THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY A700 ee BG Se FI REG) = ane s 3 PY PRS AN cr AC Be AN MO oe lM \ WSS Metre book Gn or before the Latest Date stamped below. University of Illinois Library iat ' i) R is mi iw fj ; ee 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO HOME ECONOMICS SERIES KATHARINE BLUNT Editor HE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO HOME ECONOMICS SERIES, pub- lished with the approval of the Board of Trustees of the University, is designed as a con- tribution to the teaching of home economics in schools, colleges, and universities. The books of the series will cover in some measure the fields included in the home economics courses given at the University, and may thus serve as texts in the corresponding courses in other institutions. They are also planned with the purpose of sup- plying suitable textbooks for secondary schools, and of making available to the general reader and especially to the educated home-maker ma- terial now often limited to the classroom. ART IN HOME ECONOMICS CRD A Bibliography THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS THE BAKER & TAYLOR COMPANY NEW YORK THE CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS LONDON THE MARUZEN-KABUSHIKI-KAISHA TOKYO, OSAKA, KYOTO, FUKUOKA, SENDAI THE MISSION BOOK COMPANY SHANGHAI ART IN HOME ECONOMICS A BIBLIOGRAPHY of COSTUME DESIGN, HISTORY OF COSTUME, INTERIOR DECORATION, HISTORY OF FUR- NITURE, ARCHITECTURE, ART PRINCIPLES, AND ART APPRECIATION ? Compiled by MARION E. CLARK AND OTHERS THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS COPYRIGHT 1925 By THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO All Rights Reserved Published September 1925 Composed and Printed By The University of Chicago Press Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. errs Ce Nee rn. f O PREFACE In response to many appeals from students and teachers of related- arts subjects and others interested in artistic dressing and in the decora- tion and furnishing of their homes, this bibliography of books is being published. It has been prepared by the Bibliography Committee of the Related Arts Section of the American Home Economics Associa- tion which was appointed two years ago by the chairman of the Section. The Committee’s first procedure was to send out questionnaires to the teachers of many of the universities, colleges, and normal schools throughout the country, asking them to give the list of books they used in connection with their courses in:costume design, history of costume, interior decoration, and history of furniture. The titles in this bibli- ography are those included in the questionnaires which were returned, with the exception of a few of minor importance which the committee took the responsibility of omitting. This list is, therefore, by no means exhaustive, but represents the books used by the majority of teachers ~ Of related_art subjects throughout the United States. For each book is given the author, title, publisher, date of publica- tion, and price, and a concise statement of its contents. The latter is not a critical analysis nor a résumé of the material contained in the book, but such points about it as will assist the reader of the bibliog- raphy to select books to meet her needs. It has been impossible to obtain the dates and prices of many of the foreign books, so the price when given is, because of fluctuations in the currency, only approxi- mate. A few selected books on architecture, art principles, and art ap- preciation are included, which should be valuable as reference to teachers and students of related-arts subjects. The Bibliography Committee is especially indebted to Miss Joanna Hansen, Miss Mabel Fisher, and Miss Amanda Jacobsen, Iowa State College; Mr. Charles I. Martin and Miss Mary Evans, Teachers’ College, Columbia University; Miss Winifred Gettemy, Michigan Agricultural College, for their assistance in writing the statements of the contents of the books, and also to Mr. Walter Sargent, University of Chicago, who has read and criticized the manuscript. The Com- mittee wishes to express its gratitude to all the teachers of related-arts subjects who so carefully filled out the questionnaires that were sent Vii 603595 viii ait PREFACE out to them a year ago, and to Mr. Morris pone Brentano’s Book- store, Chicago, for his Cee assistance. It is hoped that this bibliography may be of practical service to teachers, students, and to those who are interested in beautifying their homes and in dressing artistically. Marion E, CLark, Chairman UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO ARLYN EILERT IowA STATE COLLEGE SUE BLUNDELL UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT Bibliography Committee, Related Arts Section American Home Economics Association CONTENTS PAGE yh ns ONY my Ee rants AE al eg EE ea ten REO ETO. hg Uae yo oe NR Sar Wee ae, PARR T OY ick e!' 3.0 aan atbee HISTORY OF COSTUME. ahs CME CONC OSTUING Si iy eta ile we tie Ease. RN taal ae oe SiS MMM PPIMC SUNG So e's) le mm t vee: PRM es Tt mee ticieng: Peoples, . Aya ee a AREAS St) STERIC Se NS SD Re) cine TB ET atrcorimscs 0 Be. teal Men te ino Nn | oa emremnemeren ci@iates fe i ee vt NOR ee) eh, rae LT a Mn DC eyes ie mega | MEIER dicey Type RR ON ROS MR I i eg UEMIPMIPHIIOS (ial cs ge jar 9.0 ae ee) SER oe, eb TA RIPE AEETLO HO af’ atl gi al atu Vial dete oleae al aes eke IELNICS. Fog. tl ye) Meee OS > Oe ee TG IMEC EeeTI Ae re ek gee Oke ORY Cee TG UEC I Sg ts PSS le oe a tee BG MR MRRONME ey ce Ve Nae PR BE 8G SIRE TOM re ci ek ee Ay ee Ree a eee MST et et Saree Pia iat BS ite tha ya eal Ni SR RE EL Panis 12 yt PRT am oat) lg aR OG Bree URITURE oot ee he ea oe MePmEs ee OT. PUTTILUTE KS. os es ek RS a ors MMMM CCIGTE ree ll RUD in a ane aR Se ae a OR Un i St Aaa V0 memmeriemish urniture . 2 8 ae Ae 30 em SERCIST fe oh hee a Oe ee Ln LA RS yc ig SIE SS a Ae AP DN tie eB 9. eM RCA EE OMe 4° S)2 gs 2 Vranas SU oe Son ih ix x CONTENTS PAGE ARCHITECTURE. §..005 (66 ew elke en Magazines...) 2 60d) 8 la ae ee} rr ART (PRINCTPLES 9.) ee rr ART APPRECIATION: 2.00.0 6 30h) ww he an Magazines -. f) 3. 8) Ge a Museum: Bulletins: . .. . 4.) ss |S) INDEX OF TITLES. win: tw ow) we INDEX OF AUTHORS . .6 i eb oe 3S rc COSTUME DESIGN BOOKS AIKEN, CHARLOTTE RANKIN: Millinery Merchandise Manuals. New York: Ronald Press Company, 1922. $1.50. Written originally for sales people. Contains reliable information concerning the materials and manufacturing processes used in making hats. Gives definite and explicit directions for the making and trim- ming of hats. Excellent for reference. Well illustrated with drawings and photographs. AUDSLEY, GEORGE ASHDOWN: Color Harmony in Dress. New York: Robert M. McBride & Company, tg19. $1.25. Definite information on color theory. Discussion of color in rela- tion to its becomingness to different types of people. Contains an explanation of the symbolism and expression of colors. Illustrated with charts and photographs. ' ~ © Batpt, Laura: Clothing for Women. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Company, 1916. $2.50. Deals chiefly with the technical processes involved in garment construction. Good chapters on design and color. Illustrations, con- sisting mostly of drawings, are clear and definite. BEMENT, ALON: Figure Construction. Chicago: Gregg Publishing Company, 1921. $2.50. Quick sketches of figures in action. Butrrick, HELEN: Principles of Clothing Selection. New York: The ~? Macmillan Company, 1923. $1.20. Explains the principles of art and how they can be applied to the designing of costume. Discussion of the laws of hygiene that influence clothing selection and the economic factors that affect the cost and quality of clothing. Excellent as a textbook for high-school students. Well illustrated with pen-and-ink sketches. CHRISTIE, Mrs. ARCHIBALD: Samplers and Stitches. New York: E. P. Dutton Company, 1921. $12.00. Gives definite and clear directions for making different kinds of stitches. Many helpful suggestions for embroidering patterns. I 2 ART IN HOME ECONOMICS Cotittns, Harry: A BC of Dress. Greenwich, Connecticut: New York Modern Modes Corporation, Condé Nast Publications, 1923. $5.00. An explanation of the general principles of art and how they are applied to the designing of costume. Instruction in the proper use of patterns, cutting material, fitting and designing of costumes. Interest- ing chapters on the selection and treatment of materials. Well illus- trated. Day, Lewis: Artin Needlework. London: B, T. Batsford, Ltd. $2.50. Excellent for instruction in the making of different kinds of stitches. | DEARBORN, GEORGE VAN Ness: Psychology of Clothing. Princeton, New York: Psychology Review. _ A study of the psychology of clothing from a scientific point of view. | Downs and O’LEaAry: Elements of Costume Design. Milwaukee: Bruce Publishing Company, 1923. $0.88. Suggestive outlines for teachers rather than pupils. Illustrated. DYER, ELIZABETH: Textile Fabrics. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Com- pany, 1923. $1.75. The art of buying or selling fabrics. Suggestions for the proper selection of materials for different types of costumes. Illustrated. ELLSWORTH, EVELYN PETERS: Textiles and Costume Design. San Francisco: P. Elder and Company, 1917. $1.00. The first part is devoted to the history of textiles and the remain- der to the designing of costumes. Interestingly written in a clear, simple, and concise style. Excellent as a reference for high-school students. Evans, Mary: Costume Silhouettes. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1923. $1.00. Representations of historic silhouettes from the Egyptian period to the present day. Valuable for suggestions in designing modern costumes. Brief description of the costumes of each period. GOLDSTEIN, Harriet and VEttTA: Art in the Day’s Work. New York: ~The MacMillan Company, 192s. Deals with the application of the fundamental principles of art and everyday problems in house design, costume, store decoration, advertising, and city planning. Valuable in aiding the reader to make COSTUME DESIGN 3 correct and suitable selections from an artistic standpoint. Excellent as a text for students. 4° / Hucues, Tarsot: Dress Design. London: John Hogg, 1913. $3.75. »* Contains a brief survey of historic costume from the twelfth to the nineteenth century. Izor, ESTELLE PEEL: Costume Designing and House Planning. New York: Mentzer, Bush & Company, 1916. $1.50. Written for the purpose of establishing the right attitude toward dress. Gives standards whereby the reader may be guided in the proper selection of artistic costumes. The latter part of the book is devoted to home-planning, style of houses, choice of sites, arrangement of rooms, and their furnishing and decorating. Illustrated. Lyon, HEsTER B.: Modern Millinery. New York: Millinery Trade Publishing Company, 1922. $3.00. A presentation of the underlying principles and their application to the designing of all styles and types of hats. Clear, concise directions for making hats. Well illustrated. ' Parsons, FRANK ALVAH: ee roleey of Dress. New York: Double- day Page & Company, 1921. $5.00. A history of European periods in costume which have most directly » influenced the dress of today. Interestingly written, giving much of the social, political, and religious background which affected the styles of each period. Excellent illustrations. 4+, ¥PICKEN, Mary Brooks: Secret of Distinctive Dress. Scranton, Penn-: sylvania: Women’s Institute, 1918. $2.25. Gives the fundamentals of distinctive dress. Suggestions for the proper costuming:of different types of individuals so that their clothes may be expressive of their personality. Illustrated with pictures of well-known actresses who understand the art of correct dress. '. QuIGLEY, DorotHy: What Dress Makes of Us. New York: E. P. Dutton & Company. $1.60. '» RITTENHOUSE, ANNE: The Well-Dressed Woman. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1924. $2.00. Interesting chapters on how to dress well by Jean Worth. An intensive study of the different types of women, with helpful sug- gestions for the proper selection of clothing for each. No illustra- tions. 4 ART IN HOME ECONOMICS STORY, MARGARET: How to Dress Well. New York: Funk and Wag- nalls, 1924. $3.50. Offers practical suggestions for the intelligent selection and econ- omic buying of clothes, Stresses the need for individual expression through the medium of clothes and the necessity for the development of good taste. Discusses the laws that govern the artistic designing of costume. Illustrated with color charts and pen and ink draw- ings. TRAPHAGAN, ETHEL: Costume Design and Illustration. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1918. $3.50. Deals with the fundamentals which underlie design and costume, the technique of designing, and illustrating costumes. Clear, concise, directions for the correct representation of various kinds of materials, textures, etc., using different mediums, as pen and ink, pencil, or brush. Interesting chapters on fashion silhouettes and period fabric design. Well illustrated with drawings, sketches, and photographs. VEBLEN, THORSTEIN: Theory of the Leisure Class. New York: B. W. Huebsch, 1899 and 1912. $2.50. A discussion of the place and value of the leisure class as an eco- nomic factor in modern life. One chapter is devoted to the application of economic principles to the expenditure of dress. WINTERBURN, FLORENCE: Principles of Correct Dress. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1914. $1.50. Deals with the fundamental principles of art as the basis of correct dress. Interesting chapters on costuming by Paul Poiret and Jean Worth. Wootrman, Mrs. Mary ScHEenck: Clothing: Choice, Care, Cost. Phila- delphia: J. B. Lippincott & Company, 1920. $2.50. Considers the living conditions of people of today and discusses the problems of clothing from the standpoint of its selection, use, care, and cost. Especially valuable to buyers, sales people, and advertisers of clothing. Younc, Epiru: Students’ Manual of Fashion Drawing. New York: John Wiley and Sons, and London: Chapman and Hall, ror19. $3.00. A manual of fashion drawing consisting of thirty lessons, with conventional charts. | COSTUME DESIGN 5 PAMPHLETS ALEXANDER, VIRGINIA M.: Appropriate Clothes for the High-School Girl. Denton, Texas: College of Industrial Arts, College Bulletin No. 74, February, 1920. $0.12. ARBOGAST, GERTRUDE: Sewing for Girls. Madison, Wisconsin: Ex- tension Department, University of Wisconsin, College of Agricul- tire; Free. BILES, JESSIE: Outline for Study in Selection of Dress. Cowallis, Oregon: Home Economics Department, Oregon Agricultural Col- lege. Free. BoriInc, AGNES: Making Clothes Last Longer. Madison, Wisconsin: College of Agriculture, University of Wisconsin. Circular 113, April, to19. Free. *-Bortmar, Lypra, and McNutt, KATHLEEN: Art im Dress. Peoria, Illinois: Manual Arts Press. $0.65. Bortmar, Lyp1a M.: Underlay Figures. Peoria, Illinois: Manual Arts Press, 1920. ¢ ELDER, MitpreD B.: Decorative Sketches. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. Home Economics Bul- letin No. 50, June, 1924. Free. ELDER, MILDRED B.: Color Applied to Dress Design. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. Home Eco- nomics Bulletin No. 53, June, 1924. Free. Foster, MartuHa E.: Uses of the Foundation Pattern. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. Home Eco- nomics Bulletin No. 51, June, 1924. Free. GRAFF, Irma Camp: Personality in Dress. Ames, Iowa: Extension Service, Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. Home Economics Bulletin No. 65, July, 1924. Free. Hope, Leona: Artistic Dress, Extension Circular No. 34, April, 1919; Color in Dress, Extension Circular No. 35, June, 1919; Fashion, Its Use and Abuse, Extension Circular No. 33, April, 1919. Urbana, ~* Illinois: University of Illinois. Free. Huser, BeERTHA: Machine-Made Finishes. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. Home Economics Bul- letin No. 41, December, 1923. Free. 6 ART IN HOME ECONOMICS JACOBSEN, Epna: Sketching Studies in Costume Design. Chicago: W. H. Jacobsen & Company. JACOBSEN, WILHELMINA, and PRANG, ANNA E.: Making Your Own Hat, University of Idaho Extension Bulletin No. 51, July, 1921. Free. LerBy, Cora IRENE: Clothes for Little Folks, Home Economics Bulletin — No. 39, July, 1922. Ames, lowa: Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. Free. MANNING, HazeL: New Clothes at Small Cost. Madison, Wisconsin: Extension Department, University of Wisconsin. Free. O’NEALE, Lita M.: Color in Dress. Corvallis, Oregon: Extension Department, Oregon Agricultural College. Free. PRANGE, ANNA E.: Designing Your Own Costume, University of Ida- ho. Extension Bulletin No. 57. Free. SELLNER, E.: Costume Design, Plates Historical and Figure Construc- tion. 25 Foster Street, Worcester, Massachusetts: Davis Press Company. ° $0.35. Syllabus No. 73, Syllabus on costume design and interior decoration. Denton, Texas: College of Industrial Arts. $0.12. | MAGAZINES Art-Gout-Beauté. New York office, 101 Madison Avenue; Paris office, 27 Rue des Jeuneura. Can be had with text in English, French, or Spanish. $6.00. Elite Styles. Elite Styles Company, 26 Union Square, New York. $0.35 per copy; $3.50 per year. Femina. Société Nouvelle de Publicité. 11 Boul, des Italiens, Paris. 60 francs per year. Can be purchased at American bookstores at $1.00 per copy. Harper’s Bazaar. International Magazine Company. $0.50 per copy; $4.00 per year. L’ Ari et la Mode. 35 Rue Baisey, D’Angles, Paris. 3.50 francs per copy. A weekly. 150 francs a year. Les Idées Nouvelles de la Mode et des Arts. 8 Rue Halévy, Paris. 25 francs per copy; 148 francs per year. COSTUME DESIGN ‘i Royal. Condé Nast Publications, Inc., New York. $0.35 per copy, $3.50 per year. Style. American Fashion Company, 214 West 39th Street, New York. $0.50 per copy; $5.00 per year. Vogue. Condé Nast Publications, Inc., New York. $0.35 per copy; $5.00 per year. Women’s Wear. Fairchild News Service. 3 cents per copy, 2 cents in New York; $6.00 per year. HISTORY OF COSTUME GENERAL BOOKS ON COSTUME ArtA, Mrs.: Costume: Fanciful, Historical, and Theatrical. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1906. Out of print. Brief survey of costume from the Roman period through the nineteenth century. Short concise descriptions. A few chapters on the costume of European peasants. Interesting material and suggestions for fancy-dress balls. Good illustrations. DE VILLERMONT, ComTESSE Marte: Historie de la Coiffure Feminine. Paris, 1892. Editeur, Henri Laurens. Text in French. Interesting and valuable material on this subject, from the Egyptian period through the Restoration, 1830. Good illus- trations. Dutton, W. H.: The Boots and Shoes of Our Ancestors. London: Chapman and Hall, Ltd. Photographs of boots and shoes exhibited in the Cordwarners Hall, London. Brief descriptions of each plate. Encyclopedia Britannica. New York: The Encyclopedia Britannica Company, 1910. | General history of costume from the Egyptian period to the twentieth century. Illustrated. Evans, Mary: Costume Silhoueties. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1923. $1.00. Silhouettes of historic costumes, from the Egyptian period to the present day, with a brief description of each plate. FISCHEL, OsKAR, and VAN BorEHN, Max: Modes and Manners of the XIX Century. Translated by M. Edwards. New York: E. P. Dutton & Company, 1909; London: J. M. Dent & Company, $20.00. Excellent as a reference for the historical, social, industrial, and political background of the nineteenth century. Well illustrated with photographs of paintings and colored plates. HoTtENROTH, FREDERIC: Le Costume chez les Peuples Anciens et Modernes. Paris: Armand Guernet. $9.00. A history of armor and accessories as well as costumes from the 8 HISTORY OF COSTUME 9 Moyen Age to 1815. Illustrations good, including patterns of many costumes, engravings, and colored plates. French text. 39) Hucues, Tarsot: Dress Design. New York: The Macmillan Com- pany, 1920. $3.75. Descriptions of historic costumes for artists and dressmakers. Pen-and-ink drawings and photographs. Reference. Macquoip, Percy: Four Hundred Years of Children’s Costumes. London: The Medici Society, Ltd., 1923. Excellent photographs of famous pictures of children by the great masters, with several colored plates. Descriptions accompanying each plate. Valuable for reference. PAUQUET, FRERES: Modes et Costumes Historiques. Paris: Bureau des Modes et Costumes Historiques, 1864. No text. Excellent colored plates. | Parsons, FRANK AtvaAH: Psychology of Dress. New York: Double- ** countries of Europe from the Christian Era to George ITI. day, Page & Company, 1920. $5.00. European and American costume from the medieval period to the twentieth century. Includes interesting material on the social and political background of the different periods. - PLANCHE, JAMES RoBINSON: Cyclopedia of Costume. 2 Vols. London: |, Chatts and Windus, 1876. $50.00 to $55.00. General chronological history of the costumes of the principal Ractnet, ALBERT CHARLES AuGuSTE: Le Costume Historique. 6 Vols. Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1888. $175 to $200. Text in French. A detailed account of the costumes of all ages. Excellent. Amply illustrated with pen-and-ink drawings, engravings, and colored plates. RHEAD, G. Woo rtscroFt: Chats on Costume. London: T. F. Unwin, =) 1906; New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company. $4.00. f: ly - “=~ “Colored plates and woodcuts of French toilettes from the Middle “Te Material arranged under garment headings. RopipaA,——————_:_ Ten Centuries of Toilette. London: Sampson _ Low. $10.00. Ages to 1880. French and English text. TRAPHAGAN, ETHEL: Costume Design and Illustration. New York: To John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1918. $3.50. qT 68c 10 ART IN HOME ECONOMICS Outline of historic costume. Interesting material on the fashion silhouette and period fabric design. Excellent illustrations. AMERICAN COSTUMES EARLE, ALICE M.: Costume of Colonial Times. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1911. $2.00. A glossary of material, accessories, and costumes used during the American colonial times. No illustrations. Valuable for reference. Earte, AticE M.: Two Centuries of Costume in America. 2 Vols. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1903. Out of print. Costumes well described. Interesting descriptions of the social and political conditions that influenced the designing of costumes. Many illustrations, prints, and photographs of costumes. McCLELLAN, ELizABETH: Historic Dress in America. 2 Vols. Phila- delphia: G. V. Jacobs, 1887. $20.00. Historic dress in America. Political, social, and religious back- ground of the periods. Influences of English costume on American designs. Many good half-tones, color sketches, and line drawings. Arranged in chronological order, first volume, 1617-1800; second volume, 1800-1870. VISSLER, CLARK: Costumes of the Plains Indians. Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of National History, Vol. XVII, Parts II and III. New York, ro15. An interesting, concise, detailed description of garments worn by the Indians. Drawings are used to show the construction of the gar- ments. COSTUMES OF ANCIENT PEOPLES ABRAHAMS, ETHEL B.: Greek Dress, London: Murray, $3.50. Historic development of Greek costume from the earliest times to the Hellenistic Age. Clear, concise descriptions of the costumes. Excellent illustrations. Evans, Marta MILitincton: Chapters on Greek Dress. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1893. Out of print. Clear, concise descriptions of Greek dress from the period of Homer through the fifth century, including accessories—as girdles, coverings for the head and feet, etc. Excellent illustrations and line drawings showing the construction of the garments. HISTORY OF COSTUME II FRIEDLANDER, Lupwic: Roman Life and Manners. Translated by //3.47 Leonard Magnus. London: George Routledge & Sons, Ltd.; New ~ dork: E. P. Dutton & Company. _. .Portrays the social life of the Romans. Interesting chapters on the position of women and their relation to society. Guu, E., and Koner, W.: The Life of the Greeks and Romans. i dace Translated from German by F. Hueffer. London: Chatts and 6 *. Windus. Excellent descriptions of Greek and Roman costumes, well illus- -. trated with pen-and-ink drawings. Interesting material on the customs and manners of these peoples. Henzey, Leon: Histoire du Costume Antique. Paris: Edouard Champion, 1922. Text in French. Descriptions of Egyptian, Greek, and Roman costumes. Excellent illustrations. Photographs of costumes draped on living models. Hope, Tuomas: The Costumes of the Ancients. London: Bulmer & Company, 1812. Excellent line engravings of costumes from the Egyptian through the Roman periods. Brief descriptions of the dress of each period. Houston, Mary G., and HoRNBLOWER, FLORENCE S.: Ancient Egyptian, Assyrian, and Persian Costumes. London: A. & C. Black, 1920. Brief and concise descriptions of the costumes. Line drawings showing the construction of the garments, and excellent colored plates. Norris, HERBERT: Costume and Fashion. London: J. M. Dent & Son, Ltd., 1924. $10.00. The evolution of European dress through the earlier ages. Histori- cal facts concerning each period. Excellent material on Greek and Roman costume. Good illustrations. Tucker, Grorce: Life in Ancient Athens. New York: The Mac- millan Company, 1906. Excellent material on the society and life of the peoples of this period. WILKINSON, SIR J. GARDNER: Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians. Vol. II, chap. x. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, “m 1878. $15.00. One chapter on dress. Clear, concise descriptions of costumes and accessories. Plates and drawings. 12 ART IN HOME ECONOMICS ENGLISH COSTUMES AsHDOWN, Mrs. CHARLES: British Costume during the XIX Century. London: Jock. $5.00. Descriptions of civil and ecclesiastical costumes. Engravings and colored plates. CLaTHROP, Dion CLAyTon: English Costumes. London: A. & C. Black, 1906. $4.00. An excellent book on the history of costume in England from the Conquest to 1830. The evolution of dress from one period to another is carefully traced. Excellent colored plates and line drawings showing the construction of the garments. CiincH, GEorRGE: English Costume. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Com- pany, 1910. $2.50. A general discussion of costumes from prehistoric times through the eighteenth century, including description of military and ecclesi- astical dress. Well illustrated. FAIRBOLT, F. W.: Costumes in England. 4 Vols. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1896. History of English costume from the earliest times to the end of the eighteenth century. Detailed description of the costumes, includ- ing ecclesiastical and military dress. Historical background of each period. Illustrated. Hitt, GEOoRGIANNA: History of English Dress. 2 Vols. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1893. History of costume in England from the Roman conquest to the nineteenth century. It includes a short historical and economic back- ground of each period. A few, but well-chosen, illustrations. PLANCHE, JAMES ROBINSON: British Costume. London: George Bell & Sons, 1907. History of English costume from the earliest period to the close of the eighteenth century. Detailed descriptions of the dress of each period. Numerous illustrations. Price, Jutius M.: Dame Fashion. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1913. Fashions in Paris and London between 1786 and 1912. It shows how society and politics influence the evolution of fashion in dress. Interestingly written. Excellent colored plates and drawings. HISTORY OF COSTUME 13 SMITH, CHARLES Hamitton: The Ancient Costumes of Great Britain and Ireland. London: J. Dowling. Excellent colored plates of English costume from the seventh to the sixteenth century, with brief descriptions of each. STRUTT, JOSEPH: Dress and Habits of the People of England. 2 Vols. London: Henry G. Bohn, 1842. Gives general historical background and detailed description of costumes, civil and military, and ecclesiastical dress from the Saxon period to the middle of the nineteenth century. FRENCH COSTUMES CHALLAMEL, AUGUSTINE: History of Costume in France. London: LOW, 1882. $12.50. : The subject matter is organized according to reigns. Good colored plates of costumes. ENLART, CAMILLE: Manuel d’Archéologie Francaise: Le Costume. 23,4%*\Vol. III. Paris: A. Picard & Fils, 1902. - Text in French. History of French costume from the Merovingian * period through the Renaissance. Well illustrated. FISCHEL, OsKAR, and VAN BoEHN, Max: Modes and Manners of the XIX Century. Translated by M. Edwards. London: J. M. Dent & Company, 1909; New York: E. P. Dutton & Com- pany. : Excellent as a reference for the historical, social, industrial, and political background of the nineteenth century. Well illustrated with photographs of paintings and colored plates. GRAFFERRI, PAuL Louis: Le Histoire du Costume Frangaise. 10 Vols. Paris: Editions Nilsson. French text. Excellent detailed illustrations in color. JACQUEMIN, RAPHAEL: Iconographie du Costume. Paris: L’auteur, 1869. $50.00. No text. An excellent collection of engravings portraying the civil, military, and ecclesiastical costumes in France, from the fourth to the nineteenth century. Lacrorx, Paut: The XVIII Century, Its Institutions, Customs, and «+4 “Costumes. Translated into English. London: Bickers & Son. _._ ~ Excellent wood engravings and colored plates. 14 ART IN HOME ECONOMICS ? Price, Jutius M.: Dame Fashion. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1913. Out of print. The fashions in Paris and London between 1786 and 1o12. Excellent as a reference book for the costumes of the period. Well illustrated. UZANNE, Louts OcTAvE: Fashion in Paris in the XIX Century. Lon- don: William Heinemann, rgot. $10.00. Excellent descriptions of men and women’s costumes from 1797 to 1897. It includes the social and historical background of the period. Drawings and colored plates. GERMAN COSTUMES KRETSCHMER, ALBERT: Die Trachten der Vélker. Leipsig: Adolph Schuman. 1906. $25.00. Text in German. Contains one hundred colored lithographs and the text. Describes military, civil, and religious costumes from the Egyptian period to the nineteenth century. Illustrations excellent. Von Borun, Max: Die Mode im Stebzehnien Jahrhundert. Munich: F. Bruckman, 1913. $3.50. Text in German. Very good illustrations. Von Breum, Max: Modespiegel. Berlin: Georg Westerman, 19109. $7.00. Text in German. Good illustrations, some in color. ITALIAN COSTUMES FLOERKE, Hans: Die Moden der Italienischen Renaissance. Munich: George Muller, 1917. German text. Excellent photographs of old masters illustrating the costumes of this period. Descriptions of each plate. JAPANESE COSTUMES GUNSAULUS, HELEN: Japanese Costume. Chicago: Field Museum of Natural History, 1923. Short, concise descriptions of the costumes worn by the different classes of Japanese men and women. Illustrated by Japanese prints. MEDIEVAL COSTUMES LONSDALE, H. W., and Tarver, E. J.: Medieval Costume. London: H. W. ieonedale and E. J. Tarver, 1874. Out of print. Fifty plates of drawings, with brief description of each. HISTORY OF COSTUME 15 SHAW, HeENRy: Dresses and Decoration of the Middle Ages. 2 Vols. London: Henry G. Bohn, 1858. 7£, 1os., Quaritch, London. Describes the costumes in detail from the seventh to the eleventh century. It includes an interesting historical and social background for each of the periods. Good illustrations. | PEASANT COSTUMES Hoitme, CHARLES: Peasant Art in Austria and Hungary. Paris, London, New York. The Studio, Ltd., 1912. $18.00. A series of articles written by different people on the art of the peasants of the European countries. Included in these articles are short, concise descriptions of the peasant costumes. Well illustrated with colored plates and photographs. | JuLten, Rose: Die Deutschen Volkstrachten. Munich: Friederich Bruckmann. 1912. Text in German. Descriptions of the peasant costumes of Ger- many. Excellent illustrations. KRETSCHMER, ALBERT: Deutsche Volkstrachten. Leipsig: Bach. $30.00. Deals largely with the peasant costumes of Germany. Text in German. Full-page illustrations in color. HoitmeE, CHARLES: Peasant Art in Italy. London, Paris, New York: The Studio, Ltd., 1912. Paper, $6.00; cloth, $8.00. ¢ | See Peasant Art in Austria and fiveary Horse, ‘Cuaries: Peasant Art in Russia. London, Paris, New York: The Studio, Ltd., 1912. $20 to $25. See Peasant Art in Austria and Hungary. NATIONAL YOUNG WOMEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION: National Costumes of the Slavic People. New York: Women’s Press. $3.00. No text. Very good plates. Hoime, CHARLES: Peasant Art in Sweden, Finland, Lapland, and Ice- land. London, Paris, New York: The Studio, Ltd. $15.00. See Peasant Art in Austria and Hungary. Svenska Folkdrakter (Swedish Peasant Costumes). Stockholm: P. B. Eklunds Forlag. | Excellent colored plates. Descriptions of each plate in four lan- guages: English, French, German, and Swedish. Batip-Bovy, DANIEL: Peasant Art in Switzerland. London, Paris, New ” York: The Studio, Ltd., 1924. See Peasant Art in Austria and Hungary. 16 ART IN HOME ECONOMICS SUTER, Y. J.: Costumes Suisses. London and New York: Goupit & Company. No text. Excellent colored plates. TURKISH COSTUMES The Costume of Turkey. London: William Buhner, 1804. Excellent colored plates with brief descriptions in English and French. ILLUSTRATIVE MATERIAL The Art Institute, Chicago, Illinois. American Museum of National History, New York. Brown, Robertson Company, 415 Madison Avenue, New York. Copley Prints, Curtis and Cameron, Boston. Elson Art Publishing Company, Belmont, Massachusetts. Field Museum, Chicago, Illinois. Japanese Prints, Ect Shims, 20 West 46th Street, New York. Perry Pictures Company, Malden, Massachusetts. University Prints, Newton, Massachusetts. PAMPHLETS Kerr, Rose Netzorc: Inierpretive Costume Design: The Age of Chivalry; The Orient; American Costumes, 1620-1860. New York: Fairbairn Art Company, 736 West 173d Street. $1.00 each. SELLNER, Eupora: ‘Human Proportions” ($0.35); ‘“Costumes from the Fourteenth to the Sixteenth Century” ($0.35); ““Costumes from the Seventeenth Century to the Victorian Era” ($0.35); ‘“Ameri- can Costumes, 1775-1925” ($1.00). The School Arts Magazine. Worcester, Massachusetts: Davis Press. MAGAZINES Asia, Asia Magazine, Inc., 461 Eighth Avenue, New York. $0.35 per copy; $4.00 per year. 7 Country Life. Doubleday, Page & Company, Garden City, New York. $0.50 per copy; $5.00 per year. National Geographic Magazine. National Geographic Society, Wash- ington, D.C. $0.50 per copy; $3.50 per year. Travel. Robert M. McBride & Company. $0.40 per copy; $4.00 per year. INTERIOR DECORATION BOOKS ADLER, Mrs. Hazext: The New Interior. New York: The Century Company, 1916. $4.50. Deals with the modern style of decoration. A practical book for those interested in the new style. Illustrations from photographs and drawings. BEVIER, ISABEL: The House: Its Plan, Decoration, and Care. Chicago: American School of Home Economics, 1907. $2.00. The first part of the book contains a brief sketch of the evolution of the house from the earliest periods to the present day. The latter part deals with the plan, decoration, and care of the home. Illustrat CALKINS, CHARLOTTE Wait: Course in House Planning and Furnish- ing. Chicago: Scott, Foresman & Company, 1916. $1.00. Contains general has on the planning, furnishing, and decorating of the house. CANDEE, HELEN CHANDLER: The Tapestry Book. Frederick A. Stokes Company, 1912. $6.50. History of tapestries from the Egyptian period to the present day. Ways of identifying tapestries are clearly stated and processes involved in weaving are described. Practical book. CLARK, ARTHUR BRIDGMAN: Ari Principles in House, Furniture, and Village Building. Palo Alto, California: Leland Standford Univer- sity Press, 1921. $3.00. An explanation of the fundamental principles of design and how they can be applied to decorating and furnishing. The book is divided into three parts, dealing first with the exterior treatment of the house; second, the floor plans and interior; third, the surroundings, including the discussion of garden sites and city planning. Well illustrated with drawings and photographs. CLIFFORD, C. R.: Rugs of the Orient. New York: Clifford & Lawton, IQII. $3.00. Contains a short history of the rug-making tribes, the origin of design, and the social and political influences that affected the patterns. The characteristics of the different kinds of rugs are described. Excel- lent illustrations. | 17 Oe am ee a es “ 18 ART IN HOME ECONOMICS Coie, ALAN S.: Ornament in European Silks. London: B. T. Batsford, Ltd., 1899. : The history of pattern development in silks from the Egyptian period through the eighteenth century. Interesting chapters on the processes involved in silk-weaving and the principles applied in design- ing. Valuable information on ornament in embroidery. Excellent illustrations. Der Wo tre, Erste: The House in Good Taste. New York: The Century Company, 1913. $4.00. An interesting book on the treatment of various rooms in the house, with many and delightful suggestions for making them beautiful as well as livable, including descriptions of various successful rooms she has decorated. Excellent photographs of artistic and well-arranged interiors. EBERLEIN, H. D., McCuurg, A., and Hottoway, E. S.: The Practical Book of Interior Decoration. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Com- pany, 1919. $8.50. The first part discusses the art of interior decoration in England, France, Italy, and Spain from the beginning of the sixteenth century. The second part explains the fundamental principles and how they should be applied to the decoration and furnishing of houses. Well illustrated. Excellent as a text or reference. Foster, AGNES: Making Curtains and Hangings. New York: Robert M. McBride & Company, 1915. $0.75. A valuable little handbook on the curtaining of different types of windows and the selection of materials. Clear, concise directions for the making and hanging of curtains, valances, and the making of portiéres. Gipson, Louis HENRY: Convenient Homes. New York: T. Y. Crowell & Company, 1889. $2.50. The planning and construction of houses from the standpoint of convenience and suitability are discussed. The arrangement and deco- rations of the different rooms of the house are considered. Plans of fifty houses conveniently arranged are illustrated and described. GLAZIER, RicHARD: Historic Textile Fabrics. London: B. T. Batsford, Ltd., 1923. £1 25 3d ($8.00). A short history of the traditions and development of pattern in woven and printed fabrics. Interesting chapters on the weaving of INTERIOR DECORATION 19 cloth. Excellent illustrations, including photographic reproductions and pen drawings. Grey, GRETA: House and Home. Philadelpnia: J. B. Lippincott Com- pany, 1923. $3.00. Excellent as a reference for the planning, construction, landscap- ing, and financing of a home. Well illustrated. Herts, B. Russetyt: The Decorating and Furnishing of A partments. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1915. Out of print. The first part of the book gives a brief survey of interior decoration in America. The second part deals with the artistic decorating and furnishing of apartments, ranging from the small two-room suite to the elaborate duplex and triplex apartments. Well illustrated. HoLitoway, EDWARD STRATTON: Practical Book of Furnishing the Small House and A partment. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Com- pany, 1922. $6.50. Deals with the furnishing of the cottage and bungalow, flat, small apartment, and average-sized house. It discusses the different modes of decorating, and with every scheme presented, actual furniture that can be purchased in the market is described. Excellent photographs and colored plates. HuntTER, GEORGE LELAND: Decorative Textiles. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1918. $30.00 (approximately). Out of print. An illustrated book on coverings for furniture, walls, and floors, including damasks, brocades, velvets, tapestries, laces, embroideries, chintzes, cretonnes, drapery and furniture trimmings, wall-papers, carpets and rugs, tooled and illuminated leathers. Descriptions of fabrics are clear and concise. Excellent illustrations. Invaluable for reference. Hunter, GEORGE LELAND: Tapestries: Their Origin, History, and Renaissance. New York: John Lane Company, 1912. $12.50. Brief history of tapestries, containing descriptions of the most noted and characteristic examples in various collections. Processes of weaving described. Excellent illustrations. HuMPHRIES, SYDNEY: Oriental Carpets, Runners, and Rugs, and Some Jacquard Reproductions. London: A. C. Black, 1910. $20.00. Excellent as a reference for a historical background of textiles. Well illustrated. 20 ART IN HOME ECONOMICS JACKWAY, BERNARD: The Principles of Interior Decoration. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1922. $2.50. Excellent in its analysis of the fundamental principles and their application to the decoration of houses. Well illustrated with line drawings and photographs. Ketitocc, AticE M.: Home Furnishing, Practical and Artistic. New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company, 1924. $2.00. The different rooms of the house are considered separately and suggestions made for their furnishing and decorating. The illustrations are taken from houses decorated by the author, with two exceptions. KINNE, HELEN, AND CooLEy, ANNA M., Shelter and Clothing. New York: The Macmillan Company. 1921. $1.40. Good for ideals of the home. Practical chapters on rugs, floor woods, finishes, furniture, etc. | LANGTON, Mary B.: How to Know Oriental Rugs. New York: D. Ap- pleton & Company, 1904; 2d. ed., 1913. $3.00. Contains a brief survey of the rug industry and describes the weaving and making of designs and dyes. Classifies the different types of rugs according to the geographical location of the tribes who designed them. Describes the distinguishing characteristics of each. Illustrated. Lewis, G. GrirFin: The Practical Book of Oriental Rugs. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Company. $10.00. Contains systematized and tabulated descriptions of the different varieties of rugs, explaining the distinguishing characteristics and the weaving of each. The material is so arranged that it will enable the reader to identify the different varieties of patterns. Includes sugges- tions for the selection, purchase, care, and cleaning of rugs. Well illus- trated with photographs and drawings. LucxiesH, M.: Lighting the Home. New York: The Century Com- pany, 1920. $2.00. Consideration of the problem of the proper distribution of light in different rooms. Descriptions of the lighting fixtures of the different period styles. Discussion of the psychological effect of color, and sug- gestions as to how colored lights can be used effectively in the home. Excellent as reference. Moore, N. Hupson: Old Clock Book. New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company, 1911. $3.50. Contains a brief survey of the history of clocks and watches of INTERIOR DECORATION 21 different kinds. Special study of American clocks. List of English clock-makers. Illustrated. Mumrorp, JOHN KiImMBERty: Oriental Rugs. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1900. $6.00. Short, concise history of rugs, including an explanation of the processes in weaving, making of dyes, etc. Classification of the different types of rugs, giving the characteristics of each. Well illustrated with colored plates. Excellent for reference. PARSONS, FRANK ALVAH: Interior Decoration. New York: Doubleday, Page & Company, 1915. $4.00. Contains an explanation of the art principles and how they should be applied to the decorating and furnishing of the house. A few chap- ters on the historic art periods and the ideas they represent. Good illustrations. . PERCIVAL, MacIvEer: The Chintz Book. London: William Heinemann, Ltd., 1923. $5.00. An interesting account of the old English chintzes, printed calicoes imported from India, toiles de Jouy of France and printed cottons from many other countries. A guide to the styles in chintzes of different periods. Excellent illustrations, including colored plates. PRIESTMAN, MABEL T.: Art and Economy in Home Decoration. New York: John Lane Company, 1912. $2.00. Suggestions for solving some of the problems of decorating and furnishing the house. Deals with the treatment of walls, floors, domestic and oriental rugs, selection of furniture. Not modern. QuINN, Mary J.: Planning and Furnishing the Home. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1914. $1.35. Practical and economical suggestions for the home-maker. Illus- trated. Rotre, Amy L.: Interior Decoration for the Small Home. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1917. $2.50. Deals with the application of the fundamental principles of design and how they can be applied to the furnishing of homes. Primarily for the person who has to decorate her own house. Includes a brief history of furniture. Good for reference. SEAL, ETHEL Davis: Furnishing the Little House. New York: The Century Company, 1924. $2.00. Deals with the treatment of the walls and ceilings, floors, windows, 22 ART IN HOME ECONOMICS » selection of furniture, and the furnishing and decorating of certain rooms, as the dining-room, bedroom, living-room etc. Illustrated. SELL, Maup ANN, and SELL, HENRY BLACKMAN: Good Taste in Home Furnishing. New York: John Lane Company, 1915. $1.50. Discusses some of the problems of decorating and furnishing the house. Illustrated. SHACKLETON, ROBERT, and SHACKLETON, ELIzABETH H.: Adventures in Home Making. New York: John Lane Company, 1920. $4.00. The experiences of the authors in remodeling an old, unattractive house into a comfortable, artistic home are related in an interesting way. Chapters on the treatment of the gardens and lawns are also included. SHERWIN-WILLIAMS ComPANy: Your Home and Its Decoration. New York: John Lane Company, 1913. $2.00. Out of print. Excellent for practical information and suggestions for the treat- ment of woods, walls, floors, rugs, etc, SNow, BonnigE, and Froeticu, H. B.: A Hundred Things a Girl Can Make. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1922. $2.50. Practical suggestions for utilizing commonplace things and making _ attractive accessories for the home. SPARROW, W. SHAW: Hints on House Furnishing. New York: John Lane Company, 1909. $2.50. Out of print. Practical hints on the decorating and furnishing of houses with the guiding principles of design. Chapters on walls and their treat- ment, floors, ceiling, windows, crockery, etc. Excellent illustrations. STRICKLEY, Gustav: Craftsman Homes. New York: The Craftsman Publishing Company, 1919. $2.00. The examples of the best houses designed by the Craftsman Work- shops in the last few years, showing the development of the Craftsman idea of building, decorating, and finishing the house. States the funda- mental principles which underlie the Craftsman idea of house building. Includes the plans of each house portrayed. Interesting chapters on the treatment of gardens so that they will be consistent with the style of the house. Well illustrated. TuHroop, Lucy Assottr: Furnishing the Home of Good Taste. New York: McBride, Nast & Company, 1912. $4.50. The first part contains a brief sketch of the period styles in furni- ture, from the Egyptian period through the eighteenth century. The INTERIOR DECORATION 23 latter part suggests ways of adapting the styles to modern homes. Interesting chapters on the treatment of floors, walls, and painted furniture. VAN RENSSELAER, MARTHA, ROSE, FLORA, and CANnon, HELEN: Manual of Home-Making. New York: The Macmillan Company. $3.50. Excellent reference for modern furniture, window treatment, rugs, and kitchen plans. VotrMER, WititamM A.: A Book of Distinctive Interiors. New York: McBride, Nast & Company, 1912. $1.00. Out of print. Suggested methods of decorating and planning different types of rooms, as the living-room, dining-room, bedroom, bathroom, nursery, kitchen, etc. Well illustrated. WELL, Percy A., and Hooper, JoHn: Modern Cabinet Work, Furniture and Fitments. London: B. T. Batsford, Ltd., 1909. An account of the theory and practice in the production of all kinds of cabinet work and furniture, with chapters on the growth and progress of design and construction. Illustrated with drawings and original designs. | WHARTON, EpitH, and ConpMA, OGDEN, JR.: Decoration of Houses. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1897 and 1902. $4.00. A brief survey of the tradition of furniture-making and decoration. Suggestions for treating different types of rooms inspired by period | furnishings. Well illustrated with photographic reproductions of some of the famous interiors. Woop, GRACE, and BuRBANK, Emity: Art of Interior Decoration. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1916. $3.00. Suggestion for decorating and furnishing different kinds of rooms, including the treatment of windows and accessories. A brief survey of period furniture. Suggestions for the practical application of the funda- mental principles. Wricut, AGNES Foster: Interior Decoration for Modern Needs. New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company, 1917. $3.50. Interesting to home-makers and decorators. Wricut, RicHARDSON LitTLE: Inside the House of Good Taste. New York: McBride, Nast & Company, 1915. $2.50. The essentials for making different types of rooms attractive and livable. 24 ART IN HOME ECONOMICS WRIGHT, RICHARDSON LiTTLE: House and Garden’s Second Book of Houses. New York: Condé Nast Publishing Company, 1925. $3.00. Containing three hundred illustrations of large and small houses, plans, and architecture. Detail of windows, floors, etc. WRIGHT, RICHARDSON LITTLE: House and Garden’s Book of Interiors. New York: Condé Nast Publishing Company, 1920. $4.00. Practical suggestions for furnishing and decorating different types of rooms. PAMPHLETS FLETCHER, CALVIN: Hints on House Furnishing. Outline for home furnishing and decoration. Logan, Utah: Utah Agricultural Col- lege. Circular 4, Vol. III; Circular 32, Vol. ITI. Wricut, AGNES Foster: Making Curtains and Hangings. New York: Robert M. McBride & Company, 1915. $0.75. GETTEMY, WINIFRED: Home Furnishing. Home Economics Bulletin No. 7. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State College of Agriculture and Me- chanical Arts, Extension Department, 1916. Lonc, MaArtan: Interior Decoration. Bulletin No. 78. Denton, Texas: College of Industrial Arts, 1920. PARSONS, FRANK ALVAH: Art Furnishing and Decorations. Lancaster, Pennsylvania: Armstrong Cork Company. RANDALL, LILLIAN: Notes on Home Furnishing. Vol. VII, No. 6. Col- lege of Agriculture, University of Maine. VAN DEUSEN, CLINTON S.: Notes on an Elementary Course in House Planning. Peoria, Illinois: Manual Arts Press. $0.25. GouLp, G. GLEN: Inside Facts about Whitiall Rugs and Carpets. Worcester, Massachusetts: Whittall Manufacturing Company. Goutp, G. GLEN: Monograph on Chinese Rugs. New York: James McCreery & Company, 1921. $0.25. Making the Floor Cover. Bigelow Hartford, 385 Madison Avenue, New York. Rooms of Restful Beauty; Rug and Color Scheme; Choosing Rugs for Interior Schemes. Klearflax Linen Rug Company, West Duluth, Minnesota. The Bundharist. Hardwick & McGee, Philadelphia. Free. INTERIOR DECORATION 25 Olson Color Guide; Olson Rug Book. Olson Rug Company, 28 Laflin Street, Chicago. Free. Prang’s Color Charis. The Prang Company, 118 East 25th Street, New York. $2.00. Color News. Munsell Research Laboratory, 10 East Franklin Street. Baltimore, Maryland. Free. Beautiful Windows. The Columbia Mills, 225 Fifth Avenue, New York. $0.10. The Decorative Possibilities of Cretonne. Elms and Sellon, 230 Fifth Avenue, New York. Free. Color Harmonies in Window Drapery. Sample book of Sunfast mate- rials. Orinoko Mills, 144 Clarendon Boulevard, New York. Free. Concerning Window Drapery; The New Oxford Cross Net. Quaker Lace Company, Scranton, Pennsylvania. Free. Kapock Sketch Book. A. Theodore Abbott, Philadelphia. $0.10. _ Kirsch Rod and Window Draping Book. Kirsch Manufacturing Com- pany, Sturgis, Michigan. After the Marriage of Isabella. When Fashions were Foreign. La Belle Artic. Stroheim & Romann, 730 Fifth Avenue, New York. Free. Decorative Silks in America. Cheney Brothers, New York. Beautiful Floors, Woodwork, apd Furniture—Their Finish and Care. A. S. Boyle Company, 21r6°"Dana Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio. Free. Parsons, FRANK Atvau: Art of Home Decoration. Armstrong Cork Company, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. $0.25. | Floors, Furniture, and Color. Armstrong Cork Company, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. $0.25. Service Folios. Service Leaflets. Good Housekeeping. International Magazine Company, 119 West goth Street, New York. $0.25 each. American Colonial Furniture. W. A. Hathaway Company, 51 West 45th Street, New York. Historic Mahogany. The Mahogany Association, Inc., 1133 Broadway, New York. Better Homes, Livable Rooms. S. Karpen & Brothers, 626 East 22nd Street, Chicago, Free. 26 ART IN HOME ECONOMICS Monograph on Period Furniture. Better Homes. J. McCreery & Com- pany, New York. $0.25 each. Pictures of Furniture. William Leavens & Company, Inc., Boston, Massachusetts. $0.25. Selection of Furniture. Character in Furniture. Berkey & Gay Furniture Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Sanitas. Standard Textile Product Company, 320 Broadway, New York. Major ARTHUR DE BES: Walls and Their Decoration. 461 Eighth Avenue, New York: Wallpaper Guild of America. $0.10. Practical Home Furnishings. Educational Department, Allied Wall Paper Industry, 132 West 42nd Street, New York. $0.50. Thibaut Interiors, Richard E. Thibaut, Madison Avenue and 32nd Street, New York. MAGAZINES Arts and Decoration. Arts and Decoration Publishing Co., 45 West 45th Street, New York. $0.50 per copy; $6.00 per year. Good Furniture. The Dean-Hicks Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan. $0.40 per copy; $3.00 per year. Good Housekeeping. International Magazine Company, 119 West 4oth Street, New York. $0.25 per copy; $3.00 per year. House Beautiful. House Beautiful Publishing Company, 8 Arlington Street, Boston, Massachusetts. $0.35 per copy. $3.00 per year. House and Garden. Condé Nast Publications, Inc., New York. $0.35 per copy; $3.50 per year. Mentor. Mentor Association, Inc., 114 East 16th Street, New York. $4.00 a year. ‘Beautiful Buildings,” Vol. I, No. 33; ‘Ruins of Rome,” Vol. I, No. 46; “‘Ancient Athens,” Vol. I, No. 50; ‘‘Gothic Architecture,’’ II Vol. II, No. 12.) HISTORY OF FURNITURE ' GENERAL BOOKS ON FURNITURE ACKERMAN, PHyLiis: Wallpaper, Iis History, Design, and Use. New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company, 1923. $3.50. Excellent as reference for students and interior decorators. Well illustrated. CANDEE, HELEN CHURCHILL: Decorative Styles and Periods in the Home. New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company, 1906. $3.50. An interesting historical survey of furniture from the Egyptian period to the present day. Primarily for the reader without technical knowledge who desires general information on period styles. Well illustrated. CurrrorD, C. R.: Period Furnishings. 3d ed., revised. New York: Clifford and Lawton, 1922. $7.50. An encyclopedia of historic furniture, decorations, and furnishings, from the Egyptian period to the present time. Valuable in showing the evolution of the various styles influenced by historic, social, industrial, and political events. Well illustrated. Dyer, WALTER, ALDEN: Handbook of Furniture Styles. New York: The Century Company, 1913. An abridged guide to the more important historic styles. Ilus- trated. EBERLEIN, HaroLtD DoNALDSON, and McCriurc, Apport: Practical Book of Period Furniture. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Com- pany, 1914. $8.50. The descriptions are clear and concise, the material well arranged, enabling one to identify and classify any piece of period furniture. The chronological key in the front of the book is excellent, showing the characteristic features of each period style. Well illustrated with photographs and line drawings. Excellent for reference. HUNTER, GEORGE LELAND: Decorative Furniture. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1923. $25.00. The book consists almost entirely of photographic reproductions of the finest and most beautiful pieces of furniture produced throughout 27 28 ART IN HOME ECONOMICS history. The text furnishes a background for the different periods. Excellent as a reference. FoLey, Epwin: The Book of Decorative Furniture: Its Form, Color, and History. 2 Vols. New York: G. P. Putnam & Sons, 1911. $25.00. An interesting and comprehensive history of furniture from the Egyptian period through the eighteenth century. Excellent colored plates and drawings. JACQUEMART, ALBERT: A History of Furniture. London: Chapman and Hall, 1878. A history of furniture and furnishing from the earliest period to the nineteenth century. The evolution of the different pieces of furni- ture, as chests, chairs, tables etc., are treated separately. Well illus- trated with drawings. KIMBERLY, WILLIAM L.: How to Know Period Styles in Furniture. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Periodical Publishing Company, 1917. $2.00. A brief history of furniture from the Egyptian period to the present time. Typical examples of furniture, with short descriptions of each. Reference for period styles. Illustrated. LITCHFIELD, FREDERICK: I/lustrated History of Furniture. London: Truslove and Shirley, 1892. $12.50. A history of furniture from the Egyptian period through the nine- teenth century. McC.Letianp, Nancy: Historic Wallpapers. Philadelphia: J. B. Lip- pincott Company, 1924. $20.00. History of wall papers from their origin in the latter part of the sixteenth century to the introduction of machinery. Valuable for reference. Excellent illustrations, photographic reproductions, and colored plates of beautiful and varied papers. ROBIE, VIRGINIA HUNTINGTON: Historic Styles in Furniture. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1916. $3.00. A historical survey of the furniture and interior decorations from the Middle Ages to the middle of the nineteenth century. Illustrated. AMERICAN FURNITURE (UNITED STATES) CORNELIUS, CHARLES OVER: Furniture Masterpieces of Duncan Phyfe. New York: Doubleday, Page & Company, 1922. A presentation of the different types of furniture from the best HISTORY OF FURNITURE 29 period of Phyfe’s work. Includes interesting material describing the social life of that period. Excellent photographic reproductions. HAYWARD, ARTHUR: Colonial Lighting. Boston: B. J. Brummer Com- pany, 1923. $7.50. Treats of the evolution of artificial illumination from the early Colonial period to the advent of gas and kerosene. Excellent for refer- ence, well illustrated. ELWELL, NEwtTon W.: Colonial Furniture and Interiors. Boston: George H. Poller & Company, 1896. No text. Consists of excellent photographs of interiors and furni- ture, compiled by the author. Lockwoop, LUKE VINCENT: Colonial Furniture in America. 2 Vols. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1913. $25.00. An excellent book, describing the gradual development of the different types of Colonial furniture. The material is arranged in such a way that it will enable the reader to determine the style and date of any piece of furniture of this period. Excellent illustrations (1675- 1830). | Morse, Frances C.: Furniture of the Olden Times. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1917. $5.00. The evolution of different types of Colonial furniture and accesso- ries, from the earliest period through the Empire style. Interesting chapters on clocks, mirrors, and mantels. Valuable as a reference. Well illustrated. NorTHEND, Mary H.: Colonial Homes and Their Furnishings. Boston: Little, Brown & Company, 1918. $4.00. Interesting descriptions of interiors, furniture, and accessories of the Colonial period, including an interesting chapter on old-time gardens. Well illustrated. Nvuttinc, WALLACE: Furniture of the Pilgrim Century. Framington, Massachusetts: Old America Company, 1924. $15.00. The book is confined to American furniture and accessories. The text consists mostly of detailed descriptions of the fine example of furniture shown in the plates. Excellent illustrations. Nye, ALVAN CrocKER: Colonial Furniture. New York: William Hel- burn, Inc., 1895. $14.00. Consists of scale drawings, measured and drawn from antique examples of Colonial furniture, and sketches by the author. 30 ART IN HOME ECONOMICS SINGLETON, EstHER: The Furniture of Our Forefathers. New York: Doubleday, Page & Company, 1906. $4.00. Descriptions of the furniture of the Colonists, including records of inventories giving interesting and clear pictures of the mode of living of that period. Illustrated with photographic reproductions and sketches. CHINESE FURNITURE CESCINSKY, HERBERT: Chinese Furniture. London: Benn Brothers, Ltd., 1922. $16.00. Chiefly plates of Chinese furniture taken from collections in France. Interesting introduction on Chinese lacquer work by Cescinsky, and brief descriptions of the plates. DUTCH AND FLEMISH FURNITURE SINGLETON, EstHEer: Duich and Flemish Furniture. New York: Doubleday, Page & Company, 1907. Out of print. A general survey of the decorative arts and furniture in the Netherlands, from the Medieval period to the present day. The influ- ence of the foreign historic periods which affected the design of the Flemish furniture. SLUYTERMAN, K.: Old Interiors in Holland. The Hague, Holland: Martinus Nijhoff, 1908. Out of print. Excellent photographic reproductions of Dutch interiors, with descriptive texts of each plate. ' ENGLISH FURNITURE BENN, R. Davis: Style in Furniture. London: Longmans, Green & Company, 1904. $9.50. A history of French and English furniture during the seventeenth, eighteenth, and early part of the nineteenth century. Characteristic examples of furniture in the various styles are described in detail so that it will enable the reader to recognize and classify similar pieces. Political and social events which influenced the design of furniture are presented in an interesting, concise way. Illustrated by pen drawings. BRACKETT, OLIVER: Thomas Chippendale. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1924. $16.80. A study of the life, work, and influence of Chippendale. Excellent photographic reproductions of furniture selected to show the develop- ment of his style, with a brief description of each plate. HISTORY OF FURNITURE a CESCINSKY, HERBERT, and WEBSTER, Matcorm R.: English Domestic Clocks. London: Routledge & Sons, Ltd., 1913. $20.00. Written to supplement other books on English furniture of the eighteenth century. It presents the history of the development of clock-making in the latter part of the seventeenth century and the whole of the eighteenth century. Excellent illustrations. CESCINSKY, HERBERT: English Furniture of the Eighteenth Century. London: Routledge & Sons, Ltd., 1922. $75.00. Considered one of the best books on this subject. It gives a de- tailed technical but interesting description of the furniture of this period. It contains magnificent illustrations from drawings by the author and from photographs. CHARLES, C. J.: Elizabethan Interiors. New York: Scribner & Sons; London: George Newness, 1912. $12.00. Consists of drawings of Elizabethan interiors designed by the author and carried out in England and America. Includes a brief history of the evolution of houses during the early centuries of English history and through the Elizabethan period. CLousTon, K. WARREN: The Chippendale Period in English Furniture. New York: Edward Arnold, 1897. Out of print. A manual of the furniture of Chippendale and his contemporaries. A reliable handbook of the Renaissance period in England. Illustra- tions consist of drawings from the original books of the designers and photographs of furniture from national and private collections. Extwoop, G. M.: English Furniture and Decoration, 1680-1800. Stutt- gart: Julius Hoffman, for Brentano’s, Chicago, 1909. $8.50. Excellent photographic reproductions of fine pieces of furniture, the best that was produced during the period, with a brief text giving a general survey of furniture covering this century. HAypEN, ARTHUR: Chats on Old Furniture. New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company, 1905. $4.00. A historical account of the developments in furniture in England from the Renaissance period through the eighteenth century. The French furniture of the Louis’ is touched upon in order to show the influence of foreign arts upon the English designers. Illustrated. JourDAIN, M.: English Decoration and Furniture of the Early Renats- sance. London: B. T. Batsford, Ltd., 1924. $25.00. An account of the developments and characteristic forms of 32 ART IN HOME ECONOMICS English furniture and decorations. Excellent illustrations, consisting of measured drawings, photographic, and colored plates. Excellent for reference. JouRDAIN, M.: English Interiors in Smaller Houses, 1660-1830. Lon- don: B. T. Batsford, Ltd., 1903; New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1923. $10.00. It contains a series of illustrations of interiors of simple style, from the period of Restoration to the Regency. These bring out clearly the three distinct styles, the Late Stuart, Palladian, and the Greek Revival. Interesting, clear, and concise material on the treatment of the win- dows, doors, wall, etc. are included. Excellent illustrations. Side elevations of rooms, drawn to scale. LENYGON, FRrANcIs: Decoration in England. London: B. T. Batsford, Ltd., 1915. $20.00. It treats of the characteristic methods of decorating the interiors of houses during the later Renaissance period, between 1660-1770. The text gives the historical setting of this period. Magnificent photographs of interiors. LENYGON, Francis: The Decorations and Furniture of English Man- sions, in the XVII and XVIII Centuries. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1909. $20.00. It describes the development of the art of interior decoration dur- ing these centuries, including the treatment of wall, ceiling, floors, and furniture. Excellent photographs of interiors and fine examples of furniture. Macquor, Percy, and Epwarps, Ratpu: The Dictionary of English Furniture. 2 Vols. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1924. $35.00 each. A dictionary of furniture from the Middle Ages to the late Georgian period. Short, systematic descriptions of the different types of furniture or any parts connected with them. Arranged in chrono- logical order. Excellent illustrations. Valuable for reference. Mo ttett, W. E.: An Introduction to Old English Furniture. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons; and London: George Newness, Ltd. A brief survey of the successive periods of English furniture, from the Tudor period to the first of the nineteenth century. Illustration by H. M. Brock, with brief descriptions of each plate. HISTORY OF FURNITURE | 33 PERCIVAL, MacIver: Old English Furniture and Its Surroundings. London: William Heinemann, 1920. $7.50. A reference book of English furniture, from the Restoration period through the late Georgian style. Interesting chapters on the upholstery materials, floor, and wall coverings, table appointments, and decorative accessories. Well illustrated. SINGLETON, EsTHER: French and English Furniture. New York: McClure, Phillips & Company, 1903. $4.00. Contains a comprehensive and detailed account of the various styles of furniture in. England and France, from the Renaissance through the Empire period. It gives very definite material on the furnishing and interior decoration of each style, to the minutest detail. Well illustrated with line drawings and photographic reproductions of furniture. STRANGE, THOMAS A.: English Furniture, Decoration, and Woodwork. London: Thomas A. Strange. $10.00. It consists almost entirely of detailed drawings of different types of furniture and the allied arts during the last half of the seventeenth century and the whole of the eighteenth century in England. It is primarily a guide for collectors. Brief text descriptive of the drawings. TANNER, Henry: English Interior Woodwork of the XVI, XVII, and XVIII Centuries. London: B. T. Batsford, Ltd., r902. Out of print. Consists of measured drawings of the best and most characteristic examples of chimney pieces, paneling, staircases, doors, and screens, with descriptive text of each plate. SHUFFREY, L. A.: The English Fireplace. London: B. T. Batsford, Ltd., 1912. 42s. A history of the development of the chimney, chimney piece, and fire-grate, with their accessories, from the earliest times to the begin- _ning of the nineteenth century. Well illustrated with photographs and drawings. Smmon, CONSTANCE: English Furniture Designers. London: A. H. Bul- len, 1905; and Philadelphia: George W. Jacobs, 1907. $6.00. History of English furniture from the reign of William and Mary to the first part of the nineteenth century. Interestingly written. 34 ART IN HOME ECONOMICS FRENCH FURNITURE DeRicc1, SEyMourR: Louis XVI Furniture. New York: Brentano, 1921. $10.00. Excellent collection of photographic reproductions of the furniture of the Louis XVI style. Brief text, giving the historical and social back- ground of this period. SAGLIO, ANDRE: French Furniture. London: B. T. Batsford, Ltd.; and New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1907. $4.50. History of furniture from the earliest period through the Empire style. Historic background of these periods interestingly portrayed. Illustrated. STRANGE, THOMAS A.: An Historical Guide to French Interiors, Decora- tion, Woodwork, and Allied Arts. London: McCorquodale, 1907. 12s. 6d. The book consists mostly of drawings of French furniture during the last half of the seventeenth century, the whole of the eighteenth, and the earlier part of the nineteenth century. The text is descriptive of the plates. Sixteen hundred illustrations. Primarily for collectors. BENN, R. Davis: Style in Furniture. London: Longmans, Green & Company, 1904. $9.50. It contains a history of French and English furniture during the seventeenth, eighteenth, and early part of the nineteenth century. Characteristic examples of furniture in the various styles are described in detail so that it will enable the reader to recognize and classify similar pieces. Political and social events which influenced the design of furniture are presented in an interesting, concise way. Illustrated by pen drawings. ITALIAN FURNITURE EBERLEIN, HAROLD DONALDSON: Interiors, Fireplaces, and Furniture of the Italian Renaissance. New York: The Architectural Book Publishing Company, 1916. $12.00. Consists of excellent, well-selected photographic reproductions of interiors, furniture, and accessories of the period, with a short introduc- tion by the author. HuNTER, GEORGE LELAND: Italian Furniture and Interiors. 2 Vols. New York: William Helburn, Inc., 1918. $3.00. Contains two hundred excellent photographs of well-selected interiors, with introductory text by the compiler. Of special interest to students of the period and interior decorators. HISTORY OF FURNITURE 35 SCHOTTMUELLER, F’.: Furniture and Interiors of the Italian Renaissance. New York: Brentano, 1921. $10.00. No text. Excellent photographs of interiors. Opom, WitiiAm M.: A History of Italian Furniture. New York: Doubleday, Page & Company, 1918. A comprehensive and interestingly written history of Italian furniture from the fourteenth to the early nineteenth century. Excel- lent photographic reproductions of fine examples of furniture. Includes a historic and social background of these periods. ARCHITECTURE BOOKS ApAms, Maurice B.: Modern Cottage Architecture. London: B. T. Batsford, Ltd., 1912; New York: John Lane Company, 1912. $3.50. A representative group of cottages built recently in England and Scotland by some of the best-known English architects. Well illus- trated with plans, views, and drawings. ADDY, SIDNEY OLDALL: The Evolution of the English Home. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1905. Out of print. The evolution of the English house from the earliest known form to that of the present day. It deals with the single and natural styles, rather than those borrowed from other countries. Illustrated with photographs, drawings, and plans. CHANDLER, JOSEPH EVERETT: The Colonial House. New York: Robert M. McBride & Company, 1923. $5.00. A critical analysis of the basic principles underlying the construc- tion of the three periods of Colonial architecture, and how these can be applied to the building of modern homes. Includes an interesting chapter on Colonial gardens. DitcHFIELD, P. H.: The Manor Houses of England. London: B. T. Batford, Ltd., 1910. 7s. 6d. Descriptions and illustrations of the old manor houses of England. Many different types of typical examples have been selected. Well illustrated with drawings by Sidney R. Jones. EBERLEIN, Harotp Donatpson: The Architecture of Colonial America. Boston: Little, Brown & Company, 1924. $3.50. Contains a brief history and analysis of the architecture of Colo- nial America, with the social and economic background of the period. Well illustrated with photographs depicting the different periods and styles. EmpBury, AYMAR, JR.: One Hundred Country Houses. New York: The Century Company, 1909. $3.00. Survey of the development of American architecture. Photo- 36 ARCHITECTURE 37 graphic reproductions of one hundred country houses which show the influence of period styles, with descriptions of each. FEeRrGussoNn, JAMES: History of Architecture in All Countries. 2 Vols. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1907. $10.00. Complete general history of architecture in all countries. Descrip- tions are clear, concise, and interesting. Well illustrated with photo- graphs and drawings. FLETCHER, SIR BANISTER: History of Architecture on the Comparative Method. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1921. $12.00. Presents in a clear, concise form the characteristic features of the architecture of each country. Describes the climate, geography, and social and historical events which have influenced the formation of each style. The material is so arranged that the characteristic features of each style can readily be compared with those of any other period. Excellent as a reference. Well illustrated with photographic reproduc- tions, drawings, and plans. Goopnow, RuBy Ross, and ApAms, RAYNE: The Honest House. New York: The Century Company, 1914. $4.50. Presents some of the problems which confront the home-builder, together with an explanation of the simple architectural principles which underlie their construction. Deals primarily with the small house. Well illustrated. Hamiin, ALBERT Dwicut Foster: History of Architecture. Revised ed. New York: Longmans, Green & Company, 1922. $2.50. A historical survey of the different periods and styles of architec- ture, from the Egyptian period to the present day, describing briefly the most important works of each period. Contains a glossary. Well illustrated with photographic reproductions and drawings. Excellent as a reference. HaMLtin, TaLBoT FAULKNER: The Enjoyment of Architecture. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1921. $3.00. Presents the fundamental laws of architecture, the knowledge of which enables one to enjoy fine architectural buildings. Explains the correct use of ornament and its decorative qualities. Interestingly written. Well illustrated. Jackson, ALLEN W.: The Half-Timbered House. New York: McBride, Nast & Company, 1912. $3.50. Primarily for the general reader who is interested in building. 38 ART IN HOME ECONOMICS Includes a brief history of English domestic architecture and suggests how this type of house can be adapted to American use. Discusses the plans of houses, methods of construction, and exterior and interior details. Excellent. Well illustrated. KIMBALL, SIDNEY Fiske: Domestic Architecture of the American Colo- nies and. of the Early Republic. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1922. $12.00. Presents a concise and accurate idea of the evolution of the early American houses. Excellent photographic reproductions of old houses; plans and sketches, with brief notes describing each plate. The House Beautiful Building Annual of 1925, edited by CHARLES G. Lorinc. Boston: The Atlantic Monthly Company, 1924. $1.50. ‘“‘A comprehensive and practical manual of procedure, materials, and methods of construction for all who contemplate building or re- modeling a home.” Excellent photographic reproductions, architec- tural drawings, and plans. PATTERSON, AUGUSTA OWEN: American Homes of Today. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1924. $15.00. A book rather on aesthetics than architecture. It explains in a most interesting way the background of the best contemporary architecture, the evolution of the external form, color, and atmosphere. Excellent photographic reproductions of different types of houses and their interiors. PEABODY, HENRIETTA C., Editor: Inside the House Beautiful. Outside the House Beautiful. What Makes the House Beautiful. Boston: The Atlantic Monthly Press, 1920. $3.00 each. A collection of measured drawings of details of the exteriors, and interiors of buildings. Excellent as a reference book for students in drawing side elevations of rooms to scale. PRICE, CHARLES Matiack: The Practical Book of Architecture. Phila- delphia: J. B. Lippincott & Company, 1916. $7.50. The first part of the book contains a survey of the period styles of architecture upon which the modern buildings are based. The second part gives information on the construction and planning of different types of houses. Excellent illustrations. ROBINSON, ALBERT G.: Old New-England Houses. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1920. $5.00. Consists almost entirely of a collection of excellent photographic ARCHITECTURE 30 reproductions of old houses, with a brief text describing the different styles. Rosinson, L. EUGENE: Domestic Architecture. New York: The Mac- millan Company, 1919. $1.50. Deals with the problems pertaining to houses. Considers the design and construction of the building, the selection and the develop- ment of the site, and, to a certain extent, the equipment and decora- tion of the interior. Excellent as a reference book. SAYLOR, Henry H., Editor: Architectural Styles for Country Houses. New York: McBride, Nast & Company, 1912. $2.50. The characteristics and merits of different types of architectural styles adapted for the country house. The various types are presented by different advocates, among which are the Colonial, Swiss Chalet, Italian, Tudor, Spanish Mission, etc. Well illustrated. Simpson, F. M.: History of Architectural Development. 3 Vols. New York: Longmans, Green & Company, 1905 and r1o1t. $15.50. It traces the development of architecture through the various historic periods, describing in detail the plans, construction, materials, and designs of the outstanding buildings of each period. It gives also the religious, social, and political events which influenced the various styles, giving to them their distinctive characteristics. Well illustrated with drawings and photographs. SPARROW, W. SHAW: The English House. New York: John Lane Com- pany, 1909. The evolution of the English home, written in an interesting way. Primarily for the general reader rather than the architect. Glossary. STATHAM, H. Heatucote: A Short Critical History of Architecture. London: B. T. Batsford, Ltd., 1912. $5.00. A condensed and comprehensive view of the history of architec- ture, showing the general characteristics of each period. Well illus- trated with plans, drawings, and photographs. STRICKLEY, Gustav: Craftsman Homes. New York: The Craftsman Publishing Company, 1909. The examples of the best houses designed by the Craftsman Workshops in the last few years, showing the development of the Craftsman idea of building, decorating, and finishing the house. States the fundamental principles which underlie the Craftsman idea of house building. Plans of each house are included. Interesting chap- 40 ART IN HOME ECONOMICS ters on the treatments of gardens so that they will be consistent with the style of the house. Well illustrated. STURGIS, RUSSELL: A History of Architecture. New York: The Baker and Taylor Company, 1906. $2.50. A concise and comprehensive history of architecture, from the Egyptian period to the present day. Excellent illustrations. TARBELL, F. B.: A History of Greek Art. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1913. $2.00. Excellent chapters on the architecture of the Egyptians, Assyrians, and Greeks. Well illustrated with drawings and photographs. WALLIS, FRANK EDWIN: How to Know Architecture. New York: Har- per Publishing Company, rgr1o. Evolution of architectural styles, from the Egyptian period to the present day, as an expression of human development. A book primarily for those without technical training. Well illustrated. WHITE, CHARLES B.: Successful Houses and How to Build Them. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1912. $2.00. Interesting and definite information on the processes involved in planning and building a house. Practical suggestions for the treatment of floors, walls, lighting, and finishing the woodwork. A chapter on building and equipping the garage. MAGAZINES Architecture and Building. William 'T. Comstock Company, New York: $0.30 per copy; $3.00 per year. Architectural Forum. Rogers and Manson Company, New York: $0.60 per copy; $6.00 per year. Architectural Record. F. W. Dodge Corporation, New York: $0.35 per copy; $3.60 per year. Country Life. Doubleday, Page & Company, Garden City, New York: $0.50 per copy; $5.00 per year. House Beautiful. House Beautiful Publishing Company, Inc., 8 Arlington Street, Boston, Massachusetts. $0.35 per copy; $3.00 per year. House and Garden. Condé Nast Publications, Inc., New York: $0.35 per copy; $3.50 per year. National Builder. Tradepress Publishing Corporation, Chicago. $0.25 per copy; $2.00 per year. ART PRINCIPLES BOOKS BaILtEy, HENRY TuRNER: Art Education. New York: Houghton, Mifflin Company, 1914. $1.20. An interesting monologue on the aims and methods of teaching art education, including some suggestions for developing art apprecia- tion. BATCHELDER, ERNEST A.: Design in Theory and Practice. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1920. $2.20. A consideration of the principles of design and their practical application. A series of problems following the discussion of the princi- ples in each chapter. Illustrated with photographs, line, and pen-and- ink drawings. BATCHELDER, ERNEST A.: Principles of Design. New York: The Mac- millan Company, 1911. $3.00. It depicts and explains the principles of design. Excellent as a reference. Well illustrated. CLELAND, THomAS Mairrtanp: A Grammar of Color: Practical Descrip- tion of Munsell Color Theory. New York: G. F. Smith & Son, 1921. $10.00. Color Principles. Arrangement of Strathmore papers in a variety of printed color combinations according to Munsell color system. An introduction by Professor Munsell and explanatory text, with diagrams illustrating the application of the system to graphic arts. CLIFFORD, C. R.: Color Value. New York: Clifford and Lawton, 1907. $1.00. Color as applied to interior decoration. CRANE, WALTER: Bases of Design. New York: The Macmillan Com- pany, 18096. Design principles. Day, Lewis ForEMAN: Pattern Designs. New York: Charles Scrib- ‘ner’s Sons, 1915. $3.75. A book for students, treating in a practical way the anatomy, planning, and evolution of repeated ornament. Well illustrated with diagrams and patterns. 4I 42 ART IN HOME ECONOMICS De Garmo, CHARLES, and WINSLOW, LEON LOYAL: Essentials of De- sign. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1924. $1.60. Presents the basic principles of art essential to satisfactory design in industrial and household arts. Suggests methods of developing art appreciation and securing artistic standards. Dow, ArtHuR W.: Theory and Practice of Teaching Art. New York: Teachers’ College, Columbia University. An explanation of the synthetic method of teaching art, as opposed to the academic, and the advantages of the former. Contains an out- line of the courses taught in the Department of Fine Arts, Teachers’ College, New York. Excellent colored plates, sketches, and draw- ings, and examples of students’ work. Dow, ARTHUR W.: Composition. New York: Doubleday, Page & Company, 1913. $5.25. The fundamental principles of art are explained. It includes a series of exercises in art structure for the use of students and teachers. Well illustrated with drawings, photographs, and colored plates. FREDERICK, FRANK F.: Simplified Mechanical Perspective. Peoria, Illi- nois: Manual Arts Press, 1909. Planned for students of high-school age who have had some train- ing in mechanical drawing. Presents a series of problems to be worked out. Well illustrated with skeletons and drawings. GouDy, FREDERIC WILLIAM: Elements of Lettering. New York: Mitchell Kennerley, 1922. $5.00. Text by Bertha Goudy. Illustrated with full-page plates by Frederic Goudy. Types designed by author. Excellent lettering. HAMBRIDGE, JAY: Dynamic Symmetry: The Greek Vase. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1920. $6.00. Theory for constructive drawing and design. Explains some of the more obvious principles of the areas used in Greek design. HANEY, J. P.: Classroom Practice in Design. Peoria, Illinois: Manual Arts Press, 1907. $0.50. A discussion of how the principles of design can be applied to definite problems. Methods of classroom procedure are suggested. Well illustrated. Jacoss, MicuHex: The Art of Color. New York: Doubleday, Page & Company, 1923. $7.50. It presents a system of teaching color and a study of the psy- chological effect of color and its combinations. Methods of adapting ART PRINCIPLES 43 these principles to the designing of pottery, fabrics, and wall paper are clearly and concisely explained. KELLEY, CHARLES FABENS, and Mowe, WILLIAM LuTHER: A Text- book of Design. New York: Houghton, Mifflin Company, 1912. $3.25. book for beginners in the study of design. Deals with the uni- versal laws of design, correlated with the practical application of these principles. Suitable problems suggested. Well illustrated. LAURENCE, MANDI, and SHELDON, CAROLINE: Use of Plants in Decora- tive Design. New York: Scott, Foresman & Company, 1922. $0.60. The first part is devoted to problems for grade pupils, showing how the plant can be used as an inspiration for design. The remainder of the book, for high-school students, gives explicit directions for stenciling, block printing, embroidery, leather, metal, jewelry, etc. Well illustrated with plates. Lemos, Pepro J.: Applied Art. Portland, Oregon: Pacific Press, 1920. $6.00. Deals with the technical processes of drawing, painting, designing, modeling, and bead craft. Suggests problems to develop and stimulate interest and creativeness in students. Excellent illustrations. MUuNSELL, ALBERT H.: A Color Notation. Boston: Geo. H. Ellis Com- pany, 1905. $1.25. A clear, concise explanation of the Munsell color theory, with color charts and diagrams. Norton, Dora Miriam: Freehand Perspective and Sketching. Davis Press, 1908. $4.25. Principles and methods involved in freehand perspective and sketching. A series of exercises with an explanatory text, giving clear, concise directions for drawing objects in perspective. Excellent illus- trations. Ross, DENMAN: Theory of Pure Design. New York: Houghton, Mifi- lin Company, 1907. $2.50. Principles which underlie the practice of anew and painting as a fine art. SARGENT, WALTER: Fine and Industrial Aris in Elementary Schools. New York: Ginn & Company, 1912. $0.75. Deals with educational and practical values of fine and industrial arts, showing a definite scheme for organization and progression of 44 ART IN HOME ECONOMICS subject matter of art work in elementary schools through the grades. Gives reasonable standards of attainment of these stages. SARGENT, WALTER: The Enjoyment and Use of Color. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1923. $2.50. “A definite and practical method of approach to the study and appreciation of color.”’ Well illustrated with diagrams and colored plates; excellent as a text or reference. VANDERPOLL, JOHN HENRY: The Human Figure. Chicago: The Inland Printer Company, 1913. $2.00. Very good for figure drawing in art courses. Well illustrated. VaRNUM, WILLIAM Harrison: Industrial Arts Design. New York: Scott, Foresman & Company, 1916. $1.50. The application of the fundamental principles of art to design in wood, clay, and metals. The first five chapters deal with elementary problems. Chapters vi and vii explain the methods by which the individuality of the designer may be expressed, and the last treats with the problem of surface enrichment. A book primarily for students. Well illustrated. WEINBERG, Louis: Color in Everyday Life. New York: Moffatt, Yard & Company, 1918. $4.00. Basic principles of color theory and color harmony and the practical application of these to dress, home decorating, etc. Excellent as a reference. Well illustrated. ART APPRECIATION BOOKS BELL, CLIVE: Art. New York: Frederick A. Stokes & Company, 1913. $2.00. Develops a complete theory of visual art. Indicates the essentials in a work of art, and shows the relation between art and religion, history and ethics. BINyON, LAWRENCE: Painting in the Far East. London: Edward Arnold & Company, 1923. $10.00. An introduction to the history of pictorial art in Asia, especially in China and Japan. Bowle, Henry P.: On the Laws of Japanese Painting. San Francisco: Paul Elder & Company, 1911. $3.00 Stresses the laws of painting, line, mass, tone, value, etc. Illus- trations from paintings especially executed for the author by a number of distinguished artists of Japan. Explanations of the laws that under- lie the execution and designing of Japanese art. CAFFIN, CHARLES HENRY: American Masters of Painting. New York: Doubleday, Page & Company, 1902. $3.00. Survey of American art, stressing European influence. Brief ap- preciation of some American painters. CAFFIN, CHARLES HENRY: How to Study Pictures. New York: The Century Company, 1906. $4.00. A guide for beginners in art appreciation. An accurate and com- prehensive account of the development of the pictorial art from the Renaissance to our own day. COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHI- tects: The Significance of Fine Arts. Boston: Marshall Jones Company, 1923. $3.50. Traces the influence of customs, habits, the social and religious life of people on art. Discusses the principles of construction which underlie the fine arts. Emery, M. S.: How to Enjoy Pictures. Boston: Prang Educational Company, 1898. $4.00. A discourse on what to look for in pictures, with a special chapter on pictures in the schoolroom. 45 46 ART IN HOME ECONOMICS FAuRE, Evie: History of Art. 4 Vols. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1921-23. $7.50 each. Comprehensive history of art, in four volumes: Vol. I, ancient art; Vol. II, medieval; Vol. III, Renaissance; Vol. IV, modern art. Excellent photographs. FENOLOSSA, ERNEST F.: Epochs of Chinese and Japanese Art. 2 Vols. New York: Frederick A. Stokes, 1912. $25.00. An outline history of eastern Asiatic design. Probably the most authoritative work on this phase of art. Invaluable to scholars and students of this subject. GorDON, JAN: Modern French Painters. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1923. $7.50. The ideals which lie behind the modern art movement. HAMLIN, ALBERT Dwicut Foster: History of Ornament. 2 Vols. New York: The Century Company, 1916, 1923. $5.00 each. An excellent history of ornament. HARRISON, B.: Landscape Painting. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1913. $2.50. Treatise on color, vibrations, and reflection. HAYWARD, FRANK HERBERT: Lessons in Appreciation. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1915. $1.20. Essay on pedagogics of beauty. Henri, RoBERT: The Art Spirit. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Com- pany, 1923. $2.00. “Notes, articles, fragments of letters, and talks to students bearing on the concept and technique of picture-making, the study of art generally, and of appreciation.”’ LAURENCE, BUERMEYER: The Aesthetic Experience. Merion, Pennsyl- vania: Barnes Foundation, 1924. McSPADDEN, JOSEPH WALKER: Famous Painters of America. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1916. $2.50. The picturesque and human side of art. Maucrair, CAMILLE: The French Impressionists. New York: E. P. Dutton & Company. The beginning of the Impressionistic movement to that of Neo- impressionism is explained. ART APPRECIATION 47 NEUHAUS, EuGEN: The Appreciation of Art. New York: Ginn & Com- pany, 1924. $3.00. A presentation of the fundamental principles that are at the basis of the theory and practice of art. Portrays in an interesting way the social and economic forces that influence modern art. Well illustrated. Noyes, CARLETON: The Gate of Appreciation. New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Company, 1907. $3.00. Discusses the meaning of art. Suggests methods of approach to this subject, and ways of developing art appreciation. REINACH, SALAMON: Apollo. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1924. $2.00. Condensed history of art throughout the ages. Ropin, AucustE: Art. Boston: Small, Maynard & Company, 1916. $5.00. Analysis of great works of art. STuRGIS, RusSELL: Appreciation of Sculpture. New York: Doubleday, Page & Company, 1904. $1.50. Deals with standards of Greek excellence. Tarr, Lorapvo: American History of Sculpiure. New York: The Mac- millan Company, 1903. $6.50. History of sculpture in America. THURSTON, Cart: The Art of Looking ai Pictures. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1916. $2.00. Devoted to the training of the eye to see beauties in landscape. VAN Dyke, JoHN: How to Study Pictures. New York: Chautauqua Press, 1919. Analysis of pictures; fundamental principles. VAN Dyke, JoHN: The Meaning of Pictures. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1907. $2.50. Relationship between art and literature. VaN DvkE, JoHN: History of Painting. New York: Longmans, Green & Company, 1910. $2.00. Appreciation of painting. WEITENKAMPF, FRANK: How to Appreciate Prints. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1921. $3.00. Emphasis on appreciation. Object not to furnish cut and dried invariable rules, but to aid in the development of a critical spirit 48 ART IN HOME ECONOMICS coupled with liberal-mindedness. Various chapters independent of each other. Deals with all phases of prints, etching, wood engraving, color prints, etc. MAGAZINES Arts and Decoration. 786 Sixth Avenue, New York. $0.50 per copy; $5.00 per year. International Studio. International Studio Inc., New York. $0.75 per copy. MUSEUM BULLETINS Metropolitan Art Museum, Fifth Avenue, New York. Boston Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Massachusetts. Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois. INDEX OF TITLES PAGE gS RO: EON ad Pa eT Harry Collins Aceh iia ie 2 Adventures in Home Making............. Robert Shackleton and Elizabeth FA HACIICRON i artnet ee sis hss 22 Aesthetic Experience, The............... Buermeyer Laurence............ 46 After the Marriage of Isabella............ Py ast ele] Psy aN UROme MAL A ED RAE A ut Ree 25 American Colonial Furniture............. Lig vaaholal EUs? Peticcrneere ctr Gear cee cB Ire 25 American Costumes 1775-1925........... Budora Selinermci oat. ale v. 16 American History of Sculpture........... POPAGG dahon i oe ui ie dso 47 American Homes of Today............... Augusta Owen Patterson........ 38 American Masters of Painting............ Charles Henry Caffin 0 os. ys 45 Ancient Costumes of Great Britain and MRE os 188 acs Glare eho actinie ye. e-4 Charles Hamilton Smith........ 12 Ancient Egyptian, Assyrian, and Persian MIMI lO Od , id ee ah ghinic’d he Mary G. Houston and Florence S. Plorn blower as tos citys esi ae II STMT a NG Sos. st shee ys ele andiaderas Salomon Reinach..:.........5... 47 Co Tis Oa PGCE TT LETHOS wees x cae ay 43 Appreciation of Art; The... ............. Beer ty Gul AUS | Ph Aten Was) 47 Appreciation of Sculpture................ Russell SUITES eee does eae 47 Appropriate Clothes for the High-School OL Sy oy GREY SR Virginia M. Alexander.......... 5 (OS the’ 94 Monthly agricultural magazine... 40 Architectural Styles for Country Houses. ..Henry H. Saylor............... 39 Architecture and Building............... Monthly architectural magazine.. 40 Architecture of Colonial America, The..... Harold Donaldson Eberlein...... 36 ERRORS io ale). vag le a ns ble ee COVvesbel ae hoe le aralkyl 45 DPM el olen bk ae ce eee’ Buguste Roding Mave ws Acai: 47 Art and Economy in Home Decoration.... Mabel T. Priestman............ 21 TIEN Leh cic in ast ali ente ves sa Henry Turner Bailey........... 41 EES EEG GS a A Weekly style magazine.......... 6 Art Furnishing and Decorations.......... Frank Alvah Parsons........... 24 Art—Gotit—Beauté..................... Style magazines v.02 al he Me 6 MEUM OPESS ile es 6. 5's 5. Pai WR cs) Lydia Bolmar and Kathleen Mc- INULE SAY tetatalchatatecestutre asl ances 5 PPLE IMCCCICWORK cise ec ea ees EZOWIN DAVIS os ck Ros bale ewe’ 2 Ppeamine Day s) Work: 05.2668 eee en Harriet and Vetta Goldstein..... 2 REMIEENOTIN Tf Fi. Ws vias 0 oe DN ie Oa orale MichelMacobauees, a, axbie | 42 Art of Home Decoration................. Frank Alvah Parsons........... 25 mrtGninterior Decoration............... Grace Wood and Emily Burbank 23 Art of Looking at Pictures, The.......... Garhi Diniretoie sn eee ie er 47 Art Principles in House, Furniture, and RE PSAIE MENTS D551 chs, vida 4 PE che tate ta ven Arthur Bridgman Clark......... 17 50 ART IN HOME ECONOMICS PAGE Art Spint: Gohe aus ea p oe eee ae tee eae Robert Henri; 32). p54. 5 eee 46 Artistic Dress: Gh sve Leas ee eee ee Leone Hopé: .)o23-5 5 eee 5 Arts and Decoration: 3005 tea veeek wer ee Monthly art magazine......... 26, 48 ASIS SENG Saves be See RRS TRON ROR ee Monthly travel magazine........ 16 Bases'or Design ii '.5 cee ee eee Walter Crane)... a5 eee 4I Beautiful Floors, Woodwork, and Furni- ture—Their Finish and Care. ......0...... 445% +s ae 25 Beautiful Silks in Americal yom ya: 5 | Pamphlet. :\...45 4) eee 25 Beautiful Windows ie eect e sd eee Pamphlet. \. ... api) 25 Belle Artic; Las yi c.. Pea eee Pamphlet. . <2); :34) eeu en 25 Better:Homes }is 5 sce eae aie ates kta Pamphlet ; .), 12 4.5:0aseee 26 Better Homes, Liveable Rooms........... Pamphlet. .\, i450. [aap 25 Book of Decorative Furniture, Its Form, Color,'and History Ler vy .c7e she pas Edwin Foley:).4),¢. ene 28 Book of Distinctive Interiors, A.......... William A. Vollmer: 2o23 es 23 Boots and Shoes of Our Ancestors, The....W. H. Dutton................. 8 British’ Costtimies? 7-234. ahi ee see eek ae James Robinson Planché........ 12 British Costumes during the XIX Century. Mrs. Charles Ashdown.......... Ee Bundharistis he oie hee ae ee Pamphlet... ...\s.s)e epee 24 Chapters on Greek, Dréss ost 447 mae ee Maria Millington Evans......... se) Character in’ Furniture fincaa at aha eee Pamphlet, . . . »: nee eee 26 Chats on 'Costume.s)s.eadan woe G. W, Rhead. ... 2: eee 9 Chats'on Old. Furniture stent ar ee Arthur Hayden . i939 ae 31 Chinese Burniture sayin. see eeie cht eee Herbert Cescinsky...c25 pane 30 Chintz: Book) be.cweee te ee eee. MaclIver Percival)... ...) spa 21 Chippendale Period in English Furniture, EG vs sey se lg Ree RS Bade K. Warren Clouston... ;n.aaame 31 Choosing Rugs for Interior Schemes....... Pamphlet,,, . 2. j.c/tcee soe ee 24 Classroom Practice in Design............. J. P. Haney) <): 23 42 Glothes tor Little Folksicy ask aia dees Cora Irene Leibyy. (3 6 Clothing Choice; Care, Coste ama pha Mrs. Mary Schenck Woolman.... 4 Gilothing for. Women yu jas 9.) nee ee Laura. Baldt. .. 32 (2; I Colonial: Purmituré: ia Yeas .s6 tou es on Alvan Crocker Nyesj) yoann 29 Colonial Furniture and Interiors.......... Newton W. Elwell. Sy.g5 essen 29 Colonial Furniture in America............ Luke Vincent Lockwood........ 29 Colonial Homes and Their Furnishings. ...Mary H. Northend............. 29 Colonial House ofhestsieea ot beware Joseph Everett Chandler........ 36 Colonial Tigh ting 1 .0e sito ceece tens tae cei Arthur Hayward. 5. 02 ae 20 Color Applied to Dress Design........... Mildred B, Elder, oj 5 Color Harmonies in Window Drapery..... Pamphlet. . . .). ia 25 Color Harmony, in Dress Ji.) tae George Ashdown Audsley....... I Colorsin Dress vicviaeen t-te eee Leona Hope. . 2. .]aaunae eel 5 Coloriini Dress ops ite eee ee Lila M, O’Neale:...239¢) ee 6 Color in Everyday Lite? on uae Louis Weinberg.). 232,20 000seee 44 Color Notation At on cciaee oy a eee ee Albert H. Munsell) yee 43 Color News 2, )yik'2 pak Skee ke nee Pamphlet. . . .)..)\< see 25 INDEX OF TITLES 51 PAGE BRR NIE IIe 85 5 ces eae Ald S aiela e's oye CORA GHROTTIA Cae al auth, 41 OS Secret (Sa Artie We DOW en oy Viner ae oe 42 Cravement HOMES)... 2 ea a Louis Henry Gibson............ 18 Concerning Window Drapery: The New SLL SOP a Pamnalets (eer t ie Moke whew cous oe 25 eras ANU TASMION: . 65.0.6. 505 cee ek dss Herbert Narrisn 42105 i a Poe II Costume Chez les Peuples Anciens et ERM EOI tN ds yt ee sd Pel P ea alte Frederic Hottenroth. 20805: ot 8 Costume Design and Illustration.......... Bthel Praphagen\iy sn. veree oes ss 4,9 Costume Design, Plates Historical and Peer ONS UCGION . Yo) so 8 ats le we Fudora Sellner.Ana wine tts Costume Designing and House Planning. ..Estelle Peel Izor............... 3 Costume: Fanciful, Historical, and The- UE ec LA ee clyde ahs ahaa a's DMirsy Ariane irate eee eds ste ca hae 8 Costume Historique, Le... 0. oe Albert Charles Auguste Racinet.. 09 Erecumeot Furkey, The. 2.0.20... 0.800 William Buhner (publisher)...... 16 errr tiometies 9 Se lee UAT a Ce a 2,8 Costumes from the Fourteenth to the Six- CCT SOG 5 nh a Bucdora:-bellnertos te es ae 16 Costumes from the Seventeenth Century titiesvictorian Era... oss eb en. Budora, pellnery gc el banaue ee 16 oscummes am Pngland...........-..0.002 se BAA e Lt airboite cst oaks wee 12 Costumes of Colonial Times.............. ONAN TAT IO® vermont whe es i IO Costumes of the Ancients................ PENGMAS HOPE Mau nay erect II Costumes of the Plains Indians........... RATE KY ISCO r ON aad Medet ian te ae IO Ree PRESSES a se ed eee k as Wee SSUtETAy Make iad coemook yc uhe 16 ate en eee Monthly magazine. ...1........ 16, 40 Course in House Planning and Furnishing. .Charlotte Wait Calkins......... 17 ee Se Oe (tC A ee Gustavistrckleyiiniake ccs 2. 22, 30 Rpriopedia OL OStuMe. Vow. Let. James Robinson Planché........ 9 EEE NIG Rh co Ns 65 fran scons dia'e cle a POS Ve PNiceuy oe feeente se cine 12, 04 Decoration and Furnishing of Apart- Re NM Ore ho he dips seh s) cial'tin a aad 0a, ES INUSSEC TLCTIS. ie Hee u ni ges 19 Decoration in England. ....2.)....0.....0% Francis Leny gti sou st ae omst oe eee 32 BRCCOPAINOH OF FLGUSES 6 ce eee ee ss Edith Wharton and Ogden Cond- Tg LE rete ae te beset ol, tek tee it 23 Decoration and Furniture of English Man- sions in the XVII and XVIII Centu- Soe Sa Yan Brancis Leny on. ial tey acu 32 Pree ER@Or Er OLUICULG (a occ 4)t xe klaiechs me George Leland Hunter.......... 27 Decorative Possibilities of Cretonne....... PADD IC Aes ee Bass ded Oey Coase 25 Decorative Silks in America;:............ PSTa IMCL aie ene Ue oath aN cay 25 Pere MIVENMMETCHOSs Oo oi ewido ens « s Mildred Be Bilder gcc. ae a ate ets 5 Decorative Styles and Periods in the Home. Helen Churchill Candee......... 27 RRMA VOL GREUES oi oie) d eb laeieigietwis ie > George Leland Hunter.......... 19 Designing Your Own Costume............ ADA on CTAR RS tlre bebe bhem tts 6 Deutsche Volkstrachten................. Albert) Kretechmer. so. cau 15 52 ART IN HOME ECONOMICS PAGE Deutschen Volkstrachten, Die............ Rose Julien..J35. 2s 5505 see 15 Dictionary of English Furniture, The...... Percy Macquoid and Ralph Ed- wards, » 64/15 shee ee 32 Domestic Architechire:.s.. 2.0 01 ets a ys ote L. Eugene Robinson. 5...7.42.5. 39 Domestic Architecture of the American Colonies and of the Early Republic. .... Sidney Fiske Kimball........... 38 Dress and Habits of the People of England. . Joseph Strutt.................. 13 Dress Design 3.5. tienes Geese ee eee eet Talbot Hughes).2 3. 32 eee 3,9 Dresses and Decoration of the Middle Ages.. Henry Shaw................... 15 Dutch and Flemish Furniture............ Esther Singleton i.0). 79a 30 Dynamic Symmetry: The Greek Vase..... Jay Hambridge: 3.3.53 42 Eighteenth Century, Its Institutions, Cus- toms, dnd Costumes [ne , yuan ss Paul LaCroix: . 3). c 13 Elements of Costume Design............. Downs and O’Leary............ 2 Elements ol Lettering. Gianoli vom ae aera Frederic William Goudy......... 42 hte Stylesi:ctss/sind. acoehees mine otaraaiean en ee Monthly fashion magazine....... 6 Blizabethannteriors ... viva eter ek C. J. Charles i073 yy ae eee 31 Encyclopedia Britannica. '..\........5!. 25.50 )0 hws ss eee ee 8 English (Coshime (sc) in orescence en Sa eee George Clinch..../7 ce se eee 12 Fenelish Costumes: oe eel eee me Dion Clayton Clathrop) 72am a2 English Decoration and Furniture of the Warly Renaissance, .¥-2., 4 eae M: Jourdain... .sieseneaee eae 31 English Domestic Clocks... .+....440-:-. Herbert Cescinsky and Malcolm R. ‘Webster. . :::050 eee 31 Enolish Treplace,/ Their. asc ae ent L. A>Shufirey.. | 72. (ieee ee 33 English Furniture and Decoration 1680- TBO. hie LT Rey eee ee a ee G. M, Ellwoodi:.., 272 3 eee 31 English Furniture, Decoration, and Wood- WOT. 2S nc canis es ek oe ee ear Thomas A, Strange.9 a5 oe 33 English Furniture Designers............. Constance Simonii. 0) a ee 33 English Furniture of the Eighteenth Cen- CLILY Sek CaP ane e arepets Wd eek ee eu, Src Herbert Cescinsky, 2. 5) eee 31 Byglsh Howse Phe dpa van vay cae eee W. Shaw Sparrow.............. 39 English Interior Woodwork of the XVI, VII; and XVILE Centuries?) ysis.) Henry ‘Tanner... eee 33 English Interiors in Smaller Houses....... M. Jourdain. 20. 7 peoe 32 Enjoyment and Use of Color, The........ Walter Sargent. .30 joa 44 Enjoyment of Architecture, The.......... Talbot Faulkner Hamlin........ 37 Epochs of Chinese and Japanese Art...... Ernest F, Fenolossa:\is\iae oe 46 Essentials of Design’ o<4 eset. eee eee Charles De Garmo and Leon Loyal Winslow: : 2.2.9 eee 42 Evolution of the English Home, The...... Sidney Oldall Addy. si yae wee 36 Famous Painters of America............. Joseph Walker McSpadden...... 46 Fashion in Paris in the XIX Century...... Louis Octave Uzanne........... 14 Fashion: Its Use and Abuse.............. Leone Hope. .\:...) ae se 5 Femina Jone Aidike Wee aE ie OMe Monthly fashion magazine....... 6 INDEX OF TITLES Breremr GUSINUCION.. 0... aie. sete ss. Alor Bement 17508 fA vied ayy tact ae Fine and Industrial Art in Elementary 09 ¢ gS ee eee Walter Sargent sss ee aug .'4 03 Floors, Furniture and Color.............. Pann hley oles deni Haat cise Four Hundred Years of Children’s Cos- EE ee ane See MOOV NL ACCUOIG terard wragertis Mik aes Freehand Perspective and Sketching...... Dora Miriam Norton........... French and English Furniture............ TUBENEL- OINZIEtON:. : asealae ay ces Premcn eS Urnieure. ...... 6) CRT Sse AR ta PNTRELTGY OG RIIO hee gat 0 @rencu impressionists, The... .........; Camille: Mauclainy ofotoia tic %, Furnishing the Home of Good Taste...... ucy Abbott) Throop? 2 oa. 4 4b Furnishing the Little House.............. Bibel: Davis Sealy.§ evan. cules cn _ Furniture and Interiors of the Italian tn ATES Sy STING EUS ne ee eae gO Pe ochotimUellene ecg ui sy aaa Furniture Masterpieces of Duncan Phyfe...Charles Over Cornelius.......... Furniture of Our Forefathers, The........ ISSENOE INCI CONT. eels sake wee ss Furniture of the Olden Times............ Frances C), Morse: s pcs a sees: : Furniture of the Pilgrim Century......... WiallaGe INU tei: sera yh ait Gate of Appreciation, The............... Carleton NOYES: sree were ee cls OTTO oe aes bls ccm os Hale cine Monthly trade magazine........ Reet PAUSCRECDING ooo cas lec ca ee wee Monthly magazine............. Good Taste in Home Furnishing.......... Maud Ann Sell and Henry Black- 1146 4 Yor WA OE eae PSE NAG es We ele LO) bn a a ar Thomas Maitland Cleland....... Coase PT lp Os sa i a ea SECO bus DPARAIIS Med ture alah Halfi-Timbered House, The............... AMEND Wet ACKSOLIO. SS ea ms Handbook of Furniture Styles............ Walter Alden Dyer............. Pema Steere eh ee Vi e'c ee Monthly fashion magazine...... Hints on House Furnishing.............. Gahan Pletcher oes. s erg oh Hints on House Furnishing.............. W. Shaw Sparrow.............. Histoire de la Coiffure Feminine.......... Comtesse Marie De Villermont.. . Histoire du Costume Antique............ Toon Henzeye ar ee auth nae Histoire du Costume Francaise, Le........ Paul Louis) Grater ore. eccien or Historic Dress in America.....).......... Elizabeth McClellan ........... Pee PAMMOUANY 5... cake ce evan Dam PUlets weet wee tac tol was at Historic Styles in Furniture.....:........ Virginia Huntington Robie...... PeISTONIe) FEMIUC EM ADTICS. 000. ees ee le es Richard CslAZier ee, won vyshe a tet MIRREN) VEGETA DET fo. hs ha ee os os Nancy McC fella nd ths ss) whet Historical Guide to French Interiors, Decoration, Woodwork, and Allied SER ree a dh oho a Seek Thomas Avotrange. 20 )c4. = 5 =| .))< History of Architectural Development.....F. M. Simpson................. PUIStOR ew rPATCIILECLUTe.. 2. a Albert Dwight Foster Hamlin.... katstory Of Architecture, A..........5...5 FRUSSELU CUT R Ie ices A a pene 8 History of Architecture in All Countries. .. James Fergusson............... History of Architecture on the Compara- SOPNTA Ue sk Voie he eens Rah Sir Banister Fletcher............ 35 30 29 29 47 26 26 22 4I Io Sf 27 6 24 22 8 II T3 Io 25 28 18 28 34 39 37 40 36 37 54 ART IN HOME ECONOMICS PAGE Fistory or Artin % F270 ee ree ta Elie Faure. : . 5.224. eee 46 History of Costume in France............ Augustin Challamel............ 13 History of English Dress................. Georgianna Hill); 5.12. sae eee 12 History of Furnitures Avs: Sysco tae oe Albert Jacquemart;) <2 one aee 28 History of Greek Arr Ave Win es as eee F, B. Tarbell. 342035 «eee 40 History of Italian Furniture, A........... William M. Odom.............. 35 Flistory/of Omament; 2.5 si eee ess: Albert Dwight Foster Hamlin.... 46 History: ob. Painting oie seme woe sues John Van Dyke? ..[i¢—) eee 47 Flome: Furnishing! six me ee eat oe ae Winifred Gettemy. 27 sae eee 24 Home Furnishing, Practical and Artistic ...Alice M. Kellogg............... 20 Honest House) hes ean a7 tener Ruby Rose Goodnow and Rayne Adams... /./2h. 5.) 37 House'and Gardenia... cs ace teen Monthly magazine............ 26, 40 House and Garden’s Book of Interiors. .... Richardson Little Wright........ 24 House and Garden’s Second Book of Frouses? U0 st 3 NA eee. is ek ee eee Richardson Little Wright........ 24 Houseiand Home , 0002 Renee © are Greta Grey,’ .)), 7 ee 19 House beautiful saiots feos tees Monthly magazine............ 26, 40 House Beautiful Building Annual of 1925, DH] eh hie ls Leal) ea wale aca, alole ego 4 be is Sk eS ae rr 38 House'in’' Good Waste, Chey. 51.2 ae 8 Elsie De. Wolfe: s2.a05 .e tee 38 House: Its Plan, Decoration, and Care, The. Isabel Bevier.................. 17 How to Appreciate Prints:,4), 5; ee Frank Weitenkampf...........; 48 Howto Dress Wielli ei dinette ee Margaret Story . 2.70 eee 4 Howto Enjoy Pictarés25.- ) os ce a tie M: S. Emery. ie 45 Howto) Know Architecture, 30 os etn nee Frank Edwin Wallis............ 40 How to Know Period Styles in Furniture... William L. Kimberly........... 28 How to Know Oriental Rugs............. Mary B. Langton... 2) eee 20 Howto Study: Pichires.\ sos she ete oe et Charles Henry Caffe yin. eee 45 Howto Study Pictires su go eo eee John Van Dyke... ae oo 47 Human Kioure; These 2 oe eo ets eee John Henry Vanderpoll......... 44 Human Proportions; vse eae ae aes as Eudora Sellner?.2 5 ac eae 16 Hundred Things a Girl Can Do.......... Bonnie Snow and H. B. Froelich.. 22 Iconographie du Costume...) 0. v3.45 0 Raphael Jacquemin............. 13 Idées Nouvelles de la Mode et des Arts, Les. Monthly fashion magazine....... 4 Illustrated History of Furniture.......... Frederick Litchfield. . 7 ieee 28 Industrial Arts" Designee. eee ey fas eee William Harrison Varnum....... 44 Inside Facts about Whittall Rugs and Carpets dose aack ve Meher Relat. rane G. Glen Gould... 3733 ae 24 Inside the House Beautiful.............. Henrietta C. Peabody. .aeae 38 Inside the House of Good Taste.......... Richardson Little Wright........ 23 Interior; Decoration p25 Dw. pace eee tee oe Marian Londs3.. 2555s eee 24 [riterior Decoravion 5:0) asks bor eee Frank Alvah Parsongiu. ue 21 Interior Decoration for Modern Needs.....Agnes Foster Wright............ 23 Interior Decoration for the Small House. ..Amy L. Rolfe.................. 21 Interiors, Fireplaces, and Furniture of the Jtalian Renaissance sca. arin ani ale Harold Donaldson Eberlein...... 34 INDEX OF TITLES | 55 PAGE MOreMMALIOUSL SIUGIO. . 2. fie cde ope veces Monthly art magazine.......... 48 Interpretive Costume Design: The Age of Chivalry, The Orient, American Cos- MTOR ha i eis sb oes wee Rose Netzorg Kerr............. 16 Introduction to Old English Furniture, An. W. E. Mollett................. 32 Italian Furniture and Interiors........... George Leland Hunter: 07.2... 34 WAIMRIOSE SEONG. fos oo hale ees eielen (sUnsAUIUS omens ae ee 14 RETO RE EOIIBSOOK . 02. sic'e ways wee tae EAP Ue ha ni cave martes cclsaes 25 Kirsch Rod and Window Draping Book....Pamphlet..................... 25 PPIne ee EITC. Loi andes see ote PPR TAALLISON Gey ra aclsancache car hcle t 46 Lessons in Appreciation................. Frank Herbert Hayward........ 46 Lifein Ancient Athens.................: CrEGrvey LUCKEL as yee tints snc es ali II Life of the Greeks and Romans, The...... E. Guhl and W. Koner......... II De 2G 6 te Oa MAL ACkiceee je eee ah ant 20 BOONE loa ca dye dic cm ce ‘sini s «let PAID OMIGTEMS, Sh tite heer ci: 25 Pe PE UEDICUTC. 6 oy isc les mens ee e's Resmi Our WGRICE tater w enone sine. 34 Machine-Made Finishes................. Bertna Tuber ari, al es es ee 5 Making Clothes Last Longer............. ones: DOEINI HOt ick ani. eA 5 Making Curtains and Hangings..........Agnes Foster Wright........... 18, 24 Mraumne tne bigot Cover... .....5 0.668 60 Rebate ura Ahaha ite Gre aka e's 24 Making, your Own Hat...2 0.6. 2. Wilhelmina Jacobsen and Anna 1 SEMI Eg hah esis POO Be Meet eae a a eU 6 Manners and Customs of the Ancient uM RMAs he 5 id ye ALE Wiyp ee eh as es Sir J. Gardner Wilkinson........ i Manor Houses of England, The........... Pore Ditepheldss. 0 du cees sae 36 Manual of Home-Making................ Martha Van Rensselaer, Flora Rose, and Helen Canon....... 23 Manuel d’Archéologie Francaise: Le Cos- SRM PRS oF is io yh ve wie ales ape w wes > Gamille: Haart km uve Mecrmpanies 13 Meaning of Pictures, The. 2.:........'0..:. FOUIEAVAR DV KOY Gaon ioe ait, 47 Meiieval (Costume... 0.65 A ee H. W. Lonsdale and E. J. Tarver.. 14 PE rls os cg ib a laden dada PROLOG ALLENS els aout ee seen enh 26 RE Re es a sas hed olelay ev Beautiful Buildings............. 26 Me he cles Sadie Asothic Architecturen.:., hiss v2.08 26 Me is oa hs kn oles ba ween’ RUINS OF ROME crude Oe oo ae ah 26 Millinery Merchandise Manuals.......... Charlotte Rankin Aiken......... I Mode im Siebzehnten Jahrhundert, Die.... Max Von Boehn................ 14 Moden der Italienischen Renaissance, Die .Hans Floerke.................. 14 Modern Cabinet Work, Furniture, and PEM eh dak nce) Sie wid aie 8 vcda'§ Percy A. Welland John Hooper.. 23 Modern Cottage Architecture............ Maurice B. Adams... ..0.:.4..; 36 Modern French Painters................. Tam GOTEONY Sil eees Fea eka ke 46 IUMAOETIORTUUINGTY feccrccs wisi kt ale eee eee a's Hester B. Bey anyed a vamtetes os ees 3 Modes and Manners of the XIX Century...Oskar Fischel and Max Von BOCK Baie dian Sag (Waly a lets | 8, 13 Modes et Costumes Historiques.......... reves PAndnets te nes oak es ealale 9 56 ART IN HOME ECONOMICS PAGE Modespiegel cn Pecos ees eee ee tC Max Von Brehm.3) ieee 14 Monograph on Chinese Rugs............. G. Glen Gould .30 eee 24 Monograph on Period Furniture.......... Pamphlet .. «::\/ 00,00 oe ee 26 National Builders3 oie ae ve iat ek, Monthly architectural magazine.. 40 National Costume of the Slavic People... .National Young Women’s Chris- tian Association... 2a aan 15 National Geographic Magazine........... Monthly travel magazine........ 16 New Clothes at Small Gost... ../........ Hazel Manning {2 4). 2 see 6 New Intetior, [he i). cee oe at eee Mrs. Hazel Adler: ity .ce See 17 Notes on an Elementary Course in House Planning Woe Vow. aie anaes ee eens Bo ae Clinton S. Van Deusen. ........ 24 Note on Home Furnishing............... Lillian Randall 2.33.9 se ee 24 Old. Clock Boke): ia iunay ees ee hteale ea N. Hudson Moore. /742) anaes 20 Old English Furniture and Its Surroundings. MaclIver Percival.............. 4 Oldvinteriors:in Hollands .gc aces K. Sluyterman 7.2) 3). eee ee 30 Old New England Houses................ Albert G, Robinsonyyaea)eee ues 38 Olson: Color. Guides.) ini eeaeiesn cme e Pamphlet. 32. Vig 25 Olson Rug Book: 4; sie seve ers eee ee Pamphlet. ... ih ox usa seen 25 On the Laws of Japanese Painting........ Henry. P. Bowie /..; 4) see 45 One Hundred Country Houses............ Aymar Embury, Jro. 33 36 Oriental Carpets, Runners, and Rugs and Some Jacquard Reproductions.......... Sydney Humphries... 277 5u5 19 Oriental ‘Rugs. oo. cate se ene ee John Kimberly Mumford........ 21 Ornament in European Silks............. Alan 8:.Cole.. |. 7. atin ee 18 Outline for Study in Selection of Dress. ... Jessie Biles.................4.% 5 Outside the House Beautiful............. Henrietta C. Peabody; (jae 38 Painting in the Far Hast, cisoc) 3.20. «ssh Lawrence Binyon....... nA LD 45 Pattern Designs.......... REL op Neate.) Arie Lewis Foreman Day..../.1,¥,4) 41 Peasant Art in Austria and Hungary...... Charles Holme.) 302. ee 15 PeasantArt in UtalyoMiey enon ecu ae ee Charles Holme: 92.40 5c ae 15 PeasantvArt insRuassia S650 none it ote Charles Holme. ; 25 eee 15 Peasant Art in Sweden, Finland, Lapland, and Tceland tt. Jee Aeon ene Charles Holme.) sacs eee 15 Peasant Art in Switzerland............... Daniel Batid-Bovy. ...)..ueeees 15 Period ‘Burnishin gsc.) cents: asia ae C. R. Clifford: so ju eey ee 27 Personality in, Dress. 2, 00-5 a eee ot Irma Camp Graff, 325.3 5 Pictores Of Furniture... ohewanee aie Pamphlet: . ...: 34.7) 9s5 0a 26 Planning and Furnishing the Home....... Mary’ J. Quinn! .. . 2.35) see 21 Practical Book of Architecture, The....... Charles Matlack Prices jaan 38 Practical Book of Furnishing the Small House and Apartment, The............ Edward Stratton Holloway...... 19 Practical Book of Interior Decoration, The..H. D. Eberlein, A. McClure, and E. S. Holloway, ./..5aee ee Practical Book of Oriental Rugs, The......G. Griffin Lewis................ 20 Practical Book of Period Furnishing....... H. D. Eberlein and Abbot Mc- INDEX OF TITLES 57 PAGE Practical Home Furnishings.............. PATIDNIG 6 vt « wid nee GE hs sok 26 IE NE CEU EIS ote gic iole St ACES systieie aisle alse e Ma wd das SePUL sae 25 Principles of Clothing Selection........... Plelensttrick (740 acy. ms Wve ot I mimcmmes Or Correct. Dress... :. . 5 0 sss Florence Winterburn............ 4 PRTMIIMEAL A JOSID ING oc. o ss 4 cece << oo iv a ss BrnestAy Batchelder aio... enn 4I Principles of Interior Decoration.......... Bernard Jackwayers esl ies)! lute 20 Pevcooiogv or CAothing. 2... 2... 6.6 ees ot George Van Ness Dearborn...... 2 Dy ESOS gS RCA i da ec Krank Alydh Parsons.i.:.°. 0.5/4.) 3,9 Roman Life and Manners................ Ludwig Friedlander............. II Rooms or Kestful Beauty................ Paninniete ese eul oe glean. colli, 24 Re UMRMRE eS Cth a PA cin Wi diaialeis a 4 Monthly fashion magazine....... 7 Rug and'Color Schemes.....:........... PamMpnlece ssc ae tue aati 24 eomrsed OPEN WS ries oi vial wns e's t Renee C Ord a tena weak teeta bi 17 eT Se Oi Ts IST a fot (1 ee ee Mrs. Archibald Christie......... I Pee TM MR ERI ae SRT Noe a's, a's « ¥ stds Parmpnlet eaten oeneyin ven gene. 26 mechan: Distinctive Dress)... 2. i)... Hiaryy BrOgks/ Pickens ts ote des 4: 3 erm GE WULTILUIE: co...) sos esses cess PeMipety wut ye Pern Onl te M te 26 ogy eS ne PSIDDMGt Cs oe hades se ay ote 25 EE OO ee PAIORGt i hae. et )o came uke 25 eo kA Oe A a ae Gertrude Arbogast............. 6 CIT AINE MHOUING 6 ok asic clne ooee a do Helen Kinnee and Anna M. Cooley 20 Short Critical History of Architecture, A...Statham and Heathcote......... 30 Significance of Fine Arts................. Committee on Education of the American Institute of Architects 45 Simplified Mechanical Perspective........ Prank Py ETCGeQCK «cic: ci nest 42 Sketching Studies in Costume Design..... TCS ACODSEN: tsa Sons Sitter icicle 6 Students’ Manual of Fashion Drawing..... PACES OUTS clr Arica es Le ein, 4 a aS i Monthly fashion magazine....... 7 BHU MLGMMUMUEIMIUIIG: fe. ae gles pee ces e's BRS MIR VIS DCTs artes aN eye ere 30, 34 Successful Houses and How to Build Them. .Charles B. White............... 40 SM EMUEGSALCD, ook eels ee es Swedish Peasant Costumes...... 15 SUMMA MME AN flee s.b chalet < spares Ka slee 44 OM leRe vray, . wale a uebe ontaeG a. ite 6 Tapestries, Their Origin, History, and bs 8 ee 0 ND Ce a ARR Een George Leland Hunter.......... 19 Ds BOS ae Helen Chandler Candee......... 17 ‘berm Wenturies of Loilette................: 1 2La] 0S Ter: a ese On SNE RAEN Baan 9 PeREPOO MPPIESION A cic te ees Charles Fabene Kelley and William Luther Mowel........ 43 EPP REICS hd viel vs bess hale cess Blizabethi Dyers oss aus coe 2 Textiles and Costume Design............. Evelyn Peters Ellsworth......... 2 Theory and Practice of Teaching Art...... ATER IE We LOW te yak site lacie aacet 42 eneoryor Pure. Design... 2c. es eee Dennis RUSS 4 aya ee aloe abit 43 iheory of the Leisure Class. ...:......... ‘Phorstetm: Veblen iiceas.y ieee kore 4 BP ATHOTIONS (iis fais ide view es o's Pampiletiu ik oe vets oie Pees oe 26 UMMC MINIDENOAICH oc ek ke se eens Oinver Rragkeccshy ow a ciacl ayile 30 ieracnten cer Volker, Die... .............. Albert Kretschmer............. 14 58 ART IN HOME ECONOMICS PAGE TDBAVOL. whi, ciate vitor soil oop local he ae onan lia © Monthly Magazine............. 16 Two Centuries of Costume in America..... A, M. Earle .: .2ogenn + on eee 10 Underlay. Figures? 2-4 so onu tense ci ee Lydia M. Bolmar.. 3.) eee eee 5 Use of Plants in Decorative Design....... Mandi Laurence and Caroline Sheldon. .. 2. )4%io see 43 Uses of the Foundation Pattern.......... Martha‘E. Foster, J:.).eue ene ee 5 VOU Tze voi Se ed oe ese whch Monthly fashion magazine....... 4 Wallpaper: Its History, Design, and Use... Phyllis Ackerman.............. ay Walls and. Their Decoration. 220°)... 05553 Major Arthur de Bles........... 26 Well Dressed Woman, The:........020- 5. Anne Rittenhouse 2 37 eee 3 What Dress Makes of Us. 2. ..5.2..5.23¢44. Dorothy Quigley. 72). 3) a) eee 3 What Makes the House Beautiful........ Henrietta’ C, Peabody e. as. sacee 38 When Fashions Were Foreign............ Pamphlet..;.. 3. /. 229 25 Women’s (Wear a iccth i. enrich cate ie Daily fashion paper, ose 7 Your Home and Its Decoration........... Sherwin-Williams Company...... 22 ry INDEX OF AUTHORS PAGE Abrabams, Ethel B.............. CFCC LIT osu re he slvr c cl. 1e secmenta lt open gies 10 AS Wallpaper, Its History, Design, and Use... 27 Ptetienmaunce B......66..5... Modern Cottage Architecture............ 36 Addy, Sidney Oldall............ Evolution of the English Home, The...... 36 POMP SIISNEIRZEL) 5 ee oy oss PV ONOUECLORIOR AL NGL.) ral yrr ele aces hee 17 Aiken, Charlotte Rankin.........Millinery Merchandise Manuals.......... I Alexander, Virginia M........... Appropriate Clothes for the High-School Tg Te 2 ME ae Deg” ht cet Og tat bts 5 Arbogast, Gertrude............. SOWIE TOE ALES ce ee eee Rt ey esos 5 ve er re Costume: Fanciful, Historical, and The- AUSICAL I er cee vee eae ele amnion as Meek a 8 Ashdown, Mrs. Charles.......... British Costume During the XIX Century. 12 Audsley, George Ashdown........ Goon Harmony in Tess Soe. Naases soa I Bailey, Henry Turner........... PAT TRICCUCH ERO y Puli 34 SY AU had ot aals 41 TeOtL AMT sis bs ek es eh CIGCHIN GO TORN VW OMMCT, \a\c sl ouncs x rea ee ae I arenewer, Ernest'A............ Design in Theory and Practice........... 4I prereset eINest AL... dnc. ss ETINOE OSPORRI OGIO fo Seer spch abies O88 4I Baud-bovy, Vaniel............. Peasant Art in Switzerland... f 20) 650.50. 15 Ry ei ic os en + 2 21g «= Veli As Phe VR a ee aR I ese 4 8 45 EVER OTE WMO Gi fan chee cs sana ee EIEUTe CUMS TTUCUION te elas fe aun a Gets I (ean 0 CR AGO Aig rN eee ee ONE CN Bulle fel ave 30, 34 SS! a House: Its Plan, Decoration, and Care, The 17 PP Outline for Study in Selection of Dress.... 5 PSU WMI MOAITONICE. 6). ss 5s a oe ones Pawmienerur tae. Par ast'. i. uy ea atae easy: 45 WGGe OES: oy ees cs ee ees Making Clothes Last Longer............ 5 Bolmar, Lydia, and McNutt, PN aie es oc ss pe EE ILCSS Pete iho fe tae LA l Ua y 5 Bomar yas... os ce es ROTA EMI OTIEO fGen Waatay okinaia We f 5 MOMRAGROU Do eke sc cee On the Laws of Japanese Painting........ 45 BRTOCMEE RIVED oy ce ee eee PROM AGC MD DENGAIG gale eas ice ache halt 30 oe NS Principles of Clothing Selection.......... I 2 on) 9 American Masters of Painting........... 45 Catan, Charles Henry........... low to rua yy PiCtires ela se se keke. 45 Calkins, Charlotte Wait......... Course in House Planning and Furnishing 17 Candee, Helen Chandler......... LADeStI VY DOGk LNG sens. hunches oir ene 17 Candee, Helen Churchill........ Decorative Styles and Periods in the Home 27 (earimekyymierbert.............. Ces: FPOTUILUTGn tea. Oda yee ee hs 30 Gestinsky, terbert.. ...,.. 6...... English Furniture of the Eighteenth Cen- UU Vas iates aaa pay Ag wins oP -at Aen Tig ats AL 31 Cescinsky, Herbert, and Web- BOE I RRRCONINL IR oi joie wes bs aa English Domestic: Clocksi/. 0.6 cae 6 eee) 31 59 60 ART IN HOME ECONOMICS PAGE Challamel; Augustine... .....50.. History of Costume in France.........,.. 13 Chandler, Joseph Everett........ Colonial House, The... : 23a) aae eee 36 CRarIes OLD vide eit eames ene ik Elizabethan Interiors. ... 3. nee ‘31 Christie, Mrs. Archibald......... Samplers:and Stitches... 3.0. sees I Clark, Arthur Bridgman......... Art Principles in House, Furniture, and Vil- lage Building... .°....:. 2. sce ry Clathrop, Dion Clayton......... English Costumes. .., .. 2p aesne eee 12 Cleland, Thomas Maitland....... Grammar of Color, A: 5 3.425 ace 4I Chord. CRs aoc we Color Value... . 2)... Cplt eee en 41 Clifford: Co Ri a sunancererre ae Period Furnishings .';...o. asset eee 27 Clifford (CNR es cicd tan ee ett Rugs of the Orient... ¢ . 3.00 17 Clinch, George@coste Jie) noe English Costume.....°\)~). opucse eee 12 Clouston, B.. Walters on. i eae Chippendale Period in English Furniture, The. . vg. 20s 5540 ule 31 Cole, Alan) S 2.5 Fei tee ae aes Ornament in European Silks............. 18 Collins; Harry7.2% 0. aia aer age ABC of Dress: ... 2.5 pe 2 Committee on Education of the American Institute of Archi- LCE IS Oe Hero ES Cae Significance of Fine Arts.. ...... see nee 45 Cornelius, Charles Over.........Furniture Masterpieces of Duncan Phyfe.. 28 Grane; Walter Te oe enn eis Bases of Design... ...... (dasa 41 Day, Lewis age k one tee Art in Needlework:..../..:... 2: se eae 2 Day, Lewis Foreman............ Pattern Designs. .). iis’... fap sce 4I Dearborn, George Van Ness..... Psychology of Clothing: : ..27 0) eee 2 De Bles, Major Arthur.......... Walls and Their Decoration............. 26 De Garmo, Charles, and Wins- low, Leon Loyal ui yee ae Essentials of Design... /.. 75. eae 42 De Ricci. Seymour, sos are ee Louis XVI) Furniture... . sce 34 De Villermont, Comtesse Marie . . Historie de la Coiffure Feminine......... 8 De Wolfe, Isisie is ince meee epee House in Good ‘Taste, '‘The...,3. 7. oe 18 Ditthheld | Pen sae ayiess eh Manor Houses of England, The.......... 36 DowsArthuc Wi. Cause weer Composition . .\... «5... . + sa se 42 Dow Arthur Wiis ae tee an Theory and Practice of Teaching Art..... 42 Downs and O’Leary. .......5.. 44. Elements of Costume Design............. 2 Dotton, Wine ee ea ee at Boots and Shoes of Our Ancestors, The... 8 Dyer, lizabetitge ce vical utes Textile Fabrics. . ......./. + <4 20. oe 2 Dyer) Walter Alden tec. Gases we Handbook of Furniture Styles........... 27 Harvie! Alice BUM a oie shee nt Costume of Colonial Times.............. ie) Farle AL Ce is enn ch tary vtegh Two Centuries of Costume in America.... 10 Eberlein, Harold Donaldson...... Architecture of Colonial America, The.... 36 Eberlein, Harold Donaldson...... Interiors, Fireplaces, and Furniture of the Italian Renaissance. ,..... cena een 34 Eberlein, H. D., McClure, A., and ‘Holloway, ov tise ee Practical Book of Interior Decoration, The 18 Eberlein, H. D., and McClure, ADDOE Gio? Gon wit a ae Practical Book of Period Furnishings... .. 27 eiger, Maldred. Beinn. eke ee Color Applied to Dress Design........... 5 INDEX OF AUTHORS | 61 PAGE SIGE PRUIOU De lk eee TICCOPALEVE SREICHES Trae sacs cc ou Ln ite 5 Ellsworth, Evelyn Peters........ Textiles and Costume Design............ 2 Sa tC rr English Furniture and Decoration, 1680- BOO Salata oles 166 A cbod hci Seeds eae et 3 Elwell, Newton W.............. Colonial Furniture and Interiors......... 29 Pembury, Aymar, Jr............. One Hundred Country Houses........... 36 MOOR aS aia oes. ks asis He How to ujay Pictures. . os). sae ee on 45 LOR eG SR aaa Manuel d’Archéologie Francaise; Le Cos- TUPELO ppd Make ceaticel iain aquhans josats AeA Wie kg 13 Evans, Maria Millington......... Chapters on Greek Dress... / fs cea. ¢. 10 ET" eC A COOSCUIMer IOUS tLESL.. cisli ce ned Soe OR RON 6 II AWG Gs 6 Sidiy ona) pisos ales Castimesin lneland i. eaten ow ete 12 Pee tal sie dig wilde n cis obs WEISUCE MAE CALE ee Marisa dore cao WA a ath Wehr, 46 Penolossa, Ernest FF... 2... ...... Epochs of Chinese and Japanese Art...... 46 Perret James. se ck aes History of Architecture in All Countries.. 36 Fischel, Oskar, and Von Boehn, NRE SR daha 6 Fig ee 6 00% Modes and Manners of the XIX Century. .8, 13 Fletcher, Sir Banister ........... History of Architecture on the Compara- PIV GMVIGE OCs oh icpte Mu) ae woth anes 37 LOC GS O36 10 a Hints on House Furnishing.............. 24 Cr (15 OO ar Die Moden der Italienischen Renaissance. 14 OI oes oe le tele es Book of Decorative Furniture, Its Form, Colprsang History, chee. fe uIh goes, 28 Lg a Making Curtains and Hangings.......... 18 Paster rArUA IG. 26... ee ws Uses of the Foundation Pattern.......... 5 Frederick, Frank F............. Simplified Mechanical Perspective........ 42 Friedlander, Ludwig............ Roman Life and Manners............... II Gettemy, Winifred.............. Home; Pormmisniigy ne. es eee conte 24 Gibson, Louis Henry............ COU Venien Ge ELOMES os /.1. coal an calorie 18 MeIOEMEICHAEO sy '2. oss ads Puetoric bextue: PAabricg syd. aes elke 18 Goldstein, Harriet and Vetta..... AXPAR CUGMIAW SU WWOLE ss co te berate 2 Goodnow, Ruby Rose, and CEE) SSE 0 an i POTeOU LLGUSe 7. DELeia 28: Gomes a oom ete 37 i 2a AUS Modern French Painters... 0.2 .....4.... 46 Goudy, Frederic William........ Elements of Lettertngy ei. i cate aes 42 MEN pRASICTE Se isa cay as cic ee Inside Facts about Whittall Rugs and . COTDE EMA ie nea nara anny ete oes ih Ge 24 ME eC XION oie cette. vod aie eso Monograph on Chinese Rugs............ 25 (he ieee 28 cn PETSODANLV IN OTEBS WNL ma aN sahdes ce) 5 Rxtauert, Paul Louis... 5... } Histoire du Costume Frangaise, Le....... 13 OLE COS re House and OMG sos tar eh ca eke vate 19 Guhl, E., and Koner, W......... Life of the Greeks and Romans, The...... II Gunsaulus, Helen............... aTATese CsOSLOtMes aon io sci arctsain Wal). ee 14 Prerae AAY 28 se See ce Dynamic Symmetry: The Greek Vase.... 42 Hamlin, Albert Dwight Foster....History of Architecture................. 37 Hamlin, Albert Dwight Foster....History of Ornament................... 46 62 ART IN HOME ECONOMICS PAGE Hamlin, Talbot Faulkner........ Enjoyment of Architecture, The.......... 37 Haney UP; osc: aera comes Classroom Practice in Design............ 42 Harrison Ap... b ree ok seo eee Landscape Painting... . iss eee 46 Hayden; Abthur eis cee ee Chats on Old Furniture 2272.0. eeeeee 31 Haywards rtphur ese ae, ces Colonial Lighting . ..:., 7.) 32 eye 20 Hayward, Frank Herbert........ Lessons in Appreciation; |... sae 46 FleniriwRabert.: s/o tacos Os ee Art Spirit, The. ......5. 570s oe 46 Henzey, Ld0n SF ie seen Histoire du Costume Antiqué. 3.2 augue. ri PHerls 7. BeRUssells unas ee aah ee ee Decorating and Furnishing of Apartments, The 2)... es ss on she ey 19 Hilldseorgiannace. es ee History of English Dress. 74 .....50 eee 12 Holloway, Edward Stratton...... Practical Book of Furnishing the Small House and Apartment, [hes .7. eee 19 Hointe? Charles cr t..0 5 ee nee Peasant Art in Austria and Hungary...... 15 Holme Charles. we pea re cee ee Peasant Art in Italy... (oe 15 Holmen havies a vain, eee ee Peasant Artin Russia. /( (5 eee 15 Holmes Charles uy coven eae shee Peasant Art in Sweden, Finland, Lapland, and Iceland... .:. 1 ee 15 Hope; Gone Fluiyanc sees Artistic Dress: Color in Dress Fashion—Its Use and Abuse. -. 2). 2... ga. 5 Hones LBOmas thie t hts ome eens ee Costumes of the Ancients. /77aae ee enenee II HMottenroth, Wrederic. 22 .- ee Costume chez les Peuples Anciens et Mo- dernes, Le... 052.1... 8 Houston, Mary, and Hornblower, Hiorence Si foe re aaa serene Ancient Egyptian, Assyrian, and Persian Costumes. . 2.5 ss 1) in eee II Huber, iBertharG. 2442 ns ee ree Machine-Made Finishes................. 5 Hughes) Valbot ote keen eee Dress Design’)... 5) ogee eee 3,9 Humphries Sydney, ei. se 5 ater Oriental Carpets, Runners, and Rugs, and Some Jacquard Reproduction.......... 19 Hunter, George Leland.......... Decorative Furniture... 7.7.2 eae 27 Hunter, George Leland.......... Decorative Textiles. . . :... 2.0 19 Hunter, George Leland.......... Italian Furniture and Interiors........... 34 Hunter, George Leland... .. 22: Tapestries, Their Origin, History, and Ren- BISSANICE |, ss 1:52 0s + vele |e eee 19 Izor hstrenes Peel aa ace so try Costume Designing and House Planning... 3 Jecksor, Alen W f20 44 oho coke Half-Timbered House, The...) s. eee 37 Jackway,.bermardc.7. >. os. baacnu Principles of Interior Decoration......... 20 Jacobs Biichel Sateen ek Art of Color, The...) .... 7... 42 Jatobseny dna; fase nn. cio caer Sketching Studies in Costume Design.... . 6 Jacobsen, Wilhelmina, and Prange (Runs Ee coh rea Making Your Own Hat. . ..27a03 oe 6 Jacquemart,.Albert 20. 34 soe, History of Furniture, A: .....0 sme eee 28 Jacauemin, Raphael cpr sine Iconographie du Costume... . J2.,)-seeee 13 jJourdam “Mucins wy ence tenants English Decoration and the Furniture of the Early Renaissance .....aeeeneeeee 31 in a... INDEX OF AUTHORS MOIMMOAD POI olen os bay oe English Interiors in Smaller Houses....... TTI OSEAN chock pis eg ein aie ts Die Deutschen Volkstrachten............ Kelley, Charles Fabens, and Mowel, William Luther........ Textbook of Design, A... 650... . Re. Kellogg, Alice M................Home Furnishing, Practical and Artistic. . . PeOtTOse WNCEZOIe. sk. ek Interpretive Costume Design: The Age of Chivalry, The Orient, American Cos- UES The t OOO: cs hoe ee ay ec eee Kimball, Sidney Fiske........... Domestic Architecture of the American Colonies and of the Early Republic..... Kimberly, William L............ How to Know Period Styles in Furniture. . . Kinnee, Helen, and Cooley, ONO! ge a me ROGLEOM APC, COLO UMIITI Dred coy Sess sie calle dn ad Mmretecnmer, Albert... ......4.... qeureche. Volkstrachten vrs. 0 s0 4056 wns Mretscuimer Albert... oun ss--. eyachten der. Volker; Die) yey ys ada s PEMA RS aos fd isle ns we Eighteenth Century, Its Institutions, Cus- toms, anc Costumes, Ihe ea en. cays Dancin vary Bo... kinks so How to Know Oriental Rugs............. Laurence, Buermeyer............ POS UIe IG Hex RETIONCE, (LUG) 012) oad cca aaa Laurence, Mandi, and Sheldon, CoS 1 6 arr Use of Plants in Decorative Design....... DRY PE ITONC. fo oe es CI OPBORII OT altel es FOLKS) ite beet sis FP ee ve (hes 0 | PereaN ay Te BW oy gee he na PA em a URS PD eaves erancis. ........ 2.0.5. Decora tionun england: 7/2.) . So,aue- ko Lenygon, Prangs. ......-... +... Decoration and Furniture of English Man- sions in the XVII and XVIII Cen- AVEO TSZME dBi CCC SUE ety DMM Aa reg GM SS) 0) 0s) 08 Practical Book of Oriental Rugs, The..... Larcuneld, Brederick. .. 06.43... Illustrated History of Furniture.......... Lockwood, Luke Vincent........ Colonial Furniture in America........... en Og Tipe rita CCOLALLONY fines. cil) Ve iiaeg deen ya oa Lonsdale, H. W., and Tarver, 0 berlin cic AR: he ae Medieval Costume’ i050 eis cis cde eh (eA GO gE eo Drehting the Homes orcs fini dee Bares UR eo 5 DMocera Millinery up take gs Sciences Macquoid, Percy................Four Hundred Years of Children’s Cos- PAPO Ga bee eto iw aiseSs decile LN MA OR eden crates Macquoid, Percy, and Edwards, SL SE ee ae er ae Dictionary of English Furniture.......... RTOS | 2 BCE 7S) Ea a ae New. Clothes at: Small Cost: 2342702 eee 44 Veblen, ‘Thorstein; } 2.20.0 fo er. Theory of the Leisure Class)... 75.0) eee 4 Visslers Clark si25, b-.2 ma eee Costumes of the Plains Indians.......... 10 Vollmer; Willlam Ao. ec eee Book of Distinctive Interiors, A.......... 23 Von Bochni Maxicnit iy te ce eo Mode in Siebzehnten Jahrhundert, Die.... 14 Von Boehm, Maxi tery ie Modespiegel !). ss ..52)t ns ope ee 14 Waillis(Frank Edwin. «sian veo How to Know Architecture..........5. 005 40 Weinburte, Loulsiaiyes it oa Color in Everyday-Lite,... : 20.50 .e:nee 44 Weitenkampf, Frank............ Appreciate Prints . (2. 27. 48 Well, Percy A., and Hooper, John.. Modern Cabinet Work, Furniture, and Fit- TNOTICS S oivs ble irs aie © 0 etna eee aa 23 Wharton, Edith, and Condma, Ogden: Irie... Sieeiertns penetra Decoration of Houses’... doves eee 23 White Charles B geen oe ee Successful Houses and How to Build Them. 40 © Wilkinson, Sir J. Gardner........ Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians.) . i. .2./s't peel II Winterburn, Florence........... Principles of Correct Dress,..\) 2290) eae 4 Wood, Grace,and Burbank, Emily. Art of Interior Decoration............... 23 Woolman, Mrs. Mary Schenck....Clothing: Choice, Care, Cost............ 4 Wright, Agnes Foster............ Interior Decoration for Modern Needs.... 23 Wright, Agnes Foster............ Making Curtains and Hangings.......... 24 Wright, Richardson Little........ House and Garden’s Book of Interiors.... 24 Wright, Richardson Little........ House and Garden’s Second Book of Houses 24 Wright, Richardson Little........ Inside the House of Good Taste.......... 23 Young Edith weer cw en taka a Students’ Manual of Fashion Drawing.... 4 PRINTED IN THE U.S.A. 7 ov 1 WAG yy ’ re | a a wi P } Wes i‘ r “ : i ' oar » : ’ opt ij / * ' re e ft 4 i A 1% i ' ‘a ‘v5 : ¥ >, ” vik fA ay Riad) Yes raed) yi y Vi ae fF File AES te Hed Wie ora ae i ee mM aa a aR) OM NE asas i ene: 7, v ery ee hay b | Ps ¥as4)) ‘ / - ra, coals E74 °) (Gx i) eo : al eS DYING ‘ Ke . i) Sees | ; x ‘ "Eb! tsa An: /-ouiasnn: Sy DNisaNe GN OF. pS ats ; Jed } 7 - ar : mle Oe A ae “Th 7 Wraal? C4 s % RUA sb, oS) - a pan FFT = ty ee ale LOA, lb Ni CA) iNT Fhe mS Sie Z fy. ko) G ov. he tg; the S/ < A I N NO" 8 - HUNT TING UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 3 0112 096604092