations and penalties of, 263 Medal (reproduction), 271 Medical aspects of, 207-228 Objectives of, 9 Operating personnel, 267 Origin and development of, 1 Planning prior to World War II, 4 Principles, 7 Problems of operation, 86 Questionnaire, 108, 111, 123, 308-315 System Creation of, 15 Major changes in (diagram), 122 Send-off for selectees C photo), 84 Sequence of classification consideration, 114, 123 Separation notices, 249 Sergeant, Steve S., 193 Serial and order numbering, 107-110 Serological tests, 208 Service Appreciation of, 271-279 Choice of. 231 Credits, 234 General military, 212 Limited military, 212 Period under law. 229 Servicemen's Dependents Allowance \et. 167. 172-173 Sharp. Theodore L., 194 Sherwood, Mai. Robert B.. 13 Simon. Capt. John O., 240 Sixth Service Command. 17. 192. 224 Slight, Dr. David, 37, 220 Smith, Earl C, 62, 149 Smith, T/Sgt. Harold R., 45 Smith. Capt. Norman W.. 31. 34. 51. 54, 256 Smith. William J.. Jr.. 75 Social agencies. Investigative aid by, 174, 225-227 Social Services Advisory Board. 176 Social Services for Registrants, 87. 175-178 Society of Friends (Quakers). 183 Soldiers' and Sailors' Council, 176 "Soldier's Friend." 254 Special assignments. 56 Special Panel Boards. 71. 191-195. 488 Staff Assignments, 47-57 Meetings. 89 Photos, 6. 12, 14, 33-37. 290 520 INDEX Standards Mental, 216-217 Moral, 190 Physical, 212, 215 State Director Background of, 19 Letter to selectees, 80 Personal appearances of, 258 Recommendations of, 281-288 Responsibilities of, 23-24 State Director's Social Services Advisory Board, 176 State directors regional conference, 6 State Headquarters Departments, 47 Dependency investigations, 49 Divisions, 48-53 Agricultural, 50, 160-164 Dependency Classification, 49 Field, 51, 89 Finance, Procurement and Supply, 48, 87, 267-270 Legal, 52, 160 Manpower, 50 Master File, 507 Medical, 51 Occupational, 49 Personnel, 48-49 Public Relations, 53 Registration, 49 Veterans Assistance, 52, 244-245 Enlisted detachment, 45, 47 Establishment of, 25 Field staff, 89 House organ, CHATS, 258 Liaison, 28-29, 49-53, 55-56 Local Board inspections, 52, 89 Military personnel data, 71, 87-88 Obligation of funds, 48 Offices, 11, 25, 53, 87 Operation of, 85-90 Organization of, 47 Personnel Enlisted, 45, 47 Entering armed forces, 88-89 Executive staff, 6, 12-14 Non-executive civilian compensated, 38- 44, 87 Policies of operation, 86, 125 Problems on agricultural appeals, 200 Reemployment regional meetings, 52-53 Relations with Local Boards, 95 Other agencies, 28 Role in reemployment, 243 Special assignments, 56 Staff Functions organized, 47-53 Meetings, 89 Officers commended (photo), 290 State of Illinois Acknowledgments, 278 Attorney General, 85 Auditor of Public Accounts, 85 Department of Agriculture, 154 Child Welfare, 227 Finance, 154, 228 Public Health, 208 Public Instruction, 85, 227 Public Safety, 29, 74 Public Welfare, 29, 226 Registration and Education, 29 General Assembly, 252, 278 Governor, 20-22, 215-216, 288 Public Aid Commission, 29, 174, 178, 224, 225, 227 State penitentiaries, 193-194 Training School for Boys, 194, 227 Veterans Commission, 248 State Procurement Officer, 30, 268 State Veterans Service Committee, 243, 246, 247 Stege, Capt. Earl R., 13, 32, 52, 290 Stelle, Gov. John, vii, 21, 60-61 Statement of, vi Stillwell, Curtis (photo), 37 Strauss, Dr. Sidney, 83 Student deferment policies, 49, 145 Students Divinitv, 120, 182 High school, 231 Medical, 128, 145 Scientific, 128, 145 Theological, 120, 145, 182 Sullivan, T. P., 75, 191 Suman, Maj. H. A., 240 Supplies, 48, 65, 270 Swanson, Col. William E., 11 Sykes, Lt. Col. Robert H., 13, 31, 34, 51, 290 Talsey, Maj. William C, 32, 34, 290 Taylor, Lt. Col. Harry W., 13, 31, 34, 54, 259, 290 Tedford, Burnet Robert, 106 Ten Commandments — wartime style, 96 "Ten Little Registrants" (poem), 118 Tenczar, Dr. John F., 209 Theological students, 120, 145, 182 Thomas, Maj. Wilbur A., 31, 34, 290 Thomason, R. D., 93 Timken, E. O., 93 Transfers for Classification, 52, 114, 508-509 Induction, 50, 235, 268 Physical examination, 50, 235, 268 521 INDEX Transportation Of registrants, 48, 236, 238, 267-268 Of Selective Service personnel, 48 Special problems in, 238 Tribune, Chicago, 254, 296 Tuesberg, L. W., 194 "Tunisian Sand" (poem), 24 Turnbull, Capt. Robert J., 13, 32, 274, 290 Tydings amendment, 130, 155-156, 158-159, 507 U United Charities of Chicago, 176, 178 United States Bureau of Naturalization and Immigra- tion, 28 Civil Service Commission, 29, 49, 69 Coast Guard Academy, 120 Commission on Education, 217 Department of Agriculture war boards, 29, 62, 154-155, 162 Department of Justice, 28, 185 District Attorney, 28, 185, 244, 249, 263- 264, 266 Employment Service, 13, 133, 245, 247 Military Academy, 120 Naval Academy, 120 Office of Scientific Research and Devel- opment, 188 Selective Service personnel in, 18 Veterans Administration, 247 War Manpower Commission, 16. 29, 133, 135, 142, 245 War Production Board, 17 War Shipping Administration, 144 Utilities, 268 Vermilion County plan, 159-160 Veterans information centers, 247 Veterans Service Committee County, 243, 247 State, 243, 246, 247 Veterinarians, Deferment of, 49, 142 Volunteers for induction, 112 Volunteer personnel (See agency con- cerned) Vote Board of Appeal, 200, 205 Local Board, 114, 123, 509 W Wade, Maj. Howard G., 25, 29, 36, 54, 256 Wadlow, Robert, 100 Wakefield, Dr. Howard, 83 Walter, Maj. Henry C, 240 War between States, Draft law during, 2 War boards, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, 29, 62, 154-155, 162 War Manpower Commission, 16, 29, 133, 135, 142, 245 War of Independence, Military operations in, 1 War Shipping Administration, 144 War unit plan, Agricultural, 152-153, 156- 157 Warfel, Maj. Lloyd W., 31, 36, 54, 256, 259 Weinberg, Phillip, 279 Welfare Administration, Chicago, 175-176, 224 Wells, Dr. Robert J., 143 Wendel, William F., 279 Wetenhall, Capt. Benj. R., 32, 37, 290 Wetmore, Frances K., 219 Whipp, Col. Frank D., 75, 191 Wife, Definition of. 165 Willard, Paul, 252 Womanpower, Hiring of, 135 Women, Illinois, in service. 239 Woodward, Maj. Robert M., 10, 11 Work of national importance, 186-188 World War I, Selective Service in, 4 Young, Mary A., 176 Zoch, M/Sgt. James E. Zoeh, 45 522 NOTES NOTES NOTES NOTES NOTES NOTES UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 355 22K67S C004 SELECTIVE SERVICE IN ILLINOIS SPRINGFIEL