THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY A&S L6)i cop. 2. MCHITECTURE Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates AN INTERMEDIATE GREEK-ENGLISH LEXICON FOUNDED UPON Γ: /■ t THE SEVENTH EDITIO' OF Liddell and scott’s Ί GREEK-ENGLISE LEXICON N F HARPER & BB F R Copyrigh. RPER & Brothers. w 6 c •r- KICKER LlBRASy ASCn'.TECT'JRi. UNIVERSITY Of ILLINOIS PREFACE This Abridgement of the Oxford Greek Lexicon has be^ u^eitak compliance with wishes expressed by several experienced School It · an entirely new work, and it is hoped that it will meet their re^irflncnrs. It differs from the old Abridgement, in that ist. It is made from the last Edition (1883) of the large Eexicon.^ rj-ease has 2ndly. The matter contained in it is greatly increase^ J ^is in been caused by giving fuller explanations of the '^o^/s by^s^mg forms of Moods and Tenses more fully, by citing the leadiiig Autno different usages, and adding characteristic phrases. ;rent usages, anu auuiu^ ^ With regard to the citation of AuAors’ names it give the earliest authority for each “®^^gc-^ J^ben^the wo'd^or^^^^^^ When the fn general use, an ‘ etc.’ is added to the first authority fr original usage seems to be continued only excepticiuny, exceptional authorities have been added. names of the Generally speaking, words used only hy late wri^n and ^lent^bc^erm^h^^^^ - But from Homer downwards, to the fb-e of Classical At been omitted. care' ha's 'been taken to insert all words Be®‘‘^®®^*l®p’l"|,'ius®an°d"strXo^l^ by Aristotle in his moral and political treatises, !^ Aes by Lucian, by the books generally read by students, by Plutarch if b's bii e^ by V ^ . Λ..__ λ 1 ^ι._ι — .4 u,. tv.» .„K:ti.rc r,f tVipiSew I estameni. rets' of thrAXTog^^^^^^^ th; waiters of theNew Testament. With regard to_ Etymology when 'vord mpresente ^ρ^Γ^Αεκ, ‘Is Form With a termination easily f so distinctly separabk^ ΓΕ'ΜΩ, ΚΡΑ'ΤΟΣ ; when the Root and terminatioi/ are not so distinctly ^ assumed Root is added, as τύπτω (Root ΤΥΠ). In Derived words, reference is made to W the Root is given, as «φί-βολο? (βάλλω); except t , j γ form and only be found in the aor. 2 or some other tens^e ot a ueiecii not the Verb is given, as Spojios (δραμ(ΐν), όψΐ5 (οψομαι). In Compound words, the parts of which they When either by placing iT hyphen _ between them, a. - by placing a hyphen between ^hem, ^ reference to part of the compound remains unaltered a ^£ds derived from a compound the simple forms has been thought nece/sary. And ^ , 1 ^1* · oc ^ιΧοιτοώεω from φιλο-σοψος. tne simple loriiib iid.^ uccn tuvjLtguL ^ ^ i\a already divided are left undivided, as .?ιλο.τοφ€ω from φΛο-σ φ The Quantity ( another vowel, it is H. G. LIDDELL. τ'^ςνο 3 Z ^31 lay UlVlUCU cIIL, icil unvaivi-^v-vx, J . . r 1 1 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. — means . .tt ^Kuivalent to * absol. = aL,M,«, miutely acc. = accu.ati^ - = according to Act. = Activi . ice act. = active bg^ficaiion Ad]. = Adjective Adv = Adverb Aeol. - Aeolic, wi tie Aiclic dialect Aesch. Aesch}-lu> Aeschin. -c Aeschi v-^ Anth. = Anthology aor. = aoris tense Ar. = Aristophanes Arist. = Aristotle .\tt. = Attic, in Attic G-e*k Babr. = Babr^is c. = cum c. acc. cognato = with c gnae accusative, i. e. when the Subst. has ihe same n a similar signification with the Verb c. gen. partit. - cu»a geniti\ lartit’vo c. gen. pers. = cum jenitivo ije-'-nae cf. = confer, compare collat. collateral Com. = Comic, in Comic. Poets Compar. or Comp. == Cor^parati e Conjunct. = Conjunction contr. = contracted, contraction dat. = dative Dem. = Demosthenes Dep. = Deponent Verb, i. e. a Verb o' M idle or Passive form with Active sense deriv. = derived, derivation disyll. = disyllable Dor. = in Doric Greek Ep. = in Epic Greek esp. = especially etc. = et cetera Eur. = Euripides f. or fut. = future tense fern. = feminine fin. = finem or fine freq. = frequent, frequently gen. or genit. = genitive Hdt. = Herodotus Hes. = Hesiod Horn. = Homer imperat. or imper. = imperative mood imperf. or impf. = imperfect tense impers. = impersonal ind. or indie. = indicative mood inf. = infinitive mood or intrans. = intransitive Ion. = Ionic, in the Ionic dialect mreg. = irregular GcKr. = Isocrates Lat. Latin lengthd. = lengthened Luc. = Lucian Lys. = Lysias masc. = masculine Med., med. = medium, middle voice metaph. = metaphorically metri grat. = metri gratia Mosch. = Moschus n. pr. = nomen proprium N. T. = New Testament negat. = negativum neut. = neuter nom. = nominative oft. = often opp. to = opposed to opt. or optat. = optative mood orig. = originally part. = participle Pass. = Passive voice pass. =· passive signification pecul. = peculiar perf. or pf. = perfect tense Pind. = Pindar pi. or plur. = plural Plat. = Plato plqpf. = plusquamperfectum Plut. = Plutarch poet. = poetically Polyb. = Polybius Prep. = Preposition pres. = present tense q. V. = quod vide qq. V. = quae vide radic. = radical regul. = regular, regularly 1 shortd. = shortened ' signf. = signification sing. = singular Soph. = Sophocles sq. = sequens Strab. = Strabo sub. = subaudi, subaudito subj. = subjunctive mood Sub.t. = Substantive syll. -- syllable i llieoga. = Theognis i rheophr. = Theophrastus j Thuc. = Thucydides T ag. = Tragic, in Tragic Greek , trans. = transitive irisyll. = trisyllable j usu. = usually V. = vide j v^. Adj. = verbal Adjective I Oc. = voce, vicem j V H = vocative * X V Xenophon. A. A — άβατος. Α α, αλφα, το, indfecl., first letter of the Gr. alphabet : as Numeral, a =€h and ‘irpooros, but ,a= looo. Changes of ά : 1. Aeob, ά for e, άλλοτα for άλλοτε ; — for o, eiKari for eiKocri : — reversely o for a, v. sub o. 2. Dor., ά for €, άλλοκα for -re : — in the body of words, tap0s for Upos. 3. Ion., ά for e, μ^Ύα- θο5 for μ€Ύζθθ5 : — reversely e for a, v. sub €. b. ά be- comes 7 } in the num. forms, SnrKijcrios, ττολλατΓλήίΤίΟϊ for δίττλάσίοϊ, ΐΓολλαττλάσιοϊ. c. in some words, a repre- sents 7 ], as μ^σαμβρίτ] for μεσημβρία, άμψισ-βάτ^ω for άμφισ-βτίτ^ω. d. ά for o, as αρρω^4ω for 6ρρω· 54ω. II. changes of ά : 1. '>7 Ion. becomes ά Aeol. and Dor. in the 1 st decl., as ττυλα, ’Ατρείδα? for ττνλτ], ’Ατρείδη? : also when a is the vowel of the root, as θνάσκω for θνήσκω (ΘΑΝ); but η for ε or εί is often retained in Aeol. and Dor., as ηρχόμαν {έρχομαι), but άρχόμαν {&ρχομαι). b. reversely, in Dor., αε and αει in inflexions of Verbs in άω are contr. into tj, as iv'iKT] for -ά, 0pf)s for -as : — so in crasis, τημά for τά 4μά, κηγών for καϊ iywv. c. in Dor., ao and αω are contracted not into ω, but into ά, v. Ω ω. 2. in Ion., 77 for ά is charac- teristic, as in 1 st decl., σοψίη, --ην, Άρίστογάρη?, -7}v : If the nom. ends in a, the change only takes place in gen. and dat. ολήθείά, -t^s, -t), -av. α-, insep. Prefix in compos. : I. alpha privativum, expressing want or absence, like Lat. in—, Engl, un-, (Τοφ05 wise, &-(Toa-oken, <\ard, strong, Od., Theocr. ά-ατΓτος, ον, {άτττομαι) not to he toUeJ. f^,^-/^istleis, invincible, xeTpes^aTTvoi Horn., Hes. άάσα, contr. ασα, aor. l of αάω: μ7]ν : pass, άάοτθην. . αασττετος, αα(τχ€το?, v. ασττετο?. ' >'χετ άάται, Ερ. med. from άω (c). ' ji. dr- at, freen άάω. ά-άτο5, contr. ατος, ov^. Q' t)[^>-^atir e, c. g^en., ’'Apr?? aros τΓολβμοιο 11. " άάω (Root Ap, cf. άτη, αυ-άτα'', us^ ^ bv Horn, in aor. i act. &acra contr. acra, med. άάσάμ' ■ conir. ασάμην, pass. αάσθην : pres, only in 3 sing, of oled άάται : — properly to hurt, da7..age ; then /‘o m ‘ if^ad, in fatuate, of the effects of wine, sleep, divine, judgments, Od. : — so in Med., ’'Attj % 7ΐάvτas άάται '’‘A· H· aor. I med. and pass., to act recklessly ■’ '‘oohshly, άα,σάμτ^ν I was in- fatuated II.; μ^Α άά -·0.' Ih^ [The quantities va»-y : άασ^ν, άάσαν, part, v/i ·'■■ ’ άάσάμν,ν, άάσάτο: ααο'θην, άασθη.} άβα, 7], Dor. for -ήβη άβάκεω, f. ήσω, to ie speechfLe^·, Ερ. Verb only used in aor. I, 01 δ’ άβάιτη<ταν πάvτ€S Cl^. From ά-βάκης, 4s, {βάζω} speechless, infantine, Sappho, ά-βάκχευτος, εί/, (Βα/ίχεύω) uninitiated in the Bacchic orgies, genec^Uy, joyless, Eur, ά-βάλε [άβ), properly ά βάλε, expressing a wish, O that . . ! Lat. utinain, c. inf., Anth. ά-βάρης/Εϊ, (βάpos) without weight : not burdensome, of pers/ins, N. T. ά-βάσάνιστο 5 , ον, (βασανίζω) not examhied by torture, unt(ftured ; of things, unexamined, Plut. : — Adv. -τω<, without examination, Thuc. ά-βάσίλευτος, ον, (βασιλεύω) 7tot rided by a khig, Thuc., Xcn. ^-βάσκαντος, ον, (βασκαίνω) not subject to enchant- ment : — Adv. -τω?, Anth. ά-βάστακτος, ον, {βαστάζω) not to he carried, Hut. ά-βάτος, ον, also 77 , ον, (βαίνω) untrodden, ir-passable, inaccessible, of mountains, Hdt., Soph, etc.; of a river, 7iot fordable, Xen. 2. of hoi places, not to be trodden, like dOiKTOs, Soph. : metrph. pure, chaste, φυχΊ] Plat. 3. of horses, 7iot ric^^^» Luc. II. \ Άββά — αγαθοεργός. \ act., 'T0yos a plague that hinders 'talking, i.e. gout, Luc. "*Ββα, Hebr. father , X. T. ^^ηρίτης [i], ου, δ, a man of Ahd era in Thrace, '''^'erb. of -Oletons, Dem. : — Adj. ’Αβδηριτικός, ή, α-*· He, i.e. stupid, Luc. '’in, unsteady ; to αβ4ββ.ιον = α,βζ- ' persons, unstable, Dem., etc. ane, inviolable, Plut. stupidity , fatuity , Plat. From id for nothing, silly, stupid, up. -ώτατο5. Id. u nforced, viithout violence. Plat. ,^ιωτο5, An*^h. II. svithout a living, Luc. III. of the ‘ίππημολΎοί, simple in II. ος, οι·, = ίβ'κύτο$, Lur. α-β·’ω ·ς, ον, not to he lived, insupportable, αβ. ττβττοίηκβ τ· '· β Ar. : άβίωτον χρόνον )3ίθΤ€οσαι Eur. ; αβίωτόν "f 'is intolerable, Eur., Plat. : — Adv., άβιώτω5 6χ€ο. to ~:' λ ' life Intolerable, Plut. άβλάβ . i^ nf^ieedom from harm, Plut. • · Ls-t innocentia, Cic. From .. r> ^ΐ^'Χάβτ)' without harm, i. e., ^nh'.^t, secure, Aesch., etc. Ή , rri 7 Aesch., Plat. 2. a- f-ri. gc osA gii7_g- /zarw, Theocr. 3. Adv. in Att. fc Tiu.. I /T-TovZous 4μμ4ν^ιν without the avjyoeu. themselves are Id. \βΑήβί^μ, h. Horn. ' t-al·''· -s^'ithout eye-lids, .\nth. i^t thrown or shot, lov II. act. I ! I. pass. II. act. '•h doin^ h entitled ao Xos άβλαβία, ·;, i ά-βλόφαρος, t α-βλή?) 7)Tos, άβλΐίτα an arro\ nc - I u II. α-βλητος, ον, not hit . ^ α-βληχής, es, ^ θληχή) TO’ ' z -v bleatings, Anth. ^β''·ΊΧΡ05» <^·ίόν, aeupha- 6.\ 'xpos weak, feeble, II.; αβ\. edvaros an Cizsy df-atn - g age, opp. to a violent one, Od. άβληχρώδης, es, ==άβληχ.>όϊ. of vl. ^ Sabr. άβοάτί, -ατος, Dor. kn· a/b ττί, . - . ά-βοήθητος, ον, 'βοηι^'α· he ■^'e<;. . ι·.ι«. α-βόητος, Dor. -ατος. ο.ν, /3oc »: ;f \ciidly \amented, Anth.; — Adv. αβοάτί, without . y7:7:.ujrs. 0|^i;d. α.βός, Doi. for ·ηβ05. ά-βόσκητος, ον, βόσκω ungrazea . ■ ’^'abr. ά-βουκό.\.ητος, ον, βο\.κοΚ4ω) unten d by herdsmen : metaph. unheeded, Aesch. '/ άβουλόω, o privat., βούλομαι' tc -c *'nv\ Plat. αβουλόω is an exception to the ru.. that a p, :i-n. can- not be comp, directly with Verbs ; \ . a-, i.' αβουλία, η, want of counsel, thoughtlessness, He:., Soph., etc. From ■u -βουλος, ov, βουλή inconsiderate, ill-advised, Sop., '-k. ; τόκνοισι αβου\θ5 taking no thought for treir Id. Comp. -orepos, Thuc. : — \A\-.-u}S,incon'iIcraiel· . Hdt. ; Sup. άβουλότατα. Id. α-βουτης^ου, δ, βουί without oxen, i. e. poor, He:,, α-βρίθης, fc βρίθοΐ' of no weight, Eur. έ,βρο-βατης ου, δ, βαίνω', softly or delicately ping, Aesch. αβρο-βιος, ov, ΙΙ"··''-·^ delicately, effeminate, Plut. άβρό-γοος, ov, wailing womanishly, Aesch. άβρο-δίαιτος, ov, {δίαιτα' living delicately , .Aesch. ; rt αβροδίαιτον effeminacy , Thuc. άβρο-κόμης, ου, δ, {κόμ-η' with delicate or luxuriant leaves, s, η, great joy, exultation, N. T. From άγαλλιάω,late form of ayάλλoμaι,to rejoice exceedingly , N. T. ; aor. l ηyaλλίάσa, Ib. : also as Dep. ωγαλλιάο- μαι or -άζομαι : fut. -άσομαι : aor. l mcd. 'ηyaλλιά- σάμην and pass, ηyaλλιάσθηv, N. T. άγαλλίς, ίδοΒ, η, the iris or fag, h. Horn. ΆΓΑ'ΛΛΩ[ά], f. άτγάλώ, aor. l ηyηλa, subj. άγήλω, inf. άyηλaι : — Pass., mostly in pres, and impf. : — to make glorious, glorify, exalt, c. acc. : esp. to pay honour to a god, ay. τινά θυσίαισι Ar. : — to adorn, deck, yaμηλίoυs €υνά5 Eur. : — Pass, to glory, take delight, exult in a thing, c. dat., Horn., Att. ; absol., Hdt., etc. αγαλμα, utos, t6, (άγάλλω) a glory, delight, honour, 11., Att. ; άyάλμaτ ayopas mere ornaments of the agora, Eur. 2. a pleasing gift, esp. for the gods, Od. 3. a statue i%t honour of a god, ΥΙάϊ., Ait. ; an image, as an object of worship, etc., Aesch. : — then generally, = ά^δριάϊ, any statue. Plat. : also a portrait, picture, 4^^αλζΐφθζΐσ' ώ$ αγαλμα Eur. άγαλματο-ΤΓΟι^ς, δ, {ποι4ω) a maker of statues, a sculp- tor, statuary, Hdt., Plat., etc. ^ΑΓΑΜΑΙ [a], 2 pi. έίγαο·06 Ep. άyάaσB^, Ep. inf. ayd- ασθαι : impf. ηyάμηv : — fut. Ep. ay άσσο μαι ·. — .-jor. 1 ηyaσάμηv, Ep. 3 sing, ηyάσσaτo or άyάσσaτo, also in pass, form ηyάσθηv : I. absol. to wonder, be astonished, Horn. 2, c. acc. to admire a person or thing. Id., Hdt.; so in Att., ταντα ayaT0eis Xen.; c. acc. pers. et gen. rei, to admire one forz. thing. Plat., Xen. 3. c. gen. rei only, often in Com., to wonder at λ6yωv Ar, 4. c. acc. rei et gen. pers., ovk dya/ ταυτ’ &v5pos I ad7nire not this in a man, Eur. 5 gen. pers., foil, by a part., to wonder at one’s ay. αυτόν ζΙπ6ντο5 Plat. 6. c. dat. to with a person or thing, Hdt., Eur., etc. bad sense, to feel envy, bear a grudg son, c. dat., Horn. 2. c. acc. io be jeaii at a thing, Od. Cf. ατγαίομ^· Άγα-μεμνων, ovos, δ, (fyav, μ4μνων, from very steadfast, name of the leader of the Troy, Horn. Adj. Άγαμεμνόνεος, agains -dveios, a, ov, or Horn. ; a’so -ονίδης, ov, δ. -'igahiemno 7 i's Patron, άγαμενως, Αό/. part. pres, of respect ox/Uefereyice, Plat.,^ ration, άγαμία /s η, (άyaμQs) celibacy, Pl(Mi an ac^tion against one for not ir trr^]^ v^t ’’’ d.Ydj..os, 0 ^, unmarried unwedded 11., 1 lag. II. yaycs ayaixos, o-^Jhrriage that is ^no marriage, a fatal riar*inge, Sophjfj^ui.. * ΑΓΑΝ, Adv. very, murk, very muck, T^eogn., Ait. the w'ord Λ.ί?7ϊ/ being itsequiv. in Ep. and loi,. ; tn bad sense too, tco^ much, Lat. nimis, as in the μη54ν Kyav' ne quui nimis, not too much of ai|^ thing, Theoon ’ etc. [dy^ properly, but ayo.v in A/th.] ^ ’ άγανακτε'ω,/. 4,σο^, fyo.v( to feel irrijation : metaph. U be vexed, anppyed, angry, discontented, Ax. Plat · c. dat. rei, t§he vexed at a thing, id.; 4πί τινι Isucx δτΓβρ Tivos,/oia τι Plat. 2. to b^ vexed at or with a person, T/Ci Xen.; πρ6$ τινα Plut. ; κατά tivos Luc · c. acc. f-rs., ay. τινάε άποθν4}σκοντα$ to be angry at their d/ing. Plat. * άγανάίτησις, cws, {h.yavaκτ4ω'^ irritation, of the irnt/tion caused by teething. Plat. : metaph.. άyavάκτη- σι βχει the thing g,ves ground for annoyance or dis- ^ measure, 1 hue. .^α.-ακτητικό,. 4), hv, ! άγαϊ·α/ίτ/αΛ irritable Plat .γανα,τητ05, ή, 6v, verb. Adj. of Lyavaerle., irriti irritating_ B 2 άγανακτικόξ, Ί], όν, — ayavaKTriTiKos, Luc. άγάν-νϊφος, ον, {νίψω) much snowed on, snow-capt, 11. άγανο-βλεφαροζ, ον, mild-eyed, Anth. άγΰν6ρ6ΐος, άγανορία, Dor. for ayrjv-. aYclv^Sy Ί], όν, mild, gentle, kindly, of words, Horn., Find. : — in Horn, of the shafts of Apollo and Artemis, as bringing an easy death : — Sup. ά·γανώτατο5, Hes. : Adv. ~vws, Eur. (Deriv. uncertain.) άγανοφροσυνη, η, gentleness, kindliness, Horn. From άγανό-φρων, ον, gen. ovos, (φρήν) poet. Adj. gentle of mood, Horn. ογάνωρ [ά]. Dor. for ατγ'ηνωρ. άγάομαι, Ep. form of α-γαμαι, only in part. ατγώμζνο$, admiring, Hes. άγαττάζω, Ep. form of αγαπάω. Dor. 3 pl· ~οντι : — also in Med., Dor. impf. 'ότγαττάζοντο : — only in pres, and impf. : — to treat with affection, shew affection to a person, caress, c. acc., Horn. : — so in Med., Od. άγαττατός, 6v, Dor. for αγαπητά^. /άγατταω, f. ήσω : pf. ηγάπηκα : Ep. aor. I άγάπηίΤα : (αγάπη) : I. of persons, to treat with affection, to 1, ' 'xyess, love, be fond of, c. acc., Att. for άγαπά^ω. Plat., : — Pass, to be beloved. Id., Dem. 2. in N. T. to \ rd with brotherly love, v. άγαπή. II. of things, well pleased or contented at or with a thing, c. 'em., etc. : — also c. acc. rei. Id. : — absol. to be Luc. : — άγ. oTt . ., et . ., kav . ., to be well at . . Thuc., etc. ·■ esp. brotherly love, charity ; the love n and of man for God, N. T. II. in lb. (l^nv. uncertain.) 'ά, (αγαπάω' a delight, darling, Anth. '■ = ηνορ^ην αγαπώ;', loving manliness, ογα,πη^α. m oYair-r.-vu^, ynanly, II. έγαττητεος. a, ον desired, PUit άγαττητικ-'ί, o αγαπητός ' ‘~*v, beloved, o%. αγαπάω, ίο be loved, ■.ΐό.ω\ affertiornt>sf\vi'(..^ «i ά. f)V, verb. Adj. >(5f αγαπάω, *V,. Horn., Dem. II. οΐ( things, i Zn^avofr^,^ Plat., etc. ^21. fo he j acquu^scedi'^^v^ , · lea^t ir. a .hoice of evils), αγο}πη7 3ν | kVri] one · ^ contenK . . , kav ··»!;; ,bvcn., ; etc. Ill· cheerfully, contentedly, ν,Λ., \ Dem., etc. \ just enough to -'ontent one, only just, I barely, scarcet_ \, Plat. ο,γάρ-ροο5, ον, “PP® flowing, swift-, „ άγάσσατο, Ep. fo.'· ψγάσατο, 3 sm aor. : of αχαμαι. άγά-στονος, ον, :c\~€vw) much groa ino howlmg, of i-Sives, Od. : loud-Tvailing, ΑοίίςΗ Λ άγαστόξ, ή, 6ν, vev’L Adj. of άγα,^α;, atr · \-.g admira- tion, later form o. the Horn. L·γητ6s, c^' r^-rable, Eur., Xen. : — Adv. -τώί; Id. άγατ05, η, 6v, pc- for αγαστοί a- θαιαα'- · for θαυ- μαστ03, h. Horn. . ^ . ά-γαυός, Ί}, όν, (α euphon., γαιω) tllusi, ctous _ noble, Horn. ; — Sup. -ότατο^, Od. -ρρονς, ovv, , ρόω strong- α-γαυρος, Sv, {a euphon., yavpos) stateiy, p yd, Hes. 'i superb Adv. άγαυρότατα, Hdt. άγγάρ6υω, f. σω, {^yyapos) to press one to ser^e a , courier, άγγαρηίο?) to press into service, N.T. (5, Ion. form, of άγγαρο5, Hdt. H· αγανακτικος — ayeLpw. άγγαρήϊον, post-riding, the Persian system of mounted couriers. Id. άγγάρος, b, Persian word, a mounted courier, such as were kept ready at regular stages throughout Persia for carrying the royal despatches ; cf. ayyapflios, and λ'. Xen. Cyr. 8. 6, 17. II. as Adj., &yyapov ττυρ the courier flame, said of beacon fires used for telegraph- ing, Aesch. άγγεϊον, Ion. -ήϊον, τά, = άγγο5, Hdt., Att. αγγελία. Ion. -ίη, η, (άγγελοϊ) a message, tidings, news, Horn., Hdt., etc.; άγγελίη ε’/χή α report of me, concerning me, II. ; ayyeXirjv Trarphs ψόρ€ΐ kpχoμkvoίo he brings news of or about thy father’s coming, Od. : — άγγελίην kXQ^iv, to go a message, i. e. 07t a message, like Lat. legatiojiem obire, lb; — so also Ep. in gen., άγγελίηϊ οίχν^σκ^ went on account of a message, Ib. ; ηλυθζ σεΟ eveK ayyeXtrjS (i. e. ayyeXirjs σου ενεκα) lb., Hes. 2. a proclamation, command, h. Horn., etc. άγγελί-αρχος, 6, = apxayyekos, Anth. άγγελιά-φόρος, Ion. άγγελιηφ-, δ, (φέρω) a messenger, Hdt. : title of the Persiaii minister who introduced people to the king. Id. άγγελχώτης, ου, ό, = άγγελθ5, h, Horn, αγγέλλω, (άγγελοί) : Ep. and Ion. f. άγγελεω, Att. άγγελώ : aor. I ήγγειλα : pf. ηγγελκα : — Med., aor. I ^)yyeίXaμ7]v: — Pass., f. ογγελθήσο/χαι : aor. l r)yykx9r]v: pf. ηγγελμαι : aor. 2 pass, ήγγελην only in late Greek ; — to bear a message, τινί to a person, Horn. ; c. acc. et inf, to make proclamation that, Ib 2. c. acc. rei, to an^tounce, proclaim, report, Horn., Att. 3. c. acc. pers. to bring news of, Od. ; περί rivos Soph. II, Med. to announce oneself. Id. III. Pass, to be reported of, Id., etc. ; τά ηγγελ/χε^α the reports, Thuc. Hence άγγελμά, αν os, τό, a message, tidings, news, Eur., Thuc., etc. ^ΆΓΓΕΛΟΣ, b, 7), a messenger, envoy, Horn., Hdt., Att. 2. generally, one that announces, of birds of augury, Ib ; Μουσ·ών άγγελοί, of a poet, Theogn. ; Aihs άγγ. of the nightingale. Soph. ; c. gen. rei, άγγ. κακών kμωv Id. 3. a divine messenger, an aiigel, N. T. άγγήϊον, TO, Ion. for ayyeiov, ■ΆΓΓΟΣ, εοί, TO, a vessel of various kinds, a jar to hold milk, etc., Horn. : a vat for the vintage, Hes. ; a vase, pitcher, pail, Hdt., Att. II. a coffer or ark, in which children were laid, Hdt., Eur, : a chest for clothes. Soph.: a ememry urn. Id. III. ci·// of a honey- comb, Anth. άγ-γράφω, poet, for ava^ypάψω. άγε, άγετε, properly imperat. of άγω, used as Adv. come ! come on ! well ! Lat. age I Horn., Att. άγείρω (Root ΑΓΕΡ) : impf. rjyeipov : aor. l ήγειρα Ep. άγειρα : — Med., aor. I ηγειράμην : — Pass., aor. l ήγερ- θην : pf. άγήγερμαι : Ep. 3 pl. plqpf. aypyepavo : — Horn, uses a shortd. aor. 2 of med. form, but pass, sense, aykpovro, inf. ayepkcrOai, part, άypόμevos : — to brhig '-ogether, gather together, c. acc., Horn., Att. : — Pass. tp come together, gather, assemble, Horn. ; άyρόμevoι συ s herded swine, Od. ; 9υμ))$ kvl ο'τήθεσο'ΐν άγερθη, ks φρε< a θυμ^ί ογερθη Ib II. οί things, to get together, colletl, gather, Od.; so In Med., Ib. 2. to collect by i begging, Ib. 3. οψρΰα$ els tv ayeipeiv to frown, Anth. ayeLTWv — α-γ^ίτων, ον, gen. ovos, without neighbour, neighbour- less, Aesch. ; φίλων ay. with no friends as neighbours, Eur. αγελάδάν, Dor. for άγεληδάν. αγελαίος, ο, ον, (άγελτ?) belonging to a herd, feeding at large, Horn., Att. II. in herds or shoals, grega- rious, Ιχθνξ5 Hdt. ; άγελαΓα, τά, gregarious animals. Plat. 2 . of the herd or multitude, i. e. common. Id., etc. άγελαρχεω,ί.ήσω,/ο lead a company ,c. gen., P\ni. From αγελ-άρχης, ου, δ, (αγέλη, άρχω) the leader of a com- pany, captain. Pint., Luc. άγελαστί, Adv. without laughter, Plut. From ά-γελαστος, ον, (γελάω) not laughing, grave, gloomy, sullen, h. Horn., Aesch. II. pass, not to be laughed at, not trifling. Id. άγελείη, η, (άγω, λεία) Ερ. epith. of Athena, driver of spoil, forager, II. άγε'λη, η, ( άγω'ι a herd, of horses, of oxen and kine, cf. βοννομοε ; of swine, Hes. II. any herd ox company , Soph., Eur. ; metaph., τχόνων άγελαί Id. αγεληδόν, Adv. (αγέλη) in herds ox companies, II., Hdt. : — Dor. αγελάδάν, Theocr. άγεληφι, Ep. dat., of αγέλη, άγε'ρ,εν, Ep. for dyeiv, inf. of άγω. άγεμόνενμα, άγεμονευω, άγεμών. Dor. for ήγεμ-. άγεν, Ep. for εάγησαν, 3 pi. aor. 2 pass, of δτγνυμι. 2 . Ep. for ^γεν, 3 sing. impf. of άγω. ά-γενεάλάγητος, ον, of unrecorded descent, N.T. ά-γενειος, ον, (γενείον) beardless ; άγενείον τί ζϊρ-ηκίναι to speak like a boy, Luc. ά-γε'νητος, ον, (γενε'σθαι) unborn, uncreated, unorigin- ated, Plat. II. of things, not done, not having happened, άγενητον ττοίεΓν, Lat. infectum reddere. Soph, ά-γεννής, is, {yivva) of no family , low-born, Hdt., Plat., etc. II. low-minded, Hdt., Ar., etc. 2 . of things, much like ^dvcwaos, illiberal, sordid. Plat. : — · Adv. -νώί, Eur. ά-γεννητος, ον, (γεννάω) unbegotten, unborn, ay. tot’ ^ Soph. II. like άγεννήϊ, low-born. Id. άγεομαι. Dor. for ηγεομαί. ά-γε'ραστος, ον, \yipas) without a gift of honour , un- recompensed, unrewarded, Ik, Eur. άγερε'<Γθαι, Ep. aor. 2 med. inf. of άγείρω. άγερθεν. Dor. and Ep. 3 pi. aor. i pass, of άγείρω. άγεροντο, Ep. 3 pi. aor. 2 med. of άγείρω. άγερσις, εω5, η, (άγείρω) a gathering, mustering, Hdt. άγε'ρωχος [ά], ον, poet. Adj. high-minded, lordly ,ΙΙοχχϊ., etc. ; in Pind. of noble actions. II. in bad sense, haughty, arrogant, insolent. Archil., Luc. : so Adv. -χωί, Anth. (Deriv. uncertain.) άγεσίλας, v. άγησίλαοΓ. άγε'-στρατος, δ, η, host-leading, Hes. άγε'της, άγε'τις. Dor. for ηγ-. ά-γευστος, ον, (γεόομαί) without taste of , fasting from, c. gen. ; metaph., κακών ayevcrros αϊών Soph. ; των τερττνών άγευστοι Xen. άγη. Dor. αγά [άγ], ή, (άγαμαΡ wonder, awe, amaze- ment, Horn. II. envy, malice, Hdt. ; and of the gods, jealousy , Aesch. άγη. Dor. άγά [άγ], ή, (άγνυμί) a f ragment, piece, splin- ter, Aesch,, Eur. ay καθίζομαι. 5 άγη, Ep. for εάγη, 3 sing. aor. 2 pass, of άγνομι. άγηγερατο, Ep. 3 pi, plqpf, pass, of άγείρω, άγηλάτεω, f. ήσω, {&yos, ε’λαόνω) to drive out a curse, i. e. an accursed or polluted person, Lat. piaculum exigere, Hdt., Soph. άγημα, avos, τά, (άγω) anything led, a division of an army, corps, Xen. άγηνάρειος. Dor. άγάνάρ-, a, ov, — ay■iηvωp, Aesch. : and άγηνορία \_a\,^, manliness , manhood , courage ,\\. From άγ-ήνωρ [ά], opos, δ, η, (άγαν, άνήρ) poet. Adj,, manly, courageous, heroic, II. ; in bad sense, headstrong, arrogant, Horn., Hes. άγήοχα, pf. of άγω. ά-γήραντος, ον, yηpά(τκω) = sq., Simon., Eur. Λ-γήραος, ον, Att. contr. άγήρως, ων, acc. sing. ατ^ι]ρων, and άγήρω : dual άγήρω : plur., nom. ayripcp, acc. άγήρωι, dat. ayppips : {yfjpas) : — not waxing old, tindecaying, 1. of persons, Horn., Hes.; so, ay-fj pas χρόνω Soph. 2 , of things, Ik, Att. ά-γήράτος, ov, = ayr)paos Eur., Xen. άγηρως, ων, contr. for ayrjpaos. άγησι-λάος [άγ], ου, δ, leader of people, conductor of men, Aesch.; so, ήγησίλεως, and άγεσίλας, a, Anth, άγησί-χορος, ον, (άγε'ομαί. Dor. for ήγ-) leading the chorus, Pind. άγητηρ, ηροϊ, δ, Dor. for ηγητήρ. άγητάς, h, 6v, άγαμα:) admirable , wondrous, c. ar rei, εΓδθ5 άγητάϊ admirable hi form, Ik ; εΓδθ5 άγ' wonderful in form only, as a reproach, Ib. ; c. da άγ. χρ-ημασι Solon. αγιάζω, later form of ayίζω, N. T. Hence αγιασμός, ου, δ, consecration, sanctification. άγίζω, f. Att. ίώ, (ογο5) to hallow, dedicate, άγϊνε'ω, lengthd. Ep. and Ion. for άγω, o’ and impf. : Ep. inf. άγίνεμενα: : impf. ' anJ .Ion. άγίνεον or άγίνεσκον : f. lead, bring, carry, Ik, Hdt. : — Med brought. Id. άγιος [ά], α, ον, (άγο5·) devoted to \^2Λ.. sacer : 1. of things, es' '^^*’ etc. : τδ άγων the Temple, rC. άγ:α of Holies, N.T. 2 . jf person/ Adv. ayias, Isocr., — The^ Horn, or Trag., ά' os being use' άγιάτης. n*. ."/, = αγίωσυν*//, N,- άγ-αιειά, η, mostly in pk ho Isocr. άγιστευω, f. σω, (άγί(ω' ^ Plat. 2 . to live pious άγιωσυνη, η, {ayios) he' άγκάζομαι, {ayKasj '' άγκάθεν, Adv. like with bent arm, ' καθ^ν, since άγ/ αγκάλη [ά],η, in pk, ε’ν άγ»’ άγ /c. Xen. metaph Aescl κυρ άγ· 6 ayκa\ίς - άγκάλίς, -η, in ρ\. — ayKaXai, arms, Ερ. dat. pi. άγκαλί- Seaaiy II. άγκάλισμα, aros, τό, {ατγκαΧίζομαι) that -which is em- braced or carried in the arms, Luc. αγκαλοξ, b, {ά-γκάλη) an armful, bundle, h. Horn, άγκάς [as], Adv. in or into the arms, Horn., Theocr. άγ-κ6ΐμαι, poet, for ανά-κζιμαι. άγ-κηρυσσω, poet, for άνα-κηρύσσω. άγκίστριον, τό. Dim. of α-γκιστρον, Theocr. άγκιστρό-δετος, ον, with a hook, Anth. αγκιστρον, τό, ajKos) a fish-hook, Od., Hdt., etc. 2. the hook of a spindle. Plat. άγκισ-τρόομαι, Pass, {ά-γκιστρον) to he furnished with barbs, Plut. άγ-κλίνω, poet, for άνα-κ\ίνω. άγκοίνη, -η, {ayKos) poet, for ayKaXif) or οτγκών, the bent arm, only in pi., Horn, άγ-κομίζω, poet, for άνα-κομίζω. 'ΆΓΚΟΣ, eos, TO, a bend : hence a mountain glen, dell, valley, Horn., Hdt., Eur. άγ-κρβμάσας, άγ-κρισις, άγ-κρουομαι, poet, for άνα-κρ-. άγκυλη [υ], η, {6.yK0s) a loop or noose in a cord, Eur., Xen. 2. the thong of a javelin, by which it was urled : the javelin itself, Eur. 3. a bow-string, oh. Λιον, τό, Dim. of αγκύλη : — τά ογκύλία, the Roman ia, Plut. ••γλώχιν, Ivos, of a cock, with hooked spurs, Babr. δους, ovTOS, b, t), crook-toothed : barbed, Anth. 'της, ου, b, η, {μητιε) crooked of counsel, wily, 0 vos, Horn.; of Prometheus, Hes. b, V> e’en. TToSos, with bent legs, ayK. Bi- Ha curulis, Plut. 'V, fiyKos) crooked, curved, of a bow, II.: '.g'le, Pind. : of greedy fingers, hooked, ph., of style, crooked, intricate, Luc. τόξον) with curved bow, II., etc. '^^cTAos) with hooked beak, aUvbs 'ηλ'ίι) with crooked claws, Batr. ύ,ΛΟ^Ί to crook, bend, ttjv χβ 7 ρα: <μόνο< ^oith crooked claws, Ar. Adi. of άγκυλύω, of javelins, άγκιΛη) j ' throwing, Eur. ncora, an anck: ■ first in ’om. we hear only of evvai, ay κόραν βάΧΚ^σθαι, κα- ■ ik άελ- πτίηε unexpectedly , Archil. α-εΧτΓΤος, οι/, = άελπτήί, h. Horn.; εξ άελτττ'^ unex- pectedly, Hdt. ; so, ε’ξ α4λπτων Soph. beyond hope, despaired of, Solon. II. act. hopeless. ... .dv. -τωε, beyond insperato. Id. : — neut. pi. as Adv., Eur. .•ναός [ά-], ον, (ι/άω A) also άει-ναος, contr. άείνως {α4νναοε is a corrupt form) : — ever-flowing, Hes., Hdt., Trag. 2. generally, everlasting, αρ^ταε a4vaov κλ4οε Simon.; — rare in Att. Prose, Xen., Plat, άενάων, ουσα, οι/, = foreg., Od., Hes. άεξί-ψυλλος, ov, [φύλλον) nourishing leaves, leafy, Aesch. άεξί-φΰτος, ov, [φυτόν) nourishing plants, Ήώί Anth. ΆΕ'ΞΩ, poet, form of αϋξω {αυξάνω), mostly in pres, and impf. without augm.: later poets have fut. αεξήσω, aor. I ήεξησα, fut. med. άεξήσο^αι, aor. i pass, ά^ξηθην. To increase, enlarge, foster, strengthen, μ4νοε μ4'γα θυμδε ά4ξζΐ II. ; θυμόν ά4ξ€ΐν Ib. ; π4νθοε ά. to cherish woe, Od. ; υιόν ά. to rear him to man's estate, Ib. ; 4pyov ά4ξουσι θεοί they bless the work, Ib. 2. to exalt by one's deeds, to magnify, τό πληθοε ά4ξ6ΐν Hdt. ; to magnify, exaggerate, [άγγελίαι/] μυθοε ά4ξξΐ Soph. 3. ά4ξ€ΐν φόνον Eur. II. Pass, to increase, grow, άεξετο he was waxing tall, Od. ; ου ποτ ά4ξ€το κύμα no wave rose high, Ib. ; χόλοι 4v στ4)θζσσιν ά4ξ€ται rises high, II. ; τόδε 4pyov a. it prospers, Od. ; άε'ξετο Up0v ^μαρ was getting on to noon, II. ; so, κ4ρδοε άε'ξεται Aesch. ά-εργία, Ion. -ίη [γ], η, a not working, idleness, Od., Hes. — Cf. Att. αργία. From ά-εργός, ov, (*εργω) not-working, idle, Horn., Hes., etc.; — αεργοί δόμοι idle houses, i. e. where people are idle, Theocr. — Cf. Att. apy0s. άε'ρδην, Adv. (άείρω) lifting up, Aesch. — Cf. Att. άρδην. άερεθομαι, see under Ion. form ηερ-. άερθεν, Ep. for ηόρθησαν, 3 pi. aor. i pass, of άείρω; άερθη, 3 sing. ; άερθείς part, αέριος [ά], ον, also α, ον: Ion. ήεριος, η, ον: (αήρ) : — in the mist or thick air of morning, Eur. II. in the air, high in air. Id. άεροβατε'ω, f. ήσω, to walk the air, Ar., Plat. From άερο-βάτης [ά], ου, δ, ( βαίνω one who walks the air, ^Plut. άερο-δΐνής, 4s, Ion. ήερ-, {δίνη) wheeling in air, Anth. άερο-δόνητος, ov, air-tossed, soaring, Ar. άεροδρορ,ε'ω, f. ήσω, to traverse the air, Luc. άερο-κόραξ, άκοε, δ, an air-raven, Luc. άερο-κώνωφ, ωποε, an air-gnat, Luc. άερο-μάχία, η, (μάχη) an air-battle, Luc. άερο-μετρεω, f. ησω, to measure the air : to lose one- self in vague speculation, Xen. άερο-νηχής, 4ε, {νΊιχομαι) floating in air, of clouds, Ar. άερό-φοιτος, ov, (φοιτάω) roaming in air, Aesch. ap. Ar. άε'ρρω, Aeol. for άείρω. άερσϊ-ττότης, ου, δ, [ποτάομαΐ) high-soaring, Hes., Anth. άερσϊ-ττότητος, οι/, = foreg., Hes. άερσί-τΓους, δ, η, lifting the feet, brisk-trotting. Ίπποι II. άερτάζω, lengthd. Ep. form of άείρω, to lift up : — impf. η4ρταζον Anth. άερτάω, = foreg., aor. i η4ρτησα, pf. pass. η4ρτηται, Anth. άεσα, ά4σαμ^ν contr. άσαμβν, ά^σαν, inf. ά4σαι, aor. i (from a form άε'ω, not in use) to sleep, Od. (Akin to άημι, άω Λ, Ιαύω.) άεσιφροσυνη, η, silliness, folly , Od., Hes. From άεσί-φρων, ον, gen. ovos, {φρί/ν) damaged in mind, wit- less, silly, Horn., Hes. (For άασί-φρων, from άάω, φρτ^ν.) ΙΟ ΆΕΤΟ'Σ Horn., etc. : — proverb., deToo quite out of reach, Ar. 2. an eagit of the Persians, Xen. ; of the Romans, Plut. 11. n* architecture, the pediment of a temple, Ar. όΐ€το-ψόρος, b, {φ^ρω) a standard-bearer ^ Plut. ά6τώδη5 [d], es, [eibos) eagle-like, Luc. *ά€ω, V. έβσα. αζα, η, {αζω) drought : in Od. an old shield is said to be ^τ€^raXayμ4vov αζγ coated with dry dirt or mould. άξαλ€ος, a, ov, (ά^ω) dry, parched, Horn. ,· βων αζαλ^-ην the dry bull's-hide, II. 2, metaph. dry, harsh, Anth. II. act. parching, scorching, '^dpios Hes. άζάνω, ί&ζω) to dry, parch up, h. Horn, άζηλία, T], freedom from jealousy , Plut. From α-ζηλος, ov, not subject to envy, unenviable, dreary, Simon., Aesch., etc. 2. sorry , inconsider- able, Plut. ά-ζηλότΰτΓος, ov, free from jealousy , envy, Plut. ά-ζήλωτος, ov, not to be envied. Plat. ά-ζήμιθ5, ov, ^ζ-ημία^ free from further payment : with- out loss, scot-free, Lat. immunis, Hdt., etc. : — un- punished, not deserving punishment , Soph., Eur. II. act. harmless, of sour looks, Thuc. ά-ζηχης, 4s, unceasing, excessive, II. ; neut. as Adv., άζηχ€5 φα·γ4μ€ν καΐ τχι4μ^ν Od. ; oUs αζ. μ^μακυΐαι II. (,Ερ. word, perhaps an old dialectic form for ά-δίβχήϊ (o copulat., δίβχω), v. sub ζα-.) αζομαι Root ΑΓ, v. ayos j Dep. only in pres, and impf. ; act. only in part, αζοντα : — to stand in awe of, dread, esp. the gods and one’s parents, Horn. ; followed by inf., to shrink from doing. Id. ; also αζομαι μη , II. 2. absol. in part, awe-struck, Od., Soph. α-ζ·υγο5, ov, = αζνξ, itnwedded, κοίτη Luc. α-ζϋμος, ov, {ζνμη' of bread, unleavened, η 4ορτη των άζυμων or τά άζυμα the feast of unleavened bread. N. T. α-ζυ|, vyos, 6, η, το, {ζζΙτ'/ννυ.ι) iinyoked, unpaired, un- married, Eur. ; of Pallas the virgin goddess. Id. : with a gen. added, άζυξ \4κτρων, yάμωv, ebvrjs, Lat. nupti- arum expers. Id. αζω, V. sub αζομαι. to dry up, parch, Hes. : — Pass., aly^ipos άζομ4νη KeiTai the poplar lies dryhig, II. α-ζωστο 9 , ov, [ζώννυμι) ungirt, from hurry, Hes. ά-ηδής, 4s, fnbos) unpleasant to the taste, distasteful , of food, Plat. 2. generally, unpleasant, obb4v ol άηδ4στ€ρον effeaOai Hdt. : in Plat, of talk, άηδ ' ουκ άηb4s 4στι. II. of persons, disagreeabl Id. TUL. .-bias, unpleasantly ,\di. ·, a,/ e i Tivi to be on bad terms with one, Dem. 2. . pleasure to oneself, unwillingly , Plat, αηδία, η, {άη5ηs) unpleasantness, nauseoiisness, drugs, Hipp. II. of persons, odiousness, Dem., etc. 2. a being ill-pleased, disgust, dislike. Plat, άηδονιδεΰς, 4ωs, b, {άη5ών) a young nightingale, Theocr., in Ep. pi. άηδovώηes. άηδόvιos, ov, of a nightingale, ybos, v6μos a. the nightingale’’ s dirge, Aesch. άηδονίς, ibos, η, — άηΒών, a nightingale, Έ.\χχ., . ·, Μουσάων άηδovίs, of a poet, Anth. άηδώ, = άηδώΐ', gen. άηδοΰ$ Soph., voc. άηδοΐ Ax. άηθ. TiVL·^ lence of a thing, Thuc. όιηθ€σ·σω, poet, for άηθ4ω, Ep. impf. ά"ϊ\9^σσον, to be unaccustomed to a thing, c. gen., II. ά-ήθης, es, {^0os) unwonted, unusual, Αρ=<'^ * -θωs, tinexpectedly , Thuc. II. to a thing, c. gen., Id άηθία, η, — ’ αημα, τ^ άημι (Root fA, cf. αυ-ω', 3 sing. άηοΊ, 2 dual άντον, 3 pi. άβιοΊ ; inf. άηναι, Ep. άημβναι; paxt. aeis : 3 ing. impf. άη : — Pass., 3 sing, άηται, impf. άητο, part, arj- μevos. Ep. Verb, = άω, to breathe hard, blow, of winds, Horn. : — Pass, to be beaten by the wind, ύόμ€vos καί άημ€vos Od. : metaph., to toss or wave about, as if by the wind, δίχα Qvfbs άητο, i.e. was in doubt ox fear, 11 . αήρ [ά], a4pos, in Horn, άηρ, 7]4pos, b and η, [άημι] : — the lower air, the air that surrounds the earth, opp. to aWiip the upper air (v. II. 14 . 288 , where a tall pine μακροτάτη ττίφυυΐα δι’ 7j4pos αιθ4ρ’ ‘ικανήν) ; hence mist, gloom, TTepI δ’ η4ρα ττουλυν 4χ^υ^ν II. ; η4ρα μ€ν σκ4- δασ€ Ib. ; cf. i]4pios, ηepo€lδηs. 2 . generally. Soph., etc.; a4pa δ4ρ€ΐν i,cf. Virg. verberat auras), \. αησις, ecos, η, [άημι) a blowing, Eur. ά-ήσσητος, later Att. ά-ήττητο 9 , ov, {ησσάομαι) u: - conquered, Thuc., Dem. 2 . unconquerable. Plat άήστίλος, for dlaoKos, wicked, II. άήσΰρο 5 , ov, [άημι) light as air, small, little, Aesch. αηται, 3 sing. pres. pass, of άημι. άήτη, η, = άητη$, Hes. άήτης, ου, b, [άημι) a blast, gale, Horn., etc. αητό, Ep. for ηητο, 3 sing. impf. pass, of άημι. έητος, ον, [άημι ?) stormy , furious, θάρσο$ άητον II. ά-ήττητο5, ον, later Att. for ά4ισσητο$. ά-θαλάσσωτο 5 , Att. -ττωτος, ον, [θαλασ'Ο'όω) unused to the sea, a land-lubber, Ar. ά-θαλής, 4s, (θάλλω) not verdant, withered, Plut. ά-θαλττής, 4s, [QoKtxos) without warmth, Anth. ά-θαμβής, 4s, {θάμβos) fearless, Ibyc., Plut. Άθάνα, Άθάναι, Άθαναία, Dor. for’A^Tj^-: v. Άθ7]νη. άθάνάσ-ία, η, immortality. Plat., etc. ; and άθάνάτίξω, to make immortal, to hold oneself immortal , Hdt. From ά-θάνατο 5 , ov, Ep. also η, ov : — undying, immortal, Horn., etc. : — αθάνατοι, ol, the Immortals, Horn., etc. ; άθάναται άλιαι, i.e. the sea goddesses, Od. : Comp, -ώτβ- pos. Plat. 2. of immortal fame, Tyxtae. II. of ^hings, everlasting, Od., Hdt., etc. 2 . aC. 'X on which life depended, Aesch. III. ·>■ ' mmortals, a body of Persian troops i ■ was at once filled up, Hdt. Ιλ' .Iv.. jdeiv Anth. [άθ- always in the Ad’ . .. Ί a .. V. A a. fin.l ά v' ά-σαρσ' , TpoOs) discouraged, downhearted, Plut. : rh af ■ c of courage. Id. Adv. -au>s. Id. ά-θ'' xnseen, invisible, Plut., Luc. 2 . that αθ((ί - II. act. not seeing. ‘ V ^ . ' may he seht, secret, Plut. blind to a thing·, c. g^en., Xen. a-06£i, Adv. {Q^6s) without the aid of 'God, ovK aOeei, Horace’s non sine Dis, Od. α-θβίαστο?, ον, {θ^ιάζω) uninspired, Plut. α-θ€λκτο5, ον, (θβλ,γω) implacable, Aesch. α-θ€μις, nos, δ, η, lawless, Pind., Eur. ά-θβμίσ-τιος, ον, {θ€μιε) lawless, godless, άθ^μίσηα €ΐδώε versed in wickedness, Od. α-θ€μισ·τος or α-θ£μιτο9ι ον, (the first form prevailing· in Poetry, the latter in Prose) : — lawless, without law or government, of the Cyclopes, Od.j αθ^μιστότ^ροι ·. t thing-s, lawless, tinlawful, αθέμιτα ^€pya, αθέμιτα epSeiv Hdt. ; άθ. ποίξΐν, (ϋχ^σθαι Xen. a-0€os, ον, without God, denying the gods. Plat. 2. godless, ungodly, Tragf. : — Comp. -coTepos Lys. ; Sup. -ωτατοϊΧεη. ^ 3. abandoned of the gods, Soph. II. Adv. -ωs, impiously , Id.; Sup. -ώτατο, in most un- holy wise. Id. Hence α0€0τη9, T]Tos, η, ungodliness. Plat. a0€pau€v'*<■, in-e Cl cy oj ^o,"^uscu. in ph, because it consisted of several parts (cf. Θηβαι, Mu/c?7i/aO,^Hom., etc. ; the sing, (like Θή/βτ;) Od. II Adverbs, A0tiva£e, to Athens, Thuc., Xen. — Ά0τίνη- fiVyfrom Athens, Lys., etc.; poet. ’A0ijvo0€v, Anth. Αθηνησιν, at Athens, Dem. ;A0Tjvaiov, tJ, ^Κθ-ηνα) the temple of Athena, Hdt. Αθηναίος, a, ov, Athenian, of ox from Athens, II., etc. Αθηνη, η, Athene, goddess of wisdom, warlike prowess, and skill m the arts, often called Πολλά^ Άθήνη, also Αθηναιη or Παλλάί ’Αθηναίη.— The latter name (in Att. Αθηναία: was contr. into Ά0ηνα, the Att. form : Dor. Αθανα and Αθαναία Theocr. : Aeol. Ά0ανάα ΓνάΊ, Alcae., Theocr. II. Cf. Άθηναι. (Deriv. uncertain.) ( Αθηναι) to long to be at Athens, Luc. ΑΘΗ P, epos, δ, an ear of corn, Hes. 2. husks, chaff, ^Luc. II. the point of a weapon, Aesch., etc. α-θηρ€υτος, ov, {θηρεύω) not hunted, Xen. α0ηρη-λοιγός, δ, {άθηρ) consumer of ears of corn, of a Λv^nnowlng fan, Od. ίί-θηρος, ον, (θ-ηρ) without wild beasts or game, Hdt. : xb άθηρον absence of game, Plut. α-θϊγής, e's, {θι^^άνω) untouched, of a virgin, Anth. α-θικτος, ον, [θι^^άνω) untouched : c. gen. untouched by a thing. Soph.; κερδών άθικτον βουλ€υτ·ηριον un- touched by gain, i. e. incorruptible, Aesch.; also c. dat., vocois άθ. Id. 2. not to be touched, holy, sacred, ^of Delphi, Soph.; άθικτα holy things, Aesch. ά0λ€ΰω, Ep. and Ion. ά€0λ€υω, f. -σω, (αθλον) to con- tend for a prize, combat, wrestle, II. ; άθλ^ύων wpb ffvafCTos struggling or suffering for him, Ib. αθλίω, Ion. jmpf. άεθλεον : f. -^σω : aor. i ηθλησα : pf. ηθληκα:^ (a0Aos) .—commoner form of άθΑ^ύω, Aao- μ^δοντι άθλησαντ^ε having contended with him, II. ; ΤΓολλά 7rep άθΚ-ησαντα having gone through many struggles, Ib.: to contend in battle, ττρόε τινα Hdt. α0λημα, aros, το, (άθλε'ω) a contest. Plat., etc. II. an implement of labour, Theocr. α0λησ·ις, η, [άθλ€ω) a contest, struggle, N. T. α0λητηρ, 7?pos, <3, older form of άθΑητηε, Od. αθλητής, contr. from ά^θλητ^ε, ον, δ, (άθλεω) a prize- fighter, Lat. athleta : as Adj., άθ\. 'Ltxttos a race-hoxsQ Lys. II. c. gen. rei, practised in a thing. Plat, άθλιος, a, ον and os, ov, Att. contr. from Ep. ae0Atos : (αβθλον, άθΧον) -.—gaining the prize (this sense only in Ep. form). II. mQia.p]\. struggling, wretched, miserable (this sense only in Att. form), of persons, Aesch., etc. : Comp, -ιώτ^ροε Soph. : Sup. -ιώτατοε Eur. also of states of life, yάμoι, βίοε, τύχη Trag. —Adv. -ίωε, miserably. Soph. 2. in moral sen'se pitiful, wretched, Dem. 3. without any moral sense wretched, sorry, θηρσίν άθλία βορά Eur. Adv., άθλίω ffal κακώε with wretched success, Dem. Hence ?7Tos, η, suffering, wretchedness. Plat,, e<·^. αθλο-θετης, ου, δ, (τί-θημι) one ivho awards the prize, the judge in the games. Plat., etc. αθλον, τό, Att. contr. from Ep. and Ion. αεθλον, the prize of contest, Horn., etc. ; ά^θΚα κ^ιται or ττρόκ^ιται prizes are proposed, Hdt. ; άθλα wpocpaiveiv, ττροτιθ^'να', τιθι^ναι to propose prizes, Xen. ; άθλα λαμβάν^ιν or J -θαι to win prizes. Plat.; άθλα πολέμου, τηε apexes , · II. = άθλοε, a contest, Od. metaph. a con- f^^ct, struggle, Aesch., Soph. αθλος, δ, contr. from Ep. and Ion. αεθλος, a contest for a prize, Horn., etc. ; ά^θλοε ττρόκξίται a task is set one, Hdt. ; ά^θλον ττροτιθξναι to set it. Id. ;— metaph. a confiict, struggle, Aesch. αθλοσΰνη, ή,^οθλοί, Anth. άθλο-φόρος, ον, {φ^ρω) bearing away the prize, vic- torious, Ίτητοε II. ; in Ion. form άεθλ-, Ib., Hdt. α-θολος, ov, not turbid, clear, Luc. ^ α-θόλωτος, ov, {θολδω) untroubled, of ivater, Hes. α-θορΰβητος, ov, ^ορυβ4ω) undisturbed : τδ άθ. tran- quillity, Xen. α-θόρΰβος, ov, without uproar. Plat. Adv. -βωε. Eur. αθος. Dor. for ΐ\θοε. α-θρα·υσ·το9, ον, {θραύω) unbroken, unhurt, Eur,, etc. αθρεω or αθρεω : f. ήσω : aor. i opt. άθρήσεζε, inf.’a0p^- σαι : to look at, gaze at, observe, perceive, Horn., ^ Prep., to look, gaze, II. ; devp αθρησον Eur. ; ob ^άρ ϊδοιε άν άθρών by observing. Soph. II. of the mind, to look into a thing, con- C i8 άθρητ€ον — alyeiog. sider, Id., Eur., etc. foil, by an interrog·. or rel. clause, ταΰτ άθρησον, et . . consider this also, 'whether . . , Soph. ; άθρ€ΐ Plat. Hence άθρητ€ον, verb. Adj., one must consider, Eur., Xen. αθροίζω or αθροίζω: f. σω : aor. i ηθροισα: — Pass., aor. I ■ηθροίσθηΐ' : pf. ηθροισμαι : {aOpoos or aOpoos : — to gather together, to muster forces. Soph., Xen. j Τροίαν άθρ. to gather the Trojans together, Eur.; -πνεύμα άθροισαν collect breath. Id. : — Med. to gather for oneself, collect round one. Id., Xen. : — Pass, to he gathered together, es την άτγορην Hdt. ; aOpoiaOevres having rallied, Thuc. ; rb ξΰμτταν ηθρρίσθη δισχίλιοι the whole amotinted collectively \.o 2000 , Id. 2. in Pass, also of the mind, άθροίζ^σθαι els eavTov to collect oneself. Plat. ; (po^os ηθροισται fear has gathered strength, arisen, Xen. Hence αθροισις, ews, η, a gathering, mustering, στρατού Eur.; χρημάτων Thuc. ; and άθροισμά, τό, a gathering, λαόν Eur. άθροιστεον, verb. Adj. of αθροίζω, one must collect, Xen. ά-θρόθ5 or ά-θρόος, a, ov, Att. αθρους, ovv : (a copulat., θρόθ 5 ) : — in crowds or masses, crosvded together, mostly in pi. ; TavTes άθρόοι Od., etc. ; αθρόοι, of soldiers, hi close order, Lat. conferto agmine, Hdt., Xen., etc. ; also, τΓολλαι κώμαι άθρόαι close together. Id. II. taken together, άθρόα τάντ άττίτισ^ν he paid for all at once, Od. ; άθρόα ttoXis the citizens as a whole, Thuc. ; τό άθρόον their assembled force, Xen. ; άθρόφ στόματι with one voice, Eur. ; άθρ6ου$ Kpiveiv to condemn all by a single vote. Plat. ; κατηριττζν άθρόο5 he fell all at once, Theocr. III. multitudinous, δάκρυ Eur., Plat. IV. Comp, άθροώτ^ροε Thuc., etc.; later άθρονστ€ρο5 Plut. ^θρυτΓτος, ov, {θρύπτω) not broken, not enervated, Plut.; άθρνπτο 5 els '/όλωτα never breaking into laughter. Id. Adv. -τωs, Id. αθϋμέω, f. 'ύσω, {άθυμos) to he disheartened , lose heart, .\esch., etc. ; τινι ai or for a ching. Soph. ; eVt τινι, els Ti, πpόs Ti, Att. Prose : — foil, by a relat. word, to be sore afraid, άθυμώ δ’ el φανησομαι Soph.; beivi μτ) βλόπων δ μάντ^ η Id. Hence αθΰμητεον, verb. Adj. one must lose heart, Xer άθϋμία. Ion. -ίη, η, want of heart, fainthear Hdt., Soph., etc. ; els άθυμίαν καθιστάναι τινά Plat. ; άθυμίαν πapeχeιv τινί Xen.; ev άθυμία elvai Id.; άθυμία eμπίπτeι τινί Id. α-θΰμος, ον, without heart, fainthearted, Od., Hdt., etc. ; άθ. elvai npos τι to have 710 heart for a thing, Xen.; so Adv., άθvμωs exeiv πρ6s τι Id. 2. without passion. Plat. άθυρμά, τό, ί^άθνρω) a plaything, toy : β· delight, joy, Horn., etc. α-θΰρόγλωττο5, ov, {θύρα, y\cvTTa one that cannot keep his mouth shut, a ceaseless babbler, Eur. α-θΰρο5, ov, {θύρα) without door, Plut. αθΰροστομία, η, = άθυρο'γΚωττία, Anth. From ά-θΰρόστομος, ον, {θύρα, στόμα — άθυpόyλωττos, ever- babblhig. Soph. α-θυρσος, ον, without thyrsus, Eur. ΆΘΥ'ΡΩ [ϋ], only in pres, and impf., to play, sport, of children^ II., Eur. ; c. acc. cogn., μούσαν άθύρων ’ighig sportive songs, h. Horn. : — Med., simply, to sing, Ib. II. c. acc., epya ψωτών άθ. to play the deeds of men, of an actor, Anth. α-θυρωτος [υ], ον, {θυρόω) = άθυpos, never closed, Ar. α-θΰτο 5 , ον, ίθύω) not offered, i. e. neglected, lepa άθ., Lat. sacra hiauspicata, Aeschin. II. act. without sacrificing, άθυτos άπeλθe'ίv Xen. αθώος, ov, {θωη) unpunished, scotfree, Eur., etc. ; άθφ- ous καθιστάναι τιvάs to secure their immunity, Dem. ; άθφον άφιόναι Id. ; άθψos άπaλλάττeιv or —eσθaι to get off scotfree. Plat. 2. free from a thing, c. gen., Ar. 3. U7iharmed by a thing, c. gen,, Dem. II. 7 iot deserving punishme7it, without fault. Id. ^Αθωος or^Aθωos, η, ον, of mount Athos, Aesch. ά-θώιτευτος,ον,ίθωτΓεύω) not flattered, without flattery , TTjs iμηs yλώσσηs from my tongue, Eur. II. act. 7iot flattering, discourteous, Anth. ά-θωράκιστος, ov, βωράκίζω) without breastplate, Xen. "Άθως [ά], ω, δ, acc. Άθων or Άθω : Ερ. nom. Άθόως, όω : — mou7it Athos, II., etc. αΐ. Dor. and Ερ. for ei, if: — αϊ /ce or Kev, if only, so that, Lat. dummodo, with subj., Horn.; so Dor. αίκά, Theocr. II. αί yάp (with accent), Ep. for et yap, to express a wish, O that ! would that I Lat. utinam ! with optat., Horn.; cf. ai0e. αϊ, Exclam. of astonishment, ha ! ot τάλas Ar. αΧα, η, Ερ. form used for yala metri grat., Horn., Trag. : never in pi. αΐαγμα, ατ os, τό, a wail, Eur. From αΙάζω, L |ω : aor. i part. al0las : — to cry ala?, to wail, Trag.; c. acc. to bewail, Aesch., Eur. αίαΐ, exclam. of grief, ah I Lat. vae ! e. οιαΓ τόλμas Eur. ; and repeated, ala? ala? μ^λόων ίρyωv Aesch. : — later c. acc., otai τάν Κυθόρ^ιαν Bion. Αίακίδης, ου, δ, son of Aeacus, II. αίακτός, ή, όν, verb. Adj. of αΙάζω, bewailed, lament- able, Aesch., Ar. II. wailuig, miserable, Aesch. αίάνής. Ion. αΙηνης, es, old word, dreary , dismal , dire- 1 ful, horrid, vvktos αίανη τόκνα, vvKThs aιavηs kvkXos, alavT)S v0aos Aesch., Soph., etc. IT- ets ' ’ver, ence 7 me, Αίας, avTos, δ, Ajax, masc. pr. n., Dorne oy iwu acioes, the Greater son of Telamon,the Less son of Oileus,Hom.; voc. hlav (metri grat.) Soph., elsewh. in Trag. Atas. αΐβοι, bah! exclam. of disgust or astonishment; but αίβο?, βο?, of laughter, Ar. αϊγ-αγρος, δ and η, {αίξ, 0ypos) the wild goat,^ Babr. ΑΙγαΐος, a, ov, Aegaean, πόλayos Aesch. ; opos Aly. mou 7 it Ida, Hes. II. Alya?os ;sc. πόvτos), δ, the Aegaean, Plat., etc. Αιγαίων, ωvos, δ, Aegaeon, the name given by men to { the hundred-armed son of Uranus and Gaia, called by I gods Bpιάp€ωs, II. II. the Aegaean sea, Eur. ! αίγανεη, η, a hunting-spear, javelin, Horn., Anth. j ζΡ&ήι. ίτοτη ai^, a goat-spear.) αίγβη, V. atyeos. , ^ ^ αϊγ€ΐος, a. Ion. η, ov, Ep. for αιγ€ος, (at|) of a goat or goats, Lat. caprinus, aXyeios τνρό$ go at s-niilk cheese, II. ; ασκώ iv alyeitp in a goat’s skin, Ib. ; aιy€ιη κνν^η a helmet of goatskin. Ai^eio? Αϊγβιος, a, ον, of Aegetis, Aesch. a.iy€.i^o%.,y], the poplar (cf. Χ^ΰκ-η ,Οά. (Deriv. uncertain.) αΙγ-€λάτης [o], ου, δ, (ελαύνω) a goatherd, Plut., Anth. αΐ-γεος, a, ov, = odry^ios, Od. II. as Subst. alyir} (sc. δορά , Tj, a goat’s skin, Hdt. αιγιαλίτης, ου, δ, fern, -ins, i 5 os, one who haunts the shore, Anth. From αίγιάλός, δ, (αίξ iF the sea-shore, beach, strand, Horn., Hdt.j alyiaXhv €vdov τρ€ψ€ΐ, i. e. he has a whole sea- beach (i. e. quantities of voting-pebbles, ψήφοι) in his house, Ar. αίγί-βοσις, €ω5, η, (αϊξ, βόίτκω) a goat-pasture, Anth. αίγι-βότης, ου, δ, ( αί|, βόσκω) feeding goats, Anth. αΙγί-βοτος, ον, (αϊΊ, βόσκω) browsed by goats, Od. αίγίθαλλος or αΙγίθάλος,ό,2^Λ^ titmouse, pa.rus,P\x. αίγί-κνημος, ον, (ai|, κν^μΎ]) goat-shanked , Anth. αίγι-κορεΐς, Ιων, oi, goatherds ; name of one of the four old Attic Tribes, Hdt., Eur. (If from αί|, κορόννυμι, the literal sense would he gdat-feeders.) αίγί-λιψ [γί], iTTos, δ, τ], )αίξ, λειττω) destitute even of goats, hence steep, sheer, ττότρη II. αϊγιλος, 7 ], {αίξ) a herb of which goats are fond, Theocr. Αίγινα, 77S, η, Aegina, II., etc. ; also ΑΙγιναίη (sc. νησοε) Hdt. : — hence, ΑΙγινητης, ου, δ, fern. -ήτΐ5, ιδοε, an Aeginetan, Id., etc. : — Adj. ΑΙγιναϊος, a, ov, of Aegina, Thuc., etc. αίγι-νομεΰς, όωε, δ, {αίξ, νόμω) a goatherd, Anth. αΙγι-ν<5μο5, ον, [αίξ, νόμω) feeding goats : as Subst. a goatherd, Anth. II. aiyivogos (proparox.), pass. browsed by goats, βοτάνη Id. αΙγί-οχο5, ov, (εχω) Aegis-bearing, of Zeus, Horn. αΙγί-Ίτόδης, ου, δ, (αιξ, ττούε) goat-footed, h. Horn. αΙγί-ίΓους, ποδοε, δ, η, — foreg·., Hdt. αίγί-ττΰρος, δ, or αίγί-ττυρον, τό, a plant of which goats were fond, perh. buckwheat, Theocr. αΙγίς, ίδοε, η, (αΥξ) : I. the aegis or shield of Zeus, described in II. 5. 738 sqq. The aegis on statues of Athena is a short cloak of goat-skin, covered with scales, set with the Gorgon’s head, and fringed with snakes, V. Hdt. 4. 189. 2 . a goatskin coat, Knv. II. 'αίξ ll) a rushing storm, hurricane , Aesch. αίγλάεις, contr. α1γλά5, Dor. for αίγλήευ. Find. AFFAH, η, the light of the sun, radiance, Od. : — then simply daylight, λ€υκ^ αίγλη Ib. ; els diyXav μολεΓν, i. e. to be born. Find. 2. any dazzling light, lustre, gleam, χαλκού II. Hence αίγλήεις, εσσα, εν, dazzling, radiant, lustrous, Horn. αίγλο-φανή5, όε, {φαίνομαι) radiant, Anth. αιγο-κερως, gen. —κ^ρω, acc. ~Κ€ρων : {αιξ, κόραε) : — ■ goat-horned, Anth., Plut. II. as Subst. Capricorn in the Zodiac, Luc. αίγο-νόμος, ov, (αίξ, vόμω) = alyιvόμoε, Anth. αιγ-(5νυξ, υχοε, δ, η, (αίξ, ονυξ) — alycovv^, Anth. αιγο-ιτόδης, ου, δ, = alyιπόδ■ηε, Anth. αίγο-π-ρόσωττος, ον, {α'ίξ, ττρόσωπον) goat-faced, Hdt. αΙγΰτΓιός, ό, a vulture, Horn., etc. : — alyυπιόε is the vulture which preys on live animals, yύφ the carrion- vulture. ΑΙγυτΓτιάζω, to speak Egyptian , Luc. ΑΙγυτΓτιακός, ά], όν, of οτ for the Egyptians, Flut., etc. ΑΙγΰΐΓτιος, a, ov, Egyptian, Horn., etc. [Αίγυττ'τίη, Aιyυ^Γrίωv, etc., are trisyll. in Horn.] l' — αΐ^ώς. 1 9 ΑΙγυΐΓτιστι, Adv. (as from ’^Άlyυπτίζω), in the Egyptian tongue, Hdt. * II, in Egyptian fashion, craftily, Theocr. ΑΙγυτΓτο-γενής, όε, {y 4 vc Cf Egyptian race, Aesch. ΑίγυτΓτος, δ, the river N^i Od. ; called ΝεΓλοί first in Hes. II. V, Egypt, 0 '‘·^ Αίγοτττο'νδε to Egypt, lb. αίγ-ώνυξ, υχοε, δ, η, ‘ αίξ.^νξ) goat-hoofed, Anth. Άιδας, Dor. for ’Α'ιδηε, 'V ΑΓΔΕΌΜΑΙ, poet, also αίυςαι, part, αΐδόμ^νοε; imper. αιδβο : — impf., Ep. 3 sin. αίδετο, pi. αίδόοντο Att. ρδοΰντο : f. αΙδόσομ.αι, Ej αΙδόσσομαι : aor. i med. ρδεσάμην, Ep. imprtr. αΐδ^σαι : aor. I pass, γδόσθην, Ep. 3 pi. αίδεσθεν : pf. ρδε^α! : Dep. : — to be ashamed to do a thing, c, inf., Hom.^;tc. ; rarely c, part., αίδ^σαι μεν ττατερα προλ^ίττο^ν feei shamed of deserting him. Soph. : — absol., αίδεσθειΤ from a sense of shame, II. 2. c. acc. peni. to st id in awe of , fear, respect, αΙδεΐο θζούε Ib., Hdm,, el,, and of things, αϊδ^σσαι μόλαθρον respect 1 he houe, II. ; όρκον αιδεσθείϊ Soph. II. to fAel regarl for a person, μήδε τί μ αΙδόμ€νοε μήδ’ ε’λεαίμων Od. Hence αΐδεσ-ιμος, ον, exciti ig shan.^^ venerable, Luc. αΐδεσις, η, {αΙΙόομαι respect Dem. ά-'ιδηλος [t]. Dor. -iiXos, 01 (^είδω) making unseen, annihilating, destroying, II ; — Adv. -λωϊ, = δλ^θρίωε, Ib. II. pass, unseen, oh cure, Hes. αΙδήμων, ov, gen. ovos, {αϊδ4ο/.(χι) bashful, modest, Xen.: Sup. αίδημονεστατον. Id. : /dv. -μόνωε. Id, ά-ϊδής, όε, (*είδω) unseen, i mihilated, Hes. Άίδης, 0, poet. ίοτ''Αιδ·ηε ; v. αδη?. αίδιος [άίδ], (■.: also η, o'f, (άει) everlasting, eternal, Hes. and Att, ; — Is aidiovj'or ever, Thuc. ά-ϊδνός,ή, όν, (*είδω) unsee χ dark, Hes. : — so ά-ίδνης, Foeta ap. Flut. αΙδοΐον, TO, mostly in pi. αιδοία, rd, (αϊδομαι) the genitals, pudenda, II., etc. αΙδοΐος, o, ov, (α/δεομαι) w. persons, regarded with reverence, august, vjnt.riiV. a^d of women, deserving respect, tender, Worn. II 2.ct. shamefaced, reverent, Od. : — Adv. -ωε, reverently, lb. III. Comp, αΐδοι- ότ€ροε, Od. ; Sup. αΙδοιόστ'χτοε, Find, αϊδομαι, poet, for αιδόομαι. ^Αϊδος, Ep. gen. of an obso', .lom.^^A'ig, v. αδηϊ. αΙδό-φρων, ον, gen. ονοε, (^*ΰδομαί, φρ'ί]ν) respectful in mind, compassionate. Soph.; ττρόε riva Eur. άΐδρείη or -ίη [ίη], η, want of knowledge, ignorance, Od., Hdt. From α-ϊδρΐ9, i, gen. los and eos, ^€Ϊδω) poet. Adj. unknow- ing, ignorant, II. ; c. gen,. Od,, etc, ά-ΐδρϋτος or άν-ίδρυτο';, ov, /ιδρύω) unsettled,, vaga- bond, Ar. ; δβόμοιε dv. in vagabond courses, Eur. Άϊδωνευς, εωί, slater δ, = 'Αιδηε: poets u.sed the obl. cases Άϊδονηοε, ηϊ, ηα, with ά, metri grat. αΙδώ9, όοε, contr. ουε, η, {αιδόομαι) a sense of shame, shame, modesty, self-respect, Horn., etc. : — personif., ΖηνΙ σύνθακοε θρόνων Αΐδώε Shame that shares his throne with Zeus, Soph. 2. regard for others, re- spect, reverence, Th(;ogn.; την ε’μην αΙδώ respect for me, Aesch. II. that which causes shame, and so, 1. a shame, 11,; as an exclam., shaxne I αΙδώε, ’Apyeloi, κακ ελεγχεα ! Ib. ; αΙδώε, ώ Αυκιοι' ττοΓ ^εό'νρ'τε · I lb. 2.=τά αιδοία, Ib, ,.·· ^ ' alel — αΐμάσσω. >o liei, Ion. and poet, for aei [ ιίβι-γενετης, δ, poet, for αίλουρος, v. sub aXKovpos. U€v, poet, for oet. lU'v-uTTvos, ov, hilling in p, '"fial sleep, of Death, Soph. iUtos, Ep. and I .i. for ά\.ί· lengthd. αιζήϊος, C. strong, lusty, vigorous, Horn. (Deriv. uncertain. ιιηνη5, Ion. for αΙό.ντ)$. , ιιητος, in II. Vulcan is irJlP αΐη^ον, =6.ητον, terrible, mighty monster. ιίθάλη, η, {αίθω) = aiea\if(^<^ot, Luc. λίθαλίων, ωνο5, (aWaXos τβττίξ, svaarthy, dusky, Theocr. ^ ^ λ1θαλ0€ΐς, όβσσα, 6^v, ' ^ r. αΙΟαλοΰς, ουσσα, ουν, {aWaXos) smoky, sooty, . Thec>cr. ; kovis aW. black ashes that are burnt o^. Hom^ II. burning, Hes., Aesch. ^ αιθαλος, δ, {αίθι -,!->'■· αιθάλόω, f. ώσω, to soil wib soot or smoke, Eur. ίΐ.ϊθ€, Ep. for ei'0€, at0’ 6 , open in front like a veran- dah, looking E. or S. to catch the sun, whence the name ; the sleeping place .,Theocr. αίθριος, ov, {αϊθρη) clear, bright, fair, of iveather, h. Horn., Hdt. ; epith. of Zeus, Theocr. αιθρος, 0 , the clear chill air of mc_rn, Od. ; cf. αίθρία. Τθυια, η, a sea-bird, a gull or diver, Od. (DerA*. ;n- knov. n. ■ SI, ~s, o, one tha darts s^oiftly, Anth. Fi ji^ [ αίθυσσω, poet. aor. I αϊθυ|α, (αϊθω) to put in rapid motion, stir up, kindle. Soph. ; — Pass, to quiver, of leaves, Sappho. ΑΗΘΩ, only in pres, and impf., to light up, kindle, Hdt., Trag. 2. intr. to burn or blaze. Soph. ; — in this sense the Pass, αϊθομαι is used by Horn, in part., TTupbs μevos αίθομβνοιο II., Od., etc. ; so metaph., ερωτι αϊθβσθαι Xen. αϊθων, wvos, δ, η, (αϊθω) fiery, burning, blazing : of metal, flashing, glittering, Horn., etc. II. in Horn, of the horse, lion, bull, eagle, — where it is either fiery, fierce, or ta'wny. 2. metaph. ablaze, fiery , Aesch., Soph. [The penult, of the obi. cases may be shortd. in Poets, metri grat., αϊθονο5 Soph. ; αϊθονα Hes.] I αϊκα [κά]. Dor. for 6Ϊ «e or eav, Theocr. αΙκάλλω, only in pres, and impf., (alndXos) to flatter, 'wheedle, fondle, c. acc.. Soph., Eur. 2. absol., of a dog, to 'wag the tail fa'wningly , Babr. : (this is prob. the orig. sense). αϊκ€, aiKCv, poet, and Dor. for kdv. αΙκελιος, ov, poet, for aeineXios. άϊκή [άΐ], η, (αισσω) rapid flight, rush, impetus, II. αίκής Lt], eT, poet, for α^ικη$, Adv. aiKws, II. : — in Trag., αΙκής, alKws. αΙκία [t], 7], Att. for the Ion. α^ικ^ιη (q. v.), injurious treatment, an affront, outrage, Aesch., etc. 2. in Prose mostly as law-phrase, aiKias δίκη an action for assault, less serious than that for υβρΐ5. Plat., etc. αΙκίζω, Att. for Ep. άζικίζω : I. Act. only in pres., to treat injuriously , to plague, torment, τινά Soph.; of a storm, αΙκίζων φόβην νΧη5 Id. : — Pass, to be tor- mented, Aesch. II. Dep. αΙκίζομαι : f. αΙκΙσομαι, Att. -ιουμαι : aor. I med. ηκισάμην, pass, ηκίσθην : pf. ηκισμαι : — in same sense as Act., c. acc.. Soph., etc. ; c. dupl. acc. pers. et rei, αΐκίζ^σθαί τινα το έσχατα Xen. Hence αϊκισμα, arcs, τό, an outrage, torture, Aesch. : — in pi, mutilated corpses, Eur. αΙκισμός, ό, = foreg., Dem. άϊκώς, αΙκώς, Adv. of αϊκηε. αϊ-λϊνος, δ, a plaintive dirge, Trag. ; (said to be from al Αίνον, ah me for Linus I v. Axvos ll.) 2. Adj. aXXivos, ov, mournf ul, plaintive, Eur. : — αϊΧινα as Adv., Mosch. αίλουρος or αΐ€λουρος, δ, η, a cat, Hdt., Att. (Deriv. uncertain.) αίμα, aros, τό, blood, Horn., etc, ; in pi. streams of blood, T rag. II. bloodshed, murder, Aesch., etc. : — Iff αίματι φ€νγξΐν to avoid trial for murder by going into exile, Dem.; so, αίμα φevy€ιv Eur. III. like Lat. sanguis, blood-relatio7iship, kin. Soph., Horn., etc, ; δ irphs αϊμα- Tos one of the blood or rac^. Soph. ; μητρόε τη5 όμηε iv αίματι akin to her by blood, Aesch. (Deriv. uncertain, αίμακτός, ή, όν, verb. Adj. of αίμάσσω, mingled 'with clood, of blood, Eur. αίμαλβος, a, ov, (αίμα) bloody, blood-red, Anth. αΙμ άς, oSos, η, (αίμα) a gush or stream of blood. Soph, αίμασιά, η, a 'wall of dry stones, Lat. maceria, Od., etc. (Deriv. uncertain.) αίμοσσω, Att. -τ·τω : f. -ά|ω ; aor. I ημαξαι — Pass., aor. I ημάχθην or αίμάχθην : (αίμα) : — to inake bloody, stain 'with blood, Aesch. ; — hence to smite so as to 21 αιματβκχνσία — AioXeJ?. make bloody ^ Soph., Eur. j so in Med., Anth. : — Pass. to welter in bloody be slain, Soph, αίματ-βκχυσ'ία, η, {4κχίω) shedding of blood, N. T. αίματηρός, ά, 6v, also 6s, 6v, {αίμα) bloody, blood- stained, murderous,TrB.g. II. of blood, consisting thereof, Aesch., Eur. αίματη-ψόρος, ον, {φ^ρω) bringing blood, Wooify, Aesch. αίματόεις, ό^σσα, oev, contr. αίματοΰς, ονσσα, ουν,= αιματ-ηρόε, U. 2. blood-red or of blood, Ih. 3. bloody, murderous, Ib. αΙματο-λοιχ<ίς, 6v, (λείχω) licking blood, epws αίμ. thirst /hr blood, Aesch. αίματο-ττώτης, ου, δ, (ττίνω) a blood-drinker, Ar. αΙματορ-ρ<ίψος, ον, {βοψ4ω) blood-drinking, Aesch. αίματόρ-ρΰτος, ον, (ρεω) blood-streaming , αιμ. paviSes a shower of blood, Eur. αίματο-σταγής, is, (στάζω) blood-dripping, Aesch. αίματό-ψυρτος, ον, (ψόρω) blood-stained, Anth. αίματο-χάρμης, ου, (χαίρω) delighting in blood, Anth. αίματόω, f. ώσω, (αΧμα) to make bloody, stain with blood, Aesch., Eur. αίματ-ώδης, εί, (elSos) blood-red, Thuc. αίματ-ωττός, 6v, {&φ) bloody to behold, Eur. αίματ-ώψ, S)ttos, 6, η, = aίμaτωπ6s, Eur. αίμο-βαφής, is, (βάτττω) bathed in blood. Soph, αίμο-βόρος, ον, (βορά) bloodsucking, greedy of blood, Theocr. αΙμ6-διψος, ον, bloodthirsty , Luc. αίμορ-ραγής, is, (ρΊιγνυμι) bleeding violently. Soph. αΙμόρ-ραντος, ον, (ραίνω) blood-sprinkled, Eur. αίμορ-ροε'ω, (piω) to have a αιμόρροια. αιμόρροια, η, a discharge of blood. αίμόρ-ρΰτος, ον, (f^iω) blood-streaming, Aesch.: — poet. αΙμό-ρυτο5, Anth. αίμο-σταγής, is, = aΐμaτo-στayr]S, Eur. αίμο-ψόρυκτος, ον, (φορύσσω) defiled with blood, KpiaOd. αίμυλία, η, {aίμύλos) winning, wily ways, Plut. αίμυλιος, ον, = aΐμύ\os, Od., Hes. αίμΰλο-μητης, ου, δ, (μi)τ^s) of winning wiles, h. Horn. αlμΰλos [ν'\,'η,ον and os, ov,fiattering, wheedling, wily, Hes., Aesch.; rhv αίμυΚώτατον^ορ\\. (Deriv. unknown.) αίμ-ώδης, ει, (εΤδοί) bloody, blood-red, Luc. αιμων, ovos, δ, = δα·ί)μων, skilful in a thing·, c. gen., αίμονα θ'ηpηs II. II. (αΐμα) bloody, Aesch., Eur. αίμ-ωττός, όv, = atμaτω^Γ6s, Anth. , αΐν-αρε'της, ου, δ, (alv6s, aper-f]) terribly brave, II. αΐνεσις, εωϊ, {alviω) praise, N. T. αΐνετός, ή, 6v, verb. Adj . of sq. , praiseworthy , Arist ., Anth . αΐνεω, impf. γνουν. Ion. alvcov : f. αΐνίισω, Att. alviσω : aor. 1 ρνησα, Att. ρ^εετα. Ion. αίνησα: pi.rjveKa: — Med., ί.αΐνίσομαι: — Pass., aor. l ρί/ε'θην : pf. -ρνημαι. Poet, and Ion. Verb, i^Γaιviω being used in Att. Prose : — properly, to tell or speak of (cf. aivos), Aesch. II. commonly, to speak in praise of, praise, Lat. laudo, c. acc.,Hom.,Hdt. 2. to allow, recommend, Od.·. c.inf. to recommend to do a thing, Aesch. ; also c. part., alvCiv ιόντα to commend one’s going. Id. 3. like άγαττόω, to be content, acquiesce , Eur. : — c. acc. rei, to be content with, acquiesce in, ^άμον Pind., etc. ; θησσαν τράπεζαν Eur. 4. to decline courteously , Hes. III. to promise or vow, τί τινι or τινί iroieiv τι Soph., Eur. αινη, η, = oiXvos, praise, fame, iv αϊνρ 4ών Hdt. αΐνημι, Aeol. for αΐνόω, Hes. αΙνητ05, ά], 6v, = alveT0s, Pind. αίνιγμα, otos, τό, (αΐνίσσομαι) a dark saying, riddle, Aesch. , etc. ; 4ξαΙνΐΎμάτων in riddles, Id.·, δι’ αινιγμάτων Aeschin.j αίνιγμα ττροβάλλξίν, ξυντιθόναι to propose a riddle. Plat. ; opp. to αίνιγμα λύζιν, ΐυρίσκΐΐν to solve it. Soph., etc. αΐνιγματ-ώδης, εί, (eldos) riddling, dark, Aesch. αΐνιγμός, δ, = αίνιγμα, a riddle. Si αΐνιγμων 4peiv Ar. ; 4v αΐνιγμόΐσι σημαίν^ιν Eur. αΙνίζομαι, Dep., = α^Vεω, Horn. : — Act. αΙνίζω in Anth. αΐνικτήριος, ον, known from the Adv. ~ίωs, in riddles, Aesch. ; and alviKTos, ή, 6v, expressed in riddles, riddling. Soph. From αΙνίσΌΌμαι, Att. -ττομαι : f. ίξομαι : aor. i γνιξάμην : — Dep., but also as Pass., v. infr. ii : (aivos) : — to speak in riddles. Soph., Eur.; γvωρlμωs αΙνίξομαι I will speak in riddles but so as to be understood. Soph.; αινίσσ^σθαι εττεα to speak riddling verses, Hdt.: — c. acc. rei, to hint a thing, intimate, shadow forth. Plat. II. as Pass. to be wrapt up in riddles, only in aor. i γνίχθην, pf. γνιγμαι, Theogn., Plat., etc. αΐνο-βίας, Ion. -βίη5, ου, δ, (βία) awefully strong, Anth. αΐνό-γαμος, ον, fatally wedded, Eur. αΐνόθεν, (alv0s) Adv. only in phrase alvoOev alvcos from horror to horror, right horribly, II. αΐνό-θρυιττος, ον, (θρΰτττω) sadly enervated, Theocr. αΐνο-λαμττής, 4s, (λάμπω) horrid-gleaming, Aesch. αΙνό-λεκτρο9, ον, (λ4κτρον) fatally wedded, Aesch. αΐνο-λε'ων, ovtos, δ, a dreadful lion, Theocr. αΐνό-λινος, ον, (λινόν) unfortunate in life's thread, in allusion to the Parcae, Anth. αΐνό-λνκος, δ, a horrible wolf, Anth. αΐνά-μορος, ον, doomed to a sad end, Horn. αΙνο-Ίταθής, 4s, (πάσχω) suffering dire ills, Od., Anth. Aivo-Trapis, iSos, δ, like esbanapis, unlucky Paris, Eur. αΙνο-ΤΓο,τήρ, 4pos, δ, unhappy father , Aesch. αίνος, δ, poet, and Ion. word (cf. αΙν4ω) : 1,= μΰθos, a tale, story, Od. ; aivelv αίνον to tell a tale, Aesch., Soph. : generally, a saying, proverb, Theocr. II. = Att. iiraivos, praise, Horn., Trag. αΐνός, 4], 6v, poet, and Ion. word = δείνάϊ, dread, dire, grim, terrible, Horn. ; αίνάτατε ΚρονΙδη most dread son of Cronus, II. II. Adv.-vcSy, terribly, i.e. strangely, exceedingly, Horn., Hdt.; also αΐνά as Adv., II.; Sup. -ότατον, Ib. αΐνο-τόκεια, rj, (τίκτω) unhappy in being a mother, Mosch. αΐνο-τΰραννος, δ, a dreadful tyrant, Anth. AF'NYMAI, Dep., only in pres, and impf. without augm. : — to take, take off, take hold of, Horn. ; c. gen. partit., τυρών aivυμ4voυs taking of the cheeses, Od. ΑΡΞ, αίγός, δ, η : dat. pi. αίγ^σιν : — a goat, Lat. caper, capra, Horn. 2. αί^ &ypios the wild goat, the ibex. Id. II, aiyes, old name for waves, (Prob. not from αί'σσω, of which the root is AIK.) άΐξασκε. Ion. and Ep. aor. of ο/σσω. άίξω, f. of αί'σσω. Αίολεΰς, 4ωs, δ, an Aeolian ; pi. Alo\4es, Att. Αίολε?? or -rjs, Hdt., Thuc. : — Adj. Αιολικός, -η, 6v, of or like the 22 αιοΧίζω — αίρω. Aeolians, Theocr. ; — fern. ΑΙολίς» iSos, Hes.,etc.; poet, fern. ΑΙοληΐς, Find. αίολίζω, f. σω, (AtoAeus) to speak Aeolian, Pint. αΙόλλω, vOioAos) only in pres., to shift rapidly to and fro, Od. : — Pass, to shift colour, of grapes, Hes. αιολο-βρόντης, ου, δ, {βροντή) wielder of lightning, Zevs Find. αίολο-θώρηξ, 7]kos, o, with glancing breastplate, II. αιολό-μητις, tos, o, ^,full of various wiles, Hes., Aesch. αίολο-μίτρης, ου, δ, [μίτρα) with glancing οχ glittering girdle vfor it was plated with metal), 11. II. with variegated turban, Theocr. αΙολό-7Γωλθ9, ον, with quick-7noving steeds, II., Theocr. αΙόλος, Tj, ov, quick-moving, II.; αΙόΚαι ζυλαί wriggling worms, lb. ; so of wasps and serpents, Ib. II. changeful of hue, gleaming, glancing, of arms and armour, Ib.; (but here also it may be explained moving with the body, manageable , Lat. habilis) ; — also, aUXa νύξ star-spangled night, Soph. ; Aesch. calls smoke flushed by fire-light αΙόΚη Trophs Kaais; αΙόλα σάρξ dis- coloured from disease. Soph. III. metaph., 1. changefid, shifting, varied, κάκα Aesch. ; of sounds, ΙαχΊ] Eur. 2. shifty, wily, slippery, xf/edSos Find. (Deriv. uncertain.) B. as prop, n., proparox. AfoAos, ου, δ, lord of the winds, properly the Rapid or the Changeable, Od. [The penult, is lengthd. in the gen. Αϊόλου μβγαΑητοροϊ, metri grat., Od.] αΙολό-στομο5, ov, (ατόμα) shifting in speech, of an oracle, Aesch. alireivos, η, όν, {alirbs) high, lofty, Horn. II. metaph., 1. precipitate, hasty. Find. 2. hard to win, difficult. Find., Eur. αΐττερ, Dor. for eirrep. αίττήεις, εσσα, €V, = al-Treivos, II. αΙτΓολεω, only in pres, and impf., to tend goats, Theocr. : — Pass., of the flock, Aesch. αΙτΓολι,κό?, rj, ov, [αίττόλυ^ (f ox for goatherds, Anth. αίττόλιον, TO, a herd of goats, II., etc. II. a goat- pasture, Anth. From ai-TToAos, δ, a goatherd , Od., etc. {al-iroXos is for alyo- TToXos from α’ίξ, ττοΑεω.) aiiros, eos, to, [aiTxis) a height, a steep, Aesch. : — Txphs aiiros ςρχ€σθαί, metaph. of a difficult task, Eur. aliros, ή, όν, Ep. for alirbs, high, lofty, of cities, II.; αΧτχα peeOpa sixoams falling sheer down, Ib. αιττυ-μήτης, ου, δ, ' μητί5) with high thoughts, Θόμώοε αΐτχυμητα ττα? Aesch. αΐιτυ-νωτος, ον, high-backed, on a high mountain-ridge , of Dodona, Aesch. ΑΙ’ΠΥ'Σ, ύα,ΰ, high and steep, lofty, of cities on heights, as Troy, Od. ; of hills, II.; βρόχο5 αΐτχ. a noose hang- ing straight down, Od. II. metaph. sheer, utter, αϊπυ5 oXcdpos Horn, i^death being regarded as the plunge over a precipice ) ; so, (povos alnbs Od.; also alirhs χόλο$ towering wrath, II. 2. arduous, difficult, Ib. αίρεσιμος, ov, {αΙρόω) that can be taken, Xen. αΐρεσις, ews, ή, ^αΐρόω) a taking, esp. of a town, Hdt., etc. ; ή βα(ηληο5 dip. the taking by the king. Id. 2. means for taking a place, Thuc. II. {αίρόομαι) a taking for oneself, a choosing, choice, νόμ^ιν, τχροτι- θόναι, ττροβάλΚαν to give or offer choice, Hdt., Att.; dip. yiyvcTai tivl a choice is allowed one, Thuc.; dlpeaiv λαμβάν€ΐν to have choice given, Dem. 2. choice or election of magistrates, Thuc., etc. 3. a choice, deliberate plan, purpose. Plat., etc. 4. a sect, school, etc. : esp. a religious sect, such as the Sad- ducees and Pharisees, N.T. 5. a heresy, Eccl. αίρετεος, a, ov, verb. Adj. of alpew, to be taken, desirable, Xen. II. αίρΐτόον, one must choose. Plat, αίρετίζω, f. σω, {αίρόομαι) to choose, select, Babr., N.T. αιρετικός, ή, όν, ^αΐρόομαι) able to choose. Plat. 2. heretical, N. T. αιρετός, 7], όν, verb. Adj. of αΙρόω, that may be taken or conquered, Hdt.; that may be understood. Plat. II. {αίρόομαι) to be chosen, eligible. Id., Hdt., etc.; ζo^s Txovqpds θάνατο5 αΙρ^τώτζρο$ Menand. 2^ chosen, elected. Plat., etc. ΑΙ'ΡΕΏ : impf. -ρρζον. Ion. dipeov : f. αίρ-ησω : pf. γρηκα. Ion. άραίρηκα or dlpT]Ka : plqpf. apaip'r]Ke€ : — Med., f. αίρησομαι : med. sense -ρρημαι : 3 pi. plqpf. -ρρ-ηντο: — Pass., f. αίρζθησομαι, rarely ρρΊ^σομαι : aor. i ρρόθην: pf. ρρρμαι : 3 sing, plqpf. ρρητο. Ion. άραίρητο. — From Root ΕΛ come f. εΑώ, aor. i ecAOjOnly in late writers : aor. 2 diKov, Ion. eAecr/coj/; — Med.,f. ίλοΰμαι: aor. 2 βίλόμην: A. Act. to take with the hand, grasp, alp. τι iv χ^ρσίν, μ€τα χβρσίν to take a thing in hand, Od. ; alp. χ^ρσί δόρυ II. ; alp. τινα χειροΤ to take one by the hand, Ib. : — part, kκώv is sometimes used as Adv., by force. Soph. 2. to take away, Horn. II. to take by force, to take a city, Ik, etc. ; to overpower , kill, Horn., etc. : — often of passions, etc., to seize. Id., etc. : — to conquer vin a race)i, II. 2. to take, catch, as in hunting, in good sense, to win over, Xen., etc. : — c. part, to catch or detect one doing a thing. Soph. 3. to win, gain, κΰδθ5 II. ; of the public games, Simon., etc. 4. as Att. larv-term, to convict a person of a thing, TLva tivos Ar., etc. : also c. part., alpeTv τινα κΑεττ- τοντα to convict of theft. Id. ; ρρησθαι κΑοττεόϊ (sc. ών) Soph.; τουτ ^στιν t> εμέ alppaei Plat. 5. δ X0yos alpeei, Lat. ratio evincit, reason proves, Hdt. B. Med. to take for oneself, Horn., etc.; alp. δόρ- TTOv, δζΐττνον to take one’s supper. Id. : — so in most senses of Act. II. to choose. Id. : to take in pre- ference, prefer one thing to another, τι τχρό tivos Hdt. ; Ti αντί TIVOS Xen. ; also, τί tivos Soph. ; τι μάλλον rj . . , or μαλλόν tivos Att. : — c. inf. to prefer io do, Hdt., etc. 2. alpdiaOai τά tivos or τινά to take another’s part, \\\s party , Id., etc. 3. to choose by vote, elect to an office. Plat., etc. C. Pass, to he taken, Hdt. ; but αλίσκομαι is used in Att. for Pass. II. as Pass, to the med. sense, to be chosen, in pf. ρρημαι (which is also med.), Hdt., Att. α-ϊρος [i], δ, Od. i8. 73*^1^05 dipos, Irus unhappy Irus, — a play upon his name, like δώρα άδωρα. αίρω '^Ep. and poet, άείρω q.v.) : f. άρώ [ά], which must be distinguished from άρώ [cc], contr. from άερώ, f. of άείρω : — aor. I ήρα, imper. άρον, subj. άpps, opt. άpeιas, part, άpas [ά] : — pf. ήρκα : 3 pi. plqpf. ρρκβσαν: — Med., impf. ρρόμην: f. άρουμαι [ά], poet, άρόομαι : — aor. i ήράμ-ην : — in Ep. poets also aor. 2 άρόμην [ά] ; Ep. subj. άρηαι, άρηται; opt. άροίμην ; inf. άρόσθαι ; part, άρό- μ^vos:—pί. (in med. sense) ήρμαι : — Pass., f. άρθήσομαι: aor. I ηρθην : pf. ήρμάι, but in med. sense. Soph. : Αί9 — αισγ^ρότης. A. Act. to take up, raise, lift up, II., etc. ; aipeiv βήμα to step, walk, Eur.; άϊρ. στημ^Ίον to hoist a signal, Xen. : — Pass, to mount up, ascend. Id. 2. often of armies and ships, αίρ. ras vavs to get the fleet under sail, Thuc. also intr. to get under Ίχαγ, start, set out, άραι τφ στρατφ Id.; — so in Med. and Pass., Hdt., etc. II. to bear, sustain, μόρον Aesch. ; αθλον Soph. III. to raise up, exalt, Atsch ..: — of passion, to exalt, excite, ύψον aipeiu θυμόν to grow excited. Soph.; alpeiv θάρσΌ5 to pluck up courage, Eur., etc. : Pass., ουκ ¥ιρθτ\ νουν is άτασθαΛίην Simon. 2. to raise bywords, to extol, exaggerate, Eur., Dem. IV. to lift and take away, to remove, Aesch., etc. : — to take off, kill, N. T. B. Med., with pf. pass, ΐίρμαι (v. supr.), to take up for oneself : to carry off, win, gain, k\4os II.; άόθλια (of horses) Ib.; kVSos Horn. : — hence simply to receive, get, ’i\Kos άρόσθαί II. ; also, SeiX'iav apeT wilt incur a charge of cowardice, Soph. II. to take upon one- self, undergo, carry, bear, II., etc. 2. to undertake, begin, πόλεμον Thuc., etc. ; φυγ^ν αρόσθαι, Lat. fugam caper e, Aesch. III. to raise up, σωτηρά rivi Soph. : of sound, aipCiffOai φωνΊιν to raise, lift up one’s voice, Ar. obsol. nominat., v. αδη?. ΑΙσα, τ}, like ΜοΓρα, the goddess of destiny , Lat. Parca, II. II. as appellat., 1 . the decree, dispensation of a god, Albs αίστ), iirhp Aihs alcrav Ib. ; dead aJcra Eur. : — κατ’ αϊσαν fitly, duly, II., etc. ; κατ' αίσαν, ούδ' ντΓ€ρ alaav Ib. 2 . one’s appointed lot, destiny, Horn., etc. 3. one’s share in a thing, Od.; Xffidos άΐσα Ib., etc. αίσθάνομαι, Ion. 3 pi. opt. αϊσθανοΐατο : impf. γσθανό- μ.-ην : f. αίσθ-ησομαι : aor. 2 φσ'θόμην : Dep. : (a/co) : — to perceive, apprehend by the senses, to see, hear, feel, Hdt., Att. 2. to perceive by the mind, understand, hear, learn, often in Att. : absol., αίσθάνα, Lat. tenes, you are right, Eur. : — Construct., c. gen. to have per- ception of, των κακών Id., etc.; also c. acc.. Soph., etc.: — dependent clauses are mostly added in part, agreeing with subject, αισθάνομαι κάμνων Thuc. ; or agreeing with object, τυράννου5 4κτΓ€σόντα5 γσθόμην Aesch. Hence αίσθημα, ατο$, τό, perception of ζ. thing, κακών Eur. αϊσθησις, ea»s, η, {αισθάνομαι) perception by the senses, αΧσθ. πτημάτων perception, sense of calamities, Eur. — The phrase αίσθ-ησιν ^χ^ιν is used 1. of persons, αίσθ. eyeiv tivos, = αίσθάν^σθαί tivos or τι, to have a perception of 3ith\r\g, perceive it. Plat. 2. of things, to give a perception, i.e. to become perceptible, serving as a Pass, to αισθάνομαι, Thuc. ; more freq. αίσθ-ησιν τταρόχξίν Id., Xen. II. one of the senses. Plat. : and in pi. the senses. Id. III. a perception, αϊσθ-τ}- ffets θίών visions of the gods. Id. 2. in hunting, the scent, Xen. αίσθητηριον, tJ, (αίσθάΐΌμοΟ an organ of se-tzse, kxxsX., etc. ; τά αΧσθ. the senses, faculties, N. T. αισθητικός, Ίη, 6v, {αισθάνομαι) of or for perception by the senses, perceptive. Plat., etc. : — Adv. αΙσθητικώ 5 ^X^iv to be quick of perception, Arist. II. of things, perceptible, Plut. αισθητός, ή, όν, and 0s, όν, verb. Adj. of αισθάνομαι, perceptible by the senses. Plat. αισθω, only in pres, and impf. {ά-ημϊ) to breathe out, like 23 άττο-πνόω, θυμόν άϊσθξ he was giving up the ghost, II. αίσιμία, η, happiness, αΙσιμίαι$ πλούτου Aesch. From αΐσιμος, ον and η, ον, [αΊσα\ Lzt. fatalis, appointed by the will of the gods, destined, αίσιμον ^μαρ the fatal day, day of death, II., etc. ; αίσιμόν ^στι ’tis fated, Ib. II. agreeable to fate, meet, right, αίσιμα eiireiv, αίσιμα elScits Od. αίσιος, ον and a, ov, {αΙσα) boding well, auspicious, II., etc. : — Adv. -ιω$, Eur. α-ϊσος, ον, = ανισο5, unlike, unequal, Pind. άίσσω, (Root AIK), contr. ασσω, in later Att. αττω or αττω : impf. γσσον, Ep. ηϊσσον. Ion. αίσσβσκον : f. αίξω : aor. i ηξα; Ion. ηιξα, αίξασκον : — Med., aor. άίξασθαι : — Pass., aor. i ηίχθη, Ep. αίχθην. [ά- in Horn.] To move with a quick shooting motion, to shoot, dart, glance, Lat. impetu ferri, II., etc. ; so in aor. med., άίξασθαι, and aor. pass, άϊχθηναι Ib. ; κόμη di avpas ασσ^ται floats on the breeze. Soph. 2. to turn eagerly, be eager, el's τι Eur. II. trans. to put in motion, Eur. ά-ϊστος, ov, contr. αστός, (a privat., *6’/δω) not to be seen, unseen. II. act. unconscious of, c. gen., Eur. Hence άϊστόω, contr. αστόω : f. ώσω : aor. l ηίστωσα, contr. γστ- : — Pass., aor. l ηΐστώθην, Ep. άϊστώθην : — to make unseen, to annihilate, Horn., etc. ά-ΐστωρ, opos, 6, η, {a frivat., ciSevai) unknowing, un- conscious, Plat. ; TIVOS of a thing, Eur. αϊσΰλος, ov, unseemly , evil, II. (Deriv. uncertain.) αίσνμνάω, to ride over, c. gen., Eur. (Deriv. uncertain.) αισυμνητεία, -η, an elective monarchy , Arist. αίσυμνητήρ, rjpos, b, {αΐσυμνάω) a prince, II. αίσυμνήτης, ου, δ, {αΐσυμνάω) a regulator of games, a judge or umpire, Od. : a president, manager, Theocr. II. an elective prince, Avxst. αισχίων, αϊσ^ιστος, Comp, and Sup. of aiσχp6s. ΑΡΣΧΟΣ, eos, TO, shame . disgrace, Horn., etc. : — in pi. shameful deeds, Od. II. ugliness or deformity , of mind or body. Plat., Xen. αίσχρήμων, ον, gen. ovos, {alσχpόs) shamefid, Anth. αισχρο-κερδεια, η, {nip^os) base covetousness. Soph, αισχρο-κερδης, es, {Kepdos) sordidly greedy of gain, Hdt., Eur.— Adv. -δώs, N. T. αίσχρο-λογβω, f . ησω, (λέγω) = αίσχρο^πόω. Plat. Hence αίσχρολογία, η, foul language, abuse, Xen. αίσχρό-μητις, los, b, η, forming base designs, Aesch. αισχρ’ο-ΊΓοιός, 6v, {ποιόω) doing foully, Eur. αίσχρο-ττράγεω, f. {πράσσω) = αΙσχρουρΎ^ω, Arist. αισχρός, ά, όν and 0s, όν, {aIσχos) causing shame, abusive, εττεα II. ; so in Adv., aισχpώs ^νόνισπξ Ib. II. opp. to Ka\0s : 1. of outward appear- ance, tigly, ill-favoured, of Thersites, Ib. 2. in mo al sense, shameful, disgraceful, base, infamous, H , etc.; αίσχρόν [ecrri], c. inf., II. : — τό αίσχρόν, as Sub· .., dishonour, disgrace. Soph., etc.; τό καλόν κάϊ ~ό αισχρόν, Lat. honestum et turpe, virtue and v ■, Arist. : — Adv. shamefully , Sup. αίσχιστα, Trag. 1. awkward, Xen. III. instead of the regul. Co p. and Sup. alσχpότ€pos, -0TaTos, the forms αισχίων ], aίσχιστos (formed from aiσχos) are used. Hence αίσχρότης, ητos, η, ugliness, deformity , Plat. 24 αισ-χυνεμβν — αΐίτχυνβμεν, Ερ. inf. of αίσχννω. αΐίτχρ-ουργία, η, \^*6ρτγω) shameless conduct, Eur. αισχύνη [Ο], ύ], {alaxos) shame done one, disgrace, dishonour, Hdt., Att. 2. a disgrace, of a person, Aesch. II. shame for an ill deed, personified in Aesch. 2. generally, like α15ώ5, shame, the sense of shame. Soph., etc. αισχυντεον, verb. Adj. of αίσχΰνομαι, one must be ashamed, Xen. αίσχυντηλός, ·ίΓ\, ον, {αΐιτχννομαι) bashful, modest. Plat, αίσχυντήρ, ηροί, b, {αίσχννω) a dishonourer, Aesch. αίατχυντηρός, η, όί/, = αΙσχυντ7]λ05, Plat, αισχυντικός, ή, ο'ν, (αιν^όνω) shameful, Arist. αίοτχΰνω [ΰ] : Ιοη. impf. αίσχνν^σκ^ : f. -υνώ, lon.-oveco : aor. I γσχϋνα : — Pass., with f. med. αίσχΰνονμαι : aor. 1γσχύνθτ}ν, inf. αίσχυνθηναι, poet.-· jJ/iev: pf. γσχνμμαί : — to make iigly, disfigure, mar, ττρόσωττον, κόμην II. 2. in moral sense, to dishonour, tarnish, yevos ττατόρων Ib., etc. 3. to dishonour a woman, Aesch., etc. B. Pass, to be dishonoured, viKvs τρσχυμμίνο$, of Patroclus, II. II. to be ashamed, feel shame, absol., Od., Hdt., etc. 2. to be ashamed at a thing, c. acc. rei, Od., etc. ; also c. dat. rei, Ar., etc. ·, and with Preps., αΧσχ. 4πί τινι Xen. ; ev rtvt Thuc . ; υττόρ Tivos Dem. : — c. part, to be ashamed at doing a thing, Aesch., Soph., etc. : — but c. inf. to be ashamed to do a thing, Hdt., etc. 3. c. acc. pers. to feel shame be- fore one, Eur., etc. άΐταξ [t], b, {άίω) Dor. word for a beloved youth, favourite, Theocr. ; generally a lover, Anth. αϊτ€, Dor. for etre. ^ΙΤΕ'Ω : Ion. impf. αίτιον : f. αΐτησω : aor. i ητησα : pf. : ητηκα·, pf. pass, ητημαι : — to ask, beg, Od., etc. , 2. c. acc. rei, to ask for, crave, demand, Horn., etc. ; bSbv air. to beg one’s departure, i. e. ask leave to depart, Od. : — c. acc. pers. et rei, to cLsk a person for a thing, Horn., etc. ; St/coy atV. rtva φόνου to demand satisfac- tion from one for murder, Hdt. 3. c. acc. pers. et inf. to ask one to do, Od., etc. II. Med. to ask for oneself, to claim, Aesch., etc. : — but often used just like Act. III. Pass. ; 1. of persons, to have a thing begged p /’ one, Hdt., Thuc. 2. of things, to be asked, rh αΐτζόμ^νον Hdt., etc. Hence αίτημα, aros, τό, a request, demand. Plat., N. T. αίτης. Ion. for buras. αϊτησις, ews, η, {αΐτόω) a request, demand, Hdt. χΙτητεον, verb. Adj. of αΐτόω, one must ask, Xen. αΐτητικός, -ή, όν, (αΐτόω) fond of asking, c. gen., Arist. ιΐτητός, όν, verb. Adj. of αΐτόω, asked for. Soph. ιΙτία, η, {αΐτόω) a charge, accusation, Lat. crimen, and then the guilt or fault implied in such accusation. Find., Hdt. : — Phrases : αΙτίαν eye lv to be accused, tlv0s of a thing. Id., etc. ; — reversely, αίτια εχει μ€ Id. ; ev αιτία elvat or yiyveadai Xen., etc. ; αΙτίαν υττόχ^ιν to lie under a charge. Plat, j αιτίαν φόρ^σθαι Thuc.; ahiais ivexeaOai Plat. : — opp. to these are iv αιτία exetv or 5i ahias to hold one guilty, accuse, Hdt., Thuc., etc. ; ev αΙτία βάλλίΐν Soph. ; αΙτίαν νόμ^ιν τινί Id., etc. 2. in good sense, et e0 πράξαιμ^ν, αιτία 0eov the credit is his, Aesch. ; o% ίχουσι τούτην την αΙτίαν who have this as their characteristic. Plat. 3. ex- postulation, μη eV ^χθρα τό ττΧόον ij αΙτία Thuc. II. αιχ^μάΧωτος. a cause, Lat. causa. Plat., etc. ; dat. αΧτία, like Lat. causa, for the sake of, κοινού ayadov Thuc. III. an occasion, opportunity , αΙτίαν τταρόχ^ιν Luc. IV. the head under which a thing comes, Dem. αΐτιάασθαι, Ep. inf. of αΐτιάομαι. αΐτιάζομαι, {αΙτία) Pass, to be accused, Xen. αΐτίαμα, aros, τό, a charge, guilt imputed, λαβζΐν eV’ αιτιάματί τινα Aesch. ; TOioicrSe αΐτιάμασιν on such charges. Id. From αΐτιάομαι, Ep. 3 pl. αΐτιόωνται, opt. 2 and 3 sing. αιτιόφο, —ιρτο, inf. αΐτιάασθαι, impf. ητιάασθξ, —όωντο : — f. -ά<τομαι : aor. I ητιάσάμην. Ion. part. αΙτιησάμ€· VOS : pf. ητίάμαι : (αιτία) : — to charge, accuse, censure, blame, c. acc. pers., τάχα /cev καΧ άναίτιον αΐτιόψτο II.; αιτ. τινά TIVOS to accuse of a thing, Hdt., etc. ; — c. inf., aiT. Tiva iroteiv τι to accuse one of doing. Id. in this signf., certain tenses are used in pass, sense, to be accused, aor. i ητιάθην Thuc., Xen. ; pf. ητίαμαι Thuc. 2. c. acc. rei, to lay to one’s charge, impute, τούτο αΐτ. Xen. ; ταυτα Dem. ; c. dupl. acc., τί τούτο Tovs AaKovas αΐτιώμξθα; Ar. II. to allege as the cause, aiT. τινα αίτιον Plat. ; φωvάs τ€ καΐ άλΛα μυρία αιτ. Id. ; ttjs Upas χώpas ητιατο Φϊναι he alleged that it was part of the sacred territory, Dem. αΐτιάτόον, verb. Adj. of αΐτιάομαι, one must accuse, Xen. II. one must allege as the cause. Plat. αΙτίζω, Ep. form of αίτόω, only in pres, to ask, beg, c. acc. rei, σίτον Od. 2. c. acc. pers. to beg of, μνη- aTrjpas Ib. 3. absol., αΙτίζων βόσκζίν *ην yaCTipa to fill one’s belly by begging, Ib. αΐτιο-λογικός, ή, όν, inquiring into causes : to -kov, investigation of causes, Strab. aiTios, o, ov, more rarely oi, ov, (αΐτόω) to blame, blame- ■worthy, culpable, II., etc. : Comp., ahiwTepos more culpable, Thuc.; Sup., Toi»s alTiorraTovs the most guilty , Hdt. ; TIVOS for a thing. Id. 2. as Subst., odrios, b, the accused, culprit, Lat. reus, Aesch., etc. ; ol αίτιοι του TraTpbs they who have sinned against my father. Id. : — c. gen. rei, 01 αίτ. του φόνου those guilty of murder. Id. II. being the cause, responsible for, c. gen. rei, Hdt., etc. ; c. inf.. Soph. : Sup., aiTi0TaTos ναυμαχησαι mainly instrumental in causing the sea- fight, Thuc. 2. αίτιον, τό, a cause. Plat., etc. AiTvaXos, o, ov, of or belonging to Etna (Αίτνη), Find., Aesch., etc. 2. metaph. like Etna, enormous, Eur.; some explain it so when used of horses, but better Etnean, i. e. Sicilian i^for the Sicilian horses were famous). Soph. αlψvίδιos or άψνίδιος, ov, (άφνω) unforeseen, sudden, Aesch., Thuc. : — Adv. -iws. Id. ; also -lov, Plut. αΙχμάεις, αίχματάξ, Dor. for alχμ'fjeιs, alχμητ 7 ^s. αΙχμάζω, f. άσω, (αίχμ-ί)) to throw the spear, II. ; ένδον αΙχμάζζίν to play the warrior at home, Aesch. II. to arm with the spear, ηχμaσas χόρα Soph, αιχμαλωσία, η, (aiχμάλωτos) captivity : a body of cap- tives, ΧΤιοά., IS. T . αΙχμάλωτευω, to take prisoner, N.T. ; and αΙχμάλωτικός, ή, όν, of or for a prisoner, Eur. ; and αιχμάλωτίς, iSos, η, fern, of οίχμάλωτο5. Soph. From αίχμ-άλωτος, ov, taken by the spear, captive to one's spear, taken prisoner, Hdt., etc. ; αιχμάλωτον λαμ- βάνξιν, &y€iv to take prisoner, Xen.; αιχμ. yiyveaOai αΙχμη — to be taken, Id. ; τά αιχμάλωτα booty, Id. II. = αΙχμαλωτικ6$, ζουλοσννη αΙχμ. such as awaits a cap- tive, Hdt., Aesch. αΙχ|χη, η, (άκή I, or αί'σσω) the point of a spear, Lat. cuspis, II., etc. II. a spear, Ib., etc. ; τοξουλκί)5 αϊχμ'ίι, of an arrow, Aesch. 2 . a body of spearmen. Find., Eur. ; cf. acrir'is. 3. war, battle, κακω3 rj αΐχμ^ iar-iiKee the war went ill, Hdt. III. warlike spirit, mettle. Find. ; so, in Aesch., yvuaiKhs or yvvai· Keia αΙχμά seems to be a woman’s spirit. IV. a sceptre. Id. Hence αΙχ|χή 6 ΐς, Dor. -aets, βσσα, ^v, armed with the spear, Aesch. αίχμητά [ά], b, Ep. form of α1χμητ'1ΐ9, II. αΙχμητήξ, οΰ. Dor. -άτάξ, a, ό, {αΙχμ'ή) a spearman, Horn. II. In Find, as Adj., 1. pointed, nepav- v6s. 2. warlike, Θυμ05. αΙχμο-ψ<$ρος, ον, {ψ^ρω) one who trails a pike, a spear- man, Hdt.: — esp. like δορυφόρο5, of body-guards. Id. αΐψα, Adv. quick, with speed, on a sudden, Horn. αΙ\|/ηρο-κελ€υθος, ον, swift-speeding, of Boreas, Hes. αίψηρός, a, 6v, (αΤψα) quick, speedy, in haste, Horn. ΆΙ 'Ω [ά], only in pres, and impf. iCiov [ά] : — to perceive by the ear, to hear, c. acc. rei, II. j c. gen., Trag. : — also to perceive by the eye, to see, Od. 2 . to listen to, give ear to, δίκη5 Hes. : to obey, Aesch. ; cf. (ττάίω. [Horn, has αΊω ; but aUis, αίων Soph.] άΐω \_α], = &ημι, to breathe, only in impf., επεί φίλον ά'ΐον ήτορ when I was breathing out my life, II. αιών [ά]. Dor. for ^'ΐών. αιών, ωνο%, δ, poet, η : apocop. acc. αΙώ (properly αΙΡών, aevum, v. aWi) : — a period of existence : I. one’s lifetime, life, Horn, and Att. Foets. 2. an age, generation, Aesch.', δ μίλλων αιών posterity , Dem. 3. a long space of time, an age, air aiwvos of old, for ages, Hes., N. T. j τδν di aicavos χρόνον for ever, Aesch.; άτταντα rhv al. Lycurg. 4. a definite space of time, an era, epoch, age, period, δ αιών ovros this present world, opp. to δ μίλλων, N. T. : — hence its usage in pi., CIS Tovs aia>vas for ever, Ib. αιώνιος, ον and a, ov, lasting for an age {αΙών 3 ), Flat. : ever-lasting, eternal. Id. αιώρα, η, (aeipco) a machine for suspending bodies : a noose for hanging, a halter. Soph, (in the form 4ώρα). II. suspension in the air, oscillation, Flat. αΙωρβω, f. ήσω : aor. i pass, τρωρ^θην : (oeipw) : — to lift up, raise, vyphv νώτον αΙωρ^Ί, of the eagle raising his feathers. Find. ; roi/s οφζιε vircp rijs κξφαληε αιωρών Dem. : — cf. 4ωρόω. 2 . to hang, Flut., Luc. II. Fass. to be hung, hang, Hdt. ; αΙωρουμόνων των οστών being raised, lifted. Flat. ; αίμα ρωρ^ΐτο spouted up, Bion. 2. to hang suspended, float in air, hover, oscillate. Soph., Flat. 3. metaph. to be in suspense, Thuc. ; αΙωρ€Ϊσθαι 4v &λλοΐ5 to depend upon others. Flat. ; αΙωρ·ηΘύ$ ύπ«ρ μcyάλωv playing for a high stake, Hdt. Hence αΙώρημα, ατο5, τό, that which is hung up : a hanging cord, a halter, Eur. αιωρητάς, όν, verb. Adj. of αιωρόω, a hovering, Anth. άκα. Dor. Adv. = a«riv, softly, gently. Find. *Ακαδήμ€ΐα or -ία [f], rj, the Academy, a gymnasium ακανθος, near Athens, where Flato taught : hence Flatonic phil sophers were called Άκαδημικοί, Academics, ακαθαρσία, η, uncleanness, impurity, Dem. From ά-κάθαρτος, ov, {καθαίρω) uncleansed, unclean, impure. Flat. : — Adv., άκαθάρτωε cxciv Id. II. of things not purged away. Soph, άκαινα, rjs, t], (ά /cts) a thorn, goad, Anth. άκαιρία, ή, {&καιρο5) unfitness of times : unseasonable- ness, Flat. 2. want of opportunity, τ^ν άκαιρίαν t)]V 4κζίνου καιρόν υμότ^ρον νομίσαντ€$ Dem. α-καιρος, ον, ill-timed, unseasonable, inopportune, 4s άκαιρα TTOvclv, Lat. operam perdere, Theogn. ; ουκ άκαιρα λcy€ιv Aesch. ; &κ. προθυμία Thuc. : — Adv. -pojs, Aesch., etc. ; neut. pi. as Adv., Eur. II. of persons, importunate, Lat. molestus, Theophr. ά-κάκης. Dor. άκάκας, δ, poet, for &κακο5, Aesch. άκάκητα [άκάκ], Ep. form of &κακο5, guileless, gracious, epith. of Hermes, Horn., Hes. ακακία, η, guilelessness, Dem., etc. From α-κακος, ov, unk^iowing of ill, guileless, Aesch., Flat. 2 . innocent, simple, Dem. : — Adv. ~κωs, Id. άκαλανθίς, ibos, η, = aKavOis, Ar. άκαλαρ-ρ€ίτης, ου, δ, (άκαλοΤ, ρόω) soft-flowing, of Ocean, Horn. άκαλήψη, η, a nettle, Lat. urtica, Ar. (Deriv. unknown.) ά-καλλης, is, {κάλλos) without charms, Luc. ά-καλλιερητος, ov, ill-omened, icpd Aeschin. ά-καλλώτΓίστος, ov, unadorned, Luc. ά-κάλυτΓτος, ov, uncovered, unveiled. Soph, ά-καλυψης, is, = aKdXvKT 0 s, Soph. άκάμαντο-λόγχης, ου, δ, (λόγχη) unwearied at the spear. Find. άκαμαντο-μάχης, ου, δ, {μάχη) unwearied in fight. Find. άκαμαντό-ΊΓους, δ, η, untiring of foot, unwearied. Find, ά-κάμας [άκά], avTos, δ, [κάμνω) untiring, unresting, II., etc. ά-κάματος [/ca], ov and η, ov, without sense of toil: hence — untiring, unresting, Horn. ; o/c. γη earth that never rests from tillage. Soph. : — neut. ακάματα, as Adv., Id. \_άκάμάτos, Soph. ; but first syll. long in dactylics.] ά-καμτΓτος, ov, {κάμπτω) unbent, that will not bend, rigid. Flat. : — metaph. unbending, unflinching, in- exorable, Find. ; φυχάν άκaμπτos Id. ; άκάμπτιρ μ4να Aesch. ; άκαμπτον Flut. ακανθα [ά /c], ηs, η, (άκή ΐ) a thorn, prickle, Theocr., etc. 2 . a prickly plant, thistle ; in pi. thistle- down, Od. : — also a kind of acacia, Hdt. 3. the backbone or spine of animals. Id., etc. 4. metaph., άκανθαι, thorny questions, Luc. ακάνθινος, η, ον, {ακανθα) of thorns, N. T. II. of acacia wood, Hdt. άκανθίς, ihos, η, a bird, the goldfinch, or the linnet, Arist., Theocr. II. as fern. Adj. prickly, Anth. άκανθο-βάτης [ά], ου, δ, {βαίνω) walking among thorns, nickname of grammarians, Anth. : — fern, άκαν- θοβάτις, ibos. Id. άκανθο-λόγος, ov, {λ4yω) gathering thorns, nickname of quibblers, Anth. άκανθος, δ, {άκτ} i) Lat. acanthus, brank-ursine , a plant imitated in Corinthian capitals, Theocr. ακανθωτής — άκη^βυτος. ανθ-ώδης, es, {ei5os)full of thorns, thorny, Hdt. 2. etaph., Xoyoi άκ. thorny arguments, Luc. •καττνος, ον, ’without smoke, θυσία &καπνο5 an offering but no burnt offering, Luc. ; a poem is called Καλ- \ιότΓη5 ακαττνον θύο5 Anth. ■ κάρδιος, ον, {καρδία) 'wanting the heart, Plut. ■κάρηνο5, ον, (κάρηνον) headless, Anth. α-καρής, €s, {κ^ίρω) of hair, too short to be cut, very short: mostly in neut. aKap4s, 1. of Time, a moment, iv ttKapei χρόνου Ar. ; ακαρη διαλιποϋν (sc. χρόνον) having waited a moment. Id. j ά /capes wpas a moment, Plut. 2. the acc. άκαρη is used adverbially without reference to Time, ουκ άκαρη or obS^ άκαρη not a bit, Ar. ακαριαίος, a, ov, {ακαρ-ηε) mo^yientary , brief, Dem., etc. άκαρττία, ·η, {uKapiros) tinfruitfulness, barrenness, Aesch. ά-κάρτΓΚΓΤος, ov, {καρττίζω) -where nothing is to be reaped, unfruitful, of the sea, like arpoyeros, Eur. α-καρ-ποζ, ov, without fruit, barren, Eur. 2. metaph. fruitless, unprofitable. Id. : — Adv. -Trws, Soph. II. act. making barren, blasting, Aesch. ά-κάρπωτος, ov, {καρπόω) not made fruitful, without fruit: of an fruitless , unfulfilled, Aesch.; νίκαε άκάρττωτον χάριν because of victory which yielded no fruit. Soph. άκασκαΐος, a, ov, (*ά/ίή \\) gentle, Aesch. ά-κατάβλητος, ov, {καταβάλ,Χω) not to be overthrown, irrefragable, Ar. ά-κατάγνωστος, ov, {KarayiyvciaKw) not to be con- demned, N.T. ά-κατακάλυτΓτος, ov, {κατακαλύπτω) uncovered, N. T. α-κατάκριτος, ov, {κατακρίνω) uncondemned, N. T. ά-κατάλλακτος, ov, καταλλάσσω) irreconcileable : — Adv. -τωε, ακ. πολ^μ^ίν Dem. ά-κατάλντος, ον, {καταλύω) indissoluble, Ν. Τ. ά-κατάιταυστος, ον, (καταπαύομαι) that cannot cease from, τινόε Ν. Τ. ά-κατάστατος, οί', {καθίστνμι' xinstable, unsettled, Dem. ά-κατάσχβτος, ον, {κατόχω) not to be checked : — Adv. -τωε, Plut. ά-καταφρόνητος, ον, {καταφρονόω) not to be despised, important , Lat. hand spernendus, Xen., Plut., etc. ά-κατάφευστος, ov, {καταψεύδομαι) not fabulous, Hdt. άκάτιον [ά/ίά], τό. Dim. of ακατοε, a light boat, Thuc., etc. II. a small sail, perh. a top-sail, Xen., Luc. ακατος [ά /c], ή, rarely b, a light vessel, Lat. actuaria, Hdt., etc. ; cf. άκάτιον. 2. generally, a ship, Eur. α-καυστος, ov, [καίω) tmburnt, Xen. άκαχήατο or -είατο, Ep. for -η ντο, 3 pi. plqpf. pass, of άχόω. άκάχηρ,αι, pf. pass, of άχόω. άκαχήσω, Ep. fut. of άχ4ω : — άκάχησα, Ep. aor. i. άκαχίξω [άκ], {άχ4ω) only in pres, to trouble, grieve, τινά Od. : — Pass., μη λίην άκαχίζ^ο θυμφ be not troubled in mind, II. ; μητι θανων άκαχίζ^υ be not grieved at death, Od. άκαχμενος, η, ον, a part, (as if from a Verb *άκω, v. άκτ] i), sharpened, of axes and swords, Horn, άκάχοιτο, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 med. opt. of άχόω. άκάχοντο, 3 pi, Ep. aor. 2 med. of άχόω. άκειόμενος, Ep. part, of άκόομαι. ά-κειρε-κόμης, Dor. -ας, δ, — άκ^ρσ^κόμηε, Pind., Anth. ά-κελευστος, ον, unbidden, Trag., Plat, ά-κε'ντητος, ov, {κ^ντόω) needing no goad or spur, Pind, ά-κεντρος, ov, {κόντρον) without sting, stingless. Plat, άκεομαι [ά]. Ion. imper. άκεο (for aKeeo), Ep. part. άκ€ΐ- όμ€νο5 : f, άκόσομαι, Ep. άκόσσομαι, Att. άκουμαι : aor. I ηκ^σάμην, Ep. imper. ακβσσαι: f&Kos) : Dep. : I. trans. to heal, cure, €λκοε &κ€σσαι heal the sore, II.; or of part healed, βλόψαρον άκόσαιο Eur. ; also to heal a person, II. 2. to stanch, quench, δίψαν Ib, 3. generally, to mend, repair, vijas Od.; applied to a tailor or cobbler, like Lat. resarcire, Luc. 4. metaph. to repair, make amends for, άμαρτάδα Hdt. ; κακόν Soph. : — absol. to make amends, άλλ’ άκεώμεθα, άλλ’ άκόσασθζ Horn. ά-κεραιος, ον, = the poet, άκ-ίιρατοε, unmixed, pure in blood, Eur. II. entire, unharmed, unravaged, of cities or countries, Hdt,, Thuc. ; άκ. δύναμιε an army in full force. Id, ; άκ. λόχοε inviolate, Eur. ; of per- sons, uncontaminated, guileless. Id. : c. gen., άκόραιοε κακών ηθών uncontaminated by bad habits. Plat, ά-κεραννωτος, ov, {κ^ραυνόω) not lightning-struck, Luc. άκερδεια, η, want of gain, loss, Pind. From ά-κερδης, 4ε, {κ4ρδοε) without gain, bringing loss. Soph., Plat. II. not greedy of gain, Plut. άκερκιοΓτος, ov, {κ^ρκίζω) unwoven, Anth. α-κερκος, ov, without a tail, Arist. ά-κερματία, η, {κ4ρμα) want of money, Ar. ά-κερσ-ε-κόμης, ου, b, (κείρω, κόμη) with unshorn hair (the Greek youths wore their hair long till they reached manhood), epith. of Phoebus, 11., etc. ; cf, άκ^ιρ^κόμηε. ακέρωτος, ον, {κ4ραε) not horned, Anth. άκεσις, εω5, η, {άκ4ομαι) a healing, cure, Hdt. άκεσμα, τό, {άκόομαι) a remedy, cure, Pind., Aesch. άκεστηρ, ηροε, b, {άκ4ομαι) a healer : metaph. as Adj., άκ. χαλινόε the rein that tames the steed. Soph, άκεστής, ου, b, = άκ^στύιρ ; άκ^σταΧ Ιματίων pay4vτωv menders of torn clothes, Xen. άκεστορία, η, {άκ4ομαι) the healing art, Anth. άκεστός, ή, όν, verb. Adj. of άκ4ομαι, curable : — metaph,, easily revived, II. άκε'στρα, η, {άκ4ομαι) a darning-needle, Luc. άκε'στρια, η, {άκ4ομαι) a sempstress, Luc. άκε'στωρ, οροε, b, {άκ4ομαι) a healer, saviour, Eur. άκεσ-φόρος, ov, {άκοε, ψ4ρω) bringing a cure, healing, Eur. άκεοΓ-ώδΰνος, ov, {άκ4ομαι, οδύνη) allaying pahi, Anth. ά-κε'φάλος, ov, (,κεφαλή) without head, Hdt. 2. without beginning, λόyoε Plat, άκε'ων, ουσα, (ν. άκή ιι) a participial form, used as Adv. like άκήν, softly, silently, Horn.; also dual άκ4οντζ Od. — Though άκ4ουσα occurs in Horn., yet άκ4ων stands ivith fern., Άθηναίη άκ4ων ήν II. ; and though he has dual άκ4οντ€, yet άκ4ων occurs with plur. Verbs. ΆΚΗ', η, a Subst. cited in two senses, I. a point, (whence άκίε, &κων, άκονη, άκαχμόνοε, άκωκή, αϊχμά} ; cf. Lat. acus, acuo, acies). II. silence, calm, (whence άκην, άκ4ων, άκασκαΐοε, ^κα) : a lulling, heal- ing (whence άκ4ομαι). ά-κήδεστος, ον, [κηδ4ω) tincared for, unburied, II. : Adv., -τωε, without due rites of burial, or (perh.) without care for others, recklessly , remorselessly , Ib. ά-κήδευτος, ov, {κηδεύω) unburied, Plut. άκηS€ω - άκηδ€α), f. ‘Ιισ-ω : Ερ. aor. ΐ ακ^,^ίσα : (a/cTjS^s) : — to take no care for, no heed of, c. gen., II., Aesch. α-κηδής, es, {κηδοε) : I. pass, uncared for, un- buried, Horn. II. act. 'without care or sorrow, careless, heedless. Id. ακηκοα, pf. of ακούω. ά-κήλητος, ον, {κηλύω) to he won by no charms, proof against enchantment, inexorable, Od., Soph, ακημα, to, = &Κ€σμα, a cure, relief, οδυνάων for pains, II. άκήν, 'άκτ] ii) Adv. softly, silently, II. ά-κηράσιος, ον, Ερ. form of ακΊιρατοε, tinmixed, olvos Od. II. untouched, Lat. integer, ακ. λ€ΐμών€5 meadows not yet grazed or mown, h. Horn.; livQos άκ. fresh, A nth. ά-κηρατος, ον, (κ€ράνννμι) unmixed, uncontaminated, zindefiled, ύδωρ \\. ; ttotoV Aesch. ; 6μβρο5 Soph.,· ακ. Xpvcos pure go\d, Vidt. II. metaph., 1. of thing's, untouched, unhurt, undamaged, Lat. integer, Horn. ; ακ. κόμη unshorn hair, Eur. ; ακ. λαιμών an unmown meadow. Id., etc. 2. of persons, unde- filed, Id. ; c. dat., ακ·ηρατο$ aXycai untouched by woes. Id. j c. gen., ακ. κακών without taint of ill. Id. ά-κήριος (A'), ov, unharmed by the Krjpes, zinharmed, Od. II. act. unharming, harmless, h. Horn., Hes. ά-κηριος (B), ov, (κηρ) without heart, i. e., I. lifeless, II. II. heartless, spiritless, Ib. άκηρότατος, a poet. Sup. of άκΊ]ρατο5, Anth. ά-κηρυκτίί and -τί, Adv. without needing a flag of truce, Thuc. Erom ά-κήρυκτο 9 , ov, {κηρύσσω) unannounced, unpro- claimed, ακ. 'π·όλ€μοΒ a sudden war, Hdt. ; but also a war i7t which no herald was admitted, implacable, Xen . , Dem . : — Adv. -rcoy, without needing a flag of truce, Thuc. II. not proclaimed by heralds, inglorious, Eur. III. with no tidings, not heard of. Soph, ά-κήρωτος, ov, {κηρόω) tinwaxed, Luc. άκηχ6δαται or -€αται, Ep. for ηκάχηνται, 3 pi. pf. pass. of άχόω : — άκηχ€μενος, for ακαχ^μ€νο5, Ερ. part. a.-κίβ^r^\oζ,ov,^tnadulterated,genuit^e,Pla.t.,L·uc. 2. metaph. of men, guileless, honest, Hdt. άκιδνός [ά], ’ί), όν, weak, feeble, faint, Horn, always in the Comp., ακίδν6τ(ρο$ Od. (Deriv. unknown.) α-κικυς, vos, 6, η, powerless, feeble, Od. άκϊvάκηs [a], b, Persian word, a short straight sword, Hdti, who declines it -eos, -el*, -ea; but Xen. has άκινάκην, ακινάκα$ as acc. sing, and pi. ά-κίνδΰνος, ov, without danger, free from danger, Eur., Thuc., etc. II. Adv. -vωs, Eur., etc. : Comp., άκινδυνότ€ρον with less danger. Plat. ; Sup., ακινδυνό- τατα most free from danger, Xen. ο-κίνητος, ov and η, ov, {κινόω) unmoved, motionless, of Delos, Orac. ap. Hdt. ; e| άκίνί]του ποδ05 without stirring a step. Soph. 2. idle, shiggish, Ar. 3. unmoved, unaltered, oi Isiws, Thuc., etc. II. i7n- movable, hard to move. Plat., Luc. : — Adv., ακίνΊ}τω5 ΐχ^ιν to be hnmovable. Plat., etc. 2. 7iot to be stirred or touched, inviolate, Lat. no7i movendus, τά({>05 Hdt. : proverb, of sacred things, Kiveiv ra ακίνητα Id.; a.ho τάκίνητα φράσαι Soph. 3. of persons, woi to be shaken, steadfast, stubborn. Id. α-κιος, ov, {kis) not worm-eate7i : Sup. ακιώτατοε Hes. άκΐρός, όν, prob. = o/ci5v(is, Theocr. άκμη. 2 7 άκίς, ίδο5, η, {ακη ΐ) a pohit, the barb of an arrow or hook, Plut., Anth. : — an arrow, dart, Ar. 2. metaph., ττόθων άκΙδ€5 the stings of desire, Anth. ά-κίχητος [t], ov, (κιχάνω) 7iot to be reached, U7iat- tainable, II. II. of persons, not to be reached by prayer, inexorable, Aesch. άκκίζομαι, Dep. κακκώ) to affect indifference or coy- ness, dissemble. Plat. άκκώ, η, a bugbear or a silly wo7nan. (Deriv. unknown.) άκλάρωτος. Dor. for ακ\^]ρωτο5. α-κλαστο5> ον, (κλάω) unbroken, Anth. α-κλαυτος or α-κλαυστος, ον, unlame7ited, Horn. : {κλαίω): I. pass, iinwept, φίλων by friends. Soph.; άκλαυτα τόκνα, i. e. children not liable to death, Eur. II. act. itot weeping, tearless, Od. 2. Soph. =%oipa)i/, with impunity. ά-κλ€ης, €S : gen. ios : acc. άκλ€α. Ion. ακλ^η, Ep. ακλόά : — Ep. άκλειτίς or άκληήϊ, pi. d/cAeieTs or άκλη€Ϊ5 (/cAeos) : — without fa7ne, inglorious, tnisimg, Horn., etc. Adv. άκλ€ώ$, Hdt., Ep. o/cAejcDs, II., etc. : also neut. ά /cAees as Adv., Ib. άκλεΐα, Ion. -ιη, η, (a/cAe^s) ingloriousness, Anth. ά-κλειής, es, Ep. for a/cAe^s. α-κλειστος, ov. Ion. άκληϊστος, Att. ακληστος ; (/iAetco) : — iwt closed or faste7ied, Eur., Thuc. ακλεώς, Adv. of άκλ^ηε, q. v. άκληής, Ep. for a/cAeTjs. ά-κληρος, ov, without lot ox portion, poor, needy, Od., Xen., etc. : c. gen. without lot or share hi a thing, Aesch., etc. II. unallotted, without an owner, P.wx. ά-κλήρωτο 5 , ov, ίκληρόω) without lot or portioii hi a thing, c. gen., Pind. ακλησ-τος, Att. for &κλζΐστο5. α-κλητος, ον, uncalled, unbidden, Aesch., etc. ά-κλινή5, 0s, {κλίνω) bending to neither side, U7i- swervhig, Plat. : steadfast, regular, Anth., etc. Adv. -vώs, Ion. -v4ωs, Id. α-κλνστος, ov, {κλύζοι^ 7invjashed by waves, Plut., etc.; as fern., Αυλιν άκλύσταν Eur. ακμάζω, f. άσω, {ακμή) to be in full bloom, be at one's prime or perfectioii, I. of persons, cities and states, Hdt., etc. 2. c. dat. to flourish or abound hi a thing, ttAoutol) Id.; τταρασκ^υη Thuc. 3. c. inf. to be strong enough to do, Xen. II. of things, ακμάζει 6 ττοΑεμοί, η νόσο$ the war, the plague is at its height, Thuc.; ακμάζον Q4pos mid-s,ummex, Id.; of corn, to be just ripe. Id. 2. impers. ακμάζει, c. inf., it is high thiie to do, Aesch. ακμαίος, a, ov, {ακμτ)) in full bloom, at the prime, blooming, vigorous, Aesch.; άκμαΐθ5 φύσιvin the prime strength. Id. II. in time, in season, Lat. op- portunus. Soph. ακμή, η, (άκή i) a point, edge: proverb., 4tx\ ξυρον ακμη$ on the rasor’s edge (v. ξυρόν) ; άμφιδόξιοι ακμαί the fingers of both hands. Soph.; ττοδοΐν ακμαί the toes. Id. II. the highest pohit of anything, the bloom, flower, prhne, of man’s age, Lat. Jβυs aetatis, άκμ^ ηβηε Id.; ακμή βίου Xen.; iv άκμη clvai = άκμάζίΐν. Plat. ; άκμ^]ν eyeiv, of corn, to be ripe, Thuc. ; also of time, a. ήρο5 the :^pr\ng-pri77ie, Pind. ; a. θ4ρου$ mid- suinmer, Xen.; a. τη$ Thuc. ; periphr. like βία, άκμη Θησ^ιδάν Soph. III. like Kaip0s, the best. ακμήν — ακόρεστος. 28 most fitting time, Trag. ; epywv, \0ywv ακμ^ the time for doing, speaking. Soph. ; ακμί] eart, c. inf., ’tis high time to do, Aesch. ; εττ’ ακμηε eJvai, c. inf., to be on the point of doing, Eur. j iir αυτήν την ακμήν ’tis come to the critical time, Dem. ακμήν, acc. of ακμή, used as Adv., just, Xen. II. yet, still, Theocr., N. T. άκμην<>5, ή, όν, ^κμη) full-grown, Od. ακμηνος, ον, fasting, II. j c. gen., άκμηνο$ σίτοιο fasting from food, Ib. (Deriv. uncertain.) ά-κμής, tjtos, b, η, {κάμνω) = άκάμα5, untiring, un- wearied, II., Soph. α-κμητος, ον, {κάμνω) — ακμτ]$, h. Horn. άκμό-θ€τον, τό, {&κμων, τί-θημι) the anvil-block, stithy, Horn. άκμόνιον, το. Dim. of sq., Aesop. ακμών, ovos, b, orig. prob. a thunderbolt, &κμων ουρανό- θ€ν κατίών Hes. II. an anvil, Horn., etc. : metaph., \&γχη$ &κμον€5 very anvils to bear blows, Aesch. ακναμτΓΤος, άκνατττος, άκναφος, = άγναμπτοϊ, etc. ακνηστις, toy, η, the spine or backbone, Od. α-κνϊσος, ον, {κνίσα) without the fat of sacrifices, Anth. ακοή, η, Ep. άκουή, {ακούω) a hearing, the sound heard, II. 2. the thing heard, hearsay, report, news, tidings, μετά iraTphs ακουην in quest of tidings of his father, Od.; ακοή Ιστορ^ΐν, τταραλαβ^Ίν tl to know by hearsay, Hdt.; so, εξ ακοη% λεγειν Plat. II. the sense of hearing, Hdt., etc. 2. the act of hear- ing, hearing, ακοή K\veiv, aKoais δεχεσθοί, els aKoas ερχεταί τι Soph., Eur. ; Si ακοη$ αίσθάν^σθαι Plat. III. the ear, Sappho, Aesch. ά-κοίμητος, ον, {κοιμάω) sleepless, of the sea, Aesch. ά-κοινώνητο 5 , ον, {κοινωνύω) not shared with another, c. dat., Eur. II. act. having no share of or in, c. gen.. Plat. : absol. unsocial, inhuman. Id. ά-κοίτης, ου, b, {a copul., κοίτη, cf. άλοχοί) a bedfellow, spouse, husband ; and fern, άκοιτις, los, η, a spouse, wife, Horn., etc. ακολασία, η, {άκόλαστοε) licentiousness, intemperance, Thuc., etc. άκολασταίνω, f. ανω, {άκόλαστοε) to be licentious, in- temperate, Ar., Plat., etc. άκολάστημα, arcs, τό, an act of ακολασία, Plut. ά-κόλαστο5, ον, {κολάζω) Lat. non castigatus, unchas- tised, undisciplined, unbridled, Hdt., Att., etc. 2. licentious, intemperate, opp. to σώψρων. Soph., etc. : — so in Adv., ακολάστω5 εχείν Plat.; Comp., ακόλαστό- τύρωε εχείν trpSs τι to be too intemperate in a thing, Xen. ακολος, ου, η, a bit, morsel, Od. (Deriv. uncertain.) άκολουθε'ω, f. ήσω, {άκόλουθοε) to follow one, go after or with him, c. dat. pers., Ar., etc. ; also, άκ. μετά tivos Plat.; σΰντινι Xen.; κατόπιν tivos Ar. : — absol.. Plat., etc. II. to follow, obey, Tivi Thuc., etc.; άκ. TO?s πράγμασιν to follow circumstances, Dem. 2. to follow the thread of a discourse. Plat. 3. of things, to follow upon, be consequent upon, to7s €Ϊρη- μόνοιε Id. άκολουθητεον, verb. Adj. oi άκολουθόω, one must follow, Xen., etc. ακολουθία, η, {άκολουθόω) a following, train. Soph., Plat. II. a following upon, conformity with, to7s πρά·γμασι Id. ά-κόλουθος, ον, {a copul., κόλ^υθοε) following, attend- ing on ; as Subst. a follower, attendant, Lat. pedise- quus, Ar., Thuc., etc. ; ot ακόλουθοι the camp-followers, Xen. 2. following after, c. gen., Νηρηδων άκ. Soph. 3. following or consequent upon, in con- formity with, c. gen., Ar. ; alsoc. dat.. Plat. : — absol. agreeing with one another, Xen., etc. : — Adv. ~θωε, in accordance with, to7s νόμοιε Dem. ά-κόλυμβος, ον, unable to swim, Batr., Plut. άκομιστία, Ep. -ίη [t], η, want of tendmg or care, Od. From ά-κόμιστος, ον, {κομίζω) untended. ά-κομος, ον, {κόμη) without hair, bald, Luc. ά-κόμιταστος, ον, {κομπάζω) not boastful, Aesch. ά-κομτΓος, ον, not boasting, Aesch. ά-κομψος, ον, unadorned, boorish, iybi δ’ άκομψοε ^ rude I am in speech j Eur. άκονάω, f. ησω, {άκόνη) to sharpen, whet, μαχαίραε Ar. ; λόyχηv Xen. : — Med., άκονάσθαι μαχαίραε to sharpen their swords. Id. ά-κόνδΰλος, ον, {κονδύλη) without knuckles : — without blows, Luc. άκόνη [ά], η, (οκή ι) a whetstone, hone, Pind., etc. άκονϊτί [τί], Adv. of άκόνιτοε, without the dust of the arena, i. e. without a struggle, without effort, Lat. sine pulvere, Thuc., Xen. άκονΐτικός, ή, όν, made of aconite, Xen. From άκόνϊτον, τό, aconite, a poisonous plant, Theophr. (Deriv. uncertain.) a-KoviTos, ov, {κόνιε) without dust. άκοντί [t], Adv. of άκων, contr. for ά^κοντί, Plut. ακοντίζω, f. Att. ιώ, {άκων) to hurl a javelin, τινόε at one, II. ; εττί τινι Ib. : — the weapon is put in dat., άκόντισξ δουρί darted with his spear, Ib. ; also in acc., άκόντισαν ό|ε'α δουρα darted their spears, Od. 2. c. acc. pers. to hit with a javelin, Hdt., etc. ; Pass, to be so hit or wounded, Eur., Xen. 3. to shoot forth rays, of the moon, Eur. II. intr. to pierce, ξίσω yjjs Id. άκόντιον, τό. Dim. of άκων, h. Horn., Hdt., etc. άκόντϊσις, εωί, η, {άκοντίζω) javelin-throwing, Xen. άκόντισμα, ατοε, τό, {άκοντίζω) a javelin’s throw, Xen. II. the thing thrown, a dart, javelin, Plut. III. in p\. =άκοντισταί. Id. ακοντισμός, b, = άκόντισιε, Xen. άκοντιστήρ, ηροε, ό, = sq., Eur. ακοντιστής, ου, b, Ακοντίζω) a darter, javelin-man, Horn., Hdt., etc. άκοντιστικός, ή, όν, {άκοντίζω) skilled in throwing the javelin, Xen. άκοντιστυς, νοε, η. Ion. for άκόντισιε, the game of throwing the javelin, II. ά-κοτΓος, ov, without weariness, and so, I. pass. untired. Plat. II. act. not wearying, of a horse, easy, Xen. 2. removing weariness, refreshing, Plat, ά-κόρεστος, ov, (κορόννυμι) Att. for άκόρητοε, insatiate, Trag. ; c. gen. insatiate in a thing, Aesch. ; — in Soph. {πάντων άκορόστατοε, most insatiate, most shameless), the word is either sync, for άκορ^στότατοε, or Sup. of άκορής = άκόρεστοϊ. 2. of things, insatiate, un- ceasing, Lat. improbus, Trag. II. act. not satiating, Aesch. 2. not liable to sxirfeit, φιλία Xen. άκόρβτος - άκ(>ρ€τος) ον, (poet.) for aK0p€(rros, Aesch., Soph, ά-κόρητος, ον, {κορίννυμΐ) insatiate, unsated in or -mth a thing·, c. gen., II. II. (/copew) unswept, un- trimmed, iingarnished, Ar. α>κορος, ον, = άκόρ€στο5 : untiring, ceaseless, Lat. im- Probus, up^ffia Find. "ΑΚΟΣ, eoi, t6, a cure, relief, remedy for a thing, c. gen., Od., etc. : — absol., 6.kos ivpeiv II., Soph.; ίξ^νρ^ΐν, ΧαβξΤν, τΓοι^ΐσθαι, Hdt., etc. ; — by a medical metaph., άκο 5 €ντ6μν€ΐν, τ4μν€ΐν, cf. 4ντ4μνω II. 2. a means of obtaining a thing, c. gen., Eur. άκοίτμβω, f. ήσω, {άκοσμοε) to be disorderly , to offend. Soph., Dem., etc. ά-κόσμητος, ον, {κοσμίω) unarranged, unorganised. Plat.: — Adv. -τω5. Id. 2. xinfurnished with, c. dat., Xen. ακοσμία, η, disorder. Plat. : extravagance, Eur. : — In moral sense, disorderliness, disorderly conduct. Soph. From α-κοσμος, ον, without order, disorderly , Aesch. : — In Horn, of Thersites’ words, disorderly: — Adv. -μωϊ, Hdt., etc. II. κό(Τμο$ ακοσμο$, a world that is no world, Anth. ; also of an inappropriate ornarnent. Id. άκοστάω or-6ω, (άκοστή) only in aor. i part., ιττττοί άκο- στήσαϊ eVl ψάτντ) a horse corn-fed at manger, a stalled horse, II. άκοστή, η, barley. (Deriv. unknown.) άκουάζομαι [άκ], Dep., only in pres., ακούω, to hearken or listen to, c. gen., Od. ; Sairhs ακουάζ^σθον ye are bidden to the feast, II. άκουή, ή, Ep. for άκοΊ}. ακουκα, Lacon. pf. of ακούω. a-Kovpos, ov, {Kovpos Ion. for κ6ρο$) without male heir, Od. II. {κουρά) tinshaven, unshorn, Ar. ακόυσα, Ep. for ^κονσα, aor. I of, ακούω. άκουσί-θ£ος [ά], ον, heard of God, Anth. ακούσιος, ov, Att. contr. for α^κούσιο$. άκουσμά, aros, ύ6, {ακούω) a thing heard, such as music, Xen. 2. a rumour, tale. Soph, άκουσομαι, f. of ακούω. άκουστ€ον, verb. Adj. of ακούω, one must hear or hearken to, c. gen. pers., Hdt., etc.; c. acc. rei. Plat. 2. άκονστ4ο5, a, ov, to be hearkened to. Soph, ακουστός, ή, όν, verb. Adj. of ακούω, heard, audible, h. Horn., Plat., etc. II. that should be heard, So'ph., Eur. ακούω (Root kKOf) [a] : Ep. impf. ακουον : f. ακούσομα: (act. form ακούσω only in late authors) : aor. i ηκουσα, Ep. &κουσα: pf. ακ4]κοα, Lacon. &κουκα : plqpf. “ηκη· κόξιν ; old Att. ηκτηκόη. Ion. άκ-ηκόαν : — Med., Ep. impf. άκουετο : aor. I ηκουσάμην : — Pass., f. ακουσθ4]σομαι : ^aor. 1 ηκούσθην: pf. ηκονσμαι. To hear, Horn., etc. — Construct., properly, c. acc. of thing heard, gen. of pers. from whom it is heard, ταντα KaAuxj/ovs &κουσα Od. ; the gen. pers. may be omitted, ακ·}]κοα$ λό-γον Soph., or the acc. rei, &kov€ roD θανόντο5 Id. : — often however c. gen. rei, to have hearing of z. thing. 2. c. gen. object!, to hear of, hear tell of, άκ. πατρόϊ Od. ; so c. acc., Ib. — so, άκ. ττερί tivos. 3. the pers. fro7n whom the thing is heard takes a Prep., ακού^ιν τι από, I εκ, παρά, πρ05 tivos, 11., Att. II. to know by hear- ^ say, εϊ που ακούσιε Od.; so Plat., etc. HI. absol. - ακρατος. 29 to hearken, give ear, to begin a. proclamation, ακούετε λεω hear, O people. IV. to listen to, give ear to, II. 2. to obey, c. gen., or more rarely c. dat., Ib. 3. to hear and understand, KXbovres ούκ ηκουον Aesch. V. in pass, sense, with an Adv., to hear oneself called, be called so and so, like Lat. audire, κακω5 άκ. πρόε tivos to be ill spoken of by one, Hdt. ; ευ, KaKcDs, άριστα άκ., Lat. bene, male audire. Id., Att. 2. with a Noun, άκού^ιν kukos, Ka\0s Soph., Plat.; κόλακες άκούουσι Dem. 3. c. acc. rei, άκ. κακά to have evil spoken of one, Ar. ; $, to a nicety, precisely, Hdt., etc. 2. parsimonious, frugal, Menand. (Deriv. uncertain.) άκρΐβολογε'ομαι, Dep. to be exact or precise in language or thought. Plat. ; c. acc. rei, to weigh accurately. Id. From άκρϊβο-λόγος, ον, precise in argument. άκρΐβόω, f. ώσού, ^άκρϊβ'ί]5) to make exact or accurate, Eur.; ακρ. τάδε to be perfect in bearing these hardships, Xen. : — Pass, to be or become perfect, Ar. 2. to in- vestigate accurately, to understand, thoroughly , oi τάδ^ ηκριβωκότεε Eur.; τοΰνομά μου συ ακριβοί; are you sure of my name ? Plat, ακριβώς, Adv. of άκριβ-ί^ε, q. v. άκριδο-θήκη, η, {άκρίε) a locust-cage, Theocr. άκρις, los, η, [aKpos] a hill-top, Od. ΆΚΡΓΣ, ίδο$, η, a locust, II. ακρισία, η, {βκριτο$) want of distinctness, Xen. άκρϊτό-δακρυς, υ, shedding floods of tears, Anth. άκριτό-μϋθος, ον, recklessly or confusedly babbling, II. II. hard of interpretation, Od. ά-κρϊτος, ον, Tindistinguishable, unarranged, dis- orderly, Horn. ; τύμβοε aKpiTos one common undis- tinguished grave, II. 2. continual, tmceasing, ’άχεα Ib.; neut. as Adv., ττενθημεναι άκριτον αΙεί Od. : — opos άκρ. a continuous mountain-range, Anth., Babr. II. undecided, doubtfid, νείκεα, άεθλοε II. ; ακρίτων οντων while the issue was doubtful, Thuc. : — Adv. άκρίτω5, without decisive issue. Id. 2. tinjudged, un- tried, of persons and things, άκριτόν τινα κτείνειν to put to death without trial, Lat. indicta causa, Hdt., etc. III. ^.ct. not giving a judgment, \ά.·. with- out judgment, ill-judged, rash, Eur. άκρϊτό-φυλλος, ον, {φύλλον) of tindistinguishable,\.e. closely blending, leafage, II. άκρϊτό-φυρτος, ον, {φυρω) undistinguishably mixed, Aesch. ακρόαμα, otos, to, (άκροάομαι) anything heard with pleasure, as a play or musical piece, Xen. ακροαματικός, ή, όν, {άκροάομαι) designed for hearing only, Plut. άκροάομαι, f. -άσομαι [ά] : aor. i ηκροάσάμην : pf. ηκράάμαι : Dep. : — to hearken to, listen to, c. gen. pers., acc. rei, Thuc., etc. ; c. gen. rei. Id. 2. absol. to listen, b άκροώμενο3 a hearer, disciple. Plat. , Xen. II. to attend to, obey, tivos Thuc., etc. (^Deriv. uncertain.) Hence άκρόάσις, ecos, η, a hearing or listening, 2. obedience to another, c. gen., Id. ; and άκροάτεον, verb. Adj., one must listen to, tivos Ar. άκροατήριον, τό, {άκροάομαι) a place of audience, N. T. II. an audience, Plut. ακροατής, ου, b, {άκροάομαι) a hearer, Lat. auditor, Thuc., etc. : a disciple, Arist. II. a lecturer, Plut. άκροάτικός, ή, όν, {άκροάομαι) of οχ for hearing, μισ&03 άκρ. a lecturers fee, Luc. άκρο-βάφής, is, (βαφάι) tinged at the point, Anth. άκρο-βελής, is, {βiλos) with a point at the end, Anth. άκροβολεω, {άκροβόλθ3) to sling, Anth. άκροβολής, is, = άκροβε\’}}3, Anth. άκροβολία,ή, {άκροβόλθ3) a slinging, skirmishing, ακροβολίζομαι : aor. i ηκροβολισάμην : {άκροβόλθ 3 ) : Dep. : — to throw from afar, to fight with missiles, to skirmish, yrpis τινα or absol., Thuc., Xen. : — metaph., άκρ. επεσι Hdt. — The Act. in Anth. Hence άκροβόλισις, ecos, η, a skirmishing, Xen., etc. ; and άκροβολισμός, ου, ό, = άκροβόλισΐ3, Thuc., Xen.; and ακροβολιστής, ου, b, = sq., Xen. άκρό-βολος, ον, {βάλλω'; pass, struck from afar, Aesch. II. act. άκροβόλθ3, (parox.) b, a slinger, skirmisher. άκρο-βυστία, η, the foreskin, N. T. II. circum- cision, Ib. ; — and as collect, the uncircumcision, i. e. the uncircumcised, Ib. (Deriv. uncertain.) άκρο-γωνιαΐος, a, ov, Ρ/ωνία) at the extreme angle, άκρ. λίθο3 the corner foundation-stoxio, N. T. άκρό-δετος, 01 /, bound at the end or top, Anth. άκρό-δρυα, τά, {bpds) fruit-trees, Xen. II. fruits, Arist. The sing, occurs in Anth. άκρο-θΐγής, is, {θιyyάvω) touching on the surface, touching the lips, Anth. άκρόθινα, τά,=άκροθίνια, Pind. , άκροθϊνιάζομαι, Dep. {άκροθίνια) to take of the best, pick out for oneself, Eur. άκρο-θίνιον [θί], τό, mostly in pi. άκροθίνια : {άκρο 3 , r eis) : — the topmost part of a heap, the choice part,A^ flrstfruits, taken as an offering to the gods, Hdt.. iet!>.# άκρο-κελαινιάω, {κελαιν03) only in Ep. p?.rt. άκροίσΆαι- νιόων, growing black on the surface, of a swollen sirsam, II. άκρο-κνεφαιος, ov, {κ}’εφα3'^ at the beginning of light, in twilight, Hes. : — so, άκρο-κνεφής, is, Luc. άκρό-κομος, ov, {κόμη) with hair on the crown, jf the Thracians, who seem to have shaved all the head jxcep^ the crown, II. II. with leaves at the top, Eur., Theocr. Άκρο-κόρινθος, b, the citadel of Corinth, Eur., Xen. < 1 άκρολίθος — ακτίς. ακρό-λΐθος, ον, with the ends tri ade af stone ; ξίανον ακρ. a statue with the head, arms, ami :ee arble, the rest wood, Anth. άκρο-λογεω, {x4'yw^ to gather at top, στάχυαί Anth. άκρολοφίτης [t], ov, 6 , a mountaineer , Anth. From άκρό-λοφος, ov, high-crested, peaked, Anth. II. as Subst. a mountain crest, Plut. άκρο-λΰτ€ω, f. ήσω, (λυα>) to untie at the ends, Anth. άκρο-μανης, is, [μαίνομαι) on the verge of madness, Hdt. άκρο-μόλιβδος» ov, leaded at the edge, of a net, Anth. ακρον, ου, τό, (neut. of ακροε) the highest or furthest point: 1. a mountain-top, peak, Horn., etc. 2, a headland, foreland, cape, Od. 3. an end, ex- tremity, Plat, j άκρα χοίρων the hands, Luc. II. metaph. the highest pitch, height, Pind. ; ets άκρον ex- ceedingly, Theocr. ; τά άκρα to7s άκροΐ5 άττοδώόναι the highest place to the highest men, Plat, j άκρα (pipeaOai to win the prize, Theocr. 2. of persons, 'Άργεοϊ άκρα the oldest rulers of Argos, Id. άκρ-ονΰχί [r], Adv. with the tip of the nail, Anth. From οκρ-όνΰχος, ov, [ovvf) = άκρώνυχο$ , Anth. άκρό-νΰχος, ov, (νύξ) at night-fall, at even, Theocr., etc. άκρο-τΓ€νθής, is, {TrivOos) exceeding sad, Aesch. άκρο-ΤΓοδητί or -ϊτί, Adv. (irous) on tiptoe, Luc. άκρό-πολις, poet, άκρό-τττολι?, ecoy, the upper city, i. e. the citadel, Lat. arx, Od., Hdt. : — esp. the Acro- polis of Athens, which served as the treasury, Thuc. II. metaph. of men, a tower of defence, Theogn. άκρο-ττόλος, ov, (ττολεω) high-ranging, lofty, Horn, άκρο-π^ρος, ov, (πβίρω) piercing with the point, Od. άκρό-ττρωρον,τίΐ, (ττρφρα) the end of a ship’s prow, Strab. ά,κρό-7ΓΤ€ρον, TO, the tip of the wing, .Anth. άκρό-ΊΓτολις, η, poet, for άκρόπολΐ5. ακρος, α, ον, [άκη ι) at the furthest point, and so either topmost — Lat. summus, or outermost = Lat. extrenius : 1. highest, topmost, iv άκρτ) ττολεί — iv άκροττόλζΐ, II. ; giXav ν5ωρ άκρον at its surface, Ib., 'tc. 2. outermost, άκρη χ^Ιρ, άκροι irides, άκρο5 &μο5 the end of the hand, ends of the feet, tip of the shoulder, Ib., Thuc. ; άκρων [δακτόλων] on tiptoe. Soph. ; άκροισι λαίφουε KpacrwiSois with the outermost edges of the sail, i. e. under close-reefed sails, Eur. II, of Time, it denotes completeness, άκρα συν kairipa when eve was fully come, Pind. ; άκρα$ vvkt6s at dead of night. Soph. III. of Degree, the highest in its . :ind, exceeding good, consummate, excellent : of per- sons, Hdt., etc. j άκpos μάντιε Soph. : — often with an c. modi added, φυχ^ν ούκ άκρο5 not strong in mind, lidt.; άκροι τά voXigia, skilful in war. Id., etc.; also c. gen. modi, oi άκροι rrjs Troi^^ews Plat. ; also, άκρο 5 €ls or περί τι Id. IV. as Subst., v. άκρα, άκρον. V. neut. as Adv. on the top or surface, just, άκρον επί ^ψ/μΐνο5 on the very edge of the surf, II. 2. ex- ceedingly, Theocr. 3. utterly, completely. Plat, άκρο-σίδηρος, ov, pointed or shod with iron, .Anth. άκρό-σοφος, ov, high in wisdom, Pind. άκρο-στόλιον, τ6, (στολή) the gunwale of a ship, Plut. άκρο-σφαλής, es, {σφάλλω) apt to trip, unsteady, pre- carious, Plat. άκρο-τ-ϊλευτιον, τ6, the fag-end of a verse, Thuc. άκροτομεω, to lop off, shave the surface, Xen. From άκρότι χοξ, ον, {τίμνω) cut off sharp, abrupt, Polyb. 31 άκρο-φυσιον, τ6, {φυσά) the snout or pipe of a pair of bellows, Thuc. άκρο-χανής» e'y, {χάσκω) yawning at top, Anth. άκρο-χειρίζομαι, Med. to struggle at arm’s length, of a kind of wrestling, in which grasped one another’s hands, without clasping the body. Plat., etc. άκροχολεω, -χολία, -χολοζ, v. sub άκραχ-. άκρο-χορδών, Ύ], {χορδή) a wart with a thin neck, Plut. α-κρυτΓτος, ov, [κρΰτττω) unhidden, Eur. ά-κρυ<Γταλλθ 5 , ov, free from ice, η χώρτη Hdt. άκρ-ωμία, η, {S>gos) the point of the shoulder ; in a horse, the withers, Xen. άκρωνία, ή, a dub. word in Aesch., perh. = άκρωτηριασ- μ05, mutilation. άκρωνΰχία, η, the tip of the nail : metaph. the ridge of a mountain, ' From άκρ-ώνΰχο 5 , ov, \άκρο$, ονυξ) with nails at the extre- mities, x^phs άκρώνυχα the tips of the fingers, Anth. άκρ-ώρεια, η, {opos) a mountain-ridge , Xen., Theocr. άκρωτ'4|ριάξω, i. τω, to cut off the extremities, mutilate, Tas Trpeppas ηκρω', ηρίασαν cut the beaks off the prows, Hdt.: — so in Med., tus Tpri'^^is άκρο- Xen.; pf. pass, in med. sense, ακρωτηριασμένοι Tas πατρίδαν having mutilated their countries, Dem. From άκρωτηριον, τό, {άκροε) any prominent part, άκρ. του oipeos a mountain-/)£’a/^, Hdt. * 2. a cape, promon- tory, Id., Thuc. II. the extremity of anything, άκρ. νηό$· a ship’s beak, Hdt. 2. in pi. the extre- mities of the body, hands and feet, fingers and toes, Thuc., etc. ; τά άκρ. Trjs Νίκη$ her wings, Dem. άκταίνω, only in pres, to lift up, raise, άκταΐν^ιν στάσιν to raise oneself so as to stand, to stand upright, Aesch. : — so in the fo ■ άκταινόω, Plat. (Deriv. uncertain.) άκταΧος, a, ov, (ά/.'ττί') on ’he coast, o’ I -Man cities, Thuc. · =01 ’^κταία Si . /η), η, coast-land, ar ■ - ^ of Attica, Id. hvu ■ ^st βάτραχοι Ba.ov. άκτέα, άκτη, η, the e/dc ·- · ·,Οκίι-. ank'ii·' ·η, ■) ά-κτεανος, ον, s. ίανον) w.chi‘i· , 'Opcrty, poor, tivos in a thing, Anth. ά-κτενιστο?, ov, {κτενίζω) uncombed, unkempt, Sor- άκτεον, verb. Adj. of άγω, one must lead, Plat., etc.; ΐίρηνην άκτέον one must keep peace, Dem. II. one must go or march, Xen. ά-κτερεϊστο 5 , oi^, =sq., Anth. ά-κτε'ριστο$, ov, {κτβρίζω) unhallowed by funeral rites. Soph. ακτή (a), η, a headland, foreland, promontory , shore, Od., etc.: of the banks of rivers, άκτάΐ 2ίμόε;το? Aesch. ; Άχεροί^τοϊ S"ph. 2. generally, wr/, άπταΧ διφάσιαι of ihe N. and .S. nasts of Asia Mbi; Hdt.; of Attica kf. a/iTa?oyV ‘ II. generalip anv edge or sir ana, nke Ae 'a-ccast- 1 M. ora μaτos άκτη of a sepulchral mouna AescKj βώμ οΒ 6 ot an altar, ‘"' l l . Perh- frmn άγηυμι, cf- ρη·)”/ ) ακτή (b), η, old word for corn or meal, Αημητ^ρο^ b. τ . II.; αλφίτου ακτή Od. (Deriv. uncertain.) ά-κτήμων, ov, gen. ovos, (κτήμα) without property , poor , χρυσοΐο in gold, II. : absol., άκτ. πενία Theocr. ά-κτητος, ον, {κτάομαι) not worth getting. Plat, άκτίνηδόν, {άκτίs) Adv. like a ray, Luc. άκτιος, ov, {άκτη) haunting the shore, of Pan, Theocr. άκτίς [i], 7vos, η, a ray, bea”'·’ of the sun, Horn. : χνά 1 3 2 ακτίτη^ — I fiiffffav άκτΓνα, ί. e. from the south. Soph. ; aKrTves re- \ \€υτώσαι sunset^ Eur. 2. metaph. brightness, splen- \ dour, glory, Find. II. like Lat. radius, the spoke ‘ of a wheel, Anth. (Deriv. uncertain.) ακτίτης [ΐ], ου, δ, (ο«τή) a dweller on the coast, Anth. a-KTiTos, ov, {κτίζω) untilled, h. Horn. ακτωρ, opos, o, ι,άγω) a leader, Aesch. |ά-κΰβ€ρνητος, ov, {κυβερνάω) without steersman, Plut. ίακυλος, b, an acorn, the fruit of the ilex, Od. Λ-κυρ,αντος [ϋ], ον, ίκυμαίνω) not washed by the waves, ' ι\ιαμά.θοί$ eV’ ακυμάντοι$ on sands washed by no waves, i i. e. on the sands of the stadium, Eur. II. wave- less, calm, ireKayos Luc. Λ-κΰμος, ov, {κύμα) ~ άκΰμαντοε, Arist., Plut., etc. : metaph. tranquil, ακ. βίοτοε Eur. χ-κυμων [ϋ], ον, g'en. ovos, {κΰμα) = ακύμαντο5, Aesch. i -κνμων [ϋ], ον, gen. ovos, (κύ^ω) without fruit, barren, l^of women, Eur. α-κϋρος, ov, {Kvpos) without authority : I. of laws I and contracts, invalid, άκυρον ttouIv, Lat. irritum facere, to set aside, and άκνρον ytyvecrdai, to become of no force, to be ccc aside, Plat. ,’ νόμοΐ5 aKvpois χρωμ4νη, , i.e. having laws, but not enforcing them, Thuc. II. of persons, having no right or power, &k. voieiv τινά |Xen. ; c. gen., άκυροι ηάντων Dem. |ί-κύρωτο5, ον, verb. Adj. of κυρόω, unconfirmed, Eur. Ιικωκή [ά], ή, (άκή ΐ) a point, ffom., etc. ΐ-κώλΰτο5, ον, {κωΧΰω) unhindered, Luc. : Adv. -τω$, Tlat. ^ ί-κωμω8ητο9, ov, {κωμψ^4ω) not ridiculed : Adv. -τωί, Luc. ακων [ά], ovtos, δ, {άκΊ} i) a javelin, dart, Horn., etc. ΐκων [ά], άκουσα, άκον, Att. contr. for %4κων. ^-κωτΓος, ον, ί κωττη) without oars· Anth. Αλαβάρχης, v. "Αραβάρχ'η5. Αλαβαρχία [άλ], η, the cfilce of *Αλαβάρχ'η5, in Egypt, ,Ιξ^'ρΛαβαρχΐη5 [t], .Anth. ίλαβαστο-θήκη,ή, a case for alabaster ornaments, Dem. ίλάβαστος [άλα-], δ, a box or casket of alabaster, Hdt., Ar., etc. : άλάβαστροε is a later form in Lxx, N. T., 'Plut. : a neut. αλάβαστρον in N. T., pi. αλάβαστρα or -τα in Theocr. and Anth. (Prob. a foreign w’ord.) ίλάδ€ [άλ], Adv. of aXs, to or into the sea, II., etc.; also, cts άλαδε Od. ,λά-δρομος [άλ], δ, in Ar. Αν. 1359, — either from άλλο- ιμαί, the bounding race; or from aXs, a race over the sea. 'λαζον€ία, 7], {άΧαζων) false pretension, imposture, quackery, Ar., Plat., etc. λαζόν€υμα, ατοϊ, το, an imposture, piece of quackery, Ar., etc. From αλαζονεύομαι, f. ζΰσομο.ι · Dep. : (αλανών) : — to make false pretensions, of .the Sophists, Xen. ίλ^ρνικο^.ή, όν^^άΧαζών'' boastful, braggart, Xen. l·A^?ΐ^'^ 7 ^^Plut. |.λαζών [άλ], ovos, δ, η, (άΧη) properly a vagabond : .then, a false pretender, impostor, quack, of Sophists, jAr., Plat., etc. II. as Ρ^ά]. swaggering, bo astftd, braggart, Lat. gloriosus, Hdt., Plat, ιλάθεια, άλάθής, Dor. for αΧά}θ-. ιλάθείς, Dor. for άXηθeίs, aor. i part, of άχάομαι. αλαίνω [άλ], = άλάομαί, to wander about, Aesch., Eur.; i ' Id. αλαττα^ω. άλακάτα, η. Dor, for τ]Χακάτη. άλαλα. Dor. for ά,Λαλη. άλάλάγη, a sh outing. Soph. ; and άλάλαγμα, aTos, T0, = sq., Plut.; and άλαλα-γμάς, δ, = aXaXayi], Hdt. II. a loud noise, τυμτΐάνων, αυΧου Eur. From άλαλάζω, f. -άξομαι : aor. i ηΧάΧαξα, poet. άλάλα|α : (formed from the cry aXaXai as 4ΧζΧίζω, δΧοΧύζω from similar sounds) : — to raise the war-cry, Xen. ; c. acc. cogn., viK-qv άΧαΧάζ^ιν to shout the shout of victory. Soph. 2 . generally, to cry or shout aloud, of Bacchus and the Bacchae, Eur. 3 . rarely of a cry of pain, TjXaXaCe δυσθνησκον Id. II. rarely also of other sounds than the voice, to sound loudly, clang, N. T. άλάλαί [άλ], exclam, of joy, Ar. άλαλάτός, δ. Dor. for ολαλητόί. άλαλη [άλά], ,Dor. άλαλα, η, a loud cry, Eur. : — esp. the cry with which battle was begun, hence the battle-cry. Find. (Formed from the sound, cf. άλαλαί.) άλάλημαι [άλά], pf. of άχάομαι, only used in pres, sense (part. άXaX'ημevos takes the accent of pres.), to wander or roam about, like a beggar, Od. ; of seamen, Ib. ά-λάλητος, ov, (λαλεω) unutterable, Anth., N.T. άλάλητός. Dor. -b.T6s, οΰ, δ, (άλαλή) the shout of vic- tory, II. : war-cry, Ib., Hes. 2 . rarely, a cry of woe or wailing, II. II. a loud noise, αυλών Anth. άλαλκε [άλ], 3 sing. aor. 2 (also 2 imper.) ; Ep. 3 sing, subj. αΧάλκ-ρσι: opt. aXdXKOis, -κοι, -Koiev ; inf. άλαλ- Keiv, Ep. άΧαΧκξμ^ναι, -εμεν; part. άΧαΧκών : — to ward or keep off, τί τινι something from a person, II., etc. ; more rarely τί tivos Ib. (From ΑΛΚ come άλαλκε, άΧκΊι, άΧκαρ, aXK^os, ολε|α» : identical with APK (v. Λ λ, iv), whence άρκ4ω, Lat. arceo, arx, area.) Άλαλκομενηΐς, t 5 os, name of Athena, prob. from άλαλ- κεΓν, the Protectress, II. άλαλκομενιος, δ, a Boeot. month, answering toAtt. μαι- μακτ-ηριών, Plut. ά-λάλος, ον, speechless, N. T. άλαλνκτημαι [άλά], a pf. formed by redupl. from *άΧυκ- τεω, to be sore distressed, II. ; cf. άΧυκτάζω. ά-λάμιτετος, ον, (α priv., Χάμττω) without light, dark- some, h. Horn, ; of the nether world. Soph, ά-λαμττής, ey, = foreg., ολ. ηλίοι» out of the. sun’s light. Soph. 2. metaph. obscure, Plut. άλάομαι [άλ], Ep, 3 pi. αΧόωνται, Ep. Imper. άχόω : impf. 7}Χώμην, Ep. 3 sing, άχάτο : f. άΧ-ήσομαι : Ep. aor. I άΧ-ήθην, Dor. part. aXaOeis : cf. άλάλημαι ; Pass.^ · (άλη) : — to wander, stray or roam about, Horn., etc. to wander from home, be banished. Soph. ; c. acc. loci,, άλ. 7ην to wander over the land. Id. 2 . c. gen. to wander away from, cease to enjoy, ^υφροσύναε Find. ; Trjs Trdpoiff einrpa^ias Eur. II. metaph. to wander in mind, be distraught. Soph, άλαός, 6v, not seeing, blind, Od., Trag., etc.; ελκοί αΧαόν a blinding wound, i.e. blindness. Id. (Commonly regarded as a compd. of aprivat. and χάω video.) άλάο-σκοτΓίά, Ion. -ιή, η, (σκοπεω) a blind, i. e. useless, careless, watch, Horn., Hes. άλάόω, f , ώσω, {aXaos) to blind, οφθαλμού of an eye, Od. άλαπαδνάς, ή, όν, {άΧαπάζω) exhausted, powerless, feeble, Horn., Hes.; Comp. άΧαπα5νότ€ροι II. άλάττάζω [άλ], Ep. impf. άχάτταζον : f . άξω : Ep. aor, x αλ jO ζομαί — άΧιόω. ' ' nc truth : 1» of ·' , Dem. 2. of things, αποβηναι to turn out a truly, really. Plat., etc. 'ruth, Aesch. Theogn. plain of 'wandering (over ·), in Lycia or Cilicia, II. .jids, II. , ρΓ. act. and pass, of άλεω. ^ pf. act. and pass, of αλείψω. ό, (άλβω) fne meal : metaph. of a .1 as Ulysses, Soply for αληναι. ^{ovos, 6, η, {άλάομαι) a "wanderer, rover, Od., aor. 2 pass. Inf. of είλω. / ros, ov, not to be laid hold of, hard to catch, jt.; Comp. ά\ηπτότ€ρο5 less amenable, Thuc. II. ,ncomprehensible, Plut. άλής [ά], es, cf. άολλήϊ) Ion. word equiv. to Att. αθρόθ5, assembled, thronged, in a mass, all at once, Lat. confertus, Hes., Hdt.; either in pi., ws aXecs ^Ι-ησαν 01 "'Eλληyes, or with collective nouns, aA^s yevo^uev?] ■ττασα η 'Ελλά? Id. α-ληστος, oy. Ion. for &Aaaros. αλητεία, Dor. αλατεία, η, a "wandering, roaming, Aesch., Eur. From αλητεύω, f. σω, to "wander, roam about, of beggars, Od. ; of exiles, Eur. From αλήτης [ά], ου, Dor. άλάτας, α, ό; voc. άλητα. Dor. άλατα : {αλάομαΐ) : — a "wanderer , stroller, rover, vaga- bond, of beggars, Horn.; of exiles, Trag. ; rby μακρών αΚάταν πόνων one "who has "wandered in long labours. Soph. 2. as Adj. vagrant, roving, βίο$ Hdt. άλητάς, δ, poet, for άλετά?, Babr. "ΑΛΘΟΜΑΙ, Pass, to become "whole and sound, άλθετο χ^ίρ (Ep. 3 sing, impf.) II. αλί a. Ion. -ίη, (ολή?) an assembly of the people, in Dor. states, answering to Att. εκκλησία, Hdt., etc. άλιάδης [άδ], ου, ό, (aAs) a seaman. Soph, άλι-άετος, poet, άλίαίετο?, b, the sea-eagle, osprey, Ar. άλι-άής, ε?, {ό,'ημϊ) blowing seaward, Od. άλι-ανθής, ε?, (άλ?, ανθόω') properly sea-blooming : then = άΑιπόρψυρο$, purple, Anth. ά-λίαστος, ov, {λιάζομαι) tinshrinking , unabating, II. ; neut. as Adv.,^7?5’ άλίαστον οδύρ^ο nor mourn incessant, Ib. ; so, φρην άλίαστο? φρίσατΐΐ Eur. II. of per- sons, tindaunted. Id. άλίβας [(i-], avros, b, a dead body, corpse. Plat. (Deriv. unknown.) άλίβάτος, ov. Dor. for ήλί/3ατο?. άλί-βρεκτος, ον, {aAs, βρ4χω) washed by the sea, Anth. άλίγκιος [ά', ον, resembling, like, Horn.; — cf. the compd. ivaAiyKios. (Deriv. uncertain.) άλί-δονος, ov, aAs, δονόω) sea-tost, Aesch. αλιεία, η, (άλιεάω) fishing, Arist. άλι-ερκής, 4s, {oAs, ’4pKos) sea-fenced, sea-girt, Pind. αλιεύς, <5 ; gen. 4ws, Ion. 770s and contr. aAiws : {aAs)\ — one who has to do with the sea, and so, 1. a fisher. Horn., etc. 2. a seaman, sailor, Οά. ·, with another Subst., 4p4Tas άλ '''"s sea-faring rowers, Ib. αλιευτικός, ή, όν, (άλιεύω) of οχ for fishing, Xen., Arist.; — ή -κή (with or without τ4χν7]) the art of fishing, PlaU άλιεύω, f. σω, {aAs) to be a fisher, Plut., Luc., etc. 2. to fish, go fishing, N. T. άλίζω (a) [ά] : aor. i ηλίσα : — Pass., aor. i ■ηλίσθην ; Ion. part. pf. aAισμ4vos : (άλή? ) : — to gather together, to muster, military forces, Hdt. : — Pass, to meet to- gether, assemble. Id. άλίζω (b) [a], f. ίσω, (άλ?) to salt, and Pass, to be salted, Arist., N.T. άλί-ζωνος, ov, (άλ?, ζώνη) sea-girt, Anth. / άλί-ζωος, ov, living on or in the sea, Anth. / άλίη, η. Ion. for άλία. άλι-ήρης, ε?, (ε’ρε'σσω) sweeping the sea, κώπη Eur. άλίθιος. Dor. for ήλί0ίο?. ά-λϊθος, ον, without stones, not stony, of land, Xen. 'Αλικαρνασσός, Ion. -ησός, η, a Doric city of Car. Hdt., etc. : 'Αλικαρνασσεύς, 4ωs, Ion. -ησεύς, 4os, * a Halicarnassian, Id. : — ‘Αλικαρνασσόθεν, Adw.,from Halicarnassus, Luc. άλικία, η. Dor. for ηλικία. άλί-κλυστος, ον, (άλ?, κλύζω) sea-washed. Soph, άλίκος, α, ον. Dor. for ήλίκο?. άλί-κτύτΓος, ον, groaning at sea, of ships in bad weather, Soph. 2. of waves, roaring on the sea, Eur. άλΐ-κύρ.ων [ϋ], ον, (άλ?, κύμα) surrounded by waves, Anth. ά-λίρ,ενος [t], ov, {ΑιμΊ\ν) without harbour, harbour- less, Aesch., Thuc., etc. 2. metaph. without shelter, inhospitable, Eur. Hence άλϊρ,ενότης, η, want of harbours, Xen. άλΐρ.ΰρήεις, εσσα, εν, (άλ?, μΰρω) flowing into the sea, of rivers, Horn. άλΐ-ρ,ϋρής, 4s, (άλ?, μΰρω) sea-fiowing, of the sea, Anth. — άλινδεω or άλίνδω [ά], to make to roll (but Act. only occurs in compos, with ε’|) : — Pass, to roll in the dust (cf. άλινδήθρα) : — metaph. to roam about, Anth. Hence άλινδήθρα, η, a sandy place for horses to roll in, Lat. volutabrum : metaph., αΑινδΰ\θραι εττών, i.e. words big enough for rolling places, Ar. άλϊ-νήκτειρα, η, (άλ?, νήχω) fern, as if from ^άλινηκτΰρ, swimming in the sea, Anth. άλϊ-νηχής, 4s, (άλ?, νηχω) swimming in the sea, Anth. άλϊνος, η, ον, (άλ?) of salt, Hdt. ά-λινος, ον, {Αίνον) without a net, άλ. Θήρα a chase in which no net is used, Anth. άλιξ. Dor. for ήλι|. άλί-ζαντος, ον, (άλ?, ξαίνω) worn by the sea, Anth. άλιος, b. Dor. for ήλιο?, άλιος (a), a, ov and os, ov, (άλ?) of the sea, Lat. marinus of sea-gods and nymphs, Horn., etc. ; άλ. φάμαθοι tt ?£’«-sand, Od. άλιος (b), a, ov, (cf. ηAίθιos) of things, fruitless, un- profitable, vain, idle, Horn. : neut. aAiov as Adv., in vain, II. ; regul. Adv. -ίω?. Soph, άλιο-τρεφής, ε?, (τρέφω) sea-bred, φώκαι Od. άλιόω, f. αΑιώσω : aor. i ηλίωσα, Ep. άλίωσα : {aAios b) : — to make fruitless, frustrate, disappoint, Aihs D 2 2)6 αΧιτταρης — νόον Od . ; οίιδ’ αλίωσ^ /8eAos nor did he hurl the spear in vain, II. ά-λϊτταρής, is, not fit for a suppliant. Soph. aXi-ireSov, to, a plain by the sea : — as the plain near Pirseeus was called, Xen. αλί-ττλαγκτος, ou, {a\s, ττλάζομαι) roaming the sea. Soph., Anth. άλι-ττλανής, es, a.\s, ττΧανάομαι) sea-'wandering, Anth. άλητλάνία, -η, a slandering voyage, Anth. άλί-ιτληκτος, Dor. -ιτλακτος, ον, {aXs, ττΑήσσω) sea- beaten, Find. άλι-ιτλήΙ, riyos, o, = £oreg., Anth. άλί-ττλοος, ον, contr. -ττλονς, ουν, (aAs, πλ^ω) covered svith svater, II. II. sailing on the sea, vavs Arion. άλι-τΓ0ρο5, ον, fiXs, ΤΓζΙρω) through svhich the sea fiovos, Luc. άλι-τΓ0ρφΰρο5, ον, (aXs, πορφύρα) of sea-purple, of true purple dye, Od. άλιρραγης, is, {aXs, ρτυνυμί) against svhich the sea breaks, Anth. άλίρ-ραντος, ον, (aAs, ραίνω) sea-surging, Anth. άλίρ-ρηκτο5, ov, = aXippay-ns, Anth. άλιρ-ρόθιος, ον and a, ov, {dXs, podos) dashed over by the sea, Anth. άλίρ-ροθος, oj/, = foreg. aX. πόροι the pathways of the raging sea, Aesch. άλίρ-ρΰτος, ov, (aXs, ρύω) svashed by the sea, Anth. αλΐ 5 [dAts], Adv. : {aXiis : — in heaps, crosvds, ssvarms, in abundance , in plenty ; ζ.ηάύ\&η, sufficiently , enough, Lat. satis : 1. with Verbs, dXis πξποτ-ηαται {^μi- Χισσαι^ II . ; π€ρΙ δβ Ύρωαϊ dXis ήσαν fly in ssvarms, Ib.:— also just enough, in 7tioderation, like μeτpίωs, Eur. 2. attached to a Noun, χαΧκόν re χρυσόν re dXis gold and silver enough, Od. 3. dXis (sc. 4στι) ’tis enough, II. ; ^ ουχ dXis, 07S . . ; is it not enough that . . ? Horn. 4. like an Adj., dXis -η συμφορά {sc. 4στι) Eur. : — also, dXis (sc. €ΐμί) with a part, added, dXis νοσοΰσ 4ycti suffer. Soph. 5. c. gen. rei, enough of Sl thing, dXis ixeiv rivos Hdt., Att. άλισγ€ω, to pollute : whence άλίσγημα, τό, a pollutioti, N. T. ^Deriv. unknown.) άλίσκομαι (Root AA'', a defect. Pass., the Act. being supplied by alpiw : impf. ηΧισκόμην : f. αΧώσομαι : aor. 2 ηΧων, Att. 4άΧων [d], subj. άχώ, ips, φ [d]. Ion. άχώω, άχώτ] [d], opt. άΧοίην, Ep. άΧψην ; inf. άχώναι, Ep. αΧώμζναι; part. aXobs : — pf. ^Χωκα, Att. 4άΧωκα, plqpf. ηΧώκβιν. To be taken, conquered, of persons and places, Horn., etc. ; αΧίσκ^σθαι els πoXeμioυs to fall into the hasids of the enem}-. Plat. 2. to be caught, seized, θανάτφ άΧωναι or Λvithout θανάτψ, to die, Horn.; 4άΧωσαν els ’Adrivas ypάμμaτa letters voere seized and taken to Athens, Xen. 3. in good sense, to be svon, achieved, attained. Soph., etc. II. with part, to be caught or detected doing a thing, Hdt. ; 4av aX^s οΰτο πράττων Plat.; also with a Subst. or Adj., the part, ών being omitted, ου yap δη φoveυs άχώσομαι Soph., Ar. 2. as Att. law-term, to be convicted and con- demned, Plat., Dem. : — c. gen. criminis, to be C07ivicted of, αΧωναι φeυδoμapτυpιωv, etc. άλί-στονο5, ov, {aXs, στ4νω) sea-resounding, Aesch. άλιστός [d], ή, όν, {άχίζω) salted, pickled, Anth. ά.λί-στρ€ΤΓΤ05, ov, {aXs, στρ4φω) sea-tost, Anth. UV a 'Se9. άλ Root AA d Dart, άλίτω SI ωμαι, inf. ά as >m άΧίτημ ytltVOi^ . 1. c. acc. 7 od, Hoi.i., Aesch. Albs 4φeτμάs II. an Adj., siftful, Od. άλϊτεΧν, aor. 2 inf. of a. άλϊ-τβνής, is, {dXs, ret level, fiat, Plut. άλι-τερμων, ov, {aXs, ripμu άλίτημα, aros, τό, {άΧιταίνω) u άλΧτημων, oy, = sq., II. αλιτήριος, ov, (άΧιταίνω) sinning t a god, c. gen., Ar., Thuc. 2. a Lys., etc. άλϊτηρι-ώδης, es, (eJdos) abominable, act,. άλϊτηρός, ov, = aXiTrjpios : in Soph., κάξ aAi should prob. be κάξ άXeιτηpάs or 4ξ aXiTpias. άλϊτό- ξένος, ον, sinning against one' s friend, . άλϊτο-φροιτυνη, η, {φρ'{]ν) a viicked mind, Anth. άλϊτραίνω, Ep. for άΧιταίνω, to sin, offend, Hes., Ai. άλϊτρε'ω, aXiTp0s) = άΧιταίνω, Pscsch. Hence άλιτρία, η, sinfulness, mischief. Soph, άλΐτρός, όν, syncop. for άXιτηpόs, sinful, sinning ; and as Subst., δαίμοσιν 0XiTp0s a sinner against the gods, Horn. : in milder sense,' a knave, rogue, Od. άλιτροσυνη, η, = άΧιτρία, Anth., etc. άλί-τρϋτος, ον, [dXs, τρύω) sea-beaten, sea-vaorn, yipωv Theocr. ; κύμβη Anth. άλί-τΰτΓος, ov, {dXs, τύπτω) sea-beaten, aX. βάρη griefs for sea-tost corpses, Aesch. 2. as Subst. a seaman, fisherman, Eur. άλί-τϋρος, b, {aXs) a sort of salt-cheese , Anth. άλιφθορία, η, a disaster at sea, shipwreck, Anth. From άλι-φθόρος, ov, {aXs, φΘξίρω) destroying oti the sea : as Subst. a pirate, Anth. άλκαΐος, a, ov, {άΧκη) strong, mighty, Eur. αλκαρ, τό, {άΧκη) only in nom. and acc., a safeguard, defence, c. dat., Τρώβσσιν άΧκαρ iaeaOai II. ; c. gen. άΧκαρΆχαιων defence of the Achaeans, Ib.; but, y-ppaos άΧκαρ a defence against old age, h. Horn, άλκας, Dor. for άλκήεί5. αλκή, η, (άλαλκε) strength displayed in action, prowess, courage, boldness, 4πΐξΐμόνο5 άΧκην clad in prowess, II.; δύίσθαι άΧκην Ib. : in ·ρ\. feats of strength. Find. II. strength to avert danger, a defence, succour, Horn. ; αλκή Tivos defefice or aid against a thing, Hes., Find., etc. ; 4s or πρδ$ αλκήν τρεττεσθαι to turn and resist, stand on one's guard, Hdt., etc.; so, άλκήί μ^μνησθαι Id. III. battle, fight, Aesch., Eur. Hence άλκήεις, εσσα, εν, valiant, warlike, h. Horn., Anth. άλκι [i], heterocl. dat. of αλκή (as if from άχξ) might, strength, άΧκϊ π^ποιθώε, of wild beasts, Horn, άλκί-μαχος, η, ον, (μάχομαι) bravely fighting, Anth. αλκϊμος, ον and η, ον, strong, stout, of men and weapons, Horn. ; &Χκιμο$ τα ποΧ^μικά Hdt. άλκί-φρων, ον, gen. ovos, (φράιν) stout-hearted , Aesch. άλκτήρ, rjpos, δ, (άλαλκε) a protector from a thing, c. gen., Horn. άλκνονίδες, ai, (with or without ημόραι) the 14 whiter ΆΛΚΤΩ'Ν days during •which the halcyon builds its nest, and the sea is calm, the halcyon days, proverb, of undis- turbed tranquillity, Ar. ΆΛΚΥΩ'Ν, 6vos, 7), the kingfisher, Lat. alcedo, Horn., etc. {halcyon with A is a wrong· form.) *α\κω, = άλξξω : v. άλαλ /ce. αλλά. Conjunct., properly neut. pi. of &Wos (with changed accent), otherwise, hut, stronger than δβ : I. to oppose single clauses, but, Lat. autem, the preceding clause being negat., ου μόνον άπα|, αλλά ττοΚ\άκΐ5 Plat.; so, ουχ (or μη) on, ουχ (or μ^) 0πω5, are followed by αλλά or άλλα καί . . , not only . . , hut ... 2. after a negative άλλα sometimes = άλλ’ η, except, but, eiraicrev ovns άλλ’ iycl> Soph. II. to oppose whole sentences, but, yet, Lat. at : — used by Horn., with im- perat. or subj., to remonstrate, encourage, persuade, like Lat. tandem, άλλ’ Χθι, άλλ’ άγβ, άλλο ίωμ^ν, Horn. III. joined with other Particles, άλλ’ apa, or, άλλ’ obv, but then, however, Hdt.,etc. 2. άλλα yap, Lat. enimvero, hut really, certainly, Att. 3. άλλ’ in questions, Lat. an vero ? ergo ? Plat. : cf. άλλ’ η (^suo loco). αλλαγή, η, {αΧΚάσσω) a change, Aesch., etc. II. exchange, barter, whether in buying or selling. Plat, άλλαγμα, avos, t 6, {αΧΧάσσω) that which is given or taken in exchange : the price of a thing, Anth. άλλαντοττωλβω, f. ήσω, to deal in sausages, Ar. From άλλαντο-Ίτώλης, ου, b, (ττωλεω) a sausage-dealer , Ar. άλλάς, avTOS, 6, a sausage, Ar. (Deriv. unknown.) άλλάσσω, later Att. -ττω, f. άξω : aor. i ήλλα|α : pf. ηλλάχα : — Med., f. αλλάζομαι : aor. i ηλλαξάμην : — Pass., f. άλλαχΘτ]σομαι, f. 2 άλλάγί]σομαι : aor. i ηλλά- χθην, aor. 2 ηλλάyηv [ά] : pf. ηλλayμaι : 3 sing, plqpf. ίίλλακτο: (άλλοί ) : — to make other than it is, to change, alter, Eur., Plat., etc. II. άλλ. τι tivos to give in exchange for, barter one thing/or another, Aesch.; Ti avri TLvos Eur. : so in Med., Thuc. 2. to repay, requite, φόνον φον^υσιν Eur. 3. to give up, leave, quit, ουράνιον φώ5 Soph. III. to take one thing for another, κάκιον νουσθλου Theogn.; άλλ. θνητόν clSos to assume mortal form, Eur. : — Med., άλλάσσ^σθαι ririvos one thing for another, ζύδαιμονίαε Hdt., etc. : — hence, to buy, Ti avT apyopioo Plat. IV. to interchange , alter- nate, σκητΐτρ αλλάσσων €χ€ΐν to enjoy power in turn, Eur. : — Pass., άρεταί αλλασσόμ^ναι in turns, Pind. άλλάχή, Adv. (άλλθ5) elsewhere, in another place, αλλο$ άλλαχη one here, another there, Xen. ; άλλοτε αλλαχη now here, now there. Id. άλλάχόθεν, AAw.from another place, Antipho. άλλάχόθι, Adv. elsewhere, Xen. : - — άλλαχόσε, Adv. elsewhither, to another place. Id. : — αλλαχού, Adv. elsewhere. Soph., Xen. άλλεγον, άλλεξαι, poet, for aviλΐyov, άναλόζαι, impf. and aor. i inf. of άvaλόyω. άλλη, Adv., properly dat. fern, of άλλος : I. of Place, 1. in another place, elsewhere, Horn., etc. : — c. gen. loci, άλλο5 άλλη τη$ ττόλΐ:ω$ one in one part of the city, one in another, Thuc. 2. to another place, elsewhither, Horn., etc. II. of Manner, in another way, somehow else, otherwise. Id., etc. ; άλλη γε πτ? Plat. ; άλλη tt&js Xen. άλλ’ ή (for άλλο ¥ij other than, except, but, only after — αλΧοκα. 37 negat. words, obdels άλλ’ ή €Κ€ΐνη no one btit she, Hdt.; apybpiov μόν ουκ %χω άλλ’ ή μικρόν τι Xen. άλλ-ηγορε'ω, f. ήσω, (άλλοϊ, άγορευω) to speak so as to imply something other than what is said, to interpret allegorically, Plut. : — Pass, to be spoken allegorically , N.T. Hence αλληγορία, η, an allegory, i. e. description of one thing under the image of another, Cic. άλ-ληκτος, ον, poet, for α-ληκτο5, (λήγω) unceasing, ceaseless, Od., Soph. II. implacable, II. άλληλοψάγία, η, an eating one another, Hdt. From άλληλο-φάγοι, [jpay^iv) eating each other, Arist. άλληλοφονία. Dor. άλλάλ-, ή, mutual slaughter, Pind. From άλληλο-φόνοι. Dor. άλλάλ-, a, murdering one another, Aesch., Xen. άλλήλων, gen. pi., (a nom. being impossible) ; dat. άλλΎ}λοΐ5, ais, ois : acc. άλλήλουϊ, as, a : dual gen. and dat. άλλήλοί»/, Ep. άλληλοιϊν, redupl. from άλλθ5, of one another, to one another, one another, Horn., etc. άλλην, acc. fern, of άλλθ5, as Adv., άλλην κάΙ άλλην again and again. Plat. άλ-λιστος, ον, Ep. for ά-λκττοε, (λίοΊΤομαι) inexorable, Anth. άλ-λιτάνευτος, Ep. for ά-λtτάvει/τos, {λιτανεύω) inex or able, Anth. άλλο-γενής, 0s,{y0vos) of another race, a stranger , N.T. άλλό-γλωσσος, ον, (γλώσσα) using a strange tongue, Hdt. άλλο-γνοε'ω, (γί-γνώσκω) to take one for another, not know, άλλoyvώσas (Ion. for άλλoyvoησas) Hdt. άλλό-γνωτος, ον, mis-known, unknown, Od. άλλο-δαττός, η, όν, (άλλθ5, ν. ttoScttos) belonging to another people or land, foreign, strange, Horn., etc. άλλο-ειδής, is, (eibos) or άλλο-ϊδής, is, {iSia) of strange appearance, neut. pi. άλλοείδεα (which must be ), or άλλoϊδia which must be - »-> w -, Od. άλλοθ’, by elision from άλΑοΰ^. άλλοθεν, Adv. from another place, άλλοθ^ν άλλos one from one place, another from another, II., etc.; άλλοθεν from abroad, Od. ; ούδαμόθβν άλλοθεν Ib. άλλοθι, Adv. elsewhere, in another place, in a strange or foreign land,Od. : c. gen., άλλοθι yaiηs in another or strange land, Ib. ; but, άλλοθι πάτpηs elsewhere than in one’s native land, i. e. away from home, Ib. II. in other ways, from other causes, Thuc., Plat, άλλό-θροος, ον, Att. contr. -θρους, ουν, speaking a strange tongue, Od. ; generally, foreign, strange, alien, Hdt., Trag. άλλοΐος, a, ov, (άλλos) of another sort or kind, dif- ferent, Horn. ; άλλοΓον τι, euphem. for κακόν τι, other than good, Hdt. : — from its comparative force, it may be foil, hy η , Id., Plat., etc. : — but an actual Comp, άλλoιότepos occurs in Hdt., Thuc., etc. II. Adv. -0)5, otherwise. Plat. : Comp, -ότ^ρον Xen. άλλοιόω, f. ώσω, {άλλo7os) to make different, to change, alter. Plat., etc. II. Pass, with f. med. -ώσομαι and pass, -ωθησομαι : — to become different , be changed, Thuc., Xen. 2. to be changed for the worse. Id. Hence άλλοίωσις, εω5, η, a change, alteration. Plat., etc. άλλοκα, Aeol. and Dor. for άλλοτε. αΧΧόκοτος — άΧο'γβω. 38 άλλό -KOTOs, ον, of unusual nature or form, strange, monstrous, kx.. Plat., etc. ; άλλ. 7Γρα·γμα an unwelcome business, Thuc. : c. gen., άλλοκότφ Ύνώμα των irapos with purpose utterly different from . . , Soph. Adv. -TCDS, Plat. (From hwos, the termin. -kotos being un- certain.) αλλομαι (Root ΑΛ, Lat. SAL-/o) : impf. -ηλλόμην : f. αλονμαι. Dor. αλ^νμαι : aor. i -ηΧάμην, part. αλάμ€νο 5 [ist syll. long] : aor. 2 ηλόμην, 3 sing. subj. αληται [ά], Ep. αλ€ται; opt. αλοίμην ; inf. α\ 4 σθαι ; part, αλόμ^νοε [ά] : also Ep. 2 and 3 sing. aor. 2 άλσο, αλτο, part. αλμ^νοε which have a smooth breathing\ To spring, leap, bound, of living beings, Horn., etc. : — metaph. of things, αλτο οϊστ 6 $ II. ; the eye, to throb, Theocr. άλλο-ττρόσ-αλλος, δ, i. e. άλλοτε Trp'bs άλλον, leaning first to one side, then to the other, of Ares, II. ; ττλοΰτοί Anth. *ΆΛΛ0Σ, t], 0 , Lat. alius, another, one besides, άλλθ5 μ€ν . , άλλθ5 δε . , one . , another . , II. ; άλλos τιε or τΪ5 άλλο$, any other, some other ; ovbels άλλθ5 no other ; €i tis άλλο$, Lat. si quis alius, any one else. 2. repeated, άλλο$ άλλο λ€'/βι one man says one thing, one another, i. e. different men say different things ; άλλο5 άλλ-ρ ετράττετο Xen. ; λ^ίττονσι τδν λόφον άλλοι άλλοθζνίά.; — ν. άλλαχη. 3. άλλθ5 και άλλθ5, one or two ; άλλο καΐ άλλο one thing after another. Id. 4 . joined with the Art., 0 αλλοϊ, the other ; in pi., 01 άλλοι (Ion. ωλλοι), all the others, the rest ; Lat. ceteri ; τά άλλα, contr. τάλλα or τάλλα, Lat. cetera, reliqua, not alia ; — ov τε άλλοι καΐ . . both all the others and . . , i. e. especially . . 5 . with Numerals, yet, still, ττεμτττοϊ iroTafbs άλλθ5 yet a fifth river, Hdt. : with a Sup., όϊζνρώτατοε άλλων most wretched of all besides, Od. II. rarely like άλλοΊοΒ, of other sort, different, W.: hence 2. some- times like a Comp., c. gen., άλλα των δικαίων other than just, Xen. ; followed by ^ , when a negat. goes before, ovBev άλλο, p . . , nothing else than . . , Hdt., etc. αλλοσε, Adv. {άλλos) to another place, elsewhither , Od.; άλλos άλλοσε one one way, one another, Aesch. αλλ -οτε, (άλλθ5, δτε) at another time, at other times, άλλοτε . . , άλλοτξ .. , at one time . . , at another . . , Horn.; so, άλλω5 άλλοτε at one time one way, at another another, Aesch. ; αλλοτ’ άλλρ, άλλοθι, αλλοσε, etc. άλλο τι ; anything else ? LaL numquid aliud ? when foil, by p, the sentence is interrog., άλλο τι ^ ττβινρσουσι ; i. e. άλλο τι TreiaovTai ί) ττ^ινρσουσΊ ; will they suffer aught else but hunger ? will they not be starved ? Hdt.; — also without p, άλλο τι ελε 7 εϊ,· did you say anything else ? did you not say ? Plat. άλλοτριο-εττίσκοτΓος, δ, a busy-body in other men’s matters, N. T. άλλοτριο-λογε'ω, f. -ήσω, (λε'γω) to speak of things foreign to the matter, Strab. άλλοτριο-ττραγμοσΰνη, p, (ττράγμα) a meddling with other people’s business. Plat, άλλότριος, a, ov, (άλλοϊ) : I. opp. to PBios, of or be- longing to another, Lat. alienus, Horn., etc. ; άλλ. ywi] another man’s wife, Aesch. ; ^ναθμοΊσι Ύ^λοίων άλλοτρίοισιν, of the suitors, laughed with a face unlike one’ s own, of forced, unnatural laugh, Od. (^Horace’s malis riderc alienis is different) ; άλλ. όμμασιν by the help of another’s eyes. Soph. ; άλλοτριωτάτοΐ 5 tois σώμασιν χρρσθαι to deal with one’s body as if it abso- lutely belonged to another, Thuc. II. opp. to oiK^ios, foreign, strange, peregrinus,Wom.‘, often with the notion of hostile, II. III. Adv., άλλοτρίω 5 €χ€ΐν or διακ€Ϊσθαι Trp6s τινα to be unfavourably dis- posed towards one, Lys. : Comp, -ιώτ^ρον less favour- ably, Dem. Hence άλλοτριότης, pros, p, alienation, estrangement, opp. to oiKeiSrps, Plat., etc. άλλοτριό-χρως, ωτο5, δ, p, changing colour, Anth. άλλοτριόω, f. ώσω, [^άλλότρΐ05) : 1. c. gen. pers. to estrange from, των σωμάτων τ^ν ττόλιν Thuc. 2. c. dat. pers. to make hostile to another, t^v χώραν rots πολ€μίοΐ5 Xen. : — Pass, to be made an enemy, τινι Thuc. 3 . in Pass, of things, to be alienated, fall into other hands, Hdt. Hence άλλοτρίωσις, εωϊ, p, estrangement, Tps ξνμμαχία5 ούχ δμοία p άλλ. its estrangement, its loss, Thuc. άλλου, Adv. = άλλοσε. άλλοψος, ον, Ep. for άλoφos. άλλο-ψρονεω, f. ήσω, to think of other things, to give no heed, Od. ; of one in a swoon, to be senseless, II., Theocr. : to be seized with frenzy, Hdt. W. to be of another mind, have other views. Id. άλλό-φϋλθ 5 , ov, {φυλρ) of another tribe, foreign, Lat. alienigena, Aesch., Thuc. ; ^τ6λ^μos άλλ. war with foreigners, Plut. άλλό-χροος, ov, contr. -χρους, ουν, (χρόα) changed in colour, Eur. : — so, άλλό-χρως, ωτο5, δ, p, looking strange or foreign. Id. άλλΰδις, Adv. \άλλos') Ep. for άλλοσε, elsewhither, άλλνδΐ5 άλλθ5 one hither, another thither, Horn. ; άλ- λυδιs άλλρ changes now one way, now another, II. άλλυεσκε, άλλΰουσα [ΰ], Ep. for άι^ελυε, άναλΰουσα. άλλως, Adv. of άλλο$, in another way or manner, other- wise, Horn., etc. : in Att., άλΧω$ ttcos in some other way ; άλλω$ ουδαμώ5 in no other wise ; και άλλω^ and besides ; άρίστου και άλλω5 φρονιμωτάτου Plat. 2. άλλω5 τε καί . . , both otherwise and so, .. , i. e. especially, Att., etc. II. otherwise, differently , άλλω5 είπαί to say otherwise, i. e. to deny, Hdt. 2. in far other mangier, i. e. better, Horn., etc. 3 . otherwise than should be, i. e. without aim or purpose, without reason, Od., Hdt., etc. : — also fruitlessly , in vain, II. άλμα, aTos, t 6, {αλλομαι) a spring, leap, bound, Od. ; άλμα 7Γ€τρα5 a leap ov fall from the rock, Eur. ; Kvvps άλμα the leap of the lot from the helmet. Soph, άλμενος, Ep. aor. 2 part, of άλλομαι. άλμη, p, (άλϊ) sea-water, brine, Od., etc. : spray that has dried on the skin, Ib. : a salt incrustc. Hdt. 2. the brine, i. e. the sea, Pind., αλμυρός, ά, όν, (άλμη) salt, briny, Od. salt, brackish, Thuc., Xen. 3 . metaph. , tastefid, Lat. amarus. Plat., etc. ; αλμυρά κλαί^ιν to weep bitterly, Theocr. άλοάω, Ep. άλοιάω : Ep. 3 sing. Impf. άλοία : f. -ησω : aor. I ρλόρσα, Ep. ρλοίρσα : ' άλεω) : — to thresh, thresh out. Plat. 2 . to thresh, cudgel, beat, II., Ar. ά-λοβος, ov, with a lobe wanting, of victims’ livers, Xen. ά-λογεω, f. ήσω, (άλογοί) to pay no regard to a thing. aXoyia — Lat. rationem non habere rei, c. dat., II. ; c. g-en. to be disregardful of, Hdt. 2. to be out of one^s senses, Luc. Hence άλογία, Ion. -ίη, η, -want of respect or regard, akoyirjv βΊχον του χρησττηρίου took no heed of it, Hdt. j so, Iv akoylp ^x^iv or ττοί^ΐσθαΐ τι Id. 2 . in Att. want of reason, unreasonable conduct, absurdity , Thuc., Plat. άλογιστία, η, thoughtlessness, rashness, Polyb., Plut., etc. ά-λόγιστος, ον, {λογίζομαι) unreasoning, inconsiderate, thoughtless, heedless, Thuc., etc. : rb αλόγιστον un- reason, Id. : — Adv. —τω5. Id., Plat., etc. II. not to be reckoned. Soph. : not to be taken into account, vile, Eur. α-\ογο%,ον, without λόγο$,\.^., I. withovit speech, speechless, infans. Plat. : — Adv. aX0yo}S, Soph. 2 . unutterable, Lat. infandus. Plat. II. without reason, irrational. Id., etc. : τα άλογα brutes, animals, Id.,Xen.; (in modern Greek άλογο?/ is a III. not reckoned upon, unexpected, Thuc. άλοητόξ, b, {άλοάω) a threshing, Xen. άλόθεν, Adv. (αλί) from the sea, e| αλόθ^ν (showing that it is an old genit.) II. άλοιάω, Ep. for αλοάω. ά-λοίδορος, ον, not reviling or railing, Aesch. άλοιητήρ, r\pos, b, {άλοιάω) a thresher, grinder, άλ. 0d0vT€S the grinders, Anth. αλοιφή, η, {αλείφω) anything used for anointing, hog^s-lard, grease, unguent, Horn. II. laying on of unguents or paint, άλ. μύρων Plat, άλοκίζω, f. σω, (άλοξ) to trace furrows in waxen tablets, to write, draw (cf. Lat. ex-arare), Ar. άλόντ€ [ά], aor. 2 part, dual of άλίσκομαι. αλοξ, oKos, 7], = αύλαξ, a furrow : v. αυλαξ. άλός, gen. of aks. αλος, Dor. for ijkos, a nail. 'Αλο-σΰδνη, η, Jxks, ύάνόω (ΣΥΔ) to nourish) Sea-born, a name of Amphitrit^, Od. άλό-τριφ, i)3os, b, {aks, τρίβω) a pestle to pound salt, Anth. άλ-ουρ·γής, es, {aks, '^ίργω) wrought in the sea, sea- purple, i. e. genuine purple. Plat, j άλουργη purple cloths, Aesch. Hence. άλουργίς, ihos, η, a purple robe, Ar. : as Adj., eV07;s akovpyis Luc. άλουργός, όν, = άλονργάΐ5, Plat. άλουσ-ία, -η, a being tinwashen, want of the bath, Hdt., Eur. From α-λουτος, ον, {λούομαι) unwashen, not using the bath, Hdt., Eur., etc. α-λοφος, Ep. αλ-λοφος, ον, without crest, II. ά-λοχος [ά], ου, ή, (α copul., λβχοϊ, cf. άκοίττ]$) a bed- fellow, spouse, wife, Horn., Trag. άλάω, Ep. for άλάου, άλω, imperat. of άλάομαι. άλόωνται, Ep. 3 pi. of άλάομαι. αλ-ιτνιστος, τ\, ον. Sup. Adj. (cf. εττ-αλττζ/οϊ), sweetest, loveliest, Pind. "ΑΛΣ (a), ak6s [a], b; dat. pi. άλασιν : Lat. SAL, a lump of salt, Hdt. : generally, salt, oft. in plur., Horn., etc. j alOis μόταλλον a salt-mine, Hdt., Od., etc. aXs (b), akbs [a], η, the sea, Horn. • αΧφίτορ. 39 αλσις, ecus, η, {άλλομαι) a leaping, Arist. άλσο, 2 sing. Ep. aor. 2 of άλλομαι. ίίλσος, eos, τ6, a glade or grove, Lat. saltus, Horn. ; grove, Od., Hdt., etc. (Deriv. uncertain.) άλσ-ώδης, es, (elSos) like a grove, Eur. αλτικός, ά], 6v, {άλλομαι) good at leaping, Xen. ; άλτ. 6ρχησΐ5, of the Salii, Plut. άλτο, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 of άλλομαι. άλΰκίς, iSos, η, (αλί) a salt spring, Strab. άλυκτάζω, {άλύω) only in impf., to be in distress, Hdt. *άλυκτόω, = foreg. ; v. άλαλύκτημαι. άλυκτο-ιτεδαι, αί, (άλυσσω, ττόδη) galling bonds, Hes. ; in sing., Anth. άλυξα, Ep. aor. i of άλύσκω. αλυξις, ews, η, {άλύσκω) an escape, Aesch. ά-λυιτητος, ον, {λνπόω) not pained or grieved. Soph. II. act. not causing pain. Id. ά-λϋ-ττος, ον, {λύπη) without pain. Soph., etc. ; c. gen., άλ. γ'ύρω5 without the pains of age. Id. ; τό άλυπον — άλυπία. Plat. — Adv., άλύπωε ζην to \ive free from pain. Id. II. act. not paining, causing no pain. Id. ά-λΰρος, ον, {λύρα) without the lyre, ύμνοι άλυροι, i. e. wild dirges accompanied by the flute, not the lyre, (cf. άφ6ρμικτο$), Eur., etc. άλυς, υοε, b, {άλύω) listlessness, ennui, Plut. άλΰσις, ecos. Ion. dat. άλύσι, η, a chain, Hdt., Eur. (Deriv. uncertain.) ά-λΰσιτ€λής, is, tinprofitable, Xen. Adv. -λω^. Id. άλυσκάζω, = άλόίΤκα), only in pres, and impf., to shun, shirk, avoid, Horn, άλυσκάνω, = άλύσκω, Od. άλτίσκω, f. άλό|ω, med. άλύξομαι : aor. i ηλυξα, Ep. άλυξα : {άλύω) : — to flee fro7n, shun, avoid, forsake, c. acc., Horn., etc. : rarely c. gen. to flee from. Soph. : — abso}. to escape, Horn. άλιίσσω, {άλύω) to be uneasy, be in distress, II. ά-λντος, ον, {λύω) not to be loosed, indissohcble, Horn., etc. : — continuous, ceaseless, κύκλοε Pind. άλΰω or άλυω, (akin to άλάομαι) only in pres, and impf., to wander in mind : 1. from grief, to be ill at ease, be distraught, II. : to be beside oneself, Horn., Soph. 2. from perplexity, to be at a loss, not know what to do, άλύζι δ’ όπϊ παντί Id.; άλ. λύπα, iv πόνοιε, Id. 3. from joy or exultation, to be beside oneself, Od., Aesch. II. to wander or roam about, Luc., Babr. [υ in Horn., ϋ once in Od. and'in Trag.] άλφάνω (Root ΑΛΦ) ; aor. 2 ήλφον, opt. άλφοιμι : — to bring in, yield, earn, Horn. : — metaph., φθόνον άλ- φάν€ΐν to incur envy, Eur. άλφεσί-βοιος, a, ov, {άλφάνω, βοΰε) bringing in oxen, παρθόνοι άλφ^σίβοιαι maidens whose parents receive many oxen as presents from their suitors, i. e. much- courted, II. άλφηστής, ου, b; Ep. gen. pi. άλφηστάων : {άλφάνω) : — working for one's daily bread, laborious, enterprising, Od. ; esp. of trading, seafaring people, Ib. άλφΐ, τό, poet, abbrev. form of άλφιτον, h. Horn. : so κρΐ for κριθΊ]. άλφΐτ-άμοιβός, b, a dealer in barley-meal, Ar. αλφϊτον, τό, {άλφόε) peeled ox pearl-barley ; sing, only in phrase άλφίτου άκττ), barley-mozX, Lat. polenta, Horn. : in pi. άλφιτα, barley-groats, barley-meal , opp. 40 αΧψίτοτΓΟίΐα to άλευρα, Horn., Att. II. metaph. one's daily bread, Ar. ; ττατρ^α aK(p. one' s patrimony , Id. άλφιτο -ΤΓΟιΐα, (τΓοιβω) a making of bar ley -meal, Xen. άλφϊτο-σϊτβω, f. ήσω, {aTros) to eat barley-bread, Xen. άλφοι, 3 sing·, aor. 2 opt. of αΧφάνω. ΆΛΦΟ'Σ, 6, "whiteness : "white leprosy, Hes., Plat., etc. (From same Root comes Lat. albus, and also αλφιτορ, because of the "whiteness of meal.) άλωά, Dor. for αλω-η. 'Αλωάς, άδοε, η, (άλωή) goddess of the threshing-floor , Theocr. άλω€ΐνός,ή, όν, ' αλωε) of οχ for the threshing-floor, kx\ih. άλω·η [ά]. Dor. άλωά,ή, (άλβω) Ep. for αλωε, a threshing- floor, Upas κατ' άλωάε II. ; μ^Ύαλην κατ' άλωηρ, 4ϋκτι- μ4ρ7)ρ κατ' άλ. Ib. II. a garden, orchard, vine- yard, V. yovpos. άλώη, 3 sing. aor. 2 subj. of αΧίσκομαι. II. but άλωη, optat. 'Αλωις, Ίδοε, η = Άλωάε, Theocr. άλωιτης [γ], ον, δ, a thresher, husbandman, Anth. άλώναι, Ep. άλώμεναι, aor. 2 inf. of αΧίσκομαι. άλων, ωροε, η, — αλωε, found in the obi. cases, Arist. άλωιτεκβιος, a, op. Ion. -eos, "η, op, (αλώττηξ) of a fox : — α\ωττ€κ4·η, Att. -κη {sub. δορά), a fox-skin, Hdt., Plut. άλωτΓ€κίας, ου, δ, (άλωττήΐ) branded "with a fox, Luc. άλωπεκιδβ-ύς, 4ωε, δ, {άλωττ-ηξ) a young fox, Ar. άλωπεκίζω, f. σω, {άλωπ-ηξ) to play the fox, Ar. άλωττεκιον, to. Dim. of άλώττηξ, a little fox, Ar. άλωττεκίς» ίδοε, ·η, = κνραλώπηξ, Xen. II. a fox- skin cap. Id. άλώττηξ [ά], βκοε,η; dat. pi. άλωττήκεσσι, a fox, Solon, Hdt., etc. (Deriv. uncertain.) άλως [ά], η, gen. άλω and άλωοε ; dat. άλφ ; acc. άλω, άλωρ, άλωα : — ρ1., nom. and acc. άλωε : (άλεω) : — like Ep. άλωη, a threshing-floor, Xen., etc. : — then, from its round shape, II. the disk of the sun or moon, or of a shield, Aesch., etc. άλώσΐμος, ον, {άλίσκομαι, άλωναι) easy to take, "win, or conquer, Hdt., Thuc., etc. 2. of the mind, easy to apprehend , Soph. II. \αλωσιε) of or for capture, τταιάρ άλ. a song of triumph on taking a city, Aesch. ; βάξιε άλ. tidings of the capture. Id. άλωσις, €ωε. Ion. ιοε, η, {άλίσκομαι, άλωναι.) a taking, capture, conquest, destruction,V\xid..,k&s>0\.,^ic.', δαιων άλ. conquest by the enemy. Id. : means of conquest. Soph. : άλωναι Ισχυράν άλωσιρ to be taken without po'wer to escape, Plut. II. as law-term, convic- tion, Plat. άλωτός, άι, όν, verb. Adj. of άλίσκομαι, to be taken or conquered, Thuc. II. attainable. Soph, ά-λώφητος, ον, (λωφάω) unremitting , Plut. άλώω, Ep. for άλω, aor. 2 subj. of άλίσκομαι. άμ, poet, for avd, before a word beginning with the labials β, ττ, φ, μ, e.g. άμ βωμοΊσι, άμ μόσον, άμ ττζδίον, άμ φυτά. 'ΆΜΑ' [άμ], Adv., at once, at the same time, Horn., etc. II. Prep. c. dat. at the same time "with, together "with, άμ ηοΐ at dawn, II. ; άμα ‘4(p, άμα 4φ Ύΐ·γνομ4νΎ) Thuc. (Cf. δμ-ον, Lat. sim-ul.) άμα or άμα. Dor. for άμα. ’Αμαζών, όνοε, η, mostly in pi. Αμαζόνιε, αΐ, the Ama- zons, a Λvarlike race of women in Scythia, II., Hdt., etc. άμά^Οίκος, (Commonly derived from apriv., μαζόε, from the fable that they got rid of the right breast, that it might not interfere with the use of the bow.) Άμαζονϊκός, ή, όν, of or like the Amazons, Plut. άμάθαίνω, to be untaught, stupid. Plat. From ά-μάθης, 4ε, {μανθάνω) unlearned, ignorant, stupid, boorish i^v. άμαθία), Hdt., etc. ; άμαθηε την 4κ(ίνων άμα- θίαν stupid with their stupidity. Plat.; άμαθ4στ£ρον των νόμων ύτΓ€ροφίαε τταιδζύ^σθαι to be educated with too little learning to despise the laws, Thuc. : — Adv., άμα- θώε άμαρτ€Ϊν to err through ignorance, Eur. 2. c. gen. rei, without knowledge of a thing. Id. ; περί τινοε, ττρόε τι Plat. II. not heard of, unknown, άμ. 4ppei Eur. : — Adv., άμαθωε χωρΦΐν of events, to take an ttnforeseen course, Thuc. άμαθία, η, (άμαθήί) ignorance. Soph., etc. ; άμ. τινόε ignorant of a thing, Xen. ; περί τ: Id. ομάθος [άμ], η, sandy soil, opp. to sea-sand (φάμαθοε , 11. ; in pi. che links or dunes by the sea, h. Horn. : cf. άμμοε. άμάθυνω [ϋ], (άμαθοε) only in pres, and impf. to level with the sand, utterly destroy, II., Aesch. 2. to spread smooth, level, κόνιν h. Horn, άμαιμάκετος, η, ον and οε, ον, Ep. form of άμαχοε, irresistible, Horn., Soph. 2. strong, stubborn, of a mast, Od. άμαλδ-υνω [ΰ], {άμαλόε) to soften : then to destroy, efface, II. : to tise up, squander, χρήματα Theocr. : — · Pass., Kev τ€Ϊχοε άμαλδννηται II. ; άμαλδυνθησομαι Ar. 2. metaph. to conceal, disguise, h. Horn, ά-μάλθακτος, ον, {μαλθάσσω) — άμάλακτοε, Anth. άμαλλα [άμ], η, (άμάω) cut corn, a sheaf. Soph., Plut. άμαλλο-δετήρ, ηροε, δ, {δ4ω α) a binder of sheaves, II. άμαλλο-δε'της, ου, ό, = foreg., Theocr. άμάλός [άμ], ή, όν, soft, weak, feeble, Horn., Eur. (From Root ΜΑΛ, μαλ-ακόε, with a euphon.) άμάμαξ'ΰς [άμά], η, gen. υοε or υδοε, a vine trained on two poles, Sappho, etc. (Deriv. unknown.) άμάντεσσι, Dor. poet, for άμώσι, part. dat. pi. of άμάω. άμ-αξά [ά], Att. άμ-αξα, η, {άμα, άγω) « wagon, wain, opp. to the war-chariot {άρμα), Lat. plaustrum, Horn. 2. c. gen. a wagon-load of, πετρών, σίτου Xen. II. the carriage of the plough, Lsit. currus, Hes. : — Charles' wain in the heavens, the Great Bear {άρκτοε), Horn. 1Ι1. = άμαξιτόε, Anth. άμαξευς, 4ωε, δ, {άμαξα) for a wagon: βουε ά. a draught- ox, Plut. άμαξευω, f. σω, to traverse with a wagon : Pass, to be traversed by wagon-roads, of a country, Hdt. 2. metaph., άμαξ^ν^ιν βίοτον to drag on a weary life, Anth. II. intr. to be a wagoner, Plut., Anth. άμαξ-ήρης, εί, (v. -ά]ρηε) of or on a carriage, Aesch.; άμ. τρίβοε a high-road, Eur. άμαξιαϊος, a, ov, {άμαξα) large enough to load a wagon, λίθοε Xen., etc. άμαξίς, ίδοε, η. Dim. of άμαξα, a little wagon, Lat. plostellum, Hdt., Ar. άμαξίτης [t], ov, δ, {άμαξα) of ox for a wagon, Anth. άμάξ-ιτος, ov, Ep. and Lyr. άμ-, {άμαξα, εΤμί ibo) tra- versed by wagons, άμ. δδόε a carriage-xoad, high-road, Pind., Xen.; and without δδόε, as Subst., II. άμάξ-οικος, ov, dwelling in a wagon, Strab. άμαζοττη'γός - άμαξο-ττηγός, ό, ίττ^Ύνυμι) a cart-wright, Plut. άμαξο-Ίτληθής, es, [ttXtiQos) large enough to fill a -wagon, like αμαξίαιθ5, Eur. άμαξ-ουργός, όΐ', {ίίμαξα, ^ipyw) = αμα^οτη)'γό$, αμα- ξουρ-γον x4yeiv to talk cart-wrights' slang, Ar. αμαρ, Dor. for ήμαρ. αμάρα [άμα], Ion. άμάρη, η, a trench, conduit, channel, for watering meadows, Il.,Theocr. (Deriv. unknown.) άμάράκον [άμά], ύ6, and άμάpάκos> b, Lat. amdracum, amaracus, Anth. άμάράντινος, tj, ov, of amaranth : — metaph. unfading, imperishable, Ύ . From ά-μάραντος [άμα-], ον, (μαραίνω) unfading, undecay- ing, N. T. II. as Subst. amaranth, an unfading flower, Diosc. αμαρτάνω Root AMAPT'), f. αμαρττ]σΌμαι : aor. 2 ίΐιμαρ- Tov, Ep. ημβροτον : pf. ημάρτηκα : — Pass., aor. i ημαρ- τ-ηθην : pf. ημάρτημαι : 3 sing, plqpf. -ημάρτητο. To miss, miss the mark, c. gen., €κων ^μάρτανε φωτ05 he missed the man on purpose, II. ; άμ. ttjs obov to miss the road, Ar. ; rov (Τκοπου Antipho. 2. generally, to fail of doing, fail of one' s purpose, to miss one's point, fail, go -wrong, Od., etc.; c. gen., νοήματος ημβροτ^ν failed in hitting upon the thought, Ib., etc.; άμ. rov χρησμού to mistake it, Hdt. 3. to fail of hawing, i. e. to he deprived of, lose, c. gen., αμαρτησ^σθαι οπω- Trrjs that I should lose my sight, Od.; άμ. τΓίστη5 άχόχου Eur. II. to fail, do -wrong, err, sin, Horn., etc.; c. dat. modi, -γνώμη άμ. to err in judgment, Hdt.; or iv XoyoLS Id., Plat. ; with a neut. Adj., To5e y ημβροτον I erred in this, Od. ; in Prose, άμ. irept ri or rivos to do -wrong in a matter. Plat., etc. 2. Pass., αμαρτάνβταί ri a sin is committed, Thuc. : — impers., αμαρτάν^ται Trept Tt Plat. άμαpτάs) aSos, η. Ion. for αμαρτία, Hdt., etc. άμαρτεΐν, aor. 2 inf. of αμαρτάνω. άμ-αρτή or -η, (άμα, άρ-αρίσκω) [άμ], Adv. together, at once, Horn. αμάρτημα, aros, τό, (αμαρτάνω) a failure, fault, sin. Soph., Plat. 2. a bodily defect, malady. Id. άμαρτητικός, ·ίί\, 6v, (αμαρτάνω) prone to error, Arist. αμαρτία, η, (αμαρτάνω) a failure, fault, sin, etc. ; άμ. tiv6s a fault committed by one. Id. ; άμ. δόξηί/αΜ/ί of judgment, Thuc. 2. generally, sin. Plat., Arist., N.T. άμαρτί -voos, ov, (αμαρτάνω) erring in mind, dis- traught, Hes., etc. άμάρτιον, τό, = αμάρτημα, Aesch. άμαρτο-εττής, 4s, (αμαρτάνω, 4 ttos) erring in -words, speaking at random, II. ά-μαρτυρητος, ov , ' μαρτϋρ4ω) needing no -witness, Eur. ά-μάρτΰρος, ov, {μάρτυ$) -without -witness, unattested, Thuc., etc. : — Adv. -pws, Dem. αμαρτωλή, η, poet, for αμαρτία, Theogn., etc. αμαρτωλάς, όν, sinful : — as Subst. a sinner, N. T. άμάρυγή [Att. v, Ep. O], η, = μαρμαρχτγη, a sparkling, glancing, of the eye, h. Horn. ; of horses’ feet, Ar. ; and άμάρυγμα, aros, τό, a sparkle, t-winkle, changing colour and light, Anth. ; quivering, of the lip, Theocr. From άμάρυσο'ω (Root ΑΜΑΡΥΓ), only in pres, and impf., like μαρμαίρω, to sparkle, glance, of the eye, Hes. : — Med. of light, colour, Anth. -ΆΜΒΛΤ'Σ. 41 άμα-τροχάω, (τρ4χω) to run together, in Ep. part, άμα- τροχόων, Od. άμα-τροχιά, η, (τροχοί) a jostling or clashing of -wheels, αματροχιά$ άλεείνων II. άμαυρό-βΐος, ον, living in darkness, Ar. αμαυρός [άμ], ά, όν, 1. dimly seen, dim, faint, baffling sight, βίδωΧον άμ. a shadowy spectre, Od. 2. having no light, darksome, vu| Luc. : — blind, sightless. Soph. ; so, άμανρψ κώΧψ with blind foot, said of a blind man. Id. II. metaph., 1. dim, obscure, tmcertain, κΧηόών Kesch. ; ε’λττίί Plut. 2. obscure, unknown, Hes., Soph., Eur. 3. gloomy, troubled, φρην Aesch. III. act. enfeebling, vovaos Anth. (Deriv. uncertain; cf. άμυόρόε.) Hence άμαυρόω [άμ], f. -ώσω : aor. i ημανρωσα : — Pass., pf. ημαΰρωμαι; Ion. aor. i άμαυρώθην : (άμαυρόε) : ■ — to make dim, faint, or obscure, Xen. ; metaph. to impair, Eur., etc. : — Pass, to become dim, suffer eclipse, of the sun, Hdt. ; to disappear, Hes. Hence άμαυρωμα, aros, τό, [άμαυρόομαί) obscuration, Plut. άμαχανία, άμάχανος. Dor. for άμηχ-. ά-μαχεί or -i, Adv. of άμαχο5, without resistance, Thuc. ά-μάχετος, ov, poet, for άμάχητο$, Aesch. αμαχητί, Adv. of sq., without battle, II., Hdt. ά-μάχητος, ov, (μάχομαι) not to be fought with, un- conquerable, Soph. II. not having fought, not having been in battle, Xen. άμάχί, V. άμαχοί. ά-μάχος, ον, (μάχη) without battle : I. of a person, with whom no one fights, unconquered, unconquer- able, invincible, Hdt., etc. ; of places, impregnable. Id.; of things, irresistible, Pind., Aesch. II. act. not having fought, taking no part in the battle, Xen. 2. disinclined to fight, peaceful, Aesch. ‘. not contentious, N.T. άμάω [ά- in Horn., a in later Poets] : impf. ημών : f. άμήσω : aor. i ημησα, Ep. &μησα : — Med., f. άμΊισομαι : Ep. aor. i άμΊ]σατο : — Pass., pf. ημημαι. To reap corn, absol., 11., Hes. ; metaph., ημησαν KaXccs they reaped abundantly, Aesch. : — so c. acc. to reap, Χ-ηϊον Od. ; σίτον Hdt. 2. generally, to cut reeds, etc., II., Theocr. II. in Med. to gather together, collect, as reapers gather in corn, άμησάμενο: [γάλα] having collected milk: — so in Act.,άμ·j 7 σαs κόνιν, having scraped together earth over a corpse, Anth. (From Root MA with a euphon., cf. Lat. MET-O, to mow.) άμβαίην, poet, for άναβαίην, aor. 2 opt. of άναβαίνω. άμβάσε. Dor. for άνε/3ησε, 3 sing. aor. i of άναβαίνω. άμβάσις, άμβάτης [ά], άμβάτος, poet, for άνάβασΐ5, άναβάτη5, άμβατο5. άμβάτε. Dor. for άναβητ€, 2 ρ1. aor. 2 imp. of άναβαίνω. άμ-βλήδην, Adv., poet, for άναβΧί^ην, (άναβάΧΧομαι) with sudden bursts, άμβΧ. yoόωσa II. άμβλίσκω and άμβλόω : f. άμβχώσω : aor. i ημβΧωσα : pf. ημβΧωκα : (άμβΧν5) : — to cause to miscarry. Soph., Plat. 2. of the woman, to miscarry, Plut. αμβλύνω [ϋ], f. ννώ : aor. i ^μβΧϋνα : — Pass., f. -υνθη- σομαι : aor. i ημβΧννθην : — to blunt, take the edge off a sharp instrument, and metaph. to make dull, ομματοί αυγήν Anth.: — Pass, to become dull, lose its edge or force, Aesch., Thuc. From ΆΜΒΛΥ'Σ, ε?α, V, blunt, dulled, with the edge taken off. 42 αμβλυτης of a sharp instrument, Plat., etc. : — metaph. dull, dim, of sight, αμβλύ δραν, βλ^ττ^ιν Id. ; of the feelings, αμ- βλυτ4ρα T 77 opyf) with anger less keen, Thuc. ; άμβλύ- repov Troielv ri less vigorous. Id. 2. in Aesch. Eum. of Orestes, having lost the edge of guilt : but of per- sons, generally, dull, spiritless, having lost the keen- ness of one’’ s feelings, Thuc. II. act. darkening, of a cloud, Anth. Hence αμβλυτης, tjtos, rj, hluntness : metaph. dullness, Plut. αμβλύ -ωττεω, f. ήοΓω, (ώψ) to he dim-sighted, Xen. αμβλυωπία, -η, dim-sightedness , Plat, άμβλυώσσω, Att. -ττω, only in pres., {αμβ\ν$') to he dim-sighted. Plat., etc. ; αμβλ. Trphs rh φώε to he blind to it, Luc. άμβλ-ωπός, 0u, {άμβλν5, ώψ) bedimmed, dark, Aesch. άμβλ-ώψ, ώποί, δ, 7), = αμβλωπό$, Eur. άμ-βόα,μα, άμ-βοάω, poet, for ανα-βόαμα, ανα-βοάω. άμ-βολά, η, poet, for αναβολ-η. άμβολάδην [άδ], Adv., poet, for αναβοΚά^την, (άναβολ-ί)) bubbling up, II. : metaph. by jets, capriciously , Anth. II. like a prelude, h. Horn., Pind. άμβολάς, άδο$,7^, for αναβολά$, thrown up, of earth, Xen. άμβολι-εργός, 6v, poet, for αναβολ- {αναβάλλω Π, epyov) putting off a work, dilatory, Hes., Plut. αμβροσία, Ion. -ίη, η, {άμβροτο$) ambrosia ^i. e. im- mortality^ the food of the gods, Horn., etc. άμβρόσιος, a, ov and os, ov, lengthd. form of &μβροτο5, immortal, h. Horn. : — in Horn, night and sleep are called ambrosial, divine, as gifts of the gods; so of everything belonging to the gods, as their hair, robes, sandals, the fodder and the mangers of their horses, ομβροτό-πωλος, ov, with coursers of immortal strain, Eur. α-μβροτος, ov and 17 , ov'. (apriv.,βρoτόs with μ inserted) : — like lengthd. form άμβρ6σΊ05 , immortal , divijte, Horn . , Aesch. 2 . ννξ άμβροτοε, Vike άμβροσίτ] ννξ, Od. ; — then of all things belonging to the gods, Horn, άμβώσ-ας. Ion. for άναβοτ,σαΒ, aor. i part, of άναβοάω. άμ€ or άμβ. Dor. for ■ημas. ά-μεγαρτος, ov, (μeyaίpω) tmenviable : 1 . melan- choly , direful, Horn., Eur. 2 . of persons, unhappy , miserable, Od. ά-μεθυστινος, η, ον, of amethyst, Luc. From ά-μεθυστος, ov, (μεθυω) not drunken, Plut. II. as Subst., άμ4Qυστos, η, amethyst, the precious stone, supposed to be a remedy against drunkenness, N. T. άμείβοντες, o\, v. αμείβω A. II. αμείβω [ά] : Ep. impf. άμ^ιβον : f. -ψω : aor. i ημειφα. (From Root MEIB or MEY with a prefixed, cf. αμύνομαι, Lat. MOV-eo.) A. Act. to change, exchange, ivrd άμ^ιβ^ν II. ; άμ. τι rivos, as y0vv yovvhs αμοιβών changing one knee for the other, i.e. walking slowly, II. : — and so, either 1. to give in exchange, τευ%ε’ άμ^ιβζ χρυσία χαλκείων exchanged golden armour brasen, Ib.; or 2 . to take in exchange, ττόσιν άντϊ aas ageiif/ai ψυχαϊ to re- deem him at the price of thine own life, Eur. 3. of place, to change it, and so to pass, cross, Aesch., Eur. : — then, either to pass otit of a place, leave it, or to pass into, enter it, Hdt., Att. 4. simply, to change, alter, χρωτα one’s colour, Aesch. 5. Causal, to make others change, τεύχε’ &μ€ΐβον II. : to pass on, hand on from — άμ€\ης. one to another, Eur. 6 . like Med. 1 . •^, to repay, return, άμ. χάριν Aesch. II. intr. in part., άμεί- βοντ€5, ol, interchangers, i. e. the rafters that meet and cross each other, II. ; eV άμ^ίβοντι = άμοιβάδΐ 5 , Pind. 2. άμεί) 8 εί Kaivhv e/c καινών one new thing comes on after others, Eur. B. Med. to change one with another, άμ€ΐβόμ€νοι by turns, alternately , Horn. : to come in turn, Eur. 2 . often of dialogue, to answer one another, Od. ; often in part. άμζΐβόμ€νο5, answering, in answer, Horn. ; c. acc., άμ. τινα μνθφ, μύθοιε, επε'εσσί Id. ; even, ταυτα rovs <ρίλον5 ημ^ίφατο Hdt. 3. to repay, re- quite, δώροισιν άμ. τινα Od. ; χρτηστοΐσι Hdt. ; also c. acc. et dat. rei, άμ. evepyecrias χάρισιν Xen. II. to get in exchange, λφονε , f. ήσω, to think both ways, be in doubt. Soph, άμφι-ξεω, aor. i άμφίξζσα, to smooth all round with an axe or plane, Od. Hence άμφίξοος, ον, contr. -ξους, polishing all round, Anth. άμφί-παλτος, ον, (πάλλω) tossed about, reechoing, Α,ηύι. άμφι-πατάσ-σω, f. |ω, to strike on both sides, Anth. άμφί-π€δος, ον, {iribov) surrounded by a plain, Pind. άμφι-πέλομαι, Dep. to float around, of music, Od. άμφι-π^νομαι, Dep. to be busied about, take charge of, c. acc., Horn. ; Thv Kvves άμφζπ4νοντο the dogs made a meal of him, II. άμφι-ίΓερι-ττλβγδην, Adv. twined round, Anth. άμφι-πΐρι-^Γτεφομαι, Pass, to be put round as a crown, Od. άμφι- 7 Γ€ρι-στρωφά<«), to keep turning about all ways, II. - αμφίσβητ^ω, 49 αμφι-'π€ρι-τρΰζω, to chirp or twitter round about, άμφι-7Γ€ρι-φθΐνΰθω [υ], to decay all round, h. Horn, άμφι-πιάζω, Dor. for-πίeXω, to squeeze all round, hug closely, Theocr. άμφι-πίπτω, f. -ττξσοΰμαι, aor. 2 άμφ-4ττ^σον, to fall around, i. e. to embrace, c. acc., Od. ; c. dat., α.μφι- ττίτΓτων στόμασιν embracing so as to kiss. Soph, άμφι-ττίτνω (πίτ), poet, for foreg., Eur. άμφί-ΐΓλ€κτο 5 , ον, intertwined. Soph.; cf. κλΊμαξ. άμφί-ττληκτος, ον, beaten on both sides. II. act. dashing on both sides. Soph. άμφι-πλήΙ, vyos, 6, η, (πλήσσω) striking with both sides, double-edged. Soph. άμφι-ΤΓολβυω, f. -σω, {άμφίπολθ5) to be busied about, take care of, c. acc., Od., Hdt. ; absol., δονναί τινά tivl άμφητολ^ύ^ιν to give one over to another, to take care of, Od. άμφι-πολεω, {άμφΙτΓθλο$) : I. c. acc. to attend coii- stantly, to attend on, watch, guard, Pind. 2. to tend, treat gently, \^·3Χ. fovere. Id. II. c. dat. to minister to, deals Soph. III. c. gen. rei, to be ministers of, Pind. άμφί-ΤΓολις, poet, άμφί-τττολις, b, η, encompassing a city, of a city taken by blockade, Aesch. II. as fern. Subst. a city between two seas or rivers, Thuc. άμφί-τΓολος, ον, (πολβω) busied about, busy, epith. of KvTTpLs, Soph. : — as fern. Subst. a handmaid, Od. sometimes joined with another Subst., άμφ. ταμίη, άμφ. ypavs the housekeeper, the old woman hi waiting, Horn. 2. as masc. an attendant, follower , Pind.: — also a priest, Plut. II. in pass, sense, as Adj. much-frequented, Pind. άμφι-ΤΓονεομαι, Dep. {τΓον4ω) to attend to a thing, c. acc., II. άμφι-ττοτάομαι, Dep. to fly round and round, II. άμφι-7Γρό(Γω7Γος, ον, {ττρόσωττον) double-faced, Plut. άμφί-τττολις, poet, for άμφίτΓθλι$. άμφι-τΓτΰχή, η, a folding mimd, embrace, Eur. { άμφί-ττΰλος, ον, {πύλη) with two entrances, Eur. άμφί-πΰρος, ον, {πυρ) with fire at each end, of the thunder-bolt, Eur. ; of Artemis as bearing a torch in either hand. Soph. II. with fire all round. Id. άμφί-ρΰτος, η, ον, {ρ4ω) flowed around, sea-girt, of islands, Od., Soph. ; so άμφίρρυτος, ον, Hes., etc. άμφίς, I. as Adv. {άμφί) : 1. on or at both sides, 11.; with both hands at once, Ib. 2. generally, around, round about, Ib. II. apart, asunder, yalav καΐ ovpavhv άμφΐ5 ^X^iv to keep heaven and earth asunder, Od. ; άμφΪ5 ayrjvai. to snap in twain, II.; αμφ\$ φράζ^σθαι or φρονίΐν to think separately, i. e. to be divided, take opposite parts, Ib. B: as Prep., like άμφί, I. c. gen. around, άρματο$ άμφί5 all round his chariot, II. 2. apart from, άμφΐ5 tivos ΐισθαι Ib. ; άμφίε όδον out of the road, Ib. II. c. acc. about, around, always following its case, Ib. άμφι-σάλίυομαι, Pass, to toss about, as on the sea, Anth. άμφίσ-βαινα, ηs, η, {βαίνω) a kind of serpent, that can go either forwards or backwards, Aesch. άμφισ-βάσ-ίη, η. Ion. for άμφισβ·{)τησι$, Hdt. άμφκΓ-βητεω, Ion. -βάτ€ω, f. ήσω : impf. and aor. 1 (with double augm. 1 ημφ^σβ·(]τουν, ημφ^σβτιτησα : — E άμψισβητημα — ^^ΑΝ. 50 Pass., f. of med. form —ϊ]σομαι : aor. i τιμφισβητ-Ιιθ-ην or ημφξσβ- : {βαίνω) : — literally, to stand apart^ and so to disagree with an argument, c. dat., Hdt. : — c. dat. pers. to dispute or argue with, tlvi Plat. 2. absol. to dispute, wrangle, argue. Id., etc. : — ot αμ- φισβ7]τουντ€5 the opponents, in a lawsuit, Dem. 3. c. gen. rei, to dispute for or about a thing. Id.; also Trepi Tivos Plat. : — to lay claim to the property of a deceased person, τον κλήρου Dem. 4. c. acc. rei, to dispute a. point. Plat. 5. c. acc. et inf. to argue that. Id. II. Pass, to he the subject of dispute. Id. ; or impers., αμφισβητζΐται π€ρί τι or tivos Id. ; άμφισβητβΊται μη dvai τι it is disputed. Id. Hence άμψισβητημα, aros, to, a point in dispute. Plat., etc. άμφισβητήσιμο5, ον, {αμφισβητίω) disputed, disput- able, Plat., etc.; χώρα άμφ. debatable ground, Xen. ; ονκέτ 4 v άμφισβητησίμφ no longer in doubt, Dem. άμφισβήτησις, ecos, η, {αμφισβητ 4 ω) a dispute, contro- versy, debate, αμφ. yiyveTai (or εστί) Trepi tivos Plat. ; αμφισβητησιν egei it admits of question, Arist. άμφισβήτητος, ον, {αμφισβητίω) debatable, yrj Thuc. άμφι-στελλομαι, Med. to fold round oneself, c. acc., Theocr. άμφι-στεφάνόομαι, Pass, to stand all round like a crown, h. Horn. άμφ-ίστημι, f. -στήσω, to place round ; only used in Pass, αμφίσταμαι, with intr. aor. 2 act. αμφ 4 στην, Ep. 3 pi. αμφ 4 σταν ; syncop. 3 pi. pf. αμφ^στασι (for-6στή- κασι) : — to stand around, Horn. ; c. dat.. Soph, άμφί-στομος, ον, (στόμα) with double mouth, of a tunnel, Hdt. ; λαβαϊ αμφίστομοι handles on both sides of the bowl. Soph. άμφι-στράτάομαι, Dep. to beleaguer , besiege, Ep. 3 pi. impf. αμφζστρατόωντο ττόΚιν II. άμφι-στρεφής, es, (στρόφω) turning all ways, of a dragon’s heads, II. άμφι-στρόγγΰλο5, ον, quite round, Luc. άμφι-τάμνω, Ion. for αμφν^ίμνω. άμφι-τανυω, to stretch all round, h. Horn. άμφι-τ€ΐχής, es, (reixos) encompassing the walls, Aesch. άμφι-τεμνω, Ion. -τάμνω, to cut off on all sides, inter- cept, II. άμφι-τίθημι [τϊ], imper. αμφιτίθζΐ : aor. i αμφΙθηκα, the other moods being supplied by aor. 2 : — to put round, Lat. circumdo, αμφϊ δε οί κυνόην εθηκε (in tmesi), Horn. ; κόσμον άμφ. χροι Eur. ; also, στόφανον άμφι κράτα Id. : — Med. to put round oneself, Od. : — Pass. to be put on, II. 2 . to cover with a thing, κάρα ττεττλοίί Eur. άμφι-τινάσσω, f. ξω, to swing round, Anth. άμφι-τιττΐβίζω, f. σω, to twitter or chirp around, Ar. άμφι-τόμο5, ον, (τόμνω^ cutting with both sides, two- edged, Aesch., Eur. άμφί -Topvos, ov, well-rounded, Eur. άμφι-τρεμω, to tremble round one, in tmesi, II. o.p.^\.-τpiχω,i.-'όpάμovμaι,torunround, surround, άμφι-τρής, ήτο5, ό, η, {*τράω) pierced from end to end, άμφιτρ' 1 ΐ 5 [sc. ττότραί], i. e. a cave with double entrance, Eur. ; Λvith a neut. noun, άμφιτρη$ ανλιον Soph, άμφί-τρητος, ον, (*τράω) pierced through, Anth. άμφι-τρομε'ω, f. ήσω, to tremble for, c. gen., Od. άμφι-φαείνω, to beam around, c. acc., h. Horn. άμφί-φάλος, ον, with double crest (v. φάλο$), II. άμφι-φάνής, 4 s, {φαίνομαι) visible all round, known to all, Eur. άμφι-φοβεομαι, Pass, to tremble all round, άμφ€φόβη- θζν (Ep. for -Ύ}θησαν, 3 pi. aor. i) II. άμφι-φορευς, gen. 4 ws Ep. ijos, 0 : {φ 4 ρω) : — a large jar with two handles, Lat. amphora, Horn. ; cf. άμφop€vs. άμφι-φράζομαι, f . -σομαι, Med. to consider on all sides, consider well, II. άμφι-χάσκω, aor. 2 άμφ- 4 χάνον (no pres, άμφι-χαίνω occurs), to gape round, gape for, c. acc., II. ; of a child, άμφ. μαστόν Aesch. ; of an army surrounding a city. Soph. άμφ ι-χεω, f . -χεώ, to pour around, to pour or spread over, Od. II. Pass, to be poured or shed around, II. ; c. acc., Horn. 2. of persons, to embrace, c. acc., Od. άμφι-χορευω, f. σω, to dance around, Eur., Anth. άμφι-χρίομαι, Med. to anoint oneself all over, Od. άμφί-χρϋσο5, ον, gilded all over, Eur. άμφίχυτος, ον, {άμφιχ 4 ω) poured around ; thrown up around, of an earthen wall, II. άμφί-χωλο5, ον, lame in both feet, Anth. άμφ-οδον, τό, {bZ 0 s) a road round houses, a street, N. T. άμφορευς, 4 ωs,b : Ά€€.άμφορ 4 α; pi. άμφopηs : — shortened ior άμφιφoρevs, an amphora, jar, urn, Hdt., etc. II. a liquid measure, = μeτpητ'i\s=\\ amphorae, or nearly 9 gallons. Id. άμφορίσκος, b. Dim. of άμφopζvs, Dem. άμφοτε'ρη, Adv. in both ways, Hdt. άμφοτερό-ιτλοος, ον, contr. -ττλους, ουν, sailing both ways : — τό άμφοτ^ρόττλουν (sc. ddveiov), money lent on bottomry, when the lender bore the risk both of the out- ward and homeward voyage, Dem. άμφότερος, a, ov, {άμφω) each ox both of two,'La.t.Xiter- que, Hdt., Aesch., etc. 2. neut. άμφότ^ρον as Adv., άμφότ^ρον βaσιλevs τ hyaObs Kpavepbs τ’ aιχμητηs both good king and stout warrior, II. ; so in neut. pi., άμφότ€ρα μόν^ιν ττόμττξίν τε Aesch. 3 . κατ’ άμφότ€ρα on both sides, utrinque, Hdt.; εττ’ άμφότβρα, both ways, in utramque partem, Id. ; άττ άμφoτ 4 pωvfrombothsides, ex utraque parte. Id.; άμφoτ 4 paιs, Ep. -ησι (sc. χερσί), Od. ; ε’τΓ* άμφοτ 4 ρων βeβάκώs (sc. ττοόών) Theocr. αμφοτέρωθεν, A.dw.f rom or on both sides, utrinque, II., Hdt., etc. 2. at both ends, Od. άμφοτε'ρωθι, Adv. on both sides, Xen. άμφοτε'ρως, Adv. in both ways. Plat, άμφοτε'ρωσε, Adv. to both sides, II. άμφ-ουδί5, {olbas .’) Adv., seems to mean off or from the ground, Od. άμφρασσαιτο, 3 sing. poet. aor. i opt. of άναφράζομαι. άμφω, τώ, τά, τώ, dual, also οι, at, τά, gen. and dat. άμφοΊν : {άμφί) : — Lat. ambo, both, Horn., etc. άμφ-ώβολο?, b, (οβοΚό^ a ja,velin or spit with double point, Eur. άμφ-ώης, cs, {ovs) = αμφ-ωτο 5 , Theocr. άμφ-ωτος, ov, {ovs) two-eared, two-handled, Od. ά-μώμητοξ, ov, {μωμάομαι) unblamed, blameless, II.,, etc. : — Adv. -τω$, Hdt. ά-μωρ -os, ov, without blame, blameless, Hdt., Aesch. άμώς or άμώ5, Adv. from obsol. άμό$ = τ\ 5 , only in compd. άμωσ-y 4 -^πωs, in some way or other, Ar., Plat. ■'AN [a], Ep. and Lyr. κε or κεν. Dor. κα (ά), conditional "an — ΆΝΑ'. Particle. In Att., it is not joined with pres, or pf. indie., nor with imper. of any tense. Three uses of must be distinguished in practice : A. in combination with Conjunctions and Relatives. B. in Apodosis. C. in Iterative sentences. A. in combinations with Conjunctions and Rela- tives : I. such words are regularly foil, by the subj., viz. iav ( = e: &i/), r)V, av, eTreetJ/ ( = eVel av), iiriiv ; ts &v gtiicunque, irplu &u, etc. ; eTretSetv, όταν, όττόταν : the protasis generally has a fut. in apodosis, et 5e Kev &S epips, Ύνώστ] if perchance thou do thus, thou shalt know, II. II. in Ep. sometimes Avith Opt., Ss /ce dot?; K leiXoi that he might give her to whomsoever he might please, Od. : in such cases /ce or av does not affect the Verb. III. in Ep., sometimes with et and Indie., oi k 4 μβ τιμ'ίισουσι II. IV. in late Greek, idv, etc., take Indie., iav οϊδαμ^ν N.T. B. combined in Apodosis with the Verb, denoting that the assertion is dependent on some condition ; ήλθ^ν he came, ^λθξν dv he 'would have come ; 4χθοί may he come, €λθοι dvhe would come : I. with Indie. : 1. with impf. and aor., the protasis implies non-fulfilment of a condition, and the apod, expresses what would be or would have been the case if the condition were or had been fulfilled. The impf. with dv refers to continued action in present or past time, the aor. generally to action in past time; ουκ dv ν4]σων 4κράτ^ι, et μη ναντικδν €Ϊχ^ν he would not have been master of islands if he had not had a fleet, Thuc.j et ταντην εσχε τ^ν γνώμην, ούδ€ν dv €7Γραξ€ν if he had come to this opinion, he woidd have accomplished nothing, Dem.: — the protasis is often understood, oh yap ^v δ τι dv €ποΐ€Ϊτ€ for there was nothing which you could have done (i. e. if you had tried'). Id. : — hence the Indie, with dv represents a potential mood ; τοντο rovveidos ταχ dv this re- proach might perhaps have come. Soph. 2. in Ep., with fut. indie., so as to modify the simple fut. j καί κ4 ns ωδ’ epeet and some one will perchance speak thus, II. II. with Subj., in Ep., much like fut. indie., €t δ4 K€ μ^ δώησιν, iybi δ4 K€v avrhs 4Χωμαι, i. e. I will take her myself, Ib. III. with Opt. : 1. after protasis in opt. with et or some relative word, et μοί n ττίθοιο, τό Kev τΓολυ κ4ρδιον dr) if he should obey me, it woidd be much better, Ib. ; sometimes with ind. in pro- tasis, KoX vv K€V 4vff αττόΚοιτο, et μ^ vorjae he would have perished, had she not perceived, Ib. : — sometimes the tense in protasis is pres, or fut., and the opt. with dv in apodosi = fut., φρουρών et ’ποι4]σονται, βλάπτοων dv if they shall build a fort, they might perhaps damage, Thuc. 2. the protasis is often understood : τδν δ’ ον /ce δν' av4pe 6χλίασ€ΐαν two men could not heave the stone (i. e. if they should try), II. : — hence the opt. with dv becomes a potential mood, βουλοίμην dv I should like, Lat. velim (but 4βουλόμην dv I shoidd wish, if it were of any avail, vellem). 3. the opt. with dv comes to have the force of a mild command or entreaty, χωροΪ5 dv (ίσω you may go in. Soph. ; kXvois dv ηδη hear me now. Id. IV. with inf. and part. : — the pres. inf. or part, represents impf. ind., φησϊν avrovs 4Κξυθβρου$ dv dvai, et τούτο 4πραξαν he says they would (now) be free, if they had done this, Dem. ; αδυνάτων dv υντων [ύρ-ώ//] 4m^or)04iv when you woidd have been 51 unable to assist, Thuc.; — or represents pres, opt., φησΧν avTOvs 4\6υθ4ρου$ dv dvai, et τούτο ιτράξξίαν he says they would (hereafter) be free, if they should do this, Xen. ; — the aor. inf. or part, represents aor. indie, or opt., οδκ dv 7}yd(re' αυτδν Kdv 4τΓΐδραμΦΐν ; do you not think he would even have run thither ? Dem. ; οΰδ’ dv κρατησαι avTovs Trjs yrjs r)yoυμaι I think they woidd not even be masters of the land, Thuc. ; ovTe οντα oi/re dv y€vόμeva, i.e. things which are not and never could happen. Id. : — so the pf . (or plqpf.) inf. or partic., ττά^τα ταν& ύττδ των βαρβάρων dv 4αλωκ4ναι [(^^tretet/ dv'] he would say that all these would have been destroyed by the barbarians, Dem. C. with impf. and aor. indie, in the Iterative con- struction, to express a condition fulfilled whenever an opportunity offered ; elra rrvp dv oh τταρην then there would be no fire at hand, i. e. there never was. Soph. ; διηρώτων dv ahvovs τί x4yoiev Plat. D. General Remarks : I. Position of dv, 1. dv may be separated from its inf. by such verbs as οίομαι, δοκ4ω, so that dv has the appearance of belonging to the pres, indie., καΐ νυν 7]δ4ω$ dv μοι δοκώ κοινωνησαι I think that I should, Xen. in the peculiar case of ou/c οΓδ’ dv et, dv belongs not to οΤδα but to the Verb which follows, ohK oW dv et -π^ίσαιμι = ou/c οΊδα et ττζίσαιμι dv, Eur. 2 . dv never begins a sentence. II. Re- petition of dv : — in apodosis dv may be repeated with the same verb, &στ dv, et σΘ4νο5 λάβοιμι, δηλώσαιμ dv Soph. αν [ά], Att. Conj., — e’civ, ην, often in Plat., etc. ; cf. Kdv. αν, crasis for d dv, quaecunque. Soph, av, poet, for ανά before δ, etc., v. ανά A ; cf. αμ. αν, apocop. for dva, v. ανά F. 2. av- or άνα-, the negat. Prefix (of which a priv. is a shortened form) before vowels, dv-aiTios, αν-ώδυνο$ (but see α-4κων, d-eXrrTos, d-epyos) : the complete form re- mains in ανά-€δνο5, dvd-eXirvos. ’ANA' [άνα]. Prep, governing gen., dat., and acc. Radio, sense up, upon, opp. to κατά. A. WITH GEN., άνα vr]6s on board ship, Od. B. WITH DAT., on, upon, dva σκητττρω upon the sceptre, II. ; άνα ώμιρ upon the shoulder, Od. C. WITH ACC., the comm, usage, implying motion upwards : I. of Place, up to, up along, dva τδν •ποταμόν Hdt. ; dva δώμα up and down the house, throughout it, II.; so, άνα στρατόν, άστυ, όμιλον Horn.; άνα στόμα 4χζΐν to have continually in the mouth. Id. II. of Time, throughout , dva νύκτα II. ; dva τδν πόλεμον Hdt. ; dva χρόνον in course time. Id.; άνά πάσαν rryv ημόραν Id. ; but, dva πάσαν ημ4ραν, dis- tributively, day by day. Id. III. distributively also with Numerals, dva ττβ'ντβ πapaσάyyas τηε ημ4ρα$ [they marched] at the rate of 5 parasangs a day, Xen.; κλισία$ dva π€ντ4)κοντα companies at the rate of 50 in each, N.T.; ίλαβον dva δηνάριον a denarius apiece, Ib. IV. dva κράτο$ up to the full strength, with all might, dva κράτο5 φ€ύyeιv, dπoμάχ€σθaι Xen. ; άνά \0yov in proportion. Plat. r>. WITHOUT CASE as Adv. thereupon, Horn., etc. 2 . all over, μ4λαν€5 δ’ άνά βότρυ^ε ^σαν all over there were clusters, II. E. IN COMPOS., 1. upwards, up, as dvaβaίvω, dvίστημι, 2 . with a sense of increase or completc- E 2 άνα — αναβρύζω. ness, as ανακρίνω. 3. again, as άναβλαστάνω, άνα- Ύΐνώσκω. 4. back, backwards, αναχωράω. F. &να by anastr. for ανάστηθι, up ! arise ! ολλ’ ava Horn. 2. ^.v apocop. for ανάστη, he stood up, II. άνα \_ava\, voc. of^, king, Zeu &va Horn, άναβάδην [)3ά], Adv. {αναβαίνω) going up, mounting : — in Ar., aloft, upstairs. άνα-βαίνω, f. -β-ησομαι : (for aor. i v. infr. b) : aor. 2 av· άβτην: pf. -βάβηκα: — Med., aor. i —€β·η<τάμην, Ep. 3 sing·. -(βάισξτο, V. infr. B : — to go up, mount, to go up to, c. acc. loci, Horn. ; (pans άνθρώπουε αναβαίν^ι a report goes up among men, Od. ; with a Prep., av. es δίφρον II.; av. iirl ovpea Hdt. : — c. dat. to trample on, II. : — c. acc. cogn., av. στόλον to go up on an e.xpedition. Find. II. Special usages : 1. to mount a ship, go on board, embark, Horn. ; is Τροίην av. to embark for Troy, Od., etc. 2. to mount on horseback, av. Ίτητον, όφΐ ίΤΓΤΓου Xen. ; absol., άvaβ€βηκώs mounted. Id. 3. of land-journeys, to go up from the coast into Central Asia, Hdt., Xen. ; cf. avάβaσιs 1 . 2 . 4. of rivers, to rise, Hdt. ; av. is ras apovpas to overflow the fields. Id. 5. in Att., av. eVl rh βήμα, or αναβαίν^ιν alone, to mount the tribune, Dem. ; av. iirl or els rh TTArjeos, rb δικαστ-ηριον to come before the people, before the court. Plat. III. of things and events, to come to an end, turn out, like αποβαίνω, iκβaίvω, Hdt., etc. 2. to come to, pass over to, eis nva Id. B. aor. I ανάβησα is used as aor. to αναβιβάζω in causal sense, to make to go up, esp. to put on ship- board, II., Find. ; so med. άveβ■ησeτo Od. άνα-βακχ€ΰω, f. σω, to rouse to Bacchic frenzy, Eur. ; cf. sq. II. intr. to break into Bacchic frenzy. Id. άνα-βακχιόω, = foreg., Eur. άνα-βάλλο), f. -βάλω : aor. 2 άν-άβάλον : — to throw or toss up, Thuc., Xen. II. to put back, put ofl^, Od. ; av. nva to put him with excuses, Dem. : — Pass, to be adjourned,T\\\ic. III. to run a risk, iyώ σφ€ βάφω κάνα κίνδυνον βαλω, = καΐ άί/α/3αλώ, Aesch. Β. Med. to strike tip, begin to play or sing (cf. αναβολή ll), Od., Ar. II. to put off, delay, II., Ar., etc. 2. to throw back or refer a thing to another, Luc. III. to throw one^s cloak back, throw it over the shoulder, Ar., Plat.; άvaβeβλημevos with one’s cloak thrown up or back, Dem. ; cf. αναβολή i. 2 . ΰνα-βατΓτίζω, f. σω, to dip repeatedly , Plut. άνάβασ-ις, poet, αμβασ-ις, ecus, {άναβαίνω) a going up, mounting on horseback, Xen.: — πάσα άμβaσιs = πάvτes άναβάται, all the horsemen. Soph. 2. an expedition up from the coast into Central Asia, as that of the younger Cyrus, Xen. II. a way up, ascent of a tower or mountain, Hdt., Thuc. άνα-βαστάζω, f. σω, to raise or lift up, carry, Luc. αναβάτης [)3ά], ου, δ, poet, άμβάτης, (αναβαίνω) one mounted, of Pentheus in the tree, Eur. : a horseman, rider, Xen. άναβάτικ6ς, ή, όν, (αναβαίνω' skilled in mounting, άπϊ robs ΐππoυs Xen. άναβάτός, Ep. άμβατός, όν, (άναβαίνω) to be mounted or scaled, easy to be scaled, Horn. άνα-β€βρΰχ€ν, pf. with no pres, άνα-βρύζω in use, ava- βάβρυχ^ν ύδωρ the water gushed or bubbled up, II. άνα-βΐβάζω, aor. i -ΐβίβασα: — Med , f. Att. -βιβώμαι: — Causal of άναβαίνω, to make go tip, cause to mount, €πΙ πύργον Hdt., Xen. II. Special usages : 1. άν. nva όφΐ Ίππον to mount one on horseback. Id. ; eV’ άρμα Hdt. 2. άν. ναυν to draw a ship up on land, Xen. 3. Med., άναβιβάζ^σθαί nvas όπϊ ras vavs to have them put on board ship, Thuc. ; absol., άναβι- βασάμ€νοι Id. 4. at Athens, to bring up to the bar as a witness. Plat., etc. : Med., of a culprit, to bring up his wife and children to raise compassion. Id. 5. Pass., άναβιβάζ^σθαι els ημτ}ν to ascend to honour, Plut. 6. άν. robs φθόγγoυs, to moderate them. Id. Hence άναβϊβαστεον, verb. Adj. one must cause to mount. Plat, άνα-βιόω, = άναβιώσκομαι, f. -βιώσομαι : aor. 2 άν^βίων or -ζβίουν : pf. -β^βίωκα : — to come to life again, re- turn to life, Ar., Plat. Hence άναβίωσις, eωs, η, a reviving, Plut. άνα-βιώσ-κομαι, as Pass. = άναβιόω, Plat. II. as Dep., Causal of άναβιόω, to bring back to life. Id. ; aor. I άν^βιωσάμην Id. άνα-βλαστάνω [a], f . -βλασττ,σω : aor. 2 -άβλαστον : — to shoot up, grow tip again, of Plants, Plat. ; of a city, Hdt. ; of misfortunes, to spring up, be rank. Id. άνα-βλεττω, f. -βλάφω or -βλάφομαι : aor. 1 -άβλ^φα to look up, Ar., Plat., etc.; άν. πpόs nva to look him in the face, Xen. 2. to look up at, c. acc., Eur.; also c. dat.. Id. 3. c. acc. cogn., άν. φλόγα to cast up a glance of fire. Id. II. to recover one’s sight, Hdt., Plat. ; πάλιν άν. Ar. Hence άνάβλεψις, eωs, η, a looking up, Arist. II. re- covery of sight, N.T. άνάβλησις, eωs, η, (άναβάλλω) a putting off, delay, II. άνα-βλυξω, poet. άμβλ- : aor. l άνάβλυσα, inf. άνα- βλύσαι : — to spout up, c. acc., Anth. 2. intr. to gush forth, Theocr. άναβόαμα, poet, άμβ-, aros, τό, a loud cry, Aesch. From άνα-βοάω, f. --ησομαι. Dor. -άσομαι : (άναβοάσω is aor. i subj.) : aor. i άν^βόησα. Ion. άνάβωσα, part, άμβώσas : — to shout aloud, utter a loud cry, Hdt., Eur. ; of a war-cry, Xen. ; c. inf. to call out that . . , Id. 2. c. acc. rei, to cry out something, Eur. ; also to wail aloud over a misfortune, Aesch., Eur. 3. c. acc. pers. to call on. Id. άναβολάς, άδos, η, v. άμβoλάs. άναβολευς, €ωs, ό, (^άναβάλλω) a groom who helps one to 7nount, Plut. αναβολή, poet, άμβολή, ή, (άναβάλλω) : I. of the thing, 1. that which is throw7i up, a mound, Xen. 2. that which is thrown back over the shoulder, a mantle, cloak. Plat. also the fashion of wearing it, Luc.; ci. άναβάλλω B. III. II. as an action, 1. a prelude on the lyre. Find.; a dithyrambic ode, Ar.; V. άναβάλλω B. I. 2. a putting (}ff, delaying, Hdt., Thuc. ; ουκ is άμβoλάs without delay, Eur. ; v. άνα- βάλλω B. II. 3. intr. a bursting forth, Arist. άνα-βράσσω, Att. -βράττω, mostly in pres., to boil well, seethe, c. acc., Ar. ; absol., άναβράττ^τ, ε|οπτατ€ Id. αναβρασμός, ον, (άναβράσσω) boiled, Ar. *άναβράχω, v. άνάβραχ^. άναβρόξειε, άναβροχεν, ν. βρόχω. άνα-βρυάξω, f. ^ω, to neigh aloud, of horses, Ar. ’^αναβρύζω, v. άναβάβρυχ^ν. αναβρυγάομαί άνα-βρϋχάομαι, Dep. to roar aloud, Plat. άν-αγγ€λλω, f. -6λώ ; aor. i -ήγγβίλα : pf. -'fiyy€\Ka : — to carry hack tidings of, report, Aesch., Eur. ; Βρασίδα ξυνθ7)κτ]ν Thuc. : — Pass., c. part., av7]y- yiKen) rcOvfws was reported dead, Plut. άν-άγγ6λθ5, ον, from which no messenger returns, hnih,. άνα-γελάω, f. -άσομαι, to laugh loud, avayeXaaas Xen. άνα-γ€ννάω, f. ήσω, to beget anew, regenerate, N. T. άν-άγ€ομαι, Dor. for αντρ^^ομαι. άνο-γευω, f. σω, to give one a taste, c. acc. pers., Ar. άνα-γιγνώσκω, Ion. and later -γΐνώσκω : I. Ep. usage, esp. in aor. 2 av-iyvωv, to know well, know certainly, Hom.jHdt. 2. to know again, recognise : to acknow- ledge, own, Lat. agnoscere, Horn., Hdt. II. Att. usage, f. άvayvώσoμaι : aor. 2 av4yvωv : pf. av4yvωκa : — Pass., ί.-yvωσθ'ί)σoμaι : aor. i aveyvwce^v·. pf. av€yvωσ- μαι, etc. : — of written characters, to know them again, and so to read, Ar., etc. ; avayvoia^rai (sc. b ypaμμa· revs), avayvwOi, Dem. : — ot avayiyvcoaKovres students, Plut. III. Ion. usage, aor. i aveyvwaa, to persuade or induce one to do a thing, c. acc. et inf., Hdt. : the inf. is sometimes omitted, ws aveyvωσe when he had per- suaded him. Id. ; — the pres, is once so used, avayiyvti}- aneis arpareveaeai βασιλβα Id.: — so in aor. i pass. aveyvihadriv, to be persuaded to do a thing, c. inf.. Id. αναγκάζω, f. ~άσω : pf. ήνάγκάκα : plqpf. -etv : (αν- άγκη) : — to force, compel, mostly c. acc. pers. et inf,, av. Tiva ττοι^σθαι τι, Keyeiv, etc., Hdt., etc. : — so Pass., rjvayKaCovTO άμνν€σθαι Id. ; — without the inf., άναγκά- ζ€σθαί τι to be forced to do a thing. Plat., etc. : — also, avaynaCeiv riva es ri Thuc. 2. c. acc. pers. only, to constrain by argument. Plat. : Pass., ήναγκάσθην / was constrained, tortured. Soph. ; ^vayκaσμevos, av- ayκaσθeίs under compulsion, Thuc. 3. c. acc. rei only, to carry through by force, Eur. 4. c. acc. rei et inf. to prove that a thing is necessarily so and so. Plat, άναγκαίη, η, Ep. and Ion. for ανάγκη, Horn., etc. άναγκαΐον, το, (ανάγκη) a place of constraint, a prison, Xen, : -others read 'AvaKeiov. αναγκαίος, a, ov, and os, ov, (ανάγκη) with or by force : I. act. constraining, applying force, II. ; ίίμαρ av. the day of constraint, i. e, slavery, Ib. ; so, αναγκαία τύχη the lot of slavery, or a violent death. Soph. ; τφ Trjs apxrjs avaynalcp hy the compulsory nature of our rule, Thuc. ; €| αναγκαίου under compulsion. Id. 2. oi forcible, cogent, II. pass, constrained, forced, ττολ^μισταϊ av. soldiers per- force, whether they will or no, Od. 2. necessary, άναγκαΓάν [eVri], like ανάγκη 4στί, c. inf., it is necessary to do a thing, Hdt., etc. ; but, tviai των αποκρίσεων οναγκαΓαι ττοι4ΐσΘαι necessarily requiring to be made. Plat. 3. τά αναγκαία necessary things, needs, as food, sleep. Id., Xen.; τά 4κ OeoS av. the appointed order of things, laws of nature. Id. 4. absolutely necessary, indispensable, barely sufficient ; av. τροφτ) = ή καθ’ “ημέραν, Thuc.; τδ οναγκαιάτατον uif/os the least height that was absolutely necessary. Id.; ή άναγκαίο- τάτη πάλΐ5 the least that could be called a city. Plat. 5. of persons, connected by necessary ties, i. e. related by blood. Id., etc.: — ot άναγκαΓοί, Lat. necessarii, kinsfolk, Xen., etc. III. Adv. -ω%, necessarily , of necessity, perforce, άναγκαίωϊ εχεί it | — ανα^νμνόω. 53 must be so, Hdt. ; ov. σοϊ άνοκείμεσθα Eur. Άνάκειον, τά, (‘'Ανακεϊ) the temple of the Dioscuri,. Andoc., etc. ; cf. avayKcuov. άνα-κελάδος, 6, a loud shout or din, Eur. άνα-κεράννΰμι and -υω, f. -Κ€ράσω [ά] : to mix up or again, κρηττΐρα Od. ; οίνον Ar. : — Pass., aor. i -cKcpa^ σθ-ην Plat. ; -^κράθην [ά] Plut. "Ανακες, ων, οι, old form of άνοκτεί, the Dioscuri, Castor and Pollux, Plut. άνα-κεψάλαιόω, f. ώσω, to sum up the argumeyit : — Pass, to he sum^ned up, N. T. άνα-κηκίω, only in pres, and impf., to spout up, g^ish forth, άνακήκΓεν αίμα II. άνα-κηρΰσσω, Att. -ττω, f. ξω, to proclaim by voice of herald, publish abroad. Soph., Xen. 2. c. acc. pers. to proclaim as conqueror, Ar. : — Pass., apr. i inf. ava- κηρυχθηναί Hdt. II. to put up to auction. Id. άνα-κινδϋνεΰω, f. σω, to run into danger again, to riin a fresh risk, Hdt. άνα-κϊνεω, f. ήσω, to S7oay or swijtg to and fro, Hdt. II. to stir up, awaken, νόσον Soph. ; πόλε- μον Plut. Hence άνακίνησις [t], εωϊ, η, a swinging to and fro : metaph., excitement, emotion. Soph. άνα-κίρνάμαι, Dep. to mix well : metaph., (pi\ias ava· κίρνασθαι to join in closest friendship, Eur. άνα-κλάζω, f. -κλάγξω : aor. 2 ανόκλαγον : — to cry aloud, scream out, Eur. ; of a dog, to hark, hay,. Xen. άνα-κλαίω, Att. -κλάω, f. -κΚανσομαι, to weep aloud, burst into tears, Hdt. 2. c. acc. to weep for. Id. so in Med,, Soph. άνα-κλάω, f. -κλάσω [ά], to bend back, δερην Eur. 2.. to break short off, Thuc. άνάκλησις, εω?, η, (άνα«ολεω) a calling on, invocation , θεών Thuc. II. a recalling : retreat, Plut. άνακλητικός, η, όν, {ανακαλόω) fit for exhorting, Plut. II. fit for recalling, rh ανακλητικόν σαλ- ττίζίΐν to sound a retreat, Anth. άνα-κλίνω [ϊ], poet, άγ-κλίνω, f. -κλίνω, to lean one thing upon another, [τό|ον] ποτί yavp άyκλίvas having laid it on the ground, II. : — Pass, to lean hack, to lie on one^s back, recline, Lat. resupinari, Od. II. to push back a trap-door, to open it, Horn., Hdt. Hence άνάκλϊτος, ov, leaning hack : av. Opovos a seat with a back, Plut. άνα-κλώθω, f. σω, of the Fates, to undo the thread of one’s life, to change one’s destiny, Luc. άνα-κογχυλιάζω, f. σω, 'κόγχη) to open and counter- feit a^seal, Ar. άνεί>κοινόω, f. ώσω, to comminiicate a thing to another, τί 'f ivi Plat. 2. c. dat. pers. to communicate with, take counsel with, av. toTs Oeols περί rivos Xen. II. Mj^^v with pf. pass, ονοκεκοίνωμαι, properly, to com- is 07te's ow7i to another, ανακοινονται I rip ‘'ίστρφ τ^*^ίώ>ρ 77ii7igles its water with the Ister, ; Hdt. 2. much like Act., either άνακοινουσθαί τί τινι ανακοιρανεω to impart a thing· to one j or av. rivi to consult one, Xen. : absol. to hold communication, Ar. άνα-κοιραν^ω, f. ή<τω, to rule or command in a place, Anth. ανακομιδή, a carrying away again, recovery, των πλοίων Decret. ap. Dem. From άνα-κομίζω, poet, άγ-κομ-, f. Att. -κομιώ, to carry up, Xen. : — Pass, to be carried up stream, or up the country, Hdt. II. to bring back, recover, Xen. : — Med. (with pf. pass.) to take back with one, Hdt. : — Pass, to be brought back, and of persons, to return. Id., Thuc. 2. Med. also, to bring to pass, Pind. : — to bring back upon oneself, Eur. άν-ακοντίζω, f. σω, intr. to dart or shoot up, II., Hdt. άνακοττη, η, a beating back : the recoil of the waves, and the water left after flood-tide, Plut. From όνα-κ<5ΐΓτω, f. ψω, to drive back, Od. 2. to beat back an assailant, Thuc. II. to stop : — Pass, to be stopped, stop short, tlvSs from a thing, Luc. άνα-κουψίζω, f. Att. -ίω, to lift up, Eur. ; of a ship, ov. κάρα Soph. : — Pass, to be lifted up or lightened, aor. i άν^κουφίσθην Eur. : to rise in spirits, Xen. Hence άνακουψισις, ewy, η, relief irom a thing, c. gen.. Soph, άνα-κράξω, aor. 2 άν^κρατγον, to cry out, lift up the voice, Od., Att. άνάκράσις, ecos, η, {άνακβράνννμι) a mixing with others, Plut. άνα-κρ6κομαι, Med. to tune up, Anth. άνα-κρ€μάννυμι, poet, άγ-κρ- : f. -κρεμάσω, Att. -/cpe- μω : — Pass, -κρέμαμαι : — to hang up on a thing, c. dat., Od. ; 6S . . or nphs . . , Hdt. : — Pass, to be hung up. Id. Ί.Ί.. to make dependent. Plat, άνα-κρίνω [t], f. -κρίνω, to examine closely, to question, interrogate, τινά Thuc., Plat. 2. to inquire into a fact, Antipho : — Med., Pind. II. used at Athens in technical sense : 1, to examine magistrates as to their qualification, Dem. 2. of the magistrates, to examine persons concerned in a suit, so as to prepare the matter for trial. Id. III. Med., άνακρίν^σθαι πρhs kavrovs to dispute one with another, Hdt. Hence άνάκρισις, poet, άγκρ-, eojy, examination of parties coyicerned in a suit, a preparation of the matter for trial, Xen. ; μτ]^ ^Is άτγκρισιν iXOclv, i. e. not even to begin proceedings, Aesch. άνα-κροτ€ω, f. ήσω, to lift up and strike together, rib Xeipe Ar. ; ras x^Tpas Aeschin. : absol. to applaud vehemently , Ar. άνάκρουοΓίς, ^ω%, η, a pushing back : of a ship, backmg water, Thuc. ; and avaKpoufTTCov, verb. Adj. of ανακρούω, one must check, Xen. From άνα-κρουω, poet, άγ-κρ-, f. σω, to push back, stop short, check, Ίππον χαλινφ Xen. II. Med., άνακρού^σθαι πρύμνην to put one's ship astern, by backing water, Ar. ; •SO άνακρού^σθαι alone, Thuc. ; also, e-nd πρύμνην av., Hdt. : — metaph. to put back. Plat. 2. in Music, to strike up, Theocr. ανα-κταομαι, f. -·ί)σομαι : pf. άν-ύκτημαι : Dep. : — to regain for oneself, get back again, recover, Hdt., Aesch. II. c. acc. pers. to win a person over, gain his favour oc friendship, Hdt., Xen. ίνακτορία, η, {άνάκτωρ) management of horses, h. Horn. — αΐ'άλη'ψις. άνακτόριος, a, ov, (ανάκτωρ) belonging to a lord or king, royal, Od. άνάκτορον, TO, a palace ; of gods, a temple, Hdt., Eur. From ανάκτωρ, opos, δ, — άναξ, Aesch., Eur. άνα-κΰκάω, f. ήτω, to stir tip and mix, mix tip, Ar. άνα-κυκλεω, f. ήσω, to turnaround again, Eur. : metaph. to revolve in one's mind, Luc. άνακυκλάομαι, Pass, to revolve, Anth. άνα-κυμβάλιάζω, f. σω, {κύμβαλον) to fall rattling over, of chariots, II. άνα-κυτΓτω, f. -κύφομαι or -φω : aor. i άνύκυφα : pf. άνακύκνφα : — to lift tip the head, Hdt. ; άνακ6κυφύ$ with the head high, of a horse, Xen. II. to come up out of the water, pop tip, Ar., Plat. : metaph. to emerge. Plat. άνα-κωκυω [ΰ], f. σω, to wail aloud, Aesch.; άνακωκύ^ι φΘό'/'/ον utters a loud wail, Soph, άνάκώς, Adv. (άνα| a manager), carefully, avaKuis εχείν τιν05 to look well to a thing, give good heed to it, Hdt., Thuc. ανακωχή, άνακωχευω, v. ανοκωχη. άνα-λάζομαι, Dep. only in pres, to take again, Mosch. άν-άλάλάζω, f. |ω, to raise a war-cry, cry aloud, Eur., Xen. άνα-λαμβάνω, f. -λ7]φομαι, to take up, take into one's hands, Hdt. : to take on board ship. Id., Thuc. : gene- rally, to take with one, Thuc. 2. to take up, for the purpose of examining or considering. Plat. 3. to take upon oneself, assume, t^v προξενιάν Thuc., etc. 4. Med. to take upon oneself, undertake, engage in, κίν- δυνον, μάχην Hdt. 5. to learn by rote, Plut. II. to get back, regain, recover, r^v άρχ -fjv Hdt., Xen. 2. to retrieve, make good, r^v αΙτίην Hdt. ; αμαρτίαν Soph. 3. to restore, repair, Hdt. ; av. εαυτόν to regain strength, revive, Thuc. 4. to take up again, resume, τδν λόγον Hdt., Plat. : to recollect, Plut. III. to pull short up, to check a horse, Xen. : av. tos κύνα$ to call them back. Id. IV. to gain quite over, win over, Ar. άνα-λάμπω, f. -φω, to flame up, take fire, Xen. II. metaph. to break out anew, as war, Plut. 2. iu come to oneself again, revive. Id. άν-αλγής, = άνάλγητοί·, painless, Plut. αναλγησία, η, want of feeling, insensibility , Dem. From άν-άλγητο 9 , ov, (άλγεω) without pain, and so : I. of persons, insensible to pain, Arist. 2. unfeeling, hard-hearted, ruthless. Soph. ; άναλγητότ€ρο$ elvai to feel less grieved, Thuc. : c. gen., av. e?vai Ttvoy to be insensible to, Plut.: — Adv. ~τω$, unfeelingly. Soph. II. of things, not painful. Id. 2. cruel, TTa^os Eur. άν-αλδής, is, {άλδαίνω) not thriving, feeble, Ar. άνα-λεγω, Ep. impf. άλλεγον : f. άναλε|ω : Ep. aor. i inf. άλλύξαι : — to pick up, gather up, οστύα II. : — Med. to pick up for oneself, Hdt. ; av. πνεύμα to collect one's breath, Anth. II. to reckon up, τδν χρόνον Plut. : — Pass., άναλεγόμενον being recounted, Xen. άνα-λείχω, f. to lick up, τδ αίμα Hdt. άvάληψιs, η, {αναλαμβάνω) a taking up of a child, to acknowledge it, Luc. 2. pass, a being taken up, the Ascension, N.T. II. a taking back, a means άναΧθης — άναμί(Τ'γω. 58 ο/ regaining, Plut. 2. a making good, making amends for a faulty Thuc. : a refreshing, Luc. άν-αλθή5, es, (aA0atVw) powerless to heal, Bion. άν-άλιος, ον. Dor. for άν-Ί]λιο5. άν-άλιττος [άλ], ον. Dor. for av-T]Xnros. αναλίσκω and άνάλόω : impf. ανηΚισκον and άνάλονν : f. αναλώσω : aor. i άνηλωσα and ανάλωσα [ά] : pf. άνηλωκα and ανάλωκα [ά] : — Pass., f. άνάλωθ^]σομαι : aor. I άνηλώθην and άναλώθην : pf. άνηλωμαι and άνά- λωμαι. (The quantity of 2nd syll. and the act. form make it doubtful whether this Verb is a compd. of ava, άλίσκομαι.) To use up, to spend, lavish or squander money, Thuc. ; eis τι upon a thing. Plat., etc. ; irpos τι Dem . ; υττ4ρ rivos Id. : — Pass., ταντ]λωμ4να the monies expended. Id. 2. metaph., άνάλωσα5 λόγον hast wasted words. Soph. ; av. σώματα ττολόμω Thuc. II. of persons, to kill, destroy, Trag. : — Med. to kill one- self, Thuc. άνάλκεια, want of strength, feebleness, Ep. dat. pi. άναλκβί-ρσι II. ; sing, άναλκίη [with ϊ] Theogn. From αν-αλκις, iSos, δ, η : acc. -ίδα or -iv : (αλκή) : — without strength, impotent, feeble, of unwarlike persons, Horn., Aesch., etc. άν-άλλομαι, f. -άλοΰμαι, aor. i -ηλάμην, Dep. to leap or spring up, Ar., Xen. αν-αλμος, ον, (άλμη) not salted, Xen. αναλογία, ή, {ανάλογοι) proportion. Plat., etc. άνα-λογίζομαι, f. Att. -λογιουμαι, Dep. to reckon tip, sum tip. Plat., Xen. 2. to calculate, consider, τι Thuc. 3. foil, by a Conj., αναλ. ώ5, ότι, to recol- lect that. Id., Xen. Hence αναλογισμός, δ, reconsideration, Thuc. : — a course or line of reasoning, Xen. 2. κατα τόν αναλογισμόν according to proportionate calculation, ap. Dem. άνά-λογος, ον, proportionate. Plat. : neut. as Adv. in proportion, analogously , Arist. άνάλόω, old form of αναλίσκω. άν-αλτος, ον, {άλθαίνω) not to be filled, insatiate, Od. άνάλΰσις, ews, ή, (αναλύω) a loosing, releasing, κακών from evils. Soph. II. (from Pass.) retirement, departure, death, N. T. άναλΰτήρ, ^pos, δ, a deliverer, Aesch. From άνα-λυω, Ep. άλ-λυω : Ep. 3 sing. impf. άλλυβσκβ : Ep. part. fern, άλλνουσα : f. -λύσω : — to unloose, undo, of Penelope’s web, Od. 2. to unloose, set free, release, 4κ δασμών Ib. II. after Horn., o.v, οφθαλμόν, φωνάν, i. e. to restore to a dead man the use of his eyes and voice, Pind. 2. to analyse, Arist. 3. to put an end to a thing, Xen. : — to abolish, cancel, Dem. : — Med. to cancel faults, Xen., Dem. III. intr. to loose a s\\\p from its moorings, weigh anchor, depart, Polyb. : —metaph., of death, N.T. 2. to return, Ib. άνάλωμα, aros, τό, (άνάλόω) expenditure, cost, in pi. expenses, Thuc., etc. άνάλωσΐ5> ή, (άνάλόω) outlay, expenditure, Theogn., Thuc. άνάλωτής,'ου, δ, (άνάλόω) a spender, waster. Plat, άνάλωτικός, ή, όν, (άνάλόω) expensive. Plat, άν-άλωτος [άλ], ον, (άλίσκομαι) not to be taken, in- vincible, impregnable, Hdt. : also, not taken, still holding out, Thuc. 2. of persons, ov. δττδ χρημά- των incorruptible, Xen. άνα-μαιμάω, only in pres, to rage through, c. acc., II. άνα-μανθάνω, f. -μάθ·ί]σομαι, to inquire closely, Hdt. άν-αμάξευτος,ον, (άμαξευω) impassable for wagons, \\άί. άν-αμάρτητο9, ον, [^αμαρτάνω) without missing, un- failing, unerring, Xen. 2. in moral sense, with- out fault, blameless. Plat., etc. ; άν. Trpos τινα or τινί having done no wrong to a person, Hdt. ; άν. τινό$ guiltless of a thing. Id. ; τό άναμάρτητον innocence, Xen. : — Adv. -τωs, without fail, unerringly. Id. άνα-μάρυκάομαι, v. άναμηρ-. άνα-μάσάομαι, Dep. to chew over again, ruminate, Ar. άνα-μάσσω, Att. -ττω, f. ξω, to wipe off, ίργον % ση Κ€φαλτ] άναμάξ€ΐ5 a deed w'hich thou wilt wipe off on thine own head (as if it were a stain), Od. ; so, ταυτα βμη Κζφαλη άναμάξαε Hdt. : — Med., άναμάττ^σθαι τφ προσώττφ του αίματοε to have [some of] the blood wiped on one’s face, Plut. άνα-μάχομαι [ά], f. -μαχόσομαι, Att. -μαχοΰμαι, Dep. to renew the fight, retrieve a defeat, Hdt., Thuc. ; άν. τόν λόγον to fight the argument over again. Plat, άν-άμβάτος, ov, of a horse, that one cannot mount, Xen. άνα-μόλιτω, f. ψω, to begin to sing, άοιδάν Theocr. άνα-μ€μίχάται. Ion. for άναμ^μιγμίνοι ΐΐσι, 3 pi. pf. of άναμίγνυμι. άνα-μόνω, poet, άμ-μβνω, f. -μενώ, to wait for, await, c. acc., Od., Hdt., etc. : — c. acc. et inf., άν. τινά -ττοιεΓν to await one’s doing, Hdt. ; άν. τι γίν^σθαι a thing happening. Id. : — absol. to wait, stay. Soph., etc. 2. to await, endure, τί Xen. 3. to put off, delay. Id. άνά-μεσος, ov, in the midland or interior, Lat. medi- terraneus, Hdt. άνά-μεστος, ov, filled full, rtvos of z. thing, Dem. ανα-μεστόω, f. ώσω, to fill up, fill full, Ar., in Pass, άνα-μετρεω, f. ήσω, to re-measure the road one came by, retrace one’s steps to a place, οφρα άναμ^τρησαιμι Χάρυβδιν Od. 2. to recapitulate, EuT.,inMed. II. to measure over again, to measure carefully, take the measure of, τι Hdt. ; άν. εαυτόν Ar. : — Med., άνεμετρη- σάμην φρ4να5 Tas σάί took the measure of thy mind, Eur. 2. άναμ^τρζΐσθαι δάκρυ eis τινα to measure out (i. e. pay) to him the tribute of a tear. Id. άναμετρησις, εω5, ή, (άναμ^τρόω) a measurement , tivos Trp0s τι of one thing by another, Plut. άνα-μηρυκάομαι or άναμάρ-, Dep. to chew the cud, Luc. άνάμϊγα, poet, άμμιγα, Adv., = άναμί|, promiscuously , Soph., Anth. ; and άναμιγδα, = άναμί|. Soph. From ανα-μίγνϋμι and -υω, poet, άμ-μίγνυμι, f. -μίξω : Ep. aor. I part. άμμίξα5 : cf. άναμίσγω : — to mix up, mix together, Od., Hdt., etc. : — Pass, to be mixed with others, Hdt., Att. : to have intercourse, Plut. άνα-μιμνήσκω, f. -μνήσω, poet, άμμνησω, to remind one of a thing, c. dupl. acc., ταΰτά μ άν4μνησα$ Od. ; c. gen. rei, άν. τινά tivos Eur. : — c. acc. pers. et inf. to remind one to do, Pind. 2. c. acc. rei, to recall to memory, make mention of, Dem. II. in Pass. to remember , tiv0s Hdt., etc. ; more rarely τι Ar., Plat. ; ττερί τι Plat, άνα-μίμνω, poet, for άνα-με'νω, II. άναμί|, (άναμίγνυμι) Adv. promiscuously, Hdt., Thuc. άνάμιξις, εωϊ, η, [άναμίγνυμαι) intercourse, Plut. άνα-μίσγω, poet, and Ion. for άναμίγνυμι, only in pres. αναμισθαρνίω — ανατταύω. and impf., to mix one thing with another, τί τινι Od. : — Pass, to have intercourse, τινι Hdt. άνα-μΐ(Γθαρν€ω, f. ^crco, to serve again for pay , Pint, άναμ,νησ-θείς, aor. i pass. part, of αναμιμν^ισκω. άνάρ,νησις, ecos, η, {αναμιμν^ισκω) a calling to mind, recollection. Plat., etc. άναμ,νηστός, ον, {άναμιμν^ακω) that which one can re- collect, Plat. άνα-μολεΐν, inf. of άν-εμολον, aor. 2 of αναβλώσκω, to go through, c. acc., Eur. άνα-μορμυρω, to roar loudly, boil up, πασ' άναμορ- μύρ^σκζ (Ion. impf.) of Charybdis, Od. άνα-μοχλευω, f. σω, to raise by a lever, to force open, TTvXas Eur. άν-αμττλάκητος or άν-αττλάκητος, ον, unerring, un- failing, Soph. 2 . of a man, without error or crime, Aesch., Soph. άνα-μυχθίζομαι, Dep. only in pres, to moan loudly, Aesch. άν-αμψίβολος, ον, unambiguous : Adv. -Aws, Luc. άν-αμψίλεκτο9, o;/, = sq., Luc. αν-αμφίλογοξ, ον, undisputed, undoubted, Xen. Adv. -^(as, indisputably , Id. άν-αμφισβήτητο5, ον, undisputed, indisputable, Ύ\ν\χο..', αν. χώρα a place about which there is no dispute, i. e. well-known, Xen. ανανδρία, want of manhood, Eur., Plat., etc. 2. unmanliness, cowardice, Aesch., etc. From αν-ανδρος, ον, (aviip) : I. = άνευ avdp 0 s, husband- less, Trag. 2. = ήνευ avSpwv, without men, Ib. II. wanting in manhood, unmanly, Hdt., Plat. ; ^.vav- δρον = ανανδρία, Thuc. αν-άνδρωτος, ον, {άνδρόω) widowed, evvai Soph. · άνα-νεάζω, in pres, to renew one's youth, Ar. ανα-νεμω, poet, άν-νεμω, f. -νεμώ, to divide anew : Med. to count up, Hdt. (in Ion. fut. -νεμεεταί). 2. to rehearse, read, Theocr. ανα-νεομαι, Dep. only in pres, to mount up, avveiraL (Ep. for avaveTrai) Od. ανα-νεόομαι, aor. i άνενεωσάμην, to renew, Thuc., etc. άνα-νεΰω, f. -ν^νσομαι or —ν^ύσω : aor. i άνενευσα : — to throw the head back, in token of denial (which we express by shaking the head), Horn., Hdt., etc. 2 . c. acc. rei, to deny, refuse, II. ανανεωσις, εωί, η, {αναν^όομαι) a renewal, Thuc. ανα-νηψω, only in pres, to return to sobriety of mind, N. T. 2. trans. to make sober again, Luc. αν-ανθής, ey, (avOos) without bloom, past its bloom. Plat, αναντα, Adv. of avdvTTjs, up-hill, II. αν-ανταγώνιστος, ον, {αγωνίζομαι) without a rival, without a struggle, Thuc. : uncontested, unalloyed. Id. : — Adv. — Tcos. II. irresistible, Plut. άν-άντη5, ε5, {ανά, άντάω) up-hill, steep, Hdt., Plat., Xen. ; Tvphs rh dvavres to the highest point. Plat, αν-αντίλεκτος, ον, incontestable, Luc. άναξ [ά], άνακτος, ό : voc. dva : {ανάσσω) : — a lord, master, being applied to the gods, esp. to Apollo and Zeus, Horn. ; to the latter in voc., Ζεν dva II. II. among the Homeric heroes Agamemnon is ήναξ ανδρών, but άνα| is a title given to all men of rank and note, as to Teiresias, Od. ; βασίλευε άναξ lord king, lb. III. the master of the house, esp. as denoting the relation 59 of master to slave, Ib. IV. metaph., κώττηε, ναών dvaKTes lords of the oar, of ships, Aesch. ; &v. οττΧων Eur. άνα-ξαίνω, f. -ξάνώ, to tear open, a wound, Babr. άνα-ξηραίνω, f. άνω : aor. i άνέξηράνα, Ep. 3 sing. subj. dy^ripavT] : — to dry up things, of the wind, II. ; to dry up a stream, Hdt. άναξία, •^, {ανάσσω) a command, behest, Pind. av-a|ios, ov and a, ov : I. of persons, unworthy , not deemed or held worthy of, c. gen., Hdt. ; ανάξιον σου too good for thee. Soph. ; c. inf., άνάξιοε δυστυχ€Ϊν un- deserving Id. : — Α.ά\.,αναξίωε^ωυτώνΫ{άϊ. 2, absol. unworthy , worthless. Id., Soph. : — Adv. -ίωε. Soph. 3 . undeserving of evil. Id., Eur. II. of things, tmdeserved, ανάξια τταθεΓν Eur., etc. άναξι-ψόρμιγξ, lyyos, 6 , η, ruled by the lyre, Pind. άνα|νρίδε$,ίδων, ai, the trousers worn by eastern nations, Hdt., Xen. ; by the Scythians, Hdt. (A Persian word.) άνα-ξΰω [ϋ], f. -ξνσω, to scrape up or off : — Pass., άνο- ξυσθ^ίε (aor. i part.) having the surface scraped off, Plut. άνα-οίγω, f. ξω, Ep. for άvoίyω, II. άνα-παιδεΰω, f. σω, to educate afresh, Ar. άνάτταιστο?, ov, struck back, rebounding : as Subst. an anapaest (i. e. a dactyl reversed^, an anapaestic verse, Ar. ; άνάτταιστα, τά, anapaestics, satire, Plut. From άνα-τταίω, f. σω, to strike back. άνά-ττάλιν, Adv. back again. Plat., etc. II. over again. Id. III. contrariwise, reversely. Id. άνα-ττάλλω, poet, άμ-ττάλλω : Ep. aor. 2 part, άμττεττα- Κών : — to swing to and fro, άμττετταλών ^yxos having poised and drawn back the spear before throwing it, II. : to set in motion, urge on, Eur. ; άμττάλλειν τά κώΚα Ar. : — Pass, to spring up, ws οτε άναπάλλεται ΙχΒΰε, ώε TxX'pyeXs aveiraKro (3 sing. Ep. aor. 2) as when a fish springs up, so he smitten sprang up, II. άνα-ττάσσω, f . -ττάσω [ά], to sprinkle vipon, τί τινι Pind. άνάτταυλα, ηε, -η, {αναπαύω) repose, rest. Soph. ; κατ άναπαύΚαε δι-ρρησθαι to be divided into reliefs, of work- men, Thuc. 2. c. gen. rei, rest from a thing, Soph., Thuc., etc. II. a resting-place, an inn, Lat. deversorium, Eur., Ar. άνάτταυμα, poet, άμττ-, ατοε, τό, {αναπαύω) a repose, rest, Hes. ; μερίμνων from cares, Theogn. 2 . a resting-place, Anth. άνάτταυσις, poet, άμττ-, ^ωε, rj, {αναπαύω) repose, rest, Pind., Xen. : relaxation, recreation, Xen. 2 . rest from a thing, c. gen., Thuc. άνατταυστήριος or -ιταυτήριος. Ion. άμιτ-, ov, {ανα- παύω) of or for resting, Hdt. II. as Subst. άναπανστηριον, τό, a time of rest, Xen. 2. a place of rest, Luc. άνα-τταυω, poet, and Ion. άμττ -, f. σω, to fnake to cease, to stop or hinder from a thing, c. gen., II. ; av. τινά Tivos to give him rest or relief from a thing. Soph., Dem. 2. c. acc. only, to stop, put an end to, βού^ν Soph. : — more commonly, to rest, halt, τδ στράτευμα, τόνε ναύταε Xen. 3 . rarely intr. in sense of Med. to take rest, άναπαύοντ^ε Thuc. j άνόπαυ^ν Xen. II. Med. and Pass, to desist from a thing, άπδ ναυ- μαχίαε Thuc. 2. absol. to take one's rest, sleep, Lat. pernoctare, Hdt., Eur., etc. ; of the dead, Theocr. : 6o αναττείθω — — of soldiers, to halt, rest, Xen. 3. to regain strength. Id. άνα-τΓ€ίθω, f. -πζ'κτω, to bring over, convince, Xen. : — Pass., Thuc. 2. to persuade, move to do a thing·, c. acc. pers. et inf., Hdt., Att. ; h.v. τινά τι to persuade one of a thing, Ar. 3. to seduce, mislead, τινά Hdt., etc. άνα-7Γ€ΐράο|χαι, Dep. to try or attempt again : as a military and naval term, to renew or continue their exercises, Hdt., Thuc. άνα-ΤΓ^ίρω, poet, άμιτ-, to pierce through, fix on a spit, 11., Ar. II. to impale, eVl |υλου τινά Hdt. : Pass., αποΒανΐΐν avawapcis (aor. 2 part.) Id. avaircKTTiipios, a, ov, {άναττ^ίθω) persuasive, Ar. άνα-7Γ€μ7Γάζομαι, Dep. to count again, count over. Plat. άνα-ΤΓβμπω, poet, άμιτ-, f. ψω, to send up from below, Aesch. : to send forth, Pind. : — Med. to send up from oneself 2. from the coast inland, esp. into Central Asia, Thuc., Xen. II. to send back, Pind. άνα'π·€·7Γταμ^νος, pf. part. pass, of άναττΐτάννυμι. άνα7Γ€σ€Ϊν, aor. 2 inf. of αναττί-η-τω. άνα-τΓ€τάνν·ϋμι or -'ύω, later άνα-ττβτάω : f. -ττβτάίΤω [ά], Att. -πετώ : — poet, άμττ- — to spread out, unfold, unfurl sails, II. ·, av. βόστρυχον to let the hair fiow loose, Eur. j ipaos άμπετάσαί having shed light abroad. Id. ; h.v. Tus ttvAus to throw wide the gates, Hdt. : — Pass., ά^'απεπταμε^'os thrown open, II. ; άλώπτηξ άνα· ττιτναμόνη a fox lying on its back, Pind. : — the part, pf. pass. άνατΓζΤΓταμόνοε, tj, ov, is often a mere Adj. open, of the sea, Hdt.; of eyes, Xen.; δίαιτα av. life in the open air, Plut. ανα-πετομαι, f. -τττησομαι : aor. 2 άν-€ΤΓτόμην or av- (πτάμην, also in act. form αν-ότττην : — to fly up, fly away, Hdt., etc. 2. metaph. to be on the wing, αν^τττόμαν Soph. ; ανόττταν ψόβιρ Id. άνα-ττ'ί^γνυμι, f. -πήξω, to transfix, impale, Plut. άνα-πηδάω, poet. άμπ-.-. f. -τ^σομαι, to leap up, start up, II., Hdt., etc. II. to leap back, from fear, Ar. ; άνεπήδησεϊ' επί t))v 'Εστίαν, for protection, Xen. άνά-ιτηρος, ov, much maimed, crippled. Plat., etc. άνατΓϊδΰω, of ground, to send forth water, Plut. άνα-ττίμπλημι, f. -πλήσω, to fill up, Lat. explore, Epigr. ap. Luc. 2. metaph., πότμον ava-rX-r^aavT^s having filled up the full measure of misery, II. ; so, αναττλησαι οΊτον, κακά, έίλγεα, κ-ηδ^α Horn., Hdt., etc. II. c. gen. rei, to fill full of a thing, Ar., etc. 2. with a notion of defiling, infecting, ci?s TrXeiaTOvs άνατΓλ·ησαι αίτιων Plat. ; so Pass, to be in- fected with disease, Thuc., Plat. ανα-τΓΠΓτω, poet, άμπ- : f. —ττ^σουμαι : aor. 2 -όττ^σον : — to fall back, Aesch. 2. to fall back, give ground, Thuc. : to flag, lose heart, Lat. concidere animo, Dem. 3. of a plan, to be given tip. Id. 4. to recline at table, like άνάκζιμαι, N.T. άνα-Ίτίτνημι, poet, for άνα-ττξτάννυμι, Pind. άν-αττλάκητος, ov, = άναμπΧάκητο5, q. v. άνα-ττλάσ'σ'ω, Att. -ττω, f. -ττΧάσω [ά], to form anew, remodel, Ar. : — Med., άναττΧάσασθαι οΙκίην to rebuild one’s house, Hdt. 2. metaph. to invent, in Med., Anth. II. to plaster up : Pass., κηρόν άναττ^πΧασ- μ4νο$ having wax plastered, Ar. αναΊτ6νητΎθ<ξ. άνα-πλεκω, f. |ω, to enwreath, Pind. : — Med. to braid one’s hair, Luc. 2. metaph. of writing verses, Anth. 3. Vass., αναττΐ-πΧΐ^Ύμόνοι closely engaged,^\vX. άνά-πλεος, a, ov, Att. masc. and neut. -ττλεως, ων, also fern, -πλεα : pi., nom. -πλε^, neut. -πλεα; acc. masc. -πλεωϊ : — quite full of a. thing, c. gen., Hdt., Plat. II. infected with or by a thing, c. gen.. Plat, άνα-πλεω, Ion. -ττλ,ώω, Ep. — πλείω : f. -ττΧ^ύσομαι : — to sail up, to go up stream, c. acc., Od. 2. to put out to sea, II., Dem. II. to sail the same way back again, sail back, Hdt., Xen. : — of fish, to swim hack, Hdt. άνά-πλεως, v. άνάπλεοί. άνα-πληρόω, f. ώσω, to fill up a void. Plat. 2. to make up, supply. Id. : — Med., δώματ av. to fill their houses full, Eur. 3. to fill up the numbers of a body, την βουΧην Plut. ; av. t^v συνηγορίαν to fill the place of advocate. Id. 4. to pay in full, in Med., Dem. II. Pass, to be restored to its former size, of the sun, after an eclipse, Thuc. Hence άναπλ-ηρωσις, εω5, η, a filling tip, Arist., Plut. ; and άναπληρωτε'ον. Verb. Adj. one must fill up, Plut. άνα-ττλήσαι, aor. i inf. of -ττίμπΧημι : -πλήσω, fut. άνάττλοος, contr. -ττλο'υς, δ, (αναπλέω) a sailing up- stream, Hdt. 2. a putting out to sea, Polyb. άν-απλόω, f. ώσω, to unfold, open, Mosch., Babr. άναιτλώω, Ion. for αναπλέω. άνάπνευμα, poet, άμπν-, aTos, τό, (αναπνέω) a resting- place, Pind. άνάπνενσις, εωϊ, η, (αναπνέω) recovery of breath, re- spite from a thing, c. gen., II. άνά-ττνευστο?, ov, without breath, breathless, Hes. ανα-πνεω, f. -ην^ύσομαι : aor. i -επνεναα : besides the common tenses (v. πνέω), we have three Homeric forms (as if from άμ-ττνΰω), aor. 2 imper. ήμπνυε, aor. i pass. άμπνννθη, and aor. 2 with form of plqpf. άμίΓνϋτο : — to breathe again, take breath, II., etc. : to recover from a thing, c. gen., Ib., Soph., etc.; so, %k tivos Hdt. : — absol. to revive, Xen. ; and in this sense Horn, uses άμπνυτο, άμττνύνθη. II. to draw breath, breathe, Pind., Plat. III. to breathe forth, send forth, καπνόν Pind. Hence άναπνο-η, poet, άμπν-, η, recovery of breath, revival, Pind., Plat.; μόχθων άμττνοά rest from toils, Pind., Eur. II. a drawing breath, respiration, Ar., Plat.; άμπνοάϊ εχείν= άναπνεείν, to breathe, So'ph. ', t^v av. άτΐοΧαβ^Ίν tivos to strangle him. III. a breath- ing organ, of the mouth, Luc. ; an air-hole, Plut. άνα-ποδίζω, f. ίσω, {ttovs) to 7nake to step back, call back, cross-examine, Hdt., Aeschin. ; av. εωυτόν to correct himself, Hdt. άν-άποινος, ov, (άποίνα) without ransom, only in neut. άνάποινον as Adv., II. άνα-πολε'ω, poet, άμ-πολεω, f. ησω, properly to turn up the ground agahi : hence to go over agahi, repeat, reconsider, Pind., Soph. άναπολίζω, = άναπολεω, of a field, Pind. άναπομπ-η, η, (άναπεμπω) a sending up : av. θησαυρών a diggmg up of treasures, Luc. άναπόμπιμος, ov, (άναπεμπω) sent back, Luc. άναπομπός, b, (άναπεμπω) one that sends up or back, of Hades, seiiduig up the shade of Darius, Aesch. άν-απ6νιπτο5ϊ ov, {αττονίζω) tinwashen, Ar. s t αναττρασσ-ω άνα-ιτράσσω, Att. -ιτράττω, f. -ττράξω, to exact, levy money or debts, Ar., Thuc.j av. υ-ποσχ^σίν to exact the fulfilment of a. promise, Thuc. άνα-ιτρηθω, f. -πρ^ισω, to blow forth, to let burst forth, δάκρυ’ avairpiiaas with tears bursting forth, Horn. άνα-ΤΓτάσθαι or -ιττ^σθαι, aor. 2 inf. of αναττάτομ,αι. άνα-ΐΓΤ€ρ<5ω, f. ώσω, properb' of a bird, to raise its feathers: hence, h.v. ideipas Eur. 2. metaph. to set on the wing, excite vehemently , Hdt., Eur., etc. : — Pass, to be in a state of excitement , Aesch., Xen., etc. άνα-ΐΓτο^ω, poet. -'π·τοΐ€ω, f. ήσω, to scare exceedingly , Mosch. : — Pass, to be scared, Plut. άνα-ΊΓτυσσω, f. -Ίττνξω, to unfold the rolls on which books were written ; and so, to unrol, open for reading, ap. βιβλίου Hdt.: — io xindo, open, rcvKas Eur.; kva.- 7Γτύ|α5 xepas with arms outspread. Id. 2. to unfold, disclose, reveal, Lat. explicare,Tvag. II. as military term, r^p op, without number, countless, numberless, Sappho, Trag. : c. gen., kpk- ριθμοε θρτ]ρωρ without measure in lamentations. Soph. ; μτηρώρ kpr}pιθμos without count of months. Id. ·, ttoAis kpάpιθμos = ΤΓΟλΐται kpάpιθμoι, Id. αν-αρκτος, op, (άρχω) not governed or subject, Thuc. : not submitting to be governed, Aesch. άv-άpμ€vos, op, (^ραρίσκω) unequipped, Anth. άναρμοστ€ω, f. ήσω, {αράρμοστο$ ) not to fit or suit. Tipi or TTp6s Ti Plat. άναρμοσ-τία, η, discord, of musical sounds. Plat. From άν-άρμοστος, op, {αρμόζω) unsuitable, incongruous, disproportionate, Hdt., Xen. : — of sound, out of tunc. — αναρτάω. 6 1 Plat. : — Adv. -τω$. Id. II. of persons, impertinent, absurd, Ar. 2. unfitted, unprepared, Trpks τι Thuc. άναροιβδεω, poet, for kpappoιβδ4ω. άναριτα-γή, re-capture, Eur. From άν-αρπάζω, f. άσω and ά|ω, also in mefiriorm -άσομαι : aor. I -άιρπασα and αξα : — to snatch up, II., Xen. II. to snatch away, carry off, Horn., etc. ; of slave-dealers, to kidnap, Od. : — Pass., Soph. : in Prose also, to be dragged before a magistrate, carried off to prison, Lat. rapi in jus, Dem. 2. in good sense, to rescue, Plut. III. to take by storm, plunder, Eur. ; of persons, kpaρ^πaσ6μepos tops Φωκόαε to take them by storm or at once, Hdt. IV. to carry off, steal, Xen., Dem. Hence άναρτταστός, 6p, and i], 6p, snatched up, carried off, Eur., Plat. 2. carried up the country, i.e. into Central Asia, Xen. άναρ-ρήγνϋμι or -υω, f . -ρήξω, to break up the ground, 11., Hdt. 2. to break through a wall, II., Eur. : — Pass., η pavs kpappriypvTai ttjp irape^eipeaiap the ship has its bow broken throtigh, Thuc. 3. to tear open a car- case, of lions, II. ; of Ajax, δίχα kpeppriypv was cleaving them asunder. Soph. II. to make to break forth, utter, like Lat. rumpere voces, Ar., Theocr. ; kp. ττόλιρ to make it break out, excite greatly, Plut. — Pass, to burst forth ; metaph. of persons, kpappr,ypva9ai Trphs opy'fjp Id. III. intr. to break forth. Soph, άναρρηθήναι, aor. i pass. inf. of kpenrelp, q. v. ανάρρηξις, ews, η, {kpappr^ypυμi) breakage, Plut. άναρ-ρήξω, f. of kpappr,ypυμι. άνάρρησις, ews, η, a proclamation, Dem. ; cf. kpelirop. άναρ-ρίτττω and — ριτττεω, f. -ρίφω : — to throw up, kp. άλα Ίτηδφ to throw up the sea with the oar, i. e. row with might and main, Od. ; also without ττηδψ, oi δ’ άλα 7rdpT€S kpeppixj/ap Ib. II. kp. κίρδυρορ, a phrase from the game of dice, to run the hazard of a thing, run a risk, Hdt., Thuc.; πβρί or ύττόρ tipos Plut. also without κίρδυρορ, 4s άτταν τδ ύττάρχορ kpappiirveip to throw for one’s all, stake one’s all, Thuc. ; with a second acc. kp. μάχτηρ to hazard a battle, Plut. άναρ-ρΐχάομαι, impf. kpeρpιχώμηp, to clamber up with the hands and feet, scramble up, Kx. (Deriv. unknown.) άναρ-ροιβδεω, poet, άναροιβδεω, f. τ]σω, to suck down again, of Charybdis, Od. Hence avap-pii^is, ecos, η, {ρύομαι) rescue : name of the second day of the festival ’Απατούρια, Ar. άναρ-ρώννυμι, aor. i kp -όρρωσα, to strengthen afresh : — Pass, to regain strength, kpappwaOcpTes Thuc. 2. intr. in aor. i act. to recover, Plut. dv-apaios, op, and a, op, not fitting, i?icongruous : hence, I. of persons, hostile, unpropitious, im- placable, Horn., Trag. II. of events, untoward, strange, monstrous, Hdt. άν-αρτάω, f. ήσω : Pass., pf. kpr]pτημaι : — to hang to or upon, to attach to, make dependent upon, is deohs kp. Ti to leave it depe^iding upon them, Eur. ; άν- ΐαυτδρ els δημορ Dem. II. Pass, to be hung up. Plat. 2. metaph. to hang or depend upon, εκ tipos Id., Dem. : — άνηρτησθα: els . . to be referred or refer- able to , Plat. ; kp^]pτημepoι Tais oipecrtp πρ05 τιρα hanging on one with their eyes, Plut. III. Med. to attach to oneself, make dependent upon one, τιρά Xen. 02 αναρτ€θμαί - άν-αρτ6ομαι, Ion. Verb, only used in pf. pass, ανάρττημαι, to be ready, prepared to do, c. inf., Hdt. : cf. αρτίομαι. άν-άρτιο9, ον, uneven, odd, opp. to dprios (even). Plat, αν-αρχαΐζω, £. σω, {άρχαΐοε) to make old again, Anth. αναρχία, η, (avapyos) lack of a leader, Hdt. II. the state of a people νύίΐΚοιιΙ government, anarchy, Aesch., Thuc.,etc. : — at Athens this name Λvas given to the year of the thirty tyrants (b. c. 404), ishen there was no archon, Xen. αν-αρχος, ον, (αρχ-ή) without head or chief, II., Eur. : rh άναρχον — αναρχία, Aesch. άνα-σαλετίω, f. σω, to shake up, stir up, Luc. ανα-σ6ΐράζω, f. σω, (aeipa) to draw hack with a rein, to hold in check, Anth. II. to draw aside from the road, Eur. ανα-σείω, poet, άνασ-σείω : 3 sing·. Ion. impf. ανασ- aeiaoKe : f. -σείσω :-~to shake hack, swing to and fro, move up and down, Hes. : esp. as a sig-nal,Thuc. II. to stir up, N. T. άνα-σε-υομαι, Pass., only in syncop. aor. 2, αΧμα αν4σσυτο the blood sprang forth, spouted up, II. ανά-(7ΐλλο5 or -σϊλθ9, b, bristling hair, Plut. άνα-σκάτΓτω, f. ψω, to dig up, to dig up ground, Plut. άνα-σκεδάννυμι, f. -σκεδάσω [ά], to scatter abroad, άνα-σκευάζω, f. -σω : Pass., pf. αν^σκ^ύασμαι : — to pack up the baggage (τά σκευή), Lat. vasa colligere : to carry away, Xen. : — Med. to break up one’s camp, march away, Thuc., Xen. 2. to disfurnish, dis- mantle a place, Thuc. : Med. to dismantle one’s house or city. Id. 3. to waste, ravage, destroy 4. Pass, to he bankrupt, break, of bankers, Dem. ; metaph., ονεσκευάσμεθα we are ruined, Eur. άν-άσκητο9, ον, (άσκεω) unpractised, tinexercised, Xen. άνα-σκολοττίζω, f. σω : Pass, with fut. med. -σκολοττι- ουμαι : aor. i -εσκολοττίσθην : pf. -εσκολοττισμαι : — to fix on a pole or stake, impale, Hdt. άνα-σκοττε'ω, f. -σκ4·φομαι, aor. i άνεσκεψάμτϊν : — to look at narrowly, examine well, Ar., Thuc. ανα-σοβε'ω, f. ήσω, to scare and make to start up, to rouse. Plat. : — Pass., ανασ€σοβ7]μ4νο5 την κόμην with hair on end through fright, Luc. άνα-σττάράσσω, f. ξω, to tear up, Eur. άναστταστός, ov, drawn up, Ar. II. dragged up the country, of tribes compelled to emigrate into Central Asia, Hdt. 2. of a door or gate, drawn back, opened. Soph. From άνα-σττάω, poet, άν-σττάω, f. -σττάσω [ά], to draw up, pull up, Solon, Hdt. : — Med., ε’κ xpohs 4yxos άνεσπάσατο he drew his spea.T forth again, 11. 2 , ^o draw a ship up on land, Hdj;., Thuc. 3. to draw ox suck up greedily , αίμα Aesch. : but, ύδωρ αν. to draw water, Thuc. 4. to tear up, Hdt., Att. 5. metaph., ανασπαν Koyovs to draw forth words, to utter violent, offensive words. Soph. 6. ras ocppvs ανασπαν to draw up the eye- brows, and so put on a grave important air, Ar. j so, τα μότωπα αν. Id. II. to draw hack, την χεΓρα Id. III. to carry away from home, Luc. ανασσα, η, fern, of^, a queen, lady, mistress, ad- dressed to goddesses, Od., Aesch. ; also to a mortal, Od., Trag. II. generally, like ava\ iv, ανασσα opyiwv Ar. αν-άσσάτο9, Dor. for αντ]σσητο5. - αναυτρίφω. άνασσείασκον, Ion. impf. of άνασείω. άνάατσω, impf. ηνασσον, Ep. άνασσαν : f. ονάξω: Ep. aor. i &ναξα : — to be lord, master, owner, to rule, in a place, c. dat., ^Apyc'i, ν·ί]σοισι αν. ; or c. gen. to be lord of, rule over, Τενεδοίο, Άργείων Horn. : also, μετ’ άθανά- τοισι αν. to he first among the immortals, II. : — Med., Tp\s ανάξασθαι γε'νεα άνδρών to have been king for three generations, Od. : — Pass, to he ruled, Ib. II. in Trag. metaph. of things, κωπηε ανάσσων, etc., Eur., cf. άναξ IV : — Pass., παρ’ 0τψ σκηπτρον ανάσσ^ται by whom the sceptre is held as lord. Soph, άν-άσσω, Att. for άναί'σσω. ανάστα, for ανάστηθι, aor. 2 imp. of άνίστημι. άναστάδόν, Adv. ,άνίστημι) standing up, upright, II. άνάστάσις, gen. εωϊ. Ion. los, η : I. act. (άνίστημι) a raising up of the dead, Aesch. 2. a making men rise and leave their place, removal, as of suppliants, Thuc. ; άν. τη$ ’Ιωνία? the removal of all the Greeks from Ionia, Hdt. : — an overthrow, destruction, ruin, Aesch., Eur. 3. a setting up, restoration, τειχών Dem. II. (ανίστάμαι) a standing or rising up, in token of respect. Plat. 2. a rising and moving off, removal, Thuc. 3. a rising up, ε’| νπνου Soph. 4. a rising again, the Resurrection, N. T. άναστάτήρ and -της, b, (άνίστημι) a destroyer, Aesch. ανάστατος, ov, (άνίστάμαι) made to rise up and depart, driven from one’s home, Hdt. 2. of cities and countries, ruined, laid waste. Id., Soph., etc. άναστάτόω, f. ώσω, (ανάστατο?) to unsettle, upset, N. T. άνα-σταυρόω, f. ώσω, to impale, Hdt. : — Pass., Thuc. II. In the Rom. times, to affix to a cross, crucify, Plut. 2. to crucify afresh, N. T. άνα-στείβω, f. ψω, strengthd. for στΑβω, Anth. άνα-στε'λλω, f. -στελώ, to raise up : — Med. to gird up one’s clothes, Eur., Ar. II. to keep back, repulse an attack, Eur., Thuc. : — Pass, to retire, Thuc. άνα-στενάζω, f . ξω, = άναστενω, Hdt. ; τοίάδ’ άνεστε'να- Ces (χθόδοπα such hateful words didst thou groan forth. Soph. II. c. acc. pers. to groan for, lament, Aesch., Eur. άνα-στενάχίξω, f. σω, to groan aloud, II. άνα-στενάχω [ά], c. acc. pers. to groan aloud over, be- moan, c. acc., II. ', so in Med., Ib. άνα-στενω, only in pres, to groan aloud, Aesch. II. like άναστενάχω, c. acc., Eur. άνα-στε'φω, f. ψω, to crown, wreath, κράτα Eur. : — Pass., άνόστ^μμαι κάρα I have my head wreathed. Id. άνα-στηρίζω, f. ξω, to set up firmly , Anth. άναστολ.·η,η, (άναστόλΧω) a putting back,T^s κόμη? Plut. άναστομόω, f. ώσω, to furnish with a mouth, άν. τάφρον to clear out a trench, Xen. : — Med., φάpυyos άναστόμον τδ χεΓλο? open the lips oi your gnW&t wide, Eur. άνα-στρε'φω, poet, άν-στρε'φω, f. ψω, to turn upside down, upset, II., Eur., etc. ; άν. καρδίαν to upset the stomach, i. e. cause sickness,· Thuc. ; — Pass., opos άνε- στραμμόνον iv τη ζητησ^ι turned tip by digging, Hdt. II. to turn back, bring back, τινά €ξ"Αιδον Soph.; όμμ.’ άν. κνκλφ to roll one’s eye about, Eur.; to rally soldiers, Xen. 2. intr. to turn back, return, retire, Hdt., Att. III. Pass, to be or dwell in a place, Lat. versari, άλλην yaiav άν. to go to a place and dwell there, Od. ; άν. iv^'Apyei Eur. : — to conduct άναστροΧόγητος — αναυγητος. oneself, us Seffnorris Xen. 2. to revolve, of the sun. Id. 3. of soldiers, to face about, jrally. Id. άν-αστρολόγητος, ον. ignorant of astrology, Strab. αναστροφή, η, {αναστρέφω) a turning upside down, upsetting, Eur. ; tty αναστροφήν ζιδόναι = άναστρ€φ€ΐν. Id. 2. a turning back, return. Soph. : a wheeling about, of soldiers, whether to flee or rally, Xen. ; of a ship, Thuc. II. (from Pass.) a dwelling in a place, Plut. : a mode of life, conversation, N. T. 2. the place where one tarries, an abode, haunt, Aesch. άναστρωφάω, only in pres., Frequentat. of αναστρέφω (intr.), to keep turning about, Od. άνα-συρομαι [ϋ], to pull up one^s clothes, Hdt. ; pf. part. ανασ€συρμ4νο5 obscene, Theophr. άνα-σφάλλω, f. -σφαλώ, intr. to rise from a fall or illness, to recover, Babr. άνα-σχ€θ€6ΐν, contr. -0eiv, poet. aor. 2 inf. of ανίχω. άνα-σχ€Ϊν, -σχβσθαι, aor. 2 inf. act. and med. of αν4χω. άνάσχβσις, ews, η, (ανέχομαι) a taking on oneself, en- durance, των Seivuv Plut. άνασχίτός, Ep. άνσχ€τός, όν, {ανέχομαι) to be borne, sufferable, endurable, Theogn., Soph. ; mostly with negat., ουκ άνσχ^τά insufferable, Od. ; τττώματ ουκ ανασχ^τά Aesch. : — ουκ ανασχ^τόν [e^rt], c. inf., Hdt., Soph. άνα-σχίζω, f. σω, to rip up, την Ύαστ^ρα Hdt. : to rend, Theocr. άνα-σώζω, f. σω, to recover what is lost, rescue. Soph. : Med., ανασώζ^σθαί τινα φόβου to recover one from fear. Id. : — Med. in proper sense, av. την αρχτ^ν to recover the government for oneself, Hdt. : — Pass, to return safe, of exiles, Xen. 2. in Med. also to preserve in mind, remember, Hdt. άνα-ταράσσω, Att. -ττω, f. |ω, to disturb greatly, rouse to frenzy, confound. Soph., Plat. : — Pass., ava- τ€ταραΎμ€νο5 in disorder, Xen. άνατέθραρμαι, pf. pass, of ανατρόφω. άνάτεί, V. ανατί. άνα-τβίνω, poet, άν-τβίνω, f. -τ€νώ, to stretch up, hold up, χ€Ϊρα av. to lift up the hand in adjuration or in prayer, Pind. ; or as token of ascent in voting, Xen. 2. to stretch forth, tt]v μάχαιραν ανατ^ταμόνοε with his sword stretched out. Id. ; οΰδέν ανατ^ίνασθαι φοββρόν to hold out no alarming threat, Dem. 3. to hold up as a prize, Pind. 4. to lift tip, exalt. Id. II. to stretch out, extend, e. g. a line of battle, Xen. ; oerbs ανατ€ταμόνοε a spread eagle. Id. III. Intr. to reach up, πόδιλα is ySvo άνατ^ίνοντα Hdt. : to extend out, odpos av. is tt]v Ο'ίτην Id. άνα-τ€ΐχίζω, f. Att. -ιώ, to rebuild, Xen. Hence άνατ€ΐχισμός, <5, a rebuilding of the walls, Xen. άνα-τελλω, poet, άν-τελλω : aor. i -eVetAa : — to make to rise up or to grow up, II. : — Pass., φλδ| άνατ^λλο- μόνη a flame mounting up, Pind. 2. to give birth to, bring to light. Id. : of events. Soph. II. intr. to rise, oi the sun and moon, Hdt., Soph., etc. 2. of a river, to take its rise, Hdt. 3. to grow, of hair, Aesch. άνα-τεμνω, f. -τεμώ, to cut open, Hdt., Luc. άνατί [r], Adv. of άνατοε, without harm, with im- punity, Trag. : also written άνατεί. άνα-τίθημι, f. -θ''ί,σω, to lay upon (as a burden), II., Ar. 2. to refer, attribute, ascribe. 2 l thing to a per- 63 son, Hdt., etc. ; ου yap hv oi πυραμίδα άνόθ^σαν ττοιη- σασθαι would not have attributed to him the erection of the pyramid. Id. j iμo\ άναθησ^τ^ will give me the credit of\i, Thuc. : — also, av. τινϊ ^τpάyμaτa to lay them upon him, entrust them to him, Ar., Thuc. ' II. to set up as a votive gift, dedicate, τί tivl Hes., Hdt., etc. ; hence the votive gift was ανάθημα : — Pass., aor. i inf. άνατζθηναι Ar. ; but άνάκ^ιμαι is more freq. as the - Pass. 2. metaph., av. τι λύρα to commit a song to the lyre, Pind. 3. to set up and leave in a place, Ar. III. to put back, remove, προσθ^ϊσα κάναθ^σα του ye κατθαν€Ϊν by adding or putting somewhat of the necessity of death. Soph. B. Med. to put upon for oneself, τα σκeύη ε’ττί τά ύ^τoζύyιa Xen. 2. to impart something of one's own,Ti TLVL N.T. II. to place differently, change about, Orac. ap. Hdt., Plat. 2. metaph. to retract one's opinion, Xen. άνα-τΐμάω, f. '1]σω, to raise in price, Hdt. άνα-τϊνάσσω, f. |ct), to shake up and down, brandish, Eur. ; of the wind shaking about a sail. Id. άνα-τλήναι, inf. of άν-ότλην, part, ανατλάε, aor. 2 with no pres, in use : f. άνατλάισομαι : — to bear up against, endure, Od., Att. ; φάρμακ άνότλη resisted the strength of the magic drink, Od. ανατολή, poet, άντολή, (ανατέλλω 'l a rising, rise, of the sun, often In pi., Od. ; of the stars, Aesch. 2, the quarter of sunrise. East, Lat. Oriens, Hdt. άνα-τολμάω, f. ησω, to regain courage, Plut. αν-α,τος, ον, {άτη) unharmed, Aesch. ; c. gen., κακών avaTos harmed by no ills. Soph. άνατρετΓτεον, verb. Adj., one 7nust overthrow, Luc. ; and άνατρετΓτικός, ή, όν, likely to upset a thing, c. gen.. Plat. From άνα-τρεττω, poet, άν-τρειτω, f. -τρόφω : pf. -τότροφα : — aor. 2 med. άν^τράπ^το In pass, sense : — to turn up or over, overturn, upset. Archil., etc. : — Pass., άνετράττετο = υτΓΤίοε εττεσεν, II. ; of ships. Plat., etc. 2. to over- throw, Lat. evertere, Hdt., Att. 3. to upset in argu- ment, refute, Ar. : — Pass, to be upset, disheartened, άνετράττετο φρόνα λύττα Theocr. II. to stir up, awaken. Soph. άνα-τρε'φω, f. -θρόφω, to feed up, nurse up, edticate, Aesch., Ar., Xen. άνα-τρε'χω, f. -θρύβομαι and -δράμουμαι, to run back, II. 2. c. acc. to retrace, Lat. repetere, Pind. II. to jump up and run, start up, of men, Hdt., Thuc. 2. of things, iyκόφaλos άνόδραμζ ε’| ώτζίληε the brains spurted ttp from the wound, II. ; σμώδίyyes άνόδραμον weals started up under the blow, Ib. 3. to rmi up, shoot up, of plants, Ib. ; then of cities and peoples, to shoot 7ip, rise quickly, Hdt. 4. άναδε- δρομε ττότρη the rock ra7t sheer tip, Od. άνάτρησις, εω5, η, (άνά, τετραίνω) a trepa7ini7ig, Plut. άνα-τρίβω [γ], f. φω, to rub well, rub clean, κύναε Xen. 2. Pass, to he worn away, Hdt. άνατροττή, η, (άνατρεττω) αιτ upsetting, overthrow , Aesch., Plat. άνα-τΐλίσσω, Att. -ττω, f. ξω, to iinroll, βιβλία Luc. άνα-τνίΓοω, f. ώσω, to impress agaiti, Luc. άνα-τυρβάζω, f. σω, to stir up, cotifoimd, Ar. άν-αύγητος, ον, (αυγή) rayless, sunless, Aesch. 64 αναύξητος — άν-αύδητος. Dor. -dxos, ον, (αύδάω) not to he spoken, unutterable, ineffable, Lat. infandus, Aesch., Eur. 2. unspoken, impossible. Soph. II. speechless. Id. αν-αυδος, ον, (ούδή) speechless, silent, Od., Aesch., etc. preventing speech, silencing, hesch. II. like αναύδητοε, unutterable. Soph, αν-αυλος, ον, without the flute, joyless, melancholy , Eur. : neut. pi. avavXa as Adv., Babr. II. ^in- skilled in flute-playing, Luc. "'Avavpos, b, a river in Thessaly, Hes. II. as appellat. &vavpos, b, a torrent, Mosch. α-ναυς, gen. avaos, b, η, without ships, va^s &vaes ships that are ships no more, Aesch. άν-αυω, Ep. aor. 1 αν-άϋσα, (ανω) to cry aloud, Theocr. άνα-ψαίνω, poet. ά|λ-φαίνω : f. -φανώ, but -φανώ in Eur. : aor. i αν4φ'ηνα or -4φάνα : — to make to give light, make to blaze up, ξν\α Od. 2. to bring to light, shew forth, display, Horn., Att. ; av. μζΚ4ων νόμου5 Ar. 3. to proclaim, declare, βασιλ4α av. τινά Find. ; av. ττόλιν to proclaim it victor in the games, Id. : — c. inf., αναφανώ ae rode ονομάζ^ιν I proclaim that they call thee by this name, i. e. order that thou be so named, Eur. 4. of things, to appoint, νόμου$ Ar. 5. αναφάναντζ$ r)]v Kvirpov having opened, come in sight of, Cyprus, N. T. II. Pass., with f. med. αναφανησομαι or -φανονμαι : pf. ανα·κ4φαμμαι, or in med. form -ττ4φ·ηνα·. — to be shewn forth, come to light or into sight, appear plainly, Horn., etc. 2. to reappear, Hdt. 3. αναφανηναι μούναρχοε to be declared king. Id. ; αναφαίν^σθαι σ(σωσμ4νο$ to be plainly in safety, Xen. άνα-ψαλαντίας, ου, b, (φαλαυθοϊ) bald in front, Luc. άναψανδά, Adv. /αναφαίνομαι) visibly, openly, Od. άναφανδδν, Adv. = foreg., II., Hdt., etc. άνα-φερω, poet. άρ.-φερω : f. άν-οίσω : aor. i av-Tjv^yKa, Ion. αν-ην^ίκα, also ανφσα : I. to bring or carry ^ip, Od., etc. j av. τινα fls ‘'Ολυμττον Xen. : — to carry up the country, esp. into Central Asia, Hdt. : — Med. to carry tip to a place of safety, take with one. Id. 2. to bring up, pour forth, tears, Aesch. : — Med., avcvei- κασθαι, absol. to fetch up a deep-drawn breath, heave a deep sigh, II., Hdt. : — c. acc. rei, to utter, aviViiKaro φωνάν, μύθον Theocr. 3. to uphold, take upon one, οχθο5 Aesch. j /cii^Swous· Thuc. to offer , contribute, fls rh κοινόν Dem. : — to offer in sacrifice, N.T. 5. intr. to lead up, of a road, Xen. II. to bring or carry back, Eur., etc. ; av. ras Kcotras to recover the oars, at the end of the stroke, Thuc. 2. to bring back tidings, report, Hdt., etc. 3. to bring back from exile, Thuc. 4. to carry back, trace up one’s family to an ancestor. Plat. 5. to refer a matter to another, Hdt., etc. : to ascribe, Eur., etc. : — without acc., av. (is τινα to appeal to another, 7nake reference to him, Hdt., Plat. : — of things, av. ds τι to have refer- ence to a thing. Plat. 6. to bring back, restore, recover, Thuc. -.—Pass, to recover oneself, come to one- self, Hdt. : — so also intr. in Act. to come to oneself, recover. Id., etc. 7. to return, yield, as revenue, Xen. 8 . to recall a likeness, Plut. άνα-φευ-γω, f. -φζύξομαι, to flee up, Xen. 2. to escape. Id. 3. of a report, to disappear gradually, Plut. άν-αφης, 4s, (όφή) not to be touched, impalpable. Plat. - avayopevL·}. άνα-φθεγγομαι, f. -ξομαι, Dep. to call out aloud, Plut. άνα-φθείρομαι, aor. 2 -(φθάρην [ά]. Pass, to be undone, κατά τι δευρ’ άveφθάpηs ; by what ill luck came you hither ? Ar. άνα-φλεγμαίνω, f. -ανώ, to inflame a-nd swell up, Plut. άνα-φλεγω, f . ξω, to light up, rekindle, Eur. : metaph., av. έρωτα Plut. : — Pass, tobeinflamed, excited, hnih. Hence άνάφλ€ξΐ5> εωί, η, a lighting up, Plut. άνα-φλογίζω, = άί/αφλεγω, Anth. ανα-φλυω, only in impf. to bubble or boil up, II. άνα-φοβεω, f. ήσω, to frighten away, Ar. αναφορά, as, γ, {αναφ4ρω) a carrying back, reference, Theophr., Plut. 2. recourse to another [in difficulty], Dem. 3. a means of repairing a fault or loss, a mea^is of recovery, Eur., Plut. άνα-φορε'ω, Frequent, of αναφ4ρω i, Hdt., Thuc. άνάφορον, TO, a pole or yoke for carrying things, Ar. άνα-φράζομαι, Ep. aor. i -(φρασσάμην, Med. to be ware of a thing, perceive, Od. άν-αφρόδϊτο 5 , ον, Αφροδίτ-η) without the favour of Venus, Plut., Luc. 2. Lat. invenustus, without charms, Plut. άνα-φρονεω, f. ήσω, to come back to one’s senses, Xen. άνα-φροντίζω, f. Att. ιώ, c. inf., to meditate how to do a thing. Find. άναφΰγή, η, {άvaφ(vyω) escape fro7n a thing, c. gen., Aesch. II. a retreat, Plut. άνα-φυρω [ϋ], f. -φύρσω, to mix up, confound : — Pass., ^v πάντα άναπ(φνρμ4να Hdt. 2. to defile, αίματι άvaπ(φυpμ4vos Id. άνα-φϋσάω, f. ήσω, to blow τιρ or forth, eject, of vol- canoes, Plat. II. metaph. in Pass, to be puffed up, Xen. άνα-φϋσιάω, Ep. part, -φυσιόων, to blow upwards, of a dolphin, Hes. άνα-φυω, f. —φύσω [ϋ], to produce again, to let grow, ττώγωνα Theocr. II. Pass., with aor. 2 act. -4φυν, pf. -π4φΰκα, to grow up, Hdt., etc. 2. to grow again, of the hair. Id. άνα-φωνε'ω, f. ήσω, to call aloud, declaim, Plut. 2 . to proclaim. Id. Hence άναφώνημα, aTos, to, a proclamation, Plut. ; and άναφώνησ-ις, (ωs, η, an outcry, ejaculation, Plut. άνα-χάζω, to make to recoil, force back, only 3 pi. poet, aor. I άν4χασσαν. Find. II. Med. άναχάζομαι, Ep. aor. i άν^χασσάμ-ην : — to draw back, retire, Horn. ; 4π\ πόδα άναχάζ^σθαι to retire slowly, of soldiers, Xen. (who also uses Act. in same sense), άνα-χαίνω, v. άναχάσκω. άνα-χαιτίζω, f. σω, {χαίτη ■ of a horse, to throw back the mane, rear up, Eur. : metaph. of men, to become restive, Plut. 2. c. acc. to rear up and throw the rider, Eur. : — metaph. to upset. Id., Dem. 3. c. gen., av. τών πραγμάτων to shake off the yoke of business, Plut. άνα-χάσκω, only in pres, and impf., the other tenses being formed from *άναχαίνω, f. -χάνονμαι : aor. 2 av4- χάνον : pf. -κ4χηνα : — to open the mouth, gape wide, Ar., Luc. άνα-χε'ω, f. -χεώ, to pour forth. άνα-χνοαίνομαι, Pass, to get the first down (xv0os), Ar. άνα-χορευω, f. σω, to begin a choral dance, av. θίασον Eur. 2, to celebrate in the chorus, 'Άάκχιονλά. 3. αναχυ(Τίς ανόοιστβον. ό5 cvK 6.V μ€ αν€χόρ€υ ^Έριννσι would not scare me away by a band of Furies, Id. II. intr. to dance for joy. Id. ανάχΰσις, eojs, η, {άναχίω) effusion : metaph. excess, N.T. άνα-χωνβύω, f. σω, to fuse again, Strab. άνα-χώννϋμ, f. -χώσω, to heap up into a mound, Anth. ανα-χωρβω, f. ήσω, to go back, Horn. : esp. to retire or withdraw from battle, Horn., Hdt., Att. 2. to re- tire from a place, c. gen., Od. II. to come hack or revert to the rightful owner, is rhv παΓδα Hdt. III. to withdraw from the world, Ar., Plat. Hence άναχώρησις, ews. Ion. toy, η, a drawing hack, retiring, retreating, Hdt., Thuc. II. a means or place of retreat, refuge, Thuc. ; and άναχωρητ€ον, verb. Adj. one must withdravo, retreat. Plat. άνα-χωρίζω, f. σω, to make to go back or retire, Xen. άνα-ψάω, f. ήσω, to wipe up : — Med. to wipe up for oneself, Plut. άνα-ψηψίζω, f. Att. ιω, to put to the vote again, Thuc. αναψυχή, η, a cooling, refreshing : relief, recovery, respite. Plat. : from a thing, c. gen., Eur. From άνα-ψυχω [ϋ], f. -ψύ|ω, to cool, to revive by fresh air, to refresh, Horn., Eur. : — Pass, to he revived, refreshed, II. 2. vavs kv. to let the ships rest and get dry, relieve them, Hdt., Xen. ; so, άν. τδν Ιδρώτα to let it dry off, Plut. 3. metaph. c. gen., av. ττόνων τινα to give him relief from toil, Eur. II. intr. in Act. to recover oneself, revive, Anth., Babr. άν-δαίω, poet, for άι/α-δαίω. άνδάνω [ά], impf. rjudauov, Ep. k'r]vhavov. Ion. ^άνδανον : f. άδήσα», pf. αδτηκα or βάδα : aor. 2 έαδον, Ep. άνοδον and αδον [ά]. (From Root ΑΔ, whence also ηδν3, ηδον^, άσμ€νο5.) To please, delight, gratify, c. dat. pers., Horn., etc. : — absol., 4άδότα μύθον a pleasing speech. Id. II. άνδάν6ί, Lat. expressing ου σφι τ^νδαν€ ταΰτα Hdt.; c. inf., τοΐσι μ€ν Ι'αδβ βοηθ^ζίν it was their pleasure to assist. Id. : — impers., eVei νΰ TOi βυαδβν oi/rcoy (sc. 7rote?v) Horn. αν-δερ.α, άν-δεω, άν-δηρ.α, poet, for ανά-δ^μα, etc. άνδηρον, τό, a raised border, flower-hed, Theocr., .Anth. : — any raised hank, a dyke, Mosch. (Perh. akin to &νθο$.) άν-δίδωρ,ι, poet, for αναδίδωμι. αν-δϊχα, Adv. (άνό, δίχα) asunder, in twain, II. άνδρ-άγαθεω, f. τ\σω, = ανδρα-γαθίζομαι : — Pass., ηνδρα- •γαθημίνα hrave deeds, Plut. ανδραγάθημα, aros, to, a hrave deed, Plut. ; and ανδραγαθία, Ion. -ίη, η, {ανηρ, ayados) bravery, manly virtue, the character of a hrave honest man, Hdt., Ar. άνδρ-άγάθίζομαι, {avi)p, kyaOSs) Dep. to act bravely, honestly, play the honest man, Thuc. άνδρ-άγρια, ων, τά, (αν-ηρ, άγρα) the spoils of a slain enemy, II. άνδράκάς, Adv. (kv^p) man by man, = κατ άνδρα, Od. άνδραττάδεσσι, Ep. dat. pi. of kvδpάπoδov. άνδράποδίζω, f. Att. ΐώ : aor. i ‘ηνδραττόδισα : Ion. f. med. ^δραττοδίζυμαι in pass, sense, Att. kvδpa^Γoδtσθ7}σo- μαι : aor. i pass, ηνδραποδίσθην : pf. 7]νδρο·ττόδισμαι : (άνδράτΓοδον) : — to reduce to slavery, enslave, esp. to . sell the free menoi a conquered place into slavery, Hdt., Thuc., etc. : — Pass, to be sold into slavery, Hdt., Xen., etc. : — the Med. was also used in act. sense, Hdt. Hence άνδράπόδισις, ecvy, η, = sq., Xen. ; and άνδράτΓοδισμός, b, a selling free men into slavery, en- slaving, Thuc., etc. ; and άνδράτΓοδιστής, ον, ό, a slave-dealer, kidnapper, Ar., Plat.; kvδp. εαυτοΰ one who sells his own independence , Xen. άνδράτΓοδο-κάττηλος, b, a slave-dealer, Luc. άνδράττοδον [δρά], τό, Ep. dat. pi. άνδραττόδεσσί, one taken in war and sold as a slave, a captive, II., Hdt., Att. II. generally, a slave, a slavish low fellow. Plat., Xen. (Deriv. uncertain.) άνδράτΓοδ-ώδης, ey, (elbos) slavish, servile, abject. Plat., Xen. Adv. -δώy, Plat, άνδράριον, TO, Dim. of kviip, a manikin, Ar. άνδρ-αχθής, ey, {kv^p, άχθoy) loading a man, as much as a man can carry, Od. ανδρεία. Ion. -ηίη, v, (kvbpia is a doubtful form), man- liness, manhood, manly spirit, Lat. virtus, Trag., etc. άνδρ-είκελον, τό, {kv'fip, (Ίκζλοε) an image of a man. Plat. II. a flesh-coloured pigment. Id. άνδρ-είκελος, ον, (kvifp, et/ceAoy) like a man, Plut. ανδρείος, a, ov. Ion. -ήϊος, η, ον. Comp, and Sup. kv- 0pei0Tepoy, -ότατο$, even in Hdt. : {kvijp) : — of ox for a man, Aesch., etc. ; for avKoX kvbpeloi, v. avXbs. II. majzly, masculine, Hdt., Att. ; in bad sense, stubborn, Luc. : — neut. τδ kvbpelov, by crasis Tkvbpelov, = αν- δρεία, Eur., Thuc. 2. of things, strong, vigorous, Ar. III. ανδρεία, τά, the public meals of the Cretans, also the older name for the Spartan φ^ιδίτια, Aleman, Plut. άνδρειότης, rjTos, η, = ανδρεία, Xen. άνδρει-φόντης, ου, b, {kvfjp, *φ€νω) man-slaying, II. ανδρείων, b, poet, for kvbpeciv, kvbpcav. άνδρεσσι, Ep. dat. pi. of kv'fip. άνδρευμενος, η, ον. Ion. for άvδpoυμεvoy, part. pass, of ^δρόω. άνδρεών, άνδρηΐη, άνδρηϊος. Ion. for kvδpώv, kvδpela, kv^peios. άνδρηλάτεω, f. -ησω, to banish from hottse and home, Aesch., Soph. From άνδρ-ηλάτης [ά], ου, b, {kv'qp, ε’λαυνω) he that drives one from home, the avenger of blood, Aesch. άνδρία, V. kvbpeia. άνδριαντίσκος, b. Dim. of kvbpiks, a puppet, Plut. άνδριαντοτΓοιεω, f. tjctco , to make statues, Xen. ; and ανδριαντοποιία, η, the sculptor's art, statuary. Plat., Xen. From άνδριαντο-ποιός, ov, b, {kvbpias, ποιεω) a statue-maker, statuary, sculptor, Pind., Plat, άνδριάς, b, g^n. avTos, {kv'fip) the image of a man, a. statue, Hdt., Att. άvδpίζω,f.ίσω, {kv'fip) to make a man of: Pass, or Med. to cometomanhood, behave like a man, play the man. Plat, ανδρικός, ή, όν, {kv'fip) of or for a man, masculine, manly, Lat. virilis. Plat. ; άνδρ. ϊδρώχ the sweat of manly toil, Ar.: — Adv. -κώχ, like aman. Comp. -ώτερον. Sup. -ώτατα. Id. II. composed of men, χορόε Xen. άνδρίον, τό. Dim. of kv'fip, a manikin, Ar., Theocr. άνδριστε'ον, verb. Adj. of kvδρlζoμaι, one must play the 7nan, Plat. l·' α: '4στί — aveiTreiv. 66 άνδριστί [t], Adv. (aviip) like a man, like men, Ar., Theocr. άνδρο-β(ίρος,ο^,(άνί;ρ, βί-βρώσκω) man-devouring, άνδρό-βουλθ9, ον, {ανηρ, βουΚτ]) of manly counsel , man- minded, Aesch. άνδρο-βρώς, ώτοε, δ, τ), (av'fjp, βί-βρώσκω) man-eating, Eur. άνδρο-γόνοξ, ον, i av^p, ■γί-'/νομαι) begetting males, Hes. άνδρό-γΰνος, δ, {ανηρ, yvvf]) a man-'i!007)ian, hermaphro- dite, Plat. 2. a womanish man, effeminate per soji, Hdt. II. as Adj. common to men and women, Anth. άνδρο-δάϊκτο 5 , ον, (aviip, δαίζω) man-slaying, Aesch. άνδρο-δάμας [ά], avTos, δ, ύ), {αντ]ρ, δαμάζω) man- taming, Find. άνδρο-6€α, -η, the man-goddess, i.e. Athena, Anth. άνδρόθ€ν, Adv. {ανίηρ) from a man or men, Anth. άνδρο-θνής, ητο5, δ, τ], [_ανά)ρ, θνΊ]σκω) murderous , Aesch. άνδρο-κμής, tJtos, δ, ·η, {άνήρ, κάμνω) man-wearying, Aesch. : man-slaying. Id. άνδρό-κμητος, ον, {κάμνω) wrought by men's hands, II. ά.νδρο-κτα(Γία, η, {άνά)ρ, κτζίνω) slaughter of men in battle, II., Aesch. άνδροκτονεω, to slay men, Aesch. Prom άνδρο -KTdvos, ov, {άνάιρ, κτ^ίνω} man-slayirig, mur- dering, Hdt., Eur. άνδρ-ολετειρα, η, [ άνά]ρ, ολλυμι) a murderess, Aesch. ανδροληψία, η, and -λήψιον, το, {ανηρ, λαμβάνω) seizure of 7nen guilty of murdering a citizen abroad. Lex. ap. Dem. άνδρο-μάχος [ά], ον, {άνάίρ, μάχομαι) fighting with men, Anth.; fern, άνδρομάχη Id. άνδρομεος, a, ov, {av}]p) of man or 7nen, human, Kpea Horn.; ψωμοϊ άνδρ. goblets of man's flesh, Od. άνδρο-μήκης, es, {avftp, μηκοε) of a man's height, ανδρό-παις, αιδο5, δ, {άνί]ρ) a man-hoy, i. e. a youth near manhood, Aesch. άνδρο-ιτλήθεια, ά], {άνν,ρ, ττληθο? a multitude of men, Aesch. ανδρό-σΐνις, ibos, δ, ·η, {ανηρ, σίνομαι) hurtful to men, Anth. άνδρο-σφαγεΐον, r6, (avi}p, σφάζω) a slaughter-house of men, Aesch. άνδρό-σφιγΙ, lyyos, δ, {avfjp a inan-sphhix, sphhix with the bust of a mam, not (as usually) of a woman, Hdt. άνδρ<}τη5, Tyros, η, = ανδρεία : cf. αδροτηε. άνδρο-τΰχής, es, {avijp, τυyχάvω) getting a husband, άνδρ. jSioTos wedded life, Aesch. άνδροφαγεω, f. άΐσω, to eat men, Hdt. From άνδρο-φάγος, ov, {φάye'iv) eatiirg men, Od., Hdt. άνδρο-φθόρος, ov, {φθείρω) 7na7i-destroying,nmrderous, Soph. II. proparox., άνδρόφθορον αίμα the blood of a slain man. Id. ανδροφονία, -η, slaughter of men, Arist., Plut. From ανδρο-φόνος, ov, {avTjp, ^φ4νω) mait-slaying, II. 2. of women, murdering husbands. Find. II. as law-term, one convicted of ma7tsl aught er, a hoinicide. Plat., Dem. άνδροφόντης, ου, δ, = άνδραφόντηε, Aesch. αν&ροω, f. ώσω, {avrjp) to rear up into manhood, Anth. : — Pass, to become a man, reach manhood, Hdt., Eur. II. In Pass, also of a woman, to he of marriageable age, Eur. άνδρ-ώδης, es, fivf]p, €Ίδο5) like a 7nan, manly, Isocr. Adv., -ScDs, Sup. -δεστατο, Xen. άνδρών, Sivos, δ, {avf)p) the lyien's apartment in a house, the banqueting hall, etc., Hdt., Aesch., etc. ; Ion. άνδρεών, Hdt. ; Ep. -ειών, Anth. also άνδρωνΐτις, ίδο$, 7], Xen. άν-δυομαι, poet, for άνα-δνομαι. άν-δώσειν, poet, for άναδάσβιν, fut. inf. of άνα-δίδωμι. άν-εβην, aor. 2 of άναβαίνω. άν-ε'βραχε, {^βράχω) 3 sing. aor. 2 , with no pres, in use, clashed or rung loudly, of armour, II. ; creaked or grated loudly, of a door, Od. άν-ε'βωσα. Ion. for άνββόησα, aor. i of άναβοάω. άν-εγγυος, ον, {iyyvη) not accredited. Plat. ; of a woman, u'nwedded, Plut. άν-εγείρω, f. ερώ, to wake up, rouse, ε| inrvov, έ /c λε- χ4ων Horn. : — Pass., Eur., Xen. 2. metaph. to wake up, raise. Find. 3. metaph. also to rouse, en- courage, Od. II. of buildings, to raise, Anth. άν-εγερμων, ov, (ανεγείρω) wakeful, Anth. άν-εγκλητος, ov, (ε’γκαλεω) 7iot accused, without re- proach, void of offence, Xen., etc. : — Adv. -τωs, Dem. άν-εγνάμφθην, aor. i pass, of άναγνάμτττω. άν-ε'γνων, aor. 2 of άvayiyvώσκω. άν-εδε'γμεθα, Ep. aor. 2 of άναδ4χομαι. άν-εδειξα, aor. i of άναδ^ίκνυμι. άνεδην, Adv. {άνΙημί) let loose, freely , without restraint , Plat., Dem. : — remissly, carelessly. Soph. II. without more ado, absolutely , Plat, άν-εδραμον, aor. 2 of άνατρ4χω. άν-εεργω, impf. άνεεργον, old Ep. forms of άν-είργω. άν-εζησα, aor. i of άναζάω. άν-εθέλητος, ον,{4θ4λω) unwished for, unwelcome, Hdt. άν-ε'θηκα, άν-ε'θην, aor. i and 2 of άνατίθημι. άν-είην, aor. 2 opt. of άνίημι. αν-ειλείθυια, ύ), without the aid of Eileithyia, Eur. άν-ειλε'ω, f. ·ί]σω, to roll up together Pass, to crowd or throng together, Thuc. άν-είληφα, -είλημμαι, pf. act. and pass, of άνα-λαμβάνω. άν-ειλίσσω, poet, for άν-^λίσσω. άν-εΐλον, aor. 2 of άν-αιρ4ω. άν-είλω, = άνείλεω : — Pass, to shrink up or back. Plat, άν-ειμενος, Ty, ov, part. pf. pass, of άν-ίημι, used as Adj. let go free, released from labour, of animals dedicated to the gods. Soph. : metaph., άν. is ri devoted to a thing, Hdt. II. remiss, slack, U7ico7istrai7ied , Thuc. ; eV τφ άνζΐμ4ν(ρ τη$ yvώμr|s when their minds are tinstrung. Id. : — Adv. άν^ιμ4νω$, at ease, care- lessly, without restraint, Thuc., Xen. αν-ειμι, (ε?μι iho) in Att. serving as f. to άν4ρχομαί : impf. avpetv, Ep. and Ion. άνηϊον : — to go up, Horn., etc. ; αμ’ ήελίφ άνιόντι at sxin-rise, II. 2. to sail up, i. e. out to sea, Od. 3. to go up inland, esp. into Central Asia, Plat. II. to approach, esp. as a sup- pliant, II. III. to go hack, go home, return, Od., Hdt., etc. άν-είμων, ov, (είμα) without clothing, umclad, Od. άν-ειττεΐν, aor. 2 with no pres, in use, άvayopevω being used instead : aor. i pass, avap'· ' · (as if from '^avap- ρ4ω) : — to say aloud, annov' 'ihn. Find., Xen. : — c. acc. et inf. to 7 nak that . . , Ar., Thuc.: — intheAthe ..imv δ κηρυξ Thuc., aveipyw — άνεζίκακος. 6 ? etc. : — Pass, to he proclaimed^ άναρρηθίντοε του στεφά- νου •when the crown •was proclaimed, Dem. II. to call upon, invoke, Plut. άν-είργω, Ep. impL aveepyov : — to keep hack, restrain, Horn., Xen. άν-είρομαι, Ep. for αν-ερομαι. άν-€ΐρΰω, poet, and Ion. for άν-ερΰω. άν-είρω, aor. i άνειρα, to fasten on or to, to string, Hdt. ; h.v. στ€φάνου5 to twine or •wreathe them, Ar. άν-είς, aor. 2 part, of άν-ί'ημι. άν-είσοδος, ον, •without entrance or access, Plut. άν-εκτψορία, ύ\, exemption from the είσφορά, Plut. From άν-εισψορος, ον, exempt from the είσφορά, Plut. άνε'καβεν, (άνεκάε) Adv. of Place, from above, Hdt., Aesch. II. of Time, from the first, hy origin, Hdt. ; so >vith Art., τί» άνεκαθεν Id. άv-εκάs, Adv. up-wards, Lat. sursum, Pind., Att. άν-εκβατος, ον, {εκβαίνω) •without outlet, Thuc. άν-εκδιήγητος, ον, {εκ5ιηyεoμaι) ineffable, N.T. όν-εκδοτο5, ον, not given in marriage, Dem., etc. άν-εκδρομος, ον, inevitable, Anth. άν-εκλάλητος, ον, (εκλσλεω) unspeakable, N.T. άν-εκλίθην[ί], -έκλινα, aor. 1 pass, and act. of άνα-κλίνω. άν-εκιτίμιτλημι, f. -εκπλήσω, to fill up or again, Xen. άν-εκττληκτος, ον, (εκπλήσσω) undaunted, intrepid, Plat. : — rb άνεκττληκτον intrepidity , Xen. άν-εκραγον, aor. 2 of ανακράζω. άνεκτεοξ, ον, verb. Adj. of ανέχομαι, to be borne. Soph, ανεκτός, 6v, verb. Adj. of ανέχομαι, bearable, sufferable, tolerable, mostly with a negat., II., Att. 2. without a negat. /Λαί can he endured, Od., Thuc. II. Adv. -τω$, Horn. ; ουκ ανεκτών έχει it is not to be borne, Xen. άν-ελεγκτος, ον, {έ\έyχω) not cross-questioned, safe from being questioned, Thwc. unconvicted, \ά. 2. not refuted, irrefutable. Plat. : — Adv. -tws, •without refutation, Plut. άν-ελεΧν, -ελεσθαι, aor. 2 inf. act. and med. of άναιρέω. άν-ελε'γχω, f. έyξω, to convince or convict utterly, Eur. άν-ελεήμων, ον, ovos, merciless, •without mercy, N.T. άν-ελεος, ον, unmerciful, N. T. ανελευθερία, ή, illiberality , Plat. From άν-ελευθερος, ον, not fit for a free man, Aesch., Arist. 2. illiberal, servile. Plat., etc. 3. in money matters, niggardly, stingy, Ar. II. Adv. -pws, meanly, Xen. άν-ελήφθην, aor. i pass, of άνα-Καμβάνω. άνε'λι*γμα, aros, τό, anything rolled up, a ringlet, Anth. ; and άνελιξις, εωι, ή, an unfolding, Plut. From άν-ελίσσω, Att. -ττω, f. |ω, Ep. and Ion. άν-ειλ- : — to unroll a book written on a roll, i. e. to unfold, read, interpret, Xen. ; av. βίον to pass one’s whole life, Plut. 2. to cause to move hack^ward, πόδα Eur. II. to cause to revolve : — Pass, to revolve, move glibly , Ar. άν-ελκω, f. Att. -ελκυσω, aor. i -είλκύσα : pf. pass, -ειλ- κυσμαι. Ion. -έλκυσμαι : — to draw up, τάλαντα άνέλκει holds them up (in weighing), II.; άνελκύσαι vavs to haul them up high and dry, Hdt., Thuc. 2. to drag up, drag into open court or into the witness-box, Ar. : — Med.,άvελ/fεσθαt τρίχα$ to tear one's own hair, II. II. todraw 2 Lho'N,\n act to shoot, Horn. : — Med.,^ 7 xos άνελ- κ6μενο$ drawing back his spear [out of the corpse], Od. αν-ελτΓίς, ibos, δ, η, without hope, hopeless, Eur. άν-ελτΓίστος, ον, (ελπίζω) unhoped for, milooked for, Trag., etc. ; rb άνέλιτιστον τοΰ βεβαίου the hopelessness of security, Thuc. II. act., 1. of persons, having no hope, hopeless, Theocr. ; c. inf. having no hope or not expecting that . . , Thuc. 2. of things or conditions, leaving no hope, hopeless, desperate. Soph., Thuc. ; rb ανέλ-πιστον despair, Thuc. : — Comp. -ότερο$ more desperate. Id. άν-εμβατος, ον, (εμβαίνω) inaccessible, Babr., Plut. 2. act. not going to or visiting, Anth. ο-νεμε'σητος, ον, free from blame, without offence. Plat. ά-νεμητος, ον, (νέμω) not distributed, Dem. 2. act. having no share, Plut. άνεμίζομαι, {άνεμο$) Pass, to be driven with the wind, . N.T. ^ άν-εμνήσβην, aor. 1 pass, of άνα-μιμνέ]σκω. άνεμό-δρομος, ον, running with the wind, Luc. άνεμόεις. Dor. for ηνεμόειε. άνεμος [ά], ό, (Root AN, cf. άημι) wind, Horn., etc. ; ανέμου κατιόντο$ a squall having come on, Thuc. ; i.v. κατα βορέαν έστηκώε the wind being settled in the north. Id. ; άνέμοιε φέρεσθαι τταρα^ουναί τι to cast a thing to the winds, Lat. ventis tradere, Eur. : — Horn, and Hes. mention only four winds, Boreas, Eurus, Notus (or Argestes), Zephyrus; Arist. gives twelve, which served as points of the compass, άνεμο-σκεττής, έε, (σκέπη) sheltering from the wind, II. «.νεμο-σφάραγος, ον, echoing to the wind, Pind. άνεμο-τρεφής, έε, (τρέφω) fed by the wind, of a wave, 11. ; έyχoε άνεμ. a spear from a tree reared by the wind, i. e. made tough by battling with the wind, Ib. άνεμόω, f. ώσω, (άνεμοε) to expose to the wind : — Pass., of the sea, to be raised by the wind, Anth. άν-εμττληκτος, ον, intrepid: in Adv. -τωε, Plut. άν-εμιτόδιστος, ον, (εμττοΒίζω) unembarrassed, Arist. άνεμ-ώκης, εε, (ώκνε) swift as the wind, Eur., Ar. άνερ.ώλιος, ον, (άνεμοε) windy : metaph., άνεμώλια βά- ζειν to talk words of wind, Horn. ; oi S’ αυτ’ άνεμώλιοι are like the winds, i. e. good for naught, II. ; τί νυ τόξον έχειε άνεμώλιον ; why bear thy bow in vain ? Ib. ; άνεμώλωε empty fool ! Anth. ανεμώνη, η, (άνεμοε) the wind-flower, anemone, Bion. αν-ενδεής, έε, in want of naught, Anth. άν-ε'νδεκτος, ον, (ένδέχομαι) impossible, N.T. άν-ενδοίαστος, ον, {ένδοιάζω) indubitable , Luc. άν-ε'νεικα, -ενεικάμην, -ενείχθην, Ιοη. aor. ι act., med. and pass, of άνα-φέρω. άν-ενήνοθε, v. ενηνοθε. άν-εξάλει-τττος, ον, (εξαλείφω) indelible, Isocr., Plut. άν-ε|ε'λεγκτος, ον, (έξελέyχω) unquestioned, impossible to be questioned or refuted, of statements or argu- ments, Thuc. ; av. εχει rb ανδρείαν leaves their courage without proof. Id. 2. of persons, not to be con- victed, irreproachable , Xen., etc. άν-ε|ε'ργαστος, ον, (έξερyάζoμaι) unfinished , Luc. άν-εξε'ταστος, ον, (εξετάζω) not inquired into or ex- amined, Dem. II. uninquiring. Plat, άν-εξευρετος, ον, (εξευρίσκω) not to be found out, Thuc. άνεξί-κακος, %v, (ανέχομαι, κακόν) enduring evil, for- bearing, long-suffering, N.T., Luc. F 2 68 ανεζ^ί'χνίαστοζ — avevQe. άν-€|ιχνίαστο5, ον, {4κ, ίχνιον) not to he traced, un- searchable, inscrutable, N.T. άν-€ξοδος, ον, with no outlet, allowing no return, Lat. irremeabilis, Theocr. aveoi or aveoi, v. 6.νζω$. av-eopT05, ov, (kopT-i)) without festival, c. gen., kv. Upwv without share in festal rites, Eur. άν-ειταίσθητος, ov, {βττ αισθάνομαι) unperceived, imper- ceptible, Plut., Luc. άν-ετταίσχυντος, ov, {4παισχύνομαι) having no cause for shame, N.T. άν-ετταλτο, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 pass, of αναπάΚΧω. άν-ετταψος, ον, (εττα^ή) untouched, αν. τταρβχξίν τι rent integram praestare, Dem. αν-ειταφρόδίτος, ον, = αναψρ65ιτο5, Xen. άν-ετταχθής, 4s, not burdensome, without offence, Plut., Luc. : — Adv. -θώ$, Thuc. άν-ετΓΐβοΰλευτοξ, ov, (4τΓΐβουΧ€νω) without plots, rh ανζΤΓιβονΧζυτον the absence of intrigue, Thuc. άν-εττίγραφος, ov, {iπιypάψω) without title or inscrip- tion : metaph. without noticeable features, Luc. άν-εττίδΐκος, ov, (eVi, δίκη) not disputed by legal pro- cess, undisputed, Dem. άνεπιείκεια, -η, unfairness, unkindness, Dem. From αν-ετΓίεικής, 4s, unreasonable , unfair, Thuc. άν-εττίκλητος» ov, (εττίκαλεω) unaccused, unblamed, Xen. II. without preferring any charge : — Adv. -τωs, Thuc. άν-ε'ττίλητΓτος, ov, not open to attack, not censured, blameless, Eur., Thuc. : Adv. -Tins, Xen. άν-ειτίμικτος, ov, {4τΐΐμίΎνυμι) not mixing with others, unsocial, Plut. άν-εττίΐεστος, ov, (εττί, ^εω) not polished or finished, ^Hes.^ άν-εττίΊτλεκτος, ov, (eVi, τΓλ4κω) without connexion with others, isolated, Strab. άν-ειτίρρεκτος, ov, {4πιρρ4ζω) not dedicated. αν-ετΓίσκετΓτος, ov, (4τισκ4τττομαι) inattentive, incon- siderate : Adv. ~T(as, Hdt. II. pass, not examined, unregarded, Xen. άνετΓίστημοσύνη, voant of knovoledge, ignorance, unskilfulness, Thuc. From άν-ετΓίστήμων, ov, gen. ovos, not knovoing, ignorant, unskilful, Hdt., Thuc.; vavs av€^τιστ'l]μoves sh.\^s with unskilful crews, Thuc. ; — c. gen. rei, unskilled in a thing. Plat. ; c. inf. not knowing how to do a thing, Xen. II. without knowledge, tinintelligent : Comp, aveπιστ'ημov4στepos less intelligent, Hdt. άν-ε-ττίτακτοξ, ov, subject to no control, Thuc. άν-ετΓίτήδειος, ov. Ion. -εττιτήδεος, y], ov, unservice- able, unfit, Xen., Plat., etc. : — mischievous, prejudicial, hurtful, Hdt., Thuc. 2. unkind, unfriendly, Thuc., Xen. άν-ετΓίτήδευτος, ov, {inirrjdevw) made without care or design, simple, artless, Luc. II. unpractised, untried, Plut. άν-ετΓιτίμητος [rl], ov, {βπιτιμάω) not to be censured, Tivos for a thing, Dem. άν-εττίφθονος, ov, without reproach. Soph. ; kv. 4στι ττασιν ’tis no reproach to any one, Thuc. ; kv€Trt(peovu>- τατον least invidious, Dem. Adv. -vws so as not to create odium, Thuc. άν-ε'ραμαι or άν-εράομαι : aor. i άνηράσθτ/ν : {4ράω) to love again, love anew, c. gen., Andoc., Xen. άν-ε'ραστο 5 , ov, not loved, Luc. II. act. not loving, Anth. άν-ε'ργαστος, ov, {4ρ^άζομαι) unwrought, untilled, Luc. αν-εργος, ov, (fipyoP) not done, Eur. άν-ε'ργω, old poet, form of kveίpyω. άν-ερεθίζω, f. ίσω, to stir up, excite, Plut. : — Pass, to be in a state of excitement, Thuc., Xen. ^άν-ερείτΓομαι, Dep., only used in aor. i, to snatch up and carry off, kvrjpei^avTO Horn. ; kvep€ί^|/aμ4v^} Hes. άν-ερευνάω, f. ήσω, to examine closely, investigate. Plat, άν-ερευνητος, ov, (ερευνάω) not investigated. Plat. 2. that cannot be found out, inscrutable, Eur. άν-ε'ρομαι, Ep. -αίρομαι : aor. 2 -'ηρόμην, inf. -€ρ4σθαι : f. -€ρΎΐσομαι : 1. c. acc. pers. to enquire of, ques- tion, Od., Soph. 2. c. acc. rei, to ask about, Od., Plat. 3. c. dupl. acc. to ask a person about a thing, II., Soph. άν-ε'ρττω, with aor. 1 kveipnvaa, to creep up or upwards, Ar., Luc. άν-ερρω, to go quite away : άνερρε away with you, Lat. abi in malam rem, Eur. άν-ερυθριάω, f. άσω [ά], to begin to blush, blush up, Xen. άν-ερυω, Ion. and Dor. άν-ειρυω : f. νσω [u] : — to draw up, haul up sails, Od. : to haid ships up on land, Hdt. : — Med. to deliver, Anth. άν-ε'ρχομαι (cf. &ν^ιμΐ) : aor. 2 -ήλυθον or -ηλθον : — to go up, Od., Att. : absol. to mount the tribune, Plut.: — to go up from the coast inland, Od. : — to come up from the nether world, Theogn., Soph. 2. of trees, to grow up, shoot up, Od. : of the sun, to rise, Aesch. : — me- taph., 6χβθ5 kv. Eur. II. to go or come back, go or come home again, return, Horn. 2 . to come back to a point, recur, Eur., Plat. 3. v6μos eis σ’ kveXdwv a law brought home or having relation to you, Eur. άν-ερωτάω, f. ·1ί]σω, like ^4ρομαι : 1. c. acc. pers. to ask or inquire of, question, Od., Plat. 2. c. acc. rei, to ask about, inquire into. Plat. ; so, kv. ττερί tivos Hdt. 3. c. dupl. acc. to question a person about a thing, ask it of him, Eur., Ar. άνε'σαιμι, Ep. aor. i of ^ί·ημι·, ανεσαν, 3 pi.; άνε'σας, part. ανεσις, gen. εω?. Ion. los, η, (α.νί'ημι) a loosening, re- laxing of strings. Plat., etc. 2. metaph. remission, abatement, κακών Hdt. ; &v. φόρων, τελών remission of tribute, taxes, Plut. 3. relaxation, recreation. Plat., Arist. II. a letting loose, indulgence, license, Plat., Arist. άν-ε'οτσΰτο, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 pass, of kvaa^iw. όιν-εστΐ 05 , ov, (εστία) without hearth and home, home- less, II., Ar. άν-ε'σχεθον, poet, for άνεσχον, aor. 2 of ^4χω. άν-ετάξω, f. σω, to examine closely, N.T. άνετε'ον, verb. Adj. of kvl'ημι, one must dismiss. Plat. άνετο 5 , ov, {ανίημι) relaxed, slack, loose, Luc. ανευ, ykva-) Prep. c. gen. without, ουκ άνευ θεών, Lat. non sine Diis, not without divine aid, Od. ; άνευ εμεθεν without my knowledge, II. ; ανευ -πολιτών without their consent, Aesch. II. away from.,, far from, άνευ δηί'ων II. III. in Prose, except, besides, like xwpis, Xen. j άνευθε, before a vowel -θεν, (άνευ) : 1. Prep. c. gen.. ‘Without, Horn. 2. away from, II. away, distant, Horn. av-€v0€TO5, ov, inconvenient, N. T. άν-εύθΰνο 5 , ov, {cvdvvai) not having to render an ac- count, irresponsible, Hdt., Thuc. 2 . guiltless, because such a one is not liable to trial, Luc. ; c. gen. guiltless of . . , Id. av-6VKTos, ov, not wishing, not praying, Anth. άνβΰρεσις, ews, -η, a discovery, Eur., Plut. From άν-€υρίσκω, f. -^υρ-ησω, aor. 2 -evpov : — Pass., aor. i -€υρίθην : — to find out, make out, discover, Hdt., Att. : —Pass, to be found out or discovered, Thuc. ; c. part. to be discovered to be . . , Hdt. άν-6υψημ€ω, f. ήσα?, to shout €ύφ7]μ€ΐ or βνφ’ημίΊτξ : as this was mainly done on sorrowful occasions, to cry aloud, shriek, Eur., etc. ; αν^όφημ^ησ^ν οΙμωΎγ Soph. ά-ν 6 ψ€λος, ον, (ν€φ€λη) unclouded, cloudless, Od. : metaph. not to be veiled or concealed. Soph. av-cxeyYuos, ov, not giving surety or confidence, Thuc. άν-€χω, Ep. 3 sing. subj. avexpcri : impf. αν^ΐχον : — also άνίοτχω, impf. άνίσχον : — f. ανέξω or άνασχήσω : — aor. 2 άνίσχον, poet, αν^σ^βθον, Ep. inf. ανσχ^θΐ^ιν : — pf. avecrxrjKa : — Med., ανέχομαι : impf. Ύ}ν€ΐχόμην (with double augm.) : f. άνέξομαι or ανασχέ^σομαι : Ep. inf. a.vo'X'fjaeaQai : aor. 2 άν^σχόμην, with double augm. ην^σχόμτην, sync, ηνσχόμ-ην, poet, imper. άνσχ^ο. A. trans. to hold up one’s hands in fight, Od. ; also in token of defeat, Theocr. : — to lift up the hands in prayer, II., etc. 2. av. φλό'/α to hold up a torch at weddings, Eur. ; hence ^νεχε, ττάρβχε (sc. rh φω$), i. e. make ready, go on. Id. ; also, av. φω$ σωττ^ριον to hold up a signal fire, Thuc. 3. to lift up, exalt, τινά Pind. 4. metaph. to uphold, maintain, Od., Thuc. ; ανέχων λέκτρα remaining constant to the bed, Eur. ; so, av. κισσόν Soph. 5. to put forth, τττόρ- Oovs Eur. II. to hold back, II. ; av. '^,ιΚΕλίαν μτ) υττό τινα elvai to keep it from being subject, Thuc. B. intr. to rise up, rise, emerge from water, Od., Hdt. : — esp. in form ανίσχω, of the sun, Hdt., Xen. 2. oi events, to arise, happen, Hdt. 3. to appear , shew oneself. Soph. 4. to project, II. ; of a headland, to jut out, Hdt., Thuc. 5. to hold on, keep doing, c. part., Thuc. ; στέρξα5 άνέχ^ι is constant in his love. Soph. ; c. acc. et inf. to aver constantly that . . , Id. 6 . to hold up, cease, Theogn. : — generally, to wait, delay, Thuc. 7. c. gen. to cease from suffer- ing, get rest from pain. Soph. C. Med. to hold up what is one's own, cyyos, Xeipas II. ; hence ανασχ6μ^νο$ absol. (sub. εγχο? etc.), Ib. II. to hold oneself up, bear up, hold out, II.; aor. 2 imper. άι/άσχβο, Ep. ό,νσχΐο, be of good courage, Ib. : — in part., αν^χόμ^νοι with patience, Hdt. 2 . c. acc. to bear up against, II., Hdt., Att. ; — so, c. gen., Od., Plat. 3. the dependent clause is added in part., οίί σε άνέξομαι ii\ye έχοντα I will not suffer thee to have . . , II., etc. ; oh aiy άνέχ^ι (sc. &ν) ; Soph. 4. c. inf. to suffer, Aesch. ανεψιά, as, η, fern, of av€\pi0s, Xen. άνεψιάδοΰς, ov, δ, a first-cousin' s son, or second cousin, Dem. ανεψιάς, b, a first-cousin, cousin, II., Hdt., Att. 2. a nephew, Hdt. [When the ult. is long, Horn, lengthens 69 also the penult., αν^φΐνυ κταμ4νοιο.'\ (From a euphon. or copul., and ΝΕΠ, whence also Lat. nepos, neptis.) άνε'ψυχθεν, Ep. for·- 77 σαv, 3 pi. aor. i pass, of αναψύχω. άν-εω, lav- priv., αύω to cry) without a sound, in silence, in Od. certainly an Adv. ; in other places it may be nom. pi. 6.vecp, from άν-ζω$ = 6.v-avos . άν-εωγα, άν-εω-γον, Att. pf. and impf. of άv^oίyvυμι. άν-εωνται, = ave&5vTat, 3 pi. pf. pass, of ανί-ημι, as if from *άν·€0ω. άν-εωξα, aor. i of av-oίyvυμι. άν-εωχθην, aor. i pass, of av-oίyvvμι. ^vt], η, {avo^ fulfilment, Aesch. άv-ηβάω,f . ήσω, to grow young again, Theogn., Eur., etc. άν-ηβητήριος, a, ov, ' ανά, -ηβάω) returning as in youth, Eur. άν-ηβος, ov, (τΐιβη) not yet come to man's estate, beard- less, Plat., Theocr. άν-ηγερ,άνευτος, ov, (7|y€μoveύω) without leader, Luc. άν-ηγεομαι, f. ^σομαι, Dep. to tell as in a narrative, relate, recount, Pind., Hdt. 2. intr. to advance, Pind. άνήρ, Ep. 3 sing. aor. 2 subj. of ανί'ημι. άν-ήδυντος, ον, not sweetened or seasoned, Arist. : un- pleasant, Plut. άνηθϊνος, ύ\, ον, {άνηθον) made of anise or dill, Theocr. άνηθον or άννηθον, to, anise, dill, Ar., Theocr. ; Ion. άννησον or άνησον, Hdt. ; Aeol. άννητον or άνητον, Sappho. (Deriv. unknown.) άν-ηθον, impf. of άν-αίθω. άν-ήϊξα, aor. i of άν-α'ί'σσω. άν-ήϊον, Ep. and Ion. impf. of άν-^ιμι (εΤμι). άν-ήκεστος, ον, {άκέομαι) not to be healed, incurable, irreparable, fatal, II., Hdt., Att. ; άνηκ^στα woielv τινα to do one irreparable injuries, Xen. ; άνίικζ.στα ττάσχαν Thuc. 2. of persons, hnplacable, Xen. II. act. damaging beyond remedy , deadly , Soph. : — Adv., άνη- κέστω$ διατιθέναι to treat with barbarous cruelty, Hdt. άν-ήκοος, ov, {άκοη) without hearing, of the dead, Mosch. 2. c. gen. not hearing a thing, never having heard it, ignorant of it, Xen., etc. : — absol., aKaihs καΐ av. ignorant, Dem. άνηκουστε'ω, f. ήσα», to be tinwilling to hear, to disobey, c. gen. ,11., Aesch., Thuc.; c. dat.,Hdt.; absol.. Id. From άν-ήκουστος, ov, {ακούω) unheard of, Lat. inauditus, ^κουσ άντ]κουστα Soph. II. act. not willing to hear : rh άνΙ]κουστον disobedience, Xen. άν-ήκω, f. |co, to have come up to a point, reach up to, of persons, αΙμασιτ]ν άνηκουσαν άνδρϊ is rhv ομφαλόν a wall reaching up to a man’s middle, Hdt.; av. is ra μέyιστa to reach up to the highest point. Id. 2 . of things, TovTo is ohdev av. amounts to nothing. Id. ; at πολλαΐ \^ζημίαι] is rhv θάνατον av. have gone as far as death, Thuc. ; av. es σε εχειν it has come to you to have, has become yours to have, Hdt. II. to appertain, be fit or proper, N.T.; τδ άνηκον what is fit and proper, lb. άν-ηλάμην [ά], aor. i of άνάλλομαι. άν-ηλεής, is, {4\€os) without pity, unmerciful : — Adv. -εών, Andoc. άν-ηλε'ητος, ov, = foreg., Aeschin. άν-ήλιος, Dor. -άλιος, ov, without sun, sunless, Trag. άν-ήλΐττος, Dor. άν-άλ-, ov, {^λιφ a kind of shoe) ufi- shod, barefoot, Theocr. άνήλωσα, aor. i of αναλίσκω. άι^ενθετος — ai/jjXcocra. II. Adv. far 70 άνήμελκτος - άν-ημελκτος, ον, (άμελγω) unmilked, Od. άν-ήμ€ρος, ον, not tame, wild, savage, of persons and countries, Aesch. άνήνασθαι, aor. i inf. of αναίνομαι·. ανηνηται 3 sing. subj. άνηνεμία, -η, = νηνεμία, Anth. From άν-ήν€μος, ον, {&ν€μο5) without wind, άν'ην€μο$ χειμώ- νων without the blast of storms. Soph. άνήνοθ€, Ep. pf. with aor. signf., οΓμα άνΊ)νοθεν εξ ώτει- ληί blood gushed forth from the wound, II. ; κνίση άν-ίίνοθεν the savour mounted up, Od. (Formed as if from *ανεΘω (ανά) to rise up ; cf. ενηνοθε.) άν-ήνυσ·το5, ον, (ανύω) ineffectual, Od. άν-ήνΰτος, οϊ/, = ά^'^ 7 vυστos, Soph., Plat. 2. eudless, Plat. άν-ήνωρ, opos, 6,]p umnanly, Od., Hes. άν-ήτΓται, 3 sing. pf. pass, of αν-άτττω. άν-ηττΰω, f. σω, to cry aloud, roar, Mosch. [v. ήττυω.] άνήρ (Root ANEP), ανερο5, ό, Att. avSpos, άνδρί, &v5pa, voc. ανερ : pi. άνδρεε, -δρών, -δράσι [ά], -δραε : [ά : but in Ep. άνεροε, ανερι, άνερεε, ά] : — a man, Lat. vir (not homo) : I. a man, opp. to a woman, Horn., etc. II. a man, opp. to a god, ττατ^ρ άνδρών τε θεών τε Id. III. a man, opp. to a youth, a man in the prime of life. Id., etc. ; εΐε Β,νδραε iyypd- φεαθαι to be enrolled among the men, Dem. IV. a man emphatically, a man indeed, ανέρεε εστε, φίλοι II. ; πολλοί μεν ανθρωττοι, oKiyoi δε ανδρεε many human beings, but few men, Hdt. V. a man, opp. to his wife, a husband, Horn., etc. ; alyώv ανερ, Virgil’s vir gregis, Theocr. άνήρ [ά], Att. crasis for b αν-ηρ. άν-ήριθμος, poet, for αν-άριθμοε. άν-ήροτο 5 , ον, (άρόω) tinploughed, untilled, Od., Aesch. άν-ήρτημαι, pf. pass, of αν-αρτάω. άνησον or άννησον, v. άνηθον. άν-ήσσητο5, Dor. -άτος, ον, = α{\σσητοε, Theocr. άν-ήφαιστος, ον, without real fire, ττνρ ανηφαιστον, i. e. the fire of discord, Eur. άν-ήφθην, aor. i pass, of άνάπτω. άν-ήφθω, 3 sing. pf. pass, imper. of ανάτττω. άνθ-αιρ€ομαι, f. τ]σομαι : aor. 2 -ειλόμην : Dep. : — to choose one person or thing instead of another, τινά (or Tt) τινοε Eur. ; to prefer, choose rather. Id. II. to dispute, lay claim to, τι Id. άνθ-αλοΪ€ν, 3 pi. aor. 2 opt. of ανθ-αλίακομαι. άνθ-άλίσκομαι, f. -αλώσομαι, Pass, to be captured in turn, αλόντεε αυθιε ανθαλοΊεν αν Aesch. άνθ-άμιλλάομαι, f. -^\σομαι, Dep. to vie one with an- other, to race one another, Xen. άνθ-άμιλλος [ά], ον,\αμιλλα) vying with, rivalling, Έ,\χχ. άνθ-άπτομαι. Ion. άντ-, f . φομαι, Dep. to lay hold of in turn, c. gen., Hdt., Eur. II. simply to lay hold of, grapple with, engage in, c. gen.,Hdt.,Thuc.: generally, to reach, attain, τερμόνων Eur. 2. to lay hold of, attack, ττλευμόνων, φρένων. Soph., Eur. av0€tov, τό, (άνθοε) a flower, blossom, Ar. άνθ-€κτ£ον, verb. Adj. of αντ-έχω, one must cleave to, c. gen.. Plat. ; so in pi. ανθεκτέα, Thuc. άνθ-^λκω, f. -έλξω or -ελκύσω [υ], to draw or pull against, Thuc. ; ανθ. ολλήλαίΐ to pull against one another. Plat. άνθ€μα, ατοε, τ6, poet, for ανάθεμα. - ανθίστημι. άνθ€μιον, TO, = άνθοε, ανθέμιον έστιyμivoε tattooed with flowers, Xen. άνθεμίς, ίδοε, η, = ανθοε, Anth. άνθεμ0€ΐς, εσσα, εν and -ειε, εν, flowery, of meadows, II. II. of works in metal, bright, burnished, or wrought with flowers, Horn. ; of tapestry, flowered, Anth. From άνθεμον, τό, (άνθέω) = άνθοε, Sappho, Ar. ; άνθεμα χρυ- σόν, i. e. the costliest gold, Pind. άνθεμόρ-ρΰτο5, ον, {ρέω) flowing from flowers, of honey, Eur. άνθεμ-ουργός, 6v, ifipyff) working in flowers, of bees, Aesch. άνθεμ-ώδης, εε, (εΐδοε) flowery, blooming, Aesch., Eur. άν-θεο, Ep. aor. 2 med. imper. of άνα-τίθημι. άνθερεών, ώνοε, 6, (άνθέω) the chin or part on which the beard grew, Lat. mentum, II. άνθερίκη [i], η, = άνθέριξ, Anth. άνθε'ριξ, ϊκοε, δ, (άνθοε) = άθ·ί}ρ, the beard of an ear of corn, the ear itself, Lat. spica, II. 1.1. = the stalk of asphodel, Hdt., Theocr. άν-θεσαν, Ep. for άν-έθεσαν, 3 pi. aor. 2 of άνατίθημι. Άνθεστήρια, ων, τά, (άνθοε) the Feast of Flowers, i.e. the three days’ festival of Dionysus at Athens, in the month Anthesterion. Άνθεστηριών, ώνοε, δ, the month Anthesterion, eighth of the Attic year, answering to the end of February and the beginning of March. άνθ-εστιάω, f. άσω [ά], (αντί, έστιάω) to entertain in return or mutually, Plut. άνθεσ-φόρος, ον, [άνθοε, φέρω) bearing flowers, flower- ing, Eur. άν-θετο, Ep. for άν-έθετο, 3 sing. aor. 2 med. of άνατίθημι. ανθέω, f. τ}σω, (άνθοε) to blossom, bloom, of the youthful beard, Od. ; of flowers and plants, Hes., etc. II. metaph., 1. to be bright with colour, άνθεΐν φοινι- κίσι Xen. 2. to be in bloom, Pind. ; έν ώρα, εφί ώρα ανθεί V to be in the bloom of youth. Plat'. 3. to flourish in wealth and prosperity, Hes., Hdt., Att. ; c. dat., άνθ. άνδράσι to abound in men, Hdt. 4. to be at the height or pitch, Aesch., Soph, άνθη, η, (άνθοε) ftdl bloom. Plat. ανθηρός, a, 6v, (άνθέω) flowering, blooming, Ar. II. metaph. blooming, fresh, Eur., Xen. 2. άνβηρδν μένοε rage bursting into flower, i. e. at its height. Soph. 3. bright-coloured, bright, Eur. ; τδ άνθ. brightness, Luc. άνθ-ησ-σάομαι. Pass, to give way in turn, τινί Thuc. ανθίζω, f. ίσω, (άνθοε) to strew or deck with flowers, Eur. 2. to dye with bright colour: Pass., Hdt.; metaph., ηνθισμένοε dyed, disguised. Soph, άνθινος, ή, 6v, (άνθοε) like flowers, blooming, fresh, άν- θινον εΊδαρ, of the lotus, Od. II. bright-coloured, \jaX. floridus, of women’s dress, Plut. άνθ-ιτητάσία, η, a sham-fight of horse, Xen. άνθ-ιττιτευω, f. σω, to ride against, ολλήλοίί Xen. άνθ-ίστημι, f. άντι-στησω, to set against, Ar., Thuc. : to set up in opposition, Thuc. 2. to match with, compare, Plut. II. Pass., with intr. aor. 2 act. άντ- έστην, pf. άνθέστηκα, Att. contr. part, άνθεστώε : fut. med. άντιστησομαι, aor. i άντεστησάμην and pass, οντ- εστάθην [ά] : — to stand against, esp. in battle, to with- stand, oppose, τινι II., Hdt., Att.; also, Trpos rt^aThuc., etc. : rarely c. gen., φρένων άνθίσταται (al. άι/θατττεταί; Aesch. 2. absol. to make a stand, II., Hdt. άνθοβολβω, f. ήσω, to bestrew with flowers, Anth. Pass, to have flowers showered upon one, Plut. From av0d-3oXoS) ov, (βάλλω) garlanded with flowers, Anth. άνθο-δίαιτος, ov, (δίαιτα) living on flowers, Anth. άνθο-δόκος, ov, (δίχομαι) holding flowers, Mosch. άνθοκομ€α>, f. ήσα», to produce flowers, Anth. From ο.ν%ο-κό\ιο<ζ,ον,(κόμΎ}) decked with flowers, flowery ,P.r\ih. άνθο-κρα,τεω, f. ήσω, to govern flowers, Luc. άνθό-κροκος, ov, (κρ4κω) worked with flowers or bright- coloured, Eur. άνθολκη, T], (άνθξλκω) a pulling in the contrary direc- tion, resistance, Plut. ανθολογία, η, a flower-gathering , Luc. : 'ΑνθολοΎΐαι were collections of small Greek poems and epigrams by several authors, which the editor made up into a posy or nosegay, άνθο-λόγος, ov, (λέγω) flower-gathering, Anth.; c. gen. culling the flower of , Id. άνθ-ομολογεομαι, f. τ^σομαι, Med. to make a mutual agreement, ττρόε riva Dem. II. to confess freely and openly, Plut. III. to return thanks, N. T. άνθ-οιτλίζω, f. ίσω, to arm against : Pass, to be arrayed against, τινί Eur. : — Med. to arm oneself, Xen. αν-θορβΧν for άνα-θορ^ΐν, aor. 2 inf. of άναθρώσκω. άνθ-ορμβω, f. Ί]σω, to lie at anchor opposite to, rivi Thuc. ; irpSs riva Id. "ΑΝΘΟΣ, eoy, τό : gen. pi. άνθ4ων even in Att. : — a blossom, flower, Horn., etc. 2. generally, anything thrown out upon the surface, froth, scum. II. metaph. the bloom or flower of life, ‘Ί\β'Τ]$ &νθθ5 II. ; Upas άνθο5 Xen. ; xpoias άνθθ5 the bloom of complexion, Aesch. : — also, the flower of an army and the like, Aesch., Thuc. ; rh ahv av9os thy pride or honour, Aesch. 2. the height or highest pitch of anything, bad as well as good, €ρωτο5 Id.; μανίαε Soph. III. brightness, brilliancy, Theogn. ; in pi. bright colours. Plat. ; hxbs avdea, i. e. purple, Anth. άνθ-οσμίας, ου, ό, (avdos, οσμά]) redolent of flowers, of wine, oivos άνθ. with a fine ‘ bouquet,’’ Ar.; so άνθοσμία$ alone, Xen., Luc. άνθοσ-ύνη, η, (άνθθ5) bloom, luxuriant growth, Anth. άνθοψορ€ω, f. ήσω, to bear flowers, Anth. From άνθο-ψόρος, ov, φ4ρω) bearing flowers, flowery, Ar., Anth. άνθο-ψυής, 4s, (φυή) party-coloured, Anth. ανθρακιά, as, Ep. -ιή, fjs, η, (άνθραξ) a heap of charcoal, hot embers, II. ; avQpaKias άττο hot from the embers, Eur. 2. black sooty ashes, Anth. άνθράκίας, ου, δ, (άνθραξ) a man black as a collier, Luc. άνθράκίζω, f. ίσω, (άνθραξ) to make charcoal of, to roast or toast, Ar. άνθράκάομαι, pf. ηνθράκωμαί, Pass, (άνθραξ) to be burnt to cinders, Aesch. "ΑΝΘΡΑΞ, ά /cos, b, charcoal, coal, Ar., Thuc. άνθρήνη, η, a hornet, wasp, Ar. (Deriv. unknown.) ανθρήνιον, t6, (άνθρ-ηνη) a wasp'’s nest, Ar. άνθρωΊΓ-άρ€σ’κος, ου, ό, a man-pleaser , N. T. άνθρωπάριον, τ6. Dim. of άvθpω■πos, a manikin, Ar. 4νθρωτΓ€η, contr. -ττή (sub. δορά), ή, a man’s skin, Hdt. - ανθνττατος. 7 i άνθρώπειος, a, ov. Ion. -ήϊθ 5 , r?, ov, of or belonging to man, human, Hdt., etc. ; άνθρώπ^ια ττήματα siich as man is subject to, Aesch. ; άνθρω’πτ]ϊα ττρτ-,Ύματα human affairs, man’s estate, Hdt. ; rh άνθρώπ^ιον either man- kind οτ human nature, 'Y’, 2. human, of which man is capable, Hdt., Plat. 3. human, as opp. to mythical, Hdt. II. Αάν. -ω5, humanly, in all human proba- bility ,Th.wc.·, άνθρ.φράζζίν to speak as befits a man, Ar. ανθρωπεύομαι, Dep. to be or act as a human being, Anst. άνθρωττήϊος, rj, ov. Ion. for άvθpώ^Γeιos. άνθρωττίζω, f. ίσω, to be or act like a man, Luc. άνθρωτΓικός, ή, ον, (άvθpω^Γos) of or for a man, human. Plat. Adv. -/fcDs, Luc. ανθρώπινος, η, ον, and os, ov, (άvθpωπos) of, from or belonging to man, human, Hdt., etc. ; airav rb ανθρώ- πινον all mankind. Id. ; rb άνθρ. yivos Plat. ; τά άνθρ. ττρά'γματα or τάνθρώπινα huynan affairs, man’s estate. Id. 2. humayi, suited to mayi. Id., Arist. II. Adv., άvθpωπίvωs άμαρτάν^ιν to commit hum :n, i. e. venial, errors, Thuc. 2. httmanely, gentl· , Dem. άνθρώπιον, το. Dim. of άvθρω^ros, a mayiikin, Lat. ho- muncio, Eur., Xen. : a paltry fellow, Xen. άνθρωπίσκος, b, — άνθρώπιον, Eur., Plat, άνθρωπο-δαίμων, ovos, b, η, a man-god, i. e. a deified man, Eur. άνθρωπο-ειδής, es, (ffbos) like a mayi, in human form, Hdt. άνθρωπο-θΰσία, η, a human sacrifice, Strab. άνθρωπο-κτόνος, ov, (κτ^ίνω) murdering men, a hoyni- cide, Eur. II. ^xoyp 2 croyi. fur yiished by slaughtered men. Id. άνθρωπο-λόγος, ov, (λέγω) speakhig of man, Arist. άνθρωποποιία, η, a makiyig of mayi or men, Luc. From άνθρωπο-ποιός, 6v, (ποι4ω) making men, Luc. άνθρ-ωπος, b, (prob. from av-fjp, ώφ, man-faced) : — man, Lat. homo (not vir), opp. to gods, αθανάτων τε θβών, χαμαί 4ρχομ4νων τ ανθρώπων II. 2. with or with- out the Art. to denote man generally. Plat., etc. 3. in pi. mankind, ανθρώπων, άνδρών ήδε γυναικών II. ; b άριστο5 4ν άνθρώποΐ5 ορτυξ the best quail in the world. Plat. ; μάλιστα, ήκιστα ανθρώπων most, least of all, Hdt., etc. 4. with another Subst., to give it a con- temptuous sense, άνθρ. ύπογραμματ€ν5, συκοφάντ'η$, Oratt. ; so hoiyio histrio Cic. : — so, άνθρωπο5 or b άν- θρωπο5 was used alone, the man, the fellow. Plat. : — also in vocat. it was addressed contemptuously to slaves, άνθρωπέ or ώ ‘'νθρωπ^, sirrah ! you sir ! Hdt., Plat. II. fern, (as homo also is fern.), a woyyian, Hdt., etc. ; with a sense of pity, Dem. άνθρωπος, crasis for b άνθρωπο$. άνθρωπο-σφάγεω, (σφάττω) to slay meyi, Eur. άνθρωποφάγε'ω, f. tjctco, to eat ynen or mail’s flesh, Hdt. άνθρωποφάγία, η, an eating of men, Arist. From άνθρωπο-φάγος, ov, (φάγΦιν) man-eating , Arist. άνθρωπο-φΰής, 4s, (φυτ]) of man’s nature, Hdt. άν-θρώο'κω, poet, for άνα-θρώσκω. άνθ-υβρίζω, f. ίσω, to abuse one another, abuse in turn, Eur., Plut. άνθ-υπάγω [ά], f. ξω, to bring to trial in turn, Thuc. άνθυπάτεύω, to be proconsul, Plut. ; and άνθυπάτικός, ή, 6v, proconsular. From άνθ-υπάτος,ον,α proconsul , \ consule, Polyb.,etc. 72 ανθνττείκω — ανίατη μι. άνθ-υπείκω, f. to yield in turn, τινί Plut. From άνθυ-ίΓειξις, ecos, η, a mutual yielding, Plut. άνθ-υττηρετεω, f. ήσο), to serve in turn, τινί Arist. άνθ-υτΓΟκρίνομαι [t]. Ion. άντυττ-, Med. to answer in return, Hdt. II. to put on in turn, opyrjv Luc. άνθ-νττόμνΰμαι, Med. to make a counter-affidavit , Dem. άνθ-υτΓΟΤΓτευω, f. σω, to suspect mutually : — Pass., avQ- υποπτ€ύ€ται he is met by the suspicion that . . , Thuc. άνθ-υτΓουργεω, f. ήσω, to return a kindness, τινί τι Hdt., Eur. άνθ-υφίσταμαι, Pass., with aor. 2 act. άνθυττ^στην : — ανθυττοστΎ^ναι (sc. xopr}yhs yeveaeai) to undertake to serve as choragus instead of another, Dem. ανία, Ion. άνίη, Aeol. όνία, grief, sorrow, distress, trouble, Od., Hes., etc. 2 . actively, SaiThs ανίη the bane of our^ feast, Od. [In Horn, and Soph, ΐ : in other Poets t.] (Deriv. uncertain.) ανία, Dor. for ηνία, a rein. άνιάζω [f] : aor. i ηνίάσα, to grieve, distress, c. acc. pers., Horn. II. intr. to be grieved or distressed, feel grief. Id. ; c. dat. at or for a thing, II. άν-ιάομαι, Dep. to cure again, repair, Hdt. ανιαρός, ά, 6 v, Ion. άνιηρός, ή, ον, {ανιάω) grievous, troublesome, annoyhig, of persons, Od.; 4 χθρο 7 $ ανιαροί Ar., of animals, Hdt. : — Adv. aviapws Soph. 2. of things, painful, grievous, distressing, Theogn., etc. ; irreg. Comp. ανΐ'ηρζστ^ρο 5 Od. II. pass, grieved, distressed, Xen. : — Adv. -pias wretchedly , Id. [In Horn, and Soph, always avl-, in other Poets άνΓ-.] άν-ίατος. Ion. -ίητος, ον, {αν- friv., iaTos) incurable. Plat., etc. 2. of persons, incorrigible. Id.; ανιάτω$ eye IV to be incurable. Id. άν-ιάχω [ά], to cry aloud : c. acc. to praise loudly, Anth. ανιάω: 3 sing. impf. ηνία: f. ανιάσω [ct], Ep. άνιΊισω: aor. I ηνίάσα. Dor. avidcra: — Pass., ανιώμαι. Ion. 3 pi. opt. ανιφατο : 3 pi. impf. ηνιώντο : f. in med. form ανιάσομαι, Ep. 2 sing, avi^aeai : aor. i ηνιάθην. Ion. -ηθην : pf. ηνίημαι : {avid} : [t in Horn, and Soph. ; Ϊ in other Poets]. Like ανιάζω, to grieve, distress, c. acc., Od., etc. ; c. dupl. acc., b δρών σ’ avia τάε (ppevas Soph. : — Pass, to be grieved, distressed, Od., etc.; with neut. Adj., toot ανιωμαι I am vexed at this. Soph. ; aor. I part, as Adj., a sorrowful man, Horn, άν-ϊδεΐν, aor. 2 inf. of ανοράω, to look up, Aesch. άν-ίδρΰτος, ov, = dibpoTos. άν-ϊδρωτί, Adv. {ίδρόω) without sweat: metaph. without toil, II. : lazily, sloii'ly, Xen. άνί-δρωτος, ον, {ίδρόω) without having sweated or exer- cised oneself, Xen. άν-ΐ€Ϊς, -ΐ€Ϊ, 2 and 3 sing, of ανίημι : άν-ίεις, άν-ίει, 2 and 3 sing. impf. (as if from ανιόω). άν-ίερος, ον, unholy, unhallowed, Aesch. ; aviepos αθό- των ττζΧάνων unhallowed because of unoffered sacrifices, Eur. II. unconsecrated. Plat, άν-ιερόω, f. ώσω, to dedicate, devote, τί τινι Plut. άν-ιεΰνται. Ion. 3 pi. of άν-ιάομαι. άν-ίημι, ηε, η (also avidis, -e? as if from άνιόω), ησι : impf. άνίην, 2 and 3 sing, eis, ci. Ion. 3 sing. avieTKe, also Tjviei : f. άνήσω : pf. avdiKa : aor. i ανήκα. Ion. άνίηκα : — Horn, also has a 3 sing. fut. aveVet, 3 pi. aor. άνεσαν, opt. άνόσαιμι, part. aveaavTes (as if from άν-όζω) : — 3 pi. aor. 2 avelaav, imper. &v€s, Ep. 3 sing. j subj. άνητ] ; inf. avdivai part, aveis : — Pass., avi- €μαι : pf. άν^ΐμαι. Ion. 3 pi. pf. άνίωνται (as if from άν-εόω): aor. i part, avcdeis ; f. άνεθήσομαι. [avt- Ep., avl- Att. ; but Horn, has avtet, avie/ievos.] To send up or forth, Horn., etc. ; of the earth, to make spring up, h. Horn. ; of females, to produce. Soph. : — Pass, to be sent up, produced, Aesch., etc. ; to send up from the grave or nether world. Id., etc. II. to send back, put back, open, Horn., Eur. III. to let go, leave, Horn., etc. ; c. gen. rei, δεσμών άνίει loosed them from bonds, Od. : to let go unpunished, Xen. 2 . ov. τινί to let loose at one, av. Kvvas, Lat. canes immittere, Xen. ; hence, άφρονα τούτον ονεντεϊ II. : c. inf. to set on or urge to do a thing, Horn. 3 . ov. Tiva Trpos τι to let go for any purpose, Hdt. ; ov. Tivo μανία 5 to set free from madness, Eur. 4 . to let, allow one to do a thing, c. acc. et inf., Hdt., etc. : — so, ov. κόμην to let it hang, loosen, Eur. 5 . Med., c. acc., κόλτΓον άνιζμόνη baring her breast, II. ; dXyas άνίεμενοί flaying goats, Od. 6. to let go free, leave untilled, of ground dedicated to a god, Thuc. : — Pass. . to devote oneself, give oneself up, Hdt. ; of animals dedicated to a god, ivhich are let range at large. Id. ; esp. in pf. pass. part, άνζιμόνοε. Soph., etc. 7 . to slacken, relax, let down, unstring, Hdt., Plat. : — then, to remit, neglect, give up. Soph., Thuc., etc. : — ^Pass. to be treated remissly, Thuc. 8. so intr. in Act. to slacken, abate, of the wind. Soph., etc. ; ούδέν άνιόναι not to give way at all, Xen. : — c. part, to give up or cease doing, υων ονκ avUi [0 θεόϊ] Hdt. : — c. gen. to cease from a thing, Eur., Thuc. άνιηρός, ή, όν. Ion. for aviap 0 s. άνίκα [i]. Dor. for ηνίκα. άν-ίκάνος [f], ov, insufficient, incapable, Babr. άν-ικε'τευτος, ov, (Ικετεύω) without prayer, not entreat- ing, Eur. ά-νίκητος [i]. Dor. -άτος, ov, {νικάω) unconquered, un- conquerable, Hes., etc. άν-ίλεως [ϊ], ων, unmerciful, N. T. άν-ϊμάω, f. ήσω, (ονά, lμάs) only in pres, and impf., to draw up water, by means of leather straps : generally, to draw out or up, Xen. : also Med. άνιμωμαι, Luc., etc. II. intr. (sub. Εαυτόν), to mount up, Xen. άνΐος, ov, {avia) =aviap 0 s, Aesch. άνιόχος. Dor. for ηνιόχο$. άν-ιτητος, ον, without horse, not serving on horseback, Hdt., Soph. : without a horse to ride on, Ar. 2 . of countries, unsuited for horses, Hdt. j άνίτΓταμαι, Dep. = άναττενομαι. άνπΓτό-ίΓους, b, η, gen. ττόδο$, with unwashen feet, II. ! ά-νιΐΓτος, ov, {νίζω) tinwashen,\\. 2. not to be washed j out, Aesch. j άνις, Megarean for άνεο, Ar. άν-ϊσος, ov, (f.aos) unequal, uneven. Plat., etc. : — Adv., j άνίσωϊ, unfairly, Dem. Hence I άνϊσότης, ητο 5 , η, {aviaos) inequality. Plat., etc. ! άν-ΐ(Γ0ω, f. ώσω, (άνά, ισόω) to make equal, equalise, ' I Xen. : — Pass, to be made equal, Hdt. άν-ίστημι, A. Causal in pres., impf. άνίστην, f. άνα- στήσω,poet. άvστήσω,aor. I ονεντησα, Ερ.άνστησα; also in aor. i med. άν^στησάμην : I. to make to stand up, raise up, xeipbs by his hand, II. : — to raise from aviCTTOpew — ανοΧκή. sleep, wake up, II. : metaph., av. νόσον Soph. : — to raise from the dead, II., Aesch.; from misery. Soph. 2. of things, to set up, build, Hdt., etc. ; so, h.v. riva χαλ- Kovv to set up a bronze statue of him, Plut. ; — aor. i med., άναστΎΐσασθαι πόΚιν to build oneself a city, Hdt. 3. to build up again, restore, Eur., Dem. 4. to put up, for sale, Hdt. II. to rouse to action, stir up, II. : — to rouse to arms, raise troops, Thuc. ; av. ττόΚ^μον iirl riva Plut. " III. to make people rise, break up an assembly, II., Xen. 2 . to make people rise from their home, make them emigrate, transplant, Od., Hdt., etc. 3. to make suppliants rise and leave sanctuary, Hdt., Thuc. 4. of sportsmen, to put tip game, spring it, Xen. B. Intr. in pres, and impf. ανίσταμαι, -μτ^ν, in f. αναστΊισομαι, in aor. 2 άνόστην, pf. ανόστηκα, Att. plqpf . aveaTTjKr] ; also in aor. i pass, άν^στάθην [ά] : — to stand up, rise, to speak, Horn., etc. : — to rise from one's seat as a mark of respect, Lat. assurgere, II. : — to rise from bed, Ib., etc. : — to rise from the dead, Ib. : — to rise from an illness, recover, Hdt. 2. to rise as a champion, II., Soph.: c. dat. to stand up to fight Sigsimsi, TiviU.; iraaivts άνόστη deois Aesch. 3. of buildings and statues, to be set up, to rise up, rear itself, Eur., Plut., etc. 4. of a river, to rise, Plut. II. to rise to go, set out, go away, Eur,, Thuc., etc. 2. to be compelled to migrate, Thuc. ·, of a country, to be depopulated, Hdt., Eur. j ονκότι άνισταμόνη no longer subject to migration, Thuc. 3. of a law-court, to rise, Dem. 4. of game, to be put up, Xen. άν-ιστορεω, f. ήσω, to make inquiry into, ask about. Soph. : c. acc. pers. et rei, to ask a person about a thing, Aesch., Soph. ; so, h.v. riva ττβρί rivos Eur. άν-ιστόρητος, ον, (αν- priv., ίστορόω) ignorant of history : — Adv., ανιστορ'ητω$ ^χ^ιν τιν05 to be unin- formed about a thing, Plut. άν-ίστω, contr. from αν-Ισταο, imper. pass, of ανίστημι. άν-ίσχω, v. άν-4χω. άνίσωσ-ις [t], ecos, f), (άνισόω) equalisation, Thuc. άν-ιχν€υω, f. σω, {μνά, Ιχν^ΰω) to trace back, as a hound, II. : generally, to trace out, Plut. άν-ιωατο, Ion. 3 pi. opt. of ανιάομαι. άν-νεΐμαι, poet, for ανα-ν^Ίμαι, aor. i inf. of ανανόμω, OLV-vciTai, Ep. for ava-veirai, 3 sing, of ανανόομαι. άν-νεφβλος, Ep. for a-re^eAos. Άννιβίζω, f. σω, {'Avvifias) to side with Hannibal, Plut. άν-οδηγεω, f. σω, to guide back, Babr. αν-οδος, ον, (αν- priv., 05(Is) having no road, unpass- ahle, Eur., Xen. αν-οδος, r\, {ανά, obSs) a way up, as to the Acropolis, Hdt. : — a journey inland, esp>.\r\ioCentTsAAs\z.,\d.,y>.en. άν-οδυρομαι [ϋ], f. -ϋρονμαι, Dep. to set up a wailing, Xen. ά-νοημ,ων, ον, (νοόω) without understanding, Od. ά-νόητος, ον, not thought on, unheard of, h. Horn. 2 . not within the province of thought, unintelligent. Plat. II. act. not understanding , unintelligent , \.dA..ineptus,V{dt.,Att.’, ^vo-pnohyoufoofAr.·, ανόητα follies. Id. : — Adv. -τωs, Plat., etc. ανοια, old Att. avoid, Ep. άνοίη, η, (avoos) want of understanding, folly, Hdt,, etc. ; ύπ’ avoias Aesch. ; τΓολΚη avoid [^στι] ττοΚ^μησαι Thuc. 73 άν-οίγνΰρ,ι and άν-οίγω, Ep. άνα-οίγω II. dv- dipyov, Ep. also dv-cpyov, rarely ^voiyov, Ion. and Ep. dva-oiyeaKov : f. αν-οίξω : aor. i dv-ecf^a or ηνοιξα. Ion. άνοιγα, poet, ανφξα : pf. αν·όψχα or -eipya : — Pass, ανοίγνυμαι, f. αν-€ψξομαι : pf. dv-e^ygai, -φyμaι : 3 sing, plqpf. αν-€ψκτο: aor. i άν-^φχθην, subj. άν-οιχθώ, opt. αν-οιχθζ'ιην, άν-οίχθειΤ : aor. 2 ηvoiyηv : — in late Gr., irreg. forms occur, ηνόφξα, ηvόcfyμaι, ην^φχθην to open doors, etc., dvaoiyeaKov κληΊΒα they tried to put back the bolt so as to open the door, II. ; wvXas, θνραν dv., Aesch., Ar. 2. to undo, open, ττώμ άνεργε took off the cover and opened it, 11.; metaph., dvoi^avTi KXfjBa φρένων Eur. ; dv. οίνον to tap it, Theocr. 3. to lay open, unfold, disclose, Soph, 4. as nautical term, absol. to get into the open sea, get clear of land, Xen. II. Pass, to be open, stand open, of doors, Hdt., Plat,; κόλττοι δ’ dXXίjλωv dvoiydgevoi opening one into another, Plut. άν-οιδεω, f. ήσω : aor. i ο.νφΒησα : — to swell up, of a wave, Eur, 2 . metaph. of passion, Hdt. αν-οικίζω, f. Att. ίώ, to remove up the country : — Pass, and Med. to shift one's dwelling up the country, to migrate inland, Ar. ; and of cities, to be built up the country, away from the coast, Thuc. : — generally, to migrate, Bevp' dvoiKiaOeis Ar,, Thuc. II. to re- settle : — Pass, to be re-peopled, Plut, αν-οικοδομεω, f. ησω, to build up, Hdt, 2 . to wall tip, Ar. II. to build again, rebuild, Thuc., Xen. αν-οικος, ov, = d-oiKos, houseless, homeless, Hdt. άνοικτε'ον, verb. Adj. of ανο'ν^ω, one must open, Eur. άν-οικτίρμ,ων, ον, pitiless, merciless. Soph., Anth. άν-οίκτιστος, ον, unpitied, unmourned, Anth. ανοικτός, ή, όν, {dvoίyvυμι) opened, Babr., Luc. αν-οικτος, ον, pitiless, ruthless, Eur. : — Αά\.—τω$, with- out pity, without being pitied. Soph., Eur. αν-οιμώζω, fut, ξομαι, to wail aloud, Aesch., Thuc. άν-οίρ,ωκτος, ον, (dv- priv., οΙμώζω) unlamented, Aesch. : — Adv. άνοιμωκτι [γ], without need to wail, with impunity. Soph. ανοιξις^ εωϊ, η, {dvoίyvυμι) an opening, ττνΧων Thuc. dvoiareovjverb. Adj. of dvaφόpω, one must report. Soph., Eur. : — one must refer, τι irpos τι Plut. ανοιστος, Ion. άνώϊστος, η, ον, (dvaφόρω, f. dvoίσω) referred, es τινα to some one for decision, Hdt. άν-οιστρε'ω, f. "ίησω, to goad to madness, Eur. άνοίοτω, f. of dvaφόpω. dvoiTo, 3 sing, opt, pass, of άνω. άνοκωχενω, f. σω, to hold back, dv. Tas veas to keep them at anchor, Hdt. : of a chariot, to hold it in, keep it back. Soph. 2. dv. tBv τόνον των οττΧων to keep up the tension of the ropes, keep them tavit, Hdt. II. intr. to keep back, keep still. Id. From άν-οκωχή, η, formed by redupl. from dv -οχ^ (cf. όκωχα pf. of εχω), a stay, cessation, κακών Thuc. : absol. a cessation of arms, truce, Bi' όνοκωχη5 yiyveadai τινι to be at truce with one, Id. 2 . a hindrance. Id. (The forms όνακωχη, όνακωχζύω are late and corrupt.) ανολβια, η, (^&νοΧβο$) misery, Hes. [γ]. άνόλβιος, ον, = sq., Hdt. dv -ολβος, ον, unblest, wretched, /zpTO, to start up, Horn. ανοροΰω, Ep. aor. i kvopovaa, to start up, leap up, Horn. ; of the sun, kvopovaev ovpavhv is went swiftly up the sky, Od. ; kvopovaais (Dor. part. aor. i) Pind. άν-όροψος, ov, roofless, Eur. άν-ορταλίζω, f. ίσω, {opraXis) to clap the wings and crow, like a cockrel, Ar. άν-ορυσσω, Att. -ττω : f. ξω : pf. pass, kvoρώpυyμaι : — to dig up what has been buried, Hdt., Ar. 2. kv. τάφον to dig it up, break open, Hdt. άν-ορχεομαι, f . -ησομαι, Dep. to leap up and dance, Eur. άν-όσιος, ov and a, ov, unholy , prof ane, Lat. prof anus, of persons and things, Hdt., Att.; kvoaios v4kos a corpse with all the rites iinpaid , Soph .: — Adv. -tws, m unholy wise. Id. : without funeral rites, Eur. Hence άνοσιότη5, t]tos, η, (kvoaios) profaneness. Plat, α-νοσος. Ion. and Ep. α-νουσοξ, ov, without sickness, healthy, sound, Od., Hdt., Att. 2. c. gen., άvoσos κακών untouched by ill, Eur. 3. of a season, from sickness, Thuc. II. of things, not causing disease, harmless, Eur. άν-όστ€ 09 , ov, (οστεον) boneless, of the polypus, Hes. ά-νόστητος, ov, (νοστεω) whence none return, Anth. ά-νόστιμο 5 , ov, not returning, kcivov kv. ίθ-ηκ^ν cut off his return, Od. 2. not to be retraced, Eur. α-νοστος, ov, unreturning, without return, Od.; Sup., ¥ιβη kvoaroTaTT) never, never to return, Anth. αν-οτοτυζω, f. to break out into wailing, Acsch., Eur. dv-oiidTos,ov,(ous) without ear: w ithout handle, Thtocr. dvovs, ovv, contr. for avoos. a-vov ey, {αρτί, v. set over against, opposite, face to face, Eur. : — c. gen. over against, facing. Id. ; apTr^peis στέρρωρ π\ηγά$ aimed straight at the breast. Soph. : — c. dat., ά^·τ. tlp'i opposite to a thing, Eur. άντ-ηρίξ, ibos, Tj, {αρτί, €ρ€ΐδω) a prop, stay, support, Eur., Xen. ; in Thuc., άρτηρίδ^ε are stay-beams, fixed so as to strengthen the timbers of the bow. αντηστΐ5, ecus, ή, {αρτάω) a meeting, Od. άντ-ηχεω, Dor. -αχε'ω, f. ήσω, to sound or sing in answer, Eur. II. of a musical string, to sound re- sponsively, Plut., Luc. *ANTI', Prep. c. gen.: — orig. sense over against, oppo- site. A. Usage, 1. oi PidiCe., instead, in the place of , Horn., etc. 2. as good as, equal to, αρτϊ ττολλώρ Καώρ 4στίρ he is as good as many men, II. ; άρτΙ Kacriy- ρτ^του Od. 3. at the price of , for, αρτϊ χρημάτωρ for money paid, Hdt., etc. 4. for the sake of. Soph. 5. to mark comparison, ep αρθ' kp0s one set against the other, compared with it. Plat. : so, after Comparatives, τΓλ4ορ άρτι σου Soph.; also (esp. after a negative', &λλθ5 άρτ 4μου Aesch. B. Position : άρτί rarely follows its case, and then does not suffer anastrophe. C. IX Compos., 1. over against, opposite, as άρτίπορο5. 2. against, in opposition to, as άρτι- Kiyω. 3. in return, as άρτιβοτ]θ4ω. 4. instead, as άρτηρωρ. 5. equal to, like, as άρτίΘζο$. 6. counter, as aPTirviros. άντία, as Adv., v. aprios ll. άντιάζω, impf. Ύ]Ρτίαζορ, Ion. άρτίαζορ : f. άρτιάσω. Dor. -άξω : aor. i ηρτίασα·. (aprios) : — to meet face to face, I. c. acc. pers. to eyicounter , whether as friend or foe, Hdt., Aesch. : absol. to meet, answer, Pind. 2. to approach as suppliants, to entreat, supplicate, Hdt., Soph. II. c. dat. pers. to meet in fight, Pind. άντι-άνειρα, η, (άρτι, άρ-ηρ) fern. Adj., a match for men, of the Amazons, II. II. araais άρτιάρ^ιρα faction wherein man is set against man, Pind. άντιάω, used by Horn, in Ep. forms άρτιόω, inf. άρτιάαρ, 3 pi. imp. άρτιοωρτωρ, part, άρτιόωρ, όωσα, όωρτ€$ : — f. άρτιάσω [ά]; aor. ι τ]ΡτΙο.σα: — Med., Ep. 2 pi. άρτιάσθς : {άρτίθ5) : I. to go for the purpose of meeting : 1. c. gen. rei, to go in quest of, Horn. ; of an arrow, to hit, II. ; of the gods, to come (as it were) to meet an offering, to accept it, or to partake of it, Horn. ; 77 then, generally, to partake of, enjoy, obtain, Od., Soph.; so in Med., II. 2. c. gen. pers. to match or measure oneself with, Vo., 'Wi&ogn. II. c. dat. pers. to meet with, encounter, Horn. III. c. acc. rei, to come to, visit, share, 4μδρ λεχοί άρτιόωσα II. άντι-βαίνω, f. -βτ]σομαι, to go against, withstand, re- sist, c. dat., Hdt., Aesch. ; ττλίυραΐσιρ άρτιβάσα having set her foot against, Eur.; also absol., Hdt., etc. ; άρτι- βάΐ reluctant. Soph. ; but, άρτιβά5 ελακ to pull stoutly against the oar, going well back, Ar. άντι-βάλλω, f. -βάλω, to throw against or in turn, return the shots, Thuc. II. to put one against the other, \6yovs άρτ. wphs άλλήλοι/ϊ to exchange words in conversation, N. T. άντίβασις, e&js, η, (άρτιβαίρω) resistance, Plut. άντιβατικός, ή, 6p, (άρτιβαίρω) contrary, opposite, Plut. άντι- βιάζομαι, Dep. to use force against, Anth. άντι-βίην, Adv. (βία) against, face to face, II. άντί-βΐ05, a, OP and os, op, (βία) opposing force to force, άρτιβίοΐ5 4π4€σσι with wrangling words, Horn. : — neut. as Adv. = άρτιβίηρ, II. άντι-βλε'ιτω, f. -)8λεψω or -ομαι, to look straight at, look in the face, c. dat. pers., Xen. Hence άντιβλετΓτε'ον, verb. Adj. one must look in the face, Luc. άντίβλεψις, ews, η, a looking in the face, a look, Xen. άντι-βοάω, f. 7}σομαι, to return a cry, Bion. άντι-βοηθε'ω, f. 4}σω, to help in turn, Ttvt Thuc., Xen. άντιβολε'ω : impf. ηρτιβόλουρ : f. -ήσα» : aor. i άρτ^βό- λΎ]σα, with double augm. 'ηρτ^βόλ'ησα : (άρτι-βάλλω) : — to meet by chance, esp. in battle, c. dat. pers. or absol., Horn. 2. c. dat. rei, to be present at, φόριρ άρδρωρ, τάφφ άρδρώρ Od. 3. c. gen. rei, to par- take of, have one's share of, μάχη5 II. ; τάφου Od. 4. to fall to one' s lot, c. gen. pers., yάμos άρτιβολτ^σ^ι 4μ4θ€Ρ Ib. 5. c. acc. pers. to meet as a suppliant, entreat, supplicate, Ar. ; c. acc. et inf.. Id.: — absol. to supplicate, entreat. Id. Hence άντιβόλησις, ews, -η, — άρτιβολία. Plat, άντιβολία, 7], {άρτιβολ4ω) entreaty, prayer, Thuc. άντιβροντάω, f. ήσω, to rival in thundering, tipi Luc. άντι-γεγωνα, pf. in pres, sense, to return a cry, Anth. άντι-γενεηλογε'ω, Ion. form, to rival in pedigree, Hdt. άντι-γνωμονεω, f. ήσω, (^ρώμωρ) to be of a different opinion : άντ. τι μτ) ούκ elpai to think that a thing is otherwise, Xen. άντί-γραμμα, aTos, to, — άpτίypaφop, Luc. άντι-γράφευς, ecos, δ, a check-clerk, controller , A^sclrdw.’, άρτ. τωρ eΐσ€peyκόpτωp one who keeps a check upon their accounts, Dem. άντι-γράφη, a reply in writing, such as Caesar’s Anticato in reply to Cicero’s Cato, Plut. II. as law-term, a plea, indictment. Plat., Dem. άντί-γράφος, op, copied, Dem.: — as Subst., άpτίypaφop, TO, a transcript, copy, counterpart. Id. From άντι-γράφω [ά], f. φω, to write against or in answer, vorite back, 'I'huc., Plut. II. Med., with pf. pass., as law-term, to put in as a plea, to plead against, Dem. άντι-δάκνω, f. -δ4}ξομαι, to bite in turn, Hdt. άντί-δειττνος, op, {δ4ΐττρορ) taking another's place at dinner, Luc. άντι-δεξιόομαι, Dep. to salute in return, τιρα Xen. άντι-δε'ομαι, f. δζ-ησομαι, Dep. to entreat in return. Plat. αντι^ίρκομαι — αντίκρυ. 78 άντι-δ€ρκομαι, Oep. = αντιβλ^πω, c. acc., Eur. άντι-δ€χομαι, f. -δ^ξομαι, Dep. to receive or accept in return, Aesch., Eur. άντι-δημαγων6ω, f . ·ϊ\σω, to rival as a demagogue, Plut. άντι-διαβαίνω, f. -β'{]σομαι, to cross over in turn, Xen. άντι-διαβάλλω, f. -βάλω, to attack in return, Arist. άντι-δια'ΐΓλ€κω, f. |ω, to retort, Aeschin. άντι-διατίθ€μαι, Med. to offer resistance, rovs avri- 5ιατιθ€μ4νου5 opponents, N.T. άντι-δϊδάσκω, f. ξω, to teach in turn or on the other side, Anth. : — of poets, to contend for the prize, Ar. άντι-δίδωμι, f. -δώσα», to give in return, repay, τί nvi Hdt., Att. 2. to give for or instead of, τί tivos | Eur. ; Ti αντί tivos .A.r. II. at Athens, αντ. [tV ! ουσίαν'] to offer to change fortunes ivith one (cf. αντί- Soais), Dem., etc. άντι-δΐ€|€ΐμι, to go through in turn, Aeschin. άντιδϊκεω, f. ήσα> ; impf. 7]ντι5ίκουν, or with double aug-m. ηντζδίκουν : aor. i ηντώίκησα : (avriSiKos) : — to dispute, go to lavj, Tvepi tivos Xen. ; ot avTidiKovvTes the parties to a suit. Plat. ; absol. of the defendant, Ar. ; avT. Trpos Ti or vpas τινα, to urge one's suit against . . , Dem. From άντί-δϊκο?, ον, (δίκη) an opponent in a suit, defendant or plaintiff. Plat., etc. : generally an opponent, Aesch. άντί-δοξος, ον, (δό|α) of a different opinion or sect, Luc. άντί-δορος, ον, (δορά) clothed with something instead of a skin, Anth. άντίδοσις, ews, -η, (άντιδίδωμΐ) a giving in return, ex- change, .Arist., Luc. II. at Athens, a form hy which a citizen charged with a X^LTOvpyia or public charge might call upon any other citizen, Avhom he thou ght richer than himself, either to exchange properties, or to take the charge upon himself, Xen., Dem., etc. αντίδοτο?, ον, (άντίδίδωμι) given in lieu of, Trvpos Anth. II. given as a remedy for, κακών Id. as Subst., άντίδοτο5, η, an antidote. Id. άντι-δουλ€υω, f. σω, to serve in place of, tivos Eur. άντί-δουλο?, ον, treated as a slave, Aesch. άντί-δουτΓος, ον, re-echoing, Aesch.; άντίδουττά tlvl Id. άντι-δράω, f. -δράσω, to act agauist, retaliate. Soph., Eur. II. c. acc. pers. to repay, requite. Soph., Eur. άντι-δωρ€ομαι, f. -ησομαι, Dep. to present in return, τινά Tivt one with a thing, Hdt., Plat., etc.; also, άντ. TLvi Ti to present a thing in turn to one, Eur. άντι-ζητ6ω, f. ήσω, to seek one who is seeking us, Xen. αντι-ζωγρεω, f. ήσω, to save alive in turn, Babr. άντι-θάτΓτω, f. ψω, to bury opposite : Pass., aor. 2 avTc- τάψην [a], Anth. άντί-θ€ο?, T], ov, equal to the gods, godlike, Horn, άντι-θβραττεύω, f. σω, to take care of in return, Xen. άντίθεσι?, ews, η, (άντιτίθημι) opposition, resistance, Plat., Anth. 2. antithesis, Isocr. άντι-θεω, f. -θ^ύσομαί, to run against another, compete in a race, Hdt. II. to run contrary ways, Anth. άντι-θήγω, f. ξω, to whet against another, οδ6ντα$ εττί τινα Luc. άντί-θροος, ον, echoing, Anth. άντί-θΰρο?, ον, (θύρα) opposite the door : as neut. Subst., άντίθυρον, τό, the part facing the door, the vestibule, Od., Soph. 2. the side of a room facing the door, Luc. άντι-καθευδω, f. -^υδ-ησω, to sleep again or instead,. Anth. άντι-κάθημαι, Ion. άντι-κάτ-, pf. of άντικαθίζομαι, used as pres., to be set over against ; of armies or fleets, ta lie over against, so as to watch each other, Hdt., Thuc. άντι-καθίζομαι, Ion. άντι-κατ-, f. -καθ^δονμαι, aor. 2 · -καθ^ζόμην : — Med. to sit or lie over against, of armies or fleets watching one another, Hdt., Thuc. άντι-καθίστημι, Ion. άντι-κατ-: f. -καταστήσω: — to lay down or establish instead, substitute, replace, Hdt., Thuc. 2. to set against, oppose, τινα Trpos τινα Thuc.; τινά τινι Plat. 3. to bring back again, restore, Thuc. II. Pass., with aor. 2 and pf. act.,, and aor. i pass, κατ^στάθ-ην [ά], to be put in another's place, reign in his stead, Hdt., Xen. 2. to stand against, resist, τινί Xen.; absol., Thuc. άντι-κάκουρ-γεω, f. ήσω, to damage in turn, τινά Plat., άντι-κάλεω, f. εσω, to invite in turn, Xen. άντι-καταθνήσκω, f. -θάνουμαι : aor. 2 —4θάνον : — ta die or be slain in turn, Aesch. άντι-καταλείττω, f. ψω, to leave in one's stead. Plat, άντι-καταλλάσσομαι, Att. -ττομαι, f. -αλλάξομαι : Med. : — to exchange one thing for another : 1. ta give one thing/or another, τί tivos Dem. ; τι αντί or ύτΓβρ TIVOS Oratt. 2. to receive one thing in ex- change for another, τι αντί tivos Isocr. άντι- κατατείνω, f. -τενώ, to stretch out or set directly in contrast, τι παρά τι Plat, άντι-κατηγορεω, f. ήσω, to accuse in turn, recriminate upon, TIVOS Aeschin. άντι-κάτημαι, -κατίζομαι, -κατίστημι. Ion. for άντι- κάθ-. άντι-κάτων [ά], ωvos, δ, Anticato, name of a book written by Caesar in reply to the Cato of Cicero, Plut. άντί-κειμαι, f. -κβίσομαι, used as Pass, of άντιτίθημι, to be set over against, lie opposite. Plat. : Adv. part. avτικ€ιμ4vωs, by v}ay of opposition, Arist. άντι-κελευω, f. σω, to command in turn, Thuc. : — Pass, to be bidden to do a thing in turn. Id. άντί-κεντρον, τό, something acting as a goad, Aesch. άντι-κηδευω, f. σω, to tend instead o/" another, tivos Eur. άντι- κηρύσσω, f. ξω, to proclaim in answer, Eur. άντι-κλάζω, f. -κλά·γξω, to soiind against, to be echoed *by a thing, Eur. : — άντ. άλλήλαΐ5 μ4λos to sing against one another. Id. άντι-κλαίω, Att. -κλάω, f. -κλανσομαι, to weep in return, Hdt. άντι-κνήμιον, τό, the part of the leg opposite the κν-ημη^ the shin, Ar. άντι-κολάζομαι. Pass, to be punished in return, Luc άντι-κολάκευω, f. σω, to flatter in turn, Plut. άντι-κομίζω, f. σω, to bring back as an answer, Plut. άντι-κομιτάζω, f. άσω, to boast in opposition, τινί Plut, άντι-κότΓτω, f. ψω, to beat back, resist, oppose, Xen. 2. impers., ήν τι άντικόψτ] if there be any hindrance. Id. άντι-κορυσσομαι, Med, to take arms against, τινί Anth. άντι-κράτε'ω, f, ήσω, to hold instead another, Anth. άντίκρουσι?, εω5, ή, a striking against, hindrance : a repartee, Aeschin. From ovTi- κρούω, f. σω, to strike against, to be a hindrance,. counteract, τινί Thuc. ; πpόs τι Plut. ; absol., Dem. αντίκρυ, Adv., = αντην, over against, right opposite, c. αντικρνς — dat,, θ€0Ϊ5 αντίκρυ μάχ^σθαι II. ; c. gen./'EKTOpos αντί- κρυ Ib. II. = &ντΊκρυ9, straight on, right on, Horn. ; followed by a Prep., αντίκρυ αν odovTas, αντίκρυ δι’ ώμου Id. ; αντίκρυ κατά μ4σσον right in the middle, II. 2. outright, utterly, αντίκρυ δ’ άπόφημι Ib. αντϊκρΰς, Adv. straight on, right on, Thuc., etc. 2. outright, openly, -without disguise, Aesch.,Thuc., etc.; avT. δουλεία downright slavery, Thuc. ; ουκ αντικρυε notatall,AT. II. \a.ter, = αντίκρυ, opposite, Ar'ist. ,P\ut. αντι-κτόνο 5 , ον, (κτ^ίνω) in requital for murder , Aesch. άντι-κτ-υττεω, f. ήσ'ω, to ring, clash against, τινί Anth. άντικυρω [ϋ], aor. i άντίκυρσα, to hit upon, meet, τινί Find., Soph. άντι-κωμωδεω, f. ίισω, to ridicule in turn, Plut. αντιλαβή, ή, (άντιλαμβάνω) a thing to hold by, a handle, Lat. ansa, Thuc. : — metaph., -KoWas . . e^ei άντιΧαβά$ gives many handles against one, points of attack. Plat. άντι-λαγχάνω, f. -λ^ιξομαι : pf. -είληχα : — as law-term, avT. δίαιταν to have a new arbitration granted, i. e. to get the old one set aside, Dem.; άντ. έρημον (sc. την δίκην) to get it set aside by default. Id. άντι-λάζομαι, -υμαι, Dep. to take hold of, hold by, c. gen., Eur. : to partake in, πόνων Id. 2, c. acc. to receive in turn. Id. άντι-λακτίζω, f. ΰω, to kick against, τινί Ar. άντι-λαμβάνω, £.-λήψομαί: aor. 2 -eAajSov: ρί-^ίληφα: — to receive instead of, τί tivos Eur. : to receive in turn or as a return, τι Id., etc. II. Med., with pf. pass. -ζίΚημμαι, like άντόχομαι, c. gen. to lay hold of, Theogn.,etc.; χώρα$ άντ. to gain or reach it, Thuc. 2 . to help, take part with, assist, Eur.; c. gen. rei, to help towards a thing, Thuc.; c. gen. pers., N. T. 3. to lay claim to, του θρόνου Ar. 4. to take part, or share in a thing, take in hand, Lat. capessere, των πρα·γμάτων Xen., etc. 5. to take hold of for the purpose of finding fault, to reprehend, ημών Plat. 6 . to take fast hold of, to captivate, δ λογοϊ άντιλαμβάν(ταί μου Id. III. in Med. also, to hold against, hold back, Ίππου Xen. α.ντι-\ά\ητω,ί.·φω,Ιο kindle alight in turn, Aosch. II. intr. to reflect light, shine, Xen. 2. to shine oppo- site to or in the face of, b ηλιο5 άντ. τινί Plut. άντι-λεγω, f. -\4ξω, but the common fut. is άντερά : aor. I -ελε|α (but the aor. commonly used is άντεΓττον) : so the pf. is άντΐίρηκα, the fut. pass, άντειρήσομοί to speak against , gainsay , contradict, τινί Thuc., etc.; Tivl ττερί TIVOS Xen. ; ύττερ tivos Id. ; πpόs τι Ar. :■ — · άντ. is .. to declare in opposition or answer that . . , Hdt.,etc.;c. inf. that .., Thuc.; άντ. μτ] ποιΦΐν to speak against doing. Id. 2. c. acc. rei, to allege in answer, Soph., Thuc.: — Pass, to be disputed, Xen. ; of a place, to be counter-claimed. Id. 3. absol. to speak one against the other, speak in opposition, Hdt., etc.; ol άvτί\4yovτ€s Thuc. Hence άντιλεκτε'ον, verb. Adj. one must gainsay. Fair, άντίλεκτος, ον, (άντίλε 7 ω) disputably, Thuc. άντι-λεων, b, lion-like, formed like άvτίθ€OS, Ar. άντί-ληξις, €ωs, η, { άντ iXay χάνω) a motion for a new arbitration, Dem. άντιλητΓτε'ον, verb. Adj. of άντιΧαμβάνω, one must take part in a matter, Ar.; των πρayμάτωv aoToTs άντ. Dem. • αντινομία, 79 άντίληψις, εωϊ, η, {άντιΧαμβάνω) a receiving in turn or exchange, Thuc. : a counter-claim, Xen. II. (from Med.), a hold, support, defence, succour, Id. 2 . a claim to a thing. Id. 3. an objection. Plat. III. (from Pass.) a being seized, a seizure, attack of sick- ness, Thuc. άντιλογεω, f. 'ϊ]σω, = άvτιX4yω, to deny. Soph. 2 .= άvτ.x4yω 3 , Ar. αντιλογία, η, {άvτιXoy4ω) contradiction , controversy, disputation, Hdt., Thuc.; in pi. opposing arguments, answering speeches, Ar., Thuc. άντι-λογίζομαι, f. Att. -ιουμαι, Dep. to count tip or calculate on the other hand, Xen. άντιλογικός, ή, όν, (άντίλεγω) given to contradiction, contradictory, disputatious, Ar., etc. : — η -κη (sc. τ4χνη) the art of coritradictioti or of arguing from contradictories. Plat. αντίλογος, ον, (άντίλεγω) contradictory, reverse, Fiur. άντι-λοιδορεω, to rail at or abuse in turn, N. T.; Med., c. acc. rei, Luc. άντι-λΰττε'ω, f. ή<τα>, to vex in return, Plut. άντί-λΰρος, ον, (λόρα) responsive to the lyre. Soph, άντί-λυτρον, ου, τό, a ransotn, N. T. άντι-μαίνομαι, pf. ~μ4μηνα. Pass, to rage or bhister against, τινί Anth. άντι-μανθάνω, f. -μάθΊισομαι, to learn instead, Ar. άντι-μαρτΰρε'ω, f. ά\σω, to appear as witness against, to contradict solemnly, τινί Plut. άντι-μαρτυρομαι [ΰ], f. -ύρουμαι, Dep. to protest on the other hand, Luc. άντι-μάχομαι, f. -μάχηοΌμαι, Dep. to fight against one, Thuc. άντι-μεθΑκω, f. ξω, to drag different ways, Anth. άντι-μεθίστημι, f. -στήσω : — to move from one side to the other, to revolutionise, Ar. II. Pass., with aor. 2 and pf. act., to pass over to the other side, Luc. άντι-μειράκιευομαι, Dep. to behave petulantly in re- turn, πρ 05 Tiva Plut. άντι-με'λλω, f. -μελλήσω, to wait and watch against one, aor. i inf. άντιμ^ΧΧησαι, Thuc. άντι-μεμψομαι, f. φομαι, Dep. to blame in turn, Hdt. άντι-μερίζομαι, Dep. to impart in turn, Anth. άντι-με'τειμι, to compete : ol άντιμβτιόντ^ε competitors, Plut. άντι-μετρεω, f. ήσω, to measure out in turn, to give in compensation, Luc. : Pass, to be measured in άντι-με^ωττος, ον, {μ4τωπ ον) front to front, Xen. άντι-μηχάνάομαι, f. -ίισομαι, Dep. to contrive against or in opposition, Hdt., Thuc. άντι-μίμησις [μι], βω?, η, close imitation of a person in a thing, c. dupl. gen., Thuc. αντιμισθία, η, a requital, recoynpense, N. T. From άντί-μισθος, ον, as a reward, Aesch. άντι-μοιρεί, (μοίρα) Adv. by way of compensation, Dem. άντί-μολτΓος, ον,(μ4Χπω) sounding instead of, differing in sound from, c. gen., Eur.; ϋπνου άντίμοΧπον &kos song, sleep’s substitute, Aesch. άντί-μορψος, ον, corresponding to, τινί Luc. άντι-ναυττηγε'ω, f. ήσω, to build ships against, Thuo. άντι-νΐκάω, f. ήσω, to conquer in turn, Aesch. άντι-νομία, η, (νάμοϊ) ambiguity in the law, 4v αντινομία γίγνεσθαι to be in a strait betwee-n two laws, Plut. 8 ο άντίζθ€ω — άντιξθ6ω, f. ήσω, to Set oneself against, Find. From άντί-|οο 5 , ον, contr. -|ους, ουν, (|ecD ?) opposed, adverse, Hdt. : — rb άντίξοον opposition. Id. άντίον, as Adv. = αντην, v. avrios. άντιόομαι, f. ώσομαι : aor. i ηντιωθιην. Ion. άϊ'.τ- : Dep. : {avrios) : — to resist, oppose, rivi Hdt., Aesch. : — ot av- τίονμ€νοι = οί ivavrioi, Hdt. : — c. acc., once in Hdt. άντίος, ία, ίον, {αντί) set against, and so I. in local sense, to face, opposite, esp. in battle, Horn., etc. ,· avrios ^\θ€ went to meet him, II. ; c. gen., 'Ατγαμίμνο- VOS avrios Ib, ; usually c. dat., Od., Hdt., Att. 2, opposite, contrary , Eur. : ot αντίοι = οί ivavrioi. Find., Hdt. : etc rrjs avrirjs contrariwise, Hdt. II. as Adv. in neut. avria and avriov, against, straight at, right against, avriov Τζ^ν Od., etc. ; c. gen., avri' e/^eto II. ; so, avria σ^υ in i\\y presence, Hdt.; avria rrjs ίππου opposite it. Id. 2. against, avriov rivos etTretj/ Od. ; c. dat., avria rois Πίρσρσι Hdt. 3. rhv δ’ avriov ■ηϋδα = ·ημ€ίβ€το, answered, Od., Att. άντιο-στάτ€ω, f. ήσω, = ανθίσταμαι, to be contrary, of a wind. Soph. άντι-οχβΰομαι, Fass. to drive against, Anth. άντιόω, άντιόων, άντιόωσα, Ep. forms : v. αντιάω. avTi-iraO-ris, es, {πάθos) in return for suffering, Aesch. : felt mutually, Luc. II. as Subst., avrιπaθis, ro, a remedy for suffering, Flut. άντι-τταίζω, f. -παίζομαι, to play one with another, Xen. άντί-ιταις, b, rj, like a boy or child, Aesch., Eur. άντί-ιτάλο';, ον, {πάλ-η) properly wrestling against: then, generally, struggling against , antagonistic, rival, Aesch. ; c. dat. rivalling, a match /or another, Eur. ; c. gen., υμεναίων yoos avrίπaKos Id.: — as Subst., αντίπα- Aos, b, an antagonist, rival, adversary , mostly in pi., Hdt., Att. ; rb αντίπαλον the rival party, Thuc. 2. of things, like iσόπa\os, nearly balanced. Id. ; avr. rpir]p7]s equally large. Id. ; avr. 5eos fear equal on both sides, 7nutual fear. Id. ; ηθ^α αντίπαλα [rrj πόλβι] habits corresponding to the constitution. Id. : — rb αντίπαλον rrjs vaυμaχias the equal balance, ufidecided state of the action. Id. : — Adv. -Aws, and in neut. pi. αντίπαλα. Id. II. rbv aμbv avr. hun who fights for me, my champion, Aesch. άντι-Ίταραβάλλω, f. -βάλω, to hold side by side, to com- pare or contrast, ri πρόs ri or παρά ri Flat., etc. Hence άντιτταραβολή, -η, close comparison or contrast, Arist. άντι-ιταραγγελία, r\, competition for a public i^i:i’,Flut. άντι-τταραγγβλλω, f. -βλώ, to command in turti or also, Xen. II. to compete for a public office, rivi with one, Flut. άντι-τταράγω, f. ζω, intr. (sub. στρατόν j to lead the army against, advaitce to meet the enemy, Xen. άντι-τταραθεω, f. -θ^νσομαι, to outflank, Xen. άντι-τΓαρακαλ€ω, f. όσω, to summon in turn or con- trariwise, Thuc., etc. άντι-τταρακελίΰομαι, f. σομαι, Dep. to exhort in turn or contrariwise, Thuc., etc. άντι-τταραλϋττεω, f. ήσω, to a^inoy in turji, Thuc. άντι-'Π·αρατΓλ€ω, f. -πλ^νσομαι, to sail along on the other side, Thuc. άντι-τταρασκευάζομαι, Med. to prepare oneself in turn, arm on both sides, Thuc. ; avr. άλλήλου ws es μάχην Id. - αντΐ7Γ0ΐ€ω. I άντι-ιταρασκευή, η, mutual preparation, Thuc. άντι-Ίταρατάσσομαι, Att. -ττομαι, f. άζομαι, Med. and Fass. to stand in array against, rivi Thuc. ; πp6s ri Aeschin. : — absol. to stand in hostile array, Thuc. ; άπb rov άντιπαραταχθ4ντο$ in hostile array. Id. άντι-7Γαρατ€ίνω, f. -τ^νώ, to stretch side by side, so as to compare, ri πρόs ri Flat. άντι-τταρατίθημι, f. -θησω, to contrast and compare, rivi ri Flat. άντι-Ίτάρ^μι {^Ίμι ibo), to march so as to meet, of armies on opposite sides of a river or the like, Xen. άντι-ΤΓαρ€|άγω, f. ζω, to lead on against, Flut. II. (sub. στρατόν) to march against, Fhilipp. ap. Dem. 2. to march parallel with, rivi Flut. άντι-τΓαρ€ρχομαι, aor. 2 -παρηλθον, Dep. to pass by on the opposite side, N. T. άντι-ιταρβχω, f. -όζω, to supply in turn, Thuc. : — Med., Xen. ; avr. πpάyμara to cause trouble in return, Dem. άντι-ττάσ^ω, f. -πζίσομαι : aor. 2 -όπάθον : — to suffer in turn, άντιπάσχω χρηστά 1 receive good for good done. Soph. ; avr. avri rivos Thuc. : absol. to suffer for one’s acts, Xen. 2. absol., rb άντιπ€πονθό$ re- ciprocity, Arist. άντι-ίΓατάγεω, f. ήσω, to clatter so as to drown other sounds, Thuc. άντι-ΤΓβμττω, f. ψω, to send back an answer, Hdt. 2. to send in repayment. Soph. II. to se7id against, στρατιάν rivi Thuc. III. to send in the place of another, σrparηyovs Id. άντι-τΓβνθής, 4s, {π4vθos) causing grief in turn, Aesch. άντι-ΐΓ6ρα, Ep. -π4ρη, the opposite coast, Mosch. avTi-irepaios, a, ov, lying over against : άντιπόραια the lands just opposite, II. avTi-Trepdv, Ion. -ην, hβχ., = avrιπ4pάs, Xen. avTi-Trepds, Adv. over against, on the other side, c. gen., Thuc. ; absol., η avr. Θράκη Id. άντι-τΓ^ρηθβν, Adv. from the opposite side', c. gen., Anth. άντι-'π·€ριλαμβάνω, f. -λήψομαί, to embrace hi turn, Xen. άντι-τΓβρητλίω, f. -πλ^ύσομαι, to sail round on the other side, Strab. άντι-τΓβριχωρεω, f. ''ρσω, to move round in turn or in opposition, Flut. άντί-ΐΓ6τρος, ov, like stone, rocky. Soph, άντί-ιτηξ, ηyQS, η, {πr■|yvυμι) a kind of cradle {qx infants, on wheels, Eur. άντι-ττιιττω, {.-πχ:σονμαι, to fall against, resist, rivi N .T. o.vr\.-rx\4ω,{.—πλ^ΰσoμaι,to sail against an enemy,Thuc. άντι-ττλή 1, 7 J 70 S, b, η, beaten by the opposing waves. Soph, άντι-ττληρόω, f. ώσω, to man ships against the enemy, Thuc. II. to fill up by new members, Xen. άντι-ιτλήσσω, f. ζω, to strike in turn, Arist. άντι-7Γν€ω, f. -πν^ΰσομαι, of winds, to be contrary, Flut., Luc. Hence avTiirvoos, ov, contr. -ττνους, ουν, caused by adverse winds, Aesch. : adverse, hostile. Id. άντι-'7τοθ€ω, f. 7]σω, to long for in turn, ri Xen. άντι-ΤΓΟιεω, f. ησω, to do in return, ri Flat. : absol. to retaliate, Xen. II. Med. to exert oneself about a thing, seek after, lay claim to, c. gen., Thuc., Flat., etc. ; c. inf., avr. όπίστασθαί ri to lay claim to know- ing, Flat. 2. to contend with one/or a thing, avr. rivl rrjs άρχηε Xen. ; rivi ττβρί rivos Id. avTLiroLva — άντί-ττοινα, τά, (ττοινη) requital^ retribution , αντίποινα riveiv = avTi-Tiveiv, to atone for, c. acc., Aesch. ; αντί- ποινά Tivos πράσσ^ιν to exact retribution for a thing. Id. ; άντίποιν 4μοΰ παθζίν to suffer retribution for the wrong done me. Soph. άντι-τΓολεμβω, f. ήσω, to urge war against others, Thuc., etc. ; c. dat., Xen. άντι-τΓολεμιος, ον, warring against, oi άντιποΧ4μιοι enemies, Thuc. άντι-'ΐΓ0λ6μο5> oi', = foreg., Hdt. αντι-τΓολιορκεω, f. ήσω, to besiege in turn, Thuc. άντί-τΓολΐ 5 , ews, a rival city, τινι Strab. αντι-τΓολΐτ€'υομαι, f. σομαι, Dep. to be a political op- ponent, Arist. ; avT. τινι to oppose his policy, Plut. ayTi-TTopciv, aor. 2 with no pres, in use, to give instead, Anth. άντι-ΤΓορ€'υομαι, f. -evTogai, aor. i -^πορ^ύθην. Pass, to march to meet another, Xen. άντι-ΤΓορθβω, f. Ίρσω, to ravage in return, Eur. άντί-τΓορθμος, ον, over the straits, on the opposite side of the straits, Aesch., Eur. άντί-ΊΓορος, ον, on the opposite coast, Aesch. ; "Άρτ^μιν Χαλκί5θ5 αντίπορον, i. e. her temple at Aulis over against Chalcis, Id.: — sivapAy ,over against , opposite to, τινι Xen. αντίτΓραξις, ews, η, counteraction, resistance, Plut. Prom άντι-ιτράσσω, Att. -ττω. Ion. -ιτρήσσω : f. : — to act against, seek to counteract, τινί Xen. : — absol. to act in opposition, Hdt., etc. ; so in Med., Xen. άντι-ττρεσββυομαι, f. σομαι, Med. to send counter-am- bassadors, Thuc. άντι-ΤΓρόειμι, Ιβ,μι ibo) to come forward against or to meet, τινί Thuc. άντί-ττροικα, Adv. for next to nothing, cheap, Xen. άντι-τΓροκαλ€ομαι, f. 4σομαι, Med. to retort a legal challenge (πρ6κλ'ησΐ5), Dem. άντι-ιτροσαγορευω, f. σω, to salute in turn, Plut. άντι-ττρόσειμι, {β,μι ibo) to go against, Xen. άντητροσεΐτΓον, serving as aor. 2 to άντιπροσα-γορ^ύω, Theophr. : aor. i pass, άντι-προσ^ρρτιθην, Xen. άντι-ττροσκαλεομαι,ί. eVoyUai, to summon in turn,Yyerx\. άντι-τΓροσφ€ρω, to bring near in turn, τί τινι Xen. άντι-ττρόσωτΓος, ον, (πρόσωπον) with the face towards, facing, Tivi Xen. : face to face. Id. άντι-ίΓροτείνω, f. -reyw, to offer in turn, την 5e|icxy Xen. άντί-ττρωρος, ον, (πρφρα) with the prow towards, Hdt., Thuc. : prow to prow, Thuc. 2. like άντιπρόσωπο5, face to face. Soph. άντί-ττυλος, ον, [πύλη) with gates opposite, άλλ7]λτ}σι Hdt. άντί-ττυργος, ον, like a tower, Eur. άντι-ττυργόω, f. ώσω, to build a tower over against, πά- λιν τηνΖ’ άvτ€πvpyωσav reared up this rival city, Aesch. α.ντιρ-ρ€ΤΓω, f. φω, to counterpoise, balance, Ae^sch. Hence άντίρροτΓος, ον, counterpoising, compensating for,Tiv6s Dem. ; λύπη$ άντ. αχθοε the counterpoising Aveight of sorrow. Soph.: — Adv., άντιρρόπωε πράττ^ιν τινί so as to balance his power, Xen. άντισ·€μν·υνομαι [O], f. -υνούμαι, Med. to meet pride with pride, Arist. άντι-σηκόω, f. ώσω, to counterbalance, compensate for, c. dat., Aesch. j c. gen., Eur. Hence αντιτάσσίΛ, 8l άντισκήκωσις, ea>s. Ion. los, η, equipoise, compensation, ^Hdt. άντι-σκ€υάζομαι, f. -άσομαι, Med. to furnish for one- self in turn, Xen. άντι-σκώ'^Γτω, f. φομαι, to mock in return, Plut. άντ-ισόομαι (tV0co),Pass. to oppose on equal ter?ns,T\\\ic. άντίσιταστος, ον, drawn in the contrary direction : spasmodic, convtdsive. Soph. From άντι-σττάω, f. άσω [ά], to draw the contrary way, hold back, Aesch., Ar. : Pass, to suffer a check, Arist. 2. to draw to itself, Xen. άντί-σταθμος, ον, (στάθμη) counterpoising : in com- pensation for , c. gen.. Soph. άντι-στασιάζω, f. σω, to for^n a party against, τινί Xen.; 01 άντιστασιάζοντ €5 = ol άντιστασιωται. Id. άντί-στασΐ 5 , ecos, η, an opposite party. Plat. II. a standing against, resistance, Plut. άντι-στασιώτης, ον, δ, one of the opposite faction or party, Hdt., Xen. άντιστατ€ω, f. ήσω, to resist, oppose, τινί Plat. ; absol., Hdt. From άντισ·τάτη 5 [ά], ου, δ, (ανθίσταμαι) an opponent , ad- versary, Aesch. άντ-ίστημι, Ion. for άνθ-ίστημι. άντιστοιχ€ω, f. 7 ]σω, to stand opposite in rows or pairs, άλλήλοίχ Xen. : to stand vis-a-vis in a dance. Id. From αντί-στοιχος, ον, ranged opposite in rows or pairs, Arist. : standing over against, Eur. άντι-σ·τρατ€υομαι, f. -σομαι, Dep. to make war against, Tivi Xen. άντιστρατηγεω, f. άισω, to be Propraetor, Plut. From αντιστράτηγος, δ, the enemy’s general, Thuc. II. the Propraetor or Pro-consul, Polyb. άντιστράτοτΓ€δ€ία, η, an encamping opposite, Polyb. From άντι-στράτο'π·€δ€υω, £. σω, to encamp over against, τινί Isocr., Polyb. ; mostly in Med. with pf. pass., Hdt., Att. άντι-στρβφω, f . φω : pf. -ύστροώα : — to turn to the oppo- site side : intr. to wheel about, face about, Xen. Hence αντιστροφή, η, a turning about : the antistrophe or re- turning of the chorus, answering to a previous στροφή, except that they now moved from left to right instead of from right to left. αντίστροφος, ον, (αντιστρέφω) turned so as to face one another : correlative, coordinate, counterpart, τινι to a thing. Plat. : also άντίστροφόε tivos, as if άντ. were a Subst., the correlative or counterpart of. Id. ; Adv. -φωε, coordinately , τινί Id. άντι-συγκλητος, η, a counter-senate, Plut. άντι-συλλογίζομαι, f. Att. -ιουμαι, Dep. to answer by syllogism, Arist. άντι-συναντάω, f. ήσω, to meet face to face, Anth. άντι-σφαιρίζω, f. σω, to play at ball against, 01 άντι- σφαιρίζοντ €5 the parties in a game at ball, Xen. άντι-σχεϊν, -σχβσθαι, aor. 2 act. and med. inf. of άντ- άντ-ίσχω, collat. form of αντέχω. Soph., etc. άντίταγμα,ατο5,τ(Ι,(άντίτάσσω) an opposing force, Plut. άντι-τάλαντ€υω, f. σω, — άντισηκόω, Anth. άντίταξις, εωϊ, η, (αντιτάσσω) counter-array , Thuc. άντι-τάσσω, Att. -τάττω, f. -τάξω, to set opposite to, range in battle against, τινά τινι Hdt., Aesch., etc. ; τι G 82 αντιτείνω - ■πρόί η Aeschin. : — so in Med., Thuc. II. Med. also to set oneself against, meet face to face, meet in battle, Eur., etc. ·, nvi Dem. : — Pass, to be dra-wn out against, rivi Hdt., Xen.; ■npos τινα Hdt., Xen.; κατά riva Xen. άντι-τείνω, f. -reuH : — to stretch out in return, to offer in return, to repay, τι άντί tivos Eur. II. intr. to strive against, counteract , resist, τινί, or absol., Hdt., Att. 2. of places, to lie over against, τινί Plut. άντι-τείχισμα, ατο$, τό, a counter-fortification , Thuc. άντι-τ€μνω, f. -τ€μώ : aor. 2 -€Τ€μον : — to cut against, i.e. to provide a remedy or antidote, Eur. άντι-τ€χνάομαι,θ6ρ. to contrive in opposition, counter- plan, c. acc., Hdt. Hence άντιτεχνησις, ecos, η, counter-manoeuvring, emulation, Thuc. άντί-τ€χνος, ον, {τ4χνη) rivalling in an art or craft, Ar., Plat. ; c. dat.. Plat. άντι-τίθημι, f. -θτ,σω, to set against, oppose, c. dat., Simon. : to contrast, compare, τί τινι Hdt., Eur. ; also τί TIVOS, Thuc. ; τι np0s τι Dem. 2. άντ. τινά τινι to match one against the other in battle, Lat. committere , iaovs ίσοισι avTidels Eur. : — Pass, to be matched one against another, Hdt. 3. to retort, rejoin, Eur., Thuc. II. to deposit in return, Eur., Xen. : — to give in return or as a recompense, τί tivos one thing for another, Eur. άντι-τϊμάω, f. ^σω, to honour in return, τινά Xen. : — f. med. in pass, sense. Id. II. Med. as law-term, to fix a counter-estimate of damages, c. gen. pretii. Plat. άντι-τΐμωρ6ομαι, f. τ,σομαι, Dep. to avenge oneself on, Tiva Eur., Thuc. ; absol. to take vengeance, Ar. άντι-τίνω [t], f. -τίσω [t], to pay or suffer punishment for a thing, τι Theogn. ; absol.. Soph. II. Med. to exact or inflict in turn,Ti tivos one thing /or another, Aesch., Eur. 2. to avenge, punish, abv φόνον Eur. άντι-τολμάω, f . ησω, to dare to stand against another, ■Kpos Tiva Thuc. άντί-τολμος, ον, (τόλμα) boldly attacking, Aesch. άντίτομοξ, ον, (αντιτόμνω) cut as a remedy for an evil : — άντίτομον, τό, a remedy, antidote, Horn.; tivos for a thing, Pind. άντίτονος, ον, (αντιτείνω) strained against, resisting : as Subst., άντίτονα, τά, cords for a ballista, Plut. άντι-τοίβυω, f. crco, to shoot arrows in turn, Xen. αντι-τορεω, f. ήσω, to bore right through, c. gen., II. ; c. acc. to break open, Ib . αν-τϊτο 5 , ον, poet, for άνά-τιτος, paid back, requited, avenged : άντιτα €pya the work of revenge or retribu- tion, Od. ; vaiS0sfor her son, II. άντι-τρ€φω, f. -θρόψω, to maintain in turn, Xen. άντι-τυγχάνω, aor. 2 -ότύχον, to meet with in return, Tiv0s Theogn., Thuc. άντί-τΰίΓος, ον, rarely η, ον, (τύτττω) repelled by a hard body, Txmos άντ. blow and counter-blow, of hammer and anvil, Orac. ap. Hdt. : — of sound, echoed, echoing, aT0vos Soph. ; κατά τό άντ. by repercussion, of an echo, Luc. 2. corresponding, as the stamp to the die, άντ. των άλιηθινών figuring or representing the true, N. T. II. act., of a hard body, repellent, rigid, Xen. ; of hard ground, άντιτνττα eVt yq ττόσ^ Soph. 2. metaph. of men, stubborn, obstinate, Xen. 3. opposed to, Tiv0s Aesch. : adverse, of events, Xen. — αντΧία. άντι-τυττοω, f. ώσω, to express as by a figure, Anth. άντι-τυτΓτω, f. ψω, to bead in turn, Ar., Plat, άντιψερίζω, f. σω, (άντιφόρω) to set oneself against, measure oneself with, τινί II., Ar. ; τταρά τινα Pind. άντί-φερνος, ον, (φξρνη) instead of a dower, Aesch. άντι-φε'ρω, to set against, τι ε’ττί τινι Anth. : — Med. or Pass, to set oneself against, fight against, Horn, άντι-φεύγω, f. -φ^ύξομαι, to go into exile in turn, Eur. άντί-φημι,Ι.-φήσω, to speak against, to contradict. Plat, άντι-φθε'γγομαι, f. -ξομαι, Dep. to return a sound, echo, Pind., Eur. II. to speak against, Luc. Hence άντίφθο·γ·γο 5 , ον, of answering sound, imitative, Anth. άντι-φϊλέω, f. τ\σω, to love in return. Plat., Xen. Hence άντιφίλησις, ecos, return of affection, Arist. άντι-φϊλοσοφε'ω, f. ήσω, to hold contrary tenets, Luc. άντι-φϊλοτϊμε'ομαι, Pass, to be moved by jealousy against, πρ05 τι Plut. άντι-φιλοφρονε'ομαι, Dep. to receive kindly in turn, Plut. άντί-φονος, ον, in return for slaughter, in revenge for blood, Aesch., Soph. II. θάνατοι άντ. deaths by mutual slaughter, Aesch. άντι-φορτίζομαι, f. Att. -ιουμαι, Med. to take in a return cargo, Dem. II. to import in exchange for exports, Xen. : also as Pass., to be received in exchange for the cargo. Id. άντι-φράσσω, Att. -φράττω, f. |a), to barricade, block up, Xen. άντι-φΰλακή, η, a watching one against another, Thuc. άντι-φΰλα| [ΰ], ό, one posted to watch another, Luc. άντι-φΰλάσσω, Att. -ττω, f. Ιω, to watch in turn. Plat. : — Med. to be on one's guard against, τινά Xen. άντι-φωνε'ω,Ι. ήσα», to sound in answer, reply ,Tra.g. 2. c. acc. rei, to utter in reply. Soph. : — c. acc. pers. to reply to, answer. Id. άντί-φωνος, ον, (φωνή) sounding in answer, responsive to, c. gen., Eur. άντι-χαίρω, to rejoice in answer to, τινί Soph. (In aor. 2 pass. part, άντιχάρβίε). άντι-χαρίζομαι, f. med. -ιουμαι, Dep. to shew kindness in turn, τινί Hdt., Xen. άντι-χειροτονε'ω, f. ά}(Τω, to vote against doing a thing, άντ. μ)} τταρόχζίν Ar. ; absol., Thuc. άντιχορηγε'ω, f. ά)σω, to be a rival choragus, τινί to another, Dem. From άντι-χόρηγος, b, a rival choragus, Dem., etc. άντι-χράω, (χράω b) to be sufficient, like άποχράω, only in aor. i, άντόχρησ^ Hdt. άντί-χριστος, b. Antichrist, N. T. άντι-ψάλλω, to play a lyre in accompaniment to, τινί Ar. Hence άντίψαλμος, ον, responsive, harmonious, Eur. άντι-φηφίζομαι, f. Att. —ιουμαι, Dep. to vote against, TTpbs Ti Plut. άντλεω, f. ·}]σω, (&vt\os) to bale out bilge-water, bale the ship, Theogn., Eur. 2. generally, to draw water, Hdt. II. metaph. of toil or suffering, to exhaust, come to the end of, like Lat. exantlare or exhaurire labores, Aesch., Eur. 2. to squander. Soph. Hence αντλημα, aros, τό, a bucket for drawing water, N. T. αντλία, ·η, — άντλο5, the hold of a ship. Soph., Ar. 2. bilge-water, filth, Ar. αρτΧος αντλος, δ, (perh. for ανά-τλο$, the Root of -t\os being ΤΛΕ, τλάω) : — ihe hold of a ship, where the bilge- water settles, Lat. sentina, Od. 2. the bilge-water in the hold, Eur. ; iivrXov ovk let in no bilge- water, metaph. for ‘let no enemy come in,’ Aesch.; ets αντΚον ίμβαίνζίν ποδα, metaph. for getting into a diffi- culty, Eur. άντ-οικτ€ίρω, f. ερώ, to pity in return, τινά Eur. αντ-οικτίζω, = foreg., Thuc. άν-τολή, 7], poet, for ανα-τοΚτ]. άν-τολίη, 7], poet, form of αντοΧτ], ανατοΧΊ], Anth. αντομαι, Dep. only in pres, and impf., {αντί) = άντάω, to meet, in battle, c. dat., II. : — absol., diirXSos ηντ^το Θώρ7}ξ the breastplate doubled (by the belt) met or stopped (the dart), Ib. II. = αντιάζω i . 2 , c. acc. pers. to approach with prayers, entreat. Soph., Eur. άντ-όμνυμι, f . -ομονμαι, to swear in turn, c. f ut . inf ., Xen. άντ-ονομάζω, f. σω, to tiame instead, call by a new name, Thuc. άντ-οφείλω, f. -·ί)σω, to owe one a good turn, Thuc. άντ-οψθαλμεω, f. 7]σω, {6φθαΧμ65) to meet face to face, to face, Tivi Polyb., N.T. άντ-οχεομαι, Pass, to drive or ride against, Mosch. άν-τρεττω, poet, for άνα-τρ^πω. avTpias, ados, η, fern. Adj. of a grotto, Anth. αντρον, t6, V. 2 X.antru,m, a cave, grot, cavern,0^..pYx2Lg. άντρ-ώδης, es, {iidos) full of caves, Xen. αντυξ, vyos, η, like irvs, the edge or rim of anything round or curved : 1. the rim of the round shield, II. 2. the rail round the front of the chariot, the chariot-rail, Ib. ; sometimes double, and therefore av- Tvyes in pi., Ib., Soph. II. post-Hom., I. in pi. the chariot itself. Soph., Eur. 2. the frame of the lyre, Eur. 3. the orbit of a planet, h. Horn. ; the disk of the moon, Mosch. άντ-υτΓοκρίνομαι, άντ-υττουργε'ω. Ion. for avQ-v7x~. άντ-ωδός, 6v, (οδα>) singing in answer, responsive, Ar., Anth. άντωμοσία, η, {αντ-όμνυμι) an oath or affidavit made one against the other, i. e. hy plaintiff and defendant , Plat., etc. άντ-ωνεομαι, impf. -(ωνουμην, Dep. to buy instead, Xen. 2. to bid against, aXXTjXois Lys. ; δ αντωνον- μ€νο5 a rival bidder, Dem. άντ-ωττός, 6v, (ώψ) with the eyes opposite, facing, fronting, Luc., Anth. άντ-ωφελεω, f. ήσω, to assist or benefit in turn, riva. Xen. : — Pass, to derive profit in turn. Id. άν-υβριστο 9 , ον, {υβρίζω) not insulted, Plut. II. act. not insolent, decorous, Id. άν-υδρος, ον, {υζωρ) wanting water, waterless, of arid countries, Hdt. : — of a corpse, deprived of funeral lustrations, Eur. άν-ΰμε'ναιο 5 , ον, without the nuptial song, unwedded. Soph., Eur. : neut. pi. as Adv., Soph., Eur. άνυμες, Dor. for άννομ^ν, i pi. of ανύω. άν-υμνε'ω, f. ήσω, to praise in song, c. acc., Eur. ά-νύμφευτος, ον, {νυμφζύω) unwedded, Soph.j h.v. yovT] birth from an ill-starred marriage. Id. α-νυμφος, ον, {νύμφη) not bridal, unwedded. Soph.; νύμφη &νυμφθ5 a bride that is no bride, unhappy bride, Eur. II. without bride or mistress, μύΧαθρα Id. — ανω. 83 άν-υττε'ρβλητος, ον, {ύπ^ρβάΧΧω) not to be surpassed or outdone, Xen,, etc. : — Adv. -τω$, Arist. άν-υιτε-υθϋνος, ον, {ζύθΰναι) not liable to give account, irresponsible, Ar., Plat. άνυτΓοδησία, η, a going barefoot. Plat., Xen. ; and άνυτΓοδητε'ω, f. ήσο), to go barefoot, Luc. From άν-υττόδητοβ, ον, (ύττοδεω) ttnshod, barefoot. Plat, άν-υττόδϊκος, ον, not liable to action, Plut. άν-υττόκριτος, ον, {ύττοκρίνομαι) without dissimulation, N.T. άν-υτΓονόητος, ον, ipixovoioo) unsuspected, Dem. άν-ΰτΓΟΤΓτος, ον, without suspicion, unsuspected, Thuc., Xen. : — Adv. -τω5, unsuspectedly , Thuc. άν-υττόστατος, ον, {ύφίστημι) not to be withstood, irre- sistible, Xen., etc. άν-υττότακτος, ον, {ύττοτάσσω) not made subject, rivi N. T. II. unruly, refractory , of persons, Ib. άνΰσι-εργός, 6v, {cpyov) finishing work, industrious, Theocr. [ά metri grat.]. άνυσιμος [ΰ], ον, {ανύω) efficacious, effectual, elfs rt Xen. : Adv. -μο3$. Sup. -ώτατα. Plat, ανΰσις, ecos, η, {ανύω) accomplishment , Horn. άνυστ05> ον, {ανύω) to be accomplished, practicable, Eur. ; αννστόν, like ws δυνατόν, aiyy ws av. as silently as possible, Xen. άνΰτικός, ή, όν, = ανυστικόε, Xen. ανΰτο. Dor. for ηνυτο — ηνύ^το, 3 sing. impf. pass, of ανύω. άνΰτω or άνΰτω, Att. form of ανύω. άν-ΰφαίνω, f. άνω, to weave anew, renew. Plat, άν-νφοω, f. ώσω, to raise up, exalt, Anth., in Med. άνΰω, Att. άνυτω, or άνΰτω : impf, ηνυον : f. άνύσω [άνΰ-] : aor. i ηνύσα, Ep. άνυσσα : pf. ηνύκα : — Pass., pf. ηνυσμαι: aor, i ηνύσθην. (From the Verb άνω): — to effect, achieve, accomplish, complete, Lat. con- ficere, c. acc. rei, Horn., etc. ; absol,, ουδ\ν ηνυζ he did no good, Hdt. ; c. acc. et inf. to bring to pass that . . , Soph. : — Med. to accomplish for one’s own advan- tage, Od,, Plat., etc. 2. to moke an end of, destroy, Horn., etc. 3. to finish a journey, οσσον νηύ$ ηνυσ^ν much as a ship can do, Od. ; so, av. θαΧάσσηε ύδωρ to make its way over the sea water, Ib, 4. in Att. absol. to make one’s way, irphs ττόΧιν Soph. ; iirl άκτάν Eur, ; also, θάΧαμον άνύτ€ΐν to reach the bridal chamber. Soph. ; with inf., ηνυτβ Trepav succeeded in crossing, Aesch. ; and with an Adj., elvat being omitted, ευδαίμων άνύσ^ι will come to be happy. Soph. 5. Pass, of Time, to come to an end, Theocr. 6. in Pass, also of persons, to grow up, Aesch. 7. to get, procure, φορβάν Soph., etc. II. with a partic,, ούκ ανύω φθονόουσα I gain nothing by grudging, II. III. to do quickly, make haste, Ar. ; then, like φθάνω, &voe ττράττων make haste about it. Id,; άνυσον ύ7Γθδησάμ€νο5 make haste and get your shoes on. Id. ; also άνύσαε with an imper., &voiy’, &voiy άνύσα$ make haste and open the door. Id. ; άνύσα$ τρόχβ, Xey’ άνύσα5 Id., etc. "ΑΝΩ [ά generally], inf. άν^ιν, part, άνων, impf. ήνον : — radic. form of ανύω, to accomplish, achieve , finish , δδόν Od. ; οΰδεν ήνον Eur. II. Pass., of the close of a period of time, νύξ άνβται night is drawhig to a close, 11, ; eros άνόμ^νον the waning year, Hdt. : — generally to be finished, 11. ; ^vero rb epyov Hdt. άνω, Adv. : {άνά) : I. implying Motion, tyea: — but the form άι/ώγει in most places of Horn, is present, from άνώγω, from which also come 2 dual άvώyeτov, also impf. ηvωyov or άvωyov, fut. άνώξω, aor. I ηνωξα, subj. άνώξομ^ν, Ep. (or -ωμ^ν : — lastly the impf. 7]v0>yiov implies another pres, άvωy4ω. To co7n- mand, order, also to advise, desire, urge: — c. acc. pers. et inf., σιωπάν \ahv avcayei bade the people keep silence, II.; also c. dat. pers., Od.; c. acc. pers., without inf., άvωy4 μ€ my spirit bids me, Horn. (Deriv. uncertain.) άνώ-γαιον or άνώ-γεων, τό, {άνω, yaia) anything raised from the ground ; the upper floor of a house, used as a granary, Xen.; as a dining-room, Lat. coenacidum, N.T. άνωγεν, 3 sing. impf. of avoiyvvgi ; but II. ανωγεν, of άvώyω, ανωγμεν, i pi. of άvωya. άνώγω, v. άvωya. άν-ώδΰνος, ον, {οζύνη) free from pain. Soph. II. act. allaying pain, Anth. άνωθεν, -θε, (ανω) Adv. of Place, from above, from on high, Hdt., Trag., etc.; υΖατο$ άνωθεν yevog4vov, i. e. rain, Thuc. : from the upper country, from inland. Id. 2. = ανα), above, on high, Trag.; ol άν. the living, opp. to ol κάτω, Aesch. : — c. gen., Hdt. II. of Time, from the beginning. Plat., Dem.: — by descent, Theocr. ; τά άν . first principles. Plat. 2. over again, anew, N.T. άν-ωθεω, f. ώτω, to push up, push off from shore, OA. 2. Med. to push back from oneself, to repel, repulse, Hdt. άν-ωϊστί [i], Adv. of sq., unlooked for, Od. άν-ώϊστος, ον, {οίομαι) unlooked for, unexpected, II., Mosch. άν-ώϊστος, ον. Ion. for άν-οιστ05, referred to a person, is Tiva Hdt. άν-ώλεθρο5, ον, (oAeOpos) indestructible. Plat. ; Ep. άν-όλεθροϊ having escaped ruin, 11. ανωμαλία, unevenness. Plat., etc. 2. of persons, irregularity , Aeschin. From άν-ώμάλος, ον, {bgaXos') uneven, irregular. Plat. : το άν. unevenness of ground, Thuc. 2. of fortune, Id. ανωμοτί, Adv. without oath, Hdt. From άν-ώμοτος, ον, {ομνυμι) unsworn, not bound by oath, Eur. ; θεών άνώμοτο5 without swearing by the gods. Id. II. not sworn to, ^ϊρ'ηνη Dem. άν-ωνόμαστος, ον, (ονομάζω) nameless, indescribable, ineffable, Eur., Ar. άν-ώνΰμο5, ον, (ονυμα, Aeol. for ονομα) without name, nameless, Od., Hdt., etc. II. nameless, inglorious, Pind., Eur., Plat. άν-ω|α, aor. i of avolyvvgi. άνώξαι, aor. i inf. of ’^άvώyω : v. άvωya. άνώ|ω, f. of άvώyω : v. άvωya. άνωρία. Ion. -ίη, η, untimeliness, άν. τον ετεο5 the bad season of the year, Hdt. From αν-ωρο5, ov, = άωρο5, Hdt. αν-ωρΰομαι [ΰ], Dep. to howl aloud, Anth. άν-ώσα, aor. i of άνωθεω. άνωσαι. Ion. for άνο7σαι = άveviyκaL, aor. i inf. of άνα- φ4ρω. ανώτατος, η, ον. Sup. Adj. formed from άνω, topmost, Hdt. : — Adv. ανωτάτω, v. άνω. άνωτερικός, ή, όν, upper, inland, N.T. From ανώτερος, a, ov. Comp. Adj. formed from άνω, higher, Arist. : — Adv. άνωτε'ρω, v. άνω. άν-ωφελής, is, (ώφελε'ω) unprofitable, useless, Aesch., Soph., etc. 2. hurtful, prejudicial , Thuc. ; τινι to one. Plat. : Adv. ~K : pf. ηξίωκα : — Pass., f . άξιωθ7]σομαι and in med. form άξιώσομαι : aor. i ηξιώθην : pf. ηξίωμαι : (άξιos) : — to think or deem worthy of a. thing, whether of reward, Eur., Xen.; or oi punishment, Hdt., Plat. : — Pass, to be thought worthy, tiv6s Hdt., Eur., etc. 2 . c. acc. pers. to esteem, honour, Trag. II. c. acc. pers. etinf. to think oneworjfAyiodoorbe, Eur., etc.: — Pass., Aesch., etc. 2. to think fit, expect, require, demand that, Lat. postulare, άξ. τινα ελθεΓυ Hdt., etc. III. c. inf. only, άξ. κομίζ^σθαι, Tvyxaveiv to think one has a right to receive, expect to receive, Thuc. : — Pass, to be required to άο, Dem. 2. to think fit, expect, consent, resolve, άξιώ daveiv Soph.; el tis άξιοι μαθ^ΐν if he deigns to learn, Aesch.: — so in Med., άξιονσθαι μ4Χζΐν to cCeign to care for. Id., etc.; also as a real Med., ούκ άξ\ζΰμζνο3 not deeming himself worthy ,\\άί. IV. to claim, νικάν 7}ξίουν claimed the victory, Thuc. : absol. to make a claim. Id. V. to hold an opinion, Dem.; ευ Tip τοιωάζ άξιονντι in such a state of opinion, Thuc. αξίωμα, arcs, τό, {άξιόω) that of which one is thought worthy, an honour, Eur. ; yάμωv άξ. honour of marriage. Id. 2. honour, reputation, Lat. dignitas, Eur., Thuc. 3. rank, position, — of things, worM, quality. Id. II. that which is thought fit, a decision, purpose. Soph., Dem. 2. in Mathematics, a self- evident theorem, an axiom, Arist. άξίωσΊς, gen. εωί. Ion. los, η, (άξιόω) a thinking worthy , Hdt. 2. a being thought worthy, reputation, Thuc. II. a demand or claim. Id. III. a thinking fit, an opinion, principle, maxim. Id. IV. άξ. των ονομάτων the meaning of words. Id. ά-ξόανος, ov, (ξόανον) without carved images, Luc. άξόνιος, a, ov, (άξων) belonging to the axle, Anth. ά-ξυγκρότητος, ου, {συyκpoτ4ω) not welded together by the hammer : — metaph. of rowers, not trained to keep time, Thuc. α-ξΰλος, ov, (ξύΧον) with no timber, timberless, άξυΧθ5 νΧη a coppice, brushwood, II. : — others take it to be a wood from which no timber has been cut, a thick wood. II. without wood, Hdt. ά-ξυμ-, ά-ξυν-, v. ά-συμ—, ά-συν-. ά-ξυστατος, ου, ν. ά-σνστατοε. αξων, ουο5, ό, {άyω) an axle, Lat. axis, II., etc. II. Oi άξουεϊ, the wooden tablets of Solon’s laws, made to turn upon a7t axis, Plut. αοζος, 0 , a servant, attendant, Aesch. (Perh. from a copul., όδόί ; cf. ά-κόXoυQos {) άοιδη, Att. contr. ωδή, η, (άείδω) song, a singing, whether the art of song, Horn. ; or the act of singing, song, II. 2. the thing sung, a song, Horn., etc. 3. the subject of song, Od. αοί^ιάω — ατταθ???. 86 άοιδιάω, = aei5aj, to sing, Od, αοίδιμος, ον, {αοιζτ]) sn 7 tg of, famous hi song, Hdt. : in bad sense, notorious, infamous, II. άοιδο-θ€της, ου, ο, (τίθημΐ) a lyric poet, Anth. άοιδο-μάχος [d], ov, {μάχομαι) fighting 'with verses, Anth. άοιδο-ττόλος, b, (πολεω) one busied voith song, a poet, Anth. άοιδός, b, (άείδω) a singer, minstrel, hard, Lat. vates, Horn., Hdt. ; c. gen., χρησμών aoiSbs Eur. ; of the cock, Theocr. 2. as fern, songstress, of the nightingale, Hes. j of the Sphinx, Soph. 3. an enchanter, Lat. incantator. Id. II. as Adj. tuneful, musical, bpvis άοιδοτάτα Eur. άοιδο-τόκος, ov, (τίκτω) inspiring song, Anth. ο-οίκητος, ov, {οΙκίω) uninhabited, Hdt. II. house- less, Dem. α-οικος, ov, houseless, homeless, Hes., Soph., etc. II. &01K0S ζϊσοίκησιε a homeless, i. e. miserable, home. Soph. α-οινος,ον, 'without "wine, άοινοι xoai,such aswere offered to the Erinyes, Aesch. ; hence Soph, calls the Erinyes aoivoi ; — aoivois ^μμανζΐ$ θυμώμασιν frantic with sober, deliberate rage. Soph. 2. of men, drinking no "wine, sober, Xen. ; of a place, having none. Id. α-οκνος, ov, 'without hesitation, untiring, Hes., Soph., Thuc. ά-ολλής, is, (a copul. , εϊλω, cf. άλήϊ) all together, in throngs, shoals or cro'wds, Horn., Soph., etc. άολλίζω, f. ίσω : Ep. aor. i άόλλισσα : — Pass., Ep. aor. I inf. άολλισθ·ημ€ναι : (άολλήί) : — to gather together, II. : — Pass, to come together, assemble, Ib. II. of things, to gather together, heap up, Anth. α-οττλος, ov, 'without shields (8πλο), 'without heavy armour, Thuc., etc. : generally, unarmed. Plat. ; άρμα doTTA. a chariot 'without scythes, Xen. dop, aopos, TO, (οείρω) a s'word hung in a belt (cf. aop- TT]p), a hanger, s'word, Horn. : he also uses a masc. acc. pi., &opas. [d in aop ; but in trisyll. cases also d.] ά-όράτος, ov, unseen, not to be seen, invisible. Plat., etc. II. act. 'without sight, Luc. αοργησία, η, a defect in the passion of anger, ‘ lack of gall,' Arist. From ά-όργητος, ov, (opy-f]) incapable of anger, Arist. ά-όριστος, ov, {bpl(w) 'without boundaries, Thuc. II. undefined, indefinite, Dem., etc. α-ορνος, ov, (opvis) 'without birds. Soph. II. ''Aopvos, b, lake Avernus, Strab. αορτεω, lengthd. form of aeipw, only in aor. i pass. part. aopT7j0eis, suspended, Anth. αορτή p, Tjpos, b, (aetpco) a strap to hang an 3 -thing to, a S'word-belt , Horn. : a knapsack-strap, Od. dopTo, Ion. for ηορτο, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of aelpw. αοσσεω, aor. i inf. άοσσησαι, (ao^os) to help, τινί Mosch. Hence άοσσητήρ, vpos, b, an assistant, helper, aider, Horn. d -ουτος, ov, (οντάω) unwounded, unhurt, II. α-όχλητος, ov, (δχλεω) undisturbed, calm, Luc. άτταγγελία, η, a report, as of an ambassador, Dem. 2. a narrative, recital, Thuc., Plat. From άτΓ-αγγελλω, f. -αγγελώ. Ion. ε'ω : aor. i -rjyyeiXa : — Pass., pf. -'ηyy€λμaι : aor. i -T]yyi\eT]v, later -r)yyi- j λην : 1. of a messenger, to bruig tidhigs, report, an- noimce, τί τινι II., Hdt., etc. j τι irpos τινα Aesch., etc.; άπ. τι οΊκαδβ to carry a report home. Plat. : — absol., τάΚιν air. to bring back tidhigs, report in answer, Od. : — Pass., ε| wv άττηγγελλετο as he 'was reported, Dem. ; c. part., άτττγγ^ΙΚ^η εκκεκλεμμενοϊ 'was reported to have been stolen away, Hdt. 2. of a speaker or writer, to relate, narrate. Id., Att. Hence άιταγγελτήρ, ήρο 5 , b, a messenger, Anth. dirdyc, Adv. '^prop. imper. of a-rayw, in intr. sense) away! begone ! hands off ! Lat. apage ! Eur., Ar. α-τταγής, εΤ, (^Γηyvυμι) not firm or stiff, of Persian caps, ^Hdt. άτΓ-αγΐνε'ω, Ion. for άττάγω, only in pres, and impf., esp. of payhig tribute, Hdt. άτταγόρενσις, εω5, η, failure of strength, exhaustion, Plut., Luc. : and όητα-γορευτε'ον, verb. Adj. one must give up, Luc. From άτΓ-δίγορεΰω, mostly' in pres, and impf., (άπερώ is used as fut., άπεί7Γo^' as aor., άτςίρηκα as pf., and άττορρηθησο- μαι, άπ^ρρ-ηθην, άττ^ίρημαι as pass, fut., aor. and pf.) : — to forbid, άπ. τινά μή ποιεΓν τι Hdt., Att. ; τινά Xen. 2. to dissuade, Hdt. II. intr. to bid fare- well to, c. dat., away, τφ πολ 4 μψ to give up, renounce war. Plat. ; c. part, to give up doing, Xen. : — absol. to give up, fail, sink. Id. ; of things, τα awayopev- οντα worn out and tiseless. Id. άτΓ-αγριόομαι, pf. -ηyplωμaι, Pass, to become wild or savage. Soph. άτΓ-αγχονίζω, f. σω, (άγχοΤη) to strangle, Anth. ατΓ-άγχω, f. -ay^w, to strangle, throttle, Od., Ar. ; to choke with anger, Ar. : — Med. and Pass, to hang one- self, to be hanged, Hdt., Att. : to be ready to choke, Ar. αττ-άγω, f. -ά|ω, to lead away, carry off, Od., Trag. : — Med. to take away for or with oneself, Hdt., Trag. : — Pass., ks όξν άπηyμevos brought to a point, tapering off, Hdt. 2. intr. (sub. kavTov) to retire, withdraw, march away. Id., Xen. ; cf. άπay^. II. to bring back, bring home, Horn., Att. III. to return what one owes, render, pay, τάν φόρον Ar., Thuc. IV. to arrest and carry off, παρά τινα Hdt. : — esp. as Att. law- term, to bring before a magistrate and accuse, Dem. : — then, to carry off to prison. Plat., etc. V. to lead away from the subject. Id., etc. Hence άτταγωγή, η, a leading away, Xen. II. payment of tribute, Hdt. III. as Att. law-term, a process by which a person caught in the act (επ’ αυτοφώρψ) might be arrested and brought before the Magistrates, Oratt. : — the written complaint laid before the Court, L3'sias. άτΓ-άδεΐν, Ion. -ε'ειν, aor. 2 inf. of άφ-ανδάνω. άτΓ-αδω, f. -άσομαι, to sing out of tune, be out of tune. Plat. II. vciQtdL^h. to dissent, απ' άλ.Χ·η\ων\ά. 2. to wander away, άπδ του βρωτ-ηματοε Id. άΐΓ-αείρω, aor. i --η^ιρα, poet, for awaip'w, to depart, Eur. : — Med. to depart from, c. gen., II. άτΓ-αθανατίζω, f. σω, to aim at immortality , Plat., Arist. απάθεια, η, want of sensation, insensibility , Arist. From ά-πάθής, εΤ, (πάθos) not suffering or having suffered, without experience of a thing, c. gen., Theogn., Hdt., Att. : — absol., Ib. IT. without passion or feeling : ■ — Adv., άπαθώε εχειζ/ to be without feeling, Plut. ατταί — άτταλοαω. άτται, poet, for αττό, Hes. άπ-αιγβιρόοιχαι, Pass, to be changed into a poplar, Strab. ά-τταιδαγώγητος, ον, 'without teacher or g\ide, Arist. : uneducated, untaught, rivos in a thing. Id. άτΓαιδ€υσία, η, want of education, Thuc., Plat. 2. ignorance, boorishness, coarseness. Plat., etc. II. c. gen., α·παι^€υσία opyrjs from want of control over passion, Thuc. From ά-τταίδευτος, ον, (τταιδ^νω) uneducated, Eur., Plat. : — c. gen. uninstructed in a thing, Xen. 2. ignorant, boorish, coarse, Eur., Plat. II. Adv., a-Traidevrws exeiv to be without education, Eur. άτταιδία, -η, (άτταιε) childlessness, Hdt., Soph. άΐΓ-αιθριάζω, f. σω, (αιθρία) to clear away clouds /ww the sky, Ar. άτΓ-αίνυμαι and άττο-αινυμαι, Dep. to take away, with- draw, ri Tivos Od. : to pluck off, Mosch. άτταιολάω, f. ήσω, to perplex, confound, Eur. From άττ-αιόλη, η, (aloAos) cheating, fraud, personified in Ar. άτταιόλημα, arcs, to, =foreg., Aesch., Ar. άτΓ-αιρεθεω, Ion. for άφ-αιρ^θώ, aor. i pass. subj. of αφαιρέω : — άιτ-αραιρημενος. Ion. pf. part, άττ-αίρω, Ion. impf. ατταίρ^σκον : f. ατταρω : aor. i αττηρα: pf. αττηρκα : — to lift off, carry off, take away, to re- move from, ri rivos Eur.: absol., Hdt. II. to lead away a sea or land force. Id.: — intr. (sub. vavs, ffrpa- rov, etc.), to sail or march away, depart. Id., Att. ; c. gen., anaipeiv χθον05 to depart from the land, Eur. : c. acc. cogn., αττ. -πρ^σβ^αν to set out on an embassy, Dem. α-τταις, dTraiSos, S, η, childless, Hdt.; ras ccwaiSas ovcrias her childless estate. Soph. : — c. gen., ^tt. ^pffevos yovov without male heirs, Hdt.; rcKvwv άτταιζα Eur.; etc. II. Nu/criis τταΤδεϊ &7raides children of Night, children none, Aesch. άτΓ-αΐσσω, Att. -άσσω, f. ξω, to spring from a height, c. gen., II. II. to dart away. Soph, [απά- Horn.] άττ-αισχυνομαι [ΰ], f. -ννοΰμαι, Dep. to refuse through shame. Plat. άτΓ-αιτεω, f. Ί^σω, to demand back, demand, Hdt. : — άττ. ri riva to demand something of one. Id., Att. ; άττ. ‘όπλα rov irarp0s Soph. ; a.\so, χάριν άπ. riva Plat. II. Pass., of things, to be demanded in payment, Hdt. 2. of persons, to have demanded of one, απαινύσθαι euep- yeiriav Xen. Hence άτταίτησις, ecus, η, a demanding back, Hdt. ; άπ. ποΐ€Ϊ· σθαι to make z. formal demand, Dem. άτταιτίζω, only in pres, part., = απαινόω, to demand back, χρήματα Od. άτΓ-αιωρεομαι, Pass, to hang down from above, hang suspended, hover about, Hes. άπ-ακρϊβόομαι, Pass, to be finished off, highly finished. Plat., Isocr. II. as Med. to finish off, Anth., Luc. ά-ιτάλαιστρος, ον,{παλαισνρα) not trained in the palaes- tra, unskilled in wrestling, Anth. : awkward, Cic. άτΓ-άλαλκ€, 3 sing. aor. 2 opt. απαλάλκοι, (with no pres, in use, v. άλαλκε) : — to ward off something from one, ri rivos Horn. ; Ep. inf. απαλαλκόμ^ν, Theocr. ά-ττάλαμνος, ον, poet, for a-πάλaμos, without hands, helpless, good for naught, II. II. impracticable, reckless, lawless, ^pSciv cpy' απάλαμνα Solon. ; απάλαμ- νόν η πά(Χχ(ΐν Eur. 87 α-ττάλαμος, ον, (παλάμη) like άπάλaμvos, helpless, Hes., Pind. [άπ- metri grat.] άτΓ-αλάομαι, Pass, to go astray, wander, Hes. άτΓ-αλγεω, f. ησω, to feel no more pain at a thing, ri Thuc. ; άπ. rh π4vθos to put away sorrow, Plut. άτΓ-αλείψω, f. φω : pf. -αληλΊφα : — to wipe off, expunge from a register, Dem. ; άπ. ri to cancel it, Aeschin. άτΓ-άλεξω, f. -αλεΙήσω, to ward something off fro7n a person, ri rivos II. 2. reversely to keep a person something, ηνά rivos Od. II. Med. to defend oneself, άπαλεξασβαι [τί] Soph. άτΓ-άληθεΰω, to speak the whole truth, Xen., in Med. άπ-αλθαίνομαι, f. -τ]σομαι, Dep. to heal thoroughly , II. άτταλλάγή, η, (απαλλάσσω) deliverance, release, relief from a thing, riddance of it, πόνων, ξυμφopάs Aesch., Soph., etc. 2. absol. a divorce, Eur. II. (from Pass.) a gohig away, a means of getting away, an escape, departure, Hdt.; η άπ. άλλά)λων separation. from one another, of combatants, Thuc. 2. άπ. rov βίου departure from life, Xen. ; x}/vxr}s από σώμaros Plat. άιταλλακτεον, verb. Adj. of άπαλλάσσω, one must re- lease from, ηνά rivos Plut. II. (from Pass.) one must withdraw from, get rid of, riv0s Plat, άτταλλαξείω, Desiderat. of απαλλάσσομαι, to wish to be delivered from or get rid of, riv0s Thuc. άττάλλαξις, €ωs, η, = άπaλλayη, Hdt. From άτΓ-αλλάσσω, Att. -ττω : i. ξω : pf. άπήλλάχα : aor. i άπήλλα|α : — Pass., pf. άπ7}λλayμaι, Ion. άπάλλayμaι : aor. I άπηλλάχθην. Ion. άπαλλ- : aor. 2 άπηλλάyηv [a] : f. I άπαλλαχθά,σομαι, f. 2 άπαλλάγί]σομαι : — Med., fut. (in pass, sense) άπαλλάξομαι : aor. i άπηλ- λάξαμην : A. Act. to set free, release, deliver a person fro77i a thing, ηνά rivos Hdt., Att. 2. to put away or remove a thing/Vom a person, ri rivos Eur., etc. 3. c. acc. only, to put away, remove, dis^niss, n or riva Id., Thuc., etc. : to destroy, kavr0v Plut. II. intr. to get off, come off, end so and so, ουκ ώs ήθελε Hdt. ; KaKuis άπ. Plat. ; χαίρων Hdt. : — c. gen. to depart from , βίου Eur. B. Pass, and Med. be set free or released from a thing, get rid of it, c. gen., Hdt., Att. 2. to get off, κaλωs Eur.; άζ'f}μιos Ar. 3. absol. to be acquitted , Dem. II. to reniove, depart from, 4κ χώpηs Hdt., etc. ; yrjs Eur. 2. άπαλλάσσ^σβαι rov βίου to de- part from life. Id. ; and without rov βίου, to depart, die. Id., Thuc., etc. 3. άπ. λ4χoυs to be divorced, Eur. 4:. άπ. rov όιόασκάλου to leave schoo\,P\dit. 5. άπ. 4 k παίδων to become a man, Aeschin. 6. πολλόν άπηλλayμ4vos nv0s far inferior to him, Hdt. III. to leave off or cease from , ru>v μακρών λόyωv Soph. ; σκωμμάνων Ar. : — absol. to have done, give over, cease. Soph., Plat. : — c. part., ^Ιπών άπαλλά- yηθι speak and be do7ie with it. Plat. ; also in part, with a Verb, ούκονν άπαλλαχθεΐ? άπει ; have done and be- gone, Soph. 2. to depart from enmity, i. e. to be reconciled. Plat. άττ-αλλοτριοω, f. ώσω : pf. -ηλλονρίωκα : — to estraiige, alienate, Aeschin., Arist. Hence άτταλλοτρίωσις, εω5, η, alleviation, Arist. άτΓ-άλοάω, poet, -οιάω, f. ήσω, to thresh out, σΐros άπη- 88 άτταΧόθριζ — λοημ4νο5 (pf. pass, part.) Dem. : — metaph. to bruise, crush, II. άπαλό-θριΙ, τρΧχο5, 6, η, soft-haired, Eur. άιταλός, ή, όν, Aeol. αττ-, soft to the touch, tender, of the body, Horn., Soph. ; oi fresh fruit, Hdt. ; of tender meat, Xen. II. metaph. soft, gentle, ότταλ^ν 7 €λά- σαι to laugh gently, Od. ; άττ. δίαιτα soft, delicate. Plat. (Deriv. uncertain.) Hence άτταλότης, 77 tos, ύ), softness, tenderness, Xen., etc. άτταλο-τρεφης, 4s, {τρ4φω) well-fed, plump, II. άπάλό-ψρων, ον, {φρΊιν) soft-hearted, Anth. άτταλό-χροος, ον, contr. -χρους, χρουν, with heterocl. gen. απα\όχροο5, dat. -χροϊ, acc. -χροα: (xpws) : — soft- skinned, h. Horn., Hes., etc. άττάλυνω, f. ϋνώ, (cnraXos) to soften, Xen. 2. to make tender, rovs πόδα5 Id. άτΓ-αρ,αλδύνω, to bring to naught, Anth. άττ-αμάω, f. ήσω, to cut off, Od., Soph, [άπά- Hom.> άπά- Soph.] άπ-αμβλίσκω, f. -αμβκώσω : aor. i -^ιμβλωσα : — to make abortive, Plut. II. intr. to miscarry. Id. άτΓ-αμβλΰνω, f. υνω, to blunt the edge of a sword : metaph., τ€θηΎμ4νον τοί μ ούκ άπαμβλνν€ΐ5 λόχφ Aesch. : — Pass, to be blunted, lose its edge. Id., ^Plat. άτΓ-αμβροτεϊν, Ep. aor. 2 inf. of αφ-αμαρτάνω. άτΓ-α,μείβομαι, f. φομαι : aor. i αττ'ημ^ίφθτ)ν : 3 sing. plqpf. άπάμ€ΐπτο : Dep. : — to reply, answer, Horn. άτΓ-αμβίρω, to deprive one of share in a thing : — Pass. to be bereft, tiv0s of a thing, Hes. άτΓ-αμελβομαι, {αμ€λ4ω) Pass, to be neglected utterly, pf. part. άπ7]μζλ'ημ4νο5 Hdt., Soph. άτΓ-αμμενο 5 , Ion. for άφ-ημμ4νο$, part. pf. pass, of άφάπτω. άττ-αμιτλακεΐν, inf. (with no pres, in use), = αφαμαρτ4ΐν (aor. 2 of αμαρτάνω) , to fail utterly. Soph. άτΓ-αμΰνω, f. ννω, to keep off, ward off, τί τινι something for (i. e. from) another, II. ; τί tlvos Luc. : c. acc. to ward off, κακά Hdt. ; άττ. τον βάρβαρον to repulse him. Id. II. Med. to keep off from oneself, to drive back, repel, τινά Od., Hdt. 2. absol. to defend or protect oneself, Horn. άπ-αναίνομαι, aor. i -'ηντηνάμην, Όοτ.-άνάμτίΐν·. Dep.: — to disown, reject, Horn., Aesch. άτΓ-αναισχυντεω, f. ήσω, {αναίσχυντοι) to have the effrontery to do or say a thing. Plat. II. to deny shamelessly , Dem. ά^Γ-αvdλίσ■κω,f. -ανάΧώσω \ ^ί.άττανάΚωκα·. — Pass., aor. I -αναλώθην : — to use quite tip, utterly consume, Thuc. άτΓ-ανδρόομαι, Pass, to become manly , come to maturity, Eur., Luc. άτΓ-άνευθε and -θεν, Adv. afar off, far away, II. II. Prep. c. gen. far away from, aloof from, των άλλων θβων Ib.j άπ. θβων without their knowledge, Ib. 2. out from, issuing from, Ib. άτΓ-ανθβω, f . ήσω, to leave off blooming, fade, wither. Plat., Luc. άτΓ-ανθιζω, f. ίσω, to pluck off flowers, Lat. decerpere : metaph., ματ αίαν -γλώσσαν άττανθίσαι to cull the flowers of idle talk, i. e. talk at random, Aesch. : — Med. to gather honey from flowers, to cull the best of, Luc. ά,τΓ-ανθρα,κίξω, f. σω, to broil on the coals, Ar. ατταραίτητος. άτΓ-ανθρακόω, f. ώσω, to burn to a cinder, Luc. άτΓ-άνθρωτΓΟξ, ον, far from man: I. of places, desert, desolate, Aesch. II. of men, inhuman, Plut. άΐΓ-ανίστημι, f . -στάισω : aor. i —4στ-ησα : — to make rise up and depart, send away, t^v στρατι·ί)ν Hdt., Thuc. II. Pass., with aor. 2 and pf. act., and fut. med., to arise and go away, depart, leave one’s country, emigrate, Hdt., Thuc. άττανταχή, Adv. (awas) everywhere, Eur. : — άιτανταχό- from all sides, Luc.: — άττανταχόθι, = άπανταχοΟ, Id. : — άττανταχόσβ, to every place, Plut. : — άιταντα- χοΰ, everywhere, Eur. άιτ-αντάω : impf. άπ-ίιντων. Dor. 3 sing, άπάντη : f. άττ- αντ'ί]σομαι : aor. i άτΓ·ί]ντ7}σα : pf . άτττιντηκα : I. to move from a place to meet a person ; then, generally, to meet, encounter , τινί Hdt., Thuc., etc. : — absol., 0 άύ άπαντων anyone tKai meets you, any chance person. Plat. : — often with a Prep., άττ. τινι eis τόπον to come or go to a place to meet him, meet him at a place, Hdt. : — without a dat. pers., to present oneself at a place, Xen. 2. often in hostile sense, to meet in battle, Eur. ; άπ. Άθηναίοΐ5 4s Ύάραντα Thuc. : to oppose in anyway. Plat. : — absol. to present oneself In arms, Eur. 3. as a Ηλν term, to meet in open court. Plat., Dem. : — absol. to appear in court, Dem. 4. άπ. eis or πρ05 τι to enter upon a thing, attempt or approach it. Plat., Aeschin. ; to have recourse to . . , Dem. II. of things, to come upon one, happen to one,Eur., Plat., etc. airavTTj, Adv. (άπα 5 ) everywhere, Horn, άττάντημα, aTos, τό, (απαντάω) a meeting, Eur. άτταντϊκρΰ, Adv., strengthd. for αντίκρυ, right opposite, Xen.; c. gen., Dem. άτΓ-αντίον, Adv., right opposite, 4s την άπ. άκττ]ν Hdt. άτΓ-αντλεω, f . ’}]σω, to draw off water from a ship’s hold: metaph., άπ. ϋβρισμα χθονό$ Eur.: — c. acc. only, to draw off, Aesch. : to lighten, lessen, π6νου5 Id.; βάρο5 φυχη5 Eur. άτΓ-άντομαι, = απαντάω, Eur. άτΓ-ανυω, f. ύσω [υ], to finish entirely, vrjcs άπά}νυσαν (sc. οδόν) the ships performed the voyage, Od. α-παξ, Adv. (a copul., and Root ΠΑΓ, πη-γνυμι, cf. Lat. sim-plex) once, once only, once for all, like Lat. semel, Od., Hdt., Att. 2 . c. gen., άπ. του 4νιαυτου once in the year, Hdt. II. without any notion of number, after είπβρ, ην, 4π€ί, ω5, όταν, like Lat. ut semel, έϊπζρ 4σπζίσω y άπαξ if once you have made a treaty, Ar. ; ws άπαξ ηρξατο once he had begun, Xen. άτταξ-άττας, άσα, αν, all at once, mostly in pi., Ar. άίΓαξ-αττλώς, Adv. in general, Luc. άπ-αξιόω, f. ώσω, to disclaim as unworthy , disown, τι or Tiva Thuc. II. άπ. τί tivos to deem a thing unworthy of one, Luc. : — Med. to banish from one’s house, Aesch. άττατταΐ, άττατητατταΐ, = άππαπαΓ, Soph., Ar. ά-τταττίΓος, ον, with no grandfather : metaph. un- fathered by a thing, Aesch. άττ-άτΓτω, Ion. for άφ-άπτω. ά-τταράβάτος, ον, (παραβαίνω) not passing over to an- other, not passing away, tinchangeable, N. T. άττ-αραιρημ€νο 5 > Ion. for άφ-ηρημ4νο5, part. pf. pass, of άφαιρ4ω. ά-παραίτητοξ, ον, (παραιτ4ω) : I. of persons, not to ^τταρακαλυττΎος — ατταν^άω. 89 be moved by prayer, inexorable) Plat., etc. : — Adv. -τω$) Thuc. II. of punishments, not to be averted by prayers, inevitable, zinmercifid, Dinarch. ά-ίΓαρακάλυτΓτος, ον, {παρακαλνιττω) uncovered : Adv. -Tcos, undisguisedly , Plat. ά- 7 Γαράκλητο 5 , ον, unsummoned, volunteering, Thuc. ά-τταράλλακτος, ον, (τταραλλάσ'σω) unchanged, tin- changeable, Plut. α-τταραμυθητος, ον, (παραμυθίομαι) not to be persuaded, inconsolable, άθυμία Plut. ά-ιταράμΰθος, ον, = foreg·., inexorable, Aesch. ά-τταρασκβΰαστος, ον, {παρασκευάζω) =sq., N.T. ά-ιταράσκευοί, ον, (τταρασκενη) voithout preparation, unprepared, Thuc., Xen. άττ-άράσσω, Att. — ττω, f. ξω, to strike off, cut off, II., Hdt. : to s-weep off from the deck of a ship, άτώ rrjs v7]6s Hdt. ·, airh του καταστρώρ.ατο5 Thuc. απαρΎμα, aros, τό, — άπαρχ-η, mostly in pi., Ar. άΐΓ-αρεσκω, f. -αρέσω : Ep. aor. i inf. med. άτταρεσσασ- θαί : — to be disagreeable to, τινί Thuc. II. Med. to shew displeasure, II. ο.-τ:ο.ρτ\χόρτ\το%,ον ,{TTapr\‘yopi(a)inconsolable , Plut. II. not to be advised or controlled. Id. ci-7rap0ev€VTos, ov, (παρθενεύω) tinmaidenly , unfitting a maiden, Eur., in neut. pi. as Adv. ά-ττάρθενος, ov, no more a maid, Theocr. ; νύμφην άνυμφον παρθένον τ' άπάρθενον ‘ virgin wife and widow’d maid,’ Eur. άτΓ-άριθμεω, f. άισω, to count over, reckon up, Xen. II. to reckon ox pay back, repay, Id. Hence ατταρίθμησις, ecus, η, a coun ting over , recounting pWwiO. άττ-αρκεω, f. εσω, to suffice, be sufficient, Trag. II. to be contented, acquiesce, Aesch. άτΓ-αρνεομαι, f. ά]σομαι : aor. i med. -ηρνησάμην, pass. -Ύίρνύθην ·. Dep.: — to deny utterly, deny, Hdt. ; followed by μά) and inf., Eur., etc. : άπαρνηθηναί τι to refuse, reject, Thuc. II. f. απαρνηθύ^σεται in pass, sense, shall be denied or refused. Soph., N. T. CLTT-apvos, ov, {αρνεομαι) denying utterly, άπαρν03 εστι μ^ νοσεειν he denies that he is ill, Hdt. : c. gen., άπαρ- vos ουΖενοΒ denying nothing. Soph, ά-τταρρησίαστος, ov, (παρρησιάζομαι) not speaking freely, Luc. άτΓ-αρτάω, f. ·ί]σω, to hangup from, άπ. ζερην to strangle, Eur. : — Pass, to hang loose, Xen. 2. metaph. to make dependent upon, εξ εαυτού Luc. II. to detach, separate, τί tivos Dem. : — Pass., άπηρτημενοι detached, disunited. Id. III. intr. in Act. to remove one- self, go away, Thuc. άτΓ-αρτι [i], Adv. completely , of numbers, exactly , just, Hdt. II. oiTirno, from now, from this time, hence- forth, Ar., N.T. 2. just now, even now, N. T. άτΓ-αρτίζω, f. ισω, to make even, move regularly, Aesch. II. to get ready, complete, Arist. 2. intr. to be even or exact. Id. άτΓαρτι-λο"για, Ion. -ίη, η, {\0yos) an even number or sum, Hdt. airapTLOV, t 6, a sale of goods by auction, Plut. άτταρτισμός, o, (απαρτίζω) completion, N. T. άτΓ-αρύω or -αρυτω [ΰ], f. ύσω, to draw off, skim off cream, Hdt. : metaph. to draw off the force of Ά thing, in verb. Adj. άπαρυστεον, Ar. άτταρχή, η, mostly in pi. άπαρχαί, the beginning of a sacrifice, the primal offering (of hairs cut from the fore- head), Eur. 2. the firstlings for %^χ:χ\ύίΖ^^, first-fruits, Hdt., Att. : — metaph., άπαρχτ] τηε σοφία5 Plat. From άτΓ-άρχομαι, f. ξομαι, Dep. to make a beginning, esp. in sacrifice, τρίχα5 άπάρχεσθαι to begin the sacrifice with the hair, i. e. by cutting off the hair from the forehead and throwing it into the fire, II. : to beghi the sacrificial rites, Od. II. c. gen. to cut off part of a thing, to offer it, to offer part of a thing, Hdt., Eur. III. to offer the firstlings or first-fruits, Hdt., Ar. 2. metaph. to take as the first-fruits, as the choice or best, Theocr. ατταρχοζ, δ, = επαρχο5, Aesch. άτΓ-άρχω, f. ξω, to be the first, be leader, dance, Anth. a-TTcls, α-πάσα, ά-παν, (a copul., τταϊ) quite all, the whole, and in pi. all together, Horn., etc. 2. with an Adj., άρ·γύρεο5 άπα5 all silver, i. e. of massive silver, Od. j άπαν κακόν altogether evil, Ar. II. in sing., like πά$, everyone, Lat. unusquisque, παν everything, unumquodque, Hdt., Att. άττ-ασιταίρω, to gasp away life, Eur. άτταστια, η, an abstaining froyn food, a fast, Ar. From α-ιταστος, ov, (πατεομαι) not having e aten, fasting, II. : c. gen., άπαστο$ ibr]T0os ηδε ποτητο5 without having tasted meat or drink, Od. άτΓ-αστράΐΓτω, f. φω, to flash forth, Luc. άτΓ-ασχολεω, f. ήσω, {aaxoKos) to leave one no leisure, Luc. : — Pass, to be wholly occupied. Id. Hence άττασχολία, η, detention by business, Strab. άττατάω, Ion. -εω : impf. ηπάτων : f. 7]σω : aor. i ηπά- τησα, Ep. άπ- : pf. ηπάτηκα : — Pass., f . άπατηθησομαι, and in med. form άπατησομαι : aor. i ηπατηθην : pf. ■ηπάτημαι : (άπατά]) : — to cheat, trick, outwit, beguile, Horn., etc. : Pass, to be deceived. Soph. ; άπατάσθαι, ω$ to be deceived into thinking that . . , Plat. άτΓ-άτερθε and -0εν, Adv. apart, aloof, II. II. Prep. c. gen./ar away from, ομίλου Ib. άττατεών, iavos, 6, a cheat, rogue, quack. Plat., Xen. From άιτάτη [άπά-], η, (prob. from άπ-τομαι, cf. άπαφίσκω) a trick, fraud, deceit, II. : a stratagem, Thuc. : in pi. wiles, Horn. 2. guile, fraud, deceit, treachery, Hdt., Att. Hence άττατήλιος, ov, guileful, wily, άπατηλια etSws skilled in wiles, Od. ; άπ. βάζειν Ib. άττατηλός, ά], 6v or os, ov, = foreg., II., Plat, άττατητικός, ά], όν, (άπατάω) fraudulent, Xen. ά-ττάτητος, ον, (πάτεω) untrodden, Anth. άτΓ-ατϊμάζω, = sq.: part. pf. pass. άπητίμασμενο5, Aesch. άτΓ-ατϊμάω, aor. i -ητίμησα, to dishonour greatly, II. Άη-ατουρια, ων, τα, the Apaturia, a festival at Athens in the month Pyanepsion, at which the grown-up youths (κούροι) were enrolled in the φρατρίαι, Oratt. (Prob. from πάτριά, = φρατρία, with a euphonj ά-ττάτωρ, opos, b, rj, (πάτάιρ) without father , fatherless. Soph., Eur. : c. gen., ott. εμού not having me for a father. Soph. άΐΓ-αυγάζω, f. σω, to beam forth. Call, (in Med.) Hence άτταύγασμα, utos, τό, efflux of light, effidgence, N. T. άτΓ-αυδάω, f. ησω, to forbid. Soph.; άπ. μά] c. inf. to prohibit from doing a thing. Id., Eur. II. to dc- αττανθα^ΐ^ομαι — aireLirov, 90 dine, shun, ttoVoks Eur. : to deny, renounce, vdKos Theocr. Ill, to be 'wanting towards, fail, ψίλοίσι Eur , ; άπ, vnh λιμόν Luc, άτΓ-αυθάδίζομαι, f, ιονμαι, Dep, to speak or act boldly, speak out. Plat, άτΓ-αυθημ€ρίζω, f, σω, (αύθ'ημζροε) to return the same day, Xen, άτΓ-αυράω, only used in Impf, ainqvpwv, as, a, with a part, of aor, form anovpas (as if from άττούρημι), and aor, i med, part, αττουράμζνο$ : (the simple Verb ΑΎΡΑΏ, which is not in use, meant to take) : — to take away or wrest from, rob of, c, dupl, acc, pers, et rei, &μφω Θυμ6ν άττηνρα II,; roi/s μ€ν τβύχ^ άπηύρα Ib, 2 , c, gen, pers,, κοΰρην ^AyiArjos airovpas Ib, 3 , c, dat, pers,, ττολ^σσιν θνμ'όν άπηύρα Ib, 4 , Med,, άπουράμ^νοι φυχάε having lost their lives, Hes, II, to receive good or ill, to enjoy or suffer. Id,, Eur, Cf, 4π·ανρΙσ- κομαι. α-ιταυστος, ον, (παύομαι) unceasing, never-ending, Aesch,, Soph, 2, not to be stopped or assuaged, insatiable, δίψα Thuc, II, c, gen, never ceasing from, y0wv Eur, άτΓ-αυτομολεω, f, ησω, to go of one' s own accord, desert, Thuc, άτΓ-αψίσκω, f, -αψΊισω: aor, 2 -^παφον : (άπτομαι, palpare, άφη) : — like άπατάω, to cheat, beguile, Od, άτΓ-άχθομαι, Dep, to be grievous, τινι Sappho, άτΓ-€ βην, aor, 2 of αποβαίνω. άττ-βδηδοκα, pf. of άπ-^σθίω. ά-τΓ€δϊλθ5, ον, (πύδιλον) unshod, Aesch, άπ-βδομαι, f, of άττ-βσθίω, α-τΓ€δθ 5 > ον, (a copul. , πύδον) even, level, flat, Hdt,, Thuc,, etc, : — άπΦδον, 'τό, a plain, flat surface, Hdt, άττ-εησιν, Ep, for άπ -fj, 3 sing, pres, subj, of άπβιμι (Αμί sum). air-eeiTTOV, Ep, for άπ-€Ϊπον. άτΓ-€€ργον, Ep, for άπ -dpyov, impf, of άπdpyω. άττ-εθάνον, aor, 2 of άπο-θντ^σκω. άττ-εθίζω, f, ίσω, to disaccusto^n, άπ. riva μτ] ποιΦΐν Aeschin,; part, pf, άπ€ΐθικω5, Plut, άτΓ-€Ϊδον, inf, -ϊδ^Ίν, aor, 2 with no pres, in use, αφοράω being· used instead : — to look away from other things at a thing, and so simply to look at, is or πρ6s ri Thuc. Λττείθεια, η, l)άπeιθ■ηs) disobedience, Xen., N. T. άττειθεω, f. ήσω, to be disobedient , refuse compliance, Aesch. ; c. dat. to disobey, Eur., Plat, άτΓ-είθην, Ion. for άφ-^ίθην, aor. i pass, of άφίημι. ά-ιτειθής, is, (πζίθομαι) disobedient, rois vόμoιs Plat. ; of ships, rods κυβ€pvr|τaιs άπ^ιθ^στύραι less obedient to them, Thuc, II. act. not persuasive, incredible, Theogn. άτΓ-εικάζω, f. άσομαι : — Pass., aor. 1 άπ^ικάσθην or άπτ}κ~ : pf. άπ^ίκασμαι or άπηκ- : — to form from a model, to express, copy, of painters, Xen., etc. : — Pass. to become like, resemble, άπ€ικaσθe\s θβφ in a god’s like- ness, Eur. 2, to express by a comparison. Plat. : — Pass, to be copied or expressed by likeness. Id. 3 , to liken, compare with, τί τινι Eur., Plat. II. cbs άπ^ι- κάσαι as one may guess, to conjecture. Soph. Hence άττεικαστεον, verb. Adj. one must represent, Xen. ά'τr-€lκov^ζω,f. ίσω,(^1κών) to represent in a statue,Ant\\. ατΓ-εικώς, -εικότως, v. άπ-eoικώs. άτΓ-ειλε'ω, f. ησω, to force back ; mostly in Pass., is άπορίην άπζΐλ'ημξνο 5 forced into great difficulties, Hdt, άττειλε'ω, f. tjctw : (άπ^ιλη) : — to hold out either in the way of promise or threat : I. in good sense, to promise, ηπ^ίλησ^ν άνακτι pi^eiv Εκατόμβην II.; ηττεί- Xrjaas dvai apiarovs didst profess that they were best, Od. II, commonly in bad sense, to threaten, Lat. minari, absol. or c. dat. pers., Horn,, etc. ; c. acc. cogn., ηπζίλησξν μύθον spake a threatening s'pe.ech, II, : — also in Med., N. T. 2 , c, acc. of the thing threatened, θάνα- τον άπ. τινι Hdt. 3 . dependent clauses added in inf. fut., yipas άφαιρησ^σθαι απειλείς II., etc.; Att. also in inf. aor. : — also άττ. βτι . . , ws . . , Att. III. Pass. άπ^ιλονμαι, of persons, to be terrified by threats, Xen. άττειλή, 7], mostly in pi., boastful promises, boasts, II. II. in bad sense, threats, Horn., etc. : — in sing. a threat of punishment ,^ 0 'p\i.j\\i\xc. (Deriv. uncertain.) άτΓ-ειληθείς, aor. i pass. part, of άπ-ειλε'ω : — but air- ειληθείς, of άττειλεω. άττείλημα, aros, τό, = άττείλή, in pi,. Soph. άΐΓ-ειλημε'νος, pf. pass. part, of άττειλεω : but οπειλτ?- μevos of άπείλεω, άτΓ-είλημμαι, pf. pass, of άπολαμβάνω. άττειλήτην, Ep. for ηπ-, β dual impf. of άπειλεω. άττειλητήρ, vpos, 6, (άττειλεω) a threatener, boaster, II. άττειλητήριος, a, ov, (άττειλεω) of or for threatening,, \6yoi Hdt. άΐΓ-είληφα, pf. of άπολαμβάνω. άτΓ-είλλω or -είλω, = άττειλεω, to bar the way, Lys. ατΓ-ειμι (εΐμί sum) : impf. άπην, 2 sing, άπησθα·, Ep. άπύην, 3 pi. απ^σαν : f. άπύσομαι, Ep. άπ 4 σ<τομαί^ 3 sing, άπεσσειται : — to be away or far from, tivos Od., etc. ; άπό tivos Thuc. : c. dat. to be wanting, φίλοισιν Eur., etc. 2. absol. to be away or absent, and of things, to be wanting. Soph., etc.; of the dead, Eur. ατΓ-ειμι (βμι ibo), serving as fut. of άπύρχομαι : inf. άπιύναι, poet, άπίναι : — to go away, depart, Od., etc. ; ovK άπει ; = άπιθι, be gone. Soph. ; άττ. πάλιν to return, Xen. ; άπιτε is ύμετερα return to your homes, Hdt. ; άπιμ^ν οΊκαδ^ Ar. ; iπ' οίκου Thuc. : — of the Nile, to recede, Hdt. ; άττ. εττί τι to go in quest of a thing, Xen. άτΓ-εϊτΓΟν, inf. -ειττειι/, Ep. άττδ-ειττεΤν, άπδ-€ΐπ€μ€ν, part, άπο-ειπώί/ (for ζΐπον orig. had a digamma f ειττον) : aor. i άπ^ιπα, med. άπ^ιπάμην : fut. in use is άττ-ερώ, pf. άπ- eip 7 ]Ka; eind inPass. , pi. άπ€ίρημαι,ί. άπορρηθά]σΌμαι: aor. I άπ^ρρηθην : — pres, and impf. are supplied by άπαυδάω, άπόφημι, άπayopeύω : — to speak out, tell out, declare, μύθον, etc., Horn. ; ρησιν Hdt. II, to deny, refuse, II., Plat. III. to forbid, άττ. τινι μη ποιούν to forbid one to do, tell him not to do, Hdt,, Att.: — Pass., άπεί- ρηταί τινι ποιΦΐν τι it is forbidden him to do, Hdt. ; τδ άπβιρημύνον a forbidden thing. Id. IV, to renounce, disown, give up, μηνιν II. ; t)]v συμμαχίην Hdt. ; άπ. T^v στpaτηyίav to resign it, Xen. : — Pass., ai σπονδαΧ OVK άπζίρηντο had not been renounced, Thuc. : — so in Med., άπείττασθαι οψιν to avert a vision (by sacrifice), Hdt. 2. intr. to give up, to be worn out, fail, sink from exhaustion. Soph., etc. ; άττεΓπει/ φάτιs the word failed, was unfulfilled, Aesch.: — c. dat. pers. to fail or be wanting to one, ovk άπ€ιpηκωs φίλοΐ5 Eur. : — c. dat. rei, άπ^ιρηκότων χρημασι, i. e. when they were bankrupt,. Dem. ; also, άττ. KaKoTs, άλyξι to give way to, sink ^'.ΊΓβιραΐος — under them, Eur. ; (pepoures i ■ jjg they will be tired of paying·, Thuc., Plat. Άττειραιος, a, ov, Apiraean, and Άττείρηθεν, Xdw.from Apeire, Od. {Apeire — Limitless-land (from ^-ireipos b), an imaginary place.) ά-ιτείραστος, ou, {πειράζω) incapable of being tempted by a thing, c. gen., N. T. a-iretpdTos, ov, Dor. and Att. for άττβίρητοί. όητ-βίργα,θον, Ep. ano-€pya9ov, Ep. aor. 2 of άττζίρΎω, to keep away, keep off from, τινά rivos II. ·, paKea άττο- epyaOe ovkrjs pushed back the rags from the scar, Od. j μτ} (r€ τησδε yrjs aTreipyaOr} Soph. άτΓ-€ίργω, Ion. άττ-εργω, in Horn, also αττο-^ρ'γω : f. άπζίρξω : aor. i άττ^ΐρξα Soph.; cf. foreg.: — to keep away from, debar from, τινά tivos Horn., Att. ; τινά άττό Tivos Hdt. 2 . to keep from doing, prevent, hinder, c. acc. et inf., άττ. τινά iroieiv or μ)) ττοίζΐν τι Soph., Eur. 3 . c. acc. to keep back, keep off, ward off, Od., Soph., etc. j absol., άλλ’ aweipyoi Θζ05 hea.ven forf end I Soph. : νόμο5 ovSels άττ. no law debars, Thuc. : of the Nile, άττ€ρΎμ4νο5 barred or shut off from its old channel, Hdt. II. to part, divide, separate, Kkrjfs awo^pyei αύχ4να re στηθ05 re II. : — and so to bound, Hdt. 2 . of persons travelling, eV άριστ^ργ ά^τ4pyωv ’Po'iTeiov keeping Rhoeteium on the left. Id. III. to shut up, confine. Id. άττειρβσιος, a, ov, lengthd. form of dweipos (b), bound- less, immense, countless, Horn., Od. ΆτΓ€ίρηθ€ν, V. ΆπξίραΊοε. ά7Γ-€ίρηκα, -είρημαι, pf. act. and pass, of άπ^ιττον. ά-'ΐΓ€ίρητο5, Dor. and Att. -α,τος, ov, (ττ^ιράομαι) : I. act. without making trial of a thing, without making an attempt upon, c. gen., II. 2. without trial or experience of a thing, h. Horn., Find. : — absol. inex- perienced, Od. II. pass, untried, tinattempted, II., Hdt., Dem. oiireipia, ή, (aireipos a) want of skill, inexperience. Plat. ; Tiv6s of or in a thing, Eur. άπ€ΐρία (aweipos b), rj, infinity. Plat. a-TTcipiTos, ov, = aneip4ffios, Od., Hes. άττειρό-δροσ-ος, ov, tinused to dew, unbedewed, Eur. άττειρό-κακος, ov, (κακόν) without experience of evil, unused to evil, Eur. : τδ άπ. ignorance of evil, Thuc. απειροκαλία, η, ignorance of the beautiful, want of taste. Plat. : in pi. vulgarities, Xen. From άπειρό- καλός, ον, (καλόν) ignorant of the beautiful, without taste, tasteless, vulgar. Plat. : τό άπ., = απειρο- καλία, Xen. Adv. -Aws, Plat. άπειρό-πλους,ουΐ',Γπλόοϊ) ignorant of navigation, Luc. άπειρος. Dor. for ηπειρο5. άπειρος (a), ov, (πείρα) without trial or experience of a thing, unused to, vtnacquainted with, Lat. expers, c. gen., άθλων Theogn. ; τυράννων Hdt., etc. 2, absol. inexperienced, ignorant. Find., Aesch., etc. II. Adv., άπείρω5 εχειν τινόε to be ignorant of a thing, Hdt. άπειρος (b), ov, (πεΊραε, w4pas) boundless, infinite, countless, πληθο$ Hdt., Plat. 2. in Trag., of gar- ments, endless, i. e. without end ox outlet, inextricable, Aesch., Eur. άπειροσυνη, η, = απειρία, inexperience, Eur. άπειρό-τοκος, ον, (τίκτω) not having brought forth, virgin, Anth. — αίΓ^ν^ητΟ^. 9 I ά-πείρων, ov, (πείρα) = άπειρο5 A, without experience, ignorant. Soph. ά-πείρων, ov, (πεΐρα5, w4pas) = άπειρο5 Β, boundless, endless, countless, Horn. 2. = άπειρο$ B. 2, without end, inextricable, δεσμοί Od. άπ-είς. Ion. for ά^ -eis, aor. 2 part, of άφίτημι. άπ-εκ. Prep, with gen., away out of, h. Horn, άπεκ-δε'χομαι, f. -δ4ξομαι, Dep. to expect anxiously, to look for, await, N. T. άπεκ-δυνω, to strip off from, τί tivos Babr. άπεκ-δυομαι, f. -δνσομαι [ϋ] : aor. i -εδυσάμην : — to strip off oneself, to put off, as in preparing for single combat, N. T. II. to strip off for oneself, to despoil, Tiva Ib. Hence άπεκδΰσις, ecus, η, a putting off (like clothes), N. T. άπ-ε'κι|α, v. sub *κίκω. άπεκ-λανθάνομαι, Med. to forget entirely, c. gen,, only in imperat. of Ep. aor. 2 άπεκλελάθεσθε, Od. ά-πε'κτητος, ov, (πεκτ4ω) tincombed, = sq., Anth. άπ-ελαυνω (also άπ-ελάω, in imper. άπ4λα) : f. —ελάσω, Att. -ελώ: pf. -ελ'ηλακα: — Pass., aor. i -ηλάθην[ά ^: — to drive away, expel from a place, τινά δόμων, πόλεω5, Eur., etc. ; από τόπον Xen. : άπ. τινά to drive away, banish, expel. Soph., Xen. 2. άπ. στρατι -fiv to lead away an army, Hdt. : then absol. to march or go away, depart. Id. ; (sub. Ίππον) to ride away, Xen. II. Pass, to be driven away, Hdt., Att. : — to be excluded from a thing, Hdt., etc. άπελεγμός, ( 5 , refutation: disrepute, N. T. From άπ-ελεγχω, f. |co, to refute thoroughly , Antipho. ά-πελεθρος, ov, (πόλεθρον) urimeasurable, Horn. : neut. as Adv. immeasurably far, II. άπ-ελε'σθαι. Ion. for άφ-, aor. 2 inf. med. of άφαιρ4ω. α.Ίχ-ε\εν%ερίο.,η , the enfranchisement of a slave ,kesch\u. άπελευθερικός, τ], όν, in the condition of a freedman, Plut. From άπ-ελευθερος, b, an emancipated slave, a freedman, Lat. libertus. Plat., Xen. Hence άπελευθερόω, f. ώσω, to emancipate a slave. Plat. Hence άπελευθερωσις, ecus, t\, emancipation, Dem. άπ-ελθεϊν, aor. 2 inf. of άπ-4ρχομαι. άπε'λκω. Ion. for άφ4λκω. άπελλάζω, Lacon. for εκκλησιάζω, Plut. άπ-ελπίζω, f. ίσω, Att. ιώ : pf. -τ]λπικα : — to give up in despair, to despair, N. T. ; (others to hope to receive from another) ; to drive to despair, τινά Anth. άπ-εμε'ω, f. 4σω, to spit up, vomit forth, Lat. evomere, II. άπ-εμπολάω, f. '1]σω : impf. άπημπόλων : — to sell, Eur. ; άπ. τί TIVOS or αντί tivos to sell for a thing, Xen., Eur. ; άπ. τινά x9ov0s to smuggle one out of the country, Eur. : — Pass., άπεμπολώμενοι ‘bought and sold,’ Ar. άπ-ε'ναντι, Adv. (έναντι) opposite, against, c. gen., N.T. άπ-εναντίον, Adv. = foreg., η άπ. (sc. χώρα) the opposite shore, Hdt. άπ-ενάρίζω, f. t|a), (εναρα) to strip one of arms, despoil one of dL thing, c. dupl. acc., II. άπ-ενάσσατο, Ep. 3 sing. aor. i med. of άποναίω. άπ-ε'νεικα, Ion. for άπ-ήνεγκα, aor. i of άποφ4ρω : άπ- ενείχθην, aor. pass, άπ-ενεπω, v. sub άπενν4πω. ά-πενθής, 4s, (π4νθο^) free from grief , Aesch. 1 ά-πε'νθητος, ov, (πενθ4ω) — ioxeg., Aesch. αττενίαυτ^ω — άττβ'χθάνοβ^'· 92 άτΓ-ενιαυτεω or -ίζω, f. Att. ιώ, (eyiavrSs) to go into banishment for a year, Xen. άτΓ-βννεττω, rarely ά7Γ-€ν€ΤΓω, to forbid, Aesch. ; άττ. τι to forbid it, Soph. ; c. acc. et inf., άττ. τινα. ποι^Ίν or μ)] τΓΟί^Ίν τι Eur. : — άττ. τινα θαλάμων to order hiiva from the chamber. Id. II. to deprecate, ri Aesch. 0 nr-e|, = a 7 re/c, before a vowel. ά7Γ€|-αιρ€ω, f. ι^σω, to take out, remove, τί rivos Eur. άτΓ-εοικώς, Att. άττ-εικώς, via, 6s, part, of άπροικα, used as Adj., unreasonable, Antipho : — Adv. άτΓ-ζοικ0Ύω$ or -eiKOTws, unreasonably , Thuc. a-irsiravTos, ov, (π67Γαίνω) not ripened, unripe, Anth. ά-ττεττειρος, ov, unripe, untimely. a-TreirXos, ov, unrobed, clad in the tunic only. Find. : λευκών φαρδών άττεττλοϊ not clad in white robes, i. e. in black, Eur. άιτ-ειτνευσα, aor. i of άπο-ττνβω. άτΓ-ετΓτάρ,ην [ά], aor. 2 of άποπ4τομαι : also άττ-ξίττην, in act. form. α-ττερ, neut. pi. of δ'σ-περ, used as Αάν., — ωσ·7Γ€ρ, as, so as, Att. άττεραντολογία, -η, = aTreipoXoyia, Luc. From άττεραντο-λόγος, ov, (\4yw) talking without end. ά-ττε'ραντος, ov, (περαίνω) boundless, infinite, of space. Find., Eur., etc. of Time, endless, Ar.; — of Number, countless. Flat, j generally of events, άπ6ραντον ^v there was no end to it, Thuc. II. allowing no escape, Aesch. άτΓ-εργάζομαι, f. σ,σομαί : aor. i ~ζιpyaσάμr]v : pf. -ζipyaσμaι (which is sometimes act., sometimes pass., aor. I -^ipyaad-pv always pass.) : — to finish ofi^, turn out complete, Ar., Flat. 2 . of a painter, to fill up with colour, express perfectly. Flat. 3 . to finish a contract, Xen. II. c. dupl. acc. to make so and so, άyaθ'hv air. τινα Id. : — so pf. in pass, sense, άττειργασ- μ4νο5 Tvpavvos a finished tyrant. Flat. Hence άττερ-γασία, a finishing ofi^, completing, of painters. Fiat. II. a making, producing. Id. III. a business, trade. Id. άττεργαστικός, ή, ον, (απεργάζομαι) fit for finishing, causing, c. gen.. Flat. άΐΓ-εργμε'νος, Ion. pf. pass. part, of άπ-εφγω. άτΓ-εργω, Ion. for άπeίpyω. άτΓ-ε'ρδω, f. |ω, to bring to an end, finish, Hdt. άιτερ-εί, Adv., (άπερ, ei) = ώσπερεί. Soph. αΊΓ-ερείδω, f. σω, to rest, fix, settle, την oij/iv Trpos τι Luc. 2. intr. = Fass. to rest upon. Id. II. mostly as Fass., with fut. and aor. i med., to support oneself upon, rest upon a thing, c. dat., Xen., etc. ; εί'ϊ τι Flat. άιτερείοΓίος, ον, another Ep. form of aTreipeirios, in Horn. alwaj'S άττξρξίσι άττοινα countless ransom. ά-Ίτεριλάλητος, ov, (περιλαλεω) not to be out-talked. Ax. ά-ττερίλητΓτος, ον,^π^ριλαμβάνω) uncircumscribed ,^ΧνΧ. ά-ιτεριμε'ριμνος, ον, (μέριμνα) free from care : — Adv. -νω$, unthinkingly , Ar. ά-ττερίοΊττοξ, ον, (περιάψομαι, f. of ττβριοράω) tinregard- ing, reckless of, ττάντων Thuc. ά-ιτερίσκετΓτος, ov, (π^ρισκζτττομαι) inconsiderate, thoughtless, Thuc. Adv. -tcosj Comp, ^ότ^ρον, Id. ά-ττερίτμητος, ov, (περιτεμι^ω) uncircumcised, N. T. ά-ττερίτροτΓος, ov, (ττ^ριτρξττω) not returning or taking heed, Soph. άτΓ-ερρω, f. to go away, be gone, Eur. : άττερρε away, begonef'L.z.t. abi in malam rent, Ar. άτΓ-ερυθριάω, f. άσω [άσω], to ptit away blushes, to be past blushing, Ar. άτΓ-ερΰκω [ϋ], f. |co, to keep off ox away, c. acc., Horn, j c. 9 .CC. et gen. to keep away from, Theogn. ; c. acc. et inf. to prevent one from doing, ovre σε κωμάζ^ιν άπεριί- κομ^ν Id. j also, άπ. τινί τι to keep off from, Hdt. ; τι από Tivos Xen. : — Med., άπ^ρύκου (sc. ψωνηε) abstain from speech. Soph. άτΓ-ερυω, f. -ερόσω [ΰ], to tear off from, pivhv άπ όστε- όψιν ipvaai Od. : — Med., Anth. άπ-ε'ρχομαι, f. -ξλζύσομαι (but the Att. fut.' is άπειμι) : pf. -ελήλοθα : aor. -ηλθον : Dep. : — to go away, depart yVom, c. gen., Horn., Att. j από or ε /c τόπου Thuc. 2. when used with ειΤ, departure from one place and arrival at another is implied, άπ. 6s 'Xdpdis Hdt., etc. 3 . absol. to depart. Id., Thuc., etc. ; to depart from life, Anth. άτΓ-ερώ, Ion. -ερε'ω, fut. with no pres, in use : v. άπειπου. άττερωευς, 6ω$, 6, a thwarter, II. From ά^r-εpωε'ω,f.■;7σcυ, to retire ox withdraw from, πολέμου II. ά'ΤΓ-ε'ρωτο5ί ον, ffpws) loveless, unloving, €ρω5 άπεριοτοϊ, like yάμos άγαμοί, Aesch. άΐΓ-ες, Ion. for &p-€s, aor. 2 imper. of άφίημι. άτΓ-εσθίω, f. άπ-6Βομαι : pf. άπ-εδήδοκα : — to eat or gnaw off, Ax., Dem. άτΓ-εσκε'δάσα, aor. i of άπο-σ/ίεδάυνυμι. άττ-εσκληκα, άττ-εσκληκότως, v. άπο-σκληναι. άτΓ-εσσεΐται, Ep. for άπ-εσεται, 3 sing. fut. of άπ-ειμι (εΐμί sum). άτΓ-εσσουα, he is gone off, Lacon. for άπ-εσσυη or άπ- εσσυθτ?, 3 sing. aor. i pass, of άπο-σευω, Xen. άΐΓ-εσσυμεθα, -σΰτο, i pi. and 3 sing, of Ep. aor. 2 pass, of άπο-σευω. άτΓ-ε'στην, aor. 2 of άψ-Ιστημι. άπεστώ, ous, η, (άπειμι, cf. ευεστώ) a being away, absence, Hdt. ά-ττε'τηλος, ov, (π4τηλον) leafless, Anth. άτΓ-ε'τράτΓον, aor. 2 of άπο-τρε'πα». ά-ττευθής, 4s, (πυνθάνομαι) not inquired into, tmknown, Od. II. act. not inquiring, ignorant, Ib. άτΓ-ευθύνω [ϋ], f. -ννώ, to make straight again. Flat. ; χεραί δεσμοΓί άπ. to bind his arms straight, i. e. behind him. Soph. 2. to guide aright, to direct, govern. Id. j to correct, chastise, Eur. : c. inf. to direct one to do a thing, Aesch. άτΓ-ευκτόξ, 4], 6v, to he deprecated, abominable, Aesch. άτΓ-ευνάζω, f. σω, to lull to sleep. Soph. άτΓ-ευχετος, ov, — anevKrSs, Aesch. άτΓ-ευχομαι, f. ξομαι, Dep. to wish a thing away, wish it may not happen, deprecate, c. acc. rei, Eur., Dem. j c. inf., άπ. τι γει/εσβαι or μί? γευεσθαι to pray that it may not happen, Dem. II. to reject, despise, τι Aesch. άτΓ-ε'φθϊθεν, for -ησαν, i pi. Ep. aor. i of άποφθίνω. άτΓ-εφβϊτο, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 pass, of άπο-φθίνω. άτΓ-εφθος, ον, softened form of άφ-eφθos, (άφ-4φω) boiled down, άπ. xpvaos refined gold, Hdt., Thuc. άτΓ-εχθαίρω, f. -άρώ : aor. 1 άπήχθηρα : — to hate utterly, detest, τινά II. II. to make utterly hateful, τι Od. άτΓ-εχθάνομαι, impf. άπηχθανυμην : f. άπεχβήσομαι : pf. άπηχθημαι : aor. 2 άπηχθόμην, άπήχθετο, subj. άπεχ- ατΓεγβεία - θωμαι, inf. αττζχ 64 σθαι : Pass. : — 4 σ he hated, incur hatred, he roused to hatred, Od. ; c. dat. pers. to he or become hateful to one, II., Hdt.; άπ. -npis riva to he hateful in his eyes, Eur. : — c. dat. rei, to he hated for a thing·. Plat. II. Dep., in causal sense, x 6 yoi άττβχ- θανόμ^νοι lang-uage that causes hatred, Xen. άττεχθβια, ύ], (άπβχθήϊ) hatred, 1. felt towards an- other, Trpos Tiva. Eur., etc. 2 . felt by others towards one, enmity, odium, opp. to χάρΐ 5 (popularity), and in pi. enmities. Plat., Dem. ; άττβχθβίαί rivl iAOeiv to be hated by him, Aesch. αίΓβχθημα, aros, ro, {άττζχθάνομαι) an object of hate, Eur. άτΓ-€χθή5, 4 s, ifxQos') hateful, hostile. Soph., Theocr., etc. : Adv., άπ€χ0ώ5 rivi to be at enmity with hin,, Dem. άΐΓ-εχθομαι, later form of αττ^χθάνομσ.ι, Theocr., etc. : the inf. άττεχθεσθαι in Horn., etc. is now written άττεχ- θ 4 σθαι, inf. of αττηχθόμην, aor. 2 of αττβχθάνομαι. άτΓ-εχω, f. αφ 4 ξω and άττοσχι^σω : aor, 2 άττεσχοι/ : — to keep off or away from, ηνά or ri rivos II. : absol. to keep off, Eur. 2 . to keep apart, part, KXffhes απ Ιύμων αυχ 4 ν 4 χουσιν the collar-bones part the neck from the shoulders, II. II. Med., άττ^ χ^ΐραε εχεσ·- θαί rivos (in tmesi) to hold one's hands off or away from, Od. : also, άττεχεσθαΐ rivos to hold oneself off a thing, abstain or desist from it, Horn., Hdt., etc. 2 . c. inf., άττεχεσθαί ττοιΦιν or μ)] ττοιΦιν η to abstain from doing a thing, Thuc., etc. III. intr. in Act. to he away ox far from, c. gen. loci. Id,; also, άττ. άπ^ Βα- PvXcivos, etc., Hdt. : absol. to he distant, Xen, 2 . of actions, to he far from, άττεΓχοζ/ rr\s i^€vp 4 (Xios were far from the discovery, Hdt. ; rcK^iarov άττ. rov ττοιΦΐν to be as far as possible from doing, Xen. IV. to have or receive in full, rhv μισθόν N. T., Plut. V. impers., απ 4 χα it sufficeth, it is enough, N. T. άτΓ-εψω, Ion. for άψ-ε'ψω. άτΓ-εωσα, aor. i of άπωθεω. άτΓ-ηγεομαι, άττ-ήγημα, άττ-ήγησις, Ion. for αφ-. άτΓ-ηθε'ω, f. τ]σω, to strain off, filter, Ar. άΐΓ-ηλεγε'ως, Adv. formed from an Adj. ^άττ-ηλεγής (αϊτό, άλεγω) without caring for anything, reckless of consequences, bluntly, μΰθον ά^Γη\ey 4 ωs airoenrelv Horn, α,τΓ-ηλιαστίίίς, οΰ, δ, one who keeps away from the Ηλιαία, i.e. an enemy to law, with a play on riXios, not fond of basking in the sun, Ar. άτΓ-ήλιξ, Ion. for αφ-ηλιξ. άττ-ηλιώτης, ον, δ, (fhios) the wind that comes from the rising sun, the east wind, Lat. subsolanus, Hdt., Thuc. ά-Ίτήμαντος, ον, (ττημαίνω) unharmed, unhurt, Od. : έστω δ’ α'πΊ)μαννον be misery far away, Aesch, άτΓ-ήμβροτον, Ep. aor. 2 of άφ-αμαρνάνω. άττημοσ-υνη, τ], {ατχ 4 ]μων') freedom from harm, Theogn. άτΓ-ήμττλα,κε, 3 sing. aor. 2 ; v. άπ-αμττλακζίν. ά-τΓ-ημων, ον, gen. ovos, (ττημα) unharmed, unhurt, of persons, Horn. ; voaros atr. a safe, prosperous return, Od. : c, gen., αττ-ημων oi^vos free from distress, Aesch. II. act. doing no harm, harmless, and so kindly, propitious, of a fair wind, of sleep, Horn. ; c. gen., ν^ων α-π. free from harm to them, Eur. άττήνη, T], a four-wheeled wagon, Horn. : any car or chariot, Aesch., Soph. : — metaph., vaia άττ. a ship, Eur.; — air ιστός. 93 ΤΕτραβάμων aTri]V 7 ], of the Trojan horse. Id. 2. metaph. also, like ζ€νΎ05, a pair, e. g. of brothers. Id. (Deriv. unknown.) άτΓ-ηνής, 4s, ungentle, harsh, rough, hard, of persons, Horn. (Deriv. of -rjvrjs, as in wpoa-ipv'ns, uncertain.) άτΓ-ήνθον, Dor. for απ-ηλθον, aor. 2 of άπ-4ρχομαι. άτΓ-ήορο5, Dor. άττ-άορος, ον, (άείρω) hanging on high, high in air : also άττηόριος, Anth. : cf. άπ-Ύ,ωρο5. α-ττηρος, ον, unmaimed, Hdt. άτΓ-η·ύρων, as, a, impf, of άττ-αυράω. άτΓ-ηχής, 4s, ifixos) discordant, ill-sounding, Luc. άτΓ-ήχθετο, 3 sing, aor. 2 of απ-ζχθάνομαι. άτΓ-ήωρος, ον, — air-ijopos, high in air, Od, ’Αιτία 777, V. aixios. άτΓ-ιάλλω, Laconic word for άττοττεμπω, Thuc. ά-ττίθανος, ον, of things, not winning belief, incredible, unlikely, improbable. Plat. : — of arguments, not per- suasive, unconvincing. Id. 2 . of persons, not to be trusted, Aeschin. II. not havi'ng confidence to do a thing, c. inf., Plut. Hence άιτιθανότης, rjros, η, improbability , Aeschin. άτΓΪθε'ω, Ep. form of άπειθεω, only in aor. i, c, dat., ουκ άττίθτ/σε μνθίρ he disobeyed not the words, 11. ά-ΤΓΐθ·ης, 4s, Ep. for άπε£6>55, Anth. άτΓ-ΐθΰνω, = άπειιθυί/ω, Anth. ά-ΐΓΪνυσσω, (α privat., wivvrSs) only In pres, to lack understanding, be senseless, Horn. ατΓΐ|ΐ5, εω5, ·η. Ion. for άφιξιs. αττιον, τό, (ttTrios) a pear, Lat. pirum. Plat, αίτιος [ά], a pear-tree, Lat, pirus, Arist. αίτιος, ιη, ον, (αϊτό) far away, far off, distant, 4ξ ά^Γίηs yalrjs Horn. II. "'Attios, a, ov. Apian, i. e. Pelopon- nesian (said to be derived from ’^Attis, a king of Argos), Άττία 7η, Άπία χθων, or Άτχία alone, the Peloponnesc. esp. Argolis, Aesch., Soph,; so Άττίς, ihos, η, Theocr. [The former sense has a, the latter ά.] άττ-ΐττοω, f. (ίσω, to press the \\\\cc from anything, Hdt. ^Αττις, tδos, cws, and Ion. los, δ. Apis, a bull worshipped in Egypt, Hdt. II. Άττίς, = ’A7rta 777, cf. oj^ios II. άττ-ϊσ-οω, f. ωσω, to make equal, τινά τινι Plut. : — Pass. to be made equal, rivl to a thing, Hdt. αττιστε'ω, f. ησω : pf. ηπίστηκα Pass,, f. άττιστηθησο- μαι, and in med. form απισττισομαι : — to be iimaros, and so, I, to disbelieve, distrust, ynistrust, c. acc., Od., Eur. : — Pass, to be distrusted, I'huc., Xen. 2 . c. dat. pers., Hdt., Att. ; άττ. σινί τι to disbelieve one in a thing, Hdt. ; rivi ττερί τι Id. : — absol. to be distrust- ful, incredulous. Id. 3 . c. inf, to doubt that . . , Soph. ; άττ. μ^] y^v 4 σθaι τι to doubt that it could be, Thuc. II. = άττειθε'ω, to disobey, τινί Hdt., Att. : — absol. to be disobedient, refuse to comply. Soph., Eur. III. τδ σωμ ουκ απιστήσω χθονί, i.e. / will not hesitate to commit it to the earth, Eur. άττιστία. Ion, -ίη, η, (άττιστεω) disbelief, distrust, mis- trust, Hes., Hdt., etc. ; υπό άπιστί'η 5 μη yev 4 σθaι τι from disbelief tha.t It had happened, Hdt.; απιστίαν eye iv ττερι Tivos to be in doubt. Plat. 2 . of things, 4 s άπιστίην άπΐχθαι to have become discredited, Hdt. ; TToAAas απιστία$ εχει it admits of many doubts. Plat. ; Pis άττ. καταπίπτζίν Id. II. want of faith, faith- lessness, unbelief. Soph. : treachery, Xen. α-πιστος, ov, I. pass, not to be trusted, and so, 1 . 94 ατΓίστοσυνη — ’ΛΠΟ\ of persons and their acts, not trusty, distrusted, faithless, II., etc. ; Opdaos αττ. groundless confidence, Thuc. 2, of reports and the like, incredible, Hdt., Aesch. j rh 4λτί8ων ατηστον what one cannot believe even in hope. Soph. II. act. not believing or trusting, mistrustful, incredulous, suspicious, Od.; airiarorepos less credidous, Hdt. ; diriOTOs Trphs Φίλιττ- TTov distrustful towards him, Dem. ; dwiaros σαυτφ not believing \vhat you say yourself. Plat, j rh air. — ατηστία, Thuc. : — in N. T., unbelieving, an unbeliever . 2. not obeying, disobeying, c. gen., Aesch. III. Adv. άπιστων, 1. pass, beyond belief, Thuc. 2. act. distrustfully , suspiciously. Id. άτΓίστοσυνη, v,, = αττιστία, Eur. ά-τΓ-ισχΰρίζομαι, f. Att. -ιονμαι, Dep. to set oneself to oppose firmly, give a fiat denial, irpSs nva Thuc. άτΓ-ίσχω, = απέχω, to keep off, hold off, Od. άτΓΪτεον, verb. Adj. of αιταμί {€ΐμι ibo), one must go away, Xen. άιτλακεω, άττλακία, v. ομπλο/τεω, άμπλακία. ά-ιτλανής, es, not wandering, steady , fixed. Plat. : — of fixed, opp. to ττλανηται. Id., Anth. II. of a line, straight, Anth. ά-ττλάνητος, ον, that cannot go astray, Babr. α-ττλαστος, ον, not moulded, i. e. in its natural state, natural, unaffected, Plut. α-ιτλάτος, Dor. and Att. for Ep. α-ιτλητος, ον, (πελάζω) for ά-πε'λοτοϊ, unapproachable, terrible, Hes., Trag. α-ττλεκτος, ον, (πλε'κω) unplaited, χαίτη Anth. α-ττλετος, ον, boundless, immense, Hdt., Att. (Prob. from ΠΛΕ, ττίμιτλημι, not to be filled, beyond measure^ α-ιτλευστος, ον, (πλέω) not navigated : rb απλ. a part of the sea not yet navigated, Xen. α-ττληκτος, ον, (πλήσσω) unstricken, of a horse needing no whip or spur. Plat. : — unwounded, Eur. α-ττλήρωτος, ον, insatiable, Luc., Anth. αιτληστια, η, insatiate desire, greediness. Plat. ; tivos of or for a thing, Eur., Plat. From ά-7Γληστο5, ον, (ττίμιτλημι) not to be filled, insatiate. Soph., etc. 2. c. gen., απλ. χρημάτων insatiate of money, Hdt., etc. II. Adv., άπλήστωί ^χ^ιν to be insatiate. Plat.; άπλ. διακ^ΐσθαι or ^χ^ιν Trpos τι Xen. απλοια, poet, άττλοίη, η, (6,n\ovs) impossibility of sail- ing, detention in port, esp. from stress of weather, Aesch., Thuc. ; Ίσχον αυτόν αττλοιαι Hdt. άττλοιζομαι, Dep. (άπλοΰ5) to deal openly or frankly, TTphs Tovs (piXovs Xen. άττλοΐς, ibos, η, (avXoos) simple, single, of a cloak, Horn. ά-ττλόκάμος, ον, with unbraided hair, Anth. ‘Αττλο-κυων, b, nickname of a Cynic who wore his coat single instead of double, Plut. OLirXoos, η, ον, contr. άττλοΰς, η, ovv (from άμα, as Lat. simplex from simul, opp. to bnrXoos, duplex, two- fold). I. single. Soph., Thuc. II. simple, natural, plain, sincere, frank,Txz.g., Plat., etc. : in bad sense, simple, Isocr. III. simple, opp. to compound. Plat. ; άττΧη δημοκρατία sheer democracy. Id. 2. simple, absolutely true. Id. IV. Adv. άττΧώε, v. sub voc. V. Comp, and Sup. άπΧονστ€ρο5, άπλουστατοϊ, Jd. a-irXoos, ov, contr. α-ιτλου?) ovv : (πλέω) : of ships, not sailing, unfit for sea, not sea-worthy, Thuc. : — Comp., άττΧοώτ^ραι vavs less fit for sea. Id. II. pass., of the sea, not navigable, Dem. άιτλότης, ητos, η, (άπΧόοε) singleness : simplicity, frankness, Xen., etc. II. liberality , N. T. άιτλοΰς, η, ovv, contr. for άττΧ0ο5, q. v. α-ττλους, ovv, contr. for &-7tXoos, q. v. άιτλούστερος, — τατος, v. άπΧ0θ5 signf. v. ά-ττλουτος, ov, without riches. Soph., Plut. άττλόω, f. ώσω, (άπλοι)?) to make single, to unfold, stretch out, Batr., Anth. : — Pass., ηττΧώθη [the fish] lay stretched out, Babr. ά-ιτλοώτερος, Comp, of ά-πλοο?. άττλΰσία, η, filthiness, filth, Anth. From ά-ττλΰτος, ov, (ττΧύνω) unwashen, unwashed, Ar. άττλώς, Adv. of άπXovs, Lat. simpliciter, singly, in one way. Plat. II. simply , plainly, openly , frankly , Aesch., etc. 2. simply, absolutely , α·πΧώ$ αδύνατον Thuc.; ούδ^μία άττΧω$ none at all. Id.; oV’ cttiv άττΧώΐ simply all there are, Ar. 3. in a word, Lat. denique, Eur., Xen. άττνευστί, Adv. of άπι/ευστο?, άπ. εχείΓ to hold one’s breath. Plat.; without drawing breath, Dem. ά-ιτνευστος, ov, (πνέω) breathless, Od. a-irvoos, ov, contr. ά-ττνους, ovv, (πνέω) without breath, lifeless, Anth. ΆΠΟ', poet, άτταί, Prep. c. gen. = Lat. ab,from. I. Of Place : 1. of Motion, /row, away from, Horn., etc.; of warriors fighting/row chariots, Horn. 2. of Position, away from, far from, apart from, aixb ή? άχόχοιο II. ; άπ’ οφθαλμών far from sight, Ib. ; άττδ θαΧάσσ'η5 Thuc., etc. 3. of the mind, airb θυμόν away from, i. e. alien from, my heart, II. ; ούκ άττο τρόπου not without reason. Plat. ; ούκ άπδ πρά-γματοε Dem. 4. in partitive sense, αΤσ’ άπδ Χηίδο5 a part from the booty, a share it, Od. II. Of Time, from, after, άπδ δείπνου after supper, II. ; άπδ δείπνου 7 ενενθαι to have done supper, Hdt., etc. ; άφ’ ov (sc. χρόνου), Lat. ex quo. Id., etc. III. Of Origin, Cause, etc. : 1. of that from which one is born, ούκ άπδ bpvbs ούδ’ άπδ πότρη$ not sprung from oak or rock, Od. ; Tphos άπδ Ai0s third in descent from Zeus, Plat.; 01 άπδ ^πάρτη5 the men from Sparta, Hdt. : — metaph. of things, KaXXos άπδ Χαρίτων beauty born of the Graces, such as they give, Od. ; 7 άλα άπδ βο05 Aesch. : — of connexion with the leader of a sect, oi άπδ Πλάτω- vos, Plato’s disciples; oi άπδ ttjs Άκαδημία5, άπδ Tr)s ^Toas, the Academics, the Stoics, Plut., etc. 2. of the Material /Vo w or , to cut off ' by building, wall up, barricade, ras Θύρα5, ras odobs Thuc. άπ-οικος, ον, away from home, άπ. πόμπβιν τινα yrjs to send away from one’s country. Soph. II. as Subst., 1. a settler, colonist, Hdt., Thuc., etc. 2. αποικο$ (sub. πόλίϊ)> « colony, Xen. άπ-οικτίζομαι, f. Att. ιουμαι, Dep. to complain loudly of a thing, c. acc., Hdt. ά-ποίμαντος, ον, (ποιμαίνω) unfed, untended, Anth. άπ-οιμώζω, f. ξομαι, to bewail loudly, c. acc., Trag. ά-ποινα, ων, τά, (α copul. or euphon., ποιντ]) : I. a ransom or price paid, whether to recover freedom or to save one^s life or to redeem the corpse of a friend, II. ; c. gen., ά,ποινα Kobprjs, υΐθ5 ransom for them, Ib. II. generally, compensation, requital, recompense for a thing, c. gen., Aesch., Eur. Hence άποινάω, f. Ίί\σω, to demand the fine due from the mur- derer, Lex ap. Dem. : — Med. to hold to ransom, Eur. άποινό-δϊκος, ον, exacting penalty , Eur. άπ-οϊστευω, f. σω, to kill with arrows, Anth. άπ-οίσω, fut. of άποφόρω. άπ-οίχομαι, impf. -φχόμην : f. —οιχ·Ι]σομαι : Dep. : — to be gone away, to be far from, c. gen., II., Att. 2. absol. to be gone, to have departed, to be absent, Od. : hence, to be gone, to have perished, άποίχ^ται χάριε Eur. : of persons, to be dead and gone, Pind., Ar. άπο-καθαίρω, f. -καθάρώ, to cleanse or clean quite, άπ. t)]v xeipa ds τά χ€φόμακτρα upon the towels, Xen. 2. to refine from dross, Strab. : metaph. in Pass., άποκεκα- θάρθαι TT]v φωνύ^ν to be pure in dialect, Luc. II. to clear away, τά$ τραπόζαε Ar. : — Med., άποκαθΊ)ρασθαί TIVOS to rid oneself of z. thing, Xen. Hence άποκάθαρσις, €ωs, η, a clearing off, purging fYhwc. II. lustration, Plut. άπο-κάθημαι, Pass, to sit apart, άτιμώμ^νοι άποκατόαται (Ion. for -κάθηνται) Hdt. αίΓΟκαθίστημ^ αίΓΟ-καθίστημι, f. -καταστήσω : aor. ι —κατέσττ^σα : — to re-establish, restore, reinstate, Xen. άτΓΟ-καίνΰμαι, Pass, to surpass or vanquish, c. acc., Od. άττο-καίριος, ov, = aKaipos, unseasonable. Soph, άπο-καίω, Att. -κάω, f. -καΰσω : aor. i άπξκηα and -ίκαυσα : — to burn off, of cautery, Xen. : of intense cold (like Virgil’s frigus adurit), to shrivel up. Id. : — Pass., αττ^καίοντο al p7vcs their noses were frozen off. Id. άπο>καλεω, f. ίσω, to call back, recall, from exile, Hdt., Xen. 2. to call away or aside, Xen. II. to call by a name, esp. by way of disparagement, to stigmatise as, vhv του gav^vTos ξνναιμον άττο καλόν utgs Soph. ; σοφιστήν άπ. τίυα Xen. άτΓο-καλΰτΓτω, f. φω, to uncover, τ^ν κεφαλήν Hdt., etc. 2. to disclose, reveal. Plat.: — Med. to reveal one's whole mind, Plut., N. T. : — Pass, to be disclosed, made known, N. T. Hence αποκάλυψις, ecos, r], an uncovering, a revelation, N. T. : — the Apocalypse, Ib. άτΓΟ-κάμνω, f. -κάμονμαι, to grow quite weary , fail or flag utterly. Soph., Plat.; c. part., air. ζητών to be quite weary seeking. Plat. 2. c. inf. to cease to do, Eur., Plat. 3. c. acc., air. irovov to flinch from toil, Xen. άτΓΟ-κάμίΓτω, f. φω, intr. to turn off or aside, Xen. Hence άποκαμψις, eojs, η, a turning off the road, Theophr. άτΓο-καττΰω, to breathe away, άπb δβ φυχ^ν ^κάιτυσσ^ν (Ep. aor. I in tmesi) she gasped forth her life, II. αΊΓθ-καράΒοκία,·η,{καρα5οκ€ω) earnest expectation,^^ .Ύ . άτΓο-καρτερεω, f. -ήσω, to kill oneself by abstinence ζ?\\χ\.. άτΓΟ-καταλλάσσω, f. |&>, to reconcile again, N. T. ατΓΟ-κάτημαι, Ion. for άιτο-κάθημαι. άπο-καυλίζω, f. Att. Ίώ, {καυλ05) to break off by the stalk : to break short off, Eur., Thuc. Hence άΐΓθκαυλισΐ9) ews, η, a breaking short off, snapping, Luc. άτΓο-κάω, Att. for άιτο-καίω. άπ^-κειμαι, f. -Κ€ίσομαι, used as Pass, of άιτοτίθημι, to be laid away, absol. to be laid up in store. Soph., Xen. ; iroKvs σοί [yeAojs] 4στΙν airoKclgevos you have great store of laughter in reserve, Xen. ά7Γ0-Κ€ίρω, f. -Κ€ρώ, Ep. -κ4ρσω : aor. i -eKcipa, Ep. -€Κ€ρσα: — Pass., aor. 2 -€κάρην [ά], pf. ~κ4καρμαι : — to clip or cut ρουρη$, τη5 eVi/xeAeios Hdt., Xen.; τι από tivos Plat. : — Pass. to be set free from, Thuc. 3. in legal sense, άπ. T^s alτίηs to acquit of the charge, Hdt., Xen. c. inf., άπ. τινά μ)} ψώρα etvai to acquit one of being a thief, Hdt. : then absol. to acquit, Ar. II. to let go free on receipt of ransom, hold to ransom, II. : — Med. to ran- som, redeem, χρυσού by payment q/’gold, Ib. III. to discharge or disband an army, Xen. : — generally, to dismiss, Ar. 2. to divorce a wife, N. T. B. Med. to redeem, v. supr. ll. II. to do away with charges against one, Lat. diluere, Thuc., Plat. : — absol., άπoλυόμ^vosin defence, Hdt. III. like Pass, (c. ii), to depart. Soph. C. Pass, to be released, let off, Trjs στpaτηϊηs from military service, Hdt. ; ttjs apxrjs άπολυθηναι to be freed from their rule, Thuc. : — absol. to be acquitted, dis- charged, Id., Plat. II. of combatants, to be separated, part, ThvLC. 2. to depart, ο,τΓολωβάομαι, Pass, to be grievously insulted. Soph. άτΓ-όλωλα, pf. med. of άπόλλυμι. άτΓο-λωτίζω, f. σω, to pluck off flowers : generally, to pluck off, ctit off, Eur. άπομα-γδαλία or -ιά, η, (άπομάσσω) the crumb or inside of the loaf, on which the Greeks wiped their hands at dinner, and then threw it to the dogs, dog's meat, Ar. άτΓομαίνομαι, Pass, to rave, rage to the uttermost, Luc. άττόμακτρον, τό, (άπο-μάσσω) a strickle, Ar. άπο-μάλακίζομαι, Pass, to shew weakness, Plut. άπο-μαλθακόομαι, Pass., = foreg., Plut. άτΓο-μανθάνω, f . -μάθ^οΌμαι, to unlearn, Lat. dediscere. Plat., Xen. άίΓο-μαντβυομαι, Dep. to announce as a prophet, τό μόλλον ηξ€ΐν Plat. απόμαξις, €ωs, η, (άπομάσσω) a wiping off, Plut. άτΓΟ-μαραίνομαι, Pass, to waste or wither away, die away, of a tranquil death, Xen. άίΓο-μάσσω, Att. -ττω, f. |ω, to wipe clean, Dem. : — Med.,’AxiAA€Wi/ άπoμάττζ.ιyou wipe y our hands on the finest bread, Ar. II. to wipe off or level corn with a strickle {άπόμακτρον) : χοίνικα άπ. to give scant measure, as was done in giving slaves their allowance, Luc. ; Kevehv άπομάζαι (sc. χοίνικα) to level an empty measure, i. e. to labour in vain, Theocr. III. to take an impression : metaph. to take impression, Ar. άτΓο-μαστΐγόω, f. ώσω, to scourge severely, Hdt. ά^ro-ματα^ζω,f. ίσω,Ιο behave in unseemly fashion,W.^i. άτΓΟ-μάχομαι [ά], f. -μαχόσομαι, contr. -μαχούμαι, to fight from the walls, Thuc. ; τ^ίχ^α ικανά άπομάχ^σθαι high enough to fight from, 'K.oo. : — absol. to fight desper- ately, Id. II. άπ. τι to fight off b. thing, decline it, Hdt.; absol.. Id. III. άπ. τινά to drive him off in battle, Xen. άττό-μα,χος, ov, (μάχη) past fighting, past service, Xen. άπο-μ€ίρομαι, Dep. to distribute, Hes. 2 . Pass, to be parted from. Id. άτΓο-μερίζω, f. Att. ϊ'ώ, to part or distinguish from a number. Plat. 2, άπ. πρό% or επί τι to detach on some service, Polyb. : to impart. Id. άτΓΟ-μερμηρίξω, f. ίσω, to sleep off care, Ar. αίΓομεστοομαι — airovocTTew. ά,ΊΓΟ-μβστόομαι, Pass, to be filled to the brim. Plat, άτΓθ-μ€τρ€ω, f. ήσω, to measure out, Luc.: — Med., Xen. άτΓΟ-μηκυνω [ΰ], f. ννω, to prolong, draw out, Xoyov Plat. : absol. to be prolix. Id. : — Pass, to be extended, Luc. άτΓο-μηνίω [i], f. σω, to he very wroth, to persevere in wrath, Horn. άιτο-μϊμεομαι, f. ί^σομαι, Dep. to express by imitating or copying, represent faithfully, Xen. άτΓΟ-μιμνήσκομαι, f. -μν^]σομαι, aor. i -(μν'ηαάμην : Dep. : — to remember fully, χάριν air. to recognise, re- pay a ia.\o\iT,feel gratitude, II,, Thuc. άττό-μισθος, ον, away from (i. e. without) pay, unpaid, ill-paid, Xen., Dem. II. paid off, Dem. ά'ίΓΟ-μισ'θόω, f . ωσω, to let out for hire, Thuc.; — c. inf., air. TToiuv τι to contract for the doing of a thing. Lex ap. Dem. άτΓομνημόνβυμα, aros, to, a memorial, Plut. : — In pl. memoirs, Lat. comment arii, as those of Socrates by Xen. From όηΓθ-μνημον€υω, f. σω, to relate from memory, relate, recount. Plat. 2. to remember, call to mind. Id.; ονομα αΐΓ€μντ)μόν€υσ€ τίρ ιταώΐ θ4σθαι gave his son the name in memory of a thing, Hdt. 3. άττ. τι τινι to hear something in mind against another, Xen. άτΓο-μνήσομαι, f. of αιτομιμν·ί]σκομαι. ά7Γθ-μνησικακ€ω, f. ΐ]σω, to bear a grudge against, Tiv'i Hdt. άτΓ-όμνΰμι or -ΰω, 3 sing. impf. αττάμνυ : f. -ομονμαι : — to take an oath away from a thing, i. e. swear that one will not do it, Od. 2. to swear one has not done or that it is not so, to deny on oath, Hdt., Att. ; with μή added, άττ. ^ μ^ν μη eWevai Xen. ; air. μηζξ οβολόν (sc. ex€tj/) Id. 3. c. acc. to disown on oath : Med., άπωμόσατο τ^ν σ.ρχ4]ν renounced it, Plut. II. to take a solemn oath, ή μ^ιν . . Thuc. άτΓομοίρια, τά, (μοίρα) a portion, Anth. άτΓο-μονόομαι, (μονόω) Pass, to he excluded from a thing, c. gen., Thuc. 2. to he left alone, Plut. άτΓ-ομόργνϋμι, f. -ομόρξω : — to wipe off or away from, Ti Tivos II. : — Med, to wipe off from oneself, Ib. ; άττο- μόρξατο δάκρυ wiped away his tears, Od.; absol. in same sense, άττομόρξασθαι Ar. ; and in Pass., t^v opyi)v άιτομορχθ^ί$ having my anger wiped off. Id. 2. to wipe the face clean, II. : — Med., άιτομόρ^ατο irapeias she wiped her cheeks, Od. άτΓ-ομόσαι, aor. i inf. of άττόμνυμι. άιτό-μουσος, ον, away from the Muses, unaccomplished, rude, Eur, : — Adv., άΐΓομονσω5 unfavourably , Aesch. άτΓο-μϋθεομαι, f. 'ί]σομαι, Dep. to dissuade, II. άίΓΟ-μϋκάομαι, f. ά]σομαι, Dep. to bellow loudly, Anth. άτΓομυκτβον, verb. Adj. one must wipe one’s nose, Eur. From άττο-μυσσω, Att. -ττω, f. to wipe the nose, Anth. : — Med. to blow one’s nose, Ar., Xen. II. metaph. to make him sharp, sharpen his wits. Plat. ; cf. Horace’s vir emunctae naris. άτΓ-όναιο, 2 sing. opt. of άπονίναμαι : — άττ-οναιατο, 3 pl. άτΓΟ-ναίω, Ep. aor. i άπόνασσα : — to remove, to send away, II.: — Med. to wend one’s way back, αιτ^νάσσατο Horn. II. aor. i med. in trans. sense, άπ^νάσσατο 103 τταΓδα sent away her child, Eur. ; also, άττονασθηναι, to be taken away, depart from a place, c. gen.. Id. άττο-ναρκόομαι, (νάρκη) Pass, to become quite torpid, insensible. Plat. άτΓονβμητεον, verb. Adj. one must assign, Arist. From άτΓΟ-νβμω, f. -ν^μώ, to portion out, impart, assign, τί Tivi Hdt., Att.: — Med. to assign or take to oneself. Plat.; άττονόμ^σθαί τι to feed on, Ar. : c. gen. partit. to help oneself to a share of z. thing. Plat. άτΓον€νοημ€νω5, Adv. part. pf. pass, of άτΐονοόομαι, des- perately, Xen. άΐΓο-ν€ομαι, Dep. to go away, depart, Horn, [ά metrl ^grat.] ^ άιτο-ν6·υω, f. σω, to bend away from other objects to- wards one, turn towards, irpos τι Plat. άΐΓθ-ν€ω, f. -νησω, to unload .—Med. to throw off a load from, στόρνων άττονησαμόνη Eur. άτΓ-ονήμ€νο9, aor. 2 part, of άπονίναμαι. ά-ΤΓονητί, (α priv., πονόω) Adv. without fatigue , Hdt. άτΓ-όνητο, Ion. for άπώνητο, 3 sing. aor. 2 of άπονίναμαι. ά-ττόνητος, ον, (πονόω) without toil : — Adv. Sup. άπονη- τότατα with least trouble, Hdt. 2. without suffer- ing, Soph. άτΓΟ-νήχομαι, f. ξομαι, Dep. to escape by swimming, to swim away, Luc. άττονία, η, (άπονο$) non-exertion, laziness, Xen. : ex- emption from toil, Plut. άττο-νίζω, later -νίτττω : f. -νίψω : aor. i -όνιψα : — to wash off, άπονίι\/αντ^$ βρότον e| ώτ€ΐλών Od. : — Med. to wash off from oneself, Ιδρώ άπ^νίζοντο θαλάσση II. II. to wash clean, properly of the hands and feet, άπονίζουσα as I was washing his feet, Od. ; όταν άπονίζη καϊ τά πόδ’ άλ^ίφη Ar. : — Med. to wash one’s hands and feet, χ€ 7 ρά 5 τ€ πόδas re Od. : absol. to wash one’s hands, Ar. ; pf. pass, άπον^νίμμ^θα Id. Hence άπόνιμμα, aTos, to, = άπόνιπτρον, Plut. άτΓ-ονίναμαι, Med. (ονίνημι), f. άπο-νά\σομαι·. Ep. 3 sing, aor. 2 άπόνητο ', 2 sing. opt. άπόναιο, 3 pl. άποναίατο ; part. άπονημ^νο$ : — to have the use or enjoyment of a thing, c. gen., Horn., Soph.; but the gen. is often omitted, μ^ν ούδ’ άπόνητο married her but had no joy [of it], Od. ; ουκ άπώνητο (sc. ttjs TrdAews) Hdt. άττόνπΓτρον, τό, (άπονίζω) water in which the hands have been washed, dirty water, Ar. From ά'ΤΓονίτΓτω, later form of άπονίζω. άτΓΟ-νισσομαι, Dep. to go away, Theogn. : Ep. aor. i part. άπονισσάμζνο5, Anth. άτΓΟ-νοεομαι, f. ησομαι aor. i -€νοηθην : pf. -ν^νόημαι : — Dep. : (νο4ω) : — to have lost all sense, 1. of fear, to be desperate, Xen. ; άνθρωποι άπον^νοημόνοι desper- ate men, Lat. perditi, Thuc. 2. of shame, άπον^νοη- μόνοε an abandoned fellow, Theophr. Hence άττόνοια, η, loss of all sense, 1. of fear, desper- ation, (is άπ. καταστησαί τινα to make one desperate, Thuc. 2. of right perception, madness, Lat. de- mentia, Dem. a-TTovos, ov, without toil or trouble, untroubled , quiet, Aesch., etc. 2. of persons, woi Xen. II. Adv. -νωε, without trouble, Hdt., Xen. III. irreg. Comp, άπονόστ^ροε, Pind., but -ώτίροε, Thuc. άτΓθ-νο(ΓΤ€ω, f. ησω, to return, come home, &φ άπονοσ- τάισαε II. ; άπ. όπίσω Hdt. 104 άτΓονόατψί — άτΓο-νόσφι, before a vowel -φιν, Adv. far apart or aloof, Horn. II. Prep, with gen. far a-way from. Id. άτΓο-νοσφίζω, £. Att. \ω, to put asunder, keep aloof from, τινά tivos h. Horn. 2 . to bereave or rob of, οτΓλων Tiua Soph. : — Pass, to be robbed of, h. Horn. II. c. acc. loci, to flee from, shun. Soph. ά'ΤΓο-νυκτ€ρ€ΰω, to pass a night away from, tiv6s Plut. άτΓ-ονΰχίζω, f. Att. Χω, to pare the nails : Pass, to have them pared, Babr. 2 . metaph. to pare down, retrench, τα σιτία Ar. II. = όί/ι/χί^ω ill, to try by the nail, άκριβώε α·πωνυχισμ4νο5, Horace’s ad unguem f actus, Theophr. άτΓο-νωτίζω, f. σω, to make one turn his back and flee, τινά Eur. άττό-ξενος, ον, alien to guests, inhospitable. Soph. : — c. g-en. \oci, far from a country, Aesch. ; ττβδου banished from. Id. Hence άττοξενοω, f. ώσω, to drive from house and home, banish, Plut. : — Pass., 77)5 άποξβνονσθαι Eur. Hence άΐΓθξ6νωσΐ5, ecos, η, a living abroad, Plut. άίΓΟ-ξβω, f. -|eVco, to shave ofp, to cut off, airh δ’ e|eae χ€Ϊρα II. 2 . metaph. to strip off, Luc. ατΓθ-|η ραίνω, f. άνω, to dry up a river, Hdt. : — Pass. to be dried up, run dry, of rivers. Id. 2 . generally to dry completely , ras vavs Thuc. αίΓ-οξύνω, f. υνώ : aor. i inf. -οξνναι : — to bring to a point, make taper, Od. II. to make sharp and piercing, την φωνήν Plut. άτΓΟ-ξΰράω or -έω, f. ήσω, to shave clean, c. dupl. acc., τδν δοΰλον ά 7 Γθξυρηαα 5 την Κζφαλην Hdt. όητό-ξΐρος, ον, {ξυρόν) cut sharp off, abrupt, Luc. άτΓο-ξυρω [ΰ], = άποξυράω : — Med. to have oneself clean shaved, Plut. άτΓΟ-ξΰω [ϋ], f. -ξύσω : aor. i inf. -ξ^υσαι : — to strip off as it were a skin, II. άττο-ιτάλλω, to hurl, Luc. : — Pass, to rebound, Plut. αίΓο-'ττατΓταίνω, to look about one, as if to flee. Ion. 3 pi. fut. άποτΓΟΤΓτανβουσιν II. άίΓοττάτεω, f. Ίισομαι : aor. i subj. -πατήσω : — to retire from the way, to go aside to eccse oneself, Ar. From άπό-τΓάτθ 5 , b, also η, a place out of the way : a privy, Ar. άπο-τταυω, f. σω, to stop or hinder from, make to cease from a thing, c. gen., πολέμου II. ; TrevOeos Hdt., etc. : c. inf. to hinder from doing, Od. : — Med. and Pass, to leave off or cease from, c. gen., Horn, j 4 k καμάτων Soph. : absol. to leave off, Theogn. 2. c. acc. only, to stop, check, II., Eur. από-ττειρα, η, a trial, essay, Hdt., Thuc. άπο-ιΤ€ΐράομαι, f. άσομαι [ά] ; aor. i pass, άττζττ^ιράθην [ά]. Ion. -ηθην : Dep. : — to make trial, essay, or proof of a thing or person, c. gen., Hdt., Att. : — so also in Act., άποττζίράσαι του Uapaicos to make an attempt on the Peiraeeus, Thuc. άπο-π€λ€κάω, f. ήσω, to hew or trim with an axe, Ar. άπο-πεμπω, f. φω, to send off or away, to dismiss, Horn., Hdt., etc. : — Med. to send away from oneself, Hdt. ; άπ. την ywalna to put away, divorce her. Id. : άπ. ν 5 ωρ to get rid of it. Id. II. to send back, Od. 2. to dispatch, Hdt., Ar. άποπεμφις, εωί, η, a sending off, dispatching, Hdt. 2. a divorcing, Dem. αίΓΟίτνι^ω, άττο-πενθεω, f. ήσω, to mourn for, τινά Plut. άποπεράω, f. άσω. Ion. ήσω, to carry over, Plut. άπο-πε'ρδομαι, f. -τταρδησομαι : Dep., with aor. 2 act. -ewapSov : — to break wind, Lat. pedo, Ar. άτΓΟ-πε'σησι, Ep. 3 sing. aor. 2 subj. of οποπίπτω. άτΓο-ττετομαι, f. -·πζτά\σομαι : aor. 2 -ζτττάμην, part, -πτάμενοϊ : (cf. ττίτομαι) : — to fly off or away, Horn., Ar. άτΓοπεφασμενως, Adv. pf. pass. part, of αποφαίνω, openly, plainly, Dem. άπο-πήγνυμι, f. -πή|ω, to make to freeze, to freeze, Ar. : — Pass., f. -·παγησομα.ι, to be frozen, Xen. : of blood, to curdle. Id. άτΓΟ-ττηδάω, f. -ττη^ησομαι, to leap off from. Ίππου Plut. 2 . to start off from, turn away from, tivos Xen. 3 . absol. to leap off, start off. Plat, άπο-ττίμπλημι, poet, -ττίπλημι, f. -πλήσω, to fill up a number, Hdt. TL. to satisfy, fulfil, χρησμόν \ά. 2. to satisfy, appease, θυμόν, Επιθυμίαν Id., Plat. άτΓο-ττίνω [t], f. -πίομαι : aor. 2 -όπιον : — to drink up, drink off, Hdt. άπο-πίπτω, f. -πβσουμαι : aor. 2 -ε'πεσον : — to fall off from, e’/c or από tivos Od., Hdt. ; tiv0s Hdt. ; absol. to fall off, 11.^ άπο-ΐΓίστευω, f. σω, to trust fully, rely on, τινί Polyb. άτΓο-ιτλάζω, f. -πλά7ξω, to lead astray from, tiv0s Ap. Rh. : — Pass., aor. i -^πλάγχθην, to stray away from, arjs πaτpίδos, Τροίηθεν Od. ; άπδ θώρηκos άπoπ\ayχθζίs having glanced off from the breastplate, of an arrow, Ib.j absol. τρυφάΜια άπoπXayχθζiσa a helm struck off ox falling from the head, Ib. άττο-πλάνάω, f. ήσω, = foreg., to lead astray, Aeschin. ; metaph. to seduce, beguile, τινά N. T. Hence άίΓοττλάνίας, ου, b, a wanderer, fugitive, Anth. άίΓο-πλεω, Ep. -ττλείω, Ion. -πλώω : f. -πλευσομαι or -πλζυσουμαι. Ion. -πλύσομαι : — to sail away, sail off, II., Hdt., etc. άπόττληκτος, ον, (άποπλήσσω) disabled by a stroke, 1. in mind, struck dumb, astounded, senseless, stupid, Hdt., Dem. 2 . in body, crippled, palsied, Lat. sideratus, Hdt. ; άπ. tols yvάθoυs struck dumb P Ax. άπο-ττληρόω, f. ώσω, = άποπίμπΚημι, to fill up, satisfy, Lat. explore, tcis iπιθυμίas Plat. ; τουτό μοι άποπλή* ρωσον make this complete for me, satisfy me in this. Id. Hence άτΓοττλήρωσις, εωι, η, a filling up, satisfying, Plut. άπο-ττλήσσω, Att. -ττω, f. |ω, to strike to earth, dis- able in body or mind : — Pass, to lose one's senses, become dizzy or astounded. Soph, άπο-πλίσσομαι, Dep. to trot off. Ax. ', v. πλίσσομαι. άπό-ττλοος, contr. -πλους, b, (άποπλεω) a sailing away, Hdt. 2. a voyage home or back, Xen. άτΓο-ττλυνω [ΰ], f. υνω : Ion. impf. -πλυνεσκον : — to wash away, Od. άπο-πλώω, Ion. for άπο-πλεω. άπο’-ιτνεω, Ep. -πνείω : f. -πν^ΰσομαι : aor. i -όπν^υσα : — to breathe forth fire, etc., Horn.; θυμόιταπ. to give up the ghost, II. j οπ. την δυσμόν^ιαν to get rid of it, Plut. II. to blow from a particular quarter, of winds, Hdt. III. to smell of a thing, c. gen., Plut. άπο-ττνίγω [i], f. -πνίγομαι : aor. i —όπνιξα : — to choke, throttle, Hdt.; άπόπvιyov Ax.; of plants, N.T.: — Pass., ατΓΟΤΓολβ/χβω — f. -ττνΧ-γΎ,σομαι : aor. 2 -^πνί-γην [t] ; pf. part, -irewuiy- μ4νο$ : — to be choked, suffocated, drowned, Dem. : metaph. to he choked with rage. Id. iiro-TroXc^ew, f. ήσω, to fight off from, του ovov from ass-back. Plat. άιτό-ΊΓολις, poet. άττό-ΊΤΤολις, i : gen. iSos and e«s : — far from the city, banished, Aesch., Soph. αίΓοίΓομιτή, -η, (α.ποττ^μ'κω) a sending away : getting rid of an illness, Luc. άτΓθ-'ΤΓορ€υομαι, f. σομαι. Pass, to depart, go away, Xen. άττο-ιτραΰνω [ϋ], f. υνω, to soften matters down, Plut. άίΓοττρίασ-θαι, aor. 2 inf. with no pres, in use, to buy off or up, Ar. άπο-Ίτρίζω, aor. άπ€ΊτρΧσα, late form for -ττρίω, Anth. άττο-ττρίω, contr. for άποπρία<το, v. άίΓΟττρίασθαι. άττο-Ίτρίω [t], f. ίσω, to saw off, Hdt. άττο-ιτρό, Adv. far away, afar off, II. 2. Prep. c. gen./ar away from, Ib., Eur. αίΓο-Ίτροαιρ^ω, f . ·ίί\σω, aor. 2 -προζΊΧον : — to take away from, σίτου αττοττροζλώυ having taken some of the bread, Od. αττοΊτροθΐ, before vowels -Ocv, Adv. {airoTTpS) from afar, afar off, far away, Horn, άττάιτροθι, Adv. {άποπρό) far away, Horn. άτΓο-ΤΓροίημι, f. -προ-ήσω : Ep. aor. i -προ^ηκα : — to send away forward, send on, Od. : to send forth, shoot forth, Ib. : to let fall, Ib. άτΓΟ-ττροτεμνω, f. -τ€μώ : aor. 2 -ττρούτάμον : — to cut off from, νώτου αποπροταμών after he had cut a slice from the chine, Od. άτΓθ-ΤΓροφ€·υ·γω, f. -φ€ύξομαι, to flee away from, Anth. άτΓΟ-τΓτάμβνος, aor. 2 part, of α-ποττζτομαι. airoiTToXis, poet, for άττ^πολίϊ. άττοΊττος, ον, (άπόψομαι, f. of αφοράω) out of sight of, far away from, c. gen.. Soph. : — absol. out of sight, Id. ; e| άπότττου from a distance. Id. άτΓ<5τΓΤ'υστο9, ον, spat out : hence loathed, abominated, Trag. From άίΓΟ-'ΤΓτύω [ΰ], f . ΰσω : aor. i -βπτϋσα : — to spit out, II. ; άπ. άχνην to vomit forth foam, Ib. j absol. to spit, Xen. 2. to abominate, loathe, spurn, Aesch., Eur. : aor. I aTreVri/cra, = Lat. omen absit, Eur. αίΓΟ-ττυνΟάνομαι, f. -ττζύσομαι, Dep. to inquire or ask of, air. [ouToG] et . . asked of him whether . . , Hdt. άτΓ-οράω, Ion. for άφ·οράω. ά,'7Γθ-ρ€γχω, f. -ρ^γξω, to snore to the end, Anth. onro-pcTTw, f. φω, to slink away, Anth. ά-ττόρευτος, ον, not to he travelled, Plut. άτΓ-ορβω, Ion. for άφ-οράω. ατΓορέω, f. ήσω : impf. ηττόρουν : {άπορο5) : — to be with- out means or resource ; and so, 1. to he at a loss, be in doubt, he puzzled, mostly followed by a relative clause, άττ. οκω$ 5ιαβησ€ται to he at a loss how he shall cross, Hdt.; άττ. o τι χρ^ noieivXen.; with an acc. added, άττ. την ίΚασιν ’όκω5 δι^κπ^ρα to he at a loss about his march, how he shall cross, Hdt. ; and with an acc. only, to he at a loss about it. Id. ; c. inf. to be at a loss how to do, Ar., Plat. ; άττ. Trepi tivos Plat. : — also absol., ούκ a.tropi\aas without hesitation, Hdt., etc. : — Med. in same sense. Id., Plat. 2. in Pass., of things, to be left wanting, left unprovided for, Xen. II. c. gen. rei, to be at a loss for, in want of. Soph., Thuc., ■ άττορρηγι/υμι, 105 etc. III. άττ. Tivi to be at a loss by reason of, by means of something, Xen. IV. absol. to be in want, be poor. Plat. Hence άτΓορητικός, ή, 6v, inclined to doubt. Plat. ά-ΐΓί^ρθητος, ον, rarely η, ον, (πορθ^ω) not sacked, un- ravaged, II., Hdt., Att. άπ-ορθόω, f. ώσω, to make straight, guide aright,'$)Op\\. απορία, Ion. -ίη, η, {ά -Tropos) of places, difficulty of passing, Xen. II. of things, difficulty, straits, is άτΓορίην άπιγμ^νοε, άπζΐλημ€νοε, 4v άπορίη or iv άττορίησι €χ€σθαι, άτΓορίησιν ivexeadai Hdt. ; άπ. του μ^ ησυχά- ζ€ΐν impossibility of keeping quiet, Thuc. III. of persons, difficulty of dealing with, tiv0s Hdt. 2. want of means or resource, embarrassment, difficulty, hesitation, perplexity. Plat., etc. 3. άπ. tivos want of a person or thing, Ar., etc. 4. absol. poverty, Thuc. άπ-άρνΰμαι, Pass, to start from a place, Αυκίηθ^ν II. ά-πορος, ον, without passage, and so: I. of places, impassable, pathless, trackless, Xen., etc. II. of circumstances, hard to see one's way through, imprac- ticable, very difficult, Hdt., Att. : άττορα, τά, straits, difficulties, Hdt., Xen. ; so, eis άπορον ^kciv, πίπτ^ιν Eur., Ar. ; iv άπόρφ (Ίναι at a loss, Thuc. : — Comp., άπopώτcpos more difficult. Id. 2. hard to get, scarce. Plat. III. of persons, hard to deal with, imprac- ticable, unmanageable , Hdt., Plat. : c'. inf., άπ. προσ- μίσyeιv, προσφ4ρ€σθαι impossible to have any dealings with, Hdt. : so, absol., άveμos άπ. Id. 2. without means or resources, at a loss, helpless. Soph., etc. ; άποροί 4πϊ φρόνιμα, 4π' οϋόόν Id. ; of soldiers, οί άπορώ- τατοι the most helpless, worst equipt, Thuc. 3. poor, needy, Lat. inops. Id., Plat. IV. Adv. άπό- ρω5, άπ. βχβί μοι I am at a loss, Eur. : Comp, -ώτίρον, Thuc. άπ-οροΰω, Ep. aor. i -όρουσα, to dart away, Horn, άπορρ-, p is regularly doubled in all compds. after άπο; but in Poets it sometimes remains single, άπορ-ραθΰμέω, f . ήσω, to neglect a thing from faint- heartedness or laziness, c. gen., Xen.; absol.. Plat, άπορ-ραίνω, f. -ράνω, to spirt out, shed about, Hdt. άπορ-ραίω, f. σω, to bereave one of a thing, c. dupl. acc., Od. Hence άπορραντηριον, τό, (άπορραίνω) a vessel for sprinkling with holy water, Eur. άπορ-ράπτω, f. φω, to sew up again, Hdt., Aeschin. άπορ-ραψωδεω, f. Ίτισω, to speak in fragments of Epic poetry, Xen. άπορ-ρ€ζω, f. -ρόξω, to offer some of a thing, c. gen. partit., Theocr. άπορ-ρεω : fut. and aor. 2 in pass, forms άπορρΰ^σομαι, άπζρρύην, part. άπορρυ^Ιί : — to flow or run off, stream ybriA, Hdt., Aesch.; από tivos Wdt.; εκ Tii^os Plat. II. to fall off, as fruit, feathers, leaves, etc., Hdt., Att. 2. to die away , fade from remembrance, Soph, άπόρρηχμα, ατοί, τό, a fragment, Plut. From άπορ-ρήγνΰμι or -νω, f. -ρ^ξω, to break off, snap asunder, Horn., etc. ; πν^υμ άπορρηξαι βίου to S7iap the thread of life, Aesch. ; άπ. βίον Eur. II. Pass., aor. 2 άπeppάyηv [a], to be broken off, severed, Hdt., Thuc. ; από tivos Hdt. III. intr. in pf. άπipρωya, to be broken. Archil. Io6 ατΓορρηθηναι - άτΓορ-ρηθήναι, aor. ι pass. inf. of άπ-βρώ, cf. άττ^Ίττον. άττόρρησις, €ω5, -η, (άττερώ) a forbidding, prohibition, Plat. II. a giving up a point, refusal. Id. άττόρρητος, ον, (άττβρώ) forbidden, απόρρητον πόλ€ΐ though it was forbidden to the citizens. Soph.; τα απόρρητα prohibited exports, contraband articles, Ar. II. not to be spoken, that should not be spoken, Lat. tacendus, απ. ποι^ΐσθαι to keep secret, Hdt. ; κύ· pios Ka\ ρητών καΐ απορρήτων, of Philip, like dicenda tacenda, Dem. : απόρρητον, το, a state-secret, Ar. 2. of sacred things, ineffable, Eur. 3. ttnfit to be spoken, abominable. Plat. άιτορ-ρΐγεω, f. ήσω : pf. 2 απόρρΐ-γα : — to shrink shiver- ing from a thing, shrink from doing it, c. inf., Od. άίΓορ-ρϊνάω, f. ήσω, to file off, Strab. άτΓορ-ρίτΓτω, poet, άττο-ρίιττω, f. -ρίψω : aor. i -eppi^pa·. — Pass., f. απορριφθησομαι : aor. i —^ρρίφθην : pf. -όρριμμαι : — to throw away, put away, II. II. to cast forth from one’s country, Aesch., Soph.; απ^ρριμ- μόνοι outcasts, Dem. 2. to disown, renounce, Soph. 3. to throw aside, set at naught, Aesch. : Pass., απόρριπται is τ6 μηδόν Hdt. III. of words, to shoot forth bold, keen words, is τινα at one. Id. : — also, άτΓ. I'ttos to let fall a word. Id. απορροή and απόρροια, η, (^απορ-ρόω) a flowing off, stream, Eur., Xen. II. an efflux, emanation. Plat, άπορ-ροιβδόω, f. ησω, to shriek forth, βοά$ Soph, άπορ-ροφεω or -άω, f. ησω, to swallow some of a thing, c. gen. partit., Xen. άπορ-ρυπτω, f. φω, to cleanse thoroughly , Luc. : Med. to cleanse oneself, Plut. άπόρρΰτοξ, ον, {απορ-ρόω) running, Hes. : άττ. σταθμά stables with drains, Xen. άπορρώξ, (hyos, b, η, {άπορρη'/νυμι) broken off, abrupt, sheer, precipitous, Lat. praeruptus, Od., Xen. II. as fern. Subst. a piece broken off, ^Tvyhs άπορρώξ a branch or off-stream of the Styx, II. 2 . άττ. νόκταρο3 an efflux, distillation of nectar, Od. άπ-ορφανίζομαι, Pass, to be orphaned or bereaved, Aesch. ; από tivos άπ. to be torn away from one, N.T. ά-πόρφΰρος, ον, (πορφύρα) without purple border, Plut. άπ-ορχεομ,αι, f. Ί^σομαι, Dep. to dance a thing away, i. e. lose by dancing, τδν yάμov Hdt. άποσαλευω, f. σω, to lie in the open sea, to ride at anchor, Thuc., Dem. άπο-σάφεω, f. tjctco, (σαφ·{]$) to make clear. Plat, άπο-σβε'ννΰμι or -υω, ί.-σβόσω, to put out, extinguish, quench, Ar., Plat., etc. II. Pass., with fut. med. -σβησομαι, aor. 2 and pf. act. intr., άπόσβην, άπόσβηκα, and aor. i pass, άπ^σβόσθην : — to be extinguished, go out, cease to exist, Eur., Xen. άπο-σείω, f. σω, to shake off : — Med. to shake off from oneself, Theogn. ; of a horse, to throw his rider, Hdt., Xen.; metaph., άποσ^ί^σθαι λύπην Ar. άπο-σεμνυνω [ϋ], f. ΰνώ, to make august, glorify. Plat. II. Pass., with fut. med., to give oneself airs, Ar. ; TL about a thing. Id. άπο-σευω, to chase away, Anth.: — Pass., with 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 άπβσσϋτο, aor. i άπ^σσύθην [ϋ], to dart away, II. άπο-σημαίνω,Ι. άνω, to give notice by signs, give notice, ττερί TIVOS Hdt. : absol. to give a sign. Plat. 2. c. acc. to indicate by signs, betoken, Plut.: — Med. to show — αίΓοσοβίάύ. by signs ox proof s, Hdt. II. απ. (is τινα to allude- to him, Thuc. III. Med. to seal up as confiscated, to confiscate, Xen. : of persons, to proscribe. Id. άπο-σήπομαι, Pass., f. -σαπά^σομαι, aor. 2 -(σάπην [ά], with intr. pf. act. -σόσηπα : — to lose by mortification, ox frost-bite, tovs daKvbXovs Xen. άπο-σϊμόω, f. ώσω, to make fiat-nosed : Pass., άποσ^σι- μώμ(θα tt]v ρίνα we have snub noses, Luc. II. άποσι- μονν Tas vavs to turn the ships aside, make a sideward movement, so as to avoid the direct shock, Thuc. άπ-οοΊΟομαι, Ion. for άφ-οσιόομαι. άπό-σϊτος, ον, abstaining from food, Luc. άπο-σιωπάω, f. ησομαι, to cease speaking, maintain silence, Isocr., Plut. II. trans. to keep secret, Luc. Hence άποσιώπησις, €ωs, η, a becoming silent, Plut. 2. a rhetorical figure, when the sentence is broken off, as· in II. I. 342 , Virg. Aen. i. 135 . άπο -σκάπτω, f. φω, to intercept by trenches, Xen. άπο-σκεδάννϋμι or -υω : f . -σκεδάσω, contr. -σκ(δώ : — · to scatter abroad, disperse, Horn., Soph. : — Pass, to straggle fro7n the ranks, of soldiers, Xen. άποσκεπτεον, verb. Adj. one must look steadily, Arist. άπο-σκευάζω, f. άσω, to pull off : — Med. to pack up- and carry off, to make away with, Luc. άπο-σκεφομαι, f. of άπο-σκοπόω. άποσκηνε'ω, f. ήσω, to encamp apart from, riv0s Xen. From άπό-σκηνος, ον, (σκ7)νη) encamping apart, messing alone, Xen. Hence άποσκηνόω, f. ώσω, to keep apart from, Plut. II. = άποσκηνόω. Id. άπο-σκήπτω, f. φω, to hurl from above, απ. β4λ(α is τι to hurl thunderbolts upon, Hdt. II. intr. to fall suddenly , like a thunderbolt, is τινα Eur., Aeschin. ;, άττ. is φλαΰρον to come to a sorry ending, Hdt. άπο-σκιάζω, f.” άσω, to cast a shadow. Plat. Hence άποσκιασμός, b, the casting a shadow, άπ. yvωμόvωv measures of time by the shadow on the sun-dial, Plut, άπο-σκίδνάμαι. Pass, to be dispersed, II. ; of soldiers, άπ. is Ti to disperse for a purpose, Hdt. άπο-σκλήναι, aor. 2 inf., as if from *άπόσκλημι (cf. σκελλω), to be dried up, to wither, Ar. ; so pf. άπε- σκληκα Luc. ; f. άποσκλάισω Anth. άπο-σκοπε'ω, f. -σκόφομαι, to look away from other objects at one, to look steadily, πρ05 τινα or τι Soph., Plat.; (is Ti Soph. 2. c. acc.^o look to, regard, Eur. ; so in Med., Plut. άπο-σκόπιος, ον, (σκοπό^) far from the mark, Anth. άπο-σκΰθίζω, f. ίσω, to strip off the scalp in Scythian fashion : metaph. in Pass, to be shaved bare, κράτ' άπ(σκνθισμ(νη Eur. άπο-σκϋλευω, to carry off as spoil from, τί τιν vTheocr, άπο-σκώπτω, f. -σκώφομαι, to banter, rally, τινά Plat. ; άπ. (is Tiva to jeer at one, Luc. άπο-σμάω, to wipe off dirt, Luc. : Pass, to be wiped clean. Id. άπο-σμήχω, f . \ω, = άποσμάω, Luc. άπο-σμϊκρυνω [ϋ], to diminish, Luc. άπο-σμυχομαι [ΰ], aor. 2 -(σμύyηv [υ]. Pass, to be consumed by a slow fire, to pine away, Luc. άπο-σοβε'ω, f. ησω, to scare away, as one does birds or airocTTraSiog — αττοσΊτρίφω. flieSj Αγ. j metaph., αττοσοβησαι rbv Ύ€λων Id. II. intr. to be off in a hurry , ουκ άποσοβ·η(Τ€ΐ5 ; i. e. be off! Id. αίΓοσ-ΊΓάδιος [ά], η, ον, {α-ποσττάω) torn off or away, άτΓοσττάδιον, τό, = απόσπασμα, Anth. άίΓοσιτάραγμ,α, aros, τό, = απόσπασμα, Anth. From άτΓο-στΓαράσσω, f. ξω, to tear off, Eur. ά-ττοσ-ιτάς, ahos, rj, a slip torn from a tree, a vine- branch or bunch of grapes, Anth. : and άτΓ 6 σ·ΐΓασ·μα, aros, τό, that which is torn off, a piece, rag, shred. Plat. From άτΓΟ-σττάω, f. -σπάσω [ά], to tear or drag away from, TIV05 Soph., Plat., etc.; άττ. τινα από yuvaiK0s Hdt. ; rh τέκνον e/c χ^ρων Eur. ; also c. dupl. acc. to tear a thing· from one. Soph. : — άττ. τινά to tear him away, Hdt. : — Med. to drag away for oneself, Plut.: — Pass. to be dragged away, detached, separated from, riv0s Pind., Eur.; i^ipov Hdt.; από των ίβρώί/ Thuc. 2. 07Γ. ττυλοί to tear , (άφίσταμαι) to stand aloof from, depart from, be far from, c. gen., Aesch., Soph.; άττ. φΙΚων to fall off from one’s friends, Ar. II. absol. to stand aloof or afar off, Aesch. άΐΓοστατ·ηρ, b, (άφίστημι) one who has power to dissolve an assembly, Lycurg. ap. Plut. άτΓοστάτης, ου, 6, (άφίσταμαι) a runaway slave : a deserter, rebel, Plut. Hence άτΓοστατικ 6 ς, ή, όν, of ox for rebels, Plut. : — Adv., άπο- στατικω$ ^χ^ιν to be ready for revolt. Id. άτΓΟ-σταυρόω, f. ώσω, to fence off with a palisade, Thwc. άτΓΟ-στεγάζω, f. σω, to uncover : to take off a. roof,N.T. άτΓο-στεγω, f. ξω, to keep out water : metaph. to keep out or off, όχλον wopyos άπoστόy€l Aesch. II. to keep in water, confine it, check its outflow. Plat. άτΓοστεινόω, poet, for άποστ^νόω. άττο-στείχω, aor. 2 -όστίχον, to go away, to go home, Od., Hdt. ; imper. άπόστιχ^ II., Hdt. 107 άιτο-στε'λλω,ί.-στελώ: aor. i-eVretAa: ρί.-εσταλκα: — to send off ox away from, yrjs, χθονό$ Soph., Eur. ; όξω χθονόε Eur. ; e/c πόλ^ωε Plat. : absol. to send away, banish. Soph., Eur.: — Pass, to go away, depart, set out. Soph., Eur. II. to send off, despatch, on some service. Soph. ; of troops and ships, Hdt., Thuc. III. intr. to go back, retire, of the sea, Thuc. ; of seamen, Dem. άτΓο-στενόω, poet, -στ^ινόω, to straiten, block up: Pass., 3 sing, plqpf. pass, άπ^στ^ίνωτο Theocr. άτΓο-στε'ρ-γω, f. ξω, to love no more, Theocr.: — hence to put away from one, reject, Lat. abominari, Aesch. άτΓΟ-στερε'ω, f. ησω : — Pass., f. -στζρ·ηθ^]σομαι, also in med. forms -στ^ρησομαι and -στερούμαι : — to rob, de- spoil, bereave or defraud one of a thing, c. acc. pers. et gen. rei, Hdt., Ar.; also, c. acc. pers. et rei, μτ) μ άπο- στ6ρ^στ]5 ηδονάν Soph., etc. : absol. to defraud, cheat, Ar. : — Pass, to be robbed or deprived of, c. gen., Έλλά- δοε άπ€στ€ρημ€νοε Hdt., Att.; also c. acc., ϊππουε άπε- στόρηνται Xen. 2. άττ. όαυτόν tivos to detach, with- draw oneself //OW . . , Soph., Thuc. 3. c. acc. pers. to deprive, rob, Hdt., Att. ; — τό σαφόε μ άποστ^ρόΐ certainty me, Eur. 4. c. acc. rei only, to filch away, withhold, Aesch., etc. Hence άτΓοστε'ρησις, eci)S, η, deprivation, τη$ a/co 7 }s Thuc.; and άτΓοστερητής, ου, δ, a depriver, robber. Plat.; and άτΓοστερητικός, ή, όν, of or for cheating, yvώμη άπ, τόκου a device ybr cheating one of his interest, Ar. ; so fern. άτΓοστερητρίς, ίδοε. Id. άτΓΟ-στερίσκω, = άτΓοστερεα/, Soph, άττόστημα, utos, τό, (άφίσταμαι) distance, interval, to7s άπ. πρόε τουε yovels in point of intervals, in relation to one’s parents, Arist. άίΓο-στηρίζομαι, Med. to fix firmly, Anth. άίΓο-στιλβόω, to make to shine, Anth. άτΓο-στίλβω, f. φω, to be bright fro7n or with oil, c. gen., άπ. άλ€ίφατοε Od. ά-τΓΟ-στλεγγίζω, f. σω, (gT\cyyis) to scrape with a stri- gil : — Med. to scrape oneself clean, Xen.; pf. pass, part, άπ€στλζyyισμ4voι, scraped clean, fresh from the bath, Ar. άττοστολει/ς, 4ωε, b, (άποστόλλω) at Athens, a 7nagis- trate who had to fit out a squadron for service, Dem., Aeschin. άτΓοστολή, η, (άποστόλλω) a sendhig off or away, despatching, Έ.ηχ., Thuc. II. (from Pass.) agoing away, αΐΐ expedition, Thuc. 2 . the office of an apostle, apostleship, N. T. άττόστολος, b, (άποστόλλω) a 7nessenger, ambassador , envoy, Hdt. 2. a sacred messenger, ayi Apostle, N. T. II. = στόλοε, a naval squadron or expeditioi7, Dem., etc. άττο-στοματίζω, f. σω, (στόμα) to dictate by word of mouth, teach by dictation, y ράμματα Plat. 2. to question sharply or to provoke one to speak, N. T. 3. to recite, repeat by heart, Plut. άτΓο-στράτηγος, b, a retired general, Dem. άττο-στρατοττεδει/ομαι, f . -σομαι, Dep. to encamp away from,Tiv0s Xen.; άπ. πρόσω to encarnp at a dista^ice. Id. άτΓΟ-στράφώ, aor. 2 pass. subj. of sq. άτΓο-στρε'φω, ί.φω: 3 sing. Ion. aor. i άποστρόφασκΐ : — Pass, and Med., ί.-στρόφομαι : aor. 2 -^στράφην [ά] : pf. -ίστραμμαι. Ion. 3 pi. plqpf. -^στράφατο : — to turn Io8 άτΓοστροφη ■ one back, i. e. either to turn to flight, put to flight, Horn.; or to turn him hack from flight, Xen. ; ττόδαι και X^ipas to twist hack the hands and feet so as to bind them, Od. ; so Thv αυχένα Hdt. : — to turn back, avert one’s face, Od., Eur. : to bring hack, recall, Xen. 2. to turn away, to divert the course of a river, Hdt. : to avert a danger, Aesch., Thuc. II. intr. (sub. kavvov. Ίππον, vavv, etc.J, to turn hack, Hdt., Soph. B. Pass., άπξίττράφθαι rovs 4μβόλον5, of ships, to have their beaks bent hack, Hdt. ; άποστραφηναι τώ ττδδε to have one’s feet twisted, Ar. II. to turn away from, in abhorrence, Lat. aversari, c. acc.. Soph., Eur.; absol., απ€στραμμ€νοι Xoyoi hostile words, Hdt. 2. to turn oneself about, turn back, Xen.; to turn and flee. Id. 3. άποστραφηναί rivos to fall ofl^ from one, desert him. Id. άίΓοστροφη, η, {αποστρΐφομαι) a turning hack, Xen.; αποστροφήν λαμβάν^ιν to have one’s course turned, Plut. II. a turning away from, an escape from a thing, c. gen., Aesch., Eur. 2. a resort, resource, Hdt.: — c. gen. objecti, vSaros άπ. a resource or means for getting water, Id. ; σωτ-ηρίαε άπ. Thuc. ά'ΐΓ0στροφθ5, ον, {απο-στρίφομαι) turned away. Soph. άτΓΟ-στΰγεω, f. -στΰ^ω : aor. i -^στχτγ-ησα : aor. 2 απ^στύ'/ον : pf. -ζστΰγηκα : — to hate violently, abhor, loathe, Hdt., Soph. ; c. inf. to be disgusted that . . , Hdt. άτΓΟ-στΰφελίζω, f. to drive away by force from, τινά Tivos II. άίΓο-στυφω [ϋ], f. φω, to draw up, contract, of astrin- gents, to dull the sense of taste, Anth. άτΓΟ-σϋκάζω, f. σω, to squeeze figs, to try whether they are ripe, Ar. άτΓΟ-σϋλάω, f. ήσω, to strip ofl^ spoils from a person, to rob or defraud one of a thing, τινά tivos Soph. ; τινά τι Eur., Xen. : — Pass., άποσνλάσθαί τι to he robbed of a thing, Aesch. άτΓΟ-σννάγωγος, ον, (συ^'oγα)7ή) put out of the syna- gogue, T. άτΓΟ-σΰρίζω, f. |aj, to whistle aloud for want of thought, h. Horn. : — Pass, to sound like whistling, Luc. άτΓΟ-σύρω [ϋ], f. -σύρω : — to tear away, Thuc. II. to lay bare, Theocr. άτΓο-σφάζω, Att. -σφάττω, f. -σφάξω : — Pass., aor. 2 -ζσφά'γ'ην [ά] : f. -σφά-γ-ίισομαι : — to cut the throat of a person, Lat. jugulo, άποσφ. τινά 4s &yyos, so that the blood runs into a pail, Hdt. : generally, to slay, Ar., Thuc., etc. : — Med. to cut one^s own throat, Xen. άτΓο-σφακελίζω, f. σω, to have the limbs frost-bitten, Hdt. II. to fall into convulsions, Plut. άτΓΟ-σφάλλω, f. -σφαλώ : aor. i -€σφηλα : — to lead astray, drive away, Od. ; άπ. τινά πόνοιο to baulk them of the fruits of toil, II. II. Pass., aor. 2 άπ^σφάλην [ά], to he baulked or disappointed of a thing, c. gen., Hdt. : to be deprived^of, Aesch. : to fail in reaching, TraAias Plut. : absol. to be missing or lost, Dem. άτΓο-σφάττω, Att. for άποσφάζω. άτΓ0-σφήλ€ΐ6, 3 sing. aor. i opt. of άποσφάλλω : άττο- σφήλω, subj. άίΓΟ-σφίγγω, f. yξω, to compress, Luc. : Pass., Adyos άπcσφιyμ4vos a close-packed style. Id. άτΓΟ-σφράγίζω, Ion. -σφρηγίζω : f. Att. ίώ : — to seal up, Plut. : — so in Med., Eur. ' — ατΓΟτεμρω. άτΓο-σχαλίδωμα, aTos, τό, (σχαλιΒόω) a forked piece of wood for propping hunting-nets, Xen. άτΓο-<τχ€Ϊν, -σχ€σθαι, aor. 2 inf. act. and med. of άπ4χω. άίΓΟ-σχήσω, f. of άπ4χω. άτΓο-σχίζω, f. σω, to split or cleave ojf, Od., Eur. 2. to sever or detach from, τινά από tivos Hdt. : — Pass., άποσχισθηναί tivos to he separated from . . , id. ; of a river, to be parted from the main stream. Id.; of a tribe, to be detached from its parent stock. Id. 3. metaph., άπ. τινά τον Xoyov to cut him off from his speech, interrupt him in it, Ar. άίΓΟ-ίτχοινίζω, f. σω, to separate by a cord ; generally, to separate, Dem. άτΓΟ-σώζω, f. σω, to preserve from, heal from or of a thing, TIVOS Soph. ; άπ. οίκαδβ to bring safe home, Xen. : — Pass., άποσω^τ\ναι is or 4πι τόπον to get safe to a place, Hdt., Xen. : absol. to get ofl^ safe, Hdt. άιτότακτος, ον, or άττοτακτός, όν, {αποτάσσοΡ) set apart for a special use, Hdt. άτΓοτάμνω, Ion. for άποτόμνω. άτΓΟ-τάσσω, Att. -ττω, f. ξω, to set apart, assign specially, χώραν τινί Plat. : — Pass., άπ^τότακτο πphs τό δ€ξιόν had his appointed post on the right, Xen. II. Med., άποτάσσ^σθαί τινι to hid farewell to a person or thing, N. T. άπο-ταυρόομαι, Pass, to he like a bull : δeρyμa άποταυ- ρονσθαι to cast savage glances at . . , Eur. άτΓθ-ταφρ€υω, f. σω, to fence off with a ditch, Xen. άτΓΟ-τεθνασαν, Ep. 3 pi. plqpf. of αποθνήσκω. άΐΓ0-τ€θν€ΐώ5, Ep. for -τe0^'eώϊ, -τ€θvηκώs, pf. part, of αποθνήσκω. άττο-τείνω, f. -τ^νώ : pf. -τότάκα : 3 pi. pf. pass, άποτό- τανται : — to stretch out, extend : — Pass., Xen. 2. to lengthen, extend, prolong, of the line of an army. Id. ; of speeches, άπ. τόν K0yov Plat. άΐΓθ-τ€ΐχίζω, f. Att. Ιώ, to wall ofl^, 1. so as to fortify, τόν 'Ισθμόν Hdt. 2. so as to blockade, tiv0s Ar., Thuc., etc. Hence airoTcixiaiSj eωs, ή, the walling off a town, blockading, Thuc. ; and άτΓοτείχισμα, aTos, τό, a wall built to blockade, lines of blockade, Thuc., Xen. άίΓΟΤδίχισμόξ, δ, = άπoτeίχισιs, Plut. άτΓθ-Τ6λ6υτάω, f. ήσω, intr. to end, els τι in a thing, ^Plat. ά7Γθ-Τ€λ€ω, f. -τζλόσω, Att. -τελώ, to bring quite to an end, complete a \vork, Hdt., Xen., etc.: — Pass., pf. part. άπoτζT€λiσμivos, perfect, Xen. 2. to pay ox perform what one is bound to pay or perform, as vows to a god, Hdt., Xen. : generally, to accomplish, perform, Xen. 3. to render or make of a certain kind, τήν πόλιν άπ. ζυδαίμονα to make the state quite happy. Plat. ; and Med., άμεμπτον φίλον άποτζλόσασθαι to make him without blame towards himself, Xen. άτΓΟ-τεμνω, Ion. -τάμνω : f. -τεμώ : aor. 2 -ότ^μον, -ότάμον : — to cut off, sever, II., Hdt., Att. : — Pass., τήν yλώττav άπoτμηθeίs having his tongue cut out, Aeschin. 2. to sever, divide, in digeogxdffhxcoXsensQ, Hdt. : — Pass., of troops, to be cut off from the main body, Xen. II. ^Ied. to cut off for oneself, II.; c. gen. to cut off a hit of a thing, Hdt. 2. to cut off, so as to appropriate, βovs h. Horn., Hdt. ; ^oiviKr]s άπ. άττότευ^ίς - to have a slice or portion of Phoenicia, Theocr. ; άπ. των ’Αθηναίων to cut off power from the Athenians, Thuc. άττότβυΐις, ecoy, η, (^αττο-τυΎχάνω) a failure, Plut. ά'ΤΓο-τήλβ, Adv./ar from, c. gen., Anth. άττο-τηλοΰ, Adv. far away, Od. ά.-ΤΓθτίβατθ 5 , Dor. for α-ττροσβατο5. Soph. άτΓΟ-τίθημι, f . -θήσω, to put away, stow away, II. II. Med. to put away from oneself, lay aside, of arms and clothes, Ib., Hdt. ; ott. τ'όν νόμον to put aside, i. e. dis- regard, the law, Thuc. 2. to avoid, escape, of some- thing odious, II. 3. to put by for oneself , stow away, Ar., Xen. 4. αποτίθ^σθαί els aSOis to put off, defer, Eur., Xen., etc. άτΓο-τίλλω, f. —τΊλώ : aor. i -ετΓλα : — to pluck or pull out, ras rpiyas Hdt. ; oudev άττοτίλα^ without pulling off 2 iX\y of the fur. Id. Hence άττότιλμα, aros, to, a piece plucked off, Theocr. άτΓο-τϊμάω, f. ησω, to put away from honour, to dis- honour, slight, h. Horn. II. Med. to fix a price by valuation, όιμν4ω$ αττοτιμησάμ^νοί having fixed their price at two minae a head, Hdt. III. as Att. law- term, Act. to borrow money on mortgage ; Med. to lend on mortgage ; Pass, of the property, to be mortgaged, Dem. Hence άττοτίμημα, aros, τό, a mortgage, security, Dem. ; and άτΓοτίμησις, ews, η, a mortgaging, Dem. II. the Rom. census, Plut. άττό-τϊμος, ον, (τιμή) put away from honour, dis- honoured, Hdt., Soph, άιτο-τΐνάσσω, f. |a), to shake off, Eur. άτΓο-τίνυμαι, poet, for αττοτίνομαι ; v. αποτίνω ll. άτΓο-τίνω [t Ep., t Att.], Ep. ini. -τινόμ^ν : f. -τίσω [i] : — to pay back, repay, return, τί τινι II. 2. to pay for a thing, τι Horn., Aesch., etc. : absol. to make atonement, \\. 3. to pay in full, Yidi., AW.. II. Med. αποτίνομαι and αποτίνομαι : f. -τίσομαι : — to get paid one, to exact or require a penalty from a man, ποιν^}ν II.; ζίκην Eur. 2. c. acc. pers., άποτίσασθαί Tiva to avenge oneself on another, punish him, Od., Xen. 3. c. acc. rei, to take vengeance for a thing, punish it, Od. ; so, c. gen. rei, Hdt. : — absol. to ta^e vengeance, Theogn. Hence άχοτιστίον, verb. Adj. one must pay, Xen. άττο-τμήγω, f. ξω, Ep. for απο-τίμνω, to cut off from, τινά Tivos II. 2. to cut off, sever, lb.; kAitvs άπ. to cut up or plough the hill-sides, Ib. άίΓοτμητ^ον, verb. Adj. of άποτόμνω, one must cut off, TT}s χώρα$ a portion of it. Plat. α-τΓοτμος, ον, unhappy, ill-starred, Horn., Aesch., Eur. : — Comp. -ότ€ρο5 ; Sup. -ότατο5, Od. άτΓΟ-τολμάω, f. ήίΤω, to make a bold venture, τινί upon one, Thuc. : c. inf., Aeschin. : Pass., τα άποτβτολμη- μόνα what has been hazarded. Plat. άτΓοτομή, η, (αποτόμνω) a cutting off, Xen. απότομος, ον, (αποτόμνω) cut off, abrupt, precipitous, Hdt. ; απότομον ώρουσ^ν us avdynav, metaph. from one who comes suddenly to the edge of a cliff. Soph. 2. metaph. severe, relentless, Eur. άτΓΟ-τοΙβυω, f. σω, to shoot off arrows, Luc. II. to shoot a person, τινά τινι Id. a-iroTos, ov, not drinkable, Hdt. II. act. never - άτΓονρίζω. 1 09 drinking. Id., Plat, '.—not drinking, without drink. Soph., Xen. ά·7Γ0-τρα·γ€Ϊν, aor. 2 inf. of άποτρώ'γω. άτΓΟ-τρεττω, f.ι|/ω,to turn one away from a thing, c. gen., II. : — to turn away, deter or dissuade from, Thuc. ; also, c. inf., άπ. τινά ποιΥιν τι Aesch., Dem. 2. c. acc. pers. only, to turn away, turn back, II. 3. c. acc. rei, ίο turn aside , avert , prevent , Hdt., Plat.; cf. άποτρό- παΐ05, άπότροπο5. 4. to tvirnfrom others against one, Tt 4πί τινι Soph.: — Med., άποτραπόμ(νο5 πρ05 τι turn- ing away from other objects to this one, Plut. II. Med. and Pass, to turn from, to desist from doing a thing, c. part., II., c. inf., Eur., etc. : — absol. to stop, desist, Thuc. 2. to turn away, turn a deaf ear, II. 3. c. acc. rei, to turn away from, like Lat. aver- sorf, Aesch., Eur. 4. to turn back, roiMrw,Thuc.,Xen. άτΓΟ-τρεχω, f. -θρόξομαι and -δραμονμαι : aor. 2 -εδρά- μον : — to run off ov away, Hdt., Att. II. to run hard, of one training for a race, Ar. άπο-τρίβω [ΐ], f. ψω, to wear out, Od. II. to rub clean, to rub down a horse, Xen. III. to rub off, Theocr. : — Med. to get rid of, Dem., Aeschin. : to decline, reject, t^v πΥιραν Plut. άτΓοτρόιταιοξ, ov, (άποτρόπω) averting evil, of Apollo, Lat. averruncus, Ar., etc. II. pass, that ought to be averted, ill-omened, Luc. άτΓΟτροττή, η, (άποτρόπω) a turning away, averting, κακών Aesch., Eur. 2. a hindering, prevention, Thuc. II. (from Med.) desertion of one’s party. Id. άττότροΊΓος, ov, (άποτρόπω) turned away, banished, Od. 2. from which one turns away, direful, grim, Aesch., Soph. II. act. turnhig away, averting, a thing, c. gen., Aesch., Eur. άπό-τροψος, ov, (τρόψω) reared away from home, Hdt. άίΓΟ-τρυχω [ϋ], f. |α), = sq., Plut. άτΓΟ-τρΰω [ϋ], f. νσω, to rub away, wear out. Soph. : — Med., ^ην άποτρυ^σθαι to vex constantly the earth, by working it. Soph. άίΓΟ-τρώγω, f. -τρώγομαι : aor. 2 —erpayov : — to kite or nibble off, Ar. 2. c. gen. to nibble at, tus avAuKos ovK άπoτpώyeιs, i. e. you don’t get on with your swathe, in reaping, Theocr. άττο-τρωπάω, Frequentat. of άποτρόπω, only in pres., Horn. άίΓΟ-τυγχάνω, ί.-τ^ΰ^ομαι,Ιο fail in hitting ox gaining, to miss, lose, c. gen., Xen., etc. 2. Pass., τα άπο- τ(τξυyμόva things not come to pass, Luc. II. absol. to miss one’s object, to be unlucky , f ail , Xen. : to miss the truth, err. Id. : — c. Inf. to fail to do. Id. άττο-τυμιτανίζω, f. Att. Ίώ, to cudgel to death, basti- nado, Dem. άτΓο-τΰιτόομαι, Med. to stamp an impression as on wax, εϊϊ Tt Plat. II. Act. άπ. acppaylba to impress a seal, Luc. άίτο-τυτΓτομαι, Med. to cease to beat oneself, to cease mourning, Hdt. άτΓ-ουρας, -ουράμενος, aor. i part. act. and med. of άπ-αυράω. άτΓ-ουρίζω, Ep. for άψ-όριζω : Ep. fut., άλλοι ot άπονρίσ- σουσιν άρούρα5 others will mark off, i. e. contract, the boundaries of his fields, II. : others read άπ-ουρί,σουσι, = άπ·ανρ·1]σουσι (from άπ-αυράω) will take away. I ΙΟ απονρος — άττυ-χειροτονία. άπ-ουρος, ον, (βρο5, Ιοη. ovpos) far from the boundaries one’s country, c. gen.. Soph. a-TTOvs, b, rj, -πουν, το, 'without foot ox feet. Plat. 2. •without the use of one's feet, halt, lame. Soph. άτΓουσία, ή, (ατχ^ιμι ahsum) a being a'way, absence, Aesch., Eur., etc. άΐΓθ-φάγ€ΐν, aor. 2 inf. of απ^σθίω, to eat off, eat up, Ar. άτΓΟ-φαιδρΰνω [ΰ], f. ννώ, to cleanse off : Med., Anth. άτΓΟ-φαίνω, f . -φανώ : — to shew forth, display, produce, Hdt., Ar. II. to make known, declare, Hdt. : to give evidence of 2 . to shew by reasoning, ^ew, represent as doing or being, c. part.. Id. ; and with part, omitted, άττ. kwvT'bv αίτιον (sc. οντα) Id. ; so, άπ. riva 4χθρόν Dem. 3. c. acc. et inf. to represent that. Plat. ; so, άπ. ws . . , ort . . , Hdt., Thuc. III. to give an account of, t^v ουσίαν Dem. : to pay in money to the treasury. Id. IV. to render or make so and so, Ar. 2. to appoint to an office. Plat. B. Med. to display something of one' s own, Aesch., Plat. : absol. to make a display of oneself, shew off, Xen. 2. to produce evidence, Hdt. 3. άποφαί- ν€σθαι •γνώμην to declare one's opinion. Id., Att. : — absol. to give an opinion, Hdt., Att. Hence II. used like Act., Plat., Xen. άττόφανσις, ecus, η, a declaration, statement, Arist. άττόφάσις (a), ews, η, {αττόφημι) a denial, negation, opp. to κατάφασΐ3, Plat. άπόφάσις (b), ecos, η, (αττοφαίνω) a sentence, decision of a court, Dem. II. a list, inventory. Id. άτΓΟ-φάσκω, = άπόφημι, only in pres, and impf., to deny, οΰτζ δοκουντ' οϋτ' αποφάσκοντ neither in assent nor denial. Soph. άπο-φ€ρβορ.αι, Dep. to feed on, τι Eur. άτΓΟ-φβρω, f. απ-οίσω. Dor. -οισώ : aor. i -rjveyKa, Ion. -’fjveiKa : aor. 2 -T]veyKov : pf. -^νίινοχα: — to carry off or away, Lat. auferre, Horn., etc. : — Pass, to be carried from one's course, Hdt., Thuc. II. to carry or bring back, II., Att. : Pass., of persons, to return, Hdt., Thuc. 2. to pay back, return, Hdt. : hence to pay what is due. Id. III. as Att. law- term, to give in an accusation, accounts, etc., Dem., etc. IV. intr. to be off, απόφ^ρ' is κόρακα$ Ar. B. Med. to take away with one, Hdt., etc. : to carry off a prize, Theocr. 2. to take for oneself, gain, obtain, Eur. II. to bring back for oneself, Hdt. ; άπ. βίον μητρί, i. e. to return to her alive, Eur. άτΓΟ-φεύγω, f. -φβύξομαι and -οΰμαι : pf. — πεφευγα : — to flee from, escape, c. acc., Hdt., etc. : — absol. to get safe away, escape. Id. II. as law-term, to escape from, Toiis διώκονταε Id., Att.; also, αττ. δίκην Ar., Dem.: — absol. to get clear off, be acquitted, Hdt. Hence άτΓοφ€υκτικός, τ;, ον, useful in escaping : τα άπ. means of acquittal, Xen.; and άττόφβυξις or άττόφυξις, eojs, η, an escaping, means of getting off, άπ. δίκηs acquittal, Ar. άιτό-φημι, f. -φ-Ιισω : aor. i -4φησα : aor. 2 -4φην : — to speak out, declare flatly or plainly, II. ; so in Med., Ib. II. to say No, Soph. 2. c. acc. to refuse, deny, Xen., Plat. άτΓθ-φθ€γγομαι, f. -φθiyζoμaι, Dep. to speak one's opinion plainly, Luc. : — metaph. to ring. Id. άτΓ0-φ6€γκτο5, ov, = a-φθ€yκτos, Eur. απόφθεγμα, otos, to, {aπoφθ4yyoμaι) a terse pointed saying, an apophthegm, Xen. Hence αποφθεγματικό?, ή, ον, dealing in apophthegms, sen- tentious, Plut. άπο-φθείρω, f, -φθ^ρώ, to destroy utterly, ruin, Aesch., Eur. II. Pass., with fut. med., to be lost, perish, Eur., Thuc. : esp. as interrog. used in an imperat. sense, ου yrjs τησδ' α'ποφθαρτ]σζται ·, i. e. let him begone with a plague to him, Eur. ; so, ουκ ειΤ κόρακα5 άπο- φθερει ; Lat. pasce corvos, Ar. άπο-φθΐνυθω [ύ], only in pres, to perish, II. II. trans. to lose, Ib. άπο-φθίνω [i] : I. intr. in pres, to perish utterly, die away, Aesch., Soph. II. Causal in f. -φθιώ, aor. i -4φθίσα [ϊ Ep., i Trag.] to make to perish, waste away, destroy, Hes., Soph. : to lose, βίον Aesch. 2. Pass., = Act. intr., to perish, die, esp. in Ep. aor. 2 -4φθιτο [Ϊ], imperat. -φθίσθω, -φθίμην [ί], part. -φθίμζνο5 [ΐ], also in 3 pi. Ep. aor. i ά·π4φθϊθξν. άποφθορά, η, (άπο-φθείρω) tetter destruction, Aesch. άποφλαυρίζω, f. ίσω and ί|ω, to treat slightingly , make no account of, τι Hdt. άπο-φλοιόομαι, Med. (φλοιόν) to strip off oneself , Anth. άπο-φοιτάω, f. ήσω, to cease to go to school. Plat, άπό-φονο?,©//, {*φ4νω) φ6νο$ α,π .unnatural murder,Eur. άποφορά, η, {αποφ4ρω) payment of what is due, tax, tribute, Hdt., Att. 2. also, return for money spent, profit, Xen., etc. άπο-φράγνΰμι or -υω, to fence off, block up, Thuc. : metaph.. Soph. Hence άπόφραξι?, εωϊ, η, (άποφράσσω) a blocking up, Xen. άπο-φράς, ά.δο$, η, (φράζω) not to be mentioned : άπο- φράδεϊ ημ4ραι, Lat. dies nefasti, days on which no business was done. Plat. άπο-φράοΊτω, Att. -ττω, f. ξω, = άπoφpάyvυμι, Plat., Dem. : — Med., άποφράξασθαι aoTobs to bar their pas- sage, Thuc. άπο-φυγγάνω, = άποφευγω, Dem. άπο-φυγεΐν, aor. 2 inf. of άποφεόγω. Hence αποφυγή, η, a7i escape or place of refuge, άποφχτγα.$ παρεχείί' Thuc. ; άπ. κακών escape from ills. Plat, άπόφυξις, v. άπόφευ|ΐ5. άποφϋσάω, f. ήσω, to blow away, Ar. II. to breathe out life, Luc. άπο-φώλιος, ον, empty, vain, idle, useless, fruitless, Lat. irritus, Od. (Deriv. unknown.) άπο-χάζομαι, Dep., only in pres., to withdraw from a place, c. gen., Od. άπο-χάλάω, f. άσω [ά], to slack away a rope : metaph., άποχάλα τ)ί\ν φροντίδα Ar. άπο-χάλϊνόω, f. ώσω, to unbridle, Xen. άπο-χαλκευω, f. σω, to forge of copper, Xen. άπο-χαλκίζω, to strip of brass, i.e. money, Anth. άπο-χάράκόω, f. ώσω, — άποσταυρόω, Plut. άπο-χειρο-βίωτος, ον, (χ^ίρ, βιόω) living by the work of one's hands, Hdt., Xen. άπο-χειροτονε'ω, f. ήσω, to vote a charge away from one, acquit him, c. gen., Dem. II. c. acc., άπ. τινα τη$ άρχηε to depose him from the command, Plut. 2. of things, to vote against, reject, anmd, Ar., Dem. III. άπ. τι μη ΐϊναι to vote that a thing is not, Dem. Hence άποχειροτονία, η, rejection by show of hands, Dem. I I I άτΓΟ'χβω — ατΓΟ-χβω, f. -χβώ ; aor. -€χ€α, Ep. -βχβυα : — to pour out or off, shed, let fall, Od.: — poet. Med. αττο-χζΰομ.αι, Eur. άτΓοχή, 7], (απέχω) abstinence, Plut. II. a receipt, quittance, Anth. άτΓο-χηρόομαι, Pass, to he bereft of, rivos Ar. άτΓΟ-χραίνω, to soften away the colour, shade off. Plat. άπο-χράω, Ion. -χρεω, inf. -χρνν. Ion. -χραν : part. -χρών, -χρώσα : impf. άπεχρη, Ion. -4χρα : f. -χρήσω : aor. I -^χρησα : — to suffice, be sufficient, be enough : absol., in persons other than 3 sing-.^ 5v αττοχρ^σουσιν μόνω Ar. ; c. inf., αττοχρ^ουσι eKarhu vees χείρώ- σασθαι are sufficient to subdue, Hdt. II. mostly in 3 sing·. : 1. to suffice, ποταμ}>5 ουκ άπεχρησε τγ (TTparifi τΓίνόμξνοε was not enough to supply the army with drink. Id. ; ταντα αττοχρ^ μοι Id., Att. 2 . impers., c. inf., αττοχρα μοι -noieiv ’tis sufficient for me to do, Hdt. j c. part., μερο^ 4χον(Τγ απόχρη μοι His sufficient for me to have a part, Aesch. ; — and without inf., απόχρη rivi it is enough for him, Dem. III. Pass, to be contented with a thing, c. dat., Hdt. 2. impers., ουκ άπ€χρατο Id. ; άπξχρ€€το, c. inf.. Id. B. Dep. άτΓοχράομαι, Ion. -χρύομαι, to use to the full, c. dat. rei or absol., Thuc. 2. to abuse, mis- use, Lat. ahuti, c. dat., Dem. II. c. acc. to use up, destroy, Thuc. άτΓοχρηματος, ον, — άχρ^ματο$, ζημία άποχρ. a penalty but not of money, Aesch. άττοχρώντως, Adv. part. pres, of άποχράω, enough, suf- ficiently, Thuc. άΐΓ-οχΰρίίω, f. ώσω, to secure by fortifications : metaph. in pf. pass, part., απωχυρωμ 4 νο 5 ττρόε τι secure against a thing. Plat. άτΓο-χωλε-υω, f. σω, to make quite lame, Xen. άτΓΟ-χωλόομαι, Pass, to be made quite lame, Thuc. άτΓο-χώννυμι, f. -χώσω, to hank up the mouth of a river, Xen. ατΓο-χωρεω, f. ήσω and Ί]σομαι : — to go from or away from a place, c. gen., Ar. 2 . absol. to go away, depart, Eur. : to retire, retreat, Thuc., Xen. : — οπ. eis Tt to have recourse to a thing, Dem. 3 . άπ. εκ . . , to withdraw from a thing, i. e. give it up, Xen. II. to pass off from the bowels. Id. : also, τα άττοχωρουντα excrements. Id. Hence άίΓοχώρησις, εωϊ, η, a going off, retreat, Hdt., Thuc. : a place or means of safety, Hdt. άπο-χωρίζω, f. Att. Ιω, to part or separate from, τι από Tivos Plat. άττόχωσις, εωϊ, η, {αποχώννυμι) the damming up of a river, Plut. άπο-ψάω, f . ήσω ; impf. απόψην : aor. i απόψητα : I. c. acc. rei, to wipe off, Eur. : — Med. to wipe or rub off from oneself, Ar. II. c. acc. pers. to wipe clean ; — Med. to wipe oneself, 'wipe one s nose. Id. ; also, άποψ. την χ€Ϊρα eis τι Xen. άπο-ψεΰδομαι, Pass, to be quite cheated of a thing, c. gen., Plut. άπο-ψηψίζομαι, f. Att. ϊουμαι : Dep. : — to vote away from, θάνατον άπ. tiv6s to vote death away from him, refuse to condemn him to death, opp. to καταχ^η- (piCeTdai, Lycurg. : — hence άπ. tiv6s to vote a charge away from one, i. e. to acquit him, Dem., etc. : — absol. to vote an acquittal. Plat. 2. to vote the franchise άττρίάτην, away from one, i. e. to disfranchise by vote, Dem. : — Pass, to he disfranchised. Id. II. c. acc. rei, of judges, άπ. ypa(p'}]v to vote against receiving the in- dictment, Aeschin. III. άπ. μη woieiv τι to vote against doing, Xen. άτΓΟ-ψϊλόω, f. ώσω, to strip bare, Hdt. II. c. gen. to strip bare of s. thing, c. gen., Aesch. ατΓοψις, 6 ω5, η, (άπόψομαι, f. of αφοράω) an outlook, view, prospect, Hdt. 2. a lofty spot or tower which commands a view, Plut. άΐΓθ-ψ·υχω [ΰ], f. |ω : — Pass., aor. i and 2 άπβφνχθην and άπζφύχην [ύ] :—to leave off breathing, to faint, swoon, Od., N. T. 2 . c. acc., απόφυξ^ν βίον breathed out life. Soph. : absol., like άποπνόω, Lat. exspiro, to expire, die, Thuc. II. to cool : — Pass., ίδρώ άπε- φνχοντο χιτώνων they got the sweat dried off their tunics, 11. j ίδρώ άπoφvχθeΐs Ib. j metaph., άπ^φυγμόνοι cold, indifferent, Arist. 2. impers., άποψυχεί it grows cool, the air cools. Plat. άτητατταϊ, an exclamation, Ar. : cf. άπαπαι, άτταται. άττ-ττεμψει, Ep. contr. for άπο-πεμψει. ά-ιτραγία, η, (πράσσω) idleness, want of energy, Plut. άτΓραγμοσιίνη, η, freedom from politics and business {πράγματα), love of a quiet life, love of ease, supine- ness, Lat. otium, Ar., Xeji.; of states that keep clear of foreign politics, Thuc. From ά-ττράγμων, ον, free from business {πράγματα), keeping clear of politics, a good easy quiet man, opp. to πολυ- πράγμων {a restless meddlesome man), Ar., Thuc., 'etc. ; πόΧι$ άπρ. a country that keeps clear of foreign politics, Thuc.; τδ άπραγμον — hai. otium. Id.; τ6πο$ άπρ. a ffidiCQ free from law and strife, Ar. II. of things, not ff r ouhleso me or painful, Xen.; so Adv. -μόνω$, witKout trouble, Thuc. άττρακτεω, f. ήσω, to do nothing, hnst. II. to gain nothing, παρά tivos Xen. From α-Ίτρακτος, Ion. ά-ττρηκτος, ον: I. act. doing no- thing, ineffectual, unprofitable, II., Dem. 2 . of persons, without success, unsuccessful, &πρηκτο5 v4- εσθαί, Lat. re infecta, II. ; and in Prose, άπρ. άπιόναι, άπελθε?»/, άποχωρΦιν Thuc. ; άπρ. γίγνεσθαι to gain nothing. Id.; άπρακτον άποπόμπ^ιν τινά Id.: — Adv. -τω5, unsuccessfully , Id. II. pass, against which nothing can he done, impracticable, Od. 2 . not to he done, impossible, Theogn. 3 . not done, left undone, Xen. 4 . c. gen., μαντ:κη$ άπρακτο$ νμιν tmassailed by your divining arts. Soph. Hence απραξία, η, a not acting, inaction, Eur., Plat. 2 . rest from business, in pi. holidays, Plut. II. νυαηΐ of success, Aeschin. a7rpd(ria, η, want of purchasers, no sale, Dem. From α-ττράτος, ον, {πιπράσκω) unsold, unsaleable, Dem. kT:pk'tti\.o.,^,unseemly conduct, indecency , impropriety , Plat. From ά-τΓρεττής, 4s, (πρεπω) unseemly , tinbecoming, indecent, indecorous, Thuc., etc. ; τδ άπpeπ4s == άπρ4π€ΐα, Id. : — Adv. -πώs, poet. -πε'ω5, h. Horn., Plat. II. of persons, disreputable, Theocr. άπρεττίη, η, poet, for άπρ4π€ΐα, tigliness, Anth. ά-τΓρ·η·ϋντος, ον, Att. άττρά-, ; πραύ>ω) implacable, Anth, ά-ττριάτην [ά], {πρίασθαι) Adv. without purchase-money or ransom, Horn. (In form like μάτην.) ΡΊ Ρ' I 12 J/ Λ > Λ / aTrpiyoa — αττωόος. α-τΓρΐ 7 δα, = άττρίΙ, Aesch. όητρικδό-ττληκτος, ον, struck unceasingly , Aesch. ά-ττρίξ, Adv. (α copulat., ττρίω) with closed teeth, Lat. mordicus : hence fast, tight, άττρίξ συλλαβ€Τν Soph, ά-ττροαίρβτος, ον, 'without set purpose, not deliberate, of actions, Arist. ά-ττροβουλευτος, ον, {-προβουλ^ύω) not planned before- hand, unpremeditated, Arist. 2. not submitted to the βουλτ], Dem. II. act. -without forethought, Arist. : — Adv. -rws. Plat. ά-ιτρόβουλος, ον, -without premeditation : — Adv. -λω5, recklessly , Aesch. ά-ττρόθϋμος, ον, not eager or ready, unready, back- -ward, Hdt., Thuc. ’-ττροϊδής, es, {προϊΒ^ΐν) unforeseen, Anth. -irpoiKos, ov, {προίξ) -without portion or do-wry, αττροι- Kov την άΒ€λφ7]ν Sibovai to give her in marriage without dowry, Isae. άτττρομήθδία, η, want of forethought , Plat. From ά-ττρομήθης, es, without forethought. ά-τΓρονόητο 5 , ov, (προνο^μαι) unpremeditated, ακρασία Arist. II. act. improvident, Xen. : — Adv. -tws. Id. ά-ΤΓροοιμίασ·το5> ov, (προοίμιον) without preface, Luc. ά-ττρόοτΓτος, ov, (ττροόψομαι, f. of ττροοράω) unforeseen, Aesch. ά-Ίτρόσβατος, Dor. ά-ιτοτίβατος, ov, unapproachable. Soph. ά-ττροσδβης, is, without want of more, Luc. ά-ττροσδιόνΰσος, ov, iincongenial to Bacchus : hence, not to the point, out of place, Cic., Luc. ά-ττροσδόκητος, ov, unexpected, unlooked for, Aesch., etc.; απροσδόκητου, hdA. necopinato, Hdt.; so Adv. -Tws, Thuc. II. act. not expecting, unaware. Id. ά-ττροσηγορία, η, want of intercourse by speech, Arist. ά-ττροσήγορος, ov, not to be accosted, savage. Soph, ά-ττρόσικτος, ov, not to be attained, Pind. ά-ττρόσϊτος, ov, unapproachable , Plut. ά-τΓρόσ·κ€7Γτο5, ov, {προ-σκοπ4ω) unforeseen, Xen. II. act. improvident, Dem. ά-Ίτρόσκλητος, ov, (προσκαλ4ω) of a trial in support of which no summons has been issued, Dem. ά-ττρόσκοίΓος, ov, {προσκόπτω) ?iot stumbling, void of offence, N. T. II. giving no offence, lb. ά-τΓρό-σκο7Γθ5, ον, = απρόσκζπτο5, Aesch. ά-ττρόσμαχος, ον, (προσμάχομαΐ) irresistible. Soph, ά-ιτρόσμικτος» ον, {προσμ'νγννμι) holding no communion with others, c. dat., Hdt. ά-τΓρόσοιστο5, ov, {προσοίσω, f. of προσφόρω) not to be withstood, irresistible, Aesch. ά-ττροσ-όμΧλος, ov, unsociable. Soph. ά-7Γροσ·τΓ€λαστο5, ov, (προσπελάζω) unapproachable, Strab., Plut. ά-ττροστασίου -γραφτ], η, {προστάτη5) at Athens, an in- dictment of a μ€τοικο5 for not havhig chosen a patron from among the citizens, Dem. ά-Ίτρόσφορος, ov, unsuitable, dangerous, Eur. ά-ΊΓροσωτΓόλητΓτος, ov, {προσωποληπτη$) not respecting persons. Adv. -tcos, without respect of persons, N. T. ά-Ίτρόσωττος, ov, (πρόσωπον) without a face, i. e. with- out beauty of face. Plat. ά-ττροτίμασ-τος, ov, Dor. for ά·πρ6σμαστο5, {προσμάσσω) untouched, uridefiled, II. ά-ττροφάσιστος [ά], ον, (προφασίζομαι) offering no- excuse, unhesitating, Thuc., Xen. Adv. -tws, without disguise, without evasion, honestly, Thuc. ά-ττροφύλακτος, ov, (προφνλάσσομαι) not guarded against, unforeseen, Thuc. α-ΐΓταιστος, ov, (πταίω) not stumbling, απταιστότερο$ less apt to stumble, Xen. a-TTTepos, ov, (πτερόν) without wings, unwinged , In phrase ttj δ’ &πτερο5 επλετο μνθθ5, the speech was to her without wings, i.e. did not fly away, sank into her heart, Od. ; άπτερα πωτΊ]ματα wingless flight, Aesch. II. unfeathered, of the Harpies, Id. ; of arrows, Hdt. 2. of young birds, unfledged, callow, Eur. : — metaph., φάτι% άπτ. an unfledged, i. e. unconfirmed, report, Aesch. ■· ά-τΓτήν, ^vos, b, η, (πτηνόί) unfledged, callow, of young birds, II. 11. unwinged, Ar. ά-ιττο-ίττήζ, is, (a priv., πτο4ω, επο5) undaunted in speech, II. ά-ΤΓτόλβμος, ov, poet, for απόλεμο%. άτΓτός, η, όν, subject to the sense of touch. Plat. From ατΓτω (Root ΑΠ and ΑΦ) : f. άφω : aor. i ήψα: — Pass., pf. ?ΐμμαί, Ion. άμμαι (v. εάφθη) : — Med., f. άφομαι, with pf. pass, ημμαι : — to fasten, bind fast, Od., Eur. : Med. to fasten for oneself, Od., Eur. 2. to join, χορόν Aesch.; πάλην Tivl άπτειν to fasten a contest in wrestling on one, engage with one. Id. II. Med. to fasten oneself to, cling to, hang on by, lay hold of, grasp, touch, c. gen., άφασθαι γουνών, as a suppliant, Od. ; so, άφ. γενείον' Ib. ; άπτεσθαι νηων II., etc. : — absol. to reach the mark, Ib. 2. to engage in, take part in, c. gen., βουλευμάτων Soph. ; πολ4μου Thuc. ; ημμ4νο$ φόνου engaged in .. , Plat. ; — but, άπτεσθαι των λό-γων to lay hold of, dispute the argument of another. Id. ; τούτων τ^φατο touched on these points, Thuc. 3. to set upon, attack, assail, Hdt., Aesch., etc. 4. to touch, affect, άλ·yos ούδεν άπτεται νεκρών Aesch., etc. 5. to grasp with the senses.^ apprehend, perceive. Soph., Plat. 6. to come up to, reach, gain. Plat., Xen. B. Act., also, to kindle, set on fire, Hdt., Thuc. : — Pass., with fut. med. to be set on fire, catch fire, Od., Hdt. 2. άπτειν πυρ to light a fire, Eur.: — Pass., άνθρακεε ημμόνοι red-hot embers, Thuc. ά-ΤΓτώς, ώτο$, ο, η,{πί-πτω) not liable to fall or /ai7,Plat. ά-ιτύλωτος, ov, (πΰλόω) not secured by gates, Xen. ά-Ίτύργωτος, ov, (πυργόω) not girt with towers, Od. α-ττΰρος, o , (ττύρ) without fire, of pans and tripods, that have not yet been on the fire, fire-new, brand-new, II. : — without fire, i.e. cold, cheerless, oIkos Hes. : — άπ. χρυσίον unsmelted, Hdt. : — άπυρα ιερά sacrifices in which no fire was used, Pind. ; but in Aesch. sacrifices without fire, i. e. that will not burn, or unoffered , neglected : — άπ. άρδιε an arrow-point not forged in fire, i.e. the sting of the gad-fly, Aesch. ά-ιτΰρωτος, ov, (πύρόω) not yet exposed to fire, II. α-ττυστος, ov, (πυνθάνομαι) not heard of, Od. : άπυστα φωνών speaking what none can hear. Soph. II. act. without hearing or learning a thing, Od. ; c. gen., Ib. άττΰω, Dor. for ηπύω. ά-η-φυς, vos, b, a term of endearment used by children ta their father, papa, Theocr. άΐΓ-ωδός, όν, (ψδ-ύ) out of tune, Eur., Luc. αττωθεν — ατΓωθ€ν, Αάν./τοηι afar, Soph., Eur. 2. c. gen. far from, Eur,, Thuc. ά'τ-ωθβω, f. -ώσω : aor. i -ίωσα : — to thrust away, push back, II. j to push off, Thuc. : Med. to push away from, oneself, Horn. : — c. gen. to drive away from a place ; and in Med. to drive away from oneself, to expel, banish, Horn., Hdt., etc. 2. of the wind, to beat from one’s course, Od. ; so in Med., Ib. 3. in Med., also, to reject, decline, refuse to accept, Hdt., Att. ; άτΓ. ΖουΧοσννην to shake slavery, Hdt. άπώλ€ΐα, ή, {άττόλλυμι) destruction, N.T. ά-ττώμαστος, ον, {πώμα) without a lid, Babr. άττώμοτος, ον, {απόμνυμι) abjured, declared impossible on oath, βροτοΐσιν ovSev Ιστ απώμοτον Soph. II. of persons, under oath not to do a thing. Id. άτΓ-ώσαι, aor. i inf. of απωθίω. άττωσι?, εω?, ύ], {απωθάω) a driving away, Thuc. άτΓωστ€ον, verb. Adj. of απωθάω, one must reject, Eur. άττωστός, ή, 6v, (άπωθεω) thrust or driven away from a place, c. gen., Hdt., Soph. II. that can be driven away, Hdt. άτΓωτάτω, Sup. Adv. of άπωθ€ν, furthest from, rivos Dem. άττωτβρω. Comp. Adv. of άπωθ^ν, further off. Soph., etc. : proverb., άπ. ^ yovv κνημα Theocr. 'APA^ Ep. (enclitic) and before a consonant ap : 1 nferential Particle : A. Epic us.^ge : I. then, straightway , at once, φάτο, βη δ’ ap' ov^ipos II. : next in order, ol δ’ ot.p' 'Αθ·ηνα5 ίΐχον Ib. 2. where attention is called to something startling, rhv rpeis μάν άπιρρΊισσ^σκον των άλλων, Άχιλ€υ5 δ' άρ' 4πιρρ7}<Τ€(ΤΚζ καΐ ohs three men of the common sort were required to do it, but Achilles, mark ye ! did it single-handed, Ib. 3. in explanation of a thing going before, et μ)] ύπ€ρφίαλον άπο5 άκβαλ^, φη ρ άάκητι θ^ών φυ^ά^ιν had he not let fall an impious word, — for he said . . , Ib. : — so, άρα makes relat. Pron. more precise, e/c δ’ ίθορ^ κληρο$, hv άρ ηθ^λον αυτοί just the one, the very one which . . , Ib. B. Attic usage, much like ovv, then, therefore : -less strongly, μάτην ap' τ^κομ^ν so then we have come in vain. Soph.; ζΐκότωε άρα ουκ iyiyv^To Xen. : — in questions, to express the anxiety of the questioner, as Tis άρα ρύσ^ται ; oh ! who is there to save? Aesch. C. Position : άρα never begins a sentence, cf. ovv. Eat. igitur. apd ; interrog. Particle, in accent and sense a stronger form of άρα: 1. when it stands alone it usually expects a negative answer, like Lat. num ? Att. ; so άρα μη ; num vero ? Aesch.: — for an affirmative answer, ap' ου; ap' ουχί ; nonne vero ? is used. Soph., etc. 2. in prose, άρα almost always stands first in the sentence. ΆΡΑ', Ion. όρη, η, a prayer, II., Hdt. II. esp. a prayer for evil, a curse, imprecation, mostly in pi., IE, Trag. 2. the effect of the curse, bane, ruin, άρην καΐ Xoiyhv άμνναι II. III. 'Αρά personified as the goddess of destruction and revenge, Eat. Dira, Soph, [άρ- mostly in Ep. : in Att. always άρ-.] άράβάω, f. ά/ΐτω, {άραβοε) to rattle, ring, clash, of armour, II. ; of the teeth, to gnash, Theocr. ’Αραβία, η, Arabia, Hdt., poet. Άρραβία Theocr. : — Άράβιος, a, ov, Arabian, Hdt. ; also-tK09, ή, 6v, Plut. αραρότως. 1 1 3 αραβος, 6, a gnashing or chattering of teeth, II. (Formed from the sound.) αραγμα, avos, το, (άράσίΤω) = sq., τυμπάνων άρ. Eur. άραγμός, δ, {άράσσω) a clashing, clattering, rattling, Aesch. ; άρ. πετρών a crashing shower of stones, Eur. ; στάρνων ap. heating of the breast, \jdX. planctus. Soph, αραι, aor. i inf. of αίρω, άραίμην, aor. i med. opt. of αίρω. αραιός, a, ov and os, ov, (άρά) : I. pass, prayed to or entreated, Zei/s apaios, = t/ieVios, Soph. 2. prayed against, accursed, laden with a curse or curses, Aesch.; μ άραΐον eAajSes you adjured me under a curse. Soph. II. act. cursing, bringing mischief tipon a house or person, c. dat., Aesch., Soph, αραιός, a, ov, thin, narrow, slight, slender, Lat. tenuis, Horn. (Deriv. unknown.) άραίρηκα, redupl. form of γρηκα, pf. of αίράω : — άραίρη- μαι, pass. : άραίρητο, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, άράμβνος, aor. i med. part, of αίρω. άρα|ί-χειρος, ον, {άράσσω) beaten with the hand, τύμ- πανα Anth. άράομαι. Ion. άρεομαι : f. άράσομαι [ά]. Ion. άρησομαι : aor. I ηρησάμην : Dep. : (άρά) : — to pray to a god, c. dat., II. c. acc. to invoke, Od. 2. c. acc. et inf. to pray that, IE, Hdt., Soph. : — c. inf. only, to pray to be so and so, Od. 3. to pray something for one, τί TLvt ; sometimes in good sense, άρ. τινι άyaθά Hdt. ; but usually in bad, to imprecate upon one, apas ap. TivL Soph., etc. ; without an acc., άράσθαί τινι to curse one, Eur. 4. c. inf. fut. to vow that one will or would, ηρ'ύσατο ράξζίν II. άραρε, 3 sing. intr. pf. of άραρίσκω. άράρε, 3 sing. poet. aor. 2 of άραρίσκω. άραρίσκω, (redupl. form of *άρω), impf. άράρισκον : the other tenses are formed from άρω, viz., A. TRANS. : — aor. i ^ρσα, Ep. άρσα : aor. 2 ηράρον. Ion. άράρον, inf. άράρε?»', part, άράρών : — Pass., aor. i ηρθην, Ep. 3 pi. άρθ^ν : — to join, join together , fasten, II.; άyyiσιv άρσον άπαντα pack tip everything in the vessels, Od. II. to fit together, construct, τοίχον άραρζίν λίθοισιν II. 2. to prepare, contrive, μνη- στηρσιν θάνατον άραρόντ^ε Od. III. to fit, equip, furnish with a thing, νηα άρσαε άράτγσιν Ib. 2. to please, gratify , favour, Find., Soph. IV. to make fitting or pleasing, II. B, INTR. : — pf. άράρα in pres, sense. Ion. άρηρα, Ep. part, άρηρώε, with fern, άρηρυΐα and (metri grat.) άράρυΐα : Ep. plqpf. άρ'ύρ€ΐν, ηρηρ^ιν, with impf. sense : — of the Pass, we only find Ep. aor. 2 part, άρμ^νοε, η, ον : — to be joined closely together, to be in close order, close-packed , Horn. 2. to be fixed, of oaths and faith, Trag. : — absoE, άραρε 'tis fixed, Eur. II. to fit well or closely, Horn. : to fit or he fitted to a thing, c. dat.. Id. III. to be fitted, furnished with a thing, c. dat., IE; κάλλ^ί άραρώε endosved with beauty, Eur. IV. to he fit- ting , meet ox suitable , agreeable ox pleasing, like άράσκω, Od., Hes.: — so in Ep. aor. 2 pass. part, άρμ^νοε, η, ον, fitting, fitted ox suited i‘c>, c.dat., Od.; absoE meet, con- venient, Lat. hahilis, IE 2,. prepared, ready, Hes. 3. agreeable, welcome, άρμενα πράξαιε = cb πράξαε. Find. αραρότως, Adv. of άραρώε, pf. part, of άραρίσκω, com- pactly, closely, strongly, Aesch., Eur. I I 14 αράσσω — άράσσω, Att. -ττω : poet. impf. αράσσ^σκον : f. αράξω, Dor. άραξώ : aor. i ηραξα, Ep. άραξα : — Pass., aor. i ■ηράχθην, Ep. άράχθην : (o euphon., ράσσω, akin to ρ-ησσω) : — to strike hard, smite, (Horn, only has it in the compds. άπ-, συν-αράσσω) ; of horses, οπλαΊε ap. χθόνα Find. ; θύραε ap. to knock furiously at the door, Eur. ; αράσσ^ιν στέρνα, κράτα to beat the breasts, the head, in mourning. Eat. plangere, Aesch., Eur. ; άρασσζ μάλλον strike harder, Aesch. ; ap. οψείί, βλέφαρα Soph. 2. c. dat. modi, άράσσ^ιν oj/eiSe^t κακοΐε to throw with reproaches or threats, i. e. _^m^them wildly about. Id. II. Pass, to be dashed against, irphs τάε TTeVpos Hdt. ; Trerpais .'^esch. apdroS) Ion. άρητός, ή, όν, {άράομαι) accursed, unblest, II., Soph. II. prayed for : hence "^ApTjros, Άρήτη, (with changed accent), as prop, n., the Prayed-for, like the Hebrew Samuel, Horn, [dp- Ep., dp- Att.] άραχναΐοζ, a, ov, of or belonging to a spider, Anth. Erom αράχνη, η, fem. of άράχνηε, Lat. aranea, Aesch., Anth. II. a spider's web. Id. αράχνης, c, a spider, Lat. araneus, Hes. (Deriv. un- certain.) Hence άράχνιον, t6, a spider's web, Lat. aranea, Od., Att. άράω A, = άράομαι, only in Ep. inf. άρΎ)μ€ναι, to pray, 04 άράω B, f. ήσω, an old \'erb, = ^θλάπτω, to damage, άράσοντι. Dor. for άρ-ησονσι, Inscr. : pf. pass. part, άρη- μ4νοε, βζβλαμμένοε, distressed, afflicted, Horn, άρβυλη [υ], η, a strong shoe or half-boot, used by country-people, hunters, travellers, Aesch., Eur. (Deriv. unknown.) άρβΰλίς, ίάοε, η, = foreg., Theocr., Anth. Άργάδβΐς, oi, fepyw) name of one of the four old Attic tribes, the Workmen, Labourers, Eur. άργάβις, βσσα, ev. Dor. for άργη^ιε· apydXcos, a, ον,{άλΎοε, as if άλ‘yaλ€oε)painful, troublous, grievous, Lat. gravis, 11., Ar. : — άργαλ^ον 4στί, c. dat. et inf., ’tis difflctdt to do a thing, Horn. ; rarely c. acc. et inf., II. 2. of persons, troublesome, Theogn., Ar. άρ7^ς, contr. from apydeis. Άργ€Ϊος, a, ov, of or from Argos, Argive : 'Apye7oi in Horn., like ^Αχαιοί, for the Greeks in general : η 'Apyeia (sc. yrj), Argolis, Thuc. Άργ€ΐ-φάντης, ου, 6, fApyos, *φ€νω) slayer of Argus, i.e. Hermes, Horn. άργβλοφοι, ων, oi, the feet of a sheep-skin, and so, gen- erally, offal, Ar. Deriv. uncertain.'' άργβννός, ή, 6v, Aeol. for apyos, white, of sheep, II. ; of ^ woollen cloths, Ib., Anth. άργβστης, b, (apyos) of the South wind, clearing, bright- ening, like Horace’s detergens nubila caelo, II. II. apy4aTT]s Ζίφυροε (parox.), the North-west wind, Hes. άργετι, άργ€τα, Ep. for apyrjri, apyr,Ta, dat. and acc. of apyris. ά.pyέω, f. ήσω, (apySs — aepyos) to lie idle, be unem- ployed, do nothing, Eur., Xen. ; 77} apyovaa land lying fallow. Id. ; άργεΓ rh ipya^TTjpiov the shop is out of work, Dem. II. Pass, to be left undone, to be fruitless, Xen. άργη€ΐς, ΐσσα, ev. Dor. apya^is, contr. apyas, (apybs) shining, white. Find., Aesch. αργής, ήτο5, b, ή ; Ep. dat. and acc. apyeri, apyira·. (6.p- apyvpiKog. y6s) : — bright , glancing , of vivid lightning, Horn. 2, shining, white, of fat, II. ; of a robe, Ib. άργηστής, ov, b, = apy'(]s, Aesch. αργία, η, = aepyia, idleness, laziness, Eur., Dem. 2. in good sense, rest, leisure, epywv from work. Plat. άργι-κ€ραυνος, b, wielder of bright lightning, II. άργιλλα or άργίλα, ή, an underground dwelling, Ephorus ap. Strab. : perh. from άργιλλος or άργιλος, ή, (apybs) white clay, potter's earth, Arist. Hence άργιλλ-ώδης or άργϊλ-ώδης, es, (elSos) like clay,, clayey, Hdt. άργϊνά€ΐς, βσσα, ev, Ep. form of apybs, white, epith. of Rhodian cities, from their chalky hills, II. άργι-όδους, όδοντοε, b, -η, white-toothed, white-tusked Horn. άργι-ττόδης, ου, ό, = sq., χίμαροε Anth. άργί-ΤΓονς, b, ή, -ττουν, τό, (apySs) swift-footed, II., Soph. άργμα, ατοε, τό, (άρχω) only in pi. άpyμaτa, — ά^τάpy- ματα, άπαρχαί, the firstlings at a sacrifice, Od. Άργόθίν, Αάν. from Argos, Soph., Eur. Άργολίζω, f. Att. ίώ, to take part with the Argives, Xen. Άργολίς (sub. yr\), ίδοε, η, a district in Peloponnesus, Hdt., etc. 2. as Adj., b, ή, of Argolis, Argolic, Aesc'' ; also Άργολικός, ή, όν, Plut. άργο-7ι οιός, όν, ττοίβω) making idle, Plut. "Αργος, eos, τό, name of several Greek cities, of which the Peloponnesian is the best known, called by Horn. ’A. 'Αχαιικόν, to distinguish it from ’A. TleAaayiK0v. The former name comprehends all Argolis ; the latter, all Thessaly. ΆΡΓΟ'Σ, 7}, όν, shining, bright, glistening, Lat. nitidus, II.: white, Arist. (^Hence come apyvpos, 0pyIAos.) II. ττόδαε apyoi, as epith. of hounds, swift-footed, because all swift motion causes a kind of glancing or flickering light, Horn. αργός, όν, (contr. from a-^py0s) not working the groimd , living without labour, Hdt.; then, generally, inactive, slothful, idle, lazy. Soph., etc. : — c. gen. rei, idle at a Wmg, free from it, Eur., Plat. ; — also, apy0Tepai is τδ δράν Thuc. 2. of land, lying fallow or untilled, Xen. ; of money, unemployed, yielding no return, Dem. — Adv. apycvs Xen. II. pass, not done, left undone, Lat. infectus. Soph., Eur. ; ουκ iv apyoTs not among things neglected, Soph, άργΰρ-άγχη, ή, (0pyvpos, άyχω) silver-quinsy , which Demosthenes Λvas said to have, when he abstained from speaking on the plea of quinsy, but really (it was alleged) because he was bribed, Plut. άργΰράμοιβικός, ή, όν, of or for a money-changer , money-changing, Luc. : — Adv. -κωε. Id. From άργΰρ-αμοιβός, b, άμΡιβω) a money-changer , banker, Lat. argentarius. Plat., Theocr., etc. άργυρ6ΐος [O], ov, — apyvpeos, apyvpeia μόταλλα silver- mines, Thuc. ; or τα apyvpeia alone, Xen. άργυρ€ος, a, ov, contr. άργΰροΐς, a, οΰν, (0pyvpos silver, of silver, Lat. argenteus, Horn., etc. άργΰρ€υω, f. σω, to dig for silver, Strab. άργΰρ-ήλάτος, ov, (4λαύνω) of wrought silver, Eur. άργΰρίδιον ΓρΓ],τό, = apy0pLov,in contemptuous sense, Ar. άργΰρικός, ή, όν, 0pyvpos' of , for or in silver, Plut. apyvpiov — Άρηικτάμερος. άργυριον [υ], τό, a piece of silver^ a silver coin, Ar., etc. 2. collectively, money, a sum of money, cash, as we also say ^silver,’’ Id., Thuc. ll. = apyvpos, silver. Id., Plat. άργΰριτις, ίδθ5, η, (apyvpos) silver-ore, Xen. άργΰρο-γνώμων, ovos, o, η, an assayer of silver. Plat, άργΰρο-δίνης [t], ου, b, {δίνη) silver-eddying, of rivers, 11 . άργΰρο-€ΐδής, is, fldos) like silver, silvery, Eur. άργΰρό-ηλος, ον, silver-studded, Horn, άργΰρο-θήκη, η, a money-chest, Theophr. άργΰρο-κότΓος, b, {κόπτω) a silver-smith, N. T. άργΰρολογ6ω, f. ήσω, to levy money, Xen. 2. c. acc. pers. to levy money upon, lay under contribution, Thuc. ; and άργΰρολογία, η, a levying of money, Xen. From άργΰρο-λόγος, ον, {xiyω) levying money, Ar., Thuc. άργυρό-ττεζα, η, silver-footed, Homeric epith. of Thetis. άργυρο-ίΓοιός, b, (ποιόω) a -worker in silver, Anth. άρ-γΰρό-ΤΓους, b, η, with silver feet or legs, Xen. άργΰρορ-ρυτης [ύ], ου, b, (pew) silver-flowing, Eur. άργυρος, b, i apybs white) white metal , i.e. silver, Horn., etc. II. silver-money , money, like apybpiov. Soph, άργΰρο-στβρής, is, (ffrepiw) robbing of silver, βίos apy. a robber's life, Aesch. άργΰρό-τοιχος, ον, with silver sides, Aesch. άργΰρό-τοξος, ον, {τόξον) with silver bow, Horn, άργΰρο-φβγγής, is, {(piyyos) silver-shining , Anth. άργΰρ-ώδης, es, {iidos) rich in silver, Xen. άργΰρ-ώνητος, ον, {ωvioμaι) bought with silver, Hdt., Aesch. άργυφεος [ΰ], η, ον, {&pyopos) silver-white, Horn, αργΰφος, ov, = apy0, etc. : — Pass., f, med. in pass, sense άριθμησομαι : Ep. aor. i inf. άριθμηθημ^ναι (for —rjvai) : {άριθμόε) : — to number, count or reckon up, Od., etc. : — Med., ηριθμονντο they got them counted, Thuc. 2. to count out, to pay, Xen., Dem. 3. to reckon, count as, 4v €V€py€aias μ^ρζΐ Id. : — Pass, to be reckoned, ev τισι Eur. ; άριθ- μζΐσθαι των φιλτάτων to be counted as one of one’s dearest friends. Id. Hence άρίθμημα, ατοε, τ6, a reckoning, number, Aesch. ; and άρίθμησις, ea)s, η, a counting, reckoning up, Hdt.; and αριθμητικός, η, όν, of or for reckoning, arithmetical. Plat. : η αριθμητικά] (sc. τέχνη) arithmetic. Id. αριθμητός, ή, 6v, Dor. -ατός, (αριθμεω) easily numbered, few in number, Theocr. : ούκ άριθμητόε held in no ac- count, nullo numero habitus. Id. αριθμός [ά], δ, {*άρω) number, Lat. numerus, Od., etc. ; αριθμόν in number, Hdt., Att. ; αριθμόν ε| Hdt. ; is τόν ap. τρισχίλια Id. ; also, ev άριθμφ Id. ; so in Att. 2. amount, sum, extent, ttoAvs ap. χρόνου Aeschin. ; ap. άργυρίοι/ a su7n of money, Xen, 3. as a mark of station, worth, rank, μετ’ άνδρών άριθμφ among men, Od. ; ουκ ίχουσιν άριθμόν have no ac- count made of them, Eur. ; οΰδ’ els άριθμόν ^Keis λό'/ων you come not into my account. Id, 4. mere number, quantity, opp. to quality, worth, άριθμόε λόγων a mere set of words. Soph. ; so of men, ούκ άρ. άλλωε not a mere lot, Eur. ; so άριθμόε alone, like Horace’s nos numerus sumus, Ar. II. a number- ing, counting, άριθμόν ττοιεΓσθαι τηε στρατιηε to hold a muster of the army, Hdt. ; τταρεΓναι els τόν άρ. Xen. III. the science of numbers, numeration, arithmetic, Aesch., Plat. ’'Apioi, oi, tViQ Arians or Aryans, old name of the Medes, Hdt. II. "'Apios, a, ov, as Adj. Median, Aesch. άρι-ιτρεττής, es, (ττρε'πω) very distinguished, stately, Horn. 2. of things, very bright, splendid. Id. άρίς, ίδοε, η, a carpenter' s tool, an auger or drill, Anth. άρί-σημος, Dor. -σάμος, ov, {σήμα) very notable, h. Horn., Tyrtae. II. very plain, visible, Theocr. άρίστ-αθλος, ov, victorious in the contest, Anth. άρίστ-αρχος, δ, {άρχω) best-ruling, epith. of Zeus, Simon. άρι-στάφΰλος, ov, {σταφυλή) rich in grapes, Anth. άριστάω [άρ-], f. ήσω : aor. i ηρίστησα : pf. ηρίστηκα, pass, ηρίστημαι : — to take breakfast or luncheon, Lat. prandere, Ar., Xen. : — pf. pass, impers., ηρίστηταί τ’ όξαρκούντωε Ar. αριστεία, η, excellence, prowess. Soph. : II, 5 , in which the prowess of Diomede is described, is called Διομήδουϊ άριστ^Ια. αριστεία. Ion. -ήϊα, τά, the prize of the best and bravest, the meed of valour, Hdt., Soph., Plat. : — rarely so in sing., Hdt. 2. in sing, a monument of valour, me- 7norial, Dem, αριστερός, ά, όν, left, on the left, Lat. sinister, εττ’ αρισ- τερά towards, i. e. on, the left, II. ; εττ’ άριστ^ρά χ€ΐρόε on the left hand, Od. ; ε| άριστ^ρηε χ^ιρόε on the left hand, Wdt.·, or simply, ε’Ι άριστεραϊ Soph.; is άριστ€ρΎ]ν, iv άριστερη Hdt. 2 . metaph. boding ill, ominous, be- αριστβρόφιν — cause to a Greek augur, looking northward, the unlucky signs came from the left, Od. (Deriv. uncertain.) άριστβρόφιν, Ep. gen. of αριστ€ρ05, II. opitrTCvs» ecws, 6, dual αριστίοιν, {άρκττοε) the best man : used by Horn, mostly in Ep. pi. apiaryj^s, the best or noblest, chief s, princes ; so Hdt., etc. Hence αριστεύω, f. σω, to be best or bravest, Horn. : — to gain the prize for valour, gain the highest distinction, Hdt. 2. c. gen., apicrreveaKe Τρώων he was the best of the Trojans, II.; βονλτ) αριστ^ύ^σκ^ν αττάντων Ib. ; c. inf., άριστευεσκε μάχ^σθαί was best at fighting, Ib. ; ap. τι to be best in a thing, Theocr. άριστήϊα, Ion. for op.tVreta. άριστίζω [άρ-], f. ίσω, [αριστον) to give one breakfast, c. acc. pers., Ar. άριστό-βουλος, tj, ov, (βουλ'ί)) best-advising, Plut. o.p\.vTO-'^iv(ffKo%,ov ,{^'yiv^Q\ov) producing the best άριστο-γόνος, ov, {yovri ■ bearing the best children. Find, άριστο-κρατεομαι, {κρατ€ω) Pass, to be governed by the best-born, to live under an aristocratical form of government, Ar., Plat. Hence αριστοκρατία, η, the rule of the best, an aristocracy , Thuc., Plat., etc. ; and αριστοκρατικός, ή, ον, aristocratical. Plat, άριστό-μαντις, ecos, b, best of prophets. Soph, άριστο-μάχειος, o»/, = sq., Anth. άριστό-μαχος, ov, (μάχομαι) best at fighting. Find, άριστον [ά Ep., ά Att.], τό, the morning meal, break- fast, taken at sunrise, Horn., Hdt.; άριστα, bei-Kva, δόρπα ff αΙρ^Ίσθαι τρίτον Aesch. : — later, άριστον was the mid-day meal, Roman prandium, Thuc. (Perh. akin to ^pi, early.) άριστό-νοος, ov, of the best disposition, Anth. άριστο-ΤΓΟίεω, f. ήσω, to prepare breakfast, τα άριστο- ■ποιούμενα things prepared for breakfast, Xen. : — mostly in Med. to get one^s breakfast, Thuc., Xen. αριστος, η, ον, ^Apris) best in its kind, serving as Sup. to aya06s (cf. αρτίων) : I. best, noblest, bravest, II. ; βου\τ], eyx^aiv άριστοε Horn. ; 6?δθ5 άριστοε II. : — c. inf., άριστοι μάχ^σθαι Xen. ; αρ. διαβολά5 ivSeKeTOai readiest to give ear to calumnies, Hdt.; ap. άττατάσθαι best, i.e. easiest, to cheat, Thuc. 2. best, most vir- tuous, Eur. II. of animals and things, best, finest, Horn. III. neut. pl. as Adv. άριστα, best, most ex- cellently, Id., Hdt. άριστο-τόκος, ov, (τίκτω) bearing the best children : — fern, άριστοτόκεια, Theocr. II. pass, άριστότοκοε (proparox.), ov, born of the best parents, Eur. άριστό-χειρ, b, t], won by the stoutest hand, aywv Soph, άριστ-ώδϊν, ivos, b, rj, bearing the best children, Anth. άρι-σψαλής, es, (σφάλλω) very slippery or treacher- ous, Od. άρι-ψραδής, is, (φράζομαι) easy to be known, very distinct, manifest, II. : poet. Adv. -δεω?, plainly, Theocr. II. very thoughtful, wise. Soph, άρκεόντως, Att. contr. αρκούντως, Adv. part. pres, of άρκ4ω, enough, abundantly , άρκούντωε εχει ’tis enough, Aesch., Thuc. άρκεσις, εω5, η, (άρκ€ω) help, aid, service. Soph, αρκετός, ή, 6v, sufficient, N. T., Anth. άρκε'ω, 3 sing. impf. ^ρκει : f. άρκ^σω : aor. i fjpKeaa : ;^akin to ορήγω) : — to ward off, keep off, a thing from a άρματόκτυτΓος, wj person, τί τινι II. ; άρκ€Ϊν τδ μ^ ού θανΦΐν to keep off death. Soph. 2. c. dat. only, to defend, assist, suc- cour, Horn., Soph. II. to be strong enough, to be sufficient , to suffice, c. inf., Aesch., Soph. ; c. part., άρκ€σω θνησκουσα my death will suffice. Id. ; ουκ ηρκουν Ιατροί θεραττεόοντεϊ Thuc. 2. c. dat. to suffice, be enough for, satisfy, τινι Hdt., Soph. : to be a match for, ττρόε τινα Thuc. 3. absol. to be enough, be strong enough, avail, hold out, Aesch., etc. : — part., άρκών, ουσα, ουν, sufficient, enough, Hdt., Att. 4. impers., apKe? μοι ’tis enough for me, I am content, c. inf.. Soph., etc. : — absol., ούκ€τ’ apKei there is no help, Id.; άρκΦΐν δοκ^ΐ μοι it seems enough, good. Id. III. in Pass, to be satisfied with, c. dat. rei, άφη ουκ4τι άρκ4^σθαι τοντοισι Hdt. αρκιος, a, ον and os, ον, {άρκ4ω) sufficient, sure, certain, νυν άρκιον ^ άττο\4σθαι 7)4 σαωθηναι one of these is cer- tain, either to perish or be saved, II. ; μισθδε άρκιοε a sure reward, Horn. ; άρκιον εύρεΓν to have enough, Theocr. ; σφίσιν άρκιοε a match for them. Id. αρκούντως, contr. for άρκ^όντωε. άρκτεον, verb. Adj., I. of άρχομαι, one must begin. Soph. II. of άρχω, one 7nust govern ; and in pass, sense, oyie must be ruled, i. e. obey. Id. 'ΆΡΚΤΟΣ, η, a bear, Od., etc. II. άρκτοε, τ), the constellation Ursa Major, also called άμαξα, the Wain, (the star just behind is called Άρκτουροε the Bear- ward, or Βοώτ7)$ the Wagoner), Horn., etc. 2. the region of the bear, the North, sing., Hdt., Eur. Άρκτ-ονρος, b, {ovpos, guard), Arcturus (v. άρκτοε ll), Hes. II. the time of his rising, the middle of Sep- tember, Soph. άρκτώος, a, ov, (άρκτοε ll) northern, Luc. 'ΆΡΚΥ“Σ, VOS, ή : pl., nom. and acc. άρκυ^ε, -vas, Att. contr. άρκϋε :■ — a net, huyiter's net, Lat. cassis, Aesch. ; oft. in p!.. Id., Eur. : — metaph., άρκυ^ε ξίφουε the toils, i. e. perils, of the sword, Eur. άρκν-στασία, rj, or -στάσιον, τό, a line of 7iets, Xen. άρκυ-στατος, η, ον, (Ίστημι) beset with nets, άρκνστά- τα μΎ)χανά the hunter’s toils, Eur. II. άρκύστατα, τά, a place beset with nets, a snare, Aesch., Soph, άρκυ-ωρός, b, (οδροε) a watcher of nets, Xen. αρμα, ατοε, το, {*άρω) a chariot, esp. a war-chariot, with two wheels, Horn. ; often in pl. for sing., II., Trag. 2. chariot and horses, the yoked chariot, Ib. : also the team, the horses, Eur., Ar. άρμαλία, η, (*άρω) fitting sustefiance, allowance, food, Hes., Theocr. άρμ-άμαξα, 7]s, 7), a covered carriage, borrowed from the Persians, Hdt., Ar. ; used by women, Xen. άρμάτειος, ov, { άρμα) of or belonging to a chariot, Xen. ; μ4\οε άρμ. a kind of dirge, Eur. άρματευω, f. σω, (άρμα) to drive or go in a chariot, Eur. άρματηλασία, η, chariot-driving, Xen. ; and άρματηλατε'ω, f. ήσω, to go in a chariot, drive it, Hdt., Xen. From άρματ-ηλάτης, ου, b, (4λαύνω) a charioteer. Soph., Xen. άρματ-ήλατος, ov, (4Καΰνω ) driveti roiuid by a wheel, of Ixion, Eur. άρματο-δρομία, (δρόμοε) a chariot race, Strab. άρματό-κτΰτΓος υτοβοε, the rattling din of chariots, Aesch. I 1 8 άρματοττηγός άρματο-ίΓηγός, όν, {■π-η'/νυμι) building chariots : αρμ. άνηρ a 'wheelwright, chariot-maker, II. άρματο-τροφεω, f. ήσω, to keep chariot-horses, esp. for racing·, Xen. Hence άρματοτροφία, τ), a keeping of chariot-horses, Xen. άρματο-τροχιά, η, (τροχοί) the 'wheel-track of a chariot , Luc. : — Horn, uses poet, form άρματροχιή, II. άρματωλία, 7j, = αρματ-ηλασία, Ar. αρμ€να, τά, the tackling or rigging of a ship, Hes., Theocr. 2. like οττλα, any tools, Anth. (Properly neut. of αρμ^νοί, v. αραρ'κτκω B. IV.) αρμόδιος, o, or, {αρμόζω ■ ftting together,Th.eogn. II. 'well-fitting, accordant, agreeable. Id.: — Adv. -cos, ^Plut. αρμόζω, Att. (except in Trag·.) άρμόττω, Dor. άρμόσ-δω : — impf. ^^pμoζoy, Dor. αρμ- : f. αρμόσω : aor. i άρμοσα. Dor. αρμοξα : pf. τηρμοκα : — Med., Ep. imper. αρμόζ^ο : aor. I -ηρμοσάμην. Dor. αρμο^άμτ\ν : — Pass., pf. ηρμοσ- μαι. Ion. αρμοσμαι : aor. i ηρμόσθ'ην. Dor. άρμόχθην : f. αρμοσθΊισομαι : {*&ρω) : — to fit together, join, esp. of joiner's work, Od. ; so in Med. to join for oneself, put together, Ib. 2. generally, to fit, adapt, prepare, make ready. Soph. : — Med. to suit oneself, irpos τινα Luc. 3. of marriage, αρμόζ^ιν riv\ r^v θχτγατόρα to betroth one’s daughter to any one, Hdt. ; also, αρμ. Ύάμου5 Eur. : — Med. to betroth to oneself, take to 'wife, T^u θιτγατόρα rivos Hdt . ; (so in Med., N. T.) : — Pass., ^ρμόσθαι Ovyaripa rirhs yvvaTKa to have her betrothed or married to one, Hdt. 4. to set in order, regulate, govern, Eur. : Pass., Soph. ; kopSv- XoLS ηρμοττομην I was ruled or drilled with cuffs, Ar. : — among the Lacedaemonians, to act as harmostes, iv rah ττόλζσιν Xen. 5. to arrange according to the laws of harmony , to tune instruments. Plat. : — Pass., ηρμοσμόνο5 in tune. Id. II. intr. to fit, fit well, of clothes or armour, c. dat. pers., II. 2. to fit, suit, be adapted, fit for, τινί Soph. 3. impers. αρ- μόζει, it is fitting, Lat. dccet, c. acc. et inf.. Id. 4. part., αρμόττων, ονσα, ον, fitting, suitable. Plat. ; ττρόί TL Xen. αρμοί, Adv. = ^ρτί, apriws, just, newly, lately, Aesch., Theocr. (In fact, an old dat. of αρμόε ; cf. οίκοι, neSoi.) άρμο-λογόω, f. {x4yw) to join, pile together, Anth. αρμονία, ή, {αρμόζω) a fastening to keep ship-planks together, β Od. 2. a joining, joint, hetw^tn a ship’s planks, ras αρμ. ^πάκτωσαν ττ) βνβλιρ caulked the joints with byblus, Hdt. 3. a frame : metaph., δνστροτΓθ$ yvvaiKcov άρμ. women’s perverse temperament , Eur. II. a covenant, agreement, in p\.,ll.: — settled government, order, Aesch. III. harmony , as a con- cord of sounds, first as a mythical personage, Harmonia, Music, companion of Hebe, the Graces and the Hours ; child of the Muses, h. Horn., Eur. 2. metaph., har- mony, concord. Plat. αρμονικός, ή, όν, [^αρμονία' skilled in music. Plat. : — τά αρμονικά, music. Id. αρμός, o, (*άρω) in pi. the fastenings of a door, Eur. ; appPs χώματο$ λιθοσπαδάΐ5 a fissure in the tomb made by tearing away the stones at their joinings. Soph. άρμο(Γτήρ, ηροί, ό, = sq., Xen. αρμοστής, οΰ, ό, {αρμόζω) one who arranges or governs, esp. a harmost or governor of the islands and towns of — αροτροττόνος. Asia Minor, sent out by the Lacedaemonians during their supremacy, Thuc., Xen. άρμόστωρ, opos, 6, {αρμόζω) a commander, Aesch. άρμόττω, Att. for αρμόζω. άρνα, V. apv0s. άρνάκίς, ίδο5, τ), {άρνόε) a sheep's skin, Ar., Plat, άρνας, άρνασι, άρνε, v. apv0s. άρν€ΐος, α, ον, {apv0sj of a lamb or sheep, κρ4α Orac. ap. Hdt. ; ά. <ρόνο5 slaughtered sheep. Soph, άρνειός, b, {apv0s) a young ram or wether, just full grown, II. ; apveihs ois joined, like ίρηξ KipKos, Od. άρνεο-θοίνης, ου, b, {θοινάω) feasting on lambs, Anth. άρνεομαι, f. ήσομαι : aor. i med. τιρνησάμην and pass, ήρνήθην : pf. τιρνημαι : Dep. : — opp. to φημί, to deny, disown, Horn., etc. 2. opp. to δίδωμι, to decline to give, refuse, Od., etc. 3. absol. to say No, decline, refuse, II. 4. dependent clauses are put in inf., with or without μή, to deny that, Hdt., Att. (Deriv. unknown.) άρνες, v. apvbs. άρνευτήρ, ήροί, b, (apveuco) a diver, tumbler, Horn, άρνευω, {apvbs \ to butt like a ram, to dive, Lycophr. άρνήσιμος, ον, {άρνόομαι) to be denied. Soph, άρνησις, ecui, ή, {άρνόομαΐ) denial, Aesch., Soph. ; foil. by τί) μή c. inf., Dem. αρνί, V. apv0s. άρνίον, τό, ' apvbs) a sheep-skin, Luc. άρνός, Tou, τήί, gen. without any nom. in use, αμνός being used instead : dat. and acc. αρνί, άρνα: dual άρνε: pi. &pves, gen. άρνων ; dat. άρνασι, Ep. άρνβσσι; acc. άρναε : — a lamb, Lat. agnus, agna, II. II. a sheep, whether ram or ewe, Horn. (Prob. akin to ip-iov, cJp-os, wool.) άρνϋμαι, Dep., used only in pres, and impf., lengthd. form of αίρομαι, to receive for oneself, reap, win, gain, earn, esp. of honour or reward, Horn., Att. : — rarely in bad sense, άρννμζνοε λώβαν, perh. taking vengeance for my injuries, Eur. άρξεΰμαι. Dor. for άρξομαι, f. of άρχομαι. άρον, aor. i imper. of αίρω. αρόσιμος, ον, (άρόο)) arable, fruitful : metaph. ybr engendering children. Soph., in poet, form αρώσιμοε. άροσις, ecoy, ή, {άρόω) arable land, corn-land, Lat. arvum, Horn. άροτήρ, ήροί, b, {άρόω) a plougher, husbandman, II., Eur.; 'Ζκΰθαι apor^pes, opp. to νομάδεί, Hdt. : — Adj., βουε apoTTip a. steer for ploughing, Hes. II. metaph. a father, Eur. άρότης, ου, ό, = foreg., Hdt., Find. άροτος, b, {άρόω) a corn-field, Od. 2. a crop, fruit of the field, ‘SiO fti. ', metaph., τε'κνων άροτοε Eur. 3. tillage, ploughing , Hes. ; ζήν άττ άρότου to live by husbandry , Hdt. II. the season of tillage, seed- time, Hes. : hence a season, year. Soph, άροτραΐος, 'η, ον, ( άροτρον) of corn-land, rustic, Anth. άροτρευς, 4ωε, b, {άροτρον) a ploughman, = sq., Theocr. άροτρε-υτήρ, b, — hpoTT]p, Anth. aporpr\Tr\ τταΐ ryjs apovpalas Oeov, of Euripides as the reputed son of a herb-seller, Ar.; ap. Oivop-aos, of Aeschines who played the part of Oenomaus in the country, Dem. άρουρειτης (or — ίτης), ό, — foreg., Babr. άροΰριον, TO, Dim. of άρουρα, Anth. άρουρο-ττόνοξ, ov, working in the field, Anth. αρόω, Ep. inf. pres, αρόμμ^ναι : f. άρόσω, Ep. -όσσω : aor. I τίροσα: — Pass., aor. i ηρόθ-ην : Ion. part. pf. άρη- ρόμ€νο5 : — to plough, Lat. arare, οϋτ€ φυτ^υουσιν, οϋτ’ άρόωσιν (Ep. for άρουσι) Od. : Pass., irovros ηρόθη dopi Aesch. II. to sow, άρουν ds k^ttous Plat. 2. metaph. of the husband, Theogn., Soph. : — Pass., of the child, to be begotten. Id. (The Root is APOyP, cf. άρου-ρα, Lat. arv-um.) άρττάγή, η, (αρπάζω) seizure, rapine, robbery, rape, Solon, Hdt., Att. 2. the thing seized, booty, prey, Aesch., Eur. ; apway^v ποι^ΐσθαί τι to make booty of a thing, Thuc. j cf. λεία. II. greediness, ra- pacity, Xen. άρτταγη [ά], η, (αρπάζω) a rake, Lat. harpago, Eur. άρττάγιμος, rj, ov, (αρπάζω) ravished, stolen, Anth. άp'Irαγμόs) b, (αρπάζω) a seizing, booty, a prize, N. T. άριτάζω, f . -|ω, Att. -σω and (in med. form) άρπάσομαι : — aor. I άρπαζα, Att. ηρπαο'α: pf. ^ρπακα: — Pass., pf. ^ρπασμαι, later ^ρπα-γμαι : aor. i -ηρπάσθην and -χθην : — to snatch away, carry off, Horn., Hdt., etc. : — absol. to steal, be a thief, Ar. 2. to seize hastily, snatch up, Xaav II. ; Ζ6ρυ Aesch. ; άρπ. τινά μέσον to seize him by the waist, Hdt. j c. gen. part., άρπ. τινά ττοδόϊ by the foot, Eur. 3. to seize, overpower, Aesch. : also to seize a post, Xen. II. to plunder, π0Α€ΐ5 Thuc., etc. (From Root ΑΡΠ come also άρπηζ' Κρπυιαι, cf. Lat. rap-io.) άρπάκτειρα, η, fern, of sq., Anth. άριτακτήρ, δ, (αρπάζω) a robber, II. άρττακτικός, ή, δν, (αρπάζω) rapacious, Luc. άρττακτός, ή, 6ν, (αρπάζω) gotten by rapine, stolen, Hes. 2. to be caught, i. e. to be got by chance, hazardous. Id. άρτταλεος, a, ov, (αρπάζω) greedy : Adv. άρπα\έω 5 , greedily, eagerly, Od., Theogn. II. attractive, alluring, Od., Pind. άρπαλίζω, f. ίσω, (αρπάζω) to catch up, be eager to re- ceive, τινά κωκυτο'ι$ Aesch. to exact greedily. Id. αρτταξ, ayos, ό, η, (αρπάζω) rapacious, Lat. rapax, Ar., Xen. II. as Subst., 1. άρπαξ, -η, rapine, Hes. 2. άρπαξ, o, a robber, plunderer , Ar. άρττάξ-ανδρος, a, ov, (άνάιρ) snatching away men, Aesch. αρττασμα, aros, to, robbery. Plat, αρτταστός, ή, 6v, (αρπάζω carried away, Anth. - αρσενοκοίτης. lig άριτεδόνη, -η, a cord, for binding or for snaring game, Xen. : a bowstring, Anth. (Deriv. unknown.) αριτη, 7), (v. αρπάζω) a bird of prey, a kite, 11. II. a sickle, — δρέπανον, Hes. 'Άρττυιαι, ai, (αρπάζω) the Snatchers, a personification of whirlwinds or hurricanes, Od. The Plarpies, as described by Virgil, belong to later mythology, άρραβών, ώνο5, ό, earnest-money, caution-money , de- posited by the purchaser and forfeited if the purchase is not completed, Lat. arrhabo, arrha, Isae., N. T. (A Hebr. word.) αρ-ρατο5, ov, [ραίω 1) firm, hard, solid. Plat, αρ-ραψος, ov, [ράπτω) without seam, N. T. αρ-ρεκτος, ov, [ρέζω) tindo7ie, poet, άρβκτοε, II. appeviKos, ή, ov, ( άρρην) male, Luc. άρρενό-τταις, παιδο5, ό, -η, of inale children, Anth. άρρενωττία, rj, a manly look, manliness , Plat. From άρρεν-ωττός, 6v and ή, 6v, (ώψ) masculine-looking, mas- culine, manly. Plat., Luc. αρ-ρηκτος, ov, (ρτιΎνυμι) unbroken, not to be broken, Horn., Hdt., Aesch., etc. : unwearied , II. αρρην, later Att. for άρσην. άρρηνής, 4s, fierce, savage, Theocr. (Deriv. unknown.) αρ-ρητος, ov and η, ov, unspoken, unsaid, Lat. indictus, Od., etc. ', ούκ eV’ apprjTois X0yois not without warning spoken. Soph. 11. not to be spoken, not to be divtdged, of sacred mysteries, Hdt., Eur., etc. ; διδακτά τε άρρητά τ\ i.e. things profane and sacred. Soph. 2. tinutterable, inexpressible, horrible, Lat. nefandus. Id., Eur.; άρρητ άρρητων ^ deeds without a nameP Soph. 3. shamefid to be spoken. Id. ; ρητά καϊ άρρητα, ‘ dicenda tacendaP Dem. III. in Mathem., άρρητα, irrational quantities, surds, Plat. Άρρη-φόροι, ai, (φέρω) at Athens two maidens of noble birth, chosen in their seventh year, who carried the peplos and other holy things of Athena Polias; hence άρρηψορεω, to serve as'‘Aρpηφόρos, Ar. ; the procession being called άρρηψορία, η, Lysias ; the f estival ζΑρρ·χ\- φόρια, τά. (The meaning of ^Αρρη- is uncertain.) άρ-ρί·γητο5, ov, (pϊyέω) not shivering, daring, Anth. αρ-ρϊς, ivos, o, η, without power of scenting, Xen. άρριχος, η or ό, a wicker basket, Ar., Anth. άρρυθμε'ω, f. ήσω, not to be in rhythm with. Plat. ; and αρρυθμία, η, want of rhythm or proportio7i. Plat. From αρ-ρυθμος, ov, of sounds, 7iot in rhythm or time, un- rhythmical, opp. to βυρυθμοε. Plat. : — metaph. in un- due measure, Eur. : ill-proportioned, Xen. άρ-ρΰτίδωτο9, ov, (poTis) tuiwrinkled, Anth. άρρωδε'ω, άρρωδίη, Ion. for ορρωδέω, όρρωδία. άρ-ρώξ, u>yos, δ, η, (pηyvυμι, έρpωya) without cleft or breach, U7ibroke7X, 777 Soph. άρρωστεω, f. ησω, (άρρωστοί to be weak and sickly, Xen., Dem. Hence άρρώστημα, arcs, t6, an illness, a sickxiess, Dem. 2. a moral infirmity , Plut. άρρωστία, η, weakness, sickxiess, Thuc., etc. ; app. του στρατζΰζίν inability to serve. Id. From αρ-ρωστος, ov, (ρώννυμι) weak, sickly : — Adv., άρρώστωε έχ^ιν to be ill, Aeschin. 2. in ‘moral sense, weak, feeble, την φυχ-ήν Xen. i —rexniss, e’is τι in a thing, Thuc. αρσαι, aor. i inf. of άραρίσκω. II. also, v. άρδω. άρσενο-κοίτης, (κοίτη) lying with xnen, N.T. 120 ^'ΑΡΣΗΝ — *"ΑΡΣΗΝ, δ, 7), &pffev, το, gen. apffevos ; older form of άρρην : Ion. βρσην : — male, Lat. mas, II., etc. ; &ppw> o, or appeu, to, the male, Aesch.; ol apaeues the male sex, Thuc. 2. masculine, strong, Eur. : metaph. mighty, ktvttos άρσην ττοντου Soph. 3. of the gender of nouns, masculine, ονόματα At. άρσί-ττους, δ, η, contr. for a^pffLTrovs, raising the foot, active, h. Hom.,-»Anth. αροΊς, 60)5, η, αίρω) a. raising of the foot in walking, Arist. II. in Prosody, arsis, opp. to thesis. αρσω, f. of αρ5ω. II. Aeol. for άρώ, f. of αίρω. άρτάβη [ά], η, a Persian measure, artaba, — i medimnus + 3 choenices, Hdt. άρταμε'ω, f. Ίί\σω, to cut in pieces, rend asunder, Eur. Erom αρταμος, δ, a butcher, cook, Xen. i Deriv. uncertain. ; άρτάνη [ά !, η, ^αρτάω) that by which something is hung up, a rope, noose, halter, Aesch., Soph, άρτάω, f. ήσω : aor. 2 ηρτησα: Pass., pf. ηρτημαι, Ion. 3 pi. αρτόαται: {*αρω): — to fasten to or hang one thing upon another, τι άττό tivos Thuc. : to fasten in a noose, την δόρην Eur. : — Med., βρ6χου$ αρτωμόνη fastening halters to one's neck. Id. II. Pass, to be hung upon, hang upon, ηρτησθαι e/c tivos Id. : hence to de- pend upon, Lat. pe^idere ab aliquo, Hdt. Cf. αρτόομαι. άρτεμής, es, {apTios) safe and sound, Horn. Hence άρτεμία, η, soundness, recovery, Anth. "Αρτεμις, η ·. gen. ibos : acc. iv or ιδα : — Artemis, the Roman Diana, goddess of the chase, daughter of Zeus and Latona, sister of Apollo : in Horn., women who die suddenly are said to be slain by her ayava βόκ^α : cf. 'Απόλλων. (Deriv. uncertain.) Hence ’Αρτεμίσιαν, to, a temple of Artemis, Hdt. άρτεμων, ovos, δ, [άρτάω) prob. a foresail, N. T. άρτε'ομαι, Ion. Verb, I. as Pass, to be prepared, get ready, make ready, c. inf., ττολεμεΓν άρτόοντο, άρ- τεετο is πόλεμον Hdt. ; also, II. as Med., c. acc., ναυμαχΙην άρτό^σθαι to prepare a sea-fight. Id. (Akin to άρτνω, not to άρτάω.) αρτημα, ατο5, τό, {άρτάω) a hanging ornament, earring, Hdt.; cf. λίθLvos. II. any hanging weight, Plut. αρτηρία, η. Ion. -ίη, the wind-pipe or trachea. Plat., etc. ; πveύμovos άρτηρίαι the vessels of the lung-s. Soph. II. an artery, only in late writers. (Deriv. uncertain.) άρτι [Γ], {*αρω) Adv.just, exactly, 1. of the present, just now, even now, with pres, and pf., Theogm., Aesch., etc. 2. of the just now, just, with impf. and aor., Eur., etc. 3. in late writers of the future, just now, presently, Luc., etc. άρτιάξω, f. άσω, {upTios'i to play at odd and even, Lat. par impar ludere, Ar. II. to count, Anth. Hence άρτιασμός, δ, the game of odd and even, Arist. άρτι-βρεχής, is, [βρόχω) just steeped, Anth. άρτί-·γάμο 5 , ον, just married, Anth. άρτι-γε'νειο5, ον, [yiv€iov) with beard just sprouting, Anth. άρτι-γε'ννητος, ον, just born, Luc. άρτι-γλΰφής, is, ,yλύπτω) newly carved, Theocr. άρτί-γονο 5 , ον, just bor^i, Anth. άρτι-δάής, is, δάημι) just taught, Anth. άρτί-δακρυξ, v, {δάκρυ) jvLst weeping, ready to w^£’/>,Eur. αρτοτΓΟιία, άρτί-δορος, ον, {δ^ίρω) just stript off ox peeled, Anth. άρτί-δροτΓος, ον, fpTtos, δpiπω) ready for plucking, of tender age, Aesch. : others apTi-Tpo-iroS) ov, άρτι, τρόπos) just of age, marriageable. άρτιε'ττεια, η, pecul. fern, of sq., Hes. άρτι-εττής, is,, {άpτιos, ewos) ready of speech, glib or ready of tongue, Ik, Pind. άρτιζΰγία, η, {ζυyόs) a recent union, άνδρών άρτ., i. e. newly-married husbands, Aesch. άρτίζω, f. ίσω ^άρω) to get ready , prepare, Anth. : so in Med., Theocr. άρτι-θδίλής, 65, (θάλλω) budding or blooming, Anih. άρτι-θάνής, 65, [βνΊ]σκω) just dead, Eur. άρτί-κολλος, ov, ( κόλλα) close-glued, clinging close to, άpτίκoλλos ωστ€ TiKTOvos χιτών = 0pTlws κoλληθeϊs ώ5 νπδ TiKTovos, Soph. II. metaph. fitting well together, άρτ. συμβαίνει turns out exactly right, Aesch.; άρτίκολλόν τι μαθϋν to hear it in the nick of time, op- portunely, Id. άρτι-λόχευτο 5 , ov, (λοχεοω) just born, Anth. άρτι-μάθης, 65, (μαθύν) having just learnt a thing, c. gen., Eur. άρτι-μελής, 65, \μόλο^) sound of limb. Plat, άρτιος, a, ov, (άρτι) complete, perfect of its kind, suit- able, exactly fitted ; άρτια βάζ^ιν to speak to the purpose (cf. άpτιeπ'f)s), Horn.; άρτια ηδη thought things agreeable, was of the same mind. Id. : — meet, right, proper, Solon, Theogn. 2. c. inf. prepared, ready, to do a thing, Hdt. II. of numbers, perfect, i. e. even, opp. to wepiaa0s (odd'. Plat., etc. III. Adv. άpτίωs,just, now first, like άρτι, used by Soph, both of present time with pres, and pf.; and of past with impf. and aor. άρτιττάχής, is, (πηyvυμι) just put together or made, Theocr., Anth. TL. freshly coagulated.. Id. άρτί-ττλουτος, ov, yiewly gotten, χρήματα Eur. άρτί-ΤΓους, δ, η, gen. 7Γθδο5 ; Ep. nom. άρτί-ΠΌς : {άρ- Tios, wovs) sound of foot, Od., Hdt. : — generally, strong or swift of foot, II. II. (άρτι, wovs) coming just in time. Soph. άρτισις, 6ω5, η, (άρτίζω) equipment, Hdt. άρτί-σκατΓτος, ον, {σκάπτω) just dug, Anth. άρτί-στομος, ον, (στόμα) speaking in good idiom, or with precision, Plut. άρτι-τελής, is, (τiλos) newly initiated. Plat, άρτί-τοκος, ov, (τίκτω) new-born, Anth., Luc. II. paroxyt. hpTiT0Kos, ov, having just given birth, Anth. άρτι-τρεφής, 65, {τρi(pω) just nursed, άpτίτpeφe7s βλαχαί the ΛvailIngs of young children, Aesch. άρτί-φρων, ov, gen. ovos, {0pTios, φρην) sound of mind, sensible, Od., Eur. : c. gen., yάμωv fully conscious of a thing, Aesch. άρτι-φυής, is, and άρτί-φΰτος, ov, {φύομαι) just born, fresh, Anth. άρτι-χάνης, is, (χάσκω) just opening, Anth. άρτί-χνους, ουν, gen. ov, 7vith the first bloom on, Anth. άρτί-χριστος, ov , fresh-spread, φάρμακον Soph, άρτίως, Adv., v. άpτιos ill. άρτο-κότΓος, δ, η, a baker, Hdt., Xen. Prob. for άpτo-πόπos, from πiπ-τω, cf. Lat. coq-uus.) άρτο-λάχϋνος, η, with bread and bottle hi it, πήρα Anth. άρτοτΓοιΐα, η, a baking, Xen. From 121 αρτοτΓοιός άρτο-'Π'οκίς, δ, {ττοι^ω) a bread-maker ^ baker y Xen. άρτοττώλιον, τδ, a baker's shop, bakery, Ar. From άρτό-ττωλις, ibos, r], {ττωΚδομαι) a bread-woman, Ar. apTos, o, a cake or loaf of wheat-bread (barley-bread is μαζα), mostly in pi., Od. ; 6,pTos ovXos soft bread, Ib. Deriv. uncertain.) άρτο-σιτ4ω,ί.'ησω,{σίτ4ομαι) to eat wheaten breadfi^^n. άρτοφαγβω, f. ήσω, to eat bread, Hdt. From άρτο-φάγος, ον, {(pay^lv) a bread-eater, Batr. αρτΰμα, τό, {άρτνω) seasoning, sauce, spice, Batr. άρτυνας [ϋ], δ, a magistrate at ArgOS and Epidaurus, 'I'huc.; cf. apgoaT7]s. From άρτυνω [ϋ], f. ννώ. Ion. υνδω : aor. i act. ^ρτϋνα, pass. -ννθην : {*αρω) : — Ep. form of άρτύω, to arrange, pre- pare, devise, Χόχον aproveiv, Lat. insidias struere, Od. ; μνηίτττίρσιν θάνατον άρτ. Ib. : — Med. to prepare for oneself, Ib. άρτΰω, impf. ^ρτυον : f . αρτύσω [O] : aor. i άρτυσα : — pf. ηρτύκα : — Pass., pf. ηρτϋμαι : {*&ρω) : — like άρτυνω, to arrange, devise, prepare, δόΧον, oXeOpov, "γάμον Horn. ; so Hdt., Att. άρυβαλλος [i5], 6, a hag ox purse, Stesich. II. a bucket shaped like a purse, i. e. narrow at top, Ar. (Deriv. unknown.) άρΰσσομαι, {άρνω) Med. to draw for oneself, Hdt. άρυστήρ, ijpoy, o, {άρύω) a cup or ladle, Hdt. άρΰστϊχος, b. Dim. of άρυστγιρ, Ar. άρυστρίς, ibos, ·η, — άρύταινα, Anth. άρΰταινα [i)], 7]S, η, {άρύω) a small pail, Ar. άρΰτήσιμος, ον, (άρύω) fit to drink, Anth. άρύω, Att. άρύτω [ΰ], impf. rjpvov : aor. i ηρνσα : — Med., f. άρύσομαι [C] : aor. i ηρύσάμ-ην, Ep. part, άρυσ- σάμ^νο$ : — Pass., aor. i ηρύθην [υ] : — to draw water or any liquor for others, Hes., Xen. : — Med. to draw water for oneself, άρυσσάμ^νοε ποταμών ’άττο having drawn water from the rivers, Hes. ; άρύσασθαι άττδ του ποταμού Xen. ; c. acc., άρύσασθαι πώμα Eur. ; c. gen. partit., άρύτ^σθαι Νείλου ύδάτων to draw of the waters of the Nile, Ar.; es τδν κόλπον τρ\$ άρυσάμ€νο5 του τ)Χίου having (as it were) drawn the rays of the sun into his bosom, Hdt. άρχ-άγγελος, ον, an archangel, N. T. άρχ-αγετης, άρχ-αγός, Dor. and Att. for άρχ-777-. αρχαϊκός, ή, όν, (άρχαΐο$) old-fashioned, antiquated, primitive, άρχαϊκά cppovelv Ar. άρχαιό-γονος, ον, of ancient race, of old descent. Soph. άρχαιολο-γεω, f. ήο'ω, to discuss antiquities or things out of date, Thuc. From άρχαιο-λόγος, b, (λέγω) an antiquary . άρχαιο-μελϊ-σϊδωνο-φρΰνϊχ-ήράτος, ον, μελτ? άρχ. (μελί, ^ιδών, Φρύνιχο5, ε’ρατόϊ) dear honey-sweet old songs from Phrynichus' Phoenissae, Ar. άρχαΧον, τ6, v. άρχαΊο$ IV. άρχαιό-ττλουτος, ον, rich from olden time, of old here- ditary wealth, Aesch., Soph, άρχαιο-ττρεττής, is, (πρόπω) distinguished from olden time, time-honoured, Aesch. αρχαίος, o, ov, (άρχάι l) from the beginning : I. of things, ancient, primeval, olden, Hdt., Att. 2. like άρχαϊκόε, old-fashioned, antiquated, primitive, Aesch., Ar. 3. ancient, former, τδ άρχ. βύίθρον Hdt., — αργηθεν. etc. II. of persons, ancient, old, Aesch., Thuc., etc. : ol άρχαΐοι the Ancients, the old Fathers, Pro- phets, N. T. III. Adv. άρχαίω$, anciently , Dem. ; so, τδ άρχαΐον. Ion. contr. τάρχαΓοί/ Hdt., Att. τάρχάΐον Aesch. 2. in olden style. Plat., Aeschin. IV. as Subst., τδ άρχαΐον, the original sum, the principal, Lat. sors, Ar., Oratt. άρχαιοτροττία, η, old fashions or ctts'^07ns, Plut. From άρχαιό-τροίΓος, ov, old-fashioned, Thuc. άρχ-αιρεετία, η, (a'tpeais) an election of magistrates, Hdt.; mostly in pi., Xen., etc. Hence άρχαιρεσ-ιάζω, f. σω, to hold the assembly for the election of ^nagistrates, Plut. : to elect. Id. 2. to canvass for election. Id. άρχε-, insep. Prefix (from άρχω). Implying superiority. άρχεΧον, Ion. άρχηϊον, τ6, (αρχή II ) the senate-house, tow7i-hall, residence of the chief magistrates, Lat. curia, Hdt., Xen. II. the magistracy, Arist. άρχε'-κάκος, ov, (κακόν) begimiing 7nischief, II. άρχε-λαος, ov, leading the people, a chief, Aesch. ; contr. άρχελάς Ar. άρχε-Ίτλουτος, ov, = άρχαιόπλουτο5, Soph. άρχε-τΓολις, t, gen. ews, ruling a city, Pind. άρχε'τας, b. Dor. for άρχε'τηϊ, a leader, prince, Eur. : as Adj., άρχ. θρόνο$ a princely throne. Id. άρχε'-τΰτΓον, τό, an archetype, pattern, model, Anth. ; the figure on a seal, Luc. άρχεύω, only in pres, (άρχω) to command, c. dat., II. άρχε'-χορος, ov, leading the chorus or dance, Eur. αρχή, ή, (άρχω) a beginning, origin, first cause, Horn., etc. : — with Preps. ε| αρχή? = άρχηθ^ν, from the be- ginning, from of old, Od., Att. ; ε| άρχη$ πάλιν anew, afresh, Ar. : — so, άττ’ άρχ?ΐ5 Hdt., Trag. : — κατ' άρχά$ in the beginning, at first, Hdt. : — absol. in acc. άρχί,ν, to begin with, first. Id.; άρχην ου absolutely not, not at all, Lat. oninhio 71071 , Id., Att.; with numerals, άρχΊ]ν ετΓτα in all, Hdt. 2. the end, corner, of a bandage, rope, sheet. Id., Eur., N. T. II. the first place or power, sovereigitty , domhiion, com- mand, Hdt., Att. ; c. gen. rei, αρχή τών ν^ών, Trjs θαλάσσηε Thuc., etc. 2. a sovereignty , empire, realm, Hdt., Thuc. 3. in Prose, a magistracy, office, Hdt., Att. : — also a term of office. Try δνιαυσίαν άρχήί/ Thuc. : — these offices were commonly obtained in two ways, χ^ιροτονηττ] by election, κλ'ηρωτά] by lot, Aeschin. 4. in pi., at άρχαί (as we say) ‘the au- thorities,' i.e. the magistrates, Thuc., etc. άρχη-γενής, is, ['γί'γνομαι) causiiag the first begin77ing of a. thing, c. gen., Aesch. άρχηχετεύω, f. σω, to be chief leader, τών κάτω Hdt. άρχηγετε'ω, f. ησω, to 77iake a begin7iing. Soph, άρχ-ηγετης, ου, b, fern, άρχ-ηγετις, tSos : Dor. άρχ- αγετης : (fyiogai) : — a first leader, the founder of a city or family, Hdt., etc. 2. generally, a leader, prince, chief, Aesch., Soph. 3. a first cause, author, τύχη5, yivoos Eur. άρχ-ηχός, Dor. άρχ-άγός, όν, (-ηyioμaι) beghining, origiyiating a thing, c. gen., Eur. II. as Subst., like hpx'pyiT’ps , fotinder , of a tutelary hero. Soph. 2. a prince, chief, Aesch., Simon., Thuc. 3. a first cause, originator , του πpάyμaτos Xen. άρχήθεν, Dor. -άθεν, (αρχή) Adv. froin the beginning, 12 2 αρ-χηιον — from of old, from olden time, Hdt. : — with a neg., άρχηθ^ν μ-η not at all. Id. άρχήϊον. Ion. for αρχ^ΐον. αρχήν, Adv., V. αρχή l. άρχι-, insep. Prefix, like άρχβ-. άρχι-Ύρα,ρ·μα.τ€υς, ews, δ, a chief clerk. Pint, άρχίδιον, TO, Dim. of αρχή (ll. 3 ), a petty office, petty officer, Ar., Dem. αρχιερατικός, ή, 6v, of the high-priest, N. T. From άρχ-ιερευς, ecos, 0 : Ion. άρχιε'ρεως, εω, acc. pi. άρχιρ^αί (from apxLpevs): — an arch-priest, chief -priest , Hdt.: — at Rome, the Pontifex Maximus, Pint. : — at Jerusalem, the High-priest, N. T. άρχ-ιερωσ··υνη, ή, the high-priesthood , Plut. άρχι-θάλασσος, ον, (θάλασσα) ruling the sea, Anth. αρχιθεωρεω, f. ήσω, to he αρχιΘ^ωρο3, Dem. From άρχι-θεωρος, 6, (Oewposj the chief of a θβωρία or sacred embassy, Andoc., Arist. αρχικός, ή, όν, (αρχή) of or for rule, royal, Aesch., Thuc. 2 . of persons, fit for rule, skilled in go- vernment or command, Xen., Plat. : c. gen. having command of, Arist. άρχι-κΰβερνήτης, ου, δ, a chief pilot, Plut. άρχί-μϊμος, δ, a chief comedian, Plut. άρχι-ττειρατής, οΰ, δ, a pirate-chief , Plut. άρχί-ττλανος, δ, a Nomad chieftain, Luc. άρχι-τΓοίμην, δ, a chief shepherd, N. T. άρχ-ιρευς, δ. Ion. for apyiepevs. αρχι-συνάγωγος, δ, (συνα-γωγη) the ruler of a syna- gogue, N. T. άρχιτεκτονεω, f. ήσω, to he the architect, Plut. 2. generally, to construct, contrive, Ar. From άρχι-τε'κτων, ovos, δ, a chief -artificer , master-builder , director of voorks, architect, engineer, Hdt. 2 . generally, a constructor, author, Eur., Dem. II. at Athens, the manager of the state theatre and of the Dionysia, Id. αρχι-τελώνης, ου, δ, a chief toll-collector, chief-pub- lican, N. T. αρχι-τρίκλϊνος, δ, the president of a banquet {tricli- nium), N. T. άρχι-υτταστΓίστής, ου, δ, chief of the men at arms, Plut. αρχοντικός, ή, ον, (άρχων) of an archo7i, Anth. άρχός, δ, a leader, chief, commander, II. ΑΡΧΩ, Ep. inf. apxegevai : impf. ήρχον. Dor. αρχον : f. ορ|ω : aor. i ήρξα : pf. ήρχα Med., f. αρξομαι ; Dor. άρξίΰμαι : — Pass., pf. ήργμαι (only in med. sense): aor. I ηρχθ-ην, inf. άρχθηναι: f. αρχθ-ησομαι; a\so άρξομαι in pass, sense : — to he first, I. of Time, to begin, make a beginning, both in Act. and Med. : 1. c. gen. to make a beginning of, ττολεμοίο, μάχη5, etc., Horn. ; so Hdt. and Att. : — - Med. also in a religious sense, like οττάρχεσθοί, άρχόμενοϊ μελεων beginnhig the sa- crifice with the \\mhs,Od.; άρχείν στΓονδών Thuc. 2. c. gen. also to begin fro^n or with, εν σο\ μ\ν λή|ω σ4ο δ’ αρξομαι II. ; so, άρχ^σθαι εκ tlvos Od. ; αρξάμζνοι άπδ παιδιών even from boyhood, Hdt. 3. c. gen. rei et dat. pers., άρχ. θεοΓ^ δαιτό$ to make preparations for a banquet to the gods, II. ; τοΊσι δε μύθων ήρχ€ Ib., etc. 4. c. acc., &ρχ€ΐν οδόν τινι, like Lat. praeire viani alicui, to shew him the way, Od. ; absol. (sub. οδόν), to lead the way, Horn. ; then generally άρχ^ιν τι - ασασθαι. Aesch., Soph. 5. c. inf. to begin to do a thing, Horn., etc. ; c. part, of continued action or condition, ήρχον χολεπαίνων II. ; άρχ. διδάσκων Xen. 6 . absol., άρχε begin ! Horn.; άρχει ή €Κ€χ€ΐρία Thuc. ; αμα f/pi άρχομ4νφ, θ4ρου$ αρχομάνου Id. II. of Authority, to lead, rule, govern, only in Act. : 1. c. gen. to rule, he leader of , rivos Horn., Att. 2 . c. dat. to rule over, Horn., Aesch. 3. absol. to rule, govern. Id. : esp. to hold a subordinate office, δκοΓιον εϊη &ρχζΐν μετά τδ ) 8 ασιλεόειν Hdt. :— at Athens, to he archon, Dem. ; cf. άρχων. 4. Pass, to be ruled, governed, Hdt., Att. ; oi άρχόμ^νοι subjects, Xen. άρχ-ωδός, δ, a precentor , Byz. άρχων, ovTOS, δ, (part, of άρχω) a ruler, commander , chief, captain, Hdt., Aesch., etc. 2 . "'hpxovr^s, ol, the chief magistrates at Athens, nine in number, the first being δ ''Αρχων or ''Αρχων 4πώνυμο5, the second δ Βασιλεόί, the third δ Πολέμαρχοί, the remaining six 01 Θ€σμοθ4ται. 3. title of the chief magistrates in other places, as the Ephors at Sparta, Hdt. *"ΆΡΩ, radical form of άραρίσκω, whence come άρθρον, αρμόζω, άρτι, άρτιθ5, άρτύω, etc. άρώ [ά], f. of άείρω : but II. άρώ [ά], of αίρω, άρωχή, ή, (άρήχω) help, aid, succour, protection, Zrjvhs αρωγ{] aid given by Zeus, II. ; ε’ττ’ άρωγρ in anyone’s favour, Ib. ; άρ. νόσου, help against . . , Plat. II. of persons, an aid, succour, Aesch., Soph, άρωχο-ναντης, ου, δ, helper of sailors, Anth. άρωχός, όν, '^άρήχω) aiding, succouring, propitious, serviceable, rivi Aesch. ; absol.. Id., Soph. 2. c. gen. serviceable towards a thing, Aesch., Soph. ; πpόs Ti Thuc. II. as Subst. a helper, aid, esp. in battle, II. : a defender before a tribunal, advocate, Ib. άρωμα, aros, τό, any spice or sweet herb, Xen. άρωμα, aTos, τό, (άρόω) arable land, corn-land, Lat. arvum, Ar. άρώμεναι, Ep. for αρουν, inf. of αρόω. άρωραΐος. Dor. for άρουραΤοε. άρώσιμος, ον, poet, for αρόσιμοε. άρωστος, ον, poet, for αρρωστοε, Anth. άς, also άς and άς, Aeol. and Dor. for βωε. II. άς, Dor. for ήε, gen. fern, of os, ή, o. j άσαι, contr. for αάσαι, aor. i inf. of άάω, to hurt. άσαι, aor. i inf. of άω, to satiate : — άσαιμι, opt. ασαι, aor. i inf. of αδω. ά-σακτος, ον, ^σάττω) 7iot trodden down, Xen. ά-σάλάμίνιος [μι', ον, not having been at Salamis, Ar. ά-σάλευτος, ον, (σάλεόω) not agitated, tranquil, of the sea: — metaph. of the mind, Eur. άιταμεν, i pi. aor. i of άω, to sleep. άετάμινθος, ή, a bathing-tub , Od. (Deriv. unknown.) ά-σ-άμος. Dor. for &-σημοε. ά-σάνδάλος, ον, (σάνδαλον) tinsandalled, U7tshod, Bion. ά-σαντος, ον, {σα'ινω) not to be soothed, ungentle, Aesch. άσάομαι. Pass, imper. άσώ, part, άσώμ^νοε : aor. i ήσήθην : {αση) : — to feel loathing or nausea, to be dis- gusted or vexed at a thing, c. dat., Theogn. j τήν ψυχήν άσηθηναι Hdt. ; ασώμ^νοε εν φρ^σί Theocr. ά-σαρκής, 4ε, {σαρξ) not fleshly, ί. e. spiritual, Anth. ά-σαρκος, ον, {σάρξ) without flesh, lean, Xen. άσασθαι, aor. i med. inf. of άω, to satiate. ασατο — &σατο, contr. for οάσατο, 3 sing. aor. i med. of αάω, to hurt. άσάψ€ΐα, η, indistinctness, obscurity. Plat. From ά-σαψης, is, indistinct to the senses, dim, faint, Thuc.; or to the mind, dim, obscure. Soph., Thuc. ; vv^ ασα- (pecrripa iffriv by night one sees less distinctly , Xen. : — Adv. -φώε, obscurely, ά(Ταφώ5 ποτβρων αρ^άντων without knowing which began, Thuc. ασάω, only in Pass. : v. άσάομαι. α-σβεστος, ον and η, ον, ztnquenchable, inextinguish- able, of fire, II. ; of laughter, etc., Horn. ; &σβ. Tripos ώκ€ανοΰ ocean’s ceaseless flow, Aesch. II. as Subst., aσβ€στos (sc. riravos^, rj, unslaked lime, Plut. άσε, contr. for άασε, 3 sing. aor. i of άάω, to hurt. άσεβεια, -η, ungodliness, impiety, profaneness, Eur., Xen., etc. ; and άσεβε'ω, f. ήσω, to be impious, to act profanely , sin against the gods ; cYs riva or τι Hdt., Eur. ; Trepi riva or Tt Hdt., Xen. 2. c. acc. pers. to sin againsthim, Aesch. ; hence in Pass., ησζβτηται ovbiv no sin has been committed, Andoc. ; and άσεβημα, aros, τό, an impious or profane act, Thuc., Dem. From ά-σεβής, is, (σ€βω) ungodly , godless, unholy, profane. Soph. : τί) aσ^eβis = άσ^βζία, Xen. ά-σείρωτος, ον, {(Teipa) not drawn by traces (but by the yoke), Eur. άσελγαίνω, impf. iqaiXyaivov : f. α.νω : — pf. pass, ήσε'λ- -γημαι : — to behave licentiously , Plat. : — Pass., of acts, τά ήσελγημενα outrageous acts, Dem. ; and άσελγεια, η, licentiousness. Plat., Dem. From ά-σελγής, is, licentious, wanton, brutal, Dem. : — Adv., aaeAyws irioves extravagantly fat, Ar. ; άο'. ζΎ\ν Dem. (The origin of -a^Xyiis is uncertain.') ά-σε'ληνο5, ον, (σελήι/τ;) moonless, ννξ Thuc. άσετΓτε'ω, = άσ€/3€ω. Soph. From ά-σεΐΓτος, ον, {σiβω) unholy. Soph., Eur. άσεσθε, 2 pi. f. med. of &ω, to satiate. ασεΰμαι, Dor. for ασομαι, f. of Λδω. άση [ά], η, {&ω to satiate') nausea, distress, vexation, Hdt., Eur. άσηθήναι, aor. i inf. of άσάομαι. ά-σήμαντος, ον, {σημαίνω) without leader or shepherd, II. II. unsealed, unmarked, Hdt. ά·σημος. Dor. ά-σαμος, ον, {σήμα) without mark or sign, άσ. xpvais uncoined gold, Hdt. j ί.σ. apyvpiov Thuc. ; &σ. ’όττλα arms without device, Eur. II. of sacri- fices or oracles, giving no sign, unintelligible , Hdt., Trag. III. leaving no mark, indistinct. Soph. ; of sounds, inarticulate, unintelligible, Hdt. ; άσημα βoηs = άσημos βο -f). Soph. : — generally, unperceived, un- noticed, Aesch., Soph. IV. of persons, cities, etc., of no mark, unknoivn, obscure, Eur. ά-σημων, ον, gen. ovos, — άσημos III, Soph, άσθε'νεια, gen. as. Ion. ηs, η, want of strength, weakness, feebleness, sickliness, Hdt., Thuc., etc.; aadeveia βίου poverty, Hdt. 2. sickness, a disease, Thuc.; and άσθενεω, f. ήσω, to be weak, feeble, sickly, Eur., Thuc., etc. ; ησθίνησΐ he fell sick, Dem. From ά-σθενής, is, (adivos) without strength, weak, feeble, weakly, Hdt., etc. ; aaOiviarepos ττόνον iveyKeTv too weak to bear labour, Dem.: — rh aaOevis = άσθ^ν^ια. ■ αακβυής. 123 Thuc. 2. of property, weak, poor, Hdt., Eur. ; 01 άσθ€ν4στ€ροι the weaker sort, i. e. the poor, Xen. 3. insignificant, ούκ aaOeviararos σoφιστηs Hdt. ; of streams, petty, stnall. Id. II. Adv. άσθevώs, feebly, slightly. Plat. : Comp. -€στ€ρον or -eVrepa Id., Thuc. Hence άσθενόω, f. ώσω, to weaken, Xen. άσθμα, arcs, t 6, {άω, to blow) short breath, panting, from toil, II., Aesch. II. generally, a breath, breath- ing, Mosch. : a blast, Anth. ασθμαίνω, {άσθμα) to breathe hard, gasp for breath, of one out of breath or dying, mostly in pres, part., II. Άσία [ά]. Ion. -iT\,^,Asia, Hdt., Att. : — Adj. Άσιάν6ς, ή, 6v, Asiatic, Thuc., etc. ; fem. Άσιάς, άδοί, Άσίς, ibos [the latter with ά], Aesch., Eur. ; Άσιάs (sc. κιθάρα) the lyre as improved in Lesbos : — also Άσιάτης, fem. -axis. Ion. ~ητη5, -ητΐ5, Aesch., Eur. Άσι-άρχης, ου, ό, {άρχω) an Asiarch, the highest re- ligious oflficial under the Romans in the province of Asia, N.T. ^ Άσιάς, Άσιάτηξ, v. Άσία. Άσιάτο-γενής, is, {yiyvo- μαι) of Asian birth, Aesch. ά-σίδηρος [i], ov, not of iron, Eur. : not made by iron, Anth. II. without svjord, unarmed, Eur. Άσιήτις, Ion. for Άσιάτιs, v. Άσία. ά-σικχος, ον, not nice as to food, Plut. (Deriv. un- certain.) ά-σϊνής, is, {σίνομαι) unhurt, unharmed, of persons, Od., Hdt. : secure, happy of life and fortune, Aesch. 2. of things, undaTnaged, Hdt. II. act. not harming. Id. : harmless, Xen. 2. protecting from harm, Aesch. III. Adv. άσιvωs, innocently , Sup. -iστaτa « Xen. "Ασιος [ά], α, ον, Asian, II. "ΑΣΙΣ [ά], εωϊ, η, slime, mud, such as a river brings down, II. Άσίς [ά], V. Άσία. άσϊτεω, f. Ί]σω, to abstain from food, fast, Eur., Plat. ; and ασιτία. Ion. -ίη, η, want of food, Hdt., Eur. From ά-σϊτος, ov, without food, fasting, Od., Att. άσκάλάβώτης, ου, δ, the spotted lizard, Lat. stellio, Ar. ( Deriv. unknown.) ά-σκάλος, ov, {σκάλλω) unhoed, Theocr. άσκάντης, ου, δ, a poor bed, pallet, Ar. II. a bier, Anth. (Deriv. unknown.) ασκαρδαμυκτί, Adv., without voinking, with Ttnchanged look, Xen. From ά-σκαρδάμυκτος, ov, {σκαρδαμϋσσω) not blinking or winking, Ar. άσκεθής, is, Ep. for άσκηθijs, Od. ά-σκελής, is, {a euphon., σκiλλω) dried up, withered, Od. 2. neut. άσκ€λis as Adv. toughly, obstinately , stubborrdy , άσκ^λ€s aUi Ib. ; so, άσκeλiωs aiei II. ά-σκετταρνος, ov, [^σκi^τaρvov) without the axe, un- hewn, Soph. ά-σκετΓτο 9 , ov, {σκo^Γiω) inconsiderate, unreflecting. Plat. Adv. -τωs, inconsiderately , Thuc., etc. II. unconsidered, unobserved, Xen. ά-σκευής, is, σκευή) without the implements of his art, Hdt. 124 ασ·κ€νος — ’ΑΣΠΓΣ. a-o'Kevo 9 ) ον, [σκ€ν^) unfurnished, unprepared. Soph. : c. gen. unfurnished with a thing. Id. ΆΣΚΕΏ, f. ήσω : aor. i ησκτηατα : pf . ησκηκα : — to work curiously , form hy art, fashion, Horn.; ασκ'ησα5 with skilful art. Id. 2. of adornment, to dress out, trick out, decorate, adorn, deck, Hdt. : Pass., ττ4·π\οισι U^paiKoiis ησκημβνη Aesch. : — Med., σώμ ησκ-ί^σατο adorned his own person, Eur. II. in Prose, to prac- tise, exercise, train, Lat. exercere, properly of athletic exercise : 1. of the person trained, Ar. ; ασκξΐν rh σώμα eis or irpos τι for an object or purpose, Xen., etc. 2. of the thing practised, ασκ. τ4χνην Hdt.; metaph., άσκ. την άληθβιαν Id. ; κακότητα Aesch. ; άσββζίαν Eur. 3. c. inf., &σκ€ΐ τοιαντη μ4ν€ΐν en- deavour to remain such. Soph.; άσκ. αγαθά ττοιβΐν to make a practice of doing good, Xen. 4. absol. to practise, go into training, ol άσκουντξ$ those who practise gymnastics. Id. ά-σκηθή5, 4s, unhurt, unharmed, unscathed, Horn. (Deriv. uncertain.) ασκημα, aros, t 6 , [άσκ4ω') an exercise, practice, Xen. α-σκηνος, ον, \σκηνη) without tents, Plut. άσκησις, ews, η, {άσκ4ω) exercise, practice, training, Thuc., Xen., etc. ; in pi. exercises. Plat. : — c. gen., &σκ. TLvos practice of or in a thing. Id. II. gener- ally, a mode of life, profession, art, Luc. άσ·κητ€ος, a, ov, verb. Adj. of άσκ4ω, to he practised, Xen. II. άσκητ4ον, one must practise, σοφίαν Plat, άσκητης, ov, 6, (άσ/ίβω) one who practises any art or trade, άσκ. των πολεμικών Xen. : esp. a7i athlete, 07ie trahied for the areata, Ar., Plat. ά.σκΎ\τ 6%, η, 6ν,{άσκ4ω) curiously wrought, Ο A.', adorned, 7Γ67Γλ^ with a robe, Theocr. 2. to be acquired hy practice. Plat., Xen. II. of persons, practised in a thing, c. dat., Plut. tt-cTKios, ov, {σκιά) U7tshaded, Pind. Άσκληττ-ιός, o, Asclepius, Lat. Aesculapius, ^Thes,sdA\ 2 ii\ prince, famous as a physician, 11. : — later, son of Apollo, tutelary god of medicine : — 'Ασκληπιάδαι or -ίδαι, ol, a name for physicians, Theogn., Soph. : — Άσκλη7Γΐ€Ϊον, t 6 , the temple of Asclepius, Luc. : — Άσκληττίειος, a, ov, of, belonging to Asclepius, Άσκληττίβια (sc. lepa) his festival. Plat. α-σκοτΓος, ov, ί σκοττβω) inconsiderate, heedless, II. : unregardful of a. thing, c. gen., Aesch. II. pass. unseen, invisible. Soph. 2. 7iot to be see^i, unhi- telligible, obscure, Aesch., Soph. : inconceivable, hical- culcible. Id. W'" ά-σκοτΓθ 9 , ov, [σκο·σ6%) aimless, random, Luc. ΆΣΚΟ'Σ, b, a leathern-hag, a wine-skin, Horn. ; άσκοε βοόε the bag of ox-skin in which Aeolus bottled up the winds, Od. ; άσκδε Μαρσυ4ω a bag made of the skhi of Marsyas, Hdt. : — -a bladder, Eur. 2. proverb, usage, άσκον deipeiv τινά to flay one alive, maltreat wantonly , Ar. ; άσκδε δ^δάρθαι Solon. Άσκώλια, τά, , άσκόε'^. the 2 nd day of the rural Dionysia, when they danced upon greased wine-skins, ‘ 7i7ictos saluere per utres.' Hence άσκωλιάζω, f. σω, to dance as at the Άσκώλια, Ar. άσκωμα, otos, τό, {άσκόε) the leather padding of the hole which served for the row’-lock, put there to make the oar move easily, Ar. ασμα, ατ os, το, ,αδω) a song, a lyric ode or lay. Plat. ασματο-κάμτΓτης, ov, b, (κάμπτω) twister of song, Ar. άσμενίζω, f. σω, to he well-pleased, Polyb. From ασμενος, η, ον : {ηδομαι, the pf. part, of which would be ησμ4vos)·.—well-pleased, glad, always with a Verb, ψν- yev άσμ^νοε he escaped gladly or he was glad to have escaped, Horn., etc. ; 4μο\ δε Kev άσμ4νψ είτ; glad w'ould it make me ! II. ; άσμ4ν(ρ δε σοι ννξ άττοκρνφ^ι φάοε glad wilt thou be when night shuts out the light, Aesch. : — Adv. άσμ4νωε, gladly, readily. Id., Eur. : Sup. άσμξναίτατα, -4στατα, Plat, ασ-ομαι, f. of αδω. άσοφία, η, unwisdom, stupidity, Plut., Luc. From ά-σοφος, ov, unwise, foolish, silly, Theogn. ΆΣΠΑ'ΖΟΜΑΙ, f. άσομαι : Dep. : — to welcome kindly, bid welcome, greet, Lat. salutare, τινα Horn., etc. ; as the common form on meeting, άσττάζομαί σε or άσπά- ζομαι alone, Ar. ; ττρόσωθξν ανττιν άσπ. I salute her at a respectful distance, i.e. keep away from her, Eur. : — also to take leave of. Id., Xen. 2. to embrace, kiss, caress, Ar. ; of dogs, Lat. blandiri, Xen. 3. of things, to follow eagerly, cleave to, Lat. amplector , άσπ. τδν οίνον Plat. 4. άσπ. οτι to be glad that, Ar. ά-σπαίρω, (a euphon., σπαίρω) to pant, gasp, struggle convulsively , oi the dying, Horn., Hdt.; but, μοννοε ^σπαιρζ he was the only one who still made a struggle, Hdt. άσπάλάθος, b or η, aspalathus, a prickly shrub, yielding a fragrant oil, Theogn. ; used as an instrument of tor- ture, Plat. (Deriv. unknown.) ά-στταρτος, ov, (σπείρω) of land, zinsown, tuitilled, Od. 2. of plants, not sown, growing wild, Ib. άσττάσιος, a, ov, and os, ov, {άσττάζομαί) welcome, gladly welcomed, Horn. II. well-pleased, glad. Id. : — Adv. -ίωε, gladly. Id., Hdt. άσττασμα, ατοε, τό, {άσπάζομαι) a greeting, esp. in pi. embraces, Eur. ασπασμός, b, [^άσττάζομαί) a greeting, embrace, saluta- /fow, Theogn., N. T. άσπαστος, η, όν, — άσττάσιοε, welcome, Od., Hdt. Adv. -τώε. Id. ά-σπειστος, ov, (σπεύδω) to be appeased by no libations, implacable, Dem. ά-σπερμος, ov, (σπέρμα) without seed or posterity, II. ά-σπερχες, \a euphon., σπερχω) a neut. form used as Adv. hastily, hotly, vehemently , Horn, ά-σπετος, ov, (ylneiv) unspeakable, unutterable, tm- ^ speakably great, Horn. : — neut. as Adv. unspeakably , II. άσπϊδ-αποβλής, η, {άττοβάλλω) one that throws away his shield, a runaway , Ar. άσπϊδη-φόρος, ov, (φέρω) shield-bearhig, Aesch., Eur. άσπϊδιώτης, b, {άσττίε) shield-hearing, a warrior, II. άσπϊδό-δσυπος, ov, clattering with shields, Pind. άσπϊδο-πηγεΐον, τό, (πήγνυμι) the workshop of a shield- Tnaker, Dem. άσπϊδ-οΟχος, b, (εχω) a shield-bearer , Eur. άσπϊδο-φε'ρμων, ov, {φ4ρβω) living hy the shield, i. e. hy war, Eur. ά-σπϊλος, ον,{σπίλοε) without spot, Anth.,N.T. ΆΣΠΓΣ, ίδοε, η, a round shield, Lat. clipeus, of bull’s hide, overlaid with metal plates, with a boss {ομφαλόε) in the middle, and fringed with tassels (^θύσανοι) ; αστΓίστηρ different from the oblong shield [oirKov, Lat. scutnm) used by the όττλΓταί. 2 . in Prose, used for a body of soldiers, οκτακισχιλίη άσπίε 8,ooo men-at-arms, Hdt. 3. military phrases : eV’ aairiZas TreVre κώ. €ίΚοσι τάξασθαι to be drawn up 25 deep, Thuc. ; so, eV’ ασττί^ων οΚί-γων Τ€τάχΘαι Id. ; iir ασπίδα, παρ’ ασπίδα (ορρ. to eVt δόρυ) on the left, towards or to the left, because the shield was on the left arm, Xen. ; παρ’ ασπ. στηναι to stand in battle-array, Eur. II. an asp, an Egyptian snake, Hdt. Hence άσίΓίστηρ, Tjpos, o, = sq.. Soph., Eur.; and άσίΓίστής, ον, δ, one armed with a shield, a warrior, gen. pi. ασπιστάων, II. : — as Adj., άσπισταί μόχθοιτ^υ- χόων, i. e. the shield of Achilles, Eur. ; and άσττίστωρ, opos, δ, — ioreg., κΚόνοι άσπίστορ€5 turmoil of shielded warriors, Aesch. α-σττλαγχνος, ον, {σπXάyχvov' without bowels : metaph. heartless, spiritless. Soph. ά-στΓονδος, ον, {σπονδή]) without drink-offering, of a god, to whom no drink-offering is poured, όσπ. Oeos i. e. death, Eur. II. without a regular truce (which was ratified by σπονδαί), Thuc. ; ασπόνδου$ rous v€Kpous άνβλόσθαι to take up their dead without leave asked. Id. ; rh άσπονδον a keeping out of treaty or covenant with others, neutrality , Id. 2. admitting of no truce, implacable, deadly, Lat. internecinus, of war, Aesch., Dem. α-στΓορος, ον, {σπ€ίρω) — άσπαρτοε, Dem. ά-<ηΓο·υδαστο9> ον, {σπουδάζω) not to be zealously pur- sued, not worth pursuing, Eur. ά-στΓουδί [i] or -ei, {σπουδή) Adv. without zeal, with- out a struggle, ignobly, II. ασσα, Ion. for άτινα, neut. pi. of 0στΐ5, which, which- soever, what, whatever, II., Hdt. II. ασσα, Ion. for Tiva, some, δπποίΐ’ άσσα what sort ? Od.; πόσ’ άττα; .A.r. άσσάριον, τό. Dim. of Lat. as, a farthing, N. T., Plut. άσσον, Adv. Comp, of άγχί, nearer, very near, Horn. : c. gen., άσσον 4μ€Ϊο nearer to me, II. ; with a double Comp., μάλλον άσσον Soph. : — hence, as a new Comp., άσσοτόρω, with or without gen., Od. ; Sup. άσσοτάτω, Anth.; whence Adj. άσσότατοε Id. Άσσύριοι [ΰ], οί, the Assyrians, Hdt. : — ’Ασσυρία, Ion. -ίη (sc. 77?), 7), their country. Id. ασσω, Att. contr. for άίσσω. ά-σταθής, es, {'ίσταμαι) unsteady, unstable, Anth. ά-στάθμητος,ον, {σταθμάομαι) unsteady , unstable , άστό- pes Xen. ; δ δημο5 άσταθμητότατον πρά^γμα Dem. : tin- certain of life, Eur.; άστάθμητον uncertainty , Thuc. άστακτί, Adv. not in drops, i. e. in floods. Soph., Plat. From ά-στακτος, ον, {στάζω''· not in drops, gushing, Eur. ά-στάλακτος, ον, {σταλάσσω) not dripping, Plut. άστάνδης, δ, a courier, Persian word, Plut. ά-στασίαστος, ov, στασιάζω) not disturbed by faction , I'huc. : of persons, free from party-spirit, not fac- tious, Plat. άστάτβω, f. ήσω, to be unstable, N. T. From α-στατος, ον, {'ίσταμαι) unstable, Plut. άσ-ταφιδίτης [ί], ου, δ, fern, -ΐτις, ibos, of raisins, -Λ nth. α-σταφίς, lOos, η, (α euphon., σταφιΤ as collect, noun, dried grapes, raisins, Lat. uva passa, Hdt. — αστός, I 25 α-σταχυς, vos, δ, (a euphon., σταχΰ$) an ear of corn, II., Hdt. ά-στβγαστος, ον, {στβγάζω) uncovered : διά τδ άστό- Ύαστον from their having no shelter, Thuc. αστεΐζομαι, Dep. to talk cleverly, Plut. From αστείος, a, ov, (άστυ) of the town : hence, like Lat. urbanus, town-bred, polite, courteous, opp. to ά-γροι- Kos, Plat. : — refined, elegant, pretty, witty, clever, Ar., Plat. : — ironically, άστ. κόρδο$ a pretty piece of luck, Ar. ά-στεμφής, cs, {στίμβω) unmoved, unshaken, II. ; άστ€μφ€5 εχεσκε [τ5 σκηπτρον) he held it stiff, Ib. : — Adv., άστ€μφ€ω5 4χ4μ€ν to hold fast, Od. : also neut. άστζμφ€5, as Adv. stiff, stark, Mosch. 2. of persons, stiff, unflinching, Theocr. ά-στε'νακτος, ov, {στβνάζω) without sigh or groan. Soph., Eur. αστε'ον, verb. Adj. of αδω, one must sing, Ar., Plat. α-στεΐΓτος, ov, {στόφω) uncrowned, Eur. ά-στεργ-άνωρ [άν], opos, δ, η, {στόρ-γω, άνηρ) without love of man, shunning wedlock, Aesch. ά-στεργής, is, (στόρ'/ω) without love, implacable , hate- ful, Soph. άστερόεις, εσσα, εν, (άστήρ ) starred, starry, II. II. like a star, glittering, Ib. ά-στεροττή, {a euphon., στ^ροπ-η) lightning, II. Hence άστεροττητής, ου, δ, the tightener, of Zeus, II. άστερ-ωττός, ov, [άστηρ, όύφ) star-faced, bright-shining , Eur. II. starry. Id. ά-στε'φανος, ov, without crown, ungarlanded, Eur. ά-στεφάνωτος, ov, {στζφανόω) uncrowned, not to be crowned. Plat., etc. άστή, 7], fern, of άστόs, Hdt., etc. α-στηλος, ov, {στηλτ]) without tombstone, Anth. άστήρ, δ, gen. ipos, dat. pi. άστρασι (not άστράσι), a star, II., etc. ; cf. άστρον. 2 . a flame, light, fire, Eur. (The Root is ΣΤΕΡ, a being euphon., cf. Lat. Stella, i. e. ster-ula.) ά-στήρικτος, ov, (στηρίζω) not steady, unstable, Anth., N. T. ά-στϊβης, is, , στ^ίβω) untrodden, Aesch. : desert, path- less, Soph. 2. not to be trodden, holy. Id. α-στϊβος, ov, = foreg., Anth. αστικός, tj, όν, (άστυ) of a city or town, opp. to country, Aesch. ; τά αστικά Διονύσια valso called τά κατ’ άστυ , Thuc. II. like άστe7os, polite, neat, nice, αστικά (as Adv.) Theocr. α-στικτος, ov, {στίζω) not rnarked with στίγματα, not tattooed, Hdt. α-στλε'γγιστος, ov, {στλ^yyίs) not scraped clean, Anth. α-στο.\ος, ov, {στiλλω) tinequipped, of Charon’s boat, used in the same way as yάμos άyaμos, Aesch. α-στομος, ov, {στόμα) without mouth : of horses, hard- mouthed, restive. Soph. II. of dogs, soft-mouthed, unable to hold with the teeth, Xen. III. of metal, soft, incapable of a fine edge, Plut. ά-στονάχητος, ov, {στovaχiω) without sighs, Anth. α-στοργος, ov, [στoρy7]) without natural affection, Aeschin.; ωστopyos (^i. e. δ άστ.) the heartless one, Theocr. αστός, δ, (αστυ) a townsman, citizen, Horn., Att. αστός, Att. contr. for ά:iστos. 120 άστο'χεω — άσ·τοχ€ω, f. ήσω, to miss the mark, to miss, fail, rivos or Trepi rivos Polyb. ; Trepi ri N. T. From α-στοχος, ον, missing the mark, aiming badly at, rivos Plat., Anth. ’άστράβη, η, a mule^s saddle, an easy padded saddle, Dem. tDeriv. uncertain.) ά-στραβής, 4s, = a-arpa^'r}s, not twisted, straight. Plat, άστρά-γαλίζω, f. σω, (acrrpayaXos) to play with aarpa- ya\oi. Plat. Hence άστραγάλισίζ, eωs, η, a playing with acrrpayakoi, Arist. αστράγαλος [τρά], ό, one of the neck -vertebrae, Horn. II. the ball of the ankle joint, Lat. talus, Hdt., Theocr. III. pi. aarpdyaAoi, dice or a game played with dice, II., Hdt. : — they were at first made of knuckle-bones, and never had more than four flat sides, whereas the κύβοι had six. They played with four : the best throw {β6Kos'), when each die came differently, was called Ά^ροδίττ?, j actus Veneris ; the worst, when all came alike, κΰων, Lat. canis. (Deriv. uncertain.) άστραττή [ά], -η, — aarepoTrri, arepoiTT], a flash of light- ning, lightning, Hdt., Att. ; in fi. lightnings, Soph. 2. any bright light, N. T. άστράτΓηφορ€ω, f. ήσω, to carry lightnings, Ar. From άστράττη-φόρος, ον, (φβρω) lightning-bearing, flash- ing, Eur. άστράτΓτω (a euphon., στράπτω, cf. ά-στεροττή), impf. TjarpaTrrov, Ion. aarpairreaKov : aor. i ^crpaif/a : — to lighten, hurl lightnings, of omens sent by Zeus, II., Ar. 2. impers., acrrpairrei it lightens, ^arpa\pe it lightened, Att. II. to flash like lightning. Soph., Eur., etc. : — c. acc. cogn., €| ομμόσων δ’ ηστρστττβ aiXas (sc. Ύυφών) he flashed flame from his eyes, Aesch. άστρασι, (not airrpaai) dat. of acrr'fip. ά-στράτεία, -η, exemption from service, Ar. 2. a shunning of service, which at Athens was a heavy offence, (pevyeiv ypacp^v arrpareias to be accused of it. Id.; arrparVias αλώναι, οφΧΦιν to be convicted of it, Oratt. ά-στράτευτος [ά], ον, (στρατεύω) without service, never having seen service, Ar. ά-στράφής, is, (στρέφω Wsq., Soph. ά-στρετΓτος, ον, = 6.arpo ον, not agreeing in sound. Plat. : — metaph. discordant, at variance, τινι with another. Id. ; irpos τινα N. T. ά-συμφηφος, ον, not agreeing with, rivos Plut. ά-σύνδετος, ον, unconnected, Xen. ά-συνδηλος, ον, not manifest, Plut. άσυνεσία, old Att. άξυνεσία, -η, want of understanding, stupidity, Eur., Thuc. From ά-σύνετος, old Att. ά-ξυνετο5» ον, void of under- standing, stupid, Hdt., Att.; not to be understood, unintelligible, Eur. άσυνήθεια, η, want of experience in a thing·, c. gen., Arist. From ά-συνηθης, es, gen. cos, unaccustomed, inexperienced, unacquainted with others, Arist. ά-συνήμων, old Att. ά-ξυνήμων, ov, = aavvcros, Aesch. ά-σύνθετος, old Att. ά-ξυνθετος, ον, {συντίθημι) un- compounded, Plat. II. {συντίθεμαι) bound by no covenant, faithless, Dem., N. T. ά-συνοΊττος, ον, not easily perceived, Aeschin. ά-συντακτο9> old Att. ά-ξυντακτος, ον, not ranged together ; of soldiers, not in battle-order, Xen. 2. undisciplined, disorderly, Thuc., Xen. 3. not combined in society. Id. 4. not put on the tax- roll, free from public burdens, Dem. ά-συντονος, ον, not strained, slack : — Adv. -vws, lazily. Sup. -ώτατα, Xen. ά-συσκευαστος, ον, not arranged, not ready, Xen. ά-συστατος, old Att. ά-ξΰστατος, ον, {συνίσταμαι . having no cohesion or consistency , Plat. 2. metaph. incoherent, irregular, Lat. dispar sibi, Ar. ; ά|. aXyos fitful, ever-recurring pain, Aesch. άσυφηλος [ϋ], ον, insolent, degrading, II. (Deriv. uncertain.) άετυχία, αετυχος, Dor. for Ησυχία, ησυχos. ά-σφάδαστος [άδ], ον, {σφαδάζω) without convulsion or struggle, of one dying, Aesch., Soph. α-σφακτο5, ον, (σφάζω) unslaughtered, Eur. άσφάλαξ, anos, δ, {a euphon., σττάλαξ) a mole, Babr. ασφάλεια, g;en. as. Ion. tjs, η, {άσφά\ά]s) security against stumbling or falling, άσφ. irphs τδν ττ-ηλόν Thuc. : stability. Soph. 2. assurance from danger, personal safety, security, Hdt., Thuc., etc. ; άσφ. διδόναι, τταρεχειν Xen. 3. assurance, certainty, άσφ. μ^ αν ελθεΐν aoTois certainty that they would not come, Thuc. ; άσφάλεια λόγου the certainty of an ar- gument, Xen., N. T. ’Ασφάλειας, ον, of Poseidon, the Securer, Ar. From ά-σφάλής,€5, (σφάλλομαί) not liable to fall , immoveable , steadfast, firm, θεών k'8os Od., etc. 2. of friends and the like, unfailing, trusty. Soph., etc. : c. inf., φρονεΊν yap oi τaχε7s ουκ άσφaλεΊs the hasty in council are not safe. Id. : so of things, sure, certain, Thuc., etc. 3. assured from danger, safe, secure. Soph., etc.; εν άσφαλεΐ in safety, Thuc.; τδ άσφaλεs = άσφά- λεια, Id. ; άσφaλεs [eVrt], c. inf., it is safe to . . , 127 Ar. 4. άσφ. ρ-ητωρ a convincing Id. II. Ep. Adv. άσφaλεωs εχείί/ or μενειν to be, remain fast, firm, steady, Horn. ; so neut. άσφaλεs as Adv., Id. ; άσφ. άγορεύει without faltering, Od. ; εμττεδον άσ- φaλεωs without fail for ever, Horn. ; still further strengthd., εμττεδον άσφaλεs άεί II. III. Att. Adv. άσφaλώs in all senses of the Adj., iii. safety, with certainty. Soph. : — Comp, -εστερον, Hdt., Plat. ; Sup. -εστατα. Id. ασφαλίζομαι, Med., f. Att. —ιουμαι ; — to make safe, se- cure, N. T. άσφαλτος, ή, asphalt, bitumen, forming in lumps, {θρόμβοι ] on the surface of the river Is near Babylon and at Ardericca near Susa, Hdt. i^Seems to be a foreign word.) ά-σφάράγε'ω, f. "ησω, {a euphon., σφα.ραγεω) to resouTid, clang, of armed men, Theocr. άσφάράγος [φα], ό, = φάρυγξ, the throat, gullet, 11. ά-σφάράγος, δ, {a euphon., στταργάω) asparagus, Anth. άσφοδελινος, η, ον, of asphodel, Luc. From ασφόδελός, δ, asphodel, king’’ s-spear, a plant of the lily kind, Hes., Theocr. II. oxyt., as Adj., άσφο- δελδϊ λειμών the asphodel mead, which the shades of heroes haunted, Od. (Deriv. unknown.) ά-σφυκτος, ον, {σφύζω) without pulse, lifeless, Anth. άσχάλάω, used by Horn, in Ep. forms, 3 sing, άσχαλάα, 3 pi. άσχαλόωσι, inf. άσχαλάαν, part, άσχαλόων : — to be distressed, grieved, Horn. : to be vexed at a thing, c. gen., Od. (.Deriv. uncertain.) άσχάλλω, i. -άλω, =^άσ χαλάω, Od., Hdt.; τινι «ζί a thing, Aesch., Eur. ; τι Id. ά-σχετος, Ep. also άά-σχετος, ον, (σχείν'' not to be held in or checked, irrepressible, tingovernable, Horn, ά-σχημάτιστος, ον, {σχηματίζω) without f orm ox figure. Plat. άσχημονεω, f. ήσω, to behave xinseemly , disgrace one- self, to be put to shame, Eur., Plat. ; and άσχημοσυνη, η, want of form , ungyncefulness. Plat. : in moral sense, indecorum. Id. From ά-σ^ήμων, ον, gen. ovos, {σχήμα) misshapen, xinseemly , shaxneful, Lat. hirpis, Eur. 2. of persons, άσν. γενεσθαι to be indecorous, Hdt. άσχολεω, f. ά\σω, to exigage, occupy, τινά Luc. ασχολία, η, an occupation, business, want of leisure, Thuc. ; άσχ. εχειν φιλοσοφία$ ττερι to have no leisure for pursuing it. Plat. ; άσχ. άγειν to be engaged or occupied. Id. ; άσχ. τταρεχειν τινι to cause one trouble, \d. ά-σχολος, ον, (σχολή) of persons, without leisure, en- gaged, occupied, busy. Plat., Dem. ; άσχ. is τι xvith no leisure for a thing, Hdt. ; άσχ. ττερί τι busy about . . , Plut. : — Adv., άσχόλω3 εχείν to be busy, Eur. II. of actions, allowing no leisure. Id. άσχυ, τό, the inspissated juice of a Scythian tree, Hdt. ά-σώμάτος, ον, {σώμα) unembodied, incorporeal. Plat, άσωτευομαι, Dep. to lead a profligate, wasteful life, Arist. : and άσωτία, η, prodigality , wastefulness. Plat. From ά-σωτος, ον, (σώζω) having χιο hope of safety, aban- doned, profligate, Lat. perditus. Soph., Arist. II. act., άσωτοι γενει bringing ruin on the vdicc, fatal to it, Aesch. 128 ατακτεω άτακτ^ω, ί. -ησω, of a soldier, to he undisciplined , dis- orderly, Xen., Dem. 2. generally, to lead a dis- orderly life, Xen. From ά-τακτο 5 , ον, not in battle-order, of troops, Hdt., Thuc., etc. 2. undisciplined , disorderly , irregular, law- less, Id., etc. II. Adv. -rtws, in an irregular, disorderly manner, of troops. Id. : Comp, άτακτό- repov. Id. ά-ταλαίΐΓωρος> ον, without pains or patience, indiffer- ent, careless, Thuc. ά-τάλαντο 5 , ον, (α copul., τάλαντον) equal in weight, equivalent or equal to, τινι Horn, άταλά-φρων, ον, gen. ovos, (φρην) tender-minded , of a child, 11. άτάλλω [ά], only in pres, and impf. to skip in childish glee, gambol, 11. II. Act. to bring up a child, rear, foster, like ατιτάλλω. Soph. : — Pass, to grow tip, wax, h. Horn. ; the Act. is so used by Hes. From άταλός [ατά], ή, όν, (akin to άτταλόϊ) tender, delicate, of young creatures, Horn.] άταλά (ppoveovres of young, gay spirit, II. άτάλό-ψϋχος, ον, [φνχη) soft-hearted, Anth. αταξία. Ion. -ιη, ή, {άτακτο5 want of discipline, dis- orderliness, properly among soldiers, Hdt., Thuc., etc. 2. generally disorder, irregularity. Plat., etc. άτάομαι [άτ |, Pass, {άτη) to suffer greatly, he in dire distress, ατώμζνο$ Soph., Eur. 'ATA'P, Ep. αύτάρ, Conjunct, but, yet, Lat. at, to introduce an objection or correction, II., Att. ; it always begins a sentence or clause, but is placed after the voc., "Εκτορ, άτάρ ττου €ψη5 still thou didst say, II. : — άτάρ sometimes answers to μ4ν, more emphatic than Se, Horn., Att. 2. in Att. to mark a rapid transition to another thought, Aescb., etc. ; so άτάρ δή Eur. ά-τάρακτο5, ον, [ταράσσω) not disturbed, without con- fusion, steady, of soldiers, Xen. ά-τάράχος, ον, — άτάρακτο5, Arist. ά-ταρβη5, es, {τάρβθ5) unfearing, fearless, II.; άτ. T'/js Qias having no fear about the sight. Soph. 2. causing no fear, Aesch. ? ά-τάρβητο 5 , ον, ταρββω) fearless, undaunted. Soph. ο.-τ6.ρρ.νκτο%,ον , unwincing , unflinching (Deriv. unknown.) άταρτΓΪτός, άταρττός, Ion. for άτραττιτόϊ, άτραττόϊ. άταρτηρός, όν, Ep. for arippos, mischievous, baneful, Horn. ατασθαλία, Ion. -ίη, ή, (άτάσθαλο^) presumptuous sin, recklessness, arrogance, Horn, always in pi. ; in sing., Hes., Hdt. άτασθάλλω, only in pres. part, acting presumptuously , in arrogance, Od. From ατάσθαλος [άτ], ον, {άτη, though a does not agree in qusintity) presumptuoiis, reckless, arrogant, Horn., Hdt. ά-ταυρωτος, ον, {ταυρόομαι) unwedded, virgin, Aesch. άτάφία, η, want of burial, Luc. From ά-τάφος, ον, unburied, Hdt., Att. άτάω, V. άτάομαι. are, properly acc. pi. neut. of ocrre, used as Adv., jtist as, so as, II., Hdt., Soph. II. in causal sense, in- asmuch as, seeing that, Lat. quippe, with part., are ^χων Hdt., Thuc., etc. ; with gen. absoL, are των δ0ων φυλασσόμενων quippe viae custodirentur, Hdt. ; with — ατερος. the part, omitted, δίκτυα Sovs [ούτφ], οτε θηρ^υτη [οντι] Jd. ά-τ€γκτος, ον, (τεγγω) not to be wetted : metaph. not to be softened, relentless. Soph., Eur. ά-Τ€ΐρής, es, (τείρω) not to be worn away, indestruc- tible, of iron, Horn. : metaph. stubborn, unyielding, II. ά-τείχιστος, ον, {τ€ΐχίζω) unwalled, unfortified, Thuc. 2. not walled in, not blockaded. Id. ά-τ€κμαρτος, ον, {τ€κμαίρομαι) not to be guessed, ob- scure, baffling, Hdt., Thuc. : — Adv., άτζκμάρτω5 ^χ^ιν to be in the dark about a thing, Xen. 2. of persons, uncertain, inconsistent, Ar. ατεκνία, η, childlessness, Arist. From ά-τεκνος, ον, {τόκνον) without children, childless, Hes., Trag. II. in causal sense, destroying children, Aesch. άτεκνόω, f. ώσω, to make childless : — Pass, to be de- prived of children, Anth. άτε'λεια. Ion. -ίη, η, (άτελήϊ) exemption from public burdens (τέλη), Lat. immunitas, granted to those who deserved well of the state, Att. ; c. gen., άτ. στρα- τηΐη5 exemption from service, Hdt. ά-τε'λεστος, ον, (τελεω) without end or issue, to no purpose, without effect, unaccomplished, Horn. II. uninitiated in mysteries, c. gen., Eur. ; absol.. Plat, ά-τελευτητος, ον, (τελευτάω) not brought to an end or issue, unaccomplished , II. II. of a person, im- practicable, Soph. ά-τελευτος, ον, (τελευτ-ί? ) endless, eternal, Aesch. ά-τελής, is, (τελοϊ ) without end, i. e., 1. not brought to an end or issue, unaccomplished, Od., Xen. : — incomplete. Soph., Thuc., Plat. 2. act. not bringing to an end, not accomplishing one^s pur- pose, Pind., Plat., etc. II. (τελο5 iv) at Athens, free from tax or tribute, scot-free, Lat. imnuinis, absol., or c. gen., άτ. των άλλων free from all other taxes, Hdt., Att. 2. of sums, without deduction, nett, clear, 6βολΙ)5 άτ. an obol clear gain, Xen., Dem. III. (τε\οϊ v) uninitiated in mysteries, c. gen., h. Horn. άτε'μβω [ά], only in pres, to maltreat, to afflict, per- plex, Od. : Pass., c. gen., to be bereft or cheated of a thing, Horn. (Deriv. unknown.) ά-τενής, is, (a copul., τείνω) strained tight, clinging, of ivy. Soph. : metaph. II. of men’s minds and speech, intent, earnest, Hes., Plat. ; also stiff, stub- born, inexorable, Aesch., Ar. : — Adv. UTevcvs, earnestly , άτ. εχείν irpis τι Plut. ατενίζω, f. ίσω, {άτ€vήs) to look intently , gaze earnestly, e’is Ti Arist. ; τινί upon one, N. T. "ATEP [ά]. Prep, with gen. without, Horn. ; άτ€ρ ZtjvcIs without his will, II. II. aloof or apart from, Ib., ^Trag. ά-τεραμνος, ον, (τερην) unsoftened : metaph. stubborn, unfeeling, merciless, Od., Aesch. ά-τεράμων [άμ], ον, Att. for άτipaμvos Ar., Plat, άτερθε, before a vowel -θεν, = άτερ, Trag.; c. gen.. Soph. ά-τε'ρμων, ον, gen. ovos, (τέρμα) without bounds ; άτ. πiπλos having no end or issue, inextricable, Aesch. ; άτipμov€S avyai the countless rays of the mirror, Eur. άτερος [ά]. Dor. for ’irepos, Ar. 2. arepos [ά !, Att. άτβρττής - crasis for δ erepos, neut. θάτ^ρον [ά], g-en. darepov, etc. α-τβρττης, es, ίτ€ρπω) unpleasing, joyless^ melancholy, Horn., Aesch. ; άτ€ρπ4στ€ρον els ακρόασιν less attractive to the ear, Thuc. a-TCpiroSj ov, — ά-τβρττήϊ, II. Hence ά-τ6ρψία, η, unpleasantness, Luc. ά-τ6υκτ€ω, f. ήσω, to fail in gaining a thing, c. gen., Babr. From ^ a-T€VKTOS, ov, (τυ 7 χάϊ'α>) not gaining. ά-τευχη?, es, {revxos) linequipped, unarmed, Eur., Anth. : so ά-τευχητος, ov. Id. ά-τεχνή5, es, — ^Texvos, Babr. άτεχνία, η, "want of art or skill, unskilfulness. Plat. From ά-τεχνος, ov, (τεχι/τ?) without art, ignorant of the rules of art, unskilled, empirical. Plat, άτε'χνως, Adv. of drexvos, without rules of art, empiri- cally, Xen., Plat. II. άτεχνώξ (with penult, short), Adv. of arexviis, simply, i. e. really, absolutely , Lat. plane, omnino, Ar., Plat., etc. ; καΤών ar. simply beautiful, Ar. : — in comparisons, arexvihs ciawep just as. Plat. : — with negat., just not, Ar. ; ατ€χνώ5 ovSeis simply no one. Id. άτε'ω [ά], in part, ar Ιων , fool-hardy , reckless, II., Hdt. άτη [ά], η, (άόω, for άάτη) bewilderment, infatuation, reckless impulse, caused hy judicial blindness sent by the gods, Horn. : — hence ''A tt; is personified as the god- dess of mischief or reckless conduct, ‘'Ατη, ^ irdvras aarai II. : the Αιταί come slowly after her, undoing the evil she has worked, Ib. II. as a consequence, 1. reckless guilt or sin, as that of Paris, Ib. 2. bane, ruin, Horn., Trag. : — of persons, a bane, pest, Aesch., Soph. α-τηκτος, ov, not melted or to be melted. Plat, ά-τημελής, 4s, neglected, Plut. II. careless : — Adv., άτημ€λώ5 4χ€ίν Id. ά-τημε'λητος> ον, (τ7?μελεω) unheeded, uncared for, Xen. 2. baffled, disappointed, Aesch. II. taking no heed, slovenly, Alciphro : — Adv., άτημε- λήτωί εχείϊ/ to take no heed of a thing, c. gen., Xen. άτηρ 05 [ά], ά, 6v, blinded by άτη, hurried to ruin, Theogn. II. baneful, ruinous, mischievous, Aesch., Soph. : rb άτηρόν bane, ruin, Aesch. ; ατηρότατον κακόν Ar. Άτθις, iSos, η, Attic : — as Subst. (sub. Attica, Eur. ά-τίετο 5 , ov, {τίω) unhonoured, Aesch. II. act. not honouring or regarding, rivos Eur. ά-τίζω, (τίω, V. a privat.) not to honour, to hold in no honour, Oeovs Aesch. : absol. in part., ατίζων tin- heeding, II. ά-τϊθάσευτος, ov, (τΓθάσευω) untamable, wild, Plut. άτϊμα,γελε'ω, f. ήσω, to forsake the herd, Theocr. From άτϊμ-αγε'λης, ου, δ, (αγέλη) despising the herd, i. e. straying i feeding alone, Theocr., Anth. ατιμάζω, f. άσω : aor. i ητίμασα: pf. ητίμακα : — Pass., pf. ητίμαιτμαι : aor. i ητιμάσθην : f. ατιμασθΊ\(Τομαι : {άτιμοε) ^—to hold in no honour, to esteerA lightly, dishonour, slight, c. acc., Horn., Att. : so in Med., Soph. : — c. acc. cogn., εττη άτιμάζ^ιε ττόΚιν thou speakest words in dishonour of the city. Id. : — Pass, to suffer dishonour, Hdt., Att. 2. c. gen. rei, ar. λό^ου to treat -’Άτ\ας. 129 as unworthy speech, Aesch. ; ar. ων—ατ. τούτων a. Soph.: — 3.\5θ,μ4ι μ άτιμάσρ5 τδ μ)] ού Oaveiv deem me not tinworthy to die. Id. ; ούκ ατιμάσω τνροσ^ητ^Ίν will not disdain to . . , Eur. ΎΣ. — άτιμόω in legal sense, to deprive of civil rights, Xen. Hence άτϊμαστε'ος, a, ov, verb. Adj. to be despised. Plat.; and άτϊμαστήρ, ηρο$, δ, a dishonourer , Aesch. άτΐμάω, Ep. impf. άτιμων : f. άτιμ4]σω : aor. i ητίμησα : {&τιμο$) : — to dishonour, treat lightly, Horn. ά-τίμητο 5 , ov, {τιμάω) unhonoured, despised, II. II. (τιμή ll) not valued or estimated, δίκη άτ. a cause in which the penalty is not assessed in court, but fixed by law beforehand, Dem. ατιμία. Ion. -ίη [-Γη Ep.], η, dishonour, disgrace, Οά., Soph., etc. ; 4v άτιμίτι τινά ^χ^ιν, ατιμίαν προστιθόναι τιν'ι Hdt. ; άτ. tiv0s dishonour done to one, Eur. 2. at Athens, the loss of civil rights, Lat. deminutio ca- pitis, Aesch., Oratt. II. όσθημάτων άτ., i. e. ragged garments, Aesch. άτϊμο-ττενθής, 4s, (πεϊ/θοί) sorrowing for dishonour incurred, Aesch. ά-τϊμο 5 , ov, {τιμ4] i) unhonotired, dishonoured, II., Trag.; Comp. ά-τιμότ€ρο$ less honourable, Xen.; c. gen. without the honour of .. , not deemed worthy of . . , Aesch. ; also, χάριε ούκ άτιμοε ττόνων no unworthy return for . . , Id. 2. at Athens, deprived of privi- leges, Lat. capite deminutus, opp. to όπίτιμοε, Ar., etc. ; also c. gen., άτ. yepcav deprived of privileges, Thuc. ; άτ. τού συμβουΧ^ύξίν deprived of the right of advising, Dem. II. (τιμή ii) without price or value, οίκον άτιμον 45 ^ls thou devourest his sub- stance Od. 2. unrevenged, Aesch. III. Adv. -μωε, dishonourably , ig7to- miniously. Id., Soph. άτΐμόω, f. άσω ’. aor. i ητίμωσα: pf. ητίμωκα : — Pass., ρί.ητίμωμαι: aor. i ητιμώθην: — to dishonour, Aesch.: — Pass, to suffer dishonotir or indignity , Hdt., Aesch., Eur. II. at Athens, to punish with ατιμία ( 2 ), Lat. aerarium facer e, Ar., Oratt. ά-τΐμώρητος, ov, tinavenged, i. e., I. unpunished, άτ. γίγνεσθαι to escape punishment, Hdt., Thuc. : — Adv. -τωε, with impunity. Plat. II. for which no revenge has been taken, άτιμωρητον iav Θάνατον Aeschin. III. tindefended, unprotected, Thuc. άτίμωσις [i], εω5, ή, a dishonouring, dishonour done to, c. gen., τραττόζαε, ττατρόε Aesch. άτίσης [t], 2 sing. aor. i subj. of ά-τίζω. άτιτάλλω, redupl. form of άτάλλω, to rear up a child, foster, cherish, tend, Horn.; of horses. Pass., χην άτ IT άλλο μόνην 4vl οίκφ Od. ά-τίτης [Γ], ου, δ, {τ'ιομαι) unpunished, Aesch. II. (τίω) unhonoured. Id. άτϊτος, ον, (τίω) unhonoured, unavenged, II. II. unpaid, Ib. [where ϊ]. ά-τίω [Γ], = ά-τί^ω, Theogn. Άτλά-γενής, es, (Υι^νομαι) sprung from Atlas, of the Pleiads, Hes. ’Ατλαντικός, ή, όν, of Atlas, Atlantic, τόρμον^ε ’Ατλ. the pillars of Hercules, Eur. : — fern. Άτλαντίς, ίύοε, θάλασσα η ’A. καλουμόνη Hdt. "Ατλας, avTos, δ: acc. also "Ατλαν Aesch, : (α euphon., τλάε, V. *ταλαω) : — Atlas, one of the elder gods, who K 130 ατΧητίω — bore up the pillars of heaven, Od. : — later, one of the Titans, Hes., Aesch. II. in hist, writers. Mount Atlas in Africa, regarded as the pillar of heaven, Hdt. άτλητ€ω, f. ήσω, to he unable to hear a thing, to he impatient. Soph. From α-τλητο 5 . Dor. α-τλΰτος, ον, not to be borne, in- sufferable, II., Orac. ap. Hdt., Soph. 2. not to he dared, &τλητα τλασα Aesch. II. act. incapable of hearing a thing, c. gen., Anth. άτμ€νία, η, {άτμΊ}ν) slavery, servitude, Anth. άτμή, η, — ατμ05, Hes. άτμήν, evos, δ, a slave, servant. (Deriv. uncertain.) α-τμητο 5 , ον, not cut up, unravaged, Thuc., Plut. : of mines, not yet opened, Xen. II. undivided, in- divisible, Plat. άτμίζω, f. ίσω : pf. ητμικα : {ατμ05) : — to smoke. Soph. : of water, to steam, Xen. άτμίς, ibos, η, = ατμ6$, Hdt. ατμός, δ, {β,ω to blow) steam, vapour, Aesch. α-τοιχος, ον, unwalled, Eur. α-τοκος, ον, having never yet brought forth, never having had a child, Hdt., Eur. II. not hearing interest. Plat. ά-τόλμητος, Dor. -μάτος, ov, = arXrjros, not to be en- dured, insufferable, Pind. : of wicked men, Aesch. άτολμία, τ), want of daring, cowardice, backwardness, Thuc., Dem. From α-τολμος, ον, (τόλμα) daring nothing, wanting courage, spiritless, cowardly, Ar., Thuc. : — of women, unenterprising, retiring, Aesch. : — c. inf. not having the heart to do a thing. Id. α-τομος, ον, {τέμνω) uncut, unmown. Soph. II. thcit cannot be cut, indivisible. Plat, j eV ατόμφ in a moment, N. T. άτονόω, f. ήσω, to be relaxed, exhausted, Plut. From a-Tovos, ov, (τζίνω) not stretched, relaxed, Arist. ά-τοξθ 9 , ov, (τόξον) without bow or arrow, Luc. ατοΊτία, 7], a being out of the way, and so : 1. extra- ordinary nature of a thing, Thuc. 2. strangeness, oddness, eccentricity, Ar., Plat. α-τοτΓος, ov, out of place, and so, 1. strange, un- wonted, extraordinary, Eur., etc. 2. strange, odd, eccentric, δούλοι των ael ατόττων slaves to every new paradox, Thuc.; των άτοπωτάτων hv Dem. 3. unnatural, disgusting, foul, ττν^υμα Thuc. II. Adv. -TTCos, marvellously or absurdly. Id., Plat, ατος, ov, contr. for &ατο5. a-τpayωhr^τoζ,ov,{τpa‘γφδ€ω)nottreatedtragically,Luc. άτρακτος, δ, a spindle, Hdt., Ar., etc. II. an arrow. Soph. ; cf. ηλακάτη. (Deriv. uncertain.) άτρακτΰλίς or άτρακτυλλίς, iSos, η, a thistle-like plant, used for making spindles, Theocr. (Deriv. unknown.) άτρατΓΪτός and άταριτιτός, = sq., Od. ά-τραΐΓ0ς, Ep. ά-ταριτός, η, {τρέπω) properly a path with no turnings, generally a path-way , road, Horn., Hdt., Thuc., etc. άτράφαξυς, vos, η, the herb orach. (Deriv. unknown.) ά-τράχηλος, ov, without neck, Anth. άτρόκεια, η. Ion. gen. -€ίη$, reality, strict truth, cer- tainty, Hdt. II. personified Άτρέκ^ια, severity, Pind. From ά-τρ€κής, έ$, real, genuine, II. 2. strict, precise. - άτταγα?. exact, άριθμόε Hdt.: — τδ ατρ€κέ5 = άτρέκ€ΐα. Id.; τό άτρζκέστβρον greater exactness. Id. ; τδ άτρ^κέστατον Id. 3. sure, certain, Eur. II. used by Horn, mostly in Adv. άτρβκεωϊ, with ayopeveiv, καταλέξαι, to tell tridy, exactly ; so also Hdt. 2. also neut. as Adv., Se/cas άτρ€κέ5 just ten of them, Od. ; so, τδ άτρ€κέ$ Theogn. (Deriv. uncertain.) ά-τρόμα, used by Poets for ατρέμα$ before a conson., II. άτρεμαΐος, a, ov, poet, for άτρ€μη5, Eur. ά-τρεμας, {τρέμω) Adv. without trembling, without motion, Horn. ; άτρέμαε evSeiv Id. ; άτρέμα$ ήσο sit still, II. ; ατρέμα$ έχ€ΐν to keep quiet, Hdt. ; άτρ. άπτ^σθαί tivos gently, softly, Eur. ; ατρ. πορ^ν^σθαι to go softly, Xen. άτρεμεί or -t, Adv. of άτρεμή?, Ar. άτρεμεω, f. ήσω : aor. i ητρέμησα : — not to tremble, to keep still or quiet, Hes. ; ούδαμά κω ήτρεμήσαμει/, of a restless people, Hdt. From ά-τρεμής, έs, {τρέμω) not trembling, unmoved. Plat., Xen. Adv. άτρ€μέω5 Theogn. άτρεμί, v. άτρεμεί. άτρεμία, η, (άτρεμήϊ) a keeping still, άτρβμίαν έχ€ΐν or &yciv Xen. άτρεμίξω, f. Att. -ϊω. Ion. inf. -Ueiv : — to keep quiet, Theogn., Hdt. ; ουκ άτρ. to he restless. Id. ά-τρε'ΤΓΤος,οι/, (τρεττω) unmoved, immutable, Plut., Luc. ά-τρεστος, ov, {τρέω) not trembling, tinf earing, fear- less, Lat. intrepidus, Trag. : c. gen., ατρ. μάχαε fear- less of fight, Aesch. ; so, άτρ. έν μάχαιε Soph. ; άτρ. €v5eiv sectirely. Id.: — also neut. pi. άτρ^στα as Adv., Eur. ά-τρίακτος, ov, {τριάζω) unconquered, Aesch. ά-τρϊβής, έ%, {τρίβω) not rubbed : of places, not tra- versed, pathless, Thuc. : of roads, not worn or used, Xen. : generally, new, Lat. integer. Id. ατριον, TO, Dor. for ητριον. ά-τριιττος, ον, {τρίβω) of hands, not worn by work, Od. ; of corn, not threshed, Xen. ; άτρ. άκανθαι thorns on which one cannot tread, or untraversed thorns, Theocr. ά-τρόμητος, ov, (τρομεω) = sq., Anth. α-τρομος, ov, {τρέμω) intrepid, dauntless, II. άτροττία, η, inflexibility , Theogn. From α-τροτΓος, oj', {τpέπω)unchangeahle, eternal ,ThtocT . 2 . inflexible, unbending, Anth. : — hence ''Ατροπο5, η, name of one of the Mo7pai or Parcae, Hes. ; v. Κλωθώ. άτροφεω, f. ήσω, to pine away, .suffer from atrophy, Plut. From ά-τροφος, ov, {τρέφω) not fed, ill-fed, Xen. ά-τρυγετος, η, ον, {τpvyάω) yielding no harvest, un- fruitful, of the sea, Horn.; of the air. Id. ά-τρυμων [ΰ], ov, = άτρυτο5, c. gen., άτρ. κακών not worn out by ills, Aesch. α-τρντος, ov, {τρύω) not worn away, untiring, un- wearied, Aesch. : indefatigable, Plut. 2. of things, wna6aim^,Soph.,Mosch.; oi Άτοζ.ά, wearisome, Theocr. Ά-τρντώνη, η, the Unwearied, a name of Pallas, Horn. (Lengthd. form of άτρντη, as Άϊδωνεύϊ of ''AiS^s.) ά-τρωτος, ov, unwounded, Aesch., Soph. II in- vulnerable, Eur. αττα, Att. for άσσα = τινά, some. Plat. άττα, a salutation used to eX^exs, father , Horn. άττάγάς, a, δ, a bird, prob. a kind of partridge ; or, as αττα'γην — αύθα8όστομος. Ι3Ι others think, the godwit or redshank, Ar. (Deriv. unknown.) άτταγήν, rjvos, δ, a bird, prob. a kind of grouse, attagen lonicus, Horat. άτταται, a cry of pain or grief , Trag·., Ar. άττ€λαβος, Ion. -ββος, δ, a'ddrtd' of locust •without wings, Hdt. (Deriv. unknown.) "Αττης a form of exorcism, used by the priests of Cybele, Dem. Άττικίζω, f. Att. ιώ, {^Attik6s) to side with the Athe- nians, Thuc., Xen. Hence ’Αττικισμός, δ, a siding with Athens, attachment to her, Thuc. Άττικιστι, Adv., (’Atti/cos) in the Attic dialect, Dem. Άττικίων, a comic Dim., my little Athenian, Ar. From ’Αττικός, ή, 6v, (ακτή) Attic, Athenian, Solon, etc.; ή ’Αττική (sc. γή), Attica, Hdt., etc. ; cf. ’ArOis. II. Adv. -Kws in Attic style, Dem. Άττικωνικός, ή, 6v, a comic alteration of ’Αττικόϊ, after the form of Αακωνικόε, Ar. αττω, Att. for ασσω, aicrcrw. άτυζομαι, in pres., and in aor. 2 part, άτυχθ^ίε : Pass.: — to he distraught from fear, mazed, bewildered, Horn. ; ατυζόμ^νοι ττεδίοιο fleeing bewildered o’er the plain, II. : also to he distraught with grief, άτυζό- μ^νοε Soph., Eur. : c. acc., 6'ψίϊ/ ατυχθ^ίε amazed at the sight, II. II. In late Ep. we find the Act. άτυξω, with 3 sing. aor. i opt. ατνξαι, to strike with terror, Theocr. ά-τυμβευτος, ον, (τυμβζΰω) without burial, Anth. α-τνμβος, ον, without a tomb, Luc. ά-τΰράννευτος, ον, (τυρανν^ύω) not rvded by tyrants, Thuc. α-τϋφος, ον, without pride or arrogance, modest. Plat, άτΰχε'ω, f. ήσα> : aor. i ητόχτησα : pf. ήτυχηκα : (άτυ- χήϊ ) : — to be unlucky or unfortunate, fail, miscarry, Hdt., Thuc., etc. 2. c. gen., to fail of ά. thing, /af/ in getting or gaining it, τήϊ αληθξίαε Xen. ; so, c. part., Thuc. 3. άτ. πρόε τινα to fail with another, i. e. to fail in one’s request, Xen. : — Pass., τά άτυχη- devra mischances, failures, Dem. Hence ατύχημα, ατοε, τό, a misfortune, mishap, Oratt. ά-τυχής, is, (τιτγχάνω) luckless, unfortunate, \^ora.,oX.c. ατυχία, ή, ill-luck : — a misfortune, miscarriage, mis- hap, Xen. άτώμαι, v. ατάω. AY”^, Adv., again, anew, afresh, once more, Horn., etc. ; after numerals, Scvrepov al·, τρίτον αδ, etc.. Id. II. generally, again, i. e. further, moreover, besides, Lat. Porro, Od., Att. 2. in turn, on the other hand, following δε, II., Att. III. the pleon. phrases, ττάΚιν al·, ad ττάλιν, ίμτταΧιν αυ, αδθιε ad, addis ad ττάΚίν, are only Att., mostly Trag. αυ, αυ, bow wow, of a dog, Ar. αΰαίνω, Att. αυ- : f. αυανω : aor. i ηϋηνα or αϋ- : — Pass., aor. i ηνάνθην or av- : f. med. ανανονμαι in pass, sense: {αϋω to dry)-. — to dry, Od., Hdt., Xen. 2. to dry or parch up, αυανω βίον I shall waste life away. Soph. : Pass., avavOeis withered, Aesch. ; so in f. med., αυανουμαι I shall wither away. Soph, αυαλεος, a, ov, (auos) dry, parched, Hes. ; of eyes, dry, sleepless, Anth. αύάτα, i. e. αΡάτα, Aeol. for ^τη, PInd. αΰγάζω, f. άσω, aor. i 7]vyaffa : (αυγή) : — to view in the clearest light, see distinctly, discern. Soph. ; so in Med., II., Hes. II. of the sun, to beam tipon, illumine, τινά Eur. ΑΥ’ΓΗ' ’, ή, the light of the sun, sunlight, and in pi. his rays or beams, Horn. ; υττ avyas ηβλίοιο, i. e. still alive, Od. ; so, αυγά? εσιδεΐν, λευσσειζ/, ^θλεττειν Theogn., Aesch., Eur. ; but, ύττ’ avyas Xevaaeiv or Ideiv Ti to hold up to the light and look at. Id. ; κλνζ^ιν Trphs avyas to rise surging towards the sun, Aesch. : — metaph., βίου δνντοε avyai ‘ life’s setting sun,’ Id. : — αυγή the dawn, day-break, N. T. 2. generally, any bright light, as of fire, Horn. ; of light- ning, II.; of the eyes. Soph.; hence αυγαί, like Lat. lumina, the eyes, Eur. 3. any gleam on the sur- face of bright objects, sheen, αυγή χαλκ^ίη II. ; αυγά ττεπλου Eur. αύδάξομαι, f. -άγομαι, Dep. (αυδή) to cry out, speak, Hdt. : an aor. i act. ανδαξα occurs in Anth. αυδάω, impf. ηνδων : f. αύδήσω. Dor. άσ'ω [ά]. Dor. 3 pi. ανδασουντι : aor. i -ηνδτησα. Dor. ανδάσα. Ion. 3 sing, αυδήσασκε : — also as Dep. αύδάομαι : impf. -ρύδάτο : f. 4]σομαι : aor. i αυδήθηυ (pass, only) : (αυδή) : I. c. acc. rei, 1. to utter sounds, speak, II., Eur. 2. c. acc. rei, to speak or say something, II., Soph. : so as Dep., Id. : — Pass., ηϋδατο yap ταντα so ’twas said. Id. 3. of oracles, to litter, proclaim, tell of. Id. ; to speak out con- cerning a thing, Aesch. II. c. acc. pers., 1. to speak to, address, accost, Horn. : to invoke a god, Eur. 2. c. acc. et inf. to tell, bid, order one to do. Soph. ; αυδ. τινα μη ττοίζΐν to forbid one to do, Aesch. ; ανδω σιωπάν Soph. : so as Dep., Id. 3. to call by name, call so and so, Eur. : Pass., αυδωμαι πα7ε Άχιλλ4ωε Soph. ; κάκιστ αυδώμ^νοε most il] re- ported of, Aesch. 4. like Xeyeiv, to mean such an one, Eur. ΑΥ’ΔΗ', Dor. αΰδά, ή, the human voice, speech, opp. to ομφη (a divine voice), II. 2. the sound or twang of the bowstring, Od. ; of a trumpet, Eur. ; of the τε'ττίΙ, Hes. 11. = φ'1]μη, a report, account. Soph., Eur. 2. an oracle, Id. Hence αΰδήεις, εσσα, ευ, speaking with human voice, Od. ; when Oehs αϋδήεσσο is applied to Calypso and Circe, it means a goddess who used the speech of mortals, Ib. αύ-ερυω, Ep. aor. i avipvaa, to draw back or backwards, II. ; to draw the bow, Ib. : absol., in a sacrifice, to draw the victim’s head back, so as to cut its throat, Ib. (It can hardly be a compd. of αδ 4ρνω, for ad is never elsewh. used in the local sense of back : perh. for av- €ρνω, i. e. άν-Ρ^ρνω.) αυθάδεια, poet, -ία, ή, self-will, wilfulness, stubborn- ness, contumacy , presumption, Aesch., etc. From αύθ-άδης [ά], εί, (ήδομαι) self-willed, wilful, dogged, stubborn, contumacious, presumptuous, Hdt., etc. : — metaph. of things, remorseless, unfeeling, Aesch. : — Adv. -δωε, Ar. ; Comp. -4στ€ρον, Plat. Hence αυθάδίζομαι, Dep. to be self-willed. Plat. Hence αύθάδισμα [ά], ατοε, τό, an act of self-will, wilfulness, Aesch. αΰθαδό-στομος, ov, {στόμα) self-willed in speech, Ar. K 2 132 αύβαίμων — ανθ-αίμων, ou, gen. ovos, {αίμα) of the same hlood, a brother y sister, kinsman. Soph.; so, αυθαιμο 5 > ον. Id. αΰθ-αίρ£τος, ον, self-chosen, self-elected, Xen. II. by free choice, of oneself independent, Thnc. HI. of things taken upon oneself, self-incurred , voluntary , Soph., Thuc., etc. αύθ-εκαστος» ον, one 'who calls each thing by its name, Arist. ανθ€ντ€ω, f. ήσω, to have full power over, rivos N. T. αύθ-βντης, ου, δ, contr. for avToevrrjs, one who does anything with his own hand, an actual murderer, Hdt., Eur., etc. : — more loosely, one of a murderer’s family. Id. 2. an absolute master, autocrat. Id. II. as Adj., αυθ4ντ'η$ φόνο5, αυθ4νται θάνατοι murder by one of the same family, Aesch. (^The part -€VT7]s is of uncertain deriv.) αυθ-ήμερος, ον, {-ημ^ρα) made or done on the very day, Aeschin. II. Adv. αυθημερόν (oxyt.), on the very day, on the same day, immediately , Aesch., etc. ; Ion. αυτημίρον, Hdt. αίθι, Adv. shortened for αυτόθι, of Place, on the spot, here, there, Horn. ; ολ}Θι όχ^ιν to keep him there, as is, Od. 2 . of Time, forthwith, straightway , II. αύθι-γενής. Ion. αύτιγ-, is, {Υυγνομαι) born on the spot, born in the country, native, Lat. indigena, Hdt. ; αυτ. ποταμοί rivers that rise in the country, Id. ; ύδωρ αυτ, a natural spring. Id. : — genuine, sin- cere, Eur. αίθις, Ion. αυτις, Adv., a lengthd. form of αυ : I. of Place, back, back again, II. ; αυτι$ Ib. ; this sense rareinAtt. II. ο{Ύ\νί\&, again, afresh, anew,W.orCi., Att. ; strengthd., ύστερον αύτΐ5, ετ’ αύτιε, πάλιν αύτΐ5 II., etc.; βοάν αύθΐ5 to cry encore I Xen. 2. of future Time, again, hereaf ter ,U., Aesch. Illi of Sequence, moreover, in turn, on the other hand, Id., Soph, αυθ-όμαιμος, strengthd. for 0μαιμο$, Soph. α-ύίάχο 5 , ον, (i. e. a-fiaxos), epith. of the Trojans in II., either, 1. (a copul. , Ιαχτ}) loud-shouting, noisy, or, 2 . (from a privat.) noiseless, silent. αύλακ-εργάτης [ά], ου, δ, tracing furrows, Anth. αυλα|, ά /cos, τ], also αλοξ, okos with Ep. acc. Ζ^λκα, ZXKas : — a furrow made in ploughing, Lat. sulctts, Horn., etc. ; αυλακ iXabveiv to draw a furrow, Hes. 2 . metaph. of a wife as the bearer of children. Soph,, Eur. 3. metaph. also, a furrow in the skhi, a gash, wound, Aesch., Eur. 4. = 07 / 405 , a swathe, Theocr. (Prob. from same Root as δλκόε, Lat. sulcus, from ζλκω.) αυλειος, α, ον and 05, ον, of or belonging to the αυλτ] or court, εττ’ αυλ^ίτ/σι θύρ-ρσι at the door of the court, i.e. the outer door, house-dioor, Od. ; so in Hdt. and Att. αΰλε'ω, f. ά]σω, (aiiXis) to play on the flute, Hdt., Plat., etc. ; αυλ. έξοδον to play a finale, Ar. II, Pass,, of tunes, to be played on the flute, Xen. ; but, αυλ^Ίται μέλαθρον is filled with music, Eur. 2 . in Pass, also of persons, to be played to, hear music, Xen, αύλή,^, (prob. from άημι {αβημι) to blow,i.or the αυλτ] was open to the air) : — in Horn, the court-yard, surrounded with out-buildings, and having the altar of Zeus ‘Ep/ceTos in the middle, so that it was at once the meeting-place of the family, and the cattle-yard, II. : it had two doors. ΑΤλΑ'ΝΩ. viz. the house-door (cf. aokeios), and another leading through the αίθουσα into the πρόδομο5, Od. 2. the wall of the court-yard, II. II. after Horn., the αυλή Avas the court or quadrangle, round which the house itself was built, having a corridor {π^ριστΰλιον), from which were doors leading into the men’s apart- ments; opposite the house-door (cf. aiiXeios) was the μ4σαυλο$ or μ4ταυλθ5 (q.v.), leading into the women’s part of the house, Hdt., Att. III. generally, any court or hall, Horn., Trag. αυλημα, aros, to, (αυλεω) a piece of music for the flute, Ar., Plat. αυλησις, ecus, η, (auAecu) flute-playing. Plat, αύλητήρ, r\pos, δ, = αυλ7)τά}5, Hes., etc. αυλητής, ου, δ, (auAecu) a flute-player, Lat. tibicen, Theogn,, Hdt., etc. Hence αυλητικός, ή, όν, (αυλεοο) of or for the flute. Plat. ; ή ~κΊ) (sc. τ4χνΎΐ) flute-playing. Id. αύλητρίς, ίδθ3, ή, (auAecu) a flute-girl, Lat. tibicina, Ar,, Xen., etc. Αυλιάδες Νύμ,ψαι, (αυλή) Nymphs protecting cattle- folds, Anth. αύλίδιον, τό. Dim. of αυλή, Theophr. αύλίζομαι ; aor. i med. 'ηυλισάμ'ην, pass, ηυλίσθην : (αυλή) : — to lie in the court-yard, of cattle, Od. ; to pass the night, lodge, Eur. ; of soldiers, to bivouac, Hdt. αΰλιον, τό, {αυλή) a country house, cottage, h. Horn, : a fold, stable, Eur., Xen. II. a chamber, cave, grotto. Soph, αυλιος, a, ov, (αυλή) of ox for farm-yards, rustic, Eur. αυλις, cSos, ή, (αυλή) a place for passing the night in, a tent, roosting-place, Horn., Eur. αύλίσ-κος, δ. Dim. of ahX0s, a small reed, pipe, Theogn. αύλιεττρίς, ibos, rj, {αυλίζομαι) a house-mate, Theocr. αύλο-δόκη, ή, {δόχομαι) a flute-case, Anth. αυλο-θετε'ω, {τίθτημι) to make flutes ox pipes, Anth. αύλοτΓοιϊκή, (sc. τόχντ}), flute-making. Plat. Erom αύλο-τΓοιός, δ, {ποιόω) a flute-maker. Plat, αυλός, δ, {άημι to blow) a flute or rather clarionet (for It was played by a mouthpiece, 7 λα)σ'σίs, Aeschin.), II., etc.; αυλοί άνδρηϊοι and yovaLKrj'ioi, Lat. tibiae dextrae and sinistrae, bass and treble, Hdt.; sometimes one person played two αυλοί at once, Theocr.; ανλδ$ Έυυαλίου, i. e. a trumpet, Anth. : — ύττ’ αuλouto the sound of the flute, Hdt. ; so, Trpbs αυλόν, υπό τδν αυλόν Xen. 2. any tube or pipe, as the socket of a spear-head, the groove into Λvhich the tongue of a buckle fitted, Horn,; the pipe of bellows, Thuc. : — αυλδε παχύί, in Od., seems to mean a jet of blood through the tube of the nostril, αυλών, wvos, δ, poet, also ή, (αύλ05) a hollow way, defile, glen, h. Horn., Hdt., Ar. 2. a canal, aque- duct, trench, Hdt. 3. a channel, strait, Aesch. ; αυλωνβε πόντιοι the sea straits, i. e. the Archipelago, Soph. ' αύλ-ώτΓίς, iSos, ή, (ώψ) of a helmet, with a tube in front, to hold the λόφο$, II. AY’HA'NnandAY"Hn, (poet. ae|c«j, q.v.) : f. αυξ-ησω: aor, i ηϋξησα: pf. ηϋξ-ηκα: — Pass., pf. 'ηϋξημαι: aor. i -ηύξ'ηθην: f. αυξηθησομαι and in med. form αυξ^σομαι : — to make large, increase, augment, Hdt., etc. (Horn, only uses άόξω). 2. to increase in power, strengthen, exalt. aggrandise, Hdt., Att. : also to promote to honour, glorify, magnify, Trag., Plat. II. Pass, to grow, wax, increase, Hes., Hdt., etc. ; ai»|. is ττληθοε, is uij/os Id. ; of a child, to grow up. Id. ; ηύξανόμην I grew taller, Ar.; so with an Adj., αυξάν^σθαι μiyas to wax great, Eur. Hence o.v^y\, = αΰ^7]σ IS, Plat. Αύξησία, η, {ανξω) the Goddess of growth, Hdt. αυξηοΓΐ?, ews, η, growth, increase, Thuc.; of crops, Hdt. αυξΐμος, ον, {αΰ^ω) promoting growth, Xen. αύξο-σεληνον, τ6, {aeA'fjvr]) the waxing moon, Anth. αΰξω, to increase, v. αυξάνω. α-ύονή, η, {avos) dryness, withering, Aesch. αυος, η, ον, Att. αΰος, α, ον, (ανω) dry, of timber, Od.: dried, Q){{x\i\t, Hdt.: withered, of leaves, Ar. : — neut. as Adv., avov άϋτ€Ϊν or aveiv to ring dry and harsh, of metal, II. 2. dried up, exhausted, Theocr. άϋ-ΓΓνία, 7], sleeplessness. Plat. From α-ϋττνος, ον, [u], sleepless, wakeful, of persons, Od., Att. : sleepless, never-resting, τίτί^άΚια ke.sch.', κρηναι Soph. 2. of sleepless nights, Horn. 3. vTvos &u7rvos a sleep that is no sleep, from which one easily awakes. Soph. οΰρα, Ion. αΰρη, η, {ά'ημι) air in motion, a breeze, esp. a cool breeze, the fresh air of morning, Lat. aura, Od., Hdt., Att. Poets ; rare in Prose : — metaph. steam, Ar. 2. metaph. also, of changeful events, Eur., Ar.; of anything thrilling, Eur. αυριον, Adv., (akin to Ύ\ώ%) to-morrow, Lat. eras, Horn., etc. ; is avpiov on the morrow or till morning. Id. II. as Subst., the morrow, II. ; in Att., ή avpiov (sc. ημ^ρα) the morrow, Eur. ; η αυρ. ημ4ρα Xen. ; η is αυρ. -ημ^ρα Soph. ; δ αυριον xpSvos Eur. άϋ(Γαι, aor. ι inf. of αΰω, to shout. αυσιος, v. r-pvaios. αύσταλβος, a, ov, Ep. άϋσ·ταλ€ος, {αΰω to dry) sun- burnt, squalid, Lat. siccus, Od., Hes. αυστηρός, a, 6v, [αΰω to dry) making the tongue dry and rough, harsh, rough, bitter. Plat. : — metaph. austere, harsh. Id., N.T. Hence αύστηρότης, ητοϊ, ή, harshness, roughness, οίνου Xen. : metaph. austerity, harshness. Plat, αϋτ-ά-γγελος, δ, carrying one's own message, bringing news of what oneself has seen. Soph., Thuc. ; c. gen. rei, Χδχων avr. Soph. αύτ-άγρ€τος, ov, (άγρεω) self-chosen, left to one's choice, Od., h. Horn. αΰτ-άδ€λφος, ov, related as brother or sister, Aesch., Soph. II. as Subst. one's own brother or sister, αυτ-ανδρος, ov, (άι/ήρ) together with the men, men and all, Polyb. αΰτ-ανόψιος, δ, an own cousin, cousin-german, Aesch., Eur. αύτάρ, Ep. form of άταρ, Horn. αύτάρκ€ΐα, η, sufficiency in oneself, independence. Plat. From αύτ-άρκης, es, ' άρκ4ω) sufficient in oneself, having enough, independent of others, Hdt., Plat. ; vf^vs αΰταρκ -fis acting of itself , Aesch. ; χώρα αΰτ. a country that supplies itself, independent of imports, Thuc. ; αύτ. Txp6s Ti strong enough for a thing. Id., Xen. ; c. inf. able of oneself to do a thing, Dem. ; αύτ. )8οή rz sufficient, vigorous shout. Soph. αυτ€, Adv. (αυ, τε, — where τε is otiose, as in oerre) : I. of Time, again, II. II. to mark Sequence, again, furthermore, next, Ib., Soph. 2. 07i the other hand, on the contrary, following μ4ν like δε, Horn., Att. Poets, αύτ-εξουσιος, ov, {4ξουσία ' in one's own power ; rh αυ- τεξούσιον free power, Babr. αύτ-εττάγγελτος, ov, (ετταγγελλω) offering of oneself, of free will, Hdt., Eur., Thuc., etc. αύτ-εττώνΰμος, ov, of the same surname with, rivos Eur. αύτ-ερετης, ου, δ, one who rows himself, i.e. rower and soldier at once, Thuc. άϋτεω [ΰ], only in pres, and Impf. : {αΰω to cry) : — to cry, shout, II., Aesch. : — c. acc. cogn., βοάν άϋτω Eur.; αϋτεΐ δ’ οξύ Aesch. 2. c. acc. pers. to call to, II., Eur. : — c. acc. pers. et inf., Eur. From άϋτη [ϋ], η, {αΰω to cry) a cry, shout, esp. battle-shout, war-cry, Horn. : generally a sound, Aesch. αύτ-ήκοος, ov, (ακούω) one who has himself heard, an ear-witness, Thuc., Plat. αΰτ-ήμαρ, Adv., = αυθημερόν, on the self-same day, II. αύτ-ημερόν, Ion. for αύθ-ημερόν. αύτι-γενής, 4s, Ion. for αυθι-Ύεν4]$. αύτίκα [ί], Adv. {αύτ 0s) forthwith, straightway , at once, Horn., etc.; which notion is strengthened in αύτίκα νυν, μάλ’ αύτίκα Od. ; c. partic., αύτίκ Ιόντι immediately on his going, Ib.; so, αύτίκα ^εν6μενο$ as soon as born, Hdt. ; αύτίκα κα\ μετ4τΓειτα now and hereafter, Od. ; so, τδ αύτίκα and τδ μ4λλον, Thuc. : — with a Subst., την αύτίχ ημ4ραν Soph.; δ αύτίκα φόβοε momentary fear, Thuc. 2. also in a slightly sense, presently, Lat. mox. Soph., etc. II. for example, to begin with, Ar., Plat., etc. ; αύτίκα δη μάλα Dem. άϋτμή, η, {’άημι) breath, II. ; άϋτμη Ήφαίστοιο the fiery breath of Hephaestus, Ib. ; ττυρδϊ άύ'τμτ] Od. ; of bellows, II. ; of wind, Od. 2. odour, scent, fra- grance, Horn. άϋτμήν, 4vos, δ, — άϋτμ4], Horn. αύτο-άνθρωτΓος, δ, the ideal man, the Form of 7nan, Arist. αύτο-βοεί, (βοΊ]) Adv. by a mere shout, at the first shout, αύτ. ελεΤν to take without a blow, Thuc. αύτό-βουλος, ov, self -willing , self -purposing, Aesch. αύτο-γε'ννητος, ov, self-produced : αύτοχ4ννητα κοιμ-ί}- ματα μητρόε a mother’s intercourse with her own child. Soph. αύτογνωμονεω, f. ήσω, to act of one's own judgment, Xen. From αύτο-γνώμων, ov, gen. ovos, on one's owit judgmeiit, at one's own discretion, Arist. : Adv. ~όνω5, Plut. αύτό-γνωτος, ov, (yvcavai) self-determhied, self-willed , Soph. αΰτό-γυος, ov, {^ύη5) of a plough, having the share- beam of one piece with the pole, Hes. αύτο-δαής, 4s, (*δάω^ self-taught, unpremeditated. Soph. αυτο-δαΐκτος, ov, [δα:ιζω) self-slain or mutually slam, Aesch. αύτ-οδά|, Adv. with the very teeth, δ αύτοδάξ TpSrros your ferocious temper, Ar. avToSeKa — αντοττώλης. 134 αντό -^€κα, jusi ten, Thuc. αύτό-δηλο5, oy, self-evident, Aesch. αύτο-δίδακτος, ον, self-taught, Od., Aesch. αύτό-δϊκος, ον, {δίκη) with independent jurisdiction, with one’s own law-courts, Thuc. αύτόδιον, Adv. straightway , Od. (It seems to be leng'thd. from avrSs, as μα\ρίδΐ05 from μά\Ρ, μινννθάδιοε from μίνυνθα.) αύτο-εκαστος, ον, = avOeKaaros : rh αύτ, the ideal or form of each object, Arist. α·ί)Το- 6 ντη 5 , ου, ό, = αυθ€ντη5, a murderer. Soph, αύτο-ετεί, Adv. in the same year, Theocr. From αύτο-ετή5, is, {iros) in or of the same year : Adv. αύτ0€Τ€5, in the same year, within the year, Od. Αύτο-θαΐς, η, Thciis herself, Luc. αύτόθε, v. avTiOev. αύτοθελεί, Adv. voluntarily , Anth. From ούτο-θελής, is, (θέλω) of one’s own will, Anth. αύτόθεν, before a conson. -θε, Adv. : {αυτόν): — of Place, from the very spot, Lat. illinc, Horn., Att. ; αυτ. %δρη$ straight from his seat, without rising, II. j avr. e’/c 'S.aKafivos Hdt., etc.; αυτόθ^ν from where thou standest. Soph. ; αυτ. βιοτ€νξΐν to find a living from the place, Thuc. : — oi αυτ. the natives. Id. II. of Time, on the spot, at once, Lat. illico, II., Hdt., Att. αυτόθι, Adv. for αυτου, on the spot, II., Hdt., Att. αντο~κά^'^α.\οζ,ον, wrought ox done carelessly , slovenly , random, Arist. : — Adv. -Acos, Id. (Deriv. unknown.) αύτο-κασιγνήτη, η, an own sister, Od., Eur. αύτο-κασίγνητος, b, an own brother, II., etc. αύτο-κατάκρϊτος, ον, {κατακρίνω) self -condemned , N.T. αΰτο-κε'λευθος, ον, going one’s own road, Anth. αύτο-κε'λευστο5, ον, self-bidden, i.e. unbidden, of one’s own accord, Xen., Anth. αύτο-κελής, is, (κελο^ααί) = foreg., Hdt. αΰτό-κλαδθ5, ον, branches and all, Luc. αΰτό-κλητος, ον, self-called, i. e. xincalled, unbidden, Aesch., Soph. αύτό-κομ,ος, ον, {κόμη) with natural hair, shaggy, Ar. II. hair or leaves and all, Luc. αύτο-κρατής, is, {Kpaviw) ruling by oneself, absolute, autocratic, Eur., Plat. αΰτοκρατορικός, η, όν, of or for an autocrat : Adv. -Kois, despotically, Plut. From αύτο-κράτωρ, opos, 6, η, {κpάτiω) one’s own master: 1. of persons or states, free and independent, Lat. sui juris, Thuc., Xen. 2. of ambassadors, possessing full powers, plenipotentiary , Ar., Thuc., etc. 3. of rulers, absolute, arbitrary, despotic. Id., etc. 4. of reasoning, peremptory , Id. II. c. gen. com- plete master of, iavTov Id. ; Trjs iiriopKias αυτ. at liberty to swear falsely, Dem. αύτό-κτϊτος, ον, {κτίζω) self-produced, i. e. natural, άντρα Aesch. αϋτοκτονε'ω, f. ^)σω, to slay one another. Soph. From αύτο-κτόνος, ον, {κτ^ίνω) self-slaying ; Adv. -vωs, with one’s own hand, Aesch. : — so χεΙρ αυτ., of Medea, who slew her own children, Eur. 2. slaying one another, Aesch. ; QavaTos αυτ. death by each other’s hand. Id. αύτο-κΰβερνήτης, ου, b, one who steers himself, Anth. αυτό^κωττος, ον, {κώπη) together with the hilt, up to the hilt, Aesch. αύτο-λήκΰθος, b, one who carries his own oil-flask, a shabby fellow, Dem. αυτο-μαθής, is, (μαθεΓυ) having learnt of oneself, self- taught, Anth. αύτό-μαρτΰς, vpos, b, η, oneself the witness, an eye- witness, Aesch. αύτοματίζω, f. ίσω, to act of oneself, act unadvisedly, Xen. From αυτόματος, η, ον, and os, ον : 1 . of persons, acting of one’s own will, of oneself , II., etc. 2. of things, self-moving, self-acting, spontaneous, of the gates of Olympus, the tripods of Hephaestus, II. ; — of plants, growing of themselves, Hdt. 3. without apparent cause, accidental. Id. ; αΰτ. OavaTOS a natural death, Dem. II. αυτόματον, τ6, mere chance, airh του αυτομάτου or airh τ αυτομάτου, Lat. sponte, by chance, naturally, Hdt., Thuc. III. Adv. -τωs = a^xh ταυτομάτου, Hdt. Αύτο-με'δων, ovtos, b. Self-rider, name pf Achilles’ charioteer, II. Αύτο-με'λιννα, η, Melinna herself, Anth. αΰτομολεω, f. ήσω, to desert, Hdt., Att. ; αΰτ. ixphs Tovs nipaas Hdt. ; is ’AOr/vas e/c Ylepσiωv Id. ; and αυτομολία, η, desertion, Thuc. From αύτό-μολος, ον, (μολεΓυ) going of oneself, without bidding : as Subst. a deserter, Hdt., Att. αυτονομεομαι, f . ησομαι, Dep. to live by one’s own laws, be independent, Thuc., Dem.; and αυτονομία, η, freedom to use one’s own laws, inde- pendence, Thuc., etc. αυτό-νομος, ον, {viμoμaL) living under one’s owii laws, independent, Hdt., Att. 2. generally, of one’s own free will. Soph. 3. of zvavazL·, feeding and ranging at will, Anth. αύτό-νοος, ον, contr. -νους, ουν, self-willed, Aesch. αυτο-νΰχί [ϊ], Adv. (νΰ|) that very night, II. αύτό-ξΰλος, ον, (|ύλον) of mere wood. Soph, αυτο-τταγής, is, {ττ-η'/νυμι) self-joined, self-built, Anth. αυτοιτάθεια, η, one’s own feeling or experience, Polyb. From αυτο-τταθής, is, speaking from one’s own feeling or experience .—Adv. -θωs, Polyb. αυτό-τταις, waidos, b, η, an own child. Soph, αυτο-ττήμων, ον, {ττημα) for one’s own woes, Aesch. αΰτό-τΓοιος, ον, yroίiω) self-produced, as the Athenian olive. Soph. αυτό-τΓολις, η, free as a state, independent, Thuc. αυτο-ΤΓολίτης, ου, b, citizen of a free state, Xen. αυτο-ττόνητος, ον, {πoviω) self-wrought, Anth. αυτό-τΓους, b, η, -ιτουν, τ6, on one’s own feet, Luc. αυτό-ττρεμνος, ον, {^τpiμvov) together with the root, root and branch. Soph., Ar. ; αΰτ. τι διδόναι to give in absolute possession, Aesch. αύτο-ττρόσωίΓος, ον, (πρόσωττον) in one’s own person, without a mask, Luc. αυτ-ότΓτης, ου, b, (οψομαι, f. of bράω) seeing oneself, an eyewitness, Hdt. αυτο-ττώλης, ου, b, {^rω\iω) selling one’s own goods or products. Plat. Hence αύτοττωΧικός — αυτοφυής. αΰτοττωλικόξ» "ή, 0v, = ioreg.: η -κη (sc. τ^χντη), the trade of an αύτοπώληε, Plat. αυτόρ-ριζος, oy, {ρίζα) roots and all ; poet. αύτόρίζο$, Babr. II. self-rooted, self-founded, Eur. αΰτόρ-ρΰτος, ον, (peco) self-flowing, flowing unhidden, Anth. ΑΥ’ΤΟ'Σ, αυτή, αυτό, reflexive Pron., self, Lat. ipse : — in the oblique cases simply for the personal Pron,, him, her, it : — with the Artie. 6 avros, ή aurij, rb αυτό (or ταύτόν), etc., the very one, the same. I. self, myself, thyself, etc., acc. to the person of the Verb., Horn., etc. : 1. oneself , one' s true self soul, not the body, Od. ; or opp. to others, as king to sub- jects, parent to children, man to wife, etc., Horn. ; hence absol. for the Master, ris ovros ; — Avros, i.e. Socrates, Ar. ; similarly in neut. avrb Set|et the result will shew, Eur. 2. of oneself , of one's own accord, sponte, Horn., Soph. 3. hy oneself, alone, avr6s Trep 4ών although alone, II, ; αυτοί όσμ^ν we are by ourselves, i. e. among friends, Ar. 4. in Plat., rb δίκαιον αυτό right in itself, the idea of right, etc. ; cf. αυτοάνβρωτΓθ5. 5. in dat. with Subst., together with, ανόρουσ^ν avrij συν φόρμι-γγι he sprang up lyre in hand, II. ; αυτγ συν π-^ληκι helmet and all, Ib, ; and without σΰν, avroTs άνδράσι men and all, Hdt., etc. 6. added to ordinal Numbers, e.g. ττόμπτοε αυτ6$ himself the fifth, i.e. himself with four others, Thuc, 7. in connexion with the person. Pron., k-yla ahrSs, όμόθ^ν αντηε, σ€ αυτόν, etc., Horn, j in Hdt. and Att. it coalesces with oblique cases of Pron., όμ- αυτον, σ^-αυτου, k -αυτου : — it is joined with these reflexive Pronouns to add force, avrbs καθ' αυτόν, αυτοί ύφ' αυτών Aesch., etc. 8. gen. αύτοΰ is used with the possessive Pron., Trarpbs k\0os ηδ' όμδν αύτου II. 9, avrbs kavrov Is also used with Comp, and Sup. Adj. to express something unusual, avrbs kwvrov ΤΓολλφ ύ^τoδζόστepos Hdt. II. he, she, it, for the simple Pron. of 3 person, only in oblique cases, and never at the beginning of a sentence, Horn., Att. : cf. kavrov. III. with Article b avT0s, η avrij, rb αυτό, and Att. contr. avT0s, avrij, ταντό and ταυτόν, gen. ταύτοΰ, dat. ταύτψ, pi. neut. ταυτά : Ion. ώύτόϊ, τώυτό : — the very one, the same, Lat. idem, Horn., Hdt., Att. : — it freq. takes a dat., like όμoιos, to denote sameness, τώυτό tiv νμΐν iπρijσσoμ€V we should fare the same as you, Hdt. ; also, 6 avrbs καί, cf. Lat. simul ac. Id. IV. avTO- in Compos. : 1. of itself , i. e. natural, native, not made, as in o.vt0ktltos. 2. of mere . . , of nothing hut . . , as in avrb^vAos. 3. of oneself, self-, as in avrobibaKTOS, aυτόμaτos : and so inde- pendently, as in aυτόvoμos. 4. just, exactly, as in αύτόδζκα. 5. with reflex, sense of αύτου and άλλή- λων, as avdivrrjs, αύτοκτονόω. 6. together with, as in avrbTTpegvos, avτόppιζos. αυτός, v. sub avrbs III. αύτόσε, Adv. (αύτου) thither, to the very place, Lat. illuc, Hdt., Thuc. αύτο-σίδηρος [t], ov, of sheer iron, with stroke of sword, Eur. αύτόσ-σΰτος, ov, {σ^ύομαι) self-sped, Aesch. 135 αΰτο-σταδίη, (ζίσταμαι) a stand-up fight, close fight, ev y' αυτοσταδίτρ II, αΰτό-οΓτολος, ον, (στβλλω) self-sent, going or acting of oneself , Soph., Anth. αΰτό-στονος, ov, {στόνω) lamenting by or for oneself, Aesch. αύτο-σφαγής, is, (σφάζω) slain by oneself or hy kins- men, Soph., Eur. αύτο-σχβδά, = αύτοσχβδόι/, II. αυτοσχεδιάζω, f. άσω, to act or speak ofl^-hand, Xen. 2. c. acc. to devise opf-hand, extemporise, Thuc,, Xen. II. in bad sense, to act, speak, or think unadvisedly, try rash experiments. Plat. ; and αύτοσχεδίασμα, aros, τό, an impromptu, Arist. ; and αύτοσχεδιαστής, ov, 0 , one who acts or speaks off- hand : a raw hand, bungler, Lat. tiro, Xen. From αύτο-σχε'διος, a, ov and os, ov, hand to hand, αύτο- σχ^δίτ} (sc. μάχτ]) in close fight, in the fray , II. : αύτο- σχ€δίην a.s Adv., = αύτοσχ€δόν, Horn. II. off-hand, of an improvisatore, h. Horn, αΰτο-σχεδόν, Adv. near at hand, hand to hand, Lat. cominus, of close fight, Horn, αύτο-τε'λεστος, ov, (τελεω) self -accomplished, spon- taneous, Anth. αΰτο-τελής, is, (jiKos) ending in itself, complete in itself, supporting oneself, Ittttus Luc. II. (riXos iv) taxing oneself, self -taxed, Thuc. αύτό-τοκος, ov, (τίκτω) young and all, Aesch. αύτο-τράγικός, ή, όν, arrant tragic, Dem. αύτο-τροττήσας, aor. i part, (as If from αντο-τροττάω), to turn straightway , h. Horn. αύτοΰ, Adv., properly gen. of avrbs, at the very place, just here, just there, Lat, illico, Horn., Hdt., Att. ; with the place added, αυτού ivl Tpoip II..; αυτού τφδ' ivl χώρφ Od. ; αυτού ταύτρ exactly here, Hdt., etc. αύτοΰ, Att. contr. for εαυτού. αύτουργεω, f. Ίρσω, (avrovpybs) to work with one's own hand, Luc. Hence αύτούργητος, ov, self-wrought, rudely wrought, Anth. αύτουργία, -η, a working on oneself, i. e. self-murder or the murder of one's own kin, Aesch. II. per- sonal labour, opp. to slave-labour, Plut. From αύτ-ουργός, όν, ifipyw) self -working , Soph. 2. as Subst., one who works his land himself (not by slaves), ahusbandman, poor farmer .·, of the Peloponnesians, Thuc. : — metaph., avrovpybs rrjs φιλoσoφίas one that has worked at philosophy by himself , without a teacher, Xen. II. ^dcss. self -wrought, simple, native, Anth. αύτόφι, -φιν, Ep. gen. and dat. sing, and pi. of avrbs, Horn. ; air. αύτόφιν, irap' αυτόφιν or -φι, from the very spot, 11. ; εττ’ αύτόφιν on the spot, Ib. αύτό-φλοιος, ov, with the bark on, Theocr. αύτο-φόνος, ov, (*φόνω) self -murdering, murdering those of one's own family, Aesch. αύτο-φόντης, ου, ό, = foreg., a murderer, Eur, ο.\)τό-φορτο%,ον , bearing one' s own baggage, At'sr^, II. cargo and all, vaύs Plut. αύτο-φυής, is, (φύομαι) self -grown. Plat. : — of home growth, Xen. 2. natural, opp. to artificial, Hes., Thuc. ; κορόνα aύτoφυijs rough as it came from the tree, Theocr. 3. rb aύτoφυis, one's own nature. Plat. 136 αυτόφυτος αϋτό-φΰτος, ον, self -caused, ελκβα Find. 2. natural, αυτ. ipyaaia, = avTovpyia, i. e. agriculture, Arist. αύτό-φωνος, ον, {ψωνη) self -sounding , χρ'ησμ})$ αυτ. an oracle delivered by the god himself, Luc. αύτό-φωρο 5 , ον, {ψώρ) self -detected, caught in the act of theft. Soph. ; Ιπ αύτοφώρψ λαμβάν€ΐν to catch in the act, Eur., Dem. ; eV’ αύτοψώρψ αλώναι Hdt : in a more general sense, err’ αυτοψώρφ καταλαμβάν^ιν τινα αμαθίστ^ρον οντα to detect him point blank of igno- rance, Plat. ; €7 γ’ αυτ. ξίλημμαι πλουσιωτατοε &ν Xen. α·ί)τό-χ€ΐρ, pos, δ, -η, with one’s own hand, Aesch., Soph., etc. : c. gen. the very doer or author of a thing. Id., Dem. II. absol., like αυθβντηε, one who kills himself or one of his kin. Soph. : then, simply, a murderer, homicide. Id., Dem.; in full, τδν αυτ. του φόνου the perpetrator of . . , Soph. III. as Adj. murderous, Eur. ; 'irK’qyivTes αυτόχ^ιρι μιάσματι of brothers smitten by mutual slaughter. Soph. Hence αύτοχ6ΐρία, η, murder perpetrated by one’s own hand. Plat. : dat. αυτοχειρία. Ion. -it}, with one’s own hand, αυτ. κτείνειν Hdt., etc. αύτό-χθονος, ον, (χθων) country and all, Aesch. αντό-χθων, ον, gen. ovos, sprung from the land itself, Lat. terrigena: αυτόχθονε5, oi, like L·^.t.Indigenae, abo- rigines, natives, Hdt., Thuc. ; of the Athenians, Eur., Ar., etc. II. as Adj. indigenous, Hdt. αύτο-χόλωτος, ον, (χοΚόομαι) angry at oneself, Anth. αυτο-χόωνο 5 , ον, Ep. for aoToxoavos, ~χωνο$, (x6avos) rudely cast, massive, of a lump of iron used as a quoit, II. αύτό-χρημα, Adv. in very deed, really and truly, Ar. II. just, exactly, Luc. αύτ-οψια, (όφομαι, f. of όράω ) a seeing with one’ s own eyes, Luc. αύτώ, Dor. for αυτου, there. αΰτως, Adv. of abT0s : I. in this very manner, even so, just so, as it is, γυμνόν εόντα, αϋτω9 — SxTTe γυναίκα, unarmed jtist as I am — like a woman, II. 2. in a contemptuous sense, so, no better, τί συ κη- Seai αϋτωε άνδρων ·, why take you no better care ? Ib. ; ν^πΐ05 αΰτωε a mere child, Ib. ; αϋτω5 αχθο$ apovprjs Od. II. in reference to the past, still so, just as before, as it was, Horn. ; Χευκδν ετ’ αϋτωε still white as when new, II. III. in vain, without effect, ουκ αΰτω5 μυθ·1]σομαι Od. αύχβνίζω, f. Att. ίώ, αυχΊ}ν) to cut the throat of a person, behead, c. acc.. Soph, αύχβνιοξ, a, ov, (αυχ·ί]ν) of the neck, Od. ΑΥ'ΧΕΏ, ί.-ησω: aor. i Ύ)ϋχ·ησα: (αϋχη) : — like καυχά- ομαι, to boast, plume oneself, Hdt., Eur. ; τινι or ετεί Tivi on a thing. Id., Anth. II. c. acc. et inf. to boast ox declare loudly that, protest that, Hdt., Thuc., Eur. : — c. inf. only, Aesch. ; ου yap txot ηϋχουν μεθε- ξειν I never, thought that . . , Id. Hence αύχη6ΐ9, εσσα, εν, braggart, proud, Anth. ; and αΰχημα, aros, τό, a thing boasted of, a pride, boast. Soph. : cause for boasting, glory. Id., Thuc. II. boasting, self-confidence , Id. αύχήν, ivos, o, the neck, throat, of men and beasts, Horn., etc. II. metaph. any narrow passage, a neck of land, isthmus, Hdt., Xen. 2. a narrow sea, strait, Hdt., Aesch. ; of the point at which the — αφανής, Danube spreads into several branches, Hdt. 3. a narrow mountain-pass , defile. Id. (Deriv. uncertain.) ανχησις, ecos, 7 }, (αυχεω) boasting, exultation, Thuc. αΰχμάω, = αυχμεω, Luc. αύχμ€ω, f. ήσω, (αυχμ6$) to be squalid or unwashed, Lat. squaleo, Od., Ar., Plat, αυχμηρός, a, ov, (αυχμεω) dry, dusty, rough, squalid, Eur., Plat. ; esp. of hair, Eur. αύχμός, b, (αυω to burn) drought, Hdt., Thuc. 2. the effects of drought, squalor. Plat, αύχμ-ώδης, εs, (elSos) looking dry, squalid, κόμτ] Eur. : τδ αύχμώδεε drought, Hdt. ΑΥ*Ώ, Att. αυω, to burn, light a fire, get a light, Od. (Akin to ευω : hence αυαίνω, αυχμ05.) ΑΥ^Ω, f. δ,ύσω [ΰ]: aor. ι ηϋσα: — to shout out, shout, call aloud^, Horn. ; αύε δ’ Άθηνη, μακρδν αϋσε, etc.. Id. : —also io Trag. ; c. acc. cogn. to utter, στεναγμόν, αυ- δάν Eur. 2. c. acc. pers. to call upon, Horn. 3. rarely of things, to ring, άσττίϊ αϋσεν II. ; cf. ados. (The Root is Af, akin to &ημι : hence αϋτη.) άφαγνίζω, Att. f. ιώ : — Med., aor. ·ι -ηγνισάμην : — to purify : — Med. to purify oneself by offerings, tois θεο75 to the gods, Eur. άφαίρβσις, εωs, η, (άφαιρεω) a taking away, carrying off. Plat.; and άφαιpeτ6ov,verb. Adj. one must take away. Plat. II. άφαιρ€τεο5, εα, εον, to be taken away. Id. ; and άφαιρ€τός, ov, to be taken away, separable. Plat. From άφ-αιρόω. Ion. άττ-αιρόω : f. 7\σω : pf. αφ'ρρηκα. Ion. άπαραίρηκα : aor. 2 άφεΐΧον : — to take from, take away from a person, τι τινι Od., etc. ; also τί tivos, Ar., Xen. ; and τί τινα Aesch., Soph. : — c. acc. solo, απεΧιαν τα αχθεα having taken them off, Hdt. ; οργήν άφ. to re- move it, Eur. ; άφ. χωpίs separate, set aside. Plat. II. Med., f. άφαιρησομαι, and later άφεΧουμαι : aor. 2 άφει- Χόμτην : — to take away for oneself, take away, in sense and construction much like Act., Horn., etc. 2. fol- lowed by μΊ] c.\xi{. to prevent, hinder from doing. Soph., Eur. 3. άφαιρε7σθαίτιναεΐ5 εXευθεpίav,L·a.t.vindicare in libertatem, to set a man free. Plat., Dem. III. Pass., f. -αιρεθ^σομαι : aor. i άφτ)ρεθην : pf. άφ-ρρημαι. Ion. άτταραίρ-ημαι : — to be robbed or deprived of a thing, to have it taken from one, τι Hdt., Att. 2. c. inf., άφ-ρρεθη είσοράν was hindered from seeing them, Eur. 'Άφαιστος, Dor. ior ‘'Ηφαιστο5. άφ-άλλομαι, f. -αΧουμαι : aor. i -ηΧάμρν : Ep. aor. 2 part. ά'πάΧμενο$ : — to spring off or from, εκ νεώ5 Aesch.; άφ^Χατο jumped off. Ax. II. to rebound, glance off, Anth. ά-φαλος, ov, without the φάΧοε or boss. In which the plume was fixed, II. αφ-αμαρτάνω, f. -αμαρτ^σομαι : aor. 2 -ρμαρτον, Ep. -·ί)μβροτον: — to miss one’s mark, c. gen., II., Xen. II. to be deprived of what one has, II. άφαμαρτο-εττης, is, (firos) random-talking , II. άφ-ανδάνω, f. —αδησω : Ion. aor. 2 inf. άπαδεΐν : — to displease, not to please, Od., Hdt., Soph. άφάν€ΐα, 7], obscurity, άξιώματο5 άφ. want of illustrious birth, Thuc. II. disappearance, utter destruction, Aesch. From α-φα,νής, is, (φαίνομαι) unseen, invisible, viewless, of the nether world, Aesch. ; χάσμα άφ. a blind pit, Hdt. ; αφανίζω — 7] άψ. 6e0s, of Proserpine, Soph. 2. άφ. yiyyeffeai = αφανίζζσθαι, to disappear, he missing, Hdt., Eur. : — · of soldiers missing after a battle, Thuc. : cf. αφα- νίζω. 3. unseen, unnoticed, secret, Solon, Thuc. : — c. part., αφ. €ΐμι ττοιων η I do it without being noticed, Xen. 4. unknown, uncertain, obscure, Hdt., Att. : of future events, rb αφαν4$ uncertainty , Hdt : — Adv. άφαΐ'ώ5, Thuc. ; so e/c τον άφανον5 as Adv., Id . ; and neut. pi. αφανή, Eur. 5. of persons, tinnoticed, obscure. Id., Thuc. 6. άφανη5 ουσία personal property, as money, which can be made away with, opp. to φαναρά {real), as land, Oratt. αφανίζω, f. Att. Χω : pf. ηφάνικα : {αφαν4]5) : — to make unseen, hide from sight, Xen., Thuc., etc. 2. to do away with, remove, 6.χο5 Soph. ; αφ. riva ttoAcos to carry off one from the city, Eur. ; άφ. avrhv els rhv ve(t)v to disappear into the temple, Ar. : — of state criminals, to remove from sight, make away with, Hdt., Xen. : Pass, to he concealed or suppressed, Thuc. 3. to destroy utterly, rase to the ground, erase writing. Id., Dem. : to obliterate traces, Xen. 4. to obliterate, tarnish one’s good name, Thuc., Plat. : — but in good sense, άφ. άyaθcρ κακόν to wipe out ill deeds by good, Thuc. ·, άύσκλ€ΐαν Id. 5. to disfigure, άφ. τα πρόσωπα, of hypocritical sadness, N. T. 6. to make away with property, Aeschin., Dem. II. Pass, to become unseen, to disappear , Hdt., Soph, j of persons buried by a sand-storm, Hdt.; or, lost at sea, Thuc., Xen. Hence άφάνισις, ecos, η, a getting rid of, Trjs άίκηε Ar. II. (from Pass.) disappearance, Hdt. άφανισ·τ6ος, 4a, 4ov, verb. Adj. of άφανίζω, to be sup- pressed, Isocr. ο-φαντος, ον, {φαίνομαι) made invisible, blotted out, forgotten, II.: hidden, Kesch.., Soph.; άφ. βηναι, οί- χ^σθαι, 4ρρ€ΐν, = άφανισθΎ\ναι, to disappear, 2. in secret, Pind. 3. obscure. Id. όφ-άτΓτω, f. φω, to fasten from or tipon, άμματα άφ. to tie knots on a string, Hdt. : — Pass, to he hung on, hang on, pf. part. άπάμμζνο5 (Ion. for άφημμ4νο5), Hdt. ; άφημμ4νο5 e/c tivos Theocr. αφαρ [y w], poet. Adv. straightway , forthwith, at once, quickly, presently, Horn., Trag. 2. there- tipon, after that, Horn. II. in Theogn. as Adj. swift, fleet (cf. άφάρτ€ρο5^. ά-φαρκτο< 5 , = &·φρακτο5, Trag. άφ-αρττάζω, f. Ep. άξω, Att. άσομαι : — Pass., pf. -Vjp- πασμαι; aor. i -ηρπάσθην : — to tear off or from, c. gen., II.; to snatch away, steal from, τί tivos Ar. ; c. acc. only, to snatch eagerly. Soph., Eur. άφάρτβρος, a, ov. Comp. Adj. (v. άφαρ li), more fleet, II. άψασ-ία, ή, (ά-φατοε) speechlessness, Eur., Plat, αφάσσω : aor. i ^φάσα : {άφ4}, άπτομαι) : — to handle, feel, c. acc., Hdt. α-φατος, ov, not uttered, nameless, Hes. 2. untold, unutterable, ineffable, extraordinary, Hdt., Soph. ; άφατον ws there’s no saying how, i. e. marvellously , immensely , Ar. άφαυρ6ς, ά, όν, feeble, powerless, παι505 άφαυρου 11. ; mostly in Comp, and Sup., Horn., Hes. : — Adv. -poUs, Anth. (Deriv. uncertain.) άφ-αΰω, (αόω, Att. αυω) to dry up, parch, Ar. αφβτηριος, 1 37 άφάω, Ep. part, άφόων, {αφΊ], άπτομαι) to handle, rub, polish, 11. ά-φ€·γγής, 4s, {φ4yyos) without light, φωs άφ. a light that is no light (i. e. to the blind). Soph. ; vvKThs άφcyy€s β\4φαρον, of the moon, as opp. to the sun, Eur. 2. obscure, dim, faint, Aesch. 3. metaph., ill-starred, unlucky. Soph, άφ-βδρών, S>vos, b, {’45pa) a privy, N. T. άφ-6ηκα, Ep. for άφ-ηκα, aor. i of άφ-ίημι. άφ€ΐδεω, f. 'ί)σω, to be unsparing or lavish of, ψυχηϊ Soph. ; eavTOv Thuc. ; — absol. άφ€lό'ησas (sub. 4αυτοΰ) recklessly , Eur.; but 2. άφείδβ/ν πόνου to he care- less of it, i. e. neglect, avoid, labour. Soph. Erom ά-φβιδής, 4s, {φ^ίΒομαι) unsparing or lavish of b. thing, c. gen., Aesch. 2. of actions, done without regard to cost or risk, Thuc. II. Adv. -5&5s, Ion. -l·4ωs, freely, lavishly Hdt., Dem. : — also sparing no pains, with all zeal. Id. 2. unsparingly, without mercy, Hdt.j Comp. -4στ€ρον, Sup. -4στατα, Xen. Hence άφβιδία, η, profuseness. Plat. 2. harsh treatment, neglect, N. T. άφ-είθην, aor. 1 pass, of άφίημι. άφ-€Ϊκα, pf. of άφίημι. άφ-€Ϊλον, aor. 2 of άφαιρ4ω. αφ-€ΐμεν, άφ-€Ϊτ€, i and 2 pi. aor. 2 of άφ-ίημι. άφ-ελειν, -ελεσθαι, aor. 2 inf. act. and med. of άφαιρ4ω. άφεκτεον, verb. Adj. of άπ4χομαι, one must abstaUi from, Tiv0s Xen. ά-φελής, 4s, {φ€λλevs ?) without a stone, even, smooth, Ar. : metaph. of persons, simple, plain, blunt, Dem., Luc. : — Adv. άφελώί, simply, roughly, Theogn. άφ-ε'λκω. Ion. άττ-ε'λκω : f. -ελξω : but aor. i -^ίλκύσα: ■ — to drag away suppliants, e/c του ίροΰ Hdt., etc. ; to drag or tow ships away, Thuc. : — to draw aside, 4πί τι Xen. II. to draw off liquor, drink up, Aesch. 2. Med. to draw off for oneself, Ar. άφελότης, ητos, η, {άφeλ'ίιs) simplicity , N. T. άφ-ελών, aor. 2 part, of άφ-αιρ4ω. 'ΑΦΕΝΟΣ, τό, riches, wealth, plenty, II., Theogn. (From same Root as Lat. op-es.) αφερκτος, ov, (άπ-^ιργω) shut out from a place, Aesch. άφ-ερμηνεΰω, f. σω, to interpret, expound. Plat, άφ-ερττω, aor. i -€ίρπύσα : — to creep off, steal away, retire. Soph. α-φερτος, ov, {φ4ρω) insufferable , intolerable, Aesch. αφ-ες, aor. 2 imper. of άφ-ίημι. αφείτις, eo/s, η, {άφίημι) a letting go, dismissal, Philipp, ap. Dem. : — a quittance or discharge from a bond. Id. : exemption from service, Plut. : a divorce. Id. 2. β letting go (Lat. missio) of horses from the starting-post, and then the starting-post itself, lσώσas τάφ4σ€ΐ τά τ4ρματα having made the winning- post one with the starting-post, i. e. having come back to the starting-post. Soph. άφ-ε(Γταίη, 3 sing. pf. opt. of άφ-ίστημι. άφ-εστή|ω, old Att. fut. formed from άφ-4στηκα (pf. of άφίστημι) I shall be absent, away from, tiv0s Plat., Xen. άφ-ετε'ον, verb. Adj. of άφίημι, one must dismiss. Plat. 2. άφετεος, 4a, 4ov, to be let go. Id. αφετηρίας, a, ov, {άφίημι) for letting go or starting 138 αφετος — for a race : άφ. Διόσκουροι whose statues stood at the starting place, Anth. αφ€το5, ον, (αφί-ημι) let loose, at large, ranging at will, of sacred flocks that were free from work, Aesch., Plat. : metaph. of persons, dedicated to a god, Eur. : rb άφ€τον, freedom from restraint, Luc. α-φβυκτος, late form of αφυκτο$. άφ-€υω, aor. i αφ-βνσα, to singe off, Ar. 2. to fry, toast. Id. άφ-βψω, Ion. άττ-βψω, f. -εψήίτω, to refine hy boiling off the refuse, to boil down, Hdt. : — esp. to boil free of dirt and dross, to refine, χρυσίον Id. : to boil young again, Ar. : — -Pass., ΰδωρ άπ€φ·ημ 4 νον Hdt. οφ-6ωνται, later form of αφ-^Ίνται, 3 pi. pf. pass, of αφίτιμι, N. T. ; cf. ά,ν-όωνται from αν·ίημι. άφή, η, {απτω) a lighting, kindling, π€ρϊ λύχνων αφά 5 about \ time, Hdt. II. {ατττομαι) a touching, touch, Aesch. : the sense of touch. Plat., etc. άφ-ηγεομαι, Ion. άττ-ηγ-, f. 7 }σομαι, Dep. to lead from a point, and so, generally, to lead the way, go first, ol άφηγονμξνοι the van, Xen. II. to tell or relate in full, explain, Hdt. : pf. in pass, sense, vb αττ’η'γημόνον what has been told. Id. Hence αφήγημα, Ion. άττηγ-, ro, a tale, narrative, Hdt.; and άφήγησΐ 5 , Ion. άιτηγ-, ews. Ion. los, ή, a telling, narrating, άξιον απηγησΐ 05 worth telling, Hdt. ; and άφηγητήρ, vpos, 0, a guide, Anth. άφ-ηδΰνω, f. vvia, to sweeten, Plut., Luc. άφ-ήκα, aor. i of άφΙημι. άφ-ήκω, to arrive at. Plat. αφ-ήλιξ, Ion. άττ-ήλιξ, ikos, b, ή, beyond youth, elderly, mostly in Comp. ατΓηλικόστ€ρο 5 , Hdt. αφ-ημαι, Pass, to sit apart, part. αφ·ί)μ€νο$ II. άφήτωρ, opos, 0, {αψ-ίτιμι) the archer, of Apollo, II. άψθαρσ-ία, ή, incorruption, N. T. From α-φθαρτο5, ον, (φθείρω) uncorrupted, incorruptible, Arist., etc. ο-φθ€γκτο5,ον, {φθ 4 ')'γομαι) voiceless, Aesch., Anth. II. of places, where none may speak. Soph. III. pass. tinspeakable. Plat. ο-φθϊτος, ον and η, ον, {φθίνω) not liable to perish, im- perishable, Horn., Trag. : of persons, immortal, h. Horn. α-φθογγος, ον, voiceless, speechless, Hdt., Aesch., etc. ά-φθόνητος, ον, (φθονόω) unenvied, Aesch. αφθονία, freedom from envy or grudging, readiness. Plat. II. of things, plenty, abundance, Pind., Plat. From ά-φθονος, ον, without envy: I. zjct. free from envy , Hdt., Plat. 2 . ungrudging, bounteous, Lat. be- nignus, Trag. II. pass, not grudged, bounteously given, plentiful , abundant, Hdt., Att.; ev αφθόνοΐ 5 βιο- T€ 0 €iv to live in plenty, Xen. 2 . unenvied, pro- voking no envy, όλβοε Aesch. III. irreg. Comp. -earepos. Sup. -όστατοί. Plat. ; but —diTcpos, -ώτατοε, Xen. IV. Adv. in abundance, ά,φθ. 4 χ€ΐν rivos to have enough of it. Plat, άφθορία, ή, incorruption, N. T. From α-φθορος, ον, uncorrupt, of young persons, Anth. άφ-ΐγμαι, pf. of άφίκνόομαι. άφ-ίδρυω, f. ΰσω [ϋ], to remove to another 'settlement : Med. to cause to be transported, Eur. άφίκνβομαι. [ άφ-ΐ€ρόω, f. ώσω, ίο purify, hallow : Pass., pf. ταντ’ άφΐ€ρώμζθα I have had these expiatory rites performed, Aesch. άφ-ίημι, and (as if from άφ-ι 4 ω) 3 sing, άφίζι. Ion. airlei, imperat. άφία: — impf., άφίην, with double augm. ήφίην, 3 sing, αφίζι. Ion. airUi, also ήφΐ€ί, ήφί6, 3 pi. αφί^σαν, τ]φί^σαν, 7 }φίουν : — f. άφτ^σω, ion. άπ- : — pf. άφβΓκα : — aor. I άφηκα. Ion. άπ-, Ep. αφόηκα only in indie. : — aor. 2 αφην, indie, only in dual and pi., άφότην, άφ^Ί- μ^ν, άφ€Ϊτ €, άφζΐσαν or αφ€Τ€, άφησαν; imper. άφ€5, subj. άφώ, opt. άφζίην, inf. αφ^ΐναι, part, άφβίϊ:— Med., impf. αφιόμην, 3 sing, ηφί^το : f. αφ-ησομαί : aor. 2 άφ€ίμην ; imper. αφού, &φ(σθ€ ; inf. -όσθαι, part, -όμ^νοε : — - Pass., pf. αφ€Ϊμαι : — aor. ι άφ€ίθην, Ιοη. άπβίθην : f. άφζθ'^σομαι. [ί Ερ., except in augm. tenses : Γ Att.] To send forth, discharge, Lat. emittere, of missiles, Horn., etc. : — hence to let loose, utter, give vent to words, Hdt., Trag. 2. to let fall, II. Z. to send forth an expedition, dispatch it, Hdt. : Pass., of troops. Id. 4 . to give up or hand over to, rivi τί Id., Att. : — Pass., 7 ] Άττίκή άπβιτο ήδη Hdt. II. to send away, let go, loose, set free, II., Att. : — c. acc. pers. et gen. rei, to set free from a thing, let off from, Hdt. : in legal sense to release from an engage- ment, accusation, etc., άφ. rtva φόνου Dem. 2. to dissolve, disband, break up an army, Hdt. : — to dis- miss the council or law-courts, Ar. 3 . to put away, divorce, Hdt. 4 . to let go as an &φ€τοε, consecrate, Xen. 5 . of things, to get rid of, δίφαν II. ; to shed its blossoms, of plants, Od. ; to slacken its force, of a dart, II. 6 . άφ. πλοΐον is .. to loose ship for a place, Hdt. 7 . in legal sense, c. dat. pers. et acc. rei, άφ. τινϊ αΐτί-ην to remit him a charge or a fine, Hdt., Dem. III. to leave alone, give up, let pass, neglect, Hdt., Att. ; foil, by a predicate, αφύλακτον άφ. to leave unguarded. 2. c. acc. et inf., άφ. τι δημόσιον ^Ίναι to give up to be public property, Thuc. ; άφ. τδ ττλοΊον φόρ^σθαι to let the boat be carried aw-ay, Hdt. 3 . c. acc. pers. et inf. to let, suffer, permit one to do a thing. Id., Plat., etc. IV. seemingly intr. (sub. στρατόν, vads, etc.), to break up, march, sail, etc., Hdt. B. Med. to send forth from oneself, send forth, Att. 2. beiprjs αφίβτο πήχβε she loosed her arms from off my neck. 3 . c. gen. only, τόκνων αφού let go hold of the children. Soph., Thuc. άφ-ΐκάνω [ά], only in pres, and impf. to arrive at, to have come to, c. acc., Horn. άφ-ικν£ομαι, Ion. air- : f . άφίξομαι, Ion. 2 sing, άττίξβαι : pf. άφΐγμαι. Ion. 3 pi. plqpf. άττίκατο : aor. 2 άφΐκόμην II., Ion. 3 pi. άτΓικόατο : — to come to one place from another, to arrive at, reach : c. acc. loci, Horn. ; or άφ. is . . , iiri . . , κατά . . , πρόί . . , Id., Att. (in Prose the Prep, is seldom omitted) ; absol. to arrive, Od. : — Horn, also puts the person reached in acc., μvηστηpas άφ. came up to them, Od. ; so, to come up to a throw (of the quoit), Ib. : — άφ. iirX or efy πάντα to try every means. Soph., Eur. 2. to come .into a certain condition, άπ. is παν κακόν or κακού, is άπορίην, etc., Hdt., Att. 3 . άπ. τινι is λόγoυs to hold converse with one, Hdt. ; so, es ^piv, is εχθβα άφ. τινι Id. ; διά μάχηs, δι eyOpas άπ. τινί to come to battle, or into aiptXayaOog enmity with one. Id. ; δίά \6ywv τινί Eur. 4. is τόξ€υμα αφ. to come within shot, Xen. ά-ψΐλ-ά*γαθος, ον, not loving the good, N. T. ά-ψΐλ-άργΰρος, ον, not loving money, N. T. ά-φίλητο 5 [r], ov, {φίλ€ω) unloved. Soph. α-φιλο 9 , ov, of persons, without friends, friendless, Trag·. II. unfriendly, hateful, Ib. — Adv. αφί- λω5 in unfriendly manner, Aesch. ά-φΐλόοΌφος, ov, unphilosophic , Plat, ά-φϊλο-στάχυοξ, ov, without ears of corn, starving, Anth. άφΐλοτϊμία, want of due ambition, Arist. From ά-φΐλότϊμος, ov, without due ambition, Isae., Arist. ά-φϊλοχρηματία, η, contempt for riches. Pint, αφιξις, 6cos, Ion. αττιξις, los, η, {αφικνέομαι) an arrival, Hdt., Dem. II. departure, N. T. άφ-ιτητάζομαι, Dep. to ride off or away. Pint. άφ-ΐ'7ηΓ€υω, £. σω, to ride off, away, or back, Xen. άφιττΊτία, T], awkwardness in riding, Xen. From οφιτητος, ov, unsuited for cavalry, χωρά Xen. II. of persons, unused to riding. Plat, άφ-ίστημι : A. Causal in pres, and impf., in f. άττο- στησω, aor. i απίστησα, as also in aor. i med. : — to put away, remove, c. acc., Aesch., etc. ; άφ. riva Xoyov to hinder from speech, Eur. ; αφ. rijv ^ττιβουΧ'ί\ν to frustrate it, Thuc. ; αφ. rhv άρχοντα to depose him, Xen. ; so in aor. i med., δόρυ ττυΚών άττβστήσασθε re- moved \\ 2 s from your own gates, Eur. 2. to make to revolt, move to revolt, Hdt., Thuc. II. to weigh out, Xen. : — aor. i med., άποστ·ί)σασθαι xpeios to weigh out or pay the debt in full, II. ; άττοστΊισασθαι rhv χαλκόν to have the money weighed out to one, Dem. B. intr., in Pass., as also in aor. 2 act. aTreVrTjy, imperat. άττόστηθι, άττόστα, pf. αφόστηκα in pres, sense, syncop. pi. άφόστάμ^ν, -στάτε, —στάσι, inf. άφ^στάναι, part. άφ€στώ$, -ωσα, —0s or -cvs : fut. med. άττοατη- σομαι : aor. i άπ^στάθ-ην [ά] : — to stand away or aloof from, keep far from, c. gen., Horn., Att. ; μακράν τό- TTois καΐ xp6voLS άφ. Diod. ; άφ^στάναι φρένων to lose one’s wits. Soph. ; άφ. πpayμάτωv to withdraw from business, Dem., etc. 2. in Prose, to revolt from, ri- vos or άττό tivos, Hdt., Att. : absol. to revolt, Hdt. 3. άφ. TIVOS TivL to give up a thing ίυ another, Dem.; hence, άφ. Tivi to make way for him, give way to him, Eur. ; c. inf. to shrink from doing. Id. 4. absol. to stand aloof, II., Att. αφ-ΐχθαι, pf. inf. of άφ-ικνόομαι. άφλαστον, τό, Lat. aplustre, the curved stern of a ship with its ornaments, II., Hdt. α-φλ€κτος, ov, (φλόγω) unburnt, unconsumed by fire, ττόλανοι Eur. α-φλοιος, ov, without bark, Epigr. ap. Plut. άφλοισμός, b, of an angry man, spluttering or perh. foaming, II. άφνβιός, όν and ή, όν, {άφ€vos) rich, wealthy, II. ; c. gen., άφv€ιhs βιότοιο rich in substance, Horn. ; c. acc., Hes. ; c. dat., Theocr. άφν€0ς, ά, όv, = άφv€ιόs, Theogn., Aesch., Soph. "ΑΦΝΩ, Adv. unawares, of a sudden, Eur., Thuc. ; cf. 4ξ-aίφvr)s. ά-φόβητος, ov, (φοβόομαι) without fear of, 5iKr]S Soph.: ahso\. fearless, Anth. — άφοοΊοω. I 39 άφοβία, fearlessness. Plat. From α-φοβος, ov, without fear : 1. fearless, intrepid, dauntless, Pind., Soph. : — Adv. -βωs, Xen. 2. causing no fear , free from fear, Aesch. 3. άφοβοι Oripes beasts which no one fears, i. e. cattle. Soph, άφοβό-σιτλαγχνος, ov, {aTrXdyxvov ffearlessof heart ,Ατ. άφ-οδος, η, a going away, departtire , Hdt., Xen. 2. a going or coming back, return, Ib. ά-φοίβαντος, ov, [φοιβαίνω — φοιβάω) uncleansed, un- clean, Aesch. άφ-ομοιόω, f. άσω, to make like, τι τινί Plat. : to com- pare, Ti Id. : — Pass, to be or become like, τινι Id. II. c. acc. rei only, to pourtray, copy. Id., Xen. Hence άφομοίωμα, aros, to, a resemblance, copy. Plat. άφ-ΟΊτλίζω, f. ίσω, to strip of arms, τινά tivos Luc. : to disarm, τινά Anth. : — Med., άφοπλίζ^σθαι ei/rea to put off one'’ s armour, II. άψ-οράω, Ion. -όω : f. άπ-όφομαι : aor. 2 άπ-€Ϊδον : pf. άφ-ζόράκα : — to look away from all others at one, to have in full view, to look at, τι or irpos τι Thuc. ; also in Med., Ar. 2. to view from a place, άττό Sevdpeov Hdt. II. to look away, have the back turned, Xen. ά-φόρητος, ov, intolerable, insufferable, Hdt., Thuc. αφορία, ■^, {άφopos) a not bearing : 1. non-pro- duction, dearth, καρπών Xen. 2. barrenness, ste- rility of land : metaph., άφ. φρένων Id. άφ-ορίζω, f. Att. ιώ, to mark off by boundaries, Dem. : — Med. to mark off for oneself, appropriate, Eur. 2. to distinguish, determine, define. Plat. II. c. acc. pers., 1. to banish, Eur. 2. to set apart, separate, N. T. : then, 3. to cast out, excommuni- cate, Ib. b. to set apart for some office, to appoint, ordain, Ib. Hence άφοριστόον, verb. Adj. one must put aside, Arist. άψ-ορμάω, f. ά\σω, to make to start from a place : — Pass, to go forth, start, depart from a place, c. gen., Horn., Att. II. intr. in same sense as Pass., Eur., Thuc.: of lightning, to break forth. Soph.; c. acc. cogn., άφορμάν irupav to begin an enterprise, Id. άφ-ορμη, 7], a starting-point, esp. in war, a base of operations, Thuc. : — also a place of safety , Eur. 2. generally, a starting-point, the origin, occasion or pretext of a thing. Id. ; άφορμην τταρόχ^ιν, διδόναι to give occasion, Dem. 3. the means with which one begins a thing, resources, Xen., Dem. ; άφ. %pyωv means for undertaking works, Xen. 4. the capital of a banker. Id., Dem. ά-φόρμικτος, ov, {φορμιζω) without the lyre, Aesch. αφ-ορμος, ov, (ορμή) departing from a place, c. gen., Soph. α-φορος,ου, (φόρω) not bearing, barren,'Wd\..,Y>.^VL. 2. causing barrenness, blighting, Aesch. ά-φόρυκτο 5 , ov, {φορΰσ'σω) unspotted, unstained, Anth. άφ-οσιόω, Ion. άττοσ-, f. ώσω, to purify from guilt or pollution, T^v πόλιν Plat. II. Med. to purify oneself from sins of negligence. Id. ; άφοσιοΰσθαι τρ θ€φ to make expiatory offerings to the goddess, Hdt. 2. c. acc. rei, to acquit oneself of an obliga- tion, άτΓοσιουσθαι τήυ 4ξόρκω(τιν to quit oneself of one’s oath. Id. ; άττ. Koyiov quitting oneself of the orders of an oracle. Id. Hence 140 άφοατίωσις άψοσίωσις, ews, η, expiation : άφοσι<ύσ€ω5 ίν^κα for form's sake, Plut. άφόων, Ep. for αφών, part, of αφάω. άφράδεω, only in pres, to he senseless, act thoughtlessly , Horn. From ά-φραδης, is, {φράζομαι) insensate, reckless, Od. ; of the dead, senseless, lifeless, Ib. Adv. άφραδβωε, sense- lessly, recklessly, II. Hence άφραδία, Ion. -ίη, v, folly, thoughtlessness, mostly in Ep. dat. pi., άφρα$ί-ρσι Horn. ; άφραΒία5 Od. ά-φράδμων, ou, g-en. ovos, = άφραΒ·ή$, 'niithout sense, h. Horn. άφραίνω, {&φρων) to he silly, senseless, Horn, α-φρακτος, ον, old Att. άφαρκτος, {φράσσω) unfenced, unfortified, unguarded, Thuc. ; c. gen., άφρ. φίλων hy friends. Soph.; c. dat., &φρ. opKois Eur. 2. not to he kept in, irrepressible, Aesch. II. unguarded, off one's guard, Thuc. άφράσμων, ον, Att. for άφράΒμων, Aesch. Adv. -όνω5. Id. α-φραστος, ον, {φράζω) unutterable, inexpressible, h. Horn., Aesch., Soph. II. {φράζομαι) not perceived or thought of, Aesch. ; rh άφραστότατον χωρίον the place least likely to be thought of, Hdt. : — Adv. ~^ωs, beyond thought. Soph. άφρεω, f. ά]σω, {άφρόε) to hefoam, cover with foam, ’Itnroi άφρ€ον στάιθ^α II. άφρη-λόγος, ον, {άφρόε, λέγω) gathering froth, skim- ming, Tivos Anth. άφρηστής, ου, δ, {άφρόε) the foamer, of a dolphin, Anth. ά-φρήτωρ, Q, Ion. for ά-φράτωρ, without brotherhood {φράτρα), i. e. bound by no social tie, II. αφρίζω, f. ίσω, άφρ05) to foam. Soph, άφριόεις, εσσα, ^v, {άφρ65) foamy , Anth. άφρο-γενής, is, {γίγνομαι) foam-horn, of Aphrodite, Hes. : fern. ' Κφρο-·^^^ιαζ Mosch. ’Αφροδίσια, ων, τά, v. ΆφροΒίσιθ5. αφροδισιάζω, f. άσω, to indulge lust. Plat., Xen. ’Αφροδισίας, η, sacred to Aphrodite, name of an Island, Hdt. ’Αφροδίσιος [δί], α, ον and os, ον, belonging to Aphro- dite, Plat. II. 'Αφροδίσια, τά, sexual pleasures, Xen. 2. a festival of AphroditS, Id. III. 'Αφροδίσιον, TO, the temple of Aphrodite, Id. From ’Αφροδίτη [t], Ύ), {άφpόs) Aphrodite, Lat. Venus, god- dess of love, said to be born from the sea-foam, h. Horn., Hes. II. as appellat. love, pleasure, Od. : — Άφρ. κακών enjoyment, Eur. 2. attractive beauty , grace, Lat. venustas, Aesch., Luc. ; cf. Lat. venus. άφρονε'ω, f. ά]σω, {άφρων) to be silly, act foolishly, only in part., II., Anth. άφροντιστε'ω, f. ήσω, to have no care of, pay no heed to a thing, c. gen., Xen. From ά-φρόντιστος, ον, {φροντίζω) thoughtless, heedless, taking no care, Lat. securus, Xen., Theocr. : — Adv. ~τωs, inconsiderately , Soph. ; άφρ. εχειι/ to be heed- less, Xen. ; also to be senseless, demeyited. Soph. II. pass, unthought of, unexpected, Aesch. άφράνως, Adv., v. άφρων. ΆΦΡΟ'Σ, δ, foam, of the sea, II. : of an angry \\ovi,foam, froth, Ib. ; άττ’ ανθρώπων άφρόν frothy blood, Aesch. αφροσύνη, η, {άφρων) folly , thoughtlessness, senseless- ness, in sing, and pi., Horn., Soph., Thuc. — Ά.'χαης. ά-φρουρος, ον, {φρουρά) unguarded, unwatched, Plat, άφρο-φυής, is, {φΰω) foam-producing, Anth. άφρ. ωδής, ε 5 , {elBos) foamy , Eur. α-φρων, ον, gen. ovos, {φρτ\ν) without sense, of statues, Xen. : — crazed, frantic, or silly , foolish, Horn., Att. : τδ άφρον = αφροσύνη, Thuc. Adv. άφρόνω$, senselessly. Soph. άφ-υβρίζω, f. Att. ιώ, to give loose to passion, Plut. άφ-υδραίνω, to wash clean from dirt : — Med., aor. i -υδρηνάμην, to wash oneself clean, bathe, Eur. άφυη, η, in gen. pi. αφυών (not αφυών), a sort of anchovy or sardine, Ar. ά-φυής, is, acc. άφυη, {φυτ]) without natural talent, witless, dull. Plat. ; άφυ^s πpόs τι naturally unsuited to a thing. Id., Xen. 2 . simple, unschooled. Soph, ά-φυκτος, ον, {φζύτγω) not to be shunned, from which none escape, Aesch., Soph. ; of an arrow, unerring. Id., Eur. ; of a question, admitting no escape, in- evitable, Plat. II. act. unable to escape, Ar. άφΰλακτε'ω, f. ήσω, to be off one's guard, Xen. ; c. gen. to be careless about. Id. From ά-φυλακτος, ον, {φυλάσσω) unguarded, unwatched, Hdt., Thuc. II. {φυλάσσομαι) unguarded, off one's guard. Id.; αφύλακτον eoBeiv to sleep securely, Aesch. ; άφ. Tiva λαμβάνζίν to catch one off his guard, Xen. ; τδ άφ. want of precaution, Thuc. : — Adv. -τωs, Xen. III. not to be guarded against, inevitable, Arlst. άφ-ϋλίζω, f. ίσω, to strain off, Anth. ά-φυλλος, ον, {φύλλον) leafless, of dry wood, II. ; άφ. στόμα words not seconded by the suppliant' s olive- branch, Eur. II. act. stripping off the leaves, blighting, Aesch. άφυζώ. Dor. f. of άφύσσω. άφυττνίζω, f. Att. ιώ, to wake one from sleep, Eur., Plut. άφυιτνόω, f. ώσω, to wake from sleep, Anth. II. to fall asleep, N. T. άφυσγετός, δ, the mud and filth which a stream carries with it, rubbish, II. (Deriv. unknown.) άφυσσω, f. |ω. Dor. -|ώ, also άφύσω [υ] : aor. i ηφΰσα, Ep. άφυσσα, imper. άφυσσον : — Med., aor. i ηφΰσάμην, Ep. 3 sing, άφύσσατο : — to draw liquids, esp. from a larger vessel with a smaller, οίνον iv άμφιφορ^υσιν ηφύ- σαμ€ν Od. : — Pass., πίθων ηφύσσ^το olvos was drawn from the wine-jars, Ib. : — metaph., πλούτον άφύξβιν to draw full draughts of wealth, i.e. heap it up, τινί for another, II. II. Med. to draw for oneself, oJvov Ib. ; poάs Eur. : — metaph., φύλλα ηφΰσάμην I heaped me up a bed of leaves, Od. ά-φώνητος, ον, {φωνύω) voiceless, speechless. Soph, ά-φωνος, ον, (φωνή) voiceless, speechless, dumb, silent, Theogn., Hdt., Dem. : c. gen., άφωνοι apas unable to utter a curse. Soph. : — Adv. -vωs, without speaking. Id.; neut. pi. as Adv., Aesch. 2. άφωνα (sc. Ύράμ- ματα), consonants, opp. to φωνουντα or φωνήεντα (vowels), Eur., Plat, αχά, Dor. for ηχη, η. Άχαία, Ion. Άχαιίη, η, name of Demeter in Attica, Hdt. (Deriv. unknown.) Άχαιΐκός, ή, όν, {'Αχαιόε) of or for the Achaians, Achaian, Aesch., Eur. Άχαιΐς, iBos, η, the Achaian land, with or without α-χαινης — ya?a, II. 2 . (sub. yvvr}) an Achaian woman, Ib. ; also Άχαιιάς, a 5 os, Ib. άχαΐνης [i], o, {aKis) with single points to his horjts, a young deer, Babr. ’Αχαιός, ά, 6v, Achaian, Lat. Achivus, Horn. : — 'Αχαιοί, oi, the Achaians or Greeks g-enerally. Id. : — Άχαΐα, η, Achaia in Peloponnese, Thuc. ά-χάλινος, ον, unbridled , Eur., Ar., etc. ά-χαλίνωτος ιΐ'], ον, without bridle, Xen. ά-χάλκ€ος, ον, {χαλκοΰε) penniless, Anth. ά-χάλκευτος, ον, (χαλκεύω) not forged of metal, Aesch. άχαλκεω, f. ήσω, to be penniless, Anth. From α-χαλκος, ον, without brass, &χαλκο5 άσνίζων, i. e. avev ασττίΒων χαλκείων. Soph. ά-χάλκωτος, ον, {χαλκόω) not brasened ; without money, Anth. άχάνη [χά], η, a Persian measure, = 4$ μ^Βιμνοι, Ar. ά-χανής, es, {χανύν, aor. 2 inf. of χάσκω) not opening the mouth, Luc. II. (a ^.n-phon.) yawning, wide, Plut., Anth. ά-χαράκωτος, ον, (χαρακόω) not palisaded, Plut. α-χαρις, b, -η, άχαρι, τό, gen. iros, without grace or charms, graceless, Theogn. 2 . unpleasant, dis- agreeable, obbev άχαρι παθ€€ΐν Hdt. ; as euphem. for grievous, άχ. συμψορ-ίι Id. II. ungracious, thankless. Id. ; χάρι$ άχαρΐ5 a graceless grace, thank- less favour, Aesch., Eur. άχαριστε'ω, f. ήσω, to be thankless, shew ingratitude , Xen. 2 . = ou χαρίζομαι, to discourage, σινί Plat.; and αχαριστία, η, thanklessness, ingratitude, Xen., Dem. 2 . ungraciousness. Plat. From ά-χάριστος, ον, (χαρίζομαι) ungracious, unpleasant , unpleasing , Od. ; irreg. Comp., 5 όρτΓου αχαρίστ^ρον (for -ιστ 07 €ρον) Ib. : without grace or charms, Xen. II. of persons, ungracious, unfavourable, Theogn. 2. ungrateful, thankless, Hdt., Att. ; rivi Eur. ; ττρόϊ viva Xen. III. Adv. ~Ύωs, with an ill-will. Id. ; άχαρίστωε εχει μοι thanks are wanting to me. Id. ά-χάρϊτος, ov, = άχάριστο5 or άχαριε, Hdt. 2. un- grateful, thankless. Id. ; χάρΐ5 άχ,, like χάρΐ5 άχαριε, Eur. Άχαρναί, ών, αΐ, Acharnae, a demos of Attica, Thuc. : — ’Αχαρνευς, ecos, b, an inhabitant of Acharnae , pi. 'AxapveTs, poet. Άχαρνηιάαι Ar. : — Adj. Άχαρνικός, if, όν, Id. άχεδών [ά]. Dor. for ήχεδώι/. ά-χείμαντος, ον, (χ^ιμαίνω) not vexed by storms, Alcae. ά-χειροτΓοίητος, ον, not wrought by hands, N. T. α-χειρος, ον, (χ^ίρ) without hands : τα άχ^ιρα of the hinder parts of the body, Xen. ά-χείρωτος, ον, (χ^ιρόω) untamed, unconquered, Thuc. II. not planted by man's hand. Soph. Άχελωίδες (sc. νήσοι), at, islands at the mouth of the Achelous, Aesch. ’Αχελώος, poet. Άχελώϊος, b, Achelous, name of several rivers ; the best known ran through Aetolia and Acar- nania, II., Hes. II. any stream, or, generally, water, Eur. αχερδος, η, a wild prickly shrub, a wild pear, Od., Soph. ; masc. in Theocr. (Deriv. unknown.) Άχίλλβι^?. 1 41 Άχερόντιος, a, ov, of Acheron, Eur. Άχερουσιος, ov, = foreg., Aesch.: fern. Άχερουσιάς, άδθ5. Plat., Xen. άχερωΐς, idos, η, the white poplar, said to have been brought by Hercules from the banks of Acheron, II. Άχε'ρων, ovTos, b, {άχο$) /icheron, River of Woe (cf. KwKvrbs), one of the rivers of the world below, Od. άχετας or άχε'τα. Dor. and Att. for ηχετηί. άχευω and άχε'ω [ά], {άχο 5 ) only in pres. part. grieving, sorrowing, mourning, Horn. II. from the same Root AX came also 1 . aor. 2 ηκάχον, inf. άκαχβΐν, in Causal sense, to grieve, vex, annoy, dis- tress, Horn. : so also, redupl. f. άκαχά]σω, Ep. aor. i άκάχησα. Id. ; and a pres, άκαχίζω, Od. 2. pass, forms αχομαι, αχνΰμαι, άκαχίζομαι : imper. άκαχίζ^ο, —ίζ^υ : — pf. άκάχημαι, 3 sing, άκάχηται, Ep. 3 ρ 1 · άκη- χ 4 δαται, plqpf. άκαχείατο; inf. άκάχησθαι ; part, άκαχά]- μενοί (accent, as a pres.), Ep. also άκ-ηχ^μ^νοε : aor. 2 Ep. 3 pi. άκάχοντο : — to be grieved, distressed, Horn. ; c. gen. causae, to grieve for a person. Id. ; rarely c. dat. to grieve at a person’s death, Od. ; the cause of grief also in partic., μά] τι θανων άκαχίζ^ο Ib. 3 . later c. acc. to lament. Soph, άχε'ω [ά], old form for ίάχε'ω, h. Horn., Eur. άχε'ω [ά]. Dor. for ήχε'ω. άχην [ά], b, η, poor, needy , Theocr. (Deriv. uncertain.' άχηνία, ή, need, want, χρ-ημάτων Aesch. ; ομμάτων άχτ,- viais in the eyes blank gaze. Id. άχθεινός, ή, ον, [ άχθοε) burdensome, oppressive, weari- some, Lat. molestus, of persons, Eur., Xen. : — Adv. -vcDs, unwillingly , Id. άχθείς, aor. i pass. part, of άyω. άχθηδών, 6 vos, η, a weight, burden, Aesch. 2. metaph. grievance, distress, vexation, an^ioyance, Thuc., Plat. ; Si άχθηΒόνα for the sake of teasing, Thuc. (From άχθο5, as άΚγηδών from aXyos.) άχθίζω, f. ίσω, to load, Babr. "ΑΧΘΟΜΑΙ, Pass. : f. άχθ^σθ-ίισομαι or (in med. form^ άχθ 4 σομαι : aor. i ήχθε'σθην : — to be loaded, νην5 τίχθζτο Od. II. of mental oppression, to be weighed down, vexed, annoyed, grieved, Horn. ; τινι at a. thing, or with a person, Hdt., etc. ; so, εττί τινι Xen.; Trepi tivos Hdt.; ύττ 4 ρ tivos Plat. — also c. acc., άχθομαι 4Akos II. ; — also c. part., either of subjfect, as άχθομαι Ιδών Soph. ; or of object, ηχθ^το δαμναμ 4 νου$ at their being conquered, II. ; but the object is also in gen., ovdhv ^χθζτο αυτών ττολ^μούντων he had no ob- jection to going to war, Xen. άχθος, εο5, τ6, {άχθομαι) a weight, btirden, load, Horn.; άχΘο$ apovprjs a dead weight on earth, cumberers of the ground. Id. II. a load of grief, grief, trouble, distress, sorrow, Trag. άχθοφορεω, f. ήσω, to bear burdens, Plut. 2 . to bear as a burden, τι Anth. From άχθο-φόρος, ov, {φ 4 ρω) bearing burdens, Hdt. ’Αχίλλειος, a, ov. Ion. -ήϊος, ??, ov, of Achilles, Hdt., Eur. II. ’Αχίλλείτ; κριθή Achilles-barley , a fine kind: hence Άχίλλ^ιαι {μάζαι) cakes of fine barley, Ar. Άχιλλευς, gen. 'Aχι\x 4 ωs, Ep. t\os, acc. ’Αχίλλε'ά, voc. ’Αχ£λλευ:,Ερ. nom. also Άχιλευς : 4 ™™ άχο$, the grief oi the hero being the subject of the II., cf. Όδυσ- 142 α-^ίτων — σ^ΰ$) : — Achilles, son of Peleus and Thetis, prince of the Myrmidons. ά-χίτων [t], ov, gen. u>vos, 'without tunic, i. e. wearing the ίμάτιον only, of Socrates, Xen. άχλαινία, ·η> ‘‘want of a cloak or mantle, Eur. From α-χλαινος, ov, (χλαΐνα) 'without cloak or mantle, Simon, α-χλοος, ov, contr. άχλους, ovv, (χλοα) 'without her- bage, Eur. άχλυ0€ΐ5, ^σσα, €V, gloomy, Simon, ap. Hdt. From ΆΧΛΥ'Σ [ΰ], VOS, 7], a mist, Lat. caligo, Od. ; a mist over the eyes of one dying, II. ; or of a person deprived of the power of knowing others, Ib. ; — metaph. gloom, trouble, Aesch. Hence άχλυοί, aor. i ηχλΰίτα, to be or gro'w dark, Od. ^AXNH, Dor. αχνα, η, anything that comes off the surface : I. foam, froth, of the sea, Od. ; of wine, Eur. ; ήχνη ουρανία the de'w of heaven. Soph. ,· δακρύων &χντη dewy tears. Id. II. of solids, the chaff that flies off in winnowing, in pi., II. j the down on fruits, Anth. III. άχνην in acc. as Adv., a morsel, the least bit, Ar. ά-χνοο5, ov, contr. α-χνους, ovv, without down, Anth. αχνυμαι, v. άχεύω, άχεω II. 2. α-χολος, ον, allaying bile or anger, Od. αχομαι, v. άχεύω, άχεω ll. 2 . άχόρευτος, ον, (χορ€ύω) not attended with the dance, joyless, melancholy , Soph., Eur. α-χορος, ov, without the dance ^oi death. Soph.: melan- choly, Eur. "ΑΧΟΣ, εοϊ, τ6, pain, distress, Horn., Find., Att. Poets, αχός, Dor. for ήχοί. ά-χραής, is, gen. εοί, =sq., Anth. α-χραντος, ov, (χραίνω) undefiled, immaculate. Plat, ά-χρεϊος. Ion. άχρήϊος, ov, useless, unprofitable, good for nothing, Hes., Soph., etc. 2. esp. unserviceable, unfit for war, Hdt. ; rh άχρ. τού στρατού the unser- viceable part of an army. Id., Thuc., etc. II. in Horn, neut. axpeiov as Adv., αχρίιον Ιδών giving a helpless look, looking foolish, of Thersites after being beaten, II. ’, άχρζίον ε’γελασίτε laughing without cause or mean- ing, laughed with a forced laugh, Od. ·, so, αχρ^ΐον κΧάζΐΐν to bark without cause, Theocr. άχρηματία, η, want of money, Thuc. From ά-χρήματος, ov, {χρ{]ματα) without money or means, Hdt., Aesch. άχρημοστίνη, η, want of rnoney, Od., Theogn. From ό-χρήμων, ov, gen. ovos, (χρήματα) without money, poor, needy , Solon, Eur. αχρηστία, η, uselessness. Plat. II. the non-usance of a thing. Id. From α-χρηστος, ov, {χράομαΐ) useless, unprofitable, unser- viceable, Hdt., Thuc. : of an oracle, without effect, Eur. : — άχρ. es or wpos τι unfit for a thing, Hdt. ·, άχρ. Tivi useless to a person. Id., Eur. 2. like axpdios, of useless, do-nothing persons, Oratt. 3. act. making no use of, c. dat., Eur. II. (χρηστοί) unkind, cruel, Hdt. "AXPI, Ep. also αχρις : I. Adv. to the uttermost, utterly, II. 2. after Horn., before Preps., άχρι els . . άχρι Trphs . . , Lat. usque ad .. , Xen., Luc. II. Prep, with gen. even to, as far as : 1. of Time, until, άχρι μάλα κνύφαοε until deep In the night, Od.; a^oppoq. άχρι TTfs ημ4ρα5 Dem. 2. of Space, as far as, even to, άχρι Trjs 4σόδου Hdt. 3. of Degree, άχρι τούτου up to this point, Dem.; άχρι τού μή Treivav Xen. III. as Conj., άχρι ov or άχρι alone: 1. of Time, Lat. donee, until, so long as, άχρι ov δδε ό Xi'yos €γράψ€το Id.; άχρι άν with Subj., άχρι άν σχολάση till he should be at leisure. Id. 2. of Space, so far as. Id., Luc. ά-χρώματος, ov, (χρώμα) colourless. Plat, α-χρως, ων, gen. ω, colourless. Plat, ά-χρωστος, ov, (χρώζω) untouched, χ^ρών 4μών by my hands, Eur. άχΰρΐτις, idos, η, fern. Noun, = sq., Anth. άχυρμιά, η, (άχυρον) a heap of chaff, II., Anth. άχυρμός, ού, δ, v. άχυρ6$. αχΰρον [ά], τό, mostly in pi. άχυρα, husks, chaff, bran, Hdt. ; metaph., άχυρα των αστών Ar. άχϋρός or άχΰρος, δ, a chaff-heap, Ar. ; but άχνρμόε is prob. the true form. άχΰρό-τριψ, ιβο5, δ, η, (τρίβω) threshing out the husks, Anth. Dor. for ήχώ. αχώριστος, ον, (χωρίζω) not parted, not divided. Plat. II. (χώροε) with no place assigned one, Xen. αψ, (από) Adv. of Place, backwards, back, back again, Horn. 2. of actions, again, in return. Id. ; so, &Ψ avTis, &Ψ πάλιν, yet again, II. α-ψαυστος, ov, (ψαύω) untouched, not to be touched, sacred, Thuc. II. act. not touching a thing, c. gen.. Soph. ά-ψεγής, is, (ψέγω) tinblamed, blameless. Soph, α-ψεκτος, ov, = axj/ey'qs, Theogn. άψευδεια, η, truthfulness. Plat. ; and άψευδε'ω, f. ήσο), not to lie, to speak truth, Trpos τινα Soph., Plat. From ά-ψενδής, is, (\|/eύδos) without lie and deceit, truthful, sincere, trusty, Hes., Hdt., etc. : — Adv. -δiωs, Att. -S&j's, really and truly. Id. α-ψευστος, ov, = ά\f/eυδ'ήs, Plut., Anth. ά-ψήφιστος, ov, (ψηφίζομαι) not having voted, Ar. άψϊδόομαι, pf. ηφίδωμαι, (arj/is) Pass, to be encircled, Anth. άφί-κορος, ov, (άπτομαι, Kopos) satisfied with touching, \. e. fastidious, dainty. Plat. : — τό αφ. fastidiousness, Plut., Luc. άψϊμαχε'ω, f. ήσα>, to skirmish with an enemy, lead on to fight, Plut. ; and άψϊμάχία, η, a skirmishing, Aeschin. From άψί-μαχος, ov, (άπτομαι, μάχη) skirmishing. άψίνθιον, τό, wormwood, Xen. From άψινθος, η, N. T. (Deriv. unknown.) άψίς. Ion. ά\|/ίς, 7δos, η, (άπτω) a juncture, loop, mesh, such as form a net, II. 2. the felloe or felly of a wheel, the wheel itself, Hes., Hdt., Eur. 3. any circle or disk, of the sun. Id. 4. an arch or vault. Plat., Luc. άψ-όρροος, ov, contr. -ρους, ovv, (άφ, piω) back- flowing, refluent, of Ocean, regarded as a stream en- circling the earth and flowing back into itself, Horn, αψ-ορρος, ov, poet, form of foreg., going back, back- wards, II., Soph. : — neut. άφορρον as Adv., backward, back again, II., Aesch., Soph. α\{/09 αψος, (EOS, τ6, (ατττω) a joint, Od. ά-ψόφητοξ, ον, {·ή/οφ€ω) noiseless; c. gen., άψ. κωκυ- μάτων without sound of wailings. Soph, α-ψοψος, ov, = a\p0(pr]Tos, Soph., Eur. α-φυκτος, ον, (ψύχω) not capable of being cooled. Plat, άψΰχία, T}, want of life: want of spirit, faint-hearted- ness, Aesch., Eur. From α-ψΰχος, ον, (ψνχη) lifeless, inanimate, Simon., Eur., Plat. 2. άψ. βορά non-animal food, Eur. II. spiritless, faint-hearted, Aesch. 'ΆΩ (a), = άημι, to blow. II. = tauco, to sleep, used only in aor. i ^etra, Ep. Od. ; also i pi. contr. άσαμ^ν, Ib. *ΆΩ (b), to hurt, contr. from αάω. ^ΑΩ (c), Ep. inf. άμ^ναι (contr. for ά^μ^ναι) : f. &σω : aor. I subj. &σω, inf. άσαι : — Med., Ep. 3 sing, άάται : f. άσομαι·. aor. i άσ'άμην : I. tra.ns. to satiate, αίματοε άσαι 'Apija to give him his fill of blood, II. II. intr. to take one^s fill of a thing, c. gen., xpohs άμ^ναι, xpohs άσαι Ib. ; so in Med., άσ^σθΐ κλαυθμοΐο, ποτητοε ασασθαι ^Ib. άώθεν. Dor. for ηώθ^ν. αών, aSvos, rj. Dor. for rj'icav. άωρί, Adv. of άωροε, at an untimely hour, too early, Luc., Anth. ; άωρΧ rijs vvkt6s at dead of night, Antipho, Theocr. αωρία, {&wpos a) a wrong time: acc. as Adv., άωρίαν ηκβιν to have come too late, Ar. ; αωρία at an unseasonable time, so late, Luc. αώριος, a, ον,^&ωροε, Anth. άωρό-νυκτος, ον, {ννξ) at midnight, Aesch. α-ωρος (a), ov, (ώρα) untimely, unseasonable, Lat. in- tempestivus, Aesch., Eur. : — c. gen., y'fipws awpSrepa things unbecoming old age, Plut. 2. unripe, άωροε TTphs -γάμον Id. II. without youthful freshness, ugly, Xen., Plat. άωρος (b), ov, (αβίρω, cf. μ^τ-ίωροε) pendulous, waving about, of the -πΚ^κτάναι or polypus-like legs of Scylla, ^Od. αωρτο, Eq. plqpf. pass, of άβίρω. Άώς, Ύ], Dor. for ’Hcos, ''E cos. Άωσφ^ρος, 6, Dor. for 'Εωσφόροε. άωτεω, (άω to sleep) only in pres., to sleep well, Horn, οωτον, t6, and αωτος, 6, fine wool, flock, olhs &ωτον, or without οΐόε, the sheep’s finest wool, Horn. ; λίνοιο XcTTzhv άωτον the delicate flock of flax, i. e. the finest linen, II. II. metaph. the finest, best of its kind, the flower of a thing, άωτοε ζωάε the fiower of life, Pind. ; Χαρίτων &ωτοε their choisest gift. Id. (Deriv. uncertain.) B. Β» βί βήτα, indecl., second letter of the Gr. alphabet : hence as numeral, β' = δύο, Sevrepos, β = 2000. I. β is the medial labial mute, between tenuis τ and asp. Θ. The dialectic variations of β seem to be mostly due to uncertainties of pronunciation : 1. for y, as βληχών yXrjxdv, β\ 4 φαρον Dor. y\ 4 φapov, βουνόε yovv 6 s’ β^μβράε for μ€μβράε, βροτόε for μορτόε {mort- βαθυγαιος. 1 43 alis). 2. β is sometimes inserted between μλ, μρ to give a fuller sound, as in άμβροτοε, μεσημβρία, yaμβpόε, μ4μβλ€ται. βά, shortd. form of voc. ΒασίλΕυ, King ! Aesch. βαβαί, Lat. papae 1 exclamation of surprise, bless me ! Eur., Ar. βαβαιάξ, strengthd. for βαβαί, Ar. βαβΰκα, 7], Lacon. for y4φυρa, Arist. ap. Plut. βάγμα, ατοε, τό, {βάζω) a speech, Aesch. βάδην [ά], Adv. {βαίνω) step by step, Lat. pedetentim, II. ; in marching step, Hdt. ; β. ταχύ at quick step, Xen. 2. gradually, more and more, Ar. II. walking, marching, opp. to riding, driving, sailing, Aesch. βαδίζω, f. Att. βαδιουμαι: aor. i 4βάδισα: pf. β^βάδικα: (βάδοε, βαίνω) : — to go slowly, to walk, Lat. ambulare, h. Horn., Xen. : to go, march, of horsemen. Id. : to go by land, Dem. : — c. acc. cogn., βάδον, όδδν β. Ar., Xen. 2. generally, ett’ οΙκίαε βαδ. to enter houses, Dem. : to proceed (in argument). Id. : — of things, al τιμαί iir Ελαττον 4βάδιζον prices were getting loAver, Id. Hence βάδιοΊς, Ecos, ή, a walking, going, Ar. ; of hares, Xen.; and βάδιατρ,α, ατοε, τό, walk, gait, Xen., Dem. ; and βαδισμός, b, — βάδισιε. Plat. βαδιστΕον, verb. Adj. of βαδίζω, one must walk or go. Soph. : — so pi. βαδιστόα, Ar. βαδιστής, ου, δ, {βαδίζω) a goer, ταχυε βαδ. a quick runner, Eur. βαδιστικός, ή, όν, {βαδίζω) good at walking, Ar. βάδος, b, {βαίνω) a walk, βάδον βάδιζαν Ar. ΒΑ'ΖΩ, chiefly in j^res. and impf., 3 sing. pf. pass. β4- βακται : — to speak, say, Horn. ; βάζαν τί τινα to say somewhat to a man, II. ; also, τί τινί Aesch. ; c. dat. modi, χαλΕΤΓΟίϊ βάζ^ιν ΕπΕΕίΤσι to address with sharp words, Hes. : — Pass., ettos βόβακται a word has been spoken, Od. βαθΕως, Adv., v. βαθύε ll. βαθιών, βάθιστος. Comp, and Sup. of βαθύε. βαθμίς, η, gen. ίδοε and Ίδοε, a step, Anth. βαθμός or βασμός, b, {βαίνω) a step : metaph. a step, ' degree, N. T. βάθος, EOS, τό, {βαθύε) depth or height, acc. as measured up or down, Lat. altitude, Ταρτάρου βάθη Aesch. ; αϊθόροε βάθοε Eur. : in military sense, the depth of a line of battle, Thuc., Xen. : — β. τριχών depth, i.e. thickness or length, of hair, Hdt. : — in Ν.Τ.,τί» βάθοε the deep water. 2. metaph., κακών βάθοε Aesch. ; τϊΧούτου βάθοε Soph. βάθρον, τό, shortd. from βατ·ί}ριον, {βαίνω) that on which anything stands : 1. a base, pedestal, Hdt., Aesch. 2. a stage or scaffold, Hdt. 3. generally solid ground, '^,αλαμΊνοε β. Soph. ; ώ ττατρφον ίστίαε βάθρον i.e. house of my father. Id. : — in pi. found- ations, Eur. ; eV βάθροιε άϊναι to stand firm. Id. 4. a step. Soph. : the round of a ladder, Eur. 5. a bench, seat. Soph., Dem. 6. metaph., κινδύνου βάθρα the verge of danger, Eur. βαθυ-αγκής, es, 'fiyKos) with deep dells, Anth. βαθυ-βονλος, ov, (βουλή) deep-counselling, Aesch. βαθυ-γαιος, ov, {ya7a) with deep soil, productive, Hdt. 144 βαθνγηρως — βαθυ-γήρως, ων, gen. ω, (yrjpas) in great old age, de- crepit, Anth. βαθΰ-δίνης [t], ου, 6, {5ΐνη) deep-eddying, II., Hes. : — so also βαθΰ-δϊνήεις, εσσα, ^v, II. βαθΰ-ζωνος, ον, {ζώνη) deep-girded, i.e. girded not close under the breast, but over the hips, so that the gown fell over the girdle in folds (cf. βαθνκολποί), Horn, βαθυ-θριξ, -τρίχο5, δ, η, of sheep, with thick wool, h. Horn. βαθΰ-καμττής, es, (κάμπτω) strongly curved, Anth. βάθΰ-κήτης, ey, {Krjros ll) deep yawning, of the sea, Theogn. βαθυ-κλεής, is, (kKIos) illustrious, Anth. βαθυ-κολΐΓθ5, ον, with dress falling in deep folds (cf. βαθΰζωνο$), of Trojan women, II. II. with deep, full breasts, deep-bosomed, Aesch. ; of the earth. Find. : cf. βαθύστ€ρνο5. βαθυ-κρημνος, ον, with high cliffs, a\s Find. ; β. άκταί deep and rugged headlands. Id. βαθυ-κτedvos> ov, (Kriavov) with great possessions, plenteous, Anth. βαθΰ-λειμος, ov, (\€ΐμών) with deep, rich meadows, II. : — so, βαθυ-λείμων, ovos, b, η. Find, βαθΰ-λήϊος, ov, (Krjiov) with deep crop, very fruitf id, II. βαθΰ-νοος, contr. -νους, ουν, of deep mind, Anth. βαθύνω [ΰ], βαθύνω, (βαθύ5) to deepen, hollow out, of a torrent, II.: to dig deep, N. T. 2. as military term, to deepen, την φάλαγγα Xen. βαθύ-|ΰλος, ον, (ξνλον) with deep wood, Eur. βαθύ-ττελμος, ov, (ττελμα) thick-soled, Anth. βα,θύ-ττλουτος, ov, exceeding rich, Aesch. βαθύ-ττόλεμος, ov, plunged deep in war. Find, βαθυρ-ρείτης, ου, δ, (ρ4ω) = βαθύρροο5, Ερ. gen. βαθυρ- ρξίταο II., Hes. βαθύρ-ρηνος, ον, {pi]v) with thick wool, Anth. βαθύρ-ριζος, ον, (ρίζα) deep-rooted, Soph, βαθύρ-ροος, ον, contr. -ρους, ουν, (ρεω) deep-flowing, brimming , II., Soph. ΒΑ'ΘΥ'Σ, βαθζΐα Ιοη. βαθ4ά, βαθύ : gen. βαθ4θ3, βαθξίαε Ιοη. βαθ4η$ : dat. βαθέι, βαθ^ίη Ιοη. βαθ4η : — Comp. βαθύτ(ρο5, poet, βαθίων [ϊ]. Dor. βάσσων : Sup. βαθύ- τατοε, poet. βάθιστο$ : — deep or high, acc. to one’s position, like Lat. altus, Horn., etc. ; βαθ4η$ αυλη$ from high-fenced court, II. ; T\i6vos προπάροίθξ βαθζίη5 the deep, i. e. wide, shore, Ib. ; in Frose, of a line of battle, Xen. 2. deep or thick in substance, of a mist, Horn. ; of ploughed land, opp. to stony ground, II., Eur. : — deep, thick, of woods, corn, clouds, II., Hdt., etc. ; of hair, Xen. 3. violent, of a storm., II. 4. generall}’^, large, copious, abundant, k\4os, κληρο5 Find. ; βαθΦΐα τ4ρφΐ5 Soph. ; βαθυε avfjp a rich man, Xen. ; β. ϋπνοε deep sleep, Theocr. 5. of the mind, deep, II., Aesch. ; βαθύτερα rjOea Hdt. 6. of Time, far-advanced, late, βαθυ5 opOpos (v. opOpos) ; βαθύ TT}s ηλικία5 Ar. ; β. γηρα5 Anth. II. Adv. βαθ4ω5, Theocr. βαθυ-σκαφής, 4s, (σκάπτω) deep-dug. Soph, βαθύ-σκιος, ov, (σκιά) deep-shaded, h. Horn., Theocr. βαθύ -σίτο ρος, ον, (σπβίρω) deep-sown, fruitful, Eur. βαθύ-στερνος, ον, {στ4ρνον) deep-chested, λ4ων Find., cf. βaθΰκoλπos. βαθύ-στολμος, ον, with deep, full robe, Anth. — βακτηρίαν. βαθύ-στρωτος, ον, deep-strewn, well-covered, Babr. βαθύ-σχοινος, ov, deep-grown with rushes, II. βαθύτης, ητos, η — βάθos, depth, Luc. βαθύ-φρων, ov, (φρην) — βaθύβoυλos, Solon, Find, βαθύ-φυλλος, ov, (ψύλλον) thick-leafed, Mosch. βαθΰ-χαίτης, ου, δ, (χαίτη) with deep, thick hair, Hes. βαθύ-χθων, ov, gen. ovos, = βaθύγaιos, Aesch. βαίνω (Root BA) : f. βησομαι. Dor. βάσ^ύμαι, Ep. β4ομαι or β^Ιομαι : pf. β4βηκα. Dor. β4βάκα, with Ep. syncop. 3 pi. βξβάάσι, contr. β^βάσι; inf. j 8 e^avat[a], Ep. β^βάμ^ν [d]; part, β€βaώs, -αυΐα, Att. βiβώs: plqpf. 4β^βηκ€ΐν, Ep. β€βηκ€ίν, sync. 3 pi. β4βάσαν : — aor. 2 4βην, Dor. 4βάν, Ep. 3 sing, βη, 3 dual βάτην [d], 3 pi. 4βάν ; imper. βηθι. Dor. βάθι, 2 pi. βάτ^ ; subj. βω, Ep. β^ίω, 3 sing, βηη. Dor. βάμ€S (for βώμ^ν) ; opt. βαίην ; inf. βηναι, Ep. βύμ^ναι ; part, βάs βάσα βάν : — Med., Ep. 3 sing. aor. i 4β-ήσζτο. A. in the above tenses, I. intr. to walk, step, properly of motion on foot, ποσσϊ or ποσΙ βαίν^ιν Horn., etc. ; c. inf. in Horn., βη i4vai, βη 14μ€ν set out to go, went his way, II. ; βη θ4ζΐν started to run, Ib. ; βη δ’ 4λάαν, Ib., etc.: — c. acc. loci. Soph.; and with all Freps. implying motion, as, εττί vηhs 4βαιν€ν was going on board ship, Od. ; εφ’ Ίππων βάvτζs having mounted the chariot, lb. ; βαίν^ιν δι dίμaτos to wade through blood, Eur., etc. 2. in pf. to stand or be in a place, χώρο$ εν φ βζβύκαμ^ν Soph. ; often almost = είμί (sum), ευ β€βηκώs on a good footing, well established, pros- perous, Hdt., etc. ; so, ot ev τελεί βeβώτ€S they who are in office. Id., Soph. ; cf. ξυρόν. 3. to go, go away, depart, II., Soph. ; β4βηκα euphem. for τεθ- νηκα, Aesch., Soph. : — of things, 4vv4a 4νιαυτο\ β^βάασι nine years have come and gone, II. 4. to come, τίπτε β4βηκas; Ib. ; to arrive. Soph. 5. to go on, advance, 4s τάδε τόλμηs, 4s τοσούτον 4λπίδων Id. II. c. acc. to mount, Horn, only in aor. i med., βησασθαι δίφρον : — Fass., Ίπποι βαινόμ^ναι brood mares, Hdt. 2. xp4os 4βα με debts came on me, Ar. 3. in Foets, with acc. of the instrument of motion, which is simply pleonastic, βαίν^ιν πόδα to ad- vance the foot, step on, Eur., etc. B. Causal, in f. β^σω, aor. i 4βησα : — to make to go, βησ^ν άφΐ Ίππον, ε| Ίππων βησ€ brought them down from the chariot, II. The pres, in this sense is βιβάζω. βαίον, τό, = βάϊs, N. Τ. ΒΑΙΟ'Σ, ά, όν, little, small, scanty, and of number,/ βέλτιστε or βέλτιστε, a common mode of address, my good friend, Ar., etc. : — τδ βελτιστον the best, what is best, Aesch., Plat. : — oi βέλτιστοι or τδ βέλτιστων the aristocracy , Lat. optimates, Xen. (Cf. βελτεροε.) βελτίων [γ], ον, gen. ονοε, Att. Comp, of άyaθόε, better, επ\ τδ βελτιον χωρείν to improve, advance, Thuc. (Cf. βελτεροε.) βεμβΐκιάω, only In pres., (βεμβιζ) to spin like a top, Ar. βεμβϊκίζω, f. Att. ιώ, (βεμβιξ) to set a spinning, Ar. ΒΕ'ΜΒΙΞ, ικοε, η, Lat. turbo, a top spun by whipping, Ar. βεμβράς, άδοε, η, ν. μεμβράε. Βενδΐς, Τδοε, η, acc. Βενδΐν, the Thracian Artemis, Luc. : — hence Βενδίδειον, τό, her temple, Xen. : Βενδί- δεια, ων, τό, her festival. Plat, βε'νθος, εοε, τό, poet, for βάθοε, as πενθοε for πάθοε, the depth of the sea, Horn.; also in pi., θαλάσσηε βενθεα, εν βενθεσσιν άλόε II., Horn. : — also of a wood, βενθεσιν νληε Od. βίντιστος — βιοτεία. 150 β€ντιστο 5 , α, ον, Dor. for $4\ricrro9. β€ομαι and β€ίομαι, 2 sing·, βίτ), Homeric fut. with no pres, in use, I shall live (akin to βιόω) : — others regard it Ep. fut. of βαίνω. β€ρ€(Γχ€θος, δ, a hoohy, Ar. (Deriv. unknown.) β·η, Ep. for ίβη, 3 sing. aor. 2 of βαίνω. βή βή. baa, the cry of sheep, Cratin. βήθι, βήναι, aor. 2 imp. and inf. of βαίνω. βηλός. Dor. βάλός, δ, {βαίνω) that on which one treads, the threshold, Lat. limen, II., Aesch. βήμ a, aros, to, {βαίνω) a step, pace, stride, h. Horn., Aesch., Eur. ; Atbs evcppovi βηματι under the kindly guidance of Zeus, Soph. ΤΛ.. = βά^ρον, a step, seat. Id. : — a raised place or tribune to speak from in a public assembly or law-court, Thuc., Oratt. βήμεν, Ep. for ίβ-ημ^ν, i pi. aor. 2 of βαίνω. βημεναι, Ep. for βηναι, aor. 2 inf. of βαίνω. βήΙ> β'ηχ05, δ and η, {β-ησσω) a cough, Thuc. βησετο, Ep. for 4βτ]σατο, aor. i med. of βαίνω. βήσσα, Dor. βάσ-οτα, η, a wooded comb or glen, Horn., Soph. (Deriv. uncertain.) Hence βησσήεις, εσσα, εν, of or like a glen, wooded, Hes. ΒΗ'ΣΣΩ, Att. -ττω : f. βίί\^ω Hipp. : aor. i ^βηξα : — to cough, Hdt. (Formed from the sound.) βητ-άρμων, ovos, δ, a dancer, Od. (Perh. from βαίνω, αρμ05. ) ΒΓΑ, ΙοηΓ βίη, η : Ερ. dat. βίτιψι '.-—bodily strength, force, power, might, Horn., etc. ; periphr. βίη ‘Hpa- κΧηζίη the strength of Hercules, i. e. the strong Her- cules, II. ; βίη Δίομήδεοϊ Ib. ; TuSecos βία, TloXweiKOVs β. Aesch., etc. 2 . of the mind, II. II. force, an act of violence, Od. ; in pi., Ib. ; in Att,, βία tivos against one’s will, in spite of him, Aesch., Thuc., etc. ; βία ψρβνών Aesch. ; also βία alone as an Adv,, perforce, Od., etc. ', so, TTp'bs βίαν rivos and irpbs βίαν alone, Aesch. Hence βιάζω, f, σω, = βιάω, to constrain, Od. : — Pass., aor. i ΐβιάσθην, pf. βββίασμαι :—-to be hard pressed or over- powered, II. ; βιάζομαι raSe I suffer violence herein, Soph. ; βιασθ^ί5 Id. ; επεί ^βιάσθη Thuc. ; βεβιασμένοι forcibly made slaves, Xen. : — of things, rovveiSos βια- σθεν forced from one. Soph. II. Dep. βιάζομαι, with aor. i med. έβιασάμην, pf. βεβίασμαι : — to over- power by force, press hard, Horn. ·, βιάζεσθαι νόμου5 to do them violence, Thuc. ; — β. αυτόν to lay violent hands on oneself. Plat. '.—β. τινα, c. inf., to force one to do, Xen. ; and inf. omitted, β. τα σφάγια to force the victims \to be favourable'], Hdt. 2 . c. acc. rei, βιάζεσθαι τδν εκπλουν to force the entrance, Thuc. 3 . absol. to use force, struggle, Aesch., Soph., etc, : to force one's way, Thuc., Xen.; c. inf,, β. vphs τόν λόφον ε\θε7ν Thuc. : of a famine, to increase in violence, Hdt. βιαιο-μάχας, δ, {μάχομαι) fighting violently , Anth. βίαιος, α, ον and os, ον, {βία) forcible, violent, έργα βίαια Od. ; β. θάνατο$ a violent death, Hdt., Plat., etc. ; δ τΓ0λεμο5 β. διδάσκαλθ5 is a teacher of violence, Thuc. : — Adv., βιαίω$ by force, perforce, Od., Aesch., etc. ; so, TTpbs το βίαιον Id. II. pass, constrained , compulsory , Plat. βι-αρκής, is, {βίos, άρκεω) supplying the necessaries of life, Anth. βιαστεον, verb. Adj. of βιάζω, one must do violence to, Eur. βιαστής, ου, δ, {βιάζω) one who uses force, a violent man, N. T. βιάω, f. ησω, pf. βεβΙηκα, = βιάζω, to constrain, II. : — Pass, to be forcibly driven, of fire, Hdt. ; θανάτψ βιη- θείs overpowered. Id. II. as Dep. in act. sense, to constrain, press hard, overpower, Horn. ; βι·ί]σατο κυμ επί χέρσου it forced me upon land, Od. ; νωΐ βιτ}- σατο μισθόν he did us wrong in respect of our wages, II. : — to force or tirge oyi, Aesch. βΐβάζω : f, βιβάσω, Att. βιβω : aor. i έβίβασα: — Med., f. βιβάσομαι, Att. βιβώμαι : aor. i έβιβασάμην : — Causal of βαίνω, to make to mount, to lift up, exalt. Soph. βιβάσθω, = )3ί)8άω, βίβημι, μακρά βιβάσθων long strid- ing, II. βΐβάω, poet, form of βαίνω, to stride, ττέλωρα βιβα he takes huge strides, h. Horn. ; έβίβασκε, 3 sing. Ion. impf.. Id. ; elsewhere in part., μακρά βιβώντα, μακρά βιβωσα Horn. βίβημι, poet, for βαίνω, to stride, only in part., μακρά βιβάs II. βιβλάpιov,τό,Dim. of βίβλos, Anth. : βιβλαρίδιον, N.T. βιβλίδιον [ίδ], τό. Dim. of βίβ\os, Dem., Anth. βίβλινος olvos, δ, Biblian wine, from Biblis in Thrace, Hes., Theocr. : βύβλιvos in Eur. βιβλιο-κάπηλος [ά], δ, a dealer in books, Luc. βιβλίον, τό. Dim. of βίβ\os, a paper, scroll, letter, Hdt., Ar., etc. ; often written βυβκίον. βίβλος, η, the inner bark of the papyrus {βύβλos').: generally, bark. Plat. II. a book, of which the leaves were made of this bark, Dem. (Prob. a foreign word.) βιβρώσκω, f.^pwflO^at: aor. i εβρωσα: Ep. aor. 2 εβρων: pf. βέβρωκα; syncop. part, βεβpώs, ώτο5 i an opt. βεβρώθoιs, as if from a pf. βέβρωθα, occurs in II. : — · Pass., f. βεβρώσομαι : aor. i έβρώθην : pf. βέβρωμαι. (The Root is BOP, v. βορ-ά, Lat. vor-o.) To eat, eat up, βεβρωκω -s κακά φάρμακ II. : c. gen. to eat of a thing, βεβρωκώs βο05 Od. : — Pass, to be eaten, χρή- ματα βεβρώσεται will be devoured, Ib. βιη-μάχος, ov, = βιaιo-μάχas, Anth. βίηφι, Ep. for βίη. Ion. dat. of βία. βίκος, δ. Oriental word for a wine-jar, Hdt., Xen. ΒΙ'ΝΕ'Ω, co'ire, of illicit intercourse·, Ar. βιο-δότης, δ, giver of life or food. Plat, βιό-δωρος, ον, life-giving, Poeta ap. Plat., Soph, βιο-δώτης, ου, δ,= βιoδότηs, Anth. βιο-θάλμιος, ον, {θάλλω) lively, strong, hale, h. Horn, βιο-θρεμμων, ον, {τρέφω) supporting the life, Ar. ΒΓΟΣ, δ, life, i. e. not animal life {ζωη), but a course of life, manner of living, Lat. vita, Od., etc.; in pi., τίvεs καΐ πόσοι είσΐ βίοι} Plat. 2 . in Poets = ^α)ή, βίον εκπνεΊν Aesch. ; άττοψυχείν Soph. 3 . life-time, Hdt., Plat. II. a living, livelihood, means of living, substance, Lat. victus, Hes., Soph., etc. ; τόν βίον ποιεΊσθαι από tivos to make one’s living of a thing, Thuc., etc. III. a life, biography, as those of Plut. ΒΙΟ'Σ, δ, a bow, II. βιο-στερής, 0s, {στερέω) reft of the means of life. Soph, βιοτεία, η, {βιοττ}) a way of life, Xen. βιοτ€υώ — ΒΛΕ'ΠΩ. βιοτ€υω, f. σω, to live, Eur. 2 . to get food ^ Thuc. : to live by or off a thing, aTch πολέμου Xen. From βιοτή, 7], = βίοτοε, βίθ5, Od., Att. Poets. II. a livings sustenance. Soph., Ar. βιότης, 7 JT 0 S, = foreg., h. Horn. βιότιον, τό, Dim. of βίοτο$, a scant living, Ar. β\.o’τo%■,b,(βι.6ω) = βios\,life, II.,Trag. II. = / 8 ioyii, means of living, substance, Lat. victus, Horn. III. the "world, mankind, Anth. βιo-ψ 6 ιδήs, is, {ψ€ίδομαι) penurious, Anth. βιόω, f. βιώσομαι : aor. i 4βίωσα : aor. 2 4βίων, 3 sing, imper. βιώτω, subj. βιώ, opt. βιφηρ, inf. βιώναι, part. βιού5 : pf. β^βίωκα : {βίοε) : — to live, pass one’s life (whereas ζάω properly means to live, exist), II., etc. ; ott’ αυτών ων avrhs β^βίωκ^ν from the very actions of his own life, Dem. ; hence in Pass., τά σβί καμόϊ βΐβιωμ^να the actions of our life. Id. ·, impers., βζβίωταί μοι I have lived, Lat. vixi. Id. : — Med. in act. sense, Hdt. βιόωνται, Ep. for βιώνται, 3 pi. med. of βιάω. βίω, βιωην, βιώναι, βιώτω, ν. βίόω. βιωατο, Ερ. for βιφντο, 3 ρ1. opt. of βιάω. βιώσιμος, ον, (βιόω) to be lived, worth living, Eur. ; oh βιώσιμόν eVrt τινι ’tis not meet for him to live, Hdt., Soph. βίωσις, ecoy, η, {βιόω) manner of life, N. T. βιώσκομαι, aor. i 4βιωσάμην, Dep. : — Causal of βιόω, to quicken, make or keep alive, Od. βιωτ€ον, verb. Adj. of βιόω, one must live. Plat, βιωτικός, -η, όν, {βιόω) of οχ pertaining to life, N. T. βιωτός, όν, {βιόω) to be lived, worth living. Soph., Ar., etc. βλάβ€ν, Ep. for 4β\άβτι<ταν, 3 pi. aor. 2 of βλάτττω. βλαβ€ρός, ό, όν, {βλάπτω) hurtful, noxious, disad- vantageous, Hes., Xen. From βλάβη [®]> V) {βλάπτω) hurt, harm, damage, opp. to wilful wrong {ίώΐκ-ημα), Aesch., etc. :—βλ. τινόχ damage to a person or. thing, φορτίων Ar. ; but, βλάβη θ^οΰ mischief from a god, Eur. : — of a person, η πάσα βλάβη who is naught but mischief. Soph. 2. βλάβη$ 5ίκη an action for damage done, Dem., etc. βλάβομαι, = βλάπτομαι, II. βλάβος, gen. eos contr. ovs, τό, = βλάβη, Hdt., Eur., etc. βλαισάς, ή, όν, having the knees bent inwards, bandy- legged, Lat. valgus, Batr., Xen. : — generally, twisted, crooked, Anth. βλαίσωσις, iωs, η, (as if from βλαισόω) distortion, re- tortion, Arist. βλόΙκ€ία, η, laziness, stupidity, Xen., Plat, j and βλάκ€υω, only in pres., to be slack, lazy, Xen. II. c. acc. to lose or waste through laziness, Luc. ; and βλάκικός, ή, όν, lazy, stupid. Plat. : Adv. -κώs, Ar. ; and βλακ-ώδης, €S, (eT5os) lazy-like, lazy, Xen. From βλάΙ, βλάκόχ, b, η, (^ιαλακ05) slack in body and mind, stupid, a dolt. Plat., Xen. : — Sup. βλακίστατοχ. βλά-π-τω (Root ΒΛΑΒ, V. βλάβη) : ί.φω: aor. i έβλαψα, Ep. βλάφ€ΐ : pf. βόβλάφα : — Pass., f. βλαβάισομαι and in med. form βλάφομαι : aor. i 4βλάφθην : aor. 2 (βλάβην [ά], Ep. 3 pi. (βλαβξν, βλάβην : pf. βόβλαμ- μαι : — to disable, hinder, stop, Horn. ; βλ. πόl·as to dis- able the feet, to lame them, Od. : — Pass., όζψ evt βλαψ- θόντξ [the horses] caught in a branch, II . ; βλάβην άρματα were stopped, Ib. ; AibOev βλαφθόντα βόλ^μνα stopped, made frustrate by Zeus, Ib. 2 . c. gen. to hinder from, βλάπτουσι Κ(λ(ΰθου Od. : — Pass., βλα- βόντα λοίσθιων δρόμων arrested in its last course, Aesch. II. of the mind, to distract, delude, de- ceive, mislead, of the Gods, Horn. ; βλαφΘ(ί$, Lat. mente captus, II. III. after Horn, to damage, hurt, mar, opp. to wilful wrong {άδικ€Ϊν), Aesch., etc. βλαστάνω, f. βλαστά^σω : aor. 2 (βλαστόν : pf. β(βλά- στηκα or (βλάστηκα : plqpf. (β(βλαστηκ(ΐν : — to bud, sprout, grow, of plants, Aesch., etc. 2 . metaph. to shoot forth, come to light, of men ; ανθρώπου φύσιν βλαστών born in man’s nature. Soph. ; βλαστάν(ΐ απιστία Id. (^The Root is ΒΛΑΣΤ, f. βλαστ(ΐν, βλασττ].) βλαστέω, late form of βλαστάνω, often introduced by Copyists for the aor. 2 forms βλαστ(7ν, βλαστών. βλάστη, η, = βλαστ05. Plat., etc.; π(τραία βλ. the growing rock. Soph. II. of children, βλάσται πατρ05 birth from a father. Id. ; παιδ05 βλάσται its growth. Id. βλάστημα, ατο$, τό, = βλάστη I, Eur. II. metaph. offspring, an offshoot, Aesch., Eur. III. an eruption on the skin, Aretae. βλαστημάς, b, = βλάστη I, Aesch. βλαστός, b, {βλαστάνω) a sprout, shoot, sucker, Lat. germen, Hdt. βλασψημάω : pf. β(βλασφά]μηκα : {βλάσφκιμο5) : — to drop evil or profane words, speak lightly or amiss of sacred things, βλ. (Is θ(οΰ$ Plat. : to utter ominous words, Aeschin. 2 . to speak ill or to the prejudice of one, to speak slander, π(ρί tivos Dem. ; (is τινα Id. : — also, βλ.τινα Babr., N.T. : — Pass, to have evil spoken of one, Ib. 3. to speak impiously or irreverently of God, to blaspheme, Ib. βλασφημία, η, a profane speech, opp. to (ύφημία, Eur., Plat. 2. defamation, evil-speaking, slander, Dem. 3. inipious and irreverent speech against God, blasphemy, N.T. ; to? πv(ΰμaτos against the Spirit, Ib. ; πpόs τινα Ib. From βλάσ-φημος, ον, evil-speaking : of words, slanderous, Dem. 2. speaking blasphemy, blasphemous, and as Subst. a blasphemer, N. T. (The origin of βλασ- is uncertain : βλά^ and βλάπτω are both suggested.) βλαυτη, η, a kind of slipper worn by fops. Plat. l^De- riv. unknown.) βλαυτίον, τό. Dim. of βλαύτη, Ar. βλαχά. Dor. for βληχά]. βλάφις, (ωs, η, {βλάπτω) a harming, damage. Plat, βλαψί-φρων, ον, {φpηv) = φp(voβλaβ'r)s, mad, Aesch. βλεΐο, Ep. 2 sing. aor. 2 pass. opt. of βάλλω. βλ 6 μ€αίνω, only in pres, part., to look fiercely, glare around, II. (Deriv. uncertain.) βλάμμα, aTos, τό, {βλόπω) a look, glance, Eur., Ar. βλάττος, τό, = βλόμμα, a look, Ar. βλεΐΓτάον, verb. Adj. of βλόπω, one must look, Plat. βλ€ΐΓτικός, i], όν, of ox for sight, Anth. βλβίΓτός, ή, όν, to be seen, worth seeing, Soph. From ΒΑΕ'ΠΩ, f. βλόφομαι : aor. 1 (βλ(φα :—to see, have the power of sight. Soph. ; μη βλόπη b μάντιε lest he see too clearly. Id. II. to look, ds τινα or τι, Aesch., etc. ; πώε βλόπων ; with what face ? Soph. ; — with an Adv., (χθρώε βλ. πρ05 τινα Xen. : — foil, by a noun. 152 βλεφαρίς — φόβον βλ. to look terror, i. e. to look terrible, Aesch. ; €/3λ€ψ€ να-κυ looked mustard, Ar. ; ■τυρρίχην βλόπων looking like a war-dancer. Id. ; ττ^φροντικόί βλόπβιν to look thoughtful^ Eur. 2, to look to some one from whom help is expected. Soph. ; ets τινσ. Id., etc. : — of places, οικία vpbs μεσημβρίαν βλεττουσα looking to- Ίυαγάε the south, Xen. 3. to look longingly, expect eagerly, c. inf., Ar. 4. to look to, Lavrovs N.T. ; also, βλ. από rivos to beware of \h. ; βλ. ϊνα . . to see that . . , Ib. III. trans. to see, behold, c. acc., Trag·. : βλ. (paos, (pu>s ηλίου to see the light of day, to live, Aesch., Eur. ; and, without : γανοωσι, 3 plur. •γάνΰμαι [ά], Ep. f. yavvσσoμa^ II. : Dep. :—to brighten up, yawTar (ppeua he is glad at heart, II. ; c. dat., to he glad at a thing, Horn. ; c. gen., Aesch. ·γάτΓ€δον, TO, Dor. for y■η^τζδov. γάιτονεω, γά-ττόνος, v. y€ωπov€ω, yeω^π6vos. γά-τΓθτο 5 , ον [ά], to be drunk up by Earth, of libations, Aesch. ΓΑ'Ρ [ά]. Conjunct. /or, Lat. enim, and like it, regu- larly placed after the first word of a sentence : to introduce the reason : I. Argumentative, ίο in- troduce the reason for a statement, which usually precedes : — when it precedes the statement, it may be rendered since, as, 'Ατρ€ίδη, iroWol yap τ^θνασιν ^Αχαιοί, χρη ττόλ^μον ττανσαι II. 2. the statement of 'which yap gives the reason may he omitted, ου yap Ti μοι Zeus ήν δ κηρνξαε τάδβ [yes], /or it was not Zeus, etc.. Soph. ; eari yap οΰτω [)’es], for so it is, i. e. yes certainly. Plat. ; οϊδ’ ουκ4τ €Ϊσί· τούτο yap (re δηξβται [I say this], for it will sting thee, Eur. : — in Conditional Propositions, where the Condition is omitted, it may be transl. for otherwise, else, oh yap &v μ€ βττβμττου ττάλιν, (sc. el μ^ ewlaTevov), Xen. II. Epexegetic, where yap is used to begin a promised narration, Ae/crea ά yiyvwTKw' egei yap η χωρά ττεδία κάλλιστα I must relate what I know; now, the country has most beautiful plains, Xen. ; so, after the introductory forms, σκ€ψοσθ€ be', δηλον be, τeκμi]- piov be, μαρτύρων be, μeyιστov be. Plat., etc. ; τούτου be τeκμi)piov’ Tobe ydp . . , Hdt. : — in άλλα ydp, a clause must be supplied between αλλά and ydp, as, αλλά ydp ηκουσα but [say no more], for I heard, Aesch. III. Strengthening, 1. a question, like Lat. nam, Engl, why, what, t'ls ydp ffe ή /ceu,· why who hath sent thee ? II. ; τί ydp ; quid enim ? i. e. it must be so. Soph. 2. a wish, with the opt., κακώ$ ydp i^oXoio O that you might perish ! Eur. ; in , Horn, mostly αΐ ydp, Att. el or eXOe ydp, Lat. utinam, O that ! so also ttS>s ydp would that. γαργαλίζω, f. σω, to tickle, Lat. titillare. Plat. : — Pass., generally, to feel tickling or irritation. Id. γάργαρα, τά, heaps, lots, plenty ; cf. ^aμμaκov, in Ep. inf. yeyωveμev, II. γίγώς, ωσα, ws, Att. for 7 € 7 ac 0 s, yeyovώs, pf. part, of yίyvoμaι. 7^-€vva, T]s, η, = Hebr. ge-hinnbm, i. e. the valley of Hinnom, which represented the place of future pun- ishment, N. T. γ€η-όχο5, ό, = 704770x05, Hes. γεη-ττόνο?, ov,—yeω-^τ6vos, Babr. γ€ΐ-αρ6της, ου, 6, a plougher of earth, Anth. γ6ίνομαι, (from an obsol. act. *yeiv(a = yevva(t 3 ) : I. as Pass., only in pres, and impf., to be born, like yiy- νομαι, yeιvoμ4v(f at one's birth, Horn. ; i pi. Ep. impf. yeιvόμeθa II. II. Causal in aor. i med. iyeιvάμ'ηu, Ep, 2 sing, yelveai (for yeivp), of the father, to beget, Ib., Trag. ; of the mother, to bring forth, Horn.; ή yeιvaμ4vr} the mother, Hdt., Eur. ; and ot yeιvάμevoL the parents, Hdt., Xen. 2 . of Zeus, to bring men into being, Od. γειο-ψ6ρος, ον, (y^, ψ4ρω) earth-bearing, Anth. γεΐσον or γεϊσσον, rd, the projecting part of the roof, the eaves, cornice, coping, Eur. (Deriv. unknown.) γειτνίάσις, T), = y€iTovia, neighbourhood: the neigh- bours, Plut. From γειτνιάω, mostly in pres., to be a neighbour , to border on, c. dat., Ar., Dem. ^ γειτονεω, = 7€ίτί/ίάω, Aesch., Soph. Hence γειτόνημα, otos, rd, neighbourhood : a neighbouring place. Plat. ; and γειτ< 5 νησις, ecoy, f],=sq., Luc. γειτονία, η, neighbourhood. Plat, j and γειτόσΐνος, ον, neighbouring , Anth, From γείτων, ovos, b, η, {yyj) one of the same land, a neigh- bour, Lat. vicinus (from vicus), Od. ; y€ίτωv rivos or Tivi one’s neighbour, Eur., Xen. : — 4k των y€^τόvωv or 4k y€ιτόvωv from or in the neighbourhood , Ar,, Plat. ; as Adj. neighbouring, Aesch., Soph, γελασείω, Desiderat. of 7€λάω, to be like to laugh, ready to laugh. Plat, γελάσκω, = 7€λάα), Anth. γε'λασμα, otos, t6, (7ελάω) a laugh, κυμάτων ανίιριθμον y4\aσμa ‘ the many-twinkling sinile of Ocean,’ Aesch, γελαστής, ου, δ, a laugher, sneer er. Soph. ; and γελαστικός, ή, 6v, inclined to laugh, Luc. ; and γελαστός, ή, bv, laughable, Od. From ΓΕΛΑΏ, Ep. γελόω, Ep. part. pi. γελόωντε?, 7ελίοοί/τε5, — yeped, 1 6 I -ώωντ€5 or -οίωντ€5 : Ep. impf. yeλoίωv or ~ύων: Dor. 3 pi. γελαντί, part. fern, γέλασα : — f. y€λάσoμaι [a], later, γελάσω : — aor. i ε’γελάσα, Ep. εγελοσσα. Dor. εγε- λα|ο: — Pass., aor. i εγελάσβτ?^ : I. absol. to laugh, Horn., etc. ; εγε'λοσσεν χάκ^σιν, of feigned laughter, II. : — Pass,, ενεκο του yeXacrdrivai for the sake of a laugh being raised, Dem. II. to laugh at a person, Lat. irrideo, eVi τινι II., Aesch. ; also at a thing, Xen. ; so c. dat.. Soph., etc. ; rarely, like κατα- γελάω, c. gen. pers,. Id. 2. c. acc. to deride, τινά or Tt Theocr., Ar. : — Pass, to be derided, Aesch., Soph. ΓΕ'ΛΓΙΣ, T), gen. yiXylQos, a clove of garlic, Anth. Γελε'οντες, of, =Τελεοντε5, q. v. γελοιάω, Ep. for γελάω, h. Horn, γελοίϊος, Ep. for yeXoios. γελοιο-μελεω, f. ήσω, (μελοϊ) to write comic songs, Anth. γε'λοιος or γελοίος, Ep. γελοίϊος, a, ov, (γελάω) causing laughter, laughable, II., Hdt,, etc. ; γελοία jests, Theogn. II. of persons, causing laughter, ridiculous. Plat., etc. γελοίων, γελοίωντες, γελόω, γελόωντες, Ep. forms ; v. sub γελάω. γελο-ωμΐλία, ή, {6 μιΧία) fellowship in laughing, Anth. γε'λως, Aeol. γελος, ό: gen. γελωτοϊ, Att, γε'λω : dat. γε- λωτί, Ep. γελοι) or (apocop.) γελώ : acc. γέλωτα, poet, γελων : (γελάω) : — laughter, yeXcp ίκθανον they were like to die with laughing, Od.; γέλωτα ttoiuv, Kiveiv, etc., Xen.; — κατεχεζν γέλωτα to restrain one’s laughter. Id, ; γέλωτα οφλΐΊν to incur laughter, Eur. ; εττί γελωτι to provoke laughter, Hdt., Ar. ; γελωτοϊ ά|ία ridiculous, Eur. II. occasion of laughter, matter for laughter, y. yίyvoμaί τινι Soph. γελωτο-ΤΓΟιε'ω, to create, make laughter, esp. by buf- foonery, Plat., Xen, ; and γελωτοΊΓΟι'ία, η, buffoonery, Xen. From γελωτο-ΤΓΟιός, 6v, (ττοιεω) exciting laughter : as Subst. a jester, buffoon, Xen. γελώων, γελώωντες, Ep. forms; v. sub γελάω, γεμίζω, f. Att. Χω, (γεμω) to fill full of, to load or freight with, a cargo of a ship, c. gen., Thuc., etc. ; σίΓοδοΰ y. χ4βτί\τα$ charging the urns with ashes, Aesch. : — Pass, to be laden ox freighted, Dem. II. later in Pass., c. acc., olvov γεμισθεί? Anth. γεμος, τό, a load, freight, Aesch. From ΓΕ'ΜΩ, only in pres, and impf. to be full, of a ship, Hdt., Xen. 2. c. gen. rei, to be fidl of a^ thing, Thuc., etc. ; metaph., Trag. γενεά, as. Ion. γενεή, ijs, η, Ep. dat. γενεηφί : (γί- γνομαι) : I. of the persons in a family, 1 . race, stock, family, Horn.," etc. ; Πριάμου γ. II. ; 4κ yeve^s according to his family, Ib. ; γενερ by birth-right , Od. ; γενεήν ΑΐτωΧ05 by descent, II. : — of horses, a breed, Ib. : — generally, γενεήν in kind, Hdt. also a tribe, nation, Περσών γ. Aesch, 2 . a race, gener- ation, οίηπερ φύχΧων γενεή τοιήδε καί άνδρών II, ; δύο γενεαΐ άνθρώτχων lb. 3 . offspring, Orac. ap. Hdt.; and of a single person. Soph. II. of time or place in reference to birth : 1 . a birth-place, γενεή 4τχ\ Χ'ιμνρ Γυγαίτ? II.; of an eagle’s eyrie, Od. 2 . age, time of life, esp. In phrases γενερ νεωτατο5, ττρίσβν- Μ 1 6 2 yei'eaX oyeoj Taros youngest, eldest, in age, or by birth, Horn. 3 . time of birth, 4κ yevcrjs Hdt. ; άπ6 γ. Xen. γ€ν£άλογ€ω, f, ήσω, to trace by way of pedigree, yev. yepcaiv Hdt. ; yev. riva to draw out his pedigree. Id. : — Pass., ταντα μβν νυν yeyevr)K0yr]rai Id. j yeveaXo- yov^evos e/c rivos N. T. ; and •YcvedXoYia, η, the making a pedigree. Plat. From γ€ν€ά-λογο5, b, (λέγω) a genealogist. γ€ν6ήθεν, iy/evea) ΡΛ\ . from birth, by descent, Anth. γ€ν€βλη, Dor. -θλα, τ], I. of persons, race, stock, family, Horn. ; of horses, a breed, stock, II. 2 . race, offspring. Soph. II. of place or time, birth-place : metaph., apyvpov y. a sWver-mine, II. γεν£θλια,κ05, ή, όν, {yeveOXios) of or for a birthday ,Κούί. γ€ν€θλίδΐ05, ov,=yeveQXios, Anth. γενεθλιος, ον, of or belonging to one's birth, Lat. natalis, y. Socris a birthday gift, Aesch. ; η yeveOXios (\vith or without 7]pepa) one’s birth-day , Inscrr. ; so τά yeveOXia a birthday feast, birthday offerings, Eur. II. of one's race or family, esp. of tutelary gods {dii gentiles'), Zevs y. Pind. ; y. Oeoi Aesch. : — ■ yevedXiov αίμα kindred blood, Eur. ; y. apai 2 l parent' s curse, Aesch. III. giving birth, yev. irSpos thy natal stream. Id.; βλαστοί yev. Soph, γβνεθλον, T6,=yeveeX7}, race, descent, Aesch. 2 .= yevvT\pa, offspring. Id., Soph, γενειάζω, Dor. -άσBω,=yeveίάω, Theocr. γενειάξ, aSos, η, (yeveiov) a beard, Od., Trag. 2 . in pi. the sides of the face, cheeks, Eur. Hence γενειάσκω, = 76veta^&j, to begin to get a beard. Plat, γενειάτης [ά], ου, ό, bearded, Theocr. From γενειάω, f. ήσω, (yeveiov) to grow a heard, get a beard, Od., Xen., etc. γενειήτης, ον, ό. Ion. for yevei0Tii]S. γε'νειον, τό, {yevvs), the part covered by the beard, the chin, Horn., Trag. : — proverb, of a lean animal, ovSev άλλο TrX'}]v yeveiov κα\ κέρατα nothing but chin and horns, Ar. 2. =yevei0s, the beard, Hdt. 3 . the cheek, Anth. γε'νεο, Ep. for eyevov, 2 sing. aor. 2 of yiyvopai. γενεσιοξ, ον, = yevedXios : — but yeveaia, τά, a day kept in memory of the dead, Hdt. ; to be distinguished from yeveQXia a birthday-feast , though used for it in N. T. γενε(η5, ews, η, (yiyvopai) an origin, source, produc- tive cause, II. ; — a beginning, in dual, to7v yevecioiv. Plat. II. manner of birth, Hdt. : race, descent. Id. ; yeveaiv by descent. Soph. III. production, generation, opp. to φθορά. Plat., etc. IV. creation, created things. Id. V. a race, kind, family. Id. VI. a generation, age. Id. γενετή, ή, =76vea II. 3, e/c yeveTrjs from the hour of birth, Horn. γενε'της, ου, ό, (yeivopai) the begetter, father, ancestor, Eur., and in pi. parents. Id. 2 . (ylyvopai) the begotten, the son. Soph., Eur. II. as Adj.,= yeveOXioi Oeol, Aesch., Eur. Γενετυλλίς, idos, -η, (ylyvopai) goddess of one's birth- hour, Ar. γενε'τωρ, opos, 6,=y^viT7)s, Hdt., Eur. γενηις, -ηίδοε, Att. γενής, yjdos, 7], = yevvs II, a pickaxe, mattock. Soph. γε'ννα, and γε'ννα., as, η, descent, birth, Aesch. II. - ΓΕ'ΝΤΣ. offspring. Id. : a generation. Id. 2. a race, family. Id., Eur. Hence γεννάδας [ά], ου, δ, noble, Lat. generosus, Ar., Plat, γενναιο-ττρεττής, e's, (ττρεπα)) befitting a noble : Adv. -TTO/s, Ar. γενναίος, o, ov and os, ov, {yevva) suitable to one's birth or descent, ov μοι yevvaiov it ffts not my nobility, II. I. of persons, high-born, noble by birth, Lat. generosus, Hdt., Trag. ; so of animals, well-bred. Plat., Xen. 2 . noble in mind, high-minded, Hdt., Att. : τδ y. —yivvai6T7]s, Soph. : — also of actions, noble, Hdt., Trag. II. of things, good of their kind, excellent, notable, Xen. : genuine, intense, δύη Soph. III. Adv. -ws, nobly, Hdt., etc. : Comp. -οτ4ρω$. Plat. : Sup. -ότοτο, Eur. γενναιότης, ijros, tj, {yevvaios) nobleness of character, nobility, Eur., Thuc. : of \2χ\ά, fertility , Xen. γεννάω, f. ήσω, (γεννά) Causal of yiyvopai (cf. yeivopai li), of the father, to beget, engender, Aesch., Soph.; rarely of the mother, to bring forth, Aesch. ; ol yevv'i}· σαντΕ5 the parents, Xen.; τϊ> yevvwpevov 'the child, Hdt. : — like φνω i. 2 , as /c&v σώμα yevv^ησr^ μ4ya even if he grow, get a large body, i. e. if he be of giant frame. Soph. 2 . metaph. to produce. Plat. Hence γέννημα, aros, τό, that which is produced or born, a child. Soph. : — any product or work. Plat. 2. breeding, nature. Soph. II. act. a begetting, Aesch. ; and γε'ννησις. Dor. -άσις, eo/s, ή, (γεννοίω) an engendering, producing, Eur., Plat. : birth, N. T. γεννητής, ου, δ, (yevvcia») a parent. Soph., Plat. II. yevvT}T ai, ol, (γέννα) at Athens, heads of families. Plat, γεννητος, ή, όν, (γεννοίω) begotten. Plat. ; γεννητοί yvvaiKwv born ^ women, N.T. γεννήτωρ. Dor. -άτωρ, opos, 0, = γενε'τα/ρ, Eur., Plat, γεννικος, ή, όν, — jevva'Los, noble, Ar., Plat, γε'νος, € 0 S, τό, (yl-yvopai) race, stock, family, Horn., etc. ; absol. in acc., ε| Ίθάκη5 yevos ^Ιμί from Ithaca I am by race, Od. ; in Att. with the Art., τΓοδα-π -bs τδ yevos εΤ; Ar. ; so in dat., yevei πολιτηι Dem. ; ol εν γενεί = συγγενεΓϊ, Soph.; opp. to ol ε|ω yivovs. Id.; yevovs elval tivos to be of his race. Id. II. off- spring, even a single descendant, a child, Lat. genus, abvyivos II. ; θεΓον γενο5, Ib. ; so in Trag. 2 . collect- ively, offspring, posterity, Thuc., Dem. III. a race, in regard to number, y. άνδρών mankind, II. ; ημιό- νων, βοών y. Horn., etc. : — a clan or house, Lat. gens, Hdt. ; at Athens as a subdivision of the φρατρία. Plat. : — a tribe, as a subdivision of c9vos, Hdt. : — a caste. Id., Plat. : of animals, a breed, Hdt. 2. a race in regard to time, an age, generation, Od. ; y. χρύσ^ιον, Hes. : — hence age, time of life, yevei υστepos II. IV. sex. Plat. : gender, in grammar, Arist. V. a class, sort, kind, Xen. 2 . in Logic, genus, opp. to είδοι (species). Plat. γε'ντο, he grasped, = eKaβev, found only in this form, II. : — said to be Aeol. for eXeTO {feXeTo) like ήνθον for ήΧθον. II. syncop. for eyiveTO, v. yiyvopai. ΓΕ'Ν'ΓΣ, VOS, 7} : dat. yevvl : — pi., gen. γεννών, contr. yevvv, dat. yevvσι, Ep. yevυσσι, acc. yevvas, contr. yevvs : — the under jaw, Od. ; in pi. the jaws, the mouth, II., Trag. ; so in sing., Theogn., Eur. : — gen- yepaiog — erally, the side of the face, cheek. Id. II. the edge of an axe, a biting axe. Soph. (Cf. yeveioy, yvaOos, Lat. gena.) Ύεραιος» ά, 6v, {^4ρων) = yT]pai0s, old, in Horn, and Trag·. ; of men, with notion of dignity, like signor, Id. ; b yepaios that reverend sire, II. : — Comp, yepai- repos, Horn. ; ol yepairepoi the elders, senators, Aesch., Xen. ; cf. yip(av: — Sup. y^pairaros, Ar.; rarely = τΓρ€σβύτατο5, eldest, Theocr. II. of things, ancient, Trag. γ£ραιο-ψλοιος, ον, viith old, varinkled skin, Anth. γ£ραίρω : Ep. impf. yepaipov : f. yepapcv : aor. i eyeprjpa : {yepas) : — to honour or reward with a gift, τίνά. τινι Horn., etc. : — Pass, to be so honoured, Eur. 2. re- versely, y. Tiv'i Ti to present as an honorary gift, ap. Dem. II. to celebrate, χόροισι with dances, Hdt. ‘γ£ραίτ£ρος, ·γ£ραίτατο 5 , Comp, and Sup. of yepaios. ΓΕ'ΡΑ''ΝΟΣ, η and b, a crane, Lat. grus, II. ytpo.0%, Ίι, 6v, — y(pai6s, Soph. γ£ραρός, ά, 6v, (γεραίρω) of reverend bearing, rnajestic, II. 2.— yepaibs, Aesch. II. yepapoi, ol, priests. Id. ; γεραραί, priestesses, Dem. ΓΕ'ΡΑ“Σ, aos, ω$, τό ; nom. pi. γερά, apoc. for γεραα; Att. γερά. Ion. γερεα : — a gift of honour, Horn. ; rb yap y4pas 4ση θανόντων this is the last honour of the dead, II. : — any privilege or prerogative conferred on kings or nobles, Horn., Hdt., etc. Hence -γεράσρ-ιος, ον, honouring, h. Horn. II. =γεραροϊ, honoured, Eur. yepea, Ion. nom. pi. of yepas. γεροντ-αγωγεω, f. ήσω, {aywyos) to guide an old man. Soph. Ύεροντία, η, Lacon. form of γερουσία, Xen. γερόντιαν, τό. Dim. of γέρων, a little old man, Ar., Xen. γεροντο-διδάσκαλος, b, η, an old man's master. Plat, γερουσία, τ], (γέρων) a Council of Elders, Senate, Eur. II. = πρεσβεία. Id. γ£ρουσιθ9, a, ov, (γέρων) for or befitting the seniors or chiefs, II. ; γ. 0p/cos an oath taken by them, Ib. γερρον, τό, (εϊρω) anything made of wicker-work : I. an oblong shield, covered with ox-hide, such as the Persians used, Hdt., Xen. II. γερρα, τά, wattled huts or booths, used in the Athen. market-place, Dem. III. the wicker body of a car, Strab. γερρο-ψόροι, ol, (ψερω) a kind of troops that used wicker shields, Xen. ΓΕ'ΡΩΝ, ovTos, b, an old man, Horn., etc. 2. in political sense, yepovres the Elders, Seniors, or Chiefs, who formed the King’s Council, Horn. : — then, like Lat. Patres, the Senators, esp. at Sparta, Hdt. II. as Adj. old, mostly with a masc. Noun, Theogn., Aesch., etc. ; but γέρον σάκο5 occurs in Od. γεύμα, aros, τό, (γευω) a taste, smack of a thing, Eur., Ar. γεύμεθα, i pi. poet, for γευόμεθα, pf. med. of γευω. γευστε'ον, verb. Adj. of γευω, one must make to taste, τινά Tivos Plat. ΓΕΥ'Ω, f. γευσω : aor. i εγευσα : — Med., f. γευσομαι : aor. I ε’γευσάμην, subj. γευσεταί, -σόμεθα, Ep, for-77Tat, -ώμεθα : pf. γεγευμαί : — to give a taste of, τι Hdt,; rarely τινά τι Eur. ; or τινά tivos Plat. : cf. γευσ- τε'ον. II. Med. γεύομαι, with pf. pass., to taste of fewpvyfw. 163 a thing, c. gen., Od., Thuc. 2. metaph. to taste, feel, Sovphs άκωκη5, όιστοΰ γευσασθαι Horn. ; γευσόμεθ’ άλλήλων iyxCiais let us try one another with the spear, ll. : to taste the sweets of, apxrjs, ελευβερίη^ Hdt. ; to have experience of, μόχθων, Trevdovs Soph., Eur. (The Root was prob. ΓΕΥΣ, cf. Lat. gus-tare.) γε'ψΰρα, η, a dyke, dam or mound to bar a stream, in pi., II. ; the phrase ττολεμοιο γεφυραι seems to mean the ground between two lines of battle, = μ^ταίχμιον, Ib. II. a bridge, to cross a stream, Hdt., Att. ; Horn, also seems to recognise this sense in the Verb γεψυρόω. (Deriv. unknown.) γεψϋρίζω, f. σω, to abuse from the bridge : there was a bridge between Athens and Eleusis, and as the people passed it in procession, they had a custom of abusing whom they would : hence to abuse freely, Plut. ; hence also γεφϋριστής, ov, b, a reviler. Id. γεφύρο-ΊΓΟιό?, b, bridge-maker, Lat. Pontifex, Plut. γεφϋρόω, f. ώσω, (γε'φυρα) to bridge over, make passable by a bridge, γεφυρωσε δε μιν (sc. τδν ποταμόν η •ΤΓτελεή) the fallen tree made a bridge over the river, II. ; γ. τδν ποταμόν to throw a bridge over it, Hdt. ; iy€φυρώθη b πόρο5 Id. 2. to make [a passage] like a bridge, γεφυρωσε κόλ^υθον he made a bridge-\vB.y , II. γεωγραφία, τ], geography , Plut. From γεω-γράφος [ά], b, (γη, γράφω) a geographer. γε-ώδης, ε^, (γη, είδοί) earth-like, earthy. Plat. ; with deep soil, Xen. γεωλοφία, η, a hill of earth, Strab., Anth. From γεώ-λοφος, ov, crested with earth : as Subst., a hill, hillock, Xen. : so γε'ωλοφον, τό, Theocr. γεωμετρε'ω, f. ήσω, to measure the earth, to practise or profess geometry. Plat. II. to measure, c. acc. , Xen. From γεω-μετρη9, ου, b, {μ€τρ4ω) a land-measurer , geometer. Plat. Hence γεωμετρία, ή, geometry, Hdt., Plat. ; and γεωμετρικ09, ί], όν, of or for geometry, geometrical. Plat. : γεωμετρι/ίϊ/ (sc, τέχνη), geometry , Id. II. skilled in geometry, a geometrician. Id. γεω-μορία, η, (γη, μΡιρομαι) a portion of land. II. = γεωργία, Anth. γεώ-ττεδον, τό, = γή-7Γεδον, Hdt. γεω-ΊΓείνη9, ου, b, (γη, πε'νη?) poor in land, Hdt. γεω-ττονε'ω, to till the ground ; γάττονεΓν Eur. From γεω-7Γ0νο9, b, a husbandman, Anth. ; in Babr. γ€η- 'Tr0vo9 : Dor, form γα.τΓ0νο9 in Eur. γεωργε'ω, f. ησω, (γεωργόν) to be a husbandman, far- mer, Plat., Xen., etc. II. c. acc. to till, plough, cultivate, Thuc., Dem. 2. metaph. to work at a thing, practise it, Lat. agitare. Id. ; y. 4 k tivos to draw profit from it, live by it. Id. Hence γεωργία, η, tillage, agriculture, farming, Thuc,, Plat. 2. in p\. farms, tilled land. Id. ; and γεωργικ09, ά}, όν, of or for tillage, agricultural, Ar. ; b y. k4ws the country folk. Id. : — η γ. (sc. τε'χνη), agriculture, farming. Plat. II. skilled in farm- ing ; and as Subst. a good farmer. Id. From γε-ωργ09, όν, (γη, *εργω) tilling the ground, Ar. : — as Subst., γεωργό?, b, a husbandman, Hdt., Ar., Plat, γεωρΰχε'ω, f. ήσω, to dig in the earth, dig a mine, Hdt. From M 2 104 ~ γ€-ωρ·υχο 5 [ΰ], ον, {-γη, ορύσσω) throwing up the earth, Strab. γ€ω-τόμος, ον, (τ^μνω) cutting the ground, ploughing, Anth. ΓΗ' contr. for 7ea : dual g’en. and dat. •youv : pi. 70?, yiai, Ion. gen. yeoiv, acc. 7as : — earth opp. to heaven, or land opp. to sea, Horn., etc. ; κατά y^v on land, by land, Thuc. ; κατά y^s Xen. : — eVl y^% on earth. Soph. ; κατά y^s below the earth, Trag. : — the gen. with local adverbs, %va. yrjs, ττου yrjs, ubi terrarum, where in {in what quarter of) the world, where on earth. Soph., etc. 2 . earth, as an element, opp. to air, water, fire. Plat. II. a land, country, Aesch., etc.; yrjv Trph yris from land to land. Id. III. the earth or ground as tilled. Soph., Plat. IV. a lump of earth, in the phrase y^v καϊ ύδωρ aireiv, yrjv καΐ ΰδωρ διδόναι, in token of submission, Hdt. γη-γ€νής, es, {yί-yvoμai) like αυτό-χθων, earthborn, of the primeval men, Hdt., Plat. II. born of Gaia or Tellus, of the Titans and Giants, Aesch., Soph. ; — so of things, portentous, furious, Ar. γηδιον, t6. Dim. of 7η, a piece of land, Ar., Xen. γή-θεν, Adv. out of or from the earth, Aesch., Soph. γηθ€ω, Dor. 700ea> : f. -ήσω : aor. i eyr\θ^ησa, Ep. γηθησα : pf. yeyrjOa, Dor. yeydea (in pres, sense) : plqpf. iyey'f]e€iv, Ep. yey'fjeeiv : {yaiw) : — to rejoice, Horn. ; c. acc. rei, ris kv τάδε yηθ'ησ€ιev ; II. ; c. part., y■ηθr}σ€i ττροφαν^ίσα (dual acc.) will rejoice at our ap- pearing, Ib.; yeyrtOas ζών thou rejoicest in living. Soph.; y^y-p^ivai erri τινι Id. : part. yeyr^Ocis, like χαίρων, Lat. impune. Id. γήθος, cos, τά, =sq., {yr]Θ4ω) Pint, γηθοστίνη, η, joy, (yy^Ocw) delight, II. γηθοσυνοξ, -η, ον and os, ον, (^γηθ^ω) joyful, glad at a thing, c. dat., II. ; absol., Ib. γήϊνο5> ov, {yrj) of earth, Xen., Plat. : — also γήϊος, Anth. γηΐτης, contr. γ'πτη?, ου, δ, (yrj) a husbandman. Soph, γή-λοψος, ό,—yeώλos new born, Od. ; ycyovcvai εκ tivos Hdt. ; more rarely από rivos Id. ; rivos Eur. : — with Numerals, ετεα τρία κάΙ δέκα γε- yov0>s, Lat. natus annos tredecim, Hdt., etc. 2 . of things, to be produced. Plat., Xen., etc. : — of sums, δ ycyovihs apιθμόs the result or amount. Plat. 3 . of events, to take place, come to pass, come on, happen, and in past tenses to be, Horn., etc. : — % μή ycvoiro, Lat. quod dii prohibeant, Dem. : — c. dat. et part., yi- yvcTai τί μοι βουλομόνφ, ασμόνψ I am glad at its being 'γΐ'γνωσκω —— so, Thuc., etc. : — of sacrifices, omens, etc., to be favourable. Id., Xen. : — in neut. part., rh -γ^νόμ^νον the event, the fact, Thuc.; τa.yevόμΐvathe facts, Xen.j τά ^ΐ^ΐν(]μΙνα former events, the past. Id. ; vh '/^νησό- μίνον the future, Thuc. ; — of Time, is τρίτη ημ^ρη iyiveTO arrived, Hdt. II. followed by a Predi- cate, to come into a certain state, to become, \^ 2 Χ. fieri, and (in past tenses), to be so and so, Horn., etc. ; ττάντα 'γΐΎνόμ€νο5 turning every way, Od. ; so, navToios 7. Hdt . ; Tt Ύ^νωμαι ; what am I to become ? i. e. what is to become of me ? Aesch. ; ουκ ίχοντΐ:$ δ rt ^Ινωνται Thuc. 2. with Adverbs, kukus eyeVerd μοι it went ill with me, Hdt. ; ed, καλώΐ, ylyveTai it goes W’ell, etc., Xen. 3. followed by oblique cases of Nouns, a. c. gcn.,y.τωvl·ικaστ4ωvto become one the jurymen, Hdt., etc. : — to fall to the share of, belong to, η νίκη yiyv^vai Tivos Xen. : — to be master of, eavTov y. Soph., etc. ; 7. ivvhs ewvTOv Hdt. : — of things, to be at, i. e. to cost, so much, c. gen. pretii, Ar. b. with Preps., 7. onro or eK Seiirvov to be done supper, Hdt. ; 7. eis τόττον to be at . . , Id. : — 7. el οφθαλμών τινι to be out of sight, Id.; 7. ev TOTTcp to be in a place. Id. ; also, 7. ev ττοιησ^ί to- be engaged in poetry. Id., etc. ; 7. 81’ ^χθραε, 8i’ epiSos 7. Tivi to be at enmity with, Ar., etc. : — 7. eiri τινι to fall into or be in one’s power, Xen. : — 7. μ6τά tivos to be on his side. Id. : — 7. τταρά τινα to come to one, Hdt. ; — 7. irpos T 6 Trip to be at or near . . , Plat. : 7. irpd? Tivi to be engaged in . . , Dem. ; «irpos τι Plat. : — 7. ττρό όδον to be forward on the way, II. γι-·γνώσκω,Ιοη. and in late ΟΓ.γινώσκω, f. yvώσoμaι: pf. eyvwKa : — aor. 2 eyvwv (as if from a Verb in ~μι\ Ep. yvώv; suh’j. yvώ,Ep.yvcί>ω,yvώoμζv,yvώωσι; ini. yvwvai, Ep.yvώμevaι: — Pass., i. yvωσθηcroμaι: aor. i iyvώσθηv: pf. iyvωσμaι : — tolearntoknow , to perceive, mark, learn, and in past tenses, to know, c. acc., Horn., etc. : — also to discern, distinguish, ώ$ eu yiyvwTK'ps ημ^ν B^hv ηδ€ καϊ άνδρα that thou mayst discern between gods and men, II. : c. gen., yvώτηv αλλτ]λων were aware of cadti other, Od. ; yv^ χωομίνοιο was aware of his being angry, II. : — c. part., tyviav μιν oiwvhv (όντα per- ceived that he was a bird of omen, Od. ; iyvωv ηττη- μ(νο5 I felt that I was beaten, Ar. : — but c. inf., 'iva yvcp τρόφαν that he may learn how to keep, Soph. II. to observe, to form a judgment on a matter, to judge or think so and so, Hdt., Att. : in dialogue, tyvoiv I understand, Soph. : — Pass, to be pronounced, of a sentence or judgment, Thuc., etc. : — also, to judge, determine , decree that . . , c. acc. et inf., Hdt., etc. {y/i-yvwaKoi is redupl. from Root ΓΝΩ, cf. yvώvaι, yv(iiT0s, etc. : so Lat. gnosco.) yivopai, -γινώσκω, v. yίyvoμaι, yιyvώσκω. γλαγάω, (7λά70ί) to be milky, juicy, Anth. γλαγ6ρος, ά, όν, {yXayos) full of milk, Anth. : so γλα,- γ0€ΐ5, (σσα, ev. Id. γλαγο-ττήΙ, rtyos, 6, η, {^Γ■f}yvυμι) curdling milk, Anth. γλάγος [ά I, eos, τό, poet, for yaKa, milk, II. γλακτο-ψάγος [ά], ον, {fi>ay(iv) syncop. for yaXaKTO-, living on milk, II. γλάμων, ον, blear-eyed, Ar. Ύλαυκιάω, only in Ep. part. yXavKiowv, glaring fiercely, of a lion, II. Ύλαυκ-ομματος, ον, {ομμαϊ) gray-eyed. Plat. 'ΥΚνκύθυμος. 1 65 ΓΛΑΥΚΟΊ, ή, όν. In Horn., prob. without any notion of colour, gleaming, silvery, of the sea, II., Trag. II. later, certainly, with a notion of colour, bluish green, gray, Lat. glaucus, of the olive. Soph., Eur. : — esp. of the eyes light blue ox gray, Lat. caesius, Hdt., Eur.. γλαυκ-ώ·7Γΐ5, η : gen. ιδθ5 : acc. ιδα or iv : (ώφ) : — in Horn, as epith. of Athena, with gleaming eyes, bright- eyed ; V. yXavK0s. γλαυκ-ώψ, ώπο5, δ, r], = yXavKWTis, Pind. γλαυξ, Att. γλαυξ, yXavK0s, η, the owl, so called from its glaring eyes (v. yXavK0s, and cf. σκώφ) ; yXavK Άθ^ναζ^, yXavK (is ’AO^vas = 'carry coals to Newcastle,’ Ar. : Athen. silver coins were called yXavK(S, because they were stamped with an owl. Id. γλαψΰρία, η, smoothness, polish, Plut. From γλαφυρός, ό., όν, (yXάφω) hollow, hollowed, of ships, Horn. ; of caves. Id. ; of the lyre, Od. ; yX. Χιμην a deep harbour or cove, Ib. II. polished, finished : of persons, subtle, critical, nice, exact, Ar. : — Adv. -ρώs, and neut. as Adv., Luc. Hence γλαφυρότης, ητos, η, = yXaφυpίa, Luc. ΓΛΑ'ΦΩ [cij, to scrape up the ground, of a lion, Hes. γλαχων and γλακώ [ά]. Dor. for γλήχωϊ', -ώ: v. βΧηχων. γλ€υκο-'7Γ0της, <5, drinker of new wine, Anth. γλ€ΰκος, eos, τό, {yXvKvs') Lat. mustum, new wine, Arist. γλόφαρον, τό, Aeol. for βχόφαρον. γλήνη, η, the pupil of the eye, eyeball, Horn., Soph. II. because figures are reflected small in the pupil, a puppet, doll ; as a taunt, (pp(, κακτ] yX■f}vη away, slight girl, II. (Deriv. uncertain.) Hence γλήνος, (os, τό, in pi. things to stare at, shows, won- ders, II. γλήχων. Dor. γλαχων, v. βΧ^χων. γλισχρ-αντιλογ-βξ-εττίτριιττος, ον, greedy -pettifog- ging-barefaced-knavish, Ar. γλίσ-χρος, σ, ον, (γλίχομαί) glutinous, sticky, clammy. Plat. : — metaph., 1. sticking close, importunate, Ar. ; yXiaxpws (^Γίθvμ(ΐvP\at. greedy , grasping, niggardly, Arist. Adv., Plat., Xen. ; hence, with difficulty, hardly, yXισχpώs καϊ μόXιs Dem. 3. of things, mean, shabby, meagre. Id., Plut. Hence γλί(Γχρων, ovos, 6 , a niggard, Ar. ΓΑΓΧΟΜΑΙ [Ϊ], only in pres, and impf. : — to cling to, strive after, long for, a thing, c. gen., Hdt., Plat. ; 0)5 στpaτηyησ(ιs γλίχβαί art anxious how to become general, Hdt. : — c. inf. to be eager to do. Plat., Dem. γλοιο-Ίτότις, ibos, η, sucking up grease, Anth. ΓΑΟΙΟ'Σ, 0 , any glutinous substance, gluten, gum, yX. aixh Trjs ϋΧη9 tree-gum, Hdt. II. as Adj., γλοιός, ά, όν, slippery, knavish, Ar. ΓΛΟΥΤΟΊ, δ, the rump, II.: — pi. the buttocks, Lat. nates, lb., Hdt. γλυκαίνω, f. ανώ, to sweeten : — Pass, to be sweetened, to turn sweet, Mosch. γλΰκ€ρός, ά, 0v, = yXvKvs, Od., Eur. γλΰκ€ρό-χρως, ωτο5, δ, η, with sweet skin, Anth. γλΰκυ-δακρυς, υ, {δάκρυ) causing sweet tears, Anth. γλΰκυ-δωρος, ον, {δώρον) with sweet gifts, Anth. γλΰκΰ-ηχής, is, (^χοϊ) sweet -sounding , Anth. γλΰκΰθϋμία, η, sweetness of mind: benevolence, Plut. γλΰκυ-θϋμος, ον, sweet-minded, sweet of mood, II. II. act. charming the mind, delightful, Ar. 1 66 ·γ\υκυκαρ7Γος - γλυκυ-καρτΓος, ον, hearing snsoeet fruit, Theocr. ■γλΰκΰ-μδ,λον, Aeol. and Dor. for Ύλυκύ-μ-ηλον, sweet- apple, as a term of endearment, Theocr. γλΰκΰ-μ€ΐλϊχο 5 , ον, sweetly winning, h. Horn. γλΰκΰμϋθ€ω, £. Ί]σω, to speak sweetly : — from γλυκιί- μΰθος, ον, sweet-speaking, Anth. γλΰκΰ-ιταις, ο, η, having a fair offspring, Anth. YXvKi-Trap0€vo9, v, a sweet maid, Anth. ΓΛΥ“ΚΥ'Σ, eta, ΰ, sweet, II., etc. : — metaph. sweet, delightful, Horn., etc. : — yXvKv 4στι c. inL, Aesch., etc. 2. of water, sweet, fresh, opp. to iriKpos, Hdt. 3. after Horn., of persons, sweet, dear. Soph.; Z} yXvKVTare my dear fellow, Ar. : — sometimes in bad sense, simple, silly, is yXvKvs el ! Plat. II. Comp, and Sup. yλυκίωv [t Att., t Ep.], yXvKiaros ; also yXv- κύτ€ρο$, -TttTos, Find., Att. γλνκΰτης, ητο5, η, {yXvKvs) sweetness, Hdt. γλυΐΓτηρ, rjpos, 6, {yλvφω) a graving tool, chisel, Anth. γλΰτΓτης, ου, δ, (γλύφω) a carver, sculptor, Anth. γλυΐΓτός, ή, όν, (γλύφω) carved, Anth. γλυφανος, δ, (γλύφω) a tool for carving, knife, chisel, h. Horn., Theocr. ; γλ. καλάμου a ^en-knife, Anth. γλΰφ€Ϊον, TO, = γλύφαίΌϊ, Luc. γλΰφί9, tdos, rf, mostly in pi. yλυψί^€s, the notched end of the arrow, Horn., Hdt. ; πτ^ρωταί γλϋφίδeί the arrow itself, Eur. From ΓΛΥ'ΦΩ [υ] : f. γλύφω : aor. i eyXoif/a : — Pass., aor. i part. γλυφθeV, aor. 2 yXocpev [ύ] : pf. y€yλυμμaι : (akin to γλάφω) : — to carve, cut out with a knife, Ar. ; γλ. σφρηγΓδαί to engrave them, Hdt. ; of sculptors. Id. II. to note down [on tablets], τ6κου$ Anth. γλώξ, η, only in pi. γλώ;^es, the heard of corn, Hes. (Akin to γλωχίι/.) γλώσσα, Att. γλώττα, tjs, η, the tongue. Worn., etc. 2. the tongue, as the organ of speech, ykw^crrjs χάριν through love of talking, Hes., Aesch. ; άττύ γλώσσηϊ by word of mouth, Hdt., Thuc. ; ουκ άπδ γλώσστ?? not by word of mouth, not from mere hearsay, Aesch. ; so, oh κατά γλώσσαι/ Soph. ; Uvai yKS>aaav to let loose one’s tongue, speak without restraint. Id. ; pi., κβρτο- μίοΐ5 yλώσσaιs, i. e. with blasphemies. Id. : — for βoυs eVl γλώσστ?, v. jSous. II. a tongue, language, Horn., Hdt., etc. III. the tongue or mouthpiece of a pipe, Aeschin. (Deriv. unknown.) γλωσσαλγία, -η, endless talking, wordiness, Eur. γλώσσ-αλγοξ, ον, (άλγοϊ) talking till one’s tongue aches. γλωσσίς, = γλωττίϊ, Luc. γλωσσο-κομον, τύ, (^γλωσσά ill, κομ€ω) a case for the mouthpiece of a pipe : generally, a case, casket, N. T. γλώττα, Att. for γλώσσα, γλωττίς, ihos, η, = γλώσσα ill, Luc. γλωχίν or γλωχίς, gen. ivos, any projecting point, hence, 1. the end of the yoke-strap, II. 2. the point of an arrow. Soph., Anth. (Deriv. uncertain.) γναθμος, δ, the jaw, poet, form of yvdOos, Horn. ; also in pi., Od. : metaph., yvaΘμol φαρμάκων the gnawing of poison, Eur. ; for aXAorpiois yvaθμo7σi, v. άλλότριοε. ΓΝΑ'ΘΟΣ [ά], 7], (akin to y€vos) the jaw, properly the lower jaw, η κάτω yv. Hdt. ; €7Γαγ€ yvdQov take your teeth to it ! Ar. ; oft. in pi.. Plat., etc. 2. metaph. of fire, Aesch. 3. metaph. also, like hdA. fauces, of a - yvωμόλoyLa, narrow strait. Id., Xen. 4. the point or edge, as of a wedge, Aesch. γναμτΓτός, ή, 6v, {yvάμ^Γτω') curved, hent, Horn. 2. supple, pliant, of the limbs of living men. Id. II. metaph. to he hent, οϋτ€ νόημα yvaμ^Γτhv ivl στήβεσσι (of Achilles), II. γνάμτΓτω, f. φω : aor. i eyvaμφa Ep. yvάμφa : — poet, form of κάμπτω used by Horn, when a short vowel is to be made long before it, to hend ; yv. τινα to hend his will, Aesch. γνάτΓτω, γναφβυς, v. κνάπτω, κναφ^ύε. γνήσιος, α, ον, {y€vos) of or belonging to the race, i. e. lawfully begotten, legitimate, opp. to νόθοε, Horn. ; φρον^Τν γνήσια to have a noble mind, Eur.; yv. yovaines lawful wives, opp. to παλλακίδβε, Xen. ; yv. Trjs Έλ~ λάδοε true sons of Greece, Dem. : — Adv. -ίωε, lawfully, really, truly, Eur. γνοίην, aor. 2 opt. of yιyvώσκω : γνους, part. γνόφος, δ, — δνόφοε, Luc. γνυξ, Adv. (γόνυ) with bent knee : γνυξ ^ριπΖΐν to fall on the knee, II. γνώ, Ep. for ^γνω, 3 sing. aor. 2 of yιyvώσκω : — but γνώ, 3 sing. subj. γνώθι, aor. 2 imper. of yι-yvώσκω. γνώμα, ατοε, τ6, (γι-γνώσκω) a mark, token, like γνώ- ρισμα, Hdt., Soph. II. an opinion, judgment, yvώμ■η, Aesch., Eur. γνωματεύω, f. σω, (γνώμα) to form a judgment of, discern. Plat. γνώμη, ή, (γι-γνώσ«ω) a means of knowing, a mark, token, Theogn. II. the organ by which one knows, the mind: hence, 1. thought, judgment, intelligence. Soph. : acc. absol., γνώμην Ικανόε intelli- gent, Hdt. ; yv. ayaOos Soph. ; γνώμην cyeiv to under- stand, Id. ; προσόχζίν γνώμην to give heed, be on one’s guard : — άπδ γνώμην with a good conscience, Aesch. ; but, ουκ άπδ yv. not without judgment, with good sense. Soph. 2. one’s mind, will, purpose, Aesch., etc. ; ev γνώμη γεγονεναι τινί to stand high in his favour, Hdt. ; τήν yv. εχειν πράε τινα or τι to have a mind, be inclined towards . . , Thuc. ; οφ’ εαυτου γνώμην of his own accord. Id. ; εκ μιάε yv. of one accord, Dem. ; so, μια γνώμη Thuc. : — in pi., φίλιαι γνώμαι friendly sentiments, Hdt. III. a judg- ment, opinion, πλΖΐστόε είμι τη γνώμη I incline mostly to the opinion that . . , Hdt. ; so, ταύτη πλ^Ίστοε την yv. or ή ττλείστη γν. εστί μοι Id. ; γνώμην εχειν, like λογον εχ., to be right, Ar. ; κατά yv. τήν εμήν mea sententia, Hdt. ; absol., γνώμην εμήvAr. ; τταρο γνώμην contrary to general opinion, Thnc. of orators, γνώμην άποφαίν€ΐν, άποδ^ίκνυσθαι to deliver an opinion, Hdt. ; τίθεσθαι Soph. ; δηλoυvThuc. ’2.. \\V.c \^ 2 Χ. sententia, a proposition, motion, γνώμην ΐίσφόραν Hdt. ; εΐττεΓν, προθΖϊναι Thuc. ; γνώμην νικάν to carry a motion, Ar. 3. γνώμαι the opinions of wise men, maxims, Lat. sententiae. 4. a purpose, resolve, intent, Thuc.: — τινα ίχουσα γνώμην; with what purpose? Hdt. ; ή ξύμπασα yv. των λ^χθόντων the general pur- port . . , Thuc. γνωμίδιον, το. Dim. of γνώμη III, a fancy, Ar. γνωμολογε'ω, f. ήσω, (λογοί) to speak in maxims, Arist. γνωμο-λογία, ή, (λέγω) a speaking in maxims. Plat. •γνωμονικος — yovog. ■γνωμονικός, ή, Sy, {·γνώμων ΐ) fit to give judgment, Xen. : experienced in a thing, c. gen.. Plat. II. (7»/ώμωι/ il) of ox for sun-dials, Anth. γνωμοατυνη, η, {^νώμων) prudence, judgment, Solon. γνωμοτΰΐΓίκοξ, ή, 6v, clever at coining maxhns, Ar. γνωμο-τυ'Π·θ5 [υ], ον, {τύπτω) maxim-coining, senten- tious, Ar. γνώμων, ovos, δ, (yi-yvdlxrKw) one that knows or ex- amines, a judge, interpreter, Aesch., Thuc., Xen. II. the gnomon or index of the sundial, Hdt. III. ot Ύνώμον€5, the teeth that mark a horse’s age, Xen. IV. a carpenter' s rule : metaph. a rule of life, Theogn. γνώναι, aor. 2 inf. of ^ι-^νώσκω. γνώομ€ν, Ep. for ^νωμ^ν, pi. aor. 2 subj. of ^ι-^νώσκω. γνωρίζω, f. Att. Ίω ; pf. iyvcapiKa : {yι-yvώσκω) : — to make known, point out, expilain, Aesch. : — Pass, to become known. Plat. 2 . c. acc. pers. to make known, τινά Tivi Plut. II. to gain knowledge of, discover that a thing is, c. part.. Soph., Thuc. 2. ifo he ac- quainted with, make acquaintance with, τινά Plat., Dem. γνώριμος, ον, rarely 77, ον, {yι^yvώσκω) well-known, familiar, of persons and things. Plat., etc. : — as Subst. an acquaintance, Od.,Xen., etc. II. known to all, notable, distinguished, 01 yv0p^oi the notables or wealthy class, opp. to δημοε. Id. : — Sup., oi yvwpi- μύτατοι Dem. III. Adv. —μω$, intelligibly , Eur. γνώριιτις, ecos, η, (^/νωρίζω) acquaintance, tivos with another. Plat. : knowledge. Id. γνώρισμα, aTos, to, {yvωpίζω) that by which a thing is made known, a mark, token, Xen. j yvωpίσμaτa tokens by which a lost child is recognised, Plut. γνωριστ€ον, verb. Adj. of yvωpίζω, one must know, Arist. γνως, γνω, 2 and 3 sing. aor. 2 of yι-yvώσκω. γνωσι-μαχεω, {μάχομαι) Ion. Verb, to fight with one’s own opinion, i. e. to change one's mind, to recognise one's own fighting power (as compared with the enemy) : hence to give way, submit, Hdt., Eur., Ar. ; yv. μ^ elvai όμοιοι to give way and confess that they are not equal, Hdt. γνώσις, βωι, ή, {yι-yvώσκω) a judicial inquiry Dem. II. a knowing, knowledge. Plat., N. T. 2. acquaintance with a person, tt/jos τινα ap. Aeschin. 3 . a knowing, recognising, Thuc. III. a being known, fame, credit, Luc. γνωοτεον, verb. Adj. of yι-yvώσκω, one must know. Plat, γνωστή p, ijpos, δ, {yι-yvώσκω) one that knows : a surety, Lat. cognitor, Xen. γνώστης, ου, δ, {yι-yvώσ^κω) one that knows, N.T. II. a surety, Plut. γνωστικός, ή, 6v, (yi-yviiffKw) good at knowing : -η -κή (sc. δύναμΐ5) the faculty of knowing. Plat, γνωστός, ή, 6v, later form of yvωτόs, known, to be known, Aesch., Soph., Xen. γνωτός, ή, 6v, older form of yvωστ6s : I. of things, perceived, understood, known, Horn. ; yvωτά κουκ άγνωτό μοι Soph. II. of persons, well-known, Od. : — as Subst. a kinsman, brother, yvωτoί re yvwTa'i re brothers and sisters, II. γοατάς, Dor. for γοητή?. ιό; γοάω, inf. yoav, Ep. yor}μ€vaι, Ep. part, yoόωv, -όωσα : Ep. impf. γόων. Ion. yoάaσκev : Ep. aor. 2 γόον : f. yorιos) a grinder-tooth, Lat. molaris, Hdt., Ar., etc. γομφο-ττάγης, 4s, {πύρ^νυμι) fastened with bolts, well- bolted, Ar. ΓΟ'ΜΦΟΣ, δ, a bolt, for ship-building, Od.; and for other uses, Hes., Aesch. : — generally, any bond or fastening, of the cross-ribs of canoes, Hdt. (Prob. akin to γομφηλαί.) Hence γομφόω, f. ώσω, to fasten 7mth bolts, of ships : — in Pass., γεγόμφωταί σκά(pos the ship’s hull is ready built, Aesch. Hence γόμφωμα, ατοί, τό, that which is fastened by holts, frame-work, Plut. γομφωτήρ, rjpos, δ, (γομφόω) a ship-builder, Anth. γονευς, 4ωs, δ, (γείνομαι ll) a begetter , father : in pi. γονεΓί, 4ων, οί, the parents, Hes., Att. : also, a pro- genitor, ancestor, Hdt. γονή, ή, (γί-γνομοί) produce, offspring, Horn., etc. ; so in pi.. Soph. 2. like γενεά, y4vos, a race, stock, family, Trag. 3 . a generation, Aesch. II. that which engenders, the seed, Hes., Hdt., etc. 2. the womb, Eur. III. of the mother, child-birth , Id., Theocr. 2 . of the child, birth. Soph, γονίας χείμών, perhaps a violent storm, Aesch. γόνιμος, ον, (γονή) productive, fruitful : y. μ4λ€α a parent' sWmhs, Eur. 2 . metaph. of ytexsons, genuine, Ar. ; y. νδωρ Anth. γόνος, δ and ή, (γί-γνομοι) like γονή, that which is be- gotten, offspring, a child, II., Hdt. ; δ Πηλε'ωί γ. his son. Soph. 2. any product, of the silver mines at Laureion, Aesch. ; of tribute, -^r. 3 . 4s 4ρ(Τ€να 1 68 ΓΟ'ΝΤ — ypaμμaτ6κoς. y6vov to any of the male sex, Hdt. II. like yevos, one’s race, stock, descent, Od. rO'NY", to: gen. yovaros. Ion. yovvaros ·, Ep. also, yovv6s ; dat. yowl, pi. yowa, yowoiv, yoύvζσσι : — the Ion. forms yovuaros, -an in Trag., but never yowos, yowl : — the knee, Lat. genu, Horn., etc. 2. αψα- σθαι yovvwu to clasp the knees as a suppliant, II. ; so kX^v, Χαβ€7ν, yovvωv Ib. ; των yowannv ΧαβΙσθαι Hdt. ; Trepl or άμφί yovyacrl nvos x^Tpas βαΧύν Od. ; αμφϊ yovv nvhs ttIttt^ip Eur. ; yoivoiv Χίσσ^σθαι to sup- plicate by {claspuig^ the knees, Horn. ; άρτ^σθαι or λίσσβσθαι Trphs των yovarcav Eur. 3. of a sitting posture, y6vv κάμφίΐν bend the knee so as to sit down, II. : — iirl youuacri on one’s knees, of a child, Ib. ; TreV- Xov Θίΐναι ’ΑθηναΙτί]5 ini yovvatnv to lay it on her lap (as an offering), Ib. ; metaph., θεών iu yowaci Kelrai, i. e. rests on their will and pleasure, Horn. 4. the knees are in Horn, the seat of strength ; hence, yovvara nvos Xwiv to weaken, lame, kill him, II.: also, metaph., is yovv βάΧΧ€ΐν to bring down upon the knee, i. e. to humble, conquer, Hdt. 5. proverb., άττωτ^ρω i) yovu κνΊιμη ‘ Charity begins at home,’ Theocr. II. the knee or joint of grasses, such as the cane, Lat. geniculum, Hdt., Xen. γονΰτΓ£Τ€ω, f. ήσω, to fall on the knee, to fall down before one, nvi or nva N. T. From YoviJ-ircTiis, 4s, {ττΐ-πτω) falling on the knee, 45pat yov. a kneeling posture, Eur. γόον, Ep. aor. 2 or impf. of γοάα>. ΓΟΌΣ, b, weeping, wailing, groaning, howling, mourning, lamentation, Horn., Trag. Γόργειος, a, ov, (Γοργώ) of the Gorgon, Horn. Γοργίειος, ov, of Gorgias, Gorgias-like, Xen. Γοργο-λόφας, ου, δ, (Γοργώ, Xbpos] he of the Gorgon- crest, Ar. ; fern. YopyoXopa, tjs, η. Id. Γοργόνειος, ov, = ΓοργεΓο^, Aesch. Γοργό-νωτος, ov, (Γοργώ, νωτον) with the Gorgon on it, of a shield, Ar. γοργόορ,αι, Pass, to be hot or spirited, of a horse, Xen. ΓΟΡΓΟΣ, grim, fierce, terrible, Aesch., Eur. ; yopyhs ίδεΓν terrible to behold, Xen . ; of horses, hot, spirited. Id. Γοργο-φόνοξ, ov, (*φενα>) Gorgon-killing : fern. Γοργο- φόνη, as a name of Athena, Eur. Γοργώ, 7], (yopyos) the Gorgon, i. e. the Grim One (cf. yopySs), Horn. : Hes. speaks of three Gorgons, Euryale, Stheino, Medusa, — the last being the Gorgon ; her snaky head was fixed on the aegis of Athena, and all who looked on it became stone, Eur. — The regular sing, is Γοργώ, gen. Topyovs, dat. ΓοργοΓ : later, cases were formed as if from a nom. Topyciv, sc. gen. YopySvos ; dat. Γοργόνί : — in pi., Yopybves, acc. -os are the only forms. γοργ-ωττός, όν, (ώψ) fierce-eyed, Aesch., Eur. : — also γοργώψ, cDttos, b, η, Eur. ; fern, γοργώττις, ibos, of Athena, Soph. γοΰν. Ion. and Dor. γών, (γε ovv) a stronger form of γε, at least then, at any rate, any way, yvdaei 6φ€ yovv Th σωφρονε tv Aesch.; used in quoting an example, Thuc., Xen.; also in answers, ^£>5 certainly, ras yovv Άθήνα5 οΓδα Soph, γοΰνο, γουνών, poet. pi. of γόνο. γουνάζομαι, f. σομαι, Dep. {yovv) to clasp another’s knees (v. γόνο I. 2 ), and so to implore, entreat, sup- plicate, II. ; c. inf. to implore one to do a thing, Ib. ; όπερ Ttvos in behalf of another, Ib. ; irpbs nvos by another, Od. γουνατα, γουνασι, Ep. γουνεσσι, Ep. pi. forms of γόνο, γουνόορ,αι, contr. -ονμαι, Dep. only in pres, and impf., = yoυvάζoμaι, Horn. γουνο-ΐΓα.χή5, 4s, {iraxos) thick-kneed, or (better) γουνο- ΤΓαγή5, {^ΐ^]yvυμι) cramping the knees, Hes. γουνός, a doubtful word, prob. = )8oov0s (v. B )8. Ill), a hill, y. Άθηνάων the hill or citadel of Athens, Od. ; b y. b 'S.owianbs the hill of Sunium, Hdt. ; άνά yowhv άXωris up the slope of the threshing floor, Od. γραία, Ion. γραίη, η, an old woman, fern, of ypavs, γέρων (v. yepaid), Od., Soph., Eur. ; ypaiai balμoves, of the Eumenides, Aesch. 2. as Adj. in the obi. cases, old, withered. Id., Eur. II. Tpaiat, at, daughters of Phorcys and Ceto, with fair faces, but hair gray from their birth, Hes. γραΐδιον, τό. Dim. of γροΓα, an old hag, old woman, Ar., Xen. : contr. γράδιον, Ar., Dem. γραιόομαι, (γρο?α) Pass, to become an old woman, Anth. γραΐος, ά, ον, contr. for yepaiSs, σταφυλή γραίη raisins, Anth. γράμμα, aros, τό, (γράφω) that which is drawn, in pi. the lines of a drawing or picture, Eur., Theocr. : in sing, a drawing, picture. Plat. II. that which is written, a written character, letter, Lat. litera, Hdt., etc. ; and in pi. letters, Aesch. ; hence, the alphabet, Hdt., Plat. ; yp. to have learnt to read. Id. ; εδί- Sa(rK€S γράμματα, εγώ δ’ εφοίτων you kept school, — I went there, Dem. 2. a note in music, Anth. III. in pi. also, a piece of writing, and, like Lat. literae, a letter, Hdt., Eur. : an inscription, epitaph, Hdt. 2. papers or documents of any kind, records, accounts, Ar., Oratt. : — in sing, a bill, account, N. T. 3. a man's writings, i. e. a book, treatise, Xen. : — also, letters, learning. Plat. γραμματεία, η, the offce of the γραμματευι, Plut. γραμμάτείδιον or -ίδιον, τό. Dim. of γραμματέων, small tablets, Dem., Plut. γραμματείαν, τό, (γράμμα) that on which one writes, tablets. Plat., etc. 2. an account-book, register, Dem. γραμμάτευς, ε'ωϊ, b, (y ράμμα) a secretary, clerk, Lat. scriba, Thuc., etc. Hence γραμμάτευω, f. σω, to be secretary, Thuc., etc. ; c. gen.,· yp. του συνεδρίου Epigr. γpαμμάτη-φόpos> b, (φέρω) a letter-carrier, Plut. γραμμάτίδιον, v. γραμμοτείδων. γραμμάτικευομαι, Dep. to be a grammarian, Anth. γραμματικός, ή, όν, (γράμματα) knowing one's letters, well grounded in the rudiments, a grammarian, Xen., etc. : — Adv. -kws. Plat. : — η -κ4) (with or without τέχνη) grammar. Id. γραμμάτιον, τό. Dim. of y ράμμα, Luc. γραμμάτιστής, ov, o, -γραμματεόϊ, Hdt., Plat. II. one who teaches y ράμματα, a schoolmaster, Xen., Plat, γραμμά-τόκος, ov, (τίκτω) mother of letters, epith. of ink, Anth. •γραμματοκυφων — 'γνης. γραμματο-κυφων [ΰ], ωι/05, δ, nickname of a Ύραμματζν$, a porer over records, Dem. γραμματο-λικρΐψίς, ihos, b, a puzzle-headed gra^n- marian, Anth. γραμματοφορεω, f. Ί(\<τω, to carry or deliver letters, Strab. From γραμματο-φόρος» ον, {φβρω) letter-carrying, Polyb. γραμματο-φΰλάκιον, r6, {φυΚακΊ}) a box for keeping records. Pint. γραμμή, η, (γράφω) the stroke of a pen, a line. Plat. II. =βα\βΐ5, the line across the course, to mark the starting- or winning- post, Ar. : metaph. of life, Horace’s ultima linea rerum, Eur. III. the middle line on a board (like our draught-board), also called ή Upa, proverb., n-hv άπδ γραμμ9ι$ or άφ’ Upas Kiveiv λίθοι/ to move one’s man from this line, i. e. try one’s last chance, Theocr. IV. tj μακρά (sc. γραμμή]), the long line, i. e. the line of co7idemnation drawn by the dicast, Ar. γραο-σόβης,ου,ό, (γραΰε,σΌβζω) scaring old women, Kx. Ypairreov, verb. Adj. of γράφω, one must describe, Xen. 2. γρατΓτ^ε, a, ov, to be described, Luc. γρατΓτήρ, i)pos, b, (γράφω) a writer, Anth. γραΐΓτός, ή, 6v, (γράφω) marked as with letters, a. γραπτά υάκινθο$ Theocr. γραΐΓΤ-υς, bos, η, (γράφω) a scratching, tearing, Od. γραΰς, gen. γpάόs, η : Ion. γρηΰς, γp'ηόs, voc. γρηυ : poet, also γρηνς, voc. γρηύ : — pi., nom. γpάes, acc. γpaΰs : (from same Root as γβρων) : — an old woman, Horn., Aesch.; γρ. παλαιί) Od. ; γpaυs γυνί} Eur. II. scum, as of boiled milk, Ar. γραφβ-υς, 4ωs, b, (γράφω) a painter, Eur. II. = γpaμμaτΐbs, Xen. γραφή, ή, (γράφω) representationby means of lines : I. drawing or delineation, Hdt. ; of painting. Id., Plat. 2. a drawing, painting, picture, οσον γραφγ only in a 'picture, Hdt. ', πρέπουσα oos iv γpaφaΐs Aesch. 11. writing, the art of writing, P\a.t. 2. a writing. Soph. : a letter, Thuc. ; so in pi., like γράμ- ματα, Eur. : if/evSeTs γρ. false statements. Id. III. [^γράφομαι) as Att. law-term, a/z indictment In a public prosecution, a criminal prosecution undertaken by the state, opp. to δίκ-η (a private action). Plat., etc. γραφικός, ή, 6v, (γράφω) capable of drawing ox paint- ing, Plat. : — -ή -K-fi (sc. τ4χν·η), the art of painting. Id. 2. of things, as if painted, as in painting, Plut. II. of ox for writing, suited for writing, Arist. ; υπ6θΐσis γρ. a subject for description, Plut. : Adv. -Ku/s, Id. γραφίς, ibos, η, (γράφω) a stile for writing on waxen tablets. Plat., etc. : a needle for embroidering, Anth. II. embroidery , Id. ΓΡΑ'ΦΩ [ά], f. φω : aor. i 4γραφα, Ep, γράφα : pf. γίγράφα : — Pass., f. γράφ-^σομαι and γ^γράφομαι : aor. 2 4γράφην [ά], later, aor. i 4γράφθην : pf. γ4γραμμαι. Orig. sense, to scratch, scrape, graze, αΐχμ^ γράφβν οστ4ον II. ; σάιματα γpάφas 4ν πίνακι having scratched marks as tokens on a tablet, Ib. : — then, to represent by lines drawn, to delineate, draw, paint, Hdt., Aesch. ; €ΐκων γΐγραμμ4νη Ax. : also in Med., ζψα γράφ^σθαι = ζωγράφον, Hdt. II. to express by written char- acters, to write, τι Id. ; γο. τινά to write a person’s 169 name, Xen. ; γ. 4πιστολ7\ν, etc.. Id. ; γρ. τι us διφ- e4pas Hdt. 2. to inscribe, like 4πιγράφω, γρ. cis στηλην Eur., Dem. 3. to write down, γρ. τινά αίτιον to set him down as the cause, Hdt. 4. to register, enrol, γρ. τινά των ίππ^υόντων among the cavalry, Xen. ; Kp4ovTOS προστάτου γ^γράφομαι, as a dependent of Creon, Soph. 5. to write down a law to be proposed ; hence to propose, move, γνώμην, νόμον Xen. : so, absol., γράφ€ΐν (sub. νόμον), Dem. ; γρ. πόλεμον, elp4ivr]v, etc.. Id. ; c. inf. to move that . . ; 4γραφα άποπλ^ΐν tovs πp4σβ€ιs Id. B. Med. to write for oneself ox for one^s own use, note down, Hdt., Aesch., etc. 2. as Att. law-term, γράφ€σθαί τινα to indict one, tiv0s for some public offence. Plat., etc. ; c. acc. et inf., γρ. τινά abiKuv Id. : absol., 01 γραφάμ€νοι the prosecutors. Id. : — also, γρά- φ€σθαί τι denounce as criminal, Dem. : — Pass, to be indicted. Id., etc. ; τά γ^γραμμόνα the articles of the indictment , Id. ; τό γ^γραμμ4νον the penalty named in the indictment. Id. : — but γ4γραμμαι usually takes the sense of the Med., to indict. Id. γρα-ώδης, ei, (eldos) like an old woman, Strab., N. T. γρηγορεω, late pres., formed from pf. 4γρ’ί]γορα, to be awake or wakeful, N. T. γρηΰς, γρη-ΰς, Ion. for ypavs. γρϊττε-υς, 4ωs, δ,—γρίπων, Theocr., Mosch. γρΙτΓηις τόχντη, η, the art of fishing, Anth. From ΓΡΓΠΟΣ, b, —γpΐφos, Anth. γρίιτων, b, (γpΐπos) a fisherman, Anth. ΓΡΓΦΟΣ, b, like γp'ίπos, a fishing-basket, creel, made of rushes, Plut. 2. metaph. anything intricate, a dark saying, riddle, Ar. (Perh. akin to ρίφ, pιπόs.'^ γρυ, a grunt, as of swine : hence ουδέ γρυ άποκρί· ν^σθαι to answer not even with a grunt, Ar. ; οδδε γρυ άπαγγόλλ^ιν Dem. (Formed from the sound.) γρ-υζω, f. γρύξω and γρύξομαι : aor. i 4γρυξα : — to say γρυ, to grunt, grumble, mutter, Ar. γρυλίζω or γρυλλίζω, Dor. 2 pi. ΐηί.γρυλι^ζίΤ€, to grunt, of swine, Ar. From γρύλος, or γρυλλος, b, a pig, porker, Plut. γρ-ΰτΓ-άετος, b, a kind of griffin or dragon. Ax. ΓΡΥ“ΠΟ'Σ, ή, όν, hook-nosed, with aquiline nose, opp. to σιμόs, Xen., Plat. 2. generally, curved, γρυπ}] γαστά)ρ a round paunch, Xen. Hence γρ-ΰττότης. Tyros, η, hookedness, of the nose, opp. to σι- μότ7]s, Xen. Γργ'ψ, g-en. γpϋπόs, b, (γpυπόs) a griffin or dragon, Hdt., Aesch. γρώνη, η, a cavern, a hollow vessel, kneading-trough , Anth. (,Deriv. unknown.) γ-υα, ■η, = γύηs II. γυαια, τά, (γv^]s ll) = πρυμνήσια, Anth. γ-υαλον, TO, a hollow, as of the cuirass [θώρηξ), which was composed of a back-piece and breast-piece, called γύαλα, joined at the sides by clasps or buckles (πόρπαι, ττε- ρόναι\ II. 2. the hollow of a vessel or a hollovo vessel, Eur. 3. the hollow of a rock. Soph. : a cavern, grotto, Eur. 4. in pi., vales, dales, dells, Hes., Eur. (Deriv. uncertain.) ΓΥΉΣ, ου, b, the piece of wood in a plough, to which the share was fitted, the plough-tree, Lat. buris, Hes. γυης, b, or γυα, η, a piece of la7id (cf. hdii. juger). 1 70 'γνίοβαρης Eur. : mostly in pi. lands, fields, Aesch., Soph. : — metaph. of a wife. Id. (Prob. akin to yea, 7η.) 7υιο-βαρής,€;, {βαρν9) weighing down the limbs, Aesch. γυιο-βόρος, ον, [βι-βρώσκω) gnawing the limbs, Hes. ΓΥΓΟΝ, t 6, a limb, Horn., in pL, yvia XeXvvTO, τρόμο5 or κάματο5 Χάβ€ yvia, so Trag·. ; yvia ποζών the feet, 11 . ; yvia the hands, Theocr. ; and yviov in sing·, the hand. Id. γνιο-τταγής, es, {πi]yvυμι) stiffening the limbs, Anth. γυιο-τΓβδη, ή, a fetter, Aesch. ΓΥΙΟ'Σ, 7], 6v, lame, Anth. γυιο-τακής, is, {τ-ήκω) wasting the limbs, Anth. II. pass, with pining limbs. Id. γ-υιό-χαλκος, ον, of brasen limb, Anth. γυιόω, f. ώσω, {yvios) to lame, II. ; yviwOeis lame, Hes. γΰλι-α'ύχην, evos, b, η, long-necked, scraggy -necked, Ar. From γυλιός, b, a long-shaped wallet, Ar. γυμνάζω, f. άσω : aor. i iyύμvaσa : pf. yeyvμvaκa : — Pass.,aor. i iyυμvάσθηv: pi. yeyύμva(τμaι: '^γυμνό$): — to train naked, train in gymnastic exercise : gen- erally, to train, exercise, Xen. : c. inf. to train or accustom persons to do a thing. Id. ; so also, 7. τινά Ύΐνι to accustom him to it. Id. : — Med. to exercise for oneself, practise, 7. τέχνην Plat. : — Pass, to practise gymnastic exercises, Hdt., etc. : generally, to practise, exercise oneself, Thuc., Xen. ; yυμvάζeσθaι πρ05 τι to be trained for a thing. Plat, ; ττβρί τι in a thing, Xen. II. metaph. to wear out, harass, distress, Aesch. : — Pass., Id. γυμνάς, abos, fern, of yvμv6s, naked, Eur. II. trained. Id. γυμνασ-ία, ■η,=yύμvacrιs, exercise, N. T. γυμνασιαρχ€ω, f. ήσω, to be gymnasiarch, at Athens, Oratt. : Med,, Xen. : — Pass, to be supplied with gym- nasiarchs. Id. γυμνασ-1-άρχης or -αρχος, b, a gymnasiarch, who superintended the palaestrae, and paid the training- masters, Dem., etc. γυμνασ-ιαρχία, -η, the office of a gymnasiarch, Xen. γυμνασ-ιαρχικός, 7], 6v, of or for a gymnasiarch, Plut. γυμνάσιον [ά], τό, (^γυμνάζω), I, in pi. bodily exer- cises, Hdt., etc. II. in sing, the public place where athletic exercises were practised, the gymnastic school, Eur., etc. ; e/c θημ^τ^ρου yυμvaσίoυ from our school, Ar. : pi., 7. ίππόκροτα the hippodrome, Eur. γυμναστ€ον, verb. Adj. of yυμvάζω, one must practise, Xen. γυμναστής, ον, b, (^γνμνάζω) a trainer of professional Athletes, Xen., Plat. γυμναστικός, ή, 6v, (^γνμνάζω) fond of athletic exer- cises, skilled in them. Plat, : ή -κή (.with or without τβχντ?), gymnastics. Id. : — Adv. -kws, Ar. γυμνής. Tyros, b. {yvμvόs) a light-armed foot-soldier, slinger, Hdt., Eur., Xen. Hence γυμνητ€·υω, to be light-armed, Plut. γυμνήτης, ον, b, = yvμv^ί]s, Xen. : — as Adj. naked, Luc. γυμνητία, 7], yvμv7)s) the light-armed troops, Thuc. γυμνητικός, ή, 6v, of or for a light-armed soldier [yvμv7]s), Xen. γυμνικός, ή, όν, ^νμν05') of or for gymnastic exercises, Hdt,, Thuc. — yvpaiog. yvμvlτ€vω, = yvμvr|τevω : to be naked, N. T. Γυμνο-τταιδίαι, ai, a festival in honour of those who fell at Thyrea, at which boys went through gymnastic ex- ercises, Hdt., Thuc., Xen. ΓΥΜΝΟ'Σ, ή, 6v, naked, unclad, Od., etc. 2. un- armed, II., etc. : — τά yvμvά the parts not covered by armour, the exposed parts, Thuc., Xen. : esp. the right side (the left being covered by the shields^ Thuc. 3 . of things, yvμv'bv τόζον an uncovered bow, i. e. taken out of the case, Od. 4 . c. gen. stripped of a thing, Hdt., Aesch. 5 . in common language yvμv6s meant lightly clad, i. e. in the tunic only (χιτών), without the mantle {ίμάτιον), Lat. mtdvts, Hes., Xen. 6. bare, mere, N.T. Γυμνο-σοφισταί, ών, oi, the naked philosophers of India, Plut, γυμνότης. Tyros, η, {yvμvόs) nakedness, N. T. γυμνόω, f. ώσω, {yvμvόs) to strip naked. Soph. ; ra όσreα τών κρ^ών y. to strip the bones of their flesh, Hdt. : — in Pass., of warriors, to be left naked or ex- posed, Horn. ; so, reT^os iyvμvώθη the wall was left bare, i. e. defenceless, II. : but also to strip oneself naked or to be stript naked, Od. ; c. gen., iyvμvώθη ρακ4ων he stript himself of his rags, Ib. ; so later, yvμ- νωθϊν ^l(p05 Hdt. Hence γιίμνωσις, ews, η, a stripping. II. nakedness : ΐ^αΧΧάσσαν τ^ν iavTov 7. his defenceless side (cf. yvμvόs 2), Thuc. γυμνωτόος, a, ov, verb. Adj. of yvμv6ω, to be stript of , Tivbs Plat. γΰναικ€Ϊος, a, ov or os, ov : Ion. γυναικήϊος, Ty, ov : [yvvfj ) :—of or belonging to women, like women, be- fitting them, feminine, Lat. muliebris, Od., etc. : — ή y. debs, the Roman bona dea, Plut. : 7. πόΧ€μο5 war with women, Anth. 2. in bad sense, womanish, effeminate. Plat., etc. II. as Subst., η yvvaiKrflr} = yvvaiKct)v, the women's apartments, hcirem, Hdt. γΰναικίας, ov, b,=yvvvis, a weakling, Luc. γΰναικό-βουλος, ov, (βονΧ^) devised by a woman, Aesch, γΰναικο-γήρΰτος, ov, '^^^7\ρνω) proclaimed by a woman, Aesch. γΰναικο-κρασία, η, {κρα.σι$) a woman's nature, Plut. γΰναικο-κράτία, η, {κρατ4ω) the dominion of women, Arist., Plut. γΰναικό-μΐμος, ov, aping women, Aesch., Eur. γΰναικό-μορψος, ov, {μορφΊ}) in woman's shape, Eur. γΰναικονομία, ή, the office of yvvaικov6μos, Arist. From γΰναικο-νόμος, b, [ν4μω) one of a board of magistrates, appointed to maintain good manners among the women, Arist. γΰναικο-ττληθής, es, (ττλήθω) full of women, Aesch., Eur. γυναικό-ττοινος, ov, (ποινΊ)) woman-avenging, Aesch. γΰναικο-φίλης [t], ov. Dor. -ας, a, b, (φίλε'ω) woman- loving, Theocr. γυναικών, ώνο$, b, = yvvaiKwv7Tis, Xen. γΰναικωνϊτις, iSos, η, the women's apartments in a house, opp. to ανΒρών (cf. γυναικών), Lys. : — the women of the harem, Plut. γΰναι-μάνής, es, (μαίνομαι) mad for women, II. γ-υναιος, a, ov, — yvvaiKe7os, yvvaia ζώρα presents made to a woman, Od. II. as Subst., γυναιον, τ6. •γυνή — δαιμόνιος. Ι7Ι little •woman, "wifey, as a term of endearment, Ar. : — in a contemptuous sense, a weak woman, Dem., etc. γΰνη, Dor. γυνά, gen. yuuaiK0s, acc. ·γυναΐκα, voc. yvvai : pi. yvvalKes, etc. (as if from yvvai^) : — a woman, femina, opp. to man, Horn., etc.; with a second Subst., yw^ ταμίη housekeeper, δ^σποιι/α y., ζμωαΐ yvvouKcs, etc.. Id. : — in voc. often as a term of respect, mistress, lady, Theocr. : — 7rpi)s ywainSs like a woman, Aesch. II. a wife, spouse, opp. to τταρθζνοε, Horn., Xen. III. a mortal woman, opp. to a goddess, Horn. (Prob. from same Root as yί-yvoμa^.) γυννις, i5os, o, {ywi]) a womanish man, Theocr. γΰιτάριον, to. Dim. of yvirr}, a nest, cranny, Ar. γυττη, η, ( 7 ύψ) a •vulture's nest : a hole. γύτΓίνος [Oj, ·η, ον, {yvxp) of a vulture, Luc. -γϋρβΰω, f. σω, (yvpos) to run round in a Strab., Babr. ^ γΰρη-τόμος, ον, (τ^μνω) tracing a circle, Anth. γυρίνος or γυρίνος, b, (yvpbs) a tadpole. Plat, γϋρο-δρόμος, ον, running round in a circle, Anth. ΓΥ“ΡΟ'Σ,ά,<Ιν, round, yvphs iv ώμοισι rowwif-shouldered, Od. ΓΥΆΡΟΣ, b, a ring, circle, Polyb. ΓΎ'Ψ, ybi^bs, b, a vulture, II. ; cf. alybirios. ΓΥ'ΨΟΣ, η, chalk, Hdt., Plat. Hence γυψόω, f. ώσω, to rub with chalk, chalk over, Hdt. γών, Ion. for yovv. · γωνία, η, (ybvv) a corner, angle, Hdt. II. a joiner's square. Plat. Hence γωνιασμάς, b, a squaring the angles : eVwv yωvtaσμoί the finishing of verses by square and rule, Ar. γωνίδιον, τ6. Dim. of ywvia, Luc. γωνιώδης, es, {ywvia, eWos) angular, Thuc. γωρΰτός, b, a bow-case, quiver, Od. ; as fern., Anth. (Deriv. uncertain.) Δ. A δ, δέλτα, indecl., fourth letter of the Gr. alph.: as numeral, δ^ = τεσσαρ6ϊ and rerapros, but ,8 = 4000. I. δ is the medial dental mute, between the tenuis T and the aspirate Θ. II. changes of δ in the dialects : 1. Aeol. into β, as σάμβαΧον for σάν- δαλον : — reversely, 6β€λ05 becomes bdcXbs in Dor. 2. Aeol. or Dor. into ζ, or ^ into δ and σδ, v. Z C. II. 2 . 3. into Θ, as ψευδοί \ρύθθ5. 4. into λ, as δαήρ, Lat. levir, δάκρυ lacryma, δaσύs Xdaios. 5. into O', as δδμή οσμή, ϊδμ€ν ίσμεν. 6. sometimes δ is inserted to give a fuller sound, (άνάιρ) avepos av- δρ05. 7. δ is sometimes lost, cf. δtωyμόs, δίωξΐ5 with Ιωκτ]. 8. it sometimes represents j {y}, as in ήδη or δή, Lat. jam. δα-, intensive Prefix, = ^α-, as in δά-σκιο$, δα·φοινό$. δά, explained by the Scholl, as Dor. for yrj, in the phrases δα ψεΟ, ή, όν, {ζαίω a) burnt, dry, parched, Od. ; Sup., Ζανότατο$, Ar. ΔΑ'ΝΟΣ [ά], eos, TO, money lent, a loan, debt, Anth. Saos [a], €os, τό, {δαίω a) a firebrand, torch, Horn, δαπανάω, f. ήσω, etc. : — Pass., aor. i εδαττανήθην : pf. δ^δαττάνημαι some pass, tenses are also used in depon. sense, pres., impf., aor. i : {δαπάνη) : — to spend, Thuc., etc. ; δαπ. ets τι to spend up07i a thing. Id., Xen. ; so also as Dep. to spend, Hdt. ; ’όσα δεδαπά- νησθΐ els rhv πό\€μον Dem. 2. to expend, co7i- sume, use up, Arist. ; — metaph. of persons, υπό νόσου δαπανάσθαι Plut. II. Causal, τ^ν πόλιν δαπανάν to put it to expe^ise, Thuc. δαπάνη [ά], η, {δάπτω) outgoing, cost, expense, ex- penditure, Hes. j χρημάτων Thuc. ; δ. κουφή the cost is little, Eur. : — also in pi., Thuc. II. money spe^it, Ίππων on horses, Pind. ; δαπάνην παρ4χ€ΐν money for spending, Hdt. III. extravagance, Aeschin. δάπάνημα, aTos, to, {δαπανάω) money spent, Arist. : in pi. costs, expenses, Xen. δαπανηρός, ά, όν, {δαπανάω) of men, lavish, extrava- gant, Plat., Xen. II. of things, expensive, Dem., Arist. ; — Adv. -puts, Xen. δάπανος, ον, = δαπανηρό$, Thuc. δάπεδον [ά], τό, (,prob. for ζά-πβδον, i. e. διάπβδον, v. ^α-) any level surface : the floor of a chai^iber, II., Hdt., Xen. ; also, yrfs δάπεδον Ar. ; and absol. the ground, Od. : pi. plains, Pind., Eur. δάπις [ά], ίδθ5, η,=τάπη5, a carpet, rug, Ar., Xen. δάπτω (Root ΔΑΠ), Ep. inf. δαπτόμ^ν : f. δάφω, to devour, as wild beasts, II. ; of fire, Ib. ; of a spear, to rend, Ib. : metaph., δάπτ€ΐ τδ μη 'νδικον injustice gnaws the heart. Soph. ; δάπτομαι κόαρ Aesch. Δάρδάνος, δ, Darda^ius, son of Zeus, founder of Troy, II. : — as Adj., Αάρδανοε άνηρ a Trojan, Ib. : — Adj. Δαρδάνιος, a, ov, Trojan, Ib. : fern. Δαρδανίς, ibos, a Trojan woman, Ib. ; — Δαρδανίδης, ου, δ, a son or desceyidant of Dardanus, Δαρδανιώνες, οί, Ib. δαρ-δάπτω, redupl. form of δάπτω, II. : κτ'ί',ματα δαρδάπ- τουσιν they devour one’s patrimony, Od. Δάρεικός στατήρ or Δαρεικός alone, δ, a Persian gold coin, a Daric, Hdt., etc. These are said to have been first coined by Darius Hystaspes. Δαρειο-γενής, is, ^^ί-^νομαι) born from Darius, Aesch. Δαρεΐος, δ, Darius, name of several kings of Persia; being a Greek form of Persian dard, a king : — also Δαρ εαΐος, in Xen. ; Δαριάν in Aesch. δαρθάνω (Root ΔΑΡΘ), aor. 2 ίδράθον, to sleep, Od. δάρός, δαρό-βιος. Dor. for δηpόs, δηpό-βιos. δάς, gen. δaδόs, η, Att. contr. for δαΑ (a). δάσασθαι, aor. i inf. of δατόομαι : — Ion. 3 sing, δα- σάσκετο, i pi. opt. δασαίμεθα. δά -σκιος, ον, {δα-, σκιά) thick-shaded, bushy, Od., Eur. ; of a beard, Aesch., Soph, δάσμευσις, εω 5 , η, {δaσμόs) a distributing, Xen. δασμολογε'ω, f. ήσω, to collect as tribute, τι παρά tivos Dem. : — c. acc. pers. exact tribute from him, Isocr. δασμολόγια, η, collection of tribtite, Plut. From δασμο-λόγος, δ, (λεγω^ι a tax-gatherer, Strabo, δασμός, δ, [δατόομαι] a divisioyx, distribution, sharing — ^αή)0ίν6<;. of spoil, II., h. Horn. II. in Att. an impost, tribute, άοιδοΰ δ. tribute paid to her. Soph. ; δασμόν TLveiv Id.; δασμόν φόρ€ΐν, άποφόρ^ιν, άποδιδόναι Xen. δασμοψορε'ω, f. ί,σω, to be subject to tribute, Aesch. ; — Pass., δασμοφορ^ιταί τινι tribute is paid one, Xen. δασμο-ψόρος, ov, {φόρω) paying tribute, tributary, Hdt., Xen. δάσομαι, f. of δατόομαι. δασ-πλήτις, η, horrid, frightful, ^Epivbs Od. ; of Hecate, Theocr. ; so also δασπλής, tjtos, δ, η, Simon. (Perh. from δα, πλήσσω, σ being inserted.) δάσσασθαι, Ep. for δάσασθαι. δάσυ-θριξ, δ, η, thick-haired, hairy, Anth. δάσυ-κερκος, ον, bushy-tailed, άλώπηξ Theocr. δάσυ-κνημος, ον, {κνί]μη) shaggy-legged, of Pan, Anth. δάσυ-κνήμων, ον, gen. ovos, — foreg., Anth. δάσυ-μαλλος, ov, thick-fleeced, woolly, Od., Eur. δάσυ-πονς, πoδos, δ, rough-foot, i. e. a hare, Arist. ; Kayoibs δ δ. Babr. ΔΑ''ΣΥ'Σ, €Ϊα, υ. Ion. fern, δασία, opp. to \j/i\0s in all senses : 1 . thick with hair, hairy, shaggy, rough, Od. ; of young hares, downy, Hdt. 2 . thick with leaves, Od. ; θρίδαξ δασέα a lettuce with all the leaves on, Hdt. : — of places, thick with bushes or wood. Id.; διά των δασέων through the copses, Ar. ; δ. υ\η thick with copse-wood, Hdt., etc. ; rarely c. gen., δaσυs δένδρων Xen. : — τό δασύ bushy country. Id. δασυ-στερνος, ov, {στόρνον) shaggy-breasted, Hes. δασυ-χαίτης, ου, δ, {χαίτη) shaggy-haired, Anth. δάτεομαι, f. δάσομαι : aor. i ΐδασάμην (cf. πατόομαι, όπασάμην) ; Ion. 3 sing. δασάσκΕτο, Ep. 3 pi. δάσσαντο, part, δασσάμενοί : pf. δόδασμαι, in pass, sense : {δαίω b) : — to divide among themselves, τα μεν εδ δάσσαντο μετά σφισίν 11. ; άνδιχα πάντα δάσασθαι Horn. ; gevos ^Αρηο5 δατΕονται they share, i. e. are alike filed with, the spirit of Ares, 11. ; of persons at a banquet, κρύα δατεδντο Od. ; διδόναι τινα κυσϊ δάσασθαι to tear in pieces, II. 2. [ημίονοι] χθόνα ποσσι δατΕυντο mea- sured the ground with their feet, Lat. carpebant viam pedibus, Ib. 3. to cut in two, Ib. II. simply, to divide, to divide or give to others, Hdt. : — pf. in pass, sense, to be divided, II., Hdt., Eur. Hence δάτήριος, a, ov, dividing, distributing, Aesch. ; and δατητής, οΰ, δ, a distributer, Aesch. Δαυλιάς, η, a woman of Daulis, epith. of Philomela, who was changed into the nightingale , Thuc. From Δαυλίς, ίδθ5, η, Daulis, a city of Phocis, Horn., etc. : — - Δαυλιος, δ, a Dauliaxi, Hdt., Δαυλιευς, εω5, Aesch. : — Δαυλία (sc. χώρα), η, Phocis, Soph, δάφνη, η, the laurel, or rather the bay-tree, Lat. laurus, Od., Hes., etc. ; sacred to Apollo, who delivered his oracles εκ δάφνη5, h. Horn. (Deriv. uncertain.) δαφνηφορε'ω, f. ήσω, to bear a laurel crowxi, Plut. δαφνη-φόρος, ov, (φέρω) laurel-bearing, δ. κλώνε? laurel branches borne in worship of Apollo, Eur. δαφνιακός, ή, όν, {δάφνη) beloxiging to a laurel, Anth. δαφνο-γηθής, ε?, (γηθεω) delighting in laurel, Anth. δαφνό-κομος, ov, (κόμη) laurel-crowned, Anth. δαφν-ώδης, ε?, (εΙδο?) like laurel : laurelled, Eur. δάφοινεός, όν, v. δαφοιν05. δά-φοινός, όν, of savage animals, blood-red, tawxiy, δαφοινόν δόρμα λεόντο? II.; δράκων επί νώτα δαφοινό$ Ib. : 175 the form 5 αφοιι/€ 0 $ bears the same sense, eT/za ^aipoivehv αίματί red with blood, Ib. ; δαφοιν })5 aerds Aesch., etc. 2. metaph. savage, cruel, h. Horn., Aesch. δαψιλής» es, (δάπτω) abundant, plentiful, Hdt. : — Adv. -6co5, in abundance, Theocr. II. of persons, liberal, profuse, Plut. : — Sup. Adv., δαφιλίστατα ζην Xen. *ΔΑ'Ω, an old Root, to learn, Lat. disco, which becomes Causal, to teach, Lat. doceo, in redupl. aor. 2 deSoe and in διδάσκω : I. intr. in aor. 2 4 δάην as if from δάημι, subj. δαώ Ep. δα^ίω, inf. δαηναι Ep. δαή /uej/at, part. Soets : — later regul. aor. 2 ^δαον : — f. (as if from δαβω) δατ^σομαι : pf. δ^δάηκα, δβδαα and in pass, form δ^δάημαι : — to learn, and in pf., to know ; c. gen. pers. to learn from one, Od. ; c. gen. rei, to hear tidings of a thing, II. From δβδαα again is formed a pres. med. inf. δεδόασθοί, to search out, c. acc., Od. — The pres, in this sense is διδάσκομαι. II. Causal, in redupl. aor. 2 δ 4 δαον, c. dupl. acc. to teach a person a thing, Od. ; c. inf. to teach one to do a thing, Ib. — The pres, in this sense is διδάσκω. AE', but: conjunctive Particle, with adversative force: it commonly answers to μίν, and may often be rendered by while, whereas, on the other hand, v. μ^ν : — but μίν is often omitted, δβ being used merely to pass on from one thing to another ; Άχίλευχ Θάμβησ^ν, θάμ- βησαν be καΐ &\\οι II. ; etc. ; Kivei κραδίην Kivei be χόλον Eur. II. δε is often redundant, 1 . to introduce the apodosis, where it may be rendered by then, yet, ei be Ke μ^ δώωσιν, εγώ δε Kev avrbs ’όλωμαι if they will not give it, then I will take it, II. ; so at in Lat., si tu oblitus es, at DU meminerint Catull. 2. to resume after interruption caused by a parenthesis, where it may be rendered by / say, now, so then, Hdt. B. Position of δε : properly second, being often put between the Art. and Subst., the Prep, and case, -δε, enclitic Particle, joined, I. to names of Places in the acc., to denote motion towards that place, 0?- K0vbe (Att. oiKabe) home-wards, αλαδε sea.-wards, Oύλυμπόvδe to Olympus, OvpaCe (for θύpaσδe) to the door, Horn. ; sometimes repeated with the possess. Pron., όνδε δ 6 μovδe ; and sometimes even after eis, as els a\abe Od. ; in ’Aϊδόσδe it follows the gen., = eis‘'Aiboo (sc. οίκον). In Att. joined to the names of cities, ’Eλevσΐvάδe, ’Aθηvaζe, Θ■ήβaζe (for ‘Aθijvaσδe, Θτ?- βaσδe). 2. sometimes it denotes purpose only, μ·}} τι φόβονδ^ ay 0 peve speak not aught tending to fear, II. II. -be is also used to strengthen certain Pro- nouns, δ-δε, τοίδσδε, etc. δεατο, a word of doubtful origin, expl. by eboKei, aeiKe- Kios bear elvai he seemed, methought he was, a pitiful fellow, Od. : cf. δοάσσατο. δε'-γμενος, Ep. aor. 2 part, of δόχομαι. δεδάασθαι, Ep. pres. med. of *δάω : — -δεδαα, pf. δεδαίαται, Ep. 3 pi. pf. pass, of δαίω B, to divide. δε'δασ-μαι, pf. pass, of δατόομαι. δεδεγμε'νος, pf. part, of δόχομαι. δεδειττνάναι, irr. pf. inf. of δeιπveω. δε'δεκα, pf. of δε'α» A, to bind. δεδε'χαται. Ion. 3 pi. pf. of δόχομαι. δεδηγμαι, pf. pass, of δάκνω. '' δε'δηε, δεδηει, 3 sing. pf. and plqpf. of δαίω A, to burn. ■ ^€ί^ημων. δεδηκα, pf. of δόω A, to bind. δε'δία, poet, δείδια, pf. with pres, signf. of δelδω. δεδίδαχα, δεδίδαγμαι, pf. act. and pass, of διδάσκω. δεδίσκομαι, = δειδίιτκομαι, to greet, Od. δεδίττομαι, v. δeιδίσσoμaι. δεδίωγμαι, pf. pass, of διώκω. δεδμηατο, Ion. 3 pi. plqpf. of δαμάζω : — δε'δμητο, 3 sing. δεδμημαι, pf. pass, both of δαμάζω and δόμω. δεδογμαι, pf. pass, of δοκόω. δεδοικα, pf. of δeίδω. δεδοίκω. Dor. pres., = δείδω, bebia, Theocr. δεδοκημεΤος, irreg. part, of δόχομαι (Ion. δέκομαι), in act. sense, waiting, lying in wait, II., Hes. ; — not to be confounded with Att. δeδόκημaι from δοκόω. δεδόνατο. Dor. for -ητο, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of δονόω. δεδραγμε'νος, pf. pass. part, of δράσσομαι. δε'δρακα, pf. of δράω. δεδράμηκα, pf. of τρ4χω : also δε'δρομα. δε'δορκα, pf. of δόρκομαι. δεδουπώς, pf. part, of δουττόω. δεδΰκειν [ϋ]. Dor. for bebvKevai, pf. Inf. of δύω. δε'ελος, η, ον, resolved form of δηλοε, II. δεημα, ατο5, τό, {δύομαι) an entreaty, Ar. δε'ησις, ews, η, {δύομαι) an entreating, asking: a prayer, entreaty, Dem., N. T. δεητικός, ή, όν, {δύομαι) suppliant, Plut. δει : subj. δύτρ, contr. δη ; opt. δύοι ; inf. beiv; part, δύον, contr. beiv : impf. ebei. Ion. εδεε : f. berjaei : aor. i eδύησe : — impers. (from δεω A, to bind) : I. c. acc. pers. et inf., δεΓ τινά ττοιησαι it is binding on one to do a thing, o 7 ie must, one ought, Lat. oportet, Horn., etc. rarely, δεΓ σε oVws bei^eis = bei σε δεΓξαι, Soph.; — rarely also c. dat. pers. et inf., there is need for one to do, δεΓ Tivl ττοιησαι Eur., Xen. 2 . c. acc. rei et inf., δεΓ τι yevύσθaι Thuc., etc. : — for the phrase οίομαι beiv, V. οίομαι : — when used absol., an inf. may be sup- plied, μί/ neiff & μη bei (sc. TreiOei?') Soph., etc. II. (from δύω B, to want), c. gen. rei, there is need of, there is wanting, Lat. opus est re, oubev bei tiv0s Hdt., Att. : — phrases, ττολλου δεΓ there wants much, far from it ; ολίγου δεΓ there wants little, all but : — in answers, ττολλοΰ ye bei, ττολλου γε καΐ bei far from it, Ar., Dem ; irAevvos bei it is still further from it, Hdt : — ολίγου beiv absol., in same sense, Plat. ; μικρού beiv Dem. 2. w'ith a dat. pers. added, δεΓ μοί tivos, Lat. opus est mihi re, Aesch., Thuc., etc. 3 . w'ith acc. pers. added, δεΓ σε ττρομηθύω$ Aesch. III. neut. part, δε'ον, contr. δεϊν, absol., like ε|όυ, τταρόν, it being needful, quum oporteret. Plat. ; ούκ άττ7]ντα, δύον, he did not appear in court, though he ought to have done so, Dem. ; so, ovbev δύον there being no need, Hdt. 2. for δέον, τό, as Subst., v. sub voce, δείγμα, aros, τό, {δeίκvυμι) a sample, pattern, proof, specimen, Lat. documentum, Eur., Ar., etc. ; δeίyμaτos eveKa by way of sample, Dem. 2 . a place in the Peirseeus, where merchants set out their wares for sale, a bazaar, Xen., Dem. δειγματίζω, f. σω, (δeiyμa) to make a show of, N. T. δείδεκτο, 3 sing, plqpf. of δeίκvυμι (signf. II) : — δειδε'- χαται, δειδε'χατο, Ep. 3 pi. pf. and plqpf. δειδήμων, ον, gen, ovos, {δeίδω) fearful, cowardly, II. 1 76 SeiSia - δείδια, Ep. for SeSm, pf. of δε/δω : i pi. δείδιμεν : Ep. inf. δειδίμεν, (with diff. accent), δειδίσκομαι, Dep., only in pres, and impf., (ζΐίκννμι ll) to meet with outstretched hand, to greet, wel- come, Se^irepfi 5€ΐδίσκ€Τ0 χ^φί Od. ; δετταϊ δείδίσκετο pledged him in a cup^ Ib. ; also, SeSiaKogevos lb. 2. = ^ΐίκνυμι I, to shew, h. Horn, δειδίσ-σ-ομαι, Att. δεδίττομαι : f. -Ιξομαι : aor. 1 εδείδ- ιξάμην : Dep. : — Causal of δείδω, to frighten, alarm, μή deidiaaeo Kahv Αχαιών II. ; "'Εκτορα οττδ νεκρού δεί- δίξασθαι to scare him from the corpse, Ib. ; ou σε εοί«ε δβιδίσσξσθαι it beseems not to attempt to frighten thee, Ib. : — c. inf., (pevy^gev δείδίσσετο Theocr. : — in Att. form. Plat., Dem. δείδοικα, Ep. pf. of δείδω. δείδω, pres, only in first pers., δεδοικα or δεδία being always used as pres, in Att. : — f. δείσομαί : aor. i εδείσα, Ep. εδδείσα : — pf. in pres, sense δεδοικα, Ep. δείδοίκα ; also δεδίο, Ep. δείδια l, imper. δεδίβί, Ep. δβίδιθι, inf. SeSievai, Ep. δείδιμεν (to be distinguished from i pi. indie, δειδίμει/) ; part, δεδιώί, Ep. pi. δείδίότεί : — plqpf. (in impf. sense) ε’δεδοίκείΐ/, also εδεδίείν,Ερ. pi. ε’δείδιμεν, εδείδίσαν, δείδισαι/. (For the Root, v. δίω.) To fear, absol., Horn., etc. ; foil, by a Prep., δ. ττερί Ύΐνι to be alarmed, anxious about . . , II., Att. ; άμψί rivi, περί Tivos, ύπερ tivos Id. : — followed by a relat. clause with μ-ή . . , Lat. vereor ne I fear it is , fol- lowed by subj. ; rarely by indie., δείδω μ^ ν·ημ€ρτ4α εΖπε;/ Od. ; δ. μ^ ου . . , Lat. ‘vereor ut . . , I fear it is not . . , foil, by subj., Hdt., etc. 2. c. inf. to fear to do, 11., Thuc. 3. c. acc. to fear, dread, Horn., etc. 4. τδ δεδίόϊ, one's f earing, = δΙο%, Thuc. δειελιάω, f. ήσω, {δeί€\os) to wait till evening, συ δ’ cpXeo δείελιήσα5 Od. δειελινός, ή, όν, = δ€ΐ€λθ5, at evening, Theocr. δείελος, ον, (δείλη) of or belonging to evening, δ^Ι^λον ^μαρ eventide, Od., Theocr. II. as Subst. (sub. Xp6vos\ late evening, ύσοκ^ν ελθρ δείελοί II. δεικανάω, ^δείκνυμι, to point out, shew, in Ion. impf. δξΐκανάασκ€ν Theocr. II. Horn, uses it only in Med. = δειδίσκομαι, to salute, greet, δ€ΐκανόωντ' επε- εσσιν Od. ; δ^ικανοωντο δεπασσι pledged him, II. δεικηλίκτης, b, Lacon. for oTroKpiTijS, Lat. mimus, a burlesque actor, Plut. From δείκηλον, r6, a representation, exhibition, Hdt. : also δείκελον, Anth. From δείκνϋμι and -υω (Root ΔΕΙΚ), imper. δείκνυε, δεικνύτω: — impf. εδείκνυν and -υον : f. δβίξω. Ion. δε|ω : aor. i εδει|α. Ion. εδεξα : pf. δεδειχα: — Med., with pf. pass. (v. inf. li) Pass., f. δειχθήσομαι and δεδεί|ομαι : aor. i εδείχθην. Ion. ε’δεχθην: — to bring to light , display , exhibit, Od., etc. : — Med. to set before one, II. 2. to shew, point out, Ib., Soph. : — absol., αυτδ δείξει ex- periment will shew. Plat. ; so, δείξει alone, Ar. 3. to point out by words, to tell, explain, teach, Lat. indicare, οδόν Od., etc. : — to shew, prove, with part., εδειξσν έτοιμοι ovres shewed that they were ready, Thuc. 4. of accusers, to inform against, τινά Ar. 5. to offer, proffer, τα πιστά Aesch. : to cause, πτίματα Id. II. in Med., like δειδίσκομαι, δεξιόομαι, to welcome, greet, τώ και δεικνύμενο$ προσεφη Horn. : — so also in pf. and plqpf. pass., δείδεκτ' Άχιληα he - Seivog. pledged him, drank to him, II. ; rows μεν κυπέλλου δειδεχατο lb. ; δειδεχαται μνθοισι Od. δεικτεοξ, α, ον, verb. Adj. of δείκνϋμι, to be shewn, Xen. II. δεικτεον μοι it is my duty to shew, Dem. δειλαίνω, (δείλοε) to be a coward or cowardly, Arist. δείλαιος, a, ov, lengthd. form of δειλόε, wretched, sorry, paltry, mostly of persons, Trag. ; also, δ. χάριε a sorry kindness, Aesch. ; δ. σποδόε paltry dust. Soph., etc. [Penult, is often made short in Att. Poets.] δειλακρίων, ωνοε, δ, {δειλόε) a coward : commonly with a coaxing sense, poor fellow ! Ar. δείλ-ακρος, a, ov, very pitiable, Ar. δείλη, 7}, afternoon, εσσεται ^ ηΐιύε i) δείΧη ^ μέσον ήμαρ Γ1. ; divided into early and late (πρωία and δψίο), περί δείλην πρω'ιην, or δείληε όφίηε Hdt. ; τηε δείληε in the course of the afternoon, Xen. 2. the late after- noon, evening. Id. (Deriv. uncertain.) δειλία, Ion. -ίη, (δειλόε) cowardice, Hdt., Soph. ; δειλίην όφλεΐν to be charged with cowardice, Hdt. δειλίΰσις, εωε, η, fright, faintheartedness, Plut. From δειλιάω, to be afraid. δειλινός, ή, όν, (δείλη) contr. for δειελινόε, Luc. δείλομαι, Dep. (δείλη) to verge towards afternoon, δείλετό τ’ -ηελιοε Od. δειλός, ή, όν, (δεοε) : I. of persons, cowardly, craven, II. ; hence, vile, worthless, Ib. ; — δειλόε τινοε afraid of , Anth. 2. miserable, luckless, wretched, Horn. ; with a compassionate sense, like Lat. miser, δειλοί βροτοί poor mortals ! a δειλε poor wretch ! ά δειλοί poor wretches ! Id. II. of things, miserable, wretched, Hes., Soph, δεΐμα, ατοε, τό, (δείδω) fear, affright, II., Hdt., Att. II. an object of fear, a terror, horror, & πυρ συ και παν δ. Soph. : esp. in pi., δειμάτων άχη fear- fid plagues or monsters, Aesch. ; δείματα Θηρών Eur. δειμαίνω, f. άνω, (δε?μο) only in pres, and impf., to be afraid, in a fright, h. Horn., Hdt., etc. 2. c. acc. to fear a thing. Id., Aesch. δειμαλε'ος, a, ov, (δεΐμα) timid, Mosch. II. horrible, fearfid, Batr., Theogn. δειματόεις, εσσα, εν, (δεΐμα) frightened, scared, Anth. δειμάτόω, f. ώσω, (δεΐμα) to frighten, Hdt., Ar. : — Pass, to be frightened, Aesch., Eur. δείμομεν, Ep. for δείμωμεν, i pi. aor. i subj. of δεμω. δειμός, b, {f0os)fear, terror : — personified ΑεΤμοε, II. δεϊν, inf. of δεω, v. δει. 2. contr. for δέον neut. part., V. δει III. δείνα, b, 7], τό, gen. δεΐνοε, dat. δεΐνι, acc. δείνα; pi. 01 δεΐνεε, τών δείνων : but sometimes indecl. : — such an one, a certain one, whom one cannot or will not name, b δείνα Ar., etc. ; b δείνα του δεΐνοε τδν δεΐνα είσαγγε'λ- λει Dem. II. δεΐνα in Com. as an interjection, Lat. malum! plague on' t ! Ar. (Deriv. uncertain.) δεινο-θετης, ou, b, (τίθημι) a knave, Mosch. δεινο-λογε'ομαι, (λέγω) Dep. to complain loudly, Hdt. δεινο-πάθεω, f. Ίτ^σω, (παθεΐν) to complain loudly of sufferings, Dem. δεινό-πους, b, η, -πουν, τό, terrible of foot, Άρά δ. (as if she was a hound upon the track). Soph, δεινός, ή, όν, (from δεοε, properly δεεινόε, cf. ελεεινόε, ελεινόε, from ελεοε) : — fearful, terrible, dread, dire, Horn., etc.; δεινόν άϋτεΐν, βροντάν to shout, thunder ^€Ϊνος — SeKareia, terribly f II. j Scit/ou ^ίρκ^σθαι, ηατΓταΙνζίν, IS^iv to look terrible, Horn. ; but, Seiuos ideadai fearful to be- hold, Od. ; Seiuhs μ^ν δραν, deivos κΚν^ιν Soph. : — rh δΐΐνόν danger, suffering, awe, terror, Hdt., Aesch., ■etc. ; so, τα Seiva Soph., etc. : — ovSey δεινοί, άπο- <ττ4ωσιν no fear of their revolting, Hdt. : — irotet- ■σθαι to take ill, complain of, be indignant at a thing, Lat. aegre ferre. Id., etc. ; Z^iva τταθ^Ιν to suffer dreadful, illegal, arbitrary treatment, Att. ; so in Adv., Seiycis (pepciy Hdt. ; d. exeiu to be in straits, Xen. II. with a notion of Force or Power, mighty, powerful, Seivhy σάκο$ the mighty shield, II. 2. simply, wondrous, marvellous, strange, rh avyycves Toi δεινόν kin has a strange power, Aesch. ; 5. Xg^pos, ipois, δ€05 Hdt. ; δίίνδν hv eiVj, et . . , it were strange that . . , Eur. : — Adv. -vSis, marvellously , exceedingly , δ. μίλαε, άνυδροε Hdt. III. the sense of powerful, wondrous passed into that of able, clever, skilful. Id., Att. ; esp. of practical ability, opp. to (τοψάε. Plat. : c. inf., δανδε evpeiy clever at inventing, Aesch. ; δζίνδε \€y€iy Soph.; δ^ίνδε ^Γpάyμaσι χρησθαί Dem. : also c. acc., δ^ινδε rijv τδχνην Plat. ; δ. πβρί τι or τLyoε Id. Seivos, gen. of beiya, q. v. δ£ΐν(5τη5, ητοε, η, {δ^ινόε) terribleness, Thuc. : harsh- ness, sternness, severity, νόμων Id. II. natural ability, cleverness, shrewdness, Dem. ; esp. in an orator, Thuc., Dem. δεινόω, f. ώσω, to make terrible ; to exaggerate, Thuc. δειν-ωττός, όν, = δζΐνώ4', Hes. δείνωσις, ews, η, (δβινόω) exaggeration. Plat, δειν-ώψ, ώποε, δ, fierce-eyed, of the Erinyes, Soph. δ€Ϊ09) τό, Ep. for δόοε, II. δ€ηΓν€ω, f. -ήσω : aor. i όδ^ίπνησα, Ep. δ^πνησα : pf. δ^δ^ίπνηκα, syncop. inf. δ^δ^ιιτνάναι : Ep. plqpf. δ6δ6ί7Γ- vrjKeiv : — to make a meal, Horn. : in Att. to take the chief meal, to dine, δ. τδ αριστον to make breakfast serve as dinner, Xen. 2. c. acc., δ. ό,ρτον to make a meal on bread, Hes. ; also, δ. α,-κό τινοε Ar. δ€ΪτΓνησ·τ 09 , δ, {δ^ιπνόω) meal-time, Od. δ€ηΓνητηριον, τό, (δβίττί/βω) a dining-room, Plut. δ£ΐ'π·νητικ 05 , ή, όν, (δείΤΓί/βω) of or for cookery ; Adv. ~κωε, like a cook, artistically , Ar. δ^ττνίζω, Att. f. ~ιω : aor. i όδ^ίττνισα, Ep. part, δείπ- νίσσαε : — to entertain at dinner, Od., Hdt. δεητνο-λόχος, η, ον , fishing for invitations to dinner, parasitic, Hes. δεΐττνον, τό, (δάπτω) in Horn, the principal meal of the day, — sometimes the noonday meal, sometimes = άριστον, the morning meal, sometimes = δορ7Γθί', the evening meal. In old Att. the midday or afternoon meal, dinner or supper : — άττδ δβίττνου straightway after the meal, II. ; καΚ^Ίν iirl δίΊττνον ; δ. τταραθύναι, etc. 2. ^e^ner 2 i\\y , fodder , provender , II., Aesch. δειτΓνο-ΊΓΟιεω, f. ήσα», to give a dinner — Med. to dine, Thuc., Xen. δ£ΐΐΓνο-ψ(ίρο9) ον, {ψόρω') carrying meat-offerings, Plut. δειράς, άδοί, η, (δεφή) the ridge of a chain of hills, Horn., Soph. : — in pi.. Id., Eur. δειρ-αχθης, όε, (άχθοε) heavy on the neck, Anth. ΔΕΙΡΗ', ή, the neck, throat, II., Hdt. ; Att. -δερη, not δέρα) Aesch. (Perh. akin to Lat. dors-um.') 177 δειρο-τομεω, f. -ησω, (τόμνω) to cut the throat of a person, behead, συ δ’ άμψω δ€φοτομησ€ΐε Horn, δείρω. Ion. for δόρω. δεισ-ηνωρ, οροε, δ, η, (δείδω, ανηρ) fearing man, Aesch. δεισιδαιμονία, η, fear of the gods, religious feeling, Polyb. : in bad sense, superstition, Theophr. From δεισι-δαίμων, ον, (,δείδω) fearing the gods : 1 . in good sense, like (ύσ^βΊιε, pious, religious, Xen. 2. in bad sense, superstitious, bigoted, Theophr. — Comp. -όστ€ροε, somewhat superstitious, N. T. ΔΕ'ΚΑ^ ol, at, τά, indecl., ten, Lat. decern, Horn., etc. : — ot δέκα the Ten, Oratt. : oi δόκα [e^rrj] αψ' τ^βτηε those who are ten years past 20 (the age of military service), Xen. (Some connect it with δάκ-τνλοε, from the number of the fingers.) δεκά-βοιος, ον, {βονε) worth ten oxen, τδ δβκάβοιον a coin attributed to Theseus, Plut. δεκα-γονία, η, (yόvoε) the tenth generation, Luc. δεκαδ-αρχία, ή, the government of the ten, Isocr. δεκάδ-αρχος, δ, a commander of ten, Lat. decurio, Xen. δεκαδεΰς, όωε, δ, (δ€κάε) one of a decury, Xen. δεκά-δυο, oi, at, τά, late form for δυώδεκα, N.T. δεκά-δωρος, ον, [δώρον ii) ten palms long or broad, ! Hes. 1 δεκα-ετηρο 9 , ον, ί^τοε) ten-yearly. Plat. I δεκα-ετής, όε, or -ετης, εϊ, (ετοί) ten years old, I Hdt. II. of ox lasting ten years, ττόχ^μοε Thuc. δεκάζω, f. άσω, {δ^κάε 1 . 2 ) to bribe or corrupt judges, Isocr., Aeschin. : — Pass, to be bribed, Plut. δεκάκις, (δέκα) Adv. ten-times, II. δεκά-κλϊνος, ον, (κΧίνη) holding ten dinner-couches, Xen. δεκα-κΰμία, ^^κυμα) the tenth (i. e. an overwhelming) wave, Lat. fiuctus decumanus, Luc. : cf. τρικυμία. δεκά-μηνος, ον, (μήν) ten months old, Xen. 2. in the tenth month, Hdt. δεκά-μνους, μνουν, {μνά) weighing or worth ten minae, Ar. δεκ-άμψορος, ον, {άμφορ^ύε) holding ten αμφορζΐε (about 90 gallons), Eur. δεκά-τταλαι, Adv. very long ago, like δωδεκάπαλαί, Ar:- δεκά-Ίτηχυς, υ, ten cubits long, Hdt. δεκα-ττλάσιος [ά], ον, tenfold, Lat. decuplus. Plat. : — t] δεκαπλασία i sc. τιμΊ}) a fine of ten times the amount, Dem. δεκά-πλεθρος, ον, enclosing ten νΧόθρα, Thuc. δεκα-ττλόος, ον, contr. -■πλους, ουν , = δ^καττΧάσιοε , Dem. δεκά-τΓολις, η, a ten-city land, Decapolis, Ν.'Γ. δεκ-άρχης, ου, δ, — δξκαδάρχηε, Hdt. Hence δεκαρχία, η, the government of ten, Xen. δεκάς, άδοε, τ], {δόκα) a decad : a compariy of ten, Lat. j decuria, \\., Hdt. a bribed company of ten. II. the number ten, Arist. ] δεκασμός, δ, ( δεκάζω) bribery, Plut. ' δεκά-σ'πορος χρόνοε, δ, a lapse of ten seed-times, i. e. j ten years, Eur. δεκαταΐος, a, ov, { δέκατη) on the tenth day. Plat. II. I ten days old, I.uc. δεκα-τάλαντος, ov, (τάλαντον) worth ten talents : δίκτ) δεκ. an action in which the damages were laid at ten talents, Aeschin. , δεκατεία, = δεκάτευσίί, Plut. .N 1 78 ^€κατ€υτηριον 8€κατ€υτήριον, τό, the tenths-office, custom-house, Xen. From 86KaT6V(i>, £. σω, [ζ^κάτη) to exact the tenth part from a man, to make him pay tithe, tovtovs deKarevaai τφ θίφ to make them pay a tithe to the god, Hdt. : — also of things, δ. τά e| aypov ωραία to tithe them (as an offering), Xen. : and so. Pass., 8 €κατ 6 υθΎ}ναι τφ Au Hdt. : hence proverb., i\Tr\s ήν StKaTeveijuai ras Θή- $as, i. e. that it would he made to pay tithe, Xen. 8€κάτη, 7 ], V. StKaros II. 8€κατη-λόγος, ό, (λέγω) a tithe-collector, Dem. 8€κατος, 7 ], ον, {Β€κα) tenth, Horn., etc. II. δβκάτη isc. μζρΐ 5 '', -η, the tenth part, tithe, Hdt., etc. 2. SenaTT) (sc. 7 ]μ€ρα\ τ], the tenth day, Horn. ; at Athens, the tenth day after birth, when the child has a name given it, t^v δ. Qvnv to give a naming-day feast, Ar. ; T^v δ. ίστιασαι υττ^ρ τον υίου Dem. δβκατίί-σ'ΤΓορος, ον, in the tenth generation, Anth. 8€κατόω, f. ώσω, like δβκατεύα», to take tithe of a person, Tiva N.T. : Pass, to pay tithe, Ib. δβκά-ψϋλος, ον, {φνλτ}) consisting of ten tribes, Hdt. 8€κά-χαλκον, TO, the denarius, = ten χαλκοί. Pint. 8€κά-χΐλοι, oi, a, {χίλιοι) ten thousand, II. ; cf. ivvea- Χί\οι. AcKeXeia, Ion. -εη, η, a place in Attica, Hdt., Thuc., etc.: — Δεκελευς, ecos, δ, a Decelean, Id.: — Adv., Δεκελεήθεν, /Vow D., Id. 8εκ-ε'τηρο9, ov, = sq., Anth. 8εκ-ε'τη5, ου, δ, (eros) lasting ten years. Soph., Plat. II. ten years old, Eur. : fern, δεκετίϊ, idos. Plat. δεκομαι, Ion. for δέχομαι. δεκτεος, a, ον, verb. Adj. of δέχομαι, to be received, Luc. δε'κτη?, ου, δ, [δέχομαι) a receiver : a beggar, Od. δε'κτο, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 of δέχομαι. δεκτός, ή, όν, verb. Adj. of δέχομαι, acceptable, N. T. δε'κτωρ, opos, δ, poet, for δέκτ 7 }ε, one who takes upon himself or on his own head, αίματοε δ. νέου Aesch. δεκ-ώρΰγος, ον, {opyvia) ten fathoms long, Xen. δελεάζω, f. άσω, f δέλεαρ) to entice or catch by a bait : — Pass., Xen., Dem. II. c. acc. cogn., νώτον vhs Trepl ayKiCTpov δ. to ptit it on the hook as a bait, Hdt. δε'λεαρ, arros, τό, (v. δ 6 λο$} a bait, Xen. : metaph., δ. Tivos bait for a person, Eur. δελε-άρπαζ, δ, τ], snapphig at the bait, Anth. δελεασμα, arcs, τό, — δέλεαρ, Ar. δε'λτα, τό, indecl., delta, v. Δ δ. II. anything shaped like a Δ, a name for islands formed by the mouths of large rivers, as the Nile, Hdt. δελτίον, τό. Dim. of δελτοϊ, Hdt. δελτο-γράφος [ά], ον, {yράφω) writing on a tablet, re- cording, Aesch. δε'λτος, a writing-tablet, from the letter Δ (the old shape of tablets;, Hdt., Trag. : metaph., δέλτοιε φρέ- νων on the tablets of the heart, Aesch. δελφάκόομαι, Pass, to grow tip to pighood, Ar. From δε'λφαΙ, aKos, η, a young pig, porker , Hdt., etc. (Deriv. uncertain.) δελφίν, ivos, δ, later form of δελφίϊ, Mosch. Δελφίνιον [φί], τό, a temple of Apollo at Athens, τδ επί Α^λφινίφ δικαστέιριον the law-court there, Plut. δελφιξ, t/cos, δ, a tripod, Plut. (Perh. from Δελφοί.) 8€ννάζω. δελφίς, tvos, δ, the dolphin, Horn., etc. II. a mass of lead, prob. shaped like a dolphin, hung at the yard-arm, and suddenly let down on the decks of the enemy’s ships, Ar. :— hence, Kepalai δζλφινο-φόροι beams with pulleys to let down the δελφίί, Thuc. (Deriv. uncertain.) Δελφοί, ων, ol, Delphi, a famous oracle of Apollo in Phocis at the foot of Parnassus (called Pytho by Horn, and Hdt.), h. Horn., Soph. II. the Del- phians, Hdt. : in sing. Δελφό?, king of Delphi, Aesch.: — Adj. Δελφικός, ή, όν, Delphic, Id.; fern. Δελφίς, Soph. δελφυς, vos, η, the womb, Arist. (Deriv. uncertain : hence ά-δελφόϊ.) δέμας, τό, {δέμω) the frame of man, the body, Horn. ; rarely of other animals, Od. ; properly the living body. ■ — Horn, uses it only in acc. sing., absol., μικρδε δέμα 5 smaW in stature ; άριστοε δέμα 5 , δέμαε άθανάτοκτι eoiKe, etc. 2 . in Trag. as a periphrasis, like κάρα, KTavelv μ 7 )τρφονδ. Aesch.; 'Ηράκλειοι/ δ. Eur. ; Ααματρ'ό$ άκτα$ δ., i. e. bread. Id. II. as Adv., δέμα 5 trvphs αίθο- μένοιο in form ox fashion like burning fire, Lat. instar ignis, II. δε'μνιον, τό, {δέμω) mostly In pi. δέμνια, the bedstead or matrass, Horn. 2. generally, a bed, bedding, Od., etc. δεμνιο-τήρης, €S, {τηρέω) keeping one to one'’s bed, μοίρα δ. a lingering fate, Aesch. ΔΕ'ΜΩ, Ep. impf. δέμον : aor. i εδειμα, Ep. i pi. subj. δείμομει/: — Pass., pf. δέδμημαι: 3 sing, plqpf. ε’δε'δμητο: — to build, II., etc. :— Med., εδείματο oXkovs he built him houses, Od. : — generally, to construct, δ. άλω'ην h. Horn. ; δ. δδόν, αμαξιτόν, Lat. munire viam, Hdt. δενδίλλω, to turn the eyes or glance quickly, δ^νδίλλων is έκαστον II. (Deriv. uncertain.) δε'νδρεον, τό. Ion. for δένδρον, a tree, mostly in pi., Horn., Hes., Hdt. δενδρηεις, εσσα, ev, , δένδρον) woody, Od. δενδριακός, ή, όν, [δένδρον) of a tree, Anth. δενδρίτης [γ], ου, δ, of a tree : — fern, δενδρΐτις, Strab. δενδρο-βάτε'ω, f. ήσω, {βαίνω) to climb trees, Anth. δενδρο-κόμης, ου, δ, {κομέω) of a woodman, Anth. δενδρο-κόμος, ον, {κόμτ)) grown with wood, Eur., Ar. δενδρο-κοττεω, f. 'ρσω, {κότττω) to cut down trees, esp. vines and fruit-trees, Xen.; δ. χώραν to waste a country by cutting down the trees, ap. Dem. δε'νδρον, TO, also δε'νδρος, cos, τό, rare in nom. and acc., but freq. in dat. sing, δένδρα; nom. and acc. pi. δένδρβα, contr. δένδρτ] : cf. δένδρ^ον: gen. δ^νδρέων ; dat. δένδρβσι :—a tree, Ar. ; δένδρα fruit-trees (opp. to υλτ] timber), Thuc., etc. (Perh. akin to bpvs.) δενδρο-ιτήμων, ον, {ττημα) blasting trees, Aesch. δε'νδρος, cos, τό, v. δένδρον. δενδροτομεω, f. r,σω = δcvδpoκo^Γέω, to lay waste a country, Thuc. : metaph., δ. τά νώτα Ar. δενδρο-φόρος, ον, {φέρω) bearing trees ; Sup. -ώτaτos, Plut. δενδρό-φΰτος, ον, planted with trees, Plut. δενδρ-ώδης, cs, {cΊδos) tree-like : δcvδp. Νυμφαι wood- nymphs, Anth. δενδρώτις, ibos, fern. Adj. wooded, Eur. δεννάζω, f. άσω, to abuse, revile, τινά Theogn., Soph. ; ΔΕ'ΝΝΟΣ — Seσμw. c. acc. cogTi,, κακά, ρ-ί^μ,ατα ^^ννάζ^ιν to utter words of foul reproach, Id. From ΔΕ'ΝΝΟΣ, b, a reproach, disgrace, Hdt. δεξαι, aor. i imper. of εύχομαι. δεξαμενή, ·η, (aor. i part. fern, of δέχομαι, with changed accent j a reservoir, tank, cistern, Hdt., Plat, δεξιά. Ion. -ιή, (fern, of de^ibs , rj, the right hand, opp. to άριστ€ρα, II. ; 4κ δεξίαί on the right, Ar. ; eV Se|ta εχείν τά οί/ρεα to keep them on the right, as you go, Hdt. ; ev δ. Καβ^Ίν τ^ν '2,ικ^Χίαν Id. ; so, εν δ. εσττλε'- οντί on your right as you sail in. Id.; used in wel- coming, δεξίάν δίδόναι to salute by offering the right hand, Ar. 2. the right hand given as a pledge or assurance, δεξίαΐ jjs εττεττίθμεν II. ; δεξίάϊ δόντεί καΐ Καβόντ^ε having exchanged assurayices, made a treaty, Xen. ; δεξιάν παρά βασιΚ4ω5 φ4ρβιν μτ} . . to bring pledges that he would not . . , Id. — Though δεξιά is manifestly fern, of δεξιόν, it is always used as a Subst. without X^ip ; but δ. χ^ίρ occurs in Soph., Eur., Ar. δεξί-μηλος, ον, (μηλον) receiving sheep, i. e. rich in sacrifices, Eur. δεξιο-λάβος, b, {Καμβάνω) a spearman : in pi. guards, N. T. : others javelin-men, δεξιόομαι, Ep. 3 pi. δ^^ιόωνται as if from δβξιάομαι : f. -ώσομαι : aor. i εδεξιωσαμτ^ν : Dep. : (δεξιά) : — to greet 'with the right hand, 'welcome, greet (cf. δεί /c- νυμι ii), c. acc. pers., Ar., Xen.; c. dat. pers., δε- ξίονσθαι θεοΓϊ to raise one's right hand to the gods, pay honour to them, Aesch. ; c. acc. rei, άμυστιν δεξιουμενοι pledging one in a bumper, Eur. : — Plat, has aor. i δεξιωθηναι in pass, sense. δεξι09, ά, o'v, [δίχομαι) on the right hand or side, Lat. dexter, opp. to αριστεροί, Horn., etc. ; τδ δ. (sc. Kcpas) the right of an army, Xen. : — adverb, usages, ε’ττί δεξιά on the right, II.; ε’ττί δεξιο'φιν (Ep. gen.) towards the right, Ib. ; πpδs δεξιά Hdt. II. fortunate, boding good, of the flight of birds, δεξιδί opvis, = a'icios, Horn. — This sense came from the Greek augurs looking to the North, so that lucky omens, which came from the East, were on the right, while the unlucky ones from the West were on the left. III. metaph. dex- terous, ready, opp. to σκαιόε {sinister, French gauche)·, and of the mind, sharp, shrewd, clever, Ar., Thuc., etc. : — Adv., δεξιώί ; Sup. δ€ξιώτατα, Ar. δεξιό-σ-ειρος, b, harnessed by a trace on the right side, of a third horse which was outside the regular pair : — - hence, generally, spirited, impetuous. Soph, δεξιότης, tjtos, η, (δεξιάί) dexterity, cleverness, Hdt., Ar. ; opp. to άμαθία, Thuc. δεξιόψιν, Ep. gen. of δεξιδί. δεξιόω, only used as Dep. δεξιο'ομαι, q. v. δεξί-ττΰρος, ον, (πυρ) receiving fire, Eur. δεξιτερός, ή, 6v, poet, form of δεξιοί, right, the right, Horn. : be^irep-f], like δεξία (sub. xei'p), the right hand, II. ; Ep. dat. δ€ξιτ€ρρψί Ib. δεξίωμα, ατοί, τό, (δεξιδομαι) = δεξίωσίί, a pledge of friendship. Soph. δεξίωσις, εωί, ή, (δεξιόομαι) a greeting, canvassing. Eat. ambitus, Plut. δε'ξο, Ep. aor. 2 imper. of δέχομαι. δε'ον, οντοί, τό, neut. part, of the impers. δει, made into a Noun, that which is binding, needfid, right, | 179 Soph., Xen.; τά δέοντα things needful or proper, advantages or duties, Thuc., etc. ; e’v δ4οντι (sc. καιρφ), in good time, Lat. opportune, Eur.; ε’ν νφ δ4οντι Hdt.; εΐί τδ δ4ον for a needful purpose. Id.; hence (at Athens) the phrase for secret service, els τδ δε'ον άπάλεσα Ar. ΔΕ'ΟΣ, gen. δε'οοί, τό ; rare in pi. δε'η : fear, alarm, affright, Horn., etc. ; τ^θνάναί τφ δ4€ΐ τινά to be dead afraid of a person, Dem. II. awe, reverence, Aesch. III. reason for fear, II. : a means of inspiring fear, Thuc. ΔΕ'ΠΑΣ, αοί, τό : pi., nom. δε'ττά; Ep. dat. δεττάεσσι and δε'ττασσι : — a beaker, goblet, chalice, Horn, δερ-άγκη, η, (δε'ρτ]) a collar, Anth. : — δερ-αγχής, 4s, (άγχω) throttling. Id. δε'ραιον, τό, {δ4ρη) a necklace, Eur. : a collar, Xen. δεραιο-πε'δη, a collar, Anth. δέρας, ατοί, τ6, — δ4ρο$, Eur. δεράς, άδοί, ή, = δειράί. Soph. δε'ργμα, ατοί, τό, [δ4ρκομαι) a look, glance, Aesch., Eur. δερη (not δερά ), η, Att. for δ^ιρ-η, the neck, throat, Trag. δερκιάομαι, poet, for δ4ρκομαι, Hes. ΔΕ'ΡΚΟΜΑ!, Ion. 3 sing. impf. δ^ρκ4σκ(ίτο : pf. in pres, sense δ4δορκα : aor. 2 4δράκον : also aor. i in pass, form 4δ4ρχΘ'ην, poet, δόρχθ-ην : Dep. : — to see clearly, see, Horn. ; δεδορ/ίάί having sight, opp. to τνφλόε. Soph. : — hence to be alive, living, Horn., Trag. : — like β\4πω with a neut. Adj., δεινόν, σμ€ρδαλ4ον δ. to look terrible, Horn., etc. ; c. acc. cogn., πυρ δβδορκώε flashing fire from the eyes, Od. ; δεδορ/εότων Aesch. ; σκότον δεδ. blind, Eur. 2. c. acc. to look on or at, Horn., Aesch. : — so, δ. εΚί τινα Eur. ; κατά τι Aesch. : generally, to perceive, κτύπον δ4δορκα Id. δε'ρμα, ατοί, τό, (δε'ρω) the skin, hide, of beasts, Lat. pellis, Horn., etc. ; δ4ρμα KeXaivov, of a shield, II. : — also of skins prepared for bags or bottles, Od. ; of a man's skin stript off, II., Hdt. 2. later, one’s skin, Lat. cutis, π^ρΐ τφ δ4ρματι δ€δοικ4ναί Ar. : the shell of a tortoise. Id. δερμάτινος, tj, ov, (δ4ρμα) of skin, leathern, Od., Hdt. δε'ρον, Ep. for ίδ^ρον, impf. of δε'ρο). δε'ρος and δε'ρας, τό, poet, for δ4ρμα, but only in nom. and acc., Eur. δε'ρρις, εωί, (δε'ροί) a leathern covering : in pi. screens of hide, Thuc. : cf. διφθ4ρα. δε'ρτρον, τό, (δερω) the membrane which contains the bowels, Lat. omentum, δ4ρτρον 4σω δύνοντ€5 even to the bowels, Od. ΔΕ'ΡΩ, Ion. δείρω, Att. also (metri grat.) δαίρω : impf. 4δ€ρον, Ep. δ4ρον : — f. δερώ : aor. i εδειρα : — Pass., f. δάρ'ίισομαι : aor. ε’δάρτ/ν [ά] : pf. δ4δαρμαι : — to skin, flay, of animals, Horn., etc. : — ασκόν δβδάρθαι to have one’s skin flayed off, Solon; so, δερώ σε θύλακον I will make a purse of your skin, Ar. II. also (like the slang words to tan or hide) to cudgel, thrash. Id. δε'σμα, ατοί, τό, (δε'ω) poet, for δεσμόί, a bond, fetter , Od. II. a head-band, II. δεσμεύω, f. σω, (δεσμόί) to fetter, put in chains, h. Horn., Eur. : to tie together, as corn in the sheaf, Hes. δεσμεω, f. ήσω, = δεσμεόω, N. T. δε'σμιον, τό, = δεσμόί, Anth. δε'σμιος,ον and a, ον, (δεσμόί) binding: metaph. bindinc; N 2 1 8o ^βσ-μός — as with a spell, enchaining, c. gen., υμvos S. φρένων Aesch. II. pass, bound, in bonds, captive. Soph., Eur., etc. Βεσμ^ς, b, pi. δεσμά as well as δεσμοί, 'δεω) anything for binding, a band, bond, Horn., etc. : a halter, II. : a mooring-cable , Od. : a door-latch, Ib. ; a yoke- strap, Xen. 2. in pi. bonds, fetters, Aesch., Thuc. : in sing., collectively, bonds, imprisonment, Hdt., etc. δεσμο-φυλαξ [ύ], o/cos, b, t), a gaoler, Luc. δεσμ^ω, f. ώσω, = δεσμεύω. Hence δε'αμωμα, arros, τό, a bond, fetter, Aesch. δεσμωτήριον, vb, (δεσμύω) a prison, Hdt., Thuc. δεσμώτης, ου, b, (δεσμόω) a prisoner, captive, Hdt., Att. II. zs hd.], in chains, fettered, \ fern, δεσμώτίϊ Soph. δεσιτόζω, f. -όσω : aor. i inf. δεσπόσαι : 1. absol. to be lord or inaster, gain the mastery, Aesch., Plat. 2. c. gen. to be lord or master of, h. Horn., Hdt., etc. ; δεσπό^ε»/ φόβη5 to own the lock of hair, Aesch. ; metaph. to master, δ. xbyov Id. 3. c. acc. to lord it over, Eur. δε'σ-ΊΓοινα, -η, fern, of SeawoTrjs, the mistress, lady of the house, Lat. hera, of Penelope, Od. 2. in Att. of goddesses, as Artemis, Soph.; Persephone, Plat. δεστΓοσΰνη, η, (δεσ7Γ0τη5) = δεσ7Γθτεία, Hdt. δεσττόσυνος, ου and η, ον, {δζσττότηε) of or belonging to the master or lord, h. Horn., Aesch. ; δ. avaynai arbitrary rule. Id. II. Subst. = δεσττο'τηί, Tyrtae. δεσίΓοτεία, η, (^δεσττοτηϊ; the power of a master over slaves, or the relation of master to slaves, Arist. 2. absolute sway, despotism, Isocr. δεστΓοτεω, f. ήσω, = δεσττύ^ω, c. gen.. Plat. : — Pass, to be despotically ruled, Aesch., Eur. δεσ-ττότης, ου, b, voc. δέσποτα, a master, lord, the master of the house, Lat. hems, dominus, Aesch., etc. j properly in respect of slaves, so that the address of a slave to his master was ώ δεσττοτ’ or d)va.\ δε'σποτα Ar. 2. of Oriental rulers, a despot, abso- lute ruler, whose subjects are slaves, Hdt., Thuc. ; the pi. is used by Poets of single persons, like τύραννοι, Aesch. 3. of the gods, Eur., Xen. II. generally, an owner, master, lord, κώμου, Aesch., Soph. (The latter part ~ττ6τ·η$ is prob. from same Root as irbais, and Lat. pot-is, pot-ior : the syll. δεσ- is uncertain.) δεστΓοτικός, ή, όν, (δεσττοτηϊ) of or for a master, δεσττο- τικαΧ συμφοραί misfortunes that befall one's 7naster, Xen. II. of persons, inclined to tyranny, despotic. Plat. δεσιτότις, ^,^δύσττοινα, acc. δ^σττότιν. Soph., Eur.; dat. δεσττύτιδί, Anth. δεστΓοτίσκος, b. Dim. of δεσττοτηϊ, Eur. δετή, η, (properly fern, of δετοΤ, sub. λαμττάϊ) sticks bound up, a fagot, torch, II., Ar. δευήσεσβαι, Ep. f. med. inf. of δεύω, to want. δεΰμα, aros, τά, (δεύω) that which is wet, δεύματα κριών boiled flesh, Pind. δένομαι, Ep. for δέομαι; v. δευω B. δεύρο, strengthd. in Att. δενρί : Adv. : I. of Place, hither, Lat. hue, with Verbs of motion, Horn., etc. ; in a pregn. sense with Verbs of Rest, to fiave come hither and) be here, ττάρεστι δβΟρο Soph. 2. used in calling to one, here ! on ! co7ne on ! Lat. adesduni, &y€ δ^υρο. ^€χημ€ρος, δευρ’ &ye, δενρ’ ίθι, δενρ* ϊτω always with a Verb sing, 'δεντε being used with pi.), Horn. ; but with a pi. in Trag. 3. in arguments, μ4χρι δ. τον Koyoo up to this point of the argument. Plat. II. of Time, until now, up to this time, hitherto, Trag., Plat. : also, δενρ’ αεί Eur. (Deriv. unknown.) Δευς, Aeol. for Ζενϊ. δενσο-ΤΓΟιός, 6v, (δένω, ττοιεω) deeply dyed, ingrained, fast, of colours. Plat., Luc. δεντατος, η, ον. Sup. of δεντεροϊ, the last, II. δεύτε, Adv., as pi. of δενρο, hither ! come on ! come here I just like δ^υρο, with pi. imperat., δεντ’ αγετ’ II.; δεντε φίλοι Ib. ; δεντ’ aye, Φαιήκων rjyijTopes Od. δευτερ-αγωνιστής, ον, b, the actor who takes second- class parts : metaph. one who seconds a speaker, Dem. δευτεραΐος, a, ov, {febvepos) on the second day, agree- ing with the subject of the Verb, δεντεραΓοί i\v ev ’Χττάρττ) Hdt. ; but also, τή beorepair) [sc. ήμερα] Id. δευτερεΐα (sc. αθλα), τά, the second prize in a contest ; hence the second place or rank, δ. νεμειν τινί Hdt. δευτερευω, f. σω, (δεύτεροί) to be second : δεντ. τινί to play second to . . , Plut. δεντερό-ττρωτον σάββατον, τό, the first sabbath after the second day of the feast of unleavened bread, or the first sabbath of the second year (i. e. of the year after the sabbatical year), N. T. δεύτερος, a, ov, second, being Comp, of δύο : I, in point of Order, of one who comes in second in a race, II. : in Att. with Art., b δ€ύτ€ρο5 Soph., etc. ; ai δεύ- τεραί φροντίδζ5 second thoughts, Eur. ; proverb., τον δ. ττλοΰν to try the next best w'ay. Plat. 2. of Time, δζυτόρτι νμόρ-ρ on the next day, Hdt. : c. gen., εμε?ο δεύτεροί after my time, II. ; δεvτεpcf> ετεϊ τούτων in the year cifter this, Hdt. : in neut. as Adv., beirrepov αυ, δζύτ^ρον αύτΐ5 secondly, 7iext, afterwards, a second time, Horn., Att.; in Prose also δεύτερα: — Λvith Art., τδ δ^ύτ^ρον Hdt., Aesch., etc.; τά δεύτερα Thuc.; ε /c δ^υτόρου for the second time, N. T. II. in point of Rank, second, δ. μετ’ όκ^ΐνον Hdt. ; c. gen., δξύτ€ρο5 ονδενόί second to none. Id. ; ήγεΓσ^αί δ^ύτ^ρον to think quite secondary , Soph. 2. the second of two, δεν- τερη αντή herself with another, Hdt. III. as Subst., δεύτερα, τά, = δεντερεΓα, the second prize or place, II., Hdt. ΔΕΥ^Ω (a) : impf. εδενον, Ep. δβΰον. Ion. δβύ^σκον : f. δεύσω : aor. i εδενσα : — Pass., aor. i εδεύθην : pf. δόδβυμαι : — to wet, dre^ich, II. : — Med., τττερο δ^ύ^ται άλμτ) wets his wings in the brine, Od. 2. to mix a dry mass with liquid, so as to make it fit to knead, δ. άρτον ΰδατι Xen. II. Causal, to make to flow, shed, αΤμα Soph. δεύω (b), f. δενήσω, Aeol. and Ep. for δεω, to miss, want, εδεύησεν ίκόσθαι he missed, failed in reaching, Od. II. as Dep. δεύομαι, f. δενήσομοί, = Att. δίομαι, to feel the want or loss of, be without a thing, c. gen., II. : to stand in need of, βάκτρου Eur. 2. to be wanting, deficient in a thing, c. gen., II. : absol. δενομενοί, in need, Ib. 3. c. gen. pers. to be inferior to, Horn. ΔΕ'ΦΩ, f. ψω, to soften by ivorking with the hand, Ar. δεχαται, Ep. 3 pi. aor. 2 of δέχομαι, δεχ-ήνερος, ον, {ημόρα) for ten days, lasthig ten days. 3€·χθαί ■ (Kcxeipia δβχ. a truce terminable on giving ten days' notice, Thuc. j σπονδαί δ^χ. Id. δεχθαι, Ep. aor. 2 inf. of δάχομαι. δε\νυμαι, poet, for δέχομαι, Anth. ΔΕ'ΧΟΜΑΙ, Ion. and Aeol. δεκομαι : f. δέξομαι, Ep. δξδέξομαι : aor. i έδ^ξάμην and έδέχθην : pf. δέδ^Ύμαι, Ep. 3 pi. δ^ιδέχαται, plqpf. -oto : plqpf. έδ^δ^γμην : —there are also several forms of an Ep. aor. 2 έδέγ- μην, viz. 3 sing, εδεκτο or δεκτό, 3 pi. δέχαται, im- perat. δέξο, inf. δέχθαι, part, δεγ/χενοϊ : I. of things as the object, to take, accept, receive what is offered, Lat. accipere, Horn., etc. : — δ. τί τινι to receive some- thing at the hand of another, II. ; also ri rivos Ib . ; Tt irapa tivos Horn, j τι εκ rivos Soph. : — but also, δ. Tt rivos to receive in exchange for . . , χρυσδν φίλον άνδρδ$ iδέξaro Od. : — also, μάλλον δ., c. inf., to fake rather, to choose to do or be, Xen. ; and without μάλλον, ούδείί tiv δέξαινο ^εϋ7εt^'Thuc. 2. to accept graciously, II. ; δ. rbv οΙωνόν to accept, hail the omen, Hdt., etc. : — to accept or approve, rovs λόγονε, r^v ξνμμαχίην Id., Thuc. 3. simply to give ear to, hear, Lat. accipere, Eur., Thuc. 4. to take or regard as so and so, μτ\δ\ συμφοράν δέχου rhv &νδρα Soph. II. of persons, to receive hospitably , en- tertain, Horn., Att. 2. to greet, -worship, 11.; δ. riva ξύμμαχον to accept as an ally, Thuc. 3. to receive as an enemy, to await the attach of, Lat. ex- cipere, II. ; of a hunter waiting J^or game or a wild boar waiting for ύ\& hunters, Ib. ; rovs ττολ^μίονε δ. Hdt., etc. 4. to expect, c. acc. et inf. fut., Od. : or c. acc. to wait for, Ib. ; μηδέ συμφοράν δέχου rhv άνδρα do not expect him to be . . , Soph. III. absol. to succeed, come next, δ€χeraι κακδν ε’κ κακόν II. ; &λλοε δ’ ε’Ι άλλου δεχεται Β,θλοε Hes. ; of places, Άρr€μίσιov δeκeraι Hdt. δεψω, aor. I έδέφησα, as if from δεψεαι, {δέφω) to work or knead a thing till it is soft, κηρδν δίφ-ίισαε Od. ; δέφζΐ rh δέρμα Hdt. ΔΕΏ (a), imper. 3 pi. δ€όvrωv : f. δ-ησω : aor. i έδησα, Ep. δησα : pf. δεδεκα or δέδτηκα : — Med., aor. i ε’δη- σάμτην, Ep. 3 sing, δ■ησάσκero : — Pass., f. δ^θ-ησομαι, and δίδέισομαι : aor. i έδέθην: pf. δέδβμαι: plqpf. εδε- δέμην, Ep. 3 sing, δέδ€ro, Ion. 3 pi. εδεδεατο : — to bind, tie, fetter, δ^σμφ riva δησαι II., etc. :· — c. acc. only, to bind, put in bonds, Od., Att. 2. metaph. to bind, enchain, γλωσσά δε oi δέδ^raι Theogn. ; ψυχά δέδ 6 raι λντΓΤ) Eur. 3. c. gen. to let or stop one. from a thing, εδησε κ^λ^ύθον Od. II. Med. to bind, tie, put on oneself (ci. υτνοδέω , ττοσσΐ δ’ viral έδr,σaro ττέδιλα tied them on his feet, II. ; and in Pass., irepl κνημ-ρσι κνη- μιδαε δέδero he had greaves bound round his legs, Od. ΔΕΏ (b), f. δεήσω : aor. i έδέησα, Ep. έδησα or δησα: pf. δίδέηκα: — Med., f. δ^-ί^σομαι and δ(ηθέ)σομαι : aor. I έδΐηθην : pf. δ^δέημαι : — to lack, miss, stand in need of a person or thing, c. gen., II., Xen. : — ττολλου δέω I want much, i. e. am far from, c. inf., ττολλοΰ δέω οπολθ7εΓσθοι I am far from defending myself. Plat. ; μικρού εδεοι/ flvai Xen. ; and absol., ττολλου ye δέω far from it. Plat. ; του iravrhs δέω Aesch. ; v. δει II: — so in partic., δυοίν δέονσα σβσσίράκονσα forty lacking two, thirty-eight, Hdt.; evhs δέον (ίκοσσδν έτοε the 20th year save one, the 19th, Thuc. II. 3ηθά, 1 8 1 as Dep. δέομαι : f. δ€έ]σομαι : aor. i εδεήβηυ : 1. to be in want or need, Kapra δ^όμ^νοε Hdt. : — to stand in need of 2 l person or thing, c. gen.. Id., Soph.; ονδέν δέομαι rivos I have no need of him, Thuc. : c. inf., τούτο ετι δέομαι μαθ^ΐν Plat. 2. to ask for a thing from a person, c. dupl. gen. rei et pers., Hdt., Thuc. ; also, rovro δέομαι υμών Plat. ; and c. acc. cogn., δέημα or δέησιν δ^Ίσθαί rivos Ar., etc., rarely with gen. pers. only, δζηθίΐε υμών having begged a favour of you, Dem. : — c. gen. pers. et inf. to beg a person to do, Hdt., Plat. (The Aeol. form δευω (v. δευω b) shews that the Root of this word was ΔΕ^.) δή, Particle used to give greater exactness, to the word or words which it influences (prob. a shortened form of ηδη, Lat. jarri) now, in truth, indeed, surely, really. I. Usage of δη with single words : 1. after Adjectives, olos δ-ή, μόνοε δέ], all alone, Od., etc. ; esp. such as imply magnitude, μέyas δή, μικρδε δή, etc. ; often with Superlatives, μέγισνοε δή, κράησχοε δή quite the greatest, confessedly the best, Thuc. ; so with Numerals, υκrω δή ττροέηκα o'irrovs I have shot full eight arrows, II. ; els δη one only, Eur., etc. 2. after Adverbs, ττολλάκιε δή many times and oft, often ere now, Lat. jam saepe, II. ; δψε δε δή quite late, Ib.; νυν δη even now, now first, now at length, Xen., etc. : — τότε δή at that very time, Thuc. ; αύτίκα δή μάλα on the very spot. Plat. ; also, voiX δή yea verily, 11. ; oh δή surely not. Soph. 3. with Verbs, δή yap ϊδον όφθαλμοΐσι for verily I saw him, II. 4. with Substantives, έε δή rh ’'Apyos rovro . . well to this A. they came, Hdt,; rέλos δή its complete end, Aesch.; ironically, Lat. scilicet, εισήγογε ras eraiplhas δή the pretended courtesans, Xen. 5. with Pronouns, to mark strongly, έμέ δη a man like me, Hdt. ; συ δή you of all persons. Id. ; ovros δη this and no other. Id.; hs δή who plainly, II.: — with indef. Pronouns, άλλοι δή others be they who they may, Ib. ; δή Tty some one or other, Lat. nescio quis, Plat. ; δή τι in any way, whatever it be, II., Hdt. II. in reference to whole clauses : 1. to con- tinue a narrative, so then, so, τότε μέν δή ησυχίην ε?χε Hdt. ; in summing up, roiavra μέν δή ravra, Lat. haec hactenus, Aesch. 2. in inferences, Hdt., etc. ; esp. to express what is unexpected, καί συ δή so then you too! Aesch. 3. with Imper. and Subj., έν- voeire yap δη for do but consider, Xen. ; so, ^γε δή, φέρ€ δή, ΪΘι δή, σκόττει δή, etc. 4. 7^ δή to express what follows a fortiori, μετά δττλων ye δη above all with arms, Thuc. ; μή τί 7ε δή not to mention that, Dem. 5. κα\ δή and what is more, II. : so, is Alyvirrov airiK^ro, καί δή καί is "^άρδιε he came to Egypt, and what is more to Sardis also, Hdt. ; ϊσχυε και κάλλοε και ττλονσοε δη and above all riches. Plat. b. καί δή is also in answers, βλέφον κάνω. Answ. καί δή βλέττω, well, I am looljing, Ar. c. in assumptions, καί δή δέδiyμaι and now suppose I have accepted, Aesch. δηάλωτος, ον, contr. for δηϊάλωσοε. δήχμα, aros, rh, {δάκνω) a bite, sting, Xen.: metaph., δ. λνττηε Aesch. δηγμός, δ, (δάκνω) the act of biting : in pi. caustics, Plut. δηθά, Ep. Adv., = δΐ}ν, for a long time, Lat. diu, Horn. I 82 ^ηθβν δήθεν, Adv., a strengthd. form of δή, really, in very truth, τί δη ανδρωθ4ντζ$ δήθεν ττοίήσουσί; what then will they do when they are really grown up ? Hdt. : — also epexegetic, Lat. videlicet, that is to say, Aesch., Eur. : — ironically, Lat. scilicet, to imply that a state- ment is not true, ot μιν ηθ^Χησαν άττολεσα: δήθεν as he pretended, Hdt. ; (pcpovres ws ατγρην δήθεν Id. δηθΰνω [ΰ], f. ύνω, (δηθά) to tarry, be long, delay, II. δηϊ-άλωτος, ον, {δηϊο5, aXwvai) taken by the enemy, captive, Eur. ; contr. δηάΧωτο$ Aesch. Δηΐ-άνειρα, ή, (δήϊοϊ, ανηρ) destroying her spouse, the wife of Hercules, — her name expressing the legend of his death. Soph. δήϊο 5 , η, ον, Ep. and Ion. for δάϊοί. Hence δηϊοτής, ήτο5, ή, battle-strife, battle, death, Horn, δηϊόω, Ep. 3 pi. opt. δηϊόψ€ν, part, δηϊόων ; Att. pres, δηώ, δηουμ^ν, -οΰτ€ : impf. (δρουν. Ion. (δηί'ουν or (δρ(υν, Ep. δρουν: f. δρώσω : aor. i έδρωσα: — Pass., aor. I (δηϊώθην : pf. δ(δρωμαί : (δήϊοϊ) : — to cut down, slay, II. : to cleave asiuider, Ib. ; savage beast, to rend, tear, Ib. ; τδν TTwywva δ(δρ(ΰμ4νο$ having had his beard cut off, Luc. II. to waste or ravage a country, Hdt., Thuc. ; άστυ δρώσαν πυρί Soph, δηκτήριος, ον, (δάκνω) biting, torturing, c. gen., Eur. δήκτης, ου, ό, (δάκνω) a biter, Anth. δηκτικός, ή, 6v, (δάκνω) able to bite, biting, stinging, Luc. δηλαδή or δήλα δή, Adv. qidte clearly, manifestly , Soph., Eur., etc. : — also iron., ττροφάσιοε τήσδε δηλαδή on this pretext forsooth, Hdt. : — in answers, yes of course, Ar. δηλε'ομαι. Dor. δαλ- : f. Ύΐσομαι : aor. i (δηΧησάμην : pf. δεδήλη,ααι both in act. and pass, sense : Dep. : I. of persons, to hurt, do a mischief to, Horn. ; μά) μ( δη^σεταί (Ep. for -ηται) Od. ; so in Hdt.j to hurt by magic potions, Theocr. II. of things, to dam- age, spoil, waste, καρττδν (δηΧησαντ 11 .; ypv δηΧησάμ(νο5 Hdt. esp. in phrase, δρκια δηλήσασθαι to violate a truce, II. 2. absol. to do mischief, be hurtful, Horn. (Deriv. uncertain.) Hence δήλημα, aros, to, a mischief, bane, Od., Soph. ; and δηλήμων, ον, gen. ovos, baneful, noxious, βροτών δηλή- μονα baneful to them, Od. ; ανθρώττων ου δηΧημον(5 doing men no hurt, Hdt. δηλήσεται, Ep. for -ηται, 3 sing. aor. i of δηΧ4ομαι. δήλησις, εω5, η, (δηΧ4ομαι) mischief, ruin, baiie, Hdt. δηλητήρ, r\pQS, b, (δηλεομαί) a destroyer, Ep. Horn. Δήλιος, a, ov and os, ov, (ArjXos) Delian, Trag., etc. : — b A., name of Apollo, Soph., etc. : — Δήλιος, b, a Delian, Hdt., etc. : fern. Δηλιάς, άδο5, η, a Delian woman, h. Horn., Eur. II. Δηλιάς (sc. vaOs), the Delian ship, sent from Athens every fourth year in memory of Theseus, Plat. III. τά ΑηΧια (sc. ιερά) the quinquennial festival of Apollo at Delos, Thuc. Δηλο-γενής, 4s, (^ι-^νομαι) Delos-born, Simon, δήλομαι. Dor. for βούλομαι, Theocr. δηλον-ότι, i.e. δηλόν [εστίν] οτι, used parenthetically, quite clearly, manifestly , plainly. Plat., etc. II. epexegetically, that is to say, namely, Lat. scilicet. Id., Xen. δηλο-ΤΓΟιε'ω, f. ήσω, to make clear, Plut. Δήλος, η, Delos, one of the Cyclades, birthplace of Apollo and Artemis, Od. called also Όρτυγία. (Prob. /\ημητηρ, j from δήλο5, because of the legend that it became visible I by rising from the sea.) δήλος, η, ον and os, ov : Ep. δε'ελος : I. properly, visible, conspicuous, II. II. clear to the mind, manifest, evident, Od. : — δήλόs (ίμι with partic., δήλόs 4στιν aXyeivias φ4ρων i. e. it is clear that he takes it ill. Soph. ; δηΧοί (Ισι μή 4πιτρ4φοντ($ it is clear that they will not permit, Thuc. ; also, acc. to our idiom, δηλόν [εστιν] οτι . . , v. δηλονότι. 3. δήλον itself is used like δηλαδή, as αυτδε Trphs αυτοΰ' δήλον, all by himself, ’tis manifest. Soph. : — also, δήλον δε to introduce a proof, Thuc. (Deriv. uncertain.) Hence δηλόω, f. ώσω : — Pass., f. δηλωθησομαι and in med. form δηλώσομαι : — to make visible or manifest, to shew, exhibit. Soph. : — Pass, to be or become manifest. Id. 2. to make known, disclose, reveal, Aesch., Soph. 3. to prove. Id., Thuc. 4. to declare, explain, set forth, indicate, signify. Id. ; c. part., δηλώσω σε κακόν [οντα] Soph. ; the partic., if it refers to the nom. of the Verb, is itself in nom., δηλώσει 7 ε 7 ε- vημεvos Thuc. II. intr. to be clear ox plain, Hdt., Plat. 2. impers., δηλοΓ= δήλον εστι, Hdt.; f. δη- λώσει Plat. ; aor. i εδήλωσε Xen. Hence δήλωσις, cws, ή, a pointing out, manifestation, ex- plaining, shewing, Thuc. ; δ. ττοιεΓσθαι = δηλοΰν, Thuc. δημάγωγεω, f. ησω, to lead the people, in bad sense, Ar. 2. c. acc. pers. to win by popular arts, Xen. δημαγωγία, ή, leadership of the people, Ar. ; and δημαγωγικός, ή, όν, fit for or like a demagogue, Ar. P'rom δημ-άγωγός, b, a popular leader, of Pericles, Isocr. : commonly in bad sense, a leader of the mob, a dema- gogue, such as Cleon, Thuc., Xen. δημάκίδιον [κϊ], τό. Comic Dim. of δήμοί, Ar. δημ-άράτος, ov, (άράομαι) prayed for by the people : as prop. n. of a king of Sparta, Hdt. δημαρχεω, f. ήσω, to be demarch, Dem. δημαρχία, ή, the office or rank of δημαρχοε, Dem. : the tribunate, Plut. δημαρχικός, ή, όν, tribunician, Plut. From δήμ-αρχος, b, a governor of the people : 1. at Athens, a demarch, the president of a δημοε, who managed its affairs, Ar., Dem. 2. at Rome, a tri- bune of the plebs, Plut. δημ. εραστής, ου, b, a friend of the people. Plat, δήμευσις, (ωε, η, confiscation of one's property. Plat, δημεύω, f. σω, (δημοε) to declare public property, to. confiscate, Lat. publicare, Thuc., etc. II. gene- rally, to make public, δ(δημ€υται κράτοε the power is in the hands of the people, Eur. δημηγορε'ω, f. ησω, [δημηyόpos) to speak in the assem- bly, Lat. concionari, Ar., etc. : Pass., τά δεδημηγορη- μ4να public speeches, Oexn. II. to make popidar speeches, to speak rhetorically , use clap-trap. Plat., etc. δημηγορία, ή, a speech in the public assembly, Aeschin. II. popidar oratory, clap-trap. Plat, δημηγορικός, ή, όν, of ox for public speaking, qualified for it, Xen.: ή -κή (sc. τέχνη), = δημηγορία. Plat. From δημ-ηγόρος, b, (αγορεύω) a popidar orator, mostly in a bad sense. Plat. : — τιμαι δ. a speaker's honours, Eur. Δημήτηρ, gen. τεροϊ and Tpos, ή. Demeter, Lat. Ceres, ^ημί^ίοι/ — goddess of agriculture, mother of Persephone, Horn. (The Deriv. from δη = 7 ^, quasi Γη-μ-ητηρ is improb- able, V. δα.) δημίδιον [ίδ], τό, Comic Dim. of δημοε, Ar. δημίζω, f. σω, (5ημο$) to affect popularity , cheat the people, Ar. δημιο-€ργός, όν, poet, for Βημίονρ'/05. δημιο-ττληθής, es, (ττλήβω) abounding in public, κτ'ηνη δ. cattle of 'which the people have large store, Aesch. δημιό-ίΓράτα, τά, (ττράτοΤ) goods sold by public au- thority : confiscated goods, Ar. δήμιο?, ον, and a, ov. Dor. δάμιο?: (δήμο?) : — belonging to the people, public, Od. ; αίσνμνηται δ. judges elected by the people, Ib. ; neut. pi. as Adv., 5Ύ)μία irlveiv at the public cost, II. II. b Βημιοε (sc. bovAos), the public executioner. Plat., etc. δημιουργ€ω, f. (δημίουργόϊ) to practise a trade, do work. Plat. 2 . c. acc. rei, to work at, fabricate. Id. II. to be one of the ^ημιονρΎοί (lij. Id. δημιουργία, ή, a making, creating. Plat. 2. work- manship, handicraft , Id. ; δ. των τεχνών practising them, Id. δημιουργικό?, ή, 6v, of or for a δημιουργόν or handi- craftsman, Plat. From δημι-ουργό?, Ep. δημιο-εργό?, b : (*^ρΎω) : — oite who works for the people, a skilled workman, handicrafts- man, Od., etc. ; of medical practitioners. Plat. ; of sculptors. Id. : — generally, a framer, maker ; λόγων Aeschin. ; ττβιθουν δημιουργόν ή ρητορική Plat. : metaph., bpOpos ΒΎ]μιθ€ρΎ05 morn that calls man to work, h. Horn. 2. the Maker of the world, Xen., Plat. II. in some Peloponnesian states, the name of a magis- trate, Thuc., Dem. δημο-βόρο?, ov, {βι-βρώσκω) devourer of the people, 11 . δημο-γόρων, ovros, b, an elder of the people, chief, II. : δημογ, θβόν, = Lat. deus minorum gentium, Anth. δημόθ€ν, (,δήμον) Adv. at the public cost, Od. II. δημόθ^ν Εύττυρίδην an Eupyrian by deme, i. e. by birth, place, Anth. δημο-θοινία, ή, (θοίνη) a public feast, Luc. δημό-θροο?, oov, contr. -θρου?, ovv, uttered by the people, Aesch. ; δ. αναρχία lawlessness of popular clamour. Id. δημο-κήδη?, b, {κ^δο%) friend of the people, hdd. popli- cola, Plut. δημο-κό\αξ, b, a mob-flatterer, Luc. δημοκοττόω, f. ήσω, to curry mob-favour , Plut. ; and δημοκοτΓικό?, ή, όν, of or for a demagogue. Plat. From δημο-κότΓΟ?, b, a demagogue. δημό-κραντο?, ov, {κραίνω) ratified by the people, Aesch. δημο-κρατ€ομαι. Pass, with f. med. -κρατ-ησομαι or pass, ^κρατηθήσομαι : pf. δ 6 δημοκράτημαι : (δήμον, κροτόω) : — to have a democratical constitution, live in a democracy, Hdt., Ar., Thuc. Hence δημοκρατία, ή, democracy, popular government, Hdt., 'I'huc. ; and δημοκρατικό?, ή, όν, of or for a democracy, Ar., Plat. II. of Tporsons, favouring democracy , Plat. δημό-λ€υσ·το?, ov, λευω) publicly stoned, δ. φόνο5 death by public stoning. Soph, δημο-λογεω, f. ήσω, λόγω) = δημόομαι, Anth. ^ημοΰχος. 183 δημόομαι. Dor. δαμ-, (δήμον) Pass, to talk popularly. Find., Plat. δημο-ιτίθηκο? [Γ], b, a mob-monkey , charlatan, Ar. δημο-ΤΓοίητο?, ov, 7nade a citizen, not one by birth, Plut. δημορ-ρΐψή?, ev, {ρίπτω) hurled by the people, Aesch. δήμο?, b, a country -district, country, land, Horn. II. the people of a country, the commons, Lat. plebs, δήμου άνήρ, opp. to ^βασιλευν, II., etc. ; of a single person, δήμον εών being a commoner, II. : — in his- torians, the commons, commonalty , opp. to oi εύδαί- goves, oi wax^es, oi δυνατοί, Hdt., Thuc. ; of soldiers, opp. to officers, Xen. 2. like ττλήθον, the commons, the democracy, opp. to oi ολίγοι, Hdt., Ar., etc. III. in Attica, δήμοι, oi, townships or hu7tdreds, = Oov. κωμαι, Lat. pagi, ancient divisions of the county, being (in the time of Hdt.) 100 in number, 10 in each ψυλή. (Deriv. uncertain.) δημό?, b,fat, II., Ar., etc. ; δίττλακι δημ^ (of sacrificial meat) with fat above and fat below, II. (Deriv. un- known.) Δημοσθενίζω, f. σω, to imitate Demosthenes, Plut. δημοσία, Adv., v. δημόσιον. δημοσιεύω, f. σω, to confiscate , like δημεύω, Xen. : Pass., τά δεδημοσιευμε^α popular sayings, Arist. II. intr. to be in the public service, of physicians, Ar., Plat. : generally, to be a public man, opp. to ιδιωτεύω. Id. From δημόσιο?. Dor. δαμ-, a, ov, belongUig to the people or state, Lat. publicus, opp. to ίδιον, Hdt., Att. : — δημό- σιον είναι, γίγνεσθαι to be confiscated, Thuc., Plat. II. as Subst., b δημόσΐ05 (sc. bovAos), a public servaitt, as the public crier, Hdt. ; a public notary, Dem. III. as neut., δημόσιον, τό, the state, Lat. respublica, Hdt., Att. 2. any public building, a public hall, Hdt. 3. the treasury, elsewhere τό κοινόν, Dem. 4. the public prison, Thuc. 5. τά δημόσια (sc. χρήματα) state-property, Ar. IV. as fern., ή δαμοσία (sc. σκηνη) the tent of the Spartan ki77gs, Xen. V. as Adv. : 1. dat. δημοσία. Ion. -ίη, at the public expense, Hdt.; by public 'con- sent, Dem. ; δ. τ€θνάναι to die by the executioner. Id. 2. neut. pi. δημόσια, at the public cost, Ar. δημοσιόω, f. ώσω, to confiscate, like δημοσιεύω, Thuc. II. Pass, to be published. Plat, δημοσι-ώνη?, ου, b, (ώνόομαι) a fancier of the revenue, Lat. public anus, Strab. δημο-τελή?, εν, (τελον) at the public cost, public, national, Hdt., Thuc. δημότερο?, a, ov, = δημόσιον, common, vtdgar, Anth. δημότη?, ου, b, (δήμον) one of the people, a commoner, plebeian, Hdt., Att. II. 077e of the sa^ne people, a fellow-citizen, Eur. III. at Athens, 07ie of the same deme. Soph. : — fern, δημότι?, ιδον, Theocr. δημοτικό?, ή, όν, (δήμον) of οτ for the people, hi com- mon use, common, δ. 'γράμματα in Egypt, opp. to the hieroglyphics, Hdt. II. of the popidace, one of them, plebeius, Xen., Dem. 2. on the popular or democratic side, Lat. popularis, Ar., Thuc., etc. : Adv. -κών, affably, kindly, Dem. δημ-οΰχο?, ov, (εχω) protecting the people, of guardian deities, Soph. ; δημοΰχοι γαν riding the people of the land. Id. Sημoφayoς — ΔίχΛ\ ΐδ4 δημο-ψάγος [ά], ορ, ((ptxyeTu) =^5ημοβόρο5, Theogn. δημο-χαριστής, ον, ό, (χαρίζομαι) a viob-courtier, Eur. δημόω, ν. ζημόομαι. δημ-ώδης, ey, (eldos) of the people, popular. Plat, δήμωμα, aros, t6, (δημόομαι) a popular pastime , χαρίτων δαμώματα odes for public performance, Stesich. ap. Ar. δημ-ωψ€λής, es, (υψ^λοε) of public use. Plat. ΔΗ'Ν, Dor. δάν, Adv. long, for a long while, Lat. diu, II. ; OX) δτ)ρ ?ip he was not long-lived, Ib. 2 . long ago, Od. II. of Place, /ar, much, δ^ρ χάζ^το II. δηναιός, ή, όρ. Dor. δαναι6ς, ά, όρ : (δή*/) : — lo?ig-lived, II., Theocr. 2. old, aged, ancient, Aesch. δηνάριον, TO, a Roman coin, a denary, nearly = Gr. δράχμτ?, N.T. δην€α, τά, '^δήω) only In pi. counsels, plans, arts, whether good or bad, Horn., Hes. δηξί-θΰμος, ορ, = δακ€-θυμο$, of love, Aesch. δήξις, 6 ws, 7), (δάκρω) a bite, biting : metaph. of biting jokes, Plut. δηίομαι, f. of δάκρω. δήξομαρα, Att. crasis for δ^ξομαι &pa. δηόω, contr. for δηϊόω. δή-ίΓοθεν or δη ττοθεν, indef. Adv., from any quarter, Lat. undecunque, Aesch. δή-ίΓΟτε or δή ττοτε, Dor. δη-ττοκα, indef. Adv. at some time, once upon a time, Od., Aesch., etc. 2. €t δή 7 Γ 0 Τ 6 , Lat. si quando, II. ; οτνόθζρ δή 7 γοτ 6 from some quarter or other, Dem. 3. as interrog., τί δή τΓοτβ; what in the world? quid tandem? Id.; -πόσοι δή ποτ€; how many do you suppose? Id. δή -ΤΓου or δή ττου, indef. Adv. perhaps, it may be, II. ; in Att. doubtless, I suppose, I presume, of course, Lat. scilicet, ov δήπου τ\τ]τόρ Aesch., etc. : often in phrases, ϊ'στβ yap δή που, μόμρτησθ^ yap δή που Dem.; so, as interrog. implying an affirm, answer, τήυ αιχ- μάλωτον κάτοισθα δή που; I presume yoniinow , Soph. δή-ΤΓουθβν, indef. Adv., much like δήπου, Ar., Plat, δηρΐάομαι, Ep. 3 dual δηριάασθορ, imper. 3 pi. -αάσθωρ, inf. -άασθαι, 3 pi. impf. δηριόωρτο, Dep. {δηριε) to contend, wrangle, Horn. δηρίομαι [ϊ], f. δ-ηρίσομαι : Ep. 3 pi. aor. i δηρίσαρτο, 3 dual pass, δηριρβ-ητηρ : Dep., = foreg., Horn. From δήρις, los, acc. -tv, ή, a fight, battle, contest, II., Aesch. (Deriv. uncertain.) δηρί-ψατος, op, (φάω) = apelcpaTOS, Anth. δηρίω, = δ 77 ριομαί, aor. i όδηρΐσα, Theogn., Theocr. δηρό-βιος, Dor. δαρ-, ov, long-lived, Aesch. From δηρ09, ά, όν. Dor. δαρός, 'δήν) long, too long, δ-ηρδρ χρόρορ II. ; so, δηρδρ (^sub. χρόνον) as Adv. all too long, Ib. ; βπΐ δηρόρ Ib. ; δαρδρ χρόρορ Soph, δησάσκβτο, Ep. for 4δ'ί}σατο, aor. i med. of δόω (a). δήσ€, Ep. aor. i of δβω (a;. II. for εδόησβ, aor. i of δόω (b). δήτα, Adv., more emphatic form of δή, certainly, to be sure, of course : 1 . in answers, added to a word which echoes the question, Χσασιρ ; do they know ? Answ. ϊσασι δήτα aye they know, Eur. ; often with a negat., ov δητ €yωy€ faith not I, Ar. 2 . in ques- tions, mostly to mark an inference or consequence, τι δητα; what then ? ttcHs δητα; apa δητα, etc. Trag. : — sometimes it expresses indignation, καϊ δήτ’ ότό\μα$ ; and so thou hast dared ? Soph. ; τούτα δήτ’ ονασχετά; Id. ; ironical, τφ σψ δικαΐψ δητ' ; your principle of justice forsooth. Id. 3. in prayers or wishes, άπόλοιο- δήτα now a murrain take thee ! Ar. ; σκόττξΐ δητα only look. Plat., etc. δηχθβίς, aor. i pass. part, of δάκρω. δήω, to find, meet with, in pres, with fut. sense, Horn.. vProb. akin to *δάω.) Δηώ, oos, contr. ovs, ή, = Δημήτηρ, Demeter, h. Horn.,. Soph., etc. : — Adj. Δηωος, o, ov, sacred to her, Anth. δηώσας, δηωθείς, aor. i act. and pass. part, of δηί'οω. Δί, poet, for Aii, dat. of Zeus : — Δία, acc. ΔΙΑ', poet, διαί. Prep, governing gen. and acc. — Radic. sense, through. A. With gen. : I. of Place or Space : 1. of motion in a line, through, right through, διά μβν άσ-πίδο5 ήλθβ eyxos II. ; δι i]epos αίθόρ Ίκαρ^ρ quite through the lower air even to the ether, Ib. ; διά πάντων βλθειν to go through all in succession, Xen. 2. of motion through a space, but not in a line, all through, over, διά πβδίοιο II. ; δι’ άστβον Od. 3. of Intervals of Space, διά δόκα 6 πάλ|€ων at every loth battlement, Thuc. ; διά πβ'ντε σταδίων at a distance of 5 stades, Hdt. II. of Time : 1. throughout, during, διά παvτδy του χρόρον Hdt. ; δι’ ημβρηΐ all day long. Id. ; διά iraPTos contin- tially, Aesch. ; δι’ ojfiyov for a short time, Thuc. 2, of the interval between two points of Time, διά χρόρον πολλοί» or διά ττολλον χρ. after a long time, Hdt. ; διά χρόρον after a time. Soph. ; χρόρο$ διά χρόρον time after time. Id. 3. of successive Intervals, διά τρίτης ημόρη$ every other day, Hdt. ; δι ipiavTOv every year, Xen. III. Causal, through, by, 1. of the Agent, δι’ άyyi\ωp by the mouth of messengers, Hdt. ; δι’ epμ 77 veωs λόγειν Xen. 2. of the Instrument or Means, διά χ^ιρωρ Soph. ; διά yeiphs ^χ^ιρ in hand. Id. 3. of the Manner or Way, παίω δι’ οργήν through passion, in passion. Soph.; διά στΓονδη5 in haste, hastily, Eur. IV. to express conditions or states, δι’ ησνχίη5 ilpai to be in a state quiet, to be tranquil, Hdt.; διά πολόμου Ιόραι tipI to be at war with one, Xen.; δι άπ€χθβία 5 βλβειν tipi to be hated by him, Aesch. ; δι οίκτον ^χ^ιρ τιρά to feel pity for one, Eur., etc. B. With acc. : I. of Place, in same sense as διά c. gen. : 1 . through, διά πτυχαs ήλθε xa\K0s II. 2. throughout, over, φκ€θρ δι’ aKpias Od. ; δι’ αιθέρα Soph. II. of Time, διά ρνκτα II. ; διά ύπνον sleep, Mosch. III. Causal: 1. of Persons, through, by aid of, by means of, ρικησαι διά Άθήνην Od. ; διά σε by thy fault or service. Soph. : through, by reason of, avThs δι’ αντόρ for his own sake. Plat. ; διά τήν όκ^ίρον μόλλησιρ Thuc. 2 . of things, Λvhich express the Cause, Reason, or Purpose, δι’ εμήν ιότητα because of my will, II. ; δι’ άχ^ηδόρα for the sake vexing, Thuc. ; διά τούτο, διά ταυτα therefore ; etc. C. Without case as Adv. throughout, Horn. D. In compos. : I. through, right through, as in διαβαίρω. II. in different directions, as in διαπεμπω : — of separation, as in Lat. dis-, as in διασκ€δάρρνμι : — at variance, as in διαψωρόω ; or of mutual relation, 07ie with another, as in διαγωνίζομαι, διάδω. III. of preeminence, as in διαπρόπω, δια- Sia — ^ιαγκνΧίζομαι. tp4pw. IV. completion, to the end, utterly, as in διαμάχομαι (cf. Lat. decertare). V. to add strength, throughly, out and out, as in ^ια'γαΚ'ηνίζω. VI. of mixture, between, partly, as in SiaXevKos. 8ΐα, η, fern, of Slos. II. Δία, acc. of Zeus. 8ια-βαδίξω, f. -ιονμαι, to go across, Thuc. 2. to 7oalk to and fro, Luc. δια-βάθρα, -η, [βαίνω) a ship'’s ladder, Luc. δια-βαίνω, f. -/8ήσο/χοι: aor. 2 -e^r 7 u: pi. -βββηκα: I. to 7nake a stride, walk or stand with the legs apart, eu διαβάε of a man planting himself firmly for fight- ing, II. II. c. acc. to step across, pass over a ditch or river, Ib. 2. absol. {θάΚασσαν or ποταμόν being omitted), to cross over, Lat. trajicere, e’s'^HAiSa Od. ; πλοίψ διαβηναι Hdt., etc. δια-βάλλω, f. -βαλώ : pf. -βόβληκα : — to throw over or across, to carry over or across, v0as Hdt. : hence, 2. seemingly intr., like Lat. trajicere, to pass over, cross, pass. Id.: also c. acc., δ. yeipvpas Eur. ; TreAayos 'I’huc. II. to set at variance, make a quarrel be- tween, 4μ€ καΐ 'Αγάθωνα Plat. : — Pass, to be at vari- ance with, Tivi Id. III. to traduce, slander, calumniate, Hdt., etc. ; διόβαλον του5^1ωνα5 ws . . tra- duced them saying that . . , Id. : — Pass., διαβά\\€σθαί Tivi to be filled with suspicion against another. Id. ; πρ05 Tiva Id. ; es riva Thuc. 2. c. acc. rei, to ynis- represent a thing, to state slanderously , Hdt., Dem. : to give hostile information, without insinuation of false- hood, Thuc. IV. to deceive by false accounts, impose upon, τινά Hdt. : — so in Med., Id. : — Pass., διαβ^βλη- σθαι ω$ .. to be slanderously told that . . , Plat. δια-βατΓτίζομαι, f. ίσομαι, Dep. to dive for a match : metaph. to contend in foul language with, rivi Dem. δια-βάς, aor. 2 part, of διαβαίνω. διά-βασ-ις, ews, η, {διαβαίνω) a crossing over, passage, δ. ποΐ€ΐσθαι Hdt. 2. a means ox place of crossing. Id. ; δ. ποταμού a ford, Thuc. : a bridge, Xen. 8ια-βάσ·κω, = διαβαίνω, to strut about, Ar. δια-βαστάζω, to-weigh in the hand, estimate, Plut. διαβατβος, a, ov, verb. Adj. of διαβαίνω, that can be crossed or passed through, Xen. διαβατήρια (^sc. tepct), τα, offerings before crossing the border, τα δ. προύχώρ^ι, τα δ. iycveTO they were favourable, Thuc., Xen. διαβατός, ή, όν, verb. Adj. of διαβαίνω, to be crossed or passed, fordable, Hdt., etc. ; νήσον δ. e’l ηπείρου easily got at from the main land. Id. δια-βββαιόομαι, Dep. to maintain strongly, Dem. δια-βημ£ναι, Ep. for διαβηναι, aor. 2 of διαβαίνω. διαβήτης, ου, δ, (διαβαίνω) the compass, so called from its outstretched legs, Lat. circinus, Ar. διαβιάζομαι, strengthd. for βιάζομαι, Eur. δια-βΐβάζω, f. Att. -βιβώ. Causal of διαβαίνω, to carry over or across, to transport, δ. τδν στρατόν κατά yc- , to steal at different times, Dem.; τό διακλαττόν the quantity stolen [by the soldiers] and dispersed, Thuc. II. to keep alive by stealth, τινά Hdt. III. to keep back by stealth, την αλή- θειαν Dem. δια-κληρόω, f. ώσω, to assign by lot, allot, Aesch. 2. to choose by lot, Xen. : — Med. to cast lots, Thuc., Xen. δια-κλίνω [r], f. -κλίνω, to turn away, retreat, Polyb. διάκλΐσις, ecus, η, a retreat, Plut. δια-κλυζω, f. ΰσω, to wash, wash out, Eur. δια-κναίω, f. σω, to scrape to nothing, oxpiv δ. to grind out his eye, Eur. : — Pass, to be shivered, Aesch. 2. to wear out, wear avoay, Eur. : — Pass, to be worn out, destroyed, Aesch., Eur.; τδ χρώμα διακ^κναισμόνοε having lost all one's colour, Ar. δια-κνίξω, f. σω, to pidl to pieces, Anth. δια-κολλάω, f. 1ί]σω, to glue together, Luc. διακομιδή, η, a carrying over, Tivhs cis τόπον Thuc. δια-κομίζω, f. Att. icu, to carry over or across, Hdt., Thuc. : — Med. to carry over what is one's ow7i, Hdt. ; — Pass, to be carried over, to pass over, cross, Thuc. διάκονεω. Ion. διηκ- : impf. 4διακόνουν, later διηκόνουν ; f. -7]σω : aor. i διηκόνησα : pf. δ^διηκόνηκα : — Pass., ^ίακόνημα — aor. I 4δίακον·()θτ}ν : pf. δ^Βίακόρημαι : (StaKovos) : — to minister, serve, do service, absoL, Eur. ; τινι to a person, Dem. ; δ. irpos τι to he serviceable towards. Plat. : — Med. to minister to one^s own needs. Soph. ·, αΰτφ ζιακορίΐσθαι Ar. 2. to he a deacon, N.T. II. c. acc. rei, to furnish, supply , Lat. ministrare, τί tipi Hdt. : — Pass, to he supplied, Dem. Hence διακόνημα, aTos, to, servants' business, service. Plat, διακονία, η, the office of a Sidnopos, service, Thuc., Plat. 2. attendance on a duty, ministration, Dem. ; η δ. 7] καθ-ημ^ριρ-ί] ministering to daily wants, N. T. ; ή δ. τον \0yov the ministry of the word, Ib. διdκovικόs, 7], 6p, serviceable, Ar., etc. ; Comp. -wTepos, Plat. From διάκονος [ό]. Ion. διήκονος, ό, a servant, waiting- man, Lat. minister, Hdt., etc. : a messenger, Aesch., Soph. : — as fern., Dem. II. a minister of the church, a deacon, N. T. : as fern, a deaconess, Ib. v^kin to diaKTopos : both perh. from διώκω.) δι-άκοντίζομαι, Med. to contend with others at throw- ing the javelin, Xen. διακοιτή, ·ή, a gash, cleft. Pint. ; from δια -κότΓτω, f. ψω, to cut in two, cut through, Thuc. 2. to break through the enemy’s line, t)]p τάξιρ Xen. : then, to break through the line. Id. διακορής, €5, = διάκορο5. Plat. δια-κορκορΰγεω, to rumble through, τηρ γαστέρα Ar. διά-κορος, OP, satiated, glutted, tipos with a thing·, Hdt. διακόοΊοι, Ion. διηκ-, at, a, (δίί, €κατορ) two hundred, Lat. ducenti : sing, with n. of multitude, ’Ittitos δια- κόσια two hundred horse, Thuc. δια-κοσμ^ω, f. ·ήσω, to divide and marshal, muster in array, II., Thuc. : — Pass,, είττερ es δεκάδαν διακοσμτ}· θίΐμ^ρ Αχαιοί (Ερ. for -€ίημ€Ρ, ι ρ1. aor. ι opt.) II. 2. generally, to regulate, set in order, Hdt,, etc. : Med,, μΐ^αρορ δΐίκοσμ·ί]σαρτο got it set in order, Od. Hence διακόσμησις,εωϊ,η,α setting in order, regulating,P\ai. διάκοσμος, δ, = διακόσμησΐ5, battle-order, Thuc. δι -άκο-υω, f. -ακούσομαι : ρί.-ακηκοα : — to hear through, hear out or to the end, τί Xen. : — to hear or learn from another, τί tipos Plat. II. c. gen. pers. to be a hearer of, Plut. δια-κράζω, f. to scream continually , Ar. II. δ. τιρί to match another at screaming. Id. δια-κράτ^ω, f. ήσω, to hold fast, hold one's own, Plut. δια-κρ^κω, f. to strike the strings of the lyre, Anth. δια-κρηνάω. Dor. -κράνάω, to make to flow, Theocr. δι-ακρϊβόω, f. ώσω, to examine or discuss minutely or with precision, τι Xen. : — Pass, to be brought to per- fection, Arist. Hence διακρίβωτεον, verb, Adj. one must discuss minutely, Plut. διακρΐδδν, Adv. (διακρίρω) eminently, above all, Lat. eximib, II., Hdt. δια-κρΐνέεσθαι, f. med. inf. (in pass, sense) of διακρίρω. δια-κρινθήμεναι, Ep.for-ijvat, aor. i pass.inf.of δίακρινο). δια • κρίνω [t], f. -κρΊρώ, to separate one from an- other, II, : to part combatants, and in Pass, to be parted, Horn. ; so in f. med. διακρΧρί^σθαι, Od. ; also, διακριθηραι άπ’ ολλήλων I'huc. ; διακρίρξσθαι πρ05 . . to part and join different parties. Id. 2. Pass. to be dissolved into elemental parts. Plat. II. to distinguish, Lat. discrrnere, τδ σήμα Od. ; ov- ^ίάλαμβάμω. 189 δενα διακρίρωρ making no distinction of persons, Hdt. : — Pass., δΐ€Κ€κριτο ονδβρ no distinction was made, Thuc. III. to settle, decide, of judges, Hdt., Theocr. : — Med,, pcXkos δ. to get it decided, Hes. : — Pass, to come to a decision, II. ; ττερί tipos Plat. : — to contend with one, tipi N. T. ; μάχρ διακριρθηραι TTpSs Tipa Hdt. IV. Pass, to doubt, hesitate, N. T. Δι-άκριοι, 01, (άκρα) the Mountaineers, one of the three Attic parties after Solon, Ar, διάκρΐσις, ecvs, (διακρίρω) separation, dissolution, Emped. II. a decision, judgment, διακριτεον or -ea, verb. Adj. of διακρίρω, one must decide, Thuc, διάκριτος, op, (διακρίρω) separated : choice, excellent, Theocr, διάκρουσις, εωϊ, η, a putting off , Dem. From δια-κρουω, f. σω, to prove by knocking or ringing, as one does an earthen vessel. Plat. II. in Med. to drive from oneself, get rid of, elude, τιρα or τι Hdt., Dem. : to evade his creditor by delays, of a debtor. Id. : absol. to practise evasicms. Id. : — Pass., δια- κρουσθηραι τη5 τιμωρία5 to escape from punishment. Id, διακτορία, the office of a διάκτορο5, service, Anth. διάκτορος, b, epith. of Hermes, the Messenger or Minister of Zeus, Horn. (Perh. akin to διάκοροε.) διάκτωρ, opos, δ, —ioreg., Anth. δια-κΰβευω, f. σω, to play at dice with, πρόε τιρα Plut. δια-κϋκάω, to mix one voith another , jmnble , Dem, δια-κϋμαίνω, to raise into waves, Luc. δια -κυτΓτω, f. ψω, to stoop and creep through a narrow place, Hdt. 2. to stoop so as to peep in, Ar., Xen. δια-κωδωνίζω, f. σω, strengthd. for κωδωρίζω, Dem. διακώλΰσις, €ω$, η, a hindering. Plat. ; and διακωλϋτε'ον, verb. Adj. one must hinder. Plat.; and διακωλϋτής, ου, δ, a hinderer, Hdt., Plat. From δια-κωλυω [ϋ], f. ΰσω, to hinder, prevent, τιρα μτ) 7Γ0ΐ€Ϊρ τι Hdt. ; or without μή, Eur., Plat. ; δ, τιρά Thuc. ; δ. φόρορ Soph. : — Pass., b. δι^κωλνθη (sc. ττοίεΓν) which he was prevented from doing, Dem. διακωμωδεω, f. ήσω, to satirise. Plat, διακωχή, v. sub διοκωχ·}]. δια-λαγχάνω, f. —λ'ί]ξομαι, to divide or part by lot, Hdt., Aesch., Xen. ; δώμα σιδ-ίιριρ δ. Eur. : — to tear in pieces. Id. δια-λακεω, f. ήσω, to crack asunder, burst, Ar, δια-λακτίζω, f, σω, to kick away, spurn, Theocr. δια-λάλεω, f. ήσω, to talk over a thing with another, τί TIPI Eur, : — Pass, to be much talked of, N. T. δια-λαμβάνω, f. -Χ'})φομαι : aor. 2 δΐ€λάβορ : pf. δι- ζίληφα: pf. pass. -€ίΧημμαι or -λελί^μμαι, Ion. -λε- λαμμαι : — to take or receive severally, i. e. each for himself, each his share, Xen,, etc. II, to grasp or lay hold of separately , διαλαβόρτ€5 ray xeTpas καΐ Toi/s 'π·όδα5 Hdt. : — generally, to seize, arrest, τιρα Id. 2. as a gymnastic term, to seize by the middle, Ar. : metaph. of the soul, δΐ€ΐλ7]μμ4ρη vwh του σωμα- το€ΐδοΰ5 Plat. III. to divide, τδρ ττοταμορ es τριηκοσίαί διώρυχα5 δ. Hdt. : — Pass., ττοταμδϊ διαλε- λαμμ4ρο5 ττενταχοΟ divided into five channels, Id.; θώρακ€5 δΐ€ΐ\7]μμ€Ρ0ΐ τδ βάρο5 breast-plates having their weight distributed, Xen. 2. to mark at intervals, Decret. ap. Dem. 3. to cut off, inter- 190 ^ίάλάμτΓω — cept, Thuc. 4, to mark off, distinguish : — Pass. χρώμ-ασι 5ΐ€ίλ7]μμίν7], marked with various colours, Plat. 5. to distinguish in thought, Id. : to state distinctly , ap. Dem. δια-λάμττω, f. ψω, to shine through, to dawn, Ar. δια-λανθάνω, f. -λ.τ,σω : aor. 2 SieXaOou : — to escape notice, 5ιαλαθών ^Ισίρχ^ταί Thuc. : c. acc. pers. to escape the notice of, Xen. δια-λαχ6Ϊν, aor. 2 inf. of δίαλαγχάνω. δι-αλγής, es, (αλγοϊ) Aesch. II. suffering great pain, Plut. δια-λ€·γω, f. ξω, to pick out one from another, to pick out, Hdt., Xen. B. Dep. δια-λ€'/ομαι: f. -λ^ξομαι and -λ^χθΊισομαι : aor. I δι-€λζξάμ'ην 3.ηάδί€λ4χθτ]}/: pf. δίβίλεγμαι : 3 sing, plqpf. δίβίλβκτο : — to converse with , hold converse with, Tivi II., etc. ; irpos riva Plat . ; 5. τί τινιοτ irpos τινα to discuss a question with another, Xen. ; δ. rivi μη iroieiv to argue with one against doing, Thuc. : — absol. to discourse, argue. Plat., Xen. II. to use a dialect or language, Hdt. διάλβιμμα, aros, τό, an interval. Plat. ; e/c διαλειμμάτων at intervals, Plut. From δια-λ€ί'ΤΓω, f. ψω : aor. 2 -ελίπον: — to leave an in- terval between : — Pass., διελελειπτο a gap had been left, Hdt. 2. of Time, διαλιττων ημερην having left an interval of a day, Hdt. ; άκαρη διαλιττών having waited an instant, Ar. ·, διαλιττων absol. after a time, Thuc. II. intr. to stand at intervals, δυο πλέθρα άπ’ αλλΊ]λων δ. Thuc. 2. c. part, to cease doing a thing, Xen. 3. of Time, διαλιπόντων ετών τριών after an interval of three years, Thuc. δια-λείχω, f. to lick clean, Ar. διαλ€κτ6ον, verb. .Adj. -of διαλέγομαι, one must dis- course, Plat. διαλβκτικός, ή, 6v, , διαλέγομαι) skilled in logical argu- ment, Plat. : — η διαλεκτικ'/} (sc. τέχνη) the art of discussion, dialectic. Id. : Adv. -κώ$, logically. Id. διάλεκτος, η, {διαλέγομαι) discourse : discussion, debate, arguing. Plat. II. language : the language of a country, dialect : a local word ox phrase, Plut. III. a way of speaking, enunciation, Dem. διάλεξις, ecus, η, {διαλέγομαι) discourse, arguing, Ar. δια-λειττολογεομαι, {λεπτο-λ6γο$) Dep. to discourse subtly, chop logic, τινι with one, Ar. διαλητΓτεον, verb. Adj. of διαλαμβάνω, one must dis- tinguish, Plat. διαλλάγή, η, {διαλλάσσω) interchange, exchange, Eur. II. a change from enmity to friendship, a reconciliation, trzice, Hdt., Ar. ; in pi., Eur. ; διαλ- λαγαϊ πρ05 τινα Dem. διάλλαγμα,ατοϊ,τό, a substitute, changeling ,Υ,χχχ and διαλλακτήρ, b, a mediator, Hdt., Aesch. ; and διαλλακτής, ον, δ, ~ διαλλακτήρ, Eur., Thuc. From δι-αλλάσσω, Att. -ττω : i. ξω : pf. δι-ηλλαχα : — Pass., f. δι-αλλαχθΊισομαι and -αλλαγησομαι : aor. i -ηλ- λάχθην and -ηλλάγην [ά] : pf. -ηλλαγμαι : I. Med. to change one with another, interchange, Hdt. : absol. to make an exchange, Xen. II. Act. to exchange, i. e., 1. to give in exchange, τί τινι Eur.; τι αντί tivos Plat. 2. to take in exchange. Id. ; δ. tV χά>ραν to change one land for another. ^ιαμαθύνω, i. e. to pass through a land, Xen. 3. simply, to change, tovs ναυάρχουε Id. III. to change enmity for friendship, to reconcile one to another, τινά τινι Thuc. ; τινα πρ05 τινα Ar. ; or c. acc. pi. only, Eur., etc. : absol. to make friends. Plat. : — Pass. to be reconciled, to be made friends, Aesch., etc. IV. intr., c. dat. pers. et acc. rei, to differ from one in a thing, διαλλάσσειν ούδεν τοΐσι ετεροισι Hdt. : absol., τδ διαλλάσσον the difference, Thuc. V. Pass, to be different, Lat. distare. Id. δι-άλλομαι, aor. i -ηλάμην, Dep. to leap across, τά· (ppov Xen. δια-λογίζομαι, f. Att. ιονμαι, Dep. to balance accounts, πρ05 τινα Dem. 2. to takefidl account of, to stop to consider. Id.: to distinguish between, Aeschxn. II. to converse, debate, argue, περί tivos Xen. Hence διαλογισμός, ό, a balancing of accounts, Dem. διάλογος, o, διαλέγομαι) a conversation, dialogue. Plat, δια-λοιδορε'ομαι, f. ησομαι, Dep. to rail furiously at, Tivi Hdt. ; διαλοιδορηθείε Dem. δια-λϋμαίνομαι, Dep. to maltreat shamefully , undo utterly, Hdt., Eur. 2. to cheat grossly, Ar. 3. to falsify, corrupt. Id. II. no Act. occurs, but pf. part. δ<αλελυμα(Τμενο$ is used in pass, sense, Hdt. ; aor. I διελυμάνθην Eur. διάλΰσις [ΰ], ecos, η, {διαλύω) a loosing one from another, separating, parting, τη$ if/vxrjs καΐ του σώ- ματο5 Plat ; δ. τον σώματοε its dissolution. Id. ; η δ. TTjs γεψνρα5 the breaking down the bridge, Thuc. : the disbanding of troops, Xen. ; η δ. ttjs άγοράε the time of its breaking up, Hdt. ; τ)ί\ν δ. εποίησαντο broke off the action, Thuc. ; δ. γάμου a divorce, Plut. II. an ending, cessation, κακών Eur. ; πολέμου Thuc. : absol. a cessation of hostilities, peace, Dem. διαλΰτε'ον, verb. Adj. one must dissolve, φιλίαν Arist. διαλυτής, οΰ, ό, a dissolver, breaker-up, Thuc. ; and διαλυτός, όν, capable of dissolution. Plat. Prom δια-λυω, f. -λύσω [ϋ] : pf. -λελνκα : Pass., aor. i -ελύ- θην [υ] : pf. -λελϋμαι : — to loose one from another, to part asunder, undo, Hdt. : to dissolve an assembly. Id., Thuc., etc. ; την σκηνην εΙ$ κοίτην δ. to break up the party and go to bed, Xen. ; δ. την στρατιάν to dis- band it, Thuc. : — Pass., of an assembly, to break up, Hdt., etc. : of a man, to die, Xen. 2. to dissolve into its elements, to break up^ Plat. 3. to put an end to friendship, break off a truce, Thuc., etc. : — so in Med., διαλύσασθαι ξεινίην Hdt. 4. to put an end to enmity, Thur and in Med., Dem., etc. b. c. acc. pers. to reco it, τινα πράε τινα Id.; ου γάρ ήυ ό διαλύσων Thuc. : — Pass, and Med., διαλύεσθαι νείκουε to be parted from quarrel, i. e. to be reconciled , Eur., Xen., etc. 5. generally, to put an end to, do away with, διαβολην Thuc. ; so in Med., Id., etc. 6. to solve a difficulty. Plat. 7. δ. τιμάε to pay the full value, discharge a debt, Hdt., etc. : c. acc. pers. to pay him off, Dem. II. absol. to slacken one’s hold, undo, Theocr. δι-αλφϊτόω, f. ώσω, {άλφιτον) to fill full of barley meal, Ar. διαλωβάομαι^ Dep. strengthd. for λωβάομαι, Plut. δι-άμάθυνω, aor. i -ημάθϋνα, to grind to powder, utterly destroy, Aesch. ^ιαμαΧαττοο δια-μαλάττω, f. strengthd. for μαΧάττω, Luc. Sia-^avTCuo^ai, Dep, to determine by an oracle, τι Plat, δι-αμαρτάνω, f. ~αμαρτΊ)σομαι : aor. 2 -’ημαρτον : — to go astray from, τη 5 όδοΰ Thuc. : to fail of obtaining, Tipos Id., Dem. 2 . absol. to fail utterly. Plat, δι-αμαρτία, η, a total mistake, Plut. ; δ. των 7]μ€ρων a wrong reckoning of the days, Thuc. δια-μαρτΰρεω, f. Ί\σω, as Att. law-term, to use a δια- μαρτυρία (q. v.), Dem. 2. c. inf. to affirm by a διαμαρτυρία that a thing is, c. acc. et inf.. Id. : Pass., τά διαμαρτυρηθ^ντα things so affirmed, Isocr. δια-μαρτΰρία, η, as Att. law-term, evidence given to prevent a case from coming to trial, Dem., etc. δια-μαρτΰρομαι [ϋ], Dep. to protest solemnly, Lat. obtestari, Dem.; δ. μή . . , c. inf.. Id.: — δ. τινι μη τΓοι^Ίν to protest against his doing, Aeschin. 2. generally, to protest, asseverate. Plat. 3. ahsol. to beg earnestly, conjure, Xen. δια -μάσσω, Att. -ττω, f. -ξω, to knead thoroughly , knead well, Ar. δια-μαστϊγόω, f. ωσω, to scourge severely. Plat. δια-μαστροτΓβυω, f. σω, to pander, δ. την η'γξμονίαν Ύαμοιε to bargain away the empire hy a marriage, Plut. διαμάχητεον or -ereov, verb. Adj. one must deny abso- lutely, Plat. From δια-μάχομαι [μά], f. -μαχ4σομαι, Dep. to fight ox strive with, struggle against, τινι or wpSs τινι Hdt., etc. ; irpos Ti Dem. ; δ. μτ) μ^τα-γνωναι ύμα5 I resist to the uttermost your change of opinion, Thuc. ; δ. τδ μτ? θαν^Ίν Eur. 2. to fight one with another. Id. 3. to fight it out, contend obstinately , Lat. depugnare, Ar. 4. to exert oneself greatly, ottojs ti Ύ^νηται Plat. 5. in argument, to contend or maintain that . . , δ. Tt μτ; etz/ai Thuc. ; or without μτ?, Plat, δι -αμάω, f. ήσω, to cut through, II., Eur. 2. to scrape away. Id. ; Med., διαμάσθαι τδν κάχληκα to get the gravel scraped away, Thuc. δια-μεθίημι, f.-μeθήσω, to let go, give tip, leave off, Eur. δι-αμείβω, f. ψω, to exchange, τι ixpos τι one thing with another. Plat. ; so in Med., διαμ^φ^σθαί τΐ tivos or αντί TIVOS, Solon, Plat. : — διαμβΓψαί 'Ασίαν ΕυρώτΓη5 to take Asia in exchange for Europe, i. e. to pass into Asia, Eur. 2. δ. οδ6ν to finish a journey, Aesch. ; so in Med., Id. 3. in Med., also, to alter, Hdt. δια-μ€ΐρακιευομαι, Dep. to strive hotly with, τινί Plut. διάμβιψις, ews, η, (διαμ^ίβω) an exchange, Plut. δια-μβλαίνω, f. ανω, to make quite black, Plut. δια-μελβϊστί, Adv. limb by lim\fimb-meal , Od. διαμελλησ·ΐ 5 , €ω$, η, a bein^ ·ΰ ^jke point to do, ττολλη δ. φυλακηΒ long postponement precautionary mea- sures, Thuc. From δια-μελλω, f. -μελλ-^σω, to be always goingAo do, i. e. to delay continually , Thuc. δια-μεμφομαι, f. -χ^ομαι, Dep. to blame greatly, Thuc. δια -μένω, f. -μενώ : pf. -μζμ4νηκα : — to remain by, stand by, τινί Xen. : — to persevere, 4v τινι Plat. ; ε’ττί τινι Xen. : — absol. to stand firm, Dem. : — c. part., δ. λεγωι/ to continue speaking. Id. δια-μερίζω, f. Att. ιω, to distribute. Plat. II. to divide : Med. to divide or part among themselves, N. T. Hence διαμερισμός, ό, division, dissension , X. T. — Siavetioj. I 91 δια-μετρε'ω, f. ησω, to measure through, out or off, χώρον δ. to measure lists for combat, II. : — Pass., ημ4ρα διαμ€μ€τρημ4νη measured by the clepsydra, Dem. 2. to measure out in portions, distribute, Xen., etc. Med. to have measured out to one, re- ceive as one's share, Orac. ap. Hdt., Xen. Hence διαμετρητός, ή, όν, measured out or off, II. διά-μετρον, τό, a measured allowance, rations, Plut. διάμετρος (^sc. γραμμή), η, the diameter or diagonal of a parallelogram. Plat. ; κατά διάμετρον diametrically , Id.; so, εκ διαμέτρου Luc. II. a rule for drawing the diameter, Ar. δια-μηχανάομαι, f. ήσομαι, Dep. to bring about, con- trive, Ar., Plat. δια-μΐκρολογεομαι, f. ί,σομαι, Dep. to deal meanly, Txpos Tiva Plut. δι-άμιλλάομαι, f. ήσομαι : aor. 1 -ημιλληθην : Dep.: — to contend hotly, strive earnestly, τινι or irpos τινα Plat. ; περί TIVOS Id. δια-μιμνήσκομαι, pf. -μ4μνημαι, Dep. to keep in memory, Xen. δια-μϊσ-εω, f, τ?σω, to hate bitterly, Arist., Plut. διαμιστυλλω,ηοι·. i -ζμιστϋΧα,Ιο cut up piecemeal, WAt. δια-μνημονευω, f. σω, to call to mind, remember , Hdt. ; c. gen.. Plat. ; c. acc., Xen., etc. 2. to record, mention, Thuc. : Pass., διαμνημον^ύ^ται 4χ€ΐν he is mentioned as having, Xen. δια-μοιράω, f. ησω, to divide, rend asunder, Eur. ; so in Med., Id. II. in Med., also, to portion out, dis- tribute, Od. διαμπάξ, Adv. strengthd. for διά, right through, through and through, c. gen., Aesch., Eur.; also c. acc., Xen. δι-αμττερες, (άμ-πείρω = άι/α-πείρω) Adv., 1. of Place, through and through, right throtigh, clean through, c. gen., II., Soph. :— c. acc., II., Aesch. II. absol. without break, continuously, Horn. 2. of Time, throughout, for ever, Id. ; δίαμπερεϊ αίεί for ever and aye, II. δια-μϋδάλε'ος, a, ov, drenching, Aesch. δια-μϋθολογε'ω, f. τ?σω, to communicate by word, to express in speech, Aesch. : to converse. Plat, δια-μυλλαίνω, f. ανω, to make mouths ^n scorn), Ar. δι-αμψίδιος [φΐ], ον, (άμφίε) zitterly different, Aesch. δι-αμφισβητε'ω, f. ησω, to dispute or disagree, wpos Tiva περί tivos Dem. : — Pass., τά αμφισβητούμενα the points at issue. Id. Hence διαμφισβήτησις, εω 5 , η, a disputing, dispute, Plut. δι-αναγιγνώσκω, f. -^νώσομαι, to read through, Isocr. δι-αναπατίομαι, Med. to rest awhile. Plat, δια-νάσσω, f. ξω, to stop chinks : to caulk ships, Strab. δια-ναυμάχε'ω, f. ήσω, to maintain a sea-fight, Hdt. δια-νάω, to flow through, percolate, Plut. δι-άνδΐχα, Adv. two ways, διάνδιχα μερμηρίζειν to halt between two opinions, II. ; διάνδιχα δώκε gave one of two things, Ib. ; δ. εα|α broke it in twain, Theocr. διάνεκής, is. Dor. and Att. for διηνεκή. διανε'μησις, εωs, η, {διανέμω ι a distribution, Plut. διανεμητε'ον, verb. Adj. of διανέμω, one must dis- tribute, Xen. διανεμητικός, ή, όν, {διανέμω) distributive. Plat, δι-άνεμόομαι, Pass, to flutter in the wind, Luc., Anth. διανε'μω, f. -νέμω: pf. -νενέμηκα: — to distribute, ap- 192 3 ιαν€θμαι - portion, ri rivL Ar., Plat. : — Med. divide among them- selves, Plat., Arist. : — Pass., aor. i inf. διαν^μηθηναι to he spread abroad, N. T. δια-νεομαι. Pass, to go through, Anth. δια -vcw, f. -ν^ύσομαι, to swim across, is 'ΧαλαμΙνα Hdt. II. c. acc. to swim through. Plat, δια-νηχομαι, f. ξομαι, Dep. = 5iaj/ea>, Plut. δι-ανθίζω, f. ίσω, to adorn with flowers, Luc. : — Pass. to be variegated, Plut. δι-ανί<Γταμαι, Pass, with aor. 2 and pf. act. to stand aloof from, depart from, rivos Thuc. δια-νο€ομαι, f, -νο-ησομαι : aor. i δι^νο-ηθην : pf. δια- ν^νόημαι : Dep. : foiw) : — to be minded, intend, pur- pose to do, c. inf., Hdt., etc. II. to think over or of, Lat. meditari, τι Id. : c. acc. et inf. to think or suppose that. Plat. III. with Adv. to he minded or disposed so and so, kuKcos, κακω$ δ. Id. Hence διανόημα, aros, τό, a thought, notion. Plat. ; and διανοητικός, ή, όν, of or for thinking, intellectual, Plat., Arist. ; and διάνοια, η, a thought, intention, ptirpose, Hdt., Att. ; διάνοιαν exeiv = διανο€'ισθαι, c. inf., Thuc. 2. a thought, notion, opinion, Lat. cogitatum, Hdt., Plat. II. intelligence, tinder standing. Id. III. the thought or meaning of a word or passage. Id. ; τρ διανοία as regards the sense, Dem. δι-ανοίγω, f. |a), to open. Plat. II. to open and explain, vas ypapas N. T. διανομ€υς, ews, o, {διανέμω a distributer, Plut. διανομή, η, (διανέμω) Aesch., Plat. δι-ανταΐος, a, ον, extending throughout, right through, διανταία TrKrjy-f) a \iome.-thrust, Aesch. j so, διανταίαν ούτάν Id. ; δ. β€λθ5 Id. ; οδύνα Eur. : — metaph., μοΐρα δ. destiny that strikes home, Aesch. δι-αντλβω, f. ήσω, to drain out, exhaust : metaph., like Lat. exhaurire, to drink even to the dregs, endure to the end, Eur. δια-νυκτ€ρ€ύω, f. σω, to pass the night, Xen. δι-ανυω, later -ανυτω [ΰ] : f. -ανΰσω [υ] : — to bring quite to an end, accomplish, finish, KcAevOov, οδόν h. Horn., etc. hence {οδόν omitted', διά πόντον άνύσσα5 having finished one's course over the sea, Hes. : — c. part, to finish doing a thing, Od., Eur. δια-ξΐψίζομαι, ( ^iχράομαι, Ibn. -χρεομαι : f. Ί]σομαι, Dor. 3 sing. -χρησζΐται : I. Dep., c. dat. rei, to use con- stantly or habitually, Hdt. ; άληθείτ? δ. to speak the truth. Id.; δ. aperi} to practise virtue. Id. b. like Lat. utor, of passive states, to meet with, suffer under, συμφορά, αύχμφ Id. 2. c. acc. pers. to use up, consume, destroy. Id., Thuc. II. Pass., pf. -κ€χρτ)μαι, to be lent out to different persons, Dem. διά-χρϋσο 5 , ον, hiterwoven with gold, Dem. διάχΰσις, εωϊ, (δίαχεω diffusion. Plat.; δ. λαμβά- ] veiv to he spread out, Plut. II. merriment. Id. | δια-χώννΰμι, = δίαχόω, Strab. δια-χωρεω, f. ήσω, to go through, pass through : im.pers., ; κάτω δίεχώρεί avTols they were suffering from diar- rhoea, Xen, 2. of coins, to be currerd, Luc. δια-χωρίζω, f. Att. ίώ, to separate, Xen. Hence διαχώρισμα, arros, to, a cleft, division, Luc. δια-ψαίρω, mostly in pres., to brush or blow away, Ar. δια-ψευδω, f. -φζΰσομαι, to deceive utterly, Dem. : — Pass. διαφ€νδομαι : pf. -^φ^υσμαι : aor. i -εφευσθτ?»' : — to be deceived, mistaken. Id. j δ. tivos to be cheated [ of, deceived in a person or thing, Xen., Dem. j ττερί τι i or Tivi Arist. δια-ψηφίζομαι, f. Att. ιονμαι, Dep. to vote in order | [ with ballots (φηφοι, calcidi), Thuc. II. to de- \ cide hy vote, Dem. Hence δια\|ηίφισΐ 5 , εωϊ, a voting by ballot, Xen. δια-φήχω, to cause to crumble away, Plut. δια-ψΐθΰρίζω, f. σω, to whisper among themselves, Luc. δια-ψυχω [ϋ], f. |ω, to cool, refresh : — to dry and clean, vavs Thuc. ; of misers bringing out their hoards, Xen. διάω, = διά-ημι. δί-βαμος, ον, {βήμα) ο?ι two legs, Eur. δι-βολία, η, a double-edged lance, halbert, Plut. From δί-βολος, ον, (pis, ^άλλω) two-pointed, Eur., Anth. δί-γληνος, ον, (γλήί/η) with two eye-halls, Theocr. δί-γλωσ·σο5, Att. -ττος, ον, (γλώσσα) speaking two la7iguages, Lat. hilinguis, Thuc, ΣΕ. as Subst., δίγλωσσοί, b, an interpreter, Plut. δί-γονο 5 , ον, (^ί-Ύνομαι) twice-born, of Bacchus, Anth. 2. twui : double, Eur. δίδαγμα, oroy, to, (διδάσκω) a lesson, Ar. δϊδακτεον, verb. Adj. of διδάσκω, one must teach. Plat, διδακτικός, ή, 6v, (διδάσκω) apt at teaching, X. T. διδακτός, 7}, 6v, (διδάσκω) : I. of things, taught, learnt. Soph. 2. that ca7i or ought to be taught or learnt, Pind., Soph,, etc. II. of persons, taught, histructed , tivos in a thing, N. T. δίδα|ις, εωί, η, (διδάσκω) teaching, i7istructio7i, Eur. διδάξω, f, of διδάσκω. δΐδασκάλεΐον, τό, (διδάσκaλos) a teaching-place, school, Thuc., Plat., etc. διδασκαλία, γ, (διδάσκaλos) teachhtg, instructio7i, edu- catio7t, Lat, disciplina, Xen., Plat,, etc. ; διδασκαλίαν τΓοίξΙσθαι or τταρεχείί/ to serve as a lesso7i to one, Thuc. II. the rehearshig of a dra77iatic chorus. Plat. : also, the drama itself, Plut. διδασκαλικός, ir\, ov, (διδάσκω) fit for teaching, capable of giving instructio7i, instructive. Plat., Xen. διδασκαλίαν, τό, (διδάσκaλos) a thhig taught, a science, art, lesson, Hdt., Xen. II. in pi. a teacher' s fee, Plut. διδάσκαλος, b and t], (διδάσκω) a teacher, master, h. Horn., Aesch., etc. : είί διδασκάλου (sc. οίκον) φοιτάν to go to school. Plat. ; διδασκάλων or εκ διδασκάλων άπαλλαγ^ναί to leave school. Id, j εν διδασκάλων at school. Id. II. a dra77iatic poet \\ 2 lS called διδάσ- KoXos because he taught the actors, Ar. δϊ-δάσκω, Ep. inf. -4μΐναι, -εμεν : f. διδάξω : aor. i εδίδαξα, poet, εδίδάσκησα : pf. δεδίδάχα : — Med., f. διδά- ξομαι : aor. i ^διδαξάμην : — Pass., f. διδαχθησομαι : aor. I έδιδάχθην : pf. δεδίδαγμοί : (redupl. form of δάω, in causal sense.) To teach (i. e. instruct) a person, or teach a thing, Horn., etc. : c. dupl. acc., σε . . iTToavvas ε’δί- δα|αν they taught thee riding, II. ; to teach one a thing, Horn., etc. ; also, δ. τινά ττερί tivos Ar. : — c, acc, pers. et inf. to teach one to be so and so, Od. ; c. inf. only, δίδαξε βάλλ€ΐν taught him how to shoot, II. ; — also with inf. omitted, διδάσκ€ΐν τινά ίπττε'α [sc. εΤναί] to traui one as a horseman. Plat. ; so, δ. τίνά σοφόν, κακόν Eur. : — Med. to teach oneself, learn. Soph. : but the usual sense of the Med. is to have another taught, of a father, to have his son taught. Plat., etc. : — Pass, to be taught, to learn, c. gen., διδaσκόμevos ττολόμοιο trained in war, II. ; also c. acc., Ib,, etc. ; c. inf., δεδίδαγμε'νοί είναι Hdt.; διδάσκεται λεγειν άκοΰσαί ff , όίοα-χτ] — Eur. II. SiSdiTKeiv is used of dramatic Poets, who originally taught the actors their parts, Hdt., Att. διδαχή, η, = δΙδαξιε, teaching, Hdt., Thuc., etc. δί-δημι, 3 pi. δώ^άσι : Ep. 3 sing. impf. δίδη : 3 pi. imper. διδ^ντων : — Ep. redupl. form of δίω ^as τίθημί of *θ€ω , to hind, fetter, Horn, διδοΐς, διδοΐ, or διδοΐσθα, Ion. 2 and 3 sing, of δίδωμι. δι-δράσκω, to run away : (redupl. from ΔΡΑ, whence the compds. αττο-δραναι, etc.} δί-δραχμος [t], ov, {δίε, δραχμ'ίι) worth two drachms : withpay of two drachms a day, Thuc. II. asSubst. δί-δραχμον, τό, a double-drachm or half -shekel , paid to the temple-treasury at Jerusalem, N. T. δϊδΰμ-άνωρ [ά], b, η, τό, {ανηρ) touching both the men, Aesch. διδΰμα-τόκος, ov. Dor. for διδυμητόκοε, {τίκτω) hearing twins, Theocr., Anth. δΐδΰμάων [ά], ovos, b, η, (δίδυμοε) only in dual nom. and pi. dat. twin-brothers, twins, II. δϊδΰμο-γβνής, is, (■γί-'/νομαι) twin-born, Eur. δίδυμος [t], 77, ov and os, ov, redupl. from δύο, double, twofold, twain, Horn., Att. ; δίδυμη dXs, i. e. the Pontus and Bosporus, Soph. II. twin. Id., Eur. : — as Subst., δίδυμοι twins, II., Hdt. ; also δίδυμα, τά. Id. δί-δωμι : 3 sing. impf. όδίδω, Ep. δίδω, 3 pi. 4 δίδο(Ταν : (but the more usual forms of the pres, and impf. are from *διδόω, viz. διδοΐε or διδοΐσθα, διδοΐ, διδοΰσι imper. διδου, Ep. δίδωμι ; inf. δίδουν, Ep. δίδουναί ; Dor. διδών : — impf. βδίδουν, Ep. 3 sing, δίδου, also ΐδιδον, δίδον; Ep. also δόσκον) : — f. δώσω, Ep. διδώσω : aor. i ίδωκα, Ep. δώκα : aor. 2 βδων, Ep. aor. 2 subj., 3 sing. δώρ, δώρσι, δφσι, i pi. δώομ^ν, 3 pi. δώωσι, inf. δόμ^ναι, δόμζν : pf. δζδωκα : plqpf. όδ^δώκΐΐν : — Pass., f . δοΘησο- μαι : aor. i 4 δόθην : pf. δεδομαί : 3 sing, plqpf. ^δεδοτο. (Redupl. from Root ΔΟ, Lat. do, dare.) Orig. sense, to give, ri rivi Horn., etc. ; in pres, and impf. to be ready to give, to offer. Id. 2 . of the gods, to grant, κυδοε, νίκην, and of evils, δ. &\y€a, &Tas, κΊιδ^α Id.; later, eu διδόναι τινί to provide well for . . , Soph., Eur. 3 . to offer to the gods, Horn., etc. 4 . with an inf. added, δώκβ τβυχεα β^ράττοντι ψορηναι gave him the arms to carry, II. ; διδοΓ πΐξΐν to drink, Hdt., etc. 5 . Prose phrases, δ. Sp/cov, opp. to λαμβάνίΐν, to tender an oath; δ. χάριν,=χαρί- ζβσθαι, as opyp χάριν δούε having indulged his anger. Soph. ; — Xoyov rivl δ. to give one leave to speak, Xen. ; but, δ. Xbyov €αυτφ to deliberate, Hdt. II. c. acc. pers, to give over, deliver up, Horn., etc. 2 . of parents, to give their daughter to wife. Id. 3 . in Att., διδόναι τινά τινι to grant any one to entreaties, pardon him, Xen. : — διδόναι τινί τι to forgive one a thing, remit its punishment, Eur., Dem. 4 . διδόναι (αυτόν τινι to give oneself up, Hdt., etc. 5 . δ. δίκην, V. δίκη IV. 3. III. in vows and prayers, c. acc. pers. et inf. to grant, allow, bring about that, Horn., Trag. IV. seemingly intr. to give oneself up, devote oneself, τινί Eur. δΪ€, voc. of δΐθ 5 . II. δί€, Ep. for (δκ, 3 sing. impf. of δίω. δι-€γΎυάω, f, ήσω : — of persons, in Act. to give bail for another, and in Med. to take hail for him, Isocr. : — Pass, to be bailed by any one, Thuc. Hence ^ιίΚαύνω, 1 99 διβγγΰησις, ews, η, a giving of bail , Dem. δι-εδεξα. Ion. for -όδζΐξα, aor. i of διαδείκνυμι. δι-€δραμον, aor. 2 of δατρόχω. δι-βεργω, Ep. for δι-eίpyω. δι-εζωσα, aor. i of δια-ζώννυρ.ι. δι-€θ6το, 3 sing. aor. 2 med. of δια-τίθημι. δι-6Ϊδον, inf. -ιδ€Ϊν, aor. 2 with no pres, in use, διοράω being used instead (cf. δια(ίδω) : — to see thoroughly , discern, Ar., Plat. ; διιδ(ΐν ττβρί tivos Id. II. pf. δίοιδα, inf. δκιδόναι to know the difference between, to distinguish, Eur., etc. : to decide. Soph, διειλημμενως, Adv. {διαλαμβάνω) distinctly , Xen. δι-είληψα, pf. of δια-λαμβάνω. δί-£ΐμι, serving as f. to διόρχομαι, impf. διρ^ιν, to go to and fro, roam about, Ar. ; of a report, to spread, Plut. 2 . c. acc. to go through, go through a thing, to narrate, describe, discuss. Plat. δι-€ΪτΓον, in Horn, also δία-εΓττον, serving as aor. 2 to διayop(ΰω, to say through, tell fully or distinctly , Horn., Soph. : to interpret a riddle. Id. 2. to speak one with another, converse, δια^ιττόμ^ν άλληλοι- σιν Od. (The f. is δι-(ρώ, aor. 1 pass. δι-€ρρηθην.) δι-είργω, Ep. and Ion. Si -έργω, Ep. also δι-εεργω, to keep asunder, separate, II., Hdt., Thuc. II. seemingly intr., to lie between, Xen. δι-είρηκα, serving as pf. to δι-(ρώ, δι-€Ϊπον. δι-είρομαι, aor. 2 inf. δι-€ρόσθαι, to question closely, Horn., Plat. δΐ-€ΐρυω. Ion. for δι-(ρύω, to draw across, τάε veas τδν Ισθμόν Hdt. δι-είρω, pf. δκΐρκα, to pass or draw through, Xen. δι-ειρωνό-ξενος, ov, dissembling with one^s guests, Ar. δι-είς, aor. 2 part, of δι-ιημι, δι-εκ, Prep, through and out of, c. gen., Horn, δι-εκδυομαι, aor. 2 δκξόδυν, to slip out through, c. acc,, Plut. Hence διεκδΰσ-ις, ecos, η, an evasion, Plut. δι-εκθεω, f. -θ^ύσομαι, to run through, Plut. δι-εκπαίω, f. σω, to break or hurst through, Luc. δι-εκττεραίνω, f. άνω, to go through with, Xen. δι-εκττεράω, f. ησω and άσω, to pass out through, pass quite through, c. acc,, Hdt. : — to cross over, Aesch. II. to pass by, overlook, Ar, δι-εκττλε'ω, f. -ττλευσομαί, aor. i -επλευσα. Ion. -ττλώω, aor. I -εττλωσα : — to sail out through, c, acc., Hdt. : absol. to sail out. Id. II. in naval tactics, to break the enemy^s line by sailing through it. Id,, Thuc. Hence διε'κττλοος, contr. διε'κττλους, b, a sailing across or through, passing across or through, Hdt. II. a breaking the enemy^s line In a sea-fight. Id., Thuc. δι-εκττλώω, Ion. for δι-εκττλεω. δι-εκροος, b, a passage for the stream to escape, Hdt. δι-εκψευγω, f. -ψ^ύξομαι, to escape completely , Plut. διεκχε'ω, strengthd. for 4 κχ 4 ω, Aretae. Cur. M. Ac. 2, 5. διελαοΓίς, (ωε, η, a driving through : a charge or exer- cise of cavalry, Xen. From δι-ελαθον, aor. 2 of δια-λανθάνω. δι-ελαΰνω, f. δκλάσω, Att. δκλώ : aor. i δι^λάσα : — to drive through or across, c. gen,, τάψροιο διηλασ^ν Ίτητουε 11. 2. to thrust through, λαπάρηε διηλασ^ν iyxos Ib. 3 . δ. τινά Xbyxp to thrust one through 200 8ί€λ€'γ'^ω - with a lance. Pint., Luc. II. intr. (sub. Ίππον) to ride through, charge through, Xen. δι-βλεγχω, f. |co, to refute utterly. Plat. δι-€λκω, f. -€λκνσω : aor. i -^λκύσα : — to draw asun- der, widen. Plat. II. to pull through a thing·, c. gen., Ar. III. to keep on drinking. Id. ΔΙΈΜΑΙ, Pass, (as if from an Act. δί·ημι=^Βίω), to flee, speed, π^ζίοιο over the plain, II. ; Sieadai to hasten away, Ib. II. to fear, c. inf., Aesch. δι -ep.evos, aor. 2 med. part, of διίημι. δι-εμτΓολάω, f. ήσω, to sell to different buyers, or sell in lots, Lat. divendere, Eur., Ar. : — metaph. to sell, betray, ηνά Soph. δι-βμψαίνω, f. -φανώ, to shew through, Luc. δι-εν€γκαι, Ion. -cveiKai, aor. i inf. of διαφέρω. δΐ6ν€κτ€ον, verb. Adj. of διαφέρω, one must excel, Luc. δι -€νιαυτίζω, f. σω, {iviavT6s) to live out the year, Hdt. δι-€ντ€ρ6υμα, aros, rd, {evrepov) a looking through en- trails, Comic word for sharp-sightedness, Ar. δι-€ξαισσω, Att. -άττω, f. |ω, to rush forth, Theocr. δι-ε'ξ ειμι, inf. -e^i4vaL, Ep. -ζξίμ^ναι : (elyut ibo) : — to go out through, pass through, II., Hdt. II. to go through in detail, recount in full, relate circum- stantially, Id., Plat., etc.; δ. π^ρί rivos to go through by way of examining, Eur. διε^βλασις, ews, ·η, = δΐ€λασΐ5, Plut. From δι-€|6λα·υνω, f. -eAacrco, Att. -€λώ, to drive, ride, march through, absol., Hdt. ; c. acc. loci, δ. ras ττυλα^ Id. δι-εξβλβγχω, f. |ω, to refute utterly, Luc. δι-εξελίσσω, Att. -ττω, f. ξω, to unroll, untie, Hdt. δι-εξ€ρ€ομαι, to learn by close questioning a person, Ύΐνά. τι II. δι-εξβρχομαι, f. -βλευσομαί, = δίβ^βίμι, to go through, pass through, rh χωρίον Hdt. 2. to go through, go completely through, πάντα3 φίλου5 Eur., etc. : c. part., δ. πωλ€ων to be done selling, Hdt. 3. to go through in succession, dia πάντων 5. των παώων, i. e. killing them one after another. Id. ; δίά πασών των ζημιών, i. e. trying one after another, Thuc. 4. to go through in detail, recount in full, Hdt., etc. II. intr. to be past, gone by, of time. Id. 2. to be gone through, related fully , Dem. δι-βξη-γεομαι, f. άισομαι, strengthd. for 4ξηγ4ομαι, Xen. δι-€ξίημι, aor. i -^ξηκα, to let passthrough, Hdt. II. intr. (sub. αυτόν), of a river, to empty itself, Thuc. διβξοδικός, T\, ov, detailed, Plut. From δι-€ξοδος, T\, a way out through, an outlet, passage, channel, Hdt.; 5ι4ξο5οι ό5ών passage-ways. Id. 2. a pathway, orbit, of the sun. Id., etc. 3. an issue, event. Id. II. a detailed narrative, de- scription, Plat. δι-εξΰψαίνω, f. άνω, to finish the web, Plut. δι-€ορτάζω, f. σω, to keep the feast throughout, Thuc. δι-€'7Γ€φραδον, Ep. redupl. aor. 2 of διαφράζω. δι-€τΓραθον, -€ΤΓραθόμην, aor. 2 act. and med. of διαπόρθω. δι-6ΤΓτατο, 3 sing. aor. 2 of διαπόταμαι. δι-€ΤΓω, f. φω, to manage an affair, order, arrange, II. ; δ. τα πρά]Ύματα Hdt. δι-€ργάζομαι, f. άσομαι, Dep. to make an end of, kill, destroy, Lat. conficere, Hdt., Soph. : — plqpf. in pass. - διευθύνω. sense, διόρΎαστο τα πράγματα, actum erat de rebus, Hdt. ; so in aor. i δι^ργασθύτ &v Eur. δΐ€ργω, Ion. for δΐζίργω. διερβίδομαι, f. —ζίσομαι, Med. to lean upon, τινι Eur. δι-βρεσσω, f. -epetroj : aor. i -ήρεσα, poet, -άιρ^σσα : — to row about, χ^ρσί δ. to swim, Od. 2. c. acc., δ. Tas xepas to swing them about, Eur. δι-ερευνάω, f. -ίησω, to search through, examine closely. Plat. : also in Med., Id. Hence διερευνητής, ov, δ, a scout or vidette, Xen. διερίζω, f. σω, to strive with one another : — Med. to contend with, τινί Plut. διερμηνευτής, ov, o, an interpreter, N.T. From δι-ερμηνε'ύω, f. σω, to interpret, expound, N.T. ΔΙΕΡΟ'Σ, ά, όν, fresh, active, nimble, of men, Od. ; δι^ρφ ποδί with nimble foot, Ib. II. after Horn. = liquidus, wet, liquid, Aesch.; of birds, which float through the air, Ar. ; δ. μελεα of the nightingale’s notes, Lat. liquidae voces. Id. ; δ. πώγων of one drowned in the sea, Anth. (^The sense of liquid is not in Horn. : his usage seems to connect it with δί-ω, to run, flee.) δι-ερττω, f. -ζρπΰσω [iJ], to creep or pass through, πνρ δ., of the ordeal of fire. Soph, δι-ερρωγα, pf. intr. of διαρράιγνυμι. δι-ερ'υκω [ϋ], to keep off, to hinder, Plut. δι-ερχομαι, f. διελευσομαι but δίειμι is Att. f., and δφειν impf.), aor. 2 διηλθον : Dep. : — to go through, pass through, absol. or c. gen., II., Soph. : — c. acc., also, II., Thuc., etc. 2. to pass through, complete, WdX., Plat., etc. 3. of reports, ^ά^ιs διηλθ' ’Αχαιούς Soph. ; absol., λόγοϊ δίήλθε went abroad, spread, Thuc., Xen. 4. of pain, to shoot through one. Soph. ; of passion. Id. ; εμέ διηλθό τι a thought shot through me, Eur. 5. to go through in detail, tell all through, Aesch., Thuc. II. intr. of Time, to pass, elapse, Hdt., Dem. ; so, σπονδίαν δι^λθουσών Thuc. ; but, δίελ- θών is βραχνν χρόνον having waited, Eur. δι-ερώ serving as f., διείρηκα as pf., of διαγορ^νω, cf. δΐ€Ϊπον : — to say fully, distinctly, expressly. Plat., Dem. : — Pass., aor. i δΐ€ρράιθην, pf. δι^ίρημαι. Plat, δι-ερωτάω, f. ήσω, to cross-question, τινα Plat. II. to ask constantly or continually , Dem. δίεσθαι, inf. of δίομαι. II. also of δι^μαι. δι-εσθίω, f. -όδομαι : aor. 2 διόφάγον : — to eat through, δ. t)]V μάιτραν, of young vipers, Hdt. δι-εσκεμμε'νως, Adv. of διασκοπόω, prudently , Xen. δι-εσττάρην [ά], aor. 2 pass, of διασπ^ίρω. διεσσΰτο, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 of διασ^ΰομαι. δι-έστειλα, aor. i of διαστόλΚω. δι-έστην, aor. 2 of διίστημι : — δι-εστώς, Ion. δι-εστεώϊ, pf. part. δι-έσχον, aor. 2 of διόχω. δι-ετής, is, or δι-ε'της, es, (ετοϊ) of or lasting two years, Hdt. : — διeτis, τό, Lat. biennium, 4πΙ δΐ€τ^5 ηβάν to be two years past puberty, Aeschin. δι-ετήσιος, ov, lasting through the year, perennis, Thuc. διετία, T], (fli€T7]s) a space of two years, N. T. δι-έτμαγεν, Ep. for δι^τμάγησαν, 3 ρΓ. aor. 2 pass, of διατμά]'/ω : ε'τμαγον, aor. 2 act. δι-ευθι^νω [ϋ], f. ννώ, to set right, amend, Luc. ^LevKpivew — ^ίκτχυρίζομαι. δι-€υκρΐνεω, f. ^(Τω, to separate accurately , arrange carefully, Xen. δϊ- 6 υλαβ€ 0 (χαι, aor. i -τ^υΚαβ^ιθηρ , Dep. to take good heed to, beware of, he on one's guard against, c. acc. or gen.. Plat. Hence δΐ6υλαβητ€ον, verb. Adj. one must take heed to. Plat, δι-ίυνάω, f. άσω, to lay asleef, rhv βίοτον Eur. δι-€υσχημον€ω, f. ’{]σω, to preserve decorum. Pint. δι-€ντΰχ6ω, f. ήσο), to continue prosperous, Dem. δι-€ψθάρατο, Ion. 3 pi. plqpf. pass, of Βιαφθ^ίρω. δι-€χω, f. δι-€ξω : aor. 2 Βιίσχον : I. trans. to keep apart or separate, Lat. distinere, Hdt., Pint. 2. to keep off. Id. II. intr. to go through, hold its way, of arrows and lances, II. : — to extend or reach, Hdt. 2. to stand apart, he separated or distant, Theogn., Thuc. ; Biexovres η^σαν they marched with spaces between man and man. Id. ; crraBiovs oos TrevT-fj- Koura diexei is about 50 stades wide, Xen. 3. of Time, to intervene. Soph. 4. to differ, Arist. δι-€\|/6υσμ€νως, Adv. altogether falsely, Strab. δίζημαι, Ep. 2 sing. Βίζηαί, part. διζ7}μξνοε : 3 sing, impf. 4δίζΎΐτο : f. διζτ]σομαι : Dep. : — to seek out, look for, ηνά II. II. to seek for, seek after a thing, Od. ; ieSpoKTip διζτ}μ€νο5 seeking to win her by gifts, Ib. ·, δ. rh μαντ’}]ϊον to seek out, seek the meaning of, Hdt. ; ayyeXovs δ. et . . to inquire of them whether . . , Id. : — c. inf. to seek, desire to do. Id. ; c. acc. et inf. to demand or require that. Id. (Prob. redupl. from the same Root as ζη-Τ€ω.) δί-ζυ|, Cvyos, 0 , 7], (ζιτγόρ) double-yoked, ’ίττττοι II. : double, Anth. δίζω, Ep. impf. δΊζον, to he in doubt, at a loss, II., Orac. ap. Hdt. (Prob. from the same Root as Bis ; — but) II. Med. δίζομαι, = δίζημαι, Theocr., Bion. δί-ζωος, ον, {ζω’ί]) with two lives, Sisyphus, who re- turned from Hades, Anth. δι-ήγαγον, aor. 2 of διάyω. δι-ηγεομαι, f. Ί]σομαι, Dep. to set out in detail, de- scribe in full, Thuc., etc. Hence διήγησις, ecos, η, narrative, statement. Plat, δι-ηθεω, f. ήσω, to strain through, filter , 'Lzk. percolare. Plat. 2, to wash out, cleanse, piirge, Hdt. II. intr., of the liquid, to percolate. Id. διηκονεω, διήκονος. Ion. for Βιάκ-, δι-ηκόοΊΟΐ, Ion. for δι-άκ-. δι-ήκω, f. ξο), to extend or reach from one place to another, Hdt., Thuc. II. c. acc. to go through, pervade, Aesch., Soph. 2. to pass over, Aesch. δι-ήλασα, aor. i of δι^λαύνω. δι-ήλθον, aor. 2 of διέρχομαι. δι-ημερευω, f. σω, to stay through the day, pass the day. Plat., Xen. δι-ήνεγκα, Ion. -ήνεικα, aor. i of διαφέρω. δι-ηνεκής, Att. also δι-άνεκής, es, (Bi-ijveyKd) : — contin- uous, unbroken, Lat. continuus, Od. ; νώτοισι Βιην^- κί^σσι with slices cut the whole length of the chine, II. : — Adv. δΐ7]ν^κ€ω$, contimiously , from beginning to end, Lat. uno tenore, Od. : also distinctly, posi- tively, Ib., Hes. δι-ήνεμος, ον, {&ν€μο$) blown through, wind-swept. Soph. δι-ήνοιξα, aor. i of διavoiyω. 201 δι-ή|α, contr. aor. i of διά'ΐσσω. δι-ηττειρόω, f. ώσω, to make dry land of, Anth. δί-ήρεσ-α, aor. i of StepeVcrco. δι-ηρημαι, pf. pass, of διαιράω. δι-ήρης, es, {*&ρω) double, μβλάθρων Birjpes an upper story, upper room, Eur. δίηται, 3 sing. subj. med. of δίω. δι-ήφΰσα, aor. i of διαφόσσω. δι-ηχεω, f. ·ί]σω, to transmit the sound of, ri Plut. δι-θάλασ-σος, Att. -ttos, ov, {θάλασοΌ.) between two seas, where two seas meet, N. T. δί-θηκτος, ov, two-edged, ξίφθ5 Aesch. δί-θρ ovos, ov, two-throned, 'Αχαιών 5. nparos the two- throned might of the Achaeans, i. e. the brother-kings, Aesch. Δΐθΰραμβο-γενής, 6 , {yί-yvoμaι) Bacchus-horn, Anth. δϊθΰραμβο-δΐδάακαλος, b, the dithyramhic poet who taught his own chorus, Ar. δϊθυραμβθ9 [u], b, the dithyramb ; a kind of lyric poetry, Hdt., Ar., etc. : its proper subject was the birth of Bacchus, Plat. (Deriv. uncertain.) δί-θΰρος, ov, {θνρα) with two doors, Plut. : with two leaves, of tablets, Luc. δί-θυρσον, rb, fivpffos) a double thyrsus, Anth. Διΐ [w»-»], Δί, dat. of Zeus, δι-ιδεΐν, inf. of BieiBov. δι-ιημι, f. -7]σω, aor. i -ηκα, to drive or thrust through a thing, c. gen., Od., Eur. ; also c. dupl. acc., λογχτ?»' δ. στέρνα Id. 2. to let people go through a country , give them a passage through, Xen., Dem. : — c. gen., ξυμφορώΒ τον σου διηκα5 στόματο5 didst let them pass through thy mouth, gavest utterance to them. Soph. II. to send apart, to dismiss, disband, Xen. 2. to dissolve : in Med., δΐ€μ(νο 5 o|ei having diluted it with vinegar, Ar. δι-ιθΰνω [ΰ], to direct by steering, Anth. δι-ικνεομαι, f. -ίξομαι, aor. 2 ^ικόμην : Dep. : — to go through, penetrate, Plut. : — to reach, with missiles, Thuc. 2. in speaking, to go through, recount, II. Δίΐος, ov, (Ais = Zeus) of Zeus, Plat. Δΐΐ-ττετής, es, (πί-τττω) fallen from Zeus, i. e. from heaven, of strczms,fed or swollen by rain, Horn. 2. generally, divine, bright, pure, Eur. Διΐ-ττετής, es, {ττίτομαι) hovering in air, h. Horn, δι-ϊστε'ον, verb. Adj. of BioiBa, one must learn, Eur. δι-'ίστημι, f. -στ7]σω, to set apart, to place separately , separate, Thuc., Dem. 2. to set one at variance with another, τινά, tlvos Ar., Thuc. ; δ. την ’Ελλάδα to divide it into fractions, Hdt. II. Med. and Pass., with aor. 2, pf., and plqpf. act., to stand apart, to be divided, II. ; Θάλασσα διίστατο the sea way, opened, Ib.j· τά δίeστeώτα chasms, Hdt. 2. of persons, to stand apart, be at variance, II., Thuc. ; δι4στη e’s ξυμμαχίαν 4κατ4ρων sided with one or the other party. Id. : — simply to differ, be different, Xen. 3. to part after fighting, Hdt. 4. to stand at certain distances or intervals. Id. ; of soldiers, δ. κατά διακοσίουε Thuc. III. aor. i med. is trans. to separate. Plat., Theocr. δι-ισχϋρίζομαι, f. Att. -ιονμαι, Dep. to lean upon, rely on, Tivi Aeschin. II. to affirm confidently , τι Plat. ; δ. τι eXvai Id. 202 SiiTeol· — δι-ιτ€ον, A’erbal of ΒΙβιμι, one must go through, Plat. Διϊ-τρβφής, es, later form of Aiorp^cp^s, Ar. δικάζω, f. σω, Ion. δίκώ : aor. i €δίκασα Ep. δίκασα, δί- κασσα : — Pass., f. δικασθ-ησομαι and δ^δικάσομαι : aor. I 4δίκάσθην : pf. δ^δίκασμαι : (δίκ-η) : I. to judge, to give judgment on a thing·, or determine a point, II., etc. 2. c. acc. cogn., δί /cas δ., to adjudge a penalty, Hdt. ; δ. φυγήν τινι to decree it as his punishment, Aesch. ; δ. φόνον ματρόε to ordain her slaughter, Eur. ; δ. του 4yKX-i]gaTos [sc. δίκην^ Xen. : — Pass, to he decided, Thuc. 3. to pass judgment on, condemn, 4. φόνον δ. to plead in a case of murder, Eur. 5. c. dat. pers. to decide between persons, judge their cause, Τρωσί re καΐ Aava- οΐσι δικαζότω II. ; es μίσον αμφοτόροισι δ^κάσσaτe Ib. : — Pass, to he judged or accused, Xen. 6. absol. to be judge, give judgment, II. : — to sit as judges or jurymen, Dem. II. Med. of the culprit, to plead one’s own case, defend one’s right, have one’s case tried, go to law, Od., etc. : — δίκ-ρν δίκάζ€σθαί rivi to go to law with one, Plat. ; πρόε riva Thuc. ; rivos or Trepi rivos for a thing, Dem. δΐκαιεΰν, Ion. for δικαιονν, inf. of δικαιόω : — δικαΐ€ΰσ’ΐ, 3 Ρΐ· ^ ^ ^ δΐκαιο-κρΐσία, η, (κρίσιε) righteous judgment, N.T. δΐκαιο-λογεομαι, f. --ησομαι : aor. i όδικαιοΚογησάμτην or ^δικαιοΚογηθ’ην : (\ 070 s) : Dep. : — to plead one’s cause before the judge, Aeschin. 11. in Act., ol δικaιoKoyoυvres advocates, Luc. δϊκαιό-ΤΓολις, ecus, b, -η, strict in public faith, Pind. δϊκαιο-ττρδ,γβω, f. ήσω, to act honestly, Arist. Hence δϊκαιοττράγημα, aros,r0,a just or honest act, Krist.; and δΐκαιοττράγία, just or honest dealing, Arist. δίκαιος [t], a, ov, and os, ov : (δίκη) : A. in Horn, and early writers, I. of persons, observant of custom and social rule, well-ordered, civilised, Od. ; so, δίκαίη ζόη a regular way of living, Hdt. : — Adv., δικαίω5 μνασθαι to woo iit due form, decently, Od. 2. observant of right, righteous, Horn., etc. : — so of actions, in accordance with right, righteous. Id. B. later usage : I. of things, even, well- balanced, αρμα δίκαιον Xen.: — regular, exact, rigid, opyvial δίκαιαι Hdt. ; νφ δικαιονάηρ των λόγων to speak quite exactly. Id. ; πάντα δικαίωε ν^ν-ηρηναι Dem. 2. right, lawful, just, rh δίκαιον right, opp. to τδ άδικον, Hdt., etc. ; also, a right, a law- ful claim, Thuc., etc.: — Adv. -ws, rightly, justly, Hdt., etc. II. of persons, as well as things, like Lat. justus, meet, right, fitting, Aesch. ·, ίππον δ. 7Γ0ΐ€Ϊσθαί τινι to make a horse fit for another’s use, Xen. 2. real, genuine, true, Dem., σιryypaφevs Luc. : — Adv. -ω5, really and truly ,^ofa. 2. fair, moderate, like gerpios, Thuc. : — δικαίω5 with reason. Soph., Thuc. C. in Prose, δίκαιό? ^ιμι with inf., δίκαιοί iare Uvai you are hound to come, Hdt. ; δ. ΐίμι κολάζ€ΐν I have a right to punish, Ar. ; δίκαιοί eiVt άπιστότατοι elvai they have reason to be most distrustful, Thuc. j δ. 4στιν άπολωλόναι dignus est qui pereat, Dem. : — we should say δίκαιόν 4στι, which also occurs. δικαιοσύνη, η, righteousness, justice, Theogn., Hdt., etc. ; and - ΔΙ'ΚΗ. δϊκαιότης, ητο?, -η, = δικαιοσύνη, Xen., Plat., etc. δικαιόω. Ion. impf. δικαιονν : f. ώτω and ώσομαι : aor. 1 όδικαίωσα: — Pass., aor. i όδικαιώβην : (δίκαιο?) : I. to set right : Pass., δικαιω^βί? proved, tested, Aesch. II. to hold or deem right, think fit, demand, c. inf., Hdt., etc. ; inf. omitted, as ουτω δικαιουν (sc. yeveaOai) Id. — to consent, δουλ€υ€ΐν Id. ; ού δ. to refuse, Thuc. : — c. acc. pers. et inf. to desire one to do, Hdt. III. to do a man right or justice, to judge, i. e., 1. to condemn, Thuc. : to chastise, punish, Hdt. 2. to deem righteous, jus- tify, N. T. Hence δικαίωμα, ατο?, τό, an act by which wrong is set right : — a judgment, punishment, penalty. Plat. 2. a plea of right, Thuc. : justification, N. T. : and 3. an ordinance, decree, Ib. δΐκαίωσις, βω?, η, a setting right, doing justice to : punishment, Thuc. 2. a deeming righteous, jus- tification, N. T. II. a demand of right or as of right, a just claim, Thuc. HI. judgment of what is right. Id. δϊκαιωτ-ηριον, τό, (δικαιόω) a house of correction. Plat, δϊκάνικός, ή, όν, I. of persons, skilled in law, versed in pleading, lawyer-like. Plat., Xen., etc. II. of things, belonging to trials, judicial, Ar., Plat., etc. : like a lawyer’s speech, tedious. Id. δΐ-κάρηνος, ov, two-headed, (δί?, κάρηνον) Batr., Anth. δϊκασ-ττόλος, 6, (πολβω) one who administers law, a judge, Horn. » δϊκαστ·ηρ, ηρο?, ό, = δικαστή?, Babr. δϊκαστηρίδιον [ρϊ], τό. Dim. of δικαστηριον, Ar. δϊκαστήριον, τό, (δικάζω) a court of justice, Hdt., Ar., etc. : — ύπδ δ. άγβιν, όπάγβιν τινά Hdt. ; ei? δ. άγβιν Plat. 2. the court, i. e. the judges, Ar., Dem. δικαστής, ου, b, (δικάζω) a judge, Hdt., Aesch., etc. 2. at Athens, the δικασταί, like the Roman judices, were more like our jurymen (the presiding judge being b κριτη$). Soph., etc. II. δ. αϊματο5 an avenger, Eur. Hence δικαστικός, ή, όν, of or for law or trials, practised in them, Xen. II. as Subst., τδ δ. the juror’s fee, at first one obol, then three obols, Ar. δικάστρια, ή, (δικαστή?) a she-judge, Luc. ΔΓΚΕΓΝ, inf. of άδικον, aor. 2 , with no pres, in use, to throw, cast, Aesch., Eur. 2. to strike, Pind., Eur. δί-κβλλα [Γ], η?, ή, (δί?, κβλλω) a mattock, a two- pronged hoe. Soph., Eur. Hence δϊκβλλίτης [λϊ], ου, b, a digger, Luc. δΐ-κ€ραιος, ov, (κόρα?) two-horned, two-pointed, Anth. δί-κ€ρως, ωτο?, b, η, (κόρα?) two-horned, h. Horn. ΔΓΚΗ [i], ή, custom, usage, αυτή δίκη όστί βροτών this is the custom of mortals, Od. ; ή yap δίκη 4στι γερόν- των Ib. : — acc. δίκην as Adv., after the manner of, c. gen., δίκην υδατο? Aesch., Plat. II. right as de- pendent on custom, law, right, Horn., etc. 2. δίκη όστι, like δίκαιόν 4στι, Aesch. : — δίκη dxdy, rightly, II., Trag. ; κατά δίκην Hdt.; μετά δίκη? Plat. ; πρδ? δίκη? Soph. III. a judgment, δίκην είπεΓν to give judgment, \\.\ p\. righteous judgments. Worn. IV. after Horn., a lawsuit, properly, a private suit or action, opp. to γραφή (a public suit or indictment). Plat., etc. 2. the trial of the case, πρδ δίκη? 3ίΚη<ρ6ρος Thuc. 3. the penalty aiaarded by the judge, SIktjv Tipeiv, eKTiveiv Hdt., Soph. ; δίκην or δίκαί διδόναί to mahe amends, suffer punishment, Lat. poenas dare, Hdt., Att. ; δίκas δούναι, also, to submit to trial, Thuc.: — St/cas' Χαμβάν€ΐν is sometimes = 5. δί- δόναι, Lat. dare poenas, Hdt., Dem. j but also like Lat. sumere poenas, to inflict punishment , take ven- geance, λαββΐν δίκην παρά tivos Id. : — also, δίκα5 or δίκην ύπ€χ€ΐν to stand trial, Hdt., Soph.; δίκην παρ^χαν Eur. : — δίκην oορθευω, f. σω, to judge rightly, Eur. δι-ορθόω, f. ώσω, to make quite straight, set right, amend, δ. ίριν to make up a quarrel, Eur. : — Med. to amend for oneself, διορθούσθαι Trept tivos to take full security for . . , Dem. Hence %\.όp%ωy.a.,τό,amaking straight, amendment,V\vA..', and διόρθωσις, ews, η, a making straight, restoration, re- form, Arist. ; and διορθωτής, ov, b, a corrector, reformer, Plut. δι-ορίζω. Ion. δι-ουρίζω, f. Att. -οριώ, to draw a boundary through, divide by limits, separate, Hdt., Plat. 2. to distinguish, determine, define, Hdt,, Aesch., etc. 3. to determine, declare, So-ph.·, c. inf.^o determine one to be so and so, Dem. ; with inf. omitted, μικρόν Kol μ4yav διόρισαν με Soph. : — Med., with pf. pass, in med. sense, Dem. 4. absol. to draw dis- tinction, lay down definitions. Id. : — so in Med., Ar., etc. II. to remove across the frontier, to banish, Eur., Plat. : generally, to carry abroad, Eur. ; δ. ττόδα to depart. Id. Hence διόρισις, εωί, η, and διορισμός, b, distinction. Plat, διόρυγμα, aTos, to, a through-cut, canal, Thuc. From δι-ορυσσω, Att. -ττω, f. |ω, to dig through or across, τάφρον'Οά. ; τοίχον δ. = τοιχωρυχ4ω, Hdt., Ar. δι-ορχεομαι, f. τισομαι, Dep. to dance a match with one, Tevi Ar. δϊος, δΓα, δίον (fern, δios and δία in Eur.), contr. for δίϊοϊ : (Aios, gen, of Ais) : — god-like, divine, II. ; δΓα yvvaiKitiV noblest of women, Od. : — also worthy, trusty, the swineherd, Ib. ; of whole nations or cities, Horn. ; of a noble horse, II. 2. of things, like θεΓο5, θεσττε- σιο$, Up6s, divine, wondrous, Horn. II. in literal sense, p/· or /zom Aesch. Διός [t], gen. of Ζευϊ, from *Aty. Διόσ-δοτος, ov, (δί-δωμι) given by Zeus, Aesch. Διο-σημία, ή, {σήμα) a sign from Zeus, an omen from the sky, of a sudden storm, Ar. Διοσκόρειον, τό, the temple of the Dioscuri, Ύ\ι\χζ. From Διόσ-κοροι, Ion. -κούροι, oi, the sons of Zeus and Leda, Castor and Pollux, h. Horn. II. the con- 205 SlOTL — stellation named from them, the Twins, Lat. Gemini, Luc. 8i -ότι, Conjunct, for δίά τούτο oTi,for the reason that, since, Hdt., etc. 2. indirect, wherefore, for what reason, μανθάν^ιν Sion Id. II. = οτί, that. Id., Dem. Διο-τρ€φή5, es, (τρ€φω) cherished by Zeus, of kings and nobles, Horn, διουρίζω. Ion. for διορίζω. δι-οχετευομαι, Pass, to be watered by canals {οχετοί), Strab. δι-οχλόω, f. ήίτω, to trouble or annoy exceedingly, Dem. δι-όψορ,αι, f. of διοράω. δί -τταις, iraiSos, δ, η, with two children, Aesch. 2. δ. epijvos a dirge chanted by one’s two children. Id. δι-ττάλαιστος, ον, (παλαιστή) two palms broad, Xen. δί-ιταλτος, ον, (πάλλω) brandished with both hands, two-handed, Eur. : — δίπαλτοε &v μ€ φον^ύοι would kill me each with two spears. Soph. δί-'π·ηχυ5, u, two cubits long, broad, etc., Hdt., etc. διπλάδιος [ά], ον, double, poet, for διπλάσΐ05, Anth. Βητ\άζω, = διπλασιάζω, to double, Eur. II. intr., τδ δίπλαζον κακόν the twofold evil. Soph, δί-πλαξ, aKos, 0, η, twofold, double, in double folds, II. II. as Subst., δίπλαξ, η, a double-folded mantle, Horn. 2. in pi. ship-planks (doubled one over the one below), Aesch. διπλασιάζω, f. άσω, to double, Xen. ; and διπλάσιόομαι. Pass, to become twofold, Thuc. From δι-πλάσιος [o], a, ov. Ion. δι-πλησιος, η, ον, (Sis), twofold, double, twice as much as, twice as many as, as long as, etc., Hdt., etc. ; as Comp. foil, by η . . , Id.; or c. gen. twice the size of. Id. 2. as Subst., διπλάσιον, τό, as much again, Lat. duplum, Id. 3. διπλάσιάν (sc. ζημίαν), a.p. Oem. 4. Adv. -ωε, doubly, Thuc., Aeschin. (The deriv. of -πλάσιθ3 is uncertain.) δί-πλ€θρος, ov, two πλόθρα long or broad, Luc. διπλή, Adv. twice, twice over. Soph., Eur. διπλήσΐ05. Ion. for διπλάσιθ5. διπλοίζω, = δίπλασίά^ω, Aesch. ; and διπλοΐξ, iSos, 7], a double cloak, like δίπλαξ, Anth. From δι-πλόος, 17 , ov, contr. δι-πλοΰς, η, ovv : (δίε, cf. απλόοε) : — twofold, double, Lat. duplex, of a cloak, Horn. ; δθι διπλόοε ^vrero θώρηξ where the cuirass met [the buckle] so as to be double, II. : — παισον διπλήν (sc. πλ^Ύ^ιν), Soph.; διπλή άκανθα spine bent double by age, Eur.; διπλή χ^ρί by mutual slaughter. Soph. II. in pi., = δύο, Aesch., Soph. III. double-minded, treacherous. Plat., Xen. διπλός, ? 7 , όν, poet, for διπλόοε, Anth., N. T. διπλόω, f. ώσω, (^ιπλόοε) to double, Xen. : — Pass., of a sword, to be bent double, Plut. II. to repay twofold, N. T. Hence δίπλωμα, ατο$, τό, a doubled or folded paper, a letter of recommendation, diploma, Cic., Plut.; and δίπλωσις, ecos, η, a compounding of words, Arist. δι-πόδης, es, (πόνε) two feet long, broad, etc., Xen. Δΐ-πόλεια or Δι-πόλια, τά, contr. from Δΰ'-π-, (*Ais^> an ancient festival of Zeus at Athens, Ar. Hence Δΐπολι-ώδης, es, (elSos) like the Αιπόλια, i. e. obsolete, out of date, Ar. δί-πορος, ov, with two roads or openings, Eur. ■ 8ιφάω. δϊ-πότάμος, ον, between two rivers, Eur. δί -πους, ποδοε, ό, η, two-footed, Lat. bipes, Aesch., Plat., etc. 2. δίπουε, ό, the jerboa, which springs from its two hind feet , like the kangaroo, Hdt. II. two feet long, Lat. bipedalis. Plat, δί-πτΰχος, ov, (πτυχή) double-folded, doubled, Od. ; δ. δ€λτίον a pair of tablets, Hdt. : — neut. pi. as Adv., δίπτυχα ποΐ7]σαντ^ε \τ)]ν κνίσαν), having doubled the fat, i. e. putting one layer of fat under the thighs (μηροί) and another over them, II. II. twofold, Lat. geminus, Eur. : and in ρΐ.^δίσσοί, two. Id. δί-πΰλος, ov, (πύλη) double-gated, with two entrances. Soph. II. δίπυλον, τό, a gate at Athens, Plut. δί-πύρος, ov, (πυρ) with double flame, Ar. δίρ-ρΰμος, ov, with two poles, i. e. three horses, Aesch. δ is (for δϋ'ΐε, from δύο), Adv. twice, doubly, Lat. bis, Od., Hdt., Att. -8is, inseparable Suffix, signifying motion to a place, like -Se, as in άλλυδιε, οίκαδιε, χαμάδιε. *Δίς, an old nom. for Zebs, which appears in the oblique cases Αιόε, Alt, Aia, and Lat. Bis, Dies-piter, Djovis. δίσ-άβος [i], ov. Dor. for δίσηβοε, twice young, Anth. δίσ-€υνος, ov, {ebvr}^ with two wives, Anth. δισ-θάνής, es, flaveiv, θνήσκω) twice dead, Od. δισκβύω, f. σω, — δισκόω : Pass, to be pitched, Eur, δισκόω, f. TjoO), to pitch the quoit (δίσκοε), play at quoits, Od, ; — Pass, to be pitched, Anth. Hence δίσκημα, ατοε, τό, a thing thrown, Eur. δί-σκηπτρος, ov, [σκηπτρον) two-sceptred, Aesch, δισκο-βόλος, o, (βάλλω) the quoit-thrower , a famous statue by Myron, Luc. δίσκος, δ, [δικ€Ίν) a sort of quoit, made of stone, Od. II. anything quoit-shaped, a trencher, Anth. : — a mirror. Id. δίσκ-ουρα, τά, (ούροε) a quoit’s cast, as a measure of distance, II. δισκο-ψόρος, ov, (φόρω) bringing the discus, Luc. δισ -μύριοι [ϋ], ai, a, twenty thousand, Hdt., etc. δισσ-άρχης, oo, o, (άρχω) joint-ruling. Soph, δισσός, Att. διττός. Ion. διζός, η, όν, (βίε) two-fold, double, Hdt. II, in pi, two. Id., Trag., etc. III. metaph, double, divided, doubtfid, Aesch., Soph, διστάζω, f. άσω, [δίε) to be in doubt, hesitate. Plat, δί-στιχος, ov, of tzvo verses, Anth. II. as Subst., δίστιχον, τό, a distich. Id. δί-στολος, ov, στόλλω) in pairs, two together. Soph, δί-στομος, ov, (στόμα) double-mouthed, with two entrances. Soph. ; δίστομοι οδοί branching roads. Id. II. of a weapon, two-edged, Eur. δι-σύλλαβος, ov, (συλλαβή) of two syllables, Luc. δισ-χίλιοι [rj, ai, a, two thousand, Hdt. : — sing, with collective nouns, δισχιλίη Ίπποε 2000 horse. Id. δϊ-τάλαντος, ov, (τάλαντον'^ worth or weighing two talents, Hdt. : costing two talents, Dem. διττός, Att. for δισσόε. δι-ϋλίζω, f. σω, to strain off, τι N.T. δι-υπνίζω, f. σω, (ΰπνοε) to awake from sleep, Luc. δι-υφ αίνω, f. άνω, to fill up by weaving, Luc, δι-φάσιος j ά], a, ον, = διπλάσιοε, tzao-fold, double, Lat. bifarius, Hdt. II. in pi. = δύο. Id. δΐφάω, only in pres., to search after, II., Hes. : — Ion. διφύω, Anth, Hence 200 ^ίφητωρ — ^ιωθίω. δϊφήτωρ, opos, 6, a searcher, χρυσόν after gold, Anth. | διφθ€ρα, η, (δβφω) a prepared hide, tan7ied skin, piece | of leather, Hdt. ; opp. to deppis {an undressed hide), | Thuc. : — διψθίραι were used for writing-material in ancient times, before papyrus came in, Hdt. II. a leathern garment such as peasants wore, Ar., i Plat. 2. a 'wallet, hag, Xen. 3. in pi. skUis | used as te^its. Id. Hence 1 διφθ€ρία5, ον, δ, one clad in leather, Luc. ·, and διφθερινος, tj, ov, of ta^itied leather, Xen. διφθ€ρίς, iZos, -η, — διφθ^ρα, Anth. δίφραξ, aKos, -η, poet, for Bippos, a seat, chair, Theocr. διφρβία, ·η, {διφρ€ύω) chariot-drivitig, Xen. διφρ-6λάτ€ΐρα, 7), poet. fern, of δίφρ7)\άττ]5, Anth. διφρ€υτή9, ov, 6, a charioteer , Soph. From διφρ€ΰω, f. σω, {Sippos) to drive a chariot, Eur. ; oi'yKav iSippeve drove his beaming car. Id. διφρηλατ€ω, f. ήσω, to drive a chariot through, τδν ουρανόν, of the Sun, Soph. From διφρ-ηλάτης [ά], ου, δ, {όΧαννω) a charioteer , Trag. δίφριος, α, ον, of a chariot : neut. pi. as Adv., Zippia συρόμ€νο5 dragged at the chariot 'wheels, Anth. διφρίσκος, δ. Dim. of Sippos, Ar. δί-φροντις, i5os, δ, η, divided in mind, distraught, Aesch. [ δίφρος, δ, (syncop. for δίφοροι) the chariot-hoard, on | which two could stand, the driver {ηνίοχοε} and the i combatant {τταραιβάττηε), Horn. 2. the war-chariot itself, II. : — in Od. a travelling-chariot. II. a | seat, chair, stool, Horn., Att. διφρ-ουλκ€ω, f. ήσω, (έ'λκω) to draw a chariot, Anth. διφρο-φορβω, f. ήσω, to carry in a chair or litter : — ' Pass, to travel in one, Hdt. II. to carry a camp- stool, kx. From διφρο-φόρος, ov, (φόρω) carrying a camp-stool ; of the female μότοικοι, who carried seats for the κανηφόροι, Ar. II. carrymg another zipon a Sippos, Plut. δι-φυής, 4s, {φιτη) of double form, Hdt., Soph, δί-φυιος [i], ov, — 5ipv7}s: also — δόο, Aesch. δίχα [t], (δίί), I. Adv. in two, asunder, Od., etc. : — generally, apart, aloof, Hdt., etc. 2. metaph. in two ways, at variance or in douht, Horn., etc. II. Prep, with gen. apart from, Aesch., Soph . : — differently from, unlike. Id. ; του 4τ4ρου from the other, Thuc. 2. ττόλεωϊ δ. against the will of. Soph. 3. besides, except, like xoopis, Aesch. δΐχά, Dor. for διχη. δϊχάδβ, Adv., = δίχα. Plat. διχάζω, f. άσω, ί'δίχα) to divide hi two. Plat. : δ. vivo. κατά rivos to divide one against another, N. T. δί-χαλκον, TO, a double chalcos, — \ of an obol, Anth. δίχάλος. Dor. for δίχηλθ5. διχαστής, ου, δ, {διχάζω) a divider, Arist. δϊχή, Adv. == δίχα, in two, asunder, Aesch., Plat., etc. 2. in two ways. Id., Dem. δί-χηλος, ov. Dor. δίχάλος, (χηλή) cloven-hoofed, Hdt., Eur. II. δίχηλον, τό, a forceps, pincers, Anth. δΐχ-ήρης, es, (’^άρω) dividing the month in twain, c. gen., of the moon, Eur. I διχθά, Adv., Ep. for δίχα, δ. δεδαίαται they are parted | in twain, Od. ; δ. κραδίη μόμον^ my heart is divided, II. j διχθάδιος, o, ov, twofold, double, divided, II. δΐχογνωμον€ω, f. ήσω, to differ in opinion, Xen. From δϊχο-γνώμων, δ, ή, {"γνώμτ]) divided between two opinions, Plut. δϊχόθεν, {δίχα) Adv. from both sides, both ways, Aesch., Thuc., etc. δϊ-χοίνϊκος, ov, holding 2 xoiviKes, near 3 pints, Ar. διχομηνία, η,. the fullness of the moon, Plut.; and δϊχό-μηνις, ίδοί, δ, ή, — sq., Eur. From δϊχό-μηνος, ον, (μήυ) dividing the month, i. e. at or of the full moon, h. Horn., Plut. δϊχό-μϋθος, ov, double-speaking, \4y€iv διχόμυθα to speak ambiguously, Eur. διχόνοια, 7], discord, disagreement. Plat. From δϊχό-νοος, ov, contr. -νους, ovv, double-minded. δϊχο-ρράγής, es, {ρ-η'/νυμι) broken in twain, Eur. δϊχόρ-ροτΓος, ov, (ρόττω) oscillating : Adv. -ttcos, waveringly, doubtfully, Aesch. διχοστασία, ή, a standing apart, dissension, Hdt. : sedition, Solon, Theogn. From δϊχο-στατεω, f. ήσω, {στηναι) to stand apart, disagree, Aesch. ; Trpos τινα Eur. δϊχοτομ€'ω, f. ήσω, to cut in two, cut in twain. Plat., N. T. From δϊχό-τομος, ov, {τ4μνω) cut in half, divided equally, Arist. δϊχου, Adv., = δίχα, Hdt. δΐχό-φρων, ov, gen. ovos, {ppry) at variance, discord- ant, Aesch. δί-χρωμος, ov, {χρώμα) two-coloured, Luc. διχώς, (δίχα) Adv. doubly, in two ways, Aesch. ΔΓΨΑ [ά], 7\s, 7], thirst, II., etc. ; ττοτου/οτ drink. Plat, διψάλόος, a, ov, = Zipios, thirsty, Batr. διψάς, aZos, fern, of Zipios, Anth. διψάω (forms in ae contr. into rj not a, as in ττεινάω', 3 sing. Zipfi, inf. Zipijv : 3 sing. impf. όδίφη : f. -ήσω : aor. I εδίφησα : pf. δ^δίφηκα : (δίψα) : — to thirst, διφάων [ά] Od. ·, of the ground, to be thirsty, parched, Hdt. 2. metaph. to thirst after a thing, c. gen.. Plat. : later c. acc., Anth., N. T. ; c. inf. to long to do, Xen. δίψιος, a, ov, and os, ov, (δίψα' thirsty, athirst, and of things, thirsty, dry, parched, Trag. δίψος, 60S, τό, = δίψα, Thuc., etc. δί-ψΰχος, ον, (ψυχή) =δίθυμos, double-minded, Ν. Τ. ΔΓΩ [ί], only in pres, and Ep. impf. Ziov, (for δβδία, etc., V. δείδω) : 1. to run away, take to flight, flee, like δί^μαι II. 2. to be afraid, Zie ττοιμόνι λαών μ-ητι ττάθτ] Ib. II. Causal in Med., subj. Ζίωμαι, δίηται, δίωνται, opt. δίοιτο, inf. δί^σθαι, to drive away, chase, put to flight, Horn., Aesch. : — simply to drive horses, II. 2. to pursue, give chase, eVi τινα Aesch. : δ. λάχos to pursue, discharge an office. Id. δι-ωβελία, ή, {Zis, οβολόε) at Athens, the allowance of two obols to each citizen during the festivals, to pay for their seats in the theatre, Xen. δίωγμα, aros, τό, {διώκω) a pursuit, chase, Aesch., Eur. II. that which is chased, ‘ the chase,’ Xen. διωγμός, δ, {διώκω) the chase, Xen. II. pursuit, persecution, harassing, Aesch., Eur. δι-ώδΰνος, ov, (οδύνη) with thrilling afiguish. Soph. δι-ωθόω, f. -ωθήσω and -ώσω, to push asunder, tear away, II., Eur. 2. to thrust through, Plut. II. 3ίωθίσμ6ς - Med. to push asunder for oneself, force one's 'may through, break through, c. acc., Hdt., Xen. 2. to push from oneself, push one another away, of sea- men keeping ships from collision, Thuc. : — to drive back, repel, repulse, Hdt., Eur. : — absol. to get rid of danger, Hdt. 3. to reject, Lat. respuere, Id., Thuc. : — absol. to refuse, Hdt. δι-ωθιοΊλός, b, a pushing about, a scuffle. Plat, διωκαθεΐν [ά], aor. 2 inf. of ζιώκω, cf. αμυναθ^Ίν. διωκτεος, α, ον, verb. Adj. of διώκω, to be pursued, Hdt., Ar II. διωκτ4ον, one must pursue. Plat, διωκτήρ, r\pos, b, (διώκω) a pvirsuer, Babr. : — διώκτης, ου, b, N. T. διώκω, Ep. inf. διώκ^μ^ναι, —egev : f. ξω and -ξομαι : aor. I βδίωξα : aor. 2 4διώκαθον, inf. διωκαθ^Ίν : — Pass., f. διωχθ4]σομαι and in med. form διώξομαι : aor. i €διώχθ'ην : pf. δeδίωyμaι: (δίω li) : — to pursue a per- son, to chase, hunt, II., etc. : — so in Med., διώκ^σθαί Tiva τΓζδίοιο to chase one over or across the plain, Horn. : — to be a follower of a person, attach oneself to him, Xen. 2. to pursue an object, seek after, Od., etc. ; δ. τά συμβάντα to follow or wait for the event, Dem. II. to drive or chase away, banish, Od., Hdt. III. of the wind, to drive a ship, of rowers, to impel, speed on her way, Od. ; of a chariot, to drive, Orac. ap. Hdt. ; δ. πόδα to urge on, Aesch. then, intr. to drive, drive on, II. : to gallop, speed, run, Aesch. IV. as law-term, to prosecute, bring an action against a man, b διώκων the prosecutor (opp. to b φ^ύ'/ων the defendant), Hdt., etc. ; b διώκων του ^ρ-ηφίσματοε he who impeaches the words of the decree, Dem. ; c. gen. poenae, θανάτου or wepl θανάτου δ. τινά, Lat. capitis accusare, Xen. : but c. gen. crimi- nis, to accuse of, to prosecute for, δ. τινά τυραννίδθ5 Hdt. ; δξΐλία5 Ar. ; φόνου Plat. ; but, φόνον Tivhs δ. to avenge another’s murder, Eur. δι-ωλβνιος, ον, (^ώλένη) with ovit-str etched arms, Anth. διωλυγιος, a, ov, far-sounding, enormous, immense. Plat. (Deriv. unknown.) δι-ώμοοτα, aor. i of διόμνυμι. διωμοσ-ία, η, an oath taken by both parties before the trial came on, Oratt. διώμοτος, ov, (διόμνυμι) bound by oath, Lat. juratus, c. inf.. Soph. δι-ώνΰμος, ov, (Sts, 6νυμα = όνομα) with two names, or, of two persons, named together, Eur. II. (διά) far-famed, Plut. Διώνϋσος, etc., Ep. for Aidt/ucros. δϊωξι-κ€λ€υθος, ov, urghig on the way, Anth. δΐώξ-ιτητος, ov, horse-driving, Anth. δίωξις, €ws, 7], (διώκω) chase, pursuit, of persons, Thuc. 2. pursuit of an object. Plat. II. as \'Ά.\\-'ί^χ:χα, prosecution, Dem., etc. διώρυγας, ον, = διόρ'/υιο$, Xen. διώρυξ, ύχο5, η, (διορύσσω) a trench, conduit, canal, Hdt., Thuc. ; κρυττττ] δ. an underground passage, Hdt. διωρΰχή, η, (διορύσσω) a digging through, Dem. δι-ώσα, aor. i of διωθόω. δίωσις, ea;s, η, a pushing off, delaying, Arist. δί -ωτος, ον, (Sis, oils) two-eared : two-handled. Plat. δμηθήναι, aor. I pass. inf. of δαμάζω. δμήσις, cws, η, (δαμάζω) a taming, breaking, Ίτητων II. - ΔΟΚΕΏ. 2o7 δμητηρ, ripos, b, (δαμάζω) a tamer, Ίτητων h. Horn. fem., ί/υ| δμητεϊρα θ^ών II. δμωή, η, (δαμάζω) a female slave taken in war, II. : — then, generally, a female slave, serving-woman, Lat. ancilla, Horn., Trag. δμώΐος, ov, in servile condition, βρόφοε Anth. ; and δμωΐς, iSos, ^, — δμωά], Aesch., Eur. From δμώς, mbs, b, (δαμάζω) a slave taken in war, Od. : — then, generally, a slave, Ib., Soph., Eur. ; Ep. dat. pi. δμώζσσι Od. δνοτταλίζω, f. ξω, to shake violently, fling down, II. ; τά σά ράκ^α δνοτΓαλίξβΐ5 ‘ wrap thy old cloak about thee,' Od. (Deriv. unknown.) δνοφ€ρ<>ς, ά, όν, dark, dusk, murky, Horn., Trag. From δνόφος, o, darkness, dusk, gloom, Simon., Aesch. (Akin to κν€φα$.) δνοφ-ώδης, es, — Svo^epds, Eur. δοάσσατο, 3 sing. Ep. aor. i med., = Att. eSo|e, it seemed, Horn. ; bis &v σοι ττλημι/η δοάσσ^ται ικόσθαι (Ep. subj. for ~Ύ]ται) till the nave appear to graze, II. : cf. δόατο. δόγμα, avos, τό, (δοκόω) that which seems to one, an opinion, dogma, V\zX. 2. a public decree, ordinance, Xen., Dem. Hence δογματίζω, f. (Τω, to decree, S. τινά καλάιν to declare her beautiful, Anth. 2. in Pass., of persons, to sub- mit to ordinances , N. T. δοθησομαι, f. pass, of δίδωμι. δόβι, δός, 2 sing. aor. 2 imper. of δίδωμι. δοθιήν, rjvos, b, a small abscess, boil, Ar. (Deriv. un- known.) δοιδυκο-ίΓοιός, b, (ττοίόω) a pestle-maker , Plut. From δοϊδυξ, vKos, b, a pestle, Ar., etc. (Deriv. unknown.) δοιή, η, (δυο) doubt , perplexity , iv δοι-ρ II. δοιοί, at, ά, Ep. for δυο, two, both, II., Hes., etc. : neut. δοιά as Adv. in two ways, in two points, Od. II. two-fold, double, Anth. Hence δοιο-τόκος, ov, (τίκτω) bearing twins, Anth. δοιώ, = Soiot (of which it is properly the duaP, = δυο, indecl., Horn. *δοκάω, assumed as pres, of SeSo/cTj/zeVos : v. δόχομαι. δοκευω, f. σω, (δόχομαι) to keep an eye ^ιpon, watch narrowly, II., Pind., Eur. ΔΟΚΕΏ, impf. 4δόκουν : f. and other tenses are two- fold, 1. from *δόκω, f. δόξω, aor. i ό'δοξα, pass. ίδόχθην ; pf. pass, δόδο-γμαι. 2. from δοκόω, f. δοκ’ησω. Dor. δοκησώ or ~ασώ : aor. i όδόκησα, Ep. δόκησα, pass, εδοκήθηυ ; pf. δ^δόκηκα, pass, δζδόκημαι. 1. =videor mihi, to think, suppose, imagine, ex- pect, c. acc. et inf., δοκόω νικησόμ^ν II. ; ου σε δοκόω ■κζίθ^σθαι Hdt. ; Te/cetj/ δράκοντ όδοξ^ν she thought a serpent bare young ones, Aesch. ; όδο^αΙδ^Ίν, Lat. visus sum videre, methought I saw, Eur. ; άείδε»/ δοκώ I think to sing, Aesch. 2. absol. to have or form an opinion, Trepi tivos Hdt. ; in parenthetic phrases, bis δοκώ Trag. ; 7rms δoκeΐs; how think you ? Eur. 3. δοκώ μοι in Att., just like δοκει μοι, as Lat. videor mihi for videtur mihi, I seem to myself, methinks, c. inf., Hdt., etc. ; also, / am determined, resolved, c. inf., Ar. 4. c. inf., also, to seem ox pretend to be doing, Lat. simulo, or with a negat. to seem or pretend not to be doing, Lat. dissimulo ; ^κουσά του KeyovTos, ου δοκών KAveiv Eur. ΪΣ. = videor, to 208 ^οκη — seem to one, SoKeeis Se μοι ούκ αττινύσσ^ιν Od., etc. 2 . absol. to seem, as opp. to reality, ου δοκ€Ίρ, άλλ’ elvai θβλβί Aesch. 3. to seem good, Lat. placere, ei δοκέ? σοι ταΰτα Id. 4. impers., δοκεΓ μοι much in the same sense as 5οκώ μοι (supr. l. 3 ), it seems to me, meseems, methinks, iLs μοι δοκβΐ ^ιναι άριστά II., etc. : — in decrees and the like, e5o|6 τγ βονλί], placiiit senatui, Ar., Thuc., etc. ’, rb δόξαν the decree, Hdt. j τα δόξαντα Soph. ; τταρα τδ δοκουν ■ημΊν Thuc. : — so in Pass., δόδοκται, Lat. visum est, Hdt., Trag., etc. b. acc. absol. δόξαν, vuken it was decreed or resolved, δόξαν aoTois ώστε διαναυ- μαχύν (i. e. ore %δοξ^ν αύτο7$) Thuc. ; so, δ^δο'/μόνον aoTois Id. 5. to be thought or reputed so and so, ό,ξιοι δοκουντ€5 Id. ; 01 δοκουντ€5 eJvai τι men who are held to be something, men of repute. Plat. ; so 01 δοκουντζ$ alone, Eur. ; τά δοκοΰντα, opp. to to μ-ηδ^ν όντσ.. Id. ; also in Pass., 01 δζδο'γμόνοι άνδρόψονοι those who have been found guilty of homicide, Dem. δοκή, 7], (δοκόω) = δόκ7]σΐ5, a vision, fancy , Aesch. δόκημα, otos, τό, (δοκόω) a vision, fancy, Eur. j oi δοκ-ημασιν σοφοί the wise in appearance. Id. 2. opinion, expectation. Id. δόκησις, ecus, η, {δοκόω) an opinion, belief, conceit, fancy, Hdt., Soph. ; δ. ayvws λόγων ^λθε a vague suspicion was thrown out. Id. 2. an apparition, phantom, Eur. II. good report, credit. Id., Thuc. δοκησί-σοφος, ον, wise in one''s own conceit, Ar. δοκιμάζω, f. άσω, (δόκιμο5') to assay or test metals, to see if they be pure, Isocr., etc. II. of persons, to put to the test, make trial of, scrutinise, Hdt., Thuc. : — then, to approve. Id., Plat., etc. ; c. inf., όκττονέιν ίδοκίμαζζ he approved of their working, Xen. III. at Athens, to approve as fit for an office, and in Pass. to be approved as fit. Plat., etc. j c. inf., ίππευειν δε- δοκιμασμόνο5 Xen. 2. to examine and admit boys to the class of έφηβοι or έφηβοι to the rights of man- hood ; and in Pass, to he so admittd, Ar., etc.; έ'ω^ ανηρ elvai δοκιμασθ^ίην Dem. IV. c. inf. to think fit to do, or with negat. to refuse to do, N. T. Hence δοκιμασία, ή, an assay, examination, scrutiny : 1 . of magistrates, to see if they fulfil the legal require- ments, Plat., etc. 2 . δ. των €φ7]βων, before ad- mission to the rights of manhood, Dem. 3. δ. των ρητόρων, a process to determine the right to speak in the όκκλησία or law-courts, Aeschin. δοκιμαστής, ου, δ, (δοκιμάζω) an assayer, scrutineer. Plat., Dem. II. an approver, panegyrist. Id. δοκιμεΐον or δοκίμιον, τό, (δόκιμοε) a test, means of testing. Plat., N. T. From ZQKi^r[,7],aproof,test: tried character, . From δόκιμος, ον, (δόχομαι) assayed, examined, tested, pro- perly of metals, Dem. II. generally, 1. of persons, approved, esteemed, ..otahle, Lat. probus, Hdt. ; δοκιμώτατοε 'Ελλάδί 7nost approved by Hellas, Eur. 2 , of things, excellent, notable, considerable, Hdt. 3. Adv. -μω$, really, truly, Aesch., Xen. δοκίς, ίδο5, η. Dim. of δοκ05, Xen. δοκός, η, later ό, (δόχομαι) a bearing-beam, in the roof or floor of a house, Od. : generally, a balk or beam, II., Thuc. : the bar of a gate or door, Ar. δοκώ, 0os, contr. ous, η, = δόκησΐ5, Eur. ^όμος, δολερός, ά, όν, (δόλοϊ) deceitful, deceptive, treacherous, Hdt., Soph., etc. δολιό-τΓους, δ, η, πουν, τό, stealthy of foot. Soph, δόλιος, α, ον, and os, ον, crafty, deceitful, treacherous, Od., Trag. δολιό-φρων, δ, η, (φρΊιν) crafty of mind, Aesch., Eur. δολιόω, f. ώσω, to deal treacherously with one, N. T. δολίχ-αυλος, ον, with a long tube or socket, Od. δολΐχ-εγχής, is, (tyxos) with tall spear, II. δολϊχευω, f. σω, = δολιχοδρομόω, Anth. δολϊχ-ήρετμος, ον, (ipeτμόs) long-oared, of a ship, Od.; of men, using long oars, Ib. δολϊχο-γράφία, η, (γράφω) prolix writing, Anth. δολΐχό-δειρος, Ep. δουλ-, ον, (δειρή) long-necked, II. δολϊχοδρομεω,Ι.ήσω,ίο run the δόλίχο5, Aeschin. From δολϊχο-δρόμος, ον, (δόλίχο5, δ, δραμϋν) running the long course. Plat., Xen. δολϊχόεις, εσσα, εν. Ion. δουλ-, == δόλιχόν, Anth. ΔΟΛΓΧΟ'Σ, ή, όν, long, Horn. : neut. δοΧιχόν as Adv., II., Plat. Hence δόλιχος, δ, the long course, opp. to στάδιον. Plat., Xen. δολιχό-σκιος, ον, (δολιχόί, σκία) epith. of εγχο5, casting a long shadow ; or for δoλιχ-όσχιos (όσχοί) long-shafted, II. δολόεις, εσσα, εν, (δόλοϊ) subtle, wily, Od. II. of things, craftily contrived, Eur. δολο-μήτης, ου, δ, and δολό-μητις, δ, crafty of counsel, wily, Horn. δολό-μϋθος, ον, subtle-speaking, or conveyed in crafty speech. Soph. δολοττλοκία, η, subtlety, craft, Theogn. From δολο-ττλόκος, ον, (τΓλεκω) weaving wiles, Sappho, Arist. δολο-ΤΓΟιός, όν, (ποιόω) treacherous, ensnaring. Soph, δολορ-ράφος [ά], ον, (ράπτω) contriving wiles. δόλος, δ, (from Root ΔΕΛ, v. δελ-εορ) properly, a bait for fish, Od. : then, any cunning contrivance for de- ceiving or catching, as the Trojan horse, the robe of Penelope, Ib. : — generally, any trick or stratagem, II. ; in pi., wiles, Ib. 2. guile, craft, cunning, treachery, Lat. dolus, Horn., Trag. δολοφονε'ω, f. ησω, to murder by treachery, Dem. From δολο-φόνος, ον, (*φενω) slaying by treachery, Aesch. δολο-φράδής, is, (φράζω) wily-minded, h. Horn, δολο-φρονε'ων, ουσα, ον, only as a partic., planning craft, wily-minded, Horn. δολοφροσυνη, η, craft, subtlety, wiliness, II. From δολό-φρων, ον, (φρην) = δoXoφρaδηs, Aesch., Anth. δολόω, f. ώσω, (δόλοϊ) to beguile, ensnare, take by craft, Hes., Hdt., Att. II. to disguise. Soph. Hence δόλωμα, ctos, τό, a trick, deceit, Aesch. δόλων, ωvos, δ, (δόλos) ο, secret weapon, poniard, stiletto, Plut. δολ-ώΐΓίς, ίδοί,ή, (ώψ) artful-looking, treacherous, Sofa. δόλωσις, εω5, η, (δολόω) a tricking, Xen. δομαΐος, α, ον, (δομή) for building, Anth. δόμεναι, δόμεν, Ep. aor. 2 inf. of δίδωμι. δομή, η, (δόμω) a building. δόμονδε, Adv. home, homeward, Horn. ; ονδε δόμονδε to his own house, Od. δόμος, δ, (δόμω) Lat. domus : 1. a house, Horn., etc. : also part of a house, a room, chamber, Od. : — 3ομο(τφαλής — S6pu. 209 hence in pi. for -δειρος, ον. Ion. for δολιχό-δ^ιροε. δουλϊχόεις, Ion. for δολιχ 0 €ΐ 5 . δουλο-Ίτρε'ττεια, η, a slavish spirit. Plat. From δουλο-ΤΓρεττής, e's, (πρεπω) befitting a slave, servile, Hdt., Xen., etc. δούλος, δ, properly, a born bondman or slave, opp. to one made a slave (ανδράποδον), Thuc. ; then, generally, a bondman, slave, Hdt. : Horn, has only the fern, δούλη, η, a bondwoman : — χρημάτων δ. slave to money, Eur. II. as Adj., δoύλos, η, ov, slavish, servile, subject. Soph., etc. III. rb δοΰλον = θί δούλοι, Eur. : also = δουλεία. Id. (Deriv. uncertain.) Hence δουλοστίνη, η, slavery, slavish work, Od., Aesch., Eur. δουλόσυνος, ov, δovλos II, enslaved, rivi Eur. δουλόω, f. ώσω, (δουλθ5) to make a slave of, enslave, Hdt., Att. : — Pass, tobe enslaved, Hdt., Thuc. : — Med., with pf. pass, to make one's slave, make subject to oneself, enslave, Thuc., etc. Hence δουλωσις, η, enslaving, subjugation, Thuc. δούναι, aor. 2 inf. of δίδωμι. δοΰναξ, δουνακόεις. Ion. for δον-. δουττε'ω, f. ησω : Ep. aor. i δουπησα, also ε7δουπησα (as if from 7δουπε&)) : pf. δε'δουπα : (δουπο5) : — to sound heavy or dead, δουπησεν πεσών with a thud he fell, II. ', δουπεΓ χύρ γυναικών falls with heavy sound upon their breasts, Eur. Hence δουπήτωρ, opos, δ, a clatterer, Anth. ΔΟΥ^ΠΟΣ, δ, any dead, heavy sound, a thud, II. ; of the distant din of battle, the sound of footsteps, of the measured tread of infantry, the hum of a multitude, the roar of the sea, Horn. : rare in Trag. (The form 7δουπ-εω, connects the word with κτυπ -os.) δοΰρας, τό, formed from Homeric pi. δουρατα, Anth. δουράτεος, a, ov, (δόρυ) of planks or beams of wood, ?ππο5 δ. the wooden horse, Od. δουρειος, a, ov, = δουράτεο5, Eur., Plat, δουρ-ηνεκής, is, (ε’νε7«εΓν) a spear's throw off or dis- tant, only in neut. as Adv., II. δουρι-άλωτος, ov. Ion. for δοριάλ-. δουρι-κλειτός and δουρι-κλΰτός, όν, famed for the spear, Horn. δουρι-κμής, -κτητός, -ληπτος, -μανής. Ion. for δορι-. δουριος, α, ov, = bovpeios, Ar. δουρί-πηκτος, ον, jkced on spears, Aesch. δουρι-τυττής, is, (τύπτω) wood-cutting, Anth. δουρο-δόκη, η, (δiχoμaι) a case or stand for spears, Od. δουρο-μανής, is, Ion. for δopιμav^ίjs, Anth. δουρο-τόμος. Ion. for δopυτόμos, cutting wood, Anth. δοχή, η, (δiχoμaι) a receptacle, Eur. II. a re- ception, e 7 itertainment , N. T. δοχήϊον, τό. Ion. for δοχϋον, a holder: μiλavos δ. an ink-horyi, Anth. δοχμή or δόχμη, η, (δέχομαι) the space contained in a hand's breadth, the same as πολαστή, Ar. δόχμιος, a, ov, (δoχμόs) across, athwart, aslant, like TrAayios, Lat. obliquus, II., Eur. δοχμό-λοφος, ov, with slaiiting, nodding plume, Xcsch. δοχμόομαι. Pass, to tur^i sideways, δoχμωθζίs, of a boar turning to rip up his enemy, Hes. ; so of Hermes turning to dart through the key-hole, h. Horn. ΔΟΧΜΟ'Σ, όν, Lat. obliquus, δοχμώ άίσσοντε rushing on slantwise, II. (Deriv. uncertain.) ^ρά^γμα φράγμα, aros, τό, {δράσσομαι) as much as one can grasp, a handful, truss of corn, Lat. manipulus, II. : — also a sheaf, = άμαλλα, Xen. II. uncut corn, Anth., Luc. ΰραγματη-ψόρος, ον, (φ^ρω) carrying sheaves, Babr. δραγμεΰω, f. σω, (Ppάyμa) to collect the corn into sheaves, II. δραγμός, δ, [δραίτσομαι) a grasping, Eur. δραθεΐν, aor. 2 inf. of δαρθάνω. δραθι, aor. 2 imper. of διδράσκω : — δραίην opt. Βραίνω, much like δρασβίω, to he ready to do, II. δράκαινα, ijs, η, fern, of δράκων (cf. Αάκαινα), a she- dragon, h. Horn., Aesch,, Eur. δράκ6Ϊν, δρακήναι, aor. 2 inf. act. and pass, of 5ep/co- μαι : — δράκον, Ep. aor. 2 of act. form, δρακόντειος, ον, {δράκων) of a dragon, Eur., Anth. δράκοντ-ολετης, ου, δ, {δΚΚυμι) serpent-slayer, Anth. δράκοντό-μαλλος, ον, 'with snaky locks, Aesch. δράκοντ-ώδης, εί, (εΤδοί) snake-like, Eur. δρακών, aor. 2 part, of δ^ρκομαι. δράκων [ά], ovros, δ, {δράκ^ΐν) a dragon, or serpent of huge size, a python, Horn., etc. δράμα, aros, to, {δράω) a deed, act, Aesch., Plat. II. an action represented on the stage, a drama, Ar. ; δρ. δίδάσ /cetr to bring out a play, v. διδάσκω II : — metaph. stage-effect. Plat. δράμάτιον, τό. Dim. of δράμα, Plut. δράμάτονργία, η, dramatic work, a drama, Luc. From δράμάτ-ουργός, όν, {*€ργω) a dramatist. δράμεϊν, inf. aor. 2 of τρ4χω. δράμημα or δρόμημα, aros, τό, (δραμεΓν) a running, course, a race, Hdt., Trag. δράμουμαι, f. of τρβχω : δραμών, aor. 2 part, δράναι, aor. 2 inf. of δι·δράσκω. δράξ, άκ05, ·η, = δράΎμα, Batr. δράττετετίω, f. σω, to run a'way, Xen . ; τινά from one. Plat. ; δρατΓ€τ€ύσουσι ύπδ rais άσττίσιν 'will skulk be- hind their shields, Xen. From δρρ,ιτε'της, ου. Ion. δρηίΓε'της, εω, δ, {δι-δράσκω) a run- away, Lat. fugitivus, βασι\4ο$ from the king, Hdt. : — a runaway slave. Id. 2. as Adj., runaway , fugi- tive, δραπ4τη5 κληρο5 a lot of fugitive kind, i. e. crumbling clod of earth, which could not be drawn out of the urn. Soph. Hence δράιτετίδης, ου, ό, =foreg., Mosch. δράττετικός, ή, 6v, of or for a δραττότηε, δρ. θρίαμβο$ a triumph over a runaway slave, Plut. δράττετις, Chos, η, fern, of δραπετη?, Anth. δράττετίσκος, δ. Dim. of δραττ4τ·η$, Luc. δράσείω, Desiderat. of δράω, to have a mind to do, to be going to do. Soph., Eur. δράσΐμος [ά], ον, = δραστ·ίιριο$ : rh δρ. activity, Aesch. Βρασμός, Ion. δρησμός, δ, {διδράσκω) a running away, flight, Hdt., Aesch. ; in pi., Eur. δράσομαι [ά], f. of δράσκω. ΔΡΑ'ΣΣΟΜΑΙ, Att. δράττομαι : f. δράξομαι : aor. i 4δραξάμην : pf. δόδρα-γμαι or δόδαρ’γμαι, 2 pers. δόδαρξαι : Dep. ; — to grasp, c. gen. rei, k6vios δζδρα·γμ4νο5 clutch- ing a handsful of dust, 11. ; so, 4λπίδο$ δίδραγμόνοε .Soph. 2. tolayholdof,rίμoυδ4δapξaι; Eur.; δρα- ξάμ(νο$ φάpυyos having seized [them] by the throat, Iheocr. II. c. acc. rei, to take hy handsful, Hdt. — 2 I I δραστε'ος, a, ov, verb. Adj. of δράω, to be done. Soph. II. δραστόον, one must do. Id., Eur. δραστήριος, ov, {δράω) vigorous, active, efficacious, Aesch., Eur. : τδ δρ. activity, energy, Thuc. 2. in bad sense, audacious, Eur. δραστικός, ή, όν, = δραστ7]ριο5. Plat, δράτός, ή, όν, metath. for δαρτ05, verb. Adj. of δόρω, skinned, flayed, II. δραχμή, η, {δράσσομαι) properly, a handful, like δράΎμα : — an Attic weight, a drachm, weighing about 66^ grains, the Aeginetan being=i| Attic. 2. an Att. silver coin, a drachma, worth 6 obols, i. e. gfd., nearly = Roman denarius and Fr. franc, Hdt., etc. Hence δραχμιαΐος, a, ov, worth a drachma, to the amount of a drachma, Arist. ΔΡΑΏ, subj. δρω, δρ^5, δρα; opt. δρφμι, Ep. δρώοιμι : impf. εδρών: f. δράσω: aor. i έδρασα. Ion. ^δρησα: pf. δεδράκο : — Pass., aor. l 4δράσθην : pf. δβδράμαι : — to do, esp. to do some great thing, good or bad, cf. Lat. f acinus, Att. ; often opp. to πάσχω, άξια δρόσο? άξια ττάσχων Aesch. ; κακώ5 δράσαντΐ:$ ούκ ελασσόνα ττάσ- χουσι Id.; proverb., ‘δράσαντι ττοθεΓν ’ doers must suffer.. Id. ; ττεπονθότα μάλλον ^ δΐδρακότα things of suffering rather than of doing. Soph. ; so, τδ δρών the doing of a thing. Id. : — ευ or kukcos δράν riva to do one a good or ill turn, Theogn., Soph. δρεττάνη [ά], ή, {δρόπω) =δρ€ΤΓανον, a sickle, reaping- hook, 11. : a pruning-hook, Hes. δρεπάνη-ψόρος, ov, {φ4ρω) bearing a scythe, άρμα δ. a scythed car, Xen. δρεττάνο-ειδής, 4s, (εΐδο?) sickle-shaped, Thuc. δρεττάνον, τό, (δρεττω) = δρεπαντ?, Od., Hdt., Att. : a scythe, Xen. 2. a curved sword, scimitar, Hdt. δρεττάν-ουργός, δ, (*εργω) a sword-maker, armourer, Ar. δρε'τΓτω, poet, for δρε'ττω, to pluck, Ep. impf. δρότττον, Mosch. : so in Med., Anth. ΔΡΕ'ΠΩ, Ep. impf. δρε'ττον : aor. i 4δρζφα : aor. 2 εδρά- TTov : — Med., Dor. f. δρ€φ€νμαι : — to pluck, cull, Lat- cp.rpo, Hdt., Eur., etc. : — metaph. to cull flowers from a field, δρ. λειμώνα Μουσών, of a poet, Ar. II. Med. to pluck for oneself, cull, Od. : metaph., δρεπό- ρ,ενοι το μ4λ'τ\ Plat. ; even, αίμα δρ4φασθαι to shed it, Aesch. δρηίΓε'της, δρησμός. Ion. for δpa^r4τηs, δpaσμόs. δρησμοσΰνη, ή, = δρηστοσυνη, Lat. cultus, h. Horn, δρηστήρ, ήρο?, δ, {δράω) a labourer, working man, Od. : fern, δρήστείρα, a workwoman, Ib. II. (δι- δράσκω) a runaway, Babr. : fern, bprjaris, Anth. δρηστοσυνη, η. Ion. for δραστ-, {δράω) service, Od. δρίμυλος [ύ], ον, = δ p^bs, piercing, Mosch. ΔΡΓΜΥ'Σ, εΓα, υ, piercing, sharp, keen, Lat. acer, of a dart, II. : metaph., δριμεια μάχη, δpιμυs χόλos Ib. ; δριμυ μ4vos Od. II. of things which affect the eyes or taste, pungent, acrid, as smoke, Ar. ; herbs, Xen. ; smell, Ar. III. metaph. of persons, keen, hitter, Aesch., Ar. ; also keen, shrewd, Eur. : — δριμυ βλ4π€ΐν to look bitter, Ar. Hence δρϊμυτης, 7}tos, t), pungency : metaph. keenness, ve- hemence, Flat. δρίος, τό, a copse, wood, thicket, δρlos vλ■ηs copse-wood, F 2 212 Spoίτη — ΔΤ'ΝΑΜΑΙ. Od. ; Splos v\7jev Anth. : — in pi. ζρία, τά, (as if from Spioy), Hes., Soph., Eur. (From same Root as Spvs.) δροίτη, η, a hath, Aesch. (Deriv. unknown.) δρομαίος, a, ov and os, ov, (βρόμοί) running at full speed, swift, fleet. Soph., Eur. ; 5p. κάμηλοε a drome- dary, Plut. δρομάς, cidos, b, η, {ζραμβΐν) running, Eur. ; άμπυξ 5p. the whirling wheel. Soph. ; also with a neut. Noun, Eur. 2. like (ponds, wildly roaming, frantic. Id. δρομάω, Frequent, of δράμεΓν, to run, only in pf. deSpo· μηκα, Aeol. -a/co, Sapph., Babr. δρομεύς, ecus, b, {Βραμ^Ίν) a runner, Eur., Ar. δρόμημα, τό, v. δράμημα. δρομικός, ή, όν, {δραμ^ΐρ) good at running, swift, fleet. Plat. ; TO δρομικά του TrevT άθλου the race, Xen. δρομο-κήρυξ, ϋ /cos, b, a runner, postman, Aeschin. δρόμος, b, {δραμ^Ιρ) a course, running, race, Horn. (v. τζίρω) ; ούρίψ δρόμ(ρ in straight course. Soph. : — of any quick movement, e. g. flight, Aesch. : — of time, ^^eprjs δρ. a day’s runnUig, i. e. the distance one can go in a day, Hdt.: — δρόμ(ρ at a run. Id., Att. 2. the foot- race : — proverb., πβρί του τταρτδε δρόμορ θβΐρ to run for one’s all, Hdt. ; τδρ irepl ψυχ7}5 δρόμορ δραμ^ιρ Ar. 3. the length of the stadium, a course or heat in a race. Soph. II. a place for running, a run for cattle, Od. 2. a race-course, Hdt. : a public walk, Lat. ambulatio, Eur., Plat. : — proverb., δρόμου or inrhs δρόμου φόρζσθαι, Lat. extra oleas vagari, to get off the course, i. e. wander from the point, Aesch., Plat. ; e/c δρόμου TTsTeTp Aesch. δροίτερός, d, όρ, (0p0cros) dewy, watery, Eur., Ar. δροσίζω, f. σω, {δρόσο5) to bedew, besprinkle, Ar. δροσινός, ή, όρ, = δροσ€ρ05, Anth. δροσόεις, εσσο, 6P, = 0poaep0s, Eur. ΔΡΟ'ΣΟΣ, 7], dew, Lat. ros, Hdt. ; in pi., Aesch., etc. 2. pure water, Aesch., Eur. 3. of other liquids, δρ. 9 , Anth. δυσ-βλβγκτος, ον, {ελεyχω) hard to refute, Luc. Δυσ-ελενα, η, ill-starred Helen, Eur. δυσ-ελτΓίς, tSos, b, η, hardly hoping, desponding, Aesch., Xen. δυσ-ελτΓίστος, oj/, = δυσ·ελ 7 Γί 5 , Plut. II. unhoped for, εκ δυσελτνίστων, unexpectedly , Xen. δυσ-εμβατο9, ον, hard to walk on, Thuc. δυσ-εμβολθ9, ον, hard to enter, inaccessible, Xen. δυσ-εντερία, τ), {εντερον) dysentery, Hdt., Plat. δυσ-ε'ντευκτο9, ον, hard to speak with, Theophr. δυσ-εξαττάτητος, ον, hard to deceive. Plat., Xen. δυσ-ε'|ατΓΤ 05 , ον, hard to loose from bonds, Plut. δυσ-εξαρίθμητος, ον, hard to enumerate, Polyb. δυσ-εξελ.εγκτο9, ον, εξελεyχω) hard to refute. Plat. δυσ-ε|ελικτο5, ον, {εξελίσσω) hard to unfold, Plut. δυσ-εξερεΰνητος, ον, hard to investigate, Arist. δυσ-ε|ημε'ρωτο5, ον, {εξημερόω) hard to tame, Plut. δυσ-ε|ήνυστο9, ον, (εξαννω) indissoluble, Eur. δυσ-εξοδος, ον, hard to get out of, Arist. δυσεο, Ep. aor. i med. imper. of δύω. δυσ-είΓιβουλευτος, ον, hard to attack secretly, Xen. δυσ-εραστο5, ον, {εραμαι) unfavourable to love, Anth. δυσεργία, ή, difficulty in acting, Plut. From δνσ-εργο 9 , ον, (*εpyω) unfit for work, Plut. hυσκάQeκ^o. δυσ-κελαδος, ον, ill-sounding, shrieking, discordant, II., Aesch., Eur. δυσ-κηδής, is, {yffhos') full of misery, Od. δΰσ-κηλος, ον, {κη\€ω) past remedy, Aesch. δυσ-κίνητος, ον, {κΐν€ω) hard to move. Plat. : — immov- able, resolute, Plut. : inexorable, Anth. δυσ-κλ6·ης, is, {yKios) poet. acc. ZvCRXia. for Sv(TK\eia : — infamous, shameful, II., Aesch., Xen. Adv. -ewy, Soph., Eur. Hence δυσκλ€ΐα, -η, ill-fame, an ill name, infamy, Eur., Thuc. ; 4πϊ ζυσκλξία tending to disgrace him. Soph, δυσ-κλης, poet, for δυίΤ-κλβήϊ, Anth. δυσ-κοινώνητος, ον, {κoLvωviω) unsocial. Plat, δυσκολαίνω, f. ανω, {SvctkoXos) to be peevish or discon- tented, Ar. : to shew displeasure, Xen. δυσκολία, {SvaKoXos) discontent, peevishness, Ar., Plat. II. of things, difficulty, Dem. δυσ-κ< 5 λλητος, ον, (κοΧΧάω) ill-glued or fastened, loose, Luc. δυσκολό-καμτΓτος, ον, (κάμπτω) hard to bend : δ. καμπ-ί] an intricate flourish in singing, Ar. δυσκολό-κοιτος, ον, (κοίτη) making bed uneasy, Ar. δυσ-κολος, ον, opp. to evKoXos, I. of persons, properly, hard to satisfy with food ; then, generally, hard to please, discontented, fretful, peevish, Eur., Ar., etc. : — Adv., δύσκολων ^ιακϋσθαι to be peevish. Plat. II. of things, troublesome, haras- sing, Id. ; generally, unpleasant, Dem. : — δυακοΧόν 4στι it is difficult, N.T. : — Adv. -Xωs, hardly, with difficulty, lb. (Deriv. of -koXos uncertain.) δυσ-κολιτος, ον, Tvith ill-formed womb, Anth. δυσ-κόμιστος, ον, (κομίζω) hard to hear, intolerable. Soph., Eur. δυσκρασία, η, bad temperament, Lat. intemperies, of the air, Plut. From δύσκράτος, ον, (κ^ράννυμι) of bad temper ament, Stroh. δΰσ-κριτος, ον, hard to discern or interpret, Aesch., Soph. : δνσκριτόν iffTi, c. inf.. Plat. Adv. -τω$, doubtfully , darkly, Aesch. j δ. ^χαν to be in doubt, Ar. δυσ-κύμαντος, ον, arising from the stormy sea, Aesch. δυσκωψ€ω, f. ήσα», to he stone-deaf, Anth. From δυσ- κωφός, ον, stone-deaf. δύσ-λ€κτος, ον, hard to tell, Lat. infandus, Aesch. δύσ-λητΓτος, ον, (Χαμβάνω) hard to catch, Luc. δυσ-λόγιστος, ον, (Χογίζομαι) ill-calculating. Soph, δύσ-λοφος, ον, hard for the neck, hard to bear, Theogn., Aesch. II. impatient of the yoke : Adv., impatiently , Eur. δύσ-λΰτος, ον, (χΰω) indissoluble, Aesch., Eur. δυσμαθ€ω, to he slow at recognising, Aesch. From 215 δυσ-μαθης, es, (μανθάνω) hard to learn, Aesch. ; δ. ίδ^ιν hard to know at sight, Eur. : τδ δνσμαθ€5 diffi- culty of knowing Id. II. act. slow at learning. Plat. : — Adv., δυσμαθωε ^xeiv to be so. Id. Hence δυσμαθία, η, slowness at learning. Plat, δυσμάχεω, f. ήσω, to fight in vain against, or, to fight an unholy fight with, τινί Soph. : so verb. Adj. δυσμαχητ€ον, one must fight desperately with, Id. δύσ-μαχος, ον, (μάχομαι) hard to fight with, uncon- querable, Aesch., Eur., etc. : generally, difficult, Aesch. δυσμεναίνω, to bear ill-will , τινί against another, Eur., Dem.j and δυσμενεια, η, ill-will, enmity. Soph., Eur., etc. ; and δυσμενεων, a participial form only in xnz&o.., hearing ill- will, hostile, Od. From δυσ-μενης, is, {μ^νοε) full of ill-will, hostile, II., Hdt., Trag. ; rarely c. gen., άνδρα δ. χθονόε an enemy of the land. Soph. II. rarely of things. Id., Xen. δυσ-μεταχείριστος, ον, (μ^ταχ^ιρίζω) hard to manage : hard to attack, Hdt. δυσμη, η, (δΰω) = δΰσιε, mostly in pi.. Soph., etc. ; επί δυσμησιν at the point of setting, Hdt. II. the quarter of sunset, the west. Id., Aesch. δΰσ-μηνις, i, wrathful, Anth. δυσ-μ-ηνίτος, ον, (μηνίω) visited by heavy wrath, hnih. δυσ-μήτηρ, epos, η, not a mother, Od. δυσμηχανεω, f. ήσω, to be at loss how to do, c. inf., Aesch. From δυσ-μήχανος, ον, (μηχαντ}) hard to effect. δυσ-μίμητος, ον, (μϊμύομαι) hard to imitate, Luc. δυσ-μοιρος, ον, ( μοίρα) = δΰσμοροε. Soph, δυσμορία, η, a hard fate, Anth. From δυσ-μορος, ον, = δνσ-μοιροε, ill-fated, ill-starred, 11., Soph. : — Adv. -ρωε, with ill fortune, Aesch. δυσμορφία, η, badness of form, ugliness, Hdt. From δΰσ-μορφος, ον, (μορφ'ή) misshapen, ill-favoured, 4σθάιε Eur. δΰσ-μουσος, ον, (μούσα) = &μουσοε, unmusical, Anth. δυσ-νίκητος, ον, (νικάω) hard to conquer, Plut. δυσ-νΐΊΓΤος, ον, (νίζω) hard to wash out. Soph, δυσνοεω, f. Ίί\σω, (^ΰσνοοε) to be ill-affected, τινι Plut. δΰσνοια, η, (δύσνοοε) disaffection, ill-will, malevolence. Soph., Eur. δυσνομία, η, lawlessness, a had constitution, Solon, δτίσ-νομος, ον, lawless, unrighteous, Anth. δΰσ-νοος, ον, contr. -νους, ουν, ill-affected, disaffected, Tivi Soph., Eur., etc. δυσ-νοστος νόστοε, a return that is no return, Eur. δυσ -νιίμφευτος, ον, (νυμφεύω) unpleasing to marry, Anth. Ζνσ·-ννρ.φο%, ov, (νύμφη) ill-wedded or ill-betrothed, Eur. δυσ-ξυμβολος, ον, (συμβάΧΧω) hard to deal with, driving a hard bargain. Plat., Xen. δυσξΰνετος, ον, (συνίημι ii) hard to understand, unin- telligible, Eur., Xen. δΰσ-ογκος, ον, over heavy, burdensome, Plut. δυσ-οδε'ω, f. ησω, to make bad way, get o?i slowly, Plut. δυσοδμος. Ion. for δύσοσμοε. δυσ-οδο-τταίτταλος, ον, (όδόε, παίτταΧόίΐε) difficult and rugged, Aesch. δυσ-οδος, ον, hard to pass, scarce passable, Thuc. δυσ-οίζω, to he distressed, to fear, Eur. : — δυσοίζω φόβφ 2 1 6 ^υσοίκητος — to tremble with fear at a thing, c. acc.,, Aesch. '\ο1.ζω is formed from oT oh ! as οιμώζω from οίμοι.) δυσ-οίκητοξ, ον, had to dwell in, Xen. 8v(r-oi|Aos> ov, = 5v(roSos, Aesch. δυσ-οιστος, ον, hard to hear, insufferable, Putsch., Soph. δυοΌμαι, f. med. of δύω. δυ(Γ-oμβpoS) ον, stormy, wintry. Soph, δυσ'-όμϊλ.ος, ον, hard to live with, bringing evil in one’s company, Aesch. δυσ-όμματος, ον, (ομμαί) scarce-seeing, purblind, Aesch. δυσ·-όράτο 5 , ον, hard to see, Xen. δυσ·-όργητο5, ον, = 50aopyos, Babr. δυσ-οργος, ον, {opyri) quick to anger. Soph, δυσ-ορμος, ον, with bad anchorage, Aesch. : — τά ζνσορμα rough ground, where one can scarce get foot- ing, Xen. II. act., ttvooX δ. that detained the fleet in harbour, Aesch. δυσ-ορνις, iQos, b, ill-omened, boding ill, Aesch., Eur. : — with ill auspices, Plut. δυσ-όρψναιος, a, ov, {υρφνη) dusky, Eur. δυσοσμία, η, an ill smell, ill savour. Soph. From δυσ-οσμος, Ion. -οδμος, ov, {οσμή) ill-smelling, stink- ing, Hdt. II. bad for scent, in hunting, Xen. δυσ-ουριστος, ov, {ουρίζω) driven by a too favourable wind, fatally favourable. Soph. δυσ'π·άθ€ΐα, firmness in resisting, Plut. From δυσττάθβω, f. ήσω, to suffer a hard fate, Mosch. II. to he impatient , e7ri rivi, irpos τι Plut. From δυσ-ττάθής, es, {τταθζίν) impatient of suffering, Plut. : hardly feeling, impassive, Luc. δυσ-Ίτάλαιστοξ, ov, (ττάλαίω) hard to wrestle with, Aesch., Eur., Xen. δυσ-ττάλαμος, ov, ίτταλάμη) hard to conquer, Aesch. δυσ-τταλής, es, (ττόλη) hard to wrestle with, Aesch. δυσ-τταράβλητος, ov, {παραβάλλω) incomparable, Plut. δυσ-τταραίτητος, ov, (παραιτίομαι) hard to move by prayer, inexorable, Aesch., Plut. δυσ-τταρακόμιστος, ov, {παρακομίζω) hard to carry along, difficult, Polyb. δυσ-τταραμυθητος, ov, hard to appease, Plut. δυσ-ΤΓάρ€υνο 5 , ov, ill-mated. Soph, δυσ-τταρήγορος, ov, hard to appease, Aesch. δυσ-'7Γάρθ6νο5, ov, unhappy maiden, Anth. Δΰσ-τταρις, iSos, b, unhappy Paris, ill-starred Paris, II. ; cf. ΔυσβλβϊΌ. δυσ-ιτάρϊτος, ον, {παρι^ναι) hard to pass, Xen. δυσ-ΤΓ^Θής, is, {πείθομαι) hardly obeying, self-willed, intractable, Xen. ; — Adv., 8υσπ€ΐθώ5 ixeiv Plut. δυσ-ΐΓ€ΐστο 5 , ov, = foreg., Xen. δυσ-τΓβμτΓτος, ov, {π^μπω) hard to send away, Aesch. δυσ-τΓ€μφ€λος, ov, (perh. from same Root as π^μψ-ιξ) : — of the sea, rough and stormy, II., Hes. : — metaph. rude, uncourteous, Hes. δυσ-·7Γ6νθή5, is, bringing sore affliction, direful, Pind. δυσ-ΤΓβρατος, ov, hard to get through, Eur. δυσ-7Γ€ρίλη'7Γτο5, ov, hard to encompass, Arist. δυσ-ΤΓ6τής, is, {πί-πτω) falling out ill, most difficult. Soph. Adv. δοστΓβτώϊ, Ion. -iωs, Aesch. δυσ-ιτήμαντος, ov, {π-ημαΐνομαι) full of grievous evil, disastrous, Aesch. δυσ-ΐΓΪνής, is, {πίvos) squalid. Soph. δυσ-ττλανος, ov, (πλάνη) viandering in misery, Aesch. - ^υστΧημων. δυσιτλοΐα. Ion. -ττλοΐη, η, difficulty of sailing, Anth. δυσ-'π■λoos,ov,contr. --rrXovs, ουν, had for sailing , knih» δυσ-ιτλωτος, ov, = l·vσπλoos, Anth. δυσττνοια, η, difficulty of breathing, Xen. From δυσ-ττνοος, ov, contr. -irvovs, ovv, scant of breath. Soph. II. δ. πνοαί contrary winds. Id. δυσ-τΓολ€μητο 5 , ov, {πoλ€μiω) hard to war with, Dem. δυσ-'π·6λ€μος, ov, unlucky in war, Aesch. δυσίΓολιόρκητος, ov, hard to take by siege, Xen. δυσ-ΊΓονής, is, {πoviω) toilsome, Od. δυσ-ττόνητος, ov, {πoviω) bringing toil Mnd trouble, Aesch. 2. laborious. Soph. δυσ-τΓονος, ov, toilsome. Soph. δυσ-τΓ0ρ€υτο5, ov, {πορεύομαι) hard to pass, Xen. δυστΓορία, η, {5ύσπopos) difficulty of passing, Xen. δυσ-ττόριστος, ov, (πορίζω) gotten with much labour : rh δ. difficulty of getting, Plut. δυσ-ΤΓορο5, ov, hard to pass, scarce passable, Xen. δυσ-τΓοτμος, ov, unlucky, ill-starred, unhappy, wretched, Trag. ; δ. €υχοί i. e. curses, Aesch. ; Comp. bυσπoτμώτepos Eur. Adv. -μωs, Aesch. δυσ-ΊΓΟτος, ov, unpalatable, Aesch. Zvσ-^7pάyiω,ί.^1σω,{πpάyos) to be unlucky , Aesch., Plut. δυσ-Ίτραξία, η, {τςράσσω) ill success, ill luck, Aesch., Soph. δυσ-7Γρ€'7Γής, is, {πρiπω) base, undignified, Eur. δυσ-Ίτρόσβατος, ov, hard to approach, Thuc. δυσ-ττρόσϊτος, ov, difficult of access, Eur. δυσ-ιτρόσμαχος, ov, (π ροσ μάχομαι) hard to attack, Plut. δυσ-ττρόσοδος, ov, hard to get at, difficult of access, Thuc. ·, of men, unsocial. Id., Xen. δυσ-ττρόσοιστος, ov, {προσοίσομαι, f. med. of προσ· ψipω) hard to approach. Soph. δυσ-ιτρόσοτΓτος, ov, {προσόψομαι, f. of προσ-οράω) hard to look on, horrid to behold. Soph. δυσ-'ΤΓροσΐΓ€λαστος, ov, hard to get at, Plut. δυσ-ΤΓρόσωτΓος, ov, (προσωπον) of ill aspect, Plut. δυσ-ραγής, is, (ρηyvυμι) hard to break, Luc. δυσ-ρϊγο5, ov, impatient of cold, Hdt. δυσσεβ€ΐα, η, impiety, ungodliness, Trag. 2. a charge of impiety. Soph. ; and δυσσεββω, f. ήσω, to think or act ungodly, Trag. From δυσ-σββής, is, {σiβω) ungodly , impious, prof ane,Trag, δυσσββία, η, poet, for Svaai^eia, Aesch. δυσ-σοος, ov, hard to save, ruined, Theocr. δυσ-συμβολος, Att. for ^υσ^ξύμβoλos. δυσ-συνοΊΓΤος, ov, hard to get a view of, Polyb. δυσ-τάλα5, aiva, av, most miserable. Soph., Eur. δυσ-τεκμαρτος, ov, {τβκμαίρομαΐ) hard to make out from the given signs, hard to trace, inexplicable, Tcdig. δυσ -TCKvos, ov, (riKvov) unfortunate in children. Soph, δυσ-τερττής, is, (τiρπω) ill-pleasing, Aesch. δύστηνος. Dor. δύστάνος, ov, wretched, unhappy, un- fortunate, disastrous, mostly of persons, Horn., Trag. ; δυστήνων δε τε τταΓδεϊ εμφ μενει άντιόωσιν unhappy are they whose sons encounter me, II. 2. of things,Trag., Ar. : Sup. Adv.,δuστάvoτcίτωs Eur. II. after Horn., in moral sense, wretched, like Lat. miser {a wretch). Soph. (Prob. for ^ύσ-στηvos ; but the origin of -στηvos is uncertain.) δυσ-τήρητος, ov, {τηρiω) hard to keep, Plut. δυσ-τλήμων, ov, suffering hard things, h. Horn. Sυ<ττ\ητoς — Suco, δυσ-τλητος, o>/, hard to hear, Aesch. δυσ·-τοκ€·υς, ecus, b, an unhappy parent, Anth. δυστοκβω, f. ^ισω, to be in sore travail, of women : — metaph., 5υστοκ€ΐ Tr0\is Ar. From δυσ·-τοκο 5 , ον, (τίκτω) bringing forth with Pain, δυστομεω, to speak evil of, τινά rt Soph. From δυ-στομος, ον, (δνσ-, στόμα) bad of mouth : hard- mouthed, Anth. δι5-στονος, ον, for δΰσ-στονο$, lamentable, Aesch. δυσ-τότταστο?» ον, (τοπά^ω) hard to guess, Eur. δυ-<Γτόχαστο 5 » ον, {δνσ-, στοχάζομαι) hard to hit. Pint. δυσ-τρά'ΐΓ€ζος, ον, fed on horrid food, Eur. δυσ-τράττελος, ον, (τρόπω) hard to deal with, intract- able, stubborn. Soph. : — Adv. -λω^, awkwardly , Xen. δυσ-τροΊΓος, ον, (τρόπω) hard to turn, intractable, Eur., Dem. δυστυχεω, Ion. impf. (δυστυχίαν : f. ήσω : aor. i 4δυ- στύχησα : pi. δ^δυστνχηκα : [δυστυχ-Ιιε) : — to he un- lucky, unhappy, unfortunate, Hdt., Att. ', rivi in a thing, Eur. j irept tlvos Id. ; ^v rivi Ar. j also, ττάντα δυστυχ^ΐν Eur. Hence δυστύχημα [i)], to, a piece of ill luck, a failure. Plat, δυσ-τΰχή^, es, (τύχη) unlucky, unfortunate, Trag., etc.; τα δυστυχή = δνστνχίαι, Aesch.: — Adv. ~X ου, b, {ώνόομαι) one who beats down the price. δυσ-ώνΰμος, ον, {ονυμα, Aeol. for όνομα) bearing an ill name, ill-omened, Horn., Soph., etc. ; esp. hearing a name of ill omen, such as Pdas, Id. δυσ -ωττέω, f. ήσω, (ώψ) to put out of countenance, pxit to shame, τινά Luc. : absol. to be importunate, Plut. II. in good authors only Pass, to be put out of countenance, to be troubled. Plat. ; of animals, to be shy, timid, Xen. 2. to be ashamed of, τι Plut. δυσ-ωρ€ομαι, f. -ησομαι : (ffpos = odpos a watcher) : — to keep painfid watch, II. δύτης [ΰ], ου, b, [δϋω) a diver, Hdt. δυω, Ep. for δνο. δΰω, δυνω [ΰ] : A. Causal in f. and aor. i, to strip clothes, etc., Od. (,in compd. ί^-όδυσα). B. Non-causal, pres, δυω [u], or δΰνω [ϋ] : Ep. impf. δυνον : Med. δύομαι, impf. βδυόμην, Ep. 3 pi. δύοντο : — f. δύσομαι [ϋ] : — aor. i 4δνσάμ·ην : Ep. 2 and 3 sing. 4δύσ€0, 4δύσ€το, imperat. δύσ^ο : aor. 2 βδυν (as if from *δυμι) : 3 dual 4δύτην [ΰ], pi. 0δϋμ€ν, Ιδϋτε, όδϋσαν Ep. όδυν ; Ion. 3 sing, δύσκ^ν ; imperat. δυθι, δυτ 6 ; 2i8 SvwSeKa — 8ωρο^οκ€ω. subj. δύω [ΰ], Ep. opt. Βύην [ϋ] (for Βυίην'' , inf. Svvai, Ep. ζνμβναι [ΰ], part. Svs, δνσα : pf. δ4δϋκα, Ep. inf. δζδύκ€7ρ : I. of Places or Countries, to enter, make one^s way into, τβίχ^α δύω (aor. 2 subj.) II . ; εδυ V€(pea plunged into the clouds, of a star, Ib. ; δντ€ θαλάσ(Τ·η5 κόλπορ plunge into the lap of Ocean, Ib. j δύσεο μρτ]- arrjpas go in to them, Od. : also with a Prep., δνσομαι els Άΐδαο Ib. ; δύσ'βτ’ akhs κατα κύμα II. ; ύπδ κύμα ίδυσαρ Ib.; δνσκ^ρ eis Αίαρτα he got himself unto Ajax, i. e. got behind his shield, Ib. 2. of the sun and stars, to sink into [the sea, v. supr.], to set, ijekios μ\ρ ίδν Ib. ; Βοώτη5 όψ€ δύωρ \zXe-settitig Bootes, Od.; Trph δύρτο5 ηλίου Hdt. : — metaph., βίου δύρτο5 ahyai Aesch. ; €δυ δόμο5 the house sank. Id. II. of clothes and armour, to get into, put on, II. ; metaph., et μτ] cvye δύσ^αι akK-ijp if thou wilt not put on strength (cf. 4τΓΐ€ΐμ4ρο5 αλκ-ηρ) : — αμψ' ώμοισιρ 4δύσ^το revyea Ib. ; ώμοιϊρ revyea δυθι Ib. III. of sufferings, passions, and the like, to enter, come over or upon, κάματο$ yv7a δβδυκε Ib. ; &χο5 4δυΡ€Ρ ^τορ, etc., Ib. ; δυ μιρ'Άρηε the spirit of war filled him, Ib. δυώ-δ€κα, poet, for δώ-δβκα (δύο καΐ δ4κα), twelve, in all genders, Lat. duo-decim, Horn., etc. δυωδ€κά-βοιος, op, (βουε) worth twelve beeves, II. δυωδβκά-μηνος, op, {μτ)ρ) twelve months old, Hes. δυωδ€κά-μοιρο 9 , op, divided into twelve parts, Anth. δυω-δ6κάς, -δ€καταΐος, -δ€κατος, Ep. for δωδεκ-. δυω-και-εικοίτί-μετρος, op, {μ4τρορ') holding 22 mea- sures, II. δυω-και-εικοσί-ΤΓηχυς, υ, 22 cubits long, II. δώ, t6, shortd. Ep. nom. and acc. for δώμα, a house, dwelling, Horn. δώ, 1 sing. aor. 2 subj. of δίδωμι : — δω 3 sing, δώ-δεκα, οι, αί, τα, (δύο, δέκα) twelve, Horn., etc. : ν. δυώδίκα. δωδεκά-γναμτΓτος, ορ, (ypάμπτω) bent twelve times, δωδεκ. τέρμα the post (in the race-course) that has been doubled twelve times, Pind. δωδεκάδ·αρχος, b, a leader of twelve, Xen. δωδεκά-δpαχμos> op, {δράχμη) sold at 12 drachmae, Dem. δωδεκά-δωρος, op, {δώρορ li) twelve palms long, Anth. δωδεκ-άεθλος, op, {aeOkop) conqueror in 12 contests, Anth. δωδεκα-ετης, 4s, or -ε'της, εϊ, (ετοί' \2 years old, Plut. δωδεκάκις, (δώδβκα) Adv. twelve times, Ar. δωδεκά-λΐνος, op, (kipop) of twelve threads, Xen. δωδεκα-μήχάνος, op, {μ-ηχαρτ]) knowing twelve arts or tricks, Ar. δωδεκά-τταις, b, η, with twelve children, Anth. δωδεκά-τταλαι, Adv. twelve times long ago, ever so long ago, Ar. δωδεκά-ττηχυς, v, twelve cubits long, Hdt. δωδεκά-τΓολις, los, formed of twelve tinited states, Hdt. δωδεκ-άρχης, ου, b, = δωδ€κάδapχos, Xen. δωδεκάs, abos, t], the number twelve, Anth. δωδεκά-σκαλμοζ, op, twelve-oared, Plut. δωδεκά-σκϋτος, op, of twelve pieces of leather. Plat, δωδεκαταϊος, a, op, on the twelfth day. Plat. II. twelve days old, Hes. (in Ep. form δυωδ-). δωδε'κατος, η, op, the twelfth, Horn., etc. : Ep. δυωδ-, Id. δωδεκα-ψόρος, op, bearing twelve times a year, Luc. δωδεκά-φΰλος, op, {(pvkrt) of ‘ twelve tribes, rh δ. the twelve tribes of Israel, N. T. δωδεκ-ετης or -cnjs, b, twelve years old, Plut. : — fern, -ε'τις, ibos, Anth. Δωδώνη, 7], Dodona, in Epirus, the seat of the most ancient oracle of Zeus, Horn., etc. : — Soph, uses the heterocl. forms Δωδώνοϊ, -ώρι, —ώρα (as if from Δωδών). — Adj. Αωδωναΐος, a, op, II., Aesch. δώη, δώησι, Ep. for δφ, 3 sing. aor. 2 subj. of δωην = δοίηρ, aor. 2 opt. of δίδωμι. δώκα, Ep. for 4δωκα, aor. i of δίδωμι. δώλα, δώλος. Dor. for δούλη, δουλοί. δώμα, oTos, τό, (δ4μω) a house, Horn., Trag. : part of a house, the chief room, hall, Horn. : — hence in pi. for a single house, Od., Trag. II. a house, house- hold, family , Aesch., Soph. δωμάτιον, τό. Dim. of δώμα, Ar. II. a chamber,, bed-chamber. Plat. δωματΧτις, ιδos, fern. Adj. of the house, Aesch. δωματο-ψθορεω, f. τ,σω, (φθορά) to ruin the house, Aesch. δωμάω, f. τ]σω, to build: Med. to cause tobe built, Anth. δώναξ, b. Dor. for δόραξ. δώομεν, Ep. for δώμεν, pi. aor. 2 subj. of δίδωμι. δωρεά. Ion. -εή, η, a gift, present, esp. a free gift, bounty, Lat. beneficium, Hdt., Aesch., etc. II. acc. δωρεάν as Adv., as a free gift, freely, Lat. gratis, Hdt. 2. to no purpose, in vain, N.T. δωρεω, f. ήσω (δώρον) to give, present, Hes., Pind. : — Pass., aor. i εδωρήθην, to be given ox presented, Hdt.; of persons, to be presented with a thing. Soph. II. also as Dep., II. ; δωρεεσθοι τί τιρι to present a thing to one, Lat. donare aliquid alicui, Hdt., Aesch., etc. ; also, δ. Tivo TIPI to present one with a thing, Lat. donare aliquem aliquo. Id. ; δ. τιρά to make him presents, Hdt. Hence δώρημα, ατοί, τό, that which is given, a gift, present, Hdt., Trag. ; and δωρητηρ, ηροί, b, a giver, Anth. ; and δωρητός, όν, of persons, open to gifts or presents, II. II. of things, freely given, Sofih., Plut. Δωριάζω, = Δωρίζω, Anacreont. Δωριευς, εω5, b, a Dorian, descendant of Dorus : pL Δωρίε?5, Att. -rjs, ol, the Dorians, Od., Hdt., etc. Δωρίζω, Dor. -ίσδω, f. ίσω, to imitate the Dorians in life, dialect, or music, to speak Doric Greek, Theocr. Δωρικ09) η, άν, Doric, Hdt., Trag., etc. Δώριος, a, op, and os, op, Dorian, Pind., Arist. Δωρίς, ibos, η, fern. Adj. Dorian, Hdt., Thuc. r hence, 1 . Δωρίϊ paaos the Dorian island, i. e. Peloponnesus, Pind., Soph. 2 . (with or without 7η Doris, in Northern Greece, Hdt., Thuc., etc. 3. Δ. κόρα a Dorian damsel, Eur. Δωρί(Γδω, Dor. for Δωρίζω. Δωριστί [t], Adv. in Dorian fashion : η Δ. αρμορία the Dorian mode or measure in music. Plat., etc. δωροδοκεω, f. 7]σω, (δωροδόκοε) to accept as a present, esp. to take as a bribe, apyvpiop, χρυσόν Hdt., Plat. 2. absol. to take bribes, Hdt., Ar. II. Pass., 1 . of persons, to have a bribe given one, δ^δωροδόκηρται Dem. 2 . of the bribe, to δωροδοκηθ4ρτα the bribes received, Aeschin. Hence ^ωρο^όκημα ’ΕΑ^Ω. δωρο8όκημα, aros, τό, acceptance of a bribe, corrup- tion, Dem. ; and δωροδοκία, η, a taking of bribes, openness to bribery, Oratt. δωροδοκιστί, Adv. in bribe-fashion, Ar., with a play on Αωριστί. From δωρο-δόκος, ον, { 84 χομαι) taking presents or bribes. Plat., Dem. δωρο-δότης, ου, b, a giver of presents, a giver, Anth. δώρον, vb, {Si -έωμι) a gift, present, Horn. : a votive gift, II. : — δωρά rivos the gifts of, i. e. given by, him, δώρα θζών Hom.;-δώp’ ΆφροΒίτηε, i. e. personal charms, II. ; c. gen. rei, ϋττνου 5 . the blessing of sleep, Ib. 2. δώρα, presents given by way of bribe, Dem., etc. j δώρων ελβίί' τινα to convict him of receiving presents, Ar. II. the breadth of the hand, the palm, as a measure of length ; v. ζκκαιδ€κάδωρ 05 . δωρο-ψάγος [ά], ον, {(payeTv) greedy of presents, Hes. δωροψορ€ω, f. Ί]σω, to bring presents, τινί Plat. : to give as presents or bribes, ri τινι Ar. From δωρο-ψόρος, ον, {ψ^ρω) bringing presents, Pind., Anth. δωρΰττομαι, Dor. for δωρέομαι, Theocr. δώς, ή, Lat. dos, = d 0 (ris, only in nom., Hes. δωσ-ί-δΐκος, ον, {δίκη) giving oneself up to justice, abiding by the law, Hdt. δώ(Γων, ovTos, b, f. part, of δίδωμι, always going to give : Αώσων as a name of Antigonus ii. Promiser, Plut. δωτηρ, rjpos, b, {δί·δωμι) a giver, Od., Hes. : — so δώτης, ου, b, Hes. δωτΐνάζω, to receive or collect presents, Hdt. From δωτίνη [r], η, (δί-δωμι) a gift, present, Horn., Hdt. Δωτώ, ovs, η, (δί-δωμι) Giver, a Nereid, II., Hes. δώτωρ, opos, b, = δωτ^p, Od., h. Horn. E. E €» fifth letter of the Gr. alphabet: as numeral e' = τΓ€ντ€ and Tre/iirros, but ^€ = 5000. The ancients called this vowel el (as they called 0, ου). When in the archonship of Euclides (b. c. 403) the Athenians adopted long e (H η) from the Samian alphabet, the Gramm, gave to short e the name of e ψιλόν, i. e. e without the aspirate, because E had been used for the aspirate. In Ion., € sometimes stood for a, ^epeBpov ίρσην reaaepes for βάραθρον άρσην reaaapes, and in contr. Verbs in -άω, as bpew φοιτόω. c e, or € έ 6 €, an exclamation, woe I woe ! Aesch., etc. €, Lat. se, V. sub ου, sui. cd, exclam, of surprise or displeasure, ha! oho! Lat. vah ! esp. before a question, ea, τί χρήμα; Aesch.; ea, ris ovtos . . ; Eur. €d, Ion. for fjv, impf. of €ΐμί {sum), ea. Ion. for ela, 3 sing. impf. of εάω. II. Ια, Ep. ea<^, 3 sing. pres. €αγα [d], pf. (with pres, signf.) of &"γννμι : — Ιάγην [d], aor. 2 pass. Ιάδα, part, edbws, pf. of ανδάνω : — edSov, aor. 2. Ιάλην or Ιάλην [d], aor. 2 pass, of eίλω. Ιάλωκα [d], pf. of αλίσκομαι : — Ιάλων, aor. 2. Ιάν [ά]. Conjunct, compounded of ei &v, also contracted 219 into ην and av, if haply, if, followed by subj. (whereas el is foil, by indie, or opt.), Ep. e‘i k€, αϊ κ€. II. in N.T. eav is used just like the adverb άν after rela- tive Pronouns and Conjunctions, as bs eav whosoever, baos eav, bans eav, οπού edv, etc. Ιάνδανε, Ion. for ηvδave, 3 sing. impf. of ανδάνω. Ιανός, ή, όν, (ρόννυμι) fit for wearing, edv^ λιτί with linen good for wear, x.^.fine and white, II.; πεπλοϊ edvos a fine, light veil, Ib. ; edvov κασσιτόροιο tin beat out and so made fit for wear, Ib. II. as Subst., εανός, b, a fine robe, fit for the wear of goddesses and great ladies, Horn, εαξα, Ep. for ήξα, aor. i of α-γνυμι. "ΕΑΡ, edpos, TO, later Ep. elap, eldpos ; contr. ήρ, ^pos : — Lat. ver, spring, eapos veov Ισταμόνοιο in time of early spring, Od. ; άμα τψ eapi at the beginning of spring, Hdt. ; e| ήρο 5 els ^Αρκτουρον Soph. : — metaph. of the prime or flower of anything, Hdt., etc. ; eap bpav to look fresh and bright, Theocr. ; yevvωv eap, i. e. the first down on a youth’s face, Anth. Hence Ιαρίζω, f. Att. ιώ, to pass the spring, Xen. εαρινός, ·{], όν, Ep. είαρινός ; in other Poets, ήρινός : — Lat. vernus, of spring, elapivT] ώρη spring-time, II., etc. : — neut. ηρινόν, -vd, as Adv., in spring-time, Eur. ; ηρινα KeXabelv, of the swallow, Ar. εαρο-τρεφής, es, (τρόφω) flourishing in spring, Mosch. εας. Ion. 2 sing. impf. of elμi {sum). II. εας, 2 sing, of εάω. εασι, Ep. for etVi, 3 pi. of εΐμί {suni). εασκον. Ion. and Ep. impf. of ε’άω. εασσα. Dor. part. fern, of elμί {sum). εαται, εατο. Ion. for ήντα<, ΐ}ντο, 3 pi. pres, and impf, of ημαι. εατε. Ion. 2 pi. impf. of είμί {sum). εάτε'ος, a, ov, verb. Adj. of εάω, to be suffered, Hdt., Eur. ^ 2 . eareov, one must suffer. Id., Plat, ε-αυτοΐ, tjs, ου, dat. eavTip, 17, y, acc. eavrdv, d-y, ό : pi. eavTciv, eavrois, eavrovs -ds : Ion. εωυτοΰ, etc. : Att. contr. α-ύτον, etc. : — reflex. Pron. of 3rd pers., Lat. sui, sibi, se, of himself, herself, itself, etc. ; first in Hdt. and Att.; Horn, has eo αυτόν, οΐ αύτφ, e αυτόν: — αυτό 4 φ' €αυτό itself by itself, absolutely , Plat. ; so τδ eff εαυτόν Thuc. ; αυτό καθ' αυτό Plat. ; — άφ' εαυτου of himself, Thuc., etc. ; ev ε’αυτου, εντδϊ εαυτου, Lat. sui compos : — Trap eavTip at his own house, Xen. ; often with Comp, and Sup., eyevovTO dμeίvoves αυτοί εωυτών they surpassed themselves, Hdt. ; ^cλovσιώτepoι Εαυτών, i. e. continually richer, Thuc. II. in Att. αύτου, sometimes for ist or 2nd pers., Aesch., Soph, εάφθη, prob. Ep. for ηφθη, aor. i pass, of άπτω, ε’π’ αυτ^ί daTrls έάφθη upon him his shield was fastened upon or clung to him, i. e. they fell together, 11. ΈΑΏ, Ep. eld), Ep. 2 and 3 sing, edas, eda, inf. edav : — impf. eίωv, as, a. Ion. and Ep. εων, ίασκον or eXaTKOv: — f. ε’άσω [ά] : — aor. i eXdaa, Ep. edaa : — pf. eXdKa : — Pass., f. όάσομαι in pass, sense, aor. i elάθηv : pf. eXdμaι : — to let, suffer, allow, permit, Lat. sinere, c. acc. pers. et inf., Horn., Att. : — Pass, to be given up. Soph. 2. ουκ eav not to suffer, and then to forbid, hinder, prevent, c. acc. et inf., Horn., etc. : often an inf. may be supplied, ουκ edffei σε τούτο will not allow thee [to do] this. Soph. II. to let 220 €άωι/ — εγγύτατο?. alone, let he, c. acc., Horn., etc. ; — absoL, ίασον let be, Aesch. : — Pass,, ή δ’ οϋν ίάσθω Soph. 2. in same sense, c. inf., κλ^αι μίν ίάσομ^ν we will have done with stealing·, II. ; debs rb μ^ν δώσ^ι, rb S' Ιάσ^ι [sc. δοίίϊ /at] he will give one thing, the other he will let alone, Od. ; v. χαίρω fin. έάων [ά], Ep. for gen, pi. of 4vs. «βαλον, aor. 2 of βάλΛω. εβάν, Ep. for ζβησαν, 3 pi. aor. 2 of βαίνω. 6 βδομ-ογ€τη 5 , ου, δ, (άγω) name of Apollo, to whom the Spartans sacrificed onthe jth of every Aesch, Ιβδομαΐος, a, ov, on the seventh day, Thuc., Xen. Ιβδομάς, άδο5, the number seven or a number of seven, Anth. II. a period of seven days, a week, Arist. : also of seven years, a septenary. Id. έβδόματος, ov, — %βδομο$, the seventh, II. Ιβδομήκοντα, ol, al, τα, {%βδομο$) indecl. seventy, Hdt,, etc. Ιβδομηκοντ-οιίτης, ου, b, (eros) seventy years old: fern. -ovTis, Luc. Ιβδομος, 77, ov, (Ιτττά) seventh, Lat. Septimus, Horn., etc. j η ζβδόμη the seventh day, Hdt. "ΕΒΕΝΟΣ, T], the ebony-tree, ebony, Hdt., Theocr. Ιβην, aor, 2 of βαίνω. Ιβησα, aor. i (in causal sense) of βαίνω. Ιβήσετο, Ep. for -ατο, 3 sing. aor. i med. of βαίνω. Ιβίων, aor. 2 of βιόω. Ιβιώσαο, Ep. for 4βιώσω, 2 sing. aor. i of βιώσκομαι. ββλαβεν, Ep. for -ησαν, 3 pi. aor. 2 pass, of βλάπτω. Ιβλάστησα, Ιβλαστον, aor. i and 2 of βλαστάνω. Ιβλητο, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 pass, of βάλλω. Ιβουλήθην, aor. i pass, of βούλομαι. ‘Εβραίος, δ, a Hebrew, N. T. : — Adj. ‘Εβραϊκός, ύτ], όν, with fern. Έβραΐ5, ίδο5, Hebrew, Ib. : — Adv. 'Εβραϊστί, in the Hebrew tongue, Ib. Ιβρακε, 3 sing. aor. 2 of *βράχω. Ιγ, for l/c in compos, before y κ χ ξ. Ιγ-γαιος, a, ον, and εγ-γ6ΐος, ον, (yaTa, yrj) in or of the land, native, Lat. indigena, Aesch. II. of property,?» land , consisting of land , Dem., etc. Ill, in οτ of the earth. Plat. Ιγ-γΙγαα, Ep. pf. of 4y^yίyvoμaι. Ιγ-γείνωνται, 3 pi. aor. l subj. in causal sense (no pres, iy-yeίvoμaι being found), μη μυΐαι ^ύλάε iyyei- νωνται lest the flies breed maggots hi [the wounds], II. Ιγ-Ύβιος, ov, (yea, yrj) v. eyyaios. Ιγ·γ€λαστης, ου, δ, a mocker, scortier, Eur, From Ιγ-"γ€λάω, f. άσομαι [ά], to laugh at, mock, Lat. irri- dere, τινί Soph., Eur. ; κατά tivos Soph. Ιγ-·γ€ν·ης, 4s, (yί-yvoμai) inborn, native, Lat. indigena, Hdt., Att. ; Qeo\ iyyeveis gods of the race or country, Aesch. 2. born of the same race, kindred. Soph. : — Adv, -vws, like kinsmen. Id. II. of qualities, inborn, innate, Trag. Ιγγήραμα, to, a comfort for old age, Plut. From Ιγ-γηράσκω, f. άσομαι [ά], to grow old in one, decay, Thuc. Ιγ-γίγνομαι, Ion. and later -γίνομαι [t] : f. -yevr}- σομαι : 3 pi. Ep. pf. iyyeyάάσι : Dep. : — to be born or bred in a place, c. dat., Horn., Hdt. 2. of quali- ties, to be inborn, innate. Id., Eur, 3. of events and the like, to happen in or among, τισι Hdt. II. to come in, intervene, pass, of Time, Id., Thuc. III. iyyiyv€Tai, impers., it is allowed or possible, c. inf., ^Hdt., Att. Ιγγίων [l], ov, cγγt, f. νσω [ϋ], to erect or set up in, Eur. εγ-καθίζω, Ion. -κατίζω, f. Att. Χω, to seat in or tipon. Plat. : — so in aor. i med., vahv iyKaOeiaaro founded a temple there, Eur. II. Med. to take one's seat on, Hdt. εγ-καθίημι, f. -καθΊ^σω, to let down : to send in as a garrison, Plut. εγ-καθίστημι, f. -καταστήσω, to place or establish in a place, as king or chief, Eur., Thuc. : to place as a garrison in a place, Dem. II. Pass., with aor. 2, pf. and plqpf. act., to be established in a place, Thuc. έγ'Καθοράω, to look closely into, Plut. II. to re- mark something in a person or thing, Id. εγ-καθορμίζομαι, f. Att. ιουμαι, Med. to run into har- bour, come to anchor, Thuc. εγ-καθυβρίζω, f. σω, to riot or revel in a thing, Eur. έγκαίνια, τά, ^Kaivos) a feast of renovation, esp. that established by Judas Macc. at the re-consecration of the Temple, N. T. ^γ-καινίζω, f. σω, to renovate, consecrate : — Pass., N. T. έγ-καίω, f. -καΰσω, to burn or heat in fire, Eur. II. to make a fire in a place, Plut. εγ·κάκε'ω, f. Ί\σω, (/ca/cds) to lose heart, grow weary, N.T. έγ-κάλεω, f. -εσω : pf. -κ^κληκα : — to call in a debt,. Xen., etc. II. to bring a charge against a person, φόνον 4γκαλ€7ν τινι to bring a charge of murder against one. Soph., Plat. : — to accuse, τινί Thuc., etc. ; — ε’γκ. τι to bring as a charge. Soph., Thuc. εγ-καλλωπιξομαι, Pass, to take pride or pleasure in a thing, c. dat., Plut. Hence εγκαλλώττισ-μα, το, an ornament, decoration, Thuc. έγκαλ·υμμ6ς, b, a covering, wrapping up, Ar. From εγ-κάλτίτΓτω, f . φω, to veil in a thing, to wrap up, Ar. : — Pass, to be veiled or enwrapt. Id., Xen. II. Med. to hide oneself, hide one's face, Ar., etc. ; of persons at the point of death, Xen., Plat. ; as a mark of shame. Id. εγκάμτΓτω, f. φω, to bend in, bend, Xen. Ιγ-κάνάσσω, f. |ω, to pour in wine, Eur., Ar. εγ-κάνάχάομαι, Dep. to make a sound in a thing, ε’γ/ε, κόχλφ to blow on a conch, Theocr. εγ-κάτΓτω, f. φω : pf. -κόκάφα : — to gulp in greedily,, snap up, Ar. εγ-κάρος, b, (κάρ, κάρα) the brain, Anth. εγ-καρτΓθ9) ον, containing fruit. Soph. Ιγ-κάρσιος, α,ον,{\.4τη-κάρσιο$) athwart , oblique ,Th\xc. εγ-καρτερεω, f. -ησω, to persevere or persist in a thing,, c. dat., Thuc., Xen. 2. c. acc. to await stedfastly,. Eur. 3. absol. to hold out, remaui firm, Plut. έγκατα, τά, dat. ίγκάσι, (iv) the inwards, entrails, bowels, Lat. intestina, Horn, έγ-καταγηράσκω, f. άσομαι, to grow old in, iv irevia Plut. έγ-καταδεω, f. -δ^σω, to bind fast in. Plat, εγ-καταδιίνω, aor. 2 -κατόδυν, sink beneath, νδασιν Anih. εγ-καταζευγνυμι, f. -ζ^νξω, to adapt to, τί τινι Soph, εγ-κατάθοιτο, 3 sing. aor. 2 opt. of εγκατατίθεμαι. έγ-κατακαιω, f. -καΰσω, to burn in, Luc. εγ-κατάκειμαι, Pass, to lie in, c. dat., Theogn. 2. to lie in bed, sleep, Ar. έγ-κατακλίνω [ϊ], f. -κλΧνώ, to put to bed in a place, Ar. : — Pass, to lie down in. Id. έγ-κατακοιμάομαι, Pass, to lie down to sleep in a place, Hdt. έγ-κατακρο'υω, f. σω, to hammer in : iyK. χορείαν to7s μνσταΐ5 to tread a measure among the mystae, Ar. έγ-καταλαμβάνω, f. -\7]φομαι, to catch in a place, to- hem in, Thuc. ; iyK. τινά ‘όρκοιε to trammel by oaths, Aeschin. εγ-καταλέγω, f. ξω, to build in : Pass., 3 pi. aor. S εγκοτελεγησΌν were built into the wall, Thuc. II. to count among, Luc. : to enlist soldiers, Anth. εγ-καταλείττω, f. to leave behhid, Hes., Thuc., etc. 2. to leave in the lurch. Id., etc. 3. to leave out, omit, Hdt. II. Pass, to be left behind in a race. Id. εγ-κατάλη\|/ις, εω5, η, a being caught in a place, a being hemmed in, interception, Thuc. έγ-καταλογίζομαι, Dep. to reckon in or among, Isae. έγ-καταμίγνυμαι, Pass, to be mixed in or with, c. dat., Isocr. έγ-κατατΓ·ηγνυμι, f. -πή|ω, to thrust firmly in or into, c. dat., Od. εγ-καταττίτΓτω, poet. aor. 2 ^ικά-ηπ^σον, to fall in or upon, c. dat., Anth. 222 eyκaτalΓ\iκω — Ι'γκροτίω. €γ-καταττλ6κω, f. -7rAe|co, to interweave, entwine, Xen. Ιγ-καταρράΐΓτω, f. to sew in, Xen. €γ-κατασκήτΓτω, f. ψω, to fall upon, like lightning : of epidemics, to break out among, Thuc. II. trans. to hurl down among or upon, properly of a thunder- bolt, Aesch., Soph. €'γ-κατασΐΓ€ίρω, f. -σπ^ρώ, to disperse in or among, ^\vA.. έγ-καταστοιχειόω, f. άσω, to implant as a principle in, Tt Tivi Plut. €γ-κατασφάττω, f. |ω, to slaughter in a place, Plut. Ιγ-κατατ€μνω, ί.~τ€μω, to cut up among a number. Plat. €γ-κατατίθ€ρ.αι, Med., Ιμάντα ^Ύκάτθζο κόλπψ (Ερ. aor. 2 imper.) put the band upon or round thy waist, II. ; άτην ίφ iyKardeTo θυμψ stored up, devised mis- chief in his heart, Od. ; τ^λαμώνα It? ^^κατθ^το τίχνγ designed the belt by his art, Ib. 6γ-καταχ€ω, f. -χεώ, to pour in besides, Anth. €γ-κάτθ€ο, Ep. for iy-Karadov, aor. 2 imper. of ey/fOTO- τίθζμαι : — Ιγκάτθ€το, 3 sing, indie. €γ-κατιλλώτΓτω, f . ψω, to scoff at, τινί Aesch. 4γ-κατοικ€ω, f. άισω, to dwell in a place, Hdt. €γ-κατοικοδομ6ω, f. ήσω, to build in a place, Thuc. II. to immure, Aeschin. Ιγκα,τον, V. ey/caro. έγκαυμα, aros, to, (ey/coio)) a sore from burning, Luc. €γ-κ€ΐμαι, f. -/cetVo^ot : used as Pass, of : I. to lie in, be wrapped in clothes, II., Hdt. 2. ey- κ€ΐσθαί Tivi to be involved in a thing, Eur. II. to press upon, of troops pressing upon the enemy, Thuc. : — with an Adj. or Adv., ττολλ^? 4v€K€ito was very urgent, Hdt. ; iroXvs eyKcirai he insists much upon a thing, c. dat., Dem. 2. to be devoted to one, Theocr. έγ-κείρω, only in pf. pass, part., 4yκeκapμ4vψ κάρα with shorn head, Eur. έγ-κ6κλΐμαι, pf. pass, of ey/cAtreo. έγ-Κ6Κθλάμμαι, pf. pass, of ey/£oAcίπτω. έγκελευμα or -ενσμα, το, an encouragement, Xen. ; and εγκε'λευσ -Tos, ov, urged on, bidden, commanded, Xen. From έγ- κελεύω, f. σω, to urge on, cheer on, Aesch. ; c. dat., Xen. j to sound a charge, Plut. εγ-κεντρίς, ibos, η, {κ4ντρον) a sting, Ar. : a goad, Xen. εγ-κεράννϋμι or -νω, f. ~κ€ράσω [ά], to mix in, mix, esp. wine, II. : — Med. to mix for oneself : metaph. to concoct, Hdt. εγ-κερτομεω, f. ήσω, to abuse, mock at, τινί Eur. εγ-κε'φαλθ 5 , δ, {κ^ψαλτ}) that which is within the head, the brain, Horn., etc. II. the edible pith of young palm-shoots, Xen. έγ-κεχρημε'νος, pf. part. pass, of iyχpάω. έγ-κΐθαρίζω, f. ίσω, to play the harp among, h. Horn, εγ-κλείω, Ion. -κληίω, Att. -κληω : f. -κΚ^ίσω, Ion. -κλ-ηί'σω : — to shut in, close gates, Hdt., Plat. II. to shut or confine within : Pass., 4ρκ4ων 4yκ€κ\rιμ4vos (for ivrhs 4ρκ4ων Κζκ\τρμζνο$), Soph. ; 5όμοι$ ey/ce/cA??- μ€νο5 Id. 2. generally to confine, yXoia σαν ey/cA^Vas Id. III. Med. to shut oneself up in, Xen. έγκλημα, arros, το, {4yκaλ4ω) an accusation, charge, complaint. Soph., etc.; 4yκK4]μaτa 4χ€ΐν τivόs = iyκa- ΑεΓι/ τινι, Thuc. ; 4yκλ-ημa διαΑυεσθαι Id. Hence εγκληματικός, ή, όν, litigious, Arist. εγ- κλήρος, ον, having a lot or share in a thing, c. gen.. Soph. ; Καχΰν eyκλ'ηpά τινι to have an equal share with another. Id. 2. having a share of an in- heritance, an heir, heiress, Eur. 3. 4yK\ii)po5 cvvt) a marriage which brings wealth, Id. ; ey/c. πεδίο land possessed as an inheritance. Id. εγκληω, Att. for e’y/cAeio;. εγκλιδόν, Adv. leaning, bent down, h. Horn. From εγ-κλίνω [i] : f. -κλίνω : pf. pass. -κ4κλίμαι : — to bend in or inwards, Xen. 2. Pass, to lean on, rest or weigh upon one. Id. ; metaph., ttSvos νμμι iyK4K\ivai labour lies upon you, II. 3. 4yK\iv€iv νώτόν τινι to turn one’s back towards another, Eur. II. intr. to give way, flee, Lat. inclinari, Xen., etc. 2. to decline, become worse, Plut. έγ-κοιλαίνω, f. άνω, to hollow or scoop out, Hdt. εγ-κοιλος, ov, sinking in hollows, hollow. Plat, έγ-κοιμίζω, f. ίσω, to lull to sleep in a place, Anth. έγ-κοκτυρόομαι. Pass, to be luxurious as Coesyra (a woman of the Alcmaeonid family), 4yκ€Koισυpωμ4v^] Ar. εγ-κοιτάς, άδο5, -η, (κοίτη) serving for a bed, Anth. εγ-κολάτΓτω, f. ψω, to cut or carve upon stone, Hdt. εγ-κοληβάζω, to fall heavily upon, or to gulp down, swallow up, Ar. (Deriv. unknown.) εγ-κολττίζω, f. ίσω, to form a bay, Strab. έγ-κομβόομαι, Med. to bind a thing on oneself, gird oneself, N. T. έγ-κονε'ω, f. -ΐησω, to be quick and active, make haste, hasten, Horn., Soph., etc. έγ-κονίομαι, Med. (κονίω) to sprinkle sand over one- self before wrestling, Xen. έγκοιτευς, 4ωs, b, a tool for cutting stone, chisel, Luc. ; and εγκοττή, η, a hindrance, N. T. ; and εγκοτΓος, ov, wearied, Anth. From εγ-κότΓτω, f. ψω, to hinder, thwart, N. T. έγ-κορδυλεω, f. ησω, (κορδνλη) to wrap up in coverlets : Pass., 4yκeκopδυλημ4vη Ar. εγ-κοσμεω, f. ήσω, to arrange in a place, c. dat., Od. εγ-κοτε'ω, f. -ίησω, to be indignant at, τινί Aesch. εγ-κοτος, ov, bearing a grudge, spiteful, malignant, Aesch. II. as Subst., a grudge, iyKorov 4χ€ΐν τινί to bear a grudge against one, Hdt. έγ-κράζω, f. -κράζομαι : aor. 2 -4Kpayov : — to cry aloud at one, τινί Ar. ; εττί τινα Thuc. εγκράτεια, η, mastery over a person or thing, e’y/cp. eauvov self-control, Plat. II. absol. self-control, Lat. continentia, Xen. From εγ-κράτης, 4s, κράτοε) in possession of power. Soph. II. holding fast, stout, strong, Aesch., Soph. III. c. gen. rei, having possession of a thing, master of it, Lat. compos rei, Hdt., Soph. ; vabs 4yKpavri πόδα the sheet that controls the ship. Id. ; 4yKpav^s δαυτου master oneself, Plat. IV. Adv. -τω$, with a strong hand, by force, Thuc. έγ-κρίνω [r], f. -κρίνω, to reckon in or among, Eur. II. to admit as elected, els την yepoυσίav Dem. : generally, to admit, accept. Plat. Hence εγκρϊσις, €ωs, η, admission to the contest, Luc. ; and εγκριτε'ον, verb. Adj. one must admit. Plat, εγ-κροτε'ω, f. 4\σω, to strike on the ground, to beat time, Theocr. : — Med. to dash one against the other, Eur. ejKpovw — ^7χο?· €γ>κρουω) f . σω, to knock dr hammer in, Ar. : to strike, Anth. II. to dance, Ar. Ιγ-κρυτΓτω, f. ψω : aor. i -έκρυψα : — to hide or conceal in a place, c. dat., Od. 2. to keep concealed, Ar. εγ'Κρΰψιάζω, (κρνψιοε) intr. to keep oneself hidden, act iinderhand, Ar. «γ-κρυψίας 6.pros, o, {Kpxxpios) a loaf baked in the ashes, Luc. €γ-κτάορ.αι, f. ‘ί]σομαι, Dep. to acquire possessions in a foreig-n country, Hdt., Dem. Hence εγκτημα, otos, t6, land held in a district by a person not belonging to it, Dem. ; and εγκτησις, Dor. εγκτάσις, ewy, tenure of land in a place by a stranger, Xen. : — the right of holding such land, granted to foreigners, Decret. ap. Dem. εγ-κΰκάω, f. Ίισω, to mix up in, Ar. εγ-κυκλεομαι, Pass, to rotate in the sockets : metaph. to turn in, Ar. εγ-κυκλιος, ον, (κύκλοι) circular, rounded, round, Eur., Aeschin. II. revolving in a cycle, periodical, Dem. : — ordinary, Lat. quotidianus, Isocr., etc. €γ-κνκλ6ω, f. ώσω, to move round in a circle, τι Eur. II. Pass, to encircle, φων^ μ4 tis εγκεκυ- κλωται a voice has echoed around me, Ar. III. Med. to roam about a place, c. acc., Plut. Hence εγκυκλωσ-ις, εωί, a surrounding, Strab. εγ-κΰλίνδω, f. -κυΧίσω [ϊ], to roll up in : metaph. in Pass, to be involved in, εί'ϊ ri Xen. εγ-κΰμων, ον, gen. ovos, {κύμα ii) pregnant, Xen.; ε’γ- κνμων τ^υχ4ων big with arms, of the Trojan horse, Eur. εγ-κυος, ον, (κυω) = foreg., Hdt. εγ-κυτΓτω, f. φω, to stoop down and peep in. Plat.; εγκ. iis Tt to look closely into, Hdt. : — absol., 4'γκζκνφ6τζ5 stooping to the ground, Ar., Thuc. εγ-κυρεω, f. i\(Tw, -■ β'/κνρω, Hdt. εγ.κΰρω [O], f. -κύρσω : aor. i -4κυρσα : — to fall in with, light upon, meet with, c. dat., II., Hes., Hdt. εγκωμιάζω, impf. 4ν-ζκωμίαζον : f. -άσω and -άσομαι : pf. εγκεκωμίακα : (the augmented tenses are formed as if the Verb were a compound of kv and κώμο$, not a deriv. from ^γκώμιον) : — to praise, laud, extol one, ε’ττί Tivi for a thing. Plat. : — Pass, to be praised, Hdt. έγ-κώμιος, ον, {κώμη) in or of the same village, native, Hes. II. (κώμοί) of or belonging to a Bacchic revel, in which the victor was led home in procession with music and dancing: — hence 2. Ι^κώμιον, t6, a song in honour of a conqueror, an eulogy, Ar., Plat, εγνωκα, εγνωσμαι, pf. act. and pass, of γι-γυώσκω. εγνων, aor. 2 of ^ι-^νώσκω. € γραφήν [ά], aor. 2 pass, of '/ράφω. £γραψα, aor. i act. of -γράφω. €γpe·κυδoιμos, ον, rousing the din of war, Hes. εγρε-μάχης, ου, b, {μάχη) rousing the fight. Soph, εγρεο, εγρετο, 2 and 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 pass, of ^-γζίρω. εγρεσί- κώμος, ον, stirring up to revelry, Anth. «γρήγορα, έγρήγορθε, -θαι, -θασι, pf. forms of εγείρω, έγρηγορόων, Ep. part., as if from a pres, ε’γρηγορόω, = ε’γείρομαί), watching, waking, Od. ^ΎΡ^Ύορτί [t], (Εγείρω) Adv. awake, watching, II. ίγρήσσω, (Εγείρω) to be awake or watchful , Horn. «γρω, later form of iyilpw ; imper. εγρετε. Φ 223 εγροιτο, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 pass. opt. of εγείρω : — έγρό- μένος part. *έγχαίνω, v. sub ε’γχάσκω. εγ-χάλΙνόω, f. ώσω, to put a bit in the mouth of a horse, c. acc., Babr. : — Pass, of horses, to have the bit in their mouths, Hdt., Xen. εγ-χαλκος, ον, in or with brass : moneyed, rich, Anth. εγ-χάντ], 3 sing. aor. 2 subj. of ky -χάσκω ·. — εγ-χάνοΰ- μαι, fut. εγ-χάράσσω, f. -|ω, to engrave upon a thing, Plut. έγ-χάσκω, f. -χανουμαι : aor. 2 inf. ε’γχανεΓν (as if from *ε’γχαίνω) : — to gape, Luc. II. to grin or scoff at one, c. dat., Ar. έγ-χ€ζω,Ε -χεσω or-χεcroυμαι : pf. iyKexoba: — Lat. in- cacare, Ar. : c. acc. to be in a horrid fright at one. Id. ^ εγχείη, η, Ep. form of εγχοί, a spear, lance, Horn. ; gen. pi. εγχείάων, dat. iyχelησι. εγ-χείη, Ep. for εγ-χερ, 3 sing. pres. subj. of ε’γ-χε'ω. εγ-χειρε'ω, f. ήσω, (χ«ίρ) to put one's hand in or to a thing, to attempt it, c. dat. rei, Eur., Thuc. ; c. inf., Xen., etc. : absol. to make an attempt or beginning. Soph., Thuc. 2. to lay hands on, attack, assail, Tivi Id., Xen. Hence εγχείρημα, arcs, t6, an undertaking, attempt. Soph., Plat., etc. ; and εγχείρησις, εωϊ, η, a taking in hand, undertaking, Thuc., Plut. ; and εγχειρητεον, verb. Adj. one must undertake, Xen. ; and ^ΎΧ^'’Ρ'Π'’·ή^> u'^dertaker, an adventurer, Ar. ; and εγχειρητικός, ή, όν, enterprising, adventurous, Xen. εγ-χειρίδιος, ον, {kv, χείρ) in the hand, Aesch. II. as Subst., εγχειρίδιον, τ6, a hand-knife, dagger, Hdt. εγ-χειρίζω, f. Att. -Ίώ : pf. -κ^χ^ίρικα. : — to put into one's hands, entrust, τί or τινά rivi Hdt., Thuc., etc. : — Pass., kyχ€ιpίζeσθaί τι to be entrusted with a thing, Luc. II. Med. to take in hand, encounter, κιν- bbvovs Thuc. εγ-χειρί-θετος, ον, put into one's hands, Hdt. εγχΑειος, a, ov, of an eel, τάγχε'λεία (sub. κρεα) eel's flesh, Ar. εγχελυς or εγχε'λυς, η, rarely b, gen. εω^ or vos : pi. ε’γχελείϊ, -υεϊ or -vs, gen. -4ων or -νων, dat. -εσί or -υσι : (v. exts) : — an eel, Lat. anguilla, II., Ar., etc. εγχελυ-ωιτός, 6v, [ώφ) eel-faced, Luc. έγχεαί-μωρος, ov, eager with the spear, Horn. -(The deriv. of -μωρο5 is uncertain, cf. Ιό·μωρο5, υ\ακ6-μωρο$.) εγχεσ-Ίτάλος, ον, (ττάλλω) wielding the spear, II. εγ-χε'ω : f. -χεώ ; aor. i 4ν-4χ€α, Ep. ε’ν-εχευα, Ep. 3 sing, subj. kyx4r], Ep. εγχείρ : pf. pass. -κ4χυμαι : — to pour in, μ4θυ εγχ. δεττάεσσι Od. ; οίνον ks κύλικα Hdt. ; ε’γ- χεΓν alone, to pour in wine, to fill the cup, Xen., etc. : — Med. to fill one's cup, Ar. 2. of dry things, to pour in, shoot in, Od. II. with acc. of the cup, to fill by pouring in, Xen. III. ε’γχεΓν ύδωρ τινί, i. e. to fill the κλ^φνδρα (q. v.), Dem. εγ-χθόνιος, ov, in or of the country, Anth. εγχος, τ6, a spear, lance, often in Horn., consisting of two parts, αίχμτ] and bbpv, head and shaft, II. II. any weapon, a sword. Soph., Eur. : — metaph., φροντίδο5 εγχοϊ Soph. (Prob. akin to Root AK, in άκή, άκών. 2 24 β^χ^ονσα €γχουσα, η, the plant alkanet, the root of Avhich yields a red dye, Xen. (Deriv. unknown.) €γ-χράω and -χραΌω, like ΐΎχρίμτττω, to dash against, Lat. impingere, Hdt. : — pf. part, pass., ίσαν €γκ€χρη· μ4νοι (sc. τΓ0λ€ μοι) there ixiere wars urged on. Id. €γ-χρ 6 ρ.· 7 Γτομαι, Dep. to expectorate, Luc. €γ-χρηζω, to have need : iyxprj(ovTa necessaries, Luc. Ιγ-χρίμιΓτω or -χρίτττω : aor. i -βχριμψα : — Pass., aor. I 4ν€χρίμψθ·ην : — to bring near to, rep [τβρματί] 4y· χρίμψοϊ so as almost to touch the post, II. ; βγχρ. tt]v βαριν τρ yrj to brittg the boat close to land, Hdt. II. intr. to come jiear, approach, rivi Soph. : — so in Pass., ^yXpi -μφθ^'ΐ·^ ττΰλ.'ρσιν II. ; οαχμτ) 6στ4φ 4yχpιμ Ιεικοστός, Ep. for (Ικοσ-. ^ειλεόν, Ep. for etXeor, impf. of είλω. εειττα, εειττον, Ep. for εΓττα, cJttov, qq. v. εεις, Ep. for els. Ιεισ-άμην, -αο, Ep. aor. of ^Ίδομαι (v. *6ίδα> a) : — part. 4 εισάμενος. εείσατο, 3 sing·. Ep. aor. of εΤμί (ibo) : εεισάσθην, 2 dual. εελδομαι, εελδωρ, Ep. for βλδομαι, (λδωρ. έελμεθα, Ep. i pi. pf. pass, of εϊλω : part, εελμε'νος. Ιελπομαι, Ep. for (λιτομαι. έε'λσαι, Ep. aor. i inf. of εΐίλω. έεργάθω, εεργε, Ιεργμ^νος, εε'ργνυμι, έε'ργω, Ερ. for flpyp· εερμενος, Ερ. pf. pass. part, of εϊρω. ίε'ρση, εερσΊίίεις, Ερ. for ερση, ipT^cis. έε'ρτο, Ερ. 3· sing, plqpf. pass, of etpco. ^ε'ρχατο, Ep. 3 pi. plqpf. pass, of clpyw. εε'σσατο, Ep. 3 sing. aor. i med. of Ίζω. έ^σσατο, Ep. 3 sing. aor. med. of 'όννυμι. εεστο, Ep. 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of ίννυμι. εζευγμαι, pf. pass, of ζζύyvυμι. ίζεΰχθην, aor. i pass, of ζ€ύyvυμι. εζομαι (Root EA) ; impf. and aor. 2 ΐζόμην: aor. i pass, ’όσθ-ην : — to seat oneself, sit, eV λεκτρ^, εττί δίφρψ, κατά κλΐ(Γμον 5 Horn. ; ε’ττί χθονί ^ζόσθην they sank to the earth, of a pair of scales, II. : — cf καθίζο- μαι. II. there is no act. pres., 'όζω, to set, piace ; though, as if from it, we have trans. tenses εΤσα, med. ζί(τάμτην, f. med. ΐίσομαι, pf. pass, (ΐμαι ; v. είσα. εζωσμαι, pf. pass, of ζώννυμι. ε·η, fern, of I os, his. ε·η, exclam., like ε or ε ε. erj, Ion. for p, 3 sing. subj. of βιμί (sum), εην, Ep. for ^v, 3 sing. impf. of eipi (sum''. εήνδανον, Ep. for ηνδανον, impf. of άνδάνω. εήος, gen. masc. of eiis. εης, Ep. for ^s, gen. fern, of 0 s, who ; — but ε·ης, gen. of os, his. εησθα, 2 sing. Ep. for ^s, 2 sing. impf. of είμί (sum). εη<Γΐ, Ep. for p, 3 sing. pres. subj. of ε/μί {sum). εθανον, aor. 2 of θνήσκω. εθάξ, άδos, b, η, {eθos) customary , accustomed to a thing, c. gen., Thuc., Plut. εθειρα, η, hair, used by Horn, in pi., either of a horse's mane, or of the horsehair crest on helmets : — later in sing, and pi. of the hair of the head, Aesch., Eur., etc. ; of a lion’s mane, Theocr. Hence εθειράζω, f. άσω, to have long hair, Theocr. έθείρω, once in Horn., to tend, take care of a field. (Deriv. unknown.) εθελημός, όν, (εθελω) willing, voluntary , Hes. εθε'λησθα, Ep. for iθό\τjs, 2 sing. subj. of ε 0 ελω. έθελοδουλεία, tj, willing slavery , Plat. From εθελό-δουλος, ov, a willing slave. Plat, εθελο-θρησκεία, τ], will-worship, N. T. έθελοκακεω, f. ήσΌ), to be slack in duty , play the coward purposely, Hdt. From εθελό-κακος, ov, wilfully bad or cowardly. εθελοντηδον, (ε’θελω) Adv. voluntarily ,Ύ'\\\χο. εθελοντήν, (εθε'λω) Adv. vohintarily , Hdt. εθελοντήρ, ripos, b, (ε’θελω) a volunteer . Od. εθελοντή5, ου, b, later form of foreg., Hdt., Thuc., etc. εθελοντί, Adv., = εθελοντηδον, Thuc. εθελό-ΊΓονος, ov, willing to work, Xen. εθελο-ιτρόξενος, ov, one who voluntarily charges him- self with the office of irpb^evos (q. v.), Thuc. εθελ-ουργός, όν, ffepyw) willing to work, Xen. εθελούσιος, a, ov, (εθελω) voluntary, Xen. II. of things, optional, matter of free choice. Id. ΈΘΕ'ΛΩ or ΘΕ^ΛΩ, Ep. subj. 4 θό\ωμι: — impf.ηθελov, Ep. also ίθ^Κον, Ion. ε’θελε(Τκον : — f. ε’θελήσω and ΘελήσΌ) : aor. I ήθεληοΌ, Ep. εθελησα : — pf. ηθόληκα : — to will, wish, purpose ; c. acc. et inf. to wish that . . , c. inf. to wish to do, Horn., Att. ; c. acc., inf. being omitted, τί θόΚων (sc. ττράξαι) Aesch. 2 . with a negat., almost = δύναμα£, μίμν^ιν ούκ ε’θελεο' /fov they cared not to make a stand, i. e. they were unable, II. II. of things, 1. much like μέλλω, merely to express' a future event, ε: θελήσει άναβηναι η Topavvis if the monarchy will revert, Hdt. 2 . to be wont or accustomed, c. inf.. Id., Thuc. 3 . to mean, pur- port, τί ε’θελει τδ ε 7 Γ 05 ; Lat. quid sibi vidt ? French que veut-il dire ? Hdt., etc. εθελχθην, aor. i pass, of θ 4 λyω. εθεν, poet. gen. for εο, ou, his, her, of him, of her, Q 2 20 eOevTO € 0 cvTO, 3 pi. aor. 2 med. of τίθημι. έθηεϊτο, έθηεΰμβθα, εθηεΰντο, Ion. for iOeuTO, ^θ^ώμζθα, idecovTO, 3 sing·., i and 3 pi. of θ^άομαι. Ιθηήσαντο, Ion. for ieedaauTO, 3 pi. aor. i of θξάομαι. εθηκα, aor. i of τίθημι. εθημο-λογε'ω, ^edos, λ€Ύω) to gather customarily, Anth. εθην, aor. i pass, of Ίημι : — but II. «θην, aor. 2 act. of τίθημι. εθϊγον, aor. 2 of θι-γ'/άνω. εθίζω, f. Att. εθίώ : aor. i ^ίθισα : pf. €Ϊθικα : Pass., aor. I ^Ιθίσθην : pf. ΐίθισμαι ; {yθos)·.—to accustom, use, ε’θ. Tiva TToieTu τι Plat., Xen. ; — Pass, to be or become accustomed or used to do, c. inf., Thuc. Hence εθιστεον, verb. Adj. one must accustom, Xen.; and εθιστός, η, ον, to be acquired by habit, Arist. εθν-άρχης, ο.υ, δ, (άρχω) an ethnarch, N.T., Luc. εθνικός, ή, 6v, {ίθνο%) foreign, heathen, gentile, N. T. : Adv. -viKws, Ib. έθνος, €os, to, (εθω) a number of people accustomed to live together, a company, body of men, II., etc. ; e 0 vos λαών a host of men, Ib. ; also of animals, sivarms, flocks, Ib., Soph. 2 . after Horn., a nation, people, Hdt., etc. : — in N. T. τά ζθνη the nations, Gentiles, i. e. all but Jews and Christians. 3 . a special class of men, a caste, tribe. Plat., Xem 4 . sex. Id. εθορον, aor. 2 of θρώσκω. έθος, 6os, TO, (εθω) custom, habit, Aesch., etc. ; εν εθει εΤναι to be in the habit, Thuc. ; εθει habitually , Arist. εθρε'φθην, aor. i pass, of τρ4<ρω : — εθρεψα, aor. i act. εθρϊσα, poet, for 4θ4ρισα, aor. i of θερίζω. ^ΕΘΩ, to be accustomed : the pres, only in partic., κακα. ■ττόλλ’ 4p5eaKev εθών much ill he wrought by custom, i. e. was accustomed to work, II. ; otherwise, pf. ειωθα. Ion. εωθα is used as a pres., and plqpf. ε/ώθειν. Ion. ε’ώθεα, as impf. : — to be wont or accustomed, be in the habit, c. inf., II., Hdt., etc. : — in part, absol. accus- tomed, customary , usual, II., Soph., etc. ; in neut., Kara τδ €Ϊωθ05 according to custom, παρα τδ €ΐωθ05 contrary to custom, Thuc. : — Adv. ζΙωθότωε, more solito. Soph. ΕΓ, Ep. and Dor. also at, a Conditional Conjunction, Lat. si, if ; and in indirect questions, whether. A. with a verb in protasis, answered by a similar tense in apodosis : 1. with pres, and fut. indie., to express mere Possibility, εί τούτο ττοι^ί (or ττοιησ^ι), αμαρτάνει (or αμαρτησ^ται) if he is doing ( οτ shall do) this, he is (or will be) wrong. 2. with impf. and aor. indie., to express Impossibility, εί τούτο iiroUi, ημαρτάν^ν αν if he was doing this, he would be wrong ; εί τούτο ^ττοίησβν, ημαρτΕν αν if he did (or had done) this, he would be wrong. 3 . with optat. to express a mere Assumption, εί τούτο ττοιοίι, αμαρτάνοι αν if he were to do this, he would be wrong. 4 . with Subjunctive, to express Possibility with some degree of Probability : in this case αν is always added, and εί άν becomes εάν, ην, άν, (Ep. εΙ kev' , εάν τοντο τΓΟφ, άμαρτ4)σΕται if he do this, he will be wrong. II. sometimes the apodosis is omitted, so that εί expresses a Avish, εϊ μοι jevoito ^007705 if I had a voice, [I would . .], i. e. Oh that I had a voice ! so εί yap, eWe, Ep. at ydp, aWs. 2 . sometimes the protasis is e’lSw. omitted, εί δ’ ayE come οη, = ΕΪ δε [/θοόλε:], &,yE, Od. ; εί δε, συ μδν άκουσον II. 3 . εί δέ μ-ή = Lat. sin minus, otherwise, for εί δε μη [τουτό ε’εττι], Hdt., etc. Β. In Indirect Questions, whether, Lat. an, fol- lowed by the indie., subj., or opt., according to the principles of oratio obliqua : 1 . with Indic. or SuBj. after primary tenses, ουκ οΤδ’, εί Θεο$ Εστιν whether he is a god, II. ; ουκ οΊδ' εΙ δώ whether I shall give, Xen. 2 , with Optat. after past tenses, ηρΕτο εΪ tis Ε μού Ε%η σοψώτΕροε he asked whether any one was wiser than I, Plat. II. after Verbs expressive of wonder, indignation, etc., θαυμάζω eI μηδΕΪε δpyίζEτaι, where εί nearly = οτί, Dem. ; ayavaKTEi eI μη στΕφανω- θ^ισΕται Aeschin. εΐα, poet, trisyll. εΐα, Lat. eia, Interj, on! up! away! with imper., Trag. ; Eia δη come then ! Aesch. ; εΤα νυν well now ! Ar., etc. εϊά, 3 sing. impf. of εάω. είάμενή, η, a river-side pasture, meadow, εν ΕΪαμΕνη eKeos in a marshy meadow, II. (Deriv. uncertain. ) είάνός, η, όν, Ep. for euvos, II. εΐαρ, εΙάρινός, Ep. for εαρ, iapivos. είαρό-μασθος, ον, with youthful breasts, Anth. εϊάς, 2 sing. impf. of ε’άω. εϊασκον. Ion. impf. of εάω. ειαται, ειατο, Ep. for ήνται, ΐ\ντο, 3 pi. pres, and impf. of ημαι. ειατο, Ep. for eivto, 3 pi. plqpf. pass, of Εννυμι. El "ΒΩ, Ep. form of λείβω, to drop, let fall in drops, Horn. : — Pass, to trickle down, Hes. εΐ γάρ, in wishes, v. εί A. Ii. i. εΐ δ’ άγε, v. εί A. II. 2. είδάλιμος, η, ον, {Είδοε) shapely, comely, Od. II. like, looking like, Anth. eiSap, OTOS, to, (εδω) food, and of \iox%e^s, fodder , Horn, είδείην, opt. of οΐδα, είδε'ναι, inf. ; v. *είδω B. ει δέ μη, v. εί A. ll. 3. εϊδετε, Ep. for εϊδητε, 2 pi. subj. of οίδα : v. *ΕΪδω B. εΙδ·ημων, ον, gen. ovos, (*είδω Bj knowing or expert in a thing, tivos Anth. είδησε'μεν, Ep. f. inf., v. *εϊ'δω B ειδοί, ών, at, the Roman Idus, Plut. εΐδομαι, ειδον, v. sub "^εϊδω A. εΐδομεν, Ep. for εϊδωμεν, i pi. subj. of οΐδα : v. ^ΕΪδω B. ειδο-ποιέω, f. ήσω, to make an image of a thing, to mould, Plut. ; and ειδοποιΐα, η, the specific nature of a thing, Strab. From εΙδο-ίΓοιός, όν, (ττοΐΕω) forming a species, specific, Arist. είδος, EOS, TO, (*εϊ’δω a) that which is seen, form, shape, figtire, Lat. species, forma, Horn. ; absol. in acc., είδο5 apiaTos, etc. II. a form, sort, particular kind or nature, Hdt., etc. 2 . a particular state of things or course of action, Thuc. III. a class, kind, sort, whether genus or species, Plat., etc. ειδότως, Adv. of είδώί, knowingly, Aeschin. είδυλλιον, TO, Dim. of εΤδοϊ : a short descriptive poem, mostly on pastoral subjects, an idyll, Theocr., etc. *εϊδω (^Root f\A, Lat. vid-eo) to see: not used in act. pres., δράω being used instead ; but pres, is used in Med., v. infr. — aor. 2 ειδον retains the proper sense of to see : but pf. οιδο (/ have seen) means / know, and is used as a pres. ει^ωΧβϊοΐ' — €ΐκυς. A. aor. 2 elSov, Ep. without augm. iSov, Ion. 3 sing. iSecr/te ; imper. ΐδβ (as Adv. iSe, ecce) ; subj. ϊδω, Ep. ϊδωμι ; opt. ίδοιμι ; ini. ιδ^Ίν, Kp. Ιδ^ειν ; part, ίδώϊ' : — ■ hence is formed a fut. Ιδησώ : — aor. 2 med. is used in same sense, €ΐδόμτ)ν, Ep. Ιδόμην ; imper. Ιδου (as Adv. Ιδού, ecce) ; subj. ϊδω;ααί ; opt. ΙδοΙμην; inf. Ιδίσθαι’, part. Ιδόμ€νο5 : — θίγομαι is used as fut., 4όράκα or έώράκα as pf. : 1 . to see, perceive, behold, Horn., etc. ; after a Noun, θαύμα Ιδύσθαι a marv'el to behold, II. ; olKvphs Ibeiy Aesch. 2. to look at, els S)Tra Ιδίσθαι to look him in the face, II., etc. 3 . to look so and so, αχρ^ΐον Ιδών looking helpless, Ib. 4 . to see mentally, Ιδ4σθαί ev (ppeffiv ‘ to see in his mind’s eye,’ Horn. II. Med., pres. £Ϊδομαι, Ep. 3 sing, ieiberai; aor. i (Ισάμτην, Ep. 2 and 3 pers. ieiffao, aro, Lat. videor, to be seen, appear, eiberai άστρα they are visible, appear, II. 2 . c. inf. to appear or seem to be, τούτο μοι κάλλιστον €Ϊδ€ται eJvai Od. ; also with inf. omitted, T0ye κίρδιον eiaaTo Ib. ; also, ^ίσατ ϊμ^ν he made a show of going, Ib. 3 . in strictly middle sense, c. dat., ieiaaTo (peoyy^v Πολίτη she made herself like Polites in voice, II. : — also to be like, Ib. B. pf. ο?δα I have seen, i. e. / know, as pres.; plqpf. γδΐΐν, ρδβα, Att. γδη, I knew, as impf. ; 2 sing. οίσθα, rarely, οίδαε ; p\. Ίσμ^ν (Ep. and Dor. ίδμ^ν , ίστ€, ίσασι, rarely οίδαμ^ν, -ατ€, -άσι imperat. ίσθι, ίστω i^Boeot. ίττω) : — subj. είδω, Ερ. Ιδ^ω ; ρ1., ΐΧδομ^ν Ερ. for ύδωμ^ν, εϊ'δετβ for €ίδητ€ : — optat. ΐΙδΰτ]ν ’, inf. ΐΐδίναι, Ερ. ίδμ^ναι, ϊδμ^ν. — part. €ΐδώ$, (Ιδυΐα, Ερ. ίδυΤα : — Plqpf. τ}δη, τίδησθα (rarely ^δτ/ϊ), “ρδη ; Att. also γύζιν. Ion. ρδβα, rjbee; Ερ. also iieibrjs, ηζίδη, Att. I pi. γδ^ιμ^ν, γδ^μ^ν, 2 pi. γδατζ, 3 pi. γδ^σαν ', also shortened ^σμ^ν, γστζ, γσαν, Ερ. 3 ρ1· ϊσαν . — The fut., in this sense, is (Χσομαι or €ίδή(Γω, Ep. inf. €ΐδ·ησ€μ€ν. To know, ev οΐδα I know well; ΐυίσθί be assured : often c. acc. rei, νο-ίιματα οίδβ, μήδεα οΐδβ he is versed in counsels, Horn. ; with neut. Adjs., πβττί/υ- μύνα, φίλα, άθ^μίστια dbcis Id. ; also c. gen., τόξων eS (Ιδώε cunning in the use of the bow ; οΙωνων σάφα €Ϊδώ5 Od. : — χσριν elbevai τινί to acknowledge a debt to another, thank him, II., etc. : — the Imperat. in protes- tations, Χστω Zcvs αύτ05 be Zeus my witness, Ib. ; Dor. Χττω Zeus, Χττω Ar. : — €ίδαΐ5 absol. one who knows, ίίδυΐτ] ττάντ αγορεύω II. ; Ιδυίρσι ττραττίδ^σσι with know- ing mind, Ib. 2. c. inf. to know how to do, Ib., Att. 3. with the part, to know that so and so is the case, Χσθι μοι δώσων know that thou wilt give, Aesch. ; τδν Μηδοϊ' ϊσμ^ν 4λθόντα Thuc. 4. ούκ οίδ’ €t, I know not whether, expresses disbelief, like Lat. nescio an non, ούκ οΊδ' hv et ττ^ίσαιμι Eur. 5. οΊδα or Χσθι are often parenthetic, ο?δ’ eycu Id. ; ο?δ’ 0τι, olaff ότι, ίσθ’ ότι, ττάρ^ιμι Soph.; so, eu οίδ’ ότι Dem. : — in Trag. also, olaff % δρασον ; equivalent to δρασον — olaff ό ; do — know’st thou what ? i. e. make haste and do ; oiaff ws ττοίησον, etc. 6ΐδωλ6Ϊον, τό, {(ϊδωλον) an idoVs temple, N. T. €ΐδωλ<ί-θΰτος, ον, {θύω) sacrificed to idols ; ίΐδωλόθυτα, τά, meats offered to idols, N. T. €ΐδωλολατρ€ία, -η, idolatry, N.T. From €ΐδωλο-λάτρης, ου, δ, η, {λάτριε) an idol-worshipper , idolater, N.T. €Ϊδωλον, τό, el0os) an image, a phantom, Horn., Hdt.; j 227 βροτων 6ίδωλα καμόντων phantoms of dead men, Od. ; of a 7 iy unsubstantial form, anias ίϊδωλον Aesch. ; ούδ^ν άλλο πλ^ν είδωλα Soph. II. an image in the mind, idea, Xen. : — also a fancy. Plat. III. an image, likeness, Hdt. IV. an image, idol, N. T. €ΐδωλθ'ΠΌΐεω, f. ^ισω, to form an image in the mind. Plat. ; and είδωλοποιΐα, η, formation of images, as in a mirror. Plat. From είδωλο-ποιός, 6 , {ττοιόω) an image-maker. Plat, είδώς, part, of οΐδα : v. *€ΐδω B. εΧεν, Particle, only used in Att. dialogue, well ! Lat. esto! be it so! ehv' τίδητα; Soph.; ehv' και δ^ τ^θνασι Eur. εϊην, opt. of (Ιμί {sum) : — εΧεν 3 pi., for ^ιησαν. εϊην, aor. 2 opt. of Χημι. εΧθαρ, Adv. {ζύθύε) at once, forthwith, II., Theocr. ε’ίθε, Ep. and Dor. αιθε, interj. would that? Lat. uti- nam : v. ei A. li. i. εΙθίζω, f. ισω, poet, for όθίζω. εΧκα, Att. for eoiKa, but, II. είκα, pf. of Χ-ημι. εΙκάζω, impf. γκαζόν. Ion. ΐίκαζον : — f. -άσω : — aor. i γκασα, Ion. δίκασα : — Pass., f. ^ικασθγσομαι : aor. i γκάσθην : pf. γκασμαι. Ion. ζΧκασμαι : — to make like to, represent by a likeness, portray, Xen. ; eiK^ov Ύραφγ (Ικασμόνη a figure painted to the life, Hdt. ; αΙβτδ$ €ΐκασμόνο 5 a figure like an eagle. Id. II. to liken, compare, τι τινι Aesch., Ar. ; βίκ. τι και τι Hdt. : to de- scribe by a comparison. Id. : — Pass, to resemble, τινι Eur. III. to infer from comparison, form a conjecture, Hdt., Soph. ; ws ^Ικάσαι, so far as one can guess, Hdt. : — c. acc. et inf. to guess that it is so, guess it to be. Id., Thuc. : — et/c. τι e/c tivos Aesch., Thuc. ; άττό TIVOS Id. ; ei/c. τι to make a guess about it, Aesch. εΙκάθεΐν, inf. of έΐκαθον, poet. aor. 2 of eXκω to yield. Soph, είκαΐος, a, ov, flKrj) random, purposeless, Luc. εΙκάς, άδο$, γ, {είκοσι) the tvjentieth day of the month (sub. ημόρα), Hes. ; the days from 21 to 30 were called at είκάδεϊ Ar. II. the sixth day of the Eleusinian mysteries, Eur. έϊκάσ-δω, Aeol. and Dor. for ^Ικάζω. εΙκάσία, γ, {εικάζω) a likeness, image, Xen. II. a comparison, a conjecture. Plat, εΐκασμα, arcs, τό, {^Ικάζω) a likeness, image, Aesch. είκασμός, δ, {βϊκάζω) a conjecttiring, Plut., Luc. είκαστής, ού, δ, {βΙκάζω) one who conjectures, a di- viner, των μ^ΧΚόντων Thuc. εικαστικός, ή, όν, able to represent or conjecture : τό εικαστικόν the facidty of conjecturing, Luc. εικαστός, ή, όν, {εικάζω) comparable, similar, Soph, εΐκάτι, Dor. for είκοσι, εΐ κε, εϊ κεν, ν. εΐ Α. ι. 4 · είκελ-όνειρος, ον, dream-like, Ar. εΐκελος, η, ον, {εΙκ 05 ) like, Lat. similis, τινι Horn., Hdt. είκελό-ψωνος, ον, {φωνή) of like voice, Anth. εικε'ναι, Att. for εοικέναι, inf. of εοικα. ΕΓΚΗ", Adv. without plan ox pur pose, heedlessly , rashly , at random, at a venture, Lat. temere, Aesch., etc. είκονικός, όν, {εϊκών) counterfeited, pretended, Anth. εΙκός, Ion. οΙκός, ότοϊ, τό, neut. partic. of εΧκα or εοικα, like truth, i. e. likely, probable, reasonable, Lat. veri- Q 2 2 28 €ίκο<τ(χβθίθς — ΕΓ^ΛΩ. simile, Trag. 2. as Subst. eiKos, τό, a likelihood or probability , τα. οΙκότα likelihoods, Hdt. ; κατά rb eiKos in all likelihood , Thuc. j e/c του βΙκότοε Id. ; ην y' €ρω- τα5 €ΐκότ% ^Ικότα κλύζιε Eur. II. reasonable, fair , equitable, Thuc. €ΐκοσά-βοιος, Ep. leiK-, ον, (βουε) 'worth twenty oxen, Od. «Ικοσα-ετής, is, ΟΓ-ετης, es, (eros) of twenty years, WCit. είκοσ-άκις, (^ίκοσι) twenty times, II. είκοσ-ά-μηνος, ον, {μΊ)ν) twenty months old, Anth. είκοσά-ττηχυς, v, — (Ικοσιττ-, Luc. είκοσάς, άδο5, r], = eUas, Luc. είκοσ-ε'τη?^ δ, = είκοσαετήϊ, Anth. ; fern. -€τίς, iSos, lb. ΕΙ^ΚΟΣΙ, indecl., twenty, Lat. viginti, II., etc.; also in Ep. form εείκοσ-ι, before a vowel ie'iKoaiv, Ib. είκοσι-ετής, is, €ΐκοσα·€τ'(ιε. Plat, είκοσι-νήριτοξ, ον, twenty-fold without dispute, II. είκοσί-ιτηχυς, υ, of twenty cubits, Hdt. εΙκόσ-ορος, poet, εεικ-, ον, {είκοσι, ερ-εσσω) with twenty oars, Od. εικοστή, ή, v. ζΐκοστόε II. εΙκοστο-λόγο5, δ, η, (xiyf) one who collects the twen- tieth, a tax or toll collector, Ar. εΙκοστ( 5 ς, ή, 6v, flKocri) the twentieth, Od.; Ep. also 4€ΐκοστ6ε, II. II. ^ϊκοσττ), -η, a tax of a twentieth, Lat. vicesima, levied by the Athenians on imports and exports from the allies in lieu of tribute, Thuc. είκοσ-ώρυγος, ον, (bpyvia) of 20 fathoms, Xen. εΙκότως, Adv. of ^Ικώε, Att. pf. part, of εοικα, in all likelihood, suitably, fairly, reasonably , naturally , Aesch., etc. ; €ΐκότωε ixei ’tis reasonable, Eur. ; ουκ ΐΐκότωε unreasonably , Thuc. * εϊκτον, εΐκτην, 3 dual pf. and impf. of εοικο : — εϊκτο, 3 sing, plqpf. ’^ΞΗΚΩ, to be like, seem likely, v. ίοικα.. εικω (Root f\K., cf. Lat. vi-to for vic-to): ί.^ίξω: aor. i εΤ|α, Ion. 3 sing, βίζασκξ } cf. elKaOelv : — to yield, give way, draw back, retire, II. 2 . c. dat. pers. et gen. loci, μηδ’ είίκετε χάρμηε 'Apyeiois shrink not from the fight for them, Ib. ; e^Keiv τινΧ τηε δδον, Lat. concedere alicui de via, Hdt. 3 . with dat. pers. only, to yield to, give way to, either in battle or a mark of honour, Horn. then, to give way to any passion or impulse, ψ θυμφ ei^as II. ; αϊδοΐ Od. also of circum- stances, nrevir) ^Χκων Ib. ; KaKoits, avay κτ] Aesch. 4 . εικεt^' τινί τι, where the acc. is adverbial, μivos ovSivi ΐΊκων yielding to none in force, Horn. ; c. acc. cogn., ζΧ^ανταε h bCi yielding in . . , Soph. II. trans. to yield up, give up, εΓ|αί τε οι ηνία give the horse the rein, II. : — to grant, allow, Lat. concedere, δττηνίκ hv Oebs ττλονν ημϊν €Ϊκη Soph. III. impers., like tto- peiKci, it is allowable or possible, II. εΙκών, η, gen. 0vos, acc. όνα, etc. : poet, and Ion. forms (as if from εΙκώ) gen. cIkovs, acc. εικώ, pi. e'lKovs : (*elf/ca>, €θΐκα) : — a likeness, image, portrait, Hdt., Aesch. 2 . an image in a mirror, Eur., Plat. II. a semblance, phantom, Eur., Plat., etc. : an image in the mind. Id. III. a similitude, simile, Ar., Plat. εΙκώς, part, of εοικα : cf. cIkos, βΙκότωε. ειλαδόν, Adv. (εϊ'λη) = Ιληδόν, Hdt. είλαπΐνάζω, only in pres., to revel in a large company, Od. ; and εΙλατΓΪναστής, ου, δ, a f caster, guest, boon-companion, 11 . From είλαττίνη [t], η, a feast or banquet, given by a single host, opp. to ipavos (q. v.), Horn., Eur. (Deriv. uncertain.) εΐλαρ, τό, only in nom. and acc. sing., (εϊλα>) a close covering, shelter, defence, elXap νηών τε κα\ αυτών shelter for ship and crew, II. ; εΙλαρ κύματοε a fence against the waves, Od. είλ-άρχης, ου, δ, (είλη, άρχω) a commander of a troop of horse, esp. at Thebes, Plut. είλάτινος, Ep. for €\άτινοε. εΐλεγμαι, for \4\eyμaι, pf. pass, of K4yω. ΕΙλείθυια, η, Ilithyia, the goddess who comes to aid women in child-birth, Lat. Lucina, II. : Ειλήθυια Theocr. (A quasi-participial form, as if 4\ηλυθυΐα, the Ready-comer. ) εlλεόs, δ, (ειλε'ω) a lurking-place, den, hole, Theocr. είλευντο, Ion. for ^ίΚουντο, 3 pi. impf. pass, of ^ιΚ4ω. είλε'ω, Att. είλε'ω, lengthd. form of εϊλω. εϊλη, η,~ϊ\η, Hdt. ; κατ’ είλαι in troops. Id. ΕΊΛΗ, η, the sun’s heat or warmth, Ar. ειληγμαι, pf. pass, of \ayχάvω. είληδόν, -δά, Adv. (ειλεω) by twisting round, Anth. είληθερεομαι, Med. to bask in the sun, Luc. είλη-θερή 5 , is, {θ4ρω) warmed by the sun. είλήλουθα, ειληλουθειν, Ep. for ελήλνθα, -bdeiv, pf. and plqpf. of έρχομαι : — είλήλουθμεν, Ep. i pi. pf. εϊλησις, €ωε, η, .ειλη) sun-heat, heat. Plat, εϊληφα, εϊλημμαι, pf. act. and pass, of λαμβάνω. εϊληχα, pf. of λayχάvω. είλΐ-κρΐνής, is, unmixed, without alloy, pure, Lat. sin- cerus, Xen., Plat.; ciKiKpivel τη διανοία χρώμ^νοε using intellect. Id. ; ειλ. άδ^κίαsA£'ί?τinjustice,Xen. II. Adv. -νώε, without mixture, of itself, simply, abso- lutely, Plat. (The origin of ύλι- is uncertain.) εΐλιξ, iKos, 'η. Ion. and poet, for ελί|. εΙλί -irovs [tj, δ, η, ττουν, τό : gen. ττοδοε : (εϊΧο), ttous) : — rolling in their gait, with rolling walk, Horn. εΙλίσσω, poet, and Ion. for ελίσσω. είλι-τενής, is, epith. of the plant &γρωστιε, Theocr., prob. (from iXos, τίίνω) spreading through marshes. εΙλίχατο, Ion. 3 pi. plqpf. pass, of έλίσσω. εϊλκΰσα, aor. i of έλκω, εΐλλω, V. εϊλω. εΐλον, εΙλόμην, aor. 2 act. and med. of αΙρ4ω : — εϊλευ, Ion. 2 sing. aor. 2 med. ειλύάται, Ion. 3 pi. pf. pass, of ειλυω. εϊλΰμα, ατοε, τό, a wrapper, Od. elXvos, δ, (είλυω) a lurking place, den, Xen. είλυσττάομαι, = ΙΧυσττάομαι. εϊλΐτο, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of ει’λύω. είλΰφάζω, = είλυω, only in pres, and impf., to roll along (trans.), II. II. intr. to roll or whirl about, of a torch, Hes. είλΰφάω, = foreg., Ep. part. ΐΙΚυφόων, II., Hes. είλυω, f. ίιλύσω [ΰ] : — Pass., pf. (ίλϋμαι Ep. 3 pi. ειλύ- αται [υ] ; plqpf. είλϋτο : (εϊλω) — to enfold, enwrap, 11 . : — Pass, to be wrapt or covered, vecpiXr) ίίλυμόνοε ώμουε, etc., Horn. II. Pass., also, = ίλι/ίΤΤΓάομαί, to crawl or wriggle along, of a lame man. Soph. 2. in Theocr. elXoaOels means rolled up, crouching. ΕΓΛΩ, also είλε'ω, ΐλλω or εΐλλω ; Ep. aor. i ελσα. Είλω? — €ΐι>άλιος. inf. ίκσαι, εβλίΤαι : — Pass,, aor, 2 iaKr)v [ά], inf. άληναι, Ερ. άλ'ίιμ^ναι, part. aAefs : Ερ, pf. eeAyuat : 3 sing. Ερ, plqpf. εόλητο. — From €ΐλ€ω, come f. είλήσω, aor. I eiX^aa; — Med., Ep. 3 pi. impf. elXevvro ; part. 6ίλ€υ/Λ€ϊ/0ϊ; — Pass., pf. ^ίκ-ημαι. To roll up, pack close, Lat. conglobare, κατά τ^ίχβα Kahv ie\(rai to roll tip the host and force it back to the Λvalls, II. ·, ’Axaiovs 4 πϊ ΤΓρΰμνρσιν ieiXeov Ib. ; iv μ^σσοκτι to coop up or hem in on all sides, Ib. ; drjpas 6 μου elXcTv to drive game together, Od. : — Pass, to be cooped or huddled up, els αστυ &Kev (for άλησαν) Ib. ; νηυσϊν eVl yXaipvprjaiv ΐ^Κμ^νοι Ib. : — metaph., Aibs βουΚρσιν 66λ^€ί/οί straitened, held in check by the counsels of Zeus, Ib. 2 . to smite, vrja κ^ραυνφ Zevs eXffas having smitten the ship with lightning, lb. II. to collect : Pass., aAei/ υ^ωρ water collected, ponded, li* HI· Pass., also, to draw oneself up, shrink up, aXtjvai ύττ acrtridi Ib ; 'Αχιληα aXels μ4υίυ collecting himself he waited the attack of Achilles, Ib. IV. Pass, also, to go to and fro, like Lat. versari, Hdt. V. to wind, turn round : — Pass, to turn round, revolve, ΙΚΧομίνων αρότρων moving to and fro. Soph. ; eAt| e/AeiTot is twined round, Theocr. Ειλως, ωτο$, and Είλώτης, ου, b, a Helot, name of the Spartan serfs, Hdt., Thuc., etc. (Deriv. uncertain.) Ειλ.ωτ€ία, ^7, the condition of a Helot, Plat. ; and Ειλωτ€υω, f. σω, to be a Helot or serf, Isocr. j and Ε^Ιλωτικόξ, ή, όν, of Helots, Plut. elfia, aros, τό,[%ννυμί) a garment, \n ^\. clothes, clothing, Horn., etc. II. a cover, rug, carpet, Aesch., Soph. €ΐμαι, pf. pass, of 'όννυμι. II. pf, pass, of P^· PS^ss. of %ζ(Λ, rarer form of ^μαι. €ΐμαρται, €Ϊμαρτο, 3 sing. pf. and plqpf. of μβίρομαι : — €ίμαρμ€νο5, part. 6 ΐμεν, Ep^. and Ion. for 4σμόν, i pi. of ε/μί {sum). II. εΐμεν, εϊμεναι, Dor. inf. of same, είμενο?, pf. pass. part, of ’όννυμι. 6 ΐμ€ 5 , Dor. for 4 σμόν, i pi. of ε/μί {su 7 )i). 229 ζΐσι (—Lv), Ep. 4άσί {~iv). Dor. όντί : — Imper. ίσθι, Ep. also in med. form εσσο ; 3 sing, έστω (^τω in N. T.); 3 pi. ίστωσαν or έστω;/, Att. υντων : — Subj, &, ^s, p, Ep. εω, eps, ερ or ερσ;, Ep. also €Ϊω, efys, etc. : — Opt. είρ;/, — ps or —ησθα, Ep. ^ois, eoi ; 2 dual (ϊττιν for ej -^την; pi. εΖμεν, είτε, ^ϊ-ησαν or εΙεν : — Inf. elvai, Ep. ^μμ^ναι, εμμε^, ίμ^ναι, εμε;/. Dor. (Ιμόν, ^ίμ^ναι : — Part, ών, Ερ, ^ών, 4ονσα, 4όν ; Dor. neut. pi. ebvTa : — I^mpf. ήν or εο^, in old Att. also contr. from the Ion. fa, Ep. also ί-ην, ¥i7)v ; 2 sing, ^σθα, Ep, ερσβα; 3 sing, ^v, Ep. ερ;/, Iqw, hv. Dor. ; 3 dual -ήτην or ^στ7]ν ; 3 pi. ^σαν. Ion. and poet, εσα;/ : a med. form ^μη;/ occurs in N. T. ; Ep. 3 pi. είΤατο for ήντο ; Ion. and Ep. also fCKov : — Fut. ίσομαι, ίσται, Ep. also ίσσομαι, ίσ^ται, ίσσ^ται ; Dor. 2 and 3 sing, εσσρ, εσσεΓτα; (as if from €<Τ(Τουμαι ). — The whole of the pres, indie, (except 2 sing, εί) may be enclitic when εί’μι is the Copula; but the 3 sing, is written εστ; in certain cases of emphasis, e. g. εστ; μοι, I have : when used as Verb Subst., it retains the accent in all persons. · -A-. as Substantive Verb, to be, to exist, 02 εσ0’ ooTos άνν,ρ, ου8' caaeTai Od. ; Τ£θνηώτθ 5 , μρδ’ ετ’ 40VT0S lb. ; ουκότ ^στι he is no more, Eur, ; Oeol alhv 46vTes II. ; 4σσόμζνοι posterity, Ib. ; ζώντων κα\ οντων ’Αθηναίων Dem. : — so of cities, etc., οΚωΚΐν, ούδ’ ετ εστ; Τροία (cf. Trojafuit), Eur. II. of things, to be, exist, jl ΐστιν ά\ηθ4ω$ [p τράττε^α] Hdt. ; εωϊ άν δ ΤΓ0λ€μο5 ρ so long as it last, Thuc. III. to be, opp. to appearing to be, as esse to videri, τδν 4όντα Xoyov the true story, Hdt. ; τά υντα airayyeXXciv Thuc. ; τφ ovTL, Lat. revera, in reality, hi fact. Plat, IV. foil, by the Relative, ουκ 4στιν os, yio one, II., etc. ; ύσΧν dl, Lat. sunt qui, Thuc., etc. ; 4στ\ν a so 7 ne things. Id, ; also εστ;;/ o%, for ύσ\ν dl, Hdt., etc. : — so with relat. Particles, ίστιν 4νθα, Lat. est zibi, Xen., etc.; βστιν όττρ, εσθ’ ότΓου, somewhere, or somehow. Plat., etc. ; ίστιν ό^Γωs in some man7ier, Hdt,, etc. ; ίστιν 8 τε, ίσθ’ οτε, sometimes. Soph., etc. V. εστ; impers., c. inf., like ττάρεστ;, it is possible, Horn., Att. B. to be. Copula connecting predicate with subject, both bemg in the same case, Horn., etc. 2. some- times divai with Part, represents finite Verb, ^v τεθ- vηκώs, for 4 τ€θνηκξΐ, Aesch.; ireipoKbs ίστι^ττίφυκ^, Ar. II. the Inf. is redundant in some phrases, ίκάν fJvai (v. 4 κών ll) ; τδ 4 τγ’ indivois divai qua7itum in illis esset, Thuc.; τδ σύμτταν elvai Hdt.; τδ νυν ε?^; Plat., etc. €ΐμι, {ibo. Root I), 2 sing, ε?, Ep. and Ion. eh, εΤσθα, 3 sing. ε?σ;,· pi, ίμ^ν, He, ίάσι, Ίσι or εΤσ; : — imper. ίθι, 3 pi. ϊτωσαν, ϊτων, Ιόντων: — subj. ίω, Ερ. 2 and 3 sing. ίησθα, ίησι ; Ερ. ρ1. ίoμev [for ~ωμev) : — opt. ϊοιμι, Ιοίην ; Ερ. ;ε;ρν : — inf. levai, Ερ. ϊμevaι, ϊμev, ίμμevaι : — part. icov, ιουσα. Ιόν. — Impf. fjeiv, fleis or r|eισθa, ρε; or -eiv ; Ep. and lon.^ pia, 3 sing. ^';ε, contr. 77ε ; dual ητην ; pi. I and 2 ρμε^, ρτε, 3 pi. Ep. and Ion. ηϊσαν,' ίσαν, Att. ησαν : — also 3 sing. Uv, le Horn. ; Ep, i pi. ηoμev, 3 dual ίτην ; 3 pi. ηϊον. — There is also an Ep. fut. med. eίσoμaι, aor. i, 3 sing. eHaTo, 4 eίσaτo, 3 dual 4 eισά- σθην. — In Prose ε?μ; serves as fut. to ίρχομαι, I shall go, shall come. To come or go, Horn., etc. ; c. acc. cogn., δδδν levai to go a road, Od. : — in Horn., c. gen., ιάν TreSioio going across the plain ; χροδ 5 eiaaTo went through the skin. 2. to go in a ship, Od. ; of birds, to fly, Ib. : of things, ττεΑε/τυ? ε7σ; δ;ά 8oop0s the axe goes through the beam, II. ; (paTis elai the report goes, Od. ; metaph. usages, levai 4s X0yoos τινί to enter on a conference with one, Thuc,, etc. ; levai 4s Xeipas to come to blows. Id. ; levai διά δίκηs ττατρί to contest the point with him. Soph. ; levai διά μάχηs, διά (piXlas to live in conflict, in friendship with others, etc. II. the Imper. ϊθι is used like &ye, Lat. age, C07ne, C07ne now, mostly followed by 2 sing, imper., ίθ; Αε|ο;/ Ar., etc.; with i pi. ’/θ; εττεσ/εεψώμεθα Xen, 2. ϊ'τω let it pass, well then. Soph., Eur. III. the part, is added by Trag. to Verbs, φpoveίτω Ιών let him go and think. Soph. €iv,^Ep. and Lyric for 4v, in, Horn, είνα-ετής, es, or -ε'της, es, {ivos) of yiine years : neut. elvaeTes, as Adv. 7ii77e years lo7tg, Od. είναι, inf. of ε;μ; {sum). II, in Hes., for levai, inf. of ε?μ; {ibo). είναι, aor. 2 inf. of '/ρμ; to se 7 id. IS, είνάκισ-χίλιοι, εΙνακόοΊοι, v. sub 4vaKis. , p, ov, poet, for 4vaXios. 230 6ΐναλί-φοιτος, oy, roaming the sea, of nets, Anth. €ΐνά-νΰχ€ς [ά], as Adv. nine nights long, II. €ΐνάς, άδο5, 7], (ivvea) the ninth day of the month, Hes. elvarcpes [a], al, sisters-in-lasv, II. βϊνατος, η, ον. Ion. for evaros, ninth, II., Hdt. eiv€Ka, 6iv€K6v, Ion. and poet, for eveKa. elvi, Ep. and Lyr. for iv, in. eivoSios, Ep. and Lyr. for evoSios. βίνοσί-φυλλος, ον, (evocris'' ivith quivering foliage, II. ειξασι, Att. for 4οίκασι, 3 pi. of ^οικα. €Ϊξασκ6, Ion. 3 sing·, aor. i of et/cw. 610, Ep. for ov, of him. είοικώς, Ep. for ioiKws, part of ^οικα. 610S, old Ep. form of e'cos, until, Horn, elira, aor. i = ξίπον : imper. ^Ίπον, part, eiiras. elire'^ev, -εμεναι, Ep. for eiVeTz/, inf. of ξίττον. €ΪτΓ€ρ, strengthd. for et, if really, if indeed, Horn., etc. j also, even if, even though, Ib. II. in Att. if that is to say, implying doubt of the fact, e^rrep i\v ττελαϊ if I had been (but I was not). Soph, elirov, aor. 2 of "^εττω (pres, in use being φημΙ, αγορεύω, f. epew, ipw, pf. είρηκα); Ep. eenrov ; imper. 2 pi. Ep. εσττετε, subj. είπα», Ep. ^ίττωμι, ·ρσθα, -τ}σι : opt. (ίποιμι : inf. elireiv, Ep. —4μ^ναι, —βμ^ν : — to speak, say, Horn., etc. ; in parenthesis, ώ? επο5 ει7Γε?^' so to say, Lat. ut ita dicam, Thuc., etc. ; so, u)S εΙπεΓι/, wy επο5 είττεΤί/ Id. II. c. acc. pers. to speak to, ad- dress, accost one, II. 2. to name, mention, Ib. 3. to call one so and so, πολλοί δε μιν 4σθλδν €€ΐπον Od. 4. c. dupl. acc. pers. et rei, to say or tell of one, ατάσθαΧόν τι elweiv τινα Ib. ; κακα elweiv riva Ar. III. at Athens, to propose or move a measure in the €κκλησία, Thuc., etc. είττόμην, impf. med. of εττω. 6Ϊ-7Γοτ€, if ever, Lat. si-quando, Horn. II. indirect, if or v-'hether ever, Ib. ci-irov, if anywhere, if at all, Lat. si-cubi, Horn., etc. ; εί ri που icrrlv, if it is any way possible, Od. εΙργαθεΐν, poet. aor. 2 inf. of εϊργω. εΐργασμαι, pf. of ipyάζoμaι. είργμός or εΙργμός, ό, (εργω) a cage, prison. Plat. εΙργμο-φΰλαξ [C], a/cos, b, η, a gaoler, Xen. ειργνΰμι, = ε£ργω, εργω, to shut in or up, Ep. impf. icpyvvv, Od. εϊργω or ειργω, Att. for the earlier form εργω, q. v. εΙρεαται, Ion. for ζϊρηνται, 3 pi. pf. pass, of ερώ. εΐρερος, δ, (εϊρω) bondage, slavery, Od. εΙρεσ-ία, Ion. -ίη, ερεσσω) rowing, Od., Hdt., etc. : — metaph., εΐρ. πτερών Luc. II. in collective sense, the rowers, oarsmen, Lat. remigium, Eur., Thuc. 2. a boat-song, Plut., Luc. είρεσιώνη, τ], (elpos) a harvest-wreath of olive or laurel wound round with wool, borne about by singing boys at the Uvavexj/ia and Θαργηλια and then hung up at the house door, Ar. εΙρεω, Ion. for ερεω, to say, Ep. part. fern, elpevaai Hes. (εϊρω b) Ion. for αγορά, a place of assembly, Ep. gen. pi. ^Ιράων II. εϊρην, evos or ιρ-ην, eVos, 0 , a Lacedaemonian youth who had completed his 20 th year, when he was e^ trusted with authority over his juniors, Plut. (H uncertain.) βίναΧίφοιτος — ΕΙ’Σ. εΙρηναΐος, α, ον, peaceful, peaceable, Hdt. : τά eip-qvdia the fruits of peace. Id. : Adv. -ωs, Id. ; and ειρηνεύω, f. σω, to bring to peace, reconcile, Babr. II. intr. to keep peace, live peaceably. Plat., N. T. From εΙρήνη, η, peace, time of peace, Horn., etc. ; ε’ττ’ dp-fjvTjs in peace, II. ; elp. γίγνεται peace is made, Hdt. ; elp-f- νην 7Γ0£ε?ν or ποι4ΐσθαι to make a peace ; εΐρ. 6.yeiv to keep peace, Ar. ; λυεχν to break it, Dem. (Deriv. un- certain.) εΙρηνικός, ή, 6v, of or for pecue, peacefid. Plat., etc. : Adv. -kS)s, peaceably, Xen. εΙρηνο-ΤΓΟιός, b, (ποίεω) a peace-maker , Xen. είρηνο-φύλαξ [ϋ], clkos, b, η, a guardian of peace, Xen. εΙρίνεος, εϊριον. Ion. for ipiveos, epiov. είρκτε'ον, verb. Adj. of είργω, one must prevent. Soph, ειρκτή. Ion. ερκτή, ή, {fipyif) an inclosure, prison, Hdt. : — also the inner part of the house, the women'‘s apartments, Xen. εΙρο-κόμος, ov, {κομίω) dressing wool, II. εϊρομαι. Ion. for 4ρομαι, to ask ; v. εϊρω (b). εΐρο-ττόκος, ov, wool-fleeced, woolly, Horn, ειρος, TO, wool, Od. ' From Root EP, cf. epiov.) ειρο-χάρής, εΤ, (χαίρομαι) delighting in wool, Anth. εΙρΰαται, Ion. for eipvvrai, 3 pi. pf. of ερύω. εΙρ-υω, εΙρυομαι, Ep. for ερόω, 4ρύομαι. εϊρω (a) : aor. i ε?ρα or ίρσα: — Pass., pf. part. 4ρμ4νο$, Ep. εερμε'νοϊ : — to fasten together in rows, to string, 7]λ€κτροισιν 4ζρμ€νο5 a necklace strung with pieces of electron, Od. (The Root is prob. ΣΕΡ, cf. Lat. ser-o, send, creipa.) εϊρω (b' : to say, speak, tell, Od. : so in Med., Horn.: but in Ion. Prose, the Med. means to cause to be told one, i. e. to ask, like Att. 4ρονμαι. (The Root is /^EP, cf. Lat. verbum, our word.) εϊρων, ωνοί, b, a dissembler, one who says less than he thinks, Lat. dissimulator , Arist., etc. Hence ειρωνεία, ή, dissimulation, i. e. assumed ignorance, irony. Plat, etc. ; and ειρωνεύομαι, Dep. to dissemble, i. e. feign ignorance. Plat., etc. : generally, to dissemble, shuffle, Ar. ειρωνικός, ή, 6v, (εϊρων) dissembling, putting on a feigned ignorance. Plat. : Adv. —κω$, Ar. ειρωτάω Ep., and ειρωτε'ω Ion., for 4ρωτάω. ΕΓΣ or Ε’Σ, Prep, with acc. only. Radical sense, into, and then to : I. OF Place, the commonest usage, ds άλα into or to the sea, Horn., etc. : — properly opposed to 4k, 4s σφυρδν 4κ πτ4ρντ]$ from head to foot, II. ; ds 4tos 4ξ ετεοί from year to year, Theocr. : — then, with all Verbs implying motion or direction, ιδεΓν ds ου- ρανόν II. ; €15 &πα ιδ4σθαι to look in the face, Ib. : — in Horn, and Hdt. also c. acc. pers., where the Att. use ώ5, πρ05, παρά. 2. with Verbs which express rest in a place, Λvhen a previous motion into or to it is implied, 45 μ4yaρov κατ4θηκ6, i. e. he brought it into the house, and put it there, Od. ; παρ^Ιναι 4s τόπον to go to a place and be there, Hdt. 3. with Verbs of saying or speaking, λόγους πoιdσθaι ds τδ πλήθοϊ to come before the people and speak. Id., etc. 4. elliptical usage ds ’Αίδαο, Att. ds ''Αίδου [50^ous], 4s Άθηναίη5 , [Ιερόν] to the temple of Athena, etc. ; as in Lat. ad Apollinis, ad Castoris (sc. aedem) ; so with appellatives, 'bphs 4s ά<ρνείου to a rich man’s, II. II. OF Εί^Σ — eiaaveiSov, Time, 1. to denote a certain point or limit of time, to, up to, until, es ηώ (Att. eis eco) Od. ; €S τ]4Κίον καταΖΰντα till sun-set, Ib. ; is 4μ4 up to my time, Hdt. : — so with Advs., ets δτ€ (cf. is re) against the time when, Od. ; so, ds ττότζ ; until when ? how long- ? Soph.j is 'd^until , Wdt. 2, to determine a period, ets iviavT6v for a year, i. e. a whole year, Horn.; is eipos ^ is δττώρηρ for the summer, Od. ; ds katripau ^Ketv to come at even, Ar. ; ets τρίτηρ ημίραρ or ets τρίττηρ alone, on the third day, in three days. Plat. ; is Te\os at last, Hdt. j ovk es άpaβoλάs with no delay. Id. j — so with Advs., is avpiop II. ; es ou0ts or iffavdis Thuc . ; ds e^πetτα Soph., etc . ; cf. diaaira^, dcr· ore. III. to express Measure or Limit, is SicKovpa AeAetTTTO was left behind as far as a quoit’s throw, II. ; is δράχμτηρ 5ι45ωκ€ paid them as much as a drachma, Thuc. 2 . with Numerals, pavs is ras re- rpaKoaiovs to the number o/’qoo. Id. ; ets eVa, ets δυο, one, two deep, etc., Xen. IV. to express Relation, to or towards, άμαρτάρ€ΐρ ds τιρα Aesch. ; ixOpa is τιρα Hdt. 2 . in regard to, like Lat. quod attinet ad, drvxdp is τ4κρα Eur. ; e’s ra άλλα Thuc. ; t6 7 ’ ets iavrSp, rh ds iμi Soph., Eur. 3. periphr. for Advs., is κοίρόρ = Koipws, Aesch. ; is rh Trap = ^Γάpτωs, Id. ; ds raxos = Taxiws, Ar. V. of an End, ipxeffOai, re- λβυτα,ρ is . . , to end in . . , Hdt., etc. ; καταξαίρ^ιρ is ψοιρικίδα to cut into red rags, Ar. : — also, of a Purpose, ets ά-γαθόρ for good, for his good, II. ; ets KaWos ζηρ to live /or show, Xen. ΕΓΣ, μία., ip ; gen. kp6s, μιas, ip6s : — Ep. lengthd. εεις : — Ep. fern. Ια, gen. ir\s ; dat. tp; a neut. dat. {i(p κίορ ^ματί) also occurs in II. (The orig. form was prob. ΕΝ-Σ, cf. Lat. un-us. The fern, μία points to a second Root, cf. oTos with μόpos.) 1. one, Horn., etc. ; eis oTos, μία οίη a single one, one alone. Id. ; efs μόpos Hdt. 2 . with a Sup., like Lat. unus omnium max- ime, efs αρτ)ρ irKdcrop ttopop τταρασχώρ Aesch.; κά\· λιστ ap^p efs Soph. ; ττάρτωρ els αρηρ τώρ μ^-γίστωρ aiTios κακώρ Dem. 3 . in oppos., made emphatic by the Art., 6 eis, η μία Horn., Att. 4 . with a negat., efs oύδeίs nullus unus, no single man, Hdt., Thuc. ; ουχ eis, i. e. more than one, Aesch. ; and more em- phatic, Glide eis, μηδέ efs, v. ovdeis, μηδeίs. 5 . eTs eKaaros each one, each by himself, Lat. unusquisque, Hdt., Plat. 6. often with κατά, καθ’ ep Ηκαστορ each singly, piece by piece, Hdt., etc. ; so, καθ’ eVa, καθ’ ep one by one. Plat. 7. with other Preps., ep apff ep6s above all. Id. : — ey irphs ep, in comparisons, Hdt., Plat. ; eis irphs epa Dem. : — τταρ’ epa alter- nately, Luc. II. one, i. e. the same, efs καΐ 'όμoιos Plat. : c. dat. one with . . , Eur. III. one, as opp. to another ; so, b μΙρ .., efs he .. , efs δ’ αυ . . , Od. ; efs μ€Ρ . . , erepos he .. , Xen. IV. in- definitely, efs Tts, some one, Lat. times aliquis. Soph,, Plat. ; — then alone, like our indef. Art. a, an, (g-sfaber unus Horat.), Eur. V. ovhe efs ovhe δυο not one or two only, Dem. €ΐς, 2 sing, of elμί (sum). II. of efμι (ibo). βΙσα, aor. i of Ίζω, to place. €ΐσαγγ6λ€·υς, ecos, b, one who announces, a gentleman- usher at the Persian court, Hdt. ; and 6ΐσαγγ6λία, ή, at Athens, an impeachment , brought 231 before the Senate of 500, or (sometimes) the iKKK-qaia, Xen. From €ΐσ-αγγε'λλω, f. eXoo, to go in and announce a person (cf. elffa^yeXebs) , Hdt., Eur., etc. 2 . to announce, report a thing, Thuc. : — Pass., iaayyeXOepTwp ‘ότι . . information having been given that . . , Id. II. to impeach, Dem,, etc.; cf, elaayyeXia. Hence είσαγγελτικός, ή, 6p, of ox for impeachment, ap. Dem. Ησ-αγείρω, f. epia, to collect into a place, Horn. : — Med., peop δ’ iaayeiparo θυμόρ he gathered fresh courage, II. : but also in pass, sense, θoώs δ’ iaayeiparo Xahs [ets ras pavs~\ Od. elcr -άγω [a], f. ξω : pf. -αγήοχα : — to lead in or into, to introduce, c. dupl. acc,, avrohs darjyop όόμορ Od. ; also, dcray^ip τιρα is .. , Hdt, ; or c. dat., τιρά hogois Eur. : — Med. to admit forces into a city, Thuc. : also to introduce into a league, Hdt. 2. iadyeip or iaayeaOai yvpafKa to lead a wife into one's house, ducere uxoreni. Id. 3 . to import foreign wares. Id., Att. ; so in Med,, Hdt., etc. 4 . ϊατρόρ dσάy€ιp τιρί to call in a physician, Xen, 5 . to introduce new customs, Hdt., Eur. II. to bring in, bring forward, esp. on the stage, Ar., Plat. 2. daayeip Ti is T^p βουΧ-ηρ to bring before the Council, Xen. 3 . as law-term, dadyeip hiK'qp or ypaip^iP to bring a cause into court, Lat. litem intendere, Aesch., Dem, : et’er. τιρά to bring into court, prosecute. Plat. Hence €ΐσα,γωγ€υς, ecos, b, one who brings cases into court, Dem. ; and εισαγωγή, η, importation of goods. Plat. II. as law-term, a bringing causes into court. Id. ; and είσαγώγιμος, op, that can or may be imported. Plat. II. as law-term, within t fie jurisdiction of the court, δίκη Dem. είσ-αεί, for ds ad, for ever, Aesch., Soph, είσ-αείρομαι, Med. to take to oneself, Theogn. είσ-αθρεω, f. ήσω, to discern, descry, II. είσ-αίρω, f. -αρώ, to bring or carry in, Ar, είσαΐσσω, contr. -ά,σσω, Att. -άττω, f. -άξω, to dart in or into, Ar. ε’ίσαιτο, aor. 1 opt. med. of ^dhia. είσ-αΐω, to listen or hearken to, c. gen., Theocr. ε’ισ-ακοντίζω, f. Att, ιω, to throw or hurl javelins at, τιρά Hdt. ; ets τα yvgpa Thuc. 2. absol. to dart or spout, of blood, Eur, είσ-ακουω, f. σομαι, to hearken or give ear to one, II, ; c. acc. rei, h, Horn.; c. gen. pers.. Soph., Eur., etc. 2. in Poets, simply, to hear. Soph., Eur. II. c. dat. pers. to hearken to, give heed to, Hdt. είσακτεον, verb. Adj. one must bring into court (v. dirayia II. 3), Ar., Xen. είσ-άλλομαι, f. -άΧονμαι : Ep, 3 sing. aor. 2 εσαλτο : aor. I med. -τηΧάμηρ : Dep. : — to spring or rush into, c. acc., II. ; εσάλλ. Is τό ττΟρ to leap into it, Hdt. είσ-αμείβω, f. ψω, to go into, enter, Aesch. εΙσάμην, Ep. aor. i of dgi (ibif. II. of *είί'δω ll. εΙσάμην, aor. i med. of ‘ίζω. είσ-αναβαίνω, to go up to or into, c. acc., Horn, είσ-αναγκάζω, f. άσω, to force into a thing, to con- strain, τιρά Aesch. είσ-ανάγω, f. to lead up into, c, acc., Od. είσ-ανειδον, aor. 2 (v. dhwj to look up to, c. acc,, II. 232 εκτανειμι — £ΐσ-άν€ΐμι, fo^o up into, c. acc., II. €ΐσ·ανϊδών, part, of ^laavei^ov. €ΐσανιών, part, of ζΐσάνζίμι. «ίσ-αντα, Ep. e(r-avTa, Adv. right opposite, I5e7v to look in the face, Horn. είσ-άτταξ, for ets οτταξ, at once, once for all, Hdt., Att. €ΐσ-αράσσω, Att. -ττω, f. ^ω, to drive or force, in upon, Hdt. ίΐσαττω, Att. for βϊσαισσω. βΙσ-αυγάζω, f. σω, to look at, view, Anth. €ia-ai)0is,for ets avdis, hereafter, afterwards, Eur., Plat. €ΐσ-α·υριον, for ets avpiov, on the morrow, Ar. βΙσ-αΰτις, Dor. and Ion. for elff^avOis. εΙ(Γ-άψίημι, f. -αψτισω, to let in, admit, Xen. βΐσ-αψικάνω [ά], to come to, τινά Od. Είσ-αψικνεομαι, Ion. Ισ-αττικνΕομαι, f. -αφίξομαι : aor. 2 -αφικόμην : Dep. : — to come into or to, reach or arrive at a place, c. acc., Od., Eur. ; βσαττ. es τόπον Hdt. ; also c. dat.. Id. Είσ-βαίνω, f. ~β·ί)σομαι, to go into a ship, to go on hoard ship, embark, Od. ; 4σβ. es voDv Hdt. 2. generally, to go into, enter, δόμου5 Eur. ; ζίσβ. κακά to come into miseries. Soph. II. Causal in aor. i άνζβησα, to make to go into, put on hoard, 11. €ΐσ-βάλλω, f. -βάλω, to throw into, put into, foil, by ets, Hdt., Att. : — Aled. to put on hoard one^s ship, Hdt. II. intr. to throw oneself into, make an in- road into, els χώραν Id., Att. ; Trphs ττόλιν βϊσβ. to fall upon it, Thuc. : — poet., c. acc., to come upon, fall in with, Eur. 2. of rivers, to empty themselves into, fall into, Hdt. «ϊσβασις, ews, η, {^Ισβαίνω^ an entrance, means of entrance, Eur. : embarkation, Thuc. Είσβατός, τ), 6v, (etVySatvo)) accessible , Thuc. «Ιο'-βιάζομαι, Dep. to force one^s way into, ^Is οίκον Plut. 2. to force oneself into the citizenship, Ar. είσ-βϊβάζω, Att. f. -βιβώ. Causal of ίίσβαίνω, to put on hoard ship, rhv στρατόν es tos veas Hdt. 2. generally, to make to go into, es τόπον Id. ΕίσβλΕ'ιτω, f. φω, to look at, look upon, mostly with ets, Hdt. j but c. acc., Eur. είσβολή, 7], {€ΐσβάλλω ll) an inroad, invasion, attack, Hdt., Eur.v 2, an entrance, pass, η 4σβ. η Όλυμ- πί/ίή the pass of Mount Olympus, Hdt. : a strait, Eur. : — so in pi., of Thermopylae, Hdt. : — in pi. also, the mouth of a river. Id. 3. an entering into a thing, a beginning, Eur., Ar. Είσ-γράφω [ά], f. φω, to write in, inscribe : — Med., e’s Tas σπovδάs βίσγράφασθαι to have oneself written or received into the league, Thuc. €ΐ(Γ-δερκομαι, Dep., with aor. 2 act. -eSpa/cov, pf. eiVSeSpo/ca : — to look at or upon, Horn., Eur. Είσ-δε'χομαι, Ion. Ισ-δεκομαι : f. -5e'|o/ioi : Dep. : — to take into, admit, es τό lp6v Hdt. ; c. acc., Eur. j c. dat., &vTpois eiVSe|aT0ai riva to receive him in the cave, Id. ; eiV5. τινα ύπόστ€'/ον Soph. Είσ-δίδωμι, used intr. like εισβάλλω ii. 2 , of rivers, to flow into, Hdt. Εισδοχή, ή, (Είσδεχομαί) reception, είσδοχαΐ δόμων a hospitable house, Eur. ΕίσδραμΕΐν, aor, 2 itif. of είστρεχω. Hence Είσδρομή, ή, an inroad, onslaught, Eur., Thuc. £ΐσγ\^ξ.ομαί. είσ-δΰνω [ό], and as Dep. είσ-δυομαι (v. δόω) : f. -δυ« σομαι, with aor, 2 act. -εδΰν, pf. -δόδΟκο : — to get or go into, with ets, Od., Hdt., etc. 2. c. acc. to enter, Lat. subire, II., Hdt. : — of feelings, εΖσόδο με μνήμη κακών Soph. ; also c. dat., Seivov ri iaeSvve σφίσι great fear came upon them, Hdt. εΐσεαι, Ep. 2 sing. fut. of *είδω ll. Είσε'δραμον, aor. 2 of είστρεχω. Είσε'δϋν, aor. 2 of εΐσδόνω. εΙσ-Εΐδον, Ep. -ιδον, serving as aor. 2 to είσοραω. Είσ-Είμι, inf. -te'vot, serving as fut. to εισέρχομαι : impf, εισηειν : — to go into, ούκ Άχιληοε οφθαλ· μου5 εϊσειμι / will not come before Achilles’ eyes, II. : — more commonly with a Prep., εΐσ. μετ’ avepas Od . ; παρά βασιλέα Hdt. ; ei’s . . or πpόs . . , Id., Att. ; είσ. el’s σπovδάs to enter into a treaty, Thuc. II. of the Chorus or of actors, to come upon the stage, to enter. Plat. 2. as Att. law-term, to come into court, Dem. 3. to enter on an office, b 4σιών the new king, Hdt. III. metaph. to come into one's mind, c. acc.. Id., Att., Eur. ; also c. dat.. Id. : — impers., elarjei avroi/s όπωs . . , it came into their minds that . . , Xen. IV. of things, τά αίσιόν τα what enters into one, food. Id. είσ-ελουνω, Ep. -ελάω : f. -ελάσω [ά], Att, -ελώ : — to drive in, of a shepherd driving in his flock, Od. II. intr. to row or sail in, Ib. : to ride in, Xen. : — to enter in triumphal procession, Plut. Είσελθειν, aor, 2 inf. of €Ϊσ4ρχομαι. Είσ-ελκω, to draw, haid, drag in or into : aor. i -είλ- κϋσα, Hdt,, Ar. Είσ-Εμβαίνω, to go on board, Anth. ΕίσενΕγκΕΪν, aor. 2 inf. of ^ισφ4ρω. ElσevθωμEs,Dor.for είσελβωμεν, i pi. aor. 2 of ^ισίρχομαι. Είσ-Ε'πΕίτα, Adv. /ον hereafter. Soph. Είσ-ε'-πτατο, 3 sing. aor. 2 of ^Ισπίτομαι : — είσ-επτη, act. form of same. Είσ-Εργνΰμι, to shut up in (a mummy-case), Hdt. Είσ-Ερττω, aor. i eiaeipwvaa, to go ifito, Plut. εΙσ-Ερρω, to go into, get in ; aor. i ξΐσ-ηρρησα, Ar. εΙσ-Ερυω, f, σω, to draw into, Od. Είσ-Ερχομαι, f. -ζλ^ΰσομαι : aor. 2 --ηλΰθον, -ηλθον : but Att. fut. is supplied by εϊσειμι, and impf. by είσ- ηειν : Dep. : — to go in or i^ito, enter, c. acc., II., etc. ; in Prose, είσ. eis . . , Xen., etc. j είσ. eis tos σπovδάs to come into the treaty, Thuc. ; είσ. eis Toi»s 4φ·ηβου$ to enter the Ephebi, Xen. : of money, to come in. Id. II. of the Chorus or of actors, to come upon the stage, to enter. Plat., Xen. : — to enter the lists. Soph. 2. as Att. law-term, of the accuser, to come into court. Plat., Dem. III. metaph., [μεvos] άvδpαs 4σ4ρχ€ται courage enters hito the men, II. ·, ΚροΓσον 7 eλωs είσήλθε : — also c. dat., δeos είσ. τινι Plat. : — also to come into one's mind, Hdt. ; so, impers., είσήλθε αυτόν, c. inf., it comes into one's head that . . , Id. είσ-εσθοι, aor. 2 med. inf. of είσίημι. Είσ-ε'τι, Adv., still yet, Theocr. ε’ισ-ε'χω, f. |ω, intr. to stretch into, reach, extend, ε’πΐ AWiowirjs towards Ethiopia, Hdt.; θάλαμοε εσεχων es τόν ανόρθωνα a chamber opening into the men’s apart- ment, Id. Είσ-ηγε'ομαι, Dor. είσάγ- : f. ^^σομαι : Dep. : — to bring €ΐσ·η'^ημα — in, introduce a practice, Hdt. 2. to propose, Thuc., etc.; ΐΐστι^ουμίνου Tivos onYiXS moti.on. Id. 3 . ζΐσ-η- ΎζΊσθαί τινι to represent a matter to a person, Id. 4 . to relate, narrate, explain, τινί τι Plat. Hence €ΐ<Γηγημο, aros, to , a proposition, 7 notion,\nn.', and €ΐ<Γηγησΐ5, ecfs, ή, a proposing, moving ,ΎΥχχχζ. ·, and 6ΐσηγητ€ον, verb. Adj. one must move, Thuc. ; and βΙσηγητής, ου, δ, one who brings in, a mover, author, κακών Thuc. €ΐσ-ηθ€ω, f. ήσω, to inject by a syringe, Hdt. είσ-ήκω, f. ξω, to have come in, Ar. : — in fut. to be about to come in, Aesch. βΐσ-ήλΰθον, -ήλθον, aor. 2 of ^Ισ-^ρχομαι. Hence βίσηλυσία, η, a coming in, entrance, Anth. βΙσθα, Aeol. and Ep. for e?s, 2 sing, of ^Ιμι {ibo). βΐσθαι, pf. pass. inf. of Ί-ρμι. βΙσ-θβω, f. -θ^ΰσομαι, to run into, run up to him, Ar. 6ΐσ'-θρώσκω, aor. 2 -iQopov, to leap into or in, II. ; c. acc., iadopeiv δόμον Aesch. €ΐσί, €ΐσιν, 3 pi. of €t/xt (sum). €Ϊσι, βΙσιν, 3 sing, of eTyUt [ibo). 6ΐσ-ϊδ€Ϊν, Ep. -iSeeiv, aor. 2 inf. of elaeWov : v. ζΐσοράω. (Ισιδρΰω, pf. pass. ^Ισίδρϋμαι, to build in, Hdt. εΙ(Γ-ίξομαι, Med. to sit down in, c. acc., II. είσ-ίημι, f. ήσω, to send into, is t^v [^λίμνην~\ eiV. τό ϋδωρ, of rivers, Hdt. ; etV. Toi/s Tlipcras is τδ Te?xos to let them in. Id. : — Med. to let in, Xen. II. in Med. also, to betake oneself into, enter, c. acc., Od. εΙσίθμη, η, (εΥσείμί) an entrance, Od. εΙσ--ικνεομαι, f . -ίξομαι, Dep. to go into, penetrate, Hdt. είσϊτήριος, ον, (είσείμι) belonging to entrance : — daiTT]pia (sc. lepa), τά, a sacrifice at entrance on an office, Dem. είσϊτητεον, verb. Adj. of εϊ'σ'ειμί, one must go in, Luc. είσ-καλαμάομαι {κά\aμos II. 2) Dep. to hatil in as an angler the fish which he has hooked, Ar. είσ-καλεω, f. 4 σω, to call in, Ar., Xen. εΙ(Γ-καταβαίνω, to go down into, c. acc., Od. εΐσ-κειμαι, as Pass, of €ΐστίθ·ημι, to be put on board ship, Thuc. είσ-κηρΰσσω, Att. -ττω, f. ξω, to summon by public crier. Soph., Ar. είσκομιδή, η, importation of supplies, Thuc. From είσ-κομίζω, f. Att. Ίώ, to carry into the house, carry in, Hes., Aesch., etc. : — Med. to bring in for oneself, import, Thuc. : — Pass., ΐΐσκομίζ^σθαι els τόπον to get into a place for shelter. Id. είσ-κυκλεω, f. Ί]σω, in a theatre, to turn a thing inwards by machinery , of changing scenes in a theatre : — metaph., δαίμων πράγματα ^ϊσκζκνκΚτικ^ν els την οικίαν some spirit has brought scenes of trouble into the house, Ar. εΐσκω, Ep. Verb, only in pres, and impf., to make like : cf. ίσκω), Od. II. to deem like, liken, compare, Tiva or τί τινι Horn. 2 . c. acc. et inf. to deem, suppose. Id. 3 . absol., cos συ eiTKeis as thou deemest, Od. (Deriv. uncertain.) είσ-λειίσσω, to look into. Soph. είσ-μαίομαι, 3 sing. Ep. aor. i, eσeμάσσaτo : — to touch to the quick, affect greatly, II. II. to put in the hand to feel, iσeμάξaτo xeipas Dor. form) Theocr. €ΐσ-νε'ομαι, Pass, to go into, Anth. €ί(Τ7Γ6Τθμαι. ^33 εΙσ·-νε'ω, f. -veύσoμaι, to swim into, Thuc'. είσ-νοεω, f. ήσω, to perceive, remark, Horn, εΐετ-οδος or εσοδος, η, a way in, entrance, i. e., place of entrance, entry ,Οά.,ΊΛάϊ., Gtc. II. entrance, a right ox privilege of entrance. Id., Xen. είσ-οικειόω, f. ώσω, to bring in as a friend, Plut. : — Pass, to become intimate with another, Xen. είσ-οικεω, f. Ίτ^σω, to settle in, Anth. Hence ί\σoίκr\σι%,ζωs, η, a place for dwelling in, a home, Soph. είετ-οικίζω, f. Att. Χώ, to bring in as a settler : — Med. and Pass, to establish oneself in, settle in, ets τόπον Hdt. ; c. acc., Plut. ' εΙ<Γ-οικοδομεω, f. ήσω, to build into, els τεΓχοί Thuc. εΙσοιστε'θ5, a, ov, verb. Adj. of €ΐσφ 4 ρω, to be brought in, Dem. είσ-οιχνε'ω, Aeol. 3 pi. -οιχν^υσι, to go into, enter, c. acc., Od. είετ-όκε, before a vow'el, -κεν. Dor. είσ-όκα, fls 0 kc until, with subj., II., (in 3. 409, ποιησ^ται is Ep. for ποι^ισηται). II. so long as, II. εΐσ-ομαι, f. of οϊδα ff. *€ίδω b). II. Ep. f. of εΤμι [ibo). εισον, imperat. of είσα (v. iC&j). είσ-οττίσω [i], Adv. in time to come, hereafter, h. Horn., Soph. εϊσοΊΓΤος, ov, {^Ισόφομαι, f. of (Ισοράω) visible, Hdt. εΙσο' 7 Γτρί 5 , iSos, η, — ξίσοπτρον, Anth. εΙίσ-οτΓτρον, always in the form εσ-οτττρον, to, {υφομαι, f. of ΐΐσοράω) a mirror, Pind. εΙ<Γ-οράω, Ep. part, ΐΐσορόων, inf. med. ΐΐσοράασθαι : f. -όφομαι : aor. 2 -^ΐδον, Ep. inf. —ιδό^ιν : — to look hito, look upon, view, behold, c. acc., Horn., etc. : — so in Med., II. 2 . to look upon with admiration, Lat. suspicere ,Qeo\)s 0 is €lσopόωσιvlh. : — hence to pay regard to, respect, τι Soph., Eur. ; so, eV. %s τι Hdt. ; elcop. πpόs Ti to look at, eye eagerly. Soph. 3 . to look on with the mind’s eye, perceive. Id. 4 . of angry gods, to visit, punish. Id. 5 . followed by μή, to take care lest . . , Id. είσ-ορμάω, f. ήσω, to bring forcibly into, Anth. : — Pass, to force one’s way into, c. acc.. Soph, είσ-ορμίζω, f. Att. ιώ, to bring into port : — Pass, and Med. to run into port, Xen., Plut. εϊσος, η, ον [t], Ep. form of Taos, alike, equal : 1. of a feast, equal, i. e. equally shared, of which each partakes alike, II. 2 . of ships, even or well- balanced, Horn. 3 . of a shield, equal all ways, i. e. perfectly round, II. 4 . of the mind, evexi, well-balanced, Lat. aequus, Od. είσ-ότε or είς οτε, against the time when, Od. είσοχή, ή, (ε/σεχω) a hollow, recess, Strab. εϊσοψις, εωί, ή, a spectacle, Eur. h'rom είσ-όψομαι, f. of ^ισοράω : v. δράω. εισ-τταίω, aor. i -όπαισα, to burst or rush in. Soph. ; c. acc. loci, Eur. εΙσ-ΤΓε'μττω, f. ψω, to send in, bring in, let in, Eur., Thuc. : to prompt or suborn agents, Soph, είσ-ττεράω, f. άσω [ά]. Ion. ήσω, ίο pass over into, c. acc.. Ides. είσ-ιτετομαι, f. -πτησομαι : acr. 2 (Ισ-^πτάμην (as if from ζΐσ-ίπταμαι), also in act. form -όπτην : — to fiy into, c. acc., 11 . ; metaph. of reports, Hdt. 2 34· είσττη^άω 6ΐσ·-τΓηδάω, f. -ττη^ησομαι, to leap into, c. acc., Hdt. ; ets τότΓον Xen. 2. to hurst in upon, irpos τινα Dem. €ΐσ-'7ΓίτΓτω, f, -π^σουμαι : aor. 2 -eVeo'oi' : — to fall into, but generally with a notion of violence, to rush or burst in, 4s ττόΚιν Hdt. ; es οίκημα Thuc. : — poet. c. dat., εστΓίΤΓτει δό /tots Eur. 2. simply to fall into, 4s xapadpas Thuc. ; βίσττ. els eipKT'fjv to be thrown into prison. Id. ; in Poets, c. acc., Eur. 3. to fall into a certain condition, ξνμφοράι/ Id. II. to fall upon, attack, ηνά Hdt., Soph. €ΐσ·-'ΤΓΐτνω, poet, form of ela-TT'nvrw (v. ττίτνω), Eur. εΙσ-Ίτλ^ω, f. -TrKevaopai, to sail into, enter els τόπον Thuc. : poet. c. acc.. Soph., Eur. : — absol., eV’ apiarepa 4σπ\4οντι on the left as one sails in, Hdt. ; ov5ev elσπλeT nothing comes into port, Thuc. : of corn, to be imported, Dem. Hence βϊσττλοος, contr. -t:\ov%, 6, a sailing in of ships, Thuc., Xen. II. the entrance of a harbour, Thuc. €ΐσ-'7Γν€ω, f. -πvevσoμaι, to breathe upon, ηνά Ar. Hence βΐσττνήλα?, 6, one who inspires love, a lover, Theocr. €ΐσ-ΤΓθΐ€ω, f. ά\σω, to give in adoption, elanoieiv υιόν rivi Plat. ; elcrw. eavrbv ^Αμμώνι to make himself son to Ammon, Plut. : — Med. to adopt as one’s son, Dem. 2. generally, elσπ. nvas els XeiTovpyiav to introduce new persons into the public service, Dem. €ΐστΓθΐητ05, η, όν, adopted, Dem. £ΐ(Γ-ΤΓορ€·υω, f. σω, to lead into, Eur. : — Pass, with f. med. to go into, enter, Xen. €ΪσΐΓραξις, ews, η, a getting in or collection of dues, Thuc., Dem. From βΐσ-ττράσσω, Att. -ττω, f. ξω, to get in or exact debts, taxes, dues, Dem. ; ηνά from a person. Id. : — Med. to exact for oneself, have paid one, Eur. : — Pass., of the money, to he exacted, Dem. €ΐσ-ρ6ω, f. -ρeύσ^oμaι : aor. 2 pass, (in same sense) -eppύηv : — to stream in or into, Eur., Plat, είσ-τίθημι, f. -θ'!]σω, to put into, place in, nva or n els χe7pάs nvi Hdt., Thuc. ; nva 4s άμαξαν Hdt. 2. 4στ. 4s vavv to put on hoard ship, Lat. navi imponere. Id. ; TeKva 4σθ4σθαί (aor. 2 inf.) to put their children on hoard. Id. 6ΐσ-το|€υω, f. σω, to shoot arrows at, Hdt. «Ισ-τρβχω, f. -άράμουμαι : aor. 2 -όδράμον : — to run in, Thuc. ; c. acc. to run into, Theocr. €ΐσ-ψ6ρω, f . -οίσω ; aor. i -djveyKa ; pf . -evrjvoxa : plqpf. -evηvόχeιv : — -to carry into or to, Od., Hdt. 2. to bring in, contribute. Plat., Xen., etc. : — at Athens, to pay the property-tax (v. elσψopά ll), Thuc. 3. to bring (suffering) in or upon, πevθos είσψ. δόμoιs Eur., etc. 4. to introduce, bring forward, pro- pose, Hdt. ; yvώμηv 4σψ. 4s rhv δήμον Thuc. j elσφ. νόμον, Lat. legemrogare,Oem. : — absol., like Lat. referre ad senatum, Thuc. II. Med. with pf. pass, elaevi]- veyμaι, to carry with one, sweep along, II. 2. to bring in for oneself, to import, Hdt., Thuc. 3. to bring in with one, introduce, Hdt., Eur. III. Pass, to he brought in, introduced, Hdt. 2. to rush in, Thuc. ίΐσ-φοιτάω, f. Ί]σω, to go often to or into, Eur., .^r. (Ισψορά, η, {elσφepω) a gathering in, Xen. II. — ΈΚ. at Athens, a property-tax levied to supply a deficit in the revenue, to meet the exigencies of war, Thuc., etc. εΙσ·-φορ6ω, = etV.^epo;, Od., Thuc. €ίσ·-φρ€ω, impf. -όψρουν : f. -φράσσω and -φρά]σομαι : impf. med. elσ-eφpovμηv : — to let in, admit, Lat. ad- mittere, Ar., Dem. : — Med. to bring in with one, Eur. (The Root φρ4ω, prob. akin to φ4ρω, is only found in compos, with δίο-, els-, 4neLS-, 4 k-.) €ΐσ-χ€ΐρίζω, f. Att. 'ίώ, = 4yχeφίζω, to put into one’s hands, entrust, τί τινι Soph, είσ-χβω, f. -χεώ, to pour in or into, Hdt., Eur. : — Pass, with Ep. syncop. aor. 2 4σeχvμηv [υ], to stream in, 4σ4χυντο 4s πόλιν 11. €Ϊσω, €σω, Adv. of els, 4s to within, into, absol., μτι που TLS 4wayyei\T)ai καΐ eίσω lest some one may carry the news into the house, Od. ; eίσω άσπίδ’ ea|e he brake it eve7t to the inside, II. 2. c. acc., δυναι δόμον ’'Ai'0os eίσω II., etc. ; *'Αϊδθ5 eiaw (sc. δόμον) Ib. II. = ίνδον, inside, within, Od., etc. 2. c. gen., μeveιv eiaw δόμων Aesch . ; eίσω των οπλών within the heavy-armed troops, i. e. encircled by them, Xen. €ΐσ-ωθ€ω, f. -ωθήσω and -ώσω, to thrust into : — Med. to press in, Xen. €ΐσ·-ωτΓ05, όν, (ωφ) in sight of, elσωπόϊ δ’ 4yevovTO veutv [the Greeks] stood facing the ships, II. ΕΓΤΑ, Adv. I. to denote Sequence of Time, then, next, Lat. deinde, πρώτα pev . . , elra . . , Soph., Plat., etc. : soon,presently. Soph. II. to denote Consequence, and so, then, therefore, accordingly, esp. in questions or exclamations to express surprise or sarcasm, and then . . ? and so . .? κατ’ ού δόχονται AiTas ; Soph . ; elr’ οϋκ alaxvveaOe ; Dem. 6ΐται, 3 sing. pf. pass, of evvvpi. ei-T6, Dor. αϊ-Τ6, {el, re) generally doubled, elre . . , eire . . , Lat. sive . . , sive, either . . , or . . , whether . . , or . . the first etre is sometimes omitted in Poets : — the first elre is sometimes replaced by el, as el .. , €ίτ€ . . , Hdt., Trag. II. also used, like el, in indirect questions, Od., etc. €1X6, for 6ΐητ€, 2 pi. pres. opt. of elpl {su7n). €Ϊω, Ep. for εω, 5, pres. subj. of elpi {sum). εϊωθα, pf. 2 (in pres, signf.) of εθω. εΙωθότως, Adv. of eίωΘa, in customary wise, as usual. Soph., Plat. εΙώσι, Ep. for εώσι, 3 pi. of εάω. εϊως, Ep. for eωs. ΈΚ, before a vowel ΈΞ, and ΈΓ before β y δ λ μ : — Prep, governing Gen. only, Lat. e, ex : — Radical sense, from out of, opp. to els : I. OF Place : 1. of Motion, out of, forth from, Horn., etc. : 4k Θυμου φίλeov I loved her from my heart, with all my heart, II. 2, to denote change from one place or condition to another, κακόν 4κ κακόν one evil from (or after) another, Ib. j X0yov 4 k X0yov Xeyeiv Dem. 3. to express distinction from a number, 4 k πόλεων πίσυpes four out of many, II. 4. of Position, like ε|ω, outside of, beyond, 4 k βeXeωv out q/'shot, Ib. ; 4k καπνού out of the smoke, Od. 5. with Verbs of Rest, 4k ποταμού χρόα v'lCeTo washed his body with water fro7n the river, lb.: — with Verbs signifying to hang or fastest, 4 k πασσαΧόφι Kpepaaev φόρμιyya he hung his lyre from (i. e. oii) the peg, Ib.; 4k του 'Έίκάερ'γος — Εκατοντούτης. βραχίονοε c'ire\Kov, to march out to aid, Hdt. : to make a sally, Thuc. έκ-βολβίζω, f. Att. ιώ, {βολβ05) to peel, as one does an onion of its outer coats, Ar. εκβολή, ή, {όκβάλλω) a throwing out, ^\/ηφων 4κβ. turn- ing the votes out the urn, Aesch. 2 . a throwing the cargo overboard. Id. II. ejectment, banish- ment, Id., Plat. III. a let.ting fall, δακρύων Eur. IV. a bringing forth : — 4κβ. σίτου the time when the corn comes into ear, Thuc. V. (from intr. signf. of 4κβάλλω) a going out, outlet, Lat. exitus, 4κβ. -ποταμού the discharge of a river from between mountains, Hdt. : a mountain-pass. Id. : the mouth of a river, Thuc. 2 . 4κβ. λόγου a digression. Id. VI. (from Pass.), that which is cast out, 4κβ. δικόλλη5 earth cast or scraped up by a hoe or mattock. Soph.; obpeia όκβολά] children exposed on the mountains, Eur. 2. a cargo cast overboard, 4κβολαΙ veitis wrecked seamen. Id. εκβολος, ον, {4κβάλλω) cast out of a place, c. gen., Eur. : — as Subst., ^κβολον, τό, an outcast. Id. : — but, vdbs €κβολα rags cast out from the ship. Id. εκ-βράζω or -βράσσω, f. -βράσω, to throw out foam, of the sea : — Pass., of ships, to be cast ashore, Hdt. εκ-βροντάω, f. ήσω, to strike out by lightning, e’^e- βροντ^)Θη σθόνο5 he had strength struck out of him by lightnhig, Aesch. έκ-βρϋ)(άομαι, Dep. to bellow forth or aloud, Eur. εκβρωμα, aTos, τό, (όκβιβρώσκω) anything eaten out, ΤΓ piovos €κβ. SAw-dust, Soph. εκ-·γάμίζω, f. σω, to give in marriage, and Pass, to be given in marriage, N. T. ; — so, εκγαμίο^κομαι, Ib. έκ-γαυρόομαι, Pass, to exult greatly in, c. acc., Eur. εκγε'γαα, poet. pf. of όκγίγνομαι. εκ-γελαω, f. άσομαι, to laugh out, laugh loud, Od., Xen. : metaph. of a liquid, to rush gurgling out, Eur. εκγενε'σθαι, aor. 2 inf. of όκγίγνομαι. εκγενε'της, ου, δ, = €κγονο5, Eur. εκ-γίγνομαι, later and Ion. εκ-γίν- [γ 1 : f. -γ^νησομαι : Ep. pf. iKyiyaa, 3 dual iKyeyaTTjv [a], part, όκγ^γαώε : Dep. : — to be born of a father, c. gen., Έλόνη Aihs 4κ· yeyaoTa II. 2. c. dat. to be born to, Πορ0εΓ Tpets ■παΐδ^ε όξ^γόνοντο Ib. II. in aor. 2 to have gone by, χρόνου 4κγ€γονότο5 time having gone by, Hdt. : c. gen., όκγ^νόσθαι του ζην to have departed this life, Xen. III. impers., iKyiyvevai, like ^ξ^στι, it is allowed, it is granted, c. dat. pers. et inf., mostly with a negat., ουκ εΙεγενετό τινι -roielv it was not granted him to do, Hdt. : absol., ουκ εξεγενετο it was not in his power. Id. έκ-γλυψω [i], f. ψω, to scoop out : irr. pf. pass, i^i- · γλυμμαι Plat. II. to hatch, Plut. εκγονος, ον, {4κ-γίγνομαι) born of, sprung from, tiv0s Horn. II. as Subst. a child, whether son or εκΎράφω — €Κ€ατο» daughter, Id. ; and In pi. ikyouoi, descendants, Hdt., etc. j neut., ^ifjova rivos one’s offspring, Aesch. €κ-γράψω [ά], f. \Ρω, to write out : — Med. to write out or copy for oneself, Ar., Dem. 6Κ-7υμν<5ομαι, Pass, to he stript utterly, Babr. €κ-δακρΰω, f. σω, to burst into tears, weep aloud. Soph., Eur. εκδ€δαρμ€νος, pf. pass. part, of €κ^4ρω. εκδεδωριβΰνται, 3 pi. pf. of έκζωρι^ύομαι. εκ-δεής, 4s, (δ4ομαι) defective. Hence εκδεια, η, a falling short, being in arrear, Thuc. έκ-δείκνϋμι, f. -δεί|ω, to shew forth, exhibit, display. Soph., Eur. έκ-δειματόω, f. ώσω, strengthd. for δ^ιματόω. Plat, εκδεκομαι, Ion. for 4κ54χομαι. εκδεξις, εωϊ, η, (^4κ54χομαι) a receiving from another : succession, Hdt. έκδερω, Ιοη.-δίίρω: f.- 5 epco: — to strip off the skin from a person, c. acc., Hdt. : also c. acc. rei, to strip off, βύρ- σαν 4 kS. Eur. II. to cudgel soundly, to ‘ hide,^ Ar. εκδετος, ον, (εκδεω) fastened to, Anth. έκ-δεχομαι. Ion. εκδεκ- : f. ~-δ4ξομαί : Dep. : I. mostly of persons, 1. to take or receive from another, ri tlvi II., Aesch. 2. to take up, of a suc- cessor, tV apxijv παρά rivos Hdt., etc.; often also with the acc. omitted, ε|εδε|ατο ^αδϋάτττ^ϊ (sc. r^v βασιλτηιην) he succeeded. Id. 3. to take up the argument, ώσπερ σφαίραν 4 κδ. rhv λόγοι/ Plat. 4 . to wait for, expect. Soph. II. of events, to await, Lat. excipere, Hdt. III. of contiguous countries, to come next. Id. έκ-δεω, f. -δήσω, to bind so as to hang fro^n, to fasten to or on, c. gen., II. : absol., aaviSas 4κ8ησαι to bind planks (to his back), Od. : — Med. to bind a thing to oneself, hang it round one, Hdt. εκ-δηλος, ον, conspicuous, II. : — quite plain, Dem. έκ-δημεω, f. ήσω, to he abroad, to be on one’s travels, Hdt., Soph. ; and εκδημία, η, a being abroad, exile. Plat. From εκ-δημος, ον, from home, gone on a journey, Xen.; 4k8. στροτεΓοι service in foreign lands, Thuc. ; εκδ. ψυγή Eur. II. c. gen. departed from. Id. εκ-διαβαίνω, aor. 2 -δίε|ε/ 3 ηι/, to pass quite over, c. acc., II. έκ-διαιτάομαι, f. άισομαι. Pass, to depart from one’s accustomed mode of life, change one’s habits, Thuc. έκδιαίτησις, ^ωs, η, change of habits, Plut. έκδίδαγμα, aros, τό, prentice-work, a sampler, Eur. έκ-διδάσκω : f. : — to teach thoroughly , Lat. edocere, Aesch., etc. ; ε’κδ. riva ri Soph. : — Med. to have an- other taught, of the parents, Hdt., Eur. : — Pass., αισχρά 4κ8ι8άσκζται is taught disgraceful things. Soph. ; 4κδι- δαχθεΐϊ των κατ’ οίκον having learnt of things at home. Id. 2. c. acc. pers. et inf. to teach one to be so and so, Id. ; inf. omitted, y€vva70v riva 4κδ. Ar. CK- διδρ άσκω. Ion. -διδρήσκω : f. -δράσομαι [ά] : aor. 2 4ξ-4δραν, part, ε’/εδράϊ : — to run out from, run away, escape, 4k τόπου Hdt. ; absol., Ar. ^κ-δίδωμι, 3 sing. 4κδιδοΐ (as if from -διδόω) : f. - δύσω : — to give up, surrender, esp. something seized unlaw- fully, Lat. reddere, II., Hdt. : — 4κδ. δονλον to give up a slave to be examined by torture, Dem. 2 . 4κδ. 237 01/γατερα to give one’s daughter in marriage, Lat. nuptum dare, Hdt., Att. ; so in Med., 4κδίδοσθαι θυγατέρα Hdt., Eur. 3 . to give out for money, let out for hire, Hdt.: — c. inf., like Lat. locare aliquid faciendum, Dem. 4 . to lend out money on security, such as the cargo of a ship, ap. Dem. II. intr. (sub. εαυτόν or-ous) of rivers, to empty themselves, Hdt. εκ-δΐκάζω, f. άσω, to decide finally, settle, of a judge, Ar. II. to avenge, Eur. Hence έκδϊκαστής, ον, δ, an avenger, Eur. έκδΐκεω, f. ήσω, {4k8ikos) to avenge, punish a crime, N. T.: also to exact vengeance for a crime, Ib. II. to avenge a person, Ib. ; 4κδ. τινά από tivos to avenge one on another, Ib. Hence εκδίκησις, εωϊ, η, an avenghig, 4κδίκησιν ποιεΓν τινι to avenge him, N. T. εκ-δΐκος, ον, (δίκη) without law, lawless, unjust, Lat. exlex, Aesch., etc. : — Adv. -kws. Id. II. main- taining the right, avenging, Anth. έκ-διφρευω, f. σω, to throw from a chariot, Luc. εκδιώκω, f. -διώκομαι, to chase away, banish, Thuc. έκ-δονεω, f. ήσω, to shake utterly, confound, Anth. εκδοίΓίς, ecus, η, (4κδίδωμι) a giving out or up, sur- rendering, Hdt., Plat. 2 . a giving in marriage, portioning out. Id. 3 . a lending money on ships or exported goods, bottomry , Dem. εκδοτε'ον, verb. Adj. of 4κδΙδωμι, one must give up, Plut. 2 . one must give in marriage, Kx. έκδοτος, ον, (4κδίδωμι) given up, delivered over, sur- rendered, Hdt., Att. εκδοχή, η, (4κδ4χομαι) a receiving from another, suc- cession, Aesch., Eur. II. = προσδοκία, N. T. εκδόχιον, τό, {4κδ4χομαι) a reservoir, Anth. έκ-δρακοντόομαι, (δράκων) Pass, to become a very ser- pent, Aesch. εκδραμεΐν, aor. 2 inf. of 4κτρ4χω. Hence εκδρομή, η, a running out, sally, charge, Xen. 2 . a party of skirmishers, Thuc.; and εκδρομος, δ, one that sallies out from the ranks, a skirmisher, Thuc., Xen. εκδΰμα, aTOS, τό, that which is stript off, a skin, gar- ment, Anth. ; and εκδΰμεν, Ep. for 4κδυναι, aor. 2 inf. of 4κδΰω. εκδυνω [ϋ], v. 4κδνω ll. εκδΰσις, εω5, η, a getting out, way out, Hdt. From εκ-δυω and -δυνω [ϋ] : I. Causal in pres. eK 00 cu,impf. 4ξ4δυον, f. 4κδύσω, aor. i 4ξ4δνσα : — to take off, strip off, Lat. exuere, c. dupl. acc. pers. et rei, 4k μ4ν με χλαΐναν ίδυσαν they stripped me of my cloke, Od. : c. acc. pers. only, to strip him, Xen., etc. 2 . Med. 4κδύομαι, aor. i 4ξ€δυσάμην : — to strip oneself of a thing, put off, II., etc. : absol. to put off one’s clothes, strip, Ar., Xen. II. in pres, εκδυνω, impf. ε’Ιε- δϋνον, aor. 2 4ξ4δυν, pf. 4κδ4δνκα, in same sense as Med. 4κδύομαι, to put off, Od., Hdt. 2. in aor. 2 4ξ4δυν, pf. 4κδ4δύκα, to go or get out of, c. gen., 4k8vs μeyάpoιo Od. ; 4κδ. Trjs θα\άσση$ to emerge from the sea. Plat. b. c. acc. to escape, 4κδΰμ(ν όλεθρον II. έκ-δωριευομαι, (Acipios) Pass, to become a thorough Dorian, Hdt. εκεασσα, Ep. aor. i of κ^άζω. εκόατο, Ion. for 4k€ivto, 3 pl. impf. of κείμαι. €Κ6ί — €KKa6evSw. eKcX, Dor. την€ί, Adv. there, in that place, Lat. illic, Att. 2. euphem. for iv‘'Ai5ov, in another -world, Aesch., etc.; ol 4κ6Ϊ, i.e. the dead. Id. II. with Verbs of motion, for iKelae, as we say there for thither, e/c6t 7Γλ6€ίζ/ Hdt., etc. Hence €Κ€Ϊθ€ν, poet. Κ€ΐθ€ν, Dor. τηνώθβν -.—kAs.Jrom that place, thence, Lat. illinc, opp. to ewrei^e, Soph., etc. 2. = ^k€?, Aesch., Thuc. c. gen., rovK^ideu άλσονε on yon side of the grove. Soph. II. thence, from that fact, Isocr., Dem. HI. of Time, there- after, next, II. , Ti eKeX0i, poet. κβΧθι : Dor. τηνόθι = €/ί6Γ, Horn. €Κ€ίνη, V. sub e/cetJOS III. cKcXvoS) poet. K€Xvos> ί], o, Aeol. κήνος. Dor. τηνος ^ in Att. strengthd. €Κ€ΐνοσί : Demonstr. Pron. : (e/ieij : —the person there, that person or thing, Horn., etc. : when ovTos and iKeluos refer to two things before men- tioned, iKelvos, ille, belongs to the more remote, i. e. the former, ovtos, hie, to the nearer, i. e. the latter. 2. like ille, to denote well-known persons, Ik^ivos Θουκυ- δίδη 5 Ar. 3. with demonstr. force, ’Ipos iKeiuos ησται Irus sits there, Od. 4. in Att. tl^e Subst. Avith iKeivos properly has the Article, and eKeivoj^ may precede or follow the Subst., iKeivri τγ τημ^ρα, τύ) iKdrt) : when the Art. is omitted in Prose, iKelvos follows the Subst., yrjes iKelvai Thuc. H. Adv. iKeiuws, in that -way, in that case. Id. III. dat. fern, ^eivr, as Adv., 1. of Place (sub. bZep), there at that place, on that road, Hdt., Thuc. 2. of Manner, in that manner. Plat., etc. IV. with Preps., e/ceiTou from that time, Xen. ; so, άπ e/ceii/ou Luc. : κατ’ c/eeXj/a in that place, there, Xen. : μ^τ ΐκ^ίνα afterwards, Thuc. €Κ€Χσ€, poet. κεΧσε, Adv. thither, to that place, Lat. illuc, opp. to Horn., etc. 2. to the other^ world, Eur., Plat. ; cf. e/eeX i. 2 . 3. c. gen., e/c. του Koyov from that part of the story, Hdt. €Κ€καστο, 3 sing, plqpt. of καίνυμαι. Ικ€Κ€υθ€ΐ, 3 sing, plqpf. of κ^νθω. €Κ£κλ6το, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 of κάΧομαι. Ικ€κλϊτο, 3 sing, plqpf. of κΚίνω. ^ Ικεκοσμβατο, Ion. for 4κ€κόσ'μ7]υτο, 3 pi. plqpf. o^ ιωσμ^ω. CKcXev, Dor. for e/eeXou, 2 sing. impf. of κ^λομαι. €Κ€λσ·αμ€ν, i pi. aor. i of κελλω. €Κ6-χ€ΐρία, 7), {ΐχω, χ^ίρ) a holding of hands, a cessc^ tion of hostilities, armistice, truce, Thuc., Xen. 2. generally, rest from work, -vacation, holiday, Luc. Ικ-ζ4ω, f. to boil out or over, break out, of curses, Aesch. 2. c. gen., euAcojj/ boiled over with worms, i. e. bred worms, Hdt. €Κ-ζητεω, f. 7 ]σω, to seek out, enquire, N.T. H· to demand an account of a thing, c. acc., Ib. Ικ-ζωττΰρε'ω, f. ήσω, to rekindle, Ar., Plut. €κηα, Ep. aor. i of καίω. Ικηβολία, ·η, skill in archery, II. From €κη-βόλθ 5 , Dor. εκά-βόλος, ον, (εκάί, βάλλω) far- darting, far-shooting, epith. of Apollo, II. ^ eκηλos, Dor. εκαλος, ov, = ^υκηλοε, at rest, at one’s ease, Lat. securus, of persons enjoying themselves, Horn. ; ^κ-ηλοι συλήσετε ye will plunder them at your ease, i. e. without let or hindrance, II. ; e/c. ευδείί' Soph. ; neut. as Adv., Id. 'ΈΚ.ΗΤ1, Dor. and Att. ϊκάη, by means of, by virtue of, by the aid of, Aihs Ηκ-ητι Od., etc. II. = ένεκα, on account of, for the sake of, Trag. : also, as to, Lat. quod attinet ad, Aesch., Eur. εκθαμβεομαι, Pass, to be amazed, N. T. From εκ-θαμβος, ον, amazed, astounded, N. T. έκ-θαμνίζ(ϋ, (θάμνοε) to root out, extirpate, Aesch. εκθανεΧν, aor. 2 inf. of iKOvi^erKw. ^ έκ-θαρρε'ω, f. ήσω, strengthd. for θαρρεω, to have full confidence in a person, c. dat., Plut. έκ-θεάομαι, Dep. to see out, see to the end. Soph, έκ-θεατρίζω, f. (Τω, to make a public show of ,to expose to public shame, N.T. 4κ-θειάζω, f. σω, to make a god of, deify, Luc. : to worship as a god, Plut. H. of things, to make matter of religion. Id. εκθείς, aor. 2 part, of ίκτίθ-ημι. εκ-θεμεναι or -θε'μεν, Ep. for iKdelvai, aor. 2 inf. of ^κτίθ-ημι. έκ-θεραττευω, f. σω, strengthd. for θεραπεύω, to gain over entirely, Aeschin., Plut. εκ-θερίζω, f. Att. ιω, to reap or mow completely, Dem. έκθεσΌαι, aor. 2 inf. med. of εκτίθημί. εκθεσΐ5, εω 5 , η, {4κτίθημι) a putting out, exposing, of a child, Hdt., Eur. εκ-θεσ'μο 9 , ον, out of law, lawless : horrible, Plut. εκθετο 5 , ον, (εκτιθημί) exposed, Eur. έκ-θεω, f. -θζύσομαι, to run out, make a sally, Xen. έκ-6ηράομαι, Dep. to hunt out, catch, Xen., Plut. Ικ-θηρευω, f. σω, = foreg., Hdt. εκ-θηριόομαι, Pass, to become quite savage, Lat. effe- rari, Eur. εκ-θλίβω [r1, f. ψο), to squeeze much : to distress greatly, Xen. . j- έκ-θνήσκω : f. -θάνουμαι : aor. 2 i^^Oavov : to die away, γελφ (for -γ^λωτι) Ηκθανον were like to die with laughing, Od. 2. to be in a death-like swoon, be at the point of death. Soph. έκ-θοινάομαι, f. ήσομαί, Dep. to feast on, c. acc., Aesch. , εκ-θορον, Ep. for ε|-εθορον, aor. 2 of εκθρωσκω. εκ-θρηνε'ω, f. ήσω, to lament aloud, Luc. εκ-θρώσκω, f. -θοροΰμαι : aor. 2 έ^ίθορον -.—to leap out of, c. gen., εκθορε δίφρου II. ; κραδίτ? δε μοι ε|ω στηθεων ε’κθρώσκεί of the violent beating of the heart, lb. rarely c. acc., Anth. εκ-0ΰμιάω, f. άσω, to burn as incense , Eur. εκ-θϋμος, ον, out of one’s mind, senseless, Lat. demens, Aesch. II. very spirited, ardent, Plut. εκθΰσις, εω^, ή, atonement, Lat. expiatio, Plut. F^m Ικ-θύω, f. υσω [ϋ], to offer up, sacrifice, slay. Soph., Eur. 2. Med. to atone for, expiate by offerings, Lat. lustrare, expiare, c. acc. rei, Hdt. ; but c. acc. pers. to propitiate, appease, Eur. εκΐχον, aor. 2 of κιχάνω. εκ-καγχάζω, f. σω, to burst into loud laughter, Xen. έκ-καθαίρω, f. -κάθάρώ, to cleanse out : 1. with acc. of the thing cleansed, to clear out ditches, etc., H. ; χθο'να εκκαθαίρει κνώδαλών he clears this land of mon- sters, Aesch. : — Pass, to be purified, Xen. 2. with acc. of the dirt removed, to clear away. Plat. lκ-^s,.tosustaingrievous injuries. Soph. εκ-λωττίζω, f. σω, {Xwiros) to lay bare. Soph, εκμάγεΐον, τό, (βκμάσσω) that on or in which an impres- sion is made : also the impression made, an impress, mould. Plat. : — metaph., 4κμα^€ιον TreVpyjs counterfeit of rock, of a fisherman who is always on them, Anth. €κ-μαίνω, f. άνω, to drive mad with passion, Eur., Theocr. ; όκμηναί τινα δωμάτων to drive one raving from the house, Eur. : — Pass., with pf. 2 act. όκμόμηνα, to go mad with passion, be furious, Hdt. 2 . c. acc. rei, Εκμηναι πόθον to kindle mad desire. Soph, εκμακτρον, τό, {βκμάσσω') an impress, Eur. εκμανήναι, aor. 2 inf. pass, of όκμαίνω. εκ-μανθάνω, f. -μάθ-ρσομαι, to learn thoroughly , and, in past tenses, to have learnt thoroughly, to know full well, Hdt., Aesch., etc. II. to examine closely, search out, Hdt., Eur., etc. έκμάξαι, aor. i inf. of όκμάσσω. εκ-μαραίνω, f. άνω, to make to wither away, Anth. : — Pass, to wither away, Theocr. εκ-μαργόομαι, Pass, to go raving mad, Eur. εκμαρτΰρε'ω, f. ήσω, to bear witness to a thing, c. acc., Aesch. Hence έκμαρτΰρία, ή, the deposition of a witness, Dem. εκ-μάσσατο, 3 sing. aor. i, he devised or invented, τι h. Horn. ; V. μαίομαι. εκ-μαοτσ-ω, Att. -ττω, f. |ω, to wipe off, wipe away. Soph., Eur. ; — Med. to wipe away one's tears, Anth. II. of an artist, to mould or model in wax or plaster, 'L^X.exprimere, Plat.: — Μ^ά.,τοκόων 4κμάσσ€ται — βκνομος, 24 1 "ίχνη he impresses anew the footsteps of his fathers, i. e. walks in their steps, Theocr. έκ-μεθυσκω, f. ύσω [i5], to make quite drunk, to saturate with a thing, c. gen., Anth. έκ-μείρομαι, in pf. 2 ί^όμμορΕ τίμ7}5 obtained a chief share of honour, Od. εκ-μελετάω, f, -^σω, to train carefully, τινα. Plat. 2 . to learn perfectly, con over, practise, rt Id. εκ-μελής, es, (yEXos) out of tune, dissonant, Plut. έκ-μετρε'ω, f. ήσω, to measure out, measure, χρόνον Eur. : — Med. to measure for oneself, take measure of, Ti Xen. ; &στροΐ5 ΕκμΕτρονμΕνο5 χθόνα calculating its position by the stars. Soph. εκ-μηνο 5 , ον, (e|, μ'ϊ]ν) of six months, half-yearly , Soph, εκ-μηνυω, f. ύσω [ϋ], to inform of, betray, Plut. έκ-μηρΰομαι, Dep. to wind out like a ball of thread: of an army, to make it defile out of a place, c. gen., Polyb., Plut. II. intr., of the army, to defile, Xen. έκ-μϊμε'ομαι, f. Ίισομαι, Dep. to imitate faithfully, represent exactly, Eur., Xen. εκ-μϊοτε'ω, f. ·ίί\σω, to hate much, Plut. έκ·μισ-θόω, f. ώσω, to let out for hire, τί τινι Xen. εκ-μολεΐν, inf. of aor. 2 Ε^όμολον, Ep. 3 sing. ΕΚμολΕ : — to go out, go forth, 11. — For the pres., v. βλώσκω. εκ-μουσ-ύω, f. ώσω, to teach fully , τινά τι Eur. έκ-μοχ0εω, f. ήσω, to work out with toil, Lat. elabo- rare, Eur. 2. to struggle through, πόνου$ Id. 3. to win by labour, achieve. Id. 4. to struggle out of danger, c. acc.. Id. εκ-μυζάω, f. ήσω, to squeeze out, II. έκ-μυκτηρίξω, f. σω, to turn 7ip one's nose at, mock at, N.T. εκ-ναρκάω, f. ησω, to become quite torpid, Plut. Ικ-νε'μομαι, Med. with aor. i pass. Ε^ΕνΕμ^ιθην, to go forth to feed : metaph., ΕκνόμΕσθαι πόδα to turn away one's foot. Soph, εκνεοττεύω, to hatch, Arist. εκ-νευρίζω, f. σω, {vEvpov') to cut the sinews : — Pass., ΕκνΕνΕυρισ μόνοι unnerved, Dem. εκ- νεύω, f. σω, aor. i ΕξόνΕυσα (cf. Εκνόω) -.—to turn the head aside, Xen. 2, c. acc. to shun, avoid, Orph. II. to fall headlong, III. to give one a sign to move away, c. inf.. Id. εκ-νεω, f. -νΕυσομαι : aor. i ΕξόνΕυσα : — to swim out, swim to land, escape by swimming, Eur., Thuc. : generally, to escape, Eur. εκ-νήφω, f. ψω, to sleep off a drunken fit, become sober again, Anth. εκ-νήχομαι, f. ^ομαι : Dep. = Εκνόω, to swim out or away, Luc. έκ-νίζω, f. -νίψω (formed from -νίπτω), to wash out, purge away, Eur. : — Med. to wash off from oneself, V. 2 X.diluere, ουδόποτΕ ΕΚνίψρ τά πεπραγμένα Dem. II. to wash clean, purify, Anth. εκ-νϊκάω, f . ήσω, to achieve by force, Eur. : to carry one's point, Plut. II. intr. to win a complete victory : metaph. to gain the upper hand, prevail, Thuc. εκνίψω, fut. of Εκνίζω. εκ-νόμιος, ον, (νόμο5) unusual, marvellous : Adv. -iu'S, Ar. ; Sup. Εκνομιώτατα Id. εκ-νομο 5 , ον, outlawed, Lat. exlex, Aesch. : — Adv. ~μω$, out of tune, discordantly. Id. R 242 €κνοος — cK -νοος, ou, contr. -νους, ονν, senseless, Lat. amens, Plut. Ικ-νοσφίζομαι, Dep. to take for one's own, Anth. ίκοντί, Adv. willingly, Plut. εκούσ-ιος, a, ov and os, ov, (βκών) of actions, volun- tary, Soph., Eur., etc. ; to ακούσια voluntary acts, opp. to TO ακούσια, Xen. 2. rarely, like €κών, of persons, willing, acting of free will, Soph.,Thuc. II. Adv. -lias, Eur., etc. ; so, e| cKovaias (sc. 'γνώμτί}$) Soph. ; Kaff ακούσιαν Thuc. ίκτταγλεομαι, Pass, to he struck with amazement, to wonder greatly, only in part., Hdt. II. to wonder at, admire exceedingly, c. acc., Aesch., Eur. From εκτταγλος, ov, metath. for tKirKayos (from εκπλήσσω) terrible, fearful, of persons ; Superl. iKTrayXoTaros II. : — of things, Od. 2. as Adv. terribly, vehe- mently, exceedingly, Horn.: — also neut. as Adv., εκπαγλον and εκπαγλα, II. II. in later Poets, marvellous, wondrous, Aesch., Soph. ; Adv. βκπα-γλα marvellously , Id. εκτταίδευμα, aros, τό, a nursling, a child, Eur. From εκ-τταιδευω, f. σω, to bring up from childhood, educate completely, Eur., Plat. εκ-τταιφάσσω, to rush madly to the fray, II. ΕΚ-Ίταίω, f. -ποίήσω : aor. i 4ξ-ύπαισα : — like 4κβάλλω, to throw out of z. thing, dash one from it, c. gen., Eur. II. hied, to dash out, escape, Plut. ΕΚ-ττάλλω, to shake out: — Pass, to spurt out from, c. gen., βκτταλτο (syncop. Ep. aor. 2 med. as pass.) 11. Εκ-ττατάσσω, f. |ω, to strike, afflict, Eur. : — Pass., (ppevas 4κ'π^·παταΎμ4νο$ stricken in mind, Od. Εκ-ττάτιος [ά], a, ov, (πάτο?) out of the common path : excessive, vehement, Aesch. Εκ-τταυω, f. σω, to set quite at rest, put an end to, Eur. : — Med. to take one's rest, Thuc. Εκ-τΓΕίθω, f. σω, to over-persuade. Soph., Eur. έκ-πειράξω, f. άσω, to tempt, c. acc., N. T. ΕΚ-ΤΓΕίράομαι, f. άσομαι [ά], aor. i 4ξ€ΤΓ€ΐράθην [ά] : — to make trial of, prove, tempt, c. gen. pers., Hdt. j c. inf., ε’κπείρα xiy^iv ; art thou tempting me to speak ? Soph. 2. to inquire of another, τι vivos Ar. ΕΚ-ττελει, impers., = ε|εστί, 'tis permitted. Soph. ΕΚ-ττε'μττω, f. ψω : I. of persons, to send out or forth from a place, c. gen., Horn., Aesch., etc. : — Med., Od., Soph., etc. 2. to bring out by calling, call or fetch out. Id. ; so in Med., Id. : — Pass, to go forth, depart, \ά. 2. to send forth, dispatch, Thuc. 4. to send away, cast out, Hdt., Aesch. ; to divorce a \vife, Hdt. : — so in Med., Soph. II. of things, to send out, send abroad, II,, Hdt. 2. to send forth, give out, a^Kas Aesch. Hence Εκπεμφις, ews, ή, a sending out or forth, Thuc. ΕΚ-ίΓΕτταίνω, to make quite ripe or mellow, Theophr. ΕΚπΕΤΓΕτασμαι, pf. pass, of 4κιτ^τάννυμι. Εκττεττληγμενως, Adv. pf. pass, of ε’κπλήσσω, in panic fear, Dem, ΕΚΤΓΕ'ποται, 3 sing. pf. pass, of εκπίνω, Od. ΕΚΤΓΕίΓταμε'νωξ, Adv. pf. pass, of 4κπ€τάνννμι, extrava- gantly, Xen. ΕΚ-ΤΓΕΤΓτω, later form of εκ-πεσσω, εκτΓΕΤΓτωκα, pf. of εκπίπτω. Ικ-ττεραίνω, f. άνω, to finish off, Eur. : — Pass, to be accomplished. Id., Xen. €7C7rXe09. εκιτε'ράμα, τό, a coming out of, δωμάτων Aesch. From Εκ-ττεράω, f. άσω [ά]. Ion. ήσω, to go out over, pass beyond, Od., Aesch. ; 4κπ. βίον to go through life, Eur. 2. absol. of an arrow, to pass through, pierce, II. 3. to go or come out of z. place, c. gen., Eur. έκ-ττερδΐκίζω, f. σω, (πύρζιξ) to escape like a par- tridge, Ar. ΕΚ-ιτε'ρθω, f. -περσω, to destroy utterly, II., Aesch. Εκ-περίειμι, to go out and round, go all round, Xen. ΕΚ-ΤΓΕρητλΕ'ω, f. -πλεόσομαί, to sail out round, so as to attack in flank, Plut. έκ-πΕρισσώ9, Adv. more exceedingly, N.T. εκ-τΓΕρνσι, Adv. more than a year ago, Luc. έκ-ίΓΕτάνννμι, f. -πετάσω : aor. i pass. ε|επετάσ07/ϊ/ : pf, 4κ·πζ·κ4τασμαι : — to spread out, of a sail, Eur. ; of wings, Anth. ; of a net, Orac. ap. Hdt. 2. metaph., ε’πΐ κωμον ε’κπετασθείΤ wholly given up to revel, Eur. ΕκτΓΕτήσιμος, ov, ready to fly out, just fledged, Ar. ΕΚ-τΓε'τομαι or-7reταμαι: f. -πτήσομαι: aor. 2 ε’Ιεπτόμτ??' or -άμην, and in act. form 4^4·πττ]ν : — to fly out or away, Hes., Eur. εκτΓΕυθομαι, = 4κπυνθάνομαι, Aesch. εκίΓεφΰ-υΐαι, pf. part. pi. fern, of 4κφνω. Εκ-πηδάω, f. — πηδήσομαί : — to leap out, Hdt. 2. to make a sally, Xen. 3. to leap up, start up. Soph. Εκττήδημα, avos, τό, a leap out, vif/os κρ€Ϊσσον ε’κπτ^δή- μaτos a height too great /or out-leap, Aesch. ΕΚ-ττηνίξομαι, f. Att. -ιουμαι, to spin out: — metaph., of an advocate, αυτού 4κτη)νΐξΐται ταύτα will wind these things out of him, Ar. εκ-τΓΪδυομαι [ΰ], Dep. to gush forth, Aesch. εκ-ττίμιτλημι, f . -πλήσω, to fill up a bowl, Eur. j ε’κπ. Kpavrjpas δρόσου to fill them fidl i/ liquid. Id. 2. to satiate. Id., Thuc. II. to fulfil, Hdt. ; άμαρτάδα εξεπλησΕ paid the full penalty of sin. Id. III. to accomplish, complete, Trag. ΕΚ-ττίνω [t] : f. -πίομαί : aor. 2 ε|επίοι/, Ep. 4κπιον : — to drink out or off, quaff liquor, Od. : so, in pf. pass., 4κπ4τΓοται Ib., Hdt. ; αίματ εκποθε/θ’ ύττδ χθον05 Aesch. 2. to drain a cup dry, TrXrjpes ε’κπ. nepas Soph. : metaph., εκπ. ολβον Eur. εκ-ττητράσκω, to sell out, sell off, Dem. ΕΚ-ττίτΓτω, f. -πεσουμαί : aor. 2 ε|επεσον : pf. -πεπτωκα : — to fall out of Zl chariot, c, gen., Horn., etc. ; c. dat, pers., τόξον δε οι ε^κπεσε χ^φόε II. 2. of seafar- ing men, to be thrown ashore, Lat. ejici, Od., Hdt., etc. : of things, to suffer shipwreck, Xen. 3. to fall from a thing, i. e. be deprived of\'i, Lat, excidere, viv0s or εκ vivos Aesch., etc. 4. to be driven out, of persons banished, Hdt., etc. 5. to go out or forth, sally out. Id., Xen. 6. to come out, of votes. Id. 7. to escape, Thwc. 8. of oracles, to issue from the sanctuary, be imparted, Luc. 9. to depart from, digress, 'Ken., Acschin. 10. to fall off, come to naught, N. T, 11. of actors, to be hissed off the stage, Lat. explodi, Dem. Εκττίτνω, = εκπίπτω, Aesch. εχΊτλάγείς, aor. 2 pass. part, of εκπλήσσω, Εκ-πλεθρος, ον, (εξ, ττλόθρον) six plethra lofig, Eur. ek-ttXeos, poet, -ττλειοξ, a, ov, Att. -'πλεω5, ων : — quite ftdl of a thing, c. gen., Eur. 2. complete, of a body of soldiers, Xen. : abimdant. Id. 243 e/c7Γλeω — εκττροκαλβομαι. έκ-ιτλ^ω, f. -‘τιλ^νσομαι : Ion. -ιτλώω, aor. ι -ίττΚωσα : — to sail out, sail away, weigh anchor, Hdt., etc. : c. gen. to sail away from. Soph. 2. metaph., ΐκπΚζΙν του νου, των φρένων to go out of one’s mind, lose one’s senses, Hdt. II. e/cirA. ras vavs to outsail the ships, Thuc. £Κ7Γλ€ως, ων, Att. for βκπλβοϊ : nom. pi. βκττλβω. €κΐΓληγ€ν, Ep. for -^σαν, 3 pi. aor. 2 pass, of ίκ·πΚΊ]σσω. Ικ-Ίτλήγνϋμι, = ^κττΧτισσω, Thuc. €ΚΐΓ ληκτικός, ή, 6ν, (εκπλήσσω) striking with con- sternation, astounding, Thuc. έκπληκτος, ον, terror-stricken, amazed, Luc. εκπληξις, €ω$, η, (εκπλήσσω) consternation, Thuc., etc. ; εκπλ. κακών terror caused by misfortunes, Aesch. εκ-πληρόω, f. ώσω, = εκπί/ιπλη^ί, to fill quite up, Eur. 2. to make up to a certain number, Hdt., Soph. 3. to man completely , vavs Hdt. 4. to fulfil. Id. II. εκπλ. λιμένα to make one's way over the harbour, Lat. emetiri, Eur. Ικ-ττλήσσω, Att. -ττω : f. ξω : — to strike out of, drive away from, Aesch. : — absol. todrive away pWiMC. II. to drive out of one's senses, to amaze, astound, Od,, Eur. : — often in aor. 2 pass., Ep. ε^επλήγηι/, Att. ε’Ιεπλάγηι/ [ά] ; aor. i ε’Ιεπλήχθηΐ' ; pf . εκπεπληγ^ααι : —to he panic-struck, amazed, astonied, II., Soph., etc. ’, iKTrXayTjvai τινι to be astonished at a thing, Hdt., so δίά τι, επί τινι, etc. ; iKirXayrjvai τινα to be struck with panic fear of , Soph., Thuc. 2. generally, of sudden passion, to be stricken, Aesch., etc. εκττλοος, contr. -πλους, b, (ε’κπλεω) a sailing out, leaving port, Kosch., Thuc., etc. II. a passage out, entrance of a harbour, Aesch., Xen. €κ-πλυνω [ϋ], aor. i βξίττΧννα : — to wash out, esp. to wash out colours from cloths. Plat. : — Pass, to be washed out, Hdt. II. to wash clean, Ar. Hence €κπλΰτος, ον, to he washed out, of colours. Plat. : — metaph. washed out, Aesch. εκπλώω. Ion. for ε’κπλε'ω. εκ-πνε'ω, Ep. -πνείω : f. -πν^νσομαι or -οΰμαι : — to breathe out ox forth. Plat. ; Kepavvhs 4κπν4ων (pXoya Aesch. 2. βίον 4κπν. to breathe one's last, expire. Id., Eur. ; also, cktcv. θυμόν, ψυχ-ήν Id. II. absol. to cease blowing, to become calm. Id. '2,. to blow outwards, of wind, Hdt., Thuc. : to hurst out. Soph, εκπνοή, ή, a breathing out, expiring. Plat, εκ-ποδών, Adv. (ε’κ ττοόών) opp. to όμττοόών, away from the feet, i. e. out of the way, Hdt., Aesch., etc. : — c. dat., ε’κπ. χωρ^ΐν τινι to get out of his way, Eur. : — ε’κποδώϊ/ ττοιΦΙσθαι to put out of the way, Xen. : c. gen., ε’κπ. χΘονό$ far from it, Eur. έκ-ποιε'ω, f. ήσω, to put out : I. to put out a child, i. c. give him in adoption, Isae. II. Med. to produce, bring forth, Ar. III. to make com- plete, finish, finish off, Hdt. : — c. gen. materiae, Παρίου λίθου τά ε/^προσθε ε’Ιηποίησαυ they made all the front of Parian marble. Id. Hence έκποίησ-ις, εωϊ, ή, a putting forth, emission, Hdt. Ικποίητος, ον, given in adoption, Aeschin. εκ-πολερ,εω, f. ήσω, to excite to war, make hostile, Xen. έκ-πολεμιόω, f. ώσω, to make hostile, to involve in war, Hdt., Thuc. : — Pass, to become an enemy to, be at feud with, Tivi Hdt. Hence έκπολεμωσις, ews, ή, a making hostile, Plut. έκ-πολιορκεω, f. ήσω, to force a besieged town to sur- render, Thuc., Xen. : — Pass, to he forced to surrender, Thuc. εκ-πομπευω, f. σω, to walk in state, to strut, Luc. εκπομπή, ή, (ε’κπεμπω) a sending out or forth, Thuc. εκ-πονε'ω, f. ήσω, to work out, finish off, Lat. elahorare, Ar. ; κήμε μαλθακόν i^cnSvaae σιδαρόω wrought me soft-hearted from iron-hearted, Theocr. ; ε’κπ. τινά to deck him out, Eur. : — Pass, to he brought to perfection, Thuc.; όκΊΓ^πονημόνοε (t7tos corn fully prepared for use, Xen. ; ε’κπεπουήσθαι τα σώματα to he in good training ox practice. Id. 2. to execute, Eur.; so in Med., Id. 3. to provide by labottr, earn. Id. : — c. acc. et inf., Tovs θεου5 ε’κπ. φράζ^ιν to prevail on the gods to tell. Id. 4. absol. to work hard. Id., Xen. 5. to work out by searching, to search out, Eur. 6. of food, to digest it by labour, Xen. 7. to work at, work well, Theocr. 8. in Pass, to be worn out, Lat. confici, Plut. έκ-πορευω, f. σω, to make to go out, fetch out, Eur. : — Med., with fut. med. and aor. i pass., to go out or forth, march out, Xen. έκ-πορθεω, f. ήσω, to pillage, Eur., etc. : — Pass., of a person, to he undone. Soph., Eur. II. to carry off as plunder, Thuc. Hence εκπορθήτωρ, opos, b, a waster, destroyer, Eur. έκ-πορθμευω, f. σω, to carry away by sea : — Eur. has pf. pass, ε’κπεπο'ρθμευταί in both pass, and med. sense, έκ-πορίζω, f. Att. ιώ, to invent, contrive, Eur. ΙΓ. to provide, furnish. Soph., Ar., etc. : — Med. to provide for oneself, procure, Thuc. εκ-πορνευω, f. σω, to commit fornication, N. T. εκ-ποτάομαι. Ion. -εομαι, Dep. to fly out ox forth, of snow-flakes, II. : metaph., πα τα$ φρόναε ε’κπεπότασαί (2 sing. Dor. pi.) ;= quae te dementia cepit ? Theocr. εκ-πράσσω, Att. -ττω, f. If}, to do completely , to bring about, achieve, Lat. ejficerc, Aesch., etc. ; τόν καλλίνικον ε|επρά|ατε is yoov ye have made the hymn of triumph end in wailing, Eur. II. to make an end of, kill, destroy, Lat. conficere, Trag. III. to exact, levy, Eur. ; c. dupl. acc., χρ-ηματα ε’κπρ. τινά to exact xnoxioy from a person, Thuc. 2. to exact punishment for a thing, to avenge. Soph., Eur. : — so in Med., Hdt. εκπρεπής, is, (ε’κπρεπω) distinguished out of all, pre- eminent, remarkable , 11. ; μεγεθει εκπρεπεστάτα Aesch.; εΤδθ5 ε’κπρεπεστάτη Eur. II. = ε|ω του TTpiirovTOS, tinseemly, monstrous, Thuc. : so Adv. -πώ5, without reasonable grounds. Id. εκ-πρε'πω, to be excellent in a thing, τινι Eur. εκπρησις, εω?, ή, (ε’κ, ττίττρημι) a setting on fire, in- flaming, Plut. εκπρήσσω. Ion. for €κπράσσω. εκ-πρίασθαι, aor. 2 (v. *·πρίαμαι), to buy off, Oratt. εκ-πρίω, f. -ττριοΰμαι, to savo out, Thuc. εκ-πρόθεσμος, ον, beyond the appointed day, too late for a thing, c. gen., Luc. εκ-προθυμε'ομαι, to be very zealous, Eur. εκ-προΐημι, f. -προήσω, to send forth, Eur. εκ-προκαλε'ομαι, Med. to call to oneself or summon out of, 4κπροκαλβσσαμ^νη μeyάpωv Od. R 2 244 €Κ7Γρ0Κρίνω έκ-'ϊτροκρίνω [t], f. -κρίνω, to choose out, πόλβοί e/c- ττροκρίθβΐσα Eur. Ικ-ττρολβίττω, f . ψω, to forsake, abandon, Od. Ικ-ττρορβω, f. -ρ^ΰσομαι, to flow forth from, Anth. Ικ-ττροτϊμάω, f. ·ϊ\σω, to honour above all. Soph. Ικ-Ίτροφευγω, f . -φζύξομαι, to flee away from, Anth. €Κ-·ΤΓροχ€ω, f. -χεώ, to pour forth, Anth. Ικ-ΤΓτερυσσομαι, Dep. to spread the wings, Luc. Ικ-τΓτήσσω, f. to scare out of, οίκων μζ (Dor.) Eur. €κ-τΓτο€ω, f. ήσω, = foreg·., Tzetz. : — Pass, to be struck with admiration, Eur. €κ-ΤΓτυω, f. νσω, also -νσομαι [ϋ], to spit out of, c. g-en., Od. II. to spit in token of disgust, Ar. : — to spit at, abominate, N. T. ex-irieeVeai, aor. 2 inf. of sq. Ικ-ττυνθάνομαι, f. -ττ^ύσομαι : aor. 2 έξζττνθόμην : Dep. : — to search out, make enquiry, II., Eur. 2 . c. acc. to enquire about, hear of, learn. Soph, j e/c 7 r. Tivos to make inquiry of him, Ar. €Κ-ΤΓ·ΰρόω, f. ώσω, to burn to ashes, consume utterly, Eur. : Pass, to catch fire, be burnt up. Id. Hence Ικττΰρωσις [υΐ, ews, a conflagration, Luc. €Kiru(rTos, ov, {βκπυνθάνομαι) discovered, Thuc. εκττωμα, aros, to, \^4κτΓίνω) a drinking-cup, beaker, Hdt., Soph., etc. Ικττωτάομαι, poet, for 4κποτάομαι, Babr. €Kpaav 0 €v, Ep. for -ησαν, 3 pi. aor. i pass, of κραίνω. εκραγήναι, aor. 2 pass. inf. of 4κρΎ}Ύνυμι. Ικραγήσομαι, fut. 2 pass, of ^κρ'Ιιγνυμι. Ικράηνα, for 4κρηηνα, Ep. aor. i of κραίνω. Ικράθην [ά], aor. i pass, of κ^ράννυμι. €κ-ραίνω, f. ανώ, to scatter out of, make to fall in drops from. Soph. €κρ 6 μω, for 4κρ4μασο, 2 sing, of κρέμαμαι. €.·<-ρ€ω, f. -ρβύσομαι ; pf. i^cppvrjKa : aor. 2 pass. 4ξ€ρρύην in act. sense : — to flow out ox forth, II., Hdt., Plat. 2 . of feathers, to fall off, Ar. 3 . metaph. to fall away, disappear, Lat. effluere. Plat. II. c. ·Ά.ζο.. cogvi. to shed, let fall, χάριν Kx\!Ccv. €Κ-ρήγνϋμι, f. -ρ·ηξω, to break off, snap asunder, II. ; c. gen., ΰδωρ 4ξ€ρρηξ€ν όδοΐο the water broke off a piece of the road, Ib. : — Pass, to break ox snap asunder, Hdt. II. c. acc. cogn. to let break forth, break out with, Plut., Luc. : — Pass, to break out, of an ulcer, Hdt., Aesch. ; of a quarrel, 4s μ4σον 4ξ€ρρά'γη it broke out in public, Hdt. ; of persons, to break out into passionate words. Id. III. sometimes also intr. in Act., ου ποτ’ 4κρ'()ξ€ΐ μάχη Soph. €κ-ριζόω, f. ώσω, to root out, N. T. Ικ-ρϊττίζω, f. ίσω, to fan the flame, stir up, Plut. Ικ-ρίτΓτω, f. ψω, to cast forth, Aesch., Soph. Ικροη, {4κρ4ω^ = ίκροο5. Plat. II. an issue. Id. €κροος, contr. -ρους, b, {4κρ4ω) a flowing out, outflow, outfall, Hdt. Ικ-ροφεω, f. ήσ'ω, to drink out, gulp down, Ar. Ικρυβην [ϋ], aor. 2 pass, of κρύπτω. €Κ-ρΰομαι, f. -ρύσομαι [ΰ], to deliver, Eur. Ικρύφθην, aor. i pass, of κρύπτω. έκ-σ'άλά(Γσ'ω, to shake violently , Anth. Ικσάόω, aor. i 4ξ€σάωσα, Ep. for 4κσώζω, Horn. €κ-σείω, f. σω, to shake out of , τί tivos Hdt. : — Pass.,Ar. — εκταννω. I €Κ-σευομαι : pf. 4ξ4σσνμαι : 3 pi. plqpf. 4'ξ4σσντο : aor. I 4^€σύθ'ην [u] : — to rush out or burst forth from a place, c. gen., Horn. : absol. to rush out. Id. Ικ-σημαίνω, f. -ανώ, to disclose, indicate. Soph. €κ-σϊγάομαι, Pass, to be put to utter silence, Anth. εκ-σκεδάννϋμι, f. -σκεδάσω, to scatter to the wind, Ar. Ικ-σκευάζω, f. σω, to disfurnish of tools and imple- ments, Dem. €κ-σμάω, to wipe out, wipe clean, Hdt. έκ-σ-οβεω, f. ήσω, to scare away, Anth. Ικ-σιτάω, f. άσω, to draw out, II. ; so in Med., 4κσπασ- σαμένω €7χ€α having drawn out their spears, Ib. Ικ-σιτενδω, f. -σπάσω, to pour out as a libation, Eur. εκ-στΓονδος, ov, {σπονδτ]) — 4^ω των σπονδών, out of the treaty, excluded from it, Thuc., Xen. €κ-στάδιος, ov, (e|, στάδιον) six stades long, Luc. εκστα,σις, ews, η, {4ξίστημί) any displacement : en- trancement, astonishment , N. T. ; a trance, Ib. εκστατικός, ή, όν, inclined to depart from,c. gen., Ai'ist. εκστελλω, f. -στβλώ, to fit out, equip. Soph, έκ-στε'φω, f . ψω, to deck with garlands, Eur. ; of suppliants, KpaTus 4^ζστ€μμ4νοι Id. ; but, ΙκτΎΐρίοι$ κλάδοισιν 4ξ6στ€μμ4νοί with garlands on the suppliant olive-branches. Soph. εκστρατεία, η, a going out on service, Luc. From εκ-στρατευω, f. σω, to march out, Thuc., Xen. II. in Med., absol. to take the field, Hdt., Thuc. 2 . to have ended the campaign. Id. εκ-στρατοιτεδευομαι, f. -ρύσομαι, Dep. with pf. pass. to encamp outside, Thuc., Xen. εκ-στρε'φω, f. ψω, to turn out of, root up from a place, c. gen., II. II. to turn inside out, kx. '. metaph. to alter entirely. Id. εκ-σΰρίσσω, Att. -ττω, f. -|co, to hiss off the stage, Lat. explodere, Dem. έκ-συρω [ΰ], to drag out, Anth., in aor. 2 pass. €|€- σύρην [ΰ]. Ικσφραγίζομαι, f. Att. -ιοΰμαι. Pass, to be shut out from, Eur. εκ-σώζω, f. -σώσω, to preserve from danger, keep safe, Hdt., Soph., etc.; 4κσ. τινά tivos to save one from another, Eur. ; 4κσ. τινά 4s ov, beyond power of speech : Adv. -τωε, in- effably, impiously, Aesch. £κ-φαυλίζω, f. Att. ιώ, to depreciate, Luc. ίκ-φερω,Ι. 4ξοίσω : fut. med. 4ξοίσομαι in pass, sense : — to carry out of a place, c. gen., or e/c τόπου, II., Hdt. 2. to carry out a corpse for burial, Lat. efferre, II., etc. 3. to carry off as prize or re- Λvard, Ib. : so in Med., Hdt., Att. 4. to carry out of the sea, to throw ashore, Hdt., Eur. : — Pass·, with fut. med., to come to land, be cast ashore, Hdt. II. to bring forth, 1. of women, of the earth, to bring forth, produce. Id. 2. to bring about, accomplish, II. 3. to bring out, publish, Ar. : 4κφ. χρηστηριον to deliver an oracle, Hdt. : — of public measures, to bring forward, 4κφ. is τδν δήμον Id., Dem. 4. generally to disclose, tell, betray, Hdt. : — Med., 4κφ4ρ€σθαι Ύνώμην to declare one's opinion. Id. 5. to put forth, exert, δΰνασιν Eur.; €κφνΧάσ·(τω. and in Med., Soph. 6 . 4κφ4ρζΐν πόλεμον, Lat. in- ferre bellum, to begin war, Hdt., Xen. 7. to bear the marks of 3 . thing, Eur. III. Pass, to be carried be- yondbounds,be carried away , Soph.., Thuc., etc. IV. to carry to a certain point. Soph., Plat. V. intr. (sub. kaoTov) to shoot forth (before the rest), II. : to run away, Xen. 2. to come to fulfilment, come to an end. Soph. €Κ-φ 6 υγω, f. ^ομαι and ξοΰμαι, to flee out or away, es- cape, Od., Aesch., etc. : — to be acquitted, Ar. 2 . c. gen. to escape out of , flee from, Horn. 3. c. acc. to escape, II., Hdt., etc. b. of things, 4κφ€ίτγ€ΐ μ4 τι something escapes me. Soph., Eur. 6 κ-φημι, to speak out or forth, speak loudly : Med., eTTos 4κφάσθαι (aor. 2 inf.) Od. €Κ-φθ 6 ίρω, f. -φθ^ρώ : aor. 2 pass. 4ξ4φθαρην [ά] : — to destroy utterly : — Pass. 4κφθζίρομαι, to be undone, ruined, Eur. : to vanish, pack off, Ar. cK -φθίνω [t], in 3 plqpf. pass., 4ξ4φθϊτο oJvos νηών the wine had all been consumed out of the ships, had vanished from the ships, Od. ; 3 pi. pf. pass. 4ξ4φθινται they have utterly perished, Aesch. €Κ-φϊλ€ω, f. ησω, to kiss heartily, Anth. έκφλαυρίζω, Att. for 4κφαυλίζω, Plut. έκ-φλεγω, f. ξω, to set on fire, Ar. £κ-φοβ£ω, f. ήσω, to frighten away, affright, Aesch., Plat., etc. ; τδ 4κφοβησαι so as to cause alarm, Thuc. ; 4κφ. Tiva 4k δ^μνίων Eur. : — Pass, to be much afraid, to fear greatly , c. acc.. Soph. €Κ-φοβθ 9 , ov, affrighted, N. T. €κ-φοινίσσω, f. |ω, to make all red or bloody, Eur. CK -φοιτάω, Ion. -4ω, f. Ίησω, to go out constantly , be in the habit of going out, Hdt., Eur. 2. of things, to be spread abroad, Plut. Ικφορά, η, (4κφ4ρω) a carrying out of a corpse to burial, Aesch., Ar. II. (from Pass.) of horses, a running away, Xen. €Κ-φορ 6 ω, f. ησω, = 4κφ4ρω, to carry out a corpse for burial, Od. : — generally to carry out, Hdt. : — Med. to take out with one, Eur., etc. : — Pass, to move forth, II. 2. to carry quite out, leave none behind, of earth dug from a trench, Hdt. 3. Pass, to be cast on shore. Id. έκφόριον, τό, {4κφ4ρω) payment on produce, rent, tithe, Hdt. εκφορος, ov, {4κφ4ρω) to be carried out, exportable, Ar. 2. to be made known or divulged, Eur. II. act. prepared to weed out, as a gardener does noxious plants, Aesch. Ικ-φορτίζομαι, Pass, to be sold for exportation, to be kidnapped, betrayed. Soph. Ικ-φράζω, f. σω, to tell over, recount, Aesch., Eur. εκφράσις, ecos, η, a description, Luc. εκ-ψρεω (v. ^Ισφρ4ω) ; poet, i pi. impf. 4ξ€φρζίομ€ν : f. -φρ4}σω: aor. ι-4φρησα: — to let out, bring out, Κητ.,Αχ. εκ-φροντίζω, f. Att. ϊώ, to think out, discover, Lat. excogitare, Eur., Ar., etc. εκ-φρων, ov, gen. ovos, (φρην) out of one's mind, sense- less, Dem. : dXso, frenzied, enthusiastic, of poets. Plat. Ικφνχχάνω, = 4κφeύyω, Aesch. εκφΰγον, Ep. for 4ξ4φυyov, aor. 2 of 4κφβύγω. Ικ-φνλάσσω, f. ξω, to watch carefully. Soph., Eur. βκφνΧλοφορβω — ΈΛΑ^ΤΗ. cK -ψυλλο-ψορεω) f. ησω, to condemn by leaves, used of the Athen. βουλ-ή, which gave their votes written on olive-leaves, Aeschin. €κ-φΰλος, ou, {φυλ-η) out of the tribe, alien : — metaph. strange, unnatural, Plut. έκψΰναι, aor. 2 inf. of €Κφνω. €κ-ψΰσάω, f. 7}σω, to blow out, τΓθταμΙ)5 4κφυσα /xeVos pours forth its strength, Aesch. : metaph., e/C(p. πόλεμοι/ to blow up a war from a spark, Ar. II. to breathe out, vTTvov βκφ. i. e. to snore, Theocr. €κ-φϋσιάω, poet, for 4κφυσάω, Aesch. €Κ-φΰω, f. νσω [ϋ], to generate from another, to beget, of the male. Soph., etc. 2. of the female, to bear. Id. : also, to produce a plant, Dem. II. Pass., with pf. and aor. 2 act., to be born from another, c. gen., II., Soph., etc. ; λάλημα 4κτΓζφυκ05 a tattler by nature. Id. 6κ-ψων€ω, f. -ησω, to cry out, Plut. €Κ-χαλάω, f. άσω [ά], to let go from, τί rivos Anth. €κ-χαλΧνόω, f. ώσω, to^unbridle, Plut. €Κ-χαυνόω, f. ώσω, to stuff out, to make vain and ar- rogant, Eur. Ικ-χεω, f. -χ€ώ : aor. i 4^4χζα, Ep. €κχ€υα, med. 4k- χ^υάμην : — to pour out, properly of liquids, II., Aesch., etc. : metaph., (in Med.) 4κχ€νατ όϊστούε he poured forth his arrows, Od. 2. of words, Aesch., etc. 3. to pour out like water, squander, waste, one’s sub- stance, Id., etc. II. Pass., 3 pi. plqpf. e^e/ce- χυντο, Ep. syncop. aor. 2 4ξ4χΰτο or 4κχϋτο, part. 4κχνμ€νο5 [ΰ] : — to pour out, stream out or forth, properly of liquids, Horn. : — metaph. of persons. Id. : — generally, to be spread out, Od. 2. to be poured out like water, forgotten,Theogr\., Plat. 3. to give oneself up to joy, to be overjoyed, Ar. ; e/cx· yeXGjv to burst out laughing, Anth. 4. to lie languidly , Id. €Κ-χορ€ΰω, f. σω, to break out of the chorus : Med. to drive out of the chorus, Eur. €Κ-χράω, f. -χρ·1\σω : aor. 2 ^^^xpr}v : — to declare as an oracle, tell out. Soph. II. to suffice, Hdt. : — impers., like αττοχρα,ο. inf., ku>s βασι\4ϊ 4κχρ^σα ; how will it suffice him ? how will he be content to . . ? Id. έκ-χρηματίζομαι, Dep. to squeeze money from, levy contributions on, riva Thuc. €κχυμ.€νος [C], Ep. aor. 2 pass. part, of 4κχ4ω. €κχυτη5 [v], ου, 6, (4κχ4ω) a spendthrift, Luc. €κχΰτο, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 pass, of 4κχ4ω. βκχΰτος, ou, (4κχ4ω) poured forth, unconfined, out- stretched, Anth. €κ-χώννΰρ,αι, pf. -κίχωσμαι : aor. i 4ξ6χώσθηυ : — Pass. to be raised on a bank or mound, Hdt. 4κ-χωρεω, f. ■^σω, to go out and away, depart, emi- grate, Hdt. 2. to slip out of, 4ξ€χώρησ€ν 4ξ άρθρων was dislocated. Id. 3. to give way. Soph., Eur. 4κ-ψύχω [ϋ], f, ξω, to give up the ghost, expire, N. T. ‘ΕΚΩ'Ν, εκοΐσ-α, εκόν, willing, of free will, readily, Horn., etc. 2. wittingly , purposely , 4κών ημάρταν^ φωτόε II., Att. 3. in Prose, 4κών elvai or έκών, as far as depends on my will, as far as concerns me, mostly with a negat., Hdt., Plat. i\aa, Att. for 4\αία. 4λάαν, Ep. for 4\άν, inf. pres, of 4κάω ; also Ep. fut. inf. of 4\αννω. ΈΛΑΙΆ, Att. Ιλάα [άά], η, the olive-tree, Lat. olca. 247 oliva, Horn., etc. ', said to have been produced by Athena in her contest with Poseidon, Hdt., Soph. ; φ4ρ€σθαι 4KThs των 4Καών to run beyond the olives, which stood at the end of the Athenian race-course, i.e. to go too far, Ar. II. the fruit of the olive-tree, an olive. Id. Hence έλαιήεις, εσσα, εν, planted with olives, Anth. έλαιηρός, ή, ον, oily, of oil, Anth. έλαΐνεος, a, 01/, =sq., Od. έλάΐνος, 7], ον, (4λαία) of olive-wood, Horn. ελαιο-λόγος, Att. ελαο-,ο»/, (λε^ω) an olive-gather er , Pvc , ελαιον, t6, (ελαία) olive-oil, Lat. oleum, olivum, Horn. ελαιο-ττώλης, ου, δ, (πωλ4ομαι) an oil-merchant, Dem. ελαιος, ό, (4λαία) the wild olive, Lat. oleaster. Soph. έλαιο-φόρος, Att. 4\αο-φόρο$, ον, olive-bearing, Eur. έλαιο-φυής, 4s, (φυω) olive-planted, Eur. ελαιό-φΰτος, ον, olive-planted, Aesch. έλαίς, i'Sos, ή, (ε’λαία) an olive-tree : Att. pi. ε’λαδεϊ Ar. έλαιών, oivos, b, (4λαία) an olive-yard, Lat. olivetum : the Mount of Olives, Olivet, N. T. ελ-ανδρος, ον, (ελεΓί^) man-destroying, of Helen, Aesch. ελαολόγοζ, ελαοφόρος, v. sub 4λαιο-. ελασα, Ep. for ηλασα, aor. i of 4λαύνω : Ion. 3 sing. έλάσασ-κε : — Ion. 3 pi. opt. ελασαίατο. έλασάς, δ, an unknoAvn bird, Ar. έλαοτείω, {4λαννω) Desiderat. to wish to march, Luc. 4X0.(710., η, = 4λασΐ5 : riding, Xen. ελαίτί-βροντος, ον, {4Καΰνω, βροντΊ]) hurled like thun- der, Ar. ελα(ης, εωϊ, τ], {4λαύνω) a driving away, banishing, Thuc. 2. (sub. στρατού), a march, expedition, Hdt. : a procession, Xen. : — (sub. Ίττ-που) a riding. Id. ελασσα, Ep. for ηλασα, aor. i of 4λαύνω. έλασσόω, Att. -ττόω : aor. i ηλλάττωσα : — Pass., f. 4Κασσωθί,σομαί, so in med. form 4λασσώσομαί : aor. i 7]λασσώθην, -ττώθην : — to make less or smaller, to lessen, diminish, lower, Oratt. : c. gen. to detract from, Thuc. II. Pass., 1. absol. to become smaller, be lessened, suffer loss, be depreciated. Id. : — also to take less than one’s due, waive one’s rights or privileges. Id. 2. c. dat. rei, to have the worst of it, to be inferior, τινι in a thing. Id., Xen. 3. c. gen. pers. to be at disadvantage with a person, Dem. ελάίτσων, Att. -ττων, ον, gen. ovos := — smaller, less, formed from 4λαχύ5 (with Sup. 4λάχίστο$, q. v.), but serving as Comp, to μικρόε, II. : ίΚασσον 4χ€ΐν to have the worse, be worse off, τινί in a thing, Hdt., Dem. ; so, ελάττω yiyveoeai Ar. 2. c. gen. pers. worse than, inferior to, Thuc., etc.; but c. gen. rei, like Η]σσων, subservient to, Xen. 3. in neut. with Preps., ττερί 4κάσσονο% ττοιύσθαι to consider of less account, Hdt. ; Trap’ ελαττοι/ ^y^iadai Plat. ; δι’ 4\άττονο$ at less dis- tance, Thuc. II. of Number,/s, Xen. ελεγμός, o, ^ελεγξί?, N.T. ελεγξί-γάμος, ον, proving a wife's fidelity, Anth. ελεγξις, εω^, ή, = ελεγχοϊ, b, a conviction, N. T. ’ΈΛΕΓΟΣ, 0, a song of mourning, a lament : at first without reference to metrical form, later always in alternate hexameters and pentameters, Eur., etc. ελεγχείη, ή, reproach, disgrace, II. ; and ελεγχής, 4s, worthy of reproof ; of men, cowardly, II. : — Irreg. Sup. 4x4yxiaTos, Ib. From έλεγχος, to, (ε’λεγχω) a reproach, disgrace, dishonour, Horn. : of men, κάκ ε’λεγχεα base reproaches to your name, II. ελεγχος, b, (ε’λεγχω) a cross-examining, testing, for purposes of disproof or refutation, εχειν ελεγχον to admit of disproof, Hdt., Thuc. ; ε^λ. διδόναι του βίου to give aw account of one’s life. Plat. ; είί ελ. πίπτζίν to ΈΛΕΤΧΩ — be convicted, Eur. ; ot irepl Tlavaaviay eA. the evidence on which he was convicted, Thuc. ΈΛΕΤΧΏ,ί. 6λ67|ω: aor. i ηλ€7|α: — Pass.,f. €λ€7χθήσΌ- μαι \ aor. i ηλ^Ύχθην: pf. ξλ-ηλ^Ύμαι: — to disgrace, put to shame, μύθον ελ. to treat a speech with contempt, II. ; ελ. viva, to put one to shame, Od. II. to cross- examine, question, for the purpose of disproving or re- proving, to censure, accuse, Hdt., Att. ; c. acc. et inf. to acctise one of doing, Eur. : — Pass, to he convicted, Hdt., Xen., etc. 2 . of arguments, to bring to the proof, to disprove, confute, Aesch., Dem. : — absol. to bring convincing proof, Hdt. : then generally to prove, Lat. arguere, Thuc. έλεειν, Ep. for kX^iv, aor. 2 inf. of αΙρ4ω. ελεεινός, rj, 6v, in Att. Poets ελεινός : (fXeos) : — -finding pity, pitied or moving pity, pitiable, piteous, Horn., etc. ; iX€ivhs ciaopav piteous to behold, Aesch. ; iXcLvhv Spas thou lookest piteous. Soph. ; iadrir iXeivijv Ar. ; τΓΟίών kavTov ws iXeeivoTarov Dem. 2 . shewing pity, pitying, ε’λ. 5άκρυον a tear of pity, Od. ; οίιδέν kXeeivov no feeling of pity ,F\dd.. II. Adv. ελεεινών, in Att. Poets kX^ivcas , pitiably , Soph. ·, neut. pi. iXeeiva as Adv., II. έλεεω, impf. ήλεουν : f. ^σω : aor. i ήλεησο : (ελεοϊ) : —like ελεαίρω, to have pity on, shew mercy upon, c. acc., Od., Att. : — Pass, to be pitied, have pity or mercy shewn one. Plat. 2 . absol. to feel pity, Ar. ελεημοσύνη, η, pity, mercy : a charity, alms (which is a corruption of the word), N. T., etc. From ελεήμων, ον, gen. ovos, (ε’λεε'ω) pitiful, merciful, com- passionate, Od., Dem. έλεητυς, vos, -η, Ion. for eXeos, pity, mercy, Od. Έλείθυια, η, poet, for ΕιΧ^ίθυια. ελεΧν, aor. 2 inf. of αίρ^ω. ελεινός, ή, όν, in Att. Poets for kXeeivos. ελειο-βάτης [ά], ου, 6, (βαίνω) walking the marsh, marsh-dwelling, Aesch. ελειος, ον or a, ov, (fXos) of the marsh or meadow, ελ. δάττεδον the surface of the meads, Ar. 2 . grow- ing or dwelling in the marsh, Aesch., Thuc. ελεκτο, Ep. syncop. aor. 2 pass, of Xkyw, he lay down. έλελεν, or doubled ε’λελεΟ ε’λελεΟ, a war-cry, Ar. : generally any cry, Aesch. ελελήθεε. Ion. for ελελήβεί, Ep. 3 sing, plqpf. of λανθάνω. ελελίζω (a), Ep. lengthd. form of kλί(T(rω : aor. i ε’λε- λιξα : — sync. aor. 2 pass, ε’λελί/ετο : — to whirl rotind, Od. 2. to rally so\d\oTs,\\.'. Pass., ot δ’ εΆελίχΘησαν Ib. 3 . generally, to make to tremble or quake, Ib. : — Pass, to tremble, quiver, Ib. II. Med. and Pass, to move in coils or spires, of a serpent, Ib. Ιλελίζω (b) : aor. i ήλελίξα : (ε’λελευ) : — to raise the battle-cry , Xen. : generally, to raise a loud cry, Eur. : — in Med., of the nightingale, to trill her sad lay. Id.; c. acc., Trov ε’λελί^ομενη trilling her lament for Itys, Ar. ελε'λικτο, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 pass, of ε’λελί^ω (a). ίλελίχθην, aor. ϊ pass, of ε’λελί^ω (a). έλελί-χθων, ov, (ε’λελί^ω a) shaking the earth. Soph, ελελόγχειν, plqpf. of λα·γχάνω. έλε -ναυς, rj, ' kXeiv) ship-destroying, of Helen, Aesch. ελεό-θρ ειττος, ον, (ελο5, τρέφω) marsh-bred, II. έλεόν, Adv., like ελεεινόν, piteously , Hes. €λ€ψαντΙν€θς, 249 ΈΛΕΟ'Σ, ό, a kitchen-table , a board on which meat was cut up, a dresser, Horn. : — also ελεόν, τό, Ar. "ΕΛΕΟΣ, b, pity, mercy, compassion, II., Att. ; ελ. rtvos pity for . . , Eur. : — in N. T. also eXeos, τό. II. an object of compassion, a piteous thing, Eur. ελε'-τΓολις, poet, ελε'-τττολις,ι, ccos, (ελεΧν) city-destroy- ing, of Helen, Aesch., Eur. ελε'σθαι, aor. 2 med. inf. of αΙρόω. ελετός, ή, όν, (ελεΧν) that can be taken or caught, II. ελευθερία. Ion. -ίη, η, (ελεύθεροί) freedom, liberty, Hdt., Aesch., etc.; δι’ ελευθερία? μόλίί ε^ηλθεί, i. e. μόλΐ5 ε’λευθερώθηί. Soph. 2. licence. Plat, ελευθερίας, ον or os, a, ov, speaking or acting like a free- man, free-spirited , frank, related to 4λζνθ€ρο$, as Lat. liberalis to liber. Plat., Xen. b. freely giving, bountiful, liberal. Id. 2 . of pursuits, fit for a freeman, liberal ; rh 4λ€υθ4ριον = ελευθεριότηί. Id. 3 . of appearance, free, noble. Id. II. Ζευί ’Ελευθερίοί Jove the Deliverer , Hdt. ελευθεριότης, ητοί, η, the character of an ελευθερίοί, liberality. Plat. ελευθερό-Ίταις, b, η, having free children, i. e. a free man, Anth. ελευθερο-'ΤΓρε'ΐτής,εί, (ττρεπω) worthy of a freeman, V\z.\.. ΈΛΕΥ'ΘΕΡΟΣ, a, ov, or os, ov : (k-Xζvθζp-os = Lat. liber) : — free, opp. to δούλο? : ελεύθερον ^]μαρ the day of freedom, i. e. freedom, II.; κρητ^ρ kλeύθ€pos the cup drunk to freedom, Ib. : — of persons, Hdt., Att. : — τδ kX. freedom, Hdt. : — c. gen. free or freed from a thing, Trag. 2. of things, free, open to all, Xen. II. Xi\ie iX€υθ4pιos, fit for a freeman, free, frank, Hdt., Att. : — Adv., ελεύθερα;? είπεΧν Hdt., Soph, ελευθερο-στομε'ω, f. Ί\σω, (στόμα) to be free of speech, Aesch., Eur. ελευθερ-ουργός, όν, (fipyoP) bearing himself freely or nobly, of the horse, Xen. έλευθερόω, f. ώσω, (4Χ^νθΐ:ρο^) to free, set free, Hdt., Aesch., etc.; ελ. τδν εσπλουν to set the entrancey/ve, clear it, Thuc. ; ε’λευθεροΧ στόμα he keeps his tongue free, i. e. does not commit himself by speech. Soph. : to free from blame, acquit, τινά Xen. : — Pass, to be set free, Hdt. 2. c. gen. to set free, loose or release from, Eur. ; so, ε’λευθερουντε? ε’ /c δρασμ,ων ττόδα, i. e. ceasing to flee. Id. Hence ελευθε'ρωσις, εω?, ή, a setting free, Hdt., Thuc. ; and ελευθερωτής, ov, b, a liberator, Luc. Έλευσίνιος, a, ov, of Eleusis, h. Horn., Hdt., etc. From Έλευσίς, Xvo?, η, Eleusis, an old city of Attica, sacred to Demeter and Proserpine, h. Horn., etc. : — Advs., Έλευσΐνι at Eleusis, Andoc., Xen., etc. : Έλευσίναδε, Adv. to Eleusis, Id. : Έλευσινόθεν, fro7n Eleusis, Lys., etc. ελευσις, εω?, ή, a co^nhig : — the Advent of our LORD, N.T. έλευσομαι, fut. of έρχομαι. έλεψαίρομαι, aor. i part. kX€(j)ηpάμ(Vos : — Ep. Dep. to cheat with empty hopes, said of the false dreams that come through the ivory gate (ε’λεφα?), Od. : generally, to cheat, overreach, II. II. to destroy, Hes. ελεφαντ-άρχης, ov, b, the commander of a squadron of elephants, Plut. ελεφαντίνεος, a, ov, = sq., Anth. 250 €λ€ώαντινος — "ΈΛΚΩ. Ελεφάντινος, η, ον, (ελεφα^) of ivory, ivory, Lat. ehur- neus, Ar. ελεφαντό-δετος, ον, inlaid -mth ivory, Ar. ελεφαντό- κωίΓος, ον, {κώπη) ivory -hilted, Luc. ελεφαντο-μάχία, τι, (μάχη) a battle of elephants, Plut. ελεφαντό-ΤΓους, b, 4), ivory-footed, Luc. ΈΛΕ'ΦΑΣ, avTos, b, the elephant, Hdt. II. the elephanf s tusk, ivory, II,, Hes. ελη, 3 sing. aor. 2 subj. of alpiw : — but also, with Ep. form εληαι, 2 sing. aor. 2 med. subj. ελήλάκα, ελήλαμαι, pf. act. and pass, of ε’λαόνω. ελήλεγμαι, pf. pass, of ε’λεγχω. εληλε'δατο, Ep. 3 pi. plqpf. pass, of ε’λαυνω. ελήλιγμαι, pf. pass, of έλίσσω. ελήλΰθα Ep. είλήλουθα, pf. of έρχομαι. εληφθην, aor. i pass, of λαμβάνω. ελθεϊν, Ep. ελθεμεναι, ελθεμεν, aor. 2 inf. of έρχομαι. ελί-γδην, Adv. {€λίσσω) vihirling, rolling, Aesch. ελιγμα, aros, to, (ελίσσω) a curl, lock of hair, Anth. ελιγμός, b, (ελίσσω) a Viindhig, convolution, as of the Labyrinth, Hdt., Xen. ελΐκο-βλεφάρος, ον, {βλ^ψαρον) with ever-moving eye- lids, quick-glancing, h. Horn, ελΐκο-δρόμος, ον, running in curves, circular, Eur. ελΐκο-ειδής, poet, είλικ-, is, {eldos) of winding or spiral form, Plut. ελικτός, 7], 6v, {βλίσσω') curved, twisted, wreathed, h. Horn., Soph. ; ελ. kvtos a wheeled ark, Eur. j συριγξ irep] χεΓλοχ· khinra moving quickly, Theocr. II. metaph. tortuous, Eur. *Ελϊκών, ώνο5, b, Helicon, a hill in Boeotia, Hes. Hence Έλΐκωνιάδες (sc. irapOivoi), at, the dwellers on Helicon, the Muses, Hes. : so, Νυμφαι Έλικωνίδες Soph, ελίκ-ωφ, ω·πο$, b, η, fern, ελικώττις, i5os, with rolling eyes, qtiick-glancing, II. ΈΛΓΝΥ'Ω: f .—ΰσω [ϋ]: aor. i 4λίνϋσα: — to keep holiday , to take rest, he at rest, keep quiet, stand idle, Hdt., Aesch. 2. c. part, to rest or cease from doing. Id. ελιξ, Ikos, b, 7}, (ελίσσω) Adj. twisted, curved, of oxen, either with twisted, crumpled horns, or rolling as they walk, Horn., etc. : — later, έλικα άνο χλόαν on the tangled grass, Eur. ελιξ, poet. ειλι|, Ikos, η, (ελίσσω) anything which assumes a spiral shape: 1. an armlet or earring, II. 2. a twist, whirl, convolution, eXines arepoTrijs flashes of forked lightning, Aesch. 3 . the tendril of the vine, Eur. : of ivy. Id. 4 . a curl or lock of hair, Anth. 5 . the coil or spire of a serpent, Eur. ελιξό-κερως, ωτο$, b, η, with crumpled horns, Anth. ελϊτΓον, aor. 2 of λείπω. ελίσσω, Ep. inf. -εμεν ; Ion. είλίσσω : f. ελι|ω : aor. I ε'/λι|α : — ^Pass., aor. i ζίλίχθην : pf. εϊλιγμαι. Ion. 3 pi. €ίλίχατο : 3 sing, plqpf. ^ίλικτο: (είλω): — to turn round, to turn a chariot round the doubling-post, II. ; so of the chariot of Day, Aesch., Eur. j ελ. κόνιν to roll the eddying dust, Aesch. ; ελ. bivas of the Euripus, Eur. ; ελ. βλέφαρα Id. 2. of any rapid motion, esp. of a circular kind, ελ. πλάταν to ply the oar swiftly. Soph. ; ελ. πόδα to 7nove the swift foot, Eur. : absol. to dance, - Id. 3 . to roll or wind round, as the wool round the distaff, Hdt., Eur. 4 . metaph. to turn in one's ^inind, revolve. Soph.; ελ. Xbyovs to speak wily words, Eur. II. Pass, and Med. to turn oneself round, turn quick round, turn to hay, II. ; of a serpent, to coil himself, Ib. ; of a missile, to spin through the air, Ib. 2 . to turn hither and thither, go about, Ib. : — also, like Lat. versari, to be busy about a thing, Ib. 3 . to whirl in the dance, Eur. 4 . Med. in Act. sense, with a whirl, lilce a sling, II. 5 . ras κεφαλάϊ ειλίχατο μίτρ·ρσι have their heads rolled rou^idw'x'&i turbans, Hdt. ελί-τροχος, ον, (ελίσσω) whirling the wheel, Aesch. ελιφθεν, Aeol. for ε’λείφθί?σαν, 3 pi. aor. i pass, of λείπω, ελί-χρΰσος, b, a creeping plant with yellow flower or fruit, Theocr. ελκαίνω, (ελκοί) to fester, Aesch. k\Kicr\.~TiiTf\o%,ov , trailing the robe, with long train, 11. ελκεσί-χειρος, ον, drawing the hand after it, Anth. ελκε-χίτων [Γ], ωνο5, b, trailing the tunic, with long tunic, II. έλκεω, f. ήσω, strengthd. for έλκω, to drag about, tear asunder, II. : to attempt violence to one, Od. ελκηδόν, Adv. by dragging ox pulling, Hes. ελκηθμός, b, (ελκεω) a being carried off, violence suf- fered, II. ελκημα, aros, ro, (ελκεω) that which is torn in pieces, a prey, Eur. ελκητήρ, ηροϊ, b, one that drags, Anth. ελκήτον, 3 dual subj. of έλκω. έλκο-ΤΓΟιε'ω, f. ήσω, to make wounds or sores ; metaph. to rip up old sores, Aeschin. ελκο-ίΓοιός, ov, ίποιε'ω) having power to wound, Aesch. έλκος, eos, τό, (έλκω) a wound, II., Att. 2. a fester- ing wound, e\Kos νδρου the festering bite of a serpent, II. : of plague-ulcers, Thuc. II. metaph. a wound, loss, Aesch., Soph. ελκόω, f. ώσω, (ελκοϊ) to wound sorely, lacerate, Eur. : — metaph., ελκ. φρ4να$ oIkovs Id. ελκτε'ον, verb. Adj. of έλκω, one must drag. Plat, ελκτικός, η, 6v, (έλκω) fit for drawing, attractive. Plat, ελκυδριον, τό. Dim. of ελκοί, a slight sore, Ar. ελκυστάζω, Frequentat. of έλκω, to drag about, II. ελκυστε'ος, a, ov, verb. Adj. of έλκω, to be dragged, Xen. "ΕΛΚΩ : impf. (Ίλκον, Ep. 'άλκον : — f. ελ|ω : — aor. 2 ^Ιλκυσα (as if from ελκύω) ; later εΓλ|α, poet. ελ|α : — pf. ^Ιλκΰκα : — Pass., f. ^λκυσθηοΌμαι : aor. 1 (Ιλκύσ- θην : pf. €’ίλκυσμαι. Ion. ίλκυσμαι. To draw, drag, Lat. traho, with a notion of force, 7ro8bs ελκε began to drag [the dead body] by the foot, II. ; to draw ships down to the sea, Od. ; of mules, to draw a chariot, Ib. ; to draw the plough through the field, Ib. 2. to draw after one, II. ; πεδα5 ελκ. to trail fetters after one, Hdt. 3 . to tear in pieces. Id., Eur. : — Med., ίλκ^σθσΛ χαΙτα$ to tear one’s hair, II. 4 . to draw a bow, Horn., etc. 5 . to draw a sword. Soph. ; and in Med., to draw one's sword, II. 6. ελκ. ιστία to hoist or haul up the sails, Od. 7. to hold up scales, so as to poise or balance them, II. II. after Horn., in many ways : 1 . to pull an oar, Hdt. 2. to drag into court, Ar. : to drag about, esp. with lewd violence, Dem., etc. 3 . to draw or suck up, Hdt. : of persons drinking, to drink in long draughts, quaff, Eur., etc. ; ελκ. €\κώ8ης - μαστόν to suck the breast. Id. 4. ίκκ. βίοτον, ζόην to drag out a weary life. Id. : to drag on, prolong tediously , Hdt. : κόρόακα ^λκύσαι to dance in long, measured steps, Ar. 5. to draw to oneself, attract, Hdt., etc. 6 . 6 λκ. σταθμόν to draw down the balance, i. e. to weigh so much. Id. ; absol., τό δ’ ^Χκΰστι whatever it weigh. Id. 7. kXKvcai irXlv9ovs, like Lat. ducere, to make bricks, Id. 8 . Med. to draw to oneself, amass riches, Theogn. Ελκώδης, 6 S, (eJSos) like a sore, ulcerated, Eur. ΙλκωσΊς, eojs, {k\K0s. Ion. -v4ws, visibly, openly, "Lsd. pal am. Id., Aesch., etc.; openly, i. e. not secretly or treacherously , Soph. ; ou Aoyois, άλλ’ iμφavώs but really, Ar. 2 . so in neut. Adj., ε| iμφav4os or ε’ /c του iμφ., Hdt. ; iv τφ iμφav4ΐ Thuc. εμφανίζω, f. Att. ιω, to make manifest, exhibit, iμφ. Tiva iiriopKov, φίλον to represent him as . . , Xen. : — Pass, to become visible, N. T. 2. to make clear or plain, τινί τι Xen. εμφε'ρβομαι, poet, ενιφ-, Pass, to feed in a place, c. dat., Mosch. εμφε'ρεια, -η, likeness, Plut. From έμφερής, is, {iμφ4pω) answering to, resembling, τινί, Hdt., Att. : cf. ' 7 ΓpoσφepΎ)s. εμ-φε'ρω, f . iv -οίσω, to bear or bring in, cf . iμφopiω. II. ivepipeTo an account was given. Not. ad Polyb. εμ-φεύγω, f. -ξομαι, {iv) to fly in or into, Luc. εμ-φϊλοχωρε'ω, f. ήσω, {iv) to be fond of dwelling in, to dwell in, Trj μνήμ?? Luc. εμ-φλεγω, f. |ω, {iv) to kindle in, τινί Anth. εμ-φλο|, 070s, 0, Ύ), {iv) with fire in it, ττετροϊ Anth. εμ-φοβος, ov, {iv) terrible, formidolosus. Soph, εμ-φορβιόομαι, {iv, φορβζία) Pass, to have the mouth- hand on, Ar. ζμ-φορ4ω, = iμφ4pω : — Pass, to he borne about in or on, c. dat., Od. II. to pour in, άκρατον Diod. : — Med. and Pass, to take one’s fill or make much use of a thing, c. gen., Hdt., Plut. III. metaph. to put upon, inflict on, iμφop4ιv 'πλ'ηyάs τινι Id. 2 . to object to', throw in one’s teeth. Soph, εμ-φράσσω, Att. -ττω, f. ξω, {iv) to block up, Thuc. εμ-φρουρεω, f. ήσω, (εν) to keep gtiard in a place, Thuc. εμ-φρουρος, ov, {iv) on guard in a place ; o.' €μφρουροι the garrison, Xen. II. psiss. garriso7ted, Oem. εμ-φρων, ov, gen. ovos, {iv, φρην) in one’s mind or Aesch., Soph. cdive,\A. TL. rational, intelligent, Xen., Plat. 2 . sensible, shrewd, pru- deyit, Theogn., Soph., etc. εμφύλιος, ov, = sq., iμφύλιoι kinsfolk. Soph.; αΓμ’ iμφύλιov Id.; yrj iμφvλιos one’s native land. Id. II. in one’s tribe, "'Apqs iμφvλιos Aesch. ; μάχτη Theocr. εμ-φϋλος, ov, {iv, φνλον) of the same tribe or race, Od. II. in one’s tribe, 4μφ. στάσιs civil strife, Hdt. εμ-φϋσάω, f. ήσω, (εν) to blow in : to play the flute, Ar. έμ-φύοΊοω, (εν, φύσιs) to implant, instil into, Xen. εμ-φΰτος, ov, implanted, innate, natural, Hdt., Att. εμ-φύω, f.-<^uT&), (εν) to implant, τίτινιΟά., Xen. II. Pass., with pf. iμ■π4φϋκa and aor. 2 iv4φϋv : 1 . to grow in or on, c. dat., όθι τpίχ€S κρανίφ iμπeφvaσι (Ep. for iμ^τeφύκaσι) II. : — of qualities, φθόvos εμψύε- ται άνθρώττφ is hnplanted in him, Hdt. ; ovbeis χαρακτηρ iμ^x4φvκe σώματι no mark is set by nature ίμφθι)νος — €να\\άσσιο. on the body, Eur. 2. to he rooted in, cling closely, €μτΓ€(ρνυ7α (Ep. for 4μτηφνκυΐα) she hung· on clhiging, II. ; fαιχμάζ(ι>, f. σω, to fight hi, Anth. έν-αιωρέομαι, Pass, to float or drift about in the sea, c. dat., Eur. ενάκΐ 5 [ά], Ep. ε1νάκΐ9) (ε’ννεα) Adv. nine times, Od., Plat. Hence ενακισ-χιλιοι, ai, a, nine thousand. Ion. ΗνακισχίΧιοι, Hdt. ένακοετιοι, Ion. είν-, at, a, {ivvia, άκατον) nine hun- dred, Hdt., Thuc. έν-ακοΰω, f. σομαι, to listen to a thing, c. gen.. Soph, έν-αλείψω, f. φω : pf. pass, -αλ^λιμμαι : — to anoint with ointment, c. dat.. Plat. : — Med. to anoint oneself, Anth. εν-αλήθης, cs, in accordance with truth : Adv. -θα»ί, probably, Luc. έν-αλίγκιος, ov, like, resembling, c. dat., Horn. ; Oeols ivaXiyKios avZi]v like the gods in voice, Od. έν-άλιος [ά], α, ον or os, ον, poet, είνάλιος : {aXs) : — in, on, of the sea, Lat. marinus, Od., Aesch., etc.; iv. λεώί seamen. Soph. ; ττόντου είναλία φvσιs, i. e. fish. Id. εναλλαγήναι, aor. 2 pass. inf. of 4ναΧΧάσσω. εναλλάξ, Adv. crosswise, Ar. 2. alternately , Lat. vicissim, πρήσσειν iv. to have alternations of fortune, Hdt. From εν-αλλάσσω, Att.' -ττω : f. |co : pf. -ήλλάχα, pass, -ήλ- Xayμaι : aor. 2 -τ^λλάγην [ά] : — to exchange, φόνον θανάτφ iv., i. e. to pay for murder by death, Eur. ; ε’νήλλοξεν την νβριν diverted his assault, Soph. · II. S 258 ενάΧλομαι - Pass, to he changed, ri δ’ 4νί]\Κακται rrjs ημζρίαί ννξ ηδ€ βάρο5 ; what heavy change from the day hath this mght suffered So^h. 2. to have dealings "mthyTivi Thuc. €ν-άλλομαι, f . -αλονμαι : aor. i -τηλάμ-ην, aor. 2 -ηλόμην : Dep. : — to leap in or upon, c. dat., Aesch., Soph. 2. to rush against. Id. 3. absol. to dance, Ar. €V-aXXos, ov, changed, contrary, Theocr., Anth. cv-aXos, ov, = iua\ios, h. Horn., Eur. €ν-αμβλυνω [ΰ], to deaden or discourage besides, Plut. €ν-αμ€λγω, f. to milk into, yavXoTs Od. €v-api\X.os [a], ov, (αμιλλα) engaged in equal contest u'ith, a match for, τινι Plat. €ν-αντα, Adv. opposite, over against, face to face, c. gen., II. ; iv. τΓροσβ\€ΤΓ€ΐν νεκρόν Soph. ; iAOclv Eur. €v-avTt, Adv., in the presence of, c. gen., N.T. €ν-αντίβΐος, ov, set against, hostile, Anth. : — as Adv. face to face, against, μαχ^σασθαι, ττολ^μίζ^ιν II. Εναντίον, Adv., v. ivavrios. «ναντιόομαι, f. -ώσομαι : aor. 1 ηναντιώθην : pf. ηναν τίωμαι : Dep. : — to set oneself against, oppose, voith- stand, rivi Hdt., Thuc., etc. ; οϋκ ζνανηώσομαι τδ μ^ ου ycyoivCiv I will not refuse to speak, Aesch.; τοδτό μοι ivavTiovrai ττράττ^ιν this prevents me from doing. Plat. 2. to contradict, gainsay, Eur., Thuc., etc. 3. of the wind, to he adverse. Soph., Thuc. «ν-αντίος, o, ov, opposite, Lat. adversus : 1. of Place, over against, opposite, c. dat., Horn. : fronting, face to face, Od., Eur. : — with Verbs of motion, in opposite directions, meeting, II. 2. in hostile sense, opposing, facing in fight, Ib., etc.; c. gen., Πόν- τιοι 'Αχαιών Ib., etc. : also c. dat., Ib. : — ol iv. one's adversaries, Aesch., etc. : — generally, opposed to, τινί Soph., Xen. 3. of qualities, acts, etc., the opposite, contrary, reverse, Aesch., Soph. ; mostly c. gen., τά iv. τούτων the very reverse of these things, Hdt., etc. ; also c. dat., Aesch. II. in Adv. usages : 1. neut. ivavTiov, opposite, face to face, Od., Att. : — as Prep, c. gen. in the presence of, before, Lat. coram, c. gen.. Soph., Thuc., etc. b. in hostile sense, against, c. gen., II. ; also c. dat., Ib., Eur. c. contrarivoise, in Att. τουναντίον, on the other hand : so also neut. pi. ivavTia Hdt., Thuc., etc. 2. in τού ivavTioo, over against, opposite, Lat. ex adverse, e regione, Xen., etc. : so, iξ ivavTias, Ion. -irjs, Hdt., Thuc. 3. regul. Adv. ivavviws, contrariwise, c. dat., Aesch. : — also c. gen.. Plat. : — iv. ^χ^ιν to be exactly opposed, Dem. Hence Ιναντιότης, ητοί, η, contrariety, opposition. Plat. Ιναντιόω, not used in Act. ; v. ivavτιόoμaι. Ιναντίωμα, arcs, t 6, {ζναντίόομαι) an obstacle, hindrance, Thuc., Dem. 2. a contradiction, discrepancy , Plat. €ναντίωσΐ5, 6ωί, -η, (ivavτιόoμai) a contradiction, Thuc. Ιναξα, aor. i of νάσσω. €νατΓήκ€, Ion. for ivacprjKe, 3 sing. aor. 1 of ivaψlημι. €ναπήτΓΤ€, Ion. for ivacprjnTe, 3 sing. impf. of ivacpdirTw. €ν-ατΓθδ€ίκνΰμαι, Med. or Pass, to gain distinction among others, iva -πζύζΐκνύατο (Ion. 3 pi. impf.) Hdt. Ιν-αίΓοθνήσκω, to die in a place, Hdt., Thuc. Ινα-τΓοθραύω, f. σω, to break off in a wound, c. dat., Plut. cv-airoKctpai, Pass, to be stored up in, c. dat., Plut. - ei /άρ-χομαι. έν-αποκλάω, f. σω, to break off short in a shield, Thuc. έν-απόλλυμαι, f. -αττολούμαι. Pass, to perish in a place, c. dat., Xen. €ν-απολογ€ομαι, Dep. to defend oneself in, Aeschin. Ιν-αττονίζω, f. -νίψω, to wash clean in a thing : — Med., ivaπovίζeσθaι Tobs πόδαε iv τφ πούανιτττηρι to wash one's feet in the foot-pan, Hdt. Ιν-αττοιτνεω, f. -νν^ύσομαι, to expire in the act of doing a thing, c. dat., Plut. Ιν-αίΓοιτνίγομαι, Pass, to be suffocated in, Luc. €ν-αιτο(Γημαίνω, f. ανώ, to indicate or point out in, Plut. Ιν-ατΓοτίνω, f. -τίσω [t], to spend on law in a place, Ar. έν-ατΓοψυχω [ΰ], f. ξω, to give up the ghost in a place, Hes., Anth. €ν-άτΓτω, f. ψω, to hind on or to a person, Eur. : — Pass., pf. ίν-ημμαι, of persons, to be fitted with, clad in, c. acc., AeovTeas ^αμμίνοι (Ion. for ivημμ-) Hdt., Ar. II. to kindle, set on fire. Id. "ENA-PA, ων, τά, only in pi., the arms and trappings of a slain foe, spoils, booty, Lat. spolia, II. έν-αραρίσκω : aor. i ivTjpaa, to fit or fasten in, Od. II. ivdp7]pa, intr., to he fitted in, Ib. evapyei, Dor. for ivi}pyei, impf. of ivcρy4ω. έν.αργης, 4s, {apyos) visible, palpable, in bodily shape, properly of gods appearing in their own forms, Horn. ; so of a dream or vision, Od., Hdt., etc. ; ivapyijs Tudpos in visible form a bull, a very bull. Soph. 2. manifest to the mind's eye, distinct. Id., Dem. : — Adv. -yώs, manifestly , Aesch., etc. 3. of words, etc., distinct, manifest. Id., Plat., etc. : — Adv., 4vo.p- y4ωs \4yeiv Hdt. ’Evap€€S or -its, ot, prob. a Scythian word, answering to the Greek avSpoyvvoi, a band who plundered the temple of Aphrodite at Ascalon, Hdt. Ivaptiv, aor. 2 inf. of 4ναίρω. έναρηρώς, pf. 2 part, of 4ναραρίσκω. έναρη-ψόρος, ον, {φ4ρω) wearing the spoils, Anth. j Ιναρίζω, f. -ίξω : aor. i ηνάριξα, Ep. 4νάριξα : — Pass., j aor. I 7]ναρίσθτ}ν, pf. ηνάρισμαι : — to strip a slain foe ) of his arms (evapa), Lat. spoliare, evTea iv. τινά II. : — j hence, to slay in fight, and, generally, to slay, Ib., \ Aesch. : — Pass., νυξ 4ναριζ'ομ4να night when dying, i. e. \vhen yielding to day. Soph. tv-αpιθμeω, f. ήσω, to reckon in or among : to reckon, . account, ούύ4ν as nothing. Soph. : — Med., = eV άριθμψ j ττοίζίσθαι, to make account of, Eur. ■ Ιν-αρίθμιος, ov, {άριθμ05) in the number, to make up \ the number, Od. : counted among, i. e. among, c. \ dat., Theocr. II. taken into account, Lat. in \ numero habitus, II. Ιν-αρμόζω and -ττω, f. σω, to fit or fix in a thing, c. .; dat., Eur. 2. metaph. to fit, adapt, τι el's τι Plat. ; ;i iv. αυτόν to make himself popular, Plut. : — Med., τάν i Αωριστϊ (sc. αρμονίαν) ivapμόττ(σθaι τ^ν λύραν to have .1 it tuned to the Dorian mode, Ar. II. intr. to fit, | suit, be convetiient. Id. : — c. dat. pers. to please, Plut. 1 έν-αρμόνιος, ov, (αρμονία) in accord or harmony, Luc. \ Ιναρμόττω, v. ivapμόζω. \ tvapov, TO, sing, of evapa, but not in use. j βν-αρφόρος, ov, syncop. for ivapr](p0pos, Hes. Ιν-άρχομαι, f. ξομαι, Dep. in sacrifices, to begin the €νασκ€ω — eft). 259 offering, by taking- the barley (ουλοχνται) from the basket {κάνουν), Eur. : — pf. in pass, sense, Id. iv -ασκέω, f. ^σω, to train ox practise in a thing, Plut. : Pass, with fut. med., to be so practised, Luc. έν-ασπΐδόομαι, {άσττίε) Pass, to fit oneself ‘with a shield, Ar. €νασσα, aor. i of ναίω II. <ν-α<Γχημ.ον€ω, to behave oneself unseemly in, Plut. Ιν'αταΐος, a, ov, {ivaros) on the ninth day, Thuc. «νατος, Ion. and Ep. (‘ivaros, 77 , ov, (ivvea) ninth, Lat. nonus, II., Hes. II. in pl. = 6Weo, Anth. «ν-ανλακο-φοϊτις, η, {ανλαξ, φοιτάω) viandering in the fields, Anth. €να-υλ€ΐον, τό, = ^ναυ\οε (a). li. €ν-αν\ίζω, f. σω, intr. to dwell or abide in a place, Soph. II. Dep. Ιναυλίζομαι, to take up one's quarters in a place during night, to take tip night- quarters, bivouac, Hdt., Thuc., Xen., etc. Hence «ναυλιστήριος, ov, habitable, Anth. «ν-αυλον, t 6, {ανλ'η) an abode, Anth. «ναύλος, b, (a) Subst. : I. (auAos) the bed of a stream, a torrent, mountain-stream, II. II. (αυλή) in pi. the haunts of the country-gods, Hes., Eur. «ναύλος, ov, (b) Adj. : I. {avKos) on or to the flute : metaph., \6yoi ev. words ringing in one's ears. Plat. : hence fresh in memory, Aeschin. II. {αύλ-η), dwelling in dens, Eur. : in one's den. Soph. Ιν-αυξάνω, f. -αυξήσω, to increase, enlarge, Xen. «ναυρος, ov, (aupa) exposed to the air, Theophr. «ναυσις, ή, a kindling, Plut. -evaverpa, aros, to, (evauev) a spark, remnant, Plut. «ν-αυχ€νιος, ov, or 77 , ov, (αυχήν) on the neck, Anth. «ν-α-υω, impf. evavov : aor. i «ναυσα : — to kindle, iv. TTvp Tivi to light one a fire, give him a light, Xen. : — Med., πυρ ivabeaOai to get a light, Plut., Luc. «ν-αφάιττω. Ion. «ναττ-, to fasten up in a thing, Hdt. cv -αφίηρι, f. -αφΊισω, to let drop into, v. I., Hdt. «ν-δαις, aiSos, or «ν-δας, a8os, b, ή, with lighted torch, Aesch. «ν-δαίω, to kindle in : Med. to burn or glow in, Od. έν-δάκνω, f. 8^ιξομαι : aor. 2 48άκον [ά] : — to bite into, 4v8, στόμια yvdOois to take the bit between the teeth, of runaway horses, Eur. «ν-δακρυω, f. σω, to weep in : 4v8. ομμασι to suffuse them with tears, Aesch. «νδάμ€ω, «νδαρία. Dor. for 4ν8ιημ-. «νδάπιος, α, ον, (evdov) native of the country, Mosch. «ν-δατ€οραι, Dep. to divide, 8ls τοΰνόμ 4νοατούμ€νο5 dividing the name of Polynices (into ττολυ v^ikos), Aesch. ; 4v8. Xbyoos 6ν€ΐΒιστ7}ρα5 to distribute or fling about reproaches, Eur. 2. c. acc. object!, to speak of in detail, i. e., in bad sense, to reproach, revile, or, in good sense, to tell of, celebrate. Soph. €νδ«δμημαί, pf. pass, of 4νδ4μω. €νδ€τίς, 4s: neut. pi. 4νδ€ά : {4νδ4ω) : — in need of a. thing, c. gen., Hdt., Att. 2. absol. in need, indigent, Xen., Plat., etc. b. lacking, deficient, mostly in Comp., Hdt., Thuc. ; τινι in a thing. Id. : — τδ 4v- 8f4s lack, want, defect, deficiency. Id. 3. inferior to, c. gen., Xen. ; τήί δυνάμίω5 4v8eci πράξαι to act short of your real power, Thuc. ; τούτου 4v8ea. 4φαίν^το (sc. τά πρά·γματα) their power was unequal to the purpose, Id. 4. insufficient. Id. : — Adv., 4v8€a>s, defectively , insufficiently , Plat.; μή eVSews γνώναι to judge not insufficiently , Thuc. €νδ£ΐα, ή, (βνδβήί) want, need, lack, Thuc., etc. 2. defect, deficiency. Plat. 3. want of means, need, poverty, Lat. egestas. Id., Dem. «νδβιγμα, aTos, τό, a proof , token, Dem. From Ινδβίκνΰμι or -·υω, -δ^ίξω, to mark, point out, Lat. indicare. Soph., etc. 2. as Att. law-term, to in- form against one. Plat. ; so in Med., Plut. : — in Pass., 4νδζδζΐ"γμ4νο$ Plat. ; 4νδ€ΐχθ4ντα δίκάζ^ιν being in- formed against for bribing, Dem. II. Med. to shew forth oneself or what is one's own, Π77λ€ίδ^ 4νδΐίξομαι I will declare myself to Achilles, II. ; 4v- δ€ίκνυσθαι τήν Ύνώμην Hdt. 2. with a part, to shew, give proof oi doing, Eur., etc. 3. c. acc. rei, to display, exhibit, Lat. prae se ferre, Aesch., Thuc. 4. 4νδίίκνυσθαί τινι to display oneself to one, make a set at him, court him, Dem., Aeschin. €νδ€ΐξις, «CVS, ή, a pointing out : — as Attic law-term, a laying information against one who discharged public functions for which he w'as legally disqualified, Dem., etc. II. a display of good will, Aeschin. «ν-δβκα, 01 , at, τά, indecl. eleven, Lat. undecim, Horn., etc. II. at Athens, 01 Ηνδβκα, the Eleven, the Police-Commissioners, who had charge of the prisons, and the punishment of criminals, Ar., etc. Hence Ινδεκά-ιτηχνς, u, gen. «os, eleven cubits long, II. «νδεκάς, fbos, ή, the number Eleven, Plat. «νδ«καταΐος, a, ov, on the eleventh day, Thuc.; and «νδεκατος, ·η, ον, the eleventh, Horn., etc. «νδεκομαι, Ion. for 4νδ4χομαι. €νδ6λ€χ·ης, 4s, continuous, perpetual. Plat., etc. Adv. -Xuis, Id. (Deriv. uncertain.) «ν-δ€μω, f. δ«μώ, to wall up, Hdt. II. to build in a place, Theocr. «ν-δβξιόομαι, Dep. to grasp with the right hand, Eur. Ινδ«ξιος, a, ov, towards the right hand, from left to right : neut. pi. as Adv., deoTs 4νδ4^ια ψνοχό^ι he filled for the gods from left to right, II. : — contrary pro- cedure was avoided as unlucky, hence, 4νδ4ξια σήματα propitious omens, Ib. 2. = δeξiόs, on the right, Eur. II. clever, expert, h. Horn. «ν-δβτος, ov, bound to, entangled in, τινι Anth. «ν-δεχομαι, Ion. -δεκομαι : f. -ξομαι : pf. -δ«δ« 7 μαί : Dep. : — to take upon oneself, Lat. suscipere, Hdt. II. to accept, admit, approve of, Lat. accipere. Id., Thuc. 2. to give ear to, believe, Hdt. : absol. to give ear, attend, Eur. HI. of things, to admit, allow of, Thuc., Plat. : — c. inf., ουκ 4νδ4χ^ται μ«λ«τασ0αι does not admit of being practised, Thuc. 2. absol. to be possible, 4νδ4χ€ται Id. : esp. in part. 4vδeχόμevos, 77 , ov, possible, 4 k των 4νδ^χομ4νων by all possible means, Xen. : — 4νδ4χ(ται impers., it admits of being, it is possible that, c. acc. et inf., Thuc., etc. «νδεχομε'νως, Adv. of foreg., as far as possible, ap. Dem. «ν-δ«ω (a), f. -δήσω, to bind in, on or to, τι ev τινι Od. ; τί Tivt Ar., etc.; so in Med., 4ν€δ'ησατο δ«σμφ bound them fast, Theocr. ; 4vδ'ησάμevos having packed it up, Ar. : — Pass., Ipa 4νδ^δ^μ4να 4v καΧάμτ) Hdt.; 4v8eerjvai els σώμα or 4v τφ σώματι Plat. II. metaph., Zeus S 2 200 ενββω — μ€ &τ·ρ iveSrjac entangled me in it, II.: — Pass., eV5e- Seadai opKiois, etc., Hdt. ; ivSeBeadai t^jv αρχήν to have the government secured , Id. : — Med. to hind to oneself ^ Eur. έν-δ6ω (b', f. -δεήίτω, to he in vcant of 2 i thing, c. gen., Eur., Plat. ; c. inf., tlvos €νΒ4ομ€ν μη ου χωρ^ΐν ; what do 7ve lack of going ? Eur. : — so in Med., Xen. ; and in Pass., στρωμάτων 4νδξηθ4ντ€5 Id. 2. of things, to he vianting or lacking, Hdt. : — impers. 4νδύ, there is need or iva7it, c. gen. rei. Plat., Xen. Ινδβώς, Adv. of eVSeTjs, q. v. 6ν-δηλος, ον, = δηλο5, visible, manifest, clear. Soph., Thuc. 2. of persons, manifest, discovered, knonm, Ar., Thuc. II. Adv. -Χω$, Sup. -ότατα. Id. €νδημί€ω. Dor. -δδ,μ6ω, to live in a place, Lys. From Ιν-δημο5» ον, dvielling in a place, a native, Hes., etc. ; ivδημ6τaτos the greatest ‘ stay-at-hoine,^ Thnc. II. of οτ belonging to a people, national, Id. ένδιάασ-κον, Ep. impf. of βνδιάω. Ιν-διαβάλλω, to calumniate in a matter, Luc. Ινδΐάζω, (fvδιos i) to pass the noon, Plut. Ιν-διαθρυΐΓτομαι, Pass, to play the prude tcnvards, trifle viith, Tii^tTheocr. ev -δϊαιτάομαι, Ion. -€ομαι, Dep. to live or dvL'ell in a place, Hdt., Thuc., etc. Ιν-διατάσσω, f. to drau' an army tip f;?, Hdt. Ιν-διατρίβω [t], f. ψω, to spe^id or consume in doing, χρόνον Ar., Thuc. II. absol. (sub. χρόνον), to speyid time in a place, Dem. 2. to voaste time by stayi7ig hi a place, linger there, Thuc., Plat. 3. to C07itinue fn the practice of a thing %v τινι Xen. : absol. to dviell up07i a poi7it (in speaking), Aeschin. βνδιατριίΓτεον, \'erbal, 07ie 77iust dviell upoii, τινί Luc. Ινδϊάω, Ep. impf. 4νδιάασκον, (evStos) to stay in the ope7i air ; generally, to li7iger hi or haunt a place, c. dat., Anth. : — in Med., h. Horn. II. trans., ττοι- /leVes μηΚα 4νδιάασκον shepherds Tvere driving their sheep afield, Theocr. Ιν-δϊδυσκω, to put on another, τινά τι X. Τ. : — Med. to put on oneself, Ib. Ιν-δίδωμι, f. -δώσω, to give in : I. to give into one’s hands, give up to, τινά or τί τινι Eur., etc. ; a city, esp. by treachery, Thuc., Xen. II. like Lat. praehere, to give, lend, afford, 4νδιδόναι τινι χόρα to lend him a hand, Eur. ; 4νδ. λαβήν τινι to give one a handle, Ar. : — to cause, excite, Thuc. III. to shevo, exhibit, Hdt., Eur., etc. IV. to αΙΙοτυ, grant, concede, Eur., Thuc. V. intr. to give in, αΙΙοτν, permit, Hdt. : to give ill, give svay, Thuc. : — 4νδ, τινι to yield to. Id. εν-διημερεύω, to pass the day in, Theophr. ενδίημι, to chase, pursue, 3 pi. impf. όνδί^σαν, Ep. for ivebieaav, II. εν-δΐκο5, ον, (δίκη) : I. of things, according to right, right, just, legitimate, Trag. : — to μη ’νδικον = TO άδικον. Soph. ; μη λεγωι/ ye τοϋνδικον not speaking truth. Id. II. oi persons, righteous, just, upright, Aesch., etc. ; t'is 4νδικώτ€ρο$ ; vcho has better right or inore reason ? Id. III. Adv. -κωε, right, viith justice, fairly , Id. 2. truly, indeed, Eur. 3. justly, naturally , as one has a right to expect, Trag. - ei^Suo:. ενδϊνα, τά, (βνδον) the entrails^ or rather the body en- closed in armour, II. εν-δϊνε'ω, f. ησω, to revolve, go about, ivbivevvTi, Dor. for 4νδινουσι, Theocr. εν-δΧθ5, ον, (4v, Ai0s, cf. Lat. sub divo) : — at midday, at noon, Horn., I'heocr. II. %νδ\ο$, in the open air, Anth. : neut. ίνδΧον, an abode. Id. εν-δίφριος, ον, (δί<ρρο5) sitting on the same seat with another, c. dat., Xen. ενδοθεν, {(νδον) Adv. from vsithin, Lat. intrinsecus, Od., Trag., etc. : — c. gen., ίνδοθ^ν στόγηε from inside the tent, Soph. 2. like olKodev, of oneself , by one's οτυη doing, Kosrdn. II. 'a)zYA7«,c.gen., II., Hes. 2. absol., Hdt. ; ol ένδοθεν the domestics, Ar. j or the people inside the city, Thuc. ενδοθι, (ένδον) Adv. viithin, at home, Lat. intus, Horn. 2. c. gen., II. ενδοι, Aeol. and Dor. for ενδοθι, Theocr. ενδοιάζω,^εν δοίη είμί, to be in doubt, at a loss how to do a thing, c. inf., Thuc. : absol., ol ενδοιάζοντε$ the VL'averers, Id. : — Pass, to be matter of doubt, ενδοι- ασθηναι Id. Hence ενδοιάσιμος, ον, doubtful, Luc. ; and ένδοιαστός, η, όν, doubtful, ambiguous : Adv. -τώ$, doubtfully, τΓροθνμω$ Hdt., Thuc. ενδόμησις, εω5, η, (εν, δόμο5) structure, Ν. Τ. ενδό-μΰχο5, ον, in the inmost part of a dvielling, lurking Toithin, Soph. ένδον, Adv. (ev) in, vcithin, in the house, at home, Lat. intus, Horn., etc. ; τάνδον as Adv. in one’s heart, Eur. : — 01 ένδον those of the house, the family. Soph. : τά ένδον family matters. Id. 2. c. gen., Aibs ένδον in the house o/Zeus, II.; σκηνη5 ένδον Soph.; φρένων ένδον in one’s senses, Eur. εν-δο|ος, ον, (δό|α) held in esteem or honour, of high repute, Xen., Plat. 2, of things, notable, Aeschin. : — Adv. -|a!S, hence Sup., ενδοξότατα Dem. ενδοτερω, Adv. Comp, of ένδον, quite viithhi, Plut. εν-δουπε'ω, f. ήσω, to fall hi with a heavy sound, Od. εν-δρομίς, ίδο^, η, (δρόμοε) a high shoe, worn by Artemis, Anth. II. a thick wrapper worn by runners, after exercise, Juven. εν-δροσος, ον, bedewed, Aesch. εν-δρΰον, TO, (δρν5) the oakeii peg or pin by which the yoke is fixed to the pole (iστoβoεvs), Hes. εν-δΰκε'ως, (ev, δοκεω) Adv. thoughtfully, carefully, sedulously, Horn. ένδυμα, otos, to, (ενδύω) a gar77ient , N. T., Plut. ενδΰνάμόω, f. ώσω, (δνναμΐ5) to strengtheii, N.T. έν-δΰναστευω, f. σω, to exercise dominio7i i7i or ainoiig people, c. dat., Aesch. II. to procure by one’s authority , Xen. ενδΰνω [ϋ], ν. ενδύω. ενδΰσις, εω5, η, (ενδύομαι) a putting on, Ν. Τ. εν-δυστυχεω, f. ήσω, to be unlucky hi or with, c. dat., Eur. ενδΰτηρ, Tjpos, b, for putting on. Soph. ; and ενδΰτός, όν, put on, Aesch., Eur. 2. ενδυτον (sc. εσθημα), τό, a garment, dress. Id. : — metaph., ενδ. σαρκ05, i. e. one’s skin. Id. II. clad in, covered with, στεμμασιν Id. From Ιν-δΰω and -διίνω [ΰ], with Med. ενδύομαι, f. -δνσομαι. ενββαΧον aor. 1 -(^υσάμην and aor. 2 act. -45vv : I. c. acc., to go into, 1. of clothes, to put on, Lat. induere sibi, ivbvvi χιτώνα II. ; πέπλον Soph. : — so in Med., 11., etc. : — pf. ivScSvKa, to wear κιθώναί Hdt. : — metaph. to put on, assume the person of . . , N. T. 2. to enter, to press into, c. acc., II., etc. : — also, eV5. tls . . , Thuc., etc. : — also c. dat., Xen. : — absol. to enter, Hdt. II. Causal in pres. 4νδνω, f. -δύσω, aor. i -ίδυσα : — Lat. induere alicui, to put on another, to clothe in, c. dupl. acc., Xen. 2. to clothe, τινά Hdt. €ν€βαλον, aor. 2 of εμβάλλω. fviyKai, Ιν€·γκ€Ϊν, aor. i and 2 inf. of φ€ρω. €ν€γυησα, irreg·. aor. of iveSpa, η, a sitting in : a lying in wait, ambush, Thuc., Xen. 2. the men laid in ambush. Id. «veSpevu, impf. ivTjbpeoov : f. ^ν^δρ^ύσω : aor. i ivi]- δρζυσα : — to lie in wait for, Lat. insidiari, τινά Dem. : — Pass, to be caught in an ambush, to be ensnared, Xen. 2. absol. to lay or set an ambush, Thuc., Xen. ; so in Med., Id. : — Pass, to lie in ambush. Id. «ν·εδρος, ον, (βδρα) an inmate, inhabitant. Soph, ενεδυν, aor. 2 of €νδνω. εν-ε'ζομαι, f. -(δονμαι, Dep. to have one'^s abode in a place, c. acc., Aesch. ένε'ηκα, Ep. for ^νηκα, aor. i of ivirjgi. ενε'ην, Ep. for ivrjv, impf. of ίν^ιμι {ημί sum). ^νεΐδον, aor. 2 with no pres, in use, €νοράω being- used instead, to observe something in a person, τι Hv τινι Thuc. ; Tt Tivi Xen. : absol. to observe. Soph, εν-ειδο-ψορέω, of a sculptor, to work into shape, Anth. ενεικα, Ep. for ijveyKa, Ep. imper. eveiKe, inf. -ίμ^ν, aor. I of φζρω. ένείκεον, Ion. impf. of ν^ικίω. εν-ειλεω, f. 'f|σ^ω, = 4veί\\ω, to wrap in: metaph. in Pass, to be engaged in or with, tois TroAe^iots Plut. ενειλίσσω, Ion. for eVeAtV^co. έν-είλλω, to wrap up in a thing, c. dat., Thuc. ενειρ,εν, Ep. for 4ν4σμ€ν, i pi. of ίν^ιμι {^Ιμι, sum) : but II. ενειμεν, 3 sing. aor. i of ν4μω. εν-ειμι (ε/μι sum), f. -4σομαι, to be in a place, c. dat., Horn., etc. : c. dat. pi. to be among, Hdt. 2. absol. to be there, be in abundance, Od., etc. ; σίτου ovK 4v0vTos as there was no corn there, Thuc. ; ι^ρών Twv 4νόντων of the temples that were in the place. Id. II. to be possible, Trag., etc. 2. impers. c. dat. pers. et inf. it is in one’s power, one may or can. Soph., etc. 3. part. neut. eVot' absol. since it was in them, was possible, Luc. 4. τά 4νόντα all things possible, Dem. εν-είρω, to string on a thing. Pass., Hdt. εν-είς, aor. 2 part, of 4νί'ημι. ενεκα or -κεν, Ion. and poet, εϊνεκα or -κεν : — Prep, with gen., mostly after its case, II., etc. : on account of, for the sake of, because of, for, Lat. gratia, Ib., etc. 2. as far as regards, as for, 4 μου 4ν^κα as far as depends on me, Ar. ; ίίνίκ4ν y^ χρημάτων Hdt., etc. 3. pleon., άμφϊ σοϋν^κα Soph. ; δσον airh βοηε (V(Ka as far as shouting went, I'huc. II. as Conjunct., for oDVe/ca, because, h. Horn, ενεκ-υρσα, aor. i of 4yK0pw. — ενεσαν. 201 έν-ελα-υνω, f. -εΑασο), Att. -εΑώ, to drive in or into, c. dat., II. έν-ελίσσω, Ion. είλ-, f. |ω, to roll up in : — Med. to wrap oneself in, Hdt. έν-εμεω, f. 4σω, to vomit in or into, eis τι Hdt. ενενη κοντά, ot, at, τά, {4vv4a) indecl. ninety, II., etc. ενενηκοντα-ετή5, 4s, ninety years old, Luc. 4ν4νΙτΐ€, 3 sing. Ep. redupl. aor. 2 of 4νίτττω. ένενώκα, Ion. for 4ν€νόηκα, pf. of 4ννο4ω. ενενωτο. Ion. for 4ν€νόητο, 3 sing, plqpf. of 4ννο4ω. έν-εορτάζω, f. σω, to keep holiday in, Plut. ΈΝΕΟ'Σ or εννεός, ά, 6v, dumb, deaf and dumb, Xen. εv-ε^r-άγoμαι,Med./<7mα/έ^ an irruption among, Aesop. εν-ε-τταίχθην, aor. i pass, of 4μτΓαίζω. έν-επιορκεω, to forswear oneself by a god, Aeschin. ενειτλάκην [ά], aor. 2 pass, of 4μττΚ4κω. ενε'ττλησα, aor. i of 4μπίτΓλημι. ενεττνευσα, aor. i of 4μπν4ω. ενεττρησα, aor. i of 4μ·κί’πρημι. ενεΐΓτΰσα, aor. i of 4μτΓτύω. ενειτω, lengthd. εννεττω : aor. 2 4νισ·πον, imperat. 4νίσπζ5 and 4νίστΓζ : fut. 4νισττησω and 4νίφω : — a lengthd. form of *4πω, είπεΓν, to tell, tell of, relate, describe, Horn., Trag. : — absol. to tell news or tales, OA. 2. simply to speak, Hes., Trag. 3. c. acc. et inf. to bid one do so and so. Soph. 4. to call so and so, 4vv. τινά δουΚον Eur. 5. = ΐΓροσ(νν4τΓω, to address, τινά Soph. εν-εργάζομαι, f. σομαι, Dep. to 7nake or produce in, c. dat., Xen., etc. : — aor. i 4v€ιpyάσθηv in pass, sense, to be placed in. Id. 2. to work for hire hi a place, Hdt. ; 4v€py. τη ουσία to trade with the property, Dem. ένε'ργεία, η, action, operation, energy , P\x\%i. ’, and ενεργέω, f. 4\σω, to be in action, to operate, Arist. ; so inMed., N.T. From ενεργής, 4s,~4v€py0s: of la.nd, productive, Plut. ενεργο-λαβε'ω, f. 7]σω, to make profit of z. thing, Aeschin. εν-εργός, 6v, {epyov) at work, working, active, busy, Hdt., etc. : of soldiers, ships, effective, fit for service, Thuc., Xen. II. of land, in work, productive, opp. to apy0s. Id. ; 4v. χρήματα capital which brings in a return, Dem. III. Adv. 4v€pyώs with activity, Xen. έν-ερείδω, f. σω, to thrust in, fix in, τί τινι Od. : — Med., ε’νερεισάμενοϊ τν4τρα yovv having planted his own knee on the rock, Theocr. έν-ερευγομαι, Dep. with aor. 2 act. --fipiyov, to belch on one, c. dat., Ar. εν-ερευθής, 4s, somewhat ruddy, Luc. ενερθε, before a vowel -θεν, poet, also νε'ρθε, -θεν : (from 4v, 4vcp-oi, cf. ύπ4ρ, υττερθε) : I. Adv., from beneath, up from below, II., Aesch., Eur. 2, without sense of motion, beneath, below, Horn. ; ot 4vepee θεοί the gods below, Lat. dii inferi, II. II. as Prep, with gen. beneath, below, Horn., Trag. 2. subject to, in the power of. Soph, ενεροι, ων, ol, (eV) Lat. inferi, those below, those be- neath the earth, II., Hes., Aesch. ενερσις, εωι, η, {4νβίρω) a fitting in, fastening, Thuc. ενε'ρτερος, a, ov. Comp, of evepoi, lower, of the world below, II., Aesch. : c. gen. below, II. Cf. νερτεροϊ. ένεσαν, Ep. for 4νησαν, 3 pi. impf. of 4νζΐμι {(Ιμί, sum). 2 02 ivecyla — 6ν€σία, Ep. €νν€σία, -η, {4νί'ημΐ) a suggestion, /cetyrys ivveair)ffi (Ep. dat. pi.) at her suggestion, II. ένεσκληκα, pf. of ^νσκ^ΚΧω. ενεστακται, 3 sing. pf. pass, of ^νστάζω. ενεστεώς, Ion. for ivearr^Kws, pf. part, of 4νίστημι. ένεστήρικτο, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of ^νστ-ηρίζω. ενε'τειλα, aor. i of 4ντ4χ\ω. ενετή, ^iyeros) a pin, brooch, II. ενετύλιξα, aor. i of 4ντυΚίσσω. ενε'τΰχον, aor. 2 of 4ντιτγχάνω. έν-ευδαιμονε'ω, f. -ησω, to be happy in one’s life, Thuc. έν-ευδοκιμεω, f. ήσω, to gain glory in another’s ill for- tune, Dem. εν-ευδω, f. -^υδ-ησω, to sleep in or on a thing, c. dat., Od. έν-ευλογε'ομαι, Pass, to be blessed in one, c. dat., N. T. εν-εΰναιο 5 , ον, {evv-fj) on which one sleeps, for sleeping on, Od. ', ivevvaia, bed-furniture, Ib. ενε'χεα, aor. i of εγχεα» : εν-εχευάμην, Ep. aor. i med. ένεχθήναι, aor. i pass. inf. of φ^ρω : — ενε'χθητι imper. ; ενεχθείην opt. ; ενεχθώ, subj. ενεχθήσομαι, f. pass, of φ4ρω. εν-εχΰράζω, f. άσω, {4ν4χύρον) to take a pledge from one, Tivos Lex ap. Dem. 2. c. acc. rei, to take in pledge, Dem., Aeschin. : — Pass, to have one's goods seized for debt, Ar. : — Med. to have security given one, take it for oneself. Id. ένεχΰρασία, η, a taking in pledge, a security , pledge, , ^lat. ενεχυρασμός, ό, = ενεχυρασΙα, Plut. From εν-εχΰρον, TO, fxvpos) a pledge, surety , security , Hdt., Xen. ; 4v. τιθ4ναι τι to make a thing a pledge, put it in pawn, Ar. εν-εχω, f. -ε|ω or -σχησω, to hold within, χόΧον iv^xeiv TivL to lay up, cherish inward Λvrath at one, Hdt. II. Pass., with f. and aor. med., to be held, caught, en- tangled in a thing, c. dat.. Id., Xen. : metaph., εVεχε(fθαi άττορί-ρσιν Hdt. ; 4v κακψ Id. ; iv θωνματι iv4- σχζτο was seized with \ΐΌχ\άοτ, \ά. 2. to be obnoxi- ous, liable or subject to, ζημία, αίτια Plat., etc. III. intr. to enter in, pierce, εϊϊ τι Xen. 2. to press upon, be urgent against, τινί N. T. εν-ζευγνϋμι, f. -ζ^ύξω, to yoke in, bind, involve in misfortune, Aesch. II. to bind fast. Soph, ενη, ενη και νεα, ν. %vos, η, ον. εν-ηβητήριον, το, {·ηβάω) a place of amusement, Hdt. ενηείη, η, {iv7}ris) kindness, gentleness, II. ενήεν, Ep. for Ινην, 3 sing. impf. of 4ν€ΐμι (είμί, sum). ένηής, ε5, gen. ^v^ios, kind, gentle. Worn. (Perh. akin to aTr-T]vr]s, ■προσ-τ]νη$.') ενήλατον, τό, [έν^Χαννω)· anything driven in : as Subst., εϊ/ήλατα (sc. ξύΧα), τά, the rounds of a ladder, which are fixed in the sides, Eur. II. αξόνων ει/ήλατα the pins driven into the axle, linchpins. Id. ενήλικος, ον, of age, in the prime of manhood, Plut. ενήλλαγμαι, pf. pass, of 4ναΧΧάσσω. ενήλλου, 2 sing. pres, imper. of όνάΧΧομαι. ενήμαι, properly pf. of 4ν4ζομαι, to be seated in, Od. ενημμαι, pf. pass, of ενάτττω. ενήνεγμαι, pf. pass, of φέρω. ένήνοθε, 3 sing. pf. without any pres, ε’νεθω in use : only found in compds. : I. εττενήνοθε, of Thersites’ head, ψεδντ/ επ. λάχνη a thin coat of downy hair grew ei/OeTC?. thereon, II. j of a cloak, ovX^ ε’ττενήνοθε λάχνη a thick pile was on it, Ib. ; c. acc., of ambrosial unguent, ofa θεο^ϊ ε’ττενήνοθε such as is on the gods, Od. II. κατ-ενήνοθε, to be over, lie upon, Hes., Horn, ένήνοχα, pf. of φ4ρω. ενήράμην, aor. i med. of 4ναίρω. έν-ήρης, es, (*άρω) with oars, Plut. ένθα, (εν) Adv. : I. Demonstr., 1. of Place, there, Lat. ibi, Horn., etc. : — also with Verbs of motion, thither, Lat. illuc. Id. ; ένθα και ένθα here and there, hither and thither, Lat. hie illic, hue illuc. Id. 2. of Time, thereupon, then, just then. Id., etc. II. Relat., 1. of Place, where, Lat. ubi, II., etc. ; c. gen., yaias ένθα in that spot of earth in which. Soph.; ένθα ττημάτων κυρω at what point of misery I am, Eur. : — with Verbs of motion, whither, Lat. quo. Soph. 2. of Time, when, Xen. ; εστιν ένθα, Lat. est ubi, some- times, Soph. ενθάδε, Adv. : I. of Place, thither, hither, Lat. illuc, hue, Od., etc. 2. in Att. like ένθα, here or there, Lat. hie, Ar., etc. ; oi ε’νθάδε those here, opp. to ol κάτω. Soph. ; also the people of this country. Id. II. of circumstances, in this case or state, Xen. ; so, ενθάδ’ ηκων having come to this point. Soph. ; c. gen., ε’νθάδε του ττάθουϊ at this stage of my suffering. Id. 2. of Time, here, now. Id., Xen. ένθαδί, Att. strengthd. for foreg., Ar. έν-θά,κεω, f. ησω, to sit in or on a thing, c. dat.. Soph, ενθάκησις [ά], εωϊ, η, a sitting in, ηΧίου 4νθ. a seat iJt the sun. Soph. ενθα-ττερ, Adv. there where, where, stronger form of ένθα, II., etc. : whither. Soph. έν-θάτΓτω, f. φω, to bury in a place : aor. 2 pass. 4ν€τά- φην Aeschin. ενθαΰτα, ενθεΰτεν. Ion. for ε’νταΰθα, ε’ντεδθεν. εν- θεάζ ω, f. σω, to be inspired, Hdt. ενθε'μεν,-θε'μεναι, Ep. for 4νθ€7ναι, aor. 2 inf. of 4ντίθημι. ενθεν, (ε’ν) Adv. : I. Demonstr., 1. of Place, Lat. inde, thence, Horn. ; ενθεν μεν . . , 4τ4ρωθι δε . . , on the one side and the other, Od. ; ενθεν καΐ ενθεν on this side and on that, Lat. hinc illinc, Hdt., etc. : — " c. gen., ενθεν και ενθεν των τροχών on both sides p/’the wheels, Xen. 2. of Time, thereupon, there- after, II., Aesch. 3. of occasion, thence, from that point, Od. II. Relat., for δθεν, 1. of Place, Lat. unde, whence, from which, Ib., Soph. 2. of occasion, whence, like Lat. unde, Aesch., Eur. Hence ενθε'νδε, Adv. hence, from this quarter, Lat. hinc, Horn., Att. ; ενθεΤδ’ αυτόθ^ν from this very city, Ar. 2. of Time or Consequence, from that time, Thuc. ; 4v- θενδε or τουνθε'νδε, thereafter. Soph., Eur. ; τάνθεΤδε what followed, the event. Id. εν-θεος, ον, full of the god, inspired, possessed, Trag., Xen. : — c. gen. rei, evOeos τέχνη? gifted of heaven with prophetic art, Aesch. II. of divine frenzy, in- spired by the god. Id. εν-θερμαίνω, to heat : — Pass., ε’ντεθερμανται ποθ^ is heated by passion, Soph. ενθεσις, εω?, η, \ 4ντίθημι) a putting in : also a piece put in, a mouthful, Ar. εν-θεσμος, ον, lawful, like εννομο?, Plut. ενθετος, ον, ^ντίθημι) put in, implanted, Theogn. evOeurel· - €νθ€ΪΤ€ν, Ion. for ivT^vO^v. €ν-θηρο 5 , ον, iO'hp) fM of wi^d beasts, infested by them, Eur. II. metaph. savage, wild, rough, Aesch. : untended, undressed. Soph. Ιν-θνήσκω, f. -θάνονμαι, to die in a place. Soph., Eur. 2. of the hand, to grow torpid in, τινί Id. Ενθουσιάζω and Ενθουσιάω, (ev0eoy) to be inspired or possessed by the god, be rapt, he in ecstasy, Xen., Plat. : — c. dat., ivdovaiciv kukoTs Eur. Hence Ενθουσιαστικός, 6v, inspired. Plat., etc. Ενθουσιάω, v. Ενθουσιάζω. Ενθουσιώδης, es, (Ενθουσιάω, eldos) possessed, Plut. ΕνθρΕψασθαι, aor. i med. inf. of ΕντρΕφω. ΕνθρυτΓτος, ον, (θρύπτω) crumbled and put into liquid : τά Ενθρυπτα sops, Dem. From Εν-θρώσκω, f. -θορουμαι : aor. 2 ΕνΕθορον, Ep. Ενθορον : — to leap in, on, or among, c. dat., II., Eur. : — λά| Ενθορ^ν ισχίψ leapt with his feet against his, Od. Εν-θϋμΕομαι, f. ~Ε]σομαι : aor. 1 ΕνζθυμΕ]θην : pf. Εντ^θύ- μημαι : (θυμόε) : — to lay to heart, consider well, reflect on, ponder, Aesch., Thuc., etc. b. c. gen., Ενθυ- μΕΐσθαί tivos to think much or deeply of a thing. Id., Xen. C. foil, by a relative, as by '6τι, to con- sider that, Ar., etc. iderstand,Tr3.g. III. to intend to do, c. inf., Hdt., Soph. IV. to think of, invent, Lat. excogitare. Id., Xen. V. to have in one^s mitid, to conceive , for 771 a 7iotio7i of, τι Plat., Xen. Hence cvvoia, η, a thought in the 77iind, 7iotio7i, conceptio7i. Plat. 2. a thought, inte7it, desigii, Eur., Xen. €ν-νομο5, ov, withbi the law, lawful, legal, Trag., etc. ; ίννομα πάσχαν to suffer lawftd punishme7it , Thuc. 2. — ενοττη. of persons, keeping within the law, upright, Aesch, etc. : — subject to law, N . T. cv-voos, ov, contr. €v-vovs, ovv, thoughtful, hitelligent, sensible, Aesch., etc. ; evvovs yίyvoμaL I come to t7iy senses, Eur. €vvos, V. sub 4vos. Έννοσί-γαιος, ό, Ep. for ^Kvoai-yaios, (ivoais, yoiia) the Earth-shaker, name of Poseidon, Horn. I Ιν-νοχλεω, poet, for 4νοχλ4ω. Ιννΰμι or Ιννυω, Ion. €Ϊνυμι, βίνύω : f. '4σω, Ep. '4σσω : Ep. aor. 2 4σσα : — Med., Ep. fut. 3 sing. '4σατο, Ep. 4σσατο, 44σσατο ; — Pass., pf. ΐϊμαι, eiTai, Ep. 2 sing. 4σσαι : 2 and 3 sing, plqpf. 4σσο, ‘4στο, Ep. eeiTTO, 3 dual 4σθην, 3 pi. ciaTO. (The Root was cf. Lat. vestio). To put clothes on another, c. dupl. acc., kCivos σ€ χλαΐνάν re χιτώνα re έ'σσει he will clothe thee in cloak and frock, Od. II. Med. and Pass., c. acc. rei, to clothe oneself in, to be clad in, put on, to wear, Horn. ; aawidas 4σσάμ^νοι, of tall shields which covered the whole person, II. ; [|υστά] ύμ4να χαλκφ shafts clad with brass, Ib. ; and by a strong metaph., λάϊνον 4σσο χιτώνα thou hadst been clad in coat of stone, i. e. stoned by the people, Ib. : — metaph. also, φρ^σΐ €ίμ4νοι αλκήν Ib. Ιν-νΰχίνω, f. σω, to sleep in or on a place. Soph. Ιννυχιος [ΰ], a, ov, or os, ov, (ννξ) in the night, by 7iight, 7iightly, Lat. nocturnus, Horn., Soph. : — 4νννχιοι dwellers hi the realms of Night, the dead. Id. €ν-νΰχο9, ov, = foreg., II., Aesch.: — Adv. 4ννυχον or -χα, N. T. II. epith. of Hades, Soph, έννώσαι, -νώσας. Ion. for 4ννοησαι, -vo^jaas, aor. i inf. and part, of 4ννο4ω. Ιν-όδιος, α, ον, Ep. €ΐν-όδιος, η, ον, (oSos) in or 07i the \ way, by the way-side, II., Aesch. : — epith. of gods, who 1 had their statues by the way-side, Lat. triviales, as of ] Hecate, Soph., Eur. j Ένοδία, = Lat. Trivia, Id. ■; 6ν-οιΚ€ω, f. ήσα», to dwell in a place, c. dat., Eur. ; 4v τόττω I Xen. ; [Θυρεαν] 4δοσαν 4νοικ€Ϊν gave it them to dwell i ill, Thuc. II. c. acc. loci, to inhabit, Hdt., Soph., i etc. ; 01 4voiKovvTcs the inhabitants, Hdt., Thuc., etc. i ένοίκησις, ews, η, a dwelling in a place, Thuc. .1 ev -οικίζω, f. Att. ιώ, to settle in a place : — Pass, to be ί settled in a place, to take up one's abode there, Hdt. ; : so in Med., Thuc. ] έν-οίκιος, ov, (oIkos) in the house, keeping at home, 4v. ; opvis a dunghill cock, Aesch. II. as Subst., , 4νοίκιον, TO, house-rent, Dem., Anth. €ν-οικοδομ€ω, f. ησω, to build in a place, Thuc. : — Med., 4v. τύχο$ to build themselves a fort there. Id. II. to build up, block up. Id. tv-o\.Ko%,ov, in-dwelling : an inhabitant, Trag., Thnc., etc. 2. pass, dwelt in, Eur. €ν-οικουρεω, f. ήσω, to keep house, dwell in a place, Luc. ' €ν-οινοχο€ω, f. ήσο), to pour in wine, Horn. Ινο-λισθάνω or -αίνω, f. -ολισθ4]σω, aor. 2 -ώλισθον, to fall in, of the ground, Plut. : to slip and fall. Id. Ινομϊλβω, = δμιλ4ω 4v, to be well acquainted with a thing, c. dat., Plut. Ιν-ομόργνΰμαι, Med. to impress, Plut. Ινοττή, η, (4ν4πω) a crying, screaming, as of birds, 11. : a war-cry, Vo. 2. generally, a Od., Eur. 3. : of things, a sound, II., Eur. βνόττΧίΟζ «ν^ιτλιος, ο»/, = sq. : — eVoirAios (sc. ρυθμό$), δ, a Ίοατ- tune, march, Ar., Xen. «v-oirXoS) ov, (οττλορ) in arms, argued. Soph., Eur. II. ■with armed men 'within, of the Trojan horse, Jd. «ν-οίΓτρον, TO, (οψομαι, f. of όράω) a mirror, Eur» Ιν-οράω, Ion. -εω : f. -όψομαι : aor. ->■ -eioou: — to see, remark, observe something in z. person or thing, ri Tivi Thuc., etc.; τι ev rivi Hdt., etc.; c. acc. et part, fut., 4ν€ώρα τιμωρίηρ 4σομ4ντ]ν he saw that vengeance would come. Id. II. to look at or upon, Xen. εν-ορκος, ov, bound by oath, Lat. juratiis. Soph., Thuc. : c. dat. pers., Lat. addictus, Soph. II. that whereto one is sworn. Id., etc. έν-ορρ.ίζω, f. Att. ιώ, to bring a ship to harbour: — Pass. to come to anchor, Theogn. Hence ενορμίτη? [ϊ], ου, δ, in harbour, Anth. έν-όρνϋμι, aor. i -ώρσα : Ep. aor. 2 pass. Ινωρτο : — to arouse, stir up in a person, II. : — Pass, to arise in or among, ivwpro y4\ws deoiaiv Ib. ■tv -ορονω, f. θύσω, to leap in or upon another, c. dat., II. εν<ίρχη5> ου, δ, = ίνορχο5, Ar. : — a he-goat, Theocr. ενορχις, los, δ, τ]. Ion. for 4νόρχη5, Hdt. εν-ορχος, ov, (opxis) uncastrated, entire, ίνορχα μήλα rams, II. *'ΈΝ0Σ, ό, = the Lat. annus, a year, hence iviaor6s, cf. &/ro,Theogn., Xen. ; — Med., χ6Κον evOeo θνμφ thou didst store up Λvrath in thy heart, II. ; πατέρα? ενθεο τιμ·η hold our fathers in honour, Ib. 3. to put in the mouth, τΐ τινι Ar. ; and in Med., ένθον, put in, i. e. eat. Id. εν-τίκτω, f. -τέξομαι, to bear oc produce in a place, c. dat., Eur. ; φά ε’ντ. is Ti]v Ιλύν to drop eggs, into the mud, Hdt. 2. to create or cause in a person, τι τινι Eur. II. pf. part. 4ντ€τοκώ$ intr., inborn, innate, Ar. εντΐλάω, f . ά\σω, Lat. incacare, to squirt upon, τί τινι Ar. έν-τϊμάω, f. ·η<τω, to value in or among, Dem. εν-τΐμος,ον, (τίμή), 1. inhonour, honoured, prized. Soph., etc. : — c. dat. rd, honoured with or in a thing, Eur. : — ot έντιμοι 7nen in office, men of rank, Xen. 2. of things, honoured, held in honour. Soph. 3. Adv., 4ντίμω$ έχ€ΐν to be in honotir, Xen. εντμημα, ατο?, τό, (4ντέμνω) an hicision, notch, Xen. IvTO, 3 pi. aor. 2 med. of Ιημι. εντολή, 71, (εντελΛω) an injunction, order, conunatid, behest, Hdt., etc. έντομο?, ον, (εντεμνω) cut in pieces, cut up : neut. pi., έντομα victims, Hdt. έντονο?, ον, (ivTdvi^) of persons, well-strmig, sinewy : metaph. intense, earnest, eager, vehement, Hdt., Att. : — Adv. ivTovws, eagerly, violently, Thuc., Xen. εν-τοίΓο?, ον, hi ox of a place. Soph', εντορευω, f . σω, to carve in relief on a thing, Plut. εντο?, TO, V. εντεα, τά. εντό?, Adv. (ε’ν) within, inside, Lat. intus, opp. to iKTos : 1. as Prep, with gen., vdxeos ivTos II. ; ivTbs 'ΟλνμτΓου Hes., etc. ; ivrhs έμαυτου hi my senses, Hdt. ; so absol., ivTbs &v Dem. : — also with Verbs of motion, τείχεο? ivvbs iivai II. 2. within, i. e. on this side, Lat. citra, ivvhs του ''AKvos ποταμού Hdt., etc. 3. of Time, within, ivThs dnoaiv ήμερων Thuc. ; ivThs iawepas short of, i.e. before, evening, Xen. II. absol. within, ivThs iepyciv Horn. ; ivThs έχ€ΐν Thuc. ; τά εντο? the inner parts, inwards. Id. εντοσθε, before a vowel -θεν, Adv. /row within, Od. : — also = εντό?, within, absol. or c. gen., II. εντραγεΐν, aor. 2 inf. of έντρότγω. εν-τραγωδε'ω, f. ήσω, to strut among, τισί Luc. εν-τρε'ττω, f. -τρέφω, to turn about, τά νώτα Hdt. : to alter, Luc. II. Med. or Pass., aor. 2 έν^τράπην [ά], to turn about, linger, hesitate. Soph. 2. c. gen. pers. to turn towards, give heed to, pay regard to, to respect or reverence, Horn., Trag. 3. c. inf. to' take care that, Theogn. 4. absol. to feel shame or fear, N. T. εν-τρε'φω, f. -θρέφω, to bring up in the house, Eur. : — so in Med., Hes. : — Pass, to be reared in a place, c. dat., Eur. εν-τρεχω, f. -δράμοΰμαι, to run in, d έντρέχοι ay\aa yv7a if his limbs moved freely in [the armour], II. II. to slip in, enter, Anth. 20 ; ^τριβής — εντριβής, 4s, metaph. from the touchstone, proved by rubbing, versed in a things, c. dat., Soph. From εν-τρίβω [r], f. ψω, to rub in or into a thing, c. dat., Luc. 2. metaph., εντρ. κόν^υΧόν ηνι to give him a drubbing, Plut. ; so in Med., Luc. II. c. acc. pers. to rub one with cosmetics, Xen. : — Pass, to have cosmetics rubbed in, to be anointed, painted. Id. III. to wear away by rubbing, Ar. Hence εντριμμα, aros, to, a cosmetic, Plut. εντρΐτωνίξω, (ev, rpiros) to third with water, i. e. to mix three parts of water with two of wine, — with a pun on ή TpiToyev-fis, Ar. εν-τρϊχος, ον, {θρίξ) hairy, Anth. εντριψις, εωί, η, {4ντρίβω) a rubbing in, Xen. εν-τρομος, ον, {τρ4μω) trembling, Plut., N. T. εν-τροΊταλίζομαι, Pass., Frequent, of εντρεττα», to keep turning round, of men retreating, II. έντροιτή, ή, {4ι/τρ4πω) a turning towards, ΐντροττ-ην Tivos 4χαν respect or reverence for one, shame, reproach, N. T. Hence έντροττία, 7], a trick, dodge, h. Horn, εντροψος, ον, (4ντρ4φω) living in or acquainted with a thing, c. dat.. Soph. 2 . as Subst., nursling, Anth. έν-τρΰφάω, f. ήσα>, to revel in a thing, c. dat., Menand. : — absol. to be luxurious, Xen. II. to mock at, rivi Eur. εν-τρώγω, f . |ομαί : aor. 2 4v4Tpa.yov : — to eat greedily, to gobble up, Ar. : — c. gen. to eat greedily of, Luc. εν-τυγχάνω, f. -τευξομαι : aor. 2 4ν4τυχον : pf. ε’ντε- τνχηκα : aor. i pass. part, ε’ντευχβείί in act. sense : — to light upon, fall in with, meet with a person or thing, c. dat., Hdt., etc. : — absol., b εντυχών the first 'who meets us, any chance person, Thuc. ; of thunder, to fall upon, c. dat., Xen. ; so of misfortunes, Aesch. 2 . rarely, like τχτγχάνω, c. gen., λελυμε'νην τήϊ y^cpvp-ps 4ντυχόντ€$ having found the bridge broken up, Hdt. ; ε’ντυχών Άσκληττώων having fallen in with them. Soph. II. to converse with, talk to, Tivl Plat. 2. to intercede with, intreat, tlvI N. T., Plut. : — c. inf. to intreat one to do. Id. III. of books, to meet with. Plat. : hence, to read, Luc. εν-τυλίσσω, f. ξω, to wrap up, Ar. εν-τυνω [ϋ], impf. 4ντΰνον : f. iurvuco : aor. i 4ντϋνα : — also εντυω [ΰ], impf. εντυον : — to equip, deck out, get ready, Horn.; biitas δ' ίντυνον (aor. i imperat.) prepare the cup, i. e. mix the wine, II. ; εδ 4ντΰνα.σα.ν ε αυτήν having decked herself well out, Ib. : — Med., bαμβλυνω [O], to blunt, weaken, Plut. έξ-άμείβω, f. φω, to exchange, alter, 4ξαμ€ίφασαι νρόμον having put away fear from one, Pmr, : — Med. to take the place of, c. gen.. Id.; so intr. in Act,, c. dat., <ρ6νψ (pSvos 4ξαμ€ίβων murder following after murder. 269 Id. II. of Place, to change one for another , pass over, c. acc., Aesch., Eur. : absol. to withdraw, depart, Id. III. in Med. also to requite, repay, Aesch. έξ-άμελγ^), f. ξω, to milk out, suck out, Aesch. II. to press out, Eur. έξ-άμελεω,^ 6 ) be utterly careless of z. thing, c, gen., Hdt. εξά-μετρος [ά], ον, of six metres, hexameter, Hdt., etc. έξά-μηνος [ά], ον, of, lasting six months ; εξάμ. (sc. Xpdvos), 6, a half-year, Xen. ; ή εξάμ. (sc. ώρη), Hdt. εξ-άμηχάvε'ω,f. ήσω, toget out of a diffculty ,c. gen., Eur . έξ-άμιλλάομαι, f. ·ησομαι : aor. i part. 4ξαμιλλ'ησάμ€νο5 and -Tjdeis : Dep. : — to struggle vehemently , c. acc. cogn., vas vedpiirwovs αμίΧΧα5 4ξaμιλλ7]θeίs having contested the chariot-race, Eur. II. to drive out of a place, c. gen.. Id. : to drive ovit of his wits. Id. III. aor. i in pass, sense, to be forced out, of the Cyclops’ eye. Id. έξ-άμυνομαι [ΰ], f. -αμννουμαι, Med. to ward off from oneself, drive away, Aesch., Eur. εξ-αναβρυω, to gush or cause to gush forth, Aesch. έξ-αναγιγνώσ'κω, f. -yvώσoμaι, to read through, Plut. έξ-αναγκάξω, f. άσω, to force or compel utterly, viva TToielv VI Soph., Eur., etc. ; c. acc. only. Soph. II. to drive away, Xen. έξ-ανάγω, f. άξω, to bring out of or τιρ from, c. g’en., Eur. : — Pass, to put out to sea, set sail, Hdt., etc. εξ-αναδΰομαι, Dep. with aor. 2 act. 4ζαν4δυν, to rise out of, emerge from water, c. gen., Od. 2 . to escape from, c. gen,, Theogn., Plut. έξ-αναξεω, f. -^ε^ω, to boil up with, c. acc. cogn., 4ξαναζ4σ€ΐ χόλον will let fury boil forth, Aesch. έξαναιρεω, to take out of, c. gen., h. Horn. ; Med., Eur. έξ-ανακρουομαι, f . σομαι, Med. to retreat out a place by backing water, Hdt. έξ-αναλίσκω, f. -ανόΧώσω : pf. pass, -ανηλωμαι : — to spend entirely, Dem. : — to exhaust, Plut. 2 . to destroy utterly, Aesch. : — Pass,, Dem. έξ-αναλυω, f. νσω [ϋ], to set quite free from, c. gen., II. έξανάλωετις, εωϊ, ή, {β^ανάΧίσκω) entire consumption, Plut. εξ-ανάτΓτω, f. φω, to hang from or by a thing, c. gen., Eur. : — Med. to attach to oneself, vi Id. II. to rekindle, Anth. έξ-αναρπάζω, f, σω or ξω, to snatch away, Eur. έξ-ανασπάω, f. άσω [ά], to tear away from, Hdt., Eur. : to tear up from, χθον6$ Id. εξανάστάσις, ccos, ή, {4ξανίσναμαι) a rising up from, resurrection from the dead, N. T. εξ-αναστεφω, f. φω, to crown with voreaths, Eur. έξ-αναστρεφω, f . φω, to hurl headlong from a place, c. gen., Aesch. εξ-ανατε'λλω, f. -τελώ, intr. to spring up from a place, c. gen., Mosch. εξ-αναφανδόν, Adv. all openly, Od. έξ-αναφερω, f. -ανοίσω, to bear up out of the water, Plut. II, intr. to recover from an illness. Id. έξ-αναχωρεω, f . ήσω, to go out of the way, withdraw, retreat, Hdt. II, c. acc. to evade, Thuc, έξ-ανδράτΓοδίζω, and in Med. εξανδραττοδίζομαι, f. Att. -ιουμαι, to reduce to zitter slavery, Hdt., Xen., etc. II. also as Pass., Hdt., Dem. Hence εξανδράττόδισις, εωι, -η, a selling for slaves, Hdt. 270 εζ^αν^ροομ-αί — εζαρκεω. «Ι-ανδρόομαι, pf. ~^ν5ρωμαι, Pass, to come to man's years, Hdt., Eur. II. οζόντων 6 δ, η, set at liberty, a freedman, Lat. lihertus, lihertinus, Cic. εξ€λευθερο-στομε'ω, f .ήσω, to he very free of speech. Soph. ε|ελε·υσομαι, fut. of 4 ξόρχομαι. εξελθειν, aor. 2 inf. of βξόρχομαι. έ|-6λίσσω, Att. -ττω, f. ίω, to unroll, Eur. : metaph. to unfold, Lat. explicare. Id. 2. of any rapid motion, "ixvos ε’|. TrodSs to evolve the mazy dance. Id. : — hence intr. to vdheel about, Plut. II. as military term, = άι/ατττυσσείν, Lat. explicare, to extend the front by bringing up the rear men, to deploy, Xen. 2 . to draw off, Plut. εξελκτεον, verb. Adj. one must drag along, Eur. From έξ-ελκω: aor. ι-είλκυσα, and 3 sing. pass. subj. -^Χκυσθτ) (formed from ελκύω : — to draw or drag out, 11. 2. to drag out from a place, c. gen., Od., Eur. II. to drag along. Soph., Eur. I ε|-ελληνίζω, f. σω, to turn into Greek, to trace to a 1 Greek origin, Plut. | ε|ελον, Ep. for i^elXov, aor. 2 of i^aipiw. \ ε|ε'μεν, Ep. for i^^ivai, aor. 2 inf. of ifi -ημι. [ εξε'μεν, Ep. for εξεί»', fut. inf. of εχω. έξ-εμεω, f. όσω, to vomit forth, disgorge, Od. : — metaph. to disgorge ill-gotten gear, Ar. 2. absol. to vomit, he sick. Id. έξεμμορε, 3 sing. pf. of €κμ€ίρομαι. έξ-εμπεδόω, to keep quite firm, strictly observe, Xen. έ|-εμΊΓολάω, Ion. -εω, f. ήσω, to traffic, KepSos ε|. to drive a gainful trade. Soph. ; ί^'ημττόΧ’ημαι I am bought and sold, betrayed. Id. II. to sell off, Hdt. έξ-εναίρω, to kill outright, aor. 2 inf. i^evapeiv Hes. έ|-εναρίζω, f. ί|ω, to strip or spoil a foe slain in fight, II.; τευχεο ε|. to strip his arms, Ib. 2. to kill, slay, Horn. έξενεΐκαι, Ion. for -eveyKai, aor. i inf. of (κψόρω. έ|ε'νε-υσα, aor. i of εκνεω. έΐ-ε'νθοις, ε|-ενθών. Dor. for ε’|-ελ 0 -, aor. 2 opt. and part, of εξέρχομαι. έ|-επάδω, f. —άσομαι, to charm away. Plat. : — Pass., ε’ξ- (πάόζσθαι φνσιν to be charmed out their nature. Soph, έξ-επευχομαι, Dep. to boast loudly that, c. inf.. Soph, εξ-εττι-και-δεκατος, τ}, ov, = όκκαιΒόκατοε, Anth. έξεττίσταμαι, Dep. to know thoroughly , know well, Hdt., Att. ; c. inf. to k^iow well how to do. Soph, εξ-εττίτηδες, Adv. of set purpose, Ar., Plat. : with 7 nalice prepense, Dem. εξειτλάγην [ά], aor. 2 pass, of εκπλήσσω. εξεττνευσα, aor. i of ε’κπι/εω. έξεπόνάσα, Dor. for ~ησα, aor. i of εκποί/εω. έξεπραθον, aor. 2 of (κττόρθω. εξε'τΓταξα, Dor. for -ηξο, aor. i of εκπτήσσω. εξε'τΓτην, aor. 2 act. of εκπε'τομαι. έξεράμα, aros, τό, a vomit, thing vomited, N. T. From έ|-εράω, aor. i όξόράσα : — to disgorge, Ar. ; ψόρ' ε’ξε- ράσω Tas ^rfcpovs let me disgorge the ballots from the urn (in order to count them). Id. ; ε’ξερα τό ύδωρ pour it out, Dem. έ|-εργάζομαι, f. -άσομαι : pf. -είργασμαι. Ion. -ερ- yaσμaι (both in act. and pass, sense) : — to work out, 7 nake completely , finish off, bri 77 g to perfection, Hdt., Att. 2 . to accomplish , perform, achieve a work. Soph. ; κακόν ε’ξ. τινα to work him mischief, Hdt. : — as Pass., epyov όστίν iξeιpyaσμόvov Aesch. ; επ’ εξεργοσ- μόνοισι after the deed had been done, Hdt. 3 . Vo work at : as Pass., aypol εδ iξ€pyaσμ 4 voι well cidtivated lands. Id. ; 77)] i^elpyaavai Thuc. II. to u 7 ido, destroy, overwhelm, ruin, Hdt., Eur : — as Pass., ε’ξειρ- yάσμeθa we are U 7 id 07 ie, Id. Hence εξεργαστικός, ή , όν, able to accomplish, tivos Xen. έ|-εργω, Att. ε|-είργω, to shut out fro 77 i a place, debar, Hdt., etc. ; i^clpy^iv τινα χθονόε Eur. ; ε’κ του θεάτρου Dem. : — Pass., iξeίpyeσθaι ττάντων Thuc. 2 . to de- bar, hinder, preve 7 it, preclude. Soph., Eur. 3 . to force ; — Pass, to be constrahied, Hdt., Thuc. έξ-ερεείνω, Ep. Verb, 1 . c. acc. rei, to inquire into, Od. 2. c. acc. pers. to hiquire after, Ib. : absol. to 77 iake inquiry, II. ; so in Med., Ib. II. to search thoroughly , Od. έξ-ερεθω, to irritate greatly, Anth. έξ-ερείπω, to strike off: intr. in aor. 2 εξ:^ρΓπου, inf. εξ- εριπεΤυ, to fall to earth, II. ; χσΧττ\ CevyXrjs όξβριποΰσα the mane streamhig downwards from the yoke, Ib. εξ-ερεΰγομαι, Pass., of rivers, to e 7 npty thei 7 iselves, Hdt. €^€ρευράω — €|-€ρ€υνάω, f. ήσ'ω, to search out, examine. Soph., Eur. €ξ-€ρ6ω ( a ), Att. contr. -€ρώ, fut. of i^^iirov, I will speak out, tell out, utter aloud, Horn., Soph. : so in pf. act. ΐξ^ίρηκα Id. ; 3 sing, plqpf. pass, i^eiprjro Id.; fut. pass. i^iipr,a^Tai Id. ε|-£ρεω ( b ), = 4 ξ€ρομαι (of which it is the Ep. form) : 1 . to inquire into a thing, Od. ; so in Med., Ib. 2. to inquire of a person, Ib. ; and in Med., Ib. II. to search through, Ib. έξ-€ρημόω, f. ώσω, to make quite desolate, leave desti- tute, abandon. Soph., Eur. ; e|. yivvv SpaKovros making it destitute of teeth. Id. : — Pass, to be left destitute, Ar. εξ-ερίζω, f. σω, to be contumacious, Plut. Hence εξεριστής, ου, b, a stubborn disputant, Eur. ε|-€ρμηνεΰω, f. σω, to interpret accurately, Luc. έξ-ερομαι, Ιοη.-είρομαι : f. -^ρ^σομαι : aor. 2 -ηρόμην, inf. — ερεσθαί : Dep. : 1 . to inquire into a thing, Od., Soph. 2. to inquire of a. person, II., Soph, εξ-ε'ρττω : aor. i -^ίρπύσα : — to creep out of, e/c Tivos Ar. 2. absol. to creep out or forth. Soph., Ar. ; of an army, ου ταχύ ε^ερττεί Xen. έξερρω, only in imperat., e^eppe yaias away out of the land ! Eur. έξ-ερΰκω [ϋ], f. to ward off, repel. Soph, έξ-ερυω, Ion. -ειρύω : aor. i -είρυσα, Ep. -4ρυσα and -όρυσσα. Ion. 3 sing. aor. i -€ρύσασκ€ : — to draw out of, c. gen., II. ; Ιχθύα5 ίκτοσθζ daXacrarjs i^epoaav Od. : — also, to snatch out of, i^fipoae xeiphs τόξου 11 . : to tear out, Od. εξ-ερχομαι, f. -^Κ^όσομαι (but in Att. ίξ^ιμι supplies the fut.,as also the impf. : aor .2 όξηΧθον: Dep.: — to go or come out of, c. gen. loci, Horn., Hdt., etc. ; of an actor, to come out on the stage, Ar. : — also c. acc., e|. TT)v χώρ-ην Hdt. : — absol. to go away, march off, ll. : also, to march out, go forth, εττί τινα Hdt. : — c. acc. cogn. to go out on an expedition, Xen. : to go through a work. Soph. 2. e|. ets ίΧ^-γχον to stand forth and come to the trial, Eur. : to turn out so and so. Soph. 3 . c. acc. rei, to execute, Thuc. II. of Time, to come to an end, expire, Hdt., Soph. III. of prophecies, dreams, events, to be accomplished, come true, Hdt. ; hp&hv e|. to come out right. Soph. ; μη (ξόλθτ) σαψ’η5 lest he turn out a true prophet. Id. εξερώ, V. ε’ξερεω A. εξ-ερωε'ω, f. ήσω, to swerve from the course, II. έξεσάωσ-α, aor. i of όκσαυω. έξ-εαθίω, f. -εδομαί : pf. — εδήδο«α : aor. 2 —όφαγον : — to eat away, eat up, Ar. έξ-ε'σθω, = foreg., Aesch. έξεσ-ία. Ion. -ίη, ή, (εξίημί) a sending out, mission, embassy, Horn. εξεσις, ecus, η, (εξιημί) a dismissal , divorce, Hdt. εξε'σσΰτο, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 pass, of εκσευω, έξεστάναι [ά], for όξ^στηκόυαι, pf. inf. of 4ξίστημι. ε|-εστι, imper. όξόστω, subj. εξη, opt. όξΐίη, inf. όξ^Ίναι, part. 4ξ6ν : impf. όξην : f. όξόσται, opt. όξόσοιτο : im- pers. (the only forms in use of εξ-είμ:) : — it is allowed, it is in one's power, is possible, c. inf., Hdt. : c. dat. pers. et inf.. Id., Att. ; ε|. σοί άυδρΙ γει/ε'σθαί Xen. : — c. acc. pers. et inf., Ar. : — part. neut. absol., όξόυ since it was possible, Hdt., Aesch., etc. βζβφρεΙομΕμ. 273 ε|-ετάζω : f. -ετάσω : aor. i -’ί}τασα. Dor. -τ,ταξα: pf. -ήτακα : — Pass., f. -^τασθΊ]σομαι : aor. i -ητάσθηυ : pf. -ητασμαί : — to examine well or closely, inquire into, scrutinise, review, Theogn., Att. 2. of troops, to inspect, review, Thuc., etc. : — generally, to pass in review, enumerate, Dem. II. to examine or question a person closely, Hdt., Soph., etc. III. to estimate, compare, τι ττρό$ τι one thing by or with another. Id. IV. to prove by testing, of gold. Id. : — in Pass, with part., εξετά^εταί -παρών he is proved to have been present. Plat. ; 4ξ€τάζζσθαι φίλθ5 (sc. ών) Eur. ; c. gen., των όχθρών όξ^τάζ^σθαι to be found in the number of the enemies, Dem. 2 . to present oneself, appear. Id. Hence εξετάκην [ά], aor. 2 pass, of όκτ^κω. εξε'ταμον, aor. 2 of έκτόμνω. εΐε'τασις, εωϊ, η, (ε^ετά^ω) a close examination, scru- tiny, review, Thuc., Plat., etc. 2. a military inspection or review, Thuc., Xen. εξετασμός, ό, = foreg., Dem. εξεταστε'ον, Verbal, one must scrutinise. Plat, εξεταστής, ου, δ, {όξ^τάζω') an examhier, inquirer, Plut. : at Athens, a paymaster, Aeschin. εξεταστικός, ή, όν, (ε’ξετά^ω) capable of examining into, TIVOS Xen. : — absol. inquiring. Id. : — Adv. -kcos, Dem. II. εξ. (sc. apybpiovj, τό, the salary of an ε’ξεταστήϊ. Id. έξετελειον, Ep. for -ζτόχ^ον, impf. of όκτ^λόω. εξετελεΰντο, Ep. for -οΰντο, 3 pi. impf. pass, of ε’κτελεο). εξετετόξευτο, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of ε’/ετο|εύω. εξ-ε'της, es, (ετο?) six years old, II., Ar. εξ-ε'τι. Prep, with gen., even from, 4ξ4τι πατρών even from the fathers’ time, Od. έξ-ευλαβεομαι, f. ^σομαι, to guard carefully against, Ti Eur., Plat. έξ-ευμαρίζω, f. (Τω, to make light or easy, Eur. II. Med. to prepare, Lat. expedire. Id. εξ-ευμενίξω, {ebgev-f]s) to propitiate : — Med., Plut. εξεόρεσις, εωί, η, a searching out, search, Hdt. 2 . a finding out, invention. Id. ; and εξευρετεος, a, ov, verb. Adj. to be discovered, Ar. II. 4ξ€υρβτόον, one must find out. Plat. ; and έξευρημα, aros, τό, a thing found out, an invention, Hdt., Aesch. From έξ-ευρίσκω, f. -ευρήσω : aor. 2 -edpov : — to find out, discover, II., Thuc., etc. 2. to invent, Hdt., Aesch. 3 . simply to find. Soph. 4 . to seek out, search after, Hdt. 5 . to find out, win, get, pro- cure, Soph. εξ-ευτελίξω, f. σω, (εύτελήί) to disparage greatly, Plut. εξευτρεττίζω, to make quite ready, Eur. έξ-ευχομαι, f. -ξομαι, Dep. to boast aloud, proclaim, Aesch. II. to pray earnestly , Id., Eur. εξεφαάνθην, Ep. for -^φάνθην, aor. 2 pass, of 4κφαίνω : Ep. 3 pi. -φάανθ^ν. εξεφάνην [ά], aor. 2 pass, of όκφαίνω. εξε'φθαρμαι, pf. pass, of όκφθζ'ιρω. εξε'φθινται, Ep. 3 pi. pf. pass, of 4κφθΙνω. εξεφθϊτο, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of όκφθίνω. έξ-εφίημι, strengthd. for όφι-ημι : — Med. 4ξζφΙ(μαι, to enjoin, command. Soph., Eur. έξεφρείομεν, poet, for -ζφρόομ^ν, i pi. impf. of (κφρόω. 2 74 βζεφρησ-α — βζίστημι. €ξ€φρησ·α, aor. ι of €κφρζω. ΐξ4\€α, aor. I of εκχβω Ιξεχυθην [υ], aor. ι pass, εξβχρην, €ξ€χρησ·α, aor. ι and 2 of 4κχράω. Ι|-€χω, f. -e|a)j to stand out or project from, tivos Ar. 2. absol. to stand out, appear. Id. ΙΙ-εψω, f. -ζφησω, to boil thoroughly , Hdt. ε|-ηβθ 5 , ον, {Ύ)β·η) past one’’ s youth, Aesch. Ιξήγαγον, aor. 2 of 4ξάγω. Ι|-ηγ6ομαι, f. ·ί}σομαι, Dep. to he leader of others, c. gen., II. : — also c. acc. pers. to lead, direct, govern, Thuc. II. to go first, lead the viay, h. Horn., Hdt. 2. c. dat. pers. to sheva one the viay, go before, lead. Id., Soph., etc. S. c. gen. rei, to conduct a business, Xen. 4. e|. eis rT]v Ελλάδα to lead an army into Greece, Id. III. like Lat. prae'ire verbis, to prescribe or dictate a form of words, Eur., Dem.: — generally to prescribe, order, Hdt., Aesch., etc. : — to prescribe or expound the form to be observed in religious ceremonies, Hdt., Att. IV. to tell at length, relate in full, Hdt., Att. Hence Ιξήγησις, ews, -η, a statement , narrative, Thuc. II. explanation, interpretation. Plat. ; and ΐΙηγητής, ου, ό, one voho leads on, an adviser, Lat. auctor, Hdt., Dem. II. an expounder, inter- preter, of oracles, dreams, omens, and sacred customs, Hdt., Plat., etc. ; and Εξηγητικός, ή, ον, of ox for interpretation, Plut. Ιξηγρόμην, aor. 2 med. of e’leyeipco. Εξήκοντα, ol, at, τά, (I'D indecl. sixty, Horn., etc. Ιξηκοντα-ότης, es, (ctos) sixty years old, Mimnerm. €κηκοντα-€τία, η, a time of sixty years, Plut. Εξηκοντα-ταλαντία, ή, (τάΧαντον) a company con- tributing a sum of 6o talents to the state, Dem. Εξηκοστός, ή, ον, {εξήκοντα) sixtieth, Hdt., etc. Εξ-ήκω, f. to have reached a certain point. Soph., Plat. II. of Time, to have run out or expired, to be over, Hdt., Soph., etc. 2. of prophecies, dreams, etc. to turn out true. Id., Hdt. Εξήλασσα, Ep. for ε’Ιηλάσα, aor. i of e^eXabvw. Εξήλατος, ον, (Εξελαύνω) beaten out, of metal, II. Εξήλθον, aor. 2 of 4ξ€ρχομαί. Εξήλνσις, €W5, -η, (ΕξήλϋΘον aor. 2 of 4ξ4ρχομαί) a vjay out, outlet, Hdt. Εξ-ήμαρ, Adv./br six days, six days long, Od. Εξ-ημ€ρόω, f. ώσω, to tame or reclaim quite, Hdt., Eur. : — metaph. to soften, humanise, Plut. Hence ΕξημΕρωσις, ecus, ή, a reclaiming, humanising, Plut. Εξημημενος, pf. pass. part, of 4ξαμάω. Εξημοιβός, όν, (Εξαμεί/Βω) serving for change, είματο δ’ βξημοιβά changes of raiment, Od. Εξήνεγκα and Εξήνεγκον, aor. i and 2 of 4κ(ρ4ρω. Εξητταφον, aor. 2 of Εξατταψίσκω. Εξήραμμαι, Εξηράνθην, pf. and aor. i pass, of ξηραίνω. Εξήρατο, 3 sing. aor. i med. of 4ξαίρω. Εξ-ήρετμος, ον, {4peTp.6s) of six hanks of oars, Anth. Εξ-ήρης, ε5·, (*αρω) with six banks of oars, vavs. j I I Plut. Εξηρώησα, aor. i of Εξερωεω. Εξής, Ep. also Εξείης, Adv. : (Ι'ξω, fut. of εχω) : — one after another, in order, in a row, Horn. : in order, in a regular manner. Plat. 2. of Time, there- after, next, Aesch., etc. ; η 4ξη5 ημ4ρα the next day. N. T. II. c. gen. next to, Ar. ; τούτων 4ξη5 next after this, Dem. ; c. dat. next to. Plat. Εξήταξα, aor. i of Εξετάζω. Εξηττάομαι, strengthd. for ηττάομαι, Plut. Εξήϋνα, aor. i of 4ξαναίνω. Εξήφυσσα, Ep. for -ηφυσα, aor. i of 4ξαφύσσω. Εξ-ηχε'ω, f. ησω, to sound forth : — Pass, to be made known, X. T. Εξ-ιάομαι, f. -ίσομαι. Ion. -ησομαι, Dep. to cure thoroughly, Hdt., Plat. Εξιδεΐν, inf. of ΕξεΓδον. Εξ-ϊδιόομαι, to appropriate, Xen. Εξ-ϊδίω, f. ίσω [t], to exsude, Ar. Εξ-ιδρυω, f. νσω [ΰ], to make to sit down. Soph. Εξιεναι, inf. of εξείμι (είμι iho). Εξ-ίημι, f. ~ησω, Ep. aor. 2 inf. Εξ-ε'μενα:, -εμεν : — to send out, let one go out, Od. ; yoov 4ξ ipov ειην had dismissed, satisfied the desire of lamentation, II. ; 4ξι4ναί ■πάντα κάΧων (v. sub κάλωϊ): — to take out, Hdt. 2. intr. of rivers, to discharge theynselves. Id., Thuc. II. Med. to put off from oneself, get rid of, ’Toffios κα\ 4δητνο5 4ξ epov %ντο Horn. 2. to send from oneself, divorce, ■γυναίκα Hdt. Εξ-ϊθυνω [ϋ], f. ννω, to make straight, II. Εξ-ϊκετευω, f. σω, to intreat earnestly. Soph. Εξ-ικνε'ομαι, f. -ίξομαι : aor. 2 -ικόμην [ϊ] : Dep. : — to reach, arrive at a place, c. acc., Horn., Trag. II. c. acc. pers. to come to as a suppliant, Od. 2. c. acc. rei, to arrive at or reach an object, to complete, accomplish, Thuc. ; so c. gen., Eur. 3. absol. to reach, Hdt., Xen. : — of mental operations, οσον δυνατ05 είμι 4ξικ€σθαι so far as I can get by inquiry, Hdt. b. of things, to he sufficient. Plat. Εξ-ΐλάσκομαι, f. άσομαι [d], Ep. άσσομαι, Dep. to pro- pitiate, Orac. ap. Hdt., Xen. Εξίμεναι, Ep. for 4ξι4ναι, inf. of εξειμι (ε?μί ibo). Εξ-ΐΊΤΊτάξομαι, f. άσομαι, Dep. to ride out or away, Plut. έξις, εωί, η, (εξω, fut. of ^χω) : I. (trans.) a having, possession , Plat. II. (intr.) a habit of body, esp. a good habit, Xen., Plat. 2. a habit of mind. Id. Εξ-ϊσόω, f. ώσω, to make equal or even, bring to a level with, Lat. exaequare, τινά or τί τινι Soph., Thuc. : — Med. to make oneself equal, Babr. : — Pass, to he or become equal, τινι Plat., etc.; to be a match for, to rival, τινι Thuc. 2. to put on a level, tous TroXiTas Ar. II. intr. to be equal or like, μητρί δ’ οΰδεν 4ξισοΐ acts in no way like a mother, -Soph. ; Εξ. to7s aXXois Thuc. : so in Pass., Soph. Εξιστάνω, later form of 4ξίστημι, N. T. Εξ-ίστημι, A. Causal in pres., impf., fut., aor. i : — to put out of its place, to change or alter utterly, Arist., Plut. 2. metaph., 4ξιστάναι τινά φρένων to drive one out of his senses, Eur. ■, του φρον^Ιν Xen. ; absol. to derange, Dem. B. intr. in Pass, and Med., with aor. 2 , pf., and plqpf. act. : 1. of Place, to stand aside from, 4κστάντζ5 Trjs όδοΰ out of the way, Hdt. ; so, 4κστηναί τινι Soph., etc. : — metaph.. Εξ ebpas Εξ- 4στηκ€ is displaced, disordered, Eur. 2. c. acc. to shrink from, shun. Soph., Dem. II. c. gen. to retire from, give up possession of, τη5 άρχη$ Thuc. : — to cease from, abandon, των μαθημάτων Xen. 2. €^ιστορ6ω — εζονομά^ω. ^κστηναί πατρόΐ to lose one’s father, give him tip, Ar. 3. φρβνών i^ecrravai to lose one’s senses, Eur. : — then, absol. to he out of one^s wits, to be astonished, amazed, N. T. 4. to degenerate, oluos €ξ€στ'ηκώε changed, sour wine, Dem. ; ττρόσωπα 4ξ€στηκότα dis- figured faces, Xen. 5, absol. to change one's position, one's opinion, Thuc. Ιξ-ιστορεω, f. ·ί\σω, to search out, inquire into, Aesch. 2. to inquire of, τινά τι Hdt., Eur. Ιξ-ισχυω [ΰ], f. νσω, to have strength enough, to he quite able to do, c. inf., N. T. έξ-ίσ-χω, ~ €ξ€χω, to put forth, Od. εΐίοτωσις, ecus, η, (β^ισόω) equalisation, Plut. Hence Ιξϊσωτβον, verb. Adj. one must make equal. Soph. Ιξίτηλοξ [t], ov, {i^iivai) going out, losing colour, fading, evanescent, Xen. : — metaph., 4ξ. -γ^ν^σθαι, of a family, to become extinct, Hdt. ·, of things, lost to memory, forgotten. Id. εξϊτητ€ον, verb. Adj. of (et/it iho'') one must go forth, Xen. t'liTOS, ή, όν, verb. Adj. of €ξξΐμι (^Ίμι iho), to he come out of, To7s ovK 4ξιτόν eVri for whom there is no coming out, Hes. €ξιχν€·υτ€ον, verb. Adj. one must trace out, Luc. From Ιξ-ιχνεύω, f. σω, to trace out, Aesch., Eur. €|-ιχνοσκοτΓ€ω, f. 7;σω, to seek by tracking. Soph. ; so in Med., Id. Ι|-μ€διμνος, ov, of, holding six medimni, Ar. Ι|-ογκόω, f. ώσω, to make to swell : metaph., μητέρα τάψιρ i^oyKovv to honour her hy raising a tomb, Eur. : Pass, to be swelled out, -πάντα ^ξώ'γκωτο he had all his garments stuffed out, Hdt. : — metaph. to be puffed up, elated. Id., Eur. ; τα ζ^ω^κωμ^να full-sailed pros- perity, Id. ; so in fut. med.. Id. Hence εξόγκωμα, aTOS, to, anything swollen, e|. λάϊνον a mound of stones, Eur. εξοδάω, f. ήίΤω, to sell, Eur. έξοδία, Ion. -ίη, ή, = e|o5os I. 2 , Hdt. έξόδιος, ov, (e|o5os) of or belonging to an exit : — as Subst., 4ξό5ιον (sc. μελοϊ), τό, the finale of a tragedy, Plut. : metaph. a catastrophe. Id. έξ-οδοΐ7Γορεω, f. ήσω, to get out of, c. gen.. Soph, εξ-οδος, η, a going out, Hdt., Att. 2. a marching out, military expedition, Hdt., Att. 3. a solemn pro- cession, Hdt., Dem. II. a way out, outlet, Lat. exitus, Hdt., Aesch., etc. III. like Lat. exitus, ayi end, close, T\i\ic.,'K&n . : the end or issue of an argument. Plat. : absol. departure, death, N. T. 2. the end of a tragedy, or music played at its close, Ar. έξ-οδΰνάω, f. ήσω, to pain greatly, Eur. έξ-όζω, intr. to smell, κακΡν 4ξόσ5€ΐν (Dor.) to smell foully, Theocr. εξ-οιδα, -οισθα, pf. in pres, sense, plqpf. as impf., 2 sing, -^'δητθα : (v. *€ίδω) : — to know thoroughly , know well, II., Soph., etc. έξ-οιδεω, f. ήσω, to swell or be swollen up, Eur., Luc. εξ-οικε'ω, f. ά\σω, to emigrate, Dem. II. Pass, to be completely inhabited, Thuc. Hence έξοικησιμος, ov, habitable, inhabited. Soph, εξ-οικίζω, f. Att. tcD, to remove one from his home, eject, banish, Eur., Thuc. : — Pass, and Med. to go 275 from home, remove, emigrate, Ar., Aeschin. II. to dispeople, empty, Eur. εξ-οικοδομεω, f. ήσω, to build completely , finish a building, Hdt., Ar. έξ-οιμώξω, f. -οιμώζομαι, to wail aloud. Soph, εξ-οινόομαι. Pass, to be drunk, pf. part. 4ζιρνωμ4νο$ drunken, Eur. Ιξοιστε'ος, a, ov, verb. Adj. of 4ζο'ισω (fut. of 4κ(ρ4ρω^, to be brought out: 4ζοιστ4ον, one must bring out, Eur. έξ-οιστράω or -εω, f. ήσω, to make wild, madden, Luc. έξ-οίσω, fut. of 4κφ4ρω. ε|-οιχνεω, to go out ox forth, 4ζοιχν^υσι (^lon. for-ov^t), II. εξ-οίχομαι, to have gone out, to be quite gone, II., Soph, έξ-οιωνίξομαι, Dep. to avoid as ill-omened, Plut. έξ-οκελλω, aor. i -ώκ^ιλα, intr., of a ship, to run aground or ashore, Hdt., Aesch. II. trans. to run (a ship) aground : — metaph. to drive headlong, Eur. εξ-ολισθάνω, f. -ολκτθ-ήσω : aor. 2 -ώλισθον : — to glide off, slip away, II. : to glance off, as a spear from a hard substance, Eur. : to slip out, escape, Ar. : — c. acc. to elude. Id. εξ-όλλΰμι and -via : f. -ολεσω, Att. -ολώ : aor. i -ώλεσα : pf. -ολώλ^κα : — to destroy titterly, Od., Eur., etc. II. Med., with pf. 2 4ξόλωλα, to perish utterly. Soph., etc. εξ-ολοθρευω, f. σω, to destroy utterly, N. T. έξ-ολολυζω, f. ζω, to howl aloud, Batr. έξ-ομαλίξω, f. σω, to smooth away, Babr. έξομήρενσ-ις, -η, a demand of hostages, Plut. From εξ-ομηρευομαι, Med. to take as hostages, Plut. έξομίλεω, f. ήσω, to have intercourse, live with, τινί Xen. : to bear one company, Eur. II. Med. to be away from one's friends, be alone in the crowd. Id. έξ-όμϊλος, ov, out of one's own society, alien. Soph, έξ-ομματόω, f. ώσω, to open the eyes of : Pass, to be restored to sight. Soph. ap. Ar. II. metaph. to make clear or plain, Aesch. έξ-όμνϋμι and -υω : f. 4ξομονμαι: aor. i 4ξώμοσα : — to swear in excuse, Dem. : to swear in the negative, 4ζ. τ6 μτ] €ΐδ4ναι Soph. : — mostly in Med., to deny or disown upon oath, swear formally that one does not know a thing, Dem., etc. 2. to decline an office by oath that one cannot perform it, Aeschin., etc. έξ-ομοίόφ, f. ώσω, to make quite like, to assimilate, Hdt., Plat. : — Pass, to become or be like. Soph., Eur. Ιξομοίωσ-ις, ecos, η, a becoming like, Plut. έξομολογεομαι, f. ά]σομαι, Dep. to confess in full, Plut., N. T. '2,. to make full acknowledgments, give thanks, Ib. II. in Act. to agree, promise, Ib. έξ-ομόργνϋμι, f. -ομόρξω : — to wipe off from, Eur. : — Med. to wipe off from oneself, purge away a pol- lution, Id. II. metaph., 4ξομόρζασθαί τινι μωρίαν to wipe ozone’s folly on another, i. e. give him part of it. Id. 2. to stamp or imprint upon. Plat, έξ-ονειδίξω, f. Att. ιώ, 1. c. acc. rei, to cast in one's teeth. Soph., Eur. ; 4ξον€ΐδισθ€Ϊ5 κακά having foul re- proaches cast upon one. Soph. : — simply, to bring forward, Lat. objicere, Eur. 2. c. acc. pers. to reproach. Soph. εξ-ονομάζω, f . σω, to utter aloud, announce, Horn. II. to call by name, Plut. T 2 276 εζονομαίνω — β^νφασμα. el -ονομαίνω, f. ανώ, to name, speak of by name, Horn, έξ-ονομα-κλήδην, Adv. {κ.a\iώ) by name, calling by name, Horn. βζόττΐθεν and -0€, Adv., Ep. for 4ξότησθ€]/, behind, in rear, II. 2. as Prep, with gen. behind, e|. κ^ράων Ib. ΙξότΓιν, Adv., = foreg. i, Aesch. e|0Tria0ev, poet. -0e, Adv., Att. for e|07ri0ev, Ar. 2. as Prep. Avith gen.. Id. Ιξοττίσω [t], Adv., I. of Place, back-cjards, back again, II. 2. as Prep, rvith gen. behind, Ib. II. of Time, hereafter, Od. e|-o^rλίζω,f. σω, to aryn completely , accoutre, Hdt.,Xen.: — Med. and Pass, to arm or accoutre oneself, Eur. : to get tinder arms, stand in armed array. Id., Xen. : — generally, fully prepared, all ready, Ar. Ιξοττλϊσία, r], a being under arms, Xen. j and έξότΓλισι?» ews, η, a getting under arms, Xen. Ιξ-οτΓτάω, f. ησω, to bake thoroughly , Hdt., Eur. 2. to heat violently, Hdt. έξ-οράω, to see from afar : Pass., Eur. : — cf. e|6t(Soj/. cl -οργίζω, f. Att. iw, to enrage, Xen., Aeschin. : — Pass. to be furious, Batr. 6|-ορ0ιάζω, to lift up the voice, to cry aloud, Aesch. €|-ορ0όω, f. ώσω, to set upright : metaph. to set right, secure, restore. Soph. : Pass., Eur. Ιξ-ορίζω, f. Att. ίώ, to send beyond the frontier, banish, Lat. exterminare, Eur., etc. 2. to expose a child. Id. 3. to get rid of 3. t\{\T\g,'P\3±. II. c. acc. loci only, άλλην άττ άλληε e|. ττόλιν to pass from one to another, Eur. III. in Pass, to come forth from, Tivos Id. cl -ορίνω [r], to exasperate, Aesch. Ιξόριστος, ον, {εξορίζω) expelled, banished, Dem. Ι|-ορκίζω, f. Att. ίώ, = ξξορκόω, to adjure, N. T. Hence έξορκιστης» ου, ό, an exorcist, N. T. έ|-ορκόω, f. ώσω, to smear a person, administer an oath to one, c. acc. pers., or absol., 4ξορκονντων ot TTpvrav^is Foed. ap. Thuc., Dem. ; followed by ΐ) μην (Ion. ^ μίν) c. inf. fut., Hdt., etc. : c. acc. rei, to make one smear by a thing. Id. Hence Ιξόρκωσις, ews, η, a binding by oath, Hdt. Ιξ-ορμάω, f. ήσω, to send forth, send to mar, Aesch., Eur. j e|. την vavv to start the ship, set it agoing, Thuc. : — Pass, to set out, start, Hdt., Eur., etc. ; of arrows, to spring from the bow. Id. 2. to excite to action, urge on. Id., Thuc. II. intr., like Pass., to set out, start, of a ship, Od., Xen. : c. gen. to set out from, Eur. metaph. to break out, of a disease. Soph. ; σφοΒρ})5 ip' S τι 4φορμησζΐζ eager in all that he attempted. Plat. Ιξ-ορμ6ω, f. ησω, to be out of harbour, run out, Aeschin. £|-opμίζω,f. Att.ioi, ίο brhig out of harbour, O^m. 2. to let domn, Eur. : pf. pass, in med. sense, 4ξώρμισαι ahv ττόδα thou hast come forth. Id. €|-ορμος, ον, sailing from a harbour, c. gen., Eur. βΙ-ορουω, f. σω, to leap forth, Horn. Ιξ-ορυσσω, Att. -ττω, f. |ω, to dig out the earth from a trench, Hdt. II. to dig out of the ground, dig up. Id., Ar. : metaph., e|. αυτών τουε 6φθαλμού5 Hdt. 4|-ορχεομαι, f. ησομαι, Dep. to dance amay, hop off, Dem. II. c. acc. rei, to dance out, i. e. to let out, betray secrets, Luc. i I έίόσδω, Dor. for €ξόζ^ω. έξ~οσιόω, f. ώσω, to dedicate, devote, Plut. I Ιξ-οοΓτρακίζω, f. σω, to banish by ostracism, Hdt., I Plat. Hence ■ Ι|ο(Γτρακισμός, b, banishment by ostracism, Plut. j Ι|-ότ€, Adv., (c| ore) = e| ου, from the time mhen, Ar. ΙΙ-οτρτίνω [ϋ], f. υνώ, to stir up, urge on, excite, τινά TToieiv Ti Aesch., Eur. ; τινα itri τι Thuc. ΙΙ-ουδβνόω, f. ώσω, (obSeis) to set at naught, N. T. Ι|-ου06ν6ω, f. ήσω, (obOeis) = €ξουδ€νόω, N. T. Ιξονλης δίκη, η, (βξείλλω) an action against exclusion, brought by one who was excluded from property by the defendant in a suit, Dem. Ιξουσία, η, (εξβστί) pomer or authority to do a thing, c. inf., Thuc., Xen.; c. gen. pomer over, licence in a thing, Thuc., Plat. II. absol. pomer, authority , might, as right, Thuc. : also licence, Dem. 2. an office, magistracy , L2t. potestas. Plat. 3. as concrete, also like 'Lat. potestas, the body of the magis- trates, in pi., the authorities, N. T. III. abund- ance of means, resources, Thuc. IV. pomp, Plut. Ιξουσιάζω, f. σω, to exercise over, c. gen., N. T. ΙΙ-οφβλλω, to increase exceedingly , 4ξώφζλλ€ν €€δνα offered still higher dowry, Od. 6ξ-όφ0αλμος, ον, mith prominent eyes, Xen. I Ι|οχα, Adv., v. sub €ξοχοε. I Ιξοχή, ή, (4ξ€χω) prominence : οι κατ' 4ξοχ^ν the chief \ men, Ν. Τ. ί ε|οχος, ον, {4ξ4χω) standing out ; metaph. eminent, excellent, Horn. 2. c. gen. standing out from, most eminent, greatest, mightiest, used like a Superb, ε|οχοϊ ηρώων, €|. άλλων II. ; but a real Sup. 4ξοχώτατοε Aesch., Eur. : — also c. dat., μί-γ' έξο- χοι αιίΓολίοισιν eminent among the herds, Od. ; so, 4v τΓολλοΊσι εξοχοϊ ηρώ^σσιν II. II. neut. pi. ^ξοχα as Adv., especially , above others, Horn. ; 4μο\ δόσαν εξοχα gave me as a high honour, Od. ; εξοχ’ άριστοι beyond compare the best, Horn. 2. c. gen., ^ξοχα ττάντων far above all. Id. ΙΙ-οχΰρόω, f. ώσω, to fortify strongly, Plut. Ι|-υβρίζ ω, f. Att. ιώ, to break out into insolence, to run riot, max manton, Hdt., Thuc., etc. ; ε’ξ. is τοδε to come to this pitch of insolence. Id. : with an Adj. neut., τταντοια ε’ξ. to commit all kinds of violence, Hdt. Ιξυνήκα, εσυνήκα, for ξυνηκα, poet. aor. i with double augm. of συνΙημι. ΙΙ-υττανίστημι, only in incr. aor. 2 , σμώδιξ μΐταφρ4νου 4ξυπαν4στη a weal started up from under the skin of the back, II. εξ-υττειττεϊν, = όπεΐ7Γειι/, to advise, Eur. ε|-υΐΓερ0€ [υ], Kdx ., = υ·κζρΒΐ, from above. Soph, εξ-υττηρετε'ω, f. ήσω, to assist to the utmost. Soph. ε|-υτΓνίζω, f. σω, {yirvos to amaken from sleep, N. T. : — Pass, to make up, Plut. cl-UTTvos, ov, amakened out of sleep, N. T. ε|-υτΓτιάζω, f. σω, to turn upside domn, Lat. resupi- nare, Aesch. ; εξ. 4αυτ6ν throming back his head haughtily, Luc. εξΰράμην, aor. i med. of ξυρεω : — εξυρημαι, pf. pass, εξυσμαι, pf. pass, of ξόω. έ|-ΰψαίνω, f. άνω, to finish meaving, Hdt. Hence Ιξυφασμα [C], aros, to', a finished meb, Eur. f εζνψη'γεομαι - €ξ-υφηγ€ομαι, f. ^ισομαι, to lead the way, Soph, εξω, Adv. of e|, as ΐΧσω of ets : I. of Place, 1. Avith Verbs of motion, out, βξω Ιών Od. ; χωρύν €ξω Hdt., etc. : — c. gen. otit of, Horn., etc. : — c. acc., έ'ξω 'r'bv 'ΕλλήστΓΟϊ/τοί' outside the H., Hdt. 2. without any sense of motion, like 4kt0s, outside, without, Od. : rh 4ξω the outside, Thuc. ; to βξω things out- side the walls. Id. ; to e|a; πρά-γματα foreign affairs, Id.j — 01 €ξω those outside. Id. i,in N.T. the heathen)·, —T] e|co θάΚασσα, the Ocean, opp. to t] ivros (the Medi- terranean sea), Hdt.: — c. gen., ol βξω yivovs Soph.; €|ω τοξευμοτοί, €|ω βζ\ών out of shot, Thuc., Xen. ; Tivhs eTuai to have nothing to do with it, Thuc. ; ζξω τον φρον€Ϊρ out of one’s senses, Eur. : — proverb., τον πηλόν aXpeiv ποδα to keep clear of difficulties, Aesch. ; πημάτων ττοδα Id. II. of Time, beyond, over, €ξω μέσον ημ^α5 Xen. III. without, hut, except, c. gen., Hdt., Thuc. εξω, fut. of έχω. εξωθεν, Adv. (εΐω) from v^thout, Trag., Plat., etc. : — c. gen., e|. Ζόμων from without the house, Eur. II. = €|ω, Hdt., Plat., etc. ; ot έξωθεν foreigners, Hdt. ; TO έξωθεν matters outside the house, Aesch., etc. : — c. gen. without, free from. Soph., Eur. έξ-ωθεω, f. -ωθήσω and -ώσω : aor. i έ^έωσα : — to thrust out, force out, wrench out, II. : to expel, eject, banish. Soph. : — to thrust hack. Id., Thuc. : — Pass., έξωθέζσθαί 4κ τη$ χώρηε Hdt. ; πατρί8ο5 4ξωθονμ€νο$ Soph. 2. 6|. Ύλώσσαε oSvvav to put forth painful words, to break forth into cruel words. Id. II. to drive out of the sea, drive on shore, Lat. ejicere, Thuc. : metaph., έξωσθηναί is χαμώνα Id. εξώλεια, η, utter destruction, κατ e|&)Aei'as ομόσαι to swear with deadly imprecations against oneself, Dem.; 4παρασθαι 4ξώλ€ΐαν αντφ Id. From εξώλης, es, {4ξόλλνμι) utterly destroyed, Hdt., Dem. : in imprecations, e|. άπόλοιο Ar. ; cf. πpoώληs. έξ-ωμίας, ον, ό, (β>μο5) one with arms bare to the shoulder, Luc. εξωμιδο-ΤΓΟιΐα, η, (ποίέω) the making of an 4ξωμί5,Χβη. ε|-ωμίς, ihos, η, (βμο5) a man’s vest without sleeves, leaving both shoulders bare, or with one sleeve, leav- ing one shoulder bare, Ar., Xen. εξωμοσία, η, {4^6μννμι) denial on oath that one knows «nyiAfn^of a matter, Ar., Dem. II. a declining an office on oath, in case of ill health. Id. εξ-ωνεομαι, f. '{]σομαί, Dep. to buy off, redeem ; — generally, to buy, Hdt., Aeschin. έξ-ωνωμενος, pf. pass. part, of 4ξοινόω. εξ-ώτΓίος, ον, (ώψ) out of sight of, c. gen., Eur. έξ-ωριάζω, ^fopa) to leave out of thought, Aesch. εξ-ωρος, ον, [ωρα) untimely, out of season, unfitting. Soph. : — superannuated , Aeschin. εξώσαι, aor. i inf. of 4ξωθέω. εξώστης, ον, ό, {4ξωθέω) one who drives out, Eur. : — 4ξ. άνεμοι violent winds which drive ships ashore, Hdt. έξωτάτω, Adv., Sup. of εξω, outermost. Plat, έξωτερω, Adv., Comp, of ε|ω, more outside, c. gen., Aesch. : — hence Adj. εξώτερος, outer, utter, N.T. εο, Ep. for ov, Lat. sui : — lot, Ep. for of, Lat. sihi. εοι, Ep. for ε^η, 3 sing. pres. opt. of είμί {sum'). "EOIKA, as, ε, pf. with pres, sense, to be like, (from εττα'γ'γίΧΚω. ' 277 εϊκω, of which we have 3 sing. impf. εΤ/τε, it seenied good, II.; fut. εί^ω, will be like, Ar.) : — besides the common forms ίοικα, as, e, we have Ep. 3 dual έϊκτον for 4οίκατον, i pi. έοΐΎμ^ν, 3 pi. ^ϊξασι ; inf. ^Ικέναι ; part, είκώϊ : — Ion., οΊκα, part, olκώs : — piqpf. 4φκ€ΐν, €is, εί ; 3 pi. icpKeaav, Ep. 4οίκζσαν ; Ep. 3 dual ε’ίκ- την, for 4φκ^ίτην ; piqpf. ηϊκτο ; έϊκτο : I. to be like, look like, τινι Horn., etc. : — with the part., where we use the inf., ahl yap δίφρον 4πιβησομ4- νοισι ϋ'κτην seemed always just about to set foot upon the chariot, II. ; εοί/εε σπ^νδοντι seems anxious. Plat. II. to seem likely, c. inf., in phrases which we render by making the Verb impersonal, as in the Lat. videor videre, methinks I see, χλιδαν eoiKas methinks thou art delicate, Aesch. ; έοικα ονκ €ΐδέναι Soph. 2 . impers., εοίκε it seems ; ojs eoiKe as it seems. Id., etc. ; ws εοίκε used to modify a state- ment, probably, I believe. Plat. so also personal, ws eoiKas Soph. III. to beseem, befit, c. dat. pers., Xen. 2 . impers., εοίκε it is fitting, right, seemly, reasonable, mostly with a negat. and foil, by inf., ονκ έστ , ονδέ eoiKe, άρνΊ^σασθαι it is not possible, nor is it seemly, to deny, Horn. IV. part. 4oik0s, €Ik0s, Ion. olκώs, via, 0s, 1. seeming like, like. Id., etc. 2 . fitting, seemly, meet. Id. 3. likely, probable, cIkos 4στί, for εοι/εε. Soph. ; also ws dKos, Ion. ws oIkos, for ώϊ εοίκε, Hdt., etc. εοικότως, Att. εΙκότως, Ion. οΙκότως, Adv. of part. 4oLK(i)S, similarly, like, Aesch. 2. reasonably, fairly, naturally , Hdt. ; ονκ €ΐκότωs unfairly, Thuc. εοϊο, Ep. for 4ov, gen. of Ids : — εοΐς, dat. pi. εοις, Ep. for €^ηs, 2 sing. opt. of εΐμί (sum). εοΐσα. Dor. for 4ονσα, ονσα, part. fern, of ζΙμί {suin'). εόλητο, Ep. 3 sing, piqpf. pass, of εϊλω. εολιτα, Ep. pf., with pres, sense, of ελττω.* εον, Ep. for ffi, i sing. impf. of είμί {stiin). II. εόν. Ion. for ov, part. neut. εοργα, Ep. pf. of έρδω : Ion . *3 sing, piqpf. εόργεε. εορτάζω. Ion. όρτάξω : impf. έώρταζον (with irreg. augm. in second syll.) : f. άσω : aor. i έώρτασα (with irreg. augm.), inf. έορτάσαι : {4ορτΊ]) : — to keep festival or holiday, Hdt., Eur. II. to celebrate as or by a festival, Plut. εορτάσιμος, ov, of ox for a festival, Luc. εορτή. Ion. όρτή, η, a feast or festival, holiday, Od., Hdt., etc. ; ορτ^ν or έορτην &y^iv to keep a feast. Id., Thuc.; έορτην 4ορτάζ€ΐνΧοη. 2. generaWy, holiday- making, amusement , pastime, Aesch., Thuc. εός, 4η, 4όν, Ep. for 8s, ή, ov : (ε, εο, = ou) : — possessive Adj. of 3 pers. sing, his, her own, Lat. suus, Horn., etc. ; never in Att. Prose. εοΰσα. Ion. and Ep. for ονσα, part. fern, of είμι' {sum). ετΓ-άγάλλομαι, Pass, to glory in, exult in a thing, c. dat., II. ; 4πί τινι Xen. ετΓ-άγάνακτε'ω, f. ήσω, to be indignant at, Plut. ετταγγελία, η, a public denunciation of one who, being subject to ατιμία, yet takespartin public affairs, Aeschin., Dem. 2. an offer, promise, profession. Id. From ετΓ-αγγε'λλω, f. -ελώ ; aor. i -ήγγειλα : pf. -ήγγελ /ca : — to tell, proclaim, announce, Od., Hdt., etc. : — Med. to let proclamation be made. Id. 2. to give orders, command. Id., Thuc.; c. acc., στρατιάν 278 Εττά'γ'γελμα — €7Γ., like Lat. milites iniperare, to order an army to be furnished, Thuc. : — also in Med., Hdt. 3. as Att. law-term, to denounce one who, having incurred ατιμία, yet takes part in public affairs, Aeschin., etc. 4. to promise, Ti τινι Aesch. : — so in Med., Hdt., Att. : — absol. to make offers, Hdt. 5. to profess, make profession of, TL Dem. : — so in Med., like Lat. profiteri, Xen., Plat. 6. to demand, require, Foed. ap. Thuc.; so in Med., Dem. Hence Ιιτάγγελμα, aros, t6, a promise, profession, Dem. : — one' s prof essio7i. Plat. ΙτΓ-αγβίρω, f. -aycpw, to gather together, collect, of things, II. : — Pass., of men, to assemble, Od. Hence ίΤΓάγβρσις, ews, a mustering of forces, Hdt. Ιττάγην [o], aor. 2 pass, of ττ-η'/νυμι. βτΓ-αγϊν^ω, Ion. for iirayw, to hrhig to, Hdt. €ΐΓ-αγλαΐζω, f. Att. ιω, to honour still more : — Pass. to pride oneself on a thing, glory or exult in it, II. έτΓ-άγνυμι, to break : pf. ^Tiaya intr., Hes. €·7Γ-αγρυτΓν€ω, f. ’ί\σω, to keep awake and brood over, Tivi Plut., Luc. €7Γ-άγω [ά], f. : aor. 2 iTr^yayov : — to bring on, Od., Aesch. : to bring upon, τί τινι Hes., Att. 2. to set on, urge on, as hunters do dogs, Od., Xen. b. to lead on an army against the enemy, Hdt., Thuc., etc. 3. to lead on by persuasion, influence, Od., Eur. ; c. inf. to induce him to do. Id. 4. to bring in, invite as aiders or allies, Hdt., Dem. 5. to brhig to a place, bring in, Hdt., etc. : — to bring in, supply, Thuc. 6. to lay on or apply to one, eV. KevTpov Ittitois, of a charioteer, Eur. ; iiraye yvddov lay your jaws to it, Ar. 7. to bring forward, propose a measure, Thuc., Xen.; so, βττ. δίκην, ypacp^v Tivi, Lat. intendere litem alicui. Plat., etc. 8. to bring hi over and above, to add, τι Aesch., Ar. : — to intercalate days In the year, Hdt. II. Med. to procure ox provide for oneself, Thuc. : — metaph.,''At5a φβυξιν eV. to devise, invent a means of shunning death. Soph. 2. of persons, to bring into one’s country, bring in or introduce as allies, Hdt., Thuc. 3. to call in as Λvitnesses, adduce. Plat., etc. 4. to bring upon oneself, φθόνον Xen.; dovXeiav Dem. 5. to bring with one, Xen. 6. to bring over to oneself, win over, Thuc. Hence €ΐΓαγωγή, η, a bringing in, supplying, Thuc. 2. a bringing in to one's aid, introduction. Id. 3. a drawing on, alluring, Dem. βιταγώγιμος, ον, · eirdyif) imported, Plut. Ιτταγωγός, όν, (βττάγω) attractive, tempting, alluring, seductive , Hdt., Thuc. : — iiraywyov 4στι, c. inf., it is a temptation, Xen. ίτταγωνίζομαι, Dep. to contend with, τινι Plut. 2. c. dat. rei, to contend for a thing, N. T. 67Γ-άγώνΐ05, ον, {dyώv) helping in the contest, Aesch. έπ-αείδω, contr. Att. -άδω : f. -άσομαι : — to sing to or in accompaniment , Hdt., Eur. 2. to sing as an incantation, Xen., Plat. ; — absol., όττα^ίδων by means of charms, Aesch. έπ-αείρω, poet, for ΐτταίρω. ετΓ-αεξω, to make to grow ox prosper, Od. ετΓ-αθλον, τ6, the prize of a contest, Plut. ετταθον, aor. 2 of τχό,σχω. ετταιτίάομαι. εΐΓ-αθροίζομαι, Pass, to assemble besides, N.T., Plut. έτΓ-αιάζω, f. |a), to cry aldi over, mourn over, τινι Luc. II. to join in wailing, Bion. ετΓ-αιγιαλΧτις, iSos, η, (alyiaXos) on the beach, Anth. εΐΓ-αιγίζω, f. σω, {aiyis li) to rush furiously upon, of a stormy wind, Horn. εΊΓ-αιδε'ομαί, f. -αιδ^σθησομαι : aor. i -ηδόσθην : Dep. : — to be ashamed, c. inf., Eur. ; συ 5’ ουκ έπαιδ^Ί, et . . , te non pudet, si , Soph. έτΓ-αίθω, to kindle, set on fire, Anth. ετταίνεσις, ftos, η, praise, Eur. ; and ετταινετε'ον, verb. Adj. one must praise. Plat.; and ετταινετης, ου, b, a commender, admirer, Thuc. ; and ετταινετός, η, όν, to be praised, laudable. Plat. From ε'Π■-αιvε'ω,Ep.impf. iiryveov: ΐ.-4σω ox -όσομαι, poet, (but not Att.) Ύ)σω : aor. i eTxpvecra; poet, (but not Att.) ^ττηνησα : pf. βιτην^κα : — Pass., fut. -αιν^θησομαι : aor. I 4τΓ·ρνόθην : — to approve, applaud, comryiend, Lat. laudare, Horn., etc. ; eV. τινά. τι to commend one for a thing, Aesch. 2. to compliment publicly , panegyrize, Thuc. 3. to undertake to do, c. inf., Eur. 4. the aor. eTxpvecra is in Att. used in a pres, sense, όττην^σ' epyov I commend it. Soph. : and absol., well done ! Ar. II. to recommend, exhort, advise, c. inf.. Soph. III. as a civil form of declining an offer, I thank you, I am much obliged, κάλλιστ, όπαινώ Αχ. ; so, eV. την κΚησιν to decline it, Xen. IV. of Rhapsodists, to declaim. Plat. εΐΓ-αινος, b, approval, praise, commendation, Hdt., Att. ετΓ-αινός, only found in fern, iiraivi], dread, Horn. ετΓ-αίρω, Ion. and poet, ετταείρω : f. -άρώ : aor. i -ηρα Hdt. : — Pass., aor. i 4τχ·ί]ρθην: — to lift up and set on a car or stand, c. gen., II. 2. to lift, raise, Ib., Soph., etc. : Med., οττλα ότταίρ^σθαι Eur. 3. to- exalt, magnify, Xen. 4. intr. to lift up one's leg or rise lip, Hdt. II. to stir up, excite. Id., Soph., etc. : — to induce or persuade one to do, c. inf., Hdt., Ar. : — Pass, to be led on, excited, Hdt., etc. 2. Pass., also, to be elated at a thing. Id., Thuc., etc. : — absol. to be conceited or proud, Ar. ετταισδον. Dor. for ίτχαιζον, impf. of τταίζω. έτΓ-αισθάνομαι, f . —αισθησομαι : aor. 2 -ησθόμην : Dep. : — to have a perception! ox feeling of, c. gen.. Soph. 2. c. acc. to perceive, hear, Aesch., Soph. ετΓ-αΐσσω, f. ίξω : contr. Att. -άσσω or -ττω, f. -άξω : — to rush at or upon, c. gen., II. 2. c. dat. pers. to rush upon her, Od. 3. c. acc. to assail, assault, “Y^KTopa II. : — Med., ^τταιξασθαι &€θλον to rush at (i. e. seize upon) the prize, lb. 4. absol., of a hawk, ταρφό' iTTCLiaaei makes frequent swoops, Ib. ; of the wind, Ib., Att. II. later, eV. πόδα to move with hasty step, Eur. : — Pass., X^Tpes ότταισΌΌνται they move lightly, II. εττάϊστος, ον, (ετταίω) heard of, detected, Hdt. ετΓ-αισχυνομαι, f. -αισχυνθΊισομαι, Dep. : — to be ashamed at or of, τινι Hdt. ; τινα or τι Xen. : — c. inf. to be ashamed to do, Aesch. ; c. part, to be ashamed of doing or having done a thing, Hdt., Soph., etc. ετΓ-αιτε'ω, f. Ίησω, to ask besides, II., Soph. : — so in Med., Id. εΐΓ-αιτιάομαι, f. -άσομαι [ά]. Ion. -άισομαι : Dep. : — to bring a charge against, accuse, τινα Hdt., Att. ; εττ. τινά Tivos to accuse one of a thing, Thuc., Dem. ; c. €7ΓαΙτίος — εττανακαλεω. inf. to accuse one of doing a'thing, Soph., etc. : — c. acc. rei, to lay the blame τιροη, Thuc., Plat. ΙτΓ-αίτιος, ον, (αιτία) blamed for a thing, blameable, blameworthy , II., Aesch., etc. έιτ-αΐω, contr. ίττάω, to give ear to, c. gen,, Aesch,, Eur. 2. to perceive, feel, c. gen., Hdt. 3. to tinderstand, c. acc.. Soph., Ar. 4. to profess know- ledge, to be a professor in any subject. Plat. έιτ-αιωρεω, f. Ί\σω, to keep hovering over, keep in sus- pense, Anth. II. Pass, to hover over, to buoy up, Luc, 2. to overhang, threaten, τινί Plut. €ΊΓ-ακ|Λάζω, f. άσω, to come to its bloom, Luc. €π-ακολουθ€ω, f. ήσω, to follow close upon, follow after, τινί Ar,, Plat.; — absol., Thuc,, etc. 2. to pursue as an enemy. Id., etc. 3. to follow men- tally, τφ Xoycf Plat. 4. to follow, i. e. comply with, Tois 7rct0ecrt Dem. Hence Επακολούθημα, arcs, to, a consequence, Plut. Επακουός, 6v, attentive to, c. gen., Hes. From Επ-ακουω, f. -ακονσομαι, to listen or hearken to, to hear, c. acc., Horn., Att. : also c. gen., Hdt., Eur. : — c. acc. rei et gen. pers. to hear a thing from a person, Od. 2. absol. ear, Aesch., etc. II. to obey, rivos II., Soph. Επ-ακρίζω, f. σω, to reach the top of a thing, αίμάτων 4τΓ·ηκρισ€ he reached the highest point in deeds of blood, Aesch. Επακτεον, verb. Adj. of ίπάγω, one must apply, Luc. Επακτήρ, ijpos, b, — b Kvvas iiraywy, a hunter, Horn. Επάκτιος, ον, and a, ov, (ακτ·ί]) on the shore. Soph,, Eur. Επακτός, 6v, (επάγω) brought in, imported, Hdt., Thuc., etc. 2, of persons, alien, Eur.; — of foreign allies or mercenaries, Aesch., Soph. ;— also, ε’πα /cT^s b.vr,p, i. e. an adulterer. Id, ; ε’π. πατήρ z. false father, Eur. II.. brought upon oneself. Soph., Eur. Επακτρίς, ibos, ή, (ε’πάγω) a light vessel, skiff, Xen, : — so, Επακτρο-κε'λης, b, a light piratical skiff, Aeschin. Επ-άλάλάζω, f. |ω, to raise the war-cry, Aesch., Xen. Επάλαλκεμεν, Ep. for -αλαλκ^ΐν, aor. 2 inf. of επαλε^ω. Επ-άλάομαι, Dep. with aor. i pass, to wander about or over, πόλλ’ ε’παληθειΤ Od. Επ-άλαστε'ω, f. ήσω, (άλαττοϊ) to be full of wrath at a thing, Od. Επ-αλγε'ω, f. ήσω, to grieve over, c. gen,, Eur. Επ-άλείφω, f. ψω, to smear over, plaster up, Od. Επ-άλεξω, f. -αλε^ήσω, to defend, aid, help, τινί II. II. to ward off, keep off, c. acc., Ib. Επάληθείς, aor. i part, of 4τΓαλάομαι : -αληθη, 3 sing, sub], Επ-άληθευω, f. σω, to prove true, verify, Thuc. Επ-άλής, is, (άλε'α) open to the sun, sunny, Hes. Επ-αλκής, is, (αλκή) strong, Aesch. Επαλλάγή, ή, (ε’παλλάσσω) an interchange, Hdt. Επ-αλλά|, Adv., = εναλλά|, Xen. Επ-αλλάσσω, Att. -ττω, f. ά|ω : pf. -ήλλάχα, pass. -■ίίλλαχμαι : aor. i and 2 pass, -τηλλάχθ-ην, -ηλλάγην [ά] : to interchange, ^roλiμoιo πεΓραρ iiraWa^avres making the rope-end of war^o now this way, now that, i. e. fighting with doubtful victory, (metaph. from a game like ‘soldiers and sailors’,, 11. : — Pass, to cross one another, Xen. ; ttous ε’παλλαχθεΐϊ πόδι closely joined, Eur, : to be entangled, perplexed, Xen. 279 Επάλληλος, ov, (άλλήλωί/) one after another, i'lraXK'fj- λοιν χ^ροΊν by one another's hands. Soph. Επάλμενος, Ep. aor. 2 part, of 4φάλ.λομαι. επαλξις, εωϊ, ή, (ε’παλεξω) α means of defence : in pi. battlements, II., Hdt., etc. : — in sing, the battlements, parapet, II., Thuc. 2. generally, a defence, pro- tection, Aesch., Eur. Επ-άλτο, Ep. 3 sing. aor. 2 of 4φ-άΧΧομΜΐ : but επαλτο, aor, 2 pass, of πάλλω, Επάμα|ευω, f. σω. Ion. for 4φαμ—, to traverse with cars, γή 4τη\μα^ζυμ4ν'η τροχοΐσι marked with the tracks of wheels. Soph. Επ-άμάομαι, f. 'ησομαι, Med. to scrape together for oneself, €ννην 4τΓαμ'ί}σατο heaped him up a bed (of leaves), Od. ; y^v 4^Γσ.μ’ησάμevos having heaped ^ιp a grave, Hdt. Επ-αμβάτήρ, r\pos, b, poet, for 4^Γ-avaβάτ'ηs, one who mounts upon, an assailant, Aesch. Επ-άμεφω, f. φω, to exchange, barter, 11. : — Med. to come one after another, come in turn to, Ib. Επαμμε'νος, Ion. for 4φ'ημμ4νο5, pf. pass. part, of 4φάπτω. Επαμμε'νω, poet, for 4τΓαναμ4νω, Aesch. Επάμοιβάδίς, Adv. (επαμεφω) interchangeably , Od. Επάμοφιος, ov, (ε’παμεφω) in exchange, h. Horn. Επ-αμπεχω, f. -αμφ4ξω : aor. 2 ~’ί]μτΓΐσχον, inf. —αμ~ ττισχΦιν : — to put on over, Eur. Επάμυντωρ, opos, b, a helper, defender, Od. From Επ-άμυνω, f. -ννω, to come to aid, defend, assist, τινί II., Thuc., etc. : — absol., II., Hdt., etc. Επ-αμψερω, poet, for ε’παναφερω. Επ-αμφοτερίζω, f. Att. ιω, iάμφότ€pos) of words, to admit a double sense. Plat. ; of persons, to play a double game, Thuc. Επάν, Conjunct., later form of ε’πή»/. Επ-αναβαίνω, f. -βησομαι, to get up on, mount, Ar. ; 4^Γavaβ€βr|κότes mounted on horseback, Hdt. II. to go up inland, Thuc. : — to go up, ascend, Xen. Επ-αναβάλλω, f, —βάλω, to throw back over : in Med. to throw back, defer, Hdt. Επ-αναβΐβάζω, Causal of 4·παναβαίνω, to make to mount upon, Thuc. Επαναβληδόν, Adv. thrown over, Hdt, Επ-αναβοάω, f, -βοτ,σομαι, to cry out, Ar. Επ-άναγκάζω, f. άσω, to compel by force, constrain to do a thing, c. inf., Aesch., Ar. Επ-άνάγκης, (avayKT]) only in neut. : 4TravayK€S [εντί] it is necessary , c. inf., etc. : as Adv. by compulsion, Hdt. Επ-ανάγορευω, to proclaim publicly : — impers. in Pass., ε’παί^αγορεάεταί proclamation is made, Ar. Επ-ανάγω, f. -ά|ω, to bring up : to stir up, excite, Hdt. II. to draw back an army, Thuc. 2, to bring back to the point, Xen,, Dem. 3. intr, to withdraw, retreat, Xen. III. to put out to sea, vaCs Id.; and without vavs, N, T. : so in Pass, to put to sea against, τινι Hdt. ; absol.. Id., Thuc. Επ-αναθεάομαι, Dep. to contemplate again, Xen. Επ-αναιρεομαι, Med. to take upon one, enter into, Lat. suscipere. Plat. 2, to withdraw, Plut. Επαναίρω, to lift up, Xen, : — Med. to raise one against another. Soph., Thuc. : — Pass, to rise up, Ar. Επ-ανακάλεω, f, εσω, to invoke besides, Aesch. 28ο 9 f 9 r Εττανακειμαι — ειτανω. €ΤΓ-ανάκ6ΐμαι, Pass, to be imposed upon as punish- ment, Tivi Xen. €7Γ-ανακλα·γγάνω, to give tongue again and again, Xen. ΙτΓ-ανακυτΓτω, f. ψω, to have an upward tendency , Xen. ΙτΓ-αναλαμβάνω, f. -\·{]ΐ^ομαι, to take up again, resume, repeat. Plat. II. to revise, correct. Id. ΙτΓ-αναλίσκω, to co7isume still more, χρόνον Dem. €ΤΓ-αναμ€νω, poet, -αμμβνω, to wait longer, Hdt. II. to wait for one, viva. Ar. impers., τί μ ότταμμόν^ι τταθ^Ίν ; what is there in store for me to suffer.^ Aesch. βτΓ-αναμιμνήσκω, f. -αναμν7}σω, to refnind one of, τινά ri Plat. €7Γ-αναν€0ομαι, Med. to renew, revive. Plat. €ΤΓ-ανατΓα·υομαι, Med. to rest upon, depend upon, rivi and eVt riva N. T. ΙτΓ-αναττηδάω, f. ^σομαι, to leap upo7i, Ar. €ΤΓ-ανα'7Γλ.€ω, Ion. -ττλώω : f. -ττΚ^ΰσομαι : — to put to sea against, iwi viva Hdt . ; iirl τι for a purpose, Xen. 2. to sail hack again. Id. II. metaph., ζτταναττΚώΐΐ ύμΐν βπβα κακά ill language floats upwards, rises, to your tongue, Hdt. βΤΓ-αναρρήγνϋμι, f. -ρτ,ξω, to tear open again, Plut. ΙτΓ-αναρρίτΓτω, f. ψω, to throw up hi the air : intr. (sub. kavTov to spring high in the air, Xen. k’κo.vά.σζ.\.σ\.%,ζωs ,T\,ahrandishing against pWiViC. From ετΓ-ανασβίω, to lift up and shake. ΙτΓ-ανασκοττεω, f. -ανασκό-^ομαι, to consider yet again. Plat. ΙτΓ-ανάστασις, ecos, r], a rising up against, an insur- rection, Hdt., Thuc. ; 4τταναστάσίΐ3 θρόνων rebellions (i. e. rebels) against the throne. Soph. Ιτταναστησομαι, fut. med. of €π-ανίστημι. €'π·-αναστρ€φω, f. ψω, intr. to turn hack upon one, wheel round and return to the charge, Ar., Thuc. : — so in Pass., Ar. ΙτΓ-ανατείνω, f. -ανατ€νώ, to stretch out and hold up, Xen. ; eV. ikiriSas to hold out hopes. Id. II. Med. to hold over as a threat, Luc. ΙτΓ-ανατελλω, poet. -αντόΚΚω, aor. i -av€Tei\a, to lift tip, raise, Eur. II. intr. to rise, of the sun, Hdt. ; to rise from bed, Aesch. : — to appear. Id., Eur. ΙτΓ-ανατίθημι, f. -αναθησω, to lay upon, τί τινι Ar. -ανατρέχω, = άνατρόχω, to recur, Trpos τι Luc. 6ΤΓ-αναφ€ρω, poet, -αμφβρω, f. -ανοίσω, to throw hack tipon, ascribe, refer, τι τίνι or efs τινα Solon, Ar., etc. 2. to put into the account, Dem. 3. to bring back a message, in Med., Xen. II. intr. to come back, return, eVi τι Plat. III. Pass, to rise, as an exhalation, Xen. €ττ-αναχωρ€ω, f. "ησω, to go back agahi, to retreat, re- turn, Hdt., Att. Hence Ιιταναχώρησις, ecus, η, a return, Thuc. €ΤΓ-ανδηΓλάξω, poet, for έττ-αναΒητλάζω, to reiterate questions, Aesch. €7Γ-άν€ΐμι, {β.μι, ibd) used as fut. of έττ-ανέρχομαι, to go back, return, Thuc. : — in writing or speaking, to return to a point, Hdt., etc. 2. c. acc. rei, to recapitulate. Plat. €ΤΓ-αν6ΐτΓον, aor. 2 with no pres, in use, to offer by public proclamation, Thuc. €ΐΓ-αν€ρομαι, Ion. -ανβίρομαι, Med., to question again and again, Hdt. : — Att. aor. 2 έιτανηρόμ-ην Aesch., Ar. j vhv Oehv έιτανηροντο el . . Thuc. 2. to ask again, eV. τινά τι Plat. ΙτΓ-ανερχομαι, f. -ανβλίύσομαι (but v. έττάν^ιμι) : Dep. \vith aor. 2 and pf. act. : — to go back, return, 4κ τόπου Thuc. : — in writing or speaking, to return to a point, Eur., Xen., Dem. 2. c. acc. rei, to recapitulate, Xen. II. to go up, ascend. Id. : to go up or pass from one place to another, Hdt. ΙτΓ-ανερωτάω, f. ήσω, of persons, to question again, Xen. 2. of things, to ask over again. Plat. ΙτΓ-αν€χω, f. -ανέζω, to hold up, support, Plut. έττανήκω, to have come hack, to return, Dem. €ΤΓ-ανηλογ€ω, aor. i έπανηλόγησα, to recount , recapitu- late, Hdt. : but perh. έπσΧιΚΚό’γρσα is the true form : V. παΚιΧ-Χο^έω. €ΤΓ-ανθ6ω, f, τ\σω, to bloom, he in flower, Theocr. II. metaph. of any thing that forms on the surface, as a salt crust, Hdt. ; the down on fruit, Ar., etc. : generally, to be upon the surface, shew itself, appear plainly. Id. III. to he bright, Babr. 67Γ-ανθίζω, f. σω, to deck as with flowers, to 7nake bright-coloured, Luc. : — metaph. to decorate, Aesch. ΙτΓ-ανθοιτλοκβω, to plait of ox with flowers, Anth. 6 ΐτ-ανθράκίδ€ 9 , ων, αί,, {άνθρακίε) Sfnall fish for frying, S7nall fry, Ar. ΙτΓ-ανίημι, f. -αντ]σω : aor. i -ανήκα : — to let loose at, τινά Tivi II. II. to let go back, relax, Dem. 2. intr. to relax, leave off doing, c. part.. Plat. : absol., έπανηκίν 6 σΐτο5 corn fell in price, Dem. ΙΐΓ-ανισόω, f. ώσω, to make quite equal, to balance evenly, equalise, τινα πρ05 τινα Thuc. : absol. to pro- vide compe^isation. Plat. €7Γ-ανίστημι, f. ~ανασττ]σω : aor. i -ανέστησα : — to set up again. Plat. 2. to make to rise agahist, Plut. II. Pass., with fut. med., aor. 2 and pf. act. to stajid up after another or at his word, II. : to rise from bed, Ar. : to rise to speak, Dem. : — of build- ings, to he raised, Ar. 2. to rise up against, rise hi insurrection against, τινι Hdt., Thuc. : absol. to rise in insurrection. Id. Ιττανιτβον, verb. Adj. of έπάν^ιμι 07te must return to a point. Plat. ΙτΓ-άνοδος, η, a rising up, Plat. II. in speaking, recapitulation. Id. €ΤΓ-ανορθόω, f. ώσω, impf. and aor. i with double augm., έπηνώρθουν, έπηνώρθωσα : — Med., f . -ανορθώσομαι : impf . έπηνωρθούμην : aor. i έπηνωρθωσάμην : — Pass., f. -avop- θωθησομαι : aor. i έπηνωρθώθην : pf. έπηνώρθωμαι : — to set up again, restore, Thuc., etc. 2. to correct, amend, revise. Plat. ; so in Med., Id. Hence έπανόρθωμα, avos, to, a correction. Plat., Dem. j and Ιττανόρθωσις, εωί, η, a correcting, revisal, Dem. €·π·-αντ€λλω, poet, and Ion. for έπ-ανατέΧΧω. ΙτΓ-άντης, es, {άντοί) = άνάντη$, steep, TYiuc. Ιτταντιάζω, f. όσω, to fall in with others, h. Horn. Ι'τταντλβω, f. ησω, to pump over or upon, pour over. Plat. : — Pass, to be filled, id. ΙτΓ-ανύω, f. -υσω [i], to complete, accomplish, Hes. : — Med. to procure. Soph. ΙτΓ-άνω [ά], Adv. (άνω) above, atop, on the upper side or part, Plat. ; o έπάνω πvpyos the upper tower, Hdt. 2. c. gen. above. Id., Plat. II. above. eiraywOev - in a book, Lat. supra, Xen. III. of Number, above, more than, N. T. €ΤΓ-άνωθ€ν, before a vowel -0e, Adv. from above, above, Eur., Thuc. 2. oi eV. men of former time, Theocr. e7r-a|ios, a, ov, worthy, deserving of, rtvos Aesch., Eur. : — c. inf.. Soph. II. of things, deserved, meet, Aesch., Soph., etc. ; icvpeTu των €7Γαξίων fo meet with one's deserts, Aesch. : — so, Adv. -ίω5. Soph. 2. worth mentioning, Hdt. Hence 6ΤΓ-α|ιόω, f. ώσω, to think right, deem right to do a thing, c. inf.. Soph. 2. to expect, believe, c. acc. et inf.. Id. ; βπ. τινά to deem one worthy of honour. Id. €ΤΓ-α|όνιος, ov, {άξων) upon an axle, dicppos Theocr. Ιιτάξω, Dor. for επήξω, 2 sing. aor. i med. of π-ίιγνυμι. ετταοιδή, -η. Ion. and poet, for £ΤΓ-ατΓ€ΐλ6ω, f. ήσω, to hold out as a threat to one, τι Tivi Horn., Hdt., Soph. : — c. dat. only, to threaten, II. : — c. inf. to threaten to do, Hdt., Soph. ; inf. omitted, ώί βπαττείλησεϊ/ as he threatened, II. : — Pass. to be threatened. Soph. €ΤΓατΓθδΰομαι, Med. to strip and set upon, τινι Plut. €ΤΓ-ατΓθθνήσκω, f. -θάνονμαι, to die after, τινί Plat. €ΤΓ-ατΓθΤΓνί·γω [t], to choke besides : — Pass. aor. 2 opt., iTraTTOTTviy^iips , may you be choked besides, Ar. €ΤΓάτΓτω, Ion. for €<ράπτω. ίττά'πνω. Dor. for ^ττηττυω, €ΐΓ-αρά, Ion. -αρή [ά], η, an imprecation, II. ΙτΓ-αράομαι : f. -άσομαι. Ion. -τ]σομαι : pf. -^}ράμαι : Dep. : — to imprecate curses %Lpon, τινι Hdt.; err. λόγον to utter an imprecation. Soph. βτΓ-αραρίσκω, f. —άρσω: aor. -^papov : — to fit to or upon, fasten to, τί τινι II. II. intr. in Ion. pf. όττάρηρα, plqpf. iirap^p^iv, to fit tight or exactly, to be fitted therein, Ib. : ό'π:άρμζνο$, τ), ον, Ep. aor. 2 pass, part, prepared, Hes. ΙτΓ-άράσσω, Att. -ττω, f. |co, to dash to, θΰραν Plat, εττάράτος, ov, (ότταράομαι) accursed, laid under a curse, Thuc.; όπάρατον ήν μη οΙκ€Ϊν there was an imprecation against inhabiting it. Id. €7Γ-άργ6μο9, ov, having a film over the eye : metaph. dim, obscure, Aesch. 6ΤΓ-άρ·γΰρος, ov, overlaid with silver, Hdt. £7τ-άρδω, f. σω, to irrigate, refresh, Luc. έτΓ-αρήγω, f. ξω, to come to aid, help, τινί Horn., Eur. : absol., aor. i imper. 4παρηξον Aesch. βττάρην [ά], aor. 2 pass, of ττειρω. έπαρήρα, Ion. pf. of ότταραρίσκω : — inap^peiv plqpf. Ιττ-αρίστερος, ov, towards the left, on the left hand, TO. 4παρίστ€ρα as Adv., Hdt. II. metaph. left- handed, awkward, French gauche, Plut. εττάρκεσις, eojs, η, aid, succour. Soph., Eur. From €π-αρκ£ω, f . eVco, to ward off a thing from a person, τι τινι II. 2. c. acc. rei only, to ward off, prevent, Od. ; 4tt. μη TTia^7v,prohibere quominus, 3. c. dat. pers. only, to help, < 255 ^^, Hdt., Ar. : — rarely c. acc. pers., like ώψ^λ^Ίν, Eur. : — absol., tis άρ' eVap/ce- σβί; who will aid? Aesch. II. to supply, fur- nish, Ti Id. ; iir. τινί tivos to impart to him a share of, Xen.; c. dat. rei, to supply with a thing, Eur. III. absol. to be sufficient, to prevail. Soph. ίτΓ-άρκιος, ov, sufficient, Anth. - ζΊταυσας. 28 I Ιτταρκουντως, Adv. part, of Ιτταρκόω, sufficiently. Soph, έπ-άρουρος, ov, (αρουρα) attached to the soil as a serf, ascriptus glebae, Od. ΙτΓ-αρτάω, to hang on or over, eV. φόβον τινί Aeschin.: — Pass, to hang over, impe7td, Lat. h^iminere, Dem. ΙτΓ-αρτής, es, (άρτάω) ready for work, equipt, Od. ΙτΓ-αρτυω and -υνω [ΰ], to fit on, Od. II. to prepare, Ib. : — Med. to prepare for oneself, h. Horn, έτταρχία, η, the governme^it of a province, Plut. ; and ετταρχικό?, ή, ον, provincial, Plut. From €7Γ-αρχο§, ov, (αρχή) a commander , Aesch. 2. the Roman praefectus, Plut. ΙτΓ-άρχω, f. ξω, to be governor of, τη$ yfipas Xen. ; of consular authority, Plut. 2. to ride hi addition to one’s own dominions, Xen. II. Med. in the phrase deTrdeo'o'iv όττάρχ^σθαι, to begin with the cups, i. e. by offering libations to the gods before the wine was served, Horn. 2. generally, to offer, h. Horn. €ΤΓαρωγή, η, help, aid, against a thing, Luc. ΙτΓ-αρωγός, b, a helper, aider, Od., Eur. €·7Γ-ασκ€ω, f. ^σω, to labour or toil at, finish carefully, Od., etc. . II. to practise, τόχνην Hdt., Ar. €ΤΓ-ασ·συτ€ρος [C], a, ov, (άσσον, α.σσύτ€ρο5) one upon another, one after another, mostly in pi., Horn. ; in sing., κύμα ορνυτ' όπασσύτ^ρον wave upon wave, II. Ιττασσΰτερο-τρϊβής, es, (τρίβω) following close one upon another, Aesch. Ι-τΓαστεον, verb. Adj. of ετταδω, one must enchant. Plat. ΙτΓ-αστράΐΓτω, f. φω, to lighten upon, Anth. ; eV. ττνρ to flash fire. Id. €ΤΓ-αττω, Att. for όττ-αίσσω. βΤΓ-αυγάζομαι, Med. to look at by the light, Anth. Ιπ-αυδάομαι, Med. to call upon, invoke. Soph. Ιτταυθην or Ιττανσθην, aor. i pass, of τταΰω. εΐΓ-αυλεω, f. ήσω, to accompany on the flute, c. dat., Luc. 2. Pass, to be played on the flute, Eur. ΕΤΓ-αυλίζομαι, Dep. with aor. med., to encamp on the field, Thuc. 2. to encamp near, τινι Plut. έ'τΓ-αυλις, ecos, η, = sq., Hdt. ; a fold. Id. €ΤΓ-αυλος, 6, (αυλή) a fold for cattle at night, ίτταυλοι Od. ; heterog. pi. ίτναυλα Soph. 2. generally, a dwelling, home, Aesch., Soph, επαυξάνω or -αυξω : f . -αυξήσω : — to increase, enlarge, augment, Thuc., Dem. : — Pass, to grow, increase, Xen. επ-αυξησίξ, ecus, η, increase, increment. Plat, επαυρεσις, ecus, η, fruition, Hdt., Thuc. From Ιπ-αυρεω and -αυρίσκω, aor. 2 -ηυρον, poet, -avpov, Ep. inf. -αυρόμ^ν : — Med., -αυρίσκομαι : f. -αυρΊ]· σομαι : aor. i -ηνράμην : aor. 2 -ηυρόμην, Ep. 2 sing, subj. -ανρηαι. (For the Root, v. αττ-αυράω.) I. Act. to partake of, share, c. gen. rei, 11. 2. of physical contact, to touch, graze, c. acc., esp. of slight wounds, Ib. ; also c. gen. to touch, lb. II. Med. to reap the fruits of ζ.ύ\\χ\^, whether good or bad : 1. c. gen., in good sense, Ib., Fiur. b. in bad sense, 'Lva πάντ€5 όπανρωνται βασιληο$ that all may e^ijoy their king, i. e. feel what it is to have such a king, II.; c. acc. et gen., τοιαντ* 4τΓηύρω του φιλανθρώττου τρόπου such profit didst thou gain from . . , Aesch.; and absol., μιν όπαυρΊ^σ^σθαι οί'ω I doubt not he will feel the consequences, 11. Ιπαΰσας [ϋ *, aor. i part, of eVaucu. 282 ετταυτ^ω — €7Γ€ίμι. €ΤΓ-αντ4ω [ΰ], to creak besides, Hes. II. to shout in applause, Theocr. ΙτΓ-αυχενιος, ον, {αυχί]ν') on ox for the neck, Anth. έτΓ-ανχεω, aor. i -ηύχ·ησα, to exult in or at a thing, c. dat.. Soph. 2. c. inf. to he confident that. Id. €τχ-ανω, to shout over a thing, c. dat., Aesch. ΙτΓ-αφαυαίνομαι, Pass, to he ivithered, ζτταφαυάνθην Ύ^Χών I 'was quite spent with laughing, Ar. έτΓ-αφάω (v. άφάω), to touch on the surface, stroke, Aesch. Med., c. gen., Mosch. Hence Ιτταφή, 7], touch, touching, handling, Aesch. ΙτΓ-αφίημι, f. -αφ-ησω, to discharge at, c. dat., Xen. ΙτΓ-αφρίζω, f. σω, to foam np or on the surface, Mosch. €ΤΓ-αφρόδιτο9, ον, Αφροδίτη) lovely, charming, Lat. venustus, of persons, Hdt., etc. II. used to translate Sulla’s epithet Felix, favoured by Venus, i. o. fortune’s favourite, Plut. ΙτΓ-αφΰσσω, aor. i -"ίιφνσα, to pour over, Od. eiT -αχθής, is, {fiyfios) heavy, ponderous, Ar. II. metaph. burdensome, annoying, grievous, Aesch., Plat. 2. of persons, Thuc., Dem. ΙτΓ-άχθομαι, Pass, to he annoyed at ά thing, c. dat., Eur. €ΤΓ-αχνίδιο5, a, ov, {άχνη) lying like dust upon, Anth. Ιττεάν, i. e. eVel av. Ion. for 4ττην. €ΤΓ€βαλον, aor. 2 of έττιβάλΛω. 6ΤΓ€βην, aor. 2 of 4ΐΓΐβαίνω : ξττξβησζτο Ep. 3 sing, aor. I med. €ΐΓ6βράχ€, V. sub 4τηβραχ€Ϊν. ΙΐΓ-6γγ€λάω, f. άσομαι, to laugh at, exult over a person, c. dat.. Soph., Xen. ; κατά tivos Soph. €ΤΓ-6γ€ίρω, f. -eyepco, to awaken, rouse up, τινά Od., Hdt., etc. : — Pass, to be roused, wake up, Horn., in forms iwiyp^To, eTreypoyuevos (which are from an Ep. aor. iπ-ηypόμηv). II. metaph. to awaken, excite, Solon, Soph.; — Pass., i^τηyipθη μηνΐ5 Hdt. €ΤΓ-€γήθ€ΐ, 3 sing. impf. of i^vι-yηθiω. €ΤΓ-€γκάτΓτω, f. φω, to snap up besides, Ar. iΊr-eyκe\ζvω, f. σω, to give an order to others, Eur. €7Γ€γνων, aor. 2 of iTriyiyvwaKw. Ιττεγρετο, Ep. 3 sing. aor. 2 pass, of i^Γeyeίρω. ΙτΓ€7ρόμ6νο5, Ep. aor. 2 pass. part, of iTr^yVipw. 6'π·-€γχ€ω, f. -χ^ώ, to pour in besides, Aesch., Eur. €ΤΓ6δραμον, aor. 2 of 4τητρ€χω. €ΐΓ€δρη, η. Ion. for e^eSpa. ΙΐΓ6δυν, aor. 2 of έττιδύω. €ΤΓ€δωκα, aor. i of βττίδίδωμι. ίττέην, Ep. 3 sing. impf. of βττξίμι etjU: sum). Ιιτεβηκα, aor. i of ζτητίθημι. Ιττεί, Ion. ΙτΓ€ίτ6, also €ΤΓ€ΐδη, conjunct., temporal and causal, like Lat. quum : A. OF TIME, after that, after {postquam), since, when quuni), with aor. to express a complete action, or impf. to express one not yet complete, i-rrel υττηντίαζ^ν η φάλayξ καΐ η σάλπιγξ iφθiyξaτo after the phalanx began to advance and the trumpet had sounded, Xen. 2. = e| ov, from the time when, ever since, eVeiTe ·παρ4\αβον τδν θρόνον since I came to the throne, Hdt. II. with Subjunct., άν or /ce being added, so that eVel becomes iirav, 4ττην, Ion. eVeav, or eTrei /ce : — referring to future time, 4·πην ‘όΚωμ^ν when we shall have taken the city, II. : — also whenever, eVei «e λίττρ όστζα Θυμ05 Od. III. with Opt. without av, re- i ! ferring to future time, 4π€ΐδη Trphs τδ φω5 €λθοι after he had come into the light. Plat. : — also whenever, iwel πύ· θοίτο Xen. 2. in oratione obi. after past tenses, repre- senting a subj. in orat. rect., eVel διαβαίη5, the direct form being όττην διαβω. Id. IV. with other words, 67ret τάχιστα, as soon as, Lat. quumprimum. Id. ; eTret ζύθ4ω5 Id. ; 4πζΐδη τάχιστα Plat. ; εττειδί; θάττον Dem. B. CAUSAL, since, seeing that, with Indie, or Opt. with av, Horn., etc. ; with Imp., eTrei δίδαξαν for teach me. Soph.; e’rrel 'kS)S av KaXiaeias ; for how would you call him ? Ar. : — sometimes it may be rendered by although, or by else, otherwise. 2. with other Particles, eVel άρα, iirei tip δή since then, Od. ; eVei ye, Lat. quandoquidem, since indeed, Hdt. ; eVetTrep seeing that, Aesch., etc. ; eπe^ τοι since surely. Soph. ΈΠΕΙΤΩ, impf. rjir^iyov, Ep. iireiyov : aor. i ηττ^ιξα : — Med. and Pass., f. 4τΓ€ίξομαι : aor. i ηττ^ίχθην : pf. η^Γeιyμaι : — to press down, weigh down, II. 2. to press in pursuit, to press hard, press upon, absol. and c. acc., Horn. II. to drive on, urge for- ward, 4ρζτμά χ^ρσ'ιν iireiyov Od. ; of a fair wind, Ib., Soph. 2. to urge on, hurry on a thing, Od., Soph. : — Pass., of a ship, II. : — Med^ to urge on for oneself, τδν 4μδν yάμov Od. ; tt]v TrapaaKevfjv Thuc. : — absol., 4π€ιyoμivωv ανόμων by the force winds, II.; OTths yoKa 4^Γζιyόμζvos συνόπηξ^ν the fig-juice by its force curdled the milk, Ib. 3. Pass, to hurry oneself, haste to do, c. inf., Ib. : — absol. to hasten, hurry, speed, make haste, Ib., etc. : part., 4^τ€ιy6μevos hi eager haste, eagerly, Ib. ; c. inf., δυναι 4^τζιyόμ€vos eager for its setting, Od. ; c. gen., 4^Γeιyόμζvόs rrep δδοΐο longing for the journey, Ib. III. intr. in Act., = Pass, to hasten to a place. Soph., Eur. : — τα 4neiyovTa neces- sary matters, Plut. Ιττειδ-άν, i. e. e’πetδ7) άν, = 4ττζάν, 4'π·ην, whenever. €ΤΓ€ΐ-δή or cTrei δή, a stronger form of eVei. ΙτΓ-6Ϊδον, inf. 4π-ιδ6Ϊν, aor. 2 with no pres, in use, 4φοράω being used instead : — to look upon, behold, II. ; also in Med., Eur., Ar. : — of the gods, to look upon human affairs, Aesch. 2. to continue to see, i.e. to live to see, Hdt. : to experience, χαΧ^τχά Xen. eirel ή, not Ιττβιή, (e? in Horn.) since in truth, Horn. Ιττείη, 3 sing. opt. of όττ^ιμι sum). ΙτΓ-€ΐκάζω, f. σω, to make like or liken, δάμαρτα τά}νδ’ 4τΐζΐκάζων κνρώ ; am I right in identifying her with his wife, i.e. in conjecturing that she is so Soph. II. to conjecture, is 4τΓξΐκάσαι as far as 07ie may guess, Hdt., Soph. €ΤΓ6ί-κ€ν, l-irci-Ke, or rather cirei kcv, l-irei kc, Ep. for 4τΓζάν, 4πην. 6ΤΓ€ΐκώ5, Att. part, of 4τΐ4οικα. ΙτΓ-είληφα or -6ίλημμαι, pf. act. and pass, of 4πιλαμ- βάνω. ετΓ-6ΐμι (et/tt sum), inf. -ilvai : f. -όσομαι, Ep. -εσσο- 'μαι : — to be upon, c. dat., II., Aesch. ; but in Prose with Prep., εττί του καταστρώματο$ Hdt. ; eVl to?s οΙκίαΐ5 Xen. 2. to be set upon, Hdt. : — of rewards and penalties, to be affixed or attached, Aesch., etc. II. of Time, to be hereafter, remain, Od. ; 4·7Γ€σσόμ€νοι άνθρωττοι generations to come, Orac. ap. Hdt. : — also to be at hand. Soph., Xen. III. 67Γ€ί/Λ£ to he set over, Lat. praeesse, τισι Hdt. IV. to he added, he over and above, oi numbers, Id. €ΤΓ€ΐμι (el^t iho), inf. -livai, serving in Att. as fut. of 4ττ4ρχομαι : — Ep. 3 sing. impf. ε-ττήϊβί', pi. eV^to'ar' and iirfjaav, Att. iirijeiv, 3 pi. i-wpeffav : f. ίττίζίσομαι, part, fern. aor. i med. 4τηζΐσαμίντ) : — to come upon : 1. come near , approach, O A. b. mostly in hostile sense, to come or go against, attack, assault, c. acc., II. ; c. dat., Ib., Hdt., Att. ; absol., Horn. ; ot iwiovres the invaders, assailants, Hdt.; but b ΐτηών — ο τυχώι/, the first comer. Soph. c. to get on the βήμα to speak, Thuc. : to come on the stage, Xen. 2. of events, etc., to come upon one, overtake, c. acc., II., Aesch. : c. dat. to come near, threaten, II., etc. b. c. dat. pers. to come into one’s head, occur to one. Plat., Xen. ; — absol., τουττιόν what occurs to one. Plat. II. of Time, to come on or after : mostly in part. Αιτιών, ουσα, όν , following , succeeding, instant, η eVtoicra ^μίρα the coming day, Hdt. ; b εττίώι/ βίοτοε Eur. ; τα Ιττιοντα the consequences, Dem. ; b Ιτιών the successor. Soph. III. to go over a space, to traverse, visit, c. acc., Od., Hdt., etc. 2. to go over, i. e. count over, Od. €ΐΓ€ίνυσ·θαι, Ion. for 1<^1ννυσθαι, inf. med. of 4(ρ4ννυμι. €ΤΓ6ΐ|ις, ews, η, (eVetyco) haste, hurry, Plut. ΙτΓβί-ττερ or Ittci irep, Conj. seeing that, Aesch., etc. 6Tr-€iirov, aor. 2 with no pres, in use, to say besides, Hdt., Thuc. €7Γ-6ίρομαι, Ion. for 4τΓ-4ρομαι. ΙτΓβιρύω, Ion. for eVepuco. €ΤΓ-€ΐρωτάω, -€ΐρώτηρ.α, Ion. for cTrep-. ΙτΓ-βισάγω, f. ξω, to bring in besides, to bring in something new, Aeschin. : — Med. to introduce besides. Plat. Hence 6ΤΓ6ΐσαγωγή, η, a bringing in besides, a means of bringing or letting in, Thuc. Hence €ΤΓ-€ΐσάγώγιμος, ον, brought in besides the products of the country ; τα err. imported wares. Plat. €τΓ-€ίσακτο 9 , ον, brought in besides : brought in from abroad, imported, alien, foreign, Eur., Dem. €ΤΓ-€ΐσβαίνω, f. —β-ησομαι, to go into tipon, ίττιρ els θάΚασσαν Xen.; eir. es t^v θάλασσαν to go into the sea so as to board ships, Thuc. €7Γ-€ΐσβάλλω, f. -βάλω, to throw into besides, τί τινι Eur. II. intr. to invade again, Thuc. €7Γεισβάτης [a], ov, b, (€π€ΐσβαίνω) an additional passenger, supernumerary on hoard ship, Eur. €7Γ-£ίσ€ΐμι [β,μι iho), to come in or besides, in battle, Hdt. : to come next upon the stage, Aeschin. €ΐΓ-6ΐσ€ρχομαι, Dep. with aor. and pf. act. : — to come in besides, Thuc. ; as stepmother, Hdt. 2. to come in after. Id. 3. to come into besides, c. acc., or dat., Eur. : of things, to be imported, Thuc. II. to come into one's head, occur to one, Luc. £ΤΓ-€ΐσ·κυκλ€ω, f. Ίί\σω, to roll or bring in one upon another, Luc. : — Pass, to come in one upon another. Id. ΙτΓ-^σκωμάζω, f. σω, to rush in like revellers. Plat. ΙΐΓ-€ΐσ·όδιος, ov, coming in besides, adventitious, Plut. II. as Subst., €ΤΓ€ΐσόδιον, τ6, an addition, episode, Anth. From €'ΐΓ-€ίσ·οδος, η, a coming in besides, entrance. Soph. €ΐΓ-6ΐσ7Γαίω, f. σω, to burst in, els την οΙκίαν Ar. €'ΐΓ€ΐ(Γ7Γηδάω, f. -άισομαι, to leap in upon, eis τι Xen. ; absol., Ar. €7Γ-€ΐσ·'7τίτΓτω, f. -τΓ€σονμαι, to fall in upon, c. dat., Eur., Xen. ; c. acc., Eur. : — absol. to burst in. Soph. 2. to fall u-^on, of lightning, Hdt. εττ-εισιτλεω, f. -τλ^ΰσομαι, to sail in after, Thuc., Xen. II. to sail against, attack, Thuc. €ΤΓ-€ΐσ·ρ€ω, f. —ρ^ύσομαι, to flow in iipon or besides, Plut., Luc. £7Γ-εισψερω, f. -οίσω, to bring in besides or next, Aesch., Ar. : — Med. to bring in for oneself, Thuc. : — Pass., 4π€σφ€ρόμ€νον ττρη'^μα whatever comes upon us, occurs, Hdt. ετΓ-εισφρεω, aor. i -4φρησα, to introduce besides, Eur. ετΓ-ειτα, Ion. -ειτεν, Adv. : (εττί, e?Ta'j : — marks sequence, thereupon, Lat. dehide, when strongly opposed to the former act or state, with past tenses, thereafter, afterwards, with future, hereafter, Horn., etc. ; in narrative, τρωτόν μ4ν . . , followed by εττείτα δε . . , Lat. primum . . , deinde . . , Thuc., etc.; τρ\ν μ€ν . . , ετΓ. δε . . Soph. ; — with the Article, τδ εττ. what follows. Id. ; 01 εττ. future generations, Aesch. ; b εττ. βιο3 Plat. ; 4v τφ εττ. (sc. χρόνφ) Id. 2. like εΓτα, with a Verb after a part., μειδήσασα δ’ ε’τΓ. εφ ε’7κάτ0ετο κόλτφ she smiled and then placed it in her bosom, II. ; often to mark surprise or the like, and then, and yet, τδ μητρίιε αίμα 4κχ4αε eV. Βώματ' οΙκΎΐσ€ΐ5 τατρ05 ; after shedding thy mother’s blood, wilt ‘Ca.oM yet dwell in thy father’s house ? Aesch. 3. after a Temporal Conjunct, then, thereafter, 4τ€ΐδ)] σφαίρτ] τζίρησαντο, ώρχ^ίσθην εττ. when they had done playing at ball, then they danced, Od. 4. after εΐ or ην, then surely, εί δ’ ε’τεδν ayopeveis, ε| άρα S'fj τοι εττ. deal φρ4να$ ώλβσαν if thou speakest sooth, then of a surety Υΐ'Ά.νο. the gods infatuated thee, II. ; so when the apodosis is a question, εί κελεύετε, τώ% αν επειτ’ 'Οδυσηοε λαθοίμην ; how can I in such a case ? Ib. II. of Consequence or Inference, why then, therefore, ου oby εττείτα Τυδεο5 %Kyov6s 4σσι Ib. 2. to begin a story, well then, Od. 3. in Att. to intro- duce emphatic questions, then . . ? επ. τον δεεί; Ar.; to express surprise, and so forsooth ? and so really ? εττείτ’ ουκ o'Ui φροντίζξίν [tous Oeovs των άνθρώτων~\ ; Xen. ; εττειτα δητα δουλο$ ών κόμην ^Xeis ; Ar. εττεί-τε or εττεί τε, Ιοη. for ε’ττεί. εττειτεν, Ιοη. for εττείτα. ετΓ-εκβαίνω, f. -^κβάισομαι, aor. 2 ~-€ξ4βην, to go out upon, disembark, Thuc. ετΓ-εκβοηθεω, f. ά]σω, to rush out to aid, Thuc. εττεκδΐδάσκω, f. -^ω, to teach or explain besides. Plat. έτΓ-εκδιηγεομαι, f. Ί]σομαι, Dep. to explain besides. Plat. έτΓ-εκδρομη, η, an excursion, expedition, Thuc. ετΓ-εκεινα, Adv., for 4t 4κΦΐνα, on yonder side, beyond, Lat. ultra, c. gen.. Plat., Xen. : — with Article, τδ εττεκείϊ/α, Att. τούτ., or τα 4τ., Att. τάτ., the part beyond, the far side, τα 4τ. Trjs Ευρώτη$ Hdt. ; τούτ. τησδε yris beyond it, Eur. : absol., 4v τφ 4τ. on the far side, Thuc. ; fXs τδ 4τ. Plat, έττεκε'κλετο, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 of 4τικ4λομαι. ετΓ-εκθε'ω, f. -βκθβύσομαι, — 4τ6κτρ4χω, Thuc., Xen. ετΓ-εκττίνω [ΐ], f. -ίκτίομαι, to drink off after, Eur. 284 ετΓβκττΧοος ~ CTT-eKTrXoos, contr. -ττλους, δ, a sailing out against, an attack by sea, Thuc. ΐ 7 Γ-€ΚΤ€ίνω W, f. -eKTevw, to extend : — Pass, to be ex- tended, reach out towards, rivi N. T. €ΐΓ-€κτρ€χω, f. -ζκδραμουμαι : aor. 2 -^^('δραμον : — to sally out upon or against, rivi Xen. ΙτΓ-βκφερω, f. -βξοίσω, to carry out far, Plut. ΙτΓ-βκχωρβω, f. -tjcto), to advance next or after, Aesch. εττελάβον, aor. 2 of ^τηΚαμβάνω. εττελάθον, aor. 2 of ζττιΧανθάνω. cireXacris, ews, η, a charge, of cavalry, Plut. From ΙτΓ-ελαύνω, f. -ελάσω [ά], Att. -ελώ : pf. -ε|ελήλα/εα : —to drive upon, ras αμάξαε επελαυ^ουσι, i. e. upon the ice, Hdt. 2 . to lay metal beaten out into plates over a surface (cf. kKavvui iii. i), εττί δ’ oySoov ηλασζ χαλκό}/ II. 3 . metaph., όρκον iirehavveiv τινί to force an oath upon one, Hdt. II. to ride or lead against, "ππον στρατι-ην τινι Xen., Hdt. 2 . intr. to march against. Id. ; to charge. Id. : of ships, to drive upon a rock. Id. Hence ειτελήκεον, impf. of ε’ττίλη/ίεω. εττελήλα,το, 3 sing·, plqpf. pass, of όπξλαύνω. εττελήλΰθα, pf. of Εττόρχομαι. Ιττελησα, aor. i of εττίλήθω. ΙττεΧθεϊν, aor. 2 inf. of όττόρχομαι. ειτ-ελίσσω, εττ-ελκω, Ion. for εφελ-. εττε'λλα,βε, Ep. for εττελα/Βε, 3 sing. aor. 2 of όπιλαμβάνω. Ιττελιτίζω, f. σω, to buoy up with hope, to cheat with false hopes, Thuc. II. intr. = ^λττίζω, Eur. εττ-ε'λτΓομαι, Ep. εττι-ελιτομαι, (ελττω) to have hopes of, to hope that . . , c. inf. fut., Horn., Aesch. εττεμασσάμην, aor. i of όττιμαίομαι. ετΓ-εμβαδόν, Adv. step upon step, ascending, Anth. ΙτΓ-εμβαίνω, f. -^μβ^^σομαι, aor. 2 -^νόβτην, to step or tread upon, and in pf. to stand upon, c. gen., II., Soph. : also c. dat., Aesch., etc. j sometimes c. acc., Eur. 2 . to embark on ship-board, Dem. II. c. dat. pers. to trample upon, Lat. insultare. Soph., Eur. 2 . τφ καιρφ εττ. to take advantage of the opportunity, Dem. ετΓ-εμβάλλω, f. -€μβάλώ, to put on, ri τινι Eur. : to throw down upon, όόμου$ Id. 2 . to throw against, c. acc.. Id. 3 . to put in besides, insert, Hdt. : — metaph., σωτηρα σαυτόν επεμ^Βάλλείί thou intrudest thyself as saviour. Soph. II. intr. to flow in besides, of rivers, Xen. ετΓ-εμβάτης [ά], ου, δ, one mounted, c. gen., Eur. έττεμβαώς, pf. part, of έπεμβαίνω. εττεμηνάμην, aor. i of όττιμαΐνομαι. ετΓ-εμττηδάω, f. -€μπηό'η(Τομαι, to trample upon, rivi Ar. ΙτΓ-εμττίτΓτω, f. -εμττεσοδμαι, to fall upon besides, attack furiously , τινί Soph. 2 . to fall to, set to work, Lat. incumbere, Ar. επεναρίζω, f. |ω, to kill one over another. Soph. ετΓ-ενδίδωμι, f. -δώσω, to give over and above, Aesch. εττε'νδΰμα, aros, to, an upper garment, Plut. From ετΓ-ενδΰνω [ϋ] or -ενδύω, to put on one garment over another, Hdt. : — Pass, to have on over, Plut. εττενεΐκαι, Ion. for iir^vkyKai, aor. 1 inf. of επιφερω. εττενηνεον, impf. of (ττινηνόω. ετΓ-ενηνοθε, pf. with no pres, in use, v. iv'fjvoOe. ετΓ-ενθρώσ'κω, f. —^νθορονμαι : aor. 2 -ενεθορον : — to - €7Γ€7ΓΤαρθν. I leap upon a thing, c. dat., Aesch. ; ε’π. εττί τινα to leap upon one, as an enemy. Soph, εττενθών, Dor. for ε’ττελθών, aor. 2 part, of έττόρχομαι. εΐΓ-εντα,νυω : f. νσω [δ], Ep. -ύσσω, to make fast, Od. ε7r-εvτείvω,f.-εvτεvώ, to stretch tight upon: Pass., ε’ττεν- TaOeis stretched upon his sword. Soph. II. intr. to press on amain, Ar. εΐΓ-εντε'λλω, f. -τελώ, to command besides. Soph. έτΓ-εντΰνω [ϋ] and -εντΰω, to set right, get ready, II. j X^ipa kirevToveiv επί τινι to arm it for the fight. Soph. : — Med. to prepare or train oneself for, άεθλα Od. ετΓ-ε|άγω [ά], f. |ω, to lead out an army against the enemy, Thuc. 2. intr. (sub. τάξιν) to extend the line of battle (by taking ground to right or left). Id. ; so of ships, to extend their line. Id. Hence εττεξαγωγή, -η, extension of a line of battle, Thuc. ετΓ-εξαμαρτάνω, f. ησομαι, to err yet more, one must err yet more, Dem. εΐΓ-ε'ίειμι ΐ^εΤμι ibo), serving as Att. fut. to όττζξόρχομαι : impf. Ion. 3 pi. — 774 σαν : — to go out against an enemy, c. dat., Hdt., Thuc. II. to proceed against, take vengeance on, Hdt. : in legal sense, to prosecute, τινι Dem. : — also c. acc. pers., Eur., Dem. III. to go over, traverse, go through in detail, c. acc., Hdt., Ar. 2. to go through with, execute, παρασκευάϊ, τιμωρίαε Thuc. ετΓ-εξελα-υνω, f. Att. -εξελώ, to send on to the attack, lirTTeis Xen. ετΓ-εξεργάζομαι, f. -ζξ^ρ'^/άσομαι, Dep. to effect besides, Dem. 2. to slay over again. Soph. ετΓ-εξε'ρχομαι, (v. ε’πείείμί), to go out against, make a sally against, τινι Hdt., Thuc., etc. ; of a message, ε’π. τινι to reach him, Hdt. 2. to proceed against, prose- cute, Tivi Thuc., etc. : — c. acc. pers. to punish, Eur. 3 . to proceed to an extremity , Soph., Eur. II. c. acc. loci, to go through or over, traverse, Hdt. 2 . jft» carry out, accomplish, execute, Thuc. ; παν ε’πε|. to iry every course. . Z. to discuss, relate ox examine accurately or fully, Aesch., Thuc. ; ακρίβεια περί έκαστου ε’π. Id. επ-ε|ε'τασΐ9, εω?, ·η, a fresh review or muster, Thuc. ετΓ-εξευρίσκω, f. -ε|ευρ·)7σω, to invent besides, Hdt. ετΓ-εξηγε'ομαι, Dep. to recount in detail, Plut. επεξής, Ion. for επ-ε|ιακχάζω, to shout in triumph another, Aesch. επεξόδιος, ον, of a march : ε’πεξόδία (sc. ίερά), τά, sacrifices before the march of an army, Xen. From επ-ε'ξοδος, η, a march out against an enemy, Thuc. ετΓ-ε'οικε, pf. with no pres, in use, to be like, to suit, c. dat. pers., ottis dl f ineoiKc II. II. mostly impers. it is fit, proper, c. dat. pers. et inf., Ib. ; vi

, to stimulate, urge on, Plut. έπ-βρείδω, f. -epeicro;, to drive against, drive home, iyXos II. ; eTrepeitre de Tv αττίχ^θρον put vast strength to it, Horn. ^eV. t)]v (paXayya rivi to bring the whole force of the phalanx against, Plut. : — Med., λαίφη irporovois €ΤΓ€ρ€ΐδόμζναί staying their sails on ropes, Eur. : — Pass, to lean or bear upon, tlvi Ar. : absol. to resist with all one' s force. Id. €7Γ-ερ€φω, f. φω, to put a cover upon, deck, II. €ΤΓ-€ρομαι, Ion. -αίρομαι; f. -^ρησομαι: — aor, 2 -ηρόμην, inf. -epecrdai : — to ask besides or again, Xen. II. to question a person besides about a thing, consult him about, τινά τι Hdt. ; to enquire of z. god, Qe0v Id., Thuc. €ΤΓ€ρρώσαντο, 3 pi. aor, i of (ττιρρώομαι. €'ΤΓ€ρρώσ·θην, aor. i pass, of ^ττιρώννυμι. €7Γ-€ρΰω, Ion. -ειρΰω : f. ύσω [ϋ] : aor. 1 -ΐίρυσα, Ep. -όρυσσα : — to pull to a door, Od. : to drag to a place, Ib, : — Med. to draw on one's clothes, Hdt. €ΤΓ-€ρχομαι, impf. €τη}ρχόμην, but the Att. impf. is iiryeiv, and the fut. ίττ^ιμι : {^ϊμι ibd) : Dep., with act. aor. 2 ίττηλθον, Ep. -’fiXvOov, pf. -βλήλυθα : I. to come upon, come near, come suddenly upon, rivi Horn., Hdt.: — to come to for advice, Lat. adire ali- quem, Eur. b. in hostile sense, to go or come against, to attack, assault, absol. or c. dat., II., Eur., etc. ; c. acc., t)]v των rreXas irr. to invade it, Thuc. ; hence, to visit, reprove, τινα Eur. c. to come forward to speak. Id., Thuc. ; also, eV. 4πΙ vhv 5ημον Hdt. 2. of conditions, events, etc,, to come sud- denly upon, vTTvos βττήλι/θε τινα or τινι Od. b, c, dat. pers. to come into one’s head, occur to one, ’ίμ€ρο$ €ΤΓτΐλθ€ μοι eTreipcadai Hdt. ; or impers. c. inf., καί οι 67Γηλ0€ TTTapeiv it happened to him to sneeze. Id. II. of Time, to come on, return, of the seasons, Od. ; so, νυξ βπηλθε Ib. 2. to come in after or over another, of a second wife, Hdt. III. to go over or on a space, to traverse, Lat. obire, c. acc., Od. : — of water, to overflow, Hdt. : — so in Att. to go the round of, visit. Soph., Eur. 2. to go through, treat of, recount. Id., Ar. 3. to go through, execute, Thuc. €7Γ€ρωτάω, Ion. cTreip-, f. ήσω, to inquire of, question, consult, Thv θξόν Hdt., Thuc., etc. ; τινα Trept tivos Hdt. : — Pass, to be questioned, asked a question, Thuc. 2. c. acc. rei, to ask a thing or about a thing, Hdt.: — c. acc. pers. et rei. It. tovs τΓροφ -fiTas Th αίτιον Id, : — absol. to put the question, Dem. Hence €ΐΓ€ρώτημα, Ιοη.€7Γ€ΐρ-,τ(Ι,α question,\\dt.,T\\\ic. ‘, and €ΤΓ€ρώτησις, Ion, CTrcip-, ews, -η, a questioning, con- sulting, Hdt., Thuc. cireo-av, Ep. for ξττησαν, 3 pi. Impf. of eTret/xt {(ΐμί sum). €ΤΓ€σβαίνω, = ΐττζίσβαίνω. 6'π·€σ·βολία, η, hasty speech, scurrility, Od, From 85 €1760·- βόλος, ον, (eTTOS, βάλλω) throwing words about, rash-talking, abusive, scurrilous, II. Ιττ-βσθίω, f. -έπομαι : aor, 2 iτ-4φάyov : — to eat after or with other food, Xen. ll, to eat up, Ar. Ιττβσκεψάμην, aor. i med. of εττίσκοττόω. eirecrov, aor. 2 of πίπτω. έ'ττεστΓον, aor. 2 of €φ4πω. ειτόσσεται, Ep. for επεσεταί, 3 sing. fut. of ίπ^ιμι (ει/χι sumP). εττεσσευον, impf. of εττίσενω : 3 pi. med. εττεσσευοντο. εττεσατυται, Ιττεσσΰτο, 3 sing. pf. and plqpf. of ε’ττισεόα!. εττεστεώς, Ion, part. pf. of 4φΙστ'ημι. εττεστην, aor. 2 of βφίστημι. Ιττεσ-ψερω, = 4πζΐσφ4ρω. ετΓ-εσχάριος, ον, f σχάρα) on the hearth, Anth. εττεσχον, -εσχόμην, aor. 2 act. and med. of εττεχω : εττε'σχεθον, poet. ετΓ-ετειος, ον, ox a, ον. Ion. έιτ-ετεος : — annual , yearly , Hdt. : επετείΟί t)]v φύσιν changeful as the seasons, Ar. 2. annual, lasting for a year, Hdt., Dem. εττετήσιος, ον, — kTiTXiios , from year to year, yearly , Od. εττε'τρατΓον, aor. 2 of 4πιτρ4πω : εττιτραττόμην, aor. 2 med. : εττετράιτην, aor. 2 pass, εττευ, Ion. for εττου, imperat. of έπομαι. εΐΓ-ευθυνω [ΰ], to guide to a point : to administer έπ-ευκλεΐζω, f. σω, to make ilhistrious, Simon. ετΓ-ευρίσκω, Ion. for €φ-€υρίσκω. ετΓ-ευφημε'ω, f. to shout assent, II. 2. c. acc. rei, to sing over or with a thing, c, dat., Aesch., Eur. 3. c. dupl. acc,, εττ. παιάνα ’'Αρτ^μιν to sing a paean in praise o/'her. Id. ετΓ-ευχομαι, f. ξομαι, Dep. to pray or make a vow to a deity, c. dat., Horn., Hdt., etc. : — c. Inf. to pray to one that . . , Od., etc. : — c. acc, rei, to pray for, Aesch. : also, c. acc. cogn., ε’ττ. AtrctsSoph, II, to impre- cate a curse upon, τί τινι Aesch. ; c. inf., 4π^ΰχομαι [αύτφ] παθΡΐν Soph. : absol. to utter imprecations. Id. III. to glory over, TiviW. IV, to boast that, c. Inf., h. Horn., Aesch., etc. εΐΓ-ευωνίζω, f. σω, to lower the price of thing, Dem. εττε'φαντο, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of φαίνω. ειτεφνον, Ep. redupl, aor. 2 of *φ4νω. εττεφόρβειν, plqpf. of φ4ρβω. έ'ττε'ψραδον, Ep. redupl. aor. 2 of φράζω. εττεφϋκον, Ep. for 4π€φύκ€σαν, 3 pi. plqpf. of φύω. εττεχευατο, Ep. aor. i med. of ε’ττίχεα», εττεχυντο, 3 pi. Ep. aor. 2 pass, of 4πιχ4ω. εττεχθην, aor. i pass, of ττε/εω. ετΓ-ε'χω, f. εφ-ε|ω : aor. 4π-4σχον, Imperat. 4πΙσχ€5, inf. 4πισχ€Ϊν ; poet. 4π·4σχ€θον : — to have or hold upon, ττόδαί Bp6v(p II. II, to hold out to, present, offer, οΊνον Ib., Eur. ; so c. inf., πι^ΐν 4πζσχον Ar. : — Med., 4πισχόμ€νο5 (sc. t^v κύλικα) having put it to his lips. Plat. III. to direct towards, τόξα 4π. τινί Eur. : — intr. to aim at, attack, τινι Od. ; 4πΙ τινα Hdt. ; 4πί τινι Thuc, : — aor. 2 med. part. 4πισχό- μζνο$ having aimed at him, Οά. 2, 4π4χ€ΐν (sc.vhv vovv^, to intend, purpose, c. inf., Hdt. 3. to stand facing, to face in a line of battle, τινά% Id. IV. to keep in, hold back, check, Lat. inhibere, II., Soph,, etc. 2. 4π4χ^ιν τινά tivos to stop him, hinder him from it. Id., Eur. : so c. inf., ε’ττ. τινά μη πράσσ^ιν τι e -ηβάω — ΈΠΙ'. 286 Soph. : — absol. to proceedings, Thuc. 2. absol. also to stay, stop, saait, pause, Od., Hdt.j i-Tricrxes ear ·προσμαθτΪ5 Aesch. ; 4π. ews . . Dem. b. c. gen. rei, to stop or cease from, εττίσχβϊ του 5ρόμου Ar. ; ttjs TTopelas Xen. : — soc. inf. to leave off doing. Id. V. to reach or extend over a space, ετττά S’ 4π4σχ€ ττβλεθρα II . ; δττόσσον εττεσχβ ττνρ so far as the fire reached, Ib. ; aor. 2 med., βττβσχετο he lay outstretched , Hes. VI. to occupy a country, r^v 'Ασίην Hdt., etc. : — of things, 7) οττώρ-η ζπβσχ^ν avrovs occupied or engaged them. Id. 2 . absol. to prevail, predominate, of a wind. Id. ; of an earthquake, Thuc. ΙτΓ-ηβάω, Ion. for ^ψ-ηβάω. Ιττη-βολος, ον, poet, for €7ri-i3oAos, (βπί^άλλω) having achieved or gained a thing, c. gen., Od., Hdt., Aesch. ; 6π. φρένων compos mentis. Id. 2. of things, pertaining to, befitting, c. dat., Theocr. Ιιτηγκβνίδβς [t], at, the long side-planks bolted to the ribs (σταμίν€5) of the ship, Od. (Prob. from ivejKelv.) ΙτΓ-ηγορεΰω, to state objections against, τι τινι Hdt. €ΤΓΤ)Τιν, impf. of ίττ^ιμι {^ΐμι ibo). Ιττήβν, Ep. 3 sing. impf. of ίττ^ιμι {(ΐμί sum). ΙτΓηετανό?, όν, also ή, όν, abundant, ample, sufficient, Od.j τΓλυυοΙ 67 Γ. troughs a/iuoyi/ii//, Ib.j 4πηζτανδν yap ίχ^σκον for they had great store, Ib. j Ιττ-η^ταναΧ τρίχ€5 thick, full fleeces, Hes.; εττηεταυοί ττλατάυίστοί Theocr.: - — neut. as Adv. abundayitly , Od. (Deriv. uncertain : that from eros, sufficient the vihole year through, will not suit all passages and is not necessary in any.) Ιττήϊβν, -ήϊσαν, Ep. 3 sing, and pi. impf. of ίττ^ιμι {ρίμι ibo). Ιττήκα, Ion. for 4φηκα, aor. i of 4φΙημι. Ιττήχοος, Dor. Ιττάκοος, ον, (^ττακονω) listening or giving ear to a thing, c. gen., Aesch., Plat. ; also c. dat.. Id. II. v'ithin hearing, voithin ear-shot, els Εττ-ηκοον Xen. εττηλα, aor. i of πάλλω. Ιπήλθον, aor. 2 of 4·π4ρχομαι. ΙτΓίηλΰγάζω, (ηλύγη) to overshadovo : — Med., τφ κοινφ φόβψ τον aperepov 4τΓη\υγάζ€σθαι to throiv a shade over (i. e. conceal) one’s οτνη fear by that of others, Thuc. ; eπηλυyάζeσθaί riva to put him as a screen before one. Plat. Ιπηλΰθον, Ep. aor. 2 of 4·τ4ρχομαι. Ιττήλυξ, vyos, b, η, overshadov^ing, sheltering, Eur. εττηλΰς, vZos, b, η, επηλυ, τ6, (επήλυθου) 07te viho comes to a place, επήλυδεί aZdis coming back to me. Soph. II. an incomer, stranger, foreigner ,\^at. advena, opp. to αυτόχθωυ, Hdt., Aesch. εττηλΰσίη, η, (επήλυθου) a coming over one by spells, a bewitching, h. Horn. εΐΓήλ·υσΐ5, εωί, τ], {eirriXvs) a}i approach, assault, Anth. Ιπηλυτης [u], ου, δ, = €ΤΓηλυ5 II, Thuc. ε^Γ-η|JU)ιβόs, όν, {αμ€ίβω) alternating, crossing, of door-bolts, II. 2. serving for change, χιτών€5 Od. εΐΓ-ημ.υω [ϋ], to bend or bow down,oi a corn-field, II. εττήν, Οοη]. = επεΙ άυ, v. ε’πεί A. II. Ιττηνεον, impf. of ότταινόω : — εττήνεσα and -νησα, aor. i . έπηξα, aor. i of ^Γ^■|yvυμι. επ-ηόνιος, ον, (ρών 07i the beach or shore, Anth. επ-ηπνω, to shout hi applause, II. επ-ηράτο5, ον, (εράω) lovely, char77iing, Horn. επηπείλησα, aor. i of όπαττζίλόω. επηρεάζω, to threaten abusively, Hdt. II. to i deal despitefully with, act despitefully towards, rivi Xen., Dem. : — absol. to be insole7it, Xen. From επήρεια, ή, despiteful treatment , spiteful abuse, Lat. co7itumelia, Dem., etc. ; κατ' ε’πήρείαυ by way of in- sult, Thnc.·, ευ ε’πηρείοϊ τάξει Dem. ,^Deriv. uncertain. επ-ήρετμο9, ον, {4ρ4τμο$) at the oar, Od. 2. equipt with oars, vij^s Ib. επ-ηρεφής, 4s, (ε’ρεφω) overha7iging, beetling, of cliffs, Horn. II. pass, covered, sheltered, Hes. i επήρα, aor. i of όπαίρω : επήρθην, pass, επήρσα, Ep. aor. i of όπαραρίσκω. Ιπήσαν, Ep. 3 pi. impf. of ίττ^ιμι (εΤ /it ibo). [ επησθεΐεν. Ion. 3 pi. opt. aor. i of ε’φήδο/ιαι. I επησθόμην, aor. 2 of ότταισθάνομαι. ί επήσκημαι, pf. pass, of ε’πασκεω. επητης, ου, b, (εποί) affable, geiitle, Od. επητιασάμην, aor. i of 4-παιτιάομαι. j επ-ήτρϊμος, ον, {ητριον) properly, woven upon, closely j woven : then, close-thronged, one upon another, II. I επητυς [u], vos, ή, (επητή5) courtesy, kindness, Od. : επηυρον, -όμην, aor. 2 act. and med. of όττανρίσκομαι. επηχε'ω, f. ήσω, to resou7id, re-echo, Eur. επήφΰσα, aor. i of ε’παφύσσω. ΈΠΓ, Prep.\vith gen., dat., and acc. : Radic. signf. upon. A. WITH GEX. : I. of Place, 1 . with Verbs of Rest, upon or on, κ^Ίσθαι επί ydovos II. ; 4φ’ '/ππου on horse-back, etc. ; επί yr^s upon earth. Soph. ; ε’π’ aypov in the country, Od. ; also at or near, επί Αημνου Lemnos, Hdt., etc. : — with Verbs of motion, the sense is pregnant, ε’π’ ήπείροιο 4ρυσσαν drew the i ship upon the land and left it there, II., etc.; ava- ! βηναι ε’πΐ τώυ πύpyωv Xen. 2. not strictly of j Place, μ4ν€ΐν επί Trjs apxris to remain ΐ 7 ΐ the command, i Id. ; επί των πραγμάτων engaged in business, Dem. : j — of ships, δρμέιν επ’ ayKvpas to ride at (i. e. i7i de- pe7ide7ice 07i an) anchor, Hdt. 3 . with the person, and reflex. Pron., ε<ρ’ ύμείωυ by yourselves, II. ; ε’φ’ αύτου by himself, Thuc. ; axjThs 4 φ' εαυτου Xen. 4 . with numerals, to denote the depth of a body of soldiers, επί τεττάρων four deep. Id. ; επ’ ολίγων i. e. in a long thin file. Id.; εφ’ kvos in single file. Id. 5 . c. gen. pers. before, in presence of, Lat. coram, ε’πΐ -πάντων Dem. 6. with Verbs of observing, hi, bpav τι επί Tivos Xen. 7 . of motion towards, προτρ4ποντο επί νηών II. ; πΚ4ιν επί Xtou to sail /"or Chios, Hdt. ; ή επί Βα;8υλώνοί όδόϊ the road leading to B., Xen. II. of Time, in the time of, ε’πΐ προτ4ρων ανθρώπων II. ; ε’πΐ Κύρου Hdt. ; επ’ εμού in my time. Id. III. in various Causal senses : 1 . over, of persons in au- thority, b επί των οπλιτών, ό επί των ιππέων Dem. ; b 4 π 1 Tijs bίoικ'ησeωs the paymaster. Id. 2 . κεκλή- σθαι ε’πί tivos to be called after him, Hdt. ; ή ε’π’ Άνταλκίδου ειρήνη καλούμενη Xen. 3 . of occasions, and the like, ε’πΐ πάντων on all occasions, Dem. ; so in phrases which became adverbial, επ’ %σ^ί}s (sc. μolpas) equally. Soph. B. WITH DAT. : I. of Place, upon, εζ'εσβαι επι δίφρφ II.: — with Verbs of Motion, Ib. ; in preg- nant construction, π4τονται επ’ άνθεσιν fly on to the flowers and settle there, Ib. : — at or near, ε’πΐ θνρ-ρσι βτΓιάΧλομαί — ειτιβαίνω. Ib. : — on or over, itr' 'Ιφι5άμαντι over the body of Iphi- damas, Ib. 2 . in hostile sense, Hdt. 3. towards, in reference to, 4π\ ττασι II. ; νόμον τίθ^σθαι iwi τινι to make a law for his case, whether for or against. Plat. 4. of accumulation, upon, after, ό'/χνη eTT* oyxvri one pear after another, Od. 5. in addition to, eVl roiai besides, eVl tovtois Att. 6 . of position, after, behind, of soldiers, Xen. 7. in dependence upon, in the power of, Lat. penes, ivi rivi όση ’tis in Yas power to do, c. inf., Hdt. ; rb eV όμοί as far as is in my power, Xen. 8 . of condition or circumstances, II., etc. ; ότά τφ τταρόνη Thuc. II. of Time, eVl νυκτί by night, II. ; ahl επ’ ημαη every day, Od. 2 . after, όκττ) όττϊ δβκάτρ or τρ eicrp €7 γΪ δόκα, on the i 6 th of the month, ap. Dem.; τά επί TOVTOIS, Lat. quod super est, Thuc. ; τουπί τφδβ Eur. III. in various Causal senses : 1. of the occasion or cause, επί σοί for thee, II. ; μό^α (ppoveiv ε’πί TLvi to be proud at ox of z. thing. Plat. ; α·γανακτ€7ν επί τινι Xen. 2. of an end or purpose, επί δόρττιρ for supper, Od. ; επί κακφ for mischief, Hdt. ; δρσαι ε’πΐ QavaTip Id., Xen. ; ε’π’ i^aywyp for exportation, Hdt. 3. of the condition upon which a thing is done, επί tovtois on these terms. Id. ; ε^’ ω or εφ’ (^τε on condition that. Id. ; ε’πΐ ονδ^νί on no account. Id. ; ε’π’ ϊσρ καϊ όμοια on fair and equal terms, Thuc. 4. of price, tpyov τελε'σαί μ^yάK(p ivl δώρψ II.; επί πόσφ ; Plat.; επ’ apyvpicp Dem.; of the interest payable on money, δαν^ίζ^σθαι ε’πΐ to7s μζyάλoιs t6kois Id. 5. Κ€Κλησθαι ε’πί τινι to be called after. Plat. 6. of persons in authority, ε’πΐ βονσίν over the kine, Od. ; επί Ta7s νανσίν Xen. ; oi ε’πΐ To7s ■πpάyμaσιv Dem. C. ννΊΤΗ ACC. : I. of Place, upon or on to a height, ε’πΐ ixvpyov €βη II. ; προελθεΓι/ επί τδ βήμα Thuc. ; αναβαίν€ΐν επί τδν ’ίτητον Xen. : simply to, ήΧθζ Boas ε’πΐ vijas II., etc. : — metaph., επί epya τρό- τΓξσθαι Ib. ; επί τρν τράπεζαν όφ^ίΚζίν to owe to the bank, Dem. 2. up to, as far as, ε’πΐ θάλασσαν Thuc. : — in measurements, ττλόυν επί δύο στάδια Xen.; with a neut. Adj., 'όσον τ’ επί as far as, II.; επί ττάν ε’λθεΓϊ' Xen. ; ε’πΐ σ μικρόν, a little way, a little. Soph. ; επ’ ίλαττον, επ’ όλάχιστον Plat., etc. 3. επί πλε'οϊ/ still more, Hdt. ; before, Lat. coram, i\yov αντδν επί τά κοινά Id. 4. in Military phrases, ε’π’ aσ^rίδas πε'ντε κα\ ΐΧκοσιν, ί. e. 25 in file, Thuc. 5. towards, po, ε’πΐ δε|ιά, επ’ αριστερά Horn., etc. : — also in Military phrases, ε’πΐ δόρν άναστρόφαι, επί ασπίδα μ^ταβαλόσθαι, to the spear or shield side, i. e. to right or left, Xen. ; επί πόδα άναχωρζ7ν to retire on the foot, i. e. facing the enemy. Id. ; ε’πΐ τδ μ^7ζον, Avith exaggeration, Thuc. ; όπΙ τα yeKoi0Tepa so as to provoke laughter. Plat. 6 . in hostile sense, against, II., etc. 7. of extension over a space, ε’π’ όννόα κεΓτο πόλ^θρα over nine acres he lay stretched, Ib. ; ε’πΐ πολύ over a large space, Thuc. : — so in many cases, where we say on, rather than over, δράκων όπϊ νώτα δά, to divide anew : — Med. to dis- tribute among themselves, Hdt. εΐΓΐ-διακρίνω, f. -κρίνω, to decide as umpire. Plat. ετΓΐ-διαρρήγνΰμαι, aor. 2 -δι^ρραΎην [ά]. Pass, to burst at or because of a thing, Ar. ετΓΐ-διατάσσομαι, Med. to add an order, N. T. έτΓΐ-διατίθεμαι, Med. to deposit as security, Dem. έπι-διαψερομαι. Pass, to go across after, Thuc. €ΤΓΐ-δϊδάσκω, f. ξω, to teach besides, Xen. ετΓΐ-δίδωμι, f. -δώσω, to give besides, τί τινι II., Hdt., Att. 2. to give in dowry, II., Xen. 3. to givq freely, Thuc., Ar. : — esp. to contribute as a ‘ beyievo- lence,' for state necessities, opp. to βϊσφόρ^ιν (which was compulsor}’), Xen., Dem. ; cf. 4πίδοσΐ5. II. Med. to take as witness, Oeovs 4πιδώμ€θα II. ; (others take it to be 4π-ιδώμζΘα let us look to the gods). III. intr. to increase, advance, 4s vif/os Hdt. ; 4πΙ τδ μ^Ιζον Thuc., etc. ; absol. to grow, wax, advance, improve. Id. έπι-δίξημαι, Dep. to inquire besides, to go on to in- quire, Hdt. 2 . to seek for or demand besides. Id. ; so, είΓιδίζομαι Mosch. ετΓΐ-δΐκάζω, f. άσω, to adjudge property to one, of the j udge, Dem. : — Pass., 4πιδζδικασμ4νου τδν κληρον having had it adjudged to one. Id. II. Med., of the claimant, ίο ^0 to law to establish one's claim. Plat. 2. c. gen. to sue for, claim at law, Dem., etc. ειτί-δϊκος, ον, (δίκη) disputed at law : — 4πίδικο$, η, an heiress, whose hand is claimed by her next of kin, Oratt. 2 . generally, disputed, Plut. ΙτΓΐ-δϊνεω, f. ήσω, to whirl or swing round before throwing, Horn. : — Med. to turn over in one's mind. ετΓΐ^ιορθόομαι - revolve, Od. : — Pass., aor. i ^ττ^ζιν^ίθην, to 'wheel abotit, as birds in the air, Ib. €πι-διορθ6ομαι, Med. to set in order also, N. T. βΊΓΐ-δΐΊτλοίζω, to redouble, Aesch. €πι-διφριάς, άδοί, η, {5i(ppos) the rail upon the car, II. €πι-δίψριο 9 , ον, {δίφρο5) on the car, Od. ΕΐΓΐ-διώκω, f. loj, to pursue after, ηνά Hdt. €ΐΓΐ-δόντ€ς, pi. nom. aor. 2 part, of 4τΓί-δίδωμι : but 2. ΙτΓ-ΐδόνΤΕς, of €7Γ-€ίδθν. Είτί-δοξος, ον, (δόξα) of persons, likely or expected to do or be so and so, c. inf., 4πίδοξοι τΐ^ίσζσθαι likely to suffer, Hdt. 2. of things, likely, probable, c. inf., eV. yeveedai Id. : absol., κακά, Επίδοξα such as might be expected. Id. Επι.δορττίδιος, ov, = 4τΓΐδόρπιθ5, Anth. ΕΊΓι-δόρτΓίος, ον, (δόρτΓον) for use after dinner, Theocr. ΕΊτίδοσις, Ews, η, (4πιδίδωμι) a giving over and above, a voluntary contribution to the state, a ‘ benevolence,' Dem. II. (€πιδίδωμι intr.) increase, growth, advance, progress. Plat., etc. €ΐΓΐ-δουτΓ€ω, f. ήσω, to make a noise or clashing, τινι with a thing, Plut. ΕΊΓίδοχή, η, ((τηδόχομαι) the reception of something new, Thuc. ΕΤΓΐ-δραμ€Ϊν, aor. 2 inf. of 4τητρ4χω : -δραμετην, 3 dual. έΐΓΐ-δράσ'σομαι, Att. -ττομαι : Dep. to lay hold of, Tivos Plut. Επιδρομή, rj, (4τΓΐδραμζ7ν) a sudden inroad, a raid, attack, Thuc. ; 4ξ 4τΓΐδρομ9ί$ άρπαγτ] plundering by means of an inroad, i. e. a plundering inroad, Hdt. ; hence, e’| 4τΓΐδρομη5 on the sudden, off-hand, Dem. II. a place to which ships run in, a landing-place, Eur. έπίδρομος, ον, (4τηδραμ4ιν) that may be overrun, τ€ίχο5 eV. a wall thdt may be scaled, II. ; eVi'Sp. Zecpv- ροισι overrun by the W. winds, Anth, II. eVi- δρομο5, 6, a cord which runs along the upper edge of a net, Xen. έπι-δυω, aor. 2 4ττ4δυν, to set upon an action, so as to interrupt it, II., N. T. έπιδώμεθα, v. 4πίδίδωμι II. έπιείκΕΐα, ή, (eVtet/c^s) reasonableness, fairness, equity, Thuc., Plat., etc. : clemency, goodness, Dem. έπι-ΕΐκΕλος, ov, = ^Ik^Kos, like, resembling, rivi Horn. Επι-Εΐκής, 4s, UIkos) fitting, meet, suitable, τύμβον 4ττί^ικ4α meet in size, 11. ; 4τΓΐζΐκ4' άμοίβ4\ν 3. fair recom- pence, Od. ; ws eVtei/ceT as is meet, Horn.; c. inf., δν K eVtEt/CES άκούζίν which word it is meet to hear, II. II. after Horn., 1. of statements, rights, etc., a. reasonable, specious, plausible, Hdt., Thuc. b. J'air, equitable, των δικαίων τά 4τΓΐζΐκ4στζρα ιτροτιθ^ασι Hdt.; Trphs τδ 4 τγ. = 4ττι- eiKu>s 3> Thuc. 2. of persons, able, capable, Hdt., Xen. b. in moral sense, reasonable, fair, kind, gentle, good, Thuc., Plat., etc. : τούπΐζΐκ45 goodness. Soph. III. Adv. -κώ$. Ion. -κ4ω$, fairly, tolerably, moderately , Lat. satis, Hdt., Ar. ; τ4ωs μ4ν 4 tt. for some little iimQ, Plat. 2. probably, reasonably , Id. 3. with moderation, kindly, Plut. έπι-Εΐκτ(5ς, ή, 6v, (^Ίκω) yielding: w'ith negat. un- yielding, unflinching, Horn.; 4pya ούκ 4ττΐίΐκτά not yielding, harsh, Od. - ετΓίθαΧάσσιος. 2gi Ιπι-ειμενος, Ion. for 4φ-ξΐμ4νο5, pf. pass. part, of 4τΓΐ4ν- νυμι. επίΕΐΕΓομαι, fut. of ίττζιμι (εΤμι ibo) : — έπιεισάμενος, aor. I part. επι-ε'λπομαι, Ep. for 4τΓ-4λτΓομαι. Επι-ε'ννΰμι, Ep. for 4φ-4ννυμι : aor. i επί-εσσο : — Med., Ion. pres. inf. 4'κ-ζίνυσΘαι : aor. i 4τΓΐ·ζσσάμην : — Pass., 3 sing. pf. 4πί-€σ'ται ; part. 4·7η-ζΐμ4νο5 : — to put on besides or over, Od. : Pass., pf. part, metaph., 4πΐ€ΐμ4νο5 άΧκ4]ν clad in strength, II., etc. ; χαλκόν 4'κι4(Τται has brass upon or over it, Orac. ap. Hdt. : — Med. to put on oneself besides, put on as an upper garment or covering, II., Hdt. έπιξάνω. Ion. for 4ψιζάνω. ΐΊτι-ζαρόω, — 4·π·ι-βαρ4ω, Eur. : v. Z ζ. επι-ζάψελος [ά], ον, vehement, violent, II. : — Adv. ετΓί^οφελώϊ (as if from ετη^αφελήϊ}, vehemently , furiously , Horn. (The simple ζάφ^λοε never occurs : it is connected w’ith the Prefix ζα-.) έπι-ζάω, Ion. -ζώω, f. -ζΊισω, \οη.-ζώσω : — to overlive, survive, Hdt., Plat. επι-ζεύγνυμι and -ΰω, f. -ζΐιύξω, to join at top, Hdt., Plut. : simply to bind fast, Theocr. 2. to join to, Lat. adjungere, Aesch. : — metaph. in Pass., μ-ρδ' 4τη- ζ^υχθγε στόμα <Ρ'ί]μαΐ5 Trovrjpals nor let thy mouth be given to evil sayings. Id. ϊττι,-ϊ,ό^νρο^,ον , towards the west : — the Italian Locrians were called Έ-πιζ^φύριοι, Hdt. επι-ξεω, f. -ζ4σω, to boil over : — metaph., η νβόττ]5 4π4- ^εσε my youthful spirit boiled over, Hdt. ; κ4ντρ 4τη- ζόσαντα, of the poison working out of the skin. Soph.; ττήμα ΊΊριαμίδαιε εττε^εσε Eur. II. Causal, to make to boil, heat, c. acc., όπιζ^Ίν λόβητα Id. επί-ζηλος, Dor. -ζάλος, ον, enviable, happy, Aesch. έπι-ζήμιος, Dor. -ζάμιος, ον, (ζημία) bringing loss tipon, hurtful, prejudicial, Thuc., Xen. 2. penal: — 4τηζ'ξμια, τά, penalties, Dem. II. liable to punishment , Aeschin. έπι-ζημιόω, f. ά>σω, to mulct, στατηρι κατά τδν άνδρα every man a stater, Xen. επι-ζητε'ω, f. 4)σω, to seek after, wish for, miss, Lat. desiderare, τινά Hdt. ; επ. τίνά to make further search for him, Dem. : — absol., ol 4ττιζητούντζ5 the beaters for game, Xen. επι-ζώννϋμι, ί.-ζώσω, to gird on : — Pass., 4ττ(ζωσμ4ναι with their clothes girt on so as to leave the breast bare, Hdt. ; 4ττ^ζωσμ4νο$ όΎχ^ιρίδιον girt with a dagger, Xen. έπιζώω, Ion. for 4τΓίζάω. επίηλα [ϊ], aor. i of ε’ττίάλλω. επ-ίημι, Ion. for 4φ-ίημι. επιήνδάνον, Ep. for 4φίινδάνον, impf. of 4φανδάνω. επί-ηρα, τά, (^pa) acceptable gifts. Soph., Anth. επι-ήράνος, ον, ( ήρα) pleasing, acceptable, Od. II. assisting against, c. gen., Anth. : defe7%ding, govern- ing, also c. gen.. Id. επίηρος, ον, v. sub 4·πίηρα. έπι-θάλάμιος, ον, (θάλαμο$) nuptial, Luc. : as Subst., 4·πιθαλάμιο$, δ or ή (sub. υμνο5 or ψδή), the bridal song , Theocr., Luc. έπι-θάλασ-σίδιος, Att. -ττίδιος, oi/, = sq., Thuc., Xen. επι-θάλάσσιος, Att. -ττιος, a, ov, or os, ov, lying or dwelling on the coast, Lat. maritimus, Hdt., Thuc. U 2 292 ΕΤΓίθανατος· Ιττι-θάνατος, ον, sick to death, at death's door, Dem. έ-πι-θαρσεω, Att. -ρρ€ω, to put trust in, τινί Plut. έ-ττι-θαροτίνω [ϋ], Att. -ρρυνω, to cheer on, eyicourage, τινά II., Plut. ΙτΓΐ-θαυμάζω, f. σω, to pay honour to, τινά. Ar. 6'ΤΓΐ-θ€άζω, = sq., ^ττιθ^άζων -mth imprecations, Plat. 6πι-θ€ΐάζω, f. σω, to call upon in the name of the gods, to adjure, conjure, Lat. ohtestari per deos,T\\\ic. II. to lend inspiration, τινί Plut. Hence ΙτΓίθειασμός, 6, an appeal to the gods, Thuc. ε'ΐΓΐθ€ίην, aor. 2 opt. of 4πιτίθημι : — €iri0€ivai, inf. €ΤΓΐθ6Ϊτ€, Ep. for ξτιθΐίητζ, 2 pi. aor. 2 opt. of €ΤΓΐτίθημι. Ι'ΤΓΐ-θβρατΓβυω, f. σω, to serve diligently , viork zealously for, τι Thuc. €iri0€S, aor. 2 imper. of ^ττιτίθ-ημι. €ΤΓί 0 €σΐ 5 , ectjs·, ή, {4τΓΐτίθημι) a laying on, των χοίρων N. T. II. (from Med.) a setting upon, attack, Xen. €πι-0€σ·τΓίζω, f. σω, of the Pythian Priestess, to prophesy or divine upon, τφ τρίπο5ι Hdt. €ΤΓΐ0€τεον, verb. Adj. of ζπιτίθημι, one must impose, 8ίκην Plat. II. one must set to vyork at, τινί Id. €iri0£TiK0s, ή, 6v, {ζττιτίθξμαι) ready to attack, O-ppiois Xen. : enterprising. Id. Ιττί 0 €το 5 , ον, \€ΤΓΐτίθημι) added, assumed, Plut. Ι' 7 Γΐ- 0 €ω, f. -θζύσομαι, to run at or after, Hdt., Xen. €ΐΓΐ0ήκη, {€ΤΓΐτίθημι) an addition, increase, Hes. : acc. as Adv., κάπιθάικ-ην τίτταρα5 and 4 drachmas into the bargain, Ar. Ιπί0ημα, otos, το, something put on, a lid, cover, II., Hdt. 2 . a sepulchral figure, Plut. 6ΐΓΐ-0ιγ·γάνω, aor. 2 iiriOXyov, to touch on the surface, touch lightly, c. gen., Plut. €ΤΓΐ-0οάζω, only in pres., to sit as a suppliant at an altar, Aesch., Eur. €ΤΓΐ-0ορΰβ€ω, f. ήσω, to shout to, Lat. acclamare, in token either of approval or of displeasure, Xen. €ΤΓΐ-0ρανω, f. σω, to break besides, Anth. €' 7 Γΐ 0 ρ 6 ξας, aor. i part, of έττιτρξχω. €'π·ι-θρην€ω, f. ήσω, to lament over, c. acc., Babr. ΐ7Γΐ-0ρώσ·κω : f. · θορουμαι : aor. 2 —4θορον : — to leap tipon a ship, c. gen., II. : also c. dat. to leap (con- temptuously) upon, Lat. insultare , τύμβφ ένιθρώσκων M€V€\aov Ib. II. to leap over, τόσσον 4τΓΐθρώσ- κουσι so far do [the horses] spring at a bound, Ib. ΙΐΓΐ.0ϋμεω, f. ήσω, (θυμοί) to set one's heart upon a thing, lust after, long for, covet, desire, c. gen., Hdt., Aesch., etc. ; also c. gen. pers., Xen. : — c. inf. to desire to do, Hdt., Soph. : — absol. to desire, covet, Thuc., etc.; τί) (ΤΓίθυμονν τον 'irKov = επιθυμία, eagerness for it. Id. Hence ΙΐΓΐ0υμημα [ϋ], a.τos, τό, an object of desire, Xen. ; and €ΤΓΐ 0 ϋμητής, ον, ό, one vjho longs for or desires a thing, c. gen., Hdt., etc. 2. absol. a lover, Xen. ; and €7η0ϋμητικ05, ά'., όν, desiring, coveting, lusting after a thing, c. gen.. Plat., etc. : — Adv., 4τΓΐθνμ'ητικω5 4χ€ΐν τινόε = ζΤΓΐθνμβΙν, Id. €'τη0ϋμία, Ion. -ίη, η, {βττιβνμ4ω') desire, yearning, longing, Hdt., Plat., etc. ; ίτηθνμία. by passion, opp. to ττρονοία, Thuc. 2 . c. gen. a longing after a thing, desire of or for it. Id., etc. ; so, eV. irpos τι Id. 1·π·ι0ΰμίάμα, aτos, τό, an incense-offering , Soph. From €' 7 Γΐ- 0 ϋμιάω, f. άσω, to offer incense, Plut. — ΕΤΓίκαμττη. ΙτΓ-ϊ0·ύνω [ϋ], to guide straight, direct. Soph. £'π·ϊ-0υω, (θύω A. I. 3) f. νσω [ϋ], to sacrifice besides or after, Aesch., Eur. : — so in Med., Plut. II. to offer incense on the altar ; generally to offer, Ar. €7Γΐ-0νω, (θύω b) only in pres., to rush eagerly at, Od. 2. c. inf. to strive vehemently to do a thing, ll. , h. Horn. [€πΓ-θΰω in Horn.] €'π·ι-0ωράκίδιον, τό, a tunic 'worn over the θώραξ. 6'7Γΐ-0ωρακίζομαι, Med. to put on one's armour, Xen. €ΤΓΐ-0ω·ΰσ·σω, f. ξω, to shout aloud, give loud commands, Aesch. ; 6πεθώϋ|αί τοντο didst urge this upon us. Id. e'Tri -ίδμων, ov, gen. ovos, = Ιττάστωρ, τινόε Anth. Ιπι-ίζομαι, Ion. for 4<ρ-4ζομαι, Anth. €ΐΓΐ-ίστωρ, opos, o, -η, privy to a thing, c. gen., Od. 2. acquainted "with, practised in a thing, c. gen., Anth. Ι'7Γΐ-κα0αιρ£ω, f. ήσω, to pull do'wn or destroy besides, Jhuc.^ ΙτΓΐκα0€ζηται, 3 sing. aor. 2 subj. of 4πικαθίζομαι. 6ΐΓΐ-κα0€·υδω, f. -«οθευδήσω, to sleep upoyi, τινί Luc. ί·π·ι-κά0ημαι. Ion. -κάτημαι, Pass, to sit upon, τινι Hdt., Ar. : to press tipon, be heavy upon, eVt τινι Id. 2. 67Γ. 4τγΙ τη$ τραπόζηε to sit at his counter, of a money-changer, Dem. II. to sit do'wn against a place, besiege it, Thuc. 6ΤΓΐκα0ίζω, to set upoyi, τινά 4πί τι Hipp. : — Med., aor. 2 —καθόζομην, φνλακην 4π€καθίσαντο had a guard set, Thuc. II. intr. to sit upon, light upon, Plut. €ΤΓΐ-καινόω, f. ώσω, to innovate upon, Aesch. ετΓΐ-καίνυμαι, pf. -κόκασμαι, Dep. to surpass, excel, c. acc. , II. II. as Pass, to be adorned oc furnished ■with a thing, c. dat., Ib. eiri-Kaipios, ou, = επίκαιροί, Xen. 2. important, 01 4ΐΓΐκαιριώτατοι the most important officers. Id. ; c. inf., 01 θεραπεύεσθαι 4τηκαίριοι those whose cure is all- import aytt, Id. επί-καιροξ, ov, in fit time ox place, hi seasoyi, season- able, opportune, coyivenient. Soph., Thuc. ; of places, 4τικαιρότατον χωρίον άιτοχρησθαι most coyivenient to use. Id. ; τούί 4τηκαίρον$ των τόττων Dem. : — also c. gen.. Χοντρών 4τΓίκαιρο5 coyivenient for . . , Soph. 2. of parts of the body, vital, Xen. εΐΓΐ-καίω, Att. -κάω, f. -κανσω, to light up a place, πυρ h. Horn. : to buryi on an altar, μηρία Horn. ετΓΐ-καλαμάομαι, {καλάμη) Dep. to glean after the reapers, Luc. 4ΐΓΐ-καλε'ω, f. ε'σω, to call upon a god, invoke, appeal to, Hdt., Dem. ; επ. θεόν τινι to hivoke a god, to watch over him,^ Hdt. : — so in Med., Id., Xen. 2. to in- vite, Od.; in Med., Hdt. 3. Med. to call in as a helper or ally. Id., Thuc. 4. Med. to call before one, sumyyion, of the Ephors, Hdt. 5. Med. to challenge. Id. II. Pass, to be called by surname. Id. : to be nicknamed, Xen. III. to bring as an accusatioyi against, τί τινι Thuc. ; ταντ' 4iriKa\i?s ; is this your charge ? Ar. : — Pass.,‘Ta επικαλεύμενα χρή- ματα the money he 'was charged "with having, Hdt. επι-καλυτΓτω, f. ψω, to cover over, cover up, shroud, Hes., Plat. II. to put as a covering over, βλε- φάρων ε’π. ψαροί Eur. εττικαμπή, ή, ε’πικάμπτω) the beyid, return or ayigle of a building, Hdt. ; επ. ποιεισθαι to draw up their army angular-ivise, i. e. with the wings advanced at angles €7Γίκαμ7Γής with the centre, so as to take the enemy in flank, Xen. έιτικαμπής, 4s, curved, curling. Pint., Luc. From έτη-κάμιττω, f. ψω, to bend into an angle : — Pass, to move the wings of an army forward, so as to form angles with the centre and take the enemy in flank, Xen. €7Γΐ- καμπύλος [ύ], ον, crooked, curved, h. Horn. €πί-καρ, Adv. head-foremost,v. κάρ ll. έπι-καρπία, (Kapir^s) the usufruct of a property, reve- nue, profit, opp. to the principal (τα αρχαία), Dem. έπΙ'Καρπίδιος, ον, {καρ·κ 6 $) on fruit, Anth. έπι-κάρσιος, a, ον, — iy-Kapcios, athwart, cross-wise, at an angle, esp. at a right angle, Od., Hdt. ; ra iiTiKapcta the country measured along the coast, opp. to τά όρθια {at right angles to the coast). Id. : — c. gen,, Tpvf]pfas του Πόντου iTriKapcrias forming an angle with the current of the Pontus, Id. (Deriv. of -Kapcios uncertain.) 6πι-καταβαίνω, f. -β^ισομαι, to go down to a place, Hdt., Thuc. 2, to go down against an enemy. Id. €πι-καταβάλλω, f, -καταβαλώ, to let fall down at a thing, τα 3}τα Xen. Ιπι-κατάγομαι, Pass, to come to land along with or afterwards, Thuc. έπι-καταδαρθάνω, aor. 2 ~45αρΘον, to fall asleep after- wards, Thuc., Plat. Ιπι-καταίρω, intr. to sink down upon, τινί Plut. Ιπι-κατακλυζω, to overflow besides, tt]v Άσίτ]ν Hdt. επι-κατακοιμάομαι, Dep. to sleep upon, Hdt. έπι-καταλαμβάνω, f. -χ4)^\/ομαι, to catch up, overtake, Tiva Thuc., Plat. ίπι-καταλλαγή, money paid for exchange, discount, Theophr. €πι-καταμ€νω, f. -μ^νω, to. tarry longer, Xen. 6πι-καταπίπτω, f . -π^σουμαι, to throw oneself upon, Luc. έπι-κατάράτος, ον, yet more accursed, N. T. 6πι-καταρρ€ω, f. -ρ^ύσομαι, to fall down upon, τινί Plut. €πι-καταρρή·γνΰμαι, Pass, to fall violently down, Plut. €πι-καταρριπτ€ω, to throw down after, Xen. έπι-κατασψάζω, Att, -ττω, f. |cy, to slay upon or over, Tiva τφ νΐκρφ, Εαυτόν τφ τύμβφ Hdt. επι-κατατ€μνω, f. -τ€μώ, to carry the workings of a mine beyond one's boundaries, Dem. Επι-καταψεΰδομαι, Dep. to tell lies besides, Hdt., Thuc. Ιπι-κάτ€ΐμι, (eZ/ut ibo) to go down into, Thuc. έπι-κατΕχω, to detain still, Luc. Επίκαυτος, ον, (όπικαίω) burnt at the end, Lat. praeus- tus, Hdt. Επικάω [ά], Att. for 4πικαίω. έπί-κΕΐμαι, inf. -κύσθαι. Ion. -κό^σθαι, serving as Pass, to όττίτίθημι, to be laid upon : I. of doors, to be put to or closed, Od,, Theogn. 2. to be placed in or on, c. dat,, Hes., Theocr. 3 , of islands, νήσοι 4 τγΙ \·1\μνου 4·κικξίμ(ναι lying off Lemnos, Hdt. ; so, eV. TT) Θρ-η'ικτ) Id. ; ai νήσοι ai όττικ^ίμ^ναι the islands off the coast, Thuc. II. to press upon, be urgent in intreaty, Hdt. : to press upon a retreating enemy, c. dat.. Id., Ar., etc, 2. to hang over, Lat. imminere, c. dat., Xen. j of penalties, θάνατο5 η ζτημίη 4τηκ4(ται the penalty imposed is death, Hdt.; ζ'ημία 4π4κ€ΐτο στατ4)ρ Thuc. III. c. acc. rei, 4τηκ(ίμ€ναι κάρα Kvveas having their heads covered with helmets, Eur. ; — €7Γίκ\αω, 293 ΤΓ ρόσωπον 4πιΚζίμζνο5 under an assumed character, Plut. επι-κΕίρω, Ep. aor. i 4-π4κ€ρσα, to cut off, cut down, ll. II. to cut short, praecidere,\\i. Επικε'κλετο, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 of όττικόΧομαι. έπικε'κλΐμαι, pf. pass, of όπικλίνω. έπι-κελαδεω, f. ήσω, to shout to, shout in applause, II. επικε'λευσις, ecus, η, a cheering on, exhortation, Thuc. έπι-κελεΰω, f. σω, to encourage besides, to cheer on again, absol. or c. dat., Eur, ; also c. acc. pers., Thuc. έπι-κελλω, f. -κ4λσω, aor. i -εκελσα, to bring to shore, Lat. appellere, Od. 2. absol. to run ashore, Ib. έπι-κέλομαι, Ep. 3 sing. aor. 2 ε’πί/ίεκλετο : Dep. to call upon, τινα II. επι-κεντρίζω, f. σω, to apply the spur, Anth. έπι~κεράννΰμι, f. -κ^ράσω : aor. i inf. -κρησαι (Ep. for -Κΐράσαι) : — to mix in addition, Od. επι-κερδαίνω, to gain in addition, Plut. έπι-κερδια,τά, (κερδοί) profit on traffic or business, Wdt. έπι-κερτομεω, f. ήσο), to mock, όττικβρτομόων in mockery, Horn. ; in milder sense, laughingly, II. II. c. acc. to reproach one, Hdt. : — to teaze, plague, Theocr. έπι-κευθω, f. σω, to conceal, hide, Horn, επι-κήδειος,οϊ', {κηΒοε) of or at a burial, funeral, Eur. ; iviKTideiov, to, a dirge, elegy, Plut. έπικήριος, ov, = sq., Heraclit. ap. Luc. έπίκηρος, ον, {κ4]ρ) subject to death, perishable, Arist. επικηρΰκεία, the pending an embassy to treat for peace, entering into negotiation, Dem. ; and έπικηρυκευμα, aros, τό, a demand by herald, Eur. From έπι-κηρϋκεΰομαι, {κηρυκ^ύω) Dep. to send a message by a herald, τινι or Trp0s τινα Hdt.; iis τινα Thuc. : — c. dat. et inf. to send a message calling on them to do a thing. Id. ; 4πικ'ηρυκ€υομ4νων messages being sent. Id. 2. to send ambassadors to treat for peace, to make proposals for a treaty of peace, Hdt., Thuc. 3 . of private affairs, to negociate, τινι with one, Dem. επι-κηριίσσω, Att. -ττω, f. |ω, to announce by pro- clamation, Aesch., in Pass. 2 . of penalties, ε’π. θάνατον την ζημίαν to proclaim death as the penalty, Xen. ; ε’π. apyvpiov ε’πί τινι to set a price on his head, Hdt. 3 . to offer as a reward, Plut. II. to put up to public sale. Id, επι-κίδνημι, to spread over, Orac. ap. Hdt. : — Pass., ί/δωρ 4τΓΐκίδναται αίαν is spread over the earth, II. ; όσον T 4τΓΐκίδναται ηώε far as the morning light is spread, Ib. έπι-κινδϋνευομαι, Pass, to be risked, Dem. επι-κίνδϋνος, ον, in danger, dangerous, insecure, pre- carious, Hdt., Thuc., etc.; of a person, 4ττικίνδυνο$^ν μ}] λαμφθζίη was in danger of being taken, Hdt. : — Adv. -vωs, in a precarious or critical state. Soph. : at one's risk, Thuc. επι-κίρνημι, Ion. for 4ττικζράννυμαι : — Pass., 4·πι-κίρνά- μαι Hdt. επι-κίχρημι, aor. i 4π-4χρησα, to lend, τι τινι Plut. έπίκλαρος, Dor. for ε’πικληροί. επί-κλαυτος, ον, tearful, Ar. έπι-κλάω, f. άσω [ά], to bend to or besides : — Pass, to be bent double, Luc. II. metaph. to bow dow7i, Tiva Plut. : — Pass., όπικλασθηναιτη Ύνωμτ) to be broken in spirit, Thuc.·, butalso,i(? be bent or turnedto pity, Id. ετΓίκΧεΙω €7Γΐκρατησίς. 294 ΙτΓΐ-κλείω, Att. -κληω, f. -κλ^ίσω, -κλρ'σω : — ίο shut to, close, as a door, Ar. : — Med., Luc. €7Γΐ-κλ€ίω, to extol or praise the more, Od. «ττίκλημα, aros, τό, (βτηκαΚ4ω) an accusation, charge. Soph., Eur. Ιττίκλην, Adv. {βτΓίκαΚίω) by surname, by name. Plat. Ιιτί-κληρος, Dor. -κλαρος, η, an heiress, Ar., etc. «ΐΓΐ-κληρόω, Dor. -κλάρόω, f. ώσω, to assign by lot, rl Tivi Dem., etc. Ιττίκλησις, ecos, ·η, (βπίκαλβω) a surname or additional name ; the acc. being- used absol. as Adv., by surname, Άστυάναζ, %v Tpwes (πίκλησιν καλ4ουσι Astyanax, as they call him by surname (his name being Scamandrius), II., etc. 2. generally, a name, Thuc. 3. an imputation. Id. II. a calling upon, invocation, appeal, Plut., Luc. Ιττίκλητος, ον, 'eVi/caAeco) called upon, called in as allies, Hdt., Thuc. 2. specially summoned, Hdt. ; (πίκλτητοι privy-councillors, among the Persians, Id. 3. a supernumerary guest, Lat. umbra, Ar. βτΓίκλϊνής, 4s, (eVt-KAtVco) sloping, Thuc., Plut. 6ΐΓΐ-κλινω, f. -κλίνω, to put a door to : Pass., pf. part. 4πικζκλίμ4ναί aaviSes closed doors, II. II. to bend towards, ra ώτα 4π. to prick the ears, Xen. : — Pass., K€pa7ai 4πικ€κλιμ4ναι spars inclined at an angle to the wall, Thuc. 2. intr. to incline towards, Trpos Ti Dem. III. Pass, to lie over against a place, c. dat., Eur. IV. in Pass., also, to lie down at table, Anth. €'ΤΓΐ-κλοτΓος,οί/, (/cλe7Γτω)M^(?^»^5Λ,‘^tι^/y,Od., Aesch. 2. c. gen., 4πίκλοπο5 μύθων cunning in speech, Horn. €ΤΓΐ-κλ·υζω, f. ύσω,Ιο overflow, li., Thuc. 2. metaph. to deluge, swamp, Eur. ; εττ. τινα κακοΊε Luc. 3. metaph., also, to sweep away, liquidate the expenses, Aeschin. Hence Ιττίκλ-ΰσις, ecus, -η, an overflow, flood, Thuc. €ΐΓΐ-κλ·υω, = €πα/ίθύ«, c. acc., II.; c. gen., Od. έπι-κλώθω, f. -κλώσω, to spin to one, of the Fates who spun the thread of destiny : then, generally, to assign as one’s lot or destiny, Od., Aesch. : — so in Med., Horn. : — Pass., aor. i part., τά 4τΓΐκλωσθ4ντα one’s destinies. Plat. eiTi -κνάω, Ep. 3 sing. impf. 4τηκνη (for 4ττ4κναζ , to scrape or grate over, II., Ar. €7Γ-ικν€ομαι, Ion. for 4ψ-ικν4ομαι. ΙΐΓΐ-κνίζω, f. σω, to cut on the surface, Anth. Ιπι-κοιμάομαι, f. -ησομαι. Pass, to fall asleep over a thing, c. dat.. Plat., Luc. €1Tl-κoιvόoμαL,Med.ίo consult with,rivi rrepi tivos Plat. 6iri-Koivos, ov, common to many, promiscuous, Hdt. : — sharing equally in a thing, c. gen., Eur. : — neut. pi. iiriKoiva as Adv. iti coryimon, Hdt. 6iri -κοινων€ω, f. ήσω, to communicate with a person, c. dat.. Plat., etc. 2. to have a share of a thing in common with another, rivos tlvl Id. έτη-κομττάζω, f. σω, to add boastingly , Eur., Plut. ΙΐΓΐ-κομτΓ€ω, f. ήσω, = foreg. I, Thuc. 2. to boast of, T* Id. ΙπίκοτΓος, ov, fit for cutting : as Subst., 4τίκοπον, τό, a chopping-block, Luc. From Ιτη,-κόΐΓτω, f. ψω, to strike upon (I. e. from above''), to fell, Od. 2. metaph. to cut short, reprove. Plut. 3. in Med. to smite one’s breast, mourn for another, c. acc., Eur. έτΓΐ-κορ-ύσσομαι, Med. to arm oneself against, rivi Luc. Ιιτικοσμβω, f. 7)σω, to add ornaments to, to decorate after or besides, Hdt. ; θβάν εττ. to honour, celebrate, Ar., Xen. CTTi-KOTOs, ov, wrathful, vengeful, Aesch. ; eiri/coroy τροφαε in wrath at the sons he had bred, Id. — Adv. -τωε, wrathfully , Id. ΈτΓΐκο·υρ6ΐθ5> ov. Epicurean, Anth. ; 01 Έπ. the Epicu- reans, Luc. έπικο-υρ^ω, f. ήσω, {βττίκουροε) to act as an ally, II., Hdt., etc. ; rivt to one, Thuc., etc. II. generally, to aid or help at need, τινί Eur., Ar. : c. dat. rei, νόσοιε 4πικουρξΊν to aid one against them, Xen. ; 4tu- Kovpei Tivt does him good service. Id. ; eV. τροφτ} to make provision for it, Aeschin. 2. c. acc. rei, eTrt- KovpeTv Tivi χειμώνα to keep it off from one, Lat. defendere, Xen. Hence βΐΓίκο-υρημα, aros, to, protection, χιόνοε against snow, Xen. ; and €ΤΓΐκοΰρησΐ5,€ω5, protection, κακών against evils, Eur. ίΤΓίκουρία, Ion. -ίη, η, {4πικουρ4ω) aid, succour, Hdt., Aesch., etc. II. an atixiliary or mercenary force, Hdt., Thuc. ciriKovpiKos, ή, ov, {4τΓίκονρ4ω) serving for help, assistant. Plat. 2. of troops, auxiliary, allied, Thuc. : rb επικουρικόν, = επικουρία II, Id. eiri-Kovpos, <5, an assister, ally, II., Hdt. ; of the allies of Troy, Ύρώεε ήδ’ επίκουροι II. 2. in Att., επίκουροι were mercenary troops, opp. to the citizen-soldiers (τΓολίταί)} Thuc., Xen. 3. = 5ορυφόροι, the body- guards of kings, Hdt. II. as Adj. assisting, aiding, c. dat. pers., II., Ar., etc. 2. c. gen. rei, defending or protecting against. Soph., Eur., Xen. ετΓΐ-κουφίζω, f. Att. ιώ, to lighten a ship by throwing out part of its cargo, Hdt. : metaph., επ. τοί /s πόνουε to lighten one’s labours, Xen. : — c. gen. rei, to relieve ofz. burden, Eur. II. to lift up, support. Soph. : metaph. to lift up, encourage, Xen. έτΓΐ- κράζω, pf. -κεκρά'γα, to shout to or at, τινί Luc. ετΓΐ-κραίνω,Ερ.-κραιαίνω: ί.-κράνώ: slot. ι-εκράνα,Ερ. -εκρηνα and -εκρ^τινα : — to bring to pass, accomplish, fulfil, II. ; νυν μοι τόδ’ επικρ-η'ηνον εελ5ωρ grant me now this ^vdiyer, fulfil it, Ib. : — Pass., χρυσφ S’ επϊ χείλεα κεκράαντο were finished off with gold, Od. εττί-κράνον, τό, (κράε) that which is put on the head, a head-dress, cap, Eur. II. the capital of a column. Id. ετΓίκράτεια, η, (εττίκράτήϊ) mastery, dominion, posses- sion, Xen. II. of a country, a realm, dominion. Id. ετΓΐ-κράτεω, f. ήσω, to rule over, c. dat., Horn. : absol. to have or hold power, Od. II. to prevail in battle, be victorious, conquer, II., Hdt. 2. c. gen. to prevail over, get the mastery of an enemy. Id., Att. : — also to become master of, \j 3 X.p 0 tiri, τηε θαλάσ- σηε, των 'Ελλήνων Hdt., etc. 3. generally, to be superior, τφ ναυτικψ Thuc. ; κατά θάλασσαν Xen. €ΤΓΐ-κράτής, εε, (κράτοε) master of a thing: only in Comp., επικρατεστεροε superior, Thuc.: — Adv., επικρα- τεωε, with overwhelming might , impetuously, II., Hes. ΙτΓίκράτησις, ^ωε, η, victory over, τινοε Thuc. €7Γΐκρ€μανννμ έτη-κρειιάννΰμι and -τίω : f. -κρεμάσω [ά], Att. -κρ^μώ : aor. I -έκβρασα, Ερ. inf. -κρησαι : — to hang over, τί TiVL Theog-n. II. Pass. 4τΓΐκρ€μαμαι, aor. i ^ίκρξμάσθ'ην : — to overhang, of a rock, h. Horn., Pint. : — inetaph. to hang over, Lat. imminere, Thuc. ετΓίκρήηνον, Ep. aor. i imper. of ^πικραίνω : — eViKpirj- i/€ie 3 sing. opt. ετΓΐ-κρήσαι, Ep. for -κζράσαι, aor. i inf. of 4ττικ€ράννυμί. ετΓΐ-κρίνω [ί], f. -κρ'ίνώ, to decide, determine. Plat., etc. ΕΤΓ-ίκριον, T(^, the yard-arm of a ship, Od. επι-κροτέω, f. ήσω, to rattle over the ground, Hes. ETri-KpoTos, Qv, trodden hard, of ground, Xen. ETTi- κρούω, f. -σω, to strike upon, eV. χβονα. βάκτροιε to strike the earth with staffs, Aesch. ' ΕΐΓΐ-κρυιττω, f. ψω : aor. 2 ^·π4κρύ<ρον : — ίο throw a cloak over, conceal, Aesch., Plat.: — Med. to disguise. Id., Dem. : — to disguise oneself, conceal one’s pur- pose, Thuc., Plut. ; 4πικριτπτόμ€ΐ/05 with conceahnent or secrecy, Xen. Hence ΕΊτίκρΰφος, ον, unknown, inglorious, Plut. ; and Εττίκρυψις, €ws, concealment, Plut. έτΓΐ-κρώζω, to caw or croak at, Ar. ΕΊΓΐ-κτάομαι, f. -κτ^ισομαί, Dep. to gain or win besides, Hdt., Aesch., etc. Εττι-κτΕίνω, f. -KTevw, to kill besides or again. Soph. ΕΤΓΐ-κτΕονται, Ion. for -κτάονται. Ι’κίκττ\σ\.<ζ,^ω3 , η, further acquisition, fresh gain. Soph. ΕΤΓί-κτητο5, ον, gained besides or in addition, newly acquired, Hdt., Att. ; ε’ττ. 77), of the Delta of Egypt, Hdt. έτη-κτυττεω, f. ήσω, to make a noise after, re-echo, Ar. ΕΤΓΐ-κΰδής, is, {Kudos) glorious, brilliant, successful , Xen. έ'ΤΓΐ-κυΐσ'κομαι, Pass, to become doubly pregnant, Hdt. έτΓΐ-κυκλεω, intr. to come round in turn upon. Soph, έπι-κϋμαίνω, f. ό,νω, to flow in waves over, Plut. ΕΤΓΐ-κΰτΓτω, f. ψω, to bend oneself or stoop over, ε’ττ. εττί Tt to stoop down to get something, Xen. : — to lean upon, Tivi Luc. Ε7Γΐ-κΰρ6ω, f. ώσω, to confirm, sanction, ratify, Thuc., Xen., etc.; c. inf., Eur. ΕΤΓΐ-κυρτόω, f. ώσω, to bend forward, Hes. Επι-κυρω [ΰ], Ep. impf. 4πίκνρον, Ep. aor. i 4πίκνρσα or 4τηκνρησα: — to light upon, fall in with, c. dd.t., II., Hes. II. c. gen. to have a share of, Aesch. ΕΤΓΐ-κυψε'λιος, b, (κυψέλη) a guard of beehives, Anth. ΕΤΓΐ-κωκυω, f. ύσω [Oj, to lament over a person or thing, c. acc.. Soph. έΐΓΐ-κωλυω, f. υσω [O], to hinder, check. Soph., Thuc. ΕΤΓΐ-κωμάζω, f. σω, to rush in like revellers, to make a riotous assault, Ar. ; ets tos TrdAets Plat. : — Pass. to be grossly maltreated, Plut. έπι-κωμωδε'ω, f. ήσω, to satirize in comedy. Plat. Εττί-κωττος, ον, (κώπη) tip to the hilt, through and through, Ar. επιλαβεΐν, aor. 2 inf. of ίττιΚαμβάνω. ΕΤΓΐ-λα·γχάνω, f. -\ί{ξομαι, to obtain the lot, to succeed another, Aeschin. II. pf. itn-XiXoyxa, to fall to one’s lot next. Soph. ΙτΓΐ-λάζυμαι, Dep. to hold tight, close, Eur. ίττιλαθεϊν, -λαθε'σθαι, aor. 2 inf. act. and med. of 4τΓΐ-\ανθάνω, Εττιλάθεται [ά]. Dor. for -λήγεται. 67ΓΐΧηΚ€ω, 295 ετΓΐ-λαμβάνω, f . -λήψομαι ; aor. 2 - ελά)8ου : pf. -είληψα, pass, -(ίλημμαι : — to lay hold of, seize, attack, as a disease, Hdt., Thuc. : — Pass., τηυ αίσθησιν iTTLKri,to allot by s pinning, οίύ\&¥ζ\.&Β,\\. €ΤΓΐ-νεω (b), to heap up or load with a thing, c. gen., Hdt. ΙτΓΐ-νήϊος, ον, {vavs, vtjvs) on board ship, Anth. ΙτΓΐ-νηνεω, only in impf., to heap or pile upon a thing, ^c. gen., II. έτΓΐ-νήχομαι, f. ξομαι, Dep. to swim upon, Batr. ; 4τΓζνάχίτο φωνά the voice came up to earth, Theocr. 6 ΤΓΐνίκ€ΐο 5 , or, = sq.. Soph. eTTiviKios [i], ov, {νίκη) of victory, triumphal , Pind., etc. II. as Subst., 4τΓΐνίκιον (sc. μ4Κθ5), τ6, a song of victory , triumphal ode, 2. 4τηνίκια (sc. Upd), rd, a sacrifice for a victory or feast in honour of it. Plat., etc. b. (sc. 5θλα) the prize cf victory. Soph. €·7Γΐ-νίσ·σομαι, Dep. to go over, c. gen.. Soph. 2. to visit, Theocr. ΙτΓΐ-νίφω [t], to snow upon : impers., 4τΓΐνίφ€ΐ fresh snow falls, or it keeps snowing, Xen. 6iri-voew, f. ''ησω, to think on or of, contrive, Hdt., Att. : — c. inf., Ar. — shsol. to form plaiis, to plan, invent, Thuc. 2. to have in one's mind, intend, purpose. Id., etc. : c. inf., Hdt., Xen. II. aor. i pass. 4τηνοτ)θην is used like Act., Hdt. Hence Ιττίνοια, η, a thinking on or q/" a thing, a thought, notion, Thuc. 2. power of thought, inventiveness, invention, Kx. 3. a purpose, design, ¥\xx. II. after-thought, second thoughts. Soph. €7Γΐνομ·η, η, {4ττιν4μομαι) a grazing over the boundaries : — metaph., 4tx. Txvpds the spreading of fire, Plut. ΙτΓίνομία, η, {4τχιν4μομαι) a grazing over the boundaries : a mutual right of pasture, vested in the citizens of two neighbouring states, Xen. ΙτΓΐ-νυκτιος, ov, {νύξ) by night, nightly, Anth. €ΤΓΐ-νυμφ€ΐος, or, = sq.. Soph. €7Γΐ-νυμφίδιος, or, of ov for a bride, bridal, Anth. eiri- νυστάζω, f. σω and |ω, to drop asleep over, c. dat., Plut., Luc. Ι-ΐΓΐ-νωμάω, f. ήσω, to bring or apply to. Soph., Eur. II. to distribute, apportion, Aesch., Soph. 298 εΐΓίνωτΙ^ίος Ι-ΐΓΐ-νωτίδιος, ον, (νώτον) on the hack, Anth. €ΐΓΐ-νωτίζω, f. σω, to set on the hack, Eur. ciTt-vwTios, ov, (νώταν) on the back, Batr. kTti-%a.vQo%,ov,inclining to yellow, tawny, of hares, Xen. £πι-ξ€νόομαι, pf. €ΤΓζξ€νωμαι, Pass, to have hospitable relations with, be intimate with, Dem. II. as Med. to claim friendly services, Aesch. ΐΊΓί-ξΎ\νον,τό, {ξην05) a chopping-block : the executioner' s block, Aesch., Ar. €Tri-|vvos, ov, poet, for 4πίκοίνο5, a common, II. έΐΓΐ-οίνιος, ov, (olvos) at or over wine, Theogri. 67 Γΐ-οινοχο€ΰω, to pour out wine for others, h. Horn. eiri-opKcw, f. ήσω : aor. i -ώρκησα : pf. -ώρκηκα : (iniopKOs) : — to swear falsely, forswear oneself, irphs δαίμονο5 by a deity, II. ; c. acc., tovs deovs by the gods, Ar., Xen. ; and έτΓίορκία, 7], a false oath, Lat. perjuria, Xen., Plat, έπί-ορκος, ov, sworn falsely, of oaths, II. : as Subst., Επίορκον ομννναι to take a false oath, s\s^zx falsely , 11., Hes. : but also, εττ. 4πώμοσ€ he swore a bootless oath, II. II. oi'p^rsons, forsworn, perjured, Wts.,¥.\jir., etc. Ι-ττιορκοσ-υνη, -η, = έπωρκία, Anth. έτΓΐ-δσσομαι, Dep. to have before one's eyes, II. Ιττί-ουρα, v. ovpov. CTTi-oupos, 6, an over-keeper, a guardian, watcher, ward, c. gen., υών 4πίονρο$ Od., etc. ; c. dat., Κρήτρ eV. guardian over Crete, of Minos, II. εττιουσιος, ov, for the coming day, sufficient for the day, N. T. (From η iniovaa [ήμερα] the coming dayP) ΙτΓΐ-όψομαι, poet, for €π-ό\ρομαι, fut. of 4φοράω. εττί-Ίταγχυ, Adv. altogether, Theocr. εττι-τταιανίζω, f. σω, to sing a paean over, Plut. εΐΓΐ-ιτάλλω, to brandish at or against, Aesch. eiriirav or ΙττΙ ττάν, Adv. upon the whole, in general, on the average, Hdt., Thuc. ; ώ5 4ττίπαν, also rh επ. and ojs rb ε’ττ. Hdt. 2. altogether , Aesch. ετΓΐ-τταρανεω, to heap up still more, to heap up, Thuc. επι-παρασκευάζομαι, Med. to provide oneself with besides, Xen. ετΓΐ-Ίτάρειμι, (εΐμί suni) to be present besides or in addition, Thuc. εττι-ιτάρειμι, ' εΤμι ibo^^ to march on high ground parallel with one below, Xen., etc. : — to assail in flank, c. dat., Thuc. 2. to come to one's assist- ance, Id., Xen. 3. to come to the front ofzx). army, so as to address it, Thuc. ετΓΐ-ιτάσσω, Att. -ττω, f. -ττάσω [ά], to sprinkle tipon or over, Hdt. Hence Ιιτίτταστος, ov, sprinkled over : — as Subst. i -πίτΓαστον, TO, a kind of cake with comfits (or the like) upon it, Ar. 2. a plaster ,Ύ\\^οο.χ. ειτίττεδος, ον, (ttcSov) to the level of the ground, level, Xen., etc. : — irreg. Comp, -ττεδεντεροι. Id. επι-πείθομαι, f. σω : Pass., f. med. -ττ^Ισομα,ι, to be persuaded to a certain end, Horn. 2. to trust to, put faith in, c. dat., Aesch. 3. to comply with, obey, Hes., Soph. Ι'ΤΓΐ-'ττελάζω, f. σω, to bring near to, Eur. εττι-Ίτελομαι, Dep., (ττελω) to come to or upofi a person, c. dat., Od.; Ep. syncop. part. aor. 2 επίττλόμενοί, coming — βττ/ττλοα. on, approaching, επιπλόμενον %tos the coming year, lb.; of a storm, like Lat. ingruens. Soph, εττίττεμιτω, f. ψω, to send besides or again, of messages, Hdt. 2. of thegods, io5^nG?M/>o«or/c>, Id. ; way of punishment, to send upon or against, let loose tipon, Eur., Plat. Hence Ιττίττεμψις, εω5, ή, a sending to a place, Thuc. ΙΐΓίΤΓετΓτωκα, pf. of έτηπίτττω. Ιττιττειτωκα, pf. of 4πιπίνω. ΙτΓΐ-'ΤΓερκάζω, to turn dark, of grapes ripening·; επι- τΐ^ρκάζ^ιν τριχί to begin to get a dark beard, Anth. εττί-ττερκνος, ov, somewhat dark, of the colour of certain hares, Xen. εττιττεσουμαι, fut. of επίττίτττω: — Ιττιιτεσών, aor. 2 part. ετΓΐ-ττετάννϋμι, f. -ττετάσω [ά], to spread over, Xen. Ιτη-ττετομαι, f. -Ίττ-ησομαι : aor. 2 ε’τΓεπτάμην or -όμην, also in act. form εττεπτην, part. itriTTds : Dep. : — to fly to or towards, Horn., etc. 2. c. acc. to fly over, ττεδία Eur., Ar. ε'ΐΓΐ-ΤΓ-ηγνϋμι, f. -ττηξω, to freeze at top, Xen. εΐΓΐ-Ίτηδάω, f. τ\σομα.ι, to leap upon, assault, Ar., Plat. ετΓΐ-τΓίεζω, to press upon, press down, Od. ΙτΓΐ-ττίλναμαι, Dep. only in pres, and impf., to come near, Od. ΙΐΓίττίμίΓλημι, to fill full of, τί tivos Ar. ετΓΐ-ΤΓίνω [t], f . —ττίομαι : aor. 2 iTretriov : pf . -ττίττωκα : — to drink afterwards or besides, esp. to drink after eating, Od., Att. ετη-'ττίτΓτω, f . -ΤΓ€σονμαι, to fall upon or over another, c. dat., Thuc. II. to fall upon, attack, assail, Tivi Hdt., Thuc., etc. ; of storms, Hdt., Plat. : of disease and accidents, Thuc., Eur. eirnrXa, τά, (from εττί, as δίπλα from dis) implements, utensils, furniture, moveable property, Hdt., Att. ετη-ττλάζομαι, f. -πλά^^ομαι : aor. i 4π€πλάγχθην : Pass. : — to wander about over, πόντον εττιπλαγχ^ειΤ Od. ΙΐΓΐ-ττλάσσω, Att. -ττω, f. άσω [ά], to spread as a plaster over, Hdt. Hence ε'Π’ί'ττλαστος, ov, plastered over : — metaph. feigned, false, Luc. ΙΐΓΐ-ΤΓλαταγ^ω, f. ήσω, to applaud loudly, τινί Theocr. εττι-Ίτλεκω, f. ξω, to wreathe into a chaplet, Anth. II. Pass, to be interwoven with, Luc. εττί-Ίτλεος, ε'αΙοη. εη, εον, quite full of WAS. . eTriir\eu

4s, (KTjSos) bringing into alliance or kin- ττροσκηρυκενομαι — ττροσΧαμβάνω. 693 fired, or, as others, kind, affectionate, Od. II. akin to, TivL Hdt. ; προσκηδββϊ kinsfolk, Anth. 'Π’ροσ-κηρϋκ€ΰομαι, Dep. to send a herald to one, Thuc. Ίτροσ-κηρυσσω, Att. -ττω, f. ξω, to summon also, Luc. προ(Γ-κιγκλίζομαι, Pass, to wag one’s tail, eu TroreKiy- κλί<τδ€ν (Dor. for -ίζου) how nimbly didst thou twist about ! Theocr. ιτροσ-κλάομαι, Pass, to be shivered against, Xen. ΊΓροσ--κληρόομαι, aor. i -ίκληρώθην : — Pass, to be at- tached to, keep company with, N. T. ττρόσκλησις, ή, {ττροσκαλξω) a judicial summons or citation, Ar., Dem. Ίτροσ-κλίνω [ΐ], f. -κλϊνώ, to make to lean against, put against, Od. : — Pass., θρ6νο$ ποτιΚ€κλϊται (Dor. pf. pass.) avTrj [κίοζ /t] leans or stands against the pillar, Ib. ; νώτορ τΓθτιΚ€κλιμ€ΡθΡ his back thereon reclined, Pind. II. Pass, to incline towards, to be attached to one, N. T. Hence ττρόίΓκλϊσις, inclination, proclivity , Polyb. ; κατά ττρόσκλισιρ with partiality , N. T. Ίτροσ-κλυζω, Dor. ττοτι*-, f. σω, to wash with waves, Xen. : c. dat. to dash against, Orac. ap. Aeschin. ■η-ροσ-κνάομαι, inf. -κρησθαι. Pass, or Med. to rub one- self against, TIPI Xen. 'π-ροσ-κοιμίζομαι, Pass, to lie down and sleep beside, Tois κώπαι$ Xen. ττροσ-κοινωνβω, f. ήσω, to give one a share of 3. thing, rip\ αττό tipos Dem. ιτροσ- κολλάω, f. to glue on or to : — Pass, to stick or cleave to. Plat., N. T. ; Trpos ripa N. T. ιτροσ- κομίζω, f. Att. tcD, to carry or convey to a place, Tf pbs τόπορ Thuc., Xen. ; ττρ. t^p μτηχαΡ7}Ρ to bring up the engine to assault the wall, Thuc. : — Med. to bring with one, bring home. Id. : to import, Xen. : — Pass., of ships, to be brought to a place, Thuc. Ίτρόο'κομμα, aros, t6, (προσκόπτω) a stumble, stum- bling, N.T. : an occasion of stumbling, Ib. : an offence, obstacle, Ib. ττρο-σκοτΓβω, f. ~κό·^ομαι ; aor. i προνσκ^^άμηρ : 3 sing, plqpf. προύσκ€πτο -.-—to see or consider beforehand, weigh well, look to, provide for, προσκ€\ράμ€Ρθ 5 4πΙ σ^ωυτου Hdt. ; πάρτα προσκοπ^ρ Soph. ; μη παθ^Ίρ προ^σκόπουρ were making provision against suffering, Thuc. : — so in Med., τδ ahp προσκοπονμ€Ρθ5 Eur. 2. to watch (like a πρόσκοπο$ or spy), τιρά At. : — so in Med., προσκοπουμόρη πόσιρ Eur. 3. to prefer be- fore, τί Tipos^ Id. II. pf. and plqpf. in pass, sense, to be considered beforehand, Thuc.,- Plat. Hence ΊΓρο-σκοττή, η, a looking out for, Thuc. ττροσ-κοττή, η, — πρόσκομμα, an offence, Polyb. τνρό-σκοτΓος, op, seeing beforehand : as Subst. an out- post, tiidette, Xen.; in pi. a reconnoitring party , Id. τΓροσ-κότΓτω, f! ψω, to strike one thing against another, τιπρ05 τιΝ.Ύ. ; so, πρ. τόρ δακτυλόρ που Ar'ist. II. intr. to stumble or strike against, τιρί Xen. : — metaph. to take offence at, tipi Polyb. προσ-κορής, is, {κόρο$) satiating, palling, Luc. ττρο-σκοτόω, f. ώσω, to darken or cloud over before- hand, Polyb. Ίτρόσ-κράνον, v. ποτί-κραρορ. πρ6σκρονσις, (ω$, η, a dashing against a thing: an offence, Plut.; and πρ^σκρουσμα, ατο$, τό, that against which one strikes, a stumblingblock, offence, Dem. From προσ- κρούω, f. σω, to strike against, tipi Plat. : absol. to stumble, fail, Plut. II. to have a collision with another, give offence, Dem. ; πρ. τιρ'ι Plut. 2. to take offence at, be angry with, τιρί Dem., etc. ; — absol. to take offence. Plat. Ίτροσ-κτάομαι, f. Ί]σομαι, Dep. to gain, get or win besides, “γηρ &λ\ηρ πρ. τη βωυτώρ Hdt. ; χώραρ πρ. Thuc. ; πρ. πρδ$ τ^)Ρ έωντοΰ μοΊραρ to gain a7id add to his own portion, Hdt. ; βραχύ τι πρ. αύτη \_τη αρχηΐ to make a small addition to it, Thuc. ; pf. part, in pass, sense, τά προσκ^κτημόρα Id. 2. of persons, to gain or win over, πρ. τιρα φίλορ Hdt . ; πρ. τδν ΚαλλΙμαχορ to win over Callimachus to his side. Id. Ίτροσ-κτίζω,! . σω, to build or found besides, πόλιρ Strab. ΤΓροσ·-κ·ΰλίνδω, f. ίσω [t], to roll to, roll up, Ar. : προσ- κυλίσα$ λίθορ N. Τ. ιτροσ-κυν^ω, f. -tjcto» : — aor. i -ζκύρησα, poet, -όκύσα, imper. πρόσκυσορ, inf. -κύσαι, part. ~κύσα5 : pf. -kcku- ρηκα Plut. : — to make obeisance to the gods, fall down and worship, to worship, adore, c. acc., Hdt., Aesch., etc. : — proverb., oi προσκυρουρτβ5 τηρ Άδράστ€ΐαρ σο- φοί, of deprecating the wrath of Nemesis, Aesch. ; so, τδρ φθόρορ δε πρόσκυσορ Soph. : — also of sacred places, to do reverence to, εδη Qc^SiP Id.; τηρ yrjp Ar. 2. of the Oriental fashion of making the salam or pro- strating oneself before kings and superiors, absol., Hdt. ; c. acc., πρ. τδρ AapeTop u)S βασιλόα to make obeisance to him as king. Id. ; πάρτ€5 σε προσκυρούμ^ρ Soph., etc. : — later, c. dat., N. T. Hence ττροσκυνησις, η, adoration, obeisance, a salam, Arist., Plut. ; and ιτροσκυνητής, ou, 6, a worshipper, N. T. ττροσ-κά'ΤΓτω, f. φω : pf. —κόκϋφα : — to stoop to or over one, Ar. ; πρ. τιρί τδ ods to lean towards one and whisper in his ear. Plat. ττροσ-κνρεω, with impf. -όκύρορ, ί.-κύρσω, aor. i -όκυρσα (as if from -κύρω) : — to reach, touch, arrive at, c. dat., Hes. 2. to meet with, fall up07i, tipi Theogn. ; also c. acc. rei, οσ’ εγώ προσόκυρσ Soph. : — reversely, δόμοισι πημα προσκυρόΐ woe betides the house, Aesch. ΤΓροσ-κυσαι [ά], aor. i inf. of προσκυρόω. ττρόσ-κωτΓος, op, (κωπη) at the oar, a rower, Thuc. ττροσ-λάβεϊν, aor. 2 inf. of προσλαμβάρω. ττροσ-λαγχάνω, f. -ληξομαι : pf. -ΐίληχα: — to obtain by lot besides, δίκηρ πρ. to obtain leave to bring an action also, Dem. ττροσ-λάζΰμαι, Dep. to take hold of besides, tipos Eur. ττροσ-λάλεω, f. ήσω, to talk to or with, τιρί Theophr. ττροσ-λαμβάνω, f. -ληφομαι : aor. 2 -όλαβορ : — to take or receive besides, get over a7id above, πρ})5 to7s πα· ρουσιρ άλλο [κακά] πρ. Aesch. ; πρ. αισχύρηρ Thuc., etc. : — so in Med., Eur., etc. 2. c. acc. pers. to take to oneself, take as one’s helper or partner, Trag., Xen., etc. : — acc., ττρ. tipo. σύμμαχορ Xen. : — also in Med., Polyb., etc. II. like συλλαμβάρω, to take hold of, τιρά Soph. : — Med. to take hold of, tipos Ar. 2, in Med., πρ. tipos to take part in a work, be accessory to it, Xen. ; ττροσβλώ/Βετο του πάθeos he was partly the author of the calamity, Hdt. ; πρ. tipi to help, assist, Ar. ττροσΧάμττω — ττροσόζω. 694 ΐΓροσ-λάμττω, f. ψω, to shine ‘with or tipon, Plat, ιτροσ-λεγομαι, Pass, to lie beside^ TrpocreKeKro (3 sing·, aor. 2 syncop.) she lay beside or by me, Od. II. Med. to speak to, address, accost, τινά Theocr. : metaph., κακά προσελεξατο θυμφ he took evil counsel with himself, meditated evil, Hes. ιτροσ-λείττω, f. ψω, to be lacking, Arist. ιτροσ-λευσσω, only in pres, to look on or at, c. acc.. Soph. ; absol.. Id. ΤΓροσλητΓτεον, verb. Adj. one must add, Strab. προσ-λΐτταρεω, f. ήσω, to persevere or persist in, rots χρ-ημασι in money-making·, Plut. : — to importune, τινί Luc. : absol. to be importunate, Plut. Hence ιτροσλΐττάρησις, εωί, importunity, Luc. “ΓΓροίΓ-λογίζομαι, Dep. to reckon or count in addition to, τί Tivi Hdt. 2. to impute, τί τινί Plut. Hence ιτροσλογιστεον, verb. Adj., Hdt. ττροσμαθητεον, verb. Adj. one must learn besides, Xen. ττροσ-μανθάνω, f. —μάθησομαι : aor. 2 -έμάθον : — to learn besides, Aesch., Ar. ττροσ-μαρτΰρεω, f. ·ί\σω, to confirm by evidence, Dem. ll. intr., ττρ. τινί to bear additional witness to a thing, Polyb. -π-ροσ-μάσσω, f. to knead one thing to or with an- other; to attach closely to, ττρ. Thv Tleipaia, ttj ττολεί Ar. : — in Pass., πλ^υραΐσι ττροσμαχΘ4ν sticking close to his sides, of the poisoned robe. Soph. : aor. i med. part., τ·ηλ€φιλον ττοτιμαξάμ^νον the leaf having at- tached itself closely to [the hand], sticking close, Theocr. ττροσ-μάχομαι [ά], f. Att. -μαχονμαι, Dep. to fight against, τινι Plat. : to assault a town, Xen. ττροσ-μειδιάω, f. ά<τω [ά], to smile tipon, with a sense of approving, Lat. arrideo, Luc. ιτροσ-μενω, f. -μ^νώ, to bide or wait still longer, Hdt., Soph., etc. 2. c. dat. to remain attached to, to cleave to, τινί Aesch. ; ττρ. Ta?s der/aeaiv to continue in supplications, N. T. II. trans. to wait for, await, c. acc., Theogn., Soph., etc. : — to wait for one in battle, i. e. to stand one's ground against, Pind. : — also c. acc. et inf. fut., Όράσττ]ν ττροσμζνονσ αεί 4ψ’ίΐξξΐν Soph. 'ττροσ-μετατΓε'μπομαι, Med. to send for or send to fetch besides, Thuc., Aeschin. ττροσ-μηχανάομαι, Pass, to be cunningly fastened to or upon, Aesch. II. IMed. to contrive ox procure for oneself, avTo7s άσψάλζίαν Plat. ττροσμίγνΰμι or -μίσγω : f. -μίξω : aor. i -4μιξα : — to mingle ox join to, τί τινι Plut. : — metaph., ττρ. δέσπο- τα;/ KpaTei to lead him to sure victory, Pind. ; and reversely, ττρ. κίνδυνόν τινι Aeschin. II. intr. to hold intercourse with, approach, τινί Soph. : — of things, ττροσόμιξζν τοϋπο5 ημΐν came suddenly upon us. Id. 2. in hostile sense, to go against, meet in battle, engage .with, τινί Hdt.; Trpos τινα Thuc. : — absol. to engage, Xen. ; άποροι προσμίσΎ^ιν difficult to come to close quarters with, Hdt. 3. to come or go close up to, προσόμι^αν τφ τειχε; Thuc. ; πρ'6$ τάε iwd\^eis Id. ; but, πρ})5 τά$ ivThs [yeas'] προσμΐξαι to form a junction with them. Id. ; προσόμιξ^ν iyyvs του στρατεύματος came near the army. Id. : — poet. c. acc., μόλαθρα πρ. Eur. 4. προσόμιξαν ttj Νά|^, τί} Πελοπο^ησιρ put to shore at, landed in, Hdt. ; τφ Ύάραντι προσ- μίσγει Thuc. Hence ΐΓρόσ-μιξις, η, a coming near to, and (in hostile sense) an attack, assault, Thuc. ττροσ-μίσγω, commoner form of προσ-μί^γνυμι. ττροσ-μισθόω, f. ώσω, to let out for hire besides, πρ. άφορμΊιν to put capital out at interest, Dem. : — Med. to take into one's pay, to hire, Thuc., Xen., etc. ττροσ-μολειν, inf. aor. of pres, προσβλώσκω, which does not occur, to come or to go, reach, arrive at, c. acc.. Soph. ; absol. to approach. Id. ττρόσ-μορος, ον, doomed to woe, Aesch. ττροσ-μΰθεομαι, Dep. to address, accost, Od. : Ep. and Dor. aor. i inf. προτιμυθτισασθαι ; c. dat., Theocr. ΤΓρο(Γ-μ·ϋθ€·υω, f. σω, to add further fictions, Strab. ττροσ-μΰθολογε'ω, f. ήσα?, to talk or prattle with one, τινί Luc. ττροσ-μ^ΰθοτΓοιεω, to invent mythically besides, Strab. ττροσ'-μτίρομαι [O], Dep. to flow to or with, Anth. -προσ-ναυττηγεω, f. ήσω, to build in addition : Pass., kvepas [^εας] εδε: ναυπηγό^σθαι Hdt. ττροσ-νεμω, f. -ν^μώ, to assign, attach or dedicate to, έαυτόν τινι Dem. : — to add. Id. : — Pass, to be assigned, attributed. Id. : — Med. to grant on one's own part, πρόσνζιμαι χάριν grant a further favour. Soph. ; προσνξίμασθαί τινα θζφ to devote him to the god, Ar. II. πρ. ποίμνα$ to drive his flocks to pasture, Eur. ττρόσνευσΊς, η, a nodding to, decision, Cic. From -προσ-νε-ύω, f. σω, to nod to, assent, Plut. ττροσ-νεω, f. -ν^ύσομαι, to swim to or towards, Thuc. “προοΓνηχομαι, Dep. to swim towards, τινι Plut. II. intr. in Act. to dash upon, προσόνάχ^ θάλασσα Theocr. ττροσ-νίσσομαι, Dor. ττοτι-νίσσομαι, only in pres., Dep. to come or go to, II., Pind. ; θεοι/ς Ooivais ποτι· νίσσ. to approach them with sacrifices, Aesch. II. to come against. Soph, ιτροσ-νοε'ω, f . -ησω, to perceive besides, Xen. ττροσ-νωμάω, f. ήσω, to put to one's lips, ύδωρ (to be supplied). Soph. 7Γροσ-|υν-, for words so beginning, v. προσ-συν-. <τrρo(r-oδε■υoμαι,Med.ίo receiveincomeoxrevenue,Stxzh. ττροσοδικός, -η, 6v, (πρόσοδος ii) productive, Strab. ττροσόδιος, ον, belonging to or used in processions, processional, Plut. : — a processional hymn, a thanks- giving, Lat. supplicatio. Ax. ττρόσ-οδοξ, 71, a going or coming to, an approach, η πρ. μάλιστα τανττρ iyeveTO the approach was most feasible on this part, Hdt. ; άπείπατο t)]v πρ. rejected his advances. Id. ; πρ. μζλάθρων approach to the halls, Eur. 2. an onset, πρόσοδοι Trjs μάχη5 onsets or attacks. Id. 3. like πομτττ] ii, a solemn procession to a temple with singing and music, Ar., Xen. 4. the coming forward of a speaker in a public assembly, γράφ€σθαι πρόσοδον to petition for a hearing, Dem. ; πρ. ποίίΐσθαι πρδς τδν δτιμον Aeschin. II. income, rent, as opp. to principal, Dem.; often in pi., Oratt. 2. of the public revenue, φόρων πρόσοδθ5 Hdt. ; χρημάτων πρ. Thuc. ; mostly in pi. the returns, revenue, Lat. reditus, Hdt., Thuc., etc. 'κροσ-όζω. Dor. ιτοτι-όσδω, intr. to smell of, be redo- lent of, c. gen., Theocr. TTpocroiSa — ιτροσΊτασσαΧεύω. ττρόσ-οιδα, pf. without any pres, in use (v. *€ίδ« b), to know besides ; irpoaeidcyai χάριν to owe thanks besides, At., Plat. 'ΤΓροσ-οικειόω, £. ώσω, to assign to one as his own, ri Ttvi Strab. : — προσφκ€ίου eaurhy ^AvTcavios 'Hpa/cAe? associated himself with Hercules, Plut. ττροσ-οικεω, f. Ίί]σω, to dwell by or near, rivi Xen. : absoh, ol ΤΓ ροσοικουντ^ε neighbouring tribes, Isocr. 2. c. acc. to dwell in or near, Έττίδαμνον Thuc. προσ-οικοδορ.€ω, f. ^σω, to build besides, ττρ. [τειχοϊ] to build another wall, Thuc. ; ry μ)ίν iu ttj αγορα [^βωμφ^ προσοίκοδομ-ίισαε μ^Ιζον μηκοε having built an ad- ditional length to the altar in the agora, i. e. having added to its length. Id. ‘ττρόσ'-οικος, ον, dwelling near to, bordering on, neigh- bouring, Hdt., Thuc. ; ol ττρόσοικοι neighbours, Thuc. ττροσ-οιστεος, a, ov, verb. Adj. of -προσφέρω, to be added to, rivi Eur. II. τΓροσοιστάον one must add. Plat., etc. 2. one must apply, use, γυμνάσια Arist. ττροσ-οιχομαι, Dep. to have gone to a place, Pind. ττροσ-οκελλω, to run a ship on shore, Luc. 2. absol. of the ship, to run ashore. Id. ιτροσ-ολοφυρομαι [ΰ], Dep. to wail to, vent one’s griefs to another, τινί Thuc. ; ττρ. άλλήλοι^ to wail to one another, Plut. ιτροσ-ομαρτεω, f . ήσω, to go along with, TiviTheogn., etc. ΊτροοΓ-ομΙλεω, f. ήσω, to hold intercourse with, live or associate with, converse with, τινί Theogn., Eur., etc.; ττρόε riva Xen.; τα ί5ια ττροσομιΚουντ^ε con- ducting our private intercourse, Thuc. II. to be attached, ττοτϊ ττέτρτ) Theogn. III. to be con- versant with, πείρα Soph. ; τφ ττο\4μφ Thuc. προσ-όμνϋμι, f. -ομουμαι, to swear besides, Xen. προσ'όμοιος, ov, and a, ov, much like, τινι Eur., Ar. προσ-ομοιόω, f. ώσω, to be like, resemble, τί]ν σΰν^σιν ανθρώττφ, την ά\Κ7]ν δε δράκοντι Dem. προσ-ομολογε'ω, f. 7}σω, to concede or grant besides, τι τινι Plat. : to acknowledge a further debt, Dem. : — c. acc. et inf. to grant also that . . , Plat. : — Pass., παλαίά /col Xiav ττροσωμοΚο^ημ^να Aeschin. 2. to promise further, c. inf. fut., Dem. 3. to come to terms, surrender, Xen. Hence Ύτροσομολο-γία, η, a further admission, Dem. προσ-ομόργννμι, to wipe upon another, impart ; so in Med., Plut. προσ'-^μονρος, ov. Ion. for ττροσόμοροε (which does not occur), adjoining, adjacent, τινί Hdt. ττροσ-ονομάζω, f. σω, to call by a name, ττρ. Oeovs to give them the name θεοί, Hdt. προσ--οράω, f. -όφομαι : Dor. ΤΓθθ-<5ρημι, inf. -opijv : — to look at, behold, Mimnerm., Soph., etc. ; cf. aor. 2 πpoσείδo^' : — so in Med., ττροσορωμ4να Soph, προσ-ορεγομαι, Med. to stretch oneself towards, to be urgent with, τινί Hdt. πρ^ατ-ορθρος, ov, towards morning : Dor. τδ ττότορθρον, as Adv., Theocr. ττροσ-ορίζω, f. Att. ιώ, to include within the bound- aries, add to a dominion, Strab. 2. to determine or fix besides, Plut. 3. in Med. as Att. law-term, ττροσωρίσατο τ^ν οικίαν δισχιλίων he had the house marked with other stones (v. '6po$ ii) to the amount 695 of 2000 drachmae, i. e. mortgaged it anew to that amount, Dem. ττροσ-ορμάω, f. ·ίί\σω, intr. to rush on, Xen. ττροσ-ορμίζομαι, f. Att. ιοΰμαι, Med. to come to anchor near a place, Hdt., Dem. ; so in aor. i pass, ττροσωρ- μίσθηι/, N.T. Hence προσόρμισις, η, a coming to anchor or to land, Thuc. ττρόσ-ορμος, b, a landing-place, Strab. irpocr-opos, v. ττρόσ-ουροε. ττροσ-ορχεομαι, ί.ησομαι, Dep. to dance to or with,L·\ic. ττροσ-ουδίζω, f. σω, (οδδαϊ) to dash to earth, Hdt., etc. ττροσ-ουρεω, impf. -covpovv : f. lijaco : — to make water upon, τινί Dem. ; metaph., πρ. τη Tpaycpdia, i. e. to trifle with it, Ar. ΐΓρόσ-ουροξ, ov. Ion. for ττρόσοροε, adjoining, bordering on, τη Άραβίη Hdt. : absol., τα ττρόσορα the neigh- bouring parts, Xen. : — in Soph., %v avThs ^v πρόσουροε where he had no neighbour but himself, i. e. lived in solitude. Soph. ττροσ-οφείλω, f. ησω : aor. 2 -ώφλον : — to owe besides or still, Thuc., Xen. : absol., προσοφ^ίλονταε ημαε eveypaipev Dem. : — Pass, to be still owing, be still due, Thuc. ; so, η €χθρη η ττροσοφ^ιΚομύνη is Άθη- ναίουε ε /c των Αΐ'/ινητ4ων the hatred which was still due from the Aeginetans to the Athenians, i. e. their ancient feud, Hdt. ΤΓροσ-οφλισκάνω, f. -οφλησω : aor. 2 -ώφλον, inf. -οφλζΐν : — to owe besides, Dem. : absol. to incur a debt, Arist. 2. as law-term, to lose one’s suit and incur a penalty besides, Aeschin. 3. generally, to incur or deserve besides, αίσχννην Dem. προσοχή, η, (προσέχω) attention, Luc. 'προσ-όψιθ5, ον, like Ιττ-6φιοε, full in view. Soph, ττρόσ-οφις, η, appearance, aspect, mien, Pind.; periphr., ah] πρ. thy presence, i. e. thyself. Soph. II. a seeing, beholding, sight, view, Eur., Thuc. προσ-παίζω, f. -τταίξομαι : aor. i -irraiaa and -επαί|ο : — to play or sport with, τινί Xen., Plat. 2. absol. to sport, jest. Plat. II. c. acc., πρ. θεου5 to sing to the gods, ύμνον πρ. τδν ^'Υ.ρωτα sang a hymn in praise of Eros, Id. 2. to banter. Id. πρόσ-τταιος, ov, (τταίω) striking upon : hence, sudden, Aesch. ε’ /c προσπαίοι» suddenly, Arist. ■προσ-παλαίω, f. σω, to wrestle or struggle with, τινί Pind., Plat. Προσπαλτόθεν, Adv.from Prospalta, Dem. 7Γροσ-τΓαραγράφω, f. φω, to write besides, add yet besides. Plat., Dem. προσ-τταρακαλ^ω, f. 4σω, to call in besides, invite, Thuc. 2. to exhort besides, τινα elvai ίτοΐμον Polyb. προσ-τταραμενω, f. -μ^νώ, to remain by besides, Aesop, προσ-τταρασκευάζω, f. αω, to prepare besides, 4τ4ραν δύναμιν Dem. : — Med. to prepare for oneself besides. Id. προσ-παρατίθημι, to put before one besides, Polyb. προσ-παρεχω, f. -βξω, to furnish or supply besides, τί τινι Thuc. ; so in Med., Plat. ΐΓροσ-ίΓαροξυνω, f. ΰνώ, to provoke besides, Strab. προσ-τταρτός, 6v, (πείρα/) fixed to (the rock), Aesch. προσ-ίΓοσσαλεΰω, Att. προσ-τταττ-, f. σω, to nail fast to a place, τινά τινι Aesch. ; ττρόε τι Ar. : — reversely, σανίδα Ίτροαττασσαλ^ύσαντ^ε (sc. αυτψ) Hdt. II. to nail up or hang upon a peg, τδν τρίποδα Id. 696 ττροσττασχω - ττροσ-’ττάίτχω, to have an additional or special feeling. Plat. ; rivi for a thing·, Luc., etc. II. to feel passionate love, Isocr. -irpoa-ircivos, ov, (π^Ίνσ) hungry, a-hungered, N. T. ΐΓροσ-ίΓελάζω, f. ό,σω [ά], to make to approach, bring near to, v4a άκρ-ρ προσπέλασαν having driven the ship against the headland, Od. : — Pass, to approach, c. gen., Ilari)? προσπελασβεΓσα having had intercourse v-'ith Pan, Soph. II. intr. to drav: nigh to, approach, rrA Plat. Ίτροσ-ττεμιτω, f. ψω, to send to, esp. of messengers or ambassadors, Ar., Thuc. ; πρ, τινά. tivl to send or conduct one person to another. Soph., Thuc. ; simply, πρ. τινί to send to one (sc. 6ryye\ov), Thuc., etc. ; also, πρ. Xoyovs ev rivas Id.; absol., Hdt., Thuc. προσ-ττεριβάλλω, f. -βάλω, to put round besides, irepi- τΑχισμα rfj πόλει Thuc. : — Med. to throw or draw round oneself, τ^ίχη Isocr. : — Pass, to be drawn round, στρατόπεδά ζρύματο$ ΤΓροσττζριβαλλομ4νου Thuc. 2. Med. to surround, vhv πε^δι/ arparhu ταΓν ναυσ\ πρ. Plut. II. Med., also, to grasp at, Dem. ττροσ-ττεριγίγνομαι, Dep. to remain over and above as surplus or net profit, Dem., Plut. προσ-ττεριλαμβάνω, to embrace besides, Dem. προσ-ττεριοδευω, f. σω, to describe besides, Strab. προσ-ττεριιτοιεω, f. -ησω, to lay by ox save besides, Dem. προσ-ττερονάω, f. ήσω, to fasten by means of a pin '[ττζρόνη), and, generally, to fasten on, τι irpos τι Plat. ; Txpos Tivi Xen. ΐΓροσιτεσεΐν, aor. 2 inf. of προσπίπτω, ττροσ-ττετομαι, f. -πτήσο,ααί : aor. 2 -€ΤΓτάμ'ην [ά1, but poet, also aor. 2 act. προσεπτηι/ : Dep. : — to fly to or towards, Ar., Xen. II. generally, to come tipon one suddenly , come over one, δδμά προσήπτα με Aesch. ; μελον προσε'πτα μο: or με music stole over my sense. Id. ; Tis αρχή τον κακοί) προσεπτατο ; Soph, 'ττροσ-ττε'υθομαι, poet, for τχροστΓυνθάνομαι, Soph. TTpoa-miYvipi and -υω, f. -πή|ω : — to fix to or on, τί Tivi Eur. : — absol. to affix to the cross, crucify, N. T. προσ-ττίλναμαι, Pass, to approach quickly, νησφ Od. 'ττροσ-ττί'Π’τω, f. -πεσοομαί : (for ποτίπεπτηοΓαμ v. ττροσ· πτήσσω) : — to fall tipon, strike against, εν τι Soph. ; Tivi Xen. : — to fall against, as a mound against a wail, Thuc. 2. to fall upon, attack, assault, τινί Id., Xen., etc. ; absol., Thuc., Xen. 3. simply to rtin to, Hdt., Xen. 4. to fall upon, embrace, τινί Eur. ; hence, πρ. τινί to join the party of another, Xen. 5. to fall in with, light tipon, meet with, eticounter, μή λάθρ με τΓροστΓ€(τών Soph. ; c. dat. rei, to fall in with, Eur., Xen.; — c. acc., μΑιζω βροτζίαε πρ. όμίλίαν Eur. II. of things, 1. of accidents, to come suddenly upon, befal one, τινί Hdt., Eur., etc. : — absol. to occur, Hdt., Thuc. ; trphs τά προσπίπτο^τα according to circumstances, Arist. 2. of expenses, to fall upott, Thuc. 3. to come to one's ears, be told as news, Aeschin. III. to fall down at another’s feet, prostrate oneself, Hdt., Soph. : c. dat., πρ. βωμοίισι Soph. ; yovaxri tivqs Eur. ; θ^ων trphs βρ4τα$ Ar. 2. c. acc. to fall down to, supplicate, Eur. 'ττροσ-'ττίτνω, poet, for προρ·-πίπτω, to fall upon a per- son’s neck, τινί Eur. ; άμώΐ σαν yeveidha Id. 2. to come in, come upon the scene. Id. II. of things. ■ ΊΓροστΓορι'ζο}, to fall upon, of arrows, Aesch.; of anger, Eur. III. to fall down to or before, supplicate. Soph.; c. dat., tΓpoσπiτvoμ4v σοι Id. ; but more commonly c. acc., Aesch., etc. ; Ίτροσττίτνω σε yovaai Soph. : — c. inf., πρ^ σε μ^ θανΑν I beseech thee that I may not die. Id. ττροσ-ττλάζω, poet, shortd. for προσπελάζω (intr.), to come near, approach, II. ; c. dat., Od. «ΓΓροσ-ιτλάσσω, Att. -ττω, f. άσω, to form or mould upon : Pass., pf. part., veoooiaX προσπ€πλασμ4ναι ε /c Ίτηλον trphs άποκρ-ημνοισι ovpeoi nests formed of clay arid attached to precipitous mountains, Hdt. ττρόσ-ττλατοξ, ov, (προσπλάζω) approachable, Aesch. ΤΓροσ-ΤΓλε'κω, |ω, to connect with : — Pass, to cling to, be implicated with, tivi Strab. ττροσ-ττλε'ω, f. -ιτλ^ύσομαι : Ion. pres, -ττλώω, aor. i trpoo4trKctiaa:—to sail towards or against, Hdt., Thuc., etc. ; τινί against one, Thuc.; of ships, Xen. Ίτροσ-πληρόω, f. ώσω, to fill up or complete a number, itrtrias πρ. ε/ν δισχιλίου5 Xen. 2. to equip ships besides, tnan still more ships, Thuc. ; so in Med., Xen. ΤΓροσ-ττλωτός, t], 6v, accessible from the sea, i. e. navigable, Hdt. ττροσ-ττλώω, Ion. for ιτροσπλ4ω. ττροσ-ττνε'ω, Ep. -ιτνείω : f. -ττν^νσομαι : — to breathe upon, inspire, Theocr. II. impers., c. gen., προσ- trvA μοι κρ€ών a smell of meat comes to me, Ar. ττροσ-ΤΓΟιεω, f. ήσω, to make over to, Lat. tradere alicui in manus, πρ. τιν\ την Κ4ρκυραν Thuc. ; πρ. Α4σβον τη πάλεί Xen. II. hied., with aor. med. and pass., to attach to oneself, win, or gain- over, Tiva Hdt., Thuc., etc. ; vhv δήμον Ar. ; with a second acc. added, <ρίλον5 πρ. τουν Αακ€δαιμονίου5 as friends, Hdt. ; ύπηκόουε πρ. τάν πο'λειν Thuc. 2. to take what does not belong to one, pretend to, lay claim to, την των γεφυρών διάλυσιν Id. 3. to pretend, feign, affect, simulate, οργήν Hdt. ; πρ. €χθραν to use it a pretence, allege, Thuc. 4. c. inf. to pretend to do or to be, Hdt., etc. ; πρ. μεν Αδ4ναι, eidoTes δε ουδεν Plat. : — c. inf. fut. to make as if one Avould, Xen. 5. with a negat., Lat. dissimu- lare, δεΓ δε, el καί ηδίκησαν, μτ) προσποίεΐσθαι one must make as if it were not so, Thuc. Hence ττροστΓοίημα, οτον, τό, a pretence, assumption, Arist. ιτροστΓοίησις, η, a taking something to oneself, acqui- sition, Thuc. 2. a pretension or claim to a thing, c. gen.. Id. 3. absol. pretension, Arist. ιτροσίΓοιητικός, ή, όν, making pretence to, tivos Arist. προσποιητός, o'v, and η, όν, taken to oneself, assumed, affected, pretended, Dem. : — Adv. -των or -των, opp. to T(p ovTi, Plat. ; also -προσποιητά as Adv., Babr. προσ-πολεμε'ω, f. ησω, to carry on war against, be at war with another, Thuc., Xen. προσ-πολεμόομαι, Med. to make on^s enemy or go to war with besides, τινά Thuc. προσπολεω, f. ήσω, (πρόσπολον) to attend, serve, τινί Eur. II. Pass, to be escorted by a train of at - ^ tendants. Soph. πρόσ-πολος, o, (πολεω) a servant. Soph., Eur. ; a ministering priest, Trag. ; πρ. φόνον minister of death, Aesch. 2. fern, a handmaid. Soph, προσ-πορίζω, f. Att. ιώ, to procure or supply besides, Xen., Dem. 'ττροΰΓΤΓορττατος — Ίτροσ-τατευω. ’ίτροσ-ττορτΐατόζ, ή, όρ, (ττορττάω) fastened on •with a ττόρττη, pinned down, Aesch. Ίτρόσιτταισμα, aros, t 6 , a stumble against something, a stumble, Arist. From Ίτροσ-ιτταίω, f . σω, to strike against a thing·, to sprain, rh y0pv Hdt. ; ττρ. rhu ττόδα to stumble along, halt, limp, Plut. : — absol. to stumble, limp, Ar., Xen. : — c. dat. to stumble upon, strike against, rivi Dem. : — of ships, to be wrecked, Hdt. II. metaph. to fail, esp. in war, to suffer a defeat. Id. III. ττρ. τινί to offend, clash with, Plut. ■ΤΓροστΓτήναι, inf. of ττροσ-ετττηζ/, aor. 2 of ΊτροσΊτ^τομαι. ττροσ-ΤΓτήσσω, f. ξω, to crouch or cower towards, άκταϊ λιμ€Ρ05 ττοτίΤΓίΤΓτηυΐαι (Ep. pf. part, for ττροσττζ- τΓΤ7}κν7αι) headlands, verging towards the harbour, i. e. shutting· it in, Od. ττροστΓΤ'ηται, 3 sing·, aor. 2 med. subj. of ττροσττίτομαί. «π-ρόοΓ-ΤΓΤ-υγμα, τό, the object of embraces, Eur. From 'ττροσ-ΤΓΤ'υσσω, f. \ω, to embrace, Eur. B. mostly as Dep. ττροσ-τττΰσσομαι. Dor. ttotl-ttt- : f. -τττύξομαι : pf. ττροσ-έτττχτ/μαί : — of a garment, to fold itself close to, ττροστττνσσζτο ττλζυραΐσιρ χιτώρ Soph. II. of persons, 1. to fold to one's bosom, clasp, embrace, Od., Eur., etc. ,· στόμα σόν ττροστττνξομαι will press it to my lips, Eur.: — Pass., c. dat. to cling to. Soph. 2. metaph. to embrace, greet warmly, wel- come, Od. ; c. dupl. acc., ττρ. τιρά τι to address a friendly greeting to one, Ib. ; ττροστττύσσ^σθαι μύθφ to entreat warmly, importune, Ib. j Qiuiv Satras ττροσπτΰσσ^σθαι to welcome the feasts of the gods, Pind. ΊΓροσ-'ΤΓΤ’υω, f. -τττύσω and -τττνσομαι [ύ] : — to spit upon,TLpiTheophr., Luc. 2. metaph., ττρ. rtp καλφ : absol., ττροστττύσα5 Plut. Ίτροσ-ραίνω, to sprinkle on one, τινί τι Strab. τΓροσρατΓΤ€ον, verb. Adj. one must sew on, ap. Plut. Ίτροσ-ράτΓτω, f. ψω, to stitch on : Pass., pf. part, τρί- βωνζ$ ττροσ^ρραμμόροι patched coats, Plut. ιτροσ-ρβω, f. -ρ^νσομαι : aor. 2 pass, -eppxrqv : — to flow towards a point, to stream in, assemble, Hdt. 2. to rush up to. Tipi Plut. ττροσ-ρτίγνϋμι and -ΰω, f. ~ρ·ίιξω, to dash or beat against (intr.), ττροσ€ρρηξ€Ρ δ ττοταμόε τί) οικία Ν.Τ. ττρόσ-ρημα, ατο$, τό, an address, salutation. Plat. II. that by which one is addressed, a name, designation. Id., Dem. ττρόσ-ρησις, rj, an addressing, accosting, ττρόσρησιρ διδόραι τιρί to accost him, Eur. ; eVe/c’ όμr\s ττροσρ·ί]σζω$ to enable me to address thee. Id. <ΐΓροσ-ρητ€θ 5 , a, op, verb. Adj. to be addressed, called. Plat. II. προσρητόορ, one must call. Id. ‘ΤΓροσ-ρηΓΤ€ω, = sq., Plut. Ίτροσ-ριιττω, f. ψω, to throw to, τί or τιρά tipi Plut. Ίτροσ-σαίνω, Dor. ττοτι-σαίνω : aor. i -όσ-ηρα : — to fawn upon, properly of dogs; metaph., <ρώτα ττροσ- aaipeip κακόρ Aesch. 2. of things, to please, like Lat. arridere, τιρά Id., Eur. 'ΤΓροσ-σββω, to worship or honour besides, Aesch. ιτροσ-σημαίνω, f. άρω, to connote, Arist. ιτρόσσοθεν, Adv., Ep. for ττρόσθζρ, II. ιτροσσοτβρω, Adv. poet, for ττροσωτόρω. ιτροσ-στάζω, Dor. ττοτι-στ-, f. ξω, to drop on, shed 697 over, Pind. ; ττραύρ ττοτιστάζωρ υαρορ letting fall mild words. Id. Ίτροσ-σταυρόω, f. άσω, to draw a stockade along or before a place, c. acc., Thuc. ττροσ-στείχω, f. ξω : aor. 2 -όστιχορ : — to go or come towards, Od. ; δενρο ττρ. Soph. “ΓΓροοΓ-στελλω, f. -στβλώ, to lay upon : Med. to keep close to, Τ0Ϊ5 opeipois, of a general, Plut. II. in pf. pass, to be tight-drawn, close tucked in. Ισχία ττροσ^σταΧμόρα loins tucked up, of dogs, Xen. 'ττροσ-στρατοττεδβ'υω, f. σω, to encamp near, τόττω Polyb. ττροσ-σΰκοφαντεω, f. ά]σω, to slander besides, Dem. ττροσ-συμβάλλομαι, Med. to contribute to besides or at the same time, ττροσσυρζβάλζτοτηε δρμηε contributed to their eagerness, Thuc. Ίτροσ-σ'υνοικβω, f. tjctco, to settle with others in a place, join with others in a settlement, c. dat. pers., Thuc. Ίτροσ-σφάζω or -ττω, to slay at a place, c. dat., Plut. ττρόσσω, poet, for ττρόσω. ΊΓρο<τ-(Γωρ€υω, f. σω, to store up besides, Luc. ττρόσταγμα, aros, τό, (ττροστάσσω) an ordinance, com- mand, Plat., etc. ; e/c ττpoστάyμaτos Dem. Ίτρο-σταθείς, aor. i pass. part, of ττρο-ιστ'ημι. II. Ίτροσ-ταθείς, of ττροσ-τ^ίρω. ττροστακήναι, aor. 2 pass. inf. of ττροσττ]κω. ιτροσ-τακτεον, verb. Adj. one must order. Plat. τΓροσ-τακτικός, τ], όρ, of ον for commanding, impera- tive, Plut. ιτροσ-τακτός, τ], όρ, ordained, ordinary. Deer. ap. Dem. '7Γροσ-ταλαι·τΓωρ€ω, f . ·ί[\σω, to persist or persevere still further in a thing, c. dat., Thuc. 'ττρόσταξις,η, (ττροστάσσω) an ordaining, an ordinance, command. Plat. II. an assessment, Thuc. Ίτρο-στασία, Ion. -ίη, (ττροστηραι) a standing before , leadership, τον δήμου, του ττλήθουί Thuc. : — absol. chieftainship, presidency , \ά.. II. a standing up for, patronage ; and in bad sense, partisanship, Dem. 2. = Roman Plut. III. a place before a building, a court or area, Aeschin. ττρό-στασις, ή, (ττροστηραι) outward dignity , pompous appearance, pomp. Plat. ττροσ-τάσσω, Att. -ττω, f . I. c. acc. pers., 1. to place or post at a place, χωρ^Ίτ^ οι ττροστάσσομ^ρ (sc. νμάε) Eur. : — Pass., ττροσταχθ€Ί5 ττύλαι$ Aesch., etc. 2. to attach to, assign to, Hdt. ; ττρ. τιρά5 TIPI to assign them to his command, Thuc. : — Pass., Τυδοί ττροσ€Τ€τάχατο Φαρραζάθρτ) Hdt. 3. reversely, ττρ. άρχορτα to appoint as commander over others, Id. II. c. acc. rei, to give as a command , pre- scribe, enjoin, epyop, ττόρορ ττρ. τιρί Id., etc. : — Pass., τοΊσι Ittttos ττροσ^τότακτο to others orders had been given to supply cavalry. Id. ; τά ττροσταχθόρτα orders given. Id.; τδ ττροστ^τ ay μόρορ Id.; τά ττροσταχθησυ- μ€Ρα orders that will be given, Xen. : — absol., ττροσ- ταχθόρ μοι the order having been given me, Dem. 2. c. dat. pers. et inf. to command , order one to do, Hdt., etc. : — Pass., impers., ττροσ^τότακτό tipi ττρΊισσβίρ Id. 3. c. acc. et inf., Eur. : — Pass, to be ordered to do, Hdt. : absol. to receive orders, Thuc. τΓροστάτ€ία, η, (προστάτ7ΐ5) —ττροστασία ΐι, Xen. ττροστατεΰω, = 7Γροστατ6ω, to be leader or ruler of, c. 698 7Γροστατ€ω — ττροαττροτταιος. gen., Xen. ; absol. to exercise authority, Id. II. πρ. 6τΐω% , to provide or take care that . . , Id. ΐΓροσ·τατ€ω, f. ·ί]σω, {τΐροστ arris') to stand before, be rider over, domineer over, χθονόε, δωμάτων Eur. ; ττρ. του ayiavos to be stevaard of the games, Xen. ; absol., 0 προστατών he that acts as chief. Id. II. to stand before as a defender, to be guardian ox protector of, πυλών Aesch. ; ΆρΎ^ίων Eur. III. 6 προστα- τών xp6vos the time thaV setose at hand. Soph. Hence ιτροστατήριος, a, ov, standing before, δύμα πρ. Kapdias fear hovering before, or domineering over, my heart, Aesch. II. standing before, protecting. Id., Soph, ττροστάτης, ου, δ, (προστηναι) one who stands before, a front -rank-man , Xen. II. a chief, leader of a party, Hdt. ; b πρ. του δ^ιμου Thuc. 2. generally, a president, ruler, Aesch., Eur., etc. ; προστάται rijs €Ϊρ'ηνη$ its chief authors, Xen. III. one who stands before, a protector, guard, champion, πυλω- ^ότων Aesch., Soph., etc. 2. n.t Pythons, oi a citizen who took care of the μ4τοικοι, as the Rom. patronus took care of his clientes ; προστάτην Ύράψ^σθαί τινα to choose as one’s patron, Ar. ; but, Ύράψ^σθαι προστάτου to enter oneself by one’s patron’s name, attach oneself to a patron. Soph. IV. προστάτη$ θ^οΰ one who stands before a god to entreat him, a suppliant. Id. ττροστατικό?, ή, όν, of or for a προστάτη$ (signf. Il) Plat. 2. of ox for rank ox honour, ττροστάτις, i5os, fern, of προστάτη$, Luc. ιτροστάττω, Att. for προστάσσω. Ίτρο-σταυρόω, f. ώσω, to draw a stockade in front of or along, την θάλασσαν Thuc. 7Γροσ-τ€ΐχίζω, f. σω, to add to a fortification, include in the city-wall, Thuc. τΓροσ-τ€κταίνορ.αι, Med. to add of oneself , Plut. ττροσ-τβλβω, f. eVo), to pay or spend besides, Xen. Ίτρο-στελλω, f. -στβλώ, to guard or cover in front, Thuc. : — Med., προστ^λλ^σθαί τινα to send armed into the field, Aesch. : — Pass., προυστάλη$ οδόν wast equipt for, didst undertake, a journey. Soph. ΐΓρο-στ€νω, to sigh or grieve beforehand, Aesch. ΤΓρο-(ΓΤ€ρνίδιον, TO, (στόρνον) a covering fior the breast, of horses, Xen. ΤΓρό-στ€ρνο 5 ,οϊ/, {στόρνον) before or on the breast, Ps.Gsch, ιτροσ-τεριτω. Dor. τχοτι-τέρτχω, f. ψω, to delight or please besides, II. 'ττροστεχνάομαι, f. ήσομαι, Dep. to devise besides, Plut. ΊΓροσ·-τήκορ.αι, f. -τήκομαι, Pass., with pf. προστότηκα, to stick fast to, cling to, πρόστάκόντοε Ιου, of the poisoned robe clinging to Hercules, Soph, j and he is said to be ΰδρα5 προστζτάκώε ψάσματι, Id. ιτροσ-τίθημι, Dor. ττοτι- : imper. προστίθ€ΐ : f. -θησω : aor. I -όθηκα : aor. 2 -4θην, subj. -θώ : — Med., aor. i -ζθηκάμην : aor. 2 -^θόμην, subj. -θώμαι, 3 sing. opt. -θβΐτο : — Pass., aor. i -ζτόθην : — to put to, Lat. appo- nere, Od. ; πρ. Tas Obpas to put to the door, Hdt. ; πρ. κλίμακαε rots πύρyoιs Thuc. 2. to hand over or deliver to, θξών y4pa όφημόροισι προστίθζΐ Aesch. ; γυναίκα πρ. τινί to give her to him as wife, Hdt., etc. 3. simply, to give, bestow, φ€ρνά5 Eur. ; χρή- ματα Dem. II. πρ. πρηγμά τινι to impose further business on a man, Hdt. ; also c. inf., πρ. τινϊ πρησ- σαν τι Id. : — then, πρ. τινϊ άτιμίην to impose disgrace upon him. Id. ; λύπην, πόνουε Eur. ; ζημία5 τινί Thuc. 2. to attribute or impute to, αΙτίαν τινί Eur. ; θράσοε τινί Id. III. to add, πρ. τι τφ νόμφ Hdt. ; 0ρκφ πρ. (sc. τδν λόγον), ί. e. to make oath and then add the statement. Soph. : — absol. to make additions, to augment, Thuc. 2. esp. of adding articles to documents, πρ. τι πβρϊ τηε ξυμμαχίαε Id. ; πρ. Tip δικαίιρ to add to the definition of right. Plat. 3. c. acc. pers., πρ. Εαυτόν τινι to join his party, Thuc. B. Med., προστίθ^σθαι τ^ν γνώμην τινί to associate one’s opinion to another, i. e. agree with him, Dem. : absol. to associate oneself to, oTs &v συ προσθη Soph . ; πρ. τφ άστφ to be well-inclined to him, Hdt. : — absol. to come in, submit, ap. Dem. 2. to give one’s assent, agree to a thing, c. dat., Hdt., Thuc., etc. 3. φηφον δ’ ’Ορόσττ} t7}v^ όγώ προσθτ}σομαι, literally, will deposit this vote in favour of Orestes, Aesch. ; so, μτ) μια φτίφφ προστίθ^σθαι (sc. tt}v γνώμην), αλλά δυοΊν Thuc. II. c. acc. pers. to associate with one- self, i. e. take to one as a friend or ally, win over, Hdt., Thuc. ; φίλον πρ. τινά Hdt . ; ταύτην πρόσθου δάμαρτα take her to wife, Soph. 2. c. acc. rei, to add to 07ieself, gain, πρ. πλόον to be profited. Id . ; πρ. χάριν = 4πιχαρίζ€σθαι. Id.; of evils, to bring upon oneself, Trag., etc. b. to bring upon others, προσ- €θηκαντο πόλεμον made war, Hdt. ; μηνιν προσθόσθαι τινί to vent wrath upon him. Id. ιτροσ-τΐλάω, f. -ίησω, to befoul with dung, Ar. Ίτροσ-τΐμάω, f . -ΐησω, to award further penalty besides the regular one. Plat., Dem.; πρ.τφ δημοσίφ to adjudge to the treasury as a debt, Dem. : — the Act. was used of the Court, the Med. of the individual who proposed the penalty. Lex ap. Dem. Hence ττροστίμημα [ί], ατοε, τό, that which is awarded over and above the regular penalty, a fine, Dem. ττροσ-τραγωδεω, to exaggerate in tragic style, Strab. ιτροσ-τρεττω, f. φω, to turn towards a god, to approach with prayer, supplicate. Soph. ; c. acc. pers. et inf. to entreat one to do. Id. ; c. acc. rei et inf. to pray that, Eur. : — so in Med., Aesch. 2. to approach (as an enemy), Pind. ττροσ-τρβφω, f. -θρόφω, to bring up in : Pass., aor. i προσ^θρόφθην, Aesch. Ίτροσ-τρ^χω, f. -δράμουμαι: aor. 2 -όδράμον : — to run to or towards, come to one, πρόε τινα Plat. ; τινί Αχ. : absol. to run up, Xen., etc. 2. in hostile sense, to run at, make a sally, πρόε τινα Id. ττροσ-τρίβω [ϊ], f. φω, to rub against : — Pass., προσ- τζτριμμόνοε τισί worn down by intercourse with others, Aesch. : Med., mostly in bad sense, to inflict or cause to be inflicted, πληγάε τινι Ar. ; Pass, to be inflicted upon, τινί Aesch. 2. in good sense, πλού- του δόξαν προστρίβ^σθαί τινι to attach to one the reputation of wealth, Dem. Hence ‘ττρόσ’τριμμα, arcs, τό, that which is rubbed on : metaph. an affliction, Aesch. ττροσ-τρότταιος, Dor. ττοτι-τρότταιος, ov, (προστρο- πτΐ) : I. turning oneself towards, hence 1. one who (having incurred pollution by sin or crime) turns to a god for purification, a suppliant. Soph., etc. ; as Adj. suppliant, πρ. λιταί Id. 2. of one who has not yet been purified, a polluted person. Ίτροστροττη — τΓροσ-φορβω. 699 Lat. homo piacularis, Aesch., Eur. 3. of the pol- lution incurred, ττρ. αίμα hlood-guiltiness, Eur. II. a suppliant for vengeance^ Aesch. 2 . pass, to Tvhom the murdered person turns for veng’eance, i.e. an avenger^ Aeschin., etc. ίτροστροττη, η, (προστρεπω) a turning oneself towards a god for purification, the supplication of a polluted person, Aesch. : — any address to a god, prayers. Id., Eur. ·, ττροστροπ)]ν Beas the duty of praying to the goddess, the priestly office, Eur. ; TroAecos ττροστροτττιν a petition to the city. Soph. 2 . πρ. -γνραικών a suppliant band of women, Aesch. ττρόστροττος, ον, {ττροστρζπω) like ττροστρ6τΐαιο$, a sup- pliant, rivos Soph, j absol.. Id. ττροσ-τυγχάνω, f. -τ^υξομαι, to obtain one's share of a thing, c. gen.. Soph. : c. dat. to meet with, hit zipon, light upon. Plat. : — b ττροστυ^χάνων , b 'προστυχών the first person one meets, the first that offers, any body. Id.; τά προστυχόντα ^evia the guests’ fare set before him, Eur. ττρο-στωον, τό, (στοά) a portico. Plat, ττροσ-υβρίζω, f. -σω, to maltreat besides, Dem. ττρο-σνγγί-γνομαι, old Att. ττρο-|υγγ-, Dep. to speak with one before, τινι Thuc. ττρο-συμμίσγω, to intermix first, Th ύδωρ es τώντό Hdt. ττρο-συνοικεω, to cohabit with before, τινί Hdt. ττροσ-υττάρχω, f. |a>, to exist besides, ovde ταφηναι προσυπηρχζν 4μοί and besides I could not have been buried, Dem. ττροσ-υττεχω (sc. Koyov), to be answerable also for, ttjs τνχηε Dem. ττροσ-φάγιον, τό, (cpayeiv) anything eaten with other food : generally, something to eat, N. T. ττρόσφαγμα, arros, τό, a victim sacrificed for others, Eur. ; of the victim’s blood. Id. II. sacrifice, slaughter, Aesch., Eur. From ττρο-σφάζω, later Att. -σφάττω, f. ξω, to sacrifice beforehand, τινί Eur. ττροσ-φαίνομαι, Pass, to appear besides, Xen. ττροσφάσθαι, pres, or aor. 2 med. inf. of πρόσφημι. ττρόσ-φα,τος, ον, (πόφαμαι, pf . pass, of *φ€νω) lately slain, fresh-slain, W., Hdt. II. gQn&rdiWy, fresh, recent, Aesch., Dem. III. πρόσφατον as Adv. of Time, recently, lately, Pind. ττροσφερης, es, (προσφόρω) brought near, approaching : metaph. resembling, similar, τινι Hdt., Aesch., etc. ; τδ σώμα προσφ6ρ^5 τγ φνχτ} Plat. : — rarely c. gen., πατρδε προσφ€ρ€Ϊ5 ομμάτων Eur. ; cf. ε/χφερήϊ. II. = πρόσφορο5, serviceable, τινι Hdt. ττροσ-φε'ρω. Dor. ττοτι-φε'ρω : f. προσοίσω : Ion. ι aor. pass. ~€ν€ίχθ'ην -.—to bring to or upon, apply to, Lat. applicare, Hdt., Eur., etc. ; but, πρ. χ^ίρά τινι to lay hands upon one, Pind. ; also to offer one’s hand, as a friend, Xen. : — without dat. to apply, ex- hibit, employ, use, βίην Hdt. ; πρ. τόλμαν to bring it to bear, Pind. : also, πρ. πόλεμον Hdt. 2. to add, Ti Tivi Soph., Eur. ; τι πρ05 τι Hdt. 3. to present, offer, give, λουτρά πατρί Soph. ; δώρα Thuc.; θυσίαε N.T. b. esp. of meat and drink, to offer, to set before one, Xen. ; πρ. τινί 4μπΐΐϊν καΐ φayuv Id. 4. to bring forward, quote, cite, Pind. 5. to bring forward proposals, make an offer, πρ. K0yov or K0yoos τινι Hdt., Thuc. : absol., πρ. π€ρΙ bμoλoyίas Hdt., Thuc. II, to contribute, bring in, yield, άκατόν τάλαντα Hdt., etc. III. to bring one thing near another, make it like, πρ. νόον άθανάτοι$ Pind. B. Pass,, with fut. med. προσοίσομαι, to be borne towards, of ships, to put in, Xen. 2. to go against, attack, assault, τινι or πρ05 τινα Hdt., etc. ; absol. to rush on, make an onset. Id. ; προσφόρβσθαι άποροι difficult to engage. Id. 3. simply, to go to or towards, e/c του ’Ικαρίου πeλάyeos προσφξρόμ^νοι sailing. Id. 4. to deal with, behave oneself in a certain way towards one. Id., Thuc. ; — προσφόρ^σθαι πρδ5 λόyov to answer it, Xen. 5. προσφόρ^σθαί τινι to come near one, be like him, Hdt. 11. προσφό- ρζσθαί τινι to be put or imposed upon one, τά προσφ^- ρόμ^να πp'ηyμaτa Id. C. Med., προσφόρ^σθαί τι to take to oneself as meat or drink, Xen. : — Pass., τά προσφ^ρόμ^να meat or drink, food. Id. 2. to exhibit, φιλοτιμίαν ύμΐν N. T. 3. to apply or cause to be applied, Polyb. ττροσ-φβΰγω, f. -φ^υξομαι, to flee for refuge to, τινί Plut. Hence ττροσφευκτε'ον, verb. Adj. one must be liable to a prosecution besides, Dem. ττρόσ-φημι, mostly used in 3 sing. aor. 2 προσόφη, to speak to, address, τινά Horn., Hes. ; absol,, Horn. ; — also inf. med. προσφάσθαι, Od. ττροσ-φθε'γγομαι, Dor. ττοτι-φθ-, Dep. to call to, address, accost, salute, τινα Eur. 2. to call by a name, call so and so, Pind. Hence ττροσ-φθβγκτός. Dor. ττοτι-φθ-, ον, addressed, saluted, σου φωνη5 by thy voice. Soph. II. act. saluting, Anth. ; and ττρόσφθεγμα, arcs, τό, an address, salutation, Trag. ττρόσ-φθογγος, ον, addressing, saluting, μύθοι πρ. words of salutation, Aesch. ττροσ-φθονέω, f. ήσω, to oppose through envy, Plut. ττροσφίλεια [ϊ], η, kindness, good-will, Aesch, From ττροσ-φϊλής, es, (φιλόω) dear, beloved, τών -ηλίκων προσφιλέστατη Hdt. ; προσφιλ4έ$ τφ βασιλόϊ dear or friendly to him. Id. ; — of things, pleasing, agreeable, grateful, dear, Lat. gratus, Aesch., Soph. II. act., of persons, kindly affectioned, grateful, well- disposed, Soph., Thuc. : — Adv. -λώs, kindly. Soph. ; πρ. έχέιν τινί to be kindly affectioned to one, Xen. ττροσ-φιλοκα,λεω, f. ήσω, to add from a love of splen- dour, Strab. ττροσ-φϊλον€ΐκ€'ω, f. ήσω, to vie with another in any- thing, Tivi πρ05 τι Polyb. ττροσ-φϊλοσοφε'ω, f. -ήσω, to speculate further upon, τινί Luc. II. to philosophise with another, c. dat. pers.. Id. ττροσ-φοιτάω, f. ήσω, to go or come to frequently, to resort to a place, Dem., etc. ; πρ. τινί to visit con- stantly, Strab. προσφορά, η, (προσφέρω) a bringing to, applying, application. Plat. II. (from Pass.) that which is brought to a person or thing, a7i addition. Soph. 2 , advantage, profit. Id. : — a bounty, gift, Theophr. : an offering, Ν.Ύ. Hence ττροσφορε'ω, to bring to, bring in, Hdt., Xen. 700 Ίτροσφυρημα · προσφ^ρημα, ατο5, τό, that which is set before one, victuals, Eur. ιτρόσ-φορος, Dor. irori-, ov, (προσφέρω) serviceable, tiseful, profitable, Hdt., Soph. ; absol., ίχοντα$ τά πρ. Hdt., Thuc. 2. suitable, fitting, worthy. Find.; c. dat.. Id,, Eur., etc. : — c. inf,, ov ττρόσφορον μοΧύν ’tis not fit or meet to go, Aesch. 3. πρόσφοροι/, τό, what is fitting or suitable, Arist, : — πρόσφορα, τά, fitting service, Aesch. ; τά πρόσφορα all things meet or due, Eur.; τά πρ. as Κόίν., fitly , Id. προσφυής, is, (προσφνω) growing tipon t3r from, at- tached to, €K Tivos Od. 2. πρ. τινι attached or devoted to. Plat. Adv. -a/s, Ion. -εωϊ, προσφυόωε \iyeiv to speak suitably, Hdt. προσ-φΰω, f. -φόσςο [ϋ] : aor. i -εφϋσα : — to make to grow to ·: metaph. , ^0 7nake . sure, confirm, Aesch., Ar. II. Pass, or Med., f. -φύσομαι, with aor. 2 act. -4φυν, pf. -πόφΰκα : — to grow to or upon, c. dat., Eur. : — metaph. to cling to, τφ προσφυή 4χόμην Od. ; and absol., προσφνσα II, ; of a fish, τώγ/ίίστρ<ρ ποτε- φν€το Theocr. ττροσ-φωνεω, f . ήσω, to call or speak to, address, accost, τινά Ηδτα., etc. ; absol., Od. ; τοΊσιν προσ^φών^β ad- dressed [therii] in these words, Ib. ; (but c. dat. pers., N.T.):— c. dupl. acc. to address words to a person, II., Eur. 2. to call by name, Eur. II. c. acc. rei, to pronounce, utter. Soph. Hence ττροσ-φωνήεις, εσσα, εν, addressing, capable of ad- dressing, Od., in Dor, form ποτι-φωνΊ]€ΐ5 ; and ττροσφώνημα, aros, τό, that which is addressed to another, an address. Soph., Eur. ; and ττροσφώνησις, ή, an address : a dedication, Plut. προσ-χαίρω, to rejoice at, τινί Plut. Ίτροσ-χαρίζομαι, Dep. to gratify or satisfy besides, Tivl Xen.; τινί τι to give freely besides, Strab. ττροσ-χάσκω, aor. 2 -όχάνον : pf. in pres, sense προσκό- Xrjva : — to gape or stare open-mouthed at one, μτ] χαμαιπ€Τ€5 βόαμα προσχάντ]5 4μοί fall not prostrate before me with loud cries, Aesch. Ίτροσχεθεϊν, aor. 2 inf. of προόχω (v. σχόθω), to hold before : — Med. to ward off fro77i oneself, Theocr. προσ-χεω, f. -χεώ, to pour to or on, Luc, πρόσχημα, ατοε^τό, (προ-εχω) that which is held be- fore : hence, I. a screen, cloak, Ύ'ίχιχο.. \ a plea, pre- tence, pretext, osteyisible cause. Soph. ; so, πρ. του Xoyov Hdt. ; πρ. ποίίΐσθαι ώε επ’ 'Αθηναε iXavvei to make a pretence or show of marching against Athens, Id. ; c. inf., πρ. ποιούμενοι μή προδώσειν to pretend that they will not betray, Thuc. ; also, πρ. ποιεΐσθαί τι to put forward as a screen or disguise. Plat. : — πρόσ- χημα, acc. absol., by way of pretext, Hdt. II. outward show, ornament, as Miletus is called πρ. τηε Ίωνίηε, Ionia’s chief ornameiit. Id. ; and the Pythian games τό κλεινόν 'Ελλάδοε πρ. aycovos, Soph. ; πρ. τηε τpayφδίaε the outward show of tragedy, Ar. πρό-σχισμα, ατοε, τό, the forepart of the shoe, from its being slit, Arist. προσχόω, old pres, for προσχώννυμι. προσ-χρήζω, f. -ρσω : Ion. -χρηίξω, f. -ηίσω : — to re- quire or desire besides, c. gen., Hdt., Soph. : c. gen. pers. et inf., προσχρηίζω νμεων πείθεσθαι I request you to obey, Hdt. ; c. inf, only, τί προσχρτίζων — TTpocrwSia, μαθεΐν ; Soph.; παν οπερ προσχργζετε (sc. πνϋεσθαι) Aesch. προσ-χρίμπτω. Dor. ποτι-, f. φω, to come near, Aesch». πρόσχΰσις, η, (προσχεω) a sprinkling, N. T. πρόσχωμα, ατοε, τό, a deposit made by water, πρ.. Νείλου, of the Delta of the Nile, Aesch. From προσ-χώννΰμι and -υω : aor. i π ροσ έχωσα: — a pres, προσ-χόω also occurs in Thuc.: — to heap up be- sides : I. πρ. ταντα τά χωρία to form these nevo lands by deposition, of rivers, Hdt. 2. to choke up with mud, silt up, τόν ayKu/va [του Νείλου] Id. : absol., 6 ποταμόε προσχοίΐ αεί continually forms fresh deposits, Thuc. II. to throw earth agahist :■ Pass., η προσεχοντο [το τεΓχο5] where [the wall] had earth throw7i agahist it. Id. προσχωρεω, f. ήσω and -ησομαι : — to go to, approach,, c. dat., Hdt., Thuc. ; absol., Xen, II. to come or go over to, come in, join, τινί or πρόε τινα Hdt., Att. ; absol., Thuc. ; also, πρ. 4s ομολογίαν or ομολογία Hdt., Thuc. 2. to accede to an opinion, Hdt.; πρ. X0yois τινόε Soph. : to make concessions, Eur. 3. to approach, i. e. to agree with, be like, τινί or πρόε Tiva Hdt. 4. to put faith in, believe, τινί Id. Hence προσχώρησις, η, a going towards, approach, Xen. πρόσ-χωρος, ov, (χώρα) lying near, neighbouring, Aesch., Soph. II. as Subst., a neighbour, Hdt. πρόσχωσις, η, πρόσχωμα, Thuc, II. a bank or mound raised against a place. Id. προσ-φαυω. Dor. ποτι-, f. σω, to touch upon, touch, τινί Find. ; absol.. Soph. προσ-φηφίζομαι, f, Att. ιονμαι, Med. to vote besides, grant by a majority of votes, Plut. προσ-ψυχω [ϋ], (ψυχή) to devote oneself heart and soul, Anth. πρόσω, poet, πρόσσω ; Dor. and old Att. πόρσω ; later Att. πόρρω : — regul. Comp, and Sup. προσωτερω, προσωτάτω, v. προσωτερω ; poet, πόρσιον, πόρσιστα Find. : (πρό). A. absol. : I. of Place, forwards, onwards, further, Horn., etc. ; μή πόρσω φωνεΐν to speak no further. Id.; μηκετι πάπταινε πόρσιον Find. : — also with the Art., πορενεσθαι αίεΐ τό πρόσω Hdt. ; Ιεναι του πρ. Xen. II. oiOistance, far off, far away. Find.; 4yy0s, ov πρόσω βεβηκώε Eur. 2, too far. Plat. III. of Ύ\τη&, forivard, πρόσσω καΐ όπίσσω, v. sub όπίσω : — henceforth, hereafter, Aesch. ; ώε πόρσιστα as late as possible. Find. ; ηδη πόρρω τηε ημεραε οΰσηε fur spent, Aeschin. B. c. gen. : I. of F\a.cQ, forwards to, further into, πρ. του ποταμού Xen, : — metaph., πρ. άρετηε άνη- κειν to have reached a high point of virtue, Hdt. ; πόρρω τηε μοχθηρίαε far in wickedness, Xen., etc. : — also with the Art,, προβτ)σομαι 4ε τό πρ. του λόγου Hdt. ; ε’ϊ τό πρ. μεyάθεoε τιμάσθαι to be honoured to a high point of greatness, i. e. very greatly. Id. II. of Distance, far from, ov πρ. τον ’Ελλησπόντου Id. : metaph., πρ. δικαίων Aesch. ; πόρρω είναι τον οίεσθαι Plat.; also foil, by από, πρ. από των φορτίων Hdt. ; από του τείχονε Xen. III. of Time, πρόσω τηε νυκτόε far into the night, Hdt., Plat.; μόχρι π. τηε ημεραε Xen. προσωδία, η, (^δή) a song sung to music. II» the tone or accent of a syllable. Plat. . ττροσω^ός - -προσ-ωδ^ς, 6ν, {(fS-fj) in accord, in time, harmonious, Eur. ; c. dat., 'irpoo'^Sbs η τύχη τώμψ πάθ^ι Id. ■πρόσωθ€ν,ΑίΙ.τΓ0ρρωθ€ν, Ερ. ττρόσσοθεν, Adv. {πρόσω) : — -from afar, II., Trag., etc. ; — Comp. ΐΓθρρωτ€ρωθ€ν, from a more distant point, Isocr. II. of Time, from long, long ago, Eur., Plat., etc. προσ-ων€ομαι, Dep. to buy besides, Xen., Dem. ττροσ-ωνιίρ,ία, η, {όνομα) a surname, Plut. ιτροσώττατα, τά, old Ep. pi. of πρόσωπον. ΐΓροσωΐΓβΐον, τ6, {πρόσωπον) a mask, Luc. Ίτροσωττολη-ιττ^ω, to be a respecter of persons, N. T. 'ττροσωτΓΟ-λήτΓτης, ου, b, {λαμβάνω) a respecter of per- sons, Hence ττροσωτΓοληψία, η, respect of persons, N. T. Ίτρόσ-ωττον, τό : pi. πρόσωπα, Ep. προσώπατα ; dat. προσώπασι : (ώψ) : — the face, visage, countenance, mostly in pi., even of a single person, Horn., Soph., etc. ; βλόπ^ιν τινά €ls πρ. Eur . ; is πρ. rivhs άφικόσθαι to come before him. Id. : — κατά πρ. in front, facing, Thuc., etc. ; η κατά πρ. evTev^is a tete-a-tete, Plut. ; also, πρό% τό πρ. Xen.; λαμβάναν πρ. tivos, απροσω- πόληπτων τινα, Ν.Τ. : — metaph., άρχομόνου πρ. epyov Pind. II. one’s look, countenance, Lat. vultus, Aesch., etc. ; oh τό σόν SetVas πρ., cf. Hor. vultus instantis tyranni. Soph. ΙΐΙ.^προσωπωον, a mask, Dem., Arist. 2. outivard appearance, beauty, Pind. IV. a person, N. T., etc. ; προσώπον in bodily presence, Ib. ττροσωτερω, Att. ττορρωτερω, Comp, of πρόσω, further on, further, Hdt. : — c. further than. Id. j πορρ. του καιρού Xen. : — also with the Art., τό προσωτόρω Hdt. 2. further from, των πυλών Plut. II. Sup. ττροσωτάτω, Att. ττορρωτάτω, furthest, Xen. ; τά προσωτάτω the furthest parts, Hdt.; also προσώτατα. Id. : — ws προσωτάτω as far as possible. Soph. 2. c. furthest from. Plat. -ιτροσ-ωφελεω, f. ά',σω, to help or assist besides, contri- bute to assist, τινά Hdt., Eur. ; also c. dat., like όπω- φζλόω, Hdt., Eur. Hence ιτροσωφελημα, τό, help or aid in a thing, c. gen., Eur. 'π·ροσωφ€λησ·ΐ5, η, help, aid, advantage. Soph. Ίτροσωφελητ^ον, verb. Adj. one must assist, Xen. ττρόταγμα, ατο$, τό, {προτάσσω) the van, Plut. ττροταινί [t], Adv. {πρό) in front of, c. gen., Eur. ττροτακτβον, verb. Adj. of προτάσσω, one must place in front, Xen. 2. one must prefer, τί tlvos Aeschin. ιτρότακτος, ον, posted in front, ol πρ. the van, Plut. ΤΓρο-ταμΐ€Ϊον, τό, a room before a storeroom, Xen. ιτρο-ταμιβΰω, f. σω, to lay in beforehand, Luc. ττροτάμνω. Ion. for προτόμνω. '7Γρο-ταρβ€ω, f. 7)σω, to fear beforehand, Aesch. ; c. inf., Eur. II. to be anxious for one, tivos Soph, ιτρό-τασις, ή, {προτωνομαι) a proposition, the premiss of a syllogism, Arist. 'ττρο-τάσ'σω, Att. -ττω, f. |ct), to place or post in front, πρ. σφών αυτών ’Αστύμαχον put him at their head, as speaker, Thuc. : — Med., προίτάξατο τη 5 φάλα“γγο 5 Tohs Ιππόαε he posted his horse in front of it, Xen. : — Pass, to stand before one, so as to protect, Aesch. ; τό προταχθόν, oi προτξταΎμόνοι the front ranks, van, Xen. II. generally, to appoint or determine before- hand, χρόνον Soph. - ττρότβρος. JO I irpo-Tcytov, τό, (reyoy) the forepart of a roof, Plut. TTpo-Teivw, f. -τ^νώ, to stretch out before, hold before, Xen. 2. to expose to danger, Soph. 3. metaph. to hold out as a pretext or excuse, Hdt., Soph., etc. II. to stretch forth the hands, as a suppliant, Hdt., etc.; (so also in Med., Id.); π p. τ ivl χωρά Soph.: — intr. to stretch forward, eis τό πόλαγο5 Plat. 2. πρ. ζζξιάν to offer it as a pledge. Soph., etc. ; so, πρ. πίστιν Dem. 3. to hold out, tender, shew at a distance, Lat. ostentare, Hdt., Aesch., etc. ; — so in Med., Hdt., Plat. 4. to put forward as an ob- jection, Dem. ; so in Med., Plat. 5. in Med., μισθόν προτων^σθαι to demand as a reward, Hdt. TTpo-TcXeios, ov, (reAos) before consecration : — as Subst., ττρο-τελεια (sc. tepa), τά, a sacrifice offered before any solemnity , προτ4λ€ΐα ναών as an offering in behalf of the ships, Aesch.; προτόλωα παιόό$ a sacrifice before her marriage, Eur. II. generally, a be- ginning, iv προτ€λίίοΐ5 κάμακοε in the preliminary conflicts, Aesch. ; iv βιότου πρ. Id. ττρο-τελεω, f . όσω, to pay as toll or tribute, and gener- ally to pay or expend beforehand, τί τινι Xen. II. to initiate or instruct beforehand, Luc. “ΓΓροτελίζω, to present as an offering preliminary to marriage, Eur. ττρο-τεμενισμα, aTOS, τό, {τόμ^νοε) the precincts or entrance of a τόμ^νοε, Thuc. ττρο-τεμνω, Ion. and Ep. -τάμνω : f. -τεμώ : aor. 2 προϋτάμον : — to cut up beforehand, II. II. to cut off in front, cut short, Lat. praecidere, Od. III. Med. to cut forward or in front of one, el &λκα διη- veKea προταμοίμην if in ploughing I cut a long furrow before me, Ib. “ΓΓροτενθευω, to taste and take out the tid-bits ; gener- ally, to have the pick of a thing, Ar. From ττρο-τενθης, ου, b, one who picks out the tid-bits, a dainty fellow, gourmand, Ar. (Deriv. uncertain.) ττροτεραΐος, a, ov, {πpότepos) on the day before, τη πpoτepaίa ημόρα Plat. ; c. gen., τη πρ. ημόρα τηε μάχηε Thuc. : — more commonly alone, τη προτ€ραία (sub. ημόρα), Lat. pridie, Hdt., etc. ττροτερεω, f. ησω, {πρότeρoε) to be before, be in ad- vance, Hdt. ; πρ. τηε b5ov to be forward on the way. Id. 2. to be beforehand , take the lead,Thuc. 3. to gain an advantage, Philipp, ap. Dem. Hence ττροτερημα, ατοε, τό, an advantage, victory, Polyb. ττρότερος and ττρώτος, Comp, and Sup. formed from πρό, as Lat. prior, primus, from prae. A. Comp. Ίτρότεροζ, a, ov, I. of Place, before, in front, forward, W.·, πόδ^ε πρ. the fore ieet,Od. II. of Time, before, former , sooner, Horn., etc.; oi ττράτε- poi men of former times, II. ; πρότ^ροε yeve^ Ib. ; but, πρ. παίδξε children by the first or a former marriage, Od. ; TTj προτόρη (sc. ημόρα) on the day before, Lat. pridie, Ib. ; b πρότ^ροε Αιοννσιοε Dionysius the elder, Xen. : — the Adj. is often used where we use the Adv., ό μ€ πρότβροε κάκ eopy^v II., etc. 2. as a regular Comp., c. gen., lb., Hdt., etc. ; also foil, by τφ προτόριρ ίτω Ί) κρητηρα [όληίσαντο] Hdt. III. of Rank, Worth, and generally of Precedence, before, above, superior, Dem. ; πρ. τινοε πρόε τι superior to him in a thing. Plat. IV. after Horn., neut. ττράτε- ττροτερω — Ίτροτου. 702 ρον as Adv. before, sooner, earlier, Hdt., etc. ; d\iyov irp. Plat. : — c. gen., δ\1γφ τι ττρ. τούτων Hdt., etc. ; most commonly foil, by η. Id., Att. j also by ττρίν, ττρίν άν, ττρϊν η, Hdt., Att. ; also used with the Art., τδ ττρ. των άνδρών τούτων Hdt. : Adv. often between Art. and Subst., e. g. b TTpoTcpov βασιΧ^ύε Id. B. Sup. Ίτρώτος, η, ον, contr. from *πρόατο5. Dor. ττράτος : I. Adj. frst, serving as the ordinal to the cardinal eis, Horn. 2. of V\ 2 lC&, first, foremost, ivl ττρώτοισι or μ€τα ττρώτοισΊ alone, II. ; iv ττρώτφ βυμφ at the front or end of the pole, lb. ; ττρώτγσι θύρ-ρσι at the first or outermost doors, Ib. 3. of Time, TTpbs ΐΓρώτην %ω at first dawn, Soph. 4. of Order, ττρώτοι ττάντων ανθρώπων Hdt. ; τρ πρώτγ των ■ημερών Id. : — cv πρώτοιε, among the first, then like Lat. imprimis, above all, especially , greatly. Id. ; in Att., eV TOiS πρώτοι (v. b, η, τό A. IV. 7) : — in late Greek it is even foil, by a gen., πρώτόε μου N. T. 5. of Rank, μ€τα πρώτοισιν among the first men of the state, Od., etc. II. neut. pi. πρώτα, τά, 1. (sc. αθλα), the first prize, II., Soph. 2. the first part, beginning, Trjs ’lAictSos τα πρ. Plat., etc. 3. the first, highest, in degree, τά πρ. tcls Χιμώ (Dor.) the extremities of famine, Ar. ; is τα πρώτα τιμασθαι Thuc. : — of persons, δών τών'Ερ^τριύων τά πρώτα Hdt. ; τά πρώτα Trjs e/ce? μoχθηρίas the chief of the rascality down there, Ar. III. as Adv., 1. tt/v πρώτην (sc. ώραν, bdov) first, at present, just now, Hdt., etc. ; so, την πρώτην eJvai, like εκών eJvai, at first. Id. 2. with Preps., άπδ πpώτηs (sc. apxrjs), Thuc. 3. most commonly in neut. sing, and pi., πρώτον, πρώτα, a. first, in the first place, Lat. primum, Horn., etc. b. = πρότ€ρον, before, Xen., Anth. 4. first, for the first time. Soph., etc. ; eVel πρώτον, Lat. qiium pri- mum, as soon as, Horn. ', so, όττττότε /ce πρώτον Od. ; 0 T€ or δταν πρ. Dem. ; 4άν or ^v πρ. Plat. IV. Adv. πpώτωs, Arist., etc. 'Π·ροτ€ρω, Adv. (from πρό, as άποτύρω from από) , further , forwards, Horn, ; καί νύ Ke δτ] προτόρω er’ ^pis yeveT' the quarrel would have gone further, II. Hence ττροτερωσε, Adv. toward the front, forward, h. Horn, ττρο-τβΰχω, to do beforehand .— pf. pass. inf. προτξτύχ- θαι, to have happened beforehand, to be past, II. ττροτί [t], Ep. form of πpόs, Horn. ττροτι-άτΓτω, -βάλλομαι, -€ΐλ€ω, -ciirov, v. προσ-. ττρο-τίθημι, 3 pi. προθόουσι : f. -θησω : aor. i προνθηκα : — Med., aor. i προ^θηκάμην : — Pass., aor. i προντόθην ·, the pres, and impf. pass, are supplied by πρόκ€ΐμαι : — to place or set before, set out, esp. of meals, τpaπeζas πρότιθίν (Ep. for προύτίθ^σαν) Od. ; δαΐτά τινι προθ€Ϊ- ναι Hdt., etc. : — Med. to have set before one, δαΐτα Id. 2. like Lat. projicere, πρ. τινά κυσίν to throw him to the dogs, II. ; πρ. τινά θηρσϊν άρπαγΙ)ν Eur. 3. generally to hand over to, give over to, τί τινι Soph. 4. to expose a child, Hdt., etc. 5. to set up as a mark ox prize, propose, aieXovs Id.; αμιΚΧαν Eur.: — Veiss., προυτόθην άθΧον δop6s \d. b. to pro- pose as a penalty, θάνατον πρ. ζημίαν Thuc., etc. 6. to set forth, fix, set, is ^βδομηκοντα erea ovpov Trjs ζόηs πρ. Hdt. ; so in Med., ovpov πρ. ενιαυτόν Id. 7. to propose as a task, τί τινι Soph. : — Med. to propose to oneself as a task or object. Plat. 8. Med. also, to put forth on one's own part, display, shew, ευλσ-. βζίαν Soph. 9. προτίθζσθαί τινα iv οίκτψ to set before oneself va pity, i. e. compassionate, Aesch. II. πρ. veKpov to lay out a dead body, let it lie in state, Hdt. ; so in Med., Eur., etc. 2. to set out wares for show or sale, Luc. 3. to propose, bring forward a thing to be debated, Lat. in medium afferre, προθ^Ίναι πpηyμa, Koyov Hdt. ; yvώμas Thuc. : — c. inf., προθΰναι Xiy^iv to propose a discussion. Id. : — Med., πόvθos προΐθά]καντο proposed to them- selves, observed mourning, Hdt. : — Pass., tprjcpos π€ρΙ ημών προτ€θ€ΐσα Dem. 4. to appoint, hold a meet- ing, Luc. : — Med., προΰθ^το Χόσχην appointed a coun- cil, Soph. 5. Pass., ov προντόθη σφίαι Xoyos speech was not allowed them,Xen. III. to put forward, as one foot before the other, Eur. 2. to hold out as a pretext. Soph. IV. to put before or first, τι Plat. : — Med. to put in front, tovs yρoσ(poμάχoυs Polyb. 2. to put before or over,πiπXov ομμάτων Eur. 3. to prefer one to another, τί tivos Hdt., Eur. ; ηδονην άντϊ του καλόν Eur. : — Med., πάpos τού μου πόθου προΰθ^ντο τ^ν τυραννίδα Soph, ττροτι-μάσσω, Ερ. for προσ-μάσσω. ττρο-τϊμαω, f. ησω, to honour one before or above another, to prefer one to another, τινά or τί tivos Plat., etc. ; τινά αντί tivos or πρό tivos Id. 2. c. acc. only, to prefer in honour or esteem, Aesch., etc. : — Pass, to be so preferred, Thuc., etc. ; προτιμάσθαι άποθαν^ιν to be selected as a victim to be put to death. Id. 3. c. gen. only, to care for, take heed of, reck of, Aesch. ; ονδ^ν πρ. tiv0s Eur., etc. 4. c. inf. foil, by η, to wish rather, prefer, πpoτιμώvτes καθαροί eJvai ^ ΐυπρ^πόστ^ροι Hdt. : c. inf. only, to wish greatly, wish much to do or be. Soph., Eur. ; πρ. πολλου όμοϊ ^elvos yevόa^θaι to value at a great price the privilege of becoming my friend, Hdt. 5, c. partic., πρ. τυπτόμevos to care greatly about being beaten, Ar. Hence 'ΐΓροτίμησΐ5 [t], η, an honouring before others, prefer- ence, Thuc. προτι-μϋθεομαι, Ep. for προσ-μυθόομαι. ττρο-τΐμωρεω, f. ήσω, to help beforehand or first, τινι Thuc. : — Med. to revenge oneself before. Id. ττροτι-όσσομαι, Ep. Dep., only in pres, and impf., never in the common form προσ-όσσομαι : — to look at or upon, Od. II. of the mind, to look on, look stedfastly on, θάνατον lb. ; ii σ ev yιyvώσκωv προτιόσσομαι from thorough knowledge of thee / look on my fate, II. ΤΓρο-τιω, f. -τίσω [ϊ], to prefer in honour, Aesch., Soph, ττρο-τολμάομαι, aor. 2 -ζτοΧμά]θην, Pass, to be first ventured or risked, Thuc. ττροτομη, η, (προτόμνω) the foremost or upper part of anything: a bust or half-figure, Anth. 2. the forepart of a ship. Id. ττροτονίζω, to haul up with πρότονοι, Anth. From TTpoTovoi, ol, (προτείνω) two ropes from the masthead to the forepart of a ship, the forestays, which kept the mast from falling back (opp. to όπίτονοι the backstays), Horn. : — in sing., σωτηρα vabs πρότονον Aesch. II, in Eur., the πρότονοι are sail-ropes, braces. ττροτοΰ, for πρδ τού, ere this, aforetime , erst, formerly ^ Hdt., Att. ; b προτού (sc. xpbvos) Thuc. τΓροτρβτΓΤικός — ττρόφασ-ις. irpoTpcirTiKos, ή, όν, persuasive, ^ ττρ. σοφία skill in oratory. Plat, j κ-ίιριτγμα 'προτρ^τττικώτατον irphs aper^p Aeschin. Adv. -kws, persuasively , Luc. From Ίτρο-τρεττω, f. -τρίψω, to urge forwards : Med. to turn in headlong flight (cf. ττροτροττάδηρ), ττροτρίττοντο μίΚαινάων 4πϊ ρηωρ II. ; of the sun, ‘ότ’ Uv iTrlyalav αττ ουρανόθίΡ προτράπηται Od. ; metaph., άχίϊ ττροτρα- ΤΓ ίσθαι to give oneself up to grief, II. II. ίο urge on, impel, Soph.; — c. acc. pers. et inf. to urge on, impel, persuade one to do a thing·, Hdt., Att. ; ττροτρ. riva ils or iirl φιΧοσοφίαν Plat. : — so in Med., c. acc. pers. et inf., Aesch.,etc.; ra κατά τδρΎίλλορ ττροί- τρίφατο δ '2,όλωρ τδν Κρόΐσον Solon roused Croesus to enquire about Tellus, Hdt. ; ττροτρξψομαι I will exhort or urge thee. Soph. : — Pass, to he persuaded, Xen. ΤΓρο-τρεχω, f. -δράμονμαι : aor. 2 ττρούδράμον : — to run forward, Xen. II. to run before, otitrun, tivos Id. ττρό-τρϊτα, Adv. (τρίτοε) three days before, or for three successive days, Thuc. ιτροτροΊτάδην [ά]. Dor. -δαν, Adv. (προτρίττω) head- foremost, with headlong speed, II., Plat. ΤΓροτροτΓ·η, (προτρίττω) exhortation, Arist. ττρο-τυγχάνω, aor. 2 -ίτνχορ : — to come before one, τδ ττροτΰχόρ the first thing that came to hand, Pind. ΐΓρο-τ-υττοω, f. ώσω, to mould beforehand : Med. to figure to oneself, conceive, Luc. ττρο-τ'ύ'ϊΓτω, f. ψω, intr. to press forwards, Tp&ies Se TrpouTvxf/ap II. ; aua β7ρα5 προντυψί shot through his nostrils, Od. : — so in PsiSS.,TTpoTVTriv driven on (against Troy), or perh. stricken by an untimely blow, Aesch. ττρουβαλον, ττρουβην, contr. for ττρο-ίβαΚον, ττρο-ίβηρ, τΓρο·ί5γραφον, contr. for προ-ίγραφορ. 'ττρο'ύδΐδάξατο, ττρο'υδωκα, contr. for ττρο-ίδιδάξατο, vpo- ίδωκα. 'Trpo'i»0€TO, Ίτρο'υθηκε, contr. for ττρο-ίθίτο, ττρο-ίθηκί. προυκαμον, contr. for ττρο-ίκαμον, aor. 2 of ττροκάμνω. •ίΓρουκειτο, -ττρο'ύκινδ'υνευσε, contr. for ττρο-ίΚίΐτο, προ- ίκινδΰνίυσί. ΤΓρο·υνν€ΤΓω, ν. sub Ίτρο-ίΡΡίττω. '7Γρο·υ|ενησ€, ιτρουίειτίσταμαι, Ίτρο'υξερευνάω and -ήτης, ττρούξεψίεμαι, contr. for ττρο-ίξ-. ηρο-νιταρχη, η, a previous service, Arist. ΤΓρο-·ϋ7Γάρχω, f. ξω, to be beforehand in a thing, to make a beginning of, c. gen., άδικία5 Thuc. : c. dat. to begin with, wp. τφ ττοΐίΊν εδ Dem. : — Pass., τα ^Γpoϋ^Γηpyμ4pa benefits formerly received, Id. II. intr. to exist or be there before, Thuc., etc. ; τΓροϋττάρ- ξαρτα what happened before, past events, Dem. ττρο-υττεμψα, contr. for προ-ίττίμψα. προ-'ϋττεξορμάω, f. ήσω, to go out secretly before, Luc. Ίτρο-'ϋτΓοβάλλω, f. -βάλω, to put under as a founda- tion : — Pass, to be prepared as materials, Luc. ιτρο.-υττογράφω [ά], to sketch out before: in Med., Plut. ' 7 Γρο-·ϋτΓ 0 κ€ΐμαι, Pass, to be mortgaged before, Plut. 'ΤΓρο-ϋ'ίΓολαμβάνω, f. -λ^ιφομαι, to assume beforehand, Arist. ιτρουτΓΤος, op, contr. for τΓρόοπτο5. ΤΓρο{!ρ·γο·υ, contr. for irpb epyov, serving for or towards a work, serviceable, profitable, useful, τι τωρ TTpoOpyov something useful, Ar. ; ττρ. ^στ\ iXs or irpbs τι ’tis a step towards gaining one’s end. Plat. ; οδδίρ ττρ. 4στί, c. inf.. Id. : — also as Adv. conveniently, opportunely , 703 TTpovpyov τΓίσίΊρ Eur. II. Comp. vpovpyiaiTepos, a, OP, more serviceable, ττρ. ττοιύσθαί τι to deem of more consequence, Thuc. ; ττρ. yiypiTai, Plat, ιτρουσελεω, to maltreat, insult, only in two passages, opcDj/ ίμαυτδρ έδε προυσίλούμίρορ Aesch. ; ovs μϊρ ϊσμίΡ €vyep€?s ττρουσίλουμίρ we insult those whom we know to be noble, Ar. (Deriv. uncertain.) ττροΰσκεΐΓτο, contr. for προ-ίσκίτττο, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of προσκοΊΓίω. ττροντίθίΐ, ττρο'υτρέ'ΤΓετο, ττρο'υτυψα, contr. for ττρο-ετ- . ττρο-υφαινε, contr. for ττρο-ίφαιρί. ττρο-ΰ'φαιρεω, f. ησω, to filch beforehand, ττρ. τ^ρ ίκκλησίαρ, i. e. get it held (without notice) before the expected time, Aeschin. ΤΓρο-υφάνην, contr. for ττρο-ίφάρηρ. Ίτρούφείλω, contr. for ττρο-οφίίλω. Ίτρο'υχω, ΤΓρο·υχουσι, τΓρο·υχοντο, contr. for ττρο-ε'χ-. ττρο-φαίνω, f. -φάρώ : aor. ι —ίφτηρα : — Pass., aor. 2 ττρουφάρ7]Ρ, part. ττροφάΡίί5 : 3 ρ1· pf· ν-ροττίφαρται : — to bring forth, bring to light, shew forth, manifest, display. Soph. : metaph., Άχίλευϊ Aiyipap ττρ. brought it into light, made it illustrious, Pind. : — Pass, to be shewn forth, come to light, appear, Horn., Soph. ; impers., ουδέ ττρυυφαίρίτ Ιδίσθαι nor was there light enough for us to see, Od. : — aor. 2 pass. part, ττροφά- Piis, ίΐσα, coming forward, appearing, Ib. 2. to indicate or declare before. Soph., Dem. 3. = ττροτί- θημι I. 5 , to propose, άθλα Xen. 4. Pass., metaph. of sound, to be plainly heard, ττρούφάρη ktvttos Soph. II. to shew beforehand, foreshew, of oracles, Hdt., Soph. ; οκωε στρατίηρ ττίμψίΐε, ον ττρο- φαίρίΐ5 boldest out no hope that thou wilt send, Hdt. : — Pass, or Med. to shew itself or appear before, Xen. III. seemingly intr. (the cognate acc. φάο5 or φώε being understood), to give forth light, shine forth, ουδέ ο'ελήυη ττρονφαιρί Od. ; of a torch, Plut. ; 0 ττροφαίρων a torch-bearer. Id. Hence ττροφανής, is, shewing itself or seen beforehand, Arist. II. seen clearly or plainly, conspicuous, Xen. 2. metaph. quite plain or clear. Plat. ; άττδ or 4k του ττροφαροΰε openly, Thuc. : — Adv. -pccs, Polyb. ιτρόφαντος, op, (ττροφαίρω) far seen, \\qx\c& far-famed , Pind. II. foreshewn, as by an oracle, Hdt., Soph. ; ττρόφαρτα δέ σφι 4yipiT0 oracles were delivered to them, Hdt. προφασίζομαι : impf. ττρουφασιζόμηρ : f. Att. ττροφασι- ονμαι : aor. i προυφασισάμηρ : Dep. : — to set tip as a pretext or excuse, allege by way of excuse, plead in excuse, c. acc., Theogn., Thuc.^ etc. ; c. inf. to allege as an excuse that . . , Dem. : — absol. to make excuses, Thuc. : — aor. i ττροφασισθηραι in pass, sense, to be used as a pretext. Id. II. ίο allege (by way of ac- cusation) that, Plat. From πρόφασις, η, gen.ecos. Ion. los: (ττροφαίρω or ττρόφημι): — that which is alleged as the cause, an allegation, plea, καΐ 4τγΪ μeyάλr) καΐ 4ττϊ βραχεία δμοίωε ττρο- φάο'ει to great or small plea alike, Thuc. ; ττρ. άληθίστάτη Id. 2. mostly in bad sense, a mere pretext, a pretence, excuse, Hdt., etc. ; opp. to the true cause (αιτία), Thuc. : c. gen. the pretext or pretence for a thing, Hdt., etc. : — absol. in acc., ττρυφασιρ in pretence, II., Att. ; ττρόφασιρ μίρ, opp- 704 -ροφερής — ττροφ ων€ω. to τί> y a\ηθ45y Thuc. ; so in dat., -π-ροφάσβι Id. : - — οπό τΓροψάσιθ5 τοιησΒζ from or on some such pre- text as this, Hdt., etc. : — τΐροψάσιο$ ciyeKcv Id. : — enl τΓροφάσ€ΐ by way of excuse, Theog-n., Thuc. ; so, €7Γί ΤΓροψάσιθ5 Hdt. j κατά τνρόφασιν Id. : — foil, by an inf., avTT] ήν σοι ττρ. έκβαΚύν e/xe for casting me out. Soph, j Έρόφασιν €χ€ΐτοΪ5 δζΐλαίοΐ5 μτ] teVat gives them an excuse for not going. Plat. 3. phrases, πρόφασιν δώόναι, ένδιδόναι to give occasion, make an excuse, Dem. j ττρ. ivSovvai tivl Thuc. j ττρ. TrpoTeiyeiv, ττροίσχε- σθαι to put forward an excuse, Hdt. ; τταρ^χ^ιν Ar. ; ■προφάσία$ %\khv to keep making pretences, Hdt., etc. j elliptically, μη μοι ττρόφασιν (sc. ττόρβχβ) no excuse, no shitffling, Ar. 11. Find, personifies Πρό- as daughter of Epimetheus (Afterthought). III. in Soph, it must mean suggestion. ιτροφερής, eT, (ττροφ^ρω) poet. Adj. carried before, placed before, excelling, c. gen., Hes. : — Comp., more excellent, superior, surpassing, των άλλων προψβρβσ- T^pos Od. j c. inf., [τιμίονοι] βοών ττροφβρζσ'τζραί eiaiv ξλκ€μ€ναι are better than oxen in drawing, II. : — Sup. τΓροφ€ρ4στατο5 Ib., Hes. : — also Comp, and Sup., ττρο- (peprepos, ττροφ4ρτατο$ Soph. II. looking older than one is, 'well-gro'uan, precocious. Plat., Aeschin. ιτρο-φερω, f. -οίσω : aor. i -ην^^κα : aor. 2 -ην^γκον : — Ep. 3 sing. pres. subj. ττροφίρησι, as if from a form in μι : — to bring before one, bring to, present, offer, II., Thuc. 2. of words, ττρ. ονειδεά τινι to throw reproaches in his teeth, II. : and so, πρ. τινί to throw in one^s teeth, bring forward, allege, Lat. objicere, μη μοι δώρα ττρό^ερε 'Αφροδίτη5 Ib. 3. simply, to litter, αί/δάν, μΰθον Eur. ; πρ. Αίγιναν ττά- τραν to proclaim it as their country. Find. 4 . to bring forward, cite, Thuc. ·, προφορών ^Αρτβμιν pleading Artemis as authority, Aesch. 5. of an oracle, to propose as a task, Hdt. : — Pass., προυνεχθεν- Tos τινί (gen. absol.) if it were commanded one to do so, Aesch. II. to bring forward, display, II. ; ίριδα πρ. to shew, i. e. engage in, rivalry, Od. ; πόλεμόν Tivi πρ. to declare war against one, Hdt. : — Med., ξ^ινοδόκφ ίριδα ττροφίρ^σβαι to offer quarrel to one’s host, Od. III. to bear on or away, to carry off, sweep away, of a storm, Horn. IV. to move forward, ττόδα Eur. : — then, to promote, further , assist, ηώ5 προφίρξΐ όδοΰ morning furthers one on the road, Hes. j πρ. είϊ τι to conduce, help towards gaining an object, Thuc. 2. intr. to surpass, excel another, c. gen., Hdt., Thuc. ττρο-φεύγω, f. —φβνξομαι, aor. 2 προνφύγον : — to flee forwards, flee away, II. II. c. acc. to flee from, shun, avoid, Horn. -προφητεία, η, the gift of interpreting the will of the gods, Orac. ap. Luc. II. in N.T., the gift of expounding scripture, of speaking and preaching. -προφητεύω, Dor. ττροφάτ- : f. -ευσω : aor. i ίττροφη- τευσα : — to be an interpreter of the gods, μαντΐό^ο, Μόΐσα, ττροφατζύσω δ’ βγω Find.; tis ττροφητζύξΐ θ€ον ; who is his interpreter ? Eur. j ottis σοι ττροφητίύσζΐ τάδε who will give thee this oracular advice. Id. II. in N.T. to expound scripture, to speak and preach under the influence of the Holy Spirit. -προφήτης, Dor. προφάτης [ά], ό, {ττρόφημΐ) one who speaks for a. God and interprets his will to man, a prophet ; so Teiresias is πρ. Aios, Jove’s interpreter. Find, j and of Apollo, Aibs προφητηε 4στϊ ΑοξΙαε πατρόϊ Aesch. ; while the Pythia, in turn, became the ·προφητι$ of Apollo, Hdt. ; so Poets are called ol τών Μουσών Ίτροφηται interpreters of the Muses, Plat. 2. gene- rally, an interpreter, declarer, 4γώ ττρ. σοι Χόγων yi- ντ^σομαι Eur. ; so, the bowl is called κώμου ττροφάτη$. Find. II. in N.T. , \. one who possesses the gif t of Ίτροφητ^ία, an inspired preacher and teacher. 2. the revealer of God's counsel for the future, a prophet (in the modern sense of the word), a predicter of future events. Hence -προφητικός, ή, o'v, oracular, Luc. προφήτις, ιδο$, fern, of προφήτην, of the Pythia, Eur. ττρο-φθάνω [ά], f. -φθάσω [ά] and -φθήσομαι : aor. i -ίφθάσα : aor. 2 προϋφθην (as if from a Verb in μϊ) : — to outrun, anticipate, c. acc., Aesch., Plat. 2. absol. to be beforehand, Eur. προ-φθίμενος [t], η, ον, dead or killed before, Anth. -προ-φοβε'ομαι, f. ησομαι. Pass, to fear beforehand, fear at the thought of, Xen. Hence προφοβητικός, η, όν, apt to fear beforehand, Arist. προ-φορε'ομαι, Med., in weaving, to carry on the web by passing the weft across the warp : metaph., την δδδν ττροφορζίσθαι to run to and fro, Ar. -προ-φράζω, f. σω, to foretell, Hdt. ; pf. pass. part. ττροττζφραδμίνα αθλα Hes. πpόφpασσα,Ep.fem.of ττρόφρων , kindly , gracious, Horn, πρό-φρων, ovos, b, η, {φρην) with forward mitid, hence zealous, willing, ready, glad to do a thing, Horn., etc. 2. of acts, efforts, earnest, zealous. Id. II. Ep. Adv. προφρονεωί, readily, earyiestly, zealously, II. ; later ττροφρόνωε Theogn., Att. προφΰγεΐν, aor. 2 inf. of ττροφζΰγω. προφυγοισθα, Ep. 2 sing. aor. 2 opt. of ττροφζύγω. προφυλακή, (προφυλάσσω) a guard in front ; in pi. outposts, videttes, piquets, Xen. ; in sing., η πρ. αυτόν his advanced guard. Id. ; δίο προφυλακή? with an ad- vanced guard, Thuc. προφΰλάκις νου?, η, a look-out ship, Thuc. From προφύλαξ [ϋ], άκο?, ό, an advanced guard : ol προφυ- XoKes — ai προφυλακαί, Thuc., Xen. j προ-φΰλάσσω, Att. — ττω, f. ξω, to keep guard be- ! fore, to guard a place or house, c. acc., h. Horn, (in i the Ep. 2 pi. imperat. ττροφύλαχθξ, for προφυλάσ- | σετε), Xen.; ττροφυλάσσβιν επί τινι to keep guard over a person or place, Hdt. : — absol. to be on guard, keep watch, η προφυλάσσουσα (sc. vavs) — ·προφν\ακί3. Id.: — ^led. to guard oneself, to be on one's guard, take \ precautions. Id., Thuc. : — c. acc. to be on one's guard ' or take precautions against, Lat. cavere, Hdt., Xen. } προ-φϋράω, f . ησω, to mix up or knead beforehand : metaph. in Pass., ττροττζφΰραται Koyos the speech is all ready concocted or brewed, Ar. προ-φΰτευω, f. σω, to plant before: metaph. to en- gender, Soph. προ-φωνεω, f. ήσω, to utter beforehatid, Aesch. ; προ- φωνεΓ τόνδε Xoyov gives this order beforehand. Id. II. to order beforehand or publicly, c. dat. et inf., καί σοι ττροφωνώ το'νδε μή θάπτειν Soph. ; with inf. omitted, υμίν ττροφωνώ τάδε Id. ΊτροχαΙρω - “ΓΓρο-χαίρω, to rejoice beforehand, Plat. II. in 3 sing·, imperat. τΓροχαιρ^τω, far be it from me I away with it ! Aesch. ττρο-χαλκβυω, f. σω, to forge beforehand, Aesch. Ίτρό-χειλος, ον, with prominent lips, Strab. 7Γρο-χ€ΐρίζω, f. Att. ιω, to put into the hand, have ready at hand, Polyb. : — Pass., in pf. part., taken in hand, undertaken. Plat., Dem. ll. as Dep. ττρο- χξίρίζομαι, f. Att. -χβιρωνμαι : — to take into one's hand, prepare for oneself ,Oem, 2. to choose, elect. Id. 3. c. inf. to determine to do, Polyb. ιτρό-χειρος, ον, (χ^ίρ) at hand, ready, Aesch., Soph. ; of a drawn sword or knife. Soph., Eur. j λίθοίί καΐ . . aKovriois, ws ’4καστό$ τι πρόχειρον βΤχε Thuc. ; t ττρο- χ^ιρότατον ^χω elirelv Dem. 2. πρόχειρόν [εστι] it is easy, c. inf.. Plat., etc. II. of persons, ready to do, c. inf.. Soph. ; c. dat., πρ. ττ) ready for flight, Eur. III. Adv. -pois, offdiand, readily. Plat. ■7Γρο-χ€ΐροτον€ω, f. ήσω, to choose or elect before. Plat., Aeschin. 2. to give a previous vote, Ώζ,να. ττρο-χεω, f. -χεώ: aor. i -βχεο : — to pour forth or forward, II., Pind. ; (nrovbas ττροχ^αι Hdt. : — metaph., οπα γλυκ€Ϊαν Pind. : — Pass., metaph. of large bodies of men pouring over a plain, II. ιτρό-χνΰ, Adv., {yp6, ^6ν\}) with the knees forward, i. e. kneeling, on one's knees, II. ; metaph., las Kev αττόλωνται ττρόχνυ that they may perish on their knees, i. e. may be brought low and perish, Ib. ; so, ττρόχνυ ολόσθαι Od. ιτροχοή, η, (ττροχόω) mostly in pi., the outpouring, i.e. the mouth, of a river, Horn., Pind., etc. ; sing, in Hes. ττροχόη, η, = τΓρόχοο5, Anth. ττροχοίς, iSos, rj. Dim. of τΓρόχοο5, a chamberpot, Xen. ττρόχοοξ» Att. contr. ττρόχους, η : heterocl. dat. pi. ττρόχουρΊ : acc. pi. τΓρόχου5 ; (προχ4ω) : — a vessel for pouring out, a ewer for pouring water on the hands of guests, Horn., Soph.; — a wine-jug from which the cupbearer pours into the cups, Od. 'π·ρο-χορ€·υω, f. σω, to dance before in a chorus, ττρ. κωμον to lead a κώμο5 or festive band, Eur. ιτρο-χρίω [r], f. σω, to smear before, ττρ. τι τινι to smear or rub with a thing. Soph. Trpo-xpovos, ov, of former time, Luc. ττρόχΰσις, η, (προχόω) a pouring out, ττρ, Trjs yris a deposition of mud by a river, Lat. alluvies, Hdt. : — in ovXas κριθών ττρόχυσιν eToteero (cf. sq.), ττρόχυσιν €7Γθί€€το must be taken as a simple Verb = 7rpoex€e, Id. ττρο-χΰται [υ] (sc. κριθαί), al = ουΧο-χνται, Eur. Ίτρο-χυτης [ί], ου, δ, = ττρόχοοί, an urn for libations, Eur. ττροχΰτός,ή, όν, poured out in front : — Προχύτη νησοε the island of Procida, formed by eruption from Vesu- vius, Strab. ττρό-χωλος, ov, very lame or halt, Luc. ΐΓρο-χωρ€ω, f. ήσω, to go or come forward, advance, TTphs 4μ^ν x^ipa as my hand guides thee. Soph.; of troops, Thuc. : — of Time, to go on, Xen. II. metaph. of States, wars, enterprises, etc., to proceed, advance, go on, often with some word to denote a good or bad issue, ττροχωρησαι Eur. ; ττροχωρη- σάντων 4ττΙ μ4ya των ττpayμάτωv Thuc. ; τούτων ττροκ€· χωρηκότων ώε 4βού\οντο Xen. : — absol. to go on well, prosper, Hdt., etc. 2. impers., ττροχωρ^Ι μοι it goes - TrpvTavela. 705 on well for me, I have success, els oi όόλφ ού Trpoe- χώρ€€ Λvhen he could not succeed by craft. Id. ; c. inf., ^v μη ττροχωρ'ύση αττζΧθ^ΐν if it be not possible to depart, Thuc. : — absol. in part., ττροκ^χωρηκότων when things went on well, Xen. 3. later, of persons, to advance, Luc. ιτρο-ωθέω, f. -ωθ^]σω and -ώσω : aor. i -4ωσα, contr. part. ττρώσα$ : — to push forward, push or urge on, Plat. ; ττρ. αυτόν to rush on, Xen. ττρο-ώλης, es, (υΧΧυμι) ruined beforehand, Dem. πρό-ωρος, ov, {&pa) before the time, untimely, Anth. ττρΰλεες, 4ων, οί, men-at-arms, foot-soldiers, opp. to chiefs fighting from chariots, II. (Deriv. uncertain.'! ΐΓρυμ,να, η, Ion. ατρ-υμνη, fern, of ττρυμνόε (sub. vavs), the hindmost part of a ship, the stern, poop, Lat. puppis, Horn., etc. ; he sometimes has it in full, νη\ ττάρα ττρύμντι, 4ττΙ ττρύμνρ νηί, νηΐ 4νΙ ττρ., and in pi., νηυσίν 4ττι ττρύμνησι ; though he also has ττρύμνη νηόε Od. : — 4ττϊ ττρύμνην ανακρούίσθαι to back a ship (v. ανακρούω ll) ; so, χωρ41ν ττρύμναν to retire, draw back, Eur. ; eTretyet κατα ττρύμναν, of a fair wind, Soph. ; κατα ττρ. ϊσταται τό ττν^ύμα Thuc. — Ship.‘^ were fastened or drawn up on land by the stern, II. : hence, ττρύμνα$ Χύσαι Eur.; cf. ττρυμντ]σΐ 05 . 2. metaph. of the vessel of the State, Aesch. II. generally the bottom, ττρ. ''θσσα5 the foot of mount Ossa, Eur. -ΓΓρυμναιος, a, ov, of a ship-stern, Anth. Πρυμνευς, δ. Steersman, name of a Phaeacian, Od. τΓρ·υμνη, Ion. for ττρύμνα. ττριίμνηθεν. Dor. -αθεν, Adv. of ττρύμνη, from the stern, II., Aesch., Eur. ττρυμνήσιος, a, ov, (ττρύμνα) of or from a ship's stern, κάΧω$ Eur.: — neut. pi. ττρυμν’ύσια (sc. δεσμά) stern- cables, Lat. retinacula navis, Horn, ττρυμνήτης, ου, δ, (ττρύμνα) the steersman : — metaph., χώραε ττρ. άναξ ^ the pilot' of the State, Aesch. II. as masc. Ad]. = -κρυμν-ύσ 10 s, ττρ. κάΧωε Eur. ττρυμνόθεν, (ττρυμνόν) Ad\. from the bottom, hence like funditus, utterly, root and branch, Aesch. ΤΓρυμνόν, τό, the lower part, end, II. ; ττρυμνοΐε ayopas επί at the far end of the agora, Pind. ττρυμνός, τ], όν, Ep. Adj. the hindmost, undermost, end-most : In Horn, always of the end of the limb next the body, the root, ττρυμνόε βραχίων, πρύμνη γλώσσα, etc. ; so, πρυμνών ϋΧην 4κτάμνζΐν to cut ofl' the wood at the root, II. ; Ζόρυ πρυμνόν the part of a spear-head where It joins the shaft, Ib.; Xaas πρυμνΖε παχύε a stone broad at base, opp. to ΰπ^ρθ^ν οξύε (which follows), Ib. ; Sup. πρυμνότατοε Od. : — for πρύμνη vads, V. πρύμνα. (Deriv. uncertain.) ττρυμν-οΐχος, ov, (4χω) holding the ship's stern, Anth. II. detaining the ships (because they were anchored by the stern), AdXis Eur. ττρυμν-ώρεια, η, (opos) the foot of a mountain , II. ττρΰτάνεία, Ion. -ηίη, η, (πρυτανεύω) the prytany or presidency , at Athens a period of 35 or 36 days, about of a year, during which the prytanes of each <ρυΧτ\ in turn presided in the βουΧτ] and 4κκΧησία, Oratt. ; 4ν5(κάτη Trjs πρυταν^ίαε (sc. τηε ΠανΖιονΙδοε) on the iith of the presidency of the Tribe Pandionis, Dem. II. ajiy public office held by rotation, πρ. 7. 7 . Ίτρυτανειον — ττρωτενω. 7θό T7JS ημ^ρ-ηί the chief command for the day, held by each general in turn, Hdt. Ίτρΰτανβϊον, Ion, -ήιον, τό, (rrpvTavis) the presidents’ hall, town-hall, Lat. curia, Hdt., Thuc., etc. j con- secrated to Hestia or Vesta, to whom a perpetual fire was kept burning in it, which in Colonies was brought from the Prytaneion of the mother-city: at Athens the Prytanes had their meals there, and there they enter- tained foreign ambassadors, Ar., Dem. : citizens also of high merit, and the children of those who had fallen in battle, were rewarded by a seat at this public table, 4 u ττρυτανίΐφ denryelu, σηύσθαι Ar., Plat. II. a law-court at Athens, Dem., Plut. 2 . ττρυτανύα, Tct, a sum of money deposited by each party to a lawsuit before the suit began, Ar,, etc. ; τιθέναι TTpvTaueia nui, i. e. bring an action against. Id. ; ίν αΐ 0eVeis -yiyvoivro rf) νουμη^α (sc. των "πρυτανείων) Id. ; δεχεσθαι τα ττρ. to receive this deposit, i. e. to allow the action to be brought. Id. 7Γρΰταν€ΰω, f. σω, to be TvpvTavis or president, to hold sway, h. Horn. II. at Athens, to hold office as Prytanis, properly used of the presiding (pvKri (v, πρύτανιε II), ετυχεν η φυλί] ’ΑκαμαντΙε -πρυτανεύουσα Plat., etc. 2. ττρ. ττερϊ εΙρ-ηνηε to put the question on a motion for peace, this being the duty of the Prytanes, Ar., etc. III. generally, to manage, regulate, Dem. : — Pass,, ττρντανενεσθαί "παρά tivos to suffer oneself to be guided by one. Id. ιτρυτα,νηίη, -ήιον, Ion. for πρυτανεία, -νεΊον. irpuTavis [ΰ], gen. ecos, 6 : pi. πρυτάνειε : (prob. from πρό) : — a prince, ruler, lord, chief, of Hiero, Pind. j of Zeus, Id., Aesch. II. at Athens, a Prytanis or President : the πρυτάνειε were a committee of 50, chosen by lot from each of the 10 φυλαί, so that each set formed iV part of the βουλ-η or Council of 500; out of these 50 πρυτάνειε one was chosen by lot as chief- president {επιστάτ 7 } 5 ) ; he chose 9 πρόεδροι ; and the real business was in the hands of this smaller body, with a secretary ("γραμματεύε) added. — The φυλ-η which first entered office every year was determined by lot ; and their term of office (πρυτανεία) was about five weeks. During this time all treaties and public acts ran in their name, in this form : *ΑκαμαντΙε [φυλή] επρυτάνευε, Φαίνιπποε εγραμμάτευε, Νικιάδηε επεστάτει the Tribe Acamantis were the Presidency, Phaenippus the Secre- tary, Niciades the Chief-president, Thuc. Ίτρώ or ττρω, irptoaiTcpov, ττρωαίτατα, v. πρωί. πρώζος, ον, Att. for πρώιζοε. Ίτρώην, Dor. ττρώάν, (πρωί) lately, just now, Lat. nuper, II., etc. II. the day before yesterday, ου χθεε, άλλα ττρ. Thuc. ; πρώην τε καΐ χθεε till yester- day or the day before, i. e. till very lately, Hdt. ; so, χ^εε τε καΐ πρώην Ar. ; πρώην και χθεε Dem. ττρωθ-ήβης, ου, δ, (πρώτοε) in the prime of youth, Horn. ; fern, πρωθηβη Od, Ίτρωί [Ϊ], Att. ττρω or ττρω, Adv. : (ττρά) : — early in the day, early, at morn, II. ; c. gen., πρωί ετι τηε ημερηε Hdt. ', εκάστηε ημεραε τδ πρφ Xen. ; πρφ τη υστεραίες, early next morning. Id. ; αμα πρωί, άπδ πρωί Ν.Τ, 2 . generally, betimes, early, in good time, Lat. mature, temfestive, Hes., Ar., etc.; c. gen., πρφ τηε wpas Thuc. 3 . = πρδ καιρού, too soon, too early, πρφ -γε στενάζειε Aesch. ; πρφ εσβαλόντεε, και του σίτου ετι χΧωροΰ οντοε Thuc. — πρωί takes its degrees of comparison from its deriv. Adj. πρώιοε. Comp, πρωιαίτερον. Sup. πρωιαίτατα, Att. πριραίτερον, πρφαίτατα, Thuc,, etc. ττρωία, V. πρώιοε. πρωιζός, Att. ττρωζός, όν, = πρώιοε: neut. pi. πρωιζά was used as Adv., just like πρώην, χθιζά τε καΐ πρωιζά yesterday or the day before, II, II. ourco δη πρ. κατεδραθεε so very early, Theocr. ττρώιμος [t], ov, early, of fruits, Xen, ττρωινός [t], ή, όν, later form of πρώιοε, Babr. πρωιος, Att. ττρωος, a, ov : (πρωί, πριρ) : — early, I. early in the day, at early morn, II. j also, περί δείλην πρωίην (cf. δείλη) Hdt, : — πρωία used alone as Subst., ήν δε πρωία, πρωίαε -γενομενηε Ν, Τ. II. early in the year, πρώιοε [ό στρατδε^ συνεΧε^ετο Hdt. ; πρφα των καρπίμων early fruits, Ar. ττρωκτός, δ, the anus, generally, the hinder parts, tail, At. ττρών, < 5 , gen. and dat. πρώνοε, πρώνι, not πρωνοε, πρωνί (for it Is contr. from πρεών) : (πρό) : — a foreland, head- land, Lat. promontorium, II. ; the pi. is πρώονεε from the lengthd. form πρώων, Ib, : — in Aesch. Pers. 132, άμφοτεραε πρώνα κοινόν αίαε the foreland common to both continents is perh. the Chersonese j and Ib. 879, πρών άλιοε the peninsula of Asia Minor. Ίτρώξ, η, gen. πρωκόε, a dewdrop, Theocr. Ίτρωος, a, ov, Att. for πρώιοε. πρώρα, η, (not πρώρα, for it is contr. from πρώειρα) : (πρό) : — the forepart of a ship, a ship's head, prow, bow, Lat. prora, Od., etc. ; πνεύμα τουκ πρφραε a con- trary wind, opp. to κατά πρύμναν. Soph. 2 . metaph,, πρφρα βιότου the prow of life’s vessel, I. e. early youth, Eur. ; πάροιθεν πρφραε καρδίαε before my heart’s prow, in front of my heart, Aesch. πρωράθβν. Ion. -ηθβν, in Poets before a consonant -θί : Adv. : (πρφρα) : — from the ship's head, from the front, Pind., Thuc., etc. : — it Is an old gen., and is so used εκ πρφραθεν, by Theocr. πρωράτεΰω, to be a πρφράτηε, Ar. πρωράτης [ά], δ, = πρφρεύε, Xen. πρωρευς, εωε, η, (πρφρα) the officer in command at the bow, the look-out man, Xen., etc. πρωρηθεν, Adv., Ion. for πρφραθεν. πρώσας, contr. from προώσαε, aor. i part, of προωθεω. πρωτ-άγγελος, ον, announcing first, c. gen., Anth. πρωτ-άγριον, τό, (aypa) the first fruits of the chase : mostly in pi., Anth. πρωταγωνιστε'ω, f. ήσα>, to be πρωτα^ωνιστ·{\ε, Plut. : — metaph. to play first fiddle, to take the lead, Arist. πρωτ-αγωνιστής, ου, δ, one who plays the first part, the chief actor, Lat. primarum partium actor, Arist. πρώτ-αρχος, δ, first-beginning, primal, πρ. άτα Aesch. πρωτεϊον, τό, (πρωτεύω) the chief rank, first place, Dem. : — mostly in pi. the first prize, first part ox place. Plat., Dem. Πρωτεσί-λαος, δ. Dor. -λας, α. Ion. and Att., -λεως, εω : — First-of-the-people, name of the hero who first leaped ashore at Troy, II. : — Πρωτεσιλάειον, τό, his monument, Strab. πρωτεύω, f. σω, (πρώτοε) to be the first, hold the first place. Plat., etc. : — to be first in a thing, καρτερία ττρωτηρότης - Xen.; βΒ^λυρία Aeschin. ; rrepl κακίαν Id. 2. c. gen. pers. to be first of ox among, των ρητόρων Id. ττρωτ-ηρότης, ου, δ, the earliest plougher, Hes. ττρώτιστος, η, ον, and os, ον, poet. Sup. of τΓρώτο5, the very first, first of the first, Horn. ; ττολυ τχρώτιστο$ Id. : neut. -πρώτιστον as Adv. first of all, Od., Ar., etc. : — so πρώτιστα, Horn., Att. ; — rb πρώτιστον Eur. ; τά πρώτιστα Od. ττρωτό-βολος, ον, {βάλλω) first struck, Eur. ττρωτό-γονος, ον, {'/ίγνομαι) first-born, firstling, II., Hes. ; ψοΊνιξ πρ. first-created, Eur. 2. of rank, πρ. οίκοι high-born houses. Soph. "^.first-ordained, Luc. τΓρωτό-ζυ|, oyos, {ζ^ίτγνυμι) newly -wedded, Anth. τΓρωτο-καθ€δρία, η, {καθόδρα) the first seat, N.T. ττρωτο-κλισία, -η, {κλίνω) the first seat at table, N. T. ττρωτο-κτόνος, ον, {κτ^ίνω) committing the first mur- der, the first homicide, of Ixion, Aesch. ττρωτο-κΰων, δ, first dog, i.e. chief of the Cynics, Anth. ττρωτόλεια, τά, (λεία) the first spoils in war, the first- fruits ; των σών -γονάτων πρωτόλεια as the first act of my supplication, Eur. ττρωτό-μαντις, δ, η, the first prophet or seer, Aesch. ττρωτό-μορος, ον, dying or dead first, Aesch. ττρωτο-ττήμων, ovos, δ, η, first cause of ill, Aesch. ττρωτό-ττλοος, ον, Att. contr. -ιτλους, ουν : — going to sea for the first time, Od., Eur. j πρ. πλάτα the first- plied oar (of the ship Argo), Eur. II. sailing first or foremost, Xen. -rr ρωτο-τΓορ€ία, -η, the advanced guard, vanguard, Polyb. Ίτρώτος, η, ον, v. πρότ€ρο5 B. ττρωτο-στάτης [ά], ου, δ, {στηναι) one -who stands first, on the right, the right-hand man, Thuc. ; but 01 πρ. the front-rank men, Xen. II. metaph. the leader of a party, N. T. ττρωτοτόκια, τά, the rights of the first-born, birth- right, N. T. From ττρωτο-τόκος, Dor. ττρα,το-, ον, (τίκτω) bearing her first-born, II., Theocr. II. proparox. πρωτότοκο5, ον, pass, first-born, Anth., N.T. ττρωτό-τομος, ον, {τόμνω) first cvit, Anth. ττρώτως, Adv. of πρώτο5, v. πρότίροε B. IV. •ττρωύδάν, contr. for προ-αυδάν, Ar. ττρώων, ovos, δ, Ep. lengthd. form of πρών. *ΠΤΑΓΡΩ, (the pres, in use was the Dep. πτάρνυμαι), aor. 2 ίπτάρον : — to sneeze, μόγ ίπτάρ^ he sneezed aloud, Od., Ar. ; “ ZeG σώσον,” iav πτάρ-ρ, as we say ‘ God bless you,’ Anth. : — of a lamp, to sputter. Id. -χταισμα, τό, a stumble, trip, false step, Theogn. II. a failure, misfortune, defeat, Hdt., Dem., etc. From ΠΤΑΙΏ, f. πταίσω : aor. i ίπταισαι pf. ^πταικα : — Pass., aor. i όπταίσθην : I. trans. to make to stumble or fall, τινά πρόε τινι Pind. : — Pass., τά πται- σθόντα failures, Luc. II. intr. to stumble, trip, fall. Soph., etc. ; πτ. πρ6$ τινι to stumble against, fall over, Aesch., Plat. ; πρό$ τι Xen. ; also, μ^ π^ρϊ Μαρδονίφ πταίση -η Έλλάΐ lest Hellas should get a fall over him, i.e. be defeated by him, Hdt. 2. metaph. to make a false step, to fail, Thuc., Dem. ; so, ελάχιστα, τά πλζίω πτ. Thuc., etc. ΤΓτάμενο?, η, ον, aor. 2 part, of πόταμαι. TTTavos, ά, όν, Dor. for πτηνόε. - τΓτερυ'γΙζω. JOJ τττάξ, gen. πτάκό$, δ, -η, (πτ-ησσω) —πτώξ, Aesch. ΤΓταρμός, δ, {πταίρω) a sneezing, Ar., Thuc., etc. ΤΓτάρνΰμαι, to sneeze, (v. "^πταίρω), Xen. ΤΓτάς, part, of ίπτην, act. aor. 2 of πόταμαι. ΤΓτάσθαι, aor. 2 inf. of πόταμαι. τΓτάτο, Ep. for επτατο, 3 sing. aor. 2 of πόταμαι. ΠΤΕΛΕΑ, Ion. -εη, τ/, the elm, Lat. ulmus, II. -iTTepivos, η, ον, and os, ov, {πτ^ρόν) made of feathers, πτ. κύκλos a feather-ian, Eur. ; πτ. pmis Anth. II. feathered, -winged, Ar. τΓτερίσκος, δ. Dim. of πτ^ρόν, Babr. ΠΤΕ'ΡΝΑ, Ion. ιττερνη, η, the heel, II. : the under part of the heel, Aesch. II. a ham, Batr. Πτερνο-γλυφος [u], δ, (γλυπτω) Ham-scraper, Batr. Πτερνο-τρώκτης, ου, δ, {τρώγω) Ham-nibbler, Batr. Πτερνο-φάγο 5 , δ, {(payelv) Ham-eater, Batr. 'π·τ€ρο-δόνητο5, ον, {δονόω) moved by flapping -wings : metaph. high-soaring, Ar. τττερόεις, εσσα, ε;/ : contr. forms πτ€ροΰσσα, πτepovvτos, πτζρουντα : — feathered, winged, οϊστοί. Ιοί II . ; πόδιλα Hes., etc. 2. feather-like, light, λαισ-ί]ΐα II. 3. metaph., εττεα πτ^ρό^ντα winged words, Horn., Hes. ; so, πτ. υμvos Pind. ; also, φυγή πτερόεσσα Eur. τττερόν, τό, {πτόσθαι) mostly in p\. feathers, Od., Hdt., etc.; in sing, a feather, Ar. 2. = πτόρυξ, a bird's wing, in pi. wings, Horn., Aesch. ; Παλλάδο? υπδ πτ€poΐs ovTas, metaph. from chickens under the hen’s wings, Aesch. : — τφ πτερά ylyveTO he got as it were wings, i. e. spirit, courage, II. 3. the wings of a bat (v. πτίλον ii), Hdt. II. any winged creature, as the Sphinx, Eur. ; a beetle, Ar. 2. like owv0s, Lat. avis, an augury, omen, Pind., Soph. III. anything like wings : as 1. a ship's wings, i. e. oars (cf. πτερόω), ερετμά, τά τε πτερά νηυσϊ πόλονται Od. ; vηhs πτ^ρά Hes., Eur. : — hence birds are said πτepoΐs ε’ρε'σσείΐ/, Eur. 2. άόθλων πτερά, i. e. the wings of victory, which lift the Poet to heaven, Pind. 3. a feathered arrow, Eur. 4. του πώyωvos τά πτερά the points of the beard, Luc. 5. in Architecture, of the rows of columns along the sides of Greek temples, v. &πτepos. τΓτερο-τΓοίκϊλος, ov, motley -feathered, Ar. τΓτερά-ΤΓουξ, ποδοϊ, wing-footed, of Hermes, Anth. ΤΓτερορ-ρυε'ω, (ρε'ω) to shed the feathers, moult, Ar. : metaph. to be plucked, fleeced, plundered. Id. ΤΓτερο-φόρος, ov, {φ4ρω) feathered, winged, Aesch., Eur.; πτ. φυλά feathered tribes, Ar. : — metaph., πτ. isibs β4λos the winged bolt of Zeus, Id. τΓτερο-φυε'ω, f. -ησω, {φύω ) to grow feathers, Plat. τΓτερο-φυτωρ [ϋ], opos, δ, η, feather-producing. Plat. ΤΓτερόω, f. ώσω, {πτβρόν) to furnish with feathers or wings, feather, τινά Ar. ; πτ€ρούν βιβλίον to tie a paper to a feathered arrow, Hdt. : — Pass, to be or be- come feathered, to be fledged, Ar., Plat. 2. to furnish a ship with oars: metaph. in Pass., σκάφο$ τάρσφ 4πτζρωμ4νον winged with oars, Eur. II. metaph. to set on the wing, excite (cf. άναπτ^ρόω), Ar. : — Pass, to be excited, Luc. πτερυγίζω, f. ίσω, {πτ4ρυξ) to flutter with the wings, like young birds trying to fly, Ar. : to flap the wings, like a cock crowing, Id. : — in Ar. Eq. the word alludes to a play by Magnes called ‘'OpviQ^s. Z Z 2 7o8 TTTepvyioi' — ΠΤΤΏ. ΤΓΤβρύγιον [ύ], τό, Dim. of τττίρυξ, Arist. II. the "wing of a building, a turret or pinnacle, N. T. 'Π·τ€ρΰγωτός, ή, 6v, (as if from TTrepiryoco = πτ€ρόω) having wings, winged, Ar. Ίττέρνξ, vyos, η : Ep. dat. pi. τττερύγεσσι : (τττ^ρόν) the wing of a bird, 11. ; in pi. wings, Horn., etc. 2. a winged creature, a bird, Anth. II. anything like a wing, the flap or skirt of a coat of armour, Xen. ; also of the Dor. χιτών, Ar. 2. the broad edge of a knife or spear, Plut. III. anything that covers or protects like wings, ttt. iri-KKuiv Eur. ; Ευβοί'η5 τΓΤ€ρυξ, i.e. Aulis, Id. IV. metaph., TTTcpvyes -γόων the wings, i.e. the flight or flow, of grief. Soph. ; τγτ. Tli^piSwv Find. -irTcpvaaopai, Att. -ττομαι, f. ξομαι, Dep. to clap the wings like a cock crowing, Babr., Luc. ΤΓΤ6ρωμα, aros, το, (τττβρόω) that which is feathered , e.g. a feathered arrow, Aesch. II. plumage. Plat. ΊΤΎβρωσις, v, (τττβρόω) plumage, Ar. «ΤΓτερωτόξ, ή, 6v, and 6s, 6v, (τττερόω) feathered, Hdt., Eur., etc. II. winged, Hdt., Trag. ; so, ttt. (pOoyyos, a sound as of wings, Ar. 2. πτερωτοί (sc. opvides) feathered fowl, birds, Eur. τΓΤίσθαι, aor. 2 inf. of ·π6τομαι. ΤΓτήναι, inf. of eirr-pv, act. aor. 2 of ττ^τομαι. ΤΓΤην-ολετις, lOos, η, (ολλυμί) bird-killing, Anth. Ίττηνός, ή, 6v, and 6s, 6v, Dor. τττανός, ά, 6v, (τττηναι) feathered, winged, Trag., etc.; is.ibs ttt. Kvves, i.e. eagles, Aesch. 2. τά τττηνά winged creatures, fowls, birds. Id., Trag.; Trrrjvhv ορνίθων yevos Ar. ; τττανσΧ θηραι chase of winged game. Soph. II. metaph., πτηνοί μύθοι, like Homer’s εττεο πτεροει^τα, Eur. ; 7ΓΤ. oveipoi fleeting dreams. Id. τττήσις, η, (πτηνοί) a flying, flight, Aesch. ΤΓτήσομαι, fut. of ττίτομαι. ΠΤΗ'ΣΣΩ, f. τΓττιξω : aor. i ^πτηξα. Dor. €ΤΓταξα, Ep. τΓτηξα : (cf. κατα-τττήσσω) : pf. ετττηχα, Ep. part, ττεπ- T-qws, Sjtos : I. Causal, to frighten, scare, alarm, Lat. terrere, II., Theogn. II. intr. to crouch or cower down for fear (cf. πτώσσω), properly of animals. Soph. ; of men. Find., Att. ; ttt. βωμ6ν νπο Eur. ; also c. acc. loci, ttt. βωμ6ν to flee cowering to the altar. Id. 2. to crouch like a wild beast ready to spring. Id. ; — so of men in ambush, virh revyeai 7Γ6πτ77ώτ€ϊ Od. 3. c. acc. rei, to crouch for fear of, άττείλάϊ Aesch. ΊΓτήται, 3 sing. aor. 2 subj. of ττίτομαι. τΓτίλον [ί], τό, (τΓτεσθαί) used properly of the soft feathers or down under the true feathers, a piece of down, a plumelet, Ar. ; cf. τττιλωτόί. II. a wing-like membrane in a kind of serpent, Hdt. ΊΓΤϊλό-νωτος, ον, with feathered back, Anth. -ΐΓτϊλωτό?, ή, 6v, {τΓτίλον) with membranous wings, opp. to ■^ΓT€pωτ6s, Arist. ΤΓτϊσάνη [ά], τ], (τττίσσω) peeled barley : a drink made thereof, barley-water, a ptisan, Ar. ΠΤΙ'ΣΣΩ : aor. I ετΓΤίσα : — Pass., aor. i 4πτίσθην : pf. ίτττισμαι : — to winnow : to peel or to bray in a mortar, Hdt. Hence ΤΓΤίστής, οΰ, δ, one who shells ox pounds, Anth. ΐΓτόα or ΤΓτοία, η, abject fear, terror, Polyb. ΠΤΟΕΏ, Ep. τΓτοιεω : f. ήσω : Ep. aor. i iTxroirjaa : — Pass., Ep. aor. i ζτχτοιί,θην : pf. ετττόημαι, Ep. 4πτοίη- μαι: — to terrify, scare, Anth.: — Pass, to be scared,, dismayed, cppeves ετττοίηθεν Od. ; e^Γτoημevos Aesch., Eur. II. metaph. to flutter, excite by any passion, τό μοι καρΖίαν επτόοσε»/ Sappho : — Pass, to be in a flutter, be passionately excited, Theogn. ; βπτοη- μ4νοι (ppevas Aesch. ; 0>s 4·7Γτ6ηται Eur. : — generally, μεθ’ δμΎ]λίκas 4τΓτοίηται he gapes like one distraught after his fellows, Hes. ; τό πτοηθ4ν distraction, Eur. τΓτόησις, €ωs, -η, passionate excitement. Plat. Πτολ.εμαϊκ 05 , -i], 6v, of ox from Ptolemy, Strab. Πτολεμαις, 'i'dos, rj, name of several cities, esp. of one in Phoenicia, now Acre, Strab. ΤΓΤολεμίζω, '7Γτολ6μιστή55 ιττόλεμόνδε, Ep. for ττολεμ-. ΤΓτόλεμος, δ, Ep. for ^x6λeμos, as πτόλίϊ for ττόλίί, Horn., Hes. τΓτολίεθρον, τό, Ep. lengthd. from τττόλι?, Horn. ΤΓΤολϊ-ττόρθης, ου, δ,=^xτo\ίπopθos, Aesch. τΓτολϊ-ττόρθιος, ον, = sq., of Ulysses, Od. ιττολί-ίΓορθος [t], ov, (περ0ω) sacking or wasting cities, II., Find. τΓτόλις, los, 7}, Ep. for tt6Xis, Horn., Aesch., Eur. ΤΓτόρθος, δ, a young branch, shoot, sucker, sapling, Od., Eur., etc. ; — ttt. μ4yas, of Hercules’ club, Anth. II. a sprouting, budding, Hes. ΤΓτΰγμα, otos, τό, (πτύσσω) anything folded, πεπλοιο ^xτΰyμa a folded mantle, II. TTTVKTOS, i), 6v, (πτύσσω) folded, πτ. πίναξ folding tablets, II. ΤΓτυ|, (not in nom., πτοχή being used instead), dat. τχτΰχί, acc. πτύχα, pi. πτύχεϊ, πτύχαϊ : (πτύσσω) : ■ — a fold, leaf, plate, mostly in pi., πτύχε^ (XaKeos plates of metal or leather used to form a shield, II. : the folds of a garment, h. Horn., Eur. ; of the, entrails, Eur. : — of writing tablets (cf. πτυκτόϊ), Trag. II. in pi. of the sides of a hill (which viewed from a distance appears to be in folds), a cleft, glen, corrie, combe, Horn., etc. ; also in sing., II., Soph. : — so also of the sky with its cloud-clefts, Eur. : — metaph., ύμνων ΤΓτυχαί varied turns of poesy , Find. ΤΓτύον, τό, (πτύω) a winnowing-shovel or fan, Lat. vamius, with which corn after threshing was thrown up against the wind to clear it of the chaff, II. (in poet, gen. πτυδφιν), Theocr. ΤΓτύρομαι [ϋ], aor. 2 4τΓτνρην [υ]: Pass.: — to be scared ox frightened, properly of horses, Plut. Hence τττνρτικός, ή, όν, timorous, Strab. ΠΤΥ'ΣΣΩ, f. τΓτύξω : aor. i επτυ|α : — Med., f. τχτν^ομαι : aor. I 4πτυξάμην : — Pass., aor. i ε’πτύχθην : aor. 2 iTxrvy-qv [C] : pf. επτυγμαί : 3 sing, plqpf. επτυ/ίτο : — to fold, χιτώνα, αίματα πτύξαι to fold ^ιp garments, and put them by, Od. ; X^ipas πτύ|α: επί τινι to fold one’s arms over or round another. Soph. ; βιβλίον πτ. to fold up or close a book, N. T. : — Pass, to be folded, doubled up, II. ; Med. to fold rotind oneself, wrap round one, Ar. ΤΓτΰχή, 'η, = πτύξ, Trag. ΠΤΫ'Ω [ύ] : f. πτύσω [ύ] or πτύσομαί : aor. ΐ επ- τύσα: pf. επτΰπα: — Pass., aor. ιεπτύσθην: — to spit out orw^, II. : absol. Hdt., Xen. 2. of the sea, ίο disgorge, Anth. : — absol., επ’ otovi πτύοντο, of waves, Theocr. ; πτύσαϊ with a splash, Anth. 3. metaph., TXTva-as in token of abhorrence or loathing. Soph. τΓτωκας — ΠΤΘΜΗ^Ν. 709 TTTvffas ττροσώττφ with loathing in his face. Id. 4. €(s κόλπον πτΰΐΐν, Lat. in sinum spnere, done three times to avert a bad omen, Theocr. ΤΓτωκάς, a8os, η, (πτάχτσω) cowering, timorous, Ep. Horn. : πτωκάΒ€5 in Soph, seem to be timorous creatures, birds. ΤΓτώμα, τό, {πίπτω, πό-πτωκα) a fall, π€σ€7ν πτώματ ουκ ανασχ^τά Aesch.; πίπτουσι πτώματ^ αισχρά Soph. 2 . metaph. a fall, calamity, Lat. casus, Eur. II. of persons, a fallen body, corpse, carcase, πτώμα Έλόνηε, Έτ€θκλόον5 Id. ; also πτώματα alone, Aesch. τΓτώξ, δ, gen. πτωκόε, {πτώσσω) like πτάξ, the cowering animal, i.e. the hare, II., Theocr.; also, πτώκα XaycpSv (the two Substs. being joined, as in ίρηξ KipKos, συ$ κάπρο$\ II. τΓτώσιμος, ον, {πίπτω, πό-πτωκα) having fallen, Aesch. ιττώσις, ews, ·η, {πίπτω, πό-πτωκα) a falling, fall. Plat. II. Lat. casus, the case of a noun, Arist. τΓτωσκάζω, poet, for πτώσσω, II. τΓτώσσω, collat. form of πτ-{]σσω, only In pres., to crouch or cower from fear, properly of animals (cf. 7Γτά|, πτώξ, πτωκάε), Od. ; πτώσσουσι καθ' ύδωρ flee cowering into the water, Ib. ; of men, Ib. ; πτ. ύψ' "Εκτορι fly cowering before Hector, lb. ; so, e/s όρη μίαν πτ. Eur. 2. to go cowering or cringing about, like a beggar, Od., Hes. II. c. acc. pers., ουδ' eri άλλήλουϊ πτώσσοιμ^ν let us no longer flee from one another, II.; πο7 καί μ^ ψυγα πτώσσουσι ; whither have they for fear of me ? Eur. τΓτωχβια, Ion. -ηίη, η, beggary, mendicity , Hdt., Ar. τΓτωχβΰω, Ion. impf. πτωχ^ύ^σκον : f. -€νσω : — to be a beggar, go begging, beg, Od., Ar., etc. II. trans. to get by begging, δαΤτα Od. 2 . c. acc. pers. to beg or ask an alms of, Theogn. ΤΓτωχηίη, Ion. for πτωχβία. ΤΓτωχικός, -η, όν, {πτωχόε) of or fit for a beggar, beggarly, Eur., Plat., etc. τΓτωχίστ€ρος, irreg. Comp, of πτωχόε. ΐΓτωχό-μουσος, δ, a beggar-poet, Gorg. ap. Arist. Ίττωχο-ίΓοιός, όν, drawing beggarly characters, of a poet, Ar. 2. making poor, Plut. τΓτωχός, ή, όν, and όε, όν, {πτώσσω) one who crouches or cringes, a beggar (v. πτώσσω i. 2 ), Od., Hes., etc.; πτωχδε avr]p a beggarman, Od., etc. ; πτωχά] a beggar-woman. Soph., N. T. II. as Adj. beg- garly, like πτωχικόε. Soph., N. T. : c. gen., poor in a thing, Anth. 2 . Comp, πτωχότ^ροε, irreg. πτω- χίστ€ροε, Ar. : Sup. πτωχότατοε, Anth. 3. Adv. -χώε, poorly, scantily, Babr. Πυα,ν-εψια (sc. iepd), τα, the Pyanepsia, an Athenian festival in the month Πυαν€ΐ{/ιών, in honour of Apollo ; said to be so called from the custom of cooking beans at the feast {πΰανον eif/eiv), Plut. Πυαν€ψιών, ώνοε, δ, the fourth month of the Att. year, so named from the festival riuai/eil/ta, = latter part of October and former of November, Theophr. ΠΥΆ^ΝΟΣ, δ, a kind of bean. ιτΰγαΐος, a, ov, (ττυγή) of ox on the rump : τδ πυ-γαΐον = 7] ττυγή, the rump, Hdt. ττυγ-αργος, δ, {πϋγη) white-rump, the name of a kind of antelope, Hdt. II. the white-tailed eagle, the 4.’rne, Soph., etc. ΠΥΤΗ' , Ύ\ε, 7], the rump, buttocks, Ar., etc. ΐΓυ-γίδιον, τό. Dim. of wvyi], a thin rump, Ar. ττυ-γμαΐος, a, ov, (ττυγμτ; ll) a πυ’/μά] long or tall: of men, dwarfish, Hdt. ι—ΠυγμαΓοί, oi, the Pygmies, a race of dwarfs on the upper Nile, said to have been warred on and destroyed by cranes, 11 . ττυγμαχεω, f. ά\σω, to practise boxing, be a boxer, Inscr. in Hdt., Anth. ; and ττυγμαχία, τ], boxing, Lat. pugilatus, II., Pind. From ττυγ-μάχος [ά], δ, {πυ^μά], μάχομαι) one who fights with the fist, a boxer, Lat. pugil, Od., Pind., etc. ττυγμή, η, {πνξ) a fist, Lat. pugnus, πυ-γμγ νικησαντα having conquered with the fist, in boxing, 11 . ; later, ποΎμην νικάν Eur. ; πυ'γμάε άβθλα Pind. 2. ττυγμί) νίψασθαι in Ν. Τ., is interpr. = 7 ru/ca, diligently; or = πυκνά, often, with ; cf. Tru/ci^Js B. ll. and ill. II. a measure of length, the distance from the elbow to the knuckles, = i 8 δάκτυλοι, about 13 I Inches. τΓϋγο-στόλος, ov, (στολή) with S7veeping train, Hes. ττΐγουσιος» a, ov, poet, for woyoviaTos, of the length of a πυyώv, Od. ΠΥΤΩ'Ν, όνοε, 7], the distance from the elbows to the first joint of the fingers, — 20 δάκτυλοι or 5 παλαισταί, rather more than 15 inches, Hdt., Xen. ΠΥΕΛΟΣ, 7], an oblong trough, for feeding animals, Od. : a bathing-tub, Ar. •.—a vat, kitchen-boiler. Id. Πυθαγόρας, ου Dor. a, δ, the philosopher Pythagoras, Hdt., etc. : — hence Πϋθαγόρ€ΐος, ov, Πϋθαγορικός, ή, όν, of Pythagoras, Arist. Πϋθαγορίζω, to be a disciple of Pythagoras, etc. Πυθάευς, όωε, δ, a name of Apollo at Delphi : — Πυθαιστής, ου, δ, one who consults his oracle, Strab. Πυθία (sc. i€p€ia), 7], the Pythia, priestess of Pythian Apollo at Delphi, Hdt., etc. Πυθία (sc. ι^ρά), τά, the Pythian games, celebrated every four years (prob. in the 3 rd Olympian year) at Pytho or Delphi In honour of Pythian Apollo, Pind., etc. Πϋθιάς, άδοε, pecul. fern, of ΠυθίΟϊ : 1 . (sub. ί4ρΐΐα), — 7] Πυθία, the Pythian priestess, Aesch. 2. (sub. kopTT}), the celebration of the Pythian games, Pind. 3. (sub. πομπτ]), a sacred mission from Athens to Pytho or Delphi, Strab. Πϋθικός, ή, όν, of ox for Pytho, Pythian, Trag., etc. Πυθιον [ϋ], τό, (Πυθώ) the temple of Pythian Apollo, Thuc. Πϋθιο-νίκης [r], ου, δ, νικάω) a conqueror in the Py- thian games, Pind. Πϋθιό-νϊκος, ov, {νίκτ]) of or belonging to a Pythian victory, Pind. Πύθιος, a, ov, (Πϋθώ) Pythian, i. e. Delphian, ol Apollo, h. Horn., Pind., Att. ; Π. alone, Eur. ; iv Πυθίου In his temple, Thuc. 2. — ΤΙυθικόε, Pind., Soph., etc. II. 01 Πυθωί, Lacon. Ποίθιοι, at Spa.xta., four persons whose oflice it was to considt the Delphic oracle on affairs of state, Hdt., Xen. ΠΥΘΜΗ'Ν,βνοί, δ, the hollovi bottom or stand of a cup, Lat. fundus, 11., Hes., etc. 2. of the sea, the bottom, depth, Hes., Solon, etc. 3. the bottom or foundation of a thing, in pi., χθόνα e/c πυθμόνων κρα- baiveiv Aesch.; 4κ π. (κλιν^ κλγθρα Soph.; δίκαε π. the anvil-stand on which is forged the sword of retri- bution, Id. II. the bottom, stock, root of a tree. 710 ΠυθοΓ — Od., Solon : — metaph. the stem or stock of a family, Aesch. ; σμικρου yivoiT^ Uv σ·π4ρματο5 it. /Ae-yos, i. e. great things might come from small, Id. Πϋθοΐ, Adv. (Πνθώ) at Pytho or Delphi, Find., Xen,, etc. 2. to Pytho or Delphi, Pint. Πΰθό-κραντος, ον, {κραίνω) confirmed by the Pythian god : τα Πυθόκραντα the Pythian oracles, Aesch. Πϋθό-μαντις, ecos, b, i), the Pythian prophet, Aesch. : — Π. Ιστία the prophetic seat at Pytho, Soph. Πΰθό-νϊκος, ον, = ΠυθίόνίΚ05, Find. Πϋθο-χρήστης, Dor. -τας, ό, (χράω) sent by the Py- thian oracle, Aesch. Πϋθό-χρηστο 5 , ον, (χράω) delivered by the Pythian god, Aesch., Xen. II. = foreg., Eur. ΠΥ'ΘΩ [ΰ] : f. ττΰσω aor. i %ττΰσα, Ep. πυσα : — to make rot, to rot, II., Hes. : — Pass, to become rotten, * to decay, Horn. Πϋθώ, gen. oCs, dat. di, rj, Pytho, older name of that part of Phocis at the foot of Parnassus, in which lay the city of Delphi, Horn., etc. Πΰθώδε, Adv. (Πυθώ) to Pytho, Od., Soph., Ar., etc. Πϋθώθ€ν, Adv. (Ιΐυθώ) from Pytho, Find. Πΰθων [ΰ], uivos, b, (cf. Πυθώ) the serpent Python, slain by Apollo. II. ττν^υμα Πύθωυοϊ a spirit of divination, N. T. : ventriloquists (^'γ'γαστρίμυθοι) were called TlbOwves, Plut. Πνθών, ωνο5, η, = Πϋθώ, II., Find., Soph., etc. Πϋθώνάδ€, Adv. = nu0w5e, Find. Πϋθωνόθεν, Adv., = Πυθώθβυ, Tyrtae., Find, ττυκα [u], poet. Adv., v. πυκνόε B. iii. ττυκαβίς, 4σσα, eV, (πυξ) — layvpSs, vehement, Aesch. ττυκάζω, Dor. ττυκάσδω : Ep. aor. i ττΰκασα, ττνκασσα : — Pass., aor. i 4πυκάσθην : pf. ττ^ττυκασμαι : {ττΰκα, ττνξ; : — to make close, cover or -wrap up, enwrap, 11. ; 7Γ. νηα λίθοιοΊ to surround a ship with stones, so as to protect it when laid up, Hes. : — to cover thickly, of a youth’s chin, Od. ; ττυκ. στβφάνοιε to cover thick with crowns, Eur., Theocr. ; so in Med., στ€<ράνοΐ5 Κ€φ- αλάί πυκασώμ€θα Anth. ; also without στ€φάνοι$, to crown, deck with garlands, Eur. : — Pass., στ4μμασι ττυκασθΡΐ3 Hdt. j δάφντ) ττυκασθβίϊ Eur.; pf. part, ττβττυκ- ασμ4νο5, thickly covered, opos τΓ€πυκασμ4νον a hill well-clothed with wood, Hes. : — Med., ττυκάζου cover thyself, Eur. 2. metaph., '’E/cropa ^χο5 ττύκασξ φρ4να5 threw a shadow over \i\s heart, II. : —,v0ov ττ^ττυκασ- μ4νο5, close, cautious of mind, Hes. II. to close, shut, shut up, ivrhs ττυκάζζίν σφ4α$ avrovs to shut them- selves close up within, Od. ; ττύκαζξ (sc. rh δώμα) shut it close. Soph. ττΰκΐ-μηδής, es, (πόκα, μηδο$) of close or cautious mind, shrewd, Horn. ττϋκϊνά, neut. pi. used as Adv., v. ttvkvos b. ττυκινός, ττυκνώς, v. ttvkvos. ττΰκϊνό-φρων, b, η,^πυκιμηδ-ηε, h. Horn. ττυκνά, neut. used as Adv., v. ttvkvos b. ll. -ττυκνίτης [t], ov, b, assembled in the Pnyx, Ar. ; cf . ttvv^. TTUKvov, neut. Adj. used as Adv., v. ttvkvos b. ii. ττυκνό-ΤΓτερος, ov, (τττ^ρόν) thick-feathered , tt. a-qbov^s, where it seems to be a poet, periphr. for ττνκναί, imil- titudinous. Soph. ττυκνορράξ, ayos, (ρά|) thick with berries, Anth. TTUKVos, ή, 6v, Ep. ττΰκϊνός, ή, 6v, {ττνξ) close, compact : ■ ττνΧαΐος, and so, I. of consistency, close, firm, solid, opp. to what is loose and porous {yavbs, apaios), Horn.; TTvKivhv \4xos a well-stuffed bed. Id. II. close- packed, crowded, thick, close, dense. Id. ; of the plumage of a sea-bird. Id. ; of foliage. Id. ; oi a shower q/’darts or stones. Id., Hdt. ; of hair, Aesch., etc. 2. frequent, many, Lat. creber. Id., Eur., etc. III.. well put together, compact, fast, strong, II. IV. close, concealed, bbXos Ib. V. generally, strong of its kind, great, sore, excessive, ατη Ib. VI. metaph. of the mind, sagacious, shrewd, wise, Hom.;^ TTVKivoi the wise. Soph. ; of a fox, Ar. B. Adv. τΓvκιvώs, and after Horn, ττvκvώs, θνραι or aavlbcs TTVKivws apapviai close ov fast shut, Horn. 2. very much, constantly, sorely, greatly. Id. 3.. sagaciously, shrewdly, craftily. Id. II. Horn, also uses neuters ττνκνόν and ττνκνά, ττνκινόν and ττνκινά as Adv., much, often ; so also in Att. j Comp, ττνκνό- repov, TTVKvbrepa; Sup. ττνκνότατα. III. poet. Adv. Ίτυκα [y v^], as if from ttvkos, strongly, Horn. 2. ττνκα βά\λ€το with thick-falling darts, II. 3. care- fully, diligently, Ib. TTVKVOS) gen. of ttvv^. ττυκνό-στικτος, ov, thick-spotted, dappled, ^Χαφοι Soph. ττυκνότης, ητοε, η, {ttvkvos) closeness, thickness, dense- ness, Ar., Thuc., etc. II. frequency, Isocr., etc. III. metaph. sagacity, shrewdness, craft, Ar. ττυκνόω, f. ώσω, {ttvkv0s) to make close or solid, to pack close, TT. iavTovs to close their ranks, Hdt. j σαντδν στρόβζΐ ττνκνώσαε spin yourself round and concentrate your thoughts, Ar. : — Pass, to be compressed, ttvkvov- μ4νφ πνβνματι, i. e. without taking breath, Plut. II. Pass, to be thickly covered, Xen. Hence ττϋκνωμα, aros, t6, close order or array, Plut. 2. in pi. combined notes, or recurrent notes, in music. Plat, ττυκτίϋω, f. σω, to practise boxing, box, spar, Xen., etc. ; Pis κρατα ττ. to strike with the fist on the head, Eur. From ττϋκτης, ov, b, (ττόξ) a boxer, pugilist. Find., Soph. TTVKTiKos, ή, 6v, skilled in boxing. Plat. : — ^ -κή (sc. τίχντ?) the art of boxing. Id. 2. ofovfor boxers. Id. TrvKTis, iBos, 7), = tttvktIov, a writing tablet, Anth. ττυκτίς, t5os, prob. an unknown animal, perh. the beaver, Ar. Πΰλ-αγόρας, ov, b, (Πυλαί, άγείρω) one sent as a deputy to Pylae, where the Amphictyonic Council was held, the deputy of a Greek State to that Council, Dem., Aeschin. Πϋλαγορεω, to be or act as a Πυλαγόροί, Dem. Πϋλαι, ai, v. ττνΧτ] ii. 2. Πυλαία, Ion. -αίη (sc. ffvvobos), t], fern, of TTvXa7os, the autumn-meeting of the Amphictyons at Pylae, Hdt. ; then, generally, the Amphictyonic Council, Id. 2. the right of sending deputies to this Council, Dem. II. a promiscuous crowd, such as was found at these meetings, Plut. : then, idle jesting, trifling. Id. Hence ττϋλαϊκός, τ], ον, jesting, silly, Plut. ττυλαι-μάχος, ov, {μάχομαι) fghting at the gates, or at Pylos, Ar. ττυλαΐος, a, ov, (ΠύλαΓ at Pylae, Anth. ττυλάρτης - ττΰλ-άρτης, ου, δ, (άρω) gate-fastener, he that keeps the gates of hell, Horn. Ίτυλάτις, iZos, fern. Adj. at the gates. Soph. Ίτυλα-ωρός, δ, Ep. for ττνΚωρόε, keeping the gate, a gate-keeper, II. (Altered, to suit the Ep. metre, from TrvKaop6s, cf. τιμάορο$, τιμωρόε, and v. ovpos custos.) ΠΥ'ΛΗ [ύ], Ύ], one 'wing of a pair of double gates, Hdt. : mostly in pi. the gates of a to'wn, opp. to θνρα (a house-door'), II., Att. 2. in Trag·., sometimes, of the house-door. 3. Άί'δαο πνλαι, periphr. for the nether •world, hell, Horn., Aesch., etc. II. gene- rally, an entrance, of the liver, tt. καϊ ΒοχάΙ χολη5 the orifice and receptacle of gall, Eur. 2. an entrance into a country through mountains, a mountain-pass, Hdt. : esp. Πύλαι, al, the common name for Θ^ρμοττύλαι, the pass round the mountains from Thessaly to Locris, considered the Gates of Greece, Id. ; so, of the pass from Syria into Cilicia, Xen., etc. 3. also of narrow straits, by which one enters a broad sea, eV avrcus λίμνηε ττ., of the Thracian Bosporus, Aesch. ; ev iruAots, of the Euripus, Eur. Πΰλη·γ€νής, = nvKoiyevrjS. Πΰληγόρος, δ. Ion. for UvKaySpas, Hdt. ττυλη-δόκος, δ, (δέχομαι) watching at the door, of Hermes, h. Horn. ττΰλίς, ibos, η. Dim. of ττυλη, a postern, Hdt., Thuc. Πΰλόθεν, Adv. from Pylos, Od. Πυλοι-γενής, 4s, (yίyuoμaι) sprung from Pylos, II. Πΰλόνδε, Adv. to or towards Pylos, Horn, ττυλος [ΰ], δ, = τΓύ\'η, II. Πΰλος [υ], δ and η, Pylos, a town and district of Tri- phylia in Peloponnesus, where Nestor ruled, Horn. Two towns of the same name, in Elis and Messenia, are often confounded with Triphylian Pylos. 'ττνλ-ονρός, δ, {odpos custos) =ττυ'Κωρό$, Hdt. ττυλόω, f. ώσω, (ττύλη) to furnish with gates, Xen. : — Pass, to he so furnished, Ar. Hence ττυλωμα [υ], arcs, to, a gate, gateway, Aesch., Eur. ττυλών, ώϊΌϊ, (5, (πόλη) a gateway , gate-house, Y^o\y\).,e:ic. 7Γΰλωρ€ω, to be a πυλωρόϊ, keep the gate, Luc., etc. πΰλ-ωρός, δ, a gate-keeper, warder, porter (v. πυλ- awpos), Aesch., Eur. ; also as fern., ή π. δωμάτων yvvi] Eur. : — metaph., τοΊον ττυλωρδν φύλακα τροφΎΐ$ such a watchful guardian of thy life. Soph. Ίτυματ-ηγόρος, ον, {ayopcvw) last-speaking, ηχώ Anth. ΠΥΉΛ-ΤΟΣ [ΰ], η, ον, hindmost, last, II.: — also outermost, Ib. : — nethermost , φάροε Plat. ; π. Ταρτάρου βάθη Luc. 2. of Time, Horn. : — neut. ττνματον and •κύματα as Adv., at the last, for the last time, Horn. 3. of Degree, δ τι πύματον whatever is the last, worst fate. Soph. ττύνδαξ, aKos, δ, (cf. ·κυθμ4]ν) the bottom of a vessel, Theophr. ττυνθάνομαι, lengthd. from Root ΠΥΘ (v. ττ^ύθομαι) : Ep. impf. ττυνθανόμην : f. ττίύσομαι. Dor. ητ^υσούμαι : aor. 2 4ττΰΘ6μην ", imperat. ττυθου, Ion. ττύθ^υ ·, Ep. 3 sing. opt. ΤΓβπύθοιτο : pf. ττύττυσμαι, 2 sing, ττύττϋσαι, Ep. πβπυσσαι, inf. ττατύσθαι : plqpf. ^ττ^ττύσμην, 3 sing. Ιτίττυστο, Ep. πόπυστο, 3 dual, -πζττύσθην : — to learn by hearsay or by inquiry, Hdt. : 1. ττυνθ. τι tivos to learn something from a person, Horn., etc. ; τι άττό Tti/oy Aesch. ; 4k tivos Soph.; τταρά tivos Hdt. 2. ~ TTvpyivoq. 71 1 c. acc. rei only, to hear or learn a thing, Od., Att. 3. c. gen. to hear of, hear tell of, hear news of, Od., etc. 4. π. τινά tivos to inquire about one person of or from another, Ar. ; so, π. περί tivos Hdt., Att. 5. c. part., ττυθόμην δρμαίνοντα δδόν I heard that he was starting, Od.; π. τδ ΥΙλημμύριον eaXwKSs to hear that Plemmyrium had been taken, Thuc. : — so, οί/πω ττυθύσθην Πατρόκλοίο OavovTOS they had not yet heard of his being dead, II. 6. c. inf. to hear or learn that. Soph., etc. ΠΥ'Ξ, Adv. with clenched fist, ττυξ ayaOhs Πoλvδeύκηs good at the fist, i. e. at boxing, Horn., etc. ; πί;| μά~ χ^σθαι with the fists, II. ; ττνξ ττατάσσ^ιν, iraUiv Ar. ττυξίνεος, a, ov, = sq., Anth. ττυξινος, η, ον, {nb^os) made of box-wood, II., Theocr. ττυξίον, TO, a tablet of box-wood, Luc. From ΤΓυ|ίς, ibos, η, a box of box-wood, Luc. ΠΥ'ΞΟΣ, η, the box-tree ox box-wood, Lat. buxus. ΠΥ"0'Σ, δ, the first milk after the birth, beestings, Lat. colostrum, Ar. ττυττιταξ, an exclamation of surprise, bravo ! Plat. ΠΥ~Ρ, TTvpbs, TO, not used in pi. (v. τχυρά) : — fire, Horn., etc. ; irvp KaUiv or baUiv to kindle fire. Id. ; πΰρ άνα- KttUiv, άτΓΤ€ΐν, εξάπτείζ/, aWeiv, 4ναύζΐν, v. sub vocc. ; τΐύρ 4μβάλλ€ΐν νηυσί II. 2. the funeral-fire (cf. πυρά), Ib. 3. the fire of the hearth, πυρ\ δ4χζ:σθαά τινα Eur. ; π. άσβ^στον or αθάνατον the fire of Vesta in the Prytaneion, Plut. II. as a symbol of things irresistible or terrible, μάρναντο δ4μas wvphs αίθομύνοιο they were fighting like burning fire, II. ; κρΦισσον αμαιμακύτου πυpόs Soph. ; διά πυphs I4vai (as we say) to go through fire and water, Xen. ; but, διά πvphs ^λθζ €τ4ρφ λύκτρψ she raged furiously against the other partner of the bed, Eur. : — of persons, ώ πυρ σύ Soph. : — rarely as an image of warmth and comfort, Aesch. ττΰρά, ών, τά, watch-fires, mostly in acc., καίωμ^ν πυρά πολλά II. ; πυρά eKKaUiv Hdt. : — beacon-fires, Thuc. : — &T^os iv πυροΊσι, of sacrificial fires, Aesch. (The accent, as well as the dat. πυpo7s, shews that it does not belong to πυρ.) ττυρά, as. Ion. ττυρή, rjs, η, any place where fire is kin- dled, 1. a funeral-pyre, Lat. bustum, II., Hdt., etc. 2. a mound raised on the place of the pyre. Soph., Eur. 3. an altar for burnt sacrifice, Hdt., Eur. : — also the fire btirning thereon, Hdt. ττΰρ-άγρα, η, a pair of fire-tongs, Horn. Hence ττΰραγρετης, ου, δ, serving for tongues, Anth. ιτΰρ-ακτεω, f. ήσω, (ατγω) to turn in the fire, to harden in the fire, char, Od, ττΰρ-ακτόω, f. ώσω, = foreg., Strab., Luc. 'πvpaμί%,ίδos ,η,α pyramid ,Ηάί. ( Egypt. word.) ττϋράμοΰς, ovvtos, δ, for πυpaμόeιs (yop6s), a cake of wheat and honey, given as a prize, Ar. ττΰρ-αυγής, 4s, {avyr}) fiery bright, h. Horn., Anth. ττυργηδόν, Adv. like a tower ; — of soldiers, in columns, in close array, II. : v. πύpyos ll. ττυργη ρέομαι, Pass, to be shut tip as in a tower, to be beleaguered, Aesch., Eur. From ττυργ-ήρης, es, (*άρω) of a place, ap. Paus. ιτυργίδιον [Γ], τ6. Dim. of πύρyos, Ar. TTupyivos, η, ον, (ybpyos) tower-like, Aesch. irupyoSaiKTog — ττυρποΧεω. J12 ιτυρΎο-δαϊκτος, ον, {5αίζω) destroying towers, Aesch. '7Γυργο-μαχ€ω, f. ^]σω, [μάχομαι) to assaidt a tower, ^ien. ΠΥ'ΡΓΟΣ, 6, a tower, II., Hdt., etc. : — in pi. the city walls with towers, II. ; so, collectively, in sing., Od., Eur. b. a movable tower for storming towns, Xen. 2. metaph. a tower of defence, as Ajax is called irypyos 'Ayaiois, Od. ; παΓϊ άρσην ττατβρ’ e^et TTvpyov μ4yav Eur. ; θανάτων π. a tower of defence from deaths. Soph. 3. the highest part of any building, where the women lived, II. II. troops drawn up in close order, a column, Ib. ; cf. πυpyη5όv. ττυργοφορεω,ί.ήσω, to bear a tower or towers, Luc. From ιτυργο-φόρος, ον, bearing a tower, of Cybele, Anth. ττυργο-φΰλαξ [ΰ], ο, a tower-guard, warder, Aesch. ττυργόω, f. ώσω, {Trvpyos) to gird ox fence with towers, Od., Eur. : — Med. to build towers, Xen. : — Pass., ^Γυρyωθ€ίs furnished with a tower, of an elephant, Anth. II. metaph. to raise up to a towering height, TTvpylacai ρήματα σ^μνά ‘ to build the lofty rhyme,’ Ar. ·, so, aoiSas i■πvpyωσe Eur. : — hence, to exalt, lift up. Id. ; so, tt. χάριν to exalt, exaggerate it. Id. : — Pass, to exalt oneself, Aesch. ; TreTrvpywaai θράσ€ΐ, Koyois Eur. Ίτυργ-ώδης, es, (eJSos) like a tower. Soph, ττύργωμα, arcs, to, (yvpyow) that which is furnished with towers, a fenced city, Orac. ap. Hdt., Eur. : — in ^\. fenced walls, Aesch., Eur. τΓνργώτις, ιδθ5, fern. Adj. towering, Aesch. ττυρ-δαής, es, (δαίω) burning with fire, incendiary, Aesch. irvpciov, Ion. -ήιον, τό, mostly in pi. pieces of wood, rubbed one against another to produce fire, h. Horn., Soph., etc. 7Γΰρ€σσω, Att. —ττω, f. ξω : aor. i invpe^a : pf. ττξττΰ- ρ^χα : (wopeTos) : — to be ill of a fever, Eur., Ar. TTvpcTos, ου, b, {πυρ) burning heat, fiery heat, II. II. feverish heat, a fever', Ar., etc. ττυρεττω, Att. for ττυρύσσω. ττΐρευς, 4ω$, b, (yvp) a fire-proof vessel, Anth. ττΰρή, 7JS, η. Ion. and Ep. for τχυρά. ττΰρήιον, τ6. Ion. for Txvpelov. τχΰρην, rjvos, b, the stone of stone-fruit, as of the olive, Hdt. ττϋρή-νεμος, ον, {ά.ν^μο$) fanning fire, Anth. ιτΰρη-τόκοξ, ον, {ττνρ, τ€Κ€ΐν) producing fire, Anth. ττΰρή-φάτος, ον, (yvpos, ττ^φαται 3 sing. pf. pass, of *φ€νω) 7Γ. λάτρί5 Ατ]μητρο5 the wheat-slaying servant of Demeter, i. e. a millstone, Anth. ττΰρη-φόρος, ον, (yvpos, φίρω) poet, for πυpoφόpos, wheat-hearing , Od. ττΰρία. Ion. -ίη, η, {πυρ) a vapour-bath, made by throwing scented substances on hot embers confined under a cloth, Hdt. j ττΰριάτη [ά], η, {ttvos)' beestings-pudding, Ar. j ττΰριατήριον, το, (ττυριάω) a vapour-bath, heated by a ; furnace underneath, Plut. ! 'Π·ΰρϊ-γ6ν6της, ου, b, — sq., fire-wrought, Aesch. ! ττΰρϊ-γβνής, 4s, {yίyvoμaι) = ίoxe.g., born in fire: of | instruments, wrought by fire, Eur. Trupi-yovos, ov, producing fire, Plut. ττΰρί-δατΓΤΟξ, ov, (δάτττω) devoured by fire, Aesch. ττΰρι-ηκής, 4s, (άκ?'}) with fiery point, Od. Trupt-0a\irTjs, es, 'θάλπω) heated in the fire, Anth. ιτΰρϊ-κάής, es, = πυρίκαυστοι, Anth. ττΰρί-καυστος, ov, or -καυτός, burnt in fire, II. ■πυρ t- κοίτης, es, (κοίτη) wherein fire lies asleep, νάρθηξ π., of the cane of Prometheus, Anth. πΰρϊ-λαμπ-ης, 4s, (λάμπω) bright with fire, Plut. πΰρί-ληπτος, ov, seized by fire, volcanic, Strab. πΰρϊ-μανεω, f. ήσω, (μαίνομαι) to break out into a furious blaze, Plut. πύρινος [u], η, ov, (ττυρ) of fire, fiery , hot, Anth. πύρινος [ϋ], η, ον, (πύpόs) of wheat, wheaten, Xen., etc. πΰρι-πν6ων, ουσα, ον, part, with no Verb in ust, fire- breathing, Eur. πΰpί-πvooς,ov,contr.-πvoυς, ouv, (ττν4ω) fire-breathing, fiery, Anth. πΰρι-σμάραγος [ά], ον, roaring with fire, Theocr. πΰρί-σπαρτος,ον, (σιχ^ίρω) sowing fire, infiaming,Ax\i\\. πΰρί-στακτος, ov, fire-streaming, Eur. πυρίτης [t], ou, b, (πυρ) of ox in fire, Luc. πΰρϊ-τρόφος, ov, (τρ4φω) cherishing fire, of billows. πΰρϊ-φλ€γ€θων, ουσα, ον, fire-blazing: as Subst., Pyriphlegethon, one of the rivers of hell, Od. Tcvp\.-^\i.yr\ό II. ρεΐθρον, TO, Att. contr. from Ion. ρεεθρον, (ρεω) that which flows, a river, stream, mostly in pi,, ποταμοίο peedpa II. ; 'S.Tvyhs vdaTOS αΐπα p. Ib. ; streams of blood, Aesch. : — sing., Hdt., Aesch. II. the bed or channel of a river, II., Hdt. ρείω, Ep. for ρε'ω. ρεκτηρ, ηρο5, b, (βόζω) a worker, doer, Hes. ρε'κτης, ου, ό, = ρε/ίτήρ, active, Plut. ρε'ρ,βο|χαι, Dep. to roam, rove, roll about, Plut. : metaph. to be unsteady, act at random. Id. ρεμβ-ώδης, εϊ, (εΤδοϊ) roving, rolling, Plut. ρε|αι, aor. i inf. of ρόζω. ρε'ος, TO, (ρόω) = pevpa, a stream, Aesch. 'ΡΕ'ΠΩ, f. ρέψω: aor. i ερρεψα : — properly of the descending scale, to incline downwards, to sink, fall, Lat. vergere, Uiclbiare, II., Ar. : — of things, to incline one way or the other, to be always shifting, Pind. ; υπνο% 4πΙ βλζφάροΐ5 ρόπων sleep falling upon the eyes. Id. 2. of one of two contending parties, to pre- ponderate, prevail, Hdt., Plat. 3. of persons, ed ρόπζΐ dios is favourably inclined, Aesch. ; ρόπ^ιν 4πί τι to incline towards a thing, Dem.; eXs or πp6s τι Plat., Arist. ; eXs τινα Luc. 4. of duties, p. eXs Tiva to fall or devolve up07i otie, Aesch,, Soph. 5. of events, to fall, happen in a certain way. Soph.; p. είί τι to turn or come to something, Aesch., Ar. ρερΰττωμε'νος, pf, pass. part, of ρυποομαι. ρεΰμα, ατο$, τό, (ρεω) that which flows, a flow, stream, current, Aesch., Soph., etc. 2. the stream of a river, mostly in pi., Hdt., Eur. ; a stream of lava, Thuc. : metaph. a stream ox flood of men, Trag., Soph. 3. a flood, Thuc. II. a discharge from the body, a flux, rheiun, Luc. - Hence ρευμάτίζομαι, Pass, to flow as a current, Strab. ρευμάτιον, τό. Dim. of ρ^νμα, a rivulet, Plut. ρευσομαι, f. of ρεω. ρεχθείς, aor. i pass. part, of ρόζω. ρευστικός, i\, 6v, (ρεω) flowing, liquid, Plut. 'ΡΕΏ, Ep. ρείω : 3 sing. impf. eppei, Ep, 0pp€€ ox jOfc'Ct) — pee : — f. pe^υσoμaι, Dor. peυσovμaι : aor. i eppevaa Att. fut. and aor. i of pass, form, ρυ-^ισομαι, eppv7)v : pf. eppvrjKa Plat. — This Verb, like Truew, χβω, does not contr. eη, eo, eω. To flow, run, stream, gush, Horn., etc. : — v,ith dat. of that which flows, ττηγί; peei νδατι the fountain runs with water, II.; peev αίματι yaia Ib. ; pe? ydXaKTi rrehov Eur. ; of a river, μeyas pet runs with full stream, Hdt. ; so, ttoKvs pe?, metaph. of men, Aesch. ; of a river, also, p. anh χι6νο$ to derive its stream from melted snow, Hdt. : — proverb., &vu> peeiv to flow backwards, of impossibilities, Eur. 2. metaph. of things, e/c χ€ΐρών βeλea peov from their hands rained darts, II. ; of a flow of words, άπδ y\c6cr- crjs μ€λιτο$ yXvK'^v peev ανδ -f} Ib. ; absol., of the tongue, to run glibly, Aesch. (cf. Horat., salso mul- toque fluenti) : of words or sentiments, to be current. Soph. 3. to fall, drop off, e. g. of hair, Od., Theocr. : then, generally, to flow or melt away , perish. Soph., Plat. 4. of persons, p. eiri or eXs ri to be inclined, given to a thing, Isocr., Plat. II. very rarely trans. to let flow, pour, ^ppci χοά$ Eur. 2. c. acc. cogn., ρeίτω γάλα, μ^λι let the land run milk, honey, Theocr. ; divov ρ^ων Luc. *ρ€ω, to say, v. epw. ρήγμα, aros, τό, (p'ί}yvυμι) a breakage, fracture, Dem. ρηγμίν or -μί5, ?vos, b, the sea breaking on the beach, the line of breakers, surf, Horn.; βττί or τταρο pηyμ?vι θαλάσίτηε by the edge of the sea. Id. ρήγνΰμι or -νω (lengthd. from Root ΡΑΓ) : Ion. impf. pr,yvoaKov : f. ρίιξω : aor. i eppTj^a : — Med., pr^yvvμaι, {.ρ'ήξομαι: aor. i ^ρρηξάμην, Ep. ρηξάμην : — Pass., f. ραγί-,σομαί : aor. 2 eppayiqv [o] : pf. epprιyμaι, for which the intr. eppwya is more used : — cf. also ρΊ]σσω, ράσ- σω. To break, break asunder or hi pieces, rend, shiver, shatter, Horn., etc. : — to rend garments, in sign of grief, Aesch. : — Med. to break for oneself, get broken, 11. 2. to break a line of battle or body of men, Ib., Hdt. ; in Med., ρ^ιξασθαι ships or persons in them, a tossing on the sea. Soph. : i — metaph. of the ship of the state, tempest-tossing, 1 Id.; σάλον εχειν to be in distress, Plut. ! σa\ΊΓιyy6\o'y^χυ^ΓηvάSaL — σαρκώδης. σαλτΓίγγο-λογχ-ντΓηνάδαι, οΐ, {σάλτΓΐΎξ, λόγχη, νπηνη) lancer-whiskered-irumpeters, Ar. σαλτΓίγκτής, ον, 6 , a trumpeter , Thuc., Xen. From σάλτΓίγΙ, 17705, η, a mar -trumpet, trump, II., Trag·., etc. : — metaph., Πκρικα σ., of Pindar, Anth. II. a trumpet-call, ap. Arist. From σαλττίζω, £. σω, aor. i όσάΚττιγξα, Ep. (τάλττιγξα, also €(τάλτΓΐσα : — to sound the trumpet, give signal by trumpet, Xen. : c. acc. cogn., σ. ρνθμον$ Id. ; cf. ανακλητικ 6 $ : metaph., αμφϊ δε (τάλπιγξ^ν ovpavos heaven trumpeted around, of thunder as if a signal for battle, II. : — impers., επεί 4 (Γάλπί·γξ€ (sc. 0 aaATriyKT^s) when the trumpet sounded, Xen. (Deriv. uncertain.) σαμα, ατο5, το'. Dor. for σήμα. Σάμαινα, η, {^άμοε) a ship of Samian build, Plut. σαμαίνω, Dor. for σημαίνω. Σαμαρεία, η, Samaria, a city of Palestine Σαμαρεί- της, ου, δ, a Samaritan, N. T., etc. ; fern, -ειτις, ίδο 5 , Ib. σάμβαλον, το', Aeol. for σάνόαλον, Anth. σαμβΰκη [ϋ], η, a triangular musical instrument •with four strings, "Ldd:. sambuca, A/isi. II. an engine of like form used in sieges, Plut. σαμβΰκιστής, ον, ό, a player on the sambuca : — fern. σαμβΰκίστρια, Plut. σάμερον, Dor. for σ^μ^ρον. Σάμη, η, = 2 άμοϊ, II. Σαμο-θράκη [ά], Ιοη. -θρηίκη, η, Samothrace, an island near Thrace, the seat of the mysteries of the Cabiri, Hdt. ; — the inhabitants were ' 2 ,αμοΘρηικ€$ , Id.; Adj. Σαμοθρακιος, a, ov. Ion. -θρηίκιος, η, ον. Id. Σάμος [ά], η, Samos, the name of several Greek islands: 1 . an old name for Κ6<|)αλλ77ΐ'ία, Horn. 2 . 2άμο5 Θρηικίη, = 'Σαμοθράκη, II. 3 . Samos, the large island over against Ephesus, h. Horn., etc. : hence Adj. Σάμιος, a, ov, Hdt. σαμτΓΪ or σάμττι, v. 2, σ l. σαμ-ψορας, ov, 6 , {φόρω) a horse branded mith the letter σάν (v. sub 2 , cr), Ar. ; cf. κοτητατίαε. σάν, V. 2 , O' I. σανδάλιον, τό. Dim. of σάνδαλον, Hdt. ο'ανδάλίσ'κος, δ. Dim. of σάνδαλον, Ar. σάνδάλον, TO, a wooden sole, bound by straps round the instep and ankle, mostly in pi. sandals, h. Horn., etc. (Prob. a Persian word.) σανδάράκη [ά], η, red or orange-coloured mineral, Arist. (Deriv. unknown.) Hence σανδάράκΐνος, η, ον, of orange colour, Hdt. σανδάράκ-ουργεΐον, τό, {*^ργω) a pit whence σανδα- ράκη is dug, Strab. σάνδυξ, vKOs, or σάνδιξ, ikos, η, a bright red colour, also called ap μόνων, Strab. σάνίδιον, t 6 . Dim. of σανί$, a small trencher, Ar. II. like πινάκων, a tablet, Aeschin. σάνΐδόω, f. ώσω, to cover with planks. From σανίδωμα, otos, τδ, a planking, framework, Polyb. ΣΑ“ΝΙ'Σ, ίδθ5, η, a board, plank, Anth., etc. II. anything made of planks : 1. a door, in f[. fold- ing doors, V.2X. fores, Horn. : — rare in sing., Eur. 2, a wooden platform, scaffold or stage, Od. : a shif’s deck, Eur. 3 . in pi. wooden tablets for writing on. Id. : — at Athens, tablets on which were written public 723 notices, Ar., etc. 4 . a plank to which offenders were bound or nailed, Hdt. ; so perh. in Od. 22. 174. σάος, as Posit., found only in the contr. form σώί, σά iy. σώ$) ; but Comp, σαώτ^ροε II., Xen., etc. : Comp. Adv. σαώτψον, Anth. σαοψρονε'ω, σαοφροσυνη, σαόφρων, poet, for σωφρ-. σάττείς, aor. 2 pass. part, of στ',πω. σάττήτ), Ep. for σάπη, β sing. aor. 2 pass. subj. of σηπω. σάττήναι, aor. 2 pass. inf. of σά]πω. σαττρία, η, = σαπρότη 5 , Anth. σαττρός, ά, ον, (σάπηναι) rotten, putrid, Theogn., Ar. ; of fish, stale, rancid, τάριχο 5 Ar. II. generally, stale, worn out, Lat. obsoletus. Id. : — of persons. Id. 2. of wine, in good sense, ynellow. Id. Hence σαπ-ράτης, ητο$, η, rottenness, putridity. Plat, σάιτφειρος, η, a blue gem, the sapphire, or (as others think) lapis lazuli. (Prob. a Phoenician word.) Σαπφώ, η, gen. ovs, acc. ovv, voc. 01, Sappho. σαϊτών, aor. 2 part, of σαργάνη [ά], η, a plait, braid, Aesch. 2. a basket, N. T. (Deriv. unknown.) σαρδάνιος, σ, ον, (σαίρω) used of bitter or scornful laughter, σαρδάνων yeXav (sc. 7ελωτα); μείδησε σαρδά- νων he laughed a bitter laugh, Od. ; so, άνεκά7χασε σαρδάνων Plat. ; ridere γόλωτα σαρδάνων C'\c. — Others write Ί,σφδόνων, deriving it from '^αρδώ, because such laughter resembled the effect produced by a Sardinian plant, which screwed up the face of the eater, Plut. : hence our form sardonic). Σάρδεις, εων, αί, Sardes, the capital of Lydia, dat. 2άρδεσ·ί, Aesch. : — Ion. Σάρδΐς Hdt. ; gen. ^αρδίων, dat. '^,αρδ'ίσι Hdt. : — Adj. Σαρδιάνός, Ion. -ηνός, τ], όν. Id. ; and Σαρδιάνικός, η, ον, Ar. σάρδιον, τό, the Sardian stone, carnelian. Plat, σαρδόνιον, τό, the rope sustaining the upper-edge of a hunting-net, Xen. σαρδόνιος, a, ov, v. ^αρδάνω 5 . σαρδ-όννξ, νχο 5 , δ, (σάρδιον) the sardonyx, Anth. Σαρδώ, η, gen. 0 os contr. ovs, dat. o 7 , Sardinia, Hdt., Ar. ; the obi. cases are sometimes ' 2 ,αρδόνο$, -όνι, -όνα (as if from 2 αρδών), Polyb. : — Adj. Σαρδόνιος, a, ov, and Σαρδονικός, ή, όν, Hdt. σάρισα or -ισσα, η, the sarissa, a long pike used in the Macedonian phalanx, Polyb. (A foreign word.) σαρκάζω, f. σω, \σάρ^) to tear flesh like dogs, Ar. σαρκάω, = σαρκάζω, Ar. σαρκίζω, f. ίσω, to strip off the flesh, scrape it out, Hdt. σαρκικός, ή, όν, (σάρξ) fleshly, sensual, Anth. σάρκινος, η, ον, (σάρξ) of flesh, in the flesh, Theocw 2. = σαρκικόε, opp. to ττνευματίκόί, N.T. II. fleshy, corpulent. Plat. σαρκο-λϊιτης, es, (λιττεΓν) forsaken by flesh, lean, Anth. σαρκο-ττάγης, is, (παγηναι) compact of flesh, Anth. σαρκο-φάγος, ov, (φάγ^ΐν) eating flesh, carnivorous, Arist. II. XiOos σ. a limestone found at Assos in Troas, remarkable for consuming the flesh of corpses laid in it ; coffins were made of it, and such a coffin was called a σapκoφάyos, Juven. σαρκόω, f. ώσω, (σάρξ) to make to look like flesh, of a sculptor, Anth. σαρκ-ώδης, ε5, (€l 0 os) fleshy, Xen., etc. ; θεοί ίναιμοι ical σapκώδ€es gods of flesh and blood, Hdt. 3 A 2 724 ΣΑ'ΡΗ- ΣΑ'ΡΞ, η, (jjapKos) flesh, Lat. caro, Horn., etc. : in plur. the flesh or muscles of the body, ^yKara re adpKas re καί οστία Horn. ; so in Hes., Aesch., etc. : — so some- times in sing·., the flesh, the body, yepovra rhv νουν, σάρκα -ηβώσαν (pepet Aesch. II. the flesh, as opp. to the spirit, N. T. ; also for man’s nature gene- rally, Ib. j πασα σάρ^ all hujyian kind, Ib. σάρον [ά], το, (σαίρω ΐΐ) a broom, besom, Anth. Hence σαρόω, f. ώσω, = σαίρω ll, to sweep clean, N. T. : — Pass., pf. part. σ^σαρωμ4νο$ Ib. Σαρττηδών, ovos and ovros, 6, voc. ’^αρττηΒον, II. Σατάν or Σατάν, and Σατανάς, gen. a, 6, Satan, i. e. an adversary, enemy ; name for the Devil, N. T. (Hebr. word.) σάτίνη [t], a war-chariot, chariot, car, h. Horn., Eur. (Deriv. unknown.) σάτον, TO, a Hebrew measure, -jV of a κόρο5,= about modii or 24 sextarii, N. T. σάτρα, prob. for σάρ-τα, gold, Ar. (Pers. word.) σάτράττεία, Ion. -ηΐη, a satrapy, the office or pro- vince of a satrap, Hdt., Xen. ; and σατράττευω, f. σω, to be a satrap, exercise the authority of one, Xen. 2. c. gen. to rule as a satrap, σ. rris χώραε Id.; — also c. acc.. Id. From σάτράττης [o], ου, 6, a satrap, viceroy, Lat. satrapa, Xen. (Persian word.) ΣΑ'ΤΤΩ : aor. i εσα|α: Pass.,aor. i 4σάχθ-ην: pf. σiσay- μαι : Ion. 3 pi. plqpf. είΤεσάχατο. (The Root is ΣΑΓ, as in pf. pass., σάyμa, aayos, aay-q.) To pack or load, properly of putting the packsaddle on beasts of burthen : hence, I. of warriors, in Pass, to be fully armed, Hdt. ; χαλκφ σζσayμ4voι Theocr. 2. to furnish with all things needful, σάξαντ^ε ΰδατι \_τ^ν 4σβολην'\ having furnished the entrance (into Egypt) with water, Hdt. II. generally, to load heavily, fill quite full of a thing : Pass., c. gen., πημάτων σ€σayμ4vos laden with woes, Aesch. ; τριάιρηε σeσayμ€vη ανθρώπων Xen. : — also c. dat. to fill full with a thing, Luc.; so· in Med., χρυσψ σαξάμ^νοε π-ηρ-ην Id. : — Pass., σcσayμ€voε πλούτον την ψυχήν having his fill of riches, Xen. III. to pack close, press down. Id. Σάτ-ΰρικός, ή, όν, (^άτυροε) like a Satyr, Plut. 2. of or resembling the Satyric drama. Plat., Arist. : — σατυρικόν, to, a Satyric drama, Xen. Σάτΰρίσκος, b. Dim. of 'Χάτυροε, Theocr. Σάτΰρος, δ, Dor. Τίτνρος, a Satyr, companion of Bac- chus, Hes., etc. : the Satyrs were represented with pointed ears, snub nose, goat’s tail, and budding horns : later, goats’ legs were added. They differed from Pan and Fauns by the want of real horns. II. a play in which the Chorus consisted of Satyrs, the Satyric drama (not to be confounded with the Rom. Satura or Satird), Ar. It formed the fourth piece of a Tragic tetralogy : the only Satyric drama extant is the Cyclops of Eur. (Deriv. uncertain.) σαυλόομαι, Pass. {σαυΧοε) to swagger, dance affectedly , j Eur. σαυλο-πρωκτιάω, to walk in a swaggering way, Ar. σαΰλος, η, ον, swaggering, straddling, h. Horn., etc. σαυνιον or σαυνίον, το, a javelin, Menand., Strab. (Foreign word.) i - (reavTov. σαύρα. Ion. σανρη, η, a lizard, Lat. lacerta, Hdt. σαυρο-κτόνος, ον, {κτΐίνω) lizard-killer, epith. of Apollo, Plin. Σαυρομάτης [ά], ου, b, a Sarmatian, Hdt. : — fern. Σαυρομάτις, Id. σαυρος, b, — σαύρα, Lat. lacertus, Hdt. σαυρωτηρ, ηροε, b, a spike at the butt-end of a spear, by which it was stuck into the ground, II., Hdt. (Deriv. uncertain.) σαυτοΰ, σαυτής, v. σε-ουτου. σάψά [σο], poet. Adv. of σαφηε, clearly, plainly, assuredly , of a surety, with Verbs of knowing, σάφα οΊδα, σάφα (Ιδώε, Horn.; also in Trag., σάφΙ οΊδα, σάφ’ Ίσθι, etc.; σάφ’ Χσθι, οτι . . Ar. ; also with Verbs of speaking, σάφα εΙπεΤν Horn., Pind. σαψάνής, όε. Dor. for σαφηντ]ε. σαψε'ως, v. σαφηε li. σάφ-ηγορίς, ίδοε, (αγορεύω) fern. Adj., speaking clearly or truly, Anth. σάφ-ηνεια, η, distinctness, perspicuity , Plat., etc. σάφηνε'ω, to tell distinctly, Aesch. From σάφην-ης. Dor. -άνής, es, = σαφηε, Aesch., Soph. ; τδ σαφανόε the plain truth, Pind. Adv. -νώε, Theogn., Aesch. ; Ion. -νόωε, Hdt. Hence σαφηνίζω, f . Att. ιώ, to make clear or plain, point out clearly, explain, Aesch., Xen. Hence σάφηνιστικός, ή, όν, explanatory, τινοε of a thing, Luc. ΣΑ“ΦΗ'Σ, όε, gen. eos contr. οΰε, clear, plain, distinct, manifest, h. Horn., Aesch., etc.; τδ σαφόε the clear truth, Eur., etc. 2. of persons, Aesch., Eur. : of oracles and prophets, as in Virgil certus Apollo, sure, unerring. Soph. II. Adv. σάφώε. Ion. -όωε, plainly, distinctly , well, σ. φράσαι, δ^ικνύναι, ζϊδόναι, Hdt., Att. : — certainly, manifestly, Aesch., etc. ; ήν σ. was manifest. Id. : — Comp, -εστερον. Sup. -όστατα. Id., etc. ΣΑ'Ω, to sift, bolt, Hdt., in 3 pi. σώσι. σάω, pres. med. imperat. of σαόω. II. Ep. 3 sing, impf. act. σαώσω, fut. of σαοω : Ep. inf. σοωσε/χεν. σαώτερος. Comp, of σάοε. σαώτης, ου, b, {σαόω) poet, for σωτηρ, Anth. ΣΒΕ'ΝΝΥ-ΜΙ or -\ω : f. σβόσω, Ep. σβόσσω : aor. i ίσβ^σα, Ep. inf. σ^σσαι : — Med., L σβησομαι : aor. i όσβζσάμην : — Pass., aor. i όσβόσθην : pf. ίσβ^σμαι : — besides these, the aor. 2, pf. and plqpf. act. are used intr., €σβην, ίσβηκα, €σβ'1)Κ€ΐν. To quench, put out, Lat. extinguere, Hdt., Pind. 2. generally, to quench, quell, check, σβ. χόλον, μόνοε II. ; ΰβριν Simon. ; κύματα Ar., etc. II. Pass, σβόννυμαι (with intr. tenses of Act., v. supr.), to be quenched, go out, Lat. extingui, of fire, II. : metaph. of men, to become extinct, die, Anth. 2. generally, to be quelled or lulled, of wind, Od. Hence σβεστηριος, a, ov, serving to quench^re, Thuc. j -σε, adverbial Suffix, denoting motion towards, e. g. αλλοσε to some other place. σε-α·υτοΰ, -ηε, contr. σαυτοΰ, -ηε. Ion. σεωυτοΰ, ηε, reflexive Pron. of 2nd pers., of thyself, only in gen., dat. and acc. sing., masc. and fern., Hdt., Att. ; iv I σαυτω γενοΰ contain thyself. Soph. : — in pi. separated. (τεβαζρμαί υμών αυτών, etc. : and orig·. it was separated in sing·., as in Horn., who always says σο\ αύτφ, σ’ αυτόν. σεβάζομαι ; Ερ. 3 sing·, aor. ι σΐβάσσατο : aor. ι in pass, form (σ^βάσθην : — to be afraid of, τι II. σέβας, τό, only in nom., acc., and voc. sing. : (σόβο- μαι) : — reverential awe, a feeling of awe, Horn., etc.: — generally, reverence, worship, Trag. ; c. gen. objecti, Δώϊ σόβα$ reverence for Jove, Aesch. II. the object of awe, holiness, majesty, Eur. : periphr. for persons, σ. κηρύκων, i. e. Hermes, Aesch. 2. an object of wonder, a wonder, h. Horn,, Soph. : an honour con- ferred on one, as the arms of Achilles on Ulysses, Soph, σεβασμα, ατο$, τό, an object of awe or worship, N. T. Σεβαστιάς, = Lat. Augusta, the Empress, Anth. σεβαστός, ή, όν, {σ^βάζομαι) reverenced, august : used to render the imperial name Augustus, Strab., N.T. σεβίξω, f. Att. σββιώ : aor. i όσόβισα : — like σ^βάζομαι, to worship, honour, Lat. revereor. Find., Trag. ; καινα κόχη σ. to devote oneself to a new wife, Eur. : — also in Med., ουό\ν σ^βίζ^ι apds standest not in awe e^, proud, haughty, Trag. : — in contempt or irony, solemn, pompous, grand, Aesch., etc. ; σεμνδν βχέττζίν to look grave and solemn, Eur. ; is σ. ούπίτρηττοε how grand the rascal is! Ar.; is σ. b κατάρατο5 Id. IV. Adv. —vis, Eur., etc. : Comp. -oTepov, Xen. σεμνό-στομος, ov, {στόμα) solemnly spoken, Aesch. σεμνότης, tjtos, η, (σεμvόs) gravity, solemnity, dignity, majesty, Eur., Xen. II. in bad sense, solemnity, po7npousness, Luc. ; of a girl, prudery, Eur. σεμνό-τϊμος, ov, {τιμή) reverenced with awe, Aesch. σεμνόω, f. ώσω, to make solemn or grand, to exalt, magnify, embellish, Hdt. σεμνυνω [ϋ], f. ovi, = foreg., to exalt, magnify, Hdt., Att. : — Pass, to be in high repute. Plat. II. Med. to be grave, solemn, to affect a grave ajid solemn air, Eur., Ar. ; σ. εττι τινι to he proud of a thing, to pique oneself on it, Dem. ; εν τινι Id. σεο, Ep. for σου, gen. of σΰ. σεπτός, ή, όν, verb. Adj. of σέβομαι, august, Aesch. σερις, η, gen. -tδos, a kind of endive or chicory, Anth. σε'ρψος, b, a kind of gnat or winged ant, Ar. σε'σαγμαι, pf. pass, of σάττω. σεσαρωμενος, pf. pass. part, of σαρόω. σεσάρώς. Dor. for σεσηpώs, Ep. fern, σ^σαρυΐα. σε'σεισμαι, pf. pass, of σείω, σε'σηπα, pf. of σηπω. σεσοψισμε'νως, Adv. part. pf. pass, cunningly, Xen. σε'σωσμαι, pf. pass, of σώ^ω. σεΰ, enclit. σευ. Ion. for σου, σου, gen. of συ. σεΰα, Ep. aor. i of σευω : — σεΰται for σευετα:. σεΰτλον, τό. Ion. and late Att. for τευτλον. ΣΕΥΏ, Ep. aor. i εσσευα and σευα : — Med., Ep. 3 sing, aor. I σευάτο, pi. εσσευαντο : — Pass., aor. i έσΰθην [ύ], έσσνθην [υ], poet, σύθην : pf. (with pres, sense) εσσΰ- μαι, part. εVσυμεvos (not -μεVos) : — to these must be added poet. aor. 2 εσσυμην [ΰ], 2 sing, εσσυο, 3 sing, εσσυτο, Ep. συτο, part, συμενοί : — besides these, σευ- ται 3 sing, for σ^ύζται, σοννται 3 pi. for σευονται, imperat. σου, σούσθω, σουσβε. To put in quick motioi7 : to drive, hunt, chase away, Horn. ; so in Med., 11. 2 . to set on, let loose at, Kvvas σ. ε’ττί συί lb. : — c. inf. to urge on, Od. 3. of things, to throw, hurl, 11. II. Pass, and Med. to run, rush, dart or shoot along, Horn., Trag. : — c. inf. to hasten, speed to do a thing, II. 2. metaph. to be eager, have longings, Od. ; v. εσσυμενοϊ. σεψθείς, aor. i part, of σέβομαι. σε'ων, gen. pi. of σήϊ. σεωυτοΰ, fem. σεωυτη^. Ion. for σεαυτοΰ, σεαυτηϊ. σηκάζω, f. σω, (σηκό^) to shut up in a pen: Pass., σέικασθβν (for έσηκάσθ-ησαν) κατα^ΙΧιον were cooped up in Ilium, II. ; ε’ν avXicp σ7]κασθέντ^5 Xen. σηκίς, ibos, η, (σηκόϊ) a housekeeper, porter ess, Ar. σηκίτης [i], ου. Dor. σακίτας, a, b, (σηκόί) kept in the fold, sucking, of a lamb, Theocr. σηκο-κόρος, b, η, {κορέω) cleaning a byre or pe7i, a herdsman, Od. ΣΗΚΟ'Σ, Dor. σάκός, b, a pen, fold, for lambs, kids, calves, Horn., Hes. ; σ. δράκοντο5 the dragon’s den, Eur. II. a sacred enclosure, chapel, shrine. Soph., Eur. “2. a sepulchre, burial-place, Simon. III. the trunk of an old olive-tree, Lys. σηκόω, f. ωσω, to weigh, balance, Plut. Hence σήκωμα. Dor. σάκωμα, aTos, τό, in the balance, σ μικρόν τδ σόν σ. 'π·ροστίθη5 slight is the weight that you throw into the scale, Eur. 11. — σ-ηκόε ii, a sacred en- closure, Id. ΣΗ~ΜΑ, Dor. σαμα, aros, τό, a sign, mark, token, Horn., etc. ; the star on a horse’s forehead, II. 2 . a sign from heaven, an omen, portent, Horn., etc. 3. generally, a sign to do or begin something, Od. ; a watchword, Eur. ; a battle-sign, signal, Id. 4. the sign by which a grave is known, a mound, cairn, barrow, Lat. tumulus, Horn., etc. : — generally, a grave, tomb, Hdt., Att. 5. a token by which any one’s identity was certified : the σέιματα Xvypa of Belle- rophon were pictorial, not written, tokens (v. ypάφω init.), II. : — the mark on the lot of Ajax, Ib. : the de- vice or bearing on a shield, Aesch. ; the seal impressed on a letter. Soph. 6 . a constellation, II., Eur. σημαία - <Γημαία) η, (σήμα) a standard, Polyb. : — a band under one standard, the Roman manipulus. Id. <Γημα(νω, f. σ-ημανώ. Ion. aveci : aor. i 4σ'ημηνα and ίστιμάί/α : — Med., aor. i έσημ-ηνάμην, 4σ·ημάι/θην : pf. σζσ^μασμαι, also 3 sing·, σ^σ^μανται, inf. σεστ?- μάνθαι : (σήμα) : — to shew by a sign, indicate, make known, point out, Horn., etc. 2. absol. to give signs, make signals, II., Trag. II. to give a sign or signal to do a thing, II. ; c. inf., Hdt., etc. ; μί; σημ-ίιναντόε σου without any order from you. Plat. : — c. gen. to bear command over, rivos or εττί τισι Horn. : absol. to give orders. Id. ; σιημαίνων = σημάντωρ, Soph. 2. in war, to give the signal of attack, Thuc. j s like the shadow that is one’s double, Eur. 2. the shade of one who is dead, a phantom, Od., Trag. ; so of one worn to a shadow, Aesch. : — in proverbs of man’s mortal estate, σκιάε ovap άνθρωποε Pind. ; €ΪδωΧον σκιάε Aesch., etc. II. the shade of trees, etc., π^τραίη σκιτ] the shade of a rock, Hes. ; ev σκιγ Id. ; υπό σκιγ Hdt. ; ύπδ σκιάε Eur. ; σκιάν ^€ΐρΙου κυνόε shade from it’s heat, Aesch. σκιαγραφεω, f. ήσω, {σκιά'γράφοε) to draw with grada- tions of light and shade : to sketch out, Lat. adum- brare : — Pass., τά όσκιαγραφημόνα Plat. Hence σκιαγράφημα, aros, τό, a mere sketch. Plat, σκιαγραφία, ή, (σκιατγράφοε') a sketch or rough painting, such as to produce an effect at a distance, scene-painting. Plat. From σκια-γράφος [ά], ον, {‘γράφω) drawing in light and shade, sketching. σκιάδειον [ά], τό, {σκιά) a sunshade, parasol, Ar. σκιάζω : f. Att. σκιω Soph.: aor. i όσκίάσα: — Pass., aor. I όσκιάσθ-ην : pf. όσκίασμαι : {σκιά) : — to over- shadow, shade, II., Eur. II. generally, to over- shadow, cover, Hes., Hdt. : — Pass., Eur. III. to shade in painting, Luc. ' σκια-μάχεω, f. ήσω, {μάχομαι) to fight in the shade. 'ΣκίάτΓΟ^ες — σκοΧοττίζω. 734 ί. e. in the school (for practice) : to fight with a shadow, to fight in vain, Plat. Σκιά-τΓοδες [ά], oi. Shade-footed, a fabulous people in Libya, with immense feet which they used as sun- shades, Ar. σκιαρό-κομος, ον, (κόμη) with shading leaves, Eur. (Γκιαρός, ά, 6v, v. σκι^ρό$. σκιάς, abos, η, {σκιά) any thing serving as a shade, a canopy, pavilion, Theocr., Plut. σκιά-τράφής, es, {τρ^φω) brought up in the shade. σκιάτράφία, τ], a being brought up in the shade, a sedentary , effeminate life, Plut. σκιάτροφ€ω or -τράφβω, Ion. σκιητροφεω, f. Ί]σω : {τρίψω): — to rear in the shade: — Pass, to keep in the shade, shun heat and labour, Hdt., Xen. II. intr. in Act. to wear a shade, cover one's head, Hdt. ; €σκιατροφηκ(ί)$, of an effeminate man. Plat, σκιάτροφία, τι,^σκιατραφία. σκιάω, = σκιάζω, to overshadow : — Pass, to be shaded or become dark, σκιόωντο ayvial (Ep. 3 pi. impf.) Od. σκίδνημι, collat. form of σκ^Βάννυμι, to disperse : — Pass. σκιΒναμαι, only in pres, and impf. to be scattered, to disperse, of a crowd, Horn. ; of foam or spray, of a cloud of dust, II. ; σκιδναμ€ντ]5 Δημήτβροϊ when the corn is being scattered, i. e. at seedtime, Orac. ap. Hdt. ; άμα ηλίιρ σκιδναμ^νφ as the sun begins to spread his light, i. e. soon after sunrise. Id. σκΐ€ρός or σκιάρός, a, όν, {σκιά) shady, giving shade, Horn., Pind.,etc. 2. shady, shaded, Hes., Pind. 3 . dark-coloured, Anth. σκιή, σκιητροφβω, η. Ion. for σκιά, σκιατροψ^ω. ΣΚΙ'ΛΛΑ, 7]s, η, a squill, sea-onion, Theogn., Theocr. σκιμάλίζω, f. Att. ιω, to jeer at, fiout, τινά Ar. (Deriv. unknown.) σκίμτΓο-υς, ttoSos, b, a small couch, low bed, Ar., Xen. (Deriv. unknown.) σκίμτΓΤομαι, = (r/CTjTTTo/iat, to allege, Pind. σκινδάλάμος, Att. σχινδάλαμος, b, a splinter, Lat. scindtda : — metaph., \6yωv σχινΒάλαμοι straw-split- tings, quibbles, Ar. σκινδάλαμο-φράστης, ον, b, a straw-splitter , Anth. σκιο-€ΐδής, es, {eiSos) fleeting like a shadow, shadowy, Ar., Plat. σκι0€ΐς, ζσσα, ev, {σκιά) shady, shadowy, ovpea σκιό^ντα i. e. thickly wooded, Horn. ; σκ. μ4yaρa dark chambers, Od. 2. act., ν^ψ^α σκ. overshadowing clouds, Horn. II. shadowy, unsubstantial, Anth. σκιόωντο, Ep. 3 pi. impf. of σκιάω. σκιττων [t], ωνο5, b, = σκηπτρον, a staff, Hdt., Eur., etc. Σκίρα [t], τά, the festival of Athena '2,κιρά$, held in the month Pyanepsion, Ar. ; different from the Σκιρο- φόρια, which fell in Scirophorion. Σκΐράς, άδο5, τ), name of Athena (v. σκίρον), Strab. σκΐράφεΐον, τό, a gambling-house, Isocr. From σκίράφος [γ], b, a dice-box : — metaph. trickery, cheat- ing, Hippon. (Deriv. uncertain.) Σκϊρΐται, oi, the Scirites, a division of the Spartan army, consisting of 600 foot : they fought on the left wing near the king, and were (originally at least) irepioiKoi, from the Arcadian district '^Kipiris, Thuc., Xen. σκίρον [t], τό, the white sunshade which was borne from the Acropolis, in the festivals of Athena ^κιρά5 (τά ^κίρσ), Plut. σκίρον, τό, the hard rind of cheese, cheese-parings, Ar^ σκΐρος, b, stucco : any hard covering, v. σκίρον. Σκΐρο-φορία, τά, v. 'Ζκίρα, τά. Σκΐροφοριών, ωνο5, b, Scirophorion, the 12th Attic month, the latter part of June and former of July, so called from the festival ^κιροφόρια, Antipho, etc. σκιρτάω, f. ήσω, {σκαίρω) to spring, leap, bound, II., Eur., etc. : — metaph. of gusts of wind, Aesch. Hence σκίρτημα, otos, to, a bound, leap, Aesch., Eur. ; and σκίρτησις, η, a bounding, leaping, Plut. ; and σκιρτητής, ον, b, a leaper, Mosch. σκιρτο-ττόδης, ov,b, {σκιρτάω, ttovs) spring-footed, Anth.^ Σκίρτος, b, {σκιρτάω) Leaper, name of a Satyr, Anth. σκιρτώεν, 3 pi. opt. of σκιρτάω. Σκίρων [ϊ], ωνο5, b, the wind which blew from the Scironian rocks in the Isthmus, Strab. II. a robber who haunted the rocks between Attica and Megara, killed by Theseus, Xen. ; S/ceipwvos άκταί the coast near these rocks, Eur. ; the adjacent sea was Σκιρωνικόν οίδμα Θαλάσστη5 Simon, in Anth. ; the rocks themselves Σκιρωνίδ€ς ττότραι Eur. ; 'ΖκιρωνΪ5 bdbs the road from Athens to Megara, Hdt. Σκίτάλοι [t], oi, invoked as the powers of impudence,. Ar. (Deriv. unknown.) σκι-ώδης, es, contr. from σκιο-€ίάη$, shady, Eur. σκληράγωγόω, f. ά\σω, {άyωyάj) to bring up hardy, Luc^ σκληρο-καρδία, η, hardness of heart, N. T. σκληρός, ά, όν, {σκόλλω) hard, Lat. durus, Theogn., Aesch., etc. 2 . of sound, hard, harsh, crashing. Lat. aridus, Hes., Hdt. 3 . hard, stiff, unyielding, Lat. rigidus, Ar., Xen. : — of boys who look old for their age, stiff, sturdy, Plut., Luc. II. metaph. of things, hard, austere, severe. Soph., Eur. ; σκληρά μαλθακω5 λόγων Soph. III. Adv., σκληρω$ καθησθαι, i. e. on a hard seat, Ar. Hence σκληρότης, ητos, η, hardness. Plat. II. of persons, hardness, harshness, austerity. Id. σκληρο-τράχηλος, ον, stiffnecked., N. T. σκληρυνω [ϋ], f. ννω, {σκληρόά) to harden : — metaplw to harden the heart, N. T. σκληφρός, ά, όν, {σκόλλω) slender, slight, thin. Plat, σκνϊιταϊος, a, ov, dark, σκν. όΒίτη5 a wanderer in the twilight, Theocr. From σκνϊττός, τ), όν, dim-sighted. (Deriv. uncertain.) σκολιό-θριξ, b, η, with curled hair or leaves, Anth. σκόλιον, τό, neut. of σκολιόε (sub. μόλοε), a song which went round at banquets, sung to the lyre by the guests, Ar. j so called from its zigzag course — each guest who sung holding a myrtle-branch {μνρρίνη), which he passed across the table to any one he chose. ΣΚΟΛΙΟ'Σ, ά, όν, curved, winding, twisted, tangled, Lat. obliquus, Hdt., Eur., etc. : — bent sideways, δον- λζίη Κ€φαλί] σκολι-ί] (Hor. stat capite obstipo) Theogn.: metaph. crooked, i. e. unjust, unrighteous, II., Hes., etc. ; σκολιά -κράττ^ιν, etVetv Plat. : — so Adv. σκολιώε, Hes. Hence σκολιότης, ητοε, η, crookedness, Plut. : in pi. the- windings of a stream, etc., Strab. σκολίωμα, ατοε, τό, {σκολιόε) a betid, curve, Strab. σκολο-ττίζω, {σκόλοψ) to impale. ΣΚΟ'ΛΟΨ — σκυθρός. ΣΚΟ'ΛΟΨ, OTTOS, δ, a pale, stake, II., Eur. : — in pi. σκό- \on€s, pales, a palisade, Horn., etc. 2. a thorn, Babr., N. T. II. a tree, Eur. σκ<$λΰμος, δ, an eatable kind of thistle, an artichoke, Hes. (Deriv. unknown.) ΣΚΟ'ΜΒΡΟΣ, δ, a sea-fish, a kind of tunny, Ar. σκοίΓ-άρχης, ου, δ, {άρχω) the chief scout, the leader of a reconnoitring party , Xen. (τκοπβλο-δρ^μος, ον, running over rocks, Anth. σκόττελοξ, δ, {σκοττ^ω) a look-out place, a peak, head- land ox promontory , Lat. scopulus, Horn., etc. σκοττεύω, later form for σκοττίω, Strab., etc. σκοττε'ω and σκοττεομαι, used by Att. Λvriters only in pres, and impf., the other tenses being supplied by σκ4τττομαι: {aKoiros) : — to look at or after a thing: to behold, contemplate. Find., Soph., etc. : — absol. to look out, voatch. Soph., etc. 2. metaph. to look to, consider, examine, Hdt., Att. ; σ /c. rt Thuc., etc. ; ΰκ. Trepi Tivos or τι Plat. : absol., δρθώ5 σκοπόν Eur., etc. 3. to look out for, c. acc., Xen., etc. II. Med., used just like Act., Soph., Eur. III. Pass., σκοττων καΧ σκοτΓονμζνο5 considering and being con- sidered, Plat. σκοττή, ^, = σκοττιά l, in pi., Aesch., Xen. σκοτΓίά, Ion. -ιή, -η, (σκοττεω) a lookout-place, a moun- tain-peak, Horn. : of the Trojan acropolis, Eur. : cf. σκόπ6λθ5. 2. metaph. the height or highest point of anything. Find. II. a -watchtower , Lat. specula, Hdt., Plat. III. a look-out, vsatch, σκοπιάν εχείΐ/ to keep viatch, Od., Hdt. σκοτΓίάζω, (σκοττιά) only in pres, and impf., to look about one, spy from a high place or watchtower, II. : to spy, explore, Od. II. trans. to spy out, search 'out, discover, c. acc., II., Anth., etc. : — so in Med. to look out for, Theocr. σκοτΓιήτης, ου, δ, (σκοττιά) a highlander, of Pan, Anth. <Γκο7Γΐωρε'ομαι, Dep. to look out for, watch, Ar. σκοτΓΐ-ωρός, δ, (ωρα, curd) a watcher. σκοπός, δ and ή, (σκάπτομαι) one that watches, one that looks after things, Horn. ; of gods and kings, a guardian, protector, Όκΰμττου σκ. Find. 2. a look- out-man, watchman, stationed on a σκοττιά, Lat. specu- lator, Horn., Xen. : one who marks game, Xen. 3. a spy, scout, II., Trag. II. the object on which one fixes the eye, a mark, Lat. scopus, Od. ; άπί> σκο- τΓου away from the mark, Ib. ; so, τταρά σκοπόν Find. ; σκοπού τυχζινίο hit the mark. Id. ; 4πΙ σκοπόν βάλλ^ιν Xen. 2. metaph. an aim, end, object. Plat, σκορακίζω, f. Att. ιω, (es κόρακαε, v. κόραξ) to dismiss contemptuously , Luc. : — Pass, to be treated con- temptuously, Dem. σκορδΐνάομαί, Ιοη.-ε'ομαι, Dep. to stretch one's limbs, yawn, gcipe, Ar. (Deriv. unknown.) σκοροδ-άλμη, ή, a sauce of brine and garlic, Ar. σκοροδίζω, f. [σω, to prime game-cocks with garlic before fighting, Ar. : — Pass., όσκοροδισμόνοε primed with garlic. Id. σκορόδιον, τό. Dim. of σκόροδον, Ar. Σκοροδο-μάχοι, ot, (μάχομαι) Garlic-fighters, Luc. ΣΚΟ'ΡΟΔΟΝ, τό, garlic, \jaX, allium, the root of which consists of several separate cloves (ycAyidfs), and is 735 thus distinguished from the onion (κρόμμυον), and leek (πράσον), Hdt. ; in pi., Ar. σκορττίξω, f. Ισω, to scatter, disperse, Strab., N. T. (Deriv. uncertain.) σκορττίος, δ, a scorpion. Plat., Dem. II. an engine of war for discharging arrows. Pint. (Deriv. uncertain.) σκρταΐος, a, ov and os, ov, (σκότο$) in the dark, i. e. before daybreak or after nightfall, Xen. II. of things, dark, obscure, Plut. σ·κοτειν<ίς, ή, όν, (σκότο5) dark, Aesch., Eur., etc. ; ava. τό σκοτεινόν in the darkness, Thuc. 2. of a person, darkling, blind. Soph., Eur. II. metaph. dark, obscure, Eur., Plat. : — so Adv. -vm. Plat, σκοτία, ?/, (σκότοΒ) darkness, gloom, Anth. σκοτίζω, to make dark : — Pass, to be darkened, N. T. σκότιθ8, a, ov and os, ov, (aK0Tos) dark, I. of persons, in the dark, darkling, σκότιον δε e ydivuTo μ^]Τ'ηρ, i. e. not in open wedlock, II. j so, σκότιοι πaΐδes Eur. ; σκ. exjva'i clandestine loves. Id., etc. II- of things and places, dark. Id. 2. metaph., like aKOT^iv0s, dark, obscure, Ar. σκοτο-δασυ-ττυκνό-θριξ, Tpixos, δ, rj, dark with shaggy thick hair, κυνη σκ., of a ‘cap of darkness,’ Ar. σκοτο-δϊνιάω, (δίνη) only in pres, to suffer from dizzi- ness or vertigo, Ar., Plat, σκοτο-ειδής, 4s, (4ϊδos) dark-looking. Plat, σκοτόεις, etrera, εν, (σκότos) dark, Hes. σκοτόμαινα, η, = σκοτομ’ί]νη, Anth. σκοτο-μηνη, η, a moonless night. Hence σκοτομήνιος, ov, dark and moonless, Od. ΣΚΟ'ΤΟΣ, ου, δ, darkness, gloom, Od., Att. 2. the darkness of death, II., Eur. 3. of blindness, σκόταν βλ4π€ΐν Soph. ; σκόταν 0€0opKws Eur. 4. metaph., σκότίρ κρύπτην, like Horace’s nocte premere, to hide in darkness. Soph. ; so, δια, aK0Toos ε’στί it is dark and uncertain, Xen. ; κατά σκόταν, υπό σκότου Soph., etc. σκ<ϊτο5, eos, rd, = foreg.. Plat., etc. Hence σκοτόω, f. ώσω, to make dark, to blind : — Pass, to be in darkness: also to suffer from vertigo. Plat, σκοτ-ώδης, es, contr. for aKOToei04is, dark. Plat, σκΰβαλον, τό, dung, filth, refuse, Anth. (Deriv. un- certain.) σκυδμαίνω, only in pres., to be angry, τινί with one, 11. (in Ep. inf. σκυδμαινόμζν). ΣΚΥ'ΖΟΜΑΙ, Ep. 3 sing. aor. i opt. σκύσσαιτο : — to be angry or wroth with one, τινί Horn. : absol. to be wroth, II. Σκΰθης [ΰ], ου, δ, voc. 'Ζκΰθά, a Scythian : proverb., 2κυ- θών όρημία, as we might say ‘ the desert of Africa,’ Ar. : — fern. 2κυΘαίνά. 2. a.s Αά]. ScythiaTt, Aesch. II. at Athens, a policematt, one of the city-guard, which was mostly composed of Scythian slaves, Ar. Hence Σκΰθίζω, f. ίσω, to behave like a Scythian : hence, from the Scythian practice of scalping slain enemies, to shave the head, iσκυθισμ4vos ξυρφ Eur. ; and Σκΰθικός, η, όν, Scythian, Aesch., etc. : — η ^κυΰικη (sc. 777) Hdt., etc. : — fern. Σκυθίς, i0os, aicc. iv, Aeschin. II. Adv. -kHos, Strab., Plut. Σκΐθιστί Adv. in the Scythian tongue, Hdt. Σκνθο-τοζότης, ου, δ, a Scythian bowman, Xen. σκυθράζω, to be angry, peevish, Eur. From σκυθρός, ά, όν, (σκύζομαι) angry, sullen, Menand. 730 σκυθρωτταζω - σκυθρωΊτάζω, f. σω : aor. ι 4σκυθρώπασα : pf. 4σκνθρώ- ττακα : — έο look angry or sullen, he of a sad counte- nance, Ar., Xen., etc. From σκυθρ-ωιτός, 6v, {σκνΘρ6$, ώψ) angry-looking, of sad countenance, sullen, Eur., Aesch., etc. : — rh σκυθρω- πόν, =sq., Eur . — Adv., σκυθρωπίΰΒ €χ€ΐν Xen. II. of things, gloomy, sad, melancholy , Eur. σκΰλάκαινα [ά], η, fern, of σκύλαξ, Anth. σκΰλακ€ία, a breeding of dogs, Plut. (Γκΰλάκευμα [ά], aros, τό, a 'Sihelp, cub, Anth. σκίίλακ€ΰω, f. σω, {σκύλαξ) to pair dogs for breeding, Xen. II. Pass, to he suckled, Strab. σκΰλάκιον [ά], τό. Dim. of σκύλαξ. Plat., Xen. σκΰλακ-ώδης, es, (elSos) like a young dog : rh σκυλακ- 0i5es the nature of puppies, Xen. σκυλαξ [ύ], άκο5, δ, and η, {σκύλλω) a young dog, Oihelp, puppy, Lat. catulus, Od., Hes. : — generally, a dog. Soph., etc. 2. = σκυμν05, Eur. σκυλευμα [ϋ], aros, τό, mostly in pi. the arms stript off a slain enemy, spoils, Eur., Thuc. From σκϋλευω, f. σω, {σκνΚον) to strip or despoil a slain enemy of his arms, Hes., Hdt. ; c. acc. pers. et rei, YJ)kvqv σκυλ€νσαντ€5 απ' ώμων τβύχζα having stript the arms of Cycnus from his shoulders, Hes. 2. c. acc. rei et gen. pers. to strip the arms off an enemy, Xen.; so, άττό των νεκρών σκ. ψόλια Hdt. σκϋλη-φόρος, ον, poet, for σκυλοφόροε, Anth. Σκύλλα and Σκυλλη, rjs, η, {σκύλλω) Scylla, a monster barking like a dog, who inhabited a cavern in the Straits of Sicily, and rent unwary mariners, Od. ΣΚΥ'ΛΛΩ, aor. I ίσκΰλα : — Pass., pf. ίσκυλμαι : — to rend, mangle : — Pass., Aesch. 2. metaph. to trouble, annoy, Lat. vexare, N. T. : — Pass, or Med., μτ] σκύλλου trouble not thyself, Ib. ; 4σκυλμ4νοι troubled, distressed, Ib. σκΰλοδβψεω, f. ήσω, to tan hides, Ar. From σκΰλο-δβψης, ου, δ, {όόφω, f. δεψω) a tanner of hides, .Ar. : — so σκΰλό-δεψος, δ, Dem. ΣΚΥ'ΆΟΝ, τό, mostly in pi. σκύλα, the arms stript off a slain enemy, spoils. Soph., Thuc. ; ets σκύλα -γράψ^ιν to write one’s name on arms taken as spoil, Eur. : — rarely in sing., booty, spoil, prey. Id. ΣΚΥ'ΛΟΣ [ύ], eos, τό, a skin, hide, Theocr., Anth. σκϋλο-φόρος, ον, (ψόρω) receiving the spoil, Anth. σκΰλο-χαρής, is, ·χαιρω) delighting in spoils, Anth. ΣΚΥ'ΜΝΟΣ, δ, and τ], a cub, vjhelp, esp. a lion's -whelp, II., Hdt., Att. ; of other animals, Eur., Plut. ; in poets also of men, Άχίλλ€ΐο5 σκ. Eur. Σκΰρος, η, the isle of Scyros, one of the Sporades, not far from Euboea, Horn.: — Adj. '^Kvpios, δ, a Scyrian, Hdt. : — Adv., 'Ζκΰρόθ^ν from Scyros, II. σκυτάλη [ά], η, a staff, cudgel, club, Anth. II. at Sparta, a staff or baton, used as a cypher for writing dispatches : — a strip of leather was rolled slantwise round it, on which the dispatches were written length- wise, so that when unrolled they were unintelligible : commanders abroad had a staff of like thickness, round Avhich they rolled these papers, and so, were able to read the dispatches : — hence σκυτάλη came to mean a Spartan dispatch, Thuc., Xen. ; and generally a message, Pind. (Deriv. uncertain.) σκΰτάληφορεω, f. ησω, to carry a club, Strab. From - σμ€ρ8α\€ος, σκυτάλη -φόρος, ον, (φόρω) carrying a club, Strab. σκΰτάλιον [ά], τό. Dim. of σκύτάλον, Ar. σκΰτάλίς, iSos, η. Dim. of σκυτάλη, a stick, Hdt. σκύτάλον [ΰ], τό, = σκυτάλη ι, Pind., Hdt., Xen. σκΰτευς, 4ω5, δ, (σ /cGTOs) = σκυτοτόμο$, Ar., Plat., etc. σκϋτευω, f. σω, to be a shoemaker, Xen. σκΰτικός, η, όν, {σκύτο$) skilled in shoemaking: — η -κά) (sub. τ4χνη) = σκυτοτο μία. Plat, σκύτινος, η, ον, {σκντο5) leathern, made of leather, Hdt., Ar. 2. metaph. skinny, gaunt, Anth. σκϋτο-δόψης, ου, δ, (δόφω, f. δόψω) a leather-dresser, currier, Theophr. : so, σκΰτόδ€ψος, δ, Plat., Luc. ΣΚΥΦΤΟΣ, τό, like κύτο5 [υ], a skin, hide, esp. a dressed or tanned hide, Od., Ar., etc. II. a leather thong, a whip, Dem. ; σκύτη βλ4π€ΐν to look whips, i. e. as if one was going to be whipt, Ar. σκΰτοτομόω, f. ήσα>, to cut leather for shoes, to he a shoemaker, Ar., Plat. ; and σκϋτοτομία, η, shoemaking. Plat. ; and σκϋτοτομικός, ή, όν, of or for a shoemaker, Ar. ; δ (T/c. = ό σκυτοτόμο?. Plat. : η-κά) (sc. τόχνη), =foreg.. Id. From σκΰτο-τόμος, δ, (τέμνω) a leather-cutter, a worker in leather, II., Xen., etc. : esp. a shoemaker, cobbler, Ar. σκΰτο-τράγεω, f. ήσω, {rpayelv) to gnaw leather, Luc. ΣΚΥ'ΦΟΣ, ου, δ, or σκυφος, eos, τό, a cup, can, Od., Eur., etc. : a milk-pail, Theocr. σκωληκό-βρωτος, ον, {βι-βρώσκω) eaten of worms, N.T. σκώληΙ, TjKos, δ, a worm, Lat. lumbricus, II. 2. of the grubs, of insects, Ar., etc. (Deriv. uncertain.) σκώλος, δ, like σκόλοψ, a pointed stake, II. σκώμμα, otos, τό, {σκώπτω) a jest, joke, gibe, scoff, Ar.; e’v σκώμματο5 μόρ€ΐ by way of a joke, Aeschin. ; σκ. παρά γράμμα a pun, Arist. σκωμμάτιον [ά], τό. Dim. of σκώμμα, Ar. σκωτΓτικός, η, όν, mocking, jesting, Plut., Luc.; and σκωτΓτόλης, ου, δ, a mocker , jester , Ar. From ΣΚΩΤ1ΤΩ, f. σκώψομαι : aor. i έσκωψα : — Pass., aor. i όσκώφθην : pf. ίσκωμμαι : — to hoot, mock, jeer, scoff at, τίνά Ar. ; also, σκ. et? τα ράκια to jest at his rags. Id.; eis τινα Aeschin. b. in good sense, to joke with, Τίνά Hdt. 2. absol. to jest, joke, be funny, Ar., Xen., etc. ΣΚΩ'Ρ, τό; gen. σκάτό? : — dung, Ar. Hence σκωρία, η, the dross of metal, slag, scoria, Strab. σκώψ, δ, gen. σκωπό$, nom. pi. σκώπε?, {σκώπτω) a small kind of owl, Od., Theocr. σμάράγδϊνος, η, ον, of smaragdus, N.T. From σμάραγδος, η, Lat. smaragdus, a precious stone of a green colour, a name given to the emerald and to malachite, Hdt. (Deriv. unknown.) σμάράγεω, f. ησω, to crash, as thunder, II. ; of the sea, to roar, Ib. ; of cranes, to scream, Ib. (Formed from the sound.) ΣΜΑΏ, 3 sing, contr. σμρ, inf. σμην, 3 sing, pass. σμηται; but Ion. σμα, σμαν, σματαί : impf. εσμων: aor. I εσμησα : — Med., part, σμώμενο? : aor. i εσμησά- μην : — to wipe or cleanse with soap or unguent·, (but the Act. is mostly found in compds. δίο-, εκ-, βπι-σμάω) : —Med., σμάσθαι την κεφαλήν to wash or anoint one's head, Hdt. σμ€ρδάλε'ος, a. Ion. η, ον, terrible to look on, fearful. σμερ^νός — a'lseful, direful, Horn. 2. terrible to hear, in neut. as Adv., terribly. Id. ; so in pi. σμ^ρΖάΚ4α, II. (De- riv. uncertain.) σμ€ρδνός, i), 6v, — σμ€ρ8ά\€05, II., Aesch. : — as Adv., (Τμβρδι/όν II. σμήγμα, aros, τό, (σμηχω), soap or unguent, Plut. σμηνο-δ<5κο9, ον, {ζ4χομαι) holding a swarm of bees, Anth. ΣΜΗ^ΝΟΣ, Dor. σμανος, eos, to, a beehive, Hes., Plat. II. a swarm of bees, Aesch., etc. ; of wasps, Ar. ; — metaph., of clouds. Id., etc. σμήχω: aor. i ^σμηξα : — Pass.,aor. i ^σμηχθην : — longer form of σμάω, to wipe off by help of soap or unguent, to wash off, Od. II. to wipe clean, Babr. : pro- verb., Αίθίοπα σμ. ‘ to wash a blackamoor white,’ Luc. : — Med., σμηχομ&α κρόταφον wiping her brow clean, Anth. σμϊκρο-, for all words beginning thus, v. μικρό-. σμϊκρός, ά, όν. Ion. and old Att. for μικρ6$. σμΐλα, η, — σμίλη, Anth. σμΐλαξ, older Att. μΐλαξ, olkos, η, Lat. taxus, the yew. Plat. II. the convolvulus, or perh. bryony, Trag., Ar. σμίλευμα [t], arros, τό, a piece of carved work : metaph., σμιλεύματα epywv finely carved works, Ar. σμιλευτός, ή, όν, cut, carved, Anth. σμιλεύω, to carve finely. From ΣΜΙ'ΛΗ [t], η, a knife for cutting, carving or pruning. Plat., etc. : a graving tool, chisel, Anth. σμϊλίον, τό. Dim. of σμίλη, Lat. scalpellum, Luc. Σμινθευς, iωs, b, name of Apollo (from '2,μίνθο$ or 'Ζμίνθη a town in Troas), the Sminthian, II. σμίνθος, b, a mouse (a Cretan word), Anth. σμϊνυη, (not -ua), η, a two-pronged hoe or mattock, Lat. bidens, Ar., Plat. σμΰγερός, poet, for μο'γερ05, with pain, painful. Soph. Adv. ~p(as. Id. σμύρνα. Ion. σμυρνη, η, like μνρρα, myrrh, the resinous gum of an Arabian tree, used for embalming the dead, Hdt. ; called σμνρνη$ iSpcis by Eur. ; also used for anointing, Ar. ; and a salve, Hdt. (A foreign word.) Σμύρνα, Ion. -νη, η, Smyrna, in Ionia, Hdt., etc. Σμυρναϊος, a, ov, of Smyrna, Pind. σμυρναϊος, a, ov, (σμύρνα) of myrrh, Anth. σμυρνίζω, f. σω, (σμύρνα) to flavour or drug with myrrh: Pass., oivos εσμυρνισμενο$ N.T. σμυρνο-ψόρος, ov, {φέρω) bearing myrrh, Strab. ΣΜΥ'ΧΩ [Oj, aor. I εσμυξα : — Pass., aor. i εσμύχθην : aor. 2 εσμύ·γην [ΰ] : — to burn in a mouldering fire — Pass. to smoulder away, II., Mosch. σμώδιξ, lyyos, η, a weal, swollen bruise, caused by a blow, 11. (Deriv. unknown.) σμώχω, f. |a>, {σμάω) to rub down, grind down, Ar. σοβαρός, ά, όν, {σοβεω) properly, scaring birds away : and so, I. rushing, rapid, Ar. : — Adv. -ρώί. Id. II. swaggering, pompous, haughty. Id. ; of a horse, Xen. : — Adv. -ρω$, Plut. ; also neut. as Adv., Theocr. 2. of things, Ar. σοβεω, f. ά\σω, (σου, σου) : — to scare away birds, Ar., etc. 2. generally, to drive away, clear away, Xen. II. to move rapidly, ττόόα σοβεΐν, of dancing, Ar. : — metaph. in Pass, to be much agitated, vehc- - σοφίζω. 737 mently excited, Anth., Plut. III. intr. to strut, swagger, bustle, Dem., Plut. ; σόβει h ''Apyos bustle off to Argos, Luc. σοί and enclit. σοι, dat. of συ. σοΧο, Ion. for σου, gen. of σ05, σόν. σολοικίζω, f. Att. ιώ, {σόλοικο5) to speak incorrectly , commit a solecism, φωνή '2,κυθικη σολ. to speak bad Scythian, Hdt. Hence σολοικισμός, b, incorrectness in the use of language, a solecism, Luc. ; and σολοικιστής, ου, b, one who speaks incorrectly, Luc. σό>\ο\.κο<^,ον , speaking incorrectly , using provincialisms, Anacr., etc. II. metaph. erring against good manners, awkward, clumsy, Xen., Arist. (Said to come from the corruption of the Attic dialect by the Athenian colonists of 5όλοί in Cilicia.) ΣΟΆΟΣ, b, a mass or lump of iron, used in throwing, 11.; distinguished from the flat δίσκο? or quoit, σόος, η, ον, Ep. and Ion. form of σώο?, σώ? : v. σώ?. σορο-ττηγός, ου, b, {^Γηyvυμι) a coffin-fnaker , Ar., Anth. ΣΟΡΟ'Σ, η, a vessel for holding anything, esp. a cinerary urn, II. : — a coffin, Hdt., Ar. 11. as nickname of an old man or woman, Ar. σός, η, όν, possessive Adj. of pers. Pron. συ, the earlier form being τεό?, thy, thine, of thee, Lat. tuus, tua, tuum, Horn., etc.; Ep. gen. σοΓο ; — in Att. often with the Art., δέμα? τδ σόν, τό σόν κάρα : — σόν ipyov, C. inf., ’tis thy business to . . , Soph. ; so, σόν [εστί] alone, Aesch. : — oi σοί thy kinsfolk, people. Soph. : — τό σόν what concerns thee, thy interest, words, purpose. Id. : — τά σά thy property, Od. ; thy interests, Soph.. 2. with a gen. added, τά σ’ αυτή? ipya II. ; σόν μόνηί δώρημα Soph. II. objective, for thee, ση ττοθη II. ; σό? τε πόθοι σά τε μηδεα Od. ; ση προμηθία Soph. σου, σου, shoo ! shoo !, a cry to scare away birds, Ar. σουδάριον, τό, the Lat. sudarium, a kerchief, N. T. σοΰμαι, contr. form of σεύομαι {σεύω). σουνεκα, crasis for σου ενεκα. Soph. Σουνι-άράτος, ον, (2ουνίον) worshipped at Sunium, Ar. Σουν-ιεράκος, b, (ίερα|) Η aivk-of -Sunium , Ar. Σουνιον, τό, Sunium, the southern headland of Attica, Od., etc. : — Adj., Σουνιακός, ή, όν, Hdt. : — Σουνιευς, εω?, b, pi. 2υνίεί?, a man of Sunium, Decret. ap. Dem. σουρίζει, crasis for σοι bρίζεL, Aesch. σοΰσθαι, med. inf. of σεύω : σουσθω, σοΰσθε, 3 sing·, and 2 pi. imper. Σουσι-γενής, ε?, {yίyvoμaι) born at Susa, Aesch. σουσον, τό, the lily, a Phoen. word. II. Σοΰσα, τά, Susa, in the province of Susiana or Shushan, winter residence of the King of Persia, Hdt., Xen. : — Σουσιος, b, a man of Susa, Xen.: — Σουσίς, ίδο?, ή, = 2ουσα, Aesch. ; but 2. γυνή a woman of Susa, Xen. σούστί, crasis for σοι εστί. σοφία. Ion. -ίη, η, skill in handicraft and art, II., Xen., etc. : — σ. τινό? or περί tivos knowledge of, acquaint- ance with a thing, Plat. 2. sound judgment, in- telligence, practical wisdom, such as was attributed to the Seven Wise men, 'I heogn., Hdt. ; in not so good a sense, cunning, shrewdness, craft, like δεινο'- τη$, Hdt. 3. wisdom, philosophy , 'I'heogn., Att. σοφίζω, f. σω, (σοφό?) to make wise, instruct, Si. T. 2. 313 73 ^ (τόφισμα — Pass, to he clexer or skilled in a thing·, c. gen., ναυτι· \ίη5 σ·€σο(Ι>ΐ(Τμ€νο5 skilled in seamanship, Hes. : — absol. to pursue "doisdom, he ■well instructed, Xen. 3. Med. to teach oneself, learn, τι Id. II. σοφίζ- ομαι, as Dep., with aor. i med, and pf. pass, to piny subtle tricks, deal subtly, Theogn., Eur., etc. ; ούδ^ι/ σοφιζόμζσθα τοίσι δαίμοσι -we argtie not subtly about the gods, Eur, : — in speaking, to use sophistical argu- ments, to quibble, irepi τι Plat.; Kaiirep οΰτω τούτου σ^σοφισμ^νου though this man has dealt thus craftily, Dem. 2. c. acc. rei, to devise cleverly or skilftdly, Hdt., Ar. ; αλλότρια σ. to meddle -with other men’s craft, Ar. ; to τούτο Se? σοφισθηναι this one must gain by craft. Soph. : — pf, part. σ·€σοφισ·μ€υο5\η pass, sense, craftily devised, N.T. 3. c, acc. pers. to deceive, Anth. Hence σόφισμα, ατο$, τό, any skilful act, the skilful dressing of food, Xen. II. a clever device, contrivance, Hdt., Trag. 2. in less good sense, a sly trick, artifice, Έ.ητ.,Ύ\\\ιο.; a stage-trick, claptrap, kx. 3. a captious argument , a quibble, fallacy, sophism. Plat., etc. Hence σοφισμάτιον, τό, Luc, ; and σοφιστόον, verb. Adj, oyie ynust contrive, Arist. σοφιστευω, f. σω, to play the sophist, argue as one, Dem. 2. to give lectures, of the Sophists, Plut. σοφιστής, ον, ό, {σοφίζομαι) a master of one's craft or art, an adept, of a diviner, Hdt. ; of poets, Pind. ; of the Creator, Plat. ; metaph., σ. πτημάτων an adept in misery, Eur. 2. like φρόνιμοε, one u'ho is clever in matters of life, a wise man, in which sense the seven Sages are called σοφισταί, Hdt. ; of Prometheus, Aesch. II. at Athens, a Sophist, e. a Professor of grammar, rhetoric, politics, mathematics, such as Prodicus, Gorgias, Protagoras, Thuc., Plat., etc. At first the Sophists were held in honour ; but from their loose principles they fell into ill repute, and the word came to mean, 2. a sophist (in bad sense), a quihbler, cheat, Ar., Dem., etc. σοφιστικός, ή, 6v, {σοφιστ'η5) of or for a sophist. Plat. 2. like a sophist, sophistical , Xen,, etc. Adv. -κω3. Plat. σοφίστρια, η, fern, of σοφιστηε, Plat. Σοφο-κλεης, contr. -κλής, ό; gen. eovs, later 4os ; acc. 4a : — Sophocles, Ar., etc. σοφό-νοος, ον, contr. -νους, ουν, wise-minded , Luc. ΣΟΦΟ Σ, ή, 6ν, properly, skilled in any handicraft or art, cunning in his craft, Theogn,, etc, ; of a charioteer, Pind. ; of poets and musicians. Id. ; of a soothsayer. Soph., etc. 2. clever in matters of common life, wise, prudent, shrewd, σ. άνδρ^ε Qeoaa- \oi shrewd fellows, the Thessalians ! Hdt. ; πολλά σοφ03 Aesch. ; μΡιζω σοφίαν σοφ05 Plat., etc. ; των σοφών κρΡισσω better thati all craft. Soph. ; σοφόν [eoTTi] c. inf., Eur. 3. skilled in the sciences, learned, profound, wise. Id., Plat., etc, ; hence, ironically, abstruse, obscure, Ar,, etc. II. pass., of things, cleverly devised, wise, Hdt,, etc. ; σοφώτΐρ' i) κατ άνδρα συμβαλ^Ίν things too clever for man to understand, Eur. III. Adv. σοφώ5, cleverly, wisely. Soph., Eur., etc. : — Comp, -ώτ^ρον, Eur. : Sup. — ώτατα. Id. - ΣΠΑ'ΡΓΩ. σόω, rare Ep. Verb for σαόω, σώζω, to preserve, save, deliver, 2 sing. subj. σό·ρ3, 3 sing, and pi. σό^, σόωσι, IL σπαδίζω, f. (σπάω) to draw off, Hdt. σπάδων [ά], δ, (σπάω) an eunuch, Lat. spado, Plut. σττάθάω, only in pres., in weaving, to strike home the woof with the σπάθη ; metaph., λίαν σπαθάν to go too fast, a cant phrase for throwing away money, Ar. ; so, σπ. τά χρήματα Plut. : — Pass., 4σπαθάτο ταύτα these were the prodigalities indulged in, Dem. ΣΠΑ'ΘΗ [ά], η, a fiat blade used by weavers in the upright loom (instead of the comb {ktPis) used in the horizontal), for striking the threads of the woof home, so as to make the web close, Aesch, σπαθίον, τό. Dim. of σπάθη, Anth. ΣΠΑΙ'ΡΩ, to gasp, of dying fish, Anth. ; cf. άσπαίρω. σπάκα, Median for κύνα, Hdt. σπανίζω, f. Att. ιώ, of things, to be rare, scarce, scanty, Pind., Ar. 2. of persons, to lack or he in want of, Tivos Hdt., Aesch., etc. ; — so in Pass., εσπα- νίσμ^θ' άροτ/ών Aesch. : absol. to be hi want, Eur. σπάνιος [ά], σ, ον, (σπάνιά) rare, scarce, scanty, Hdt., Eur.; σπάνιον εαυτόν παρ4χζΐν, Lat. dijficiles aditus habere. Plat. ; ύδατι σπανίφ χρώμ^νοι having a scanty supply of Avater, Thuc. ; c, inf., σπ. ίδβΐν rare to behold, Xen. : of persons in an Adv. sense, σπάνιοε όπιφοιτα he seldom visits, Hdt. : — σπάνιόν ε’στι, c. inf., it is seldom that . . , Xen. : — τό σπάνιον = σπάνι$, Aeschifi. II. Comp. σπανιώτβροΒ, Hdt., Thuc. : — Sup, -ώτατοε, Att, III. Adv. -ίωε, seldom, Xen. ; so σπανία. Plat. : Comp, -ιώτεμον, Thuc. σπάνιότης, ητο5, η, — sq., lack of a thing, Isocr. ΣΠΑ'ΝΙΣ, η, gen. εωι, dat. ei. Ion. t : — scarcity, rare- ness, dearth, lack of a thing, Eur., Dem. : — ou σπάνιε [εστί] = ου σπάνιον, there is no lack, no difficulty, Eur. σπάνιστός, ή, όν, (σπανίζω) of things, scanty. Soph, σπάνο-σϊτία, η, (σΐτοε) lack of corn ox food, Xen. σπάραγμα, aros, τό, a piece torn off, a piece, shred, fragment , όσων σπαράγματα all whose mangled corpses. Soph.; σπάραγμα κόμαε Eur. II. = σπαραγμοί, a tearing, rending. Id. σπαραγμός, δ, a tearing, rending, . mangling, Eur. II. a convulsion, spasm, Soph. From σπάράσσω, Att. -ττω : f. |ω : aor. i όσπάραξα : — Pass., pf. ε’σπάραγμαι : (akin to σπαίρω) : — to tear, rend in pieces, mangle, Lat, lacerare, Eur., Ar. : — Med., σπα- ράσσ^σθαι κόμαε to tear one's hair, Eur. 2. to rend asunder, Aesch. 3. metaph. to pull to pieces, attack, Lat. conviciis lacerare, Ar., Plat, σπαργάνιώτης, ου, δ, a child in swaddling-clothes, h, Horn. From σπάργαναν, τό, (σπάργω) a swathing band, and in pi. swaddling-clothes, h. Horn., Pind. ; παΓί It’ ών εν σπαρ-γάνοιε Aesch. ; tokens by which a person is iden- tified, Lat. monument a, crepundia. Soph., Ar. Hence σπαργάνόω, f, ώσω, like σπάργω, to wrap in swad- dling-clothes, swathe, Eur. ; — Pass., pf. part, βσπαρ- γανωμενοί N. T. σπαργάω, f. ησω, to be full to biirsting, to swell, he ripe, Eur. II. metaph., like Lat. turgere, to swell with passion. Plat. : — absol. to wax wanton, be insolent, Plut. (Prob. from same Root as σφρΐ'/άω.) ΣΠΑ'ΡΓΩ, Ep. aor. i σφάρξα, = σπαργανόω, h, Horn. στταρηναί (ΓΤΓαρήναί, aor. 2 pass. inf. of σπείρω : — σιταρίίς, part, σιταρνός, ή, όν, poet, for ciravos, σπάνιοε, Aesch. Σιταρτάκειος, a, ον, of Spartacus, Plut. σττάρτη, η, = σττάρτον, Ar. (with a play upon Sparta). Σττάρτη, Dor. Σιτάρτα, η, Sparta, Horn., etc. hence Advs., Σττάρτη 0€v, /row Sparta, Od. ; Σττάρτηνδβ, to Sparta, Ib. : — Στταρτιάτης [ά], ον, 6, a Spartan, Eur., Thuc. ; Ion. -ήτη 5 > eco, Hdt. : — fern, -aris, ihos, (sub. yvvr}) a Spartan woman, Eur., etc. ; (sub. χά>ρα) Laconia, Plut. ; also as Adj., '^,π.'γυνη, χθων, yrj Eur. στταρτίον, τό. Dim. of σπαρτόν, a small cord, Ar. σττάρτον, TO, a rope, cable, II., etc. ; (prob. akin to σπβΐρα). II. a rope made from broom {σπάρτο$). . στταρτός, η, 6v, and os, 6v, (^Tretpco) sown, grown from seed: metaph., σπαρτών yivos children of men, Aesch. II. at Thebes, 'Σπαρτοί, ol, the Sown- men, those who claimed descent from the dragOn’s teeth sown by Cadmus, the Cadmeans, Thebans, Pind., Eur. j λο'γχη σπαρτό$ the Theban spear, Eur. III. scattered, of the limbs of a corpse, Anth. σττάρτος, b and η, Spanish broom, esparto, Xen., etc. στταρτο-φόρος, ον, (φ^ρω) bearing broom, Strab. σ·ΤΓασθ£ίς, aor. i pass. part, of σπάω, σπάσμα, utos^ to, (σπάω) a spasm, convulsion, των υστερών Arist. II. a piece torn off, shred, Plut. «Γττασμόξ, b, (σπάω) a convulsion, spasm, Hdt., Soph, σττάσσασβε, Ep. for σπάσασθ^,^ pi. aor. i med.of σπάω : so στΓασσ·ά|λ€νος, part. σττάτάλάω, to live lewdly, to rtm riot, N.T. From σττάτάλη, η, lewdness, wantonness, riot, luxury, Anth. (Deriv. unknown.) σττάτάλημ,α, ατοτ, το, (σπαταλάω) =foreg., Anth. ο-ττατίλη [t], η, excrement, Ar. (Perh. akin to σκώρ, σκατ65.) ΣΠΑΩ, f. cTTracnw [ά] : aor. i έσπασα, Ep. σπάσα : pf. ίσπάκα Med., f. σπάσομαι : aor. i 4σπάσάμην, Ep. σπασάμην, 2 pi. Ep. σπάσσασθζ, part, σπασσάμ^νοε : — Pass., f. σπασθτ^σομαι : aor. i 4σπάσθΎ]ν : pf. €σπα· σμαι : 1. of a sword, to draw, Eur. ; — mostly in Med., Horn. : — Pass, to be drawn, II.; 4σπασμ4νοι τα ξίφη having their swords drawn, Xen. 2. πάΚον σπαν to draw a lot (out of a helmet), Aesch. 3. absol., σττατ’ avSpetcos pull, hoist away, like men. II. of violent actions, to pluck off or out, κόμην Soph. 2 . like σπαράσσω, to tear, rend, of beasts. Id. 3. to wrench, sprain : — Pass., τόν μηρόν σπασθηναι Hdt. 4. to snatch, tear or drag away, Eur. 5. metaph. to carry away, draw aside. Soph., Plat. 6 . Pass, to be convulsed. Soph. III. to draw in, suck in, quaff, Aesch., Eur. IV. to draw tight, pull i\\Q reins, 'Ken. 2. of angling· : hence, proverb , ουκ ^σπασ^ν ταντη yc ‘ he took nothing by his motion,’ Ar. V. to adopt, appropriate, Anth. στΓβϊν, aor. 2 inf. of %πω. aireio, Ep. for σπόο, σποΰ, aor. 2 imper. of ’όπομαι. στΓ€Ϊο 5 , τό, Ep. for σπόοΒ. ΣΠΕΓΡΑ, η, Lat. spira, anything wound or coiled : in pi. the coils or spires of a serpent, Eur. ; also σπ^ίραιε δικτυοκλώστοί! with the net’s meshy folds. Soph. 2 . σπ€Ϊραι βό^ιαι thongs or straps of ox-hide bound round a boxer’s fist, the caestus, Theocr. II. a body of — σττερμα. 739 men-at-arms, the Roman = two centuries, Polyb. : — also a cohort, N. T. σττείρα,μα. Ion. -ημα,ατο?, τό, a coil, spire, convolution, Aesch. : αϊώνοε σπ. a period, cycle, Anth. From σττ6ΐράομαι, (σπείρα) Pass, to be coiled or folded round. σττειρηδόν, Adv. in coils or spires, spirally, Anth. II. (σπείρα ii) of troops, m maniples, Polyb. σ'7Γ£ίρημα, Ion. for σπείραμα. σττ€ΐρίον, τό. Dim. of σπ^ΐρον, a light, su7n7ner-gar- ment, Xen. ΣΠΕΓΡΟΝ, τό, a piece of cloth, (ίλνμα σπειρών a wrap- ping cloth, Od. ; κακά σπ€?ρα sorry wraps, Ib. ; arep απείρου without a shroud, Ib. ; also a sail, Ib. σττειρ-οΰχος, b, {ίχω) forming a circle, Anth. ΣΠΕΓΡΩ, Ion. impf. σπ^ίρ^σκον : f. σπ^ρώ : aor. i ^σπ^ιρα : pf. ίσπαρκα : — Pass., aor. 2 όσπάρην [ά] : pf. ^σπαρμαι : — to sow : I. to sow seed, Hes., Att. 2. to sow children, to engender, beget them. Soph. : — Pass, to be born. Id., Eur. 3. to scatter like seed, strew, throw about, χρυσόν καΐ 'dpyvpov Hdt. ; δρόσον Eur. : — to spread abroad, as Virg. spargere voces. Soph. : — Pass, to be scattered, dispersed, Eur., Thuc. II. to sow a field, Hes., Hdt., etc. : Pass., η σπαρομόνη Aίyυπτos the arable part of Egypt, Hdt. 2 . proverb., πόντον σπ^ίρ^ιν, of lost labour, Theogn. σττεϊσαι, aor. i inf. of σπόνδω : — σττείσασκβ, Ep. 3 sing, σ-π-εκουλάτωρ, opos, b, Latin speculator, one of the body-guard, N.T. ΣΠΕ'ΝΔΩ, Ep.subj .2 σπόνδησθα: Ion. impf. σπόνδ^σκον: f. σπΐίσω : aor. i ίσπ^ισα, Ep. σπ^ίσα. Ion. 3 sing, σπ^ί- σασκζ : pf. ^σπ^ικα : — Med., aor. i 4σπ€ΐσάμην, Ep. i pi. subj. σπ^ίσομ^ν, for -ωμ^ν : — Pass., aor. i 4σπ€ίσθην : pf. ίσπζίσμαι (used both in med. and pass, sense) : — to pour or make a drink-offering before drinking, Lat. libare, Horn. : — σπ. οίνον to pour wine, Horn. ; Aoifids Soph. ; σπονδά5, χοάϊ Eur. ; ellipt., σπ. ayaOov δαίμο- vos (sc. σπονδήν) to pour a libation in honour of the good genius, Ar. : — rarely c. dat. rei, υδατι σπ. to make a drink-offering with water, Od. : — in N. T. the Pass, is used metaph. of a person, σπόνδομαι 4πϊ τη θυσία I atn offered (as a druik-offcring) over the sacrifice. 2 . without any religious sense, to pour, Hdt., Xen., etc. II. Med. to pour libations one with ajiother, and, as this was the custom in making treaties, to make a treaty, make peace, Hdt., Ar., etc. ; σπόνδί^σθαί τινι to make peace with one, Eur., etc. ; so, σττ. πρό$ τινα Thuc., etc. ; — σπόνδ^σθαι τη πρ^σβ^ία to give it pledges of safe conduct, Aeschin. : c. acc., (Ιρηνην σπ^ισάμ^νοι ΑακίδαιμονΙοισι having concluded a peace with them, Hdt. ; ^σπ^Ίσθαι vcTkos to make up a quarrel, Eur. ; σπ. άναίρ^σιν to7s vacpoiis to make a truce for taking- up the dead, Thuc. : — Pass., of a treaty, to be con- cluded, Id. ΣΠΕΌΣ, Ep. σττεΐος, rd, a cave, cavern, grotto, Horn. : of the form σπόο$, Horn, uses only nom. and acc. sing., with Ep. dat. σπηι ; of the form σπεΤοϊ, acc. sing., gen. σπ€ίου 5 , dat. pi. σπόσσι and σπηβσσι ; gen. pi. σπ^ιων h. Horn. σ"7Γ€ρμα, otos, τό, (σπΐίρω) that which is sown : I. the seed of plants, Hes., Hdt., Att.: — also of animals, Pind., Eur. 2. metaph. of the germ, origin, element 2 Π 2 740 στΓ€ρμαΙνω of anything, air. rrvpos Od. j (p\oy65 Find. ; κακών Dem. II. seed, offspring, issue, Tra.g., etc. 2. race, origin, descent, Ib. (πτερμαίνω, f. ανώ, to so'w with seed : to beget, Hes. στΓδρμολογία, η, babbling, gossip, Plut. From (Γττερμο-λόγος, ον, (λέγω) picking up seeds, of grani- vorous birds, Plut. II. metaph. one who picks up scraps of knowledge, a babbler, Dem., N. T. <ηΓ€ρμο·ψ(>ρος, ον, {φίρω) bearing seed, Anth. Σττερχβιόξ, b, the Spercheius, i. e. Rapid (from σπ^ρχω), a river of Thessaly, II. σιτερχνός, ή, όν, hasty, rapid, hurried, Hes., Aesch. ΣΠΕ'ΡΧΩ, the Act. only in pres, and impf. : Pass., aor. i part, σπίρχθβίε : — to set in rapid motion : — Pass, to be in haste to do a thing, c. inf., II. j air. eper^ois to hasten with oars, to ply them rapidly, Od. : part, σττβρ- χόμ^νοε as Adv., in haste, hastily, hurriedly, Horn., Eur. 2. metaph. to be hasty and angry, II., Hdt. ; /ιή αττίρχου be not hasty, Eur. II. intr. = Pass., ore αιτ4ρχωαιν aeWai whenstovms are driveit rapidly , Worn. σπ4ς, a-Trere, 2 sing, and pi. aor. 2 imperat. of elirov. στΓβσθαι, aor. 2 inf. of (ΐτομαι. σττεσσι, dat. pi. of aireos. ΣΠΕΥ'ΔΩ, Ep. inf. απβνδβμβν : f. αιτίύαω : aor. i ea7revaa,Ep. airevaa, Ep.i pl.subj.σπeύσo/Λeι/for-ωμe;': pf. eanevKa : — Med., f. σπ^ναομαι : — Pass., pf. eanev- αμαι : I. trans. to set a-going, to urge on, hasten, quicken, Horn., etc. : — also, to seek eagerly, strive after, Theogn. ; promote zealously , to press or urge on. Soph., etc. ’, so in Med., Aesch. : — Pass., to be urged on, Hdt. 2. c. acc. et inf., airevaarc TevKpov μολ^Ίν urge him to come. Soph. II. intr. to press on, hasten, to exert oneself, strive eagerly or anxiously, 11., Att. ; ojs αυ σττεύδβίί as you urge, contend. Plat. : part, απβύδων as Adv. f w haste, eagerly, II., Aesch. 2. c. inf. to be eager to do a thing, Hes., Hdt., etc. j so in Med., αττ^υδόμ^ναι άφζλ€7ν Aesch. 3. c. acc. rei et inf. to be anxious that . . , Hdt., Xen. σττήι, Ep. dat. of aireos : — aTrr\eaa\., pl. σττήλαιον, τό, {aireos') a grotto, cave, cavern. Plat, σιτηλαι-ώδης, es, {^os) cavern-like. Plat. (ΓΤΓΪδής, es, gen. eos, wide, broad, δια air^eos ^Γeδίoιo II. i, Found nowhere else : deriv. unknown.) <ΓΓΓΪθαμη, -η, the space one can span with the thumb and little finger, a span, Lat. dodrans, about η\ inches, Hdt., Plat. (Deriv. uncertain.) στΓΪλαδ-ώδης, es, {elbos) rock-like : rocky, Strab. ΣΠΓΛΑ'Σ, άδοί, η, a rock over which the sea dashes, a ledge of rock, Od. : — generally, a slab. Soph. ΣΠΓΛΟΣ [i], b, a spot, stain, blemish, N. T. Hence στΓΪλόω, f. ώσω, to stain, soil, N.T. : — Pass., pf. part. eσ1rιλωμevos Ib. στΓίνθάρίς, ibos, r], = airivOiip, a spark, h. Horn. ΣΠΙΝΘΗ'Ρ, r\pos, b, a spark, Lat. scintilla, II., Ar. ΣΠΓΝΟΣ, b, a bird of ihc finch kind, the siskin, Ar. σΊΓλα 7 χν€ΰω, f. σω, to eat the inwards {αιτλά-γχνα) of a victim after a sacrifice, Ar. II. to prophesy from the inwards, Strab. (τιτλαγχνίζομαι, Dep. to feel compassion, mercy, N. T. σττλάγχνον, τό : — mostly in pl. airXayxva, the inward parts, esp. the viscera thoracis, i. e. heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, w'hich in sacrifices were reserved to be eaten — σ7Γθ|θά. by the sacrificers, Horn., etc. : — hence the sacrificial feast, Lat. visceratio, Ar. : — also as used in divination, Aesch., etc. 2. any part of the inwards, the womb. Find., Soph. : so in sing., Aesch. II. metaph., like our heart, the seat of the feelings and affections. Id., Eur., etc. : — so in sing.. Soph., Eur. ; avbphs air\dyxvov ίκμαθζίν to learn a man’s inward nature, Eur. (Deriv. uncertain.) ΣΠΛΗ'Ν, b, gen. σττληνόε, the milt, spleen, Hdt. σίΓογγιά, = anbyyos, a sponge, Ar. σ■1Γoγ7ίζω,f. ίσω, {σ^Γόyyos) to wipe with a sponge, Dem. σίΓογγίον, τό. Dim. of anbyyos, Ar. ΣΠΟΤΓΟΣ and σφόγγος, b, a sponge, Horn., etc. σίΓοδ-ευνης, ον, b, {evvrj) lying on ashes, Anth. στΓοδεω, f. ήσω, to pound, smite, crush, Ar. : — Pass., σποδοό/Λ€νο5 νιφάδι pelted by the storm, Eur. ; irphs irsTpas σπ. dashed against the rocks. Id. ·, absol., arparhs κακώ$ στ. handled roughly, in sorry plight, Aesch. (Deriv. uncertain.) σίΓοδιά, Ιοη..-ιή, ή, (σποδόν) a heap of ashes, ashes, Od., Eur. II. metaph., = στΓοδόϊ ill, Anth. στΓοδίζω, f. Att. ιώ, («ττΓοδόϊ) to roast or bake in the ashes, burn to ashes, Ar., Plat. σίΓοδόομαι, Pass, to be burnt to ashes, Anth. ΣΠΟΔΟ'Σ, η, wood-ashes, embers, and generally, ashes, Od., Hdt., Att. : the ashes of the dead, Aesch., Soph., etc. II. dust, Hdt. III. metaph., στ. κυλικών, of a bibulous old woman, ^ a sponge,’ Anth. στΓολάς, ό.δο$, η, Aeol. for στολτ], a leathern garment, buff-jerkin, Ar., Xen. σ7Γ0μ6νο5, aor. 2 med. part, of %τομαι. στΓονδαρχία, η, the beginning of the libation, the right of beginning it, Wdt. From ο·'7Γ0νδ-αρχο5, ον, {άρχω) beginning the drink-offering. στΓονδεϊος, a, ov, used at a libation : — στovδ€ΐos (sc. τovs), b, in metre, a spondee, a foot consisting of two long syllables, being the metre proper to the slow melodies used at στονδαί (a treaty). σίΓονδή, 7}, {στενδω) a drink-offering, i. e. the wine poured out to the gods before drinking, Lat. libatio, Hes., Hdt. ; στονδά5 deols λ^ίβ^ιν, στ^νδ^ιν Aesch., Eur. II. in pl., στονδαί was a solemn treaty or truce, (because solemn drink-offerings were made on concluding them) ; στονδαί άκρητοι the truce made by pouring unmixed wine, II. j at Κακοδαιμονιών στ. the truce with them, Thuc. ; στονδά5 ταραδιδόναι Ar. ; δόχβσθαι Thuc.; τυχοΐν X.en.; στ.τοιοΐσθαίτινι to make a truce with one, Hdt.; τρ6$ τινα Ar. ; στ. τόμνοιν (like δρκια τόμνοιν) Eur. ; στ. ^yeiv τρ05 Tivas Thuc. 2. αΓΟλυμτικαϊ στ. the solemn truce or armistice during the Olympic games. Id. 3. the treaty itself, oipijrai iv Ta7s στ. Id. στΓονδΐτις, ιδοε, fern. Adj. making a στονδ-ί], Anth. στΓονδο-φόρος, b, {φόρω) one who brings proposals far a truce or treaty of peace {στονδαί), Ar. II. a herald or officer who published the sacred στονδαί of the Olympic and other games. Find., etc. στΓονδΰλη, σιτόνδυλος, v. sub σφονδ-. στΓορά, 7], {στοίρω) a sowing of seed. Plat. : of children, origin, birth, Aesch., Soph. 2. seed-time, Eur. II. the seed sown. Id. of persons, seed, offspring. Soph; generally, θηλνε στ. the female race, Eur. Hence σΊΓορά^ην - (πτοράδην [ά], Adv. scatteredly, here and there, Lat. sparsim, Thuc., Plat. : casually, Anth. (ΠΓοραδικός, ή, όν, scattered, τα σπ. ζψα, ορρ. to τά άγελαιο {gregarious), Arist. (ΠΓοραΐος, a, ον, = σπόριμο$ : — (ΤΊτοράΐα, τά, seeds, Babr. (TiropaSy aSos, δ, η, {σπβίρω) mostly in pi. scattered, dispersed, Hdt., Thuc. ; of men, (riropaSes φκονν, i. e. not in communities, Arist. ; at ^nopaSes (sc. νητοι) the islands off the west coast of Asia Minor, opp. to at Κυκλάδβϊ, Strab. στΓορητός, ον, δ, (σττορά) sown corn, growing corn, Aesch. . 2. a sowing of corn, Xen. (πτόριμος, ον, {σ·π€ίρω) sown, to be sown, fit for sowing, Xen., Theocr. ; τα σπόριμα the corn-fields, N. T. ; μότρον σπ. a measure of seed-corn, Anth. (πτόρος, δ, (σπείρω) a sowing, Hdt., Xen., etc. 2. seed-time, Xen., Theocr. II. seed, Theocr. 2. produce , fruit , harvest, crop, Hdt., Soph. (πτόρω. Dor. §·οη. of σπόρο5. σίτον, in Scythian, an eye, Hdt. (ΠΓουδάζω, f . άσομαι : aor. i όσπονΒασα : pf . όσπονδακα : — Pass.,aor. i 4 σπον 5 άσθτ}ν: pf. όσπούδασμαι: I. intr. to make haste, 1 . of things, to he busy, eager, zealous, earnest to do a thing, c. inf.. Soph., etc. ', also, σττ. irepi Tivos or τι Xen., Plat.; ets or 7rp0s τι Dem.; eVi Tivi Xen. 2. of persons, σττ. πρ 05 τινα to be busy with him. Plat. ; σττ. ττερί τινα to be anxious for his success, canvass for him, Xen. ; υπόρ tIvos Dem. 3. absol. to be serious or earnest, Ar., etc. ; όσπουδακότι ττροσώττφ with a. grave face, Xen. II. trans., 1 . c. acc. rei, to do anything hastily or earnestly, Eur., Plat., etc. : — Pass, to he zealously pursued, Eur., etc. : — esp. in pf. part., serious. Plat., etc. 2. Pass., also, of persons, to he treated with respect, to he courted, Arist., etc. στΓουδαιο-λογ€ω, f . ήσω, ixiyw) to speak seriously, talk on serious subjects, Xen. ; so in Med., Id. : — Pass., to be treated seriously. Id. crirovSatos, a, ov, {σπονδτ}) of persons, earnest, serious, Xen.; active, zealous, Plut. 2. good, excellent, Hdt., Plat. ; σ7Γoυδaΐos t^v τόχνην Xen. 3. of men of character and importance. Id. 4. in moral sense, good, opp. to TTovTjpSs, Id. II. of things, worth one's serious attention, serious, weighty, Theogn., Hdt., Att. 2. good of its kind, excellent, Hdt., etc. III. Adv. στΓουδαίω5, seriously, earnestly, well, Xen., etc. : — Comp., -ότ^ρον. Id. ; Sup. -ότατα, most carefully, in the best way, Hdt. — There are also irreg. Comp, and Sup. σπουδαι-€στ£ρο5, -όστατο5. στΓονδ-άρχης, ον, δ, {άρχω) one who canvasses for office, a place-man, Xen. Hence στΓουδαρχία, η, canvassing for office, Lat. ambitus, Plut. ; and στΓουδαρχιάω, to canvass for office, Arist. στΓουδαρχίδη5, ov, δ, comic Patronymic of στΓονδάρχη$, Son of Placeman, Ar. ιητουδασ'μα, ατο$, τ6, {σπονδάζω) a thing or work done with zeal, a pursuit. Plat. tnrovSao-Tcos, o, ov, verb. Adj. of σπονδάζω, to be sought for zealously , Xen. II. σπονδαστόον, one must bestir oneself, he earnest or anxious, Eur., etc. ΟΓΤΤουδαστης, ov, δ, (σπονδάζω) one who wishes well - σταθβρός, 74 1 to another, a supporter, partisan, Lat. fautor, Plut. Hence στΓουδαστικός, ή, όν, zealous, earnest, serious. Plat. σίΓουδαστός, ή, όν, {σττονδάζω) that deserves to be sought or tried zealously. Plat. στΓουδη, {σπ(νδω) haste, speed, Hdt., etc. ; δκωs σπονδη5 ίχ^ι tis according as one makes speed. Id. II. zeal, pains, exertion, trouble, Od., Att. : — σπονδήν τΓοΐ€Ϊσθαι, c. inf., to take pains to do a thing, Hdt. ; c. gen., σπονδ-ην tivos ττοιτισασθαι to make much ado about a thing. Id. ; so, σττ. ίχαν Tiv0s or ei’s τι Eur. ; σπονδή οττλων with great atten- tion to the arms, Thuc. : — in pi. zealous exertions, Hdt., Eur. ; also party feelings, rivalries, Hdt., Ar. III. zeal, earnestness, seriousness, Eur., etc. 2. an object of attention, a serious engage- ment, Eur. IV. σπονδή, as Adv. in haste, hastily, Od., Hdt., Att. 2. with great exertion, with difficulty, hardly, scarcely, Horn. 3. ear- nestly, seriously, urgently, Eur., etc. ; ττολλΐί σττ. very busily, Hdt., etc.; so with Preps., άττδ σπονδή s in earnest, seriously, II. ; μβτά σπονδτί5 Xen. σπΰράς, Att. σφυράς, άδο$, η, a ball of dung, as that of sheep or goats : pi. sheeps' or goats' dung, Ar. σιτυρίδιον [t], to. Dim. of σπνρί5, Ar. σττΰρίς, ίδο5, -η, a large basket, a creel (v. κόφινο$), Hdt., Ar., etc. (Deriv. uncertain.) Στάγειρος, η, a city in Macedonia, Hdt., etc. Σταγει- ρ6ίτη9, δ, a Stogyrite, of Aristotle, στάγμα, arros, to, (στάζω) a drop, distilment, Aesch. σταγών, όνο$, -η, {στάζω) a drop, Trag. στάδαΐος, α, ον, (στάδην) standing erect or upright, Aesch. ; στ. εγχη pikes for close fight, opp. to missiles (cf. στάδιο5 i), Id. στάδιασμός, ου, δ, a measuring by stades, Strab. στάδιευς, ews, δ, = σταδιοδρόμο5, Anth. στάδίη, 7 ), V. στάδιοΒ. στάδιοδρομέω, f. ά)σω, to run in the stadium, Dem. From στάδιο-δρόμος, δ, one who runs the stadium, one who runs for a prize, Simon., Aeschin. στάδιον [ά], τό : pi. στάδια and στάδιοι, but never στάδιο$ in sing. : {στηναι) : — a fixed standard of length, a stade, = \οο opyviai or 6 πΚόθρα, i. e. 600 Greek or 606^ English feet, about ^ of a Roman mile, Polyb. : — δκατδν σταδίοισιν άριστο$ ‘best by a hundred miles,' Ar. ; π\ζΐν ?) σταδ'κρ λαλίστεροί more loquacious than a mile and more. Id. II. a race-course (that of Olympia being a stade long), Pind., etc. ; άγωνΙζίσθαι στ. to run a race, Hdt. ; στ. νικάν to win one, Xen. στάδιος [ά], a, ov, (στηναι) standing firm, σταδίη νσμίνη close fight, Lat. pugna stataria, II.; iv σταδίρ (sc. νσμίνρ) Ib. 2. firm, strong, Pind. ΣΤΑ'ΖΩ, f. στάξω. Dor. i pi. σταξευμεϊ : aor. i έσταξα, Ep. στάξα: I. of persons, 1. c. acc. rei, to drop, let fall or shed drop by drop, 11., Aesch., etc. 2. c. dat. rei, α'ίματι στ. to drip with blood, Aesch.; στάζων ίδρωτι Soph. ; — rarely c. gen., Id. II. intr. of things, to drop, fall in drops, drip, trickle, Hdt., Soph., Eur. ; metaph., σταθεί eV νπνφ πόνο$ Aesch. στάθεν, poet, for όστάθησαν, 3 pi. aor. i pass, of Ίστημι : but II. στάθε'ν, part. neut. στάθερδς, ά. Ion. ή, όν, {στηναι) standing fast, stead- 742 σταθευτός - fast, 7] (Γταθβρή (sc. 7^?)? terra firma, Anth. ; — of the sea, calm, still. Id. 2. στ. μεσημβρία high noon, when the sun seems to stand still in the meridian. Plat. 3. metaph. steady, deliberate, Anth. σταθ€υτ<5ς, ή, 6v, scorched, burnt, Aesch. From σταθβΰω, f. σω, to scorch, roast, fry , Ar. σταθήσομαι, f. pass, of Ίστημι. στάθι, Dor. for στηθι, aor. 2 imperat. of Ίστημι. σταθμάω, f. ήσω, (στάθμη) to measure by rule, Eur. : — Pass., with f. med. -τ]σομαι, to be measured, esti- mated, Ar. II. as Dep. (v. σταθμάω), to estimate distance or size, without actual measurement, Hdt., Plat. : metaph. to estimate one thing· by another, τί Tivi Plat, j absol. to conjecture. Soph. 2. to attach weight to a thing, vahie it. Plat, στάθμη, η, (στηναι) a carpenter^ s line, Horn., Theogn. ; — properly a line rubbed with chalk, distinguished from the rule (κανών) Xen., etc. : — proverb., παρά στάθμην by the rule, Lat. ad anmssim, Theogn.; but in Aesch., παρά στ. beside the line, beyond measure ; κατά στ. νο^Ίν to guess aright, Theocr. II. the plummet or the plumbline, Anth. Ill, the line which bounds the racecourse, the goal, Lat. meta, Pind., Eur. IV. metaph. a Ιατυ, rule, 'Τλλίδθ5 στάθμas iv νόμοιε, i. e. according to laws of Dorian rule, Pind. σταθμητός, ή, όν, (σταθμάω) to be measured , Plat. σταθμόνδ€, Adv. to the stall, homewards, Od. σταθμός, b, pi. σταθμοί, but in Att. also σταθμά : (στη - vat) : — a standing place for animals, Lat. stabulum, a stable, fold, 11. : a stye, Od. : of men, a dwelling, abode, Hes., Soph. 2. quarters, lodgings for travellers or soldiers, Lat. statio, Xen. 3. in Persia, σταθμοί were stations on the royal road, where the king rested, Hdt. : hence a day's journey, day's march, averaging about 5 parasangs or 15 miles. Id., Xen. 4. like Lat. statio, a station for ships, Eur. II. an upright post, the bearing pillar of the roof, Od. : a door-post, esp. in pi,, Horn., Att. III. the balance, Ar., 11. ; ίστάν σταθμφ τι πρ05 τι to weigh one thing against another, Hdt. 2. weight, σταθμόν ίχ^ιν τάλαντον to weigh a talent. Id. ; absol. in acc., ίσα σταθμόν equal in weight. Id. ; ημιπλίνθια σταθμόν διτάλαντα two talents in or by weight. Id. : — in pi. weights, Eur., etc. σταθμόω : — the aor. i med. σταθμώσασθαι Ϊ3 = σταθμ^- σασθαι (v. σταθμάω ii), to form an estimate, to jtidge or conclude by ox from a thing, Hdt. σταίην, aor. 2 opt. of Ίστημι. σταΐμ€ν, σταϊτ€, σταΧεν, Att. for σταίημ^ν, σταίητζ, σταίηξν, aor. 2 opt. pi. of ‘ίστημι. ΣΤΑΓΣ or σταίς, τό, gen. σταιτ05, four of spelt mixed and made into dough, Hdt. Hence σταίτϊνος, η, ον, of flour or dough of spelt, Hdt., Plut. στακτός, ή, όν, (στάζω) oozing out in drops, trickling, dropping, distilling, Ar. στάλα. Dor. for στήλη. στάλα-γμα, τό, that which drops, a drop, Aesch., Soph, σταλαγμός, b, (σταΚάσσω) a dropping, dripping, Aesch., Eur. ; στ. 6ίρήνη5 the least drop of peace, Ar. στάλάσσχυ, f. \ω, to let drop, δάκρυ Eur. II. intr. | — (ττατηρ. of things, to drop, drip. Id. ; c. acc. cogn., στ, φόνον to drop blood. Id. (Akin to στάζω.) στάλάω, = σταλάσσω, to drop, let fall, δάκρυ Anth. στάλήναι, aor. 2 inf. of στόλλω. στάλι|, iKos, η, (στάληναϊ) a stake to which nets are fastened, Xen., Theocr. σταλΧτις, Dor. for στηλ7τΐ5. σταλ-ουργός, όν. Dor. for στηλ-, (^ορ-γω) furnished with a στ^ιλη ox gravestone, Anth. στάμεν. Dor. for στηναι, aor. 2 inf. of Ίστημι. στάμίνες, οι, Ep. dat. pi, στάμίνεσσι : (στηναι) : — the ribs of a ship, which stand up from the keel, Lat. statumina, Od. σταμνίον, τό. Dim. of στάμνοε, a wine-jar, Ar. στάμνας, b, and ή, (στηναι) an earthen jar for racking ofj wine, Ar. : cf. άμφορζΰε. στάν, Aeol. 3 pi. aor. 2 of Ίστημι. 2. neut. of part, σταξεΰμες. Dor. for στά|ομεν, i pi. f. of στάζω. στάς, στάσα, στάν, aor. 2 part, of Ίστημι. στασιάζω, f. άσω, (στάσιε) : I. intr. to rebel, revolt, rise in rebellion, τινί against one, Hdt., Xen., etc. ; πρόε τινα Xen. 2. in the Greek states, to fat-m a party or faction, be at odds, quarrel, Hdt., etc. 3. of the states themselves, to be at discord, be distracted by factions, Ar., Thuc., etc. II. trans. to revolu- tionise, throw into confusion, τήν πόλιν Lys., etc. Hence στασιαστικός, ή, όν, seditious, factious. Plat., etc. : Adv., στασιαστικώε εχειν. to he factious, Dem. στάσιμος, ον, (στάσιε) standing, stationary ; of water, stagnant, Xen. 2. stable, steadfast, steady , firm. Plat. : — of men, steadfast, steady, solid, Lat. constans. Id. : — of music, Arist. II. στάσιμον (with or with- out μόΚοε), in Tragedy, a regular song of the Chorus, prob. so named because it was not sung till the chorus had taken its stand in the orchestra, στάσις [ά], ecvs, ή, (στηναι) a standing, the posture of standing, Aesch., Plat. 2. a position, posture, post, station, Hdt., Eur. ; τηε στάσ^ωε παρασνρων τάε δρνε tearing the oaks from their ground, Ar. 3. a point of the compass, η στ. τηε μ^σαμβρίηε Hdt. 4. the position, state or condition of a person, Lat. status, : Plat. II. a party, co^npany, band, Aesch. : a \ sect of philosophers, Plut. HI. esp. a party ί formed for seditious purposes, a faction, Solon, Hdt., Att. 2. sedition, discord, Hdt., Att.; στάσιν ποι^Ίσθαι Isocr. ; πόλιν (Is στάσιν (μβάλλ(ΐν Xen. στάσι-ώδης, (S, factious, Arist. : quarrelsome, Xen. σ·τάσι-ωρός, b, (ώρα) watcher of the station or fold, Eur. στάσιωτεία, ή, a state of faction. Plat. From στάσιώτης, ου, b, (στάσιε) mostly in pi. the members of a party or faction, partisans, Hdt., Att. Hence στάσιωτικός, ή, όν, factious, seditious, Thuc. ί στάσκε, Ion. 3 sing. aor. 2 of Ίστημι. στα,σώ. Dor. for στήσω, fut. of Ίστημι. στάτε'ον, verb. Adj. of Ίστημι, one must appoint. Plat, στάτήρ, ηροε, b, (στηναι) a weight, = λίτρα : then a coin of various values : 1. the gold stater best known at Athens was the Persian, called στατηρ Δαρει- κόε or simply Ααρ(ΐκόε, Duric, from Darius Hystaspes, worth about \l. 25., Hdt., Thuc. 2. later a stater was in use, = τετράδραχμον, N. T., Xen. στατίζω — <Γτάτίζω, poet, for Ίστημι, to place : Pass. = Ίσταμαι, to stand, Eur. : — so also intr. in Act., Id. στατός, ή, 6v, verb. Adj. of Ίστημι, placed, standing, ararhs 'hiros a stalled horse, II., Soph. : — crarhs χιτών a tunic reaching to the feet, Plut. στανρός, b, {στηναι) an upright pale or stake, Horn., etc. : of piles driven in to serve as a foundation, Hdt., Thuc. II. the Cross, N. T. : its form was repre- sented by the Greek letter T, Luc. σταυρο-φόρος, qv, (φέρω) hearing the cross, Anth. σταυρόω, f. ώσω, {aravpbs) to fence with pales, im- palisade, Thuc. II. to crucify, Polyb., N.T. σταΰρωμα, aros, to, a palisade or stockade, Lat. vallum, Thuc., Xen. ; and σταυρωσις, η, a palisading, Thuc. σταφίς, ibos, η, = άσταφίϊ, Theocr. σταφυλή, η, a hunch of grapes, Horn., Theocr. II. parox. σταφυλή, the plummet of a level, Ίττιτοι σταφυλρ €τγΙ νώτον ίϊσαι horses matched in height hy the level, matched to a nicety, II. (Deriv. uncertain.) σταφΰλίς, ibos, -η, σταφυλ-ί), a hunch of grapes, Ύ\ιe^ocx. σταφυλο-κλοττίδης, b, (κλετττω) a grape-stealer , Anth. σταχυη-τόμος, ον, ^έμνω) cutting ears of corn, Anth. σταχυη-τρόφος, ον, nourishing ears of corn, Anth. στάχυ-μήτωρ,' opos, ή, mother of ears of corn, Anth. σταχυο-στέφανος, ον, crowned with ears of corn, Anth. ΣΤΑ'ΧΥ'Σ [ά], VOS, b: Ep. dat. pi. σταχύ^σσι : Att. acc. στάχϋ5 : — an ear of corn, Lat. spica, II., Hes., etc.: — metaph., στ. άτη5 Aesch.; of the Theban Ί,τναρτοί, Eur. 2. generally, a scion, child, pro- geny, Anth. στβαρ, TO, gen. aveaTos [as trochee] : (prob. from ΣΤΑ, Root of ’ί-στ7]-μι) : — stiff fat, tallow, suet, Lat. sehum, opp. to πιμίλη (Lat. adeps, soft fat), Od., Xen. στεγάζω, f. άσω, = στ 67 ω, to cover, Xen.: metaph., vTTvos στ. τινά covers, embraces one. Soph. :— Pass., πλοΓοϊ/ Ιστζ^α,σμζνον a decked vessel, Antipho. στεγανή [ά], η, (στε'γω) a covering, Anth. στεγανός, ή, ον, (στεγω) covering so as to keep out water, water-tight, waterproof, Xen., Anth. 2. generally, covering, enclosing, confining, of a net, Aesch. II. closely covered, λευκήν χι6νο$ πτ^ρυγι στεγανό?, of Polynices, represented as an eagle, covered by his white Argive shield (v. λεύ/εασττί?} , Soph.; of a building, roofed, Thuc. 2. metaph., τό oh στεγανόν leakiness. Plat. III. Adv. -voss, con- finedly, through a tube, Thuc. στε'γ-αρχος, b, (στεγτ;) master of the house, Hdt. στε'γασμα, aaos, τό, (στεγάζω) anything which covers, a covering, Xen. : — a roof, Lat. tectum. Plat, στεγαστόον, verb. Adj. one must cover, Xen. στεγαστός, ή, όν, (στεγάζω) covered, sheltered, Strab. στεγαστρίς, η, (στεγάζω) that serves for covering, Hdt. στόγαστρον, τό, (στεγάζω; a covering, cover, wrapper, Aesch., Plut. στόγη, η, (στε'γω) a roof, Lat. tectum, Hdt., Aesch., Xen., etc. II. a roofed place, a chamber, room, Hdt., Xen., etc. ; epKeios στ., of a tent. Soph. ; in κατώρυχοΒ στε'γη, of the grave. Id. 2. often in pi., like Lat. tecta, a house, dwelling, Aesch. ; κατά στε'γα? at home. Soph. ■στεγνός, ή, όν, contr. from στεγανό?, waterproof, Hdt. ; στεΧεγάομαι, 743 στεγνά οίκ-ηματα, of a cave, Eur. 2. as Subst., στεγνόν, τό, a covered dwelling, Xen. στεγνο-φυής, ε'?, (φυή) of thick nature, Anth. στε'γος, εο?, τό, a roof : then, like στε'γη, a house, mansion, Aesch., Soph., etc. : — of an urn containing ashes. Soph. ΣΤΕ'ΓΩ, f. |ω, to cover closely, so as to keep water either out or in : A. to keep water out, vrj^s οάδεν στ4-γουσαι not watertight, Thuc. : — so in Med., στε'- Ύ^σθαι ομβροΌΒ to keep off rain from oneself, Pind.; vaG? ovK 6στ€ξατο κύμα Anth. 2. generally, to keep off, fend off weapons, etc., δόρυ στε'γειν Aesch. ; στ. τά? ττληγά? Ar. 3. later, to hear up against, en- dure, Polyb., N.T. : — absol. to contain oneself, hold out, N. T. II. with acc. of the thing covered, to cover, shelter, protect. Soph., Xen. 2. to cover, conceal, keep hidden. Soph., Eur, : — Pass, to be kept secret, Thuc. ; τχαρ υμών ευ στεγοίμεθ’ let my counsel be kept secret by you. Soph. B. to keep water in, hold 'water, keep in, Eur., Plat. II. generally, to contain, hold. Soph,, Eur. ΣΤΕΓΒΩ, Ep. impf. στίβον, f. ψω : aor. i €στ€ΐφα :~to tread on, tread under foot, Horn. 2. c. acc, cogn. to tread or walk on a path, Eur. ; also, χοροί/? στ^ίβ^ιν to tread measures, Id. 3. absol. to tread. Id. II. to stamp down, in Pass,, Theocr. ; ai στ^ιβόμ^ναι b8oi the beaten roads, Xen. στεΐλα, Ep. for ^στ^ιΧα, aor. i of στε'λλω. στειλειή, η, the hole for the handle of an axe, Od. (Deriv. unknown.) Hence στειλειόν, τό, the handle or helve of an axe, Od. στειν-αυχην, ενο?, b, ή, narrow-necked , Anth. στεινό-ΤΓορος, στεινός, στεινότης. Ion. for στεν-. στεϊνος, εο?, τό, στείνω) a narrow, strait, confined space, Horn, ; στεΓνο? όδου II. II. generally, pressure, straits, distress, h. Horn. ; σωφρον^Ίν υττδ στε'νει to learn wisdom by suffering, Aesch. στείνω, only in pres, and impf., στενό?) to straiten : Pass, to become strait, to be narrowed, Od. ; of persons, to be straitened for room, II. 2. to be or become full, be thronged, c. gen., στείνοντο δε στικοΧ άρνών the folds 7vere crovided with lambs, Od. ; c. dat., ΤΓοταμδ? στείνόμενο? νεκυεσσί II, : — metaph., άρνείδ? λαχνφ στεινόμενο? burdened with its wool, Od. στεινωττός, Ion. for στενωπό?. στείομεν, Ep. for στώρ,εν, i pi. aor. 2 subj. of Ίστημι. στεΐΊΓτός, ή, όν, ν. στίπτό?. στείρα (.\), η, (στερεό?) a shffs keel, esp. the curved part of it, cutwater, Lat. carina, Horn, στείρα (b), η, a co7v that has not calved, Od. : of a woman, barren, N. T., Anth. From στείρος, ον, = στερρό? ll, barren, Lat. sterilis, Eur. ΣΤΕΓΧΩ: aor. I εστεί|α : aor. 2 e στίχον : — to walk, anarch, go or come, Od., Hdt., Frag. : — c. acc. loci, to go to, approach, Trag. 2. to go after one another, go in line or order (^whence στίχοΒ, στίχε?, στοΓχο?'ι, II., Hdt. 3. c. acc. cogn., στ. οδόν Aesch., Soph, στελεόν, τό, = στείλειόν, a handle, Babr., Anth. Hence στελεόω, f. ωσω, to furnish 7t)ith a handle, Anth. στελεχη-τόμος, ον, (τε'μνω) cutting stems, Anth. στελεχόομαι. Pass, to grovo into a stem, Strab. 744 στελε-χος — ΣΤΕΦΓΩ. στ€λ€χο 5 , τό, (στβλλω) the crou'Ji of the root, stump, whence the trunk springs, Lat. codex. Find., Dem, <ΓΤ€λίδιον [(], TO, Dim. of (rreAeov, Babr. ΣΤΕ'ΛΛΩ, f. στβλώ, Ep. ^reAeo; : aor. i βστβίλα, Ep. (ΓΤ6ίλο : pf. ζσταλκα : — Med., aor. i ίστβιλάμην : Pass., f. σταΧ-ησομαι : pf. ίσταΚμαι : plqpf. ^στάλμην, Ep. 3 pi. 4στάλατο, Ion. βστολάδατο : — to set in order, to arrange, array, equip, make ready, Horn., Hdt., Att. : — also, στ4λλ€ΐν τινά 4σθητί to furnish v-dth a garment, Hdt. ; so c. dupl. acc., στολήν στ. τινά Eur. : — Med., στΕίλασθαι ττεπλουι to put on robes. Id. ; metaph., eVt Θηρα5 πόθον ecrreAAou didst set thy heart upon the chase. Id. : — Pass, to fit oneself out, get ready, II., Hdt. ; στολήν 4σταλμόνο$ equipt in a dress, Hdt.; eVr, 4πΙ πόλεμον Xen.; metaph., 4π\ τυραννίΒ’ 4στάλη5 Ar. II. to despatch on an ex- pedition, and, generally, to despatch, send, Aesch., Soph. : — Pass, to get ready for an expedition, to start, set out, Hdt, ; and in aor. 2 pass, to have set out, to be on one^s v.'ay, Id. ; c. acc. cogn., όδδν στ4λ- Αβσθαί Soph. ; στόλλου begone ! Aesch. 2. in Att. the Act. has sometimes the intr. sense of the Pass., like Lat. trajicere, to prepare to go, start, set forth, where στόλον ma}’ be supplied, ^στελλβ 4s άποικίην Hdt., etc. : — reversely, η dShs els Κόρινθον στόλλξΐ leads to Corinth, Luc. III. Med. in sense of μ€ταπ€μπομαι, to send for one. Soph. : also to fetch, bring a person to a place. Id. IV. to bring together, gather up. Ιστία στ€Ϊλαν took in, furled the sails, Od. : and in Med., ιστία μ\ν στeίλavτo they furled their sails, II.; xiTcovas 4στάλατο they girded up their clothes to work, Hes. 2. in Med. also to check, repress, λό^ον στ4λλ€σθαι to drare in one’s words, i. e. not speak out the lohole truth, Eur. 3. also In Med. to shrink from a thing, avoid it, N. T. στβλμονίαι, ai, broad belts put round dogs when used to hunt wild beasts, Xen. ΣΤΕ'ΜΒΩ, to shake, agitate, Aesch. στ€μμα, avos, τό, (στ4φω) a vireath , garlajid , wound by suppliants round a staff or olive branch, II., Soph. ; sometimes worn on the head, Hdt. στ€μφΰλον, to, (στόμβω) a mass of olives from vohich the oil has been pressed, olive-cake, Ar. στ€ναγμα, aTos, τό, a sigh, groan, moan. Soph., Eur. στεναγμός, b, a sighing, groaning, moaning, Trag. στενάζω, f. -ά|ω : aor. i 4στ4ναξα : (στόνω) : — to sigh often, sigh deeply, generally, to sigh, groan, moa^i, Trag.; τί 4aT4va.^as τούτο; why xitterdst thou this moan? Eur.; c. acc. cogn., παιάνα στ. Id. 2. trans. to bemoan, beivail. Soph., etc. στενακτε'ον, verb. Adj. one must bewail, Eur.; and στενακτός, ή, όν, to be mourned, giving cause for grief. Soph., Eur. 2. mournful, Eur. στενάχίζω or στοναχίζω, Ep. lengthd. form of στε- νάχω, only in pres, and impf. to sigh, groan, wail, Horn. : — so in Med., II. II. trans. to bewail, lament, Od. στενάχω [ά], lengthd. form of στ4νω, only in pres, and impf. to sigh, groan, wail, Horn. : so in Med., II., Aesch., Soph. : — metaph. of the roar of torrents, II. ; the loud breathing of horses galloping, Ib. ; avoas στεναχούση? groajiing from being overcrowded, I i I I I I Ar. II. trans. to bewail, lament, II., Aesch. ; so in Med., Od. στενολεσχε'ω, f. ήσω, to talk subtly, quibble, Ar. From στενο-λε'σχης, ον, b, a quibbler. στενό-τΓορθμος, ον, at or on a strait, Eur. στενο-τΓορία, η, a narrow way or pass, Xen. From στενό-ΤΓορος, Ion. στειν-, ον, with a narrow pass or outlet, Hdt., Aesch., Eur. 2. as Subst. στενόττορα, Ion. στζίν-, τά, narrow passes, defiles, Hdt., Thuc. : —in sing, στ^νόπορον, τό, a strait, narrow, Xen. στενός. Ion. στεινός, ή, όν, {στ4νω) narrow, strait, Hdt., Eur., etc. ; 4v στενφ. Ion. στ€ΐνω, in a narrow compass, Hdt., Aesch. 2. as Subst., τά στενά the straits, of a pass, Hdt.; of a sea, Thuc.; also, ^ στενή a narrow strip of land. Id. II. metaph. narrow, close, confined, άπξιλτηθηναι 4s στζίνόν to be driven into a corner, Hdt. ; els στ. καταστηναι Dem. 2. scanty, little, petty. Plat. — From old Ion. forms στείνότεροϊ, -ότατοε, come irr. Att. στε- v0Tepos, -ότατο5 : but reg. στενώτεροϊ also occurs, στε'νος, eos, τό, cf. Ion. στΦινο$. στενό-στομος, ον, (στόμα) narrow-7nouthed, Strab. στενότης. Ion. στειν-, tjtos, ή, (στόνοε) narrowness, straitness, Hdt., Thuc. στενοχωρε'ω, f. ήσω, to straiieyi for room, Luc. : — Pass. to be crowded together : metaph. to be straitened, N. T. στενοχώρια, ή, narrowness of space : want of room, Thuc., etc. : — metaph., ή στ. τον ποταμον the difficulty of passing the river, Xen. From στενό-χωρος, ον, of narrow space, strait. στενόω. Ion. στεινόω, to straiten : — in Pass., Anth. Στε'ντωρ, opos, b, Stentor, a Greek at Troy, famous for his loud voice, II. : — Adj. Στεντόρειος, ον. Stentorian , with a voice like Stentor’ s, Arist. ΣΤΕ'ΝΩ, only in pres, and impf., Ep. Impf. στόνον : — to moan, sigh, groan, Horn., Trag. ; so in Med., Aesch., Eur. 2. c. gen. to moan or sigh for, Eur. ; νπόρ Tivos Aesch. ; τινί or 4πί τινι Eur.; c. acc. cogn., πε'νθοϊ oIksiov στ. Soph. : — Med., Aesch. 3. c. acc. to bewail, laiyieyit. Id., etc. ; στόν^ιν τινά τηε Tvgrjs to pity him for his ill fortune, Id. : so in Med., στε'- νεσθαί τινα Eur. στεν-ωττός. Ion. στειν-ωττός, όν, (στενόϊ, ώψ) narrow- lookiyig, yiarrow, strait, confiyied, II. II. as Subst., στενωττόϊ (sc. όδοΤ), ή, a narrow passage or way, strait, Od., etc. στεΐΓτός, ή, όν, (στέφω) crowned, Anth. στεργηθρον, τό, (στεργω) a lovecharm, love, affection, in sing, and pi., Aesch., Eur. στε'ργημα, ctos, τό, a love-charm, tivos to influence him. Soph. From ΣΤΕ'ΡΓΩ, f. στόρξω : aor. i εστερ|α : pf. εστοργα : — ■ Pass., aor. i 4στ4ρχθην : pf. εστεργμαι : — to love, of the mutual love of parents and children. Soph., Eur., etc. ; of king and people, Hdt., Soph. ; of a country and her colonies, Thuc. ; of brothers and sisters, Eur. ; of friends. Soph. ; of husband and wife, Hdt., Soph. II. generally, to be fond of, shew liking for, Theogn., Soph., etc. : — also of things, to accept gladly, Hdt., etc. HI. to be content or satisfied, acquiesce. Soph., Dem. ; στόρξον oblige me, do me the favour. Soph. 2. c. acc. to be ΣΊΈΡΕΟ'Σ — στεφαι,ω^ης. content with, acquiesce in, submit to, bear with, Hdt. ; στ. r^v rvpavuida bear with it, Aesch. ; στ. κακό. Soph. : — also c. dat., στ. τοΓσί σοΓί Eur. ; τρ Plat. : — c. part., irSis hv στ^ρξαιμι KaKhv T<{5e Κ^ΰσσων Soph.; στ. ξυμφορα νίκωμ^νοι Eur. : — rarely c. inf., ουκ iarcpy4 σοι ’όμοιθ5 elvai Id. IV. to entreat one to do, ’Απί^λλω στβργω μοΧΦιν Soph. ΣΤΕΡΕΟ'Σ, ά, 6ν, stiff, stark, firm, solid, Horn., etc. ; ο,Ιχμ^ στβρετ; ττασα χρυσ4η all of solid gold, Hdt.: — Adv. ~ΐω5, firmly , fast, Horn. 2. metaph. stiff, stubborn, harsh. Id., etc. : so in Adv., Id. II. στ. αριθμ05 a cubic number, Arist. στ€ρ€0-φρων, ovos, b, η, {(ppijv) stubborn-hearted. Soph. <ΓΤ€ρ£0ω, f. ώσω, to make firm or solid, Xen. : — to strengthen, N. T. : — Pass, to be made strong, Xen. ΣΤΕΡΕΏ, f. στ^ρΊ^σω and στ^ρώ : aor. i βστίρησα, Ep. inf. arepeaai : pf. βστβρηκα : — Pass., with f. med. στ€ρ·ησομαι : aor. i εστερήθηρ : in aor. 2 part, arepels : pf. 4στ€ρ7ΐμαι : 3 sing, plqpf. eareprjro : — to deprive, bereave, rob anything, c. acc. pers. et gen. rei, Od., Trag., etc. : — Pass, to be deprived, bereaved or robbed of anything, c. gen., Hdt., Att. II. c. acc. rei, to take away, Anth. : — Pass, to have taken from one, βίον OTcpeis Eur. στερέωμα, aros, τό, (στβρβοω) a solid body , foundation : metaph. steadfastness, N.T. στβρησις, η, (στερεω) deprivation, privation, of a thing, Thuc. : absol. negation, privation, Arist. στβρίσκω, = στερεω, only in pres., to deprive of a thing, Thuc. : — Pass, to be deprived of z. thing, Hdt., Att. στερϊφος, τ/, ον, = arepeos, areppSs, firm, solid, Thuc. ΙΙ. = στείρο5, Lat. sterilis, barren. Plat, στερκτός, Ίί], όν, verb. Adj. of στ4ρ^ω, to be loved, amiable, loved. Soph. ΣΤΕ'ΡΝΟΝ, TO, the breast, chest, both In sing, and pi., Horn., Trag. 2. the breast as the seat of the affec- tions, the heart, Trag. στερνο-τΰιτής, 4s, (τντττω) of or from beaten breasts, F'ur., Anth. Hence οττερνοτίττία, ή, a beating of the breast for grief, Luc. στερν-οΐχος, ον, (εχω) broad-swelling , of a plain. Soph. ΣΤΕ'ΡΟΜΑΙ, only in pres, and impf., = στερεο/^αί, to be wanting in, to lack, want, Lat. carere, c. gen., Hes., Hdt., Att. : — absol. to suffer loss. Soph., Xen. ΣΤΕΡΟΠΗ', = like αστ^ροπτ}, αστραπή, a flash of lightning, II., Hes., etc. : — generally flash, gleam, sheen, Horn. στεροτΓ-ηγερ^τα, b, Ep. for στ^ροπηΎβρζτηε, either (from αγ^ρω, cf. νεφελη7ερετα), he who gathers the lightning, or (from 4'γ^ίρω) whorousesthe lightning, II. Στερόττης, ου, b, Lightner, name of one of the three Cyclopes, Hes. στεροψ, ovos, b, η, (στεροπή) flashing. Soph, στερρό-γυιος, ον, (yvlov) with strofig limbs, Anth. ΣΤΕΡΡΟ'Σ, ό, όν, and 6s, 6v, = aTfp^6s, stiff, firm, solid, strong, Eur. : stiff yNxi'a. age, Ar. 2. hard, ''ugged,u7ieasy,\4KTpa¥.UT. 3. meizph. stubborn! , obdurate, hard, Aesch., Eur., etc. : — Adv., στερρώϊ, stiffly, obstinately , Xen. ΣΤΕ'ΡΩ, not used in Act., v. στόρομαι. στεΐμαι, Dep., used by Horn, only in 3 sing. pres, and impf. στεί/ται, στεΟτο, and once by Aesch. in 3 pi. 745 στ^ΰνται : — c. fut. inf. to make as if one would, to pro- mise or threaten that one will, II. ; also with aor. inf., <ττ€νται άκονσαι Od. ; so, στ^υται άμφιβαλίΐν Aesch. : — absol., arevTO he made eager efforts, Od. (Deriv. uncertain.) στεφάνη [ά], ή, (σνόφω) anything that encircles the head, for defence or ornament : I. the brim of the helmet, projecting behind as well as before, II. 2, part of a woman’s head-dress, a diadem, coronal, Ib., Hes., etc. : — metaph., of a city, άπ^ στ^φάναν κίκαρσαι πύργων thou hast been shorn of thy coronal of towers, Eur. II. the brim or edge of anything, the brow of a hill, edge of a cliff, II. ; of a basket, Mosch. στεφάνηττλόκια, τά, a place where wreaths are plaited or sold, Anth. From στεφανη-ττλόκος, ον, (πλε'κω) plaithig wreaths, Plut. στεφάνηφορεω, Dor. στεφανάφ-, f. ήσω, to wear a wreath, Eur., Dem.; and στεφάνηφορία. Dor. στεφανάφ-, ^ ή, the wearing a wreath, esp. of victory. Find., Eur. II. the right of wearing a crown, Dem. From στεφάνη-φόρος, ον, {φόρο:) wearing a crow7i or wreath, crowned ,Έ.ητ . ; στ. άγών= στεγκΰβ6υτή5, ον, δ, a fellow-gamester, P^eschin. From συγ-κΰβ€ύω, f. σω, to play at dice with, rivi Hdt. συγ-κΰκάω, f. -ησω, to confound utterly, Ar. συγ-κΰλινδεομαι, Pass, to roll about or wallow to- gether, Xen. σι>γ-κΰνηγετη5, ου, δ, = σν'/κννη'γ05, Xen., Aeschin. συγκΰνη·γ6ω, f. ·τ\σω, = συ^κυντγ^^τ^ω, Arist. From συγ-κΰνηγός, Dor. and Att. -κΰναγός, δ, τ], a fellow- hunter, Eur. ; fern, a fellow-huntress. Id. συγ- κύπτω, f. ψω, to bend forwards, stoop and lay heads together, Ar. : — metaph., avyKv-\pavTes ττοιονσι they do it in concert, in conspiracy , Hdt. ; is %v axry- KeKvcpevai to be acting in concert, Ar. : — generally, to draw together, of the \vings of an army, Xen. {τνγ-κΰρεω : aor. i ~€κύρησα and -ίκυρσα: — to come together by chance, II., Hdt. : to meet vjith an acci- dent, avyKvpaai τνχ-ρ Soph. ; els ev μοίραε ^vveKvpaas art involved in one and the same fate, Eur. 2. c. part., like 'rvyxavw, συν^κύρησ^ τταραττ^σουσα vηυs fell in the way by chance, Hdt. II. of events and accidents, like συμβαίνω, to happen, occur. Id., Eur. : — impers., c. inf., συν^κύρησ^ yev4σθa^ it came to pass that . . , Hdt. : — so, in Pass., rb is Αακζδαίμονίου$ ovy- κ€κνρημ4νον Id. III. of places, to be contiguous to, rivi Polyb. Hence συγκυρία, τ], coincidence, κατα avyKvplav by chance, N.T. συγκΰρσειαν, 3 pi. aor. i opt. of σχτ/κυρ4ω. σηίγ-κωλος, ον, {κώλον) with limbs close together, Xen. συγ-κωμάζω, f. άσω. Dor. α^ω, to march together in a κώμο5 or band of revellers, Pind. συγ-κωμο5, δ, η, a fellow-reveller, Eur., Ar. συγ-κωμωδ€ω, to satirise as in a comedy, Luc. συγ-χαίρω, f. -χάρησομαι, to rejoice with, take part in joy, Aesch., Ar. ; rivi with another, Arist. II. to wish one joy, congratulate, σ. τινϊ των yeyξv'ημ4vωv to wish one joy of the events, Dem. ίΓυγχάρ·τ]Τ€, 2 pi. aor. 2 subj. of συyχaίpω. συγ'χωρητεος. συγ-χ€ίμαζομαι, Med. to go through the winters with one, Ar. συγ-χ6ΐρουργ€ω, f. '(]σω, to put hand to a thing to- gether, to accomplish, Isae. συγ-χ€ω : f. -χεώ, ets, e? : aor. i -εχβα, Ep. -εχευα, inf. -χ€ναι : — Pass., aor. i -ζχνθην [υ] : Ep. 3 sing, aor. 2 σvyχΰτo : — to pour together, commingle , con- found, II., Dem., etc. : — Pass, to be in confusion, II. 2. like συyχώvvυμ^, to make ruinous, destroy, obliterate, demolish, Hdt., Eur. II. of the mind, to confound, trouble, Horn., Hdt., etc. : — Pass., Eur. 2. to confound, make of none effect, frus- trate, II., Hdt., Att. συγ-χορ€υτής, ον, δ, a companion in a dance, Xen. συγ-χορεύω, f. σω, to join in the dance, Ar. \—to be of the same chorus, Arist. συγ-χορηγεω, f. ήσω, to furnish as supplies, Plut. II. to contribute towards a thing, c. dat.. Id. συγ-χορηγός, 6v, a fellow-choragus : generally, sharing with a partner in the expense, Dem. συγχορτο5, ον, with the grass joining, i. e. bordering upon, c. gen., Eur. ; Φαρσαλία? σχτ^χορτα. πεδίο i. e. the marches or boundaries of Pharsalia, Id. συγχόω, v. συyχώvvυμι. συγ-χράομαι, f. Ί]σομαι, Dep. to make joint use of, avail oneself of, c. dat., Polyb. : generally to have dealings with, nvi N. T. II. to borrow jointly, ri Tivos something/rom another, Polyb. ο·^Ύ·ΧΡθ°5, ον, contr. -χρους, ουν (χρόα) of like colour or look, Polyb. συγ-χυνω, only In pres., = συγχέω, to confound, N.T. συγχΰσις, εωϊ, τ], (συγχέω) a commixture , confusion, Eur. ; σ. εχείυ to be confounded. Id. II. of con- tracts and treaties, a violation, Thuc., etc. συγ-χωνειίω, f. σω, to melt down, Dem. συγ-χώννϋμι and -υω, in earlier writers συγχόω. Inf. συγχοΰυ : f. -χώσω : pf. pass, -κύχωσμαι : — to heap all together, to heap with earth, cover with a mound, bank up, Hdt. II. to make into ruinous heaps, demolish. Id. 2. generally, to confound, Aesch. συγ-χωρε'ω, f. ιί^σω and -τ,σομαι : — to come together, meet, πετραι συyχωpovσaι the Symplegades, Eur. ; συγ- χωρζΐν λόγοίί to meet in argument. Id. II. to make %vay, give place, yield or defer to, Lat. concedere, Tivi Ar., etc. ; '2,υρτ]Κοσίοισι t^s ■ηy€μovίηs συγχ. to make concessions to them about the command, Hdt. ; in bad sense, to be in collusion with, connive at, to7s TTov7]po7s Dem. ; ξ. -wpos rivas to come to terms with them, Thuc. 2. jfo accede or agree, assent to, ac- quiesce in another’sopinion, Hdt., Att. : — absol. toagree, acquiesce, consent, assent. Soph.; rh συγκεχωρηκδϊ rrjs εύσε^θείοί a yielding, unexacting temper of piety, Dem. 3. c. acc. rei, to concede, give up, yield, Hdt., Att. : — Pass., to συyχωpηθ4vτa χρήματα Dem. 4. to concede or grant in argument. Plat. ; c. acc. et inf. to grant that. Id. 5. impers. συγχωρε?, it is agreed, it 7nay be done, οπτ) hv |ιθ'χωρρ as may be agreed, Thuc. Hence (τυγχώρημα, otos , to , a concession, Plut. ; and συγχωρητεος, o, ov, verb. Adj. to be conceded, Luc. 2. neut., συγχωρητεον one must concede. Plat. : so in pi. συγχωρητεα. Soph. σύ^ην — συΧΚαβη. ο-υδην [ί], Adv. ((Τενω) impetuously, hurriedly , Aesch. συβιος, ο, ον, (crvs) of swine, Lat. suilhts, Xen., Luc. σν-ζάω, f. -ζησω, to live with another, c. dat., Dem., etc. ; c. dat. rei, σ. φιΚοπραΎμοσύντ) to pass one’s life in meddling. Id. : — absol. to live together, Arist. συ-ζευγνϋμι, f . -ζ^ν^ω, to yoke together, couple or pair together, Hdt., Xen. : esp. in marriage, Eur., etc. : — Aled. to yoke for oneself, Xen.: — Pass, to be yoked or coupled with, τινί Eur. : absol., συζοΎ^ντ^ε 6μι~ λονσι they live in close familiarity, Xen. Hence στίζδυξις, ecus, -η, a being yoked together, esp. of wedded union. Plat. : — of things, close union, combination. Id. ίτυ-ζητεω, f. ^crcu, to search or examine together with another, c. dat.. Plat. II. σ. τινί or -κρόε τινα to dispute with a person, N. T. Hence συζητητής, ον, δ, a joint inquirer : a disputer, N. T. συ-ζοφόω, f. ώσω, to darken utterly, Anth. συζυγία, ή, = συζ'ευξίϊ, Eur. II. a yoke of animals, a pair. Id., Plat. συζυγιος, a, ov, poet, for σνζνγοε, joined, united, Eur. συζΰγος, ov, {συζ^ύγνυμι) yoked together, paired, σ. δμαυλίαι wedded union, Aesch. 2. as fern. Subst. a wife, Eur.; masc. a yoke-fellow, comrade. Id., Ar. συζυξ, vyos, δ, 7], = (Tv(vyos, of a wedded pair, Eur. συ-ζωοΐΓοΐ6ω, to quicken together with, ηνά τινι N. T. σύθην, poet. aor. i pass, of σeυcu : — συθ^ίε, part, σΰκάζω, f. trcu, (σνκη) to pluck ripe figs, Ar., Xen. σϋκάμϊνον [ά], τό, the fruit of the συκάμινοε, a mid- berry, Lat. morum, Arist. σϋκάμϊνος [ά], η and δ, the midberry-tree, Lat. moms, Theophr. ϊ1. = συκ6μοροε,^.Ύ. σΰκή, ή, Ion. and Ep. σΰκε'η : Ion. gen. pi. συκιών or συκζ^ων : {σνκον') : — the fig-tree, Lat. ficus (the fruit being σνκον), Od. 2. = σνκον i, a fig, Ar. σΰκίδιον [/ct], TO, Dim. of σνκον, Ar. σϋκίζω, f. ίσω, {σνκον) to fatten with figs, Anth. σύκινος, η, ον, {σνκη) of the fig-tree, σ. ξνλον fig- wood, Ar. : — the wood of the fig was spongy and useless {Horace’s inutile lignum). Plat. hence, 2. metaph., σύκινοι άνδρ^ε worthless, good-for-nothing fellows, Theocr. ; σ. σνζνγοε a false, treacherous comrade, with a play on σνκοψαντικόε, Ar. σΰκίς, ίδοε, η, (σνκύη) a slip or cutting from a fig-tree, a young fig-tree, Ar. σϋκολογεω, f. ήσο), to gather figs, Ar. From σΰκο-λόγος, ov, ifikyo) gathering figs. σΰκομορεα or -αία, -η, = σνκόμοροε, N. Τ. σϋκό-μορον, τ6, the fruit of the σνκόμοροε, Strab. σΰκό-μορος, η, (μόρον) the fig-midberry , an Egyptian kind that bears its fruit on the branches, called also σνκάμινοε η AiyvKTia, Theophr. σΰκο-μωραία, η, = σνκόμοροε, N. Τ. ΣΥ“ΚΟΝ, τό, the fruit of the σνκη, a fig, Lat. ficus, Od., etc. : proverb., σνκα αΙτΦίν, i. e. to be dainty, Ar. II. a wart on the eyelid. Id. Hence σΰκόομαι. Pass, to be fed with figs, Anth. σϋκο-τραγβω, f. ήσα>, (rpayeiv) to eat figs, Theophr. σϋκοφαντ€ω, f. ^crcu, {συκοφάντηε) : 1. c. acc. pers. to accuse falsely , slander, calumniate, Ar., Plat. : — Pass, to be falsely accused, Xen., etc. 2. c. acc. rei, to misrepresent , Dem. : — but also, to extort by false accusations, Lys., Ν.'Γ. 3. absol. to deal 757 in false accusations, Ar., Plat. : generally, to deal falsely, to give false counsel, Dem. Hence σϋκοφάντημα, arcs, τό, a sycophant’ s trick, false accu- sation, calumny, Aeschin. σϋκο-φάντης, ov, δ, {φαίνω) a false accuser, slanderer , Ar., etc.; (never used In the modern sense of sycophant, i. e. κόλαξ) : — generally, a false adviser, Dem. (Com* monly derived from σνκον, φαίνω, one who informed against persons exporting figs from Attica : better perh. a fig-shewer, i. e. one who brings figs to light by shaking the tree (the figs having been hidden in the thick foliage) ; and then, metaph., one who makes rich men yield up their fruit by false accusations). Hence συκοφαντία, η, false accusation, slander, calumny, Xen., etc. II. a sophism, Arist. ; and συκοφαντίας, ov, δ, the Sycophant-wind (cf. καικίαε) Ar. ; and συκοφαντικός, ή, όν, slanderous, calumnious, Dem. : Adv. -κωε, Isocr. σϋκοφάντρια, η, fern, of σνκοφάντηε, Ar. σΰκόφασις, η, used metri grat. for σνκοφαντία, Anth. σϋκοφορόω, f. ησω, to carry figs, Anth. From σϋκο-φόρος, ov, {φόρω) fig-bearing, Strab. συλα, Ep. for όσνΚα, 3 sing. impf. of σνΧάω. σΰλα, τά, v. σύΚτη. σϋλ-αγωγόω, {σν\ον, ayωyόs) to carry off as booty, lead captive, N. T. σϋλάω, 3 sing. impf. όσνΧα, Ep. συλα. Ion. σνλασκ€ : — Pass., f. σνληθΊισομαι : (συλη) : — to strip off, esp. to strip off the arms of a slain enemy : c. acc. pers. et rei, to strip off from another, strip him of his arms, 11., Eur. : — Pass., c. acc. rei, to be stript, robbed, deprived of a thing, Trag. II. c. acc. pers. only, to strip a man of his arms, to strip bare, pillage, plunder, Ik, Hdt., etc. III. c. acc. rei only, to strip off, τευχεα όσνλα II. : — also to take off or out, όσνΚα τό^ον took out the bow [from its case], Ib. ; σύλα ττωμα φαρότρηε took the lid off the quiver, Ib. 2. to carry off, seize as spoil or booty, Hdt., Att. : — Pass, to be carried off as spoil, Hdt. ; to be taken away, Eur. ; c. gen. rei, τΐε σε συλα πάτραε; who carries thee away from this country? Id. σΰλευω, Ep. for foreg., used in pres, and impf. to despoil of arms, II. : also, to despoil secretly, to trick, cheat, Ib. σϋλεω, = συλάω : — ^Ied. to steal for oneself, κηρίον όκ σΙμβΚων συλευμενοϊ (Dor. for -ονμ^νοε) Theocr. ΣΥ'ΛΗ, η, or ΣΥ'ΆΟΝ, τό, the right of seizing the ship or cargo of a foreign merchant, to cover losses re- ceived through him : generally, the right of seizure, right of reprisal, mostly in pi. σΰλαι or συλα; σνΧα,ε διδόναι τινί κατά τινοε Dem.; υπον σΰλαι μή ώσιν ΆθηναΙοιε where the Athenians have [to fear] no right of seizure, ap. Dem.; σΰλα ττοίΦϊσθαι to exercise this right, Lys. σϋλήτειρα, η, fern, as if from συλητήρ, a robber, Eur. , συλλαβεϊν, aor. 2 inf. of σνΧΧαμβάνω : — συλλα- βεσθαι, inf. med. Hence συλλαβή, η, that which holds together, Aesch. 2. Pass, that which is held together, of several letters taken together, so as to form one sound, a syllable. Id., Plat., etc. I lence 758 σνΧλαβίζω — (τυλλαβίζω, f. σω, to join letters into syllables, to pronounce letters together, Luc. συλ-λαγχάνω, f . -ληξομαι : pf. -Είληχα : — to he chosen by lot 'with others, Plut. σ-υλ-λαλεω, f. ησω, to talk or converse viith another, N.T. συλ-λαμβάνω, f. -λήψομαί : pf. συνβίληφα, pass, -ei- λημμαι : aor. i συν4\άβον, inf. συλΚαβ^Ιν : — Pass., f. -\'ηφθ·ί]σομαι : — to collect, gather together, esp. to rally scattered troops, Hdt., Xen., etc. 2. simply, to take •with one, take up and carry off. Soph., Ar. : to buy up, Ar. 3. to put together, close the mouth of a corpse. Plat. ; σ. αυτόν rh στόμα to shut his mouth, Ar. 4. in speaking·, to comprehend, comprise, Hdt., Plat. II. to lay hold of, seize, grasp, c. acc., Hdt., Soph. ; c. g^en., σ. των σχοινιών to lay hold of them, Ar. ; absol. in part., ξυλλαβών quickly, in a hurry. Id. ; — also in Med., c. gen., ξυλΧαβόσθαι του ξύλου Id. 2. to apprehend, arrest, Hdt., Att. : — Pass., ΐΐρ\ν ξυλληψθηναι before they were arrested, Thuc. 3. of the mind, to comprehend, under- stand, Hdt., Pind. III. to receive at the same time, enjoy together, Hdt. IV. of females, to conceive, Luc. V. c. dat. pers. to take part with, assist, Hdt., Att. : — absol. to assist, Aesch., etc. 2 . c. dat. pers. et c. gen. rei, to take part with one in a thing, Eur., Ar. : — so in Med., truj/e- λάββτο του στρατ€ύματο5 Hdt. ; νόσου συλλαβόσθαι Soph. : to contribute towards a thing, Thuc. οτυλ-λβγω, f. -λόξω : aor. i συνόλ^ξα : pf. -ζίλοχα : — Med., f. -λόξομαι, aor. 1 -^λ^ξάμην : — Pass., f. -Κ^γησομαι : aor. i -€λόχθην, aor. 2 -^λό-γην : pf. -βίλβγμοι (also used in med. sense), and AeAey^at : — to collect, gather, 11.^ Hdt., Att. : — σ. μόλη to com- pile, scrape together tunes, Ar. ; σ. νβρ€ΐ5 αύτον to compile a list of them, Dem. — Med. to collect for oneself, for one's own use, II., etc. 2 . σ. adevos to collect one’s powers, make a rally, Eur. : — Pass. to be collected, of the mind. Plat. 3. Pass, to come together, become customary , Xen. II. of persons, to call together, Eur. : — so in Med., Od., etc. : — Pass, to come together, assemble, Hdt., Att. 2 . to collect, get together, στασιώταε Hdt. ; σ. στρατόν to levy an army, Lat. conscrihere, Thuc. σνλ-λεκτρος, ον, {λίκτρον) partner of the bed, Eur. σ-υλλήβδην, [συλλαμβάνω) Adv. collectively, in sum, in short, Theogn., Aesch., etc. (τυλ-λήγω, f. ξω, to finish together with, c. dat., Anth. συλλητΓτβον, verb. Adj. of συλλαμβάνω, one must seize together, Eur. 2. σνλληπτόο5, a, ov, to be seized, Luc. σ-υλλήτΓτρια, η, fern, of sq., Xen, στίλλήτΓτωρ, opos, 6, a partner, accomplice, assistant, Aesch. ', Tiv0s in a thing, Eur., etc. σ-υλληφθήναι, aor. i inf. pass, of συλλαμβάνω. συλ-ληψΐ 5 , ecos, -η, a taking together: a seizing, arresting, ποίξΤσθαι ξύλληφιν to arrest, Thuc. II. conception, Plut. συλλογή, η, (συλλβγο)) a gathering, collecting, Thuc.: metaph,, iv y^v^iov ξvλλoyfi τριχώματο$ in the first harvest of a beard, i. e. in 'early manhood, Aesch. 2. j a levying of soldiers, Lat. conscriptio, Xen. 3. 1 - συμβακγεύω. a summary, recapitulation, Dem. II. (from Pass.) an assembly, meeting, Hdt., Lys. Hence (τυλ-λογίζομαι : aor. i σνζ'βλογίσάμηΐ' and -ελογίσθτίν : pf. -λeλόyισμaι : Dep. : — to collect and bring at once before the mind, to compute fully, sum up, Hdt., Dem. II. to collect or conclude from premisses, Lat. colligere. Plat., Dem. 2 . to con- clude by way of syllogism, Arist. : — pf. in pass, sense, συλλζλoyισμeva logically concluded. Id. συλλογΐμαΐος, a, ov, collected from divers places, Luc. συλλογισμός, b, fiυλλoyiζoμaι) computation. Plat. II. a conclusion, inference from premisses. Id. ση^λλογιστόος, a, ov, verb. Adj. of σvλλoyίζoμaι, to be concluded. Plat, II. neut. συλλoyιστeov one must compute or conclude, Arist. συλλογιστικός, ή, όν, (συλλoyiζoμai) of or for con- cluding, syllogistic, Arist. : — Adv. -κώε. Id. σιίλ-λογος, δ, (λόγω) an assembly, Hdt., Att.; σύλλoyov τΓΟίζΊσθαι to convene an assembly, opp. to διαλύζίν, Hdt., etc. : — a muster of forces, Xen. II. me- taph. collectedness, presence of mind, Eur. συλ-λο·όομαι, Med, or Pass, to bathe together, Plut. συλ-λοχίζω, f. σω, to incorporate soldiers, Plut. συλ-λοχίτης [ϊ], ου, b, a soldier of the same λόχοϊ, Hdt. συλ-λΰττόω, f. ήσω, to hurt or mortify together, σ. Tiva αύτφ to make him share one' s grief , Arist. II. Pass., f. -λυττηθησομαι and in med. form -λνττά^σομαι : — to sympathise or condole with, τινί Hdt., Att. συλ-λυσσάομαι. Pass, to go mad with, tivl, Anth. συλ-λ-υω, f. ύσω, to help in loosing, Eur. : — to help to solve a difficulty or end a quarrel. Soph. II. to rest under the same roof, Aesch. ; cf. καταλύω. σΰλ-όνυ|, νχο5, b, ή, (συλάω) paring the nails, Anth. σΰμα, Lacon, for ^ύμα. συμ-βαίνω, f. -β-ησομαι : pf. -βόβηκα, 3 pi. sync, -βφάσι. Ion. inf. -βζβάναι : aor. 2 σννόβην, inf. συμ- βηναι: — Pass., 3 sing. aor. i subj. ξυμβάβγ : pf, inf. β^βάσθαι : — to stand with the feet together, opp, to διαβαίνβιν, Xen. 2. to stand with, so as to assist. Soph.; σ. κακο7$, i. e. increase them, Eur. 3. to meet, τινί Xen. ; συμβόβηκζν ονδαμον has never come in my way, has had naught to do with me, Eur. II. metaph. to come together, come to an agreement, come to terms, Lat. convenire, τινί with another, Hdt., Att. ; c. inf., σ. ύττάικοοι elvai Thuc. ; Pass., of the terms, to be agreed on. Id. 2. of things, to coincide or correspond with, c. dat., Hdt., Att. : — absol., Trag., etc. 3. to fall to one's lot, c. dat. pers., Eur., Dem. III. of events, ta come to pass, happen, Lat. contingere, Aesch., Plat., etc. : — impers., συνόβη μοι, c. inf., it happened to me to do a thing, Hdt., etc. ; also c. acc. it happened that I did. Id., Thuc., etc. : ξνμβαίνβι c. inf. it happens to be, i.e. it is so and so. Plat. : — τδ συμ- β€βηκ05 a chance event, contingency , Dem. ; so, τα συμβαίνοντα Xen. ; τα συμβάντα Id. 2. joined with Adverbs or Adjectives, to turn out in a certain way, 6ρθώ$ συνόβαινξ Hdt. ; κακω$, καλω$ ξυμβηναι Xen., etc. 3. of consequences, to result, follow, Thuc. : so, of logical conclusions. Plat. I (Γυμ-βακχ€·υω, f. crco, to join in the feast of Bacchus or 1 Bacchic revelry, Eur., Plat. 3 3 759 σνμβακ-χος — σΰμβόλον. συμ-βακχος, δ and η, joining in Bacchic revelry, Eur. οτυμ-βάλλω : f. -βαΚώ : aor. 2 —4βα\ον, inf. -βαΚ^ΐν : pf. -βίβληκα : — Pass., aor. i -(βΧτ]θ'ην : — Horn, has an intr. aor. 2 συμβΧ-ητ-ην, -βΚτιμ^ναι, Med. σύμβλητο, -βΧηντο, -βληται, -βΧ·{]μζνο3, with f. (Τυμβλησομαι, 2 sing·, συμβλ-ησ’ζαι: — to throw together, dash together, II., Eur., etc. : to unite their streams, of rivers, II. : — so in Med., Hdt. 2 . to throw together, col- lect, Xen. 3. intr. to come together, meet, Aesch., Soph., Xen. 4. to close the eyes, in sleep or death, Aesch.; but, -ποΊον ομμα σνμβαλώ ; how shall I meet her eyes with mine? Eur. 5. gene- rally, to join, unite, σ. σχοινιά to twist ropes, Ar. ; |. δ^ξιάε to join hands, Eur.; σ. Xoyovs Id. : — Pass., Kpidas ‘Ιπποΐ5 σνμβζβ\’ημ4να$ barley thrown in heaps before them, Xen. 6 . cr. συμβόλαιά τινι or irpSs Tiva to make a contract with a person, to lend him money on bond, Dem. ; συμβόλαιον els τάνδράττοδα συμβ€βλ'η μόνον money lent on the security of the slaves. Id. ; absol., in same sense. Plat. 7. to contribute, lend, Xen. : — so in Med., Hdt., etc. ; rb μ)] oyavaKreiv άλλα πολλά σνμβάλλ€ται many cir- cumstances contribute to my feeling no vexation. Plat. ; συμβάλλ€σθαι els or ττρόε τι to contribute towards, Hdt., Att. ; c. geq. partit., ξυμβάλλ€ται πολλά τουδ€ δβιμοτοϊ many things contribute \_their share'] iy^this fear, i. e. join in causing it, Eur. 8 . σνμβάλλ€σθαι '/νώμαε to add one’s opinion to that of others, Hdt. 9. συμβάλλ€ΐν \0yovs to converse, and σνμβάλλ€ΐν, absol., like Lat. conferre for conferre sermonem, σ. trpos τινα N.T. : — so in Med., συμβάλ- XeaOai Xoyovs Xen. ; συμβάΧΧ€σθαί τι to have some- thing to say. Plat., etc. II. to bring men together in hostile sense, to set them together, match them, II., etc. : — Med. to join in fight. 2. intr. to come together, engage, II. : to come to blows, τινί with another, Hdt., Aesch. 3. σ. μάχην, Lat. committere jugnam, Eur. ; ίχθραν σ. τινί Id. ; — metaph., συμβαΧ€7ν ίπη κακά to bandy reproaches. Soph. 4. Med. to fall in with one, meet him by chance, c. dat., Horn., who uses Ep. aor. 2 ξνμβΧητο and f. συμβχ4]σομαι solely in this sense. III. to put together, and in Pass, to correspond, tally, Aesch. 2 . to compare, τί τινι Hdt. ; ev irphs eV Id. ; Ti Trp0s Ti Plat. : — Pass., τδ Βαβυλώνιον τάΧαντον συμβαΧΧόμ^νον Trpbs τδ Εύβθ€ΐκόν the Babyl. talent being compared with, reduced to, the Eubo’ic, Hdt. 3. in Med. to put together, reckon, compute. Id. 4. to compare one’s own opinion with facts, and so to conclude, infer, conjecture, interpret, Pind., Soph., etc. : — so in Med. to make out, under- stand, Hdt. IV. in Med. to agree upon, fix, settle, Xen. τό, (συμβαίνω III) α chance, casualty, Luc. μβάς, aor. 2 part, of συμβαίνω. μβασ€ίω, Desiderat. of συμβαίνω II, to wish to make a league or covenant with another, τινί Thuc. (τυμ-βασΐλευω, f. σω, to rule or reign together with, τινί Luc. (τυμβασΊς, €ws Ion. los, rj, (συμβαίνω ll) an agreement , arrangement, treaty, Hdt., Eur. ; δδ$ ξύμβασιν t4kvois make them friends, Eur. μβαμα, σ-υμβατηριος, ο»/, = sq., Thuc. συμβατικός, ή, όν, {συμβαίνω ΐι) tending to agreement, conciliatory, ξυμβ. Xoyoi Thuc. ; ουδόν 7Γράξαντβ5 Συμ- βατικόν having effected nothing towards an agreement. Id.: — Adv.,-/ccDs όχ^ινίο be inclined to agreement, Vhxt. συμβββάναι [ά], for -β^βηκόναι, pf. inf. of συμβαίνω. συμ-βελής, 4s, hit by several arrows at once, Polyb. συμβήναι, aor. 2 inf. of συμβαίνω. συμ-βιάζομαι, pf. -β^βίασμαι. Pass, to be forced to- gether, to be reduced or extorted by force, Dem. συμ-βΐβάζω, Causal of συμβαίνω, to bring together : Pass, to be joined or knit together, framed, N.T. 2 . metaph. to bring together, reconcile, Hdt. ; σ. τινά τινι to reconcile one to another, Thuc. II. to put together, compare, examine. Plat. III. to prove logically, Arist., N.T. 2. to teach, instruct, N.T. Hence συμβιβαστικός, ή, όν, leading to reconciliation, Plut. σ'υμ-βιος, ον, δ and η, a companion, partner, Arist. : a husband or wife, Anth. συμ-βιόω, f. -βιώσομαι : pf. -β^βίωκα : aor. 2 -(βίων, inf. -βιώναι : — to live with another, c. dat., Dem. ; in pi. to live together, is κοινή συμβιωσόμ^νοι Plat. συμβιωτ€ον, verb. Adj. one must live with, τινί Arist. συμβλήμ 6 νος, Ep. aor. 2 med. part, of συμβάλλω (ll. 4 ).. συμβλήσομαι, Ep. fut. med. of συμβάλλω (il. 4 ). συμβλητός, 4], όν, verb. Adj. of συμβάλλω, comparable, capable of being compared, absol. or c. dat., Arist. συμ-βοάω, f. 4}σομαι, to shout together with, τινί Xen. II. c. acc. to call on others at once. Id. συμβοηθβία, η, joint aid or assistance, Thuc. From συμ-βοηθεω, f. ήσω, to render joint aid, join in assist- ing, Thuc., Xen. συμβόλαιον, τό, like σύμβολον, a mark or sign to con- clude from, a token, Hdt. : a symptom. Soph. II. at Athens, a contract, covenant, bond, in acknowledg- ment of a loan, Oratt. ; in pi., of a single contract, Plat., etc. ; τά Άθήνα^β καΐ τά Άθηνηθ^ν συμβ. a bond for money lent on freights to and from Athens, Dem. 2. generally, an engagement , Eur. III. intercourse, Plut. Hence συμβόλαιος, a, ov, of or concerning contracts, Thuc. συμβολόω, to meet or fall in with, τινί Aesch. From συμβολή, η, (συμβάλλομαι) a coming together, meet- ing, joining, Xen. : the juncture of two parts, the end, Lat. commissura, Hdt., Plat. II. in hostile sense, an encounter, engagement, battle, Hdt., Aesch. III. = συμβόλαιον 1 1 , a contract, covenant, Arist. ; In Ar. Ach. there is a play on signfs. ii and ill, encounter and accounts, charge and charges. IV. in pi., συμβολαί were contributions for a common meal, πίνβιν από συμβολών, like de symbolis esse in Terent., Att.; the entertainment itself, a picnic, Xen. o" μβολικός, ή, όν, (σύμβολον) signifying by a sign or symbol, symbolical, figurative, I.uc. From σύμβολον, τό, (συμβάλλω ill) α sign or token by which one infers a thing, Trag. ; λαμπάδοΒ τδ σύμβολον the token of the beacon-fire, Aesch. -often in pi., of marks on the body, luir. ; of omens, Aesch. 2. a pledge or pawn, on iihich money was advanced, Lys. 3. in pi. tallies, \.a\.. tesserae hospitales, i. e. the halves of a bone or coin, which two persons broke 700 σύμβόΚος — between them, each keeping one piece, Hdt., Eur., etc. 4. at Athens, a ticket^ counter, Lat. tessera, such as were given to the dicasts, on presenting which they received their fee, Dem. 5. a permit or licence to reside, given to aliens, Ar. j a ticket given by each person who joined in a picnic, to be presented for pay- ment at the end (cf. συμβολ-η iv). Id. 6. in Eccl. the distinctive mark of Christians, a confession of faith, a creed, Lat. symbolum. II. in legal phrase, σύμ- βολα were covenants hetvjeen two states for protection of commerce, Dem., etc. ; σύμβολα ττοι^ΐσθαι rrphs ττόλιν to make a commercial treaty with a state, τά σ. avy- χ€€ΐν to violate such treaty. Id. συμβολος, δ, = σύμβολον i. i, an augury, omen, Aesch., Xen. (τυμβοΰλευμα, aros, ro, advice given, Xen., Arist. j and , 0Γυμβουλ€υτ€θ5, a, ov, verb. Adj. to he given as advice, Thuc. II. -reou, one mitst advise, τινί Isocr. συμβουλευτικός, ή, όν, of or for advising, deliberative, of orators, Arist. From συμ-βουλευω, f. σω, to advise, counsel, Lat. consulere alicui, c. dat. pers. et inf., to advise one to do a thing, Hdt., Thuc., etc. 2. without the inf., σ. σινί τι Hdt., Plat. ; σ. τι to recommend a measure, Hdt., Att. : — Pass., τά συμβουλ^υόμ^να the advice given, Xen. 3. absol. to advise, give advice. Soph.; <3 συμβουλ^ύων or -ebaas, an adviser, Lat. auctor sen- tentiae, Arist. II. Med. to consult with a person, i. e. ask his advice, Lat. consulere aliquem, c. dat., Hdt., etc. : absol. to co7isult, deliberate, Xen. ίτυμβουλή, r], = συμβούλια, Hdt., Xen., etc. II. counsel, consultation, deliberatio7i, debate. Plat, συμ-βουλία, Ion. -ίη, (βονλτ)) advice or counsel given, Hdt., Xen. ; in pi. counsels, Xen. συμ-βουλιον, τ6, {βουλ^ counsel, N. T. II. a council, Plut. συμ-βουλομαι, f. ησομαι : pf. -βζβούλημαι : — Dep. to will or to wish with another, c. dat., Eur. 2. to agree with, rivi Plat. : — absol. to consent. Id. στίμ-βουλος, δ, (βουλή) an adviser, counsellor, Hdt., Soph., etc. ; as fern., Xen. : — c. gen. pers. one’s adviser, Aesch., etc. ; also, σ. nvi Ar., etc. : — but c. gen. rei, tr. λόγου τοΰδύ μοι γευεσθε be my counsellors in this matter, Aesch. ; also, irepi or ύπεμ tivos Id., Isocr.: — ξύμβουλ05 ζιμι — συμβουλεύω, to advise, c. inf., Aesch. συμ-βυω, f. ύσω, to cram or huddle together, Ar. συμ- βωμός, ον, worshipped on a cotnmon altar, Strab. οτομμάθεΐν, aor. 2 inf. of συμμανθάνω. συμ-μάθητής, ου, δ, a fellow-disciple , Plat, συμμαίνομαι, aor. 2 συνεμάν’ην [ά] : — Pass., with intr. pf. act. συμμεμ-ηνα : — to be 7nad together, join in mad- ness, Tivi with one, Luc. σ-υμ-μανθάνω, f. -μαβ-ησομαι : aor. 2 συνεμάθον : — to learn along with another, c. dat., Xen. : absol. to share in the hiowledge of a thing. Soph. ; δ συμμαθών one that is accustomed to a thing, Xen. συμ-μάρίΓτω, f. ψω, to seize qx grasp together, Horn, συμ-μαρτΰρε'ω, f. ήσω, to bear witness with or in sup- port of another, c. dat.. Soph., Thuc. ; Tt to a fact, Solon, Xen. ·, also, cr. τινι Txavra ws άληθη λεγει Xen. συμ-μαρτύρομαι [ϋ], Dep. = συμμαρτυρεω, N. Τ. σνμμετίσγω, συμ-μάρτυς, vpos, δ, ·η, a fellow-witness. Soph. (τνμ-μαστΖ-γόω, f. ωσω, to whip or lash along with or together, Luc. συμμαχε'ω, f. ίί\σω, (σύμμαχο5) to be an ally, to be in alliance, Aesch., Thuc. : — generally, to help, aid, succour, Tivi Soph., etc. : — Pass, to be assisted, Luc. συμμάχία. Ion. -ίη, η, an alliance offensive and defensive (opp. to an επιμαχία, defensive), Hdt., etc. ; συμμαχίαν ττοιεΐσθαι Txpos τινα Id. ; τινί Thuc. 2. generally, the duty of an ally, Aesch. II. = τό συμμαχικόν, the body of allies, Hdt., Thuc. : also, the country of one's allies, Thuc. 2. an allied or auxiliary force. Id., Xen. συμμαχικός, ή, όν, (σύμμαχο$) of οχ for alliance, θεοί ξ. the gods hivoked at the making of a7i alliance, Thuc. II. τδ συμμαχικόν, the auxiliaries, allied forces, Hdt., Thuc. 2. a treaty of alliance, Thuc. : τά -κά matters respecting alliances, Xen. III. Adv. ~κώ5, like an ally, Isocr. συμμάχίς, iSos, fern, of σύμμαχοε, allied, Thuc., Xen. ; |. ττόλίϊ an allied state, Thuc. ; also η σ. (without ττόλιε) Id. II. = τδ ξυμμαχικόν, the body of allies. Id. συμ-μάχομαι [ά], f. ουμαι : aor. i συνεμαχεσάμην : pf. συμμεμάχημαι : Dep. : — to fight along with others, to be an ally, auxiliary , Xen. : generally, to help, suc- cour, TIVI Id. ; τδ οίκδε εμοί συμμάχεται probability is on my side, Hdt. ατυμ-μαχος, ov, (μάχη) fighting along with, allied with, TIVI Hdt., Att. : as Subst. aft ally, and in pi. allies, Hdt., Att. 2. of things, συμμαχώ δορί Aesch. ; νόμΤοε σύμμαχοε τφ θελοντι Hdt.; c. gen. rei, αρετή των ερyωv σύμμαχοε Xen. συμ-μεθε'ιτω, to sway jointly, Anth. συμ-μεθίστημι, to help in changing, 3 sing, συμμε- Θιστα (from -ιστάω) Strab. II. Pass., with aor. 2 et pf. act., to change places along with another, Plut. συμ-μελετάω, f. ησω, to exercise or practise with or together, Anth. συμ-μενω, f. μενώ, to hold together, keep together, Thuc., etc. : of treaties or agreements, to hold, con- tuiue, Hdt., Thuc. συμ-μερίζω, f. σω, to distribute in shares : Med. to take share in or with, c. dat., N. T. συμ-μεσουράνησις, η, (ούράνόε) a beUig in the sa7ne 7neridian, Strab. συμ-μεταβάλλω, f. -βάλω, to change along with other things, Tt Tivi Anth., Plut. : — Pass, to change sides and take part with, τινί Aeschin. II. intr. in Act. to change with or together, Arist. (τυμ-μετα-κοσμεομαι. Pass, to change one's habits along with another, c. dat., Plut. συμ-μεταττίτΓτω, f. -ττεσουμαι, to change along with others, c. dat., Aeschin. συμ-μεταφε'ρομαι. Pass, to be borne off together , Plut. συμ-μεταχειρίζομαι, Dep. to take charge of a thing with others, Isae. συμ-μετε'χω, f. -μεθεξω, to partake of a thing with others, take part in it with others, c. dat. pers. et gen. rei, Eur. ; with gen. rei only. Id., Xen. συμ-μετεωρίζομαι. Pass, to be raised together, Strab. συμμετίσχω, = συμμετε'χω. Soph. συμμετοίκβω — (Γυμ,-μ€τοιΚ€ω, f. ήσω, to emigrate along "with another, c. dat., Plut. συμμέτοχος, ον, partaking "with another in a thing, the. partner of another, N. T. ίτυμμετρεω, f. τ]σω, {(τνμμζτρο5) to measure by compari- son 'with another thing : — Pass., 1. ήμαρ συμμζ- τρούμζνον χρόνφ this day measured by calculation of time. Soph. 2. absol. to he commensurate "with. Id. 3. oTs δ βίοε ^υν^μ^τρ^ιθη who had their life measured out, Thuc. II. Med. to measure for oneself, compute exactly, Hdt. ; ξυν^μ^- Tp7}ffavT0 [rb τεΤχοϊ] rais €7ΓΐβολαΪ5 των πλίνθων cal- culated its height by counting the courses of bricks, Thuc. Hence συμμετρησις, commeasurement , Thuc. ; and συμμετρία, η, commensurahility , Arist. II. sym- metry, due proportion. Plat., etc. ‘ σύμ-μετρος, ον, (jierpov) commensurate 'with another thing, Eur.: exactly fitting, keschr, τφ5ζ ravSpl ξ. being of like age ‘a;zVA,Soph.j ποία σύμμ^τροε τνχτ); coincident with what chance ? i. e. in the very nick of time. Id.; v. infr. III. 2. 2. commensurable , Arist. II. in measure with, proportionable , exactly suitable, Isocr., etc. 2. ζ}ο%ο\. in right measure, in due proportion, symmetrical, opp. to ύπ^ρβάλλων and ελλείττωι/. Plat., etc. 3. generally, fitting, meet, due, Aesch. ; — σνμμβτροε ws kKvciv within fit distance for hearing. Soph. III. Adv. ~τρω5, Isocr., etc. 2. in due time, Eur. συμ-μητιάομαι, Dep. to take counsel with or together, II. συμ-μηχανάομαι, f. ησομαι, Dep. to help to provide or procure, Xen. 2. to form plans with another, c. dat., Plut. σύμμϊγο, Adv. promiscuously with others, c. dat., Hdt. συμ-μϊγής, is, (jiiyvvgi) commingled, promiscuous. Soph., Euc., etc. 2. c. dat. commingled with, Aesch. συμ-μίγνϋμι and -ΰω; 3 sing, imper. συμμί'γνυ : Ep. and Ion., pres, συμμίσγω: ί.~μί^ω : — Med., ί.-μίξομαι (also in pass, sense) : — to mix together, commingle, h. Horn.; to mix one thing with another, τί τινι Hdt., Att. ; c. acc. only, συμμίξαντ€5 τα στρατόπεδα having com- bined them, Hdt. : — Pass., of a river, to be mingled with another river, c. dat., II. : to join forces, of two armies, Thuc. : — metaph., ovdeis [έστί] τφ κακόν ού συνεμίχθτη there is none who has not misery as an in- gredient in his nature, Hdt. ; συμμι-^έντων τούτων πάντων when all these things happened together. Id. 2. ίο unite, deovs γυναιξί h. Horn. : — Pass, to have intercourse with, c. dat., Hdt., Aesch. 3. metaph., σ. τινά τύχα to make him acquainted with fortune, Pind.; πρη'γμα συμμΊ^αί τινι to communicate a matter to another, Hdt. II. intr. in Act. to have intercourse with, to associate or communicate with others, c. dat., Theogn., Hdt., etc.; σ. πρ05 τινα to join him, Xen. : — generally, to meet for conversation or traffic, Hdt. ; σ', τινί to converse with. Id., Eur. 2. in hostile sense, to meet in close fight, come to blows, engage, τινί with one, Hdt., etc. 3. generally, to meet, Xen. συμ-μικτος, ον, commingled, promiscuous, l ies.. Soph. : esp. of troops, irregular, Hdt., Thuc. Adv.-Tws, Strab. συμ-μΧμητής, ον, δ, a joint-imitator , N. Τ. (τυμτΓαρακομΙζω, yS I συμ-μιμνήσκομαι. Pass, to bear in mind with, Dem. συμμϊξαι, aor. i inf. of συμμί'/ννμι. σΰμ-μιξις, ecos, η, commixture, tivos πρόε τι Plat. II. intercourse, Plut. συμ-μΐσε'ω, f. ά]σω, to join with in hating, Polyb. συμ-μίσγω, = συμμίγι/υμί, Horn., etc. συμ-μολΊΓος, ον, (^.ολπ-η) = avvcpdos, Eur. συμ-μορία, η, (jaepos) a co-partnership or company : at Athens, after 377 13. C., the 1200 wealthiest citizens were divided into 20 σνμμορίαι or companies, 2 in each tribe (φυλή) ; each being called on in its turn to dis- charge extraordinary expenses, Xen., Dem. συμ-μορος, ον, ujiited for purposes of taxation, Thuc. συμ-μορψόομαι, Pass, to be confor^ned to, τινι N.T. συμ-μορφος, ον, {μορφ-η) conformed to, c. gen., N.T. συμ-μοχθεω, f. ήσω, to share in toil with, τινί Eur. συμ-μυε'ω, f. ήσω, to initiate together, Plut. συμ-μυω, f. -μνσω, to be shut tip, to close, be closed, of wounds, II. ; συμμεμυκ(ϋ5 with closed eyes. Plat, συμπάθεια, fellow-feeling, sympathy, Arist. συμπάθεΐν, aor. 2 inf. of συμπάσχω. συμπάθε'ω, f. ήσω, to sympathise , Isocr., etc. συμ-πάθής, is, {παθεΤν) sympathizing with, τινί Arist. : absol. sympathetic. Id. συμπάθια, Ion. -ίη, ή, poet, for συμπάθεια, Anth. συμ-παιάνίζω, f. σω, to sing paeans with, τινί Dem. συμ-παιδευω, f. σω, to teach together, educate at the same time, Xen. : Pass, to be educated with others, Isocr. συμ-παίζω, f. ξομαι, to play or sport with another, c. dat.. Soph.; absol., Hdt.; c. acc. cogn., μετ εμού σΰμπαιζε Τ7]ν εορτ'ην keep the feast together with me, Ar. συμπαίκτωρ, opos, δ, = συμπαισττ,$, Xen., Anth. συμπαίσδεν, Dor. inf. of συμπαίζω. συμπαιστής, ου, δ, a playmate, playfellow , Plat. : — fern, συμπαιστρια, ή, Ar. συμπαίστωρ, opos, ό, = foreg., Xen. συμ-παίω, f. -παιτισω, to dash against, τί τινι Soph. II. intr. to dash together, Eur. συμ-πάνηγΰρίζω, f. σω, to attend, a solemn assembly with another, c. dat., Plut. συμ-παραβιίω, to cram in along with, τινά τινι Luc. συμ-παραγγε'λλω, f. ελώ, to help in canvassing for an office, c. dat., Plut. συμ-παραγίγνομαι, f. -γενησομαι, Dep. to be ready at the same time, of fruit ripening, Hdt. II. to stand by another, to come in to assist, Thuc. συμ-παραδηλόω, f. ώσω, to shew incidentally at the same time, Strab. συμ-παραθε'ω, f. -θεύσομαι, to run along together , Dem. συμ-παραινε'ω, f. εσω, to join in recommending, τί τινι Ar. : to join in approving, τι Id. συμ-παρακαθίζω, to make to sit beside : so in Med., Dem. II. Med. also to sit close beside. Plat, συμ-παρακάλεω, f. εσω, to invite together or at the same time, Xen., Plat. · II. to ask for at the same time, Ti από tivos Xen. συμ-παρακελευομαι, Dep. to join in exciting, Isocr. συμ-παρ-άκολουθε'ω, f. ήσω, to follow in a parallel line with, keep tip with, τινί Isocr., etc. : absol., Xen. συμ-παρακομίζω, f. Att. -κομιώ, to carry along the σνμτταρακυτΓτω — σνμττηκτος. 762 coast Tvith one, of a commander, Thuc. ; Pass, of the ships. Id. συμ-'τταρακΰΐΓτω, f. ψω, to hend oneself along 'with , Luc. συμ-ιταραλαμ,βάνω, f. -ληψομαι, to take along -with one, take in as an adjunct, Plat, συμ-τταραμβνω, f. μ^νώ, to stay along 'with or among others, c. dat., Thuc. οτυμ-τταραμιγνύω, to mix hi together, Ar. (τυμ-τταρανεύω, f. σω, to express assent also, Arist. συμτταρανήχομαι, Dep. to swim beside together, Luc. (τυμ-ίΓαραττεμιτω, f. φω, to escort along with others, T^v τναραττομπτ,ν Aeschin. ; τηρ 6\pip σ. rivi to follow him with one’s eyes, Plut. σ-υμ-ΤΓαρ-αττόλλυμαι, Pass., with pf. -όλωλα, to perish along with or besides, Dem. (τυμ-τταρασκευάζω, f. σω, to assist in getting ready or bringing about, Xen., Dem. συμτταραστατε'ω, f. ήσω, to stand by so as to assist, c. dat., Aesch . ; absol., Ar. From συμ-τταραστάτης, ου, ό, one who stands by to aid, a joint helper or assistant. Soph., Ar. συμ-ΤΓαρατάασομαι, Att. -ττομαι, Pass, to be set in array with others , along with them, c. dat., Isocr. (Γυμ-Ίταρατηρε'ω, to keep watch together, Dem. συμ-τταρατίθημι, to place alongside of others, Polyb. συμ-τταρατρε'φω, f. -0ρεψω, to bring up or keep at the same time, of dogs and other animals, Xen. (τυμ-ιταρατρε'χω, f. -ζράμουμαι, to run along with, Plut. συμ-τταραψερω, f. -παροίσω, to carry along together : — Pass, to rush along together, Xen. (τυμ-ττάρειμι, (είμί suni) to be present also or at the same time, Xen., etc. 2. to stand by, to come to help, TLPL Id., Dem. (Γυμττάρειμι, ',ε?μι ibo) to go beside also or together, 3 sing. impf. συμπαργ^ι, Xen., Aeschin. (τυμ-τταρεισερχομαι, Dep. to go in along with, Luc. συμ-'τταρε'τΓομαι, f. -ε'ψομαί, Dep. to go along with, accompany , c. dat., Xen., etc. (τυμ-τταρε'χω, f. -τταρ^ξω, to assist in causing, φόβορ riPL Xen. ; in procuring, άσφάλβιάρ tipi Id. συμ-τταρίΐΓταμαι, Dep. to fly along with, Luc. συμ-τταρίστημι, to place beside one also, Pind. II. Pass., c. aor. 2 et pf. act., to stand beside, assist, tipi Soph. ετυμ-τταρομαρτε'ω, f. ■{]σω, = συμτταρίττομαι, Xen. (Γυμ-ΤΓαρο|ΰνω, f. νρω, to provoke with or together, Xen. (τυμ-τταρορμάω, f . ήσω, to urge on with or together, Plut. συμ-ττας, Att. Ιυμττας, -πασα, -τταρ, all together, all at once, all in a body, Horn., Hdt., Att. ; in Att., the Art. is often added in the case of Numerals, ττεΤτ’ ΐ]σαρ oi ζύμτΓαρτ€5 Soph. II. with collective nouns, the whole, b σ. στρατοί Hdt. ; Trparhs σ. Soph. ; ξνμπασα τΓ0λί5 the state as a whole, Thuc. ; Ύρώμη the general scope (of a speech). Id. 2 . rh σύμπαρ the whole together, the sum of the matter, Hdt. ; rb ξύμπαρ €Ϊπ€Ϊρ Thuc. III. rb σύμτταρ, as Adv. altogether, on the whole, in general. Id., etc. συμ-ττασχω, f. -ττ^ίσομαι : pf. -ττίττορθα : aor. 2 συρζ- ττάθορ : — to suffer together, be affected by the same thing. Plat. II. to have a fellow feeling, sym- pathise, feel sympathy. Id. σ-υμ-ττατάσσω, f. |a), to strike with or together, Eur. σ-υμ-ττατε'ω, f. τ]σω, to tread together, trample under foot, Babr. : — Pass, to be trampled under foot, Aeschin. σνμ-ττεδάω, f. ήσω, to bind together : — metaph. of frost, to benumb, Xen. συμ-Ίτείθω, f. σω, to join or assist in persuading, Xen. ; — also, σ. του μ^ αθυμ^Ίρ to help in persuading against despair, Thuc. : — Pass, to allow oneself to be persuaded at the same time, Aeschin. (τυμ-ττειροζ, op, {ττΐΊρα) acquainted with, tipi Pind. συμ-ττείρω, to pierce through together, Plut. ετυμ-ττε'μίΓω, f. φω, to send with or at the same time,. Hdt., Att. 2. to help in conducting, Lys. (τυμ-ττενθε'ω, f. ήσα», trans. to join in mourning for a thing, Ti Isocr. II. intr. to mourn together with, TtPL Aesch. ; absol., Eur. συμ-ττε'νομαι, Dep. to be poor along with another in a thing, TIPI tipos Plat. (τυμ-ττεραίνω, f. άρώ, to join or assist in accomplishing,. Eur. : — Med., συμπ^ραίρ^σθαί tipi ίχθραρ to join fully in enmity with another, Dem. II. to decide or conclude absolutely , σ. φρορτίδα to make up one’s mind, Eur. ; κλγθρα μοχλοΓί σ. to make the doors doubly sure by bars. Id. : — Pass, to be quite finished, Xen. Hence συμπερασ-μα, ατοί, τ6, a conclusion, Arist. Hence συμπερασματικός, ή, op, conclusive : Adv. -κω$, Arist.. συμ-πε'ρθω, f. σω, to destroy with or together, Eur. συμ-περιά-γω, f. to carry about with or together, Xen. : — Pass, to go round with or together. Id. Med. to lead about with oneself. Id. συμ-περιαγωγός, b, η, an assistant in converting others. Plat. συμ-περίειμι, to go round with another, c. dat., Xen. συμ-περιθεω, f. -θΐύσομαι, to run about together, Luc. συμ-περιλαμβάνω, f. -λ-ηφομαι, to comprehend in a treaty with others, Philipp, ap. Dem. II. Med. to take part together in a thing, c. gen., Luc. συμ-περινοστε'ω, f . ήσω, to go round together with, follow along with, tipI Luc. συμ-περιπατε'ω, f. τισω, to walk round or about with,. TIPI Plat. : absol., oi σι/μπερίττατου^τεί their companions in walking round, Arist. (τυμ-περιπλοκή, (π€ριπλ4κω) inter-connexion, Luc. συμ-περιποιεω, f. ήσω, to help in procuring, Polyb. {τυμ-περιτρε'χω, f. -δράμουμαι, to run round together, Luc. συμ-περιψε'ρω, f. -οίσω, to carry round along with or together. Plat. II. Pass, to be carried round together. Id. 2. συμπεριφερεσθαί τιρί to have inter- course with one, Polyb. : to adapt oneself to circum- stances, c. dat., Aeschin. 3. to be well acquainted with things, Polyb. συμ-περιψθείρομαι. Pass, to go about with any one to one's own ruin, Luc. συμ-περονάω, f. ήσω, to pin together, Plut. συμ-πε'τομαι, Dep. to fly with or together, Luc. συμ-πήγνϋμι and -υω, f . -πήξω, to put together, con- struct, frame, Pind., Eur., etc. : — Med. to construct for oneself, Luc. II. to make solid, congeal, condense, II. συμ-πηκτος, op, put together, constructed, framed, Hdt., Ar. (τνμτΓίΕζω — συμιτοτης. (τυμ-ΤΓίεζω, f. σω, to press or squeeze together, to grasp closely, Plat. Pass, to he squeezed up, Xen. σνμ-ΊΓίνω [i], f. -νίομαί : aor. 2 συνίττιον : — to drink together, join in a drinking bout, Hdt., Ar., etc. συμ-ττίτΓτω, f . -π^σουμαι : pf. -ΤΓ€τττωκα : aor. 2 avv4- ττ^σον : — to fall together, meet in battle, come to blows, Lat. concurrere, Horn., Hdt. : σ', is ve'iKca Hdt. : to encounter, κΚΰ^ωνι Eur. ; vqi Thuc. 2. gener- ally, to fall in with, 7neet with accidents, misfor- tunes, c. dat., Hdt., Soph. II. of ailments, events, to fall upon, happen to, c. dat. pers., Aesch., Isocr. j also is nva Hdt. 2. absol. to happen or fall out at the same time, concur. Id. 3. c. part., like τυγχάνω, τόδβ avviTreae y^vo^evov Id. 4. impers., συν4πζσ€, it happened, fell out, came to pass, c. inf.. Id. ; els τούτο avay- KTjs . . matters came to such a pass that . . , Thuc. ; or c. acc. et inf.. Id. HI. to coincide, agree or he in accordance with, τινί Hdt. : absol. to agree exactly. Id. ; iμo\ crv συμ^Γe^Γτωκas is ταυ- Thv Xoyov have come to exactly the same point with me, Eur. IV. to fall together, i. e. fall in, collapse, of a house, Lat. concidere. Id., Thuc. ; σώμα συμ^τeσόv a frame having collapsed from disease. Plat, (τυμ-ττίτνω, poet, for συμ-ττίπτω, when the penult, is to be short, to fall or dash together, of waves, Aesch. II. to concur. Id. ; c. dat., Eur. συμ-ττλανάομαι, Pass, to wander about with, Polyb. (Γυμ-ττλάσσω, Att. -ττω : aor. i συνΙτΚασα ; — to mould or fashion together, yai-qs of clay, Hes. : — Pass., Ar. 2. of speakers and writers, ^υvoμoKoyovvτes καΐ ξ. by agreeing on an hypothesis and a fiction. Plat. 3. metaph. to feign ox fabricate together, Dem. σττμ-ττλατάγίω, f. ηοΌ), to sound by striking together, σ. χ^ρσί to clap with the hands, II. <Γυμ-'7Γλ€ίον€ς, neut. -ova, several together, Lat. com- plures, Arist. συμ-Ίτλεκω, f. |aj, to twine or plait together. Plat. ; Tivi with a thing, Theocr. ; συμ^ΓXiκovτ€S τώ xeTpe els τούττίσω joining their hands behind them, Thuc. II. Pass, to be twined together, entwined, entangled, Έ.\χχ.', Ίχνη συμ^Γe^Γλeyμiva tracks entangled, crossing in dif- ferent directions, Xen. 2. of persons wrestling, to be locked together with another, c. dat., Hdt. : generally, to be engaged in close fight, Dem. : of a ship, to he en- tangled with her opponent, Hdt. : — then, metaph. to he entangled in, tt) 'Ζκυθων ipημίq συμττΧακηναι Ar. ; συμ- ■n■e^Γ\iyμeθa ξ^νφ we are entangled or engaged with him, Eur. ; of war, to he engaged in, Dem. III. intr. in Act., = Pass., Eur. σύμ-ττλεος, Att. -ιτλεως, a, ov, quite full, Xen. συμ-ιτλεω, f. -ττΧζύσομαι : Ion. -ιτλώω, -πλώσομαι : — to sail in company with, τινί Hdt., etc. ; absol., Thuc. συμττληγάς, a8os, η, {συμ-πλ-ίισσω) striking or dashing together, ξυμ^Γληyάδ€s π4τραι the jiistling rocks, i.e. the Kvaveai νήσοι, which were supposed to close in on all who sailed between them, Eur. ; also aυμ^Γληyάδes (without ττίτραι) Id. ; also in sing.. Id. συμ-ιτλή-γδην, (πλησσω) Adv. with clapping of hands, Theocr. σ-υμ-ττληθύνω [ΰ], to multiply or increase together ,'S.ex\. συμ-ττληθυω, to help to fill or increase, Hdt. 763 οτυμ-Ίτληρόω, f. ώσω, to help to fill, σ. τοΐσι Άθηναίοισι Tas veas to help them in manning the ships, Hdt. II. to fill up, |. ^ηκοντα vavs to man them /w/Zy, Thuc. ΟΓυμ-ιτλοϊκός, -η, όν, {σύμ'πλoos) sailing with or together, συμττΧ. φιΧία friendship of shipmates, Arist. συμιτλοκή, (συμττλεκω) an intertwining, compli- cation, Plat. 2. a close struggle or engagement. Id. σύμπλοος, ov, contr. -irXovs, ουν, (συμπλέω) sailing with one In a ship, a shipmate, Hdt. j c. dat. pers., Eur. : — poet, of ships, Anth. 2. metaph. a partner or comrade in a thing, c. gen.. Soph, συμττλώω, Ion. for συμπλέω. συμ-ττνε'ω, f. -ττν^ύσομαι, to breathe together with, τινί Anth. : metaph., iμ^xaίoιs τύχαισι σ. to go along with the sudden blasts of fortune, to yield or bow to them, Aesch. 2. absol. to agree together, conspire, Dem. συμ-Ίτνίγω [t], f. -πνίγομαι, to throttle, choke, press closely, N. T. συμ-πνοος, ov, contr. -ττνους, ουν, (συμπυεω) animated by one breath, in accord with, τινι Anth. σ-υμ-ΤΓοδίζω, f. σω, to tie the feet together, bind hand and foot, Ar. : — Pass, to be entangled in a net, Xen. II. metaph. to entangle, Lat. impedire. Plat. συμ-τΓοιεω, f. ήσω, to help in doing a thing, Isae. σ-υμ-τΓοιμαίνομαι, Pass, to feed together, Eur. συμ-ττολεμέω, f. ήσω, to join in war, Thuc., Xen., etc. j τινί with one, Xen. συμτΓολίζω, to unite into one city : — Pass., Strab. (τυμ-τΓολιορκεω, f. ήσω, to join in besieging, to besiege johitly, Hdt., Thuc., etc. συμ-τΓολΐτεία, η, a federal union of states, a con- federacy, league, Polyb. συμ-τΓολϊτευω, f. σω, to live as fellow-citizens or members of one state, τισί with others, Thuc. : — Med., 01 συμτΓοΧιτζυόμ^νοι one’s fellow-citizens, Isocr. συμ-τΓολίτης [t], ov, b, a fellow-citizen, Eur. συμ-ΤΓολλοι, at, a, 7nany together, Plat. (τυμ-ττομπευω, f. σω, to accompany in a processioii, to- escort, Aeschin. συμ-ΤΓονεω, f. ·ί}σω, to work with or together, to take part hi labouring, τινί with one, Aesch., Soph., etc. : also, σ. KUKois to take part in evils, Eur. absol. to labour or suffer together. Soph., etc. συμ-τΓονηρευομαι, Dep. to join others in villainy, c. dat. pers., Isocr. συμ-ΤΓορευομαι, f. -ΐΰσομαι : aor. i συν€πορ€ύθην : Dep. : — to go or journey together, Eur. ; τινι with one, Xen., etc. II. to come together, of the Senate, Polyb. συμ-πορθε'ω, f. ήσω, to help to destroy, c. dat. pers., Eur. ; ol συμίΓ^ττορθ-ημίνοι involved in like ruin, Strab. συμ-πορίζω, f. σω, to help in procuring, Thuc. : — Med. to do so for oneself. Id. συμ-ΤΓοσία, ή, {τχ6σι$) a drinking together, Pind. συμποσιαρχε'ω, ήσω, to be a συμποσίαρχο5, Arist. συμτΓοσί-αρχος, 6, the president of a drinking-party , toastmaster, Lat. magistcr bibendi, Xen., etc. συμττόσιον, τ6, (συμπίνω) a drinking-party, sym- posium, Theogn., Hdt., etc. II. the room in which such parties were given, drinking-room, Luc. συμπότης, ου, ό, (συμπίνω) a fellow-drinker, boon- companion, Hdt., Eur. Hence 764 συμτΓΟΤίκός — <ΓυμτΓθτικ 05 , ή, όν, of or for a συμπόσιον, convivial^ jolly, Ar. ; σ. αρμονίαι airs suited for drinking songs. Plat. : — συμττοτίκόε a jolly fello'w,kx.\ — Comp. -wrepos. Sup. -ώτατο5, Luc. <Γυμ-τΓρα 7 μα.τ 6 υομαι, f. -ζύσομαι, Dep. to assist in transacting business, c. dat. pers., Plut. (τυμττράκτωρ, Ion. -ττρήκτωρ, opos, b, a helper, assist- ant, Hdt., Xen. : c. gen. rei, σ. bbov a companion in travel. Soph. συμ-ττράσσω, Att. -ττω, Ion. -ττρήσσω, f. to join or help in doing, τί rivi Aesch., Eur., etc. ; σ. riv\ τα.·γαθά to assist one in procuring is good, Arist.: — c. acc. rei only. Soph.; σ. dpiivrjv to help in nego- tiating peace, Xen. ; c. dat. pers. only, to act 'with, cooperate 'with, tlvl Thuc., etc. 2. absol. to lend aid, cooperate. Soph., Xen., etc. ; oi ξυμπρά(τσοντ€$ the confederates, Thuc. II. intr., cri/y κακώί ττράσ- σοντί σνμττράσσ^ιν κακω5 to share in another’s woe, Eur. III. Med. to assist in avenging, συν^τΐρττι- ξαντο rr\s 'EAeVo?? apirayas Hdt. (τυμ-τΓρεττής, 4s, {πρ4πω) befitting, Aesch. σνμ-τΓρεττω, to befit, beseem, Pind. συμ-'7Γρ€(Γβευτή5, ου, b, a fello'w-ambassador, Aeschin. σ-υμ-ΐΓρ6σβ6υω, f. σω, to be a fello'w-ambassador , be joined or associated "with on an embassy, Dem., Aeschin. : Med. to join in sending an embassy, Thuc. συμ-ττρεσβυς, e&js, b, — συμπρ^σβ^υτ^ε, but only in pi., Thuc., Dem., etc. σνμ-πρεσβύτερος [υ], b, a fell o'w-presby ter, N.T. ατυμ-Ίτρήκτωρ, -ιτρήσσω, Ion. for -πράκτωρ, -ττράσσω. (τυμ-ττρίασθαι, aor. 2 inf. (no pres, in use, cf. ^ττρίαμαί), to buy together, buy up, Arist. σνμ-ΊΓροάγω [ά], f. ξω, to lead forward together ; intr. to move forward with or together, Plut. συμ-ττρόεδρος, b, a joint-president, Aeschin. <Γυμ-'π·ροθΰμ€ομαι, Dep. to have equal desire with, share in eagerness with, tivl Thuc. : absol., Xen. 2. c. acc. rei, to join zealously in promoting. Id. 3. c. dat. rei, to take zealous part in, Luc. 4. c. inf. to share in the desire that . . , Thuc., Xen., etc. <Γυμ-'π·ροξ6ν6ω, f. ήσω, to help in furnishing with means, Eur. σ-υμ-τΓροτΓεμττω, f. ψω, to join in escorting, Hdt., Ar., etc. ; σ. τινα ναυσίν Thuc. (τνμ-ττροσψαΰω, f. σω, to clash against, τινί Aesop. σνμ-ΐΓτΰσσω, f. to fold together , fold up and lay by. Soph. ίτυμίΓτωμα, arros, τό, {συμττίτττω) a chance, casualty, Arist. : in bad sense, a mishap, mischance, Thuc. συμτΓτωσις, η, {συμττίτττω) a collapsing, Strab. II. a meeting, Polyb. : in hostile sense, an attack. Id. σύμ-ττυκνος, ον, pressed together, compressed, Xen. (τυμ-ττυνθάνομαι, aor. 2 συνβπυθόμ’ην, Dep. to inquire about with another, τί τινι Eur. οτυμ-Ίτΐρόω, to burn up with or together, Eur. <Γυμφαγ€Ϊν, aor. 2 Inf. of συν^σθίω. (τυμ-φανής, 4s, {φανηναι) manifest at the same time, quite manifest, Arist. συμφερόντως, Adv. part. pres, profitably, Isocr. συμ-φερτός, rj, 6v, united, banded together, II. συμ-φε'ρω, f. συνοίσω : aor. i avvfjveyKa, Ion. -hveina : aor. 2 -'fjviy Kov : pf. -^νηνοχα: A. Act., I. ■ σνμφοίτησις, to bring together, gather, collect, Hdt., Thuc., etc. 2. to contribute, Aesch., Eur. 3. to bring into con- flict, Aesch. 4. to bear along with or together, Xen. : — of sufferings and labours, to hear jointly, help to bear. Soph., Eur. : to bear with, excuse, Aesch. II. intr. to confer a benefit, be useful or profitable, Hdt., Att. 2. impers. it is of use, is profitable, expedient, c. inf., Aesch., etc. 3. part. συμφ4ρων, ουσα, ον, useful, expedient, fitting. Soph., etc. : — In neut. as Subst., συμφ4ρον, ovtos, to, use, profit, advantage, expediency , Lat. utile. Id., Thuc., etc. : — also in pi., τά σuμφe'povταSoph., etc.; also in aor. part., TO T(p ^weveynov Thuc. III. intr., also, 1. to work with, agree with, assist, τινί Soph., Eur., etc.: — to bear with, give way, τινί Soph. 2. to fit, suit, τινί Ar., Xen. 3. of events, to happen, take place, turn out, c. inf., Hdt. B. Pass. συμφ4ρομαι, f. συνοίσομαι: aor. i -7]ν4χ- θην. Ion. -ζίχθην : pf. -evi]veyμaι: — to come to- gether, to meet in battle, engage, Lat. congredi, II., Thuc. : simply, to meet. Plat. II. to come to terms, be of one mind or to agree with, τινι Hdt. : — absol. to agree together, be of one mind, con- cur, come to terms. Id., Soph., etc. 2. c. dat. rei, to adapt oneself to, acquiesce hi. Plat. ; — also, συμφ4ρζται wvThs eJvai is found to be one and the same, Hdt. ; oh συμφ4ρζται ττερί tivos does not agree with their story. Id. III. of events, to happen, turn out, occur, come to pass. Id., Ar., etc. 2. impers. it happens, falls out, Hdt. συμ-φευγω, f. -φζύξομαι, to flee along with, τινί Hdt., Eur., etc.; συν φeύyoυσι συμφ^ΰyeιv Eur. 2. to be banished along with or together, ^υv4φυye ττ,ν φιτ/ην ταύτην shared in this banishment. Plat, σΰμ-φημι, f. -φί/σω : aor. i συν4φησα : aor. 2 συν^φτην : — to assent, approve, or agree fully, Aesch., etc. 2. c. acc. rei, to concede, agree to, grant. Plat., Xen. ; absol., ξύμφημί σοι I grant you. Plat. ; ξύμφαθι τ) άπειττε say yes or no. Id. 3. c. acc. et inf. to agree that . . , Soph., Plat. 4. c. inf. fut. to promise, Xen. συμ-φθε'γγομαι, Dep. to sound with, accord with, τινι Plut. (τυμ-φθείρω,ίο destroy together or altogether ,Y.ViX.,V.\xc. (τυμφθίνω [i], to decay along with, poet. aor. 2 pass. συν4φθίτο, Anth. συμ-φθογγος, ον, sounding together, in concert, Aesch. (τυμ-φϊλε'ω, f. ήσω, to love mutually. Soph, σ-υμ-φϊλοκαλε'ω, f. ησω, to be candidate for an honour along with another, Plut. οτνμ-φΐλονεικε'ω, f. ήσω, to take fart in a dispute with, side with, τινί Plat., etc. 2. absol. to join in a disputation, Plut. συμ-φΐλοσοφεω, to join in philosophic study, Arist. συμ-φϊλοτϊμε'ομαι, f. ^σομαι, Dep. to join in zealous efforts, Plut. <Γυμ-φλεγω, f. |ω, to burn to cinders, Eur., Theocr. συμ-ψοβεω, f. ’ϊ\σω, to frighten at the same time : — Pass, to be afraid at the same time, Thuc. συμ-φοιτάω. Ion. -ε'ω, f. ησα?, to go regularly to a place together, Hdt. : esp. to go to school together, Ar., Dem., etc. ; τινί with one, Luc. Hence σνμφοίτησις, η, a going to school together, ktscKm.; and συμφοιτητής — ΣΤ^Ν. συμφοιτητής, ου, ό, a schoolfellow, Plat., Xen. συμ-φονευω,ί. σω, to join another m killing, ζ.άζ,ί.,Υ,νίΧ. συμφορά, Ion. -ή, ή, (συμφέρω III), an event, circum- stance, chance, hap, Hdt., Att. ; ai ξ. τώυ βουλ€υ- μάτων the results, issues of the counsels. Soph. ; |υμ- φοραε Ίν ’ίσταμ^ν in what a hazardous state we are. Id. 2. esp. a mishap, mischance, misfortune, Hdt., Att. ; συμφορά χρηχτΟαι to be unfortunate, Hdt. 3. in good sense, good luck, a happy issue, Trag. συμφορεΰς, 6, {συμφέρω) a Lacedaemonian officer, a sort of aide-de-camp, Xen. συμ-φορεω, f . ήσω, to bring together, to gather, collect, heap tip, Hdt., Thuc., etc. : — Pass, to be collected. Plat. Hence συμφόρησις, ή, a bringing together, Plut.; and συμφορητός, ή, ον, brought together, collected, σ.Ζύ-κνον, σ. ecrriaais a meal to which each guest contributes, Lat. coena collatitia, Arist. συμφορος, ον, (συμφίρω 1 1 1) happening with, accompany- ing, λιμ})5 οεργφ σύμφοροε ανδρί hunger is the sluggard’s companion, Hes. ; c. gen., ττενίη? συμφορά Id. II. useful, profitable, expedient, suitable, good, c. dat.. Id., Thuc. : — συμφοράν άστι = συμφάρ^ι, c. inf., Hdt.) Πλουτ£^ συμφορώτατον At. : — τα συμφορά what is ex- pedient, Soph., Thuc., etc. ; rb ύμάτβρον ξ, your plea of expediency, Thuc. : — Adv., συμφόρωε εχειν to be expedient, Xen.j Comp, συμφορώτεροί', Thuc. ; Sup. -ώτατα, Eur., etc. 2. rarely of persons, ξυμφορώ- τατοι ττροσίΓολξμησαι most convenient to make war upon, Thuc. συμφράδμων, ovos, δ, ·η, one who joins in considering, a counsellor, II. II. in accord with, c. gen., Anth. συμ-φράζομαι, f. -άσομαι, Ep. -άσσομαι : pf. -ττάφρα- σμαι : Med. : — to join in considering, to take counsel with, c. dat., Od. 2. tis roi συμφράσσατο βουλάε ; who his counsels to thee ? lb. 3. to con- trive, Hes., Soph. II. Act. συμφράζω, to mention at the same time, Strab. συμ. φράσσω, Att. -ττω, f. ξω, to press or pack closely together, Hdt., Xen. 2. absol. of troops, to close their ranks, form in close order, Xen. II. to block up, close. Id. συμφρονεω, f. ήσω, {σΰμφρων') to be of one mind with, to agree, Polyb. II. to consider well, & biov ήν TToieiv Plut. 2. to collect oneself. Id. συμφρόνησις. Dor. -άσις, η, agreement, union. συμ-φροντίζω, f. (Τω, to have a joint care for, τινάε Luc. συμ-φρουρος, ον, (φρουρά) watching with, μάΚαθρον σύμφρουρον 4μοί the chamber that keeps watch with me, i. e. in which I lie sleepless. Soph, συμ-φρων, ovos, b, η, (φρ·ί\ν) of one mind, brotherly, Aesch. : — favouring, propitious. Id. οτυμ-φΰγάς, abos, b, -η, a fellow-exile, Eur., Thuc. συμ-φυής, is, (φύομαι) born with one, congenital, natu- ral, Plat., etc. 2. adapted by nature, Plut. II. attached, adhering, τινί to a thing, Anth. συμ-φυλαξ [i], aKos, b, a fellow-watchman or guard, Thuc., Plat., Xen., etc. συμ-φΰλάσσω, f. |ω, to keep guard along with others, Hdt. : to guard with others, ri Xen. συμ-φϋλετης, ου, δ, of the same φυλή, Lat. contri- bulis : generally, a fellow-countryman, N. T. 765 συμ-φϋλος, ον, (φυλον) of the same stock or race, 01 σύμφυλοι his congeners, Babr. συμφυρτος, ον, commingled, confounded, Eur. From συμ-φυρω [ϋ] : pf. pass, -ττίφυρμαι : — to knead to- gether : beat black and blue, Theocr. : — Pass., Eur. ; ψυχή συμττύφυρται μζτα του κακού Plat, συμ-φϋσάω, f. -ησω, to blow together : — hence, like Lat. confiare, to beat up, contrive, Ar. II. Pass., of the wind, to blow at the same time, Plut. συμ-φΰτευω, f. σω, to plant along with or together : metaph. to have a hand, in contriving. Soph. : — Pass. ■ to be implanted also, Xen. σύμφυτος, ον, (συμφύομαι) born with one, coftgenital, innate, natural, inborn, inbred, Pind., Plat.; σ. αιών our natural age, i. e. old age, Aesch. ; ν^ικύων σ. τύκτων the natural author of strife, i. e. cause of strife natural to the race. Id. ; is τδ σ. according to one’s nature, Eur. 2. c. dat. natural to, Lys. συμ-φυω, f. -φύσω, to make to grosz together. Plat. II. Pass., with pf. act. συμττύφϋκα, aor. 2 συνύφΰν : — to grow together. Id., Xen. 2. to grow to or into, σ. ολλήλοίϊ Plat. 3. to grosz up with one, to become natural, Arist. συμ-φωνεω, f. ήσω, to agree in sound, be in harmony. Plat. II. metaph. to agree with, hold the same opinions with, τινί Id. 2. to make an agreement or bargain with any one, πράε τινα Xen. ; σ. τινί δηναρίου to agree with one for a denarius, N. T. : Pass., συν€φωνηθη ύμΤν it was agreed between you, Ib. 3. to conspire, Arist. Hence συμφωνία, η, concord ox unison of sound, Plat. II.. metaph. harmoiiy, agreement. Id. σ~υμ-φωνος, ον, (φωνή) agreeing in sound, in unison,. h. Horn., Ar. : goxiexdiWy, echoing to cries, Sofii. 2. metaph. harmonious, friendly , Pind., Soph.; σ. τινι in harmony or agreement with. Plat, συμ-ψαυω, f. σω, to touch one another, Xen. συμ-φάω, f. ήσω, to sweep away, of a rapid river, Hdt. συμ-ψηφίζω, f. σω, to reckon together, count up, N. T. συμ-φηφος, ον, voting with, τινι Plat., etc. ; σ. τινί Tivos voting with oxio for a thing·. Id. : — absol. voting together, of the same opinion, Dem. συμ-ψοφε'ω, f. ήσω, to make a noise together, Polyb. συμ-φΰχος, ον, (ψυχή) of one mind, at unity, N.T, ΣΥ'Ν [u], old Att. |υν. Prep, with dat., Lat. cum : I. along with, in company with, together svith, δ(ύρ' ηλυθβ συν Μενελάί^; II. 2. with collat. notion of help, συν Oecp with God’s help or blessing, (the God being conceived as standing svith one), Horn., etc. ; συν θεφ ζϊρημάνον spoken as by inspiration, Hdt. : so, συν bai- μονι, συν Αιί, συν Άθηντ) II. ; so also, σύν τινι άΙναι or γί'γνζσθαι to be with another, i. e. on his side, o/ his party, Xen. ; 01 σύν τινι any one’s friends, followers, Id. 3. endued with, άκοιτιε συν geyd\r) άρετί) Od. : of things that belong or are attached to a person, στη συν δουρί II. ; σκηπτρον, συν τψ (βη Ib. ; αυτή συν φόρμίΎΎΐ Ib. (here, in Att., the σύν is often omitted). 4. of two or more things taken together, θύελλαι συν βορύτ), άνεμοί συν λαίΚαπι lb. ; also of coincidence in point of time, Ιχκρα συν εσπερο Pind. 5. of connexion or consequence, συν μεγάλη άποτΊσαι to pay with a great loss, i.e. suffer greatly, II.; συν τφ j 60 συι/αγαγείι/ σφ α-γαΟφ to your advantag-e, Lat. tuo cum commodo, Xen. ; συν μιάσματι attended Tvith pollution. Soph. and, generally, in accordance 'with; συν 5 ίκα Find., συν κόσμψ, συν τάχ^ι, etc., nearly = Advs. δικαίωε, κοσ· μίω 5 , ταχ€ω 5 , Att. 6. 'with, by means of, συν vecpe- ^σσι Kd\v\f/€v γαΐαν Od., Find. ; ττλοΰτον 4 κτ·ί]σω συν αΙχμγ Aesch. 7 . with Ordin. Numerals, e/iol συν ζβΒόμφ, i. e. myself with six others. Id. B. σύν AS Adv. together, Aesch., Soph. 2 . besides, also, likewise, Od., Trag. C. In Compos. 1 . with, along with, together, Lat. con - : — in Compos, with a trans. Verb, as κτ^ίνω, συν may refer to two things, to kill one person as well as another, or, to join with another in kill- ing. 2. of the completion of an action, altogether, completely, as in συμπληρόω, συντέμνω. 3 . joined with numerals, σΰνΖυο two together or by twos, two and two ; so σύντρ€ΐ 5 , σύμ-π^ντζ, etc., like Lat. bini, terni, etc. II. συν- before β μ π ψ φ, becomes συμ- ; before y κ ξχ, συy- ; before λ, συλ- ; before σ, συσ—, but before στ, συ-, as συστηναι. <Γυνά·γαγ€Ϊν, aor. 2 inf. of συvάyω. σ-υν-αγανακτ€ω, to be vexed along with, τινί Folyb. σαιν-αγάττάν, f. ήσω, to love along with, τινί Folyb. (Γυν-άγγ€λθ5, δ, a fellow messenger or ambassador, Hdt. (τυν-αγγία, η, {ayy os') a confined space, Babr. (Γυν-αγ6ίρω, f. -ayepco : aor. i avv’py^ipa, Ep. ζυνά· yeipa : — Fass., 3 pi. aor. i avvayepdev (for ησαν) : — to gather together, assemble, II., Hdt. : — esp. to collect an army, Hdt. : — Fass. to gather together, come together, assemble, II. ; συvaypόμevoι, Ep. syncop. aor. 2 pass, part., those assembled, an assembly, Ib. 2. to collect the means of living, Od. j and in Med. to collect for oneself, Ib. 3 . metaph., σ. Εαυτόν to collect oneself. Flat. : — so in Fass., Id. <Γυνά·γκ€ΐα, τ},= μισyάyκζιa, Anth. <Γυν-άγνϋ|Αΐ, aor. i συν^α^α, to break together, break to pieces, shiver, shatter, Horn, ίτυν-αγορενω, (the fut. in use is συν^ρώ, aor. 2 συν^ιττον, pf. συνβίρηκα) : — to join in advocating, advocate the same thing with, τί τινι Thuc., Xen. 2. to join in advising another, τινί Lys. 3 . σ. τινί to speak with or hi behalf of a person, support him, advocate his cause, Thuc. : so, c. dat. rei, σ. Tivbs σωτηρία Dem. (Γυν-αγρ€υω, to join in the chase, Anth. (η;ναγρόμ€νο5, Ep. aor. 2 part. pass, of συvay€ίpω. (τυν-άγω : impf. -rjyov, Dor. -ciyov, Ep. -dyov : f. συν- άξω : aor. 2 συvηyayov : pf. συνηχα and συναγίιοχα, Fass. συvηyμaι : — tobring together , gather together, col- lect, convene, Horn., Hdt., Att. 2 . in hostile sense, to join battle, begin the battle-strife, II. : — also like συμβάλλω, to match two warriors one against the other, Aesch. : — hence intr., σ. els μίσσον to engage in fight, Theocr. 3 . to bring together, join in one, unite, h. Merc., Aesch. j — σ. yάμoυs to contract a marriage, Xen. 4 . to receive into one's house, II. to gather together stores, crops, etc., Xen., etc. HI. to draw together, so as to make the extremities meet, Hdt., Thuc. : also to draw together, narrow, con- tract, Hdt. 2. to contract the brows, Ar. ; σ. τά S)Ta to prick the ears, of dogs, Xen. IV. to — avvaipew. collect from premises, i. e. to conclude, infer, Lat. colligere, Arist. Hence σ~υναγω·γ€ύ5, δ, one who brings together, a convener, Lys. II. one who unites. Flat. ; and (τυνα-γωγή, η, a bringing together, uniting. Flat. 2. a place of assembly, synagogue, N. T. II. σ. πολέμου a levying of war, Thuc. 2. a gathering in 0/ harvest, Folyb. 3 . a drawing together, con- tracting, σ. avpaTias a forming an army in column. Flat. ', σ. του προσώπου a pursing up or wrinkling of the face, Isocr. 4 . a collection of writings, Arist. III. a conclusion, inference. Id. σ~υν-αγωγ09, όν, bringing together, uniting. Flat, σ-υν-αγωνιάω, to share in the anxiety, Folyb. συν-αγωνίζομαι, f. Att. ιουμαι, Dep. to contend along with, to share in a contest, τινι with one, Thuc., etc. : — generally, |. τινι to share in the fortunes of another. Id. 2. to help, succour, τινι Dem. 3 . absol. to fight on the same side, Thuc. (τυν-αγωνιστης, ου, δ, one who shares with another in a contest, a fellow-combatant, coadjutor. Flat., etc. j Tivos for a thing, Aeschin., Dem. οτυν-άδελφος, ον, one that has a brother or sister, Xen. (τυν-αδϊκεω, f. ησω, to join in wrong or injury, τινί with another, Thuc., Xen. ; absol., Thuc., Xen. : — Fass. to be wronged alike, Dem. (τυν-άδω, f. -άσομαι, to sing with or together, Aeschin. ; σ. φδάν Ar. 2 . generally, to be in accord with, τινί Soph., Flat. II. trans. to celebrate together, τινά Theocr. (τυν-αείδω, poet, for συνάδω, Theocr. συν-αείρω : aor. i -η^ιρα:— συναιρώ, to raise up together, II. II. to bind οτ yoke together, Ib. : — Med., συνα^ίρξται "ππουί Ib. συν-αθλε'ω, f. -ησω, to strive together, τινί for a thing, N.T. 2 . to strive or labour with others, τισί Ib. οτυν-αθροίζω, f. σω, to gather together, assemble, of soldiers, Xen., Flat., etc. 2 . of things, in Fass., τό κξφάλαιον τούτων ξυνηθροισμύνων the sum of these collected amounts. Flat. 3 . of a single person, ού ξυνίιθροισται στρατφ has not joined the main army, Eur. συναθροισμός, δ, a collection, union, Babr. συν-αθυρω [ϋ], to play with, τινί Mosch. (τυν-άιγδην, (αίσσω) Adv. pressing violently together, Hes. (τυν-αιμος, ον, (αίμα) of comrnon blood, kindred. Soph., Eur. 2. as Subst. a kinsman, kijiswoman, esp. a brother, sister. Soph. 3 . Zei/y |. as presiding over khidred. Id. ; vcIkos strife between kinsmen. Id. (τυν-αινε'ω, f. εσα>, to join in praising, Aesch. II. to consent, absol.. Id., Soph., etc. ; σ. τινί to agree with a person, Hdt. 2. c. acc. rei, to agree to, promise. Soph., Xen., etc. : to grant at once, Xen. 3 . c. inf. to agree or consent to do. Id. συν-αίνΰμαι, Dep. to take tip, II. σνν-αιρε'ω, f. ήσω, f. 2 συν^λώ : aor. 2 συν^Ιλον, Ep. σύν^λον : — to grasp or seize together, to seize at once, Od., Thuc. 2. to bring together, bring into small compass ; in speaking, ξυν^λων λ 4 yω briefly, in a word, Thuc. ; d)S συνξλόντι elireiv Xen. j so, συν^λόντι alone, Dem. II. to make away with, crush, o : aor. 2 -ανΦΐΧον : — to destroy together with, τινά τινι Polyb. 2. to destroy altogether or utterly, Isocr. : — Pass., Thuc. II. to give the same answer. Plat, συν-ανάκειμαι, Pass, to recline together at table, N. T. συν-ανακεράννΰμαι, aor. i -^κράθην [ά]. Pass, to be mixed up with, τινι Luc. συν-άνάλίσκω, f. -ανάΧώσω, to expend together or in company, Dem. II. to help by spending money, Xen. συν-αναμίγνϋμι, f. -μίξω, to mix up together : Pass. to be associated with others, c. dat., Luc. συν-ανατταυομαι, Pass, to take rest with others, N. T. συν-αναττείθω, f. σω, to assist in persuading, τινά -ποιόΐν τι Thuc., etc. συν-αναττε'μττω, f. φω, to send up together, Plut. συν-αναττλε'κω, to entwine together with, τί τινι Luc. συν-αναττράσσω, Att. -ττω, f. ξω, to join in exacting payment, Xen. συν-αναρριτΓτε'ω, to throw up together, Luc. συναιρώ — συναναρριτττίω, 2. to help to take συνανασκατΓτω — συνατττοχ 768 (τυν-ανασκάτΓτω, f. ψω, to dig up besides, Strab. συν-ανασιτάω, f. -σπάσω, to drati up together, Luc. (τυν-ανάσσω, f, to rule 7 i'ith, Anth. cΓUV-αvαcΓτpeφω, f. ψω, to turn hack together, intr., Plut. II. Pass, and Med. to live along vsith or among others, c. dat., Id. συν-ανατήκω, f. to melt Vilth or together, Plut. συν-ανατίθημι, f. -θ-ησω, to dedicate along u'ith, Luc. σ-υν-ονατολή, a rising together, Strab. σ~υν-ανοτρ€χω, f. -δράμουμαι, to run up 'with, Plut. σ~υν-αναφθ€γγομαι, f. ξομαι, Dep. to cry out or speak together, Plut. συν-αναφυρω [ΰ], to knead up together : — Pass., aor. 2 —e(pvpT]v [ϋ], to 'wallov) together, Luc. (Γυν-αναχρ6μτΓτομαι, Dep. to cough up together, Luc. συν-ανίστημι, f. -στήσω, to make to stand up or rise together, Xen. : to assist in restoring. Id. II. Pass, with aor. 2 act., to rise at the same time. Id.; Tivi 'with one. Id. συν-αντάω, Ep. 3 dual impf. -αντήτην : f. -ήσω : aor. I --ηντησα : pf. -σ)νττ)κα : — to meet face to face, of two persons, Od. ; of many persons, to meet together, assemble, Philipp, ap. Dem. II. like άντάω, to meet -with, meet, rivl Eur., Ar. ; so in Med., II. : — c. acc. cogn., συναντάν συνάντησιν Eur. 2 . c. dat. rei, to come in contact 'with, φόνφ Id. III. to hefal, of accidents, etc., τινι Plut., N.T. Hence συνάντησις, ή, a meeting, Eur. συν-αντιάζω, = συναϊ/τάω, σινί. Soph. συν-αντλ€ω, f. ήσω, to drain along 'with, σ. irovovs rivi to join him hi bearing all his sufferings, Lat. una exhaurire lahores, Eur. συν-άντομαι, Dep. only in pres, and impf. to fall in 'with, meet, absol. or c. dat., Horn., etc. ; in hostile sense, to meet in battle, II. : metaph., φόρμίΎΎΐ σ. to approach (i. e. use') the lyre, Pind. συν-ανυτω [ϋ], to come to an end 'with, c. dat., Aesch. σ-υνανυω, f. σω, to arrive together, Plut. συν-αξιόω, f. ώσω, to join in requiring, Xen. σ~υναοιδός, όν, = συνφδ 65 , Eur. συνόοροξ, ον, Dor. and Att. for συνηοροε. (τυν-αττάγω, f. ξω, to lead a'way 'with another, c. dat., Xen.; absol.. Id. II. Pass, to be led away like- wise, N. T. 2. to accommodate oneself to a thing, c. dat., Ib. συν-ατταίρω, intr. to sail or march away together, Luc. σ-υν-ατταρτίζω, f. σω, to correspond exactly with, lie over against, τινί Strab. o-jv-airds, άσα, av, like σνμ·πα$, strengthd. for ttSs, πάσα, πάν, all together, mostly in pi., Hdt., etc. in sing., with collective Nouns, το σννάπαν στράτευμα Id. συν-ατΓειλ€ω, f . ήσω, to threaten at the same time, Luc. (τυν-α7Γ€ργάζομαι, Dep. to help in completing. Plat. (ΓυνατΓ€χθάνομαι, Dep. to become an enemy together, Plut. συναττίσταμαι, Ion. for συναφίσταμαι. συν-ατΓοβαίνω, f. -βησομαι, to disembark together with, τινί Hdt. σ-υν-ατΓογράφομαι, Med. to enter one's name together with others, as a candidate, Plut. συν-ατΓοδημεω, f. ήσω, to be abroad together, Arist. σνν-αττόδημοι, o\, those who live abroad together, Arist. συν-ατΓοδιδράσκω, to run away along 'with, ξυναπο- δράναί τινι (aor. 2 inf.), Ar. συν-ατΓοδοκιμάζω, f. σω, to join in reprobating, τι Xen. σ-υνατΓοθανβϊν, aor. 2 inf. of συν αποθνήσκω. (τυν-ατΓοθνήσκω, f. -θανουμαι, to die together with another, c. dat., Hdt. : absol. to die with one. Plat. συν-ατΓοικίζω, f. Att. ιω, to go as colonists together, Luc. (τυν-αίΓοκάμνω, f. -κάμουμαι, to cease from weariness together, Eur. (τυν-ατΓοκτείνω, f. —κτ^νω, to kill together, Aeschin. συν-ατΓολαμβάνω, f. -λ-ήφομαι, to receive in common or at once, Xen. σ-υν-ατΓολάμττω, f. φω, to shine forth together, Luc. <Γυν-ατΓ 0 λλ·ΰμι, f. -ολεσω, to destroy together, σ. tovs (piXovs to destroy one's friends as well as oneself ,Th.uc.; σ. TO χρ-ηματα to lose the money also, Dem. : — Pass. to perish together, Thuc. ; τινι with one, Hdt. συν-ατΓολογεομαι, Dep. to join in defending, Dem. σνν-οτΓομαραίνομαι, Pass, to fade away and die to- gether, Xen. «Γνν-ατΓονευω, f. σω, to bend away together, to?s σώμα- σιν avTols Ίσα τί) δόξρ ^υναπονζΰοντζ 5 swerving with their bodies in sympathy with their thought, Thuc. (τυν-αίΓοτΓεμττω, f. φω, to send off together, Xen. σνν-ατΓορρήγνϋμι, f. -ρή|ω, to break together, Plut. συν-ατΓοσβεννϋμι, f. -σβ 4 σω, to put out with or to- gether, τί τινι Anth. : — Pass., with aor. 2 act. - 4 σβ·ην, pf. -ίσβηκα, to be put out together, Plut. συν-ατΓοστελλω, f. -στελώ, to despatch together with another, c. dat., Thuc., Xen. συν-αττοοττερεω, f. ήσω, to help to strip or cheat, τινά Tivos one of b. thing, Dem. ση;ν-ατΓθφαίνομαι, f. -φάνονμαι, Med. to assert likewise or together, to agree in asserting, Isocr., etc. σνν-άτττω, f. -άφω, to tie or bind together, to join to- gether, unite, σ. χ^ρα, in sign of friendship, Eur. ; Ιδού, ξύναφον (sc. την χ^'ρα) Id. ; but, σ. χ^φά tivos iv βρόχοΐ 5 to bind it fast. Id. : — σ. πόδα or ixvos τινί to meet him. Id. ; σ. κώλον τάφφ to approach the grave. Id. ; so, φόνο 5 σ. τινά ya Id. : — |. βλέφαρα to close the eyes. Id. ; σ. στόμα to kiss one. Id. : — σ. κακά κακοΊε to link misery Λvith miser}'. Id. ; but, σ. κακόν τινι to link him with misery. Id. : σ. τινΙδαΊτα to give one a meal. Id. : proverb., σ. X!ivov \ivcp to join thread to thread, i. e. to compare things of the same sort. Plat. 2 . to connect in thought, to combine. Id. : σ. μηχανην to frame a plan, Aesch.; σ. ovap eis τινα to connect it with him, refer it to him, Eur. ; ξυνηφ€ πάνταε es μίαν βλάβην involved them in one loss. Id. II. in hostile sense, σ. είΤ μάχην to bring into action, Hdt.; ελτΓίϊ 7Γ0λεί5 ξυνηφ^ engaged them in conflict, Eur. 2 . σ. μάχην to join battle, Hdt.; τινί with one, Aesch. ; πρόε τινα Thuc. : also (without μάχην) to engage, Hdt., Ar. : — Pass., vukos συνηπταί τινι πρό$ τινα Hdt. III. in friendly sense, to unite, Xen. : — Pass., συνάπτ^σθαί τινι to have intercourse with, Anth. 2. c. acc. rei, σ. μύθον, ορκουε Eur.; σ. τινϊ yάμovε, λόκτρα, κηδοε to for 7 η an alliance by marriage. Id. : ξυνάπτ^σθαι κηδοε τηε θι/γατρόε to get one's daughter married, Thuc. B. intr. : I. in local sense, to border on, lie next to, Hdt. ; Ίηνιρ συνάπτει 'Άνδροε Aesch. 2. συναττωθεω — συν^βίττνβω. of Time, to be nigh at hand. Find. ; so of events, \ΰττΎ\ σ. Tivi Eur. 3. metaph. of thoughts, to meet together, Arist. : — to he connected with, irpos τι Id. II. of persons, σ. K0yoiTi to enter into con- versation, Soph. ; so, es Koyovs τινί Eur. ; also, σ. €ls χορζύματα to join in the dance. Id. ; tr. es χ^φα JV, i.e. to come close to land. Id. 2. τυχα Tcobbs ξυνάτττα μοι, i. e. I have come in good time. Id. C. Med. to be next to, connected with, rivi Xen. 2. to take part with one, to assist, rivi Eur. ; absol., Aesch. 3. to bring upon oneself, vXrjyds Dem. συν-απωθεω, f . -Ιισω, to push away together, Luc. συναραι, aor. i inf. of συναιρώ. (τυν-αραρίσκω, to join together. II. intr. in pf. συνάρηρα, to hang together, h. Horn, συν-αράσσω, Att. -ττω, f. |α», to dash together, dash in pieces, shiver, shatter, Horn. ; σ. οίκον, ττόλιν Kur.: — Pass, to he shattered, Od., Hdt. j συναράσσ^σθαι «6- φαλάε to have their heads dashed together, Hdt. σνν-αρεσκω, f. -αρίσω, to please or satisfy together, c. dat., Dem. 2. impers., like Lat. placet, συναρβσκζΐ μοι I am content also, Xen. ίτυνάρηρα, pf. intr. of συναραρίσκω. συν-αρθρος, ον, (άρθρον) linked together with, Aesch. (τΰν-αριθμβω,Ι . ήσω, toreckon in, totakeinto the account, enumerate, Isae. ; so in Med., Aeschin. : — Pass, to he counted with others, to he taken into account, Arist. οτυν-αριστάω, f. ήσω, to take breakfast or luncheon with, τινί Ar., Aeschin. «Γυν-αριστ€υω, f. σω, to do brave deeds together, Eur. (Γυν-αρκ6ομαι, Dep. to acquiesce along with, τινι Theophr. συν-αρμόζω, Att. -όττω : Dor. f. -όξω : — Pass., pf. -^ΐρμοσμαι, aor. i -ηρμόσθην : 1. in physical sense, to fit together, Thuc. ; συναρμόζ^ιν βλόφαρα to close them, Eur. : — Pass., λίθοι ev συνηρμοσ μόνοι Hdt. 2. to put together, so as to make a whole, σκάφθ5, Χττπον Eur. : — Pass., ου καλώ5 συν-ηρμοσμόνα Dem. 3. to combine in act or thought, Solon, Plat. 4. metaph. to adapt one thing to another, fbxepcia σ. βροτού$, i. e. to make them indifferent to crime, Aesch. : — Pass., nphs παρόντα συνηρμοσμόνοε Xen. II. intr. to fit together, agree. Plat., Xen. (τυν-αρμολογεομαι, Pass, to he fitted or framed to- gether, N. T. σ~υν-αρμο(Γτής, ου, δ, one who fits together, λίθων Luc. II. a joint-governor. Id. συναρμόττω, Att. for συναρμόζω. συν-αριτάζω, f. -άσω and -άσομαι : aor. i -Ί]ρπασα and αξα: — to seize and carry clean away, Trag., etc. : — Pass., Soph. 2. ξ. xeipas to seize and pin them together, Eur. 3. metaph., σ. φρ^νί to seize with the mind, grasp. Soph., Ar. συν-αρτάω, f. ■'ρσω, to knit or join together, Eur., Luc. : — Pass, to be closely engaged or entangled, Thuc. : to he attached to, combined with, τινί Arist. : to hang close on an enemy’s rear, Plut. οτνν-αρχία, η, {άρχ -fi) joint administration, Strab. II. in pi., at συναρχίαι, the collective magistracy , Arist. (τυν-αρχος, ον, a partner in office, colleague, Arist. σ^ν-άρχω, f. ξω, to rule jointly with, τινί Hdt. 2. 769 absol. to be a colleague in office, Thuc. : 0 συνάρχων a colleague. Id. σ·υν-ασ·κ€ω, f. γ^σω, to join in practising, Isocr., Dem. συν-ασίΓίδόω,.!. ώσω, to keep the shields close together, stand in close order, Xen. σνν-ασττίζω, f. Att. ιω, to be a shield-fellow or com- rade, Eur. " 1ϊ. = συνασπώόω, Luc. συν-αστΓίστής, ου, δ, a shield-fellow, comrade. Soph, συν-ασχαλάω, only in pres, to sympathise indignantly with a thing, c. dat., Aesch. (τυν-ασ^άλλω, f. -άλώ, = foreg., Aesch. συν-ασχολ€ομαι, Pass, to do business with, τινι Plut. συν-ατΐμάζομοι, Pass, to be disgraced with, τινι Plut. συνα,τϊμόομαι, = foreg., Plut. συν-αυαίνω, f. άνω, to dry quite up, Eur. : — Pass, to he dried up also. Plat. συν-αυδάω, f. ήσω, to speak together : to agree, con- fess, allow. Soph. συν-αυλεω, f. ήσω, to accompany on the fiute, Luc. συναυλία, τ\, a concert of flutes, Ar. 2. metaph., bvaopvis αδβ ξ. bop0s this ill-omened concert of battle, of the single combat of the brothers, Aesch. II. (from αυλή) a dwelling together, Arist. συν-αυλίζομαι, Pass, to congregate, Babr. συν-αυλος, ον, (αύλόϊ) in concert with the flute : generally, sounding in unison, Ar. : generally, in har- mony with, Tivi Eur. ^συναυλος, ον, (αυλή) dwelling with, livhig in the folds with (sc. Tats ποίμναιε). Soph. : metaph., 0eta μανία, ξ., i. e. afflicted with madness. Id. συν-αυξάνω and -αυξω, f. -αυξήσω, to increase or enlarge along with or together, Xen. : — Pass, to in- crease or wax larger together with a thing, c. dat., Hdt., Eur. 2. to join or assist in increasing, Xen., Arist. Hence συναυξησις, ecos, ή, common growth, Polyb. οτυν-αφαιρέω, f. ήσω, to take away together : — Med. to assist in rescuing, Thuc. συναψανίζομαι, Pass, to perish with, τινι Strab. συν-αφίστημι, Ion. oTtv-air- : aor. i συναπόστησα : — to draw into revolt together, Thuc. : — Pass., Ion. συναπίσταμαι, with aor. 2 and pf. act., to fall off or revolt along with others, c. dat., or absol., Hdt., Thuc. συναχθήναι, aor. i inf. of συvάyω. συν-άχθομαι, f. -αχθόσομαι and -αχθ^σθ-ησομαι : aor. 1 opt. -αχθ€σθ^ίην : Dep. : — to be grieved with or to- gether, to condole with, τινι Hdt., Dem., etc. ; c. dat. rei, at a thing, Xen. συν-δαΐζω, f. ξω, to kill with the rest, kill also, Soph, συν-δαίνϋμι, f. -δαίσω, to entertain together, σ. yάμoυs τινί to share a marriage feast with one, Eur. συν-δαίτη5, ου, δ, = συνδαίτωρ, Luc. συν-δαίτωρ, opos, δ, a companion at table, Aesch. συν-δάκνω, f. -δΊ)ξομαι, to bite together, συνδ. τδ στό- μιον of a horse, to take the bit in his teeth, Xen. συνδακρυω [ϋ], f. σω, to weep with or together, Eur. II. c. acc. to lament together, Plut. συν-δανίίζομαι, Med. to collect by borrowing, Plut. συν-δ€ηΓν€ω, f. ήσω, to dine or sup with another, c. dat., Xen. ; μετά τινων Dem. : — absol. to dine or sup with others, Xen., etc. ; ot ξυνδ^ιπνουντ^% the members of a picnic party. Id. 3 770 σύν^είίτνον ‘ (τυν-δειττνον, τ6, a common meal or banquet, Lat. con- vivium, Plat. oTJV-Senrvos, 6, t], (β^ΐπνον) a companion at table, Lat. conviva, Eur., Xen. συν-δεκάζω, f. σω, to bribe all together, Xen., Aeschln. σύν-δενδρος, ον, (S^vdpov) thickly-wooded, Babr. <Γυν-δε'ομαι, Dep. to join in begging, τί rtvos something of a person, Dem. σΰν-δεσμος, δ, heterog. pi. σύνδ^σμα, a bond of union, bond, fastening, Eur., Thuc. : metaph., good men are called δ |. tSs TrciAews the bond that keeps the state together 2. \nGrdimmd,T, a conjunction, Arist. συν-δεσμώτης, ου, δ, a fellow -prisoner , Thuc., Plat, ετυν-δετος, ον, bound hand and foot. Soph. II. as Subst. σΰνδ^τον, τό, a band, Eur. συν-δε'ω, Att. ξυν-δε'ω, f. -δήσω : — to bind or tie to- gether, of two or more things, συν^δησα ΤΓ0δα3 Od. ; Tovs ττόδαί καΐ ras yelpas Plat. ; δίλτον σ. to fasten up the tablets, Eur. : — Pass., Ισχία συνδεδεμενα flanks' not drawn up, of dogs, Xen. 2. of persons, to bind hand ai^ foot, II., Hdt., etc. 3. to bind up a wound, II. 4. generally, to bind together, unite, Eur., Plat. II. Med., σύνδησαι ττε'ττλουϊ gird up thy robes, Eur. στίν-δηλος, ον, quite clear or manifest, Arist. (τυν-δηλόω, f. ώσω, to make altogether clear, Arist. συν-δημαγωγε'ω, to join hi seeking popularity, Plut. <Γυν-διαβαίνω, f. -β^\σομαι, to go through or cross over together, Thuc., Xen. <Γυν-διαβάλλω, f. -βα,λώ, to convey over together : absol., Lat. una trajicere, συνδ. rhv κόλπον to cross the gulf together, Thuc. II. to accuse along with, Dem. : — Pass, to be accused together, Thuc. (τυν-διαβΐβάζω, Causal of συνδιαβαίνω, to carry through or over together, Xen. συν-διαγιγνώσκω, f. -^νώσομαι, to join with others in determining or decreeing, Thuc. (τυν-διάγω [ά], f. ά\ω, to go through together : absol. (sc. rhv βίον) to live together, Arist. ετυν-διαιτάομαι, Pass, to dwell with or together, Thuc., Isocr. Hence ετυνδιαίτησις, η, a living together, intercourse, Plut. (τυν-διαιτητής, ου, δ, a joint arbitrator, Dem. II. one who lives with another, a companion, Luc. (τυν-διακινδΰνεΰω, f. σω, to share in danger, Hdt., Plat, συν-διακομίζομαι, Pass, to cross over together, Plut. ίτυν-διακοσμε'ω, to set in order together. Plat., Plut. (τυνδιάκτορος, δ, a fellow -δ lanropos, i.e. a mate of Hermes, Luc. σ-υν-διαλλάσσω, Att. -ττω, f. to help in reconciling, riva Trpos τινα Dem. cruv -διαλύω, f. -λύσω [ϋ], to help in putting an end to, Isocr. 2. to help in reconciling, Dem. 3. Med. to help to pay, Luc. (Γυν-διαμε'νω, to stand one'' s ground with others, Xen. συν-διαμνημονευω, f. σω, to call to remembrance along with or together, Dem., Aeschln. (τυν-διανευω, f. σω, to turn every way together, Polyb. (τυν-διανοε'ομαι, Dep. to deliberate with, rivi Polyb. (τυν-διαιτλε'ω, to sail through together, Luc. ση^ν-διατΓολεμεω, f. ήετω, to carry on a war along with. — συν^οκίω, vrjes al ξυνδιαπολ^μησασαι ships which remained with him throughout the war, Thuc. συν-δι-ατΓορε'ω, f. ήσω, to start doubts or questions to- gether, Plut. συν-διαττράσσω, Att. -ττω, f. ξω, to accomplish to- gether or besides, Isocr., Luc., etc. II. Med. to negotiate at the same time, Xen. ίτυν-διασκοίΓεω, f. —σκόψομαι, to look through or ex- amine along with, τί τινι or μετά rivos Plat. : — so in pres, med.. Id. (τυν-διαστρε'φω, f. ψω, to distort together : — Pass, to be twisted together with, τινί Plut. (τυν-διασώζω, to assist in preserving, Thuc., Dem. οτυν-διατάλαιττωρεω, f. ησω, to endure hardship with or together. Plat. σ-υν-διατελε'ω, f. Att. -τελώ, to continue with to the end. Plat. συν-διατηρεω, f. ·ί[\σω, to assist in maintaining, Polyb. συν-διατρίβω [ϊ], f. ψω, to pass or spend time with or together, Aeschin. 2 . absol. (sub. βίον) to live con- stantly with, 01 τψ '^,ωκράτ^ι συνδιατρίβοντζ5 his disci- ples, Xen. II. to occupy oneself with a thing, c. dat., Isocr. συν-διαφέρω, f. —διοίσω, to bear along with one, Luc. II. to bear to the end along with, help in maintaining , Hdt., Ar. συν-διαφθείρομαι, Pass, to perish along with, τινι Isocr. (τυν-διαχειμάζω, f. σω, to be in winter quarters along with or together, Plut. (τυν-διαχειρίζω, f. σω, to assist in accomplishing, Hdt. (τνν-διεκττίΐΓτω, f. -ττεετουμαί, to rush out through together, Plut. συν-διεξειμι, (είμ: ibo) to go through together wfi^,Xen. συν-διημερετίω, f. σω, to spend the day with, τινί Xen. (τυν-δΐκάζω, f. άσω, to be assessor to a judge, Lys. <τυν-δϊκαστής, ου, δ, a fellow-dicast ox juryman, Ar. σννδϊκέω, f. ·Ιΐ]σω, to act as one's advocate, Aesch., Xen., etc. ; σ. τινί Plat. ; Ζενϊ σοι τόδε συνδικησ^ι Zeus will be thy advocate herein, Eur. 2. to be one of the public advocates, Dem. From στίν-δΐκος, δ, -η, {δίκη) one who helps in a court of justice, an advocate, patronus, Aesch., Dem. 2. at Athens, the σύνδικοι were public advocates ap- pointed to represent the state, Dem. 3. after the 30 Tyrants, the σύνδικοι were judges to determine disputes about confiscated property, Lys. II. belonging jointly to, σ. Άπόλλωνο5 καΐ Μοισαν κτόανον their joint possession, Pind. : — Adv. συνδίκω5, with joint sentence, jointly , Aesch. (τυν-διοικεω, f. ήσω, to administer together with an- other, c. dat., Dem. συν-διοράω, to examine together, Isocr. συν-διορίζομαι, Pass, to be determined also, Strab. συν-δισκεύω, f . σω, to play at quoits with, τινί Luc. συν-διώκω, f. Att. -διώκομαι, to chase away together, join in the chase, Thuc. II. as law-term, to join in the prosecution. Lex ap. Dem. σ-υν-δοκεω, f. -δόξω and -δοκ^]σω : — to seem good also, ταυτα κάμοί συνδοκ€Ϊ Ar. ; ταΰτα ξυνόδοξβ tois άλλοΐ5 Thuc. : — absol., in answers, ξυνβδόκβι ημ7ν ταΰτα; were we agreed on these points ? i. e. we were agreed. Plat. 2. impers. it seems good also, Eur., Ar., συν^οκιμαζω ■ ■etc. : — so, absol., in part., συν^οκοΰν αττασιν ύμΐν since you all agree, Xen. ; (Τυνδόξαν τφ ττατρί since the father approved, Id. II. so in pf. pass, part., λόγοϊ Tots 4πί€ΐΚζστάτοί5 συνδζδοΎμ4νο$ in vihich they also agree. Plat. συν-δοκΐμάζω, f. σω, to examine together, Isocr. συν-δοξάζω, f. σω, to join in approving, Arist. 2. to agree with, τφ σώματι Porph. in Stob. II. Pass. to he glorified together, N.T. συνδοξαν, aor. i part. neut. of συνδοκίω. (τυν-δουλ€·υω, f. σω, to be a fellow-slave with, rivi Eur. σιίν-δουλος, 6, η, a fellow-slave, Hdt., Eur., etc. : a special fern, συνδούλη in Babr. <Γυν-δράω, f. άσω [a], to do together, help in doing. Soph., Thuc. ', σ. τί τινι Eur. ; |. αίμα καΐ φόνον to help in bloodshed and murder. Id. ; τδ συνδρών xpeos the joint necessity. Id. (Γυνδρομά9, aSos, fern, of σννδρομο5, αί σ. ττότραι, = σνμ- πληΎάδ€5, Eur. ; σ. Kvdveai Theocr. σνν-Βρομη,·η,(δρόμο5) a tumultuous concourse of people, ap. Arist. 2. of things, -η σ. του λόγου its con- clusion, moral, Anth. <Γυv-δpoμos, ov, running together, meeting, σ. ττότραι, = συνδρομάδ€5, Pind. 2. as Subst. a place where several roads meet, Strab. II. running along with, close-following, Anth. : — Adv. συνδρόμω5 Aesch. (τυν-δυάζω, f. άσω, to join two and two, couple, Arist. : — Pass, to be coupled with something else. Id. 2. in Pass, to be coupled, to pair, Xen. συν-δυάς, άδο%, η, (δύο) paired, σ. άλοχοε one’s wedded wife, Eur. (τυνδυασμός, b, (συνδυάζομαι) a being taken two to- gether, Arist. 2. a coupling, pairing. Id. συνδυαστικός, 'ir\, όν, disposed to live in pairs, Arist. (τυν-δυο, 01 , αί, τά, two together, two and two, in pairs, Lat. bini, h. Horn., Hdt., Plat. συν-δυστΰχ€ω, f. ήσω, to share in misfortune, Eur. συν-δώδ€κα, oi, at, τά, twelve in all, Eur. συν-€γ 7 ίζω, f. σω, to draw near together, Polyb. Hence συνεγγισμός, b, a drawing near together, of con- stellations, Strab. συν-€γγυάω, f. ήσω, to join in betrothing, Plut. συν-€γγΰς, Adv. : 1. of Place, near together, Thuc., etc. ; σ. άλλήλων or άλλήλοίϊ Arist. : — τδ σ. nearness, proximity. Id. 2. of Time, Id. 3. of Quality, oi σ. persons of similar rank. Id. ; ^ cr. atria the proximate cause. Id. συν-€ 7 €ίρω, f. -(yepu>, to help in raising, N. T. : — Pass. to rise together, Ib. συν€δρ€ία, ·η, = συνεδρία, Arist. συν-€δρ€υω, f. σω, (σύνεδροί) to sit together, sit in council, Aeschin.; ol συνΐδρ^ύοντ^ε members of council , Dem. 2. to hold a council, deliberate. Id. συνεδρία, rj, a sitting together, a circle of friends, Xen. : — gregariousness, which in birds was a favourable omen, Aesch. II. a council, Aeschin. ; and συνεδρίαν, τό, a body of men assembled in council, a council-board, council, Xen., etc. ; of the Roman Senate, Polyb.; the Jewish Sanhedrim, N. T. : — esp. of a congress of Allies or Confederates, Hdt., Dem., etc. 2. a council-chamber, Hdt., Xen. From συν-εδρος, ov, (έδρα) sitting with in council, of persons. — σ·υι/€ΐσ·(χγω, ηηι Hdt.; 6/c ξυνόδρου και τυραννικοί) κύκλου, = 4κ κύκλου των συν^δρζυόντων τυράννων. Soph. II. as Subst. one who sits with others, a councillor. Id. ; σύνεδροι select commissioners, Thuc., etc. συν-εεικοσι, Ep. for συν-βίκοσι, twenty together, by twenties, Lat. viceni, Od. συν-εε'ργω, Ep. for συνόργω : — συν-εε'ργαθον, Ep. impf. συνεζευξα, aor. i of συ-ζ^ύγνυμι. συν-εθε'λω, to have the same wish, to consent, Xen. : — in Poets συνΒόλω, Soph., Eur. συνε'θεντο, 3 pi. aor. 2 med. of συν-τίθημι. συν-εθίζω, f. Att. ιώ, to accustom, σ. τινα iroieiv τι to accustom him to do . . , Dem., Aeschin. : — Pass, to become used or habituated , and in aor. i and pf. to have become so, be so, Thuc., Plat.; c. inf., συν€ΐ- θίσθ·ην TTotetv τι Xen. : — also impers., συν^ιθισμόνον ijv it had become the custom, Lys. Hence συνεθιστεον, verb. Adj. one must accustom oneself. Plat, συνειδεναι, inf. of σύνοιδα. Hence συνείδησις, η, self-consciotisness : conscience, N. T. συνεϊδον, aor. 2 of συνοράω. συνειδώς, part, of σύνοιδα. συνειλεγμε'νος, pf. pass. part, of συλ-λίγω. συν-ειλε'ω, f. ήσω, to crowd together, Hdt. ; of things, to bind tight together. Id. : — Pass, to be crowded or pressed together, Xen., etc. συνείληφα, -είλημμαι, pf. of συλλαμβάνω. συνείληχα, pf. of συλλαγχάνω. συν-ειμι, f. όσομαι, (ε/μί sum) to be with, be joined or linked with a thing, c. dat., Od. ; periphr. for a simple Verb, σ. ον^ιρασιν to dream, Aesch.; σ. νόσφ = νοσζΐν. Soph.; κακοΐε ττολλοΊε ξ. to be acquainted with miseries. Id. ; σ. ττράγμασι to be engaged in business, Ar. ; σ. ■qbovais, λύΐΓαΐ5, δ^ίμασι Plat. ; — reversely, 4μοΙ ξύν^στιν ελττίϊ Eur. ; and absol., αται aet ξυνούσαι Soph. ; b χρόνο$ ξυνών μακρ05 Id. II. to have intercourse with a person, live with, τινι Id., Pmr., etc. ; μετά tivos Ar. 2. to live with a husband, = συνοικόω, Hdt. 3. to attend, as to a pupil attends a master, Xen., etc. ; of the teacher. Id. ot συνόντΐ5 associates, disciples, partisans. Plat. 4. to have dealings with, τινι Thuc. ; σ. Ίπποΐί to have to do with them. Plat. 5. to take part with, τινι Aesch., etc. συνειμι, (είμι ibo) to go or come together, to assemble, 11., Hdt., Thuc. 2. in hostile sense, to meet in battle, 11., etc. : of states, to engage in war, Thuc. 3. In peaceable sense, to come together, meet to deliberate. Id. II. of revenue, to come in, Hdt. συν-εϊίΓον, aor. 2 of συναγορ^ύω or σύμψημι : — to speak with any one, confirm what another says, Isocr. : to agree with, τινι Xen. 2. to advocate another’s cause, Dem.; generally, to help, further, Isocr. 3. to help to tell, Eur. σνν-ίίργννμι, = συνόργω, Plut. συνείργω, Att. for συνόργω. συνείρηκα, used as pf. of σύμψημι. συν-είρω, only In pres, and impf. to string together, Lat. connectere, Ar., Plat. II. to string words together, Dem., etc. : then, seemingly Intr. (sub. λό- γους) to spea k on and on, go on without pausing, Xen. συνείς, aor. 2 part, of συνίημι. συν-εισάγω, f. ξω, to bring in together, Xen. 3 D 2 772 συνασβαίνω - 0 Γυν- 6 ΐσ·βαίνω, f. -βησομαι, to embark in a ship with others, σ. ττλοίον νανταισι Aesch.; σ. ravThv σκάφθ5 Eur. σ-υν-6ΐσβάλλω, f. -βάλω, intr. to make an inroad into a country together , join in an inroad, Hdt., Thuc. συν-€ΐσ€ρχομαι, Dep. to enter along with or together, δο/χουί Eur, ; es oikovs Id., etc. (Γυν€ίσομαι, used as fut. of σύνοιδα. συν-εισττίτττω, f. -ττ^σουμαι, to fall or be thrown into with others, Xen. II, to rush in together, of soldiers pursuing- the besieged to the gates and getting in with them, Hdt., Thuc. οτυν-εισττλβω, f. -ττΧ^ΰσομαι, to sail into together, Xen. (τυν-εκητράσσω, Att. -ττω, f. ξω, to help one (τινί) in exacting money /row another {riva), Dem. ίτυν-εισφερω, f. -ζΐσοίσω, to join in paying the war- tax {(ΐσφορά), Xen, ίτυν-βκβαίνω, f. -βτ^σομαι, to go out together, Xen. συν-€κβάλλω, f. -βάλω, to cast out along with, τι tlvl Hdt. 2. to assist in casting out or expelling, Xen. €Γνν-€κβΐβάζω, f. -βιβω, Causal of συν^κβαίνω, to help in bringing out, Xen. (τυν-εκδημεω, f. ήσω, to be abroad with, τινί Plut. σ-υν-εκδημο5, b, a fellow-traveller , N.T. συν-6κδίδωμι, f. -δώσω, to give out or give up together, Plut. 2. to help a poor man in portioning ojit his daughter, Dem. συν-€κδύομαι, f. -δΰσομαι [ϋ], Med. to put off at the sa7ne time, Hdt. συν-εκθνησκω, f. -θάνουμαι, to faint along with, σ. τφ ττώματι, i.e. to drink till wine and drinker fail together, Eur. σνν-εκκαίδεκα, sixteen together, by sixteens, Dem. (τυν-εκκαίω, f. -καύσω, to set on fire together, Plut. σ^ν-εκκλε'ΐΓΤω, f. φω, to help to steal away, Eur. ; σ. yagovs to help in concealing the marriage. Id. (τυν-εκκλησιάζω, f. σω, to frequent the εκκλησία to- gether, Plut. ση;ν-εκκομίζω, f. Att. ιώ, to carry out along with, Plut. II. to help in carrying out , help hi achieving, Eur. ; σ. τινϊ κακά to help one in bearing evils. Id. ετυν-εκκότΓτω, f. φω, to help to cut away, Xen. συν-εκκρουομαι, Pass, to be driven from one's pur- pose together, Plut, ετυν-εκλεκτόζ, i^, 6v, chosen along with, τισί N. T. ετυνεκλΰομαι, Pass, to be dissolved together, Anth. (τυν-εκιτε'μτΓω, f. φω, to send out together, Xen. συνεκττεράω, f. άσω [ά], to come out together, Xen. ετυν-εκτΓίνω [i], f. -ττίομαι, to drink off together, Xen. (τυν-εκιτίτΓτω, f. -ττ^σουμαι, to rush out together with others, c. dat., Plut. 2. to be driven out or banished together, \A. 3. to disappear together, 'Lxic. II. of voting tablets, to come out in agreement, to happen to agree, Hdt. ; al ιτλ^Ίσται yvώμaL συν^ττιπτορ ναυσιμα- χεειν agreed in advising to fight. Id. ; then of persons, oi πολλοί σ. Θξμιστοκλ€α Kpivovns agreed in choosing. Id. 2. c. dat, to come out equal to another, run a dead heat with him, συνεξεττιπτε τφ πρώτφ Id. III. to be thrown out together, to be rejected, Luc. σνν-εκττλε'ω, Ion. -ττλώω, f . -πλ^όσομαι, to sail out along with, τινί Hdt., Thuc. σνν-εκττνεω, f. -πν^νσομαι, to breathe one's last along with another, c. dat., Eur. — συν€ν^ί^ωμί. συν-εκτΓονεω, f. τ^σω, to help in working out, Eur. : ter help in achieving or effecting. Id. 2. without acc., σ. τινί to assist to the utmost. Id. II. to assist in supporting, συν^κπονονσα κώλον Id. συν-εκτΓορίζω, f. Att. ιώ, to help in procuring or supplying, τί τινι Xen. (τυνεκτΓοτεα, verb. Adj. of συνζκπίνω, one must drink off at the same time, Ar. (τυν-εκττράσσομαι, Ion. -ττρ-ησσομαι, Med. to assist in avenging, Hdt. συν-εκσώζω, f. σω, to help in delivering. Soph, συν-εκτάσσω, Att. -ττω, to arrange in line with, Xen. (τυνεκτε'ον, verb. Adj., one must keep together, Xen. συν-εκτίκτω, to bring forth together, Arist. (τυνεκτίνω, f. -τίσω [i], to pay along with or together, to help in Paying, Dem. (τυν-εκτρδ,χυνομαι, Pass, to he furious together, Plut, συν-εκτρε'φω, f. -θρ^φω, to rear up along with or to- gether, Plat. : — Pass, to grow up with, τινί Eur. συν-εκτρε'χω, f. -δράμουμαι, to sally out together, Xen. (τυν-εκφερω, f. -ΐξοίσω, to carry out together, esp. to burial, to attend a funeral, Thuc. συν-εκχε'ω, f. -χεώ, to pour out together, Anth. (τυνελαβον, aor. 2 of συλλαμβάνω, (τυνελάλουν, impf. of συλλαλ4ω. συν-ελαυνω, f. -ελάσω [ά] : aor. i -τ]λάσα, Ep. -ε'λασ- σα : — to drive together, II., Xen. ; συν δ' ηλασ οδόντα$ gnashed his teeth together, Od. II. to match in combat, set to fight, Horn. : — Intr., ίριδι ξυν€λαυν4- μΐν to meet in quarrel, II. συνελεΧν, aor. 2 inf, of συναιρ4ω. (τυν-ελευθερόω, f. ώσω, to join in freeing from another, c. gen., Hdt. : — absol. to join in freeing. Id., Thuc. συνελήλΰθα, pf. of συνέρχομαι. συνελθεΐν, aor. 2 inf. of συν4ρχομαι. (τυν-ελίσσω, Ion. συν-ειλ-, Att. -ττω, f, ξω, to roll together ; — Pass, to involve oneself in a thing, c. dat., Soph. 2. intr. to coil itself up, of a serpent, Eur. στ;νελκυστε'ον, verb. Adj. one must draw together,. Xen. From συν-ελκω, f. |ω : aor. i -έίλκύσα : — to draw together, to draw tip, contract, Ar. II. to draw out along with, to help to draw out. Id., Xen. συνελών, aor. 2 part, of συναιρ4ω. συν-εμβαίνω, f . -βησομαι, to embark together, τινί with one, Luc. οτυν-εμβάλλω, f . -βάλω, to help in applying, Ar. II. intr. to fall upon also, to join in attacking, Xen.; to make a joint inroad, Dem. συν-εμβολ-η, η, a throwing in together, σ. κώπη5 the regular dip of all the oars together, to the sound of the κ4λέυσμα, Aesch. II. a junction, fastening. Id, συνε'μεν, for συνέΐναι, aor. 2 inf. of συνίημι. συνε'μιχθεν, for -ησαν, 3 pi. aor. i pass, of συμμίyvυμι. σαιν-εμττίττρημι, f. -πρΊ]σω, to burii together, Eur, ετυν-εμΊτίτΓτω, f. -πέσοΰμαι, to fall in or upon together, Luc. 2. to fall on or attack together, Plut, σα»ν-εμ7Γορο5, b, η, a fellow-traveller , companion, attendant, Trag., Plat. : — metaph., λύπτ; δ' &μισθos 4στί σοι ξ. Aesch. ; c. gen. rei, σ. xopeias partner in the dance, Ar. (τυν-ενδίδωμι, f. -δώσω, to give in together, Plut. avveveyKai — (τυνεττιΧαμβάνομαι. συνενεγκαι, aor. ι inf. of συμφέρω. <Γυν-εν€ίκομαΐ) Ερ. for συμφ4ρομαί, to strike or dash against a thing, c. dat., Hes. σ-υν-εξάγω, f. ξω, to lead out together^ Hdt. : Pass, to be carried away together, Anth. <Γυν-εξαιρεω, f. : aor. 2 -ε|€Γλθϊ/, Ion. inf. : —to take out together, to help in removing, Hdt. : — Med., Eur. : to take away also, Xen. 2. to help in taking, Eur., Xen. συν-εξαίρω, to assist in raising : Pass., aor. i part. avye^ape^'is being lifted tip at once, Plut. ; being excited at the same time, Luc. (τυν-εξακολουθεω, f. ·Ιί\σω, to follow constantly, to attend everywhere, Polyb. ση»ν-ε|ακοΰω, f. οΰσομαι, to hear all together. Soph, (τυν-εξαλείψω, f. φω, to abolish together, Plut. οτυν-εξαμαρτάνω, f. ~αμαρτ4\σομαι, to have part in a fault, Thuc., etc. ; rivi with one, Dem., etc. <τυν-εξαμείβω, f. φω, to remove together, Babr. ετυν-εξανίστημι, f. -αι/αστήσω, to stir up together, Plut. II. Pass., with aor. 2 and pf. act., to rise τιρ at the same time, rise and come forth with. Id. 2. to rise in rebellion, revolt together. Id. «Γυν-εξά-ΤΓατάω, f. ήσα>, to cheat together or also, Dem. <Γυν-εξειμι, {β,μι ibo) to go out along with or together, Thuc. ; c. dat., Xen. <Γυν-ε|ελαυνω, f. Att. -ελώ, to drive out along with or together, Aesch. συν-εξερύω, f. σω, to draw out together, Anth. σ-υν-ε|ερχομαι : aor. 2 -(ξηλθον : Dep. : — to go or come out with, TLPi Hdt., Eur. <Γυν-ε|ετάζω, f. σω, to search out and examine along with or together. Plat. : — Pass., oi συν^^^ταζόμ^νοι μ^τά Tivos or TiPi his party or adherents, Dem. <Γυν-εξευρίσκω, to assist in finding out, Eur., Isocr. ση^ν-εξημερόομαι, Pass, to be civilised together, Plut. (τυν-εξιχνευω, f . σω, to trace out along with, τι τινι Plut. ο-υν-εξορμάω, f. 4]σω, to help to urge on, Isocr. II. intr. to rush forth or sally out together, Xen. συν-εξωθε'ω, f. ήσω, to thrust out together, Strab. ίτυν-εοχμός, b, poet, for συν-οχμό$, = συνοχ'ί), a joining, joint, II. συν-εττάγω, f. |ω, to lead together against, Thuc. 2. to join in bringing in a foreign force to aid. Id. σ-υν-ετταγωνίζομαι, f. -ιουμαι, Dep. to join in stirring up a contest besides, Polyb. συν-εττάδω, poet, -αείδω, f. -άσομαι, to join in cele- brating, Eur. συν-ετταινε'ω, f. 4σω, Ep. ήσω, to approve together, give joint assent, consent, Aesch., Xen. ; — c. inf., tr. μάχ^σθαι to join in the recommendation to fight, Thuc.; — σ. τι to consent or agree to. Id. II. to join in praising, τινα Xen., Plat, συν-ε'τταινος, ον, joining in approbation of a thing, συν. elvai to give one^s consent to a thing, τινι or absol., Hdt.; c. acc. et inf. to consent that . . , Id. συν-ετταίρω, f. -αρω, to raise or lift at the same time, Xen. : — Pass, to be elevated together with, τινι Luc. II. to urge on together or also, Xen. : — Pass, to rise together with others, c. dat., Plut. ο"ον-ετΓαιτιάομαι, f. -σομαι, Dep. to accuse also of a thing, τινά τινο$ Thuc. 773 (τυν-ετταιωρεομαι, Pass, to continue soaring over, Plut. συν-εττακολουθε'ω, f. to follow closely. Plat, «τυν-ετταμ-υνω \υ\,ί.-υνω,Ιο join in repelling, τινάΎ\\\λθ. (τυν-εττανίστημι, to make to rise tip against to- gether. II. Pass., with aor. 2 act., to join in a revolt, Hdt., Thuc. ; τινι or ΐχμα τινι Hdt. συνετταξα, Dor. for -έπηξα, aor. i of συμπτυνυμι. συν-εττανορθάω, aor. i συν^πηνώρθωσα (v. άνορθόω) to join in reestablishing, Dem. συν-εττάτΓτομαι, Ion. for σνν-ζφάπτομαι. συνειτήδησα, aor. i of σνμπ^Βάω. συν-εττειμι, (εΤμι ibo) to join in attacking, τινι Thuc. συν-εττεκητί-ιττω, to rush in upon together, Plut. συν-εττεισφε'ρομαι, Med. to help to bring in, Xen. συν-εττεκΊτίνω, f. -πίομαι, to drhik ojf together, Anth. συν-εττελαφρυνω [O], f. ΰνω, to help to make light, i. e. to assist in hearing, Hdt. συν-επερείδω, f. σω, to help in inflicting, πληγήν Plut. ; σ. υπόνοιαν τινι to help to fix a suspicion on him. Id. II. c. acc. pers. to transfix, συνεπερείσαί τη ρύμη του Ίππου charging him with all the force of his horse. Id. σ-υν-εττερίζίο, f. σω, to contend also with, τινι Anth. (τυνεττεσον, aor. 2 of συμπίπτω. συνείΓειητόμην, Ion. aor. 2 of συν^φέπομαι. συνειτε'στην, aor. 2 of συν^φίστημι. συν-εττευθιίνω, f. υνώ, to help to direct or guide, τι Plut. συν-εττευχομαι, f. ξομαι, Dep. to join in prayer, Thuc.; but c. inf. fut. to make a vow also to do a thing, Xen. ίτυν-εττηχεω, f. -ίησω, to join in a chant or chorus, Xen. II. to resound with a thing, Luc. συν-ετΓΐβαίνω, f. -βησομαι, to mount together, του τεί- χους on the wall, Plut. συν-εττιβάλλω, f. -βάλω, to apply one^s mind also, to consider a thing together, Polyb. II. to coincide with, Kaipois Id. συν-ετΓίβλάΐΓτομαι, Pass, to be damaged together with, τινι Arist. συν-ετΓιβουλευω, f. σω, to join in plotting against another, Xen. avv-i'n\.ypai.^iv%,6,afello%v-registrar,fellow-clerk,\socv. συν-ετΓίδείκνΰμι or -υω, to point out together, Polyb. συν-ετΓίθειάζω, to ascribe to divine interposition, Plut. συν-εΐΓΐθϋμεω, f . ήσω, to desire along with, τινι τινο5 Xen. συν-εττίκειμαι, Pass, to join in attacking, Ar. συν-εττικλάω, to break down at once, Plut. <Γυν-εΐΓΐκοσμε'ω, f. ήσω, to help to adorn, Xen., Arist. συν-ετΓίκουρεω, f. Ίί\σω, to join as an ally, help to relieve, Xen. συν-ετΓίκουφίζω, f. σω, to lighten at the same time, Plut. II. to help in relieving. Id. συν-ετΓίκραδαίνω, to move backwards and forwards together with, Xen. συν-ετΓίκρυτΓτω, f. φω, to help to conceal, Plut. συν-ετΓίλαμβάνομαι, Med. to take part in together, have a share in, partake in, c. gen. rei, Hdt., Thuc. : σ. τινι τινο 5 to take part with or assist one in a thing, Luc.; σ. τινι του φόβου to contribute towards in- creasing their fear, Thuc. 2. c. gen. pers. to take the part of, Plut. II. Act. in same sense, Κό^ιρ καΐ έρΎψ συν^πιλαμβάν^ιν τινι ίο take part with him in word and deed, Thuc. 774 συνετΓίμελβομαί — <Γυν-€'7Γΐμ€λ6ομαι, Dep. [μίΚομαι) to join in taking care of or attending to, tlvos Thuc., Xen. ; σ. tt]s arparias to have joint charge the army, Xen. ; absol., Id. (Γνν-£ΊΓΐμ€λητής, ου, δ, a coadjutor, Xen. ατυν-ετΓίρρβττω, f. ψω, to incline tovoards together. Pint. <Γυν-6ΐηρρώννΐμι, to help to strengthen, Plut. συν-εΐΓίσκοιτεω, f. -σκόρομαι, to exa7nine together •with, τί Tivi Xen. (Γνν-€ΤΓΐστΓάω, f. σπάσω [ά], to draw on together, Plut. II. Med. to draw on along with one, esp. to ruin. Plat., Dem., etc. ανν-εττισιτευδω, f. σω, to join in forcing onward, Xen. συν-εττίσταμαι, Dep. to he privy to, Xen., Luc. οτυν-εττιστατεω, f . ά]σω, to act as a common patron. Plat. σ-υν-βίΓίστελλω, to send with or together, Luc. (Γυν-€7Γΐστρατ€ύω, f. σω, to join in makhig war, τινί with another, Thuc., Dem. σνν-εΐΓίστρεφω, f. ψω, to turn at the same tune. Plat. 2. to help to make attentive, Plut. σνν-€ΤΓΐ<Γχΰω, f. ΰσω [ϋ], to join in supporting, Xen. <Γυν-£ΤΓΐτ€ίνω, f. -revo), to help to aggravate, Polyb. σνν-€πιτ€λ€ω, f. ίσω, to help to accomplish, Plut. 2. to join in perforrniyig, παιάνα deep Xen. avv-iTririQT]\Liyi. -θ-ησω, to help i7i putting on, Plut. II. Med. to join in attacking, nvi Thuc. ; |. τφ to fall to the work together, l4 <Γυν-€ΐΓΐτΐμάω, f. -ησω, to join in chiding, Plut. <Γυν-6ΤΓΐτρίβω [t], f. ψω, to destroy at 07ice, Xen. σ-υν-εττίτροττος, δ, a joint guar dia7i, Dem. συν-ετΓίφε'ρω, f. -(ποίσω, to j out i7i applying, Plut. οτυν-ετΓίχειρε'ω, to attack together, Polyb. συν-ετΓίφεύδομαι, Dep. to join in lying, Luc. <Γυν-ετΓΐψηφίζω, to johi in ratifying a law, Arist. σ-υνεττνιϊα, aor. i of συμπνί-γω. ετυν-ετΓομαι, aor. 2 -^σπόμην : Dep. : — to folTow along with, follow closely, absol., Od., Thuc., etc.; c. dat., Hdt., etc. ; οΰ σοι τφ βίφ ξυν€σπ€το (thy fortunes) remained not C07istant to thy life. Soph. 2. σ. τφ Koyep to follow the argument to its conseque7ices. Plat. ; — absol., ξυνζπομαι I follow, i. e. understand. Id. συν-ειτόμνΰμι, f. -ομόσω, to swear besides, Xen. σ-υν-ερανιζω, f. σω, to join in co7itrihuti7ig, to collect, Luc. : — Med. to receive contributioiis, Plut. στ^ν-εραστής, ου, δ, a joint lover, Xen. συνεράω (a), f. άσω [ά], to potir together, gather to- gether, συνΐράσαι roi/s Xoyovs Isocr. ο-υν-εράω (b), impf. -·ηρων, to love together with, τινί Eur. ; so in Ep. med. inf. συν4ρασθαι, Bion. ετυν-εργάζομαι, f. -άσομαι : Dep. : — to work with, co- operate, Soph. ; σ. πρ05 τι to contribute towards or to a thing, Xen. II. aor. i -είργάσβην, pf. -eίpyaσμaι in pass, sense, λίθοι ξυveιρyaσμ4voι stones wrought so as to fit together, i. e. in ashlar-work, Thuc.; συveιpyάσθη %pyov it was wrought, Anth. (τυν-εργάτης [ά], ου, δ, a fellow-work7na7i, helpmate, coadjutor. Soph., Eur. ; c. gen. a7i acco7nplice or assistant hi a thing, Eur. σννεργατίνης [t], ου, δ, poet, for συv€pyάτηs, Anth. σνν-εργάτις [ά], idos, δ, fern, of avv€pyaT7]s. σ-υνεργεω, impf. -'f}pyoυv, (συvepyόs) to work together with, help in work, cooperate, Eur., Xen., etc. ; — generally, to cooperate with, assist, τινί Dem. Hence συνεστανρωμβνυς. (τυνε'ργημα, aros, τό, assistance, support, Polyb. ετυνεργητης, ου, δ, poet, for συv€pyάτ■ηs, Anth. συνεργία, η, {συv€py4ω) joint working, cooperation, Arist. ; in bad sense, conspiracy, collusion, Dem. συν-εργός, όν, {*eρyω) working together, joining or helphig in work, and as Subst. afellow-work7nan, help- mate, coadjutor, accomplice, Eur., Thuc., etc.; c. dat. pers., Eur., Thuc. : — c. gen. rei, σ. τξίχ^οΒ helping to inake it, Pind.; σ. αδίκων 4ρyωv, operas helping towards them, Eur. ; σ. τινί tivos helping a person in a thing, Xen. ; efs or Trpos τι Id. II. of the same trade as another, a fellow-workman, colleague, Dem. (τυν-εργω, old form of Att. συν^ίρτγω, f. συν€ίρξω : Ep. συve€pyω, impf. συve€pyov or συvζ4ρyaθov : — to shut up or e7iclose together, Horn., Soph. II. to fasten together, Od. : — to unite. Plat. (τυν-ε'ρδω, f. |a>, to join in a work, help, τινί Soph, συν-ερείδω, f. σω, to set firmly together, Od. : to bind together, bmd fast, Eur. : — Pass., συν€ρζΐσθ€Ϊ5 xepos Seo/io?s with 07ie’s hands tight bound. Id. 2. σ. τδν Koyισμόv to reason closely, Plut. II. intr> to meet hi close conflict. Id. συν-ερε'ω, Att. -€ρώ, fut. without pres, in use (v. συνα- γορευω) : pf. -ζίρηκα : — to speak with or together, ad- vocate, support in a speech, c. dat., Xen., Dem. (Γυν-ε'ρϊθθ5, rj, a helpmate, Od., Ar.; σ. τίχναι assistant arts. Plat. ; σ. άτρακτοε Anth. συν-ερκτικ 05 , ή, όν, {συv4pyω) of a speaker, driving his opponent into a corner, cogent, Ar. συνερξις, η, (συνεργώ) close union, wedlock. Plat, συνε'ρρηγμαι, pf. pass, of συpp■ηyvυμι. συν-ε'ρχομαι, f. -ζλ^ΰσομαι, but the Att. fut. is σΰν^ιμι. (el/it ibo) : Dep. with aor. 2 and pf. act. ; — to go to- gether or in company, II. II. to come together, assemble, Hdt., Eur., etc.; σ. es τωυτό Hdt.; σ. es Xoyovs τινί Id. ; simply, σ. τινι to have dealings or intercourse with. Soph. 2. in hostile sense, to meet in battle, Hdt.; also of the battle, μάχ-η υπό τινων ξυν€λθοΰσα engaged in, contested by them, Thuc. 3. to come together, be bonded together, Eur., Plat. ; to- form a league, Dem. 4. c. acc. cogn., τούτην την στρατείον ξυνηλθον joined in this expedition, Thuc. ; so, τδ σδν λ4χο$ ξυνηλθον shared thy bed. Soph. III. of things, to be joined in one. Id., Eur.; of numbers, to make up a sum, Hdt. 2. of events, to concur, happen together. Id. συν-ερωτάω,-#7 ήσω, to ask with or at the same time, Luc. II. to establish a point by means of question and answer. Id. συνες, aor. 2 impe*!·. of συνίημι. σννΐσίζ, Att. ξΰνεσίς, η, (σύν-^ιμι (εΤμι iboj) a coming together, union, |υνεσί5 δυω ποταμών Od. II. {συνίημι) quick comprehension, mother -wit, intelli- gence, sagacity, Thuc. ; of animals. Plat. 2. c. gen. rei, intelligence hi a thing, sagacity in respect to it. Id.; ττερί tivos Thuc. III. conscience,— συνείδησίν, Eur. IV. a branch of art or science, Arist. συνεσττάραξα, aor. i of συσπαράσσω. συνεσττόμην, aor. 2 of συνόπομαι. συνεσταλμε'νος, pf. pass. part, of συστε'λλω. <Γυνεσταώ5, for — εστηκώϊ, pf. part, of συνίστημι. συνεσταυρωμε'νος, pf. pass. part, of συσταυρόω. avvecrreop — συνη^ομαι. θΓυν€στ€ον, verb. Adj. of σνναμι {^Ιμί sum), one must associate Oiith, τινί Plat. <Γυν€στ£ΐλα, aor. i of συστέλλω. ίτυνεστηκότως, Adv. pf. part, of συνιστημι, steadfastly , gravely, Arist. συν€στην, aor. 2 of συνίστημι. συν-βστιάω, f. άσω [ά], to entertain in one's house, Anth. : — Pass, to feast along vaith or together, Dem. θΓυν-€στιο5, ον, (Ιστίο) sharing one’s hearth or house, a fellow-lodger, guest, Lat. contubernalis. Soph., Eur.; — ξυν^σηοι ttoAcos hisy^Z/ow-citizens, Aesch. : — c. dat. pers., σ. σοι καΐ δμοτράπίζθ5 Plat. ; c. dat. rei, ξ. 4μοϊ θοίντ) associates with me ui the feast, Eur. 2. of Zeus, guardian of the hearth, Aesch. σννείττραμμενως, Adv. part. pf. pass, of συστρέφω, in a close packed manner, tersely, Arist. 0 Γυν€σ·τώ, ovs, rj, {σΰν^ιμι) = συνουσία ii, a party, ban- quet, Hdt. (τυνεστώς, for -«στηκώϊ, pf. part, of συνίστημι. συνεσχον, aor. 2 of συνέχω. σνν-€ταιρος, δ, a companion, partner, comrade, Hdt. σννβτάφην [ά], aor. 2 pass, of συνθάτττω. (τυνβτλην, aor. 2 of συντολμάω. σννίτός, ά], 6v, (συνίημι) intelligent, sagacious, wise, prudens, Hdt., Pind., etc.; rh συνετόν = σύν€σί5, Eur., Thuc. : — c. gen. rei, intelligent in a thing, |uve- Ths ττολ4μου Eur. ; also c. acc., to οίκτρά ξ. Id. II. pass, intelligible, Theogn., Hdt., etc. ; act. and pass, senses conjoined, €υξύν€το$ ξυνζτοΊσι βοά Eur. III. Adv. -Ta>s, intelligently. Id. 2. intelligibly, Plut. <Γυν-€υδαιμον£ω, f. ήσα>, to share in happiness, Xen. <Γυν-£υδοκεω, f. ήσω, to consent to a thing, c. dat., N. T. 2. Zo sympathise with, τινί Ib. σ-υν-£ΰδω, f. -βυδήσω, to sleep with, Hdt., Soph. II. του ξυν€ύδοντο5 χρόνου in the time coincident with sleep, Aesch. 0Γυν£υημ.£ρεω, f. ά\σω, to enjoy the day or be happy to- gether, Plut. (τυν-£υνάζομ.αι, Pass, to lie with, Pind., Soph. <Γυν-£υνάομαι, ΡΆ55., = συν€υνάζω, Hdt., Luc. συν-ευνετης, ου, δ, a bed-fellow, husband, consort, Eur. : — fern, σ-υνευνε'τις, iZos, a wife or concubine. Id. συν-ευνος, δ, η, (εννή) a consort, Pind., Trag. (τυν-ευττάίτχω, to derive profit together, Dem. σνν-ευίΓορε'ω, f. ήσω, to help to contribute, Dem. 2. c. gen. rei, to assist by contributing towards, Id. 3. to help in contriving, Plut. σνν-ευτΐίχε'ω, f. ήσω, to be fortunate together, Eur. (τυν-εΰχομαι, f. ξομαι, Dep. to pray with or together, Eur.; τούτο δτ; |. I join in the sscmG prayer. Id. οτυν-ευωχε'ομαι, Pass, to fare sumptuously or feast to- gether, Tivi with one, Luc. σνν-εφάτΓτομαι, Ion. συνεττ-, f. -άφομαι, Dep. : 1. c. gen. rei, to take part in, epyoo Pind. ; Tohs συνζφαπτομόνου5 those who take part in [the war], Aeschin. 2. c. gen. pers. to join one in attack- ing, Hdt. (τυν-εφεδρεύω, f. σω, to wait to fight the conqueror, Polyb. : — σ. τινί to watch closely. Id. (τυν-εφελκω, aor. i -^ίΚκΰσα (cf. έλκω) : — to draw after or along with one together. Plat. 775 ετυν-εφέτΓομαι, aor. 2 -(φ^σττόμην, Ion. -επεσπόμην, Dep. : — to follow together, Hdt. ; τινι with one, Xen. <Γυν-ε'φηβο5, δ, at the age of youth together, a young comrade, Aeschin. συν-εφίστημι, f . -επίστήσω : aor. i -^ττόστ-ησα : — to set on the watch together, make attentive, Polyb. : — then (sub. τδν νουν), to attend to, observe along with, Id. II. Pass, συν υφίσταμαι, with aor. 2 act. to stand over, superintend along with or together, Thuc. 2. to rise up together, κατά tivos against one, N. T. συνε'χεια, (συ^'εχήί) continuity , Arist. 2. con- nexion or sequence of words or arguments, Luc. II. continued attention, perseverance, Dem. συνε'χευα, Ep. for -εχεο, aor. i of συγχέω, συνεχής, 0s, (συνέχω) holding together : I. of space, continuous, contiguous, Thuc., Plat.: — c. dat. con- tinuous with or contiguous to, in a line with, Hdt., Eur. II. of Time, continuous, unintermitting , Xen. ; τδ |υνεχεΤ = συνεχείο, Thuc. III. of persons, constant, persevering, Xen. B. Adv. σύνεχώϊ. Ion. -iωs : 1. of Time, con- tinually , Vies.·, Sup. -εVταταXen. 2. with Numbers, continuously , Ar., Thuc. II. in Ep. συνΒχ05 as Adv., II.; συνζχ\3 aWi unceasing ever, Οά. [σϋνεχεΤ Horn., and σϋνεχεω5 Hes., the first syll. being lengthd.] συν-εχθαίρω, f. άρω, to join in hating, Anth. συνε'χθω, poet, for συν^χθαίρω, Soph, συν-εχω, f. |ω : aor. 2 συνόσχον : — fut. med. in pass, sense, Dem. : — to hold or keep together, II. : to enclose, encompass, embrace, Hes., Plat. 2. to keep to- gether, keep from dispersing, of soldiers, Xen., Dem. : — then, σ. 'κόλιν to keep the state together, keep it from falling to pieces, Eur. ; κοίΧ Beoi/s καϊ ανθρώτΓου5 Ύ] κοινωνία ξ. Plat. ; σ. τήν πολιτείαν Dem. ; so, |. ttjv ζΐρ^σίαν to keep the rowers together, make them pull in time, Thuc. 3. to constrain or force one to a thing, N. T. 4. to compress, oppress, lb. : Pass. to be constrained, oppressed, afflicted, Hdt., Att. II. intr. to meet, els ev Arist. συν-ηβολε'ω, (/3άλεΓν, with η inserted) to fall in with, c. dat., Babr. σύν-ηβος, δ, η, (ή)8η) a young friend, Eur. συνηγορεω, f. ήσω, (συνήγοροί) to be an advocate, σ. τινί to be his advocate, plead his cause, Ar., Aeschin. ; also σ. ύττερ tivos Dem. ; περί tivos Arist. II. σ. τφ κατηΎορψ to second the accuser. Soph. Hence συνηγορία, η, advocacy of another’s cause, a speech in his behalf, Aeschin. ; and συνηγορικός, ή, 6v, of or for a συνήγοροί : — τδ συνη- •γορικόν the advocate’s fee, being a drachma per diem paid to the public συντ-,-γοροι, Ar. συν-ήγορος, ον, {ά-γορά) speaking with, of the same tenor with. Soph. II. as Subst. one who speaks with another, an advocate, Aesch. : — at Athens the συνηΎοροι were of two kinds, 1. public advocates, ten being appointed annually to represent the state, Ar., Dem., etc. 2. private advocates, counsel, who were not allowed to take a fee, Dem. συν-γιδε'άτε, Ion. for -ρδειτε, 2 pi. plqpf· of σύνοζδα. συν-ήδομαι, f. -ησθήσομαί ; aor. i -ήσθην : Dep.: — to rejoice together. Plat., Xen., etc. : σ. τινι to rejoice with, sympathise with, Hdt., Att. 2. c. dat. rei. συνη^ννω — συνθνη (τκω. 776 to rejoice at a thing, be pleased, gratified, Arist. ; eVi Tivi Xen. 3. c. dat. pers. et rei. Soph. <Γυν-ηδύνω, f. ννω, to make pleasant to the taste ; — generally, to help in cheering, Arist. σννήθίΐα, η, (συντιθηί) habitual intercourse, acquaint- ance, society, intimacy, Lat. consuetude, Aeschin., etc. II. habit, custom, habituation, h. Horn., Plat.: c. gen., ipyov habituation to 3ii\).\ng,Oem. 2. the customary use of a phrase, Aeschin. συν-ηθης, es, gen. eos, contr. ous, {^9os) dwelling or living together, accustomed or used to each other, Hes. : like each other in habits, Thuc., Plat. : — σ. τινί intimate with one. Plat. II. habituated, accus- tomed, τινί to a thing. Id. 2. of things, habitual, customary , usual, ordinary. Soph., Thuc. ; rb ξυνηθ^ε τησυχον your habitual quietness, Thuc. ; rb ffvvrjOes custom, Xen. III. Adv. -Qws, habitually, as is usual, Aeschin. συνήθροισμαι, pf. pass, of συναθροίζω. ίτυνήκα, aor. i of συνί-ημι. συν-ήκω, f. ξω, to have come together, to be assembled, to meet, Thuc. II. σ. ets eV to meet in a point, Xen. οτυνήλθον, aor. 2 of συνέρχομαι. σνν-ήλιξ, Ikos, ό, η, of like or equal age, Lat. aequalis, a playmate, comrade, Aesch., Anth. (τυν-ηλΰσίη and -ήλΰσι?, eωs, -η, (^λυθον, aor. 2 of έρχομαι) a meeting, assembly, Anth. !τυνημ€ρ£υτή5, ου, ό, a daily companion, Arist. From οτυν-ημβρευω, f. σω, to pass the day together or with, τινί Xen., etc. (τυνημοσΰνη, η, used in pi., like συνθηκαι, agreements, covenants, solemn promises, II. From <Γυνήμων, ον, (συνί-ημι) united. (τυνήορος, Dor. and Att. (τυνάορος, ον, {συνα€ίρω) linked with, accompanying, c. dat., Od., Pind. 2. absol. joined in wedlock, and as Subst. a consort, Eur. (Γυν-ηρ6Τ€ω, f. ήσα», (iperyjs) to assist in rowing : gene- rally, to assist, befriend, τινί Soph. <Γυν-ηρ€φής, es, (έρέψω) thickly covered, Hdt., Plut. : — metaph., IwTjpe^es ιτρόσωπον her clouded face, Eur. σννήρμοσμαι, pf. pass, of συναρμόζω. ο-υνήριτασα, -άσθην, aor. i act. and pass, of συναρπάζω. συν-ησσάομαι, Att. -ττάομαι, Pass, to be conquered together, Xen. <Γυν-ηχ€ω, f. -ίησω, to sound together or in unison, Plut. II. to ring with, echo to, c. dat., Theophr. συνηχθην, aor. i pass, of συνάγω. συνήψα, aor. i of συνάπτω. συνθα.<€ω, f. ήσω, to sit with, σ. νυκτί to take counsel with the night, Eur. From σΰν-θάκος, ον, sitting with or together with, Ζ-ηνΧ συν- θακο$ θρόνων partner with Zeus s or 0s, Ion. συv(στeώs, ζώσα, eais : also f. med. συστΊ\σομαι : — to stand together, Hdt., Xen. ; of soldiers, to form in 777 order of battle, Xtn. II. in hostile sense, ττολεμοίο συv€στaότos when battle is joined, 11. : — so, of per- sons, συνίστασθαί τινι to meet him in fight, be engaged with, Hdt., Att. : — absol., σνν^στηκότων των στρατηγώί' when the generals were at issue, Hdt. 2. ίο be in- volved in a thing, λίμω καϊ καμάτιρ Id. ; συvcστώτes άγωνι Thuc. III. to form a league or imion. Id. ; τδ ξννιστάμ€νον the conspirators, Ar. ; so, 01 ξυν- eστώτes, τδ σvveστηκ6s Thuc., Aeschin. 2. gener- ally, to be connected or allied, as by marriage, c. acc. cogn., λεχοϊ 'ΗρακλεΤ ξυστάσα Soph. IV. to be put together, organised, framed, Xen. 2 . to arise, become, take place, Dem. 3 . to hold together, en- dure, continue, Hdt. : in military sense, ξvv€στci;s arpaTos a well-disciplined army, Eur. ; στράτευμα συveστηκόs a standing army, Dem. V. to be compact, solid, firm, Xen. VI. to be contracted, ^vveTTbs φρένων = σvστaσιs B. ll. 2, Eur. συν-ίστωρ, opos, δ, η, knowing along with another, conscious, las θεοί ξυvίστop€s as the gods are witnesses. Soph., etc. 2. c. acc. (with the verbal constr.), τΓολλά συνίστορα κακά conscious 0/ many evils, Aesch. συνισχναίνω, f. άνω, to help to dry tip : — metaph. to join with in reducing, Eur. συν-ισχΰρίζω, f. σω, to help to strengthen, Xen. συν-ίσχω, = (Τοϊ/εχω Pass, to be afflicted. Plat, συν-ναίω, to dwell with others, c. dat., Aesch., Soph, συν-νάσσω, f. ξω, to pack tight together, Hdt. συν-ναυβάτης [aj, ου, δ, a shipmate. Soph, συν-ναυμάχεω, f. ησω, to engage in a sea-fight along with others, c. dat., Hdt., Ar. συν-ναΰτης, ου, δ, a shipmate. Soph., Eur. συν-νεμω, f. -ν^μω, to tend together, of the shepherd : generally, to make one's associate, Plut. συννενε'αται, Ion. 3 pi. pf. pass, of σνννύω. συν-νεΰω, f. σω, to incline to a point, converge, Plut. II. to consent, agree. Soph, συν-νεφελος, ον, (ν^φύλη) cloudy, overcast, Thuc. ετυν-νεφεω, pf. -νύνοφα, to collect clouds, Ar. : — impers. συνν^φΦι it is cloudy (cf. vei), Arist. II. metaph. of persons, συνν^φονσα ύμμaτav.'earing a clouded look, Eur. From συν-νεφής, is, (νίφο^) clouded over, cloudy : — of per- sons, gloomy, Eur. συν-νεω, f. -νά]σω, to pile or heap together, heap up, Hdt. : — Pass., pf. part, ξυvv€vr]μivos Thuc. ; Ion. 3 pi. pf. pass. avvveviaTai Hdt. συν-νε'ω, f. -νβνσομαι, to swim together or with, Luc. συν-νήχομαι, f. -ξομαι, Dep. to swim with, rtz/i Luc. συν-νϊκάω, to have part in a victory with, τινι Eur. συν-νοε'ω, f. ά}σω, to meditate or reflect upon a thing. Soph., Plat. : — so in Med., Eur. II. to perceive by thinking, comprehend, understand , Plat., etc. : — so in Med., Ar. lienee συννοια, Ion. -ίη, η, meditation, deep thought. Soph., etc.; συννοίτ} 4χόμevos wrapt in thought, Hdt. ^ 2 . anxious thought, anxiety, Aesch., luir. ; συννοία υΐυν δ(δρακ€ by remorse for the deed, Eur. συν-νομος, ον, (νύμομαι) feeding together, gregarious, Ar., etc. : metaph., αταισι σύννομοι associated with miseries, Aesch. 2 . σ. τινι tivos partner with one in a thing, Κΐκτρων ξύννομζ partner of the bed. Id. : σνριΌος — συνομηλι^. 778 metaph., θαλάσσηί σύννομοι ττύτραι, of the Symple- gades which lie between two seas, Eur. 3. absol. as Subst., σύννομοι, b, rj, a partner, mate, of soldiers, Aesch., Soph.; of a wife. Soph, truv-voos, ov, Att. contr. -vovsj ovv, in deep thought, thoughtful, Isocr. 2 . thoughtful, circumspect, Arist. σνν-νοσεω, f. ήσω, to he sick or ill together, Eur. ; rivi with one. Id. οτυν-νυμφοκόμος, ov, helping to deck a bride, Eur. (τυν-οδεΰω, f. σω, to travel in company, Plut. συνοδία, η, a journey in company, Cic. II. a party of travellers, caravan, Strab., N.T. (τυν-οδιτης [t], ov, b, the member of a avvobos, Anth. οτυν-οδοιττορεω, f. ήσω, to travel together, τινί with one, Luc. ; and συνοδοιπορία, τ), a travelling together, Babr. From συν-οδοίττορος, b, a fellow-traveller, Xen., Luc. σΰν-οδος, b, 7), = avvoSonrbpos, Anth. σνν-οδος, η, an assembly, meeting, Hdt., Att. ; ^vv- oboi political unions, Ar., Thuc. 2 . a national meeting, like Travriyvpis, Thuc., Arist. 3. in hostile sense, a meeting of two armies, Ar., Thuc., etc. II. of things, a coming together , in-coming, χρημάτων σνν- oboi Hdt. 2. a meeting, jiinction, Kvdveai avvoSoi θαλάσσηε, of the straits of the Hellespont, Eur. ; η ξ. του πλησίον άλλά/λων τ^θηναι the junction resulting from approximation. Plat. σνν-οιδα, pf. with pres, sense (there being no pres. συνζίΒω), i pi. ξννισμ^ν, 3 pi. -ίσάσι ; imper. ξύνισθι : inf. -cibevai : — plqpf. with impf. sense, συνηδίΐν, Att. -ηδη, dual -ηστην, pi. -ησμ^ν, -ηστ^, -ησαν. Ion. 2 pi. -ηδύάτζ : f. συνείσομαι, rarely συν^ιδησω : — to share in knowledge, he cognisant of z. thing, be privy to it, Lat. conscius esse, Hdt., Att. 2. eai/T(p συνβιδύναι τι to be conscious of a thing, Ar., Plat., etc. : — with part., .which may 'be a. in nom., |. 4μαυτφ ούδ^ δτιούν σοψ})5 ών Plat. ; w'ithout the reflex. Pron. to he con- scious that, ξύνοισθά y* els ίμ ούκ evopKos ών Eur. b. in dat., |. 4μαυτω ovbev (πισταμίνφ lam conscious that I know nothing. Plat. c. in acc., ξννοιδ’ Όρύστην σβ iκπayλoυμξvηv I know well that thou admirest him, Aesch. 3. absol. ζυν^ιδώ5, an accojnplice, |. tis Thuc. ; also, b ξ. Tivi Id. b. neut. τδ Tvveibbs = συν^ίδησι$ , joint knowledge, consciousness, Dem. <Γυν-οιΚ€ΐόω, f. ώσω, to bind together as friends or kinsmen, to associate or combine with, τινά τινι Plut., etc. : Pass, to be closely united, Arist. συν-οικεω, f. ησω, to dwell together. Plat., etc.; ο^\ν. 3. to come together , concur, agree, Hdt., Xen. 4. to concur, coincide, of time, Eur., Dem. ; σ. tipi to concur or coincide with. Soph. II. to run alongside, Xen. συν-τριαινόω, f. ώσω, to shatter as with a trident, Eur. συν-τρίβω [t], f. ψω : — Pass., f. —τρ'ίβ'}]σομαι : aor. 2 -(τρίβηρ [i] : — to rub together, σ. τά πυρεία to rub dry sticks together to procure a light, Luc. II. to shiver to atoms, Ar., etc. ; σ. tus pads to stave them in, by running them aground, Thuc. 2. of persons, to beat to a jelly, crush, Lat. contundere, Eur. : — c. gen. partis, συρτρίβαρ Trjs κcψaληs Isocr. ; and in Pass., (Τυρτριβηραι Trjs Kecpahrjs to have one’s head broken, Ar. συν-τριήραρχος, b, a partner in the equipment of a trireme, Dem. : — συντριηραρχεω, to be a σνρτρι-ηραρ- Xos, Lys. συντροφιά, η, a being reared together, common nur- ture, Plut. II. a brood, Anth. From σύντροφος, ον, (συντρεψω) brought up together with another, c. dat., Hdt., Ar. : — often of domestic animals, Hdt., Xen. : — absol., τδ σ. yipos the people bred up with me. Soph. 2. generally, living with. Id. ; σ. ομμα the eye or presence of a companion. Id. ; σ. tap (sc. apdyKais) being born to difficulties, Eur. 3. of 'Cc\m^s,having grown up with one, congenital , natural. Soph. ; TO ξύρτροψα every-day evils, Thuc. : — σ. tipi natural or habitual to, tt) Έλλάδι πενίη σύντροφο? -- συνωνίομαι, ySl Hdt. II. act. a helping in the preservation, Tipos of 2 l thing, Xen. συν-τροχάζω, like συντρέχω, to run together, Plut. συν-τυγχανω, f. -τεύ|ομαί : aor. 2 —ίτνχορ : — to meet with, fall in with, tipi Hdt., Soph., etc. : ot συρτυ- χύντε?, of two persons meeting, Hdt. ; but, b σνρτυ- χών, like b τυχών, the first that meets one, any one, Eur. ; b cxl ξυρτυχώρ Id. ; so of things, τδ συντυχύν what first comes to hand, anything common, mean, bad, Hdt., Xen. 2. rarely, like τυγχάνω, c. gen., which is governed by σύν, συρτυχωρ κακωρ άνδρών having like others met with evil men. Soph. II. of accidents, to happen to, befall, τά συντυχάντα σφί Hdt. : — absol. to happen, fall out, ευ ξνρτυχόρτωρ if things go well, Aesqh. ; b ξ. κίνδυνο? Thuc. : — impers., συρζτύΎχαΡ€, συνε'τυχε it happened that . . , c. inf.. Id. συν-τΰραννοκτονεω, to join in slaying tyrants, Luc. συν-τΰρόω, f . ωσω, to make into cheese together : hence, comically, τακ Βοίωτών συντυρού/ιενα the troubles that are behig concocted on the part of the Boeotians, Ar. συντυχία, Ion. -ίη, η, (συντυγχάνω) an occurrence, a hap, chance, event, incident, Solon, Hdt., Att. ; ω? cKdcTTois Trjs |υντυχία? εσχεν according to the circum- stances of each party, Thuc. ; κατά συντυχίην by chance, Hdt.: — in pi. the chances of life, circumstances, Thuc. 2. sometimes a happy chance, success, Pind., Hdt. ;— or a mishap, misfortune, Eur. συν-ΰττάτος, δ, a colleague in the consulship. Hence συν-υτΓοδείκνΰμι and -υω, f. -δείξω, to indicate to- gether, τί Ttvt Polyb. συν-υτΓοδυομαι, Med. to undergo together, Plut. συν-υτΓοκρίνομαι [t], Dep. to play a part along with others : to help another in maintaining a thing, Plut. συν-υτΓοτίθεμαι [t], Med. to help in composing, Plut. συν-υίΓουργε'ω, f. ήσω, to cooperate with, tlpi N.T., Luc. συν-ΰφαίνω, pf. -ύφαγκα : aor. i —ύφηρα: — to vjeave together : metaph. to frame with art, devise cun- ningly, Od., Luc. : — Pass., ώστε ταυτα σνρυφαρθηραι so that this 7veb was woven, i. c. this business under- taken, Hdt. συν-ωδίνω [i], to be in travail together, Eur. συν-ωδός, 6p, (cfb-f]) singing or sounding in unison with, responsive, Eur. 2. absol. in harmony, accordant. Plat. II. metaph. according with, in harmony with, τιρί Hdt., Eur., etc. συν-ωθεω, f. -ωθτ,αω and -ώσω, to force together, com- press forcibly, Xen. συνώμεθα, i pi. aor. 2 med. subj. of συρίημι. συνωμοσία, η, (συρόμρυμι) a being leagued by oath, conspiracy , Ar., Thuc., etc. ; |. δτ/μου καταλυσεω? for puttingdownthedemocracy,Thuc. 2. a confederacy , Id. II. a body of men leagued by oath, a politi- cal union or club. Id., Plat, συνωμότης, ou, b, (συρόμρυμι) a fellow-conspirator , confederate, Hdt., Att. συνώμοτος, ον, (^συρόμρυμι) leagued by oath : ξυρώμο- Top, t6, a confederacy, Thuc. συν-ωνεομαι, f. ^]σομαι, Dep. to collect by offering money, σ. 'ίππον to hire a body of cavalry, 1 Idt. II. to buy up, Lat. coemere, Xen., etc. : — the pf. συνεώνη- μαι is pass., b συνεωνημε'νο? σΓτο? corn bought up, Lys. ; but act. in Dem. 782 (τυνωννμία — (τυνωνΰμία, η, a synonym, Arist. From (τυν-ώνΰμος, ον, {ονομα) of like name, Eur., Arist. (rυvωpιaσ■τής,ov,ό,one who drives a συνωρί5,1^η€. From (τυν-ωρίζω, f. σω, to yoke together : — Med., ξυνωρίζου Xepajoin thy hand with mine, Eur. ; and <Γυνωρϊκ€ΰομαι, Dep. to drive a pair, Ar. From ίτυνωρίς, ίδοί, τ], {συνηοροε) a pair of horses, Lat. higa, Eur., Ar. 2. generally, a pair or couple of any- thing, Trag. ; TTohoiv ξύνω pis a coupling fetter iox feet, Aesch. σ-υν-ωφβλεω, f. ήσω, to join in aiding or relieving, Tivd Xen. ; rarely nvi. Soph, σ-υνωχαδόν, Adv. (συνέχω) poet, for συνοχηζόν, of Time, perpetually , continually , Hes. συο-κτασία, η, (avs, κτ^ίνω) slaughter of swine, Anth. συο-φόντης, ου, ό, favs, *^eVa)) swine-slayer ; fern. συοψόντι$, Anth. Συρα, η, fern, of 'S.vpas, a Syrian woman, Ar. Σΰράκουσαι [ά], οί. Ion. Συρήκουσαι, Dor. Συράκοσαι and Σΰράκοσσαι, Syracuse, Hdt., etc.: — Adj. Σΰράκό- σιος, α, ον, Syracusan, 2 ίΏά as Subst. a Syracusan, Ion. Συρηκοΰσιος, Id.; poet. Συρηκόσιος, Anth.: — η Συρακοσία [χώρο] the territory of S., Thuc. σηίρ-γαστρος, b, properly avpoyaarpos, {σύρω, ^αστηρ) trailing the belly, as a worm, Anth. συρδην, Adv. (σύρω) dragging, in a long line, Aesch. Συρία, Ion. -ίη, (sc. 77 }) ή, Syria, Hdt., etc. : 2. η ΠαΚαιστίνη Palestine, Id. : Κοίλη 2. the district between Libanus and Anti-Iibanus, Strab. συριχμα [ϋ],τό, (σνρίζω) the sound of a pipe, Eur., Ar. σϋριγμός, b, (σνρίζω) a whistling, hissing, Xen. συρΐ 7 |, lyyos, η, a pipe : I. a musical pipe, a shepherd's pipe, Panspipe, II., Hes., Att. II. anything like a pipe : 1. a spear-case, = δορατοθηκη, II. 2. the hole in the nave of a wheel, Trag. 3. a duct ox channel in the body, in pi. the nostrils. Soph. ΣΥ'ΡΓΖΩ, later Att. συρίττω, Dor. (τυρίσδω : f. συρίξομαι : aor. i eVupi|a, later iavptaa : — to play the avpiy^, to pipe, Eur., Theocr. ; c. acc. cogn., συρίζων ύμ€ναίου5 Eur. II. to whistle, hiss, Aesch., Ar. : — c. acc. cogn., συρίζων φόνον hissing forth murder, Aesch. 2 . to hiss an actor, Lat. explodere, Dem. Σΰρίζω, f. σω, (^bpos) to speak like a Syrian, Luc. Σΰριη-γ€νής, is, (yevioeai) Syrian-horn, Orac. ap. Hdt. σϋρικτήρ, r\pos, b, = aopiaTr]s, Anth. σΰρικτής, ου. Dor. -τάς, ο, b, = συριστηs, Theocr. Σύριος [ύ], α, ον, of οχ from Syria, Hdt., Aesch., etc. σϋρίσδω, Dor. for συρίζω. σϋρισμός, b, = συpιyμόs, Luc. σϋριστής, ου, b, {συρίζω), a piper, Luc. Σΰριστί, 'jZbpos) Adv. in the Syrian language, 2. eVt- στασθαι to understand Syrian, Xen. (τΰρίττω, late Att. for συρίζω. σύρμα, το, (σύρω) anything trailed or dragged : 1 . a theatric robe with a long train, syrma in Juven. : — periphr., σ. τ^ρηδόνοε a long woodworm, Anth. 2. sweepings, refuse, litter, Heraclit. ap. Arist. συρμαία. Ion. -αίη, η, (συρμόε) purge-plant, a name given to the radish, as used by the Egyptians (v. με- λανοσυρμαΐοε), Hdt., Ar. Hence συρμαΐζω, f. σω, to take a purge, Hdt. συρμός, b, {σύρω) any lengthened sweeping motion, • συσκευαζ^ω. Lat. tractus, the track of meteors. Plat. ; of storms, Anth. ; the trail of a serpent, Plut. Σϋρος, b, Syros, one of the Cyclades, Strab. ; called Σΰριή in Od. Σύρος [υ], b, a Syrian, Hdt., Att. Σΰρο-φοϊνι|, iKos, b, a Syro-phoenician, Luc. : fern. Συροφοίνισσα, N.T. συρραξις, η, {συρράσσω) a dashing together, Plut. στίρ-ράτΓτω, f. φω, to sew or stitch together, sew up, Lat. consuo, Hes., Hdt. ση;ρ-ράσσω, Att. -ττω, = συρpηyvυμι il, to dash to- gether, fight with others, c. dat., Thuc., Xen. ίτυρ-ρεζω, f. ξω, to do sacrifice together, Anth. συρ-ρεω, f. -ρ^ύσομαι : pf. -^ρρύηκα : aor. 2 pass. -€ρρύην (in act. sense) : — to fiow together or in one stream. Plat. : — metaph. of men, to fiow or stream together, Hdt., Xen. II. to fiocit together with, Luc. συρ-ρήγνΰμι or -υω : f. ~ρηξω : — Pass., pf. -ipρηyμaι : aor. 2 -€ppάyηv [a] : intr. pf. 2 -ippωya : — to break in pieces, Plut. : — Pass., κακοΊσι συνόρρηκται he is broken down by sufferings, Od. 2 . to dash together : Pass., of war, to break out, Plut. II. intr. to break out together, break forth, of rivers, συppηyvΰσι is rhv ‘'Ερμον break into the Hermus, join it, Hdt. : so pf. συv4ρpωya (in pres, signf.) and plqpf. (in impf.), ό πόλεμοί ^oveppdyei the war broke out, Thuc. 2 . like συρράσσω, to meet in battle, engage, Plut. συρ-ριζόομαι. Pass, to have the roots united, Luc. Συρτις, gen. εωί. Ion. los, {σύρω) the Syrtis, name of two large sand-banks (Major and Minor) on the coast of Libya, Hdt., etc. συρφαξ, άκοε, b, — συρφίτόε i. i, Ar. συρφετός, b, {σύρω) anything swept together, sweepings, refuse, rubbish, litter, Lat. quisquiliae, Hes. 2 . metaph. a mixed crowd, mob, rabble. Plat. : of a single person, one of the mob (cf. Hor. plebs eris). Id. συρφετ-ώδης, εί, (συρφετοί, είδοί) jumbled together, promiscuous, Luc. ΣΥ'ΡΩ [ΰ], f. σύρω : aor. 1 4σϋρα : pf. σόσυρκα : — Pass., aor. 2 4σύρην [ύ] : pf. σόσυρμαι : — to draw, drag, or trail along, Theocr. : — Pass, to trail along, Anth. 2. to drag by force, hale, Theocr. : — of rivers, to sweep or carry down with them, Anth. : — Pass, to be swept away, Plut. <τνζ, acc. συν, v. υί. συ-σκεδάννϋμι, f. -σκβδώ, to help in scattering, to toss about, Ar. συσκε'ψομαι, fut. of συσκοττόω. συ-σκευάζω, f. άσω, to make ready by putting together, to pack up baggage for another, Xen. 2. to help in preparing, rb δύπνόν τινι Ar. : — in bad sense, to con- trive, concert, get up, Dem. II. Med., with pf. pass, συσκ^ύασμαι, to pack up one's baggage, to pack tip, Lat. convasare, vasa colligere, Thuc., Xen., etc. : part. aor. i med. and pf. pass, all packed up, in march- ing order, ready for a start, Xen. ; also c. acc., συν- ΐσκ^υασμόνοε τά εαυτού ivOdbe with all his goods packed up and brought hither, Lys. 2 . to contrive, get up, organise, Dem. 3. to bring together, scrape up for one's own use or advantage, σ. χρήματα Lycurg. 4. to arrange for one's own interests, band together, Dem. Hence (τνσκβυαατία — σν(ττρατη<γος. <η;σκ€υασία, η, a packing up, getting ready, for a journey or march, Xen. <Γυ-σ·κευωρ€ομαι, Dep. to contrive, organise, Dem. (τυ-σκηνεω, f. ήσω, to live in the same tent with an- other, to mess together, Xen. ; vivi with one. Id. σνσκηνία, η, a dwelling in one tent: of soldiers, a messing together, Xen. συσκήνια, τά, — the Spartan φιλίτια, Xen. σύ-σκηνος, δ, {σκηντ}) one who lives in the same tent, a messmate, Lat. contubernalis, Thuc., Xen. συ-σκηνόω, f. ώσω, — συσκΎ]ν4ω, Xen. <Γυ-σκιάζω, f. άσω, to shade quite over, throw a shade over, shade closely or thickly, Hes. ; ycvvv cr., i. e. to get a beard, Eur. : metaph., σνσκηνώσαι ras αμαρτίαε Dem. II. intr. to he thick-shaded, Eur. στί-σκιος, ον, {σκιά) closely shaded, thickly shaded, Xen. ; σνσκιόν τι a closely-shaded place, Luc. στί-σκοττεω, f . -σκίφομαι, to contemplate along with or together. Plat. <Γυ-σκοτάζω, f . σω, to grow quite dark : impers., συσκο- τάζ^ι it grows dark, Thuc., Xen. (τυ-σκυθρωττάζω [ά], f. σω, to look gloomy together, Xen. συ-σιταράσσω, Att. -ττω, f. ξω, to tear in pieces, N. T. σΰστταστος, ον, or συσιταστός, 6v, drawn together, closed hy drawing together. Plat. From συ-σιτάω, f. -σττάσω [ά], to draw together, draw up, contract. Plat., Luc. II, to draw together by stitching, sew together, Xen. III. in Med. to draw along with one, Plut. συ-σ'ττειράομαι : pf. -ξσττζ'φάμαι : Pass., of soldiers, to be formed in close order (v. σπεΓρα ii), Xen.; σ. irrl τόπον to march in such order to a place. Id. 2. to be coiled up, Luc. συ-σιτείρω, f. epoD, to sow together, Luc. (τυ-σιτενδω, f. -σπ^σω, to join in making a libation, Dem., Aeschin. (τυ-σττευδω, f. σω, to assist zealously, τιν\ ποΊζίν τι Hdt. συ-σιτλαγχνεΰω, f. σω, to join in edting the sacrificial meat (τά σπλάγχνα), Ar. (τυ-σίΓονδος, ον, {σπονδή) = δμόσπονδοε, Aeschin. (τυ-σίΓουδάζω, f. άσω, to make haste together, to join in zealous exertion, Ar., Xen. : c. acc. rei, to pursue or execute zealously together with, τί τινι Xen. συσ-σαίνομαι. Pass, to feel flattered by a thing, Polyb. συσ-σεβίζω, to join in celebrating, Θυσία5 Eur. συσσεΰω, to urge on together, βοών κάρηνα h. Horn, σοίσ-σημαίνομαι, Med. to join in signing, Dem. σύσ-σημον, τό, {σήμα) a fixed sign or signal, N. T. 2. a pledge, Anth. συσ-σϊτε'ω, f. ά\σω, to mess with, τινί Ar. : — absol. in pi. to mess together. Plat., Dem. Hence συσσίτησις, η, = sq., Plut. ; and συσσίτια, a messing together, a public mess, Xen. (τυσσίτιον [Γ], r6, mostly in pi. συσσίτια, τά, a com- mon meal, public mess, such as were used in Crete and Lacedaemon, Hdt., Plat., etc. IL a mess- room, common-hall, Eur., Plat. συσ-σϊτο 9 , δ, one who eats together, a messmate, Theogn., Hdt., Att. συσ-σώζω, f. σω, to help to save or preserve, Eur., Thuc. συσ-σωμος, ον, {σώμα) united in one body, N. Ί'. 783 συσ-σωφρονε'ω, f. τ^σω, to be a partner in temperance, Eur. συσταδόν, Adv. {συστηναι) standing close together, hand to hand, Thuc. συστάς, άδos [ά], η, {συστηναι) standing together, planted closely, Arist. συ-στάσιάζω, f. σω, to join in faction or sedition, take part therein, Thuc. συ-στασιαστής, δ, a fellow-rioter , N.T. συστασις, η, (συνίστημι) a putting together, composi- tion, Arist. ; σ', προσώπου a studied expression of countenance, of Pericles, Plut. II. a bringing together, introduction, recommendation, Polyb., Plut. B. {συνίσταμαι) a standing together, meeting : in hostile sense, close combat, conflict, Hdt.; metaph., σ. γνώμηε a conflict of mind, intense anxiety, Thuc. 2. a meeting, a knot of men, Eur. ; κατά ξυστάσζΐ$ γιγνόμ^νοι forming into knots, Thuc. : a political union, Dem. 3. friendship or alliance, Polyb. : a conspiracy, Plut. II, construction, structure, constitution. Plat., Arist. : absol. a political constitu- tion, Plat. 2. metaph. of the mind, σ. φρένων con- traction, sternness, sullenness, Eur. συ-στασιώτης, ου, δ, a member of the same faction, a partisan, Hdt. συστατικός, ιί?, όν, {συνίστημι ill) introductory, σ. όπιστοΚά] a letter of introduction, N.T. συ-σταυρόομαι. Pass, to be crucified with, τινι N. T. συ-στεγάζω, f. σω, to cover entirely, τινί with a thing. Plat. : — Pass., Xen. συ-στε'λλω, f. -στελώ : pf. -όσταλκα : — to draw to- gether, draw in : to shorten sail (sub. τά ιστία), Ar. : to draw soldiers into a fort, Plut. 2. to contract, reduce. Plat., Dem. : — Pass, to cower together, Eur. ; ξυστόλλ^σθαι is (ύτίλξίαν to retrench, Thuc, 3. metaph. to lower, humble, abase, Isocr, : — Pass,, Eur. II. Pass., also, to be wrapped up, shrouded. Id. ; aor. 2 part. συσταλειΤ, tucked up, ready for action, Ar. συ-στενάζω, to lament with, τινί Eur. ; absol., N. T, συ-στε'νω, = συστ^νάζω, Arist. συ-στεφανόομαι. Pass, to wear a crown with, τινι Dem. σύστημα, τ6, {συστηναι) a whole compounded of parts, a system. Plat. : — a composition, kxvsX. 2. an orgati- ised government, constitution. Id. 3. a body of soldiers, a corps, Polyb. 4. of the Roman Senate, Pint, συστοιχεω, to correspond to, τινί N. T. ; and συστοιχία, η, a coordinate series, Arist. From συ-στοιχος, ον, standing in the same row, coordinate, correspondent, opp. to άντίστοιχο$ {staiiding in oppo- site rows), Arist, συστολή, η, {συστόλλω) a drawing together, con- traction, limitation, Plut. συστολίξω, = συστόλλω, to put together, fabricate, Eur. II. to unite, τινά τινι Anth. συ-στρατεία, η, a common campaign, Xen. συ-στρατεΰω, f. -εόσω, and as Dep. συστρατευομαι, f. -(ύσομαι : — to make a campaign or serve together, to join or share in an expedition, absol., Hdt., 'Ihuc., etc. ; τινί with another, Ild·· , Thuc. συστρατηγόω, to be the fellow-general of, tiv6s Dem. σν-στράτΎ\γο%·, δ, a joint-commander, Eur., Ihuc., etc. a συσ-τρατιώτης — σψάΧλω. 784 συ-στρατιώτης, ου, δ, a fellom -soldier , Lat. co7nmilito, Xen., etc. συ-στρατο'π·€8€υομαι, Dep. to encamp along 'with, τινι or σΰν τινι Xen. «ηίστρεμμα, aros, τό, anything twisted up together : a body of 7nen, a crowd, concourse, Polyb. From σ-υ-στρ€φω, f. ψω, to twist up hito a hall, Lat. C07i· gl-obare : of animals, to gather themselves together, in preparing- to spring, Plat. : of soldiers, σ. δωυτοΰ$ to collect themselves, rally, Hdt. : Pass., avaTpaip^vres in a body. Id. ; eVl π^ντ-ηκοντα ασπίδων συνεστραμ- μένοι ήσαν they were formed in a mass 50 deep, Xen. II. of soldiers, also, συστρέφειν επί δόρυ to wheel them to the right. Id. ; σ. rhv Ίππον to turii him sharply. Pint. III. to form into an organised whole, unite, Hdt.: — Pass, to unite, club together, conspire, Thuc., Aeschin. IV. of sentences, narratives, and the like, to compress, Arist. : absol., συστρ€φα5 'γράφει writes briefly, curtly, Aeschin. : — Pass., ρ^μα βραχύ καΐ συνεστραμμενον a short and pithy saying. Plat. Hence συστροφ-η, η, a dense mass of men, a gathering of people, Hdt. 2. a sudde^i stor?n, Polyb. σαι-σφάζω, to slay along with : Pass., aor. 2 inf. συ- σφα-γηναι to be slain with another, rivi Eur. σηί-σφίγγω, to condense : — Pass., Anth. σ-υ-σχηματίζω, to conform one thing to another, τι πρ05 τι Arist. : — Pass, to form oneself after another, to he conformed to his example, N. T. οτυ-σχολάζω, f. σω, to he a fellow-pupil or companion in philosophy , to pass one's time with or together. Pint, (τυτο [ί], Ep. 3 sing. aor. 2 pass, of σεΰω. ση)φ€05 and σΰφ^ός, δ, (σΰϊ) a hog-sty, Od. ; συφεόνδε to the sty, Ib. σΰ-φόρβιον, τό, (ails, φέρβω) a herd of swine, Anth. (τΰ-φορβός, δ, (ads, φέρβω) a swineherd, Horn. ΣΥΧΝΟ'Σ, 7), όν, of Time, long, Hdt., etc.; σ. Adyos a long speech. Plat. II. of Number, many, Hdt., Ar., etc. ; 7nany days together, Ar. : — c. gen., συχναΙ των νήσων Hdt. : — absol., συχνοί 7n any people together, Ar., etc. : — with sing, nouns, much, great. Id., Plat., etc. ; τί» πολίχνιον συχνόν ποιεΊν to make the small town large. Plat. : — c. gen., ttjs μαρίλ'η5 συχνήν Ar. B. the Adv. συχvώs (Antipho) is rare, the neut. συχνόν, συχνά being used instead, often, i7iuch. Plat. : far, Xen. II. dat. συχνω with Comp. Adj., vεώτεpos έμοΰ καΐ συχνφ younger by a good deal, Dem. σφαγ€Ϊον, τό, (σφάζω) a bowl for catching the blood of the victim in sacrifices, Eur. II. = σφάγιον, the victim. Id. σφαγεΰς, έωs, δ, (σφάζω) a slayer, butcher, Eur. : a murderer, cut-throat, Dem. : — in Soph., δ σφayευs εστ’ηκε the slayer is set, i. e. the sword on which Ajax is about to throw himself : — a sacrificial knife, Eur. σφαγή, -η, (σφάζω) slaughter, butchery, in sing, and pi., Trag., Plat., etc. ; dlμaτos σφαΎη the blood gushing from the \vound, Aesch. ; καθάρμοσον σφayάs close the gaping wou7id, Eur. II. the throat, the spot where the victim is struck (cf. Lat. jugulum, jugulari), in pi.. Id., Thuc. σφαγήναι, aor, 2 pass. inf. of σφάζω. σφαγιάζομαι, f. άσομαι, Dep. (σφάyιov) to slay a victim, sacrifice, Hdt., Xen. II. in Act. σφαγιάζω, Ar., Plut. : — hence ^or. i pass. part, σφayιaσθείs, slain, sacrificed, Hdt!; Xen. Hence σφάγιασμάς, δ, a slaying, sacrificing, Eur., Plut. σφάγιον Ιά),τό,(σφάζω) a victhn, offering. Soph., Eur. : — mostly in pi., Hdt., Aesch., etc. 2. slaughter, sacri- fice, in pi., Eur. σφάγιος, a, ov, (σφάζω) slaying, slaughterUig, σφ. μόpos slaughter. Soph. σφάγίς, i0os, η, (σφάζω) a sacrificial knife, Eur. ΣΦΑ''ΔΑ'ΖΩ or σφαδάζω, only in pres, and impf. to struggle, plu7ige, of horses, Aesch., Xen. ; cf, άσφά- δaστos. 2. to struggle, shew impatience, '^XvX. Hence σφάδασμός, δ, a spasm, convulsion. Plat, σφάζω (Root ΣΦΑΓ), later Att. σφάττω : f. σφάξω : aor. I έσφαξα : — Pass., f. 2 σφayr}σoμaι : aor. 2 έσφά- yriv [d], more rarely aor. i έσφάχθην : pf. έσφayμaι : — to slay, slaughter, properly by cuttmg the throat (v. σφαγή ii), Horn. II, esp. to slaughter victims for sacrifice, II., Eur. 2. generally to slay, kill, first applied to human victims, Pind., Trag.; σφ. τινά is τδν κρ-ητηρα so that the blood run into the bowl, Hdt. ΣΦΑΓΡΑ", as, η, a ball, playing-ball, Od., Plat. 2 . a7iy ball : the terrestrial globe, the earth, Strab. σφαιρηδόν, Adv. like a globe or ball, τικε δέ μιν σφαι- ρηδδν ελιξάμενο5 II. ; and σφαιρίζω, f. Att. ιώ, to play at ball. Plat.; and σφαιρικός, ή, όν, globular, spherical : τα σφαιρικά the doctrine of the spheres, astronomy , Anth. σφαίρισις, ή, (σφαιρίζω) a playing at ball, Arist. σφαιριστήριον, τό, (σφαιρίζω) a ball-court, Theophr. σψαιρο-€ΐδής, es, (eldos) ball-like, spherical, V\a.\..‘, σφαι- ροειδέ5, τό, a rounded end (cf. σφαιρόω ll), Xen σφαιρο-τΓΟίεω, f. ήσω, to make spherical, Strab. σφαιρόω, f. ώσω, (σφαίρα) to make spherical : — Pass. to be rounded, στ-ηθεα εσφαίρωτο his chest was round and arched, Theocr. II. Pass., also, ακόντια εσφαι- ρωμένα spears with buttons at the point, like our foils, Xen., Arist. Hence σφαιρωτός, ή, όν, with a button at the e7id, Xen. σψάκελίζω, to be gangrened, εσφακέλισε τό όστέον Hdt. ΣΦΑ'ΚΕΛΟΣ [d], δ, gangre7ie : — generally, a spasm, convulsion, Aesch., Eur. : metaph., σφ. ανέμων the convulsive fury of winds, Aesch. σφαλερός, ά, όν, (σφάλλω) likely to make one stumble or trip : metaph. slippery, perilous, dangerous, Lat. lubricus, Hdt., Eur., etc. : — σφαλερόν [eVri], c. inf., it is dangerous to . . , Plat., etc. II. (σφάλλομαι) ready to fall, tottering, reeling, staggering, Aesch., Soph. ; σφ. σύμμαχοι Dem. σφάλλω (Root ΣΦΑΑ) : f. σφαλώ : aor. i έσφηλα, Ep. σφηλα : pf. εσφαλκα : — Pass., f. 2 σφάλί]σομαι, in med. form σφάλοΰμαι : aor. 2 εσφάλην [d] : pf. εσφαλμαι : 3 sing, piqpf. έσφαλτο : Lat. fall-o (the σ being lost) : — to make to fall, throw down, overthrow, properly by tripping up, to trip up in wrestling, Horn., Pind., Eur., etc. ; σφ. vads to throw her on her beam-ends, Plut. ; iTriros σφ. τόν αναβάτην throws him, Xen. : — Pass, to be tripped up, Ar. ; of a drunken man, σφαλλόμενο% reeling, staggering. Id. II. generally, to cause to fall, overthrovj, defeat, Hdt., Soph., Thuc. : — Pass, to be overthrown, to fall, fail, be undone, become helpless, Hdt., Att. ; σφάλμα — σφιν. τόδ’ (σφάλη this mishap took place^o^. ; οΰ τι σφαλώ 7* ^ shall not fail in thy business. Id. III. to baffle, foil, balk, disappoint, Hdt., Soph. : — Pass, to err, go wrong, be mistaken, Hdt., Soph. 2. the Pass, is also used c. g'en. rei, to be balked of ox foiled in a thing·, ^ καϊ narrjp τι σφάλ- λεται βουλευμάτων ; Aesch.; σφάλλεσθαι 'γάμου Eur. ; Trjs Thuc. Hence σφάλμα, ατο$, το, a trip, stumble, false step, Anth. II. metaph., 1. a fall, failure, defeat, Hdt., Thuc., Eur., etc. 2. a fault, failing, error, Hdt. σφάράγ€ομαι, Dep. only in pres, and impf., to burst with a noise, to crackle, sputter, ρίζαι σφαρα-γευντο the roots of his eye crackled or hissed (when Ulysses burnt them with the hot stake), Od. II. to be full even to bursting, Ib. ; and σφάράγίζω, only in Ep. impf. σφαράΎΐζον to stir up with noise and bustle, Hes. ΣΦΑ'ΡΑΓΟΣ, b, a bursting with a noise. σφάς and σφάς, acc. of σφε75. II. σφάς [ά], acc. pi. fern, of σφ05. σφάττω, later Att. for σφάζω, impf. εσφαττον. σφε, acc. masc. and fern, of σφεΪ5, = αυτοΰ$, αυτά$, them, ll. , Aesch., Soph. 2. as acc. dual, = αυτώ, αυτά, Horn. 3 . neut. acc. pi., = αίιτά, Theocr. II. as acc. sing·, of 7 , = αυτόν, αυτήν, him, her, Hdt., Trag. σφεά, σφεάς, v. σφε 75 . σφεδάνός, ή, όν, = σφοΒρ05, furious, Anth. II. in Horn, only as Adv. vehemently, eagerly. ΣΦΕΡΣ, masc. and fern. pi. of the Pron. of 3rd person, they, = αυτοί, Hdt., Att. : — Gen. σφεων, in Horn, of a monosyll. ; Ep. also σφείων : Att. σφών : — Dat. σφισι {-iv), Horn., Aesch. ; more common in the apoc. forms σφι, σφιν, Horn., Hdt., Att. : the use of σφι, σφιν as dat. sing, for 01 is rare, h. Horn., Aesch., Soph.: — Acc. σφεαε, mostly enclit. pronounced as a long syllable, Horn., Hdt. ; also σφά5 and σφεία5 (or σφε7α$) Od. j σφas (enclit.) or σφάs,Ύra.g.; cf. σφε. II. in Horn, this Pron. is always personal, and therefore he uses no neut. ; but Hdt. has neut. pi. σφεα. 2 . this Pron. is used both for the demonstr. αυτοί, they, and for the reflex, αυτών, etc., themselves ; — in the latter case often strengthd. σφών αυτών, σφεαε ai/Tobs, σφά$ avTovs, Hes.; sometimes for άλλήλου^. Id. III. rarely for 2nd pers. pi., μετά σφίσιν for μεθ' ύμ7ν, II. ; σφεαε for ύμά5, Hdt. ΣΦΕ'ΛΑΣ, τό, a footstool, Od. : Eip. pi. σφελα Ib. σφενδάμνΐνος, η, ον, of maple wood : metaph. of persons, ^hearts of oak, ^ Ar. From σφε'νδαμνος, b, the maple, Lat. acer, Theophr. σφενδονάω, f. ήσω, to sling, to use the sling, Thuc., Xen. 2 . to strike by slinging, Babr. II. to throw as from a sling: — Pass., Eur. 2 . to move like a swing, to swing to and fro. Id. From ΣΦΕΝΔΟ'ΝΗ, Lat. funda (the σ being lost), a sling, II. : metaph., σφεν^όναε air' εύμετρου with well-measured throw, as from a sling, Aesch. 2 . the hoop of a ring in which the stone was set as in a sling, esp. the broader part round the stone, as in Lat. funda for Pala 'annuli, Eur., Plat. II. the stone or bullet of the sling, Xen. ; τοιαύταΐ5 σφ., of hailstones, Ar. σφενδονήτης, ου, b, {σφεντονάω) a slinger, Hdt., Thuc. 785 σφενδονητικός, η, 6v, of or for slinging : — ^ -κη (sc. 'ΐ'όχνη), the art of slinging. Plat, σφετερίζω, f. σω or (σφετεροε) to make one's own, appropriate, usurp. Plat. : — so, as Dep. σφετερίζομαι, Xen., Dem. Hence σφετερισμός» b, appropriation, επί σφετερισμφ εαυτοί) for one's own use and advantage, Arist. ; and σφετεριστής, b, an oppropriator, Arist. σφε'τερος, a, ov, possessive Adj. of 3rd pers. pi. (σφείε), their own, their, Lat. suus, Horn., etc. ; strengthd., αυτών σφετεργσιν άτασθαλίγσιν Od. ; — in Prose, the gen. εαυτών is more common, but σφετεροε occurs in Thuc., etc. ; τδ σφετερον their own feelings, their own business. Id., Plat. ; ol σφετεροι their own people, Thuc. 2 , also of 3rd sing., his or her own, his, her, for kos, os, Hes., Pind., Aesch. II. in Poets sometimes of other persons : 1 . of2ndpl., = u^,6Te- pos, your own, your, Lat. vester, II., Hes. 2 . of 2nd sing., = (Tils, thine own, tuus, Theocr. 3 . of ist sing., = e^ 0 s, mine own, meus. Id. 4 . of the 1st ρ\., = Ύ]μετερο5, our own, noster, Xen. σφε'ων, Flp. and Ion. for σφών, gen. of σφε7$. σφή, dat. fern, of σφ05. σφηκιά, η, {σφ-ηξ) a wasps' nest, Eur., Ar. σφηκίσκος, b, (ο·φή|) u piece of wood pointed like a wasp's tail, a pointed stick or stake, Ar. σφηκόω, f. ώσω, {σφτ]ζ) to make like a wasp, i. e. to phich in at the waist : generally, to bind tightly, Anth. II. Pass., πλοχμοί, οί χρυσψ τε καΐ apybpcp εσφ7]κωντο (3 ρ1. plqpf·) braids of hair, which were bound tightly with gold and silver, II. σφηκ-ώδης, εs, wasp-like, pinched in at the waist like a wasp, Ar. σφή κώμα, aTos, τό, the point of a helmet where the plume is fixed in, Ar. σφήλαι, aor. i inf. of σφάλλω. σφήλεν, E!p. 3 sing. aor. i of σφάλλω. ΣΦΗ'Ν, σφ-ηνόε, b, a wedge, Ar., etc. ; — used as an instrument of torture, Aesch. σφηνο-κεφάλος, ov, {κεφαλή) with peaked head, Strab. σφηνο-ττώγων, ωνο5, b, with peaked beard, Luc. ΣΦΗ'Ξ, σφ'ηκό$. Dor. σφάξ, σφάκό$, b, a wasp, Lat. vespa, II., Hdt., Att. Σφηττός, b, a deme of the Acamantian φυλή in Attica, Strab. ; 2φηττοί in or at Sphettos, Aeschin. ; 2φηττό- θεν from Sph., Plut.: — Σφήττιος, b, a Sphettian, Ar., Aeschin. σφι, σφιν, dat. of σφεΤϊ. σφιγγίον, τό, a bracelet, necklace, Luc. l· rom ΣΦΙΤΓΩ, f. σφίΎξω: aor. 2 εσφιγξα: — Pass., aor. i εσφί'/χθην : pf. εσφί'/μαι : — to bind tight, bind fast, Aesch., Theocr. Pass., Theocr. Hence σφιγκτήρ, rjpos, b, a band, lace, Anth. σφιγκτός, ή, όν, verb. Adj. of σφί^Ύω, tight-bound : neut. pi. σφνγκτά as Adv., Anth. σφίγκτωρ, opos, b, poet, for σφιγκτήρ, Anth. Σφίγξ, '2.φΐ'γ'γό$, ή. Sphinx, a she-monster, lies.; in Trag. represented as proposing a riddle to the Thebans, and murdering all who failed to guess it; Oedipus guessed it, and she thereupon killed herself. (Prob. from σφίγγω, the Throttler.) σφιν, σφΐσϊ, σφϊσιν, dat. of σφε7s. 3 E (TCpoyylov — *σ·χ€θω. 786 σφογγίον, σφόγγο5, Att. for CTroyyos. σφοδρά, Adv., very, very much, exceedingly , violently, Hdt., Soph., etc. : with Adjs., σφ. v-Kcpr^^poifar superior. Find. ; σφ. &δικο5 Plat. : — with a Subst., tV σφόδρα φιλίαν Id. II. σφόδρα ye, καΐ σφ. ye, in answers, most certainly. Id. From ΣΦΟΔΡΟ'Σ, ά, όν, and also os, ov, vehement , violent, excessive, Thuc., etc. 2. of men, violent, im- petuous, Plat. : also strong, robust, Xen. Hence σφοδρότης, tjtos, η, vehemence, violence, Xen. ; and σφοδρυνομαι, Pass, to he or become vehemeyit , σφο- δpύveσθai τινι to put unbounded trust in a thing·, Aesch. σφονδύλη [ΰ], a kind of beetle, Ar. σφονδΰλιος [iJ], b, like σφ6νδυλο5, a vertebra, II. σφονδΰλο-δίνητος [i], ov, tvL'irled on a spindle, Anth. σφόνδυλος, b, a vertebra, Ar. : — in pl. the backbone, spine, or the neck, Eur. II. Lat. verticillus, the round vieight attached to a spindle. Plat, σφός, σφτ], σφόν, σφεί?) poet, for σφ€Τ€ρο$, their, their crwn, belonging to them, II., etc. 2. in sing, his or her, his ovan or her oven, Theogn. σφράγϊδ-ονΰχ-αργο-κομήτης, ου, b, (σφpayίs, υνυξ, apyos) Comic name for a coxcomb, a long-haired fop •with rings and natty nails, Ar. σφραγίζω, Ion. σφρηγίζω, f. ίσω, Att. ιω : — to seal, Eur. : — Med. to seal for oneself, have sealed, Plut. : — Pass., pf. part, όσφρayισμόvos sealed up, kept under seal, Aesch. II. to mark as viith a seal, to mark, Anth. ; beivois σημάντροισιν iσφpayισ μόνοι, of wounded persons, Eur. III. metaph. to set a seal on, con- firm, stamp vuith approval, N. T., Anth. : Med. to assure ofz. thing, c. acc. rei, X. T. : to limit, Anth. 2. to seal or accredit as a faithful servant, as a believer, •τινά N. T. From ΣΦΡΑΤΙ'Σ, Ion. σφρηγίς, Τδοε, η, a seal, signet, seal- ring, Hdt., Ar., etc. 2. the gem or stone for a ring, Hdt., Luc. II. the impression of a signet- rhig, a seal. Soph., Thuc. : — metaph'., σφp■ηyι5 iiri- Κ€ίσθω τοΓσδβ, as a warrant, Theogn . ; yλώσστj σφρ. ότΓίΚζίσθω Anth. σφράγισμα, aros, τό, {σφpάyίζω) an impresήon of a signet-ring, a seal, Eur., Xen. σφριγάω, (σπαργάω) only in pres, to he full to bursting : of young persons, high-fed horses, etc., to be plump, fresh, vigorous, to he in full health and strength, Lat. vigere, Eur., Ar., etc. 2. metaph., σφpιyώv μυθοε a vigorous, violent speech, Eur. σφυγμός, b, (σφύζω) a throbbing of parts, pulsation, vibration, Plut. σφυγμ-ώδης, es, (eJbos) like the pulse, Arist. σφυδάω, only in pres., = σφυ^ω : metaph. to he in full vigour, Aesch. σφύζω. Dor. σφυσδω (Root ΣΦΥΓ), only in pres, and impf., to throb, beat, of the pulse. Plat. : to be feverish, Theocr. ΣΦΥ'ΡΑ'', η, a hammer, Od., Hdt. 2. a beetle, mallet, for breaking clods of earth, Hes., Ar. σφΰρ-ήλάτος, ov, (όλαύνω) vi'rought VL'ith the hammer, beaten out, as opp. to cast metal (χωνευτόν), Hdt., Aesch., etc. II. metaph. viroiight as of iron, rigid, Luc. ΣΦΥ“ΡΟ'Ν, TO, the ankle, II., Att. II. metaph. the foot of a mountain. Find., Anth. ; also, Aifibas &κρον σφυράν the very furthest part of Libya, Theocr. σφΰσδην. Dor. for σφύζ^ιν, inf. of σφύζω. σφώ, shortened nom. and acc. for σφώι, v. συ ii. σφωε, dual nom. and acc. of Pron. of 3 rd pers. ; dat. σφωΊν : — they two, both of them, only masc. and fern., and always enclit., Horn. σφώι, σφώιν, dual masc. and fern, of Pron. of 2 nd pers., two ; v. συ ii. σφωίτερος [t], a, ov, possess. Adj. of σφώι, Pron. of 2 nd pers. dual, of you two, σφωίτβρον cttos the word of you two, II. ; for 2 nd pers. sing., thine own, thine, thy, Theocr. 2 . of 3 rd pers. sing., his or her own, Lat. suus. Id. σφών, contr. for σφώιν, gen. and dat. of σφώι. ΣΧΑ''Δί2'Ν, ovos, η, a honey-cell, and in pl. a honey- comb, hat. favus, Ar., Theocr. ΣΧΑ'ΖΩ, impf. όσχων (as if from *σχάω) : f . σχάσω [ά] : aor. i όσχάσα : — properly to let loose : hence to slit, open, Ar. ; σχ. φλόβα to open a vein, Xen., etc. ; — of flowers, σχ. κάλυκα5 Anth. II. to let fall, drop, Xen. 2. to let go, σχοσαί τήν φρον- τίδα having let the mind go, given it play, Ar. ; σχ. Tas μηχανάε to let off the engines, Plut. 3. to check, stop, stay, Lat. inhihere, κώπαν σχάσον, i. e. cease rowing. Find.; σχάσον υμμα lower thine eyes, Eur.: — Med., σχασάμζνο$ την ίττ-κικην having dropt one’s horsemanship, ‘ given up the turf,’ Ar. ΣΧΑ'ΆΙ'Σ, ίδθ5, η, a forked stick used to prop nets, Xen. "^σχάω, v. σχάζω. τάν or ώ τάν, sir, my good friend. Soph., Eur., Plat., etc. ; used in addressing· several persons, ώ τάν, άτταλλαχθητον Ar. (Origin uncertain.) Τάναγρα, a town of Boeotia, Hdt., etc. : — Adj. Τανα- •γρικός, ά], όν, of Tanagra, Id. Ταναγραίος, b, a man of Tanagra, Xen. : — η Ταναγραϊκή the district of T., Plut. τάνα-ήκης, es, (άκή) with long point or edge, II. τάναί-μΰκος, ον , far -bellowing, Anth. τάναντία, crasis for τα 4ναντία. τάναά-δειρος, ον, {Seiprj) long-necked, Ar. τάναός, ή, bv, and 6s, 6v, (τείνω) stretched, out- stretched, tall, long, taper, II. ; ττλάκαμοε τ. longflow- locks, Eur. ; τ. αΙΘ'ί)ρ outspread ether. Id. ; τ, y^pas long old age, Anth. τάναυ-τΓους (i.e. Tavafirovs >, ttoSos, b, η, old Ep. form for Tavbirovs, stretching the feet, long-striding, long- shanked, h. Horn., Od. τάνα-ώτΓίς, ibos, η, (ώψ) far-sighted, Emped. τάνδον, crasis for τα ένδον. τάνδρί, τάνδρός, crasis for τίρ άνδρί, του άνδρ05. τάνε'κάθεν, crasis for τδ ανέκαθεν. τάνη-λεγής, 4s, iravaos, λέγω) laying one out at length, epith. of death, Horn, τάνίκα. Dor. for τηνίκα. Τάνις, εωϊ or los, η, a town in lower Egypt, the Hebrew Zoan, Strab. : — b Τανίτης v6μos the Tanite nome, Hdt. τάνταϊα, crasis for τά άνταΊα. ταντάλόομαι, for ταλαντόομαι, (τάλαντον) Pass, to he balanced or swung, ε’ττί γα ττε'σε τανταλωθεΐΓ fell with a swing upon earth. Soph. Τάνταλος, οι», b, Tantalus, king· of Phrygia, ancestor of the Pelopidae, Od. : — Adj. Ταντάλειος, a, ov, of or belonging to T., Eur. : — Τανταλίδης, oo, b, son of 791 T., Aesch. : — Τανταλίς, iSos, daughter of T., i.e. Niobe, Anth. (From *τλ(ζω, prob. in relation to his long endurance of torment.) τάνταΰθα, crasis for τά 4ντανθα : — τάντεχίθεν, for τά iv- Tevdev. τάντάς, crasis for to ivTos. τάντίττάλον, crasis for τδ αντίπαλον. τάνυ-γλωσ-σος, ον, {τανύω, γλώσσα) long-tongued , chattering, Od. τάνυ-γλώχΐς, Ivos, b, η, (τανύω) with long point, II. τάνυ-δρομος, ον, running at fidl stretch, Aesch. τάνυ-εθειρα, (τανύω) with flowing hair, Pind. τάνυ-ήκης, ε5, (τανύω, άκή) like Tava'i]K’qs, with long point or edge, Horn. II. tapering, II. τάνυ-ήλιξ, \kos, b, η, (τανύω) of extended age, Anth. τάνυ-θριξ,τρίχοϊ,ό,η, (τανύω) long-haired , shaggy , Hes. τάνΰμαι. Pass., = τανύομαί, to be stretched, II. τάνΰ-μ·ηκης, es, (τανύω, μηκos) long-stretched, tall, iTeat Anth. τανΰν, Adv. for vov, now, at present, v. vov i . τάνυ-Ίτειτλος [υ], ον, (τανύω) with flowing peplos, Horn. τάνυ-Ίτλεκτος [ύ], ον, (τανύω) in long plaits, Anth. τάνυ-Ίτλευρος [u], ov, (τανύω, πλευρά) long-sided, enor- mous, Anth. τάνυ-'ΠΓους [δ], b, ■η, = τavaύπoυs, Soph. τάνύ-'ΤΓτερος,ον, shorter form of τavυσίπτ€pos, Hes., Pind. τάνυ-ΤΓτε'ρυΙ, υγο5, b, ‘η, = τavϋπτ€pos, II. τάνυρ-ριζος, ον, (τανύω, ρίζα) with far-stretching roots, Hes. ^ τάνυσί-Ίττερος, ov, (τανύω, πτ^ρόν) svith extended wings, long-winged, Od., Hes., Ar. τάνυστυς, bos, η, (τανύω) a stretching, stringing, Od. τάνυ-σφΰρος, ov, (τανύω, σφνρόν) with taper ancles, Hes. τάνυ-φλοιος, ov, (τανύω) of trees, 7vith long-stretched bark, i. e. of tall or slender growth, II. τάνυ-φυλλος [δ], ον, (τανύω, ψύλλον) with long-pointed leaves, of the olive, Od. II. 7vith thick foliage, leafy, Theocr. τάνυω, f. ύσω, Ep. -ύω ; aor. i 4τάνύσα, Ep. ε’τάνοσσα, τάνυσσα: — Med.,Ep. aor. i part, τavυσσάμ€vos: — Pass., aor. I ^τανύσθην, Ep. 3 pi. τάνοσθεν : 3 sing. pf. τετά- νυσμαι: (τείνω): — to stretch, strain, stretch out, 11 .; T. βιόν to string a bow, Od. ; and in Med., τύξον τανυσ- σάμ€vos having strung his bow, 11 . : — of putting the strings to a harp, ετάνοσσε χορδήν Od. ; τ. κανόνα to push the weaving-bar tight, i. e. to weave, 11 . ; υπωs τανύστ) when he reins in [the horses], lb. ; 4π\ Άκρά- yavTi Tavbaaas (sc. oiCTobs) having aimed them, Pind. : — Pass., yvaθμol τάνυσθεν (for ΐτανύσθησαν) the hollow cheeks filed out, Od. ; to run at full stretch, of horses galloping, Horn. 2. metaph. to strain, make more intense, μάχην 11. ; έριδα πυλύμοιο πΐΐραρ τάνυσσαν strained tlie tug of war, lb. II. to stretch out, lay along, lay, Horn. ; τ. τινά iv Kovips, επί yaip to lay one in the dust, stretch him at his length. Id. Pass, to lie stretched out. Id. : to extend, Od. ; 4πΙ χθονί Κ€Ϊτο TavvaOeis II. : — also, τpίβos τετάνυστο the path stretched away, Theocr. ταξιαρχε'ω, f. ήσω, to be a taxiarch,Xc.,'Yhuc.,e\.c. From ταξι-άρχης, ou, ύ, = ταξίαρχο5, licit, (in gen. pi. ταξι- αρχ4ων). ταξιαρχία, η, the oflice of taxiarch, Arist. brom 792 ταξίαρχο! Ta^i-a.p\o%,b,the coini7ianderof a squadron, Hdt. II. at Athens, the comma^ider of a rd^is (l. 4 ), the corre- sponding· cfli'a/rj'-officers being φύλεψχοι, Ar. : gener- ally an officer, Xen. ταξί-λοχος, ον, commanding a λόχο5 or division, Anth. ταξιόομαι, Pass, to engage in battle. Find, τόξις, eo-’S, Ion. los, η, {τάσσω) aji arra7tging : I. in military sense : 1. a drau'i7ig tip, the order or disposition of a7i army, Thuc., Xen., etc. ; to α.μφ\ τάξ€ΐ5 tactics, Xen. 2. battle array, order of battle, Lat. acies, κατά τάξιν Hdt. ; 4v τάξ^ι Thuc., etc. 3. a si7igle ratik or litre of soldiers, Lat. ordo, etrl τάξΐΐ5 6\iyas yiyveaOai to be drawn up a few lines deep. Id. 4. a body of soldiers, a sqtiadroti, Aesch., Soph. : at Athens, the quota of infantry furnished by each φυλ-ή (cf. ταξίαρχο5 ll), Lys.' : of smaller bodies, a compatiy, cohort, Xen. ; so of ships, a squadron, Aesch. : — generally, a battd, company. Id. 5. a post or place in the line of battle, Lat. statio, Hdt.; /leVeij/ 4v TTj 4ωυτον τάξ^ι, opp. to ΐκλζίτταν την τ.. Id. II. generally, ati arrangement, order. Plat., etc. 2 . order, regularity. Id. 3. τ. του φόρου an assessment of tribute, Xen. : ati arratigement voith creditors. Lex ap. Dem. 4. a political order, a cotistitution, Arist. III. metaph. from i. 5 , the post or position one holds, Aesch., etc. ; iv θ€τταλών τάξ(ΐ, iv €χθροί) τ. vievced as Thessalians, as an enemy, Dem. ; iv 4·κηρ€ΐα$ τάξ^ι by Tvay of insult. Id. 2 . otters duty towards another, η ΰττόρ Tivos T.ld. ; η eiivoiasT. the duty oi good-will, Id. IV. a class of men, as of magistrates, Xen., Dem. ΤΑ'ΞΟΣ, b, the yew-tree, Lat. taxus. ΤΑ'ΊΊΕΙΝΟ'Σ, η, όν, low: 1 . of Place, lying low, Hdt.; TOTreivo νόμ^σθαι to live iti low regions. Find.; of stature or size, low, Xen. 2. of the condition of persons, brought dowti, huttibled, submissive, Hdt., Aesch., etc. : of low rattk, lowly, meati, Lat. vilis, Eur., etc. : small, poor, vceak. Id., Dem. : — Adv., τατΓ€ΐνω5 ττράτταν to he poorly off, Isocr. 3. of the spirits, hunώled, dejected, Thxtc., Xen. 4. in moral sense, partly bad, mean, base, abject, Xen., etc. ; partly good, lowly, humble. Id., X.T. 5. of things, w/i’a;;, low, poor, T. σχήμα meati apparel, Xen. : of style, low, poor, .Arist. ; Adv., τα·π€ΐνώ$ Xiyeiv Id. Hence τατΓβινότης, tjtos, η , lowness of stature, Hdt. 2. of condition, low estate, abasemetit, Thuc., Isocr. 3. lowttess of spirits, dejection, Xen. 4. in moral sense, baseness, viletiess. Plat, ταττεινοφροσ-υνη, η, lowlitiess, humility, N. T. From ταπ€ΐνό-φρων, ovos, b, η, φρην) lowly in ttiitid, Plut. τα,-τΓ^νόω, f. ώσω, (ratreivos to lower : — Pass., ·πάν opos ταπ€ίνωθησΕται X.T. II. metaph. to lessen, τον φθόνον Plut. : to disparage, Polyb. 2. to humble, abase, Xen., Aeschin. : — Pass., Plat., Xen. 3. in moral sense, to make lowly, to humble, X. T. : — Pass. to huttible otieself, Ib. Hence TaTTiivu>^\.%,7},humiliation,abase77ient,defeat, Plat. 2. low estate, low cotiditioti, X. T. ToircKCiva, crasis for τα άττόκανα. ΤΑ'ΠΗΣ [ά], ητο5, ο, a carpet, rug, Lat. tapes, Horn., Ar. τάττί, crasis for τα eVi : — τάττιεική, for τα itrieiKT ) : — τάττιτίμια, for τά 4τητίμια : — τοττίχειρα, for το irrix^ipa. — ταρβεω. τάτΓίς [ο], iSos, η, = bams, τάττηε, Xen. τάττό, crasis for τά οπό : — τοιτοβαΐνον, for τό άττοβαΐνον. τάπόρρητα, crasis for τά απόρρητα. ταττρώτα, for τά πρώτα, at first, II. τάρα, crasis for το» άρα. τάραγμα [ά], otos , τό, (ταράσσω) disquietude, Eur. τάρογμός, ο, disturbatice, confusion, Aesch., Eur. τάρακτικόξ, ή, όν, (ταράσσω) disturbing, c. gen., τη% ^υχη5 Plut. τάρακτρον, τό, (ταράσσω) a tool for stirritig with, Ar. ταράκτωρ, b, poet, for ταράκτη$, Aesch. Ταραντΐνον, τό, a fine Tarentine woman^s garttient : Dim. Τοραντϊνίδιον, τό, Luc. τάραξι-κάρδιος, ον, (καρΒία) heart-troubling, Ar. ταραΙ-ιτητό-στροτος, ον, troubling the horse-array , of Cleon as a foe to the ΤππεΓϊ, Ar. Τάρας, avTos, b, Tarentum, a town of Magna Graecia, Hdt., Thuc. : — Adj. Τάράντϊνος, η, ον, Tarentitie, Strab. ; T., b, a Taretitine, Hdt. ταράσσω, Att. -ττω, in Att. also shortd. θράσσω, (Root TAPAX) : f. ταράξω: aor. i ότάραξα: pf. τετό- ράχα, Ep. τότρηχα ^infr. Ill): — Pass., f. ταραχθη· σομαι, med. ταράζομαι in pass·, sense: aor. i όταράχθην : pf. τeτάpayμaι. To stir, stir up, trouble, in a physical sense, ότάραξΐ πόντον Od. ; όμοΰ τ. την τε yrjv και την θάλατταν Ar. ; βροντημασι κυκάτω πάντα Aesch.; πάντα τ., of a speaker, to jumble up, Dem. ; beiva τ. makes ‘ confusion worse confounded,’ Soph. 2 . to tro^ώle the mind, confouiid, agitate, disturb, disquiet, Trag., Plat., etc. : absol. to cause confusion. Plat. 3. of an army, to throw into disorder, Hdt., Xen., etc. : — Pass, to be in disorder, Hdt., Thuc. 4. of political matters, to agitate, distract, Ar. : — Pass, to be i7i a state of disorder or anarchy, Thuc., Dem. 5. ταράττ^σθαι ε’πί τώ;ν Ίππων to be shaken in one's seat on horseback, Xen. II. to stir up mud, raise by stirring up, Ar. : metaph., τ. vfxKos, πόλεμον Soph., Plat. ; Pass., πόλ€μο5 όταράχθη Dem. III. intr. pf. τότρηχα, to be in disorder or co7ifusion, be in ayi uproar, τ^τρηχ^ι V ayoprj II. ; άγορη τζτρηχύΐα Ib. Hence τάράχ-η, η, trouble, disorder, confusion. Find., Thuc., etc. 2. of an army or fleet, Thuc., etc.; iv τη ταραχή in thecoiifusion, Hdt. 3. political conf usion , tiii7iult , 2 LXid\n pi. tinnults, troubles. Id., Att. ; τ. yiy- veTai τώ>ν ξυμμάχων πρ05 Toi/s AoJceSaipoviovs Thuc. τάραχος ^d], b, = ταραχή, Xen. τοράχ-ώδης, εϊ, ^είδοϊ) troublous, turbulent , Hdt. ; Ίχνη τ. U7icertai77, baffliyig, Xen. II. troubled, disordered, Arist. 2 . of an army, Thuc., Xen. III. Adv., ταραχωδώ'5 ζην to live in a state of confusion, Isocr. ; τ. exeiv πρόε τινα to be rebelliously disp>osed, Dem. ; Sup. -όστατα Isocr. ταρβάλεος, a, ov, frighted , fearful , h. Horn., Soph, ταρβε'ω, f. ήσω, (τάρβοε) intr. to be frighte7ied, alaryned, terrified, Horn. ; τ. φόβρ Soph., Eur. : — absol. to shew fear, II., Aesch. ; τό ταρβ€Ϊν a state of fear, Eur. ; μη με ταρβησα3 προΒίρ 3 fro77i fear. Soph. ; τ€τσρβηκώ$ fear-stricken, Eur. II. c. acc. to fear, drecui, II., Aesch., etc. 2. to stand iyi awe of, revere, .Aesch. ΤΑ'ΡΒΟΣ ΤΑ'ΡΒΟΣ, €os, r6, fright, alarm, terror, II., Trag·., etc. 2. a'we, reverence, tivqs for one, Aesch. II, an object of alarm, a fear, alarm. Soph., Eur. ταρβοστίνη, η, Ep. for τάρβο$, Od. ταρβόσυνος, η, ον, affrighted or affrighting, Aesch. τάργυριον, crasis for rh apyvpiov ; rapyvpiov for του apy- : — ταρια, for τά epta. ταρϊχεία. Ion. -ηΐη, η, a preserving, picklhig : in pi., ot Ταριχ^ΐαι factories for salting fish, Hdt., Strab. ταριχβυσις, -η, embalming, of mummies, Hdt. 2. pickling, salting, of fish. Id. ; and ταριχευτής, ον, b, anembalmer,o{ mummies, Hdt. From ταριχεύω, f. eucroj, (τάριχοε) to preserve the body by artificial means, to embalm, of the Egyptian mummies, Hdt., Plat. II. to preserve meat or fish by salting, pickling, or smoking. Plat, : — Pass., [ίχθυα?] e| αλμηί τ^ταριχζνμίνου5 Hdt. ; τ€μάχ'η Τ€ταριχ€υμ4να preserved meat, Xen. III. metaph. in Pass, to shrivel up, Aesch.; ΤΕταριχζυμ€νο5 stale, Dem. ταρίχιον, τ6. Dim. of τάριχο$, Ar. ταριχοιτωλειον, τό, the salt-fish market, Theophr. ταρϊχοττωλε'ω, to sell salt fish. Plat. II. to be engaged with the embalming of corpses, Luc. From ταριχο-Ίτώλης, ου, ο, (ττωλεω) a dealer in salt fish, Plut., etc. τάρϊχος [ά], ου, ο, a dead body preserved by embalming, a mummy, Hdt. II. meat or fish preserved by salting, pickling, or smoking. Id. τάρϊχος, ovs, T(i, = foreg. li, Ar., etc. ταρττήναι, Ep. ταρττήμεναι, aor. 2 pass. inf. of τ^ρπω. ταρσός, Att. ταρρός, 6, (τ^ρσομαι) a stand or frame of wicker-work, a crate, Lat. cratis, Od., Thuc. : — generally, a basket, Ar. 2, a mat of reeds, built into brickwork to bind it together, Hdt. II. any broad fiat surface, as, 1 . t. ττοδόϊ the fiat of the foot, the part between the toes and the heel, II., Hdt, 2. T. κωττ4ω5 the flat or blade of an oar, Lat. palmula, Hdt. : absol. an oar, Eur. : — in collective sense, the oars on one side of a ship, Thuc. 3. T. TTTcpvyos the flat of the \ving, a wing, Anth. ; of a peacock’s tail, Mosch, Ταρτάρειος [ά], a, ον, Tartarean, horrible, Eur., Luc. Τάρτάρος, b and -η : heterog. pi. Τάρταρα, τά, Tartarus, a dark abyss, as deep below Hades as earth below heaven, the prison of the Titans, II., Hes., etc. : — later, the nether world, like "Αιδηϊ, Hes., Aesch. (Deriv, un- certain.) Hence Ταρτάρόω, to cast into Tartarus or hell, N. T. Τάρτησσος, b and tj, a city of Spain at the mouth of the Baetis, the Tarshish of Scripture, Hdt., Strab. : — Ταρτήσσιος, a, ov, Tartessian, Hdt., Ar. ταρψεες, oi, ταρψεα, τά, plur. of ταρφν$Α~ ταρψειός, ά, όν, ν. ταρφνε. τάρφθη, -θεν, Ερ. β sing, and pi. aor. i pass, of τέρπω, τάρφος, εοϊ, b, a thicket, II. (From τρέφω to thicken j ταρφυς, ε?α (or us), ΰ, (τρέφω) thick, close, Aesch. ; pi. masc. and neut., like Lat. frequentes, ταρφεε5 loi thick-flying arrows, II. ; ταρφεα ζράχματα Ib. : — neut. pi. ταρφε'α as Adv. ofttimes, often, Horn. : — ταρφεζοί in II. must belong to a nom. ταpφεtόs, unless we write ταρφεΓαί, from ταρφνί. τάρχαϊον, crasis for τδ άρχάΐον. — τανρεος. 79Z ταρχυω, f. ύσω : Pass., Ep. aor. x ταρχνθην [ϋ] Anth. : ■ — to bury solemnly, II. τάσις [ά], εω5,ή, (τείνω) tension,inte7isity, force, Pint.; Όφρυων τ. a raising of the eye-brows, Anth. τάσσω (Root TAP), Att. -ττω : f. τάξω: aor. i έταξα: pf. τίτάχα : — Pass,, f. ταχθά}σομαι and τετάξομαι : aor. I ετάχθην, rarely aor. 2 ετάχ-ην [ά] : pf. τ4τayμaι, 3 pi. τετάχαται : 3 ρί. plqpf. τετάχατο. To arrange, put in order, Hdt., etc. : esp. to draw up in order of battle, to form, array, marshal, both of troops and ships, Hdt., Thuc,, etc. : — Pass, to be drawn tip, Hdt. ; ε’πΐ τεττάρων ταχθηναι in four lines, Xen . ; κατά μίαν τετayμεvoι in single column, Thuc. : absol., τετayμεvoι in rank and file, opp. to άτακτοι. Id., etc. : — Med. to fall in, form in order of battle. Id. 2. to post, station, Hdt., Aesch., etc. : — Pass., Hdt., etc. ; Th ττεζόν or is π. τετάχθαι or ταχθηναι to serve among the infantry. Id, ; c. acc. cogn., τάξιν τινά ταχθηναι Plat. II. to appoint to any service, military or civil, τ. τινά επί tivos one over a thing, to a service or task, Dem., etc. ; επί τινι Aesch., etc. ; επί τι Ar,, etc, ; πρό$ τι Xen. : — Pass., τετάχθαι επί τινι to be appointed to a service, Hdt., etc. ; επί τι Ar. 2. c. acc. et inf. to appoint one to do a thing, Xen. ; and in Pass, to he appointed to do, Aesch., etc. : — also (sine inf.), ot τεταχμενοι βραβεΊ$ Soph, ; πρεσβεΐ5 ταχθεντεε Dem. 3. c. acc. et inf, also, to order one to do a thing, Hdt., Soph., etc. ; also, T. TivX ποιεϊν τι Hdt., etc. Pass., ετάχθην or τετayμaι ποιεΤν τι Id. : — also impers., Ιώμεν, Ίν ημΐν τετακται (sc. ϊεναι) Soph. ; ois ετετακτο βοηθεΤν Thuc. 4. to assign to a class, τ. εΐε τάξιν τινά Xen. ; τ. εαυτόν τινων to act as one of a set, Dem. : — Pass., πρόε τήν ξυμμαχίαν ταχθηναι to join it, Thuc. III. c. acc. rei, to place in a certaUi order, χωρίε τ. τι Hdt. ; πρώτον τ. τι Xen, 2. to appoint, ordain, order, prescribe. Soph., Plat,: — Pass., τδ ταχθεν Soph. ; τά τετayμεva Xen. 3. of taxes or payments, to appoint or fix a certain payment, T. TivX φόρον Aeschin., etc. ; with an inf. added, χρήματα τάξαντεε φερειν Thuc. ; τάσσειν apyvpiov to fix the price. Id. : — Pass., τδ ταχθεν τίμημα Plat. : — Med. to take a payynent on oneself, i.e. agree to pay it, φόρον τάξασθαι Hdt. ; χρήματα άποδονναι ταξά- μενοι Thuc. 4. in Med., also, generally, to agree tipon, settle. Plat. 5. to impose punishments, τ. δίκην Ar. ; τιμωρίαν Dem. : — so in Med., Hdt, 6. in pf. part. pass, fixed, prescribed, b τετayμεvoε χρόνοε Id., etc.; η τετ. ήμερα, ετοε Xen., etc. ; ή τετ. χώρα Id. τάτα, = τεττα, Anth. τάτάω. Dor, for τητάω. τατιον, crasis for τδ αίτιον. τάττω, Att. for τάσσω. ταυ, τό, the letter τ. Plat. Τα-ΰχετον, Ion. Τηυχετον, τό. Mount Taygetus, between Laconia and Messenia, Od., Hdt., etc. ταυρειος, a, ov, and os, ov, (τανροε) of bulls, oxen, or cows, Lat. taurinus, Trag. II. of bull's-hide,\\. ταυρ-ελάτης [ά], ον, b, (Ελαύνω) a bull-driver : — a Thessalian bull-fighter, tainidor, Anth. ταυρεος, a, ov, = ταύρειοε ; epith. of Poseidon in Boeotia, because bulls were offered to him, Hes. 794 τανρη8όν — ταυρηδόν, Adv. like a hull, savagely, Ar., Plat. I ταυρο-βόλος, ον, {βάλλω) slaughtering bulls, τελβτί? ' τ. a sacrifice of a bull, Anth. ταυρο-βόρος, ον, {βι-βρώσκω) devouring bulls, Anth. ταυρο-γάστωρ, opos, δ, (γαστήρ) with bull’s paunch : metaph. enormous, Anth. : ταυρο-δ€τη 9 , ου, ό, (δεω) bull-binder, in fern. -Sen?, I Cbos, Anth. ταυρό-κερως, ωτos, δ, η, {Kepas) bull-horned, Eur. ταυρό-κρανος, ον, {κράνιον) = ταύρο Κ€φαλθ5, Eur. ταυροκτονε'ω, f. ήσω, to slaughter hulls, Aesch. From ταύρο- κτόνος, ον, {κτ^ίνω) slaughtering bulls. Soph. ταυρ(5-μορφο9, ον, {μορφή) bull-formed, Eur. ταυρόομαι, Pass., only in pres, to become savage as a hull, Aesch., Eur. ; τανροΰσθαι υμμα τινί to cast savage glances on one, Eur. ταυρο-ττάτωρ [ά], opos, δ, η, {ττατηρ) sprung from a bidl, of bees, Theocr. ταυρο-ττόλος, η, (ττολεω) a name of .Artemis, — either worshipped at Tauris, or hunting bulls, Eur. j — so ταυροπόλα (Dor. for -πόλη). Soph. ταυρό-ΤΓονς, δ, η, πουν, τό, hull-footed, Eur. ΤΑΥ~ΡΟΣ, δ, a bidl, Horn., etc. : also Tadpos βου$, like ads κάπροε, KipKos φηξ, H. : — άπεχε ttjs fiohs τόν ταύρον, oracularly of Agamemnon and his wife, Aesch, ταυροσφαγε'ω, f. ήσω, to cut a hull’s throat, τ. is aaKos to cut its throat (so that the blood runs) into a hollow shield, Aesch. From ταυρο-σφάγος, ον, {αφάττω) bull-slaughtering, sacri- ficial, Soph. ταυρο-φάχο?, ον, {φσ.Ύ€Ϊν) bull-eating, Ar, ταυρο-φόνο 5 , ον, =τaυpoσφάyos, Pind., Theocr., etc. ταΰτα, neut, pi. of outos. II. ταΰτά, crasis for TO αυτά. ταύτάζω, v. τ^υτάζω. ταυτη, dat. fern. dat. of oZtos, in this way. ταυτί, strengthd. Att. for ταυτα, neut, pi. of oZtos. ταντό, Att. -Tov, Ion. τωύτό, crasis for τδ αυτό, τδ αυτόν. ταΰτο-κλϊνής, is, {κλίνω) under thesanieclimate,Stra.h. ταυτο-λόγος, ον, tautologous, Anth. ταύτόματον, crasis for τδ αυτόματον, a chance, από ταυτομάτου spontaneously , by chance, Thuc., Plat. ταύτο-ΤΓΟιε'ω, f. ά\σω, to do the same with, τινί Arist. ταύτότης, ητos, η, (τδ αυτό) identity, Arist. τάφανή, crasis for τά αφανή. τάφε, poet, for ετάφε : v. τόθηπα. τάφε'σει, crasis for τη άφόσ^ι. ταφευς, iωs, δ, {θάπτω) a hurier, Lat. vespillo. Soph, ταφή, η, {θάπτω) burial, Lat. septdtura, Hdt. : mode of burial. Id. 2. in pi. also, a burial-place, Hdt., Soph, j — in sing,, a^s d στ^ρ{)σομαι τaφηs, of the urn supposed to contain the ashes of Orestes, Soph. 3. payment for burial, a burial-fee, Dem. τάφήιος, η, ον. Ion. for τaφiΐos (not used), of ov for a burial, τ. φάpos a winding-sheet, shroud, Od. τάφιος, a, ov,—ioreg., τ. λίθos a gravestone, Anth. τάφάδια, crasis for to εφόδίο. τάφος [ά], δ, {θάπτω) a burial, funeral, XjdX.funus, Horn., Soph., etc. ; δαινύναι τάφον to give a funeral- feast, Horn, 2. the act of burying. Soph. II. the grave itself, tomb, Hes., Hdt., etc. in pi. of a single grave, Hdt., Soph. ; ovt^s iv τάφoιs though dead - ΤΑΧΤ'Σ. I and buried, Aesch. ; oi πaτphs τάφοι his being buried, ' Soph. 2. έμψυχοί Tts T. a ^ living skeleton,’ Luc. τάφος [ά], €os, τό, {τόθηπα) astonishment, amazement, Od. τάφρε ία, η, a making of ditches or trenches, Dem. From : ταφρευω, f. σω, {τάφpos) to make a ditch, Xen., Aeschin. I τάφρη, η. Ion. for τάφpos, Hdt. τάφρος, η, {θάπτω) a ditch, trench, Horn., etc. ; τάφρον ορύσσζίν II., etc. ; τ. 4λαύνζΐν to draw a trench, Ib. ταφών, aor. 2 part. ; v. τόθηπα. τάχα, Adv. (τάχύϊ) quickly, presently, forthwith, Lat. statim, Horn., etc. II. perhaps. Plat., etc. : — so also τάχ &v probably, perhaps, may be, with optat., Hdt., Att. : — τάχ αν alone, in answers. Plat., etc. : — strengthd., Ϊσω5 τάχα Xen. ; τάχα τοίνυν Xσωs Dem. ; τάχ’ άν ‘ίσωs Soph., etc. III. for Comp, τάχιον. Sup. τάχιστα, v, ταχυι C. τάχε'ως, Adv. of Taxis. τάχΐνός, ή, όν, poet, for Taxis, Theocr. neut. pi. ταχινά,=τάχα. Id. τάχίων [t], τάχιστος, v. Taxis C. τάχος, eos, τό, (τάχνί) swiftness, speed, fleetness, velocity, II., Plat. 2, τ. φρένων quickness of temper, hastiness, Eur. II. τάχοί is often used in Ad- verbial phrases for ταχέων, absol. in acc., Aesch., etc. : — with Preps., οπδ τάχου5 Xen. ; δίά τάχους Soph., etc. ; iv τάχει Aesch., etc. ; ds τάχοϊ Xen., etc. ; κατά τάχos Hdt., Thuc. ; μετά τάχουί Plat. ; συν τάχει Soph. : — also with relatives, 0 }S t0xos, like ois τάχιστα, Hdt., Aesch. ; so, o τι τάχos Hdt., Soph. ; όσον τάχο5 Soph. : — also, ws τάχ€os εΤχεν ’iκaστos as each was off for speed, i. e. as quickly as they could, Hdt. ; ώί εΐχον τάχoυs Thuc. τάχΰ-άλωτος, ον, conquered quickly or easily, Hdt. τάχΰ-βάτης [ά], ου, δ, {βαίνω) fast-walking, Eur. τάχυ-βουλος, ον, {βουλ-ή) hasty in counsel, Ar. τάχυ-δακρυς, υ, gen. vos, soon moved to tears, Luc. τάχυεργία, η, quickness in working, Xen. From τάχυ-εργάς, όν, (^ίρ^ω) working quickly. τάχυ-μηνις, εω^, δ, η, swift to anger, Anth. τάχυ-μορος, ον, quickly dying, shortlived, Aesch. τάχυ-ναυτε'ω, f. ήσα>, {vaiτηs) to sail fast, Thuc. ταχύνω [ΰ], f. υνω : aor. i 4τάχϋνα : {vaxis) : — to make quickly. Soph. ; τοΊα σπερχάμενοϊ ταχδν^ι such are the words which in his eager haste he speaks, Eur. II. intr. to be quick, to make haste, speed, hurry, Aesch., Soph., Xen. τάχΰ-ττειθής, is, soon persuaded, credulous, Theocr. τάχυ-τΓορος, ov, quick of motion, Aesch., Eur. τάχυ-ΤΓΟτμος, ον,=ταχόμορο5, Pind. τάχΰ-τΓους, ποδοε, δ, η, πουν, τό, swift-footed, Eur., .Ar. τάχυ-τΓτερνος, ον, {πτόρνα) swift-footed, Theogn. ταχυ-τΓτερος, ον, {πτ^ρόν) swift-winged, Aesch. τάχυ-ττωλος [υ], ον, with fleet, swift horses, II. τάχυρ-ροθος, ον, swift-rushing, Aesch. τάχυρ-ρωστος, ον, {βώομαΐ) swift -rushing. Soph. — - ΤΑ-ΧΥΣ [ο], εΓα, ΰ\ I. of motion, quick, swift, fleet, opp. to βραδύ5, Horn., etc. ; ταχυ5 πόδα$ II. ; ταχυ5 θείείν Horn. II. of thought and purpose, quick, rapid, hasty, φpovdv yap oi Taxds ουκ άσφaλds Soph. ; c. inf., βλάπτ€ΐν τ. Ar. ; τδ ταχύ speed, haste, Eur. 2. so of actions, events, quick, rapid, sudden. ταχυτής ττίβημα Soph.; πό\€μο5 Thuc. ; τ. eATrtSes fleeting hopes. Find. B. Adv., 1. regul. form rcixecos, quicklyy II., Att. 2. the Adv. is also expressed by periphr., 5ta ταχέων in haste, Thuc., etc. ; e/c raxeias Soph. ; cf. τάχο5 II. ' 3. neut. ταχύ as Adv., Id., etc. ; more often τάχα (q. v.). C. Degrees of Cofnparison : I. Comp.: 1. regul. form ταχΰτβρος, a, ov, Hdt. 2. θάσσων, neut. θάσοΌν, gen. ovos, new Att. θάττων, neut. θάττον, Horn., Att. : — neut. as Adv., Horn., etc. ; θάσσον av κλύοιμι sooner, i. e. rather, would I hear. Soph. ; θάσσον also, like Lat. ocius, often stands for the Posi- tive, ov θάσσον οίσ€ΐ5 ; i. e. make haste and bring. Id. ; 0 Ti θάσσον, like 8 rt τάχιστα, Theocr. ; eiret- ^av Θ. Plat. 3. the form ταχιών [t], neut. lov, is rare in good Att. II. the regular Sup. ταχύτατο$, is rare. Find. ; ταχύτατα as Adv., Xen. 2. the usual form is τάχιστος, η, ον, mostly in neut. pi. τάχιστα as Adv., OTTi τάχιστα as soon as possible, Lat. qiiam celerrime, II. ; Att. 8 τι τάχιστα Soph., etc. : — so, οσον T. Aesch. ; ώ5 τ. Hdt., Att. ; ‘όπω5 τ. Aesch., etc. : — these are ellipt. phrases, for ojs δυνατύν τ. Hdt. ; ώϊ or p &v δννωμαι τ. Xen., etc. : — also after Particles of Time, like Lat. qiuim prinium, eVei (Ion. eVei τε) τάχιστα Hdt., Att. ; εττείδτ; τ. Plat., etc. ; έτηάν or επή»/, έττάν, έττζίδάν τ. Hdt., etc. ; δταν τ. Xen. 3. often also in Prose, την ταχίστην (sc. δδόν\ as Adv. by the quickest -way, i. e. most quickly, Hdt., etc. Hence τάχΰτής, tjtos. Dor. -τάς, άτos, η, q^iickness, siviftness, Horn., Hdt., Plat. τάων [ά]. Dor. and Aeol. gen. pi. fern, of b, η, τ6. τοώνιος or -ειος, ον, of a peacock, Luc. From ΤΑΩ'Σ or ταώς (sometimes written toSs), b; gen. ταώ or ταω ; acc. ταών or ταων : pi., nom. τα^' or τα^ ; gen. ταών ; acc. ταώε or ταώ5 : — but also (as if from a nom. ταών) pi. dat. ταώσι, acc. ταώναε : — a peacock, Lat. pavo, Ar., etc. : metaph. of coxcombs. Id. T€, enclitic Particle, a^td, answering to Lat. que, as καί to et. It may simply join clauses, as hs Χρύσην άμφι- βέβηκαί Κίλλαν τε ζαθέην, Τενεδοίό τε Ίφι άνάσσ^ι$ II. ; or it may be repeated as τε . . τε . . , both . . and . . , as ττατηρ άνδρών τε 0εων τε Horn. So also τε . . , καϊ . . , as διαστ'}]την ’Ατρείδη? τε καί δ'ιο$ Άχίλλεύϊ II., etc. : — used to show coincidence of Time, μ^σαμβρίη τε έστι καϊ τδ κάρτα yiyvcTai φνχρόν Hdt., etc. 2. the combination καί τε is peculiar to Ep., and also, Horn. II. In Ep. Poetry, τε is attached to many relative Pronouns or Particles, without altering their sense, as οστε, δσο5 τε, yάp τε, δε τε, /χεΤτε, ένθα τε, '/να τε, etc. : in Att., this τε was dropped, except in a few words, as άτε, ώστε, έφΐ φτ€, οΐό$ τε, εστε. τε'. Dor. for σε', acc. sing, of σύ. ri\ apostroph. for τεά, neut. pi. of Tebs. ΤΕ'ΓΓΩ, f. τε'γξα» : aor. i ετε7|α : — Pass., aor. i ε’τεγ- χθην : — to wet, moisten. Find., etc.; of tears, Trag. : — Pass, τiyyoμaι, I weep, Aesch. ; τ. βλέφαρα liur. 2. c. acc. cogn., τ. δάκρυα to shed tears. Find. ; τέy- yn δακρύων άχναν Soph. : — Pass., ομβρο$ έτέyyfτo a shower fell. Id. II. to soften (properly, by soaking or bathing). Find. : — metaph. in Pass., τέyyil yap ούδέν thou art no whit softened, .Aesch. ; οίίτε — τείνω, 79 ^ Aoyois ετε'γγεθ’ ^δε Eur. III. to dye, stain, Lat. tingere ; metaph., like Lat. imbuere. Find. Τεγεα, as. Ion. -εη, ηs, η, Tegea in Arcadia, II., Find., etc. : — Τεγεάτης [ά]. Ion. -ήτης, b, of Tegea, Hdt., etc. : — fern. Τεγεάτις,ίδθ5, the Tegeate country , Thuc. : — Adv. -άτικός. Ion. -ητικός, η, όν, Hdt. τεγεος, ον, (rbyos) at or near the roof, τ. θάλαμοι, of the women’s chambers, = υπερώον, II. ΤΕ'ΓΟΣ, cos, TO, like στέyos, a roof, Lat. tectum, Od., Ar., etc. ; ούπϊ του τέyoυs you on the roof i Od., Ar. II. any covered part of a house, a hall, room, chamber, Od., Find, τεθάλώς, τεθάλυΓα, pf. part, of θάλλω, τεθαρρηκότως, Adv. of θαρρέω, boldly, Polyb. τεθάφάται, Ion. 3 pi. pf. pass, of θάπτω. τε'θηττα (Root ΘΑΠ), pf. with pres, sense (no pres, is found), Ep. plqpf . ετεθήττεα as impf. : I. intr. to be astonished, astounded, amazed, Od., Hdt. ; mostly in part. τ€θηπώ5 amazed, astonied, II.: — to this belongs also aor. 2 έταφον, used by Horn, only in part, τάφων, in the phrases ταφών άνόρονσε, στη δέ ταφών·, but 3 sing, τάφβ (for ετάφε) occurs in Find. ; and i sing. έταφον in Aesch. 2. c. acc. to be amazed at, Luc. τε'θμιος, ov, or a, ov, Dor. for θέσμιο5, settled, regular, Lat. solennis. Find. :— τε'θ^αων, T0, = sq., Id. τεθμός, b. Dor. for θεσ/xόs, a Law, custom. Find, τεθορεΐν, redupl. for θορ^ιν, aor. 2 inf. of θρώσκω. τεθορΰβημε'νως, Adv. part. pf. pass, of θορυβέω, tumultuously, Xen. τεθριττίΓΟ-βάμων [ά], ό: τ. στόλθ5, = τέθριππον, Eur. τεθριίΓΤΓΟ-βάτης [ά], ου, ό, driver of a four-horse chariot, Hdt. τε'θρ-ΠΓΤΓος, ov, (τε'τταρε5, '/π7Γ05) with four horses abreast , four-horsed. Find., Eur.; άμιλλαι τ. the chariot- race, Eur. II. τέθριππον (sc. άρμα), τό, a four-horse chariot, Hdt., Eur. ; τ. Ίππων a team of four abreast, Ar. τεθριτητοτροφεω, to keep a team of four horses, Hdt. τεθριτητο-τρόφος, ov, (τρέφω) keeping a team of four horses, τ. οικία, i. e. a wealthy family that could sup- port this contest in the games, Hdt. τεθυωμε'νος, pf. pass. part, of Θυ6ω. τεΐδε,'Dor. for ττ)δε. τε’ιν [ϊ]. Dor. and Ep. dat. sing, of σύ. τείνω (Root TAN, cf. τανύω) : f. τενώ: aor. i cTciva, hq». τεΓνα : pf. τέτάκα : — Pass., f. τάθήσο/χαι : aor. i έτάθην [ά], Ep. τάθην : pf. τέτάμαι : plqpf· 3 sing, and pi., τετατο, τέταντο, 3 dual τετάσθην. Ίο stretch by main force, to stretch to the uttermost, τό^ον ctcivcv stretched it to its full, II. ; έΐ dvTvyos ηνία τ(ίνα<{ having tied the reins tight to the chariot-rail, lb. :- Pass., [i/uas] τε'τατο the strap was made tight, lb. : Ιστία τέτατο the sails were stretched, Od. : — absol., μη Tciveiv άyav not to strain the cord too tight, Soph. 2. metaph.. Ίσον τείνειν πολέμου τε'λοϊ to strain the even tug of war, II. :— Pass., ^π1 Ίσα μάχη τέτατο lb.; Ίπποισι τάθη δρ6μο$ their pace was strained to the utmost, lb. : also, to exert oneself, be anxious. Find. 3. to stretch out, spread, Zevs λαίλαπα τείνε» II. ; νύξ τέταται βροτοίσιν night is spread over man- kind, Od. ; so, of light, τέτατο φάο$ Soph. ; of son nil, 790 τ€Ϊρος — άμψΙ ^ωτ' ίτάθ-η TrarayosSoph. 4. to awi at, direct towards a point, properly from the bow, rciveiv β4λη Id. : then, metaph., t. φόνον el's τίνα to aim death to one, design it for him, Eur. ; t. \6yov iXs τινα Plat. II. to stretch out in length, Hdt. : — Pass, to lie out at length, lie stretched, radels 4 τγΪ yairj II. ; radels 4vl ό^σμφ lying stretched in chains, Od. 2. to stretch or hold out, present, riva 4 τγΙ σφayάv Eur. : — Med., τζίν^σθαι χ4ρ€ to stretch out one’s hands, etc., Theocr. 3. to extend, lengthen, of Time, Aesch., Eur.; TetVeii/ λόγον Aesch. B. intr., of geographical position, to stretch out or extend, Hdt., Xen. : — of Time, reivovra χρόνον lengthening time, Aesch. II. to exert oneself, struggle, 4ναντία τινί Plat. : to hurry on, hasten, Eur., Xen. III. to extend to, reach, Lat. perti- nere, 4πΙ tt]v ψυχήν Plat. 2. to tend, refer, belong to, Lat. spectare ad, retvet 4s σό it refers to, concerns you, Hdt., Eur., etc.; ττοΓ relvei; to what tends it Plat. ; 4yyvs τι reiveiv του θανάτου Id. T€ipos, €05, τό, Ep. form of Tcpas, found only in pi., the heavenly constellations, signs, only once in Horn., τά retpea ττάντα, τά τ oipavhs 4στζφάνωται II. ; 4v\ Telpe- (Tiv aidepos h. Horn. τβίρω (Root TEP), impf. ίτ€ΐρον, only in pres, and impf. act. and pass. : — to rub hard : of the effects of pain, sorrow, to wear avsay, wear o^it, distress, Horn., Aesch. : — Pass., reipovro καμάτφ τ€ καϊ Ιδρφ 11.; Te'ipeTO δ’ alvcos she was sore distressed, Ib., etc. II. \ηίτ. to suffer distress,^ μάλα δήτε/ρουσί υΓβ^Άχαίών Ib. τβιχεσι-ττλήτης, ου, 6, (πελάζω) approacher of walls, i.e. stormer of cities, II. τ€ΐχεω, f. άισω, = τειχίζω, to build walls, Hdt. ; τόΐχο5 T. Id. II. trans. to fortify, τόν Ισθμόν Id. τ€ΐχή€ΐς, €σσα, cv, =τζΐχι0€ΐ5, Strab. τ€ΐχ-ήρης, es, {άραρίσκω) enclosed by walls, be- leaguered, besieged, Hdt., Thuc., etc. τ€ΐχίζω, f. Att. ιω : aor. i ότ^Ιχισα : pf. τ^τ^ίχικα : (relxos) ; — to build a wall, Ar., etc. : c. acc. cogn., T. τεΓχοϊ to build it, Thuc. ; so in Med., τΦϊχο5 4τ€ΐ- χίσσαντο they built them a wall, II. : — Pass, to be built, Pind. : 3 sing, plqpf. τ€Τζίχιστο, impers., build- ings had been erected, there were buildings, Hdt. II. trans. to wall or fortify, τό oopos Id. ; την ττόλιν Thuc., Dem. : in Med., τ^ιχίζ^σθαι τό χωρίον Thuc. : — Pass, to be walled or fenced with walls. Id. ; τά τζτζίχισμόνα the fortified parts. Id. τ€ΐχϊ0€ΐς, 6σσα, €v, (τ6?χο5) walled, high-walled, II. τειχίον, τό, (τεΓχοϊ) a wall, Od. : — any dimin. sense it has consists in its being commonly limited to private buildings, as opp. to city-walls. τείχΐσις, η, [τειχίζω) the work of walling, wall-build- ing, Thuc., Xen. τείχισμα, ατο5, τό, (τΐΐχίζω) a wall or fort, forti- fication, Eur., Thuc. τειχισμός, ό, ^τειχκτίϊ, Thuc. τειχοδομόω, f. ήσω, to build a wall, Anth. ; and τειχοδομία, η, a building of walls, Plut. From τειχο-δόμος, ον, (δεμω) building walls. τειχ-ολετιξ, ihos, η, destroyer of walls, ap. Plut. τειχομαχε'ω, f. ήσω, to fight the walls, i. e. to besiege, Hdt., Thuc., etc. ; τ. τινί Ar. ; ττρότ τινα Plut. From τεκμηριοθύ. τειχο-μάχης [ά], ου, 6, {μάχομαι) storming walls, an engineer, Ar. Hence τειχομαχία. Ion. -ίη, η, a battle with walls, i. e. a siege, Hdt. : the 12th Iliad was so called. Plat, τειχο-μελής,όϊ, (μελοϊ) walling by music, of Amphion’s lyre, Anth. τειχο-ίΓοιός, όν, {ττοιόω) building walls or forts, Luc. II. oi τειχοττοιοί, at Athens, officers chosen to repair the city-walls, Dem., Aeschin. τείχος, εοί, τό, a wall, esp. a wall round a city, town- wall, in sing, and pi., Horn. ; τοιχίων κιθων€5 coats of walls, i.e. walls one within the other, Hdt.; τεΓχοϊ 4\a0v€iv, δεμειν II., etc.; οΙκοδομ^Ίν Hdt.; τ. ττερι- βάλλ^σθαι 7noenia sibi circumdare. Id. ; also, τ. τΓζριβάλλ^σθαι τήν ττόλιν Id. ; τ. ρΙ]ξασθαι to breach the wall, II. ; so in Prose, τ. καθαιρ^Ίν, κατασκάτττΕΐν Hdt., etc. 2. TO μακρά τ^ίχη at Athens were lines of wall connecting the city-wall with the harbours, called respectively τό βόρειον or Peiraic, and τό νότιον or Phaleric wall. — τειχοί, τ^ίχη differ from τοΐχοε, as Lat. mums, moeiiia from paries, city-walls from a house-wall ; cf. τειχίον. II. any fortification , a castle, fort, Hdt. : pi. of a single fort, fortifications. Id. III. a fortified tow7i. Id., Xen., etc. ; so in pi. (Deriv. uncertain.) τειχοφΰλακε'ω, f. ήσω, to guard the walls, Plut. From τειχο-φυλαξ [i5], άκο5, b, a guard of the walls, Hdt. τειχυδριον, τό. Dim. of τεΓχο5, Xen. τείως, Adv., Ep. and Ion. for τεω5. τε'κε, Ep. 3 sing. aor. 2 of τίκτω : — τεκεΐν. Inf. τεκμαίρομαι, f. τ^κμάρουμαι : aor. i 4τ(κμηράμην, Ep. τζκμηράμην : Dep. : {τόκμαρ) :■ — to fix by a mark or boundary , to ordain, decree, Horn. : to lay a task upon a person, enjoin, appoint, Od. : — c. inf. to desigii, purpose to do, h. Horn. II. to judge from signs and tokens, to form a judgmerit respecting a thing, calculate, Eur. : absol. to conjecture, Xen. : — the reason is added in the dat., εμττυρου τβκμαΙρβσθαι to judge by the burnt-offering, Pind. ; τε/εμ. epycp κού λόγω τ. Aesch. ; τά καινά to7s ττάλαι Soph., etc. : — c. inf., τ. τούτο οϋτω εξειν Xen. Β. an Act. τ€ΚμαΙρω occurs in Poets, to shew by a sign or token, τε/εμαίρει χρημ έκαστον circumstance proves the man, Pind. ; τ€κμαίρ€ΐ ίδειν gives signs [for men] to see. Id. ; τόκμηρον, o τι μ’ ετταμμενει τταθειν she7i} me what it awaits me to suffer, Aesch. TE'KMAP, Ep. τε'κμωρ, τό, indecl. a fixed mark or boundary, goal, end, II. ; τόκμωρ ’Ιλίου the end of Ilium, Ib. 2. ajt end, object, purpose, Pind. II. like τ^κμά]ριον, a fixed sign, sure sign or token, as Zeus says that his nod is μεγιστον τόκμωρ ε| ε’μεθεν the highest, surest pledge I can give, II. ; ήν δ’ ουδέν aoTols οϋτ€ χ€ΐμώνο5 τ. ουτ ^pos Aesch., etc. τε'κμαρσις, η, {τεκμαίρομαι) a judging from sure signs. τεκμήραντο, Ep. 3 pi. aor. i of τεκμαίρομαι. τεκμήριον, τό, {τεκμαίρομαι) like τεκμαρ II, a' sure sign or z‘o^£>w, Hdt., Att. II. a positive proof , PiGSch., Plat., etc. : — in Att. Prose τεκμά]ριον δε as an inde- pendent clause, now the proof of it is this (which follows), Thuc., etc. Hence τεκμηριόω, f. ώσω, to prove positively, Thuc.; εϊ τιρ ίκαν05 τεκμηριωσαι if he seem a sufficient voucher. 797 Τ€κμηριω8ί]ς Id.; τοσαντα ίτζΚμ’ηρίούσΐ on. .thus much evidence he gave to the fact that . . , Id. τ€κμηρι-ώδης> es, of the nature of a τ^κμ-ηρίον, Arist. Τ€κμωρ, t6, Ep. form of Τ€κμαρ. TCKviov, t6, Dim. of t4kvov, a little child, .\nth., N.T. τ€κνογον€ω, to hear young, bear children, Anth., N.T.; and τεκνογονία, η, child-hearing, N. T. From Τ€κνο-γόνο5, ον, begetting or bearing children, Aesch. τέκνο- KTovos, ov, (κτείνω) murdering children, Eur. τεκν-ολετειρα, η, having lost one's young, of the nightingale. Soph. τεκνον, ου, τό, {τίκτω) that lohich is borne or born, a child (cf. Scottish bairn, from Anglo-S. heran, to bear), Horn., etc. ; my son, my child, sometimes with masc. Adj., ψίλε τεκνον Id.; the relat. Pron. or Participle often follows in masc. or fern. 2. of animals, Με· Id., etc. 3. metaph., flowers are yalas reKva Aesch. ; birds aW4pos τ4κνα Eur. [The penult, is long in Horn., in Trag. more often short.] τεκνοτΓοιεω, f. ήσω, (t^kvottolos) in Act., of the woman, to bear children, in Med., of the man, to beget them, Xen. : in Med. of both parents, to breed children. Id. τεκνοτΓΟίητικός, rj, όν, of or for the production of children : η -κή (sc. τίχνη) Arist. τεκνοτΓοιια, η, production of children, Xen., τεκνό-τΓοινος, ov, {ποιντ)) child-avenging, Aesch. τεκνο-ΊΓΟιός, o'v, (ποίεω) of the wife, child-bearing, Hdt. ; of the husband, child-begetting, Eur. τεκνο-στΓορία, η, a begetting of children, Anth. τεκνοΰς, οΰσσα, ovv, contr. for reKvocis, earffa, εν, having borne children. Soph. τεκνο-φάγος, ov, (φαγεΓν) eating children : — hence -φαγία, η, a devouring of children, Luc. τεκνο-φονε'ω, to murder children, Anth. From τεκνο-φόνος, ov, (*φενω) child-murdering . τε'κον, Ep. for ίτ^κον, aor. 2 of τίκτω: — τε'κοιεν, 3 pi. opt. τεκνόω, f. ώσω, to furnish or stock with children, Fiur. : — Pass, to be furnished with children, i. e. to have them. Id. II. Act., of the man, to beget children. Id.; — Med., of the female, to bear them: metaph., 6\βο5 τεκνοΰται it has offspring, Aesch. ; χ^ων ε’τεκ- νώσατο φάσματα Eur. Pass, to be born, Trag.; yάμov TeKvovvTa καϊ τ€κνούμ€νον, i. e. a marriage where husband and son are one. Soph. Hence τε'κνωσις, εωί, η, a begetting, bearing, τ4κνωσιν ποι- (ΐσθαι to have children, Thuc. τεκος, εο^, τό, Ep. dat. pi. τεκεσσι, τ€κ4€σσι, (τίκτω) poet, for τεκνον, Horn., etc. 2. of animals, 11., etc.; in pi. the young, Ib. τεκταινομαι, f. τεκτάνοομαι : aor. i ε’τεκτηνάμην, Ep. 3 sing, τεκτήνατο : Dep. : — of a carpenter, to make, work, frame, II. : — absol. to do joiners' work, opp. to smiths’ work, Ar., Xen. 2. of other artificers, h. Horn., Plat. 3. metaph. to devise, plan, con- trive, esp. by craft, Lat. machinari, ετεκτήναντ’ άπό- φΘ(yκτ6v μ' they kept me from speech of them, Eur.; παν ε’π’ 4μο\ τεκταινε'σθω (sc. Cleon) Ar. II. later. Act. τεκταίνω in same sense, Anth., Luc. ; hence partic. pass, τεκταίνό/χενοϊ, Ar., Dem. τεκτονεΐον, τό, workshop of a carpenter , Aeschin. — TeXeiow. τεκτονία, η, (τίκτων) carpentry, Anth. τεκτονικός, ή, όν, (τ4κτων) practised or skilled in building. Plat. : as Subst. a good carpenter ox builder, opp. to a smith, Xen. -κή (sc. τέχνη) joiners' work, carpentry. Plat., etc. τεκτοσυνη, η, the art of a joiner, carpentry , av^p εύ είδώί τζκτοσννάων Od. ; άτιμον χ4ρα TeKToavvas hand unhonoured in its art, Eur. From τε'κτων, ovos, b, (τίκτω) any worker in wood, esp. a carpenter, joiner, Horn., etc. ; opp. to a smith (xaXKebs), Plat., Xen. ; to a mason (λιθολόγοί), Thuc., etc. 2. generally, ayiy craftsman or workman, t. κ€ραοξόο5 a worker in horn, II. ; of a metal-worker , Eur. ; a scidptor. Soph., Eur. 3. a 7naster in any art, Pind. ; t. νωδυνιάν, i. e. a physician. Id. 4. metaph. a 7naker, author, νεικεων Aesch. ; κακών Eur. τεκών, aor. 2 part, of τίκτω. τελαμών, ωνο$, b, a broad strap for bearhig anything (from Root ΤΛΑ, *τλάω, whence also the hero Telamon took his name, cf . ’'Ατλα?) : 1. a leathern strap or belt, for bearing both shield or sword, Horn. 2. a , broad linen bandage for wounds, II., Hdt., Eur. ; for swathing mummies, Hdt. ΤΕΛΕ'ΘΩ, 3 sing. Ion. impf. τελεβεσκε, to co7ne into behig, to be quite or fully so and so, vv^ τ^λίθζΐ II. : — then simply to be so and so, apiwpen4es τελεθουσι, μινυνθάΒιοι τ€λ. Horn., Trag. τε'λειος and τε'λεος, a (Ion. η), ov, in Att. also os, ov : (τε'λοϊ) : — havhig reached its end, fi7iished, co7nplete, II., etc. : of victims, perfect, without spot or blemish, Ib. ; τά TeXca των ττροβάτων Hdt. ; of sacrifices, ιερά τελεία of fidl tale or number, or perfor7ned with all rites, Thuc. ; so, aicThs τελειότατοϊ πετεηνών is prob. the surest bird of augury, 11. 2. of animals, /‘zi//- grow7i, Xen., etc. 3. of persons, absolute, co7npletc, accomplished, perfect in his or its khid. Plat., etc.: — so of things, φάρμακον τελεώτατον Id. ; τ. αρετή, φιλία, etc., Arist. 4. of prayers, vows, etc., ful- filled, acco77iplished , Pind., Aesch. ; υφΐ5 ου τελεη a vision which Unported nothing, Hdt. ; τ. φ'ηφθ5 a fixed resolve. Soph. 5. in Arithm., those numbers are τελειοι, which are equal to the sum of their divisors, as 6 = 3 + 2 + I, Plat. II. of the ζοά?,, fidfilling prayer,2.dvsT. /gxxs the fid filler , Pind., Aesch.; of Hera Coyla, Lat. Juno pronuba, the presiding goddess of marriage, Pind., Aesch., etc. : — so, TcXeios άνήρ, = Lat. paterfamilias, the lord of the house, Aesch. III. = τ€λ€υταΐθ5, last. Soph. IV. τελείον (not τε'λεον), τό, a royal banquet, as a transl. of the Pers. tycta, Hdt. V. Adv. τ€λ4ω5, at last, Aesch., Plat., etc. 2. perfectly, absolutely , thoroughly , Hdt. 3. the neut. τε'λεον is also used as Adv., Luc. VI. Comp, and Sup. : Horn, uses τελεώτεροϊ, -εώτατοϊ or τελειότερο?, -ειότατο?, as his metre requires : in Att. τελειότερο?, -ώτατο? prevail. Hence τελειόω and τελεόω, f. ώσω, to make perfect, com- plete : I. of things, to make it perfect, co7nplete, accomplish, Hdt., Thuc., etc. : — Pass, to be accom- ‘ plished, Hdt., Soph. ; τελεωθεντων άμφοτ4ροισι when both parties had their wishvs acco7nplished, Hdt.: — of prophecies, tobe fidfidled, N.T. II. of persons, to bring one to perfection, Hdt.; τελεκϊσαι λόχον TcXelw — reAeo). 798 fo make the ambush successful. Soph. : — Pass, to attain perfection, come to the end of one's labours. Id. : to reach maturity. Plat. Τ€λ€ίω, Ep. for TeAeo). τελείωσις or τβλβωσις, ews, η, (τ€λ€ΐόω) accomplish- ment, fulfilment, N. T. τελειωτής, οΰ, ό, an accomplisher, finisher, N. T. Τ€λ€ 0 -μηνος, ον, (jJ.'fiv) with full complement of months, T. 6.poTos, i.e. a full twelvemonth. Soph. TeXeovres, ol, one of the four old Attic Tribes, prob. (from TeAeoj ill), the Consecrators, Priests ; or (from TeAeco ll) the Payers, Farmers, Hdt. Τ€λ 6 ος, τελεόω, v. reXeios, reAeioco. τβλεσειας, 2 sing. aor. i opt. of reAeo). τελεσθείς, aor. i pass. part, of reAeoj. τελεσιούργημα, τό, an accomplished purpose, Polyb. τελεσι-ουργός, 6v, working out its end, effective. Plat, τελεσμα, wros, τό, (τεΑεω) money paid or to be paid, a payment, outlay, Luc. τελεσσι-δώτειρα, poet, for τεΑεσιδ-, she that gives completeness or accomplishment, Eur. τελεσσί-φρων, ovos, b, η, {φρ'ιΐν) poet, for τ€λ€σίφρων, working its will, Aesch. τελεστήριον, τό, (reAeco ill) a place for initiation, as the temple of Eleusis, Plut. II. τεΑεστήρια, τά, a thank-offering for success, Xen. τελεστικός, όν, (τεΑεω III) initiatory , mystical. Plat, τελε'στωρ, opos, 0 , (τεΑεω ill) a priest, Anth. τελεσφορε'ω, f. ήσω, to bring fruit to perfection, N.T. II. to pay toll or custom, Xen. τελεσ-φόρος, ον, (τεΑοϊ, φόρω) bringing to an end, τ€λ€σ·φόρον els Ενιαυτόν for a year completing its round, for a complete year, Horn. ; τεΑεσφόροι apal, ευχαί tending to accomplishment , Aesch., Eur. ; φάσματα dhs τ€λ€σφόρα grant accomplishment to the visions. Soph. ; T. χάριν Sovvai to grant the favour of fulfil- ment, \6 l. II. accomplishing one's purpose, mdipa Aesch. ; Αίκη Soph. ; Treaelv es τό μη τ€λ€σφόρον to fall powerless to the ground, Aesch. 2. bringing fruit to perfection, devSpov Plut.: having the ordering of a thing, c. gen., Aesch. τελετή, ήϊ, η, (τεΑεω) initiation in the mysteries, Hdt., Plat., etc. ; es xelpas ^/yecOai την τεΑετήΐ' to take in hand the matter of initiation, Hdt. : — in pi. mystic rites at initiation, Eur., Ar., etc. II. a festival accompanied by such rites, in pi., Pind.; in sing., Eur| Hence τελεΰντι. Dor. for TeXovai, 3 pi. of τεΑεω. τελευταίος, a, ον, (τεΑευτή) last, Lat; ulthnus, Hdt. ; τα T, the endings or terminations. Id. 7 TeXevTaiovs στησαι to station in the rear ranks, Xen. 2. of Time, η τεΑευταία, with or without ημόρα, the last day allowed for payment, Dem. ; one's last day. Soph. 3. last, uttermost, υβpιs Id. II. τό TeXevToiov, as Adv. the last time, last of all, Hdt., Xen., etc.; or TeXevTaiov Plat., etc. ; and τά TeXev- ταΐα Thuc. 2 . at last, in the last place, Ar., etc. : but, 3. the Adj. is often used with Verbs, where we should use the Adv., b TeXevTalos όραμών Aesch. ; TrapeXebvTes TeXevTaioi Thuc. τελευτάω. Ion. -εω, f. ησω : — Pass., with med. τεΑευτή- σομαι : aor. i eτeXeυτηθηv : — to complete, finish, ac- complish, Lat. perficere, Horn. : to fulfil an oath or promise. Id. ; TeXevTuv τινι κακόν ^μαρ to bring about an evil day for one, Od. : — so in Att., ττοΓ τεΑευτήσαί μ^ χρή; to what end must I bring it? Soph.; Zews o TL vevσr], TOVTO τεΑευτα Eur., etc. : — Pass, to be ful- filled, to come to pass, happen, Horn., Eur. 2. to bring to an end, esp., t. τόν αιώνα to finish life, i. e. to die, Hdt. ; t. βίον Aesch. : — also, c. gen., τεΑευταν βίου to make an end of life, Xen. ; so, Xbyov t. Thuc.: — also without βίον, to end life, to die, Hdt., Att. ; T. ύττό Tivos to die by another’s hand or means, Hdt. II. intr. to be accomplished, \ά. 2. to come to an end, to end, Lat. finire. Id., Att. : — foil, by a Prep., t. is τι to come to a certain endy issue in, Hdt., Att.; ποΓ ( = es τί) tcX^vtS ; in what does it end? Aesch. 3. to die, v. supr. 4. the part. τ^Χζυτων, ώσα, ών, was used as Adv., at the end, at last, τεΑευτώι/ εΑεγε Hdt. ; κάν iyiyveTO ■πXηyη τεΑευτώσα there Λvould have been a fray to finish with. Soph. ; tcs όXoφvpσeιs τ€Aeuτώ^'τes 4ξ4καμνον at last they got tired of mourning, Thuc. 5. of a country, to come to an end, Hdt. From τελευτή, η, (τεΑεω) a finishing, completion, accom- plishment, Οά. 2 . a termination, end, II., Att. ; T 77 S όδου Ar. ; η τ. του ποΧόμου Thuc. 3. esp. an end of life, βιότοιο τ. II. ; βίου Hdt., etc : — also periphr., θανάτοιο T. the end that death brings, Lat. mortis exitus, Hes. 4. the end, event, issue, Pind., Aesch. 5. with Preps., in adv. sense, es τεΑευτήν, at the end, at last, Hes., Soph. ; eVl TeAeuT^s Plat. ; 4v TeAei/TT] Aesch. II. the end, extremity of any thing, τεΑευταΙ Aιβύηs the extremities of Libya, Hdt. 2 . the end of a sentence, Arist. τελεω, Ep. also τελείω : Ep. impf. TeXeov : f. τβΧόσω, Ep. τ^Χόσσω, Ion. τεΑεω, Att. τεΑώ : aor. i ότόΧ^σα, Ep. ετεΑεσσα : pf. τ^τόΧβκα : — Pass., Ep. pres. TeAeto- μαι : f. τ^Χ^σθησομαι, and f. med. in pass, sense, 3 sing. TeXe?Tai, inf. TeXieaOai, τζΧόΐσθαι, part. T€X€ύμevos : aor. I ε’τεΑεσθηί/ : pf. τ^τόχ^σμαι, 3 sing, plqpf. τετε'- Αεστο : (reAos) : — to complete, fulfil, accomplish, and, generally, to execute, perform, Lat. perficere, Horn. : — Pass., Id. ; άμα μvθos ίην, τετεΑεστο δε ipyov ‘ no sooner said than done,’ II. 2. to fulfil one’s word, Horn. : to grant one the fulfilment of 3.r\yt\\\ng, τίτινι Id.; T. νόον τινί to fulfil Mxs wish, II.; τεΑεσαι κότον, χόΧον to glut his fury, wrath, Ib. : c. inf., ουδ’ ε’τεΑεσσε φόρ^ιν he succeeded not in bringing, Ib. ; όρκια TeXelv, like όρκον τβΧ^υτάν, to complete or confirm an oath, Ib. 3. to make perfect, apeTav Pind. ; τ. τινα to bless him with perfect hap- piness, Id. ; so, TcXeadels υXβos Aesch. : — also, to bring a child to maturity, bring it to the birth, Eur. 4. to bring to an end, finish, end, bSbv II., etc. ; without bdbv, to finish one's course to a place, arrive at it, Thuc. 5. of Time, Od., etc. : — Pass., ηματα μακρά τζΧόσθη Ib. : of men, to come to one's end, Aesch. 6 . intr. like Pass, to be fulfilled , turn out so and so. Id., Soph. II. to pay what one owes, one’s dues, II. : generally, to pay , present , Horn., Att. : absol. to pay tax, Hdt. : — Pass., of money, to be paid. Id. ; of persons, to be subject to tax or tribute, Dem. 2. to lay out, spend, Hdt. : — Pass. TcXewg — τβμνω. to be spent or expended. Id. ; es rb Suttvou τετρα- κόσια τάλαντα τετελεσμένα laid out upon the supper. Id. 3. since, in many Greek cities, the citizens were distributed into classes acc. to their taxable pro- perty, T. εί5 Tivas meant to be rated as belonging to a class, Lat. censeri inter, r. es "Ελληί/αϊ, es Boicorous to belong to the Greeks, the Boeotians, Id. ; εh aOTOvs T. to become a citizen. Soph. ; ets •ywauKas εξ άνδρών τ. to become a woman instead of a man, Eur. : hence, -npbs τόν ττατέρα τελεσαι to compare with his father, Hdt. III. like τελειόω ll, to make perfect, i. e. to initiate in the mysteries. Plat., Dem. : — Pass. to have oneself initiated, Lat. initiari, Ar., Plat., etc. j Αιοννσφ τελεσθηναι to be consecrated to Dio- nysu;s, initiated in his mysteries, Hdt. : — c. acc., τελεσθηναι Βακχε7α Ar. 2. metaph., στρατη'/05 τελεσθηναι to he formally appointed general, Dem. ; τετελεσμένο5 σωφροσύνη a votary of temperance, Xen. 3. also of sacred rites, to perform, Eur., Anth. Τ€λ€ως, Adv., v. τελειοί. τεληβις, εσσα, εν, {τελέω) — τέλειο5, perfect, cofnplete, of victims, έρδειν or ρέζειν τεληέσσα$ εκατόμβα$ to offer hecatombs, either of full tale or number, or of full-grown beasts, or of beasts without blemish, II. ; τελέ]εντε5 οιωνοί birds of sure augury, h. Horn. II. τελέιεΐ5 ΊΓοταμ05, of Ocean, the river in which all others end, or ever -circling, Hes. ΤΕ'ΛΛΩ, aor. I ετειλα : pf . τέταλκα : — to make to arise, accomplish, Pind. : — Pass, to come forth, arise. Id. II. intr. in Act., ήλιου τελλοντο5 at sunrise. Soph, τέλμα, ατο5, το, standing water, a pool, pond, marsh, swamp, Ar., Plat.: in pi. low land subject to inunda- tion, water-meads, Hdt. II. the mud of a pool, mud for building with, mortar. Id. (Deriv. uncertain.) τελματ-ώδης, es, (είδοχ) marshy, muddy, ύδωρ Plut. ΤΕ'ΛΟΣ, 60S, τό, the fulfilment or completion of any- thing, Lat. effectus, i. e. Its consummation, issue, result, end, Horn., etc. ; τ. πολέμου its issue, II. ; τ. επιτιθέναι τινί to put a finish to a thing, i. e. give it effect, Ib. ·, τ. έπι^ί^νεται άρησι one’s prayers are accomplished, Od. : — τελοε έχειν to have reached the end, to be finished or ready, II. ; τ. έχει δαίμων δπα θέλει the deity keeps the result in his own power, Eur. : — T. λαβεΐν to be completed. Plat. 2. esp. oi the end of life, τδ τ. βίου. Soph., Eur. ; and without βίου, the end, death, Hdt. 3. periphr. in various phrases, τέλοε θανάτου the point or tcr^n of death, Lat. exitus mortis, Horn. ; so, τ. ^άμοιο^^άμοε, Od., etc. 4. Adverbial usages : a. τέλοε at last, Hdt., Thuc. : so, ειε or έε τέλοε Hdt. : — διά τέλουε throughout, for ever, completely, Trag. : — τέλει, Lat. omnino, at all. Soph. II. the end proposed, chief matter, μύθου τ. II. 2. the end of action. Plat. : — hence = τδ αγαθόν, the chief good, Cicero’s finis bonorum, Arist. 3. perfection, full age, άνδρδε T. man’s /«// age, manhood, Plat.; τέλοε έχειν or λαμβάνειν to be grown up. Id. 4. a final decision, determination, Aesch. 5. the prize at games, Pind. III. supreme authority, Eur., etc. 2. a magistracy , office, ol έν τέλει men in offce, magistrates. Soph., Thuc., etc.; ol έν τέλει βεβώτεε Soph. : — then, τδ τέλοε the government, Aesch. ; τά 799 τέλη the magistrates, Thuc., Xen., etc. 3. gener- ally, a task, offce, Aesch. ; όμμάτων τέλη the duties of the eyes, Eur. IV. a body of soldiers, II. ; έν τελέεσσιν in squadrons, II. ; so, κατά τέλεα Hdt. : — δίρρυμα τέλη troops of chariots, Aesch. ; and of ships, τρία τέλη των νεώνΎΥιηο. V. that which is paid for state purposes, a toll, tax, duty, Ar., Plat., etc. ; άγοράε τ. a market-Jzi^, Ar. ; τέλοε πρίασθαι, πωλεΊν to farm a tax, or let it, Dem., Aeschin. ; for λύειντέλη, V. λύω V. 2 : — generally, outlay, expense, Thuc. : — hence, at Athens, the property at which a citizen was rated for taxation, Lat. census ; and then, a class, order, of citizens, Dem., etc. VI. in pi. offerings or sacred rites due to the gods, Trag. : — esp. of the Eleusinian mysteries. Soph., Eur., etc. 2. of marriage, as the consumfnation of life, Aesch., Soph, τελοσδε, Adv. towards the end or term, II. τε'λσον, τό, a boundary, limit, τέλσον άρούρηε II. (Deriv. uncertain.) Τελχίν, 7vos, δ, one of the Telehines, the first Inhabitants of Crete, and the first workers in metal, Aesch. II. as appellat. τελχίν, a mischievous elf, Anth. τελωνεω, f. ήσω, to be a tax-gatherer, Luc. From τελ-ώνης, ου, δ, (τέλοε ν) a farmer or collector of the taxes, Ar., Aeschin. : in N. T. == Lat. puhlicanus. τελώνια, η, the offce of τελώνηε, Dem. τελωνιάς, άδοε, η, of tolls or customs, μάζα τ. the good fare of the tax-gatherers, Anth. τελωνικός, i], όν, of or for τελώνια, τ. νόμοι the excise and custom laws, Dem. τελώνιον, τό, (τελώνηε) a custom-house, N.T. τεμάχιον, τό. Dim. of τέμάχοε, Plat, τε'μαχος, εοί, τό, (τέμνω) a slice of salt-fish, Ar., Xen., etc. : generally, a slice of meat, Luc. τεμενίζω, f. Att. ιω, to make a sacred grove (τέμενοε), to consecrate. Plat. τεμεΧν, aor. 2 inf. of τέμνω. τεμένιος, a, ον, of ον in the sacred precincts. Soph, τεμενίτης [ϊ], ου, δ, = τεμένιοε at Syva.cuse., Apollo of the Temenos, Thuc. : — fern., η άκρα η ΤεμενΊτιε the height on which was the Temenos of Apollo, Id. τε'μενος, εοε, τό, (τέμνω ill. 2 ) a piece of land cut off, assigned as a domain to kings and chiefs, Horn. II. a piece of land dedicated to a god, the sacred precincts. Id. : in it stood the temple, Hdt. : — metaph., the sacred valley of the Nile is the τέμ. Νείλοιο, Pind. ; the Acropolis is the ιερδν τ. of Pallas, Ar. τε'μνω (Root TEM, cf. τέμω). Ion., Dor”, and Ep. τάμνω : f. τεμω. Ion. τεμέω : aor. 2 ετεμον, Ion. and Dor. ετάμον, Ep. τάμο'ν, Ep. inf. ταμέειν : pf, τέτμηκα : — Med., f. τεμουμαι : aor. 2 έταμόμην, inf. ταμέσθαι : — Pass., f. τμηθέ^σομαι : aor. i έτμηθην : pf. τέτμημαι : — to cut, hew, Horn., etc. ; οδόνταε οίουε τέμνειν teeth fit for cutting, Xen. 2. to cut, wound, maim, II. ; πρδε δέρην τ. to wound her in the neck, Aesch. 3. of a surgeon, to cut, II, : absol. to use the knife, as opp. to cautery (κάειν), Aesch., Xen., etc. : — Pass, to be operated upon. Plat. II. to cut up, cut to pieces, Horn., etc. : — to slaughter, sacrifice, II,, Eur. 2. ορκια τάμνειν to sacrifice in attestation of an oath, and so to take solemn oaths, Horn. ; θάνατόν νύ τοι ορκι εταμνον I made a truce TeV^rea — τ^ρμιος, 8oo which was death to thee, II. : — Med., of two parties, ορκια τάμν^σθαι Hdt.: — cf. Lat./oedusferire. 3. φάρμακον τζμν€ΐν to cut or chop up a plant for purposes of medi- cine or witchcraft, Aesch., etc. ; i.Kos τίμν^ιν to con- trive a means or remedy, Eur. 4. to divide, of a river, μύστην τ. Αιβύην to cut it in twain, Hdt. ; 5ίχατ. to cut in two, bisect. Plat. III. to cut asunder, cut off, sever, Κζφαλ^ν awb Seipris II., etc. ; with double acc., epivehv τάμνΐ opir-pKas cut the branches off the fig-tree, Ib. ; and in Pass., τρίχα$ (τμ-ί^θην had them ciit off, Eur. 2. to part off, mark off, τ4μζνο5 II. IV. to cut down, fell trees, Ib., etc. : — Med., δονρα τάμν^σθαι to fell oneself iimhec, Od., Hdt. 2. Κίθον T. to hew stone. Plat. : Med., Xidovs τάμν^σθαι to have them wrought or hewn, Hdt. 3. to cut down for purposes of destruction, Eur., etc. ; τ. ΎΤ]ν γην to ravage the country by felling the trees and cutting the corn, Hdt., Thuc. ; with partit. gen., τηι γηί τ. to waste part of it, Thuc. V. to cut or hew into shape, δονρατα Od., etc. VI. to cut lengthwise, to plough, Solon. 2. τ. οδον to cut or make a road, Thuc. : — Pass., τ^τμ-ηνται κ^λ^υθοι Pind. 3. also to make one’s way, advance, r. οδόν Eur. ; την μ^σό^αιαν τ. TTjs όδον to take the middle road, strike through the interior, Hdt. j μόσον τόμν^ιν to hold a middle course. Plat. 4. of ships, to cut through the \\ 2 L\es, plough the sea, Od. : — so of birds, to cleave the air, Ar. VII. to bring to a decision, Lat. decidere, Pind., Eur. Ti\nrea, contr. Τερ,τΓη, τά, Tempe, the valley between Olympus and Ossa, through which the Peneius escapes into the sea, Hdt. ΤΕ'ΜΩ, radical form of τόμνω, II. Τ6ναγίζω, f. σω, (revayos) to be covered with shoal water, stand in pools, Plut. TCvaytTis, tSos, fern. Adj. shallow, Anth. From Tevdyos, eos, to, (Tetvcv) shoal-water , a shoal, shallow, lagoon, Lat. vadum, Hdt., Thuc. τ€ναγ-ώδη 9 , es, (είδοϊ) covered with shoal-water , stand- ing in pools, Polyb. ΤΕ'ΝΔΩ, to gnaw, gnaw at, Hes. T€v0eia, η, lickerishness, gluttony, Ar. From τενθης, ου, b, {τόνθω) a dainty feeder, gouryyiand, Ar. τενων, ovTos, 6, (τείνω) any tight-stretched band, a sinew, tendon, Horn. ; τ. ττοδόε the outstretched foot, Eur. : — absol. the foot, Aesch., Eur. τε'ο, Ion. and Dor. gen. of interrog. vis, II. II. T 60 , Ion. and Dor. gen. of enclit. ns, Od., Hdt. τεο, Dor. gen. of σΰ (τυ), Ep. τεοΧο, II. τεοισι ; Ion. for τισί ; dat. pl. of vis; who? Hdt. τεός, ή, όν, Lat. tuus, Ep. and Ion. for aos, Horn., Hes., Hdt. : Dor. τε05, ά, όν, Pind., and Trag. Chorus, τεράζω or τεραζω, only in pres., (repas) to interpret portents or prodigies, Aesch. τε'ραμνον or -ερ,νον, τό, in pl., chambers, a house, Eur. ΤΕ'ΡΑΣ, TO : gen. arros, Ep. aos. Ion. eos : pl., nom. τέρατα, Ep. τέραα. Ion. repea : gen. τερών, Ep. τεράων : dat. τερασί, Ep. repd^acri : — a sign, wonder, marvel, Lat. portent um, prodigium, Horn. ; esp. of signs in heaven, II. (cf. relpos), etc. II. in concrete sense, a monster, Aios τ. αίγιόχοίο, of the Gorgon’s head, Ib.; of a serpent, Ib.; of Typhoeus, Aesch.; of Cerberus, Soph. τερα-σκότΓος, ον, poet, for τερατοσ/εόποί, Aesch., Soph. ; καρδία T. ‘ my prophetic soul,’ Aesch. τεράστιος, ον, (τεραι) monstrous, Theophr., Luc. τεράτεία, η, a talking marvels, jugglery , Ar. From τεράτευομαι, (repas) Dep. to talk marvels, Lat. por- tent a loqui, Ar., Aeschin. ; τ. τφ σχ-ηματι to indulge in marvellous gesticulation, Aeschin. τεράτολογε'ω, f. Ίί\σω, to tell of marvels, Luc. ; and τερατολογία, η, a telling of marvels, marvellous tales, Isocr., Luc. From τεράτο-λόγος, b, (λέγω) of which marvellous things are told, portentous. Plat. τεράτουργία, η, love of the marvellous, Luc. From τεράτ-ουργός, b, (*εργω) a wonder-worker, Luc. τεράτ-ώδης, εί, (εΤδοϊ) portentous, Ar., Plat, τεράτ-ωιτός, όν, (ώψ) marvellous-looking, h. Horn, τερε'βινθος, v. τόρμινθοε. τερεβινθ-ώδης, es, (fib os') full of terebinth-trees, Anth. τερεμνον, v. τόραμνον. τερετίζω, f. Att. ιώ, to whistle, Babr. (Formed from the sound.) Hence τερε'τισμα, ατο5, τό, a whistling, trilling, Anth. τε'ρετρον, τό, (τείρω) a borer, gimlet, Lat. terebra, Od. τερηδών, ovos, ή, (τείρω) the wood-worm, Lat. teredo, At. τε'ρην, είνά, εν, gen. repevos, είνηί (poet. -4vt)s), evos : (τείρω) : — properly rubbed smooth, and so smooth, soft, delicate, Lat. tener, Horn., etc. ; oij/is repeiva a tender sight, i. e. one that causes tender feelings, Eur. : — Comp, rep^ivorepos, Sappho, τερθρευομαι, Dep. to use claptraps, Dem. (Prob. contr. from τερατεόομαί.) τε'ρθριος, b, the rope from the end of a sail-yard (τε'ρ- θρον), the brace, Ar. ΤΕ'ΡΘΡΟΝ, τό, the end of the sail-yard, ccrnu anten- nae : generally, an extremity, summit, h. Horn. TE'PMA, aros, TO, an end, boundary, Lat. termi- nus: 1. the goal round which chariots had to turn at races, Lat. meta, II. ; δρόμου τέρματα Soph. 2. the mark set to shew how far a quoit was thrown, Od. 3. an end, issue, event, A&sTpn.. II. generally, an end, limit, Id. ; so in pl. boundaries, Hdt. 2. an end, irphs τέρμα elvuL, έττί τέρμ άφικέ- σθαί to have reached the limit, be at the end, Aesch., Soph.; T. βίου the term or end of life, death. Soph., Eur., etc. ; ε’ττί τέρματι at last, Aesch. 3. the end or highest point, κακών Eur. ; irphs τέρμασιν wpas Ar. 4. periphr., τέρμα byielas — byieia, Aesch.; τ. TTjs σωτηρίαϊ Soph. 5. the highest power, supre- macy, T. Κορίνθου εχείν to be sovereign of Corinth, Simon. ; θβοΐ απάντων τέρμ έχοντζ5 Eur. Τερμερειον or Τερμε'ριον κακόν, τό, proverb, of a misfor- tune one brings on oneself, said to be derived from one Ύέρμ€ρο$ a highwayman, Plut. τερμίνθϊνος or τερεβίνθιος, a, ov, of the terebinth-tree , Xen. τερμινθος, later τερε'βινθος, η, the terebinth or turpen- tine tree, Theophr., Anth. τερμιόεις, εσσα, εν, (τέρμα) going eveyi to the end, άσ·π1ί τ^ρμιό^σσα a shield that reaches from head to foot, II. ; so, χιτών τ. Od. τε'ρμιος, a, ov, (τέρμα) at the end, last, always of Time, τερμόνιος — τ. ημ^ραι the day of death, Soph. ; τ^ρμία χώρα the spot where one is destined to end life. Id. Τ€ρμόνιος) a, ov, at the world’s end, Aesch. From τερμων, ovos, δ,^τέρμα, a boundary, Eur. ; and in pi., Id. 2 . = Lat. Terminus, Plut. II. an end, βίου Eur. Τερ-ΐΓίάδης, ου, δ, (τέρπω) Son of Delight, name of the minstrel Phemius, Od. τερπϊ-κεραυνος, ov, delighting in thunder, II., Hes. τερπνός, ή, 6 v, (τφπω) delightsome, delightful, plea- sant, agreeable, glad, Theogn., Aesch., etc. ; rb τερπνόν delight, pleasure, Thuc. ; τα τερπνά delights, pleasures, Xen. 2 . of persons, αυτίρ repirvos with joy to himself. Soph. : — Comp, and Sup. τερπνότεροι, -ότατοϊ, Theogn.; later, -laros : — Adv. τ€ρπνώ$. Id. ΤΕ'ΡΠΩ, Ep. 3 sing. subj. τ^ρπ-ρσι : Ion. impf. τ^ρπ^- σκον : f. τ€ρ^ω : aor. i erepif/a : — Pass, and Med. have a fourfold aor., 1 . aor. i irepcperjv, Ep. €τάρφ- θην, τάρψθην, 3 pi. τάρφθ€ν, 2 . Ep. aor. 2 (τάρπην, τάρπην, inf. ταρττηναι, ταρπήριεναί, ι ρ1. subj. rpaneio- μεν (for ταρπώμεν), 3. aor. ι ε’τερψάμην, Ερ. subj. τίρφομαι, 4 . Ερ. aor. 2 ^ταρπόμην ; also redupl. through all moods, τ^ταρπόμην, τετάρπετο, τεταρπώ- μ^σθα, τ€ταρπόμ€νο5. Το satisfy , delight, gladden, cheer, Horn., Hdt., Att. : — absol. to give delight, Od. ; TO repTTOVTa delights. Soph. II. Pass, and Med., 1. c. gen. rei, to have full enjoyment of ·ά. thing, have enough o/it, Horn.; metaph.,τετopπcϋ/tεσθα y 6 oio let us take our fill of lamentation. Id. 2 . to enjoy oneself, make merry, c. dat. modi, φόρμι-γ-γι, μΰθοισι, etc.. Id., etc. ; so, τ. εν daXlrjs Od., etc. : — also c. part., repipei κλυων Soph. ; τίρ-π^ται τιμώμ^νοε Eur. : — absol., πΓνε καΐ τερπου drink and be merry, Hdt. 3. c. acc. cogn. to enjoy, r. ονησιν Eur. τερττωλή, ή, poet, for τερψί5, Od., Theogn. τερσαίνω, to dry up, wipe up, 11 . From ΤΕ'ΡΣΟΜΑΙ, Pass, with Ep. aor. 2 inf. τίρσηναι, τερσή- μ^ναι, as if from ircpffrjv : — to be ox become dry, to dry up, eXKos irepcero the wound dried up, II. ; θείλόπεδον repaeraL -η^λίφ the plain is baked by the sun, Od. ; c. gen., όσσε δακρυόφιν τερσοντο eyes became dry of tears, lb. 11 . Act. intr. in 3 sing. f. ripffei (as if from τ 4 ρρω), Theocr. τερφθείην, aor. i pass. opt. of ripirw. τερψί-μβροτος, ov, gladdening the heart of man, "HAtos Od. τερψί-νοος [t], ov, heart-gladdening, Anth. τε'ρψις, εωϊ and los, η, (τε'ρπω) enjoyment, delight, Tiv 6 s from or in a thing, Hes.,Trag. ; τερψιϊ εστί μοι, c. inf., it is my pleasure to do. Soph. : — absol. glad- ness, joy, delight, pleasure, Theogn., Aesch. Τερψι-χόρη, Dor. -χόρα, ή, Terpsichore, Dance-enjoy- ing, one of the nine Muses, Hes. τερψί-χορος, ov, also a, ov, enjoying the dance, Anth. τεσσαρά-βοιος, ov, () 3 oGs) worth four steers, II. τεσσαρα-καί-δεκα, v. τεσοΌρεσκοίδεκα. τεσσαρακαιδεκά-δωρος, ον, fourteen hand-breadths long, Anth. τεσσαράκοντα [ά], Att. τεττάράκοντα, Ion. τεσσερά- κοντα, ot, οί, τα, indecl. : (reaaapfs) : — forty, Horn., etc. II. ot T. the Forty, a body of justices who went round the Attic demes to hear causes, Dem. τετιμησθαι. 3oi τεσσάρακοντά-ετής, cs, (ετο^) forty years old, Hes. : — Att. fern, τετταρακονταετίς, ίδos, Plat, τεσσάράκοντ-όργυιος, ov , forty fathojns high, Hdt. τεσσάράκοντουτης, ου, ό, = τεσοΌρακονταετή?, Luc. τεσσαρακοστός, ή, όν, fortieth, Lat. quadragesimus, Thuc. II. τεσσαρακοστή [μοΓρα], ή, a fortieth, a coin of Chios, Id. ΤΕ'ΣΣΑ^ΡΕΣ, ot, at, τεσσαρα, τά, gen. ων: dat. τεσσαρσι, poet, τετρασι : — new Att. τε'ττάρες, τεττάρα : — in Ion. Prose, τε'σσερες, τεσσερα, dat. τεσσερσι ; — Dor. τε'- τορες, τετορα; — Aeol. and Ep. πίσυρες, ττίσυρα ; — Boeot. πε'τταρες : — four, Lat. quatuor, Horn., etc. τεσσάρεσ-καί-δεκα. Ion. τεσσερ-, ot, at, τά, fourteen, Lat. quatuordecim, the first part remaining unaltered with a neut. Subst., as, τεσσερεσκαίδεκα ετη Hdt. τεσσάρεσκαιδε'κάτος, Ion. τεσσερ-, rj, ov, fourteenth , Hdt., etc. τεσσάρεσκαιδεκ-ε'της, ου, δ, fourteen years old, Plut. τεσσεράκοντα, τε'σσερες. Ion. for τεσσαρ-. τεταγμε'νως, Adv. part. pf. pass, of τάσσω, in orderly manner, Xen. τετάγών, ovtos, δ, Ep. redupl. aor. 2 part., with no pres, in use, ρΓψε ττοδδε τετα·γών having seized him by the foot, II.; ρίτττασκον τετα'γών Ib. (From RootTAF, cf. Lat. tango, te-tig-ii) τετάκα, pf. of τείνω. τε'ταλμαι, pf. pass, of τε'λλω : τε'ταλτο, 3 sing, plqpf. τε'τάμαι, pf. pass, of τείνω. τετάνό-θρι|, δ, -η, with long straight hair. Plat, τέτανός, ή, όν, (τείνω) straightened, smooth, Anth. τετάνυστο, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of τανΰω. τετάραγμε'νως, Adv. pf. pass, part., confusedly , Isocr. τετάρπετο, 3 sing, redupl. aor. 2 pass, of τέρπω : — τεταρπώμεσθα, i pi. subj. : — τεταρπόμενος, part, τεταρταίος, a, ov, on the fourth day, τ. ^ενεσθαι to be four days dead, Hdt. ; άφικνεΐσθαι τεταρταίους Plat. 2 . T. πυρετός a quartan fever. Id. τεταρτη-μόριον, τό, a fourth part, quadrans, Hdt. τέταρτος, Ep. also τε'τράτος, η, ον, fourth, Lat. quar- tus, Horn. II. τό τέταρτον, as Adv. the fourth time,\d.: as Adv., without Art., /oztviA/y, Plat. III. 7 ] τέταρτη : 1 . (sub. ήμερα), the fourth day, Hes., Xen. 2 . (sub. μοίρα), a liquid measure (cf. our quart), Hdt. τετάσθην, Ep. 3 dual plqpf. pass, of τείνω : — τε'τατο, Ep. 3^ sing. τετάχάται, Ion. 3 pi. pf. pass, of τάσσω. τετευχα, pf. of τυγχάνω. II. pf. of τευχω. τετευχάται, -το, 3 pi. pf. and plqpf· pass, of τευχω. τετευχετον, 3 dual pf. of τευχω. τετενχήσθαι, Ep. pf. pass. inf. with pres, sense, formed from the Sulist. τευχεα, without any pres, in use, to In- armed , Od. τετηκα, pf. of τήκω. τετίημαι, Ep. pf. formed as if from τιεω, but with no pres, in use, to be sorrovoful, to sorrow, mourn, τετί- ■ησθον II.; τετιημενο$ {τετι-ημενη) ^τορ sorrowftd at heart, Horn. II. so also in act. pf. part., τετιηότι θυμφ with sorrowing heart, 11. ; δήν δ’ άνε'<^ ήσον τετίηότες they were long silent from grief, Ib. τετιμε'νος, pf. pass. part, of τίω. τετϊμήσθαι, pf. pass. inf. of τιμάω. 802 τ€τ\αθί — τετρα(τκ€\ης. τβτλαθι, τετλάτω, Ερ. pf. imper. of *τλάω : — τετλαίην, opt. : — τετλάμεν, -άμεναι, inf. τε'τληκα, pf. of *τ\άω : Ερ. part, τετληώς. τε'τμηκα, τε'τμημαι, pf. act. and pass, of τ4μνω: — Ερ. part, τετμηώς. τε'τμον, and ετετμον, an Ερ. aor. 2 without any pres, in use, with and without augrn. : — to overtake, reach, come np to, find, Horn. ; of old age, to come upon one, Od. 2. c. gen. to partake of, Hes. τετοκα, pf. of τίκτω. τετολμηκότως, Adv. pf. part, of τολμάω, Polyb. τε^ορες, oi, at, τ4τορα, to. Dor. for τ4(Τ(Ταρΐ$. τετορήσω, Ερ. redupl. fut. of τορ4ω. τε'τρα-, for τ4τορα, τ4σσαρα in compd. words, τετρα-βάμων [ά], ον, gen. ovos (βαίνω) four-/ooted,EuT.', T. χηλαί, ψάλίο the hoofs, trappings of horses. Id. ; τίτραβάμοσι yvlois in the shape of a quadruped. Id. τετρα-γλώχϊς, Ivos, b, η, Tvith four angles, square, Anth. τετρά-γυος, ον, (yva^ containing four measures of land, Od. τετραγωνίζω, f. Att. ιω, to make square. Plat. τετραγωνο-ιτρόσωτΓος, ον, squarefaced, Hdt. τετρά-γωνος [ά], ον, {‘γωνία) viith four equal angles, rectangidar or square, Lat. quadratus, Hdt. ; δόκοι T. squared beams, Thuc. : — τετράγωνον, τό, a square. Plat. : a body of men dravin tip in square, Lat. agmen quadratum, Xen. 2. t. άριθμόε a square number, i. e. a number multiplied into itself. Plat. II. metaph. square, i. e. perfect, Simon, ap. Plat, τετράδεΐον, τ6, (rerpas) a number of four, a quarter- nion, N. T. τετρά-δραχμον, το', a coin of four drachms, a tedra^ drachm, worth about 35. 2 d., Plut. τετρα-ε'λικτο5, ον, four times viound round, Anth. τετρα-ε'νης, es, (evos) of four years, four years old, Lat. quadrimus, Theocr. τετρα-ετης, 4s, or -ε'της, es, (ετοϊ) four years old, Hdt. II. of four years, xpovos Id. Hence τετραετία, -η, a term of four years, Plut. τετρά-ζΰγος, ον, {ζχτγον) four-yoked, Eur. τετρά-θε'λυμνος, ον, {θ4λυμνον) of four layers, τ. σά /cos a shield of four ox-hides, Horn, τετραίνω. Ion. f. τζτραν4ω : Ep. aor. 1 τ4τρηνα : — other tenses are formed from *τράω, f. τρήσω : aor. i 4τρησα: — Pass., pf. τ4τρ·ημαι : — to bore through, pierce, perforate, Horn.: — Pass., hXQos τ^τρ'ημ4νο% Hdt.; b ovpavhs τ4τρηται the sky has holes hi it. Id. ; χάσμα Ttjs yr^s τετρημε'νον a chasm formed by perforating the earth. Plat. τετράκαιδεκα-ε'της, e^s, of fourteen years : fern, τετρά- καιδεκε'τις, ibos, fourteen years old, Isocr. τετρά-κερως, ων, {K4pas) four-horned, Anth. τετράκις [ά], Adv. four times, Lat. quater, Od., Hdt., Att. : — τετράκι, Pind. τετράκισ-μυριοι [ϋ], at, a, four times ten thousand, forty thousand, Xen. τετράκισ-χίλιοι [t], at, a, four thousand, Hdt., Att. τετρά-κλϊνος, ον, (κλίνη) -with four couches, Luc. τετρά-κναμος, ον. Dor. for -κνημοε, four-spoked, of a wheel, Pind. τετρά-κόρυμβος, ον, -mth four clusters, i. e. thick- clustering, .Anth. τετρακόσιοι, at, a, (τε'σσαρει) four hundred, Hdt., etc.; in sing., τετρακόσια οσττίί Xen. II. ot τ., at Athens, the oligarchy established in 41 1 B.C., Thuc. τετρά-κυκλος, ον, four-viheeled, Horn., Hdt. τετρά-κωμία, η, (κώμη) a union of four villages, Strab. τετρά-λογία, η, (fbyos) a series of four dramas, three Tragedies and one Satyric play, exhibited at the festivals of Dionysus : the three Tragedies were called τpιλoyίa, as the Oresteia of Aesch. τετρά-μετρος [ά], ον, (με'τρον) consisting of four metres, i. e. in iambic or trochaic verse, consisting of four double feet or syzygies : τδ τετράμετρον is generally the trochaic tetrameter, Ar., Xen. τετρά-μηνος [ά], ον, (μήν) of four months, lasting four months, Thuc. τε'τραμμαι, pf. pass, of τρ4·πω. τετράμοιρία, η, a fourfold portion, Xen. From τετρά-μοιρος [ά], ον, (μοίρα) fourfold, Eur. ΤΕ'ΤΡΑΞ, ayos, and okos, b, perh. the pheasant, Ar. τετράορία, η, a four-horsed chariot, Pind. τετρ-άορος, contr. τε'τρ-ωρος, ον, (άείρω) yoked four together, Od. ; τ. άρμα a four-horsed chariot, Pind. II. four-legged. Soph. τετρά-ιτάλαστος, ον, four spans long or broad, Hdt. τετρά-ιτηχνς [ά], υ, gen. εω5, four cubits (six feet) long, Hdt., Plat. ; of men, six feet high, Ar. τετράττλάσιος [ά], α, ον, fourfold, four times as much, Lat. quadruplex. Plat. τετράττλεθρος [ά], ον, consisting of four plethra, Polyb. τετρά-ττλευρος [ά], ον, (πλευράν) four-sided, Anth. τετράττλη, Adv. in a fourfold manner , fourfold, II. τετραττλόος, η, ον, contr. -ιτλοίς, η, ουν, fourfold, Lat. quadruplus, Plut.; τά τ.,=τετραμοιρία, Xen. τετρά-ΤΓοδηδόν, Adv., (πούε) on four feet, Ar. τετρά-ίΓοδιστί, Adv., (ποΰε) on all fours, Luc. τετρά-ΤΓολις [ά], εωε, η, of οτ viith four cities, λαάε τ., of the northern part of Attica, Eur. τετρά-ΤΓολος [ά], ον, (πολεω) turned up or ploughed four times, Theocr. τετρά-ΤΓορος [ά], ον, vaith four passages or openings, Anth. II. coining four viays. Id. τετρά-ΤΓονς [ά], b, η, -πουν, τά, four-footed, Lat. quad- rupes, Hdt. : — τετράπουν, τό, a quadruped, pi. τετρά- ποδα Id., Ar., etc. II. of things, four feet in length. Plat. τετρα-τΓτερυλλίς, ίδοε, η, (πτερόν) a four-voing, i. e. a grasshopper or locust, Ar. τετρά-πτιλος [ά], ον, (πτίλον) four-viinged, Ar. τε'τρατΓτο, Ερ. 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of τρ4πω. τετράρ-ρϋμος, ον, ‘with four poles, i. e. eight-horsed, Xen. τετραρχε'ω, f. 7}σω, to be tetrarch, τηε Ταλιλαίαε N. T. τετράρχης, ον, b, a tetrarch, i. e. a ruler of one of four provinces, Strab., etc. τετραρχία, -η, a tetrarchy, the province of a tetrarch, esp. in Thessaly, the four provinces being Thessaliotis, Phthiotis, Pelasgiotis, Hestiaeotis, Eur., Dem. 2. under the Romans the name tetrarchy was given to any division of a country, as to Palestine, which after Herod was divided into three tetrarchies, Plut., etc. τετράς, άδοε, ·η, the fourth day of the month, Hes., .Ar. τετρα-σκελής, 4ε, (σκ4λοε) four-legged, four-footed, τ. τ€τραστά^ίος olwvos, of a kind of griffin, Aesch. ; t. νβρισμα the wanton violence of Centaurs^ Eur. τετρα-στάδιος, ον, (στά^ιον) four stades in length, Strab. : τ^τραστάΖιον, τό, a length of four stades. Id. -^€τρά-σχοινο9, ον, four σχοΊνοι long, Strab. TeTparos, tj, ov, poet, for rerapros, foicrth, Horn., etc . ; rb Ter par ov the fourth time, II., Hes. τετρά-τρΰφος, ov, {θρύπτω) broken into four pieces, Hes. τετραφα, pf. both of τρίπω and of τρέφω. τετρα-φάληρο5 [ά], ον, epith. of a helmet, prob. %vith four crests ox plumes, II. τ6τρά-φαλο5, 0»', = foreg., II. τετράφαται, -το, Ep. 3 pl. pf. and piqpf. pass, of τρ€φω. τετράφθω, 3 sing. pf. pass, imper. of τρέπω. τετρά-φΰλοξ, ον, (φυλή) divided into four tribes, Hdt. τετραχα, (τεσσαρεϊ) Adv. in four parts. Plat, τετραχτ), Adv. =foreg., Xen., Luc. τετραχθά [ά], Adv., poet, for τέτραχα, Horn. τετρά-χοο5, ov, holding four χόε5, Anth. τετρά-χυτρος, ov, {χύτρα) made of four pots, Batr. τετρεμαίνω, redupl. form of τρέμω, Ar. τε'τρημαι, pf. pass, of τ^τραίνω. τετρ-ήμερος, ον, of four days: μ^τα την τετρήμερου (sc. ημέραν) after the fourth day, Arist. τε'τρηνα, Ep. aor. i of τ€τραίνω. τετρ-ήρης (sc. vavs), η, a quadrireme, Polyb. τε'τρηχα, pf. intr. of ταράσσω : part. fern. τ^τρηχυΊα : 3 sing, plqpf. τ€τρ·ίιχ€ΐ. τετρίγει [ϊ], Ep. 3 sing, plqpf. of τρίζω τετρϊγώς, v 7 a, pf. part. ; τετρϊγώτα 5 , Ep. for -ότα$, acc. pl. τετρ-όργυιος, ov, {bpyvia) of four fathoms, Anth. τετροφα, pf. of τρέφω. τετρ-ώβολος, ον, { 6 βο\ο$) of four obols : — τετρώβολον, τό, a four-obol piece, a soldier’s daily pay, Ar. τετρωμαι, pf. pass, of τιτρώσκω. τετρ-ωρος, ον, contr. for τζτρ-άορο 5 . τετρ-ώροφος, ον, {όροφΎ}) of four stories, Hdt. τετρ-ώρυγος, ov, = TeTp 6 pyvios, Xen. τε'ττα, a friendly or respectful address of youths to their elders. Father, II. τετταράκοντα, τε'τταρες, etc., Att. for τ^σσαρ-. τεττϊγο-φόρας, ου, b, {φέρω) wearing a τέττιξ: epith. of the Athenians (cf. τέττιξ i. 2), Ar. τεττΐγ-ώδης, es, {elbos) like a τέττιξ, Luc. τε'ττιξ, lyos, b, a kind of grasshopper, the cicala, Lat. cicada, an insect fond of basking on bushes, when the male makes a chirping noise by striking the wing against the breast, II., etc. 2 . χρύσ €05 τ. a golden cicada, worn by the Athenians before Solon’s time, as an em- blem of their claim to being αύτόχθον €5 (for such was the supposed origin of the insect), Ar., Thuc. τε'τυγμαι, pf. pass, of τευχω : — τετυγμην, Ep. plqpf. τετΰκεϊν, Ep. redupl. aor. 2 inf. of. τεύχω. τετχιμμαι, pf. pass, of τύπτω. τετυξαι, 2 sing. pf. pass, of τευχω : — τετυξο, Ep. 2 sing. plqpf. : — τετυχθαι, pf. inf. ; τετυχθω, 3 sing, imper. τετυφωμενω5, Adv. pass. pf. part, of τνφόω, stupidly, Dem. τετυχηκα, pf. of τvyχάvω. τεΰ. Dor. gen. of σύ. II. τεΰ. Ion., h'p.. Dor. gen. of tIs ; who ? , but τευ enclit. of tis, some one. τεΰγμα, τό, (τευχω) that which is made, a work, Anth. — τβφρώυης. 803 ΤΕΥΘΓΣ, ibos [i], η, a cuttle-fish, Ar. τευκτικός, η, όν, {τιτγχάνω) able to gain, tiv0s Arist. τευέεια, Ep. aor. i opt. of τευχω. τεΰ|ΐ5, εωϊ, η, attainment : also = ευτευ|ί5, Anth. τεύξομαι, fut. of τυyχάvω. II. fut. med. of τευχω. τεΰ?, Aeol. and Dor. gen. of σύ. τευτάζω, f. άσω : pf. τετευτακα : — for ταύτάζω, to say or do the same thing, τ. ττερί τι to dwell upon a thing, be wholly engaged in it. Plat, τευτλίον, τό. Dim. of tcvtKov, Ar. τευτλόεις, ^σσα, ευ, contr. ovs, ονσσα, ovv, of or full of beet : hence Τευτλουσσα, Beet-island, Thuc. TEVTAON, τό. Ion. and in later Att. σευτλου, beet, Lat. beta, Batr., Ar., etc. τευχεσ-φόρο5, ov, {φέρω) wearing armour , Aesch., Eur. τευχηστήρ, ^pos, b, (τευχοϊ) an armed man, warrior, Aesch. : also τευχησ-τής, ov, b. Id. τευχοισα. Dor. for -ονσα, part. fern, of τευχω. τεΰχοξ, eos, τό, (τευχω) a tool, implement : — mostly in pl. τευχεα, 1. implements of war, armour, arms, harness, Horn., Hes. ; — so τεύχη in Trag. 2. in pl., also, the gear of a ship, tackle, Od. II. in sing, a vessel of any kind, a bathing-tub, Aesch.; a cinerary urn. Id., Soph. ; a balloting-urn, Aesch. ; a vase for libations. Id. ; a vase or ewer for water, Eur. ; a pot ox jar, Xen. ; ξύλινα τ. chests. Id. III. the human frame, body, Arist. IV. a book, Anth.; hence ττευτάτευχ os, η, the Pentateuch. τευχο-φόρο5» ov, {φέρω) bearing arms, armed, Eur. ΤΕΥ'ΧΩ, f. τ^ύξω : aor. i έτ^υξα, Ep. τ^νξα : pf. τε- τευχα : Ep. redupl. aor. τετΰ/εε?υ : — Med., f. τζύξο- μαι : Ep. redupl. aor. 2 inf. τβτνκέσθαι : — Pass., 3 f. τ€Τζύξομαι : aor. i έτύχθην : pf. τέτυyμaι, plqpf. eτeτύyμηv, Ep. 3 pl. τετευχαταί, ε’τετευχατο, τετευ- χατο. To make ready, make, build, work, Horn., Hes., Trag.; — of a cook, δβΐπνον τ^τυκέΐν to dress or prepare a meal, Od. ; and in Med., όΦΐπνον τετυ- κέσθαι to have a meal prepared, Horn. : — Pass., όώματα τ^τ^ύχαται 11. ; 0εώυ ε’τετευχατο βωμοί Ib. ; c. gen., χρνσοΐο τ^τ^ύχαται are wrought of gold, lb. ; also, τ€τυyμέva δώματα λάζσσιν built with stones, Od. ; but, δόμο$ αϊθούσησι τζτυyμέvos built or fur- nished with vestibules, II. 2. the pf. part, τετυγ- μένο5 often passes into the sense of an Αά]., = τυκτό$, well-made, well-wrought , Horn. ; aypbs καλόν τετ. well wrought, well tilled, Od. ; — metaph., νόο% τετυγ- μέvos a ready, constant mind, Ib. 3 . pf. act. part, once in pass, sense, ^ινοΐο τετευχώ? made of iiide, lb. II. of events, to cause, make, bring to pass, bring about, όμβρον ήέ χάλαζαν 11.; τ. βοήν to make a cry, Od. ; τ. yάμov to bring it about, lb. : — Pass., esp. in pf., to be caused, and so to arise, occur, happen, exist, Horn., etc. III. c. acc. pers. to make so and so, &yvωστov τ. τινά Od. ; τ. τινά μέyav, (ύδαίμονα Aesch., Eur. ; c. dupl. acc., τί σε τευ|ω; what shall I make o/thee ? Soph. hence in pf. pass, simply for yiyveaOai or flvai, Zei/s ταμίη 5 πολέμοιο τέτυκται II. ; yvvaiKhs &φ' άντί τέτυξο thou wast like a woman, lb. ΤΕ'ΦΡΑ, Ion. τ^φρη, η, ashes, 11 ., Ar. : also a kind of pungent dust or snuff, Ar. Hence τεφρός, ά, όν, ash-coloured , Babr. τεφρ-ώδης, εϊ, {fJbos) Babr., I’iut. 3 l·' τεγ^θείς — τηΧβττνΧος. 8ο4 TCxOcis, aor. ι part. pass, of τίκτω. Τ€χνάζω, f. άσω, (τ4χνη) to employ art, Arist. II. to use art or cunning, deal subtly, use shifts or sub- terfuges, Hdt., Ar., etc.; — c. inf. to contrive cunningly that, Arist. : so aor. i med. 4τ€χνασάμην, Hdt. τεχνάομαι, f. τ,σομαι : aor. i ^τ^χνησάμην, Ep. τ^χν- : pf. τζτίχνημαι : (τ^χντΐ) : Dep. — to make by art, to execute skilfully, Od. 2, also as Pass, to be made by art, Xen. II. to contrive or execute cunningly , II., Soph. : — absol., 0eoG τ^χνωμίνου if God contrives. Soph. : — c. inf. to contrive how to do, Thuc. τβχνασμα, arcs, τό, (τ^χνάζω) anything made or done by art, a handiwork, κάδρου τεχνάσματα, of a cedar- coffin, Eur. II. an artifice, trick. Id., Xen. τέχνη, η, (τίκτω) art, skill, craft in work, cunning of hand, esp. of metal-working·, Od. ; of a shipwright, II. ; of a soothsayer, Aesch., Soph. 2. art, craft, cun- ning, in bad sense, δολίη τ. Od. ; in pi. arts, wiles, cunning devices, Ib., etc. 3. the way, manner or means whereby a thing is gained, without any sense of art or craft, μιηδεμιγ τεχνρ in no wise, Hdt.; ττάστ] τεχντι by all means, Ar. ; τταντοίτ) τ. Soph. II. an art, craft, trade, ετΐίστασθαι τήν τ. to know his craft, Hdt. ; eV ττ; 'τεχν-ρ είναι to practise it. Soph. ; ετά τεχνρ μανθάνειν τι to learn a thing professiottally, Plat. ; τέχνην ττοιεΊσθαί τι to make a trade of it, Dem. III. an art, i. e. a system or method of makhig or doiyig. Plat., Arist. ; 1) φύσει τεχνρ Plat. ; μετά τεχνηε, άνεν τεχνηε Id. TV .=^τέχνημα, a work of art, handiwork. Soph. Hence τεχνήίΐς, εσσα, εν, poet. Adj. cunningly wrought, Od. : — Adv. τεχνηεντω5, artfully, skilftdly, Ib. II. of persons, •^υναίκε$ ίστδν τεχνησσαι (contr. from-ηeσ- σαι) skilful at the loom, Ib. τβχνημα, aTOS, to, (τεχνάομαι) = τέχνασμα. Soph. - 2. of a man, the abstr. for the concr., iravovpylas τεχνημα a masterpiece of villainy. Id. II. an artful device, trick, artifice, Eur. : — generally a device, invention. Plat. Τ€χνήμων, ον, τέχνη) cunningly wrought, αυλοί Anth. τ€χνητός, η, όν, (τεχνάομαι) artificial, Plut. τεχνικός, ή, όν, (τέχνη) of persons, artistic, skilful, workmanlike , Plat., etc. II. of things, made or done by art, artistic, systematic. Id. III. Adv. -Kcos, by rules of art, in a workmanlike manner. Id. Τ€χνίον, τό. Dim. of τέχνη. Plat. τεχνίτης [ϊ], ου, δ, (τέχνη) an artificer, artisan, crafts- ma?i, skilled workman. Plat., etc. : — c. gen. rei, skilled in a thing, Xen. ; also τι or περί τι Id. II. a trickster, intriguer, Luc. τεχνΐτις, ιδο$, fern, of τεχνίτηε, Anth. Τ€χνολογ€ω, f. ησω, to bring under rides of art, to systematize, Arist. From τεχνο-λόγος, ον, treating by rules of art. τ€χνο(Γυνη, η, poet, for τέχνη, Anth. τ€χνΰδριον, τό. Dim. of τέχνη. Plat. τεω ; Ion. for τίνι ; dat. of τί$ ; who ? Hdt. II. τεω, Ion. dat. of tis, any one, Od. τ€ων; Ion. for τίνων ; gen. pi. of Tis; who ? Od. 2. of TIS, any one, Hdt. τόως, Ep. τείως, Adv. of Time, so long, meanwhile , the while, correlat. to εω^, Ι'ωϊ όγώ ηλώμην, τείω5 . . while I was wandering, meantime . . Od. ; εσθίων τεω$, εωs . . Ar. II. for a time, a while, τείω5 μεν . . , αύτάρ νυν Od. ; τεω5 μεν . . , εΐτα δε . . Ar., etc. III. up to this time, hitherto, Hdt., Ar. τη, old Ep. imperat. =Aa)8e, take, in Horn, always fol- lowed by a second imperat., τη, σπείσον Αιί II. ; τη, πίε οίνον Od.; τη νυν, καί σοι τούτο κειμ1]λιον έστω IL (Perh. akin to τβ-ταγ-ών.) τη, dat. fern, of ό, like ταύτρ, here, there, Horn, τήγανον, v. τά·γηνον. τηδε, dat. fern, of οδε, as Adv., here, thus, Horn, τήθη, η, a grandmother , Ar., Plat., etc. τηθίς, ίδο$, η, a fathers or mother's sister, aunt, Dem. ΤΗ^ΘΟΣ, 60S, τό, an oyster, τήθβα διφών diving for oysters, II. Τηθυς [ϋ], bos [υ], η, Tethys, wife of Oceanus, II. ; daughter of Uranus and Gaia, mother of the river- gods and Oceanides, Hes. II. in Virgil, Tethys is the sea itself. (Prob. from τήθη, the all-mother 1) τηκβδών, ovos, η, (τήκομαι) a melting away : a wasting away, consumption, decline, Od. τηκτός, η, όν, verb. Adj. of τήκομαι, melted, molten,. Eur. II. soluble. Plat, τήκω (Root. TA^K), Dor. τάκω [ά] : f. τη^ω. Dor. ταξώ : aor. i ετηξα : pf. τετηκα : — Pass., aor. 2 ετάκην [ά] ; rarely aor. i ετηχθην : — but in classic Gr. the pf. and plqpf. pass, are supplied by the intr. act. pf. τε- τηκα, ετετ7}κειν : I. Act. to melt, melt down (trans.), of metals, Hdt., etc. : to dissipate clouds. Id. 2. metaph. to cause to waste or pine away, Od., Eur. II. Pass., with intr. pf. act. τετηκα, to be dissolved, melt away, of snow, to thaw, Od., Hdt., Att. ; of metals, Hes. ; άλφιτα πυρί τ. is consumed , Theocr. ; of a corpse, to fall away. Soph. ; πυρ τετα- k0s a dead fire, Eur. 2. metaph. to melt or waste away, pine, Horn., Hdt., Att.; βλέμμα τηκόμενον a languishing look, Plut. τηλ-αυγής, es, (τηλε, abyh]) far-shining, far-beaming, h. Horn., Ar. II. of distant far-seen, cow- Theogn., Soph. III. k-dM.-yois, clearly , distinctly, N.T. ΤΗ'ΆΕ, Adv., like τηλου, at a distance, far off, far away, Horn., Hes. : — c. far from, Horn, τηλε-βόλος, ον, (βάλλω) striking from afar, Pind. τηλβ'-γονος, ον, ('γί'/νομαΐ) born far from one's father or fatherland, Hes. τηλβδαττός, η, όν, \τηλε, -δaπos being a termin.) fro7n a far country, Od. : of places, /«r off, distant, II. τηλεθάω, lengthd. for θάλλω (cf. τεθηλα), mostly in pres., part., luxuriant-growing, blooming, flourishing, ϋλη τηλεθόωσα II. ; ελαΐαι τηλεθόωσαι Od. ; χαίτη τηλε- θόωσα luxuriant hair, II. τηλ6-κλ€ΐτός, όν, far-famed, Horn, τηλε-κλητός, όν, summoned from afar, IL τηλε-κλΰτός, όv, = τηλεκλειτόs, Horn. τηλ€-μάχος [ά], ον, (μάχομαι) fighting from afar. II. as prop. n. proparox., Ύηλεμaχos, 6, son of Ulysses, Od. τηλβ-ττλανος, ον, far-wandering, devious, Aesch. τηλό-τΓομτΓος, ον, far-sent, far -journeying, Aesch. τηλό-τΓορος, ον, far -travelling, far-reaching, ap. Ar. 2. far-distant. Soph, τηλό-ττΰλος, ον, (πύλη) with gates far apart, Od. τηΧ^ατκόίΓος — τΐη. TriXi-aKOTTo^y ον, {σκοτΓζω) far-seeing', Ar. II. pro- parox. τηλ^σκοτΓοε, ον, pass, far-seen, conspicuous, Hes., Anth. τηλ€-φα,νής, is, (φαίνομαι) appearing afar, far-seen, conspicuous, Od., Ar. 2. of sound, heard plainly from afar. Soph. τηλε-φΐλον, t6, farwway-love, love-in-absence, a plant used by lovers to try whether their love was returned ; the leaf being laid on the hand was struck smartly, and a loud crack was a favourable omen, Theocr. τηλία, Ύ], a hoard or table viith a raised edge, a baker's board, ap. Arist. 2. a table or stage whereon game- cocks and quails were set to fight, Aeschin. 3. a chimney -hoard, Ar. 4. the hoop of a corn-sieve. Id. τηλίκος [i], 77, ov, of such an age, so old or so young, antecedent to the relat. ·ηλίκο5, Horn. : — c. inf., ov ini (Γταθμοΐσι μύν^ιν tt^Kikos not so young as to stay at home, Od. II. so great, Lat. tantus, Anth. τηλϊκόσδβ, ηδ6, όι/δβ, and τηλικοΰτος, ούττ?, ουτον, (also T'qXiKovTos as fern.'), strengthd. forms of τ7]Κίκο$ (as o5e, oZros of 0 ) : I. of persons, of such an age, τηλικόσδ' ών Soph., etc. ; old as I am, Eur. ; vovs τη- AiKovTos the mind of one so old as he is. Soph. : — of extreme youth, so young, τηλικάσ^’ ορών πάντων ipi]- μουε girls of so tender age. Id., etc. : — repeated in opp. senses, 01 τηλικοίδβ και διδαξόμ€σθαι δί? φρον^Ιν υπ' avdpbs TTjXiKovde we old as we are shall take lessons forsooth from one so young. Id. II. of things, so great, so large, Lat. tantus. Plat., etc. τηλόθεν, Adv. {ττ\Χον) from afar, from a foreign land, II., Soph, j — TTjXode in Find. 2. sometimes = τηλε, τηΧοΰ, Horn.; c. gen., τηΧόθ^ν IleXe ιάδων far from them. Find. τηλόθϊ, Adv. = τ77λ€, τηΧον, Horn.: — c. gen., τιηΧόθι πάτρη5 II. τηλο-7Γ€'τη5, ey, (π€Τομαι) far-fiying, Anth. τηλ-ορ05, όν, = ττηΧονρ05, Eur. τηλόσε, (τηΧου) Adv. to a distance, far away , II., Eur. τηλοτάτω, Adv., Sup. of τ-ηΧου, farthest away, Od. : — hence Adj., τηλότερος, Anth. ΤΗΛΟΥ", Adv., like τηλε, afar, far off or away, in a far country, Horn., Hes. ; τηΧον ατγρών in a far corner of the country, Ar. 2. c. gen., mostly, /«τ' from, Od. j t. aiOcvfar from thee, Eur. τηλ-ουρός, ov, (Upos) with distant boundaries ; hence far-away, distant, remote, Aesch., Eur. τηλ·υγετο5 [υ], τ], ον, an only child, a darling child, Horn, j once of two sons, perhaps twins, II.: — in Eur., T’pXvyiTos xOovhs anh πατρίδοε, it means born far away, living away from, as if a compd. of τηλυ ( = rrjXe), y^viaOai : but the Homeric sense is opposed to this ; and the deriv. remains uncertain, τηλ-ωττός, 6v, (ώφ) seen from afar, far away. Soph. 2. metaph. of sound, heard from afar. Id. τημελε'ω, f. ήσω, to protect, look after, c. acc., Eur. ; c. gen. to take care of. Id. (Deriv. uncertain.) τήμερον, v. σήμερον, τημή, crasis for ττ) ε’μτ). τήμος, Dor. ταμος, Adv. then, thereupon, of past time, answering to the relat. ΐ\μos, 11., Soph., Theocr. τημόσδε, Dor. ταμόσδε, Adv., = T7)^os, Theocr. τημοΰτος, = τημόσδε, τημο5, Hes. 805 την-άλλως or την άλλως, Adv., elliptic for τήν &ΧΧω5 &yovaav οδόν in the way leading differently, i. e. in no particidar way. Plat. 2. to no purpose, in vain, Dem. τηνεΐ, Adv., Dor. for ε’κε?, there, Theocr. : — also = ωδε, here. Id. τήνελλα, a word formed by Archilochus to Imitate the twang of a guitar-string : from his hymn beginning with τήνελλα KaXXlviKe, these words became the mode of saluting conquerors, Ar. II. so in Adj. form, iav viKqs, T-f^veXXos εΤ you will be greeted with huzzas. Id. τηνίκα [Ϊ], Dor. τόίνίκα, Adv., (ttjvos) antec. to Relat. ηνίκα, at that time, then ; also with the Art. (often written τοτηνίκα). Soph. 2. absol. at that time [of day], Theocr. τηνϊκάδε, Adv., at this time of day, so early. Plat, τηνϊκαΰτα, commoner form for τηνίκα, at that time, then, Hdt., Soph., Xen. ; c. gen., t. του depovs at this time of summer, Ar. II. under these circum- stances, in this case. Id., Xen. τηνόθι, Adv. of rrivos, in that case, then, Theocr. τήνος, τήνα, τήνο. Dor. for Keivos, inclvos, he, she, it, Theocr. 2. like Lat. ille, iste, the famous, or the notorious. Id. τηνώ, Adv., Dor. for ε’κε?, there, Theocr. τηνώθεν, Adv. of τηνοε. Dor. for εκεΓθεν, Ar. ; also τηνώθε, Theocr. τηξΐ-μελής, 4s, wasting the limbs, vovffos Anth. τηρε'ω, f. ήσω, (τηροε) : — to watch over, protect, guard. Find., Ar. : — Pass, to be constantly guarded, Thuc. ; f. med. τηρησομαι in pass, sense. Id. 2, to take care that . . , Arist., Ar., Plat. II. to give heed to, watch narrowly, observe, Ar. ; τάϊ αμαρτία? Thuc. 2. to watch for, c. acc.. Soph., Ar. ; παρα- στ^ίχοντα τηρΊισαε having watched for him as he was passing by. Soph. 3. absol. to watch, keep watch, Arist. : — c. inf. to watch or look out, so as to . . , Thuc. III. to observe or keep an engagement, Isocr., etc.; t. eiprjvrjv Dem. Hence τήρησις, εωί, ή, a watching, keeping, guarding, Arist. 2. vigilance, Thuc. II. a means of keeping, a place of custody. Id. τηρητε'ον, verb. Adj. of τηρεω, one must watch. Plat. ΤΗΡΟ'Σ, b, a warden, guard, Aesch. τητάομαι. Dor. τα.τ-, (τήτη) Pass, only used in pres., to be in want, suffer want, Hes. ; rb τητάσθαι priva- tion, Soph. 2. c. gen. to be in want of , be deprived or bereft of. Id., Eur. τήτες, Adv. this year, of or in this year, Ar. (τήτε? is related to σήτε?, ίτοε, as τ 4 ]μ€ρον to σήμερον, ημίρα.) τηυσιος, α (Ion. η), ον, idle, vain, tindertaken to no purpose, Od. : — Adv. τηυσίωε, Theocr. τιάρα [άρ], ή, and τιάρας, ου. Ion. τιήρης, εω, δ : — a tiara, the Persian head-dress, Hdt. ; worn by the great king, Aesch., Xen. τιάρο-ειδής, 4s, shaped like or like a tiara, Xen. ΤΓΓΡΓΣ, ή, gen. riypios and riypibos ; acc. τίγρίν : pi., nom. riypfis and nypibes : — a tiger, unknown in Greece till after Alexander’s time, τίεσκον. Ion. impf. of τίω. τίη, Att. τιή, strengthd. form of τί ; why ? wherefore ? Horn., lies., and Att. Comedy; cf. δτιή. 8o6 τιήρης — τιήρης, ον, 6 , Ion. for ridpas. j τϊθαιβώσσω, of bees, fo store up honey, Od. Akin to j τιθτ,νη τϊθας opvis, a 5 os, η, barn-door fowl, hen, Anth. τϊθασβυτης, ου, b, one U'ho tames, Ar. From τϊθα.σ€ΰω, only in pres., to tame, domesticate. Plat., Xen. 2. of trees, to reclaim, cultivate, Plut. τϊθασός, 6 v, of animals, tame, domestic, Lat. cicur. Plat.; of plants, cultivated, Plut. 2 . metaph, domestic, intestiyie,^ Kpri]s Aesch. (Deriv. uncertain.) τι,θεασι, 3 pi. of τίθτημι. τϊθείς, part, of τίθ-ημι : but II. τϊθεϊς, 2 sing, τϊθεμεναι, -εμεν, Ion. for ridevat, inf. of τίθτ)μι. τίθεν, Dor. for ^τίθ^σαν, 3 pi. impf. of τίθτημι. τίθεσκον. Ion. impf. of τίθημι. τΧΘ 4 ω, = τίθτ]μι : hence 2 and 3 sing. riOeTs, ridel. τιθήμεναι, Ep. for ηθέναι, inf. of τίθτ]μι. τιθήμενος, Ep. for τιΘίμζνο$, part. med. of τί&ημι. τίθημι [j], (from Root ΘΕ^, τίθ·η 5 Ep. τίθησθα ; τίθησι Dor. τίθητι ; 3 pi. riQeaai, Ion. rideici ; also 2 and 3 | sing, ridels, ridel (as if from τιθε'ω) : — Impf. eridrjv, eridrjs, erldj], Ep. r'ldr] ; also 2nd and 3rd erideis, eridei, Ep. 3 pi. rideaav, ridev, late eridovv ; Ion. impf. eri- dea : — imperat. ridei : — inf. ridevai, Ep, also rι^μevaι, rιdeμev·. — F. θήοΓω, Ep. inf. d^]σeμevaι, d^)σeμev: — Aor. i j edrjKa, only in indie. ; Ep. 3 pi. drjKav : — Aor. 2 ^dr}v, | not used in indie, sing., pi. edeμev, edere, edeaav Ep. deaav ; imperat. dh ; subj. dco. Ion. deω, Ep. de'^ω, Ep. 2 and 3 sing, deitjs, deirj, i pi. deωμev, deίoμev for . deίωμev : opt. deiT]v, i pi. del'ημev and delμev, 3 pi. | delev : inf. delvai Ep. deμevaι, deμev : part, deis : — Pf. · redeiKa: — Med. rίdeμaι, 2 sing, rideaat : imperat. | rideao, ridov, Ep, rideaao ; Ep. part, rιdημevos : — F. : d^]σoμaι : — Aor. 1 idηκάμηv, only in indie, and partic. ; ; 2 sing. edriKao, Ep. 3 sing. drjKaro ; part, d^]κάμevos : — Aor. 2 edeμr]v ; imper. 0 eo, dot): 'subj. θώμαι : opt. ; deίμ^ηv : — Pass, τίθεμαι : F . red^ήσoμ(u \ Aor. i ered-qv; \ Pf. rede^cu. ! A. in local sense, to set, put, place, Horn., etc. : — ^ in Att., τΓοδα τ. to plant the foot, i. e. walk, run, Aesch. ; ’ rerpάπoSos βάσιν dr)phs rideadai, i. e. to go on all fours, j Eur. : delvai rivi ri ev yepffiv to put it in his hands, II.; ; es xelpd rivos into his hand. Soph. 2. deadai rqv , \p 7 j(pov to lay one's voting-pebble on the altar, put it into i the um, Aesch. ; so, rideadai r^v 'γνώμ-ην to give one's \ opinion, Hdt. ; and τίθεσθαι absol. Soph. 3 . delvai rivi ri ev ή, 6v, forming an estimate, 1. for de- termining the amount of punishment, τΐΐνάκιον τ. .Λγ. 2. for determining the amount of property, η τιμητικά} άρχη = τιμητ^ία, Plut. : τιμητικ05, ό, = Lat. vir censorius, one svho has been censor (τιμητ·η5). Id. τϊμητός, ή, όν, verb. Adj. of τιμάω, rateable, v. άτίμητο5. τίμιος, α, ον, and os, ον, (τϊμ-η) valued : I. of persons, held in honour, honoured, voorthy, Od., Hdt., Att. II. of things, costly, prized, Trag. : also costly, dear, Hdt. 2. conferring honour, honour- able, Aesch., Xen. : — to. τιμιώτατα = τά ψίλτατα, Dem. τϊμιότης, rjTos, η, vcorth, value, preciousness, Arist. τϊμο-κράτία, ή, (κρατ^ω) a state in which the love of honour is the ruling principle, II. a state in which honours are distributed according to pro- perty, timocracy, Arist. Hence τϊμοκρατικός, ή, 6v, of or for a τιμοκρατία I, Plat. II. 7] T. πολιτεία, = τιμοκρατία II, Arist. τΐμος, δ, poet, form of τιμ-η II, Aesch. τϊμωρ€ω, f. -ησω : — Med., f. τ]σομαι : aor. i 4τιμωρησά- μην : — Pass., pf. τ^τιμωρημαι, also used in med. sense : (τιμωρ05) : — to help, aid, succour, τινί Hdt., Soph., etc. : — absol. to lend aid, give succour, Hdt. II. to assist one who has suffered wrong, to avenge him, c. dat.. Id. : — so in Med., Soph., Eur. ; — in full con- struction the person avenged is in dat., the person on whom vengeance is taken in acc., and the crime avenged in gen., τιμωρ^ΐν τινι του Traibbs τδν φονία to avenge him on the murderer for [the murder of] his son, Xen. : — also, c. acc. rei, τ. τδν φόνον to avenge his slaughter. Plat. : — Pass, to be visited with ven- geance, Id., etc. ; impers., τ^τιμώρηται τψ Αζωνίδτ) vengeance has been taken for him, he has been avenged, Hdt. 2. τιμωρ^ιν τινά to take vengeance on him. Soph. : — in Med. to exact vengeance from, visit with punishment , τινά Hdt., Att. ; 'Εαυτοί' τιμωροΰμζνο$ Self-tormentor, name of a play by Menander : — c. gen. rei, τιμωρζ7σθαί τινά tivos to take vengeance on one for a thing, Hdt., Att. : — so, also, τ. τινά αντί tivos Hdt. : — c. acc. rei, σ’ o5eAs τΐ5 θαρσαλόο5 eVtrt a bold kind fellow, I. e. very bold, Od. ; δυσ'μαθη5 τΐ5 a dull sort of person. Plat. 9. with numerals, kwva Ttj/es some seven, seven or so, Thuc. ; es διακοσίου$ τινά$ Id. ; so without numeral, ημόρα5 τινά5 some days, i. e. several. Id. ; όνίαυτόν τινα a year or so. Id. ; so, ου ττολλοί Ttves, Ttyes ου ττολλοί, okiyoi τιν4$ Id. : — so also Utos Tts χρυσ05 what a store of gold, Od. 10. with Pro- nominal words, oTds Tts what sort of a man, II. ; ttoTos and oTTotos Tts Soph., Xen., etc. ; Tts τοιόσδ^ Hdt. ; τοιουτ05 Tts Xen. : — όταν δ’ δ Kvpios τταρη Tts when the lord, whoever he be, is here. Soph. : — in opposed clauses, δ μόν Tts . . , ό . . Eur., Plat., etc. H. the neut. Tt is used as Adv. somewhat, in any degree, at all, II., etc. 12. η Tts ^ obbeis few or none, 7text to none, Hdt . ; η τι ^ obδόv little or Clothing, Plat. B. Interrog. Pron. tis, τί; — gen. TtVos, Ion. Teo, Teu, Att. ToD : dat. τίνι. Ion. τόιρ: acc. τίι/α, neut. τί: — PI. τίν€5, τίνα: gen. τίνων, Ion. τόων : tfilt.^tVt, Ion. τόοισι, Att. τοίσι : acc. τίναε, τίνα : I. in direct questions, who? which? neut. what? which ? Lat. quis. - TiraV. 809 quae, quid ? , Horn., etc. : relating to other words in the same case, tis 5’ outos epyeai ; who art thou that comest ? II. ; τίν οφιν σ^ν ττροσδόρκομαι ; what face is this I see of thine ? Eur. : — Tts 0iv or /cej/, with the opt., expresses doubt, who could, who woidd do so 1 Horn. : ■ — in double questions, τί λαβόντα τί Set woielv ; what has one received and what must one do ? Dem. ; so, Tis TToOev efs ανδρων ; who and whence art thou ? Od. 2. Tis with Particles : Tis yap ; Lat. quisnam ? why who? who possibly ? II., etc. ; Tt's δη; who then ? Theogn. ; Tis δητα; Soph.; Tis ττοτβ; who in the world ? who ever ? Xen. 3. neut. τί; as a simple question, what ? Aesch. ; also, why? II. b. τί μοι; τί σοι; what is it to me? to thee? Soph., etc.; c. gen., τί μοι ^ριδοε ; what have I to do with the quarrel ? II. ; τί όμο\ καΐ σοί ; what is there (in common) to me and thee ? what have I to do with thee ? N. T. c. τί with Particles τί yap; why not? how else? Lat. quid enim? quid^ii ? i. e. of course, no doubt, Aesch., etc. ; τί δό ; Lat. quid vero? Plat.; τί δό, 6t . .; but what, if . . ? Eur. ; τί δή; τί δήποτε; why ever? why in the world ? Plat. : — τί μη; why not? Lat. quidni ? Trag. : — τί μ^ν ; i. e. yes certainly. Plat., etc. II. Tis is sometimes used for 0(Ττΐ3 in indirect questions, ηρώτα δή επείτα, τίε €ίη καΐ TToOev ^λθοι Od. ; obn 0χω τί φώ Aesch. 2. Tis; τί; with part., followed by a verbal clause, forms one sentence in Greek where we use two, εϊρετο τίνβ5 ε’oVτεs Trpoayopebooo'i ; who they were that proclaim? Hdt.; καταμζμάθηκα5 tous τί ττοιουντα$ τοΰνομα τοντ άποκα- λουσιν ; have you learnt what they do whom men call so and so ? Xen. III. τίs; = πoios; Soph. IV. τί was never elided; but the hiatus is allowed in Att., τί ουν ; Ar. ; τί ίστιν ; Soph.; τί ε?παs; Id. τΐσαι, aor. i inf. of τίνω. τίσαίατο, Ion. for τίσαιντο, 3 pi. aor. i opt. of τίνω. τισις [ί], ews, η, (τίνω) payment by way of return or recompense, retribution, vengeance, Horn., etc. ; τίσιν δουναί τινοε to suffer punishment for an act, Lat. poenas dare, Hdt. ; κατιγνήτοο τίσι$ for him. Soph. ; in pi., ’Οροίτεα τίσ'ίεs μ^τηλθον (where it may be per- sonified, avengers, like ’Epίί'uεs), Hdt. 2. power to repay or requite, both in bad and good sense, Theogn. τϊσον, aor. i imper. of τίνω. τϊταίνω, aor. i ότίτηνα, Ep. τίτηνα, Ep. redupl. for τ^ίνω, τανυω, to stretch, τόξα τιταίνων bending his bow, 11. ; so in Med., ότιταίν^το τόξα 7vas bending his bow, Horn. 2. to stretch out, ότίταιν^ τάλαντα was holdmg them out, II. ; irivaive τpαπe(αs was laying them out, Od. 3. to draw at full stretch, of horses, etc., άρμα τιταίν^ιν II. ; άροτρον τιταιν^τον lb. ; absol., τιταίν^τον haste along, lb. 4. Pass, to strain or exert oneself, chiefly in part., τιταινόμ^νοε with vehement effort, Od. ; of a horse galloping, τι- ταινόμ^νοΐ πεδίοιο stretching over the plain (yentre a terre), 11. ; so of birds, τιταινομόνω πτερύγεττιΐ' Od. Τϊτάν, avos, δ, mostly in pi. Tlrav^s, Ion. ΤΓτήι/εϊ, ol, dat. Ύίτησι, Ep. Τιτ7}ν€(τσι : — the Titans, a race of gods placed beneath 'lartarus, 11. (where two are named — lapetus and Cronus), acc. to lies., six sons and six daughters of Uranus and Gaia; hurled from Olympus into nether darkness, lies. : other names are given by later Poets, as Atlas, Aesch. ; Prometheus, 8 I ο Ύίτανις - Soph.; Θ€μΐ5 Aesch. ; and in Lat. Poets Titan is the Sun-god. (The oldest deriv. of the name is given in Hes., the Stretchers, Strivers ; others connect it with Tiras (from τίνω), Avengers^, Τϊτάνίς, Ion. Tittjv'is, iSos, rj, fern, of Ύιτάν, Aesch. Τϊτάνο-κράτωρ, opos, 6, (κρατξω) conqueror of the Titans, Luc. Τϊτάνο-κτόνος, ον, (κτ^ίνω) slaying Titans, Batr. τίτα,νος [t], i], a white earth, chalk or gypsum, Hes. Τΐτάν-ώδης, 6S, {eldos) Tita?i-like, Titanic, TtravolSes fiXeweiv Luc. τίτας [i], ov, δ. Dor. for τίτηε, = τιμωρόε, avenger, Aesch. TItt)V€s, ol. Ion. for Tirav^s. τιτθβία, η, an acting as a nurse, nursing, Dem. From τιτθβυω, f. σω, to be a mirse, act as a nurse, Dem. II. trans. to suckle, nurse. Id. From τίτθη, ή, (*θάα)) a nurse, Ar. τιτθίον, t6. Dim. of τιτθόε, Ar. τιτθός, δ, {*θάω) a teat, nipple, Lysias, τίτλος, δ, the Lat. titulus, a title, inscription, N.T. τιτρώσκω (Root ΤΡΩ, whence the tenses are formed), f. τρώσω : aor. i €τρωσα : — Pass., f. τρωθ^^σομαι, also in med. form τρώσομαι, y f. τ^τρώσομαι : aor. i 4τρώ- θτην : pf. τζτρωμαι : — to wound, Horn. : — Pass., τ€τρώ- σθαι rhv μηρόν to have a wound in the thigh, Hdt. : — c. acc. cogn., τιτρώσκ€ΐν φόνον to inflict a death- wound, Eur. 2. generally, to damage, cripple, of ships, Hdt., Thuc. 3 . metaph., of wine, to do one a mischief, Eur., Xen. Τΐτυο-κτόνος, ov, {κηίνω) slaying Tityus, Anth. Τϊτυός, δ, Tityus, son of Gaia, a giant, Od. Τίτΰρος [t], δ. Dor. for 'harvpos, an ape, Theophr. τϊτΰσκομαι, only in pres, and impf., combining the senses of τβύχω, τχτγχάνω : Τ. like τβυχω, to make, make ready, prepare, τιτόσκ^το ττνρ II. ; υττ οχ^σφι τιτνσκ€το ‘ίπττω he put two horses to the chariot, Ib. II. like τχτ/χάνω, to ahn, shoot, tiv6s at a person, Ib. : — absol., βά\λ€ τιτυσκόμ^νοΒ Od. ; άντα τιτνσκζσθαι to aim at a mark right opposite, Ib. ; so, of one putting a key into a lock, αντα τιτυσκομόνη Ib. 2 . metaph., φρ^ατί τηνσκ^σθαι to ami at doing a thing, i. e. to purpose, design, c. inf., Horn. ΤΙ'ΦΗ, η, an insect, perh. the water-spider, that runs on the top of smooth water, Lat. tipula, Ar. τίφθ’ , for TiTTTc, before an aspirate, τιφος, 60 S, τό, standing water, a pond, pool, marsh, Theocr. (Deriv. uncertain.) ΤΓΩ [i Ep., t Att.], impf. ίτιον, Ep. τΊον, Ion. τί^σκον, Ep. inf. τιόμζν : — Med., f. τίσω [t] : Ion. 3 sing. impf. τιόσκ€το : pf. τότϊμαι, part. τΐτϊμόνο$ : — to pay honour to a person (whereas τίνω means to pay a price), to honour, Horn., Aesch., Eur. : — Pass., pf. pass. part. τβτιμόνοΒ honoured, Horn. II. = τιμάω ii, rhv hh [τρίποδα] to value, τρίποδα δωδζκάβοιον τΊον they valued the tripod at twelve steers’ worth, II. ; τΊον δό 6 τ^σσάραβοιον valued her at four steers’ worth, Ib. III. for fut. and aor. i τίσω, %τισα, v. τίνω. τλάθΰμος, ον. Dor. for τλτ]θνμοΒ. τλαίην, aor. 2 opt. of *τλάω. τλάμων, Dor. for τλημων. *ΤΛΑΏ, a radical form not used in pres, (which is supplied by the pf. τότληκα, or the Verb τολμάω) : f. - τμησις. τλησομαι. Dor. τλάσομαι : Ep. aor. i ότάλασσα, subj. ταλάσσω : more commonly aor. 2 €τλην (as if from a pres. *τλημι), Ep. τλην. Dor. ίτλάν, 3 pi. ^τλησαν, Ep. erXav ; imperat. τληθι. Dor. τλάθι; 2 sing. subj. τλη 5 ; opt. τλαίην, 3 pi. τλοΓεν; inf. τληναι, Ep. τλήμβϊ/αι; part, τλάί, τλάατα: — pf. (with pres, sense) τότληκα, Ep. i pi. τότλαμ^ν, imperat. τότλάθι, rer- λάτω ; opt. τ ^τλαίην inf. τζτλάμ^ναι, τζτλάμ^ν, part. τ€τληώ$, fern. τ€τληυ 7 α, Τ€τληότοΒ : I. to take upon oneself, to hear, suffer, undergo: c. acc. rei, %τλην oV ονττω καΐ άλλοΒ II. ; €τλην άνίροΒ ivvi\v I submitted to be wedded to a man, Ib. ; τλη δϊστόν submitted to be wounded by it, Ib. ; €τλα ττίνθοΒ Find., etc. 2. absol. to hold out, endure, be patient, submit, Horn. ; esp.- in imperat., τότλαθι, μητ€ρ 4 μη 11 . ; τλητ€, φίλοι Od. ; in part., τβτληότι θυμψ with patient soul, Ib. ; κραδίη ητληυΐα Ib. II. c. Inf. to dare or venture to do, Ib., Find., etc. : — in Att. Foets, to dare to do a thing good or bad, hence either to have the courage, hardihood, effrontery, cruelty, or to have the grace, patience, to do anything, es t6 δ)] ίτλην Ύ^Ύων^Ίν till I took courage to tell, Aesch. ; 6τλα άλλάξαι submitted to exchange. Soph. ; ουδ’ €τληΒ 4 φυβρίσαι nor hadst thou the cruelty to insult. Id. ; oh yap tiv τλαίην Ιδ^Ίν I could not bear to see, Ar. 2 . c. acc. rei, to dare a thing, i. e. dare to do it, άτλητα τλάσα Aesch. ; d και τουτ ίτλη Soph. 3 . c. part.,, τάδε τετλαμεν €ΐσορόωντ€Β Od. τλήθι, aor. 2 imper. of *τλάω. τλή-θΰμος, Dor. τλά-, ον, stout-hearted, Anth. τλήμεναι, Ep. for τληναι, aor. 2 inf. of *τλάω. *τλήμι, V. *τλάω. τλημόνως, Adv. of τλήμων. τλημοσύνη, η, that which is to be endured, misery,. distress, in pi., h. Horn. II. endurance, Flut. τλήμων, Dor. τλάμων, ovos, δ, η : voc. τλημον and τλήμων : (*τλάω) : — suffering, enduring, patient, stout-hearted, of Ulysses, II. ; so Find., etc. 2. bold, daring, hardy, reckless, II., Trag. II. suffer- ing, wretched, miserable, Tv 2 ig.,yi&n. III. Adv. τλημόνωΒ, patiently ^ Aesch., Eur., etc. τλήν, Ep. for ετλην, aor. 2 of *τλάω. τλησΐ-κάρδιος, ον, (καρδία) hard-hearted, Aesch. II. miserable, Aesch. τλήσομαι, f. of *τλάω. τλητός, ή, 6v, Dor. τλάτός, ά, όν, verb. Adj. of *τλάω : I. act. suffering, enduring, patient, stead- fast, II. II. pass., with a negat., oh τλ. not to be endured, intolerable, Trag. τμάγεν [ά], Ep. 3 pi. aor. 2 pass, of τμή7ω. τμήγω, f. τμή^ω: aor. i ετμηξα : aor. 2 ίτμάyov : — Fass., aor. 2 iτμάyηv, Ep. 3 pi. τμάγεν ; — Ep. form of τέμνω, to cut, cleave : Med., δδδν 4τμ·ϊ]^αντο cut their way, Anth. 2 . metaph. in aor. 2 pass, to be divided or dispersed, to part, \\. τμήδην, Adv. (τε'μνω) by cutting, so as to cut, II. τμηθείς, aor. i pass. part, of τέμνω, τμήμα, ατοΒ, τό, (τέμνω, τμήγω) a part cut off, a section, piece. Flat. 2. a cut, incision, wound. Id. τμήσις, εω 5 , η, (τέμνω) a cutting : η τμ. τηΒ yrjB the ravaging of a country. Flat. II. = τμήμα, a section. Id. τμητβον - τμ.ητ€ον, verb. Adj. of τ4μνω, one must ctit, Plat, τμητός, ή, 6v, {τ4μνω) cut, shaped by cutting. Soph., Eur. 2. that can he cut or severed, Theocr. τμητο-σίδηρος [ΐ], ον, cut down with iron, Anth. Τμώλος, 0 , Mt. Tmolus in Lydia, II., etc. τοδί [i], neut. of όδί. τόθίν, poet. Adv., antecedent to relat. ci0ei/ (being· an old gen. of o) : — hence, thence, Hes. 2. for relat. oQiv, Aesch. II. thereafter, thereupon. Id. τόθΧ, poet. Adv., antecedent to relat. oQi (being an old locat. case of o) : — there, in that place, Od., Find. 2. also for relat. o0t, where. Find. Toi, enclit. Particle, serving to express belief in an asser- tion, let me tell you, surely, verily, used to express an inference, then, consequently, Horn.; andinTrag., to introduce a general sentiment. II. to strengthen other Particles, yap toi, ήτοι, καίτοι, μ4ντοι, ToiydpToi, etc. : cf. ταρα, ταν, μ^ντ&ν. TOI, Dor., Ion. and Ep. for σοΙ, dat. sing, of συ : always enclitic. Toi, ταί, Ep. and Ion. for ot or o’l, at or dl, nom. pi. of δ and os, Horn. τοι-γάρ, = Tot ye άρα, so then, wherefore, therefore, accordingly , Horn., Att. 2. strengthd. τοιγαροΰν. Ion. τοιγαρών, so for example, Xen. : also in Poets, Soph. 3. τοιγάρτοι. Plat. Toiiv, Ep. for τοΊν, gen. and dat. dual of o. τοί-νΰν, (νυν) therefore, accordingly, Hdt., Trag. 2. to resume or continue a speech, moreover. Soph., Xen. ToXo, Ion. and Ep. for του, gen. sing, of δ. Toios, Toia (Ion. τοίη), τοΊον, demonstr. Pron., antece- dent to relat. ofoy, Lat. talis, of such kind or quality, such, such-like, toIos 4ών, oTos ovtis 'Αχαιών (sc. 4στίν') II., etc. : — Toios in Horn, mostly refers to something gone before, such as is said, Ib. 2. with qualifying words, Toios xeipas such in his hands, Od. ; τ^ΰχ^σι To7os II. ; TOios, c. inf., such as to do, i. e. fit or able to do, Od. II. with an Adj. of the same gender and case, it increases the sense of the Adj., iirieiKJis toTos just of moderate size, II. ; ireKayos μiya τοΐον a sea so large, Od . ; KepSaXeos toTos so very crafty, Ib. III. neut. τοΐον as Adv. so, thus, so very, so much, Horn. ; — so, τοίωε, Theocr. τοιόσ-δβ, -a5e (Ion. ήδβ), -όνδ€, stronger form of toTos, anteced. to oTos, as άοιδοΰ τοιονδ' oTos οδ’ 4στί of such a minstrel as is this one, Od. ; absol., άλλ’ δδ’ εγώ τοιόσδ^ here am I such as you see, Ib. : — also, so great, so noble, so had, τοιάδ€ λαίφη such clothes, i. e. so bad, Ib. ; τοσόσδ€ καΐ τοιόσδί Hdt. : — also with a qualifying word, τοιόσδ' τιμ^ν δ4μα$ ήδε κα\ epya stich both in form and works, Od. : — with the Art., δ τ. dvf]p Aesch., etc. ; ot τοιοίδζ Soph. ; iv τφ τοιφδβ in stich circum- stances, Hdt.: — the sense is made more indef. in τοίδσδε tis such a one, Thuc. : — neut. pi. τοιάδβ as follows, τοιαντα as aforesaid, Hdt. τοιοσδί, αδι, ονδί, Att. strengthd. form of τοιόσδζ, Ar. τοι-οΰτος, ~αύτη, -ουτο (Ion. -ovf stronger form of To7os, such as this, anteced. to oTos, Od., etc . ; to ’όσοε, II. : absol., with an intensive sense, so great, so noble, so had, etc., Ib., Att. ; toiovtos &v being such a wretch. Soph. : — c. gen., toiovtos 'Αχαιών such a man among them, II. : — toiovt0s 4στι or ytyvcTai eXs or ττερί τινα he is - τολμάω. 8 i I so disposed towards any one, Xen., etc. : — strengthd., r. cTepos just such another, Hdt.; &\\ovs ToaovTovs Id. : — with the Art., ot τοιοντοι Aesch., etc. 2. the sense is made more indef. in toiovtos tis or tis toiovtos such a one. Find., Thuc., etc.; τοιαυτ άττα Plat. 3. ToiovTOV or τδ τ. such a proceeding, Thuc. ; δ:ά τδ τ. for such a reason. Id., etc. 4. in narrative, τοιαντα properly refers to what goes before, Aesch., etc. : — after a question, τοιαντα affirms like ταντα, just so, even sc, Eur. 5. τοιαντα absol., τα πλοία, τα τοιαντα ships and such-like, Dem. 6. τοιαντα as an Adv., in such wise. Soph. τοιουτοσί, -αυτη'ι, -ουτο'ι or -ουτονί, Att. strengthd. form of TOIOVTOS, Ar., etc. τοιουτό-τροτΓος, ον, of such kind, such like, Hdt., Thuc. τοιουτ-ώδης, es, (flbos) of such kind, Luc. τοΐσδεσι, -εσσι, -εσσιν, Ep. forms for τοΐσι δε, Horn, τοίχος, δ, {rdixos'j the wall of a house or court, Lat. paries, Horn., Att. : — in pi. the sides of a ship, Od., Eur., etc. : — of the human body, Eur. 2. proverb., δ €v πράττων to7xos — ‘ the right side of the hedge,’ Ar. τοιχωρΰχε'ω, f. ijaw, to dig through a wall like a thief, to be a housebreaker, Ar., Xen. 2. metaph., oia 4τοιχωρνχ·η(Ταν π^ρΐ τδ δά^εων what thievish tricks they played with their loan, Dem. From τοιχ-ωρ·υχος [υ], δ, {ορύσσω) one who digs through the wall, i. e. a housebreaker, burglar, robber, Ar. τόκα. Dor. for τότε. τοκάς, άδos, η, {τίκτω) of or for b'>'eeding, Od. 2. having just brought forth, hdX.feta, τ. λύαινα a lioness with cubs, Eur.; also of women. Id. τοκάδα τ^ν κξφαλ^ν 4χ€ΐν, of Zeus in labour of Athena, Luc. τοκετός, ού, δ, = tokos, birth, delivery, Anth. τοκευς, 4ωs, δ, {τίκτω) one who begets, a father, Hes. ; generally, a parent, Aesch. : — mostly, in pi. tok€7s, Ep. T0K7}is, parents, Horn., Hdt., Trag., etc.; — induaL TOKrje δύω Od. τοκίζω, {t0kos II. 2 ) to lend on interest, faenerari, Dem.; τ. τόκον to practise usury, Ant\\. Hence τοκισμός, δ, the practice of usury, Xen. ; and τοκιστ'ης, ον, δ, an usurer. Plat., Arist. τοκογλΰφε'ω, f . ήσω, to practise sordid zisury, Luc. τοκο-γλυφος [δ], δ, {yλύφω) one who carves out interest, a sordid usurer, Luc. τόκος, δ, (τίκτω) a bringing forth, childbirth, partu- rition, 11.; in pi.,’ Soph., Eur. 2. the time of parturition, Hdt. II. the offspring, young, a child, son, Horn., Aesch., etc. 2. metaph. the pro- duce of money lent out, interest, Lat. tisura, Ar., etc. ; ε’ττί τόκιρ or 4π\ τόκον δανίίζ^σθαι to borrow at interest, Dem.; τόκοι τόκων compound interest, Ar. 3. the produce of land, Xen. τοκο-φορεω, f. 7 )σω, to bring in interest , Dem. τόλμα, 7 JS, 7 ], {*τλάω) courage, to undertake or venUire a thing, boldness, daring, hardihood, courage. Find., Hdt., Att. ; τώι/δε τόλμαν σχ^θ^ΐν to have courage for this business, Aesch. 2. in bad sense, over-boldness, recklessness, l.dd,. audacia,'VxsiQ., c\.c. II. a bold ox daring act, \\). Hence τολμάω. Ion. -^ω. Dor. 2 sing, τολμηί : f. τολμήσω, Dor. άσώ : pf. τετόλμηκα. Dor. άκα : — to undertake, take heart either to do or bear anything terrible or 8 I 2 τολμηεις - difficult, Horn., etc. : — absol. to hold out, endure, he patient, submit. Id., Att. : — c. acc. rei, to endure, undergo, Theogn., Eur. II. c. inf. to have the courage, hardihood, effrontery , cruelty, or the grace, patience, to do a thing in spite of any natural feeling, to venture, dare to do, Horn., Att. 2. sometimes c. part., ΙτόΚμα βαΚ\όμζνο$ he submitted to be struck, Od. ; τολ/ια ερώσα Eur. 3. c. 2 lCC., τοΧμαν ττόχ^μον to undertake, venture on it, Od. ; τοιαΰτα, πάντα τ. Trag. ; also, τ. το βέλτιστα Thuc. : Pass., ol' 4το\μ·ηθ7] πατήρ such things as my father had dared (or done') against him, Eur. τολμή€ΐ 9 , Dor. -άβις [ά], 6σσα, ev, enduring, stout- hearted, Od. : daring, hold, adventurous, II : — contr. τόλμης, ησσα, rjv, whence Sup. τολμ-ρστατ^ Soph, τόλμημα, aros, το, (τολμάω) an adventure , enterprise, deed of daring, Eur., etc. τολμηρός, ά, όν, (τολμάω) =τολμ·η€ΐ5, Thuc. ; τό τολμη- ρόν TIVOS his hardihood. Id. ; Adv. -ρω%. Id. ; Comp. —oTepov, Id. τόλμης, contr. for τολμ -fjeis. τολμητόον, verb. Adj.of τολμάω, one mustventure, Eur. τολμητης, ου, b, (τολμάω) a bold, venturous man, Thuc. τολμητός, η, όν, verb. Adj. of τολμάω, to be ventured ; %στ 4κζίνφ πάντα τολμητά all things are vsithui the compass of his daring. Soph. ; 4λπΪ5 τ. Eur. τολοιττόν, Adv. for the rest, for the future : — better divisim t6 λοιπόν. τολΰτΓ€υω, f. σω, properly, to vsind off wool into a clew for spinning: metaph. to wind off, achieve, accomplish, iyu) Sh S0Xovs τολνπζύω, of Penelope’s web (where there is a play on the literal sense), Od. ; T. πόλεμον Horn. From τολύπη [ύ], η, a clew or hall of wool, Lat. glomus, Ar., Anth. (Deriv. uncertain.) τομαΐος, a, ov, and os, ov, (τομή) cut, cut off, Aesch., Eur. II. cut in pieces, cut or shredded ready for use, Aesch. τομάω, (τομή) only in part., to 7ieed cutting, πρ})$ τομώντι πήματι for a disease that needs the knife. Soph. τομ€υς, iωs, b, (τβμ-6?ν) oyie that cuts, a shoemaker' s knife. Plat. : the edge of a knife, Xen. τομή, η, (τίμνω) the end left after cutthig, the stump of a tree, II. ; δοκοί) τ. the end of a beam, Thuc. ; λ!ώοι iv τομή iyyώvιoL stones cut square. Id. ; so, τομή προσθζίσα βόστρυχον having fitted the lock to the place from which it was cut, Aesch. II. a cutting, hewing, cleaving, iv τομα σίδηρου by stroke of iron. Soph. ; φασγάνου τομαί Eur. : — as a surgical operation, τομή χρησθαι Plat. ; διά καύσεων Τ6 καΐ τομών by cautery and the knife. Id. τόμιον, TO, (τομή) a victim cut up for sacrifice; τά τόμια the parts of the victim, Dem. τομός, η, όν, verb. Adj. of τόμνω, cutting, %στηκζν η τομώτατο5 is placed as it will cut sharpest. Soph, τόμος, b, (τόμνω) a cut, slice, Batr., Ar. II. part of a hook, a tome, volume. τονάριον [ά], το', (to'vos) a pitch-pipe, Plut. τονθορυζω, only in pres., to speak inarticulately, mutter, babble, Ar. (Formed from the sound.) τόνος, b, (τ€ίνω) that by which a thing is stretched, a rope, cord, brace, ol τόνοι των κλινόων the cords - τοζότης. of beds, Hdt. ; ck τριών τόνων of three plies or strands, of ropes, Xen. : — in machines, straining- cords, Plut. II. a stretching, tightening, strain- ing, strain, tension, Hdt. 2. of sounds, a strain- ing, raising of the voice, Aeschin., Dem. : — the pitch of the voice. Plat., etc. 3. measure, metre, Hdt. b. in Music, τόνοι were modes or keys differing in pitch, of which in early Greek music there were three, the Dorian, Lydian, and Phrygian. III. exertion of force, mental exertion, energy, Luc.: — generally, force, strength, intensity, Plut. IV. metaph. the tenour of one' s way, a course, Pind., Plut. Tovuv, = Tb νυν, for the present, v. νυν i. τοξάζομαι, f. άσομαι, (τόξον) Dep. to shoot with a bow, Od. ; c. gen. to shoot at, Ib. τοξ-αλκ€της, ου, b, (άλκη) mighty with the bow, Anth. τοξάριον [o], to'. Dim. of τόξον, Luc. τόξ-αρχος, b, lord of the how, bowman, archer, Aesch. II. captain of the archers, Thuc. τόξβυμα, aros, to, that which is shot, an arrow, Hdt., Eur., etc. ; όσον τ. Εξικνόίται the distance of a bow- shot, Hdt. ; πρ\ν τ. 4ξικν€7σθαι before an arrow reached them, Xen. ; 4vt0s τοξ€ύματο5 Avithin how-shot. Id. ; e|a) τοξ€ύματθ5 Thuc. : — metaph., καρδία5 τοξ^ύματα Soph. II. collective in pi. for oi τοξόται, the archery, Hdt. το|€υτός, ή, όν, struck by an arrow. Soph. From το|€υω, f. σω, to shoot with the bow, τινό$ at a mark, II., Soph. ; τινα Hdt. : — metaph. to aim at, c. gen., Eur. : — absol. to use the bow, Hdt., Thuc., etc. ; καθ’ ύπερβολάν τοξ€ύσαε having shot too high. Soph. II. c. acc. to shoot or hit with an arrow, τινά Eur., Xen. : — Pass, to he struck by an arrow, Thuc. 2. c. acc. rei, to shoot from a bow: metaph., to discharge, send forth, υμνου5 Pind. ; τοοτα ετό- ξ€υσ€ν μάτην hath shot these arrows in vain, Eur. : — Pass., παν τβτο'Ιβυται βίλθ5 Aesch. το|-ήρης, ζ5,(άραρίσκω) furnished with thebow, Eur. 2. = to\ik0s. Id.; T. ψαλμόϊ the of the bowstring, \ά. ταξικός, η, όν, (τόξον) of or for the how, Aesch. : — η τοξικη (sc. τόχνη) archery. Plat. II. of persons, skilled in the use of the bow, τοξικώτατο5 Xen. τοξο-βόλος, ov, (βάλλω) shooting with the how, Anth. τοξο-δάμάς [δά], avTos, b, (δaμάω)=sq., Aesch. τοξό-δαμνος, ov, subduuig with the bow, τ. ’'Αρηϊ the war of archers, i. e. the Persians, Aesch. ; τ. ’'Αρτ€μΐ5 Eur. τόξον, TO, (τχχγ-χάνω) a bow, Horn. ; often in pi., because the ancient bow was of two pieces of horn joined by the πηχυ5 in the middle; τόξα τιταΐν^ιν or όλκ€ΐν to draw the bow, II. : — as the bow was specially the Oriental weapon, τόξου ρυμα meant the Persians, opp. to λ0Ύχη$ Ισχύ5 (the Greek spearmen), Aesch. : — metaph., τόξφ by guess. Id. II. in pi. also, bow and arrows, Horn., Hdt., etc. III. metaph., τόξα ηλίου its rays, Eur. Hence τοξο-ποιόω, to make like a bow, to arch, τ. τάί όφρΰε, of a supercilious person, Ar. τοξοσυνη, η, howmanship, archery, II., Eur. τοξότης, ου. Dor. -τας, α, ό, (τόξον) a bowman, archer, II., Hdt., Trag., etc. 2. the Archer, Sagit- tarius, a sign in the Zodiac, Luc. II. at Athens, τοζον\κός — τότ€. οΐ το^όται were the city-guard, also called 'Ζκύθαι, because they were slaves boug-ht from the parts north of Greece, Ar., etc. τοξ-ουλκός, oy, (βλκω) drawing the bow, Aesch. II. αΙχμη τ. the bowstretching arrow. Id. τοξοψορεω, f. ήσω, to bear a bow, of Eros, Anth. το|ο-φόρο 5 , b, T}, {φ€ρω) bow-bearing, 11., Eur., etc. : — b To^o(p0pos = ro^0Tr]s, Hdt. τότταζος, b, the topaz, Anth. τοΊτάζω, f. άσω, (r ottos) to aim at, guess, Aesch., Ar. τοιτάλαι, τοιτάλαιόν, τότταν, τοτταράτταν, τοτταραυ- τικα, τοττάροιθε, τοιτάρος, better written divisim rh ττάΚαι, rb τταΧαιόν, etc. τότΓ-αρχος, b, -η, ruling over a place, yvvT} τ. the mistress, Aesch. τοτΓικός, 77 , 6v, concerning τόττοι or common-places, Arlst. τοτΓογραφεω, f. 'ί]σω, to determine the site, Strab. From τοτΓΟ-γράφος [ά], b, (γράφω) a topographer. τοτΓο-θετεω, f. ήσοο, (τί-θημι) to mark the site of a place, Strab. τοίΓΟ-μαχεω, f. Ί\σω, (μάχομαι) to wage war by holding strong positions, Plut. ΤΟ'ΠΟΣ, b, a place, Lat. locus, Aesch., etc.; periphr., XQovbs TTas tottos, i. e. the whole earth. Id.; Πελοποϊ ey TOTTOis in Peloponnesus, Id., etc. ; b tottos rrjs xs yζyωyίiy Eur. : — metaph., τ. φbβos thrilling fear, Aesch. 2. metaph. clear, distinct, plain. Id. : — so in Adv., to- 813 pa>s rcκμalpfίy, xbyeiy Id., etc. II. of persons, sharp, ready, smart, Xen. : — so in Adv., ε’περείδεσβαι ropSis Ar. TopoTil, imitation of a bird’s note, Ar. τοριίνη [Oj, η, (rbpos) a stirrer, ladle, Ar. From τορυνω [ϋ], (ropbs) to stir, stir up or about, Ar. τοσάκις [ά], Ep. τοσσάκϊ, Adv. (toVos) so many times, so often, II. τοσαυτάκις [ά], Adv., = τοσάκις. Plat, το-σήμερον, Adv., = σήμερον, to-day, Bion. τόσος, poet, τόσσος, η, ον, antecedent to relat. oaos ; — Lat. tantus : of Size, Space, Quantity, so great, so vast : of Time, so long : of Number, in pi., so many : of Sound, so loud : of Degree, so much, so very ; — often in Horn, and Hes., ovri rbaos ye oaos Alas not so huge as Ajax, II. : absol. Just so much ox just so many, Od. ; rp\s rbσσa δώρα thrice as many gifts, II. ; bis rbaa κακά Soph. 2. usodiox bσos,L·^Λ.. quantus,'P\x\A. II. rbaoy and rbaaoy as Adv., so much, so far, so very, Lat. tantum, r. TxXees so many more, 11., etc. 2. εκ rbaov so long since, Hdt. 3. τόσ<ρ with a Comp., and by so much more, Thuc. III. regul. Adv., b\s rbaws Eur. τοσόσ-δε, Ep. τοσσόσ-δε, ήδε, bybe, = rbaos in all senses, Horn. : — c. inf. so strong, so able, to do a thing, Od. II. neut. roabybe, Ep. roaabybe, as Adv. so very, so much, Horn,, etc.; of Time, so long, Aesch. 2. as Subst., roabyb' εχείϊ τδλμη5 Soph, τοσοσδί, τοσηδί, τοσονδί, = τοσουτοσί. Plat, τοσουτ-άριθμος, ον, of so large a number, Aesch. τοσ-οΰτος, -αύτη, -ovro or -ovroy ; Ep. τοσσοΰτος, etc. : — Pron. , = τόσο5 in all senses, but with a stronger demonstr. force, Horn., etc. ; of persons, so large, so tall, καί σε τοσοδτον εθηκα II. ; so great in rank, skill, or character. Soph., etc. : — in pi. so many, Horn., etc. also τοσουτο$ μ4γαθο5 so large, Hdt.; roaovros rb βάθο$ so deep, Xen. : — with numeral Advs., bis r., τΓολλάκίί T., etc., Thuc., etc.; erepoy τοσοντο as large again, Hdt. II. neut. as Subst., so much, thjis much, roaaovToy byrjaios Od. ; τοσαυτ ελεξε Aesch. ; — with Preps., διά τοσούτον at so small a distance, Thuc. ; — es τοσοντο so far, Lat. hactenus, eatenus, Hdt., etc.; — εκ τ. from so far, so far off, Xen.; — ε’ν τοσούττρ in the Tneantime, Ar. ; — ε’ττί τοσοντο so far. Hdt.; — κατά τοσοντον so far. Plat.; — μύχρι τοσούτον so far, so long, Thuc. ;— παρά τοσούτον κινδύνον into such imminent danger. Id. III. neut. also as Adv., so much, so far, Od., Soph., etc. 2. so much, Horn., Thuc., etc. : — but τοσούτψ is more common with Comparatives, Hdt., etc. τοσ-ουτοσί, -ανττηί, -ovroyi, later Att. for τοσοδτοϊ, with a stronger demonstr. force, Ar., Plat., etc. τόσσαις, Dor. for τόσσαϊ, aor. i part, of an unknown pres. = τσγχάνω, to happen to be, Pind. τοσσάκι, lip. for τοσάκι$. τοσσάτιος [ά], τ), oy, Ep. for τοσοϊ, so great, much, Anth. : in pi. so many. Id. τοσσήνος, Dor. for τοσοντο$, Thcocr. τόσσος, τοσσόσδε, Ep. for τύσο$, roabobe. τοσσοΰτος, αύτη, ovroy, Ep. foi^roaovros. τότε, Dor. τόκά, Adv. at that time, then, Lat. tunc, Antec. to Relat. ’bre or δπότε, opp. to vvv, 11., Horn., etc. : — also in Indef. sense, in those times, formerly, Soph., etc. ; 't6't ^ tot^ at one time or other, Aesch., Eur. 2. joined with other Particles, κσΧ τότ^ δή Horn.; κσΧ τότ ίττζίτα II.; τότζ δη ρα Od., etc.; τότ ηδη then at length, Hes. 3. with the Article, oi Tore the men of that time, II., etc. ; ol τότζ άνθρωποι Hdt. ; T7J τόθ’ ημ^ρα Soph. ; 4v τφ τότζ (sc. χρόνιο) Thuc. 4. els τότ€ until then, Dem.; 4κ Tore or eKTore since then, Plut. TOT€ (with changed accent), Adv. at times, now and then. Tore μ4ν . . , Tore δβ . . , at one time . . , at another . . , Od., Aesch., etc.; tot &\Xos, άΧλοθ' arepos Soph. ; rare μ\ν . . , aZOis δβ . . , Plat. TOTcXevTaiov, τοτεταρτον, τοτηνίκα, τοτηνικάδε, το- τηνϊκαΰτα, better written divisim rh TeXevToiov, etc. τοτοβρίξ, imitation of a bird's note, Ar. ΤΟΤΟΪ, an exclam., Aesch. ; τοτοτοΐ, Soph. TOTptTov, better written divisim rh τρίτον. τού, Boeot. for σν, the Lat. tu, thou. τούβολοΰ, crasis for τον οβολού. τούγκυκλον, crasis for τδ eyKVKAov. τούκ, crasis for τδ ε /c. τούκειθεν, crasis for τδ eKeiOev. τοΰλασσον, crasis for τδ eXaaaov : τουλάχιστον, for τδ 4λάχιστον. τούμόν, τούμττάλιν, τούμ-ττοδών, τούμττροσβεν, τοΰμ- φΰλον, Att. crasis for τδ 4μόν, τδ ίμπαλιν, etc. τουναντίον, crasis for τδ evavTiov. τούναρ, crasis for τδ οναρ. τούνδικον, crasis for τδ ένδικον. τούνεκα, crasis for του eveKa,for that reason, therefore, Horn., etc. II. interrog., for tivos evena; where- fore ? Anth. τούνθενδε, crasis for τδ ενθενδε. τοΰνομα, crasis for τδ ονομα. τούντεύθεν, crasis for τδ evTevOev, henceforth. τούξειργασμε'νον, crasis for τδ e^eipyaa μόνον. τούξημβλωμενον, crasis for τδ όξημβλωμόνον. τούξύθϋμον, crasis for τδ όξνθυμον. τούττεκεινα, crasis for τδ 4πόκ€ΐνα. τούττί, crasis for τδ ε’πί. τούτΓίεικες, crasis for τδ eπιeικes. τούττιόν, crasis for τδ όπιόν. τούττίσαγμα, crasis for τδ όπίσα'/μα. τούττίσημα, crasis for τδ όπίσημα. τούτΓίσθεν, crasis for τδ or τον oniaOev, τούπίσω, crasis for τδ οπίσω, Thuc. τούτΓΐχώριον, crasis for τδ όπιχώριον. τούιΓος, crasis for τδ εττοϊ. τΤϊύτΓτάνιον, crasis for τδ οπτάνιον. τούρανοΰ, crasis for του ονρανον. τούργον, crasis for τδ epyov. τουτάκϊς [ά], poet. Adv. for τότε, antec. to δπόταν, Theogn.; absol., PInd.; also τουτάκι. Id. 2.= οντω5, relative to (as), Ar. τουτεί, Adv., Dor. for τανττ), Theocr. τούτερον. Ion. crasis for τδ eTepov. τουτί, τουτογί, τουτοδί, Att. forms for τοντο, τοντό y , τοντο δ'; V. ovTos. τουτόθεν and -θε, Adv. hence, thence, Theocr. : so, τουτώθεν, Adv., Id. τούφ’, crasis for τδ εττί. τόφρά, demonstr. Adv. of Time, up to or during that time, so long, antecedent to relat. οφρα, II. 2. absol. meanwhile, Horn. T ράγάσαΐος, a, ov, of or from the Epirotic city Tpa- yaaai, Strab. : — of swine, ΤραγασαΤα in Tragasaean fashion, with a play on Tpayeiv, Ar. ; Tpaya^aiov πατρόε, with a play on Tpayos, Id. τράγεϊν, aor. 2 inf. of τρώγω. τράγειος, α, ον, (Tpayos) of or from a he-goat : 6 τρα- yeίη (sc. δορά) a goat's skin, Theocr. τράγ-ε'λάφθ5, 6, the goat-stag, as the Greeks called a fantastic animal, represented on Eastern carpets and the like, Ar. τράγεος, o, ov, = Tpayeios, Anth. τράγημα [ά], utos, τό, properly that which is eaten for eating's sake, mostly -in pi., dried fruits or sweet- meats, eaten as dessert, Lat. bellaria, Ar., Xen. Hence τρά-γημάτίζω, to eat sweetmeats, Arist. : so Med., T pay η ματίζομαι, Theophr. τραγικός, ύ, 6v, (Tpayos) of or like a goat, goatish, Plut., etc. II. of or for tragedy, tragic (cf. τρα- ycpbia), Hdt., Xen., etc. ; τρ. Aijpos tragic trumpery, Ar. 2. generally, tragic, stately, majestic. Id., Plat. 3. in bad sense, in tragic style, plaintive, Dem. III. Adv. -κώι, in tragic style or fashion. Plat. 2. oiKeiv τρ. to live in splendour, Plut. τράγϊνος, η, ον, like Tpdyeios, of a he-goat, Anth. τράγίσκος, b. Dim. of Tpayos, a young he-goat , Theocr., Anth. τράγο-κουρικός,ή, 6v, (κουρά) for shearing he-goats,V.\xc. τράγό-κτονος, ov, (κτζίνω) of slaughtered goats, Eur. τράγο-μάσχάλος, ov, (μασχάλη) with armpits smelling like a he-goat, Ar. τράγό-ΤΓους, πoδos, b, η, goat-footed, Anth. τράγος [aj, b, (τράγεΤν) a he-goat, Lat. hircus, Od., etc. τράγο-σκελής, is, (σκiλos) goat-shanked, Hdt., Luc. τράγο-φάγε'ω, f. ήσω, (φάγεΓν) to eat he-goats, Strab. τράγω. Dor. for τρώγω. τράγωδεω, f. ησω, (τpay(pδόs) to act a tragedy, Ar. 2. c. acc. object!, to represent in tragedy, Luc. : — Pass. to be the subject of a tragedy, Isocr., etc. II. metaph. to tell in tragic phrase, to declaim, Dem. τραγωδία, η, (τpayφδόs) a tragedy, invented by the Dorians, and at first of lyric character (TpayiKol χοροί Hdt.) ; then transplanted to Athens, where it assumed its dramatic form, Ar., etc. Its proper sense is goat- song, because in early times a goat was the prize, or because the actors were clothed in goat-skins. II. generally, any grave, serious poetry. Plat, τράγωδικός, τ), όν, befitting tragedy, χοροί Hdt., Ar. ; τρaycρδικδv βλόπ^ιν to look tragic, Ar. ; ώδννά]9ην τρα- y(pδικόv suffered a tragic woe. Id. τράγωδιο-γράφος, ov, (γράφω) writing tragedies, Pdiyh. τράγωδο-διδάσκάλος, b, a tragic poet, who trained his own chorus and actors, Ar. τράγωδο-ίΓοιός, b, (ποιόω) a maker of tragedies, a tragic poet, tragedian, Ar., Plat., etc. τράγ-ωδός, b, (h,oιδ6s, (pb6s) properly, a goat-singer (v. τpayφδίd), i. e. a tragic poet and singer, these characters being orig. one, Ar. : — later, when the poets ceased to act, the term meant a tragediaji or tragic actor, the tragic poet being called τpayωδoπoίόs or Τράλλας - TpaycpSodiSaffKa^os. 2. of members of the tragic chorus, Ar. II. the pi. is often used = rpaycpd ία, eyroTcri rpaycpSoTs in tragedy. Id., Dem., etc. TpaWeis or Τραλλεϊς, ol, Trallians, Thracian bar- barians, Plut. τρανή5, (s, {re-T ραίνω) piercing : metaph. clear, dis- tinct : — Adv., rpavws elSevai, μανθάν^ιν Aesch., Eur. ; Comp, τρανότ^ρον, Anth. Hence τρανόω, f. ώσω, to make clear, plain, distinct, Anth. τρά-ττεζα [ά], -ps, η, (prob. for τ^τρά-ττ^ζα, four-legged), a table, esp. a dining-table, Horn., Hdt., etc. ; ^^vif] rp. the hospitable board, Od.; τραπ^ζγ και κοίττ] SeKeadai to entertain at bed and board, Hdt. ; YlepaiK^v τράττ^ζαν παρ^τίθζτο he kept a table in the Persian fashion, Thuc.; ets άλλοτρίαν τράπεζαν βλάττ^ιν to live at other men’s table, Xen. 2. a table, as implying what is upon it, a dinner, meal, Hdt., etc. ', Supa/coa'ta rp,, pro- verb. of luxurious living, Hor. Siculae dapes. Plat. II. a- money-changed s table, a bank, Lat. mensa argen- taria. Id., etc. ; ^ eyyv'i] η iirl την rp. security given to the bank, Dem. ; oi eiri ra?s τρατξζαΐί bankers, Isocr. Hence τραττεζεΰς, ecos, < 5 , at, of a table, Kvves τραττ^ζη^ε (Ion. for τρατΓΐζξΐε) dogs fed from their masted s table, Horn. τραττεζΧτεΰω, f. σω, to be engaged in banking, Dem. τραπεζίτης [t], ου, b, (τράττζζα ii) one who keeps a bank, a banker, Lat. argentarius, Dem. Hence τραπεζιτικός, ή, 6 v, of ox for the banker, Isocr. τραπεζο-ποιία, η, table-making, Strab. τραπείομεν, Ep. for τραπώμευ, i pi. aor. 2 pass, of τρί-πω. τραπε'σθαι, aor. 2 med. inf. of rpeVco. τραπε'ω, only in pres, to tread grapes, Od., Hes. (De- riv. uncertain : cf. Lat. trapetum.) τραπήναι, aor. 2 pass. inf. of τρ 4 πω. τραπητόον, verb. Adj. of rpeTrco, one must turn, Luc. τράπω, Ion. for τρεπω. τρασιά, η, {rapabs) a crate, whereon to dry figs, Ar. τραυλίζω, f. Att. ιω, (rpavXos) to lisp, Lat. balbutire, as Alcibiades made r into I, Ar. ; of children. Id. ΤΡΑΥΛΟ'Σ, ή, 6 v, lisping, Lat. balbus, esp. of children, Hdt. II. of the swallow, twittering, Anth. (Prob. from the sound.) Hence τραυλότης, rjTos, η, a lisping, Plut. τραύμα. Ion. and Dor. τρώμα, aros, rb, (τείρω) a wound, hurt, Hdt.*, Att. ; τραύμα λαβ^Ίν virb rivos Dem.; λα- βζΐν καί Sovvai Plut. II. of things, a hurt, damage, as of ships, Hdt. III. in war, a blow, defeat. Id. IV. η τραΰματο$ '/ραψη an Indictment for wounding (with intent to murder), Aeschin. τραυματίας, ου, b. Ion. τρωμ-, a wounded man, oi rp. the wounded of an army, Hdt., Thuc. ; and τραυματίζω. Ion. τρωμ-: pf. τ^τραυμάηκα, pass, -ισμαι: aor. I pass. 4 τραυματίσθην : — to wound, Hdt., Att. τράφεν, Aeol. and Ep. for 4 τράφησαν, 3 pi. aor. 2 pass. of τρέφω. II. Dor. for τρζφζίν, inf. of τρζφω. τραψερός, ά, bv, (τρέφω) properly, well-fed, ol τραφ^ροί or ra τραφερά the fat ones, i. e. fishes, Theocr. II. τραφερή (sub. 7η), η, as Subst. the dry land, land, i-Kl τραφερήυ τε καί byp-i^v Horn, τράφην [ά], H!p. aor. 2 pass, of τρίφω. τραφθήναι, aor. i pass. inf. of τρέπω, τράφω, Aeol. and Dor. for τρέφω. -ΤΡΕ'ΠΩ. 8i5 τράχεως, Adv. of τραχν$. '’■ρ^χήλια, τά, ^τράχηλο 5 ) scraps of meat and gristle about the neck, scraps, offal, Ar. τραχηλιαΐος, a, ov, of, on, ox from the neck, Strab. τραχηλίζω, f. ίσω, (τράχηλθ 5 ) of wrestlers, to bend the neck back, and so to overpower, Theophr. : — Pass, to have one's neck bent back so that the throat gapes when cut : hence, to be laid open, N. T. τραχηλο-δεσμότης, ου, b, chaining the neck, Anth. τράχηλος [ά], b, the neck, throat, Hdt., Eur., etc. (Deriv. uncertain.) Τραχίς, Ion. Τρηχίς, Ivos, η, Trachis, in Thessaly, named from the ruggedness {τραχύτη$) of the district, II., etc. : — Adj. Τρά,χίνιος [i], a, ov, Ion. Τρηχ-, Hdt., etc. ; also os, ov, Theocr. : — 01 Ύραχίνιοι the people of Tr., Hdt., etc. : — η Τραχινία the country. Id., Soph., etc. ; also called ΤραχιΤ, Thuc. τραχύνω [ϋ]. Ion. τρηχ- : pf. τετράχϋκα : — Pass., aor. i 4 τράχύνΘην : pf. τ^τράχυσμαι, inf. -υνθαι : {τραχύε) : — to make rough, rugged, uneven. Plat. : — Pass, to be- come rough. Id. ; rp. ττ) φωνή to use rough harsh tones, Plut. 2. in Aesch. Theb., τράχυνα refers to τραχύε ye μίντοι ξημο$ (just before) call them rough, I care not. 3 . metaph. in Pass, to be exasperated. Plat. II. intr. to be rough, Plut. ΤΡΑ-ΧΥ'Σ, ε?α, ύ : Ion. τρηχυς,ΙοΐΏ. τρηχ 4 α; poet. fern, also τρηχνε : — rugged, rough, Lat. asper, Horn., etc. ; as epith. of Ithaca, Od. ; cf. Ύραχί$ : — also, rough, shaggy, Xen. : — of a bit, rough, sharp. Id. : of the voice of boys, when it breaks, Plut. 2. rough, harsh, savage, Pind., Aesch., etc. II. Adv. τράχε'ωι. Ion. τρηχ 4 ω$, roughly, Hdt. ; τραχ€ω 5 εχειν to be rough, Isocr. ; rp. φ^ραν, Lat. aegre ferre, Plut. τράχυ-στομος, ov, {σrbμd} of rough speech ox pronun- ciation, Strab. τράχυτης, ητο$, η, {τραχύε) roughness, ruggedness, Xen. ; sharpness, of a bit, Id. 2 . of persons, rough- ness, harshness, bpyrjs Aesch. τράχω [ά]. Dor. for τρέχω. τράχών, ώνο$, b, a rugged, stony tract, Luc. : — so Τρα- χωνϊτις, ibos, η, N. T., etc. ΤΡΕΓΣ, ol, al, τρία, τά : gen. τριών : dat. τρκτί : acc. rpeis, τρία : — Lat. tres, tria, three, Horn., etc. τρεισ-καί-δεκα, ol, al, τρια-καί-δεκα, τά, thirteen, Hdt., Att.; also written divisim, gen. τριών καί Seica, dat. τρισί καί δε /ca, etc. : — an indecl. form τρισκαίδίκα occurs, in all genders and cases, Horn., .\x., etc. ΤΡΕ'ΜΩ, only in pres, and impf., 3 sing. Ep. Impf. τρεμε : — Lat. tremo, to tremble, quake, quiver, 11 ., Eur. : — c. inf. to trejnble ox fear to do, Aesch., Soph. : — c. acc. to tremble at, fear. Soph., Eur., etc. τρεπτόον, verb. Adj. of τρίπω, one must turn, Ar. ΤΡΕ'ΠΩ, f. τρε'ψω : aor. i erpexf/a : aor. 2 ετράπον : pf. τίτροφα, later τίτράφα: — Pass., f. τράττησομαι : aor. i ε’τρεφθην, I on . inf . τραφθήναι : aor . 2 ε’τράπη v [a], I’^p. subj . τραττείομεν for τραττώμεν : pf. τετραμμαι, 3 pi. τετραφα- ται ; 3 sing, imperat. τετράφθω : 3 sing, pkipf. τίτρατττο, 3 pi. τ€τράφατο. To turn or direct towards a thing, Horn., etc.; mostly followed by a Prep., rp. riva (Is (υνην to shew him to bed, Od. ; rp. ττόλευ (S ΰβριν Ί hue. ; rp. κ(φαλην irphs ηΙΚιον Od. 2. Pass, to turn one's steps, turn in a certain direction, τραφθη- 8i6 ναι αν ‘Ελλάδα to roam up and down Greece, Od. ; acc. cogTi., τρ4τΓ€σθαι δ5όν to take a course, Hdt. Pass, also to turn or betake oneself, els άοιδην Od. ; iirl epya II.; e<^’ άpπα'yή^' Thuc. ; rrphs Kriareiav Id. 4. Pass, and Med., of places, to be turned or look in a certain direction, ■np'bs ζόφον Od. ; Trphs άρκτον, irphs νότον Hdt., etc. II. to him, i.e. turn about, τρότΓζίν ίττπουε II. ; τα. καλά τρ. (ξω to turn the best side outmost, Pind. : — Pass., αϊχμ^ τράττβτο the point be7it back, II. ; of the solstice, iweiSav iv χ^ιμώνι τράπη- ται t^Alos (v. τροτΓ-η l) Xen. 2. τρ. την αιτίαν, την opy^v eis τινα to divert the blame, the anger upon another, Isae., Dem. : — Pass., in imprecations, es κεφα- λήν τρότΓοιτο 4μοί on my head be it ! Ar. 3. to turn another vi ay , to alter, change, νόον, φρόνα5 Horn., etc. ; is yi\wv Tp. τ6 πpάyμa Ar. : — Pass, to be changed, change, Horn., etc. ; c. acc. cogn., τpe^rόμevos Tpoiras tindergoing changes, Aeschin. III. to turn or put to flight, rout, defeat, II., Hdt., etc. ; τρ. fvyaSe, Lat. convertere in fugam, II. ; τρ. is φvyηv Eur. ; — so, in aor. 1 med., to put an enetny to flight, Xen. : — Pass, to be put to flight, turn arid flee, Aesch., Xen., etc. ; so in Med., is φχτγην τραπόσθαι Hdt., Thuc. : — also intr. in Act., φvya5' eTpaire 11. IV. to turn aiuay, keep off,hi7ider,Tp. τινά από Telxeos Ib. ; $i\os erpairev άλλη lb. Ύ. to overturn, like άνατρόττω, Aesch. VI. to turyi, apply, τρ. τι is άλλο τι Hdt. ; ττοΰ τeτpoφas Tas iμβά5as ; what have you made of your shoes.’ Ar. : — Pass., ττοΓ τρεττεταί το χρήματα; Id. τρε'σ-σα, Ερ. for eTpeaa, aor. ϊ of τρε'ω. ΤΡΕ'ΦΩ, Dor. τράψω : f. θρίφω : aor. ι ίθρΐφα, Ερ. θρόφα: aor. 2 ίτράφον. pf. τότροφα : — Pass., f. τράφησομαι, but mostly in med. form Θρόφομαι : aor. I 4θρ4φΘην : aor. 2 4τράφην [ά], Ερ. τράφην, and 3 pi. €τραφ€ν : pf. τόθραμμαι, inf. τ^θράφθαι : I. to thickeyi or congeal a liquid, γάλα θρόφαι to curdle it, Od. ; τυρόν τρόφίΐν Theocr. : — Pass., with intr. pf. act. τότροφα, to become firm, irepl xpof τότροφ^ν αλκή Od. II. to make to grovs or increase, to brbig up, breed, rear, Horn., etc.; c. acc. cogn., τρ. τινά τροφτιν τινα to bring up in a certain way, Hdt. : — Med. to rear for oneself, Od., etc. : — Pass, to be reared, grow up, Horn. ; κάρτιστοι τράφην άv^p€S grew up the strongest men, II. ; ε| οτου ’τράφην εγώ from the time when I left the nursery, Ar. ; μιάs τρόφξΐ irphs vvkt0s, i. e. art a child of night. Soph. 2. of slaves, horses, dogs and the like, to rear ayid keep them, Horn., etc.; τρ. ^Γaιδayωyoύs Aeschin. ; τρ. yvvalKa Eur. ; — metaph., aiyiaAov ivbov τρόφζΐ he keeps quite a sea-beach in the house, Ar. : — Pass, to be bred, reared. Soph. 3. to let grow, cherish, foster, χαίτην τρόφζ II.; τρ. νττη- νην Ar. ; τρ. κόμην = κομάν, Hdt. ; — also, τάδ’ υ^σσι τρόφζΐ αλοιφήν this is what^z^ii fat on swine, Od. 4. of earth and sea, to produce, teem with, χθων τρόφ^ι φάρμακα Ib. ; θάλασσα τρόφονσα πορφύραν Aesch. 5. to have withhi oneself, to contahi, keep, have, 0 τι ττόλίί Τ€τροφ€ν άφιλον Soph. ; τρόφ^ιν την yλώσσay ησυχωτόραν to keep his tongue more quiet. Id. ; νόσον τρ. Id. ; oias AaTpeias τρόφζΐ what ser\'ices she coyi- stayitly performs. Id. III. to maintahi, sup- port, τρ. ’'HAios χθovhs φνσιν Aesch. ; τρ. τόν ττατόρα Aeschin. ; esp. to maintain an army or navy, Thuc., Xen. IV. aor. 2 act. in intr. sense, ^τραφον = ότράφην, ετραφ’ άpιστos II. ; τραφόμ^ν (Ion. for τρα- φ€7ν) Horn. 2. so pf. τότροφα, v. supr. l. Tpe'xvos, 60 S, τό, a twig, Anth. (Deriv. unknown.) ΤΡΕ'ΧΩ, Dor. τράχω, f. θρόξομαι : aor. i εθρε^α. Ion. θρόξασκον : also (from Root ΔΡΕΜ or ΔΡΑΜ) f. δρά- μονμαι. Ion. -όομαι : aor. 2 ίδραμον : pf. δ^δράμηκα [ά], poet. pf. δόδρομα : — Pass., pf. δ^δράμημαι : — to run, Lat. curro, Horn., etc. : — of horses, 11. : — of things, to run, yjiove quickly, Horn., etc. II. c. acc. loci, to run over, Eur., Xen. III. c. acc. cogn., τρ. δρό- μον, άγώ^/α to run a course, a heat, Eur., etc. : Often metaph., αγώνα δρ. to ru7i a risk. Id. ; ttoAAovs ayu>vas δραμίΐν ττερί σφόων αυτόων to ru7i many risks for their lives, Hdt. : — sometimes the acc. is omitted, τρ. ττερι ίωυτου to ru7i the risk of his life. Id. ; τρ. ττερί t^s vίκηs Xen. 2. παρ’ tv πάλαισμα (δραμβ νικάν he was within one bout of carrying off the victory, Hdt. ΤΡΕΏ, inf. τρε?ν : aor. i ετρεσα, Ep. τρόσσα : — this Verb is never contracted, except when the contraction is into et : — to flee from fear, flee away, II. ; μη τρiσas without fear, Aesch. ; ούδεν Tpiaas Plat. : — Tpiaas is used like a Subst., a runaway, coward, II. ; Άριστό- δημos δ τρε'σαϊ Hdt. II. trans. to flee from, fear , dread, be afraid of, c. acc., II., Trag., Xen. τρήμα, aTos, τό, (τε -τραίνω) a perforation, hole, aper- ture, orifice, h. 2 X. forameyi, Ar., Plat. Hence τρημάτόεις, ^σσα, εν, porous, Anth. τρήρων, ωvos, δ, η, (τρόω) timorous, shy, Horn, τρητός, η, όν, verb. Adj. of τ€-τραίνω, perforated, with a hole in it, Od. ; τρητά λεχεα, prob. inlaid bedsteads, ox having holes through which the cords that supported the bedding were drawn : — τρητhs μελισσών Tr0vos, i. e. the honeycomb, Pind.; τρ. λίθαξ pumice-stone, Anth. τρηχάλε'ος, η, ον, poet, for τpηχvs, Anth. τρηχυνω [ΰ], τρηχυς, Ion. for τραχ-. τρϊ-, Prefix, from Tpis or τρία, in compds. three times, thrice, Lat. ter. τρία, neut. of Tpus. τριάζω, f. (τρία) to vanquish, of a wrestler, who did not win until he had conquered in three bouts (παλαίσ- ματα). τρίαινα, η, a trident, the badge of Poseidon, Horn, τριαινόω, f. ώσω, to heave with the trideyit: generally, to heave ox prise up, overthrow, Eur. II. τρ. την yrjv δικόλλη to break it up with a mattock, Ar. τριάκάς, Ion. τριηκάς, άδοϊ, η, contr. for obsol. τρία- kovt0s: (τρεΓϊ,τρία) : — the number thirty, Aesch. II. the thirtieth day of the month, Hes. : hence, a month, containing 30 days, Luc. III. apolitical division, containing thirty families. τρ\.άκονθ-άρ.ρ.ο.το%,ον ,{aμμά)withox of thirty knots fl^exi. τριάκονθ-ήμερος,Ιοη.τριηκοντ-,ον, of thirty days, Hdt. τριάκοντα [ά]. Ion. τριήκ-, οι, at, τά, indecl., with a gen. τριηκόντων in Hes. ; dat. τριηκόντ^σσιν Anth. : — thirty, Lat. triginta, Horn., etc. II. 01 τριά- κοντα, 1 . at Sparta, the council of thirty, assigned to the kings, Xen. 2. at Athens, the Thirty, commonly called the thirty tyrants, appointed on the taking of Athens (b.c. 404 ), Plat., etc. τριάκοντα-ετης. Ion. τριηκ-, is, thirty years old. Plat. ; in contr. form, 01 τριακοντονται the me7i of τρίσσα — τρίακοντα€της. c. 3. τριακονταζνγος — τρίζω. - thirty years, Id. ; iem. rpiaKoyrovTis Isae. II. τριακοντα4τ·η$, ey, of or for thirty years, Thuc. ; — in fern, form, σττοι/δαί rpir]KoyTovTi5€5 Hdt. ; ai τρίακοντού- Tides αττονδαί Ar. τριακοντά-ζΰγος, ou, with thirty benches, Theocr. τρια,κοντάκΐ5 [ά], Adv. thirty tunes. Pint, τριάκοντ-αρχία, η, the rule oftheThirty, at Athens, Xen. τριακοντά-χους, ovv, producing thirtyfold, Strab. τρια,κόντορος (sc. va.vs'), i), a thirty-oared ship, Thuc., Xen. j in Hdt. written τριηκόντ€ρος. τριακοντ-ουτης, -oOris, v. TpiaKovTa-erT]s. τριακοντ-ώρΰγος, ον, (ppyvia) of thirty fathoms, Xen. τριακόσιοι, Ion. τριηκ-, ai, a, three hundred, Horn., Hdt., etc. ; also with collective noun in sing·., Imros τρ. Xen. II. ot τρ. at Athens, the richest members of the συμμορίαι, who managed their affairs, Dem. 2 . the Three Hundred, who fell at Thermopylae, Hdt. τριακοσιο-μόδιμνοι, ot, those whose property produced 300 medimni, i. e. the ‘ΐτΓττεΓί. τριάκοσιό-χους, ουν, hearing three hundredfold, Strab. τριακοστός. Ion. τριηκ-, it], 6v, the thirtieth, Hdt., etc. II. τριακοστΊι, -η, a duty of one -thirtieth, Dem. τριακτήρ, rjpos, b, (τριάζω) a victor, Aesch. τρι-άρμ6νος, ον, with three sails or masts, Luc. τριάς, άδθ5, η, (τρβΓϊ) the number three, a triad. Plat, τρΐβακός, '}], όν, (τρίβω) rubbed, worn, Anth., Luc. Τρϊβαλλοί, ot, the Triballi, a people on the borders of Thrace j as a Comic name for barbarian gods, Ar. : — Adj. Τριβαλλικός, i], 6v, Hdt. τρϊ-βελής, 4s, (β4λos) three-pointed, Anth. τριβή, 7], (τρίβω) a rubbing or wearing away, wasting, Aesch. II. practice, as opp. to theory, Xen. : also mere practice, routine, as opp. to true art. Plat. III. that about which one is busied, an object of care, Lat. cura, Aesch. IV. of Time, a spending. Soph., Plat. ; al^iav τριβήν €χ€ΐ ’tis time well spent, Aesch. ; βίos ovk &xapis is t^v τριβήν a life pleasant enough in the spending, Ar. 2. delay, putting off, ey τpιβas 4λαν to seek delays, Soph.; τριβα5 τΓορίζ^ιν Ar. j and with the Verb omitted, μή τpιβάs 4τι no more delays. Soph. τρϊβολ-€κτρά7Γ€λος [ά], ον ; in Ar. τριβολ€Κτράπ€λα στωμνΚλ€ΐν to deal in coarse rude jests. τρί-βολος [t], ov, = τρϊ-βeλ’f|s: as Subst. a caltrop, i. e. a three-spiked implement ,ίοτχη&ά so that one of the spikes must point upwards, used to lame the enemy’s horses, Plut. 2 . a prickly plant, a htirr, thistle, Ή.Ύ . II. τρίβοΚοι, ol, a threshing-machine , boards with sharp stones fixed in the bottom, Anth. τρίβος [r], η, and b, a worn or beaten track, the high road, highway, Hdt., Eur. : a footpath, Xen. II. rubbing, attrition, k^sch. III. metaph. delay. Id. ΤΡΓΒΩ, f. τρίψω : aor. i 4τριψα, Inf. τρΐψαι : pf. t4- τρίφα : — Pass., f. τρίβησομαι and τ€τρίψομαι : aor. i 4τρί(ρθην: aor. 2 4τοίβην [ij : pf. τ4τριμμαι. Ion. 3 pi. τ€τρίφάται: — to rub: to rub or thresh corn, II.; μοχΚδν τρΐψαι iv οφθαλμφ to work round the stake in his eye, Od. ; χρυσδν βασάνφ τρ. to rub it on a touchstone, so as to test its purity (cf. -παρατρίβω) , Theogn. : — Med., χρη- CT-ppiois iv τοΓσδε τρίβ^σθαι μvσos to rub one’s pol- lution upon these shrines, pollute them with it, Aesch. 2. to rub down, grind, pound, Ar., etc. 3 . to crush, βότρυν Id. II. to wear out by rubbing ·. Pass., of a road, to wear or tread it smooth, cLTpanhs τ€τριμμ4νη Id. 2. of Time, to wear away, spend, Lat. ter ere vitam. Soph., Eur. : — absol. to waste time, tarry, Aesch. 3 . to waste or ravage a country, Eur. III. metaph., 1. of persons, to wear out, Hes. : Pass, to be worn out, II., Thuc. : — Med., τρίψ€σθαι αυτ^]ν π^ρϊ avT-fjv to wear itself out by internal struggles. Id. : — Pass., τp^βόμζvos Kribs an oppressed people, Hdt. 2. of money and property, to waste, squander it. Id. 3 . to use constantly, Ar. 4 . Pass, to be much busied or engrossed with a thing, Hdt. Hence τριβών [i], ωvos, b, a worn garment, threadbare cloak, Ar., Plat., etc. ; and τριβών, b, -η, as Adj. practised or skilled in a thing, c. gen., Hdt., Eur., etc. 2 . absol., a hackneyed, crafty fellow, rogue, Ar. τρΐβωνικώς, Adv. like a τριβών, cloak-wise, Ar. τρϊβώνιον, TO, Dim. of τριβών, Ar. τρϊ-γενεια, -η, a third generation, Strab. Hence τρϊ-γερων, ovtos, b, -η, triply old, τρ. μνθο$ τάδε φων€Ϊ ’tis a thrice-told tale, Aesch. τρϊ-γίγας [yi], b, a triple (i. e. huge) giant, Orph. ΤΡΓΓΛΗ, -η, the red mullet : also TpiyKa, Anth. τρί-γληνος, ον, (γλήνη) with three pupils : then, of earrings, with three bright drops, Horn, τριγλο-φόροξ, ον, (φ4ρω) bearing mullets, τρ. χιτών a net for catching them, Anth. τρί-γλΰφος, ον, (^Κνφω) thrice-cloven : as Subst., τρί·γλ·υφο5, ή, in Doric architecture, the triglyph, a three-grooved tablet placed at equal distances along the frieze, Eur. : — also τρίγλυφον, τό, Arlst. τρι-γλώχΪ5, ivos, b, -η, three-barbed, II. τριγμός or τρισμός, b, (τρίζω) a scream, sqiieak, Plut. τρϊγονία, η, the third generation, Dem. From τρί-γονος, ον, (yiyvogai) thrice-born: in pi. simply = TpeTs, three, Eur. τρϊγωνο-ειδής, 4s, (eTδoy) triangular-shaped, Polyb. τρί-γωνος, ον, (γωνία) three-cornered, triangular, Aesch. II. as Subst., τρίγωνον, τ6, a triangle. Plat. : name of a musical instrument. Id. τρί-δουλος, ον, a slave through three generations, thrice a slave. Soph. τρί-δραχμος, ον, worth ox weighing three drachms, Ar. τρι-ε'λικτος, ον, thrice coiled, Orac. ap. Hdt., Anth. τρι-εμβολθ9, ον, (εμβολή) like three ships' beaks, Ar. τρι-ετηρίς (sc. iopTr}), idos, -η, a trieyifiial festival, Hdt., Eur. 2 . (sub. 7Γεpίoδoy), a period of three years, h. Horn., Arist. τρι-ε'της, ου, or τρι-ετής, ε'y, b, (4tos) of or for three years, Hdt., Theocr. : neut. τpιeτεy as Adv. /or three years, Od. τρι-ζΰγής, 4s, τρί-ζΰγος, ον, and τρί-ζυ|, b, -η, three- yoked, three in union, of the Graces, Eur., Anth. τρίζω (Root ΤΡΙΓ) ; pf. τετρΓγα (used as a pres.), Ep. part, τ€τplγώτεy, for τετpιγότey : — of animals, to utter a shrill cry, to scream, cry, of young birds, 11. ; of bats, Od.; of ghosts (which, in Shaksp., ‘squeak and gibber’), Horn., etc. 2 . of other sounds, νώτα τετρίγεί (Ep. plqpf.) the wrestlers’ backs cracked, II. ; τρ. Tovs oBovTus to gnash the teeth, N. T. ; of a 8 1 8 τριηκάς — musical string, to t-wang, Anth. (Formed from the | sound.) I τριηκάς, άδοί, η, Ion. for Tpiands. τριήκοντα, τριηκόσιοι, etc.. Ion. for τριακ-. τριηκοντήμ€ρο5> Ion. for τριακονθημ€ρο5. τρι-ημι-Ίτόδιον, τό, (wovs) a length of three halffeet, a foot and a-half, Xen. τριηραρχεω, f. ήσω ; pf. τ^τρι-ηράρχηκα: — to be a τρι-η- ραρχοε, to command a trireme, Hdt., Thuc. : c. gen., τρ. VT\6% Hdt. II. at Athens, to he trierarch, i.e. fit out a trireme for the public service, Ar. ; Pass., τριηραρχουσιν oi πλούσιοι, δ δέ 5ημο5 τριηραρ- χείται the rich find trierarchs, the people has trier- archs found it, Xen. Hence τριηράρχημα, aros, to, the trierarch' s crevi, Dem. j and τριηραρχία, η, the command of a trireme, Arist. II. at Athens, the fitting out of a trireme for the public service, a trierarchy, Xen. Hence τριηραρχικός, η, 6v, of ox for the trierarchy, Dem. τριήρ-αρχος, δ, the captain of a triretne, Hdt., Att. II. at Athens, a trierarch, who had to fit out a trireme for the public service, Ar., Thuc. τριηρ-αυλης, ου, δ, {avKos') the flute-player, who gave the time to the rowers in the trireme, Dem. τρι-ήρης (sub. vavs), η, gen. eos, ovs. Ion. evs ; acc. ea, η : nom. pi. ees, eis : gen. τριηρεωυ, -ρων ', gen. dual τρΐ7)ροιν : (rpis, ~ύ]ρη$) : — Lat. triremis, a galley with three banks of oars, the common form of the Greek ship-of-war, Hdt., etc. : first built by the Corinthians, Thuc. : — cf. θαλάμιοΒ, ζχτγίτη5, θρανίτη$. Hence τριηρικός, ή, 6ν, of ον for a trireme, Dem. τριηρίτης [r], ου, δ, a trireme-man, Hdt., Thuc. τριηρο-ΤΓΟιός, 6v, {ποιεω) building triremes, Dem. τρϊ-θάλασσος, Att. -ttos, ov, touching on or connected with three seas, Strab. Τρϊ-κάράνο 5 , δ, the Three-headed, a satirical attack on three cities, Sparta, Athens, Thebes, Luc. From τρϊ-κάρηνος [ά], ον, (κάρηνον) three-headed, Hes., Hdt. τρΐ-κεφαλος, ον, (κεφαλ-ί}) three-headed, Luc. τρί-κλϊνος, ον, {κλίνη) with three couches : as Subst., τρίκλινο5 (sub. oIkos), δ, a dining-room with three couches, the Roman triclinium. τρί-κλωστο9, ov, thrice-spun, three-twisted, Anth. τρΐ-χόλωνος, ov, {κολώνη) three-hilled, Orac. in Strab. τρϊ-κόρΰθθ9, ov ·, and τρί-κορυς, vQos, δ, with triple plume, Eur. τρϊ-κόρΰφος, ov, (κορυφύι) three-topped, Strab. τρϊ-κόρωνο5, ov, {κορώνη) thrice a crow's age, Anth. τρί-κράνο 9 , ov, three-headed, of Cerberus, Soph., Eur. τρϊ-κΰμία, η, (κύμα) the third wave, a huge wave, for the third was supposed to be the largest (as in Lat. the fluctus decumanus). Plat. : — metaph., τρ. κακών Aesch. τρίλ-λιστος, ον, poet, for τρί-λιστο$, {λίσσομαι) thrice (i. e. often or earnestly) prayed for, II. τριλογία, η, a trilogy, v. τετραλογία. τρϊ-λοφία, η, a triple crest, Ar. τρϊ-μάκαιρα, fern, as if from τρίμακαρ, thrice-blest, Anth. τρί-μετρο9, ov, (μετρον) of verses, consisting of three metres; i.e. in iambics, trochaics, and anapaestics, of three syzygies (of two feet each) ; but in dactylics of three single feet : τρ. ’ιαμβθ5 an iambic verse of , τρίτΓοΧος. I three metres or six feet, versus senarius, Hdt. j so I t6vos τρίμετροε trimeter verse. Id. j τρίμετρον, τ6, Ar. τρί-μηνο 9 , ον, {μην) of three months. Soph.; so, η τρίμηνο5 a period of three months, Hdt. τρίμμα, aTOS, TO, {τρίβω) that which is rubbed : metaph., like τριβών ii. 2 , a practised knave, Ar. τριμμός, δ, (τρίβω) a beaten road, Xen. τρΐ-μοιρία, η, (μοΤρα) a triple portion, triple pay, Xen. τρί-μοιρο9, ov, (μοίρα) threefold, triple, Aesch. τρί-μορφος, ov, {μορφΊ\) three-formed : — in ρ\.=τρεΊ5, Μοΐραι τρ. the three fates, Aesch. Τρΐνακρία, η, Sicily, a later form of Θρινακίη, Thuc. τρίναξ [t], aKos, η, {ακτ]) a trident or three-pronged mattock, Anth. τριξός, -i], 6v, Ion. for τρισσόε. τρί-οδος, η, a meeting of three roads, Lat. trivium, Theogn., Eur., etc. 2. Hecate, Lat. Trivia, a θεο$ εν τριόδοισι Theocr. ; oTos εκ τριόδου I. e. vulgar, Luc. τριόδους, oSovtos, δ, η, with three teeth, three-pronged : as Subst., a trident. Find. ΤριότΓίον, TO, a headland of Caria, on which was a temple consecrated to Apollo, τδ Ύριοπικδν ίρόν, δ Ύριό- TTios ΆτΓολλών Hdt. τρι-όρχης, ου, δ, {6ρχΐ5) a kind of hawk, perh. the buzzard, Ar. τριοτό, a sound imitative of a bird’s voice, Ar. τρί-τταις, παιδοε, δ, η, having three children, Plut. τρί-Ίταλαι, Adv. long long ago, Ar. τρϊ-ττάλαιστος or -αστός, ov, three hands broad, long, etc., Hdt. τρί-τταλτος, ov, (πάλλω) thrice-brandished ; metaph. threefold, manifold, Aesch. τρϊ-ιτάνουργος [ά], ον, triply -base, an arch-rogue,hr\ih. τρϊ-ττάχυιος [ά], ον, (παχύε) or τρι-ττάχυντος, ον, (πάχυνω) thrice-fattened, thrice-gorged, Aesch. τρι-ττετηλος, ον, (πετηλον) three-leafed, h. Horn, τρί-ττηχυς, υ, gen. eos, three cubits long or tall, Hdt., Att. τρϊ-ΐΓΪθήκϊνος, η, ον, thrice or thoroughly apish, Anth. τρίΊτλαξ, ά /cos, δ, η, {τρί$) triple, threefold, Lat. triplex, II. τρϊιτλασιάζω, f. σω, to triple, take three times, Plut. τρϊττλάσιος [ά], ο, ον, thrice as many, thrice as much, thrice as great as, c. gen., Ar., Plat., etc. : — absol., τριπλασίαν δύναμιν είχε (sc. ttjs προτεραί) Xen. II. τριπλάσιον as Adv., τριπλάσιον thrice as much, Ar. τρί-ττλεθρος, ov, (πλεθρον) three πλέθρα wide, Xen. τρί-ιτλευρος, ov, (πλευρά) three-sided. τρϊττλη, dat. fern, of τριπλόοε. τρϊ-ιτλόος, η, ον, contr. -Ίτλους, η, οΰν, (τρεΐε) triple, threefold, εν τριπλαΐε άμαξιτοΐ5 = εν τριόδιρ. Soph.; όνομα τρ. compounded of three, Arist. : — Att. neut. pi. τριπλά, Aesch. : — dat. fern, τριπλή as Adv., II., Luc. τριττόδβσσι, Ep. for τρίποσι, dat. pi. of τρίπου5. τρϊ-ιτόδης, ου, δ, (ttous) three feet long, Hes. τρϊτΓοδη-φορόω, f. ησω, to bring a tripod, offer it as a sign of victory, Strab. τριιτόθητος. Dor. -δ,τος, ov, thrice (i. e. much) longed for, Bion, Mosch. τρί-ίΓολις, εωs, Ion. -los, δ, η, with three cities. Find, τρϊ-ττόλιστος, ov, (πολίζω) thrice-repeated. Soph. τρί-ΤΓολος, ov, (πολεω) thrice ploughed, Horn., Hes. τριττόνητος — τρίτος. τρϊττόνητος epts, η, a contest beizveen three labouring women, Anth. τρί-τΓορθος, ον, (ττ^ρθω) thrice-wasted, Anth. τρίίΓος [tj, ου, ό, poet, for sq., II., Hes. τρι-τΓους [tJ, zrodos, 6 , η, -ττουν, τό, three-footed, of or with three feet : and so I. measuring three feet, Hdt., Plat. II. going on three feet, of an old man who leans on a staff, Hes. ; so, rpizroBas o^ovs στ^ί- XetAesch. TUL. with three feet, three-legged : 1 . a tripod, a three-footed brass kettle or caldron, Horn. : — from a tripod of this kind (Lat. cortina) the Delphic Priestess delivered her oracles, Eur., Ar. 2. a three- legged table, Xen. τριτΓτηρ, ^pos, 6 , (τρίβω) =sq. : — the vat into which the oil runs when pressed out : metaph., rp. ζικών a vat to receive the juice of law-suits, Ar. τρίΐΓτης, ου, δ, (τρίβω) a rubber, shampoocr, Plut. τρί-τΓτΰχο5, ον, (τττυχή) threefold, Lat. triplex, 11 ., Eur. τρί-ττωλος, ον, of or with three horses : τρ. αρμα δαιμό- νων, of the three goddesses on Mount Ida, Eur. τρίρ-ρϋμος, -01/, with three poles, i.e. with four horses abreast, Aesch. ■Jpis [i], Adv. of Tpeis, thrice, three times, Lat. ter, Horn., etc.; Tp\s Tocros thrice as much or many, II., etc. j is Tpis up to three times, even thrice, Hdt., Att. : —used to add force to a word in compds., such as τρισάθ\ιο 5 , τρίσμακαρ, like Lat. ter beatus, thrice blest : — proverb., Tp\s βάλλ^ιν to throw thrice six, i. e. the highest throw (there being three dice), Aesch. •^ρκΓ-άθλιος, a, ov, thrice-unhappy , Soph., etc. τρισ·-άλαστο5, ov, thrice-tormented, Anth. τρί-σ'αμος, ov. Dor. for τρΙσημο5. τρισ-άριθμο9, ον, thrice-numbered, Orac. ap. Luc. τρισ-άσμενος, rj, ov, thrice-pleased, most willing, Xen. ^ρισ-άωρος, ov, thrice-untimely , Anth. τρισ-δείλαιος, ον, = τρισάθλίθ 5 , Anth. τρισ-δΰστηνος, ov, = ioreg., Anth. rptcr-civas (sc. ημόρα), aSos, η, the third ninth day in a month ; i.e. the ninth day (η ivveas) of the third decad, the 29th, Hes. τρισ-ειταρχος, δ, thrice an ezrapyos, i. e. Praetor, Anth. τριαΓ-£νδαίμων, ov, thrice-happy , Luc. τρισ-καίδεκα, v. τρ^ισ-καίδ^κα. τρισκαιδίκά-Ίτηχυς, υ, thirteen cubits high, av^p τρ., of a long lazy loon, Theocr. τρισκαιδεκα-στάσιος [στα], ον, (Ίστημι) of thirteen times the value of silver, Hdt. τρισ-και-δ^κατος, η, ον, thirteenth, Horn., etc. ; η τρισκαίδ^κάτιη (sc. ημόρα) the i^th day, Od. τρισκαιδεκα-ψόρος, ov, fruiting thirteen times, Luc. τρισ·καιδ€κ-€της, ου, ό, (eros) thirteen years old, Lys. τρισ-κακοδαίμων, ov, thrice unlucky, Ar. τρί-σ-καλμος, ov, with three oarpins ; but va^s al τρ. are simply = Tpt^peis, Aesch. τρισ-κατάρατος, ov, thrice-accursed, Dem. τρι-σκ€λής, is, three-legged, ξόανον Theocr. τρισ·-κοιτάνιστο5 [ά], ον, thrice-kneaded, Batr. τρίσ-μακαρ, apos, δ, η, thrice-blest, Od., Ar., etc. τρκΓ-μακάριος, a, oi/, = foreg., Ar. τρισ’-μακάρκΓτος, τ), ον, = τρίσμακαρ, Luc. τρισ-μΰριοι [ϋ], αι, α, thrice ten thousand, 30,000, 819 Hdt., Ar., etc. : — in sing, with a collective Subst., τρισμυρία ’Inzros thirty thousand horse, Aesch. τρισμΰριό-ιταλαι, Adv. 30,ooo-iiV«C5 long-ago, Ar. τρϊσ-όλβιο5, ov, thrice happy ox fortunate, Anth. τρϊσ-ολυμτΓίο-νίκης [ΐ], ου, δ, (νικάω) thrice victorious at Olympia, Pind. τρι-στΓίθαμο5,ο;/, (σττιθαμ-η) three spans long, Hes., Xen. τρί-στΓονδος, ov, (σπονδή}) thrice-poured, τρ. χοαί a triple drink-offering, of honey, milk, and wine. Soph, τρισσάτιος [ά], α, ον, poet, for TpiaaSs, Anth. τρισσ<)θ€ν, Adv. from three sides, Anth. From τρισσός, Ion. τριξός, η, όν, (Tpis) threefold, Lat. triplex, Eur., etc. : — Adv. -ias, Anth. II. in pi., — Tpeis, Pind., Soph., etc. τρί-στ€γο5, ov, (στβγη) of or with three stories : τδ τρ. (sc. οΊκημα) the third story, N. T. τριστοιχί, Adv. in three rows, II., Hes. From τρί-στοιχο5, ov, in three rows, Od. : — threefold, Anth. τρί-στομος, ov, (στόμα) three-edged or -pointed, Anth. τρϊ-στίλλαβος, ov, (συλλαβ-η) trisyllabic, Luc. τρισ-χίλιοι [χΐ], αι, a, three thousand, 11., etc. τρισχϊλιοστόζ, if], όν, the three-thousandth. Plat. τρϊ-σ·ώματο5, ov, three-bodied, Lat. tricorpor, Aesch. τptταγωvισ■τ€ω,f.ήσco, ίο be a τpιτayωvιστ'ηs,Dem. From τρϊτ-α,γωνιστής, οΰ, δ, on the stage, the player who took the third part, a third-rate actor, Dem. τρϊταϊος, a, ov, (rpiros) on the third day, used with Verbs so as to agree with the subject, τριταΊοι iyevovTO iv Tij Άττίκτ? Hdt. ; €σβ€βλ'ηκώ 5 TpiraTos is MrjAteas having invaded Melis three days before. Id. ; τρ. yiv0- μ€vos after being three days dead. Id. : — TpiTaios (sc. 7rop€T0s), δ, a tertian fever. Plat. II. of events, lasting three days, ^\xx. III. generally for rpiTos, Id. τρι-τάλαντιαϊος, a, ov, = sq., Plut. τρϊτάλαντος [τά], ον, (τάΧαντον) of three talents. Ax. 2. worth three talents, Isae. τρϊ-τά.\ά5, aiva, av, thrice-wretched, Eur., Anth. τρϊ-τάνυστος [ά], ον, thrice-stretched, very long, Anth. τρίτατος [ϊ], η, αν, poet, lengthd. for τρίτο5, II. τρϊτη-μ<ίριος, a, ον, (μόρων) forming a third part of, c. gen., Hdt. II. as Subst., τριτημόριον, τό, a third part, a third. Id., Thuc., etc. τρϊτημορίς, tSos, δ, = τριτημόριον, Hdt. τρϊτο-βάμων [ά], ον, (βαίνω) forming a third foot, Eur. TpiTO-yevcia, η, (yίyvoμaι) Trito-born, a name of Athena, Horn., Hes. (From the Lake Ύpιτωvίs in Libya, near which the goddess was born, Eur. Others interpret TpiToyeveia born on the third day of the month, or the third child after Apollo and Artemis.) Τρϊτο-γ€νής, 4os, i7, = foreg., h. Horn., Orac. ap. Hdt. Tpi-T 0 K 05 , ov, (τίκτω) bearing three times or three at a time, Anth. τρίτος [i], TJ, ov, (Tpus) the third, Lat. tcrtius, Horn., etc.; TpiTos ^XOe he came himself the third, i.e. zoith tzvo others, Od. ; so, Tphos αυτό$, Att. : — the third often appears as completing the tale, τρίτην i^Γ€vδίδωμι (sub. zΓληyΎ)v) the third and finishing stroke, Aesch. ; cf. σωτΊ]ρ 1.2. II. τρίτη, with or without ημίρα, the day after to-morrow, is τρίτην ημόραν Ar. ; τη τρίτη Xen. ; — but, χθ€ϊ καΐ τρ. ημίραν yesterday and the day before. Id. III. τρίτον as Adv., thirdly. Soph., Eur., etc.; also, τδ τρίτον Horn., Att. IV. 820 rp ιτοστΓΟί — ΤρΟΤΤη. τρίτα, τά, 1. (sub. lepd) a sacrifice to the dead, offered the third day after the funeral, Isae. 2, τά τρίτα τινί to play the third part to any one, Dem. τρϊτό-σίΓονδος, ον, (σπονδή) τρ. αΙών a life in Tohich one has poured the third libation (to Zei/s 2ωτήρ), i. e. complete felicity, Aesch. τρϊτό -cnropos, ov, (σπε/ρω) soiun for the third time, Tp. yovr) the third generation, Aesch. τριττυς, vos, η, the number three, Lat. ternio : esp. a sacrifice of three animals, a boar, goat, and ram, Ar. II. at Athens,a MzVrf ψυλή, Dem.,Aeschin. Τρΐτώ, ovs, 7), = TpiToy€veia, Anth. Τρίτων [r], ωνο5, ό, Triton, a sea-god, son of Posei- don and Amphitrit^, Hes. : — pi. Τρίτων fs, Tritons, a lower race of sea-gods, iMosch. 2. the god of the Libyan lake Tritonis, Hdt. II. a river in Libya, joining the lake Tritonis with the sea. Id., Aesch. Τρϊτωνιά5 Κίμνη, η, the Libyan lake Tritonis, Eur. Τρϊτωνίς, iZos, η, Trito7iis, a lake in Libya famous for old Greek legends. Find., Hdt. ; cf. TpiToyeveia. τρϊφάσιος [ά], a, ov, (rpeTs) threefold, Lat. triplex, Hdt. : — in pi., much the same as rpeTs, Id. τρϊφίλητος [t]. Dor. -arcs, ov, thrice-beloved, Theocr. τρί-φυλλον, TO, a plant, trefoil, clover, Hdt. τρί-φϋλθ5» ov, (φυλή) of three tribes, Tpi5 erjv ’twas in the third watch of the night, Od. ; τρίχα σχίζαν τι Hdt. τρϊχ-άϊκ€ς [-cd-Jj οι, the threefold people, i. e. the Dorians, so called from their three tribes, Od. (Deriv. uncertain.) τρι-χάλειττος, ov, (χάλ 67 Γτω) very angry, Anth. τρί-χαλκον, t6, a coin worth three χαΚκοΙ, Theophr. τρί-χάλος, ov. Dor. for τρίχη\ο$, (χηλή) cloven in three, Aesch. τρϊχή, Adv., common Prose form of τρίχα, in or into three parts, Hdt., Xen. II. in three ways, triply. Plat. τριχθά, Adv., Ep. lengthd. form of τρίχα, in or into three parts, Horn. τρίχινος, η, ον, {θρίξ, τριχ-05) of hair, Xen. τρϊχίς, ίδθ5, ή, (θρί|) a kind of anchovy full of small hair-like bones, Ar. τρΧχό-βρως, ωτο$, b, eating hair : hence τριχόβρω- Tes, = aijTes or dplTres, moths, Ar. τρι-χοίνϊκος, ov, (χοΊνιξ) holding or measuring three χοίνικ€5, Xen. : Comic phrase, τρ. Ιττοί a most capa- cious word, Ar. τρϊ-χόλωτος, ov, thrice-detested, Anth. τρϊχό-μαλλος, ov, hair-fleeced, Anth. τριχόομαι, (θρί|, τριχ05) Pass, to he furnished with hair, Arist. τρϊχορρυεω, f. ήσω, to shed the hair, Ar. From τρϊχορ-ρνής, 4s, (pew) shedding the hair. τρϊχοΰ, (τρίχα) Adv. in three places, Hdt. τρϊχό-φοιτος ‘iovXos, the first down of youth just pass- ing into hair, Anth. τρίχωμα, ατοϊ, τό, (τριχόομαι) a growth of hair, hair, Hdt., Xen. ; ev yeveiov συλλο7ρ τριχάματο$, i. e. just at the age of manhood, Aesch. τρΐψαι, aor. i inf. of τρίβω. τριφ-ημ€ρ6ω, (τρΓφαί, ημ4ρα) to waste the day, Lat.. terere tempus, Ar. τριψις, ews, ή, (τρίβω) rubbing, friction. Plat., etc. II. resistance to the touch when rubbed, firmness, Wdt. III. Tpi^eis potted meats, Anth. τρι-ώβολον, t6, (6βολ05) a three-obol-piece, a half- drachma, at Athens, the pay of the dicasts for a day’s sitting, first given by Pericles, Ar. 2. the pay of the marine soldiery (4πιβάται), Thuc. τρι-ώροφος, ov, (υροφο5) of three stories or floors, Hdt. τρι-ώρυγος [ΰ], ον, (bpyvid) of three fathoms, Xen. Τροία, Ion. Τροίη, ή, Troy, whether of the city, ‘ Troy- town, ' Horn., etc. ; or the country, the Troad, II. : — also Τροία as trisyll.. Soph.; Dor. Τρωία Find., Aesch.; contr. Τρώα Find.: — hence Τροίάθβν, Ion. -■ηθ^ν, from Troy, Οά. ·, άττδ Τροίηθβ II. ; Dor. Τρωίάθεν Find. : — Τροίανδε, Ion. -ηνδε, to Troy, II., etc.; Dor. Τρφανδ6 Find. Τροιζήν, T)vos, ή, Troezen in Argolis, II., Hdt., etc. : — Adj. Τροιζήνιος, a, ov, Eur.; fern. Ύροιζηνίε, idos, Thuc. : oi Τροιζηνιοι the people, Hdt. τρομερός, ά, όν, (τρίμω) trembling, Eur, : trembling for fear, quaking. Id. II. fearful. Id. τρομε'ω, f. ήσω, (τρ6μο$) to tremble, quake, quiver, esp. from fear, II. : — c. inf. to fear to do, Theocr. II.. c. acc. to tremble before or at a person, to stand in awe of, Horn. — In each sense Horn, uses both Act. and Med., but only in pres, and impf. ; Ep. and Ion. τρο- μζοίατο for τρομ4οιντο, II. ; Ion. part, τρομευμενοχ Solon. τρόμος, b, (τρέμω) a trembling, quaking, quivering, esp. from fear, 11., Aesch. 2. from cold. Plat, τροιταία (sc. πνοή), ή, an alternating wind : — metaph., \'ί)ματο5, (ppevhs τρόπαια a change in the spirit of one’s mind, Aesch. ; τρ. κακών a release from evils. Id. τρότταιον, τό, a trophy, Lat. tropaeum, Trag., etc. ; i. e. a monument of the enemy’s defeat (τροπή ii),. consisting of arms taken from the enemy, hung on trees or posts ; the common phrase was στησαι or στήσασθαι τρ. to set up trophies, Eur., Thuc. ; ISpvaai Eiir. ; c. gen. pers., τροπαΊα των πολεμίων a trophy won from the enemy. Id. ; so, τροπαΤ εστησε των ε’μών χερών Soph. ; and, στησαι τροπαΐα κατά or από των πολεμίων, Lat. triumphare de aliquo, Oratt. τροτταΐος, α, ον, of or for defeat (τροπ -fi li), εχθρών θυειν τροπαΐα (sc. ίερά) a sacrifice/or their defeat, Eur. ; Ζευχ Tp., as giver of victory. Soph. 2. causing rout,‘'EKTopos ομμασι τροπαΐοι, i. e. terrible to the eyes of Hector, Eur. II. like άποτρόπαιοχ, averting, Lat. averruncus, Ζευχ Soph, τροτταιο-φόρος, ov, (φέρω) bearing trqfhies, Plut. τρότταλις, ίδοχ, ή, a bundle, hunch, σκορόδων τρ. a bunch of garlic, Ar. (Deriv. unknown.) τροττεω, poet, form for τρέπω to turn, II. τροπή, ή, (τρέπω) a turn, turning : 1. τροπαΐ ηβλίοιο the tropics or solstices, i. e. midsummer and midwinter, Lat. solstitium and bruma, when the sun appears to turn his course and cross the ecliptic. Horn . speaks of τροπαϊ η€λίοιο as denoting a point in the heavens, prob. to the westw'ard, Od. ; τροπαϊ Oepivai and χ€ΐμ€ριναί, Hdt., Att. : — when τροπαϊ is used alone, it mostly refers to the winter solstice, περί ήλίου τροπά$ τροτΓικός " (sc. χ(ίμ€ρινά$) Thuc. 2. a turn, change, = μ^τα- βολ'ί], Aeschin., Plut. 3 . τροτταί Ae|ews a change of speech hy figures or tropes (τρόποι), Luc. II. the turning of the enemy, putting him to flight, a rout, τροπ'{]ν (or τροπά5) tivos ποιύν or ποιβΐσθαι to put one to flight, Hdt., Ar., etc. ; τροπ^ yiyverai Hdt. ; eV τροπγ Sopos in the rout caused by the spear. Soph. τροτΓΙκός, ή, ον, (τροπή) of the solstice, b τροπικ6$ (sc. kvkXos) the tropic or solstice, Arist. ; aX τρ. ημόραι Id. II. in Rhetoric, tropical, figurative. τρότΓίς, 7], τρόπιθ5, acc. τρόπιν, (τρόπω) a ship^s keel, Od., Hdt. j τρόπ€ΐ5 θόσθαι to lay the keel, Plut. j and metaph., K^y^ t^v τρόπιν του πpάyμaτos Ar. TpoTrds, b, (τρόπω) a twisted leathern thong, with which the oar was fastened to the thole, Od. τρότΓος, b, (τρόπω) a turn, direction, course, way, Hdt. II. a way , manner, fashion, τρόπιρ τοιίρόζ in such wise, Hdt.; τινι τρόπφ ; Lat. quomodo ? how? Aesch., etc.; ποίψ τρ.; Id.; ev'i ye τψ τρ. In one way or other, Ar. ; παντί τρόπφ by all means, Aesch. ; ovSevl τρ., μηζξνΐ τρ. in no wise, by no means, on no account, Hdt., etc. : — so in pL, τρόποισι ποίοΐ5 ; Soph. ; ναυκλ^ιρου τρόποιε Id. 2. absol. in acc., τίνα τρόπον ; how ? Ar. ; τρ. τινά in a manner, Eur. ; ■ονδόνα, μηδόνα τρ. Xen. ; πίτυοε τρόπον after the man- gier of a pine, Hdt. ; in pi., κ^χώρισται tovs τρόπον5 in its ways. Id.; πάvτas τρόπου5 in all ways. Plat. 3 . with Preps., ywaiKbs iv τρόποΐ5, iv τρ. ’ΐξ'ιονοί Aesch. : — is opviOos τρ. Luc. ; κατα πάντα τρ. Ar., etc. ; κατά πάντα$ τρόπουε Id. : — κατά τρόπον, absol., fitly, duly, Lat. rite, Isocr. III. of persons, a way of life, habit, custom, Pind. ; μων ηλιαστά ; Answ. μά\λά θατόρου τρ. are you a Heliast ? — No, but of the other sort, Ar. : — a man’s character, temper, τρόπον ησυχίου of a quiet temper, Hdt. ; ov τούμον τρόπου not to my taste, Ar. ; πpδs του Κνρου τρόπου Xen. ; so in pi. ways, habits, σκληρδ$ robs τρόπου5 Ar. ; ύπηρζ- reiv TO?s τρόποι$ tiv0s Id. IV. in Music, τρ. Αύδιοΐ Pind. ; φδηε τρόποε Plat. V. in speaking or Avriting, manner, style, Isocr. : — but in Rhetoric, tropes, figures, CIc. τροτΓο-ψορέω, f. ήσω, to bear with, τινά N. T. τροττόω, f. ώσω, (τροπόε) to furnish the oar with its thong : Med., τροποντο κώπ-ην άμφί σκαλμόν fastened his oar by its thong round the thole, Aesch. : — Pass., of the oar, to be furnished with its thong, Ar. Hence τροττωτήρ, r\pos, ό,=τροπ05, Ar., Thuc. τροφάλίς, ίδο5, η, (τρόφω ΐ) a piece of cheese, Ar. τροφεία, τά, (τροφζύω) pay for bringing up, the wages of a nurse or rearer, Aesch., etc. 11. βίου τροφεία one’s living, food. Soph. ; τροφξΐα ματρ05 mother’s milk, Eur. τροφ€·υ5, ecos, b, (τροφά}) one who rears or brings up, a fosterfather. Soph., Eur. ; of a woman, a nurse, Aesch. : — metaph. of the plains and fountains of Troy, Xaip€T S) τροφη$ 4μοί ye who reared me, Soph. ; πάσ'η5 KaKias τρ. one who fosters all wickedness. Plat, τροφή, η, (τρόφω) nourishment , food , victuals, Hdt., .Soph., etc. ; ή καθ' ημόραν τρ. one’s daily bread, Thuc. ; τροφήν παρόχζίν to furnish provisions, forage. Id. 2. βίου τροφί} or τροφαί a way of life, livelihood, living, iioph. ; so, τροφή alone, δουλίαν e|6tj/ τροφτ^ν Id. ; then. -τροχός, 821 simply, a mode of life, life. Plat. 3 . that which provides sustenance, as the bow of Philoctetes, Soph. II. nurture, rearing, bringing up, Trag. ; in pi., iv τροφαΐσιν while in the nursery, Aesch., etc. 2 . education, Eur., etc. III. sometimes, in Poets, a brood, via τροφτ}, of young people. Soph. ; άρνών τροφαί, i. e. young lambs, Eur. τpoφίαs, ov, b, (τρόφω) brought up in the house, stall- fed, Plut. τρόφιμος, ov, and t), ov, (τροφή) nourishing : c. gen., 7a τρόφιμά των 4μων τόκνων Eur. 2. as Subst., τρόφιμο5, b, the master of the house, ή τροφίμη the mistress, Anth. II. pass, nourished arid reared up, a nursling, foster-child, Eur. ; ol τρόφιμοι our nurslings, pupils. Plat., Xen. τρόφις, b, 7], τρόφι, τό, gen. los, (τρόφω) well-fed, stout, large, τρόφι κύμα a huge, swollen wave, II. ; of men, 4πζάν yivωvτaι τρόφΐ€5 ol παΐδζ5 when the children grow big, Hdt. τροφόεις, €σσα, ev, (τρόφω) well-fed : hence large, big, of waves, Horn. τροφός, b and ή, (τρόφω) a feeder, rearer, nurse, Od., Hdt., Att. : metaph., of a city, Pind., Aesch. τροφοφορεω, f. ήσω, to bring one nourishment, main- tain, sustain, N. T. Τροφώνιος, b, the builder of the temple of Apollo at Delphi, h. Horn., Hdt.; καταβαίνων ωσπ^ρ is Τροφω- νίον (sc. άντρον) Ar. τροχάζω, f. σω, (τροχοί) to run like a wheel, to run along, run quickly, Hdt., Xen., etc. ; τρ. ’ίπποι$, of a charioteei', Eur. τροχαίος, a, ov, running, tripping, Anth. II. τροχαΐθ5 (sc. wois), b, a trochee or foot consisting of a long and short syllable, used in quick time. Plat., Arist. τρόχαλός, ή, όν, (τρόχω) running, τρόχαλόν τινα τιθόναι to make one run quick, Hes. ; τρ. όχοι swift- rolling, Eur. τροχερός, ά, όν, (τροχόε) running, tripping, Arist. τροχηλάτε'ω, f. ήσω, to drive a chariot : to drive about, drive round and round, Eur. τροχ-ηλάτης [ά], ου, b, (4λαύνω) one who guides wheels, i. e. a charioteer , Soph., Eur. τροχ-ήλάτος, ov, (4λαΰνω) driven on wheels, wheel- drawn, Aesch., Soph. 2. dragged by or at the wheels, Eur. 3 . metaph. hurried along like a wheel or chariot. Id. ; μανία τρ. whirling madness, Id. τροχιά, ή, (τροχόε) the round of a wheel, Anth. τροχίζω, f. Att. ιω, (τροχόε) to turn round on the wheel, torture, Arist. τροχϊλία, ή, the sheaf of a pulley, roller of a windlass, and the like, Lat. trochlea, Ar. τροχίλος [I], b, (τρέχω a small bird, the sand pi per , said to pick leeches out of the crocodile’s throat, Hdt. τροχιός, ά, όν, = τροχ0€ΐε, round, Anth. τρόχις, b, (τρόχω) a runner, messenger, Aesch. τροχο-δϊνε'ομαι. Pass, to whirl or roll round, Aesch. τροχο-ειδής, is, (elbos) round as a wheel, circular, I'heogn., Hdt. τροχόεις, ετσα, fv, round as a wheel, round, y\nth. τροχο-ίΓοιεω, f. ήτω, to make wheels, Ar. τροχός, b, (τρέχω anything that runs round : I. a round cake, Od. II. a wheel, II., Soph.; -ρνβΧίον — τρω^γΧο^υτης. 822 τροχου5 μιμ^ΐσθαι to imitate 'wheels, of one who bends back so as to form a wheel, Xen. 2. a potter's 'wheel, \\. 3. the 'wheel of a stage-machine, Kx. 4. the 'wheel of torture, €τγι του τροχού στρββλονσθαι Id., etc. ; τφ τροχφ τινα ττροσΒβΤν Luc. III. a boy’s hoop, the Graecus trochus of Horat. IV. τροχοί yrjs, θαλάσσηε circles or zones of land, sea. Plat. V. a ring on the hit of a bridle, Xen. B, τρόχο5, δ, a running, course, μ^ πολλονε τρό- χου5 αμιΚλ'ητηρα5 -ηλίου not many racing- courses of the sun, i. e. not many days. Soph. ; τταΐδα e/c τροχών 'πζτταυμίνοι Eur. 2, a race-course. Id. τρΰβλιον, t6, a cup, ho'wl, Ar. τρυγάω, f. ήσω, {τρΰγί^ : I. with acc. of the fruit or crop, to gather in, Lat. vindemiare, erepas [σταφν- Aos] τρυγόωοΊν Od. ; καρπόν Hdt. : — metaph., τρχτγτ,- <Τομ€ν αυτ^ν (sc. Εΐρ7}νην) Ar. : — Pass., τeτpvy'ημ4voι καθ' ώραν gathered in due season, Luc. 2. absol., Ar. II. with acc. of the trees or g-round, ore Tpxry6cp€V α\ω·ην (Ep. opt. for Tpxrytpev) when they gathered fruit off the vineyard, II. 2. proverb., 4ρ·ημα5 τριτγαν (sc. αμπβλουε) to strip unwatched vines, i. e. to be bold where there is nothing to fear, Ar. TPYTH [i5], 7), ripe fruit, a grain-crop, corn, ouSe τρυγάν oiffeis h. Horn. 2. the vintage, Anth. τρΰγητήρ, 7]pos, b, one "who gathers grapes, hzi.vinde- miator, Hes. [with ϋ]. τρυγητός, b, {τρυγάω) a vintage, harvest, Plut., Luc. 2. the time thereof, the harvest or vintage, Thuc. τρΰγη-φόρος, ον, {φόρω) bearing fruits, esp. 'wine, h. Horn. τρΰγικός, Ί], 6v, of lees, = κωμφδικ05, Ar. τρΰγο-δαίμων, ovos, b, Com. word for TpvyepSbs, with a play on κακοδαίμων, a poor-devil poet, Ar. τρυγ-οιττος [υ], b, {τρνξ, Inos) a straining-cloth for wine, Ar, τρΰγόνιον, τό. Dim. of Tpvywv l, Anth. τρΰγόωεν, Elp. for Tpvyiacv, 3 pi. opt. of τρυyάω. τρΰγωδία, ή, = κω/χωδία, Ar. ; and τρϋγωδικός, ή, όν, = κωμφδίκ05, Ar. From τρΰγ-ωδός, b, {τρνξ, ί^δη) a lees-singer, = κωμφδ65, because the singers smeared their faces 'with lees {peruncti faecihus ora, Hor.), Ar. τρϋγών, ovos, η, the turtle-dove, Ar. From τρύζω, (Root ΤΡΥΓ), Ep. impf. τρΰζ^σκον : aor. i €τρυξα : mostly in pres, and impf. : — to make a lo'w murmuring sound, to coo, of the note of the oKoXvy0v, Theocr. : — metaph. of men, to mutter, murmur, II. (Formed from the sound.) τρΰμάλιά, ή, [τρΰω') =τρνμτ], a hole, η τρ. ttjs ραφίδο5 the eye of the needle, N. T. τρΰμη [ϋ], η, (τρύω) a hole : metaph, a sharp fellorw, sly knave, Ar. τρυζ, η, gen. Tpvyos, (akin to τρυγη) new wine not yet fermented, wine with the lees in it, must, Lat. mus- tum, Hdt., Ar. II. the lees of wine, Lat./acx, Hdt., Ar. : — metaph. of an old man or woman, Ar. τρυττάνον [C], τό, a carpenter’s tool, a borer, auger, Lat. terehra, worked by a thong, Od., Eur. τρυττάω, f. ήσω : Pass., pf. τζτρύττημαι : (τρνω) : — to bore, pierce through, Od, : — Pass., to ώτα τ€τρνπη- μ€νο$ having one’s ears pierced for earrings, Xen. ; φηφο5 τζτρυπ-ημόνη the pebble of condemnation which had a hole in it, Aeschin. 2. τρ. τψ ττοδϊ τ^ν βελόνην to force the point through the foot, Anth. τρυττη, η, (τρύω) a hole, Anth. τρυττημα [ΰ], aTOS, τό, (τρυττάω) a hole, τρ. ve0s, i. e. one of the holes through which the oars worked, Ar. : like τρυμάΚιά, the eye of a needle, N. T. τρΰττω, 3 sing. opt. of τρυττάω. τρϋσ-άνωρ, opos, b, η, (τριίω) wearying a man. Soph, τρϋσί-βιος, ον, (τρύω) wearing out life, Ar. τρΰτάνη [ά], η, the tongue of a balance, and generally, a balance, pair of scales, Lat. truthia, Ar., Dem. (Deriv. uncertain.) τρΰφάλβια, η, a helmet, II. (Deriv. uncertain.) τρΰφάω, f. ήσω, (τρυφ-η) to live softly, delicately, luxu- riously, to fare sumptuously , Eur. : — part, τρυφών as Adj. delicate, effeminate, luxurious, voluptuous, Ar., Plat.; τδ τρυφών, as Subst., effeminacy, Ar. II. to be licentious, revel, run riot, wax wanton, Eur., etc. ; to be extravagant, Arist. III. to give one- self airs, be fastidious, Eur., Plat, τρΰφβραίνομοι. Pass, to be fastidious, τρυφ^ρανθβίε with a coxcomb's airs, Ar. τρΰφβρός, ά, όν, (τρυφή) delicate, dainty, Eur.,. Anth. II. of persons, effeminate, luxurious, voluptuous, Ar., etc. : — τδ τρυφερόν effeminacy, 4s τδ τρυφ€ρώτ€ρον to more effeminate habits, Thuc. : — neut. as Adv., τρυφερόν voluptuously , Ar. ; τρ. \a\e7v to speak softly, Theocr. τρυφή, ή, (θρύπτω) softness, delicacy, daintiness, Eur., Plat., etc. : — in pi. luxuries, daintinesses, Lat. deliciae, Eur. II, luxuriousness, wantonness. Plat. III. daintiness, insolence, fastidiousness. Id. τρΰφηλός, ή, όν, rare poet, form of τρυφξρό$, Anth, τρυφημα, aTos, τό, that in which one takes pride, a pride, Eur. τρτίφος, €oy, τό, (θρύπτω) that which is broken off, a piece, morsel, himp, Od., Hdt. τρϋχηρός, ά, όν, (τρυχοε) ragged, tattered, Eur. τρυχνος, ή, nightshade, used as a symbol of sweet for- getfulness, Theocr. τρϋχόομαι. Pass, to be worn out, pf. part, τ^τρυχωμόνοε Thuc. τρΰχος, eos, τό, (τρύω) a worn out garment, a rag, shred, Eur. ; — in pi. rags, tatters. Id. τρυχω [ϋ], f. τρύξω, (τρύω) to wear out, waste, con- sume, Od., Hes, ; πτωχόν τρύξοντά 4 αυτόν a beggar to eat him out of house and home, Od.; τρύχξΐ φυχάν distresses, afflicts the soul. Soph. ; τρ. στρατ^ίαιε τήυ πόλιν Xen. : — ^Pass. to be worn out, Od., Soph., etc. : — τρύχ^σθαί tivos to pine away for some one, Eur, ΤΡΥΏ, f. τρύσω [ϋ] : Pass.', pf. τότρύμαι : — to rub down, wear out, Aesch. : — Pass, to be worn out, τ€τρυσθαι 4s τό έσχατον κακού Hdt. ; τ^τρυμόνοε ταλαιπωρίτ]σι Id. Τρωάς, άδθ5, η, contr. for Τρωιάε. τρωγάλια, τά, (τρώγω) fruits eaten at dessert, figs, nuts, sweetmeats, Ar. τρώγλη, ή, (τρώγω) a hole formed by gnawing, a mouse's hole, Batr., Babr. τρωγλο-δυτης [ΰ], ου, b, (δύω) one who creeps into holes : — Τρωγλοδυται, ol. Troglodytes, Cave-men, an Aethiopian tribe, Hdt. τpωy\oSvωv τρωγλο-δυων, part, with no indie, in use, creeping into a hole, of a mouse, Batr. ΤΡΩ'ΓΩ : f. τρώγομαι : aor. i ίτρω^α : aor. 2 erpayov : — Pass., pf. τζτρω'/μαι : — to gnaw, nibble, munch, of herbivorous animals, as mules, Od. ; of swine, Ar. ; of cattle, Theocr. II. of men, to eat vegetables or fruit, Hdt., Ar. Τρωίάθεν, hdv.from Troy, Find. Τρωιάς, contr. Tpeuas* ados, fern, of Ύρώιοί, Trojan, Od. j Ύρωιάδ^ε ywalK^s, or alone, Τρωιάδβε II. II. yr} Tpipds the Troad, Soph . ; so -η Τρωά5 Hdt. Τρωικός, -f], όν, (Tpcis) Trojan, II., Soph., etc.; τά Τρωικά the times of Troy, Hdt. Τρώιος, η, ον, contr. Tptjpds, ofTros, II. II. Tro- jan, Ib. τρωκτά, τά, v. τρωκτ05. τρώκτης, ου, δ, (τρώγω) a gnawer, nihbler : Phoenician traffickers are called τρωκται, greedy knaves, Od. ; so, τρώκται xetpes greedy hands, Anth. τρωκτός, tj, 6v, verb. Adj. of τρώγω, to be eaten raw : eatable, Hdt. II. τρωκτά, τά, = τρωyάλιa, Id. τρώμα, τρωματίζω, τρωματίης, Ion. for τραυμ-, τρώμα, η. Dor. for *τραύμη = τραύμα. Find. Τρω|-άρτης, ου, δ, {άρτοε) Bread-gnawer, Batr. τρώξιμος, ον,=τρωκτ6$, Theocr. τρώξις, €ωί, η, (τρώγω) a biting, των ονύχων Arist. Τρωός, V. Τρώΐ05. Τρωο-ψθόρος, ον, (φθείρω) destructive to the Trojans or to Troy, Anth. τρωττάω, Frequent, of τρύττω, to turn constantly, change its notes, of the nightingale, Od. : — Med. to turn one- self, turn about, Horn. Τρως, Τρω05, δ, Tros, the mythic founder of Troy, Π. II. pi. Τρώ€ς, Τρώων, οι, Trojans, Horn., etc. τρωτός, ή, '6v, verb. Adj. of τιτρώσκω, to be wounded, vulnerable, II., Att. τρωχάω. Frequent, of τρίχω, to run fast, gallop, Horn. TV, Dor. nom. for σν. II. Dor. acc. for ci. τνβί, τό, an Egypt, winter month, Anth. τνγχάνω (Root TYK) Ep. impf. Toyxavov : f. τ^ύ^ο- μαι : aor. 2 ΐτύχον, Ep. τύχον, Ep. subj. τύχωμι, -γσι : Ep. also aor. i 4τύχησα : pf. τ€τύχηκα, later τύτ^υχα : 3 sing. Ion. plqpf. €Τ6Τ€νχ€6 : — Pass., aor. i 4τ€ύχθην : pf. τύτ€χτγμαι. A. to hit, esp. to hit a mark with an arrow, Horn., etc. : he mostly constructs it with acc., when the object hit is alive, with gen. when it is lifeless; so, t . τού σκοπού Xen. j — a prep, is sometimes added, κατά κλψδα, κατά ζωστήρα τυχήσα5 [TtJ /ά] II.; — absol., ημβροτ€ε ούδ’ cTuxes Ib.; the part, τυχών is often joined with βάλλ^ιν, ούτάν, etc., Ib. II. to hit upon, light upon : 1 . to meet by chance, meet with, fall in with a person, absol., Od.; c. gen., Aesch., etc. : — aor. 2 part, ό τυχώί/, the first one meets, any one, Lat. quivis, Hes., Plat., etc.; ol τυχ6ντζ$ every-day men, thevidgar, Xen.; so, τό τυχόν any chance thing. Plat. 2. to meet with, hit, reach, gain, get, obtain a thing, and in the past tenses (like κόκτημαι), to be in possession of, to have, c. gen., Od., etc. : — after Horn, also c. acc., t. μισθόν Hdt. ; TO πρόσφορα Aesch., etc. : — gen. pers. added, to obtain a thing from a person, t . τί tivos Soph. ; Tivhs παρά tivos Od. 3. also in bad sense, jStTjs — τνμββυμα. 823 τυχβΐν to meet with, suffer violence, Hdt. ; t. κακών Eur. 4. absol. to hit the mark, to make a hit, II., Att. ; so, τυχόντζ$ καλώε Aesch. 5. to have the lot or fate, os /ce τνχρ whoever the lot (to die), II. B. intr. to happen to be at a place, εϊπερ τύχ-ρσι μάΧα σχ€δόν if by chance she be quite near, *11., etc. 2. of events, and things generally, to happeyi to one, befal one, fall to one’s lot, c. dat. pers., Ib., Att. ; also to turn out well, Od. 3. impers., όπωs ivbyxavev as it chanced, i.e. without any rule, inde- finitely, Eur. ; uis or ώσπβρ ίτυχ^ν Xen. ; οπότε τύχοι when it chanced, sometimes. Plat. II. joined with a part., τά νοάων τυyχάvω which I hnxejust now in my mind, Hdt. ; h τυyχάvω μαθών which I ha.\e just learnt. Soph. ; ζτυχον στρατ^υόμ^νοι they were just then engaged in an expedition, Thuc. ; — in phrase τυγχάνω &v, simply = 6ίμί, Aesch., Soph., etc. 2. the part, is often omitted, ένδον γάρ άρτ'ι τυγχάνει (sc. ών) Soph. ; ει συ τυγχάνεις 4πιστ·}]μων Plat. : — sometimes indeed τυγχάνειν is used very much like εΤναι, τ. ε’ν iμπύρots to be engaged in sacrifice, Eur. ; is έκαστοι ε’τυγχανον j ust as they all were, Xen. 3. in many phrases it is easy to supply a part., 0 τι &v τύχωσι, τούτο λεγουσι they say whatever comes uppermost (i. e. ό τι άν τύχωσι XeyovTcs), Plat. III. neut. part. τυχόν, absol. like παρόν, since it so befel, Luc. 2. as Adv. perchance, perhaps, Xen., Plat. Τϋδευς, δ, gen. Τυδεω5, Ep. ios or r\os : acc. Τυδεο, Ep. Tja and r\ : — the hero Tydeus, one of the Seven against Thebes, Horn. τυΐδε [t] or τυΐδε. Dor. for ττ?δε, here, Theocr. 2. for δίύρο, with Verbs of motion. Id. τνκη, 7], (t0kos) mason's work, Eur. τίίκιζω, f. Att. ιώ, {t0kos) to work stones, Ar. τυκισμα, aTOS,T0, a working of stones : in pi., κανόνων τυκίσματα, i. e. walls of stone worked by rule, opp. to the rude Cyclopean building, Eur. τΰκον, TO, Boeot. for σύκον. τόκος [ΰ], δ, (τευχω) an instrument for working stones with, a mason's hammer or pick, Eur. II. a battle-axe, Hdt. τνκτά, a Persian word {tacht), which Hdt. translates by τόλίΐον δειπνον βασιΧ^ιον. τυκτός, ό, όν, verb. Adj. of τευχω, τυκτδν κακόν created to be an evil, a born plague, II. ; τυκτ^ κρ-ηνη a fountain made by fnan’s hand, Od. : then, like (vtoktos, ivell- made, well-wrought , Horn. ΤΥ'ΛΗ [υ], η, like t0Xos, any callous lump : a porter’s shoulder, which has grown callous from carrying weights, Ar. 2. a cushion, bolster, Anth. τυλίσσω, Att. -ττω, to twist up : to bend : aor. i pass, ε’τυλίχθη Theocr. τύλος [υ], ό, = τυλη 1, a knot or callus, Xen.; esp. in- side the hands, Luc. II. a knob or knot ; a knobbed bolt, a ship-bolt, trenail, Ar. τΰλόω, f. ώσω, (tuAos) to make knobby : — I ’ass., ρόπαλα σιδΊ)ρφ τετυλωμεΤα clubs knobbed with iron, I Idt. II. to make callous, Xen. : — Pass, to be callous, Theocr. τυλωτός, ή, όν, verb. Adj., ρόπαΧα τυΧωτά knobbed clubs, like τετυλωμε'να, Hdt. τόμβευμα, otos, τό, a tomb, grave, So\)\\. II. that which is or is to be buried, a body, Eur. hrom 824 τυμββνω τυμβευω, f. (Τω, (τνμβοε) to hury, entomb, Soph., Eur. 2. xoas τυμβζΰσαί tlvl to pour libations on one’s^rat'^. Soph. II. ιηίτ. to dwell entombed, \ά. τυμβ-ήρης, es, entombed. Soph. II. grave-like, sepulchral , Id. τυμβίτης [i], ov, b, {τύμβοε) in or at the grave, Anth. τυμβ-ολβτης, ου, δ, = τυμβώρυχο5, Anth.; fern, τυμβο- XcTis, i5os. Id. ΤΥ'ΜΒΟΣ, δ, a sepulchral mound, cairn, barrow, Lat. tumulus, Horn., Hdt., Att. 2. generally, a tomb, grave, Aesch. ; axrnep άπδ τύμβου ττ^σών like an old grave-man, Ar. 3. also the tombstone with the figure of the dead, Eur. II. of an old man, Eur., Ar. τυμβ-οΰχο 5 , ov, (εχω) sepulchral, Anth. τυμβο-φόνος, ov, grave-murdering, disturbing the dead, Anth. τυμβοχο€ω, f. ήίΤω, to throw up a cairn or barro'w, Hdt. ; and τυμβοχόη, η, the throwing up a cairn, II. From τυμβο-χόος, ov, (χύω) throwing up a cairn or barrow, Anth. II. T. χ^ιρώματα cairns thrown up by work of hand, Aesch. τυμβό-χωστος, ov, (χώννυμι) heaped up into a cairn, high-heaped. Soph. τυμβωρΰχία, grave-robbing, Anth. From τυμβ-ωρΰχος [ύ], δ, {ορύσσω) one who digs up graves, a grave-robber, Ar. τΰμμα, ατοί, τ6, (τύπτω) a blow, Aesch., Theocr. τυμιτανίξω, f. ίσω, (τύμπανον) to beat a drum : — Pass., τυμπανίζ^σθαι κατα tcls 4ξόδου5 to march out to the sound of drums, Strab. II. Pass, to be beaten to death, bastinadoed, N. T. τυμττάνιον [o], to. Dim. of τύμπανον, Strab. τυμττανιστής, ου, δ, (τυμπανίζω) fern, τυμπανίστρια, of a priestess of Cybele, Dem. τυμττανον, τό, (τύπτω) a kettledrum, such as was used esp. in the worship of Cybele, Hdt., Eur. II. a drum-stick : generally, a staff, cudgel, Ar. III. in Virg. tympana are wheels of solid wood. Τυνδάρβος, δ, Tyndareos or Tyndarus, husband of Leda, Od,, Eur. : Att. Τυνδάρ€ω5, eco, o, Aesch., etc. : patron. Τυνδαρίδης [t], ου, δ, Pind. ; pi. ol Ύυνδαρί- δαι. Castor and Pollux, Hdt., etc. — Adj. Τυνδάρειος, a, ov, and os, ov, Eur. : — fern, patron. T υνδαρίς, ίδοε, η. Id. τύνη [ΰ], Ερ. and Dor. for τύ, σύ, thou. τυννός, ή, 6ν, Dor. for μικρ05, so small, so little, Lat. tantillus, Theocr. τυννοΐτο?, ov and 0 , lengthd. form of tovvos, Lat. tan- tillus, Ar. ; with i demonstr., τυννουτοσί, -ονί. Id. ; gen. and dat. τυννουτουί, ~(fi. Id. τυντλάζω, to work in the mud : hence, to grub round the roots of a vine, Ar. τυττανον ^ύ], τό, (τύπτω) poet, for τύμπανον, a drum, h. Horn., Eur. τΰττείην, aor. 2 pass. opt. of τύπτω : — τΰττείς, part, τΰττή, η, (τύπτω) a blow, wound, in pi., II. τυίΓος [u], δ, (τύπτω) a blow, Orac. ap. Hdt. II. the effect of a blow, the print or impress of a seal, Eur. ; στί- βου τύπos the print of a footstep. Soph. : — τύποι marks, letters, Plat. : — δ τ. των Ίππων the sound of ύι&η tread, Xen. 2. anything wrought of metal or stone, in p>\. figures worked in relief, Hdt., Eur. : — then, simply. τύραννος. a figure, image, statue, Hdt., Eur. 3. τύπos tivos a man’s form, i. e. himself, ^Ιππομύδοντο$ τ. Aesch. ; βραχιόνων τ.—βραχίον€5, Eur. 4. general form or character, the type or model of a thing, Plat. : — an example, N. T. 5. an outline, sketch, draught. Plat. ; so, τύπψ, iv τύποι in outline, in general. Id. τΰττόω, f. ώσω, to form, mould, model, Plat. : so in Med., Anth. τύτΓτω (Root ΤΥ”Π) Ep. impf. τύπτον : f. τύψω, Att. τυπτ7}σω : aor. 1 Ιτυψα, later ότύπτησα: — Pass., aor. I ξτύφθην : aor. 2 ότύπην [i5] : f. τΰπΊ]σομαι : pf. inf. τ€τύφθαι. To beat, strike, smite, II., etc. ; αλο τύπτον 4ρ€τμο7$ Od. ; Ίχνια τύπτ^ιν to tread in his very track, II. : — absol., Ζ0ψυρο9 λαίλαπι τύπτων the Λvest wind beating, lashing with fury, Ib. 2. metaph., ό.χο$ κατα ψρόνα τύψε sharp grief smote him to the heart, Ib. ; i] άληθηίη ετυψε Καμβύσ^α Hdt., etc. II. Med., like κόπτομαι, Lat. plangor, to beat one's breast for grief. Id. ; c. acc. pers. to mourn for a person. Id. HI. Pass, to be beaten, struck or wounded, Horn., etc. ; to be stung, Xen. 2. c. acc. cogn. to receive blows or wounds, e\K€a, 0σσ 4τύπη II. ; τύπτομαι πο\\ά$ (sc. πλτϊγάϊ) / get many blows, Ar. ; so c. dat., καφίρ (sc. πληΎ^τ^τύφθαι Hdt. τΰττώδης, es, (τύπο5 ii. 5, elSos) like an outline : — Adv. -δω$, summarily, Strab. τυττωμα [iJ], τό, (τυπόω) that which is moulded, τ. χαΧ- κόπΚζυ^ον,οί abrazen urn, Soph.: a figure, outline, Έ,οχ. τυττωσις [C], ·ή, (τυπόω) a mould, model, Plut. τΰραννεΰω, f. εύσω, and τΰραννεω, f. -ησω, the former always in Hdt. ; both in Att. Poets, as the metre re- quired ; aor. i ότυράνν^υσα, -ησα : pf. τ^τυράνν^υκα, -ηκα : — Pass., f. med. τυραννησομαι in pass, sense : aor. I 4τυραννζύθ7]ν : — to be a τύραννοε, an absolute sovereign or despot, and in aor. to become such, Hdt., etc. : to be a prince or princess, Eur. 2. c. gen. to be despotic ruler of a people or place, Solon, Hdt., Att. 3. c. acc. to govern, Luc. : — Pass, to be governed despotically, Hdt., Thuc. II. to be tyrannical, imperious. Plat, τΰραννίζω, to take the part of tyrants, Dem. τυραννικός, η, όν, (τύραννοί) of οχ for a despotic ruler, royal, princely, Trag. ; κύκλοε τ. the circle or assembly of kings. Soph. 2. befitting a tyrant, despotic, imperious, τυραννικά φρον^Ίν Αχ. ; τ. Συνωμοσία in favour of tyranny, Thuc. ; τα τυραννικά the times of despotic government, Arist. : — Adv. -κώ$. Plat. ; Comp, -ώτβρον, Arist. τΰραννίς, ίδοε, η, voc. τυραννί, (τύραννοε) kingly power, sovereignty, Pind., Trag. II. absolute power, despotic rule, Hdt., Att. ; τ. υμών lordship over you, Dem. 2. pi., at τυραννίδες, = ot τύραννοί, Hdt. τΰραννοκτονε'ω, f. ήσω, to slay a tyrant, Luc. : — Pass. to be slain as a tyrant. Id. ; and τΰραννοκτονία, the slaying of a tyrant, Luc. From τΰραννο-κτόνος, δ, (κτ^ίνω) slayer of a tyrant, Luc. τΰραννο-τΓΟιός, δ, (ποιόω) a maker of tyrants. Plat, τύραννος [ύ], δ, an absolute sovereign, unlimited by law or constitution, Hdt., Aesch., etc. : not applied to old hereditary sovereignties (βασιλ^ΐαι) such as those of Horn, or of Sparta; for the term rather regards the irregular way in which the power was gained. τυραννοφόνος — ΤΤ^ΧΗ. than the way in which it was exercised, being· applied to the mild Pisistratus, but not to the despotic kings of Persia. However, the word soon came to imply reproach, like our tyrant, Plat., etc. 2. in a wider sense, the tyrant's son, or any member of his family. Soph. : — so, η rvpavvos was both the queen herself or a princess, Eur. II. Tvpavuos, ov, as Adj. kingly, royal, Trag·. 2. imperious, despotic, Thuc.; Tvpavra dpau Soph, {τΰρ -avvos is prob. from same Root as Kvp-ios, Koip-avos.') τ·ΰραννο-φόνος, ον, (^<ρ^νω) slaying tyrants, Anth. τυρβάζω, f. άσω, to trouble, stir xtp, Lat. turbare, Ar. : — Pass., T. Trepi tl to be troubled about a thing. Id. TY'PBH, T], disorder, tumult, Lat. turba, Xen. τ·υρ€υμα [ϋ], aros, τό, that 'which is curdled, cheese, Eur. τϋρβυτήρ, ηρον, 6, one 'who makes cheese, of Hermes as g-od of goatherds, Anth. From τϋρβυω, f. ευσω, (rvpos) to make cheese ; — metaph. to make a mess of anything, Dem. Tvpios, a, ov, (Tupos) of Tyre, Tyrian, Hdt., etc. τϋρίσδω, Dor. for συρίζω. Τϋρο-γλυφος [ΰ], ό, Cheese-scooper, a mouse, Batr. τ·ϋρ0€ΐ9, εσσα, ^v, contr. τϋροΰς, ουσα, οΰν : {τυρό$) : — like cheese : Tvp0eis (sc. ττλακουν), a cheese, Theocr. τΰρά-κνηστις, ή, a cheese-scraper, cheese-grater, Ar. τϋρό-νωτος, ov, cheese-backed, spread 'with cheese^ Ar. τΰρο-ΊΓΟιεω, f. ήσω, to make cheese, Strab. τΰροττωλεω, f. ήσω, to sell like cheese, Ar. τ'ΰρο-ΊΓώλης, ου, 6 , (ττωλεω) a cheesemonger , Ar. ΤΥ-ΡΟ'Σ, Od, 6, cheese, Horn., Ar., etc. T'upos, 7], Tyre, in Phoenicia, Hdt., etc. Τ·ΰρο-φάγο 9 , b, (φάγεΓν) Cheese-eater , name of a mouse in Batr. τ'ΰρο-φόρος, ov, (φέρω) "with cheese on it, Anth. τ·ϋρους, ουσσα, ουν, contr. for rvpb^is. Τυρρην-ολετης, ου,δ, {ολλνμι) destroyer of Tyrrhenians, Anth. Τυρρηνός, v. Ύυρσην05. Τυρσηνός, όν. Ion. and old Att. for Τυρρηνόε, Tyrr- henian, Etruscan, Hes., Hdt., Trag. : — also, Τυρση- νικός, i], όν, Aesch. ΤΥ'ΡΣΙΣ, η, gen. toy, acc. τύρσιν ; but nom. and acc. pi. Tvpcreis, gen. ίων, dat. ecri : — a tower, Lat. turris, Pind., Xen. ΤΥΤΘΟ'Σ, όν, later also ή, όν, little, small, of children, Horn., Aesch.; t. θηρίον of a bee, Theocr., etc. II. τυτθόν, as Adv. a little, a bit, Horn. ; T. ετί ζώων breathing yet a little, II. ; t. ε’δευησει/ it wanted a little, Od. : — of the voice, softly, gently, II. 2. by a little, scarcely, hardly, Lat. 'vix, Ib. ; so neut. pi., Aesch. III. τυτθα όιατμηξαι, κεάσ- Adv. like a whirlwind, Strab. Τϋφώς, ώ, δ, contr. for Τΰφωεύν, q. v. II. as appellat. τϋφών, gen. τυφώ, dat. τυφφ, a whirlwind, typhoon, Aesch., etc. τυχαίος, a, ov, {τύχη) accidental , chance, Plut. τ-υχε [ϋ], Ep. 3 sing. aor. 2 of τυyχάvω. TY'XH [u], f], (cf. τυγχάνω) the good which man obtains {τυγχάνει) by the favour of the gods, good fortune, luck, success, Theogn., Hdt., etc.; συν τύχη Soph. ; θεία τύχη, Lat. divinitus, Hdt., etc. hence Τύχη was deified, like Lat. E'er tuna. Τύχη 2ώ- Teipa Pind. ; T. 2ωτήρ Aesch. II. generally, fortune, chance, good or bad, in sing, and pi., Hdt., Att. 2. rarely of positive ill fortune, fjv χρ·{)σωνται τύχη, i.e. if they are killed, Eur.; τύχη by ill-luck, Antipho. 3. esp., ατγαθη τ. Aesch., etc. ? in dat. αγαθή τύχη ‘in God's name,' Dem., etc.; by crasis, τύχάγαθη Ar. this formula was also introduced into treaties, like Lat. quod felix faustumque sit, Λάχην εΓπε, τύχη άγαθη τών Αθηναίων ττοκΊσθαι τ^ν 4κ(χ(ΐ- ρίαν Dccret. in Thuc. : — so όπ’ άγαθη τύχη Ar., etc. 4. Adverbial usages, τυχτ; by chance, Lat. forte, forte fortuna. Soph., etc.; οπδ τύχη$ Arist. ; 4κ τύχηε Plat.; διά τύχην Isocr., etc.; κατά τύχην i Thuc., etc. III. a chance, hap, accident, Aesch., Soph., etc. ; ttjv τύχην, τδ εμε τυχεΓυ . . ! what a piece of ill-luck, that . . ! Xen. ; mostly of mishaps, mis- fortunes, Aesch., etc. Hence 820 τυχ^ηρός - τνχηρός, ά, oy, luciy, for^nnai^f, Aesch. : — Adv.-pis, Ar. τνχήσας, aor. i part, of τvγχάyω. τυχθβίς, aor. i pass. part, of τβνχω. τυχοιμι, aor. 2 opt. of τιτγχάνω. -τυχόν, Adv., v. τυγχάνω B. III. 2. -τυχόντως, Adv. aor. 2 part., by chance^ Arist. τυχος, b, (τβυχω) = τυ /fos, Theogn. τυχών, aor. 2 part, of τ^ryχάvω. τυψασκον. Ion. and Ep. aor. i of τίηττω. τώ, dat. sing. neut. of 6 , -η, τό, used absol. ihereforCy in this 'wise, thereupon, Horn. II. τφ; for τίνι·, dat. sing, of tis; •who ? 2. τιρ, enclit. for τινί, dat. sing, of Tts, some one. τώγαλμα. Ion. crasis for 'r'b άγαλμα, τωθάξω. Dor. -σδω : f. τωθάσομαι : aor. i Ιτώθασα, subj. τωθάσω : — to mock, scoff or jeer at, flout, Hdt., Ar. : — Pass, to he jeered. Plat. 2. absol. to jeer, Ar. τωθασμός, b, scoffing, jeering, Arist. τώληθός, Ion. crasis for τό άληθζε. τώ-ιτό, τώτΓοβαΧνον, Ion. crasis for τό αττό, τό αττοβαίνον. τώργείου. Dor. crasis for του ’Αργείου, τώρχαΐον, Ιοη. crasis for τό αρχαιον. τώς, demonstr. Adv., = ws, ουτω5, so, in this -wise, Horn., Hes., Aesch. II. Dor. = ου, 'where, Theocr. τώτρεκε'ς, crasis for τό arpeK^s, Anth. τωΰλιον. Dor. crasis for τό αϋΧιον, Theocr. τωυτό (not τωυτό or τώυτό), gen. τωυτου, dat. τωυτψ. Ion. crasis for τό αυτό, etc. Y. Y, V, τό, indecl., twentieth letter of Gr. alphabet : as numeral υ = 400, but ,υ = 400,000 . Called ύψtλόv,because the orig. sound was broad, like ου, and afterwards was thin like French u. The Gr. v, like Lat. v, was originally both a vowel (m) and a semi-vowel (τ'), v. infr. ii. I. Interchanges of v with other vowels, 1. Aeol. for o, as ονυμα στόμα ύρνι$ for ονομα στόμα opyis ; also ττί- συpζs for πότορεε (τεσ·ίΓαρε5), cf. ννξ, Lat. nox. 2. Aeol., the diphth. ου became 01 , Μο7σα for MoGcra, λεγοισο for Χ^γουσα. 3. ϋ sometimes replaces 01 , as Koiv6s |υνόϊ, Koipavos Kvpios. 4. Boeot. ϋ for ω, as xeXbvrj for χελώνη. II. υ as a semivoAvel repre- sented vau (f), the digamma, sometimes it formed the diphth. αυ, as αυόρυσαν for ανρόρυσαν (v. ανβρνω), αύίαχοι for ανρίαχοι, ανάτα for ά/^άτσ (οτη), καλαυροψ for καλάΡρο^Ρ, ταλαυρινοε for ταλάρρινο5, ταναόποόζ5 for ταναΡ oTTobes ; sometimes the dipth. ευ, as evaSey for ejaSey. V V, a sound to imitate a person snuffing a feast, Ar. Ύάδες, ων, at, (υω) the Hyades, seven stars in the head of the bull, 'which threatened rain when they rose with the sun, II., Hes. (Commonly deriv. from υω, cf. Lat. Pluviae : but the genuine Lat. name was suculae, piglings, as if vs were the root ; and this agrees with the quantity, υ being short in bddes, long in υω : Eur. however has υάδε? with ΰ.) ύαινα, -η, the hyaena, an animal of the dog kind, with a bristly mane like a hog (whence the name), Hdt. Ύακίνθια (sc. Ζερά), τά, a Lacedaemonian festival in -"ΤΒΡίΣ. honour of Hyacinthus, held in the month Hecatom- baeon, Hdt., Thuc., etc. ΰακινθϊνο-βάφής, is, {βάτττω) dyed hyacinth-colour ^ Xen. ύακίνθϊνος, η, ον, hyacinthine, Od., Eur. Υάκινθος [ά], b, Hyacinthus, a Laconian youth, beloved by Apollo, who killed him by a cast of the discus, Eur> υάκινθος, b and the hyacinth, II., etc. ; — a flower said to have sprung up from the blood of Hyacinthus or of Ajax ; and the petals were thought to bear the letters A I, or ΑΙΑΓ, Mosch. ; hence the epithet γραπτά in Theocr. The hyacinth seems to have comprehended several dark blue flowers : Horn, speaks of dark hair as vaKiySiycp dyOei bμo7aι, and Theocr. calls it black. II. a precious stone, of blue colour, not (prob.) OUT jacinth, but the sapphire, N.T. ΰάλεος [ά], α, oy, (ύαλοι) = ύάλινοί, of glass, Anth.:. — contr. ύαλοίς, a, oGv, of glass, Strab., Luc. ΰάλϊνος, -η, oy, {vaXos) of crystal or glass, Ar. : also ■υε'λινος, -η, oy, Anth. ΰάλος or υελος, b and η, a clear, transparent stone, used by the Egyptians to enclose their mummies in, oriental alabaster, Hdt. 2. a convex lens of crystal, used as a burning-glass, Ar. II. glass, Lat. vitrum. Plat. ; glass itself existed in the time of Hdt.,. but was not called vaXos till Plato’s time. (The word is said to be Egyptian. Others refer it to υω, as if the orig. sense were rain-drop.') ΰάλοΰς, a, oGv, contr. for ύαλεοί. υάλό-χρους, ουν, '\χρόα) glass-coloured, Anth. υββάλλω, Ep. syncop. for ύττοβάΧΧω. ΎΒΟ'Σ [ΰ], ή, όν, hump-backed, Theocr. -υβρίζω [ϋ]. Dor. -ίσδω : f. Att. ιώ : aor. ι ύβρισαν pf. ΰβρικα : plqpf. ύβpίκeιy : — Med., f. νβριονμαι : — Pass., f. ύβρισθ-ησομαι : aor. i vβpίσθr|y : pf. νβρισμαι r (υβριε) : — to wax wanton, run riot, Od., Aesch., etc. ; opp. to σωφρονεΓν, Xen. 2. of over-fed horses or asses, to neigh or bray and prance about, Lat. las- civire, Hdt., Xen. 3. metaph. of a rapid rushing river, Hdt. II. in dealing with other persons, νβρ. Tivo to treat him despitefully, to outrage, insult, affront, maltreat, II., Aesch. ; more commonly, νβρ.. €is τινα to commit an outrage upon or towards him, Eur., Plat. ; νβρ. επί τινα to exult over a fallen foe, Eur. 2. c. acc. cogn., νβρ. νβριν Aesch., Eur., etc. : — with a neut. Adj., νβρ. τάδε to commit these outrages, Hdt. ; so, των ahικ^ημάτωy των is ’A077vaiovr vβpισay Id. ; and with double acc., vβpιy νβρίζζίν τιyά Eur. : — ■ hence in Pass., vβριy νβρισθηναι Id., Dem. 3. at Athens in legal sense, to do one a personal outrage, to maltreat, assault, Oratt. : — Pass., yvyadK^s καΐ παΐδε^ vβplζoyτaι Thuc. ; vβpιζόμeyos αττοθντισκζΐ he dies of ill-treatment, Xen. ; — and of acts, τά vβpισμiya out- rages, Lys. 4. pf. pass, part., of things, arrogant, ostentatious, σημεΓ εχων νβρισμ&α Eur. ; στοΧη νβρισ- μενη Xen. “"ΥΒΡΙΣ [ΰ], gen. εωί and εο5, Ερ. los : — wanton- ness, wanton violence or insolence, Od., Hdt., etc.; of actions, dp ονχ vβpιs τάδ’; Soph.; ταυτ’ ονχ vβpLS εστί; Ar. : — Adv. usages, νβρ€ΐ in wanton- ness or insolence. Soph. ; i(fl νβρ^ι Eur. ; Si νβριν Dem. 2. of lewdness, opp. to σωφροσύνη, Theogn., δ? υβριστώ — vSpa, Xen. 3. of over-fed horses, riotousness, restiveness, Hdt., Find. II. = i;)8p:(r/ia, Horn. ; sometimes like υβρίζω, foil, by a Prep.,''H/)os μητ^ρ' ^Is 4μ^ν ΰβρΐ5 her outrage towards . . , Eur. ; η κατ’ 'Apyelovs v. Soph. ; η irphs Tovs δ7}μότα5 v. Hdn.; also c. gen. object!, v. Tivos towards him. Id., etc. : — in pi. wanton acts, outrages, Hes., Eur., etc. 2. an outrage on the person, violation. Find., Att. 3. in Att. law, ΰβρΐ5 comprehended all the more serious injuries done to the person, grievous assault, the slighter kind being οικία [i] : hence νβρι$ was remedied by public indictment (ypaφ^), οικία hy private action (δίκη). III. a loss, damage, N. T. B. as m^sc. = νβριστ'η5, a violent, overhearing man, ϋβριν auepa Hes. βρίσδω. Dor. for υβρίζω. βρισ|χα, otos, to, (υβρίζω) a wanton or insolent act, an outrage, Hdt., Eur., etc. ; t 6V ϋβρισμ is ημα$ ηξίωσ^ν ϋβρίσαι Eur., Xen. ; το τούτων ύβρίσματα els 4μ4 Dem. II. an object of insolence, υβρισμα Θ4σΘαι τινά = ύβρίζ€ΐν, Eur. m. = ύβpιστηs, Id. •υβριστεος, a, ον, verb. Adj. that may be insulted, Dem. ■υβριστήρ, r\pos, 6, poet, for sq., Anth. ■υβριστής, ου, δ, (υβρίζω) a violent, overhearing person, a wanton, insolent man, Horn., Hdt., Att. 2. opp. to σώφρων, lustful, lewd, Ar., Xen. 3. of animals, wanton, restive, unruly, Eur., Xen. 4. of natural forces, ύβpιστ))S &veμos Hes. ; ύβριστ^}S τΓθταμ05 Aesch. Hence ■υβριστικός, -f], όν, given to wantonness, wanton, inso- lent, outrageous. Flat., etc. : — t^ ύβρκττικόν an inso- lent disposition, Xen. : — Adv. -Kwy, Flat. ; Comp. -ώτ^ρον, Dem. ΰβριστος, rj, ov, (υβρίζω) wanton, insolent, outrageous : — hence Comp, ύβριστ6τepos, Hdt., Xen. ; Sup. ύβριστό- TOTos, Ar., Xen. vryeid, ή, late form for iyieia, Flut. ; Ion. ^ΰγειη, Anth. ■υγιάζομαι, Fass. to become healthy, get well, Arist. ■υγιαίνω [u],f.dv&j: aor. i 6yi0va,lon. iyirjva: — Fass.,aor. I byi0veT]v : (byi'fjs) : — to he sound, healthy or in health, Lat. bene valere, Hdt., Ar., etc. 2. to he sound of mind, Theogn., Ar,, etc.; tos (ppivas iy. Hdt. 3. of soundness in political or religious opinion, τδ hyi- aivov TTjs Έλλάδos Id. ■iiyicid [C], 7], and sometimes byicid, fyiijs) health, soundness of body, Lat. salus, Hdt., Att. : — pi, byi- €iai, healthy states or conditions. Flat. 2. of the mind, ύ. φρένων soundness of mind, Aesch. ■υγιεινός [ΰ], ■^, 6v, (oyiijs) good for the health, whole- some, sound, healthy, Xen., etc. 2. of persons, healthy, sound, Lat. sanus. Flat. ; τδ hy. health, Arist. II. Adv., tyi^ivtas ex€iv, = byiaiveiv. Flat: — Comp, ύyίeιvoτipωs and ~pov, Sup. -ότατα, Xen. ■ΰγίεις [C], ecrcra, ev, Boeot. for byi^s. Find. ■ΰγιηρός [ϋ], ά, όν, (byiiy) good for the health, whole- some, Find. II. of persons, healthy, hearty, sound, Lat. sanus, Hdt. ΎΓΙΗ'Σ [ΰ], is, gen. ios \ dat. iyiel : acc. byia, Ion. vyiia: — dual byirj : — neut. pi. υγίή : gen. by ιών : — Comp, and Sup, byiiffTcpos, -avos : — sound, healthy, hearty, sound in body, sanus, byiia αποδβξαι or "Koiiiv Tiva to restore him to health, make him sound. 827 Hdt. ; iyi^s τδ δrιyμa cured of the bite, Xen. 2. of condition, σώs κάΙ byir^s safe and sound, in good case, Hdt,, Thuc. II. sound in mind, sound-minded, Eur., Flat. 2. of words, opinions, and the like, sound, wholesome, wise, II., Thuc., Flat. : often with a negat., x6yos ούχ by. Hdt. ; μηδδν byiis φρονών Soph.; ουδδν by. xiyeiv Eur., etc. III. Adv. byws, healthily, soundly, Kpiveiv, Flat., Dem. ■υγρά, η, v. by pis 1.2. ■υγραίνω, f. άνω, (by pis) to wet, moisten, Eur., Xen. : of a river, to water a country, Eur. ■υγρο-μελής, is, {μiλos) with supple, soft limbs, Xen. νγρο-τΓορεω, f. τί\σω, to go through the water, Anth. ΎΓΡΟ'Σ, ά, iv, wet, moist, running, fluid, Horn., etc. ; bypiv eXaiov, i. e. olive-oil, as opp. to fat. Id.; bypiv ύδωρ running water, Od.; άνεμοι bypiv aivTss winds blowing moist or rainy, as opp. to dry, parching, Ib. 2. η bypd. Ion. υγρή, the moist, i. e. the sea, Horn. ; so, bypd KiXeoOa the watery ways, i. e. the sea. Id. ; and bypd alone, opp. to απείρων yaia, Id. 3. τδ bypiv and τά bypd wet, moisture, inciter, Hdt. 4. μiτpa bypd κάϊ iyipd liquid and dry measure. Flat. 5. θήρεί υγροί ■zoa/f’r-animals, opp. to τΓβζοί, Anth. II. soft, pliant, supple, lithe, Lat. mollis, of the eagle’s back. Find. ; of youthful limbs. Flat. ; bypd e%eiv τά ίΓκελτ;, of a horse, Xen. ; so of colts, γόνατο bypώs κdμπτeιv, bypώs to7s (TKfXeai χρησθαι (cf. Virg'il’b mollia crura reponit), Id. ; so, ύ. uKavdos (Virg. mollis acanthus) , Theocr. 2. lan- guid, feeble, of one dying. Soph., Eur. 3. of the eyes, swimming, 7nelting, lajiguishing, ομμασιν bypd Se- bopKcbs Anth., etc. 4. metaph. of persons, facile, soft-tempered, pliant, easy, Flut. : luxurious, b. -rrphs TTjv διαίταν Id. ■υγρότης, t]tos. Dor. -ότας, otos, η, (bypis) 7vetness, moisture. Flat. II. pliancy, suppleness, Xen. : of a flame, flickering motion, lambency, Eur. 2. languor, Flut. ■υγρό-φθογγος, ov, snaking a gurgling sound, Anth. ■ίιγρώσσω, (bypis) to make wet, moisten, Aesch. ■υδαρής, is, gen. ios, ^δωρ) of wine, mixed with toe much water, watery, washy, Xen. : — metaph. washy, feeble, languid, Aesch., Arist. ■ΰδάσι-στεγής, is, water-proof, Anth. υδάτινος, r\, ov, and os, ov, (ύδωρ) of water, watery, ύδ. vdpKiffffos that loves the water, Anth. II. like bypis \\, pliant, supple. Id. ■υδάτιον, τό. Dim. of ύδωρ, a rivulet. Flat. ■ΰδάτόεις,0€σ·σ·α,όεν, (ύδωρ) watery, like water, Anth. II. transparent as water, thin, fine, Id. υδάτος, gen. of ύδωρ. ■ΰοάτοτΓοσία, ή, a drinking of water, Luc. ; and ■ΰδάτοτΓοτόω, to drink water, Luc. From ■υδάτο-ττότης, δ, a water-drinker. ■υδάτο-τρεφής, is, (τpiφoμaι) growing in or by the water, Od. ■ΰδάτόω, f. ώ(Τω, (ύδωρ) to make watery : — Fass. to be liquid, watery, Anth. υδει, hip. for υδατί, dat. of ύδωρ. ΰδερος, δ, (ύδωρ) like ΰδρωφ, dropsy, Arist. ΰδνε'ω, to nourish. υδρα, Ion. ·υδρη, ή, (ύδωρ) a hydra, water-serpent, of 828 υγραίνω — the Lernaean hydra, Hes., Soph. ; vBpau τίμν^ιν, proverb, of labour in vain, because two heads sprang up for every one which was cut off. Plat, ύδραίνω, f. άνω : aor. i ΰδρηνα : (νΒωρ) : — to viater the earth, of a river, Eur. ; vBp. τινά to wash, sprinkle with water. Id. : — Med. to wash oneself, bathe, ύδρη· ναμ^νη Od. ; λουτρά ύδράνασθαι χροί to pour water over one's body, Eur. II. ύδραίναν χοά5 τινι to pour libations to one. Id. υδρεία, η, {υδρεύω) a drawing water, fetching water, Thuc., etc. II. a watering-place, Plut. ΰδρεϊον, Ion. ΰδρήιον, τ6, (υδρεύω) a water-bucket, well-bucket, Hdt. II. a water-tank, Strab. ΰδρευω, f. σω, (ύδωρ) to draw, fetch or carry water, Od., Theogn. : — Med. to draw water for oneself, fetch water, ττολΐται Od., Hdt., Att. ΰδρήιον, Ion. for vBpewv. ύδρηλός, ή, όν, (ΰδωρ) watery, wet, Od., Aesch. ·, κρωσ- σοϊ νδρ, water pots, Eur. ύδρηνάμην, aor. i med. of νδραίνω. υδρία, 7), (ΰδωρ) a water-pot, pitcher, urn, Ar. : — proverb., eVl Ovpais r^v υδρίαν to break the pitcher at the door, = ‘ there’s many a slip ’twixt cup and lip,’ Arist. , II. a vessel of any kind, a pot of money, Ar. 2. the balloting urn in the law-courts, Isocr., Dem. 3. a cinerary urn, Ar., Luc. ύδριάς, 7), (ΰδωρ) of the water, Anth. ύδρο-ειδής, es, (εΤδοί) like water, watery, Eur. ύδρόεις, εσσα, ei/, (ΰδωρ) fo7id of the water, Eur. Ύδρο-με'δουσα, Water-ruler, name of a frog in Batr. ΰδρο-ΤΓοσία, Ion. -ίη, η, water-drinking, Xen.,etc.; and ύδροτΓΟτε'ω, f. ήσω, todrink Hdt.,Xen.,etc. From ύδρο-ττότης, ου, b, a water-drinker, Xen. : in Comic phrase, a thin-blooded , mean-spirited fellow, Anth. ΰδρορ-ρόα, η, but in Att. also -ροτ], a water-course, whether on the ground, a conduit, canal, sluice, Ar. j or on the roof, a gutter, spout. Id. υδρο 5 , b, (ΰδωρ) like ΰδρα, a water-snake, II., Hdt. ύδροφορε'ω, f. 7}σω, to carry water, Xen. ; and ύδροφορία, 7], a water-carrying, a festival of Apollo, Luc. From ΰδρο-φόρος, ον, (φέρω) carrying water, Plut. II. as Subst., υδρ., b and η, a water-carrier, Hdt., Xen. ύδρο-χόος, b, (χεω) the water-pourer, name of the constellation Aquarius, Anth. ΰδρό-χΰτος, ον, (χεω) gushing with water, Eur. ύδρω-ττικός, ή, oV, dropsical : metaph,, vavs ύδρ. Anth. ΰδρωφ, ωτΓοε, b, (ΰδωρ) dropsy. II. a dropsical person. *'ΥΑΩΡ [υ ], τ6, gen. ΰδατο5 [ΰ Ερ.], dat. ΰδατι, Ερ. also υδεί (as if from ΰδο5) : — water, of any kind, but in Horn, rarely of sea- water (which he calls άλμυρδν ΰδωρ) ; — also in pi., ΰδατ' alevaovra Od. ; ΰδατα Κα- φίσια the waters of Cephisps, Pind : — ΰδωρ κατά χ^ιρόε water for washing the hands, Ar. ; ΰ. 4πΙ xeipas εχευαν Horn. — Proverbs., ypapeiv τι els ΰδωρ of any- thing untrustworthy. Soph. ; iv ΰδατι yp. Plat. ; όταν τδ ΰδωρ TTViyT), τί δεΓ eTTiniveiv ; if water chokes, what more can be done ? of a desperate case, Arist. 2. rain-water, rain, II., Jidt., Att. ; — more definitely, ΰδωρ ε’Ι ούρανοΰ Thuc., etc. ; Zevs ΰδωρ υεί, b dehs ΰδωρ TTOiei Ar. 3. for the phrase iv ΰδατι βρεχ^σθαι. - ύλακτ€ω. Hdt., v. βρέχω. 4. in Att. law-phrase, τδ ΰδωρ was the water of the water-clock (κλεφΰδρα), Dem.; iv τψ iμφ ΰδατι, ini του iμoΰ ΰδατο5 in the time allowed me. Id. ; ουκ ενδεχεται nphs τδ αύτδ ΰ. είττειν one cannot say (all) in one speech. Id.; i^τiλaβe τδ ΰ. stop the water (which was done while the speech was inter- rupted by the calling of evidence and reading of docu- ments), Id. ; άποδιδόναι τινί τδ ΰ. to give him the turn of speaking, Aeschin. υειος, a, ov, (vs) of or belonging to swine, beta κοιλία pig's tripe, Ar. : — θηρίον υ., as a type of brutish igno- rance, Plat. Ύε'λη, 7j, Velia in Lower Italy, Hdt. •iic'Xtvos, ύελίτης, υελος, Ion. and late forms of ύαλ-, υεσσι, Ερ. for υσι, dat. pi. of vs. ύετόεις [ϋ], εσσα, εν, rainy, Anth. From ΰετός [ϋ], b, (υω) rain, Lat. pluvius, II., Hes., Ar. : — esp. a heavy shower, Lat. 7iimbus, whereas 6μβρο5, Lat. if7tber, is a lasting rain, and ψεκάϊ or ij/aKas a drizzling rain, Xen., etc. II. as Adj. in Sup. άνεμοι υετώτατοι the rainiest winds, Hdt. ΰηνία, η, swinishness, swinish stupidity, Ar. From ύηνός, ή, 6v, (vs) swinish. Plat. "Υης [ΰ], ου, b, (ΰω) epith. of Zevs 6μβριos, and of Bacchus : — to which of these the cry of άττ7]5 in Dem. should be referred, is doubtful, ΰθλε'ω, f. ήσω, to talk nonsense, trifle, prate, Lat. nugari, Ar. From ‘ΎΘΛΟΣ, b, idle talk, 7ionsense, Plat., Dem.; in pi., ΰθλoυs λέ^ειν, like Lat. 7iugae, Plat, υΐα, υΐας, Ερ. acc. sing, and pi. of vibs. υίάσι, poet. dat. pi. of vibs. ύΐδιον, τό. Dim. of vs, Xen. II. υιδιον, τό. Dim. of vl6s, Ar. ύϊδους, ov, b, (vibs) like viBevs, a grandsoyi, Xen., Dem. υίϊδ€ΰ 5 , εωs, b,=viBovs, Isocr. ύϊκδς, 7], 6v, (vs) of or for swhie, νικάν τι ττάσχειν to have something of the swine's nature, Xen. υΙο-θεσ'ία, ή, (τίθημι B. l) adoption as a so7i, N. T. Yl'0 'Σ, b, regul. viov, νίψ, νίάν : — also declined as if there were a nom. ^υίεύς, gen. vUos, dat. νίει, Ep. νίεϊ, acc. vUa : dual νίεε, νίεοιν : pi. vleis, Ep. viies, υΙεσι, vleis, Ep. viias : Horn, also has (as if from a nom. *νΙζ) gen. vTos, dat. νΐι, acc. vTa, dual νΐε (dis- tinguished from the voc. sing, νίε by the accent), pi. vies, νίάσι, vias : — in late Ep. we have gen. vi^os, vliji, etc. A son, \jsX. fllius, Horn., etc. ; νΐδν ποιεΐσθαί τινα to adopt him as a son, Aeschin. ; viels dvBpes grown up sons, Dem. : — rarely of animals, N. T. 2. periphr., vies 'Αχαιών, for 'Αχαιοί, II.; cf. nals. [Horn, some- times makes the ist syll. short, as if it were wos.] υΙων09, οΰ, b, (vibs) a grandson, Horn., Plut. υλαγμα [υ], arros, τά, (ύλάω) the bark of a dog, Eur. : metaph., v7]7riois vλάyμaσιv with idle sjtarlings, Aesch. ύ.\αγμ05 [υ], b, (ύλάω) a barking, baying, II., Xen. ΰλ-αγωγεω [ϋ], f. -ησω, (άyωybs) to carry wood, Dem. ύλαϊος, a, ov, (ΰλτ]) of the forest, savage, Theocr. υλακή, ή, (ύλόα>) a barking, howling, Anth., Plut. ύλακό-μωρος, ov, always barking, still howling or yelling, Od. ύλακτεω [ΰ] : aor. i ύλάκτιησα : (ύλάω) : — to bark, boy, howl, of dogs, II., Ar. ; of hounds, to give tongue, νΧακτητηζ — ύός. Xen. 2. Tnetzph., KpaSir] νλακτζΐ howls for rage, Od. ; c. acc. cogn. to yell forth bold and shameless words, Soph, j άμουσ’ υΚακτων howling his uncouth songs, Eur. II. trans. to bark at, τινά Ar., Isocr. Hence •ΰλοκτητης, ον, δ, a barker, Anth. •ίιλά-τόμ,ος, Dor. for ύλη-τόμο5. ΎΛΑΏ [υ], only in pres, and impf. to howl, bark, bay, of dogs, Od. : so in Med., kvv^s ουχ ύλάοντο Ib. II. trans. to bark or bay at, τινά Od., Theocr. (Formed from the sound.) ■υλβιώτης, ου, δ, (ύλή) a forester , Anth. •ΎΛΗ [ϋ], η, Lat. sylva, a wood, forest, woodland, Horn., Hdt., etc. j τά δένδρα καϊ ϋκ-η fruit-trees and forest- trees, Thuc. : copse, brushwood, opp. to timber-trees, Xen. II. wood cut down, firewood, fuel, etc. III. like Lat. materia, stuff of which a thing is made, the raw material, wood, timber, Οά., Hdt. 2. in Philosophy, matter, Arist. 3. subject matter. Id. ύλήεις, βσσα, ^v, also uArjets as fern. : Dor. ύλάεΐξ, contr. neut. pi. υΧαντα : (υλη) : — woody, wooded, Horn., Soph., Eur. ; &Tapiros νλ. a path through the wood, Anth. 2. dwelling in the woods. Id. -δλη-κοίτης, ου, δ, one who lodges in the wood, Hes. ΰλη -τόμος, ον. Dor. υ\ά.τ6μο5, = υ\οτόμο$, Theocr. -ΰλη-φόρος, ov, = vKo-(p0pos, Ar. ΰλη-ωρός, όν, (ovpos) watching the wood, Anth. ύλίζω, f. tVeo, to filter, strain : v. δι-υλίζω. (Deriv. uncertain.) ΰλο-βάτης, ου, δ, one who haunts the woods, Anth. ΐ)λό-κομος, ον, {κόμη) thick grown with wood, Eur. ύλο-σκόττος, ον, watching over woods, Anth. υλοτομόω, to cut ox fell wood, Hes. ; and ■υλοτομία, η, the cutting ox felling of wood, Arist. From ■ίιλο-τόμος, ον, {τόμνω) cutting or felling wood, II. : — as Subst. νΚοτόμο5, δ, a wood-cutter, woodman, Ib., Soph. II. proparox. vKότoμos, ov, pass, cut in the wood : rb υΚότομον a plant used as a charm, h. Horn, ■ίιλ-ουργός, όν, {*€ρ·γω) working wood : as Subst. υλουρ- 70 s, δ, a carpenter or woodman, Eur. -ύλο-ψάγος [o], ov, {(pay eiv) feeding in the woods, Hes. -ίιλο-ψορβός, όν, {(ρόρβομαι) feeding in the woods, Eur. ■υλο-ψόρος, δ, {<ρόρω) a wood-carrier, Anth. ■υλ-ώδης, es, {albos) woody, wooded, Thuc. ; τά ύλώδη wooded ground, Xen. II. turbid, muddy, Plut. ■υλωρός, δ, {ovpos) = άypovόμos, a forester, Arist. Ύμάν, Dor. for 'Ύμ^ιν. -υμόες, -υμείς, nom. pi. of συ. ■υμέναιος [ΰ], δ, ('Τμήν) hymenaeus, the wedding or bridal song, sung by the bride’s attendants as they led her to the bridegroom’s house, II., Trag. 2. a wedding. Soph., Eur.; and in pi.. Soph., Eur. II. = 'Τμήν, Hymen, the god of marriage, addressed in wedding-songs, '’ΐμ)]ν S> 'Ύμόναι &ναξ Eur. ; Dor. 'Ύμαν ‘Τμεναιε Theocr. Hence ■ΰμεναιόω [ΰ], f. ώσω, to sing the wedding-song, Aesch. 2. to wed, take to wife, Theocr. ; proverb., Txpiv Kev \vKos olv υμέναιοι Ar. ■υμενήιος, δ, ('Τμήν) epith. of Bacchus, Anth. ■υμενό-'ΤΓτερος [υ], ον, (τττερόν) membrane-winged , Luc. ■ΰμε'ς [ϋ], Dor. for ύμets. ■υμετερος [ΰ], ο, ον, (ύμ€ί 5 ) your, yours, Lat. vestcr. 829 Horn., etc. ; with a Pron. added in gen., νμότ€ρο 5 έκα- στου Θυμ05 the courage of each of you, II. ; ύμ€τερο 5 αυτών θυμό$ your own mind, Od. ; — ύμετερόνδε to your house, II. : — rb νμότβρον your part, your business, Hdt. ; rb δ’ νμ. ττραξαι yotir character is to do so and so, Thuc. : — with the Article, ai ύμότ€ραι ikirlbes hopes raised by you. Id. ; τη νμ. τταρακ^λξύσβι for the purpose of advising jvom. Plat. ΎΜΗ'Ν, evos, δ, a thin skin, membrajie, Arist. ΎΜΗ'Ν, evos, δ. Hymen, the god of marriages, v. 'Τμε- vaios. [ϋ, whereas in 'Ύμevaιos, υ is short.] ■υμμες, υμμι and -ϊν, -υμμε, Aeol. for ύμe7s, νμ7ν, vμas. ■ΰμν-αγόρας, ου, δ, (αγορεύω) a singer of hymns, Anth. ■ΰμνε'ω, Ep. -είω. Dor. 3 pi. ύμνευσι, fern. part, υμνευσα : f. ·ί\σ(Λ : {υμvos) : I. with acc. to sing, laud, sing of, Lat. canere, c. acc., Hes., Trag. also in Prose, to celebrate, commemorate, Hdt., Xen. ; — c. dupl. acc., & την ττόΚιν ύμνησα the points wherein I praised our city, Thuc. : — Pass, to be sung of, ’Ap- ye7oi ύμνόαται (Ion. for -ηνται) have been praised, Wdt . ; υμνηθΊ]σ^ται ττόλίϊ Eur. ; ai υμνουμ^ναι (piAiai the famous friendships, Arist. 2 . c. acc. cogn. to sing, Aesch., Eur. II. to tell over and over again, to re- peat, recite, rehearse, Lat. decantare. Plat. ; ύμvησe^s κακά wilt sing continually of thy ills. Soph. ; τάν εμάν ύμν^υσαι (Ion. for -ονσαι) άτηστοσνναν ever singing of my want of faith, Eur. : — Pass., /3αί’, αεί δ’ υμνούμενα few words, but such as oft repeated. Soph. III. intr. to sing, chant, Thuc., Xen. 2 , in a pass, sense, (ρημαι υμνησουσι ττερί τά ώτα will ring in their ears. Plat. [In Eur. sometimes ΰ.] Hence ■υμνητε'ον, verb. Adj. one must praise. Plat., Luc. -υμνητ-ηρ, ^pos, δ, = ύμvητηs, Anth. ; fern., ύμνητ^φα Id. •υμνητ-ης, ov, δ, (ΰμνεω) a singer, praiser. Plat, •ίιμνητός, η, όν, verb. Adj. of ύμνε'ω, sung of , praised,, lauded, Pind. ■υμνο-θε'της, ου, δ, a composer of hymns, a lyric poet, Theocr., Anth. ■υμνο-ίΓοιός, όν, (ττοιεω) making hymns: as Subst., ■υμν., δ, a minstrel, Eur. ■υμνο-ττόλος, ov, (ττολε'ω) busied with songs of praise : as Subst., -ΰμν., δ, a poet, minstrel, Anth. "ΎΜΝΟΣ, δ, a hymn, festive song or ode, in praise of gods or heroes, Od. ; υμνο 5 Θεών to or in honour of the gods, Aesch. ; τιμών θεδν ΰμνοισιν Eur. ; — in Trag. also of mournful songs, Aesch., etc. ■υμνωδε'ω, f. Ίτισω, to sing a hymn or song of praise : generally, to sing, υμν. θρήνον Aesch. II. = χρησμιρδόω, Eur. [ΰ in Aesch.] ■υμνωδία, η, the singing of a hymn, hymning, Eur. II. = χρ 77 σμ<ρδία, a prophetic strain. Id. υμν-ωδός, όν, (ψδή) singing hymns, υμν. κόραι the minstrel maids, h 2 ur. ■υμοιος, a, ov, Aeol. for 0μοιο$. ύμός [ϋ], ά and ή, όν. Dor. and Ep. for ύμε'τερο 5 , your, Horn., Hes. II. in Pind. also for σόχ. vv, acc. of vs. •ΎΝΙΣ [υ], η, a ploxighshare, Babr., Plut. ■ΰο-μουσία, η, swine's inusic, swinish taste in music, Ar. νό-ττριρροζ, ov, of a ship, havjng a beak turned up like a swine's snout, Plut. ■υός, gen. of vs. 830 ύοσκναμος — ύτταντάω. •ί) ο σ- κύαμος, δ, (5s) hen-bane, Hyoscyarnus, Xen. 1 •ίιο-φόρβιον, τό, = συο-φόρβιον, a herd of swine, Strab. ■υΐΓ-άγγβλος, ον, summoned by messenger, Aesch. ντΓ-αγκαλίζω, f. ίσω and ιω, to clasp in the arms, em- brace, Eur. : — Pass., y €vos ύπτη-γκαλισμ^νη having them clasped in her arms. Id. Hence ύ-τταγκάλισμα [ά], oros, ro, that which is clasped in the arms, a beloved one. Soph., Eur. υτΓα, 7 ορ€·υω, the aor. in Att. is υττίίττον, the pf. ύπ^ίρηκα : — to dictate, Lat. praeire verbis, Xen., Dem. II. j to suggest, Plut. ; ύπ-άγω, f. υττά^ω : aor. 2 vnr,yayov : A. trans. to j lead or bring under, viraye Cvyov iinrovs bring them j under the yoke, II. ; simply, vwayciv ημιόνου5 Od. 2. ! metaph. to briyig under one^s power, Hdt., Luc. : — Med. > to bring under one's own power, reduce, Thuc. II. i to bring a person before the judgment-seat (the υτ:6 ■ refers to his being set beneath the judge’s seat), Hdt. ; j vK. Tiva els 8ίκ·ην Thuc. ; ύττ. rivb. θανάτου on a capital j charge, Xen. III. to lead slowly on, to lead on by | degrees, tos Kvvas Id. : — to lead on by art or deceit, i Hdt., Xen. ; ύττ. ηνά els ελπίδα Eur. : — so in Med., Xen.; ύπ. Tovs Θηβαίου5 to win them, Dem. : — in Med. also to suggest a thing so as to lead a person on, Eur., Xen. IV. to take away from under, withdraw, II. : Pass., υ■πayoμevoυ του χώματο$ Thuc. 2. to draw off, τδ στράτευμα Id. B. intr., of an army, to draw off or retire slowly, Hdt., Thuc. II. to go slowly forwards, draw on, OTtay S>, υπαΫ on with you ! Eur. ; ijiraye, τί μελ- λεts; Ar. : — of an army, to come gradually on, Xen. ■ύττα,γωγή, a leading on gradually, Xen. II. (from υπάγω intr.) a retreat, withdrawal , Thuc. υτΓ·αείδω, contr. -αδω : aor. i υπ-ασα : — to sing by way of accompaniment, in tmesi. Αίνον δ’ ΰπδ καλδν &ei5ev II. ; ύπ. με'λο5 Ar. ; ύττ. τινί to accompany with the voice. Id. "ίιποί, Ep. for υπό. ύπαι-δείδοικα, Ep. for υποδε'δοίκο, pf. of ύποδείδω. ΰτΓ-αι,δε'ομαι, to shew some respect for, τινα Xen. | υπαιθα, Adv. (ύποί) out under, slipping away, II. II. Prep, with gen, under, at the side of, Ib. ύτΓ-αίθριος, ον, and a, ov, {αΙθί,ρ) under the sky, in the open air, a-field, ύττ. κατακοιμηθηναι, of an army, Hdt., Thuc. ; ύπ. δρόσοι Aesch. ΰτΓ-αιθρος, ου, =foreg. : ύτταιθρον, τό, as Subst., ευ ύτταίθρφ, sub Dio, in the open air, Xen. 2, τά ύπαιθρα, the field, the open country, Polyb. υτΓ-αίθω, to set on fire below or secretly, Soph. ■5τΓ-αινίσσομαι, Att. -ττομαι, Dep. to intimate darkly, hint at, Dem., Plut. ύτΓ-αιρε'ω, Ion. for ύψ-αιρόω. ■υτΓ-άΐσσω, Att. -ασσω, f. |ω, to dart beneath, c. acc., II. II. to dart from tinder, c. gen., Ib. : — also, ύπα|ο5 διά θυρών Soph. ■υτΓ-ακτχύνομαι [ϋ]. Pass, to be somewhat ashamed, τινά τι of 2 , thing before a person. Plat. ύτΓ-αιτιος, ου, under accusation, called to account, responsible, tivos or ύπερ tivos for a thing, Antipho j j Tivi to a person, Xen. ; υπαίτιόν ε’στι τί τινι a charge \ is made against one. Id. j ύπακοή, η, [υπακούω) obedience, N. T. υτΓ-άκούω, f. -ακούσομαι : I. absol. to listen, hearken, give ear, Horn., Eur. 2. to make answer when called, Od., Theocr. 3. foil, by a case, to listen or hearken to, give ear to, attend to, tiv0s Ar., etc . ; also, ύπ. τινί Thuc., etc. II. Special senses : 1. of porters, to answer a knock at the door, ύπ. τινί Plat., Theophr. ; b ύπακούσα$ the porter, Xen. 2. of a judge, to listen to a complainant, τίυί Id. : — but of accused persons, to answer to a charge, Dem. 3. of dependents and subjects, to submit to, Tiv0s Hdt., Xen. ; τινί Ar., Thuc. : also to yield to, comply with, τινί Plat. : — c. gen. rei, to give ear to, Xen. ; ύπ. τφ ξυμφόριρ τιν05 to comply with his interest, Thuc. : — absol. to give way, submit, coTnply, Hdt. 4. to answer one's expectations, to succeed, Luc. 5. metaph., avyats ήλιου ύπ. to be subject to the sun’s rays, Pind. ύπ-α,λείφω, f. φω, to lay thinly on, to spread like salve ; in Med., ύπολείφεσθαι φάρμακον Plat. II. to anoint, τώ όφθαλμω Ar. : — in Med. to anoint oneself. Id. J ύπ. τούϊ οφθαλμούε to anoint one's eyes, Xen. ; — Pass, of the eyes, ύπαλ-ηλιμμόνοι Id. •υπ-αλεύομαι, (άλεύω) Ep. Dep., = ύπαλύσκω, ύπαλευά- μευο5 θάνατον (aor. ι part.) Od. ; ύπαλζύίο φήμηυ (imper.) Hes. ■υπ-αλλάγή, η, an interchange, exchange, change, Eur. •υττάλλαγμα, ατοε, τό, that which is exchanged, νόμισμα ύπάλλayμa τηε xpeias money is the exchangeable representative of demand, Arist. From ■ίητ-αλλάσσω, Att. -ττω, f. |ω, to exchange, Luc. υΐΓ-άλπειος, a, ov, (‘Άλπείϊ) under the Alps ; — ^ ύπαλ- πεία (sc. χώρα) sub-Alpine Italy, Plut. υπάλυξις, εωϊ, ή, a shunning, escape, Horn. From ■υπ-άλύσκω, Ep. aor. i ύπ-άλυξα, = ύπαλζΰομαι, to avoid, shun, fiee from, escape, Horn, ύττ-αναγιγνώσκω, f. -yvώσoμaι, to read by way of pre- face, premise by reading, Aeschin. ΰτΓ- αναλίσκω, aor. i ύπ-ανάλωσα, to waste away, spend or consume gradually, Thuc., Plut., etc. ΰπανάστάσις, η, a rising up from one's seat. Plat, 'όπαναστάτεον, verb. Adj. of ύπανίσταμαι, one must rise up, Xen. υτταναχωρεω, f. •{]σομαι, to retire slowly, Thuc. •υτΓ-ανδρος, ου, (ουήρ) under a man, subject to him, married, N. T., Plut. ύτΓ-άνειμι, (είμι ibo) to come on, creep on, Luc. ύτΓ-α,νε'μιος, Dor. for ύπ-ηνόμιοε. ύτΓ-ανϊάομαι, Pass, to be somewhat distressed, opt. -ιφντο Ar. ■υπανίημι, to remit or relax a little, Plut. : — intr., τού φόβου ύπανόντοε (aor. 2 part.) Id. υπ-ανίσταμαι. Pass, with aor. 2 and pf. act. to rise, stand tip, Theogn. ; of game, to start up, to be sprung, Xen. 2. ύπ. ττ\ε 'όδρηε to rise up from one’s seat to make room or shew respect to another, Lat. assur- gere alicui, Hdt., Ar., etc. ύτΓ-ανοίγω or -γνυμι, f. ξω : pf. ύπavόψya : — to open from below : to open underhand or secretly, Dem. ΰτΓ-αντάω, Ion. -εω : f. --ήσομαι : aor. i -άιντησα : — to come or go to meet, either as a friend or in arms, τινί Xen., etc. : — also c. gen.. Soph. II. metaph. to meet, reply or object to, τινί Eur. viravna ιζω — υ υττείκω. ν-τταντιάζω, f. άσΌ) [ά], to come or go to meet, step forth to meet, encounter, absol., II., Aesch., etc. : c. dat., Aesch., Xen., etc.; also c. acc., Hdt., Plut. ■δίΓ-αντρος, ον, with caverns underneath, Strab. -ί)ΐΓ-α'π·€ΐλ€ω, f. ήσω, to threaten tinderhand, τινί Xen. -υ7Γ-άτΓ€ΐμ.ι, {(Ίμι ibo) to depart stealthily or slowly, to withdraw, retreat, Thuc. ■iiir-aTroKivew, f. ήσω, intr. to move off secretly, sneak away from, c. gen., Ar. ■ύτΓ-άτΓτω, Ion. for ύφ-άτττω. *ΎΠΑ''Ρ, τ6, indecl., a waking vision, opp. to ovap '^a dream), ουκ ovap, άλλ’ νπαρ no illusive dream, but a reality, Od. ; so Find., Aesch. II. the acc. is used as Adv., in a waking state, awake. Plat. ; ovap ^ ί/τταρ ζην to pass life asleep or awake, Id. 2. ΰτταρ in reality, actually. Id. ■υτΓ-άρ-γΰρος, ον, having silver underneath; hence, 1. containing silver, veined with silver, ττ4τρα, χθων Eur. : — containing a proportion of silver, metaph. of men. Plat. II. sold or hired for silver , mercenary, venal. Find. wapKTcov, verb. Adj. of υττάρχω, one must begin. Plat. xiir-apKTios, ov, (άρκτοε) towards the north, Plut. υτΓ-αρνοξ, ov, with a lamb under it, i. e. suckling a lamb or (metaph.) a babe, Eur. ■υτΓ-αριτάζω, Ion. for ύφ-αρττάζω. ύπαρχή, the beginning : ύτΐαρχη$, from the begin- ning, afresh, anew, Lat. denuo. Soph., Dem. υτΓ-αρχος, δ, commanding under Sinoth^r, a lieutenant, lieutenant-governor, viceroy, Hdt., etc. ύτΓ-άρχω, f. : aor. i ύπηρξα : — Pass., pf. υττηρΎμαι, Ion. -αρΎμαι : — to begin, make a beginning·, absol., Od., Eur., etc. 2. c. gen. to make a beginning of, άδικίη5 Hdt.; πολλών κακών Eur., etc. 3. c. part to begin doing, υπήρξαν &5ικα ποΐζΰντ€5 Hdt. ; υπάρχει eu ποιώντινα Xen. 4. c. acc., ύπ. evepycaias eXs riva or Tivi to begin [doing] kindnesses to one, Dem., Aeschin. : — Pass, to be begun, τα ck tivos υπapyμiva (Ion. for ύπηpy-) Hdt. : — impers., ύπηρκτο αυτοΰ a be- ginning of it had been made, Thuc. B. to begin to be, come into being, arise, spring up, Aesch., etc. 2. to be in existence, to be there, to be ready, Hdt., Att.; — c. gen., υπάρχει τώνδβ there is store of these things, Aesch. : — oft. in part., η νπάρ- χουσα ουσία the existing property, Isocr. ; ra ύπ. αμαρτ-Ιιματα Thuc. ; rrjs ύπ. τιμη$ for the current price, Dem. 3. simply to be, Trag., Thuc., etc. 4. sometimes with a part., much like Toyxavw, τοιαυτα [αύτψ] ύπηρχζ 46ντα Hdt. ; ύπ. 4χθρδ5 ών Dem. II. like ύπόκζιμαι ΐι. 2 , to be laid down, to be taken for granted. Plat.; τούτων ύπapχ6vτωv = quae cum ita sint. Id. III. to belong to, fall to one, accrue, ύπάρχ€ΐ τινί τι one has, Hdt., Thuc. ; η ύπάρχουσα <}>ύσΐ5 your own proper nature, its normal condition, Thuc. 2. of persons, ύπ. τινί to be devoted to one, Xen.j Dem. ; κα& ύμών ύπάρξ^ι βκ^ίνφ he will be on his side against you, Dem. IV. often in neut. pi. part., τα ύπάρχοντα, 1. existing circumstances, present advantages, Thuc., Xen., etc. 2. what belongs to one, one^s possessions, means, Thuc., etc. V. impers., ύπαρχοι, the fact is that . . , c. acc. et inf.. Soph. 2. it is allowed, it is possible. 831 c. dat. et inf., ύπ. μοι elvai or ποι^Ιν τι Thuc., Plat. : — absol., ώσπ^ρ ύπηρχ^ as well as was possible, Thuc. 3. in neut. part., like 4ξ6ν, παρόν, etc., ύπαρχον ύμ7ν πολ€μ€Ϊν since it is allowed you to make war. Id. •ίιΐΓ-ασιτίδιος [ττί], ον, (ασπίε) under shield, covered with a shield, τύν ύπ. κόσμον the arms of Ajax, Soph.; ύπ. κοΊτον laoeiv to sleep an armed sleep, sleep in arms, Eur. : neut. pi. ύπασπίδια as Adv., II. ύττ-ασιτίζω, to serve as shield-bearer, τινί Find., Eur. ύΐΓ-αστΓίστής, ού, ό, a shield-bearer, armour-bearer, esquire, Hdt., Eur., etc. υπ-άσσω, Att. for ύπ-αί'σσω. ύττατευω, f. σω, (υπατο5) to be consul, Plut. ύττάτη (sc. χορδΊ]), η, the lowest note of the three which formed the Gr. scale (v. μόση, ν(άτη). Plat, ύττατικός, ή, όν, of consular rank, Lat. consularis, Plut. υττατος, η, ον, for ύπόρτατο5, like Lat. summus for supremus, the highest, uppemnost, of Zeus, ίίττατοϊ κρζιόντων, θζών ΰπ., Horn. ; οι ύπατοι the gods above, Lat. superi, opp. to 01 χθόνιοι, Lat. inferi, Aesch.; ύπaτόs tis some god above. Id. 2. simply of Place, iv πυρη ύπατη on the very top of the funeral pile, II. 2. oiTixne, last, \^ 2 λ. supremus, Soph., Xnih. 4. of Quality, highest, best. Find. II. c. gen., like the Prep, ύπό, ύπατο5 χώρα$ supreme over the land, Aesch. ; ύπατοι λύχνων high above the nest. Id. III. as Subst., ύπατοε, δ, the Roman consul, Polyb., etc. •uTT-avXew, f. Ί]σω, to play on the flute in accompani- ment, Luc. ΰτΓ-αυλος, ov, (αυλή) under or in the court, c. gen., σκηνη5 ύπαυλο$ under shelter of the tent. Soph. ■υχαυχ€νιο9, a, ov, inider the neck, Anth. : as Subst., ύπαυχόνιον, τ6, a cushion for the neck, Luc. ντΓ-αφίσταμαι, Pass., with aor. 2 and pf. act., to step back slowly, to withdraw, Antipho. •υτΓ-αφροξ, ov, somewhat frothy, υμμα ύπ. an eye difn with tears, Eur. -ίΐΊΓ-άφρων, ovos, δ, η, somewhat stupid, Hdt. νπ-ίασι. Ion. for ύπ-€ΐσι, 3 pi. of ύπ^ιμι {^Ιμί sum). •inr-eyyvos, ov, having given surety, liable to be called to account ox punished, responsible, Aesch.; ύπ. ττλήν θανάτου liable to any punishment short of death, Hdt. : c. dat., τδ yap ύπίyyυov δίκα καΐ θίοΐσιν liability to human and divine justice, luir. υ'π·-€γχ€ω, f. -χ^ώ, to pour in yet more, Plut. ΰΐΓ-€δδ€ΐσαν, Ep. for -όδβισαν, 3 pi. aor. i of ύποδίίδω. ύτΓ-εδβίδισαν, 3 pi. plqpf. of ύποδβίδω. ύ7Γ-€δ€κτο, Ep. 3 sing. aor. 2 of ύποδόχομαι. ΰτΓ-βδραμον, aor. 2 of ύποτρόχω. ύτΓ-εδυν, aor. 2 of ύποδύομαι. ύτΓ-εθερμάνθην, aor. i pass, of ύποθχρμαίνω. ύτΓ-ειδόρ,ην, aor. 2 med., inf. -ιδόσθαι, to view from below, to behold, Eur. II. metaph. to mistrust, suspect. Id. : — ύφοράω is used as pres. ■inr-€iKd0€'iv,aor. 2 of ύπ^ίκω, opt. ύπ^ικάθοιμι Soph., Plat. ■uireiKTCov, verb. Adj. one must yield. Soph., Plat. υτΓ-είκω, h'p. ύπο-^ίκω, with impf. ύπό(ΐκον : f. ύπ^ίξω, Ep. ύπ^ίξομαι, ύποΰξομαι : a( ". i ύπίΐξα, Ep. uTrJei^a : cf. ύπβικαθΐΐν : — to retire, withdraw, depart, νίών from the ships, 11. ; ύπ. τινί εδρ?;? to retire from one’s scat for another (cf. ύπανίσταμαι), Od. ; ύπ. τινϊ λό- yωv, i. c. to allow him to speak first, Xen. 2. to υτΓβιμι — νττεναντίος. 832 yield, give Vi'ay, τιμαΊς νττ. to give viay to authority, Soph.j ΰτΓ, Tivi Xen. : absol. to give -way, comply, Horn., etc. ; ύττ^Ίκον, — ol iwciKovres, Eur. c. inf., νών inrciK^ τον KaaiyvrjTov μολ€Ϊν concede to us that he may come. Soph. 3. c. acc., x^lpas €μά5 υττό^ιξ^ he scaped my hands, II. ΰΐΓ-βιμι (etVt suni) to he under, Lat. subesse, c. dat., II. ; ΤΓολλησι [ίττττοίϊ] πώλοι νπησαν under many mares 'xere sucking· foals, Ib. ; of horses, to be under the yoke, to he yoked in the chariot, Hdt. II. to he or lie underneath. Id., Aesch. 2. to be laid down, ύπόντο5 TovSc this being granted, Eur. 3. to re- main concealed, lurk, Xen. 4. of things, to he left '■ remaining, remain, he at command, Hdt., Att. III. to be subjected or subject, Eur. ν7Γ-6ΐμι, (βΤμί ibo) used as fut. of νπίρχομαι, to steal secretly xipon one, Lat. subire, c. acc., Ar. II. to depart gradually or secretly, Hdt. νίΓβίξω, fut. of ύπβίκω. ντΓ-€ΪτΓον, aor. 2 with no pres, in use (νπα'γορ€νω being used instead) : f. ύπ-^ρώ : pf. νπ-ίίρηκα : — to say as a foundation or preface, to premise, suggest, Eur., Thuc., etc. 2. to subjoin, add, Ατ., Dem. 3. to suggest an explanation, explain, interpret. Soph., Plat. vTreip, Ep. for νπ/ρ, used when a long syll. Is needed before a vowel, e. g. uirelp αλο Horn. ν7Γ€ΐρ-€βαλον, Ep. aor. 2 of υπερβάλλω. ■υ7Γ6ΐρ-€χω, Ep. for νπ€ρ-€χω. ύττείρ-οχος, ον, Ep. and Ion. for ύπΐρ-οχο$. ντΓ-είσας, Ion. aor. i part, of νφ-ίΐσα. ΰτΓ-εισδΰομαι, Med. with aor. 2 act. -ciaebvv, to get in secretly, to slip or steal in, Hdt. υΐΓ-€ΐσερχομαι, aor. 2 -€ΐσηλθον, Dep. to enter secretly, to come into one^s mind, Luc. ντΓ-εκ, before a vowel ύττ-εξ, [υπό, 4κ) poet. Prep, with gen. out from under, from bejieath, away from, II. ■ίιτΓ-εκδεχομαι, Dep. to have under one, of a cow, πόρτιν μαστψ νπ. to have a calf under her udder, Anth. ΰτΓ-εκδραμειν, aor. 2 inf. of ύπ^κτρ^χω. ίιΤΓ-εκδ-υομαι, Med., with aor. 2 act., to slip out of, escape, c. acc., Eur. ; c. gen., Plut. ; absol., υπcκbΰs having slipped out, Hdt. •ύτΓ-εκεχΰτο, 3 sing, plqpf. of νπ^κχ^ω. ■ίιιτεκθεω, to run off secretly ox gradually, Plut. ύτΓ-εκκαλυτΓτω, f. ψω, to xincover below or a little, Anth. ■ΰττεκκαυμα, aros, τό, {4κκαίω) combustible matter , fuel , Xen.: — metaph. an incentive, fomes, ερωτο5 Id. ■ύΐΓ-εκκειμαι, f. -€ΚΚ€ίσομαι, Pass, to be carried out to a place of safety, to he stowed safe away, Hdt., Thuc. ύττ-εκκλίνω [t], -^κκλΧνώ, to bend aside, escape, Ar. : c. acc. to shun, avoid, Plut. •ίΐΊΓ-εκκομίζω, f. Att. ιώ, to carry out or away secretly, Thuc., etc. : — Med., ύπ^κκομίσασθαι πάντα to get all one's goods carried secretly out, Hdt. v'π■-eκλαμβάvω,f . -λτ-,φομαί, to carry off underhand, Eur. -ύτΓ-εκλίνθην, aor. i pass, of νποκλίνω. ύτΓ-εκλ-υω, f. -λνσω, to loosen ox weaken gradually , Plut. ■ύτΓ-εκττεμττω, f. φω, to send out secretly, Thuc., Eur. : — Pass., c. acc. loci, rb Φωκίων π45ον νπ(ξ€π€μφθην I was sent out secretly to Phocis, Soph, νπ-εκιτλεω, -ττλευίτομαι, to sail out secretly, Plut. ύτΓ-εκττροθεω, f. -θ^ύσομαι, to run forth from under,. outstrip, II. : — absol. to run on before, Horn. ■υτΓ-εκττρολ-υω, f. -Aucrw, to loose from under, ημιόνουΒ μ€ν ύπ€κπροίλυσαν άπ-ηνηχ loosed the mules from under the carriage-yoke, Od. •ύτΓ-εκττρορεω, f. -ρ^νσομαι, to flow forth under, Od. ■υτΓ-€ΚΤΓροφ€·υγω, f. —φΐνξομαι : aor. 2 —4φιτγον : — to flee away secretly, escape and flee, Horn. ■ΰτΓ-εκρεω, f. -ρυ-ησομαί : aor. 2 ύπζξζρρύην : — to flow out under : — metaph. to pass away gradually , Plat, i to slip otit, Plut. ■ύΐΓ-εκρήγννμαι, Pass, to be gradually broken away, Plut. ύτΓ-εκρίτΓτω, f. φω, to cast down oxit of, Plut. ντΓ-εκρΰφθην, aor. i pass, of νπο-κρύπτω. ντΓ-εκσώζω, f. σω, to save by drawing away from, Aesch. : absol., avrhv υπ^^^σάωσ^ν (Ep. for-€σωσ€^') II. ■ΰττεκτίθβμαι, aor. 2 -(κΘ^μην, Med. to bring one' s goods to a place of safety, carry safely away, ίστ tcv τ4κνα ύπ^κθίωνται (y pi. aor. 2 subj.) Hdt.; so in Att.: — Pass, to be carried otit to a place of safety, Hdt. ■υτΓ-εκτρεττω, f. φω, to turn gradually or secretly from a thing, τί rivos Soph. : — Med. to turn aside from, c. acc.. Plat. ; c. inf., νπ€κτραπ4σθαι μ^ ου ^υν^κσώζαν to decline the task of helping to save. Soph. ■υτΓ-εκτρεχω, f. -ζράμουμαι : aor. 2 νπ€ξ4ζράμον : — to run out from under, escape from, c. acc., Hdt., Soph., etc. ; — c. inf., %v eya» μ^ davuv ύπ€κζράμω Eur. II. to run out heyojid. Soph. ΰτΓ-εκφερω, f. -(ξοίσω, to carry out a little, υττε^εφερεν σάκο$ lifted It a little outwards, so that Teucer could take shelter under it, II. II. to carry out from under, vihv ύπεξεφερε πολίμοιο Ib. : to carry away, hear onward, Οά. III. mix., ΰπ.^^μ4ρτ]$ δζψ to get the start by a day’s journey, Hdt. ■ύτΓ-εκφεύγω, f. -φζύξομαι : aor. 2 -(ξ^φΰγον : — to flee away or escape secretly, Horn., Soph. II. mostly c. acc. to escape from, II., Thuc. ύτΓ-εκχαλάω, f. άσω, to slacken gradually , Anth. ■ίιτΓ-εκχωρε'ω, f. ήσα?, to withdraw or retire slowly or unnoticed, Hdt. : — c. dat. pers. to retire and give place to another. Plat. ; υπ. τφ θανάτψ to make way for death, i. e. to escape it. Id. ■ίιΐΓ-ελαβον, aor. 2 of ύπο-λαμβάνω. χιΤΓ-ελαυνω, f. -ε|ελά), (sub. rhv Ίππον), to ride up so as to meet, Xen. ■ύτΓ-ελθειν, aor. 2 inf. of ύπίρχομαι. ■ίιτΓ-ε'λοντο, Ep. for νφ-βίλοντο, 3 pi. aor. 2 med. of ύφ- αιρ4ω. -ΰτΓ-ε'λυντο, 3 pi. Ep. aor. 2 pass, of ύπολύω. ΰΐΓ-ελνσαο, Ep. 2 sing. aor. i med. of ύπολύω. ■ίιτΓ-ε'μεινα, aor. i of ύπομύνω. ύΐΓ-εμνάασθε, Ep. 2 pi. of ύπομνάομαι. ΰΐΓ-εμνημϋκε, Ep. pf. of νπ-ημύω, he hangs down his head, stands with head hujig down, II. ΰτΓ-εναντιόομαι, Dep. to oppose secretly, Plut. •υτΓ-εναντίος, o, ov, set over against, meeting, άλλή- λοισιν Hes. 2. set against, opposite, of enemies in battle, Thuc.; oi ύπ. the enemy, Xen. 3. opposed, opposite : c. dat. opposite or cojitrary to, Hdt., Xen. : — as Subst., rb ύπ^ναντίον τούτου ττεφυκε the contrary hereto generally happens, Hdt. ; to ύπ. τούτων on the- υτΓβν^ί^ωμί — νττεραιωρβομαι. contrary, Id. II. Adv. -tcos, in a manner contrary to, τψ νόμφ Aeschin. -ύΐΓ-ενδίδωμι, f. -ΐνδώσω, to give voay a little, Thuc. νΐΓ-€νδΰμα, aros, ^6, an undergarment , Anth. From -υπενδύομαι, Pass., υπενδεδυμενοί χηωνα% having tunics on under their arms, Plut. -ύ-τΓ-ενερθε, and before a vowel -θεν, Adv. underneath, beneath, Horn., Ar. 2 , under the earth, in the nether -world, Lat. apud inferos, Od. II. as Prep., c. gen., under, beneath, Horn., Pind. -ϊΐΊΓ-εξάγω [ά], f. |α» : aor. 2 νττεξήγάγον : — to carry out from under, esp. out of danger, Horn., Hdt. II. ύπ. πόδα to withdraw gradually , retire slowly, Eur. ; and so, without πόδα, Hdt., Xen. -υπ-εξαιρεω, f . ήσα> : aor. 2 -ε|εΓλον : — to take away from below, αίμα ύπ. to drain away blood. Soph. 2. to make away with, to destroy gradually , Eur. ; του- Ίτίκλημ' ΰπεξελών having done away with the charge. Soph. : — Pass., Hdt., Thuc. II. Med. to take out privily for oneself , steal away ,\\. 2. to put aside, except, exclude. Plat., Dem. -υ-π-εξακρίζω, f. σω, to ascend to the summit, Eur. -ΰ-ΐΓ-εξαλε'ασθαι, inf. aor. i of ύπε^άλεομοι, Dep. to flee out from under, avoid, c. acc., II. -ύπ-εξαλ-υσκω, f. όξω, = foreg., c. acc., Hes. -ίιπ-εξαναβαίνω, to step suddenly hack, Theocr. -ΰτΓ-εξανάγομαι, Pass, to put out to sea secretly, Thuc. -ύτΓ-εξαναδυομαι, Med., with aor. 2 act. -εδνν, to come up from under, emerge, ύπε|αvαδυs a.K6s 11.; ύπ. κ€φαλγ to duck or stoop so as to avoid a blow, Theocr. •ίητ-εξανίσταμαι, = ύπονισταμαι, Plut., Luc.; ύπ. riui to rise and make room for him, Plut., Luc. ■υτΓ-εξαντλεω, to drain out from below, exhaust, Eur. -ύττεξειμι, (εΓμί iho') to go away secretly, withdraw gradually, Hdt. ; ύπ. rtvt to make way for one, give way to him, Dem. : — of fire or snow, to disappear gradually , Plat. -υ-πεξειρ-υω. Ion. for ύπεξερύω. -ίιπ-εξελαΰνω, f. -ελώ, to drive away gradually , Hdt. -ίι-π-εξελών, aor. 2 part, of ύπε|αίρε'ω. ίιπ-εξερύω, Ion. -ειρ-υω, f. σω, to draw out from under, draw away underhand, Hdt. ■ίιΤΓ-εξε'ρχομαι, Dep. with aor. 2 act. -εξηλθον, pf. -ε|ε- λήλύθα : — to go out from under : to go out secretly, withdraw, retire, Thuc., Dem. : — rarely c. acc. pers. to withdraw from, escape from, Thuc. 2 . to rise up and quit one's settlements, to emigrate, Hdt. II. to go out to meet. Id. •υτΓ-εξεσάωσα, Ep. for -ε'σωσο, aor. i of ύπεκσώ^ω. -υ-π-εξεφΰγον, aor. 2 of ύπεκφεύγω. -υΐΓ-εξε'χω, intr. to withdraw or retire secretly, Hdt. -ν-π-εξίσταμαι. Pass., with aor. 2 and pf. act., to depart secretly, ύπ. rr\s apxrjs to give up all claim to it, like Lat. abdicare se magistratu, Hdt. ; so c. inf., ύπ. ήρχειν Luc. 2. c. acc. to go out of the way of, to give place to, make way for, Xen. : c. dat. to yield to, give way to, Plut. ■ΰτΓ-εττλευσα, aor. i of ύποπλίω. •ύτΓ-ε'τΓτατο, 3 sing. aor. 2 of ύπο-πε'ταμαι. ■ΰπερ [υ], Ep. also ύπείρ, Lat. super hence are formed Comp, and Sup. ύπερτεροϊ, -raros. A. WITH GENIT., I. of Place, over, above : 1 . 833 in a state of rest, στερνόν ύπέρ μαζοΊο II. ; ύπερ κε- φα\7}$ στηναί τινι to stand over his head, Horn. : of countries, above, further inland, olKeovres ύπερ ‘Αλι- καρνασσού μεσόγαιαν Hdt. 2 . in a state of motion, over, across, ύπέρ ύαλασσα? χθονδ$ πατωμένου Aesch. 3 . over, beyond, ύπέρ πόντου Od. II. metaph., from the notion of standing over to protect, for, for defence of, in behalf of , Εκατόμβην ρ(ξαι ύπέρ Δαναών II. ; θύειν ύπέρ τη 5 πόλεω5 Xen. ; ύπέρ τηε πα- τρίδοϊ αμύν^ιν to fight for one’s country, etc. 2. for the sake of a person or thing, λισσεσύαι ύπέρ τοκίων, ύ. iraTphs καΐ μητρ05 11 . 3 . c. inf. for the purpose of, ύπέρ τού μηδε'να άποθνήσκειν to prevent any one from dying, Xen. 4 . for, instead of, in the name of, ύπέρ εαυτού Thuc. ; στρατηγών ύπέρ υμών acting as general by commission from you, Dem. III. like περί, on, of, concerning, Lat. de, ύπέρ σεθεν αισχεα ακούω 11 . ; τα λεγόμενα ύπερ tivos Hdt. Β. WITH ACC., expressing that over and beyond which a thing goes, I. of Place, over, beyond, Horn,, Plat. II. of Measure, over, above, exceed- ing, beyond, ύπέρ τδ /Βελτιστον Aesch. ; ύπέρ ε’λπίδα Soph., etc. 2. of transgression, beyond, contrary to, ύπέρ αΤσαν, ύπέρ μοίραν, ύπέρ 'όρκια 11 . III. of Number, above, upwards of, ύπέρ τεσσαράκοντα Hdt., Xen. ; ύπέρ τδ τ^μισυ more than half, Xen. IV. of Time, beyond, i. e. before, earlier than, b ύπερ τα Μηδικά π6\εμο5 Thuc. C. POSITION : ύπερ may follow its Subst., but then by anastrophe becomes ύπερ, Horn., Trag. D. AS ADV. over much, above measure, ύπερ μεν &γαρ Eur. ; written ύπεράγαν, Strab., etc. E. IN COMPOS., 1 . of Place, over, beyond, in ύπερ-βαίνω, ύπεp-πόvτιos. 2. for, in defence of, in ύπερ-ασπίζω, ύπερ-αλγεω. 3 . above measure, in ύπερ-7}<ρανοί, ύπερ-φίαλθ5. -ίιπερα [ύ], η, (ύπερ) an upper rope : pi. ύπεραι, the braces attached to the ends of the sailyards [επίκρια^, by means of which the sails are shifted fore and aft, to catch the wind, Od. -ύττερ-α,βε'λτερος, ον, above measure simple ox silly ,VSevn. -ύπερ-άγαμαι, Dep. to be exceedingly pleased. Plat. II. to admire above measure, tivos for a thing, Luc. ύ-περ-αγανακτεω, f. ι^σω, to be exceeding angry or vexed at a thing, c. gen.. Plat. ; c. dat., Aeschin. •υπερ-α-γαπάω, to love exceedingly , make much of, l)cm. •ύπερ-αγωνιάω, to be in great distress. Plat., Dem. ■ύπερ-ά-ης, as, gen. aos, (άημι) blowing hard, 11. ■ύττερ-αιμόω, f. ώσω, (οίμοί) to have over-much blood, Xen. ύπερ-αίρω, f. -άρώ, to lift or raise up over. Plat. : — Med. or Pass, to lift oneself above, to exalt oneself, be exalted, Ν.Ί. II. intr., 1 . c. acc. c/f 7/ιύ or get over, pass over, Lat. transcendere, Xen. ; ύπ. την άκραν to double the cape. Id. as military term, to outflank. Id. 2. to transcend, excel, outdo, τινά Tivi one in a thing, Dem. 3 . to overshoot, go beyond, exceed, καιρόν Aesch. III. to over- flow, Dem. ■υπε'ρ-αισχρο5> ον, exceeding foul or ugly, Xen. ■υπερ-αισχυνομαι, Pass, to feel much ashamed, Aeschin. ΰπερ-αιωρε'ομαι, Pass, to hang or be suspended over, project over, tivos Hdt. 2. in nautical language, 3 H ύττερακμος — νττβρβεβΧημβνως. -ύτΓβρ-άχθομαι, Pass, to he exceedingly grieved at a 834 c. gen. loci, to lie off a place, τγσι ρηυσΙ ύττ^ραιωρη- devTiS Φάληρου Hdt. ■ΰτΓ^ρ-ακμος, ον, (ακμή) past the bloom of youth, N.T. ■ΰ7Γ€ρ-α.κοντίζω, f. Att. ιώ, to overshoot, i. e. to outdo, c. acc., Ar. ; ύττ. viva κλεπτών to outdo one in stealing. Id. ■υττερ-ακρϊβής, is, exceedingly exact, Luc. ΰπβρ-ακρίζω, f. cro), to 7nount and climb over, c. acc., Xen. II. to project, beetle over, c. gen., Eur. ■υ 7 Γ 6 ρ-άκριος, ον, (ακρα) over or upo7t the heights, 01 'Ύττξράκριοι, = 01 Αιάκριοι , the highlajiders or inhabitants of the Attic uplajids, opp. to the richer classes of the plains and coasts, Hdt. 2. τά ύττ. the heights above the plain, the uplajids, Id. ντΓβρ-ακρος, ον, over or on the top: Adv., υιτ€ράκρω$ ζην to carry everything to excess, Dem. 'ύτΓ€ρ-αλ·γ€ω, f. ήίΤω, to feel pain for or because of, Tivis Soph., Eur. 2 . to grieve exceedingly, τινί at a thing, Hdt., Arist.: — absol., Eur. -ΰτΓ6ρ-αλγή5, is, gen. ios, exceeding grievous. Soph, ■ίιττερ-αλκής, is, (άλκτ)) gen. ios, exceeding strong, Pint, ■ίιιτερ-άλλομαι, aor. i -ηλάμην : syncop. 3 sing. aor. 2 ύτΓζρ-αλτο, part, -άλμevos : Dep. — to leap over or he- yond, c. gen., II. ; also c. acc., lb. ; so Xen. •UTTep-aWos, ov, above others, exceedmg great, Pind. ■uirep-aXTreios, ov, (‘'Αλττβίϊ) transalpine, Strab. -ύττερ-αναιδεΰομαι, Pass, to be surpassed in impude^ice, Ar. •υττερ-αναίσχυντος, ov, exceeding impudetit, Dem. •υττερ-ανατείνομαι, Pass, to exert oneself excessively , Luc. υιτερ-άνθρωττος, ov, superhuman, Luc. •υττερ-ανίσταμαι, Pass., with aor. 2 and pf. act. to stand up or project beyond, Luc. ΰΐΓβρ-αντλεομαι, Pass, to be very leaky, ύττ. άλμη to be water-logged, Luc. F'rom •ΰ-ίτερ-αντλος, ov, of a ship, quite full of viater (f>.vrλos'), •water-logged, Plut. : — metaph. overcharged, vrripav- rλos συμφορά Eur. ; rais φροντίσιν Plut. •υττερ-άνω [ά], Adv. over, above, Luc. ■υττερ-αττατάομαι, Pass, to be deceived excessively, Anth. ■υττερ-αττοθνήσκω, f. -θάνοϋμαι : aor. 2 -idavov : — to die for, Tivos Xen. ; vTrip tivos Plat. ■ΰττερ-ατΓοκρίνομαι [tj, Med. to answer for one, defend him, TIVOS Ar. νητερ-ατΓολογε'ομαι, Dep., with fut. and aor. 1 med. to speak hi behalf of , defend, tivos Hdt., Xen. •ίίττερ-αρρωδεω, Ion. for bnepoppwdiw, to be exceeding afraid, τη 'Ελλά 5 ι for Hellas, Hdt. •ΰττερ-ασθενής, is, exceeding weak, Arist. ■ύιτε'ρρασθμος, ov, (άσθμα) panting exceedingly, Xen. 'ΰττερ-ασττάζομαι, Dep. to be exceeding fond of, TivaXen. ■ΰιτερ-άτοιτοξ, ov, beyond measure, absurd, Dem. ■ΰττερ-αττϊκός, η, όν, carrying the use of the Attic dia- lect to excess, Luc. : Adv. -kccs. Id. ■δττερ-αυγής, is, gen. ios, shining exceedingly , Luc. {ίττερ-αυΙάνω and -αυ|ω, f. -ανθήσω, to increase above measure : — Pass, to be so increased, Andoc. II. intr. to increase exceedingly, N.T. ύττερ-αυχεω, f. ήσω, to be overproud, Thuc. ■υττε'ρ-αυχος, ov, {αυχη) over -boastful, overproud. Soph., Xen. ; ύτ^ραυχα βάζζίν Aesch. ■ύτερ-άφανος, ον. Dor. for ύ^Γ€p-'fjφcίvos. ύττερ-αχθής, is, (άχθοϊ) overburdened, Theocr. thing, c. dat., Hdt., Soph. υπερβαίνω, f. -βησομαι: aor. 2 υ■πep-iβηv, Ep. ύπip-βηv, Ep. 3 pi. ύπiρβάσav : — to step over, mount, scale, c. acc., ύττ. τεΓχοϊ 11., etc. ; ύπ. Bόμoυs to step over the threshold of the house, Eur. ; ύπ. tous oopoos to cross the boundaries, Hdt. : — of rivers, to go over their banks, overflow. Id. 2 . to overstep, transgress, Tohs vόμoυs Id., Soph. ; Tohs SpKoos Dem. : absol. to transgress, trespass, sin, δτε niv tis ύπζρβηη (Ep. aor. 2 subj.) II. 3 . to pass over, pass by, leave out, omit, Hdt., Dem. II. to go beyond, to surpass, outdo, c. acc.. Plat, j absol., Theogn. B. Causal in aor. i, to put over, Xen. υπερβαλλόντως, Adv. of sq., exceedingly. Plat, ύπερ-βάλλω, f. -βάλω. Ion. —βaλiω : Ep. aor. 2 υττ^ιρ- iβaλov : — to throw over or beyond a mark, to over- shoot, c. acc., II. 2. άτε μiλλoι άκρον [λόφον] ύπepβaλieιv when he was just about to force the stone over the top, Od. 3 . intr. to run beyond, overrun the scent, of hounds, Xen. 4 . to outstrip or pass, Tivas Soph. II. metaph. : 1 . to overshoot, outdo, surpass, prevail over, c. gen., βροντη$ υττερ- βάλλοντα κτύτΓον Aesch. ; also c. acc., ύπ. τινά τινι to outdo one in a thing, Eur. 2. to go beyond, exceed, c. acc., Hes., etc.; ύπ. εκατόν ετεα to exceed 100 years, in age, Hdt.; ύπ. τόν χρόνον, i. e. be too late, Xen, : — also c. gen.. Plat. 3 . absol. to exceed all bounds, Aesch., Eur., etc.; ούχ ύπ^ρβαλών keeping within bounds, Pind. : to be in excess, Arist. : — often in part., ύπςρβάλλων, ουσα, ον, exceeding, excessive, Aesch., Plat. ; τά ύπ^ρβάλλοντα an over-high estate, Eur. ; τό ύπ. α,ύτων such part of them as is extra- ordinary, Thuc. 4 . to go on further and further, πpoiβaιv€ ύπ^ρβάλλων he went on bidding more and more,WA'i. ', ητ€ΐ τοσαύτα ύπ^ρβάλλων Thuc. III. to pass over, cross mountains, rivers, etc., c. acc., Aesch., Eur. ; also c. gen., Eur. : — of ships, to double a headland, c. acc., Hdt., Thuc. : — absol. to cross over, Hdt., Xen. 2. of water, to run over, overflow, c. acc., Hdt. 3 . of the Sun, to be at its height or its utmost heat. Id. B. Med., with pf . pass., = A. \\,to outdo, overcome, conquer, τινα Hdt., Soph., etc. : — absol. to be con- queror, to conquer, Hdt. 2 . to exceed, surpass, Tiva Id., Ar., etc. : — absol. to exceed, Hdt. : — pf. pass, part., ύπ€pβeβλημivη γυνή an excellent, sur- passing woman, Eur. 3 . to overbid, outbid, τινα Xen. II. to put off, postpone, Hdt.; — but, ήν ύπβρβάλωνται κείνην τήν ημipav συμβολήν μή ποι^ύ- μενοι if they let that day pass without fighting. Id. : — ■ absol. to delay, linger. Id., Plat, ύπερ-βάρης, cs, {βάρο$) exceeding heavy, Aesch. υπερβασία. Ion. -ίη, η, (ύπβρβαίνω) a transgression of law, trespass, Horn., Soph. : also in pi., II. ΰπερβάσις, εω5, ή, =sq., transgression, Theogn. ΰπερ-βάτός, ή, όν, verb. Adj. of ύπ^ρβαίνω, to be passed or crossed, scaleable, of a wall, Thuc. 2. trans- posed, of words. Plat. II. act. going beyond, TwvV ύπ€ρβατώτ€ρα going far beyond these, Aesch. υπερβεβλημενως, Adv. of ύπ€ρβάλλω, beyond all mea- sure, immoderately , Arist. ΰτΓβρβψ^ — ■υττερ-βηρ, Ερ. 3 sing·, aor. 2 subj. of υπερβαίνω. •ΰπερ-βιάζομαι, Dep. to press exceeding heavily, of the plague, Thuc. ·υπ·€ρ-βΐβάζω, f. -βιβώ, Causal of υπερβαίνω, to carry over, c. dupl. acc., Luc. •ίητβρ-βιος, ον, {βία) of over 'whelming strength or might. Find. II. in bad sense, overweening, lawless, wanton, Horn. : — neut. υπ4ρβιον as Adv., II. •ίιτΓβρ-βολάδην [ά], Adv. immoderately, excessively, Theogn. From •υτΓβρβολή, η, {υπερβάλλω) a throvoing beyond others : an overshooting, superiority, Thuc. 2. excess, over-great degree of a thing. Plat. ; in various phrases, χρημάτων υττ^ρβοΚη ττρίασθαι to buy at an extravagant price, Eur. j ουκ εχβι ύπ€ρβολά)ν it can go no further, Dem. ; ci ns ύττ. τούτου if there’s aught beyond (worse than) this. Id. ; νττ^ρβοΧ^ν ττοιύσΘαι to go to all extrernities, to put an extreme case. Id.; foil, by a gen., ύττ. ττοι^ΐσθαι 4κζίνων Trjs αύτου βδ€λνρΙα5 to carry his own rascality beyond theirs. Id. ; iir^cpepov Tr)V VTT. Tov καινουσΌαι pushed on their extravagance in revolutionising, Thuc. 3 . with a Prep, in Ad- verbial sense, = ύ·πζρβαΧχ6ντω$ , cis ύτΐ^ρβοΧ'ην in excess, exceedingly ; c. far beyond, του wp0(r9ev els ύττ. Travodpyos, i. e. far more wicked, Eur. : — καθ' ύττ^ρ- βοΧτ]ν To^ebccas with surpassing aim. Soph. ; καθ. ύττ. extravagantly, Isocr., etc. 4 . overstrained phrase, hyperbole. Id., Arist. II. a crossing over mountains, Xen. III. (from Med.) a deferring, delay, Hdt., Dem. Ύ'7Γ€ρ-βόρ€οι, 01 , (Bopeas) the Hyperboreans, an imagi- nary people in the extreme north, distinguished for piety and happiness. Find., Hdt. ; — 'τύχη ύπepβόpeos, proverb, of more than mortal fortune, Aesch. •υτΓβρ-βράζω, to boil ox foam over, in aor. pass., Anth. •υττερ-βρϊθής, is, {βρΊΘο^} gen. ios, = ύπepβap'ηs, Soph, •ίιττερ-βρυω, to be overfull, Luc. •ύττ-εργάζομαι, f. άτομαι, Dep. to work under, plough up, prepare for sowing, Xen. II. to subdue, reduce : pf. in pass, sense, to be subdued, Eur. III. to do underhand or secretly, Plut. IV. = ύττηρ^τύω, to do a service : pf. in pass, sense, ττόΧΧ' ύττζίρΎασται φιΧά many kind acts have been done, Eur. •inrep-yeXoios, ov, above measure ridiculous, Dem. 'υτΓ€ρ-γ6μίζω, f. ίσω, to overfill, overload, Xen. ■υτΓβρ-γηρως, ων, exceeding old, of extreme age, Luc. : rb υπ€ργηρων extreme old age, Aesch. •i»'ir€p-8doTJS, υ, very hairy, Xen. ■υττερ-δβ-ης, is, Ep. acc. ύττερδεά, for bwep^eia : {bios) : — above all fear, undaunted, II. •υττερ-δείδω, f. -delcrw, to fear for one, c. gen., Aesch., Soph. : absol. to be in exceeding fear, Hdt. •υπερ-δειμαίνω, to be much afraid of, τινά Hdt. ■ίιιτερ-δεινος, ov, exceeding alarming, Dem., Luc. ·ύ· 7 Γ€ρ-δεξιος, ov, lying above one on the right hand, Xen. : — simply, lying above, ύπ. χωρίον higher ground. Id.; τά ύττερδε^ία Id.; 4ξ- ύπ^ρδ^ξίου from above. Id.: — c. gen. commanding from above, Polyb. 2 . metaph. having the advantage in a thing. Id. : victo- rious over, Tivos Plut. •υττερ-δεω, to bind over, τί τινι Anth. ίτΓβρ/χω. 835 ΰττερ-διατείνομαι, Pass, to exert oneself above measure, Dem., Luc. •υττερδϊκεω, to plead for, act as advocate for, tiv6s Plat. ; ύττ. τδ (pebyeiv tiv6s to advocate his acquittal, Aesch. ■υττερ-δϊκος, ov, {δίκη) more than just, severely just. Find.; khv iiripbik ^ be they never so just. Soph. ; Adv. -Kws, Aesch. -ίιΐΓ-ερεθίζω, f. σω, to stimidate a little, Babr. ■ύττερ-βΐδον, inf. ύπ^ρΊδ^Ίν, used as aor. 2 of ύττ^ροράω. •ίιτΓ-ερειδω, f. σω, to put under as a support. Find., Plat. II. to under-prop, support, Plut. Ύττερείη, η. High-land, of the Phaeacians, Od. -υτΓ-ερείττω, to subvert : — Pass., Plut. II. intr. in aor. 2 ύπηρίπον, to tumble, fall down, II. ■ίιττερ-εκεινα, Adv. on yon side, beyond, c. gen., N. T. ■υτΓ-ερεκθερα,ττευω, f. σω, to seek to win by excessive attention, Aeschin. ■ύττερεκίΓερισσοΰ, Adv., = ύ7Γep e/c περισσού, super-abun- dantly, N. T. •ύττερ-εκίΓ ίΐΓτω, f .-TrecroD/iai, logo beyond all bounds, Luc. •ΰτΓερ-εκττλτίσσω, f. ξω, to frighten beyond measure: — Pass, to be in a^nazement , Xen. ; ύπ€p€κπe■π■Xηyμivos ΦίΧιττπον adfniring him exceedingly, Dem. •ίητερ-εκτείνω, to stretch beyond measure, 4αυτ6ν N. T. •ΰττερ-εκτίνω [t], to pay for any one, tivos Luc. ■υττερ-εκχ-υνομαι, (ε’κχεω) Pass, to run over, N.T. -υττερ-ε'λαφρος, ov, exceeding light or nimble, Xen. •ίητερ-εμττί'π-λημι, to fill over-full : — Pass, to be over- full, TIVOS of a thing, Xen., Luc. ■ΰττερ-εμφορε'ομαι. Pass, to be filled quite full, Luc. ύττερ-εντυγχάνω, to intercede, bnip tivos for one, N. T. •υττερ-εξακιοΓχίλιοι [i], at, a, above 6000, Dem. •υττερ-ε-τταινέω, to praise above measure, Hdt., Ar. ■υττερ-ετΓΐθϋμε'ω, f. Ί[\σω, to desire exceedingly, Xen. ■υττερετΓτα, 3 sing. aor. 2 acL of ύτΓΐρπ4τομαι. •υτΓ-ερετΓτω, {4ρ4τχτομαι) to cat away from under, κονίην ύπ4ρ(πτ€ ττοδοΤιν II. -υττερ-ε'ρχομαι, Dep. with aor. 2 and pf. act. : — to pass over a river, c. acc., Xen. II. to surpass, excel. Find. ΰττερ-εσθίω, f. -4δομαι, to eat immoderately , Xen. ■υττερ-ενχεθον, poet. aor. 2 of ύπερεχω. ύιτε'ρ-ευ, Adv. exceeding well, excellently, Xen., Dem. ■υ'7Γερ-ευγεν·η5, es, exceeding noble, Arist. ύττερ-ευδαιμονε'ω, f. -^σω, to be exceeding happy, Arist. •ύττερ-ευφραίνομαι, Pass, to rejoice exceedingly , Luc. -ύττερ-εχθαίρω, to hate exceedingly. Soph. ■ΰττερ-ε'χω, Ep. -ύττειρ-ε'χω : Ep. impf. ύπβίρ-^χον : aor. 2 ύπ(ρ-4σχον, poet. ~4σχ(θον : — to hold one thing over another, τί tivos 11 ., Ar. ; ύττ. χεΓρά tivos to hold the hand over him, so as to protect, 11., I hcogn. ; also c. dat. pers., Horn. 2 . to have or hold above, ύττείρ- εχεμ ebpias ώμoυs he had his broad shoulders above the rest, i. e. over-topped them by the head and shoulders, ll. II. intr. to be above, rise above the horizon, Od. : to be above water or the ground , 1 Idt. ; — c. gen., ύττ(ρ4σχ^0( yaίηs rose above, overlooked the earth, II. ; [σταυρουϊ] ούχ bwepixovTas Trjs θαΧάσση$ I hue., etc. 2. in military phrase, to outjlank, c. gen., Xen. 3 . metaph. to overtop, exceed, outdo, c. acc. , Aesch., Eur. : — also c. gen.. Plat., etc. 4 . absol. to overtop the rest, be prominent, Hdt., Xen.: VTret OjO ν7Γ€ρ(^€ω — to prevail, ol ύιτ^ρσχόντζί the more povierftd, Aesch. ; kav 7] θάλαττα ύπζρσχτ) to be too pov:erful, Dem. III. c. gen. rei, to rise above, At. IV. c. acc. to get over, cross, Thuc. ύΐΓ€ρ-ζ€ω, f. -ζΙσ(£, to boil over : metaph., of a man, Ar. inrcp -ήδομαι, Pass, to be overjoyed at, rivi Hdt. ; c. part., ύπ€ρ·η5€το ακούων he rejoiced much at hearing. Id. •ίιττερ-ηδυς, u, exceeding ssveet, Luc. .A^dv. -ecos, Xen. ; Sup. -τ,διστα, Luc. νΐΓ€ρημ€ρία, η, a being over the day : as law-term, the latest day for payment, Dem. 2. forfeiture of recognisances, a distress. Id. From ■υ·π·€ρ-ήμ€ρος, ον, {ημΐρα) over the day for payment, after which the debtor became liable to have his goods seized, Dem. ; ύττζρ^μζρον λαμβάνων τινά, i. e. having a right to distrain upon him. Id. II. metaph., ύπ. τη5 ζώ·η5 past the term of life, Luc. ; vir. του βίου beyond the term of human life. Id. ·ί)·ΤΓ€ρ-ήμϊ(τυς, υ, above half, more than half, Hdt. ; Tivos of a thing, Xen. νττ-ερημος, ον, somevohat desolate, Plut. ΰ·7Γ6ρ-ηνόρ€ος, oy, = sq., Theocr. ■ίιτΓβρ-ηνορβων, ovros, o, part. Avith no pres, in use, ex- ceedingly manly : — but always in bad sense, overbear- ing, overvaeening, Horn. II. in Com. phrase, excel- ling men, thinking oneself more than man, Ar. From ΰπ6ρ-ήνωρ, Dor. -άνωρ, opos, b, η, {avi]p) overbearing, oversseening, Hes., Eur. ·υ·ΐΓ€ρ-ήσ·€ΐ, β sing. fut. of νπ^ρί-ημι. ύττερ-ηφανβω, used by Horn, only in part., much like ύπ€ρτ]νορ4ων, overweening, arrogant, U. II. trans. to treat disdainfully, Luc. ; and ν·π·€ρηφαίνια, τ), arrogance, disdain, Xen., Dem. : — c. gen. objecti, contempt towards or for another. Plat., Dem. From ■ίιττερ-ήφανος, ον, prob. for btrep-tpairfis, η being in- serted ! 1. in bad sense, overweening, arrogant, haughty, Hes., .Aesch., Dem. ; οΙκίαι ύττ^ρηφανώτΐραι Dem. ; — so in .Adv., bircprjcpdvccs ^xeiv to bear oneself haughtily , Plat. ; υττ. ζην to live prodigally, Isocr. 2. in good sense, magnificent, splendid. Plat. ·ύ'7Γ€ρ-βα,λασσίδιος, ον, above the coast-land, Hdt. vTrep -θα-υμάζω, Ion. -θωμάζω, f. -άσομαι, to wonder exceedingly , Hdt., Luc. ύ-ιτερ-θαύμαστος, ον, most admirable, Anth. υπερθεν, and metri grat. -θε, (ότερ) from above or merely above, II. : of the body, above, in the upper parts, opp. to ενερθε, Ib. 2. from heaven above, i. e. from the gods, Horn. 3. of Degree, yet more. Soph. II. c. gen. above, over, Pind., Aesch., etc. ; ΰτ. ylyveadai nvos to get the better of one, Eur. ; also, ΰπξρθίν clvai ^ , to be above or beyond, i. e. worse than . . , Id. ■ΐτίΓερθεσις, ε&)5, η, (υττ^ρτίθημι) postponement, Polyb. ύττερ-θε'ω, f. -θξύσομαι, to run beyond, υττ. άκραν to double the headland, proverb, of escaping from danger, Aesch. 2. to outstrip, outdo, c. acc., Eur. ■υττερ-θνήσκω, to die for another, c. gen. or absol., Eur. ■ίιιτερ-θρώσκω, f. -θορουμαι, Ep. -θορέομαι : aor. 2 -edopov, Ep, υττξρ-βορον, inf. -Θορύν, Ion. -dop^eiv : — to overleap, leap or spring over, c. acc., II., etc. ; — also c. sren., Eur. V CjL/A.l/t'UV. νιτε'ρ-θϋμος, ον, high-spirited, high-minded, daring, Horn., Hes., etc. II. in bad sense, overdaring, overweening, Hes. : — overspirited, of a horse, Xen. III. vehemently angry : — Adv., ύττ^ρθύ- μω5 &yav in oxer-vehement wrath, Aesch. ύ-π-ερ-θΰριον [δ], τ6, (θύρα) the lintel of a door or gate, Lat. superliminare, Od., Hes. ύττε'ρ-θΰρον, rd, =foreg., Hdt. υττερθωμάζω. Ion. ίοτ -θαωμΑζω. ύττερ-ιάχω [ά], to shout aPove, out-shout, c. gen., Anth. ύττερ-ϊδεϊν, inf. of inrep-cTBov. ύττερ-ίημι, f. -ησω, to outdo, Od. ύιτερ-ικταίνομαι, Pass., in the phrase, icbbes υπ^ρικταΐ- vovTo the feet went exceeding swiftly, Od. (Deriv. unknown.) Ύιτερϊονίδης, ου, ό, patronym, of 'Ύιτ^ρίων, Hyperion’s son, i. e. "'HAtos, Od., Hes. ύττερ-ί'ΤΓταμαι, later form for υττ^ριτίτομαί, Plut., Luc. ΰττερ-ίσταμαι, Pass., with aor. 2 and pf. act. : — to stand over another, c. gen., Hdt. : esp. to statid over one for protection, protect, nvos Soph, ύττερ-ίστωρ, opos, 6, η, knowing too well, c. gen.. Soph, ΰττερ-ίίτχΰρος, ον, exceeding strong, Xen. ■ΰιτερ-ίίΓχω, = 07Γερεχω, intr. to be above, to prevail over, c. gen., Hes. II. to protect, nvos Anth. Ύττερίων [i], ovos, 6, Hyperion, the Sun-god, joined with^HAioy, or alone for^HAtoy, Horn. Some derive it from inrhp Ιών, he that walks on high : others simply bring ‘Tnepiwv from inrep, the God above. ύιτερ-κάθημαι, properly pf. pass, of -4ζομαι, to sit over or upon, ετΓί nvos Xen. : — metaph. to sit over and watch, keep an eye on, nvos Id. ■υ-τΓε'ρ-κα,λος, ον, exceeding beautiful, Arist. ύττερ-κάμνω, to suffer or labour for, nvos Eur. ύττερ-καταβαίνω, f. -βησομαι, to get down over, get quite over, c. acc., II. ; c. gen., .Anth. ύίΓερ-καταγε'λασ-τος, ον, exceedingly absurd, Aeschin. ύττερκατάκειμαι. Pass, to lie or sit above, at table, c. gen., Plut., Luc. ύττερ-κατηφής, 4s, very distressing, Luc. ύττερ-καχλάζω, f. σω, to rtin bubbling over, Luc. ύττε'ρ-κειμαι, Pass, to lie or be situate above, Isocr. II. to be postponed, Luc. ύττερ-κενόομαι, Pass, to be quite empty, Galen, ύττερ-κε'ρασις, η, an outflatiking on otte wing, Polyb. ΰττερ-κλύζω, f. σω, to overflow, Strab. ύιτερ-κολακεΰω, f. σω, to flatter immoderately, Dem. ύττερ-κομίζω, f. ιώ, to carry over , Strab. ύττε'ρ-κομίΓος, ον, overweening, arrogant, Aesch. ύττε'ρ-κο-ΤΓος, ον, (κόπτω) overstepping all bounds, ex- travagant, arrogant, .Aesch., Soph. : — Adv. -πωy, excessively, Aesch. ΰττερ-κορε'νννμι, f. -κορ4σω, to over-fill or glut, ηνά nvos one with a thing, Theogn. ύττε'ρ-κοτος, ον, exceeding angry, cruel, Aesch. : — Adv. -τωs, Eur. ύττερ-κρεμάννΰμι, f. -κρεμάσω [ά], to hang up over, υττ. &την nvi Pind. : — Pass, to impend, Theogn. ύττερ-κτάομαι, f. -κτησομαι, Dep. to acquire over and above. Soph. •ίιττερ-κυδας [ϋ], avros, o, (koSos) exceeding famous or ντΓβρκντΓτω - renowned, only in acc., vwepKvSavTas Άχαιονε II. ; virepKvdaura Mevolrioy Hes. ■ί)ΐΓ€ρ-κΰΐΓτω, f. ψω, to stretch and peep over. Plat. ; c. gen., Luc. II. to step beyond, overstep, c. acc., Anth. ιΐ'7Γ€ρ-λα|λΊΓρος, ον, exceeding bright, Ar. II. of sound, very clear or loud, Dem. χ)ΊΓ6ρ-λαμ7Γρΰνορ.αι [o]. Pass, to make a splendid show : to shew great eagerness, Xen. ■υττερ-λίαν [ϊ], Adv. exceedingly , beyond all doubt, N.T. νΊΓ6ρ-λϋΐΓεομαι, Pass, to be vexed beyond measure, Hdt. -ύ7Γ€ρ-μαζάω, to be overfull of barley bread (μαζα), to be wanton from high feeding, Luc. ύ'ΐΓβρ-μαίνομαι, f. -μανονμαι, aor. -^μάνην [ά]. Pass, to be or go stark mad, Ar. ν7Γ£ρ-μάκης [ό], €S, Dor. for v^Γep·μr,κηs. 'ύ7Γ€ρ-μαχέω, f. ήσω, to fight for or on behalf of, rivSs Soph., Eur. ; συ τούτα τουδ^ ύπ€ρμαχ€Ϊ5 4μοί; dost thou fight thus/or him against me Soph. ■ίιιτερμαχητικός, ή, 6v, inclined to fight for, Plut. From ΰ'ΤΓβρ-μάχομαι, Dep. = ύπβρμοχβω, Plut.; τάδ’ Trarphs ύτΓ€ρμαχονμαι will fight this battle for him. Soph. 'ΐΐ'π’£ρ>μαχος, ον, a champion, defender, Anth. ύπ€ρ-μ€γάθης [ά]. Ion. for ύπ€ρ-μ€'/€θη5. νιτερ-μεγας, άλη, a, immensely great, Ar. ■υ7Γ€ρ-μ€γ£θη5, Ion. -άθης, es, gen. eos, = ύπβρμεγα?, Hdt., Dem. ν7Γ£ρ-μ€θΰσ'κομαι, aor. i -ΐμ^θόσθην : Pass. : — to get (and in aor. to be) excessively drunk, Hdt. ■ίηΓ€ρ-μ€ν€της, ου, 6, poet, for ύπ€ρμ(ν·(]5, h. Horn. 'ίΐ7Γ£ρ-μ€ν€ων, ovros, b, part, with no pres, in use, ex- ceeding mighty, Od. From ντΓ^ρ-μενής, €s, (yiivos) exceeding mighty, exceeding strong, Horn., Hes. ■υτΓερ-μβτρος, ον, beyond all measure, excessive. Plat. ‘υτΓ€ρ-μηκης, es, gen. eos, {μηκο5) exceeding long, Aesch. ; -η βασι\Ιο$ χύρ ύπ. the king’s arm is very long, reaches very far, Hdt. 2. exceeding high, of mountains. Id. 3. ύπ6ρμάκη5 βοά a cry exceeding loud, Pind. ■ί»ΊΓ€ρμορον, ΐ)7Γ£ρμορα, v. popos. ‘υτΓ€ρ-ν€φ£λ.θ 9 , ον, (νεφβλη) above the clouds, Luc. ‘υ'ΐΓ€ρ-ν6ωλκ€ω, f. “ijcra), to haul ships over land, Strab. υ7Γ€ρ-νΐκάω, f. ήσω, to be more than conqueror, N. T. ■iircp-voTios, ov, (N^tos) beyond the south wind, i. e. at the extreme south, Hdt. ■iiTTcp-oYKos, ov, of excessive bulk, swollen to a great size, Xen., Dem. 2. immoderate, excessive. Plat. υτΓβροιδαίνω, to be much swollen, of a river, Anth. νττερ-οικεω, f. ήσω, to dwell above or beyond, c. gen., Hdt. ; also c. acc.. Id. ύττερ-οικος, ov, dwelling above or beyond, c. gen., Hdt. ■υττεροττλία, η, (bnepowkos) overweening confidence in arms, proud defiance, presumptuousness, bnepoirkiriai [Ep. dat. pi., with t], II. ντΓερ-οττλίζομαι, f. ίσομαι : -οττλίσσαιτο 3 sing. Ep. aor. I opt. : Dep. : (όπλίζω) : — to vanquish by force of arms, or (from ΰπ€ροπλο$) to treat scornfully, Od. ■inrcp-oirXos, ov, if-nKov) proudly trusting in force of arms, defiant, presumptuous, ύπίροττλον eiTreiv (as Adv.) to speakdefiantly, presumptuously, II. ; ηνορί-η. - ντΓβρτΓίκρος. 837 βΐη ύτΓ€ροτΓ\ο5 Hes. II. of conditions, excessive, overwhelming, Pind. υπερόπτης, poet, -οπτά, gen. ου, b, {ύπερό\ρομαι) a contemner, disdainer of a thing, c. gen.. Soph., Thuc. : absol. disdainful, haughty, Theocr., Arist. Hence ■υττεροιττικός, η, όν, disposed to despise others, con- temptuous, disdainful, Isocr., Dem. : — Adv.-zcws, Xen. •inrepoTTTOs, ov, (ύπβρο'ψομοί) disdainful, Anth. ; neut. pi. as Adv., Soph. ΰττερ-οράω, Ion. -eco : f. -όψομαι : aor. 2 -εΐδον. Inf. -ιδεΊν : aor. i pass, ύττερώφθην : — to look over, look down upon, c. acc., Hdt. II. to overlook, slight, despise. Id., Thuc., etc. : — also c. gen. to shew con- tempt for, Xen. υπερορία, η, v. bnepopios. υπερ-ορίζω, f. σω, to drive beyond the frontier, banish. Plat. ; in Pass., Aeschin. ΰπερ-όριος, ov, and o, ov, poet, -ούριος : (opos) : — over the boundaries or confines, living abroad, Dem., Theocr. ; υπ. ασχολία occupation m foreign parts, Thuc.; TO υπ, foreign affairs, Arist. 2 . η υπερορία (sc. yv), the country beyond one's own frontiers, a foreign country. Plat., Xen. II. foreign to the purpose, outlandish, out-of-the-way , Aeschin. ύπερ-όρνυμαι, Pziss.torise and hang over, c. dat.. Soph, ΰπερ-ορρωδε'ω, to be much afraid, rivos for one, Eur. "ΥΠΕΡΟΣ, b, or ύπερον, to, a pestle to bray and pound with, Hes., Hdt. II. anything shaped like a pestle, a club, cudgel, Plut., Luc. υπερ-ουράνιος, ov, above the heavens. Plat, ύπερουριος, ov. Ion. and poet, for υπερ6ριο$. υπέροχη, η, (ύπερεχω Ιΐ) a projection, an eminence, Polyb. II. metaph. preeminence, superiority , η δε νίκη υπέροχη ns Arist. υπέροχος. Ion. ΰπείρ-, ον, (υπερεχω ΐΐ) prominent, eminent, distinguished above others, c. gen., II.; absol., Hdt.; ύπεροχο5 βία overbearing force. Soph, υπεροψία, η, contempt, disdain for a person or thing, c. gen., Thuc., etc. : ^so\. haughtiness, arrogance, Isocr. ύπερ-όψομαι, fut. of ύπεροράω, ΰπερ-πάγης, εΤ, (irayos) very frosty : τδ όπ. excessive frost, Xen. ΰπερπάθε'ω, f. ήσ-ω, to be grievously distressed, υπερπα- θ7)σασ' Eur. From ΰπερ-πάθής, es, (πά9ο$) grievously ajfiictcd. ύπερ-παίω, mostly in pf. -πεπαικα, to overstrike, I. c. to surpass, exceed, c. gen., Ar. ; c. acc., Dem. ΰπερ-πάλύνω, to strew or scatter over, Anth. ύπερ-περισσεύομαι, f. σω, Med. to abound more and WOT?, N.T. ΰπερ-περίσ·σως, Adv. beyond all measure, N. T. ύπερ-πε'ταμαι, aor. 2 -επτάμην [ά], and in act. form -επτην. Dor. -επτάν, = υπερπετομαί. Soph, ύπερ-πετάννυμι, f. -πετάσω, to stretch over, Luc. ύπερ-πετής, ε$, flying over or above, Strab. : — metaph. high-flying, Luc. ύπερ-πε'τομαι, f. -πτησομαι : aor. 2 -επτάμην : — to fly over, of a spear, Horn. 2 . c. acc. to fly over or be- yond, Od.; also c. gen., Plut. ύπερ-πηδάω, f. -ησομαι, to leap over, c. acc., Ar. II. metaph. to overleap, transgress, Dem., Aeschin. ΰπε'ρ-πικρος, ov, exceeding sharp in temper, Aesch. 838 ντΓβρττΙμτΓΧημί ■ύτΓ€ρ-ΤΓΐμτΓλημι, f. -ττλήσω, to overfill : Pass., aor. i νΊΤζρ€ττ\'}]σθ·ην, to be overfull^ Arist. ; — "C. gen., ύττβρ- τζ\ιησθύ$ μ4θη$ Soph. ΰτΓβρττίνω [t], to drink overmuch, Xen. ύτΓίριτίΐΓτω, f. -π^σουμαι, to fall over, run over, pro- ject, Strab. II. of Time, to he past, gone by, Hdt. \ηΓ€ρ-'ΐΓλ6ονάζω, f. σω, to abound exceedingly, N. T. ■ΰτΓ€ρ-'ΤΓλήθη9, es, superabundant, ΰττβρπλήβη 4ξημαρ- τηκώ5 having done more misdeeds than enough, Dem. ‘υπβρ-'Π’ληρόω, f. ώσω, to fill overfull, Xen. : — Pass, to be overfidl, to be gorged. Id. ‘ίητερ-τΓλησθήναι, aor. i inf. pass, of -ττίμπλημι. ΰπερ-ιτλούσιος, oy, over-wealthy, exceeding rich, Arist. χηΓ€ρ'ΐΓλουτ6ω, f. ήσω, to be exceeding rich, Ar. From ■inrep-TrXovTos, ov, — νπ€ρπ\ούσιθ5, Aesch., Plat. νιπερ-ΤΓολάζω, (τΓ€λω) to overflow, Strab. υΐΓ€ρ-ιτολυς, -ττόλλη, -πολύ. Ion. ■uirepiroWos, η, ον, overmuch, in pi. over many, Aesch., Xen. ν»τΓ€ρ-τΓον€ω, f. ήσ·α>, to idbour beyond measure, take further trouble, Xen. II. to bear or endure for others. Soph. 2. in Med. c. gen. pers.. Id. ύττβρ-ΤΓονος, ov, quite worn out, Pint. ■inrcp-TTOVTios, ov, and a, ov, over the sea, Aesch. ; sc\. to promise, make promises, WAt. 3. with inf. pres, to profess that one is, profess to be. Id., Plat. : also to prof ess to do a thing. Plat., Xen. ■υττνίδιος, a, ov, (ΰ·πνο$) drowsy, Anth. ■υιτνο-δότης, ου, 6, giver of sleep, Aesch. : — fern, virvo- δότ€ΐρα, she that gives sleep, Eur. •υττνο-μαχβω, f. ήσω, {μαχομαι) to fight with sleep, withstand sleep, Xen. *ΎΠΝΟΣ [C], b, sleep, slumber, Horn., etc. ; χάλκ€05 υπνο$, i.e. the sleep of death, \\. -.—vttvos tivol όττίρ- χ^ται, enopovei, Ικάνα, atpel, λαμβάνει Horn., etc. ; eis ύπνον πεσβΓι/ Soph.: — iv νπνφ in sleep, Eur.; — ΛΓοθ’ ύπνον Soph. ; — πβρί πρώτον ύπνον about one’s first sleep, Ar. II. Sleep, twin-brother of Death, II. •ύττνο-φόβης, ου, 6, (φοβόω) scaring in sleep, Anth. ■ίιιτνόω, f. ώσω : — Pass., pf. part. ύπνωμόνο $ : (ύπ^'os) : — to put to sleep : — Pass, to fall asleep, sleep, Hdt. ■υιτνω, Dor. for υπνου, gen. of ϋπνο 5 . ■ίητν-ώδης, es, (elSos) sleepy, drowsy, Eur., Plat, ■υιτνώσσω, Att. -ττω, {υπvos) to be sleepy or drowsy, Aesch., Plat. : simply, to sleep, Eur. νττνώω, for υπνάω = υπνώσσω, to sleep, Horn. ΎΠΟ' [υ], Lat. sub. Prep, with gen., dat. and acc. : Ep. ύτταί before δ, π. A. WITH GEN·, I. of Place, /row under, peci κρηνη υπό σπ€ίου5 Od. : of rescuing from under an- other’s power, after the Verbs όρυ^σθαι, αρπάζ^ιν, II. ; ίππουί λΰσαν ύπδ ζυγου they loosed the horses from under the yoke, Horn. 2. under, beneath, μοχλόν υπό σποδού Ύ)λασα thrust the bar in under the embers, Od. ; υπό στόρνοιο τυχησαΒ having hit him under the breast, II.; υπό χθον05 Horn., etc. II. of the Agent, with pass. V’erbs, by, Lat. a or ab, υπό — ύτΓοβαίνω. Tivos δαμηναι II.; ύφ' €αυτοΰ by one’s own action, i.e. of oneself, Thuc. ; so also, with neut. verbs, φβύγβιν υπό TIVOS, i. e. to flee before him, II. ; έπαινον ΐχ^ιν υπό TIVOS Hdt. 2. of things as well as persons, is διάκΐΐμαι υπό tt)s νόσου Thuc. ; 4νδακρύζΐν yapas ΰπο Aesch.; μαίνεται ύφ' ‘rjbov^s Soph. ; όρυσσα lv υπό μαστί- ^ων to dig under fear of scourges, Hdt. 3. of accompanying music, to the sound of, κωμάζ^ιν ύπ’ αύλου Hes. ; πίναν υπό σάλπιyyos Ar. : then, of any- thing attendant , δαίδων υπό λαμπομ^νάων i]ylv(ov by torchlight, II. ; ύπ’ (υφ-ημου βorjs θυσαι to offer a sacri- fice accompanied by it. Soph. ; υπό πoμπηs in or with solemn procession, Hdt. B. WITH DAT. of Place or Position, υπό ποσσί II. ; υπό πλατανίστψ Ib. ; ύπ’ Ίλίφ under its walls, Eur. ; ύφΐ άρμασι under, yoked to, the chariot, II. 2. υπό χ€ρσί tivos δαμηναι to be subdued under, i. e. by force of his arms, Ib. ; ύπδ δουρί δαμηναι Ib. II. of the person under whose power or influence a thing is done, φόβζσθαι υπό τινι to flee before him, Ib. ; ύπδ πομπ^ tivos βηναι to go under his convoy, Ib. 2. expressing subjection, υπό τινι under one’s power, Od. ; cTj/at υπό τινι to be subject to him, Thuc. ; ^χαν ύφ* €αυτφ to have under one, Xen. 3. of things coming under a class, ipyaalai υπ’ό Tads T^xvais Plat. 4. as in A. ll. 3, ύπ’ αύλητηρι πρόσθ’ (κιον advanced to the music of the flute-player, Hes. : generally, of attendant circumstances, e| aλόs (Ίσι πνοιγ ΰπο Ζ€φύροιο Od. ; υπό σκότψ, νυκτί Aesch. C. WITH ACCUS. of Place, towards and under, υπό σπόο5 ηλασ^ μήλα drove them under, i. e. into, the cave, II. ; υπό ζυγόν ^yayev Od. ; υπό δικαστΊ-φιον άγαν to bring under or before the tribunal, Hdt. 2. like υπό c. dat. without sense of motion, ύπ’ ηω τ’ ηόλιόν Τ6 everywhere under the sun, II. ; ύπδ την άρκτον Hdt.; τό υπό την ακρόπολιν Thuc. II. of subjection, ποι^Τσθαι υπό σφάs Id., etc. HI. of Time, like Lat. sub, just after , just about, υπό νύκτα towards night, II. ; υπό τούτο about that time, Hdt. ; ύπδ τόν νηόν κατακαόντα about the time of its burning, II. ; υπό τόν σασμόν about the time of the earthquake, Thuc. IV. of accompaniment, υπό αυλόν διαλόγ^σθαι Xen. V. υπό τι, as Adv. to a certain degree, in some measure, Lat. aliquatenus. Plat. D. Position : ύπο can always follow its Subst., becoming by anastrophe ΰπο. E. AS ADV., under, below, beneath, Horn. 2. behind, Hdt. II. secretly, unnoticed, II. P. IN COMPOSITION : I. under, both of rest and motion, as ΰπ-αμι, ύπο- βαίνω. 2. of the casing or covering oi one thing with another, as ύπό-χpυσos. 3. to express subjection, ύπο-δαμνάω, ύφ-ηvίoχos. II. somewhat, a little, ύπο-κινόω, ύπό-λ€υκos : underhand, secretly, ύπο-θωπ^ύω. ■υτΓο-άμουσος, ον, somewhat estranged from the Muses, Plat. ΰττό-βαθρον, Tif, anything put under : a framework to support a couch, a rocking apparatus, Xen. •ύτΓο-βαίνω, f . -β·τ]σομαι, to go or stand under : me- taph., τεσσαράκοντα πόδas ύπoβάs Trjs ετepηs [πυρα- μίδοϊ] τωύτό μ4yaθos having gone 40 feet below the like size of the other pyramid, i. e. building it 40 feet ντΓοβάΧλω - lower, Hdt. ; μικρ})ν υττοβάε, a little below (in the book), Strab. ντΓΟ-βάλλω, Ep. -ΰβ-βάλλω : f. -βαλώ : pf. -β4βληκα : — to throw, put or lay under, Od. ; τί τίΐ /t Eur. 2. to lay under, as a foundation, Aeschin. 3. to sub- ject, submit, 4χθροΪ5 ^μαυτόν Eur. II. Med. to substitute another’s child for one's own, Lat. sup- ponere, Hdt., Plat., etc. III. to suggest, whisper, as a prompter does, II., Plat., etc. : Med. to make false suggestions. Soph. IV. in Med. to appropriate, Plut. νίΓΟ-βαρβαρίζω, to speak a little like a foreigner, speak rather broken. Plat. •υιτόβασις, ews, rj, (ύττοβαίνω) a going down : a crouch- ing down, esp. of a horse that lowers itself to take up the rider, Xen. ■ί,-τΓο-ββνθιος, ον, (β^νθοε) under the depths, Anth. •υττοβήσσω, Att. -ττω, to have a slight cough, Luc. ντΓο-βΐβάζω, f. Att. —βιβώ. Causal of ύττοβαίνω, to bring down : Med. to crouch down, of a horse that stoops to take up the rider, Lat. subsidere, Xen. ■υττο-βλ^ιτω, f. ψομαι, to look up from under the brows at, glance at, to look askance at, eye suspiciously or angrily, Lat. limis oculis suspicere. Plat. ; also ύττ. €λ€€ΐνά to cast piteous glances, Anth. : — Pass, to be looked at with suspicion, Eur. ■υτΓοβλήδην, (ύττοβάλλω) Adv. throwing in covertly, i. e. by way of caution or reproof, or by way of inter- ruption, II. II, askance, h. Horn. 'υτΓοβλητβος, a, ov, verb. Adj. to be put under, Xen. ■υττό-βλητος, ov, (υποβάλλω) put in another's place, counterfeit, suborned, false. Soph. •υίΓοβολή, ή, (υποβάλλω) : I. actively, a throwing or laying under. Plat. 2. a substitution by stealth, of supposititious children, \ά. 3. a suggesting, e| ύποβοληε by admonition, Xen. II. the subject- matter of a speech, Luc. υποβολιμαίος, a, ov, (ύποβολά] i. 2 ) substituted by stealth, supposititious, of children, Hdt., Plat, υπο-βρεμω, to roar or rumble beneath, Aesch. ύπο-βρ€χω, to wet or moisten a little : — Pass., pf. part. ύποβζβρ(:Ύμ4νο5 somewhat drunk, Luc. ΰπ<5βρΰχα, v. ύπόβρυχοε. ύπο-βρυχιος [ύ], α (Ion. η), ον, under water, Hdt. ΰπ6-βρΰχος, ον, = foreg·. : neut. pi. ύπόβρυχα as Adv., under water, Od., Hdt. ύπ<5-·γαιος, ov, v. ύπό -yeios. ΰπο-γάστριον, τό, (yaarr^p) the paunch, Lat. abdo- men : the paunch of the tunny, a favourite dish at Athens, Ar. υπό-γβιος, Ion. and late Att. -·γαιος, ov, (yrj) under the earth, subterraneous, Hdt., etc, ΰπο-γβλάω, f. -y^λάσoμa.^, to laugh slily, Lat. subri- der e, Plat. υπο-γ€ν€ΐάζω, to entreat by touching the chin, Aeschin. ύπο-γίγνομαι. Ion. and in late Gr. -γίνομαι : f. -yevff- σομαι : Dep. : — to grow up after or in succession, Lat. subnasci, II., Hdt. ΰπό-γλαυκος, ov, somewhat gray, Xen. υπο-γλαυσ·ο·ω, to glance furtively , Mosch. ύπο-γλΰκαίνω, to sweeten a little : metaph. to coax and smooth down, τινά Ar, {ιπο-χνάμπτω, i. ι^ω, to bend gradually , h. Horn. - νΤΓΟ^βζίη. 841 ΰπο-γραμματ€υς, ecvs, 0 , an undersecretary , Ar., etc. ύπο-γραμματ€ύω, f. σω, to serve as undersecretary , rivi Oratt. ύπογραφεΰς, 4ω$, δ, one who writes under another' s orders, a secretary, amanuensis, Plut., Luc. ύπο-γραφή, η, a signed bill of indictment , Plat. II. an outline, τενόντων ύπoypaφaί traces of feet, Aesch. : — an outline, sketch, Lat. adumbratio. Plat., etc. III. a painting under of the eyelids, Xen. ΰπο-γράφω [ά], f. φω, to write Tinder an inscription, subjoin or add to it, Thuc. ; ύπoypάφas 4πιβουλζύσαί μ€ having added (to the accusation) that . . , Dem. Med. to bring an additional accusation against him, Eur. 2. to sign, subscribe : — Med., ύπ. ras Kara· βολάε to sign and so make oneself liable, Dem. 3. to write from dictation, Plut. II. to write under, i. e. to trace letters for children to write over. Plat. : metaph., νόμου5 ύπ. to trace out laws as guides of action. Id, 2. to trace in outline, sketch out, Lat. adumbrare. Id., etc. III. ύπττγράφαν or -ypd- φ^σθαι robs δφθαλμούε to paint under the eyelids, Luc. ύπό-γυιος or ύπό-γυος, ov, (yoTov) under one's hand, nigh at hand, Isocr., Dem. II. just out of hand, fresh, new, Lat. recens, Isocr., Dem. ; ύπ6yυιόv iari 00 . . , it is a very short time since . . , Isocr. Ill, sudden, Arist. : — 4ξ ύπoyύoυ off hand, on the spur of the moment, Plat. 2. of persons, ύπ. ttj opyfj in the first burst of anger, Arist. ύπο-δαίω, to light, kindle under, II. υπο-δακρΰω, f. σω, to weep a little or secretly, Luc. ύπο-δαμνάω, to master or weaken beneath one, II. : — Pass., ύποδάμναμαι (as if from ύποδάμνημι) to be over- come, let oneself be overpowered or overcome, Od. ; aor. I part. ύποδμηθ€ΐσα {v. δαμάζω'^, of a woman, sub- dued by a man, yielding to him, h. Horn., Hes. : — Med., €ρω5 φρ4να5 ύποδάμναται Theocr. ΰποδεδιώς, δ. Comic name of a bird in Ar., Fear-ling. ύπο-δεδρομα, pf. of ύποτρ4χω. ύπο-δεής, 4s, gen. 4os, [δ4ομαΡ somewhat deficient, in- ferior ; mostly in Comp. ύποδ^4στ(ρο$, Hdt., Plat. ; 4k πολλφ ντΓοδεεστερων with resources much inferior, Thuc. : — Adv. -€<ΤΓ4ρω5, Id. ύπό-δειγμα, τό, a token, mark, Xen. : — a pattern, Polyb. ύπο-δείδω, f. σω : aor. i ύττεδεισα, Ep. -ε'δδείίτα : Ep. pf. ύπαιδίίδοικα : pf. 2 ύπο-δίΐδια : 3 pi. plqpf. ύττεδείδι- σαν : I. trans. to cower under or before, or to fear secretly, c. acc., Horn. : — so of birds, to rower beneath, aιyυπώv ύποδείσαντει Soph. II. absol., Od. ; cf. ύποδίδιώε. ύπο-δείκνΰμι and -υω : f. -δίΐξω. Ion. - δ4ξω : — to sheTO secretly, Hdt. ; ύποδ4ξα$ όλβον haviitg given a glimpse of happiness. Id. ; ύπ. άρίτ{]ν to make a shew of virtue, Thuc. 2. to indicate one' swill, II. to shew by tracing out, mark out, Hdt. : absol. to set a pattern, Xen. 2. generally, to teach indirectly or by indication, Isocr.; c. inf., N.T. Hence ύποδεικτε'ος, a, ov, verb. Adj. to be traced out, Polyb. ΰπο-δειλιάω, to be somewhat cowardly, Aeschin. ΰπο-δειμαίνω, to stand in secret awe of, τινά Hdt. ΰπο-δε'κομαι, Ion. for ύπο-δίχομαι. ΰπο-δε'μω, to lay as a foundation, Hdt. υποδεξίη, η, like ύποδοχη, the reception of a guest. 842 υτΓΟοεζίος - means of entertainment y ττασά τοι iaff ύττοΒίξίη [Γ, metri grat.]» H· viTO-8e|ios, a, ov, (ύπο^ίχομαΐ) capacious, Hdt. ΰττόδεσις, ews, ή, ύποδίομαι) a putting on one'^s shoes, Arist., Luc. 2. as concrete, = to ύττο^-ηματα, foot- gear, boots and shoes. Plat., Xen. ■ΰτΓοδβχννμαι, poet, for sq., Anth. ντΓθ-δ€χο[ΐαι, Ion. — δ€Κομαι : f. -Ββξομαι ; aor. i — e5e|d- μην and in pass, form -ΐ^^χθ·ην : 3 sing·. Ep. aor. 2 ύπεδεκτο, 2 pi. imper. ύττόδεχθβ, inf. ύποδίχθαι, part. νίΓοδίγμε^οε : Dep. : — to receive beneath the surface, II. 2. to receive into one' s house, receive hospitably, Horn., etc.; b ύ7Γoδeξάμeyos one's host, Isocr. 3. to give ear to, hearken to, evxds Hes. ; tovs Xoyovs Hdt. 4. to take in charge as a nurse, h. Horn., Plat. 5. metaph., πημο ύττίδ^κτό μ€ sorrow svas my host, Od. ; OTvy^phs νπ^δί^ατο Koiros a hateful nest awaited them, of ensnared birds, Ib. II. to take tipon oneself, undertake a task, promise, Horn. ; with inf. fut., Hdt., etc.; less often with inf. aor., Id.; ύττ. μ^-^άΚα τινί to make him great promises. Id. 2. to admit, allow a charge. Id. ; ουκ ύττ. to refuse to admit, deny. Id. III. to submit to, bear patiently, Od. IV. like Lat. excipere, 1. to wait for, abide the attack of, Hes., Xen. : — of hunters, to lie in wait for game, Xen. 2. to come next to, border upon, Hdt. V. of a woman, to conceive, Xen. ΰτΓΟ-δεω, f. -δ·}\σω, to bind or fasten under, Hdt. II. esp. to underbind, i. e. to shoe, because the sandals or shoes were bound on with straps. Plat. : — Med. to bind under one's feet, put on shoes, Ar., Xen., etc. ; also c. acc., ύποδησάμ€νο5 KoObpyovs Hdt. : — so in pf. pass., ύττοδ-ηματα ύτΓθδ^δ^μ4νο$ with shoes on one's feet. Plat. ; and absol., ύττοδΐΖ^μΙνοι with their shoes on, Xen. ; so, ύποδζδ€μίνοι rhv dpiOT^pbv ττόδα with shoes on the left foot, Thuc. ■ύττο-δηλόω, f. ώσω, to shew privately, Plut. ■ίιΐτόδημα, aros, τό, (ΰττοδβω) a sole bound under the foot with straps, a sandal, ττοσϊν ύττοδήματο δονσα ό· e. δέουσα) Od. ; ττοσΙν υποδήματα δοίην (i. e. δ^οίτην) Ib., etc. ; υπόδημα κοΊΚον, or υπόδημα alone, = Lat. calceus, a shoe or half-boot, Ar., etc. ντΓΟ-δήσαι, aor. i inf. of ύπο-δόω. ύτΓΟ-δϊδάσκδίλος, 6, an under-teacher , of a chorus. Plat, ύττο-δίδωμι, f. -δώσω, to give way, Arist. νττό-δϊκος, ov, (δίκη) brought to trial or liable to be tried, Lys., etc. : — tivos for a thing, Aesch., Oratt. ; ύπόδικόε τινι liable to action from a person, Dem., etc. •υτΓΟ-δίφθερος, ov, (διψθόρα) clothed in skins, Luc. ■ύτΓΟ-δμηθείς, aor. i pass. part, of ύπο-δαμνάω. ΰτΓο-δμώς, a>os, b, an under-servant, Od. νττόΒοσίζ, €(ΰ5, b, (ύποδίδωμι) a remission, Aesch. ■ύτΓοδοχή, η, (υποδέχομαι) a reception, entertainment , Hdt., Eur., etc. ; ets υποδοχήν τού στρατζύματο5 for the reception of the army (in hostile sense), Thuc. 2. a harbouring of runaway slaves. Id. 3. means for entertaining, Plut. II. acceptance, support, Aeschin. III. a supposition, assumption, Dem. IV. a receptacle, reservoir, Arist. νιτόδρα, (υπζ) Adv. only in phrase ύπόδρα ϊδών, looking from under the brows, looking askance, grimly, II. ΰτΓΟ-δρα,μεΐν, aor. 2 inf. of ύπο-τρέχω. - ύττόθεσ-ις. ■ΰτΓοδρηστηρ, rjpos, b, (νποδράω) an under-servant, attendant, assistant, Od. •ΰποδρομΐ], η, (ύποδραμύν) a running under or into the way of a thing, Antipho. ■υιτόδρομος, ov, (ύποδραμ^ΐν) running under, πέτρο5 ύπ. ίχνουε a stone in the way <^his foot, Eur. ■ίΐΊτό-δροσος, ov, somewhat moistened or dewy, Theocr. ■ΰτΓο-δρώω, Ep. for ύπο-δράω, to serve, be serviceable to, Tivi Od. ■υτΓοδύνω, v. υττοδυω. ■ΰτΓΟ-δΰς, aor. 2 part, of ύπο-δυω. ■ίΐΊΓοδυτης [υΊ, ου, b, a garment under a coat of mail, ^Plut.^ ■ίιττο-δυω and -διίνω, to put on under, κιθώναε ύποδΰν^ιν τοΊσι βΐμασι Hdt. 2 . to slip in under. Id. : — also to assume secretly, slip into, c. acc.. Id. : — also to slip from under, Xen. 3. metaph. to undergo danger, Hdt. II. Med. ΰιτοδύομαι, f. -δΰσομαι : aor. I -ζδυσάμην, Ep. 3 sing, -ίδΰσ^το : so also aor. 2 act. —έδυν, pf. -δέδϋκα : — to go under, get under, sink beneath, Lat. subire, c. acc., Od. ; ύπ. ύπδ την ζίχτγΧην Hdt. : — so, ύπ·. ύπδ των κβραμίδων to creep under, Ar. ; (pepei τινά ύποδβδυκότα underneath it. Id. 2 . to put one's feet under a shoe, to put It on. Id. 3. metaph. to put on a character (because the actor’s face wdjsput under a mask). Plat., Arist. 4. c. gen. /o coyne froyn under, coiyie forth from, Od. III. to go under so as to bear, to bear οτι oyie's shoulders, ll. 2 . to enter into war, Hdt. 3. metaph. to undergo danger, c. acc., Xen.; ύπ. αιτίαν to make oneself subject to .. , Dem. 4. c. inf. to undertake to do, Hdt. 5. of feelings, to steal over one, c. acc. , Aesch. : — c. dat., πασιν ύττεδυ ybos sorrow stole upon all, Od. 6. absol. to slip or sliyik away, Dem. 7 . absol., οφθαλμοί ύποδ^δυκότ^ε sunken eyes, Luc. ύτΓο-είκω, v. ύπ-ζίκω. •ΰτΓο-ζάκορος, b or η, an under-priest or priestess, Hdt. ■ύ'ίΓΟ-ζβ'υγνΰμι and -τίω : f. -ζ^υξω : — Pass., aor. 2 ύπ- €ζύyηv [υ] : pf. -έζiυyμaι : — to yoke under, put UTider the yoke, ύπ. ίππουε ημιόνουε Od. : — Pass, to be yoked Tiyider, submit to, αναγκαίε Aesch. ; πόντρ Soph. •ΰτΓο-ζ'ύγιον [ύ], τό, (Coy0v) a beast for the yoke, a beast of burden, \^dX. jumeyituyyi, Theogn., Hdt., etc. ■ύττόζωμα, ατοε, τό, the diaphragm, midriff, Arist. II. in pi. braces passed under the hull of a vessel, so as to UTidergird her (cf. ύποζώννυμι ll). Plat. •υίΓΟ-ζώννΰμι and -υω, f. -^ώσω : — Pass., pf. ύπ-έζωσμαι : — to undergird, Plut. : — Pass., ζ^ιραε ύπ^ζωσμένοι girt with Ceipai, Hdt. II. to undergird ox f rap a ship (v. ύπόζωμα II), Polyb., X. T. •ύπόζωσμα, ατοε, τό, less Att. form for ύπόζωμα (il), Plut. ύττο-θάλιτω, f. ψω, to heat inwardly, Aesch. : — Pass. to glow under a thing, c. dat., Anth. ■υτΓΟ-θείς, aor. 2 part, of ύπο-θέω. ■υτΓΟ-βερμαίνω : Pass., aor. i ύπ-ζθζρμάνθην : — to heat a little : — Pass, to grow soniewhat hot, be heated, II. ■ίητό-θερμος, ov, somewhat hot or passionate, Hdt. ■υτΓΟ-θεσθαι, aor. 2 med. inf. of ύπο-τίθημι. {r7r00€ais> ^ωε, η, (ύποτίθημι) that which is placed under, a foundation, hypothesis, supposition, Lat. assump- tio. Plat. 2 . the subject under discussion, the ντΓοΘετεον — ντΓΟκρινομαι question, Xen., Dem., etc. II. that which is laid down as a rule of action, a principle, Dem. : generally, a purpose, plan, design. Plat. III. a cause, pretext. Pint. ■ίπΓοθβτβον, verb. Adj. one must assume, Arist. ■ίιττο-θεω, f. -θ^ΰσομαι, to run in under, make a secret attack, Pind. 2. to run in before, to supplant. At. II. of dogs, to run in too hastily, Xen. ΰτΓοθήκη, η, {ύποτίθτημι) a suggestion, counsel, warning, piece of advice, Hdt., Arist. II. a pledge, a mortgage, Dem. ντΓθθη|Λοσύνη, η, a suggestion, hint, warning, υπο- θ-ημοσΰντισιν ^AQt)vt\s (Ep. dat. pi.) Horn.; Έρμου ύπο- θημοσύντ) Xen. From {ΐΊΓοθήμων, ovos, 6, η, (υττοτίθημι) suggesting advice. ■υτΓΟ-θησω, fut. of νπο-τίθημι. νιτΓο-θλίβω [t], f . ψω, to press tinder or gently, Luc. ■υτΓθ-θορ·υβ€ω, f. ήσω, to begin to make a clamour, Thuc. νίΓΟ-θράττω, Att. for ύττο-ταράσσω, Plut. ■υτΓο-θρΰτττομαι, Pass., to be delicate or remiss, Plut. ■ίΐΊΓΟ-θΰμίς, ίδθ5, Ύ], (θυμό$) a garland worn on the neck, Sappho. ■υΐΓθθΰμί 5 , i 7 (?), an unknown bird, Ar. ύίΓο-θωττεΰω, f, σω, to flatter a little, win by flattery, Ar. : — absol. to use flattery, Hdt. ύτΓο-θωρήσσομαι, Med. to arm oneself in secret, II. •ύτΓΟ-ϊάχω [ά], to sound forth in answer, Anth. ΰπ-οικεω, f. ήσω, to dwell under : to lie hidden, Anth. ΰτΓ-οικίξομαι, Pass, with aor. i med., = foreg., Anth. ΰπ-οικοδομεω, to build under a place, c. gen., Luc. νπ-οικουρεω, f. ήσω, to keep the house, stay at home : — metaph. to lurk, lie hidden, Luc. II. trans. to engage in or plot underhand, Plut. 2. c. acc. pers. to work secretly upon. Id. ; v6aOs ύπ. avrovs crept in among them. Id. νΐΊΓ-οιμώζω, f . -οιμώζομαι, to wail softly, to whimper, Luc. ΰτΓο-κάθημαι, Ιοη.-κάτημαι, Dep. tobe seated in a place, station oneself, Hdt. II. to sit or lie in ambush, Xen. 2. c. acc. pers. to lie in wait for, Hdt. νιπο-καθίζω, f. Att. ιώ, to place in ambush : — Med. to lie in ambush, Xen. νΐΊΓο-καίω, Att. -κάω, f. -κανσω, to burn by applying fire below, Hdt. : to offer secret sacrifices, Aesch. 2. to light under, Luc. ■ΰτΓΟ-κάμιΓτω, f. ψω, to bend short back, turn in under, II. II. intr. to turn short back, double as a hare, Xen. : — metaph., c. acc., to fall short of , καιρόν Aesch. -ύτΓΟ-κάρδιος, ον, (^καρδία) in the heart, Theocr. •ίητο-καταβαίνω, f. -βί,σομαι, to descend by degrees or stealthily, Hdt., Thuc. : to come down a little, Xen. ύττο-κατακλίνομαι [t]. Pass, to lie down under, to sub- mit, yield, Tivi to one. Plat.: — absol. to give in, Dem. ύτΓο-κάτω [ά], Adv. below, under, c. gen.. Plat, ΰ'ττδ-κειμαι, used as Pass, of ύποτίθημι, with f. ύποκ€ί(Γομαι, but aor. i ύττ^τόθην : — to lie under or beneath, II., Thuc. ; c. dat.. Plat. II. in various metaph. senses, 1. to be put under the eyes or mind, i. e. to be submitted or proposed to one, Pind. ; oi ύττοκβίμ^ναι ^λττίδεϊ one’s present hopes, Dem. ; ύττόκζίταί μοι 'ότι . . 1 have laid down the rule, that . . , Hdt. ’2,. to be laid down or assumed as an hypothesis. Plat., etc.; τούτων ύττοκ^ιμόνων = his 843 positis. Id. ; impers., ύττόκζίται a rule is laid down, Dem. ; ύποκ^ίσθω 'ότι . . let it be granted that . . , Arist. 3. to be suggested, Hdt. 4. to be left at bottom, left remaining, Thuc., Dem. 5. to be subject to, submit to, τινι Plat. : absol. to be submis- sive, Id. β. tobe left behind in pledge, to be pledged or mortgaged, tivos for a certain sum, Dem., etc. ; ύποκ€ίμξνοι, of persons, bound for payment of a sum of money. Id. 7. to underlie, as a substratum. Plat., etc. 8. to be subordinate. Id. ■ίητο-κήρυσσομαι, Att. -^τομαι, Med. to make known by voice of herald or crier, to have a thing proclaimed or cried, esp. for sale, Aeschin. ; σ^αυτόν ύττ. to ad- vertise yourself. Plat. ύτΓο-κϊνεω, f. ήσω, to move lightly. Ζέφυρου ύποκιν-η- aavTos (sc. τδ κνμα II. 2. metaph. to urge gently on. Plat. II. intr. to move a little, stir a finger, Hdt., Ar. 2. metaph. to be deranged. Plat. ύίΓο-κλαίω, Att. -κλάω, to shed secret tears, Aesch. •ίιττο-κλειττω, f. φω, to steal underhand, filch, Babr. : — Pass, to be stolen away, Pind. 2. ύποκλεπτεσθαί τι to be defrauded of z. thing. Soph, ύπο-κλίνομαι [t]. Pass, to recline or lie down under, c. dat., σχοίνφ ύπ^κλίνθη Od. υτΓο-κλονεομαι, Pass, to be driven in confusion before one, Tivi II. ύτΓθ-κλοτΓ€ομαι, Pass, to lurk in secret places, Od. χιίΓο-κλυζω, f. ύσω, to wash from below, Anth. ■ίητο-κνίζω, f. σω, to tickle or excite a little, Pind. : — Pass, to be somewhat excited, Xen. •ίητο-κόλίΓίος, ον, under the folds of the robe, Anth. ■ίητό-κοττος, ον, somewhat tired, Xen. ΰτΓο-κόΐΓτω, f. φω, to cut beneath, to hamstring, Plut. υτΓΟ-κορίζομαι, f. ίσομαι : Dep. : — to talk child's lan- guage, 1. trans. to call by endearing names, Ar. 2. to call by a fair name, gloss over or pal- liate, Plat., Dem. 3. reversely, to call something good by a bad name, to nickname, Xen. II. intr. to use diminutives, Arist. Hence ΰτΓοκόρισμα, aros, τό, a coaxing or endearing name, Aeschin. ■ίιτΓοκορισμός, ό, = foreg., Plut. II. the use of diminutives, Arist. ύττο-κουρίξομαι, Ion. for -κορίζομαι, to soothe with soft names, Pind. -ύττό-κουφος, ον, somewhat light or fickle, Plut. ύττο-κρατηρίδιον. Ion. ύττοκρητ-, τό, the stand of a κρατ-ηρ, Hdt. ■υίΓο-κρεκω, f. ξω, of stringed Instruments, to answer in sound, i. e. to sound in harmony with, τινί Pind. ύτΓΟ-κρητηρίδιον, Ion. for ύττο-κρατ-. ■ίηΓθ-κρίνομαι[Γ], f. -κρΧνούμαι, Ion. -όομαι: aor. i ύττίκρΐ- νάμην : later also aor. i and pf. pass, in mcd. sense, ύτΓίκρίθην [Γ], ύποκόκριμαι : — ίο reply, make answer, answer, Horn., Hdt. 2. to expound, interpret, explain, Od., Ar. : — the Att. word in this sense is άπο-κρίνομαι. II. of actors, to answer on the stage : hence to play a part, t^v Άντνγόνην ύποκί- κριται Dem. ; ύττ. τδ βασιλικόν to take the king’s part, Arist. ; ύποκρ. τρα-γψδίαν, κωμψδίαν to play a tragedy, a comedy. Id. ; absol. to play a part, be an actor. Id. 2. to represent dramatically : hence to 844 ί’—οκρια-Ια — ύττολυω. exaggerate, Dem. 3. metaph. to play a part, to feign, pretend, c. inf., Id. ντΓοκρϊο-ία, 7\, rarer form for uxo/cptcrts ll, .Anth. νττόκρϊσις, eo-'s, rj, ύττοκρίνομαι : I. in Ion. a reply, answer, Hdt. II. in .Att. the playing a part on the stag-e, the actor’s art, .Arist. 2. an orators delivery , declamation, \ά. 3. the playing a part, hypocrisy, Phocyl. νίΓΟκρϊτης, ου, δ, ύττοκρίνομαι an interpreter or ex- pounder, Plat., Luc. II. one vcho plays a part on the stage, a player, actor, Ar., Plat., etc. 2. metaph. a pretender, dissembler, hypocrite, N. T. ■ΰίΓοκρΐτικός, η, όν, belonging to vroKpiais ’ll , having a good delivery, Arist. 2. suited for speaking ox delivery, ύ^οκριτικατάτη Xe|is Id. : -η -κη sc. τ^χνη , the art of delivery, \ά.. 3. τχιοιζ,^ο. pretending to a thing, c. gen., Luc. VITO- κρούω, f. σω, to strike gently, .Anth. : to beat time, give the time, Plut. II. metaph. to break in upon, interrupt, c. acc., Ar. III. in Med. to find fault smth, attack. Id. ■υΐΓθ-κρύΐΓτω, f. to hide under or beneath, ίιχτη) ύτΓζκρύόθτ) the ship] vcas hidden beneath the spray, II. j \)iro- κρώζω, f. |ω, to croak faintly , as a sick person, Luc. ! νΐΓ0-κ·υκλος, Qv, running on wheels, Od. I νπο-κτίομαι, Med. to conceive, become pregnant , vrro- \ κνσάμίνη not -κυσσαμ^νη , Horn., Hes. ■ΰ^τΓο-κ-υτΓτω, f. ι^ω, to stoop under a yoke, oi ΜΓ;δοί ■ ύττξκττίαν ΤΙζρσιρσι bowed to the Persian yoke, Hdt. : j absol., of suppliants, to bow down, .Ar., Xen. II. ' c. acc., ύτ. rav τνλον to stoop the shoulder so as to let a load be put on, .Ar. ■υιτό-κ-ϋφος, ον, somewhat humped, Strab. νιτο-κώλιον, το, κΰΚον the thigh of an animal, Xen. -υΐΓ 0 -κωμωδ€ω, f. ήσω, to ridicule a little, Luc. νιτό-κωψος, ον, somewhat deaf, .Ar., Plat. νίΓΟ-λαμβάνω, f. -λ-η-φομαι : aor. 2 VT-e\a$ov : pf. ~€ίλ7]ψα : — to take up by getting under, as the dolphin did Arion, Hdt. : to receive into its bosom, X. T. b. to bear up, support, Hdt. C. to take by the hand. Plat. 2. to seise or come suddenly upon, of fear, Horn. ; of a fit of madness, a pestilence, Hdt. ; δνσχωρία ύτΓ€\άμβαν(ν airrovs, i. e. they came suddenly into difficult ground, Xen. ; then, of events, to follow next, come next, Hdt. 3. to take up the discourse and answer, to reply, rejoin, retort, Thuc., Plat., etc. : — absol., in dialogue, ύττοΚαβών, ύττ. € tap vreXauxe Hdt.; ύττ. 7) Tjpipa Plut. ■ίιίΓο-λείβω, to pour secret libations, .Aesch. I ν·7Γθ-λ€ί'π·ω, f. lia·, to leave remaining, Od., Thuc., etc. 2. of things, to fail one, biroXeixlei bpSs η μισθοψορά Lys. II. Pass., c. fut. med., to be left remaining, Horn., Hdt. 2. of things, to I remain in force, Thuc. 3. to stay behind, Od. : c. gen., ύχολείχβσθαχ τοΟ στόλου to stay behind the j e.xpedition, i. e. not to go upon it, Hdt. 4. to be I left behind in a race, .Ar. : of stragglers in an army, i to lag behind, Xen. ; ύττ, μικρΡν τού στόματο5 to fall behind the front rank. Id. 5. metaph. to be in- ferior to, Tivos .Arist. 6. absol. to fail, come to an end. Soph. : — ύχ. τινά δ Koyos fails him, Arist. III. Med. to leave behind one, Hdt. ; ύττοΚ^Ιττ^σθαι αιτίαν to leave cause for reproach against oneself, Thuc. ■inro-XciTTOs, ov, somewhat fine, Luc. υίΓο-λβυκαίνομαι, Pass, to become white underneath or somewhat white, II. Wo -λήνιον, TO, \\t]v0s' the vessel under a press to receive the wine or oil, a vat, Lat. locus, N. T. ΰίΓοληΐΓτόον, verb. Adj. of ύκολαμβάνω, one must suppose, understand, think of. Plat. ■ίπτόληψις, €ci‘s, ύτοΧαμβάναι a taking up, esp. a taking up the word, taking up the matter where another leaves off. Plat. : — a rejoinder, reply, Isocr. II. a taking in a certain sense, an assumption, concep- tion, Oexn. 2. a hasty judgment, suspicion, Luc. W -ολίζων, ov, somewhat less or fewer, II. υτΓ 0 -λϊθθ 9 , ov, somewhat stony, Luc. ύίΓο-λιμ-π-άνω, later for υχολβίχω, to leave behind, X. T. ΰΐΓ-ολισ6άνω, f. —ολισθ^σω, to slip or slide gradually, j Luc. I ύιτό-λιστΓος, Att. -λισφος, ov, somewhat smooth, worn 1 smooth, .Ar. I νττό-λιχνος, ov, somewhat lickerish or dainty, Luc. i ΰίΓολο-γόω, f. ήσω, to take account of, tivos Arist. ^ ύίΓΟ-λογίζομαι, f. ίσομαι, .Att. ιονμαι : Dep. : — to take I into account, take account of. Plat., Dem. Hence ; ύπολογιστόον, verb. Adj. one must take into account, I ^Plat. ' ύττό-λογος, ov, held accountable or liable, Dem. ; υχό- Koyov xoieio^oi to hold responsible. Plat. ; ουδόν σοι υχόλο7ον τίθεμαι I put down nothing to your account. Id. ΰτΓ0-λογο5, δ, a taking into account, a reckoning, account, ύττοΚαχον χοιβΐσθαί tivos, La.t.rationem habere rei, Dem. ; iv brroXoycp ττοι^Ισθαί τι Lys. ύττό-λο tiros, ov, left behind, staying behind, Hdt. ; oi ύττ. those who remained alive. Id. 2. of things, υχ. τδ βάραθρον yiyveTcu the pit still remains, Ar. ; οσα tiv ύττ. all that remained to be done, Thuc. ■ίπτο-λόχάγος, δ, an under -\οχατ/ 6s, a lieutenant, Xen. viro-Xvpios ]ΰ], ov, fivpa_ under the lyre ; δόναξ υχ. a reed to which the lower ends of the strings were attached, .Ar. ΰίΓο-λυω, f. σω : aor. i ύττ-ΐΧΰσα : pf. ύχο-λόλίκα : — Pass., pf. -λόλϋααζ : 3 pi. Ep. aor. 2 υχ-όλυντο : — to loosen beneath or below, ΰχ€λυσ€ yvia. made his limbs νίΓομαζοί — ύποττεμττω. give viay under him, II. : — Pass., yma viriXvvTo Ib. II. to loose from under the yoke, Horn., Thuc. : — to loose from bonds, Od. ; in Med., U7re- λύσαο δασμών thou didst free him from bonds by stealth, ll. 2. to untie a person’s sandals/row under his feet, take off his shoes, Aesch., Ar. : — Med. to take off one^s sandals or shoes, or to have them taken off, Ar. b. c. acc. pers. to unshoe him, take off his shoes. Plat. υπόμαζοι, oi, the parts under the breast, Bion. νιττό-μακρος, ον, somewhat long, longish, Ar. ύττο-μαλακίζοραι, Pass, to grow cowardly by degrees, Xen. ■υττό-μαργος, ον, somewhat mad, in Comp. νπομαρΎ0- Tcpos, Hdt. ■ίΐΊΓΟ-μάσσω, Att. -ττω, f. ξω, to smear or rub under- neath, Theocr. ΰτΓ-ομβρος, ον, mixed with rain, Bepos ύττ. a rainy summer, Plut. ύττο-μειδιάω, to smile a little or gently, Anacreont. ■iiiro-peivai, aor. i inf. of νπο-μίνω. ντΓΟ-μείων, ον, g-en. ovos, somewhat less : — ύπομ^ίον^ί, subordinate citizens, 'opp. to δμοιοι, Xen. 'υ7Γθ-μ€μψομαι, Dep. to blame a little or secretly, Plut. \)7Γθ-μ6μψίμοιρος, ον, somewhat discontented with his lot, Cic. ■υ7Γομ€ν€Τ€ον, verb. Adj. of όττομ^νω, one must sustain, abide, endure, Thuc., etc. ·υΐΓομ€ν6Τΐκός, ή, 6v, patient of, των δ€ΐνων Arist. ιΐΊΓο-μ£νω, f. -μ^νω : aor. i ύττ-ζμ^ινα : — to stay behind, survive, Od., Hdt., Att. II. trans., 1. c. acc. pers. to await another, to await his attack, bide the onset, Ik, Hdt. j ύπ. ras "Xeiprivas to abide their presence, Xen. 2. c. acc. rei, to be patient under, abide patiently, submit to, Hdt., Thuc., etc. ; vir.r^v κρίσιν to await one’s trial, Aeschin. : to wait for, r^v kopT7]v Thuc. 3. absol. to stand one's ground, stand firm, II., Hdt., etc. ; υτομίνων icaprepeiv to endure patiently. Plat. 4. c. inf. to submit or dare to do a thing, wait to do, persist in doing·, like Lat. sustinere, Od., Xen. 5. so with part, relat- ing to the subject, et ύττομ€ν4ουσι x^ipas αντα^ίρόμ^νοι if they shall dare to lift their hands, Hdt. ; vnopevei w