.7L.63 c Booker. Richard Check List of Lincolniana LINCOLN ROOM UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY MEMORIAL the Class of 1901 founded by HARLAN HOYT HORNER and HENRIETTA CALHOUN HORNER CHECK LIST OF LINCOLNIANA In the Journals and Publications of the ILLINOIS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY 1899 - - - 1938 Compiled by Richard Booker. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/checklistoflincoOObook CHECK LIST OF LINCOLNIANA In the Journals and Publications of the ILLINOIS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY 1899 - - - 1938 Compiled by Richard Booker. 1939 THE HOME OF BOOKS, Inc. CHICAGO The Poor Richard Press CHICAGO /IB 64 FOREWORD The figure of Abraham Lincoln so dominated the history of Illinois during the nineteenth century that the consideration of his life apart from the history of the State of Illinois is almost impossible. Consequently, in preparing a selective check list of Lincoln material in the publications of the Illinois State Historical Society, complete separa- tion of the two subjects was found to be difficult. We have, however, tried to confine the references to individuals and events having a direct bearing on the life of Lincoln. Articles which are wholly given to this subject were chosen for inclusion, and isolated references were excluded except where, in the opinion of the compiler, they seemed important. This was necessary in order to eliminate needless bulk and to obtain greater usefulness. There will be found in the quarterly Journal, and the annual Pub- lications the results of forty years work of the Society assembling impor- tant Lincoln data from research in State and County archives and news- paper files, studies of phases of his life and character by qualified schol- ars, and the recollections of many who knew him personally. Biographi- cal sketches of Lincoln's closest associates in Illinois are important in that they often include information not apparent in material relating directly to him. This check-list is an attempt to make this mass of ma- terial more readily available to the Lincoln student. The first of the Publications of the Illinois State Historical Society appeared in 1899. Number six to the latest volume are the Annual Transactions of the Society, with the exceptions of numbers 18 and 25, which are compilations of the genealogical material to be found in the historical library. The Journal of the Society was begun in April, 1908, and has been published quarterly. The Collections of the Illinois State Historical Library is a series of notable publications comprising, early laws, statistics and historical writings, the first of which was published in 1903. Abbreviations Journals, volume and number are designated in this list as: J 23:1, viz., (Journal Volume 23, No. 1.) Publications are indicated as: P 12, viz., (Publication number 12.) Page numbers are in parenthesis: (p. 62). The Journals and Transactions were checked to the end of 1938. Blank pages at the end of the index may be used to continue the listing of material in future issues. LINCOLNIANA IN THE PUBLICATIONS OF THE ILLINOIS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY 1. ANGLE, Paul M.: The Peoria Truce, (p. 500) J 21:4 2. ANGLE: The Record of a Friendship. A series of Letters from Lincoln to Henry E. Dummer. (p. 125) J 31 :2 3. ARENZ, John A.: Address of Welcome to Mr. Lincoln at Beardstown. (p. 162) J 19:3-4 4. ARMSTRONG, W. D. : Anniversary of Lincoln-Douglas De- bates at Alton Observed, Oct. 15, 1929. (p. 607) J 22:4 5. BARKER, Harry E.: Unveiling of the Monument to Wm. H. Herndon at Oak Ridge Cemetery. (Address of Hardin W. Masters on the occasion.) (p. 197) J 11:2 6. BARINGER, Wm. E.: Campaign Technique in Illinois in 1860. (p. 203) P 39 7. BARINGER: The Epic Historical Significance of President Lincoln, (p. Ill) P 42 8. BARTON, Albert O.: Anniversary of Lincoln-Douglas De- bates, Freeport, August 2, 1929. (p. 601) J 22:4 9. BARTON, Wm. E.: Abraham Lincoln and New Salem, (p. 74) J 19:3 10. BARTON: Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln, (p. 123) P 31 11. BARTON: Is Lincoln among the Aristocrats? (p. 65) J 22:1 12. BARTON: Lincoln of the Biographers, (p. 58) P 36 13. BARTON: The Enduring Lincoln. Address at Unveiling of Statue of Lincoln at Urbana, July 3, 1927. (p. 240). J 20:2 14. BARTON: The Hankses. (p. 499) J 20:4 15. BARTON: The Making of Abraham Lincoln and the Influ- ence of Illinois in his Development, (p. 32) P 28 16. BATH: Illinois to Celebrate Survey made Seventy-five years ago by Lincoln, (p. 373) J 4:3 17. BE ALL, Edmond: Recollections of the Assassination and Funeral of Abraham Lincoln, (p. 488) J 5:4 18. BEALL: Recollection of the Lincoln-Douglas Debates held at Alton, October 15, 1858. (p. 486) J 5:4 19. BEARDSLEY, Harry M.: The Mormons in Illinois, (p. 45) P 40 20. BEEKMAN, Colby: Lincoln's First Lawsuit. Reminiscences of P. P. Grasbell. J 14:1-2 21. BISHOP SIMPSON and the Funeral of Lincoln, (p. 62) J 7:1 22. BOOTH, Mary Josephine: Partial Bibliography of Poems Relating to Abraham Lincoln, (p. 23) J 1:4 23. BRADSHAW, Charles: Green County, Born 100 Years Ago. (Lincoln-Shields Duel) (p. 69) P 27 24. BROWN, C. C: Major John T. Stuart, (p. 109) P7 25. BROWNING, O. H.:The Diary of Orville Hickman Browning Volume I, 1850-1864. Edited by T. C. Pease and J. G. Randall. Collections, Vol. 20 26. BROWNING: The Diary of Orville Hickman Browning, Vol. II 1865-1881. Edited by J. G. Randall. Collections, Vol. 22 27. CARPENTER, Richard V.: Lincoln's First Supreme Court Case. (p. 317) J 4:3 28. CARR, Clark E.: Lincoln at Gettysburg, (p.138) P 11 29. CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION, (Lincoln's birth) (p. 27) J 1:2 30. CHANDLER, Josephine Craven: New Salem, Early Chapter in Lincoln's Life. (p. 501) J 22:4 31. CHANDLER: The Spoon River Country, (p. 249) J 14:3-4 32. CHARNWOOD, Godfrey R. B.: Address at Unveiling of Statue of Abraham Lincoln on State House Grounds, October 6, 1918. (p. 498) J 12:4 33. (CHRISTIANSON, Theodore): Statue Unveiled at G.A.R. Ceremony, Minneapolis, May 26, 1930. Excerpts of Address by Governor Christianson, (p. 517) J 23:3 34. CLENDEMN, H. W.: Paul Selby, A Sketch, (p. 77) P 19 35. COLE, Arthur C: Lincoln and the American Tradition of Civil Liberty, (p. 102) P 33 36. COLE: Lincoln and the American Tradition of Civil Liberty. (p. 102) J 19:3-4 37. COLE: Lincoln and the Presidential Election of 1864. (p. 130) P 23 38. CONKLING-LINCOLN Correspondence, (p. 36) J 2:4 39. CONKLING, Clinton L.: How Mr. Lincoln Received the News of his First Nomination, (p. 63) P 14 40. CONVERSE, Henry A. : Address at the Laying of the Comer- stone, Reconstruction of New Salem, (p. 326) J 25:4 41. CONVERSE: The House of the House Divided, (p. 141) P 31 42. COOK, John W.: Life of Adlai E. Stevenson, (p. 23) P 21 43. COOPER, Homer H.: The Lincoln-Thornton Debate at Shel- byville. (p. 101) J 10:1 44. CUNNINGHAM, J. O.: The Bloomington Convention of 1856 and Those Who Participated in it. (p. 101) P 10 45. CURREY, J. Seymour: Lincoln's Early Visits to Chicago. (p. 412) J 12:3 46. CURREY: Lincoln's Visit to Waukegan in I860, (p. 178) J 4:2 47. DAVIS, Charles G.: March of Captain Abraham Lincoln's Company in the Black Hawk War. (p. 25) P 31 48. DAVIS, Edwin: Lincoln and Macon County, Illinois. 1830- 1831. (p. 65) J 25:1-2 49. (DEBATES) The Lincoln Douglas Debates of 1858. Intro- duction and Notes by Edwin Earle Sparks. Collections Vol. Ill 50. (DEBATES) Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Ottawa Debate of Lincoln and Douglas, (p. 3) J 1:2-3 51. (DEBATES) Suggestions of the Committee on the Celebra- tion of the Lincoln-Douglas Debates, (p. 10) J 1:1 52. DEDICATION OF TABLET at the site of the Republican Convention of I860 at the Wigwam at Decatur, (p. 150) J 8:1 53. DE MOTTE, Win. A.: Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, (p. 422) J 20:3 54. DONDERO, George A.: Why Lincoln Wore a Beard, (p. 321) J 24:3 55. DOOLITTLE, James R.: Lincoln and the War. Speech delivered at Springfield, Illinois, Oct. 4, 1864. (p. 29) J 2:3 56. DORRIS, J. T.: President Lincoln's Clemency, (p. 547) J 20:4 57. DOYLE, C. J.: Address at dedication ceremonies of the monu- ment erected by Illinois to Stephen A. Douglas at Winchester, July 5, 1930. (p. 439) J 23:3 58. DOYLE, C. J.: Josiah Lamborn, Attorney General of Illinois, 1840-1843. (p. 185) J 20:2 59. DUNNE, Edward F.: Address on Abraham Lincoln, (p. 7) J 9:1 60. DUNNE: Proclamation on the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Death of Lincoln, (p. 167) J 8:1 61. DYCHE, Grace Locke Scripps: John Locke Scripps, Lin- coln's Campaign Biographer. A Sketch compiled from his letters, (p. 99) P 31 62. DYCHE: John Locke Scripps, Lincoln's Campaign Biographer. (p. 333) " J 17:3 63. DYSON, Howard F.: Lincoln in Rushville. (p. 221) P8 64. EAST, Earnest E.: A newly discovered speech of Abraham Lincoln. (Delivered at Bloomington, Sept. 26, 1854.) (p. 65) J 28:1 65. EAST: The Peoria Truce. Did Douglas ask for quarter? (p. 70) J 29:1 66. EPLER, Cyrus: History of the Morgan County Bar. (p. 163) J 19:3-4 67. EVANS, Joseph T.: Lincoln at Galesburg. (p. 559) J 8:4 68. EWING, Thomas: Lincoln and the General Land Office, 1849. (p. 139) J 25:3 69. EWING: Some Thoughts on Lincoln's Presidency, (p. 60) J 26:1-2 70. FERGUSON, Duncan: Story of the Almanac Used in the Duff Armstrong Trial, (p. 688) J 15 3:4 71. FLAGG, Norman G.: Abraham Lincoln. Address at Unveil- ing of Lincoln portrait at Shurtleff College. Feb. 12, 1917. (p. 125 J 10:1 72. GATES, Paul W.: The Struggle for the Charter of the Illinois Central Railroad, (p. 55) P 40 73. GAY, Wm. H.: Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln, Quincy and the Civil War. (p. 428) J 7:3 74. GERMAIN, Louis: Body Guard at The Funeral of Abraham Lincoln, Springfield, Illinois, (p. 320) J 9:3 75. GERNON, Blaine Brooks: Chicago and Abraham Lincoln. (p. 243) J 27:3 76. GOODSPEED, T. W. : Lincoln and Douglas with some per- sonal Reminiscences, (p. 183) J 26:3 77. GREENLEAF, C. J.: Standing Guard at the Lincoln Home, 1865. (p. 623) J 22:4 78. GRIDLEY, J. N. : Lincoln's Defense of Duff Armstrong. The Story of the trial and the use of the Almanac, (p. 24) J 3:1 79. GRIMSLEY, Elizabeth Todd: Six Months at the White House, (p. 43) J 19:3-4 80. HARRIS, Gibson: Times When Lincoln Remembered Albion. An Early Day Joint Discussion, (p. 489) J 9:4 81. HAUBERG, John H.: The Black Hawk War. (p. 91) P 39 82. HEINL, Frank J.: Newspapers and Periodicals in the Lincoln- Douglas Country, 1831-1832. (p. 371) J 23:3 83. HERRIOT, F. L.: Conference in the Deutches-Haus, Chi- cago, May 14-15, I860, (p. 101) P 35 84. HOOVER, Herbert: Speech at the Rededication of the Lin- coln Monument, July 17, 1931. (p. 333) J 24:2 85. HORNER, Henry: Letter. Reconstruction of New Salem, Ceremonies at the laying of the cornerstone, Nov. 15, 1932. (d. 326) J 25:4 86. HORNER: Address at New Salem Dedication Ceremonies, (p. 450) J 26:4 87. HOUSE, Albert V.: Trials of a Ghost Writer of Lincoln Biography. Chauncey F. Black's authorship of Lamon's Lincoln. (P. 262) J 31:3 88. HOWELL'S LIFE OF LINCOLN. Mention of Copy cor- rected by Lincoln, belonging to Samuel C. Parks, Jr. (p. 346) J 27:3 89. JAMES, D. D.: Lincoln-Douglas Debate at Charleston, (p. 569) J 8:4 90. JAMESON, (Isabel) Review of; Personal Recollections of Early Decatur, Abraham Lincoln, Richard J. Oglesby and the Civil War, by Jane Martin Johns, (p. 521) J 5:4 91. JOHNS, Jane Martin: A Momentous Incident in the History of Illinois, (p. 548) J 10:4 92. JOHNS: Lincoln's Nomination, an Unsolved Psychological problem, (p. 561) J 10:4 93. JOHNSON, Charles: Some Aftermath of the Eighteen-Sixty Election, (p. 192) P 35 94. JOHNSON: The Presidential Campaign of 1860. (p. 115) P 34 95. KENT, Charles A.: Lincoln and Gettysburg after Fifty Years, (p. 257) J 9:3 96. KIDD, T. W. S.: How Abraham Lincoln Received the News of His Nomination, (p. 507) J 15:1-2 97. KIRKLAND, Joseph: Recollections of Lincoln, (p. 163) J 25:3 98. LANSDEN, J. M.: Abraham Lincoln, Judge David Davis and Jugde Edward Bates, (p. 56) J 7:1 99. LANSDEN: An Old Tennessee Deed. (p. 481) J 6:4 100. LAST WITNESS in Famous Lincoln Case Dies. (p. 515) J 9:4 101. LINCOLN IN MANY LAW FIRMS, (p. 498) J 8:3 102. LINCOLN MEMORIAL at Washington, D. C, Program and part of address by President Harding at Dedication, (p. 554) J 15:1-2 103. LINCOLN'S FIRST RECEPTION, Springfield, Feb. 6, 1861. (p. 386) J 11:3 104. LINCOLN'S HOME in Macon County, (p. Ill) J 27:1 105. LLOYD-GEORGE, David: Address on Lincoln at Springfield, Oct. 13, 1923. (p. 240) J 17:1-2 106. LYNCH, Wm. O.: Convergence of Lincoln and Douglas, (p. 155) P 32 107. McMURTRY, R. G.: A Study of the Different Editions of the Debates, (p. 95) J 27:1 108. MARTIN, Lorene: Statue in Rosemond Grove Cemetery, (p. 79) J 22:1 109. MASTERS, E. L.: Days in the Lincoln Country, (p. 779) J 18:4 110. MERRIAM, Arthur: Final Interment of Lincoln's Remains. (p. 171) J 23:1 111. MERRITT, E. L. : Springfield's Part in the Obsequies of Abra- ham Lincoln, (p. 179) P 14 112. METAMORA COURTHOUSE presented to the State of 111. (p. 365) J 14:3-4 113. MILES, M. L.: The Fatal First of January, (p. 13) J 20:1 114. MILTON, G. F.: Douglas' Place in American History, (p. 323) J 26:4 115 MONUMENT AT BUNKER HILL, Macoupin Co., Illinois, (p. 520) J 23:3 116. MONUMENT TO LINCOLN Planned by Illinoisians in Los Angeles, (p. 374) J 4:3 117. MOORE, Risdon M.: Lincoln as A Wrestler, (p. 433) P9 118. MOORES, C. W.: The Interest Indiana Holds in Historic Ill- inois, (p. 64) P 24 119. MOREHOUSE, Frances: Jesse W. Fell. (p. 71) P 21 120. MO WRY, Duane: Robert T. Lincoln and Senator James Doo- little. The story of a highly interesting letter, (p. 464) J 13:4 121. OAKLEAF, J. B.: Lincoln and Rock Island County, (p. 202) J 5:2 122. OAKLEAF: Lincoln's School Teacher Buried in Illinois, (p. 447) J 22:3 123. OLD SALEM LINCOLN LEAGUE, Makes Plans For the Rebuilding of Historic New Salem as a Memorial to Abraham Lincoln, (p. 246) J 11:2 124. OSBORNE, Georgia L.: Ring Given By Lincoln to Joseph Medill Now Owned By the Illinois State Historical Society, (p. 572) J 21:4 125. PALMER, John McAuley: President Lincoln's War Problem, (p. 200) J 21:2 126. PALMER: President Lincoln's War Problem, (p. 41) P 34 127. PALMER, G. T.: Historic Landmarks Along the Highways in Illinois, (p. 41) P 39 128. PAULLIN, C. O.: Lincoln in Congress, (p. 85) J 14:1-2 , 129. PIER, C. S.: Address at Dedication of Boulder at Charleston to Mark Site of Lincoln-Douglas Debate, (p. 316) J 8:2 130. PORTER, Wm. S.: The Lincoln Funeral Train, (p. 315) J 9:3 131. PRATT, Harry E.: Albert Taylor Bledsoe, Critic of Lincoln. (p. 153) P41 132. PRATT: David Davis, 1815-1886. (p. 157) P 37 133. PRATT: Lincoln in Bloomington, 111. (p. 42) J 29:1 134. PRATT: Repudiation of Lincoln's War Policy in 1862. (p. 3) J 24:1 135. PUTNAM, Elizabeth Duncan: The Life and Services of Joseph Duncan, Governor of Illinois, 1834-1838. (p. 107) P 26 136. RANKIN, H. B.: The Lincoln Life Mask and How It Was Made. (p. 238) J 8:2 137. RANKIN: The First American, Abraham Lincoln, (p. 260). J 8:2 138. RENNICK, P. G.: Courts and Lawyers in Northern and West- ern Illinois, (p. 289) J 30:3 139. RICHARDSON, Wm. A., Jr.: Pen Pictures of the Central Part of Quincy as it was when Lincoln and Douglas Met in Debate, (p. 393) J 18:2 140. RIDGELY, Anna: (Mrs. James L. Hudson). Excerpts from the Diary of, edited by her niece, Octavia Roberts Corneau. assisted by Georgia Osborne, (p. 401) J 22:3 141. RITZE, C. C: In Defence of Mrs. Lincoln, (p. 5) J 30:1 142. ROGERS, Kate Brainerd. The Name of Lincoln, (p. 60) J 7:2 143. SAGER, J. G.: Stepher A. Hurlbut, 1815-1882. (p. 53) J 28:2 144. SANGER, D. B.: The Authorship of General Orders Number 29. (p. 67) P 40 145. SEARS L. M.: New York and the Fusion Movement of I860, (p. 58) J 16:1 146. SELBY, Paul: Genesis of the Republican Party in Illinois, (p. 270) P 11 147. SELBY: The Lincoln-Conkling Letter, Sept. 3, 1863. (p. 240) P 13 148. SEYMOUR, G. H.: Conservative— Another Lincoln-Pseud- omym? (p. 135) J 29:2 149. SHAW, James: A Neglected Episode in the Life of Lincoln. (p. 51) P 29 150. SMITH, D. C: The Lincoln-Thornton Debates at Shelbyville. (p. 97) J 10:1 151. SMITH, W. H.: Old Time Campaigning and the Story of a Lincoln Campaign Song. (p. 23) J 13:1 152. SMYSER, G. EL: The Lincoln Family in 1861. A History of the Painting and Engraving, (p. 357) J 22:2 153. STEVENS, F. E.: The Life of Steven A. Douglas. (The en- tire volume of 673 pages is devoted to this biography. There is a separate index) J 16:3-4 154. STEVENS, Lucia A.: Growth of Public Opinion in the East in regard to Lincoln, prior to I860, (p. 284) P 11 155. TAYLOR, Florence Walton: Culture in Illinois in Lincoln's Day. (p. 125) P 42 156. THOMAS, Benjamin P.: Lincoln and New Salem, A Study in environment, (p. 61) P 41 157. THOMPSON, C. M.: Early Character Sketch of Mr. Lincoln. (P. 59) J 7:1 158. THOMPSON: Elections and Election Machinery in Illinois 1818-1848. (p. 379) J 7:4 159. THOMPSON, Jesse M.: Address at dedication of tablet erected to Lincoln-Douglas-Hay-Nicolay at Pittsfield, Illinois. (p. 726) J 18:2 160. TILTON, C. C: G. S. Hubbard, (p. 158) P 40 161. TILTON: Lincoln and Lamon, Partners and Friends, (p. 175) P 38 162. (TRUMBULL) A Statesman's Letters of the Civil War Period. Letters of Senator Lyman Trumbull to Senator Doolittle. Con- tributed by Duane Mowry. (p. 43) J 2:2 163. (TYLER) Moses Coit Tyler: One of Mr. Lincoln's Old Friends, (p. 247) ] 28:4 164. VINSON, John W.: Personal Reminiscences of Mr. Lincoln. (p. 572) J 8:4 165. WALKER, E. S.: Abraham Lincoln's Substitute in the Civil War. (p. 80) J 5:1 166. WARREN, Louis A.: Lincoln Lands and Lineage, (p. 144) P 34 167. WARREN: Lincoln's Early Political Background, (p. 618) J 23:4 168. WARREN: Sarah Bush Lincoln, (p. 80) P 33 169. WEBER, Jesse Palmer.: Abraham Lincoln the Typical American, (p. 6) J 1:4 170. (WELLES) Letter of Lincoln to Charles R. Welles presented to the State, (p. 218) J 7:3 171. WHARTON, O. P.: Lincoln and the Beginning of the Re- publican Party in Illinois, (p. 62) P 16 172. WHITE, Horace: Lincoln in 1854. (p. 25) P 16 173. WHITE, Mary Tracy: Historic Notes on Lawrence County Illinois. (DuBois-Lincoln Correspondence) (p. 385) J 10:3 174. WHITEHEAD, John M.: Lincoln and Douglas in Hillsboro, Illinois, (p. 229) J 13:2 175. WILEY, E. W. : Discovery of the record of Lincoln's Chicago speech of October 27, 1854. (p. 218) J 21:2 176. WILEY: Lincoln in the Campaign of 1856. (p. 582) J 22:4 177. WILGUS: A. C.i Some Views of Lincoln Held by the London Times, 1861-1865. (p. 157) J 17:1-2 178. WILLARD, Samuel: Personal Reminiscences of Life in Ill- inois, 1830-1850. (p. 85) P 11 179. WRIGHT. Erastus: Eulogy of Lincoln, (p. 46) J 2:4 180. ZANE, Charles S.: Lincoln as I Knew Him. (p. 74) J 14:1-2 181. ZANE, John M.: A rare Judicial Service, (p. 31) J 19:1-2 INDEX "A Rare Judicial Service," 181. "Abraham Lincoln and New Salem," 9. "Abraham Lincoln, Judge David Da- vis and Judge Edward Bates," 98. "Abraham Lincoln the Typical Amer- ican," 169- "Address of Welcome to Mr. Lin- coln, at Beardstown," 3. Albion, 111., 80. Alton, 111., 4, 18. American Tradition of Civil Liberty, Lincoln and; 35, 36. "Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln," 10. "An Old Tennessee Deed," 99. Bates, Edward, 98. Bath, 111., 16. Beardstown, 111., 3, 63, 117. Bibliography, 12, 22. Black, Chauncey F., 87. Black Hawk War, 24, 47, 81, 117. Bledsoe, Albert Taylor, 131. Bloomington, 111., 44, 64, 133. "Bodyguard at Funeral of Lincoln," 74. Boone County, 111., 27. Bunker Hill, 111., 115. Campaign of 1860, 6, 46, 61, 62, 83, 94, 145, 151, 154. "Campaign Technique in Illinois in 1860," 6. Character, 157. Charleston, 111., 89, 129. Chicago, 111., 45, 83, 149, 175. "Chicago and Abraham Lincoln," 75. "Conference in the Deutches Haus," . . .83. Conkling, James L., 38, 147. "Conservative, Another Lincoln Pseu- donym," 148. Convention of (1856), 44; (1860), 52. "Convergence of Lincoln and Doug- las," 106. Corneau, Octavia Roberts, 140. "Courts and Lawyers," 138. "Culture in Illinois in Lincoln's Day," 155. Davis, David, 98; biography of, 132. "Days in the Lincoln Country," 109. Decatur, 111., 48, 52, 90, 91. "Defense of Duff Armstrong," 78. "Discovery of Record of Chicago Speech," 175. Doolittle, James, 120, 162. Douglas, Stephen A., 1, 4, 8, 18, 49, 50, 51, 57, 64, 65, 67, 76, 88, 89, 106, 129, 153, 159, 164, 174. "Douglas' Place in American His- tory," 114. Dubois, Jesse K., 173. Dummer, Henry E., 2. Duncan, Joseph, 135. "Early Chapters in Lincoln's Life," 30. "Early Character Sketch of Mr. Lin- coln," 157. "Early Political Background of Lin- coln," 167. "Early Visits to Chicago," 45. "Election Machinery in Illinois," 158. Election of (I860), 94; (1864), 37. "Enduring Lincoln," 13. 'Epic Historical Significance of Presi- ident Lincoln," 7. "Eulogy of Lincoln," 179. "Fatal First of January," 113. Fell, Jesse W., 119. "Final Interment of Lincoln's Re- mains," 110. "First American, Abraham Lincoln," 137. "First Reception in Springfield," 103. Freeport, 111., 8. G. A. R., 33. Galesburg, 111., 67. General Land Office, 68. General Orders No. 29, Authorship of, 144. "Genesis of the Republican Party in Illinois," 146. Gettysburg, Pa., 28, 95. Grasbell, P. P., 20. "Green County Born 100 Years Ago,' 23. "Growth of Public Opinion in the East," 154. "Hankses, The," 14. Harding, Warren G., 102. Hay, John, 159. Herndon, William H, 5. Hillsboro, 111., 174. "Historic Landmarks," 127. "Historic Notes on Lawrence Coun- ty," 173. Hubbard, G. S., 160. Hudson, Mrs. James L., 140. Hurlbut, Stephen A., 143. "House of the House Divided," 41. Howell's Life of Lincoln, 88. "How Lincoln Received News of First Nomination," 39, 96. Illinois Central R. R., 72. "In Defense of Mrs. Lincoln," 141. Indiana, 118. "Influence of Illinois on Lincoln," 15. "Interest Indiana Holds in Historic Illinois," 118. "Is Lincoln Among the Aristocrats,' 11. Johns, Jane Martin, 90. Kansas-Nebraska Bill, 64. Lamborn, Josiah, 58. Lamon, Ward Hill, 161; Life of Abraham Lincoln, 87. "Last Witness in Famous Lincoln Case Dies," 100. Lawrence County, 111., 173. Lincoln, Abraham, and Almanac, 70, 78; ancestry of, 10, 14, 166; and Armstrong trial, 70, 78, 100; assassination of, 17, 40, 53; bibliography of, 12, 22; biographies of, 12, 61, 62, 87, 88; birth of, 29; in Congress, 128; correspondence of, 2, 38, 147, 170, 173; death of, 60; debates with Douglas, 4, 8, 18, 43, 49, 50, 51, 65, 67, 76, 88, 89, 107, 129, 139, 150, 164, 174; debate with Thornton, 43, 150; documents of, 101; duel with Shields, 23; election of (I860), 93, 94; (1864), 37; engraving of, 152; family of, 10; funeral of, 17, 21, 74, 77, 111, 130; geneology of, 10, 14; and General Land Office, 68; law practice of, 19, 24, 27, 63, 70, 72, 78, 101, 180; lawsuits, first, 19, 27; in legislature, 24, 63, 178; life mask of, 136; marriage of, 113, memorials to, 102, 115. 116; at New Salem, 9, 30, 40, 85, 86, 123, 156; nomination as presi- dent, 39, 92, 96; places named for, 142 ; poems about, 22 ; por- trait of, 71 ; school teacher of, 122 ; speeches of, at Bloomington, 64; statues of, 13, 32, 33, 108; step- mother of, 168; substitute in Civil War, 165; survey by, 16; Wauke- gan, visit to, 46; wrestling match, 117. "Lincoln and Douglas . . . Personal Reminiscences," 76. "Lincoln and Gettysburg After Fifty Years," 95. "Lincoln and Lamon, Partners and Friends," 161. "Lincoln and New Salem," 156. "Lincoln and the Beginning of the Republican Party in Illinois," 171. "Lincoln and the War," 55. "Lincoln as a Wrestler," 117. "Lincoln as I Knew Him," 180. "Lincoln Family in 1861," 152. "Lincoln in Bloomington," 133. "Lincoln in 1854," 172. "Lincoln in Many Law Firms," 101. "Lincoln Lands and Lineage," 166. Lincoln, Mary Todd, 141. "Lincoln of the Biographers," 12. Lincoln, Robert T., 120. Lincoln, Sarah Bush Johnston (sec- ond wife of Thomas Lincoln), 168. "Lincoln's First Lawsuit," 20. "Lincoln's Home in Macon County," 104. London Times, 111. Los Angeles, Calif., 116. Macon County, 111., 48, 104. "Making of Abraham Lincoln . . ." 15. "March of Abraham Lincoln's Com- pany," 47. Masters, Hardin W., 5. Medill, Joseph, 124. "Metamora Courthouse Presented to the State," 112. Minneapolis, Minn., 33. "Momentous Incident in the History of Illinois," 91. Morgan County, 111. Bar, 66. Mormons, 19. Milwaukee, Wis., 45. "Name of Lincoln," 142. "Neglected Episode in the Life of Lincoln," 149. "Newly Discovered Speech," 64. New Salem, Lincoln in, 9, 30, 156. New Salem, 111., reconstruction of, 40, 85, 86, 123. "Newspapers and Periodicals in the Lincoln-Douglas Country. 1831- 1832," 82. "New York and the Fusion Move- ment of 1860," 145. Nicolay, John G., 159. Old Salem Lincoln League, 123. "Old Tennessee Deed . . ." 99. "Old Time Campaigning . . ." 151. Ottawa, 111., 50. Parks, Samuel C, Jr., 68. Peoria, 111., 1, 65. "Personal Recollections of Early De- catur," 90. "Personal Reminiscences of Life in Illinois," 178. "Personal Reminiscences of Mr. Lin- coln," 164. Pittsfield, 111, 159. Poems, Bibliography of, 22. "President Lincoln's Clemency," 56. "President Lincoln's War Problem," 125. "Presidential Election of 1864," 37. Quincy, 111., 73, 139. "Recollections of Lincoln," 97. "Record of a Friendship," 2. 'Rededication of Lincoln Monument," 84. "Reminiscences of Lincoln, Quincy and the Civil War," 73. Republican Party, 145, 171. "Repudiation of Lincoln's War Poli- cy ... " 134. "Ring Given by Lincoln to Joseph Medill," 124. River and Harbor Convention, 149. Roberts, Octavia, 140. Rock Island County, III., 121. Rosemond, 111., Grove Cemetery, 108. Rushville, 111., 63. Scripps, John Locke, 61, 62, 63. Selby, Paul, 34. Shelbyville, 111., 43. Shields James, 23. Shurtleff College, 71. Simpson, Bishop Mathew, 21. "Six Months at the White House," 79. "Some Aftermath of the 1860 Elec- tion," 93. "Some Thoughts of Lincoln's Presi- dency," 64. "Some Views of Lincoln Held by the London Times," 177. "Spoon River Country," 31. Springfield, 111., 41, 55, 74, 76, 105, 110. "Springfield's Part in the Obsequies of Lincoln," 111. "Standing Guard at the Lincoln Home," 77. "Statesman's Letters of the Civil War Period," 162. Stevenson, Adlai E, 52. "Struggle for the Charter of the Illi- nois Central Railroad," 72. Stuart, John T., 24, 134. Swett, Leonard, 134. Taylor, Hamlin, 173. Thompson, Lorenzo Dow, 117. Thornton, Anthony, 43, 150. "Trials of a Ghost Writer," 87. Trumbull, Lyman, 162. Urbana, 111., 13. Waukegan, 111., 46. Welles, Charles R., 170. White, Hugh L., 99. "Why Lincoln Wore a Beard," 54. Wilson, William L., 63. Winchester, 111, 57. ADDENDA UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS URBANA 973 7L63AB64C C001 CHECK LIST OF LINCOLNIANA IN THE JOURNAL