I \ *N ^ O I , / War Crimes Trials Records of Case II United States of America v. Erhard Milch Special List No. 38 The Library of the JAN 25 1977 university ot mmois f,\ iirhana-ChamDatft National Archives and Records Service. General Services Administration, Washington, D.C. 1975 GERALD R. FORD President of the United States ARTHUR F. SAMPSON Administrator of General Services JAMES B. RHOADS Archivist of the United States Special List No. 38 Nuernberg War Crimes Trials Records of Case II United States of America v. Erhard Milch Compiled by John Mendelsohn National Archives and Records Service General Services Administration Washington: 1975 ■fr U S GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1975-0-570-346 Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data United States. National Archives and Records Service. Nuernberg war crimes trial records. (Special list - National Archives and Records Service; no. 38) Includes index. 1. War crime trials—Nuremberg—-Milch case, 1946-1947 I. Mendelsohn, John, 1928- II. Title. III. Series United States. National Archives and Records Service. Special list; no. 38. Law 341.6*9 75-619033 Foreword The General Services Administration, through the National Archives and Records Service, is* responsible for administering the permanently valuable noncurrent records of the Federal Government. These archival holdings, now amounting to more than 1 million cubic feet, date from the days of the First Continental Congress and consist of the basic records of the legislative, judicial, and executive branches of our Government. The presidential libraries of Herbert Hoover, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, and Lyndon B. Johnson contain the papers of those Presidents and of many of their associates in office. These research resources document significant events in our Nation’s history, but most of them are preserved because of their continuing practical use in the ordinary processes of government, for the protection of private rights, and for the research use of scholars and students. To facilitate the use of these materials our archivists prepare various kinds of finding aids that describe their nature and content. The present work is one such publication. We believe that it will be of value to anyone who wishes to use the records it describes. ARTHUR F. SAMPSON Administrator of General Services Preface Special lists are published by the National Archives and Records Service (NARS) as part of its records description program. The special list describes in detail the contents of certain important records series; that is, units of records of the same form or that deal with the same subject or activity or that are arranged serially. Its form and style are not fixed but vary according to the nature of the records to which it relates. Its distinguishing characteristic is that it goes beyond the general description contained in a record group registration statement, a preliminary inventory, or an inventory and describes records in terms of individual record items. In addition to lists and other finding aids that relate to particular record groups, NARS issues publications that give an overall picture of materials in its custody. A new, comprehensive Guide to the National Archives of the United States and a revised and expanded Guide to Materials on Latin America in the National Archives of the United States were published in 1974. Reference information papers analyze records in the National Archives of the United States (hereafter called the Archives) on such subjects as transportation, small business, and the Middle East. Records of the Civil War are described in Guide to Federal Archives Relating to the Civil War (1962), Guide to the Archives of the Government of the Confederate States of America (1968), and Civil War Maps in the National Archives (1964); those of World War I in Handbook of Federal World War Agencies and Their Records, 1917-1921 (1943); and those of World War II in the two-volume guide Federal Records of World War II (1950-51). Genealogical records are described in Guide to Genealogical Records in the National Archives (1964). In the Archives are large quantities of audiovisual materials received from all sources: Government, private, and commercial. The Guide to the Ford Film Collection in the National Archives (1970) describes one of the largest private gift collections. The extensive body of maps and charts is described in the Guide to Cartographic Records in the National Archives (1971). Many bodies of records of high research value have been microfilmed by NARS as a form of publication. Positive prints of these microfilm publications, many of which are described in the current Catalog of National Archives Microfilm Publications, are available for purchase. For other publications, see the most recent Select List of Publications of the National Archives and Records Service, General Information Leaflet No. 3. JAMES B. RHOADS Archivist of the United States TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Introduction . 1 Prosecution Exhibits (PEX) . 6 Defense Exhibits (DEX) ........ 30 Transcripts of the Proceedings (TRC) . 37 Official Court File, Order and Judgment Book, and Clemency Petitions . 47 Official Court File (OCF) . 47 Order and Judgment Book (OJB). 53 Clemency Petitions (CLP) . 57 Prosecution Opening Statement (POS), Prosecution Closing Statement (PCS), Opening Plea for Defense (OPD) . . 59 Appendix ..••••....•• 61 Index 64 Instructions for ordering microfilm . 113 vii Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign https://archive.org/details/nuernbergwarcrim3819unit INTRODUCTION This is the first in a series of special lists describing the microfilmed records of war crimes trials before U.S. Military Tribunals from 1946 to 1949 at Nuernberg subsequent to the International Military Tribunal (IMT) held in the same city. Described are the 13 rolls of National Archives and Records Service (NARS) Microfilm Publication M888, reproducing the re¬ cords of Case II, United States of America v. Erhard Milch , con¬ sisting of prosecution and defense exhibits and document books, transcripts of court proceedings in English and German, a minute book, the official court file, the order and judgment book, clem¬ ency petitions, and prosecution opening and closing statements. Prosecution exhibits consist largely of documents from various Nuernberg record series offered as evidence by the prosecution in this case. Defense exhibits are often affidavits by various persons. Transcripts consist of two seven-volume sets (one in German and one in English) and are the recorded daily trial pro¬ ceedings. Prosecution and defense document books are full or partial English translations of German exhibits and provide an indication of the order in which the exhibits were presented to the tribunal. Case II was heard by U.S. Military Tribunal II from November 13, 1946, to April 17, 1947. The records of this case, together with the records of the IMT, the other 11 U.S. proceedings at Nuernberg, and the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, are part of National Archives Collection of World War II War Crimes Records, Record Group 238. The Milch Case thus was 1 of the following 12 separate proceedings held before several U.S. Military Tribunals at Nuernberg in the U.S. Zone of Occupa¬ tion in Germany against officials or citizens of the Third Reich: No. of Popular Name Defendants Medical Case 23 Milch Case (Luftwaffe) 1 Justice Case 16 Pohl Case (SS) 18 Flick Case (Industr.) 6 I. G. Farben Case 24 (Industrialist) Hostage Case 12 RuSHA Case (SS) 14 Einsatzgruppen Case (SS) 24 Krupp Case (Industr.) 12 Ministries Case 21 High Command Case 14 Case United States v. 1 Karl Brandt et al. 2 Erhard Milch 3 Josef Altstoetter et al. 4 Oswald Pohl et al. 5 Friedrich Flick et al. 6 Carl Krauch et al. 7 Wilhelm List et al. 8 Ulrich Greifelt et al. 9 Otto Ohlendorf et al. 10 Alfried Krupp et al. 11 Ernst von Weizsaecker et al. 12 Wilhelm von Leeb et al. 1 Authority for the proceedings of the IMT against major Nazi war criminals derived from the Declaration on German Atrocities (Moscow Declaration) released November 1, 1943; Executive Order 9547 of May 2, 1945; the London Agreement of August 8, 1945; the Berlin Protocol of October 6, 1945; and the IMT Charter. Authority for the 12 subsequent cases derived primarily from Control Council Law 10 of December 20, 1945, and was reinforced by Executive Order 9679 of January 16, 1946; U.S. Military Government Ordinances Nos. 7 and 11 of October 18, 1946, and February 17, 1947, respectively; and U.S. Forces, European Theater General Order 301 of October 24, 1946. The procedures applied by U.S. Military Tribunals in the subsequent proceedings were patterned after those of the IMT and further developed in the 12 cases, which required over 1,200 days of court sessions and generated more than 330,000 transcript pages. Milch, a Luftwaffe field marshal, held several key positions in the Third Reich. He was State Secretary in the German Air Ministry, 1933-44; Inspector General of the Air Force, 1938-45; Deputy to the Commander in Chief of the Air Force, 1938-45; Aircraft Master General, 1941-44; member of the Central Planning Board, 1942-45; and Chief of the Jaegerstab, 1944-45. The indictment against Milch consisted of three counts. Count one pertained to war crimes, including deportations of civilians to slave labor camps in territories occupied by German Armed Forces, the illegal use of prisoners of war (POW's) in war opera¬ tions, and the cruel and inhumane treatment of slave laborers. He was charged with planning these crimes as a member of the Central Planning Board (Zentrale Planung, ZP), Aircraft Master General (Generalluftzeugmeister, GL), and Chief of the Jaeger¬ stab. Count two dealt with war crimes consisting of illegal medical experiments, particularly high-altitude and freezing experiments involving concentration camp inmates as test persons, which resulted in many deaths. Count three accused Milch of crimes against humanity, including deportations of Germans and other civilian populations controlled by the German Armed Forces to slave labor camps and illegal medical experiments performed on German and non-German concentration camp inmates. The judgment found Milch guilty on counts one and three but acquitted him of count two. He was sentenced to life imprisonment. The sentence was commuted first to 15 years imprisonment, and he was freed in 1954. He died in January 1972. Descriptions of the microfilmed records of Case II are divided into seven parts and an index. Part one describes the 161 prose¬ cution exhibits (PEX), of which Nos. 48 and 75 are multipartite documents (amounting to 215 individual PEX), and links them to their English translation in the prosecution document books. Many PEX are full or incomplete minutes of meetings, particularly 2 of the ZP, the Jaegerstab, and the GL; correspondence between Milch and Nazi officials; reports and photographs especially on concentration camp experiments; and other items. Normally a PEX is preceded by a certificate listing the document number, a short description of the exhibit, and a statement on the loca¬ tion of the original document from which the exhibit was repro¬ duced. The certificate is followed by the document (the actual prosecution exhibit). Some documents, chiefly affidavits, have no certificates. In rare cases the exhibits are followed by translations or additional certificates. Several PEX are barely legible; there are frequent misspellings of names accompanied by the difficulty of ascertaining the correct spelling today and poor translations. The 57 defense exhibits (DEX) described in part two are also linked to English translations in defense document books. DEX 1-11, 12a-16, 18-25, 30, 34, and 36 were not available for micro¬ filming and the German language document books have been filmed in their place. Other than affidavits by various German offi¬ cials, the DEX include minutes of meetings, newspaper clippings, and other items. Certificates, wherever available, follow the exhibits, which are described in numerical sequence. A few DEX are difficult to read. In addition to the indictment, judgment, and sentence, the trans¬ cripts (TRC) described in part three contain the arraignment* and pleas of the defendant (not guilty) and opening and closing state¬ ments of defense and prosecution. English language TRC volumes are arranged numerically, 1-7; pagination is continuous, 1-2528. German language TRC volumes are numbered la-7a and paginated 1-2544. The TRC are described so that reference to microfilm roll and first frame, as well as page and volume numbers for both German and English language TRC, are given with each of the entries, which are presented chronologically. Letters at the top of each page of the TRC indicate morning, afternoon, and evening sessions. Letter "C" designates commission hearings (in most cases one or more of the commissions took testimony and received documentary evidence for consideration by the tribunals in order to save court time and to avoid assembling hundreds of witnesses at Nuernberg). Parts four through six describe microfilm reproductions of the 58 documents of the official court file (OCF), 31 documents of the order and judgment book (OJB), and 17 clemency petition records (CLP). The OCF contains copies of Milch*s indictment and arraignment as well as applications for defense counsel, documents, and witnesses. The OJB includes orders granting or denying these to the defendant, the opinion and judgment of the tribunal with concurring opinions by Judges Michael A. Musmanno and Fitzroy D. Phillips, sentence, and affirmation of sentence by the deputy military governor for Germany. The CLP were direc¬ ted to the U.S. Military Governor of Germany, the U.S. Supreme 3 Court, and the President of the Swiss Confederation. The des¬ cription of the OCF, OJB, and CLP includes volume and page numbers as well as microfilm roll and first-frame numbers. Part seven contains the annotated English language opening and closing statements for the prosecution and the opening plea of the defendant. The index following part seven was computer formatted and pro¬ duced from key-word imput gathered from the descriptive part of the text. Added were reference and subheadings. The full edi¬ tion was then reproduced from the master copies by photographic offset printing. Not described are a number of records filmed on roll 1. These include key documents from which Tribunal II derived its juris¬ diction: the Moscow Declaration, U.S. Executive Orders 9579 and 9679, the London Agreement, the Berlin Protocol, the IMT Charter, Control Council Law 10, U.S. Military Government Ordinances 7 and 11, and U.S. Forces, European Theater General Order 301. Following these documents of authorization is a list of names and functions of the members of Tribunal II, counsels, and finding aids consist¬ ing of transcript covers, including such information as name and number of case, volume numbers, language, page numbers, and in¬ clusive dates. They are followed by summaries of the daily pro¬ ceedings providing an additional finding aid for the transcripts. The exhibits are listed in an index, which notes type, number, name, corresponding document number, document book and page, a short description, and the date when it was offered in court. The court docket is a listing of documents in the official court file; it is followed by a list of witnesses. Records of the Milch Case are closely related to other micro¬ filmed records in Record Group 238, particularly the prosecution exhibits submitted to the IMT, T988; the Guertner Diaries, M978; NI (Nuernberg Industrialist) Series, T301; NOKW (Nuernberg Armed Forces High Command) Series, T1119; NG (Nuernberg Government) Series, T1139; NM (Nuernberg Miscellaneous) Series, M936; NP (Nuernberg Propaganda) Series, M942; WA Series, M936; the Brandt case, M887; the Altstoetter case, M889; the Flick case, M891; the List case, M893; the Greifelt case, M894; and the Ohlendorf case, M895. In addition, the record of the IMT at Nuernberg has been published in the 42-volume Trial of the Major War Criminals Before the International Military Tribunal (Nuernberg, 1947). Excerpts from the subsequent proceedings have been published in 15 volumes as Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuernberg Military Tribunal Under Control Council Law No, 10 (Washington, 1946-49). The Audiovisual Archives Division of NARS has custody of motion pic¬ ture records and still photographs of the 13 trials and tape re¬ cordings of the IMT proceedings. 4 Descriptions in this list were prepared by John Mendelsohn with the assistance of Johanna M. Wagner, who also prepared the input data for the computer. Edward D. Thomas functioned as programmer- analyst. The computer input scheme, a modification of the SPINDEX program, was devised by Robert Wolfe. 5 CASE II PROSECUTION EXHIBITS (PEX) This part describes 161 PEX arranged numerically. Several PEX are multipartite documents, particularly PEX 48 and PEX 75 (amounting to 215 individual PEX). The first column in the left hand section is the document number, usually an acronym and a number from one of the many document series established by the prosecution of the IMT or the Office of the Chief of Counsel for War Crimes (OCCWC). A second number in this column indicates that the PEX was also used as an IMT exhibit. The second column lists the PEX in numerical sequence. The next two columns provide microfilm roll and first frame numbers of the microfilmed PEX. The final column of this section shows the date when the PEX was offered as evidence to the tribunal. The right-hand section provides reference to the pertinent document book (DOCBK) of the PEX. It consists of DOCBK and PEX page number as well as microfilm roll and frame number of the DOCBK. The DOCBK contains full or partial English translations of the PEX. PEX 131, 132, and 158 are missing from the document book and DOCBK 6 has no pagination. This information is fol¬ lowed by a description of the contents of the PEX. DOCNO PEX ROLL 1STFR OFFERED DOCBK PAGE ROLL 1STFR USA 115 1 1947/01/03 la 1 9 6 Affidavit by Maj. William H. Coogan, Documentation Division of the International Military Tribunal, on the acquisition and handling of prosecution documents, Nov. 19, 1945. NONE 2 5 7 1947/01/03 la 6 9 11 Affidavit by Fred Niebergall, Document Control Branch of the Office of Chief of Counsel for War Crimes, on the acquisition and handling of prosecution documents, Dec. 3, 1946. L 079 3 5 12 1947/01/03 la 1 9 14 USA 27 Minutes of a conference held at the New Reich Chancellery attended by Adolf Hitler, Field Marshal Hermann Goering, Grand Adm. Erich Raeder, Gen. Walter von Brauchitsch, Gen. Wilhelm Keitel, Gen. Erhard Milch, Gen. (Artillery) Franz Haider, Gen. Karl Bodenschatz, Rear Adm. Otto Schniewind, Col. Hans Jeschonneck, Col. Walter Warlimont, Lt. Col. Rudolf Schmundt, Capt. (Army) Gerhard Engel, Lt. Comdr. Conrad Albrecht, and Capt Nicolaus von Below, signed by and in the handwriting of the adjutant on duty. Colonel Schmundt, in which Hitler outlined his aims and the world political situation, May 23, 1939 (known as the "Little Schmundt Minutes"). 6 DOCNO PEX ROLL 1STFR OFFERED DOCBK PAGE ROLL 1STFR PS 1375 4 5 37 1947/01/03 la 8 9 21 USA 172 Letter and directives signed by Hans Frank, Generalgouverneur of Poland, to the Chief of the Four Year Plan, Goering, from the files of Armed Forces High Command (Oberkommando der Wehr- macht, OKW) Feldwirtschaftsamt, on the economic exploitation of Poland, Jan. 25, 1940. PS 2233a 4a 5 46 1947/01/06 la 12 9 25 USA 173 Excerpts from the 38-volume official diary of Frank pertaining to the exploitation of the Generalgouvernement, Vol. II, excerpts from minutes of section chiefs conferences, Dec. 2 and 8, 1939, and Jan. 19, Feb. 15, Mar. 8, Apr. 12, May 10, July 12, Nov. 6, and Dec. 19, 1940. PS 2233b 4b 5 116 1947/01/06 la 13 9 26 USA 174 Excerpts from the official diary of Frank on discussions with SS Brigadier General Streckenbach, Ministerial Counselor Wille and others, Vol. Ill, diary for Mar. 16, 1940. PS 1352 5 5 124 1947/01/06 la 14 9 27 USA 176 Reports from the files of Bodenamt Schlesien by a Kusche and SSi Major General Holzschuher of the SS Zentralbodenamt Katowice on the confiscation of real estate in the Polish district of Bielitz (Bielsko), May 16-29, 1940. EC 068 6 5 139 1947/01/03 la 19 9 32 USA 205 Circular letter by Landesbauernschaft Baden to Kreisbauernschaften signed by a Dr. Klotz from the files of OKW Feldwirtschaftsamt on the treatment of Polish agricultural laborers in Germany, Mar. 6, 1941. PS 3044b 6a 5 143 1947/01/06 la 22 9 35 USA 206 Excerpts from the collection of party chancellery directives (Verfuegungen, Anordnungen, Bekanntgaben), Vol. II, p 592 and 593, on the treatment of household workers from the Occupied Eastern Territories. PS 3005 7 5 147 1S47/01/03 la 23 9 36 USA 213 Correspondence of the Ministries for Armament, Economics, and Labor from the files of OKW Feldwirtschaftsamt on the use of Russian POW's and the safeguarding of household goods production 7 DOCNO PEX ROLL 1STFR OFFERED DOCBK PAGE ROLL 1STFR for the victims of aerial bombardments and returning refugees, Aug. 12-Sept. 10, 1941. EC 194 8 5 156 1947/01/03 la 25 9 38 USA 214 Memorandum by the chief of Oberkommando der Wehrmacht/Wehrmacht- fuehrungsstab (OKW/WFst.) (armed forces high command/operations), signed by Keitel, on the employment of P0W*s in war industry, Oct. 31, 1941. PS 1206 9 5 163 1947/01/03 la 27 9 40 USA 215 Notes on Goering's discussion at a conference in the Air Ministry (RLM) of Nov. 7, 1941, on the employment of POW's in war industry, Nov. 11, 1941. PS 3040 10 5 170 1947/01/03 la 30 9 43 USA 207 Excerpts from the collection of orders by Heinrich Himmler (Allgemeine Erlassammlung) part 2, p. 15-25, on the treatment of laborers from the eastern territories, particularly quarters, security, and discipline, Feb. 20, 1942. PS 1435 11 5 184 1947/01/03 la 37 9 50 USA 216 Text of a speech by Albert Speer, Minister of Armament and War Production, from the files of OKW Feldwirtschaftsamt, given at the Gauleiter meeting in Munich on increasing armament produc¬ tion, Feb. 24, 1942. D 316 12 5 216 1947/01/06 la 38 9 51 USA 201 Letter from the files of Friedrich Krupp, AG, Essen, to a Herr Hupe, director of Krupp Machine Construction Department in Essen, on employment of and insufficient food distribution for Soviet citizens resulting in poor work production. Mar. 14, 1942. PS 0016 13 5 219 1947/01/03 la 39 9 52 USA 168 Cover letter and labor mobilization program from the files of Kanzlei Rosenberg by Fritz Sauckel, Plenipotentiary General for Labor Allocation, to Alfred Rosenberg, Apr. 24, 1942. R 129 14 5 265 1947/01/03 la 52 9 65 USA 217 Letter and directive by Oswald Pohl, SS General and Chief of the SS Wirtschaftsverwaltungshauptamt, to Himmler from the files 8 DOCNO PEX ROLL 1STFR OFFERED DOCBK PAGE ROLL 1STFR of Persoenliche Stab des RF-SS, Schriftgutverwaltung, on the changing status of concentration camps, Apr. 30, 1942. PS 3044 14a 5 272 1947/01/06 la 56 9 69 USA 206 Excerpts from the collection of party chancellery directives, Vol. II, p. 516-527, on the treatment of foreign laborers, especially recruitment, provisions, clothing, transportation, and recreation, May 7, 1942. PS 2241 15 5 282 1947/01/03 la 64 9 77 USA 200 Published decrees by the Ministry of Labor and Sauckel on the treatment of Soviet citizens in Germany, Aug. 16, 1941-Mar 13, 1943. PS 3044a 15a 5 288 1947/01/06 la 66 9 79 USA 206 Excerpts from collection of party chancellery directives, Vol. II, p. 531-533, on the employment of foreign laborers in territories occupied by Germany, Aug. 22, 1942. PS 0654 16 5 293 1947/01/03 la 67 9 80 USA 218 Notes by Reich Minister of Justice Otto Georg Thierack of a discussion with Himmler on coordination of SS and Ministry of Justice action in criminal cases, and special treatment of Jews, gypsies, Russians, and Ukrainians, Sept. 18, 1942. PS 0084 16a 5 298 1947/01/06 la 70 9 83 USA 199 Interdepartmental report by Dr. Gutkelch of Rosenberg’s Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories, from the files of Kanzlei Rosenberg on the employment of Eastern laborers, including such items as past problems and suggestions for the future pertaining especially to Transnistria (Ukraine), Tartars (Crimea), and skilled laborers. Sept. 30, 1942. PS 1903 17 5 324 1947/01/03 la 81 9 94 USA 206 Excerpts from the collection of directives of party chancellery, Vol. II, p. 540, on a Hitler decree pertaining to a foreign labor program signed by Hans Heinrich Lammers, Chief of the Reich Chancellery, and General Keitel, Sept. 30, 1942. PS 0017 18 5 328 1947/01/03 la 83 9 96 USA 180 Letter from the Rosenberg files by Sauckel to Rosenberg and Gauleiter Meyer on employment of 2 million foreign laborers for war production, 0ct o 3, 1942. 9 DOCNO PEX ROLL 1STFR OFFERED DOCBK PAGE ROLL 1STFR PS 0054 19 5 332 1947/01/03 la 85 9 98 USA 198 Interoffice reports of the Rosenberg Ministry on recruitment and treatment of Ukrainian skilled laborers, Apr. 27-Oct 7, 1942. PS 0294 19a 5 345 1947/01/06 la 92 9 105 USA 185 Memo by Otto Braeutigam, a leading official of the political staff of the Rosenberg Ministry, on the Eastern campaign and treatment of the population, Oct. 25, 1942. L 061 20 5 360 1947/01/03 la 98 9 111 USA 177 Letter by Sauckel to the "Landes" employment offices (Brandenburg excepted) on the employment of Jews and Poles, Dec. 19, 1941-Apr. 20, 1942. PS 1063d 21 5 373 1947/01/03 lb 100 9 114 USA 219 Directive from the files of the Staatspolizeileitstelle Duesseldorf by Heinrich Mueller, Chief of the Gestapo, on the transfer of 35,000 foreign workers to concentration camps, Dec. 17, 1942. PS 0018 22 5 382 1947/01/03 lb 102 9 116 USA 186 Letter by Rosenberg to Sauckel expressing disagreement with Sauckel's methods of labor recruitment in the Ukraine, Dec. 12, 1941. PS 1726 23 5 391 1947/01/06 lb 108 9 122 USA 195 Report and correspondence by The Netherlands Government, trans¬ mitted by the Dutch Embassy in London to Justice Robert A. Jackson, Chief of Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality, on German crimes and transgressions, Oct. 10, 1945. PS 3003 24 5 454 1947/01/03 lb 109 9 123 USA 196 Report by a Lieutenant Haupt on the economic situation concerning armament production in The Netherlands, 1944. PS 1526 25 5 461 1947/01/03 lb 110 9 124 USA 178 Letter with appendixes by Prof. Wolodymyr Kubijowitsch (Kubiowicz), Chief of the Ukrainian Control Committee, to Frank on the treatment of Ukrainian citizens and the consequences of these actions, Feb. 1943. 10 DOCNO PEX ROLL 1STFR OFFERED DOCBK PAGE ROLL 1STFR PS 1130 26 5 498 1947/01/03 lb 124 9 138 USA 169 Letter and report by Colonel von Altenstadt, Oberkommando des Heeres (OKH) to Braeutigam from the files of the Rosenberg Ministry on a speech made by Gauleiter Koch in Kiev, Mar. 5, 1943, Apr. 1-11, 1943. PS 0019 27 5 503 1947/01/03 lb 129 9 143 USA 181 Letter by Sauckel to Rosenberg from the files of the Rosenberg Ministry, Ministerbuero on the recruitment of foreign laborers suggesting the doubling of daily recruitment total from 5,000 to 10,000 persons in the Occupied Eastern Territories, particularly in White Ruthenia and Ukraine, Mar. 17, 1943. PS 3012 28 5 508 1947/01/03 lb 131 9 145 USA 190 Published order, telegram, notes, and letters probably from the files of OKW/Feldwirtschaftsamt on the recruitment of laborers from the Occupied Eastern Territories, employment of POW's and treatment of the population in the areas of Rovno and Chernigov, Feb. 12-Mar. 23, 1943. PS 2220 29 5 526 1947/01/03 lb 133 9 147 USA 175 Letter and report by Lammers, Chief of the Reich Chancellery, to Himmler, with annotations by Himmler, on the conditions and situation in the Generalgouvernement, Apr. 17, 1943. PS 0407 30 5 544 1947/01/03 lb 137 9 151 USA 210 Telegrams by Sauckel to Hitler and Goering reporting on labor recruitment programs that produced approximately 3.6 million laborers and about 1.6 million P0W f s, Apr. 4-May 17, 1943. PS 3027 31a 5 553 1947/01/03 lb 142 9 156 USA 211 Photograph from the Bildarchiv of Heeresfilmstelle depicting Soviet POW's as ammunition carriers near Chudovo (Tschudowo), Aug. 25, 1941. PS 3028 31b 5 556 1947/01/03 lb 142 9 158 USA 212 Four photographs from the Bildarchiv of Heeresfilmstelle de¬ picting Soviet POW's unloading ammunition carriers in the Berdichev and Fastov areas, Ukraine, and Riga, S.S.R. Latvia, July 7-Aug. 29, 1941. 11 DOCNO PEX ROLL 1STFR OFFERED DOCBK PAGE ROLL 1STFR PS 2280 32 5 564 1947/01/03 lb 143 9 164 USA 183 Correspondence from the files of the Reichskommissar fuer das Ostland/Abtlg. Arbeitspolitik-Sozialverwaltung on the in¬ creased need for and recruiting of workers from the areas of Riga, Mitau (Jelgava), Libau (Liepaja), Volmar (Valmiera), and Duenaburg (Daugavpils), Latvia, May 3-23, 1943. PS 407-IX 33 5 578 1947/01/03 lb 145 9 166 USA 229 Report by Sauckel to Hitler on the program of labor recruiting for the first 5 months of 1943 resulting in 846,511 foreign laborers and POW's, June 3, 1943. PS 3000 34 5 583 1947/01/03 lb 147 9 168 USA 192 Report by Freitag of Hauptamt III at the Generalkommissariat in Minsk, to Ministerial Director Hans Joachim Riecke, Chief of Agricultural Division of the Rosenberg Ministry, from the files of Chefgruppe Ernaehrung und Landwirtschaft, on the economic and political problems of Occupied Eastern Territories with special mention of White Ruthenia, June 28, 1943. PS 0265 35 5 594 1947/01/03 lb 148 9 169 USA 191 Transcript of an oral situation report of General Commissioner Ernst-Ludwig Leyser to Reichsminister Rosenberg in Winniza (Vinnitsa) June 17, 1943, about conditions in the district of Shitomir (Zhitomir), June 30, 1943. PS 3010 36 5 602 1947/01/03 lb 151 9 172 USA 184 Directive probably from the files of OKW Feldwirtschaftsamt concerning labor recruitment in the Donez-Becken (Donets-Basin, or Donbas) of persons born in 1926 and 1927, n.d. PS 0290 37 5 606 1947/01/03 lb 153 9 174 USA 189 Report from the files of the Rosenberg Ministry/Chef des Fuehrungsstabes Politik on alleged excessive measures taken by Regierungsrat Fritz Mueller, District Commissioner in Kremianez (Kremenets), during labor recruitment in Biloserka, Oct. 29-Nov. 12, 1943. PS 1702 38 5 610 1947/01/03 lb 155 9 176 USA 193 Report by District Commissioner Steudel and directive signed by Raus on the evacuation of the Kasatin (Kazatin) area, Dec. 3, 1943-Jan. 8, 1944. 12 DOCNO PEX ROLL 1STFR OFFERED DOCBK PAGE ROLL 1STFR PS 1913 38a 5 625 1947/01/06 lb 159 9 180 USA 227 Excerpt from Reichsarbeitsblatt, 1943, part I, p. 588, on the treatment of foreign laborers based on an agreement between Sauckel and the Arbeitsfront, June 2, 1943. PS 0204 39 5 630 1947/01/03 lb 163 USA 182 Report by the Stadtkommandant Kauen (town commissioner concerning labor recruitment, Feb. 18, 1944. R 103 40 5 642 1947/01/03 lb 171 USA 204 Letter by Polnischer Hauptausschuss Krakau (Cracow) to Government General on the situation of Polish laborers May 17, 1944. PS 0254 41 5 653 1947/01/03 lb 175 USA 188 Correspondence by Paul Raab to Rosenberg, from the files of the Rosenberg Ministry, Fuehrungsstab Politik, on labor recruiting activities in the Ukraine, June 7, 1944. PS 3721 41a 5 661 1947/01/06 lb 180 9 201 USA 230 Transcript of an interrogation of Sauckel at Nuernberg on labor recruitment, weapons production, and use of concentration camp labor, Sept. 22, 1945. D 288 42 5 679 1947/01/03 lb 221 9 242 USA 202 Affidavit by Dr. Wilhelm Jaeger, senior camp physician in the Krupp foreign workers camps in Essen on treatment of foreign laborers in the Krupp Werke, Oct. 15, 1945. PS 2520 43 5 688 1947/01/03 lb 227 9 248 USA 197 Statistics on approximate number of foreign laborers employed for German war effort in Germany as of January 1945, compiled by Edward L. Deuss of the Foreign Economic Administration in Washington, Nov. 1, 1945. L 159 44 5 692 1947/01/06 lb 229 9 250 USA 222 U.S. Senate Committee report relative to atrocities and other conditions in the Buchenwald, Nordhausen, and Dachau concentra¬ tion camps in Germany, S. Doc. 47, May 15, 1945. 9 184 of Kaunas) 9 192 the in Germany, 9 196 13 DOCNO PEX ROLL 1STFR OFFERED DOCBK PAGE ROLL 1STFR PS 1919 45 5 711 1947/01/06 2a 14 9 292 USA 170 Text and handwritten notes by Himmler of his speech before the SS Gruppenfuehrer meeting in Posen (Poznan) reviewing the course of the war and alluding to the extermination of the Jews, Oct, 4, 1943; excerpts of text and handwritten notes of a Himmler speech before the Fuehrerkorps of the Estonian SS Brigade, Sept. 28, 1943; notes to Himmler speech before the SS School in Bad Toelz, May 27, 1943; and text of Himmler speech in Charkow (Kharkov), Apr. 7, 1943. NO 1179 46 5 903 1947/01/06 2a 69 284 Excerpts from transcripts of the IMT on slave labor policy, p. 16910-16916. NO 1171 47 5 919 1947/01/06 2a 29 280 Annexes to the Hague Conventions on the treatment of POW's, Oct. 18, 1907, and July 27, 1929. R 124 48a-b 6 1 1947/01/06 3a 19 446 Excerpts from the transcripts of stenographically recorded minutes of the 54th meeting of the Central Planning Board (Zentrale Planung, ZP) in the Reichsluftfahrt Ministerium (RLM) pertaining to labor and industrial allocation problems, foreign labor recruitment, and aerial bombardment damage, Mar. 1, 1944. R 124 48a2 6 95 1947/01/06 3a 14 9 559 Excerpts from the 58th meeting of the ZP on labor utilization in mining, particularly coal. May 25, 1944. R 124 48a3 6 105 1947/01/06 3a 16 9 461 Excerpts from the 36th meeting of the ZP on labor statistics, problems, coal production, and other topics, Apr. 22, 1943. R 124 48a4 6 120 1947/01/06 3a 26 9 472 Excerpts from the 42d meeting of the ZP on treatment of laborers in the coal industry, June 23, 1943. R 124 48a5 6 124 1947/01/06 3a 28 9 474 Excerpts from the 53d meeting of the ZP on the employment of juveniles, coal mining, harvesting, and other topics, Feb. 16, 1944. R 124 48a6 6 130 1947/01/06 3a 29 9 475 Excerpts from the 22d meeting of the ZP on employment of labor, Nov. 2, 1942. 14 DOCNO PEX ROLL 1STFR OFFERED DOCBK PAGE ROLL 1STFR R 124 48a7 6 135 1947/01/06 3a 30 9 476 Excerpts from the 33d meeting of the ZP on the number of laborers employed in various industries, Feb. 16, 1943. R 124 48a8 6 151 1947/01/06 3a 35 9 481 Excerpts from topics for discussion at a Hitler conference, Sept. 20-22, 1942, on labor and industrial production situation, aerial bombardment damage, and other topics, signed Speer, from Fuehrer-Protokolle (FP), 1942, Vol. II. R 124 48a9 6 158 1947/01/06 3a 37 9 483 Excerpts from FP Vol. I, 1943-44, conference on Rumanian oil, glass and chemical industry, and other topics, signed by Speer, Dec. 6 and 7, 1943. R 124 48al0 6 164 . 1947/01/06 3a 38 9 484 Excerpts from FP Vol. I, 1943-44, conference on building pro¬ jects in The Netherlands, signed by Karl Otto Saur, Chief of the Technisches Amt, Apr. 6 and 7, 1944. R 124 48all '6 167 1947/01/06 3a 40 9 486 Excerpts from the 11th meeting of the ZP on various topics, including scrap metal, energy, food supply, and production, Jul^ 22, 1944. R 124 48al2 6 174 1947/01/06 3a 43 9 489 Excerpts from the 17th meeting of the ZP on coal production, Oct. 28, 1942. R 124 48bl 6 178 1947/01/06 3b 45 9 494 Cover letter from the Office of the Beauftragte fuer den Vier- jahresplan, signed by Walther Schieber, for transmission of the business order of ZP, Oct. 20, 1942. R 124 48b2 6 181 1947/01/06 3b 46 9 495 Business order for ZP, signed by Milch, Speer, and Paul Koerner, Bevollmaechtigter fuer den Vierjahresplan, Oct. 20, 1942. R 124 48b3 6 185 1947/01/06 3b 48 9 497 Excerpts from 23d meeting of the ZP on coal production and conditions for miners, Nov. 3, 1942. R 124 48b4 6 189 1947/01/06 3b 49 9 498 Excerpts from the 17th meeting of the ZP on railroad transporta¬ tion, Oct. 28, 1942. 15 DOCNO PEX ROLL 1STFR OFFERED DOCBK PAGE ROLL 1STFR R 124 48b5-6 6 193 1947/01/06 3b 54 9 503 Excerpts from the 32d meeting of the ZP on transportation problems, Feb. 12, 1943. R 124 48b7 6 202 1947/01/06 3b 57 9 506 Excerpts from the 33d meeting of the ZP on labor requirements for March, Feb. 16, 1943. R 124 48b8 6 207 1947/01/06 3b 65 9 514 Excerpts from the 1st meeting of the ZP on labor results of central planning in various industries, Apr. 27, 1942. R 124 48b9 6 211 1947/01/06 3b 68 9 517 Excerpts from the 21st meeting of the ZP on labor utilization and motor production, Oct. 30, 1942. PS 3960 48bl0 6 218 1947/01/06 3b 73 9 522 Excerpts from the 22d meeting of the ZP on labor requirement for November, Nov. 2, 1942. PS 3961 48bll 6 223 1947/01/06 3b 76 9 525 Excerpts from the 16th meeting of the ZP on coal production, Oct. 23, 1942. F 675 48bl2 6 228 1947/01/06 3b 82 9 531 RF 020 Results of the 53d meeting of the ZP of Feb. 16-18, 1944, determining supply and demand of labor for 1944. R 124 48f 1 6 236 1947/01/13 4 72 9 610 Excerpts from FP Vol. I, 1943-44, of conferences of Apr. 6-7, 1944, signed by Saur; May 22-23 and June 3-5, 1944, signed by Speer on production, distribution, transportation and labor problems. R 124 48f 2 6 261 1947/01/13 4 88 9 626 Excerpts from the 55th and 56th meetings of ZP, Mar. 23 and Apr. 8, 1944, respectively, on the iron and metal industry. NOKW 287 49 6 274 1947/01/07 2c 101 9 386 Letter by Milch to Sauckel on anticipated labor shortages, Apr. 8, 1943. PS 1292 50 6 277 1947/01/07 2a 60 9 341 USA 225 Minutes of a Hitler Conference attended by Sauckel, Speer, Keitel, and Milch on labor problems, Jan. 4, 1944, initialed by Lammers; and telegram from Sauckel to Lammers, Jan. 5, 1944, on increased foreign labor recruitment. 16 DOC NO PEX ROLL 1STFR OFFERED DOCBK PAGE ROLL 1STFR NOKW 198 51 6 289 1947/01/07 2b 59a 9 339 Chart of proposed labor distribution for the first quarter of 1944 by Milch, Feb. 25, 1944. NO 1172 52 6 295 1947/01/07 2c 103 9 388 Excerpts from IMT transcript, p. 5649-5654, pertaining to treat¬ ment of foreign laborers and POW's, particularly Russian and British. PS 1297 53 6 307 1947/01/07 2b 65 9 346 Report by Sauckel to Lammers on recruitment of 303,124 foreign and German laborers, Mar. 8, 1944. NOKW 017 54 6 310 1947/01/07 2c 109 9 394 Transcripts of the stenographic notes of minutes of a conference of Luft-Flotteningenieure and Oberquartiermeister on armament production and production problems, Mar. 25, 1944. PS 0208 55 6 375 1947/01/07 2b 66 9 347 RF 086 Letter by Sauckel to the Reichsleiter of the NSDAP, Gauleiter Ministries, and Military High Commands on the results of labor recruitment in the first half of 1944, Jan. 1-July 7, 1944. PS 3819 56 6 379 1947/01/07 2b 68 9 349 GB 306 Letters of Speer and Sauckel to Hitler, Apr. 4 and 5, 1944; letter of transmittal by Lammers; and minutes of Fuehrer Conference on increased use of foreign labor, July 12, 1944. F 0824 57 6 408 1947/01/07 2c 82 9 364 RF 1515 Directives by General!eldmarschall Guenter von Kluge (OB West) on collecting foreign laborers, July 19, 1944. PS 1510 58 6 412 1947/01/07 2a 32 9 310 Two decrees by Speer on the tasks of the Planungsamt, Sept. 16, 1943, and on the distribution of assignments in the war economy, Oct. 29, 1943. NOKW 269 59 6 429 1947/01/07 2a 29 9 307 Career outline of Milch, assembled by OCCWC, Nov. 1, 1946. PS 1666 60 6 436 1947/01/07 2b 48 9 327 USA 208 Excerpts from Reichsgesetzblatt Nr. 40, Part I, Apr. 21, 1942, Hitler decree appointing Sauckel plenipotentiary for labor recruitment. 17 DOC NO PEX ROLL 1STFR OFFERED DOCBK PAGE ROLL 1STFR NOKW 247 61 6 440 1947/01/07 2c 99 9 384 Delegation by Goering of far-reaching powers to Milch pertaining to air armament, n.d., no signature. NOKW 311 62 6 444 1947/01/08 2b 44 9 323 Transcript of an interrogation of Goering at Nuernberg on various topics, including Milch's involvement in concentration camp experiments and Walter Darre's position in the Nazi hierarchy, Sept. 6, 1946. NI 1098 63 6 475 1947/01/08 2b 51 9 330 Affidavit by Sauckel on his activities as plenipotentiary for labor recruitment. Sept. 23, 1946. NO 1177 64 6 482 1947/01/08 2b 58 9 337 Excerpts from IMT transcript on Sauckel activities particularly on labor recruitment, n.d. NO 1174 65 6 486 1947/01/08 2b 46 9 325 Excerpt from IMT transcript on Wirtschaftsminister Walther Funk's membership in the Ministerrat fuer Zentrale Planung, p. 17015, n.d. NO 1180 66 6 489 1947/01/08 2a 40 9 318 Excerpts from the IMT transcript on the activities of Speer, p. 16612-16614, n.d. NO 1176 67 6 497 1947/01/08 2c 85 9 367 Excerpt from IMT transcript on Sauckel's methods of labor recruitment, p. 16597 and 16598, n.d. PS 3720 68 6 500 1947/01/13 4 104 9 642 USA 220 Interrogation transcript of Speer on several topics, including the use of foreign labor, Oct. 18, 1945. NOKW 317 69 6 526 1947/01/13 2c 86 9 368 Interrogation transcript of Milch on several topics, particularly the utilization of foreign labor, Oct. 11, 1946. NOKW 261 70 6 538 1947/01/13 4 1 9 538 Functional chart of Jaegerstab. PS 1584 71 6 541 1947/01/13 4 60 9 598 USA 221 Telegram from Goering to Himmler, Feb. 15, 1944; letter from Himmler to Goering, Mar. 9, 1944; and letter by Speer to Milch, Apr. 17, 1944, concerning the use of concentration camp labor by 18 DOCNO PEX ROLL 1STFR OFFERED DOCBK PAGE ROLL 1STFR the Jaegerstab; and charts for the month of January 1944 showing the projected and actual number of laborers from concentration camps Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Dachau, Flossenburg, Herzogenbusch, Mauthausen, Natzweiler, Neuengamme, Ravensbrueck, Sachsenhausen, and Ostland used in various armament production plants, NOKW 372 72 6 556 1947/01/13 4 101 9 639 Affidavit by Fritz Schmelter, an official (Ministerialdirigent) in Speer*s armament ministry, on the function, direction, and foundation of the Jaegerstab, Dec. 9, 1946. NOKW 320 73 6 560 1947/01/13 4 103 i* 641 Interrogation transcript of Saur on several topics, particularly the Jaegerstab, Nov. 13, 1946. » NOKW 447 74 6 579 1947/01/13 4 131 9 669 Affidavit by Franz Xaver Dorsch, deputy to Speer for the Organisation Todt, on Jaegerstab activities, Dec. 28, 1946. NOKW 337 75-1 6 584 1947/01/13 4 133 9 671 Excerpts from the transcript of stenographic notes of minutes of a Jaegerstab meeting, Mar. 6, 1944, on various topics, paJrticu larly with labor problems, construction and production problems, and activities. NOKW 338 75-2 6 624 1947/01/13 4 135 9 673 Notes on the Jaegerstab meeting concerning construction of landing fields for fighter planes, Mar. 17, 1944. NOKW 346 75-3 6 674 1947/01/13 4 137 9 675 Notes on the Jaegerstab meeting mainly on aerial bombardment damage and production problems of fighter planes, Mar. 20, 1944. NOKW 388 75-4 6 732 1947/01/13 4 138 9 676 Notes on the Jaegerstab meeting on various topics, including the destructive effects of aerial bombardments. Mar. 28, 1944. NOKW 365 75-5 6 792 1947/01/13 4 142 9 680 Notes on the Jaegerstab meeting on such topics as air raid damages and the building of airfields, Apr. 12, 1944. NOKW 334 75-6 6 868 1947/01/13 4 143 9 681 Notes on the Jaegerstab meeting on various topics, including test flights and ball bearings, Apr. 25, 1944. NOKW 389 75-7 6 928 1947/01/13 4 148 9 686 Notes on the Jaegerstab meeting on various topics, including fighter production problems. May 2, 1944. 19 DOCNO PEX ROLL 1STFR OFFERED DOCBK PAGE ROLL 1STFR NOKW 362 75-8 6 953 1947/01/13 4 149 9 687 Notes on Jaegerstab meetings held in Giessen, Lueneburg, and Stralsund on various industrial problems. May 2 and 3, 1944. NOKW 390 75-9 6 1045 1947/01/13 4 150 9 688 Notes on the Jaegerstab meeting on various topics, including fighter production and bunker construction, May 4, 1944. NOKW 442 75-10 6 1076 1947/01/13 4 151 9 689 Notes on the Jaegerstab meeting on various topics, including fighter production and aerial attacks, particularly on Budapest, May 5, 1944. NOKW 361 75-11 6 1126 1947/01/13 4 153 9 691 Notes on the Jaegerstab meeting on various topics, including the armament production in Hungary, May 9, 1944. NOKW 349 75-12 6 1204 1947/01/13 4 154 9 692 Notes on the Jaegerstab meeting in Berlin on bunker construction, aerial bombardment, and utilization of Hungarian Jews, May 25, 1944. NOKW 336 75-13 6 1243 1947/01/13 4 156 9 694 Notes on the Jaegerstab meeting on various topics, including fighter arms and munitions, May 26, 1944. NOKW 350 75-14 6 1360 1947/01/13 4 159 9 697 Notes on the Jaegerstab meeting on production problems in France, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary, June 1-3, 1944. NOKW 359 75-15 6 1466 1947/01/13 4 161 9 699 Notes on the Jaegerstab meeting, including discussions of the capability of various planes, June 27, 1944. NOKW 335 75-16 6 1579 1947/01/13 4 164 9 702 Notes on the Jaegerstab meeting on various topics, including the evacuation of industrial areas in Warsaw, July 31, 1944. NOKW 348 75-17 6 1609 1947/01/13 4 160 9 698 Notes on the Jaegerstab meeting on various topics, including attempts to save production of fighters, June 7, 1944. NOKW 266 76 7 1 1947/01/13 4 98 9 636 Affidavit by Schmelter on the Jaegerstab activities, Nov. 17, 1946. 20 DOCNO PEX ROLL 1STFR OFFERED DOCBK PAGE ROLL 1STFR NO 0418 77 7 4 1947/01/14 5a 1 9 708 Organizational chart of the Luftwaffe Medical Research Corps (Luftfahrt Medizinische Forschung), Nov. 1941-Dec. 1943. PS 1602 78 7 7 1947/01/14 5a 2 9 709 USA 454 Letter by Dr. Sigmund Rascher to Himmler requesting the use of feeble-minded persons or habitual criminals, instead of apes, in possibly fatal high-altitude experiments for the Luftwaffe, May 15, 1941. PS 1582 79 7 12 1947/01/14 5a 3 9 710 USA 462 Letter by Rudolf Brandt, Himmler's persoenlicher Referent, to Rascher, from the files of Persoenlicher Stab RF-SS/Schriftgut- verwaltung, assuring the availability of concentration camp inmates for high-altitude experiments. May 22, 1941. PS 0400 80 7 15 1947/01/14 5a 4 9 711 Excerpts from a report by Maj. Leo Alexander, U.S. Army, on high-altitude experiments on humans, made for the Combined Intelligence Objective Sub-Committee (CIOS), July 10, 1945. PS 1971 81 7 18 1947/01/14 5a 6 9 713 Report by Rascher to Himmler and correspondence on high-altitude experiments, Apr. 5-0ct. 21, 1942. NO 0318 82 7 32 1947/01/14 5a 9 9 716 Letter by SS Obergruppenfuehrer Karl Wolff to Dr. Erich Hippke, Inspekteur des Sanitaetswesens der Luftwaffe, from the files of the Persoenlicher Stab RF-SS/Schriftgutverwaltung, on a time extension for Rascher's experiments at Dachau, Apr. 16, 1942. NO 0219 83 7 36 1947/01/14 5a 10 9 717 Letter by Rudolf Brandt to Rascher for Milch's use on the prepa¬ ration of a report pertaining to high-altitude experiments at Dachau using humans, Apr. 27, 1942. NO 0296 84 7 39 1947/01/14 5a 11 9 718 Letter by Hippke to Rudolf Brandt, from the files of Persoenlicher Stab RF-SS/Schriftgurverwaltung, on extension of time for Rascher's experiments at Dachau, Apr. 27, 1942. NO 0220 85 7 42 1947/01/14 5a 12 9 719 Report by Rascher to Himmler on high-altitude experiments, May 11, 1942. NO 0476 86 7 49 1947/01/14 5a 14 9 721 Affidavit by Hans Wolfgang Romberg, staff physician of the 21 DOCNO PEX ROLL 1STFR OFFERED DOCBK PAGE ROLL 1STFR Deutsche Versuchsanstalt fuer Luftfahrt (DVL) and defendant in the Brandt Case (Case I), on high-altitude experiments at Dachau, Nov. 1, 1946. NO 0610 86b 7 55 1947/01/14 5a 18 9 725 Forty still photographs of high-altitude experiments conducted on humans, n.d. PS 0343a 87 7 77 1947/01/14 5a 19 9 745 USA 463 Letter by Milch to Wolff, from the files of Persoenlicher Stab RF-SS/Schriftgutverwaltung, on various experiments, May 20, 1942. NOKW 318 88 7 81 1941/01/14 5a 20 9 746 Transcript of an interrogation of Milch at Nuernberg on several topics, particularly to medical experiments, Aug. 30, 1946. NO 0261 89 7 134 1941/01/14 5a 24 9 750 Letter by Milch to Hippke, from the files of Persoenlicher Stab RF-SS/Schriftgutverwaltung, on a low-pressure chamber, June 4, 1942. NO 0283 90 7 137 1941/01/14 5a 25 9 751 Letter by Rascher to Himmler, from the files of Persoenlicher Stab RF-SS/Schriftgutverwaltung, on medical experiments, June 15, 1942. PS 1618 91 7 140 1947/01/14 5a 26 9 752 USA 464 Interim report by Rascher, from the files of Persoenlicher Stab RF-SS/Schriftgutverwaltung, on freezing experiments on humans at Dachau, Sept. 10, 1942. NO 0234 92 7 144 1947/01/14 5a 28 9 754 Cover letter by Rascher to Himmler for an interim report on freezing experiments, Sept. 10, 1942. PS 1611 93 7 147 1947/01/14 5a 29 9 755 Letter by Himmler to Rascher, from the files of Persoenlicher Stab RF-SS/Schriftgutverwaltung, acknowledging receipt of an interim report on freezing experiments. Sept. 28, 1942. NO 0285 94 7 151 1947/01/14 5a 30 9 756 Letter by Rascher to Rudolf Brandt on freezing experiments, Oct. 3, 1942. NO 0289 95 7 154 1947/01/14 5a 32 9 758 Letter by Hippke to Himmler, from the files of Persoenlicher Stab RF-SS/Schriftgutverwaltung, on value of experiments to the Luftwaffe, Oct. 4, 1942. 22 DOCNO PEX ROLL 1STFR OFFERED DOCBK PAGE ROLL 1STFR PS 1616 96 7 157 1947/01/14 5a 34 9 760 Letter by Rascher to Himmler reporting on freezing and rewarming experiments, Feb. 17, 1943. PS 1580 97 7 168 1947/01/14 5a 41 9 767 Letter by Himmler to Rascher on performing experiments in the Auschwitz or Lublin concentration camps, Feb. 26, 1943. NO 0240 98 7 171 1947/01/14 5a 42 9 768 Letter by Rascher to Himmler on his Habilitationsschrift and freezing experiments, Apr. 11, 1943. NO 0241 99 7 174 1947/01/14 5a 43 9 769 Letter by Rudolf Brandt to Rascher on freezing experiments, Apr. 16, 1943. PS 2428 100 7 177 1947/01/14 5a 44 9 770 Testimony of Anton Pacholegg, a patent lawyer and inmate of the Dachau concentration camp, on experiments conducted there using humans. May 13, 1945. NOKW 428 101a 7 187 1947/01/14 5a 53 9 779 Affidavit by Walter Neff, an inmate of the Dachau concentration* camp, on camp conditions, Oct. 23, 1946. NOKW 450 101b 7 191 1947/01/14 5a 55 9 781 Excerpts from the transcripts of United States of America v. Karl Brandt et al. (Case I), p. 632-67§ (p. 644 not included), on Neff*s testimony (English), Dec. 18, 1946. NOKW 452 101c 7 241 1947/01/14 5a 61 9 787 Excerpts from transcripts of United States of America v. Karl Brandt et al. (Case I), p. 651-676, cross-examination of Neff (German), Feb. 13, 1946. PS 1581 102 7 264 1947/01/14 5a 79 9 805 Correspondence by Nini Rascher, wife of Sigmund Rascher, to Dr. Brandt and by Rudolf Brandt to Wolfram Sievers, business manager of Ahnenerbe Society e.V., on experiments at Dachau, Apr. 13 and 21, 1942. NO 0218 103 7 269 1947/01/14 5a 80 9 806 Letter by Rascher to Himmler on high-altitude experiments and photographing experimental preparations in Dachau, Apr. 16, 1942. PS 1613 104 7 273 1947/01/14 5a 82 9 808 Cover letter by Rascher to Himmler on final report on freezing experiments, Oct. 16, 1942. 23 DOCNO PEX ROLL 1STFR OFFERED DOCBK PAGE ROLL 1STFR NO 0428 105 8 1 1947/01/14 5b 83 9 810 Final report with medical charts on freezing experiments on humans by Doctors E. Holzloehner, S. Rascher, and E Finke, Oct. 21, 1942. NOKW 264 106 8 58 1947/01/14 5b 131 9 858 Affidavit by Sievers on freezing experiments, Nov. 19, 1946. NOKW 391 107 8 62 1947/01/14 5b 133 9 860 Interrogation of Romberg on high-altitude experiments at Dachau, Oct. 29, 1946. NOKW 140 108 8 104 1947/01/14 5b 139 9 866 Statement by Dr. Siegfried Ruff, Director of the Luftfahrt- medizinischen Abteilung of the DVL Berlin, on aviation experimenta¬ tion, Oct. 25, 1946. NO 0222 109 8 108 1947/01/14 5b 141 9 868 Letter by Rudolf Brandt to Sievers on a report pertaining to medical experiments to be given to Milch, Oct. 29, 1942. NO 0226 110 8 111 1947/01/14 5b 142 9 869 Letter to Rudolf Brandt by Sievers on a low-pressure chamber, Oct. 21, 1942. PS 1617 111 8 116 1947/01/15 5b 145 9 872 USA 466 Letter by Himmler to Milch concerning the request for transfer of Dr. Rascher from the Luftwaffe to the SS in order to continue medical experiments with concentration camp inmates under the control of Himmler, Nov. 13, 1942. NOKW 451 112 8 121 1947/01/15 5b 147 9 874 Excerpt from transcript of Case I, p. 266-309, direct examination of Wolfgang Lutz, a Luftwaffe medical officer, on high-altitude experiments, Dec. 12, 1946. NOKW 041 Affidavit 113 by 8 Goering 167 1947/01/14 discussing Milch, Sept. 5b 27, 153 1946. 9 880 NO 0402 114 8 171 1947/01/15 5b 155 9 882 Final report by DVL, July 28, 1942, on high-altitude experiments signed by Doctors Ruff, Rascher, and Romberg with cover letter addressed to the Reichsfuehrer-SS, signed by Romberg, Sept. 22, 1942, from the files of Persoenlicher Stab RF-SS/Schriftgutverwaltung. PS 1607a 115a 8 200 1947/01/15 5b 174 9 901 Correspondence by Himmler to Milch; and Rascher to Rudolf Brandt on high-altitude experiments, July 20 and Aug. 27, 1942. 24 DOCNO PEX ROLL 1STFR OFFERED DOCBK PAGE ROLL 1STFR PS 1607b 115b 8 204 1947/01/15 5b 175 9 902 Correspondence by Himmler to Milch, and Rascher to Rudolf Brandt, from the files of Persoenlicher Stab RF-SS/Schriftgutverwaltung, on high-altitude experiments, July 20 and Aug. 27, 1942. NOKW 421 116 8 208 1947/01/15 5b 176 9 903 Interrogation transcript of Milch on various topics, including high-altitude experiments, Nov. 8, 1946. PS 0343b 117 8 240 1947/01/15 5b 189 9 916 USA 463 Letter by Milch to Himmler acknowledging the receipt of the Rascher and Romberg report, Aug. 31, 1942. NO 0269 118 8 243 1947/01/15 5b 179 9 906 Letter by Wolff to Milch on the Rascher and Romberg report, Nov. 27, 1942. NO 0262 119 8 248 1947/01/15 5b 182 9 909 Letter by Hippke to Wolff on the transfer of Rascher from the Luftwaffe to the Waffen SS, Mar. 6, 1943. NO 0268 120 8 252 1947/01/15 5b 184 9 911 Letter by Hippke to Himmler praising the cooperation of the SS and Luftwaffe on freezing experiments conducted at Dachau, Feb. 19, 1943. NO 0448 121 8 255 1947/01/15 5b 185 9 912 Affidavit by Hermann Becker-Freyseng, Chief of the Department for Aviation Medicine of the Chief of Medical Service of the Luftwaffe, Oct. 24, 1946. NOKW 419 122 8 259 1947/01/15 5b 188 9 915 Interrogation transcripts of Dr. Georg August Weltz, Oberfeldarzt and Chief of the Institut fuer Luftfahrtmedizin, on matters pertaining to aviation medicine, including experiments at Dachau, Nov. 8, 1946. NO 0224 123 8 286 1947/01/15 5b 190 9 917 Memo by Rosenberg on a report of Sept. 11, 1942, to Milch, n.d. NO 0191 124 8 290 1947/01/15 5b 193 9 920 Affidavit by Rudolf Brandt on high-altitude experiments, Aug. 30, 1946. NO 0242 125 8 296 1947/01/15 5b 196 9 923 Affidavit by Rudolf Brandt on freezing experiments, Sept. 9, 1946. 25 DOCNO PEX ROLL 1STFR OFFERED DOCBK PAGE ROLL 1STFR NOKW 307 126 8 303 1947/03/05 6 NONE 9 963 Letter by Koerner, State Secretary to the Plenipotentiary for the Four Year Plan, to Milch on securing the production of Buna (synthetic rubber) in a chemical plant at Auschwitz, June 27, 1943. NOKW 268 127 8 308 1947/03/05 6 NONE 9 965 Letter by Koerner to Milch with a copy of a letter by Koerner to Speer on foreign workers, June 9, 1943. NO 0270 128 8 313 1947/03/05 6 NONE 9 968 Letter by Rascher to Brandt and a report on a conversation between Rascher and Hippke on the transfer of Rascher to the Waffen SS, Mar. 14, 1943. NO 0238 129 8 323 1947/03/05 6 NONE 9 973 Memo by Sievers on the transfer of Rascher to the Waffen SS, Feb. 4, 1943. NO 0288 130 8 328 1947/03/05 6 NONE 9 975 Memo by Sievers from the files of Persoenlicher Stab RF-SS Schriftgutverwaltung on the transfer of Rascher to the Waffen SS, Nov. 6, 1942. NOKW 651 131 8 334 1947/03/04 9 977 Excerpts from a transcript of Case I, p. 870-912 (German) and p. 910-955 (English), on the interrogation of Leo Michalowsky, a Polish priest, on his imprisonment in various concentration camps, Dec. 21, 1946. (Not in document book.) NOKW 1763 132 8 424 1947/03/06 9 978 Text of a letter by French Ambassador Georges Scapini on the Geneva Convention, n.d. (Not in document book.) NOKW 352 133 8 429 1947/03/18 6 NONE 9 979 Letter by Sauckel to Milch with a pamphlet of Sauckel*s speech at the Gauleiter Tagung (meeting) in Posen, Feb. 5-6, 1943, on labor recruitment, Apr. 1, 1943. PS 0908 134 8 448 1947/03/19 6 NONE 9 982 Letter by Frank to Sauckel on labor supply from the General- gouvernement, Nov. 21, 1943. NOKW 364 135 8 461 1947/03/18 6 NONE 9 987 Transcript of stenographic notes of minutes of a Jaegerstab meeting on labor supply, aircraft, and aircraft parts transporta¬ tion, June 19, 1944. 26 DOCNO PEX ROLL 1STFR OFFERED DOCBK PAGE ROLL 1STFR NOKW 418 136 8 509 1947/03/18 6 NONE 9 988 Excerpts from Generalluftzeugmeister (GL) conference minutes in the Reich Air Ministry (RLM) concerning labor shortages. May 5, 1942. NOKW 407 137 8 525 1947/03/18 6 NONE 9 995 Excerpts from GL conference minutes on measures against sabotage. May 27, 1942. NOKW 406 138 8 531 1947/03/18 6 NONE 9 997 Excerpts from GL conference minutes in,the RLM presided over by Milch on problems with the JU 177 engine, July 7, 1942. NOKW 408 139 8 537 1947/03/18 6 NONE 9 999 Excerpts from GL conference minutes on Luftwaffe production and labor problems, July 28, 1942. NOKW 409 140 8 548 1947/03/18 6 NONE 9 1003 Excerpts from GL conference minutes on Luftwaffe production and labor problems, Aug. 4, 1942. NOKW 412 141 8 558 1947/03/18 6 NONE 9 1007 Excerpts from GL conference minutes on labor problems, including concentration camp labor, Aug. 18, 1942. NOKW 416 142 8 563 1947/03/18 6 NONE 9 1008 Excerpts from GL conference minutes in the RLM presided over by Milch on labor problems, including the expiration of the contracts of foreign laborers, Aug. 26, 1942. NOKW 195 143 8 580 1947/03/19 6 NONE 9 1016 Transcript from minutes of a conference held by Goering at Karin Hall with Speer, Sauckel, Milch, and others on labor recruitment, utilization, shortages, and the. use of P0W*s in industry, Oct. 28, 1943. NOKW 286 144 8 666 1947/03/19 6 NONE 9 1024 Excerpts from GL conference minutes in the RLM presided over by Milch on labor problems, especially those arising from a lack of skilled workers, Sept. 9, 1942. NOKW 288 145 8 675 1947/03/19 6 NONE 9 1036 Table of participants of various GL conferences, 1943-44, and excerpts from GL conference minutes on labor problems, including recruitment for labor and security measures concerning concentra¬ tion camp inmates, Oct. 19, 1943-Jan. 25, 1944. 27 DOCNO PEX ROLL 1STFR OFFERED DOCBK PAGE ROLL 1STFR NOKW 417 146 8 714 1947/03/19 6 NONE 9 1041 Excerpts from GL conference minutes in the RLM on labor problems, increasing aircraft production, and transportation. Mar. 31, 1944. NOKW 347 147 8 752 1947/03/19 6 NONE 9 1043 Excerpts from minutes of a Jaegerstab meeting on the labor situation, including the utilization of 190,000 Italian POW's, Sept. 22, 1943. NOKW 449 148 8 760 1947/01/19 6 NONE 9 1046 Excerpts from GL conference minutes in the RLM on labor and supply problems, Mar. 2, 1943. NOKW 414 149 8 769 1947/03/19 6 NONE 9 1049 Excerpts from GL conference minutes in the RLM on labor and supply problems, Nov. 30, 1943. NOKW 413 150 8 773 1947/03/19 6 NONE 9 1051 Excerpts from GL conference minutes in the RLM on labor problems, including concentration camp labor, Apr. 27, 1943. NOKW 272 151 8 779 1947/03/19 6 NONE 9 1053 Extract from Milch's file kept at the British Air Ministry, London, concerning labor and aluminum production problems, Feb. 22, 1944. NOKW 242 152 8 785 1947/03/19 6 NONE 9 1055 Letter by the GL signed by Schultz-Bless, Aug. 28, 1941, and a letter from Armament Inspection of Wehrkreis VI to the president of the District Labor Office Westphalia, Dortmund, Oct. 13, 1941, on the assignment of French POW's to the Bochumer-Verein. NOKW 267 153 8 791 1947/03/19 6 NONE 9 1057 Letter by Oberbuergermeister (lord mayor) Liebel to Milch on wood production, Aug. 13, 1942. NOKW 260 154 8 796 1947/03/19 6 NONE 9 1060 Letter by Goering and supplement to decree on central planning for the Four Year Plan, Sept. 4, 1943. NOKW 180 155 8 802 1947/03/19 6 NONE 9 1062 Excerpts from transcripts of stenographic notes on a conference of Goering at the Junker Werke at Dessau, Nov. 4, 1943, and at the Messerschmidt Werke at Regensburg, Nov. 7, 1943, on various labor and production shortages. 28 DOCNO PEX ROLL 1STFR OFFERED DOCBK PAGE ROLL 1STFR NOKW 411 156 8 903 1947/03/19 6 NONE 9 1066 Excerpts from GL conference minutes presided over by Milch on labor problems, July 21, 1942. NOKW 245 157 8 909 1947/03/19 6 NONE 9 1068 Excerpts from a transcript of stenographic notes of minutes of a conference by Goering at the RLM on aircraft construction, Feb. 22, 1943. NONE 158 8 979 1947/03/19 9 1072 Four photographs of Himmler, Milch, Hitler, Galland, and others, n.d. (Not in document book.) R 134 159 8 982 1947/03/19 6 NONE 9 1073 Letter from Generalfeldmarschall von Brauchitsch to Milch with enclosure letter of Terboven, Reichkommissar fuer die besetzten nordischen Gebiete, on security measures to be taken against saboteurs trained by the British Secret Service and equipped with the newest type of explosives, especially designed against aircraft. An arsenal and saboteurs were captured on an island west of Bergen. As a reprisal for harboring saboteurs, 18 vil¬ lagers were shot and the rest deported to concentration camps in Germany and slave labor camps in Norway, and buildings were burned to the ground. May 4 and 7, 1942. NOKW 872 160 8 987 1947/03/21 6 NONE 9 1075 Statement of U.S. Brig. Gen. Blackshear M. Bryan, Provost Marshal General, on utilization of labor of German POW's, Mar. 18, 1947. PS 1971 161 8 991 1947/03/21 6 NONE 9 1078 Correspondence of Himmler, R. Brandt, and Rascher on cardiac experiments, Apr. 13 and Oct. 20-21, 1942. 29 CASE II DEFENSE EXHIBITS (DEX) The DEX are arranged numerically, M-l-57. DEX M-12 is followed by DEX M-12a. DEX M-l-11, DEX M-12a-16, DEX M-18-25, DEX M-28, DEX M-30-34, and DEX M-36 were not available. In their place the German language document books have been filmed. For this reason the DEX microfilm frame numbers are not in numerical sequence. The first column in the left-hand section of the DEX descriptions contains the document number wherever available, often an acronym and a number from one of the many document series established by the prosecution of the IMT or OCCWC. The second column lists the DEX in numerical sequence. The next two columns provide roll and first frame number of the microfilmed DEX. The final column of this section shows the data when the DEX was offered as defense evidence to the tribunal. The right-hand section provides reference to the pertinent English language docu¬ ment book (DOCBK) of the DEX, consisting of DOCBK and page number of the DEX as well as microfilm roll and frame number of the DOCBK. The DOCBK contains full or partial English translations of the DEX. This information is followed by a description of the contents of the DEX. DOCNO DEX ROLL 1STFR OFFERED DOCBK PAGE ROLL 1STFR R 124 M—1 13 395 1947/01/27 1 8 13 199 Excerpt from Fuehrer-Protokolle (FP) of Fuehrer Conference on foreign laborers, Feb. 19, 1942. (German language DOCBK) R 124 M-2 13 396 1947/01/27 1 8 13 199 Excerpts from FP of Fuehrer Conference on French laborers, Jan. 3-5, 1943. (German language DOCBK) PS 0407 M-3 13 397 1947/01/27 1 9 13 200 Copy of teletype by Fritz Sauckel to Hitler on the difficulty of drafting workers from former Soviet territories and their treat¬ ment, Mar. 10, 1943. (German language DOCBK) R 124 M-4 13 399 1947/01/27 1 10 13 201 Excerpts from a discussion at the Fuehrer Conference on aircraft construction, Sept. 11-12, 1943. (German language DOCBK) R 124 M-5 13 406 1947/01/27 1 15 13 202 Excerpt from the transcript of stenographic notes of the 11th meeting of the ZP on safeguarding food supplies, July 22, 1942. (German language DOCBK) 30 DOCNO DEX ROLL 1STFR OFFERED DOCBK PAGE ROLL 1STFR R 124 M-6 13 407 1947/01/27 1 16 13 207 Excerpt from transcripts of stenographic notes of the 22d meeting of ZP on the assignment of POW's to agricultural labor, Nov. 2, 1942. (German language DOCBK) R 124 M-7 13 408 1947/01/27 1 16 13 207 Excerpt from transcripts of stenographic notes of the 32d meeting of the ZP of the Four Year Plan in the Reich Ministry for Armament and Ammunition on the allocation of iron, Feb. 12, 1943. (German language DOCBK) R 124 M-8 13 410 1947/01/27 1 17 13 208 Excerpt from transcripts of stenographic notes of the 33d meeting of the ZP in the Reich Ministry for Armament and Ammunition at Berlin on the assignment of labor, Feb. 16, 1943. (German language DOCBK) R 124 M-9 13 410 1947/01/27 1 20a 13 212 Excerpts from transcripts of stenographic notes of the 39th meeting of the ZP on the food situation and armament industry, Apr. 23, 1943. (German language DOCBK) R 124 M-10 13 419 1947/01/27 1 21 13 214 Excerpt from transcripts of stenographic notes of the 50th meeting of the ZP on the production of barrels for fuel transport to ^the front, Nov. 22, 1943. (German language DOCBK) R 124 M-ll 13 420 1947/01/27 1 23 13 216 Excerpt from transcripts of stenographic notes of the 53d meeting of the ZP held at the Air Ministry (Reichsluftfahrtministerium, RLM) on labor assignment, Feb. 16, 1944. (German language DOCBK) R 124 M-12 13 1 1947/01/27 1 4 13 195 Address by Milch to the French aviation industry in Paris, Jan. 30, 1941. NOKW 337 M-12a 13 456 1947/02/03 1 54 13 247 Excerpt from transcripts of a stenographic report of a Jaegerstab meeting in the RLM on the difficulty of staffing and training skilled workers for the "Baukompanien" (construction companies) of the Luftwaffe, Mar. 6, 1944. (German language DOCBK) NOKW 338 M-13 13 458 1947/02/03 1 56 13 249 Excerpts from transcripts of stenographic notes of a Jaegerstab meeting presided over by Milch on projecting the construction and enlargement of various armament works and difficulty of obtaining necessary manpower. Mar. 17, 1944. (German language DOCBK) 31 DOCNO DEX ROLL 1STFR OFFERED DOCBK PAGE ROLL 1STFR NOKW 346 M-14 13 465 1947/02/03 1 62 13 255 Excerpt from transcripts of stenographic notes of a Jaegerstab meeting presided over by Milch concerning a suggestion that air base and shipyard repair industries should be private enterprise and brief reports on air raid damage of Dornier, Maybach, and Friedrichshafen factories, Mar. 2, 1944. (German language DOCBK) NOKW 365 M-15 13 467 1947/02/03 1 64 13 257 Excerpt from transcripts of stenographic notes of a Jaegerstab meeting presided over by Hauptdienstleiter Karl Otto Saur and later by Milch concerning the allocation of manpower, Apr. 12, 1944. (German language DOCBK) NOKW 334 M-16 13 469 1947/02/03 1 65 13 258 Excerpts from transcripts of stenographic notes of a Jaegerstab meeting on the geographic relocation of Western European workers and problems of retraining key personnel, especially for the Bayrischen Motoren Werke (BMW-Allach), Apr. 25, 1944. (German language DOCBK) SPEXH 34 M-17 13 472 1947/02/03 1 68 13 261 Letter by Hitler to Albert Speer on the assignment of Franz Xaver Dorsch, Chief of the Todt Central Office, to carry out the construction of fighter production buildings, Apr. 21, 1944. NOKW 389 M-18 13 473 1947/02/03 1 69 13 262 Excerpts from transcripts of stenographic notes of a Jaegerstab meeting on achievments of the Jaegerstab in Apr. 1944, May 2, 1944. (German language DOCBK) NOKW 362 M-19 13 474 1947/02/03 1 70 13 263 Excerpt from transcripts of stenographic notes of a Jaegerstab meeting on the 5th trip of "Unternehmen Hubertus," May 2-3, 1944. (German language DOCBK) NOKW 390 M-20 13 475 1947/02/03 1 71 13 264 Excerpt from transcripts of stenographic notes of a Jaegerstab meeting on a plant sabotage by Soviet citizens. May 4, 1944. (German language DOCBK) NOKW 442 M-21 13 477 1947/02/03 1 73 13 266 Excerpt from transcripts of stenographic notes of a Jaegerstab meeting in the RLM on the allocation of skilled workers and employment of labor in penal institutions. May 5, 1944. (German language DOCBK) 32 DOC NO DEX ROLL 1STFR OFFERED DOCBK PAGE ROLL 1STFR NOKW 361 M-22 13 478 1947/02/03 1 74 13 267 Excerpt from transcripts of stenographic notes of a Jaegerstab meeting on the sixth trip of "Unternehmen Hubertus,” May 8-10, 1944. (German language DOCBK) NOKW 336 M-23 13 479 1947/02/03 1 75 13 268 Excerpt from transcripts of stenographic notes of a Jaegerstab meeting on the accomplishment of the Jaegerstab in its 3-months existence relating to the production of fighters and amount of working hours for production plants, May 26, 1944. (German language DOCBK) NOKW 359 M-24 13 481 1947/02/03 1 77 13 270 Excerpt from transcripts of stenographic notes of a Jaegerstab meeting on the JU 388 aircraft, June 27, 1944. (German language DOCBK) R 124 M-25 13 400 1947/02/03 1 11 13 202 Biennial report of Gen. George C. Marshall on the conduct of the war, July 1, 1943-June 30, 1945. (German language DOCBK) NONE M-26 13 8 1947/02/03 1 14 13 205 Regulations for prison inmates, Nuernberg, Palace of Justice, Mar. 27, 1946. NONE M-27 13 14 1947/02/03 1 15 13 206 Article from the Nuernberger Nachrichten ”Wo arbeiten deutsche Kriegsgefangene in Frankreich?" Jan. 15, 1947. NO 0221 M-28 13 482 1947/02/03 1 78 13 271 Letter by Wolfram Sievers to Rudolf Brandt on a report on high-altitude experiments, Aug. 26, 1942. (German language DOCBK) NONE M-29 13 20 1947/02/11 2 39 13 345 Excerpt from minutes 7/43, report on scientific discussion on freezing experiments, Oct 26 and 27, 1942, in Nuernberg. NONE M-30 13 483 1947/02/12 1 79 13 272 Chronological table of prosecution documents on Dachau experiments during May 15, 1941-Mar. 14, 1943. (German language DOCBK) R 124 M-31 13 510 1947/02/13 2 2 13 308 Excerpts from transcripts of the 54th meeting of the ZP on the employment of laborers, Mar. 1, 1944. (German language DOCBK) R 124 M-32 13 521 1947/02/13 2 13 13 319 Excerpts from FP of Fuehrer Conference on separate treatment for Soviet POW's and civilian laborers and Sauckel's responsibilities, Apr. 21 and 22, 1942. (German language DOCBK) 33 DOCNO DEX ROLL 1STFR OFFERED DOCBK PAGE ROLL 1STFR R 124 M-33 13 522 1947/02/13 2 14 13 320 Excerpts from FP of Fuehrer Conference on employment of Soviet POW's in the coal industry. May 30, 1943. (German language DOCBK) R 124 M-34 13 524 1947/02/13 2 16 13 322 Excerpts from FP of Fuehrer Conference on employment of French labor in Germany, Jan. 1-4, 1944. (German language DOCBK) NONE M-35 13 26 1947/02/13 2 18 13 324 Testimony of SS Gen. Karl Wolff on high-altitude and freezing experiments, Nov. 19, 1946. NONE M-36 13 542 1947/02/17 2 34 13 340 Excerpt from transcript (English) of Case I, U.S. v. Karl Brandt et al . p. 1551 and 1552, 1557, and 1559. (German language DOCBK) NONE M-37 13 42 1947/02/17 2 44 13 350 Affidavit by Hans Joachim Freiherr von Kruedener, an RLM official, on conditions in a concentration camp, Jan. 30, 1947. NONE M-38 13 45 1947/02/17 2 46 13 352 Affidavit by Dr. Lotte Mueller, a Government official, on the release of her father from a concentration camp in Dec. 1933 because of Milch's intercession, Jan. 7, 1947. NONE M-39 13 48 1947/02/17 2 47a 13 354 Interrogation transcript of Speer on Milch*s activities, Feb. 4, 1947. NONE M-40 13 100 1947/03/03 3 1 13 371 Affidavit by Kaethe Herbst, secretary to Dr. Friedrich Bergold, Milch's defense attorney, on a radio announcement and response concerning two Soviet POW's, Jan. 31, 1947. NONE M-41 13 110 1947/03/03 3 6 13 376 Affidavit by Hubert Klein, employee of the Messerschmidt Werke, on two Soviet POW's who were shot after their attempt to escape in an ME 109 fighter plane failed, Jan. 28, 1947. NONE M-42 13 113 1947/03/03 3 7 13 377 Affidavit by Fritz Popp, a former police official, on two Soviet POW* s, Feb. 15, 1947. NONE M-43 13 116 1947/03/03 3 8 13 378 Affidavit by Adolf Barthelmess, former officer for POW's in Wehrkreis XIII, on the treatment of POW's, Jan. 28, 1947. 34 DOCNO DEX ROLL 1STFR OFFERED DOCBK PAGE ROLL 1STFR NONE M-44 13 119 1947/03/03 3 10 13 380 Affidavit by Fritz Prell, a police official, on two Soviet POW*s, Feb. 4, 1947. NONE M-45 13 121 1947/03/03 3 11 13 356 Affidavit by Walter von Mueller, former RLM official, on RLM and SS relationship, Feb. 1, 1947. NONE M-46 13 125 1947/03/03 3/1 14 13 385 Affidavit by Kurt Linde, former Stellvertretender Chef des Allgemeinen Wehrmachtamtes im OKW, on two Soviet POW officers, Feb. 23, 1947. NONE M-47 13 128 1947/03/05 1/1 13 277 Excerpt from Control Council Proclamation No. 2, Section VI, on certain additional requirements imposed on Germany, n.d. NONE M-48 13 130 1947/03/05 l/II 13 278 Excerpt from a speech by Hermann Goering in RLM on the Soviet Union, Feb. 1, 1943. NONE M-49 13 132 1947/03/05 l/III 13 280 Extract from a resolution of Council of People*s Commissars of the USSR on P0W*s, Jan. 7, 1941. \ PS 1760 M-50 13 139 1947/03/05 1/IV 13 282 Excerpt from the translation of document PS 1760, affidavit of Georg Messerschmidt concerning several topics, including an assessment of Milch, Dec. 28, 1945. NONE M-51 13 141 1947/03/21 1/V 13 284 Article from Nuernberger Nachrichten "Deutsche Frauen in Russland," Mar. 5, 1947. NOKW 814 M-52 13 144 1947/03/04 1/Va 13 287 Transcript of interrogations of Constantin von Neurath, Albert Speer, and Erich Raeder on various topics, including responsibility for labor recruitment, Feb. 19, 1947. NONE M-53 13 173 1947/03/21 1/VI 13 293 Affidavit by Albin Schirmer, a mechanic, on POW*s working in German industry, n.d. NONE M-54 13 176 1947/03/21 1/VII 13 296 Affidavit by Mathilde Kayser on the death of her husband, a German POW in France, Feb. 9, 1943. 35 DOCNO DEX ROLL 1STFR OFFERED DOCBK PAGE ROLL 1STFR NONE M-55 13 178 1947/03/21 1/VIII 13 298 Chart of the Armament Ministry, 1943. NONE M-56 13 186 1947/03/21 1/VIII 13 301 Affidavit by Rudolf Punzengruber, a medical doctor and inmate of Dachau from June 1942 to Sept. 1943, on his experiences there. Mar. 8, 1947. NONE M-57 13 188 1947/03/20 1/IX 13 303 Affidavit by Ursula Milch on a Ukrainian domestic. Mar. 19, 1947. 36 CASE II TRANSCRIPTS OF THE PROCEEDINGS (TRC) This part describes the TRC of the 39 daily proceedings in both the German and English languages. The left hand columns provide the TRC volume and page numbers, microfilm roll and first-frame number, and date of the English language daily entries. The right hand column denotes this information for the German language transcripts of the daily proceedings. This information if fol¬ lowed by a description of daily occurrences before the tribunal. ENGLISH GERMAN TRC VOL PAGE ROLL 1STFR DATE TRC VOL PAGE ROLL 1STFR 11-8 21 1946/12/20 la 1-8 10 1 Reading of the three-count indictment of Milch by prosecution chief trial counsel Clark Denney: count one, war crimes (slave labor); count two, war crimes (illegal medical experiments); and count three, crimes against humanity. Defendant pleads not guilty. 1 9-24 2 16 1947/01/02 la 9-25 10 10 Prosecution opening statement accusing Milch of a variety of crimes, including complicity in the slave-labor programs in his role as General Luftzeugmeister, the illegal employment of P0W f s and inhuman medical experiments on concentration camp inmates was read by Denney. Early adjournment followed because prosecution documents were not ready for presentation to the tribunal. 1 25-108 2 29 1947/01/03 la 26-107 10 27 Prosecution offered and the tribunal admitted the following exhibits as evidence: (1) Coogan affidavit; (2) Niebergall affi¬ davit; (3) ’’Little Schmundt Minutes”; (4) letter and directives by Frank to Goering; (4a-b) excerpts from Frank diary; (5) reports from Bodenamt Schlesien by Kusche; (6) circular letter of Landes- bauernschaft Baden; (6a) excerpts from party chancellery direc¬ tives on eastern household workers; (7) correspondence of various ministries on Soviet POW’s; (8) memo by Keitel on the employment of POW’s; (9) notes on Goering*s discussion; (10) excerpts from Allgemeine Erlassammlung; (11) text of speech by Speer; (12) letter to Hupe of the Krupp Werke on the employment of Soviet citizens; (13) Sauckel's labor mobilization program; (14) letter by Pohl to Himmler on concentration camps; (14a) excerpts of party chancellery directives on treatment of foreign laborers; (15) decrees by the Ministry of Labor and Sauckel on treatment of Soviet citizens; (15a) excerpts from party chancellery directives on employment of foreign laborers; (16) notes of discussion, Thierack/Himmler; (16a) report by Gutkelch of Rosenberg Ministry; (17) decree by Hitler on foreign labor program; (18) letter by Sauckel to Rosenberg; (19) reports of the Rosenberg Ministry on 37 ENGLISH TRC VOL PAGE ROLL 1STFR DATE GERMAN TRC VOL PAGE ROLL 1STFR Ukrainian skilled laborers; (19a) memo by Braeutigam on the Eastern campaign; (20) letter by Sauckel to the Land Employment Office; (21) order by Mueller; (22) letter by Rosenberg to Sauckel; (23) statement by The Netherlands Government on major German war criminals; (24) report by a Lieutenant Haupt; (25) letter by Dr. Kubiowicz (Kubijowitsch) to Frank; (26) speech by Gauleiter Koch in Kiev; (27) letter by Sauckel to the Rosenberg Ministry; (29) report by Lammers to Himmler; (30) telegrams by Sauckel to Hitler; (31a-b) photographs of Soviet POW's; (32) letter by Commissar of Ostland; (33) letter by Sauckel to Hitler; (34) report by Freitag of Main Office Minsk to Riecke; (35) letter by Leyser to Rosenberg; (36) directive on labor recruitment in Occupied Eastern Territories; (38) evacuation report; (38a) plenipotentiary general agreement; (39) indigenous labor report to Rosenberg; (40) letter by Polish Main Committee to Polish General Government; (41) letter by Paul Raab to the Rosenberg Ministry; (41a) interrogation of Sauckel; (42) affidavit by Dr. Wilhelm Jaeger; and (43) affidavit by Edward C. Duess. 1 109-193 2 126 1947/01/06 la 108-187 10 109 Prosecution offered and the tribunal admitted the following exhibits as evidence: (4a-b) excerpts from the Frank diary; (5) report by Kusche; (6a) instructions on Eastern household workers; (12) letter by Hupe; (14a) order by Sauckel; (15a) Sauckel order No. 10; (16a) report by Dr. Gutkelch; (19a) memo by Braeutigam; (23) statement by The Netherlands Government on major German war criminals; (37) letter by Mueller on labor recruitment in Biloserka; (44) 79th Congress report on atrocities and other con¬ ditions in concentration camps in Germany; (45) transcript of Himmler's speech in Posen, Oct. 4, 1943; (46) IMT transcript excerpts on slave labor policy; (47) annex to Hague Convention on treatment of POW's; and (48a-b) minutes of ZP in the RLM. The defense objected to the offering of exhibit 41a. The tribunal took the admissability of the document under advisement. 1 194-277 2 249 1947/01/07 la 188-270 10 189 The tribunal rules exhibit 41a admissible. Dr. Werner Milch was admitted as assistant counsel. The prosecution offered and the tribunal admitted the following exhibits as evidence: (49) letter by Milch to Sauckel; (50) minutes of Hitler's conference report by Lammers; (51) chart of labor distribution for 1944; (52) IMT transcript excerpts; (53) report by Sauckel to Lammers on labor recruitment; (54) minutes of a conference on fleet engineers and head quartermaster on armament production; (55) report by Sauckel; (56) correspondence of Speer and Sauckel; (57) directive by von 38 ENGLISH TEC VOL PAGE ROLL 1STFR DATE GERMAN TRC VOL PAGE ROLL 1STFR Kluge; (58) decree by Speer; (59) career outline of Milch; (60) Hitler order appointing Sauckel plenipotentiary for labor recruit¬ ment; and (61) Goering directive on Milch. 1 278-286 2 343 1947/01/08 la 271-278 10 271 The prosecution offered and the tribunal admitted the following exhibits: (62) transcripts of an interrogation of Goering; (63) affidavit by Sauckel; (64) IMT transcript excerpts on Sauckel; (65) IMT transcript excerpts on central planning; (66) IMT tran¬ script excerpts on Speer's activities; and (67) IMT transcript excerpts on labor recruitment. The tribunal recessed until Jan. 13, 1947. 1 287-360 2 353 1947/01/13 la 279-349 10 279 The prosecution offered and the tribunal admitted the following exhibits: (68) interrogation of Speer; (69) interrogation of Milch; (70) functional chart of the Jaegerstab; (71) correspondence on the use of concentration camp inmates as labor by the Jaegerstab; (72) affidavit by Schmelter; (73) excerpts of interrogation of Saur; (74) affidavit by Dorsch; (75-1-15) notes on a Jaegerstab meeting; (76) affidavit by Schmelter on the Jaegerstab; (48f-l) minutes of Hitler's conference; (48f-2) minutes of the ZP. 2 361-451 2 452 1947/01/14 2a 350-443 10 353 The tribunal denied defense applications for witnesses Delbos, former French Foreign Minister; Count Kerkhoven van Denterghem, former Belgian Ambassador in Berlin; van Zeeland, former Belgian Prime Minister; Pierre Cot, former French Air Minister; and Luft¬ waffe General Kreipe, former adjutant of the defendant. It approved defense applications for defense witnesses Grossadmiral Erich Raeder; Friedrich Gauss, chief of the legal section of the Auswaertige Amt; and former Aussenminister Freiherr von Neurath. The prosecution offered and the tribunal admitted the following exhibits as evidence: (77) organizational chart of the luftwaffe Medical Research Corps; (78) letter by Rascher to Himmler; (79) letter by Rudolf Brandt to Rascher; (80) report on the treatment of shock from exposure to cold; (81) report on high-altitude experiments; (82) letter from SS Obergruppenfuehrer Wolff to Dr. Hippke; (83) letter by Rudolf Brandt to Rascher; (84) letter by Hippke to Himmler; (85) report by Rascher to Himmler on high- altitude (low-pressure) experiments; (86) affidavit by Romberg; (86b) photographs on low-pressure experiments; (87) letter by Milch to Wolff; (88) interrogation of Milch; (89) letter by Milch to Hippke on low-pressure chambers; (90) letter by Rascher to Himmler; (91) interim report on chilling experiments; (92) cover letter by Rascher to Himmler; (93) letter by Himmler to Rascher; 39 ENGLISH TRC VOL PAGE ROLL 1STFR DATE GERMAN TRC VOL PAGE ROLL 1STFR (94) letter by Rascher to Rudolf Brandt on freezing experiments; (95) letter by Hippke to Himmler; (96) letter by Rascher to Himmler on freezing and rewarming experiments; (97) letter by Himmler to Rascher on experiments in Auschwitz or Lublin concen¬ tration camps; (98) letter by Rascher to Himmler; (99) letter by Rudolf Brandt to Rascher; (100) testimony of Pacholegg; (101a) affidavit by Neff; (101b-c) excerpts from transcript Case I (Tribunal I); (102) letter by Nini Rascher to Brandt; (103) letter by Rascher to Himmler; (104) letter by Rascher to Himmler for final reports on freezing; (105) final report on freezing experiments; (106) affidavit by Sievers; (107) interrogation transcript of Romberg; (108) affidavit by Ruff; (109) letter by Rudolf Brandt to Sievers; (110) letter by Sievers to Rudolf Brandt on low-pressure chamber; (112) excerpts from transcript of Case I (Tribunal I); and (113) affidavit by Goering. 2 452-490 2 570 1947/01/15 2a 444-480 10 447 The prosecution offered and the court accepted the following exhibits as evidence: (111) letter by Himmler to Milch; (114) final report by the DVL on high-altitude experiments; (115a-b) correspondence of Himmler to Milch and Rascher to Brandt; (116) interrogation transcript of Milch; (117) letter by Milch to Himmler; (118) letter by Wolff to Milch; (119) letter by Hippke to Wolff; (120) letter by Hippke to Himmler on freezing experi¬ ments at concentration camp Dachau; (121) affidavit by Becker-Freyseng; (122) interrogation transcripts of Dr. Weltz; (123) memo by Rosenberg; (124) affidavit by Rudolf Brandt on high- altitude experiments; (125) affidavit by Rudolf Brandt on freezing experiments; and two parts of exhibit 101. At the request of the defense counsel, the tribunal recessed until Jan. 27, 1947. 2 491-565 2 616 1947/01/27 2a 481-569 10 484 Opening statement for the defense was read by Friedrich Bergold, counsel for the defendant, emphasizing that prosecution documents were unreliable, that Milch*s involvement in the slave-labor program was minor, and that the Luftwaffe Medical Staff was only informal and loosely subordinated to his office. The defense offered and the tribunal admitted the following defense exhibits as evidence: (M-l-2) excerpts from Fuehrer Conferences on foreign labor; (M-3) teletype by Sauckel to Hitler; (M-4) excerpts from Fuehrer Conference on aircraft construction; (M-5) excerpts from a ZP meeting on food supplies; (M-6) excerpts of a ZP meeting on the assignment of POW’s to agricultural labor; (M-7) excerpts from a ZP meeting on allocation for iron; (M-8) excerpts from a ZP meeting on the assignment of labor; (M-9) excerpts from a ZP 40 ENGLISH TRC VOL PAGE ROLL 1STFR DATE GERMAN TRC VOL PAGE ROLL 1STFR meeting on the food situation and the armament industry; (M-10) excerpts from a ZP meeting on the production of barrels; (M-ll) excerpts from a ZP meeting on labor assignments; and (M-12) an address by Milch to the French aviation industry in Paris. At the request of the defense counsel, the tribunal recessed until Feb. 3, 1947. 2 566-642 2 699 1947/02/03 2a 570-653 10 573 The defense offered and the tribunal admitted the following defense exhibits as evidence: (M-12a) excerpts from a Jaegerstab meeting on skilled workers for construction companies; (M-13) excerpts from a Jaegerstab meeting projecting construction of armament plants and necessary manpower; (M-14) excerpts from a Jaegerstab meeting on air base and shipyard repair industry and air raid damaged armament plants; (M-15) excerpts from a Jaeger¬ stab meeting on the allocation of manpower; (M-16) excerpts from a Jaegerstab meeting on the relocation of workers and retraining of key personnel, especially for BMW-Allach; (M-17) letter by Hitler to Speer; (M-18) excerpts from a Jaegerstab meeting on achievements of the Jaegerstab; (M-19) excerpts from Jaegerstab meeting on ’’Unternehmen Hubertus”; (M-20) excerpts from a Jaeger¬ stab meeting on plant sabotage; (M-21) excerpts from a Jaegerstab meeting on allocation of skilled workers and employment of labor in penal institutions; (M-22) excerpts from a Jaegerstab meeting on ’’Unternehmen Hubertus”; (M-23) excerpts from a Jaegerstab meeting on the production of fighter planes and the amount of working hours for production plants; (M-24) excerpts from a Jaegerstab meeting on the JU 388 aircraft; (M-25) report by Gen. George C. Marshall; (M-26) regulations for prison inmates at Nuernberg; and (M-27) article by Nuernberger Nachrichten on German POW's in France. The tribunal approved a defense request to take Speer's deposition on Feb. 4, but refused a further request to have the defendant present. The tribunal adjourned until Feb. 5, 1947. 2 643-710 2 803 1947/02/05 2a 654-726 10 657 Witness Paul Koerner testified on behalf of the defendant, particularly concerning the ZP. Prosecution crossexamined the witness and introduced during crossexamination prosecution exhibit 126, letter by Koerner to Milch on the production of Buna in Auschwitz, and 127, letter by Koerner to Milch and Speer on foreign workers, which the tribunal admitted as evidence. 2 711-752 2 893 1947/02/06 2a 727-770 10 730 Fritz Schmelter testified on behalf of the defendant, especially on labor recruitment. 41 ENGLISH TRC VOL PAGE ROLL 1STFR DATE GERMAN TRC VOL PAGE ROLL 1STFR 3 753-822 3 1 1947/02/07 3a 711-844 10 776 Prosecution cross-examined witness Schmelter, particularly on the employment of foreign and concentration camp labor by the Luft¬ waffe. Erich Hippke testified for defense on several topics, including the Luftwaffe medical service and experiments. The tribunal recessed at the request of defense until Feb. 11, 1947. 3 823-906a 3 111 1947/02/11 3a 845-931 10 853 Hippke continued to testify for the defense. Prosecution cross- examined Hippke largely on medical experiments. Witness Karl Eitel Richter testified for the defense and was cross-examined by the prosecution. The defense offered and the tribunal admitted the following defense exhibits as evidence: (M-28) letter by Sievers to Rudolf Brandt, and (M-29) excerpt from minutes 7/43, report on a scientific discussion on freezing experiments, Oct. 26-27, 1942, in Nuernberg. 3 907-979 3 227 1947/02/12 3a 932-1015 10 941 Witness General Foerster testified for the defense on various matters, including medical experiments at the Dachau concentration camp and the use of POW's for military purposes and was cross- examined by the prosecution. Witness Neff testified for the defense on medical experiments at the Dachau concentration camp. Witness Walter Hertel testified for the defense on medical experi¬ ments, particularly on high-altitude experiments, and was cross- examined by the prosecution. 3 980-1021 3 320 1947/02/13 3a 1016-1060 10 1026 Witness Colonel Eschenauer testified for the defense on various Luftwaffe activities and was cross-examined by the prosecution. The defense offered and the tribunal admitted the following defense exhibits as evidence: (M-30) chronological table of prosecution documents on Dachau experiments; (M-31) excerpt from a ZP meeting on employment of labor; (M-32) excerpt from FP of Fuehrer Conference on treatment of P0W f s and civilian workers; (M-33) excerpt from FP of Fuehrer Conference on employment of POW's in the coal industry; (M-34) excerpt from FP of Fuehrer Conference on employment of French labor; (M-35) testimony of Wolff. 3 1022-1103 3 369 1947/02/14 3a 1061-1144 10 1071 Witnesses Romberg and Sievers testified for the defense on medical experiments, particularly those at Dachau, and were cross-examined by the prosecution. Witness Oskar Schroeder testified for the defense. Witnesses Becker-Freyseng, Weltz, and Dr. Alexander testified for the defense and were cross-examined 42 ENGLISH TRC VOL PAGE ROLL 1STFR DATE GERMAN TRC VOL PAGE ROLL 1STFR by the prosecution. Witness Ruff also testified for the defense on medical experiments, particularly on high-altitude and freezing experiments. 4 1104-1204 3 484 1947/02/17 4a 1145-1200 11 1 Witness Ruff was cross-examined by the prosecution. Testimony of Rudolf Brandt was offered in the form of an affidavit mainly on medical experiments. The defense offered and the tribunal admitted the following defense exhibits as evidence: (M-36) excerpt of Military Tribunal Case I transcript; (M-37) affidavit by Freiherr von Kruedener; (M-38) affidavit by Lotte Mueller; and (M-39) inter¬ rogation transcript by Speer. Witness Lt. Col. Max Koenig testi¬ fied for the defense and was cross-examined by the prosecution, especially on the treatment of Allied bomber pilots by Nazi authorities. 4 1205-1270 3 614 1947/02/18 4a 1201-1272 11 58 Witnesses Col. Max Pendele, adjutant of the GL, and Wolff testi¬ fied for the defense on several topics, including the use of slave labor and medical experiments, and were cross-examined by the prosecution. Defense counsel was empowered to take interrogatories of defense witnesses, Feb. 19, 1947. i 4 1271-1305 3 701 1947/02/20 4a 1273-1309 11 132 Witnesses Bernd von Brauchitsch, Chief Adjutant in the Luftwaffe, Gen. Helmuth Felmy, and Gen. Walter Warlimont testified for the defense on various Luftwaffe matters, including air armaments, and were cross-examined by the prosecution. 4 1306-1380 3 751 1947/02/24 4a 1310-1388 11 171 The following witnesses testified for the defense: Otto Schniewind on the "Little Schmundt Minutes"; Rudolf Brandt on medical experi¬ ments, particularly freezing and high-altitude, and a meeting of Himmler and Milch in East Prussia; Lt. Col. Gerhard Engel on the "Little Schmundt Minutes"; and Dorsch on construction of bombproof factories and slave labor. All were cross-examined by the prose¬ cution. The tribunal recessed until Feb. 26 (there are no transcripts from Feb. 26-Mar. 3). 4 1381-1432 3 872 1947/03/03 4a 1389-1495 11 251 Defense witness Gen. Judge Manfred Roeder testified for the defense on Milch*s activities as judge of a special Luftwaffe technical court and was cross-examined by the prosecution. The defense offered and the tribunal admitted the following defense exhibits as evidence: (M-40) affidavit by Kaethe Herbst; (M-41) affidavit by Hubert Klein; (M-42) affidavit by Fritz Popp; 43 ENGLISH TRC VOL PAGE ROLL 1STFR DATE GERMAN TRC VOL PAGE ROLL 1STFR (M-43) affidavit by Adolf Bartlielmess; (M-44) affidavit by Fritz Prell; (M-45) affidavit by Walter von Mueller; and (M-46) affidavit by Kurt Linde. The presiding judge heard testimony of Walter Lichtenstein, a U.S. civilian, on the payment of German POW's in the United States. 4 1433-1476 3 944 1947/03/04 4a 1496-1541 11 361 The defense offered and the tribunal admitted defense exhibit M-52, interrogation transcripts of Speer, Raeder, and von Neurath as evidence. The prosecution read a document that would be offered in due time as prosecution exhibit 131, excerpt of tran¬ script of Case I on the interrogation of Leo Michalowsky. 5 1477-1536 4 1 1947/03/05 5a 1542-1601 11 409 The defense offered and the tribunal admitted the following exhibits as evidence: (M-47) excerpt from Control Council Proclamation No. 2; (M-48) excerpt from a Goering speech, Feb. 1, 1943; (M-49) excerpt from a resolution of Council of People*s Commissars; (M-50) excerpt from a translation of affidavit by Georg Messerschmidt. Exhibit M-51, article from Nuernberger Nachrichten , Mar. 5, 1947, was also offered but not admitted by the tribunal on the grounds it contained allegations rather than facts. Prosecution witness Roland Ferrier testified on his imprisonment and slave labor and was cross-examined by the defense. 5 1537-1585 4 68 1947/03/06 5a 1602-1648 11 469 Defense continued Ferrier*s cross-examination. Prosecution witness Paul LeFriec testified on his impressment into labor service while still a POW and was cross-examined by the defense. Prosecution offered and the tribunal admitted as evidence exhibit 132 concerning a letter by Georges Scapini on the Geneva Convention. The tribunal recessed until Mar. 10, 1947. 5 1536-1633 4 121 1947/03/10 5a 1648-1692 11 516 Defense witness Wolfgang Vorwald testified for the defense on Milch's activities as GL and his policies on using slave labor. 5 1634-1724 4 170 1947/03/11 5a 1693-1781 11 560 Continuation of Vorwald's testimony, witness was cross-examined by the prosecution. Defendant testified on his own behalf on many topics, particularly Milch's activities as GL, results of the ZP, utilization of slave labor, and the production of armament. 5 1725-1804 4 277 1947/03/12 5a 1782-1859 11 649 Defendant continued to testify on his own behalf. 44 ENGLISH TRC VOL PAGE ROLL 1STFR DATE GERMAN TRC VOL PAGE ROLL 1STFR 11 727 12 1 12 20 12 48 5 1805-1890 4 385 1947/03/13 5a 1860-1933 Defendant continued to testify on his own behalf. 6 1891-1969a 4 487 1947/03/14 6a 1934-2002 Defendant continued to testify on his own behalf. 6 1970-2058 4 594 1947/03/17 6a 2003-2080 Defendant continued to testify on his own behalf. 6 2059-2141 4 703 1947/03/18 6a 2081-2159 Defendant completed testimony and was cross-examined by the prosecution. Prosecution offered for identification the fol¬ lowing exhibits: (133) letter by Sauckel to Milch and pamphlet of Sauckel T s speech in Posen, Feb. 5-6, 1943; (135) minutes of a Jaegerstab meeting on labor supply; (136) minutes of a GL con¬ ference on labor shortages; (137) minutes of a GL conference on measures against sabotage; (138) minutes of a GL conference on problems with the JU 177 engine; (139-140) minutes of a GL con¬ ference on Luftwaffe production and labor problems; (141) minutes of a GL conference on labor problems and concentration camp labor; (142) minutes of a GL conference on labor problems and the expiration of contracts for foreign workers. 6 2142-2223a 4 810 1947/03/19 6a 2160-2242 12 227 Prosecution completed cross-examination of the defendant and offered the following exhibits for identification: (143) minutes of Goering conference held at Karin Hall with Speer, Sauckel, and Milch on the allocation of manpower; (144) minutes of a GL con¬ ference on labor problems and lack of skilled labor; (145) minutes of a GL conference on labor problems; (146) minutes of a GL conference on increased aircraft production and labor problems; (147) minutes of a Jaegerstab meeting on the utilization of 190,000 Italian POW’s and the labor situation; (148-150) minutes of a GL conference on labor and supply problems; (151) extracts from Milch’s file on labor and production problems; (152) letter by GL on assignment of French POW's to the Bochumer-Verein; (153) letter by Liebel to Milch on wood production for war economy; (154) letter by Goering and supplement to decree on ZP for the Four Year Plan; (155) excerpt from a Goering conference at Junker Werke at Dessau; (156) minutes of a GL conference on labor problems; (157) minutes of a Goering conference on aircraft construction; (158) photographs of Milch, Himmler, Hitler, Adolf Galland, and others; (159) letter by Generalfeldmarschall von Brauchitsch to Milch with enclosure, letter, Josef Terboven to Goering. The defense took the defendant under redirect examination. 45 ENGLISH TRC VOL PAGE ROLL 1STFR DATE GERMAN TRC VOL PAGE ROLL 1STFR 7 2224-2306 4 920 1947/03/20 . 7a 2243-2324 12 314 Defense completed redirect examination of the defendant and offered the following exhibits, which the tribunal admitted as evidence: (M-55) chart of Armament Ministry, 1943; and (M-57) affidavit by Ursula Milch. General Reinecke testified for the defense on the shooting of French POW's and the utilization of POW labor and was cross-examined by the prosecution. Witness Vorwald was recalled and testified for the defense. 7 2307-2376 4 1032 1947/03/21 ,7a 2325-2392 12 397 Continuation of defense examination of Vorwald and cross- examination by the prosecution on several topics, including air defense production matters. The defense offered and the tribunal admitted as evidence the following exhibits: (M-51) article from Nuernberger Nachrichten "Deutsche Frauen in Russland"; (M-53) affidavit by Albin Schirmer; (M-54) affidavit by Mathilde Kayser; and (M-56) affidavit by Rudolf Punzengruber. The tribunal admitted into evidence prosecution exhibits 126 and 127 and 131-159 offered previously for identification only (128-130 held for rebuttal). Prosecution further offered the following exhibits, which the tribunal admitted as evidence: (160) state¬ ment of U.S. Brig. Gen. Blackshear M. Bryan on enemy P0W*s; (161) correspondence of Himmler, Rudolf Brandt, and Rascher on cardiac experiments on Russian and Polish POW's. Joseph Krysiak testified for the prosecution on conditions in Gussen I, a work camp of the Mauthausen concentration camp producing the ME 109 fighter plane, and was cross-examined by the defense. A recess was ordered until Mar. 25, 1947. 7 2377-2490 4 1113 1947/03/25 7a 2393-2510 12 467 Defense and prosecution presented closing statements to the tribunal. The defendant made a statement on his own behalf. Recess was ordered until Apr. 8, 1947. No transcripts from Apr. 8 to Apr. 15, 1947. 7 2491-2526 4 1241 1947/04/16 7a 2511-2542 12 588 Judgment: guilty on counts one and three; not guilty on count two. Judge Musmanno rendered a separate concurring opinion in writing to the Secretary General. 7 2527-2528 4 1278 1947/04/17 7a 2543-2544 12 620 Sentencing: the defendant was sentenced to life imprisonment in Rebdorf Prison. 46 CASE II OFFICIAL COURT FILE (OCF), ORDER AND JUDGMENT BOOK (OJB) AND CLEMENCY PETITIONS (CLP) These sections describe microfilm reproductions of the 58 documents of the official court file (OCF), 31 documents of the order and judgment book (OJB), and 17 clemency petition items (CLP). The records are arranged in similar order. The first two columns in the left-hand section of the descriptions provide roll and first frame number of the microfilmed document. The right-hand sections differ. In the OCF and the CLP the dates of filing the items are followed by the the Microfilm Publication number (MCNO), while in the OJB the date of the document is given rather than the date of filing. The last two columns in these sections are the volume and page number of the textual record. In the OCF a document number rather than a page number is provided. This information is followed by a description of the documents. OFFICIAL COURT FILE (OCF) ROLL 1STFR DATE FILED MCNO VOL DOCUMENT 13 727 1946/11/13 M888 OCF 8 1 Indictment against Milch, signed by Brig. Gen. Telford Taylor, Chief of Counsel for War Crimes, acting on behalf of the United 1 States, Nov. 13, 1946. 13 742 1946/11/14 M888 OCF 8 2 Certificate of Service of Indictment, signed by Charles W. Mays, Marshal for Military Tribunal II, Nov. 14, 1946. 13 743 1946/12/04 M888 OCF 8 3 Application of defendant for production of transcripts of ZP sessions; granted by the tribunal, Dec. 14, 1946. 13 745 1946/12/16 M888 OCF 8 4 Application by defendant for appointment of defense counsel, Dr. Friedrich Bergold; granted by the tribunal, effective Nov. 25, 1946. 13 747 1946/12/17 M888 OCF 8 5 Notice of arraignment, signed by George M. Reed, Secretary General of the Tribunal, Dec. 17, 1946, and Certificate of Service, signed by Mays, Dec. 18, 1946. 13 748 1947/01/03 M888 OCF 8 6 Application by defendant for defense witness Colonel Eberhard; granted by the tribunal, Jan. 8, 1947. 13 750 1947/01/03 M888 OCF 8 7 Application by defendant for defense witness Col. Arthur Eschenauer; granted by the tribunal, Jan. 8, 1947. 47 ROLL 1STFR DATE FILED MONO VOL DOCUMENT 13 753 1947/01/03 M888 OCF 8 8 Application by defendant for defense witness Gen. Helmuth Foerster, Chief of Air Defense in the Reich Ministry; granted by the tribunal, Jan. 8, 1947. 13 755 1947/01/03 M888 OCF 8 9 Application by defendant for defense witness Eng. Gen. Walter Hertel, Chief of Procurement Department in the Technical Service of GL; granted by the tribunal, Jan. 8, 1947. 13 757 1947/01/03 M888 OCF 8 10 Application by defendant for defense witness Dr. Erich Hippke; granted by the tribunal, Jan. 8, 1947. 13 759 1947/01/03 M888 OCF 8 11 Application by defendant for defense witness Dr. Kalk; granted by the tribunal, Jan. 8, 1947. 13 761 1947/01/03 M888 OCF 8 12 Application by defendant for defense witness Paul Koerner, State Secretary and member of ZP; granted by the tribunal, Jan. 8, 1947. 13 764 1947/01/03 M888 OCF 8 13 Application by defendant for defense witness Reichsminister Freiherr von Neurath; granted provisionally by the tribunal pending approval and consent of Allied Control Authority, Jan. 20, 1947. 13 767 1947/01/03 M888 OCF 8 14 Application by defendant for defense witness Col. Max Pendele, Technical Adjutant with GL; granted by the tribunal, Jan. 8, 1947. 13 769 1947/01/03 M888 OCF 8 15 Application by defendant for defense witness Col. Edgar Petersen, Chief of GL Testing Center; granted by the tribunal, Jan. 8, 1947. 13 771 1947/01/03 M888 OCF 8 16 Application by defendant for defense witness Colonel Polte, adjutant of Milch; granted by the tribunal for deposition only, Jan. 8, 1947. 13 774 1947/01/03 M888 OCF 8 17 Application by defendant for defense witness Adm. Erich Raeder; granted provisionally by the tribunal pending approval and consent of Allied Control Authority, Jan. 20, 1947. 13 777 1947/01/03 M888 OCF 8 18 Application by defendant for defense witness Ministerial Councillor Karl Richter, Office Chief for Milch; granted by the tribunal, Jan. 8, 1947. 48 ROLL 1STFR DATE FILED MONO VOL DOCUMENT 13 779 1947/01/03 M888 OCF 8 19 Application by defendant for defense witness Max Roux, manager of the Askania-Werke Berlin; granted for deposition only by the tribunal, Jan. 8, 1947. 13 781 1947/01/03 M888 OCF 8 20 Application by defendant for defense witness Reichsminister Albert Speer; granted provisionally by the tribunal, pending approval and consent of Allied Control Authority, Jan. 20, 1947. 13 783 1947/01/03 M888 OCF 8 21 Application by defendant for defense witness Gen. Wolfgang Vorwald, Chief of Technical Office with General in charge of Air Ordnance; granted by the tribunal, Jan. 8, 1947. 13 785 1947/01/03 M888 OCF 8 22 Application by defendant for defense witness former French Air Minister Pierre Cot; denied by the tribunal, Jan. 14, 1947. 13 787 1947/01/03 M888 OCF 8 23 Application by defendant for defense witness Yvon Delbos, French Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1937; denied by the tribunal, Jan. 14, 1947. 13 789 1947/01/03 M888 OCF 8 24 Application by defendant for defense witness Count Kerkhoven van Denterghem, Belgian Ambassador in Berlin; denied by the tribunal, Jan. 14, 1947. 13 792 1947/01/03 M888 OCF 8 25 Application by defendant for defense witness Ambassador Friedrich Gauss; granted by the tribunal, Jan. 14, 1947. 13 794 1947/01/03 M888 OCF 8 26 Application by defendant for defense witness Flight Gen. Werner Kreipe, adjutant of defendant Milch in 1937; denied by the tribunal, Jan. 14, 1947. 13 796 1947/01/03 M888 OCF 8 27 Application by defendant for defense witness van Zeeland, Belgian Prime Minister, 1937; denied by the tribunal, Jan. 14, 1947. 13 798 1947/01/06 M888 OCF 8 28 Application by defendant for the appointment of assistant defense counsel Dr. Werner Milch, Jan. 4, 1947; granted by the tribunal, Jan. 7, 1947. 13 800 1947/01/11 M888 OCF 8 29 Application by defendant for defense witness Gen. Hermann Reinecke; granted by the tribunal, Jan. 16, 1947. 49 i ROLL 1STFR DATE FILED MONO VOL DOCUMENT 13 802 1947/01/11 M888 OCF 8 30 Application by defendant for defense witness Gen. Manfred Roeder, Judge General; granted by the tribunal, Jan. 16, 1947. 13 804 1947/01/21 M888 OCF 8 31 Application by defendant for production of Hitler’s order, Apr. 21, 1944, to Speer pertaining to the exclusive responsibility of Heinrich Himmler and Xaver Dorsch for the employment of Jews in the construction of underground factories; granted by the tribunal, Jan. 22, 1947. 13 806 1947/01/21 M888 OCF 8 32 Application by defendant for defense witness Hermann Becker- Freyseng; granted by the tribunal, Jan. 22, 1947. 13 808 1947/01/21 M888 OCF 8 33 Application by defendant for defense witness Rudolf Brandt; granted by the tribunal, Jan. 22, 1947. 13 810 1947/01/21 M888 OCF 8 34 Application by defendant for defense witness Col. Bernd von Brauchitsch; granted by the tribunal, Jan. 22, 1947. 13 812 1947/01/21 M888 OCF 8 35 Application by defendant for defense witness Dorsch; granted by the tribunal, Jan. 22, 1947. 13 814 1947/01/21 M888 OCF 8 36 Application by defendant for defense witness Max Koenig; granted by the tribunal, Jan. 22, 1947. 13 816 1947/01/21 M888 OCF 8 37 Application by defendant for defense witness Walter Neff; granted by the tribunal, Jan. 22, 1947. 13 818 1947/01/21 M888 OCF 8 38 Application by defendant for defense witness Hans Wolfgang Romberg; granted by the tribunal, Jan. 22, 1947. 13 820 1947/01/21 M888 OCF 8 39 Application by defendant for defense witness Siegfried Ruff; granted by the tribunal, Jan. 22, 1947. 13 822 1947/01/21 M888 OCF 8 40 Application by defendant for defense witness Fritz Schmelter, Ministerial Assistant Director at Speer's Ministry; granted by the tribunal, Jan. 22, 1947. 50 ROLL 1STFR DATE FILED MONO VOL DOCUMENT 13 824 Application by granted by the 1947/01/21 M888 OCF 8 41 defendant for defense witness Oskar Schroeder; tribunal, Jan. 22, 1947. 13 826 Application by granted by the 1947/01/21 M888 OCF 8 42 defendant for defense witness Wolfram Sievers; tribunal, Jan. 22, 1947. 13 828 Application by defendant granted by the tribunal. 1947/01/21 M888 OCF 8 43 for defense witness Georg August Weltz; Jan. 22, 1947. 13 830 1947/01/21 M888 OCF 8 43a Application by defendant for production of "Resolution of People's Kommissars of 1.7.1941" (Beschluss der Volkskommissare vom 1.7.1941); granted by the tribunal, Jan. 22, 1947. 13 833 1947/01/27 M888 OCF 8 44 Application by defendant for defense witness Karl Wolff; granted provisionally by the tribunal, subject to consent of British Military Authorities, Jan. 27, 1947. 13 836 1947/02/01 M888 OCF 8 45 Application by defendant for defense witness Dr. Leo Alexander; granted by the tribunal, Feb. 1, 1947. 13 839 1947/02/01 M888 OCF 8 46 Application by defendant for defense witness Privy Councillor Hermann Bucher; granted by the tribunal, Feb. 1, 1947. 13 842 Application by granted by the 1947/02/01 M888 OCF 8 47 defendant for defense witness Gen. Helmuth Felmy; tribunal, Feb. 1, 1947. 13 845 1947/02/04 M888 OCF 8 48 Application by defendant for defense witness Reichsminister Herbert Backe; denied by the tribunal, Feb. 4, 1947. 13 848 1947/02/04 M888 OCF 8 49 Application by defendant for defense witness Ministerial Councillor Max Timm, Fritz Sauckel's chief of office; granted for deposition or interrogations only, Feb. 4, 1947. 13 851 1947/02/10 M888 OCF 8 50 Application by defendant for defense witness Ministerial Director Hans Kehrl, Director of Plannings Department in Speer's Ministry of Armament; granted only as to testimony concerning Milcn's statement in 53d session of ZP, Feb. 11, 1947. 51 ROLL 1STFR DATE FILED MONO VOL DOCUMENT 13 854 1947/02/11 M888 OCF 8 51 Application by defendant for defense witness Gen. Walter Warlimont; granted by the tribunal, Feb. 12, 1947. 13 857 1947/02/12 M888 OCF 8 52 Application by defendant for defense witness Gen. Adolf Westhof, Chef des Kriegsgefangenenwesens; granted by the tribunal, Feb. 12, 1947. 13 860 1947/02/14 M888 OCF 8 53 Application by defendant for production of exhibit 7, of Attorney Dr. Hans Laternser (General Staff) - Affidavit Gen. Karl Koller, July 12, 1946; granted by the tribunal, Feb. 15, 1947. 13 863 1947/02/19 M888 OCF 8 54 Application by defendant for permission -to question General Felmy; granted by the tribunal, Feb. 19, 1947. 13 865 1947/02/19 M888 OCF 8 55 Application by defendant for permission to question General Warlimont; granted by the tribunal, Feb. 19, 1947. 13 867 1947/02/24 M888 OCF 8 56 Rules of procedure for Military Tribunal II. 13 877 1947/02/28 M888 OCF 8 57 Application by defendant for defense witness Chief of Naval Operations Schniewind; granted by the tribunal, Feb. 24, 1947. 13 880 1947/02/28 M888 OCF 8 58 Application by defendant for defense witness Maj. Gen. Gerhard Engel, Generalleutnant und Adjutant in the Fuehrerhauptquartier; granted by the tribunal, Feb. 24, 1947. 52 CASE II ORDER AND JUDGMENT BOOK (OJB) ROLL 1STFR DOC. DATE MCNO VOL PAGE 13 900 1946/12/14 M888 OJB 8 1 Order signed by presiding Judge Robert M. Toms granting tran¬ scripts of ZP sessions to defendant. 13 901 1946/12/16 M888 OJB 8 2 Order signed by presiding Judge Toms appointing Doctor Bergold as defense counsel. 13 902 1947/01/07 M888 OJB 8 3 Order signed by presiding Judge Toms appointing Dr. Werner Milch assistant defense counsel. 13 903 1947/01/08 M888 OJB 8 4 Order signed by presiding Judge Toms approving the summons of 13 defense witnesses: Engineer General Hertel, Colonels Pendele, Eschenauer, Petersen, Polte, and Eberhard; Paul Koerner, and Max Roux, Ministerial Councillor Richter, General Vorwald, General Foerster, Chief of Air Defense in the RLM, and Doctors Hippke, and Kalk. 13 904 1947/01/14 M888 OJB 8 5 Order signed by presiding Judge Toms approving the summons of Ambassador Gauss and denying those of Count van Denterghem, van Zeeland, Cot, Delbos, and Flight General Kreipe as defense witnesses. 13 905 1947/01/16 M888 OJB 8 6 Order signed by presiding Judge Toms approving the summons of Generals Reinecke and Roeder as defense witnesses. 13 906 1947/01/20 M888 OJB 8 7 Order signed by presiding Judge Toms approving the summons of von Neurath, Speer, and Admiral of the Fleet Raeder as defense witnesses. 13 907 1947/01/22 M888 OJB 8 8 Order signed by presiding Judge Toms approving production of Hitler's order to Speer for defense dated Apr. 4, 1944. 13 908 1947/01/22 M388 OJB 8 9 Order signed by presiding Judge Toms approving production of resolution of People's Commissars for defense, Jan. 7, 1941. 13 909 1947/01/22 M888 OJB 8 10 Order signed by presiding Judge Toms approving the summons of 12 defense witnesses: Schroeder, Becker-Freyseng, Weltz, Dorsch, Ruff, Oberst von Brauchitsch, Koenig, Sievers, Neff, Romberg, Rudolf Brandt, and Schmelter. 53 ROLL 1STFR DOC. DATE MCNO VOL PAGE 13 910 1947/01/27 M888 OJB 8 11 Order signed by presiding Judge Toms approving the summons of defense witness Wolff. 13 911 1947/02/01 M888 OJB 8 12 Order signed by presiding Judge Toms approving the summons of defense witnesses General of the Luftwaffe Felmy, Privy Councillor Bucher, and Doctor Alexander. 13 912 1947/02/04 M888 OJB 8 13 Order signed by presiding Judge Toms approving the summons of defense witness Ministerial Councillor Timm, Sauckel's deputy, and denying Reichsminister Backe. 13 913 1947/02/11 M888 OJB 8 14 Order signed by presiding Judge Toms approving the summons of defense witness Ministerial Director Kehrl. 13 914 1947/02/12 M888 OJB 8 15 Order signed by presiding Judge Toms approving the summons of Generals Westhof and Warlimont as defense witnesses. 13 915 1947/02/15 M888 OJB 8 16 Order signed by presiding Judge Toms approving the production of affidavit of General Koller for defense dated July 12, 1946 13 916 1947/02/19 M888 OJB 8 17 Order signed by presiding Judge Toms approving leave for defendant in order to question witnesses Generals Felmy and Warlimont. 13 917 1947/02/24 M888 OJB 8 18 Order signed by presiding Judge Toms approving the summons of General Engel and Chief of Naval Operations Otto Schniewind as defense witnesses. 13 918 1947/04/16 M888 OJB 8 19 Opinion and judgment of the tribunal by presiding Judge Toms and Judge Fitzroy D. Phillips concerning the three counts of the indictment beginning with count two: war crimes involving murder, subjecting inmates of concentration camp Dachau to low pressure and freezing experiments by the SS and Air Force Medical Corps headed by Doctors Romberg, Ruff, and Rascher, for which Milch was found not guilty. Count one: war crimes involving murder, slave labor, deportation of civilian popula¬ tions for slave labor, cruel and inhuman treatment of foreign laborers, and the use of POW’s in war operations by force and compulsion, for which Milch was found guilty. Count three: crimes against humanity involving murder, the same unlawful 54 ROLL 1STFR DOC. DATE MCNO VOL PAGE acts specified in counts one and two, against German nationals and persons from other countries, for which Milch was found guilty. 13 949 1947/04/16 M888 OJB 8 50 German translation of opinion and judgment of the tribunal by presiding Judge Toms and Judge Phillips. 13 982 1947/04/16 M888 OJB 8 83 Concurring opinion of Judge Michael A. Musmanno on the three counts of the indictment. Count one: charged Milch with having knowingly committed war crimes as the principal and accessory in enterprises involving slave labor and having also willingly participated in the use of POW's in war operations contrary to international convention and the laws and customs of war. Count two: charged the defendant with having knowingly and willfully participated in enterprises involving fatal medical experiments upon subjects without their consent. Count three: charged the defendant with responsibility for slave labor and fatal medical experiments on German nationals and persons from other countries without their consent. 13 1072 1947/04/16 M888 OJB 8 172 German translation of the concurring opinion of Judge Musmanno. 13 1174 1947/04/17 M888 OJB 8 273 Sentence of the tribunal finding Milch guilty on counts one and three, and ordering that he be transported to the Rebdorf Prison to be confined there for the remainder of his natural life. 13 1175 1947/05/22 M888 OJB 8 274 Order signed by the three judges of the tribunal for the filing of the concurring opinion of Judge Phillips. 13 1176 1947/05/23 M888 OJB 8 275 German translation of the order signed by the three judges of the tribunal for the filing of the concurring opinion of Judge Phillips. 13 1177 1947/04/15 M888 OJB 8 276 Concurring opinion of Judge Phillips concerning the three counts of the indictment charging Milch with count one: war crimes involving murder, slave labor, deportation of civilian popula¬ tions for slave labor, cruel and inhuman treatment of foreign laborers, and use of POW's in war operations by force and compulsion; count two: war crimes involving murder and subjecting concentration camp inmates to low-pressure and freezing experi¬ ments that resulted in torture and death; count three: crimes 55 ROLL 1STFR DOC. DATE MCNO VOL PAGE against humanity, involving murder and the same unlawful acts specified in the first two counts on both German nationals and persons from other countries. 13 1204 1947/04/15 M888 OJB 8 303 German translation of the concurring opinion of Judge Phillips. 13 1231 1947/05/22 M888 OJB 8 330 Certificate acknowledging the German translation of the concurring opinion to be a true and authentic copy of the original document. 13 1232 1947/04/17 M888 OJB 8 331 Commitment order. 13 1233 1947/06/17 M888 OJB 8 332 Letter by the Adjutant General, signed by Lt. Col. G. H. Garde, to Secretary General of the Military Tribunal requesting he forward to defense counsel an order with respect to the sentence. 13 1234 1947/06/17 M888 OJB 8 333 Order signed by Frank A. Keating, Deputy Military Governor, affirming the sentence. 56 CASE II CLEMENCY PETITIONS (CLP) ROLL 1STFR DATE FILED MCNO VOL PAGE 13 1237 1947/05/02 M888 CLP 8 1 Clemency petition for Milch by the defense counsel, signed by Bergold, directed to the Military Governor of Germany (English). 13 1246 1947/05/02 M888 CLP 8 10 Clemency petition for Milch by the defense counsel, signed by Bergold, directed to the Military Governor of Germany (German). 13 1256 1947/05/02 M888 CLP 8 20 Request by defense counsel Bergold to transmit the clemency petition to the U.S. Supreme Court (English). 13 1258 1947/05/02 M888 CLP 8 22 Clemency petition directed to the U.S. Supreme Court (English). 13 1262 1947/04/30 M888 CLP 8 26 Certificate of the translator for clemency petition (English). 13 1263 1947/05/02 M883 CLP 8 27 Clemency petition to the Military Governor of Germany, attached to the clemency petition to the U.S. Supreme Court (English). 13 1273 1947/05/02 M888 CLP 8 36 Request by Bergold for transmission of a clemency petition to the U.S. Supreme Court (German). 13 1275 1947/05/02 M888 CLP 8 38 Clemency petition directed to the U.S. Supreme Court (German). 13 1280 1947/05/02 M888 CLP 8 43 Clemency petition to the Military Governor of Germany, attached to a petition to the U.S. Supreme Court (German). 13 1290 1947/10/13 M888 CLP 8 53 Petition by Milch to appoint a counsel to represent him before the U.S. Supreme Court (English). 13 1291 1947/11/03 M888 CLP 3 54 Letter by the Adjutant General to Secretary General for Military Tribunal stating that the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear Milch's petition for a writ of habeas corpus, Oct. 29, 1947. 13 1292 1947/05/02 M888 CLP 8 55 Request by Bergold to transmit a clemency petition to the President of the Swiss Confederation in Berne (English). 13 1293 1947/05/02 M888 CLP 8 56 Cover letter for petition to the President of the Swiss Confederation (English). 57 ROLL 1STFR DATE FILED MONO VOL PAGE 13 1294 1947/05/02 M888 CLP 8 57 Petition to modify the sentence of the Military Court II, Nuernberg, Apr. 16-17, 1947, to the President of the Swiss Confederation (English). 13 1303 1947/05/02 M888 CLP 8 66 Request by Bergold for transmission of petition to the President of the Swiss Confederation (German). 13 1304 1947/05/02 M888 CLP 8 67 Cover letter for petition to the President of the Swiss Confederation (German). 13 1305 1947/05/02 M888 CLP 8 68 Petition to modify the sentence of the Military Court II, Nuernberg, Apr. 16-17, 1947, to the President of the Swiss Confederation (German). 58 CASE II PROSECUTION OPENING STATEMENT (POS), PROSECUTION CLOSING STATEMENT (PCS), AND OPENING PLEA FOR DEFENSE (OPD) ROLL 1STFR DOC. DATE MCNO DOC PAGE 13 589 1947/01/02 M888 POS 1-14 Prosecution opening statement (English) alleges Milch's com¬ plicity in a Nazi plan to enslave Europe. It further asserts Milch's culpability in recruitment and use of slave labor, ill- treatment of civilian populations, illegal medical experiments, and other crimes, Jan. 2, 1947. 13 605 1947/03/25 M888 PCS 1-60 Prosecution closing statement (English) alleges that the prosecution has proved the crimes alleged in its opening statement briefly reiterating the evidence (PEX) presented, Mar. 25, 1947. 13 667 1947/01/26 MS88 OPD 1-10 Opening plea for the defense (English) points out the differences between German and Anglo-Saxon law. It alleges further that Milch was endeavoring to preserve peace, that he was not aware of the deportations and ill-treatment of foreign populations, and that he had no dealings whatsoever with the illegal medical experiments on concentration camp inmates, Jan. 26, 1947. 13 679 1946/12/20-1947/04/17 M888 TRC 1-40 Minute Book summarizing the transcripts of the proceedings for * each day in court, Dec. 12, 1946-Apr. 17, 1947. 59 ' APPENDIX The International Military Tribunal used the following ten document series from which the exhibits of the four powers which signed the London Agreement were chosen: Series Numbered Documents Acronym Interpretation C 1 1-460 Crimes D 1-976 Industry EC 1-615 Economics ECH 1-36 Economic-Heidelberg ECR 1-177 Economic-Reichskreditkassen L 1-361 London M 2 1-229 Melvin PS 3 1-4080 Paris-Storey R 4 1-589 Rothschild TC 1-94 Treaty Committee 1a number of documents are missing in most of the series. ^The M Series is named for Melvin Jones, Assistant Prosecutor of the United Kingdom. 3 Collection of the PS Series began in Paris under the direction of Col. Robert G. Storey, Chief of the Documentation Division of the IMT. 4 The R Series contains the records screened by Lt. Rothschild from the OSS collection in London. 61 The Office of the Chief of Counsel for War Crimes used and created the following seven document series at Nuernberg. Series Numbered Documents Acronym Interpretation NG 1-5889 Nuernberg Government NI 1-15681 Nuernberg Industrialist NM 1-20 Nuernberg Miscellaneous NO 1-6039 Nuernberg Organizations NOKW 1-3573 Nuernberg Army High Command NP 1-119 Nuernberg Propaganda occ 1-1924 Office of the Chief of Counsel The Berlin Branch of the Office of the Chief of Counsel for War Crimes used and created the following six document series that duplicate many of the records of the six N Series: Series BB BBH BBT F SS WA Numbered Documents 1-3900 1-3159 1-7903 1-480 1-7155 1-37 Acronym Interpretation Berlin Branch Berlin Branch Heath* Berlin Branch Thayer* Finance Schutzstaffel 9 ♦Heath and Thayer were officers in the Berlin Branch. 62 A Washington Team used the following two document Series Series WB WC Numbered Documents 1-4545 1-281 Acronym Interpretation Washington B Washington C The Appendix was compiled partly from a listing in U.S. Tribunals, Vol. XV, p. 1229-1234. INDEX The master copy of this index was computer formatted and printed from keyword input derived from descriptive material in the text of the special list and was supplemented with references and explanatory subheadings. The full edition was then reproduced from the master copies by photographic offset printing. The ultimate objective of producing cumulative indexes dictated certain limitations on the format, structure, and nature; further complications were created by the need to cope simultaneously with languages, abbreviations, page loca¬ tion of descriptive materials, and microfilm roll and frame locations of the records described. Language While the index does not pretend to bilinguality, it refers to the records in the original German as well as in generally accepted English equivalents, often using the original German word or its abbreviation as the index term and the English word as a cross-reference term. For purposes of automation, the diphthong was used instead of the Umlaut; for example, VerfUgungen becomes Verfuegungen. Key Words and Dates Key words include names of individuals, geographical terms, civic and military organizations, functions, and document designations. A reasonable effort was made to ascertain cor¬ rect spellings, but regrettably, the inferior quality of trans¬ lations and the misspelling of names made the task sometimes futile. The years, months, and days under the date headings are either the date or dates of the record item or indicate when the record was filed or offered in court. The "1st Frame" is the first frame of the entire record item, rather than the exact frame location where reference to that index entry begins. An attempt to give specific dates or exact microfilm frame locations for each entry frequently would produce an index cumbersome to the point of uselessness as a finding aid. It is more efficient for the researcher to proceed from the index term to the record description, next to the microfilm roll and first frame reproducing the record item, and finally to the particular frame or frames containing the specific reference indicated by the index entry. 64 The abbreviations used under the heading Item No. are for the terms listed below: M888 Microfilm Publication Number CLP Clemency Petition DEX Defense Exhibit OCF Official Court File OJB Order and Judgment Book OPD Opening Plea for Defense PCS Prosecution Closing Statement PEX Prosecution Exhibit POS Prosecution Opening Statement TRC Transcript of the Proceedings These abbreviations are followed by further document identifi¬ cations. Suggestions for Improvement Since automatic data processing is especially efficient for updating or revising data, we hope to evolve improved computer indexes for archival material. The preparation of individual indexes for subsequent special lists will be a proving ground for revising and indexing the entire series. A possible and desirable byproduct of such a revision would be an open-ended edition, of which individual lists or the entire series would be available at reasonable prices. Suggestions for improvement and comments are invited. 65 DATES ITEM [ NO. ROLL 1STFR PAGE AFFIDAVIT (See name of specific af f ia nt -•) ALBRECHT, CONRAD 1939/05/23- 1939/05/23 M888 PE X 3 L 079 5 12 6 ALEXANDER, LEO 1945/07/10- 1945/07/10 M 88 8 PE X 80 PS 0400 7 15 21 1947/02/01- 1947/02/01 MBS 8 GCF 8 D 45 13 836 51 1947/02/01- 1947/02/01 M 88 8 OJB 8 P 12 13 91 1 54 1947/02/14- 1947/02/14 M88 8 TRC 3 P 1022-1103 3 369 42 ALTENSTADT, SCHMIDT VON 1943/04/01- 1943/04/11 MBS 8 PE X 26 PS 1130 5 498 1 1 ARMAMENTS No date M888 PE X 61 NOKW 247 6 440 18 1942/02/24- 1942/02/24 M 88 8 PE X 11 PS 1435 5 184 8 1942/07/07- 1942/07/07 M88 8 PE X 138 NOKW 4 06 8 531 27 1942/07/28- 1942/07/28 M888 PE X 139 NOKW 4 08 8 537 27 1942/08/04- 1942/08/04 M 88 8 PE X 140 NOKW 409 8 54 8 27 1942/09/20- 1942/09/22 K 88 8 PE X 48a8 R 124 6 151 15 1942/10/30- 1942/10/30 M88 8 PE X 48b9 R 124 6 211 16 1943/02/22- 1943/02/22 M 88 8 PE X 157 NOKW 245 8 909 29 1943/04/23- 1943/04/23 M88 8 DEX M-9 R 124 13 416 31 1943/09/11- 1943/09/12 MBS 8 DEX M— 4 R 124 13 399 30 1943/11/04- 1944/11/07 M 88 8 PE X 155 NOKW 180 8 802 28 1944/00/00- 1944/00/00 M88 8 PE X 24 PS 3003 5 454 10 1944/02/15- 1944/04/17 MSB 8 PE X 71 PS 1584 6 54 1 18 1944/03/02- 1944/03/02 M888 DEX M—14 NOKW 346 13 465 32 1944/03/17- 1944/03/17 M88 8 PE X 75-2 NOKW 338 6 624 19 1944/03/17- 1944/03/17 M88 8 DEX M—13 NOKW 338 13 458 31 1944/03/20- 1944/03/20 MBS 8 PE X 75-3 NOKW 346 6 674 19 1 944/03/25- 1944/03/25 MSB 8 PE X 54 NOKW 017 6 310 17 1944/03/31- 1944/03/31 M 88 8 PE X 146 NOKW 417 8 714 28 1944/04/06- 1944/6/05 M88 8 PE X 4 8f1 R 124 6 236 16 1944/04/21- 1944/04/21 M 88 8 DEX M— 1 7 S PEXH 34 13 472 32 1944/04/25- 1944/04/25 M88 8 PE X 75-6 NOKW 334 6 868 19 1944/05/02- 1944/05/02 K88 8 PE X 75-7 NOKW 389 6 928 19 1944/05/04- 1944/05/04 MBS 8 PE X 75-9 NOKW 390 6 1045 20 1944/05/05- 1944/05/05 M88 8 PE X 75-10 NOKW 442 6 1076 20 1944/05/09- 1944/05/09 MSB 8 PE X 75-11 NOKW 361 6 1 126 20 1944/05/26- 1944/05/26 M888 DEX M-2 3 NOKW 336 13 479 33 1944/05/26- 1944/05/26 MBS 8 PE X 75-13 NOKW 336 6 1 243 20 1944/06/07- 1944/06/07 M 88 8 PE X 75-17 NOKW 348 6 1609 20 1944/06/27- 1944/06/27 MBS 8 DEX M— 24 NOKW 359 13 481 3 3 1945/09/22- 1945/09/22 M88 8 PE X 41a PS 3721 5 66 1 1 3 1947/01/07- 1947/01/07 MBS 8 TRC 1 P 194-277 2 249 38 1947/01/27- 1947/01/27 M 8 8 8 TRC 2 P 491-565 2 616 40 1947/02/03- 1947/02/03 M88 8 TRC 2 P 566-642 2 699 41 1947/02/20- 1947/02/20 M88 8 TRC 4 P 1271-1305 3 701 43 1947/03/11- 1947/03/11 M 88 8 TRC 5 P 1634-1724 4 170 44 1947/03/18- 1947/03/18 M88B TRC 6 P 2059-2141 4 70 3 45 1947/03/19- 1947/03/19 M88 8 TRC 6 P 2142-2223a 4 810 45 66 DATES ITEM « o 23 ROLL 1STFR PAGE ARMAMENTS CONTINUED 194 7/03/21- 1947/03/21 M 88 8 TRC 7 P 2307-2376 4 1032 46 AUSCHWITZ, CONCENTRATION CAMP 1943/02/26-1943/02/26 M88 8 PE X 97 PS 1580 7 168 23 1943/06/27-1943/06/27 M888 PE X 126 NO KW 307 8 303 26 1944/02/15-1944/04/17 M88 8 PE X 71 PS 1584 6 541 18 1947/01/14-1947/01/14 M888 TRC 2 P 36 1-45 1 2 452 39 1947/02/05-1947/02/05 BACKE, HERBERT M88 8 TRC 2 P 643-71 0 2 803 4 1 1947/02/04-1947/02/04 M 88 8 OJB 8 P 1 3 13 912 54 1947/02/04-1947/02/04 M888 OCF 8 D 48 13 845 51 BAD TOELZ 194 3/04/07- 1943/10/04 M 88 8 PE X 45 PS 1919 5 711 14 BADEN 1941/03/06- 19 41/0 3/06 MSB 8 PE X 6 EC 068 5 139 7 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 BARTHELMESS, ADOLF M88 8 TRC 1 P 25-108 2 29 37 1947/01/28-1947/01/28 M 88 8 DEX M-4 3 DOC 0 13 116 34 1947/03/03-1947/03/03 BECK ER-FREYSENG, HERMANN MSB 8 TRC 4 P 1381-1432 3 872 43 (Defendant in Case I; S tabsar zt i n the Luftwaffe (Captain, Medical Service of t he Ai r Force); and Chief of the Department f o r Aviation Medicine of the Chief of the Medical Serv ice of the Luftwaffe.) 1946/10/24-1946/10/24 M88 8 PE X 121 NO 0448 8 255 25 1947/01/15-1947/01/15 M 88 8 TRC 2 P 452-490 2 570 40 1947/01/21-1947/01/21 MBS 8 OCF 8 D 32 13 806 50 1947/01/22-1947/01/22 M 88 8 OJB 8 P 10 13 909 53 1947/02/14-1947/02/14 BELOW, NICOLAUS VON MSB 8 TRC 3 P 1022-1 103 3 369 42 1939/05/23-1939/05/23 M88 8 PE X 3 L 079 5 12 6 BERDICHEV 1941/07/07-1941/08/29 MBS 8 PE X 31b PS 3028 5 556 1 1 BERGEN 1942/05/04-1942/05/07 BERGOLD, FRIEDRICH M88 8 PE X 159 R 134 8 982 29 (Main Counsel for Defendant E :rhar d Mi 1ch. ) 1946/12/16-1942/12/16 M88 8 OCF 8 D 4 13 74 5 47 1946/12/16-1946/12/16 M 88 8 OJB 8 P 2 13 90 1 53 1947/01/27-1947/01/27 MB88 TRC 2 P 491-565 2 616 40 1947/05/02-1947/05/02 M88 8 CLP 8 P 36 13 1 273 57 1947/05/02-1947/05/02 M88 8 CLP 8 P 20 13 1 256 57 BIELSKO 1940/05/16-1940/05/29 M888 PE X 5 PS 1 352 5 124 7 BILOSERKA 1943/10/29- 1943/1 1/12 M88 8 PE X 37 PS 0290 5 606 12 1947/01/06- 1947/01/06 M88 8 TRC 1 P 109-193 2 126 38 BMW-ALLACH * 19 44/0 4/25- 1944/04/25 M888 DEX M- 1 6 NGKW 334 13 469 32 67 DATES ITEM NO. ROLL 1STFR PAGE BMW-ALLACH 1947/02/03-1947/02/03 K88 8 TRC 2 P 566-642 2 CONTINUED 699 4 1 BOCHUMER-VEREIN 1941/08/28-1941/10/13 M88 8 PEX 152 NOKW 242 8 785 28 1947/03/19-1947/03/19 M88 8 TRC 6 P 2 1 42-2223a 4 810 45 BODENSCHATZ, KARL HEINRICH 19 39/0 5/23- 19 39/05/23 M88 8 PEX 3 L 079 5 12 6 BRAEUTIGAM, OTTO 1942/10/25-1942/10/25 M88 8 PEX 19a PS 0294 5 345 10 1943/04/01-1943/04/11 M88 8 PEX 26 PS 1130 5 498 1 1 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M88 8 TRC 1 P 25-108 2 29 37 1947/01/06-1947/01/06 M88 8 TRC 1 P 109-193 2 126 38 BRANDT, KARL (Defendant in Case I; personal physician to Adolf Hitler; Gruppenfuehrer in the SS and Generalieutnant {Maior General) in the Waffen-SS Reich Commissioner for Health and Sanitation; member of the Reich Research Council • t (Reichsf orschungsrat) .) 19 4 1/01/09- 19 42/02/20 M 88 8 DEX M-36 DOC 0 13 542 34 1946/02/13-1946/02/13 M88 8 PEX 101c NOKW 452 7 24 1 23 1946/12/18-1946/12/18 M88 8 PEX 101b NCKW 450 7 191 23 BRANDT, RUDOLF (Defendant in Case I; Standartenfuehrer (Colonel) in the Allgemeine SS; Personal Administrative Orlicer to Reichsfuehrer SS Himmler (Persoenlicher Referent von Himmler); Ministerial Counsellor and Chief of the Ministerial Office in the Reich Ministry of the Interior.) 1941/05/22- 1941/05/22 M888 PEX 79 PS 1582 7 12 21 1942/04/13-1942/04/21 M 88 8 PEX 102 PS 1581 7 264 23 1942/04/13-1942/10/21 M 88 8 PEX 161 PS 1971 8 991 29 1942/04/27-1942/04/27 M88 8 PEX 84 NO 0296 7 39 21 1942/04/27-1942/04/27 M 88 8 PEX 83 NO 0219 7 36 21 1942/07/20-1942/08/27 M888 PEX 115b PS 1607b 8 204 25 1942/07/20-1942/08/27 M 88 8 PEX 115a PS 1607a 8 200 24 1942/10/03-1942/10/03 M88 8 PEX 94 NO 0285 7 151 22 1942/10/21-1942/10/21 M 88 8 PEX 110 NO 0226 8 111 24 1942/10/29-1942/10/29 M88 8 PEX 109 NO 0222 8 108 24 1943/03/14-1943/03/14 M88 8 PEX 128 NO 0270 8 313 26 1943/04/1o-1943/04/16 M88 8 PEX 99 NO 0241 7 174 23 1946/08/30-1946/08/30 M888 PEX 124 NO 0191 8 290 25 1 9 4o/09/09- 19 46/0 9/09 M88 8 PEX 125 NO 0242 8 296 25 1947/01/14-1947/01/14 K88 8 TRC 2 P 361-451 2 452 39 1947/01/15-1947/01/15 M88 8 TRC 2 P 452-490 2 570 40 1947/01/21-1947/01/21 M888 OCF 8 D 33 13 808 50 1947/01/22-1947/01/22 M 88 8 OJB 8 P 10 13 909 53 1947/02/11-1947/02/11 M88 8 TRC 3 P 82 3-906a 3 11 1 42 1947/02/17-1947/02/17 M 88 8 TRC 4 P 1104-1204 3 484 43 1947/02/24-1947/02/24 M888 TRC 4 P 1306-1380 3 751 4 3 68 DATES ITEM l NO. ROLL 1STFR PAGE BRANDT, RUDOLF CONTINUED 1947/03/21-1947/03/21 BRAUCHITSCH, BERND VON M88 8 TRC 7 P 2307-2376 4 1032 46 {Colonel, German Air Force; , Adjutant to Goering. ) 194 7/0 1/21- 1947/01/21 M88 8 OCF 8 D 34 13 810 50 1947/01/22-1947/01/22 M88 8 OJB 8 P 10 13 909 53 1947/02/20-1947/02/20 BRAUCHITSCH, WALTHER VON M 88 8 TRC 4 P 1271-1305 3 70 1 43 {Field Marshal; Commander-in- -Chief of the Army, 4 Feb. 1933-19 Dec. 1941 -) 1939/05/23-1939/05/23 MBS 8 PE X 3 L 079 5 12 6 1942/05/04-1942/05/07 M888 PE X 159 R 134 8 982 29 1947/03/19-1947/03/19 M88 8 TRC 6 P 2 142-2223a 4 810 45 BRITISH POii 1944/02/16-1944/02/16 M 88 8 PE X 52 NO 1172 6 295 17 BUCHENWALD, CONCENTRATION CAMP 1944/02/15-1944/04/17 M88 8 PE X 71 PS 1584 6 54 1 18 1945/05/15-1945/05/15 BUCHER, HERMANN M88 8 PE X 44 L 159 5 692 13 1947/02/01-1947/02/01 M88 8 OCF 8 D 46 13 839 51 1947/02/01-1947/02/01 M88 8 OJB 8 P 12 13 911 54 CHERNIGOV 194 3/0 2/12- 1943/03/23 MSS 8 PE X 28 PS 3012 5 508 1 1 CHORTKOV 1943/02/25-1943/02/25 M88 8 PE X 25 PS 1526 5 46 1 10 CHUDOVO 1941/08/25- 1941/08/25 M88 8 PE X 31a PS 3027 5 553 1 1 CLEMENCY PETITIONS, ENGLISH 1947/05/02-1947/05/02 MSB 8 CLP 8 P 22 13 1 258 57 1947/05/02-1947/05/02 M88 8 CLP 8 P 1 13 1 237 57 1947/05/02-1947/05/02 M88 8 CLP 8 P 57 13 1294 58 1947/05/02-1947/05/02 M88 8 CLP 8 P 27 13 1 26 3 57 CLEMENCY PETITIONS, GERMAN 1947/05/02-1947/05/02 M88 8 CLP 8 P 43 13 1280 57 1947/05/02-1947/05/02 M88 8 CLP 8 P 38 13 1275 57 1947/05/02-1947/05/02 M88 8 CLP 8 P 10 13 1246 57 1947/05/02-1947/05/2 MSB 8 CLP 8 P 68 13 1305 58 CLOSING STATEMENTS, CASE II 1947/03/z5-1947/03/25 M88 8 TRC P 2377-249C 4 1113 46 COAL MINING 1942/10/23-1942/10/23 MSB 8 PEX 4 8b1 1 PS 3961 6 223 16 19 4 2/10/28- 1942/1 0/28 M 88 8 PE X 48a12 R 124 6 174 15 1942/11/03-1942/11/03 M88 8 PEX 48b 3 R 124 6 185 15 1943/04/22-1943/04/22 MSB 8 PEX 48a3 R 124 6 105 14 1943/05/30-1943/05/30 MBS 8 DEX M-33 R 124 13 522 34 1943/06/23-1943/06/23 MSB 8 PEX 48a4 R 124 6 120 14 1944/02/16-1944/02/16 M88 8 PEX 48a5 R 124 6 124 1 4 1944/05/25-1944/05/25 M88 8 PEX 48a2 R 124 6 95 14 1947/02/13-1947/02/13 M88 8 TRC 3 P 980-1021 3 320 42 69 DATES ITEM 1 NO. ROLL 1STFR PAGE COMMITMENT ORDER, MILCH 1947/04/17-1947/04/17 M888 OJB 8 P 331 13 1 232 56 CONCENTRATION CAMPS (See also specific camps.) 1941/05/22-1941/05/22 M888 PE X 79 PS 1582 7 12 21 1942/04/30-1942/04/30 M88 8 PE X 14 R 129 5 265 8 1942/05/04-1942/05/07 M88 8 PEX 159 R 134 8 982 29 1942/08/18-1942/08/18 M 88 8 PE X 141 NOKW 412 8 558 27 1942/12/17-1942/12/17 M88 8 PEX 21 PS 1063d 5 373 10 194 3/04/27- 19 43/0 4/2 7 K888 PEX 150 NOKW 413 8 773 28 1943/10/19-1944/01/25 M88 8 PEX 145 NOKW 288 8 675 27 1944/05/05-1944/05/05 M88 8 DEX M-21 NOKW 442 13 477 32 1945/09/22-1945/09/22 M88 8 PEX 41a PS 3721 5 66 1 1 3 1946/09/06-1946/09/06 M88 8 PEX 62 NOKW 311 6 444 18 1946/12/21-1946/12/21 M888 PEX 131 NOKW 651 8 334 26 1947/01/02-1941/01/02 M 88 8 TRC 1 P 9-24 2 16 37 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M 88 8 TRC 1 P 25-108 2 29 37 1947/01/06-1947/01/06 M888 TRC 1 P 109-193 2 126 38 1947/01/07-1947/01/07 M 88 8 DEX M—38 DOC 0 13 45 34 CONFISCATIONS (See also geographical 1940/05/16-1940/05/29 areas. M 88 8 ) PEX 5 PS 1352 5 124 7 COOGAN AFFIDAVIT 1945/11/19-1945/11/19 M88 8 PEX 1 USA 1 5 1 6 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M888 TRC 1 P 25-108 2 29 37 COT, PIERRE 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M 88 8 OCF 8 D 22 1 3 785 49 CRACOW 1944/05/17-1944/05/17 M 88 8 PEX 40 R 103 5 642 1 3 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1944/06/01-1944/06/03 M88 8 PEX 75-14 NOKW 350 6 1 360 20 D 288, USA 202 1945/10/15-1945/10/15 M88 8 PEX 42 D 288 5 679 13 D 316, USA 201 1942/03/14-1942/03/14 M88 8 PEX 12 D 316 5 216 8 DACHAU, CONCENTRATION CAMP 1941/05/15-1943/03/14 M388 DEX M-30 DOC 0 13 483 3 3 1942/04/13-1942/04/21 M88 8 PEX 102 PS 1581 7 264 23 1942/04/16-1942/04/16 PI88 8 PEX 82 NO 0318 7 32 21 1942/04/16-1942/04/16 M88 8 PEX 103 NO 0218 7 269 23 1942/04/27-1942/04/27 M88 8 PEX 83 NO 0219 7 36 21 1942/04/27-1942/04/27 M88 8 PEX 84 NO 0296 7 39 21 1942/06/00-1943/09/00 M88 8 DEX M-56 DOC 0 13 186 36 1942/09/10-1942/09/10 P1888 PEX 91 PS 1618 7 140 22 1943/02/19-1943/02/19 M88 8 PEX 120 NO 0268 8 252 25 1944/02/15-1944/04/17 M 88 8 PEX 71 PS 1584 6 54 1 18 1945/05/13-1945/05/13 M88 8 PEX 100 PS 2428 7 177 23 1945/05/15-1945/05/15 M 88 8 PEX 44 L 159 5 692 13 1946/10/23-1946/10/23 M83 8 PEX 101a NOKW 428 7 187 23 194o/10/29-1946/10/29 M 88 8 PEX 107 NOKW 391 8 62 24 70 DATES ITEM NO • ROLL 1STFR PAGF DACHAU, CONCENTRATION CAMP 1946/11/01-1946/11/01 i M 88 8 PEX 86 NO 0476 7 CONTINUED 49 21 1946/11/08—1946/1 1/08 M 88 8 PEX 122 NGKW 419 8 259 25 1947/01/15-1947/01/15 M88 8 TRC 2 P 452-490 2 570 40 1947/02/12-1947/02/12 M88 8 TRC 3 P 907-979 3 227 42 1947/02/13-1947/02/13 M88 8 TRC 3 P 980-1021 3 320 42 1947/02/14-1947/02/14 MSB 8 TRC 3 P 1022-1 103 3 369 42 1947/04/16-1947/04/16 M88 8 OJB 8 P 19 13 918 54 DARR E, WALTER 1946/09/05-1946/09/06 M88 8 PEX 62 NCKW 311 6 444 18 DAUGAVPILS 1943/05/03-1943/05/23 M88 8 PEX 32 PS 2280 5 564 12 DELBOS, YVON 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M88 8 OCF 8 D 23 13 787 49 DENNEY, CLARK (Chief Trial Counsel of 1946/12/20-1946/12/20 Case M88 8 II-) TRC 1 P 1-8 2 1 37 1947/01/02-1941/01/02 M 88 8 TRC 1 P 9-24 2 16 37 DENTERGHEM, KERKHCVEN VAN 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M 88 8 OCF 8 D 24 13 789 49 DEPORTATIONS 1947/01/26-1947/01/26 M 88 8 OP D P 1 -10 13 667 59 1947/04/15-1947/04/15 M88 8 OJB 8 P 276 13 1 177 55 1947/04/16-1947/04/16 M88 8 OJB 8 P 19 13 918 54 DESSAU 1943/11/04-1944/11/07 M 88 8 PEX 155 NO KW 180 8 802 28 1947/03/19-1947/03/19 M88 8 TRC 6 P 214 2-2 22 3a 4 810 45 DONETS-BASIN No date M 88 8 PEX 36 PS 3010 5 602 12 DORNIER WERKE 1944/03/02-1944/03/02 M 88 8 DEX M—14 NCKW 346 13 465 32 DORSCH, FRANZ XAVER (Ministerial Director of Armament Director of Organisation Todt.) 1944/04/21- 1944/04/21 M888 DEX and Munition; K-17 SPEXH 34 13 472 32 1946/12/28-1946/12/28 M88 8 PEX 74 NOKW 447 6 579 19 1947/01/13-1947/01/13 M88 8 TRC 1 P 287-360 2 353 39 1947/01/21-1947/01/21 M 88 8 OCF 8 D 35 13 812 50 1947/01/21-1947/01/21 M88 8 OCF 8 D 31 13 804 50 1947/01/22-1947/01/22 M 88 8 OJB 8 P 10 13 909 53 1947/02/24-1947/02/24 M888 TRC 4 P 1306-1380 3 75 1 43 DUESS, EDWARD C 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M88 8 TRC 1 P 25-108 2 29 37 DUESS ELDORF, STAATSPOLIZEILEITSTELLE 1942/12/17-1942/12/17 M888 PEX 21 PS 1063d 5 373 10 DVL (Deutsche Versuchsanstalt fuer Luftfahrt - German Experimental Institute for Aviaticn.) 1942/07/28-1942/09/22 M888 PEX 114 NO 0402 8 171 24 1946/10/25-1946/10/25 M 88 8 PEX 108 NOKW 140 8 104 24 71 DATES ITEM NO. ROLL 1STFB P AGF DVL 1946/11/01-1946/11/01 M888 PE X 86 NC 0476 7 CONTINUED 49 2 1 1947/01/15-1947/01/15 M888 TRC 2 P 452-490 2 570 40 EBERHARD, COLONEL 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M 88 8 OCF 8 D 6 13 748 47 1947/01/08-1947/01/08 M88 8 OJB 8 P 4 13 903 53 EC 068, USA 205 1941/03/06-1941/03/06 M888 PEX 6 EC 068 5 139 7 EC 194, USA 214 1941/10/31-1941/10/31 M888 PEX 8 EC 194 5 156 8 EC 338, USSR 356 1947/01/21-1947/01/21 M88 8 OCF 8 D 43a 13 830 51 ENGEL, GERHARD 1939/05/23-1939/05/23 M 88 8 PEX 3 L 079 5 12 6 194 7/02/24- 1947/02/24 M88 8 TRC 4 P 1306-1380 3 751 43 1947/02/24-1947/02/24 M88 8 OJB 8 P 1 8 13 917 54 1947/02/28-1947/02/28 M888 OCF 8 D 58 13 880 52 ESCHENAUER, ARTHUR 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M88 8 OCF 8 D 7 13 750 47 1947/01/08-1947/01/08 K88 8 OJB 8 P 4 13 903 53 1947/02/13-1947/02/13 M88 8 TRC 3 P 980-1021 3 320 42 ESSEN 19 42/03/14- 19 42/03/14 MSB 8 PEX 1 2 D 316 5 216 8 1945/10/15-1945/10/15 M88 8 PEX 42 D 288 5 679 13 EUTHANASIA 1941/01/09-1942/02/20 M88 8 DEX M- 36 DOC 0 13 542 34 EVACUATIONS 1943/11/08-1943/12/28 M 88 8 PEX 38 PS 1702 5 610 12 1944/07/31-1944/07/31 M88 8 PEX 75 -16 NOKW 335 6 1579 20 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 MSB 8 TRC 1 P 25-108 2 29 37 EXPERIMENTS {See medical experiments !-) F 675, RF 020 1944/02/16-1944/02/18 M88 8 PEX 48b12 F 675 6 228 16 F 824, RF 1515 1944/07/19-1944/07/19 M88 8 PEX 57 F 824 6 408 17 FASTOV 1941/0 7/07- 1941 /08/29 M888 PEX 31b PS 3028 5 556 11 FELMY, HELMUTH 1947/02/01-1947/02/01 M88 8 OCF 8 D 47 13 842 51 1947/02/01-1947/02/01 M88 8 OJB 8 P 12 13 91 1 54 1947/02/19-1947/02/19 M88 8 OJB 8 P 17 13 916 54 1947/02/19-1947/02/19 M88 8 OCF 8 D 54 13 86 3 52 1947/02/20-1947/02/20 M888 TRC 4 P 1271-1305 3 701 43 FERRIER, ROLAND 1947/03/05-1947/03/05 M88 8 TRC 5 P 1477-1536 4 1 44 1947/03/06-1947/03/06 M88 8 TRC 5 P 1537-1585 4 68 44 FINKE, MEDICAL OFFICER 1942/10/21-1942/10/21 M 88 8 PEX 105 NO 0428 8 1 24 72 DATES IT EH NO. ROLL 1STFR PAGE FLOSSENBURG , CONCENTRATION CAMP 1944/0 2/15- 1944/0 4/17 M88 8 PE X 71 PS 1584 6 541 18 FOERSTER, HELMOTH (General, Chief of Air Force Ministr y.) 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M88 8 CCF 8 D 8 13 753 48 1947/01/08-1947/01/08 M 88 8 OJB 8 P 4 1 3 903 53 1947/02/12-1947/02/12 M88 8 TRC 3 P 907-979 3 227 42 FOOD SUPPLIES 1942/07/22-1942/07/22 M88 8 DEX M—5 R 124 13 406 30 1943/04/23-1943/04/23 M88 8 DEX M-9 R 124 13 416 31 1947/01/27-1947/01/27 M88 8 TRC 2 P 491-565 2 616 40 FOREIGN LABOR PROGRAMS 1942/09/30- 1942/09/30 M88 8 PE X 17 PS 1903 5 324 9 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M88 8 TRC 1 P 25-108 2 29 37 FOREIGN LABOR STATISTICS, 194 5 1945/11/01-1945/11/01 M888 PE X 43 PS 2520 5 688 13 FRANCE 1941/01/30-1941/01/30 M88 8 DEX M-12 R 124 13 1 31 1944/06/01-1944/06/C3 M88 8 PE X 75-14 NORM 350 6 1360 20 1947/01/15-1947/01/15 M88 8 DEX M-27 DOC 0 1 3 1 4 33 1947/02/03-1947/02/03 M888 TRC 2 P 566-642 2 699 41 1947/02/09-1947/02/09 M88 8 DEX M-54 DCC 0 13 176 35 FRANK, HANS (Defendant before the IMT; Governor General of Poland; Re ichsleiter; Reic h Minister without Portfolio; President of the International Chamber or Law (1941-42); President < of the Academy of German Law; member of t he Reichstag; leader of the National Socialist Lawy e: rs Association; SS Obergru ppenf uehrer .) 1939/12/02-1940/12/19 MSB 8 PE X 4a PS 2233a 5 46 7 1940/01/25-1940/01/25 M 88 8 PE X 4 PS 1375 5 37 6 1940/03/16-1940/03/16 M88 8 PE X 4b PS 2233b 5 116 7 1943/02/25-1943/02/25 M 88 8 PE X 25 PS 1526 5 461 10 1943/11/21-1943/11/21 M88 8 PE X 134 PS 0908 8 448 26 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M88 8 TRC 1 P 25-108 2 29 37 1947/01/06-1947/01/06 M 88 8 TRC 1 P 109-193 2 126 38 FRENCH AVIATION INDUSTRY 1947/01/27-1947/01/27 M888 TRC 2 P 491-565 2 616 40 FRENCH LABOR 1942/07/21-1942/07/21 M888 PE X 156 NOKW 411 8 903 29 1943/01/03-1943/01/05 M88 8 DEX M—2 R 124 13 396 30 1944/01/01-1944/01/04 M88 8 DEX M—34 R 124 13 524 34 1947/02/13-1947/02/13 M88 8 TRC 3 P 980-1021 3 320 42 FRENCH POW 1941/08/28-1941/10/13 M88 8 PE X 152 NOKW 242 8 785 28 1947/03/19-1947/03/19 M 88 8 TRC 6 P 2142-2 22 3a 4 810 45 1947/03/20-1947/03/20 M88 8 TRC 7 P 2224-2306 4 920 46 FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 1944/03/02-1944/03/02 M888 DEX M-14 NOKW 346 13 465 32 73 DATES ITEM NO. ROLL 1STFR PAGE FUEHHER CONFERENCE 1939/05/23-1939/05/23 M88 8 PEX 3 L 079 5 12 6 1942/02/19-1942/02/19 M88 8 DEX M-1 F 124 13 395 30 1942/04/21-1942/04/22 K 88 8 DEX M-32 R 124 13 521 33 1942/09/20-1942/09/22 M88 8 PEX 48a8 R 124 6 151 15 1943/01/03-1943/01/05 M 88 8 DEX M-2 R 124 13 396 30 1943/05/30-1943/05/30 M88 8 DEX M-33 R 124 13 522 34 1943/09/11-1943/09/12 M838 DEX M-4 R 124 13 399 30 1943/12/06-1943/12/07 M88 8 PEX 48a9 R 124 6 158 15 1944/01/01-1944/01/04 M88 8 DEX M-34 R 124 13 524 34 1944/01/04-1944/01/05 M88 8 PEX 50 PS 1292 6 277 16 1944/03/23-1944/04/08 MSB 8 PEX 48f2 R 124 6 26 1 16 1944/04/06-1944/04/07 MBS 8 PEX 48a 10 R 124 6 164 15 1944/04/Ob-1944/6/05 M88 8 PEX 4 8f 1 R 124 6 236 16 1947/01/07-1947/01/07 M 88 8 TRC 1 P 194-277 2 249 38 1947/01/13-1947/01/13 M88 8 TRC 1 P 287-360 2 353 39 1947/01/27-1947/01/27 M 88 8 TRC 2 P 491-565 2 616 40 1947/02/13-1947/02/13 M88 8 TRC 3 P 980-1021 3 320 42 FUNK, WALTHER No date M888 PEX 65 NO 1174 6 486 18 GALLAND, ADOLF No date M 88 8 PEX 158 DOC 0 8 979 29 1947/03/19-1947/03/19 M88 8 TRC 6 P 2142-222 3a 4 810 45 GARDE, G. H. 1947/06/17-1947/06/17 M888 OJB 8 P 332 13 1 233 56 GAUSS, FRIEDRICH 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M888 OCF 8 D 25 13 792 49 1947/01/14-1947/01/14 M88 8 TRC 2 P 361-451 2 452 39 1947/01/14-1947/01/14 M88 8 OJB 8 P 5 13 904 53 GENERALGOUVERNEMENT (Government General in 1939/12/02-1940/12/19 Poland.) MBS 8 PEX 4a PS 2233a 5 46 7 1940/01/25-1940/01/25 M 88 8 PEX 4 PS 1375 5 37 6 1943/04/17-1943/04/17 M8B 8 PEX 29 PS 2220 5 526 1 1 1943/11/21-1943/11/21 M 88 8 PEX 134 PS 0808 8 448 26 GENEVA CONVENTIONS No date M 88 8 PEX 132 NOKW 1763 8 424 26 1947/03/06-1947/03/06 MBS 8 TRC 5 P 1537-1585 4 68 44 GERMAN POW 1947/01/15-1947/01/15 M88 8 DEX M-27 DOC 0 13 14 33 1 94 7/02/03- 19 47/02/03 M88 8 TRC 2 P 566-642 2 699 4 1 1947/02/09-1947/02/09 M888 DEX M-54 DOC 0 13 176 35 1947/03/03-1947/03/03 M88 8 TRC 4 P 1381-1432 3 872 43 1947/03/18-1947/03/18 MB8 8 PEX 160 NOKW 872 8 987 29 GL CONFERENCE MINUTES (Generaliuftzeugmeister; Conferences of the Aircraft Master General.) 1942/05/05-1942/05/05 M888 PEX 136 NOKW 418 8 509 26 1942/05/27- 1942/05/27 M 88 8 PEX 137 NOKW 407 8 525 27 1942/07/07-1942/07/07 M88 8 PEX 138 NOKW 406 8 53 1 27 74 DATES ITEM NO ROLL 1STFR PAGE GL CONFERENCE MINUTES CONTINUED 19 4 2/0 7/21- 1942/07/21 M88 8 PE X 156 NO KW 4 11 8 903 29 1942/07/28- 1942/07/28 M88 8 PE X 139 NOKW 408 8 537 27 1942/03/04- 1942/08/04 M88 8 PEX 140 NO KW 409 8 548 27 1942/08/18- 1942/08/18 M88 8 PE X 141 NO KW 412 8 558 27 1942/08/26- 1942/08/26 M88 8 PEX 142 NO KW 4 16 8 563 27 1942/09/09- 1942/09/09 M 88 8 PEX 144 NOKW 286 8 666 27 1943/03/02- 1943/03/02 K88 8 PEX 1 48 NO KW 449 8 760 28 1943/04/27- 1943/04/27 M 88 8 PEX 150 NOKW 413 8 773 28 1943/10/19- 1944/01/25 M88 8 PEX 145 NOKW 288 8 675 27 1943/11/30- 1943/11/30 M 88 8 PEX 149 NOK.W 4 14 8 769 28 1944/03/31- 1944/03/31 M88 8 PEX 146 NOKW 417 8 714 28 1947/03/18- 1947/03/18 M88 8 TRC 6 P 2059-2141 4 703 45 1947/03/19- 1947/03/19 M88 8 TRC 6 P 2142-2 22 3a 4 810 45 GOERING, HERMANN (Defendant before the IMT: Comman der -in-Chief of the Air Force; Reich Minister for Air; President of the Council of Mini sters for the Defense of tne Reich; Prime Minister of Prussia ; President of the Prus sian State Council ; Prussian Minister of the Interior; Chief of the Prussian Police and Secret State Police (GESTAPO) ; President of the Reichstag; Reich Marshal; Plenipotentiary for the Four Year Plan; Reichsforstmeister; Supreme Leader of SA; Successor Designate to Hitler; SS Qbergruppenfuehrer; SA Obergt up penf uehrer.) No date M888 PEX 61 NOKW 247 6 440 18 1940/01/25- 1940/01/25 M88 8 PEX 4 PS 1375 5 37 6 1941/11/07- 1941/11/11 M88 8 PEX 9 P S 1206 5 163 8 1943/02/01- 1943/02/01 M88 8 DEX M-4 8 DOC 0 13 130 35 1943/02/22- 1943/02/22 M888 PEX 157 NOKW 245 8 909 29 1943/04/04- 1943/05/17 M888 PEX 30 PS 0407 5 544 1 1 1943/09/04- 1943/09/04 M88 8 PEX 154 NOKW 260 8 796 28 1943/10/28- 1943/10/28 M88 8 PEX 143 NOKW 195 8 580 27 1943/11/04- 1944/11/07 M 88 8 PEX 155 NOKW 180 8 802 28 19.44/02/15- 1944/04/17 M88 8 PEX 7 1 PS 1584 6 54 1 18 1946/09/06- 1946/09/06 M 88 8 PEX 62 NOKW 311 6 444 18 1946/09/27- 1946/09/27 M88 8 PEX 113 NOKW 041 8 167 24 1947/01/03- 1947/01/03 M88 8 TRC 1 P 25-108 2 29 37 1947/01/07- 1947/01/07 M888 TRC 1 P 194-277 2 249 3 8 1947/01/08- 1947/01/08 M 88 8 TRC 1 P 278-286 2 343 39 1947/01/14- 1947/01/14 M88 8 TRC 2 P 361-45 1 2 452 39 1947/03/05- 1947/03/05 K88 8 TRC 5 P 1477-1536 4 1 44 1947/03/19- 1947/03/19 M88 8 TRC 6 P 21 42-2 22 3a 4 810 45 GUTKELCH (Representa five of Rosenberg* s Ministry.) 1942/09/30- 1942/09/30 M888 PEX 16a PS 0084 5 298 9 GYPSIES 1942/09/18- 1942/09/18 M 88 8 PEX 1 6 PS 0654 5 293 9 75 DATES ITEM l NO. ROLL 1STFR PAGE HAGUE CONVENTIONS 1929/07/27-1929/07/27 M 88 8 PE X 47 NC 1171 5 919 14 194 7/01/06- 19 47/01/06 M88 8 TRC 1 P 109-193 2 126 38 HALDER, FRANZ 19 3 9/0 5/2 3- 19 39/0 5/2 3 M 88 8 PE X 3 L 07 9 5 12 6 HAUPT, LIEUTENANT 1944/00/00-1944/00/00 M888 PEX 24 PS 3003 5 454 10 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M88 8 TRC 1 P 25-1G8 2 29 37 HERBST, KAETHE 1947/01/31-1947/01/31 M888 DEX M-40 DOC 0 1 3 100 34 194 7/03/0 3- 1947/03/03 M888 TRC 4 P 1381-1432 3 872 4 3 HERTEL, WALTER 194 7/01/03- 1947/01/03 M 88 8 OCF 8 D 9 13 755 48 1947/01/08-1947/01/08 M 88 8 OJB 8 P 4 13 903 53 194 7/02/12- 1947/02/12 M88 8 TRC 3 P 907-979 3 227 42 HERZOGENBUSCH, CONCENTRATION CAMP 1944/02/15-1944/04/17 M88 8 PEX 71 PS 1584 6 541 18 HIMMLER, HEINRICH (Reiciisfuehrer SS; Chief of i the German Police; Reich Couiraissar for the Strengthening cf German Folkdom; Reich Minister of the Interior; Reichsleiter; Chief of the Replacement Army; Military Chief of the ”Volksst arm.”) No date M888 PEX 158 DOC 0 8 979 <29 1940/05/16-1940/05/29 M 88 8 PEX 5 PS 1352 5 124 " 7 1941/05/15-1941/05/15 M88 8 PEX 78 PS 1602 7 7 21 1942/02/20-1942/02/20 M888 PEX 10 PS 3040 5 170 8 1942/04/05- 1942/10/21 M888 PEX 81 PS 1971 7 18 21 19 42/04/13- 19 42/10/21 M 88 8 PEX 161 PS 1971 8 991 29 1942/04/16-1942/04/16 M88 8 PEX 103 NO 0218 7 26 9 23 19 42/04/30- 19 42/04/30 M 88 8 PEX 14 R 129 5 265 8 1942/05/11-1942/05/11 M88 8 PEX 85 NO 0220 7 42 21 1942/06/15-1942/06/15 M 88 8 PEX 90 NO 0283 7 137 22 194 2/0 7/20- 19 42/0 8/2 7 M88 8 PEX 115a PS 1607a 8 200 24 1942/07/20-1942/08/27 M 88 8 PEX 115b PS 1607b 8 204 25 19 42/08/31- 19 42/0 8/31 M88 8 PEX 1 17 PS 0343b 8 240 25 1942/09/10-1942/09/10 M88 8 PEX 92 NO 0234 7 144 22 1942/09/18-1942/09/18 MBS 8 PEX 16 PS 0654 5 29 3 9 194 2/09/28- 1942/09/28 M 88 8 PEX 93 PS 1611 7 147 22 1942/10/04-1942/10/04 M88 8 PEX 95 NC 0289 7 154 22 1942/10/1b-1942/10/16 M 88 8 PEX 104 PS 1613 7 273 23 1942/11/13-1942/11/13 M888 PEX 111 PS 1617 8 116 24 1943/02/17-1943/02/17 M888 PEX 96 PS 1616 7 157 23 1943/02/19-1943/02/19 M 88 8 PEX 120 NO 0268 8 252 25 1943/02/26-1943/02/26 MSB 8 PEX 97 PS 1580 7 168 23 1943/04/07-1943/10/04 M 88 8 PEX 45 PS 1919 5 71 1 14 1943/04/11-1943/04/11 M88 8 PEX 98 NO 0240 7 171 23 1943/04/17-1943/04/17 M 88 8 PEX 29 PS 2220 5 526 1 1 19 44/0 2/15- 19 44/04/17 M88 8 PEX 71 PS 1584 6 541 18 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M88 8 TRC 1 P 25-108 2 29 37 76 DATES ITEM NO, m ROLL 1STFR PAGE HIMMLER, HEINRICH CONTINUED 1947/01/06-1947/01/06 M888 TRC 1 P 109-193 2 126 38 1947/01/14-1947/01/14 M88 8 TRC 2 P 361-451 2 452 39 1947/01/15-1947/01/15 M88 8 TRC 2 P 452-490 2 570 40 1947/01/21-1947/01/21 M88 8 OCF 8 D 31 13 804 50 194 7/02/24- 1947/02/24 M888 TRC 4 P 1306-1380 3 75 1 43 1947/03/19-1947/03/19 M88 8 TRC 6 P 2142-2 223a 4 810 45 1947/03/21-1947/03/21 M88 8 TRC 7 P 2307-2376 4 1032 46 HIPPKE, ERICH (Inspector and Chief of the Air Force Medical Service.) 1942/04/16-1942/04/16 M88 8 PE X 82 NO 0318 7 32 21 1942/04/27-1942/04/27 M 88 8 PE X 84 NO 0296 7 39 21 1942/06/04-1942/06/04 M88 8 PE X 89 NO 0261 7 134 22 1942/10/04-1942/10/04 M 88 8 PE X 95 NO 0289 7 154 22 1943/02/19-1943/02/19 M888 PE X 120 NO 0268 8 252 25 1943/03/06-1943/03/06 M88 8 PE X 1 19 NO 0262 8 248 25 1943/03/14-1943/03/14 M88 8 PE X 128 NO 027C 8 313 26 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M88 8 OC * ^ D 10 13 757 48 1947/01/08-1947/01/08 M88 8 OJB 8 P 4 13 903 53 1947/01/14-1947/01/14 M 88 8 TRC 2 P 361-451 2 452 39 1947/01/15-1947/01/15 M88 8 TRC 2 P 452-490 2 570 40 1947/02/07-1947/02/07 M88 8 TRC 3 P 753-822 3 . 1 42 1947/02/11-1947/02/11 M88 8 TRC 3 P 82 3-90 6a 3 111 42 HITLER, ADOLF (Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor; Leader of the National Socialist Party; Commander -in-Chief of tne German Armed Forces ; Chief of the Reich Defense Council; Chief of the SA- ) No date M888 PE X 158 DOC 0 8 979 29 194 2/09/30- 1942/09/30 M888 PE X 17 PS 1903 5 324 9 1943/03/10-1943/03/10 M 88 8 DEX M-3 PS 0407-11 13 397 30 1943/04/04-1943/05/17 N88 8 PE X 30 PS 0407 5 544 1 1 1943/06/03-1943/06/03 M 88 8 PE X 33 PS 0407-IX 5 578 12 1944/04/21-1944/04/21 MBS 8 DEX M-17 SPEXH 34 13 472 32 1944/07/12-1944/07/12 M88 8 PE X 56 PS 3819 6 379 17 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M88 8 TRC 1 P 25-108 2 29 37 1947/01/07-1947/01/07 M88 8 TRC 1 P 194-277 2 249 38 1947/01/21-1947/01/21 M88 8 OCF 8 D 31 13 804 50 1947/01/22-1947/01/22 M 88 8 OJB 8 P 8 13 907 53 1947/01/27-1947/01/27 M88 8 TRC 2 P 491-565 2 616 40 1947/02/03-1947/02/03 M 88 8 TRC 2 P 566-642 2 699 4 1 1947/03/19-1947/03/19 M88 8 TRC 6 P 2 1 42-2 223a 4 810 45 HOLZLOEHNER, PROFESSOR OF MEDICINE 1942/10/21-1942/10/21 M88 8 PE X 105 NO 0428 8 1 24 HOLZSCHUHER, W., FREIHERR VON 1940/05/16-1940/05/29 M888 PE X 5 PS 1352 5 124 7 HOBERTOS, UNT ERNE HMEN 1944/05/02-1944/05/03 M88 8 DEX M—19 NCKW 362 13 474 32 1944/05/06-1944/05/10 M888 DEX M-22 NOKW 361 13 478 33 77 DATES ITEM [ NO. ROLL 1STFF PAGE HUBERTUS, UNTERNEHMEN 19 47/02/0 3- 19 47/02/0.3 M88 8 TRC 2 P 566-642 2 CONTINUED 699 4 1 HUNGARIAN JEWS 1944/05/25-1944/05/25 M888 PEX 75-12 NOKW 349 6 1 204 20 1947/01/21-1947/01/21 M88 8 OCF 8 D 31 13 804 50 HUNGARY 1944/05/09-1944/05/09 M88 8 PEX 75-11 NOKW 361 6 1126 20 1 9 44/06/01- 19 44/06/03 M88 8 PEX 75-14 NOKW 350 6 1360 20 HUPE, KARL 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M 88 8 TRC 1 P 25-108 2 29 37 1947/01/06-1947/01/06 M88 8 TRC 1 P 109-193 2 126 3 8 INDICTMENT, CASE II 1946/11/13-1946/11/13 M88 8 OCF 8 D 1 13 727 47 1946/12/20-1946/12/20 K88 8 TRC 1 P 1-8 2 1 3 7 INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES 1942/04/27-1942/04/27 M88 8 PEX 48b8 R 124 6 207 16 1942/07/21-1942/07/21 M 88 8 PEX 156 NOKW 411 8 903 29 1943/02/12-1943/02/12 M88 8 DEX M-7 E 124 13 408 31 1943/11/30-1943/11/30 M888 PEX 149 NOKW 414 8 769 28 1943/12/06-1943/12/07 M888 PEX 48a9 R 124 6 158 15 1944/02/16-1944/02/18 M88 8 PEX 48b12 F 675 6 228 16 1944/02/22-1944/02/22 M 88 8 PEX 151 NOKW 272 8 779 28 1944/03/01-1944/03/01 M88 8 PEX 48a-b R 124 6 1 14 1944/03/23-1944/04/08 M88 8 PEX 48f2 R 124 6 261 16 1944/04/06-1944/6/05 K88 8 PEX 4 8f1 R 124 6 236 16 1944/07/22-1944/07/22 M 88 8 PEX 48a1 1 R 124 6 167 15 1947/01/27-1947/01/27 M888 TRC 2 P 491-565 2 616 40 1947/03/19-1947/03/19 M88 8 TRC 6 P 214 2-2 223a 4 810 45 INTERROGATIONS (See specific name of person interrogated.) ITALIAN POW 1943/09/22-1943/09/22 M888 PEX 147 NOKW 347 8 752 28 1947/03/19-1947/03/19 M 88 8 TRC 6 P 2142—2 22 3a 4 810 45 JACKSON, ROBERT A 1945/10/16- 1945/10/16 MSB 8 PEX 23 PS 1726 5 391 10 JAEGER, WILHELM 1945/10/15-1945/10/15 M88 8 PEX 42 D 288 5 679 13 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M 88 8 TRC 1 P 25-108 2 29 37 JAEGERSTAB (Formed on 1 March 1944 as the last ditch effort of the Luftwaffe to rebuild the German fiqhter arm in underground and other bombproof factories* 'The Jaegerstab met periodically and stenographic recorded minutes of these meetings were produced.) No date M888 PEX 70 NOKW 261 6 538 18 1944/02/15-1944/04/17 M88 8 PEX 71 PS 1584 6 54 1 18 1946/11/13-1946/11/13 M 88 8 PEX 73 NOKW 320 6 560 19 1946/11/17-1946/11/17 M88 8 PEX 76 NOKW 266 7 1 20 1946/12/09-1946/12/09 M88 8 PEX 72 NOKW 372 6 556 19 1940/12/28- 1946/1 2/28 M88 8 PEX 74 NOKW 447 6 579 19 78 DATES JAEGERSTAB 1947/01/13-1947/01/13 M888 ITEM TRC I NO. 1 P 287-36 0 ROLL 2 1STFR PAGE CONTINOED 353 39 1947/01/21-1947/01/21 M88 8 OCF 8 D 31 13 804 50 JAEGERSTAB MINUTES 194 3/09/22- 19 43/09/22 M88 8 PE X 147 NOKW 3 47 8 752 28 1944/03/02-1944/03/02 M88 8 DEX M-14 NCKW 346 13 465 32 1944/03/06-1944/03/06 M88 8 PE X 75-1 NOKW 337 6 584 19 1944/03/06-1944/03/06 M88 8 DEX M-12a NCKW 337 13 456 31 1944/03/17-1944/03/17 M88 8 PE X 75-2 NOKW 338 6 624 19 1944/03/17-1944/03/17 M88 8 DEX M-13 NCKW 338 13 458 31 194 4/0 3/20- 1944/C3/20 M88 8 PE X 75-3 NOKW 346 6 674 19 19 44/03/28- 19 44/0 3/28 M888 PE X 75-4 NCKW 388 6 732 19 1944/04/12-1944/04/12 M888 DEX M-15 NOKW 365 13 467 32 1944/04/12-1944/04/12 M 88 8 PE X 75-5 NOKW 365 6 792 19 1944/04/25-1944/04/25 M88 8 DEX M-16 NOKW 334 13 469 32 1944/04/25-1944/04/25 M 88 8 PEX 75-6 NCKW 334 6 868 19 1944/05/02-1944/05/02 M88 8 DEX M-18 NOKW 389 13 47 3 32 1944/05/02-1944/05/02 M88 8 PEX 75-7 NOKW 389 6 928 19 1944/05/02-1944/05/02 M88 8 PEX 75-8 NOKW 362 6 953 20 1944/05/02-1944/05/03 M88 8 DEX M—19 NCKW 362 13 474 32 1944/05/04-1944/05/04 MSB 8 PEX 75-9 NOKW 390 6 1045 20 1944/05/04-1944/05/04 M88 8 DEX M-2 0 NOKW 390 13 475 3 2 1944/05/05-1944/05/05 M 88 8 PEX 75-10 NOKW 442 6 1076 20 1944/05/05-1944/05/05 M88 8 DEX M-2 1 NOKW 442 13 477 32 1944/05/08-1944/05/10 M88 8 DEX M—22 NCKW 361 13 478 33 1944/05/09-1944/05/09 M888 PEX 75-11 NOKW 361 6 1 126 20 1944/05/25-1944/05/25 M 88 8 PEX 75-12 NOKW 349 6 1 204 20 1944/05/26-1944/05/26 M88 8 DEX M-23 NOKW 336 13 479 33 1944/05/26-1944/05/26 M 88 8 PEX 75-13 NCKW 336 6 1 243 20 1944/06/01-1944/06/03 MSB 8 PEX 75-14 NOKW 350 6 1 360 20 1944/06/07-1944/06/07 M 88 8 PEX 75-17 NOKW 348 6 1609 20 1944/06/19-1944/06/19 M88 8 PEX 135 NOKW 3 64 8 46 1 26 1944/0o/27-1944/06/27 M88 8 PEX 75-15 NOKW 359 6 1 466 20 1944/06/27-1944/06/27 M88 8 DEX M-2 4 NOKW 359 13 481 33 1944/07/31-1944/07/31 M88 8 PEX 75-16 NOKW 335 6 1579 20 1947/02/03-1947/02/03 M 88 8 TRC 2 P 566-64 2 2 699 41 1947/03/18-1947/03/18 M88 8 TRC 6 P 2059-2 141 4 703 45 1947/03/19-1947/03/19 M88 8 TRC 6 P 2142-2 223a 4 810 45 JELGAVA 1943/05/03-1943/05/23 M 88 8 PEX 32 PS 2280 5 564 12 JESCHONNECK, HANS 1939/05/23-1939/05/23 M88 8 PEX 3 L 079 5 12 6 JEWS 1941/12/19-1942/04/20 M888 PEX 20 L 061 5 360 10 1942/09/18- 19 42/09/18 M88 8 PEX 16 PS 0654 5 29 3 9 1943/04/07-1943/10/04 M88 8 PEX 45 PS 1919 5 711 1 4 JEWS, HUNGARIAN 1944/05/25-1944/05/25 M88 8 PEX 75-12 NCKW 349 6 1204 20 1947/01/21-1947/01/21 M88 8 CCF 8 D 31 1 3 804 50 79 DATES ITEM NO. ROLL 1STFR t'flGE JUDGMENT, CASE II 1947/04/16-1947/04/16 M88 8 TRC 7 P 2491-2526 4 1241 46 JUNKER WERKE 1943/11/04-1944/11/07 M88 8 PE X 155 NO KW 180 8 802 28 1947/03/19-1947/03/19 M888 TRC 6 P 2 1 42-2223a 4 810 45 K ALK, PROFESSOR 1947/01/03-1947/01/C3 M 88 8 GCF 8 D 11 1 3 759 48 1947/01/08- 1947/01/C8 MBS 8 CJB 8 P 4 13 903 53 KARIN HALL 1943/10/28-1943/10/28 M 88 8 PE X 143 NO K W 195 8 580 27 1947/03/19-1947/03/19 M88 8 TRC 6 P 2 1 42-2223a 4 810 45 KATOWICE 1940/05/16-1940/05/29 M 88 8 PE X 5 PS 1352 5 124 7 KAUNAS 1944/02/18-1944/02/18 M88 8 PE X 39 PS 0204 5 630 13 KAYSER, MATHILDE 1947/02/09-1947/02/09 M88 8 DEX M— 54 DOC 0 13 176 35 1947/03/21-1947/03/21 M888 TRC 7 P 2307-2376 4 1032 46 KAZATIN 1943/11/08-1943/12/28 M888 PE X 38 PS 1702 5 610 12 KEATING, FRANK A 1947/06/17-1947/06/17 M88 8 OJB 8 P 333 13 1 234 56 KEHRL, HANS 1947/02/10- 1947/02/10 M888 OCF 8 D 50 13 851 t 51 1947/02/11-1947/02/11 M88 8 OJB 8 P 14 13 91 3* 54 KEITEL, WILHELM (Defendant before the IMT; Field Marshal; Chief of the High Command of the Armed Forces; member of tne Secret Cabinet Council; member of the Council of Ministers for the ] Defense of the Reich; member of the Cabinet with the rank of j Reich Minister.) 1939/05/23-1939/05/23 M88 8 PE X 3 L 079 5 12 6 1941/10/31-1941/10/31 M 88 8 PE X 8 EC 194 5 156 8 1942/09/30-1942/09/30 M 88 8 PE X 17 PS 1903 5 324 9 1944/01/04-1944/01/05 M88 8 PE X 50 PS 1292 6 277 16 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M88 8 TRC 1 P 25-108 2 29 37 KHARKOV 1943/04/07-1943/10/04 M888 PEX 45 PS 1919 5 71 1 14 KIEV 1943/04/01-1943/04/11 M 88 8 PE X 26 PS 1130 5 498 1 1 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M88 8 TRC 1 P 25-108 2 29 37 KLEIN, HUBERT 1947/01/28-1947/01/28 M38 8 DEX M-41 DCC 0 13 110 34 1947/03/03-1947/03/03 M88 8 TRC 4 P 1381-1432 3 872 43 KLOTZ 19 4 1/0 3/06- 1941 /03/06 M 88 8 PEX 6 EC 068 5 139 7 KLUGE, GUENTHER VON 1944/07/19-1944/07/19 M888 PEX 57 F 824 6 408 17 1947/01/07-1947/01/07 M888 TRC 1 P 194-277 2 249 38 so DATES ITEM NO ROLL 1STFP PAGE KOCH, ERICH (Gauleiter of East Prussia and Reich Conmissioner for the Ukraine, SS < 3r u ppe nf uehrer-) 1943/04/01-1943/04/11 M88 8 PE X 26 PS 1130 5 498 1 1 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M88 8 ’IRC 1 P 25-108 2 29 37 KOENIG, MAX 1947/01/21- 1947/01/21 H888 GCF 8 D 36 13 814 50 1947/01/22-1947/01/22 M 88 8 OJB 8 P 10 13 909 5 3 1947/02/17-1947/02/17 M88 8 TRC 4 P 1104-1204 3 484 43 KOERNER, PAUL (Defendant Case XI; Permanent Deputy cf Goering as Plenipotentiary of the Fou r Year Pla n (Vierjahresplan) and < Chief of t he t Office of the Four Year Plan, 1936-' 45; member of the Central Planning Eoard (Zentrale Planung) from 1942 to 1945; SS 0 hergruppenfuehrer.) 1942/10/20-1942/10/20 M88 8 PE X 48b2 S 124 6 181 15 1943/06/09-1943/06/09 M88 8 PEX 127 NO KW 268 8 308 26 1943/06/27-1943/06/27 M88 8 PE X 126 NO KW 307 8 303 26 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M 88 8 OCF 8 D 12 13 761 48 1947/01/08-1947/01/08 M888 OJB 8 P 4 13 90 3 53 1947/02/05-1947/02/05 M88 8 TRC 2 P 643-710 2 803 4 1 KOLLER, KARL 1947/02/14-1947/02/14 M88 8 CCF 8 D 53 13 860 5 2 1947/02/15-1947/02/15 M88 8 OJB 8 P 16 13 915 54 KREIPE, WERNER 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M88 8 OCF 8 D 26 13 794 49 KREMENEIS 1943/10/29-1943/11/12 M888 PEX 37 PS 0290 5 606 12 KRUEDENER, HANS JOACHIM VON 1947/01/30-1947/01/30 M 88 8 DEX K—37 DOC 0 13 42 34 1947/02/17-1947/02/17 M888 TRC 4 P 1104-1204 3 484 43 KRUPP, FRIEDRICH, A.G., ESSEN 194 2/03/14- 194 2/0 3/14 M888 PEX 12 D 316 5 216 8 1945/10/15-1945/10/15 M88 8 PEX 42 D 288 5 679 1 3 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M 88 8 TRC 1 P 25-108 2 29 37 KRYSIAK, JOSEPH 1947/03/2 1- 1947/03/21 M888 TRC 7 P 2307-2376 4 1032 46 KUBIOSICZ, ROLODYMYB 194 3/02/25- 19 43/02/25 M888 PEX 25 PS 1526 5 461 10 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M88 8 TRC 1 P 25-108 2 29 37 KUSCHE 1940/05/16-1940/05/29 M 88 8 PEX 5 PS 1352 5 124 7 L 061, USA 177 194 1/12/19- 1942/04/20 M 88 8 PEX 20 L 061 5 360 10 L 079, USA 027 1939/05/23-1939/05/23 M888 PEX 3 L 079 5 12 6 L 159, USA 222 1945/05/15-1945/05/15 M88 8 PEX 44 L 159 5 692 13 81 DATES ITEM NO. ROLL 1STFR PAGE LABOR MOBILIZATION PROGRAMS 1942/04/24-1942/04/24 M888 PE X 13 PS 0016 5 219 8 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M88 8 TRC 1 P 25-108 2 29 37 LABOR, CONCENTRATION CAMPS 1947/01/13-1947/01/13 i M888 TRC 1 P 287-360 2 35 3 39 1947/02/03-1947/02/03 M88 8 TRC 2 P 566-642 2 699 41 1947/02/07-1947/02/07 M88 8 TRC 3 P 753-822 3 1 42 1947/03/18-1947/03/18 M 88 8 TRC 6 P 2059-2141 4 703 45 LABOR, EASTERN No date M 88 8 PEX 6a PS 3044b 5 143 7 194 2/02/20- 19 42/02/20 M888 PE X 10 PS 3040 5 170 8 1942/09/30-1942/09/30 M88 8 PEX 16a PS 0084 5 298 9 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M88 8 TRC 1 P 25-108 2 29 37 1947/01/06-1947/01/06 M 88 8 TRC 1 P 109-193 2 126 38 LABOR, FOREIGN 1942/02/19- 1942/02/19 M 88 8 DEX M— 1 R 124 13 395 30 194 2/03/07- 19 42/05/07 M888 PEX 14a PS 3044 5 272 9 1942/08/22-1942/08/22 M 88 8 PEX 15a PS 3044a 5 288 9 19 42/08/26- 1942/08/26 M88 8 PEX 142 NOKW 416 8 563 27 1942/10/03- 1942/1 0/03 M888 PEX 18 PS 0017 5 328 9 1942/12/17-1942/12/17 M88 8 PEX 21 PS 1063d 5 373 10 1943/03/02-1943/03/02 M88 8 PEX 148 NOKW 449 8 760 28 194 3/06/0 2- 19 43/06/02 M88 8 PEX 38a PS 1913 5 625 13 1943/08/09-1943/06/09 M88 8 PEX 127 NOKW 268 8 308 26 1944/02/16-1944/02/16 M88 8 PEX 52 NO 1172 6 295 17 194 4/02/22- 1944/02/22 M88 8 PEX 151 NOKW 272 8 779 28 1944/03/01- 1944/03/01 M888 PEX 48a-b R 124 6 1 14 1944/07/12- 1944/07/12 M88 8 PEX 56 PS 3819 6 379 17 1944/07/19-1944/07/19 M88 8 PEX 57 F 824 6 408 17 1945/10/15-1945/10/15 MSB 8 PEX 42 D 288 5 679 1 3 1945/10/18-1945/10/18 K 88 8 PEX 68 PS 3720 6 500 18 1945/1 1/01- 1945/1 1/01 M888 PEX 43 PS 2520 5 688 13 1946/10/1 1- 1946/10/11 M 88 8 PEX 69 NOKW 317 6 526 18 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M88 8 TRC 1 P 25-108 2 29 37 1947/01/27-1947/01/27 M 88 8 TRC 2 P 491-565 2 616 40 1947/02/05- 1947/02/05 M88 8 TRC 2 P 643-710 2 803 41 1947/02/07-1947/02/07 M88 8 TRC 3 P 753-822 3 1 42 1947/02/18-1947/02/18 MSB 8 TRC 4 P 1205-1270 3 614 43 194 7/0 2/24 - 19 47/02/24 M88 8 TRC 4 P 1306-1380 3 751 43 1947/03/16-1947/03/18 M888 TRC 6 P 2059-2141 4 703 45 1947/04/16-1947/04/16 M88 8 OJ 5 8 P 19 13 918 54 LABOR, FRENCH 194 2/07/21- 194 2/07/21 M 88 8 PEX 156 NOKW 411 8 90 3 29 1943/01/03-1943/01/05 M88 8 DEX M-2 R 124 1 3 396 30 1944/01/01-1944/01/04 M88 8 DEX M—3 4 R 124 13 524 34 1947/02/13-1947/02/13 M888 TRC 3 P 980-1021 3 320 42 LABOR, POLISH 194 1/03/06- 1941 /03/06 M888 PEX 6 EC 068 5 139 7 194 1/12/19- 1942/04/20 M 88 8 PEX 20 L 061 5 360 10 194 4/05/1 7- 19 44/05/1 7 M88 8 PEX 40 R 103 5 642 1 3 82 DATES LABOR, RECRUITMENT No date M888 No date M888 No date M888 1941/12/21-1941/12/21 M888 19 42/04/21- 1942/04/21 M88 8 19 42/05/05- 19 42/0 5/05 M88 8 1943/02/05-1943/04/01 M888 1943/02/12- 1943/03/23 M888 1943/03/17-1943/03/17 M888 19 43/04/0 4- 19 43/05/17 M88 8 19 43/05/03- 1943/05/23 M88 8 1943/06/03-1943/06/03 M888 1943/10/19-1944/01/25 M88 8 194 3/10/29-1943/1 1/12 M88 8 194 3/11/21- 1943/1 1/21 K88 8 1944/01/01- 1944/07/07 MBS 8 1944/01/04-1944/01/05 M888 1944/02/18-1944/02/18 M888 1944/03/06- 1944/0 3/0 6 M88 8 1944/03/08-1944/03/08 M888 1944/03/17-1944/03/17 M888 1944/06/07-1944/06/07 M888 1944/06/19- 1944/06/19 M88 8 1945/09/22-1945/09/22 M888 1946/09/23-1946/09/23 M888 194 7/01/02- 19 47/01/02 M888 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M888 1947/01/06- 1947/01/06 MSB 8 1947/01/07-1947/01/07 M888 1947/01/08-1947/01/08 M888 1947/02/06-1947/02/06 M888 1947/03/18-1947/03/18 M888 LABOR, SOVIET 1941/08/16-1943/03/13 M888 1942/03/14-1942/03/14 M888 1943/03/10-1943/03/10 M888 1944/05/04-1944/05/04 M888 LABOR, STATISTICS 1944/02/15-1944/04/17 M888 19 44/02/25- 1944/02/25 M888 194 7/01/07- 19 47/01/07 M888 LABOR, UKRAINIAN 19 42/04/2 7- 194 2/10/0 7 M88 8 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M888 1947/03/19-1947/03/19 M888 LABOR, UTILIZATION 19 42/08/18- 19 42/08/18 M88 8 1942/09/09-1942/09/09 M888 1942/09/20-1942/09/22 M888 ITEM NO. ROLL 1STFR PAGE PEX 67 NO 1176 6 497 18 PEX 36 PS 3010 5 602 12 PE X 6 4 NO 1177 6 482 18 PEX 22 PS 0018 5 382 10 PEX 60 PS 1666 6 436 17 PEX 136 NOKW 418 8 509 26 PEX 133 NOKW 352 8 429 26 PEX 28 PS 3012 5 508 1 1 PEX 27 PS 0019 5 503 1 1 PEX 30 PS 0407 5 544 1 1 PEX 32 PS 2280 5 564 12 PEX 33 PS 0407-IX 5 578 12 PEX 145 NOKW 288 8 675 27 PEX 37 PS 0290 5 606 12 PEX 134 PS 0908 8 448 26 PEX 55 PS 0208 6 375 17 PEX 50 PS 1292 6 277 16 PEX 39 PS 0204 5 630 1 3 DEX M-12a NGKW 337 1 3 456 31 PEX 53 PS 1297 6 307 17 DEX M-13 NOKW 338 13 458 31 PEX 41 PS 0254 5 653 1 3 PEX 135 NOKW 364 8 461 26 PEX 41a PS 3721 5 66 1 1 3 PEX 63 NI 1098 6 475 18 POS P 1-14 13 589 59 TSC 1 P 25-108 2 29 37 IRC 1 P 109-193 2 126 38 TRC 1 P 194-277 2 249 38 TRC 1 P 278-286 2 343 39 TRC 2 P 711-752 2 893 41 TRC 6 P 2059-2141 4 703 45 PEX 15 PS 2241 5 28 2 9 PEX 12 D 316 5 216 8 DEX M-3 PS 0407-11 13 397 30 DEX M-20 NOKW 390 13 475 32 PEX 71 PS 1584 6 54 1 18 PEX 51 NOKW 198 6 289 17 TRC 1 P 194-277 2 249 38 PEX 19 PS 0054 5 332 10 TRC 1 P 25-108 2 29 37 DEX M-57 DOC 0 13 188 36 PEX 141 NOKW 412 8 558 27 PEX 144 NOKW 286 8 666 27 PEX 48a8 R 124 6 151 15 83 DATES ITEM NO. ROLL 1STFR PAGE LABOR, UTILIZATION CONTINUED 1942/10/30- 1942/10/30 M888 PE X 48b9 R 124 6 211 16 1942/11/02- 1942/11/02 M88 8 PEX 48a6 R 124 6 130 14 1942/11/02- 1942/11/02 M888 PE X 48b10 PS 3960 6 218 16 1943/02/16- 1943/02/16 M88 8 DEX M-8 R 124 13 410 31 1943/02/16- 1943/02/16 M88 8 PEX 4 8b7 R 124 6 202 16 1943/02/16- 1943/02/16 M88 8 PEX 48a7 R 124 6 135 15 1943/04/08- 1943/04/08 M888 PEX 49 NOKW 287 6 274 16 1943/04/22- 1943/04/22 M88 8 PEX 48a3 R 124 6 105 14 1943/04/27- 1943/04/27 M88 8 PEX 150 NOKW 413 8 773 28 1943/09/22- 1943/09/22 M88 8 PEX 147 NOKW 347 8 752 28 1943/10/28- 1943/10/28 M888 PEX 143 NOKW 195 8 580 27 1944/02/16- 1944/02/16 M88 8 PEX 48a5 R 124 6 124 14 1944/02/16- 1944/02/16 MBS 8 DEX M—11 R 124 13 420 31 19 4 4/0 2/ 16— 1944/02/18 M888 PEX 48b12 F 675 6 228 16 1944/03/0 1- 1944/03/01 M88 8 DEX M-31 R 124 13 510 33 1944/03/06- 1944/03/06 M88 8 PEX 75-1 NOKW 337 6 584 19 1944/03/31- 1944/03/31 M88 8 PEX 146 NOKW 417 8 714 28 1944/04/06- 1944/6/05 MBS 8 PEX 4 8f1 R 124 6 236 16 1944/04/12- 1944/04/12 M88 8 DEX M-15 NOKW 365 13 467 32 1944/08/05- 1944/05/05 M88 8 DEX M-21 NOKW 442 13 477 32 1944/05/25- 1944/05/25 M88 8 PEX 48a2 R 124 6 95 14 1947/01/27- 1947/01/27 M 88 8 IRC 2 P 491-565 2 616 40 1947/02/03- 1947/02/03 M88 8 TRC 2 P 566-642 2 699 4 1 1947/02/13- 1947/02/13 M88 8 TSC 3 P 980-1021 3 320 42 1947/03/1 1- 1947/03/11 M 88 8 TRC 5 P 1634-1724 4 170 44 1947/03/18- 1947/03/18 M888 PEX 160 NOKW 872 8 987 29 1947/03/19- 1947/03/19 M888 TRC 6 P 21 42-2 223a 4 810 45 1947/03/20- 1947/03/20 M88 8 TRC 7 P 2224-2306 4 920 46 LABOR, WESTERN 1944/04/25- 1944/04/25 M888 DEX M-16 NOKW 334 13 469 32 LAMMERS, HANS HEINRICH (Defendant in Case XI; Reich Minister; Chief of tne Reich Chancellery; member of and Secretary of the Secret Cabinet and the Ministerial Council for Reich Defense; Prussian State Councillor; member of the Academy of German Law; SS Onergruppen fuehrer*) 1942/09/30- 1942/09/30 M88 8 PEX 17 PS 1903 5 324 9 1943/04/17- 1943/04/17 M88 8 PEX 29 PS 2220 5 526 11 1944/01/04- 1944/01/05 M88 8 PEX 50 PS 1292 6 277 16 1944/03/08- 1944/03/08 M88 8 PEX 53 PS 1297 6 307 17 1944/07/12- 1944/07/12 M88 8 PEX 56 PS 3819 6 379 17 1947/01/03- 1947/01/03 M 88 8 TRC 1 P 25-108 2 29 37 1947/01/07- 1947/01/07 M88 8 TRC 1 P 194-277 2 249 38 LATVIA 1941/07/07- 1941/08/29 M88 8 PEX 31b PS 3028 5 556 1 1 1943/05/03- 1943/05/23 M 88 8 PEX 32 PS 2280 5 564 12 LEFRIEC, PAUL 1947/03/06- 1947/03/06 M 88 8 TRC 5 P 1537-1585 4 68 44 84 DATES ITEM NO. ROLL 1STFR PAGE LEY, ROBERT 1943/0b/02-1943/06/02 M888 PEX 38a PS 1913 5 625 13 LEYSER, ERNST-LUDWIG 1943/06/17-1943/06/30 M88 8 PEX 35 PS 0265 5 594 12 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M88 8 TRC 1 P 25-108 2 29 37 LICHTENSTEIN, VALTER 1947/03/03-1947/03/03 M888 TRC 4 P 1381-1432 3 872 43 LIEBEL, VILLI 1942/08/13-1942/08/13 M88 8 PEX 153 NOKW 267 8 791 28 1947/03/19-1947/03/19 M88 8 TRC 6 P 214 2-2 223a 4 810 45 LIEPAJA 1943/05/03-1943/05/23 M888 PEX 32 PS 2280 5 564 12 LINDE, KURT 1947/02/23-1947/02/23 M88 8 DEX M— 46 DOC 0 1 3 125 35 1947/03/03-1947/03/03 M88 8 TRC 4 P 1381-1432 3 872 43 LUBLIN, CONCENTRATION CAMP 194 3/02/26- 1943/0 2/26 M88 8 PEX 97 PS 1580 7 168 23 1947/01/14-1947/01/14 M88 8 TRC 2 P 361-451 2 452 39 LUBYCZA KOROLIVSK A 1943/02/25-1943/02/25 M 88 8 PEX 25 PS 1526 5 461 10 LUFTWAFFE ORGANIZATIONAL 1941/11/00-1943/12/00 CHART, M888 MEDICAL CORPS PEX 77 NO 0418 7 4 21 1947/01/14-1947/01/14 M 88 8 TRC 2 P 361-451 2 452 39 LUTZ, WOLFGANG 1942/12/12-1942/12/12 M88 8 PEX 112 NOKW 451 8 121 24 LVOV 194 3/02/25- 1943/02/25 M 88 8 PEX 25 PS 1526 5 461 10 MARSHALL, GEORGE C 1943/07/01-1943/06/30 M 88 8 DEX M—25 DOC 0 13 400 33 1947/02/03-1947/02/03 M888 TRC 2 P 566-642 2 699 4 1 MAUTHAUSEN, CONCENTRATION 1944/02/15-1944/04/17 CAMP M88 8 PEX 71 PS 1584 6 54 1 18 1947/03/21-1947/03/21 M88 8 TRC 7 P 2307-2376 4 1032 46 MAYBACH WERKE 1944/03/02-1944/03/02 M88 8 DEX M—14 NOKW 346 13 465 32 MAYS, CHARLES 8 1946/11/14-1946/11/14 M88 8 OCF 8 D 2 13 742 47 1946/12/17-1946/12/17 M88 8 OCF 8 D 5 13 747 47 MEDICAL EXPERIMENT, FREEZING 1946/11/19-1946/11/19 M888 DEX E-35 DGC 0 13 526 34 MEDICAL EXPERIMENTS, AVIATION 1946/10/25-1946/10/25 M888 PEX 108 NOKW 140 8 104 24 MEDICAL EXPERIMENTS, CARDIAC 19 42/04/13- 1942/10/21 M88 8 PEX 161 PS 1971 8 991 29 MEDICAL EXPERIMENTS, CONCENTRATION CAMPS 1941/05/15-1943/03/14 M888 DEX M-30 DOC 0 13 483 33 19 4 2/04/13- 19 42/04/21 M 88 8 PEX 102 PS 1581 7 264 23 1942/04/16-1942/04/16 M88 8 PEX 82 NO 0318 7 32 21 1942/06/15-1942/06/15 M88 8 PEX 90 NO 0283 7 137 22 1942/11/13-1942/11/13 M88 8 PEX 111 PS 1617 8 116 24 85 DATES ITEM NO. ROLL 1STFP PAGE MEDICAL EXPERIMENTS, CONCENTRATION CAMPS CONTINUED 1943/02/26” 1943/02/26 M 88 8 PE X 97 PS 1580 7 4 *7 Z J a A 1945/05/13”1945/05/13 M88 8 PE X 100 PS 2428 7 177 o i 2 3 7 7 1946/08/30-1946/08/30 M88 8 PEX 88 NCKW 318 7 8 1 Z Z 1 94 6/09/06- 1946/09/06 M888 PEX 62 NCKW 311 6 44 4 1 8 1946/11/08-1946/11/08 M88 8 PEX 122 NO KW 4 19 8 259 2 5 7 ”7 1946/12/20-1946/12/20 M88 8 TRC 1 P 1-8 2 1 3 / 1947/01/02-1941/01/02 M 88 8 IRC 1 P 9-24 2 16 3 / c n 1947/01/02-1947/01/02 M88 8 POS P 1-14 1 3 589 59 c n 1947/01/26-1947/01/26 M888 CP D P 1-10 1 3 667 5 9 U 7 1947/02/14-1947/02/14 M888 TRC 3 P 1022-1103 3 369 4 Z 1947/02/17-1947/02/17 M88 8 TRC 4 P 1104-1204 3 484 4 3 li 7 1947/02/18-1947/02/18 M88 8 TRC 4 P 1205-1270 3 614 4 3 1947/02/12-1947/02/12 M88 8 TRC 3 P 907-979 3 227 42 MEDICAL EXPERIMENTS, FATAL 1947/04/10-1947/04/16 M 88 8 OJB 8 P 8 3 13 982 55 MEDICAL EXPERIMENTS, FREEZING 1942/09/10-1942/09/10 M 88 8 PEX 91 PS 1618 7 140 22 1942/09/10-1942/09/10 M 88 8 PEX 92 NO 0234 7 14 4 22 1942/09/28-1942/09/28 M 88 8 PEX 93 PS 1611 7 147 22 1942/10/03-1942/10/03 M88 8 PEX 94 NC 0285 7 15 1 22 1942/10/16-1942/10/16 M 88 8 PEX 104 PS 1613 7 273 23 1942/10/21-1942/10/21 M88 8 PEX 105 NO 0428 8 1 24 1942/10/26-1942/10/27 M888 DEX M—29 DOC 0 13 20 33 1943/02/17-1943/02/17 M88 8 PEX 96 PS 1616 7 157 23 1943/02/19-1943/02/19 M88 8 PEX 120 NO 0268 8 252 25 1943/04/11-1943/04/11 M88 8 PEX 98 NO 0240 7 171 23 1943/04/16-1943/04/16 M88 8 PEX 99 NO 0241 7 174 23 1946/09/09-1946/09/09 M88 8 PEX 125 NO 0242 8 296 25 1946/11/19-1946/11/19 M 88 8 PEX 106 NO KW 264 8 58 24 1947/01/14-1947/01/14 M88 8 TRC 2 P 361-451 2 452 39 1947/01/15-1947/01/15 M888 TRC 2 P 452-490 2 570 40 1947/02/11-1947/02/11 M 88 8 TRC 3 P 82 3-906a 3 11 1 42 1947/02/14-1947/02/14 M88 8 TRC 3 P 1022-1103 3 36 9 42 1947/02/24-1947/02/24 M 88 8 TRC 4 P 1306-1380 3 751 4 3 1947/04/15-1947/04/15 M88 8 OJB 8 P 276 13 1 177 55 1947/04/16-1947/04/16 M88 8 OJB 8 P 19 13 918 54 MEDICAL EXPERIMENTS, HIGH ALTITUDE No date M 88 8 PEX 86b NO 0610 7 55 22 1941/05/15-1941/05/15 M88 8 PEX 78 PS 1602 7 7 21 1941/05/22-1941/05/22 M88 8 PEX 79 PS 1582 7 12 21 1942/04/05-1942/10/21 M88 8 PEX 81 PS 1971 7 18 21 1942/04/16- 1942/04/16 M88 8 PEX 103 NO 0218 7 269 23 1942/04/27-1942/04/27 M88 8 PEX 83 NO 0219 7 36 21 1942/05/11-1942/05/11 M 88 8 PEX 85 NO 0220 7 42 21 1942/07/20-1942/08/27 M88 8 PEX 115b PS 1607b 8 20 4 25 1942/07/20-1942/08/27 M 88 8 PEX 115a PS 1607a 8 200 2 4 19 42/0 7/28- 1942/09/22 M88 8 PEX 114 NO 0402 8 171 24 194 2/08/26- 194 2/0 8/26 M88 8 DEX M-28 NO 0221 1 3 482 3 3 86 DATES ITEM NO. ROLL 1STFR PAGE MEDICAL EXPERIMENTS, HIGH ALT ITUDE CONTINUED 194 2/12/12- 1942/12/12 M 88 8 PE X 1 12 NO K W 451 8 121 24 19 45/0 7/10- 19 45/07/10 M88 8 PEX 80 PS 0400 7 15 21 1946/08/30-1946/C8/30 M88 8 PE X 124 NO 0191 8 290 25 1946/10/29-1946/10/29 M88 8 PEX 107 NOKW 391 8 62 24 1946/11/01-1946/11/01 M888 PEX 86 NO 0476 7 49 21 1946/1 1/08- 1946/1 1/08 M88 8 PEX 116 NOKW 421 8 208 25 1947/01/14-1947/01/14 M88 8 TRC 2 P 361-451 2 452 39 1947/01/15-1947/01/15 M88 8 TRC 2 P 452-490 2 570 40 1947/02/12- 1947/02/12 M 88 8 TRC 3 P 907-979 3 227 42 1947/02/14-1947/02/14 M88 8 TRC 3 P 1022-1103 3 369 42 1947/02/24-1947/02/24 M88 8 TRC 4 P 1306-1380 3 75 1 43 MEDICAL EXPERIMENTS, LOW PRESSURE 1942/06/04-1942/06/04 MSB 8 PEX 89 NO 0261 7 134 22 1942/10/21- 1942/10/21 M 88 8 PEX 110 NO 0226 8 111 24 1947/04/15-1947/04/15 MSB 8 OJB 8 P 276 13 1 177 55 1947/04/16-1947/04/16 M88 8 OJB 8 P 19 13 918 54 MESSERSCHMIDT WERKE 1943/11/04-1944/11/07 M88 8 PEX 155 NO KW 180 8 802 28 MESSERSCHMIDT, GEORG 1945/12/28-1945/12/28 M88 8 DEX M-50 DOC 0 13 139 35 194 7/0 3/05- 19 47/0 3/05 M 88 8 TRC 5 P 1477-1536 4 1 44 MEYER, ALFRED 1942/10/03- 1942/10/03 M88 8 PEX 18 PS 0017 5 328 9 MICHALOWSKY, LEO 1946/12/21-1946/12/21 M888 PEX 131 NOKW 651 8 334 26 1947/03/04-1947/03/04 M 88 8 TRC 4 P 1433-1476 3 944 44 MILCH, ERHARD {Defendant in Case II; Stat e Secretary in the Reich Air Ministry (Staatssekretaer im Reichsluftfahrtminister!um. RLM) , Inspector General of the Air Force; Aircraft Master General (Generaliuftzeugmeister , GL) , 1941-44; Field Marshal; member of the Central Planning Board, 1942-45; Chief of the Jaegerstab, 1944-45.) No date M888 PEX 61 NOKW 247 6 440 18 No date M 88 8 PEX 158 DOC 0 8 979 29 1939/05/23-1939/05/23 M888 PEX 3 L 079 5 12 6 1941/01/30-1941/01/30 M88 8 DEX M— 1 2 R 124 13 1 31 1942/05/04-1942/05/07 M88 8 PEX 159 R 134 8 982 29 1942/05/20-1942/C5/20 M 88 8 PEX 87 PS 0343a 7 77 22 1942/06/04-1942/06/04 M88 8 PEX 89 NO 0261 7 134 22 1942/07/20-1942/08/27 M88 8 PEX 115a PS 1607a 8 200 24 1942/07/20-1942/08/27 M 88 8 PEX 115b PS 1607b 8 204 25 1942/08/13-1942/08/13 M88 8 PEX 153 NOKW 267 8 791 28 1942/08/31- 1942/08/31 M 88 8 PEX 117 PS 0343b 8 240 25 1942/09/11-1942/09/11 M88 8 PEX 123 NO 0224 8 286 25 1942/10/20- 1942/1 0/20 M888 PEX 48b2 R 124 6 18 1 15 1942/11/13-1942/11/13 M88 8 PEX 111 PS 1617 8 116 24 1942/11/27-1942/11/27 M88 8 PEX 118 NO 0269 8 243 25 87 DATES ITEM [ NO • ROLL 1STFR PAGE MILCH, ERHARD 1943/04/08-1943/04/08 M888 PE X 49 NCKW 287 6 CONTINUED 274 16 1943/06/09-1943/06/C9 M88 8 PE X 127 NO KW 268 8 308 26 1943/00/27-1943/06/27 M88 8 PE X 126 NOKW 307 8 303 26 1944/01/04-1944/01/05 M888 PE X 50 PS 1292 6 277 16 1944/02/15-1944/04/17 M88 8 PE X 71 PS 1584 6 541 18 19 44/0 2/22- 19 44/02/22 M888 PE X 151 NOKW 272 8 779 28 1 944/02/25 - 19 44/02/25 M88 8 PE X 51 NOKW 198 6 289 17 1945/12/28- 1945/12/28 M88 8 DEX M—50 DOC 0 13 139 35 1946/08/30-1946/08/30 M88 8 PE X 88 NOKW 318 7 8 1 22 1946/09/06-1946/09/06 M88 8 PE X 62 NOKW 311 6 444 18 1946/09/27-1946/09/27 M88 8 PEX 1 13 NOKW 041 8 167 24 1946/10/11-1946/10/11 M88 8 PE X 69 NCKW 317 6 526 18 1946/11/01-1946/11/01 M88 8 PEX 59 NCKW 269 6 429 17 1946/11/08-1946/11/08 M 88 8 PEX 1 16 NOKW 421 8 208 25 1946/1 1/13- 1946/1 1/13 M88 8 GCF 8 D 1 13 727 47 1946/12/20- 1946/12/20 M888 TRC 1 P 1-8 2 1 37 1947/01/02-1941/01/02 M88 8 TRC 1 P 9-24 2 16 37 19 47/01/02- 19 47/01/02 M88 8 POS P 1 -14 13 589 59 1947/01/07-1947/01/07 M88 8 TRC 1 P 194-277 2 249 38 1947/01/07-1947/01/07 M88 8 DEX M-38 DOC 0 13 45 34 1947/01/ 13- 1947/01/13 M 88 8 TRC 1 P 287-360 2 353 39 1947/01/14-1947/01/14 M888 TRC 2 P 36 1-45 1 2 452 39 1947/01/15- 1947/01/15 M 88 8 TRC 2 P 452-490 2 570 40 1947/01/26-1947/01/26 M88 8 GPD P 1 -10 13 667 59 1947/02/05-1947/02/05 M 88 8 TRC 2 P 643-710 2 803 4 1 194 7/02/24- 1947/02/24 M88 8 TRC 4 P 1306-1380 3 751 43 19 4 7/0 3/18- 1947/03/18 M88 8 TRC 6 P 2059-2141 4 703 45 1947/03/19-1947/03/19 M88 8 TRC 6 P 2 14 2-2 22 3a 4 810 45 1947/04/16-1947/04/16 M88 8 OJB 8 P 83 13 982 55 1947/04/17-1947/04/17 M88 8 OJE 8 P 273 13 1 174 55 1947/10/13-1947/10/13 M888 CLP 8 P 53 13 1 290 57 MILCH, TESTIMONY 1947/03/ 1 1- 1947/03/1 1 M888 TRC 5 P 1634-1724 4 170 44 1947/03/12-1947/03/12 M88 8 TRC 5 P 1725-1804 4 277 44 1947/03/13-1947/03/17 M88 8 TRC 5-6 P 1805-2058 4 385 45 MILCH, URSULA 1947/03/19-1947/03/19 M 88 8 DEX M-57 DOC 0 13 188 36 1947/03/20-1947/03/20 M88 8 TRC 7 P 2224-2306 4 920 46 MILCH, WERNER {Assistant Defense Counsel; i 1947/01/08-1947/01/06 M888 Brother OCF 8 D cf Defendant. 28 ) 13 798 49 1947/01/07-1947/01/07 M88 8 TRC 1 P 194-277 2 249 38 1947/01/07-1947/01/07 M888 OJE 8 P 3 13 902 53 MILITARY GOVERNOR OF GERMANY, 1947/05/02-1947/05/02 M888 u.s. CLP 8 P 27 13 1 263 57 1947/05/02-1947/05/02 M 88 8 CLP 8 P 1 13 1 237 57 1947/05/02-1947/05/02 M88 8 CLP 8 P 43 13 1 280 57 MINISTRIES, REICH (See Ministry under official German title prefixed 88 DATES ITEM NO. ROLL 1STFR PAGE MINISTRIES, REICH CONTINUED by Reicn.) MINSK, GENERALKCMMISSARIAT 194 3/06/28 - 194 3/06/28 1 M88 8 PE X 34 PS 3000 5 583 12 MINSK, MAIN OFFICE 19 47/01/03- 19 47/01/03 M88 8 TRC 1 P 25-108 2 29 37 MOELLER, FRITZ 1943/10/29- 1943/1 1/12 M 88 8 PEX 37 PS 0290 5 606 12 1947/01/Ob-1947/01/06 M88 8 TRC 1 P 109-193 2 126 38 MUELLER, HEINRICH 1942/12/17-1942/12/17 M888 PEX 21 PS 1063d 5 373 10 1947/01/03- 1947/01/03 M88 8 TRC 1 P 25-108 2 29 37 MOELLER, LOTTE 1947/01/07-1947/01/07 M88 8 DEX M-3 8 DOC 0 13 45 34 1947/02/17-1947/02/17 M888 TRC 4 P 1104-1204 3 484 43 MOELLER, WALTER VON 1947/02/01-1947/02/01 M88 8 DEX M-45 DCC 0 13 121 35 194 7/0 3/03- 19 47/03/03 M88 8 TRC 4 P 1381-1432 3 872 43 MORDER 1942/05/04-1942/05/07 M888 PEX 159 R 134 8 982 29 19 4 3/02/25- 1943/02/25 M88 8 PEX 25 PS 1526 5 46 1 10 MOSMANNO, MICHAEL A (Judge, Member of Military Ti 1947/02/24-1947/02/24 M888 cibunal II-) OCF 8 D 56 13 867 52 1947/04/16-1947/04/16 M88 8 TRC 7 P 2491-2526 4 124 1 46 1947/04/16-1947/04/16 M 88 8 OJB 8 P 83 1 3 982 55 NATZWEILER, CONCENTRATION 1944/02/15-1944/04/17 CAMP M888 PEX 71 PS 1584 6 54 1 18 NEFF, WALTER (Prosecution witness; in worked as a male nurse several medical experina 1946/02/13- 1946/02/13 irnat e for lent s, K88 8 at Dachau where he Rascher and observed -) PEX 101c NOKW 452 7 24 1 23 194 6/10/23- 1946/10/2 3 M88 8 PEX 101a NOKW 428 7 187 23 1946/12/18-1946/12/18 M 88 8 PEX 101b NOKW 450 7 191 23 1947/01/14- 1947/01/14 M 88 8 TRC 2 P 361-451 2 452 39 1947/01/21-1941/01/21 M 88 8 OCF 8 D 37 1 3 816 50 1947/01/22-1947/01/22 M88 8 OJB 8 P 10 13 909 53 1947/02/12-1947/02/12 M888 TRC 3 P 907-979 3 227 42 NETHERLANDS 1944/00/00- 1 944/GO/00 M 88 8 PEX 24 PS 3003 5 454 10 1944/04/06-1944/04/07 M88 8 PEX 4 8a 1 0 R 124 6 164 15 1945/10/16-1945/10/16 M 88 8 PEX 23 PS 1726 5 39 1 10 19 4 7/01/0 3- 19 47/01/03 M 88 8 TRC 1 P 25-108 2 29 37 1947/01/06-1947/01/06 M 88 8 TRC 1 P 109-193 2 126 38 NEUENGAMME, CONCENTRATION 1944/02/15-1944/04/17 CAMP M 88 8 PEX 71 PS 1584 6 541 18 NEURATH, CONSTANTIN VON (Defendant before the IMT; Reich Foreign Affairs; Reich Protector Minister of ■ of Eohemia and 89 DATES ITEM NO. ROLL 1STFR PAGE NEURATH, CONSTANTIN VON CONTINUED Moravia, 1939; SS 0tergruppenfuehrer.) 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M88 8 OCF 8 D 13 13 764 48 1947/01/14-1947/01/14 M 88 8 TEC 2 P 361-451 2 452 39 1947/01/20- 1947/C1/20 M88 8 OJB 8 P 7 13 906 53 194 7/02/19 - 19 47/02/19 M88 8 DEX K—52 NOKW 814 13 144 35 1947/03/04-1947/03/04 M 88 8 TEC 4 P 1433-1476 3 944 44 HI 1098 1946/09/23-1946/09/23 M88 8 PE X 63 NI 1098 6 475 18 NIEBERGALL AFFIDAVIT 1946/12/03-1946/12/03 M888 PE X 2 DOC 0 5 7 6 1947/01/03- 1947/01/03 M 88 8 TRC 1 P 25-108 2 29 37 NO 0 191 194 6/08/30- 19 46/08/30 M88 8 FEX 124 NO 0191 8 290 25 NO 0218 1942/04/16-1942/04/16 M88 8 PE X 103 NO 0218 7 269 23 NO 0219 1942/04/27-1942/04/27 M88 8 PE X 83 NO 0219 7 36 21 NO 0220 1942/05/11-1942/05/11 M 88 8 PE X 85 NO 0220 7 42 21 NO 0221 194 2/08/26- 1942/0 8/26 M888 DEX M-28 NO 0221 13 482 33 NO 0222 1942/10/29-1942/10/29 M88 8 PE X 109 NO 0222 8 108 24 NO 0224 1942/09/11-1942/09/11 K88 8 PE X 123 NO 0224 8 286 25 NO 0226 1942/10/21- 1942/10/21 H88 8 PE X 1 10 NO 0226 8 111 24 NO 0234 1942/09/10- 1942/09/10 K88 8 PEX 92 NC 0234 7 144 22 NO 0238 194 3/02/04- 19 43/02/04 M88 8 PE X 129 NO 0238 8 323 26 NO 0240 1943/04/11-1943/04/11 M88 8 PEX 98 NO 0240 7 171 23 NO 0241 1943/04/16-1943/04/16 M88 8 PEX 99 NO 0241 7 174 23 NO 0242 1946/09/09-1946/09/09 M88 8 PEX 125 NO 0242 8 296 25 NO 0261 1942/06/04-1942/06/04 M88 8 PEX 89 NO 0261 7 134 22 NO 0262 1-9 4 3/0 3/06- 19 43/03/06 M88 8 PEX 119 NO 0262 8 248 25 NO 0268 1943/02/19-1943/02/19 M88 8 PEX 120 NO 0268 8 252 25 NO 0269 1942/1 1/27- 1942/1 1/27 M88 8 PEX 118 NO 026 9 8 24 3 25 NO 0270 1943/03/14-1943/03/14 M88 8 PEX 1 28 NO 0270 8 313 26 NO 0283 1942/06/15- 1942/06/15 M 88 8 PEX 90 NO 0283 7 137 22 90 DATES ITEK NO - ROLL 1STFR PAGE NO 0285 1942/10/03-1942/10/03 M 88 8 PE X 94 NO 0285 7 151 22 NO 0288 1942/11/06-1942/11/06 M88 8 PE X 130 NO 0288 8 328 26 NO 0289 1942/10/04-1942/10/04 M88 8 PE X 95 NO 0289 7 154 22 NO 0296 1942/04/27-1942/04/27 M888 PE X 84 NO 0296 7 39 21 NO 0318 1942/04/16-1942/04/16 M88 8 PEX 82 NO 0318 7 32 21 NO 0402 1942/07/28-1942/09/22 M 88 8 PE X 114 NO 0402 8 171 24 NO 0418 1941/11/00-1943/12/00 M88 8 PEX 77 NO 0418 7 4 21 NO 0428 1942/10/21-1942/10/21 M88 8 PEX 105 NO 0428 8 1 24 NO 0448 1946/10/24-1946/10/24 M88 8 PEX 121 NO 0448 8 255 25 NO 0476 1946/11/01-1946/11/01 M88 8 PEX 86 NO 0476 7 49 21 NO 0610 No date M'88 8 PEX 86b NO 061C 7 55 22 NO 1171 1929/07/27-1929/07/27 $88 8 PEX 47 NO 1171 5 919 14 NO 1172 1944/02/16-1944/02/16 $88 8 PEX 52 NO 1172 6 295 17 NO 1174 No date K88 8 PEX 65 NO 1174 6 486 18 NO 1176 No date M88 8 PEX 67 NO 1176 6 497 18 NO 1177 No date M88 8 PEX 64 NO 1177 6 482 18 NO 1179 No date $88 8 PEX 46 NO 1179 5 903 14 NO 1180 No date M 88 8 PEX 6 6 NO 1180 6 489 18 NOKW 017 1944/03/25-1944/03/25 M88 8 PEX 54 NOKW 017 6 310 17 NOKW 041 1946/09/27-1946/09/27 $888 PEX 113 NOKW 041 8 167 24 NOKW 140 1946/10/25-1946/10/25 $88 8 PEX 108 NOKW 140 8 104 24 NOKW 1763 No date $88 8 PEX 132 NOKW 1763 8 424 26 NOKW 180 1943/11/04-1944/11/07 M'88 8 PEX 155 NOKW 180 8 802 28 NOKW 195 1943/10/28-1943/10/28 $ 88 8 PEX 143 NOKW 195 8 580 27 NOKW 198 1944/02/25-1944/02/25 $ 88 8 PEX 51 NOKW 198 6 289 17 91 DATES ITEM ! NO. ROLL 1STFR PAGE NOKW 242 1941/08/26- 1941/10/13 M88 8 PEX 152 NOKW 2 42 8 785 28 NOKW 245 1943/02/22- 1943/02/22 M 888 PE X 157 NOKW 2 45 8 909 29 NQKW 247 No date M88 8 PE X 61 NOKW 24 7 6 440 18 NOKW 260 1943/09/04- 1943/09/C4 M888 PE X 154 NOKW 2 60 8 796 28 NOKW 261 No date M 88 8 PE X 70 NOKW 26 1 6 538 18 NOKW 264 1946/11/19- 1946/11/19 M 88 8 PE X 106 NOKW 2 64 8 58 24 NOKW 266 1946/11/17- 1946/11/17 M88 8 PE X 76 NOKW 26 6 7 1 20 NOKW 267 1942/06/13- 1942/08/13 M88 8 PE X 153 NOKW 2 67 8 791 28 NOKW 268 1943/06/09- 1943/06/C9 M 88 8 PE X 127 NOKW 2 68 8 308 26 NOKW 269 1946/11/01- 1946/11/01 M 88 8 PE X 59 NOKW 26 9 6 429 17 NOKW 272 1944/02/22- 1944/02/22 M88 8 PE X 151 NOKW 2 72 8 779 28 NOKW 286 1942/09/09- 1942/09/09 M888 PE X 144 NOKW 2 86 8 666 27 NOKW 287 1943/04/08- 1 943/04/08 M88 8 PE X 49 NOKW 28 7 6 274 16 NOKW 288 1943/10/19- 1944/01/25 M 88 8 PEX 145 NOKW 2 88 8 675 27 NOKW 307 1943/06/27- 1943/06/27 M 88 8 PE X 126 NOKW 3 07 8 303 26 NOKW 311 1946/09/06- 1946/09/06 M88 8 PEX 62 NOKW 31 1 6 444 18 NOKW 317 1946/10/11- 1946/10/11 M88 8 PEX 69 NOKW 31 7 6 526 18 NOKW 318 1946/08/30- 1946/08/30 M88 8 PEX 88 NOKW 31 8 7 8 1 22 NOKW 320 1946/11/13- 1946/11/13 M 88 8 PEX 73 NOKW 32 0 6 560 19 NOKW 334 1944/04/25- 1944/04/25 M88 8 DEX M-16 NCKW 334 1 3 469 32 19 44/04/25- 1944/04/25 K88 8 PEX 75-6 NCKW 334 6 868 19 NOKW 335 1944/07/31- 1944/07/31 «88 8 PEX 75-16 NCKW 335 6 1579 20 NOKW 336 1944/05/26- 1944/05/26 M88 8 DEX M—23 NOKW 336 13 479 33 1944/05/20- 1944/05/26 M88 8 PEX 75-13 NOKW 336 6 1243 20 NOKW 337 1944/03/06- 1944/03/06 M88 8 DEX M-12a NOKW 337 13 456 31 1944/03/06- 1944/03/06 M88 8 PEX 75-1 NOKW 337 6 584 19 92 DATES ITEM NO. ROLL 1STFE PAGE NOKW 338 1944/03/17 - 1944/03/17 M88 8 DEX M-13 NCKW 338 13 458 31 1944/03/17-1944/03/17 M88 8 PE X 75-2 NOKW 338 6 624 19 NOKW 346 194 4/03/02- 19 44/0 3/02 M88 8 DEX M— 1 4 NOKW 346 13 465 32 1944/03/20-1944/03/20 M88 8 PE X 75-3 NOKW 346 6 674 19 NOKW 347 19 4 3/09/22- 19 43/09/22 M88 8 PE X 147 NOKW 347 8 752 28 NOKW 348 1944/06/07-1944/06/07 M88 8 PE X 7 5-1 7 NOKW 348 6 1609 20 NORM 349 1944/05/25- 1944/05/25 M88 8 PEX 7 5-1 2 NOKW 349 6 1204 20 NOKW 350 1944/06/01-1944/06/03 M 88 8 PE X 75-1 4 NOKW 350 6 1360 20 NORM 352 1943/02/05-1943/04/01 M88 8 PEX 133 NOKW 352 8 429 26 NORM 359 1944/06/27-1944/06/27 M88 8 PEX 75-1 5 NCKW 359 6 1466 20 1944/06/27-1944/06/27 M88 8 DEX M-24 NOKW 359 13 481 33 NORM 361 1944/05/08-1944/05/10 M88 8 DEX M-22 NCKW 361 1 3 478 33 19 44/05/09- 19 44/05/09 M88 8 PEX 75-1 1 NCKW 361 6 1 126 20 NORM 362 1944/05/02-1944/05/02 M88 8 PEX 75-8 NCKW 362 6 953 20 1944/05/02-1944/05/03 M88 8 DEX M-1 9 NOKW 362 13 474 32 NOKW 364 1944/Qo/I 9-1944/06/19 M88 8 PEX 135 NOKW 364 8 461 26 NORW 365 1944/04/12-1944/04/12 M888 PEX 75-5 NOKW 365 6 792 19 1944/04/12-1944/04/12 M88 8 DEX M-1 5 NOKW 365 13 467 32 NORW 372 1946/12/09-1946/12/09 M88 8 PEX 72 NOKW 372 6 556 19 NORW 388 1944/03/28-1944/03/28 M88 8 PEX 75-4 NCKW 388 6 732 19 NORW 389 1944/05/02-1944/05/02 M888 DEX M- 18 NOKW 389 13 473 32 1944/05/02-1944/05/02 M88 8 PEX 75-7 NOKW 389 6 928 19 NORW 390 1944/05/04-1944/05/04 M88 8 DEX M—2 0 NCKW 390 13 475 32 19 44/05/04- 19 44/0 5/04 M88 8 PEX 7 5-9 NOKW 390 6 1045 20 NORW 391 1946/10/29-1946/10/29 M 88 8 PEX 107 NCKW 391 8 62 24 NORW 406 1942/07/07-1942/07/07 MSB 8 PEX 138 NOKW 406 8 531 27 NORW 407 19 42/05/27- 19 42/05/27 M 88 8 PEX 137 NOKW 407 8 525 27 NORW 408 1942/07/28-1942/07/28 M88 8 PEX 139 NOKW 408 8 537 27 NORW 409 1942/08/04-1942/08/04 M88 8 PEX 140 NOKW 409 8 548 27 93 DATES ITEM NO. ROLL 1STFR PAGE NOKW 411 1942/07/21-1942/07/21 MSB 8 PE X 156 NCKW 4 11 8 903 29 NOKW 412 194 2/08/18- 19 42/08/1 8 M88 8 PE X 141 NOKW 412 8 55 8 27 NOKW 413 1943/04/27-1943/04/27 M888 PE X 150 NOKW 413 8 773 28 NOKW 414 1943/11/30-1943/11/30 M88 8 PE X 149 NOKW 4 14 8 769 28 NOKW 416 1942/08/26-1942/08/26 M88 8 PEX 142 NOKW 4 16 8 56 3 27 NOKW 417 1944/03/31-1944/03/31 M88 8 PE X 146 NOKW 4 17 8 714 28 NOKW 418 1942/05/05-1942/05/05 M88 8 PEX 136 NOKW 418 8 509 26 NOKW 419 1946/11/08-1946/11/08 M888 PEX 122 NOKW 4 19 8 259 25 NOKW 421 1946/1 1/08- 1946/1 1/08 M 88 8 PEX 1 16 NOKW 421 8 208 25 NOKW 428 1946/10/23-1946/10/23 M88 8 PEX 101a NOKW 428 7 187 23 NOKW 442 1944/05/05-1944/05/05 K88 8 DEX M-2 1 NOKW 442 13 477 32 1944/05/05-1944/05/05 MSB 8 PEX 75-10 NCKW 442 6 1076 20 NOKW 447 1946/12/28-1946/12/28 MBS 8 PEX 74 NOKW 447 6 57 q 19 NOKW 449 19 43/03/02- 1943/0 3/02 M88 8 PEX 148 NOKW 449 8 760 28 NOKW 450 1946/12/18-1946/12/18 M88 8 PEX 101b NOKW 450 7 19 1 23 NOKW 451 1942/12/12-1942/12/12 M88 8 PEX 112 NOKW 451 8 121 24 NOKW 452 1946/02/13-1946/02/13 M88 8 PEX 10 1c NCKW 452 7 24 1 23 NOKW 651 1946/12/21- 1946/12/21 M88 8 PEX 1 31 NOKW 651 8 334 26 NOKW 814 1947/02/19- 1947/02/19 M88 8 DEX M- 52 NCKW 814 13 144 35 NOKW 872 1947/03/18-1947/03/18 MBS 8 PEX 160 NOKW 872 8 987 29 NORDHAUSEN, CONCENTRATION 1945/05/15-1945/05/15 CAMP M88 8 PEX 44 L 159 5 692 13 NORWAY 1942/05/04- 19 42/05/C7 M88 8 PEX 159 R 134 8 982 29 OKW/FELDWIRTSCBAFTSAMT No date M888 PEX 36 PS 3010 5 602 12 1940/01/25-1940/01/25 M 88 8 PEX 4 PS 1375 5 37 6 19 4 1/0 3/0 6- 1941 /03/06 M88 8 PEX 6 EC 068 5 139 7 1941/08/12-1941/09/10 M88 8 PE X 7 PS 3005 5 147 7 1941/10/31-1941/10/31 M888 PEX 8 EC 194 5 156 8 19 4 2/02/24- 1942/02/24 M 88 8 PEX 11 PS 1435 5 184 8 94 DATES ITEM NO. ROLL 1STFR PAGE OKW/FELDWIRTSCHAFTSAMT CONTINUED 194 3/02/12- 19 43/0 3/2 3 M 88 8 PE X 28 PS 3012 5 508 1 1 OPINION AND JUDGMENT, CASE : II 194 7/04/16-19 47/0 4/ 16 M 88 8 OJB 8 P 19 13 91 8 54 OPINION, CONCURRING, CASE II 1947/04/15-1947/04/15 M88 8 OJB 8 P 276 13 1 177 55 1947/04/16-1947/04/16 M 88 8 OJB 8 P 83 13 982 55 OSTLAND, CONCENTRATION CAMP 1944/02/15-1944/04/17 M 88 8 PE X 71 PS 1584 6 54 1 18 OSTLAND, REICHSKOHMISSAR 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 PACHOLEGG, ANTON M88 8 IRC 1 P 25-108 2 29 37 1945/05/13-1945/05/13 M88 8 PE X 100 PS 2428 7 177 23 1947/01/14-1947/01/14 M88 8 TRC 2 P 361-451 2 452 39 PARIS 1941/01/30-1941/01/30 M888 DEX M- 12 R 124 13 1 31 1947/01/27-1947/01/27 M88 8 TRC 2 P 491-565 2 616 40 PARTEIKANZLEI (Party Chancellery) No date M888 PE X 6a PS 3044b 5 143 7 1942/05/07-1942/05/07 M888 PE X 14a PS 3044 5 272 9 1942/08/22-1942/08/22 M888 PE X 15a PS 3044a 5 288 9 1942/09/30-1942/09/30 M88 8 PE X 17 PS 1903 5 324 9 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 PENDELE, BAX M 88 8 TRC 1 P 25-108 2 29 37 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M88 8 OCF 8 D 14 13 767 48 1947/01/06-1947/01/08 M888 OJB 8 P 4 13 903 53 1947/02/18-1947/02/18 PETERSEN, EDGAR M88 8 TRC 4 P 1205-1270 3 614 43 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M888 OCF 8 D 15 13 769 48 1947/01/08-1947/01/08 PHILLIPS, FITZROY D M 88 8 OJB 8 P 4 13 903 53 (Judge, Member of Milita ry Tribunal I I-) 1947/02/24-1947/02/24 M888 OCF 8 D 56 13 867 52 1947/04/15-1947/04/15 M88 8 OJB 8 P 276 13 1 177 55 1947/04/16-1947/04/16 M88 8 OJB 8 P 19 13 918 54 PILOTS, ALLIED 1947/02/17-1947/02/17 PLEA, CASE II M88 8 TRC 4 P 1104-1204 3 484 43 1946/12/20-1946/12/20 M 88 8 TRC 1 P 1-8 2 1 37 PLEA, OPENING FOR DEFENSE, CASE II 1947/01/26-1947/01/26 POHL, OSWALD M88 8 OP D P 1 - 10 13 667 59 1942/04/30-1942/04/30 M 88 8 PE X 14 P 129 5 265 8 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M 88 8 TRC 1 P 25-108 2 29 37 POLAND 19 40/01 /25- 19 40/01/25 M 88 8 PE X 4 PS 1 375 5 37 6 194 0/05/16- 19 40/05/29 M88 8 PE X 5 PS 1352 5 124 7 POLISH LABOR 194 1/0 3/06- 19 41/0 3/06 M 88 8 PE X 6 EC 068 5 1 39 7 95 DATES ITEM ! NO. ROLL 1STFR PAGE POLISH LABOR 1941/12/19- 1942/04/20 M 88 8 PE X 20 I 061 5 CONTINUED 360 10 POLISH MAIN COMMITTEE 1944/05/17- 1944/05/17 M88 8 PEX 40 R 103 5 642 1 3 1947/01/03- 1947/01/03 M888 TRC 1 P 25-108 2 29 37 POLISH POW 1947/03/21- 1947/03/21 M888 TRC 7 P 2307-2376 4 1032 46 PGLTE, WILHELM 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M 88 8 OCF 8 D 16 13 771 48 1947/01/08-1947/01/08 M88 8 OJB 8 P 4 13 903 53 POPP, FRITZ 1947/02/15-1947/02/15 M 88 8 DEX M- 42 DOC 0 13 113 34 1947/03/03-1947/03/03 M88 8 TRC 4 P 1381-1432 3 872 43 POSEN (Poznan) 194 3/02/05 - 19 43/04/01 M 88 8 PEX 133 NOKW 352 8 429 26 1943/04/07-1943/10/04 M88 8 PEX 45 PS 1919 5 71 1 14 1947/01/06-1947/01/06 M88 8 TRC 1 P 109-193 2 126 38 POW (Prisoners of War, POW* s; see also naticnality or country.) No date M88 8 DEX M- 53 DOC 0 13 173 35 1929/07/27-1929/07/27 M88 8 PEX 47 NO 1171 5 919 14 1941/01/07-1941/01/07 M88 8 DEX M- 49 DOC 0 13 132 35 1941/10/31- 1941 /10/31 M88 8 PEX 8 EC 1 94 5 156 8 194 1/11/07- 1941/1 1/1 1 M 88 8 PEX 9 PS 1206 5 163 8 1942/11/02-1942/11/02 M 88 8 DEX M- 6 R 124 13 407 3 1 194 3/02/12- 19 43/03/2 3 M88 8 PEX 28 PS 3012 5 508 1 1 1943/06/03-1943/06/03 M 88 8 PEX 33 PS 0407-IX 5 578 12 1943/10/28-1943/10/28 K88 8 PEX 143 NOKW 195 8 580 27 1947/01/02- 1941 /01/02 M 88 8 TRC 1 P 9-24 2 16 37 1947/01/06-1947/Cl/06 M88 8 TRC 1 P 109-193 2 126 38 1947/01/27-1947/01/27 M888 TRC 2 P 491-565 2 616 40 1947/02/12-1947/02/12 M88 8 TRC 3 P 907-979 3 227 42 1947/02/13-1947/02/13 M88 8 TRC 3 P 980-1021 3 320 42 1947/03/06-1947/03/06 M88 8 TRC 5 P 1537-1585 4 68 44 1947/04/15-1947/04/15 M88 8 OJB 8 P 276 13 1 177 55 1947/04/16-1947/04/16 M88 8 CJB 8 P 83 13 982 55 1947/04/16-1947/04/16 M88 8 OJB 8 P 19 13 918 54 POW* SOVIET 194 3/05/30- 19 4 3/0 5/30 M888 DEX M- 33 R 124 13 522 34 POW, BRITISH 1944/02/16-1944/02/16 M 88 8 PEX 52 NO 1172 6 295 17 POW, FRENCH 1941/08/28-1941/10/13 K88 8 PEX 152 NOKW 242 8 785 28 1947/03/19-1947/03/19 M88 8 TRC 6 P 2 142-2 223a 4 810 45 194 7/03/20- 1947/0 3/20 M88 8 TRC 7 P 2224-2306 4 920 46 POW, GERMAN 1947/01/15-1947/01/15 M 88 8 DEX M- 27 DOC 0 13 14 33 1947/02/03-1947/02/03 M888 TRC 2 P 566-642 2 699 4 1 96 DATES ITEM NO. ROLL 1STFR PAGE POW, GERMAN 1947/02/09-1947/02/09 M888 DEX M-54 DOC 0 13 CONTINUED 176 35 194 7/03/03- 19 47/03/03 M 88 8 TRC 4 P 1381-1432 3 872 43 POW, ITALIAN 1943/09/22-1943/09/22 M 88 8 PE X 147 NOKW 347 8 752 28 1947/03/19-1947/03/19 M88 8 TRC 6 P 2 1 42-2 22 3a 4 810 45 POW, POLISH 1947/03/21-1947/03/21 ft 88 8 TRC 7 P 2307-2376 4 1032 46 POi, SOVIET 1941/07/07-1941/08/29 ft 88 8 PE X 31b PS 3028 5 556 1 1 1941/08/12-1941/09/10 M888 PE X 7 PS 3005 5 147 7 19 4 1/08/25- 1941/08/25 ft 88 8 PE X 31a PS 3027 5 553 1 1 1942/04/21-1942/04/22 M888 DEX M-32 R 124 1 3 521 33 1944/02/16-1944/02/16 ft 88 8 PE X 52 NC 1172 6 295 17 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 MSB 8 TRC 1 P 25-108 2 29 37 1947/01/28-1947/01/28 MSB 8 DEX M-41 DOC 0 13 110 34 1947/01/31-1947/01/31 M88 8 DEX M—4 0 DOC 0 13 100 34 1947/02/04-1947/02/04 M 88 8 DEX M-44 DOC 0 13 119 35 1947/02/15-1947/02/15 M88 8 DEX M-42 DOC 0 13 113 34 1947/02/23-1947/02/23 M88 8 DEX M-46 DOC 0 13 125 35 1947/03/21-1947/03/21 ft 88 8 TRC 7 P 2307-2376 4 1032 46 PBELL, FRITZ 1947/02/04-1947/02/04 M88 8 DEX M-44 DOC 0 13 1 19 35 1947/03/03-1947/03/03 M88 8 TRC 4 P 1381-1432 3 872 43 PRISON REGULATIONS, NUERNBERG 1946/03/27- 1946/03/27 M888 DEX ft—2 6 DOC 0 13 8 33 1947/02/03-1947/02/03 M88 8 TRC 2 P 566-642 2 699 41 PRISON, REBDORF 1947/04/17-1947/04/17 M 88 8 OJB 8 P 273 13 1 174 55 1947/04/17-1947/04/17 M88 8 TRC 7 P 2527-2528 4 1278 46 PROCEDURE FOR MILITARY TRIBUNAL II 1947/02/24-1947/02/24 M888 CCE 8 D 56 13 86 7 52 PROSECUTION CLOSING STATEMENT, 1947/03/25-1947/03/25 M888 CASE II PCS P 1-60 13 605 59 PROSECUTION OPENING STATEMENT, 1947/01/02-1947/01/02 M88 8 CASE POS : ii P 1-14 13 589 59 PS 0016, USA 168 1942/04/24-1942/04/24 M888 PE X 13 PS 0016 5 219 8 PS 0017, USA 180 1942/10/03-1942/10/03 M88 8 PE X 18 PS 0017 5 328 9 PS 0018, USA 186 1941/12/21-1941/12/21 M888 PE X 22 PS 0018 5 382 10 PS 0019, USA 181 1943/03/17-1943/03/17 ft 88 8 PE X 27 PS 0019 5 503 11 PS 0054, USA 198 1942/04/27-1942/10/07 M88 8 PE X 19 PS 0054 5 332 10 PS 0084, USA 199 1942/09/30-1942/09/30 M88 8 PEX 16a PS 0084 5 298 9 PS 0204, USA 182 1944/02/18-1944/02/18 MBS 8 PEX 39 PS 0204 5 630 1 3 97 DATES ITEK NO • ROLL 1STFR PAGE PS 0208, RF 086 1944/01/01-1944/07/07 M88 8 PE X 55 PS 0208 6 375 17 PS 0254, USA 188 1944/06/07-1944/06/07 M88 8 PEX 41 PS 0254 5 653 13 PS 0265, USA 191 1943/06/17-1943/06/30 K888 PE X 35 PS 0265 5 594 12 PS 0290, USA 189 1943/10/29-1943/11/12 M 88 8 PEX 37 PS 02 90 5 606 12 PS 0294, USA 185 1942/10/25-1942/10/25 M888 PEX 19a PS 0294 5 345 10 PS 0343A, USA 463 1942/05/20-1942/C5/20 M 88 8 PEX 87 PS 0343a 7 77 22 PS 0343B, USA 463 1942/08/31-1942/08/31 M88 8 PEX 1 17 PS 0343b 8 240 25 PS 0400 1945/07/10-1945/07/10 M88 8 PEX 80 PS 0400 7 15 21 PS 0407-11 1943/03/10-1943/03/10 M 88 8 DEX M— 3 PS 0407-11 13 397 30 PS 0407-IX, USA 229 1943/06/03-1943/06/03 M88 8 PEX 33 PS 0407-IX 5 578 12 PS 0407, USA 210 1943/04/04-1943/05/17 M88 8 PEX 30 PS 0407 5 544 11 PS 0654, USA 218 1942/09/18-1942/09/18 M88 8 PEX 16 PS 0654 5 293 9 PS 0908 1943/11/21-1943/11/21 M 88 8 PEX 1 34 PS 0908 8 448 26 PS 1063D, USA 219 1942/12/17-1942/12/17 M88 8 PEX 21 PS 1063d 5 373 10 PS 1130, USA 169 1943/04/01-1943/04/11 M88 8 PEX 26 PS 1130 5 498 1 1 PS 1206, USA 215 1941/11/07-1941/11/11 M 88 8 PEX 9 PS 1206 5 163 8 PS 1292, USA 225 1944/01/04-1944/01/C5 M 88 8 PEX 50 PS 1292 6 277 16 PS 1297 1944/03/08-1944/03/08 M 88 8 PEX 53 PS 12 97 6 307 17 PS 1352, USA 176 1940/05/1b-1940/05/29 M88 8 PEX 5 PS 1352 5 124 7 PS 1375, USA 172 1940/01/25-1940/01/25 M 88 8 PEX 4 PS 1375 5 37 6 PS 1435, USA 216 19-4 2/02/24 - 1942/02/24 £1888 PEX 1 1 PS 1435 5 184 8 PS 1510 1943/09/16-1943/10/29 I* 88 8 PEX 58 PS 1510 6 412 17 PS 1526, USA 178 1943/02/25-1943/02/25 M88 8 PEX 25 PS 1526 5 46 1 10 PS 1580 1943/02/26-1943/02/26 M88 8 PEX 97 PS 1580 7 168 23 PS 1581 1942/04/13-1942/04/21 M88 8 PEX 102 PS 158 1 7 264 23 98 y DATES ITEM [ NO * ROLL 1STFR PAGE 1582, OSA 462 1941/05/22-1941/05/22 M 88 8 PE X 79 PS 1582 7 12 21 1584, OSA 221 1944/02/15-1944/04/17 M888 PE X 7 1 PS 1 584 6 541 18 1602, USA 454 1941/05/15-1941/05/15 M88 8 PEX 78 PS 1602 7 7 21 1607A 19 42/0 7/20- 19 42/08/27 M 88 8 PEX 115a PS 1607a 8 200 24 16 07B 1942/07/20-1942/08/27 M 88 8 PEX 115b PS 16 C7b 8 204 25 1611 1942/09/28-1942/09/28 M88 8 PEX 93 PS 1611 7 147 22 1613 1942/10/16-1942/10/16 M 88 8 PEX 104 PS 1613 7 273 23 1616 1943/02/17-1943/02/17 M 88 8 PEX 96 PS 1616 7 157 23 1617, USA 466 1942/11/13-1942/11/13 MBS 8 PEX 1 11 PS 161 7 8 116 24 1618, USA 464 1942/09/10-1942/09/10 M 88 8 PEX 91 PS 16 18 7 140 22 1702, USA 193 1943/11/08-1943/12/28 M88 8 PEX 38 PS 1702 5 610 12 1726, USA 195 1945/10/16-1945/10/16 M 88 8 PEX 23 PS 1 726 5 391 10 1903, USA 206 1942/09/30- 19 42/09/30 M88 8 PEX 17 PS 1903 5 324 9 1913, USA 227 1943/06/02-1943/06/02 M88 8 PEX 3 8a PS 1913 5 625 13 1919, USA 170 1943/04/07-1943/10/04 M88 8 PEX 45 PS 1919 5 711 14 1971 1942/04/05-1942/10/21 M 88 8 PEX 81 PS 1971 7 18 21 1942/04/13-1942/10/21 MSB 8 PEX 161 PS 197 1 8 991 29 2220, USA 175 1943/04/17-1943/04/17 M88 8 PEX 29 PS 2220 5 526 11 2233A, USA 173 1939/12/02-1940/12/19 M88 8 PEX 4a PS 2233a 5 46 7 2233B, USA 174 1940/03/16-1940/03/16 M 88 8 PEX 4b PS 2233 b 5 116 7 2241, USA 200 1941/08/16-1943/03/13 M 88 8 PEX 15 PS 2241 5 282 9 2280, USA 183 1943/05/03-1943/05/23 K 88 8 PEX 32 PS 2280 5 564 12 2428 1945/05/13-1945/05/13 M 88 8 PEX 100 PS 2428 7 177 23 2520, USA 197 1945/11/01-1945/11/01 MSB 8 PEX 43 PS 2520 5 688 13 3000, USA 192 1943/06/28-1943/06/28 M 88 8 PEX 34 PS 3000 5 583 12 99 DATES ITEM NO. ROLL 1STFR PAGE PS 30 03, USA 196 19 44/00/00- 1944/CO/00 PS 3005, USA 213 M88 8 PE X 24 PS 3003 5 454 10 1941/03/12-1941/09/10 PS 3010, USA 184 M88 8 PE X 7 PS 3 C05 5 147 7 No date PS 3012, USA 190 M88 8 PE X 36 PS 3010 5 602 12 1943/02/12-1943/03/23 PS 3027, USA 211 M 88 8 PE X 28 PS 3012 5 508 11 1941/03/25-1941/08/25 PS 3028, USA 212 M888 PE X 31a PS 3027 5 553 1 1 1941/07/07-1941/08/29 PS 3040, USA 207 M88 8 PEX 31b PS 3028 5 556 1 1 19 42/02/20- 1942/C2/20 PS 3044, USA 206 M 88 8 PE X 10 PS 3040 5 170 8 194 2/05/07- 19 42/0 5/07 PS 3044A, USA 206 M'S 8 8 PEX 14a PS 3044 5 272 9 1942/08/22- 1942/08/22 PS 3044B, USA 206 M 88 8 PEX 15a PS 3044a 5 288 9 No date PS 3720, USA 220 M88 8 PEX 6a PS 3044b 5 143 7 1945/10/18-1945/10/18 PS 3721, USA 230 M88 8 PEX 68 PS 3720 6 500 18 1945/09/22- 1945/0 9/22 PS 3819, GB 306 M88 8 PEX 41a PS 3721 5 661 13 1944/07/12-1944/07/12 PS 3960 M88 8 PEX 56 PS 3819 6 379 17 1942/1 1/02- 1942/1 1/02 PS 3961 M88 8 PEX 48b10 PS 3960 6 218 16 1942/10/23-1942/10/23 PS, 1666, USA 208 M88 8 PEX 48b11 PS 3961 6 223 16 1942/04/21- 1942/04/21 PUNZENGfiUBEB, RUDOLF M88 8 PEX 60 PS 1666 6 436 17 194 2/06/00- 19 43/09/00 M 88 8 DEX M-56 DOC 0 13 186 36 1947/03/21- 1947/03/21 fi 103, USA 204 M88 8 TRC 7 P 2307-2376 4 1032 46 1944/05/17-1944/05/17 fi 124 M88 8 PEX 40 R 103 5 642 13 (Consists of numerous documents or parts of documents assembled from a variety of sources.) 194 1/01/30- 1941/01/30 M88 8 DEX M-12 R 124 13 1 31 1942/02/19- 1942/02/ 19 M 88 8 DEX M-1 R 124 13 39 5 30 19 42/04/21- 1942/0 4/22 K88 8 DEX M— 32 R 124 13 521 33 19 42/04/27- 19 42/04/2 7 M 88 8 PEX 48b8 e 124 6 207 16 19 42/07/22- 19 42/0 7/22 M88 8 DEX M-5 R 124 13 406 30 1942/09/20- 1942/09/22 M 88 8 PEX 4 8a 8 R 124 6 151 15 19 42/10/20- 19 42/10/2 0 K88 8 PEX 48 b2 R 124 6 181 15 1942/10/20- 19 42/10/20 M888 PEX 48b 1 R 124 6 178 15 1942/10/28- 1942/10/28 M88 8 PEX 4 8a 1 2 R 124 6 174 15 194 2-/10/28-1942/10/28 M 88 8 PEX 48b4 R 124 6 189 15 100 DATES ITEM NO. ROLL 1STFR PAGE R 124 CONTINUED 1942/10/30-1942/10/30 M88 8 PE X 48b9 R 124 6 21 1 16 1942/11/02- 1942/1 1/02 M 88 8 DEX M—6 R 124 13 407 31 1942/11/02-1942/11/02 M88 8 PEX 48a6 R 124 6 130 14 1942/11/03-1942/11/03 M88 8 PEX 4 8b3 R 124 6 185 15 1943/01/03-1943/01/05 M888 DEX M-2 R 124 13 396 30 1943/02/12-1943/02/12 M88 8 PEX 48b5-6 R 124 6 193 16 1943/02/16-1943/02/16 M 88 8 DEX M-8 R 124 13 410 31 1943/02/16-1943/02/16 MBS 8 PEX 48b7 R 124 6 202 16 1943/02/16-1943/02/16 M88 8 PEX 48a7 R 124 6 135 15 1943/04/22-1943/04/22 M88 8 PEX 48a 3 R 124 6 105 1 4 1943/04/23-1943/04/23 M88 8 DEX M-9 R 124 13 416 31 1943/05/30-1943/05/30 M888 DE X M-33 R 124 13 522 34 1943/06/23-1943/06/23 M88 8 PEX 48a4 R 124 6 120 14 1943/09/11-1943/09/12 M888 DEX M-4 R 124 13 399 30 1943/11/22-1943/11/22 K88 8 DEX M-10 R 124 13 419 31 1943/12/06-1943/12/07 M888 PEX 48a9 R 124 6 158 15 1944/01/01-1944/01/04 MBS 8 DEX M-3 4 R 124 13 524 34 1944/02/16-1944/02/16 M88 8 PEX 48a5 R 124 6 124 14 1944/02/16-1944/02/16 M88 8 DEX M-11 R 124 13 420 31 1944/03/01-1944/03/01 M 88 8 PEX 48a-b R 124 6 1 14 1944/03/01-1944/03/01 M888 DEX M—31 R 124 13 510 33 1944/03/23-1944/04/08 MSB 8 PEX 48f2 R 124 6 26 1 16 1944/04/06-1944/04/07 M 88 8 PEX 48a10 R 124 6 164 15 1944/04/06-1944/6/05 M88 8 PEX 48 f 1 R 124 6 236 16 1944/05/25-1944/05/25 M88 8 PEX 48a2 R 124 6 95 14 1944/07/22-1944/07/22 M88 8 PEX 48a11 R 124 6 167 15 ft 129, USA 217 1942/04/30-1942/04/30 M88 8 PEX 14 R 129 5 265 8 ft 134 1942/05/04-1942/05/07 M88 8 PEX 159 R 134 8 982 29 SAAB, PAOL 19 44/06/07- 1944/06/07 M88 8 PEX 41 PS 0254 5 653 1 3 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M888 TRC 1 P 25-108 2 29 37 BAEDEB, EBICH {Defendant before the IMT; Grand Admiral, Commander-In-Chief of the German i Navy until 1943 • ♦ Admiral Inspector of the German Navy from 1943; member of the Secret < Cabi ne t Council; member of the Reich Cabinet with rank of Reich Minister.) 193 9/05/23- 19 39/05/2 3 M88 8 PEX 3 L 079 5 12 K O 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M 88 8 OCF 8 D 17 13 774 48 1947/01/14-1947/01/14 M888 TRC 2 P 36 1-451 2 452 39 1947/01/20-1947/01/20 M 88 8 OJB 8 P 7 13 906 53 19 4 7/0 3/04- 1947/0 3/04 M88 8 TRC 4 P 1433-1476 3 944 44 BASCHER, NINI 194 2/04/13- 194 2/0 4/21 M 88 8 PEX 102 PS 1581 7 264 23 1947/01/14-1947/01/14 M88 8 TRC 2 P 361-451 2 452 39 HASCHEH, SIGHOND {Physician and member of Institute for Military 101 DATES ITEM NO. ROLL 1STFR PAGE RASCHER, SIGMUND CONTINUFC Scientific Research {Institut fuer Wehrwissenschaftliche Zweckforschung), experimented on human beings. ) 1941/05/15-1941/05/15 M 88 8 PE X 78 PS 1602 7 7 21 1941/05/22-1941/05/22 M 88 8 PE X 79 PS 1582 7 12 21 1942/04/05-1942/10/21 M88 8 PE X 81 PS 1971 7 18 21 1942/04/13-1942/10/21 M88 8 PE X 161 PS 1971 8 991 29 1942/04/16-1942/04/16 M88 8 PEX 82 NO 0318 7 32 21 1942/04/16-1942/04/16 M 88 8 PEX 103 NO 0218 7 269 23 1942/04/27-1942/04/27 M88 8 PEX 83 NO 0219 7 36 21 1942/04/27-1942/04/27 M88 8 PEX 84 NO C296 7 39 21 1942/05/11-1942/05/11 MSB 8 PEX 85 NC 0220 7 42 21 1942/Ob/I 5- 19 42/06/15 M88 8 PEX 90 NO 0283 7 137 22 1942/07/20- 1942/08/27 M 88 8 PEX 115b PS 1607b 8 20 4 25 1942/07/28-1942/09/22 M88 8 PEX 1 14 NO 0402 8 17 1- 24 1942/08/31-1942/08/31 M 88 8 PEX 1 17 PS 0343b 8 240 25 1942/09/10-1942/09/10 M88 8 PEX 91 PS 1618 7 140 22 1942/09/10-1942/09/10 M888 PEX 92 NO 0234 7 144 22 1942/09/28-1942/09/28 M88 8 PEX 93 PS 1611 7 147 22 1942/10/03-1942/10/03 MBS 8 PEX 94 NO 0285 7 151 22 1942/10/16-1942/10/16 MBS 8 PEX 104 PS 1613 7 273 23 1942/10/21-1942/10/21 M 88 8 PEX 105 NO 0428 8 1 24 1942/11/06-1942/11/06 M 88 8 PEX 130 NO 0288 8 328 26 1942/11/13-1942/11/13 M88 8 PEX 1 1 1 PS 1617 8 116 24 1942/11/27-1942/11/27 M 88 8 PEX 118 NO 0269 8 243 25 1943/02/04-1943/02/04 M 88 8 PEX 129 NO 0238 8 323 26 1943/02/17-1943/02/17 M88 8 PEX 96 PS 1616 7 157 23 1943/02/26-1943/02/26 M88 8 PEX 97 PS 1580 7 168 23 1943/03/06-1943/03/06 M 88 8 PEX 1 19 NO 0262 8 248 25 1943/03/14-1943/03/14 MSB 8 PEX 128 NO 0270 8 313 26 1943/04/11-1943/04/11 MBS 8 PEX 98 NO 0240 7 171 23 1943/04/16-1943/04/16 M 88 8 PEX 99 NC 0241 7 174 23 1947/01/14-1947/01/14 M88 8 TRC 2 P 361-451 2 452 39 1947/01/15-1947/01/15 MBS 8 TRC 2 P 452-490 2 570 40 1947/03/21-1947/03/21 M88 8 TRC 7 P 2307-2376 4 1032 46 1947/04/16-1947/04/16 R AUS , ERHARD M88 8 OJE 8 P 19 13 918 54 1943/11/06-1943/12/28 M88 8 PEX 38 PS 1702 5 610 12 RAVA-RUSSKAYA 1943/02/25-1943/02/25 M88 8 PEX 25 PS 1526 5 46 1 10 RAVENSBRUECK, CONCENTRATION CAMP 1944/02/15-1944/04/17 READER, ERICH M88 8 PEX 7 1 PS 1584 6 54 1 18 1947/02/19-1947/02/19 M 88 8 DEX M-52 NCKW 814 13 144 35 REBDORF PRISON 1947/04/17-1947/04/17 M88 8 TRC 7 P 2527-2528 4 1 278 46 1947/04/17-1947/04/17 REED, GEORGE M M88 8 OJB 8 P 273 13 1 174 55 1946/12/17-1946/12/17 M 88 8 OCF 8 D 5 13 747 47 102 DATES ITEM NO. ROLL 1STFR PAGE REGENSBURG 194 3/11/04- 1944/11/07 M88 8 PE X 155 NO K W 180 8 802 28 EEICHMINISTERIUM FUER BEW AFFNUNG UND MUNITION (Armaments Ministry) 1941/08/12-1941/09/10 M88 8 PE X 7 PS 3005 5 147 7 1943/00/00-1943/00/00 M88 8 DEX M-55 DOC 0 13 178 36 1947/03/20-1947/C3/20 M888 TRC 7 P 2224-2306 4 920 46 REICHSARBEITSMINISTERIUM (Lanor Ministry) 194 1/08/12- 1941/09/10 M88 8 PEX 7 PS 3005 5 147 7 1941/08/16-1943/03/13 M88 8 PE X 15 PS 2241 5 282 9 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M888 IRC 1 P 2 5-1 08 2 29 37 REICHSJUSTIZMINISTERIUM (Justice Ministry) 194 2/09/18- 19 42/0 9/18 M888 PE X 16 PS 0654 5 293 9 REICHSKANZLEI (Reich Chancellery) 1943/04/17-1943/04/17 M88 8 PEX 29 PS 2220 5 526 11 REICHSKOMMISSAB FUER DAS OSTLAND 1943/05/03-1943/05/23 M88 8 PE X 32 PS 2280 5 564 12 BEICHSMINISTERIUM FUEB DIE BE SETZTEN OSTGEBIETE (RMfdbO; Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories; see also Rosenberg, Alfred,) 1942/04/24-1942/04/24 M88 8 PEX 13 PS 0016 5 219 8 1942/04/27-1942/10/07 M88 8 PEX 19 PS 0054 5 332 10 1942/09/30-1942/09/30 M 88 8 PEX 16a PS 0084 5 298 9 1942/10/03-1942/10/03 M88 8 PEX 18 PS 0017 5 328 9 1942/10/25-1942/10/25 M88 8 PEX 19a PS 0294 5 345 10 1943/03/17-1943/03/17 M88 8 PEX 27 PS 0019 5 503 1 1 1943/04/01-1943/04/11 MSB 8 PEX 26 PS 1130 5 498 1 1 1943/10/29-1943/11/12 M888 PEX 37 PS 0290 5 606 12 1944/06/07-1944/06/07 M 88 8 PEX 41 PS 0254 5 653 1 3 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M88 8 TRC 1 P 25-108 2 29 37 REICHSWIRTSC HAFTSMINISTERIUM (Ministry of Economics) 194 1/08/12- 19 41 /0 9/10 MSB 8 PEX 7 PS 3005 5 147 7 REINECKE, HERMANN 1947/01/11-1947/01/11 M88 8 OCF 8 D 29 13 800 49 1947/01/16-1947/01/16 M 88 8 OJB 8 P 6 13 905 53 1947/03/20-1947/C3/20 REPRISALS . M88 8 TRC 7 P 2224-2306 4 920 46 1942/05/04-1942/05/07 M888 PEX 159 E 134 8 98 2 29 RFSS-PERSOENLICHER STAB 19 4 1/05/22- 1941/05/22 M88 8 PEX 79 PS 1582 7 12 21 1942/04/16-1942/04/16 M88 8 PEX 82 NC 0318 7 32 21 1942/04/27-1942/04/27 M88 8 PEX 84 NO 0296 7 39 21 1942/04/30-1942/04/30 MBS 8 PEX 14 R 129 5 265 8 1942/05/20-1942/05/20 M 88 8 PEX 87 PS 0343a 7 77 22 1942/06/04-1942/06/C4 M 88 8 PEX 89 NO 0261 7 134 22 1942/06/15-1942/06/15 M88 8 PEX 90 NC 0283 7 137 22 103 DATES ITEM ! NO. ROLL 1STFR PAGE RFSS-PER50ENLICHER STAB 19 42/0 7/20- 1942/0 8/27 M88 8 PEX 115b PS 1607b 8 CONTINUED 204 25 1942/0 7/28- 1942/09/22 M88 8 PEX 114 NO 0402 8 171 24 1942/09/10-1942/09/10 M88 8 PEX 91 PS 1618 7 140 22 1942/09/28- 1942/09/28 M 88 8 PEX 93 PS 1611 7 147 22 194 2/10/04- 1942/10/04 M88 8 PEX 95 NO 0289 7 154 22 1942/1 1/06- 1942/1 1/06 M 88 8 PEX 130 NO 0288 8 328 26 RICHTER* KARL EITEL 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M88 8 OCF 8 D 18 13 777 48 1947/01/08-1947/01/08 M88 8 OJB 8 P 4 13 903 53 1947/02/11-1947/02/11 M88 8 TRC 3 P 82 3-906a 3 111 42 RIECKE* HANS JOACHIM 194 3/06/28- 194 3/06/2 8 M888 PEX 34 PS 3000 5 583 12 194 7/01/0 3- 1947/01/C3 M888 TRC 1 P 25-108 2 29 37 RIGA 1941/07/07-1941/08/29 M888 PEX 31b PS 3028 5 556 11 1943/05/03- 1943/0 5/23 11888 PEX 32 PS 2280 5 564 12 BOEDER* MANFRED 1947/01/11-1547/01/11 M888 OCF 8 D 30 13 802 50 1947/01/16-1947/01/16 M88 8 OJB 8 P 6 13 905 53 194 7/03/03- 19 47/0 3/03 M88 8 TRC 4 P 1381-1432 3 872 43 ROMBERG* HANS WOLFGANG (Defendant in Case I; Doctor on the Staff of the Department of Aviation Medicine at the German Experimental Institute for Aviation (Deutsche Versuchsanstalt fuer Luftfahrt).) 1942/07/28- 1942/09/22 M888 PEX 114 NO 0402 8 171 24 1942/08/3 1- 1942/08/31 M 88 8 PEX 117 PS 0343b 8 240 25 1942/11/27-1942/11/27 M888 PEX 118 NO 0269 8 24 3 25 1946/10/29-1946/10/29 M 88 8 PEX 107 NCKW 391 8 62 24 1946/11/01-1946/11/01 M 88 8 PEX 86 NO 0476 7 49 21 1947/01/14-1947/01/14 M 88 8 TRC 2 P 361-451 2 452 39 1947/01/21-1941/01/21 MBS 8 OCF 8 D 38 13 81 8 50 1947/01/22-1947/01/22 M 88 8 CJB 8 P 10 13 909 53 1947/02/14- 1947/02/14 M88 8 TRC 3 P 1022-1103 3 369 42 1947/04/1b-1947/04/16 M888 OJB 8 P 19 13 918 54 ROSENBERG* ALFRED (Defendant before the IMT; Reich Occupied Eastern Territories; Re head of Departments for Foreign Ideology; SS Obergruppenfuehrer; Minister for the ichsleiter and Policy and for SA Obergruppenfuehrer.) 1941/12/21- 1941/12/21 M88 8 PEX 22 PS 0018 5 382 1 C 1942/04/24-1942/04/24 M88 8 PEX 13 PS 0016 5 219 8 1942/09/11-1942/09/11 M88 8 PEX 123 NO 0224 8 286 25 1943/06/17- 19 43/06/30 M 88 8 PEX 35 PS 0265 5 594 12 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M88 8 TRC 1 P 25-108 2 29 37 1947/01/15-1947/01/15 M 88 8 TRC 2 P 452-490 2 570 40 ROUX* MAX 1947/01/03- 1947/01/03 M 88 8 OCF 8 D 19 1 3 779 49 104 DATES ITEM NO. ROLL 1STFR P AGE ROUX, MAX CONTINUED 1947/01/08- 1947/01/08 M 88 8 OJB 8 P 4 13 903 53 80VN0 1943/02/12- 1943/03/23 M 88 8 PEX 28 PS 3012 5 508 11 RUFF 0 SIEGFRIED {Defendant in Case I; Director of the Department for Aviation Medicine at t he i German Experimental Institute for Aviation (DVL). ) 1942/07/28- 1942/09/22 M88 8 PEX 114 NO 0402 8 171 24 1946/10/25- 1946/10/25 K 88 8 PEX 108 NOKW 140 8 104 24 1947/01/14- 1947/01/14 M88 8 TRC 2 P 36 1-45 1 2 452 3 9 1947/01/21- 1947/01/21 M88 8 OCE 8 D 39 13 820 50 1947/01/22- 1947/01/22 M888 OJE 8 P 10 13 909 53 1947/02/14- 1947/02/14 M88 8 TRC 3 P 1022-1103 3 369 42 1947/02/17- 1947/02/17 M88 8 TRC 4 P 1104-1204 3 484 43 1947/04/16- 1947/04/16 M88 8 OJB 8 P 19 13 918 54 ROSSIANS 1942/09/18- 1942/09/18 M88 8 PEX 16 PS 0654 5 293 9 SABOTAGE 1942/05/04- 1942/05/07 M88 8 PEX 159 R 134 8 982 29 1942/05/27- 1942/05/27 M88 8 PEX 137 NOKW 4 07 8 525 27 1944/05/04- 1944/05/04 M88 8 DEX M-20 NOKW 390 13 475 32 1947/02/03- 1947/02/03 M88 8 TRC 2 P 566-642 2 699 41 1947/03/18- 1947/03/18 M88 8 TRC 6 P 2059-2141 4 703 45 SACHSENHAUSEN , CONCENTRATION CAMP 1944/02/15- 1944/04/17 M 88 8 PEX 71 PS 1584 6 541 18 SA0CKEL, FRITZ (Derendant before the IMT; Gauleiter and Reichsstatthalter of Thuringia; member of the Relcnstag; Plenipotentiary General for the A11ocation of Labor under the * Four Year Plan; co-organizer of the Central Inspection for the Care or Foreign Workers; SA Obergruppenf uehrer; SS Obergruppenfuehrer. ) No date M888 PEX 64 NO 1177 6 482 18 No date M 88 8 PEX 67 NO 1176 6 497 18 1941/08/16- 1943/03/13 M88 8 PEX 15 PS 2241 5 282 9 1941/12/19- 1942/04/20 M88 8 PEX 20 L 061 5 360 10 1941/12/21- 1941/12/21 M888 PEX 22 PS 0018 5 382 1 0 1942/04/21- 1942/04/21 M 88 8 PEX 60 PS 1666 6 436 17 1942/04/21- 1942/04/22 M88 8 DEX M-32 R 124 13 52 1 33 1942/04/24- 1942/04/24 K 88 8 PEX 13 PS 0016 5 219 8 1942/10/03- 1942/10/03 M88 8 PEX 18 PS 0017 5 328 9 1943/02/05- 1943/04/01 M888 PEX 133 NOKW 352 8 429 26 1943/03/10- 1943/03/10 M88 8 DEX M—3 PS 0407-11 13 397 30 1943/03/17- 1943/03/17 M88 8 PEX 27 PS 0019 5 503 1 1 1943/04/04- 1943/05/17 M88 8 PEX 30 PS 0407 5 544 1 1 1943/06/02- 1943/06/02 M888 PEX 38a PS 1913 5 625 13 1943/06/03- 1943/06/03 M 88 8 PEX 33 PS 0407-IX 5 578 12 1943/10/28- 1943/10/28 M88 8 PEX 143 NOKW 195 8 580 27 105 DATES SAUCKEL, F HIT Z 1943/11/21-1943/11/21 1944/01/01-1944/07/07 194 4/01/04- 1944/C1/05 194 4/0 3/08- 1944/03/08 1944/07/12-1944/07/12 1945/09/22-1945/09/22 1946/09/23-1946/09/23 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 1947/01/06-1947/01/06 1947/01/07-1947/01/07 194 7/01/08- 1 947/01/08 194 7/01/27- 1947/01/27 1947/03/18-1947/03/18 1947/03/19-1947/03/19 SAUR, KARL OTTO 1944/04/06-1944/04/07 1944/04/06-1944/6/05 1944/04/12-1944/04/12 194t>/1 1/13- 1946/1 1/13 1947/01/13-1947/01/13 SCAPINI, GEORGES No da te 1947/03/06-1947/03/06 SCHIEBER, HALTHER 1942/10/20- 1942/10/20 SCHIRMER, ALBIN No date 1947/03/21- 1947/03/21 SCHMELTER, FRITZ 1946/11/17-1946/11/17 1946/12/09-1946/12/09 1947/01/13-1947/01/13 1947/01/21- 1947/01/21 1947/01/22- 1947/01/22 194 7/02/06- 19 47/0 2/06 1947/02/07- 1947/02/07 SCHMUNDT MINUTES (Known as "Little Sch 19 39/05/2 3- 19 39/05/23 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 1^47/02/24- 1947/02/24 SCHMUNDT, RUDOLF (L t • Col*, Hitler's a 1939/05/23-1939/05/23 SCHNIEWIND, OTTO 193 9/05/23- 19 39/0 5/23 19 4 7/02/24- 1947/02/24 19 4 7/02/24 - 1947/02/24 19 4 7/0 2/28- 1947/C2/28 ITEM ! NO, • M88 8 FEX 13 4 PS 090 M88 8 PEX 55 PS 0208 M88 8 PE X 50 PS 1292 M88 8 PEX 53 PS 1297 M88 8 PEX 56 PS 3819 M 88 8 PEX 41 a PS 372 M88 8 PEX 63 NI 1098 M 88 8 TRC 1 P 25-108 M88 8 TRC 1 P 109-19 M88 8 TRC 1 P 194-27 M 88 8 TRC 1 P 278-28 M 88 8 TRC 2 P 491-56 M88 8 TRC 6 P 2059-2 M88 8 TRC 6 P 2142-2 M88 8 PEX 48 a 10 R 12 M88 8 PEX 48f 1 R 124 M88 8 DEX M- 1 5 NGKW M 88 8 PEX 7 3 NCKW 32 M88 8 TRC 1 P 287-36 M 88 8 PEX 132 NO K W 1 M88 8 TRC 5 P 1537-1 M 88 8 PEX A CO ct- 1 R 124 M88 8 DEX M- 5 3 DOC 0 M88 8 TRC 7 P 2307-2 3 CO 00 8 PEX 76 NCKW 26 M88 8 PEX 72 NOKW 37 M88 8 TRC 1 P 287-36 M 88 8 OCF 8 D 40 M88 8 OJB 8 P 10 M88 8 TRC 2 P 71 1-75 M88 8 TRC 3 P 753-82 round t. ") M88 8 PEX 3 L 079 M88 8 TRC 1 P 25-108 K 88 8 TRC 4 P 1306-1 djutan t. ) M 88 8 PEX 3 L 079 M88 8 PEX 3 L 079 M88 8 OJB 8 P 18 M88 8 TRC 4 P 1306-1 M88 8 OCF 8 D 57 ROLL 1STFR PAGE CONTINUED 8 8 448 26 6 375 17 6 277 16 6 307 17 6 379 17 1 5 66 1 13 6 475 18 2 29 37 3 2 126 38 7 2 249 38 6 2 343 39 5 2 616 40 141 4 703 45 223a 4 810 45 4 6 164 15 6 236 16 365 13 467 32 0 6 560 19 C 2 353 39 763 8 424 26 585 4 68 44 6 178 15 13 173 35 376 4 1032 46 6 7 1 20 2 6 556 19 0 2 353 39 13 822 50 13 909 53 2 2 893 4 1 2 3 1 42 5 12 6 2 29 37 380 3 751 4 3 5 12 6 5 12 6 1 3 917 54 380 3 751 43 13 877 52 106 DATES ITEM NO. ROLL 1STFR SCHROEDER, OSKAR 1947/01/21-1947/01/21 M888 OCF 8 D 41 13 824 1947/01/22-1947/01/22 M 88 8 OJB 8 P 10 13 909 1947/02/14-1947/02/14 M88 8 TRC 3 P 1022- 1 103 3 369 SENT ENCE, CASE II 1947/04/17-1947/04/17 M88 8 OJB 8 P 273 13 1 174 1947/04/17-1947/04/17 M 88 8 TRC 7 P 2527- 2528 4 1278 19 47/06/.17 -1947/06/17 M88 8 CJB 8 P 333 13 1234 SIEVERS, WOLFRAM {Defendant in Case I; Standartenfuehrer (Colonel) in the SS; Beich Manager of the "Ahnenerbe" Society and Director of its Institute for Military Scientific Research (Institut fuer Wehrwissenschaftliehe Zweekforschung) Chairman of the Managing Board of Di the Reich Research Council.) 1942/04/13-1942/04/21 M888 PEX 102 ; and Deputy rectcrs of PS 1581 7 264 1942/08/26-1942/08/26 M88 8 DEX M-28 NO 0221 13 482 1942/10/21-1942/10/21 M 88 8 PEX 110 NO 0226 8 111 1942/10/29-1942/10/29 M88 8 PEX 109 NO 0222 8 108 1942/11/06-1942/11/06 M 88 8 PEX 130 NO 0288 8 328 1943/02/04-1943/02/04 M88 8 PEX 129 NO 0238 8 323 1946/11/19-1946/11/19 M 88 8 PEX 106 NOKW 264 8 58 1947/01/14-1947/01/14 M888 TRC 2 P 361-451 2 452 1947/01/21-1947/01/21 M888 OCF 8 D 42 13 826 1947/01/22-1947/01/22 M88 8 OJB 8 P 10 13 909 1947/02/11-1947/02/11 M88 8 TRC 3 P 82 3-906a 3 11 1 1947/02/14-1947/02/14 M88 8 TRC 3 P 1022-1 103 3 369 SILESIA, BODENAHT SCHLESIEN 1940/05/16-1940/05/29 M888 PEX 5 PS 1 352 5 124 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M88 8 TRC 1 P 25-108 2 29 SLAVE LABOR (See Labor, as well as 19 4 6/12/20- 1946/12/20 national! M888 TRC ty or 1 P country.) 1-8 2 1 19 4 7/01/02- 19 47/01/02 M 88 8 POS P 1 - 14 13 589 1947/04/15-1947/04/15 M88 8 OJB 8 P 276 13 1177 19 4 7/04/16 - 19 47/0 4/16 M 88 8 OJB 8 P 83 13 982 1947/04/16-1947/04/16 M88 8 OJB 8 P 19 13 918 SLAVE LABOR POLICY No date M888 PEX 46 NO 1179 5 90 3 1947/01/06- 194 7/01/06 M 88 8 TRC 1 P 109-193 2 126 SLAVE LABOR PROGRAMS 1947/01/02- 1941/01/02 M 88 8 TRC 1 P 9-24 2 16 1947/0 1/27- 1947/01/27 M 88 8 TRC 2 P 491-565 2 616 SOVIET LABOR 1941/08/16-1943/03/13 M 88 8 PEX 15 PS 2241 5 282 1942/03/14-1942/03/14 M88 8 PEX 12 D 316 5 216 1943/03/10-1943/03/10 M88 8 DEX M-3 PS 0407-11 13 397 1944/05/04-1944/05/04 M88 8 DEX M-20 NOKW 390 13 475 PAGE 51 53 4 2 55 46 56 23 33 24 24 26 26 24 39 51 53 4 2 4 2 7 37 37 59 55 55 54 14 38 37 40 9 8 30 32 107 DATES ITEM 1 NO. ROLL 1STFR PAGE SOVIET POW 1941/07/07-1941/08/29 M888 PE X 31b PS 3028 5 556 1 1 1941/08/12-1941/09/10 M88 8 PE X 7 PS 3005 5 147 7 1941/08/25-1941/08/25 M88 8 PE X 31a PS 3027 5 553 11 1942/04/21-1942/04/22 M 88 8 DEX M-32 R 124 13 521 33 1943/05/30—1943/05/30 M88 8 DEX M—3 3 R 124 13 522 34 1944/02/16- 19 44/02/16 M888 PE X 52 NO 1172 6 295 17 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M888 TRC 1 P 25-108 2 29 37 1947/01/28-1947/01/28 M 88 8 DEX M—41 DOC 0 13 110 34 1947/01/31-1947/01/31 M88 8 DEX M-40 DOC 0 13 100 34 1947/02/04-1947/02/04 M88 8 DEX M-44 DOC 0 13 119 35 1947/02/15-1947/02/15 M888 DEX M—42 DCC 0 13 113 34 1947/02/23-1947/02/23 M888 DEX M—4 6 DOC 0 13 125 35 1947/03/21-1947/03/21 M88 8 TRC 7 P 2307-2376 4 1032 46 SOVIET UNION 1943/02/01-1943/02/01 M888 DEX M-48 DCC 0 13 130 35 1947/03/05-1947/03/05 M88 8 DEX M—51 DOC 0 13 141 35 1947/03/21-1947/03/21 M88 8 TRC 7 P 2307-2376 4 1032 46 SPEEH EXH 34 1944/04/21-1944/04/21 M88 8 DEX M-17 SPEXH 34 13 472 32 1947/01/21-1947/01/21 M888 OCF 8 D 31 13 804 50 SPEER, ALBEHT (Defendant before the IMT; Reichsleiter; Reich Minister for Armament and War Production; Chief of Organisation Todt; Plenipotentiary General for Armaments in the Office of the Four Year Plan; Chairman of the Armaments Council .;.member of the Reichstag; member of the Central Planning Board.) No date M88 8 PEX 66 NO 1180 6 489 18 194 2/02/24 - 1942/02/24 M88 8 PE X 11 PS 1435 5 184 8 1942/09/20-1942/09/22 M888 PEX 48a8 R 124 6 151 15 194 2/10/20- 1942/10/20 M88 8 PEX 48b2 R 124 6 181 15 1943/04/08-1943/04/08 M88 8 PEX 49 NO K W 287 6 274 16 1943/06/09-1943/06/09 M 88 8 PEX 127 NOKW 268 8 308 26 1943/09/16-1943/10/29 M 88 8 PEX 58 PS 1510 6 412 17 1943/10/28-1943/10/28 M888 PEX 143 NOKW 195 8 580 27 1943/12/06-1943/12/07 M88 8 PEX 48a9 R 124 6 158 15 1944/01/04-1944/01/05 M88 8 PEX 50 PS 1292 6 277 16 1944/02/15-1944/04/17 M88 8 PEX 71 PS 1584 6 54 1 18 1944/04/06-1944/6/05 M88 8 PEX 48f1 R 124 6 236 16 1945/10/18-1945/10/18 M 88 8 PEX 68 PS 3720 6 500 18 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M88 8 TRC 1 P 25-108 2 29 37 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M88 8 OCF 8 D 20 13 78 1 49 1947/01/07-1947/01/07 M888 TRC 1 P 194-277 2 249 38 1947/01/08-1947/01/08 M888 TRC 1 P 278-286 2 343 39 1947/01/13-1947/01/13 M888 TRC 1 P 287-360 2 353 39 1947/01/20-1947/C1/20 M88 8 OJB 8 P 7 13 906 53 1947/01/22-1947/01/22 M 88 8 OJB 8 P 8 13 907 53 1947/02/03-1947/02/03 M888 TRC 2 P 566-642 2 699 41 1947/02/04-1947/02/04 M88 8 DEX M-39 DOC 0 13 48 34 108 DATES ITEM NO, • ROLL 1STFR PAGE SPEER , ALBERT CONTINUED 1947/02/05-1947/02/05 M888 TRC 2 P 643-71 0 2 803 4 1 1947/02/17-1947/02/17 M88 8 TSC 4 P 1104-1204 3 484 43 1947/02/19-1947/02/19 M88 8 DEX M—52 NOKW 814 13 144 35 1947/03/04-1947/03/04 M888 TRC 4 P 1433-1476 3 944 44 1947/03/19-1947/03/19 M88 8 TRC 6 P 2142-2 223a 4 810 45 SPEIGHT, JOHN J (Judge, Member of Military Tribunal II.) 1947/02/24-1947/02/24 M88 8 OCF 8 D 56 13 867 52 STEUDEL, DISTRICT COMMISSIONER OF KAZATIN 1943/11/08-1943/12/28 M888 PEX 38 PS 1702 5 610 12 STRECKENBACH, BRUNO 1940/03/16-1940/03/16 M88 8 PE X 4b PS 2233b 5 116 7 SUPREME COURT, U.S. 1947/05/02-1947/05/02 M88 8 CLP 8 P 27 13 1263 57 1947/05/02-1947/05/02 M888 CLP 8 P 20 13 1256 57 1947/05/02-1947/05/02 M88 8 CLP 8 P 43 13 1280 57 1947/05/02-1947/05/02 M888 CLP 8 P 38 13 1275 57 1947/05/02-1947/05/02 M88 8 CLP 8 P 36 13 1273 57 1947/05/02-1947/05/02 M88 8 CLP 8 P 22 13 1258 57 1947/11/03-1947/11/03 M 88 8 CLP 8 P 54 13 1291 57 SWITZERLAND 1947/05/02-1947/05/02 M88 8 CLP 8 P 57 13 1 294 58 1947/05/02-1947/05/02 M88 8 CLP 8 P 66 13 1 303 58 1947/05/02-1947/05/02 M88 8 CLP 8 P 55 13 1 292 57 1947/05/02-1947/05/2 M888 CLP 8 P 68 13 1305 58 TAYLOR, TELFORD (Brigadier General, Chief of Cou nsel for War Crimes, Acting on Behalf of the United States of America-) 1946/11/13-1946/11/13 M 88 8 OCF 8 D 1 13 727 47 TERBOVEN, JOSEF 1942/05/04-1942/05/07 M88 8 PEX 159 R 134 8 982 29 1947/03/19-1947/03/19 M888 TRC 6 P 2142-2 223a 4 810 45 TESTIMONY (See name of specific witness.) THIERACK, OTTO GEORG 19 42/09/18- 1942/09/18 M88 8 PEX 16 PS 0654 5 293 9 194 7/01/03- 1947/01/0 3 M88 8 TRC 1 P 25-108 2 29 37 TIMM, MAX 1947/02/04-1947/02/04 M88 8 OJB 8 P 13 13 912 54 1947/02/04-1947/02/04 M88 8 OCF 8 D 49 13 848 51 TOMS, ROBERT H (Presiding Judge, Member of 1 Military Tribunal II. ) 1946/12/14-1946/12/14 M88 8 OJB 8 P 1 13 900 53 1947/02/24-1947/02/24 M88 8 OCF 8 D 56 13 867 52 1947/04/16-1947/04/16 M88 8 OJB 8 P 19 13 918 54 TRANSNISTRIA 1942/09/30-1942/09/30 M88 8 PEX 16a PS 0084 5 298 9 109 DATES ITEM NO. ROLL 1STFF PAGE U.S. SENATE COMMITTEE 1945/05/15-1S45/05/15 M88 8 PE X 44 L 159 5 692 13 UKRAINE 1941/07/07-1941/08/29 M88 8 PE X 31b PS 3028 5 556 11 1941/12/21-1941/12/21 M88 8 PE X 22 PS 0018 5 382 10 1943/03/17-1943/03/17 M88 8 PE X 27 PS 0019 5 503 1 1 1944/06/07-1944/06/07 M88 8 PE X 41 PS 0254 5 653 13 UKRAINIAN LABOB 1942/04/27-1942/10/07 M888 PE X 19 PS 0054 5 332 10 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M 88 8 TRC 1 P 25-108 2 29 37 1947/03/19-1947/03/19 M88 8 DEX M-57 DOC 0 13 188 36 UKRAINIAN MAIN COMMITTEE 1943/02/25-1943/02/25 M888 PE X 25 PS 1526 5 461 10 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M88 8 TRC 1 P 25-108 2 29 37 UKRAINIANS 1942/09/18-1942/09/18 M88 8 PEX 16 PS 0654 5 293 9 USA EXHIBITS (See document number.) VALMIERA 1943/05/03-1943/05/23 M888 PE X 32 PS 2280 5 564 12 YIEBJAHRESPLAN (Four Year Plan, announced by ’ Hitler at the Nazi Party Rally in Nuernberg in 1936 empowered Goering with far-reaching authority in the field of economy, including coordination of the rearmament program, particularly the production and distribution of raw materials, synthetics. and agricultural products, labor allocation. price formation, and foreign exchange.) 1940/01/25-1940/01/25 M88 8 PEX 4 PS 1375 5 37 6 1942/10/20-1942/10/20 M 88 8 PEX 48b2 R 124 6 181 15 1942/10/20-1942/10/20 M88 8 PEX 48b 1 R 124 6 178 15 VINNITSA 1943/06/17-1943/06/30 M888 PEX 35 PS 0265 5 594 12 VORWALD, WOLFGANG 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M888 OCF 8 D 21 13 783 49 1947/01/08-1947/01/08 M88 8 OJB 8 P 4 13 903 53 1947/03/10-1947/03/10 M88 8 TRC 5 P 1586-1633 4 121 44 1947/03/11-1947/03/11 M88 8 TRC 5 P 1634-1724 4 170 44 194 7/03/20- 1947/03/20 M88 8 TRC 7 P 2224-2306 4 920 46 1947/03/21-1947/03/21 M88 8 TRC 7 P 2307-2376 4 1032 46 BAR CONDUCT 1943/07/01-1943/06/30 M88 8 DEX M-25 DCC 0 13 400 33 WAR ECONOMY 1943/09/16-1943/10/29 M88 8 PEX 58 PS 1510 6 412 17 1ARLI MONT, WALTER (Defendant in Case XII; Gen eral; Deputy Chief, Armed Forces Operations ; Staff.) 1939/05/23-1939/05/23 M888 PEX 3 L 079 5 12 6 1947/02/11-1947/02/11 M 88 8 OCF 8 D 51 13 854 52 110 DATES ITEM NO. ROLL 1STFR PAGE WARLIMONT, WAITER 1947/02/12-1947/02/12 M 88 8 OJB 8 P 15 13 CONTINUED 914 54 1947/02/19-1947/02/19 M88 8 OJB 8 P 17 13 916 54 1947/02/19-1947/02/19 M88 8 OCF 8 D 55 13 865 52 1947/02/20-1947/02/20 M888 TRC 4 P 1271-1305 3 701 43 WARSAW 1944/07/31-1944/07/31 M88 8 PEX 75-16 NOKW 335 6 1579 20 WELTZ, GEORG AUGUST (Defendant in Case I; Oberfeldarzt in the Luftwaffe (Lieutenant Colonel, Medical Service the Air Force); and Chief of the Institute for Aviation Medicine in Munich (Institut fuer in Luftfahrtmedizin).) 1946/11/08-1946/11/08 M88 8 PEX 122 NOKW 419 8 259 25 1947/01/15-1947/01/15 M88 8 TRC 2 P 452-490 2 570 40 1947/01/21-1947/01/21 M88 8 OCF 8 D 43 13 828 51 1947/01/22-1947/01/22 M888 OJB 8 P 10 13 909 53 1947/02/14-1947/02/14 M88 8 TRC 3 P 1022-1103 3 369 42 WESTHOF, ADOLF 1947/02/12-1947/02/12 M88 8 OCF 8 D 52 13 857 52 1947/02/12-1947/02/12 M 88 8 OJB 8 P 15 13 914 54 WHITE RUTHENIA 1943/03/17-1943/03/17 M88 8 PEX 27 PS 0019 5 50 3 11 1943/06/28-1943/06/28 M88 8 PEX 34 PS 3000 5 583 12 WILLE, BRUNO 1940/03/16-1940/03/16 M 88 8 PEX 4b PS 2233b 5 116 7 WOLFF, KARL (Chief SS and Police Commander in Italy, Sept, 1943; Commander of the Italian SS Legion, Feb, 1945; Chief of the Personal Staff of the Reichsfuehrung SS; SS Obergruppenfuehrer,) 1942/04/16-1942/04/16 M888 PEX 82 NC 0318 7 32 21 1942/05/20-1942/C5/20 M 88 8 PEX 87 PS 0343a 7 77 22 1942/11/27-1942/11/27 M888 PEX 118 NO 0269 8 243 25 1943/03/06-1943/03/06 M88 8 PEX 119 NO 0262 8 24 8 25 1946/11/19-1946/11/19 M 88 8 DEX M-35 DOC 0 13 526 34 1947/01/14-1947/01/14 M88 8 TRC 2 P 361-451 2 452 39 1947/01/15-1947/01/15 M888 TRC 2 P 45 2—49 C 2 570 40 1947/01/27-1947/01/27 M 88 8 OJB 8 P 11 13 910 54 1947/01/27-1947/01/27 M88 8 OCF 8 D 44 13 83 3 51 1947/02/13-1947/02/13 M88 8 TRC 3 P 980-1021 3 320 42 1947/02/18-1947/02/18 M88 8 TRC 4 P 1205-1270 3 614 43 ZEELAND, VAN 1947/01/03-1947/01/03 M88 8 OCF 8 D 27 13 796 49 ZENTRALE PLANUNG (The Central Planning Board (Zentrale Planting, ZP) was created by Goering in April 1942 as the highest coordinating agency for the German war effort composed of Albert Speer, Erhard Milch, and Paul Koerner; in 1943 Walther Funk became a 111 DATES ITEM 1 NO. ROLL 1STFR PAGE ENTRALE PLANUNG CONTINUED fourth member. The Board planned distribution and allocation of raw mate rials and manpower.) No date H888 PE X 65 NO 1174 6 486 18 19 42/04/27- 1942/04/27 M88 8 PE X 48b8 R 124 6 20.7 16 1942/07/22-1942/07/22 M888 DEX M-5 R 124 13 406 30 19 4 2/10/20- 19 42/10/20 M88 8 PE X 48b2 R 124 6 181 15 1942/10/20-1942/10/20 M888 PEX 4 8b1 R 124 6 178 15 19 42/10/23- 1942/10/23 M 88 8 PE X 48b11 PS 3961 6 223 16 1942/10/28-1942/10/28 M88 8 PEX 48a12 R 124 6 174 15 194 2/10/28- 19 42/10/2 8 M888 PEX 48b4 R 124 6 189 15 1942/10/30-1942/10/30 M888 PEX 48b9 R 124 6 211 16 1942/11/02-1942/11/02 M88 8 DEX M-6 R 124 13 407 31 1942/11/02-1942/11/02 M888 PEX 48b10 PS 3960 6 218 16 1942/11/02-1942/11/02 M88 8 PEX 4 8a6 R 124 6 130 14 1942/11/03-1942/11/03 M888 PEX 48b3 R 124 6 185 15 1943/02/12-1943/02/12 M88 8 DEX 11-7 R 124 13 408 31 194 3/02/12- 19 43/02/12 M888 PEX 48b5-6 R 124 6 193 16 1943/02/16-1943/02/16 M888 DEX fl-8 R 124 13 410 31 1943/02/16-1943/02/16 M 88 8 PEX 48b7 B 124 6 202 16 1943/02/16-1943/02/16 M88 8 PEX 48a7 R 124 6 135 15 1943/04/22-1943/04/22 H888 PEX 48a3 R 124 6 105 14 1943/04/23-1943/04/23 M88 8 DEX M-9 R 124 13 416 31 194 3/06/23- 19 43/06/23 M888 PEX 48a4 R 124 6 120 14 1943/09/04-1943/09/04 M88 8 PEX 154 NOKW 260 8 796 28 1943/11/22-1943/11/22 M88 8 DEX M—10 R 124 13 419 31 1944/02/16-1944/02/16 M88 8 PEX 48a5 R 124 6 124 14 1944/02/16-1944/02/16 M88 8 DEX M—11 R 124 13 420 31 1944/02/16-1944/02/18 M888 PEX 48b12 F 675 6 228 16 1944/03/01-1944/03/01 M88 8 DEX M—31 R 124 13 510 33 19 44/03/01- 1944/03/01 M88 8 PEX 48a-b R 124 6 1 14 1944/05/25-1944/05/25 M888 PEX 48a2 R 124 6 95 14 1944/07/22-1944/07/22 M888 PEX 48a 1 1 R 124 6 167 15 1946/12/14-1946/12/14 H888 OJB 8 P 1 13 900 53 19 4 7/01/06- 19 47/01/06 M 88 8 TRC 1 P 109-193 2 126 38 1947/01/08-1947/01/08 W88 8 TSC 1 P 278-286 2 343 39 19 47/01/13- 194 7/01/13 M888 TRC 1 P 287-360 2 353 39 194 7/01/27- 19 47/01/27 H88 8 TRC 2 P 491-565 2 616 40 1947/02/05-1947/02/05 H88 8 TRC 2 P 643-710 2 803 41 1947/02/13-1947/02/13 M888 TRC 3 P 980-1021 3 320 42 1947/03/11-1947/03/11 M88 8 TRC 5 P 1634-1724 4 170 44 194 7/03/19- 19 47/03/19 M88 8 TRC 6 P 2142-2223a 4 810 45 HITOMIB 1943/06/17-1943/06/30 M 88 8 PEX 35 PS 0265 5 594 12 112 GSA DC 75.11283 INSTRUCTIONS FOR ORDERING MICROFILM National Archives Microfilm Publication M888, Rolls 1-13 Records of the United States Nuernberg War Crimes Trials United States of America v. Erhard Milch (Case II) November 13, 1946-April 17, 1947 Microfilm copies of one or more rolls of microfilm may be pur¬ chased at the current price of $12 a roll. This price will remain in effect until June 30, 1975, and includes postage or shipping costs on orders sent by surface mail within the United States or to Mexico or Canada and on small orders sent to other countries. Additional costs for air mail shipment will be quoted on request. Orders of 40 rolls or more sent to foreign countries other than Canada or Mexico are subject to an added 5% shipping charge. Checks or Money orders for microfilm should accompany the order. They should be made payable to the General Services Administration (NEPS) and should be sent to the Cashier, NARS, GSA, Washington, DC 20408. Persons ordering microfilm from outside the United States or its possessions should make their remittance by inter¬ national money order or check drawn in United States dollars on a bank in the United States and payable to the General Services Administration (NEPS). Each order should specify Microfilm Publication M888, the roll number or numbers, and the price. The National Archives microfilm publication program is financed from a trust fund established by the National Archives Trust Fund Board Act (44 U.S.C. 2307). The act permits the preparation and reproduction of source materials for a price covering their cost plus 10 percent. Proceeds from the sale of microfilm are depos¬ ited in the trust fund account from which microfilm expenses are paid. The excess above costs is used to expand reproduction facilities, explore new techniques of reproduction, and microfilm additional records. The current price of microfilm reflects the second general price increase in 25 years. It is the policy of the National Archives to raise prices only when it is necessary to maintain the solvency of the revolving fund. The increased prices at this time are brought on by increases in the cost of film stock and chemicals, boxes and reels, and postage, as well as by salaries. A fixed price per roll has been established because most of the costs of reproducing and selling microfilm are the same for all rolls of film, regardless of length, and the establishment of such a price permits a substantial saving in order-processing costs. 113 Former Luftwaffe Field Marshal Erhard Milch, seated in the defense counselors section of Courtroom One, Nuernberg, listens with his lawyer Dr„ Bergold and his brother Werner as a member of Tribunal II reads the judgment in his case. Photo April 16, 1947. Record Group 238/OMT-II-D-12 university of iluhoivurbana gyS!Sl tt »MRi>c C003 38 1975