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This work is intended to serve as a reference book for Railroad Managers, Superintend- ents, Master Mechanics, Engineers, Architects, Students, and others connected with the various departments of railroading or kindred interests, who are desirous of obtaining data as to the existing practice on American railroads relating to any of the subjects discussed in the book. Extracts from the first sixteen chapters were previously published in serial form in the Railroad Gazette, and met with favorable and encouraging comments. It is hardly necessary to call attention to the scarcity of American literature on build- ings and similar structures connected with the station service, maintenance of way and operating departments of railroads. With the exception of isolated articles to be found in technical periodicals or in the publications of professional societies, accurate and exhaustive data relating to existing railroad structures can only be obtained by personal inspection or by addressing the proper department official in charge of the work in question. The purpose of this book is to obviate to a large extent the necessity of railroad men and others in search of such information having to resort to tedious investigations and personal inquiries. Attention is also called to the fact that most of the subjects embraced in this book have never before been discussed in print in a systematic and thorough manner. The aim of the author has been to present a collection embodying the best practice for each particular class of structure, whether cheap or expensive, and showing ihe sundry varia- tions caused by individual views or local conditions in different sections of the country. Particular attention has been paid to the smaller buildings connected with the roadway and operating departments. The cheap and simple structures in use in the thinly settled sections of the country have been considered of as much importance as those of the most elaborate and artistic design. Each subject is discussed in a general manner at the beginning of the corresponding chapter, so that inexperienced persons can gain information on the salient points and con- trolling features for each class of structures, while others more conversant with the subject will find these general discussions convenient for reference. The second part of each chapter is devoted to detail descriptions and illustrations of structures in use on American railroads. The extensive territory covered is shown by the fact that over five hundred different buildings and structures are described, illustrated, or referred to, while there are nearly seven hundred illustrations accompanying the te.xt, of which over six hundred have been specially prepared for this work. The illustrations, which range from the simple details, general plans. iv PREFACE. sections, and elevations of structures, to elaborate and artistic half-tone cuts of exteriors and interiors, are inserted throughout the book in their proper places opposite the text. The collection and selection of the necessary data and the preparation for publication of such a large number of illustrations have been accomplished only by great assiduity and con- siderable expense. The intrinsic merit of the book is enhanced by the fact that Engineers, Architects, and Railroad Men from all parts of the country have placed valuable plans and important information at the disposal of the author which otherwise would be very difficult to obtain. The author desires to express his thanks to all who have so generously and kindly assisted him in the preparation of this book. It has been his aim to give credit throughout the book to the originators or contributors of designs or data. Where the designers or per- sons in charge of work are not mentioned, it is because they were unknown to the author, and not through any desire to suppress their names. While it is obviously difficult to mention all persons who have personally, directly or indirectly, furnished data or information utilized in the preparation and compilation of this book, the author feels bound to place on record the valuable assistance furnished by the fol- lowing railroad men, engineers, and architects: L. M. Allen, General Passenger Agent, New York & Northern Railway. M. J. Becker, Chief Engineer, Pennsylvania Lines West of Pittsburg. V. G. Bogue, Chief Engineer, Union Pacific liailway. Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Pennsylvania Railroad. W. W. Boyington, Architect, Chicago, 111. E. F. Brooks, Engineer Maintenance of Way, New York Division, Pennsylvania Railroad. E. D. B. Brown, Architect and Civil Engineer, New York, N. Y. Wm. H. Brown, Chief Engineer, Pennsylvania Railroad. C. W. Bvichholz, Chief Engineer, New York, Lake Erie & Western Railroad. R. Caffrey, Supervisor, Eastern Division, Philadelphia & Reading Railroad (formerly General Road- master, Lehigh Valley Railroad). H. E. Chaniberlin, Superintendent, Concord Railroad. F. A. Chase, Master Mechanic, Kansas City, St. Joseph & Council Bluilfs Railroad. S. F"rench Collins, Car Department, Lehigh Valley Railroad. P. H. Conradson, formerly Chemist, New York & New England Railroad. F. S. Curtis, Chief Engineer, New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad. Philip H. Dewitt, Assistant Engineer, Lehigh Valley Railroad. Charles B. Dudley, Chemist, Pennsylvania Railroad. H. T. Douglass, Chief Engineer, Baltimore & Ohio Railway. Cyrus L, W. Eidlitz, Architect, New York, N. Y. H. Ferastrom, Chief Engineer, Minnesota & Northwestern Railroad and Chicago, St. Paul & Kansas City Railroad. L. Focht, Assistant Engineer, Lehigh Valley Railroad. William Forsyth, Mechanical Engineer, Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad. Wolcott C. Foster, Civil Engineer, New York, N. Y. J. D. Fouquet, Assistant Chief Engineer, New York Central & Hudson River Railroad. F. W. Fratt, Chief Engineer, Wisconsin Central Railway. Geo. H. Frost, Managing Editor, Engineering Ncios, New York, N. Y. C. C. Genung, Chief Engineer, Ohio Valley Railway. George Gibbs, Mechanical Engineer, Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. T. H. Grant. .Assistant Engineer, Central Railroad of New Jersey. Bradford L. Gilbert, Architect, New York, N. Y. Walter D. Gregory, formerly Chemist, New York, Lake Erie & Western Railroad. A. Griggs, Superintendent of Motive Power, New York & New England Railroad. PREFACE. V Charles Hansel, formerly Resident Engineer, Wabasji, St. Louis & Pacific Railway. S. B. Haupt. Superintendent Motive Power, Norfolk & Western Railroad. Edwin A. Hill, Chief Engineer, Indianapolis, Decatur & Springfield Railway. Hawthorne Hill, Managing Editor, The Engineering lilngasine. New York, N. Y. Julius G. Hocke, Assistant Engineer, Lehigh Valley Railro.ul. W. B. W. Howe, Jr., Chief Engineer, S.ivannah, Florida & Western Railroad. F. W. Johnstone. Superintendent, Mexican Central Railroad. J. M. Jones, Station Master, Concord Railroad, Concord N. H. W. S. Jones. Chief Engineer, Chicago & Northern Paciiic Railroad. Walter Katte. Chief Engineer, New York Central & Hudson River Railroad. J. W. Kendrick, Chief Engineer, Nortliern Pacific Railroad. John S. Lentz, Superintendent Car Department, Philadelphia & Reading Railroad, formerly Super- intendent Car Department, Lehigh Valley Railroad. Chas. F. Loweth, Civil Engineer, St. Paul, Minn. S. D. Mason, Principal Assistant Engineer, Northern Pacific Railroad. Wm. Mcllvaine, Civil Engineer, Philadelphia, Pa. J. M. Meade, Resident Engineer, Atchinson, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad. Alex. Mitchel, Superintendent of Motive Power, Philadelphia & Reading Railroad, formerly Super- intendent, Lehigh Valley Railroad. R. Montford, Chief Engineer. Louisville & Nash-'illc Railroad. H. K. Nichol, Chief Engineer, Philadelphia & Reading Railroad. C. B. Nicholson, Chief Engineer, Cincinnati, New Orleans & Te.xas Pacific Railroad and Alabama Great Southern Railroad. W. Barclay Parsons, Jr., Civil Engineer, author of "Track," New York, N. Y. W. F. Pascoe, Superintendent Bridges and Buildings, Lehigh Valley Railroad. Wm. H. Peddle, Division Superintendent and Engineer, Central Railroad of New Jersey. H. G. Prout, Editor, Railroad Gazette, New York, N. Y. L. S. Randolph, Engineer of Tests. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. A. L. Reed, Chief Engineer, Port Huron & Northwestern Railway. C. A. Reed, Supervising Architect, Minnesota & Northwestern Railroad and Chicago, St. Paul & Kansas City Railroad, St. Paul, Minn. C. Rosenberg, General Foreman, Lehigh Valley Creosoting Works (formerly Master Carpenter, New Jersey Division, Lehigh Valley Railroad). F. E. Schall, Assistant Engineer. Lehigh Valley Railroad. F. M. Slater, Chief Engineer, National Docks Railway. E. F. Smith, Engineer in Charge, Philadelphia & Reading Terminal, Philadelphia, Pa. A. W. Stedman, Chief Engineer, Lehigh Valley Railroad. C. B. Talbot, Civil Engineer, Northern Pacific Railroad, Tacoma, Wash. J. F. Wallace, Chief Engineer, Illinois Central Railroad. H. F. While, Chief Engineer, Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Northern Railroad. Wilson Brothers & Co., Civil Engineers and Architects, Philadelphia, Pa. H. Wolters, Architect, Louisville, Ky. The technical journals am! publications have been carefufl)' examined in order to furnish desirable references to matter previously published. The author takes pleasure in acknowl- edging the uniform courtesy extended to him by the editors of the technical press and the liberal spirit manifested in according permis.sion to quote from their files. The publications thus utilized arc as follows: American Architect and Building Nezvs ; Engineering Ncius and American Raihvay Journal ; Railroad Gazette ; Railroad Topics; The Engineering Magazine ; The Engineering Record {Building Record and The Sanitary Engineer) ; Tlie Inland Architect and Nezvs Record ; The Railroad and Engineering Journal ; The Railway Neivs ; The Railway Revieiv ; and others. The preparation of this work has extended over several years, not through any lack of enthusiasm on the part of the author, but owing to the fact that the book liad to be written vi PREFACE. in such hours that could be spared from the exacting demands of an extensive professional practice. The author trusts, therefore, tliat any omissions or deficiencies found in the book will not be too severely criticised, and that " Buildings and Structures of American Railroads" will be accepted as a valuable contribution to the technical literature of the day and take its place among standard reference books in the libraries of Railroad Men, Engineers, Architects Students, and others interested in the subject. New York., N. Y., December, ist, 1892. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGB Preface iii Table of Contents vii List of Illustrations CHAPTER I. WATCHMAN'S SHANTIES. General Remarks I *Square Watchman's Shanty, Richmond & Alleghany Railroad 2 *Octagonal Watchman's Shanty, Richmond & Alleghany Railroad 2 Watchman's Shanty, Alleghany Valley Railroad 3 *Watchman's Shanty, Philadelphia c& Reading Railroad 3 *Watchman's Shanty, Lehigh Valley Railroad. ^ *Watchman's Shanty of Limited Width, Ne%v York Division, Pennsylvania Railroad 4 Standard Watchman's Shanty, Pennsylvania Railroad 5 *Watchman's Shanty, Norfolk & Western Railroad 5 Design for a Watchman's Shanty, by W. B. Parsons, Jr 5 CHAPTER II. SECTION TOOL-HOUSES. General Remarks 6 *Standard Section Tool -house, Pennsylvania Railroad 7 *Standard Section Tool-house, Union Pacific Railway g *Standard Hand-car and Tool-house, Cincinnati Southern Railway g Standard Tool-house, Atchison , Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad 10 *Standard Tool-house, Philadelphia & Reading Railroad 10 *Section Tool-house, Northern Pacific Railroad II *Single Hand-car House, Northern Pacific Railroad 12 Double Hand-car House, Northern Pacific Railroad 12 *Section Tool-house, Lehigh Valley Railroad 12 Tool-house Design by W. B. Parsons, Jr 13 Section Tool-house, Macon & Birmingham Railroad 13 CHAPTER III. SECTION HOUSES. General Remarks 14 *Two-room Section House, East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Railroad 15 Two-room Section House, Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific Railroad 15 *Three-room Section House, East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Railroad 16 *Three-room Section House, Chesapeake & Ohio Railway 16 *Three-room Section House, New Orleans & North Eastern Railroad 17 *Section House, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad 18 * White Men's Section House, Northern Pacific Railroad 18 *Two-story Section House, Northern Pacific Railroad ig *Section House, Savannah, Florida & Western Railroad 20 * Illustrated. viii TABLE OF CONTENTS. j( PAGE *Tivo-story Section House, Louisville & Nashville Railroad 21 *Desigii for a Section House by W. B. Parsons, Jr 21 *Standard Section House, Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railroad . • 2i Standard Section Houses, Macon & Birminghain Railroad 22 CHAPTER IV. DWELLING-HOUSES FOR EMPLOYES. General Remarks 23 *Agent's Dwelling, Northern Pacific Railroad System 23 *Five-room Cottage " K," Chesapeake & Ohio Railway 24 *Five-room Cottage " L, " Chesapeake & Ohio Railway 25 *Seven-room Cottage, Chesapeake & Ohio Railway , 25 *Dvvelling-house, Union Pacific Railway 26 *Dwelling-house, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad 27 Employes' Homes of Weslinghouse Air-brake Co., Wilmerding, Pa 27 CHAPTER V. SLEEPING QUARTERS, READING-ROOMS, AND CLUB-HOUSES FOR EMPLOYES General Remarks 28 *Bunk-house at Jersey City, N. J., Lehigh Valley Railroad '. . . . 29 *Bunk-house at Perth Amboy, N. J., Lehigh Valley Railroad 29 *Reading-room, Union Pacific Railway 30 ^Railroad Branch Building, Young Men's Christian Association, at East Buffalo, N. Y 31 Employes' Club-house, Chicago, Burlington & Northern Railroad 32 Railroad Branch Building, Young Men's Christian Association, New York Central & Hudson River Railroad, New York, N. Y 32 Railroad Men's Club-house, New York Central & Hudson River Railroad, New York, N. Y 32 CHAPTER VI. SNOW-SHEDS AND PROTECTION-SHEDS FOR MOUNTAIN-SLIDES. General Remarks 33 *Snow-shed on Level Ground, Central Pacific Railroad 34 *Snow-shed on Level Ground, Northern Pacific Railroad , 35 *Snow-shed over Cuts or on Side Hills, Northern Pacific Railroad 36 *Snow-sheds, Canadian Pacific Railway 3^ *Snow-shed over Cuts or on Side H ills. Central Pacific Railroad 37 *Protection-shed for Mountain-slides, Oregon & California Railroad 38 CHAPTER VII. SIGNAL-TOWERS. General Remarks 39 *Octagonal Signal-tower, Philadelphia & Reading Railroad . 40 Square Signal- tower, Philadelphia & Reading Railroad 4° Signal Station, Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore Railroad 40 *Elevated Gate-house at Whitehaven, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad 41 *Standard Signal-tower, Pennsylvania Railroad 42 *Signal-tower on Depot Building, Richmond & Alleghany Railroad 42 *Signal-tower at Jutland, N. J., Lehigh Valley Railroad 42 *Signal- tower at Hillsboro, N. j., Lehigh Valley Railroad 42 *Signal-tower at Jersey City, N. J., Lehigh Valley Railroad 43 *Two-legged Signal tower at Newark, N. J., Pennsylvania Railroad, 44 *One-legged Signal- tower at Chicago, 111., Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad 44 *Signal- tower at Jersey City, N. J., Central Railroad of New Jersey 45 Signal-tower and Bridge, New York Central & Hudson River Railroad 45 CHAPTER VIII. CAR-SHEDS AND CAR-CLEANING YARDS. General Remarks .., 46 *Brick Car-shed at Mauch Chunk, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad 47 *Temporary Car-sheds, Richmond & Alleghany Railroad 48 *Frame Car-shed at Wallula, Wash., Northern Pacific Railroad 48 TABLE OF CONTENTS. ix PAGE *Car-cleaniiig Platform at Jersey City, N. J., Central Railroad of New Jersey 49 *Carcleaning Platform Shed at Jersey City, N. J , Pennsylvania Railroad 49 Passenger-car Yard at Chicago, 111., Pennsylvania Railroad 5° CHAPTER IX. .ASHPITS. *General Remarks 5^ ^Standard Ashpit, Atchison, T opeka & Santa Fe Railroad 56 *Ashpit at Heron, Mont., Northern Pacific Railroad 56 *Ashpit at Packerton, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad 57 *Ashpit at Aurora, 111., Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad 57 Ashpit, Kansas City, St. Joseph & Council Biul'fs Railroad 58 *Rail-chair, Savannah, Florida & Western Railroad 5S *.Ashpit, Lehigh & Susquehanna Railroad 59 Ashpit Cinder-loading Plant, Cincinnati, Washington & Baltimore Railroad 59 Ash-conveyor at Port Richmond, Philadelphia, Pa., Philadelphia & Reading Railroad 59 CHAPTER X. ICE-HOUSES. General Remarks ^o *Design for a Fifty-ton Ice-house ^4 Fifty-ton Ice-house, Jersey City Termin.d, Leliiglt Valley Railroad 64 One-hundred-and-fifty-ton Ice-house at South Bethlehem, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad O5 *Standard Five-hundred-ton Ice-house, Chicago, St. Paul & Kansas City Railroad 65 *Fifteen-hundred-ton Ice-house at Sayre, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad 66 *Two-thousand-ton Ice-house at Jersey City, N. J., Lehigh Valley Railroad 67 *Fifteen-hundred-ton Ice-house at Nickerson, Kan., Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad 68 *Fifteen-hundred-ton Brick Ice-house at Mauch Chunk, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad 69 Sixteen-hundred-ton Ice-house, PhiUipsburg, N. J., Lehigh Valley Railroad 7° CHAPTER XI. SAND HOUSES. General Remarks. .'. 7i *Sand-house at Richmond, Va., Richmond & Alleghany Railroad 74 *Sand-house, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad 75 *Sand-house at Perth Amboy, N. J., Lehigh Valley Railroad 76 *Sand-house Design, Philadelphia & Reading Railroad 76 Sand house at Burlington, 111., Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad 76 Sand-house at Columbus, O., Pittsburg, Cincinnati & St. Louis Railway 77 *Sand-house Design for Lehigh Valley Railroad 77 *Sand-house at Cressona, Pa., Philadelphia ^S: Reading Railroad 78 Sand-drier at Connemaugh, Pa., Pennsylvania Railroad : 78 Sand-house at Weatherly, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad 79 Design for Sand-house, Lehigh Valley Railroad 79 *Sand-house at Washington, D. C, Pennsylvania Railroad 79 CHAPTER XII. OIL-STORAGE HOUSES. General Remarks °' *Frame Oil and Waste Storage Shed at Penh .^.mboy, N. J., Lehigh Valley Railroad 83 *Brick Oil-house at Perth Amboy, N. J., Lehigh Valley Railroad 83 *Stone Oil and Waste House at Lehighton, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad 85 Brick Oil-house at West Philadelphia, Pa., Pennsylvania Railroad 85 *Brick Oil and Waste House, Mexican Central Railroad 86 Oil house at Denver, Col., Union Pacific Railway. 86 *Frame Oil-storage and Car-inspector's House at Penh Amboy, N. J., Lehigh Valley Railroad 87 *Frame Oil-storage and Car-inspector's House at Packerton, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad 87 *Brick Oil-house at Washington, D. C, Pennsylvania Railroad 8S *Brick Oil-house at Jersey City, N. J., Pennsylvania Railroad 89 *Brick Oil-storage House at Western Avenue, Chicago, 111., Chicago, Burlington & puincy Railroad , 90 X TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER XIII. OIL-MIXING HOUSES. PAGE General Remarks 93 *Oil mixins; House at Aurora, III., Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad 95 *Oil-mi.xing House at Meadow Shops, Newark, N. J., Pennsylvania Railroad 96 Oil-Mi.\ing House at Mt. Clare Shops, Baltimore, Md., Baltimore & Ohio Railroad ' gS *Oil-Mi.xing House at Altoona, Pa., Pennsylvania Railroad 99 *Oil-Mi-xing House at Susquehanna, Pa., New York, Lake Erie & Western Railroad 100 Oil-mi.xing House at Milwaukee, Wis., Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway lOi Oil-mi.xing Houses of the New York & New England Railroad loi *Oil-mixing House Design, Packerton, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad 103 *Oil-mixi[ig House at Perth Amboy, N. J., Lehigh Valley Railroad 104 *Chemical Laboratory at South Bethlehem, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad 110 CHAPTER XIV. WATER STATIONS. General Remarks 113 *General Design of a Circular Water-tank ■. iiS ■"Square Water-tank, Philadelphia & Reading Railroad 119 Standard 16 ft. X 24 ft.. Circular Water-tank, Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Railway . 119 Standard, 16 ft. X 24 ft.. Circular Water-tank, Cincinnati Southern Railway 120 *Standard, 14 ft. X 22 ft., Circular Water-tank, Pennsylvania Railroad 120 Standard, 14 ft. X iS ft.. Circular Water-tank, Pennsylvania Railroad 122 *Slandard, 15 ft. X 16 ft., Circular Water-tank, Savannah, Florida & Western Railway 122 *Slandard, 16 ft. X 24 ft.. Circular Water-tank, Chicago, St. Paul & Kansas City Railway 123 Standard, 16 ft, X 24 ft., Circular Water-tank, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad 124 Standard, 16 ft. X 16 ft.. Circular Water-lank, Northern Pacific Railroad 124 Standard, 16 ft. X 24 ft.. Circular Water-tank, Northern Pacific Railroad 124 * High Water-tank, Northern Pacific Railroad 123 ^Standard, 16 ft. X 20 ft.. Circular Water-tank, Lehigh Valley Railroad .... 126 *Standard, 16 ft. X 30 ft., Circular Water-tank, Lehigh Valley Railroad 127 Standard, 16 ft. X 24 ft.. Circular Water-tank, Union Pacific Railway 129 Feed Water-trough, Pennsylvania Railroad 129 CHAPTER XV. COALING STATIONS FOR LOCOMOTIVES. General Remarks 130 *Derrick Coal-shed, Wisconsin Central Railroad 141 *Derrick Coal-house, Northern Pacific Railroad 142 Stationary Crane-and- Bucket System, Des Moines & Fort Dodge Railway 143 Stationary Crane-and- Bucket System, New York, Chicago & St. Louis Railway 143 Travelling Crane for Coaling Engines at Columbus, O., Pittsburg, Cincinnati & St. Louis Railway 143 *Coaling Platform at Jersey City, N. J., Lehigh Valley Railroad 145 *Cualing Platform at Lehighton, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad 145 Coaling Platform at South Easton, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad 146 Coaling Platform, Chicago & Grand Trunk Railway 146 -Coaling Platform, St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Railway 147 Coaling Platform with Tipping Trolley Dump-car, Connecticut River Railroad 147 Coaling Platform with Tipping Trolley Dump-car, New York, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad 147 Coaling Platform with Tipping Trolley Dump-cars, Northern Central Railroad 147 Coaling Platform at Altoona, Pa., Pennsylvania Railroad. . . 148 Coaling Platform at West Philadelphia, Pa., Pennsylvania Railroad 148 Coaling Platform at East Tyrone, Pa., Pennsylvania Railroad 148 *Elevated Coal-shed, Northern Pacific Railroad 148 Coal-chutes, Baltimore & Ohio Railroad 148 Coal-chutes at Southport, N. Y., New York, Lake Erie i: Western Railroad 149 *Coal-chutes, New Orleans & Northeastern Railroad 149 *Coal-chutes at Scottsville, Va., Richmond & Alleghany Railroad 150 New Coal-chutes at Waverly, N. Y., New York, Lake Erie & Western Railroad 150 Coal-chntes at Hornellsville, N. Y., New York, Lake Erie & Western Railroad .... 151 Old Coal -chutes at Waverly, N. Y., New York, Lake Erie iS: Western Railroad 151 'Coal-chutes at Susquehanna, Pa., New York, Lake Erie & Western Railroad 151 TABLE OF CONTENTS. xi PAGE Coal-chutes at Buffalo. N. Y., and at Connellsville, Pa 151 *Coal-buiikers, Northern Pacific Railroad 151 •Standard Coal-chutes, Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Railway 152 *Coalchutes at Black Diamond Mine, Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Railway 153 *CoaI-chutes at Wilkesbarre, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad 153 *Coal-chute, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Ke Railroad. ... 153 Collin's System for Coaling Locomotives, Pennsylvania Railroad 154 Overhead Coaling Station at Hackensack Meadows, Jersey City, N. J., Pennsylvania Railroad 155 Overhead Coaling Station at Gray's Ferry, Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore Railroad 155 Overhead Coaling Station at Aurora, 111., Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad 156 *Coaling Station with Vertical Bucket elevator at Jersey City, N. J., National Docks Railway 156 *Coaling Station with Trough-conveyor Elevator at Oneonta, N. Y., Delaware & Hudson Canal Co 157 *Proposed Overhead Coaling Station with Trough-conveyor Elevator at Hamplon Junction, N. J., Central Rail- road of New Jersey 15S *Siisemihl Coal-chule at Jackson Junction, Mich., Michigan Central Railroad 160 *Burnett-Clifton Coal-chute 160 *Coaling Station at East New York, Union Elevated Railroad. Brooklyn, N. Y 164 *Coaling Station at Velasco, Te.\ 165 Coaling Station at Port Richmond, Philadelphia, Pa., Philadelphia & Reading Railroad 165 CHAPTER XVL ENGINE-HOUSES. General Remarks 166 Engine-house at West Philadelphia Shops, Pennsylvania Railroad 175 *Engine-hotise at 31st Street, West Philadelphia, Pa., Pennsylvania Railroad 177 *Engine-house at Mt. Pleasant Junction, Jersey City, N. J., Pennsylvania Railroad 180 *Engine-house at Roanoke, Va.. Norfolk & Western Railroad 183 *Engine-house at Lehighton, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad 184 Engine-house at Richmond, Va., Richmond tS: Alleghany Railroad 187 *Engine-house, Northern Pacific Railroad 1S8 *Engine-house Design, Philadelphia & Reading Railroad l8q *Engine-house at Grand Crossing, Wis., Chicago, Burlington & Northern Railroad , , io>j *Engine-house at Clinton, la., Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Northern Railway igi *Engine-house, Alabama Great Southern Railroad ig2 *Enginehouse at Beardstown, III., Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad ig3 *Engine-hnuse at Waycross, Ga., Savannah, Florida & Western Railway 194 *Engine-house at Ashland, Wis., Wisconsin Central Railroad igj *Enginehouse at Wilkesbarre, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad , 196 *Engine-house at Towanda, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad 197 Square Brick Engine-house at Mauch Chunk, Pa.. Lehigh Valley Railroad 197 Square Brick Engine-house at New Castle, Pa., New York, Lake Erie & Western Railroad 198 *Engine-house at East Mauch Chunk, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad 198 *Engine-house at Orwigsburg, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad 200 Engine-house and Car-shop Rotunda at Mt. Clare, Baltimore, Md., Baltimore & Ohio Railroad 201 CHAPTER XVII. FREIGHT-HOUSES. *General Remarks 202 *Frelght-house for Way-stations, Boston, Hoosac Tunnel & Western Railway 214 Freight-houses at Brownwood, Tex., and at Gainesville, Te.\., Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railroad 215 * Freight-house for Way-stations, Chesapeake & Ohio Railway 215 •Freight-house for Way-stations, Northern Pacific Railroad 216 *Freight-house for Way-stations, Northern Pacific Railroad 216 'Standard Frame Freight-house for Way-stations, Pennsylvania Railroad 217 'Standard Brick Freight-house for Way-stations, Pennsylvania Railroad 218 *Freight-house at New Hampton, Minn., Minnesota & Northwestern Railroad 219 *Freight-house at Gainesville, Fla., Savannah, Florida & Western Railway 220 'Terminal Freight-house at Jacksonville, Fla., Savannah. Florida & Western Railway 220 * Freight-house at Grand Street, Jersey City, N. J., Lehigh Valley Railroad 220 'Terminal Freight-house at Newark, N. J., Lehigh Valley Railroad 221 'Terminal Freight-house at Richmond, Va., Richmond & .Mleghany R.illrciad 224 TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Terminal Freight-house at St. Louis, Mo., St. Louis,JKcot:ulc it Northwestern Railroad 224 Terminal Freight-house at Cincinnati, O., Chesapeake & Ohio Railway 225 *Single story Terminal Freight-pier Shed at Jersey City, N. J., Lehigh Valley Railroad 225 *Single-story Terminal Freight-pier Shed at Jersey City, N. J., Pennsylvania Railroad 227 Single story Iron Terminal Freight-pier Shed at New York, N. Y., New York Central & Hudson River Railroad 227 *Double-story Terminal Freight-pier Shed at Jersey City, N. |., Lehigh Valley Railroad 227 *Double-story Terminal Freight-pier Shed at Harsimus Cove, Jersey City, N. J., Pennsylvania Railroad 230 *Double-story Terminal Freight-pier Shed on Grand Street Pier, Jersey City, N. J., Pennsylvania Railroad 231 Double-story Terminal Freight-pier Shed at VVeehawken, N. J., West Shore Railroad 231 Double-story Terminal Freight-pier Shed on Pier B, at Weehawken, N. J., New York, Lake Erie & Western Rail- road. 232 *Double-story Terminal Freight-pier Shed at Weehawken, N. J., New York, Lake Erie iSc Western Railroad 232 Single-story Terminal City Freight-pier Shed on Pier No. 21, North River, New York, N. Y., New York, Lake Erie & Western Railroad 232 *SingIe-story Terminal City Freight-pier Shed on Pier No. 27, North River, New York, N. Y., Pennsylvania Railroad 232 *Single-story Terminal City Freight-pier Shed on Pier No. i, North River, New York, N. Y., Pennsylvania Rail- road 233 *Single-story Terminal City Freight-pier Shed at Foot of Franklin Street, North River, New York, N. Y., West Shore Railroad 233 *Standard Guano Warehouse, Savannah, Florida & Western Railway 234 CHAPTER XVn. PLATFORMS, PLATFORM-SHEDS, AND SHELTERS. General Remarks 235 Low Platform, Pottsville Branch, Lehigh Valley Railroad 239 Low Platform, Northern Pacific Railroad 239 Low Platform at Flag-depot with Dwelling, Pennsylvania Railroad 239 Low Platform at Flag-depot, Philadelphia & Reading Railroad 239 Low Platform, Minnesota & Northwestern Railroad 239 Low Platform at Combination Depots, St. Louis & Pacific Railway 239 Low Platform at Combination Depots, Union Pacific Railway 240 Low Platform at Combination Depots, Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Northern Railway 240 Low Platform at Local Passenger Depots and Combination Depots, Pennsylvania Lines West of Pittsburg, South- west System 240 High Platform at Local Freight-house, Northern Pacific Railroad 240 High Platform at Local Freight-house, Minnesota & Northwestern Railroad 240 High Platform at Freight-house at Gainesville, Fla., Savannah, Florida & Western Railway 240 High Platform Terminal Freight-house at Jersey City, N. J., Lehigh Valley Railroad 240 High Platform Terminal Freight-house at Weehawken, N. J., New York, Lake Erie & Western Railroad 240 High Platform at Combination Depot at Hilliard, Ga., Savannah, Florida & Western Railway 240 High Platform at Local Freight Depots, Pennsylvania Railroad 240 High Platform at Combination Depots, Cincinnati Southern Railway 240 Combined High and Low Platform at Combination Depots, Kansas City & Emporia Railroad 240 Standard Platforms, New York, Pennsylvania & Ohio Railroad 240 Passenger Platform, Northern Pacific Railroad 241 *Standard Platforms, West Shore Railroad 241 *Platform-shed and Shelter for Passenger Stations, Pennsylvania Railroad 241 *Platform-shed, Philadelphia & Reading Railroad 242 * Platform-shed for Passenger Depot, Allen town. Pa. , Lehigh Valley Railroad 242 *Platform-sheds at Atlantic City, N. J., Philadelphia & Reading Railroad 242 *Platform-shed at Passenger Depot, Rye, N. Y.. New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad 242 *Platform-sheds, Union Depot, Kansas City, Mo 243 ♦Shelter for Horses and Carriages at Germantown Junction, Pa., Pennsylvania Railroad 244 ♦Shelter, Norfolk & Western Railroad 244 Shelter, Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore Railroad 244 ♦Shelter and Overhead Foot-bridge at Bedford Park, N. Y., New York Central tS: Hudson River Railroad 245 CHAPTER XIX. COMBINATION DEPOTS. ♦General Remarks 246 ♦Combination Depots, Minnesota & Northwestern Railroad 249 TABLE OF CONTENTS. xiii PAGE *Conibination Depot, Pine Creek & Buffalo Railway 250 *Combination Depot at Cherry Ford, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad 251 *Combination Depot, Class " A," Richmond & Alleghany Railroad 251 *Conibination Depot, Class " B,'' Richmond & Alleghany Railroad 251 ♦Combination Depots, Pennsylvania Lines West of Pittsburg 252 Combination Depot with Dwelling-rooms, Pennsylvania Lines West of Pittsburg, Southwest System 252 Combination Depot, Chesapeake & Ohio Railway 253 Combination Depot, Ohio Valley Railway 253 ♦Combination Depot, Cincinnati Southern Railway 253 ♦Combination Depot, Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Northern Railway 254 ♦Combination Depot, Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Railway 255 ♦Combination Depot, Kansas City & Emporia Railroad 256 ♦Combination Depot at Hilliard, Ga., Savannah, Florida & Western Railway 256 ♦Combination Depot, Philadelphia & Reading Railroad 25(, ♦Combination Depot and Office Building at Williamsburg, Va., Chesapeake & Ohio Railway 257 ♦Combination Depot with Dwelling-rooms, Northern Pacific Railroad 257 Combination Depot with Dwelling, at Coeur d'Alene, Wash., Spokane & Idaho Railroad 258 ♦Standard Combination Depots, Savannah, Florida & Western Railway 25S ♦Combination Depot, Class No. i. Northern Pacific Railroad 259 Combination Depot, Class No. 2, Northern Pacific Railroad 259 Combination Depot with Dwelling, Chesapeake & Ohio Railway 260 ♦Combination Depot with Dwelling, Union Pacific Railway 260 ♦Combination Depot at Grovetown, Ga., Georgia Railroad 260 ♦Combination Depot at Providence, Pa., New York, Ontario & Western Railroad 261 ♦Combination Depot at Farmersville, Tex., Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railroad 262 Combination Depots, Port Huron & Northwestern Railway 263 Standard Combination Depot, Macon & Birmingham Railroad 263 CHAPTER XX. FLAG-DEPOTS. General Remarks 264 ♦Frame Flag-depot at St. Paul, Minn., Minnesota & Northwestern Railroad 26O ♦Frame Flag-depot, Poltsville Branch, Lehigh Valley Railroad 206 ♦Frame Flag-depot at Wayne Station, Pa., Pennsylvania Railroad 267 Frame Flag-depot, Ohio Valley Railway 267 ♦Frame Flag-depot at Tabor, Pa., Philadelphia & Reading Railroad -. 268 ♦Stone Flag-depot at Forest Hill, N. J., New York & Greenwood Lake Railroad 26g Frame Flag-depot, West Shore Railroad ' 269 ♦Frame Flag-depot, Pennsylvania Railroad 270 ♦Frame Flag-depot with Dwelling, Pennsylvania Railroad 270 ♦Brick Flag-depot with Dwelling, Pennsylvania Rail load 272 Frame Flag depot with Dwelling at Principio, Md., Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore Railroad 273 ♦Frame Flag-depot with Dwelling, Northern Pacific Railroad 273 ♦Frame Flag-depot with Dwelling, at Magnolia, Del., Philadelphia. Wilmington & Baltimore Railroad 274 Flag-depots, Chicago & Ncjrth western Railroad 275 Flag-depot at Van Buren Street, Chicago, 111., Illinois Central Railroad 276 Flag-depot with Dwelling, at Norwood Park, N. Y 276 Flag-depot Design, with Dwelling 276 "Flag-depot at Chestnut Hill, Mass., Boston & Albany Railroad 276 Fl.ig-depot at Woodland, Mass., Boston & Albany Railroad 277 Fl.ig-depot ai Waban, Mass., Boston eS: Albany Railroad 277 Flag-depot at Wellesley Hills, Mass., Boston ,S: Albany Railroad 277 CHAPTER XXI. LOCAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. General Remarks 278 Single-story Passenger Depot, Chesapeake & Ohio Railway 285 ♦Two-story Passenger Depot, Chesapeake & Ohio Railway 286 ♦Standard Passenger Depot, Class " C," Pennsylvania Lines West of Pittsburg, Southwest System 2S6 ♦Standard Passenger Depot, Class " F," Pennsylvania Lines West of Pittsburg, Southwest System 287 ♦Passenger Depot, Northern Pacific Railroad 287 ♦Passenger Depot, Ohio Valley Railway 288 XIV TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE *Single-story Passenger Depot, Richmond & Alleghany Railroad = 283 *Two-story Passenger Depot, Richmond & Alleghany Railroad 2S9 *Passenger Depot, Class " F," Minnesota tS: Northwestern Railroad 289 *Passenger Depot at Spokane Falls, Wash., Northern Pacific Railroad 2S9 *Passenger Depot, Boston, Hoosac Tunnel & Western Railway 290 *Local Passenger Depot, Louisville & Nashville Railroad 291 *Passenger Depot at Columbia. Ky., Louisville & Nashville Railroad 291 *Suburban Passenger Depot, New York Central & Hudson River Railroad 292 *Passenger Depot at Tamaqua, Pa., Central Railroad of New Jersey 292 *Junclion Passenger Depots, Indianapolis, Decatur & Springfield Railway 293 *Junction Depot at Humboldt, Tenn., Louisville & Nashville Railroad 293 *Passenger Depot at Picton, N. J., Lehigh Valley Railroad 294 *Passenger Depot at Pottsville, Pa., Pennsylvania Railroad 294 *Passenger Depot at Laury's, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad 296 *Passenger Depot at Allen Lane, Pa., Philadelphia, Gerniantown & Chestnut Hill Railroad 296 *Passenger Depot at South Park, Minn., Minnesota & Northwestern Railroad 297 *Passenger Depot at Somerville, N. J., Central Railroad of New Jersey ■ 298 *Pa5senger Depot at Wilkesbarre, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad 300 *Passenger Depot at Kalamazoo, Mich., Michigan Central Railroad 301 *Passenger Depot at Ann Arbor, Mich., Michigan Central Railroad 303 Passenger Depot at Bay City, Mich., Michigan Central Railroad 303 *Passenger Depot at Battle Creek, Mich., Michigan Central Railroad 304 *Passenger Depot at De.xter, Mich., Michigan Central Railroad 305 *Passenger Depot at Rye, N. Y., New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad 305 Junction-station Passenger Depot at Palmer, Mass., Boston & Albany Railroad and New London & Norwich Railroad 305 Passenger Depot at Newcastle, Pa., Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Railroad, and Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia Railway 307 *Passenger Depot at Fort Payne. Ala. , Alabama Great Southern Railroad 307 *Passenger Depot at Bowenville Station, Fall River, Mass., Old Colony Railroad 309 Passenger Depot at St. Paul Park Station, Chicago, Burlington & Northern Railroad 311 Passenger Depot at Mott Haven Station, i3Slh Street, New York City, New York Central & Hudson River Rail- road 311 •Passenger Depot at Melrose, New York City. New York Central & Hudson River Railroad 312 Passenger Depot at Ottumwa, la., Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad 313 *Passenger Depots at Yonkers, N. Y., and at Brvn Mawr, N. Y., New York & Northern Railway 314 Passenger Depot at South Park, 111., Illinois Central Railroad 315 Passenger Depot at Charlotte, N. C, Richmond & Danville Railroad 315 Passenger Depot at Kensington Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y., New York, Lake Erie & Western Railroad 315 Passenger Depot at Atlanta, Ga,, East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Railroad 315 *Passenger Depot at Ardmore, Pa., Pennsylvania Railroad 315 Design for Passenger Depot, Pennsylvania Railroad 31& Passenger Depot at Thirty-ninth Street, Chicago, 111., Illinois Central Railroad 316 Passenger Depot at Kewanee, III 316 Passenger Depot at Newark, Del,, Philadelphia, Wilmington & B.ikimore Railroad 317 Passenger Depot at Twenty-second Street, Chicago. Ill , Illinois Central Railroad 317 Passenger Depot at Rockford, III. Chicago, Madison & Northern Railway 317 Passenger Depot, Ulica. N. Y., Delaware & Hudson Canal Company 317 Passenger Depot at Manitou, Col 317 Passenger Depot at Seymour, Ind.. Ohio & Mississippi Railway 31S Passenger Depot at Bates City, Mo 31S *Passenger Depot at Glen Ridge, N. J., Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad 31S Passenger Depot at Independence, Mo., Chicago & Alton Railroad 3'S Passenger Depot at Oak Grove, Mo 3i8 Passenger Depot at Rahway, N. J., Pennsylvania Railroad 31 S Union Passenger Depot, Canton, Ohio 3'8 Passenger Depots, West Shore Railroad 320 Passenger Depot at Terrace Park Station, Buffalo, N. Y., New York Central & Hudson River Railroad 320 Passenger Depot at East Douglas, Mass., New York & New England Railroad 320 Passenger Depot at Niagara Falls, N. Y., New York, Lake Erie & Western Railroad 320 Passenger Depot at Walkerville, Ont 322 TABLE OF CONTENTS. I'vVGK Passenger Depot al Dedliam, Mass., Boston & Providence Railroad 3^2 *Passenger Depot at New Bedford, Mass., Old Colony Railroad 3^2 *Passengcr Depot at North Easton, Mass., Old Colony Railroad 322 ♦Passenger Depot at Holyoke, Mass., Connecticut River Railroad 3^3 *Passenger Depot at Auburndale, Mass., Boston & Albany Kailroad 324 Passenger Depot at South Framingham, Mass., Boston & Albany Railroad 324 Passenger Depot at Brighton, Mass., Boston & Albany Railroad 325 Passenger Depots, Chicago & Northwestern Railway 325 *Passenger Depots, Philadelphia, German town & Chestnut Hill Railroad 325 Competition Designs for Local Passenger Depot, Toronto Architectural Sketch Club 328 Competition Designs for Suburban Railway Depot, Chicago Architectural Sketch Club 328 *Twin Passenger Depots at Desrover and Baker Parks, Minn., Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad 32S *Passenger Depot at Sewickley, Pa., Pennsylvania Railroad 32S *Passenger Depot at Acanibaro, Mexico 32'J *J unction Passenger Depot at Reed City, Mich 329 *Passenger Depot at Grass Lake, Mich., Michigan Central Railroad 329 *Passenger Depot at Laconia, N. H., Concord & Montreal Railroad 330 *Passenger Depot at Galesburg, 111., Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad 330 *Passenger Depot at Mauch Chunk, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad 33' ♦Passenger Depot at Wichita, Kan., Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad 33' ♦Passenger Depot at Evanston, III., Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad 33' ♦Passengjr Depot at Highland, Mass. , Old Colony Railroad 332 ♦Passenger Depot at Somerset, Ky., Cincinnati, New Orleans & Te.xas Pacific Railway 332 Passenger Depot at Lexington, Ky., Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific Railway 333 Passenger Depot at Science Hill, Ky., Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific Railway 333 Passenger Depot at Eutaw, Ala., Alabama Great Southern Railroad 334 Passenger Depot at Brown wood, Tex., Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railroad 334 ♦Passenger Depot at Hopkinsville, Ky., Louisville & Nashville Railroad 334 Passenger Depot at Owensboro, Ky., Louisville iS: Nashville Railroad 335 ♦Passenger Depot at Niles, Mich., Michigan Central Railroad 335 Passenger Depot at Port Huron, Mich., Port Huron & Northwestern Railway SS** Passenger Depot at Sheridan Park, III., Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad 33^1 Passenger Depot al Newark, N. J., Pennsylvania Railroad 33^ ♦Passenger Depot at Windsor Park, 111 337 CHAPTER XXII. TERMINAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. General Remarks 338 Union Passenger Depot, Hartford, Conn 358 ♦Union Passenger Depot at Springfield, Mass 359 Union Passenger Depot at Worcester, Mass 363 ♦Union Passenger Depot at Concord, N. H. , Concord Railroad 364 Union Passenger Depot at Portland, Me 365 Proposed Union Passenger Depot at Providence, R. I . . . 366 Terminal Passenger Depot at Richmond, Va., Atlantic Coast Line 366 Union Passenger Depot, Birmingham, Ala 36S Union Passenger Depot on Canal Street, Chicago, III 368 Terminal Passenger Depot at Milwaukee. Wis., Chicago & Northwestern Railroad 371 Terminal Passenger Depot at Milwaukee. Wis., Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway 371 Union Passenger Depot at Stillwater, Minn 372 Union Passenger Depot at Atchison. Kan 372 ♦Union Passenger Depot, Kansas City, Mo 373 Union Passenger Depot at Leavenworth, Kan 375 Union Passenger Depot at St. Joseph, Mo 375 Union Passenger Depot al Pueblo, Col 375 Union Passenger Depot at Denver, Col 375 ♦Union Passenger Depot at Indianapolis, Ind 376 Union Passenger Depot at Ogden, Utah 376 Union Passenger Depot, Cheyenne, Wyo., Union Pacific, Denver Pacific and Cheyenne & Northern Railroads. . . 376 ♦Terminal Passenger Depcil at Harrisburg, Pa., Pennsylvania Railroad 377 ♦Passenger Train-shed at New Haven, Conn., New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad 377 xvi TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE •"Terminal Passenger Depot at Charles Street, Baltimore, Md., Pennsylvania Railroad 377 *Terminal Passenger Depot at Washington, D. C, Pennsylvania Railroad 37Q Passenger Depot at West Philadelphia, Pa.. Pennsylvania Railroad 381 *TerminaI Passenger Depot at Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa., Pennsylvania Railroad 381 Passenger Depot at Atlantic City, N. J., Philadelphia & Reading Railroad 387 Passenger Depot at Boston, Mass., New York & New England Railroad 387 Passenger Depot at Sloughton, Mass., Boston & Providence Railroad 387 Passenger Depot at Boston, Mass., Boston & Providence Railroad 388 Proposed Union Passenger Depot at Buffalo, N. Y 388 Passenger Depot at Rochester, N. Y., New York, Lake Erie & Western Railroad 389 *Terminal Passenger Depot at Louisville, Ky., Louisville & Nashville Railroad 390 Union Passenger Depot at Cincinnati, 390 Terminal Passenger Depot at Cincinnati, O., Pittsburg, Cincinnati & St. Louis Railway 391 Terminal Passenger Depot at Cincinnati., O., Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad 392 *TerminaI Passenger Depot at Montreal, Can., Canadian Pacific Railway 393 Terminal Passenger Depot at Detroit, Mich., Michigan Central Railroad 393 *Union Passenger Depot at Fort Street, Detroit, Mich 395 Terminal Passenger Depot, Chicago, III., Wisconsin Central Railway 395 *Terminal Passenger Depot at Chicago, III., Chicago & Northwestern Railway 399 Union Passenger Depot at Van Buren Street, Chicago, 111 401 Terminal Passenger Depot at Chicago, III., Chicago & Western Indiana Railroad 401 *Union Passenger Depot at St. Louis, Mo 402 *Second-prize Design for Union Passenger Depot at St. Louis, Mo 40S *Terminal Passenger Depot at Jersey City, N. J., New York, Lake Erie & Western Railroad 409 Old Passenger Depot at Jersey City, N. J., Pennsylvania Railroad 409 *New Terminal Passenger Depot at Jersey City, N. J., Pennsylvania Railroad 412 Passenger Train-shed at Pittsburg, Pa., Baltimore & Ohio Railroad 421 *Ferry Passenger Terminus at Franklin Street, New York, N. Y., West Shore Railroad 421 Ferry Passenger Terminus at Boston, Mass., Boston, Revere Beach & Lynn Railroad 421 ■"Proposed Train-shed at New Orleans, La., Illinois Central Railroad 422 •"Proposed Terminal Passenger Depot at Chicago, III., Illinois Central Railroad 422 Terminal Depot at Oakland, Cal. , Central Pacific Railroad 424 Union Depot at Omaha, Neb 424 "Proposed Terminal Passenger Depot at Chicago, III., Chicago Elevated Terminal Railway 424 •"Union Passenger Depot at St. Paul, Minn 4^7 ■*Train-shed of Union Passenger Depot at St. Paul, Minn 427 ■"Terminal Passenger Depot at Forty-second Street, New York, N. Y., New York Central & Hudson River Rail- road , 431 *Terminal Passenger Depot at Jersey City, N. J., Central Railroad of New Jersey 43 1 "Terminal Passenger Depot, Philadelphia, Pa., Philadelphia & Reading Terminal Railroad 436 "Proposed Extension of Terminal Passenger Depot at Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa., Pennsylvania Railroad. . . 446 APPENDIX. Specifications. Specifications for Local Passenger Depot at Potts ville. Pa., Pennsylvania Railroad 447 Specifications for Engine-house at Mt. Pleasant Junction, Jersey City, N. J., Pennsylvania Railroad 432 Specifications for Local Passenger Depot at Fort Payne, Ala., Alabama Great Southern Railroad 455 Specifications for Combination Depots, Class " A" and " B," Pennsylvania Lines West of Pittsburg, Southwest System 465 Specifications for Local Passenger Depot, Class " F," Pennsylvania Lines West of Pittsburgh Southwest System.. 467 General Specifications for Buildings, Water Stations, Cattle-guards, Road-crossings, Turn-tables, Fencing and Telegraph Lines, Cincinnati Southern Railway 470 General Specifications for Construction Work, Northern Pacific Railroad 477 INDEX , 485 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. CHAPTER I. WATCHMAN'S SHANTIES. FIG. PAGE Square Watchman's Shanty, Richmond ii: Alleghany Railroad : Front Elevation i 2 Side Elevation 2 2 Ground-plan 3 2 Octagonal Watchman's Shanty, Richmond & Alleghany Railroad : Front Elevation 4 3 Ground-plan 5 3 Watchman's Shanty, Philadelphia & Reading Railroad : Front Elevation 6 3 Side Elevation 7 3 Ground-plan S 3 Watchman's Shanty, Lehigh Valley Railroad : Front Elevation g 4 Side Elevation 10 4 Watchman's Shanty of Limited Width, New York Division, Pennsylvania Railroad : Front Elevation 11 4 Side Elevation 12 4 Ground-plan 13 4 Watchman's Shanty, Norfolk & Western Railroad : Front Elevation 14 5 Side Elevation 15 5 Ground plan 16 5 CHAPTER n. SECTION TOOL HOUSES. Standard Section Tool-house, Pennsylvania Railroad ; Front Elevation 17 8 Ground-plan 18 8 Side Elevation ig S Section 20 8 Elevation of Frame 21 8 Standard Section Tool-house, Union Pacific Railway : Front Elevation 22 g End Elevation and Cross-section 23 g Ground-plan 24 g Standard Hand-car and Tool-house, Cincinnati Southern Railway : Front Elevation 25 10 Cross-section 26 10 Ground-plan 27 10 Standard Tool-house, Philadelphia & Reading Railroad : Ground plan " A " and " B " 28 11 Front Elevation " A " 2g 11 Side Elevation " A " , 30 11 xvii xviii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG. I'AGE Standard Tool-house, Philadelphia & Reading Railroad — ContiniteJ. Front Elevation " B " 31 11 Side Elevation " B" 32 11 Section Tool-house, Northern Pacific Railroad ; Front Elevation 33 11 Side Elevation 34 11 Ground-plan 35 11 Single Hand-car House, Northern Pacific Railroad : Front Elevation and Cross-section 36 12 Side Elevation 37 12 Section Tool-house, Lehigh Valley Railroad : Front Elevation 5S 12 Ground-plan. 39 12 CHAPTER HI. SECTION HOUSES. Two-room Section House, East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Railroad ; Front Elevation 40 15 End Elevation 41 15 Ground-plan 42 15 Cross-section 43 '5 Three-room Section House, East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Railroad : Front Elevation 44 '6 End Elevation 45 16 Ground-plan 46 16 Elevation of Frame 47 16 Three-room Section House, Chesapeake & Ohio Railway : Front Elevation . , 48 16 End Elevation 49 '6 Ground-plan 5° '7 Three-room Section House, New Orleans & Northeastern Railroad : End Elevation 5' 17 Ground-plan 52 17 Section House, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad : Front Elevation 53 18 End Elevation 54 18 Ground-plan 55 18 White Men's Section House, Northern Pacific Railroad: Ground-plan 56 18 Two-story Section House, Northern Pacific Railroad : Front Elevation 57 19 Cross-section 58 19 Ground-plan 59 19 Second-floor Plan 60 ig Section House. Savannah, Florida & Western Railroad ; Side Elevation fii 20 Front Elevation f>2 20 Ground-plan 63 20 Two-story Section House, Louisville & Nashville Railroad : Front Elevation 64 21 Cross-section • 65 21 Ground-plan 66 21 Design for a Section House by W. B. Parsons. Jr.: Front Elevation 67 21 Ground-plan 68 21 Standard Section House, Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railroad : , End Elevation and Cross-section 69 22 Ground-plan 70 22 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. CHAPTER IV, DWELLING-HOUSES FOR EMPLOYES. FIG. PACE Agent's Dwelling, Northern Pacific Railroad System ; Front Elevation 71 23 End Elevation 72 23 Ground-plan 73 24 Five-room Cottage " K," Chesapeake & Ohio Railway: Perspective 74 24 Ground-plan 75 24 Second-floor Plan 7f) 24 Five-room Cottage " L," Chesapeake cS: Ohio Railway : Perspective 77 25 Ground-plan 7S 25 Second-floor Plan 79 25 Seven-room Cottage, Chesapeake & Ohio Railway ; Perspective ... So 26 Ground-plan 81 26 Second-floor Plan 82 26 Dwelling-house, Union Pacific Railway : Front Elevation 83 26 Ground-plan 84 26 Dwelling-house, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad : Side Elevation 85 27 Ground-plan 86 27 Second-floor Plan 87 27 CHAPTER V. SLEEPING QUARTERS, READING-ROOMS, AND CLUB-HOUSES FOR EMPLOYES. Bunk-house at Jersey City, N. J., Lehigh Valley Railroad : End Elevation 88 2g Ground-plan Sg 29 Bunk-house at Perth Amboy, N. J., Lehigh Valley Railroad : Front Elevation 90 2g Ground-plan 9 J 29 Second- floor Plan 92 29 Reading-room, Union Pacific Railway: Front Elevation 93 3o Side Elevation 94 3° Ground-plan 95 3° Railroad Branch Building, Young Men's Christian Association, at East Buffalo, N. Y. : Perspective 9^ 31 Basement-floor Plan 97 3t First-floor Plan 9^ 3i Second-floor Plan 99 31 CHAPTER VI. SNOWSHEDS AND PROTECTION-SHEDS FOR MOUNTAIN-SLIDES. Snowshed on Level Ground, Central Pacific Railroad : Cross-section 100 35 Elevation • • • loi 35 Longitudinal Section 102 35 Snowshed on Level Ground, Northern Pacific Railroad : Cross-section 103 35 Elevation 104 35 Snowsheds over Cuts or on Side Hills, Northern Pacific Railroad : Cross-section 105 36 Cross-section 106 36 Snowsheds, Canadian Pacific Railway : Cross-section ^^1 37 Cross-section 108 37 Cross-section '09 37 Cross-section no 37 XX UST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PIG. PAGE Snowshed over Cuts or on Side Hills, Central Pacific Railroad : Cross-section iii 37 Protection-shed for Mountain-slides, Oregon & California Railroad : Cross-section Ii2 38 CHAPTER VII. SIGNAL-TOWERS. Octagonal Signal-tower, Philadelphia & Reading Railroad : Front Elevation 113 40 Elevated Gate-house at Whitehaven, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad: Side Elevation 114 41 Standard Signal-tower, Pennsylvania Railroad : Cross-section and Front Elevation 115 41 Elevation of Frame 116 41 Second-floor Plan 117 42 Second-floor Framing Plan 118 42 Signal-tower on Depot Building, Richmond & Alleghany Railroad : End Elevation 119 43 Signal-tower at Jutland, N. J., Lehigh Valley Railroad : Side Elevation l2o 43 Signal-tower at Hillsboro, N. J., Lehigh Valley Railroad : Front Elevation 121 43 Elevation of Frame 122 43 Signal-tower at Jersey City, N. J., Lehigh Valley Railroad ; Front Elevation 123 44 Side Elevation 124 44 Two-legged Signal-tower at Newark, N. J., Pennsylvania Railroad : Perspective 125 44 One-legged Signal-lower at Chicago, III., Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad : Perspective 126 44 Signal-tower at Jersey City, N. J., Central Railroad of New Jersey : Perspective 127 45 CHAPTER VIII. CAR-SHEDS AND CAR-CLEANING YARDS. Brick Car-shed at Mauch Chunk, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad : Front Elevation 128 47 Cross-section 1 2g 47 Side Elevation 130 47 Ground-plan 131 47 Temporary Car-sheds, Richmond & Alleghany Railroad : Cross-section 132 48 Cross-section 133 48 Frame Car-shed at Wallula, Wash., Northern Pacific Railroad : Side Elevation 134 48 Front Elevation 135 48 Ground-plan 136 49 Car-cleaning Platform at Jersey City, N. J., Central Railroad of New Jersey : Cross-section 137 49 Car-cleaning Platform Shed at Jersey City, N. J., Pennsylvania Railroad : Side Elevation 1 38 49 Cross-section 139 49 Longitudinal Section 140 50 CHAPTER IX. ASHPITS. Rail-fastening on Stone Coping with Rag-bolts and Clips ; Cross-section 141 53 Rail-f.istening on Stone Coping with Clip Bearing-plates : Perspective 142 53 Design for Wroughl-iron Ashpit Cross-section '. 143 55 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. xxi FIG. PACK Standard Ashpit, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad : Cross-section 144 56 Cross-section of Rail-fastening 145 56 Ashpit at Heron, Mont., Northern Pacific Railroad : Cross-section 146 5^1 Perspective of Side Plates 147 56 Ashpit at Packerton, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad : Cross-section 148 57 Perspective of Rail-chair 141) 57 Ashpit at Aurora, 111., Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad : Cross-section 150 58 Elevation 151 58 Perspective of Rail-chair 152 58 Rail-chair, Savannah, Florida & Western Railroad : Cross-section 153 58 Elevation 154 58 Ashpit, Lehigh & Susquehanna Railroad : Perspective 155 59 Cross-section of Rail-fastening 156 59 CHAPTER X., ICE-HOUSES. Design for Water Seal in a Pipe Drain . Cross-section 157 63 Design for Water Seal in a Culvert Drain : Cross-section 1 58 63 Standard Five-hundred-ton Ice-house, Chicago, St. Paul & Kansas City Railroad : Front Elevation 159 65 Cross-section 160 65 Ground-plan 161 65 Longitudinal Section 162 05 Fifteen-hundred-ton Ice-house at Sayre, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad : Front Elevation 163 66 Detail Plan of Walls 164 66 Two-thousand-ton Ice-house at Jersey City, N. J., Lehigh Valley Railroad : Front Elevation 165 67 Ground -plan at Shaft 166 67 Elevation of Hoisting-cage 167 67 Plan of Hoisting-cage 168 67 Fifteen-hundred-ton Ice-house at Nickerson, Kan., Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad: Elevation of Frame 169 68 Front Elevation 170 68 Ground-plan 17 j 6S Fifteen-hundred-ton Brick Ice-house at Mauch Chunk, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad : Perspective 172 69 Detail Section of Wall and Floor 173 69 CHAPTER XI. SAND-HOUSES. Sand-house at Richmond, Va., Richmond it Alleghany Railroad ■. Cross-section 17^ 7j Ground-plan 175 7, Sand-house, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad : Front Elevation 175 7c Cross-section 177 75 Ground-plan 178 7^ Sand-house at Perth Amboy, N. J., Lehigh Valley Railroad : Ground-plan 170 .•(, Sand-house Design, Philadelphia & Reading Railroad : Cross-section jgo 76 xxii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG. PAGE Sand-house Design for Lehigh Valley Railroad : Longitudinal Section , iSi 78 Ground-plan 1S2 78 Sand-house at Cressona, Pa., Philadelphia &. Reading Railroad : Cross-section 183 78 Front Elevation , 184 78 Sand-house at Washington, D. C, Pennsylvania Railroad : Front Elevation 185 So Longitudinal Section 186 80 Cross-section 187 80 Ground-plan 188 80 CHAPTER XII. OIL-STORAGE HOUSES. Frame Oil and Waste Storage Shed at Perth Amboy, N. J., Lehigh Valley Railroad : Cross-section l8g 83 Brick Oil-house at Perth Air.boy, N. J., Lehigh Valley Railroad : Cross-section igo S4 Ground-plan igi 84 Stone Oil and Waste House at Lehighton, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad : Front Elevation 192 84 Longitudinal Section 193 84 Ground-plan 194 84 Brick Oil and Waste House, Mexican Central Railroad : End Elevation 195 86 Cross-section ig6 86 Frame Oil-storage and Car-inspectors' House at Perth Amboy, N. (., Lehigh Valley Railroad . End Elevation 197 87 Ground-plan 198 87 Frame Oil-storage and Car-inspectors' House at Packerton, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad : Longitudinal Section 199 87 Ground-plan 200 87 Brick Oil- house at Washington, D. C, Pennsylvania Railroad ; Front Elevation 201 88 Longitudinal Section 202 88 Cross-section 203 88 Ground-plan 204 88 Brick Oil-house at Jersey City, N. J., Pennsylvania Railroad : Front Elevation 205 90 End Elevation 206 90 Longitudinal Section 207 90 Cross-section 208 90 Ground-plan 209 90 Brick Oil-storage House at Western Ave., Chicago, 111., Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad : Longitudinal Section 210 90 Cross-section , 211 gi Ground plan 212 91 Second-floor Plan 213 gi CHAPTER XIII. OIL-MIXING HOUSES. Oil-mi.\ing House at Aurora, 111., Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad : Cross-section 214 96 Ground-plan 215 g6 Perspective of Dashboard 216 96 Oil-mixing House at Meadow Shops, Newark, N. J., Pennsylvania Railroad : Ground-plan 217 97 Elevation of Tanks 218 97 Oil-mixing House at Altoona, Pa., Pennsylvania Railroad: Cross-section 219 qg Ground-plan 220 gg Cross-section of Tank 221 gg Plan of Tank 222 gg LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. xxiii F!G. I'AGE Oil-mixing House at Susquehanna, Pa., New York, Lake Erie & Western Railroad : Ground plan 223 loi Oil-mixing House Design, Packerton, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad: Front Elevation 224 102 End Elevation 225 102 Ground-plan 226 102 Cross-section of Tank 227 103 Elevation of Tanks 22S 103 Plan of Tanks 229 104 Oil-mixing House at Perth Amboy, N. J., Lehigh Valley Railroad : General Plan 230 107 Front Elevation 231 107 End Elevation 232 107 Cross-section 233 108 Ground-plan 234 108 Plan of Water and Steam Piping System 235 109 Chemical Laboratory at South Bethlehem, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad : Ground-plan 236 1 1 Front Elevation of Laboratory Table 237 11 End Elevation of Laboratory Table 23S i i Plan of Laboratory Table 239 1 1 Front Elevation of Steam-box 240 11 Cross-section of Steam-box 241 11 Plan of Steam-bo.\ 242 1 1 Front Elevation of Balance-table 243 1 1 2 Cross-section of Balance-table 244 1 12 Plan of Balance-table , 245 112 CHAPTER XIV. WATER STATIONS. General Design of a Circular Water-tank : Elevation and Cross-section 246 1 19 Square Water-tank, Philadelphia & Reading Railroad : Front Elevation 247 119 End Elevation 248 1 19 Ground-plan 249 119 Standard, 14 ft. X 22 ft., Circular Water-tank, Pennsylvania Railroad : Cross-section 250 1 2 1 Elevation 251 121 Ground-plan of Floor Framing 252 121 Ground-plan of Roof Framing 253 121 Details of Tank 254 12 r Elevation of Water-gauge Stafif 255 121 Section of Water-gauge Staff 25ft 121 Section of Pipe-protection Box. . 257 121 Detail of Hoop-joint 25S 121 Standard, 15 ft. X 16 ft., Circular Water tank, Savannah, Florida vt Western Railway : Cross-section 259 122 Elevation 260 122 Standard, 16 ft. X 24 fl., Circular Water-tank, Chicago, St. Paul & Kansas City Railway ; Cross-section 261 123 High Water-tank, Northern Pacific Railroad : Elevation and Cross-section 262 125 Standard, 16 ft. X 20 ft., Circular Water-tank. Lehigh Valley Railroad : Elevation and Cross-section 263 126 Ground-plan 264 126 Standard, 16 ft. X 30 ft., Circular Water tank. Lehigh Valley Railroad : Elevation and Cross-section 265 127 Ground-plan 266 128 xxiv LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. CHAPTER XV. COALING STATIONS FOR LOCOMOTIVES. FIG. PAGE Derrick Coal-shed, Wisconsin Central Railroad : Front Elevation 267 142 Cross-section 26S 142 Derrick Coal-house, Northern Pacific Railroad : Front Elevation 269 142 Cross-section 270 142 Ground-plan 271 143 General Plan 272 143 Coaling Platform at Jersey City, N. J., Lehigh Valley Railroad . Cross-section 273 145 Coaling Platform at Lehighton, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad : Front Elevation 274 146 Cross-section 275 146 Coaling Platform, St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Railway : Cross-section 276 147 Elevated Coal-shed, Northern Pacific Railroad : Cross-section 277 148 Coal-chules, New Orleans & Northeastern Railroad : Cross-section , 278 149 Coal-chutes at Scottsville, Va., Richmond & Alleghany Railroad : Cross-section 279 150 Coal-bunkers, Northern Pacific Railroad : Cross-section 280 152 Standard Coal-chutes, Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Railway : Cross-section 2S1 152 Coal-chutes at Black Diamond Mine, Wabash, St. Louis cSc Pacific Railway : Cross-section 2S2 153 Coal-chutes at Wilkesbarre, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad : Cross-section 283 153 Coal-chute, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad ; Cross-section 2S4 154 Coaling Station with Vertical Bucket-elevator at Jersey City, N. J., National Docks Railway : Front Elevation 285 157 Cross-section 286 157 Coaling-station with Trough-conveyor Elevator at Oneonta, N. Y., Delaware & Hudson Canal Company : Front Elevation 287 158 Ground-plan 288 158 Proposed Overhead Coaling Station with Trough-conveyor Elevator at Hampton Junction, N. J., Central Railroad of New Jersey : Elevation 289 159 Cross-section 290 160 Susemihl Coal-chute at Jackson Junction, Mich., Michigan Central Railroad ; Front Elevation 2gi 161 Cross-section 292 161 Detail of Lock 293 161 Detail of Positions of Apron 294 i6t Burnett-Clifton Coal-chute : Cross-section with Low-chutes 295 162 Cross-section of Pocket showing Location of Irons 296 162 Front View of Pocket showing Apron down and Gate open 297 162 Cross-section of Double-pocket 2yS 162 Cross-section with High-chutes 299 163 Coaling Station at East New York, Union Elevated Railroad, Brooklyn, N. Y. : Longitudinal Section 300 164 Cross-section S"! 164 Cross-section of Hunt Conveyor System 302 165 Coaling Station at Velasco, Tex. : Cross-section 3^3 165 Front Elevation 3^4 165 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS, CHAPTER XVI. ENGINE-HOUSES. FIG. I'AGE Engine-house at 31st Street, West Philadelphia, Pa., Pennsylvania Railroad : Ground-plan 305 171; Elevation of Engine-door 306 1 79 Section of Column 307 179 Engine-house at Mt. Pleasant Junction, Jersey City, N. J., Pennsylvania Railroad : Cross section 30S iSo Ground-plan 309 1 80 Elevation of Outsitle Wall 310 iSi Elevation of Interior Wall and Engine-doors 311 181 General Plan 312 181 Elevation and Section of Ventilator 313 iSi Ground -plan of Ventilator 314 ibi Engine-house at Roanoke, Va., Norfolk & Western Railroad: Cross-section 315 183 Engine-house at Lehighton, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad : Cross-section 316 1S6 Ground-plan 317 186 Elevation of Interior Wall and Engine-door. 31S 187 Elevation of Outside Wall 319 187 End Elevation 320 1S7 Engine-house, Northern Pacific Railroad : Cross-section 321 tSS Engine-house Design, Philadelphia & Reading Railroad : Cross-section 322 1 89 Engine-house at Grand Crossing, Wis., Chicago, Burlington & Northern Railroad : Cross-section 323 iSg General Plan 324 igo Elevation of Interior Wall and Engine-doors 325 igo Elevation of Outside Wall 326 190 Cross-section of Turn-table Pit 327 igo Cross-section of Drain 328 i go Engine-house at Clinton, la., Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Northern Railway: Cross-section 329 191 Ground-plan.... 330 191 Engine-house, .'\labama Great Southern Railroad: Cross-section 331 192 Ground-plan 332 192 Engine-house at Beardstown, 111., Chicago, Burlington & Qiiincy Railroad : Cross-section 333 193 Ground-plan 334 193 Elevation of Interior Wall and Engine-door 335 193 Elevation of Outside Wall 336 193 End Elevation 337 194 Engine-house at Waycross, Ga , Savannah, Florida it Western Railway : Cross-section 338 195 Engine-house at Ashland, Wis., Wisconsin Central Railroad : Cross-section 339 igfi Ground plan 340 196 Engine-house at Wilkesbarre Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad : Cross-section 341 197 Engine-house at Towanda, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad : Cross-section 342 197 Ground-plan 343 197 Engine-house at East Mauch Chunk, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad: Cross-section 344 199 Longitudinal Section 345 199 Ground-plan 346 Igg Front Elevation 347 200 Side Elevation , 34S 20Q xxvi LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG. PAGB Engine-house at Orwigsburg, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad : Cross-section and End Elevation 34g 200 Ground-plan 350 201 CHAPTER XVII. FREIGHT-HOUSES. General Layout at Local Freight-station without Sidings : General Plan 351 203 General Layout at Local Freight Side-station : General Plan 352 203 General Layout at Local Freight Islaiid-slalion : General Plan 353 203 Proposed General Layout for Local Freight-station : General Plan 354 204 i Freight-house for Way-stations, Boston, Hoosac Tunnel & Western Railway : Front Elevation 355 215 Cross-section 356 215 Freight-house for Way-stations, Chesapeake & Ohio Railway : Front Elevation , 357 215 Cross-section 35S 215 Ground-plan 35y 216 Freight-house for Way-stations, Northern Pacific Railroad : Perspective 360 216 Freight-house for Way-stations, Northern Pacific Railroad: Front Elevation 361 216 End Elevation and Cross-section , 362 216 Standard Frame Freight-house for Way-stations, Pennsylvania Railroad : Front Elevation 363 217 End Elevation and Cross-section 364 217 Ground-plan 365 217 Standard Brick Freight-house for Way-stations, Pennsylvania Railroad : Front Elevation 366 21S End Elevation 367 21 S Cross-section 36S 218 Ground-plan 369 218 Freight-house at New Hampton, Minn., Minnesota & Northwestern Railroad : Front Elevation 370 219 Cross-section 371 219 Ground-plan 372 219 Freight-house at Gainesville, Fla., Savannah, Florida & Western Railway; Cross-section , 373 220 Terminal Freight-house at Jacksonville, Fla., Savannah, Florida & Western Railway : Front Elevation. . . 374 220 End Elevation and Cross-section 375 220 Terminal Freight-house at Grand Street. Jersey City, N. J., Lehigh Valley Railroad : End Elevation 376 221 Cross-section , 377 221 Front Elevation 37S 222 Ground- pi an , 379 222 Terminal Freight-house at Newark, N. J., Lehigh Valley Railroad : Front Elevation ^ 3S0 223 Cross-section 381 223 Ground-plan 382 223 Terminal Freight-house at Richmond, Va., Richmond & Alleghany Railroad : Cross-section ... 383 224 Ground-plan 384 224 Single-story Terminal Freight-pier Shed at Jersey City, N. J., Lehigh Valley Railroad : Cross-section 385 226 Ground-plan 3S6 226 Single-story Terminal Freight-pier Shed at Jersey City, N. J., Pennsylvania Railroad : Cross-section , , , 387 227 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. xxvii FIG, PAGE Double-Story Terminal Freight-pier Shed at Jersey City, N. J., Lehigh Valley Railroad : Elevation 3SS 228 Ground-plan 389 22S Cross-section 3()0 229 Longitudinal Section 391 230 Ruddell Barrel and Freight Elevator 392 230 Double-story Terminal Freight-pier Shed at Harsimus Cove, Jersey City, N. J., Pennsylvania Railroad : Cross-secti on 393 231 Double-story Terminal Freight-pier Shed on Grand Street Pier, Jersey City, N. J., Pennsylvania Railroad ; Cross-section 394 231 Double-story Terminal Freight-pier Shed at Weehawken, N. J., New York, Lake Erie & Western Railroad : Cross-section 395 232 Single-story Terminal City Freight-pier Shed on Pier No. 27. North River, New York, N. Y., Pennsyl- vania Railroad : Cross-section 396 233 Single-story Terminal City Freight-pier Shed, on Pier No. i, North River, New York, N. Y., Pennsyl- vania Railroad : Cross-section 397 233 Single-story Terminal City Freight-pier Shed at Foot of Franklin Street, North River, New York, N. Y., West Shore Railroad : Elevation on West Street 3gS 233 Elevation from River 399 234 Standard Guano Warehouse, Savannah, Florida & Western Railway : Cross -section 400 234 CHAPTER XVIII. PLATFORMS, PLATFORM-SHEDS, AND SHELTERS. Standard Platforms, West Shore Railroad : Cross-section 401 241 Platform-shed and Shelter for Passenger Stations, Pennsylvania Railroad : Cross-section 402 241 Platform-shed, Philadelphia & Reading Railroad : End Elevation 403 242 Front Elevation 404 242 Platform-shed for Passenger Depot, .-Mlcntown, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad : Cross-section 405 242 End Elevation 406 242 Platform-sheds at Atlantic City, N. J., Philadelphia & Reading Railroad : Cross-section 407 242 Platform-shed at Passenger Depot, Rye, N. Y., New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad : Cross-section 408 243 Longitudinal Section 409 243 General Plan 410 243 Plan of Column Pedestal 411 243 Cross-section of Column Pedestal 412 243 Platform-sheds, Union Depot, Kansas City, Mo.; Cross-section 413 243 Shelter for Horses and Carriages at Germantown Junction, Pa., Pennsylvania Railroad ; Front Elevation 414 244 End Elevation 415 244 Cross-section 416 244 Ground-plan 417 244 Shelter, Norfolk & Western Railroad : Front Elevation 418 244 End Elevation 419 244 Ground-plan 420 244 Shelter and Overhead Foot-bridge at Bedford Park, N. Y., New York Central & Hudson River Railroad : Perspective 421 245 xxviii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. CHAPTER XIX. COMBINATION DEPOTS. FIG, PAGE Proposed General Layout for a Combination Depot : General Plan 422 248 Combination Depot, Class " B," Minnesota & Northwestern Railroad . Front Elevation 423 240 Ground-plan 424 249 Combination Depot, Class " E," Minnesota & Northwestern Railroad: Front Elevation 425 250 End Elevation 426 250 Cross-section. 427 250 Ground-plan , 42S 250 Combination Depot, Pine Creek & Buffalo Railway ; Front Elevation 429 250 Ground-plan 430 250 Combination Depot at Cherry Ford, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad : Front Elevation 431 251 End Elevation ... 432 251 Ground-plan 433 251 Combination Depot, Class "A," Richmond & Alleghany Railroad • Front Elevation , 434 251 End Elevation 435 251 Ground-plan 436 251 Combination Depot, Class " B," Richmond & Alleghany Railroad : Front Elevation 437 251 Ground-plan 438 251 Combination Depot, Class " A," Pennsylvania Lines West of Pittsburg, Southwest System . Front Elevation 439 252 Ground-plan 440 252 Combination Depot, Design " A," Cincinnati Southern Railway ; Front Elevation 44i 253 End Elevation 4-|2 253 Cross-section 443 -54 Ground-plan 444 254 Combination Depot, Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Northern Railway: Front Elevation 445 254 Cross-section 44^ 255 Ground-plan 447 255 Combination Depot, Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Railway : Front Elevation 44S 255 End Elevation 449 255 Cross-section 45° 255 Ground-plan 45 1 255 Combination Depot, Kansas City & Emporia Railroad: Front Elevation 452 256 Ground-plan 453 256 Combination Depot at Hilliard, Ga., Savannah, Florida & Western Railway ; Ground-plan 454 256 Combination Depot, Philadelphia & Reading Railroad : Ground-plan 455 256 Combination Depot and Office Building at Williamsburg, Va., Chesapeake & Ohio Railway : Front Elevation 45^ 257 Ground-plan 457 257 Combination Depot with Dwelling-rooms, Northern Pacific Railroad ; Front Elevation 458 257 Ground-plan : 459 25S Combination Depot with Dwelling-room, Class No. i. Savannah, Florida & Western Railway : " Front Elevation • • 460 258 End Elevation of Building 461 25S End Elevation of Shed Extension 462 258 Cross-section 4^3 259 Ground-plan 4^4 259 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. xxi>: PIG, PAGE Combination Depot, Class No. i, Northern Pacific Railroad : Perspective 465 259 Ground-plan. . . 4f>^ 259 Combination Depot with Dwelling, Union Pacific Railway : Front Elevation 4^7 260 End Elevation 4f>S 2()0 Cross-section 4f'9 260 Ground-plan 470 260 Combination Depot at Grovetown, Ga., Georgia Railroad : Perspective 471 261 Combination Depot at Providence, Pa., New York, Ontario & Western Railroad : Perspective 472 261 Combination Depot at Farmersville, Tex., Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railroad : Front Elevation 473 262 End Elevation and Cross-section 474 262 Ground-plan 475 262 CHAPTER XX. FL.\G-DEPOTS. Frame Flag-depot at St. Paul, Minn., Minnesota it Northwestern Railroad : Front Elevation 476 266 End Elevation 477 266 Cross-section 47S 266 Ground-plan 479 266 Frame Flag-depot, Pottsville Branch, Lehigh Valley Railroad : Front Elevation 480 267 End Elevation 481 267 Ground-plan 482 267 Frame Flag-depot at Wayne Station, Pa., Pennsylvania Railroad : Perspective 483 268 Frame Flag-depot at Tabor, Pa., Philadelphia & Reading Railroad : Front Elevation 4S4 268 End Elevation 485 268 Cross-section 486 269 Ground plan 487 269 Stone Flag-depot at Forest Hill, N. J., New York & Greenwood Lake Railroad : Perspective 48S 269 Frame Flag-depot, Pennsylvania Railroad : Front Elevation 489 270 End Elevation 490 270 Ground- plan 491 270 Frame Flag-depot with Dwelling, Pennsylvania Railroad : Front Elevation 492 270 End Elevation 493 271 Ground-plan 494 271 Second-floor Plan , 495 271 Brick Flag-depot with Dwelling, Pennsylvania Railroad : Front Elevation 496 272 Rear Elevation 497 272 End Elevation 498 272 Cellar-plan 499 272 Ground-plan 500 273 Second-fioor Plan 501 273 Frame Flag-depot with Dwelling, Northern Pacific Railroad : Front Elevation 502 274 Cross-section 503 274 Ground-plan 504 274 Frame Flag-depot with Dwelling at Magnolia, Del, Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore Railroad: Front Elevation 505 274 Ground-plan 506 275 Second-floor Plan 507 275 XXX LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG. PAGE Flag-depot at Chestnut Hill, Mass., Boston & Albany Railroad: Perspective 508 276 Ground-plan 509 276 CHAPTER XXI. LOCAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. Two- story Passenger Depot, Chesapeake & Ohio Railway . End Elevation 510 285 Ground-plan 511 2S5 Standard Passenger Depot, Class " C," Pennsylvania Lines West of Pittsburg, Southwest System : Front Elevation 512 2S6 End Elevation 513 286 Ground-plan 514 2S6 Standard Passenger Depot, Class " F," Pennsylvania Lines West of Pittsburg, Southwest System : Front Elevation 515 2S7 End Elevation and Cross-section 516 287 Ground-plan 517 287 Passenger Depot, Northern Pacific Railroad : Perspective , 518 283 Ground-plan 519 288 Passenger Depot, Ohio Valley Railway : End Elevation 520 283 Single-story Passenger Depot, Richmond & Alleghany Railroad : Front Elevation 521 289 Ground-plan 522 289 Two-story Passenger Depot, Richmond & Alleghany Railroad : Front Elevation 523 2S9 End Elevation 524 289 Ground plan 525 289 Passenger Depot, Class " F," Minnesota & Northwestern Railroad : Ground-plan 526 289 Passenger Depot at Spokane Falls, Wash., Northern Pacific Railroad ; Front Elevation 527 290 Ground-plan 52S 2go Passenger Depot, Boston, Hoosac Tunnel tS; Western Railway ; From Elevation 529 290 End Elevation 53° 29° Ground-plan. . . 53i 291 Local Passenger Depot, Louisville & Nashville Railroad : Ground-plan 532 291 Passenger Depot at Columbia, Ky., Louisville & Nashville Railroad: Front Elevation 533 291 End Elevation 534 291 Ground-plan 535 291 Suburban Passenger Depot, New York Central & Hudson River Railroad : Ground-plan 53^ 292 Passenger Depot at Tamaqua, Pa., Central Railroad of New Jersey : Ground-plan 537 292 Junction Passenger Depots, Indianapolis, Decatur & Springfield Railway : Ground-plan at Skew Crossing , 538 293 Ground-plan at Square Crossing 539 293 Junction Depot at Humboldt, Tenn., Louisville & Nashville Railroad ; Ground-plan 540 293 Passenger Depot at Picton, N. J., Lehigh Valley Railroad : Front Elevation 54' 294 End Elevation 542 294 Ground-plan 543 294 Passenger Depot at Pottsville, Pa., Pennsylvania Railroad : Front Elevation 544 295 End Elevation 545 295 Cellar-plan 54^ 295 Ground-plan 547 295 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. xxxi FIG. PAGE Passenger Depot at Latiry's, I'a., Lehigh Valley Railroad ; Front Elevation 54S 296 End Elevation 549 2q6 Ground-plan 55° 206 Passenger Depot at Allen Lane, Pa., Philadelphia, Germantown & Chestnut Hill Railroad : Front Elevation 55' 2g7 Cross-section and End Elevation 552 297 Ground-plan 553 297 Passenger Depot at South Park, Minn., Minnesota & Northwestern Railroad : Front Elevation 554 29S End Elevation 555 298 Cross-section , 55*^ 29S Ground-plan 557 298 Passenger Depot at Somerville, N. J., Central Railroad of New Jersey : Front Elevation 558 299 End Elevation 559 299 Ground-plan 560 299 Passenger Depot at Wilkesbarre, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad]: Ground-plan S^l 300 Perspective 562 300 Interior View of Waiting-room 5^3 3"' Passenger Depot at Kalamazoo, Mich., Michigan Central Railroad Perspective 5^4 302 Ground-plan 565 302 Passenger Depot at Ann Arbor, Mich., Michigan Central Railroad : Ground-plan 566 303 Passenger Depot at Battle Creek, Mich., Michigan Central Railroad : Perspective 5^7 304 Ground-plan 568 304 Passenger Depot at Dexter, Mich., Michigan Central Railroad : Perspective 5^9 305 Ground-plan 570 305 Passenger Depot at Rye, N. Y., New York, New Haven & Hariford Railroad : Perspective 571 3o6 Cross-section 5/2 306 Ground plan •• 573 306 Passenger Depot at Fort Payne, Ala., Alabama Great Southern Railroad : Front Elevation 574 30S Ground-plan 575 308 End Elevation 576 309 Passenger Depot at Bowenville Station, Fall River, Mass., Old Colony Railroad : Perspective 577 S'o Ground-plan 578 310 Cross-section 579 3" Passenger Depot at Melrose, New York, N. Y., New York Central iS; Hudson River Railroad : Perspective 5S0 3I2 Ground-plan 581 312 Passenger Depot at Yonkers, N. Y., New York ^v: Northern Railway : Street Elevation 582 314 Passenger Depot at Bryn Mawr Park, N. Y., New York & Northern Railroad : Perspective 583 3I4 Fireplace in Waiting-room 584 3' 4 Passenger Depot at Ardmore, Pa., Pennsylvania Railroad : Perspective 5S5 3'lank. BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. CHAPTER II. SECTION TOOL-HOUSES. Section tool-houses or hand-car houses are used for storing hand-cars, tools, and supplies required in connection with the construction or the maintenance of the track and roadbed on a railroad. They also afford shelter to -the men during very heavy or prolonged storms and are, to a limited extent, frequentK' used as the section-master's workshop. There is usually one house for every track section of the road or for every regular track gang; in yards or at large terminals several small houses or one large tool-house are frequently used. Section houses will be found located, as a rule, from three to ten miles apart, according to the local conditions on each road, the number of tracks, and other controlling circumstances. The adoption of a standard design becomes very essential, owing to the frequency with which these buildings occur. Hence there are but few roads that cannot show something in this line, although the methods employed dififer considerably. The general requirements for a section tool-house are that space should be provided for the hand-car and tools used by the gang on the track, in addition to which provision should be made for the storage of lamps, signal appliances, oil-cans, and, to a limited extent, such supplies as rope, spikes, nails, track-bolts, fishbars, etc., without seriousl)- bhicking the floor- space. Boxes, shelves, and racks for storing tools, lamps, oil-cans, bar iron, tool steel, etc., conveniently arranged, aid materially in keeping everything well a.ssorted and yet confined to the least space. A small locker for the section foreman to keep blank reports, time books, and other papers, and a short work-bench, to be used at odd times for making light repairs to the outfit, will about complete the furniture. On some roads the tool-house only serves for storing the hand-car and the few tools in daily use, in which case a building slighth- larger than the hand-car suffices without any further inside fixtures. The location of the building should be alongside of a track. The most desirable site is at the head of a siding opposite the stopping-post near the switch leading off the main track, the advantage being that the section men can dodge in and out of the main track between trains with greater ease and less risk than if they had to lift the hand-car on and off the main track. In yards or at stations this feature is preserved by locating the tool-house near the head of the yard. These buildings, with probably few exceptions, are frame structures, sheathed only on the outside and roofed with tin, shingles, or corrugated iron. The designs in use differ mainly in the location of the large door and the position the hand-car track occupies inside of the house. In all cases provision must be made to enable a hand-car to be placed outside of the house without obstructing any tracks. Whether to place the door in the gable end or in the side of the building is a much-disputed question, which the width of the right of way available outside of the tracks will frequently determine With a very limited right of SECTION TOOL-HOUSES. 7 ua}- wiilth the design with the dooi in tiie yable end and the building placed lengthwise with the track and close to it \\ ill be the proper standard to adopt, as it takes up the least space crosswise of the right of \\a\-. The disatK'antage is that the hand-car nnisl be; turned on the platform in front of the house instead of running directly into the house after being lifted off the track. If the house is small, the placing of the door to either side of the central line of the building is a good method to adopt, as otherwise the hand-car, when in the house, seriously narrows the floor-space on both sides. The best location for the door is near one end of the long side of the building. There should be, however, sufficient space left between the hand- car and the nearest gable end for a man to pass, and also to allow the wall-space along the gable to be used for racks to hold extra tools and sundry supplies. At the opposite gable enil, tool-boxes, shelves, lockers, and a short work-bench could be located, leaving ample floor-space for the men to move around freely and for the storage of miscellaneous supplies in small quantities. One or more small windows, closed either with a board shutter or sliding board sash, are useful for the admission of sufificient light to allow of the selection and assorting of materials, the cleaning of lamps and repairing of tools, etc., without having to depend on the open door for light, which would be objectionable in stormy weather. A floor of cinders or fine ballast serves for all purposes as well as a wooden floor, provided the location of the building will atlmit of good drainage. While quite cheap in design, the Pennsylvania Railroad's tool-house presents a very neat appearance. The Philadelphia & Reading Railroad's tool-house ranks well in point of ap- pearance, but it is hardly to be recommended for tool-houses generally, except on sections of a railroad with hcav\- passenger tra\-el. The tool-house of the Union Pacific Railway is one fit the best buiklings for the [lurposc, uidess a gable-end standard is required owing to limited width of right of way. The general style of the tool-house presented by W. W. Parsons, Jr., in his book on " Track," and the standard of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa P'e Railroad, are very similar to the design of the Union Pacific Railway. In the Cincinnati Southern Railway's tool-house, where the track enters on one side of the gable end, the floor-space is not utilized as well as in the Union Pacific Railway's design. The Northern Pacific Railroad's plans belong to the cheapest structures shown; they are not intended for carrying much material or many extra tools in store, and are, therefore, small. Relative to the size of these structures, the Pennsylvania Railroad has three standards, respectively 16 ft. 2 in. X 30 ft. 2 in., 16 ft. 2 in. X 20 ft. 2 in., and 12 ft. 1 in. X 14 ft. 2 in.; the Cincinnati Southern Railway, 12 ft. X 16 ft. 8 in.; the Union Pacific Railwa)-, 10 ft. X 14 ft.: the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad. 12 ft. X 16 ft.; design by W. B. Parsons, Jr., 12 ft. X 18 ft.; the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad, 10 ft. X 13 ft.; the Northern Pacific Railroad, 10 ft. X 14 ft.; the single hand-car house on the Northern Pacific Railroad, 9 ft. X \2 ft.; the Lehigh Valley Railroad. i6 ft. X 20 ft. Descriptions and plans of the following tool-houses are presented illustrative of the sub- ject discussed in this chapter. Standard Section Tool-house, Pennsylvania Railroad. — The standard section or foreman's tool- house of the Penn.sylvania Railroad, shown in Figs. 17 to 21, published in the Railroad Gazette 8 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. of November 12, 1880, is ,111 (ihlimg frame Iniilding with a duulile-])ilclied gable roof ; llie sides are sheathed on the outside with upright boards and battens, the roof being covered with tin. 'I'here Fig. 17. — Front Elevation. Fig. iS. — Ground-plan. 1 X: - 9'&" \ T Fig. in. — Sipk Elevation. Fig. 20. — Section. Fig. 21. — Elevation of Frame. are three standard sizes in use, viz.: size " A," 16 ft. 2 in. X 30 ft. 2 in.; size " B," 16 ft. 2 in. X 20 ft. 2 in.; size "C," 12 ft. 2 in. X 14 ft. 2 in. Tlie building is phiced either with the gable end or the side facing the tracks, according to the space available between the outside track and the right of way line. In all cases a large door for admitting a hand-car is provided at the centre of the gable end. The details of the door and window casings, corner-boards, cornices, and gables are simple but very neat. Size " B " is shown on the plans mentioned. Size " A " is substantially similar in design, e.xcept that a third window is added on each of the long sides. The buildings are generally placed on a stone foundation-wall, which is, however, omitted on branch roads. There are stone walls under the rails forming the hand-car track inside the house, which walls serve also to support the floor- joists. The principal dimensions are as follows: track-stringers, 5 in. X 12 in.; floor-joists, 5 in. X 8 in.; 2-in. floor, top of floor flush with top of rail; sills, 5 in. X 8 in.; corner-posts, 5 in. X 6 in.; door and window studs, 3 in. X 5 in.; plates, 4 in. X 6 in.; rafters, 3 in. X 6 in., spaced 30 in. lietween centres; collar, 2 in. X 4 in.; tie-beam, 2 in. X 6 in.; windows, four lights, each 10 in. X 16 in., v.ith shutters; door, 7 ft. X 7 ft., in two sections, hung on rollers; heiglit from top of floor to bottom of tie-beam, 8 ft. There are two lines of nailing-pieces between the upright studs, and also angle- braces at the corners of the frame. SECTION TOOL-HO USES. 1 In size C there is unly one window mi a side, and tlie door is single, liint;cd, 3 ft. 6 in. wide. The floor is made of 2-in. plank, laid on regnlar lloor-joists crosswise of the Iniilding, 3 in. X 12 in., and spaced 15 in. between centres. Tliis standard is only used wliere a hand-car need not be housed. Standard Section Tool-house, Union Pacific Railway. — 'I'he standard section tool and hand-car house of the Union I'acific Railway, shown in Figs. 22 to 24, is a frame building, 10 ft. X 14 ft., with a double-pitched gable roof. Tiie building is sheathed on the outside with vertical boards and battens ; the roof is covered with shingles. The large door, 6 ft. X 6 ft., for the hand-car is situated at one end of the long side of the house facing the track. At each gable end of the building there is one window, 2 ft. X 3 ft. 7 in., without sash, but closed with a Doard shutter hinged on the outside of the building. The height of frame from top of sill to top of plate is 6 ft. 9 in. The ]5rincipal sizes are as follows: sills, 4 in. X 4 in.; plates, 2 in. X 4 in., double; corner-posts, 4 in. X 4 in.; studs, 2 in. X 4 in.; door-studs, 2 in. X 4 in., double; nailing-jneces, 2 in. X 4 in.; rafters, 2 in. X 4 in., spaced 42 in. between centres; collars, i in. X 6 in.; roof-boards, i in. X 6 in., laid open; subsills, 2 in. X 6 in.; rails for liand-car track, 4 in. X 4 in., laid on the ground; corner- boards, J in. X 4 in.; frieze, J in. X 10 in.; door-rails, 2 in. X 6 in.; door-styles, 2 in. X 8 in. Fig. 22. — Front Et.kvation. I — _ 'to-- 4 II J il • ■1 I i ! 1 : 1 ij 1 i^i ■ 1 i •1 1 i \m1 =» i ^ ^ If 1 Fig. 23. — End Elevation and Cross-section. SCALE IN FEET 10 12 3 4 fcMuM 1 I : [ 1 : — Fig. 24. — Ground-plan. Standard Hand-car and Tool-hoiixc, Cincinnati Southern Railway. The standard hand-car and t-ool-house of the Cincinnati Southern Railway, shown in Figs. 25 to 27, is a frame building, 12 ft. X 16 ft. 8 in., with a doidile-pitched gable roof. The building is sheathed on the outside with vertical boards and battens, and roofed with shingles. The door for tiie hand-car is located on one side of one of the gable entls of the building ; its size is 7 ft. X 7 ft., in one piece, and hinged on one side. There are no windows whatever in the l)tiilding. The height of frame from to)! of floor to bottom of tie-beam is 7 ft. 2 in. The hand-car track, entering on one side of one of the gable ends of the building, remains on that side in the building, while the rest of the floor and wall space on the opposite side is reserved for storage of tools, lanterns, and sundry materials. For this purpose there are two boxes, each 6 ft. long, 2 ft. 6 in. wide, and 2 ft. 6 in. high, and a set of shelves. The principal sizes used are as follows: foundation-posts, 8 in. X8 in.; sills, 4 in. X4 in.; corner-posts, 4 in. X 4 in.; door-studs. 4 in. X 4 in.; intermediate studs on Icjiig sides, 2 in. X 4 in.; BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. plates, 2 in. X 4 in., double; rafters, 2 in. X 4 in., spaced 24 in. between centres; ridge-piece, 2 in. X 6 in.; tie-beams at every other set of rafters, 2 in. X 4 in.; roof-lwards, i in., laid close; angle- braces at top and bottom corners of frame, 2 in. X 4 in.; outside Ijoarding, 9 in. X i in.; battens, 3 in. X I in.; board at end of rafters, 8 in. X i in.; door, i-in. boards; door-rails, door-styles, and angle- FiG. 25. — Front Elevation. Fig. 211. — Cross-section. Fig. 27. — Ground-I'1,.\N- brace of door, 8 in, X \\ in.; barge-board, 7 in. X i in.; floor, 2-in. oak. The floor and the rails for the hand-car track rest on 6 in. X 4 in. mud-sills, laid on the ground, 4 ft. apart. The top of the rail is 2 in. above the top of floor. The contract price for these standard tool-houses, erected complete in place, was $75 — at the time the Cincinnati Southern Railway was built, about 1878 to 1880. The specification for this luiilding will be found included in the General Speeifications of the Cin- cinnati Southern Railway, printed in the Appendix at the back of this liook. Standard Tool-heruse, Atchison, Topcka &' Santa Fe Railroad-— 'X\\q standard tool-house of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad is a frame building, 12 ft. X 16 ft., with a double-pitched gable roof. The outside is sheathed with upright boards and battens; the roof is covered with tin. The door for the hand-car, 6 ft. X 6 ft., hung on rollers, is located at one end of the long side of the house facing the track, similar to the design for the tool-house of the Union Pacific Railway, shown in Figs. 22 to 24. In each gable end there is one window-opening, 2 ft. 6 in. X 2 ft. 6 in., closed by a sliding board sash. The height of frame from the bottom of sill to the top of plate is 8 ft.; the top of floor is one foot above the bottom of sill and consists of boards laid on joists. There is no special track in the house or outside of it for the hand-car. The long side of the building is placed parallel ■with the track, 12 ft. distant from the nearest rail. The standard plan shows pile foundations, three lines with four piles each; one line under each gable and one line across the middle of the building. The space between the front of the building and the nearest track-rail, 12 ft. wide and 16 ft. long, is covered by a platform having a fall from the building toward the track. The principal sizes are as follows: sills, 4 in. X 4 in.; corner-posts, 2 in. X 4 in., double; studs, 2 in. X 4 in.; plates, 2 in. X 4 in.; nailing-pieces, 2 in. X 4 in.; rafters, 2 in. X 4 in., spaced 27 in. between centres; tie-beams, 6 in. X i in.; angle-braces at top and bottom corners of frame, 2 in. X 6 in.; joists, 2 in. X 6 in., spaced 20 in. between centres, spanning 8 ft.; floor, 2-in. boards. Pitch of roof \. Standard Tool-house, Philadelphia &> Reading Railroad.— Tht standard tool-house of the Phila- delphia & Reading Railroad is a frame structure, 13 ft. X 10 ft., shown in ground-plan in Fig. 28. There are quite a number of altern.uive designs for the exterior of these buildings adopted as stand- ards, so as to avoid sameness of design along the road; the general features and the ground-plan, however, remain the same in all cases. One of these alternatives, shown in Figs. 29 and 30, has a double-pitched gable roof with a false front and shed-roof extension over the large door. Another design has a hip roof, as shown in Figs. 31 and 32. The buildings in all cases are sheathed on the outside with narrow tongued and grooved boards, put on diagonally, vertically, or horizontally, which feature, in connection with the corner-boards, base-boards, frieze-boards, and panel-boards, causes the exteriors of these buildings to present a very striking and tasteful appearance. The inside of the SECTION TOOL-HO USES. II building is ccilcil close. There are no windows at all. The door is located at the middle of the long side next to the track, and it is 6 ft. wide, in two sections, hung from above and sliding sideways. The floor is formed of boards on joists. The roof-covering is tin or slate, frc(iuenlly laid, or painted, ****" ' SCALE IN FEET 2 3 4 E B .J I t I L J Fig. 28. — Ground PLAN "A" and " B" Fig. 2g. — Front Elevation "A". Fig. 30. — Side Elevation "A". Fig. 31. — Front Elevation " B" Fig. 32. — Side Elevation " B". according to an ornamental design, and finislied off with galvanized-iron cornices, ridge-rolls, and finials. Sec/ion Tool-house, Norllicrii racific Railroad. — The standard section tool-house of the Nortliern Pacific Railroad, shown in Figs. 33 to 35, is a frame structure, 10 ft. X 14 ft., with a double- pitched gable roof, sheathed on the outside with horizontal weather-boarding, and roofed with SCALE IN FEET 10 12 3 4 5, , , ,'0 biji !_l — 1— ] — I — I — I I I I Fig. 33. — FRONr Elevation. Fig. 3.) — Stdf. Elevation. Fig. 35. — Groi'nd I'LAN. shingles. The large door for the hand-car is situated in the centre of the long side of the building facing the track; it is 6 ft. wide, in two sections, hinged on the outside of the building. There is one window in the house opposite the entrance. The height from the top of sill to the bottom of plate is 8 ft. BUILDINGS ANJy STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. The liaiid-car irark iiisidL- of the house is fonned of rails on cross-ties. Along each gable end of the house there are racks and shelves for stocking tool's. The principal sizes used are as follows: sub-sills, 6 in. X 8 in.; sills, 6 in. X 6 in.; door-sluds, 4 in. X 4 in.; braces, 2 in. X 4 in.; studs, 2 in. X 4 in.; plates, 2 in. X 4 in.; ceiling-joists, 2 in. X 4 in.; rafters, 2 in. X 4 in. Single Hand-car House, Northern Pacific Railroad. — The standard single hand-car house of the Northern Pacific Railroad, with accommodations for one hand-car, shown in Figs. 36 and 37, adopted on some sections of the road in place of the standard section tool-house, described above, is a frame structure, 9 ft. X 12 ft., sheathed on the outside with vertical boards and battens and roofed with shingles. The large door is at the gable end of the building facing the track; it is 6 ft. wide, in two sections, hinged on the outside and swinging outward. The building is placed with the gable end facing the track, 15 ft. distant from the nearest rail. This space is covered by a platform, the same widtli as the house, and sloping down toward the track. The height of frame from floor to top of plate is 7 ft. There are no windows in the house. Fig. 36.— Front Elevaiiox and Cross-sec iion. Fig. 37. — Side Elevation. The principal sizes used are as follows: sills, 6 in. X 6 in.; floor-joists, 4 in. X 8 in., spaced 27 in. between centres, spanning 12 ft.; plates, 2 in. X 4 in., upright; rafters, 2 in. X 4 in.; floor, 2 in.; joists under platform, 2 in. X 8 in., spaced 27 in. between centres, spanning 12 ft.; hand-car track- rails, 2 in. X 3 in., nailed on top of flooring. Double Hand-car House, Northern Pacific Railroad. — The standard double hand-car house of the Northern Pacific Railroad is practically composed of two single houses, the same as shown in Figs. 36 and 37, placed side by side with one roof over both of them. 'I'his standard can be used with certain advantages, wherever several gangs are located at the same place and it is desirable to separate the tools and eiiuiiinient of each gang, while keeping the general stock and suiiplies under the same roof. Section Tool-house, Lehigh Valley Railroad. — The tool-house of the Lehigh Valley Railroad, at-' ■ 1 foreman's . /<••- Fig. 38. — Front Elevation. Fig. 39. — Gi;ouND-ri,AN. in use on the New Jersey Division, shown in Figs. 38 and 39, designed by Mr. C. Rosenberg, Master Carpenter, New Jersey Division, L. V. R. R., is a frame structure, 16 ft. X 20 ft., ceiled on SECTION TOOL-HOUSES. n the inside with i-iii. boards, sheatlicd on the outside with bevelled weather-boardini;, and roofed with slate on boards. Inside there is a small space, 8 ft. X 6 ft., partitioned off for the foreman. In the front gable end there is a small door and a large sliding door for hand-cars. On each of the sides of the building there are two windows. At the back of the room there is a brick flue and a small work- bench. This building can accommodate several hand-cars and [nish-cars, and offers storage space for a considerable cpiantity of track tools and miscellaneous supplies. The design does not offer any jiarticularly new features, excepting the special inclosure for the use of the foreman, which is to be recommended wherever foremen are expected to do considerable clerical work in connection with reports, etc. It also affords an opportunity to lock up special supplies and more costly articles, keeping them thus distinct from the general stock that all the men have access to. Tool-house Design by IV. B. Parsons, Jr. — Mr. W. B. Parsons, Jr., gives in his book on "Track" a design for a tool-house, the characteristic features of which are described below. The building is a frame struc'ture, 12 ft. X 18 ft., sheathed on the outside with vertical boards and battens, and roofed with a double-pitched gable roof covered with No. 24 galvanized corrugated iron. The large door for the hand-car, 6 ft. 9 in. square, hung on rollers, is situated at one end of the long side of the building facing the track, similar to the arrangement on the Union Pacific Railway and the .Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad. In each gable end and on the side of the house away from the track there is a window with a sliding sash, four lights, each 10 in. X 12 in. There is no special track or set of stringers for a hand-car inside of the house. The floor is laid on joists. The height of frame from top of floor to bottom of plate is 6 ft. 10 in. There is a 2-ft. work-bench and a locker located at the gable end of the building away from the door. The principal materials and sizes used are as follows; sills, 6 in. X 6 in; corner-posts, 4 in. X 6 in.; studs at centre of long sides, 4 in. X 6 in.; plates, 4 in. X 6 in.; nailing-pieces, 4 in. X 6 in.; door-studs, 2 in. X 5 in.; rafters, 2 in. X 4 in., spaced 24 in. between centres; collars, 6 in. X i in.; floor, 2 in.; floor-joists, 3 in. X 8 in., spaced 21 in. between centres, notched 3 in. onto sills; barge- boards, 2 in. X il in.; door-frame, 5 in. X i in.; door, i-in. boards; top, middle, and bottom door- rails, 9 in. > I in.; door hung with two No. 4 barn-door hangers, 4-in. wheels; board at ends of rafters, 5 in. X i in. The corrugated iron roofing rests on three boards, 4 in. X 1 in., laid on the rafters, one at the ridge, one at the eaves, and one at the centre of each rafter. Section Tool-house, Macon is' Birmingham Railroad. — The standard section tool-house of the Macon & Birmingham Railroad is illustrated in the issue of Engineering Navs of May 26, 1892. 14 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. \ CHAPTER III. SECTION HOUSES. The name " section house " on a railroad generally applies tu the dwelling-houses sup- plied by the railroad company for the use of the men employed, more particularly on the track, as foremen or track hands. It is very essential that the men employed on track- work live on their section, or as close to it as feasible, so as to be always on hand in case of emergencies and to avoid loss of time in going to and from their worlc. Where the route of a railroad does not pass tiirough thickly-settled districts, a railroad company is forced, for the reasons mentioned, to build special houses, known as " section houses." The distinction between these and "dwelling-houses for employes" lies mainly in the different styles and sizes of the two, the section houses being usually much smaller and built on a cheaper scale than the dwelling-houses proper. The latter will be grouped under the heading of " Dwelling- houses for Employes." The general requirements for a section house are that it be cheap and built to suit the -local- climatic conditions. There are two kinds in use, namely, one for the accommodation of one or more families and the other for a number of men. The section foreman and the r-married hands who have their families with them generally live in the first-mentioned style of house, while the single men or men without their families are expected to club together under one roof. Section houses, probably in all cases, are frame structures, roofed with shingles or tin, and sheathed on the outside with upright boards or horizontal weather-boarding. According to the importance and the locality the exterior is more or less elaborate. The designs varj' in the different sections of the country, and the influence of the prevailing types of farm-house architecture on the designs adopted for different localities is clearly perceptible. According to the fuel, large, old-fashioned chimneys for wood fires or brick and iron flues are used. In the Northeastern States the couiitr)- is generally so thickly settled that the railroad companies have not paid much attention to adopting standard section-house plans. Where buildings of that character are required at a few isolated points along the line, it is very easy to build a small dwelling-house similar in its principal features to the general style of country houses in vogue at each place. In the Western sections of the country the standard designs, while practical and economical, are as plain and as cheap as possible. In the Southeastern States the designs indicate a tendency to finish the buildings more comfortably and neatl}'. SECTION HOUSES. IS This difference can probably be traced to tlie character of the employ(5s to be accommo- dated. Ill the West the class of the employes on a section is of a more roving nature than in the Eastern States, where the men attach themselves more permanently to a railroad and where there is, hence, more of a disposition on the part of the railroad management to provide pleasant homes for them. The changes of design causetl by the climatic conditions arc clearly .shown by comparing the standards of the Northern Pacific Railroad, where everything tends to keep the cold out, with the .standard of the Savannah, Florida & Western Railroad, which introduces all po.ssible means to obtain good ventilation in and around the building. It would be impossible to undertake to prescribe any particular style or certain structural methods as the best, as the local conditions and circumstances in each particular case preclude all possibilit)- of thawing summar)' conclusions. Descriptions of the following section houses are presented as illustrative of the subject. Two-room Sec/ion House, East Tennessee, Virginia ef^ Georgia Railroad. — 'I'lie standard two-room section house of the East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Railroad, shown in Figs. 40 to 43, is a one- story frame building, 41 ft. X 16 ft., with a double-pitched roof and a small entrance-porch. Tliis standard is intended more for the accommodation of a number of men than for a section foreman or a man with a family. 'I'he ground-plan consists simply of two rooms, each about 15 ft. X 18 ft. There is one common cliinniey at the centre of tiie house leading up from large fireplaces in each room. Tlie rooms have each an entrance-door from the front porch ; otherwise there are no doors in ll building. Fig. 40. — Front Ei,kva-iion. Fio. 41. — Em> Elevation. Fli;. 42 — Gunli.Mi I'l.AN. Fii;. 43.— Crosssection. The building is roofed with shingles or tin, and slieathed on tlie outside with upriglit boards and battens. It is not ceiled on the inside. The height of the frame is 10 ft. from sill to plate. Tlie principal timbers used arc as follows; sills, 6 in. X 8 in.; corner-posts, 6 in. X 6 in.; door and window studs, 3 in. X 6 in.; nailers, 3 in. X 6 in.; plates, 4 in. X 6 in.; rafters, 2 in. X 6 in., spaced 24 in. centres; ridge-plate, i^ in. X 8 in.; tie-beams, 2 in. X 8 in.; roof-boards, i in.; outside sheathing, 1 in. X 10 in., with J in. X 2I in. battens; floor-joists, 2?, in. X 12 in., spaced 18 in. centres, spanning 15 ft.; flooring, 1 in., tongued and grooved boards; windows, double sash, each sash si.\ lights, 10 in. X 12 in.; doors, 3 ft. X 7 ft. Two room Section House, Cincinnati, New Orleans &• Texas Pacific Railroad. — The standard section house, known as plan No. 2, of the Cincinnati, New Orleans .S: Texas Pacific Railroad, is similar in general design to tlie standard two-room section house of the East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Railroad, shown in Figs. 40 to 43, with exception ol the porch-roof, which is a single- i6 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. pitch slied-roof in place of the high gable-roof, shown in the illustrations mentioned. The standard plan shows the building to be i6 ft. wide X 32 ft. long, although it can be built to any desired length. Thicc-room Section House, East Toinessec, Virginia cr Georgia Railroad. — The three-room sec- tion house of the East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Railroad, shown in Figs. 44 to 47, designed Fig. 44. — Front Elevation. Fig. 45. — End Elea'ation. Fig. 4fi.— Ground-plan. Fig. 47. — Elevation of Frame. \ by Mr. William Hunter, is a one-story L-shaped frame building, 42 ft. X 16 ft., the wing being 16 ft. X 16 ft. It has a front and a rear porch with a hallway connecting them through the centre of the house, which feature is quite a consideration in a southern climate. On each side of -the hallway is a room, 17 ft. X 15 ft., the wing having a third room, 15 ft. X 16 ft., suitable for a kitchen. The building is roofed with tin or shingles, and covered outside with upright boards and battens; the building is ceiled or plastered. The height of frame from sill to plate is 13 ft. The principal timbers used are as follows : sills, 6 in. X6 in.; corner-posts, 6 in. X 6 in.; door and window studs, 4 in. X 5 in.; intermediate studding, 2 in. X 5 in.; nailers, 2 in. X 5 in., spaced iG in.; angle-braces, 4 in. X 4 in.; plates, 4 in. X 4 in.; rafters, 4 in. X 4 in., spaced 24 in. centres; floor-joists, 2 in. X 12 in.; windows, double sash, each sash six lights, 10 in. X 16 in.; doors, 2 ft. 10 in. X 6 ft. 10 in. Three-room Section House, Chesapeake &= Ohio Railway. — The three-room section house of the Fig. 4S. — Front Elevaiion. l"iG. 41). — End Elevation. SECTION HOUSES. 17 C!lics:ipcakc tv: ( )hi< Kaihvav, shown in FiL 53 ft. X 17 ft., tlic wing being 10 ft. 6 in. X i 48 to 50, is a one-story L-sliapcd frame buih ft. It lias a front and a rear ])ortli, two front rooms, res|)ectivc1y iS ft. X 16 ft. and 13 ft. 6 in. X 16 ft., and a kitclien, 10 ft. X 10 ft. Tlie building is roofed with tin or shingles, cov- ered outside partly willi upright boards anil battens and partly with bevelled weather-boards, which ar- rangement, in connection with the- corner, base, and string boards, adds materially to the appearance of the building. The inside is plastered. The height of the frame is 1 1 ft. from sill to plate. 'I'he principal timbers used are as follows: sills, 6 in. X 8 in.; corner-posts, 4 in. X 4 in.; studding, 2 in. X 4 in.; nailers, 2 in. X 4 in.; plates, 3 in. X 4 in.; rafters, 2 in. X 6 in., spaced 24 in.; ridge-jilate, 2 in. X S in.; ceiling-joists, 2 in. X 10 in.; floor- joists, 2 in. X 12 in., spaced 18 in. centres and spanning 16 ft.; flooring, i in., tongued and grooved boards; windows, double sash, each sash six lights, 10 in. X 16 in. The cost of this building is stated to be about $800. Three-room Section House, New Orleans &= North Eastern Railroad. — The standard three-room section house of the New Orleans & North Eastern Railroad, a part of the Cincinnati, New Or. leans & Texas Pacific Railway system, shown in Figs. 51 and 52, is very similar in the general Fic. 50. — Ground-i'lan. doors, 3 ft. X 7 ft. i-Aa Fig. 51.— End Ei.ev.\tion. Fic. 52.— GROUNi)ri,AN. lay-out to the design of the Chesapeake & Ohio Railwa)-, just described ; but it is a much cheaper building and less importance is given to the exterior. The design shows a one-story L-shaped frame Imilding, 28 ft. X 16 ft., the wing being 16 ft. X 12 ft. 'I"he building has a front and a rear porch ; two front rooms, respectively 15 ft. X 15 ft. and 15 ft. X 11 ft. 6 in., and a kitchen 15 ft. X 11 ft. 6 ins. The roof is covered with tin or shingles. The outside sheathing consists of upright boards and battens. The interior is ceiled or plastered according to circumstances. The height of the frame is 12 f;;. from sill to plate. The brick flues rest on the ceiling-joists. 'I'he principal timbers used are as follows : sills, 6 in. X 10 in.; corner-jiosts, 4 in. X4 in.;' door and window studs, 3 in. X 4 in.; studs, 2 in. X 4 in.; nailers, 2 in. X 4 in.; angle-braces, 4 in. X ^ in.; |)lates, 3 in. X 4 in.; rafters, 2 in. X 6 in., spaced iS in. centres, ceiling-joists, 2 in. X 6 in.; ridge- plate, 2 in. X 6 in., floor-joists, 2 in. X 12 in., spaced 16 in. centres, spanning 15 ft., and stayed with 2 in. X 3 in. double bridging. i8 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. Section Llouse, Atchison, Topeka &= Santa Fe Railroad. — The standard section house of the Atchison, Tojieka & Santa Fe Railroad, known as Class No. 4, shown in Figs. 53 to 55, is a very plain but practical and economical design. It is a one-story T-shaped frame building, 14 ft. X 31 ft., with a wing, 14 ft. X 14 ft. No covered porches are provided, but there is a platform on the rear with a washing-shelf. The front door leads into a room 18 ft. X 13 ft., with two bunks in it, each bunk 6 ft. 6 in. X 4 ft. At the end of the main portion of the building is a roo II ft. 6 in. X 13 ft-, A cellar under the connected only with the kitchen. The kitchen on the rear is 13 ft. X 13 ft. kitchen is entered by a small lra[)-door in the fioor of the kitchen. The building is roofed with shingles and slieathed outside with J-in. drop sitling ; the interior is plastered with two coals, the second or brown coat be- ing trowelled smooth. The walls are wainscoted 3 ft. high from the floor. 'I'he standard plan shows a fdun- dation of round logs set on mud-sills and buried in the ground. The height of frame from sill to plate is 10 ft. The principal timbers are as follows : sills, 2 in. X 6 in., flat ; floor-joists, 2 in. X 8 in., spaced 16 in. and spanning 13 ft. ; studding, 2 in. X 4 in.; plates, 2 in. X 4 in.; rafters, 2 in. X 4 in., spaced 24 in. centres; ceiling- joists, 2 in. X 4 in., spaced 16 in. centres. Fig. 53. — Front Elevation. Fir.. 54. — E\'n Et.kvation. Fu;. 55. — GuouNn-pi.AN. W'/iili Men's Section House. Nort/iern Pacific Railroad. — The white men's section house of the Northern Pacific Railroad, designed by Mr. C. B.. Talbot, shown in Fig. 56, is a very cheap one- story frame building without any studding. The standard plan shows it to be 18 ft. X 24 ft., without any porches or platforms around it. There are four rooms, namely, a living-room, 11 ft. X 12 tt., two bed- rooms, each 7 ft. X 12 ft. and a kitchen, 11 ft. X 12 ft. The building is roofed with cedar shingles on boards and sheathed outside with tw-o layers of boards, laid close, with building-paper be- tween them. The interior of the rooms is ceiled with i in. boards, with a layer of building-paper between the boards and the ceiling-joists. The flooring is double, with building-paper between the two layers. The clear height of the rooms is 8 ft. 8 in. The principal timbers used are as follows : sills. 6 in X 8 in. ; plates, 2 in. X 6 in., upright and nailed against the boarding ; rafters, 2 in. X 6 in., spaced 24 in. centres ; floor-joists, 2 in. X 8 in., spaced 16 in. centres and spanning 9 ft. ; ceiling-joists, 2 in. X 6 in., spaced 24 in. centres; doors, 2 ft. 6 in. X 6 ft. 6 in.; windows, double sash, each sash four lights, 12 in. X 14 i"- There is no studding in this design, the double boarding outside connecting the plate and sill. Sto factr L ir/fo Jhfo^ X/re/ttt Seo /foeit Fig. 56. — Ground TLAN, SEC 77 ox f/OUSES. »9 J'wo- still _v Sfifio// House, Nvithdii I'luifu h'ln/iihn/. — Tin- >l.nidard iwo-slory section house of t)ie Nortlieni I'a< ifie Railroad, sliown in Figs. 57 to 60, is a jjlaiii two-story frame building Fig. 57. — Fkoni Em-.vation. Fig. 58.— Cross-seci ion. Sec/room /o 111-6' /(ifcheh' /o'tisy I Bedroom X 71TM \ ^ Bedroom O/nir)^ room'^ /S'xZO BunH m 20\ Z6-S' Sunk Bunk Flo. 51J. — GrOI'ND-PLAN. l'"lis, 2 ll. 6 in. X 6 ft. 6 in. ; outside doors, 2 ft. 8 in. X 7 ft. Section House, Savannah, Florida cr ll'es/e/n RailroaJ. — The standard section house of the Savannah, Florida & Western Railroad and of the Charleston & Savannah Railroad, shown in Figs. Ci to 63, is particularly well suited for southern climates ; in fact, the design is practically Fig. b\. — Side Elevation. Fig. 62. — From- Elevation. Fig. (13.— GuouND-i'LAN. S/iC77(KV HOUSES. 21 copied from a siiniku ty[)c of soutluni laiiii liousc-s. The liouse is ;i one-slory frame building with a high garret well ventilated at the gai)le ends with hmvies. A large jiorch extends along the entire front of the house. The kitchen is in a separate Iniilding, 15 ft. distant from the rear of the main building, the two being connected by a covered walk. The house and kitchen are set on brick or stone jiillars. The space below the floor is left open to give ventilation ; several strands of barbed wire are stretched from pillar to pillar around tlie buildings, to prevent animals from getting under the building. The main building is t,t, ft. 6 in. X 31 ft. in size and has live rooms. The kitchen is 13 ft. X 16 ft. Two-story Sec f ion House, Louisville iif Nashville Railroad. — The two-stor)- section house of the Louisville & Nashville Railroad, shown in Figs. 64 to 66, is a frame building, 32 ft. X 15 ft. 10 in., with a 6-ft. porch extending along the entire front, and a kitchen annex, 12 ft. X 12 ft. 6 in. Fig. 64. — Front Elevation. Fig. 65. -Cross-section. Fig 66 - Ground I'LAN. The ground-floor has two rooms, each 15 ft. X 15 ft., and a kitchen, i 2 ft. X 12 ft. The upper story is reached by steps leading uj) from the kitchen at the rear of the house. Design for a Section House by W. />', Parsons, Jr. — Mr. W' . li. Parsons, [r., presents in his book on " Track " a design for a section house or " dw-elling-shanty," shown in Figs. 67 and 68, which — ■- — 1 ,- ^ 77/-.J-/.?- Sf/ff/>ffrOOm \ „ 1 9- to:- 2- / 3edroo/n Fig. 67. — Front Elevation. Fig. 68. — Ground-plan. is a two-story frame building with a kitchen annex. On the ground-floor there are two bedrooms, a large sitting-room, and a kitchen. The second floor can be divided by partitions, or left as one large room. The stairs start inside the sitting-room, the space underneath them being utilized for a closet and for a passageway from the sitting-room to the kitchen. For further details and data see the book referred to above, as also the issue of Engineering News and American Contract Journal oi August 15, 18S5. Standard Section House, Gulf, Colorado 5^ Santa Fe Railroad. — The standard section house of the Gulf, Colorado S: Santa Fe Railroad, now part of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad system, shown in Figs. 69 and 70, designed by Mr. \V. J. Sherman, Chief Engineer, G., C. & S. F. R. R., is a single-story frame structure, 59 ft. X 18 ft., with a kitchen annex, 14 ft. X 18 ft. This Structure deserves attention, as it represents i)ractically the class of section houses in general use in the southwest sections of the country, and, owing to the great simplicity of the design and cheapness of the construction, it is particularly ada])ted to ]>ioneer roads or wherever cheapness of first cost is an important consideration. The building is divided into a slee|)ing-room, 18 ft. X 30 ft., with eight bunks ; a dining-room, 15 ft. X 18 ft.; a family room, 14 ft. X 18 ft.; and a kitchen, 14 ft. X 18 ft. 22 BUIT.DTNGR AND STRUCTURES OF AAfERICAN KAIf.ROADS. There is a 6-ft. platform running ahnig the front and the rear of tlie main huiUHng. Tlie kitclien is a separate building adjoining the back platform. A feature in this design is the use of a water-tub, 8 ft. diameter by 9 ft. high, placed on blocking near the buildings to serve as a cistern to catch rain-water from the roofs, which are carefully guttered and provided with leaders to the cistern. This feature is an essential one in connection with buildings in sections of the country like Te.xas, where the water-supply is freipiently limited. 'I'he foundations are round timber blocks of cedar or live oak, 12 to 15 in. in diameter, set in D """* Room foot' 3 -__ .. _ _. , . Fig. 69. — End Elev.\t!ON and Cross section. Fig. yn. — Ground-plan. the ground. The building has a 4-in. frame and is sheathed on the outside with u])right boards and battens without any attempt at ornamentation. The interior is ceiled with i-in. tongued and grooved boards, and the roof is covered with shingles on i-in. X 4-in. sheeting. There are two 16-in. square brick flues hung in the roof of the main building, and one flue in the kitchen. The principal materials used are: sills, 3 in. X 12 in., notclied onto the foundation-lilocks ; joists, 2 in. X 10 in.; plates, 4 in. X 4 in.; corner, door, and window studs, 4 in. X 4 in.; intermediate and jinrtition studs, 2 in. X 4 in.; nailers, 2 in. X 4 in.; rafters, 2 in. X 4 in., spaced 24. in. centres; ceiling-joists, 2 in. X 6 in.; tie-plate for ceiling-joists, i in. X 6 in.; roof-brackets, 2 in. X 4 in.; outside sheathing, I in. X 12 in., with O. G. battens; interior ceiling, i-in. tongued and grooved third-class boards, well seasoned, one side dressed ; flooring, i-in. tongued and grooved second-class boards, one side dressed ; roof-sheeting, i in. X 4 in. The doors are 3 ft. X 7 ft. X if in. The windows are 2 ft. 10 in. X 5 ft. 10 in., glazed with twelve lights, each 10 in. X 16 in. The remainder of the building materials consists of mouldings, facia-boards, cornice-boards, 6-in. tin gutter, 3-in. tin-pipe leaders, shingles, brick for chimney, nails, spikes, etc. The building is painted a light brown with dark trimmings. Standard Section Houses, Macon &= Birmingham Railroad. — A number of designs for two-room and three-room standard section houses of the Macon & Birmingham Railroad are illustrated in the issue of Engineering News of May 26, 1892. DWELLING-HOUSES FOR EMPLOYES. 23 CHAPTER IV. r>\VKI,I.lN(;-HOUSES KOR EMPLOYES. Sl'ECIAL dwelling-houses have fiet|ueiitl}- to be built by railroad companies for the use of their emplo}-es, wherever their roads i)ass through sparsely settled districts, or where, for other reasons, it is desirable to have the men live at certain localities selected by the railroad com- pany. Apartments for the accommodation of agents are frequently furnished in the depot buildings, and tracUmen are given "section houses " to live in; but there are numerous other employes to be provided for, especially at points where shops or junction stations are located at some distance from settlements. While the principles governing the design of a dwelling for railroad men do not differ from those for other persons under similar conditions, it will prove interesting to present a few standard designs for dwelling-houses as actually adopted and in use on several railroads at the present time. There is considerable material to select from, but, as the subject is not distinctly a railroad specialty, it does not warrant devoting too much space to it. A cottage in use on the Northern Pacific system (designed by Mr. C. B. Talbot) illustrates the practice on Northwestern roads. Designs for cottages of the Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad (^designed by Mr. H. Jacob, Engineer and Architect, Richmond, Va.), and plans of a dwelling or section house on the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad, will serve to present the practice on southern systems. The following descriptions of a number of buildings are presented as illustrative of the subject under discussion. A:^ciifs Dwelling, N^ortlicrn Pacific Railroad System. — The standard plan for an agent's dwelling of the Spokane & Palouse Railway, connected with the Northern Pacific Railroad system, shown in Fig. 71 —Front Elevation. Fig. 72.— Enh Ei.kvation. Figs. 71 to 73, designed by Mr. C. B. 'I'albot, is intended to meet tlie cdnditions to be encoun- tered in a northern climate. It is a one-story frame building, 24 ft. X 24 ft., with a small front porch and a woodshed annex. 'I'here are four rooms in the house, as follows: a sitting-room, 11 ft. 6 in. X 13 ft. 6 in.; a kitchen, 11 ft. 6 in. X 13 ft. 6 in.; and two bedrooms, each 9 ft. X 1 1 ft. 6 in. The woodshed adjoins the kitchen, so that in winter fuel and other supplies are close at hand, 24 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. The foundations are either posts set in the ground in tliree rows, each row with five posts, or blocking, according to the local circumstances in each case. The sills are 6 in. X 8 in.; floor-joists, 3 in. X 8 in., spaced 2 ft. centres and spanning 12 ft. The frame is of the usual style and Fig. 73. — Grdund-i'lan. dimensions, covered on the outside with V rustic sheathing and roofed with cedar shingles on boards or otherwise, according to circumstances. The shed annex is sheathed with rough boards and battens. Five-room Cottage " A'," Chesapeake S^ Ohio Railway. — Plans for a five-room cottage on the Ches- apeake & Ohio Railway, known as plan " K," designed by Mr. H. Jacob, are shown in Figs. 74 to Fir,. 74. — Perspective. Q I i \ f m 1 / i \ Fig, 75. — Ground-plan. Fig. 76.— Second-floor Plan, DWELLING-HOUSES FOR EMPLOYES. 25 76. The building is a frame structure, 32 ft. 6 in. X 24 ft. 6 in., with a kitchen annex, 12 ft. 6 in. X 13 ft. The ground-floor has a veranda; a parlor, 16 ft. X 16 ft.; a chamber, 15 ft. X 16 ft.; and a kitchen, 12 ft. X 12 ft. Tlic second floor has two rooms, respectively 13 ft. X lO ft. and 8 ft. Xg ft. 6 in. Eive-room Cottage "Z," Chesapeake (s' Oliio Railway. — The plans for a fne-rooni cottage of the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway, known as i)lan " L," designed by Mr. H. Jacob, are shown in Figs. 77 to 79. The structure is a frame building, L-shaped, the main section 23 ft. X 35 ft. 6 in., with an annex for a kitchen, 16 ft. X 12 ft. 6 in., and an annex for a chamber, 17 ft. X 17 ft. The ground-floor has two verandas or porch-entrances; a parlor, 16 ft. X 16 ft.; a dining-room, 15 ft. X 16 ft.; a chamber, 16 ft. X i6 ft.; and a kitchen, 13. ft. X 15 ft. The second floor has one room, 16 ft. X lO ft- Fig. 77.— Perspective. ] d \ F llil PT, . / 1 Fig. 78. — Grou.nd-plan. Fig. -9. — Second-floor Plan. .Sereii-room Cottage, Chesapeake &= Ohio Railway. — The plans for a seven-room cottage of the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway, designed by Mr. H. Jacob, are shown in Figs. 80 to 82. The structure is a two-story frame building throughout, excepting a small single-story kitchen annex. The ground- 26 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. floor has a front veranda and a l.)ack porch ; a i)arlor, 13 ft. X 16 ft.; a dining-room, 15 ft. X 18 ft. 6 in.; a chamber, 15 ft. X iS ft.; and a kitchen, 12 ft. X 12 ft. Tlie second floor has three rooms, respectively 15 ft. X iS ft., 13 ft. X 16 ft., and 1 1 ft. 6 in. X 18 ft. 6 in. Fig. 80. — Perspective. 1 J Fig. Si. — GRorND-PLAN. Fig. S2.— Seconh-i'i.oor Pl.xn. DwcUiiii:^-hi>ust-, Union I'aiific Railwav. — The design for a dwelling-liouse of tlie Union Pacific Railway, shown in Figs. 83 and 84, consists of a two-story frame cottage, the general style of 1 ' 1 ■ A//cfien M P/'/>/r>ff /foom JL //-'S'''J' •=•'-'"-■ B ' J ^ Tf 1 1 r Ti I . 1 ! , ! "■"'■ 1 . 1 Fig. S3. — Front Elevation. Fig. 84. — GROUNn-PLAN. D]iEL/./KC-//OrsE.S FOR EMl'LOYES. 27 which rt'senibles a town icsi(K-n( y. 1 line is :iccll:ir under the liunt pail of the house. 'I'he ground- floor has n front-entrance porch, a vestibule, a sitting-room, a dining-room, and a kit( hen. The second floor has three liedrooms and a hirge closet. Dwi-lling-luuisi\ Atchison, Topcka &^ Santa P\' RaihoaJ. — The .Vtchison, I'opeka & Santa Fe Railroad has three classes of standard dwelling- houses, known respectively as section houses Nos. I, 2, and 3. In Figs. 85 to 87 the standarci plan No. 2 is shown. The other standards do not differ materially from the one illustrated, except in size and minor details. In general the designs show a two-story plain frame building, sheathed on the outside with upright boards and battens, and the whole built very cheaply and without any attempt at display. Standard No. 2 shows a building occupying a ground-space of 30 X 30 ft. There is a cellar under the house. The ground-floor has a living-roorn, 12 Fig. 85. — Side Elevation. ft. X 17 ft.; two bedrooms, each 8 ft. X 12 ft. ; a kitchen, 12 ft. X 14 ft.; and a large pantry. The second floor has three bedrooms, each about 12 ft. X 17 ft. YZ IT w \ □ /\ / > SMfi 7.. I 3 "■-■■"■-*■ < 1=. Fig. 86.— GROUND-rLAN. Fig. 87.— Second-fi.oor Plan. Employes' Homes of Westinghoiisc Air-brake Co., Wilmcrding, Pa. — A model system of homes for employes, as built by the Westinghouse Air-brake Comijany at \Vilmerding, Pa., will be found described and illustrated in the Railroad Gazette of March 14, 1890. 'I'here are three distinct types of dwellings furnished, namely : Class A, eight rooms, cellar, bath, and range, costing $3550; Class B, six rooms, cellar, bath, and range, costing $2700; Class C, five rooms, costing $2000. 28 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. CHAPTER V. SLEEPING QUARTERS, READING-ROOMS, AND CLUB-HOUSES FOR EMPLOYES. Most of the large railroads of the country at their main termini or junction points have special rooms or small buildings set apart for the use of employes who are forced to spend more or less time at such stations. The accommodations consist either of rooms for making up reports, for lounging, and for changing clothes, or of reading-rooms, or regular sleeping- quarters. The Union Pacific Railway is the only road which, to the author's knowledge, has a special design for a reading-room for use at points along its lines. In order to meet with general favor in providing quarters for employes, the principal conditions to be observed consist in removing all unnecessar)- restrictions and in offering the men a comfortable set of rooms to sleep or lounge about in, with suitable accommodations for writing, reading, smoking, talking, or playing games. Any two-story frame dwelling-house, such as railroad companies are often compelled to buy in accjuiring right of way in the vicinit)' of stations, can, at a vcr}- small expense, be changed into a comfortable home for the men. The ground-floor should have a room for preparing reports (if not provided elsewhere), a reading-room, a smoking-room, and also a sitting-room with lounges and comfortable chairs, if the .space permit. Upstairs there should be bedrooms for men obliged to stay at the station overnight whose regular homes are at other places along the line, and a room with a large number of cots on which men can rest for a few hours between runs. A yet better arrangement is to have a large juimber of smaller rooms each with the same number of cots as there are men in a train-crew, >-o that when a crew is called the rest of the men in the house are not necessarily disturbed. The usual toilet- and bath room facilities would complete the list. A house of this kind, with a janitor to look after it, would contain all that the emplojcs of a railroad could desire in this line. The Railroad Branch of the Young Men's Christian Association has done much toward furnishing proper accommodations for railroad men at a number of the principal termini of the country, where railroad managements through false economy or a lack of forethought have been careless about securing to trainmen a place for the much-needed rest between runs and the proper kind of recreation when off duty. As mentioned above, any small frame building, or floor in a larger building, can generally, with very little expense and trouble, be fitted up for trainmen's quarters, and it is a verj- short-sighted management that cannot aii[)reciate the numerous advantages to be derived from furnishing the men witli comfortable quarters and suitable accommodations. Below will be found several descriptions of employes' reading or club rooms and sleeping quarters v/hich will prove of additional interest in connection with this subject. SLEEPING QUARTERS, RliADIXG-ROOM S, ETC., /OR EMPLOYES. 29 Biiiik-hoiiSL' at Jersey- City, N. J., Lrkii^/i Valley Railroad. — 'I'lie bunk-house for trainmen of the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Jersey City, N. J., shown in Figs. 88 and 89, consists of an old two- story frame dwelling-house, which the railroad company obtained in buying certain terminal lands, remodelled to suit the new jnirposes to wliich the building is devoted. The house is 18 ft. 6 in. X 25 ft. 6 in., and has accommodations for twenty men. A single-story annex, 18 ft. 6 in.X; ft. 6 in., is built on to the building and serves for wash-room and toilet-room. The entrance to the building is through this annex. The building is heated by steam from an adjacent boiler system. -■: f-; '.I. a"".' rifT V 1 1 V : 'i...' o| 1 V l J Fig. 88. — End Elevation. Fig. 89. — Ground ri^AN Biink-Iiousc at Perth Ainboy, N. J., Lelii:^h Valley Railroad. --The bunk-house of the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Perth Amboy, N. J., designed by Mr. Charles Rosenberg, Master Carpenter, L. V. R. R., shown in Figs. 90 to 92, is a two-story frame building, 33 ft. 6 in. X 38 ft., with high s\ w '^ '^ fltelm^ ft? m- ffF Fig. go. — Froni- Elevation. h v^ L _ _ ■■•! l\f\ \y \'- hM h "ol 1 Mvl 1^' , 1 W\h • \ '--I ■-■ J 7X ^: Fig. 91. — Ground-plan. Xj^kO^fflK aMaz . I. I J .■.._..L_i rl — K A/' ivlV iV lAIA! lA Fig. 92— Second-floor Plan. attic, sheathed on the outside with horizontal weather-boarding and roofed with tin. The building is finished in the interior the same as an ordinary dwelling, the walls being plastered throughout, so as to avoid using wood on the inside as much as possible to promote cleanliness and prevent the house being overrun with vermin. The building is intended to accommodate 76 men, 31 on the first 3° BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURKS OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. floor, ji oil llic scioiul flijor, ;uh1 14 oil tlic attic lloor. 'I'lic interior is di\'ide(j inlii rooms, cacli accommodating not over eight men, which is done not only for hygienic reasons, but also to prevent other men being disturbed when any particular train-crew or set of men are called out. The neces- sary wash-basins and water-closets are placed in convenient places and provided with running water. The location of the house is in the vicinity of a round-house and boiler-house of a shop system, so that the building is heated by steam and hot water easily obtained. The bedsteads are of iron and are 2 ft. 9 in. wide and 6 ft. 3 in. long, furnished with a woven wire spring, a husk mattress with cotton top, one pair of woollen blankets, and one feather pillow, costing complete $10.90 per bed. The specification for the building is in general as follows : frame to be of hemlock ; joists, 3 in. X 8 in.; sills, 6 in. X 8 in.; studs, 2 in. X 4 in., spaced 16 in. centres; door and window studs. 3 in. X 4 in.; plates, 4 in. X 6 in.; rafters, 2 in. X 6 in.; partitions, 4 in. Outside sheathing, pine bevelled siding; flooring, ij-in. yellow pine. Inside finish of walls, three coats of jilastering. Slate roof. All woodwork painted two coats of paint. Panelled doors throughout, outside 2 in. and inside li in. tliick. All sash, twelve lights, 10 in. X 14 in. This building cost erected complete, fully equipped with beds and bedding, including all plumb- ing, $3300- The same design can be utilized for a smaller house accommodating 37 men, by cutting off the building on one side of the hallway, leaving it 33 ft. 6 in. X 23 ft. The first and second floors would accommodate 15 men each and the attic 7 men more. Reading-room, Union Pacific Railtvay. — The design for a reading-room of the Union Pacific Railway, designed in 1886, in the Resident Engineer's office at Omaha, shown in Figs. 93 to 95 Fig. 93. — Fuo.NT Elevation. Ftg. 94. — Side Elevation. Fic. g5. — Ground-plan. SLEEPING QUARTERS, READING-ROOMS, ETC., FOR EMPLOYES. 31 presents a very prelly and c)riL;iiial design fur llie inirpose. It is a small une-story Iraini.- cottage, 24 ft. X 38 ft., with a large front porch 20 ft. wide. The interior is divideil into two octagonal rooms, which serve respectively as reading-room and sitting-room. They are connected by a pair of large doors, which can be thrown open, when desired, to make (me large room of the interior. .\ vestibule with closets on both sides leads from the [lorch to the inner rooms. 'J'he foundations of the building are shown to be stone, liesides the ordinary furniture each room is provided with large ornamental bookcases. This design, however, while very tasteful, does not cover all the requirements that can be made of such a building and is, in addition, too elaborate to be recoinmended as a standard for general adoption. Structures were built according to these plans at a number of points along the line of the Union Pacific, l>ul the design adopted within recent years for similar structures oifers decided improvements over the older design, being more practical in construction and gi\ing belter lacilities for tile men. Kailroad Branch Bni/c/iiig, Young Men's Chrislian Association, at East Buffalo. N- Y- — As a well- arranged and interesting design, the plans of the Railroad Branch Building, Y. M. C. A., at Kast Buffalo, N. Y., shown in Figs. 96 to 99, as published in the Railway Rcvieii), October 6, 1888, are presented. This building is a substantial structure, three-story and high attic, 75 ft. X 36 ft., with stone and brick walls, the interior being appropriately fitted up. The arrangement of the interior is shown on the plans, and the following description of the building is taken from the publication mentioned: The basement, which is high and light, will contain a dining-room, lunch-counter, kitchen, pan- try, barber-shop, shower and sponge baths, and toilet accommodations, as indicated in the jilan, I'ltled up neatly and with all modern improvements. The woodwork will be of hard wood. The first floor will contain a reading-roojn and library. A room devoted to different games adjoins the main hall, as does the office lobby, into which the general secretary's room will open. Across till- hall, .is shown in the [ilan, are two light, airy rooms which will be used for a hosiiital. A third ward and the nurses' room of the hospital are on the second floor, as are the dormitory, two class-rooms, which can be easily turned into one large parlor, and necessary storerooms. The second floor will be fitted up for the use of the Janitor and with additional sleeping-rooms. A wing, not shown in the illustration, will be devoted to a gymnasium, that much-appreciated portion of every well-planned association building. Fi'-.. qfi. — PF.KSrECTivr. Fig. g8. — First-ki.ook Plan. In:. )M. — Skcond-i'i.ook I' 32 BUILDIXGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. Employes' Cliih-lioiise, Chicago, Bitr/iiigtoii&'Nort/ii'iu Rid/zouJ. ~'V\\c employes' i hib-house of the Chicago, Burlington & Northern Railroad is a handsome brick building with hard-wood finish, fitted up and supplied with all modern and essential appointments. t)n the first floor are a reading-room, smoking-room, billiard-room, and toilet; on the second are twelve large bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a large toilet-room. Every room is heated by steam, lighted by gas, and ventilated in the best manner. Raihoad Branch BiiilJing, Young Men's Chris/ion Association, A'^cio Vor/^ Central &= Hinlson River Railroad, Neiv York, N. Y. — The Railroad Branch building of the Young Men's Christian Association at the shops of the New York Central & Hudson Ri\er Railroad at Seventy-second Street and North River, New York City, is a two-story building a])pro])riately arranged, the interior being plastered and wainscoted in natural wood; the ground-floor has three large rooms, a kitchen, two bathrooms, and the secretary's office. The upper story is jirovided with twenty comfortable, well warmed and ventilated sleeping-rooms, arranged about a gallery, similar to the seconil tier of state- rooms on a steamboat. The rooms are intended for railroad employes who live at distant points and are forced to lay over between runs at the New York end of the road. Railroad Alen's Cliih-hotise, New York Central &-" Hudson River Railroad, Neio York, A^. Y. — A very extensive and handsome club-house for the use of the employes of the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad and associated companies using the Grand Central Station at Forty- second Street, New York City, was formally opened on October 3, 1887, by Mr. Cornelius Vander- bilt, at whose expense the building was erected. The building is controlled by a board of trustees, composed of directors and officers of the interested railroads, and the detail management is under the direction of the Railroad Young Men's Christian Association. The building is described in the issue of the Railroad Gazette of October 7, 1887, as follows: The building has been designed with thorough consideration for its uses. It stands at the corner of Madison Avenue and Forty-fifth Street, adjacent to the yard of the Grand Central Station. It is built of brick and terra cotta, and is two stories high, with a tower running up two stories higher. There are a gymnasium, bowling-alleys, and bathrooms in the basement, and a plunge-bath 6 ft. deeji, gi ft. wide, and 13I ft. long. The bathtubs are porcelain, the ceiling and walls of glazed brick and tiles. The partitions in the basement are of marble, set in a framework of solid bronze, and the plumbing work is nickel and brass. On the main floor is a library with 6000 volumes on its shelves. Then there are a reading-room, a social room, a general secretary's room, and committee room. In the reading-room there are files of 95 daily, weekly, and monthly papers. In the social room there is a piano. The floors here are tiled, and the walls are panelled in dark oak. On the second floor is the lecture and amusement hall, fitted up in polished oak and frescoed in light, pleasing tints. This hall will seat 400 people. The third floor is occupied by a thoroughly comfortable room, filled with leather-covered chairs and lounges, where the railroad men can have luncheon. Hot coffee is served free of charge. On the top floor there are ten bedrooms, furnished with brass bedsteads, which are intended for the use of railroad men who, by reason of long runs, are compelled to stay in the city overniLrht. There is no charge for their use. SSOIVSHEDS AND FKOrECTIoN-SH EDS FOR MOUNTAIN-SLIDES. ^ CHAPTER VI. SNOWSHEDS AND PROTECTION-SHEDS FOR MOUNTAIN-SLIDES. Snowshkus arc in t-xleii.sive use on the Northwestern .uul Canadian raih-oads to protect the track and keep it clear in winter wherever the snowf.dl is heav)' or bad slides are to be expected. While the use of these structures is more immediately confined to a limited section of the countrx, the plans ailopted to overcome the diHieulties encountered are of interest to a lari^er L;roi.ip (.)f railro.ids, as indicative of the best geni.ral methods that can be adopted toprotect a line along side hills, where slides or heav)' stones rullinL; down the steep mountain-slopes endanger the safety of trains. While snowsheLfs are more particularly employed and essentiall)- necessar)' in deep cuts and tlangerous side-hill sections of the raih'oads mentioned, the}- are also usetl on level ground to protect the track against heavy vertical snowfalls, which might, in the absence of such pro- tection, cause serious blockades. We thus obtain two distinctive forms of snowsheds, namel)-, sheds adapted for use in through or side-hill cuts, where drifts and slides might occui', and known as "valley sheds"' or "gallery sheds, ' and sheds on level grountl for [jrotec- tion ag.iinst lieav)' snowfalls, known as "level-fall sheds." Valle)- sheds are used where avalanches could strike the shed on both sides, and galler)- sheds where avalanches can only come tlow n on one side of the track. The weight of compressed snow in a slide varies from 25 to 45 lbs. ])er cubic foot, and it is generall)- tlischarged in balls of var)ing sizes, according to the stale ol the weather anil the condition of the snow. l)r\- snow descemis with great velocity, and its impact upon a structure is severe. Wet snow, on the contrar\-, though heavier, descends more slowh', and hence is not as destructi\'e in its effects. Snowshetls on level ground are not exposed to slides or laige masses- ot moving snow, and have, therefore, onl}- the vertical snow-pressure to resist. As wet snow is hea\-ier th.ui dr\' snow, the stamlards of the railroads vary according to the nature of the snow to be guarded ag.u'nsl. On the Selkirk range, Canadian Pacific Railwa\-, the snow fre7i's/h-i/s <>;■(■>- Cuts 01 oil Siilc Hills, Noit/icni Paiijii KailioaJ. — The Nonlifrn Pacific Rail- road has a hirgc number of standards for snow- siicds over cuts or on side liills to suit the vary- ing circumstances, two of which are shown in Figs. 105 and 106 from designs of i\Ir. C. B. Talbot. The style of shed shown in Fig. 105 is more /2x^/} particularly applicable in through cuts. Tlie bents are spaced 6 ft. apart, or as may be necessary. For bents spaced 6 ft. apart, the materials required are 484 ft. B. M. lumber and 14.0 lbs. of iron per lineal foot of shed The principal timbers used are as follows : ]30sts, 10 in. X 12 in.; caps, 10 in. X 16 in. X 12 in.; roof- FiG. 105. — Cross-section. in. over main span, and 10 in. X 14 in. on sides; brace-j)lank, two jiieces, 3 ))lank, 4 in. X 12 in., and i in. X 4 in. battens. In the case shown in Fig. 106, which structure is for side hills where slides occur, the bents are spaced 4 ft. to 6 ft. apart. For bents spaced 6 ft. apart, the materials required are 634 ft. B. M. lum- .///n Fig. 106. — Cross-section. ber and 9 3 lbs. of iron per lineal foot of shed. The principal timliers used are as follows : posts, 10 in. X 12 in.; caps, 10 in. X 16 in. over main span, and 10 in. X 12 in. on sides: bank sill on outside at foot of posts, 10 in. X 12 in., continuous from bent to bent; mud-sill up slope of side hill, 10 in. X 12 in.; brace i)lank, two jiieces, 3 in. X 12 in.; roof-plank, 4 in. X 12 in., and i in. X 4 in. battens. The space left for the track is in all cases 16 ft. wide in the clear, and 19 ft. high in the clear above to]) of rail. Siw'a's/uu/s, CaiiaJiiiJi Pill ijit Railway.— i:\\e Canadian Pacific Railway has a ver\- large number of snowshed standards, as built at different times under varying conditions. Four of these standards are shown in Figs^ 107 to no, the last of which has been most e.xtensively employed. The clear space left for the trains in all the standards of the road is 16 ft. wide and 22 ft. high above the grade line. The design shown in Fig. 107 is for use in through cuts, and for protection against level fall. The bents are spaced 8 ft. apart. The principal timbers used are as follows : posts, of round tim- bers; plates, 8 in. X 10 in.; rafters, 9 in. X 12 in.; brace-posts, 6 in. X 8 in.; roof-plank, 3 in. In Fig. 108 a design is shown for use in through or side-hill cuts. The lients are 8 ft. apart. The principal timbers used are as follows: posts, of round timbers; plates, 10 in. X 10 in.; caps, over main span, 12 in. X 15 in., and on sides, 12 in. X 12 in.; roof-plank, 4 in. Fig. 109 shows a design for use in through and side-hill cuts. The spacing of the bents and the general sizes of the timbers are similar to those in the last-described design. SNOIVSHEDS AND PROTECTION-SHEDS FOR MOV N TA IN-SI.l DRS. 37 The standard, sliown in Fig. no, deserves more than passing attention, as it is tlir type of :;n(5\v- slied at present in favor on the Canadian Pacific Railway for use on side-bill and thi-oiiL;li riiis where heavy slides can be expected. A crib is built up to full height of the top of the cut on the hill side of the track, the space lietween tlie crib and the hill being filled with earth. On the lower side of the track a framework of 12 in. X 12 in. timbers or round logs, resting on sills, piles, or a toe-cril), supports the lower end of the roof over the track. The crib is formed of 12 in. X 12 in. or 10 in. X 12 in. front logs and round back logs, s]iaced with 3-in. openings. The front and back logs are con- nected by 8 in. X 8 in. sipiare, or by round log ties, spaced 5 ft. apart, dovetailed to tlie front logs Fig. 107. — Cross-sectton. Fig. ioS. — Cross-section. Fic. inq. — Criiss-section. Fig. iio. — Cross-section. and saddled or dovetailed into the flatted back logs The roof-plank is 6 in. thick. The timber- work throughout is only drift-bolted or dowelled together; no mortises or tenons are used. For additional standards and data see the Railroad Gazette, issue of July 6, 1888; the Engi/ici'ri/ig News, issues of January 21, 1888, and December 14, 1889; the Railway Revinv, issues of July 21, December 8, and December 22, 1888; and Transactions of the .'American Society of Civil Engi- neers, August, 1888, with [lajier on the Canadian Pacific Railway, by Thomas C. Keefer, president of the society. Snowshed (Ti'er Cuts or on Side Hills, Central Pacific Railroad.— The snowshed of the Central Pacific Railroad, shown in Fig. iii, is for use in through or side-hill cuts. It forms a roof over the Fk: III.— Cross-section. ^8 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. track wliich carries any material coming down the hillside safely over the load. The bents are spaced from 4 to 6 feet apart, according to circumstances. The design shows the structure anchored to the rock in the side cut with a number of 2-inch rods. Where this is not feasible, appropriate bracing has to be introduced. The clear space for the track is 15 ft. 9 in. wide and 18 ft. high above top of rails. Tlie prin- cipal timbers used are as follows: main posts, 12 in. X 14 in.; side posts, 12 in. X 12 in.; caps, 12 in. X 14 in. over main span, and all others 12 in. X 12 in.; braces, 8 in. X 12 in.; roof-plank, 5 in.; side planks, 2 in. Protection-shed for Aloiintaiii-s/iJes, Oreg^on (3^ Cali- fornia Railroad. — A mountain-slide of large ])ro- portions and under unusual conditions occurred in March, 1890, at the north end of tunnel No. 9 on the Oregon & California Railroad, connected with the Southern Pacific Railway system. The methods em ployed for removing the materials and the construc- tion of a protection-shed to divert earth or rocks, that might come down on the track, were described and illustrated in a paper prepared by Mr. W. G. Curtis and read before the American Society of Civil Engineers, which paper was published in the Trans- actions of the Society for 1890. In Fig. 112, repro- duced from the publication mentioned, a section is shown of the protection-shed adopted and built after the slide had been removed. This thed has proved to be sufficiently strong to divert earth and rocKs which have fallen down from the mountain since the construction of the shed. The length of the slide measured 200 ft. along the track, the lieight of rock slope is about 100 ft., and the vertical height from the grade to the top of the slide about 300 ft. This structure illustrates clearly the application that is made in practice of the general principles governing the construction of snowsheds oji side hills to structures intended to protect a railroad from mountain-slides or boulders liable to fall down on the track. Fig. 112. — Cross-section. SIGNAL- TO WERS, 39 CHAPTER VII. SIGNAL- T O \V E K S. SuiNAL-TOWEKS are used on railroads where it is necessary to station a watchman, signal- man, gatcman, switch-tender, or operator, at a sufficient elevation above the railroad to enable him to command a good view of the tracks and surroundings, or to allow the signal- man or his signals to be readily seen from approaching trains, vehicles, or other signal sta- tions. There arc two classes of signal-towers, namely, those intended to protect exposed points on the line, and those forming part of a block-signaling system. The former are, as a rule, simply watchman's houses set on trestles, and are used to afford protection at railroad and highway grade crossings, tunnels, sharp curves, dangerous points of the line where the view is obstructed, and at the head of or connected with switch and yard systems. Signals are given by hand, lamps, flags, vanes, targets, balls, movable arms, or other appropriate means. The second class, namely, block-station signal-towers, form part of a more or less exten- sive signaling system by which the road is divided into sections or " blocks " of a length dependent on the varying conditions and necessities of the traffic. A signal-tower, equipped with the requisite signaling apparatus and connected with the neighboring towers by wire, is located at the end of each block or section. The control of the trains on each block or sec- tion is thus completely in the hands of the signalmen or operators in the towers at each end of the block. Where there is an interlocking switch system, or switches worked by levers from a dis- tance, it is customary, if feasible, to locate tne working levers in the signal room of a signal- tower, so that one man can control the switches and the movement of trains. Signal-towers with switch levers are usually to be found at terminal yards, stations, junction points, and cross-over systems. Most railroads have block signals at their regular stations or stopping-places, even where the regular block system is not emjjloyed between stations, in which case the regular operator at the station performs the duties of signalman. Station buildings, in which the operator is located in a small tower or extended gable front above the ground-floor, have been quite 4° BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. extensively introdLiced, enabling the operator to obtain a better view of the road and lessening the possibility of being interrupted by passengers or others. This combination of signal tower and station building is advisable, however, only where, in addition to the station agent and other help, a special operator is employed. Where one or two men are required to per- form all the duties connected with the station and the signaling apparatus, it is objectionable to have part of the work located in the upper story. Descriptions and plans of a number of signal-towers are presented below as illustrative of 'the different types in actual use. Fig. 113. Front Elevation. Octii^^^onal Si};/ial/im/ua e^ RcaJiii:^ Railioad. — The octagonal signal-tower sliown in Fig. 113 represents a style (if tower much in use on ihe Phiiadelijhia iv Reading Railroad al dangerous places or where the view is obstructed. 'I'his form of tower is in reality an elevated watchman's house, the signals heing under the control of a special watchman or signalman. These towers are sometimes connected with neighboring towers by wires, as, for instance, at tunnels, in which case tliey become in a certain sense block-signal stations. As a rule, however, they are too small for the modern block-signal system, which requires more space in the tower than offered in the design under discussion, especially when connected with interlocking switch systems. These signal-towers are frame structures, from 30 ft. to 50 ft. high, and buih in the shape of an octagonal pyramid, thus giving much stability against wind and side jiressures uf any kind. 'I'he entrance is on the ground-floor, and a ladder inside the building leads up to the watchman's room. The signaling apparatus, shown on top of the tower, consists of two vanes, each vane having three faces, and each face being painted a different color, signifying, respectively, danger, caution, and safety. The vanes are illuminated at night by lanterns, which are lighted in the room below and lioisted into place by pulleys. The vanes are sejiarated by a blackboard, against which the lights and colors are clearly seen, and are turned by levers working upon round tables in the watchman's room, upon which are painted colors corresponding with the colors of the vanes, so that the lever being locked upon any color on the table, the same color ujion the vane is known to be facing the approaching train. At railroad grade crossings the towers are set in the angle of intersection of the two roads, and have one vane with four faces and two colors, so arranged that one road is always blocked when tlie other is open. The signals displayed from these towers need not necessarily be vanes, arranged as just described, but can be flags, movable arms, balls, targets, or revolving cylinders, worked by levers or other suit- able ajipliances. The framework of the lower story of the tower can be left open, if no reasons exist for inclosing it ; but, as a rule, it will prove convenient to inclose it to jiermit of its use as a store or tool room. Scjiiarc Sii;iti!/-tc>wcr, Philadelphia &= Reading Railroad. — The scpiare signal-tower of the Phila- deliihia & Reading Railroad is only a slight modilication of the octagonal tower just described, and is used under the same circumstances and conditions as the latter. Tiie square tower is built in the shape of a square in place of an octagonal pyramid. Signal Station, Philadelphia, Wilmington &= Baltimore Railroad. — A signal station on the Phila- delphia, Wilmington & Baltimore Railroad, designed by Mr. S. T. Fuller, Chief Engineer, is de- scribed and illustrated in the issue of the Railroad Gazette of January 9, iSSo. The upper story is used for the signalman and signal apparatus, while the ground-floor is intended to be utilized for passengers or for other business of the railroad conqjany. The design is quite elaborate, and the building presents a fine appearance. S/GNAL-2\UrFJCS. 41 EltTtttcJ GiiU/iii/isi- III W'luli-liiiveii. I'll., l.iiiii^/i Willix Kaih ihuL- '\'\\Kt t;;ite-lu)iise of the Le- high \'allcy R.iilroiid .it WhitcliaNcn, P;i., designed by Mr. \V. V. Pascoe, Sui)eiintendent of Bridges, L. v. R. R., shown in Fig. 114, is ;i good ty|ie of an elevated gate-tender's house at important grade crossings, where a system of gates is in use and the clear view from the level of the railroad is liable to be obstructed. The design presented is rather elaborate for use at an open country road or turnjiike crossing outside of settlements, but it is well adapted for crossings in towns and at important thoroughfares where the neat ap- pearance of all railroad structures is considered desirable. The building is a frame structure, 7 ft. square on the outside, set on trestles, tlie floor of the building aliout 10 ft. above the track rail. The height of frame is 8 ft. from the sill to the plate. The sides of the building are sheathed on the outside and inside with narrow tongued and grooved boards; the roof is covered with tin or slate, laid on i-in. boards. The principal timbers used are as follows: sills, 4 in. X 6 in.; plates, 2 in. X 4 in.; corner- studs, 4 in. X 4 in.; door and window studs, 3 in. Fig. 114. — Side Elevation. Fu;. 115. — Cross-section AND Fkoni Elevation. Fig. 116. — Ei.KVATioN ok Frame. 42 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. X 4 in.; rafters, 3 in. X 4 in.; Iloor-joists, 3 in. X 6 in., spaced iS in.; windows, double sash, each sash four lights, 10 X 12; door, 2 ft. 9 in. X 6 ft. 4 in.; trestle-legs, 8 in. X 8 in.; trestle X-bracing, 6 in. X 6 in.; trestle sills and caps, 10 in. X 10 in. Standard Signal -tower, Pennsylvania Railroad. — The standard block-station signal-tower of the Pennsylvania Railroad, shown in Figs. 115 to 118, is a two-story frame structure, the lower part being square, and the upper part octagonal in shape. 'J'he lower story is about 12 ft. square and about 15 ft. high, and is usetl for keeping sundry signal and road supplies. Steps inside the tower lead to the upper floor or the signal-room, in which the operator or signalman is stationed, sur- rounded by the necessary signaling and telegraphic apparatus. The general design of this tower is very ornamental and attractive, while the details are carefully arranged to secure the best results in all respects without prejudice to economy. A large part of the structure is usually framed and put together in the shop before being shipped to the site. V -1 =», ^ V i \X- 1 1 \\ Fig. 117. — Second-fi.oor Plan. Fig. ii8.^Second-floor Fr,\m!ng Plan. Where an extensive and complicated switch system is connected with a block station, the space offered by the building under discussion is too smalt for the accommodation of the switch levers, and another standard is used, namely, an oblong, two story frame building, the length of which is varied to suit the requirements of each case. The general features and style of the two standards are other- wise similar. Tlie kinds of signals controlled by the signalman are numerous. The signals at the tower are frequently located on a light bridge thrown over the tracks or else on arms or brackets attached to the building. In addition there are usually "home" and "distant" signals connected with the tower, consisting of lamps, balls, targets, semaphores, or other appliances, all of which are controlled and operated with great ease and certainty from the signal-room of the tower. Signal-tower on Depot Building, Richmond 24 in. of t^:,--l']?%Vs ground space. Iron rungs fastened to the posts on one p,^, 126.— Per- side of the square form a ladder leading up to the house, spective. the entrance being through a trap-door in the floor. A number of switch and signal levers are located in the house, the connecting-rods down to the ground being placed inside the square formed by the posts. W Fir,. 125. — Pr.RSPKCIIVE. SIGNAI.-TOWF.RS. 4S Sigiml-towcr at Jersey City, N. /., Central Railroad of New Jersey— \\\ Fig. 127 is shown a perspective of the large signal-tower of the Central Railroad of New Jersey, connected with the ex- tensive interlocking switch and signal system in their terminal yard at Jersey City, N. J. Fig. 127. — Perspective. Signal-tower a7id Bridge, Neio York Central 6" Hudson River Railroad. — The standard signal- tower and signal-bridge adopted by the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad for block- signal stations on its four-track roadbed are described and illustrated in detail in the issue of the Railroad Gazette of May 13, 1892. There is a tower on the ground and also one on the bridge. The bridge, which has a span of 56 ft., and 20 ft. clearance over the rails, is of iron on iron columns, and is equipped with the necessary semaphore and lamp signals. 46 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. CHAPTER VIII. CAR-SHEDS AND CAR-CLEANING YARDS. CaR-SHEDS are provided on railroads to protect expensive passenger or private cars, when not running, from the weather, and also, as a rule, to allow the cars to be cleaned under cover. In southern sections of the country car-sheds are frequently used as a protection against the injurious effects of the sun on the varnish and paint of the exterior of the cars. Car-sheds are usually located at terminal or junction points, where passenger cars are side-tracked, when not in use, or the cleaning has to be done prior to starting the cars on a new trip. Car-sheds are not in universal use in this country, so that there is no general standard or system recognized as the best for the purpose. Local circumstances and individual require- ments determine the leading features and the choice of the st}-le of the structure. Where new buildings are erected for the storage of surplus cars during slack seasons, or for the cleaning of cars between runs, brick and frame buildings will be found in use. Frequently an abandoned shop, engine house, freight-house, or train-shed is pressed into service as a car- shed after its usefulness for other purposes has ceased. Thus, the Pennsylvania Railroad has utilized its former terminal train-shed at West Philadelphia for a car-shed, since the opening of the new Broad Street station in Philadelphia and the practical abandonment of the West Philadelphia terminus. A great many roads make no provision whatever for the storage of passenger cars under cover, and allow expensive cars to stand on side tracks for long periods e.xposed to the weather and the heat of the sun. More attention should be paid to the comparative cheapness of temporar\- car-sheds, as described more full}- below, and to the advantage of using them, where funds are not on hand at the time for a more elaborate structure, or the final location of a car-shed in connection witii a terminal or shop la}--out cannot be definitely determined. The essential requirements for a car-shed, in which car cleaning is to be done, are good ligiit, a con\-enient water-suj^pl}-, and ample space between the tracks, and between the side of the building and the nearest track, to allow the e.xterior of the cars to be propeil}- cleaned. It is customary to keep minor car supplies and fixtures in the same building, and to provide space for cleaning carpets, car-seats, etc., outside of the cars. In northern climates it is desirable to heat the house slightly in vcr}' severe weather. The illustrations presented below show car-sheds with only one or two tracks. Wiiere the length of a building is limited by local circumstances, oi- the number of cars to be stored is very large, a building with more than two tracks is employed, usuall)- with a light frame C.IR-SNEDS AND CAR-CLEANING YARDS. 47 roof set on posts bctwi-cn tlu- tracks. For clciniiig cars between runs, tlicy arc, as a rule, not placed under cover, hut switched to so-called car-cleaning,' tracks or yards, where the car- cleaners are stationed and [ilal forms, racks, wire nets for cleaning carpets, water-suppl)-, etc., are provided. In connection with car-sheds or cleaning tracks the palace- and .sleeping-car companies have frequent!}- at the terminals of their routes special buildings for the storage of the sundry supplies connected with the service, including facilities for mending and repairing the interior fixtures, furniture, bedding, etc. The following detail descriptions of car-sheds refer to structures actual!)' in use in this countr\-. Brick Car-shed at Mauch Chunk, Pa., Li-hi):;h Valley Railroad. — The liriik car-shed of the Lehiuli Valley Railroad at Mauch Chunk, Pa., sliown in Figs. 128 to 131, was l)ui!t to accommodate the ^^^^? Fig. 1 28. — Front Elevation. Fig. i2g. — Cross-section. n^22 Fig. 130. — Side Elevation. © Fig. 131. — Ground-plan. president's car and the pay car of that road, tlie former being one of tlie nnesl private cars in the country, and hence desirable to liouse it wlieii not in use. Tlie Iniilding is 34 ft. 2 in. wide, 85 ft. 48 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. long, and 17 ft. 8 in. liigli fiuni the flour to the bottom of the lic-btanis. The walls ,ne lirick, 13 in. thick in the panels and 17 in. thick at the ]iilasters, base and frieze courses. Two tracks, spaced 14 ft. 10 in. centres, enter the house, the clear width of the house being 31 ft. There are two ])air of large, circle-top engine-doors at one gable end of the house, the width of tlie door opening being 11 ft. I in. in the clear, and 17 ft. 4 in. high in the clear above the top of tlie rails over the centre of the track. One of the engine-doors has a small wicket-door inserted in it. The roof-trusses are spaced 14 ft. centres, the dimensions of the principal roof members being as follows: tie-beams, 6 in. X 10 in.; principal rafters, 6 in. X 8 in.; truss-braces, 6 in. X 6 in.; tie-rod at centre, i^ in. diani.; tie-rods on sides, J in. diam.; purlins, 4 in. X 8 in., spaced 3 ft. 10 in.; rafters, 2 in. X 4 in., spaced 18 in.; roof-boards, i^ in., covered with slate. There are small funnels over each track, as shown on plans, suspended from the roof so as to correspond to the position of the stove-pipes on the cars mentioned, and thus avoid smoke in the house from the car-stoves. A stove connecting with the brick flue at tlie end of the house serves to heat the house in winter. The tracks have patented iron stop-blocks on each rail at tlie rear fif the house. 'I'he rails are laid on ordinary ties bedded in the cinder forming the floor. This design can be recommended wherever it is desired to have a substantial brick house to be used for a car-shed or an engine-house. It could be used to good advantage also as a small jiaint-shop for cars, or small repair-shop, if made a little wider, so as to give more space between cars and side walls for working. Temporary Car-sheds, Richmond &" Alhghany Railroad. — The designs for car-sheds, shown in Figs. 132 and 133, illustrate a type of temporary sheds used on the Richmond & Alleghany Railroad *• Fig. 132. — Cross section. Fig. 133. — Cross-section. for the protection of their passenger-cars, while part of the road was still under construction and the final lay-out of the yards and shop systems at the terminals not fully determined. The plans are self-explanatory, and show how cheaply and easily adequate protection for expensive cars can be provided. The posts are made of rough round or hewn timbers, set in the ground, and tied together and roofed with plank, scantlings, and boards, as shown. Frame Car-slied at U'allula, Wash., Nortlicrn Pacific Railroad. —The car-shed of the Nortliern Fig. 134. — SinF. Ki.fvation. Fig. 135. — FuiiNr lu.KVAriu.N. Pacific Railroad at Wallula, Wash., shown in Figs 134 to 136, is a frame structure 40 ft. X 200 ft. out to out, and about 20 ft. height of frame. There are two tracks, spaced 17 ft. centres, running through c\-ia'-.s///':ds a.vd car-cleaning yards. 49 Fig. 136. — Grovind-plan. the liouse, which enter at cacli gable end through two pairs of hirge square engine-doors, the door openings being 14 ft. wide in the clear and 18 ft. high in the clear above the to[) of tlie rails. The roof-trusses are spaced 20 ft. centres. The windows have two sash, each 8 lights, 12 in. X 16 in. 'I'he principal timbers used are as follows: sills, 10 in. X 10 in.; posts, 10 in. X 10 in.; studs, 2 in. X 4 in., spaced 24 in,; plates, 6 in. X 10 in.; rafters, 4 in. X 10 in., spaced 24 in.; tie-beams, 6 in. X 10 in.; ridgc-iiurlins, two pieces, each 4 in. X 6 ill.; purlin-braces and purlin-jiosts, 4 in. X 8 in.; roof-boards, i in., covered with shingles; floor, 2 in. plank; lloor-joists, 2 in. X 12 in,, s]iaced 24 in., and bedded on 6 in. X 6 in. mud-sills; outside of frame sheathed with WLMlhcr-boardiriL;; tlocus, i] in. X 10 in frames, covered with J in. tongued and grooved boards. Car-cleaning Platform a( Jersey City, N, /., Central Railroad of A^ew Jersey. -The i ar-cleaning platform of the Central Railroad of New Jersey, at Jersey City, N. J., shown in Fig. 137, is built between the tracks of the car-cleaning yard and con- sists of an open platfinin, 11 ft. 6 in. wide and 8 in. ^ ^f m i above the top of the rails, with a raised rack at the centre for piling and cleaning the car furniture and fi.Ktures. The rack is 42 in. wide and 21 in. above the jilatform. It is slatted on top, so as to allow dust and dirt to drop to the ground. The tracks at this point are spaced 20 ft. centres. The dimensions of the lumber are as follows: blocking, 6 in. X 6 in.; floor-joists, 3 in. X 6 in.; flooring, 2 in.; posts, 3 in. X 3 in.; plates, 3 in. X 3 in. ; slats, i in. X 3 in.; X-braces, 1 in. X 3 in. Car-cleaning Platform Shed at Jersey City, N. J., Pennsylvania Railroad. — The car-cleaning ■.<'n * i..*..0'*' — •. ..«^:..«« P'lG. -C R( vi.JriS-SKLI ION. ^ . IW i'1 w ^ 'jy ' ■ Ns // ' \K 1 r <^ ^^ % Fig. 13S. — Side Elev.ation. platform shed of tlu- Pennsylvania Railroad, shown in Figs. 138 to 140, buill in Ihc liittcr p.irl of the year 1890 for the use of tin- I'uMman t.!ar Company at the special cleaning and storage yard for that brancii of the service at Jersey City, N. J. There are several lines of these platform sheds, located between tracks spaced 24 ft. centres. The im- portant feature of the design is the prominence given to the arrangements for allowing tlie linen and bedding to be jiroperly aired under cover alongside the cars. The illustrations show racks provided for this purpose in every other opening of the shed, and tliere is a longitudinal hanger- beam under the louvred ventilator on which Fig. 139.— Cross-section. blankets, rugs, carpets, etc., can be hung. The principal sizes of lumber used are as follows: posts, 6 in. X 6 in.; plates, 4 in. X 6 in.; ties, 4 in. X 6 in.; knee-braces, 4 in. X 6 in.; jack-rafters, 2 in. X 4 in.; roof, i-in. boards covered with galvanized corrugated iron ; Icmgitiidinal hanger, 2 in. :< 8 in.; brace under same, 2 in. X 3 in.; slats 5° BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. of rack, 2 in. X 3 in. The louvre is built of posls, 3 in : . 3 in.; Ijiaces, 2 in. X 3 in.; ridge-plate, 3 in. X 4 in.; plates, 3 in. X 4 in.; louvre slats, \ in.; and frame, i in. Fn;. i.(o, — LijNGiTUniN.M, Skci'Ion. Piissengei-cai Yard at Chicago, III., Pennsylvania Railroad. — 'I'lie following description of the passenger-car yard of the Pennsylvania Railroad, at Chicago, III., copied from the issue of the Rail- road Gazette of September 12, 1890, will pro\e interesting in connection with the sul)ject of car-sheds, as showing to what extent on large railroad systems the equiinnent and facilities for cleaning passen- Sfer-cars are carried: A neat brick building has been erected at one end of the yard, m the lower story of which storage-bat- teries are cleaned and repaired, and various stores are kept. Above these rooms are offices ; the tracks are spaced an unusual distance apart. The tracks are all laid with very heavy rails, and the whole yard is floored with wood, even between the rails of each track. Just outside of each rail the flooring is composed of two heavy planks i foot wide. Beyond these and in between the rails the flooring is composed of narrow strips about 4 in. wide, spaced about i or | in. apart. This floor is not laid in contact with the earth or ballast, but is a few inches above it. The planks are all laid parallel with the track. The whole yard is lighted by arc-lights placed upon high poles. It is piped with water, steam, and compressed air; the steam and compressed-air pipes are placed in the same bo.xing, which is located but a short distance below the floor. The water-pipes are located at a depth of about 3 ft. 6 in. Connections to the cars can be made between each pair of tracks, and at intervals equal to the average car length. The steam pipe has a branch which connects with the upright pipe from the water-main, and by regulating the water- and steam-valves anv required temperature of water may be obtained for washing the cars. The lavatory tanks can be filled from the same water-pipe, the steam being shut ofl'. The water used is obtained from the city mains. The steam is taken from a plant which has been erected for that purpose, and for running the electric lights and furnishing compressed air. The building in which this apparatus is located is a new one, and has been erected near the roiindhoiise. In one end of this building there is a large stationary boiler of the locomotive type, with a Belpaire firebox, and in the same room there is an air-compressor, which maintains the required pressure of air on the pipes throughout the yard. The steam used in the vards is taken directly from the dome of this boiler. In an adjoining room there is an SoTI.P. Hall engine, and this is at present connected to a 30 light ilynamo. At present 2S arc-lights are run. ASHFI2S. S' CHAPTER IX. ASHPITS. Ashpits or clinker-pits are required along the main line of a railroad and at terminal and division yards, shop and roundhouse systems, to allow ashes and clinkers collecting in the firebo.xes of engines to be dumped, and also, although to a more limited extent, to facilitate the e.xamination and oiling of the engine machinery from below at points where stops arc made. It is customary to jirohibit the dumping of ashes on the track along the line of the road, and the cleaning of the firebo.xes at special ashpits is made compulsory. The general design of ashpits is very similar to that of an engine-house pit, excepting that the paving and side walls must be protected in some manner from the deteriorating influence of hot ashes, and proper provision should be made for the economical and cjuick disposal of the ashes as they accumulate. The location of ashpits varies according to whether they are in the main track, or on principal sidings along the line, or at dii'ision yards, shop or roundhouse systems. When placed in a main track the pits are usually short and located near stations, water tanks, or coaling platforms, in such a manner that the ashes can be quickly tlunqied while the engine stops for other purposes, and thus avoid extra delays. At large coaling .systems for coaling engines preparatory to starting out on the road, at water stations, or at yard or shop systems, ashpits are placed so as to be readily accessible at all times from some open track. These pits are made much longer than those placed in main tracks, in order to enable a number of engines to use the pit at the same time. Where an ashpit is located in a main track it is absolutely essential to have a siding alongside for use as an ash-car track, to allow ashes to be loaded on cars without causing detentions to main-line trains. The length of an ashpit varies according to its location, as outlined above, and according to the relative objections that may e.xist to requiring engines to wait their turn to use the ash- pit. The quality of coal has also an inqjortant bearing on the (juestion, as inferior grades of coal produce a much larger percentage of ash and clinkers, and hence larger pits are required. Where a large number of engines are liable to require the use of an ashpit at the same time, as, for instance, at the close of a day's business, or preparatory to starting out a number of trains in close succession, due provision should be made to give quick dispatch to the engines. The width of the pit is governed by the gauge of the track, the style of the coping on the side walls, and the method of fastening the rails to the coping. As a rule, however, the width of the pit is from 4 ft. to 4 ft. 3 in. in the clear, being narrower on main tracks than on 1^2 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES Oh AMERICAN RAILROADS. side tracks, so as to sjjive nunc stability to the side walls wlierc there is fast running. The extra width of the pit is valuable, not only to gain storage room, but also to facilitate working under the engine in oiling and making light repairs. The depths of pits vary considerably, but we can distinguish between two systems in use, namely, shallow pits and deep pits. Shallow pits are made from 14 to iG in. deep below the top of rail, while deep pits arc from 3 ft. to 4 ft. deep below the top of rail. Shallow pits should only be used where sufficient help is always on hand to remove the ashes prompth-. If this is not the case, the length must be increased. Shallow pits are preferable in main tracks. Deep pits afford better storage and facilitate working under the engine. There are other questions dependent on local circumstances that may influence the depth of an ashpit. It is desirable to have a water connection near the ashpit to allow the ashes to be cooled with water, so as to reduce their deteriorating effect on the pit and to allow the pit to be cleaneil out sooner. While in one sense it is detrimental to play large streams of water on the masonry and paving in the pit, it is probably better to kill the fire prompt!}- than to allow the heat to thoroughly penetrate the masonrj-. The ends of the pits are generally built square. Steps or inclines can be introduced, where pits are deep, to facilitate getting into them or wheeling material out endways. This feature has, however, never been considered of sufficient importance in this country to war- rant its adoption. An ashpit located on a special track should be connected at both ends with open tracks, so that engines can leave the pit without interfering with other engines back of them. Where feasible, there should be a special dejsressed ash-car track alongside of an ashpit, so as to bring the car floor ncarl}' on a level with the ashpit track. This siiling should be close enough to the pit to allow ashes to be cast from the pit onto the car; but, on the other hand, there should be as much of a berm as possible left between the ash-car siding and the pit to serve for depositing ashes in case ash-cars are temporarily not available. Further general distinguishing features of ashpits can be found in the construction of the side walls, which are either closed or open. Ashpits with closed sides have the disad\'antage that they can be cleaned only when the track is clear, while pits with open sides can obviously be cleaned at all times, the ashes being cither cast or drawn out between the iron rail-chairs, which is quite an essential feature where an ashpit is located on a much-ti-avelled track. In designing an ashpit the distinctive features to be considered are foundations, side walls, coping (5f side \\alls, rail-fastenings, pa\'ing, drainage, and the protection of the side \\alls and paving from the heat. In building the foundations the usual rules for that class of work arc folknx-eii, especial care being paid to give good foundations, particularly where rail-chairs are used, as the heav\' concentrated loads on the chairs and the vibrator}- effects of rapidly passing trains, in addi- tion to the deteriorating action of the heat and water, will soon destro}- inferior work. The materials in general use for foundations are concrete, stone rubble work, or stone paving grouted with cement. The side walls are usually built of stone or Iiard brick, from 18 in. to 24 in. thick, laid in cement mortar. It is desirable not to have too thin a wall, and all the materials should be of the best make possible, for sin-ii!ar reasons to those just recited for foundation work. ASHPITS. 53 The coping of the side walls is maile of large stones, timber stringers, or iron plates. Where coping-stones extend over the full w itlth of the wall, it is not necessary to anclior them to the side walls below them ; luit where the stones are small they shoidd be anchored to tlie wall and tied together with iron clamps. Timber cojiing should be fastened to the wall under it about every 5 or 6 ft. with iron anchor-bolts. Where wrought- or cast-iron coping-plates are used, special coping-stones are not required. The coping should always be properly secured in place, so as to prevent the rails spreading. In some designs transverse walls are provided at intervals to tie the side walls together, or irim tie-rods and braces are used in place of transverse walls. The rail-fastenings vary according to the kind of coping used on the side walls. On tim- ber coping the rails are either fastened in the usual manner with track-spikes wMth reversed lieads (bridge-spikes\ or with screw-spikes, or the r.iil is riveted to a wrought-iron plate, which plate is fastened to the timber coping about every 5 ft. with bolts or dowels, as shown in Figs. 144 and 145. Where a cast- or wrought-iron pLitc is used as coping, covering the top w.dl entirely, the rail is fastened to it by means of screw-bolts and small clips. Where stone coping is used the rails can be fastened by ordinary track-spikes driven into wooden dowels, about 2 in. in diameter, bedded in holes drilled in the stone. Another form of connection to stone coping is b\' rag-bolts or split-bolts with keys, set with cement, lead, or sulphur in holes drilled in the coping, the rail flange being caught by an appropriate clip, as shown in Fig. 141. ^Vnotlier method, shown in Fig. 142, is to use regular bed-plates or clip-plates under the rail, spaced at intervals of 3 to 4 ft., and properly fastened to the stone coping with rag-bolts or split- bolts, as above described. Where iron rail-chairs are used as rail sujiports and fasteners, they are either small cast-iron chairs, about 8 in. high, bedded in the side walls and spaced about 4 ft. apart, as shown in Figs. 153 and 154, or large cast-iron chairs spaced aboLit 3 to 4 ft. apart, the side walls being either walled up betxyeen the chairs, as shown in Figs. 148 and 149, or left open, as shown in Figs. 150 to 152. The paving usually consists of brick or stone, although concrete is sometimes employed. The material under the paving should be carefull)- tamped and consolidated, and a sublajer of concrete under the brick or stone paving is to be recommended. Firebrick pavement resists the lieat better than common hard brick, but it is soon worn out by the shovelling and from men working on it. Some roads, therefore, prefer to use common hard brick, which is easily and cheaply replaced when necessary. Stone flagging, unless \%'ell bedded, is easily broken, and, therefore, not desirable. Ordinary rough stone paving, such as is generally used under box culverts on railroads, is too rough for shovelling, if the bottom of pit is to be kept clean. City paving-blocks are generally too expensive, and do not present a much better surface to shovel on than ordinary paving-stones. A concrete bottom will soon disintegrate on the surface, and, once started, will grow rapidlj- worse. A pavement of common hard brick, set on edge, and laid on a good foundation or in a bed of concrete, will prove most desirable in the long-run. To secure proper drainage of the [jit, the paving is dished transversely and pitchetl longi- FiG. 141. — Cross-skction OF Rail kastening. Fig. T42. — PF.Rsi'EcrivE OF Rail- FASTENING. 54 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. tudinall)', the !_;rai!e being arranged, according to tlic length of the pit, so as to drain toward one end of the pit, or from each end toward the centre, or from tlie centre toward tlie ends, Qr toward several points. The transverse dishing of the paving is usually in the form of a general depression, about 2 in. deep, from the sides toward the centre of the pit. Another method is to make the bottom straight transversely with a pitch toward one of the side walls, forming a gutter along the side wall ; or the paving is built highest at the centre of the pit and pitches down to'A'ard each side wall, forming a gutter along each side wall. The dishing of the paving toward the side walls has the advantage of keeping the centre of the pit dry, but it has the objectionable feature of throwing the water against the side walls. The .system of malring the gutter at the centre of the pit is to be recommended, provided the dishing and curvatme are not made so heavy as to impede shovelling. The longitudinal gradient of the paving must be su'flcient to secure proper drainage lengthwise of the pit, and siiould be not less than i ft. in lOO ft. for brick pavement and more for rough stone paving. Large and wcU-dcsigncd sink-holes or catch-basins should be built either in.side or outside of the pit, preferably the latter, as they can then be larger, and covered up in such a way as to be read- ily opened and cleaned out. Iron gratings at all drain-holes are essential so as to prevent, so far as possible, dirt and aslies carried along by the water from clogging up the drains. The drain leading from the catch-basin away fiom the pit should be large, especially where a good fall is not obtainable. It can either be an open ditch, a box culvert, a brick sewer, or a pipe drain. The cost of an iron pipe, 6 to lo ui, diameter, is from 75 cents to $1.25 per foot run ; \-itrificd pipe will only cost about one half as murh as iron pij:>e; and a stone bo.x-draiii, large enough to allow a man to enter it for cleaning it out. will cost from $2 to $2.50 per foot run. Where the length of the drain is short and the fall limited, a box-drain will prove the most advantageous. The protection of the side walls from the deteriorating action of the heat is usually obtained by a facing of firebrick, or of cast-iron or wrought iron plates. Where an irun facing is employed, an air-space is left between the iron and the face of the side wall, which is a very important element of the design. A cast-iron facing of the proper thickness will outlast any other material, but it is liable to crack under the sudden changes of temperature, in addition to the shock from the jarring of passing engines. Wrought-iron wears or rusts more quickl}- than cast-iron, especially when exposed to the combined attacks of heat and water. A fire- brick facing, if well laid in fire-clay and built so as not to receive the wejght and jars of the moving load to an appreciable degree, will give good service. Firebricks are easily damaged, however, by contact with shovels and other tools, and frequent repairs and the subsequent renewal of the facing would be eventually necessary. Where firebrick are not a\'ailable oi-: too co.stly, a facing of common hart! brick will prove a cheap and efificient substitute for the firebrick, ii built so as to allow renewals without tearing down the entire siilc wall. Ordinary stone or brick walls are doomed to destruction in a comparatively short time. If built, how- ever, of first-class masonry, composed of large through stones, well jointed and bedded, and of a good heat-resisting quality, excellent results can be expected. Thus far reference has onlj'lDeen made to stone or brick ashpits, or pits with large cast- iron chairs sup[)orting the rails. All iron pits do not seem to have found favor in this coun- try, altliough, under certain conditions, they have advantages over others that should not be ASHPITS. 55 -'1^1 Fig. 143. — Cross-section. disregarded. This i.s paiticnlarly the case with the L;encra! style of a proposed wrought-iron pit, shown in Fig. 143, which is practically a shallow wrought-iron pan or trough hung between timber track-stringers and resting at the centre on ordinary cross-ties under the stringers. If provided with iron guard-rails and safety points, or some rerailing device at each end of the [lit, this arrangement can be considered as the \'er)' best foi' use in a main track at stations, water tanks, or coaling platforms, where trains stop .1 few minutes and it is desirable to dump a limited amnuiit i)f ashes. Owing to the small weight of such a pit and tlie praet icahilit)- ol ili\iding il inti) sliiiit sections which aie easil)' handled, it is especial!)' adapleil for use on tem|)oi'ary woik in the construction of a road, or until the permanent location of the ashpit in connection with the development of a yard or shop sj'stem is determined. Such pits are also ad\aiila- geous where the foundation is very soft or very deep, requiring expensive piling or ollur methods for suppoiinig a heavy brick or stone w.iU. Tile iron trough rests on the usual cross- ties placed uniler a special set of track-stringers, requiring, therefore, no extra foumlation work. In case of a settlement in the track, the pit can follow without serious damage. A step in the direction toward iron ashpits has been made in the cinder-loading plant of the Cincinnati, Washington & Baltimore Railroad, where the ashes and cinders are caught in iron drop-bottom buck-ets set into an ordinary stone or brick ashpit. When the track is clear, the buckets are hoisted out of the pit by means of a derrick, swung sidewa\'s, and emptied on ash-cars. As a final method of comparing the different styles of ashpits, an effort lias been made toward estimating the comparative cost of the different designs per foot run of pit, assuming the foundation depth to be about 5 ft. below the top of rail, with the following results: Ordi- nary brick or stone wall, with stone coping and rails fastened with spikes in wooden dowels, $5 ; same, with rails fastened with rag-bolts, $5.25 ; same, with rails fastened with iron bearing- plates, $5.50; ordinary brick or stone wall, with small cast-iron chairs l^iiilt into the walls or set on top of wall, $6; ordinar}' brick or stone wall with tiriiber coping and rail fastened to wrought-iron plate over the timber, $6.25 ; ordinary brick or stone wall with cast-iron or wrought-iron covering ovei' top of wall, $6.75; ordinar)- Ijiick or stone wall with large cast- iron i-.iil-chairs, filled in between the ciirurs with stone or brick work, $9.25; ordinaiy brick or stone w.dl with large cast-iron r.iil chairs and cast-iron ties acioss the bottom of pit connect- ing the rail-chairs, the side walls being left open between the rail-chairs, $10.75; •' shallow, all wrougiit-iron pit, S^ to §S ; a deep, all wrought-iron pit, $9 to $11. For a llreproof pro- tection of the side walls, adil about $1 to the above prices. If the bottom of the i)it is made of firebrick, in place of ordinary paving, add §1 to the above prices. As a rule, the cost of ashpits with unprotected sides and bottoms can be jilaced at about $5 to §9 per lineal foot run of pit. If the sides or bottom are properly protected by fire- brick or iron in some shape or other, the total cost can be estimated at from $7 to §11 per lineal foot run of pit. If the foundations are not unusually expensive, the cost of ashpits, as actually used on American railroads, can be placed at from $5 to $12 [)er lineal foot run of pit. Below will be found descriptions and illustrations of a number of asiipits and details of same actuall}' in use. 56 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. Fig. 144. — Ckoss-section. Standard Ashpit, Atchison, Topeka <>■ Santa Fc Railroad.^ -'\:\\t standard design for ashpits of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad, ilhistrated in Figs. 144 and 145, prepared from data furnished by Mr. J. M. Meade, A.ssistant Engineer, A., T. & S. F. R. R., , shows a deep ashpit with side walls of common brick, jiro- tected on the face witli firebrick, and coped with stone faced with firebrick. The rails are riveted to a wrought-iron plate resting in part on the stone coping and projecting over the firebrick into the pit I in. The standard size of the pit is 30 ft. long in the clear imder ordinary circum- stances, 4 ft. 2?, in. wide in the clear Fig. 145. — Ckoss- between side walls, 4 ft. 1 in. wide in the sKCTioN OF R.\iL clear at the top between the projecting K.\STiLNiNG. edges of the wrought-irOn ]il,ales under the rails, and about 3 ft. 9 in. deep below the tui) of rail. The foundation of the side walls and the larger ])ortion of the liottom of the pit consist of ordinary stone paving grouted with cement. The side walls are 18 in. thick, built of common brick, coped with stone, and faced all the way nj) with firebrick. In the liottom of the pit there are three rows of firebrick set on edge along each side wall and end wall. The iron foot-plate riveted to the rail is | in. X 12 in., and is anchored to the stone coping with i-in. anchor-bolts every 5 ft. The rivets are spaced 18 in. centres. The fire- brick facing is held to the stone coping by 3^^-in. iron bolts set in the joints. 'I'he floor of the jiit is straight transversely, pitching towards one side wall, thus forming a gutter along the latter. The drainage longitudinally is carried from the centre of the pit towards the ends, where drain-holes connecting with proper drains are provided. The approximate cost of this style of pit will range, exclusive of difficult foundations, from about $7 to $8.50 per lineal foot. The protection of the side walls with firebrick is commendable, but the wrought-iron plate under the rail is not stiff enough to prevent the transmission of a consid- erable part of the weight of the moving load to the firebrick facing. The straight bottom and the drain along one side wall is advantageous for shovelling and keeping the jiit dry, but will let consider- able moisture into the side wall. Ashpit at Heron, Mont., Northern Pacific Railroad. — The ashpit at Heron, Mont., on the Northern Pacific Railroad, shown in Figs. 146 and 147, is a deep pit, 84 ft. long in the clear. The width between the side walls is 4 ft. in the clear, the depth about 3 ft. 6 in. from top of rail. The side-wall foundations are of concrete, 2 ft. wide and about i ft. thick. The side walls are built of common brick, 17 in. thick. The coping timbers or stringers under the rails are 8-in. X 12-in. white pine, anchored to the wall every 6 ft, with f-incb liolts, reaching about 3 ft. into the brickwork. The rails are fastened to the timber stringers in the usual manner with ordinary track-spikes ha\ ing re- versed heads. The sides of the pit are protected by cast-iron plates, \ in. Fig. 146. — Cross-section. Fig. 147. — Perspective OF Side Plates. thick, 18 in. wide, and about 3 ft. 4 in. long, which are Ining on the timber stringer by a 3-in. top flange and fastened to same with i-in. spikes. The bottom of these plates is set into the paving of the pit in such a way as to leave a i-in. air-space between the back of the casting and the face of the side wall. The bottom of the pit is paved with common hard brick, set on edge and bedded in an 8-in. layer of concrete. The paving is dished transversely so as to form a gutter, 2 in. deep, at the centre of the pit. The longitudinal drainage is accomplished by giving the bottom of the pit a gradient from each end towards the centre of the pit, where a drain-hole through one of tlie side walls empties into a catch-basin, which is covered and is readily accessible for cleaning. The cost of this style of ashpit will vary from $8.75 to $9.75 per lineal foot. The drainage of this pit and the cast-iron plate protection of the side walls are good features, but the unprotected ASHPITS. 57 timber stringers under the rails arc liable to rci|uiie freiiuent renewals. If a coijiny; of large, well- jointed stones with a proper rail-fastening were substituted for the tind)er stringers, this design could be well recommended for deep pits. In sections of the country where stone is cliea[), the brick side walls could be replaced by stone ones, built slightly wider, in whii h lase this design, with the sug- gested modilications, would be worthy of consideration as a good deep pit standard for ])ermanent work. Ashpit at Packciton, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad. — The ash])it of the Lehigh Valley Railroad, built ^nnection with the yard and roundhouse system at Packerton, Pa., shown in Figs. 148 and 149, in com Fig. 148.— Cross-sf.ction. Fig. i.)g. — Perspective of Rail-chair. designed by Mr. J. I. Kinsey, Master Mechanic, I, V. R. R., is a shallow pit wii'.i stone side walls, coped with large stone and protected along tlie inner face with firebrick. The rails are supi)orted on hirge cast-iron rail-chairs, well bedded, and reaching down into the side walls below ihe bottom of the |iit. The length of the i)it is 240 ft., the width 4 ft. li in. in the clear between the side walls, and the depth i ft. 2J in. below top of rail. The side walls and their foundations are ordinary rubljle masonry. The walls are 2 ft. thick ; the coping-stones are 16 in. wide. The firebrick facing is 8 in. thick, and extends from the bottom of the |iii to within i in. of the base of the rail. The rail-chairs are spaced 5 ft. centres along each rail. The base-plates of these chairs are 24 in. X 18 in., and are set 19 in. below the toj) of rail. The space between the two u]5right ribs of each rail-chair is filled with firebrick on the face and backed with ordinary ruljble masonry, so that the only iron along llie face of the pit directly e.xjjosed to heat is the outside edge of the ribs mentioned. The rail is held in the chair by a clip and screw-bolts, as shown. The paving consists of firebrick set on edge and bedded on a light layer of concrete. The bottom is concave transversely, the centre being about 2 in. lower than the sides. The ashpit track has a gradient of about 30 ft. to the mile, and the rail chairs had to be set accordingly. The drainage of the pit follows the down-grade of the track, but the fall is made slightly steeper. At the low end of the pit the water passes through a drain-hole in one of the side walls into a large, well-designed catch-basin, from which a stone bo.\-drain leads to the low ground in the neighborhood. The cost of this style of ashpit is from $9.75 to $11.25 P^'r lineal foot. Though costly, this design possesses a number of good features for a shallow \i\\. where ])ermanency and a solid and lasting bedding for the rails is desired. Owing to the comparatively wide spacing of the chairs under each rail, it is essential that the masonry be well built under the chairs. Practical experience in this instance proves that the firebrick facing of the sides of the [lit stands fairly well, probably owing to its thickness, and also to the fact that it carries none of the weight of the moving load. The fire- brick paving was not a success, however, as it gave out very soon, owing to walking and wt)rking on top of it, so that it would be more economical to have used common hard brick. 'With certain modifications, therefore, this st\le of ashpit embodies the general features to be observed in a standard shallow ashpit. Ashpit at Aurora, III., Chicay^o. niirliiii^toii iS- Qiiiiuy Railroad. - The style of ashjiit in use at .Aurora, 111., and at other points on the CJhicago, J'.iirlington iV (^iiincy Railroad, shown in Figs. 150 to 152, designed by Mr. William Forsyth, Mechanical Kngineer, C, B. & Q. R. R., is a shallow [>it without s« BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. side walls above the bottom of the pit, the rails resting on large cast-iron rail-chairs, the space under the rails between the chairs being left open. At large roundhouse and shop systems the length of the pit is made 200 ft., and at some points on the line two or three pits of that length are required, where there are a large number of engines to be provided for, which burn a low grade of coal pro- ^^ Fig. 150. — Cross-section. Fig. 151. — Elevation. Fig. 152. — Perspective of Rail-chair. ducing a large percentage of ash and clinkers. The pit is about 4 ft. 3 in. wide at the top of the rail-chair and about 3 ft. 6 in. wide at the bottom ; the depth is 16I in. below the top of rail. The foundations and side walls up to about 7 in. below the floor level of the pit are of ordinary stone- work, over which there is concrete. Each side wall is coped with two longitudinal oak stringers, each 6 in. X 10 in. The iron rail-chairs are set on these timbers, the top of tlie bed-plate of the chairs being flush with the floor level of the pit. The chairs being spaced 3 ft. centres and the base being 2 ft. long, i ft. of the timber stringers lietween the chairs has to be protected by wrought-iron plates. The greatest peculiarity of this design is the use of the large cast-iron rail-chairs, set in pairs opposite each other, the bed-plates being connected by a channel-shaped tie across the floor of the pit, the whole being cast in one piece. The top of this tie is flush with the top of the bed-plates, and hence even with the floor level of the pit. The rails are held in the chairs by clips and screw-bolts, as shown. The pit being open on both sides and the floor level, the drainage takes place sideways, provided the ground slopes away from the pit, or proper ditches or drains are constructed outside of the pit. The cost of this style of ashpit, or clinker-pit, as it is called on the C, B. & Q., is from $10 to $11 |jer lineal foot, exclusive of unusual foundations. Mr. Wm. Forsyth states that this style of pit is gi\ing very good satisfaction on tracks where there are no fast trains run. Without a doubt this design offers great advantages in not having side walls e.xposed to the heat, in having all iron-work subjected to the action of the heat visible and open for inspection, and esi)ecially in being able to clean the \n\. from the sides even when engines are occupying the track. Ashpit, Kansas City, St. Joseph ^^ Council Bluffs Railroad. — From information kindK furnished liy Mr. F. A. Chase, M. M., the Kansas City, St. Joseph & Council Bluffs Railroad uses a similar style of ashpit to that just described of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad at Aurora, 111. The principal difference consists in the side walls or foundations of the rail-chairs, which are built of brick throughout up to the level of the bottom of the pit, so that no timber stringers are required. Rail-ihair, .Savannah, Florida i5r= Western Railroad. — Figs. 153 and 154 show a form of rail-chair used in engine- house pits and ashpits on the Sa- vannah, Florida & Western Railroad, prepared from data kindly furnished by Mr. W. B. W. Howe, Jr., Chief Engineer. This chair is about 8 in. high, and is built into the brick or stone side walls at intervals of about 4 ft. The base is about 8 in. X 12 in., and the thickness of the ribs about J in. The rail is fastened to the chairs with screw-bolts. Tlie weight of one chair is about 40 lbs. This design is presented as illustrating a method in actual use for bedding rails on top of side walls of pits, but it does not ofter any distinctively commendable features. Fig. 154. — Elevation. ASHPITS. 59 Ashpit, Lehigh &" Susc/iithanna Railroal. — In Figs. 155 and 156 is shown a style of ashpit in use on the Lehigh & Sus(iiiehanna Railroad, near \\'aInutport, I'a., having ordinary rubble masonry walls covered with cast-iron channel-shaped coping-plates, to which tlie rails are fastened with screw-bolts and appropriate clips. The length of this pit is about 30 ft., with a cross wall connecting the side walls at the centre of the pit to prevent the side walls from bulging, as the pit is built in the main track. The cost of this style of pit is about $6 per lineal foot. Fig. 155. — PERsrECTivE. Fig. 156. — Cross-section of Rail-fastening. Ashpit Cinder-lfladiiig Plant, Cincinnati, Washington &= Baltimore Railroad. — In connection with ashpits, a noteworthy labor-saving device for handling ashes at ashpits has been designed and built at t^hillicothe, O., for the Cincinnati, Washington & Baltimore Railroad, by iMr. Edward Evans, Master Mechanic. According to the Railroad Gazette of June 6, 1890, tlie crane is located between the aslipit track and another track where a gondola car is kept for receiving ashes, wliich are raked out of the ashpans of engines directly into a sheet-iron box, about 8 ft. long, and in width the same as the dis- tance between the walls of the pit. This box, when full, is lifted by the crane, and after being swung round so as to be over the gondola, its hinged bottom is tripped and the ashes drop into the car. The lifting chain of the crane passes down the centre of the mast and round a sheave at its foot, and can be either operated by a winch or attached directly to an engine. The saving in shovelling is ob- vious, and when a track can be reserved for cars to receive the ashes, the utility of the design is assured. For illustrations and further data see the issue of the Railroad Gazette above mentioned, and the issue of Engineering Neivs of August 30, 1890. Ash-conveyor, at Port Richmond, Philadelphia, Pa., Philadelphia 6^ Reading Railroad. — Connected with the coaling station of the Philadeli)hia & Reading Railroad at Port Richmond, Philadel])hia, Pa., there is an inclined ash-conveyor built on the trough-conveyor system, which passes below the tracks to sunken ashpits. The ashes are dumped from the engines into the sunken pits under the track and thence conveyed by conveyors u]3 the incline to a large elevated, hojiper-shaped steel pocket at the head of the incline, whence they are loaded on cars to be hauled away and dis- posed of along the road in one way or another. This coaling station with ash-conveyor is illustrated and described in the issue of the Railroad Gazette of May 13, 1892. 6o, BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OR AMERICAN RAILROADS. CHAPTER X. ICE-HOUSES. Railroads liavc to supply ice for drinking purposes at depots, offices, shops, nnd in passenger-cars, arid fur preserving perisliable freight while it is in transit in refrigerator cars or stored in freight-houses. The consumption of ice on raihoads has reached such propor tions that it has been found advantageous to build special ice houses, so as to allow the rail- road company to have control of its ice supply, and to be independent of local ice companies. These houses are stocked by the railroad conipan)- during the winter season, either from convenient sources under their own control, and with their own men, or the work is let out by contract. Ice-houses should be so located as to admit of a track being run alongside of them, in order to reduce the cost of handling the ice to a minimum. Two systems have been adopted by railroads for obtaining their ice suppl\-. One is to locate large storage-houses at lakes, ponds, or rivers, in other words, atljacent to the sources of the supijh', and to ship ice daily or at intervals from these large storage-houses to smaller houses along the line, liom where it is dealt out in such quantities as required. In the other system, the ice, when har- vested, is immediately loaded on cars and transferred, while the weather is cold, and hence with small wastage, to large storage-houses at important stations along the line, where con- siderable quantities of ice are used, as at junction or terminal stations, or where passenger- trains change engines and cars are iced, or at division yards where refrigerator-cars require icing before continuing on to their destination. Ice-coolers of passenger-trains are usually iced at stations where engines are changed, the work being done b}' car-inspectois or station hands. For this purpose ice is generall}' carried m baskets from the ice-house to the station building before the arrival of trains. Where the ice-house is some distance from the station building, ice is brought in hampers or on trucks, once or several times a day, to a spare room or enclosure at the station building, and there washed, cut to size, and held ready for use. Refrigerator-cars are icetl in the same w ay while III route, if necessary. Where feasible, however, they are run on to a s[)ccial siding, as near the ice-house as possible, with a trestling or elevated platform alongside the siding at about the height of the top of the cars connecting with the ice-house to facilitate the handling of tlie ice from the house to the cars. Relative to the quantit\- of ice used for various pur])oses, it is impossible to give data that will Iidkl in all parts of the countr_\-. The following information can be talcen as a fair average obtained from actual observation on one of the le.'^ding Eastern trunk-lines. There are, generally, one or two coolers in ever\' passenger-car or Pullman coach, each cooler hold- ICE-HOUSES. 6 1 ing from 30 to 40 lbs. of ice. This anuninl will last about 16 liouis in sninnui ami about 24 hours in winter, althour;]!. if the cars are kept will heated in winter, the ice will melt about as fast as it docs in summer. Thus, with the knowledge of the number of regular trains run- ning on a road, the approximate amount of ice required for tlve passenger service can be ascertained. Provision should be made, however, for irregular and summer excursion trains, which latter refjuire fully twice as much ice as regular trains. The quantity of ice needed for station and olTfice use is determined by the number of coolers. Small stations, on the road referred to above, receive 30 lbs. of ice dail\- in summer, while large stations receive from 75 to 125 lbs. The amount of ice required at shops varies according to the number of men empIo}ed. Probably from 200 lbs. to 1000 lbs. dailj- during the summer months will answer, the Litter amount being ample for the largest shop .system. The data at hand relative to the ice capacity of refrigerator-cars varies considerably. According to the kind of car used and the service expected of it, one charge will take from 1000 to 4100 lbs., wiiich charge will List from 2\ or 3 da}s to a week. Ice melts faster in cars that are in motion than when they are standing. When estimating the probable quantity of ice to be stored, due allowance should be made for shrinkage while in store. The loss of ice by shrinkage in the brick ice-house of the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Mauch Chunk, Pa., is stated to be 10 per cent in one year, and slightly more in the frame ice-house of the same railroad at Phillipsburg, N. J. The shrink- age in a large house will be proportionate!)- much less than in a small house, as the shrinkage is dependent on the exposed surface of the ice, which does not increase as fast as the cubical contents. Due regard should also be paid to the possibility of a short crop during one sea- son, wherever the railroad company harvests its own ice supply. The nominal capacity of an ice-house is generally taken to mean the capacity up to the eaves. V>y stocking the ice higher up under the roof, working from the gable ends or doors cut in the roof, the capacity can be increased 10 per cent, or even more. The capacity of an ice-house can be approximated by the following data. Sea-water weighs 64 lbs. per cubic ft., rain-water 62}^ lbs., while pure solid ice averages 58.7 lbs. per cubic foot. Using the last figure, 34 cubic ft. of ice arc equivalent to a ton of 2000 lbs. (the ton generally referred to in railroad work), or 38] cubic ft. of ice make a standard ton of 2240 lbs. A very usual assumption is, however, that ice weighs 60 lbs. per cubic ft., which gives 33/, cubic ft. to a short ton, and n\ cubic ft. to a long ton. For practical purposes, in estimating the quantity of stored ice, it jj correct to assume 36 cubic ft. per short ton or 40 cubic ft. per long ton, so as to make due allowance for the voids and irregular packing of the cakes. In comparing, however, the rcportetl ncmiinal capacities of difTerent ice-houses with their actual c.ibical con- tent.s, the result shows 40 cubic ft. per short ton, and 45 cubic ft. per long ton. In some cases even larger variations are obtained, more particularly in very large ice-houses, where the lost space .seems to be proportionately larger than in smaller The class of Lniildings used for ice-houses are cither of ;i tenii)orary nature or permanent and substantial structures, the size and kind of building being dependent on the importance of the location and the amount of ice to be stored. With very few exceptions, frame buildings are in general use, which allows cheap structures to be built, in addition to the advantage that wood is a very good non-conductor of heat. The essential features that should be em- 62 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. bodied in an ice-house design to insure success are non-lieat-conducting walls, the prevention of air penetrating the house from the sides and bottom, ample ventilation on top of the ice, good drainage at the bed, and proper appliances and arrangements for handling and stocking the ice economically. To make the walls as non-conductive of heat as possible and to prevent the passage of air through them, an air-space, or a space filled with sawdust, shavings, ashes, or some non- heat-conducting material, is introduced in the walls. Layers of building-paper or tarred felting are also employed. A combination of several of these methods is usually the rule. Where an air-space is used provision must be made to keep the air pure by proper openings affording ventilation. Where the walls are filled in with sawdust or some similar material, it is very essential to prevent moisture, as far as possible, from penetrating the filling material, not onl)' on account of the damaging effect of the filling in that condition on the life of the wood in contact with it, but also owing to the fact that the presence of water increases the heat-conducting qualities of the filling material. Suitable holes under the eaves of the build- ing, connecting with the top of the spaces in the walls, should be introduced, so as to afford an}' moisture that may have penetrated the filling a chance to evaporate. A double roof is a very desirable construction, but, as a rule, the only protection against heat penetrating through the roof of the building consists of planking the roof rafters on top and bottom, creating an air space equal to the thickness of the rafters. The outside of the building should be painted some light color or whitewashed, as less heat of the sun will be thus absorbed. Doors and ventilator openings should be located preferably on the north side of the building, wherever feasible. Relative to the methods in use in American ice-houses for rendering the walls non- conductive of heat, it can be said, in a general way, that the width of the air-spaces or open- ings in the walls, to be filled with some insulating material, are too small to give the best results, and that, further, the insulation of the roof is usually very imperfect. Good ventilation over the top of the ice is essential to prevent sweating of the ice. It must not, however, be created by a current of air, but simply be sufficient to keep the air sweet, as it is called in ice-house parlance, or, in other words, pure and dry. It is also advan- tageous to provide small board windows half-way down tlie sides, so that, when the level of the ice in the house gets below these windows, they can be opened during cold weather, or on cool nights, so as to purify the body of air at the lower level, the openings and ventilators in the roof not affording, as a rule, sufficient ventilation when the ice is well drawn down. The top of the ice is kept from direct contact with the air by a layer of sawdust, salt hay, or simi- lar material. In the same way the sides of the ice pile are kept from direct contact with the walls of the building. Pro])er drainage of the bed on which the ice rests is very important, and it must be done in such a way as not to allow currents of warm air from the outside of the liouse to penetrate the bed and thus come in contact with the bottom of the ice, and also to prevent the cold air in the house from escaping through the drain, thereby allowing the warm air at the top of the house to descend nearer to the bed. This can be accomplished by a properly con- structed water seal in the drain pipe or culvert, as shown in Figs. 157 and 158. The floor in an ice-house should be higher than the surrounding ground, so as to keep surface water out of the bed, and also to decrease the possibility of the warmth of the earth ICE-HOUSES. 63 affecting the ice. Unless the ground is composed of porous materials, as sand or gravel, it is necessary to use a heavy bed of broken stone, slag, cinders, or ashes, to afford better drainage. Fig. 157. — Cross-section. Fig. 158. — Cross-section. In the coal regions coal dirt is u.sed very extensively for this purpose, with good results. On top of the bed thus prepared it is customary to lay a loose floor of rough plank or mill slabs. It is preferable, however, to place this floor on mud-sills or scantlings in such a way as to leave an air-space below, which insures better drainage under the ice and assists to insulate the ice from the heat of the earth. A layer of sawdust, brush, or similar material is spread on top of this floor. It is a very common mistake in building ice-houses to simply level of? the ground and lay down boards with a layer of sawdust on top to form the bed, the whole being sur- rounded by water-tight masonry walls or earth embankments. The result is that tlic bottom layers of ice are constantly in water, and hence melt much faster. The top of the bedding material, whatever it be, should be dished from all sides toward the centre of the house or toward the centre of each compartment, if the house is dividetl into compartments, so as to give better drainage. An additional reason for this is, that, if the mass of ice should have a tendency to slide on its bed, the resultant pressure would more likely be toward the centre of the mass, and detrimental movements toward the sides of the building would be prevented. The side walls and partitions are frequently tied together b)- wrought- iron rods, so as to be better able to resist the pressure of the ice, in case it should move in a body and bring an outward pressure on the walls. To facilitate the handling of the ice into and out of the house, iloors should be arranged at different levels, or else one door provided leading into a shaft inside the Iniilding, the sides of the shaft being formed of loose boards, which can be adjusted to suit the change of level of the ice. A double set of doors are better than a single door, as in the first case an air- space is formed between the doors when closed. Large ice-houses are diviiled into compart- ments, so that the ice is only exposed in one compartment at a time when the doors have to be opened. Small amounts of ice are handled by means of a tackle hung from a beam projecting out from the building over the doors. Where large amounts of ice arc handleti daily, or while stocking the house, it will be more economical to provide a small hoist, cage, elevator, or traveller, operated by.steam or horse power, arranged to dump the blocks of ice automatically when the proper level is reached. The erection of an artificial-ice plant has, as far as the author knows, never been under- taken by railroad companies. Having stutlicd the question veiy carefully Uo\w the theo- retical, practical, and industrial standpoints, the author is firmly convinced that the intro- duction of an artificial-ice plant on a railroad, especially in southern sections of the country. 64 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. would not onl}' result in a large saving to the r.iilroad company, but, if located at some large town along the route, would be the source of considerable outside revenue. The following apj)roximate sizes of ice-houses at different points, obtained from the best available information, will aid in forming a general idea of the usual dimensions employed : Tyrone shojis, Pennsylvania Railroad, i2oo-ton capacity, 33 ft. X 93 ft. Harrisburg slioj)s, Pennsylvania Railroad, 1000-ton capacity, 25 ft. X 98 ft. Cheyenne station, Northern Pacific Railroad, 700-ton capacity, 30 ft. X 50 ft. Chicago, St. Paul & Kansas City Railroad, 500-ton standard, 28 ft. X 48 ft. X 18 ft. height of frame. Philipsburg, N. J., Lehigh Valley Railroad, 1600-ton capacity, 22 ft. X 125 ft. X 28 ft. height of frame. Jersey City, N. J., Lehigh Valley Railroad, 2000-ton capacity, 30 ft. X 120 ft. X 24 ft. height of frame. Sayre, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad, 1500-ton capacity, 32 ft. X 63 ft. X 32 ft. height of frame. Nickerson, Kan., Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad, 1500-ton capacity, 40 ft. X 120 ft. X 20 ft. height of frame. Mauch Chunk, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad, 1500-ton cajiacity, 32 ft. X 86 ft. X 28 ft. height of brick side walls. South Bethlehem, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad, 150-ton capacity, 18 ft. X 32 ft. X 12 ft. height of frame. In regard to the cost of frame ice-houses it can be stated, in general, that, within certain limits, the larger the ice-house the cheaper it will prove per ton storage capacity. Thus, a 25-ton house will cost from $3 to $4 per ton storage capacity; a 50-ton house, from $2.25 to $3 per ton storage capacity; a 100- to 500-ton house from $1.75 10^2.25 per ton storage capacity; a 1000- to 2000-ton house, from $1.50 to $2 per ton storage capacity. Very large storage ice-houses at lakes or rivers, where the ice is harvested, can be built for about %\ i)er ton storage capacity, and even for less in sections of the country where lumber is cheap. Exclusive of very large storage-houses, the cost of frame ice-houses can be placed at from 4 to 7 cents per cubic foot, a good general average being 5 cents per cubic foot, or about $2 per ton storage capacity. The following are descrijitions of ice-houses in use on railroads in this country. Dcsii^/i for a Fifty-ton Ii\--hotnc. — A very cheap ice-house of about 50 tons nominal capacity can be built as follows: size, 14 ft. square; height of frame from sill to eaves, 13 ft.; roof double- pitched and covered with two Inyers of i-in. hemlock boards; sills, 4 in. X 6 in.; plates, 2 in. X 4 in., halved at corners; studs, 2 in. x 4 in., S])aced 18 in., mortised into the sills and spiked to the plates. The inside and outside of the studding to be sheathed with hemlock boards, nailed horizontally, thus forming a 4-in. space, which is tilled with sawdust. Two doors should be provided in one gable end, one above the other, both being made double by means of horizontal boards placed on the inside of the house as it is filled with ice, and removed as the ice is taken out. The roof projects over the side I ft., and the space between the roof-boards and the plate is left open to afford ventilation. A small ventilator or louvred lantern can be added on top of the roof if desired. The cost of such a building would be about $125. Fifty-ton Lce-hoiisc, Jersey City Terminal, Lehigh Valley Railroad. — The small ice-house of the Lehigh Valley Railroad at its Jersey City terminal, used as a temporary ston^ge-house, has a nominal capacity of 50 tons, although 60 tons can be packed into it. The house is 20 ft. X 14 ft. in size, and the height of the frame from the sill to the plate is 9 ft. 6 in. It has a double-pitched roof, boarded on the outside and beneath the rafters with i-in. hemlock boards, and covered with tarred roofing-felt. The sills are 4 in. X 10 in.; studs, 2 in. X 6 in., spaced 16 in.; corner-studs, 6 in. X 6 in.; plates, 4 in. X 6 in.; rafters, 3 in. X 6 in., spaced i6 in.; nailers between rafters, 3 in. X 4 in.; outside and inside sheathing, i-in. hendock, the space lietween lieing filled with sawdust. There are two doors in one gable end of the house and a small louvred lantern on top. 'I'he cost is about !ii!i5o. ICE-HO USES. 6S Onc-hiindied-and-fijty-ton fie-hoiisf, at Soiit/i Bfthlchcin, Pa., /..'//(i;/! Valley Kailnhid.—'Vhc ice- house of the Lehigh Valley Railroad at South Bethlehem, Pa., has a nominal capacity of 150 tons. It is 32 ft. X 18 ft. in size, and about 12 ft. high from ground to eaves. Its construction and tinil)ers are similar to the fifty-ton ice-house of the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Jersey City, described above. Its cost can be placed at about $350. Standard Fivc-hiindrcd-ton Ice-house, Chicago, St. Paul &■' A'a//sas City Railroad. — '{'he standard 500-ton ice-house of the Chicago, St. Paul & Kansas City Railroad, shown in Fii^s. 159 lo 162, designed by Mr. H. Fernstrom, C:hief Engineer, and Mr. C. A. Reed, Sui>ervising Architect, C, St. P. iS; K. C. R. R., is a frame building, sheathed on the outside and inside with i-in. boards, with a double-pitched roof covered with a double layer of i-in. Itoards. The size of the house is 48 ft. X 28 ft., and the height from bottom of sill to top of i)late 18 ft. At each gable end are three <^^ Fig. 159. — Front Elevation. Fig. 160. — Ckoss-skction. doors above each other, and at the height of the top of a freight-car a platform or scaffolding with a swinging platform is arranged so as to be easily dropped on top of a car to facilitate the Fig. 161. — GRouNi)-rL.\N. Fig. 162.— LoNGiruniNAi. Sf.ction. iiandling of ice in icing refrigerator-car.s. Tliere is a small louvred 1, intern at the centre of the house, 5 ft. X 6 ft. in si/.e. The sills are kept from spreading by four i-in. iron rods placed across the house at the level of the floor. The principal timbers used are as follows: sills, 8 in. X 10 in., laid flat; corner-posts, 8 in. X 8 in.; studs, 2 in. X 10 in., spaced 12 in., and notched over the inside of the sills to keep the foot of the studding from being crowded out by the jiressure of the ice. The platform in front of the house is composed of 6-in. X 8-in. uprights, 6-in. X 6-in. caps, 2-in. X 8-in. joists, 2-in. Iloor-plank, and 2-in. X 6-in. X-bracing. The roof-trusses are spaced 3 ft. apart, and are formed of boards as follows: rafters, 2 in. X 8 in.; tie-beams, 2 in. X 10 in.; straps, 2 in. X 6 in. 66 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. The approximalc tost of ihis Ijuuse is alu.ul $! lou tu $1200, and the capacity can be considered as nearer 600 ihan 500 ions, as stated above Fifteen-hundied-ioii La-Iiouse at Sayre, Pa., Lelii,i;li Valley Railroad.— The 1500-ton ice-house of the Lehis^h Vallev Raihoad at Sayre, ?a., designed by Mr. A. W. Stedman, Chief Engineer, L. V. Fig. 163. — Front Elevation. Fig. 164. — Detail Plan of Walls. R. R., assisted by Mr. F. E. Schnll, shown in Figs. T63 and 164, is a weU-designed frame ice-house, 63 ft. X 32 ft. 8 in., out to out, and 32 ft. high from bottom of sill to top of plate. The house is divided into two compartments, each 30 ft. X 30 ft. inside. The distinguishing feature of this design is the combined use ot an air-space and a space filled with sawdust in the side wails, thus forming a double protection against the penetration of heat. A ventilator at the ridge of the roof, 8 ft. wide and 4 ft. high, extends nearly the entire length of the building, affording excellent ventilation. There are five double doors over each other on both outside walls of each compartment, and six such doors over each other in each gable end. These double doors, one outside and the other inside, are made to close tightly, leaving an air-space of 6 in. between them. The inner doors are made in two l)ieces, so-called Dutch or halved doors, to facilitate opening inwardly as the level of the ice is changed. The building rests on small masonry walls, and the floor consists of i-in. rough hemlock boards laid open on a layer of coal dirt. A number of drain-holes, 6 in. square, are provided in the foundation-walls to allow drainage. The principal timbers used are as follows: sills, 4 in. X 10 in., laid on top of the stone walls; inside studding, footing on the masonry on the inside of the sill, 2 in. X 4 in., spaced about 20 in.; inside corner-studs and door-studs, 3 in. X 4 in. The inside studding is planked on both sides with i-in. rough hemlock boards, and the space of 4 in. thus formed between the boards is filled with saw- dust. Outside of this inside studding, which is double sheathed, forming a space filled with sawdust, as explained, there are additional outside studs, 3-in. X lo-in. hemlock, planed on two sides, footed on the sill of the building. These outside studs are spaced 3 ft. 4 in. all around the outside of the building, excepting at the doors, where 4-in. X 9-in. special door-studs are set flush with the inside sheathing of the house. Hemlock nailing-strips, 4 in. X i in., are fastened on each side of the 3-in. X lo-in. outside studs, next to the outside sheathing of the inner sawdust space. These nailing- strips serve to support |-in. tongued and grooved white-pine boards, planed on one side, which are fitted horizontally between the outside studs, thus forming a 4-in. air-space outside of the 4-in. saw- dust space. The transverse partition at the centre of the house between the two com])artments is formed of 2-in. X 6-in. studs, sheathed on both sides witli i-in. rough hemlock bt)ards, the 6-in. space thus formed being filled with sawdust. Several doors are cut in this partition to afford con- nection between the two compartments. The plates of the side walls are 4-in. X lo-in. hemlock; rafters, 3 in. X 8 in., sjiaced 24 in.; tie-beams or ceiling-joists, 3 in. X 10 in., spaced 4 ft., and ICE-HOUSES. 67 sheathed on lop with i In. roiiLjh hcinhn.k hoards. The roof is covered with i-in. tongued and grooved hemlock hoards, not over 8 in. wide. The ventihator is formed of 4-in. X 4-in. sills, 3-in. X 4-in. plates; 3-in. X 4-in. rafters, spaced 39 in.; and 3-in. X 4-in. studs, spaced 39 rn. The single outside doors are 5 ft. 8 in. high X 4 ft. 4 in. wide. The frames of the outside doors are made of 6 in. X \\ in. stuff, and those of the inside doors are 4 in. X i^ in. All the doors are X-braced with 3 in. X \\ in. stuff, and covered with i-in. boards. The spaces between the roof-boards and the plates are left open for ventilation. The building is tied together at the centre liy two i-j-in. iron rods. The cost of this building can Ije placed at about $2500 to $3000, varying according to the local- ity and '.he depth of the foundations. Tu) thousand-ton Ice-house at Jersey City, N. J., Lchii^h Valley Railroad.- -'\\\q two-thousand-ton ice h rase of the l.ehigh Valley Railroad, at Jersey City, N. J., shown in Figs. 165 to 168, designed by T- I I I i"* -fe Fig. 165. — Front Elevation. 1 — -• Fig. 166. — Ground-plan at Shaft. Fig. 167.— Elevation of Hoisting-cage. Fig. 16S. — Plan of Hoisting-cagk. ]\Ir. C. Rosenberg, Master Carpenter, Lehigh \'alley Railroad, is a frame structure, 30 ft. - do not, therefore, call for the regular employment of special help for that purpose. The main consideration to be kept in view in designing a sand-house is economy in handling the material and in the amount of fuel required in the drj-ing process. In tlie operation of a santl-housc the several steps consist of storing the wet sand, keeping it as free from moisture as possible while in store, the drying process proper, the stocking of the dry sand, and, finally, the delivery of the dry sand to engines. In storing sand it is best to put it uniler cover, but the structure should be arranged to admit plenty of light and air on pleasant da)'s, the free circulation of dry air over the pile being very desirable. This is usually accomplished to a certain degree by leaving the sides of the shed open at tiie t(3p, but the more effective construction is to introduce louvres or movable slat sash or shutters, which allow the house to be closed during very damp weather. Where the size of the house will warrant it, or steam is convenient, it will be found very advantageous to place a few steam-coils around the sides of the store-shed above the sand- pile, or to hang them from the roof, so as to slightly heat the air that circulates over the pil-e, and thus prevent moisture, especially in damj) weather, from entering the sand. Wet or green sand, as it is termed, is usually brought to the house in cars and cast into 72 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. the .storage-shc(.l tliruugli openings in the sides of the building, or it is wlieeled off the cars into the house. Where provision can be made for an elevated track, the car is cither run into the house or over the top of the house, the sand being clumped from hopper-cars or cast off sideways. A very good location for a sand-house is under the tail-track of a coal-trestle, where this is feasible. Too much importance, hi5\\ever, should not be placed on an elevated delivery track, as the sand must be shovelled anyhow, except when delivered in hopper-cars. In other words, it would not pay to construct a special incline and trestle approach to facili- tate unloading sand into store from an elevated track, unless the quantity to be handled is very large. The drying process is conducted in several waj-s, the one most used being by means of so-called sand-drying stoves, of which there are a number of styles, the general features con- sisting of an ordinary cast-iron stove, with shallow pans near the top, or surrounded with a conical rctoi t or drum around the body of the stove. The sand is packed in the pans or retorts, and a slow tire maintained until the sand is dry, when it is drawn off or scraped out through ,ip[)rupriate openings. Another form of a sand-drier is a revolving sheet-iron cylin- der set at an angle in a furnace. A fire is kept up in the furnace while the cylinder is slowly revolved, the sand being fed into the upper end of the cylinder and passing out through a screen at the lower end. Another method is to put the wet sand in a trough with a system of steam-pipes forming a grating through which the sand, as it dries, gradually descends to the bottom of the trough, which is open, allowing the drj' sand to drop on the floor. It is claimed that this system is very efficient and economical, where copper steam-pipes are used. In some sand-houses fires are maintained in brick or stone flues under the sand-pile. When the sand is thoroughly heated the fires are stopped until a fresh lot of wet sand is received. After dr)-ing, the sand is generall}' screened and then shovelled into bins on the ground- floor of the buikling or on a level with the footboard of engines. Another system is to ele- vate the dry sand by an endless bucket belt, an appropriate hoisting apparatus, a cold blast, or an elevator system of some kind, to storage-bins overhead, whence it can be spouted down to the sand-boxes of engines or drawn into buckets by the enginemen. The Erie Railroad has on its Delaware division a sand-house, in which dr\' sand is elevated by a cold blast to a storage-bin, from where it is discharged directly into the sand-boxes of engines. In some sand-houses a large number of buckets are kept filled with dry sand on a platform adjacent to the track and on a level with the footboard of engines, so that the enginemen can pick u[) as nian\- buckets o{ sand as they require and empty them into tlie saml-box with- out the delay incident to drawing the sand or filling the buckets. Another s\stom in use is to have large buckets witli drop bottoms staiuling filled with sand alongside the tr.ick ; when an engine stops for sand, the buckets are picked up antl swung around over the sand-box by means of a derrick arm or gallows frame, and then discharged upon releasing the catch. This method deserves mention for its simplicity, and it will give about as quick dispatch in suppl)'ing sand to engines as a more elaborate elevator and overhead storage-bin sj-stem. In designing a sand-house, due regard must be paid to the quantity of sand to pass daily through the house. Where the usual help around a yard or engine-house system is to be re- lied on for its operation, it is essential to provide systems that involve a minimum amount of constant attention and labor. However, the introduction of labor-saving contrivances should SAND-BO USES. 73 not be carried to extremes, as illustrated in a saiul-housi.: of one of the leading Eastern trunk lines, where an elaborate trough-and-bucket system with bill conveyor is employed to take the wet sand to the drying troughs — a distance of about 10 ft., another bucket elevator being used to lift the dry sand to a platform 8 ft. higher than the floor of the drying-room, a 10- horse-povver engine completing the plant. \\'hile this device might appear perfect at first glance, yet in actual operation it is a failure, requiring tlie constant attention of an engineer, and the output being entirel}' controlletl b)- the speed with which a man can feed sand to tlie foot of the trough conveyor, which carries the sand a little farther. The size and style of a sand-house to be adopted at any particular point depend uj)on the importance of the location, the grades that the engines have to pass, the number of en- gines to be supplied dail_\- ; also, whether tlie engine crew can be relied on to draw sand, or whether it is imjiortant to enable engines to take santl qiiickl)' without an}' assistance from the engine crew. As indicative, however, of the sizes in general use, the approximate dimen- sions of the following sand-houses can be mentioned : Richmond & Alleghany Railroad, at Ric'nmond, Va., 16 ft. 6 in. X 14 ft. 6 in. ; Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad, 16 ft. X 28 ft.; Lehigh Vallev Railroad, at Perth Aniboy, N. J . 54 ft. X 20ft.; design for Philadel- phia & Reading Railroad, 16 ft. X 16 ft.; Chicago. Burlington & Quincy Railroad, at Burling- ton, III., storeiiouse, 50ft. X 29 ft., and sand-drying tower, 19 ft. X 19 ft. ; Pitt.sburgh, Cincin- nati & St. Louis Railroad, at Columbus, O., 91 ft. X 43 ft. ; design for Lehigh Valley Railroad, 68 ft. X 18 ft.; Pennsylvania Railroad, at Connemaugh, Pa, 60 ft. X average width 27 ft.-. Penns}-lvania]roatl, at Pittsburgh, Pa., 16 ft. X 36 ft.; Penns_\'lvania Railroad, at Jersey City, N. J., 21 ft. X 29 ft. ; Pennsylvania Railroad, at Tyrone, Pa., 20 ft. 6 in. X i 2 ft. ; Pennsylvania Railroad, at Huntingdon, N. J., 20 ft. 6 in. X 12 ft. ; Pennsylvania Railioail, at Blairsville, Pa., 26 ft. X 15 ft. 6 in. ; Pennsylvania Railroad at Mifflin, Pa., 20 ft. X 15 ft.; Lehigh Valley Railroad, at Weatherly, Pa., 30 ft. X 20 ft. ; Pennsjlvania Railroad, at Wash- ington, I). C, 30 ft. X 20 ft. The ordinar)' cast-iron sand-drying stove is to be recommended, especial!)' where only a small amount of sand is required daily, and where it is desirable that the usual lulp in the vicinit)' should also look after the sand-house. If steam can be introduced in the house, tlien a steam-pijje sand-drj'ing trough with copper pipes will prove advantageous, esjieciall)- where large amounts of sand have to be handled. In addition, the trough system diminishes the possible loss from fire. Another economical method, referred to above, is that employed on the Lehigli \'alley Railroad, at \Veatlierl\', Pa., and on the Phihulclphia & Reading Railroad, at Cressona, Pa., where a fire is kept up in I he flues under the sand-pile for several da}'s at a time. This melhoil entails little labor, but, owing to the large quantities to be heated at a time, the sand dries very unevenly, besides being likely to collect moisture before being used. This last defect can be obviated by introducing steam-coils at the top of the sand-pile, as referred to above. The lifting of the dry sand by elevators, hoists, or cold blast into an elevated bin, from where it can be shot down into the saiul-box, or drawn by the enginemen from a sjiout into buckets, is quite a feature where large ([uantities of sand are to be handled ilail}', and one or more men are emplojed steadily for the .sand service, and it is an object to enable engines to take sand quickly. Similar results, however, without elaborate appliances and such a costly 74 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. building, can be practically obUiincd b)' kccpiny a number of buckets filled with sand on a platform adjacent to the track at a convenient elevation, or by the use of a swinging derrick- arm and a bucket with drop-bottom. The patentees of a cylindrical drying-machine published in the Railroad Gazette of May 4, 1888, the following data for drying sand with a cast-iron sand-drying stove, as compared with the work of their patented machine: Railroad stove- Patented cylindrical drier. apparatus. Pounds wet sand dried and screened per hour 675 16,000 Pounds common soft coal consumed per hour 24 180 Pounds water dried out ])er lb. coal burned i Si Average percentage of water in the two different sands 035 .093 Men's labor required ' 3 Expense of drying one ton of sand: Cost of labor at 15 cents per hour 44 cts. 55 cts. Cost of coal at 12^ cents jjer bushel- iiiV " 32 Cost of steam motive power 3 Cost of interest, repairs, and depreciation 2 " 2 Total 57 iV tts. 14 cts. The following descriptions of sand-houses are introduced as forming an interesting addi- tion to above general remarks on the subject. Sand-house at Richmond, Va., Richmond &^ Alleghany Railroad.— 'Yh^ sand-house of the Richmond & Alleghany Railroad, shown in Figs. 174 and 175, is a good type of a cheap sand-house, where a ?W^ \' ^ ij"-" 1 §. Ct *i •a « ■b 4 1 © 1 Fit;. 174- — Ckoss si'.moN. V\>;. 175 — Gi«n\n-ri AN. limited amount of sand is used. The house is a low frame structure, 16 ft. 6 in. X 14 ft. 6 in., with an open bin, 6 ft. 6 in. X 14 ft. 6 in., adjoining one end of the liuilding for the wet sand. In operating this house the wet sand is delivered from cars into the open liiii, and fr(nn thence it is shovelled, as recjuired, through an opening in the side of the building into an interior storage-bin for wet sand. A cast-iron sand-drying stove is located in the middle of the house, which is filled from the wet-sand bin. As the sand dries, it drojis to the floor through openings in the sides of the stove, from where il is thrown on a screen placed over the dry-sand bin at the other end of the buikling. The enginemen are required to enter the house and fill their buckets with sand directly fr(nn the dry-sand bin. The frame is 10 ft. high on the front of the building and 9 ft. on the rear. Tlie principal sizes are as follows : sills, 4 in. X 6 in. ; jdates, 4 in. X 4 in. ; corner and door studs, 4 in. X 4 in. ; inter- mediatt; studding, 3 in. X 4 in., spaced about 18 in. ; nailers, 3 in, X 4 in. ; rafters, 3 in. X 6 in.; SAiYD-HOUSES. 7S posts for bin ]inrtitions, 3 in. X 4 in. ; rails for bin partitions, 4 m. X 6 in. ; floor in liins, 2 in. ; out- side sheatiiing, J-in. vertical boards with battens ; roof-sheathing, J-in. boards, covered with tin. While, as stated above, this is a representative design for a cheap sand-house, it could be im- proved by roofing over the outer wet-sand l)in, and the second handling of the wet sand from the outside bin to the interior one sliould be avoided. Si7i/i/-/i(>i/st\ Atiiiisoii, Topcka c^ Santa Fc Railroad. — The sand-house in use on the Atchison, Topeka iS: Santa Fe Railroad, shown in Figs. 176 to 17S, prepared from data furnished by Mr. J. M. Fig. 17^). — Front Elevatiov. Fig. 177. — Cross-section. 1 ^ L.:.-J " " " .g Coj/ S/'/i ^ iJ a -» » I— I -*— ^lf-4j-iL-o ^__^^2~ Dry ad. — The sand-drier of the Pennsylvania Rail- road, in use at Connemaugh, Pa., published in Engineeri/ig, June 29, 1877, and in the book "The Pennsylvania Railroad," by James Dredge, follows a system of drying sand with a wrought-iron cylin- der, 2 ft. in diameter and 10 ft. 9J- in. long, inclosed in brickwork. The cylinder is covered with No. 9 sheet-iron for a length of 8 ft. 8i in., and the remainder with wire netting of three meshes to the inch. This cylinder is mounted on a 2-in. s(iuare shaft and set at an angle over a furnace. At the upjjcr end the shaft revolves in an ordinary bearing, and at llie lower end in a bearing consisting of two cast-iron anti-friction rollers carried on a wrought-iron bracket, the shaft resting on a steel set-screw. The sand is fed into the upper end of the slowly revolving cylinder and, in descending, SAAJ)-jyOC/S/''.S. 79 e is eypo"ed lo ihr heal of llu- liot gases from llio fiuiiaci-, 'I'lic sand is dry by the lime it reaches ill open wirework portion of the i yUnder, and drops throuij;h the network to an inclined delivery chute. S.ui(/-li(>iisf al Weatlu-rly, Pa., Lf/iigh Valh'y J\aili<^ad. I'he sand-house of the I.ehigh Valley Railroad at Weatherly, Pa., is a very simple and substantial structure, in which the sand is dried in bulk by means of flues built under the floor of the house. 'The building is of stone, 20 ft. X 30 ft. out to out, and about 10 ft. high from ground to eaves. It is located at the end of the tail track of a coal-chute trestle, and the sand is dumped into store through hatches in the roof. Four transverse flues are built under the floor connecting with a large longitudinal flue, which opens into a chimn-jy at each gable end of the house. The house is fdled about once a month, and the fires maintained for about a week, sufificing to heat the entire contents. About three tons of refuse coal fro"i the coal- duni]) is used per month. The storage capacity of the house is about 70 tons of sand. In tlie winter months about 35 tons are used monthly, which amount keeps 15 heavy grade engines supplied with sand. This system is simple, very economical, and liable to run for years without rejiairs. It is claimed, however, that the sand is not dried uniformly througliout the pile, and that the sand nearest the flues is seorciied and rendered lifeless, iiut the fact that this iiouse has been operated successfully for years at the foot of a heavy grade on a much-travelled road would seem to justify the conclusion that the system of drying sand by flues underneath the sand pile is not to be considered an absolute failure. If the depth of the sand pile were reduced and the flues carried up through the |)ile, so as to distribute the heat more uniforml)-, better results could be expected. Dcsi;^n for Sand-house, Lehigh Valley Railroad. — A design for a sand-house on the Lehigh ^'alley Railroad contemplated utilizing the general features embodied in the Weatherly sand-house of the same road, as described above, with the improvement of decreasing the depth of the sand overlying the flues during the heating jjrocess, so as to be able to reduce the degree of heat required and secure greater uniformity in drying. The sand after being dried in small batches on top of the flues is removed to a dry-sand storage bin on the ground-floor or elevated, as desired. The building has three compartments, one for wet sand, the middle one for the drying process, and the tliird one for the dry-sand storage bin. A small boiler connected with a steam-pijie coil system is provided to dry the air in the dry-sand store on damp days, and also to effect a preliminary drying of the wet sand. Two flues are located under the floor of the drying-room, fired at one end from the outside of th', building, and connected with a stack. Sand-house, at Washington, D. C, Pennsvlvania Railroad. — The sand-house of the Pennsylvanis Railroad at Washington, U. C, shown in Figs. 185 to 188, is a brick building, with wooden roof- trusses, and roofed with galvanized corrugated iron. The sand-house is condjined with an oil-stort:ge house in one building, the entire building being 20 ft. X 65 ft.; the part devoted to the sand-supply business is 30 ft. X 20 ft., to the oil-storage business 25 ft. X 20 ft., while the balance of the space is used for an ofifice. There is a wet-sand storage room, 13 ft. 6 in. X 18 ft., and a sand-drying room, 14 ft. X 18 ft. The wet sand is shovelled from cars into the wet-sand store through openings on one side of the room. The walls of this room are tied together by iron rods, J in. in diameter. A door leads from the wet-sand room to the sand-drying room. In the latter room there is, directly opposite tlie door from the wet-sand room, a sand-drying stove of the Pennsylvania Railroad standard. On the otlier side of the sand-drying room there is a hopper-shaped dry-sand bin with a screen over it for screening the sand as it is transferred from the sand-stove to the bin. The refuse and screenings drop to the floor between the bin and the stove, and have to be collected and wheeled out of the house. Enginemen enter the room by tlie door on the track side of tlie house, and draw the sand from a trap-door at the lower end of the dry-sand bin. The foundations of the building are stone walls, 18 in. thick. The side walls are brick, 12 in. thick. The roof-trusses consist of 4-in. X 6-in. tie-beams; 4-in. X 6-in. jirincipal rafters; 3-in. X 4-in. struts ; f-in. diameter king-rod ; and 3-in. X S-in. purlins. The door between tlie sand-store and the drying-room is 3 ft. X 7 ft. 6 in. l"he outside entrance door is 3 ft. 6 in. X 7 ft. 6 in., with transom overhead. The windows are 3 ft. 5 in. X 6 ft. 2 in. The delivery openings for the sand in the side of the building are 3 ft. 6 in. X 6 ft. The dry-sand bin is 10 ft. X 7 ft. The screen is 4 ft. X^ ft. There is a 1051 v red ventilator at the peak of the roof for ventilation. So BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS The hal.ince of the building is used as an oil-storage house; it is described in the chajjler oil-storage houses, and illustrated in Figs. 201 to 204. Fig. 1S5. — From I ELevation. Fig. 186. — LoNGiiuuiNAi, Skciion. Fig. 187. — Ckoss-seciion. Fig. 188. — Ground-plan. OIL-STORAGE HOUSES. 81 CHAPTER XII. OIL-STORAGE HOUSES. Oll.-S TokAUK houses arc required on railroads to sLorc the oils employed lo lubricate engines, cars, and shop machincr)-, or used in engine headlights, signal-lanii)s, switcli-lami)s, etc., or for lighting cars, station-buildings, and station-grounds. Oil-storage houses serve for the storage of the oils as received ready for use from oil works or dealers. The process of mixing the crude oils, where done by the railroad company, is conducted in so-called oil- mixing houses, which will be discussed separately. Storage-houses can be subdivided into general store-houses and supply-houses. In store-houses the oil is shipped from stock to different points along the line in barrels, iron drums, or large cans. In su[)pl\--houses provi- sion is made for dealing out the current supply in small quantities, the oils being drawn either by a special attendant or directly by the enginemen, trainmen, shopmen, or roadmen, as required. While the above classification and division of oil-houses are correct, and. as a rule, clearl)' defineil in practice, there are a large number of cases where the distinctive features of several of them are merged and contained in the same building. Any structure or shed alongside a track offering space for the storage of barrels under cover will answer for a general store-house, A platform or skills for facilitating the handling of barrels to and from cars should be provided, and good ventilation is essential. It is also desirable to make proper j^rovision (by suitable trestling or troughs inside the liouse), to allow oils to be transferred from damaged barrels to good ones, or to be drawn into iron drums or lar<^e cans for shipment over the road. The location of the structure and the question as to how far it should be made firc-proof, are entirely dependent on local circum- stances and individual views in each case. Oil-storage houses to be used as suppK'-houses for the current suppl)- required in the vicinit)' call for a number of si)ecial features in their construction and operation, which, col- lectively, tend to make a good design. The oils are usually received in barrels, casks, or iron drums, which are either placed on a raised shelf or trestling, tapped and the oil drawn as required, or the contents arc emptied at once into large iron tanks, from which the current supply is taken. The latter methoil is preferable where large amounts of oil are used. In the first case the interior arrangements of the building are very simple, consisting of a raised shelf, bench-wall, or trestling for holding the barrels above the floor, with drij)-bo.\es or drains underneath to catch any drippings from the faucets. In case the oil is emptied into large tanks, suitable arrangements should be made for lifting the barrels on top of the tanks. The tanks should be set some distance above the 82 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. level of the floor to allow oil to be drawn from tlicm. It is, therefore, customary to put the tanks in a basement, the floor of which is sunk below the general yard level, with an upper story above it, from which the oils are dumped through holes in the floor into tlic tanks below. The barrels are either hoisted to the iip[)Lr floor by suitable appliances, or rolled up an incline. This second floor is very useful to keep barrelled oil in excess of the tankage capacity of the house, and is also employed to store waste, tallow, and other similar supplies. Where a second floor is not desiretl, the barrels are hauled up skids with ropes on to runways of (_)kl iron rails on top of the tanks, and the oil discharged. When tlie amount of oil used is small, and shipments are made into store onl)- at long intervals, tlie erection of a two-story building is not advisable, unless the additional storage space is desired. Some oils, especially those required for lighting purposes and lubricating car-journals, where used in large amounts, are usually received in tank-cars, in which case large storage- tanks are placed in a cellar below or to one side of the building. The oil can lluis bj. dis- charged from the tank cars into the storage-tanks by gravity through a pipe with jjroper goose-neck, hose, and valve connections. It is then usually pumped, as required, into a smaller set of tanks, called suppl)'-tanks, appropriately located in the main building with the tanks for barrelled oil. The tank cars could be run up an incline and the oil discharged directly into the regular suppl)'-tanks ; but the former method has the advantage of keeping the bulk of the stock in a separate, closed compartment, and docs not require unusually large supply tanks inside the main building. The location of an oil-storage house for dealing out the current suppl)- of oil should be preferabl}' alongside a track leading to or from an engine-house, coaling or water system, or facing an\' track that engines usuall)' take when coming in from or preparing to start out on a run, so tliat they need not go out of their way to get their supply of oil. As a rule, the question of supplying oil promptly to engines will control the location, although in certain cases the wants of the car service or shop department will have preference. Where the circumstances warrant, it is desirable to have a special attendant to look after the house and deal out the supplies, thus obviating man}' objectionable featiu'es, which would be brought into prominence in case any one of the company's employes could enter and draw oil at will. Where a special attendant is employed, the men pass their cans over a railing or through a small window, and the oil, waste, tallow, and other supplies the}- ma}' require is iK'.nded to tliL-m. It is customar}' for the da}' man to draw the m'ght suppl}' into sejjarate cans and set them in a small inclosure or on a shelf outside of the main buikling or immediate!}' inside the entrance, unless the business is heavy enough to warrant a special night attendant. In large yards or shop .systems, small branch oil-shanties are established at different points for the convenience of car-inspectors and shop-hands, the suppl}' being sent from the main oil-house in large cans or drums. These buildings are usualK' small frame structures, sheathed and roofed v, ith coi'rugated iron. The interior is fitted up with shelves or trestles for the oil-cans, bins for holding waste, and racks, pigeon-holes, and shelves for miscellaneous supplies and car inspectors' tools. In cold weather the oils in a supph'-hovise must be heated, to render them sufficiently fluid to run ])roperly in discharging from barrels into the supply-tanks, or in drawing oils. Where the stock carried in the house is very small, a stove is used, either in the same .space, OIL-STORAOK HOUSES. 83 or in an adjoining room, the* partition wall being eitlier perforated or else cut away back of the stove, and the opening closeil with wire netting or iron bars. Where the stock is large, and the danger and loss to neighboring structures in case of a tire woukl be consider- able, steam-heat shoukl lie introiluced, the steam being supi)licd from a special boiler, located in an annex to the building, or in a separate building, or supplied from stationary boilers in use in the vicinit)\ Where the oil is dumped from a second floor, it is customary to have steam-coils on that side of the room along which the barrels arc placed before being emptied, while barrels not to be used immediately arc kept on the cool side of the room. Steam-coils arrangetl along the walls back of the supply-tanks serve to heat the contents of the latter. As different oils require varying degrees of heat, it is best to put steam-coils mainly back of the tanks with the heavy oils, the general temperature of the room or a smaller number of coils sufficing to keep the lighter oils at the proper temperature. The following general remarks apply to all classes of oil-houses. It is essential to keep the main stock, so far as possible, isolated from the room where the men enter to draw supplies. The most scrupulous cleanliness is requisite to reduce the danger from fire, and the fire service provisions shoukl be the best obtainable. No open lights should be allowed in the building ; the lighting should be done by electricity, if feasible, or by lamps with reflectors, arranged in recesses in the outsiile wall, the recess being closed on the inside of the house with a fixed glass panel and on the outside with a small door. A fireproof construction of the building is desirable at all important locations. The following descriptions of oil-storage houses in actual use will be of value in connec- tion with the above general remarks on the subject. Fraiiu' Oil and Waste Stoiage Shed at Perth Aiiihoy, N. /■, fe/iii;h Vallcv Railroad. — In connection with a large oil-mixing j)lant at Perth ,'\mboy, N. J., the Lehigh \'alley Railroad has a frame oil and waste storage shed, shown in Fig. 189, which can serve as an illustration of a cheap storage shed. The building is a one-story frame structure, 100 ft. X 38 ft., divided into two rooms, the one for storage of oils in barrels, and the other for storage of waste in bales. A loading platform runs along a track on one side of the house. The floor consists of 2-in. plank on mud-sills. The building is ^'°- 1S9— Cross-section. sheathed and roofed with corrugated galvanized iron. The roof-trusses are spaced 10 ft. centres. The height from floor to truss is 12 ft. in clear. The principal timbers used are as follows : sills, 6 in. X 8 in., on blocking ; posts, 6 in. X 8 in. ; plates, 6 in. X 8 in. : tie-beams, two pieces, 3 in. X 10 in. ; principal rafters, two pieces, 3 in. X lo in. ; truss-braces, 2 in. X 10 in. and 2 in. X 8 in. ; purlins, 3 in. X 6 in. ; roof-shenthing, i-in. rough boards ; corbels, 6 in. X 8 in. ; knee-braces, 6 in. X 6 in.; studding, 2 in. X 4 in. Brick Oil-house at Perth Aiii/wy, M. /., Lehigh Valley Railroad. — The brick oil-house of the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Perth .Vmboy, N. J., shown in Figs. 190 and 191, is a small building with an arched brick roof covered with slate, forming a vault, as it were, in which oil is stored. The building is 20 ft. wide outside, 17 ft. 6 in. long, .nnd 16 ft. 3 in. high from the ground to the eaves. The side walls and arch forming the roof are 21 in. tliick. The building has two stories, the lower one being 9 ft. high, and the upjjer one 8 ft. 6 in. high at the soffit of the arch. The upper floor is carried by three lo-in. I-l)eains, supjiorted at the centre hy one lo-in. I-beam. The lower story has space for seven oil-tanks, each 4 ft. in diameter and 6 ft. high, set on brick benches. There is a cast-iron box in the upi)er floor over each tank witii a screen and pipe leading ti. the tank underneath. Cast-iron 84 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. drip-boxes are placed under the faucets in front of each tank to catch any drippings. Three small steam coils runs along the wall back of the tanks on one side of the house, which keep the tempera- ture, 3S a rule, at about 60 degrees Fahr. 'I'he heavy oils, such as machine-oil and valve-oil, are Tjw"-'-^ Fig. igo. — Cross-section. ~ ,1 ^ 1 ^ rl i v_. IL=J ff=f ^ ^ : r* •4 ] \~ 1 "n Jp< H 3 ° ) A \ ^ ^>— ^ ?^\l I ■^t=== 5 ■ ■■ • Fig. iqi. — Gkound-tlan. placed in the tanks nearest the steam coils, while the lighter oils, as signal and headlight oil, are placed in the tanks on the opposite side of the house. The lower story is accessible through an iron door, so Fig. iy2. — Front ELEV-ivnoN. Fig 193. — LoNGiTUDiN;\i, Section. Fig. 194. — Ground-plan. OIL-STORACF. HOUSES. 85 as to allow oils to he drawn from tlie tanks into cans and buckets. The upper floor is reached by an inclined trestling on the outside of the house, up which barrels of oil arriving on cars are rolled, and the oil then dumjied through the cast-iron boxes in the upper floor into the tanks below. A simple hoisting apparatus could be easily designed to hoist the barrels to the upper story, where the ground-space available does not allow an incline to be built. In the operation of this house the daily supply of oils is drawn by an attendant and placed on a small covered platform in front of the house, from where the enginemen take their supplies as needed. The house should be a little longer for a large road, and a simple hoisting contrivance would prove cheaper than a special incline. Tiiis oil-storage house or vault can be considered a very good design in case a small amount of oil is to be stored in a permanent fire-proof structure. Stone on and Waste House at Lchighton, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad. — The oil-house of the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Lehighton, Pa., shown in Figs. 192 to 194, designed by Mr. J. I. Kinsey, Master Mechanic, L. V. R. R., is a substantial two-story stone building with wooden roof covered with slate, 40 X 30 ft., and 21 ft. from tlie ground to the eaves. The walls are stone, 24 in. thick. The principal timbers are as follows : tie-beams, 6 in. X 12 in. ; rafters, 6 in. X 8 in. ; braces, 6 in. X 8 in. ; tie-rods, i in. diameter ; roof sheathed with \\ in. boards. The basement floor is 3 ft. lielow the level of the track, and is flagged with stone. The second floor consists of cast-iron ])lates on 9-in. wrought-iron I-beams, the latter supported at the centre by a 12-in. wrought-iron I-Iieam, resting on two cast-iron columns. There are five windows in the first floor and six in the second one. Each window consists of twenty 8-in. X 12-in. lights. The window-sills and lintels are cast-iron. The enginemen enter the basement through a door facing the track, and receive their oil sujiply from an attendant, or draw it from the large storage tanks. A light trestle walk leads from a raised platform next to the track up an incline to a 6 ft. 6 in. double door in the upper story, facilitating the handling of materials from cars to the upper floor. Oil is shipped to the house in barrels ready for use. It is dumped from the upper story through openings in the cast-iron floor into the large iron storage tanks in the basement. The upper floor is also used for storing waste. A wooden chute for the delivery of waste leads from the upper story to the basement. Brick Oil-house at West Philadelphia, Pa., Pennsylvania Railroad. — The oil-storage house at the West Philadelphia shops of the Pennsylvania Railroad, designed and built by Mr. Joseph M. Wilson, plans and descriptions of which were published in the " Journal of the Franklin Institute," volume 62, liage 318, is a fireproof Iniilding with stone foundations and basement, brick upper story, and iron roof, 30 ft. X 24 ft. outside, with a boiler-house annex, 13 ft. X 13 ft. 6 in. The building is located at the rear of the roundhouse, and is intended for the storage of oil used in the shops. There is a plat- form in front of the building, 6 ft. X 14 ft., adjacent to a track, to facilitate the handling of material. The main building is divided into a first floor and a Ijasement, the "latter having a door under the front platform wide enougli to admit oil-barrels. The foundations and walls, up to the level of the first floor, are of stone finished off with a stone belt course, the front platform being of stone also. Above the first floor the v/alls are of brick, 9 in. thick, with pilasters 13 in. The basement floor is of brick laid in cement and having drainage into a sewer. On each side of a passage-way, 7 ft. widt, low platforms of brick are built on flat brick arches for the sujiport of oil-tanks. The first floor is sup[)orted through the centre by two cast-iron columns sustaining wrought-iron I-beams, from which spring flat brick arches. The cast columns are of ;]-in. metal, 3 in. external diameter at the top and 4 in. at the bottom, and rest upon firm stone foundations. The wrought-iron I-beams are 9 in. deej), weighing 89 ])0unds to the yard, and they are connected together, and also to 4-in. angle-irons on the end w;>lls, at distances of 3 ft. apart in their lengtlis, by iron rods i in. in diameter, these rods taking and counteracting the thrust of the brick arches which spring from the I-beams and angle-irons. On top the arches are levelled off with concrete and paved with brick, thus forming the first floor. Brick piers supporting stone slabs are built on the first floor for the support of oil-tanks, the top surface of stone being 2 ft. above the floor. 'I'hc basement is lighted by openings in the crown of each arch of the ceiling filled with hammered glass i in. thick. The first floor has ami)le light from seven windows, the frames and sash of which are of cast-iron, and outside shutters of wrought- iron. The doors are of wrought-iron, with frames of cast-iron. • The roof is a sim])le wrought-iron truss, the rafter being t,\ X 3^ in. T-iron, the ridge-jjole of the same, and the i)urlin,5 of 3 in. angle- .S6 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. iron, A covering of corrugated galvanized iron, with two large ventilators to carry off the dis- agreeable odors of the oil, completes the building. To provide light at night and to prevent taking any fire info the oil-rooms, four small windows, one light each, 18 in. scjuare, of heavy glass set permanently into an iron frame, are built into the wall between the main portion of the building and the boiler-room, and a gas-burner is placed before each window on the boiler-room side, so as to shine into the main building when lighted. Vertical pieces of 4-in. cast-iron pipe are built in the arches of the first floor over oj)enings in each tank of the basement, to allow basement tanks to be easily filled from the oil-room above, and also to afford facilities for the introduction of pumps to transfer the oil from these tanks to tanks on the first floor. The boiler-room is jirovided with a small vertical boiler, working at a low pressure (only the ordinary pressure in the service w-ater-pipes) and having coils of steam-pipe in the basement and on first floor for warming in winter. The basement tanks are rectangular in form, with an inclined bottom, being so made that any sediment may collect in front and be easily removed, when necessary, through an opening provided for the purpose. There are three of these tanks on one side and four on the other, the large tanks holding 1739 g''il^-> '"""^ smaller one 1618 gals., and the remaining three 1130 gals. each. There are four large cylindrical tanks of 642 gals, each, and three smaller tanks of 361 gals. each. The total capacity of tanks is 13,867 gals., or 3855 bbls. The tanks are constructed of boiler-iron. The building is so designed that a mixing apparatus, if desired, could be put on the first floor. Brick Oil and Waste House, Mexican Central Railroad — The brick oil and waste house of the Mexican Central Railroad, the design for which was furnished by Mr. F. W. Johnstone, Superinten- dent, Mexican Central Railroad, shown in Figs. 195 and 196, illustrates a novel dejiarture from the customary methods in the United States of placing the oil-tanks in a closed building. In this case the oil-tanks are located under a small projecting roof outside of a brick building. Pipes lead from the foot of the tanks into the interior of the building, by means of which the oil is drawn as required. Tlie structure is a low brick building, 18 ft. 6 in. X 19 ft., and 18 ft. 3 in. high inside from floor to ceiling-joists. In the shed annex, which is 18 ft. 6 in. X 7 ft., there are seven oil-tanks, each 6 ft. 6 m. in diameter and 10 ft. high, with pipes leading into the main building, as mentioned above. Alongside the oil-shed annex, there is a raised platform, 5 ft. 9 in. wide, elevated 4 ft. above the top of the adjacent track. The oil is shipped to the house in barrels on cars. The barrels are unloaded on the platform and drawn up to the top of the tanks by means of skids and ropes. Two iron rails on top of the tanks form a runway, on which the barrels are rolled into position and allowed to drain into the proper tanks below. The waste is stored inside the house. Mr. Johnstone states that this style of oil and waste house meets the requirements on the Mexican Cential Railroad very satisfactorily, so that it would seem that for Southern climates the novel features introduced in this design would prove advantageous. Fig. 195. — End Elevation. ^-rrTTTTH Fig. 196. — Cross- SECTION. Oil-house at Denver, Col., Union Pacific Railway. — The oil-house of the Union Pacific Railway connected with the new sho]j system at Denver, Col., is 27 ft. X 38 ft. in size, with a basement and ground-floor. The ground-floor is on a level with the loading and unloading ])latform alongside of a track. There are six upright tanks for the storage of oil in the basemtnt. Oil shipped in bulk in tank-cars is drawn from the cars into spouts and funnels at the face of the platform, and descends from tnere by gravity into tlie storage-tanks. Barrelled oil is emptied into the storage-tanks through open- OIL-STORAGE HOUSES. 87 ings in tlie main lloor. The oil, as il is recjuired, is pumped from the stonige-tanks up to the sujjply- tauks on the ground-floor of tlie building. Frame Oil-slonv^i- and Car-iinpfctor s Ihuisc at Perth Aiii/k'y, N. /., j'.e/iigh ]'alley Railroad. — The oil-storage and car-insiiector's house of the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Perth Andioy, N. J., shown in Figs. -197 and 198, serves as an example of a large nundier of similar structures on this road, varying in size according to local recpiirements. The one illustrated is 19 ft. 8 in. X 29 ft. 8 in., other sizes in use being 18 ft. X 12 ft. and 16 ft. X 24 ft. These buildings are frame structures sheathed and roofed with galvanized corrugated iron, No. 20 gauge. The interior is usually divided by a jiartition into two rooms, one for the storage of oils in barrels or small iron tanks, the other for sundry supjjlies and tools in conneclion with car-ins])ecting. The principal limbers used are as follows: sills, 6 in. X 10 in., upright; rafters, 2! in. X 6 in., spaced 18 in. ; floor-joists, 3 in. X 10 in., spanning 19 ft. ; plate, 6 in. X 4 in., ujjright ; side sheath- ing, 2-in. boards, nailed to plate and sill without any studding ; llcior, 2-in. plank. Height of frame from lop of floor to top of plate, 11 ft. ^ Fig. 197. — End Elevation. Fig. igS. — Ground I'LAN. Frame Oil-storage and Car-inspcetor s Flouse at Paekertoi, Pa., Leiiigli Valley liailroad. — The frame oil-storage and car-inspector's house of the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Packerton, Pa., shcnvn in Figs. 199 and 200, is a one-story frame building with loft, 83 ft. X 20 ft., sheathed and roofed with galvan- ized corrugated iron, No. 20 gauge. The interior is divided into four rooms, namely, the oil-room proper, a room for storage of brasses and sundry car supplies, a room for bolts, chains, iron, etc., and a Flo. 199. — LONGITULJINAL SECTION. Fig. 200. — Ground-i' 88 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. room for the use of the men. Tlie partition betu'een the oil-room and the room for car supplies is of brick, and extends all the way to the roof, thus forming a fire-wall. All the other partitions are of wood. At one end of the oil-room the floor is raised to form a platform inside of the house level with the loading platform in front of the house, which is the same height above the track as a car floor. Oil arriving in bulk in tank-cars is discharged, through proper fixtures and piping, into two large iron storage-tanks in a basement or cellar underneath the platform in the oil-room. Oil arriving in barrels is dumped through openings in the floor into the storage-tanks below. t)n top of the platform are two rotary jiumps, with which the oil can be transferred from the storage-tanks to three su])ply-tanks set in the lower part of the room. These supply-tanks or mixing-tubs are of iron, 30 in. high X 48 in. diameter, and are used to hold lubricating-oil for cars, and for mixing oil and waste for packing car-journals. Ranged around the walls are a number of pigeon-holes, each about 18 in. X 26 in., for the storage of oil and waste buckets, jacks, wrenches, tools, etc. All these tools and apjili- 'ances are numbered, and each car-inspector or greaser has his own kit and place to keep it on the shelves. In one corner of the oil-room a lo-ft. X 12-ft. space is partitioned off for a foreman's office, on one side of which is the reporting window for men to report when going to or leaving the work. The supply-rooms and room for the men are suitably fitted with shelves, lockers, benches, etc. The loft of this building is used for the storage of waste in bales. There is an iron door in the fire-wall to allow communication between the two ends of the loft, and there is a small iron door down-stairs in the brick wall between the oil-room and the room for car supplies, to allow supplies to be passed out to the men as they come into the oil-room to get their tools or fill their buckets. Brick Oil-hotisc at Washington, D. C, Pennsylvania Railroad. — The oil-storage house of the Pennsylvania Railroad at Washington, D. C, shown in Figs. 201 to 204, is a brick building, with wooden roof-trusses, and roofed with galvanized corrugated iron. The oil-house is combined with a sand-house in one building, the entire building being 20 ft. X 65 ft.; the part devoted to the oil- FiG. 201. — Front Elevation. Fig. 202. — Longitudinal Section. Fig. 203. — Cross-section. ii® k ?® 1 -....] ® ..J n® t' '1® WAlTr Tfl.t.ow F Fig. 204. — Ground-plan. storage business is 25 ft. X 20 ft., to the sand business 30 ft. X 20 ft., while the balance of the space is used for an office. There is an oil-vault, 14 ft. X 18 ft., in a basement floor with six tanks in it, each tank being 5 ft. X 4 ft. X 4 ft. deep. The floor of this basement is 18 in. below the yard level. OIL-STORAGE HOUSES. 89 Above this oil-vault is a (hiniping-rooni for discharging oil from liarrcls through traps in the floor into the tanks in the basement. The floor in this room is 4 ft. 3 in. above the yard level, or 5 ft. 9 in. above the basement floor. The oil-vault is entered through a 5-ft. door at the end of the house, with steps leading down to it on the outside of the building. The side of the duniijing-room next to the oil-room is closed by a brick wall, and the end of the room is closed by galvanized corrugated iron on studding. The front and rear of the dumping-room are closed by sliding-doors, covered by gal- vanized sheet-iron, so that barrels can be received or delivered from or to cars or the yard. Next to the oil-vault there is an oil-room, 9 ft. 6 in. X 11 ft., for drawing the oil. The floor of this room is 13^ in. lower than the floor of the oil-vault. Pipes lead from the six tanks in the oil-vault to the oil- room, so arranged that the oil runs by gravity. The ends of these pipes are closed by faucets, and oil is drawn into cans or buckets, as required. There is a gauge-glass in the oil-room for each pipe, so that the height of the oil in each tank can be seen in the oil-room. The oil-vault and the oil room are connected by a small iron door. The oil-room is reached from a door on the front of the house with steps leading down to the floor of the room inside of the house. Back of the oil-room is a waste and tallow room, 6 ft. X 9 ft. 6 in. The oil-vault and tallow-room are vaulted over with flat brick arches carried by I-beams. The floors are made of cement. The foundations of the building are stone w-alls, 18 in. thick, 'i'he side walls are inick, 12 in. thick. The roof-trusses consist of 4-in. X 6-in. tie-beams ; 4-in. X 6-in. [principal rafters ; 3-in. X 4- in. struts ; J-in. diameter king-rod ; and 3-in. X S-in. purlins. The entrance-door to the oil-vault is 5 ft. wide X 4 ft. 8 in. high. The door between the oil-vault and the oil-room and the door leading into the tallow-room from the oil-room are 2 ft. 5 in. wide X 5 ft. high. The window over the waste- room, which serves to light up the oil-room, is 3 ft. 5 in. X 6 ft. 2 in. The balance of the building, that is used as a sand-house, is described in the chapter on sand- houses, and illustrated in Figs. 185 to 188. Brick Oil-house at Jersey City., N. _/., Pennsylvania Railroad. — The oil and waste storage-house of the Pennsylvania Railroad at Jersey City, N. J., shown in Figs. 205 to 209, is a brick building, 53 ft. X 20 ft., with wooden roof covered with slate. The interior is divided by brick partition-walls into a lamp-room, 10 ft. X 18 ft.; a waste-room, 10 ft. X 18 ft.; an oil-room for drawing the oil, 14 ft. 4 in. X 18 ft.; and an oil-platform or discharging-room, 15 ft. X 18 ft., with an oil-vault of the same size below it. The floor of the oil-vault is 18 in. below the yard level, and the floor of the oil- room is 13! in. lower than the floor of the oil-vault. The floors of the waste and lamp rooms are at the yard level. The floor of the discharging-room over the oil-vault is 4 ft. 6 in. above the yard level. There are six tanks in the oil-vault, which are filled with oil from barrels through traps in the floor of the oil-discharging room. The oil-vault is entered through a wide door in the end of the building, with steps leading down to it on the outside of the building. A small iron door connects the oil-vault with the oil-room. Separate pipes lead from each tank in the oil-vault to the oil-room, where faucets, glass gauge-tubes, and drip-boxes are provided, the same as shown in Figs. 202 and 204 for the oil- house of the same railroad at Washington, D. C. The oil-room is entered by a door on the front of the house, with steps leading down inside of the house. The end of the oil-discharging room is closed by galvanized corrugated iron on studding, while the front and rear of the room are closed by sliding- doors, hung on different rails so as to slide past each other. Barrels are handled through these doors to or from cars or the yard. The foundations of the building are stonewalls 18 in. thick. The side walls are brick, 12 in. thick. The partition walls are l)rick, 8 in. thick. The roof-purlins' are 3 in. X 8 in., covered with i-in. boards and slates. The corner and door posts of the framed sides of the oil-discharging room are 6 in. X 6 in., and the studs 3 in. X 6 in. The oil-vault is vaulted with 4-in. flat brick arches resting on iron I-beams and cast-iron columns at the centre of the room. All the floors throughout the building are made of cement. The entrance door to the oil-vault is 5 ft. 6 in. wide X 4 ft. 6 in. high. The doors leading into the oil, waste, and lamp rooms are 3 ft. 6 in. X 7 ft. 9 in., with transom- lights overhead. The windows have two sash, each 6 lights 12 in. X 12 in. The window-sills on the outside of the building and the window aprons on the inside of the window are of cast-iron. The door and window lintels consist of three pieces of oak, each. 4 in. X 8 in. Ventilation is secured over 90 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. the oil, waste, and lamp rooms by round, No. 22 gauge, galvanized sheet-iron ventilators at the peak of the roof, one over each room. Fig. 206. — End Elevation. Fig. 207. — Longitudinal Section. C3 ^ ■ zz Fig. 208. — Cross-section. O O o o % W/1ST£. Fig. 209. — GKouMi-rLAN. Brick Oil- storage Hatisc at Western Avenue, Chicago, III., Chicago, Burlington &= Quincy Railroad. — The oil-storage house of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad at Western Avenue, Chicago, 111., shown in Figs. 210 to 213, prepared from data kindly furnished by Mr. Wm. Forsyth, Mechani- FlG. 210. — LONGITUIIINAL SECTION. OIL-STORAGE HOUSES. 91 cal Engineer, C, B. & Q. R. R., is a two-story brick structure, 20 ft. 8 in. X 19 ft. 4 in., with cellar. The structure is fireproof throughout. The foundations are stone walls. The floor-beams, roof-purlins, and rafters are iron T-beams, and the steps, railings, floor-plates, doors, door-frames. Fig. 211. — Cross-section. Fir.. 212.— Ground-plan. Fic. 213.— .Sf.comi-fi.oor Plan. window-frames, sills, lintels, and tank-stands are of iron. The roofing material is cement and gravel. The floor of the cellar is concrete. The platforms surrounding the building are of timber. In the cellar there is a square iron tank for the storage of engine-oil, 13 ft. X 14 ft. X 4 ft. 4 in. deep, with a capacity of 9000 gallons. On the ground-floor there are eight supplv-tanks, 3 ft. 2 in. 92 JWILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. in diameter and 4 ft. 10 in. deep, each with-a capacity of 270 gallons. The supply-tanks are used as follows: two for kerosene-oil, one for signal-oil, two for lard-oil, two for engine-oil, and one for tallow. There is at the entrance-door on this floor, situated inside of the house, a square sheet-iron receiving- tank, 5 ft. 3 in. X 4 ft. X 24 in. deep, covered with a grating of iron slats, and connected by a pipe, closed by a stem gauge-valve, with the large engine-oil storage-tank in the cellar. The top of the slats over this receiving-tank is level with the door-sill and the floor of the platform outside of the house, so that barrels of engine-oil received at the house can be rolled from the outside platform on to the receiving-tank, dumped, and then rolled back and away from the house without taking up floor-space inside the building. This receiving-tank serves to gauge the amount of the oil before it is discharged through the pijie mentioned into the large storage-tank in the cellar. The second floor is reached by iron steps from the lower floor. There are no tanks or fixtures on the second floor, lliere is a hole in the floor over the tallow-tank with a slide to the latter, so that tallow can lie slid down to the tallow-tank from the upper floor. On one side of the upper floor is a large door leading to a project- ing platform outside of the house with two trouglis in it, connected by pipes with the supply-tanks. One of these troughs is connected with the two kerosene supply-tanks, the other trough connects with the signal-oil, lard-oil, and engine-oil supply-tanks. This platform is 4 ft. 4 in. wide, and projects 3 ft. 4 in. beyond the face of the l)uilding. There is a beam projecting out under the roof over this platform, with hoisting gearing attached to it for raising or lowering barrels. There is another door on another side of this room with overhead hoisting-tackle to enable barrels to be hoisted to the upper story and stored prior to being discharged. The operation of the house is as follows : All oils are received at the house in barrels, ready for use. Engine-oil, which is used in very large quantities, is dumped from the barrels through the receiving-tank into the large storage-tank in the cellar. From here it is jmniped by the hand-]iump, situated at the centre of the first floor, to the two engine-oil supply-tanks, from which it is drawn, as recjuired, into cans or buckets. In case engine-oil is to be shipped out of the house in barrels, the oil is pumped from the storage-tank in the cellar by the hand-pump through the jiipe, shown in Figs. 211 and 212, ending 3 ft. 6 in. above the receiving-tank, which pipe has a short piece of hose attached to it for filling barrels placed on the grating over the receiving-tank. In case of an o\erflow or leakage the oil is caught in the receiving-tank and returned to the storage-tank in the cellar. The engine-oil sup]3ly-tanks can also be filled from the upper floor by means of the projecting trough platform, mentioned above. The kerosene-oil supply-tanks are filled from barrels dumped in the trough on the projecting platform of the U[)per floor. No other class of oil is run through this trough, as the kerosene-oil would be injured by any remnants of another oil being mixed with it. Signal-oil and lard-oil are dumped into the second trough on the projecting platform and run through the pipes, previously mentioned, to the corresponding sujjply-tanks. The tallow-tank is charged through the tallow-slide opening in the upper floor, as above explained. The clear height of the cellar is 6 ft. 3^ in., of the first floor 9 ft., and of the second floor 7 ft. 6 in. at the lowest point. For heating purposes, there are on the first floor no lineal ft. of i:^-in. piping, located back of the engine-oil and tallow tanks, the general heat of the room sufficing to heat the oils in the other tanks. On the second floor there are 55 lineal ft. of li-in. piping located on the wall next to the tallow-slide. OIL-MIXING HOUSES. 93 CHAPTER XIII. OIL-MIXING HOUSES. OiL-MlXiNG houses Oil railroads serve for the process of mixing oils, where done by the railroad compaii}-, in place of buying the mixed oils used for illuminating, signaling, and lubri- cating purposes from special manufacturers of those articles. Oil-storage houses, discussed in the previous chapter, serve for the storage of oils as receivetl ready for use from oil-mixing works or from dealers. In certain cases the distinctive features of oil-mixing houses and oil- storage houses arc merged and provision made under one roof for both branches of the oil- supply service. Oil-mixing houses have not been very extensively used on American railroads, altliough a few of the older roads liave hatl small houses for mixing certain classes of oils in oiJcration for a great many years. The Pennsylvania has maintained an oil-mi.xing plant at Altoona, Pa., for about twenty-five years, and has at present an oil-mi.xing house on each of its grand divisions. The Baltimore & Ohio operated a plant at their Mount Clare shops, Baltimore, Md,, for ncarl\- twenty years, until the latter part of the year 1889, when it was abandoned owing to the adoption of the policy of limiting the manufacturing required to be done b)' the railroad compan}'. The New York, Lake Erie & Western operated an oil-mixing house at Susquehanna, Pa., for about three years, but abandoned it in March, 1888, owing to a change "if policy similar to that of the Baltimore & Ohio. The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy has maintained an oil-mixing house at Aurora, 111., for a number of years. The Lehigh Valley in 1887 built a very extensive oil-mixing plant at Perth ^Vmboy, N. J., and is operating it with good results. The Chicago & Northwestern has an oil-mi.xing plant in operation in Chicago, 111. The New York & New England maintains several oil-mi.xing houses along its route. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul has maintained a large plant at Milwaukee, 111., since 1883, in addition to several smaller plants along its route. The usual method employed by railroad companies is to buy ready-mi.xcd oils from man- ufacturers, whose charges are based more or less on the reputation of their goods, anil the prevailing idea that great skill and experience are required to manufacture mixed oils. The so-called mixing of oils is purely a mechanical affair, so far as the operation of a plant is con- cerned, while the saving to be accomplished by the erection of railroad works is very large. The first cost and operation of a plant are very small compared with the annual expense for the purchase of oils on a large railroad system. The proportions of the various ingredients to use to produce certain mixed oils are readily ascertainetl from general rules already estab- lished by the leading railroad companies, and experience will soon demonstrate what changes might be desirable to meet any special local conditions found to exist. The foreman for an oil-mixing plant need not be any more intelligent or skilful than the average railroad fore- man in charge of a small shop or branch of a department. There is probably hardly a rail- 94 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. road in the country on which an oil-mixing plant could not be established, organized, and operated by men now in its employ, with one exception only, namely, the necessity of having the regular or occasional services of a chemist to analyze and report on the quality of crude stocks before being purchased, and to settle any doubtful questions that maj' arise involving chemical researches. As a matter of fact, in receiving crude stocks the foreman of an oil- mixing works can conduct the standard tests, which are very soon reduced to a mechanical following out of established rules. Doubtful cases and reports as to the relative value or properties of several brands offered for purchase are in reality the main points requiring the attention of a chemist, after the working routine of the plant has been well established. In the purchase of the various brands of mixed oils from manufacturers, a railroad company would anyhow require practically as much chemical expert work as if it were running an oil- plant of its own, in case it wished to feel certain of the quality of the mixed stocks purchased. The abandonment of the oil-mixing plants on the Baltimore & Ohio and on the New York, Lake Eiie & Western cannot be considered as indicative of the failure of the methods used, as they were due to a change of policy or local conditions on the roads mentioned. The maintenance of special plants on the Pennsylvania, on the Chicago, Burlington & Ouincy, on the Chicago and Northwestern, on the New York and New England, on the Chicago, Mil- waukee & St. Paul, and on the Lehigh Valley, is sufficient evidence that on these large systems the plan has worked successfully. It is not only the saving in first cost of the oils that is material in the consideration of the economy of the subject, but the control of the uniformity and reliability of the oils shipped out for use along the road is a matter of prime importance. Relative to the details of oil-mixing plants on railroads, the buildings used are either frame structures sheathed with galvanized corrugated iron, or brick buildings, the roofing material being either tin, galvanized corrugated iron, or slate. The storage of the main sup- ply of barrelled crude and mi.xed oils in a separate storage-shed or building, away from the oil-mixing house proper, is advisable. The oil-mixing house proper is usually divided into a storage-rooni and a mixing-room. Where the mixing-tanks are located in a cellar or base- ment, the room above it is used to dump oils into the tanks below. The mixing in the mixing-tanks is done by hand with paddles or dashboards, or by machinery with paddles attached to shafting operated by a steam-engine, or bj- blowing air into the oil at the bottom of the tanks with blowers operated by steam power, or by con- tinuous pumping, drawing the oil from the bottom of the tank and returning it at the top. Mixing by hand has been in use for a great many years on the Pennsylvania, the Balti- more & Ohio, the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, and the New York, Lake Erie & Western ; it consists virtually of stirring up and churning the oil by wooden paddles or dashboards worked by hand from the top of the mixing-tanks, and it is probably the best system to adopt for a small output, which would not warrant the introduction of steam-power and special appliances. The Pennsylvania has, to a large extent, introduced paddling by machin- ery in its oil-mixing houses, in addition to the older method of paddling by hand. The method of continuous pumping is practiced by the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad. The method of agitating the ingredients in the mixing-tanks by blowing air into the OIL-MIXING HOUSES. 95 mixture at the bottom of tlic tank has been adopted within recent years by some of tiie leading manufacturers of ilhiminating and lubricating oils in this country and abroad, and is the method practiced b)' the Lehigh Valley Railroad. Railroads purcliasing mixed oils from dealers use brands manufactured by the blowing process to a large extent. Dr. Charles B. Dudley, Chemist, Pennsylvania Railroad, considers that the method of mixing oils by blowing air into tliem is not desirable, as it oxidizes the fatty oils and thereby leads to difficulty. Other chemists and manufacturers interested in the blowing process claim that the amount of o.xiilation which takes place is not sufficient to cause any deterioration in the lubricating or the general working qualities of the oils. It is also claimed that the mixture is more thor- oughly agitated by blowing than by paddling, as in the latter process certain currents are created, and the different particles are not so finely subdivided as by the air forced through the oil in every direction fremi the bottom uji, causing heavy particles sinking to the bottom to be thrown up toward the top of the tank. The mixing-tanks are either cast-iron hemispherical-shaped kettles, or sheet-iron square or round tanks. Crude stock to be used for mixing is received in barrels, casks, or in tank-cars, and stored in storage-sheds or in storage-tanks until required in the mi.xing operations, when it is either discharged from the barrels or pumped from the storage-tanks into the mixing- tanks. After the oil has been mixed, it is cither immediately drawn off into barrels, or pumped into supply-tanks, from which it is drawn as required for use in the vicinity or for shipments over the road. All pipes used for the transfer of oils should be at least 2 in. in diameter. In designing the piping and pumping system care should be taken, so far as possible, to prevent remnants of dark or light oils touching each other in the pi[)es or pumps, so as to avoid adulterations. In designing a plant it must be borne in mind that it is essential to keep the main stock, if feasible, isolated from the oil-mi.xing house proper, and in the latter it is desirable to keep the mixing tanks in a separate compartment. The most scrupulous cleanliness is requisite to reduce the danger frcuii tire. The fire-service provisions should he the best obtainable. The plant should be located as far as possible away from other important structures or yards, so that, in case of a fire, its spread would be limited or not attended with very serious losses. No open lights should be allowed in the building. The lighting should be by electricity or by lamps with reflectors, set in recesses in the outside wall, the recess being closed on the inside of the house by a fixed glass panel, and on the outside bj' a small door. A fire- proof construction of the building is desirable at all important locations or where the plant contained in the building is extensive. The heating of the building and of the oil in the tanks should be done by steam from a special boiler, located in an anne.x to the main building, or from some boiler in use in the vicinity. The following descriptions of oil-mixing houses refer to oil-mi.xing plants that are or have been in actual use on railroads in this country, and will therefore prove of particular interest. Oil-mixing House at Aurora, III., Chicago, Burlington &= Quincy Railroad. — Tlie mixing of oils on the Chicago, Ijurlington & Quincy Railroad is done at Aurora, 111., the method in use being sliown in Figs. 214 to 216, prepared from sketches and data furnished by Mr. Wm. Forsyth, Mcciianical Engineer. C, B. & Q. R. R. The crude stock is received at the house in barrels, and 96 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. dumped, as required, into a sheet-iron receiving-tank, 4 ft. X 6 ft. X 2 ft. deep, located in the house in front of a large double door leading from the platform into the house. The top of the receiving-tank is level with the door-sill and tlie floor of the platform, so that barrels can be rolled from the platform on to the receiving-tank, dumped, and then rolled back and away from the house, the space in the interior of the latter being lim- ited. This receiving-tank serves to meas- ure the ingredients, which form the mi.xtures for any particular oil. Underneath the house in a cellar there are two stjuare sheet- iron mixing-tanks, each of 60 barrels capac- ity, with a manhole on top corresponding FiCr. 214. — Cross-section. Fig, 215. — Ground-plan. Fig. 216. — Perstective of Dasiipoard. with an opening in the floor of the mixing-room. These tanks are connected with the receiving-tank by pipes, as shown. The mixing of the oils is done by hand by means of a wooden mixing-dash (Fig. 216) inserted into the mixing-tanks through the manholes on the toji, the oil being churned by the dash until thoroughly mixed. The dash consists of a 9-in. X 15-in. square board perforated with 26 holes, li in. in diameter, with a wooden handle, 11 ft. long. The mixed oil is transferred by means of hand-pumps to storage-tanks or drawn into barrels for shipment over the road. Oil-mixing House at Meadow Shops, Newark, N. J., Fennsylvania Railroad. — The oil-mixing house of the Pennsylvania Railroad located at Meadow Shops, Newark, N. J., shown in Figs. 217 and 218, is a one-story frame building, about 50 ft. X 175 ft., sheathed with galvanized corrugated iron, roofed with tin, and floored with plank. It is surrounded on three sides with wide platforms, which serve to store barrels and facilitate handling of supplies and materials to and from cars on tracks, one on each side of the house, the floor of the house and platforms being level with the car-floors. The oil-mix- ing plant is at one end of the building, and at the other end a small part of the floor-space is set ajiart for the storage of waste, while the balance of the house is used for the storage of oils in barrels. The mixing-tanks are in a small cellar, and immediately over them, raised above the floor of the house, are the storage-tanks for mixed oils, from which the mixed oil is drawn into barrels for shipment over the road. In addition to these tanks there are on one side of the house, as shown on the plan, a number of smaller receiving-tanks for mixed oils for local use at the shops and for the engine and car service in the vicinity, the oil being drawn into cans or buckets as required. All crude stocks arrive at the house in barrels, and, after mixing, the mixed oils are drawn into the same barrels for shipments out of the house. The account of stock and the quantity of the various ingredients used in making each batch of oil are tallied by actual weight, every barrel being weighed on a small ])ort- able scale. The different lots of crude stocks arriving at the house are kept separate, and the barrels of mixed oils from each batch are given distinguishing marks. There is a very simple and efficient set of books kept, so that at any time it can be ascertained exactly what lots of crude stocks were used in making the mixed oil contained in any particular barrel shi])ped out of the house. The process of mixing the oil consists of agitating it inside the mixing-tanks by means of a sys- tem of paddles connected to a vertical shaft inside each tank revolved by the proper gearing and OIL-MIXING HOUSES. 97 niachiiiery. In order lo create cross currents of the oil in the tank, tlie movement of the paddles is reversed from time to time, and fixed paildlcs are attached to the sides the pimips. The four mixing-tanks can l)e worked independently or all to- gether, or mixing can be done in some of the tanks while jiumping is going on from the others. There are four storage-tanks placed on a raised trestling immediately over the mixing-tanks, as l)reviously explained. These storage-tanks are of the same size as the mixing-tanks. The receiving- tanks for local use are smaller. All jiipes for transfer of oils are 2 in. in diameter. The oils in the tanks are kept liquid by a single coil of i-in. steam-pipe in the bottom of each tank, the general tem- perature inside the building, especially in the small mixing-cellar, being kept ipiite high by steam- coils along the walls. .Steam is sujiplied from the boiler connected with the sho|) system in the immediate vicinity. There is no provision made for lighting the building, as work is not allowed to 21S. — Elevation of ■I'.wk?; 98 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. be prosecuted after dark. The provisions for protection against fire consist of lines of liose con- nected witli the water-system, kept uncoiled along the floor of the house at night ready for use, and fire-alarm boxes in the special circuit connected with the shop system. This house has been in operation for about eight years, and supplies all tlie mixed oils and dis- tributes all the cotton waste used on the New York Division of the road. There are about 700 barrels of oil mixed and distributed per month. The force employed consists of about three to five men, exclusive of the foreman, and they are kejit busy for about nine hours a day the year round. 'I'he oils mixed are, as a rule, passenger-engine oil, engine-oil, navy sperm-oil, signal-oil, and heavy lubri- cating-oils. One of the mixing-tanks is used exclusively for engine-oils, another one for illuminating- oils, and the remaining two for heavy lubricants. Great care is taken to keep the dark and light oils separated in the jiipes and mixing-tanks, so that the remnants of one batch will not injure the next batch of a different grade. In dumping the oils, the usual practice of boring vent-holes in the barrels is avoided by the use of a short piece of 1-in. pipe, bent in the shape of an elbow, which is inserted in the barrel through the bung-hole as the barrel is rolled over the dumping-trougii, and serves to introduce the necessary air to allow the barrel to discharge quickly. The general layout of this plant is good, and the operation very methodical and economical. The most serious objections are, that the tanks are located too close to the sides of the building, giv- ing little opportunity for free inspection and repairs. The cellar or pit in which the mixing-tanks are located is very small and wet, and repairs are very difficult to make. Great care has to be exercised to prevent chips and other foreign matter from getting into the mixing-tanks, as the paddles break very easily and repairs are very difficult to make. The location of the storage-tanks immediately above the oil-mixing tanks cannot be considered as advantageous as locating the storage-tanks side- ways from the mixing-tanks. Oil-mixitig House at Alt. Clare S/iit/'s, Baltimore, Mil., Baltimore &' Ohio Railroad. — The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad maintained an oil-mixing jilant for nearly twenty years at Mt. Clare Shops, Baltimore, Md., but abandoned the operation of same in the latter part of the year 1889, owing to the adoption of the policy to do as little manufacturing by the company as possible. The following data on the subject has been kindly furnished by Mr. L. S. Randolph, Engineer of Tests, B. & O. R. R., who had charge of the house when in operation. The mixing-house was a one-story brick building, with iron roof and wooden floor, divided into two rooms, one for signal-oil and the other for cylinder-oil. The cylinder-oil room, about 60 ft. X 30 ft., was used to make cylinder-oil, and one end of it was also utilized for the storage of waste, where as many as 150 bales of waste could be stored at one time. The signal-oil room was slightly larger than the cylinder-oil room, and served to mix signal- oil in addition to providing storage space for a large quantity of crude stock and mixed oils. The only oils mixed were signal and cylinder-oils. The stock was delivered in barrels and stored inside, and also, at times, outside the building. The stirring was done by hand by means of paddles. There were two mixing-kettles for cylinder-oil, made of cast-iron, hemispherical in shape, holding each about 16 barrels, heated by steam-coils on the inside. The paddle used for cylinder-oil was sjioon-shaped, and from 6 to 8 ft. long. The kettles were set high enough above the floor to allow the mixed oil to be drawn off into barrels placed below them. Barrelled crude stocks were hoisted up by block and tackle and swung on to skids over the kettles, from where they were discharged directly into the kettles. In the signal-oil room there was only one mixing-tank, sunk below the floor, made of wrought-iron, 10 ft. X 8 ft. X 4 ft. deep, with a capacity of about 60 barrels, although only 40 barrels were mixed at a time. The paddle used for signal-oil was a disk on the end of a rod, which was drawn up and down by'a man who stood on the tank, working tlirough a hole in the top of it. The mixed oil had to be pumped out of the signal-tank into barrels. The steam for heating the building and the oils in the mixing-tanks was supplied at first by a boiler placed in the building, but it was subsequently removed and steam obtained from a boiler in a neighboring mill. The interior of the building was lighted by oil lamps, when necessary. The mixed oils were drawn into the same barrels the crude stock had been delivered in, and shipped out on the road as called for. The following mixtures were used for signal-oils: Winter oil, 8 parts 150 deg. fire-test, 8 parts 300 deg. fire-test, 15 parts lard and 10 parts rape-seed; summer oil, 8 parts 150 deg. fire-test, 8 parts 300 deg. fire-test, and 20 parts lard. Signal-oil was mixed at about 140 to 150 deg. Fahrenheit. When the temperature reached 140 or 145 deg. the steam was turned off and the oil was stirred for OIL-MIXJXG IIO USES. 99 aliout five minutes. The stirriiiL; for lluit Irnglli of time was repeated five or ten times at intervals of from five to ten minutes. The mi.xture for cyUnder-oil was composed of 4 i>arts tallow and 12 parts stock. It was heated to from 200 to 300 deg. Fahrenheit, the heat being kept up for about five hours, with continual stirring during that time. Oil-mixing House at Altooiia, Pa., rcnnsylvania Railroad. — The oil-mixing house of the Pennsyl- vania Railroad, at Altoona, Pa., shown in Figs. 219 to 222, has been in operation for about twenty-five Fig. 2ig. — Cross-section. Fig. 22I. — Cross-section of T.vnk. Fig. 220. — Ground-plan. Fig. 222. — Plan of Tank. years. It is a two-story fireproof structure with a cellar. The oils are mixed in tanks in the cellar. The main room on the ground-floor serves to store mixed oil in storage-tanks, from which it is drawn, as reipiired, for local use or put into barrels for shipment over the road, and the second story is used for the storage of waste. In addition to the oil-mixing house there is an oil-storage house, located a short distance from the former, serving to store oils, tallow, etc., as received in barrels. There a-re loo BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. diimijing-trouglis in one end of the storage-house connected by pipes with tlie mixing-tanks in tlie cellar of the oil-mixing house. The ingredients required to make a batch of oil are weighed and dumped into the troughs in the storage-shed, from where they run through pipes to the mixing-tanks. Mixing is done principally by hand, but agitating the oil in the mixing-tanks by means of paddles attached to shafts, driven by machinery, is also used, as shown in the illustrations, which represent more particularly the arrangement and details of the cylinder-oil mixer. 'I'here is a steam-pump on the main floor of the oil mixing house for transferring oils from the mixing-tanks in the cellar to the storage-tanks overhead. The pump and shafting is driven by an engine and boiler placed outside the building, and steam from the boiler is employed to warm the building in winter and to heat the coils in the tanks. No lights are allowed in the oil-house, which is illuminated by gas burning out- side the house and opposite windows provided for that purpose. Relative to the cylinder-oil mixer, shown in the illustrations, the tank is 7 ft. 3 in. in diam. by 3 ft. 6 in. dee]3, covered on toj), the top being set 6 in. above the floor. The thickness of the iron sheets is \ in., stiffened with angle-irons. The heating is done by a ij-in. spiral steam-coil, as shown. There are two tiers of paddles, each consisting of three arms, 8 in. high by \ in. thick by 3 ft. 4 in. long, attached to a if-in. shaft, which makes about 15 to 20 revolutions per minute. Mr. Charles B. Dudley, Chemist, Pennsylvania Railroad, has kindly furnished the following general data relative to oil-mixing houses on the Pennsylvania system : Each grand division on the P. R. R. has an oil-mixing house of its own. As a rule, the buildings used are of brick, roofed with slate and floored with cement or brick. They are sometimes one-story and sometimes two-story buildings, according to the location; in the latter case the upper story is used for the storage of waste. The oils are usually bought delivered in car-load lots in barrels, although at some places oil is received in tank-cars. If in barrels, they are unloaded and stored till required in a sort of open shed independent of the regular oil-mixing house or in an oil-storage house, which is usually built of brick with brick floor. The mixing is done in some houses by hand and in others with paddles and machinery. Mixing oil by blowing air is not considered good practice, as it oxidizes the fatty oils and leads to difficulty. The heating of the oils in the tanks is done by steam-coils, usually in the bottom of the tanks. The mixed oil is stored in large tanks situ.ited on the main floor, and provided with gauge-glasses to indicate the amount in the tank, and is drawn from these tanks by faucets into cans and buckets for use in the vicinity, or it is also drawn into barrels and shipped to various points on the division. The power used at the oil-mixing houses for pumping and mixing is furnished by a small steam-engine, usually separated from the main building by a brick partition ; and if it is not convenient to take steam from some adjacent boiler, a small upright boiler is put in the same building with the engine. The interior is best lighted by electricity, but if gas or oil must be used the jet is not allowed to burn in the open place where the storage of oil is; it is usually placed behind a win- dow, or in a special compartment made for it. The main materials purchased are extra lard-oil, extra No. i lard-oil, paraffine-oil, 150 deg. fire-test burning-oil, 300 deg. fire-test burning-oil, well-oil, 500 deg. fire-test oil, and tallow. The oils usually mixed are signal-oil, engine-oil, passenger-car oil, cylinder-lubricant, and navy sperm-oil. OiI?nixiii!; LLoiise at Susquehanna, Pa., New York, Lake Eric &^ IVesUrn Railroad. — The operation of an oil-mixing plant at Susquehanna, Pa., on the New York, Lake Erie & Western Railroad, shown in Kig. 223, was aliandoned in March, 1888, after having been in service successfully since June, 1885, the abandonment being due to a change in the policy adopted by the railroad company rela- tive to manufacturing its own supplies. The following data have been kindly furnished Ijy Mr. Walter D. Gregory, who formerly had charge of the plant as the chemist of the N. Y., L. E. & W. R. R. The building was one-story, brick, about 60 ft. X 35 ft., with a frame lean-to annex, about 60 ft. X 12 ft. The shed annex served to hold tank-cars and to heat them up sufficiently by means of steam-coils along the walls to enable the oil in the tank-cars to be discharged by gravity into two large receiving-tanks buried in the ground under the main building. These storage-tanks were built each of two old locomotive-tender tanks spliced and pieced out so as to form tanks of about 7500 gallons storage capacity. All petroleum stocks arrived in tank- cars; all animal oils and other materials arrived in barrels or casks. One end of the main build- ing was used for the storage of barrels, and was arranged with a series of skids; the balance of the OIL-MIXING HO USES. =4=t Fig. 223. — GuouND ri.AN. building luul a wooden floor. .\l the other end of the luiildini; there were two mixing-tanks, set above the floor, so that themi.xed oil could be drawn off into barrels placed under them. The charging of tlie mixing-tanks was accomi)lished by hoisting up barrelled stock by means of a small steam hoisting- engine and proper appliances, and swinging the barrels on to skids on top of the tanks, where tlie oil was discharged through strainers into the tanks. The oil in the receiving-tanks in the ground had to be pumped up into the mi.\ing-tanks by means of a small steam-pump. One of the mixing-tanks was wrought-iron, hemisjiherical in shape, with a capacity of about 25 barrels ; the other was of wrought-iron, cylindrical in shape, with a capacity of about five barrels. The house and mixing- tanks were heated by steam-coils. The mixing was done with paddles on shafts set into the mixing-tanks and operated by a small steam- engine. The lighting of the house was done by gas, without any special safety provisions. There was a steaming-trough inside the house on which barrels were steamed out. In addition to the skid's in the building, there was a series of skids in the yard back of the house for the storage of empty barrels and barrelled stock. There was never much mixed oil to keep in store, as it was usually shipped out as fast as made. Oil-mixing House at Milwaukee, JFis., Chicago, Milwaukee &^ Si. Paul Railway. — The following information relative to the oil-mixing house of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway at Mil- waukee, ^\■is., has been compiled from data kindly furnished by Mr. George Gibbs, Mechanical Engi- neer, Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. This house forms the principal plant, although there are several smaller ones distributed over the road. The bouse is located near the general storehouse of the main shops of the road at Milwaukee, and consists of a one-story brick building, 48 ft. X 102 ft., roofed witli corrugated iron. The interior is divided into two rooms, the front one, 48 ft. X 28 ft., for mixing oils and for the local supply; the rear one, 48 ft. X 74 ft., for storage of oil in barrels and of cotton and wool waste. The mixing-tanks, pumps, and tanks for storage and barrelling are located in the front or mixing-room. There are two large iron receiving-tanks, each of 18,000 gallons ca.pacity, covered with iron roofs, sunk in brick-lined pits outside of the liouse. The crude stock arriving in tank-cars is stored in these underground receiving-tanks, and barrelled stock is stored partly in the house and partly on platforms surrounding the building. There are two upright wrought-iron rnixing-tanks, each of 13 barrels capacity, set in pits in the mixing-room floor, the tops of the tanks being provided with strainers and covers. The oils are mixed by a steam-pump, which punqis the oil from the bottom of the mixing-tank and returns it at the top, which pumping operation is maintained until the ingredients are thoroughly mixed. The mixed oil is transferred by the same pump that does the mixing from the mixing-tanks to a s 'ries of storage-tanks for mixed oils located in tlie mixing- room, from which tanks the oil is drawn for use in the vicinity, or barrelled for shijiments over the road. The oil is heated by steam-coils ])laced a little above the bottoms of the tanks. Steam for use in the house is drawn from the main shoji boiler. The building is lighted by electricity. The oils mixed at this house are signal-oil and bolt-cutting oil. The capacity of the two mixing- tanks is about 50 barrels per day. The entire road supply is handled at this house, amounting in the year 1888 to 18,097 barrels. The plant has been in operation since 1883. Oil-mixing Houses of the New York &• Netu England Railroad. — The New York & New Eng. land Railroad has maintained for several years small oil-mixing plants at South Boston, Boston, and Norwood, Mass., and at Hartford, Conn. The following information has been prepared from general data kindly furnished by Mr. A. (Jriggs, Superintendent of Motive Power, N. Y. & N. E. R. I02 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. OfL-MIXING HOUSES. 103 R., and by Mr I', H, Coiirailsdii, fmiiKil}' 1 licniisl of the road. 'I'lic liiiildiiif;s in use were not specially built for the service, and are in some cases only frame slieds. The floors are of wood or of sand. Some of the storage-tanks are in the buildinj;, and some of them are buried in the ground outside. Some of the mixing-tanks are made of old tender-tanks with paddles in the back ends worked by a belt from the shop engines. Some of the tanks are old water-tanks and some oil- tanks. All crude oils arrive in tank-cars, and are pumped into the storage-tanks by a steam-])ump. The kettles used for boiling are open urought-iron, such as are commonly used by roofers for melting tar, a wood fire being built under them in the usual way. The oil in tlie storage-tanks is kejil warm in cold weather by means of steam-])i[)es. rower-j)umps are used at most of the houses for handling and transferring the oils. The oils mixed are lubricaling-oils for cars and engines, cylinder-oil for locomotives, lantern-oil, marine-engine and \alve-oil for steamers. In the preparation of the car and engine-oils a so-called concentrated chemical solution is prepared only at the Norwood ])lant, which solution is distributed to the other houses, where it is mixed by agitation with a given amount of well- oil in tlie mixing-tanks. After this operation the mixed oil is pumped to storage tanks, barrelled and shipiied out on the road, as required. The plants have been in operation for several years. Oi/-i/iixini;-/ioiisc Design, Packcrtoii, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad. — The design for an oil-mixing house of the Lehigh X'aliey Railroad, shown in Figs. 224 to 229, jjrcpared by Mr. .S. French Collins Fig. 227.— Cross-sectio.n oi' Tanks, Fig. 228. — Ei.KVAJioN ok 1 anks. under the direction of Mr. John S. Lentz, Superintendent Car Department, L. V. R. R., was to have been carried out at Packerton, I'a., but was subse(piently abandoned, principally owing to the limited space available. The plans show a one-story brick structure, 80 ft. X 33 ft., roofed with galvanized corrugated iron, divided into two rooms on the ground-floor, with a basement at one end of the I04 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. building. The system to be used was similar to that employed at the Meadows Shops of the Penn- sylvania Railroad, described above. The plans contemplated using four mixing-tanks in the base- ment, into which the oil to be mixed was to be dumped from the main floor overhead or pumped from the receiving-tank in the basement. The mixing was to be done by paddles attaclied to shafting, operated by machinery, as shown on the plans. The oils arriving in Ijarrels were to be stored in the large room of the building, and oils arriving in tank-cars were to be stored in large receiving-tanks in the basement. Immediately over the mixing-tanks there were to be six storage-tanks, set on a Plan of Tanks. trestling raised 3 ft. above the main floor, which storage-tanks were to hold the mixed oils until drawn off for local use or put in barrels for shipment over the road. Oilmixing House at Perth Aiiihoy, N. /., Lehigh Valley Railroad. — The oil-mixing house of the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Perth Amboy, N. J., designed and built by the author, shown in Figs. 230 to 235, is a very extensive and complete plant for mixing and storing oils, which has been operated very successfully for a number of years. The process employed is that of mixing the oils by blowing air into the mixing-tanks. An exhaustive description of this plant, including a complete set of illustrations, and a very thorough account of the operation of the works, and the methods employed for testing the oils, prepared by Mr. C. P. Coleman, Chemist, L. V. R. R., was published in the issues of the Railroad Gazette of April 10, 17, and 24, 1891. The following description and illustrations are taken from above publication: The location of the oil-mixing works is at the coal and freight terminal of the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Perth Amboy, N. J., adjoining the creosoting works of the same company, the boilers at the creosoting works supplying steam to the oil-works. The general layout, as shown in Fig. 230, consists of the oil-mixing house proper, the tank-car discharging-house, and the storage-shed, located some distance away from the mixing-house. Two tracks run into the works, and ample yard space is provided for the storage of surplus stock, empty barrels, and sundry supplies. The crude oils or stock not requiring to be mixed, when received at the works in barrels, are stored in the storage-shed until shipped off or needed in the oil-mixing house. Oil arriving in tank- cars is discharged by gravity from the tank-car discharging-house into the large storage-tanks in the basement annex to the oil-mixing house. The oil-mixing house consists of a barrel-storage room, and a discharge and supply-room on an up]Jir level, with a basement annex consisting of three rooms, respectively, the mixing-room, the storage-tank room for crude stock, and the engine-room. The main working-room (the discharge and sujiply-room), on the upper level, serves for dumping the barrel crude stock and tallow into the mixing-tanks in the basement. It is also utilized to store the mixed oils in supply-tanks located along one side of the room, from which the mixed oils are drawn into barrels for shipment over the road. The storage-shed is a one-story frame structure, 100 ft. X 38 ft., divided into two rooms — the one for storage of oils in barrels, and the other for storage of waste in bales. A loading piatform runs along a track on one side of the house, and barrel skids along the platform facilitate the transfer of barrels between the storage-shed and the oil-mixing house. The floor of the shed consists of ])lank on mud-sills. The building is sheathed and roofed with galvanized corrugated iron on a wooden frame. The roof-trusses are spaced 10 ft. centres. The height from floor to truss is 12 ft. in clear. This building is described more fully in the chapter on oil-storage houses, and illustrated in Fig. 189. OIL-MIXING HOUSES. 105 The tank-cai- (lischaTging-liousc is a oiif-story frame slicil, 20 ft. X 45 ft., sheathed and roofed with galvanized corrugated iron. This house serves in winter to heat heavy or congealed oils arriv- ing in tank-cars till the oil gains the projjer fiuidity so as to be discharged into the storage-tanks in the adjoining basement. The cars are run into llie house, the doors closed, and steam turned into steam-coils along the walls of the building. This building obviates the objectionable features of inserting a steam-pipe into tiie tank-cars, and discharging live steam into the congealed oil, and it offers a less cumbersome method than the system of placing horseshye-shaped steam-coils over the tank-cars. The oil-mixing, shown in all the illustrations, consists of a one-story brick building, 38 ft. X 71 ft. 6 in., on stone foundations, with double-pitc'hed iron roof covered with galvanized corru- gated iron, divided by a brick partition-wall into the barrel-storage room, 35 ft. 6 in. X 38 ft. 6 in. in the clear, and the discharge and sup[)ly-room, 35 ft. 6 in. X 38 ft. 6 in. in the clear. The basement annex is a brick and stone structure, roofed with a flat roof, covered with a layer of ( emenl, tar, and gravel, on 4-in. flat brick arches sprung between 6-in. I-beams, spaced 3 ft. centres, and spanning 11 ft., supported at their ends on the walls and on a 12-in. I-beam on 8-in. cast-iron columns. The base- ment has three rooms, respectively, the mi.xing-room, 12 ft. 6 in. X 32 ft. in the clear; the storage- tank room for crude stock, 22 ft. X 35 ft. in the clear; and the engine-rjom, 6 ft. X 24 ft. in the clear, I'he clear iieight of the upper rooms is 12 ft. 6 in.; the clear height of the basement varies from 8 ft. at the low end to 12 ft. at the high end. The engine-room is connected with the supply and dis- charge-room by stone steps, walled over with brick, and provided with iron doors at lop and bottom. The upper floor is 12 ft. 6 in. higher than the floor in the basement, and 4 ft. abo\e the track that runs along the 8-ft. loading platform on one side of the house. All the brick walls in tlie building are 13 in. thick, to aft'ord greater stability and safety to the structure in case of fire. The iron roof- trusses over tlie main building, spanning 37 ft. between centres of walls, are spaced 10 ft. centres. They are pin-connected, and built of angle-iron principal rafters, star-iron struts, round-iron tie-rods- and angle-iron jiurlins, spaced 5 ft. 6 in., and covered with No. 20 gauge galvanized corrugated iron fastened to the purlins with flat hoop-iron l)and.= . The door and door-frames throughout the house are wrouglu-iron, and the door-sills are cast-iroii. All window frames and sash, including tlie muUions, are cast-iron. All windows are provided with wrought-iron shutters. All sashes are fi.ved througiiout the house, but there are two lights in eacli window hung in a cast-iron [livoting sash set in between the cast-iron mullions of the main sash. In addition to these openings in the sash, ven- tilators are provided, as shown on the plans. The sash in the mi.xing-room and storage-tank room' are bolted into tlu- window-frames in such a way as to be readily removed to allow tanks to be taken through the window ojienings in case of repairs or renewals being required. The floor of the loading platform and of the barrel-storage room is made of stone slabs, the floor of the discharge and su])ply- room of brick laid flat, and the floor in the basement of cement dished toward suitable sink-holes connecting with drain-pipes. 'I'liere are seven supply-tanks 4 ft. in diameter, by 7 ft. high, for the storage of mixed oils, placed on a raised platform on one side of the discharge and su]iply room. The jilatform is built of 6-in. I-beams on brick piers. The tanks are built of i-in. iron, and covered on top, and have fauipes leading from the pumps to the mixing-tanks and to the sup])Iy- tanks, and the suction-pijies leading from the mixing-tanks to the jninqis, is doidile, so as to enable the light-colored oils to be kept separate from the dark-colored oils, the one line being used ex- clusively for one class of oils and the other line for the other class. Except in cases of breakdowns, the rotary pum]i is used exclusively for light-colored oils and the regular oil-pum]i for dark or heavy oils, which, when slightly congealed, reijuire considerable power to force them through the pipes. The pipes are all inclined as much as ])Ossible, so as to allow them to free themselves liy gravity when pumping is stopped. At all low dead-ends drain-cocks are jjrovided, and any oil left in the pipes after ])umping is drained off into buckets before another grade of oil is pumped through the same pipe. In this manner the adulteration of one grade of oil by coming in contact in the pipes or pumps with remnants of another grade of oil is reduced to the least possible limit. The suction-pipe and the delivery-pipe between the storage-tanks in the basement and the jjumps are single, as only dark oils pass through them. The blow-pipes are \\ in. in diameter, and the oil-iiipes are 2 in. in diameter. The heating of the house and of the mixing-tanks is done by sujierheated steam, supplied from the superheater at the adjacent creosoting works. As shown in Fig. 235, there are steam-coils in the Oll.-MIXIAG no USES. 107 discharge and svipply-rooin back of tlie su|>iil)-laiiks, tlic number being larger back of the tanks for heavy oils than for light oils. 'I'here are also coils along the wall next to the (lunii)ing-troughs and on the jjartition next to the storage-room ; as barrels prior to being dumped are brouglit in from the storage-room and placed along this [)artition the oil is thus rendered lliiiil enough to discharge easily. The temperature of tlie discharge and supjjlj-room is generally ke])t at about 70 degrees Fahr. In the barrel-storage room the temperature is maintained at about 70 degrees Fahr. by means of coils hung Plf^3 TV C/tlOSOTWC WM/fS Fig. 230 Gkneral Plan. r^, Fig. 231. — Front Elevation, Fig. 232. — End Ele\'ation. from the trusses overhead, and Iiy a set of coils along the partition next to the discharge and supply- room, the aim being to gradually heat the oils as they are transferred from the general stock in the storage-room till ready to discharge into the dumping-troughs. The general temperature of the oil- mixing room does not require to be over 70 degrees Fahr., but it is usually 1 10 degrees when working, due to the large amount of heat thrown off by the steam-jackets around the mixing-tanks. The tank- storage room in the basement is heated by a set of coils hung from the roof over the tanks, the tem- perature being kept at about 70 degrees Fahr. The pipes of the steam-coils are i^ in. in diameter. The house is lighted throughout by incandescent lights supplied from the electric-light plant of the railroad company at the Perth Amboy terminal. The provisions for protection against fire, as shown in Fig. 235, are jiarticularly noteworthy in loS BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. ---^ . n 1 -| ^ nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn J u u U L JUUUUUUUUUL J L - J u u u u u u OIL-MJXING HO USES. 109 5m55lliE^ < H ft. X 24 //., Circular U^ater-tank, IVabash, St. Louis &" Pacific Railway. — The standard, 16 ft. X 24 ft., circular water-tank of the ^Vabash, St. Louis & Pacific Railway, designed by Mr. Charles Hansel, Resident Engineer, and Mr. J. E. Wallace, Superintendent, B. & B., is in its general features similar to the design shown in Fig. 246. The tub is 15 ft. 5 inches deep in the clear, 23 ft. 6 in. inside diameter at the top and 24 ft. inside diameter at the bottom, and has a capacity of 48,500 gallons. The sides of the tub are formed of clear white-pine staves, 3 in. thick, surfaced on two sides, 16 ft. long and not exceeding 6 in. in width. The floor is made of the same kind of material as the sides. There are twelve wrought-iron hoops, each made in three sections, clamped and bolted as usual. Starting from the top downwards, there are, two hoops 3 in. X yV i"-> four hoops 4 in. X -^-^ in., three hoops 5 in. X -,V •"•> -^"d three hoops 5 in. X \ in., varying in spacing from 22 in. centres at the top of the tub to 10 in. centres at the bottom of the tub. The roof is circular, with a pitch of 7 in. in one foot, with sixteen rafters, 2 in. X 6 in., and five sets of nailers, 2 in. X 6 in., between the rafters. The roof is covered with J-in. narrow flooring, and has a man-hole, 18 in. X 26 in. The floor of the tub is supported by a false floor of plank, 2 in. X 12 in., resting on 6-in. X 12-in. floor-joists, spaced 2 ft. centres, which in turn rest on five trestle-bents placed parallel with the track, and spaced 5 ft. centres. The caps and sills of the bents are 10 in. X 10 in.; the posts are 10 in. X 10 in., set about every 5 ft. in each bent, making twenty-one posts in all. The bents are braced from bent to bent on each side of posts with 6-in. X 8-in. X-braces, and the bents are prevented from spreading by 4-in. tie-rods, tying the outside bents together. The foundations of the trestle-bents are small masonry piers. I20 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. The sui)ply-pi])e is 4 in. in diameter and enters the tub through the floor, and is enclosed between the ground and the bottom of the tank by a 5-ft. box. The discharge-pipe is 7 in. in diameter and connected with an ordinary lid-valve on the bottom of the tub, which valve is kept closed by the weight of the water, but opened automatically from the outside as the spout is drawn down. As soon as' the spout is released a counterweight draws the pipe up out of the way of the trains, and at the same time the valve closes the entrance into the discharge-pipe. The top of the floor of the tank is set 12 ft. above the top of rail, and the centre of the tank is spaced 21 ft. from the centre of the track, using an 8-ft. 6-in. drop-pipe. The roof is painted with a mixture of mineral paint and boiled linseed-oil, and all finished work is painted with three coats of approved color. A ball-float is provided and connected with a gauge on the outside of the tank to indicate the height of the water in the tank. The bill of material for this tank and trestle foundations is made up of the following items, namely : lo-in. X lo-in. sills; lo-in. X lo-in. posts; lo-in. X lo-in. caps; 6-in. X 12-in. joists; 2-in. X i2-in. rough boards for false floor; 2-in. X 12-in., clear, white-pine boards for tank floor; 3-in. X 6-in. X i6-ft. staves; 2-in. X 6 in. rafters; 2-in. X 6-in. ribljons; -J-in. narrow flooring for roof; mouldings and facia for cornice; braces, 6 in. X 8 in.; finial and finial brackets; i-in. tie-rods for trestle-bents. Also the following material: washers, bolts, spikes, wrought-iron hoops, hoop-clamps, valve-rod lever, fulcrum, goose-neck, drop-pipe, Batavia valve, cut-off valve, float-ball for gauge, pulleys for drop- pipe, chain for drop-pipe, counterweights, gauge-weight, gauge-slide, rough i-in. boards for box around supply-pipe, with door and fixtures complete for same. Standard, i(> ft. X 24 /A, Circular Water-tank, Cincinnati Southern Railway. — The standard, 16 ft. X 24 ft., circular water-tank of the Cincinnati Southern Railway and associated roads, with a capacity of 50,000 gallons, is built in general as per the plan shown in Fig. 246. The tub is 15 ft. deep in the clear, and 22 ft. 3 in. inside diameter at the top and 23 ft. inside diameter at the bottom. The centre of the tank is set 21 ft. 5 in. from the centre of the track, using an 8-ft. 5-in. drop-pipe. The sides of the tub are built of 3-in. staves and the floor of 2-in. plank. The tub is bound by twelve wrought-iron hoops. The floor is supported by 3-in. X S?.-in. joists, set 15 in. centres. The joists are supported in turn by 3-in. X 12-in. floor beams, spaced 16 in. centres. The floor-beams rest on four trestle-bents, placed parallel with the track and spaced 7 ft. centres. The outside trestle-bents have two posts, the inside bents have each four posts. The posts, caps, and sills of the bents are 12 in. X 12 in. The middle bents are braced by 4-in. X 6-in. X-bracing and tied together with i-in. tie- rods. The roof is a regular circular roof with two thicknesses of i-in. boards, with building-paper laid between them, resting on circular frames and covered with shingles. Tlie supply-pipe enters at the bottom of the tank, and is protected between the tank and the ground by a frost-proof box about 7 ft. square, sheathed on the inside and outside with i-in. boards, leaving a 6-in. air-space. The discharge-pipe is 7 in. in diameter, and the entrance to it on the floor of the tub is closed with a lid-valve operated from the outside of the tank by a lever-arm and rope attached to it. The rope is drawn down by the engineman, and kept down as long as he wishes water to flow through the drop-pipe. The latter is counterweighted, and pulled down by hand prior to opening the valve. After the desired amount of water is taken the engineman lets go the rope at- tached to the valve-lever and then pushes the drop-pipe up to its original position. The foundations of the trestles are either stone piers or timber. The specification for water-stations and water-tanks on the Cincinnati Southern Railway will be found embodied in the General Specifications for the construction of the Cincinnati Southern Railway, printed in the Appendix at the back of this book. Standard, 14 ft. X 22//., Circular Water-tank, Pennsylvania Railroad. — The standard, 14 ft. X 22 ft., circular frost-proof water-tank of the Pennsylvania Railroad, shown in Figs. 250 to 258, with a ca- pacity of 35,040 gallons, is 13 ft. deep in the clear, and 22 ft. inside diameter at the bottom and 20 ft. ID in. inside diameter at the top. The sides are built of 3-in. staves, and the floor is built of 3-in. plank. The tub is bound by ten wrought-iron lioops, 4 in. X -/„ in. at the top of the tub and 5 in. X -j^-g- in. at the bottom, spaced 30 in. centres at the top and diminishing to a spacing of 8 in. centres at the bottom. The floor of the tub rests on 3-in. X 5-in. joists, spaced about 18 in. centres, resting on 5- in. X 12-in. floor-beams, spaced 18 in. centres, which in turn are supported by four trestle-bents placed WATEJi STATIONS. 121 parallel with ihe track and spaced 6 in. centres. Between tlie caps of the trestle-bents and the floor-beams there is a i-in. Ilnor, with a layer of buikling-paper inserted, whiih forms, together with tlie bottom of the tub, an air-space underneath the lank. The caps of llie trestles are 12 in. X 16 in., Fio. 252.— Grounu-pla.n Of Floor Framinc y^,"-^ Pi Fig. 251. — Elevation. Z ^ i" ^ Mt ;*»*" 1 li ^ \ =^ 1/ Fig. 253. — Ground-i'lan of Roof Framinc n Fig. 257.— SEcnOiN of PirE-i-ROTECTiOiN Bo.\. Fig. 255. — Elevatkjn of Water- gauge Staff. Fig. 254. — Details Fig. 256. — Section of Water-gauge Staff, of Tank. Fig. 258. — Detail of Hoop-joint. the posts are 12 in. X 12 in., the outside bents having each two posts, the inside bents each four, and the bents being prevented from spreading by i-in. tie-rods, liy 6-in. X S-in. X-bracing, and by 4-in. X 6-in. horizontal struts near the ground level. BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. The roof is circular, witli 3-in. X 6-in. rafters and 3-in. X 8-in. tie-beams, sheathed on top of the rafters and below the tie-beams witli i-in. boards. Building-paper is inserted al)ove the sheathing under the tie-beams. Thus the tank has on the top and on the bottom a double sheathing, forming air-spaces, which prevent the water from freezing. The supply-pipes and overflow-pipes enter the tub through the bottom and are inclosed in an 8-ft. box between the bottom of the tank and the ground, whicli i)o.\ is sheathed on the inside and outside with a layer of building-paper and i-in. boards. The sui)ply-pij)e is closed with a Ludlow valve. An 18-in. copper ball-float is connected with a marker on the outside of the tank to indicate the height of the water. The height of the tank above the track is \ aried according to local circumstances. Standard, \\ft. X i.?> ft-, Circular Water-tank, Pennsylvania Railroad. — The standard, 14 ft. X 18 ft., circular frost-proof water-tank of the Pennsylvania Railroad, with a capacity of 23,628 gallons, is built almost similar to the one of a larger capacity just described. It is 13 ft. deep in the clear on the inside, and 18 ft. outside diameter at the bottom and 16 ft. 10 in. outside diameter at tlie toi). All the details and sizes of lumber used are the same as for the larger standard. Standard, \'~,ft. X id ft., Circular Water-tank, Savannah, Fhirida &-" Western Railway. — The stand- ard circular water-tank of the Savannah, Florida & Western Railway, and also of the Charleston & Sa- vannah Railway, designed by Mr. W. B. W. Howe, Jr., Chief Engineer, sliown in Figs. 259 and 260, is 15 Fig. 260. — Elevation. Fig. 159. — CROss-sEcrioN. ft. deep in the clear, 16 ft. i in. outside diameter at the bottom, and 15 ft. outside diameter at the top. The bottom of the floor of the tank is set 8 ft. 6 in. above the toji of rail, and the centre of the tank is I J :i TF.K S TA TIONS. 123 set about ly ft. from tin- rentrf of tlic track. The sides of the tub are made of 3-in. staves, aiul the bottom is made of 3-in. phink. The roof is octagonal, covered with i-in. tongiied and grooved boards on 2-in. X 6-in. rafters, and with rl-in, X 9-in. facia boards. The roof has a man-hole, 16 in. X 20 in. in the clear. The tub is su|)ported on a solid 4-in. plank floor, 16 ft. X 16 ft., which rests on 3-in. X 12-in. floor- joists, spaced 15 in. centres. The floor-joists are supported by three trestle-bents, placed perpendicu- lar to the track, and spaced 5 ft. 10 in. centres. Each trestle-bent has three posts, 10 in. X 10 in., and the sills and caps are 10 in. X 10 in. The bents are braced by 8-in. X 8-in. braces. The foundations of the bents are three 12-in. X 12-in. mud-sills. The inlet-pipe enters the tank from the outside at the .top. The outlet-pipe is ta]iped into the side of the tank just above the floor, and is closed automatically by a weight. As soon as the gal van - ized-iron delivery-spout is drawn down by the train hands and the back end of the spout strikes the socket of the discharge-pi])e, the valve is opened, thus allowing the water to run freely. The method of tapping the discharge-pi[)e into the side of the tub above the floor will enable clearer water to be delivered, as mud and sediments collecting on the floor of the tank cannot be flushed into the pipe. The gauge for marking the height of water in the tub is a ring fitting around an upright pole, like a flagstaff, on top of the roof. The ring or circular disk moves up and down this [lole according to the lieight of the galvanized-iron float inside the tank, thus allowing trainmen to see from quite a distance iiow much water is in the tank, without having to wait until they get up to and opposite the tank. Standard, \(> ft. X 2^ ft., Circular Water-tank, Chicago, St. Paul &= Kansas City Railway. — The standard, 16 ft. X 24 ft., circular water-tank of the Chicago, St. Paul & Kansas City Railway, shown in Fig. 261, is 15 ft. 9 in. deep in the clear, 24 ft. outside diameter at the bottom, antl 23 ft. 3 in. out- side diameter at the top. The bottom of the floor is set 12 ft. 9 in. above the to]) of rail, and the centre of the tank is located 21 ft. 9 in. from the centre of the track. The tub is built of 3-in. staves and 3-in. fioor- planks. It is bound by 12 wrought-iron hoops, 3I in. wide at the top and increasing to 6 in. in width at the bottom, spaced 24 in. centres at the to]) and running down to a spacing of 9-in. centres at the bottom. The roof is a regular circular roof made of two layers of i-in. boards, resting on circular frames. The tub rests on 3-in. by 6-in. floor-joists, spaced 15 in. centres, which rest on 3-in. by 12-in. floor-beams, spaced 15 in. centres. In the stand- ard plan the floor-beams are supported by four pile trestle-bents placed parallel with the track and spaced 6 ft. 10 in. centres, with two piles in each outside bent and four jjiles in each inside bent. The caps of the bents are 12 in. X 12 in., the brace- plank in both directions 3 in. X 10 in., bolted to the piles. The inlet-pipe and the overflo\v-])ipe enter the tank through the bottom and are enclosed from the ground u]) to the bottom of the tank in a 5-ft. double-sheathed box. The discharge- pipe leaves the tank at the floor near the centre of the tank and runs underneath the floor to the outside of the tank, where it discharges into a galvanized-iron goose-neck or delivery -spout. The discharge-pipe at the bottom of the tank near the centre of the floor is closed by an ordinary lid-valve operated by levers and a rope over pulleys from the outside of the tank. The delivery-spout is counterweighted, and has to be drawn down by the trainmen. As a rule, water-tanks on this road are supplied with water from wells, worked by windmills, placed as near the tank as possible. Fig. 261. — Cross-section. 124 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. Standaid, 16 ft. X 24//., Circular Water-tank, Atchison, Topeka &= Santa Fe Railroad. — The standard, 16 ft. X 24 ft., circular water-tank of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa P"e Railroad is 15 ft. 6 in. deep in the clear, 24 ft. outside diameter at the bottom, and 23 ft. 2\ in. outside diameter at the top, and corresponds in general to the design shown in Fig. 246. The top of the floor is 12 ft. 2 in. above the top of rail, the centre of the discharge-pipe at the back end of the goose-neck is set 10 ft. S in. above the top of rail. The centre of the tank is located 23 ft. 6 in. from the centre of the track. The tub is built of 3-in. staves, 3-in. floor-planks, and is bound by fourteen wrought-iron hoops, 4 in. X 1'^ in. in size, spaced 43 in. centres at the top and diminishing to 7 in. centres at the bottom of the tank. The roof is a regular circular roof, with 2-in. X 6-in. rafters, tie-beams and nailers, and covered by i-in. boards and shingles. The floor of the tub is supported by 4-in. X 6-in. floor-joists, spaced about 24 in. centres, and 5-in. X 1 2-in. floor-beams, spaced 24 in. centres. Between tiie floor-jcjists and the floor-beams there is a floor of i-in. plank, forming an air-space in connection with the tank floor. The floor-beams are supported by five trestle-bents placed parallel to the track, and spaced 5 ft. 2 in. centres. The caps of the bents are 10 in. X 14 in., and the posts 10 in. X 10 in., resting on stone piers without any sills. There are twenty-one posts and piers, the inside nine ofj which are thoroughly braced together by 6-in. X 6-in. X-braces and i-in. tie-rods. The discharge-pipe leaves the tank near the centre of the floor, and is closed by a lid-valve worked from the outside of the house liy appropriate levers, pulleys, and ropes. The discharge-pipe runs under the floor to the face of the tank, and connects there with a galvanized-iron 9-in. goose- neck or delivery-spout. The tank is provided with a float and marker similar to the other tanks described. Standard, xd ft. X id ft., Circular Water-tank, Northern Pacific Railroad. — The standard, 16 ft. X 16 ft., circular water-tank of the Northern Pacific Railroad, designed by Mr. C. B. Talbot, similar to the water-tank shown in Fig. 262, has a capacity of 21,000 gallons, and is 15 ft. 2 in. deep in the clear, 16 ft. inside diameter at the bottom, and 15 ft. 4 in. inside diameter at the toji. The floor of the tank is set about ir ft. 6 in. above the top of the rail. The top of the delivery-spout at the back end is set 10 ft. 7 in. above the top of rail, and the centre of the tank is located 17 ft. 9 in. from the centre of the track, using a 9-ft. 2-in. spout. The tub is built of s^^-in. staves and floor-plank, and is bound with twelve wrought-iron hoops. The roof is circular, with 2-in. X 6-in. tie-beams and 2-in. X 4-in. rafters, covered with boards and shingles. The bottom of the tie-beams is sheathed with i -in. plank, forming with the roof-sheath- ing an air-space on top of the tank, which, with the air-sjiace at the bottom of the tank, as described below, renders the tank frost-proof. The floor of the tank rests on 2-in. X 6-in. floor-joists, spaced 8 in centres, placed parallel with the track and resting on 3-in. X 12-in. floor-beams, spaced 15 in. centres, and placed perpendicular to the track. Between the floor- joists and floor-beams there are i-in. boards, tlius forming an air-space with the tank floor. The floor-beams are supported by four bents placed parallel with the track and spaced 4 ft. 8 in. centres. The outside bents have each two posts and the inside bents each four posts. The caps of the bents are 12 in. X 12 in., the posts 12 in. X 12 in., the sills 12 in. X 16 in. The bents are appropriately braced with struts and tied together with rods. The pipes entering the tank through the floor are inclosed between the ground and the floor of the tank in a ])ipe-chamber, a notable feature of the design being the care taken to protect this chamber from the cold. The chamber is 3 ft. 6 in. square inside, and is surrounded l)y four different walls of i-in. plank, one out- side of the other, forming thus from the outside in first a space of 18 in. filled with sawdust, then a 24-in. air-space, and lastly a 12-in. space filled with sawdust. The discharge-pipe leaves the tank near the centre of the floor, and is closed by a lid-valve oper- ated from the outside by appropriate fixtures; it runs under the floor between the floor beams to the face of the tank, where it connects to a counterweighted goose-neck. Standard, 16 //. X 24 //., Circular Water-tank, Northern Pacific Railroad. — The i6-ft. X 24-ft. circular water-tank of the Northern Pacific Railroad at Heron, Mt., designed by Mr. C. B. Talbot, sim- ilar to the water-tank shown in Fig. 262, has a capacity of 49,000 gallons, and in most of its details and arrangements is almost identical with the i6-ft. X i6-ft. tank previously described. The IVATER STATIONS. 125 outside staves and the floor are made of 3i'^o"'"- p'^^'ik, tlie floor-joists are 2 in. X 8 in., and the floor- beams are 4 in. X 14 in. The caps of tlie bents are 12 in. X 15 in. The distinctive feature of this design is the automatic arrangement for opening and closing the valve in the supply-pipe. This is done by means of a 14-in. cedar float on one end of a lever, the other end of which is connected by a Fit;. 262. — Ei.iiVAiioN AND Ckoss-section. ])ipe-ro(l with tlio valve-stem of a Chapnian valve in the suiijjly-pipe liulow the ground under the tank. ///-// Watt-r-taiik, N'orthi-ri, Pacific R,n7roci■ 3"i"- ^ 3"i"- >^ i"'"- chord-angles; the stiffen- ers are in all cases 2^-in. X 3-in. X f-in. angles. The 20-in. plate-girders connecting the columns have T\-in. webs, 3-in. X 4-in. X VV-in. chord-angles, 3-in. X 3J-in. X f-ia. stifi"eners, and |-in. rivets. The columns are 9 ft. long, and each is comiiosed of two 12-in. wrought-iron channels, with 2j-in. X 4-in. lattice-bars, i-in. top and bottom plates, and 2-in. rivets. The bed-plates are 22 in. square. The stone foundation-wall is 28 in. wide on top, with appropriate footings at its bed, and is built in the WATEE STATIONS. 127 shape of a hexagon, special lar-e pedestal stones being set at the corners under the rolumns. On two sides of the hexagon 2-ft. openings are left in the foundation-wall, several feet below the surface, to admit the necessary pipes to the pipe-chamber in which the pipes ascend to the tank. '1 his pipe- is protected in the usual way by a frost-proof box. The floor of the tank is set about 14 ft. 9 in. above the top of rail., iC ft. X 30//., Cinuhir Water-tank, Lr/ii-h Valley RailnHiJ.— VW standard, 16 ft. X 30 ft., circular water-tank of the l.ehigh Valley Railroad, shown in Figs. 265 and 266, designed by FlC. 2''i5. — F.I.F.VATION AMI Cr»• II i 1-a. I \ I Fig. 267.— Front Elevation. rnrmf Fig. 268. — Cross-section. each sill; floor-beams at bents, 6 in. X 10 in.; intermediate floor-beams, 3 in. X 10 in.; intermediate studs, 3 in. X 8 in.; plates, 3 pieces, 2 in. X 8 in.; rafters, 2 in. X 8 in., spaced 3 ft.; purlins, 2 in. X 8 in., laid flat; roof-boards, i in., with i-in. X 3-in. battens; inside sheathing, 2-in. boards, for 7 ft. up from the ground; outside sheathing, i-in. vertical boards, with liattens. Derrick Coal-house, Northern Pacific Railroad. — The Northern Pacific Railroad has a standard derrick coal-house, shown in Figs. 269 to 272, designed by Mr. C. B. Talbot, that is an excellent example of a first-class plan for the stationary crane-and-bucket system of coaling engines. The plan Fig. 269. — Front Elevation. Fig. 270.— Cross-section. consists of a low shed, 18 ft. wide and 250 ft. long, with a derrick-house, 18 ft. X 28 ft., at the centre. Along the face of the shed is the coaling track, on which engines stand opposite the derrick-house when receiving coal, while on the rear of the shed is an elevated coal-supply track, raised 6 ft. from the ground, to facilitate shovelling coal from cars into the house. This raised track lias an inclined trestle approach on a grade of 3.5 ft. rise per 100 ft. There is a narrow-gauge track along one side of the shed on which tipping-bucket cars run. These are filled from the storage-pile, pushed to the derrick-house, raised there by the derrick through trap-doors to the upper floor, and placed around the derrick till needed, when they are swung out over the tenders and discharged. The height of the shed is 10 ft. 9 in. in the clear from floor to tie-beam ; tlie principal timbers in the shed are sills, 8 in. X 10 in.; posts, 6 in. X 8 in., spaced 6 ft. apart; tie-beams, 2 pieces, 3 in. X 10 in.; rafters, 2 pieces, 3 in. X 12 in., spaced 6 ft. apart; purlins, 3 in. X 8 in., spaced 18 in., and spanning 6 ft.; roofing 3-ply roofing-paper, pitch and gravel, on two layers of i -in. boards; inside sheathing of shed, 3-in. plank; floor-joists, 4 in. X 6 in., spaced 2 ft., and sjianning 18 feet. The COALIXG STATIOXS FOR LOCOMOTIVES. 143 derrick-house is partially open towards the track, and the derrick is built and set, as shown on plans. The principal timbers in the derrick-house are sills, 8 in. X 10 in.; posts, 10 in. X 10 in.; tie-beams, 8 in. X 10 in.; rafters, 8 in. X 10 in.; purlins, 3 in. X 10 in.; roofing same as shed; outside sheathing, " V " Rustic. This design allows of the use of either one shed only on one side of the supply track, or of sheds placed on both sides of same, with an additional coaling track on the rear. Fig. 271. — Ground-plan. atJB S33' t gr>el Fig. 272.— General-plan. Stationary Crane-and-Buckct System, Des Moines Ss' Fort Dodge Jiaiiway.— The Master Mechanics' Association's report, quoted above, states that on the Des Moines & Fort Dodge Railway two men handle 25 tons per day with one-half ton buckets and a stationary swing-jib crane, at a cost of 15 cents per ton. Each man, therefore, shovels into the buckets, and then lifts by crane and dis- charges into the tender i2i tons per day, the daily wages being $1.87^. Stationary Crane-and-Buckct System, New York, Chicago &= St. Louis Raii7oay. — The Master Mechanics' Association's report, quoted above, states that on the New York, Chicago & St. Louis Railway the results from two different coaling stations using the stationary crane-and-bucket system show the cost to be 7^ cents per ton, the rate of pay being i2i cents per hour, and the rate of delivery 55 tons per day, one man shovelling and then lifting by crane 18 tons as a day's work. Travelling Crane for Coaling-engines at Columbus, O., Pittsburg, Cincinnati ■^ St. Louis Faihcay. — On the Pittsburg, Cincinnati & St. Louis Railway a travelling-crane or traversing crab-crane for coaling engines lias been introduced at Columbus, O., by Mr. E. B. Wall, which was illustrated and described in the Railroad Gazette of .\pril i, 18S7. It comprises a self-contained steam crab-crane, on a trolley having longitudinal movement over the whole length uf an overhead travelling girder si)anning three 144 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. parallel coaling tracks, the girder having motion on rails carried on trestles 25 or 30 ft. high, one on each side of the coaling tracks. The coal shipped from the mine in ordinary cars is shovelled into 2j-ton iron buckets at ground lev^l, and the crane lifts one of the filled buckets and moves it over the tender, when the latch securing the hinged bottom is released, and the contained fuel falls into the tender. Relative to this system the Master Mechanics' Association's Report, mentioned above, quotes Mr. Wall as follows : " I do not think that this form of coal wharf is the best for all purposes. Coal can be loaded more cheaply where drop-bottom cars are used and the wharf arranged accordingly. At Columbus, however, we receive our coal in straight-bottom gondolas, box and stock cars. At certain periods of the year we have to carry a supply of coal on the wharf; at other periods the coal can be loaded direct from the cars into the buckets. In designing our wharf we had to consider these conditions. When the capacity of this wharf is taken into consideration with its first cost, I consider it a very satisfactory solution of the problem. The cost of the maintenance of the structure is very light, and it can easily be renewed at any time without interfering with the operation of the wharf. " The large timber constructions in general use are very expensive to maintain; they have to be renewed every six or seven years, and while with the drop-bottom cars they can be made to handle coal more cheaply per ton than the crane arrangement, nevertheless, when all items are taken into account, I think that the showing would be about even." The capacity and cost of operation at Columbus is stated as follows : Capacity of bucket, in pounds 5>°°° Average weight delivered, per engine, in pounds 7,000 Probable maximum capacity with fifty buckets and trestle at present length : Maximum number of buckets dumped per hour (tested) 20 Actual working hours (handling buckets) 21 Maximum number of buckets per month 12,600 Maximum number of tons per month 3i>5°° Allowing each bucket full of coal, also a loss of twenty minutes in time for each fifty buckets handled for the purpose of supplying crane boiler with fuel, water, etc., which equals about three hours in twenty-four. Then : Present delivery in tons per month 9,120 Present delivery in buckets per month S>i42 Cost of plant $7,700.00 Wages of (2) engineers per month, at eighteen cents per hour 129.60 Wages of (12) coal-heavers per month, at twelve cents per hour 5i8-4o Wages of (2) men dumping and signaling to craneman, per month, at twelve cents per hour. (These men are regular coal-heavers, and only do the work of signaling when the fore- man is busy checking up the time or taking numbers of cars. One is employed at night and one in the day-time) 86.40 Foreman of wharf (i) per month, at thirteen cents per hour 46.80 Fuel, oil, waste, water, etc., per month 12.50 Repairs to apparatus, per month 5°° Interest on investment, per month, at 6 per cent per annum 38-5° Total operating expenses, per month . $837.20 Cost of coaling, per ton, in cents • 9- ' Cost of coaling, per engine, in cents \ .. .... j^-SS Not taking interest on plant into consideration, per ton, in cents 8.7 Probable cost jjer ton, at maximum capacity, in cents 6.8 Average length of time for coaling an engine o min. COALING STATIONS FOR LOCOMOTIVES. 145 The report mentionccl states further: "It is possible tliat Mr. Wall's original plan miglit be improved by the use of a 'Gantry or Goliath Crane,' as used in Europe, described and illustrated in Mr. G. J. Apjileby's paper on cranes, read before the American Society of Civil Engineers, October 17, 1SS3. (See Proceedings, p. 374.) This dispenses with the trestle, as the whole crane with its long vertical legs traverses on tracks at ground level. The first cost of the crane would be increased, and there would be an increase in the power recjuired to move it, but the system and storage could at a few hours' notice be indefinitely extended at the slight cost of increasing the lengtli of the tracks." For additional data see the report of the Master Mechanics' Association mentioned, tlie issue of the Railroad Gazette of April i, 1887, and the issue of Engineering N'ezvs of September 24, 1887. Coaling Platform at Jersey City, N. /., Lehigh Valley Railroad. — The coaling platform of the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Jersey City, N. J., shown in Fig. 273, will serve as an example of a small temporary and cheap coaling ])latform, the coal being delivered to the platform by shovelling from cars on the coaling track at tlie face of the ])latform, and delivery to tenders being made by shovelling directly from the platform into the tenders. The jilatform at Jersey City is 16 ft. wide and go ft. long, and will hold about 225 tons of coal. The floor is placed 6 ft. X in. above the coaling track, and the face is placed 6 ft. 6 in. in the 273.— Cross- '^ . SECTION. clear from the centre of the coaling track. The cost of shovelling coal from the cars to the platform, with a daily output of about forty-five tons, is about seven to nine cents per ton, the rate i)aid for labor being twelve cents ])er hour. Tiie coal is loaded into the tender by the engine crews between runs, and does not therefore appear as a separate charge, but costs presumably slightly less than unloading from cars, so that the total cost of unloading to [jlatform and then load- ing tender will be from thirteen to fifteen cents per ton. The principal timbers used are as follows : bents perjjendicular to coaling track are spaced 9 ft. centres; sills, 12 in. X 12 in.; posts, 12 in. X 12 in.; caps, parallel with track, 12 in. X 12 in.; floor- plank, 3 in.; brace-plank, 3 in. X 10 in. Coaling Platform at Lehighton, Pa., Lehigh Vallev Railroad. — The coaling platform of the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Lehighton, Pa., shown in Figs. 274 and 275, designed and built by the author, illus- trates the system of delivering coal to engines from a platform by means of movable hand trucks or barrows over fixed revolving aprons along the face of the platform, the coal supply being dumped on the rear of tiie platform from a low dumping trestle. The approach to the dumping track is on an embankment on a gradient of 4 ft. rise in 100 ft. horizontal. The platform, 50 ft. wide by 275 ft. long, is located along a hillside, and is mainly in original ground. 'I'he face of the jjlatform consists of a stone wall, \aried in its dimensions according to the amount of new filling back of it. The wall is coped with stone coping, 34 in. wide by 12 in. thick, with an 8-in. X 14 in. oak combing-stick an- chored to the masonry. Along the face of the combing, at distances of about 60 ft., light timber gallows frames are erected with a chain drum operated by hand for raising and lowering aprons hinged to the timber combing. Tiie floor of the platform consists of stone flagging. The centre of the dumping trestle is placed 30 ft. back from the face of the platform. The top of the floor of the platform is 11 ft. above the top of the rail of the coaling track; the top of the rail on the dumping trestle is 8 ft. above the floor of the platform. The face of the front wall at the height of the coaling track is placed 6 ft. i in. from the centre of the coaling track. The face of the wall has 4-in. batter. The face of the timber comb- ing is 6 ft. from the centre of the coaling track. The bents of the dumping trestle are spaced 12 ft. centres, and the principal timbers used are as follows : sills, 10 in. X 15 in.; posts, 12 in. X 12 in., i in 8 batter; caps, 10 in. X 15 in. X 12 ft.; track-stringers, one piece, 1 2 in. X 15 in., under each rail; 3-in. stay-plank on lop of caps to hold string- ers in place and prevent wear of caps in dumping coal; gang-plank on each side of trestle, 2 in. X 12 in. No ties are used, the rails being sjjiked to the stringers. The force employed at this coaling station consists in general (jf fwc men during the day and three men at night. The rate of wages is twelve cents per hour. There are from one hundred to 146 BUILDINGS ANH SI'RUCrU RES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. one luuidicd and iwcnty tiigines coaled every twenty-four hours, each engine taking from two to seven tons of coal. The barrows hold one ton, so that the number of barrows to dump is small. When rushed, seven tons of coal are dumped in six minutes, including lowering and raising the apron. According to the assumed daily output, the cost of delivery to tenders from the platform will be from two and one half to five cents per ton, to which must be added the cost of dumping from the trestle track into stock, and an extra allowance for interest on first cost and for the expense of maintenance, which latter item, however, is small, owing to the substantial character of the structure. On the basis of above data the cost would probably fluctuate from five to ten cents per ton. r [a cr^ is To Era "'^"KTtTUji a 1^ tfiEfes l_!' CJ" s::/ ^z} Kji ilj"C5''W uj't Fig. 274. — Front Elevation. >i)iiHiiwW<'glMwi|i .i W i ^ » a | Wuk».Hi;il /" ,y Fig. 275.— Cross-section. Coaling Platform at South Easton, I'a., Lehigh Valley Railroad.— "^h^ coaling platform of the Lehigh Valley Railroad at South Easton, Pa., consists of a shedded platform with a dumping trestle on the rear. Owing to limited yard space the height qf the dumping trestle is only 14 ft. 6 in. above the coaling track at the face of the platform. The approach trestle incline is only 198 ft. long, giving an 8 ft. in 100 ft. maximum gradient. The platform floor is placed about 8 ft. above the coaling track. The coal is discharged to tenders througli hand-barrows with long i^rojecting ends, as no aprons are used along the face of the platform. 'I'he incline is operated with a number of empties between the engine and the loaded cars. Coaling Platform, Chicago c^■ Grand Trunk Raihvay.—-Y\\^ coaling platform of the Chicago & Grand Trunk Railway, published in the Rei-ort of the Master Mechanics' Association, quoted above, republished in Engineering News of September 24, 1887, illustrates the system of locating fixed tip- ping dump-cars or pockets along the face of the platform, the coal being shovelled into the pockets from cars on a track immediateW back of the pockets. This system gives as quick dispatch in coal- ing engines as a high-chute system. Where quick delivery is required and space for a long incline is not available, this style of coaling platform oft"ers advantages. The cost of delivering coal to the pockets, however, especially if train service is considered, is quite an item, and storage of coal is not practicable. COALING STATIONS FOR LOCOMOTIVES. 147 Fig. 276. — Cross-section. Coaling Platform, St. Louis, Iron Mountain i5r» Southern Railway. — The coaling-platform design of the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Railway, shown in tig. 276, consists of a platform, 12 ft. 4in. above the top of rail, with a supply-track at the centre of the platform, level with the floor. The coal is shovelled from the road cars on this supply- track, either to the rear of the platform into store, or toward the face of the platform for immediate use. There are narrow-gauge tracks running j)er- pendicularly to the face of the platform, on which large wooden tipping coal-buggies run. The face of the buggy consists of an iron flap, whicli, when the buggy is tipped, serves as an apron. The tip- ping of the buggy is facilitated by having a gallows frame at the face of the platform, with the necessary chains, shafts, pulleys, etc. In the standard design the platform is 60 ft. wide, and 160 ft. long; the narrow-gauge tracks are spaced from 20 to 28 ft. ajjart, and the approach incline is 329 ft. long on a grade of 3.75 ft. in 100 ft. A light shed roof is built over the platform, so as to protect the coal from the weather. In the coaling platform of the same road at De Soto, Mo., the platform is narrower, and it has no shed over it. There is no storage space provided on the rear of the platform. Tiie coal-supply track runs immediately on the rear of the platform, and is sunk IjcIow the level of the platform, so that the floor of the car is about level with the floor of the platform. This design has the advantage that the approach incline is much shorter, but has the disadvantage that the storage capacity of the platform is limited. Coaling Platform with Tipping Trolley Dump-car, Connecticut River Railroad. — The Connecticut River Railroad uses coaling platforms with tipping trolley dump-cars, plans for which were published in the Report of the Master Mechanics' .\ssociation, quoted above, the cars running on tracks per- pendicular to the face of the platform. The coal is shovelled from the storage-pile on the rear of the platform into the dump-cars, which latter are then pushed to ilie face of the platform, tipped, and discharged. The cost is stated to be 14 cents per ton, with a daily delivery of 45 tons. The force employed is three laborers and one foreman, the former receiving 14! cents, the latter i8j cents per hour. One man's shovelling and trolleying capacity is therefore about 11 J tons per day. Coaling Platform with Tipping Trolley Dump ear. New York, Chicago ^ St. Louis Railroad. — On the New York, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad a similar system is in use to that described for the Con- necticut River Railroad. The dumps hold 6 tons each, and dip to an angle of 45 degrees. The cost of delivery is 8 cents per ton, delivering 74 tons per day. The rate of pay is 12I cents per hour. With four men employed each day, the capacity of each man is i8.i tons. Coaling Platform with Tipping Trolley Dump-cars, Northern Central Railroad. — Plans showing the details of the tipping trolley dump-cars used by the Northern Central Railroad on coaling platforms were published in the Report of the Master Mechanics' Association, quoted above. The platform is located along the main track, 32 ft. wide and about 200 ft. long. The floor is placed 10 ft. above the top of the rail of the main-line track. Coal is delivered to the platform by dumping from a trestle on the rear of the ])latform, which dumping track is on an average about 9 ft. above the platform, with a light grade of 0.75 ft. in 100 ft. to facilitate the movement of cars by hand. The approach trestling is 447 ft. long, with a gradient of t,\ ft. in 100 ft. On the platform, spaced every 25 ft. (in every other trestle-bent), there are a series of narrow-gauge tracks running at right angles to the face and extend- ing back the full depth of the platform. At a point 81 ft. from the centre of the main track is a stop which serves the double purpose of first stopping the car at a given point, and, secondly, of releasing the hook on the back end of truck, the sudden impact of the truck dumping the coal into the tender. The inside dimensions of the dump-cars are 10 ft. 8 in. long X 5 ft. 10 in. wide X i ft. 10 in. high, holding 3 tons. One end of the truck is open. The car can be operated by one man. The system is preferred at coaling stations along the main track on account of the speed with which engines can draw their coal supply. The average cost per ton for the winter months is stated to have been 4,6 cents, employing two men and delivering 57! tons every 24 hours. 'I'his gives an average of 23J tons coal handled jier man. 148 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. Coaling Platform at Altooiia, Pa., Poinsylvania Railroad. — Plans for the coaling platform of the Pennsylvania Railroad at Altoona, Pa., were published in the Railroad Gazette of September 15, 1882. The system in use consists of a coaling platform with tipping trolley dump-cars running on transverse tracks, connected by a longitudinal track with a transfer-table. The platform is about 90 ft. wide and placed 1 1 ft. above the coaling tracks, there being a coaling track along each face of the platform. Coal is delivered to the platform by shovelling from cars on a central supply-track near the centre of the platform, the track being placed at the same elevation as the floor of the platform. On one side of this central supply-track the platform is covered to serve for long storage, while on the other side it is uncovered, the coal on this side being intended for immediate use. The transfer-table, which runs in a pit, serves also as a weigh-scales. The trolley-cars are run on the table, weighed, transferred lengthwise and put off at any point desired along the face of the platform, where they remain till discharged. Coaling Platform at West Philadelphia, Pa., Pennsylvania Railroad. — The coaling platform at West Philadelphia, Pa., on the Pennsylvania Railroad, plans for which were published in the Railroad Gazette of September 15, 1882, consists of a coaling platform with an elevated dumping track near the rear of the platform, coal being delivered to engines by tipping trolley dump-cars running on transverse tracks connected by- a longitudinal track in a well with a transfer scale-table. The jilat- form is about 50 ft. wide and the floor is placed 11 ft. above the coaling track. The location is along a side hill so that the floor of the platform is practically on original ground. The dumping- track is 9 ft. above the floor, and its centre is located about 40 ft. from the face of the platform. A 6-ft. well is located 10 ft. back from the face for the narrow-gauge transfer and scale table to run in. Coaling Platform at East Tyrone, Pa., Pennsylvania Railroad. — The coaling platform of the Pennsylvania Railroad at East Tyrone, Pa., plans for which were published in the Railroad Gazette of September 15, 1882, is very similar to the coaling platform at West Philadelphia, on the line of the same road, excepting that at East Tyrone the entire structure is built on trestling, whereas at West Philadelphia the platform is cut into a side hill. The coaling platform is 46 ft. wide, and located II ft. above the coaling track along the face. The centre of the elevated dumping track is located 37 ft. from the face of the platform, and is 8 ft. above the floor of the platform. Nine feet from the face of the platform there is a well, 6 ft. in width, for the transfer-table to transfer the dump-cars up and down the platform. The trestle-bents are located 10 ft. centres, perpendicular to the coaling track, and rest on dry stone foundation-walls. The length of this platform is 200 ft., and the gradient on the incline leading up to the su])ply-track is 5 ft. in 100 ft. Elevated Coal-shed, Northern Paeifie Railroad. — The elevated coal-shed of the Northern Pacific Railroad, shown in Fig. 277, designed by Mr. C. B. Talbot, consists of a covered jilatform with a narrow-gauge track running lengthwise of the shed connecting by turn-tables with tracks running out over the coaling track on counterbalanced platforms or drawbridges, the coal being discharged into the tenders by small narrow-gauge tij)ping trolley dump- cars, which are loaded in the house from the storage- pile, turned on the turn-table, run out on the draw- bridge, and tipped. The coal is put into the shed through openings in the side sheathing by shovelling from cars on an elevated track along the back of the shed. The platform in the shed is 14 ft. wide, and the floor is placed about 12 ft. 6 in. abo\e the coaling track. The shed can be made any length desired; the standard plan shows it to be 240 ft. Ion", with a rated capacity of 500 tons. For this length of house there are two turn-tables and drawbridges for discharging to tenders. The elevated coal-supply track on the rear of the shed is placed 3 ft. 6 in. below the floor in the shed. The clear height of the shed above the floor is 8 ft. The centre of the coaling track is placed 6 ft. from the face of the building. Coal-chutes, Baltimore &' Ohio Railroad. — The coal-chutes of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, plans for which were ijublislied in the Railroad Gazette of September 15, 1882, consist of a system ^wiM Fig. 277. — Cross-section. COALING STATIONS FOR LOCOMOTIVES. J 49 of coal-pockets with an elevated diimjiing track. The trestling is about 42 ft. wide, there being a coaling track on each side, with pockets facing each track. The coal is delivered on an elevated supply-track at the middle of the trestle, about 33 ft. above the coaling tracks, whence the coal is dumped to a platform about 12 ft. lower, which is located at the elevation of the top of the pockets. Tlie coal when dumped runs partly into the pockets, and the balance is shovelled in l)y hand as required. The pockets are closed at the lower end in the usual way with a trap-door and a counterweighted apron. The pockets are about 10 ft. wide, and contain three tons of coal when filled completely. The bottom of the pocket is set 12 ft. above the coaling track. The cost of delivering 115 tons per day over a high-chute system on tlie Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, similar to that described above, is stated to be \-l^ cents per ton. Coal-chutes at Soutkport, N. Y., Neio York, Lake Erie <5f Western Railroad. — The coal-chutes of the New York, Lake Erie & Western Railroad at Southport, N. Y., plans for which were published in the issue of tlie Railroad Gazette of October 5, 1883, consist of an elevated dumping track from which the coal is dumped from the coal-cars to a lower storage platform. Along one side of this storage platform there is a row of pockets, triangular in shape, each of a capacity of two tons, the tops of which are on a level with the storage platform. The lower end of the pocket is closed l)y means of a trap-door and counterweighted apron in the usual manner. The trap-door is worked by means of a rod connected to its lower edge and running up to the level of the storage platform, so that the opening of tlie trap-door is independent of the lowering and raising of the apron. The cost of delivering 560 tons of coal to engines at these coal pockets, per month per each man employed there, is stated to be 7.85 cents per ton. Coal-chutes, New Orleans &> Northeastern Railroad. — The standard coal-chute of the New Orleans & Northeastern Railroad, part of the Cincinnati, New Orleans & Te.xas Pacific Railroad, lessee Cincin- nati Southern Railroad, shown in Fig. 278, consists of a high trestle-track, from which coal is dumped Fig. 27S. — Cross-section. on to a platform and then shovelled as required into a series of pockets along one side of the plat- form. The high track is 25 ft. 6 in. above the coaling track in front of the pockets, and 7 ft. 4 in. above the floor of the platform. The bottom of the pocket is set 1 1 ft. above the top of the rail of the coaling track. The width of the structure is 29 ft. The dimensions of the ])rincipal materials used are as follows: the bents are spaced 10 ft. centres longitudinally; sills, running longitudinally, 12 in. X 12 in.; posts, 12 in. X 12 in.; caps. 15° BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. running transversely, 2 pieces, 6 in. X 12 in., clamping tlie posts; cap under track, 12 in. X 14 in. X 11 ft.; track-stringers, one piece, 12 in. X 12 in., under each rail; corbels, 12 in. X i 2 in. X 3 ft.; floor- plank and side sheathing of platform and pockets, 2-in. oak; floor-joists, 3 in. X 12 in., spaced about 20 in. centres, bridged with 3-in. X li-in. bridging; X-bracing, 3 in. X 8 in. The bottom of the pocket is lined with VV-in. sheet-iron. The apron is counterweighted, as shown, and the bottom of the pocket is closed by a flap-door, which is opened and closed automati- cally with the lowering and raising of the apron. The apron is 5 ft. long. The pocket and apron slope 45 degrees. Coal-c/iiites at Scottsville, Vti., Richmond &= Alleghany Railroad. — The coal-chutes of tiie Rich- mond & Alleghany Railroad at Scottsville, Va., siiown in Fig. 279, designed and built by the author. Fig. 279. — Cross-section. consist of a timber trestle structure throughout, the coal being delivered onto a storage platform from a high dumping-trestle on the back of the platform and then shovelled as required into a series of pockets along the face of the platform, the top of the pockets being level with the floor of the platform. The chutes are located alongside of the main track of the railroad, as quick dispatch for coaling engines was desirable. The platform is 96 ft. long by 34 ft. 6 in. wide, and its floor is set 18 ft. above the top of rail on the main track. The face of the platform is placed 7 ft. from the centre of the main track. The end of the apron wlien lowered is 10 ft. 9 in. above the top of rail of the main track. The apron is 5 ft. 6 in. long, and reaches when lowered to within 2 ft. 3 in. of the centre of the track. The centre of the dumping track is placed 25 ft. from the face of the jjlatform, and the top of rail on the trestle is 7 ft. 7 in. above the floor of the [jlatform or 25 ft. 7 in. above the top of rail of the main track. The inclined approach is about 700 ft. long, with a maximum gradient of 3.75 ft. per 100 ft. There are three pockets along the face of the platform, each with a capacity of t,\ tons. The bottom of the pocket has a slope of 40 degrees, and the apron, when lowered, 30 degrees. The lower end of the pocket is closed by a flap-door locked by a pivoting-bar, so that the opening and closing of the door is independent of the movement of the apron, which is counterweighted in the usual way. In drawing coal the fireman pulls down the apron and then hits the bar lock of the door a light blow with a shovel or any handy implement, opening the door and allowing the coal to discharge. An engine can coal at these chutes in less than one minute. New Coal-chutes at Waverly, N. Y., Netu York, Lake Erie is' Western Railroad. — The coal- chutes of the New York, Lake Erie & Western Railroad at Waverly, N. Y., rebuilt in 1882, under the direction of Mr. O. Chanute, Chief Engineer, and Mr. W. Farnham, Roadmaster, plans for which were published in the Railroad Gazette of October 5, 1883, have a storage capacity for about 330 tons. The system consists of a high delivery track, from which the coal is dumped into a pocket or storage floor below. The coal is drawn, as required, through a measuring pocket into a chute, wliich is closed in the usual way by a counterweighted apron and flap-door. There are eleven pockets and chutes, making the storage platform no ft. long. The tail track is 60 ft. long. The approach incline is built with a gradient of 4 ft. per 100 ft., and high ground in the vicinity is utilized to reduce the length of trestling required. The track over the platform and tail trestle has a gr-adient of 0.8 ft. in COALING STATIONS TOR I.OCOMOTI V RS. 151 100 ft. to facilitate tlic niovenient of cars l)y hand. The cost of dcHvering 460 tons of coal to engines per month, ])er each man emjiloyed at these chutes, is stated to be 9.07 cents |)er ton. Coal-chutes at Hi>nit'llsvilU\ N. V., New York, Lake Erie izf Western Railroad.- — The coal-chutes oi the New York, Lake Erie & Western Railroad at Hornellsville, N. Y., built in 1881 and 1882, from a design and under the direction of Mr. J. VV. Ferguson, Assistant Engineer, plans for which were published in the Railnmd Gazette of October 5, 1883, consist of a system of coaling engines on both sides of a coaling trestle without any shovelling of the coal, requiring of all systems, thus far discussed, the least manual labor, as the conl passes from the supply-car to the tender entirely by gravity. The coal is dumped from two iiigh tracks into hopper-shaped bins, which are trapped at the lower ends by measuring pockets. The coal, as required, is drawn through the measuring pocket into the chute below it, which chute is closed at the lower end in the usual way with a flap door and counterweighted apron. The supply-cars are taken up to the high tracks by a stationary engine and inclined plane with cable. The only objectionable feature in this system is the extra height that has to be given to the dumping tracks. Where, however, a stationary engine with plane is used, this is not a serious objection, as a few extra feet to climb after once placing cars on a plane does not cause a very noticeable expense. The system can therefore be recommended very highly under these con- ditions, and also where the approach can be located mainly on high ground. The cost of delivering 614 tons of coal to engines per month, per each man employed at the chutes, is stated to be 7.08 cents per ton. Old Coal-chutes at Witvcrly, N. V., N'ew York, Lake Erie &• IFester/i Railroad. — The system of coaling engines on the New York, Lake Erie & Western Railroad at Waverly, N. Y., in use prior to the construction of the new pockets, was illustrated in the Railroad Gazette of October 5, 1883. It consists of two elevated tracks dumping onto a storage floor or pockets below them. The coal is drawn from the pockets through a measuring pocket into tipping trolley dump-cars with projecting end. The cars are run on a turn-table, which serves also as a scales, and transferred on a longitudi- nal track to whatever point along the face they are wanted, where they are again turned on a table, run out, tipped, and discharged. The cost of delivering 455 tons of coal to engines per month, per each man employed at the chutes, is stated to be 9.16 cents per ton. Coal-chutes at Susquehanna, Pa., New York, Lake Erie &' IFestern Railroad. — The coal-chutes of the New York, Lake Erie & Western Railroad at Susquehanna, Pa., plans for which were pub- lished in the Railroad Gazette of October 5, 1883, consist of three elevated tracks dumping into storage-bins and partly on a floor below them. The bins are hopper-shaped, and trapped at t;" ., lower ends with measuring pockets. The coal, as required, is drawn into narrow-gauge hopper-bottom trol- ley-cars of two tons capacity, which cars run on a system of tranverse tracks connected by turn- tables with a longitudinal track. To deliver coal, a counterbalanced, hinged platform is lowered over the tender and a car run out and dumped. The platform has chains attached to the outer end and to the timbers above, which prevent its dropping when loaded. It is raised and lowered by a hand-wheel and friction pulleys, around which the chains from the counterbalances are passed. The cost of delivering 675 tons of coal to engines per month, per each man employed at these coal- chutes, is stated to be 6.55 cents per ton. Coal-chutes at Buffalo, N. Y., and at Conncllsville, Pa. — The design for coal-chutes at Buffalo, N. V^, and at Connellsville, Pa., plans for which were published in the Railroad Gazette of September 15, T882, consists of a coal-chute system with a high supply-track, from which the coal is dumped into triangular-shaped pockets, whence it is drawn into dump-cars on a lower platform. The trestle is 20 ft. wide and 24 ft. high. The dumping i)latform is 10 ft. above the rails and has a narrow-gauge track tiirough the centre with appropriate turn-table arrangements to take the car from the central track to the face of the platform, whence the coal can be shot directly into the tender. There are no scales in this system, the coal being measured in bulk in the dump-cars. Coal-hunkers, Northern Pacific Railroad. — The coal-bunkers of the Northern Pacific Railroad, designed by Mr. C. H. Talbot, shown in Fig. 280, are a combination of a number of the methods already discussed for storing and delivering coal tcj engines. The structure consists of a building, 34 ft. X 211 ft., with a delivery track at the peak of the building, 42 ft. above the ground. On one 152 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. side of the building is tlit- main trac k of the road and on the otlier side a yard track. The coaUng of engines on tlie main track is done by hopper-bottom narrow-gauge trolley-cars, that run out on a counterbalanced platform or drawbridge and dump directly into the tenders. The coaling of engines Fig. 280. — Cross-section. on the other side of the house is done by an apron and flap-door leading out of a hopper-shaped bin. Storage-bins are provided, as shown, from which coal is drawn into the trolley-cars, and the cars then transferred to the upper tier again. The storage capacity of the building is 2000 tons. Standard Coal-chute, Wabash, St. Louis Ss' Pacific Raihuay. — The standard coal-chute of the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Railway, designed by Mr. Charles Hansel, Resident Engineer, shown in Fig. 281, consists of a system of elevated pockets with a supply-track on the rear, the coal being shovelled from the cars on the supply-track into the coal-pockets, the top of the pockets being 7 ft. above the supply-track. The centre of the supply-track is located 21 ft. from the centre of the main track, which is the coaling track, and the rail of the supply- track is 15 ft. above the main track. The face of the coaling pockets is located 4 ft. from the nearest rail, and the top of the pocket is 22 ft. 8 in. above the rail of the coaling track. The trestle-bents at the pockets are spaced g ft. 6 in. centres, while on the incline approach the bents are spaced 16 ft. ft. centres. The gradient on the incline leading to the elevated supply-track is 3.75 ft. in 100 ft. The ^ lower end of the pocket is closed by a counter- ^^^^^^^^ balanced apron and a trap-door operated by a long Fio. 2S1.— Cross-section. lever arm, as shown in the plans. The standard coal-chute has about ten pockets, but an\- number can be used according to the varying conditions in different localities. The principal timbers in use on the supply-track trestling are: sills, 12 in. X 12 in.; vertical posts, 12 in. X 12 in.; batter-posts, 10 in. X 12 in.; cajis, 12 in. X 12 in. X 12 ft. long; brace- plank, 3 in. X 10 in.; stringers, 2 pieces, 8 in. X 16 in., under each rail ; ties, 6 in. X 8 in. X 10 ft. long ; guard-rails, 6 in. X 8 in. The dimensions of the i)riniipal timbers used in the construction of the coaling pockets are as follows: sills, 12 in. X 12 in.; i)osts, cS in. X 8 in.; caps, 8 in. X 8 in. X 12 ft. long; interties, 8 in. X 8 in.; intermediate-post, 8 in. X 8 in.; knee-braces, 4 in. X 6 in. COALING STATIONS FOR LOCOMOTIVES. 153 Cual-chiitis at Black Liianioinl Mine, Wabash, St. Louis &-' Tacijii RailuHiy. — The cual iliut the Black Diamond Mine, Wabash, St. Louis cV Pacific Railway, designed by Mr. Charles Hansel, Resident Engineer, shown in Fig. 282, is arranged to allow mine cars from the Black Diamond Mine to discharge coal directly into a series of pockets or chutes along a coaling track. 'I'he details of the chutes are practically the same as described above for the standard coal-chute of the road. The delivery of coal to the pockets, however, is made from a platform at the height of the top of the pockets, on which the mine cars are turned, and run onto a tipple at the top of the pocket, by means of which the car is tipped and discharged into the pocket. Coal-chutes at IVilkeslmrrc, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad. — The coal-chutes of the Lehigh Valley eW^TO Fig. 2S2. — Cross-section. Railroad at Wilkesbarre, Pa., designed by Mr. A. Mitchell, Division Superintendent, shown in Fig. 283, consist of a series of pockets, with a dumping track running directly over them, the entire structure being covered. The rail of the dump- ing track is placed 24 ft. above the rail on the coaling track, which runs along one side of the building. The approach incline, ])artly on trestle and partly on filling, is built on a gradient of 5 ft. per 100 ft. There are 15 pockets in the building tU used for hard coal. The lower end of the pocket is placed 11 ft. 6 in. above the rail of the coaling track; and the slope of the bottom of the pocket is 5 in. in 12 in., or at an angle of about 22\ degrees. The pocket has a counterweighted apron, and is closed by a lifting-door. 'J'he shed over the pockets and dumping track has 15 ft. clear height above the rail and 18 ft. 8 in. clear widtli. Some of the pockets are used for fine coal, such as buckwheat and pea coal, and others for lump coal. The lump-coal pockets have screens in the bottom, screenings being collected, as shown in the sketch, in small coal-cars placed underneath the pockets. When full these cars are transferred to the upper track and the coal is dumped into the fine coal-pockets. 'I'he average amount of coal handled over these chutes daily is about 300 tons, 'i'he engine Fig. 283.— Cuoss-section. service is performed by the switching-engine em- ployed at the shops in the immediate vicinity. The force regularly employed on the chutes consists of two day men and one night man, who dump the coal from the cars into the jiockets and discharge the pockets, the rate of pay being 12J cents i)er hour. The average cost, therefore, of licable, however, for coaling engines on the main line, as it is obviously impossible to allow an engine, while in service on the main line, to stop long enough to raise the coal to a sufficient elevation to allow it to be dumped into the tender. For coaling engines, however, before starting on a run, or before going into the engine-house to wait for their turn to start on the road again, this system would have its advantages under certain local conditions. For additional details see the issue of the Railroad Gazette above mentioned. Overhead Coaling Station at Hackensack Meado^ns, Jersey City, N. J., Fi^nnsylvania Railroad. — The coaling station of the Pennsylvania Railroad at the Hackensack Meadows, between Newark and Jersey City, N. J., built in 1887, plans for which were published in the Railroad Gazette, September 2, 1887, took the place of an old coaling station which had become inadequate for the business. In July, 1874, 3,700,067 lbs. of coal were delivered to engines, while in July, 1883, 1 1,813,000 lbs. were delivered, and during December, 1886, 17,491.000 lbs. were furnished, whicli statement conveys an idea of the amount of work to be done by a coaling station at this point, in addition to providing am]jle storage for coal. The system adopted consists of loading small narrow-gauge drop-bottom trolley-cars with coal on the ground level, hoisting them up by a platform elevator 22 ft. above the ground, and then running them out on an overhead bridge over the coaling tracks, and discharging directly into chutes leading down to the tenders when stopped underneath the bridge. The structure is described as follows in the publication mentioned : The new station is located between the passenger and freight tracks. In the coal-yard are thirteen tracks having an average length of about 800 ft. These are connected with the east-bound freight track. The loading plat- form, connected with the coal-yard by tracks, consists of two low trestles and one high trestle. Midway between the two low trestles e.xtends a depressed track, upon which runs a transfer car carrying the dump. Extending across the platform between each bent of the trestles are transfer tracks, upon which the dumps can be run under the trestles. The loaded coal-car is brought to any point on either of the trestles. The dump is then brought opposite this point and rolled under the car, from which it receives its load. The dump is then run to one of the elevators, lifted to the upper platform, and taken over either the passenger or freight tracks. Coal-cars which are run upon the high trestle dump their loads u]3on the ground, the dumps being then loaded by hand. Upon the upper platform is standing-room for 70 dumps. Each dump is 8 ft. 6 in. long, weighs 2600 lbs., and will hold 7000 Uis. of coal. Fiom each turn-table on the upper platform extends a track, one leading over the passenger and the other over the freight tracks. Over the two passenger tracks are three chutes, the centre one of which is provided with two bottom doors in order that the coal from the dumps may be guided into a tender upon either track. Over the two freight tracks are two cliutes located centrally between each pair of tracks, and furnished with double doors at the bottom. Each loaded duni]) is weighed upon scales placed on the upper platform, and the amount is handed down to the engineer. The two Otis elevators are placed one at each side of the platform. The engines are double, with lo-in. X lo-in. cylinders. The face of the drum will hold 55 ft. of |-in. chain. The engines can be started from the ground or from the top of the trestle, and the hoists are automatically stopped both at top and bottom. The engines will lift a load of 20,000 lbs. The cage rises 26 ft. According to the specifications, the piles are of Norway pine, spruce, or chestnut, 12 in. at the butt, and driven to hard bottom. The longitudinal caps are 12-in. X i2-in. yellow pine, secured by staggered J-in. wrought-iron spikes. The transverse caps are also 12 in. X 12 in., and are mortised to receive the tenons of the tresllc- posts. The main posts sujiporting the upper ]3latform are 12 in. X 12 in. yellow iiine, mortised and tenoned. The two ijosts adjacent to the transfer track are braced transversely and longitudinally by 3 in. X 12 in. strips bolted to the posts. The trestle is built with two straight and two l)attered posts, the latter having a spread of one quarter the height of the former. The trestle-ca]is are 10 in. X 12 in., and the stringers 12 in. X 14 in. The tloor-beams of the U])per [ilatform are 3 in. X 12 in. yellow pine, spaced 24 in., and laid to break joints. For additional data and details see the issue of the Railroad Gazette mentioned above. Overhead Coaling Station at Gray's Ferry, Fhiladelphia, Wilmington &= Baltimore Railroad. — The coaling station of the Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore Railroad at Gray's Ferry, designed by 156 BUILDINGS AND STRUCI URES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. Mr. S. T. Fuller, Chief Engineer, plans for, which were published in the Railroad Gazette, December 9, 1881 (the design being patented by S. '1'. Fuller and Charles A. Merriam), illustrates the system of having an overhead bridge tlirown across the main tracks of the railroad, on which small narrow- gauge dump-cars containing the coal are run out and dumped through openings in the bottom of the bridge directly into the tender of the locomotives. In the coaling station as built at Gray's Ferry the coal is brought in cars up an incline to a coal-shed built sideways from the main tracks, the dumping track in the coal-shed being on trestling, so that the coal can be dumped from hopper-cars, if desired, to the floor at a lower elevation. The shed is 153 ft. long, the dumping track being in the centre of the shed, and on each side of it there are narrow-gauge tracks on the lower platform level, which tracks connect by means of turn-tables with the track running out on the bridge across the railroad. The iron narrows-gauge cars are filled with coal by hand, and then run out on the bridge as required. There are suitable openings in the floor of the bridge over each track, with aprons underneath, which latter can be raised and lowered by a lever as indicated on the plans. The operation of coaling the engines is very simple. When the tender comes to a stand-still underneath the bridge the apron or chute is lowered, the dump-car placed over the opening, and the drop-doors at the bottom of the dump-car opened, thus discharging the coal dow-n the apron into the tender. It is claimed that the cost of handling the coal in this manner is one fourth of what it had been on the road prior to the introduction of this system by Mr. Fuller, independent of the saving in time, and that an engine can be coaled in from i to 2 i minutes without undue breakage or scattering of the coal, and with less dust than usual. Where it is impossible, owing to local conditions, to get the length or space required for an incline, a vertical platform lift, or a plane on a sharp incline with a wire rope to haul up the cars, can be used, but naturally with an increase in the cost of working the system. For complete details, especially of the dump-cars, turn-table, apron, dumping trestle, and over- head bridge, see the issue of the Railroad Gazette mentioned above. Overhead Coaling Station at Aurora, III., Chicago, Burlington c^ Quincy Railroad. — The overhead coaling station of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, plans for which were published in the Railway Review of June 15, i88g, consists of an overhead bridge spanning eight tracks, with chutes under the bridge between the tracks, arranged to deliver coal to the tracks on each side of each chute. The most novel feature of this coaling station is the method of taking the coa! out on the bridge, which is done in buckets of three tons capacity, suspended from small buggies running on a system of overhead rails. A coaling shed is Iiuilt parallel with the railroad, 31 ft. wide by about 200 ft. long, the floor of the shed and bridge being 21 ft. 3 in. above the main-line rails. On the back of the shed is the coal-supply track, at about the same elevation as the floor of the shed, the coal-cars being taken up to this elevation on an incline trestle approach. Parallel with the coal-su])ply track in the shed there are. two lines of overhead rails on which the coal-buckets travel, connecting with similar tracks on the bridge. Coal is loaded into the buckets from the cars or from the stock on the platform in the shed; the buckets are then run out over the bridge and dumped into the chutes or pockets under the bridge. The pockets on the bridge are kept filled at all times, and as four pockets lead to every track, in addition to a number of loaded buckets being constantly kept on hand at the entrance of the bridge, it will be readily seen that the ability to coal a number of engines successively on any one track is good. For further details, illustrations, and description, see the article in the Railway Revierc, mentioned above. Coaling Station ivith Vertical Bucket-elevator at Jersey City, N. /., National Docks Railway. — The coaling station, designed by Mr. F. M. Slater, Chief Engineer, National Docks Railway, shown in Figs. 285 and 286, is intended for the joint purjjose of coaling locomotives and furnisliing coal to a boiler- house, but the illustrations herewith have been changed so as to show coal-chutes for locomotive- delivery throughout. Tiie timber structure is 14 ft. 6 in. X 50 ft. X 34 ft. high, with storage-bins of a total capacity of about 200 tons in the upiJer jjart of the struclure. The bins on one side of the centre of the building slope backwards for delivery of coal to the boiler-house on the rear of the coal- chutes, while the bins on the other side of the centre slope forward for coal-delivery to locomotives on a coaling track in front of the chutes. The bins are hopper-bottomed, and those for delivery to locomotives are closed at the lower end with gates and counterweighted aprons in the usual way. COALING STATIONS FOR LOCOMOTl i^ES. ■57 The coaling track serves also as coal-supply track, the coal being dimiped from cars on the coaling track into an underground i)il under the track opposite the centre of the structure. This pit guides the coal to the foot of a vertical endless bucket-elevator with 39 ft. vertical lift, which hoists the coal up and discharges it at the head to the bins on both sides, a proper switch arrangement being provided at the head to feed the coal to any particular bin desired. The elevator is run by an 8-H. P. vertical engine. The buckets are 9 in. X 12 in. X 14 in., spaced 12 in. apart on the belt. The uptake capacity is stated to be 85 tons per hour. The machinery was furnished by the Link-belt Engineer- ing Co., of Philadelphia, Pa. The cost of the machinery was about $1000; the timber structure cost about $1000 for the foundations, which had to be piled, and about $2000 for the superstructure. F If 1 111 1| I 1 Fig. 2S5. — Front Elevation. Fig. 2S6. — Cross-section. This system can be highly recommended for all localities where the ground-space available does not allow the usual methods for taking coal up to high chutes to be employed, or the daily output does not warrant the construction of a costly and large coal-chute system. Where steam can be drawn from a boiler in the vicinity of the coaling station, the same men that dump the coal can operate the elevator engine at any time without requiring an engineer or having to get up steam in a special boiler attached to the engine. Where the coaling track is also used for a running track and there is space behind the chutes, it will prove more advantageous to locate the coal-sujjply track with dumping-jiit and elevator on the rear of the building. The cost of handling coal for a small coaling station on tliis system will prove less than over any of the platform systems, and will be as cheap as in a high-chute system, if the diminished first cost and maintenance in the elevator system is taken properly into account. Coaling Station -toith Trough-conveyor Elevator at Oneonta, N. Y., Dehncare &^ Hudson Canal Co. — The coaling station of the Delaware & Hudson Canal Co. at Oneonta, N. Y., used for coaling loco- motives on the railroads controlled by the corporation mentioned, shown in Figs. 287 and 288, con- sists of a set of elevated pockets, the coal being carried up to the proper elevation for filling the chutes by an inclined trough-conveyor, designed and built by the Link-belt Engineering Co., of Philadelphia, Pa. The pockets are 60 ft. long X 20 ft. wide X 16 ft. deep, and are 36 ft. high from the ground- level to the top of the pocket, the storage capacity being 200 tons. The location is parallel to the main tracks, and four chutes with properly constructed aprons allow the coal to be delivered to ten- ders on the sec:ond track in front of the chutes, the track ne.xt to the chutes being used as a dumping 158 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. track only. The incline for the trough-conveyor is only 80 ft. long, so that the entire structure and approach do not occupy more than 150 ft. in length. Coal is delivered to the foot of the elevator by dumping from cars on the nearest track into a pit below the track, as shown on the plans. In addition to the storage in the pockets, surplus storage on the ground is provided on the rear of the pocket, where a storage-pile on the Dodge Storage System is used, from which pile coal is fed to the foot of the incline when required. It is claimed that in this system the timber structure and ground- space occupied are reduced to a minimum, while the trough-conveyor does not damage the coal, The Fig. 2S7. — Front Elevation. Fig. 288.— Ground-plan. cost of elevating the coal is only nominal, and a very large amount of coal can be carried in stock by the introduction of a Dodge storage-pile at the foot of the incline. The plant has been working suc- cessfully at Oneonta since 1889. Proposed Overhead Coaling Sfaiion ivith Trough-conveyor Elevator at Hampton Junetion, N. J., Central Railroad of New Jersey. — The overhead coaling station for two tracks, on the Central Rail- road of New Jersey, proposed to be built at Hampton Junction, N. J., in connection with a large coal- storage plant on the Dodge storage-pile s}stcni, designed by the Link-belt Engineering Company, of Philadelphia, Pa., shown in Figs. 2S9 and 290, consists of a similar arrangement to that described above, situated at Oneonta, N. Y., excepting that the pockets are located over the main tracks and discharge through chutes vertically into the tenders underneath them. The jiockets are 31 ft. long X 17 ft. wide, hopper-shaped, the bottom of the hopper being 24 ft. above the main tracks. The total storage capacity above the tracks is 75 tons. COALING STATIONS TOR LOCOMOTIVES. '59 i6o BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. Suscinild Coal-ihuti- at Jackson Junction, A/icJi., Michii^an Cent/at Railroad. — 'I'Iil- fcirni of tliute illustrated in Figs. 2gi tn 294, copied from the issue of the Railroad Gazette of December 11, 1891, is particularly notewortliy for the peculiarity and origi- nality of the devices for hanging and locking the apron and door. The following remarks on the sub- ject are made in the publication mentioned: The form of coal-chute pocket, designed by Mr. F. G. Susemihl, of the Michigan Central Railroad, in use at a number of points on western lines, has the chains and weights used in connection with the pocket so adjusted that the outward pull of the top of the apron due to its vertical thrust beyond the pivot is taken e-xactly for each position of the apron. This amount varies from nothing up to nearly the weight of the apron. The balance-block, in this case a 7-in. x lo-in. x 6-ft. oak timber, is sus- pended below the pocket from a point at the rear {A"), about which it swings with the two f-iiich rods as radii, at either end. When the apron is down, the entire weight of tliis block is held by the other end of the apron chain, but as the apron rises, less and less of this weight is so sustained until the apron is closed, when nearly the whole of the weight of the block is carried from the point A. As will be readily understood, all necessity for latches is done away with, as the closed apron forms an absolute and reliable lock for the inner door. Two segmental castings are attached to the lower end of the inner door, and small angle-iron shoes are fitted over the lower end of the apron at each side. These shoes rub against the castings and thus keep the inner door J closed until the apron is nearly down. The swinging W radius of the corner of the shoe and the radius of the casting are the same, but tliecentreof the former is a trifle ■ ^' " ■ lower and forward of the latter, thus constantly relieving the pressure against the inner door as the apron is lowered. The casting is so made that it maybe adjusted up or down somewhat by loosening the f-in. bolt at the back. The friction here obtained between the angle-irons and castings is sufficient to prevent any gaining of momentum by the apron, and yet by the manner in which the weight is taken by the block from below it may be easily moved with but slight effort, and will remain at any inclination. The small sketches show clearly the relation of the apron and inner door to each other at the intermediate and two extreme points of movement. The simplicity of construction, the absence of all latches and small parts, and the fact that there is so little to get out cf order, would be sufficient to attract the attention of engineering and motive-power departments. The swinging of the apron from a point several inches inside its lower edge by means of hooked straps allows any coal dust or small pieces to drop through to the ground instead of clogging up the hinges. All the iron used in these chutes costs between five and five and a half dollars, the entire cost of building being considerably less per pocket than with many of the forms now used by different railroads. The older patterns used at coaling stations are not only difficult to operate, but frequently cause more or less serious accidents from their being only partially locked — a fault not uncommon with the latching devices. Burnett-Clifton Coal-chute. — The style of coal-chute known as the Burnett & Clifton coal- chute, shown in Figs. 295 to 299, copied from the issue of the Railroad Gazette of December 18, 1891, is used by the Delaware & Hudson Canal and Railroad at Mohawk, N. Y., also by the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad, the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, the Union Pacific Railway, and many other prominent Western railroads. The chute combines the best features of the chutes patented by Messrs. Burnett & Clifton, who disposed of their interests to Messrs. Williams, AVhite & Co., of Moline, 111. Tiie jiatents apply mninly to the irons and COALING STATIONS TOR LOCOMOTIVES. i6i ^^imjjmiummu i=L_U: Fig. 291, — Front Elevation. Fig. 292. — Cross-section, Fig. 293. — Detail of Lock. Fig. 294. — Detail of Positions of Apron. i62 BUILDINGS AAD STRUCrURRS OF AMERICAN RAJ I. ROADS. '^ (V Boarcf^s „ , ^ Fig. 296, — Cross-section of Pocket SHOWING Location of Irons. Fig. 21)7.— Front View of Pockki Fig. 298.— Cross-section of showing AruoN down .and Gate open. DouHLE-rocKBT. COALING STATIONS FOR LOCOMOTIVES. 163 details of the pockets proper, wliich style of pockets can be used either witli the style of coal-chute shown in Fig. 295, delivering the coal by shovelling from cars, or with a regular high-chute dumping the coal from hopper-bottomed cars, as shown in Fig. 299. The issue of the Railroad Gazette mentioned above contains tlie following remarks on the subject: The change in this chute from the older methods in taking off the weight of the apron by a counter- weight, whose vertical resultant shall vary the same as that of the weight of the apron, was a marked advance from the dead weights formerly used. The apron and arms are built of oak, and to the ends of the latter are fastened cast-iron blocks of about fifty pounds weight each, v/hich may be moved forward or back to adjust the proper balance. In taking coal the fireman pulls a small latch at the top of the apron, which, when slipped, allows the easy lowering of the apron, because it is balanced. As the counterweighted arm rises it comes in contact with the tail of a pivoted latch, which releases the inner or retaining coal door. The sides of the apron are spread wider than this coal-door, and are formed by the forward end of the counterweight arm. To the lower part of the apron the lunges on which it and the arms are swung are fastened, there being a slight drop to the coal as it passes out of the pocket on to the apron. Fig. 299. — Cross-section witu Hkih-cuutes. Back of the fulcrnm line, about 2 ft. on cacli arm. is fastened a small ratchet plate, into wdiich works a ij-in. pawl, bent out 5 in. at the inner end, and held to a 2-in. flat strap by a split key, the strap being held to the door-frame with bolts. The retaining door-latch is offset 3 in., and, by means of a notch at the forward end, engages with the flat strap. A guide for this pawl is provided, which is made up of four pieces, pivoted together and fastened back by the short end pieces to the frame. The sides of the apron are shod with 2-in. x i-in. x J-in. channel iron, which is also used for stiffening between the sides and bottom, with several 24in. strips bent at right angles at the ndddle. This arrangement of catches (with the exception of the one at the top of the apron) is entirely automatic, and all the pieces have been made of such proportions as to especially provide for durability. This point requires special attention in the design of any structure of this character, as it is not desirable to be obliged to have any meclianism liable to break or get out of order at outlying coaling stations. There is not only the expense of taking down the parts and sending them to the shops for repairs, but the break may occasion the delay of trains either in getting coal or in the inability to close the pocket properly. In Fig. 298 a special form of pocket is shown, for taking part or all of the coal, as is needed. The 164 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. partition door is hung in tlie usual manner, and shuts against the iron-shod oali planking of the incline. The latching device is quite ingenious, and consists of long T-shaped arms pivoted a little below the centre, and tilted out of the perpendicular by a rod pulled from the front of the chute, thereby disengaging the small pin projecting from either side of the partition door. This pin slides in a guide slot, the arc of which is struck from the hinge centre. This form of pocket is only used occasionally, and then with but part of the pockets at a station. Their advantages over the single pocket are, however, becoming appreciated, and their use is increasing. Fig. 299 shows the style of framing used where coal is unloaded into the pockets from bottom or side dumping cars. This form permits also the unloading from the ordinary car with shovels, and is well adapted to roads having large numbers of dump-cars, but which are liable to receive coal at times in foreign curs. The roof in this case is abandoned as unnecessary, in part at least. Fig. 295 shows in a condensed form the pockets both open and closed, and the style of framing best adapted for use at division points with regular gondola cars in the service. With any form of locking device it is essential that there should be certainty of action at all times, and that both sides should work together. Otherwise the filling of the pocket would cause a bulging and straining of the hasps or catches, increasing the chances for failure of the fastenings at the next succeeding uidoading. Or, should this defect be very marked, there might be an opportunity for the accidental unload- ing of the pocket on to the track below. With some of the designs of latches this is a source of continual annoyance, and when any of the parts become bent the trouble begins, so that the fewer the pieces and tlie straighter and simpler they are in outline, in so far is this evil avoided. Another system is the raising of the centre track high above the pockets, so that the cars may be dumped in either direction and provided with runners between pockets to prevent overflow. This, however, allows considerable fall for the coal, and increases the quantity of dirt or slack. It also necessitates the building of the chute much stronger than otherwise, on account of the thrust against the front of the pocket, due to the momentum of a large body of coal falling this distance from the car above. The e.\tra cost of a high trestle and the daily expense of raising the loaded cars this additional height would be factors against this form unless otherwise unavoidable. As generally built the pockets are placed 6 ft. 6 in. centres, the inclined approach being on about a i to 16 grade, built up of bridge timbers, either on piling or trestlework with i6-ft. bents. This will, of course, be governed by the ground-space available and the position of adjoining buildings. Wherever the work of erection is done by the railroad building department, the irons only, consisting of the latches, catches, weights, locking-bolts, stops, etc., are furnished by the manufacturers. Coaling Station at East New York, Union Elevated Railroad, Brooklyn, N. Y. — The coaling station of the Union Elevated Railroad at East New York station, Brooklyn, N. Y., shown, in general, in Figs. 300 and 301, is an overhead coaling system for locomotives using the Hunt conveyor coaling Fig. 301. — Cross-section. system, controlled by C. W. Hunt Co., New York, N. Y. The coal is dumped from cars into a trough under the track at the ground-level, and conveyed thence liy a Hunt conveyor with swinging buckets to the overhead bridge spanning the tracks, where the coal is dumped from the buckets at any ])oint desired. There are pockets under the bridge properly trapped off and provided with aprons, so as to deliver into the tenders of engines below them. The pockets serve also as measuring pockets. In addition to the feature of putting coal up on the bridge, there is a storage-pile provided on the ground-level, to which coal can be delivered by the same conveyor. When required, coal is drawn from the storage-pile and taken by the same conveyor up to the bridge. The system is especially valuable where the land is limited, as efficient and cheap service can be combined with considerable storage on a very small ground-space and at a comparatively small first cost. The power is obtained COALING STATIONS FOR LOCOMOTIVES. 165 from a small stationary engine of about 12 H. P. The uptake capacity is stated to be considerably over a ton per minute. In Fig. 302 is illustrated the Hunt conveyor system as applied to a coal-stocking grounds. T i' f ; iMr 1 Fig. 302. — Cross-section of Hunt Conveyor System. Coaling Station at Velasco, Tex. — The coaling station at Velasco, Tex., on the I. N. T. & C. T. N. R.R., shown in Figs. 303 and 304, shows the application of the Hunt coal-elevator and steam-shovel system controlled by C. W. Hunt Co., New York, N. Y., to a coaling station for locomotives, where the coal supply arrives at the coaling station in barges. There is a movable elevator-hoist on top of the pockets which takes the coal from the hold of the vessels with a steam- dredge (or in buckets filled by hand, if desired) and hoists it up to the proper elevation, where the bucket is tipped automatically and discharged through a hopper backwards into the coal-pockets proper. Where there is no space available at the water-front, the Hunt elevator in connection with a Hunt automatic railway for carrying the coal farther inland is a very good system to adopt, and can be higlily recommended. Fig. 303.— Cross-section. Fig. 304.— Front Elevation. Coaling Station at Port Richmond, Philadelphia, l^a., Philadelphia 1^ Reading Railroad.— The coaling station of the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad at Port Richmond, Philadelphia, Pa., illustrated and described in tiie issue of the Railroad Gazette of May 13, 1892, uses the trougli- conveying system for transferring coal into a series of elevated pockets for delivery to locomotives. There is also connected with the coaling station an inclined ash-conveyor, which passes below the tracks and adjacent to sunken ashpits. This ash-conveyor takes the ashes coming from the engines out of the sunken pits up the incline to a large elevated steel pocket, whence the ashes are loaded on to cars. i66 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS, CHAPTER XVI, ENGINE-HOUSES. ENGINE-HOUSES are used on railroads for housing engines when out of use, and for cleaning engines after runs, for making light repairs, washing out, etc. In some layouts, es- pecially on small roads, or at points of minor importance on large systems, an engine-house has frequently a small shop for making more extensive repairs annexed to it, and sometimes a drop-pit is added to allow wheels and axles to be taken out. Engine-houses along a railroad are generally located at terminal or division yards, at junction stations, and at all points where engines are changed or held in reserve. The site selected is usually in the neighborhood and in close connection with other structures for the train service and engine supplies, such as coal-chutes, water-tanks, oil-houses, sand-houses, ashpits, etc. These auxiliary structures for supplies, etc., are located in connection with the engine-house in such a way as to allow coal, water, sand, oil, waste, and other supplies to be taken on board the engine, either on its waj' in or out of the house, with due regard, however, to the fact that the drawing of such supplies or discharging of ashes must not be allowed to cause any serious detention to other engines passing in or out of the house. In other words, where the operation of taking certain of these supplies, or performing certain of these duties is accompanied by delays, then there should be a special open track leading to the engine- house. In all cases, engine-houses must be so located as to offer easy ingress and egress from the main tracks of a railroad, or be located close to an open track or a main leader. The selection of the general style and size of an engine-house is dependent, more or less, on the section of the country that the building is located in. the available building materials in general use, and the number of engines that are to be housed simultaneously, with due allowance for possible future extensions. The topography of the site selected, the existence of other structures in tlie neighborhood, or a proposed laj'out for shop or yard purposes in the vicinity of the proposed site, may limit or define the shape of the ground-space available for the building and its track approaches, and influence the choice of the general design accordingly. Relative to how substantial and fire-proof a structure to erect, the importance of the house, in connection with the operation of the road, should be considered. If the building is to serve as an auxiliary house at some subordinate point, or intended to house one or more engines for a branch line at a junction point, the choice of a cheaper class of building is warranted, as, in case of fire or a ruSh of business, engines can be drawn from other points and allowed to stand on open tracks. If, however, an engine-house is to be located at an important terminal or division yard, where the traffic is constant and steady and large interests would suffer in case of a fire or a block, t}Mng up a large number of engines at once, then the best policy to pursue is to build as first-class and substantial a structure as the financial condition of the road will permit. ENGINE-HOUSES. /''{t^ Wliile, tlierefore, a pcrniaiieiit and fire-proof consUuclion i^ desirable, in fad, pn)|PUi:all}t~" -^l^ necessar)', where a lieavy traffic is to be considered and the location is permanenl//it is a-jrj rr mistake to run up the construction account of a small road or of a new cnterpBi^ ■v*th^3!> H" §2 expensive structures for housing engines. After operating a new road for some tibi© it is^" frequently found desirable to make a change in the engine runs, to transfer a proposelffl^ihop,^ system or yard to another point, or, through combinations with other roads, important'^inc- tion points are created which were never thought of at the outset. The author kno\v* numerous cases "where expensive roundhouses have been torn down or else used for other purposes than originally intended. P'rame buildings, sheathed on the outside with weather- boarding and roofed with tarred felt or a gravel roof, are extensively used on the Northern Pacific Railroad. Other roads use frame structures, sheathed with corrugated iron and roofed with corrugated iron, tin, slate, or gravel roofing. Then there are buildings of a more sub- stantial character, with brick or stone walls, iron fronts, and wooden, combination, or iron roof- trusses, covered with a slate or gravel roof. Engine-house designs can be divided, according to the usual practice encountered in this countr}', into square houses and into po'lygonal houses or " roundhouses," as they are generally called. The former are in use mainl)- for smaller structures, the latter almost universally for larger houses. Large square houses are sometimes preferable, owing to the shape of the ground-space available for the house and track approaches, and also where an engine-house is to be used for considerable repair work in addition to housing engines. There are a large number of other possible forms of engine-houses, some of which have been used very exten- sively in otlier countries; but it can be stated that in this country, as a rule, under ordinary conditions, roundhouses have practically superseded all other designs for large engine-houses. Nevertheless, in the author's opinion, large, square houses have marked advantages under certain conditions, and merit, therefore, more attention in practice. An engine-house for a limited number of engines consists, usually, of a square building, into which one, two, or more tracks enter at one gable end, the length of the building being in excess of the longest engine used, and the width being dependent on the number of tracks in the building. Sometimes the house is made long enough to accommodate two or more engines behind each other on the same track ; it is not good practice to place more than two engines in the same stall, but even then there should be doors on the rear of the house, as well as on the front, as otherwise it would be difficult to get the rear engine out of the house if the front engine did not have steam up. The approach to these houses is, usually, by a track system leading off a leader, although sometimes, to economize space, the tracks run out of the building to a turn-table, which, however, is not good practice, unless a turn- table to turn engines would have to be built and maintained anj'how in the vicinit}', in which case the turn-table could serve for both [jurimses. But, unless sucli is the case, a regular track approach is the best method to pursue witli a small square house, provided there is sufficient ground-space available for that purpose. For very large square engine-houses a transfer-table is used with good results, especially where the transfer-table is loeateil some ai/.—The engine-house of the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Orwigsburg, Pa., shown in Figs. 349 and 350, designed and built under the direction of Mr. Wm. F. Pascoe, Sujierintendent of Bridges, L. V. R. R., is a frame engine-house, 37 ft. X 140 ft., sheathed on the outside with corrugated iron, and roofed with slate. Two tracks enter the building, spaced 13 ft. centres, there being room on each track for two engines, so that the capacity of the house is four engines. At one gable-end there are two engine-doors, 11 ft. 6 in. wide X 16 ft. high above the top of rail in the clear. The doors are square-top frame doors hung in pairs, and covered on the outside with galvanized sheet-iron without any glazing. The rear gable has three windows, and the sides of the building have windows every 10 ft., each window having 32 lights, 10 in. X 12 in. There are three louvred ventilators provided, and four smoke-stacks are hung in the roof over each stall, so that engines can enter the house head first or back in. The foundation of the building and pits are 2-ft stone walls. The pits are 120 ft. long by 3 ft. 10 in. wide in the clear, and from 2 ft. to 2 ft. 6 in. deep below the base of the rail. The smoke-stacks are made of -rV-ii- sheet-iron, 18 in. in diameter, with a 4-ft. bell at the base, the bottom of which is set 15 ft. 6 in. above the top of the rail. The height of frame is 17 ft. 6 in. from top of sill to top of plate. The bents are spaced in general 10 ft. centres throughout the house. The principal timbers are: sills, 8 in. X 10 in.; plates, 6 in. X 8 in.; posts, 6 in. X 6 in.; studs, 3 in. X 6 in. ; principal rafters, 6 in. X 8 in. ; tie-lx-anis, 6 in. X 8 in.; truss-braces, 4 in. X 6 in.; purlins, Fig. 349. — Cross-section and End Elevation. ENGINE-HOUSES. 201 4 in. X 6 ill.; rafLers, 3 in. X S in., spaced 18 in. centres; roof-sheathing, i-in. l)<)ards. Pitch of rout, i rise. Rods of roof-trusses, f in., i in., and \\ in. in diameter. The cost of this house, including foundations, was $3629.38 for materials, and Ijji2225.5i for labor, or a total cost of $5854.89, equivalent to $1463.72 per stall. \L Fig. 350. — Ground-plan. E/igine-/wi/sc and Car-shop Rotunda at Mt. Clare, Baltimore, Aid., Baltimore &> Ohio Railroad. — The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad has at its principal repair-shops at Mt. Clare, Baltimore, Md., a rotunda, used at present as a car-repair shop, which design, however, can serve very well as an example of an engine-house rotunda. This style of engine-house is very common in Europe, but has not been adopted extensively in this country. The advantage of a rotunda design for an engine-house or car-shop is that the turn-table is covered, and there are no delays or trouble caused in winter from heavy snowfalls; in addition to which, especially for repair work, the superintendence and over- sight of the work going on in the interior of the building is greatly facilitated. Plans of this structure were published in the issue of the Railroad Gazette of August 22, 18S4, in connection with the following description and remarks : The external walls are built of hard brick, and tlie roof is slated. The space between the tracks is paved with Fall's Road stone, resting on a bed of salt-water sand rammed down tight. The building is divided into 22 stalls, and as it measures 235 ft. diameter inside, the longest passenger- or sleeping-cars can be easily accommodated. The whole building is completely roofed in, and is very well lit by the central lantern or clear-story, 100 ft. in diameter. The roof rises sharply from the outside walls to the base of the lantern, and is carried on lattice-girders, which, with the lantern, are supported by wrought-iron pillars, each composed of two 9-in. and two 12-in. channel-irons riveted together in the form of the letter H. Wrought-iron pillars can often be used very advantageously in lofty shops. They take up less floor-space than cast-iron columns, can be made considerably lighter, and are more easily transported and erected, and in certain cases these advantages render the wrought-iron columns the clieapest. The lantern is trussed, a precaution which is very generally thought unnecessary, the sloping sides being treated as struts, whose thrust is counteracted by a ring at the base of the cone. The great height and size of tliis remarkably handsome structure are enhanced by the tasteful manner and light color in which the interior is painted. At first sight it might be thought an extravagantly large and costly structure to contain only 22 cars. But a little figuring will show that this is not the case. A rectangular building in three bays with a traverser down the centre aisle, and stalls right and left, enables each car to be moved without disturbing any other car, and in that respect gives similar advantages. A traverser, however, is not so easily moved as a turn-table, and would require a larger number of men to work it. The circular shed under notice gives a minimum clear space between cai;s of about 5 ft. 9 in. A comparison with a rectangular shed able to accommodate the same maximum length of car and giving a clear space of 6 ft. between cars shows that the rectangular shed requires tlie smaller roof to cover it, the area being g per cent less, while the four walls are 7 per cent longer than the circular wall of the turn-table shed, each, of course, having the same number of stalls. It would therefore appear that when it is a question of housing about 20 cars there is little difference in the cost, while the circular form gives more available space for benches, etc., as a turn-table occupies a smaller area than a traverser, and therefore less room is wasted. This difference is more considerable than might be supposed, and tlie circular form gives more working floor-space, in the proportion of about 13 to 8, when both sheds are full of cars and the space occupied by the turn table in one case and the traverser-bed in the other is treated as unavailable. 202 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. CHAPTER XVII. FREIGHT- HOUSES. Freight-houses on railroads can be divided into terminal freight-houses and local freight-houses. The former are large separate buildings at important terminals of a railroad, while the latter are usually small structures at intermediate stations along the line of the road. Terminal freight-houses, when intended for the reception and delivery of local freight to and from a railroad, are located near some prominent thoroughfare, as close to the busi- ness portion of the town as feasible. If intended for receiving and shipping of freight by water, the freight-house is located on the water front, usually on a pier or bulkhead. At local freight-houses the freight is received from and delivered to wagons. At way-stations, where the passenger and freight trade are not very heavy, and especially where the freight traffic is more important than the passenger business, the use of combination depots is very generally adopted in this country, which class of buildings is discussed in a separate chapter under the heading of Combination Depots. Relative to separate local freight-houses at way-stations, it can be said that the design almost universally adopted consists of a single-story frame structure, surrounded by high freight platforms on several or on all sides. If tracks are only on one side of the building, the station is termed a side-station, but if there are tracks on both sides of the freight-house, then it is called an island-station. Where the business of a railroad is not very heavy, and car-load freight for a certain sta- tion is unusual, or else provided for by special car-load freight-delivery sidings, it is customary to locate the freight-house alongside the main track'. If the road is a double-track road with light traffic, this arrangement is still feasible, as the small amount of freight passing to or from freight-trains on the far track can be skidded across the track nearest the freight-house, or a freight platform can be built on the opposite side of the main tracks from the freight- house, as shown in Fig. 351. At local stations considerable package freight is brought to the station shortly before train-time, and wagons are frequently waiting to take freight away as soon as unloaded from trains, so that very little freight would have to be transferred across the main tracks between the freight-house and the freight platform on the opposite side of the tracks. The introduction therefore of a special freight platform opposite the freight-house, as shown in Fig. 351, under the conditions mentioned, is a practical solution of the ques- tion of handling freight on a double-track road at a small wa\--station, where it is not desired to let the train cross from the far main track to the one next to tlie building, or the skid- ding of freight across the near main track to oi' from the train on the far main track is con- sidered too dangerous. FREIGHT- no USES. 203 Where the traffic on the railroad is heavy, a special siding has to be introtluced, either in front of the freight-house between the building and the main track, as shown in Fig. 352, or at the rear of the building, as shown in Fig. 353. Topographical features, the land available, and especially the class and volume of business existing on the railroad and at the station in question, will usually govern and determine to a more or less extent what system of side tracks to adopt at a freight-house. In some cases the side track in the front or rear of the house has a dead-end, in other cases it is connected at both ends with the main track. In the former case, all trains have to back in or out of the siding, so that a dead-end siding should only be used, if possible, for cars left at the station, and not for loading or unloading freight to or from trains. In the second case, trains can run into the siding from either direc- tion, and after discharging or receiving freight pass on. This siding should be, preferably, long enough to allow a freight-train standing on it to clear the main track, so that the siding can be used as a passing point for trains. In regard to the relative advantages and disadvantages existing between the arrange- ment of tracks at a side-station, as shown in Fig. 352, and at an island-station, as shown in F"ig. 353, the side-station has the advantage that less land is occupied; a much larger plat- form frontage is presented for wagon delivery : and teams and persons going to or from the freight-house do not, necessarily, have to cross tracks. The disadvantages of a side-station Fig. 352. — General Layout at Local Freight Side-station. _^^ ,(!»':, v/n""' N:s, Fig. 351. — General Layout at Local Fig. 353. — Gi;nkral Layout at Local Freight Freight-station without Sidings. Island-station. are, that package freight from or for freight- trains standing on the main track has to be skidded across the siding unless the train runs into the siding; and, if the siding is a through siding, then the cars standing at the freight-house have to be moved out of the way, while if the siding is a .stub siding, then the train has to back in or out. The first objection mentioned, namely, the necessity of skidding freight across the side track, is frequently overcome in prac- tice by stopping the car in tlic train on the main track opposite an empty or partially empt\- car standing on the siding and trucking freight between the main-track car and the platform through the car on the side track. The advantages of an island-station are, that the car- frontage of the platforms is increased ; anil the main-track trains can stop next to the plat- form without disturbing cars on the side track. The disadvantages of an island-station are, that more land is occupied ; the wagon frontage of the platforms is reduced ; all teams and persons going to or from the station have to cross tracks, unless the siding on the rear of the house is a stub siding, and the wagon-road can approach the station on the side of the dead- end of the siding; and the space at each end of the building between the main track and the 204 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. siding is narrow, and therefore dangerous for teams, in case the horses are frightened b)- a passing engine, or otherwise. A good combination of side tracks for a freight-house at a way-station on a single- or double-track road, where there is a heavy traffic on the main tracks and considerable package and car-load freight business to be done at the station, is shown in Fig. 354. If a special car-load delivery track is not desired, the upper end or the dead-end of the freight-house 3; .■y^i»:;?Y?*??t.: Fig. 354.^PRorosED General L.wout for Local Freight-station. track can be used for car-load freight. The extension of the rear platform along the freight- house track, as shown on the plan, is done to afford a larger car frontage on the platform, while the extension of the front platform gives a better frontage for freight trains and for wagon deliver)', with the important additional advantage that package freight can be handled in most cases directly over the platform without passing through the house. The characteristic distinctions between side-stations and island-stations for small local freight-stations having been discussed, the following remarks relative to the structures adopted in either case will be pertinent. It is generally customary to place the floor of the house at about a level with the floor of freight-cars, namely, about four feet above the top of rail. The platform is usually given a slope of from two to three inches down from the face of the building toward the face of the platform, so as to allow for drainage. The questions relating to the proper distance to place the face of the platform from the nearest track, so as to be safe and clear the widest car, and the correct height to set the face of the platform at, so as to be not only convenient for handling freight to and from cars, but also so as to allow the swinging- doors on certain classes of cars to open, will be discussed below in Chapter XVIII, on Platforms, Platform Sheds, and Shelters. It can be said, however, that the highplat form, placed about 3 ft. 8 in. to 4 ft. above the top of rail at the face of the platform, is the one most usually adopted for freight-houses, while the distance of the face of platform from the centre of the nearest track varies from 5 ft. 6 in. to 7 ft., the former distance, however, being only admissible for side tracks. The platform for receiving or delivering freight from or to freight trains need not be any longer than the building itself, as any part of the train can be stopped opposite the building ; but the platform along the track for car-lot freight, where cars are left standing to be loaded or unloaded, should be longer, and it is generally extended away from the building, giving thus additional platform frontage, so that more cars can be reached from the platform without having an engine to shift the cars or necessitating moving the cars b\- hand. However, moving the cars by hand, assisted by pinch-bars, is not a serious objection, if the side track is placed on a slight down grade in the direction that the cars are to be moved. Car-load lots of freight are loaded, generalh', from wagons directly into cars stationed on special sidings, and vice 2'crsa. unless each package has to be weighed, in which FREIGHT-HOUSES. 205 case the freight is passed over tlic scale in the house or ovsr a small portable platform scale on the platform. The height of the platform above the wagon road should be less than the height of the platform above the rail. This is not so important in country settlements, as the class of wagons used are generally high ; but in larger towns, and especially in cities, where there are a large number of low drays, it is desirable to have the platform for wagon delivery not more t"han 3 ft. above the street-level, preferably less. In cities, 2 ft. to 2 ft. 6 in. is a very customary height. Relative to the class of building to adopt as a standard for small freight-houses at way- stations, it can be said that a substantial brick or stone building is not essential, as the in- creased cost of the large number of similar structures along a line compared with the value of the small amount of freight stored in one building, in case it is lost by fire, would hardly warrant the extra expense, unless a road is in a very flourishing condition or the contiguitj' of other buildings increases the danger from fire. Frame structures, therefore, sheathed on the outside with galvanized corrugated iron and roofed with tin or slate, or sheathed on the outside with weather-boarding or upright boards and battens and roofed witli tin, slate, shingle, or roofing-felt, are warranted according to the importance of the building, the class of material in general use in each section of the country, and the financial status of the road. Freight- houses are generally left unceiled on the interior, excepting that protection boarding is usu- ally run up on the sides for some distance above the floor to prevent freight piled in the interior of the building from damaging the outside sheathing. If the freight-house is located at a station where there is a separate passenger depot, and the freight business is run by an agent or clerk having his office in the passenger building or otherwise, it is not necessary to have a separate ofifice in the freight-house. Where, however, the freight-house is run by a separate set of men, or it is inconvenient to get to the main office in the vicinit}*, then it is usual to partition off a small space at one end of the freight-house for an office. It is not customary to have windows in small freight-houses, as sufficient light can be obtained through the doors, which are practically always open when freight is being handled. In a large number of houses, however, transom-lights are provided over the doors, in which case the transom should have bars or a wire grating in front of it, so as to prevent entrance to the house by that means. The jambs of the doors should be protected for three or four feet above the floor by oak protection boards, or by cast-iron plates, or by angle-iron at the corners. Down-conductors for the rain-water are usually protected for four or five feet in height above the platform by wooden or cast-iron guard-boxes. Where the freight is heavy, it is customary to protect the upper edge of the face of the platform b)- an angle-Iron, especially opposite the doors. It is also good to provide a wheel-stop at the level of the wagon-road in front of the platform, or else to fa.sten a wheel-guard on the front of the platform just below the top of the platform. The questions affecting small local freight-houses having been discussed, the subject of the larger class of freight-houses at local or terminal stations will receive consideration. It can be said, in general, that for large freight-houses a substantial structure is very desirable, as the value of the freight stored in such a building is considerable, aiul the loss, in case of a fire, would be serious. Side-stations are usuall}- adopted in preference to island-stations, as the business done through such a house and the rush of wagons at certain times of the day is 2o6 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. so large, that it is necessary to provide as much frontage as possible on the street side of the building. In order to obtain, however, more track frontage, and also in order to be able to discharge freight without damage in bad weather, it is very customary to run one or more tracks into or through the building, in addition to one or more tracks along the face of the building on the track side of the house. It is essential in a large freight-house to make a clear distinction between incoming and outgoing freight. Incoming freight — that is, parcel freight arriving at the freight-house for distribution through the town — is unloaded promptly from the cars and stored in the house till taken away by the consignees. This class of freight, therefore, does not need much track-room for cars, as the freight can be unloaded at once and the empty cars promptly replaced by other loaded cars ; but a large storage space will be required in the freight-house, as the freight will accumulate from day to day waiting for consignees to call. On the other hand, outgoing freight — that is, freight brought to the freight-house in wagons for shipment by rail — can be loaded at once into cars, if on hand, and removed promptly from the floor of the house. A much larger track-room is needed, how- ever, for outgoing freight than for incoming freight. At some freight-houses cars are allowed to be loaded with freight for different points, the intention being to rehandle or reassert the freight at some distributing point or junction-station. At large freight-houses, however, a number of cars have to be placed along the house simultaneously, each car being destined for a special point, and the freight as it is received from wagons is distributed and loaded accord- ingly. In order to get more frontage on the track, platforms are frequently extended each way from the house. -A platform annex to a freight-house, with a track on one side and a wagon-road on the other side of the platform, is frequently used for large lots of package- freight to be handled to or from cars or wagons without passing through the freight-house. The goods are tallied, and, if necessary, weighed by means of a small portable scale, as the)' pass over the platform. Car-lot freight is generally placed on separate side tracks along wagon-roads, known as track-delivery yards. Relative to the proper height of platforms, and the distance to set the face of platform back from the nearest track, the remarks made above with reference to small freight-houses apply equally well to large freight-houses, excepting that a large freight-house is never placed immediately along a main track. In order to increase the number of cars that can be reached from the building, it is very customary to run two tracks, or even more, along the face of the building, placing the doors of the cars standing opposite to each other in line, the cars on the nearest track serving to get to the cars on the far tracks. Tracks running into the building have the objections, that they require the roof-trusses to be placed higher than otherwise would be necessary, and the track pit cuts up the floor seriously, especially if two tracks run in the same pit. If the pit is only one track wide, it is very easy to skid freight across it, or to take freight through an empty car standing on the track. As mentioned above, it is very essential in large freight-houses to make a clear distinction between incoming and outgoing freight, and to design the house and the track system accordingly. The tracks for incoming freight should be opposite the main storage space of the building, which in turn should adjoin that portion of the street front allotted to wagons calling for freight. On the other hand, the wagon front intended for receiving freight from wagons should be as close as possible to the tracks for outgoing cars, with a certain amount of storage space provided between the street-doors antl the FREIGHT-BO USES. 207 tracks for temporary accumulations of freight. In a number of freight-houses the system prevails of shunting in loaded cars, which, after being unloaded, are reloaded with outgoing freight before being moved. Under certain conditions, and where the business is not very heavy, this system can be worked without serious delays ; but in very large freight-houses the method of having separate tracks and portions of the house assigned for incoming and lor outgoing business should be adopted, if feasible. The following general remarks on certain characteristic details of freight-houses apply more particularly to the larger class of structures. The interior should be lighted by win- dows in the outer walls, or, better, by transom-lights over the doors, as the light from the windows is apt to be cut off by freight being piled up against the sides of the house. The light admitted through doors and transoms in a very large house is not sufficient for the varied amount of work, clerical and otherwise, that has to be done in the building, so that skylights or a clear-story are generally introduced. In large freight-houses one or more offices are usually provided at one end of the building, either on the ground-floor or in an upper story, or both combined. The freight-doors are usually sliding-doors, from 7 to 10 ft. wide and from 7 to 12 ft. high, cither single or in pairs. The introduction of steel roller- shutter doors is very desirable, as it makes a fire-proof door, which occupies no floor-space when open, and can be shut at night without having to clear the floor space in case freight has accumulated around the door, as would be the case with swinging-doors. Wooden lifting- doors are used with similar advantages to steel roller-doors, where there is space above the door-opening for the door. Where this is limited, the author has in several cases used double lifting-doors to good advantage, the door opening being closed by two lifting-doors sliding in different grooves. Sliding-doors have the same advantages as lifting-doors and roller-shutter doors, so far as not taking up floor-space is concerned ; but in order to slide sideways the roof- construction has to be raised so as to allow the track and rollers to pass under the knee- braces of the trusses, or under the brackets supporting the projecting roof on the outside of the building. If sliding-doors are hung on the inside of the building, they have to be protected by guards or a partition, so that freight piled inside of the house will not damage or block the door. In northern climates it is preferable to hang sliding-doors on the inside of the building, although the rollers and overhead tracks can be protected to a certain extent from the weather by properly built hoods. A lifting swinging-door, hinged at the top of the door-opening and swinging upwards inwardly, has been very extensively used in connection with freight-houses and steamship piers, but it is a very undesirable device. The floor-space has to be cleared off for some distance from the door before it can be opened or closed ; and if the hooks or ropes, which hold up the door when open, should get loose, the lives of men passing under the door would be in great danger. Ventilation is usually provided for through openings in the clear-story. In northern climates, however, the openings should be so arranged that they can be closed when desired. A platform is not necessary along the track side of the house, provided the freight-house doors are spaced, so as to correspond to the average spacing of car-doors in a train. For receiving freight fioni wagons a platform in front of the liouse will prove useful, where the street frontage is limited, as in case of a rush truckmen can place freight on the platform between the doors, antl it is worked back into the house as fast as the freight-handlers can get to it. For delivering freight to wagons a plat- 2o8 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. form is not needed, as far as the railroad company's interests are concerned, as each wagon as it is being loaded is backed up to the door. A platform, however, will frequently prove useful for truckmen to place part of the packages on while reloading or rearranging the freight on their wagons. Relative to terminal freight-houses at the water-front for the delivery of freight to vessels and for receiving freight from vessels, it can be said that these structures are in nearly all cases built on piers projecting out into the water, usually with pile-foundations, although sometimes cribs with filling back of them are employed. Where there are several freight-piers at one terminal, a distinction is usually made between incoming and outgoing freight-piers and the piers are designed accordingly. Where the number of piers is limited, both classes of freight are handled over the same pier. The same conditions relative to the proportion of storage space required for incoming and outgoing freight exist in terminal-pier freight-houses as in large local freight-houses. Incoming freight — that is, freight for distribution by water craft around the harbor or for delivery to vessels or steamships — requires considerable storage space owing to delays waiting for the freight to be taken away. On the other hand, the unloading of the cars can be done very quickly. For certain classes of freight, for instance flour, the rules of the trade require railroad companies to hold the freight for a certain number of days before consignees are required to call for it, so as to allow for the proper inspection, classification, and distribution of samples before the consignee has to take the goods away. Incoming freight is also often consigned " to order," and railroad companies are obliged, in order to hold the trade, to store the freight in their terminal freight-house until the goods are placed on the market. Where the water-front is limited and very valuable, the use of two-story freight-sheds for the proper storage of incoming freight is daily becoming more prevalent. Flour and other freight, which will probably be left in store for some time, is transferred as soon as received to the upper floor by means of platform-elevators or barrel- hoists. In fact, the improvements in recent years in this class of machinery has been so marked, that it has practically removed the objectionable features of transferring freight to and from upper stories of a building. Methods for transferring freight lengthwise in a freight-house have not been thus far extensively used, but there is no doubt that in the future development of freight-house systems more attention will be paid to the mechanical movement or transferring of freight lengthwise of a freight-house. Relative to the arrangement of tracks and the division of the floor-space in a freight-shed for incoming freight located on a pier with water-front on both sides, the best system is to have one or two tracks running the length of the pier in a track-pit at the middle of the house. There should be on each side of the track-pit at least five feet, preferably eight feet, left vacant as a passage-way. The space between the passage-way and the side of the building should be large enough to allow a car-load of freight to be piled in one row, which would require from 30 to 45 ft., according to the class of freight. Where the width of the pier will not allow this width for piling freight, then provision should be made for a wiilth that would pile a car-load of freight in two rows. In other words, car-load lots have to, as a rule, be kept distinct and separated on the pier, and in order to use the floor-space to the best advantage it is desirable not to have broken rows. Platform scales are inserted in the floor of the piei at intervals at convenient points for passing the freight over them. Doors are locateil along FREIGHT-HOUSES. 209 the sides of the building at intcr\'al.s correspondini; to tlie average class of vessels to be expected. It is a mistake to introduce too many doors, as each door represents, practically, one passage-way useless for the storage of freight. On the other hand, if the doors are spaced too far apart the number of berths offered to vessels is diminished. The same remarks relative to doors, made above in connection with large local freight-houses, apply to doors in tciniinal-pier freight-houses, with tlic additional feature, however, that where there is an incline cut into the pier floor opposite the doorway the steel roller-shutter door deserves the pref- erence over all others, as it can be easily made to run down below the pier floor to the foot of the incline. In connection with inclines at doorways on freight-piers, the advantages of movable gangway inclines cannot be overestimated. The upper end of the incline is hinged to the floor-timbers, or revolves on a rocker-beam, while the lower end is suspended by chains from an overhead gallows-frame, with the proper counterweights, shafting, wheels, etc., so as to reailily raise or lower the bridge. The incline can thus be accommodated to any class of vessels lying at the pier, whether light or loaded, and at any stage of the tide. A light gang- plank from the end of the incline to the deck of the vessel completes the connection, and does away with the heavy and long gang-plank bridges whicli have to be used, at certain stages of the tide and with certain classes of vessels, when the incline is fixed. An additional advantage of the movable incline is, that a few turns of the wheel from time to time allows the bridge to follow any change in the height of the vessel due to the rise and fall of the tide or the loading of the vessel. The movable gangway incline has another very valuable advantage. It will frequentl}' be found preferable to close some of the doors in the sides of the pier and utilize the space opposite them for storage. The movable gangway in this case has the advantage over the fixed incline, that it can be hoisted and held at the same level as the pier floor. As the chains and hoisting machinery are usually proportioned to hold only lialf the weight of the gangway bridge plus the heaviest load that is liable to be transferreil over it, the author has introduced in a number of terminal-pier freight-houses, built under his supervision, toggle-irons or heavy bolts, which are run out under the ends of the incline by a lever worked from the floor of the pier. These toggle-irons are strong enough to allow the bridge to be loaded the same as any other part of the floor of the pier. For some classes of vessels and freight, doors and gangways are placed in pairs along the side of a pier, so that freight can be handled in and off a vessel at the same time, or the freight-handlers can pass through one door and back through the other, so as not to meet on the .same gangway. Small doors in the upper story of a two-story freight-shed on a pier should be introduced to a limited extent. While freight would be seldom handled through them, they are useful iti case of a breakdown of the elevators or steam-supply for running the machinery. In adtlitinii, these doors will give a better chance to ventilate the interior from time to time. In a single- story terminal-pier freight-house, windows in the sides of the building are generall}' omitted, as sufficient light and ventilation can be easily secured by skylights in the roof, or preferably by a clear-story. In double-story piers the upper floor is frequentl)' extended across the track-pit, so as to utilize the entire floor-surface for storage, in which case side lights have to be introdiiced in the lower story in the sides of the building. These lights are usually made similar to transom-lights with fixed sash, and set high, so as not to be blocked by the freight piled along the sides of the building. In other double-story freight-piers, the upper floor is 2IO BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. not extended across the track-pit, which reduces the storage space of the upper floor, but the advantages of this design are such tliat, in the author's opinion, it is the best phui to adopt. Ventilation and good hght for the lower story is secured thereby in abundance ; the clear height of the lower story can be reduced to what is actually needed for the storage of freight, independent of the height of the cars running in the track-pit ; and a heavy and costly girder construction to carry the second floor over the track-pit is avoided. In this manner the total height of a two-story building can be made within a few feet the same as a single-story freight-shed. In a number of cases, known to the author, terminal freight-houses on piers for incoming freight have been made very wide, — 200 ft. and more in width, — with the intention of allowing two or three car-loads of freight to be piled in one row between the central passage-way and the outside of the shed. While the cost of construction in proportion to the storage space and water-front is decreased, such houses should only be used where the freight will remain for a long time in store and accumulate very heavily. The main objection to wide freight- piers is, that short-storage freight and freight that can pass from the cars almost immediately to vessels, if ready for it, have to be trucked a much longer distance than necessary. In such piers it would be more desirable, in place of a double-track well at the centre of the pier, to have two separate single-tracks wells, located nearer the sides of the building, so as to leave space between the track and the side of the building for the storage of car-load lots in one row. This would bring the track nearer the side of the building, and cause less trucking for short-storage or quick freight, while long-storage freight would be piled on the central portion of the floor between the two track-pits. Freight-sheds on piers for incoming freight are usually made to cover the entire width of the pier, just leaving space enough on the outside for men to be able to pass lines back and forth and for placing mooring cleats and posts. Car-load lots of incoming freight, unless the freight has to be weighed separately, are generally not handled through the house, but from separate bulkhead tracks or tracks on open piers. In some cases it is desirable to place a track along the outside of an incoming-freight shed between the shed and the string-piece, so as to obtain the advantage that incoming car-lot freight can be handled and tallied b\' the same set of men as employed for package freight on the same pier, without the men having to leave the pier. Where business is heavy, however, an extra force of men can be easily main- tained for car-load freight on open piers, and the water-front along the freight-shed will be reserved at all times for freight handled through the house. Where the business, however, in an incoming freight-house consists mainly of long-storage freight, and where at certain sea- sons the house may be fully stocked and yet very little freight movement be taking place, the railroad company will have a certain amount of water-front practically idle. Where water- front is scarce, a track along the outside of an incoming-freight shed, under these conditions, would prove advantageous in allowing the water-front to be used for other purposes tlian solely those connected with the house. Where such a track outside of the house is used, inclines at the doorways in the house are not required, as a gangway-plank thrown from the door to the string-piece across the track serves as an incline. Terminal freiglit-houses along the water-front for outgoing freight — that is, for freight received from water-craft for shipment by rail — are one-story structures and generally built FREIGHT-HO USES. 2 1 1 narrow, as the freight received is not kept M\y longer than possible in the house. The serious acciunulation of freight in the house from one A.xy to the other is only possible in case of the railroad company's inability to furnish the necessary cars, load them, and take them away as fast as the freight arrives. The same remarks as made above in connection with the doors of the lower story for incoming pier freight-houses will apply to the doors of outgoing pier freight-houses. The advantages of movable inclines remain the same. The lighting of the interior should be by sk\-light, or, preferab!)', by a clear-story. In the case of an outgoing freight-house on a pier with water-front on both sides, the best arrangement of tracks is to have one or two tracks running into the building in a track-pit at the centre of the house. Unless the house is very narrow, two tracks are desirable, so as to offer standing-room for a larger number of cars. There should be the usual passage-way left along the track. The width between the passage-\\ay and the sides of the house cannot be specified in general, as it will depend upon the conditions under which outgoing freight arrives. A certain amount of storage space, however, should be given, as special lots of freight will have to be frequently stored temporarily on the floor, pending the arrival of a certain class of car intended for such special freight or for the special route the freight is to pass over. Some storage space is also needed for freight destined to stations for which a car is not put on the pier to be loaded for such a station until sufficient freight has accumulated to make a car-load lot. As this uncer- tainty or difference exists relative to whether storage space will be needed for outgoing freight, some outgoing-freight piers are designed with the track-pit located e.xcentric to the centre of the house. Vessels with freight that will mainly pass immediate!}- into cars are given berths on the side of the house where the track is nearest to the water-front, tluis dim- inishing the trucking distance. Vessels arriving with a large amount of miscellaneous smaller lots of package freight, which has to be assorted, tallied, weighed, and partly stored on the floor of the house, are moored on the side of the building with the wider floor-space. It is very customary on outgoing freight-piers, such as last described, to have a track placed on the outside of the house, between the house and the string-piece, so that a large amount of outgoing freight that does not have to be weighed or distributed can be passed directly into the cars over the string-piece, and save the trucking through the house. Such a track, how- ever, has the same advantages and disadvantages as mentioned above in connection with incoming-freight houses. Where the number of piers at a terminal is limited, so that the separation of incoming and outgoing freight to different piers is not feasible, or where the relative proportion of each kind of freight to be handled is uncertain, which would be especially the case for a new enterprise or railroad, it is quite customary to build a freight-house that can be used by both classes of freight, which style of house could be appropriately called a compromise terminal- pier freight-house. The main feature in such a house i.s to place the tracks running into the house excentric from the centre of the house. The wider floor-space is allotted to incoming freight, and the side of the house with less floor-space is assigned to outgoing freight. In the case of one class of freight proving too large for its side of the house, it can be worked from the other side of the Iiouse, although to a certain disadvantage. If a track is added on such a pier outside of the house, between the house and the string-piece, the one structure will be adapted for incoming and for outgoing house freight, and also for car-load freight. 212 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. There will be the risk to run, however, that, like other finely elaborated schemes to accom- plish a number of purposes at the same time, the conditions of the business will subsequently change, and be so entirely different from previous expectations that the s\-stem will not prove successful in actual working. There is another class of terminal freight-houses along the water-front to which no reference has thus far been made, namely, freight-houses along the water-front of cities where the railroad terminal proper is situated across a river from the city, or in some other part of the harbor, so that there are no tracks in these houses. Incoming freight — that is, freight destined for distribution in the city — is brought to the pier either on lighters or in the original road-cars on board of car-floats, and then delivered to wagons. Outgoing freight — that is, freight from the city to be shipped out over the road — is delivered to the house in wagons, and then transferred to lighters or to cars on the car-floats for transfer to the railroad terminal proper. The advantage of using car-floats, in connection with transfer bridges for transferring cars from or to car-floats, is that the freight does not have to be rehandled in order to make the trip over the water. The adoption of car-floats, however, is onl}- feasible where the business is extensive, as a large number of floats have to be kept on hand to handle the business, in addition to providing tugs, transfer bridges, etc. In these terminal city freight-houses the most customary arrangement is for the outgoing freight to be deliv- ered into a bulkhead receiving-shed, whence it is trucked by hand to the car-floats. Incoming freight is usually unloaded and stored on the pier, which is arranged so as to allow teams to drive into the house the length of the pier and back up to the freight the)- are after. Where a bulkhead shed is not feasible, or where car-floats are not used, but the outgoing freight is loaded on lighters, the teams usually drive into the house and deliver the outgoing freight on tl>e floor of the pier. As the space available for freight-houses along the water- front of a city is generally confined in one way or the other, the exact design to be adopted for such houses will be generallj- dependent upon a large number of local conditions. The necessity, however, for a strict division of incoming and outgoing freight, and for a proper proportioning of the relative floor-space required for the two classes of freight, is of the same importance in city freight-houses as for large terminal railroad freight-houses. In examining existing freight-houses along the water-front of a cit\% it will be found that incoming freight requires about three to five times as much floor-space as outgoing freight. For this reason, and on account of the great value of the ground along a water-front, two-story freight-sheds have been adopted, with good results. Long-storage freight is transferred at once to the upper story out of the way of quick freight. In this connection attention should be again directed to the advantages that modern hoisting machinery offers for transferring freight from different stories of a building, and to the advisability of adopting mechanical means for moving freight lengthwise of a freight-house. Mechanical appliances for moving freight from a second story down to a bulkhead shed for delivery to teams are worthy of serious consideration in localities where the ground-space is valuable and the street frontage limited. The following remarks apply in general to all classes of freight-sheds located on piers. The structures are built of more or less permanent materials, and the method of construction deserves the preference that will allow of a downwards or sideways movement of the foun- dation to a liinited extent without causing serious trouble, as however well and carefully a FREIGHT-HOUSES. 2>3 foundation in running water may be built, settlements or side movements from various reasons are liable to occur with time. Therefore, brick or stone structures are practically excluded. Freight sheds are generally built with a wooden frame, covered with sheathing or corrugated iron, with wooden or combination roof-trusses, and roofed with tin, roofing-felt, or a gravel roof. Slate roofs arc excluded, as a rule, on account of the extra weight and the unstable character of the foundations. Where it is desired to have a more fire-proof struc- ture, or to render repairs less frcciucnt, which, if required constantly, would cause serious detentions to a heavy business, it is customary to build an all-iron shed. Relative to the roofing, a tin roof allows a very flat slope to be adopted, thereby cheapening the construction materially. Where piers are located, however, near salt water, it is claimed that a tarred felt and gravel roof will give better service than a tin roof, as the latter, unless kept well painted, deteriorates rapidly. A gravel roof, however, is heavier than a tin roof. Relative to the interior of the building, it can be said that costly designs of large-span roof-trusses, in order to avoid posts in the interior of the building, are not absolutely warranted, excepting where wagons drive into the pier, and even then posts can be distributed to a limited e.\:tent in such a way in the building as not io be a serious objection. In fact, under certain conditions and for certain classes of freight, which has to be collected, assorted, and distributed according to its destination point, it is actually convenient to have posts in the building, as the posts are labelled with the names of stations, and freight is piled around them accordingly. There is another general feature with reference to all large pier freight-houses that should be mentioned, namely, the houses should not be so long that the length of train standing in the house becomes excessive. Either the work of the freight-handlers will be frequently interrupted to allow switching to be done, or else empty or loaded cars ready to leave will be held for hours till the entire train is ready to go out. Such delays are less noticeable where the trains are short. Freight-houses 2000 ft. long and more actually exist. Such freight-houses are in one sense magnificent structures, but they are failures as regards the practical working of them. Cars ready to leave the house in the early part of the day do not leave till late at night, or even the next morning, owing to the difflculties of sorting out a limited number of cars on such a long train. In addition, the lengthwise trucking of freight in such a house is liable to be something very serious. Therefore, short piers and short houses, with short slips, easy of ingress and egress, is the proper rule to adopt in designing the layout of a freight terminal at a water-front. The proper floor load to allow for in designing a freight-house depends on the class of freight to be expected anrl other local conditions. The best method to pursue in any individual case is to ascertain how certain classes of package freight are usually piled in practice, and to design the strength of the floor for the heaviest load to be expected. Passage-ways are usually left between different rows of freight for inspection and to gain accessibility, which fact can be considered in establishing the uni'-load to jirovide for; but it must be remembered, that an engineer in designing a structure may have certain rules in mind relative to piling freight that seem perfectly natural, and which may be impressed upon the freight department at the start, but which will be very soon forgotten in the run of years, especially where a change of men in charge takes place. The unit-load assumed, therefore, should be safe, and cover all ordinary contingencies. It is not necessar>-, however, to 214 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. endeavor, unless specially asked to do so, to provide for such unusual features as storing pig- iron, steel ingots, lead or brass spigots, copper-ore in bags, etc., over the entire floor for the height that a man can pile it, as, when such freight is handled, the freight men in charge readily realize the character of the material they are handling, and will pile it in limited tiers, with ample floor-space between the rows. Attention should be called, in a general way, to the fact that in Europe hydraulic machinery and mechanical-transfer methods are used in freight-houses to a much larger extent than in this country. Admitting that the conditions of the business encountered there vary considerably from those in this country, still the author stands not alone among engineers and railroad men in this country who have pointed out the desirability of more attention being paid to this feature of the freight-handling business. The structures known as store-houses and bonded warehouses are connected with the subject of freight-houses, and can be considered as an extension on a large scale of freight- houses for long-storage freight. These structures, generally, consist of fire-proof brick or stone buildings, several stories high, built on land where the proper foundations can be obtained and the space is not as valuable as at the water-front, although sometimes they are built close to the water-front back of bulkheads. A full discussion of these structures does not come within the province of railroad structures, as they are usually built and controlled by other parties than railroad companies, although in individual cases railroad companies have built such structures to good advantage. A special kind of store-house is the so-called cold- storage warehouse, designed for the storage of perishable freight. In a number of cases railroad companies have erected and controlled such structures in connection with their freight terminals, and it can be said in general, that such a structure, if conducted properly, in a locality where the conditions warrant it, will always prove a source of revenue and be the means of drawing additional trade to the railroad company. Connected with freight-houses and freight-handling systems, there arc a large number of structures used on railroads for special classes of freight or materials, for which in each particular case a special study has to be made by the designing engineer, or else a specialist for that class of structures called in. Such structures are, for instance, grain-elevators ; stock- yards ; cattle-pens; stables; hay-sheds; and storage-houses for guano, phosphates, cement, cooperage stock, hides, flour, fire-clay, lime, etc. Each of these structures has its own peculiarities and distinctive features, and has to be designed in each case accordingly. After above general remarks on the subject under discussion, the following descriptions and illustrations of freight-houses built in this country will prove important. Freight-house for Way-stations, Boston, Hoosac Tunnel 6-- Western Rail%My.--Y:\\ft freight-house design for way-stations on the Boston, Hoosac Tunnel & Western Railway, shown in Figs. 355 and 356, data for which were kindly furnished by Mr. Edwin A. Hill, consists of a frame building sheathed on the outside with vertical boards and roofed with slate. The building is 30 ft. X 20 ft., with platforms on the front and at each end, 8 ft. wide. The foundations of the building are stone piers, 2 ft. X 2 ft. 6 in. in size. The platforni is supported by timber posts set in the ground. The frame consists of 8-in. X lo-in. sills; 8-in. X lo-in. cross-sills and end-sills, framed into side- sills ; 2l-in. X i2-in. floor-joists, spaced 18 in.; 6-in. X 8-in. posts, framed into sills and plates; 6-in. X 8-in. plates; 6-in. X 8-in. tie-beams at each post, framed into posts; 2-in. X 7-in. rafters, spaced 24 in. centres; 2-in. X 8-in. tie-piece, 4 ft. below ridge; 4-in. X 4-in. eave-braces, 3i-in. X 6-in. studdmg, FREIGHT-HO USES. 2»5 and 2 in. X 6-in, nailers. Tlic roof is covered vvitli planed and matched i-in. spruce boards, covered with slate laid on tarred felt binlding-paper. The outside of the building is sheathed with planed and matched i-in pine or spruce boards, put on vertically, with bevelled or moulded battens, \ in. X 2 in. Flooring in the house and on the platforms is 2l-in. spruce or pine boards. The corner-boards and casings are i-in. X s-in. pine; frieze, i-in. X 12-in. pine ; water-table, 2-in. X 5-in. pine; plank enclosing platforms, 2-in. hemlock or spruce. Transom light over freight doors is stationary, 8 ft. X 2 ft. 4 in. Doors in end of building, 2 in. X 2 ft. 10 in. X 7 ft. 6 in. Freight doors, one on front and one on rear of building, are 8 ft. wide by 7 ft. high, made of two thicknesses of planed and matched pine, i^ in. X 6 in., the inside layer vertical and the outside one diagonal, well nailed together with clinch-nails, and hung overhead with barn-door hangers. The gutter along the eaves is 6 in. deep, formed of galvanized iron, with 3-in. gahanized-iron down-conductors at each corner of the building, extending down underneath the platform, and enclosed for 5 ft. above the platform with 2-in. plank protection-boxes. There are no windows or partitions whatever in this freight-house. This design can serve as a very good example of a small, cheap freight-house for way-stations. A building of this kind costs about $750. bn ia^titxajx ta »LK Q Fig. 355. — Front Elevation. Fig. 356.— Cross-section, Freight-houses at BrownuHnnt, Ziw., and at Gai/icsville, Tex., Gulf, Colo ra Jo cr= Santa Fc Rail- road. — The standard freight-house of the Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railroad, now part of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad system, as built at Brownwood, Tex., and at Gainesville, Tex., designed by Mr. W. J. Sherman, Chief Engineer, G., C. & S. F. R. R., is a single-story frame structure, 22 ft. X 106 ft., surrounded by high platforms on all sides, sheathed on the outside with upright boards and battens, set on wooden blocks for foundations, and roofed with shingles on sheet- ing. The interior is divided into an office, 16 ft. X 22 ft., and a freight-room, 90 ft. X 22 ft. The office is ceiled on the interior, while the freight-room is left unceiled. The platforms on the front and the rear of the building and at the end next to the office are 8 ft. wide. There is at the other end of the building, as a continuation of the freight-room, a high open platform, 60 ft. long and 38 ft. wide. The design of the exterior of this building and the details and materials used are practically the same as in the freight end of the combination depot of the same railroad at Farmersville, Tex., described and illustrated below in the chapter on Combination Depots. This freight-house can be recommended on account of its cheapness and the simplicity of the design, and is especially adajited for pioneer roads, or where a cheap but efficient siructure is desired. Freigltt-Iiouse for Way-stations, Chesapeake &= Ohio Railway. — The freight-house design of the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway, shown in Figs. 357 to 359, is a frame structure, 40 ft. X 25 ft., with Fig. 357. — Friint F.i.fv\tion. Fig. 358. — Cross-section, 2l6 BUILD /NGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. ffOOM. 1 T/Cf a 7-ft. platform on all four sides. The interior is divided into a freight-room, 30 ft. X 25 ft., and an office, 10 ft. X 25 ft. The platform and the floor of the house are set about 4 ft. above the top of the rail. The foundations of the building are posts, bedded on blocks in the ground. The bents of the building are spaced 10 ft. apart. The posts are capped crosswise with lo-in. X i2-in. sticks, spaced 10 ft. apart. The building-sill is 12 in. X 12 in. 'i"he floor-joists are 3 in. X 12 in., spaced 18 in. centres, spanning 10 ft. The floor is 2|-in. plank. The studding is 2 in. X 6 in., spaced 16 in. centres; roof-rafters and tie-beams, 2 in. X 6 in.; plates, 6 in. X 6 in. The freight- room has a large sliding freight door at the front and rear of the building. The roof is a double-pitched roof, with hipped ornamental gables. The iG. 359.— ROUND-PL N. Qufgj^g q[ (■]•,(. building is sheathed, partly with horizontal moulded weather- boarding, and partly with upright ornamental boarding. The interior of the freight-room is ceiled with i-in. rough boards for 5 ft. from the floor up. Freight-house for Way-stations, Northern Pacific Railroad. — The freight-house design for way- stations on the Northern Pacific Railroad, shown in Fig. 360, is a frame structure 24 ft. wide and 80 ft. long, or any other length that may be desired. At one end 16 ft. is cut off for an office. The building is surrounded by 12-ft. platforms on all sides; the floor of the house is set 3 ft. iot in. above the top of rail. The plat- form facing the track is extended, 16 ft. wide, along the track each way from the building for any additional dis- tance required by the business. The face of the platform is set 6 ft. from the centre of the track and 3 ft. 8 in. above the top of the rail. The building is sheathed on the outside with horizontal weather- boarding, and roofed with shingles. Freight-house for Way-stations, Northern Pacific Raiiroad. — The freight-house for way-stations of the Northern Pacific Railroad, shown in Figs. 361 and 362, is a frame structure 46 ft. X 100 ft. Fig. 360. — Persi'eciive. Fig. 361. — Front Elevation. long, or any other lengtli desired, surrounded by platforms on all sides. The platforms on the front and rear are 10 ft. wide, while at each end of the building the platform is widened, with an incline Fig. 362. — End Elevation anp CRnss-srcTioN. leading up to it. There is a track along the front and rear of the building, the nearest rail of each track being located 3 ft. 6 in. from the face of the platform. The jjlatform is set 3 ft. 8 in. above FREIGHT-HO USES. 217 the top of the rail, aiul the floor of tlie house is 2.I in. higher. There is a small space, 14 ft. S(|uare, partitioned off at one end of the building, for an ofifice. The outside of the building is sheathed with upright boards and battens, and the roof is covered with shingles. The freight-doors are 7 ft. wide, and are plain batten doors. Standard Frame Frci^ht-hoiisc for Way-stations, Pennsylvania Railroad. — The standard freight- house of the Pennsylvania Railroad, designed in 1886, shown in Figs. 363 to 365, ])lans for which were kindly furnished by Mr. Wni. H. lirown. Chief Engineer, Pennsylvania Railroad, is a rmiSH T /fOOM Fig. 363. — Front Elevation. Fig. 364.— End Elevation and Ckoss ."iECTioN. Fic. 365. — Ground-plan. frame structure 24 ft. X 36 ft. 8 in., with a platform on all sides, the top of the iilatforni and the lloor of the house being set 3 ft. 10 in. above the top of the rail. The interior of the building has an 8-ft. X i2-ft. space partitioned off for an ofifice. There is an 8-ft. X 8-ft. sliding-door at the front and at the rear of the building. The platforms of the sides and rear are 6 ft. wide, and on the front, facing the track, tlie platform is 8 ft. wide, extended for that width along the track for some distance each way from the house. The foundations of the house are stone walls, 18 in. thick, set on yellow- I)ine blocking below frost. The foundations of the platform consist of 8-in. X 8-in. yellow-pine posts, set on blocking in the ground. The frame of the building is of hemlock, the roof-bents being spaced 12 ft. apart. The corner-posts and posts under the bents are 6 in. X 8 in.; door-studs, 6 in. X 6 in.; intermediate studs, 4 in. X 6 in.; plates, 6 in. X 6 in.; sills, 6 in. X 10 in. Centre girder running through house under floor, 12-in. X 12-in. white pine, spanning 12 ft. Joists, 3-in. X 12 in. hemlock, spaced 16 in. centres, s])anning 12 ft. Flooring, 2-in. yellow-pine rough plank. Roof-sheathing, i-in. matched hemlock. Sheathing of outside of frame, i-in. white-pine boards and battens. Roof-trusses, principal rafters, 6 in. X 6 in.; tie-beam, 6 in. X 6 in.; truss-braces, 4 in. X 6 in.; knee-braces, 4 in. X 6 in.; king-rod, J in. in diameter; purlins, 6 in. X 10 in.; ridge-pole, 4 in. X 10 in.; rafters, 3 in. X 5 in., spaced 24 in. centres. Platform roof projection, 6 ft., sup- ported by brackets every 12 ft. The brackets, consisting of 6-in. X C-in. horizontal piece, 4-in. X 6-in. vertical piece, and 4-in. X 6-in. knee-brace, bolted to frame with a i-in. bolt, carry a 3-in. X 8-in. purlin. Roof-sheathing, i-in. matched hemlock. The roof is covered with slate or tin on felt paper. The doors are made plain, battened on the back, hung on hinges for the office, and slid- ing on 6-in. cast-iron sheaves on 1-in. X 4-in. wrought-iron ways for the freight-house. Window in office, 3 ft. X 4 ft. 8 in. The transom-light over freight-house doors has a fixed sash of ij-in. white pine, with J-in. round wrought-iron rods, spaced 6 in. apart in front of glass, as guards. The chimney- flue is hung in the roof, projecting 2 ft. above the peak of the building, and capped with a 2-in. flag- stone. The platform is reached by a jiair of steps opposite the office, and by an incline at one end of the platform along the track. The face of the platform is sheathed with 2-in. X 15-in. yellow-pine plank all around the building, cast-iron grates being inserted, so as to afford ventilation under the house. The down-conductors are 2i-in. X 3J-in. galvanized iron. The office-door is 3 ft. X 8 ft., with transom overhead. The interior of the building is 12 ft. 4 in. high in the clear from the floor to the tie-beam. The interior of the office is lined and ceiled with i-in. white or yellow jiine worked boards. The woodwork on the outside of the building is painted with two coats of ])aint of standard tints, the interior of the office is finished in two coats of oil, and the inside of the freight-room has two coats of whitewash. 2l8 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. StanJiirJ Brick Frcii^/if-/ioiisi; /e stern Rai/ipad- The freight-house of the Minnesota & Northwestern Railroad, at New HamjHon, Minn., shown in Figs. 370 to 372 is a frame structure, sheathed on the outside with horizontal weather-boarding, and roofed with Fig 370, Front Elevation. shingles. The standard freight-house is 30 ft. wide by any length desired, the length at New Hamp- ton being 120 ft. At one end of the building there is an office 15 ft. X 30 ft., divided off from the freight-room by a partition. A 6-ft. platform runs along the front of the house facing the track. Ornce _l Fig. 371. — Cross-section. Fig. 372. — GROi'ND-rLAN. At the eiul (il the building away from the office, the platform is extended 36 ft. wide for a distance of 24 ft. An incline leads from the ground up to this platform extension, and at the office end of the building the platform is reached by steps. The doors of the freight-room are sliding-doors, 7 ft. X 7 ft., hung inside the house, with 20-in. stationary transoms. The foundations of the build- ing are timber posts, set in the ground on blocking. There are four lines of 8-in. X 12-in. sills run- ning lengthwise with the building. On top of these there are 2-in. X 12-in. joists, spaced 16 in. centres, spanning 10 ft. The floor is formed of 2-in. plank. The roof-bents are spaced 8 ft. 9 in. centres. Studding, 2 in. X 6 in., doubled at the bents; plates, 2 in. X 6 in. Height from floor to tie- beam, 8 ft. in clear. The roof-trusses have princi])al rafters, two pieces, 2 in. X 6 in.; tie-beam, I in. X 10 in.; plank-braces, from 2 in. X 4 in., to 2 in. X 10 in.; roof-boards, \ in., covered with shingles; purlins, 4 in. X 8 in., hung under principal rafters of roof-bents; ridge-piece, 2 in.Xio in.; intermediate rafters, 2 in. X 6 in. The 6-ft. i)Litforni is carried on 8-in.X 8-in. posts, with 8-in. X 8-in. caps, supporting five lines of 2-in. X lo-in. joists, spanning 8 ft. 9 in. The platform and floor of the house is set 4 ft. above the top of the rail, and the face of the platform is sot back 6 ft. from the centre of the track. The wagon road on the rear of the building is 3 ft. below the floor of the house. BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. Frcii^^lil-lioiisc al Gainesville, Fla., Saraiiiuili, Florida ^^ Western Railway. — The freight-house of the Savannali, Florida & Western Railway at (iainesvillc, Fla., shown in Fig. 373, designed by Mr. W. B. W. Ht)we, Jr., Chief F:ngineer, S., F. & W. Ry., is a frame structure, 50 ft. wide by any length desired, with an 8-ft. platform on each side of the building. The outside of the building is sheathed with uj^right boards and battens. The foundations of the sides of the building are brick piers, while the intermediate floor- girders in the building and the outside floor-girders of the platform are supported Ijy posts bedded in the ground. The building-sill is S in. X 12 in., and the floor-girders in the interior of the house and at the face of the platform are 6 in. X 12 in. The floor- joists are 3 in. X 12 in., spaced 24 in., spanning 12 ft. 6 in. The floor consists of 2-in. plank, the top being set 4 ft. above the top of the rail. The building is 12 ft. high in the clear from floor to tie- beam. The roof is carried by a set of posts at the centre of the l)uilding. The principal timbers Fi''- 373.— Ckoss-section X 9 in.; plates, 6 in. X 6 The freight-doors are 7 are, posts, 6 in. X 8 in.; tie-beams, 2 pieces, 2 in. X 6 in ; ridge-purlin, in.; knee-braces, 2 pieces, 2 in. X 6 in.; rafters, 2 in. X 8 in., spaced 36 ft. wide by 9 ft. high, in pairs, built of i-in. X 6-in. frame, covered with J-in. narrow, tongued an-d grooved boards, laid diagonally. The platform slopes 2 in. from the house down towards the track. Terminal Freiglit-house at Jacksonville, Fla., Savannah, Florida is' Western Railway. — The terminal freight-liouse of the SaVannah, Florida & Western Railway at Jacksonville, Fla., shown in Figs. 374 and 375, designed by Mr. W. B. W. Howe, Jr., Chief Engineer, S., F. & W. Ry., is a one- FiG. 374. — Front Elevation. story frame structure, 50 ft. X 294 ft., sheathed on the outside with upright boards and battens, and roofed with tin. There is a 6-ft. platform along the track, and a 6-ft. platform at one gable-end of the building. The building is divided by cross partitions into seven rooms, each 42 ft. X 50 ft. Sliding-doors, 9 ft. X 9 ft., are spaced 28 ft. centres along the front and the rear of the build- ing. The interior is 13 ft. high in the clear from floor to tie-beams. The roof-i)rojection over the platform is 6 ft. wide, sup])orted by ornamental brackets. The foundations of the building are Fig. 375. — End Elevation and CuDss-sKcrioN. 1 ■ 1 • t^i 1 u- -n j • * j- . brick piers. The building-sills and intermediate floor-girders are 12 in. X 14 in., spanning 14 ft. The floor-joists are 4 in. X 12 in., spaced 24 in., and spanning 12 ft. 6 in. The floor is 2-in. rough jilanking. The joists on the platform are spaced 4 ft. centres, spanning 6 ft. The top of the platform is placed 3 ft. 10 in. above the top of the rail. The frame is built of 6-in. X 8-in. posts, 3-in. X 4-in. studs and nailers, and 4-in. X 8-in. plates. The roof- trusses are spaced 14 ft. centres, and are composed of 4-in. X 9-in. principal rafters; 4-in. X 9-in. tie- beams; 4-in. X 5-in. truss-braces; 2?>-in. X 8-in. purlins, spaced 48 in.; truss-rods, | in. and i in. in diameter: roof-sheathing, i-in. boards. Terminal Freight-Itouse at Grand Street, Jersey City, N. J., Lehigh Valley Railroad.— The terminal freight-house of the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Grand Street, Jersey City, N. J., shown in FREIGHT-HO USES. Figs. 376 to 379, dL-sigiicd and built in i8go under the direction of tile autlior, assisted by Mr. Julius G. Hocke, Assistant Engineer, L. V. R. R., and by Mr. E. D. I!. Brown, is a single- story, L-sIiaped frame structure, sheathed on the outside with galvanized corrugated iron, and roofed with tin. The location is at the junction of two important streets, (Jrand Street and Pacific Avenue, the tracks being parallel to Pacific Avenue, hence the neces- sity for the design as selected. In order to obtain more car frontage, covered platforms, 10 ft. wide, are run out from the freight- house along the tracks, as shown on the ])lans. The freight-house is 50 ft. wide, and 171 ft. long on the street frontage. The platform along the street is 6 ft. wide, and the freight-doors are 10 ft. wide and 14 ft. high, in pairs, sliding into recesses each side of the door-opening. Along the track the side of the house consists of sliding-doors hung alternately on two separate continuous rails, so that the house can be thrown open at any jjoint. Attached to the freight-house is an office, 15 ft. X 23 ft.. Fig. 376. — End Elevation. «=|:3:iJU_!L_IU:| EiG. 377. — Cross-section. built as an annex to the main building. The end of the building away fron'i the office is built so that the house can be extended along Pacific .'Xvenue at any time without causing any serious changes. The floor in the house is set 3 ft. 8 in. above the top of the rails of the tracks, and the face of the plat- form is 2 ft. 9 in. above the wagon-road. The clear height in the house from the floor to the tie-beams of the trusses is 16 ft. 9 in. The foundations of the building are yellow-pine piles, spaced about 6 ft. ajiart in each bent, the bents being spaced 10 ft. centres. The roof-trusses are spaced 20 ft. centres. The ])rinripal timbers used are yellow pine, 12-in. X 12-in. caps; 4-in.Xi2-in. floor-joists; 12-in. X 12-in. building-sill; 3-in. floor-i)lank; S-in. X 12-in. wheel-guard; lo-in. X 12-in. posts; 6-in. X 12-in. [ilates; 6-in. X 12-in. bolsters; 6-in.Xio-in. knee-braces; door-lintels 6 in. X 8 in.; extra upper door-lintcl on track side of house for second set of sliding-doors, 6 ih. X 14 in.; roof-brackets, 6 in. X 10 in.; false rafters on roof-projection, 3 in. X 8 in.: purlin on roof-projection, 6 in. X 8 in. The roof-trusses art built of white pine as follows: principal rafters, 2 pieces, 3 in. X 12 in.; tie-beams, 2 jjieces, 3 in. X 12 in.; web-ties and struts, 2 in. X 10 in. Tiie roof-purlins arc 3-in. X lo-in. hemlock, covered by i-in. tongued and grooved hemlock boards, roofed with tin on two layers of tarred roofing-felt. The out- side of the building is covered with galvanized corrugated iron, the lower sheets being No. 20 gauge, the upper sheets No. 26 gauge. The interior is lighted by fixed sash in the sides of the building and skylights in the roof. The cornices, ridge-crestings, etc., are of galvanized iron. Tcniiinal Frcii^ht-hotise at Newark, JV. /., Lehigh Valley Rail road. — The terminal freight -house of the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Frelinghuysen Avenue, Newark, N. J., sliowu in Figs. 380 to 382, 222 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. FREIGHT-HOUSES. 223 designed and limit in 1S92 undei llie dirc<:lion of tlie author, assisted l.)y Mi. I'liilli|j H. Dewiuand Mr. E. [). B. Brown, is a frame stnu:Liu-e, 87 f t. X 14S ft-> sheathed on the outside with galvanized f-3^ Fig. 3S0. — Front Elevation. corrugated iron, and roofed with tin. Two tracks enter the building in one pit, spaced excentrir, the floor-space on the narrow side being for outgoing freight, and the floor-space on the other side being Fic;. 381.— Cross SEcrioN. for incoming freight. The site for this depot was limited to a lot with only 125 ft. front on Frelinghaysen .\venue. There is an 8-ft. platform along .Mpine Street for incoming freight, and a 6-ft. platform along Frelinghuysen Avenue for incoming and outgoing freight. On the other side of the building there is no platform, the width of the property not allowing one; but this was not considered a serious detriment, as wagons bringing outgoing freight back up to the doors, and no trouble is experienced, if the freight is moved away from the doors as fast as deposited. The front of the building on Frelinghuysen Avenue is two-story, not only to add to the appearance of the structure, but so as to give an office for the local freight agent and his clerks, the office shown on the ground- plan being intended for the receiving and shipping clerks connected with business done on the floor of the house more jiarticularly. The building is lighted and ventilated by a clear-story with glazed sash, every alternate sash being pivot-hung. The gable-end of the building away from the ofifice is trussed over, so that the house can be extended at any time, if found desirable. Additional car frontage is obtained by covered platforms extending for some """ ■"""' distance along the tracks outside of the house. The Fig. 382.— Ground-plan. ^qq^ ^f ti,g hg^gg jg ggj ^ ft. g in. above the top ot the rails of the tracks, and the face of the platform is placed 2 ft. 9 in. above the street. The freight- . /H8 '^l . J» u • -MS • • • :: 1 ( ts ; '' !: > a 0"<, '"C «. ? r» 224 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. doors :ue lo ft. wide liy lo ft. high, hung in pairs, sliding each way from the door-opening. The roof- bents are spaced i8 ft. centres. The foundations are creosoted posts set in the ground on creosoted blocking. The principal timbers are yellow pine, 12-in. X 12-in. caps; 4-in. X 14-in, floor-joists, spaced from 16 in. to 24 in. centres; 3-in. floor-planks; 6-in. X 12-in. wheel-guard; 8-in. X 8-in. posts; 6-in. X 8-in. plates; 6-in. X 8-in. door-lintels. The roof-trusses are built of hemlock, of the dimensions shown on the plans. The purlins and rafters are heinlock, 3 in. X 10 in., covered witli i-in. tongued and grooved hemlock boards, roofed with tin on two layers of tarred roofing-felt. The outside of the building is sheathed with galvanized corrugated iron, the lower sheets being No. 20 and the upper sheets No. 26 gauge. The cornices, ridge-crestings, finials, etc., are of galvanized iron. The freight-doors are made of white-pine frames, covered with galvanized sheet-iron No. 26 gauge. Terminal Freight-house at Richmond, Va., Richmond (sf Alleghany Rjilroad. — The terminal freight-house of the Richmond & Alleghany Railroad, now the James River division of the Chesa- peake & Ohio Railway, at Richmond, Va., shown in Figs. 383 and 384, designed and built in 1881 under the direction of the author, is a single-story frame structure, 40 ft. wide by 500 ft. long, one half of which length was enclosed and the balance built as an open shed. There were two tracks along the rear of the building, and one track ran into the open-shed por- tion of the house. The street delivery takes place along the front of the building. A two-story ofifice building was located at the far end of the freight- house. The building is sheathed on the outside with horizontal and vertical ornamental boarding, and roofed with slate. The foundations are on piles, as the There is an 8-ft. platform along the street front, with There is no platform on the Fig. 383. — Cross-skction. site is in the old James River Canal l)asin. sliding freight-doors, spaced every 35 ft , along the side of the building r LL /~yfs/c^r /fooM C0ti/T£O /^C/frrOfiM Fig. 3S4. — Ground-plan. rear of the building along the track, but the side of the closed portion of the house consists of doors throughout, so that any part of this side of the house can be opened, and the posts, supporting the roof-trusses every 11 ft. 8 in., are the only parts of the building that can interfere with loading or unloading cars. There are two continuous overhead roller-tracks for the door rollers to run on, and the doors in every alternate panel are hung on the same rail, so that any stretch of the house can be opened at will. Terminal Freight-house at St. Louis, Mo., St. Louis, Keokuk &= Nortlncestern Railroad. — In the issue of the Railroad Gazette of Sept. 4, 1891, the following description is published of the new freight-house of the St. Louis, Keokuk & Northwestern Railroad at St. Louis, Mo., designed by Mr. G. S. Morison: The south end of the building is to be so constructed as to give ample office ([uarters. These are to be 38 ft. X 141 ft., and five stories in height, with a severely plain front, with brick walls, and facing on the side street. On account of the incline along the front of the office, it is necessary to build heavy retaining-walls around three sides, as the basement is to be used for storage. 'I'he main floor is made up of 32-in. girders, 35 ft. 8 in. long, laid 9 ft. 6f in. centres, and arched in with brick or hollow tiles. These girders are built up of 1-in. web, with 5-in. X 5-in.X|-in. angles top and bottom, and will form a very stiff, solid floor. The lower basement floor is to be laid with concrete. The main train-shed is 760 ft. long and 131 ft. wide, and spanned by an iron trussed roof, the main centre panels being mostly 60 ft. centres. The north truss has a latticed bottom chord to brace FREIGHT-HOUSES. 225 it against wind-pressure on that end of ihc building. These main trusses reach across the five tracks only, and rest on heavy com|)Osite Z columns bolted down to concrete foundations running down to rock bottom. These foundations are brought up to the platform level, and have bolts e.xtending down into them 14 ft. The bolts are made U -shape, of 30-ft. rods, and sustain two jjieces of rails of about 8 ft. in length on the lower part of the U. The rails are connected near their ends by short rods passing through holes drilled in the webs. It would seem that such a ])recaution as this against the disturbance of the holding bolts should be more than sufificient to guard against any i>ossible pull from the upper end. To the main posts at some 8 ft. below the eaves of the centre span is built a shed roof on either side, running down to a row of smaller posts built of Z-iron and plates, placed 20 ft. centres, and between which the doors arc hung. Each 20-ft. panel contains a door (tlie full width of the panel) balanced on weights, which are suspended in the hollow of the Z-posts. Over the doors are large windows, so that when the door is down light may enter above, but on raising the door it shuts this off. Allowance is also made for light and air between the main and side roofs by having alternate frames set with slat ventilators and glass. The five tracks extending the entire length of the shed are built on terraces, on an average slope of I in 20 to conform to the grade of the street at the north end, and are laid 11 ft. centres, it being the intention to load the three intermediate lines of cars through those on tlie tracks next the plat- forms. Beyond the north end of the shed the platforms extend for 87 ft. out, and have each an ii-ft. building at the inner end, and are also provided each with a 15-ton boom-crane having a 15-ft. swing. These will be used for transferring all heavy material, and will be of great assistance in the saving of time and labor on ordinary methods of loading. The need of such better facilities is being felt more and more by the carriers, and there is the additional advantage of locating the appliances at the general freight-house, in that frequently it may be better to unload part of the car by power, and at the same time it would not pay to switch that portion of the load to another part of the yard in order to reach the crane. Inside the shed the platforms are furnished with Fairbanks scales of six tons capacity each, there being 22 in all, 18 on the west or receiving platform, and four on the east or delivery side. Both platforms throughout are built on the i to 20 slope, the receiving one being on the high side. When completed it will be possible to throw open the whole of the house with tlie exception of one 20-ft. panel on each side, so that every foot of floor-surface may be utilized to the best advantage. The end, across the tracks, is supplied with a large lattice-work gate nicely balanced by weights in pockets at the sides. Tcniiinal Frdght-hoinf at Cincinnati, O., Chesapeake &• Ohio Railway. — The terminal freight- house of the Chesapeake & (Miio Railway at the corner of Third Street and John Street, Cincinnati, O., constructed during 1890, in connection with other terminal improvements at this point, is illustrated and described in the issue of the Railway Revie^o of March 22, 1890. The approach to the freight-house is on an elevated trestling. The main floor of the house is used for receiving and delivering freight from Fourth Street, while a basement-floor is used for handling freight from the elevation of Third Street and John Street. The fjeight is transferred from the cars down to the basement, and from the basement up to the cars, by a large hydraulic elevator. Single-story Terminal Freight-pier Shed at Jersey City, N. /., Lehigh Valley Railroad.— Ihi: single-story terminal freight-sheds of the Lehigh Valley Railroad, on Piers "B" and "C" of the freight terminus at Jersey City, N. J., described and illustrated in the issue of the Railroad Gazette of September 4, 1891, shown in Figs. 385 and 386, designed and built in 1SS9 under the direction of the author, assisted by Mr. Julius (1. Ho<:ke, Assistant F^ngineer, L. V. R. R., and by Mr. F:. D. B. Brown, are frame buildings, 83 ft. wide, built on jiiers, 100 ft. wide and 600 ft. long. The sides of the building are sheathed with galvanized corrugated iron, and the roof is covered with tin. Owing to special local conditions governing the general layout of the terminus, the pier is built on an angle, so that the building has skew ends, '{'here is one track running into the shed on each pier, and another track running outside the shed on the south side of each pier. This arrangement is a com- bination of an incoming and outgoing freight-iiier ; it gives a chance to ship or receive car-load freight directly over the string-piece, while package freight with a probable short storage is stored in the shed. 226 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. The entrance-doors to the engine-track in the pit are steel roller-shutter doors. Four movable freight inclines or gangways are provided on the north side of each pier, so that the inclines can be made to follow the tides or be adjusted to suit any boat, whether light or loaded. The south side of the shed II! I next to the string-piece track is built with a continuous system of sliding-doors, hung alternately on two different overhead rails, thus allowing any portion of the side of the house to be ojiened. The top of the floor in the track-pits is placed 4 ft. above mean high-water, while the floor in the sheds is placed 4 tt. higher. The trusses in the sheds give 18 ft. 8 in. clearance above the floor under FREIGHT-BO USES. 227 them. The pile-bents are siiaced every 9 It., while the ujiper or shed bents are spaced every 18 ft. The intermediate bents liave 21 piles, the main bents 23 jiiks per bent. The principal materials used in the substructure of the single-story covered piers are as follows: creosoted yellow-pine bearing and brace-i)iles, creosoted with 12 lbs. of dead oil of coal-tar per cubic foot; creosoted yellow-pine, 12-in. X 12-in. caps, 12-in. X 12-in. outside stringers, 12-in. X 12-in. build- ing-sills, two 8-in. X 12-in. outside range-limbers, creosoted with 10 lbs. dead oil of coal-tar per cubic foot; untreated yellow-pine, 12-in. X 12-in. inside stringers and string-piece, 4-in. X 12-in. floor- joists, two 8-in. X 12-in. track-stringers under each rail, and 3-in. floor-plank; 6-in. X 12-in. oak fenders, 14 ft. long; 6-in.X 8-in. oak chocks between fenders, and oak cluster-piles at exposed corners. The super- structure or shed is built of Southern yellow pine, lo-in. X lo-in. posts, 8-in. X 12-in. plates; hemlock, 4-in. X 6-in. intermediate studs, 3-in. X 6-in. nailers ; the outside sheathing is No. 20 galvanized corrugated iron; the inside of the shed is sheathed to a height of 6 ft. above the floor with i-in. hem- lock plank. Tiie roof -trusses are built of white pine of the following sizes: tie-beams, 2 pieces, 4 in. X 14 in.; rafters, 2 pieces, 4 in. X 12 in.; studs and ties, 2-in. plank from 10 in. to 12 in. wide; and hem- lock purlins, 3 in. X 10 in., properly bridged. The lantern is built of hemlock frame, with white-i)ine casings and sashes, the latter hung on centre pivots and operated with cords from below. The shed is roofed with i-in. tongued and grooved hemlock boards, covered with tin laid on two layers of single-ply rosin-sized building-paper. Single-story Terminal Freight-pier Shed at Jersey City, N. J., Pniiisylvania Railroad. — The single- story terminal freight-shed of the Pennsylvania Railroad on York Street Pier, Jersey City, N. J., shown in Fig. 387, is a frame structure, 77 ft. 6 in. wide by 417 ft. long, the pier being 80 ft. wide. The shed is sheathed on the outside with galvanized corrugated iron, and roofed with tin. There is one track that runs into the building on one side of the pier. The doors along the sides of the house are swinging-doors, hinged at the top and swinging upwards when opened. This freight pier is used as a steamship pier for one of the trans- atlantic steamship routes, the track on the pier connecting with the Pennsylvania Railroad. Single-story Iron Terminal Freight-pier Shed at Ne7v York, N. v., New York Central &" Hudson River Rail- road. — The terminal freight-shed of the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad on Pier No. 62, North River, at the foot of West Thirty-second Street, New York City, designed by Mr. Walter Katte, Chief Engineer, N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R., assisted by Mr. G. H. Thomson, Bridge Engineer, described and illustrated in the issue of the Railroad Gazette of March 1, 1889, is a single-story iron building, 94 ft. wide and 493 ft. long. There is a track running into the house at the centre of the pier. The pier substructure is 100 ft. wide. The roof is divided into three spans by means of two iron posts in each bent. The centre span, forming a clear-story, is 36 ft. high in tlie clear, and the side spans are 22 ft. high above the floor of the pier. There are seven large door- openings on each side of the pier for transferring freight to or from boats, there being a fi.xed inclined ramp at each door. The doors are closed by steel roller-shutter doors, the doors reaching down to the foot of the ramp, so that the house can be closed completely. The frame, roof-trusses and purlins are of iron throughout. The outside sheathing is galvanized corrugated iron, and the roof covering is gravel roofing on spruce boards. Double-story Terminal Freight-pier Shed at Jersey City, N. J., Lehigh Valley Railroad. — The double-story terminal freight-sheds of the Lehigh Valley Railroad on Piers " G " and " H " of the freight terminus at Jersey City, N. J., described and illustrated in the issue of the Railroad Gazette of September 4, 1891, sliown in Figs. 388 to 392, designed and built in 1891 under the direction of the author, assisted by Mr. Julius G. Hocke, Assis^nt Engineer, L. V. R. R., and by Mr. E. I). 15. Brown, are frame buildings, 117 ft. 4 in. wide, built on piers, 120 ft. wide and 580 ft. long. The sides of the building are sheathed with galv.inized corrugated iron, and the roof is covered with tin. Owing to special local conditions governing the general layout of the terminus, the pier is built on an angle, so Fig. 387. — Cross-section. 228 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. e '■ L» fci J-n* ; 1 Mb B lll'li B \\\ B III B lllll q ih" tin~! '''' w FREI GHT-HO USES. 229 that the building has skew ends. There is one track running into the slied on each ])ier at tlie centre of the shed. These piers are mainly intended for east-bound freight for which a certain amount of storage has to be provided. There are two stories, the lower one giving 10 ft. clearance between the bents, the upper one 8 ft. clearance at the bents, and more between them. The entrance-doors to the engine-track in the ])it are steel roller-shutter doors. Four movable freight inclines or gangways are provided on each side of the pier, similar to those on the single-story covered piers, described above. Freight is transferred to or from the upper story by means of si.x Ruddell barrel and freight elevators, shown in Fig. 392, operated by steam, arranged to carry barrels, bags, or package freight. These elevators are admirably arranged, so that freight can be hoisted to the upper floor and taken down from the upper floor to the lower story simultaneously, without stopping or reversing the ^'JV-a*/'^ .■-i'tt Fig. 3go. — Cross-section. engine. The machinery is equipped with safety appliances and automatic shut-off valves, so that one man can attend to all the engines on the pier, as in case of an accident the engine is stopped automatically. By omitting the upper floor over the track-pit, the height of the building was reduced, while the ventilation and lighting of the lower floor were greatly facilitated, and a heavy and costly girder con- struction to carry the upper floor over the track.pit avoided — of course, however, with a certain loss of storage space. The toj) of the floor in the track-jjits is 4 ft. above mean high-water, while the lower floor in the shed is placed 4 ft.higher. The jiile-bents are spaced every 9 ft., while the upper shed- bents are spaced every 18 ft. The posts supporting the upper floor are spaced every 9 ft. lengthwise of the pier. The intermediate bents have 25 piles, the main or shed bents 37 piles per bent. The principal materials used in the substructure of the double-story covered piers are the same as specified for the single-story covered piers, described above. The superstructure or shed is built of Southern yellow pine, 12-in.X 12-in. posts supporting upper floor and roof trusses; 12-in. X 12-in. floor-girders under upper floor; 4-in. X is-in. floor-joists of upper floor, bridged between supports and spaced about i8in . centres; 3-in. upper floor-])lank; and 6-in. X 12-in. plates; also hemlock, 4-in. X 6-in. intermediate studs, and 3-in. X 6-in. nailers. 'I'he outside sheathing of shed is No. 20 galvanized 230 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. corrugated iron, and the inside is sheathed in both stories to a height of 7 ft. above the floor with i-in. tongued and grooved hemlock. The roof-trusses, built as shown, consist of white pine, two pieces, 3-in. X lo-in., tie-beams; two pieces, 3-in. X lo-in., rafters; struts and ties, 2-)n. hemlock, from 10 m. to 12 in. wide, and 3-in. X lo-in. hemlock purlins. The side-trusses are tied across the track-well with a 4-in. X lo-in. white-pine lie-beam, and the projecting parts of the upper floor next to the track-well m — \AAiA\AAAmiAAAAAtiA ^m^ Fig. 391. — LoNGrruDiNAL Section. Fig. 3g2.— RuDDF.i.i. Barrki, and Frkii;ht Elevator. are suspended from the roof and supported by knee-braces, as shown. The lantern is built of hem- lock frame, with white-pine casings and sashes, centre hung. The shed is roofed with i-in. tongued and grooved hemlock boards, covered with tin, laid on two layers of single-ply rosin-sized building- payer. Double-story Terminal Freight-pier Shed al Harsimus Cove, Jersey City, N. J., Pennsylvania Rail- road. — The terminal freight-shed of the Pennsylvania Railroad on Pier No. 2, Harsimus Cove, Jersey City, N. J., shown in Fig. 393, is a double-story frame structure, 120 ft. wide X 460 rt. long, sheathed FREIGHT-NO USES. 231 on the outside with galvanized corrugated iron, and roofed with tin. There are two tracks entering the house, near one side of the building, making a very good design for a combined ingoing and out- going frtight-shed. The clear height of the lower story is 15 ft. Fig 393. Cross-section. DpiiHe-^tory Terminal Frcij^ht-pier Shed on Grand Street Pier, Jersey City, N. /., Pcnnsyl'oania Railroad. — The freight-sheds of the Pennsylvania Railroad on piers at Grand Street and at Sussex Street, Jersey City, N. J., shown in Fig. 394, are two-story frame structures, 125 ft. wide and about 500 ft. long, sheathed on the outside with galvanized corrugated iron, and roofed with tin. One track enters the building near the centre of the house. The lower story has 16 ft. clear height. These piers are used by transatlantic steamship lines, in connection with the Pennsylvania Railroad. Fio. 3g4.— Cross-skction. DoiiHe-story Terminal Freif^/it-fier S/ied at IVee/nnvken, N. /., West Shore Railroad. — The ter- minal freight-house of the West Shore Railroad, built on a pier at Weehawken, N. J., in 1883, described and illustrated in Mr. (Iratz Mordecai's book on "Terminal Facilities of the Port of New York," is a double-story frame structure, sheathed on the outside with galvanized corrugated iron, and roofed with tin. The building is 200 ft. wide and about 2000 ft. long. The clear height of the lower story is 15 ft. 6 in., and of the upper story ti ft. 6 in. at the outside of the building. There are two tracks entering the building at the centre of the house. The pier-bents are spaced 8 ft. apart, while the bents in the house are spaced 16 ft. apart. The doors on the first floor are 11 ft. wide X 10 ft. 6 in. high, with inclined fixed gangways, while the doors of the ujiper story are 7 ft. X 7 ft. The sub- structure, or pier proper, is built on piles, capped with two pieces, 6in. X12 in.; 12-in. X 12-in. stringers over piles, and 6-in. X 12-in. stringers between piles; track-stringers, 2 pieces, 7 in. X 12 in.. 232 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF A AI ERIC AN RAILROADS. under each rail, floor, 3-in. plank; posts, lower story, 12 in. X 14 in.; floor-girders, of second floor, 14 in. X 16 in.; knee-braces and straining-beams, 8 in. X 14 in.; floor-beams, upper floor, 12 in. X 16 in., and Sin. X 16 in., spaced 24 in., spanning 17 ft. 6 in.; rafters, 8 in. X 10 in., and 5 in. X 12 in., spaced 24 in., spanning 17 ft. 6 in. Dcnible-story Terminal Freight-pier She J on Pier B, at Weehawkcn, N. _/., New York, Lake Erie 6^= Western Railroad. — The terminal freight-shed of the New Yoik, Lake Erie & Western Railroad on pier B, Weehawken, N. J., described and illustrated in Mr. Gratz Mordecai's book on " Terminal Facilities of the Port of New York," is a double-story frame structure, sheathed on the outside with weather-boarding, and roofed with a gravel roof. The building is 70 ft. wide, and has a single track running into it at the centre of the house. The clear height of the lower story is 15 ft., and of the upper story 8 ft. Double-story Terminal Freight-pier Shed at Weehawken, N. /., New York, Lake Erie cf Western Railroad. — The double-story terminal freight-shed of the New York, Lake Erie & Western Railroad at its freight terminus at Weehawken, N. J., designed by Mr. C. W. Buchholz, Engineer B. & B., N. Y., L. E. & W. R. R., shown in Fig. 395, consists of a frame structure, 97 ft. wide by about pn in II \ tin rirs^ oil jiTTijii uu? Fig. 395. — Cross-section. 750 ft. long, built on a pier in Hudson River. The outside of the building is sheathed with white- pine horizontal siding, with ^inc casings around window and door openings. The roof is covered with a tarred felt gravel roof. There is one track in the house at the centre of the pier. The feature of this design is the use of iron beams and girders, to carry the floor of the second story, without a break, across the track on the lower floor. The necessary strength is obtained by a heavy wrought- iron plate-girder, which spans the track from post to post. The bents of the pier are spaced 10 ft. centres; the bents of the roof and the bents supporting the second floor are spaced 15 ft. centres. Freight is transferred to and from the upper floor hy means of barrel-elevators. Single-story Terminal City Freiglit-pier Shed, at Pier No. 21, A^orth River, Neto York, N. Y., Neio York, Lake Erie c^ Western Railroad. — The terminal freight-shed of the New York, Lake Erie & Western Railroad for city freight on Pier No. 21, North River, New York City, described and illus- trated in Mr. Gratz Mordecai's book on " Terminal Facilities of the Port of New York," is a single- story frame structure, 100 ft. wide, sheathed with galvanized corrugated iron, and covered with a gravel roof. The building is divided into two spans of 25 ft. each and a central clear-story span of 48 ft. The trusses are wooden lattice, of a style much in use on the Erie Railroad. Single-story Terminal City Freight-pier Shed, on Pier No. 27, North River, Neiu York, N- Y., Penn- sylvania Railroad. — The terminal freight-shed of the Pennsylvania Railroad on pier No. 27, North River, New York City, for city freight, shown in Fig. 396, built in 1885, is a single-story frame structure, sheathed on the outside with galvanized corrugated iron, and roofed with tin. The roof- trusses are combination trusses. The building is 73 ft. wiik- by 533 ft. long, and gives 20 ft. clear FREIGHT- HO USES. 233 height in the interior. The principal timbers used are posts, 12 in. X 12 in.; plates, 8 in. X 12 in.; principal rafters, 9 in. X 10 in.; purlins, 3 in. X 8 in.; rise of roof, \ of span. , iTTTTinrTinrTT Fig. 396. — Cross-section. MH "'I pj-Tl STT pn IT Fig. 397. — Cross section. Single-story Trn/iiita/ City Fir is; /it ■pier SkeJ en Pier No. i, North River, New York, N. Y., Penn- sylvania Railroad. — The terminal freight-shed of the Pennsylvania Railroad on Pier No. i, North River, New York, N. Y., built in 1883 for city freight, shown in Fig. 397, is a single-story frame structure, 63 ft. wide, sheathed on tlie outside with galvanized corrugated iron, and roofed with a gravel roof. The clear height in the interior is 16 ft. The rise of the roof is \ of the span. The doors are swinging-doors, 12 ft. high, hinged at the top and swinging inwards. The principal timbers used are, posts, 10 in. X 12 in.; plates, 8 in. X 12 in.; bottom chords of roof-trusses, 2 pieces, 3 in. X 12 in.; principal rafters, 2 pieces, 3 in. X 12 in.; web-members, 2 in. X 10 in. Another similar frame freight-shed of the same railroad company at piers No. 4 and No. 5, North River, New York, N. Y., intended for delivery of city freight by teams entering the shed, has a span of 77 ft., and a clear height of 18 ft. 6 in. in the interior. The rise of the roof is \ of the span. 'I'he outside of the building is sheathed with galvanized corrugated iron. The roof is covered with gravel roofing. The principal timbers used are: posts, 12 in. X 12 in.; plates, 6 in. X 12 in.; corbels, 6 in. X II in.; knee-braces, 6 in. X 8 in.; bottom chords of roof-trusses, 2 pieces, 3J in. X 14 in.; prin- cipal rafters, 2 pieces, 3I in. X 12 in.; web-members, 2 in. X 13 in.; purlins, 3 in. X 7 in. Single-storv Terminal City Freight-pier Shed, at foot of pyanklin Street, North River, New York, N. Y., ]Vest Shore Railroad. — In the issue of Engineering News of November 21, 1S91, a descrip- •ofBulKhtad: m.l.t: Fig. 398. — Elevaiion on West Street. tion and plans are published of the new terminal of the West Shore Railroad at the foot of Franklin Street, on North River, New York City. An important element of the terminal is the freight-shed 234 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. on the pier adjoining the feny-liouse, which stiiu tine is designed for city freight going from teams to car-floats, and vice versa. The street elevation and the river elevation of the ferry and freight house are shown in Figs. 398 and 399, the cuts having been kindly furnished to the author by the Engineering Neivs. Fig. 3gg.— Ei.KVATioN from River. Standard Guano Warehouse, Savannah, Florida &^ Western Railicay. — The standard guano ware- house of the Savannah, Florida & Western Railway, designed by Mr. W. B. W. Howe, Jr., Chief Engineer, S., F. & W. Ry., shown in Fig. 400, represents a peculiar design for a special class of freight, namely, guano, which is handled to a large extent on the road mentioned. The house is 32 ft. wide by any length required. It is intended to store guano in bulk, the house being divided lengthwise into a number of bins so that different shippers can keep their stock in separate bins. The material arrives by railroad, and is thrown or wheeled out of the cars on to the platform along the face of the building ne.xt to the track. From here it is jiut into the stock-piles inside of the house. On the other side of the house is a wagon road, covered by a projecting roof, under which wagons stand when being loaded. The process of loading consists of throwing or wheeling the guano from the storage-pile in tlie house to a small platform along the rear of the house next to the projecting roof. From here it is thrown by hand into the wagons standing immediately below the roof projection. Fig. 400. — Cross-section. FLATI'OKAIS, I' LATFORAl-SHEDS, AND SHELTERS. 235 CHAPTER XVIII. PLATFORMS, PLATFORM-SHEDS. AND SHELTERS. Platforms have to be built along tracks at passenger and freight depots for the accom- modation of passengers, and for facilitating the transfer of baggage and freight to and from cars. There are low and high platforms ; the former are used more particularly for passen- gers, and the latter for the freight business. At passenger depots the platforms are always low, while at freight depots they are set invariably high. At combination depots the platforms are either low, high, or low and high combined. At freight stations a short, high platform with an incline or ramp at one end is frequently located at some convenient point in the freight-yard, to facilitate the handling of machinery or heavy building materials to or from cars without using cranes or travellers. The height of passenger platforms and the distance of the face of the platform from the track arc dependent on the location of the lowest step of the passenger-cars, and the clearance required near the level of the track for the rolling-stock in use on the railroad. The platform shoLdd be set close enough to the track, and at such a height, however, as to make it easy and safe for passengers to step on and off trains. Where there is a track between the plat- form proper and the track on which trains stop, the intervening track has to be jilanked over at about the level of the top of the rails. Where, however, the platform is alongside of the running track, it is customary to place the platform from 2 in. to 16 in. above the top of the rail, and to set the face accordingly from 4 ft. to 5 ft. 6 in. from the centre of the track. The length of a passenger platform is dependent on the average length of the regular trains stop- ping at the station. At stations of minor importance with a small passenger business the platform is only made the standard width near the depot, while the necessary total length of platform is secured by narrow footwalks from 4 to 6 ft. wide, extending each way along the track from the main platform. The width of a passenger platform is determined by the volume of business to be expected. It shoiild be wide enough to accommodate passengers, and leave room for standing baggage and for the passage of baggage trucks without serious interference to passengers. In this connection attention should be called to the fact that ample and convenientl}- arranged platforms, especially where covered and provided with benches, will allow a smaller space to be allotted for waiting-rooms inside the passenger depot. In summer, when the travel is usual!)- heaviest, the platforms will be occupied by passengers in preference to the waiting-rooms. These remarks apply also more particularly to passenger depots at suburban stations or pleasure resorts, where large crowds have to be handled only at fixed times of the day, or during certain seasons. Passenger platforms should be made never less than 12 ft. in width, and preferal)!}' more. Where there is a 236 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS possibility that a single-track road might be double-tracked in the run of years, or a double- track road have a third or fourth track eventually added, it is a wise provision to locate all permanent structures along the road in such a manner as to admit of these improvements being subsequently carried out without causing extensive changes. With this feature in view, the width of a passenger platform in front of a depot building should be not less than 24 ft., so that in case an additional track is put through there will still be a reasonably wide platform left. In locating passenger depots along a railroad it is desirable to place them throughout on one side of the road, so far as possible, so that an extra track can be added at any time with comparative ease. This is particularly tlie case if the passenger depots have been placed back from the main track, as just outlined, and if freight depots, coaling trestles, water-tanks, yards, freight sidings, and similar structures, that have to be located close to the main track, are placed, where feasible, on the opposite side of the railroad from the passenger depots. The height of freight platforms above the rail is dependent on the height of the floor in freight-cars and the height of the bottom of the swinging-doors, now extensively used on certain classes of freight-cars. The aim should be to have the platform about the same level as the car-floor, without interfering with the opening of the swinging-doors mentioned. Due allowance should also be made for the settlement of the car-body with time, owing to the wear of the springs and wheels, and a possible permanent set of the car-sills. An old rule for height of freight platforms was to set the top 4 ft. above the top of the rail. Since the introduction of swinging-doors, however, it is not safe to go over 3 ft. 10 in. The practice to-day is to adopt from 3 ft. 8 in. to 3 ft. 10 in., preferabl)' the former figure. Relative to the distance to place the face of a freight platform from the centre of the nearest track, it can be said, that the platform should be located as close to the track as possible, consistent with safety to passing trains, so that the open gap between the platform and the side of the car is reducetl to a minimum. In track-pits in freight-houses this distance can be reduced to 5 ft. 3 in., although 5 ft. 6 in. is desirable. Freight-platforms along a siding are placed from 5 ft. 6 in. to 6 ft. from the centre of the track, wliile high platforms along a main track or a fast-running track should be invariably placed at least 6 ft. 6 in., preferably 7 ft., from the centre of the track. High platforms should either overhang their supports along the face of the platform, or else the space at the face of the platform between the floor and the ground should be left open, if possible, so that an}- person getting caught between the platform and a train can lie down between the track and the supports of the platform, or else crawl under the platform. The length of a freight platform is dependent on whether the platform faces a running track oif a local side track. In the first instance the platform need not be much longer than the building, as cars in the train arc moved successively, as desired, opposite the house. Where a freight platform serves to load or unload freight to or from cars left standing on a side track along the freight-house, the platform frontage shoidd corre- spond to whatever number of cars it is desired to reach without having to do any shifting. Relative to the width of freight platforms, they vary from 6 ft. to 12 ft., while 8 ft. or 10 ft. is the general rule. A very customary standard, however, is to have the platform 12 ft. wide at the house, and to make the extensions along the track away from the house 8 ft. wide. Combined high and low platforms are frequently used at combination depots. The most PLATFORMS, PLATFORM-SHEDS, AND SLIELTERS. 237 generally adopted design is to have low platforms in front of and in the vicinity of the waiting-rooms, while a high platform surrounds that end of the depot in wiiich the freight- room is located. The passage from the low to the high platform near the centie of the front of the building is made by means of an incline, so that baggage or freight on trucks can be transferred convenient!}' from one to the other level. In other combination depots, especi- ally where the package freight to or from passing freight-trains is light, while the passenger business is important, the high platform in front of the freight-room is made narrower than the low platform, so that there is a narrow, low platform between the high platform and the track. This design offers the advantage that passengers can pass, and baggage can be wheeled alongside the train on the low platform in front of the freight platform, while the small amount of package freight to or from passing freight-trains is lifted or skidded across the space between the car and the high platform. The flooring material for a platform is dependent on the amount of trafific, the locality, and the exposure to the elements that can be expected. A good flooring should be durable, reasonably smooth for trucking, and not slippery. With the exception of platforms at terminal and large local stations, wood is universally adopted in this country for the construc- tion of platforms. In most sections of the country lumber is the cheapest material that can be effectually employed for platforms, in addition to which the fact that the foundations of a timber structure are more easily and cheaply built and maintained, especially on new made ground, warrants the wholesale adoption of wooden platforms. For high freight platforms its cheapness over a more substantial and permanent class of materials is undoubted. A costly construction is also frequently not considered advisable, as subsequent changes and the introduction of additional facilities, especially on a new line, might cause existing platforms to be changed or modified. At terminal depots or large local depots the requirements are usually more closely defined, and a more permanent construction is desirable and indicated, especially as the necessity for making frequent repairs is more objectionable. The repair account of a railroad for the maintenance of wooden platforms is quite heavy, but, for the reasons given above, the use of such platforms, especially for high freight platforms, will have to be considered as good practice in the majorit)' of cases. Wooden platforms are clieap to build in the first instance, and repairs or alterations are easily made by the usual road force and with the class of materials kept in stock by the road department. Wood is more comfortable for passengers to stand on than other flooring materials. It is comparatively smooth for trucking purposes, and, unless grease and oils are handled carelessly, can be kept fairly clean. Wooden platforms .should be left open under- neath so as to afford ventilation around the timbers, and decrease the tendency to dry- rot. Where wooden platforms are to be bedded on mud-sills in the ground, it will prove advantageous to creosote the timber, or else to adopt a more durable foundation material. The flooring-planks are frequently laid with an open space between them to allow for the swelling of the timber when wet, and also offering better drainage. This is all right for freight platforms, where the planks are heavy, but on passenger-platforms the planks should be laid close so as to prevent small articles dropped by passengers from being lost through the crevices. A tight floor on passenger platforms is also desirable, so as to reduce upward draughts through the floor, which is objectionable for passengers. All timber floors 23& BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. are laid with a pitch towards the track to give better drainage, the grade being usually I in. in 5 ft. to I in. in 7 ft. for passenger platforms, and about i in. in 4 ft. for freight platforms. Freight platforms shouki be floored witli 2T}-in. to 3-in. oak planks, and passenger platforms with 2-in. oak or yellow-pine boards, the oak being preferable, if the platform is exposed to the weather. Other classes of flooring materials, in addition to timber, are stone paving, stone flagging, asphalt, tiles, and " Granolithic" paving. Stone forms a very durable and good floor, but it requires a solid foundation, which cannot always be obtained without considerable expense. Paving-stones cost considerable when dressed and laid so as to make a smooth enough sur- face for trucks to run on easily. Stone flagging, in localities where it can be obtained readily, forms a first-class and comparatively cheap floor, provided the flagstones are large and well bedded. Asphalt forms a very smooth floor, but it is easilj- worn by truck-wheels, and in summer, if exposed to the sun, becomes very hot and uncomfortable for passengers. Tiles work loose easily, and hence a tile floor will seldom be found perfect. Granolithic paving is used very extensively for passenger platforms at important stations. It consists of a very fine grade of granite concrete with Portland-cement top-dressing, that presents a very hard, smooth, and durable surface. Relative to the cost of different classes of flooring materials, it can be said, that, so far as first cost is concerned, a timber floor is the cheapest, and especially so for a high freight platform. Stone flagging is in some sections of the country nearly as cheap as timber flooring, particularly if the foundation is good, and does not require expensive preparation. The cheaper grades of asphalt flooring are about as costly as .stone flagging, while the better grades and heavier-built floors of asphalt cost considerably more. Paving-stones, if dressed smoothly and laid properly, cost more than flagging and asphalt. Granolithic paving is usually the most costly, but it is one of the best known pavements for platforms at important stations. While prices vary in different localities, the comparative cost of different classes of flooring materials per square foot, according to the design adopted, can be placed as follows: timber, 10 to 20 cents; stone flagging, 15 to 25 cents ; asphalt, 15 to 30 cents; stone paving, 25 to 40 cents. Platforms are generally covered to a more or less extent by shed roofs. Immediately along the side of the depot building the platform covering consists of the roof overhang, but away from the building, or where the platform is wide, the roof is usually supported by a wooden or iron-column shed construction. The usual construction is to have two posts in each bent, unless the space to cover is very wide, and in that case a special girder is thrown from post to post in preference to introducing more columns. The post nearest the track should never be set closer than 6 ft. to the side of the car-body. It is customary in a number of designs to arrange the platform roof with a very large overhang over the rear of the plat- form, so as to protect passengers while passing to or from vehicles in stormy weather. One- legged sheds, that is, platform roofs supported on one post at each bent, as shown, for instance, in Fig. 413, can be used to good advantage in a great many cases, producing in addition a unique and pleasing effect. Platform-sheds arc built of iron or wood, or a com- bination of both. The roofing is usually tin, shingles, or tarred felt. The design of the platform-sheds connected with a depot offers one of the best opportunities to produce a PLATFORMS, PLATFORM-SHEDS, AND SHELTERS 239 picturesque and handsome appearance of an otherwise square and bleak-looking building, and it merits, therefore, careful consideration, and relatively as much study as any other detail of the ilepot structures. While on this subject it can be said tliat overhead passenger foot-bridges connecting opposite sides of a railroad can be designed with very little extra trouble and expense, so as to produce a most pleasing and harmonious effect with the rest of the depot structures, and add materially to the attractiveness of the station. In connection with platform-sheds the subject of shelters should be considered, as these structures are simply short covered sections of a platform, so as to protect passengers from the weather while waiting for trains. Shelters are also used on double-track railroads with a heavy passenger travel to afford shelter for passengers waiting for trains or alighting from trains on the opposite side of the main tracks from the passenger depot, so as to avoid the dangerous features of passengers having to cross one main track in going to or leaving a train on the other main track. A fence is frequently built at such stations between the main tracks, and passengers cross to the shelter from the main depot platform on an overhead bridge, or through a tunnel or subway, or through gates in the fence opened by the station guards at the proper time. These precautionary measures for avoiding accidents in handling large crowds at suburban, city, or excursion stations on double-track railroads are absolutely necessary. Shelters are also used at small flag-stations, where the business does not warrant a depot or an agent. The shelter affords protection to passengers from the weather or the heat of the sun while waiting for trains. After above general remarks, the following descriptions of platforms, platform-sheds, and shelters, in actual use on railroads in this country, will serve to illustrate the subject further. Platforms for passengers and for freight, of the dimensions and designs as described below, are in use on the following railroads: Lmo Platform, Pottsvillc Branch, Lehigh Valley Railroad. — At the flag-stations of the Pottsville branch of the Lehigh Valley Railroad the platforms are 8 ft. wide in front of the building, and set 11 in. above the top of rail and 4 ft. 6 in. from the centre of the track. Lo7ci Platform, Northern Pacific Railroad. — The low platform in front of combination depots and of flag-depot with dwelling, of tlie Nortliern Pacific Railroad, is 12 ft. wide, and is set 16 in. above the top of rail and 6 ft. from the centre of the track. The rise in the width of the ])latform is 2I in. There are two steps leading from the platform down to the level of the track. Lo7c< Platform at Flag-depot with Dwelling, Pennsylvania Railroad. — The low ])latform in front of the two-story frame flag-depot, with dwelling attached, of the Pennsylvania Railroad, is 12 ft. wide, extended 8 ft. wide each way from the l)uilding, and is set 8 in. aliove the toj) of rail and 4 ft. 6 in. from the centre of the track. Low Platform at Flag-depot, Philadelphia &^ Reading Railroad. — The low platform in front of the flag-depot at Tabor, Pa., on the North Pennsylvania branch of the Philadelphia & Reading. Railroad, is 10 ft. wide, and set 9 in. above the top of rail and 5 ft. 6 in. from the centre of the track. Loii.< Platform, Minnesota ^^ Northwestern Railroad. — The low platform used at local passenger depots and combination depots on the Minnesota & Northwestern Railroad is 14 ft. wide, and set 12 in. above the top of rail and 5 ft. from the centre of the track, with a rise of 2 in. in the width of the jjlatform. Lo7i' Platform at Ci'inhiiialion Depots, ]Val>ash, St. Louis is' Pacific Railway. — Tlie low platform 240 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. in front of combination depots of the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Railway is set 4 in. above the toj) of rail, and 4 ft. from the centre of the track, with a rise of \ in. per foot. Low Platform at Combination Depots, Union Pacific Liailway. — The low platform at combination depots, with living-rooms attached, of the Union Pacific Railway, adopted in 1886, is set 14 in. above the top of rail and 5 ft. 3 in. from the centre of the track, with a rise of -/j in. per ft. Lo'iO Platform at Combination Depots, Burlington, Cedar Liapids &" Northern Railway. — The low platform in front of the combination depots of the Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Northern Railway is 12 ft. wide, and is set 16 in. above the top of rail and 5 ft. 6 in. from the centre of the track, with a rise of 2 in. in 12 ft. Low Platform at Local Passenger Depots and Combination Depots, Pennsylvania Lines JFest of Pittsburg, Southwest System. — The low platform in use on the Pennsylvania lines west of Pittsburg, Southwest System, is 16 ft. wide in front of the depot building, reaching within 4 ft. 6 in. of the centre of the track, and set 8 in. above the top of the rail. High Platform at Local Freight-house, Northern Pacific Railroad. — The high platform in front of the local freight-depots of the Northern Pacific Railroad is 10 ft. wide, and set 3 ft. 8 in. above the top of the rail and 5 ft. io| in. from the centre of the track, wdth a 2i-in. rise in 10 ft. High Platform at Local Freight-house, Minnesota •^ Nort/mvstern Railroad. — The high platform in front of local freight-houses of the Minnesota & Northwestern Railroad is 6 ft. wide, and set 4 ft. above the top of rail and 6 ft. from the centre of the track. High Platform at Freight-house at Gainesville, Fla., Savannah, Florida &' Western Railway. — The high platform of the freight-house at Gainesville, Fla., on the Savannah, Florida & Western Railway, is 8 ft. wide, and is set 3 ft. 10 in. above the top of rail. High Platform Terminal Freight-house, at Jersey City, N. J., Lehigh Valley Railroad. — The high platform in terminal freight-houses on piers at Jersey City, N. J., of the Lehigh Valley Railroad, are set 3 ft. 8 in. above the top of rail, and 5 ft. 6 in. from the centre of the track. High Platform Terminal Freight-house at Weehawken, N. J., New York, Lake Erie &' Western Railroad. — The high platform in the terminal freight-house on pier B, at Weehawken, N. J., of the New York, Lake Erie & Western Railroad, is set 3 ft. 8 in. above the top of rail and 6 ft. from the centre of the track. High Platform at Combination Depot, at Hill lard, Ga., Savannah, Florida iS?^ Western Railway. — The high platform in front of the freight depot of the Savannah, Florida & Western Railway, at Hilliard, Ga., is 10 ft. wide, and set 4 ft. above the top of rail, and 6 ft. 6 in. from the centre of the track. High Platform at Local Freight Depots, Pennsylvania Railroad. — The higli platform in front of small local freight depots of the Pennsylvania Railroad, facing the track, is 8 ft. wide, and is set 3 ft. 10 in. above the top of rail and 5 ft. 6 in. from the centre of the track, the rise in the width of the platform being 2 in. High Platform at Combination Depots, Cincinnati Southern Railiaay.— The platform in front of combination depots of the Cincinnati Southern Railway is generally 12 ft. wide, and is set 3 ft. 8 in. above the top of rail and 6 ft. from the centre of the track. Combined High and Lo7C' Platform at Combination Depots, Kansas City b" Emporia Railroad. — The combination depot of the Kansas City & Emporia Railroad has a high and low platform. The low platform is set 12 in. above the top of rail and 5 ft. 1} in. from the centre of the track. The high platform is set 3 ft. S in. above the top of rail, and 5 ft. i\ in. from the centre of the track. Standard Platforms, New York, Pennsylvania &• Ohio Railroad. — The standard passenger or low platform adopted by the New York, Pennsylvania & Ohio Railroad, plans for whicli were described and illustrated in the issue of the Railroad Gazette of July 17, 1885, consists of a timber platform on stone or brick piers, the piers being generally spaced 12 ft. apart lengthw'ise of the plat- form. The platform starts 24 in. from the rail, or 4 ft. 6 in. from the centre of the track. The face is set 10 in. above the top of rail, and from there the platform rises, away from the track, at the rate of I in. in 9 ft. The floor consists of 2-in. plank laid crosswise of the platform, and supported by 3-in. X 8-in. fioor-joists, spaced 16 in. centres, spanning 12 ft. generally. The joists are supported by PLATFORMS, PLATFORM-SHEDS, ANT) SHELTERS. 241 caps, 6 in. X 10 in., resting on piers spaced about S ft. centres. The standard low platform in front of a passenger depot is shown to be 18 ft. wide. The standard freight and passenger platform combined, — in other words, a low and high platform combined, — described and illustrated in the same issue of the Railroad Gazette mentioned above, has a high platform 6 ft. wide and 4 ft. 3 in. above the top of the rail in front of the house, while a low platform is inserted between the high platform and the track. The low platform is 6 ft. wide, the face of it starts 4 ft. 6 in. from the centre of the track, and it is 10 in. above the top o£ rail. The low platform is formed of 2-in. plank, on 3-in. X 8-in. joists, resting on 6-in. X lo-in. caps. The high platform is formed of 2-in. plank, on 3-in. X 12-in. joists, spaced i6-in. centres, supported on 6-in. X lo-in. caps. Passenger Platform, Northern Pacific Railroad. — The platform design for passenger platforms, adopted by the Northern Pacific Railroad in 1884, shows a 12-ft. platform 16 in. above the top of rail, with two steps leading down in front of it, to the level of the track. The face of the ])latform is set 3 ft. 6 in. from the gauge face of the nearest rail, or 5 ft. loi in. from the centre of the track. The platform rises at the rate of zh in. in the width of 12 ft. The floor consists of 2-in. rough plank, laid crosswise of the platform, on 3-in. X lo-in. joists, spaced 24-in. centres, and spanning 8 ft. The support of the joists are bents, spaced every 8 ft. lengthwise of the platform, consisting of 8-in. X 8-in. caps, each cap supported by three 8-in. X 8-in. cedar posts, set in the ground on cedar blocking. Standard Platforms, West Shore Railroad. — In Fig. 401 are shown the standard high and low platforms adopted for the West Shore Railroad in 1888 by Mr. Walter Katte, Chief Engineer, de- signed by Mr. J. D. Fouquet, Engineer and Architect, N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R. and West Shore R. R. Two causes led to the revision of the standards previously in use, namely, refrig- erator-cars had been introduced with swing- ing-doors, and allowance had to be made for the settlement of the car-body with time, owing to the wear and deflection of the springs, so that the doors, when opened, would clear high platforms. On the other hand, a snow-plough was introduced on the road, 10 ft. i in. wide, at a point 4f in. above the toj) of the rail. The standard low or passenger platform starts 5 ft. '^'°- 40i.— Cross-section. 3 in. from the centre of the track, and is, at this point, i^ in. above the top of rail. The pitch of the platform is ascending away from the track at the rate of i in. in 3 ft. The standard high or freight platform starts 5 ft. 6 in. from the centre of the track, and is, at this point, 3 ft. loA in. above the top of rail. The platform ascends away from the track at the rate of i in. in 4 ft. Platform-shed and Shelter for Passenger Stations, Pennsylvania Liailroad. — The passenger plat- form-shed, adopted by the Pennsylvania Railroad very generally, shown in Fig. 402, consists of trestle-bents, spaced about 18 ft. apart, supj)orting an unsymmetrical, double-pitched roof. Each bent has two ornamental posts, spaced 8 ft. apart, and the roof projects on the track side 6 ft. 9 in. beyond the nearest post. The eaves of the roof are 9 ft. above the platform, and the ridge is 14 ft. aljove the platform. The principal timbers used are 5-in. X 5-in. ornamental posts; 5-in. X s-in caps; 5-in. X 9-in. purlins; 2-in. X C-in. rafters, spaced 2 ft. centres; i-in. roof-boards covered with tin. This design of roof is also used very extensively by the Pennsylvania Railroad for shelters, in w-hich case three sides of the space occupied by the roof are enclosed with studding The front towards the track is left open. According to the local Fig. 402. — Cross-section. sheathed on the outside with boards. 242 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. requirements, tliese slielters in some cases have windows, and are also frequently ceiled on the inside with tongued and grooved boards, and finished and painted very neatly. Platfon/i-shcd, I'liiladelphia &" Readiii;:; Railroad. — The passenger platform-shed of the Phila- delphia & Reading Railroad, shown in Figs. 403 and 404, consists of bents spaced 10 ft. apart _^.wmT^.>. Fig. 403. — End Elevation. Fig. 404. — Front Elevation. lengthwise of the platform, each bent having two posts, spaced 8 ft. centres, as shown. The shed is roofed with tin. The finials, ridge-cresting, and board knee-braces, together with the ornamental finish of the posts, causes the structure to present a very striking and handsome appearance. Platfonn-shed for Passenger Depot, AUentowii, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad. — In Figs. 405' and Sfesi Fig. 405. — Cross-section. Fig. 406. — End Elevation. 406 is shown a style of passenger platform-shed, designed l)y the author for a passenger depot of the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Allentown, Pa. The platform is 20 ft. wide, the posts are spaced 9 ft. 6 in. centres, the nearest post to the track being spaced 6 ft. 6 in. from the face of the platform. Platform-sheds at Atlantic City, N. J., Philadelphia or Reading Railroad. — In Fig. 407 is shown a section of the platform-sheds in use at the terminal depot of the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad at Atlantic City, N. J. The symmetrical roof is used for platforms between tracks, while the unsym- FiG. 407. — Cross SECTION. metrical roof is used where there is a track on one side of the platform and a road on the other side. The illustration is copied from the Raihvay Review of May 10, 1890, in which issue the depot is fully illustrated and described. Platform-shed at Passenger Dtpol, Rve, N. V.. Neic York, New Haven S^ Hartford Railroad. — The covered platform-shed of the New York, New Haven eSj Hartford Railroad at Rye, N. Y., shown in Figs. 408 to 412, published by permission of The Engineering Record, illustrated and described in the issue of The Engineering Record o{ November 23, iSSg, is a two-legged platform-shed, with bents spaced 20 ft. centres. The jiosts in each bent are siiaced 10 ft. centres. The roof projection in the PLATFORMS, PLATFORM-SHEDS, AND SHELTERS. 243 rear of the building is 10 ft. be)'ond the post, so as to allow carriages to stand alongside the [jlatform under cover. The foundations of the posts are stone blocks, 2 ft. square at the base, 18 in. square at the top, and 3 ft. deep, bedded on a suitable foundation. The principal timbers used are, posts, 6:^ CKOSS SccTior^ Platform _ AND Cover Shed Passenger Station at Rye^N.Y. N.Y.N. H.XH.R.R. »- ''-".' H s / X / ^ fct/A/lMr/OA/ SrOM£ Figs. 40S to 412. — Cross-sectton, Longitudinal Section, and General Plan of Sued, and Plan and Cross-section of Column Pedestal. (By permission of The Engineerini; Record.^ in. X 6i in.; plates, 6]- in. X 8 in.; principal rafters, 6^ in. X 8 in.; purlins, s| in. X 2% in.; roof- boards, t in. The length of covered platform on each side of the tracks is 250 ft.; the total length of platform is 500 ft. on each side of the tracks. Platform-sheds, Union Depot, Kansas City, Mo. — In Fig. 413 is shown a section across the tracks at the Union Passenger Depot at Kansas City, Mo., copied from the issue of the Railroad Gazette of June 21, 1878. The peculiarity of this design consists of the use of one-legged iron plat- form-sheds over the platforms between the various groups of tracks and running parallel with the main depot building, thus avoiding the construction of a large and costly train-shed. The platform- Fig. 413. — Ckoss-section. sheds between the different tracks are connected at several points, across the tracks, by large spe- cially designed roofs, which span the tracks from platform to platform. In this way, passengers can go to or from trains practically under cover by using the covered cross-passages to or from the plat- form-sheds proper. 244- BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. Shelter for Horses and Carriages at Germantoivn Junction, Pa., Pennsylvania Railroad. — The Fig. 414. — Front Ele\'ation. mm -sE^ Fig. 415. — E.N'D Elevation. Fig. 416.— Cross-section. T 1 design for a shelter for horses and carriages at Germantown Junction, Pa., on the Pennsylvania Rail- road, designed by Mr. Wm. H. Brown, Chief Engineer, P. R. R., shown in Figs. 414 to 417, is a frame structure with unsymmetrical, double-pitched roof, supported by bents, spaced 10 ft. centres, each bent having two posts, spaced 10 ft. centres. I'he shelter is enclosed on three sides, being 10 ft. deep and 40 ft. long. The principal timbers used are, 6-in. X 6-in. ornamental posts; 6-in. X 6-in. caps; 2.1-in. ornamental board knee- braces; 6-in. X 8-in. purlins; 3-in. X 8-in. ]nirlin on the projection; 2-in. X 6-in. rafters, spaced 24 in. centres; i-in. roof-boards, covered with a tin roof. This style of roof and structure can be used, with slight modifications, for shelters for passengers and also for [ilatform-sheds. Shelter, Norfolk is' Western Railroad. — The standard shelter of the Norfolk & Western Railroad, shown in Figs. 418 to 420, is 25 ft. long by 10 ft. wide, enclosed on three sides and open towards the track. A bench runs around the interior. There are two windows in each gable-end of the house. Fig. 417. —Ground Plan. Fig. 418. — Front Elevation. Fig. 419. — End Elevation. The outside of the building is sheathed with weather-boarding, and roofed with shingles. The prin- P^_^^_^^___ cipal materials used are, 6-in. X 6-in. posts; 2-in. X 4-in. studs; 2-in. X 4-in. f ( ^ I purlins; 2-in. X 4-in. gable frame; 2-in. X 6-in. struts; 2-in. X 7-in. rafters; I j 2-in. flooring; i-in. siding and roof-boards; i-in. seats; 2-in. X 2-in. seat-legs; *^ y 2-in. X 7-in. ridge-pole; 2-in. X 8-in. floor-beams; 4-in. X 6-in. sills; \-m. X Fig. 420.— Ground-plan. (^.\y^ casings; ij-in. wash-boards; 2-in. X 12-in. cresting; 2-in. curved brackets. The cost of tne house erected complete is stated to be about $300. Shelter, Philadelphia, Wilmington 6^ Baltimore Railroad. — The design of an ornamental frame shelter with tin roof of the Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore Railroad is illustrated in the issue of the Railroad Gazette of Feb. 20, 1875. PLATFORMS, PLATFORM-SHEDS, AND SHELTERS. 245 Shelter and Overhead Foot-bridge at Bedford Park, N. Y., New York Central &-' Hudson River Railroad.— 'V\\e shelter and overhead foot-bridge of the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad at Bedford Park, N. Y., illustrated in Fig. 421, taken from the issue of the Railroad and Engineering W^S^^^^^^^^^^^^^S^^^^^ Fig. 421. — Perspective. Journal, Vol. LXVL, No. 2, the original plate having been kindly furnished to the author by tlie editor of the Railroad and Engineering Journal. The description in the ])ublication mentioned is as follows: Bedford Park is one of the prettiest of the recent suburban settlements around New York ; it is on the west side of the Harlem Railroad, just above the old village of Fordham, while on the east side of the road is the new Bron.x fiivcr Park, owned by the City of New York. The station is on the west side of the rail- road, which has at tiiat point four tracks, the two outer ones being used by the local trains, which stop at the station, and the two inner ones by express trains. The north-bound platform being on the east side of the tracks, a bridge was necessary to enable passengers to cross in safety, and one has been built which harmo- nizes well with the station and its surroundings. The bridge is a single span of 60 ft. ; the two plate-girders are supported on two columns at each end. The girders, which are spaced 8 ft. 6 in. apart between centres, form the railings, and the floor is carried on the lower flanges. The stairways on either side are supported by cast-iron columns. Tiie bridge itself and the stairways are covered by a roof of ornamental design, carried on light iron columns. This station, it will be noticed, is fenced in, and fences are placed to prevent persons from crossing the tracks on a level. This is the general practice followed on the Harlem line at the suburban stations. 246 BUILDINGS AND STRUCl'URES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. CHAPTER XIX. COMBINATION DEPOTS. Combination Depots are used on railroads at local stations of minor importance, where the amount of freight or the volume of the passenger business does not warrant the construction of a separate freight-house or a separate passenger depot. In other words, a combination depot is a combination of the freight and passenger business under one roof. For the freight business a freight-room is required, with platform space along a wagon-road for transferring freight to and from wagons; and also the necessary platforms and facilities for handling freight to and from cars in freight trains or cars standing at the depot. A separate freight-of^ce is not needed, be- cause at stations where combination depots are used the entire business at the station is gen- erally in charge of one man, with one or more assistants at important points, and the necessary clerical work, therefore, is done in one office, which serves as freight-office, ticket-office, and tel- egraph-office. This office should always have a projection on the track side, in the nature of a bay-window, so that the track is visible in both directions from inside the office. The passenger business is served by the introduction of waiting-rooms, cither one general waiting-room or separate waiting-rooms for ladies and gentlemen. Where the passenger business warrants it, toilet-rooms are added. Separate baggage-rooms are also provided, where the passenger business is heavy, or a small space in one corner of the freight-room is picketed or partitioned off, so that baggage left at the station can be locked up, as the freight-doors of the freight- room are usually left open during tlic day-time. In a few individual cases, although very seldom, a separate room for express and a mail-room are added. A very frequent addition to a combination depot, however, is the provision for bedrooms and living-rooms for the agent and other help around the depot, or for the agent's family. This is very customary in the Western and Southern sections of the country, where it is not always feasible to get dwelling quarters in the neighborhood. Where local conditions require it, offices are sometimes added to such a depot for the use of a train-master, or a despatcher, or some other official of the railroad, whose office is located at the station in question. It will thus be seen that a large number of variations exist in combination-depot designs, according to the necessity of provid- ing for and the relative importance given to the freight service, passenger business, baggage, express, telegraph, etc., and whether and how much room for dwelling purposes has to be reserved. There are combination depots, which are simply dweUings with a freight-room attached, and the clerical work is done in the living-room of the dwelling-house, while the platforms, the freight-room, and the agent's living-room are used indiscriminately for waiting and lounging rooms. On the other hand, there are combination depots where the provisions COMBINATION DEPOTS. 247 for dwelling purposes consist simply of a small buiik-rooiii, for the use of a watcluuau or night-operator. The requirements to be observed in dividing up the interior space of a combination depot are not many. Those for the freight business have been partly discussed in connection with local freight-houses, and those for the passenger business are similar to the questions discussed below in connection with local passenger depots. The location of the office should be facing the main track of the railroad. The ticket-window opening from the office to a general wait- ing-room should be so located in the office as to allow the necessary ticket-shelves, cases, etc., to be put along the wall without interfering with the operator's table or other work to be done in the office. Where there are separate waiting-rooms for gentlemen and ladies, tickets are either sold from a window leading on to a passage-way or lobby between the two waiting- rooms, or there are separate windows provided for each waiting-room. In the latter case, if possible, the windows should be located in such a way that the ticket-case is convenient ta both windows, and that the ticket-seller does not have to move much in order to sell tickets from one or the other window. Where the freight business is large, and especially in northern climates, it is well to have a door between the office and the freight-room for the convenience of the agent in passing back and forth. At small stations, however, where the business is not very heavy, such a door only cuts up wall-space unnecessarily. Where feasible, it is desirable not to have the entrance to the office through the waiting-room, as trainmen, freight-handlers, and railroaders, desiring to speak to the agent or the office help, will have to pass through the waiting-room. Passengers will also be more liable to enter the office, crowd- ing it and interfering with the work of the agent or his help. In small depots, however, such as mainly under discussion, these finer features of a depot design cannot be so readily ob- served, and are also less important. One of the most important questions in connection with a combination depot is its loca- tion in relation to the tracks on one or both sides of the building, and also the extent, length, width, and height of the platforms. It has been previously stated in the chapter on Freight- houses that, where feasible, it is desirable to have the main track pass along the front of the building, and to put a side track for cars left at the station on the rear of the building. In combination depots, however, especially where more importance is attached to the passenger business, it is undesirable to have a side track on the rear of the building, as passengers have to cross it to get to the depot, and it makes it difficult and dangerous to drive up to the depot with carriages. For combination depots with considerable passenger business, therefore, the best construction will prove to be a side track, located between the front of the building and the main track. Passengers will have to step across the side track to get to the passenger- trains on the main track, while freight can be skidded from the freight platform across the side track to freight-trains. Cars left at the station for loading or unloading are placed on the side track in front of the freight-room and along the freight platform at the end of the depot away from that part of the building devoted to the passenger business. As a rule, however, special cars are not left at a station, unless it is for what is known as car-load freight, in which case the side track between the main track and the building can be omitted, as all freight passing through the house consists of pa;ckage freight, which is handled directly to or from freight-trains. Provision for the accommodation of the car-load freight is made by 248 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. having a special siding near the depot along a wagon-road. Therefore, unless standing cars will be loaded to a large extent from the house, the best plan to adopt is to let the main track or a main siding run along the face of the building. Relative to the height of platforms, there are combination depots with low platforms throughout, others with high platforms throughout, and also others with a combination of low and high platforms. Where the passenger business predominates, low platforms throughout are warranted. Where the freight business is more important and the amount or class of passenger business does not have to be particularly considered, high platforms throughout will not prove detrimental, but on the contrary will be advantageous for the principal business, and also cheapen the construction. But where the freight and passenger interests are both important, high and low platforms should be adopted. In this case a high platform should be placed on both sides of the freight-room, and also across the end of the house where the freight- room is located, in case the house is a large one. This high platform should also be extended along the track for some distance, so as to reach more cars. At the other end of the house, where the passenger waiting-rooms are located, the platforms should be made low, and, where the business warrants it, this low platform should be extended for some distance along the main track. The high platform and low platform are connected at the front of the house by an incline. In some designs, an attempt is made to use one platform height around the building for both purposes, by placing the platform half-way between a low and a high platform ; but this does not represent the best practice. Where two different heights are used, it is custom- ary for passenger trains to stop, as far as possible, opposite the low portion, and freight trains are stopped so that the particular car from or to which freight is to be transferred is opposite the freight-room and the high platform. There is one objection usually made to the introduction of a high platform along a running track, even where it is only used in front of the freight- room, namely, that passengers might stand in front of the depot between the track and the high platform and get caught by a train. In a number of designs, therefore, a low platform is inserted between the high platform and the nearest track ; in other words, the face of the high platform is kept 7 to 10 ft. away from the centre of the track, so that there is a low platform, 2 to 5 ft. wide, between the car-body and the high platform. In Fig. 422 is shown a proposed layout for tracks and platforms at a combination depot^ in which it is desired to have a low platform for the passenger business and a high platform \:::::::.iU^:r.:::::::^:::::::::::::::\\::::::vv. ::.'.. .:::...::.\:::^'-vs.i:::v::.^:^^N'/r?tAcv':::::.:"^-.y^''-- .:. '- .;■. ::.:^ Fio. 422.— Proposed General Layout for a Comrination Depot. for the freight business, and to provide platform frontage for cars left at the depot to be loaded or unloaded with freight passing through the house, as also a track for car-load freight. The siding in front of the depot is intended for freight trains to pull into for receiving or deliver- ing package freight to the house, and it will also serve as a passing siding for trains. The rear of the depot and the end opposite the passenger rooms are accessible for teams and carriages, without crossing any tracks or getting pocketed between tracks. The high plat- form is set 8 ft. back from the centre of the siding, wliich allows a passage-way. for COMBINATION DEPOTS. 249 passengers and bagi;agc between the siding and tlie high phitloini, while llie s[)ace to be skidded across to get package freight to or from a freight-train on the siding is less than four feet, which does not require heavy skids. Relative to the class of structure and materials to be adopted in each particular case, the same general rules and views will hold good as discussed in connection with small local freight-houses and local passenger depots. The same can also be said in connection with the design of the doors, windows, and other minor details of a combination depot. The following descriptions and illustrations of combination depots in actual use on rail- roads in this country will serve to present more particularly the rules and methods generally observed in the construction of such structures. Combination Depots, Minnesota &" Northwestern Railroad. — The standard combination depots of the Minnesota & Northwestern Railroad and of the Chicago, St. Paul & Kansas Cit)- Railway, de- signed in 1887 under the direction of Mr. H. Fernstrom, Chief Engineer, by Mr. C. A. Reed, Super- vising Architect, M. & N. W. R. R., consist of a series of alternate designs suitable for various localities and conditions. All the structures are one-story frame buildings, sheathed on the outside with upright boards or weather-boarding, and roofed with shingles. Low jjlatforms surround the building on all sides, the top of the platform being 12 in. above the top of rail. The platform along the face of the house next to the track reaches within 5 ft. of the centre of the track. Class " B " is 16 ft. X 40 ft., divided into a freight-room, 21 ft. X 15 ft. ; a waiting-room, 17 ft. X 15 ft.; and a ticket-office, 6 ft. X 9 ft., with a square, 3-ft. X 6-ft., bay-window extension. This design, as shown in Figs. 423 and 424, is finished off verycheaply. There are platforms on all sides Fig. ^23.— Front Elevation, Class " B." Fig. 42^. — GRorNn-rLAN, Class "B." of the building; the front platform is 14 ft. wide, the rear platform 6 ft. wide, and the end platforms 8 ft. wide. The front platfowm is extended, 8 ft. wide, each way from the building, so as to give a total length of 250 ft. of platform facing the trnrk. The princiiial timbers for the platform construc- tion are, sills on blocking, 6 in. X 8 in.; floor-joists, 2 in. X 10 in., spanning 8 ft.; flooring, 2 in. The principal materials for the frame are, sills, 6 in. X 8 in.; plates, two pieces, 2 in. X 4 in.; studs, 2 in. X 4 in.; ceiling-joists, 2 in. X 4 in.; rafters, 2 in. X 4 in.; truss-braces, i in. X 6 in.; floor-beams, 2 in. X 10 in., spanning 16 ft. The foundations are of blocking. Sliding freight-doors, 6 ft. X 7 ft. Class " D" is a 20-ft. X 44-ft. structure, with a freight-room, 19 ft. X 24 ft.; a waiting-room, 18 ft. X 19 ft.; an office, 1 1 ft. X 6 ft., with a 3-ft. X ii-ft., square bay-window projection. The ex- terior of the building is finished off more handsomely than in class " B;" but the general arrangement, the width of the platforms, and the framing of the sides and roof remain about the same, excepting that the frame is a 6-in. frame in place of a 4-in. frame, and the ceiling joists and rafters are 2 in. X 6 in., in place of 2 in. X 4 in. (Jlass " E " is a 22-ft. X 55-ft. structure, as shown in Figs. 425 to 428, and is in general similar 10 class " D." The interior is divided into a freight-room, 21 ft. X 28 ft.; a waiting-room, 21 ft. XiSft.: and an office, 21 ft. X 10 ft., with a 3-ft. 6-in. X lo-ft., scpiare bay-window extension. The platforms remain the same, and the frame and roof consist of 6-in. scantlings, as described for class " D." Class "G" is a 22-ft. X yo-ft. structure, ])ractically the same as class " E," excepting the extra lingtii, which is mainly utilized fur a baggage-room inserted between the frcight-rocnn and the office. 25° BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. Class " H " is a 22-ft. X 70 fl. building, exactly the same as class " E," excepting that the freight-room is lengthened out. Fig. 425. — Front Elevation, Class "E." Fig. 426. — End Elevation. C!,ass " E." Class " I " is 22 ft. X 90 ft., the same as class " E " in its general features, excepting the interior, which is divided so as to give a freight-room, 42 ft. X 21 ft.; a trainmen's and bulletin-room, 9 ft. X 21 /"neif/T /Ttom Fig. 428. — Ground-plan, Class " E." ft.; a general waiting-room, 20 ft. X 21 ft.; a ticket-office, 19 ft. X 7 ft.; and a trainmaster's and despatcher's office, 19 ft. X 16 ft. Class " J " is 22 ft. X 90 ft., and similar to class " E," excepting that the interior is divided into a freight-room, 21 ft. X 38 ft.; a baggage-room, 21 ft. X 8 ft. ; a gentlemen's waiting-room, 21 ft. X 15 ft.; a ladies' waiting-room, 21 ft. X 13 ft.; and a ticket-office, 11 ft. X 16 ft. The materials for buildings of this kind, which have to be provided and allowed for in a bill of material, consist of brick, lime, sand, stoves, stove-pipes, elbows, cast-iron pan under stove, seats, shelves, paint, oil, varnish, drier, putty, shellac, turpentine, benzine, rough boards and scantlings, sized boards and scantlings, flooring, siding, ceiling, shingles, ornamental shingles, door-knobs, butt- hinges, sash-fasteners, spring sash-bolts, window-weights, sash-cord, barn-door hangers with rails, hinged hasps, padlocks, pin with chain and staple and wrought-iron door-handles for freight-doors, sash-locks, cupboard locks and hinges, stove-pipe thimbles and covers, tin for flashing and guttering, galvanized-iron down-conductors with elbows, zinc stove-screens, angle-iron protection for freight- door jambs, building-paper, nails, spikes, bolts, washers, outside doors, transoms, inside doors, freight- doors, door-frames, ticket-window, ticket-window shelves, operator's table, railings, windows, sash and frames, brackets for projecting roof, end brackets, finials, ridge-cresting, gutter-boards, cornices, mouldings, base-boards, wainscoting, oak door-sills, etc. Combination Depot, Pine Creek 6^ Buffalo Railicay. — The combination depot of the Pine Creek & Buffalo Railway, shown in Figs. 429 and 430, designed by Mr. Tlieodore E. Hocke, consists of a single-story frame structure, 21 ft. wide X 57 ft. long, divided into a freight-room, 40 ft. X 20 ft.; Fig, 429. FuoNT Elevation. Fig. 430.— Ground-plan. COMBINATION DEPOTS. 251 a ticket-office, 12 ft. X 7 ft. 6 in.; ami llie Ixilance for a general waiting-room. 'I'iie waiting-room and ticket-office, including the platform surrounding that end of the building, is on a low level, while the freight-room is surrounded on all three sides with a high platform, connected with the low plat- form by inclines. Fig. 431. — Front Ei.kvation. Fig. 432. — Enii Elevation. Combination Depot at Cherry Ford, Pa., Lehigh Valley Railroad. — The combination depot of the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Cherry Ford, Pa,, shown in Figs. 431 to 433, is a single-story frame structure, 15 ft. X 45 ft., sheathed on the outside with weather-boarding, and roofed with slate. It is divided into a freight- room, 17 ft. X 14 ft.; a general waiting-room, 17 ft. X 14 ft.; and an office, Fig. 433.— Ground-plan, g ft. x 14 ft., with a 3-ft. X 8-ft., square bay-window projection. Combination Depot, Class "^," Richmond a;' Alleghany Railroad. — The combination depot of the Richmond & Alleghany Railroad, known as class "A," shown in Figs. 434 to 436, is an island- FiG. 434. — Front Elevation Fig. 435. — End Elevation. depot, and consists of a single-story frame building, with a high platform at the ends of the building and on the rear along the side . track, and a low platform on the face of the building next to the main track. The building is 25 ft. X 28 ft., and is divided into a freight-room, 22 ft. X 24 ft.; a waiting-room, 14 ft. X 15 ft. 6 in.; and a ticket-office, 8 ft. X 14 ft., with a square bay-window projec- tion, 8 ft. X 4 ft. Fig. 436.-Grou.n'd-plan. Combination Depot, Class "B," Richmond &- Alleghany Railroad. — 'I"he combination depot of the Richmond (S: Alleghany Railroad, known as class " B," shown in Figs. 437 and 438, is an island-depot, similar to class "A," and consists of a single-story frame Fig. 437. — Fkont Elevation. r. Fu;. 43S. — Ground-plan. 252 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. structure, 25 ft. X 50 ft., divided into a freight and baggage room, 24 ft. X 16 ft.; a ticket-office, 8 ft. X 16 ft., with a square bay-window projection; and a general waiting-room. This class of depot is for use at an island-station, where there is a side track on the rear of the building, in addition to the main track along the face of the building. The platform at the face of the building next to the main track is a low platform, 8 ft. wide. The platform at the back of the building along the side track and at each end of the building is a high platform, 8 ft. wide. Comhiiiation Depots, Pennsylvania Lines West of Pittsburg. — The combination depots of the Pennsylvania lines west of Pittsburg, Southwest System, designed by Mr. M. J- Becker, Chief En- gineer, consist of three classes, respectively "A," " B," and " D," and are frame single-story structures, surrounded by low platforms on all sides, sheathed on the outside with vertical ornamental battened boarding and horizontal boarding, in panels, and roofed with slate. The walls of the offices and waiting-rooms are plastered. The foundations are stone piers. The platforms along the face of the building are generally 16 ft. wide, reaching within 4 ft. 6 in. of the centre of the track, and set 8 in. above the top of the rail. The specifications for the depots class "A" and "B" are given in full in the Appendix at the back of this book, and the design for class ".'\." is illustrated in Figs. 439 and 440, the design for L-.:»^ Fig. 439. — Front Elevation. Fig. 440. — GRouND-n.AN. class " B'' being practically the same excepting in point of size, while class " D" is quite similar also. For detail data, see specifications. The building in class "A" is 40 ft. X 16 ft., divided into a waiting-room, 15 ft. X 15 ft.; a ticket and telegraph office, 8 ft. X 19 ft., including a square bay-window projection on the track side; and a freight-room, 15 ft. X 15 ft. The building in class "B" is 46 ft. X 18 ft., divided into a waiting-room, 17 ft. X iS ft.; a ticket and telegraph office, 8 ft. X 20 ft. 6 in.; and a freight-room, 17 ft. X 18 ft. The building in class " D" is 49 ft. X 17 ft., divided into a waiting-room, 20 ft. X 16 ft.; a ticket and telegraph office, 7 ft. X 19 ft. 6 in., including a square bay-window projection; and a freight- room, 20 ft. X 16 ft. The rear of the office in this plan is partitioned off as a ticket-office, while the front serves for a telegraph-office. There is a door between the office and the freight-room. The freight-room and waiting-room have also doors on the rear of the depot. Combination Depot with Dwelling-rooms, Pennsylvania Lities West of Pittsburg, Southwest System. — The combination depot of the Pennsylvania lines west of Pittsburg, Southwest System, designed by Mr. M. J. Becker, Chief Engiueer, known as class " E " of the standard depot plans, is a frame two-story building, 38 ft. X 17 ft., with a single-story annex, 25 ft. 6 in. X 14 ft. 6 in., for a li\ing- room and a kitchen. The exterior of the building is treated similarly to the standard combination depots of the same railroad, described above and shown in Figs. 439 and 440, and the specifications are practically the same as for the combination depots and local passenger depots of the same railroad, the specifications for which are given in full in the Appendix at the back of this book. The outside of the building is sheathed with vertical ornamental battened boarding and horizontal boarding, in panels, and roofed with slate. The rooms are all plastered in the interior, excepting the freight- room. The ground-floor is divided into a waiting-room, 14 ft. X 16 ft.; an office, with a passage leading to the kitchen, and a stairway leading to the upper floor at the rear of the office; a freight- room, 14 ft. X 16 ft.; a living-room, 12 ft. X 14 ft.; and a kitchen, 12 ft. X 14 ft. The U])]ier floor has two bedrooms, each 14 ft. X 16 ft. COMBTNATTON DEPOTS. 253 Combination Depot, Chesapeake &• Ohio Railway. — Tlie cuiiibiiiaiion lic'ijol. of llic Chesapeake & Ohio K.ail\v;iy, known as design No. 4, i)re])ared in 1882, is a single-story frame structure, 16 ft. X 40 ft., sheathed on the outside with horizontal weather-iioarding and with ui)right boards and battenS' in [lancls, and roofed with tin or sliingles. The interior is divided into a waiting-room, an office, and a freiglit-room. This design is practically the same as the standard combination depot, class " A," of the Pennsylvania lines west of Pittsburg, described above and illustrated in Figs. 439 and 440. Combination Depot, Ohio Valley Railway. — The combination depot of the Ohio Valley Railway at Sturgis, Ky., designed by Mr. C. C. Genung, Chief Kngineer, Ohio Valley Railway, is a single-story frame structure, 55 ft. X 20 ft., roofed witli shingles, very similar in the general arrangement of the ground-plan to the combination depot of the Pine Creek & Buffalo Railway, illustrated and de- scribed above, with the exception, however, that the passsage from the high freight platform, in front of the freight-room, to the low passenger jjlatform around the passenger end of the building, is made by steps and not by an incline. The interior is divided into a general waiting-room, 19 ft. X 15 ft.; a freight-room, 19 ft. X 28 ft.; and an oiifice, 19 ft. X 10 ft., between them. The low passenger platform is 12 ft. wide and 120 ft. long in front of tlie building; the high freight platform is 8 ft. wide, and extends along the front and the end of the freight-room. The design of the exterior is similar to the standard local passenger depot of the same railroad illustrated in Fig. 520, the most striking feature of which is the upward curve of the roof at the eaves, the radius of the curve being about lo ft. This feature, in connection with the knee-braces under the roof projection, wiiich are cut to a bold semicircular pattern, causes the structure to appear very neat, without increasing the cost material!}-. The outside of the building is sheathed with vertical, horizontal, and diagonal plain and ornamental boarding, in panels. The inside finish is of wood. The vertical siding is painted a turkey vermilion, the horizontal and diagonal siding a very light drab, and the frames, belt-courses, etc., a very dark red, approaching a brown color. Mr. Genung states that this building cost about eleven hundred dollars, exclusive of platforms. Combination Depot, Cincinnati Southern Jiai/icay. — The Cincinnati Southern Railway, now part of the Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific Railway, had four classes of designs for combination depots, known as classes " A," " B," " C," and " D." All the designs are single-story frame structures, sheathed Fig. 44T.— Front Elevation. on the outside with boards, and roofed with tin. Design "A," shown in Figs. 441 to 444, is 58 ft. X 20 ft., divided into a freight-room, 22 ft. X 19 ft,; an office, 1 1 f t. X 19 ft.; and a general waiting- room, 22 ft. X 19 ft. At each gable-end of the building the roof is extended for 12 ft., forming an open shed extension to the building at each end. The outer end of the shed extension is supported by two posts. The building is surrounded on all sides by platforms. The front platform is 16 ft. wide, and is set 15 in. above the top of rail. The rear platform is 8 ft. wide, and set at the same height. The freight-doors are sliding-doors, 7 ft. 4 in. X 7 ft. 4 in. Fig. 442.-Eni> Ei.f.v.^tion. pi,^„ " ]>, ■• ^hows the same size building and di\ision (it the interior and general finish as plan " A." The shed-roof extension in ])lan " B," however, 254 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. is only built at one end of the building, next to the waiting-room. Plan " B " differs from plan " A " in respect to the platforms. Plan "A " has low platforms on all sides of the house; plan " B " has a high platform, 12 ft. wide, on the front of the house, ne.xt to the track, a high platform, 8 ft. wide, on the rear of the house, next to the wagon-road, and a 12-ft. platform, on the same level as the other plat- forms, at the waiting-room end of the house under the shed-roof extension. The face of the front plat- Fig. 443. — Cross-section. I -'■;. Fig. 444. — Ground-plan. form is set 6 ft. from the centre of the track, and 4 ft. above the top of the tie. The level of the wagon-road at the rear of the house is about three feet below the platform. Plan C is similar to plan D, excepting that the building is only 35 ft. long, and is divided into a freight-room, 23 ft. X 19 ft.; an office, 11 ft. X 8 ft.; and a waiting-room, 11 ft. X 10 ft. Plan D is a very plain structure, without any attempt at ornamentation, 20 ft. X 46 ft., divided into a freight-room, a waiting-room, and an office. There is no shed-roof extension of the Iniilding, like in the other designs. There are high platforms on three sides of the building; the front platform is 12 ft. wide, while the end platform and rear platform are 8 ft. wide. CoDiHiiation Depot, Burlingfon, Cedar Rapids is' Northern Raihvay. — The combination depot of the Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Northern Railway, shown in Figs. 445 to 447, consists of a single-story frame structure, 48 ft. X 18 ft., sheathed on the outside with horizontal weather-boarding. The interior is divided into a freight-room, 17 ft. X 20 ft.; a waiting-room, 17 ft. X 16 ft.; an office, 10 ft. X 17 ft., with a square bay-window projection, 3 ft. X 8 ft. The building is surrounded by a low ])latform on all sides, the platforms at the gable-ends and along the face of the building next to the track being 12 ft. wide, while the ])latform at the rear of the building is only 8 ft. wide. The face of the platform is set 5 ft. 6 in. from the centre of the track, and the top is placed 16 in. above the top Fig. 445. — Front Ei.kvation. of the rail. The foundations of the building are stone walls and piers. The freight-doors are 7 ft. wide by 8 ft. high, with large transom-lights. The roof projection on the front and rear of the build- ing is 4 ft. 6 in. The principal timbers used are, sills, 6 in. X 8 in.; floor-joists, 2 in. X 12 in., span- ning 9 ft.; corner and door studs, 4 in. X 4 in.; intermediate studs, 2 in. X 4 in.; plates, two pieces, 2 in. X 4 in.; ceiling-joists, 2 in. X 6 in.; rafters, 2 in. X 4 in ; tie-beams, 1 in. X 6 in.; roof-boards, t in.; rise of roof, \ of span; platform-caps, 8 in. X 10 in.; platform-joists, 2 in. X 10 in., spaced 16 in. centres, spanning 9 ft.; freight-room and platform floor, 3-in. plank; floor in waiting-room and office, I in. dressed boards, laid on a rough plank under layer. COM BIN A TION DF.rO TS. 255 Tlie data for above were kindly t'uriiislied l>y Mr. H. F. While, Chief iMigineer, H., C R. & N. l\y., who also states, that a depot as described above, with stone foundations, costs about $iooo. XT" 1 Fig. 446, — Cross-section. Fig. 447.— Ground-plan. Combination Depot, Wabash, St. Louis &= Pacific Railway.— Tht combination depot of t Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Railway, designed by Mr. Charles Hansel, Resident Engineer, showiy/ifT Figs. 448 to 451, consists of a single-story frame structure, 20 ft. X 50 ft., sheathed on the outi/de \o Fig. 448. — Front Elevation. Ftg. 449. — End Elevation. with upright boards and battens and diagonal sheathing, in panels, and roofed with shingles. The interior is divided into a waiting-room, 18 ft. X 17 ft.; a freight-room, 18 ft. X 23 ft.; and an office, 1 8 ft. X 8 ft., with a hexagonal bay-window projection, 3 ft. X 8 ft. The freight-doors are sliding-doors, *av H Fig. 450. — Cross-section. Fig. 451, — Groii.nd I'LAN. 7 ft. X 7 ft., with transom-lights overhead. The walls and ceilings of waiting-room and office, also the under side of the roof projection, is ceiled. The walls in the freight-room are boarded up to a height of 7 ft. with rough boards. The outside sheathing consists of half-dressed sheathing planks, covered witli 3-in. (). G. battens. The shingles, before being laid, are dipped in a mixture of mineral paint and boiled linseed-oil. The platform at the face of the building, ne.xt to the track, is a low platform, 4 in. above the top of rail, and the face of the platform is set 4 ft. from the centre of the track. The height of the interior is 11 ft. 6 in. in the clear. The principal timbers used are, sills, 6 in. X 8 in.; floor-joists, 2 in. X 10 in., spaced 16 in.; i)lates, 2 in. X 6 in.; studs, 2 in. X 6 in.; ribbons, 2 in. X 4 in.; ceiling-joists, 2 in. X 8 in., spaced 16 in.; rafters, 2 in. X 6 in., spaced 20 in.; collar-beams, i in. X 6 in.; floor in waiting-room and office, i-in. yellow-pine flooring; floor in freight- room, 2-in. rough plank; ceiling, f-in. boards; outside sheathing and roof-boards, i in. The balance of the material required consists of shingles, battens, trnnsom lights, window-sash, outside doors, 2S6 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. inside doors, sliding freight-doors, nails, spikes, bolts, brick, lime, sand, base-boards, cap-boards, mouldings, brackets, ridge-piece, gutter-boards, down-conductors, window-frames, door-frames, sash- weights, door-hangings, locks, sash-fasteners, liarn-door rollers and track, sash-cord, spring latch, ticket-window, and agent's table. The platform is set on posts planted in the ground, with 6-in. X 8-in. caps; 2-in. X lo-in. joists, spaced 20 in.; and 2-in. floor-plank. Combination Depot, Kansas City i^ Emporia Railroad. — The combination depot of the Kansas City & Emporia Railroad, connected with the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad system, shown in Figs. 452 and 453, consists of a single-story frame structure, sheathed on the outside with board- -'rrT: 'm:! Fig. 452. — Front Elevation. Fig. 453. — Ground-plan. Fig. 454. — Ground- plan. ing. The size of the building is 24 ft. X 42 ft., and the interior is divided into a freight-room, 13 ft. X 23 ft.; a waiting-room, 11 ft. X 18 ft.; an office, 11 ft. X 18 ft.; and a baggage-room, 9 ft. X 18 ft. The waiting-room, office, and baggage-room have low platforms in front of them, while the freight- room has a high platform around it. Connection is made between the low and high platforms by inclines, where they join each other. Combination Depot at Hilliard, Ga., Savannah, Florida 6^ IVestern Railway. — The combination depot of the Savannah, Florida & Western Railway at Milliard, Ga., designed by Mr. W. B. W. Howe, Jr., shown in Fig. 454, is a single-story frame structure, 30 ft. X 32 ft., sheathed with upright boards and battens, and roofed with tin. The interior is divided into a warehouse, 15 ft. X 30 ft.; a waiting-room, 14 ft. X 14 ft.; and an office, 14 ft. X 14 ft., with an octagonal bay-window projection, 5 ft. X 10 ft. The building is surrounded on three sides by high platforms, 8 ft. to 10 ft. wide. The face of the platform next to the track is 6 ft. 6 in. from the centre of the track, and the top of the platform is 4 ft. above the top of rail. The roof projection on the front and rear of the building is 10 ft. Between the waiting-room and office there is a large brick chimney for wood fires in each room. The foundations of the build- ing are brick piers. The sills under the building are ro in. X 14 in., and under the ends of the plat- form and under the floor-beams inside the house they are 6 in. X 14 in. The floor-beams are 3 in. X 12 in., spanning 12 ft. The floor is 3-in. plank. The principal timbers of the frame and roof are, posts, 6 in. X 8 in.; tie-beams, two pieces, ij in. X 6 in.; principal rafters, 3 in. X 8 in.; truss-braces, 6 in. X 6 in.; knee-braces, li in. X 6 in.; purlins, 3 in. X 8 in.; truss-rod, f in. in diameter. The rise of the roof is i of the span. The freight -doors are 5 ft. wide X 8 ft. high, hung in pairs and swing- ing inward. Combination Depot, Philadelphia^' Reading Railroad. — The combination depot of the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad, shown in Fig. 455, consists of a single-story structure, 80 ft. X 30 ft. One end is divided off for a freight-room, 31 ft. X 40 ft., and is sur- rounded by an 8-ft. platform on three sides, the top of the plat- form being 2 ft. 8 in. above the top of the rail, and the face of the platform being 5 ft. 6 in. from the centre of the track along the face of the house. The remainder of the house has an office, 18 ft. X 19 ft.; a gentlemen's waiting-room, 18 ft. X 15 ft.; a ladies' waiting-room, 18 ft. X 15 ft.; a baggage-room, 1 1 ft. X 6 ft.; and ladies' and gentlemen's toilet-rooms, each 6 ft. X 1 1 ft. in size. Fig. 455 —Ground plan. This part of the building is on a lower level than the freight-room, and has a low 8-ft. platform ne.xt COMBINATION PE/'OVS. 257 to tile track, ami along the galile-eiul of iIk- huilding. I'lii^ low plaUonii is y in. above llie loj) of the rail, and conncits with the high platform by steps or an incline. Coniliiiialioii Depot and Ojfice Building at ll'i/tia/ns/mrg, I'a., Clu-sapcake ^s' Ohio Railway. — The combination dejjot and office building of tile Chesajieake & Ohio Railway at Williamsburg, Va., is a Iwo-story frame structure, with a single-story freight-house anne.\, as shown in Figs. 456 and 457. Fig. 456. — Front Ei.kvation. The outside of the building is sheathed with horizontal and upright boards and ornamental shingles, producing a pleasing effect. The two-story part of the building is 41 ft. X 21 ft. and the single-story freight-house is 26 ft. X Oi ft. The ground-floor has n freight-room ; a gentlemen's waiting-room; Fig. 457. — GuouND-ri.AN. a ladies' waiting-room with a ladies' toilet-room attached; also a large room for use as telegraph- office, ticket -and freight office. A pair of stairs lead to the upper floor, where there are three rooms used as offices for the train-despatcher of the division, and other officials. Combination Depot loitli Dicelting-rooms, Northern Pacific Railroad. — The combination depot of Fia 458. — Front Et.f.vation. the Northern Pacific Railroad, with dwelling attached, designed by Mr. C. B. Talbot in 1884, sliown in Figs. 458 and 459, is a single-story frame structure, with the excejition of one end where there 25S BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. is an attic room under tht roof. The building is 22 ft. X 56 ft., and consists of one large freight- room, 22 ft. X 40 ft., which serves as freight-room, baggage- room, and waiting-room. Next to the freight-room there is a living-room and a bedroom, in addition to which there is, as i)revionsly mentioned, a bedroom upstairs, reached by a flight of steps. There is a jilatform 13 ft. wide in front of the house, along the track. This platform is set 16 inches above the top of rail, and 5 ft- 10 in- from the Fic;. 459. — Ground-plan. centre of the track. In front of the freight-house there is a lo-ft. wide, high freight ]:)latform, connected with the low platform by an incline. The face of the freight platform is 8 ft. 10 in. from the centre of the track, so that tliere is a narrow low platform for passengers between the high freight platform and the track. Combiiiafioii Depot with Divclliiig, at Ccvtir d'Ak/ic, JFas/i., Spokane &= Idaho RailioaJ. — The combination depot of the Spokane & Idaho Railroad at Coeur d'Alene, Wash., i onnected with the Northern Pacific Railroad System, consists of a single-story frame structure, sheathed on tlie outside witii u])right boarding, 78 ft. long by about 20 ft. wide. There is a low platform along the face of the building next to the main track. The interior is divided into a freight-room, 30 ft. X 18 ft.; a general waiting-room, 17 ft. X 18 ft.; an office, 12 ft. X 12 ft.; a living-room, 18 ft. X 12 ft.; a bed- room, 10 ft. X II ft.; a bedroom, 8 ft. X 10 ft.; and a kitchen, 9 ft. X 13 ft. Standard Combination Depots, Savannah, Florida &= Western Railway. — The standard combina- tion depot designs of the Savannah, Florida & Western Railway, kindly furnished by Mr. W. B. W. Howe, Jr., Chief Engineer, S., F. & W. Ry., provide for three classes, to suit varying conditions. Class No. I consists of a building 31 ft. wide X 60 ft. long; class No. 2 has the same width, but is 90 ft. long, while class No. 3 is 120 ft. long. In all cases the building has at one end a 30-ft. open shed Fig. 460.— Front Elevation. extension. In Figs. 460 to 464 the design for class No. i is shown, and, as above explained, tlie other classes simply differ in the length of the freight-room. The building is a single-story frame structure, 31 ft. wide and of the length specified, according to which class of freight-house is to be employed. At one end of the building there is a waiting- FiG. 461. — End Elevation of Building. Fig. 462. — End Elevation of Shed Extension. room, a bedroom, and an office, each about 15 ft. square. The office has a large bay-window exten- sion on the side towards the track. The rest of the building is occujjied for the storage of freight. At the end of the building, away from the rooms above mentioned, there is a 30 ft. open shed extension. The platforms surrounding the house and shed on three sides, as shown on the plan, are 10 ft. wide, and are reached at one end by steps and at the other end by an incline. These platforms are set 4 ft. COMBINATION DEPOTS. 259 above the top of mil, and the face of the phitforni along the Iraek ih placed 6 ft. 6 in. fiuni the centre of the track. The foundations of tile building are brick piers, 13 in. X 27 in. on top. These piers Fig. 464.— GRouNn-ri.AN. Fio. 4C3.— Cross SECTION. support lo-in. M 14-in. sills under the walls, and 6-in. X 14-in. sills through the interior of the building and under the outside of the platform. These sills span 7 ft. 6 in. from pier to pier centres. The joists are 3 in. X 12 in., spaced 24 in. inside the house, spanning 10 ft. The joists are spaced 4 ft. apart on the platform. The tloor consists of 2-in. plank. The frame is built of 6-in. X 8-in. jjosts, 3-in. X 6-in. studs, 4-in. X 6-in. plates, the height of frame being 13 ft. from floor to top of plate. The roof-trusses are spaced 15 ft. apart, and consist of 3-in. X Sin. principal rafters; tie-beams, two pieces, li in. X 6 in.; truss-braces, 6 in. X 6 in.; knee-braces, i-V in. X 6 in.; king-rod, J in. in diameter; purlins, 3 in. X 8 in.; roof-boards, i in. The rafters are extended over the platforms so as to form platform roofs projecting to ft. from the face of the building. The outside sheathing consists of upright boards and battens. The freight-doors are sliding-doors, 9 ft. square made of 2-in. X 6-in. frame, with 2-in. X 4-in. bracing, the frame being covered on the outside with i-in. narrow tongued and grooved boards. Windows are inserted at the proper places, as shown on the plan. 'J'he construction of the open shed extension is similar to the building, excepting that the sides are left open. There is a large brick chimney with hearths in the office and in the waiting- room suitable for open wood fires. Coinhination Depot, Class No. i, Northern Pacific Railroad. — The combination depot of the JX Fig. 465. — Pkusi'fctive. Northern Pacific Railroad, shown in Figs. 465 and 466, known as Class No. r, is a single-story frame structure, 24 ft. X 83 ft. The interior is divided into a freight-room, 24 ft. X 39 ft.; a general waiting-room, 15 ft. X 23 ft.; an ofifice, 10 ft. X 15 ft.; a baggage and express room, 10 ft. X 15 ft.; a bedroom, 10 ft. X to ft., and a living-room, 12 ft. X 15 ft. .\long the face of the building next to the main track is a T2-ft. low platform. Along the rear of the ■ • — building, next to a side track, there is a high ])latform, 12 ft. Fig. 466.-GROUND-PLAN. .^yiJg_ ^-hg high platform at the rear and the low platform at the front of the building are connected by inclines at each end of the building. Combination Depot, Class No. 2, Northern Pacific Railroad. — The combination depot of the Northern Pacifu: Railroad, known as class No. 2, is to the structure just described, excepting 26o BUILDINGS AMD STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. in size and the iirrangeinenl of the interior. The building is 24 ft. X 59 ft., and is divided into a freight-room, 23 ft. X 3T ft.; a general waiting-room, 23 ft. X 15 ft.; a liedroom, 10 ft. X 10 ft., and an office, 10 ft. X 12 ft., with a 3-ft. X lo-ft., square bay-window projection. Combination Depot with Dwelling, Chesapeake iS^ Ohio Railivay. — The combination depot with dwelling of the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway, known as plan "A", designed by Mr. H. Jacob in 1883, consists of a two-story frame stracttire, sheathed on the outside with horizontal and upright boards, in panels, and roofed with tin. The ground-floor has a waiting-room, 14 ft. X 16 ft.; an office, 8 ft. X 10 ft., with a 3-ft. X 8-ft., bay-window e.xtension; a freight-room, 14 ft. X 16 ft.; a living-room, 12 ft. X 14 ft.; and a kitchen, 12 ft. X 14 ft. The upper floor has two bedrooms, 14 ft. X 16 ft. There are low platforms on three sides of the building. Combination Depot with Dn'clling, Union Pacific Rail'ioay. — The combination depot with living- rooms of the Union Pacific Railway, adopted as a standard in 1S86, shown in Figs. 467 to 470, is a single-story frame structure, 24 ft. X 60 ft., or whatever extra length is required to accommodate additional freight. The outside of the building is sheathed with siding and with upright boards and battens, panelled. The building is used as an island-depot, with a main track on the front and a side track on the rear. There are platforms on all four sides of the house, the height being 14 in. above Fig. 467. — Front Elkvation. Fig. 468. — End Elevation. the top of the rail, and the face of the platform next to the track approaches within 5 ft. 3 in. of the centre of the track. The passenger platform at the front of the house and the freight platform at one end of the house are 16 ft. wide, the freight platform at the back of the house is lo ft. wide, and the platform at the end of the house away from the freight-room is 12 ft. wide. The interior is divided into a freight-room, 21 ft. X 23 ft., with a small space partitioned off for baggage; an office, ^•^ Fig. 469. — Cross-section. :ti; *.><- ""'"^r-t^ ""'" Fig. 1570. — GRorND-Pi.AN. II ft. X 12 ft., with a 4-ft. X i i-ft., sciuare bay-window e.vtension, a waiting-room, 15 ft. X 12 ft.; two bedrooms; a dining-room; a kitchen; and a jiantry. There are two small detached buildings, one for the storage of coal and supplies, and the other for water-closets. Combination Depot at GroTctown, Ga., Georgia Railroad. — The combination depot of the Georgia Railroad at Gro\-etown, Ga., designed by Mr. liradford L. Gilbert, architect. New York City, described and illustrated in the issue of the Railroai/ Gazette of September 25, 1891, and in The Engineering Magazine, December, 1891, shown in Fig. 471, taken from the latter publication, is a very picturesque depot building, designed to meet the requirements of Southern railroad tr.iffic at certain localities. The following remarks on this subject are made in the issue of the Railroad Gazette mentioned: COMBINATION DEPOTS. 261 For a town of several ihousaiul pcDplc. and somewhat of a suburban station as well, the requirements in the South are for a buildin;,' witii accommodation for lirst-class passengers (vvliite) and second-class passen- gers (negroes), both under the general supervision of the station-agent, who is telegraph-operator and ticket -agent as well. It is also necessary to provide a freight-room and large platform for handling cotton Fig. 471. — Pkrspective. and merchandise. The Grovetown station combines all these special features in a simple, picturesque, and quaint building — one which helps the town, and that advertises and builds up the railroad as well. The windmill (forming so picturesque a feature of the building) was designed wiili sjjecial reference to the necessary water supply in connection with the toilet accommodations, etc., of the building, as a practical and simple solution of this problem. The building is 77 ft. x 24 ft., with waiting-rooms for white and colored passengers, baggage-room, toilet-rooms, oifire, and a large freight-room and freight platform for cotton. The street end of the building is occupied by the lirst-class passenger waiting-room. 24 ft. x 24 ft. in size, with a large alcove in the turret for ladies, and also ample toilet accommodations. The ticket and telegraph office is on the track side, 9 ft. X 15 ft., and. by means of a projecting bay-window, commands a view up and down the tracks. The second-class waiting-room, 14 ft. x 24 ft., and toilet accommodations, are located adjoining, with ticket- windows opening into each waiting-room. Beyond this the space is occupied by the freight building, 32 ft. x 24 ft., and platform, 10 ft. on the sides and 20 ft. on the end also, for whatever baggage and e.xpress business it may be necessary to handle. The platform extends around the building 10 ft. in widtli, covered by the projecting awning, and ihc por/c- coc/ieri: is provided for the convenience of those who drive to the station. The material used at Grovetown for the exterior of the building has been cypress shingles (stained with ■ creosote) on the sides, which, w'ith metallic shingles on the roofs, form a durable and servi<:eable covering at minimum cost. The cost of the building is stated to be about $5000. Coiiibiiiatiini Depot at Proi'iJcncc, Pa., Nc7V York, Ontario &" IVcstrr/i J^iiilroaJ. — The combina- lion (lepol of the New York, ( )nlari() &: Western Railroad at Providence, I'a., shown in Kig. 472, Fic. 472. — F'ersi>ective. 262 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. copied from The Engineering Magazine, December, 1891, is a single-story frame structure, 24 ft. X 64 ft., divided into a waiting-room, office, and freight-room. Combination Depot at Farmersville, Tex., Gulf, Colorado &= Santa Fe Railroad. — The combination depot of the Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railroad, now part of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad System, shown in F'igs. 473 to 475, designed by Mr. W. J. Sherman, Chief Engineer, G., C. & S. F. R. R., is a single-story frame structure, 20 ft. X 152 ft., surrounded by platforms on all sides. One end of the building is used for the passenger service and has low platforms surrounding it, while the other end is used for a freight-room witli high platforms adjoining it. The ground-plan is divided into an office, 10 ft. X 16 ft., with a 3-ft. bay-window projection on the track side; a gentlemen's waiting-room, 14 ft. X 20 ft., and a ladies' waiting-room, 14 ft. X 20 ft., connected by a 4-ft. passage- way at the back of the office, tickets being sold to passengers in either room from ticket-windows at the rear angles of the office; an express-office, 14 ft. X 20 ft.; and a freight-room, 20 ft. >; 100 ft., with a small space, 6 ft. X 10 ft., partitioned off as a baggage-room. There is an 8-ft. water-tub, 9 ft Fig. 473. -Front Elevation. high, provided at the end of the freight-house to collect the rain-water from the roof, which is an essential feature in this section of the country. The top of the low platform is placed 6 in. above the top of the rail, and the face of the platform is set 4 ft. 6 in. from the centre of the track. The freight platform is set 3 ft. 6 in. above the top of the rail, and is 7 ft. wide on the front and the rear of the building and 12 ft. vi^ide at the end of the freight-room. The high platform is connected with the low platform at the front and the rear of the building by steps. The face of the freight platform on the front of the building is set 11 ft. 6 in. from the centre of the track. The Iieight of frame in the freight-room is 1 1 ft. from floor to plate, and the height of frame in the passenger rooms is 14 ft. The low platform around the passenger part of the building is 7 ft. wide on the rear and the end of the building, 14 ft. wide in front of the jiassenger part of the building, and 7 ft. wide in front of the high freight platform along the freight-room, and it is extended, 9 ft. in width, along the track each way from the building, so as to make a total low-platform track-frontage of 250 ft. This building is especially to be recommended for the very good ground-plan layout and for the cheapness and simplicity of the design. It is built throughout of wood on timber foundations, with a 4-in. frame, sheathed on the out- side with upright boards and battens, ceiled in the interior of the offices and passenger rooms with i-in. tongued and grooved boards, and roofed with shingles on sheeting. The principal materials Fig. 474. — End Elevation and Cross- section. Fig. 475.— Ground-plan. COMBINATION DEPOTS. 263 used arc found. uiun blocks of round limber, 12 in. to 15 in. in diameter; sills, 3 in. X 12 in., notched onto the blocks; joists, 2 in. X lo in. in the waiting-rooms, offices, and passenger platforms, and 3 in. X 10 in. in the freight-rooms and freight platforms; plates, 4 in. X 4 in.; corner, door, and window studs, 4 in. X 4 in.; intermediate studs, 2 in. X 4 in.; nailers, 2 in. X 4 in.; rafters, 2 in. X 4 in., spaced 24 in. centres; ceiling-joists, 2 in. X 8 in.; ridge-piece, i in. X 6 in.; ties for ceiling-joists, I in. X 6 in.; roof-brackets, 2 in. X 4 in.; outside sheathing, i in. X 12 in., with O. G. battens; interior ceiling, i-in. tongued and grooved boards; roof-sheeting, i in. X 4 in. The passenger doors are 7 ft. 6 in. X 3 ft.; the express-office doors are 7 ft. 6 in. X 4 ft. 6 in., hung in pairs; the office- doors are 7 ft. X 2 ft. 6 in.; and the freight-doors are 7 ft. wide X 7 ft. 6 in. high, hung in pairs, sliding sideways each way from the opening. All the outside doors have transom-lights overhead. There are three i6-in. brick flues hung in the roof for stoves in the waiting-rooms and offices. Combination Depots, Port Union ^Northwestern Kaiiiaay. — The depots along the line of the Port Huron & Northwestern Railway are cheap, single-story, wooden structures of the i ombination style. Mr. .v. L. Reed, Chief Engineer, states that for settlements of a few himdred inhabitants the standard building in use is 16 ft. wide by 40 ft. to 50 ft. long, costing comiilete, including platforms, about $600. For towns of about one thousand or more inhabitants the standard building usually adopted is 20 ft. wide and 70 ft. or more in length, costing about |!iooo. Standard Comlunation Depot, Maeon es' Pirinin,i:;/iam Railroad. — The standard combination depot of the Macon & Birmingham Railroad is fully illustrated in the issue of Engineering Neivs of May 26, 1892. 264 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. CHAPTER XX. FLAG-DEPOTS. Flag-stations on railroads are stations of minor importance at which onl\- a limited number of trains stop, — usually on flag ; hence the name. In reality flag-depots are small pass- en"-er depots at unimportant local stations, and they are frequently called second, third, or fourth-class passenger depots, according to the classification adopted by the railroad company. It follows, therefore, that the division between flag-depots and local passenger depots is diffi- cult to maintain in discussing the subject, as in practice the passage from one class of build- ings to the other is not clearly defined. The business at flag-stations is necessarily hmited. Where there is a freight business as well as a passenger trade, a small combination depot is usually erected. In other cases, a separate passenger building is constructed in addition to a small, separate freight-house. In the great majoritj- of cases, however, flag-stations have onlj- a depot building with accommo- dations for the passenger business, as the small amount of freight at such a station, if any, is handled on the platforms, or else separate tracks and facilities are provided for it. The simplest form of flag-depot consists of an open or a covered platform. The next step is the adoption of shelters, described in a previous chapter, which are a special form of platform roofs usually enclosed on three sides and open towards the track. In other cases, especially in northern climates, an open shelter is too exposed, and a frame building with one small room is erected, the house being placed in charge of the track foreman employed in the vicinity, who keeps the place clean and sees that the door is unlocked during the day or at train time. The structures thus far described are used at stations where there is no agent, and it is simply desired to provide a place for the passengers to congregate and be pro- tected, to a more or less extent, from the heat of the sun or during stormy weather pending the arrival of trains. As soon as a station gains in importance sufficiently to warrant a station- ao-ent, flag-depots are used with an office in addition to waiting-rooms. According to the local requirements, there is either one general waiting-room or else there are separate wait- ing-rooms for ladies and gentlemen. Small baggage-rooms to store baggage in, and sometimes a special room for express matter, have to be added. In other cases a separate telegraph-ofifice, a signal-tower, or toilet-rooms are found to be desirable. A very usual feature of a flag- depot, especially in sparsely settled sections of the country or where a station is located some distance from the settlement proper, is to connect some living-rooms or a complete dwelling- house with the depot building for the depot-help or the agent and his family to live in. There arc designs where the building takes the character of a dwelling, with only one or two rooms on the ground-floor reserved for an ofifice and waiting-rooms, In other cases, the main part of the FLAG-DEPOTS. 265 building is devoted to the passenger service, and ihcrc aic simply one ui seveial lounis for dwelling purposes added, either in an annex or in an upper story. The local conditions and requirements will govcn the selection of the design in each particular case. The location of a flag-depot should be alongside of the passenger tracks. There should be a low platform in front of the building, extended along the track for whatever length it is thought desirable. Relative to the division of the interior, the structure will usually be so limited that general rules would not be of much use. However, it can be said, that, where a separate office is to be maintained, it is desirable to have a bay-window extension on the track side, excepting in the simplest and smallest class of fiag-depots. The waiting-room should adjoin the ticket-ofifice, and, where there are separate waiting-rooms for gentlemen and ladies, it is desirable, although not essential, that there should be a separate ticket-window for each room. The movement of baggage at the class of depots under discussion is so small, and as it is handled almost exclusively on the platforms, the location of the baggage-room, where one is introduced, is not a matter of great importance. Where feasible, however, it is desirable to have the baggage-room facing the track, or at one end of the building, at the most convenient location to allow baggage to be handled to and from trains and to and from teams. Where a dwelling is attached to the depot, it is desirable to have a private entrance to the dwelling independent of the waiting-rooms. Relative to the style of structure to use for a flag-depot, the existing requirements and the importance of the locality will govern. Flag-depots in cities or at important suburban settlements are frequently built very substantially and artistically, while similar buildings in thinly populated districts on a pioneer railroad need not be anything more than the cheapest frame structure suitable for the purpose. The question of loss in ca-e of fire is not serious, and would not warrant alone the construction of a more costly and fire-proof structure, as the value of the structure and the baggage, that might be stored in the building at the time of the fire, would be presumabl>- small. An examination of the illustrations and descriptions for flag-depots given further below will show the great variety and difference existing in tliis country in the structures adopted for the accommodation of the passenger business at flag- stations. On Northern and Western roads the plainest class of frame structures without any attempt at ornamentation are utilized; while on Southern roads and on the more important Northern and Western roads, frame structures with more or less attempt at ornamentation and artistic finish, especially in the line of cottage architecture, are in vogue. In the more thickly settled sections of the East and in and around the large cities of the country, flag-depots are invariably finished off as handsomely as other depots on the line, and in some cases in the most substantial and best manner possible, as, for instance, the standard brick flag-depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad, illustrated below. Relative to the materials in use, it follows from above remarks that no general rule can be established. In the majority of cases, however, frame structures are used, sheathed on the outside with plain boards or ornamental siding and shingles, and roofed with shingles, tin, or slate. Stone buildings in isolated instances. For a substantial building, however, a brick structure, with stone trimmings, slate roof, antl ornamental gable-ends, cornices, ridge-cresting and finials, is used very extensi\-ely. It can be said, in general, that all rules establi.-^hed for designing local passenger depots 266 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROAD''^. will apply to flag-depots, excepting that in the latter the rules need nut necess^-i'ily be followed where the size of the building and the simplicity of the structure renders i^ difificult or impos- sible to do so. After these general remarks on the subject, the following descriptions aiid illustrations of depot buildings in use in this country at flag-stations or minor stations of railroads will prove interesting. Frame Flag-depot at St. Paul, Minn., Minnesota &= Northwestern Railroad. — The flag-depot of the Minnesota & Northwestern Railroad, used on the Motor Line in the suburbs of St. Paul, Minn., designed by Mr. C. A. Reed, Supervising Architect, M. & N. W. R. R., shown in Figs. 476 to 479, consists of a single-story frame structure, 12 ft. X 20 ft., sheathed on the outside with Fig. 476, — Front Elevation. Fig. 477. — End Elevation. horizontal and diagonal siding and ornamental shingles, in panels. The interior is divided into a ticket-office, 11 ft. X 6 ft.; and a waiting-room, 11 ft. X 12 ft. 6 in. The clear height of the room is Fig. 47S. — CROss-SEgTiON. Fig.- 47g. — Ground-plan. 1 1 ft. There is a stove set in the partition between the ticket-office and the waiting-room, so as to iieat both rooms. The doors arc 2 ft. 6 in. X 7 ft. The windows have 8 lights, each 12 in. X 18 in. The foundations are posts set on blocking in the ground. The principal timbers are sills, 8 in. X 8 in.; floor-joists, 2 in. X 10 in.; and 2-in. X 4-in. studs, plates, nailers, rafters, and ceiling-joists. Frame Flag-depot, Fottsrille Branch, Letiigli Valley Railroad. — The flag-dejiot in use on the I'ottsville Branch of the Lehigh Valley Railroad, shown in Figs. 480 to 482, designed by Mr. Y. E. FLAG-DEPOTS. 267 Schall, and built under the direction uf Mr. Wni. Y . I'ascoe, Superintendent of Bridges and Buildings, L. V. R. R., consists of a single-story frame structure, 21 ft. X 13 ft., sheathed on the outside with Fig. 480. — Front Elevation. Fig. 4S1.— End Elevation. matched diagonal sheathing and uprigiit ornamental boarding, and roofed with slate. The interior con- sists of one large room, in one corner of which a space, 6 ft. X 8 ft., with a hexagonal bay-window extension, 2 ft. X 6 ft., is partitioned off by a railing for an office. The entrance door to the office in the railing has a shelf for tlie use of agents in selling tickets, etc. The roof is finished off very handsomely with galvanized iron ridge-cresting, finials, and smoke-flues. There is a semaphore signal projecting above the roof in front of the bay-window, as the stations are used as block-signal stations. The foundations of the build- ing are brick or stone piers. There is a low platform '''°- 482.-Ground-plan. extending around rhe building on all sides, 8 ft. wide on the face, and 5 ft. 6 in. wide on the rear and sides. The top of the platform is set 11 in. above the top of rail, and 4 ft. 6 in. from the centre of the track. The platform has a rise of 3 in. The principal timbers used are, sills, 4 in. X 6 in.; floor-joists, 3 in. X lo in.; corner-posts, 4 in. X 6 in.; studding, 3 in. X 4 in.; plates and nailers, 3 in- X 4 in.; ceiling-joists, 3 in. X 8 in.; rafters, 2 in. X 6 in. The interior of the room is ceiled with yellow-pine narrow tongued and grooved boards, and wainscoted for 4 ft. in height from the floor. The clear height of the interior is 13 ft. 6 in. The door is 2 ft. 10 in. X 7 ft. The windows have 8 lights, each 12 in. > 18 in. Frame Flag-Ji-pot at Wayne Station, Pa., Ptiinsylvania Railroad . — The flag-depot on the German- town & Chestnut Hill Brancli of the Pennsylvania Railroad, at Wayne Station, Pa., shown in perspective in Fig. 483, is a single-story frame structure, with an ornamental frame exterior, and roofed with slate. The foundations are stone walls. The panelling of the exterior, the cornices, roof-brackets, and gable-ends are finished in a very handsome and artistic manner, so that this design can serve to illustrate how effective and ornamental a structure can be erected in wood. Frame Flag-depot, Ohio Valley Railway. — The standard design for a flag-depot of the Ohio Valley Railway is a plain, one-story frame building, 26 ft. X 16 ft., roofed with shingles, and divided by a central partition into a general waiting-room, 13 ft. X 15 ft.; and a baggage-room, 12 ft. X 15 ft. There is a 9-in. X 9-in. flue at the centre of the building. The design of the exterior is similar to the standard local passenger depot of the same railroad, illustrated in Fig. 520, the most striking feature of which is the curved roof at the eaves, and the knee-braces under the roof projection are cut to a bold, semicircular pattern. The outside of the building is sheathed with vertical, horizontal, and diagonal, plain and ornamental boarding, in panels. The inside finish is of wood. The vertical siding is jjainted a Turkey vermilion, the horizontal and diagonal siding a very light drab, and the frames, belt-courses, etc., a very dark red, approaching a brown color. Mr. C. C. Genung, Chief Engineer, Ohio Valley Railway, who designed the plans for these depots, states 268 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. that a very neat, small flag-station building, about 12 ft. X 15 ft., can be put up complete for $100, exclusive of platforms. hlC. ^53. — i'KRSl'ECl [\ K. Frame Flai:;-di'pot at Tabor, Pa., Philadelphia &= Reading Railroad. — The flag-depot at Tabor, Ta., on the North Pennsylvania branch of the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad, shown in Figs. 4S4 to 487, designed by Mr. Frank Furness, architect, is a single-story frame structure, 25 ft. 4 in. X 16 Fig. 484. — Front F.i.kvation. Fig; 485. — End Elevation. FLAG-DEPOTS. 269 ft. 4 in., with shed-]il.uf(irni roof extension at each end of tlie building. Tlie outside of the building is sheathed with horizontal and vertical matched siding and ornamental shingles, in panels, and ^ Fig. 4S6. — "Fig. 4S7. — Ground-plan. roofed with slate. The projecting roofs with supporting brackets are finished in a handsome style. The cornices, ridge-cresting, finials, and smoke-flue are of galvanized iron. The entire design is finished off very artistically, and presents a very liandsoine appearance. The shed-platform roof extensions are supported by one post at each end of the building, as shown on the plan. The inte- rior of the building consists of one general waiting-room, 15 ft. X 24 ft., with a clear height of 12 ft. 4 in. The interior is finished in wood, and wainscoted 5 ft. high from the floor. There are plat- forms on all sides of the building, 10 ft. wide on the face, and. 5 ft. wide on the rear and sides. The platform is set g in. above the top of rail, and 5 ft. 6 in. from the centre of the track. The doors are 5 ft. X 8 ft., hung in pairs, panelled and glazed, as shown on the plans, with transom overhead. The windows are }, ft. 6 in. wide, with transom-lights overhead. The foundations are stone walls. Shtnc Flag-depot at Forest Hill, N. J., Ne7v York <5f Greenwood Lake Railroad. — The flag-depot of the New York & Greenwood Lake Railroad at Forest Hill, N. J., consists of a small stone single-story structure, roofed with slate, as shown in Fig. 488 Tiie walls are rough stone, with t rn. _!> ■ PERsrF.riivK. dressed stone for corners, string-courses, cornices, and finish of windows and doors. This design is of the general style used very extensively for small depot buildings in England and on the Continent. Frame Flag-depot, West Shore Railroad.- — The flag-depots known as class " A," adopted for the West Shore Railroad, designed by Messrs. Wilson Uros. & Co., of Philadelphia, Pa., described and illustrated in the issue of the Railroad Gazette of A|-/ril 23, 1886, and also in the issue of Engineer- ing News of March 31, 1888, are single-story frame structures with a two-story tower. The build- ing is 40 ft. X 17 ft., and it is divided into a ticket-office, 9 ft. X 20 ft., including a square, 3 ft. X 9 ft., bay-window projection; a general waiting-room, 16 ft. X19 ft.; a baggage-room, 9 ft. X 5 ft.; a ladies' room, 9 ft. X7 ft., with toilet-room attached; and a gentlemen's toilet-room. The upper i)art 270 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS of the tower over the ticket-office is used as a signal-tower. The feature of this design is that in the finish of the exterior there are four different standards adopted, all of which correspond to the same ground-plan and frame, but vary in minor details connected with the tower, chimney, balcony, window-glazing, and form of roof. Thus, while uniformity in the ground-plan and the frame of all the depots of the same class is assured, there are sufficient changes in minor details of the exterior to cause each building to have certain individual characteristics. Frame Flag-depot^ Pennsylvania Railroad. — The flag-depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad, shown in Figs. 489 to 491, is a single-story frame structure, 53 ft. X 21 ft., sheathed on the outside with Fig. 4S9. — Front Elevation. Fig. 490. — End Elev.\tion, German siding and ornamental shingles, in panels, and roofed with slate. The interior is divided into a gentlemen's waiting-room; a ladies' waiting-room; and a ticket-office with an octagonal bay- window projection. The building is surrounded by low platforms on all sides. The top of the plat- form is 8 in. above the top of rail and reaches within 4 ft. 6 in. of the centre of the track along the face of the building. The platforms at the rear and at the ends of the building are 9 ft. wide, while the platform along the front of the building is 12 ft. wide, extended each way from the building along the track, the extensions being 8 I ft. wide. The clear height of the rooms is 13 ft. The foundations are stone walls, 18 in. thick. The frame consists of 3-in. X 4-in. studding, covered on the outside with i-in. rough hemlock sheathing and i-in. German siding. The walls of the rooms are plastered. The roof consists of 2-in. X 8-in. rafters: 2-in. X lo-in. ceiling-joists; 2-in. X 6-in. collars; 3-in. X 8-in. ridge-poles; and i-in. rough sheathing. Frame Flag-depot with Dwelling, Pennsylvania Railroad.— The. frame flag-depot, with dwelling attached, of the Pennsylvania Railroad, shown in Figs. 492 to 495, consists of a two-story frame structure, 46 ft. X 30 ft. The building is sheathed on the outside with narrow white-pine Fig. 491. — Ground-plan. rrrr fWt rrrr yrtt rnr mr Fig. 492. — Front Elevation. FLAG-DEPOTS. 271 Fig. 493. — End Elevation. Fig. 495.— Second-floor Plan. 272 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. tongued and grooved boards, and ornamental shingles, in panels, and roofed with slate. Theie is a low i2-ft. platform in front along the track, extended 8 ft. wide each wa)- from the building. The platform is 8 in. above the top of the rail, and 4 ft. 6 in. from the centre of the track. The total length of platform facing the track is 100 ft. There is a cellar under the living-room, 7 ft. 6 in. in height. The clear height of the first story is 10 ft., and the clear height of the second story is 8 ft. 8 in. The first floor is divided into an office, 12 ft. X 9 ft., with a 4-ft. X 12-ft., square bay-window extension; a gentlemen's waiting-room, 15 ft. X 14 ft. 6 in.; a ladies' waiting-room, 17 ft. X 12 ft. 4 in.; a kitchen, 13 ft. X 15 ft.; a living-room, 12 ft. X 15 ft.; a hall; and a porch. The second floor has three bedrooms and a signal-tower office, 12 ft. X 13 ft. The bay-window extension of the office on the first floor is carried up through the second floor, thus affording a very good place for a signal-station. A signal-lamp is placed in front of the building, as shown on the plans. Brick Flag-depot -tinth DiwUing, Pennsylvania Railroad. — The brick flag-depot, with dwelling attached, of the Pennsylvania Railroad, shown in Figs. 496 to 501, designed and adopted in 1884 Fig. 496. — Front Elevation. Fig. 497. — Rear Elevation. by Mr. Wm. H. Brown, Chief Engineer, P. R. R., consists of a two-story brick building, roofed with slate. The size of the building is 35 ft. 6 in. X 26 ft. 6 in., L-shaped. There is a i6-ft. plat- FiG. 4gS. — End Elevation. Fic. 499. — Cellar-plan. form on the front of the building, 81 ft. in length along the track, which platform is roofed with a single-post, ornamental platform roof. The platform is a low platform, and reaches within 4 ft. 6 in. FLAG-DEPOTS. 273 of the centre of the track. The platform on the side of the building is 5 ft. wide. There is a ceUar Fig. 501. — Second-floor Plan. Fig. 500. — Ground-plan. built under one end of the l)uilding, with a furnace. The first floor is divided into a ticket-office, 6 ft. 7 in. X 8 ft., including a 2-ft. 6-in., sijuare bay-window projection; a general waiting-room, 17 ft. X 15 ft.; a living-room, 14 ft. 5 in. X II ft. 6 in.; a kitchen, 11 ft. X 10 ft. 9 in.; and a vestibule. The second story has four bedrooms. The foundations are stone walls, 16 in. thick. The brick walls of the lower story are 12 in. thick, with wooden ornamental panels inserted at the doors. The windows have dressed flagstone sills. The slate roof is finished off with galvanized-iron cornices, ridge-cresting, and finials. The gable-ends of the upper story are sheathed with matched siding and ornamental shingles, in panels. The smoke-flue is of brick, with stone cap. The roof projec- tions over the platform and the single-post platform roof are finished in a very ornamental and artistic manner. Frame Flag-depot with Dwelling at Priiicipio, Md., Philadelphia, Wilniiiigton c^ Baltimore Railroad. — The flag-depot, with dwelling attached, of the Philadelphia, Wilmington &: Baltimore Kailroad at Principio, Md., designed by Mr. S. T. Fuller, Chief Engineer, P., \V. & V,. R. R., described and illustrated in the issue of the Railroad Gazette of May 17, 1878, consists of a two-story frame structure with French mansard roof, and a single-story anne.x for a kitchen. The size of the build- ing is 21 ft. X 36 ft. The first floor lias a waiting-room, a living-room, a ticket-office, a kitchen, and two verandas. The upper floor has two bedrooms. The foundations are stone walls. Tiie outside of the building is sheathed with horizontal and vertical matched siding, in panels, with a heavy orna- mental wooden cornice. The roof is covered with slate. Frame Flag-depot, with Dwelling, Northern Pacific Railroad. — The design for a flag-depot, with dwelling attached, of the Northern Pacific Railroad, shown in Figs. 502 to 504, designed by Mr. C. B. Talbot, consists of a single-story frame structure, 18 ft. X 46 ft., sheathed on the out- side with upright boards and battens, and roofed with shingles. The finish of the exterior is plain and cheap. The height of the rooms is 10 ft. in the clear. The interior is divided into a waiting- room, 12 ft. X 18 ft.; an office, 8 ft. X 1 1 ft.; a baggage-room, 7 ft. X 8 ft.; two bedrooms, each 9 ft. X 12 ft.; a living-room, 12 ft. X 14 ft.; and a kitchen, 9 ft. X 12 ft. The building has a 12-ft. low 274 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. platform along tlie front facing the track, a 12-ft. |>latform at the end of the building next to the waiting-room, and a 6-ft. platform on the rear. The platform is set 16 in. above the top of the rail, and 6 ft. from the centre of the track, with two steps leading down to the track. The platforms have Fig. 503. — Cross-section. Fig. 504. — Gkound-plan. a rise of 2\ in. The building is built without a frame, consisting of two layers of boards nailed to the sills and plates. The foundations consist of posts set in the ground on blocking. The principal timbers used consist of 6-in. X lo-in. sills; 2-in. X lo-in. floor-joists, spaced 6 in. centres, spanning 9 ft.; ceiling-joists, 2 in. X 6 in., sjiaced 24 in. centres; plates, 2 in. X 6 in., upright; rafters, 2 in. X 6 in., spaced 24 in. centres. There are two 6-in. terra-cotta flues in the building. The doors are 2 ft. 8 in. X 6 ft. 8 in. X i-|^ in. The windows have 8 lights, each 14 in. X 18 in. Frame Flag-depot with Dwelling at Magnolia, Del., Philadelphia, Wilmington er" Baltimore Railroad. — The frame flag-depot, with dwelling attached, at r.Iagnolia, Del., on the Philadelphia, ^Vilmington & Baltimore Railroad, part of the Pennsylvania Railroad System, shown in Figs. 505 to 507, consists of a two-story frame structure, 45 ft. X 30 ft., very similar in exterior design to the frame flag-station building of the Pennsylvania Railroad, illustrated in Figs. 492 to 495. The out- FiG. 505. — Front Elevation. FLAG-DEPOTS. 275 side is sheathed witli narrow white-pine tongued and grooved boards and ornamental sliingles, in panels, and roofed with shite. The building has a low, 12-ft. wide platform in front along the track, extended 8 ft. wide each way from the building. There is a cellar under the living-room, 7 ft. 6 in. Fig. 506. — Ground-plan. Fig. 507.— Second- floor Plan. high. The clear height of the first story is 10 ft. and the clear height of the second story is 8 ft. 8 in. The first floor is divided into an office, 12 ft. X 12 ft., with a hexagonal, 3-ft. 6-in. X 12-ft., bay- window extension; a gentlemen's waiting-room, 15 ft. X 14 ft. 6 in.; a ladies' waiting-room, 17 ft. X 12 ft. 4 in.; a living-room, 12 ft. X 15 ft.; a kitchen, 13 ft. X 15 ft.; a hall; and a porch. The second floor has four bedrooms. Fla^-dcpots, Chicago &= Northwestern Railroad.- — In the issue of the Inland Architect and News Record, Vol. 10, No. 6, a number of flng-station depot buildings are illustrated, which were designed by Cobb & Frost, architects, Chicago, 111., for the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad. The depots illustrated are at West Fifty-second Street, Chicago; Wayne Station; East Elgin Station; Hayes Sta- tion; and Waukesha Station. 276 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. Flag-depot at Van Buren Street, Chicago, III., Illinois Central Railroad. — The old flag-depot of the Illinois Central Railroad at Van Buren Street, Chicago, 111., consists of an octagonal, two-story pavilion with French mansard roof, as illustrated in the issue of the Railway Review of June 28, 1879. A porch roof surrounds the octagon on all sides. The building is neatly finished, and presents a very -ornamental appearance, but it is out of the run of the usual class of railroad buildings. Flag-depot with Dwelling at Norwood Park, N. V. — In the issue of Building of Sept. 1883, a design for a flag-depot at Norwood Park, N. Y., with dwelling attached, is illustrated, as de- signed by Mr. J. F. Lyman, architect, Yonkers, N. Y. The structure consists of a two-story frame building, finished very artistically. The ground-floor has a waiting-room, 23 ft. 6 in. X 48 ft. 6 in.; a ticket-office, and a small ladies' toilet-room. The upper story has a living-room, a kitchen, and two bedrooms. Flag-depot Design with Dwelling. — A design for a $3500 flag-depot, prepared by Messrs. Leicht & Anderson, architects, is published in Railroad Topics. The materials are, first story, rock- faced stone; second story, shingle, and a slate roof. The ground-plan has a general waiting-room, a baggage-room, a ticket-office, toilet-rooms, and a. porte cochere. Flag-depot at Chestnut Hill, Mass., Boston &" Albany Railroad. — The flag-depot at Chestnut Hill, Mass., on the Brooklyne branch of the Boston & Albany Railroad, shown in Figs. 508 and 509, Fig. 508. — PERSPECTrVE. Fig. 509. — Groi-nd-plan. designed by the late Mr. H. H. Richardson, architect, Brooklyne, Mass., plans for which were pub- lished in the Railroad Gazette of Nov. 5, 1886; in the Sanitary Engineer, Vol. 14; and in the American Architect and Building Neivs o{ Feb. 26, 1887, is a small, single-story, granite building, with brown- stone trimmings, and roof of red tiles. The principal and most striking feature of the design is a large FLAG-DEPOTS. 277 porie cochcre on the rear of the building, tlie lull length of same, the drive-way being spanned by heavy granite arches in line with the ends of the building. The interior is divided into a general waiting- room, 21 ft. X 36 ft.; a small baggage-room; a gentlemen's toilet-room; a ladies' waitihg-room; and a very small ticket-office. From an architectural and artistic standpoint this design is most effective and praiseworthy, but viewed from a railroad-engineer's standpoint there are serious defects in the ground-plan. It is very unusual and objectionable to have a gentlemen's toilet-room opening from a general waiting-room; an entrance from the outside of the building would have been preferable. The baggage-room is very small, although probably sufficient for the storage of the small amount of baggage remaining at the depot. The ticket-office is hardly large enough to warrant being called an office, so that two windows to sell tickets from, both leading into the same waiting-room, certainly seem unnecessary. Flag-depot at Woodland, Mass., Boston &= Albany Railroad. — The flag-depot of the Boston & Albany Railroad at Woodland, Mass., designed by the late Mr. H. H. Richardson, architect, Brooklyne, Mass., plans for which were published in the American Architect and Building News of February 26, 1887, consists of a single-story stone structure, 36 ft. X 16 ft., with heavy, sloping roofs. The facade towards the railroad is designed entirely from an architectural standpoint. There are stone seats under the sloping roof, alongside of the bay-window extension to the main building, which serves as ticket-office. The interior is divided into a general waiting-room; a baggage-room; a ladies' toilet-room; a gentlemen's toilet-room; and a ticket-office. The arrangement of the ground-plan has a large number of very objectionable features. Flag-depot at Wahan, Mass., Boston &' Albany Railroad. — The flag-depot of the Boston & Albany Railroad at Waban, Mass., designed by the late Mr. H. H. Richardson, architect, Brooklyne, Mass., plans for which were published in the American Architect and Building Neivs of Feb. 26, 1887, is a small, single-story stone structure, with tile roof. The size of the building is 38 ft. X 21 ft., divided into a general waiting-room; a baggage-room; a gentlemen's toilet-room; a ladies' toilet-room; and a small ticket-office located in a round bay-window projection at one corner of the general waiting-room. The arrangement of the interior ground-plan has se>'eral objectionable features. Flag-depot at IVellesley Hills, Mass., Boston &' Albany Railroad. — The flag-depot of the Boston & Albany Railroad at Wellesley Hills, Mass., designed by the late Mr. H. H. Richardson, architect, Brooklyne, Mass., plans for which were published in the American Architect and Building Abac's of February 26, 1887, is a single-story stone structure, 21 ft. X 40 ft., with round bay-windows at the corners of the front of the building, and with large, sloping roof. The interior is cut up considerably so as to give a general waiting-room; a ticket-office; a baggage-room; a ladies' waiting-room, with toilet-room attached; and a smoking-room, with toilet-room attached. 9jS BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. CHAPTER XXI. LOCAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. Passenger depots solely for the accommodation of the passenger business of a railroad are used at all local stations of railroads where the passenger business is of sufficient importance to warrant a separate building, or where the freight business is handled in a separate building. The size, design, and class of structure used in each case will vary materially, according to the local conditions and the importance of the station. As indicated above in the remarks on flag-depots, it can be said that flag-depots are simply small local passenger depots, the dis- tinction between the two being very hard to maintain, as the change from one group to the other in practice is frequently imperceptible, and not clearly defined. Railroads adopting standard sets of depot plans usually divide the designs into classes, flag-depots being the smallest and cheapest class of structures. The requirements for and the division of the interior of local passenger depots vary considerably, starting with a small building containing wait- ing-rooms, a ticket-ofifice and a baggage-room, and ending with large two-story structures with capacious waiting-rooms, toilet-rooms, smoking-room, dining-room and appurtenances, baggage-room, express-room, mail-room, telegraph-of^fice, parcel-room, news-stand, supply- rooms, rooms for conductors and trainmen, and offices. Structures of the latter class approach in character terminal side-stations, the distinction between the two, however, con- sisting in the feature, that in a terminal side-station the tracks, or a number of them at least, terminate at the station, while in a large first-class local passenger depot the tracks pass by the building. At terminal stations on pioneer railroads and in small towns the terminal passenger depot is built practically the same as a large local passenger depot. It will, there- fore, be readily seen, that in the discussion of local passenger depots the remarks are neces- sarily general, and no special rules can be established, as the range of buildings embraced under the term of local passenger depots is very extensive. The general style and size of a depot building will depend to a large extent on the proposed location with reference to the topographical features of the site, the amount of land available, the facilities required, and the importance of the locality. The size and ground- plan layout should correspond to the actual requirements of the business to be expected in the near future, considering also the possible growth of the town or settlement, so that subsequent enlargements of the structure can either be carried out easily or else the building made large enough at the start to exclude the possibility of having to make alterations for a great many years. The style of the building should correspond to the surroundings, with due regard, however, to the practical uses to which the structure is to be devoted. The class of buildine materials and the general finish of the building will depend o\\ the amount of the LOCAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 279 appropriation set aside for the structure, and the materials fouutl to be in general use and easily obtainable in each particular section of the country. Local passenger stations on railroads with more than one main track can either be side- stations, island-stations, or overhead-stations. A special class of side-stations are so-called twill-stations and stations witli covered platforms or shelters on the opposite side of the railroad from the depot building. Junction-stations occur at the crossing-point of two railroads, in which case the depot building is located in the angle between the two roads. Twin-stations, in other words two .separate depot building.s, are used at junction points of railroads, where each road desires its own depot. They are also used, one on each side of the railroad, where the local passenger business is so heavy and there are so many trains running that it would prove a source of great inconvenience or danger to make passengers cross the tracks from one side of the station to the other. Of course two buildings require practically double help throughout, but there are conditions and localities which call for this class of station. Overhead-stations are very customary for railroads entering cities, where the road- bed is in a deep cut and the right of way obtainable is limited or the value of land very high. They not only afford a means of maintaining depots on the railroad company's original right of way, but offer the advantages of an island and a side-station combined. One set of offlces, waiting-rooms, etc., serve for passengers going in either direction, while the respective plat- forms can be reached from the depot building without crossing tracks at grade. Island- stations, that is, stations with the depot building set between the tracks, which are spread for this purpose, have been used to quite an extent in this country. In case there are four tracks, and the inner two are used for way-trains, while the outer two are used for express trains, the adoption of island-stations offers some great advantages. But to make this method practical, all stations on the railroad should be island-stations, which it is not always feasible to accomplish, especially in running through towns or cities where the right of way is limited, or owing to the proximity of bridges it is im.possible to spread the tracks to accommodate the island-depot. In addition, the use of the outer tracks for fast trains cannot be considered the best practice, if the requirernents of the local freight business and the necessity for having sidings into factories and yards along the route arc considered. Some four-track railroads run the fast trains on the two tracks on one side of the roadbed and the local trains on the other two tracks, so that depots located alongside the latter serve the local passenger business very well. But at stations where fast and local trains stop, this division of the tracks loses some of the prominent advantages claimed for it. At such stations the transferring of trains from one track to another by a system of cross-overs and leaders at each end of the station, well guarded by interlocking block-signals, offers a solution of the problem that has been quite frequently adopted. It can be said, however, in general, that, excepting where another style of station is required or distinctly indicated by the local conditions, side-stations represent the most general practice adopted in this country for local passenger stations on single, double, or four-track railroads. Local passenger depots at side-stations have the objections that, where the railroad is a double-track or a four-track road, passengers are obliged to cross tracks at grade to get to trains on the far tracks. Where the business of the road is very heavy and the crowds to be expected at the depot at certain times are large, it is customary to place an open or covered 38o BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. platform or a shelter on the opposite side of the raih'oad from the depot building, thereby obviating some of the objectionable features of side-stations. At important points this plat- form or shelter is connected witli the main depot building by a tunnel or subway beneath the tracks, or by an overhead foot-bridge over the tracks. The travelling public seems to have an aversion for subterranean passages, yet the vertical descent and ascent is fully ten feet less than the height tlie passenger has to overcome in passing from one side of a station to the other across an overhead foot-bridge. Where a subway can be properly drained and kept well ventilated and lighted, it should be preferred to an overhead foot-bridge, which, in addition, blocks the view along the road to a certain extent. Subways or foot-bridges are frequently provided by railroad companies, so as to have a strong legal point in defending any suits for damages resulting from accidents to travellers while crossing the tracks to get from one side to the other side of the station. It is, however, customary, where a subway or a foot-bridge is provided, to actually prevent travellers crowding across the tracks, even if it is at their'own risk, by putting a fence between the main tracks or fences between each main track and the outside track next to it, in which latter case the outside tracks are used for local trains and the inner tracks for fast trains that do not stop at the station. Where the outside tracks on a four-track railroad are used for freight-trains only, and the inner tracks for all passenger trains, it is generally impossible to turn the outside tracks away from the main tracks, so that passengers are forced to cross a freight track to get to the passenger track. This is an objection which generally cannot be remedied, and has to remain, calling for in- creased vigilance and care on the part of trainmen and the station help. The platforms at passenger depots are always low platforms, from 2 in. to i6 in. above the top of rail. According to the design adopted, they surround the building on all sides or only on certain sides. The platform along the track is usually extended each way from the building for some distance, so as to give a longer platform frontage for trains. The width of platforms varies in different designs according to the platform space required to handle the travel. Platforms should be never less than 12 ft. wide, and preferably not less than 24 ft. The conditions governing tlie selection of the height, length, and width of platforms at pas- senger depots, as also the proper materials to use, according to the circumstances presented in each particular case, are discussed at length in the chapter on Platforms, Platform-sheds, and Shelters. It should be mentioned, however, that platform roof projections along a carriage- road on the back of a platform, or a well-designed portc cocliirc, are a source of great con- venience to travellers arriving or leaving in carriages during stormy weather. As stated above, the division of the interior of a local passenger depot varies greatly, according to the requirements in each case. For the larger class of local depots the rules established below as a general basis for terminal side depots will apply, excepting that consid erable liberty could be taken in following such general rules. The following general remarks will apply more particularly to the average-size local passenger depot. The ticket-office, if used also as a telegraph-office, should be situated at the front of the building, facing the track, with a bajMvindow projection, so that the movement of trains on the track can be readily seen from the interior of the office. There should be, if feasible, sep- arate ticket-windows for each waiting-room, and the windows shoidd be far enough apart to allow space for a ticket case and shelf between them, without requiring the ticket-seller to LOCAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. zSi move far in passing from window to window. Good light should be provided at day and night on both sides of the ticlcet-window. Selling tickets to a lobb}- or a large general waiting- room has some good and some objectionable features. If tickets are sold to a lobby or a general waiting-room, a large number of passengers after purchasing their tickets will pass immediately to the trains or platforms, and thus tend to make the special waiting-rooms more private. On the other hand, unless special windows are provided for ladies, the latter will be seriously inconvenienced when large crowds are at the depot. If the ticket-office is not used as a telegraphofifice, it need not be located on the track side of the house ; but it is more advantageous to locate it thus in all cases, if possible, as the ticket-seller can keep better advised of the movement of trains. Finally, attention should be called to the desirability of making the ofifices large enough to be comfortable and convenient for the employes, ai^l also to allow for the accommodation of extra help, if the business at the stati^in shoukl increase aiul recjuire it. • Relative to waiting-rooms, it can be said, that separate waiting-rooms for gentlemen and fdi ladies are most desirable. But where there is only one general waiting-room, it is very inipiirlant to provide, if possible, at least a small ladies' parlor with toilet-room attached. W'liere there is a special Lulies' waiting-room, the parlor or dressing-room can be dispensed with, and the toilet-room open immediately fium the ladies' waiting-room. It is very bad practice, however, to allow the door to the ladies' toilet-room to lead directly from a general waiting-room. Where the ladies' waiting-room is not completely closed off from the gentlemen's waiting-room or from the general waiting-room or corridor, it is desirable, where feasible, to j)lace the door from the ladies' waiting-room to the toilet-room on a side of the room hidden from view from tlie corridor or the other wailing-room. If this is not feasible, it is customar_\' to put up a screen or light partition, so as to partial!}' mask the entrance to the toilet-room. The toilet-room for gentlemen should never have a direct en- trance from the general waiting-room. There is no objection, however, to having the toilet- room for gentlemen leatl from a smoking-room or from a separate waiting-room for gentlemen. But the best plan to pursue, when the ti.iilet-room cannot be placed in the mai'i building as an extension to a smoking-room or a gentlemen's waiting-room, is to place it in a separate building or else in the main buikling with an outside entrance from the rear or end of the building. In fact, the general rule should prevail, that the toilet-room for gentlemen should be accessible from the outside of the building. Attention should also be calletl to the advan- tages to be derived from introducing a generously proportioned and coinfortably fitted-up smoking-room. It will not only accommodate smokers, but it will draw off from the waiting- rooms quite an undesirable element, as cnn'grants, laborers, hackmen, and loungers around the (le[)()t. Relative to the location of tlie tUiors in the waiting-rooms, they should he so disijosed that the passengers entering from the rear of the building can pass to the ticket-window and then out to the train on as direct a route as possible. Where large crowds are expected at times, and the doors leading to the train side of the house are kept closed till trains arrive or are ready to start, it is desirable to have the doors open with the crowd and not against it. At such depots, a large lobby or a general waiting-room is a good feature, as it allows large 282 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. crowds and parties to pass directl)- to the train without tramping through or blocking the special waiting-rooms. In connection vvitii the handling of crowds going to trains, a word should be said about providing exits for the crowds from arriving trains. At small depots, passengers pass along the platform and around the building to the street. At large depots, where the building has con- siderable front along the track, special passage-ways are frequentl)' provided near the centre of the main building to allow passengers to pass quickly from the arriving platform to the street at the rear of the building. The advantage gained is that arriving crowds leave the platform sooner, and do not conflict with the throng of people passing from the waiting-rooms to the train. The passage of arriving passengers through a general waiting-room, lobby, or corridor, w hich is used for outgoing passengers to pass through in going to trains, is very bad practice, as the outgoing passengers will be interfered with and delayetl in buying their tickets, checking their baggage, etc. A separate passage-way is therefore more desirable, in case the incoming travel and the length of the building demand a short cut to the street. Excepting in very long depot buildings, the advantages of separate exits througli the building for incoming passen- gers should not be overestimated, especially if the convenient and practical laj-out of the ground-plan with reference to outgoing passengers is thereby seriously disturbed. In this con- nection, the design of depots with a main building and an auxiliary building at one end or at both ends, separated from the main building, but connected with il by covered platforms, as shown in Figs. 564 to 566, is very customary. This st\-le of design offers many advan- tages, one of the most important of which is the speed}- manner in which arriving passengers can leave the depot without interfering with departing passengers. The baggage-room at small local passenger depots, excepting in some cases at junction points where passengers change trains, need not be very large, as the baggage business is handled mainl}- on the platform next to the baggage-room, and the baggage-room pioper serves more particular]}' as the baggage-master's office and for the storing of baggage over night. The .same remarks hold good at large local passenger depots, especially for the incoming bag- gage ; but the outgoing baggage is more liable to pass through the baggage-room, as it is re- ceived on the street side from wagons and passes through the baggage-room to the trains. The location of the baggage-room should be such that baggage can be easily received from the street side and also delivered to the street side of the depot. There should be considerable i)latforni space available for the storing of baggage under cover, and the baggage-room should be located in such a way that passengers passing along the platforms are not blocked by the baggage and baeeacre-trucks, that will necessarilv accumulate at times on the platform around the baegase- room. At the same time, however, it is desirable to locate it so that passengers can reach the baggage-room in passing to and from trains, without seriously going out of their wa}-. Where there is a general waiting-room or a large lobby provided, it is good practice, if feasible, to have an opening or window leading from the general waiting room or lobby into the baggage- room, so that passengers can leave hand baggage, arrange about checking baggage, make inquiries, etc., on their way to trains after purchasing their tickets witho'.it having to go out- side of the building around to the entrance to the baggage-room. In small depots, as outlineil above, this feature is not essential, as the checking of baggage is usually done on tin platform in front of the baggage room ; and, in any event, the distance the passengers would LOCAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 283 have to go from tlic waiting-room to tlic baggage-room is Where the help at the depot is hmited, and the agent or ticket-seller has to attend to the checking of baggage, the location of the baggage room near the ofificc is necessar}\ Where the volume of business warrants maintaining a separate baggage-master, the location of the baggage-room in an auxiliary building has advantages. The platforms around the main building can be kept clear of baggage, and the express-wagons and baggage-wagons will line up on the street near the baggage-room awa)' from the passenger building proper, leaving the rear of the mam buikiing free for foot-passengers antl carriages. The remarks in reference to tlie baggage business apply also to express-offices, to a more or less extent. At dining-stations, according to the local requirements, small lunch-counters or large ex- tensive dining-rooms, with all the necessary appurtenances, are provided. Where the building is two-story, the location of the kitclicn and serving-rooms, etc., on the second flooi' is a good feature. l\elati\-e to the location of the dining-rooms, it will depend to a certain extent on whether provision is to be mainly made for through passengers, simply stopping at the depot for their meals, or whether the dining-rooms are for the accommodation of incoming and out- going local passengers. In the first case, the main feature is to provide easy ingress and egress to and from the dining-room on the train side of the depot, without distuibing passengers in the waiting-rooms or passengers passing to trains. In the other case mentioned, the dining-rooms and refreshment-counters are part of the general layout in connection with the waiting-rooms and other facilities for the accommodation of incoming and outgoing local passengers, and the design should be made accordingly. At small depots one office suffices for telegraph-office, ticket-office, and station-agent's office. At larger depots separate offices for the station-agent, telegraph-operator, tr.iin- despatcher, and other officials have to be provided. Also, supply-rooms for stores, fuel, lamps, oil, etc. Where two-story buildings are used, the upper floor is generally utilized for offices for the telegraph department, train-despatcher, clerks, and others connected with the road ; also for trainmen's room, conductors' room, etc., where space for such purposes is desired. The style of depot with a main building and two au\iliar\' i)uildings or pavilions, situated some distance from each end of the main building, as shown in F"igs. 564 to 566, offers advantages where space has to be provided for the various purposes just mentioned. The main building is usually devoted to the regulation accommodations for passengers, one auxiliary building is used for the baggage and express business, store-rooms, and gentlemen's toilet-room, while the other au.xiliary building is usetl for offices for officials and rooms for men connected wit'n the road. Living-rooms for some of the help einplo_\-ed at tlei)ots are freciucntl}' provided. In some cases, regular dwelling-houses are attached to the depot building or dwelling-rooms provided for in an up[)er stor)'. The general remarks made above about waiting rooms, toilet-rooms, baggage-room.s, and offices will hold good for junction stations, with the .idditional feature that in depots at junction points baggage-rooms and ticket-offices have to frequently be provided in dui)licate, one for eacii railroad. The heating, ventilating, plumbing, ami lighting of a depot should be the very best obtainai)lc, consistent with the general style of structure adopted. l^argo fire-places of quaint 284 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. and artistic design in the waiting-rooms add not only to the general artistic effect and finisli of the interior, but afford a good chance to warm the rooms and brightL-n them iip in damp weather. They also give an opportunity to secure good ventilation. Where the size of the building warrants it, the heating of the building by steam or by a furnace located in a cellar under the building will prove the best method to adopt. Water-closets supplied with running water and waste drains should naturally be adopted, where feasible. Where water is not at hand, the next best possible system applicable to the case shoidtl be employed: In the chapter on Platforms, Platform-sheds, and Shelters reference was made to the value of having ample and conveniently located covered platforms around a depot building, so that crowds could be accommodated on the platforms to a large extent, thereby allowing the waiting-rooms to be made proportionate!}- much smaller. In addition it can be said, that, if convenient bcnclies are provided on the platforms, a large number of travellers, and especially depot loungers, will congregate on the platforms in place of in the waiting-rooms, A drink- ing-fountain with running water located on the platform or near the tlepot will prove a great boon to passengers. Relative to the st)-le of structure to be adopted for a local passenger depot, it is very difficult to make any general recommendations. The importance of the station, the surrountl- ings, the desires of the railroad management, and sometimes the wishes of the community, the prevailing class of architecture and building materials in each particular section of the country, will all influence the final choice. In a general way, however, it can be said that frame buildings are not as objectionable for small pas.senger depots as for freight-houses and other railroad structures, because in case of a fire the loss is practicallj' limited to the value of the building, and the business of the road will not be blocked, although individuals will be personally seriously inconvenienced. In cities and at important stations a more substantial building is desirable, and it is usually required by existing building laws. Relative to the design for the exterior of depots, much stress has been laid within recent years on providing artistic and picturesque structures for local passenger depots, especially at surburban points where the travel consists largely of wealthy patrons of the road. The artis. tic depot designs prepared by the late Mr. H. H. Richardson, the well known architect, of Bo.ston, Mass., and a gradually increasing demand for artistic structures at passenger stations have given an impetus to the designing of more artistic buildings, with the result that archi- tects of established reputation have been called on by railroad managers for designs. The architectural effect should be obtained by bold and original but graceful treatment, based on constructional- outlines suitable to the materials used and adapted to the surroundings. In order, however, to produce quaint and artistic features in the exterior of a railroad structure, the practical requirements for the ground-plan layout should not be sacrificed. At smaller suburban depots defects of the ground-plan, caused by a desire to produce an architectur.illy picturesque building, are not so serious a matter. In large depots, however, any defects of the ground-plan layout are far more serious, and will entail for years constant trouble and extra expense. As above stated, picturesqueness of design in a small suburban depot is an important consideration ; but in large depots the style of architecture adopted should be more indicative of the purposes to which the building is devoted. In other words, following the architectural maxim, that the .style of the building should correspond to the use it is put to, LOCAL I'ASSENGER DEPOTS. ^§5 it can hardly be considered good practice to desif^n a large depot on the same outlines as a church or an old-fashioned country tavern, espcciall)- when very serious defects of the ground- plan layout are created by giving to.o much attention to the architectural effect of the building. Whe-rc stantlaid designs or " class-depots " arc adopted, stress should be laid on having the designs modified in minor details, so as to avoid a monotonous sameness of similar structures along the road. This can be easily accomplished by making modifications in the details of the exterior finish, gables, dormer-windows, ridge-cresting, finials, roof-brackets, chimneys, etc., without in reality changing the ground-plan or the frame or the walls of the building. The employment of a landscape architect in connection with the artistic design of rural stations has in a great many cases produced most picturesque and artistic depot surroundings. The planting of the ground around depot buildings and the maintenance of flower-beds and shrubberies at stations, together with the use of neat railings, gravelled walks and roads, have been introduced with good results by a large number of railroads in this country. The extent to which this can be carried is well shown in Fig. 585, representing the Ardmore Station of the Pennsylvania Railroad; as also in F"igs. 594 to 596, illustrating the Auburndale Station of the Boston & Albany Railroad, where the drive-ways, in connection with ihe parte \H-/ilrc, the foot-walks, and the masking of the fence lines by shrubbery, are admirably laid out. After above general remarks on the subject, the following descriptions and illustrations, hsalso references to published descriptions and illustrations of local passenger depots in use, or tlesigned for use, on railroads in this country, will prove interesting. Singlc-siory Passe/igcr Depot, Chesapeake &• Ohio Railway. — The passenger depot of the Chesa- peake & Ohio Railway, known as design " B," April, 1883, is a single-story frame structure, 21 ft. X 50 ft., with extensions at each end, 13 ft. 6 in. X 1 1 ft. 6 in. Tlie building is sheathed on the outside with vertical and horizontal boarding in panels, and roofed with tin. The interior is divided into a telegraph and ticket office, 8 ft. wide, running through the centre of the building, with a gentlemen's t.aiting-room, 20 ft. X 20 ft., on one side of it, and a ladies' waiting-room, 20 ft. X 20 ft., on the other iide. In one annex, adjoining the ladies' waiting-room, there is a ladies' toilet-room, with entrance from the ladies' waiting-room; and a gentlemen's toilet-room, with separate entrance from the rear of Fig. 510. — End Elevation. Fig. 511. — Ground-plan 2 86 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. the building. The annex at the other end of the building is used for a baggage-room. This design offers a very good ground-plan layout and a cheap structure, which is well adapted and sufficiently effective for country stations. The design is practically the same as the standard passenger depot, class "C," of the Pennsylvania lines west of Pittsburg, Southwest System, described below and illustrated in Figs. 512 to 514. Two-story Passenger Depot, Chesapeake &= Ohio Raihvay. — The passenger depot of the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway, known as design No. 2, 1881, shown in Figs. 510 and 511, is a two-story frame structure, sheathed with horizontal, vertical, and ornamental boarding, in panels, and roofed with tin. The building is 20 ft. X 25 ft., and has on the ground-floor a general waiting-room; a ladies' room; a baggage-room; and a ticket-office. On the upper floor there is a telegraph-office, and two rooms suitable for living-rooms or offices. Standard Passenger Depot, Class " C," Pennsylvania Lines West of Pittsburg, Southwest System. — The standard passenger depot of the Pennsylvania lines west of Pittsburg, Southwest System, known as class " C," designed by Mr. M. J. Becker, Chief Engineer, shown in Figs. 512 to 514, is a Fig. si 2. — Front Elevation. single-story frame structure, 21 ft. X 50 ft., with extensions at each end, 1 1 ft. 6 in. X 14 ft., sheathed on the outside with vertical ornamental battened boarding and horizontal weather-boarding, in panels. Fig. 513. — End Elevation. Fig. 514. — Ground-plan. and roofed with slate. The interior is divided into a telegraph- office, 8 ft. X 11 ft. 5 in., with a square bay-window projection on the track side; a ticket-office at the rear of the telegraph-office, 8 ft. X la ft., iiartitioned off from the former; a gentlemen's waiting-room, 20 ft. X 20 ft.; a ladies' waiting- room, 20 ft. X 20 ft., with a toilet-room, 6 ft. 3 in. X 11 ft., attached; a baggage-room, 11 ft. X 13 ft.; and a gentlemen's toilet-room, 6 ft. 3 in. X 1 1 ft., with entrance from the rear of the building. The foundations are stone piers. The interior walls are all plastered, excepting in the baggage-room The specifications for this building are practically the same as for the standard passenger depot, class " F," of the same railroad, the specifications for which are given in full in the Appendix at the back of this book. The ground-plan of this depot is first-class for the purpose, and the entire design LOCAL LASSENGER DEPOTS. 287 can be highly recommended. The [jlatform in front of the building is 16 ft. wide, set 8 in. above the top of the rail, and 8 fi. wide at the rear and ends of the building. Standard Passenger Depot, Class "/■'," Pennsylvania Lines West of Pittsburg, Southwest System. — The standard pa.ssenger depot of the Pennsylvania lines west of Pittsburg, Southwest System, known as class " F," designed by Mr. iM. J. Uecker, Chief Engineer, shown in Figs. 515 to 517, is a single- Fig. 515.— Front Elevation. , story frame structure, 70 ft. X 21 ft., sheathed on the outside with vertical ornamental and battened boarding and horizontal weather-boarding, in panels, with considerable scroll-work at the gables and galvanized-iron ridge-combings and gutter-cresting, the roof being covered with slate. The interior is divided into an office, 7 ft. X 10 ft.; a gentlemen's waiting-room, 20 ft. X 25 ft. 6 in.; a ladies' waiting-room, 20 ft. X 20 ft., with a ladies' dressing-room, 7 ft. X 10 ft., attached, from which a ladies' toilet -room, 6 ft. X 10 ft., leads; a gentlemen's toilet-room, 6 ft. X 10 ft., with entrance from the rear of the building; and a baggage-room, 12 ft. X 20 ft. All the walls are plastered and wain- scoted, excepting in the baggage-rooms. The foundations are stone piers. The platform in front of ViG. 516. — End Elevation and Cross-section. Fig. 517. — Ground ri.AN. the liiiilding is 16 ft. wide, and it is S ft. wide at the rear and ends of the building. It is set 8 in. above the top of the rail. The specifications for this building are given in full in the Appendix at the back of this book. The ground-i)lan of this depot is first class for the purpose, and the exterior design very ornamental, so that tlie entire structure can be well recommended. Passenger Depot, Northern Pacific Railroad. — The passenger depot of the Northern Pacific Rail- road, shown in Figs. 518 and 519, is a single-story frame structure, 24 ft. X 80 ft., sheathed on the outside with upright and horizontal boarding, in panels, and roofed with shingles. The luiilding is surrounded by low ])latfonns on all sides, 12 ft. wide at the rvar and at the ends of the building, and 288 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. i6 ft. wide along the front of the building, extended 12 ft. in width each way from the building along the track. The interior is divided into a ticket-office, 10 ft. X 14 ft., with a square bay-window projec- Fk;. 51S. — PKKsrEci'ivE. Fig. 519. — GROUND-rLAN. tion; a gentlemen's waiting-room, 22 ft. X 22 ft.; a ladies' waiting-room, 21 ft. X 22 ft.; a baggage-room, 15 ft. X 22 ft.; and an express-room, 18 ft. X 22 ft. Passenger Depot, Ohio Valley Railway. — The standard design for a local passenger depot of the Ohio Valley Railway, shown in Fig. 520, designed by Mr. C. C. Genung, Chief Engineer, Ohio Valley Railway, consists of a single-story frame structure, 52 ft. X 18 ft., roofed with shingles. The interior is divided into a gentlemen's waiting-room, 17 ft. X 17 ft.; a ladies' waiting-room, 17 ft. X 17 ft. ; a ticket and telegraph office, 20 ft. X 9 ft., including the front bay-window projection; and a baggage-room, 17 ft. X 9 ft. There is a low platform, 15 ft. wide, in front of the building. The most striking feature of this design is the upward curve of the roof at the eaves, the radius of the curve being 10 ft. This feat- ure, in connection with the knee-braces under the roof projection, which are cut to a bold semicircular pattern, and the exterior panelling, causes the structure to apjiear very neat. The outside of the building is sheathed with vertical, Jiorizontal, and diagonal, plain and ornamental Iioarding, in panels. The inside finish is of wood. The vertical siding is painted a Turkey vermilion, the hori- zontal and diagonal siding a very light drab, and the frames, belt-courses, etc., a very dark red, approaching a brown color. Mr. Genung states that buildings of this class cost about fiioo, exclu- sive of platforms. A similar depot building at DeKoven, Ky., on the same railroad, cost about $1800. It is built on the same ground-plan as the standard passenger depot described above, but there is a second story added, with a small tower over the telegraph-office, and the roof is covered with tin in place of shingles. Single-story Passenger Depot, RichinoHil a^ Alleghany Railroad. — The single-story passenger depot of the Richmond & .Mleghany Railroad, shown in Figs. 521 and 522, consists of a frame structure, sheathed on the outside with horizontal and vertical boarding, in panels, and roofed with slate. The Fig. 520. — End Elevation. LOCAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 289 building is 55 ft. 8 in. X 19 ft. 6 in., and is divided into a ticket-office; a gentlemen's waiting-room; a ladies' waiting-room; and a baggage-room. /fOOA.t Fig. 521. — Front Elevation. Fig. 522. — Grouni) Two-story Passenger Depot, Richmond &" Alleghany Railroad. — The two-story passenger depot of the Richmond & Alleghany Railroad, shown in Figs. 523 to 525, consists ol a frame structure, Fig. 523. — Frunt Elf.vation. Fig. 524. — End Klkvation. 1 ol Fig. 525. — Ground-plan. sheathed on the outside with horizontal and vertical, ornamental boarding, in panels, and roofed with slate. The building is 57 ft. long X 21 ft. 6 in. wide at tlie narrowest part. The first floor has a ticket-office, 10 ft. X 13 ft.; a gentlemen's waiting-room, 16 ft. X 20 ft.; a ladies' waiting-room, 13 ft. X 19 ft.; a baggage-room, 16 ft. X 20 ft.; and a stairway leading to the up[)er floor, which is used as a train-despatcher's and telegraph office. While the design of the exterior of the building is neat, the ground-plan layout is de- fective in a number of points. Passenger Depot, Class " /'V Minnesota &" Northwestern Railroad. — The standard plan for a passenger depot, class " F," of the Minnesota .S: Northwestern Railroad and of the Chicago, St. Paul & Kansas City Railway, designed by Mr. C. A. Reed, Architect, St. Paul, Minn., under the direction of Mr. H. Fernstrom, Chief P^ngineer, M. & N. W. R. R., is a single-story frame structure, 22 ft. X 60 ft, roofed with shingles, built and finished in about the same manner as the combination depots of tliis rail- road, previously described and illustrated in the chapter on Com- bination Depots. The building is divided, as shown in Fig. 526, Fig. 526.— Ground-plan. into ^ ticket-office, 11 ft. X 16 ft., with a square bay-window pro- jection; a gentlemen's waiting-room, 16 ft. < 21 ft.; a ladies' waiting-room, 15 ft. 6 in. X 21 ft.; and a baggage-room, 14 ft. X 21 ft. Passenger Depot at Spokane Tails, IVaslt., Northern Pacific Railroad. — The passenger depot of the Northern Pacific Railroad at Spokane Falls, Wash., shown in Kigs. 527 and 528, designed by Mr. C. B. Talbot, in 1S86, consists of a single-story frame structure, sheathed on the outside with ujiright and horizontal, ornamental boarding, and roofed with shingles. The structure is divided into two separate 1 — r o T < i 290 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. buildings, connected by a covered passage-way, 19 ft. wide, both buildings and the passage-way being under one continuous roof. The building intended for the passengers more particularly has a ticket- office, 1 1 ft. X 16 ft.; a gentlemen's waiting-room, 31 ft. X 26 ft.; a ladies' waiting-room, 18 ft. X 24 ft.; and toilet-rooms for gentlemen and ladies connecting with the respective waiting-rooms. The other building contains a telegraph-office, 16 ft. X 18 ft.; an express, freight, and baggage room, 24 ft. Fig. 527. — Front Elevation. X 26 ft.; a battery-room; a fuel-room; a lamp and oil room; and a train-order room. The rooms are II ft. high in the clear. The interior is finished in wood. The foundations are stone walls. The principal timbers are, sills and floor-girders, 8 in. X 10 in.; floor-joists, 3 in. X 10 in., spaced 20 in. Fig. 528. — Ground-plan. centres; floor, double, with building-paper between; frame, 3-in. X 6-in. studs; plates, 3 in. X 6 in., double; rafters, 3 in. X 6 in., spaced 24 in. centres; ceiling-joists, 3 in. X 6 in.; struts and ties, \\ in. X 6 in.; i-in. roof-boards. Passenger Depot, Boston, Hoosac Tunnel 6^ Western Railway. — The design for a second-class Fio. 52g, — Front Elevation. Fig, 530. — End Elevation. passenger depot of tlie Boston, Hoosac Tunnel & Western Railway, shown in Figs. 529 to 531, kindly furnished by Mr. Edwin A. Hill, is a single-story frame structure, 29 ft. 6 in. X 19 ft., sur- LOCAL PASSENGER BFJ'OTS. 291 Fig. 531. — Ground-i' rounded by pl:itforms on all sides, sheathed on the outside with upright and horizontal boarding, in panels, and roofed with slate. The platform on the face along the track is 8 ft. wide, and on the sides and rear 6 ft. wide. Tlie floor of the house is set d IS 15 in. and the platform 6 in. above the top of rail. The face of tiie platform is 5 ft. from the centre of the track. The interior of the building is divided into a ticket-office and baggage-room, 10 ft. X 19 ft., including a hexagonal bay-window projection; a general waiting-room, 16 ft. X 18 ft.; a ladies' toilet-room; and a gentlemen's toilet-room. The foundations of the building are stone piers, and the foundations of the platform are chestnut posts set in the ground. TJie chimney is of brick, 16 in. X 20 in. inside. The privy vault is 6 ft. deep, built of stone, and topped off with brick. The timber-work of the frame is spruce, the principal sizes being sills, 7 in. X 7 in.; girders, 6 in. X 8 in.; first-floor joists, 2 in. X 12 in. in waiting-room, and 2 in. X 10 in. otherwise, spaced 18 in. centres; platform front sills, 4 in. X 8 in.; platform cross-caps, 6 in. X 8 in.; platform-joists, 2 in. X 8 in., spaced 20 in.; posts, 4 in. X 8 in.; studs, 2 in. X 4 in., spaced 16 in.; window and door studs, 2 in. X 4 in., doubled; plates, 4 in. X 6 in.; rafters, 2 in. X 8 in., 25 in. centres; ceiling-joists, 2 in. X 8 in., 25 in. centres, and hung in centre from ridge; hips, 2 in. X 8 in.; outside sheathing, jilaned, matched, i-in. si)ruce boards, laid close diagonally, and covered witii heavy building-paper. The outside sheathing is planed and matched, narrow, |-in. white-pine boarding, beaded on one edge. Corner boards, belt-courses, frieze, casings, etc., are i-in. white pine. The roof is covered w'ith i-in. planed and matched spruce boards, laid close. The slate is laid on tarred felt, and nailed with gal- vanized nails, flashings, gutters, and down-conductors are made of galvanized iron. The interior of the building is ceiled witli planed and matched, seasoned, narrow, ^-in. white pine, beaded on one edge. The partitions are built of 2-in.X4-in. spruce scantlings, 24-in. centres. The floor in the building consists of i-in. hemlock, covered with two layers of heavy felt paper, and with planed and matched, narrow, seasoned, i-in. Georgia yellow-pine flooring. Platforms are covered with 2-in. spruce plank, dressed on upper surface, and laid close. Sash, i^ in. thick. Doors, white pine, 2 in. thick for outside and i in. thick for interior doors. A depot building of the kind described costs about %\ 100. Local Passenger Depot, Louisville 6^ Nashville Railroad. — A number of passenger depots at local points on the Loiiiaville i!v: Nashville Railroad are built on the ground-plan layout, as shown in Fig. 532. The platform is 10 in. above the top of rail, and reaches within 5 ft. 5 in. of the centre of the track. The interior .is divided into a ladies' waiting-room, 18 ft. X 16 ft., with a small toilet-room partitioned off in it; a gentlemen's waiting-room, 16 ft. X 16 ft.; a baggage-room, 8 ft. X 16 ft.; a ticket and telegraph office, 15 ft. X 15 ft.; and a waiting-room for colored people, 15 ft. X 15 ft. Passenger Depot at Columbia, Ky., Louisville b' Nashville Railroad. — Tiie passenger depot of the Louisville & Nashville Railroad at Columbia, Ky., shown in Figs. 533 to 535, is a single-story frame Fig. 532.— GROUiNP-PLAN. Fig. 533.— Front Elevj\tion. ■ "-.."HI roft Fig. 534. — End Elevation. , "1 Orf/C£ I Fto, 535. — Ground-pi./vn, 292 BUILDIXGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. structure, 20 ft. wide by about 90 ft. long. The interior is divided into a gentlemen's waiting-room; a ladies' waiting-room; a restaurant; a kitchen; a ticket and telegraph office; a waiting-room for colored people; a baggage-room; and an office for the track department. Suburban Passenger Depot, Neio York Central &r Hudson River Railroad. — \n the issue of Engineering News of Aug. 25, 1888, a design for a passenger depot at a suburban station is illus- trated, as designed by Mr. J. U. Fouquet, Engineer and Architect, New York Central & Hudson River Railroad, the ground-plan of which is shown in Fig. 536. The • " building is a stone and brick structure, one-story, with high roofs and ornamental towers. The ground-plan layout is especially com- [, J T * T ^ '~ 1 ^ ^^ mendable, as being first-class for the purpose. There is a gentle- Wc.^r.c^r^, I i^o„, rrni '^^'^"'^ waiting-room, 19 ft. X 22 ft., and a ladies' waiting-room, 19 »l E '^'ZZ """^oZ j fe^y ft. X 22 ft., which are entered independently of each other from I uild- ing is finished neatly, and cost, exclusive of platforms, $1200. The platforms cost $616, making a total cost of $1716. The standard plan for a junction-station passenger depot of the Indianapolis, Decatur & Spring- field Railway, at a junction station where two railroads cross each other at right angles, is shown in Fig. 539, kindly furnished by Mr. Edwin A. Hill. The building is L-shaped, 20 ft. wide, with 40 ft. front on each railroad. In the angle, at the centre of the building, there is an office, 16 ft. X 17 ft., adjoining which, on one side, is a gentlemen's waiting-room, 16 ft. X 20 ft., and on the otlier side a ladies' waiting-room, 15 ft. X 20 ft., with toilet-room attached. At each end of the building there is a small baggage-room, so thai each railroad has its separate baggage-room. There is a gentlemen's toilet-room at one end of the building, with a separate entrance from the exterior. The platform in front of the building is 12 ft. wide, extended 8 ft. in width for a distance of 200 ft. along each railroad. Junction Depot at Hunibohlt, Tcnn., Loiiis~<'ille &' Nashville Railroad. — The depot building at the junction of the Louisville & Nashville Railroad and of the Mobile & Ohio Railroad at Humlioldt, Tenn., shown in Fig. 540, is an L-shaped, single- story frame structure, with slate roof. The low platform is 30 ft. wide in front of the depot along each railroad. There is an agent's oifice at the angle of the building, 16 ft. 6 in. X 22 ft., which is brought out from the rest of the building and treated as a tower, giving quite a prominence to the front of the depot. The ladies' waiting-room, 22 ft. X 26 ft., and the general waiting-room, 22 ft. X 30 ft., adjoin the office. The waiting-rooms are connected by closed passage-ways with separate toilet-rooms in a small Iniilding back of the depot. At one end of the depot there is a baggage-room, 18 ft. X 28 ft., and at the other end an express-room, 20 ft. X 35 ft. The outside of the building is sheathed with upright and horizontal ornamental boarding:, in panels, and is finished very neatly. Fig. 540.— GRouNii-n.AN. 294 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. ff r r r ; r .--^--=.fjLJi Fig. 541. — Front Elevation. Fig. 542. — End Elevation. 1 — nr M; \ m :J Fig. 543. — Ground-plan. Passenger Depot at Ficton, N. J., Lehigh Valley Railroad. — The passenger depot of tlie Lehigh Valley Railroad at Picton, N. J., shown in Figs. 541 to 543, designed by Mr. C. Rosenberg, Master Carpenter, L. V. R. R., is a two-story frame structure. The upper floor is used as a dwelling. The outside of the building is sheathed with hori- zontal, vertical, and diagonal, plain and ornamental siding, and the roof is covered with slate. Stained glass is used in the transoms on the lower floor and in the top sash of the upper floor, which, combined with an artistic selection of colors for painting the exterior, causes the building to present a very warm and bright appearance, without incurring heavy addi- tional extra expenses to obtain an elaborate architectural effect. The ground-floor has a gentlemen's waiting-room, 14 ft. X 19 ft.; a ladies' waiting-room, 14 ft. X 19 ft.; a ticket and telegraph office, 9 ft. X 11 ft., including a 4-ft. bay-window projection; a baggage-room, 10 ft. 6 in. X 11 ft.; a gentlemen's toilet-room, 9 ft. X 7 ft. 6 in., leading from the gentlemen's waiting-room; a ladies' toilet-room, 10 ft. 6 in. X 7 ft. 6 in., leading from the ladies' waiting-room; and a stairway leading to the upper floor. The upper floor has a living-room; a kitchen; three bedrooms; a bath-room; and a toilet-room. There is a cellar under the building, with a cistern, coal-bin, heater, etc. Fasseiiger Depot at Fotfsiille, Fa.., Pennsylvania Railroad. — The passenger depot of the Pennsylva- nia Railroad at Potts\ille, Pa., on the Pottsville & Schuylkill Valley Branch, designed under tlie direction 01 Mr. AVm. H. I!rf)wn, Chief Engineer, P. R. R., shown in Figs. 544 to 547, is a very well- designed structure, both as to architectural effect and tlie ground-plan layout. The building is built of brick, witli slate roof, and ornauiental, galvanized-iron ridge-crestings, finials, and tower. The building is 25 ft. X 100 ft. 6 in., part of which is two stories high. The ground-plan layout and the general style of the building, as mentioned above, is very good and well adapted for the purpose, and can be highly recommended as a standard worthy of adoption. There is a gentlemen's waiting-room, 21 ft. Sin. X 34 ft. 6 in., and a ladies' waiting-room, 21 ft. S in. X 20 ft. 9 in., connected by a 7-ft. passage-way, closed by swinging-doors. On one side of the passage-way, facing the track, is a 12-ft. X ii-ft. 3-in. ticket and telegraph office, with ticket-windows opening into each waiting-room, and a ticket-shelf between the windows. On the other side ot the passage-way there is a news-stand. In each waiting-room there is a large ornamental open fire-place. Connected with the ladies' waiting- room there is a ladies' toilet-room, 9 ft. X 16 ft.; and adjoining the ladies' toilet-room there is a gentlemen's toilet-room, with a separate entrance from the rear of the building. Beyond the toilet- rooms, and at the end of the building, is a baggage-room, 22 ft. 10 in. X 12 ft. The building is sur- rounded by covered platforms, and a two-post covered platform roof, 17 ft. 6 in. wide, is extended for some distance along the track each way from the building. There is a cellar underneath the build- ing, in which the heaters are located. The upper floor is used for offices. The complete specification LOCAL I'AiiSENGER VEJ'OTS. 295 (5 Q Z. t) o si O I 296 BUILDINGS AJVD STRUCTUJiES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. for this depot, kindly furnished to the author by Mr. Wm. H. Brown, Chief Engineer, Pennsylvania Railroad, is given in the Appendix at the back of this book. Pussciigcr Depot at Latnys, Pa., LcJiigh Valley Railroad. — 'I'he passenger depot of the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Laury's, I'a., shown in Figs. 548 to 550, designed and built under the direction Fig. 548. — Front Elevation. of the author, is a single-story lirick building, roofed with slate. The ground available for the depot building was limited to such an extent that an L-shaped ground-plan had to be adopted. The building is 34 ft. long and 25 ft. deep. It is divided into a gentlemen's waiting-room, 14 ft. X 11 ft. 6 in.; a ladies' waiting-room, 14 ft. X 11 ft. 6 in., with toilet-room attached; an agent's office, 9 ft. X 17 ft., with a square bay-window projection; a baggage-room, 8 ft. 6 in. X 14 ft.; and a gentle- men's toilet-room, with entrance from the rear of the building. The foundations are stone walls, 18 Pr Fig. 549.— End Elevation. Fig. 550. — Ground-plan. in. thick. The brick walls are 9 in. thick. The framing of the roof consists of 2-in. X 6-in. rafters; 2-in. X 8-in. ceiling-joists; li-in. X 6-in. collar-beams; i-in. rough sheathing. Passenger Depot at Allen Lane, Pa., Philadelphia, Gcrmantoivn &> Chestnut Hill Railroad. — The passenger depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad at Allen Lane, Pa., on the Philadelphia, Germantown & Chestnut Hill Railroad, a branch of the Pennsylvania Railroad, designed under the direction of Mr. Wm. H. Brown, Chief Engineer, P. R. R., shown in Figs. 551 to 553, is a brick building with stone trimmings, timber panels, and a slate roof with terracotta crestings and finials, etc., located on top of the slope of a railroad cut, so that steps are provided to reach the level of the railroad, and a covered platform is built along the track, all as shown on plans. The building has a general waiting- room, 18 ft. X 25 ft.; a ticket-office, 9 ft. X 11 ft. ; a ladies' toilet-room, with entrance from the LOCAL L'ASSENGER DEPOTS. 297 general waiting-room; a gentlemen's toilet-room, with entrance from the rear of the btiilding; and a baggage-room, 7 ft. X 10 ft. The covered steps leading down to the level of the railroad are 12 ft. wide. Fig. 551. — Front Elevation. t^'HJbtjEi^l::J5£&=-^ "' ^ ' '^^ Fig. 552. — Cross-section and End Elevation. Fig. 553. — Ground-plan. Passenger Depot at Sottth Park, Minn., Minnesota &" Northwestern Railroad. — The passenger depot of the Minnesota & Northwestern Railroad at South Park, Minn., designed by Mr. C. A. Reed, 298 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. Supervising Architect, M. & N. W. R. R., shown in Figs. 554 to 557, represents a class of struc- tures used by the Minnesota & Northwestern Railroad at suburban points. The building is of brick, 20 ft. X 38 ft., divided into a gentlemen's waiting-room; a ladies' waiting-room; and a ticket and telegraph office. There is a covered platform shed extension to the building, 20 ft. 6 in. long, at each end of the building. Fig. 554. — Front Elevation. Fig. 555. — End Elevation. Fig. 556.— Cross-section. Fig. 557. — Ground-plan. Passenger Depot at Soiiierville, N. J., Central Railroad of New Jersey. — The passenger depot of the Central Railroad of New Jersey at Somerville, N. J., shown in Figs. 558 to 560, designed by Mr. Frank V. Bodine, Architect, Asbury Park, N. J., and built under the direction of Mr. Wm. H. Peddle, Superintendent, C. R. R. of N. J., is a stone building, with slate roof, the main portion of the building being only one story high. The ground-plan shows a general waiting-room, 21 ft. X 32 ft.; a ladies' waiting-room, 15 ft. X 16 ft., with toilet-room attached; a smoking-room, 12 ft. X 15 ft.. LOCAL PASSENGER DEPOTS 299 with gentlemen's toilct-rooni attached; a l)aggage-rooni, 12 ft. X 17 ft.; and a ticket and telegraph office. The rooms on the upper floor are utilized for offices. The stone used in the building is light- FiG. 558. — Front Elevation. Fig. 559.— End Elevation. Fir,. 560. — GROUNn-n.AN, colored Jersey sandstone. The interior is finished in wood. The building is lighted by electricity and heated by steam. There is a. parte- cochcre at one corner of the building. 300 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. Passenger Depot at Wilkcsbane, I'd., Lehigh Valley Railroad. — l"he i)assenger depot of tlie Lehigh Valley Railroad at Wilkesbarre, Pa., shown in Figs. 561 to 563, is a handsome and well-designed two- story stone and brick building, with slate roof, 226 ft. long and from 34 to 60 ft. wide. At the ■ 1 Jr — ^ T 'V'' — ■'_^ £.uflfCH rfooM ^^^ /.ao/cs* 1 t I -if 1 Fig. 561. — GKouNii-n.AN. Fig. 562. — Perspective. centre of the building there is a wide passage-way from the street to the train side of the depot, closed by vestibule doors. On one side of this passage-way is a gentlemen's waiting-room, 32 ft. X 40 ft., connecting with a smoking-room, and a gentlemen's toilet-room at the rear end of the smoking- room. There is also a baggage-room at this end of the building. On the other side of the passage mentioned is the ladies' waiting-room, 32 ft. X 40 ft. Beyond the ladies' waiting-room there is a lunch-room, a dining-rnnm, and a ])antry, with stairs leading to tlie kitchen on the upper floor. The LOCAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 301 four corners, formed by the passage-way through the centre of the building and tlie cross passage- way connecting the gentlemen's waiting-room with the ladies' waiting room, are utilized respectively for a ticket-office, with a ticket-window leading to the ladies' waiting-room, and a ticket-window Fig. 563.— Interior View of \Vaitin(;-r9om. opening on the general passage-way; a telegraph office; a ladies' toilet-room, opening from the ladies' waiting-room; and the stairs leading to the upper floor, where the division offices are located. The interior of the building is finished very artistically and handsomely. The depot was built under the general supervision of Mr. Alexander Mitchell, Division Superintendent, I,. V. R. R. Passenger Depot at Kalamazoo, Mich., Michigan Central Railroad. — The passenger depot of the Michigan Central Railroad at Kalamazoo, Mich., shown in Figs. 564 and 565, designed by Mr. Cyrus I,. W. Eidlitz, Architect, New York City, illustrated and described in the issue of the Railroad Gazette of Aug. 5, 1887, and in the issue of the Railway Rcviciv of November 12, 1887, is a brick building with brown-stone trimmings, red-tile roof, and terra-cotta ridge-rolls and cresting. The general layout and design are excellent, and can be highly recommended. There is a central or main building, 73 ft. X 40 ft., with a gentlemen's waiting-room and a ladies' waiting-room, divided by a passage-way, on one side of which there is a ticket-office, and on the other side of which there is a ladies' toilet-room, with entrance from the ladies' waiting-room, and a stairway leading to a small conductor's room overhead. There are two small detached buildings about 60 ft. distant from the main building, connected with the latter by covered platforms. One of these buildings has a gentle- men's toilet-room, 13 ft. 8 in. X 19 ft., and a telegraph-office and battery-room, 19 ft. X 22 ft. 10 in. The other building has a baggage-room, 22 ft. 10 in. X 19 ft., and a telegraph-office, 13 ft. 8 in. X 19 ft. There is a portc cocBre on the rear of the building. The finish of the interior of the waiting- 3o2 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. □ B o z O C I LOCAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 303 ( e ilini I'hc walls are elaborately room is in (juartered red-oak, xvilli deep panelled and timbered wainscoted in panels, 4 ft. 6 in. high, and plastered and fresco-painted to the ceiling. The two rooms are of pressed and moidded brick and stone, with tile hearth large fire-|)laces in the waiting-rc _ .. , _.. „ , and jand)S. All uj)per sash is glazed with stained glass, and all clear glass is French [ilate. Passenger Depot at Ann Aii>or, Mich., Muiiigan Centra! Railroad. — Tiie passenger depot of the Michigan Central Railroad at Ann Arbor, Mich., desciibed and illustrated in the issue of the Railroad 38-3'l_.-, ^ Lmlmi {' r f f ^ ^ V> JO__^« Fig. 566. — Grounu-i'lan. Gazette of April i, 18S7, in the issue of the Engineering News of September 10, 1887, and in the issue of the Raihoay Review of November 12, 1887, designed by Mr. F. H. Speir, architect, Detroit, Mich., shown in Fig. 566, is a handsome stone building, with slate and red-tile roofs. The main building is two-story, 38 ft. X 100 ft., and has on the ground-floor a gentlemen's waiting-room, 23 ft. 10 in. X 35 ft.; a ladies' waiting-room, 28 ft. 6 in. X 34 ft. 10 in., with toilet-room attached ; a ticket and telegraph office ; a lobby or passage-way through the building ; and a stairway leading to the upper floor. While the lobby in this design may add to the architectural effect of the building, and serves as a passage-way to and from trains, the introduction of this feature in the ground-plan is objectionable. It cuts off the possibility of having the ticket-office adjoin the ladies' waiting-room, so th-at ladies have to enter the gentlemen's waiting-room or stop in the lobby or passage-way to buy tickets, and if this lobby is used as a passage-way to and from trains it will prove very disagreeable for passengers in the waiting-rooms, especially in winter. In addition to the main building there are two separate buildings, each 20 ft. X 40 ft., located Co ft. distant from each end of the main buihling, and connected with it by covered platform roofs. One of these buildings is used for a baggage-room and the other is used for an e.xpress-office and a gentlemen's toilet-room. This structure is built entirely of dressed boulders of various colors. The main roof is of slate, the roof of the large tow-er is red tile, and that of the small tower is of copper. The interior finish is of red oak throughout, and the ticket-office is quartered red-oak. The floors are of maple, and the vestibule is laid with French tiles; the clear-story windows are of stained glass. The building is heated by hot-water heaters. Passenger Depot at Bay City, Mich., Michigan Central Railroad. — The passenger depot of the Michigan Central Railroad at Bay City, Mich., is a handsome stone building, two to three stories high ; with large square clock-tower, designed by Mr. F. H. Speir, Architect, Detroit, Mich., illus- trations of which were published in the issue of the Railroad Gazette of Dec. 26, 1S90. The dejjot is divided into two buildin'js, the main building being 166 ft. and the small building 62 ft. long. The two Iniildings are connected by a covered passage, 58 ft. long. The ground-floor of the main building has a gentlemen's waiting-room; a ladies' waiting-room, with toilet-room attacheil; a ticket-office; lobbies; a parte eoehere: a dining-room; a kitchen; a serving-room; a refrigerator-room; and pantries. The smaller building has a boiler-room; a baggage-room; an exiiress-room; and a gen- tlemen's toilet-room. The structure is described as follows, in the publication mentioned. Tlio material of the niaiii walls \-, of c^iie kind thioughout. a reddish-brown stone, rock-faced, and laid in broken courses, as shown. The roof is covered tliri>iighout willi red tile. The inside finish is mostly bircli, except in the men's waiting-room, where it is red oak. The birch finish costs about the same as red oak, and gives a more pleasing effect. The ladies' room is provided witli the usual retiring-rooms and a fireplace that burns wood. The buildings are heated throughout by a hot-water heater. The small building attacheorte coch'cre leading to a rotunda, 19 ft. X 22 ft., with a ticket- office, 8 ft. X 13 ft., and a telegraph-office, g ft. X 22 ft., and an agent's room, 14 ft. X 22 ft., leading from it. On one side of this rotunda is a gentlemen's waiting-room, 37 ft. X 40 ft., with a smoking- room, 16 ft. X 22 ft., and a gentlemen's toilet-room, 15 ft. X 16 ft., leading from the smoking-room. Beyond these rooms there is a lamp-room, 6 ft. X 18 ft., and two rooms for trainmen, each 18 ft. X 21 ft. On the other side of the rotunda, mentioned above, there is a ladies' waiting-room, 37 ft. X 40 ft., with a ladies' dressing-room, 10 ft. X 21 ft., leading from it, and a ladies' toilet-room, 10 ft. X 16 ft. 13eyond these rooms there is a baggage-room, 27 ft. X 37 ft.; and a mail room, 7 ft. X 9 ft. The depot is described as follows in the issue of the Railroad Gazette mentioned above. The station is located in the centre of a large square, under the main hill, and in order to break the monotony of tlie length and the low etTect. the sky-line has been broken Ijy carrying up the ticket loggia as a square turret or tower on the street side, the li.ght from the windows overhead being utilized for the ticket loggia. On either side of this ticket loggia is shown on a blank wall-space a map of the Old Colony Kail- road and connections. Waiting-rooms are provided for men and women, with arched ceilings about 20 ft. in lieiglit at the centre. The woodwork of these rooms, including the flooring, and panelled wainscoting 9 ft. higli, and columns in the openings, is entirely of oak. No plaster is used anywhere in the building. Two special features have been provided in the general plan — the smoking-room, and in the ladies' waiting-room several alcoves, with open fire-places, for the accommodation of private parties. There is also an open fire-place in the men's waiting-room. The general cflfect of the e.xterior is one of raassiveness and solidity, and is pro- duced entirely by constructional outlines, no fancy detail or ornamental work being provided anywhere. Tlie main superstructure is of rock-faced, dark pink, Milford (Mass.) granite, with trimm'ings, string- 3IO BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. ■s^ LOCAL PASSENLiER DEPOTS. 311 courses and voussoirs of Loiigmeadow red sandstone. The platforms, togetlier with the floor of the smok- ing-room, baggage-room, trainmen's and hackmen's room, will be of concrete pavement, and the interior walls of all these rooms will be finished in pressed brick (with wooden ceilings), while both toilet-rooms will be finished in marble on the floor and 6 ft. in height around the walls. The roof of the building will be of slate, with a tile-cresting and finials as shown. The entire exterior woodwork will be of yellow pine, finished in natural color. The platforms are protected by awnings, and space is provided at the south end of the building for a hack-stand, while at the north end a covered space is provided for baggage and express wagons. The building was estimated to cost less than $40,000. i Fig. 579. — Cross-section. oBradJordL-qiibciT/tcht- Passenger Depot at St. Paul Park Station, Chicago, Burlington &" Northern Railroad. — The passenger depot of tlie Chicago, Burlington & Northern Railroad at St. Paul Park Station, illustrated in the issue of the Railway Revieio of Nov. 12, 1887, is a neatly designed one-story brick building, with a two-story tower facing the track, and platform-shed extensions at each end of the building. Passenger Depot at. Mott Haven Station, \T,%th Street, New York City, Ne7v York Central &' Hudson Ri-iCr Railroad. — The passenger depot of the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad at Mott Haven Station, 138th Street, New York City, designed by Messrs. Robertson and Manning, Architects, illustrated in tlie issues of the Raihvay Review of July 16, 1887, and of March i, 1890, copied from Architecture and Building, is a two-story brick structure, with red-tile roof. The design is very picturesque, and while the structure is large, it is broken \\\) by gables, arches, a clock-tower, and artistically designed platform roofs, loggia, and carriage entrance, so that the general apjiearance is perfect. The exterior is of brick and terra-cotta. An ornamental foot-bridge for passengers is thrown over the track, so as to enable passengers to reach the opposite side of the tracks from the depot without crossing the tracks. From 138th Street there are four separate entrances to the depot ; namely, for passengers, through a loggia ; for carriages, through a large and imposing arch- way ; for the street-cars, a special entrance ; and another one for baggage-wagons. Inside the main entrance of the building, there is a large vestibule, from which doors lead to the general waiting-room, to the ticket and telegraph offices, and to the baggage-room, so that passengers can check their 312 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. baggage from the vestibule after jnirchasing tickets. The waiting-room is 88 ft. X 26 ft., two stories high, with open timbered roof. Next to the waiting-room there is a large restaurant. On the second floor there are the general offices ; a restaurant ; a kitchen ; a ladies' waiting-room ; and toilet-rooms. Fassaigcr Depot at Melrose, Ne7v York City, New York Central &-■ Hudson River Railroad. — The passenger depot of the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad at Melrose Station, i62d Street, New York City, shown in Figs. 580 to 581, designed under the diiection of Mr Walter Fig. 580. — Perspective. Fiu. 5S1. — Ground-plan. A, Roadway of Bridge ; B, Sidewalk of Bridge ; C C, Baggage-raoms ; D D, Baggage Elevators ; E E, Closets ; /', Ticket office ; C, Telegraph-office ; H, Waiting-room ; L L, Train-platforms. Windows not shown. Turnstiles at the exits prevent ingiess e.xcept througli the waiting-room. Katt6, Chief Engineer, described and illustrated in the issue of the Railway Review of Feb. 8, 1890 ; in X.\\ii xsiwci oi Engineering Netc's o{ Feb. 8 and 15,1890; and also in the issue of the Railroad LOCAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 313 Gazette (if July 3, 1S91, is a lirsl-cUiss example of a design of a passenger depot located on a bridge thrown over the main tracks of a railroad, where ground for a depot luiilding outside of the space occujiied by the tracks is nt)t obtainalile In the issue of the Railway Review referred to above, a full set of plans are publislied for this building. The span of the bridge which supports the building, is 68 ft. 6 in. in the clear, which gives space for four tracks and a lo-ft. platform on each side. The buiitling is about 26 ft. wide, with a 13-ft. sidewalk on one side. Passengers going to the depot cross the 13-ft. sidewalk along the building on the bridge to the centre of the span, where they enter through a commodious vestibule to the general waiting-room. On one side of the vestibule is a ticket-office, on the other side is a telegraph-office and an extra ticket-office. On one side of the general waiting-room there is a ladies' toilet-room ; on the other side there is a gentlemen's toilet- room. There is a baggage-room, with lift, at each end of the building, one for outgoing, and the other for-incoming baggage. At each end of the building a flight of stairs lead to the i)latform below, arranged so that passengers can get to or from the street without necessarily passing through the waiting-rooms. The express-trains use the two middle trackS; while way-trains use the outside tracks. There are fences on each side between the middle tracks and the outside tracks. In the issue of the A^f/Z/w/i/ 6'(?:t'//(' mentioned the following remarks are made in connection with the " Harlem Depression " work of the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad, necessitating overhead station buildings at Morrisania, Central Morrisania, Tremont, and Fordham, similar to the overhead station at Melrose. These overhead depots are all built adjacent to one of the sidewalks of an overhead street fjridg-e, and access to the station is from this sidewalk, the outer sidewalk girder being moved out 10 the rear of the station building so as to put the station practically on a very wide sidewalk. The station is 73 ft. wide across tracks, and 26 ft. longitudinally with tracks. The distance from the floor of station to the train plat- form is 17 ft., and there is 16 ft. clearance above top of rail. A central entrance from the sidewalk through a short vestibule, flanked on either side by small ticket and telegraph offices, admits the passenger into a waiting-room about iS ft. x 32 ft., with closets cfl! each end of the room. A door and stairuay at each corner of the waiting-room leads to the train phitform below. The stairways are 4ft. 5 in. wide in the clear. Near each corner of the building adjacent to the sidewalk, and with a door from the sidewalk, is a baggage-room n ft. X 12 ft. At each corner of the building at the sidewalk is an exit turnstile and a passageway for passen- gers from trains. From each baggage-room an elevator about 5 ft. square, and inclined about 5 ft. from the perpendicular in 16 ft. height, descends to the train platform below. For proper work, with very heavy travel, one man would be required up-stairs to jeccive, check, and lower baggage, and anotlier below to take it from the elevator and handle it to train. Tliese, with a ticket-agent and a gatekeeper in tlie waiting-room, would make four men required at each station. At present but two are employed — the ticket-agent and a baggageman. The framework of the station is of iron ; the interior is of oak, finished in hard oil. The exterior is covered with iron, arranged in moulded panels, with iron mouldings, cornices, and brackets, and with orna- mental shingled roof, with crestings, tower, and gables. These stations cost from $22,000 to §24,000 each, and the artificial stone platform alongside the tracks about §1500 additional. The retaining-walls are recessed to accommodate the track platforms of the stations. The necessities of the streets adjacent and parallel to the track made these platforms and the stairways narrower than was desired, but the frequency and shortness of the local trains and the fact that the stations are so near each other will doubtless obviate trouble from this lack of width. Passenger Depot at Oltiii/iwa, la , Chicago, Btiilington d- Qiiincy Railroad. — The passenger depot of tlie Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad at Ottumwa, la., designed by Messrs. Burnham & Root, architects, Chicago, 111., illustrated and described in the issue of the Raihvay Rerie^c of November 19, 1887, is a handsome twostory brick building, 196 ft. X 36 ft., with slate roof. The brick is of a dark color, and stone trimmings are used. The interior is divided, commencing at one end of the building, in an express-room, a baggage-room, a hallway, a gentlemen's waiting-room, with lunch-counter at one corner, a ticket-office, a ladies' waiting-room, toilet-rooms for ladies and gentle- men opening from the res])ective waiting-rocmis, a lunch-counter at (me end of the ladies' waiting- room, a dining-room, a kitchen, a bakery, and a laundry. The second floor is used for offices, supply- rooms, and living-rooms. 314 BUILDINGS AND STKUCTUERS OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. Passenger Depots, New York &' Norilicni Liailway. — The passenger depots of the New York & Northern Railway at Bryn Mawr Park Station, and at Yonkers, N. Y., are illustrated in the issue of the Railway News of October, 1890. iraliltEi'Sllis , 3 Stmion of the N>(ClNonrM_tKMRR. . ijaVM liAviR pwi^'5' Fig 582. — Street Elevation. Fig. 5S3. — Perspective. fcR-A I^A'.'W STW\assenger depot of the Illinois Central Railroad at South Park, Chicago, 111., described and illustrated in the issue of the Railway Review of April 16, 1881, is a large and handsome two-story brick and stone structure, with slate roof, divided into three separate buildings, connected by covered sheds and jilatform roofs. The main portion, or central building, is 41 ft. X 90 ft., with an 84-ft. high main tower. The pavilions at each end are 10 ft. X 23 ft. The sheds connecting the main building with the pavilions at each end are each 26 ft. wide and 73 ft. long. The main building is divided on the ground-floor into waiting- rooms, ladies' toilet-room, offices, and restaurant, 'i'he pavilion at one end is used for a baggage- room; the pavilion at the other end is used for a gentlemen's toilet-room and store-room. The upper floors are used for offices, supplies, and rooms connected with the restaurant. Fa'isci'.ger Depot at Charlotte, N. C, Riehmond &= Danville Railroad. — The passenger depot of the Richmond & Danville Railroad at Charlotte, N. C, designed by W. L. Poindexter & Co., architects, Washington, D. C, illustrated in the issue of the Inland Arehitect and Neics Record, No. 8, Vol. 14, and in the Raihmy Revicio of January 25, 1890, is a two-story brick structure, with a single-story extension. The building is surrounded by platforms on all sides. The railroad passes on one side of the building. The structure is large and finished very handsomely, and is built more on the char- acter of a terminal depot. The ground-plan has a ladies' waiting-room, with toilet-room attached, a gentlemen's waiting-room, a ticket-office, a station-agent's office, a large restaurant, a gentlemen's toilet-room, a baggage-room, an express-room, a store-room, and stairs leading to the upper floor. The upper floor is used partly for offices, and partly for the kitchen and other rooms connected with the restaurant. Passenger Depot at Kensington Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y., Neiv York, Lake Erie &-' Western Railroad. — The passenger depot of the New York, Lake Krie & Western Railroad at Kensington Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y., illustrated in the issue of the Raihcay Review of June 4, 1S87, is a single-story frame structure, with slate roof, costing about $3500. The interior is divided into waiting-rooms, offices, toilet-rooms, and baggage-room. Passenger Depot at Atlanta, Ga., East Tennessee, Virginia &' Georgia Railroad. — The passenger depot of the East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Railroad at Atlanta, Ga., designed by Mr. C. 11. Waring, engineer and architect, Middlesborough, Ky., illustrated in the issue of the Railway Review of July 19, 1884, is a single-story frame structure, about 20 ft. X 120 ft., sheathed on the outside with horizontal, vertical, and diagonal boarding, in panels. The ground-plan is divided into a restaurant, 14 ft. X 25 ft.; a kitchen, 18 ft. X 17 ft. ; a colored waiting-room, 20 ft. X 17 ft.; a ticket- office, 12 ft. X 14 ft.; a telegraph-office, 12 ft. X 14 ft.; a gentlemen's waiting-room, 22 ft. X 17 ft.; a ladies' waiting-room, 16 ft. X 17 ft., with toilet-room attached; an express-room, 1 1 f t. X 12 ft.; and a baggage-room, 14 ft. X 12 ft. At the centre of the building, over the ticket-office and telegraph- office, there are two small bedrooms provided on the second floor. The interior of the building is finished in selected Georgia pine, shellacked and varnished. The exterior is i)ainted in two shades of green, with all the chamfered edges in terra-cotta. Passenger Depot at Ardmorc, Pa., Pennsylvania Railroad. — The passenger depot at Ardmore, Pa., of the Pennsylvania Railroad, shown in Fig. 585, designed by Messrs. Josei)h M. Wilson and F. G. Thorn, of the firm of Wilson Bros. & Co., architects, Philadelphia, Pa., illustrated and described in the issue of the Railroad Gazette ^^i March 30, 1877, and in the Engineering Magazine, December, 1891, is a very handsomely designed two-story slone structure, with slate roof. The walls are built of gneiss stone, with rock face, laid irregularly, with Ohio sandstone sills and lintels. The ground surface drops very heavily at one end and in the rear of the building down from the railroad, so that a light basement-story is olitaincd, which is utilized as a dwelling for the agent, consisting of a [larlor, a bed- :i6 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. room, a dining-room, a kitchen, and a cellar. The ground-floor, on the level with the railroad, has a general waiting-room, 20 ft. X 35 ft.; a ladies' private room, 14 ft. X 18 ft., with toilet-room attached; a gentlemen's smoking-room, 11 ft. X 12 ft., with a toilet-room, accessible from the rear of the Fig. 5S5. — Perspective. building; a baggage-room, 8 ft. X 12 ft.; a telegraph-office, in connection with the signai-tower; a ticket-office, 9 ft. X 18 ft ; and a small bedroom. The second floor has three bedrooms and a signal- tower. The illustration is from a plate kindly furnished by the railroad company. Design for Passenger Depot, Pennsylvania Railroad. — The design for a suburban passenger dejjot on the line of the Pennsylvania Railroad, prepared by Messrs. Wilson Bros., civil engineers and archi- tects, Philadelphia, Pa., described and illustrated, with a finely executed colored plate inset, in the issue of the Railroad Gazette of September 22, 1882, is a two-story brick structure, with red-tile roof. The ground-floor has a general waiting-room, 30 ft. X 40 ft., with a small ladies' waiting-room and ladies' toilet-room attached. Also, a telegraph and ticket office, a baggage-room, and a gentlemen's toilet-room, the latter with entrance from the rear of the building. The upper floor has a living-room, three bedrooms, and a store-room. Passenger Depot at Thirty-ninth Street, Chicago, III., Illinois Central Railroad. — The passenger depot of the Illinois Central Railroad at Thirty-ninth Street, Chicago, 111., illustrated in the issue of the Railway Review of January 8, 1887, is a two-story stone and brick structure, with slate roof. The exterior is finished very artistically and attractively. The interior is divided into gentlemen's and ladies' waiting-rooms, offices, toilet-rooms, baggage-room, etc. Passenger Depot at Keicanee, III. — The passenger depot at Kewanee, 111., designed by Messrs. Burnham & Root, architects, Chicago, 111., illustrated in the issue of the Inland Architect and News Record. No. 4, Vol. 9, is a single-story structure with wide sloping roofs, surrounded by a low platform on all sides. The interior is di\ided into a gentlemen's waiting-room; a ladies' waiting-room; a ticket and telegraph office; a liaggage-room; and toilet-rooms. LOCAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 317 Passc'/iger Depot at Newark, Del., Philadelphia, Wilmington b' Baltimore Railroad. — The passen- ger depot of the Philadelphia, Wilmington & Raltimore Railroad, designed by Mr. S. C. Fuller, Chief Engineer, illustrated in the issue of the Railroad Gazette of April 26, 1878, is a handsome two-story brick structure, with slate roof. The size of the building is 21 ft. X 56 ft. The ground-floor has a gentlemen's waiting-room; a ladies' waiting-room; a ticket and telegraph office; a baggage-room; a kitchen; and a stairway leading to tlie upper floor. The upper floor has a sitting-room and three bed- rooms. Passenger Depot at Twenty-seeond .Street, Chicago, III., Illinois Central Railroad. — The passenger depot of the Illinois Central Railroad at Twenty-second Street, Chicago, 111., illustrated in the issue of the Railway Review of March 6, 1880, is a two-story ornamental brick structure, with slate roof and handsome square tower. The building is 25 ft. X 80 ft., and is divided into a gentlemen's waiting- room, 32 ft. X 23 ft., and a ladies' waiting-room, 20 ft. X 23 ft. The waiting-rooms are connected by a ])assage-way, on one side of which is a ticket and telegraph office with an octagonal bay-window pro- jection, and on the rear of which are toilet-rooms for ladies and gentlemen, opening from the respective waiting-rooms. At one end of the building is the baggage-room, 12 ft. X 23 ft.; also the stairway leading to the second floor of the building. Passenger Depot at Roekford, III., Chicago, Madison &= Northern Railway. — The passenger depot of the Chicago, Madison & Northern Railway at Roekford, 111., designed by Mr. Henry Schlacks, architect, plans for which were published in the Raihcay Revie^o of June 2, 1888, and in the Inland Arehitect and News Record, No. 6, Vol. 11, is a stone and brick structure, with a covered platform on the track side, and a large, square, ornamental tower at the centre of the building. The interior is divided into waiting-rooms, toilet-rooms, offices, baggage-rooms, etc. Passenger Depot, Utica, N. Y., Delaware &' Hndsoti Canal Company. — The passenger depot at Utica, N. Y., of the Utica, Clinton & Binghamton Railroad, leased by the Delaware & Hudson Canal Company, is described as follows in the issue of the Railroad Gazette of February 6, 1885. The building is in the Queen Anne style of architecture. It is of ordinary brie k, laid in red mortar, and has brown-stone trimmings. In height it is two stories and attic. The inincipal waiting- room has two large entrances from Genesee Street. The room is a large one, and well lighted. In one end the ticket-office is partitioned off. Under the stairway leading to the second story is a news and book stand. Just beyond the ticket-office is a passage-way and a wide door leading to the depot- yard. ]ust beyond this passage-way is the ladies' waiting-room, adjoming which is a toilet-room and water-closet. Still further in the rear is the baggage-room, which has wide entrances from Water and Division Streets, ;'.nd a wide baggage window in the rear, where baggage can be unloaded direct into the room. On the Division Street side is an ample shed, under which baggage and passengers will have protection from the weather. There is also a shed along the railroad front for the benefit of passengers. These sheds are ornamental in design and coloring. The floors are of Georgia pine, and the interior is well lighted. The side walls and ceiling are ceiled with 2-inch spruce, finished in the wood. The outer doors are of handsomely grained quartered oak, and the door and window trimmings and gas-fixtures are of brass. Over each inside door is a large transom, supplied with a transom-lifter. The seats in the waiting-room are of perforated woodwork, and comfortable and cleanly. The interior work is neat, attractive, and cheerful, the abundance of light and the bright appearance of the woodwork adding much to the effect. On the second floor, the room facing Genesee Street is the superintendent's office, at the side of wliich is a private office. Next in rear, and communicating with the superintendent's office by a small window, is the conductors' room, supplied with large ash desks, and five closets for uniforms. Again in rear of this, and connected by a similar window, is the office of the train-despatcher. In this office, as also in the superintendent's office and the ticket-office on the first floor, there is a bay projection commanding an extensive view. The rooms on the second floor have a wainscoting of pine instead of the ceiling on the first floor. .Suitable sinks, storage-rooms, etc., are ])rovided for, and in all respects the building is very convenient. The rooms are high between floors, the first story being 16 ft. and the second 15 ft. high. Passenger Depot at Manitoii, Col. — The passenger depot at Manitou, Col., designed by Mr. Clinton J. Warren, architect, Chicago, III , illustrated in the Inland Architect and News Record, No. 6, Vol. 9, is J 1 8 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. an artistic, single-story stone structure with heavy sloping roof. The masonry is irregular rubble work, with cut-stone corners and arches. The interior has a waiting-room; baggage-room; toilet- room; and an office, located in a round-tower projection, at one corner of the building. The platform at the front and end of the building is covered, and a handsome /i)/-/^ cochcre is built at the rear of the building. Passiiigcr Depot at Seymour, I/k/., Ohio &-' Mississippi Raila'ay. — The jiassenger depot of the ( )hio & Mississippi Railway at Seymour, Ind., illustrated and described in the issue of the Railway Review of November 2, 1SS9, can be considered as representative of the class of depot buildings in use on the Ohio iV' Mississippi Railway. The same character of building and ground-plan arrangement of the interior is carried out, as far as possible, in general, for all similar structures along the railroad, with the necessary alterations to suit local requirements. The depot at Seymour is a two-story frame structure, sheathed on the outside with ujiright boarding and shingles, in panels. The size of the building is 24 ft. X 52 ft., with an S-ft X 30-ft. anne.x in the rear. The first floor is divided into a gentlemen's w-aiting-room, 23 ft. X 18 ft.; a ladies' waiting-room, 23 ft. X 18 ft.; an office, 17 ft. X 13 ft., with a circular bay-window projection; a battery-room, 6 ft. X 13 ft.; a ladies' toilet-room, 8 ft. X 8 ft., opening from the ladies' waiting-room; and the stairway leading to the second floor. The second floor has a trainmaster's office; a telegraph-office; a train-despatcher's office; a store-room; and a vestibule for trainmen. The gentlemen's toilet-room is located in a separate building, in the rear of the main building. The baggage-room is also located in a separate building, 50 ft. distant from one end of the main building. Passenger Depot at Bates City, Mo. — The passenger depot at Bates City, Mo., illustrated in the issue of the Railway Re'rie7i' of May 24, 1879, is a two-story frame structure, with slate roof. The outside is sheathed with upright and ornamental boarding, in panels. The interior has a waiting- room, ticket-office, baggage-room, and toilet-room. Passenger Depot at Glen Riilge, N. /,, Dehucare, Lackawanna er' Western Railroad. — The pas- senger depot of the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad at Glen Ridge, N. J., illustrated and de- scribed in the issue of the Railroad Gazette of April 29, 18S7, shown in Figs. 586 to 588, is a two-story stone structure, with slate roof. The railroad at this point passes through a sandstone cut, 18 ft. deep, so that the wagon-road is on a level with the upper story of tlie building. In addition to its use for a railroad depot, the building had to be designed to accommodate a post-office and an express-office. The walls are built of blue-black trap-rock rubble masonry, with red-brick corners and belt-courses. The wide porch roof at the front of the building, on a level with the wagon-road, is extended at one end so as to form 3. parte cochere. Passenger Depot at Lndependenee, Mo., Chicago &^ Alton Railroad. — The passenger depot of the Chicago & Alton Railroad at Independence, Mo., illustrated in the issue of the Raihvay Re-oieic of May 3, 1879, is a two-story frame structure w-ith slate roof, sheathed on the outside with horizontal, vertical, and diagonal boarding, and ornamental shingles, in panels. The ground-plan shows a wait- ing-room, ticket-office, baggage-room, and toilet-rooms. Passenger Depot at Oak Grove, Mo. — The passenger depot at Oak Grove, Mo., is illustrated in the issue of the Railway Review of May 17, 1879. It is a tw'O-story frame structure, with slate roof. The ground-plan shows a waiting-room, ticket-office, baggage-room, and toilet-room. Passenger Depot at Rahway, N. J., Pennsylvania Railroad. — The passenger depot of the Penns)'l- vania Railroad at Rahway, N. J., designed by Mr. Joseph M. Wilson, described and illustrated in the issue of the Railroad Gazette of July 5, 1878, is a two-story brick structure, with slate roof. The ground-i)lan h:is a gentlemen's waiting-room, 22 ft. X 40 ft., and a ladies' waiting-room, 22 ft. X 24 ft. The waiting-rooms are connected by a passage-way, on one side of which is a telegraph and ticket office, 16 ft. X 16 ft., with a scptare bay-window projection, and on the other side of which, on the rear of the building, located in a square projection of the main building, are toilet-rooms for ladies and gentlemen, opening from the respective waiting-rooms. There is also a stairway leading to the upper story, and at one end of the building a baggage-room, 11 ft. 6 in. X 22 ft. The face walls are built of French bricks, with pencilled black joints, relieved with black bricks. The belt-courses, window- sills, chimney-caps, and arch-stones of the windows and doors are of Ohio sandstone. Union J^assenger Depot, Canton, Ohio. — The Union Railroad Dejiot at Canton, Ohio, designed LOCAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 3'9 by Mr. \V. Wliitiiey Lewis, architect, Boston, Mass., illustrated in the issue of the Amcncaii Architect and RiiiliUiig Neics, .\ugust 7, 1880, is a two-story brick building, with square ornamental clock- lower, and slate roof. The tracks pass on one side of the building. The building is about 40 ft. %1. Fig. 5S7. — First STORY Plan. Kic. 586. — Peijsi'ective. »^Sf^ Fig. 588.— Cellar-plan. wide X 190 ft. long, and the ground-floor was designed so as to give a gentlemen's waiting-room, 30 ft. X 37 ft. 6 in., and a ladies' waiting-room, 30 ft. X 37 ft. 6 in. The waiting-rooms are connected by a passage-way, on one side of which there is a small telegraph and ticket office, with hexagonal bay- 320 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMF.RICAX RAILROADS. window projection, and on the other side of which is' a hidies' toilet-room. In addition, there is a gentlemen's toilet-room with entrance from the gentlemen's waiting-room; a baggage-room; a dining- room; a kitchen; a serving-room; and stairs leading to the upper floor. In the depot, as actually built, the dining-room and kitchen were omitted, and a small freight-room substituted. Tasseiigcr Depots, IFest Shore Railroad. — The standard passenger depots designed for the West Shore Railroad, under the direction of Mr. Walter Katte, Chief Engineer, as illustrated and described in the issue of the Railroad Gazette of May 7, 1886, known, respectively, as class " A, B, C, and D: — agent," are two-story frame structures, built in general to the same ground-plan, but varying sufificie-ntly in the minor details of each plan, principally in the roofs, so as to give each structure an individual and local character without essentially changing the main details of this class of structures. The standard ground-plans are also published in the issue of E/igiiieeri/ig News of March 31, 1888. Class "A " presents on the first floor, a ticket and telegraph ofifice, 12 ft. X 12 ft., with a S(iuare bay-window projection; a gentlemen's waiting-room, 15 ft. X 16 ft.; a ladies' waiting-room, 15 ft. X 16 ft.; a baggage-room, 10 ft. X 15 ft.; a ladies' toilet-room, opening from the ladies' waiting-room; a gentlemen's toilet-room, with entrance from the outside on the rear of the building; and the stair- case leading to the upper floor. The second floor has a living-room, 15 ft. X 16 ft. ; a bedroom, 15 ft. X 16 ft.; and two smaller rooms. Class "B " shows in the ground-plan, a gentlemen's waiting-room, 17 ft. X 23 ft., and a ladies' waiting-room, 17 ft. X 23 ft., connected by a passage-way, on one side of which is a telegraph-office, II ft. X 12 ft., with a square bay-window projection, and on the other side of which, on the rear of the building, is a ticket-ofifice, 11 ft. X 12 ft., with a square bay-window projection. There is also a baggage-room; a ladies' toilet-room, opening from the ladies' waiting-room; and a gentlemen's toilet- room, with entrance from the rear of the building. Class " C " is similar to class " B," excepting in the size of the rooms. The gentlemen's wait- room is 24 ft. X 23 ft.; the ladies' waiting-room 24 ft. X 23 ft.; and the baggage-room 12 ft. X 23 ft. Class " D " is similar to class " C," excepting in the size of the waiting-rooins, which are each 32 ft. X 23 ft. Passenger Depot at Terrace Park Station, Buffalo, N. ¥., Ne7C' York Central d~ Hudson River Railroad. — The passenger depot of the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad at Terrace Park Station, Buffalo, N. Y., designed by Messrs. R. H. Robertson and A. J. Manning, architects. New York City, plans for which were published in the Railway Revietii of March 19, 1887, and in the Railroad and Engineering Journal oi May, 1887, is a very handsome and large structure, with stone base, pressed-brick walls, terra-cotta trimmings, and tile roof. A bridge or covered passage-way is thrown over the main tracks in front of the building, connecting with the shelter and platform on the side of the tracks away from the main building. The interior is divided into a large, square vestibule, with'an elaborate entrance from the street, which is on a lower level than the railroad. Leading from this vestibule there is a passage-way and stairway, to get to the platform on the level of the track. A ticket-ofifice, a parcel-room, and a baggage-room adjoin the vestibule on one side, while on the other side there is a general waiting-room, with a ladies' private room and toilet-room connecting with the general waiting-room. A gentlemen's toilet-room at the same end of the building is entered from the outside of the building. Passenger Depot at East Douglas, Mass., New York (Sr' New England Railroad. — The passenger depot of the New York & New England Railroad at East Douglas, Mass., plans for which were pub- lished in the Railroad Gazette of April 8, 1881, is a single-story frame structure, sheathed on the out- side with vertical and horizontal boards, and ornamental sliingles, in panels, and roofed with slate. There is a small parte cochere on the rear of the building. The interior is divided into a gentlemen's waiting-room, 17 ft. X 19 ft.; a ladies' waiting-room, 17 ft. X 19 ft.; a ticket-office, 9 ft. X 9 ft.; a baggage-room; a ladies' toilet-room, with entrance from the ladies' waiting-room; and a gentlemen's toilet-room, with an entrance from the outside of the building. Passenger Depot at Niagara Falls, N. Y., New York, Lake Erie b^ Western Railroad. — In the issue of the Railway Review of August 27, 1S87, the plans were published for a proposed passenger depot at Niagara Falls, N. Y., for the New York, Lake Erie & Western Railroad. LOCAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 321 y £■ e £• S'.^ ^ = -i ^' « I— 11/ ^ -0 ^ S' -<3 or ^^-i< ^ p' ■'= e »-• ^ g> ^ g .^ "^ -i c ni g' ^ ^ ^ o 00.^ ■ q> t t .._ T^ ill ■^^ O O -<5 — "^ < cO O C.UJ li. L_ o P 322 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. Passenger Depot at Walkerville, Out. — The plans for a depot at Walkerville, Ont., designed by Messrs. Mason & Rice, architects, were published in the Inland Architect and News Record, No. 7, Vol. 14. The building is a stone structure, with heavy sloping roofs, and an elaborate and heavy square clock-tower. Tiie interior is divided into waiting-rooms, offices, baggage-room, toilet-rooms, etc. Passenger Depot at Dedham, Afass., Boston er" Providence Rai/road.— The passenger depot of the Boston & Providence Railroad at Uedham, Mass., designed by Messrs. Sturgis & Brigham, architects, ])Oston, Mass., plans for which were published in the American Architect and Building News, April 4, 1885, is a very elaborate and architecturally highly finished stone building, with sloping roof and clock- tower, built on an irregularly shaped ground-plan. The exterior of the structure has more the appearance of a chapel than a railroad depot. The interior is divided into a gentlemen's waiting- room, with toilet-room attached; a ladies' waiting-room, with toilet-room attached; a ticket-office; a baggage-room; and a telegraph -office. The interior finish is carefully studied, some of the details of which are illustrated in the publication mentioned. Passenger Depot at Nc7C' Bedford, Mass., Old Colony Railroad. — The passenger depot of the Old Colony Railroad at New Bedford, Mass., designed by Mr. Henry Paston Clarke, arcliitect, Boston, Mass., plans for which were publislied in the N'erc' England Magazine of May, 18S6, and also in the issue of The Engineering Record oi April 6, 1SS9, shown in Figs. 5S9 and 590, published by per- mission of The Engineering Record, is an elaborate stone structure, with heavy sloping roofs. There is a covered platform along the face of the building ne.xt to the track, extending both ways along the track. The building is 160 ft. X 40 ft., and is divided into a gentlemen's waiting-room and a ladies' waiting-room, connecting by a passage-way, on one side of which is a ticket-office, and on the other side of which is a telegraph office and the station-agent's room. In each waiting-room there is a large open fire-place. At the end of the building, next to the ladies' waiting-room, there is a ladies' private room, with a toilet-room attached. At the other end of the building, next to the gentlemen's waiting-room (but without any door between them), there is a baggage-room. Next to the baggage- room is a gentlemen's toilet-room, with entrance from the platform; also a fuel-room; a hackmen's room; and an express-agent's room. The ground-plan of the building is very good. Passenger Depot at North Easton, Mass., Old Colony Railroad. — The passenger depot of the Old Colony Railroad at North Easton, Mass., designed by the late Mr. H. H. Richardson, architect, Brook- lyne, Mass., plans for which were published in the American Architect and Building News of Feb. 26, 1SS7, and in The Engineering Magazine, December, 1891, from which publication Fig. 591 is taken, consists of a single-story granite building, with brown-stone trimmings and tiled roof, 25 ft. X 90 ft., with a platform facing the track, and a heavy stone arched porte cochcre on the rear of the building. The building is divided into a gentlemen's waiting-room and a ladies' waiting-room. A ticket-office is located between them on the side towards the track, and the waiting-rooms are connected back of Fig. 5gi. — Perspective. LOCAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 32j the ticket-office by a lobby, which has an entrance door from the carriage-way under the forte cochere. At the end of the gentlemen's waiting-room there is a smoking room; a gentlemen's toilet- room; and a door to the baggage-room. At the other end of the building a door leads from the ladies' waiting-room into a large ladies' parlor, with toilet-room attached. The ground-plan layout and the architectural artistic features of the building are first-class. Passenger De/'o/ at No/yoke, A/ass., Connectieiit River Liailroad. — The passenger dejjot of the Con- necticut River Railroad at Holyoke, Mass., shown in Figs. 592 and 593, designed by the late Mr. H. Fig. 592.— Perspective. H. Richardson, architect, T.rooklyne, Mass., plans for which were published in The Engineering Record, Vol. 14, and in the Anicrican Architect and Building News of Feb. 26, 18S7, and in the Ruilroaa Gazette of April i, 1S87, from which latter publi- ■ cation the cuts are taken, consists of a double-story granite building, with brown-stone trimmings and tiled roof, 40 ft. X 140 ft., surrounded by jjlat- forms on all sides. The first floor is divided into a general waiting-room, 36 ft. X 60 ft., with a ticket-office, partitioned off on one side, facing the track. At one end of the waiting-room there is a telegraph-office, and a lobby leads to a ladies' waiting-room, with toilet-room attached. The ladies' waiting-room has a separate entrance from the platform on the track side of the house. .At the other end of the building there is a gentlemen's toilet-room, leading off from the general waiting-room; an emigrants' waiting-room, with toilet-rooms attached for men and for women; a baggage-room; and the stairway leading to the upper story. Fig. 593. — 324 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. Passenger Depot at Aiibiinuhile, Mass., Boston &^ Albany Railroad. — The passenger depot at Fig. 594. — PERsrECTivE. Auburndale, Mass., on the main line of the Boston & Albany Railroad, shown in Figs. 594 to 596, designed by the late Mr. H. H. RicJiardson, architect, Brooklyne, Mass., plans of whicli were [jub- lished in the Railroad Gazette of Nov. 5, 1886, in The Engineering Record, Vol. 14, in the American Architect and Building Nc7lis of Feb. 26, 1887, and also in the Railway Revinv of April 6, i88g, consists of a single-story granite building, with brown-stone trimmings and red-tile roofing. There is a covered platform along the face of the building and at the end of the building next to the Fig. 595. — Ground-plan. Fig. 596. — General Plan of Station Layout. baggage-room, and an artistically designed porte cochere on the rear of the building. The interior is divided into a gentlemen's waiting-room, 25 ft. X 25 ft., and a ladies' waiting-room, 25 ft. X 30 ft., connected by a small passage-way, on one side of which is a ticket-office, and on the other side of wliich there are a ladies' toilet-room and a gentlemen's toilet-room. At one end of the building, adjoining the ladies' waiting-room, there is a baggage-room. Passenger Depot at South Framinghatn, Mass., Boston iSr' Albany Railroad. — The passenger depot at South Framingham, Boston & Albany Railroad, designed by the late Mr. H. H. Richardson, archi- tect, Brooklyne, Mass., plans for which were published in the American Architect and Building Ne7vs of Feb. 26, 1887, consists of a double-story structure, 120 ft. X 35 ft., with covered platforms sur- rounding it. The interior is divided into a general waiting-room, 33 ft. X 60 ft., on one side of which is a ticket-office, and on the other side of which is a large ornamental fire-place. Adjoining the general waiting-room, at one end of the building, there is a dining-room; a buffet; a smoking-room; a toilet-room for gentlemen; a serving-room for the dining-room; and a stairway leading to the kitchen on the second floor above the dining-room. At the other end beyond the general waiting-room the building is divided into a small ladies' waiting-room, with a toilet-room attached; a telegraph office; a package-room; the station-agent's office; and the stairway leading to offices on the second LOCAL J'ASSI'.KGF.R LiRPOTS 325 floor. The arrangement of the ground-plan in this building ran he considered as firsl-class for the purposes to be acconi[ilished. Passenger Depot at Brighton, Mass., Boston 6^ Albany Railroad. — The passenger depot at Brighton, Mass., of the Boston & Albany Railroad, designed by the late Mr. H. H. Richardson, architect, Brooklyne, Mass., plans for which were published in the American Architect and Building News of Feb. 26, 1887, consists of a single-story stone structure, 80 ft. X 30 ft., with long slo])ing roof, cov- ering steps in front of the building, leading down to the level of the railroad. The interior is divided into a gentlemen's waiting-room and a ladies' waiting-room, connected by a passage-way, on one side of which is a ticket office, and on the other side of which there are a ladies' toilet-room^and a gentle- men's toilet-room. At the end of the building, next to the gentlemen's waiting-room, there are a small baggage-room and a telegraph office. The location of the telegraph office at the rear of the building, unless called for by some local requirement, is objectionable. Passenger Depots, Chicago &= Northwestern Raihaiy. — Passenger depots designed by Messrs. Cobb & Frost, architects, Chicago, 111., for the Chicago & Northwestern Railway at Oshkosh, Wheaton, and Kenosha, are described and illustrated in the issue No. 6, Vol. 10, of the Lnland Architect and News Record, and also in the issue of January 20, 1888, of The Railway Age. The depot at Oshkosh is a two- story structure, 78 ft. X 23 ft., divided on the ground-floor into a ladies' waiting-room and a gentlemen's waiting-room, connected by a broad jiassage-way, on one side of which is a ticket-office, and on the other side of which is the ladies' toilet-room, and the stairway leading from the outside of the building to the upper floor. Thirty feet from one end of the main building there is a baggage-room, 20 ft. X 23 ft., and 30 ft. from the other end of the main building there is a similar size building, which is used for fuel and supplies, and for a gentle- men's toilet-room. The space between the main building and the end building is covered by a wide shed roof, supported by columns and trusses. The building has stone foundations, with rock-face stone ashlar walls up to window-sills. Above the window-sills faced brick are used. The main building and tower is roofed with slate, the platform sheds with tin. The waiting-room ceilings are finished up into the roof, giving an opportunity for furnishing direct light from above the shed roof. The interior finish is in oak, with maple floors and high wainscoting. The cost of the building is stated to have been $13,000. The depot at ^\■heaton has two waiting-rooms; a ticket-office; a baggage-room; and toilet-roorns; all in one building, 70 ft. X 20 ft. The platform is covered for 200 ft. along the track. The building is built entirely of frame, with a ])ainted shingle roof. The lower portion of exterior of building, below window-sills, vertical sheathing, and above this to ceiling of sheds is narrow siding. The in- terior is finished in pine, painted, with wainscoting. The walls above wainscoting and ceiling are sheathed with narrow beaded pine. The floors are hard wood. The cost is stated to be about $4000. The depot at Kenosha is 81 ft. X 23 ft. in size, with a lavatory annex, 8 ft. X 13 ft. The main building has a gentlemen's waiting-room; a ladies' waiting-room; a ticket-office; a baggage-room; and toilet-rooms. The building has stone foundations with rock-faced stone ashlar from platform to window-sills; above this point to roof, faced brick. The covered shed over platform, supported by columns and trusses, is 200 ft. long. Projection of the shed on track side of building 14 ft., with extensions on each end 20 ft. wide. The roof extends down, and projects 8 ft. on the other three sides of the building, supported on brackets. The entire roof of building, including shed, is covered with purple slate, using copper for ridge, hip, and gutter mouldings. The building has no second story, but the waiting-rooms are finished about one third into roof. Interior of building is finished in oak, with a high wainscoting, plastered walls and ceilings, maple floors throughout. The lavatory building is partially disconnected from the main building by the use of double doors and ventilators, built into the wall connecting the two. This lavatory has three seats and three urinals with vault underneath, with a ventilator extending from the same up through the roof, with door in rear for cleaning the same. No plumbing in building. Heated by means of stoves. C^ost complete about $8400. Passenger Depots, Philadelphia, Gerniantoicn &-• Chestnut Llill Railroad. — The passenger depots of the Philadelphia, Germantown & Chestnut Hill Railroad at Queen's Lane, Chelton .\venue, Chestnut Hill, and Wissahickon, Pa., shown in Figs. 597 to 604, designed by Mr. \V. Bleddyn Powell, archi- 326 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. LOCAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 327 Fig. 602. — Ground-plan, Queen's Lane Depot. Fig. 603. —Ground-plan, Chelton Avenue Uepoi ;— ^6:6' — fl-ATfOfiy^ Fig. 604. — Ground-plan, Che.stnut Hill Depot. 328 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. tect, are described and illustrated in Vol. 14 of The Engineering Record, and in the Railroad Gazette of November 26, 1886, from which latter publication the cuts are taken. The depot building at Queen's Lane is of brick, the others are of stone, with some half-timber and shingle work in the upper stories. The Chestnut Hill depot has a gentlemen's waiting-room, 20 ft. X 30 ft., and a ladies' waiting- room, 20 ft. X 20 ft., connected by a broad passage-way, on one side of which there is a ticket and tele- grapli ofifice, 10 ft. X 12 ft., and on the other side of which there are a ladies' and a gentlemen's toilet- room. At one end of the building there is a baggage-room, 10 ft. X 14 ft. The Chelton Avenue depot is similar, as far as the ground-plan is concerned, to the Chestnut Hill depot. The depot at Queen's Lane is smallerthan the others, and has a general waiting-room, iS ft. X 25 ft.; a ticket-office, 9 ft. X II ft. ; a baggage-room, 7 ft. X 10 ft.; a ladies' toilet-room, 9 ft. X 10 ft.; and a gentlemen's toilet-room, 7 ft. X 10 ft. Competition Designs for Local Passenger Depot, Toronto Architectural Sketch Club. — In the issue of the Inland Architect and News Record, Vol. 15, two plans for a passenger depot at a local station are illustrated, which secured the first and second prizes awarded in a competition arranged by the Toronto Architectural Sketch Club. Competition Designs for Suburban Railioay Depot, Chicago Architectural Sketch Club. — The Raihvay Review offered in 1889 three prizes to the members of the Chicago Architectural Sketch Club for the best plans of a suburban railway-station building, of which the cost of construction was to be $3000. The first prize was awarded to Mr. T. O. Fraenkel, of Chicago, 111., and the plans were published in the issue of the Railway Review of April 13, 1889. The second prize was awarded to Mr. Henry Brown, of Chicago, III, whose plan was illustrated in the issue of the Railway Review of April 20, 1889. The third prize was taken by Mr. W. (1. Williamson, of Chicago, 111., whose design was pub- lished in the issue of the Railway Review of April 27, 1889. T'wiu Passenger Depots at Desrovcr and Baker Parks, Minn., Chicago, Alilwaukcc g' St. Paul Rail- road. — In Fig. 605, copied from The Engineering Magazine, December, 1891, is presented a perspec- fiG. 605. — Perspective. five of the " twin" passenger depots at Desrover and Baker Parks, between St. Paul and Minneapolis, on the Chicago, Milwaukee il- St. I'aul Railroad. There is a separate dejrot building, with waiting- rooms, ticket-offices, etc., on each side of the railroad. I'he depots are built on terraces reached by wide platforms and stairways. Passenger Depot at Scwickley, Pa., Pennsvlvania Railroad. — In Fig. 606, copied from the Engineer- ing Magazine, December, 1891, is shown a perspective of the passenger depot at Sevvickley, Pa., on LOCAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 329 the Pennsylvaiii:! Railroad System. 'I'his illusttalion shows very cltarly the mctliod of using shelters with overhead foot-bridge and a fence between the main tracks at local suburban passenger stations Fig. 606. —Perspective. on a double-track railroad with a heavy fast-train service. The depot building is about 27 ft. X 70 It., divided into a general waiting-room; a ladies' private room; a baggage-room; a ticket-ofifice; etc. Passi-/ii;cr Depot at Acambaro, Mexico. — In Fig. 607, copied from The Engineering Magazine, December, 1891, is shown a perspective of the passenger depot at Acambaro, .Mexico, designed by Mr. Bradford L. C.ilbert, architect. New York, N. Y. The building is two-story, built of brick, al)out 100 ft. X 40 ft., with con- crete ])latforms and tile roof. The first floor has the necessary offices and waiting-rooms with ai commodations for first, second, and third class passengers, the European ^"'- ^oy.-Pi'RsniCTivK. system of the division of the travelling jniblic being in vogue. There is also a dining-room on the lirst floor. The second floor has hotel accommodations for passengers. Junction Passenger Depot at Reed City, Mich. — In Fig. 608, copied from The Engineering Maga- zine, December, 1891, is shown a perspective of the passenger depot at Reed City, Mich., designed by Mr. Bradford L. Gilbert, architect, New York, N. Y., used jointly by the Grand Rapids & Indiana and the Flint & Pere Marquette Railroads. The general waiting-room is in the shape of a large octagon, at one end of which is a lunch-room; on the track sides of the octagon the licket-ofifices for the respective railroads are stationed; while on the other sides of the octagon doors lead to a ladies' waiting-room with loilet-room attached, and to a gentlemen's smoking-room with toilet-room attached. .At each end of the building there is a baggage-room. The light for the rotunda is oli- tained from clere-story windows above the roof of both wings. The rotunda is 64 ft. square, with wings about 75 ft. in length. Passenger Depot at Grass Lake, Mich., Michigan Central Railroad. — In Fig. 609, cojjied from The Engineering Magazine, December, 1891, is shown a perspective of the i)assenger depot of the Michigan Central Railroad at Grass Lake, Mich. The building is about 63 ft. X 34 ft, divided into waiting-rooms, otfices, baggage-room, toilet-rooms, etc. The material of the walls is field stone of various shades, with broken faces, laid up in rubble-work, the effect being very picturescjue and uni(jue. , c->^ Fig. 60S. — Pi'Ksi'ixi'ivii. 33° BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. Fig. 6og. — Perspective. Passenger Depot at Laconia, N. H., Concprd 6^ Montreal Railroad. — The passenger depot of the Concord & Montreal R;iihoad at Laconia, N. H., designed by Mr. Bradford L. Gilbert, architect, New York, N. Y., shown in perspective in Fig. 6io, copied from The Engineering Magazine, De- FiG. 6io. — Perspective. cember, 1891, is a picturesque, substantially built stone depot for the accommodation of a large pas- senger business. The most prominent feature of the design is the rotunda, 40 ft. square, with octa- gonal corners carried up above the roof, and with light from clere-story windows overhead. The in- terior of this depot is finished very handsomely. The floor of the rotunda is of marble, and a large chimney forms one of the features of the interior finish. Passenger Depot at Galeshnrg, III., Atchison, Topeka <5r-' Santa Fe Railroad. — The passenger depot at Galesburg, 111., on the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad, shown in Fig. 611, copied from % Fig. 611. — Perspective. The Engineering Magazine, December, iSgi, is a handsome brick and stone Iniilding, 54 ft. X 168 ft. It is divided into offices, waiting-rooms, toilet-rooms, baggage and express room. LOCAL PASSEJVGEJi DE/'OTS. 331 PasS'-iigcr Depot at Mmich Chunk, Pa., Lehigh Valley Kallioatl.- -'I'hc passenger (Icjiot of the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Maiicli Chunk, Pa., shown in Fig. 612, copied from The Engineering Magazine, December, 1891, is a two-story hrick building, with slate roof and an iron platform roof ViG. 012. — I'KKSrECrlVE. extending for several himdred feet along the track, as there is a very large excursion passenger busi- ness iiandlcd at this station. The most notable feature of the design is the fact that the depot and platforms are located alongside a heavy curve on the railroad, ami tlie [ilatforms and building follow the curvature of the tracks. Passenger Depot at IViehila, Kan., Alehison, Topeka er' Santa Fe Railroad. — The passenger dejiot of the Atchison, Topeka it .Santa Fe Railroad at Wichita, Kan., shown in Fig. 613, copied from Fig. 613 —Perspective. The Engineering Magazine, Dcronilier, 1891, is a picturesque and handsome stone structure, 60 ft. X 156 ft., with an octagonal tower at one corner. The ground-Hoor has ;i large lunch-room in addition to the usual facilities and accommodations for the passenger service. Passenger Depot at Ei'ansfon, III., Chieago, Milwaukee &" St. Paul Railroad. — The passenger depot of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad at Evanston, 111., shown in Fig. 614, copied from The Engineering Magazine, Decemlier, 1891, is a very substantially Iniilt stone two-story structure, 68 ft. X 21 ft., with metal shingles on the roof and sides of the dormers and tower, where projecting above the roof The platform is roofed for simic distance along the track. 332 BUILDINGS AND STRUCl URES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. Fig. 614. — Perspfxtive. Passeiii^er Depot at Highland, Mass., 0/J Colony Railroad. — The passenger depot of the Old Colony Railroad at Highland, Mass., shown in Fig. 615, copied from The Engi/iecriiig Maga'J,ic, December, 1891, is a picturesque, single-story stone building with slate roof. The design is excep- tionally bold and graceful, the prominent features being a large stone gable and chimney at one end of the building, and v^ parte coclicrc on the rear. K^i.-* Fig. 615. — Perspective. Passenger Depot at Somerset, Ky., Cincinnati, New Orleans (5r= Texas Pacific Raihvav. — The pas- senger depot of the Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific Railway, at Somerset, Ky., shown in Fig. 616, designed by Mr. G. B. Nicholson, Chief Engineer, C, N. O. & T. P. Ry., is a two-story frame structure, 26 ft. X 180 ft. in ground-plan, surrounded by platforms on all sides, sheathed with horizontal weather-boarding on the outside, and roofed with flat iron-roofing on boards. The interior of the ground-floor, starting at one end of the building, is ■divided into a kitchen, 25 ft. X 25 ft.; a LOCAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 333 dining-room, 25 ft. X 44 ft.; n. general waiting-room, 25 ft. X 30 ft., with luncli-counter, wash-room, and gentlemen's toilet-room; an office, 9 ft. X 13 ft., with a square bay-window projection on the track side, and ticket-w'indows leading into the gentlemen's waiting-room and into the ladies' waiting- room; a ladies' waiting-room, 25 ft. X 20 ft., with toilet-room attached; a stairway leading to the upper floor; a baggage-room, 25 ft. X 20 ft.; and an exjiress-office, 25 ft. X 20 ft. The kitchen men- tioned is built in the form of a single-story anne.x, so that the upper tloor is only 153 ft. long, but Fig. 616. — GROuND-rLAN. the uiiper floor is l)uilt out on the rear over the porch or platform at the rear end of the building on the ground-floor, so that the width of the upper floor is 32 ft. There is a passage-way, 4 ft. wide, along the front of the upper floor, reached by the stairs previously mentioned from the ground-floor. The rooms on the upper floor, reached by the passage-way mentioned, are divided up as follows: superin- tendent's office, 31 ft. X 20 ft.; clerk's office, 26 ft. X 19 ft.; trainmen's waiting-room, 27 ft. X 26 ft.; despatcher's office, 25 ft. X 26 ft.; battery-room, 14 ft. X 11 ft.; storage-room for blanks and sta- tionery, 14 ft. X 14 ft.; office of Superintendent of Bridges and Buildings, 22 ft. X 26 ft.; roadmas- tcr's office, 22 ft. X 31 ft. The platforms around this building are all low platforms, with exce])tion on the rear of the building back of the baggage and express rooms, where the platform is a high platform, connected with the low platforms by inclines. The high jilatform back of the baggage and express room is to facilitr.te the transferring of baggage and express matter to and from wagons. The low platform is set 16 in. above the base of rail, and the face of the platform is 5 ft. 6 in. from the centre of the track. The low platform is 6 ft. wide on the rear of the building, 8 ft. wide at the end of the building, and 12 ft. 6 in. wide along the face of the building. Passenger Depot at Lexington, Ky., Cincinnati, JVe^c Orleans er" Texas Pacific Railway. — The passenger depot of the Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific Railway at Lexington, Ky., designed by Mr. G. B. Nicholson, Chief Engineer, C, N. O. & T. P. Ry., is a two-story frame structure with high attic, 28 ft. X 105 ft., sheathed on the outside with upright and hori/.ontal ornamental boarding, in panels, and roofed with tin, similar in a great many of its features to the depot of the same rail- road at Somerset, Ky., previously described and illustrated in Fig. 616, excepting that the exterior is more ornamental and the roof surface broken by gables and dormer-windows with ornamental stained- shingle panelling. The ground-floor is surrounded by low platforms, 16 in. high above the base of rail and set 6 ft. from the centre of the track. The platform along the front of the building is 24 ft. wide, and on the rear of the building and at one end of the building 8 ft. wide, while at the other end next to the general waiting-room it is 16 ft. wide. Connection is made at this point with a branch train, there being special platforms run out for this purpose along the extra tracks. The ground-floor has a general waiting-room, 40 ft. X 27 ft.; a ladies' waiting-room, 15 ft. X 19 ft., with toilet-room attached; an office, 9 ft. X 14 ft.; a stairway to the upper floor; a lunch-room, 14 ft. X 18 ft.; and a baggage-room, 30 ft. X 27 ft. The ujtper floor is arranged similarly to the upper floor of the depot at Somerset, Ky., previously descrilied. Passenger Depot at Science Hill, Ky., Cincinnati, Neio Orleans 6^ Texas Pacific Railway. — The passenger depot of the Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific Railway at Science Hill, Ky., de- signed by Mr. G. B. Nicholson, Chief Engineer, C, N. O. & T. P. Ry., is a small, handsome, and suli- stantially built single-story frame structure, with high attic and gable front, sheathed on the outside with vertical and horizontal ornamental boarding, in panels, and roofed with tin. The building is 20 ft. X 40 ft., divided into a ticket-office, 10 ft. X 23 ft., including a bay-window projection on the 334 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. track side; a gentlemen's waiting-room, 14 ft. X 19 ft.; and a ladies' waiting-room, 14 ft. X 19 ft. The rear of the office is picketed off so as to form a baggage-room, with a separate entrance from the rear of the building. The building is surrounded by low platforms, 12 ft. wide facijig the track, and 8 ft. wide on the rear and at the ends of the building. Fassc/iger Depot at Eutcnc, Ala., Alabama Great Southern Railroad. — The passenger depot of the Alabama Great Southern Railroad at Eutaw, Ala., designed by Mr. G. B. Nicholson, Chief Engineer, A. G. S. R. R., is a single-story frame structure, 20 ft. X 50 ft., with high attic and a two-story tower at one corner, sheathed on the outside with upright and horizontal ornamental boarding, in panels, and roofed with tin. The ground-floor is surrounded by low platforms, 12 ft. wide at the face of the building, and 6 ft. wide at the rear and ends. The interior is divided into a gentlemen's waiting- room, 15 ft. X 19 ft.; a ladies' waiting-room, 15 ft. X 19 ft.; a ticket-office, 9 ft. X 22 ft., including a bay-window projection on the track side; and a baggage-room, 10 ft. X 19 ft. Passenger Depot at Brownwood, Te.x., Gulf, Colorado cr' Santa Fe Railroad. — The passenger depot of the Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railroad, now part of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad System, designed by Mr. W. J. Sherman, Chief Engineer, G., C. & S. F. R. R., is a single- story frame structure, 18 ft. X 55 ft., surrounded by low platforms on all sides, sheathed on the out- side with upright boards and battens, set on wooden blocks for foundations, and roofed with shingles on sheeting. The platforms are 8 ft. wide at the rear and ends of the building, and 14 ft. wide at the face of the building, extended along the track each way from the building, 9 ft. in width, so as to give a total platform track frontage of 150 ft. The interior is divided into an office, 9 ft. X 14 ft., with a bay-window projection on the track side; a gentlemen's waiting-room, 14 ft. X iS ft., and a ladies' waiting-room, 14 ft. X 18 ft., connected by a 4-ft. passage-way at the back of the office, tickets being sold to passengers in either room from ticket-windows at the rear angles of the office; a baggage- room, 8 ft. X i8 ft.; and an express-office, 12 ft. X 18 ft. The ground-jjlan layout of this depot building, the design of the exterior, and the details and materials used are practically the same as in the passenger end of the combination depot of the same railroad at Farmersville, Tex., described above in the chapter on combination depots, and illustrated in Figs. 473 to 475. This depot can be recommended on account of having a very good ground-plan layout, and the cheapness and sim- plicity of the design renders it particularly adapted for pioneer railroads, or where a cheap but prac- tical structure is desired. Passenger Depot at Hopkinsville, Ky., Louisville 6^ Nashville Railroad. — The passenger depot of the Louisville & Nashville Railroad at Hopkinsville, Ky., shown in Figs. 617 and 618, the data for Fig. 617. — Front Elevation. which were kindly furnished by Mr. R. Montford, Chief Engineer, L. & N. R. R., is a single-story frame building, roofed with slate. The main feature of the exterior is the tower at the corner of the ladies' waiting-room and the large circular bay-window jirojection of the agent's office at the centre of the building, which, combined with the cupola on the corner tower, the ridge-cresting and orna- mental gable fronts, together with the general finish of the building, causes it to jiresent a very handsome ajjpearancc. The ground-floor is divided into a ladies' waiting-room, 17 ft. X 20 ft., with LOCAL I'ASSENGER DEI'OTS. 335 an octagonal alcove inside the tower at the corner of the room; a ladies' toilet-room, 5 ft. X 8 ft. 6 in.; an agent's office, 14 ft. X 17 ft., with ticket-windows leading into the ladies' waiting-room, the general waiting-room, and the colored waiting-room;- a colored waiting-room, 14 ft. X 14 ft.; a general ftoott G- I1 -■ (I .:v Ccurnst G Fig. 61 S. — Ground-plan. waiting-room, 20 ft. X 24 ft.; and a baggage-room, 16 ft. X 18 ft. The exterior of the building is slieathed witli horizontal and ui)right ornamental boarding, in panels, ornamental shingles and square panelling frieze-work and gable fronts. The doors leading into the ladies' waiting-room and the general waiting-room are double doors, 5 ft. X 7 ft. 6 in., with transom overhead. The lower sash of the windows have one large pane of glass, while the upper sash are surrounded with a border of small stained-glass lights. Passenger Depot at Oicenslmro, Ky., Louisville (s' Nashville Railroad. — The passenger depot of the Louisville cS: Nashville Railroad at Owensboro, Ky., the data for which were kindly furnished by Mr. R. Montford, Chief Engineer, L. & N. R. R., is a single-story brick building with stone trim- mings and roofed with slate, very similar, especially the ground-plan, to that of the depot at Hop- kinsville, Ky., described above and shown in Figs. 617 and 618. The interior is divided into a ladies' waiting-room, 15 ft. X 18 ft., with a circular alcove at one corner in a tower projection with a prominent cupola; a ladies' toilet-room, 4 ft. X 7 ft. 6 in.; an agent's office, 12 ft. 9 in. X 13 ft. 6 in., with a prominent scjuare bay-window projection on the track side and three ticket-windows; a colored waiting-room, 12 ft. 9 in. X 13 ft. 6 in.; a general waiting-room, 17 ft. X 18 ft.; and a baggage- room, 13 ft. X 16 ft. Passenger Depot at Niles, Alieli., Afieliigan Central Railroad. — The jiassenger depot of the Michi- gan Central Railroad at Niles, Mich., shown in Figs. 619 and 620, copied by permission from the issue of the Railroad Gazette of April 29, 1892, is described as follows in the publication mentioned: Fig. 6ig. — Perspective, 33<> BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. The building, which was erected under the supervision of Chief Engineer J. D. Hawks, and his assistant, C. W. Hotchkiss, is made of Ohio brown sandstone, and is 98 ft. X 40 ft., with a wing 40 ft. X 24 ft. The tower near the centre is 68 ft. high. The baggage-room, 22 ft. X 35 ft., is 55 ft. east of the main building, the intervening space being roofed over. The plan shows the main floor, 1)ut the rooms immediately over the ticket-office are shown below the main plan, and the rooms above the kitchen (w hich are occupied by the family of the manager of f 25 H EECONO S10RY Fig. 630. — Ground-plan and Second story Plan. the eating-house), are shown in a separate plan at the right of the kitchen. The other features of the floor-plan are self-explanatory. The interior of this building is exceedingly tasteful, the use of plate and stained glass and brass ornamentation having served to give a very pleasing eft'ect in all parts of the building. The wain- scoting and ceilings are quarter-sawed and carved oak, and the walls are decorated in light terra- cotta. 'I'he building is heated by hot water. The tower has an illuminated clock, with 5-ft. dial. The grounds around this station are laid out on a well-designed plan, and there is an alnindance of trees and shrubbery. There is a trout pond near the east end. Passenger Depot at Port Huron, Mich., Port Huron &= N'orthwc stern Railway. — The passenger depot of the Port Huron & Northwestern Railway at Port Huron, Mich., which serves as a terminal depot and general office building for the railroad, is a two-story frame structure, 32 ft. X 150 ft., costing finished complete in liard wood, with steam heat, etc., about $15,000, according to data kindly furnished by Mr. A. L. Reed, Chief Engineer. The first floor has gentlemen's and ladies' wait- ing-rooms; toilet-rooms; ticket-office; vault; dining-room; lunch-counter; news-room; kitchen; boiler-room; baggage-room; train-despatcher's office; conductors' room; and customs-officers' room. The second floor has the general offices for the road. Passenger Depot at Sheridan Park, III., Chicago, Mihcaiikee (2^■ St. Paul Railroad. — The passenger dejjot of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad at .Sheridan Park, 111., which is a jjicturesijue, substantially built single-story structure, with prominent clock-tower, designed by Messrs. Holabird & Roche, architects, is illustrated in the Inland Architect and News Record, Vol. 19, No. 2. Passenger Depot at Ne^cark, N. /., Pennsylvania Railroad. — The new passenger depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad at Market Street, Newark, N. J., designed under the direction of Mr. Wm. H. Brown, Chief Engineer, Penn. R. R., described and illustrated in tiie issue of Engineering Neic's of February 14, 1891, built in 1890 under the direction of Mr. E. F. Brooks, Engineer Maintenance of Way, P. R. R., to replace the old island-station building at this point, is a hand- LOCAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 337 some side wilh an uuxiliaiy Imililin- on the iilhcr side of the traeks, the Uvu buihiings being comieeted by a subway under tlie trarks. The buildings are built of dark-red brick, wilh lirown stone trimmings, and lire inside is fmislied in oak and light-colored woods. The arrangement of the ground- lihin, and especially the successful design of the subway, so as to render this underground passage- way as unobjectionable to passengers as possible, are noteworthy features, and deserve attention. FlC. f)2I. — PF.RSrECl'IVK. Passenger Depot nt JJ'iiiJsor Park, III. — The passenger depot at Windsor Park, 111., is shown in Fit;. 621, prepared from n photograph. The building is a small two-story stone structure with a covered platform running along the railroad track. 338 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. CHAPTER XXII. TERMINAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. Terminal passenger depots are buildings erected for the accommodation of the passenger service at passenger terminals of a railroad. Frequent!}-, several railroads entering the same town unite and use conjointly a so-called " Union Depot." It follows, therefore, that ter- minal passenger depots are located in large cities or towns, or at ferry terminals, or at impor- tant junction points of several railroads. As a rule, all the tracks of a railroad terminate at a terminal station, but very frequently certain tracks run past the depot, while others terminate at the depot. It will be readily recognized that the requirements and conditions will vary materially in each locality and at each point in question, so that it is practically impossible to establish any but the most general rules for guidance in planning such structures. Relative to the general style and size to be adopted for a terminal depot building, the choice will depend to a large extent on the proposed location with reference to the topographical features of the site ; the amount and shape of the land available ; the location and elevation of the tracks in relation to neighboring streets; the location of the track approaches with ref- erence to the terminal site selected ; the facilities required ; and the importance of the locality. A terminal depot involves such heavy expenditures, that it is a mistake to build it at the start on too small outlines. The size and ground-plan layout should correspond not only to the actual requirements of the business to be expected in the near future, but should be planned for the largest possible growth of the business, that can be plausibly expected for a long term of years, as subsequent alterations or enlargements of a previously adopted plan on a smaller scale are very difficult and expensive to make. The importance of planning for the future should be especially emphasized in acquiring terminal lands, as additional ground can be obtained prior to the construction of a terminal depot at much less rates than if the railroad company waits till the value of neighboring property is not only enhanced, but tlie neces- sity for acquiring the adjoining tracts becomes a vital railroad question of public importance. It is far preferable to build at first only part of a large layout, extending the buildings and adding extra facilities and more permanent arrangements as the business increases and the railroad company's exchequer allows it. Thus an extensive train-shed can be replaced tem- porarily by platform shed roofs, or the length of the shed reduced and covered platforms run out along the tracks beyond the shed, or the width of the shed reduced to one span, if the final plan contemplates several spans. The accommodations for baggage, express, mail, emi- grants, etc., which are usually provided for in wings, detached buildings, or end pavilions, can be furnished of a more temporary nature or provided elsewhere temporaril)'. The import of these remarks is to emphasize the necessity in building a large railroad terminal of acquiring sufficient land at the start and making the general plans to cover the probable requirements TERMINAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 339 for a great many years, even if all the ground is not occupied at once or the entire building erected immediately as planned. The class of building materials to use and the general finish of the building will depend on the amount of money available for the structure and the class of materials in general use or easily obtainable in each particular section of the country. It can be said, however, that, owing to the importance and cost of the structure, together with the serious difficulties and delays that would result to the entire passenger business of the road in case of a fire, it is desirable to have as fire-proof a structure as possible, equipped with the best fire-service provisions. Relative to the style of architecture to be adopted for a terminal passenger depo-t, it will depend, more or less, on the importance of the station, the surroundings, the proximity and style of neighboring buildings, the size of the structure, the desires of the railroad management, the wishes of the public, the prevailing class of architecture and building materials in general use in the locality in question, and the individual views of the architect making the design. It follows, therefore, that no general style can be recommended for the exteriors of terminal passenger depots, nor would it be desirable to attempt to mould all such structures after the same pattern. Railroad managers in aiming to obtain the most artistic design for the ex- terior of a depot should rely on asking a number of architects for general plans or offering a prize competition based upon a general specification, in preference to establishing peremptory requirements for the exterior of the building, while the whole plan is still in an unsettled, chaotic state. In general, however, it can be said, that the character of the building should be expressed to a certain extent in its exterior, the structure should be built on broader and grander lines than local depots, presenting a bold and prominent front, relieved, however, by suitable disposition and divisions of the wall surface, the fenestration, roof lines, and other details, without detracting from the general features of the design as a whole. It will also prove better to follow, as a rule, well-established stj'les as precedents, applying the same prin- ciples modified to suit each individual case, in preference to attempting to produce something absolutely new and unique, which generally res\ilts in presenting for the edification of the in- artistic public a kaleidoscopic conglomeration of architectural odds and ends from different climes and centuries. Attention should also be called to the absolute necessity of allowing in terminal passenger depots the requirements of the ground-plan to have actual precedence over the purely architectural features of the structure, as a defect of the ground-plan layout in a large depot is more serious than in smaller depots, causing not only constant annoyance and trouble, but entailing frequentl}' for years afterwards continual outlays for increased expense in conducting the business or operating the various branches of the service at the terminal. Terminal passenger stations can be divided into side-stations and head-stations. At side- stations the depot building is situated on one side of the tracks, at head-stations across the dead-end of the tracks. At some side-stations there are ilepot buildings on both sides of the tracks: either the main building is on one side and some au.xiliary facilities for baggage, express, or waiting rooms on the other side, or there are main buildings on both sides, with a more or less double complement of accommodations for the passenger and baggage service, in which case the station is called a twin-station. Head-depots are frequently built with wings e.xtetuling from the head-house along one side or both sides of the tracks, forming 340 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. . respectively an L or a U shaped building. In this way some of the features of side-depots are blended into a head-depot design. In terminal passenger depots provision has to be made for a very large number of facilities and accommodations for the different branches of the service. Any one perusing the list given below will be impressed at once with the magnitude of the problem, when it is considered that all these interests, as far as required in any particular case, have to be provided for and placed not only in their proper position in the building as a whole, but also in suitable relation to each other. In some cases duplicate accommodations have to be provided, so as to cover the " in " and the " out " business in each branch ; or, where several railroads use the same tcrmi nal depot, separate ticket-offices, waiting-rooms, or baggage-rooms are frequently demanded. The facilities and accommodations at terminal passenger depots, that have to be provided to a greater or less extent according to the requirements in each particular case, and which are actually found in use in terminal passenger depots in this country, are as follows, grouped to the various branches of the service : I. Passenger Service. — Waiting-rooms, consisting of, or a combination of, a general waiting-room, a gentleman's waiting-room, a ladies' waiting-room, a ladies' parlor, a reading- room, and a smoking-room. Ticket-office, with ticket-windows leading to a vestibule, or to a general waiting-room, or to one or more of the waiting-rooms; ticket-agent's private office and vault. Ticket-office for sleeping or palace car service. Dressing-room, toilet-room, and lavatory for ladies. Toilet-room, barber-shop, and boot-black stand for gentlemen. Public telegraph, telephone, messenger service, U. S. mail-box, and express-ofifice. \ Parcel, hand-baggage, or coat room. ■7 Bureau of information and time-table stand. , J Newspaper and book stand. ^ Cigar, fruit, candy, soda-water counter, and fii.iwer-stand. Lunch-counter, oyster-counter, bar, coffee-stand, restaurant, general dining-room, ladies' dining-room, ladies' luncli-room or lunch-counter, dining-rooms for private parties, etc., with all the necessary appurtenances, sucli as kitchen, pantries, serving-room, store-rooms, refrigera- tor-room, cellar, dumb-waiters, elevator for supplies, and sleeping quarters for the manager or the help. Reception-room for conferences or receiving prominent travellers^ Waiting-room for emigrants, with toilet-rooms for men and for women, lunch-counter, coffee-stand, emigrant-agent's office, etc. Waiting-rooms for colored people, frequently with separate toilct-rooms and a special ticket-window from the ticket-office leading into the waiting-room or on to a platform. Waiting-room or a suite of waiting-rooms, with all conveniences, etc., for travellers forced to remain at the depot for considerable time between trains. Cab, carriage, and omnibus stand or court, with agent's office and room for hackmen. Entrance vestibules, lobbies near the trains for outgoing crowds to congregate in, and departure platforms. Arriving platforms and e.xits for incoming travel. TERMINAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 341 Projecting awnings, siicd roofs, or a. fiortc cocliirc for passengers arriving or departing in carriages or omnibuses. Elevators for passengers, or at least for invalids, where the track is not on the same level with the street. 2. Baggage, Express, and Mail Service. — Baggage-rooms, consisting of, or a combination of, a general baggage-room, receiving-room for "out-baggage," delivery-room for " in-bag- gage," store-rooms for lay-over baggage, for transfer baggage, or for unclaimed baggage, truck- stand, together with an office or offices for the baggage-master, clerks, porters, and others connected with the baggage business; also the necessary platform frontage for the receiving and deliveiy of baggage from and to wagons. Express-rooms, consisting of, or a combination of, a general express-room, receiving-room for outgoing and delivery-room for incoming express goods, local express-room, storage- rooms, together with an office or offices for the express agent, clerks, local express or train agents, and drivers; also stand for express-wagons, etc., and the necessary platform frontage for the receiving and delivery of express goods from and to express-wagons. U. S. mail-room, consisting of either one room or separate rooms for "in" and "out" mail; also platform frontage and stand for mail-wagons. Rooms for custom-house officers at frontier stations, with detention and private searching rooms. Room for dead bodies. Elevators for baggage and express, where the track is not on the same level with the street. 3. Station 5i";'i7Vd-.— Station-master's, train-master's, telegraph, and clerks' offices. Gatekeepers' offices and porters' room. Conductors' report-room, trainmen's room, and sleeping quarters for trainmen. Lunch-room, lavatories, and toilet-rooms for employes. Office for superintendent of railroad mail service, and room with letter-boxes for railroad mail. Office of superintendent of sleeping, palace, or dining car service, with report-rooms for conductors, porters, etc., sleeping-quarters for lay-over men, and storage-rooms for miscella- neous supplies. Office of superintendent of news company and store-rooms for supplies. Room for station police or road detecti\'e force. Ph)-sician's offi«e, with small hospital ward for emergencies. Water-plugs and gas-cocks along the tracks for supplying cars. Car-cleaners' room, with racks and shelves for the sundry supplies and appliances used for cleaning cars while in the depot between runs. Car-inspectors' room, \\itli store-room for oil and sundry small supplies; also small work- room for making light repairs to car-fi.\tures. Storage-room for ice, coal, and other supplies, required to be put on the cars before starting on a run or while stopping at the depot. Construction-room for storage of tools, appliances, and supplies used by trackmen, paint- ers, mechanics, and others in making repairs around the station. Storage spaces for tire-servicc apparatus, chemical engines, hose-carriages, etc. 342 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. 4. Depot Service. — Janitor's and watchmen's quarters. Engine-room, engineer's room, engineer's work-shop for light repairs of machinery or building, pump-room, dynamo-room, boiler-room, heaters. Lamp and oil-room, store-room for sundry supplies, fuel store. Necessary facilities and appliances for heating, ventilating, cooling, and lighting the building. Sleeping quarters or dwellings for janitor or other regular help employed in the building. 5. Hotel Accommodations. — At some terminal passenger depots, especially in the We-st and Southwest, a regularly equipped hotel is connected with the depot, with office, hotel lobby, restaurant and appurtenances, parlors, reading-room, writing-room, bedrooms for guests and the hotel help, toilet-rooms, lavatories, billiard-rooms, etc. 6. General Offices. — The upper floors of a terminal passenger depot are usually utilized to a more or less extent for offices for officials and clerks connected with the railroad or rail- roads using the depot, the accommodations consisting of general offices for the different departments, private offices for the chiefs of departments, vaults for documents, store-rooms for stationery and sundry supplies, directors' room, conference-room, toilet-rooms, lavatories, messenger-rooms, elevators, private entrance and staircase independent of the entrances and exits for passengers, as also in certain cases dwellings or private rooms for certain officials or employes, and a lunch-room for the officials and clerks. Tiie distinguishing features between a side-station and a head-station have been alluded to above. Relative, however, to the characteristic details of each class of station, it is impos- sible to establish any general precedent or rules, as each depot has its own peculiarities and requires special analysis, owing to the great variety of special requirements in each case, and especially on account of the restrictions and indi\'idual features introduced and controlled by the size and topographical features of the site selected and the relative location and elevation of the tracks with reference to the terminal tract and the neighboring streets. Some of the most usually adopted characteristic details of each class of station, where not absolutely con- trolled by local conditions, and provided the streets and the railroad tiacks are about on the same level, are in general as follows. ' In a side-station the entrance-hall, lobby, or general waiting-room is placed at the centre of the building, usually opposite the middle of the train shed or platforms in front of the building. The special waiting-rooms with their necessary appurtenances are located on one side of this central hall and the dining-rooms, etc., on the other side, the kitchen and other rooms connected with the dining-service being placed in a basement or more gcncrall}' on an upper floor. The baggage-rooms then follow, there being very frequently two of them, one at each end of the building. The other accommodations are worked into the ground-plan to the best advantage, cither in the main building or in auxiliary buildings, wings, of pavilions at the end or ends of the main building. In some cases, however, as for instance in the terminal passenger side-depot of the Atlantic Coast Line at Richmond, Va., the depot building is located alongside one end of the train shed, which offers the great advantage of passengers being able to reach the different longitudinal platforms in the train shed b^ using the end TERMINAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 343 crosswalk imuK-diatcly opposite tlic depot and, hence, not having to cross any tracks to get to trains on the far tracks. As all trains, however, practically stop at a terminal depot, even where some of the tracks are through tracks, the objections to allowing passengers to cross tracks at grade to get to or from trains are not so serious, provided the station tracks are properl)' protected by signals, and there is a fence with gates and gate-keepers provided to keep the public from overrunning the tracks indiscriminately. At a great many side-stations efficient cross-over systems and leaders are put in the tracks and thoroughly protected by in- terlocking signals, enabling trains to be passed speedily and safely to the tracks nearest the depot building, so that in most cases passengers do not have to cross tracks at all. As men- tioned above, at some side-stations, especially where there are through tracks, there is an additional or au.xiliary building with waiting-rooms and baggage-room located on the opposite side of the tracks from the main building, in which case the two buildings are generally con- nected by an overhead bridge or a subterranean passage, the latter being preferable, if the passage can be kept well lighted, ventilated, and drained. In some cases, however, where the street level is above the railroad tracks, an overhead bridge is the natural means for a connec- tion between the two buildings. The adoption of such an au.xiliary second building is especially indicated where there is a heavy local or suburban travel in addition to a large through travel, in which case the second building may have to be given such proportions and be so thoroughly equipped as to create a twin-station. The most important characteristic details of the layout of a head-station, as far as they can be specified in general, are, that the entrance-hall, lobby, or general waiting-room in a regular head-depot is placed at the middle of the head-house, while in an L-shaped building it is frequently placed at the corner, although the centre of the head-house is usually pre- ferred. The waiting-rooms and other accommodations are distributed on each side of the central hall to the best advantage. The tracks running into the station are generally divided into " in " and " out " tracks, one side of the station being reserved and planned for incoming business and the other for outgoing business. The baggage-rooms, express-offices, and other facilities are, therefore, frequently provided in duplicate, one on each side of the station, corresponding to the incoming and outgoing travel. For these purposes wings or separate buildings are run out from the head-house along the tracks on one or both sides of the station, forming respectively an L or a U shaped building, the adoption of one or the other of which styles of head depots is dependent to a large extent on the street frontage that can be obtained around the depot. As has been previously indicated, the selection of a side-station or of a head-station is generally a matter of necessity and not a matter of choice, as the local conditions will usually predominate and govern the style of building to be adopted independent of the relative merits of the two classes of structures. In some cases, however, the site selected and the local requirements may admit of the question being raised as to the relative advantages or disadvantages of one or the other system, which are briefly, in a general way, as follows. The principal advantages of a side-station arc, that the waiting-rooms are closer to the middle of the trains for departing passengers, and that incoming passengers can reach the street by a shorter route than in a regular head-station with street frontage only along the face of the head-house. Where only one street adjoins the terminal tract, a side-depot, if 344 nVILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. feasible, offers usually a longer street frontage than obtainable for a head-station. Where all or nearl}- all of the tracks at the station are tlirough tracks, a side-station has to be adopted. The principal disadvantages of a side-station are, that passengers are obliged to cross tracks at grade to get to or from trains, although, as explained above, this objection can be partly remedied by switching the trains, where feasible, on to the tracks nearest the depot building, and also by erecting a fence in front of the building, so as to keep passengers from crossing the tracks at will. Where there are many fast through-trains, however, in connection with a heavy local travel, the objections mentioned become more serious, although they are modified to some extent by the introduction of an auxiliary building opposite the main build- ing, connected with each other by a subterranean passage or an overhead foot-bridge, or else by the use of a twin-station layout. Further it can be said, that the superintendence of the work at a large side-station with many tracks in front of it is rendered more difficult than in a head-station, and crowds are not handled as easily, and the different classes of travel kept as independent of each other in passing through the depot as can be done with a head-station, especially an L-shaped or a U-shaped head-station with ample street frontage. As the width of a terminal tract is usually more limited than the length, it will frequently be found necessary to crowd the tracks up very close to the depot building in a side-station design, so that there is not much platform space left between the tracks and the building. The result is, that the waiting-rooms in such a depot will be more crowded at all times than in a head-station, where there is usually sufificient ground available for a large and ample crosswalk along the head- house at the dead-ends of the tracks for large outgoing crowds to collect in. Another disad- vantage of a side-station is, that it is dangerous and even impossible at times to dispatch or receive several trains at the same time, and trains cannot be left standing on the tracks be- tween runs without blocking the passage of travellers to or from other trains to a more or less extent. Tlie principal advantages of a head-station are, that passengers can pass to or from trains without crossing any tracks, and that any number of in-bound or out-bound trains can be discharging or receiving passengers at the same time without interfering with each other, and without any danger to the passengers. The superintendence of the work at the station is also easier, and the disposition and division of the tracks for the different classes of " in " and " out " travel much more readily established, maintained, and indicated to the travelling pubhc. Crowds are handled with comparative ease, and the different classes of travel are readily kept distinct in passing through the depot. Outgoing crowds congregate on the crosswalk be- tween the head-house and the ends of tracks, whence they pass to whatever platform their train adjoins, while incoming trains are generally run on to the tracks on one side of the sta- tion and the passengers pass out on that side of the building without interfering with the outgoing travel. Another very important advantage of a head-station is the ease with which additional tracks can be utilized for either the " in " or the " out " travel, according to the business at the time, without disturbing the general system governing the operation of the station. In this manner an increase of travel at any particular time of the day, as for instance the suburban travel in the morning and in the evening, or an unusual rush owing to some excursion, holiday, races, convention, etc., can be readily accommodated on short notice, and without serious interference with the regular travel at the station. A further advantage e.xist.s TERMINAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 345 in the fact that an in-bound train, after discharging its passengers, can start off as an out-bound train from the same platform, if desired, without switching the train to another part of the station, which is particuhirly of vahic for local or suburban trains with short runs, where the same train passes continually back and forth. The tracks at head-stations can be used for the storage of cars, ami a further advantage is, that more time can be given passengers to embark or disembark, without thcreb\- interfering with the travel passing to or from trains on other tracks. The principal disadvantages of head-stations are, that passengers have a much longer distance to travel on foot, and baggage has to be wheeled a much greater distance, than in a side-station, in order to pass between the train and the street or a ferry in front uf the head- house. Where there is a ferry in front of the head-house, in connection with the depot, this extra distance, that has to be travelled by passengers, will affect the schedules for the train and ferry service to the extent of from one to three minutes. Where the depot, however, fronts on streets on two or three sides, the introduction of an L-shaped or a U-shaped head-depot, with the proper division of the various accommodations in the ground-plan layout, will accomplish much towards eliminating the most serious objections to head-stations. Where a head-station adjoins only one street at the face of the head-house, the street frontage will be usually more limited than in a side-station design with frontage along the side-depot. Where all the tracks are through tracks it is naturally impracticable to use a head-depot, but where only a few tracks are through tracks, they are arranged to pass by one end of the head-house. In a few individual cases, where the track level is below the street level, the through tracks at the station pass underneath the head-house. Summing up, therefore, it can be said that for a very large terminal passenger travel, with all or most of the tracks stopping at the depot, a head-station design offers probably the most advantages, and b)' introducing, where feasible, some of the features of a side- station in connection with a head-station, by the construction of an L-shaped or a U-shaped depot building, much can be done to eliminate the most serious objections to a regular head- station, especially where street frontage can be obtained on several sides of the station tract. The classification and distinctive characteristics of side-stations and head-stations having been discussed, the following general remarks applicable to all classes of terminal passenger depots, as well as to local passenger depots in a more limited sense, will prove interesting. The waiting-rooms should be of ample size, airy, well lighted, heated, and ventilated, and comfortably fitted up. The latter feature is most essential in the special waiting-rooms, as cheerful and pleasant surroundings, especially in a ladies' waiting-room and parlor, aitl mate- riall)' in establishing the reputation of a railroad company for looking after the comfcirt of its patrons. More attention should be paid to the interior fittings and furnishing of a passenger depot, in preference to spending large sums on elaborate external ornamentation, in case the appropriation for the depot is limited. A terminal depot should always have, in adilition to a central hall, vestibule, or general waiting-room, at least a special ladies' waiting-room, and preferably also a gentlemen's waiting-room. This is important, as the largest proportion cf the outgoing travel will pass directly through \.\\?. depot on the way to trains without much delay, and it is very objectionable to subject passengers, who have to wait some time at the depot or lay over between trains, to the annoyance of a continual stream of people passing 346 BUlLDliWGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. through the waitintj-room. This feature is more noticeable wlien there is an unusual rush, such as in the morning or in the evening, or on hoHdays, excursion-days, etc. For these reasons a design with a large central hall as a general waiting-room, or a generously propor- tioned vestibule leading from the street to tlie departure platforms, with all the necessary ticket-windows, counters, stands, etc , so located as to render it unnecessary for passengers to enter the special waiting-rooms, can be considered as the best practice for terminal passenger depots with a large travel. The principal parts of a terminal depot design, which afford the architect the best oppor- tunities to produce a pleasing and imposing effect, are the exterior ensemble of the structure, the entrance vestibule, the central hall or general waiting-room, and the interior of the train shed. This central hall is one of the important features of the general plan of the depot, and it is, therefore, usually designed as a large, high, and handsomely decorated room or rotunda with elaborate and effective ornamentation and fixtures. Ample light is generally introduced by windows located high enough to be above the jjlatform and porch roofs that usually adjoin the building. The architectural treatment of these windows, and of the en- trance and e.xit doors, the construction of the ceiling either as an opea roof or with elaborate panelling, the chandeliers, the introduction of a staircase leading to trains, where different levels exist, or to the upper stories, and a gallery running around the hall for access to the rooms in the upper story, where required, together with the proper division of the wall sur- faces for wall-maps, train index, standard clock, etc., and the suitable design and distribution of the sundry ticket-windows, counters, stands, and entrances to adjacent rooms and offices around the hall, all afford ample opportunities for the designer of the building to display ingenuity, good taste, and artistic ability. In some designs a great point is made of introduc- ing an elaborate old-fashioned fireplace in the central hall, but in the author's opinion this feature is out of place in a large general waiting hall or vestibule such as described, and it will prove much more efficient to reserve it for the special waiting-rooms, where the character of the ornamentation and design of the interior should be more suggestive of home comforts, and a fireplace, therefore, forms a very appropriate element of the design. Where benches are introduced in a general waiting-room, thc)- should be placed in the same direction as the crowds take in passing through the hall, so as to afford as little obstruction as possible, unless ample passage-ways are left on each side of the benches. The introduction of a large central hall or vestibule in a depot design will not only afford relief to the passengers occupying the special waiting-rooms by not having a continual crowd of people passing through the room with the attendant draughts and lowering of the temperature of the room in winter owing to the constant opening of the entrance and exit doors, but a large and undesirable element, such as depot loungers, laborers, hackmcn, hotel porters, etc., and in Southern sections the colored element, will be more liable to patronize the general waiting-room, rendering the special waiting-rooms more quiet and select. It is not absolutely necessary, although desirable, if feasible, to have a special gentle- men's waiting-room where there is a large and well-equippetl general waiting-room. But, in any event, there should be a convenient, pleasant, and comfortably fitted up smoking-room provided. At some passenger terminals, where passengers are forced to wait considerable time between trains, when changing from one route to another, a reading-room is provided for the public. TERMINAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 347 A ladies' waiting-room should never be omitted, but should be considered as an absolute requirement. It should be fitted up comfortabi}', although not necessarily luxuriously. There should be, if possible, a ticket-window leading into this waiting-room from the ticket- office, or else a special ticket-window for ladies provided in the general waiting-room or vestibule, located as convenicntl\' as feasible to the ladies' waiting-room, or to the route that ladies' would take in passing from the street to the ladies' waiting-room. It is also desirable, where possible, to have a ladies' refreshment-counter or lunch-room connected with or adjoining the ladies' waiting-room. A number of rocking-chairs and sofas, in addition to the regular seats, will prove desirable. A fireplace will add to the general appearance of the room. A very good feature to introduce in a ladies' waiting-room is to partially screen off small alcoves, or else have small separate rooms for wedding or funeral parties. A ladies' parlor is quite a feature in a large number of depot layouts. In small terminal depots it takes the place of a special ladies' waiting-room, while in large terminal depots it forms a more select and quiet waiting-room, in addition to the special ladies' waiting-room, where there is naturall)' more or less bustle and passing back and forth all tlie time, and where gentlemen accompanying ladies are usually admitted. Hence the desirability in more ways than one of having a ladies' parlor, which also affords an excellent opportunit)- for catering to and obtaining the good-will of a very influential class of the travelling community. The cost of making the room luxurious, cosy, and attractive is small compared with the advantage to be gained and the cost of the entire building. The floor should be carpeted, the chairs and lolinges upholstered, and the room rendered as warm, cheerful, and pleasant-looking as possible. Rocking-chairs and separate arm-chairs should be added. A small but unique fireplace will as- sist to give the whole room a cheerful and homelike appearance, and will, when used, especially on chilly days, relieve the atmosphere of any dampness, and also afford good ventilation. Some of the minor but still essential provisions for the comfort of passengers are rolling- chairs for the use of invalids in passing to or from trains ; stretchers for the sick or injured ; and passenger elevators, at least for invalids, where the train story is not on the same level with the street. Large wall-maps, time-table racks, train index, and similar fixtures, are all valuable to assist passengers in gaining information. Drinking-fountains, water-coolers, and tables for depositing hand-baggage, the latter more particularly in the special waiting-rooms, will be found to be desirable additions. It is necessary in some cases to provide special waiting-rooms with a more or less exten- sive set of appurtenances for the accommodation of travellers forced to lay over at a depot for considerable time waiting for a connecting train. In the South it is also verj' customarj' to have special waiting-rooms for colored people, frequently with a separate set of toilet-rooms. Tickets are generally sold to them from a special window leading from the ticketoffice into the waiting-room, or, where this is not feasible, there is a special ticket-window leading out to a platform in front of the building. At other points the emigrant service is such that it is necessary to provide special waiting-rooms for this class of travel, together with toilet-rooms, agent's office, etc. In order to prevent the emigrants from being swindled, and also so as to be better able to confine them to one section of the depot, it is desirable for the railroad com- pany to see that a coffee-stand and lunch-counter is furnished and run properly in connection with the emigrant quarters. Finally, special mention can be made of the fact that at several 348 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. depots in this country there is a spacious reception-room provided, usually in an upper story, for the holding of railroad conferences or the reception of prominent travellers. In connection with waiting-rooms, the disposition of the lavatories, toilet-rooms, etc., is most important. The facilities in this line furnished for gentlemen consist of a toilet-room, lavatorj', boot-black stand, and in some cases a barber-shop. The similar accommodations for ladies con- sist of a dressing-room, lavatory, and toilet-room. In some cases these conveniences are merged into one room for each class. It is very bad practice to allow the toilet-room for gen- tlemen or for ladies to open directly from a central hall or general waiting-room. There is no objection to a toilet-room leading directly from a gentlemen's or a ladies' special v.-aiting- room or from a ladies' parlor or a smoking-rcjom. Where there is a ladies' parlor in connec- tion with a special ladies' waiting-room, however, it will prove preferable not to make the ladies' parlor a thoroughfare to the toilet-room, provided a dressing and lavatory room can adjoin the special ladies' waiting-room and serve for the passage-way to the toilet-room proper. Relative to the gentlemen's lavatory and toilet-room, it will prove advantageous to have a second entrance to it from one of the platforms on the outside of the building, as thus a con- stant passage of men through the gentlemen's waiting-room or the smoking-room will be pre- vented to a large extent. The objection usually made to this is that cleanliness is very hard to maintain when the toilet-room is accessible from the outside of the building, but as a porter has to be kept anyhow to look after these rooms in a depot of any size, it should not be dif^- cult to enforce regulations and exclude undesirable parties. Where a ladies' waiting-room is open to some extent on the side next to the hall or general waiting-room, it is desirable to place the door leading to the dressing or toilet room either on a side of the room where it can- not be readily seen from the corridor or general waiting-room, or else to mask the entrance by a screen, a light partition, or shrubbery. Relative to the ticket office or offices, they should be so located as to enable tickets to be sold not only to the central hall or general waiting-room, but also, if possible, to the ladies' waiting-room, and, where feasible, also to the gentlemen's waiting-room. Where it is impos- sible to have a ticket-window leading into the ladies' waiting-room, then there should be spe- cial windows for ladies provided in the central hall. There are frequently several ticket-offices or at least several ticket-windows provided for the different roads, routes, or classes of tra\'el or for use when the travel is unusuall}- large. The main point to observe in locating a ticket- office, however, is to place it adjacent to the route that travellers usually take in passing from the street to the trains, with due regard to the fact that they have to get their tickets before they can check their baggage, and that they should not be required to retrace their steps, if possible. It is not necessary that the ticket-office should be located on the train side of the depot, although a ticket-agent can thereby keep better posted as to the movements of trains; and by having a ticket-window leading out on the platform facing the trains, through travellers, arriving at the depot on a train and forced to buy another ticket in only a few minutes' time, can be better accommodated. This latter point is not considered very essential in this coun- try, although where it can be introduced without harming tiie location of the ticket-office for other purposes, it is just as well to do so. Where one ticket-agent has to serve at several windows, the windows should not be placed too far apart, but ample space should be left for shelves and ticket-racks between them. Good light should be provided at day and at night on TERMINAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 349 both sides of the ticket-windows. Guard-railings arc necessary outside the ticket-windows to keep passengers from crowding from all directions up to the windows. Ample shelves or racks should be provided at and near the windows, so that passengers can deposit their hand-bag- gage, umbrellas, or bundles while purchasing tickets. Finally, attention should be called to the necessity of making a ticket-office at a terminal depot large enough to accommodate not only the agent and clerks, but also the large number of ticket-cases, time-table racks, and other furniture that form the necessarj- appurtenances of a ticket-office. A designer of a depot fa- miliar with the requirements at terminal depots will endeavor to give the ticket agent a large, well-lighted, and well-ventilated space, and not expect the enormous business tliat is done in a ticket-office to be conducted in a small kiosk or booth framed into one corner of the central hall. It is better to provide too much space and too many ticket-windows, than to err in the other direction. The ticket-offices for the sleeping or palace car service are frequently kept separate from the regular ticket-offices, or at least a separate ticket-window is provided for selling sleeping or palace car tickets. This window should lead on to the central vestibule, hall, or general waiting-room. In addition to waiting-rooms and ticket offices, provision has to be made to a greater or less extent for a number of features, such as a public telegraph-office ; telephone and messen- ger service; U. S. mail-box; express-office; carriage-office; parcel, hand-baggage, or coat room ; newspaper and book stand ; cigar, fruit, candy, and soda-water counter; a flower-stand ; and a bureau of information. Suitable accommodations for all of these facilities and features should be provided, as far as possible, along the route taken by passengers in passing from the street to trains, in other words, they should be distributed at appropriate places along the entrance vestibule, central hall, or general waiting-room. At the telegraph-office there should be ample facilities for writing messages, and shelves should be provided to allow passengers to deposit hand baggage ami buntlles while thus engaged. It is desirable to have the teie- "raph-office and the mail-box as near the train side of the general waiting-room as possible, so that through passengers with only a few minutes to spare can make use of them more readily. It is also desirable to have the bureau of information near the trains or opening on to the lobby or platform next to the trains, where outgoing crowds congregate. Relative to the dining-rooms, restaurant, lunch-counters, etc., and the necessary appurte- nances, it can be said that the extent and the general arrangement of the accommodations for these facilities will depend entirely on local conditions. At some stations the proximity of hotels, restaurants, and bar-rooms makes it unnecessary to give much attention to them, while at other stations the facilities and equipment for this branch of the service are very complete. This is especially the case where the station is used very extensively for a meal station for through-trains, or where there is a hotel connected with the depot. Where the station serves as a meal station, the principal feature to observe is to locate the dining and lunch rooms as near the trains as feasible, and to give quick and easy means of ingress and egress from and to trains without, if possible, passing through the waiting-rooms. Where the service, how- ever, is mainl\- for the local travel, the accoinmodations form part ol the general la)-out of the depot, and should be worked into the ground-plan to the best advantage. 7\s mentioned above, it is a very good feature to introduce a ladies' lunch-counter or lunch-room adjacent to the ladies' waiting-room. Otherwise, however, as far as the local travel is concerned, there is 350 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. no absolute necessity of any special location of the dining and lunching rooms, provided they are accessible from the vestibule or general waiting-room. Relative to the entrance and exit doors of the central vestibule or general waiting-room, they should be so arranged that passengers can pass by them on the shortest route from the street to the trains. Where the doors leading from the waiting-room to the train side of the house arc kept closed till trains are ready for passengers, it is desirable to have the doors open with the crowd and not against it. Where feasible, however, as previously indicated, it is better practice to provide a lobby or covered platform for outgoing crowds to congregate in between the depot building and the departure platforms, thereby relieving the waiting- rooms considerabl}- at times of an unusual rush of travel. If benches are added, and a drinking-fountain with running water provided in this lobby, it will be found that a great many people will prefer to remain outside the building, and a very undesirable element, such as depot loungers, laborers, colored people, hackmen, runners, and others will be drawn away from the waiting-rooms. A fence with gates and gate-keepers serves to control the crowd and keep them from spreading indiscriminately over the station. In handling passengers at depots the great feature to observe is to keep crowds moving in different directions from meeting each other. Incoming passengers generally disembark on special arrival platforms located on one side cf the station, and pass thence to the street on that side of the station or through special exits or passages through the depot building to the street. This is more easily accomplished in head-stations than in side-stations. At the latter, owing to the extreme frontage of the building on the tracks, it is necessary to provide special exits or corridors leading through the building to the street. These passages are very important in a large terminal depot, as they enable arriving passengers to leave the platforms sooner. The passage of arriving passengers through the waiting-rooms or vestibules, used for outgoing travel in passing to trains, should never be allowed. In designing the special e.xits for incoming passengers, however, care should be taken that the ground-plan la}out of the entire building, especially with a view to the accommodation of the outgoing and through travel, is not seriously interfered with. Where the train story is on a different level from the street, stairs have to be provided. They should be wide and ample to accommodate the largest crowds, and have broad treads with easj- risers, and the flight be suitably broken b)- landings. For the accommodation of passengers arriving or departing in carriages, cabs, or omni- buses, it is desirable to have projecting awnings or a. parte cocliirc at the entrance to the building for outgoing passengers, and projecting awnings or a regular shed roof or covered carriage court for carriages and omnibuses for the incoming travel. More space and frontage is required for the incoming travel than for the outbound passengers, as the latter alight from the carriages and omnibuses at once, while carriages and omnibuses for the incoming travel have to line up and wait considerable time. In this connection attention should be called to the desirability of enforcing strict rules excluding hackmen from the waiting-rooms. A small room provided for them adjacent tc the carriage-stand would do much towards keeping them in the back- ground until wanted, WHiere the street level is below the track level, a carriage court is fre- quently created on a level with the street below the train-shed or main building. The baggage-rooms at large terminal passenger depots have to be designed and located with considerable care and forethought, as an injudicious choice of location or too small TERMINAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 351 facilities will entail in after years continually increased expenses for the handling of baggage. A clear and distinct conception should be had of the methods to be employed in handling the baggage to and from wagons and trains, and the accommodations located accordingly. Where several railroads use the same depot building there are in some cases a number of baggage- rooms. In most instances, however, the division of the baggage service consists of separating the " in " and " out " baggage, and locating the respective baggage-rooms with reference to the street delivery and the location of the baggage-cars of inbound and outbound trains when standing in the station. In side-stations there is usually a baggage-room at each end of the depot buikiing. In side-stations with an auxiliary building opposite the main building and in twin-stations there is a baggage-room on both sides of the tracks. In head-stations there are usually two baggage-rooms, one on the side of the station where the departure platforms are mainly situated, and one on the side of the arrival platforms. In regard to the facilities required for the two classes of baggage, it can be said that "out" baggage is received at the outbound baggage-room at all times from express-wagons and other vehicles, especially shortly prior to train time. There must be sufficient storage space provided to store baggage delivered thus until it is claimed and checked by passengers. It is then loaded on trucks and transferred to the train. Inbound baggage is mostly claimed on the platform or baggage- trucks, as soon as unloaded from the train, by owners, drivers, hotel porters, and especially express agents, who hold the checks of the passengers. The inbound express-room, therefore, should be located conveniently to the arrival platforms and to the place where the inbound baggage is trucked to, so that the delivery of baggage to the express company can be made quickly and at once, relieving the railroad company of the necessity of storing the baggage. The result is that the floor-space of the "in" baggage-room can be much smaller than the ''out " baggage-room, especially if a store-room is provided for left-over or baggage unclaimed after a certain time. One of the principal points to observe is to endeavor to have the baggage-trucks in their passage to and from trains interfere as little as possible with passengers going to or from trains, and that the trucking distance for each class of baggage should be reduced to a minimum. The accumulation of baggage on the platforms adjacent to the baggage-rooms should not be allowed, if the passenger service is thereby interfered with. The location of the inbound baggage-room should be such, if feasible, that passengers on the way from the arrival platforms to the street or ferry, if there is one, can look after their baggage without making too circuitous a route. The location of the outbound baggage- room should be near the waiting-rooms. The street-delivery side should be near the main passenger entrance, if feasible, so tiiat passengers arriving in carriages or omnibuses with their b'1gg<^ge with them can see it properly delivered at the baggage-room. It is further good practice, if feasible, to have an opening or a window or a corridor leading from the central vestibule, hall, or general waiting-room to the baggage-room, so that passengers after pur- chasing their tickets can go to the baggage-room and check their hand-baggage, as well as heavier baggage previously delivered, without going outside of the building. Where the train story is on a different level from the street the baggage-rooms are located on the street level and the baggage is transferred on baggage-trucks by means of hydraulic platform-hoists to and from the train story. The baggage-rooms are provided with platform scales for weighing baggage; also the necessary baggage-counters for receiving baggage. Additional wall-surface 352 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. for the storage of the large number of checks, that have to be kept in a baggage-room at a large terminal depot, is frequently made available by having a light gallery running around the baggage-room, the upper parts of the walls being studded with baggage-check hooks. Ofifices for the baggage-master and clerks have to be provided ; also storage space for baggage- trucks. The general remarks relative to the baggage service hold good to a large extent respect- ing the express business, with exception that the express-rooms do not have to be absolutely near any of the waiting-rooms. Relative to the accommodations to be furnished for the various branches of the station and depot service it can be said, that they should be worked into the general layout to the best advantage possible, taking all circumstances into account. Special rules cannot be given, as the individual requirements and local conditions in each case will govern the choice materially. Where hotel accommodations have to be provided, attention should be paid to keeping the part of the building reserved for the passenger business as distinct as feasible from the hotel section. Where a hotel is connected with a terminal passenger depot, the dining and restaurant facilities of the hotel proper serve for passengers, although in some cases there are additional private dining-rooms for more permanent guests of the hotel. In the designing of general offices in connection with a terminal passenger depot, the same rules and requirements will govern the layout as in any ofifice building. The general ofifices should, however, be kept distinct from the part of the building used by passengers, which is generally not difficult to accomplish, as the upper stories of the building are used mainly for offices, while the accommodations for passengers are on the ground-floor. The entrance and stairs leading to the general offices should be entirelj' independent of any entrance, vestibule, or central hall used by passengers, if the design will allow it. A separate private stairway and exit should be provided from the general offices to the train-shed. Relative to the floors and platforms in a terminal passenger depot, similar remarks will hold good as made above in the chapter on Platforms, etc. In the entrance lobbies, vestibules, cen- tral hall, or general waiting-room, where there is a large amount of travel passing continually, an asphalt, tiled, or flagged floor will prove the best. A tile floor of suitable colors and pat- tern will add to the general appearance of the rooms and produce a warmer effect. If stone plinths are used at the base of the side walls, in place of wooden wash-boards, the floor can be washed more freely and readily without damaging the woodwork. In the special waiting- rooms and dining-rooms a wooden floor will be more suitable, although tile floors are some- times used. Baggage-rooms and express-rooms are usually floored with wood, asphalt, or stone flagging. Platforms have either wood, asphalt, stone flagging, or " granolithic concrete" for a floor. The relative advantages and disadvantages of different classes of flooring materials have been discussed fully in the chapter on Platforms, etc. It can be said, however, that for platforms under cover, as for instance the platforms in a train-shed or under shed roofs and projecting awnings, wood, on account, of being protected from the weather, will i^iove fairly durable, while an asphalt floor will not be heated by the rays of the sun, and will therefore prove less objectionable to passengers and less liable to be damaged by trucks passing over it. A floor of "granolithic concrete" is being used very extensively for platforms in a great many TERMINAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 353 of the lari^c terminal depots of tlie country. It makes an excellent floor, but unless truck- wheels are rubber tired it uill be found to chip easily. Wagon-courts and driveways for wagons or carriages should be paved with Belgian blocks or asphalt, where the travel is heavy. In some cases macadam roads are used. In selecting the proper flooring material for plat- forms, due regard should be paid to the fact that repairs arc not only costly to make, bi!i are attended \vith considerable annoyance to passengers and disturbance of the working routine of the station service. The flooring material should be durable, not slippery, comfortable for passengers to walk and stand on, reasonably smooth for trucking, and easily cleaned. In regard to this latter feature, a floor that can be flushed with water without damage and that dries quickl)- afterwards, will prove most advantageous. The heating, ventilating, lighting, and plumbing of a terminal passenger depot should be the very best obtainable, consistent with the class of building adopted and the available ap- propriation. The heating should be by furnaces or by steam. Fireplaces in the waiting- rooms and principal offices add not only to the finish of the interior, but affortl a good chance to warm the rooms and brighten them up in damp, chill\- weather, when the regular heating of the building is suspended, and also offer good ventilation. Relative to ventilation of the building, it should be first-class, as it is very objectionable to passengers to be obliged to re- main in close and badly ventilated rooms. The waiting-rooms, dining and restaurant rooms should be high and airy apartments, especially the general waiting-room. Mechanical venti- lation should be introduced, where required, more particularh' in the smaller offices. The lighting of the building should be by gas or electricity. The plumbing .should be of the best kind possible. Waterclosets should have, preferably, water running all the time; urinals should be furnished thus, in any event. Slate, glazed tiles, or polished marble are the best materials to use around a water-closet or urinals. The floor in a toilet-room should be made of tiles, asphalt, slate, or stone flags. Train-sheds are used in connection with a terminal passenger depot, to cover the tracks and platforms in front of the depot on which passengers take or leave trains. At very large termiinals, situated in cities, train-sheds are a necessary requirement of the depot structure: but at minor terminals, especially where the appropriation for the building is limited, satisfac- tory results can be practically obtained by a series of platform-sheds. If the general layout at the start is made with a view to building eventually a train-shed, when the business war- rants it or funds are at hand to do so, then the introduction of temporary platform-sheds is a very commendable solution of the question. The first cost of a train-shed can also be dimin- ished by reducing its length or omitting additional spans, where the final plan contemplates several spans, and substituting, if required, light temporary platform-sheds. At the Union Depot at Kansas City, Mo., one-legged iron platform-sheds, shown in Fig. 413, are used on the longitudinal platforms between the tracks, while large arched arcades, 50 feet in width, shown in F"ig. 626, cover crosswalks connecting the longitudinal platforms with the covered platform along the face of the depot. Fxcci)ting during very stormy weatlier, this sys- tem provides ample protection for passengers and baggage, and offers, in addition to cheapness of first cost, the great advantages of being light, airy, and not .seriously affected by smoke, soot, and the deafening noise from trains and engines, which renders a great many train-sheds very objectionable. In fact, a system of platform roofs on the longitudinal platforms, con- 354 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. iiccting at hcad-statioiis directly with the lobby or covered crosswalk in front of the head- house, and at side-stations by means of covered transverse arcades with the platform in front of the depot building, can be considered as far superior to the attempt to build a small and especially a low train-shed, in which the light and ventilation is bad, the smoke and soot a constant annoyance, while the acoustic properties are such that the noise of escaping steam from cylinders or safety-valves, the ringing of the bell, the sounds accompanying the slipping of the drivers in starting a heavy train, combined with the general confusion and bustle, all intensified by the reverberations caused by a low roof and side galleries, render the structure a nuisance to the travelling public, as well as a serious drawback to the quick and efficient despatch of the station service, where dependent on verbal communications or signals by sound. To obtain the best acoustic results a good height of the structure is most valuable, as also the absence of side galleries or low lean-to roofs on the sides of the main shed span, which are liable to catch the sounds more readily and intensify them by repeated reverberations. The general arrangement of a train-shed is practically the same whether at a head or side station. The tracks are usually grouped in pairs, with longitudinal platforms between each pair of tracks. The tracks are connected outside the shed by leaders and crossovers, so that the tracks can be used at will for " in " or "out" trains, or through-trains run through the shed on any track desired. Interlocking switches and signals are an absolute necessity at every terminal depot of any magnitude. In this connection mention should be made, that the efficiency of the interlocking system, as far as promptness is concerned, is dependent to a much larger extent than frequently understood on establishing facilities and means for quick communication and interchange of signals between the train-despatcher, gate-keepers, train- starter, and the operations in the signal-tower outside of the depot, so that telephones, speak- ing-tubes, gongs, electric bells, and similar appliances, with a proper code of signals, etc., form a most valuable and essential element to any interlocking system. The longitudinal platforms between tracks should never be less than 12 ft. wide, so as to accommodate passengers and baggage-trucks. Where posts are set on the platform, and where large crowds have to be handled, much wider platforms are used, a width of 20 or 24 ft. being quite usual. Side platforms that have only one track frontage can be made nar- rower. Crosswalks and outside lobbies for outgoing passengers to congregate in are made from 30 to 60 ft. wide or even more, according to the ground-space available, and the prob- able number of passengers to handle at unusual rushes. It is best to proportion the cross- walks or lobbies generously at the start, as it will be difficult to obtain additional space later, while they aiTord a most desirable means of relief in handling large numbers of passengers and prevent the overcrowding of the waiting-rooms to a great extent. Relative to the height and spacing of platforms, in regard to the rails, reference should be made to the chapter on Platforms, Platform-sheds, and Shelters. In connection with ter- minal stations, however, it can be said in general, that at a great many side-stations the entire floor of the train-shed is planked at the level of the top of the rails, so that passengers can pass and baggage be trucked indiscriminately across the platforms and tracks on the shortest route. In this case all the tracks are frequently located close together without any longitud- inal spaces for platforms between them. Longitudinal platforms between tracks at head- stations and also at side-stations, where used, are generally set from 6 to 12 in. above the top of the rail, and approach the centre of the track within 4 ft. 6 in. to 5 ft. TERMINAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 355 In regard to the grouping of the tracks and longitudinal platforms the following general remarks can be made. As previously stated, in side-stations the tracks are either located close together and floored over throughout level with the top of the rails, or else they are grouped in pairs, with longitudinal platforms between the pairs and connected by crosswalks witli the main platform in front of the side buililint:;. At head-stations with only two tracks running into the depot there can be cither one, two, or three platforms. In the first case the platform is located between the tracks and used for passengers and baggage service, — which, for instance, is the system in use at the terminal head-station of the Boston & Providence Railroad at Stoughton, Mass.: in the second case there are two platforms, one on each side of the pair of tracks, one platform being used for inbound and the other for outbound business; in the third case mentioned, there is a third platform added between the tracks, which central platform is used for baggage exclusively, as for instance the case at the depot of the New York & New England Railroad at Boston, Mass. Where there arc more than two tracks running into a head station, the tracks are usually grouped in pairs, with platforms between the pairs. The spacing of the tracks and platforms in connection with the train-shed con- struction is frequently such that an odd track is located on the outside of the shed proper, generall}', however, covered in part by the roof projection of the main shed. In the proposed design for the train-shed of the Illinois Central Railroad at Chicago, III., the roof projection of the main shed is 36 ft. wide, so as to cover two tracks and a platform. In a few cases three or more tracks are grouped together between the longitudinal platforms, in place of the more usually adopted grouping in pairs. The middle tracks serve in such a case for the storage of cars. Relative to the general construction to be adopted for a train-shed, reference has been made above to the desirability of having a high shed, constructed on good acoustic principles, and well lighted and ventilated. This is especially essential where the sides of the train-shed are enclosed practically solid on three sides by buildings or walls, — as for instance at a head- station. Where the shed is more or less open on the sides and at both ends, as frequently the case at side-stations, the nuisance from smoke and excessive noises will be greatly reduced. Ventilation is usually secured by a clerc-story with louvred ventilator or movable sash built in the roof. As the gases accumulating in a train-shed are particularly injurious to iron work, and the peak of the roof forms a pocket to catch and hold them, it is very essential to provide some means of ventilation at the peak itself independent of other openings of the sides of the clere-story. Good light is obtained in the interior of a train-shed by introducing a large number of windows in the sides of the shed, where closed ; also by windows and sk)'- lights in the clere-story and roof. Too many skylights in the roof proper is objectionable, as it will make the shed very hot in summer. The ends of a train-shed are usually closed to within 20 to 25 ft. of the rails. It is best to place as many windows as po.ssible in these ends, as they assist materially in lighting up the interior of the shed. These end partitions have to be very thoroughly braced so as to withstand the wind pressure from the outside. The gen- eral light effect inside the shed will be greatly improved by painting the interior in light colors. The lighting of the shed at night should be preferably by gas or electric lights. Train-sheds are usually built with iron roof-trusses resting on stone or brick side walls or on iron columns, covered with boards on wooden rafters or purlins, and roofed with tin on 356 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. tarred felt or building-paper. The exposure of so much iron-work to the deteriorating effects of the sulphurous gases collecting under the roof is very objectionable. Skylights are very hard to keep water-tight in consequence of the constant damage being done by these gases. It can, therefore, be said, that practically repairs are constantly required in a large train-shed, if painting is included ; in fact it is very seldom that painting or repair work of some kind is not going on inside or outside of a train-shed. For this reason prominent railroad men have frequently expressed it as their opinion, that the general adoption of iron for train-sheds cannot be considered as such an excellent innovation, as a heavily timbered roof or a combi- nation roof has some decided advantages over an all-iron roof. The roof-trusses in train-sheds are usually spaced from 20 to 40 ft. apart. The longitudinal and sway bracing is very impor- tant so as to resist the wind-pressure. Relative to the roof construction of a train-shed it can be said, that the general effect of the interior and its structural efficiency depend largely on the appropriate and artistic design of the roof. The engineering and architectural features of large-span train-sheds are blended to such an extent, that the greatest care should be observed to bring the best talent and experience to bear in every direction in making the plans. The number of tracks and plat- forms to be spanned determine to a great extent the general design to be adopted for the roof. Where there are only about six tracks to cover, — in other words, a width of about 100 to 120 ft., — a single span is usually adopted, supported at the ends on the side walls or else on columns, with roof projections on the outside. Where there are additional tracks to cover, it is customary to make two or more small spans adjacent to each other, — in other words, to build a series of symmetrical roofs parallel to each other. Or the width is divided into one large central span, flanked by two or more smaller side spans. The next step is the adoption of one large roof span, resting on the side walls, or else supported on piers or columns at the ends and provided with cantilevered roof projections outside of the main span. The con- struction in each case can consist of either flat straight roofs or else curvilinear roofs. The curved roofs have the decided advantage of presenting a more graceful appearance, and they can be treated in a more artistic manner. A roof design should, however, primarily impress itself on the observer by its simplicity and the perfect fitness of all its parts in a structural sense, giving at once the appearance of strength combined with utility. Where, in addition to these necessarj- elements, a graceful contour can be obtained, and details are worked up artistically, the design should certainl)- prove meritorious. For large spans, arched construc- tions are almost universally used in this country; and we can point with pride to the fact that the largest existing single-span train-sheds are in this country, — one at the depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad at Jersey City, N. J., the width being 256 ft. out to out of truss and 252 ft. 8 in. centre to centre of end-pins ; while the other one is at the depot of the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad at Philadelphia, Pa., which is the largest existing single-span train-shed, jiamely, 262 ft. 3 in. out to out of truss, 353 ft. 8 in. clear span inside measurement, and 259 ft. 8 in. centre to centre of end-pins. In addition, the Pennsylvania Railroad proposes to build a train-shed in Philadelphia, Pa., with a clear span of 294 ft. The train-shed at St. Pancras Station, London, England, has a clear span of only 243 ft. The following summar}' data as to the size of different passenger train-sheds in this country have been compiled from different sources : TERMliXAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 357 1. Side-stations. — Union Depot, Worcester, Mass.: length 504 ft.; width 250 ft., in two spans ; stone segmental arch, witli a clear span of 120 ft. at each end of the train-shed. Concord Railroad, Concord, N. H.: length yyo ft.; width 120 ft. ; flat straight roof, in one span. Atlantic Coast Line, Richmond, Va. : length 486 ft. ; width jG ft. centre to centre of columns, and 92 ft. including overhang; one-span, straight flat roof. Union Depot, Canal Street, Chicago, 111. : length iioo ft.; width 100 ft. Chicago & Northwestern Railroad, Milwaukee, Wis. : length 440 ft. ; 4 tracks. Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, Milwaukee, Wis.: length 600 ft.; width 100 ft. Union Depot, Indianapolis, Inch ; length 700 ft. ; width 180 ft., in 2 spans. Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore Railroad (Pennsylvania Railroad), Charles Street, Baltimore, Md. : length 250 ft. ; width 80 ft. ; one-span, straight flat roof. Pennsylvania Railroad, Harrisburg, Pa. : length 420 ft. ; width 90 ft. ; 4 tracks ; one-span, straight flat roof. New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad, New Haven, Conn. : length 400 ft. ; width 126 ft. ; 2 spans, each 63 ft. ; 8 tracks. 2. Hcad-statio7is. — Baltimore & Potomac Railroad (Pennsylvania Railroad), Washington, D. C. : length 510 ft.; width 130 ft. Pennsylvania Railroad, Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa. : length 450 ft. ; width 170 ft., in two spans ; eight tracks. New York, Lake Erie & Western Railroad, Rochester, N. Y. : length 270 ft. ; width 72 ft. Louisville & Nashville Railroad, Louisville, Ky. : length 400 ft. ; width iooft. ; five tracks. Union Depot, Cincinnati, O. : length 700 ft. ; ten tracks. Pittsburg, Cincinnati & St. Louis Railway, Cincinnati, O. : length 360 ft. ; width 85 ft.; four tracks inside, two tracks outside. Canadian Pacific Rcu'lway, Montreal, Can. : length 500 ft. Wisconsin Central Railwa)', Chicago, 111. : length 560 ft. ; width i 19 ft., with overhang 143 ft.; six tracks inside. Chicago & Northwestern Railroad, Chicago, III. : length 400 ft. ; width 125 ft. Chicago & Western Indiana Railroad, Chicago, 111. : length 600 ft. ; ten tracks. New York, Lake Erie & Western Railroad, Jersey City, N. J. : length 600 ft. ; width 140 ft., consisting of one central span of 66 ft., and two side lean-to spans each of 37 ft. Pennsylvania Railroad, Jersey City, N. J. : length 653 ft.; width 256 ft. out to out of truss and 252 ft. 8 in. centre to centre of pins ; one clear-span arched roof; twelve tracks. Grand Central Depot, Forty-second Street, New York, N. Y. : length 650 ft. ; width 200 ft. ; one clear-span arched roof. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, Pittsburg, Pa. : length 400 ft. ; width 84 ft. Central Railroad of New Jersey, Jersey City, N. J. : length 520 ft. ; width 216 ft., consist- ing of one central span of 143 ft., and two side lean-to spans each of 36 ft. 6 in. ; twelve tracks. Illinois Central Railroad, New Orleans, La. : proposed train-shed, width 148 ft., divided into three arched spans and two cantilevered side roof projections. Illinois Central Railroad, Chicago, Ill._^: proposed train-shed, width 180 ft., one central arched span of 108 ft., with cantilevered side roof projections. 3S8 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. Union Depot, St. Paul, Minn. : length 640 ft. ; width 165 ft. ; clear-span truss roof, supported on columns with roof projections; total width covered 189 ft. Philadelphia & Reading Railroad, Philadelphia, Pa. : length 559 ft. ; width 266 ft. 6 in. over all, and 262 ft. 3 in. back to back of chords; one clear-span arched roof ; span in clear at level of tracks 253 ft. 8 in. and centre to centre of end-pins 259 ft. 8 in. ; height of ridge above tracks, 95 ft. 6 in. from top of rail to top of ridge skylight, and 88 ft. 3-^"^^ in. centre to centre of pins vertically ; thirteen tracks. Proposed Union Depot, Buffalo, N. Y., design by Mr. C. W. Buchholz : arched roof, one clear span of 280 ft. Proposed Terminal Passenger Depot, Chicago Elevated Railway, Chicago, 111.: arched roof, one clear span of 289 ft. Proposed Union Depot, St. Louis, Mo. : length 700 ft. ; width 601 ft. ; five spans — one span of 141 ft. 3A in., two spans each of 139 ft. 2\ in., and two spans each of 90 ft. 8 in. ; thirty tracks. Proposed Extension Terminal Passenger Depot, Pennsylvania Railroad, Philadelphia, Pa. : length 707 ft. ; width 306 ft. 9^ in. over all ; one clear-span arched roof; span in clear 294 ft. ; height of ridge 140 ft. ; height in clear 104 ft. 6 in. ; si.xteen tracks. After above general remarks on the subject of terminal passenger depots and train-sheds, the following descriptions and illustrations, as also references to published descriptions and illustrations, of terminal passenger depots and train-sheds in use, or designed for use, on rail- roads in this country will prove interesting. Union Passenger Depot, Hartford, Conn. — The Union Depot at Hartford, Conn., is a large ter- minal side-station, plans for which were i)ublished in the issue of the Railway Review of June 2, 1888, and it is described as follows in the publication mentioned : The site for the depot is peculiar, the lot being long and narrow, and the tracks coming in on an eleva- tion. The station is 480 ft. long. The trains of the New York, New Haven & Hartford and New York & New England roads come in upon an elevated structure, the tracks being about 12 ft. aliove the level of the floor of the waiting-room. They are approached by broad staircases 14 ft. wide, both inside the waiting- room and in the platform between the tracks. Five ways are provided, through which the passengers may reach the staircases to the platform between the tracks. These stairs are used to avoid crossing the tracks. The main feature of the building is the great central waiting-room, two stories high, 175 ft. x 60 ft. in size. This waiting-room has three large, double entrances, opening directly into the street, and is also reached by a corridor 16 ft. broad leading from Asylum Street. This room is handsomely finished and has broad unenclosed stairways on its west side. Two ticket-offices, one for each railroad, are placed on each side of the main entrance. The wing next Asylum Street, 40 ft. wide and 136 ft. long, contains in the first story a restaurant and lunch-room which adjoin the corridor leading to the general waiting-room. The men's toilet and the news room are also in this wing. The wing on the other side toward Church Street, 40 ft. wide and 161 ft. long, contains in the first story the rooms for the baggage and express, which are, respectively, 66 x 36 and 56 x 36. Ample exits on both sides are provided for easily handling the baggage and express matter. Women's retiring-room and toilet are placed in this wing, adjoining the general waiting-room. In the second story, which is on a level with the railroad track, the central portion is occupied by the general waiting-room, which, as has been said, extends up through two stories. The stairs from the lower story lead to a large landing 14 ft. wide and 60 ft. long. From this landing three double entrances lead out on to the platform. In the wing next Asylum Street there is another waiting-room, 36 ft. x 28 ft., for the accommodation of passengers wlio come in on one train and go out on another without having occasion to leave the station. Ample toilet-rooms for men and women are provided for this waiting-room, also a ticket and telegraph office. Adjoining the waiting-room is a lunchroom, and back of the lunch-room is the kitchen, with serving-room, pantries, etc. Dumb-waiters and stairs connect the kitchen with the restaurant and lunch- TERMINAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 359 room in the lower story. A large reception-room 28 x 36 is placed on the opposite side of the wailing- rooni. This room is intended to be used as a meeting-room for the officers of the different roads, and as a place where any prominent visitor may be suitably received. From a lobby opening with arches into the upper part of the general waiting-room a staircase leads to the story above the waiting-room, which is intended to be used for offices. In the wing next Church Street are placed four offices for the use of the New York & New England Railroad Company, with separate staircase leading to the street and entrance on to the tracks. Beyond the office of the New York & New England road is a room for the accommodation of the trainmen, 12 J ft. x 36 ft. Beyond this room are the rooms for the baggage and express on the track level, each 26 x 36. Tliese rooms connect by large hydraulic lifts with the large baggage-room and express-room below. The lifts aie of sufficient size to accommodate a truck loaded with baggage. The baggage-master and express- agent have private offices in the rooms on the track level. Next to the express-room are the supply and lamp rooms. A room in the extreme end of the wing is to be used as a construction-room, 16 x 36, where sutficient implements are kept to make slight repairs when cars are injured. There is an elevator adjoining the general waiting-room which is intended only for the use of invalids or for people so crippled as to be unable to walk up-stairs. In the basement under the baggage and express room is placed the heating apparatus. From this cellar tunnels extend over all parts of the building in which the steam and water pipes are to be placed. Under the restaurant is a vegetable-cellar and a coal-cellar. In front of both the wings on Union Place are projecting sheds with glass roofs under which carriages will drive up. As to the material of the building, the exterior walls are a reddish granite with red-sandstone trimmings. The roof is covered with slate. The interior woodwork will all be of quartered oak. The floor of the general waiting-room, corridors, restaurant, etc., will be of granolithic pavement. The walls and floors of the lavatories will all be of marble. The floors of the baggage and express offices will be of rock asphalt. All the wood wainscoting rests upon a stone plinth which rests on top of the floor, so that all the rooms can be easily washed without injuring any portion of the woodwork. Everything is made as durable as possible. Great care has been taken to provide ample ventilation for all parts of the building. The station was designed by Shepley, Rutan & Coolidge, Brookline, Mass. Union Passenirer Depot at Springfic/J, Mass. — The Union Depot at Springfield, Mass., plans of which were published in the Pailroad Gazette of March 14, 1S90, reproduced by permission in Figs. 622 and 623, is a large terminal side-station, with the peculiarity and distinguishing feature that there are two distinct depot buildings, practically of the same size, one on each side of the railroad; in other words, this plan i)resents one of the best-known examples of terminal twin depots in this country. The depot is described, in the publication mentioned, as follows : There are two buildings, one on each side of the tracks. Each is 275 ft. long and from 54 to 70 ft. wide. There are four tracks between the buildings. Between the two middle tracks is a covered platform, 34 ft. wide and about 850 ft. long, which, with the station platforms, gives convenient access to trains on all the tracks. The Connecticut River Railroad is to occupy tlie north or Liberty Street building, and the New York, New Haven & Hartford the south or Lyman Street building, while the Boston & Albany will occupy both buildings, the north building for west-bound and the south building for east-bound business. The latter building will also be used for passengers arriving or departing l?y the New York & New England Railroad, whose line enters this yard from the east. Besides the four main tracks just mentioned, there are spur tracks at the ends of the buildings for the Connecticut River, New York, New Haven & Hartford, and New York & New England local trains. The buildings are constructed of red granite, from the quarries of Norcross Brothers at Milford, Mass., with trimmings of brown sandstone, the chief portions of which are richly carved. The walls of each station arc built in regular courses of squared stones with a smooth quarry face. In the general waiting-room, which is the principal apartment of each building, these are carried up to a greater height than for the adjoining rooms, and effectually break the monotony which would otherwise exist in a building so long and narrow as this. The Lyman Street building especially has an imposing appearance, being surmounted by a large tower about 70 ft. square and 80 to 100 ft. high, the interior of which is open from the floor to the springing-line of the rafters. The station platf(jrms on the side next the tracks are 24 ft. wide, and the roof is supported by yellow-pine posts about 25 ft. apart, with curved braces at the top. The ceiling of the plat- 36o BUILDINGS AND STRT'Cir'h'HS OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. form roof is covered willi light yellow pine slieatliiiig. finislied in tlie natural color of tlie wood. On what may be called the back side of each building', the roof projects about 7 ft., and is finished with the same general appearance as on the platforms. The two main buildings are alilorter of January 21, 18S2. The description of the depot in the issue of the Railroad Gazette mentioned is as follows: The grounds of the Pittsburg. Fort Wayne H Chicago Railway, operated by the Pennsylvania Com- pany, front on the east side of Canal Street, between Madison and Van Buren Streets, a length of 1S50 ft.; tlie south branch of the Chicago River, which is from 300 to 400 ft. from Canal Street, flows along the east line of the property. The depot grounds are crossed at ilie centre by Adams Street, the city traffic crossing the grounds and the river by a bridge, wliich is high enough above the rails to clear the locomotives and cars. Tlie track-level is entirely below the streets, and but seven feet above the water surface of the river. Van Buren and Madison Streets both cross the tracks by viaducts, at the south and north ends of the ground respectively. The fee of the property is in the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne & Chicago Railway Company, the Pennsyl- vania Company operating. The latter company entered into a contract with the four foreign roads for the joint use of the depot without in any way disturbing the title or leasehold. The principal freight warehouse of the Pennsylvania Company is situated along the east side of the property parallel with and about 180 ft. distant from Canal Street, with a driveway along the river, approached by inclines from Madison and Van Buren Streets. This building is of brick, about 700 ft. long by 60 ft. wide. The depot is to be used by the following railroad companies: Tlie Pittsburg, Fort Wayne & Chicago, operated by the Pennsylvania Company ; the Chicago, Burlington & Ouincy Railroad ; the Chicago & Alton Railroad; the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railvvay; and the Pittsburg, Cincinnati &St. Louis Rail- way. The trains of tlie first three companies enter and leave the depot from the south, the other two from the north end. Tlie grounds occupied by the depot tracks were graded by e.xcavating to two feet below the rail. New steel-rail tracks were laid on a solid foundation of broken limestone. The train-house is 1 100 ft. long, with open sides except at the buildings to which it is attaclied ; the width is 100 ft.; 700 ft. lies north and 400 ft. south of Adams Street. The framework is supported by iron columns at intervals of 25 ft.; these columns rest on blocks of masonry, and are bolted to a heavy footing- stone. The entire shed is of iron and glass, except the wooden roof-sheathing and the small wooden rafters to which it is nailed. The roof is of the best charcoal tin manufactured. Platforms are laid at the level of the top of rail. Provision is made for drainage of roof and surface water, and for lighting the sheds at night. At one time it was thought that the electric light would be used, but gas has been introduced. Doubtless the electric light will ultimately be used; it is so suitable to the place that it was probably omitted only in the belief that great improvements in electric-lighting would be made shortly. The system of gas-lighting is as perfect as could be devised: three lines of lights extend the full length of sheds; these lines are divided at the centre so that any one or all of the six may be lighted and extinguished in- stantaneously by keys, at one convenient point. Small "tell-tale" burners, supplied by a small main, are kept constantly lighted ; by turning on the gas to the main pipes the lamps are lighted. The tell-tales con- sume but little gas, and have proved efficient. Large " Dyott" lamps are used throughout the train-house. The depot buildings are three in number, all fronting on Canal Street. The principal one — the passen- ger depot proper — is 200 ft. front by 58 ft. in depth. The other two front 1 50 ft. each on Canal Street, and are 25 ft. deep. AH the buildings are three stories in height above the track level — two stories only above the street. They are all built of brick, with Warrensburg stone for trimmings. The foundations are of random coursed work, on squared-up footings of Joliet limestone. The faces of all walls are of Philadclpliia pressed brick. This work has received many favorable criticisms on account of the exceptional uniformity of color and regularity of laying such a large number. Black mortar was used throughout the face-work. Over 425,000 pressed brick and 2,250,000 common Milwaukee and Chicago brick were used in the work. At TERMINAL PASSENGEK DEPOTS. 369 each end of the main building granite slairwavs lead down to the track level ; the walls along these stair- ways and the rear tirst-storj' walls are faced with ejianielled brick in i)leasing designs. This is to avoid the unsightly discoloration of pressed brick caused by persons rubbing or leaning against it. All exposed corners are protected by iron guards built into the walls. The moderate depth which could be given to the building led to the supporting of the main rear wall on iron columns. The rear first-story wall is about iS ft. nearer to the street than the main rear wall of the building; this gives a spacious porch, which is inclosed by an iron railing, with gates to train-house for passengers. The roofs of all the buildings are covered with Peachbottom slate. The tinning of gutters, valleys, and flashings are of the best " IX" dipped charcoal plate. The same tin is used for the roof of the "porches" or verandas on Canal Street, which are iron framings extending from the curb to the walls the whole length of the three buildings, and crossing Adams Street by special construction in keeping with the other work. The cornice and open work patterns of iron forming a frieze below it combine to give a finish to this part of the work, while the porches themselves are of great utility, affording a complete protection to the sidewalk, so that passengers can enter the depot or train-house with comfort, and giving shelter to baggage, mails, etc., in transitu. This veranda along Canal Street, in front of the buildings, is 580 ft. long and 16 ft. wide. Its importance as greatly adding to the facilities for handling passengers and baggage, cannot be overestimated. It is con- ceded by experts to largely increase the working efficiency of the depot. The "main building" is the principal object of interest, and is well worthy a careful examination. Its general layout is unique in many respects, owing to the peculiar features previously mentioned. The main entrance is at the centre by three pairs of swinging-doors admitting to a "vestibule" about 30 ft. by 40 ft. From the street-level one can pass by a flight of a dozen granite steps down to the track floor, or by seven steps on either side of this flight up to the waiting-room floor. There are four pairs of swinging-doors from the vestibule to the waiting-room. This vestibule is a striking feature; the frescoed ceiling is some 60 ft. from the floor ; the walls are handsomely decorated, and the coat of arms of the States through which the railroads using the depot pass are artistically painted in the half-circle panels in the walls. A staircase opening off the principal waiting-room leads by one flight to the balcony, inside the main entrance over the doors, and by each of two flights from the balcony to the third-story hall. This stairway, entirely of wrought and cast iron, is in design and execution one of the finest in the country : its prominence in the vestibule made its appearance a matter of iiiiportance. Instead of being hustled into some obscure corner of the building, its bold introduction and successful treatment render it very effective. The vestibule and granite stairways are wainscoted with handsome marble-work; great care has been used here in the harmonious combination of color, as well as the selection of the most durable materials. The floor is also o^ marble. The handsome marble newels are surmounted by solid bronze "candelabra" newel lights. The following varieties of marble are among those used in the wainscot ; Light and dark Knoxville, Glenn's Falls and Swanton black, Tennessee, Swanton dove, Lyonaise, Bongard, Lisbon, Formosa, Hrocatelle, and other fine marbles, the most expensive being used in the panels. The floors of vestibule and waiting-rooms are of the best white Italian and Glenn's Falls black, one-fourth black, with black border. The large windows lighting the "rotunda," as this square vestibule has been named, are of handsomely designed stained glass, specially worked out with great skill in drawing and color. Take it altogether, this rotunda is a success, and a fitting introduction to the rest of the building. The massive marble and granite work, the ornate staircase, the richness of coloring in the frescoing and stained glass, the beautifully cut plate-glass panels of the doors and the solid woodwork of the same form a tout ensemble pleasing to the eye, while the evident solidity of the work promises that it will need only an occa- sional renewing at the painter's hands to keep it bright and charming. The main waiting-room, which, it will be remembered, is somewhat above the street level, is rectangular, about 54 by 120 ft. The vestibule cuts off about 28 ft. in depth by 38 ft. in width at the centre of the room. The ceiling is 25 ft. high, richly panelled and moulded. The walls and ceilings are frescoed. The wains- coting and other woodwork are of walnut and cherry carved and moulded in original and tasteful designs. The windows and glass door panellings are of plate-glass, the latter richly cut. The half-circle heads to the windows come above the level of the porch and train-house roofs where they join the main building ; these half-circles are all glazed with cathedral and antique stained glass in special patterns, each room having a different treatment. The floor is of marble, laid in cement on concrete filled over corrugated iron arches, supported in turn by iron beams. These iron arches form the ceiling of the story below, which, it will be remembered, is a trifle above the level of the tracks. The dining-ro as follows: a. — Ladier;' Waiting-room; /'. — Gentlemen's Waiting-room j c. — Ticket-office ; d. — Raggage-room ; c. — Restaurant ; /.^Kitchen and Office ; g. — Express-office. 626. — Ckoss-section OF Arcade. Fig. 627.— Ground-plan. The structure is described as follows in the issue of the Railroad Gazette mentioned above : The general plan of the depot is that of a main building for waiting-rooms, hotel, offices, etc., with iron arcades or sheds for covering the tracks, instead of an immense and costly building to cover them with a single span. The main building fronts on Union Avenue, and has a covered platform in front and rear. The space in the rear of the building is traversed by six railroad tracks connecting with all the railroads entering the city. These tracks are arranged by placing two of them sufficiently far apart to allow trains to pass each other, then leaving a space twenty feet wide, then two more tracks. A "spur" track is also placed at each end of the building. The space between the tracks and also between the rails has been floored with jilank three inches in thickness, thus forming a platform 1000 ft. in length, and when completed 90 ft. wide. In the spaces between the tracks iron sheds, 18 ft. higli in the centre and 15 ft. in width, have been erected. Tiiey are supported on iron columns, placed in line at distances of 15 ft., and firmly bolted to stone founda- tions. The framework is 01 angle-iron, and the roof of corrugated sheet-iron. These longitudinal sheds are connected with each other and with the main building by two transverse "arcades," one at the centre of the main building, and the other at the end. Of this general plan Mr. O. B. Gunn, the engineer and superintendent of construction of this work, writes : "The arrangement of iron arcades or sheds we find very convenient and inexpensive compared with a heavy trussed shed over all the tracks, for the same width and length. These heavy covered depots into which the cars run are very smokv, very dirty, and very noisy, especially when steam escapes and engines run or stand in them. By the arrangement of light sheds we have more light and less noise, while the smoke passes away freely, and the cost is small comparatively.- Our light sheds have single posts, which give much better room between the trains than with the usual double posts. The light arcades are parallel with the tracks and protect the passengers while reaching and entering the cars, while the heavy sheds cover all the tracks at right angles to the main building, opposite the main entrance and again at the baggage end of depot. The only objection to this arrangement is that in heavy storms passengers will be subject to a slight dripping from the cars when getting into and out of them. " All the arrangements of tracks, sheds, and the rooms in the main building seem to give great satisfac- tion to every one connected with them and to all railroad men." 374 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. The following description of the building is copied fmm tlic Kansas City Jourjuil of Commerce : The building fronts toward the northwest and is 384 ft. long, with an average depth of 50 ft. It presents tlie general appearance of a main building two stories in height, connected by walls one story in height, with wings, also two stories higli, the whole surmounted by mansard roofs with flat tops. Tiie main building and wings are 75 ft. in height, and from the front centre of the main building a tower 20 ft. square is carried up continuous with the front wall to a height of 84 ft. and is surmounted by a cupola, the top of which is 125 ft. from the ground. The walls are of brick, laid in black mortar, 20 in. in thickness, and rest on solid masonry, 15 ft. deep, and laid in the best Fort Scott cement. Eight transverse walls, at various distances, are carried across the building from side to side, and upon these and aline of iron columns resting on stone foundations, and running lengthwise through the centre of the entire building, the upper floors are supported. The wall-trimmings are of cut stone, and the cornices, dormer-window fronts, etc., are of zinc, painted in imitation of stone. The mansard roofs are laid in colors, and are relieved by Gothic gables and French dormer-windows, which present the appearance of pilasters rising from the cornice of the building and sup- porting a four-sided roof covered with slate and surmounted by a cap of the same shape and cornice of the same style as those surmounting the mansard roof. The roof of the main building contains twelve of these dormer-windows and each of the wings eight. Tlie "cresting" which crowns the dormer-windows, roof, and towers is of modern design, and consists of a light iron railing worked in fancy designs, and in general eflect gives an appearance of lightness to the entire structure. The dome, or cupola of the central tower, is also of modern design, starting on a square base and finishing with an octagon. It is covered with tin, upon which are placed vertical ribs of the same material, and is ornamented with "clock dormers " on each side. Provision has been made for placing a clock in the cupola with outside dials four feet in diameter. At the east end of the building ample space has been provided for tlie use of the 'bus company, and in front between the platform and the street is a macadamized carriage-drive, 20 ft. in width. Tlie waiting- rooms for passengers are entered directly from the front platform, and there are also two open passages from the front to the rear of the building, one 8 ft. wide, and the other, which is the main entrance, is 16 ft. wide, floored with marble tiles, and opens in the rear under an arcade, 32 ft. in height at the centre, 50 ft. wide, and extending 78 ft. across the rear platform. The space under this arcade is intended as a passage- way to and from the trains, which will stand on either side. A similar arcade is to be erected across the rear platform at the east end. The baggage department occupies the room at the east end of the building. This room is provided with three large sliding-doors, and 47 ft. square, and is fitted up with every possible convenience for the prompt transaction of the business of its department. A platform 6 ft. below the ceiling passes around two sides of the room, and on the walls above this platform are ranged hooks by the hundred, whereon to arrange in systematic order the 30,000 to 40,000 checks which are constantly kept on hand. Four check- stands on the floor will accommodate 1000 different forms of checks. The clerk's desk is on an elevated platform reached by a stairway, and here a record will be kept of every piece of baggage received and forwarded. Next to the baggage-room are the waiting-rooms for passengers. The ceiling of these rooms is 19 ft. from the floor. The floors and wainscoting are of alternate strips of oiled black-walnut and ash, 3 in. in width, the other woodwork being richly grained in imitation of oak. The seats are a framework of oiled black-walnut with bent ash seat and back. The ladies' room adjoins the baggage-room, and is 53 x 43 ft. in size, and is provided with tastefully fitted dressing-rooms. Brussels carpets cover the floors, and marble wash-stands, mirrors, and elegant seats adorn the rooms. The gentlemen's room is4oi x 47 ft., and between these two rooms is placed the ticket-office, supplied with the latest improved ticket-cases and all other appliances necessary for the convenience of the ticket-agent and h's assistants. Including the " local tickets," about 6000 different forms of tickets are issued from this office. Crossing the main hall, which adjoins the waiting-rooms, the dining-room (47 ft. long and 40J ft. wide) is reached, finished in the same manner as the waiting-rooms, and provided with the same style of furniture. The dining-room will seat 100 guests, and the tables will at all times be supplied with the best the market affords. No liquors will be sold on the premises. The telegraph-office is next, and is connected by a bewildering array of wires with all the telegraph lines entering the city. In one corner of this room a stone pedestal rises a few inches above the floor, resting on a foundation which is entirely disconnected from the building. This pedestal is occupied by the depot clock. The general plans for the depot, iron sheds, and tracks were designed by Major O. B. Gunn, who has had general charge of the work as engineer and superintendent of construction, with Mr. Wm. E. Taylor as assistant. The work of grading, ballasting, track-laying, and building platforms was under the immediate supervision of Mr. G. M. Walker, assistant engineer. The general plans were elaborated in detail by the firm of Cross & Taylor, architects, Kansas City, Mo. TERMINAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 375 Union Passenger Depot at Leavenworth, Kan. — The Union Depot at Leavenworth, Kan., designed by Messrs. Henry Ives Cobb and Chas. S. Frost, architects, Chicago, 111., a plan of which was pub- lished in the Inland Architect and Neivs Record, Vol. 9, No. 10, is a terminal side-station of fair pro- portions, the greatest peculiarity being that the street on the rear of the building is level with the second story, while the tracks passing on the other side of the building are on a level with the ground- floor. Union Passenger Depot at St. Joseph, Mo. — The Union Passenger Depot at St. Joseph, Mo., is a large, handsomely designed, and substantially built terminal side-station, a plan of which is published in the Rai/toay Review of March 5, 1881. The description of the dejjot in the publication mentioned is as follows : The style of the building is English domestic Gothic, and contemplates a building 400 feet in length and 50 feet in width, set back from Sixth Street 37 feet, so as to give room for carriage-way between present street line and front of building. The front on Sixth Street will present a central division of 120 feet front, and three stories in height, with a clock-tower in tlie centre rising to the height of 150 feet from grade. On each side of this central division there will be wiiigs of two stories in height, and extending 90 feet in each direction to the end pavilions which are three stories in height. All exterior walls will be faced with pressed brick laid in black mortar, with elaborate trimmings of stone, black and moulded brick, and encaustic tile. All win- dows will have transoms over them filled with stained cathedral glass in varying designs, set in lead sash. This work will be of the best description of stained-glass work, and will give a most beautiful effect to the various rooms of the building. The first floor of the building will be divided into three parts by open corridors or passage-ways 16 feet 6 inches wide ; these corridors will be arched over, and faced with pressed brick, with trimmings to corre- spond witli the exterior of the building. From these passage-ways the stairways to the second story of the building will start. The north division will contain the baggage-room, 50 x 50 feet ; two express-offices, 22 X 50 feet ; mailing-room and superintendent's room, each 15 x 25 feet. The central division between passageways will contain ladies' and gentlemen's waiting-rooms, each 50 x 50 feet ; ladies' and gentlemen's wash-rooms, etc., each iS x 25 feet ; barber-shop and tclegraph-oflfice, each 18 x 25 feet; general ticket- office, lunch-counters, etc. The south division will contain the dining-room, 50 x 50 feet; hotel oflice, with wash-rooms, etc.; billiard-room; kitchen, with all necessary pantries, etc; and hotel stairway to second story of building. The second story will contain the railroad offices, 18 in number, and 35 large sleeping-rooms, hotel parlor, bath-rooms, etc. The third story over north pavilion will contain janitor's apartments, the third story over central part 15 sleeping-rooms for hotel, and that over south pavilion the servants' rooms. The finish throughout the building will be rich and massive, and of the style gencially known as the " Eastlake." The trimmings for doors and windows will be of gold bronze of rich design. The building will be heated throughout by steam, and be supplied with hot and cold water. Union Passenger Depot at Pueblo, Col. — The Union Depot at Tueblo, Col., designed by Messrs. Sprague & Newell, architects, Chicago, 111., a jilan of which was published in the Inland Architect and News Record, Vol. 13, No. 7, is a large three-story stone and brick terminal side-station, with square clock-tower. Union Passenger Depot at Denver, Col. — The Union Dejjot at Denver, Col., jilans for which were published in the issue of the Raihcay Revieio of June 18, 1881, is a large terminal side-station, de- scribed as follows in the publication mentioned: The depot grounds comprise twelve acres adjoining VVynkoop Street and extending from Sixteenth to Eighteenth Streets. The building is 503 feet long, 65 feet wide, and two stories high, with a dome or tower iSo feet high, which is to be supplied with five electric lights. The central building and both wings of the structure arc ornamented with a handsome p-rench roof, cut-stone dormer-windows, and gable-ends. The trimmings around the openings and at the corners arc of white Manitou sandstone. All the doorways and entrances have richly carved caps. The main entrance has two columns of Scotch granite, surrounded with carved Gothic caps. The style followed by the architect throughout is Gothic. The ground-floor is for baggage-room, ticket-offices, express, dining-hall, luncli-counters, telegraph-ofiice, sample-room (bar), barber- shop, closets, etc. The kitchen and closets are marble tiled floor. The second story is used entirely for the offices of the Denver & Rio Grande and Union Pacific Railways. The offices are elegantly furnished, many of them being finished with black-walnut and French walnut. They are models o( elegance and comfort. 376 "BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF A iM ERIC AN RAILROADS. Tlic building is of lava stone, rough-hewed, Irimnied with white and red sandstone. Slate roof. The entire building is heated by steam and lighted by gas. The main platform is 530 x 30, and the Wynkoop Street platform is 13,! x 500 feet. Six sets of tracks are laid and planked between rails, forming a platform 880 X 140 feet. Union Passenger Depot at I/idianapoTis, Ind. — The Union Depot at Indianapolis, Ind., shown in Fig. 628, is a large three-story building about 150 ft. scjuare, of stone, brick, and iron. The train- sheds are 700 ft. long and about 180 ft. wide. An illustration of this depot is published in the issue ol X\\^ Railway Revieiv o{ December 11, 1886, and in the article accompanying the illustration it is Fig. 628. — Perspective. Stated that the depot building would cost about $300,000, and the train-sheds $275,000, in addition to about $250,000 vvhich the various companies who would use the depot expected to pay for improvements connected with the new terminal. Union Passenger Depot at Ogdcn, Utah. — The Union Passenger Depot at Ogden, Utah, designed by Messrs. Van Brunt & Howe, architects, Boston and Kansas City, plans for which were published in the issue of the American Architect and Building News of November 6, 1886, consists of a large three-story building with clock-tower, located on one side of the tracks. The ground-floor is divided into two parts by a wide passage-way, at the centre of the building, serving as a cjuick exit for passengers arriving on trains. The section of the ground-plan on one side of the ]iassage-way, shows a gentlemen's waiting-room, with toilet-room attached ; a ladies' waiting-room, with toilet-room attached; a ticket-office and telegraph-office; a news-counter; a baggage-room; and an emigrants' room, with toilet-rooms attached. The other section of the ground-plan shows a large hotel-hall, with the offices and other accommodations usually connected with a hotel-lobby; a dining-room; a kitchen; and an express-office. The ujiper floors are used for offices and hotel purposes. Union Passenger Depot, Cheyenne, Wyoming, Union Pacijic, Denver Pacific, and Cheyenne d^ North- ern Railroads. — The Union Depot at Cheyenne, Wyoming, of the Union Pacific, Denver Pacific, and Cheyenne & Northern Railroads, illustrated in the issue of the Railway Reviewoi May 11, 1889, is a large terminal side-station, partly two-story and partly three-story, with a large square clock- TERMINAL PASSENGER DKPOTS. 377 tower. The ground- Hoor is divided by a large passage-way inlci two vviii^s. One wing contains the waiting-rooms, ticket-otifice, baggage-room, etc.; tiie other wing has dining-rooms, ottices, and hotel accommodations. Fig. 629. — Ckoss SECTION of TR.\iN-sirri). Termiiiat Passenger Depot at Harrisbiirg, Pa., Pennsylvania Railioiu/. — The new jjassenger depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad at Harrisburg, Pa., built in 1885 under the direction of Mr. Wm. H. Brown, Chief Engineer, Pennsylvania Railroad, is a large terminal side-station. In Fig. 629 a section of the train-shed is shown. The shed is 420 ft. in length and has a span of 90 ft. from column to column. The clear height from the rail to the tie-beam of the truss is 24 ft. The trusses are spaced 20 ft. centres. There are four tracks inside the shed. The elevation of the street is above the track-level. Passengers have to descend to get to the platform in front of the depot. There is an overhead foot-bridge across the tracks, so that the other platforms can be reached by stairs leading down from this overhead bridge. Passenger Train-shed at Ne70 Haven, Conn., Ne7V York, Nc7v Haven &" Hart/ord Railroad. — The train-shed of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad at New Haven, Conn., shown in Fig. 630 is an all-iron structure, 400 ft. long and 126 ft. wide, consisting of two symmetrical Hat roofs, Fig. 630. — Cnoss SECTION ok Train-siiep. each of 63 ft. span. There are four tracks in each span spaced 15 ft. centres. The train-shed is used ai a terminal side-station, and the floor of the shed is floored flush with the rails. The posts and the prim ipal rafters consist of channel-irons, the truss-struts of angle-irons, the tie-rods of round iron, and the purlins and studding of channel-irons. The shed is sheathed on the outside and roofed with No. 20 gauge galvanized corrugated iron. Above data were kindly furnished by Mr. F. S. Curtis, Chief Engineer, N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R. Terminal Passenger Depot at Charles Street, Baltimore, Md., Pennsylvania Railroad. — The terminal passenger depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad at Charles Street, Baltimore, Md., shown in Figs. 631 to 633, is a side-station with a substantially built depot Ijuilding and train-shed. The tracks run 378 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. «.. 'r ■,^- - ''■-■• Fu;. 631. — PiikbiixiivE OF Depot. Fig. 632. — Perspective of Train-shed. TERMINAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 379 past this depot. The peculiarity of the design consists in the fact that the street-level is above the train-level. Passengers enter the dei>ot at the street-level at one end of the depot and descend tf. the waitinL'-roums, which are on the train-le\el. An inclined roadway leads down from the street to Fig. 633. — Pkksi'fxtive ok Inikkiok ok WAiTiNCi-KouM. the space around the depot, so that carriages and wagons can drive down to the train-level from the street. On the train-level there is a general waiting-room; a ladies' waiting-room; and on the sides of the entrance stairway from the street at the train-level there is a gentlemen's waiting-room and a restaurant. 'I'he train-shed connected with tlie depot is 80 ft. wide by about 250 ft. long. It is open on the sides, being su])ported on iron columns throughout. Terminal Passois^ci' Depot at Washington, D. C, Pennsyl7'ania Raiiroaproai:hiMl from this lolihy by a private stair and passage on tlie Filbert Street front, which also affords access to the toilet-rooms for gentlemen. The train-house, which begins at the gates from the lobby, extends 450 ft. in length to Sixteenth Street, being carried across Fifteenth Street on girders. It contains eight passenger tracks and platforms. Looking up Filbert Street from the Masonic Temple the view of the building is very pleasing, the color showing up richly against the white marble of the new City Hall, which sets well back, making a sort of plaza. The style of the building is a modern adaptati n of Gothic architecture. The eastern or principal front Fig. 641.— Detail of Exterior. is divided into six unequal bays by piers and buttresses, flanked on the north by a clock -tower, and on the south by a gable, in which are the openings to the exit hall and stairs. The tSwer and two bays next to it include the ticket-offices, lobby, entrance stairs, etc , the other bays being open through on the street level, so that carriages may drive under. The basement or story is of granite, above which are three stories of red brick and terra-cotta. The second floor, as before mentioned, is at the level of the tracks, where all the principal apartments are located. The second-story is therefore the principal one, and is so treated architecuirally. the height of the large rooms being divided at either end by entresols. 386 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. The piers are curried up from their granite bases in terra-cotta as far as the springing of the large win- dows of the second story, the jambs of which are decorated with slender terra-cotta columns, two to each side, with enriched shafts and caps, from which rise the great arches of elaborate terra-cotta work in three orders, as shown in detail in Fig. 638. The transom lights are l^ept rectangular, forming spandrels under the arches, which are of terra-cotta, richly decorated. Over the piers between these arches are circular panels, containing finely modelled heads typical of the races of humanity, indicating the cosmopolitan character of the institution and its widespread benefits. The upper stories, being occupied by officers of the company, are more plainly treated, and the openings are made smaller and more numerous to sui"^ the necessary subdivisions. At the level of the fourth floor a balcony is got in the thickness of the wall, the face above being set back, and the line of the wall face below carried up by buttresses, through which openings are pierced, making the balcony con- tinuous. Two of the bays of this front are carried up through the cornice and form gables, shown in Fig. 641, which contain windows lighting an attic story extending over the whole building, and serve to break the otherwise long lines of the cornice. The front on Filbert Street is treated in a similar manner, extend- ing from the clock-tower to the bridge crossing Fifteenth Street, and connecting with train-house. The granite-work is executed with extreme simplicity, the blocks being large, and the natural unworked surfaces being used wherever practicable. The mouldings and enrichments there used are bold and simple in character. The terra-cotta work, on the other hand, is very elaborate. The individual pieces are small, and plain surfaces are avoided as much as possible, to obviate the difficulties met with in manufacturing large pieces, and the bad effects of warping and shrinking. Delicacy and elaboration of detail naturally follow — qualities which characterize the ancient Italian work, and also the best modern English essays in this material. The red-brick work is relieved by bands of moulded brick of the same color at intervals, which serve to break agreeably the plain surfaces without destroying the solid effect. The interior is thoroughly carried out in the same style as the exterior. In the lower story the walls of the lobby and stair halls are faced with enamelled brick in buff and white, with dado of chocolate and black, and frieze of white and blue in patterns. Caps and corbels, arches, skirtings, etc.. are of blue marble. The ceiling is arched in brick between rolled-iron beams, supported on heavy wrought-iron girders, which in turn are upheld bv powerful cast-iron columns, consisting of a square centre sect on, surrounded by a cluster of four shafts with caps and bases, from which spring ornamental cast-iron brackets, in the shape of a quarter circle, connecting with the under sides of the girders. The iron-work is all exposed to view, and decorated in colors. The floor of the driveway is laid with a pavement of asphalt, and the rest of this floor is artificial stone. The wood finish of this story is ash. The stairs to the waiting-rooms above are marble, with a handsome wrouglit-iron railing. In the second or principal story the jambs and arches of the openings are marble, and the floors marble tile, except in the lobbies, etc., where artificial stone is used in colored patterns with good effect. In the lobbies and other exposed portions the walls are colored and enamelled bricks; elsewhere panelled wooden dados are used. The ceilings of the ladies' waiting-room, dining-room, exit-stair hall, and lobby to train-house are hard- wood, divided into panels by the girders supporting the floors above, and subordinate moulded ribs running between them. In the ladies' waiting room, dining-room, and exit-stair hall the ceiling is supported by curved trusses springing from the walls at the same level as the springing of large windows, and resting on marble corbels built in the walls. These arched trusses are quite elaborate in design, and add much to the beauty of the apartments. The waiting-rooms, dining-room, and ladies' private room have large open fireplaces, and the transoms of windows and doors and the ceiling over main waiting-room are glazed with cathedral glass in lead, plate- glass being used elsewhere. The train-house is divided into two equal spans of eighty feet by a row of wrought-iron columns enclosed in ornamental open casings of cast-iron, which carry the roof-trusses. These trusses are wrought- iron, in the form of a double segment, meeting at the ridge in a low Gothic arch, with ornamental struts and tie-rods. The walls are red pressed bricks, divided into panels by moulded pilasters and arches, the pilaster caps being red terra-cotta, and the spandrels filled with buff moulded bricks, arranged in patterns. Along the base is a skirting of blue marble, and a moulded sill-course of the same stone extends the whole length below the wuidows, which have semicircular heads following the lines of arches between the pilasters. Every provision has been made for the comfort and convenience of passengers, and every detail, down to the seats and the push-plates on doors, etc., has been carefully considered. TERMINAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 387 Passenger Depot at Atlantie City, N. /., Philadelphia vS-^ Reading Railroad. — The passenger depot of the Phihidelphia iV- Reading Railroad at Atlantic City, N. J., is a terminal head-station, plans for which were published in the issue of the Railway Revie^c of May 10, 1890, in connection with the following description : There are six tracks terminating at this depot, arranged in pairs in such a manner that wide platforms are obtained for the approacli of each train. These platforms are 450 ft. in length, and are covered. The waiting rooms, baggage and express rooms, etc., are grouped together at tlie end of these tracks in a luad- house. There are numerous entrances into the building from Atlantic Avenue and one from Arkansas Avenue. On the latter street there are a number of gateways communicating to the platforms, forming means of ready exit. The lobby is covered by a shed roof extending at right angles with the tracks. From this gable roofs extend parallel with the tracks, covering the platforms their entire length. There are numerous features of interest in the building, the style of architecture being novel. The waiting-rooms are nicely finished in oak, with mahogany furnishings and rich curtains. The station is one which has attracted a great deal of attention and favorable comment. Passenger Depot at Boston, Mass., Neia York cr" New England Railroad. — The passenger depot of the New York & New England Railroad at Boston, Mass., is a terminal head-station, plans for which were published in the issue of the Railroad Gazette of Sept. 30, 1881. The train-shed has two tracks entering it, one for in-bound and the other for out-bound trains. There is a baggage platform be- tween the two tracks, while wide passenger platforms are provided along the outside of each track. Baggage is thus handled entirely independently of the passenger platforms, and arriving passengers and departing passengers use separate platforms. The depot building has a general waiting-room, 40 ft. X 46 ft. 10 in.; a baggage-room, 33 ft. X 34 ft.; a kitchen, 19 ft. X 16 ft.; a dining-room, 30 ft. X 16 ft.; a depot-master's room, 23 ft. X 10 ft.; a refreshment-room, 30 ft. X 7 ft.; a telegraph office and package-room, 19 ft. X 7 ft.; a news stands; a ladies' waiting-room, 40 ft. X 23 ft.; a ticket-office, 19 ft. X 17 ft.; lavatories and toilet-rooms for gentlemen and ladies. The general waiting-room is entered through a vestibule from the street. On one side of the depot is a small /w/c cochcre. The inside of the building is finished in wood. The offices and dining-rooms are heated by steam, and the waiting-rooms by stoves. The building is covered with galvanized iron on building-paper and boards, and roofed with slate. Passenger Depot at Stoughton, Mass., Boston 6~" Proi-idence Railroad. — The passenger depot of the Boston & Providence Railroad at Stougluon, Mass., designed by Messrs. Sturgis & Brigham, archi- tects, Boston, Mass., is a small but very substantially built head-station. The head-house is of stone, with slate roof and a large scjuare clock-tower. The train-shed has two tracks running into it, with a platform between the tracks. The ground-plan shows a gentlemen's waiting-room; a ticket- office; a ladies' waiting-room, with toilet-room attached; a baggage-room; a telegraph office; a gen- tlemen's toilet-room; and a porte cochi-rc. The ladies' room is located in the circular-shaped end of the building next to the street, which gives a very pleasing effect l)oth for the exterior as well as the interior. Plans for the building were published in the Stoughton 6'('«////i'/ of April 9, 18S7, in which issue the structure is described as follows; The proposed new depot is to be comprised of a head-house and a train-house. The head-house is to face on Wyman Street. The structure is to be of granite, and is to have a tov.'er and a clock. The tower is to be 62 ft. in height, 15 ft. square on the base, 32 ft. to the ridge or coping, and 14 ft. to the roof of the depot. The extreme length of the main building is 88 ft., and the total width 35I ft. In the rear the train- house will be of sufficient length to accommodate the entrance of a passenger train and the delivery of the passengers on the inside platform, from which thov will proceed to Wyman Street in the main building. The building is to be of Stous^hton granite, rough-hewn. Tlie roof will be slated, and the outside wood- work will be of hard wood. On the inside the station will be framed to be at once beautiful and convenient. The women's room will be on the west side of the building, and will be a beautiful twelve-sided room, 32 ft. square. The men's room will be 32x36 ft. square, large and convenient. The ticket-office will be between the two rooms on the south side facing Wyman street, and will be so arranged as to permit the sale of tickets in either room in a very handy manner. This room will be 10 x 14! ft. The bagg.Tge-room will be in the east side of the building and will be 11 ft. square. The telegraph office will be I4x6i ft. and convenient of access. Suitable and convenient toilet-rooms for men and women will be found. 388 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. T\\c parte cochere or driveway entrance will be on the extreme east of the building, and will be 20 x 24 ft. The interior will be finished in hard wood in the most substantial and elegant manner, with hard-pine floors. Passenger Depot at Boston, Mass, Boston &^ Providence Railroad. — The passenger depot of the Boston & Providence Railroad, built about the year 1874, and designed by Messrs. Peabody & Stearns, architects, Boston, Mass., is a very handsome head-station, a plan of which was published in the issue of the Railroad Gazette of June 19, 1875, in connection with the following description. The building is situated on the triangular lot bounded by Park Square, Columbus .-X venue and Provi- dence Street, and is Gothic in design, and built of brick laid in black mortar, with Nova Scotia stone trimmin<;s. The head-house is 200 ft. long and 150 ft. wide. The train-house is 600 ft. long, 128 ft. wide, and 65 ft. high. The main entrance to the building is on Columbus Avenue, through a vestibule 25x32 ft,, paved with tiles, arid the ceiling finished with hard pine. On the left of the main entrance, on Park Square, is a brick tower 150 ft. high, containing an illuminated clock with four faces, each 10 ft. in diameter. The vestibule leads into a general waiting-hall 170 ft. long, 44 ft. wide, and So ft. high, extending up above the rest of the building so as to admit light through clear-story windows. Additional light is also obtained through skylights in the roof. This hall, as well as the remainder of the first story, is paved with black, white, and red tiles, and is heated by means of three stacks of marble-topped steam radiators. Around this hall, and on a level with the second story, runs a gallery, connecting the corporation offices in the second story, supported by wooden columns and brackets; between these columns are pointed arches, finished in ash, and glazed w-iih plate glass, dividing the hall from the waiting-rooms on the sides and at ihe end opposite the entrance from the train-house. The main hall is covered by a roof supported by hard-pine trusses, and sheathed with pine var- nished and decorated. On the left of the hall is the smoking-room, 44 x 27 ft., gentlemen's waiting-room 50x40, ticket-olfice, and ladies' room, 50x62. The parcel-room is between the waiting-rooms and behind the ticket-office. Connected with the ladies' waiting-room is a dressing-room, 15 X24 ft., and water closet. On the right ol the hall is the main staircase to the corporation offices in the second story (which are also connected with Park Square by means of a private vestibule), gentlemen's dressing-room, 15 ft. square, gentlemen's water-closet, 34X 13 ft., telegraph office, news-stand, barbershop, restaurant, 50x30 ft., private dining-room and serving-room. All of these rooms are 20 ft. high and finished in ash. The windows are glazed with plate glass and leaded glass above the springing of the arch. On the walls of the ladies' room are painted maps of the road and its connections. Next to the ladies' room is a corridor leading to the Columbus Avenue entrance and which connects with the outward baggage-room. In front of the building, in the second story, is the superintendent's general office, superintendent's private office, and president's private office. On the left of the building is the president's and directors' room, treasurer's general and private office, ticket-agent's and conductors' room, and connected with these rooms are the necessary dressing-rooms. On the right of the building is a room for the storage of supplies, travellers' reading-room, billiard-room, 30 x 50 ft., spare office, kitchen and bakery, tlie latter being over the restaurant and accessible therefrom by a private staircase. In the third story, over the front office, are sleeping-rooms and bath-rooms for the president, superintendent, and treasurer. The entire building is finished in ash, the walls and ceiling painted and decorated with oil colors, and is heated by steam furnished by four large boilers in the basement. The train-house is entered from the main hall on the first story through three arched doorways. On the right of the entrance is the depot-master's room, and a staircase leading to the gallery of the head-house. On the left is the outward baggage-room, which connects with the C(3lumbus Avenue carriage-entrance. .About half-way down the length of the train-house, and outside the building, is a room for the storage of inward baggage and a waiting-room for hackmen. The roof, which covers five tracks, is supported by arched iron trusses, 24 ft. on centres and 125 ft. span. Light is furnished through large windows in the sides and glass in the roof. The trains enter through arches in the end of the train-house, the largest of which is 68 ft. span. Proposed Union Passenger Depot at Buffalo, N . Y. — Tlie plans for a proposed Union Passenger Depot at Buffalo, N. Y., were published in the issue of the Raihvay Review of Feb. 18, 1888. The design, prepared by Mr. C. W. Buchholz, Engineer of Bridges and Buildings, New York, Lake Erie & Western Railroad, shows a large and handsome terminal head-station, described as follows in the publication mentioned : The efforts to solve the orrade-crossing problem in Buffalo have resulted in a scheme which is so favor- ably received by the railroads and the public that it seems likely to be brought to a fulfilment. The propo- TERMINAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 389 sition, as submitted to the sub committee of llie joint committee on grade-crossings, was illustrated by plans prepared by Mr. C. W. lUicliliolz, of the Erie Railroad. The total cost of the projected improvement is estimated at between $2,000,000 and $3,000,000. It is proposed by the Buchholz plan to have the ruads entering the city approach their terminus by a common route, the tracks of which shall cross the streets east of Louisiana Street above grade, but shall run under Louisiana. Chicago, and Michigan streets. The tracks are to run into a union depot which will front on Washington Street, at the corner of Exchange. West of the depot the tracks of the New York Central will cross Washington and Main streets below grade, coming to grade on the Terrace about op|)osite tlie foot of Franklin Street. It is proposed to begin the depression of the tracks at Van Rensselaer Street and continue the descent until a level is struck two feet below the present grade at Louisiana Street. This level will be continued to Micliigan Street, and thence carried into the train-house at such a grade that the platforms of the cars will be on a level with the landings. The passenger depot provided for in Mr. Buchholz's plans is worthy of a description in detail. The Washington Street elevation presents an ornate brick and cut-stone building, with a frontage of 300 ft.. seven stories high, covered by a Mansard roof with numerous dormer-windows, and overtopped by a massive clock-tower over 200 ft. high. A paved plaza 100 ft. wide separates the building from the street proper. Over the main entrances is a broad porie coclurc, and to the right of this, about 75 ft. farther south, is a massive arch from which emerge the double tracks of the Central Belt Line and the Niagara Falls branch. The E.xchange Street elevation drops to three stories after passing the tower, and continues for 300 ft. Beyond this stretches away the train-house for 500 ft. more. A heavy archway securely gated on this side furnishes an exit for all passengers leaving the depot. Some of the express and baggage rooms are on this side, and the other express and baggage rooms are in the corresponding bu'lding on the canal side of the station, which is separated from the canal by a driveway of ample proportions. The ground-plan of the passenger station shows a general waiting-room, 76 x 132 ; a smoking-room, 37 x 81 ; a spacious ladies' room, wide liallways extending up to the roof to afford light and ventilation, a grand staircase leading to the regions above from the hall on the right of the general waiting-room, four elevators, a spacious ticket- office, and a platform 50 x 2S0 between the waiting-room and the train-house. On the second floor is a restaurant, while all the floors above are given up to offices of the railroad companies making use of the terminal facilities. The south wing contains baggage-rooms, express-rooms, a store-room, and a kitchen, with offices on the two floors above. The north wing, on the Exchange Street side, contains baggage and express rooms only on the ground floor, with offices above. The plans for the train-house call for an arched structure 108 ft. high in the centre and 280 ft. wide, with 14 tracks and eight broad platforms between them. The estimated cost of tlie passenger station complete is $700,000. Passenger Dfpot at Rochester, N. V., New York, Lake Erie sr" Western Railroad.— The passenger depot of the New York, Lake Erie & Western Railroad at Rochester, N. Y., is a terminal head- station, plans for which were published in the issue of the Railway Review of August 27, 1887; in the issue of the Scientific American (.\rchitects and Builders' Edition) of November, 1886; and in the issue of the Railroad Gazette of March 20, 1885. The description of the building in the Scientific American is as follows : The new depot is located on the south side of Court Street, near the river. The style of the architec- ture is based on the modern Renaissance, being treated in a free and unconventional manner suitable for this class of building. On the first story there is a general waiting-room. 38 ft. x 35 ft., with a gentlemen's toilet-room opening from it. Also a ladies' waiting-room opening from it, with a ladies' toilet-room attached. There is also a baggage-room, 39 ft. x 15 ft. ; an agent's room, with ticket-office; a news-stand ; and a telegraph-office. On the second story there are a superintendent's office, conductors' room, division freight agent's office, hall, lobby, and toilet-room. The main building is 76 ft. x 60 ft. A tower on the northeast corner rises to the height of no ft. above the pavement. Brick and stone have been used for the walls, with Medina stone laid up in regular courses of ashlar, with quarry faces and chiselled draught below the first-floor sills. Above this point the exterior courses of walls are laid up with pressed brick in black mortar. Window-sills, bracket corbels, key-stones, and first-story sill-course are of Ohio sandstone. Trimmings of terra-cotta and moulded brick are freely used in belt and string courses and in the arches. The roofs of main building and awnings are covered with slate and copper, and the roofs of wings with tin. The interior of the building will be finished in white ash and cherry, the floors of waiting-rooms and vesti- bules laid with black and white marble tiles, and tlie floors of the toilet room with slate tiles. An open 39° JBUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. staircase in oak, ash, and cherry is located in the tower. Steam will be used to heat the building, and elec- tricity for lighting. The tower clock has four 5-ft. glass dials, and will be lighted automatically by electricity. A train-shed 270 ft. long and 72 ft. wide, of ornamental design, in iron, is to be erected adjoining. The cost of passenger station and train-shed will be upward of $50,000. The work is being executed under the direction of C. W. Buchholz, engineer, from drawings and designs of George E. Archer, architect to the company. Terminal Passenger Depot at Louisville, Ky., Louistiiile &" Nashville Railroad. — The passenger dejiot of the Louisville & Nashville Railroad at Louisville, Ky., designed by Mr. H. Wolters, architect, Louis- ville, Ky., commenced during the summer of 1S82 and completed in 1887, shown in Figs. 642 and 643, Fig. 642. — Ground-plan. Fig. 643. — Ckoss-section and E.nd Elevation of Train-shed. from data kindly furnished to the author by Mr. R. Montford, Chief Engineer, L. & N. R. R., is a large terminal head-station, plans for which were published in the issue of the American Architect and Building Neic's of May 20, 1882, and in the issue of the Railway Review of May 20, 1882. The de- scription of the building in the latter publication is as follows: The depot is located on the corner of Broadway and Tenth Streets. The front of the building will be 100 ft. wide and 130 ft. deep, and will have a basement and three stories. The first floor will have, besides a corridor 20 ft. wide, waiting-rooms for ladies, for gentlemen, and for colored people, together with a ticket-office, coffee-stand, and dining-room. On the second floor will be offices for the transportation and the engineering departments, and a large room for the Louisville & Nashville branch of the Young Men's Cliristian Association. The walls will be faced with pressed bricks, and the sills, lintels, and ornaments will be made of the white oolitic limestone from the quarries at Bedford, Ind., while the front stairway will be made of granite. All the inside finish will be of hard wood. The car-shed will be 100 ft. wide and 400 ft. long; it will be made entirely of wrouj^ht-iron, and will cover five tracks, three of which will be for the exclusive use of the Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company's trains, while the two on the west side will be made accessible to trains of the Chesapeake, Ohio & Southwestern, as well as of the Ohio & Mississippi, and of the Jeffersonville, Madison & Indianapolis, from the north side of the Ohio River. West of the shed there will be a detached brick building, 130 ft. long, for the baggage and express business. Union Passenger Depot at Cincinnati, O. — The Union Passenger Depot at Cincinnati, C, designed by Mr. W. W. Boyington, architect, Chicago, 111., is a large terminal head-station, a plan of which was TERMINAL PASSENGER DEPOrS. 391 published in the issue of the Scieniific Aiiieruan Siipplciiicnt t)f Nov. 12, i8Si. The- strucluic is described in the Railway Renew as follows: This structure is to be located upon the corner of Central Avenue and Third Street. The end front will be 233 ft. on Central Avenue. The side front will be 475 ft. on Third Street. On the corner of Central .Avenue and Third Street will be an office-building Sox 90 ft., six stories high. This is intended to accom- modate local offices for the four or five different railroads that will occupy the station. In this building there will be a series of three large fire-proof vaults on each floor. A passenger elevator and all nKxlern conveniences for office purposes will run to the roof. There will be a light-shaft in the centre, affording light to all parts of the building, and at the same time a thorough ventilation. The depot proper will be approached either from Central Avenue or Third Street. The main passenger waiting-room will be on a level with Third Street, 220 ft. long by 36 ft. wide in the clear, and three stories high, with ticket. Pullman, and telegraph oflices included. There will be large and commodious parlors and living-rooms and lunch- counters on a level with this floor in the ofiice building. The passenger building will recede 30 ft. back from the office-building on Third Street. This 30 ft. will be covered over to the sidewalk with an iron canopy for the convenience of passengers alighting from carriages. In addition to this covered roadway there will be a covered carriage and 'bus rotunda, 100 x 80 ft., opening from Central Avenue. The platform or car-shed story will be 15 ft. down from Third Street, and will be reached by the rotunda before mentioned on Central Avenue, and by a large archway 30 ft. wide between the office building and main passenger-room, also by a large double flight of stairs through the centre of the main waiting- room. There will be a general ticket-office, waiting-rooms, lunch-counter, smoking-rooms, barber-shop, etc., on the platform floor. The baggage-room and building, 36 x 175 ft., and two stories high, will be on Third Street, wtst 01 the main waiting-room. This will be arranged so that the baggage-room floor will be on a level with the car floor, and the 30-ft. road so graded on the street front that baggage wagons can load directly from the bag- gage-room without elevators. An incoming-baggage room will be provided on Central Avenue, approached by the rotunda before mentioned. It will be otherwise similar to the main baggage-room. The platforms will be about 700 ft. long under the viaduct of Smith Street. The car-sheds cover ten tracks, with sufficient platforms to accommodate five roads with two tracks each. The style of the building is to be Eastlake and modern Gothic, treated with Queen Anne features. This will be relieved by bold projections, giving a picturesque outline and a very attractive and impressive fagade, quite dissimilar to any depot in this country. Its material will be stone in the first or platform story, and red pressed brick above, with light-colored stone trimmings and red terra-cotta ornaments inter- spersed to relieve the plain surfaces. The building itself will cost about $400,000. The entire cost of ground, track, and buildings will be about $1,000,000. The railroad immediately in charge of the enterprise is the Cincinnati. Indianapolis, St. Louis k Chicago Railway Company, with M. E. Ingalls, Esq., president, at the head of the enterprise. W. W. Boyington, Esq., of Chicago, is the architect of the building. Terminal Passeii^i:;er Depot at Cincinnati, O., Pittsburg, Cincinnati (r St. Louis Railway.— The passenger depot of the Pittsburg, Cincinnati & St. Louis Railway at Cincinnati, O., designed by Mr. S. J. Hall, architect, under the direction of Mr. M. J. Becker, Chief Engineer, P., C. & St. L. Ry., is a large terminal head-station, plans for which were published in the issue of the Railroad Gazette of Oct. 27, 1882. The improvements made at this point, including the passenger depot, are described as follows, in the publication mentioned: The new passenger station is located on the southeast corner of Pearl and Butler streets, extending with its main entrance front along Butler Street, 116 ft. 4 in., and 89 ft. 6 in. along Pearl Street. Its foundations consist of blue limestone masonry, reaching to the base of the lower story windows, where they are capped with a bevelled water-table of white Dayton limestone. All outer walls areof piessed brick of Zanosville, O.. manufacture, trimmed with Cincinnati freestone. The ronf is p.irtly of slate and l)artly f>f tin. The ground-floor contains a main waiting-room in the central part of the building, open to the roof ; on the left of tlie main entrance is a passage leading to the ladies' waiting-room, and connected with that room 392 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. is a toilet-room and closets. The general ticket-office, the Pullman office, a package-room, and water-closets are all located upon the left of the general waiting-room, as is also an exterior hall and stairway leading to the offices in the upper story. In the rear of the general waiting-room and directly opposite the main entrance are the doors leading to the train-shed. On the right of the general waiting-room are the dining-room and lunch-room, with kitchen between the two ; also telegraph-office, depot-master's office, and conductors' room. In the upper story of the building are the offices of the Superintendent of the Little Miami Division, the train-despatcher's otBce, conductors' rooms, and closets. All these rooms are located along the outer walls of the building, leaving the entire interior space open for light and ventilation for the main waiting-room below. A gallery connects the rooms of the upper story, and affords a view over the general waiting-room and lower story of the building. The interior walls are frescoed in oil, and the woodwork is finished in black-walnut, all of modern designs and workmanship. The floors are tiled. The gas-fixtures are of polished bronze of tasteful designs. The rear of the building is sheltered by a porch inclosed by an iron railing, with iron gates for access to the train-shed. The train-shed is 360 ft. long and 85 ft. wide between columns, affording entrance for four tracks and sheltering two additional tracks under the projections of the roof. It is composed of wrought-iron columns anchored to stone foundations, roofed by wooden arched ribs and covered with tin. A substantial wall, surmounted by an iron fence, encloses the yard along Pearl Street. The widening of Butler Street and the space south of the passenger station afford ample room for approach of carriages and vehicles for the landing of passengers and baggage. Near the southeast corner of the passenger station is a brick building, 85 ft. long and 24 ft. wide, for baggage, mail, and express rooms. The passenger yard is separated from the freight yard by a division wall extending from the ice-house eastwardly to a point east of Kilgour Street. The elevation of Pearl Street at the corner of Butler Street is about 1 1 ft. above the level of Front Street, which difference made it necessary to establish the two yards on different planes in order to afford access to each from the adjacent streets. The tracks of the passenger yard are therefore ascending from the point of divergence east of the city water-works towards the passenger station, and the freight tracks are descend- ing in the same direction, the division wall rising in height with the increasing difference in the elevation of the tracks. Immediately south of the division wall is a spare track for delivery of bulk freight. Next to this is the track leading to the Newport and Cincinnati Bridge, upon a rising grade of no ft. per mile. Between this bridge track and Front Street are the freight tracks and freight stations. The new freight-house is 505 ft. long and 94 ft. wide; it is composed of iron columns supporting a combination roof covered with tin. Ad- joining the new freight-house on the west are the offices of the local agent, cashier, and their clerks, in a two-story brick building facing on Front Street. An old freight-house, east of Kilgour Street, has been retained for a local delivery station. The former passenger station on the south side of Front Street has been converted into a freight station for use of the Louisville & Nashville Railroad. The total cost of the improvements foots up as follows : Passenger station $79,422 39 Passenger shed, 28,995 4^ Baggage building 5,660 71 Freight station 53.090 32 Converting old passenger station into freight station, 2,646 78 Yard tracks 44.319 76 Retainingwalls 10,134 93 Grading, 7,688 77 Street-paving 17,269 95 Total cost $249,229 09 Tcnninal Passenger Depot at Ciiiciiniati, O., C/iesapeake >S>' 0/iii> RailroacL — The passenger depot of the Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad at Fourth Street, Cincinnati, O., which was in course of construction during the year 1890, in connection with other terminal improvements at this point, is a terminal head-station, the ground-plan of which, with a description, was published in the issue of the Railway Review of March 22, 1890. TERMINAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 393 Terminal Passenger Depot at Montreal, Can., Canadian Paeific Raitway. — The new passenger depot of the Canadian Pacific Railway, at Montreal, Can., shown in Fig. 644, is a very large and hand- some head-station, designed by Mr. Bruce Price, architect, New York, N. Y., jilans of which were ]nil)lished in the Engineering &^ BiiilJing Reeord, and subsequently published in the issue of the Rail- way Revie70 of Feb. 25, i888. The building is described as follows, in the j)iiblications mentioned: There are four full stories above the basement, besides a finished story in the roof. The basement is a full story at one end, and v;holly under ground at the other, as the building stands on rising ground. The general dimensions of the building are 204 ft. front and 70 ft. deep. The train-shed in the rear of the build- ing is 500 ft. long. The cost is stated to be about §250,000. The upper lluors are used for the general offices of the company. The material used in the building is stone, Scotch rubble-face, with rock-face belt- courses. The interior finish is in Vancouver cedar. The general waiting-room on the first floor is arched over, with granite columns and arches finished in plaster. The fioor-beams throughout the building are iron, with fire-proof finish. This depot and the stone viaduct approach are described and illustrated in the issue of Engineer- ing A'eu's of March 3, 1888. Terminal Passenger Depot at Detroit, Mich., Michigan Central Railroad. — The passenger depot of the Michigan Central Railroad at Detroit, Mich., is a large and handsoinely constructed head-station, designed by Mr. Cyrus L, W. Eidlitz, architect, New York, N. Y., plans for which were ))ubliched in the issue of the Railway Review of Aug. 25, 1883, the description of the depot being as follows, in the publication mentioned: The depot is located at the corner of Third and Woodbridge Streets. The main buiTding will have a frontage of 182 ft. 6 in. on Third Street and 280 ft. on Woodbridge Street. From the line of Third Street to the front of the building there will be an open space of 27 ft. deep, intended for a grass plat, fountains, and flowers. The westerly 84 ft. on Woodbridge Street will be covered with a lower range of buildings, in which will be the boiler-rooms and e.xpress-ofhces, leaving an area of 182 x 196 ft. for the main building. The principal entrance will be in the centre of the Third Street front, and will be one of the chief feat- ures of the structure. This central division will project 13 ft. from the line of the main wall, and the entrances will be five in number; three arched openings in the front and one on each side of the projection will give access to a large and lofty lobby 40 ft. wide and 45 deep. In this lobby there will be an ornamental wrought-iron staircase leading to the general offices of the company on the second floor. At the westerly end of the lobby, and directly opposite the main entrance, there willbe large double doors leading to the trains. The space above the doors and the transom will be filled with stained glass. On the right-hand side of the lobby there will be large double doors leading to the gentlemen's waiting- room, which will occupy the space between the main entrance and the tower. To the left of the lobby will be similar doors opening into a spacious dining-hall, which will be first- class in every respect. Around the corner, in the Woodbridge Street front of the main building, there will be a ladies' entrance. This front is also projected beyond the line of the main wall sufficient to give space for a vestibule, from which will be the entrance to the ladies' waiting-room, a spacious apartment 43 x 30 fl., with its high ceil- ing panelled with hard wood, and with a hard-wood panelled wainscoting extending 6 ft. above the floor. To the right of the waiting-room there will be dressing-rooms, to the left the ticket-office, while at the southerly end there will be wide doors leading to the train platform. The ticket-ofiice will be in the base of the tower, occupying the angle between the two waiting-rooms with office windows opening to each. The baggage-rooms will be next west of the ladies' waiting-room, with which they will be connected by an enclosed passageway. Large terra-cotta fireplaces of original design and extending from the floor to the ceiling will be con- spicuous features in the ladies' waiting-room and the dining-hall. A novelty in the interior arrangement of the station will be the wide platform, 30 ft. in width, which will extend the whole length of the Third Street front. It will be surmounted with a roof of glass and be railed off from the tracks by an ornamental paling, in which will be gates which will be kept closed except when passengers are entering the cars or coming in from trains. Between the tracks there will be wide, sheltered verandas, beneath which passengers can step from the trains without exposure to the weather. The second story will be devoted to the offices of the company, to which, besides the main staircase in 394 BUrf DIXGS A AW STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. J' 1 \\\'\s^^'^^''^" ^^'^ .1 jA, TERMJXAL PASSENGER DEEOTS. 395 the entrance lobby, there will be a private spiral staircase in the turret attached to the great tower at the angle of the building. The general and private offices of the president will be in the tower, above the ticket- office ; and clustered around these will be the offices of the other officers of the road, such as the president's private secretary, the general attorney, auditor, superintendent, and chief engineer. Across the broad hall at the rear of the building and facing the tracks will be the offices of the general freight-agent, paymaster, fuel-agent, superintendent of the Canada Southern, division superintendent, and purchasing agent. The main motive for the architectural treatment of the building is the leading up of all its parts, from both directions, to the main tower. This tower will be 157 ft. in height to the ridge, and will be a con- spicuous and imposing object from every point of view. From this culminating point the masses of the building diminish in height towards the end, although this recession is prevented from becoming monoto- nous by the bold and emphatic perspective of the gable mass at the base of which will be the main cntnmces, and by the lesser projection that will relieve the Woodbridge Street front. The materials to be used in the construction of the building are Philadelphia pressed brick, red terra- cotta, a reddish-brown sandstone from New Jersey, and blue and red slate, — the latter for the tower only. The stone will be used rock-face, and will form the footing-courses, steps, string-courses, and tlie first stage of the tower and turret. The terra-cotta will be used in the arches, string-courses, crestings, and ridges of the roofs. Union Passt'niri-r Depot at Fort Stiret, Detroit, Mic/i. — The Union Passenger Depot at Fort Street Detroit, Mich., on which construction was started in 1890, is a large terminal head-station, designed by Messrs. Jas. Stewart & Co., architects, of St. Louis, Mo., ])Ians for whicli were published in the Railway Review and also in the issue o^ Engineering News of Jan. 31, 1891, Fig. 645 being taken from the latter publication. The same issue of Engineering News contains the plans for a propo.scd design for the same depot, prepared by Mr. Bradford L. Gilbert, architect, New York City, N. Y. The description of the adopted design, in the publication mentioned, is as follows: The site for the new station is at the corner of Fort and Third Streets, a few blocks north of the Michigan Central Station, and somewhat further removed from the river than that building. The heavy expense for foundations necessary in the made ground near the river was therefore avoided here. Fort Street is one of the principal residence streets of the city, and a large church with high spire on the corner opposite the site of the station made a building of considerable height necessary in order that it should not be dwarfed by the church. A train-shed was not called for, it being considered better to put all the money available into the main structure and place shed roofs over the platforms, leaving the train-shed to be built, perhaps, at some future day. The adopted design has si.x tracks running into the depot. The estimated cost for the new depot is set at $225,000. The frontage on Third Street is 138 ft. and on Fort Street 125 ft. The tower is about 170 ft. The materials are to be red brick and stone. Terminal Passenger Depot, Chieago, III., Wisconsin Central Railway. — The Central Station of the Wisconsin Central Railway, at the corner of Fifth Avenue and Harrison Street, Chicago, 111., designed by Mr. S. S. Beman, architect, and built under the direction of Mr. W. S. Jones, Chief Engineer, W. C. Ry., plans for which were published in the Inland Architect and News Record, Vol. 13, No. i, and in the issues of the Raihvay Review of February 23, 1889, and of December 20, 1890, is a large L- shaped terminal head-station. It \z described as follows in the Rail-way Review of December 20, 1S90: On December 8, 1890, the Grand Central Station of Chicago was formally opened to the public. The construction of this building was begun in October, 1888, and in the time which has since elapsed there has arisen the finest depot building in Chicago, and one of the most magnificent in this portion of the country. Complete in all its appointments, grand in its proportions, and imposing in its architecture, it commands admiration, and reflects great credit upon those who conceived and carried out the enterprise to a successful completion. The Chicago & Northern Pacific R. R,, the Wisconsin Central lines, and the Chicago, St. Paul & Kansas City R. R. are occupying the building jointly, and they may all greatly increase their pas- senger traffic without becoming cramped in their facilities. The station is very conveniently located, being almost in the centre of the city, and but a short distance from most of the other prominent railway stations of Chicago. The enterprise was undertaken by what was at that time known as the Chicago & Great Western Railway, a short double-track road by which the Wisconsin Central lines a.nd the Chicago, St. Paul & Kansas City Railroad obtained an entrance into the city. Since that time the Wisconsin Central has 396 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. been leased by the Nortliern Pacific Railroad, and the Chicago & Great Western is now known as the Chicago & Northern Pacific. The engineer in charge of the work from its conception was Mr. W. S. Jones, Chief Engineer of the Chicago & Northern Pacific Railroad. The architect was Mr. S. S. Beman, of Chi- cago, and tlie iron and steel work of the train-shed has been constructed by the Keystone Bridge Co., Pitts- burg, Pa., of which C. L. Strobel, of Chicago, is chief engineer. The property on which this building stands extends south from Harrison Street to the railroad draw- bridge across the south branch of the Chicago River, some 300 feet below Taylor Street, and west from Fifth Avenue to the river, and comprises an area of over 15 acres. South and west of the river there is also a tract of land comprising about 8 acres on which railroad buildings, roundhouses, etc., are located, and still further south there is another piece of land 24 acres in extent which will be used for warehouses, freight- TERMINAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 397 depots, etc. The building has a frontage on Harrison Street of 226 feet, and the entire building, including baggiige-rooms, express-offices, etc., has a frontage of 837 feet on Fifth Avenue. The foundations of the buildings are very massive, and the superstructure is composed of brown pressed brick and Connecticut brown stone. The foundations are carried on piles, which are 30 feet long urder all the lighter walls, while under the main walls and the tower they are 50 feet in length. The piles arc capped with 12 x 12-in. oak timbers, and the space from a point 12 in. below the top of the piles to a level with the tops of the caps is rammed full of Portland cement concrete, and above this there is a course of 12-in. timber spaced about 4 in. apart and filled in with concrete. The whole is then covered with 18 inches of concrete on top of which the walls are built. A portion of the building is seven and the remainder four stories in height. The tower is 21 2A ft. high above the sidewalk. The lower story of the building is used for the station proper, and the upper stories for offices. At the corner of the building four very heavy walls form a square about 80 ft. each way. This portion of the building extended up around the tower forms that part of the structure which is seven stories high. The remainder of this plan exterior to the square is carried up four stories only. The office portion of the building is in most respects very similar to modern buildings devoted to these purposes, and needs nf) special description. One peculiarity in the location of the vaults is perhaps worthy of notice. A number of them are located in the interior of the building, but every pilaster in the north and east walls of the building is made hollow and utilized for the location of a vault. The ground-plan of the building is devoted to various station purposes, and the baggage-rooms are located in an annex which extends south from the depot along Fifth Avenue; the express-offices are located still further south under the approacli to a viaduct, which will be again referred to. The general waiting- room is 207 ft. long and 71 ft. wide, and is most magnificent in its appointments. The floor is of marble tiling, and the walls are faced with Tennessee marble to a height of about 8| ft. from the floor. Above that the walls are perfectly plain, and the ceiling, though elegant in appearance, is also characterized by its sim- plicity of design and color. The columns are circular in section, and finished in light colors corresponding with the ceiling and walls. The whole effect in color is that of a yellowish tint, verging upon a cream color. The ceiling, which is 25 ft. high, is divided, by the columns and concealed girders resting upon them, into a number of squares, in the centre of each of which is placed a circle of incandescent lights. There are two entrances from Fifth Avenue and one from Harrison Street, in addition to those through the base of the tower. On the west side of the room is the large ticket-office, a portion of which is divided off for the use of palace-car ticket-agents. Along one side of the ticket-office, and encroaching somewhat on its floor area, a news-counter is located, and just north of it there is a commodious check-room. It is almost impossible to do justice to the fine appearance which this corner of the room presents. At the south end of the waiting-room there is a passage-w-ay leading out to a corridor extending east and west between the main building and the baggage-room. On the east of the passage-way there is a ladies' waiting-room, 28 x 38 ft., with a private-room and a toilet annex. On the other side of the passage- way the space is divided into a lunch-room, barber-shop, and gentlemen's toilets, all three of which rooms are approached from the platform of the train-shed, or may be entered from the general waiting-room The general finish of these rooms is in entire keeping with the remainder of tlie building. The baggage- room is very large, being 160 ft. long and 32 ft. wide. The baggage-room h;.s eight doorways opening out on a platform which extends along the baggage tracks from which these cars are loaded and unloaded. The exact manner of handling the baggage will be explained in connection with the train-shed and the uses to which the tracks are put. The baggage-room has also six doorways upon its Fifth Avenue side by which baggage can be received or delivered. There is a mezzanine floor located south of the general waiting-room, with a very elegant restaurant, 56x74 ft., which is reached by a marble staircase from the general waiting-room, and also by means of a hallway and staircase which lead to the corridors between the baggage and general waiting-room. Adjacent to the restaurant there is a kitchen, sto'e-room, etc., and an elevator shaft by which supplies can be obtained from the basement under the baggage-room. The emigrants' waiting-room occupies all of the floor above the baggage-room, and is entirely detached from the remainder of the depot. The entrance and exit to this room are at the south end, where a flight of stairs leads down to a vestibule on the first floor, from which doorways lead to the street and also to an adjacent platform. Just south of the train-shed Polk Street crosses the tracks, and it became necessary to construct a viaduct at this point in order to avoid a grade-crossing. The nature of the locality made it necessary that the approach to the viaduct should be made parallel to Fifth Avenue, and the entrance to it has been located just south of the Dat'gage-room. Rising by an easy incline, it continues parallel with Fifth Avenue until Polk Street is reached, where it connects with the viaduct extending across the tracks. The api>roach is constructed entirely of masonry, filled with earth until a sufficient height is reached to enable the space 39^ BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. enclosed by the walls to be utilized, and from that point the earth filling ceases and the masonry walls are pierced by windows and doors necessary for utilizing the interior as express-offices. The express storage- room is 27 X 144 ft., and at the north end of it there are two offices, each 18 x 13 ft. 6 in. Across the pas- sage-way there are suitable toilet-accommodations provided. The express-room is situated, in relation to the street and railroad tracks, in much the same manner as the baggage-room. Facing upon Harrison Street there is a very large carriage court, 117 ft. deep and 149 ft. wide, to which entrance is obtained by three large archways. It is separated from the train-shed by a partition which is composed largely of glass. The court is paved with lithogen. The platform surrounding it on three sides is one step higher than the court, and is six steps higher than the platform in the train-shed. The descent to the platform in the shed is made just inside of the partition between the shed and carriage court. Under- neath this court are located the boilers, steam-engines, and other machinery necessary for the heating and lighting of the entire plant, the operation of its elevators, etc. Two large vertical boilers of tlie Hazleton type are located close to the west wall of the building, and extend up from the basement into the court, where they are entirely encased with brickwork. The stack is located between the boilers, and the gases pass into it at a point just above the boilers, thus making a very neat and compact arrangement, which not only has the advantage of saving much valuable floor-space, but makes it possible to employ one of the most economical types of boilers. Each boiler has two furnaces fitted with Roney automatic stokers. The dynamo-room contains two Spcrry dynamos for arc-lighting, and five Edison machines for incandescent lamps, and these machines when used to their full capacity will furnish power for 60 arc-Hghts of 2000 candle-power eacli, and 5000 incandescent lights, of which about 500 will be 32 and the remainder 16 candle- power. The elevator machinery is of the type employing horizontal cylinders and rams located in the basement, and the water for their operation is furnished by Worthington compound duplex pumps. The train-shed and system of tracks connected with this depot form a most interesting feature of these terminals, and are deserving of considerable attention. The roof of the train-shed is supported by 15 trusses, having a clear span of 119 ft. They are spaced 40 ft. apart froin centre to centre, making the length of the shed 560 ft. between centres of end trusses. From out to out it is 562 ft. 6 in. The radius of the inner circle of the arch is 59 ft. 6 in., or one half of the clear span, thus making the arch a semi circle. Tlie radius of the outer circle is 76 ft. 6 in. The truss is 3 ft. deep at the centre and 2 ft. 6 in. wide throughout. At the intersection of the outer circle with the vertical member projected up from the foundation, the truss is 9 ft. loj in. deep (measured radially), and at the base it is 3 ft. x 2 ft. 6 in. The lower chord is composed of two angle-irons 6x6 in., and the upper chord of two angles 4x6 in. The roof has an overhang of II ft. 9 in. on each side, making the total width of the train-shed 142 ft. 6 in. The monitor is 17 ft. 6 in. high and 14 ft. wide, and has a glass roof. There is also 24 ft. of glass on each side of the monitor for its whole lengtli, and about two thirds of the roof of the overhang on each side is of glass. The courses of masonry in the piers which constituted the foundation of the trusses are inclined sufficiently to beat right angles to the line of thrust, and there is a heavy compression member extending diagonally from the base of the perpendicular member to the angle-irons which form the inner arc of the truss. This transfers the thrust to the foundation-stone, and the inner arc of the truss, though continued below its connection with the diagonal, has no direct bearing upon the foundation. The train-shed is open at the sides. That portion of the roof not covered witlv glass is covered with corrugated galvanized steel, and the south end truss is also covered on its outer face with the same material. The two feet of this truss are encased in a cast-iron base of suitable design, which enhances the architectural effect. There is a certain amount of space between the arched roof of the train-shed and the main building which must be roofed over to protect the platforms. This roofing is supported upon light girders, and con- sists partly of corrugated steel and partly of glass. It has a slight dip toward the train-shed roof, so that the water is drained off at the junction between the two. One end of these light girders is supported on the train-shed roof, and the other is built into the wall of the maiti building. The tracks between the baggage- room and the train-shed proper are also covered in the same manner, but as the span' is a great deal longer the roof-trusses are considerably heavier. A large portion of this roof is also of glass. There are six tracks within the train-shed, and one extending along the east and west sides, just under the overhanging roof. Still further east there are three more tracks, two of which terminate in front of the baggage-room, and the third in front of the express-office. Taking the tracks in their order from F^fth Avenue west, the first is used wholly for loading and unloading express-cars at the office. The next two tracks are used for baggage, the first being for in-bound and the second for out-bound baggage. The in- bound baggage is taken from the cars directly on to a platform the same height as the floor. The out-bound baggage is carried over the same platform and around the inner ends of the tracks, where it is delivered on trucks which are operated on a lower platform between the second baggage-track and the one west of it. This next track, the fourth from the street, is intended for suburban traffic only. The remaining six tracks within tlie train-slied, and the one extending along the west side of it, are used for regidar passenger traffic, TERMINAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 399 both in and out bound. The track farthest west also extends north along the west side of the main build- ing, so that coal can be taken in cars directly to the basement in which the boiler-furnaces are located, and aslies and other refuse can be taken therefrom. The tracks in this train-shed are laid in a most substantial manner, and no expense has been spared to make them all that could be desired. When the ground was cleared preparatory to putting in the tracks and platforms the space occupied by the tracks was first filled to a depth of four inches with broken stone, which was rammed and solidly packed. The next course was four inches of screenings, which was rolled by a seven-ton roller. Above this were placed the Portland-cement walls for the support of the track, with concrete bases. The space between these walls was floored with eight inches of brick laid to form an inverted arch. The troughs were then filled as shown, on which was placed a four-inch course of broken stone, and the whole covered with four inches of concrete. The longitudinal wooden beams on which the rails are laid are 8x12 in. and secured by anchor-bolts about four feet apart. The surface between the tracks is dished for drainage purposes, and is also graded longitudinally with the train-shed, having slight summits So ft. apnrt, midway between which there are catch-basins covered with iron gratings and connect- ing with the sewer. The six tracks within the train-shed are grouped in pairs, and between each group there is a platform 19 ft. wide, composed of lithogen 6 in. thick, supported upon 12-in. walls of the same. ' The space between the rails of one track, instead of being filled with earth, is used as a conduit. This con- duit will be used for pipes supplying steam the whole length of the train-shed, so that cars may be heated before the locomotive is attached. It will also contain air-pipes supplying the electro-pneumatic interlocking signals used in the yards below, and water-pipes by means of which an abundance of water for flushing the tracks and platforms can be obtained. It will also be utilized for electric wires wliich will lead from various parts of the shed to the train-despatcher's office, located above the depot-master's office at the head of the train-shed. When trains are ready to proceed a signal can thus be given by the conductor to the despatcher, who in turn will operate an enunciator in the signal-tower, calling attention of the operator at that point to the fact that a certain route is desired through the yards and out onto the main line. Just south of the viaduct over Polk Street an interlocking tower is located, which contains a 24-lever electro-pneumatic signaling machine, furnished by the Union Switch and Signal Co. This machine controls all the switches and signals in its immediate vicinity. The two tracks (Nos. i and 2), from which all others branch out to the depot and to and baggage tracks, are the in and out bound main lines. The three tracks (Nos. 4, 6, and 8) to the west of them are passenger sidings, as are also two tracks (Nos. 3 and 5) to the east of them. Ne.xt to the freight-house on Fifth Avenue south of Polk Street tliere are two freight-tracks (Nos. 9 and 11), and between them and the passenger sidings there is one neutral track (No. 7). The tracks all unite into two lines which pass over the drawbridge. On this bridge there is another interlocking tower, containing a 12-lever machine, which controls all switches and signals grouped at the southern end of the yard. The compressed air for operating all the machinery connected with both inter- locking cabins is furnished by air-compressors in the basement of the station building. There are several features of interest in connection with the cabin on the drawbridge, one of the chief of which is the fact that the engine for swinging the bridge will hereafter be run by air. As compressed air was piped to the bridge anyway, it was deemed advisable to do away with the steam-boiler and its attending annoyances, and put in a second air-main to run the engine. A three- inch pipe is carried down the yard for this purpose, and a two-inch one for the operation of switches and signals. These extend to the bank of the river, and in company witli two other three-inch pipes containing electric wires, pass down into the river-bed, across to the central pier, and thence up to the bridge and cabin. The construction of the central pier made it impossible to go up through the centre of it ; consequently the pipes were carried up the outside, and elbow- joints are employed to make connections with the bridge, and permit the latter to be swung. The machine in this cabin also differs from others heretofore constructed, in that the valves of the machine, instead of being operated by air, are electrically controlled, and air does not come into service at any point between the switch and the lever-machine. Some distance south of the drawbridge a third tower is located, also containing a [2-Ievcr machine, and the electro-pneumatic block system is employed as far as Ogden Avemio, a distance of 3.7 miles, in which distance there are ten blocks. Terminal Passi-n,^cr Depot at Chicago, III., Chicago &•' NortJnvestcrn Railway. — The passenger depot of the Cliicago vV- Northwestern Railway at Chicago, III., shown in Fig. 646, designed by Mr. W. W. Boyington, architect, Chicago, 111., is a large and handsome, substantially built head-station, plans for which were published in the issue of the American Architect and BuilJing News of Feb. 19, 1881, and in the issue of the Railroad Gazette of June 3, 1881, and is described as follows in the latter publication : 4O0 BUII.DIXGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. This structure is intended for a general passenger depot and office building of the Chicago & North- western Railway in Chicago, at the corner of North Wells and East Kinzie streets. The material is red pressed brick and Lake Huron French gray sandstone, treated in the Queen Anne style. There are two passenger waiting-rooms. One, which is termed the platform story, down from the principal streets half a story. The size of this room is 126 ft. x 56 ft. It contains a ticket-office and lunch- room, gentlemen's and ladies' departments, etc. This floor has also the biiggage rooms, 217 ft. x 25 ft., in a side building; also an express building, 150 ft. x 15 ft. This is but one story high. The main and grand gentlemen's and ladies' waiting-room is upon a level with the main street entrance. It in itself is, without doubt, one of the most complete and commodious passenger rooms yet erected. It is 144 ft. X 60 ft. in the clear. It has been finished in hard wood, void of all gingerbread finery. The walls Fig. 646. — PERSrECTiVE. are painted in oil, the ceilings beautifully frescoed in keeping with the wood work, all of which is in the Eastlake or modern Gothic style. On this floor there are a commodious dining-room, kitchen, store-room and pantries, lavatories for ladies and gentlemen, a ladies' parlor (a little gem), the main ticket-offices, and the Pullman ticket-office. From this main floor there are two large flights of hard-wood stairs leading to the two stories of offices above, which are finished off in liard-wood, and now occupied by several depart- ments of the road. The main platforms and tracks are covered with an iron shed 125 ft. x 400 ft., containing nine tracks. The total cost of the buildings and platforms is §250,000. The Chicago & Northwestern has three separate lines out of Chicago, and originally each of these had its own Chicago station, and until this building was completed one important station was on the west side of the river. At the new structure, which is very near the business centre of the city (connected with it by a bridge and a tunnel), there will be room to concentrate the whole passenger business. TER.UINAL PASSEiYGER DEPOTS. 401 Union Passenger Depot at Van Buren Street, Chicago, III. — The Union Passenger Depot at Van Buren Street, Chicago, 111., for the use of the Rock Island, the Lake Shore, and the N. Y.,C. & St. L. Railways, is a very large and substantially built terminal head-station. The depot is 600 ft. long, and 172 ft. wide, with towers at the front about 200 ft. high. A cut of this depot was published in the Pailicay Pez'ieri' of Nov. 12, 1887. Tcnninal J'assenger Depot at C/iicago, JIL, Chicago 6^ Western Indiana Railroad. — The passenger depot of the Chicago & Western Indiana Railroad at Chicago, 111., designed by and Iniilt under the supervision of Mr. Cyrus L. W. Eidlitz, architect. New York, N. Y., is a large and handsmne head- station, jjlans for which were published in the issue of the Raihvay Review of July 12, icS84, in the issue of Building of September, 18S5, and in the issue of Harper's Weekly of November 7, 1885. The description of the building in the issue of the Railway Rcvietc mentioned is as follows: The depot will be in the shape of an L, and will have a frontage on Polk Street of 213 ft. On the right, Fourth Avenue, it will run back 200 ft., and on the opposite side, Third .Vveniie, the building proper and the one-stoiy extension will have a depth of 446 ft. The materials to be used in the construction are Phila- delphia pressed brick; red terra-cotta trimmings, from the Perth Amboy, N, J., works; a reddish-brown sandstone from New Jersey ; and a blue and red slate, the latter for the roofs. The stone will be used rock- faced, and will form the footing-courses, steps, string-courses, and the first stage of the tower and turret. The teria-cotta will be used in the arches (which are quite numerous), string-courses, and ridges of the roof. Tlie building will be three stories high on the corners, and two and a half, including the dormer-win- dows, in the centre. A feature of the new depot is the three-story part on the corner of Polk Street and Third Avenue. Its dimensions are 48 x 65 ft., and its tall gable-roof and dormer-windows will have quite a picturesque effect. The ground-floor of this building will be a large open lobby, with three large arched entrances on each corner, which are protected by an iron veranda projecting over the sidewalk. Access from this lobbv is obtained to the ticket-offices, the ladies' and general waiting-roon)s, and lobby vestibule to train-shed. The ladies' waiting-room, 40 ft. square, and toilet-rooms, directly south of the Polk Street entrance, are to be fitted up elaborately. The floors will be of marquetry, and the ceilings and wainscoting will be finished in hard woods. The same attention will be paid to the general waiting-room, which occu- pies a space of 135 x 40 ft. The remainder of the Polk Street front is a two-story and dormer-window building, broken a little to the right of the centre by a tall clock-tower, which will be 195 feet in height and directly facing Dearborn Street, and when that thoroughfare is opened for travel will be seen from the heart of the city. The tower will contain the main entrance, the vestibule of wdiich will be ornamented with terra-cotta and glazed brick of variegated designs. The floor will be a handsome tile one, also of various colors. The interior decora- tion of the large lobby on the northeast corner will resemble the tower vestibule. The ground-floor, corner Polk Street and Fourth Avenue, 25x80 ft., will be devoted to a large dining-room, wliich will have a com- plete restaurant attachment. The window transoms of the first-story will be of stained glass, cathedral pattern. The extension on the east side will be fitted up for outgoing baggage and express traffic. On the opposite side the incoming baggage will be taken care of. Particular attention will be paid to the fitting up of the basement wliich is very large and roomv. having 12 ft. headway. It will be used for a variety of purposes, boiler and engine-room for sieam-hcating, elevat- ing powar, etc. That part directly under the dining-room will be used for a kitchen ; that under the wait- ing-room for barber-shop, closets, etc.; and that under the main lobby will be fitted up tastefully for an emigrant waiting-room. This room will be wainscoted and plastered. Ventilation will be made as nearly perfect as possible, and light will be obtained by the means of the Hyatt lights. The second story is reached in tw-o places. There will be two iron flights of staircases in the tower and one on Third Avenue, back of the ladies' waiting-room. The second and third stories will contain the offices, and they will be elegantly finished in liard woods, and will be used by the officers of the company and their assistants. The train-shed will commence at the rear of the main building and between the two wings, and extend out beyond the wings, — in all a distance of 600 ft. The shed will contain 10 parallel tracks, and just outside there will be 14. The roof will be of glass and corrugated iron, and will be supported by iron trusses 20 ft. apart. The ornamentation at the south end of it will be quite striking, being made up of circular and square window-heads, ornamental posts, brackets, etc. Both the depot and yard are to be lighted by elec- tricity. The following companies will enter the new depot: Chicago & Grand Trunk; Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific; Chicago iSi .Atlantic; Louisville. New Albany & Chicago; and Chicago & Eastern Illinois. The estimated cost of the completed structure is $500,000. 402 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. Union Passenger Depot at St. Louis, Mo. — In tlie issue of the Engineering News of October 3, 1891, the first-prize design for a proposed Union Passenger Depot at St. Louis, Mo., is illustrated and described, from which publication Fig. 650 is reproduced by permission. 'I'he accepted design was prepared by Messrs. Theodore C. and Rdward A. Cameron, architects, St. Louis, Mo. It \ TERMINAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 403 is also illustrated in the issue of the Railroad Gazette of July 24, 1891, reproduced by permission in Figs. 647 to 649, the description of the structure as published in the Railroad Gazette being as follows: The Terminal Railroad Association, operating the St. Louis Union Depot and the Bridge and Terminal Railroad System, some months since acquired land at Twentieth and Market streets for a new station to take the place of the present insulTicient quarters, and a number of architects presented plans in competition for the proposed new depot. The accepted design is a handsome stone and brick head-station, with a train- shed covering thirty tracks. This train-shed will be larger than any e.xisting station in this country, being 606 ft. wide, including the baggage-room, etc., at the sides. It is 600 ft. long, exclusive of the 50-ft. trans- verse platform between the head-house and the ends of the tracks, but some of the tracks are 1000 ft. long. Fio. 648. — Ground-plan of Main Floor. A, Smoking-room; B, Gentlemen; CC, Ambulatory; £>, Package-room; E, Main Hall ; F, Ladies; G, Dining-hall ; H, Kitchen. Fig. 649. — Ground-plan of Basement. A', Emigrant Waiting-room ; Z,, Ticket-ofiice ; .1/, Concourse ; N, Barber-shop ; O, Mail-room ■ P, Telegraph ; Q, Restaurant ; R^ Carriage Concourse; T, Conductors' Lobby. It is not proposed co cover the whole with a single-span roof, there being four rows of pillars for inter- mediate supports. The head-house is 456 ft. long by So ft. wide. The basement-floor is on a level with the tracks, and the "concourse" in the centre contains 10,530 sq. ft. The telegraph -office in this story has a mezzanine floor. The floor of the carriage concourse is on a level with the street and about 4 ft. higher than the track. On the main floor the general waiting-room aggregates 10,530 sq. ft.; the gentlemen's rooms 3300, and the ladies' rooms, including the retiring and matron's rooms, 5760; the dining-room 4500, and the smoking- room 2340 sq. ft. It will be observed that the main entrance is approached by an inclined walk from either direction, so that there are no steps to climb, and wide stairways on either side of the main entrance lead to the concourse in the basement. The parte cochhre is located outside the inclined approaches. The train platforms are reached from the main waiting-hall directly by two stairways. 404 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. The general waiting-room has ample skylight and ceiling light. There are numerous exits for incom- ing passengers at the sides of the train-shed on the side streets. There are two entrances specially for the J L JS iJXii/^V n ofHce floors in the upper part of the building, and each has two liydraulic elevators. The kitchen, connected with the restaurant, has a separate freight-elevator. The plans include a sub-basement 7 ft. 6 in. high, not TERMINAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 405 without some daylight, to protect the basement-floor from dampness. The boiler-room is under the carriage concourse. Each of the two office floors has about 30 large rooms. The architects have made elaborate plans for heating and ventilation, using power fans and heated flues. Steam radiators are provided in every room, and it is proposed that the air forced in by the fans shall be heated only to 70 degrees, so as not to produce an unpleasant draught at the discharge. Dust- screens and spray-wasliers will be provided to remove the dust from the air and to moisten it so as to do away with the unpleasant dryness of heated air. It is expected to so arrange the water-closets that the cir- culation of air will always be from the corridors to the closets and out through the exhaust flues. All the ventilating flues will discharge into the roof-space, and each will have a self-closing valve at the top. T he outer walls of the building are to be of Missouri gray granite, backed with brick up to the second- story sill, and brick with stone trimmings above; and the style is Romanesque. The tower will be about 200 ft. high. For the interior decoration of the two main floors materials will be employed which are of a permanent character and will not require painting. The walls of all rooms on the ground-floor are lined with enamelled brick or tiling about 5 ft. high, and above this bufif Roman bricks. They will show exposed ceiling-beams and have marble floors. The walls of the main floor, however, are treated with a composition known as art marble. The public rooms in this story have Mosaic floors. The estimated cost of the entire improvement, including the train-sheds, is placed at The train-shed, designed by Mr. Geo. H. Pegram, consulting engineer, is very well described and fully illustrated in the issues of En\;incering News of April 2, 21, and 28, 1892, from which jjuhliration the illustrations Figs. 651 to 653 are taken. The following description is taken from the same source : The train-shed is 601 ft. wide from c. to c. of outer columns, covering thirty tracks, and 700 ft. long from wall of head-house to centre of end columns. Of this length 70 ft. will be an auxiliary shed, covering the wide transverse platform and connecting the head-house with the train-shed proper, the main part of the latter being, therefore, 630 ft. long. The height to centre pin of top chord of middle span at the head- house end will be 74 ft. and the height of end pins of bottom chords of side trusses 20 ft. The total width of 601 ft. is made up of a centre span of 141 ft. 3>< in., two flanking spans of 139 ft. 2^ in. each, and two side spans of 90 ft. S in. each. The side columns are placed 30 ft. apart, c. to c, longitudinally, while the columns of the three interior rows are placed 60 ft. apart. The roof-trusses are 30 ft. apart, every alternate truss resting on the longitudinal girders carried by the columns. The design of the train-shed was limited by these conditions : tlic height should not exceed a certain amount, in order to avoid overshadowing the head-house; tlie plan was to be accommodated to a previously adopted system of tracks ; and the cost was not to exceed a given figure. The natural tendency in designing a building of this great width and small height would be to make what would appear to be more or less a set of parallel buildings. The main aim, architecturally, was to preserve the unity of design and make its size more impressive, by avoiding as far as possible any idea of division which the necessary intermediate lines of supports would The conspicuous part of the interior will, of course, be the roof-sheathing, which limits the vision, and this has been made in the form of a single arch. It is believed that the bottom chords, hanging like chains from the columns, will produce an effect of drapery, or at least an effect of continuity, over the columns something like the sag in a circus tent from the poles, which will tend to neutralize the rigid divisions by intermediate supports. The central skylight is covered with glass its entire length, with louvre slats in the sides. The lateral skylights have glass and louvres in the sides to prevent a darkening effect of the building from the fall of snow, and also to give better ventilation, as the building fronts south, from which the prevailing wind blows. The building is made as good as possible in detail ; no wood being used, except for sheathing, and all glass being of a heavy corrugated pattern, set in copper bars, the glass being all clear, except in the south end, where it will have an amber tint. The train-shed , will be symmetrical, except that eight rafters over the baggage-room will be strengthened to carry the second floor thereof, and the longitudinal girders between the outer columns will be modified along the baggage-room. The tops of columns will be in horizontal planes. The tracks will be on a rising grade of 0.4S per cent into the station, to which grade the bases of the interior columns are to conform. The bases of the outer columns will be in horizontal planes in sets of four in each row, the sets conforming to the above grade, except the end columns, two in each row, which will be at grade. The train-shed is practically at right angles to the main lines, which run east and west through the city, and It IS approached by two double-track lines, one from each direction, which form a Y, the apex of which is close to the train-shed. From this point tracks will diverge to connect with the thirty tracks of the train- 4o6 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. If- < ■^5 ll>* \ ' f* Jf ,v,-v ,t I 1 It siffl ^ ^^; 4^ tf ^1 ii' ^? .^ iu4 ^K^ (/: f ^^•\^>i // r.' ■^vyi TERMINAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 407 shed, the arrangement being such tlial all these tracks are accessible from cither branch of the Y and from the main tracks in either direction. The tracks are on a slight rising grade of 0.48 per cent into the train- shed, and are arranged in pairs, seven pairs on each side of the centre pair. The main transverse platform will be 50 ft. wide, with a platform 22 ft. 6 in. wide between each pair of tracks. The tracks of each pair will be spaced 12 ft. apart, with the exception of the second pair on each side of the centre pair and the second pair from each side, which will be 14 ft. apart. The ground is of variable character, some parts being solid and other parts filled in, and there arc a few artificial obstructions. The foundations consist of concrete piers resting upon solid ground or upon piling, and capped with stone, as shown by the accompanying drawings. The piers for the outside rows of columns have a base of 9 ft. X 11 ft. 6 in. with piles, or 9 ft. X 12 ft. without piles, and are reduced by offsets to a uniform size of 4 ft. x 6 ft. at the top. The piers for interior columns have a base of 7 ft. x 8 ft. to 8 ft. x 9 ft. on piles, or S ft. X 9 ft. to 9 ft. X 10 ft. without piles, and are reduced by offsets to a size of 4 ft. x 5 ft., 4 ft. X 6 ft., or 5 ft. X 6 ft. on top, according to location. The bottom of each excavation is to be rammed and drained, and the back filling well tamped in layers 6 in. thick. ' The piles are to be of white oak or red cypress, not less than 10 in. diameter at the small end, and with the bark removed. They will be driven to a J-in. set from a 2500-lb. hammer falling 25 ft. Tlie piles will be sawed off to a level plane, and the ground around and between them thoroughly tamped. The piers will be built of Portland cement concrete mixed in proportions of one part of cement to three of sand and six of broken stone. The cement is to have a minimum strength of 400 lbs. per square inch when tested in briquettes which have been 24 hours in air and seven days in water. The sand is to be clean, coarse, sharp river sand. The stone is to be of approved quality, broken to pass through a 24-in. ring, and screened, and if too dusty or dirty it is to be washed. The cement and sand will be thoroughly mixed dry and then mixed with water. The stone, having been previously wetted, is then to be added, and the mass worked until all the stones are well coated with mortar. The concrete is then to be immediately deposited and tamped in layers of abovit 6 in., within wooden forms which are not to be removed until after the con- crete has set. Care nmst be taken to use the least amount of water necessary. The concrete for the outside columns will be deposited continuously until the pier is completed, but the concreting of the interior piers may be stoped at the level of an offset when required. Wooden frames will be used to hold the anchor-bolts in position during the construction of the pier. The cap-stones will be of granite or limestone, the former being used probably forthe e.xteriorand the latter for the interior piers. They arc specified to be of best quality and of uniform grade and color. The top will be bush hammered, with a i-in. bevelled chisel draught around the edges, and the four sides will be hammer-dressed to a depth of 6 in. from the top, the lower part of the sides being rock-faced. The stones will be set in a bed of mortar composed of one part cement to two of sand, freshly mixed, the mortar joint to be not less than f in. nor more than J in. thick. The spaces round the anchor-bolts will be filled in with Portland cement mortar, composed of one part cement to one of sand. The anchor-bolts for the outer piers are 2 and z\ in. diameter, with the upper 6 or 7 in. upset and threaded. They are about 8 ft. 6 in. to 10 ft. 6 in. long, 17^ to z\\ in. projecting above the cap-stones. The lower ends of each pair are connected by cast-iron washers. For the interior piers the anchor-bolts are i| in., if in., and 2 in. diameter, 4 ft. to 5 ft. 6 in. long from washer to top of caps. The ends are not upset, and a separate round washer is used on the end of each bolt. The train-shed itself is an interesting and important work, both from its design anrl its great size. The columns, trusses, and purlins will be generally of steel, and all other parts generally of iron. Steel is to be used except where iron is specified. The steel is to have an ultimate strength of 60,000 lbs. per sq. in., with 4000 lbs. allowance either way. It is to be reamed in tension-members, but need not be reamed in compres- sion-members except to avoid the use of drift-pins. The specifications require the quality of materials and workmanship to be in accordance with the bridge-builder's specifications, as given in Carnegie, Pliipps & Co. 's ■' Pocket Companion," edition of 1890. In tlie latest edition of this " Pocket Companion," however, the bridge-builder's specifications are replaced by Mr. Theodore Cooper's standard specifications. Where truss-rods are connected at the ends with rivets, the holes need not be bored, but must be of proper diameters to suit the rivets u.sed. The specifications suggest that the manufacture of the bent truss-rods may be facilitated by using washers of various diameters on the post rivets, thereby compensating for inequalities in length. The bends in these rods must be exactly in the middle. The lumber for sheathing will be all heart yellow pine, in widths of 6 in. It will be clear of sap and dry, tongued and grooved, and milled to a thickness of if in. The base-boards and sills of the skylights will be red cypress of the same description. It is not decided whether iron or wooden mullions will be used for the vertical glass-work. The glass in lateral skylights and in the end designs will be j'e in. thick, with a uniform width of 20 in., and will be in single lengths of about 8 ft. The central ventilator will be covered with glass for its entire length. The auxiliary shed between the main train-shed and tlic head-house will be covered with glass for a width of 23 4oS BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. ft. and a length of 600 ft. along the head-house. Tlie glass will be \ in. thick, set in metal longitudinal-bars. The glass in the front and rear of the building will be j\ in. thick, set in iron niullions. The end trusses will be covered with galvanized corrugated iron, and there will be a galvanized-iron cornice 3 ft. deep across both ends of the building and along the sides, except the 250 ft. along the baggage-room. There will also be a galvanized-iron frame about i ft. deep around the glass designs in the ends of the building, and covering the columns above the brackets. All galvanized iron will be of No. 22 gauge. Galvanized-iron posts and louvres, extending from the sills to the eaves, will be fitted in the central and lateral skylights. The roof- sheathing will be covered with a thick layer of roofing-felt, lapped and tacked, and then covered with I. C. tin. The scams are to be well soldered, using resin as a ffux, the solder being thoroughly soaked into the seams. Standing seams are to be used on the portions of the sides of the main shed, extending from the gutters to a distance of 10 ft. above the ends of lateral skylights, and on the auxiliary shed, flat seams to be used on other portions of the roof. All roof-sheets are to be 28 x 20 in., showing 18?, x 26i in. for a flat seam, and 18J x 25:^ in. for standing seam when laid on the roof. The tin and galvanized-iron work will receive two coals on both sides. The paint is to be red lead mixed with 1 ounce of lamp black per lb. and pure linseed-oil. The quantities required arc appro.ximately as follows: Iron-work, 5,115.740 lbs. Z-iron sills and T-iion muUions in lateral skylights (if used), 172. iSo " T-iron niullions in end designs (if used) 44.96S " Lumber 896,000 ft. B. M. Wooden mullions in lateral skylights (if used) 34.560 lin. ft. Wooden mullions in end designs (if used) 12,850 " " Glass in lateral skylights ' . . 51,840 sq. ft. Glass in end designs (both ends) 22,000 " " Glass in roofs of central skylight and auxiliary shed, . . . 39.630 " " Tin 402,840 '• " 48 cast-iron down-spouts, 12,000 lbs. 48 galvanized-iron down-spouts 900 lin. ft. Galvanized iron, including louvres 17,920 sq. ft. Galvanized corrugated iron i9.'7o " " Galvanized-iron cornices 2,260 ft. The iron and steel work is to receive two coats of paint at the shops and one coat after erection. The peculiarity of the arrangement of wind-bracing is, that it consists entirely of a system of diagonal bracing between the two sets of trusses next the front end and the columns which carry them. The ends of the train-shed will be covered by glass and corrugated iron down to the level of the tops of the columns, with a clear headway of openings of 20 ft. at the columns and 28 ft. at the middle, as shown by the elevations. Second-prize Design for Union Passenger Depot at St. Louis, Mo. — In the issue of Engineering News of t)ctol)er 3, 1891, the second-prize design for a proposed union passenger depot at St. I.ouis, Mo., is illustrated, as shown in l""ig. 654, the original plate having been kindly furnished to the author 1, i Msi E^ '^iV^;v^«v^aE JI_ IS >,. "^SM. Fig. 654. — Perspective. TRRMINAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 409 by EiiginccriHf; Nt'ios. Tlie design was prepared by Messrs. Grable (S: Weber, architects, St. Louis, iMo. For further data and ground-plan see Engineering Hews. Terminal Passenger Depot at Jersey City, N. J., Netu York, Lake Erie &• Western Railroad. — The passenger dci)()t of the New York, Lake Erie & Western Raihoad at Jersey City, N. J., shown in Figs. 655 to 657, is a large terminal iiead-station, in connection witii a ferry to New York City. Plans for tiiis depot were puljlished in the issue of the Railroad Gazette of May 6, 1887; in the issue of \.\\ii Aineriean Contraet Journal oi May 29, 1886; and in the issue of the Raihcay Re^ie^c oi August 27, 1887. The drawings and specifications were made by Mr. George E. Archer, architect, N. Y., L. E. cS; W. R. R., and tlie work was executed under the supervision of Mr. C. W. Buchholz, Engineer of Bridges and Buildings, and Mr. J. W. Ferguson, Assistant Engineer. The train-shed was built by the Phoenix Bridge Company, and the passenger house was erected by Messrs. Cofrode & Saylor. con- tractors, PhiladeliJJiia, Pa. 'I'he structure is described as follows in the issue of the Railroad Gazette mentioned : The main building has a frontage of 127 ft. on Pavonia Avenue ami a river front of 120 ft. e.xclusive of the 24-ft. awnings on their sides. The traiii-shed is 140 ft. by 600 ft. The tower at the southeast corner is to be about 115 ft. high, including the linial of 15 ft. The main structure will be about 60 ft. high. The disposition of waiting-room and other rooms on the ground-floor is shown on the plan. On the second floor are to be the olhces of the operating department, and on the third floor offices for the car record clerks. The foundations of the head-house are of hard brick, laid in Portland cement, coped with North River sandstone. The brickwork rests on 525 piles, 55 ft. long. The site of the new building is full of old piles and cribs, which have, in their turn, supported different structures. These form, with the new piles driven among them, a very solid mass, preventing any outward sliding on the deep mud of the river. To avoid overloading, however, this part of the structure is almost wholly built of wood; the train-shed is of wrought- iron, sheathed with wood and galvanized iron. The extension of the building is to be finished with " novelty " siding, shingles, panels, etc., painted in parti-color to accentuate the details. The finials are iron and copper, gilded. The tower-clock will have six-foot dials, lighted from within by electric light. The interior will be in hard wood, in natural colors. Tlie floors of the vestibules and toilet-rooms will be of maple. The main waiting-room is 66 ft. by 100 ft., and 50 ft. high in the clear, and lighted by stained-glass windows in the clere-story. A gallery runs around three sides of the waiting-room at the level of the second story, and from this various offices open off. There will be a ferry ticket-office at the southeastern corner of the building for the use of Jersey City passengers only. As at the Jersey City depot of the Pennsylvania, passengers from the trains will go on board their boats without passing through the ferry wickets. It is to be regretted that in neither of these fine depots has it been found practicable to pass the suburban traffic directly to the trains without going through the waiting-room. The building is to be lighted throughout by electricity, and heated with steam by about 60 Bundy radiators. The cost of passenger station, train-shed, and the iron shed to connect the station with the ferry-house will be over $200,000. The drawings and specifications were made bv Mr. Geo. E. Archer, the company's architect, and the work is e.xecuted under tlie supervision of Mr. C. W. Buchhoiz, Engineer of Bridges and Buildings, and Mr. J. W. Ferguson, Assistant Engineer. Old Passenger Depot at Jersey City, N. J., Pennsylvania Railroad. — The old passenger depot building of the Pennsylvania Railroad at Jersey City, N. J., partially destroyed by fire, and since re- placed by a new structure and layout, owing to the elevation of tracks at this point, was a large terminal head-station, in connection with the ferry to New York City. Plans of the old structure were pub- lished in the issue of Engineering of March 2, 1877, and in the book "The Pennsylvania Railroad.'' by James Dredge. This structure is described as follows in the publications mentioned: In designing the terminal station of the Pennsylvania Railroad at Jersey City considerable difficulty was encountered, as the same ferries had to be employed for the train passengeis and for local traffic to and from Jersey City and New York. The local ferry traffic is accommodated with a separate building adjacent to the depot building proper, leading from the street, with a waiting-room 80 ft. X48 ft., and the necessary ticket-offices. On each side of this building there is a drive from the street, leading to a 60-ft.- wide roadway, along the back of the ferry slips, from which access is obtained to the boats. The train-shed is roofed over in five spans, and has platfinns 620 ft. in length, there being twelve tracks and six platforms. At the end of the station is a covered passai^c, 40 ft. wide, <;n to which the doors of the general waiting-room 4IO BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. TERMINAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 4" open. At tlic south side of the station are placed the offices, stores, baggage-rooms, etc., which are built of brick, as also is the boundary-wall on the north side. With these exceptions, the station is entirely of timber. The station building comprises ageneral waiting-room, 80 ft. x 84 ft. ; a restaurant; kitchen ; offices ; L * ■ ■ ji oKcAtiEe. Fig. 656. — Ground-plan. Fic:. 657. — Cross-section. ticket-office; ladies' waiting-room; etc. At one end of the room are exit doors, leading to steps, at the top of wliich is a bridge, forming a connection with the street. Train passengers fi r Jersey City reach the street by a second series of steps, while those going on to New York pass undeineaih the bridge and through the 412 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. gate to the ferries. On the otlier hand, passengers from New York enter the general waiting-room of the station, but cannot return without purchasing ferry tickets. From the waiting-room they pass out to the platforms. Four of the tracks in the train-shed are used for arriving and four for departing trains; the other four being used for storing cars. The foundations for this work were difficult and costly, as the ground on which the station stands is very soft, and the whole area required piling. Indeed, the station building and all in front of it to the ferry slips is over the water- The whole of the piles underneath the building were cut off at low-water level and iron columns placed upon them to carry the floors and walls. The various structures are all built with solid timbers, instead of framing throughout, so as to leave no con- cealed spaces, the object being to reduce danger by fire as far as possible. The roof over the general wait- ing-room is arranged with only four main trusses, running diagonally from the corners of the room to the peak of the roof over the centre of the room. The view from below is not intercepted by any bracing, as the trusses are only tied together at the feet over the walls, and an excellent effect is thus obtained. Each truss is of iron, excepting the principal rafter, which is of timber. The roofs are covered with tin, and well lighted by skylights, with f-in. roughened glass. The structure was designed by Mr. Joseph M. Wilson, engineer and architect, Philadelphia, Pa. New Terminal Passenger Depot at Jersey City, N. J., Pennsylvania Railroad. — The new passenger depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad at Jersey City, N. J., built in 189 1, to replace the old depot, owing to the elevation of tracks at this point, is a large terminal head-station, forming the New York terminus of the road, the transfer to New Y^ork being made by means of a ferry. Full plans and descriptions of this depot were published in the issue of the Railroad Gazette of October 2, 1891, and in the issues of the Engineering News of September 26, 1891, and of October 3, 1891. The illustra- tions. Figs. 658 to 668, are taken from the Railroad Gazette, with the exception of the general ground-plan, Fig. 666, which is copied from Engineering Ne^cs. The following description of this terminal depot is taken from Engineering News: For over four years the Pennsylvania Railroad Co. has been at work upon the improvement of its ter- minals at Jersey City, to enable it to handle with safety and despatch the vast and rapidly growing traffic which concentrates at this point, the eastern terminus of the Pennsylvania Railroad System, which now has a total extent of 7750 miles. One of the most important features of the Pennsylvania's improvements wns the elevation of the passenger tracks across the city to do away with the grade-crossings. At the end of the embankment at Brunswick Street a four-track viaduct begins and extends to Henderson Street, a distance of 1000 yds. The designs for this viaduct were illustrated in the issue of Engineering A'tm's of June 25, iSSy. The viaduct ends at Henderson Street, and from here to the terminus, a distance of 2475 ft., the ground was filled to a height of 15 to 20 ft. above the original lev^el. which necessitated the bringing in by train of about 350,000 cu. yds. of material from borrow-pits 10 to 20 miles distant. Warren Street and Washington Street are crossed by plate-girder deck-bridges. The total area filled in is over 11 acres, of which nearly 3^ acres are covered by the train-shed. From a structural point of view the train-shed is the most important feature of the terminal, and it cer- tainly is its most noticeable feature. Seen from the ferry-boats on the river, its colossal arched roof and great glass gable loom up in such proportions as to dwarf into insignificance every building in the vicinity with tlie exception of the lofty grain-elevators. The main dimensions of the structure are: length, 652 ft. 6 in.; width. 256 ft.; clear height at centre. 86 ft.; height from top of rail to ridge of monitor roof, 110 ft. The whole weight of the structure is carried by twelve pairs of main roof-trusses, each with a span of 252 ft. 8 in. between centres of end-pins. The decision to cover the train-shed by a single arched roof of large span was made after a thorough comparison of the merits of this design and a design in which the roof was divided into three spans and two rows of columns were used through the centre of the building. The disadvantages connected with the use of columns in the interior of a train-shed are the danger of a fall of the roof in case derailment or a boiler explosion should wreck one or more columns; the obstruction presented by the columns; the fact that unless very high and expensive columns or braced piers are used the roof is low, affords less air-space, has less pitch, and is more liable to leakage. The connection of the central bay of the roof to the two side bays of the design with two rows of columns through the building is also somewhat troublesome to make secure against leakage. These considerations, together with the desire to build a monumental structure, in keep- ing with the circumstances and traditions of the company, led to the adoption of a design for an arched roof of a single span, greater, so far as we now recall, than the span of any roof-truss ever built. The only roof approaching it is the St. Pancras station of the Midland Ry. in London of 243 ft. span, which was built about twenty-five years ago. On an inset sheet is shown the strain-sheet of the main roof-trusses, with the details of the work which are of principal engineering interest. TERMINAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 413 414 JSUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. Fig. 660. — Cross-section of Wind-bracing at End of Train-shed. Fig. 659. — Longitudinal Section of Train shed. Fig. 661.— Section of Pair of Trusses, showing Pirlins. IL»\3'/i^,a/t Fig. 66'j — Skciion of Pair of Trusses near Foot of Arch. TERMINAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 415 The main roof -trusses. — The whole weight of the structure above the foundatiuii is carried by 24 main roof-trusses, of arch forui, with riveted joints, and hinged at each foot and at tlie apex to permit movement witli clianges of temperature. The centre-pin is 5 in. in diameter and the pins at tlie foot are l\\ in. The assumed lo.ids, given on the strain-sheet, are a little over 30 lbs. per sq. ft. for dead load (consisting of the weight of the iron-work and the roof, the covering of the roof being assumed at 13 lbs. persq. ft. of roof surface), 17 lbs. per sq. ft. for snow load, and 35 lbs. per sq. ft. of elevation for wind-pressure. In calculating maximum strains, the dead load is of course constant; the snow load is figured : first, all over; second, on twelve centre panels only; and third, on one side only; the wind is assumed to blow either toward the anchored side or toward the expansion side. Tlie foundation-shoes of the north side rest on roller bearings, to permit, motion with temperature changes. At first sight it would seem impossible for a compressive strain to be induced in the lower chord ; but the strain-sheet shows that with the wind blowing against the expansion side, at the maximum assumed force, a compressive strain of 8000 lbs. may be produced in the lower chord. The lower chord is an I-beam weighing 100 lbs. per yd. It runs across the station, beneath the tracks, its top surface being i ft. below the base of the rail. To protect it from corrosion and from tem- perature changes, it is enclosed in a wooden box and the space around it inside the box is filled in solidly with pitch and gravel. To permit motion at the apex when temperature changes occur, the members above and below tlie pin at the apex have the rivet-holes slotted at the junction, and are joined by bolts instead of rivets. The fact that the two feet of each arched truss are joined at the bottom by a lower chord which sustains a tensile strain from the weight of the roof and iron work alone of 35 tons, is one whicli will not be suspected by one person in a thousand who examines the station. The lower chord is buried beneath the tracks and platfcjrms ; and a false cast-iron base is bolted to the foot of the truss at the base of the first panel above the pin. A hollow brick pier is built up under this base, enclosing the real foot of the truss from view. To the cursory observer, therefore, the arch seems to rest on the cast-iron base and brick pier. As a general rule, to make appearances deceitful is bad taste, architecturally; but in this case there is something to be said for this arrangement. The sides of the arched truss come down to the ground level so nearly vertical that the fact that a horizontal thrust exists there is not suspected. Even an engineer who did not stop to reason that the truss must be hinged at its apex to allow for temperature clianges would be deceived. Certainly to have given the structure an appearance of strength which it did not possess, or to have brought the trusses down on their bases at an angle, so that they would have appeared to be in danger of spreading, would have been very bad taste. The arrangement adopted, however, while not exactly what it appears to be, does lujt seem an objectionable one. At first sight the permissible loading of 14,000 lbs. per sq. in. for combined dead load and wind or com- bined dead load and snow, and 18,000 lbs. per sq. in. for combined dead load, wind, and snow, may seem excessive strains for wrought-iron ; but it is to be remembered that neither of the assumed maximum loads of 14,000 lbs. for wind or for snow are likely to occur oftener than once in perhaps a score of years. The mathematical chances that these two maximum loads will both occur at the same time are therefore seen to be practically infinitesimal. Even the blizzard of March, 1888, which was probably as great a con- junction of snowfall with wind as has ever been recorded at New York, w^ould by no means have subjected the structure to an excessive load ; for the wind pressures probably did not exceed 13 to 20 lbs. per sq. ft. at most, and on the exposed flat surface of the roof the snow would have been swept off by the wind as fast as it fell. As for tlie strain of 14,000 lbs., due to dead load and wind, or dead load and snow combined, even this will probably come on the structure only at extremely rare intervals, and possibly never. To have a load of snow of even 10 lbs. per sq. ft. on such an elevated and exposed surface as this roof is uncommon in a New York winter, and cither wind, sun, or rain will be apt to remove a heavy snowfall in a short time. As for wind pressures, the assumed load of 35 lbs. per sq. ft. is 5 lbs. greater than the wind pressure usually assumed in bridge specifications at the present time by the best engineers. The train-shed tracks are on a grade of 0.4 per cent, falling toward the west, to facilitate the starting of heavy trains. The train-shed roof, however, is kept level by making each successive pair of trusses 2j in. higher than the pair to the east. To avoid, so far as possible, changes in the iron-work, the change is made by increasing the height of the first panel above the foot of the truss. Except for this and some slight clianges in the trusses at the ends, on account of the wind-bracing of the gable-ends, the 24 main trusses are duplicates of each other. The operation of erecting these trusses and the traveller used were described at length with illustrations in the issue of Engineer iiit; A'l-zvs of Dec. 27, 1890. In brief, we may say that the train-shed tracks were laid and surfaced, and on them were set freight-car trucks for carrying the traveller. This was a huge timber frame, with its top made to fit the lower curve of the roof-trusses. It was long enough to permit erecting one pair of trusses and the nearest truss of the next pair ahead upon it. After these were erected and braced, tin- traveller was mcved ahead and tlirce more trusses were placed in position. Of course the first 4i6 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. step in the erection was to place the lower chord and the feet of the trusses in position. The material was delivered on the ground in sections small enough to be hoisted into place by a single hoisting-engine. The 24 main trusses form the main members of the roof. The space between each pair is 14 ft. 6 in., and the space from each pair to the next pair is 43 ft. 6 in. This space is also divided into 14 ft. 6 in. panels by two light intermediate trusses, which with the main trusses form the rafters for the roof. The intermediate trusses are supported from the main trusses by purlins 3 ft. in depth, running horizontally the length of the building through each panel of the main trusses. Fig. 663.— Details of Movable End of Arch. Fig. 664. — Details of Fixed End of Arch. KiG. 665. — Plan of Foundations. The iron-work of the gables is especially interesting on account of the large surface there exposed to wind-pressure, about 12,000 sq. ft. The total pressure upon the gable-end at the maximum wind-pressure assumed of 35 lbs. per sq. ft. is upward of 200 tons. The gable is divided into panels about 10 feet square by light vertical trusses with horizontal bracing. The load from wind-pressure at the top of these vertical trusses is transmitted to the purlin trusses, which distribute it to the main trusses of the train-shed. The lower end of these vertical trusses is supported by a horizontal truss, 14 ft. 6 in. deep, running across the train-shed and carrying the strain from wind-pressure to the end main truss at the top of the first section. TERMINAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 417 In each panel of the £;able is a galvanized-iron frame supportinsi; 10 paries of hammered plate-glass, each ft. X 22 in. and \ in. thick. This glazing extends over the whole area of the gable inclosed by the inner chord of the end main truss. The end truss itself is finished with a corrucrated-iron covering;, panelled to correspond to the panels of the truss, and with false verticals and diagonals on the outer side, giving the appearance of a truss from the exterior. 4i8 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. Besides over 6000 sq. ft. of glass in each gable, there is a row of windows in the north wall, running the whole length of the bnilding, and a row in the south wall for a part of its length. These windows are hung on trunnions so that they can be swung open for ventilation whenever the weather permits. The main sources of light for the train-shed, however, are the skylights in the roof, of which there are four, one on each side of the roof half-way between the ridge and the eaves, and one on each side of the roof of the clere- story. One half the total area of the roof is of glass. There are four ventilators in the clear-story and two in the roof. Fig. 667. — pEKsrEciiVK of Traveller used in Erection of Train-shed, Side A'iew. The main and intermediate trusses running transversely and the purlin trusses running longitudinally divide the roof in panels 14 ft. 6 in. in length and a little less in width. These panels are filled with the framing for either the glass panes or for the corrugated-iron roofing, according to their position. The skylights are all glazed on the Helliwell system. The glass used is rough plate, \ in. thick. The elevation of the glass above the train-shed platform, from 50 to 100 ft., would make the breakage of a pane and its fall a rather dangerous thing for any one below. To guard against any accident of this sort, a copper netting of i|-in. hexagonal mesh is stretched below the whole surface of the skylight. The very large area of glass and the large air-space furnished by the high open roof makes the train- shed very light and free from smoke. As an example of the pains taken to make the interior of the train- shed as light as possible, the vi^all of the oflice building which extends for a distance of 160 ft. along the south side of the train-shed is faced with light-colored bricks. At night the train-shed is lit by arc-lights suspended about 20 ft. above the station platforms and furnished with current by a dynamo plant operated by the Railroad Co. The whole number of lamps in the tiain-shed is 64, or one to each 2600 sq. it. of area lighted. The whole train-shed is founded on piles, driven to a good bearing in the silt which underlies the whole water front of Jersey City. The north ends of the main trusses rest on separate piers of masonry 8 ft. 6 in. square at the base, each of which is supported by 16 piles in rows of four, each row capped by a 12 x 12 in. TERMINAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 419 timber and a tight timber platform laid on top of the caps. '1 lie south ends of the main trusses rest on counterforts projecting from the retaining-wall, which runs along the south side of the train-shed. The three rows of piles to the left are continuous along the whole length of the retaining-wall, and six additional piles are added for each counterfort. The truss-shoes at the north end rest on a nest of S rollers 2|| in. in diameter, and a little less than 2 ft. long. The south shoes are secured to the masonry by two 2i-in. bolts. The train-shed is built throughout of wrought-iron. The specifications for its quality and for the workmanship were the same as tlie standard specification of the Pennsylvania Railroad for the material and workmanship of wrought-iron bridges. All the iron-work of the building is painted three coats with red Fig. 66S. — Perspective ok Traveller used in Erection of Train-shed, Front View. oxide-of-iron paint mixed with linseed-oil. The question of what is the best paint to preserve the iron roofs of train-sheds from the corrosive eflfect of the gases from the locomotive is an important one ; but so far the Pennsylvania Railroad engineers have found nothing superior to iron oxide for this purpose. Twelve tracks run the length of the train-shed, terminating 25 ft. from its east end. The total length of the train-shed is 652 ft. The total standing room for cars on the train-shed tracks, measuring from the clearance points, is 8571 ft. There are three double-track lines and six single tracks. The twelve tracks in the train-shed connect with five tracks in the yard. The arrangement of switches is su:h that any track in the train-shed can be connected to any one of the five yard tracks ; hence any track can be used for either incoming or outgoing trains. This is of e?pecial advantage in case of the blockade of any part of the yard by derailment or other accident, and is also a convenience in handling very heavy traffic. The junction of the train shed tracks with the yard tracks is made with a crossing using No. 8 movable- point frogs and slip-switches. The curves through these slip-switches are the sharpest in the yards, being 484 ft. radius. No other yard curves have less than 600 ft. radius. The switches and signals are all operated by the Westinghouse electro-pneumatic interlocking system, erected by the Union Switch & Signal Co. The signals are of the semaphore type, standard on the Pennsylvania, the signals for full-speed movements being mounted on posts, while dwarf signals are used for switching movements. 420 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. The compressed air for operatitifj the switches and signals is supplied by compressors at the yards on the west side of Jersey City, and is carried through a 2-in. main. A reserve compressor, located at the terminus, can be started at a moment's notice, and is run for half an hour on three days in the week. An auxiliary reservoir is located at each switch and signal. The electricity for working the plant is supplied by storage- batteries, which are kept charged by a current from the Jersey City electric-lighting station. A novel signaling arrangement has been introduced to notify engineers of incoming trains that a train is standing on the track they are to enter. On the signal bridge 400 ft. west of the train-shed are located the distant signals governing the train-shed tracks, while the home signals are located on a bridge 100 ft. in front. Each train-shed track is connected to form a track circuit, and when a train is on the track the dis- tant signal is thrown automatically to the "caution " position, and remains there until the track is cleared. An engineer, therefore, who finds the distant signal at caution and the home signal at safety, knows that another train is standing in the train-shed on the track he is to enter, and that he must come in with his train under control. Besides the train-shed tracks there is one track leading down on the south of the train-shed to a ter- minus at Hudson Street on the water front; and to the north of the train-shed is a yard of twelve tracks, for the storage of passenger-cars. To the north of this, on a track not filled above the old level, are the yards for handling Jersey City local freight and tracks for Adams Express cars. The arrangement of tracks in the train-shed is in three double tracks and six single tracks, between which are the eight platforms. These are of varj'ing widths, two having the very generous width of 22 ft. and the others being 12 ft. 2 in. wide. At present wooden platforms are in use; but after the fill on which the tracks are built is thoroughly settled and consolidated, these will be replaced by platforms of granolithic pavement. All the tracks will be ballasted with broken stone to discourage passengers as much as possible from walking across them. The arrangements for supplying water and compressed gas to the cars are unusually complete. On each track there is a gas-cock every 50 ft., with hose attached for filling cars, and there is a water-cock every 100 ft. Tlie general design of the new passenger station which is to replace the old one that had done service for so many years has been decided upon. It is located on the east end of the train-shed with its centre a little south of the centre-line of the train-shed. The old building had only one story ; but the train-shed tracks being now at an elevation of about 15 ft. above the street level, the new structnre will have two stories, of which the upper floor will be the one chiefly used by travellers, the lower story being only for Jersey City passengers, ferry waiting-rooms, storage, offices, etc. The depot proper covers a space iSS ft. X84 ft., and a covered passage-way about 4! ft. wide extends along the side toward the train-shed and across each end. The passage-ways across the ends of the waiting- room permit passengers to pass directly from the ferries to the trains or in the contrary direction without passing through the waiting-room. Like the train-shed, the station is 'founded on piling; but there is a considerable depth of water here, so that the placing of masonry to carry the structure from below low-water mark to above high-water mark would be expensive. Moreover, the foundation secured by piling at this point is not especially stable, and as little weight and as much flexibility as possible in the structure to be supported are desirable ends to be attained. The piles, which are driven in clusters of four, are therefore cut ofT below low-water mark, and are capped with a timber platform which supports a cast-iron column 7 ft. S in. high. Tie-rods if in. square brace these columns. On top of these columns 20-in. wrought-iron girders run across the building, and on these the floor-timbers are laid. The floor of the second story and the roof are supported on iron columns. The passages across the ends of the station are supported on piles cut off just below the level of the lower floor and braced with timbers. The roof-trusses over these passages are similar to those over the transverse platform. This latter truss is supported on one side by the lower chord of the truss which runs across the gable of the train-shed. This leaves an open space free from columns and 65 ft. in width across tlie whole end of the train-'shed, — a very desirable feature for handling large crowds. As the teredo sometimes works in these waters, all the piling and timber used in these foundations have been well creosoted with dead oil or coal-tar creosote. The allowable working-stresses in the iron-work for the station are 14,000 lbs. per square inch for wrought- iron in tension ; 13,000 lbs. per square inch for wrought-iron in compression, properly reduced ; 10.000 lbs. per square inch for single shear on rivets ; 20,000 lbs. per square inch for bearing value of rivets. Where strains include wind and snow, the above tensile and compressive stresses may be increased to 17,000 lbs. and 16,000 lbs., respectively. As in all the other work connected with the improvement of these terminals, the time and expense of constructing the station are considerably increased by the necessity of providing temporary accommoda- tions for the heavy traffic, which must be moved with the least possible hindrance no matter what changes are troing on. TERMINAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 421 A new five-story office buildiiiir. 50 ft. x 159 ft., adjoining the southeast end of the train-shed, serves for the general otKces of the New York division of tlie railroad. A system of bridges and passages will cross the ferry-house on a level with the second story and wait- ing-room, connecting with foot-bridges at each slip leading to the upper deck of the ferry-boats. These bridges, which are very light, being only for foot traffic, are suspended from a gallows frame, and are counter- weighted so that they are easily adjusted by hand by the ferry attendants to suit the stage of the tide. The bridges leading to the lower decks, which are much heavier, being used for teams, are supported on pon- toons, so that they adjust themselves to the rise and fall of the tide. Baggage is brought across the river on the lower decks in a baggage-van or on a truck, and is drawn through the ferry-house and onto the platform of a hydraulic elevator at the rear of the train-shed, which raises it quickly to the level of the train- shed platforms. The credit for the general design of the train-shed is due to Mr. C. C. Schneider, M. Am. Soc. C. E. The structural details were worked out by the Pencoyd Bridge and Construction Co., who were the contractors for the work. The whole work was done under supervision of the engineering staft of the Pennsylvania Railroad; those to whom special responsibility in connection with the work was entrusted being Chief Engineer Wm. H. Brown, assisted by Mr. Wm. A. Pratt at the general offices of the company, and Mr. E. F. Brooks, Engineer of Maintenance of Way of the United Railroads of New Jersey Division, assisted by Mr. Martin L. Gardner. For further data, details of iron-work, strain-sheet, method of erection, etc., see the publications mentioned above. Passenger Train-shed at Pittsburg, Pa., Baltimore a^ Ohio Railroad. — Tiie passenger train-slied of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad at Pittsburg, Pa., was described and illustrated, in a paper read before the Engineers" Society of Western Pennsylvania, by Mr. J. E. Greiner, C.E., partly repub- lished in the issue of Engineering Neios of F"ebruary 23, 1889. This shed is 385 ft. long, and consists of a clear span of 84 ft. resting on columns with outside roof projections. The great peculiarity of this design is that the entire shed rests on a second set of columns below the train story, so that tlie design involved considerable ingenuity and nicety of calculations to jjrovide for all the ]iossible combinations of dead weight, live load, snow, wind, etc., and also give ample stiffness and stability. The specifications for the shed arc reprinted partly in the publications mentioned. The methods and assumptions utilized in calculating the roof structure and its supports are given in full in the paper. Ferry Passenger Terminus at Franklin Street, New York, N. Y., JFest Shore Railroad. — Tlie jilans for the ferry passenger terminus of the West Shore Railroad at foot of Franklin Street, New York, N. ^'., designed and built under the supervision of Mr. Walter Katte, Chief Engineer, were illustrated and described in the issue of Engineering Ne^as of November 21, 1891. The ferry-house is jiartly shown in Figs. 398 and 399, and the description in the publication mentioned is as follows : The facilities include a freight pier in addition to the passenger ferry. The slip for the passenger ferry-boat is on the north side of the freight pier, which is protected from injury by a row of fender-piles. The conveniences provided in the passenger station are about those usually arranged, with the addition of a ladies' waiting-room and a smoking-room. The West Street front of the building is ornamented by a clock- tower 22 X 20 ft., the face of the clock being about 60 ft. above the street surface and the spire rising to a height of about roc ft. This feature is a most commendable one, especially on a road carrying a consider- able number of commuters, a class of passengers whose habit of arriving at the ferry very close to the time of departure of the boat connecting with their train is well known. Another noticeable feature of the terminal is the abundant light provided for the passage-ways to and from the ferry-slip by a large skylight in the roof, 63 x 22 ft. in size. The buildings are heated by steam ; and both gas and electric lights arc provided, with arc-lights over the wagon driveways. The frames and roof-trusses are of iron, while the roof and sides are of galvanized sheet-iron. The roof is covered with asphalt and gravel. Ferry Passenger Terminus at Boston, Mass., Boston, Revere Beach Gf Lynn Railroad. — The pas- senger depot of the Boston, Revere Beach & Lynn Railroad on Atlantic Avenue, Boston, Mass., is the Boston terminus of the ferry across the Charles River, connecting with the Boston, Revere Beach & Lynn Railroad. Plans and a very full description of this depot, designed by Mr. George Finneran, architect, were published in the issue of the Railroad Gazette of August i, 1880. 422 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. Proposed Train-shed at New Orleans, La., Illinois Central Railroad. — In Fig. 669 is shown tlie half-section of a design for a proposed iron train-shed of the Illinois Central Railroad at New Fir.. 6fig. — Cross-section of Train-shed. Orleans, La., data for wliich were kindly furnished by Mr. J. F. Wallace, Chief Engineer, Illinois Central Railroad. The design of this shed is novel and original. It consists of three arched spans, with two cantilever side roof projections. The entire width spanned is 14S ft. The central span is 41 ft. wide and 30 ft. high in the clear above the track at the centre of the span. The adjoining side spans are each 36 ft. wide and 22 ft. 6 in. high in the clear above the track at the centre of the span. The roof projections on each side extend 17 ft. 6 in. beyond the side column. The roof- •trusses, purlins, columns, and longitudinal bracing are all of iron plates or shapes riveted together. Proposed Terminal Passenger Dchot at Chicago, III., Illinois Central Railroad. — In Fig. 670 is shown a section of the iron train-shed to be built at the proposed passenger depot at Chicago, 111., of Fir, 670.— Crosssf.ction of Train shkd. the Illinois Central Railroad, the data for which were kindly furnished by Mr. J. F. Wallace, Chief Engineer, Illinois Central RailroacJ. The shed is built with an arched central span, 108 ft. wide, and TERMINAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 42^ a cantilever roof projection, 36 ft. wide, on each side of the main span, so that tlie total width covered is 180 ft. The clearance is 21 ft. above tiie rail. There are 10 tracks covered, 6 under the main span and 4 under the roof projections. The tracks are grouped in pairs. The tracks in each pair are spaced 12 ft. centres. 'I'he platforms between the tracks are 14 ft. wide. The proposed depot building is illustrated and described in the issue of F.iii^iiiccn'iig Nncs of Aiiril 28,- 1S92, from -which publication Fig. 671 is taken. It is also very thoroughly described and illustrated in the issue of the Railroad Gazette of October 14, 1892. The description of the dejiot in Eiigi/icen'iig News is as follows : '--■■'-'--A 'HDIIB -'^■jk \ V-^'-*.^ii>.i«v^/'-''« ^.^ Fig. 6-r. — PKKsi'EcrivK oi-- Deiot. The site is on the lake front at the smith end of Lake Front Park, and near Twelfth Street and Park Row. It will be a terminal station for main-line trains, but suburban trains will run through as far as tlolpli Street, where a new station for suburban traffic will be built eventually. The location and general arrangement of the main terminal station have been settled by Mr. J. F. Wallace. Chief Engineer, and Mr. Bradford L. Gilbert, of New York, is architect for the building. The illu.stration represents the up-town or north face of the building, showing the openings through which the suburban tracks pass to the train-shed. The building will be of fire-proof construction. The first three stories will be of dark granite on the main front, while the upper part and the other sides will be of bufi mottled brick. The roof will be covered with dark glazed Spanish tiles. Adjoining the building will be the train-shed, 600 ft. long. The first and mezzanine stories of the building will be devoted to waiting-rooms, ticket-offices, and other orlices for the use of the public. Special provision has been made for the accommodation of suburban traffic, and ingress and egress can be had from the platforms and special waiting-room without the necessity of entering the main station building;. Carriages will drive from Park Row into a large covered court. 424 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. The principal ticket-offices will be on the street level. Provision has been made for passengers to check their baggage, and by means of subways reach the train platforms without the necessity of going up-stairs into the waiting-rooms, which will be in the portion of the building extending over and above the tracks, and forming, in addition to the office building, a structure about 150 ft. square. Private waiting- rooms for ladies, a smoking-room, restaurant accommodation, and other conveniences have been provided for. The rotunda, or general waiting-room, will be 100 ft. by 150 ft., with a large, circular-domed root. Wide stairways are provided from this room connecting with all passenger platforms, and to avoid the necessity of incoming passengers having to pass through the waiting-room, provision has been made by well-lighted subways carried under the tracks for entrance from Twelfth Street, Park Row, and the covered carriage court. The cost of the station, including main building and train-shed, is estimated at $900,000. Terminal Depot at Oakland, CaL, Central Pacific Railroad. — The western terminal station of the Central Pacific Railroad is situated near Oakland, Cal , upon a pier of earthwork and rock running out into San Francisco Bay from its eastern shore, a distance of i| miles, having a wharf and ferry- slip at its western extremity. The building is constructed in three main divisions crosswise. The central part is 120 ft. wide and 60 ft. high, and accommodates overland trains, and the divisions on either side of tliis are 60 ft. wide and 40 ft. high, being exclusively for suburban trains running to and from Oakland, Ala- meda, and Berkeley, connecting with the San Francisco ferry-steamers. At the west end of the main or central division are two commodious waiting-rooms for passen- gers. The upper or main waiting-room, 120 X 120 ft., connecting by side aprons with the saloon deck of ferry-steamers, and the lower waiting-room, connecting by end apron witli the main deck of steamers, give quick and easy passage to and from the boats. The building also contains a restaurant and various offices and apartments for railroad employes. The structure, 1050 ft. total length, covers an area of over four acres, and is constructed mainly of wood and iron, the supports resting on concrete and pile foundations. The roof is covered with corrugated iron and glass. At night the building is illuminated with electric lights. Union Depot at Omaha, Neb. — The proposed Union Passenger Depot at Omaha, Neb., is de- scribed and illustrated in the issue of Engineering News of August 17, 1889. Proposed Terminal Passenger Depot at Chicago, III., Chicago Elevated Terminal Raihcav. — The proposed terminal passenger depot of the Chicago Elevated Terminal Railway at State and Twelfth streets, Chicago, 111., designed by Mr. S. S. Beman, architect, Chicago, 111., is shown in Figs. 672 and 673, taken by permission from the Engineering News of May 5, 1892, in which publication the depot is described as follows : The main building will be eight stories high, and surmounted by a steep tiled roof, and will have a frontage of 350 ft. on State Street, the style of architecture being that of the English renaissance. About 80 ft. south of this main building will be a train-shed with a length of 1000 ft. on State Street. At the corner of the building will be a tower 60 ft. square and 420 ft. high to the top of the flag-staff. In the tower there will be a clock with dials on each side 19 ft. diameter, while at the top there will be a frieze about 16 ft. wide, emblematic of railway construction. The exterior will be constructed of stone, very likely brown-stone, for the first and second stories, and above this the walls will be of terra-cotta. There will be two entrances to the main waiting-room from State Street and two through the tower, while the passengers for the suburban trains will reach the trains from the south end of the main building through the court between the latter and the train-shed. The fronts of the ground or first story of both the main building and train-shed will be leased for stores, with tiic exception of the space used for entrances. The main waiting-room will be 174x350 ft., and will be arched, with a skj'light overhead, this being the size of the court by which the offices above will be lighted. Open- ing onto this room there will be a suburban waiting-room, 50 x 160 ft.; ladies' parlor, 50 x 80 ft.; and dining-rooms, barber-shop, news-stands, etc. Off the main waiting-room there will be a loggia iS ft. wide and about 130 ft. long, beneath which will be a carriage entrance to the elevators, and steps leading up to the grand waiting-room. This carriage court will be 150 X 50 ft. The upper part of the building, including the tower, will be used for offices, of which there will be 106 on each floqr. In the trniii-shed will be 14 tracks, with a transfer-table by which trains can be immediately transferred from one track to another, so that they can arrive and depart without interruption. At the north end of the shed there will be eight elevators for receiving and lowering the baggage from TERMINAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 425 I O 426 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILFOADS. "TTTT TT — W' TTl V I Tl xX ~' ^" "' ^1 1 1 t| it ^1 D ■ n I 1 L TERMINAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 427 incoming trains to the baggage-rooms beneatli. vvliile at the south end tlicre will be the same number for handling outgoing baggage. The steel roof-trusses of the train-shed will have a clear span of 2S9 ft., anti will be of elliptical form, rising to a height of 125 ft. They will be placed 40 ft. apart and arranged in pairs braced and riveted together. The platforms of the train-shed will be of Portland cement, and the tracks will be 12 in. below the platform level. The entire structure will be of fire-proof construction, and equipped with all modern conveniences. The estimated cost is $3,500,000. It is intended to begin work as early as possible, and it is thought that two years will be required to complete it. A large cut of this depot is published in the I iilaiiil Architect and News Rccofd, Vol. XIX., No. 2. Union Passenger Depot at St. Paul, Minn.^'Vhn Union Passenger Depot at St. Paul, iMinn., designed by Mr. L. S. Bufifington, architect, shown in Fig. 674, is a large terminal head-station, with six tracks terminating at the head-house, and three through tracks. Plans for this building were published in the issue of the Rai/zcay Revieza of October 30, 1880, and described as follows : The depot building, now in process of construction and nearly com|)leted. is locatccl at the fuot.of Sibky Street, partly on the public levee and partly on the adjoining tier of lots. The width of this portion of tlie ground is 208 ft.; the length from Sibley Street to the east end of the station is 720 ft., and tlie approach is about half a mile long. The area of the entire depot ground is 9J acres. For passenger busi- ness nine tracks enter the grounds, six of them being terminal and three forming continuous lines past the south side of the head-house. These latter connect with a tenth track tliat is continuous to the extreme south, and is intemled for transfer business. This system of tracks is arranged in pairs. Between these pairs extejid platforms, 475 ft. long by 88 ft. wide, connected at the depot end by a cross platform, 30 ft. wide and coveied by an iron porch roof. The depot building, constructed of St. Louis pressed brick and Ohio sandstone trimmings, has a 130 ft. fi out across the tracks, and is 150 ft. deep. It is divided longitudinally by a central hall 112 ft, long and 30 ft. wide. This hall is carried up through two stories, and is 40 ft. high. The effect thus produced is very striking, and is heightened by the artistic decorations. These latter consist of tasteful mosaics of Philadelphia enamelled and Racine pressed brick, with which the hall is lined. The colored enamelled brick are carried up some 10 ft., harmoniously combined in a graceful design, and thence the cream-colored brick are carried up to the ceiling. The result is a very pretty and withal light hall. At the second-story a series of arches is encountered. These arches form the upper hall. The dwarfing effect of projecting balconies, found in some similar structures, is here obviated by making the balconies flush, and taking the extra space from the upper series of rooms. Thus there is in the central hall a clean sweep of two stories. The interior of the cross hall is also tastefully decorated. The artistic effects of these halls are quite striking. The ladies' and gentlemeri's rooms are each 46 ft. square, and there arc commodious restaurants, lunch and baggage rooms, depot offices, employes' rooms, etc. Taken altogether, this is a model depot. The arrangement of tracks is admirable, and well calculated to facilitate a systematic handling of St. Paul's very rapidly increasing passen- ger traffic. The comfort and convenience of the public has been especially studied, and ventilation and heating have been closely looked after. This building was destroyed by fire in 1S84 and immediately rebuilt, the old walls being jKirlly used and the interior arrangements being practically the same as previously built. The baggage- building on the north side ot the grounds, built in 1883, is a two-story lirick building. The lower floor is used for baggage and express and for the heat and power plant, while the upper floor is fitted up for emigrant waiting-rooms. The longitudinal platforms between the tracks were covered by wooden platform shed roofs, supported on two posts about every 16 ft. These temporary wooden platform sheds, as also the iron ])orch roof over the transverse |>latforni at the back of the head-house, were removed in 1889 and reiilaced by a handsome iron train-shed, as illustrated and descril)ed below. Train-slied of Union Passeni^er Depot at St. Paul, Minn. — The train-shed of the Union Passenger Depot at St. Paul, Minn., designed by and built in 1889 and 1890 under the direction of Mr. Clias. F. Loweth, civil engineer, St. Paul, Minn., shown in Figs. 674 to 677, is described as follows by Mr. Loweth, who has kindly furnished some very valuable data as to the details of the work and the unit costs, whi<:h will prove of especial interest, and hence are reproduced here in fidl: The shed is at rear of and adjoining the Union Deput building. The area covered is 640 ft. in length by about 1S9 ft. in width, and deducting the area in .idjouiing baggage budding amounts to 115,128 428 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. sq. ft. The outer right-hand corner was cut off to conform to tlie property Hnc. Shed covers nine tracks and five platforms, the lower track being a freight-transfer track. The structure consists of a series of nineteen trusses, spaced generally n ft. 6 in. r. to c, and varied to suit openings in baggage building. These trusses are supported on posts generally 165 ft. 10 in. c. to c, with projecting brackets, making a clear span of about 164 ft. 6 in., and a total width of building of about 189 ft. out to out of roof. Sides of structure between posts are open, except such bracing as required for stability, and consisting of a 7-ft. deep latticed purlin-strut at top, and a 4-ft. deep plate-girder curtain strut, the bottom of which is level with the top of car-windows, and which is ornamented by rosettes and open holes arranged in scrolls. The second and fourth trusses from east end at north side are carried by longitudinal trusses to adjoining posts in order to allow for side tracks. Fig. 674. — Side Elevation of HEAD-Hr>i'M and Tuain-shed. Fig. 675. -Cross-section of Train-shed. Foundations. — Foundations along south side and the two at N. E. corner are on piles. End piers have si.x piles and intermediate ones nine ; largest foundation at N. E. corner of building has twelve piles. All piles were cut off at about 6 ft. 6 in. below ground and pit e.xcavated 6 in. below top of piles ; on piles was placed a bed of American natural-cement concrete 2 ft. thick and generally 6 ft. wide by 9 ft. long. On concrete was built a masonry pier of first-class ashlar masonry with granite cap-stones about 6 in. above top of rails. Foundations along baggage building were carried down to level of bottom of building foundation, about 6 ft. 6 in. below tracks ; foundation wall cut away for length of about 7 ft. 6 in., and a Portland-cement con- crete foundation 7 ft. 6 in. by 15 ft. laid, the length being transverse to building. Eight 10 in. steel beams 14 ft. long were bedded in each concrete base ; on this foundation masonry was built similar to other piers except that the cap-stones were Mankato stone and the space between building wall and new piers was filled with masonry. TERMINAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 429 All foundaiions are on made ground, consisting of 20 to 25 ft. of gravel tilling on old slough and river bed, put in from nine to twelve years previously. Quantities, prices, and total cost are as follows : 2265 ft. pine piling, at 30 c 6"679 50 150.99 cu. yd. Milwaukee cement concrete, at $4.50, 679 45 S8.20 ■■ " Portland cement concrete, at §6, 50 573 30 144.06 " " Mankato stone masonry, at, §14 2,016 84 5.62 " " " " pier caps at, $16, 91 00 10.4 " " granite pier caps, at §50.75, 527 80 Extra work, repairing sewer damaged in driving piles, etc 69 97 Steel beams for foundations, 25,704 lbs., at 3 c 771 12 Total $5,408 98 Cost of loundation per square foot of area covered, 4.7 cents. Iron Work. — Trusses are 6 ft. deep at ends, 23 ft. deep at centre, with bottom chord curvefl and raised at centre 10 ft above ends. Trusses are pin-connected e.xcept the two panels at ends, wliich were made of tlie UNION D E p e>S^« At N - s-3 Len-*th 6 40 ft. ^^^ Fig. 676. — Perspective of Exterior of Train-shed. riveted lattice form in order to admit of a stifTer connection to the supporting posts. All eye-bars, counters, top chords, pins and supporting posts are of steel. All else of wrought-iron. All rivet-holes in steel were reamed. Structure was proportioned for a combined dead and live load of respectively 20 and 25 lbs. per square foot of roof surface, and also for the above dead load, and in addition a combined live snow-load of 20 lbs. per square foot and a horizontal wind-pressure of 50 lbs. per scjuare foot, both acting on the same half of truss only. AllowabVe unit stresses are generally on a basis of a factor of 4, which is a minimum and increased somewhat as the importance of the member. Minimum thickness of metal t\ in. Purlins are riveted lat- 43° BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. tice girders spaced about lo ft. lo in. apart measured in plane of roof, and arc generally 3 ft. deep. Purlins are prevented from sagging by 3 in. X3 in. x {'^ in. angle-iron extcmling from centre of purlins to ridge pur- lins, or diagonally each way to the main trusses. Lateral bracing occurs in every other space between trusses at top chord only, except in the two spaces at east end of shed, where heavy lateral bracing occurs at lower chord level to provide for wind-pressure on end gable. The total weight of iron and steel in superstructure is 1,690,290 lbs., equivalent to 14.7 lbs. per square fort of area covered. Contract price was 4.25c. per pound erected and painted, amounting to iji/ 1,837. 32, or 62.5c. per square foot of area covered. Extras in iron-work contract amounted to .S'524.41 and included cost of 6160 lbs. eye-bars broken in Fir.. 677, — Perspective of Interior of Train-shed. testing and 2033 lbs. irnn-work injun-d liy other contractor, extra painting, etc. ; making total cost of iron- work .^72,361.73. lioof-coveriiii^. — Roof-covering is of ij-in. matched and dressed pine sheathing laid on 3-in. xS-in. pine jack-rafters spaced about 4 ft. 3 in. apart and bolted to purlins. Skylights arranged as shown on plans. Glass f in. thick in first 125 ft. ne.xt to Union Depot building, and balance J in. thick, all best quality rolled ribbed glass, set in galvanized-iron frames, thoroughly painted. Skylights constitute 26.3^ of roof surface. Ventilation of shed obtained by continuous wood louvres, one on each side of roof at about the centre, and by four large ventilators at ridge, each one panel long with wood louvres at sides ; also by ten cast-iron " None such " smoke-jacks at ridge. Roofing of tin (Gilbertson's "Old Method" or Taylor's "Old Style," extra heavy coated). .\\\ tin painted an under side at shop and laid with one layer of strawboard building-paper between it and the sheathing. Gutters made of No. 24 galvanized iron. The entire cost of this roof-work, including enclosing ends of shed, gutters, leader-pipes, etc., was $34,825.54, or equal to y>\c. per square foot of area covered. TERMINAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 431 The following arc some of the quantities in the work and prices paid : y6,6t>o sq. ft. of tin roofing, at $9.00 per 100 ft., incUiding flashings, painting under side, and paper layer. 33,060 sq. ft. of skylights, 7480 ft. being § in. glass, balance \ in. thick. Cost 53c. and 45c. per square foot respectively, set in place. S96 lineal ft. of 24-in. girth galvanized-iron gutter. 648 '• '• " galvanized-iron leader-pipes. 16S cast-iron leader-pipes. 31 1 31 in. X 24 in. iron cornices. 3.460 sq. ft. corrugated-iron siding. 1,280 lineal ft. of 4 ft. 10 in. wood louvres. 264 " •• •• 3 •' 5 83 ' glazed light frame in east-end gable. 193.480 ft. B. M. in rafters and sheathing. Above price did not include painting of wood and sheet-metal work, except such surfaces as would be inaccessible for painting after erection; separate contract for painting amounting to $3500, including one coat for all rafters and under side of roof sheathing, and two coats on all outside wood-work, tin-roofing, cornices, gutters, and corrugated and other sheet-iron work, but not including painting of any structural iron-work. Above price is equivalent to 34 c. per square foot of area covered. Cost of structure should include, in addition to above items, one of $2251.77 for miscellaneous e.xiiendi- tures, such as su|)plies, extra help, electric lights, building permit, switching cars, etc., and including $709.42 for sewers along both sides of building. Suiniiiary of Cost : Foundations $5,408 "98 Iron-work 72,361 73 Roof-covering, etc 34,825 54 Painting 3.500 00 Miscellaneous 2,251 77 Total $118,348 02 Engineering and inspection, including inspection of iron-work at mill and shop, . 4.84S 07 Total cost $123,196 09 Total cost per square foot of area, §1.07. The iron-work was furnished and erected by the Keystone Bridge Co. Tain ilia I Passenger Depot at Forty-second Street, New York, N. V., New York Central Ss' Hudson River Railroad. — In Fig. 678 is shown the ground-plan of the terminal depot of the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad at Forty-second Street, New York, N. Y., which is built as a U-shaped head-station. This station serves for several railroads, and hence there are a series of waiting and l^'^ggage rooms. The train-shed for departing trains has twelve tracks, while the shed for arriving trains has seven tracks. The train-sheds are 650 ft. long. The main shed is covered by a single-span arched iron roof construction of 200 ft. span. Terminal J'assenger Depot at Jersey City, N'. /., Central Railroad of New Jersey.— 'Wm^ passenger depot of the Central Railroad of New Jersey at Jersey City, N. J., shown in Figs. 679 to 6S3, de- scribed and illustrated in the issue of Engineering A'^e'ws of October 6, 18SS, from which publication Figs. 679 to 682 are copied, is a large, handsome, and substantially built terminal head-station, de- scribed as follows in the imblication mcTitioned : The buihiing is of brick and iron, with stone trimmings in the front. The general dimensions are 215 ft. in width by 717 ft. in length, the train-shed being 512 ft. long. The accompanying plan and front and side elevations convey a clear idea of the arrangement of tlie ground-floor and of the appearance of the exterior. The foundations of the walls and piers are of piles of an average length of 60 ft. Under the walls the piles are placed zigzag, from 5 to 6 ft. apart, in two rows 2 ft. centre to centre. On top of the piles are 12x12 caps, upon which are 3x6 cross-pieces on which rests the masonry. All the wood is below high-water mark. The pier foundations are clusters of from 7 to 9 piles capped vi-ith 12 x 12 and 3x6 timbers, and then a brick pier capped with a 3 x 4 bluestonc. These support the iron columns carrying the main roof of the train- shed. The load on a single pile is limited to 9 tons. 432 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. r •z < ' >J 04 "^^ 1 Q z ■v » u ■* § O ;i 1 CO ■ii o o - i Ph TERMINAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 433 r I m o oi o c 9 M E c rt S "I ,"^ e a Si J. >•!>« 3 ^ ;: 3^ s 3 " u o « 8^' 23 • o .'S &^ ■5 « ex: S-- ^-a (3 ■afoj 'J^''^'s "J S; •«'< 434 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS^ TERMINAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 435 •,ttti*9 '•¥»•'►'? 436 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. The truss of ihe truin-shed roof is shown in the accompanying half-section. Tlie trusses are spaced 32J ft. The lean-to roofs are tin, tlie others slate. Extending the length of the train-shed is a monitor roof of glass. Fixed windows are placed above the lean-to roof. The train-shed will accommodate 12 tracks, 6 for outgoing and 6 for incoming passengers. The tracks are arranged in pairs, separated by concrete walks, 13 ft. 10 in. wide. The tracks are spaced generally 12 ft. centres. The waiting room in the centre of the head-house is 85 ft. 4 in. in length, and 66 ft. 8 in. in width. The ticket-office is located at the entrance, and at the sides are news-stands, restaurant, private rooms, etc. The walls are of English cream-colored glazed brick, and the flooring of bluestone. This room is lighted by 3 large dormers and a skylight extending the whole length. All the other rooms upon this floor are finished Fig. 6S3. Perspective of Exterior of Train-shed. in North Carolina hard pine, the ceilings being formed by the beams and flooring of the second story. The exit for incoming passengers, on the south side of the building, is 29 ft. wide, is paved with concrete and walled with English brick. The platform between the head-house and train-shed is 31^ ft. wide. The bag- gage passage is on the north side of the depot. The vault measures 17 by loj ft. inside. The foundation consists of three rows of piling (longitudinal) carrying arches supporting the floor, which is on a level with the main floor. The centre wall is 12 in. thick, the outer ones 24 in. In the latter is a 4-in. air-space. The vault is entered from the second floor by means of a spiral stairway. The upper stories of the head-house are to be used as offices. Four nevi' slips, arranged symmetrically with the building, and a new ferry-house, are being built. The depot building was designed by Messrs. Peabody & Stearns, architects. The work throughout was built and carried out under the immediate supervision of Mr. Wm. H. Peddle, Engineer and Superintendent, C. R. R. of N. J. Terminal Passenger Depot, Philadelphia, Pa., Philadelphia &" Reading Terminal Railroad. — The passenger station of the Philadelphia & Reading Terminal Railroad Company at Twelfth and Market streets, Philadelphia, forms the Philadelphia terminus of the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad. It is a large and substantially built terminal head-station, designed by Messrs. Wilson Brothers & Co., TERMINAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 437 civil engineers and architects, Pliiladelphia, Pa., as shown in Figs. 684 to 688, prepared from data kindly furnished by them. The head-house, which fronts on Market Street, has a frontage of 266 ft. 6 in. and a depth of 100 ft. It is eight stories high with a half-basement ; the height from the pave- ment to the top of the balustrade being 153 ft. The train-shed is 266 ft. 6 in. in width and 559 ft. long, including the lobby 50 ft. wide in rear of head-house. The entire space covered reaches from Market Street to Arch Street, a distance of 659 ft. The trains enter the station by an elevated struc- ture, so that the platforms in the train-shed are on a level with the second floor of the head-house. Filbert Street, which runs between Market Street and Arch Street, and parallel thereto, passes under the train-shed. The ground-floor from Market Street to F'ilbert Street is occupied by the railroad company for sundry purposes, explained below, while the space under the train-shed from F"ilbert Street to Arch Street is utilized for a public market-house. This structure is especially noteworthy, as it is the most recent passenger terminal station of magnitude erected in this country, its construction having begun in the fall of 1891. It presents, therefore, so far as feasible under the circumstances, the best arrangements and the latest improve- ments applicable to railroad passenger-stations. It has the largest existing single-span train-shed roof, which fact alone entitles this structure to rank with the most prominent railroad terminal stations of this or any other country. The Philadelphia & Reading Railroad Company has succeeded in erecting one of the handsomest terminal passenger stations in the world, so that due credit should be given to the railroad company and to the designers for an achievement that every American can be justly proud of. The exterior of the building, as represented in Fig. 684, shows a design in the Italian Renais- sance, which is very artistic and effective. Since the design was made from which the illustration is taken, an additional story has been added to the head-house between the third and the seventh floors, which will improve the appearance. The basement and the first stories are built of pink granite, and the remainder of pink brick and white terra-cotta. The several floors of the head-house are used as follows : The basement is fitted up for stores. The first floor serves as an entrance-lobby for passengers, with the necessary ticket-offices, baggage- rooms, carriage-court, and accommodations for a number of interests and departments connected with the railroad and station service. The second floor, which is on a level with the platforms in the train- shed, contains a large general waiting-room, a ladies' waiting-room, dining-room, restaurant, toilet- room for gentlemen and ladies, etc. The remainder of the building is used for general ofifices of the railroad company and of the operating service of the terminal. The half-basement on each side of the main passenger entrance from Market Street is fitted up very handsomely, and contains six stores on the Market Street front and one on Twelfth Street. It is reached by a few steps leading down from the street. The large passenger lobby on the first floor, 58 ft. X 80 ft., forming the main entrance, is reached, as shown in Fig. 685, by two steps leading up from the level of Market Street through an open arcade, 1 14 ft. front and 12 ft. in depth. On the left-hand side of the lobby there is the ticket-office, 37 ft. X 48 ft., with a fire-proof vault; also a branch office of the U. S. post-office, 31 ft. X 37 ft. In the rear wall of the lobby there is an entrance to a 20-ft. corridor leading from the lobby to the carriage-court, and also two openings to the outward-bound baggage-room, so that passengers after purchasing tickets can attend to checking their baggage before ascending to the train-floor of the building. On the right-hand side of the lobby there is a lo-ft. staircase leading to the train-floor ; also two elevators for passengers, and a Pullman ticket-office. On the Market Street front, beyond the arcade to the right, there is a large office, 43 ft. X 58 ft., with a fire-proof vault, for the Philadelphia tS: Reading Coal and Iron Company. In the rear of this office there is the store-room for railroad-tickets, 32 ft. X 37 ft. To the left of the arcade, at the corner of Market Street and Twelfth Street, is the office for the treasury department of the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad Company. This office is 64 ft. X 73 ft. and has connected with it large burglar-proof and fire-proof vaults. Between this office and the ticket-office is located the main exit stair leading to Market Street ; and there is also a similar stair leading to Twelfth Street, as shown on the plan. At the extreme right of the Market Street front, and also on the Twelfth Street front, there are 438 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. I TERMINAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 439 '-SJ^H-V ^ Q-^-g-e. 'BT^ ^ ^w;^"^^ riLBCRT iT/fec^ Dfi/vcw/jr' Dfliv£n/iy ® Fig. 6S5. — Ground-plan ok Fikst Floor. 440 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. .J A/iCH ■~1 _J .J STftCCT Ci/T/iar/fr sT STRCET HUNT€f1 ST J STffccr Fig. 686. — Grou.\d-plan of Train Floor. TERMINAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 44' 442 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. TERMINAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 443 special entrances with staircases and elevators leading to the general offices of the railroad company on the upper lloors. Tile baggage rooms are located between the head-house and the carriage-court in the rear, from which, as previously mentioned, there is a 20-ft. corridor leading to the entrance-lobby. This corridor is flanked by a number of small offices for various purposes, such as railroad mail and the advertising ins|)ector. The out-bound baggage-room is 72 ft. X 90 ft. Baggage is received from wagons standing in the carriage-court and hoisted to the train-lloor level by means of two baggage-elevators at one end of the room. Passengers can check their baggage or make inquiries concerning same at the two openings from the lobby previously mentioned. At one corner of this baggage room there is a water- closet for employes. At the corner next to the carriage-court there is a mail-chute, so that incoming mail-bags can be delivered from the upper or train-floor level to a platform on the lower level, whence they are loaded into the mail-wagons. The in-bound baggage-room is 72 ft. X 105 ft. Baggage is transferred to it from the train-floor level by two baggage-elevators, located as show on the plans, and thence delivered to wagons stand- ing in the carriage-court or on Twelfth Street. At the corner of this baggage-room, next to the cor- ridor from the carriage court previously referred to, and near the entrance-lobby, there is an in-bound baggage-delivery window, where in-bound passengers passing to the carriage-court can obtain hand- baggage or make any necessary arrangements- The carriage-court in the rear of the baggage-rooms is 74 ft. wide and runs through under the train-shed from Twelfth Street to Hunter Street, to which it forms a prolongation, as shown on the l)lans. The middle of the carriage-court is used as a driveway; the side next to the baggage-rooms serves for wagons to stand when delivering or receiving baggage, while the other side of the court is utilized as a cab-stand. The space on the ground-level between this carriage-court and P'ilbert Street is used for a restau- rant for employes and market people, and for an express-office. The restaurant, 47 ft. X 89 ft., front- ing on Filbert Street, Twelfth Street, and the carriage-court, has connected with it a store-room, 18 ft. X 24 ft. ; a kitchen, 19 ft. X 29 ft. ; a pantry, 18 ft. X 23 ft. ; a bakery, 17 ft. X 19 ft. ; and water- closets for men and for women. The express-office, 47 ft. X 129 ft., is accessible from Filbert Street and from the carriage-court, and is provided witli a toilet-room for employes. The remainder of the ground-floor under the train-shed between Filbert Street and Arch Street is used as a public market-house, as before stated. The ground-floor having been explained, it will now be in order to describe the second or main floor of the building, as shown in Fig. 686, which is on a le\el with the platforms in the train-shed. The outgoing passengers, after purchasing tlieir railroad-tickets and checking their baggage, ascend from the entrance-lobby on the ground-floor by the entrance stairs or elevators, shown on the plans, to the general waiting-room, 78 ft. X 100 ft., which is a lofty and handsomely finished room. In front of this room, facing Market Street, is a loggia, 14 ft. X 120 ft., which adds materially to the beauty of the exterior design of the building, while it lends additional attractions to the general waiting-room, as it will prove in summer a welcome extension. On the right of the general waiting-room is located the ladies' waiting-room, 39 ft. X 43 ft., with ladies' parlor, 15 ft. X 17 ft., and a ladies' toilet-room, 15 ft. X 17 ft., a parcel-room, and the stairs and elevators for passengers. On the left is the dining-room, 43 ft. X 84 ft., and the restaurant, 48 ft. X64 ft., with lunch-counter. A telegraph-office, for the use of the public, and a news-stand are located on the side of the general waiting-room next to the train-shed. There is a lobby 50 ft. wide between the head-house and the train-shed, extending across the station, in which outgoing crowds congregate while waiting for the gates to be opened, and from which iticoming passengers have access to the main exit stairs to Twelfth Street and to Market Street. The lobby is enclosed on the train-side by an ornamental iron fence with gates o])posite the longitudinal platforms in the train-shed. The elevators from the baggage-rooms on the ground-floor are located at the ends of this lobby, which also contains small offices for the station-master and the United States postal clerk. The second story of the head-house is 35 ft. high, and the main waiting- room occupies the whole of it ; but on either side a half-story is obtained over the ladies' waiting- 444 BUILBINGS AND STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN RAILROADS. 'W^''&^^ i . s / ,f^ '1 I ♦-•aEj^s: TERMINAL PASSENGER DEPOTS. 445 room, dining-room, etc. A small service stair leads from the lobby lo the portion of this half-story on the ladies' waiting-room side, where the station operating force is acconinimlated. The gentle- men's toilet-room, 15 ft. X 29 ft., also opens on the lobby at this end. The remainder of the building is used for the general offices of the railroad company and its affiliated interests, and is fitted up for offices in the very best and most approved manner. The train-shed extends from the lobby to Arch Street, a distance of 509 ft. The lobby, 50 ft. wide, is covered with a low-pitch roof and skylights, so as to afford better light to the offices in the rear of the head-house above the train-shed floor. The roof of the train-shed is designed as shown in Fig. 688, the trusses being grouped in jiairs spaced 50 ft. 2 in. centre to centre of pairs, the trusses in each pair being 5 ft. centres. The hori- 0' 10' 20' 40* 6O' BROAD STRETEX Fig. 6go. — Ground-i'LAN of First Floor. J L zontal thrust at the foot of the arch is taken \\y by a system of eye-l)ar ties running across the train- shed under the floor alongside of the cross-girders supporting the tracks. The illustration Fig. 688 shows the space devoted to the market-house below the train-shed floor, and Fig. 687 shows the elevation of the Arch Street end of train-shed. The following are the official data regarding the dimensions of this train-shed roof, which, as ])re- viously stated, is the largest existing single-span train-shed. Clear span at level of tracks, 253 ft. 8 in. Span, 266 ft. 6 in. over all and 262 ft. 3 in. back to back of chords. Span centre to centre of end-pins, 259 ft. 8 in. Height from top of rail to top of skylight ridge, 95 ft. 6 in. Vertical height centre to centre of pins, 88 ft. 3-j5j- in. Height in clear at centre of span from top of rail to underclearance line, 80 ft. There are thirteen tracks in the train-shed, grouped in pairs with longitudinal platforms between them, the tracks in each pair being 12 ft. on centres and the platforms 19 ft. wide. The platforms are 8 in. above the top of the rails and 4 ft. 6 in. from the centre of the nearest track. The rails are laid on creosoterriii;iilfd 2j in. x 2j in., fitted with the necessary curves, bends, breaks, and other connections to convey the water from the roofs to grade. Secure conductors to walls with the proper fastenings, galvanized ; lap joints and solder, and secure fine wire screens, muzzle patterns, over openings in gutters. The contractor will be required to run the water pipes to a pohit lo' o" away from tlw Build im; : from thence the Contractor will be required to state the price per lineal foot, including excavation for additional drain pipe and laying the same for use, complete. PAINTING. The painting to be performed witli the best materials and labor, and every item requisite for a first- class job of work must be furnished. Priming. — All wood-work, inside and out, required to be painted must be primed ; all sap, knots, and other defects in lumber to be covered with a good coat of strong shellac before applying the priming coat ; putty up nail-heads, etc., after priming, and go over the same before applying the final coat. P.AINTING. — The several portions of the structure to have three coats of pure white lead and linseed oil, tinted, as may hereafter be directed. The rooms shall be designated from without by painting in black letters on the lock rail of the doors the words Gents' or Ladies' Waiting-rooin, if there are two ; if one, simply Waiting-room, Baggage-room, Ticket-office, etc., etc. Hard Wood. — All the interior 7C'ork to be filled with the Crockett's filler, properly applied, rubbed down and cle.-;ned ofT when wet, and finished with three coats of Crockett's Alo. \.Preseri'ati-'e. properly applied and rubbed down with water and powdered pumice, the last coat to be rubbed to a dull finish. Apply Crockett's No. I. Preservative to all outside yelknv pine. GLAZING. All the windows and transom lights thioughout the building, together with all glazed panels of doors not otherwise specified, to be glazed with double thick glass, well bedded, bradded, and back-puttied in soft putty ; left clean and perfect on completion of the work. The sash must receive two coats of paint or other finish (as previously specified) before the putting in of the glass. Provide ground glass for sash in the Toilet- rooms (and heavy hammered plate glass in doors of the Baggage-roovi). Glass in upper sash of the lower windim's, also the dormers, shall be white "fluted." arranged to p>-oduce a play of light. Gla^cthe sash of Ticket Office and the A'cws Room with the same glass arranged vertically and horisontally as to the flutings. HARDWARE. All outside doors (not sliding) to be hung with 5 x 5-inch imitation bronze loose-pin acorn-butts, ///nv to each leaf. All other doors to be hung with 4 x 4-inch bronce loose-pin acorn-butts, three to each door or leaf of double doors. Doors to the Toilet rooms and Cellar stair to have spring hinges, and to swing one way. W. C. doors to have brass hinges. All exterior doors to have six-inch patent front-door mortise lever lock, with bronze face and striking- plate. All other doors to have five-inch mortise locks, with bronze face and striking-plate. The furniture to locks throughout to be bronze. Ticket-office door will be supplied with patent alarm bell-knob. All outside doors are to have bronze metal mortise fiush-bolt at top and bottom of the leaf. Doors to Water closets to be provided with brass bolts and knobs. Padlock of the Yale Manufacturing Company's make must be placed on hatchway doors, if any. All balanced sash to have Morris's patent brass .sash fasts, or others equally as good. Put heavy triple hooks of japanned cast-iron in water-closets and other places as may be directed. All brass hardware to be put on with brass screws, and all bronze hardware to be put on with bronze screws. Supply the necessary sash-lifts, transom-bolts, rods, pivots, plates, and other hardware that may be required to make a thorough and complete job. 452 APPENDIX. Baggage-room doors to have cast-iron sliding-door lock of approved pattern, and six-inch cast-iron sheaves running on one-half-inch wrought-iron ways. HEATING. Supply two portable c. i. heaters in cellar warranted to warm all parts of the building to a uniform tem- perature of 70 with the outside temperature at o'. Heaters to have anti-clinkergratesand cast-iron firepots. All brick ffues for warm air to have tin lining, those running up in the frame partitions to be double and parts around the same lined with asbestos paper. Supply japanned registers to all rooms. Registers in floors to have soapstone or slate frames let in flush. Registers in partitions to be double-boxed with tin and space filled with plaster of Paris. Pedestal registers shall be placed where indicated on plans, and shall be of Tuttle's make or others equally as good, 16" x 21" on base, bronzed sides and marble top. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Specifications for Engine House at Mt. Pleasant Junction. Jersey Citv, N. J.* Description. — The building will be a polygon of 44 sides as shown on plan. The inner space over the turntable and around it will not be roofed. The outside wall and walls at sides of entrances shall be brick. Outside wall shall have windows in the sides as shown. The inside front shall be cast-iron and glazed doors. The roof-trusses will be a combination of wood and iron. The roof will be slate. Dimensions. — The radius to outside of brick pilasters will be 160 feet. The radius to face of cast-iron column in inside front will be 84 feet 3^'^ inches. The distance between the centres of the brick pilasters on the faces will be 22 feet g'jf inches. The distance between the centres of the faces of cast-iron columns will be 12 feet 9J inches. The height from top of rail to centre of tie-rod of roof-truss will be 22 feet \\ inches. The roof will be one quarter pitch. Cut Stone. — The foundation walls are built, anchor-bolts are in pit walls. A 4"x 14" North River flagstone base course to be run around the outside wall of the building. Cut-stone blocks 18 inclies square by 12J inches high to be set on the piers of inside front for the cast- iron column bases to rest on ; tops to be dressed. Cut-stone sills for four small doors in entrance walls to be of the sizes shown. Brick-work. — The outside and entrance walls shall be built of good, sound, and well-burned bricks, laid true and straight and properly bonded together with heading courses. The mortar to be composed of the best quality of lime and clean, sharp gritted sand, properly mixed and thoroughly manipulated. Tlie exterior shall be faced with the best quality of " Haverstraw " or " Hackensack " bricks of uniform color. The pointing mortar for outside to be tlie same color as bricks. The inside exposed face of the brick-work shall be laid with straight hard bricks. The entrance walls shall be carried up to the roof. The track-pits shall be paved crowning as per drawing with straight hard bricks, laid on edge and grouted with cement. The filling in and backing of the brick walls of the building shall be of sound hard bricks. All bricks shall be laid with flashed solid joints, leaving no interstices or empty spaces in the walls. Cast-iron. — All the castings required in the execution of the work shall be made from good tough iron, true and sound, and free from cracks, flaws, bubbles, or defects of any kind whatever. The heel-blocks of roof-trusses, king-blocks, feet of struts and caps of main struts, the inside and outside sills of windows shall be cast-iron. All the cast-iron work shall have a coat of metallic brown and linseed oil before being sent to the work. The inside front will be cast-iron ; it will be furnished, fitted, and delivered on cars near the site of the building by the said party of the second part. The said party of the first part shall unload the front and erect it, and be responsible for any damage that may occur to it after it is delivered to them. The columns of cast front at entrance-walls shall be cramped to the brick-work. Wrought-iron. — The rods, pins, and bolts for roof-trusses, purlin-bolts, truss-rods for purlins support- ing canopies and ventilators, hinges, hinge-bolts, and whatever other forged iron-work may be required in the various parts of the structure, or shown on the drawings, shall be furnished of the best quality of wrought-iron, made in the best manner and subject to the approval and directions of the Engineer in charge, * This specification was kindly furnished for publication by Mr. Wm. H. Brown, Chief Engineer, Pennsylvania Railroad. This engine-house is described on pages iSo to 1S3 and illustrated in Figs. 30S 10 314. APPENDIX. 453 it being understood by the parties to tliis contract that such bolls, rods, etc., are to be introduced at the discretion of the said Engineer in charge, wherever he may deem it to be necessary to assure the strength and permanency of the structure. There will be no roof-trusses at sides of entrances. All window-frames shall be secured with iron joggles. All the wrought-iron work shall have one coat of boiled linseed-oil before delivery to the work. All the wrought-iron work shall be according to the following specifications. C.A.RPENTRV Work and Lumber. —All the lumber throughout the structure, except whore particularly specified to the contrary, shall be first-quality yellow pine, free from shakes, flaws, and unsound knots, and in every way suitable for the various purposes for which it is intended. Roof. — The principal rafters, roof-struts, purlins, and ridges shall be sound yellow pine, free from large, objectionable or rotten knots, sap, or bark edges. The purlins and supports for canopies and ventilators shall be backed to a camber on the outer slope of the roof and curved concave on the inner slope to the dimensions given on the drawings, so as to avoid hips and valleys- Entrances will be roofed over. Sheathing. — The roof-sheathing shall be first quality hemlock, i^ inches thick, surfaced to uniform thickness, grooved and tongued, no board over 8 inches wide, laid with rough side down and well nailed to the purlins. White Oak. — The stringers on track-walls, and at sides and ends of track-pits, the plates under heel- blocks of roof-trusses, and sills for large doors, shall be first-quality white oak, sound and free frcm all imper- fections. The track-stringers shall be anchor-bolted to the walls as shown. Windows. — All the window-frames shall be made as shown, of well-seasoned white pine. Sash. — All the sash shall be made of first-quality well-seasoned clear white pine, i| inches thick, pinned and jointed with white lead, to be double-hung on strong 2^ inch-diameter turned pulleys with the best Italian braided sash-cord and round weights, and fastened with japanned stops. Doors. — The doors in cast-iron front shall be 3 inches thick, made in two thicknesses of the best quality of well-seasoned white pine, nortised, tenoned, wedged and pinned together in the best manner with white-lead joints. The upper portion shall be sash as shown ; the under part outside shall be panelled, and the inside to be bead and flush. There shall be four pairs of forged hinges to each set of doors. The doors shall be fastened with stout bolts at top and bottom at one side and at shoidder high ( n other side, and kept open by hooks attached to dwarf post sunk in floor. In four of the doors there shall be wickets on one side, as shown, hung with strap-hinges and have stout thumb-latches. The open space under each door at each side of the rails and between them shall be closed with white oak 41^ inches thick by 10 inches wide, spiked to the sill. Ventil.\tors. — Ventilators shall be built in roof over alternate tracks as shown, fitted with slat frames and finished as indicated. Valve-doors to be formed in lower part to regulate the ventilation, operated from below by cords as shown. Galvanized Sheet-iron. — The conductors shall be of No. 20 iron ; those on the outside wall shall be 3x4 inches, galvanized, and be placed in each angular recess. Those at inside shall be 3 inches diameter, galvanized, and be secured to back of alternate cast columns. All the conductors shall have galvanized-wire guards at top, and shall extend down to within 3 feet 9 inches of level of top of rail ; from thence the water will be conveyed away by cast pipe, etc., as specified under the head of Plumbing. Frieze and cornice on inner front over doors to be made of No. 22 galvanized sheet-iron. The upper part of back of cast-iron front shall be enclosed with No. 20 galvanized iron riveted to the cast-iron back and nailed to the roof-sheathing. The hanging gutters on outside and inside to be of No. 24 galvanized sheet-iron with riveted joints supported on hooks made of lixf wrought-iron spaced 4 feet apart with uniform fall to conductors. Tin-work. —The flashings around canopies and ventilators shall be made of the best quality IX char- coal tin leaded, "Talbot" or " Melyn " brand, brand and thickness stamped on each sheet, painted twocoats on both sides with o.xide of iron and linseed oil. Canopies. — Over each stall there shall be a Roe cast-iron smoke stack as shown. The lower portion shall raise and lower by means of lever, ropes, and pullevs as shown. SLATE roofing. Felt. — The main and ventilator roofs shall be covered with two layers of the best waterproof felt, con- taining not more than 20 square feet to the pound, Sl.ATE. — On this felt shall be laid the best sound hard Peachbottom roofing-slate, 10 inches wide by 454 APPENDIX. 1 8, 20, or 22 inches long, lapped three inches, well secured wiih two galvanized nails to each slate. All slates on each slope to be the same size. Lead. — The hips of ventilators and the ridges of the main roof shall be covered with strips of 4-pound sheet-lead, nine inches wide. PAINTING. Painting. — All exposed iron and wood work, inside and outside, the galvanized gutters and conductors, and other work usually painted shall have a priming and two coats of best white lead and linseed oil, outside tinted in standard party colors as may hereafter be directed. Sash to be primed before glass is put in. Inside work to be white. Galvanized iron to be primed with red lead. Five feet up on inside of brick wall shall be painted dark green. Kalsoiiining. — The inside of the brick walls above the dark green paint mentioned previously shall be kalsomined white two coats ; the roof-timbers and roof-sheathing one coat. Glazing. — All the windows and doors shall be primed. They shall then be glazed with second-quality i2"x 12'' American glass, single thick, well bradded, puttied, and be back-puttied where necessary and left clean and perfect on completion of the work. Care of Materials. — The said party of the first part will take care of and be responsible for the safety of the material furnished by the said party of the second part, including the cast-iron front and the canopies. Track Materials. — All the track material, including the rails, spikes, joints, etc., shall be furnished and laid by said party of the second part. Time. — It is understood that the said party of the first part will not be responsible for any delay that may be caused by the said party of the second part. plumbing. Plugs. — In the alternate spaces between the tracks as shown there shall be a water-plug for round-house floor, with 3-inch standard hose coupling. They shall each have a cast-iron box around them and have a flush iron frame and lid, and be connected with the supply-pipe. SuPPLV-PlPE. — The supply-pipe to floor plugs shall be 6 inches internal diameter. It shall be laid in position shown on plan. The top of it shall be not less than 3 feet 6 inches below top of rail. All pipes, branches, etc., shall be cast-iron, sound and true, and shall be coated with coal-pitch varnish. Hydrants. — There shall be four f-inch iron hydrants, as shown on plan. They shall have screw nozzles. Supply-pipe shall be one inch, galvanized. Each hydrant shall have cast iron hydrant cessp»ool 18" X 18" X 6" with bell-trap, and be connected to drain by terra-cotta pipe 4" diameter. Rain-water Leaders. — The spouts from roof at each angle of outside wall and at alternate iron col- umns inside shall discharge into cast-iron leaders four feet high above top of rail and one foot below it, as per detail drawing. To have lugs tap-bolted to columns and spiked to brick wall ; from these the water will be conducted away by terra-cotta drainage-pipes 4" diameter. Pit Drainage. — Each track-pit wiUdrain through 12" cess pools with bell-traps and grates into 12-inch terra-cotta drain, as shown. Drain-pipes — The lines and sizes of pipes are given on drawing. Pipes to be vitrified, first quality, to be straight, sound, and well burned, free from all imperfections. Broken, cracked, crooked, bent, or mis- shapen pipes will not be received. Outside drain to be 3 feet clear from wall. Trenches to be excavated to levels given by Engineer. Pipes to have a uniform descent of six tenths of a foot per one hundred feet and discharge into present drain from turn-table pit. Bottom of drains are 3 feet below ground surface at heads. Joints to be tilled with approved hydraulic cement, and pipes carefully cleaned out afterwards. Trenches must not be filled until lines of pipes are inspected and approved by Engineer. Cast Pipes. — All cast-iron pipes to be coated ; joints to be oakum and molten lead; the weight per length of pipe to be as follows: 6-inch pipe 12' 3" long to weigh 370 lbs. 8- ■' •• 12' 3^' 500 " gas-piping. Under the centre of each roof-truss there shall be a two-light drop, and at inside ol each of the entrance walls there shall be two one-light brackets. At each alternate pilaster inside there shall be a one-light APPENDJX. 455 bracket for vice-bench. Under cornice of inner front at two opposite sides there shall be one-liglit reflector to light turn table. Fi.xturts not to be included. TRANsrORTATiON Nt)T FURNISHED. — Thesaid partyof the second part will not transport free any of the workmen or materials for this work, but all material must be shipped in the name of the party of the first part, and in no case shall it be shipped in care of or in the name of the railroad company or of any of its officers or employes, and said party of first part must pay the regular freight rates arranged for with the freight department, none of whicli will be refunded. ALABAMA GREAT SOUTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY. June 1st, iSgo. Specifications for Passenger Depot at Fort Pavne,,* Located 51 Miles South of Chattanooga, and 93 Miles North of Birmingham. WORK TO BE DONE. 1. Work to be done. — The work to be done consists of the construction complete (exclusive of foundations, and grading of the grounds) of a one and one-half story building, with passenger shelter annex, to be used as a passenger depot. The building to be of stone, or of brick faced with pressed brick and having stone trimmings, as may be determined by the Engineer. The foundations have been built under another contract, and the Contractor must inform himself of the exact nature of the same. 2. Lf/fiing of Contract. — The work is to be let as an entire contract, and parties bidding must thoroughly inform themselves of all that is required to be done to build the structure complete ready foi occupancy, on the basis of these specifications and the plans to whicli they refer. general conditions. 3. Basis of Contract. — The several drawings with all figured dimensions and written explanations thereon, with these specifications, are to be the basis of the contract, and of equal force. Omissions in Plans or Specifications. — Whatever work may be specified and not drawn, or drawn and not specified, is to be executed as if described in both ways ; and should any material or workmanship be wanted, which are not directly or indirectly denoted in these specifications or drawings, but is, neverthe- less, necessary for the proper carrying out of the obvious intentions thereof, the Contractor is to understand the same to be implied, and to provide for it in his tender as fully as if it were particularly delineated or described. 4. Interpretation of Doubtful Points. — Any doubts that may arise regarding the intent and purpose of the drawings or the specifications, or discrepancies between any parts of the drawings or specifi- cations, shall be referred to the Engineer for decision. 5. Material and Labor. — The Contractor must furnish all material, labor, tools, machinery, and scafTolding required to fully execute the work as shown on plans or in these specifications, or reasonably implied in the drawings or specifications. 6. Exi'RAS AND Changes. — No extras will be allowed unless they have been executed on the written order of the Engineer. No departure from the drawings or specifications will be allowed unless on the written order of the Engineer. 7. Quality of Material and Work. — All materials throughout must be the best of their several kinds, and the entire work executed and completed in the best, most substantial and workmanlike manner, according to the true intent and meaning of the plans and specifications; which are intended to include everything dependent upon, or necessary and requisite to the proper and entire finishing of the work with the materials best adapted to the purpose, even though every item of work or materials involved is not particularly mentioned ; to the entire satisfaction, approval, and acceptance of the Engineer. * This specification was kindly furnished for publication by Mr. G. B. Nicholson, Chief Engineer, Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas P.icific Railway and Alabama Great Southern Railroad. This depot is described in pages 307 to 309 and illustrated in Figs. 574 to 57O, 456 APPENDIX. 8. Faulty Material hk Work. — Should at any lime inipruper, imperfect, or unsound material oi faulty workmanship be observed, whether before or after the same has been built into the structure, the Contractor shall, upon notice from the Engineer, cause the same to be removed, and good and proper materials and workmanship substituted without delay: in default of which the Engineer may effect the same by such other means as may be deemed best ; and shall charge the cost of such alterations to the Contractor, and the amount shall be deducted from the sum due and payable to the Contractor under this contract. 9. Prosecution of Work. — The Contractor shall prosecute the work at such times and with such force as the Engineer may direct ; and if at any time he fails to do so the Railroad Company shall have the right to go in the open market and purchase material and employ men to execute the work, the cost of which shall be borne by the Contractor. 10. Alterations. — Should the Railroad Company, at any time during the progress of the work, require any alteration, deviation, additions or omissions of work or materials herein specified or shown on the drawings, it shall be at liberty to do so, and the same shall in no way vitiate or make void the contract, but the cost of the same will be added to or deducted from the amount to be paid under this contract, as the case may be, by a fair and reasonable valuation to be decided by the Engineer. 11. Risks. — The Contractor shall assume all risks from storms, fires, and casualties of every description until the final completion and acceptance of the work under the terms of this contract. Precautions and Liabilities for Damages. — He must provide all necessary safeguards during the progress of the work, and shall protect and hold harmless the Railroad Company from any liability for damage or injury to persons or property in or about said work, resulting from any act which he may have done or omitted to have done, by accident, negligence, or otherwise. 12. Laws, Fees, and Protection of Work. — The Contractor shall comply with all laws and regula- tions of properly constituted authorities, in case there be any such affecting the work, and pay all proper fees for the same, if any there be. He must also protect his work from damage as the Engineer may direct and provide, and maintain all requisite guards, lights, temporary side-walks and fences. 13. Insurance. — The Contractor must take out a builder's insurance to cover the full value of the work as it progresses, and made payable to the Railroad Company as far as its interest may appear. 14. Care of Finished Work. — Particular care must be taken by the Contractor of all finished work as the building progresses, such as exterior projections, cut stone, stairs, wash-stands, etc., which must be covered up and thoroughly protected from injury or defacement during the erection and completion of the building 15. Foreman. — The Contractor must give the work his personal attention and keep a competent fore- man constantly on the ground. 16. Rubbish. — The Contractor must remove from the premises all his rubbish and surplus material, and must clean the windows, and leave his work clean, uninjured, and in perfect condition ready for occu- pancy. No shavings or wood which might cause damage from fire shall be allowed to remain over night in an exposed situation. 17. Transportation. — The Contractor will receive free transportation on the line of the Alabama Great Southern Railroad for men engaged on the work and for tools and materials used on the work. 18. Payments. — Payments will be made on the 20lh day of each month for 90 per cent of the relative value of the work done to the last day of the preceding month. The retained 10 per cent will be paid on the final completion of the entire work. 19. Partial payments made as the work progresses will be payments on account, and shall in no wise be considered as an acceptance of any part of the work or material of the contract. 20. Engineer. — The word Engineer used in these specifications means the Chief Engineer of the Ala- bama Great Southern Railroad Company. hydraulic cement. 21. Quality of Cement. — The cement used must be fresh, finely ground hydraulic cement, subject to the approval of the Engineer. It must stand 100 pounds tensile strain per square inch in a briquette of pure cement made seven days before testing. 22. Inspection of Cement. — If Louisville cement is used, it must have the inspection brand of Mead & Shaw. The expense of the inspection will be borne by the Railroad Company. SAND. 23. All sand used in mortar must be clean, sharp, and well screened. If perfectly clean sand cannot be obtained in natural beds, it must be thoroughly washed to free it from impurities. APPENDIX. 4S; CONCRETE. 24. Should it be determined to use concrete in foundations, although not sliown upon plan, it must be composed of 4 measures of clean gravel ; or of stone broken to a size not exceeding 4 inches in any direction ; 2 measures of clean, sharp sand and one me .sure of lixdraulic cement; the cement and sand to be mixed dry before the incorporation of stone or gravel ; to be made and thoroughly mixed just before using, and well rammed in place. It must contain just sufficient water to film the surface of the concrete when rammed, but not enough to make it quake. Concrete must be mixed on wooden mortar-beds. CEMENT MORTAR. 25. The cement mortar must be made of the best freshly burned cement, as above described, mixed with sand, also as above described, in proportion of one of cement to two of sand, or such other proportions as may be required by the Engineer. The cement mortar shall be mixed only as required for use, and must be used as soon as mi.xed, as none left standing until set will be allowed in the work. It must be mixed on wooden niortar-beds. LIME MORTAR. 26. Lime mortar is to be composed of i measure of cement, I measure of lime, and 4 measures of sand- It must be mi.xed on wooden mortar-beds. The cement and sand to be the same quality as specified above. The lime must be of the best quality — well slacked before using. The cement and sand must be mixed dry, and the lime added just before using. BRICKWORK. 27. Thickness and Kind. — The partition wall between the baggage-room and the men's waiting-room is to be of brick, 13 inches thick. The exterior walls, if built of brick, are to be 13 inches thick, and are to have the outer showing face of pressed brick. The chimneys are to be of brick up to the roof. 28. Quality and Workmanship. — All brick, except pressed brick facingof exterior walls, are to be of the best quality ; hard burned and of uniform texture. No soft or salmon-colored brick will be allowed. All brick are to be wetted before laying, and all joints to be compleit-ly filled wit !i mortar. The mortar must be lime mortar above described. Where bricks come in contact with anchors, each brick shall be " brought home " to do all the work possible. In all brickwork the courses shall be kept level, the bonds shall be accurately preserved, the walls shall be laid to lines and be kept perfectly plumb and straight. The work is to be well bonded with headers every seventh course, and to have all joints struck. No joint to be over \ inch thick. 29. Arches. — Relieving arches are to be turned over all openings in brick walls, and trimmer arches are to be built for fireplaces. Centres to be used for all arches. 30. Flues. — All the flues to be well built, laid true to line, with struck joints inside and outside. Office fiue to be started at the floor line, and a cast-iron-flue-door for cleaning out the flue to be put in at the floor level. Flues for grates to be started with a throat immediately above the arch of the fireplace. All flues to be lined with i-inch fire-clay flue-lining. Flue-holes in oflice to have flue cylinder and cap built in. Par- titions in flues to extend in every case to the top of the chimney. 31. Pressed Brick.— The pressed brick for the face of the exterior walls are to be the best No. i pressed brick, to be approved on sample by the Engineer before delivery at the work. They are to be laid with -J-iiich sunk red cement-mortar joints in, and to be well tied to backing with blind headers. 32. Cleaning Walls. — Showing faces of walls must be cleaned from all mortar stains at completion of work, with diluted muriatic acid, but all stones must be thoroughly wetted before ap])lying same, and washed off at completion so as not to be damaged thereby. 33. Openings.— Vertical recesses for the reception of pipes for plumbing, gas, water, heating, or venti- lation, to be built in the walls where necessary or where indicated on plans, and not cut afterwards. stone-work. 34. Kind of Stone for Stone Building. — If the building be built with exterior walls of stone, the stone in the body of the building must be gray-colored sandstone, and the water-table, windnw-sills, door- sills, lintels, arches, copings, finials, belt-courses, carved work, and chimney-caps must be red-colored sandstone. 4S« APPRxnrx. 35. Stone Trimming for Brick BuiLniNC— If the building be built with the exterior walls of pressed brick, the trimming stone, mentioned in paragraph 34 as red sandstone, may be either gray or red sandstone, as shall be determined by the Engineer. 36. Quality of Stone. — All stone must be of a durable quality, that will not crack or disintegrate under weather; to be of uniform color of its particular kind, free from cracks or blemishes, and to be ap- proved by the Engineer. Rock-face Masonry. — Unless otherwise specified, all showing stone to be rock-face with square joints, and beds and ends pitched off to a line, so that all joints shall be truly horizontal or vertical. The showing face to show new split surfaces ; no seam-face or quarry-surface stone will be allowed. Blemishes. — No tool-marks, lewis-holes, or other marks or holes will be allowed in the showing surface of any stone. Projection of Rock-face. — The rock-face is not to project more than 2 inches from the line of the wall at any point. The inner faces of the stones are not to have more than i inch projection beyond the face of the wall at any point. The entire stone-work is to be washed down and cleaned upon completion of the building. 37. Courses under Water-taele. —There will be two 8-inch courses of stone on the exterior walls under the water-table. These stones to be laid in uniform courses, breaking joint ; to be of full thickness of wall; to be laid on their natural or quarry beds; to have a i-inch draft on all quoins; to have all joints completely filled with cement mortar and neatly pointed on both faces. These courses to be well bonded with the stone foundation of the cross-wall. 38. Exterior Stone Walls. — The e.xterior walls, if built of stone, are to be 18 inches thick. This masonry is to be broken-range, of superior quality, with no stone less than 6 inches thick, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer ; to be well bonded and levelled ; to be laid flush in soft cement mortar ; to have horizontal beds and vertical joints on the face, with no face joint over J-inch thick. All stones to be firmly bedded, and all spaces to be filled with mortar and spalls forced into the spaces so filled, but no spalls to be used in the beds. All walls to be built straight, plumb, and level. 39. Beds. — All stones to be laid on their natural or quarry beds in full beds of cement mortar. 40. Headers. — At least one fourth of the stones shall be through-stones acting as headers, evenly dis- tributed through the work. No stone shall be used which does not bond into the wall at least 8 inches. 41. Quoins. — AH the quoins are to have hammer-dressed beds and joints, and drafted corners. 42. Pointing. — All joints on all faces shall be neatly pointed with cement mortar. The joints on rock-face masonry must be cleaned out to a depth of one inch while the mortar is fresh. Before applying the pointing, the joints shall be well cleaned by scraping and brushing out loose mor- tar, and then be mcJistened so as to neither give to nor take water from the pointing mortar. Pointing mortar shall be one cement to one sand, mixed in small quantities as used, and pressed firmly into the joints, completely filling vacant spaces. It must be rubbed smooth on the outside flush with the edge of the stone. 43. Lines of Walls. — All walls shall be built to a line, both inside and outside faces. 44. Top of Stone Walls. — The upper courses of all walls shall be levelled off for the reception of the superstructure, and shall be provided with a through-stone at each corner, and also one through-stone at least every 5 feet. These through-stones shall be dressed on their top beds and accurately set to the level of the wall, as shown on the drawings. Between these through-stones the walls must be carefully laid with the upper beds of the stones brought up flush with the top of the through-stones, so as to secure a perfectly level surface for the top of the wall. 45. Joints. — All joints and spaces must be completely filled with cement mortar. 46. Wetting. — All stone must be wetted before laying. 47. Cut Stone. — The cut-stone water-table, window-sills, door-sills, lintels, trimmings over arches, copings, finials, chimney-caps, etc., are to be furnished of the sizes marked on the plans, all to be cut and dressed to line with a disk-edged chisel. All projecting courses are to have a drip cut underneath. Par- ticular care must be taken with this stone-work, as no poor workmanship or defective stone will be allowed in the work on any pretence. Chimney-caps must have flue-holes neatly cut out of solid piece. Iron cl.imps and dowels to be used wherever necessary for the stability of the work. 48. Carving. — All carving in stone is to be done from models approved by the Engineer. 49. Chimneys. — The chimneys above the roof will be built of stone, as shown on plans, whether the building be of stone or pressed brick. 50. VoussoiRS. All stone voussoirs are to be the full thickness of wall, and must have joints radial to the centre of the arch. APPENDIX. 459 51. Jambs. — The window and door jambs will bo hnished as specified for cut stone. 52. Pointing of Flashings. — The masons must point np under all galvanized iron, and for the flash- ings on roof, and other places where required. 53. Woodblocks AND Grounds. — Blocks are to be built in walls for doors and windows, to secure joinery, and lookouts for cornices are to be built in. Strips I inch x4 inch are to be built in the horizontal joints every 2 feet, for attaching; furring on outside walls to be plastered. Recesses, Anchoring, etc. — The mason is to make proper recesses in walls for plumbing and gas- fitting or other piping that may be required. He is to ti.x all iron anchors, clamps, etc., which are used in his work, cut all necessary raglets for flashings and point up around window-frames, and to call upon the carpenter when required to put up rough casing around window-frames, and cut-work where necessary to protect it from damage. PLASTERING. 54. Parts to be Plastered. Laths. — All stud partitions and ceiling for ticket-office and the under side of stairs are to be plastered. Laths to be of the best quality of dried sawed pine or poplar laths, laid full J inch apart, with the joints well broken every ninth course, with four nailings to each lath and two nails at each end. 55. Lathing. — Long vertical joints will not be allowed, nor lath put on vertically to finish up to angles or corners. All laths at angles and corners must be nailed on solid furring, and lath will not be allowed to run from one room to another behind the studding. The lather must call upon the carpenter to fur and straighten all walls, ceilings, etc., and block and spike all studs together solidly at angles. In all cases lath below grounds to the floor, and behind all wainscoting. 56. Grounds will be required to be put around all openings against which to finish plastering and hori- zontal grounds for wainscoting. The plasterer must take care that all grounds are true and straight, and all angles and mitres true and sharp. All sharp angles to be protected by wooden guards screwed on with round-headed brass screws. 57. Furring. — All outside walls are to be furred as shown on drawing No. 16, and all ceilings are to be cross-furrearls of the interior easily accessible for cleaning, discharge-cock, check-valve, water-tight aslipan, and all other necessary accessories. The chimney must be sixteen feet long, and provided with a spark-arrester, damper, and drip-collar over drum as shown. The necessary connections between the pump and boiler to be complete. The material and workmanship of the entire outfit to be first-class in every particular, and to the accceptance of the Engineer. PIPES. The force and suction pipes must be of the best lap-welded wrought-iron pipes, tested to three hundred pounds per square inch, hydraulic pressure, thoroughly coated with coal-tar and lime inside and out, ami put together with red lead at all the joints. They must be carefully laid, not less than three feet below the surface, on such grade and line as may be staked out by the Engineer, with full bearing under their entire length, and proved water-tight by trial before they are covered up. RESERVOIR. Where water can be obtained at a sufficient elevation to supply the tank by gravity, reservoirs shall be built if required by the Engineer, and paid for at prices bid for grading and masonry. COAL-PLATFORM. Must be built in accordance with plan furnished. The frame and planking to be of white oak. ENGINE-HOUSE. The engine-house must be built in accordance with the plan furnished, the number of stalls to be such as may be required. The foundations will be of stone; the frame will be of pine, yellow poplar, and white oak; the sheathing p.nd weather-boarding of yellow poplar or pine. The floor will be No. 2 on sills, and on a level with the top of rails. The walls of the pits will be of stone or brick ; if of stone, the inside faces will be dressed smooth. They will be capped with white-oak sleepers as shown, extending to the walls ot the turn-table. The ends of the rails on the sleepers will be curved up as shown, and backed by a 12" x 12" white-oak beam securely bolted to the sleepers. The pits to be paved with brick, laid in cement on a good bed of mortar. The pits will be drained by the best quality of vitrified stoneware pipe ten inches in diameter, laid carefully in cement with sufficient inclmation, and carried as far as necessary beyond the building to secure proper drainage. The pipe will connect with each pit by an elbow provided with a cast-iron grating. The main rafters of the roof will be secured to the wall-pIates by one-inch drift-bolts, and bolted to bolster at the other end with one-inch bolts through seasoned white-oak keys as shown. Each purlin to be fastened on main rafters by f" spikes and supported by knee-blocks; jack-rafters must be spiked to purlins. Roof to have a ventilator in centre as shown, neatly finished with approved finial. Ventilator and roof to be covered with tin ; each section of roof to be drained by one four-inch down-spout discharging into engine-pit through wrought-iron pipe-drains. A smoke-funnel of No. 16 galvanized iion, and built in accordance with detail drawing, nmst be pro- vided for each stall. Opening through roof for the same to be properly framed, lined with a No. 16 gal- vanized-iron thimble as shown, and to be entirely water-tight. Provide a connection for a seven-inch stove- pipe in each funnel. The doors must be in accordance with detail drawings and provided with required fastenings. Frames to be of clear pine, covered with best second common ceiling stuff; end doors to have wicket-doors with good locks. All doors to fit well, work easily, and lock against a butting-post. Windows to be box-framed, and fitted with approved locks and strong brass hook-lifts. \ 2i' w,itcr-su|)ply pipe to be laid in position as shown, and provided with a hydrant, valve and hose attachment as indicated on plan, for every two stalls. TURN-TABLES. The turn-tables to be not less than fifty feet in length, of wrought-iron, with brick or stone foundations, and walls laid in cement and capped with three thicknesses of 2" pine planks, breaking joints. The pit to be paved with brick and drained by a 10" vitrified stoneware pijie with elbow and cast-iron grating, • 476 APPENDIX. The table to be well balanced, fitted with suitable lock and lever, and equal in every respect to those now in use on the completed part of the road. SECTION-HOUSES. Section-houses are to be built at such places as the Engineer may direct, in accordance with plans fur- nished. Foundations to be of wood. The walls, partitions, and ceilings to be ceiled ; brick flues to be plastered. Floor to be No. i. Roof to be covered with shingles and provided with four three-incli down-sjiouts, one at each corner of the main building. The stairway to the second floor to be fitted with substantial hand-railing, and to be ceiled to the ffoor of the dining-room. Provide a plain door and lock for the closet underneath. All windows to have common frames with sliding lower sash, fitted with approved lock and stnjng brass hook-lifts. Provide suitable steps for exterior doors. TOOL-HOUSES. Tool-houses are to be built in accordance with standard plans furnished, with wood foundations. Floor to be No. 2 on sills. Roof to be covered with shingles. Folding-door as per detail, fitted with bolts, bar, and padlock, as shown. CATTLE-GUARDS AND ROAD-CROSSINGS. Cattle-guards and road -crossings must be built of white oak, in accordance with the standard plans furnished, and on solid foundations. Cattle-guard pits must be well drained, and the superstructure kept in true line and well up to grade. All cattle-guards must connect with adjoining fences as shown, so as to offer an effectual barrier to the passage of all kinds of stock. FENCING. The right of way must be fenced, where required by the Engineer, with steel-barbed wire-fencing, made of peeled red-cedar or black locust posts, six inches in diameter, eight feet long, three feet in the ground, with earth v/ell rammed around them, standing vertically in true line, one rod from centre to centre and joined by four or five lines (as may be required), of No. 12 double strand, twisted, steel-barbed wire, fastened in approved manner to each post, and thoroughly protected from rust by immersion in boiled lin- seed-oil and by two coats of approved iron-clad paint. TELEGRAPH LINE. A telegiaph line must be built between Somerset and Boyce's Station with as many intermediate sta- tions as may be required. The poles to be of red cedar or white oak, peeled of all bark, twenty-five feet long, not less than five inches in diameter at the small end, four feet in the ground, with material well rammed in the holes. They must set one hundred and seventy-five feet from centre to centre, on a true line parallel with and forty five feet from the centre-line of railway. When of white oak, the poles must be well charred for a length of six feet from the butt end. Wire must be of No. 9 gauge, galvanized, properly spliced, and fastened to glass-capped insulators, firmly spiked to the poles. Instruments to be such as are now used at stations on the completed part of the railway. CINCINNATI SOUTHERN RAILWAY. For Buildings, Platforms, Waikr Stations, Cattle-pens, Caitle-guards, Road-crossings, Turn-tables, Fencing, and Telegraph Line. The undersigned hereby certify that they have personally examined the location of all structures to be built on the line of the Cincinnati Southern Railway to which they have annexed prices hereon ; also, that they have carefully exatuined the plans and diagrams adopted for the satne, and the specifications hereto annexed. APPENDIX. 477 Having; made such oxaniinatioiis. the undersigned liereby propose to the Trustees of the Cincinnati Southern Railway to conipirie any or all the structures, and do all the work specilied according to the plans, diagrams, and specifications aforesaid, and on the acceptance of the proposal do hereby bind themselves to enter into and execute a contract for all said work and structures at the following prices: 1. Depots: — Plan A, each $2450 00 Plan B, each, 2145 00 Plan C, each, 1842 00 Plan D, each, 151 2 00 2. Platform: — 12 feet wide, per lineal foot, 1 50 6 feet wide, per lineal foot i 00 3. Catile-pens: — Fence, per lineal foot, 22 Shutes, each 25 25 Gates, each 8 00 4. Water Stations : — Tank-frame, tank, roof, valve and spout, complete : — With Hip roof, . . 700 00 With Flat roof, . . 650 00 Pump houses, each, 85 00 Steam pump and boiler, complete 700 00 Pipe in place; — ij-inch, per lineal foot 20 2-inch, per lineal foot, ........ 25 2j-inch, per lineal foot, 30 3-inch. per lineal foot, ........ 40 5. Coal-platforms, per lineal foot, , . 5 50 6. Engme-houses : — With 3 stalls, each 2085 00 With 4 stalls, each, 2840 00 With 5 stalls, each, 345° 00 With 6 stalls, each 4000 00 7. Turn-tables, complete, each 2400 00 8. Section-houses, each 400 00 9. Tool-houses, each 75 00 10. Cattle-guards, in place, each, 40 00 11. Road-crossings, in place, each. 25 00 12. Fencing: — One line, per mile, with 4 wires 400 00 One line, per mile, with 5 wires 450 00 13. Telegraph Line: — Line, per mile , 80 00 Stations, each 45 00 The undersigned further propose to begin work within yf/Vccw days from date hereof. Signed this 26/// day of .lugust, 1878. The foregoing is a copy of the Proposals and Prices referred to i?i the contract of this 26th day of August, 1S78. R. O. Huston & Co. Richard G. Huston. Thomas O'Conner. John B. Neelv. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY. General Specifications.* foundations. 52. Foundation-pits shall be of such dimensions and excavated to such depth as the Engineer in charge of the work may deem necessary to ensure the safety and stability of the structure to be erected, and the * This specification was kindly furnished for publication by Mr. J. W. Kendrick, Chief Engineer, Northern Pacific Railroad. The following sections have been omitted, however, as not distinctly falling within the scope of this book : Clearing and Grubbing, § i to g 6 ; Grading, § 7 to § 34 ; Tunnels, §35 to g 51 ; First-class Masonry, Culvert Masonry, Brick .Arches, Box Culverts and Paving, § 61 to § 115 ; Rip-rap, Blind Drains, Abutment and Pier Cribs, § 14S to >5 154 ; Frame Trestles, Truss Bridges, Log and Timber Culverts and Fences, g 170 to S5 236. 478 APPENDIX. materials so excavated shall be deposited in the embankments, unless otherwise ordered by the Engineer, and shall be considered and estimated as part of the ordinary excavation on the section. 53. Whenever required, piling or grillages composed of timber or plank shall be introduced as a part of the foundation of structures. The dimensions, quality and quantity of all materials used, and the manner in which the work shall be done, will be subject to the directions of the Engineer. Piling will be paid for by the lineal foot, measured below the cut-off, and the timber will be estimated at the price that applies to timber in structures. 54. Where piling is used for foundations, the piles must conform to the specifications under paragraph 165, and will be driven to such depth as required by the Engineer to secure a reliable foundation. Pile foundations for all masonry must be cut off below low water mark, so as to make a uniform level support for the grillage under the masonry. In case a grillage is used, its top surface must be at least 12 inches below extreme low-water. 55. In preparing foundations for trestles or other structures, care must be taken to have the bed entirely in excavation, whenever practicable, and to thoroughly tamp and solidify the soil before erecting the structure When such foundations are partially upon an embankment, they must be constructed of masonry, which will be classified as rubble or dry rubble. (See paragraphs 116 to 130.) 56. No allowance will be made for pumping or baling, unless specially provided for in the agreement. The price paid for excavation and materials used will be considered as full compensation for the same com- pleted and delivered in the work. 57. The soil in the bottoms of foundation trenches for abutments or retainingwalls or buildings and other structures must be thoroughly tamped and brought to true and proper level before masonry or structure is commenced. MASONRY. 58. The kind of stone to be used will be designated by the Engineer. 59. All stones must be sound, free from seams, sand-holes, and other defects. 60. All stones must be laid on their natural beds. FIRST-CL.\SS RUBBLE MASONRY. 116. Rubble masonry for retaining-walls will be built of derrick stone (that is, stones of such size and weight that a derrick is required to handle them), of proper size and thickness for the dimensions of the work. They must be of fair shape, and spalled so that they will lay with good and even bearings upon the wall without the undue use of spalls or pinners. Care must be taken to secure good faces. 117. All stones must be laid with full mortar beds and joints. Exposed faces must be neatly pointed. 118. There must be a header in each course, not less than once in eight feet, so introduced between the course above and below as to make a thorough bond. The length of headers must be at least twice the width of the stretchers. All headers must be at least four feet long. When walls are five feet or less in thickness the headers must extend through them. 119. In general, no stones less than 12 inches in thickness will be allowed. 120. The walls must conform to the dimensions given by the plans. 121. Weep-holes must be left in the masonry wherever directed by the Engineer. 122. Copings must conform to the dimensions and be dressed in the manner shown by plans. SECOND-CLASS RUBBLE MASONRY. 123. Rubble masonry for buildings, turn-tables, etc., will be composed of stones of proper sizeand thick- ness for the dimensions of the work. They must be of fair shape, and spalled so that they will lay with good and even bearings in the wall. 124. All stones shall be laid in full mortar beds and joints. All exposed faces must be neatly pointed. 125. All work must be thoroughly done and well bonded. An abundance of headers must be introduced and properly spaced, so as to make a good and substantial wall. No stone will be considered a header that does not extend through light walls. 126. The tops of all walls or piers will be fmished to a true level surface with stones, the width of which is equal to the thickness of the wall. 127. No stones less than six inches in thickness are to be used ; and generally the thickness must not be less than ten inches. 128. The walls must conform to the dimensions given on the plans, or must be built according to the instructions of the Engineer. APPENDIX. 479 129. Water-tables and pedestal-stones must confcjini lo the dimensions given on the plans, and must be dressed as shown therein. They must be accurately set on a bed of mortar by beinj; tamped to place to the lines and levels shown on the plans or given by the Engineer, DRV RUBBLE MASONRY. 130. Dry rubble masonry will be built according to the specifications for second-class rubble masonry, except that mortar will not be used. TANK FOUNDATIONS. 131. Masonry for foundations of water-tanks will be broken range. Continuous courses will not be re- quired. 132. No course shall be less than 12 inches in thickness. 133. Stones must have beds at least one and one-half times their thickness, and must be dressed on the upper and lower beds to three fourths of an inch. 134. All stones must be laid in full mortar beds and joints. Exposed faces must be neatly pointed. '35- In general, every third stone in each course must be a header, and shall extend through the wall. 136. No spalls will be allowed, except in small vertical openings between stretchers, MORTAR. 137. When mortar is made with American cement it is to be composed of one part of cement to two parts of clean, coarse, sharp sand, thoroughly mixed while dry, wet to the proper consistency, and thoroughly worked. 138. It must be made on clean plank beds, and in small quantities, as required for use. 139. When made of imported cement it shall be composed of one part of cement to four parts of clean, sharp sand, or otherwise, as the Engineer may direct. It shall be mi.xed, wet, and worked as above specified. 140. Pointing Mortar shall be made of equal measures of cement and clean, sharp, and fine sand, thoroughly mi.xed while dry, and wet to the proper consistency. concrete " A." 141. Will be made as follows : The ingredients must be hydraulic cement of the best quality, clean, coarse, sharp sand and broken stone, any piece of which shall pass through a two-and-one-balf-inch ring. 142. These ingredients will be used in the proportion of one part American cement, two and one half parts sand, and five parts broken stone. The sand and cement must be thoroughly mixed on clean plank beds while dry, then wet to the proper consistency, and worked. The broken stone must then be worked into the mortar until every piece is covered. Wheel to pit and place in layers, tamping lightly until the water flushes to the surface. Finish all top surfaces level. 143. If imported cement is used the ingredients will be in the following proportions: One part cement, four parts sand, six parts broken stone, as above specified. 144. The proportions of these ingredients may be changed at the discretion of the Engineer. 145. When Concrete " A " is used in wet pits the water must be excluded by the use of canvas, side moulds of timber, or otherwise, until the cement has set. concrete " B." 146. The ingredients for the mortar are to be the same as designated for Concrete " A." The mortar is to be deposited in layers. Stones of miscellaneous sizes are then to be thrown in and rammed until entirely surrounded by mortar. 147. The top surface must be finished level at the proper height. WELI.S. 155. Wells for water stations will be 16 feet in diameter inside of the curb, which will usually be 16 inches in thickness. 156. Wells will be curbed with rubble masonry, laid in mortar (see paragraph 123 et scq.), or with hard, well-burned bricks, laid in cement mortar. (See paragraph 137.) 157. Wells for depots and sectic^n houses must be three feet in diameter, inside of the curb, which will usually be twelve inches thick, and composed of dry rubble masonry. (See paragraph 136.) 48o APPENDIX. 15S. Coiuraclijrs must provide siphon or suitable- pumps for use wliile digging wells. The use of the company's pumps for this purpose will not be permitted. • TIMBER STRUCTURES. 159. The timber used for structures must, be cut from some suitable wood, approved by the Engineer. The varieties which will commonly be used are white oak, white pine, Norway pine, red and yellow tir. All timber must be sawn square and be of proper dimensions, free from large wanes, shakes, rot, large and unsound knots, or any defects which will impair its strength and durability. The use for which the timber is intended will be taken into consideration, and especial pains must be taken to reject and exclude all im- perfect sticks which in use will be required to sustain considerable loads. This applies to caps, posts, stringers, bridge-chords, joists, etc. 160. The structures must be built in strict accordance with the standard plans. 161. All pile and timber ends, chips and rubbish, shall be burned or otherwise disposed of as the Engi- neer may direct. 162. All structures must be left in perfect line and surface at the conclusion of the work. PILES. 163. Piles will be of fir, oak, tamarac, or other suitable wood as designated by the Engineer. They must be made from sound, live, thrifty, and reasonably straight trees; must be free from wanes, shakes, rotten knots, and any indication of decay. They must not be less than nine (9) nor more than twelve (12J inches in diameter at the small end, and not less than fourteen (14) nor more than twenty-two (22) inches in diameter at the large end. They must be cleared of bark their entire length before they are inspected. 164. Piles must be delivered by the track or roadbed at convenient points, which must be situated not less than three nor more than twelve feet above the track or grade of roadbed. They must be piled not less than 10 nor more than 30 feet from the track, on skids of sufficient size to keep them well up from the ground. 165. Piles for bridges and structures generally must be driven until the fall of a hammer weighing 1800 pounds for a distance of 25 feet, or an equivalent blow, causes penetration not to exceed one inch, or other- wise as prescribed by the Engineer. When in the judgment of the Engineer the ground is so hard that piles cannot properly be driven, frame bents will be used. 166. When necessary, piles will be shod with iron. 167. When necessary to drive to a great depth, and piles of adequate length cannot be obtained, one shall be spliced upon the top of another. The first pile having been driven as far as practicable, it must be cut off squarely to receive the following pile, which must also be squared and set on top of the one already driven. The piles are then to be squared on four sides and fastened together by spiking on pieces of scant- ling. 168. Piles will be paid for by the lineal foot, for the part below the cut-off. Timber will be paid for according to the number of feet B. M. in the finished structure. 169. The Engineer may require the Contractor to build the necessary false-work to cross streams or gulches where more permanent bridges are to be afterwards built, in order to proceed with track-laying, surfacing, and transportation of materials for work beyond. Such false-work will be paid for at the contract price for pile or trestle work. BUILDINGS. 237. All buildings must be constructed according to the standard plans. 238. Excavations. — Grading for building sites, excavating for cellars, trenches, foundations, etc., must be done in accordance with the plans and the directions of the Engineer and will be paid for by the cubic yard, under the classification of and at the prices that apply to grading. The price paid for excavation of trenches for water-pipes and drains will include the back filling of the same, for which no allowance shall be made. 239. Drains. — Drains will usually be of first quality of vitrified tile, with the dimensions shown by the standard plans. They must be carefully laid on a true grade, with a fall of at least one inch in 50 feet, and more if the elevation of the outlet will permit. They must be jointed with hydraulic cement, and must be scraped smooth inside as laid. They must be provided with all necessary traps, bends, atid connections, and be left in perfect working order. 240. Foundation-w.-vlls. — Foundation-walls will generally be classified under the head of second-class APPENDIX. 4S1 rubble masonry (see paragraph 129), laid with cement mortar, liydraulic lime mortar, or lime mortar, as directed 6y the Engineer. 241. Brick-work. — Bricks used in buildings must be of standard size, well an