LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 510,81- IXbr cop 2. Potest Dat;:t;:n;pe 10^ bits/sec). Development time of less than 30 minutes desired. C. Final hard copy from microfilm should he of high quality and produced at high rate. Vendors are currently heing contacted to submit bids on equipment which will meet the above specifications. -20- REFERENCES [1] Hart, J. F., et al. Computer Approximations . New York: Wiley and Sons, 1968. [2] ILLIAC rv Quarterly Progress Report , January, February, and March, 1969. DCS Report No. 339, ILLIAC IV Document No. 219 . Urbana, Illinois: Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, 1969. [3] Dvoretzky, A. "On Stochastic Approximation." Proceedings of the Third Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability, I. I965, pp. 39-55- [h] Venter, J. H. "On Dvoretzky Stochastic Approximation Theorems." Annals of Mathematics and Statistics , Vol. 31) 19^6, pp. 1532^-1544. [5] Stevens, James E. "A Kalman-Filter Tracking Program for ILLIAC IV." ILLIAC rv Document No. 222, DCS File No. Qoh, (August I3, I969). THESES Allegre, Nicole. "TESLA, A Control Language for Logic Simulations of Digital Circuits." Master's thesis, DCS Report No. 3^7- Urbana, Illinois: Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, 1969. Flowerdev, Stanley J. "An Analysis of Some Eulerian Methods for One Dimensional, Inviscid, Compressible Dynamics." Master's thesis, DCS Report No. 352. Urbana, Illinois: Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, I969. Lermit, Raymond J. "An Error Analysis of Solutions to Sparse Linear Programming Problems." Master's thesis, DCS Report No. 351' Urbana, Illinois: Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, 1969. Kraska, Paul W. "Array Storage Allocation." DCS Report No. 3ij-4. (August 1, 1969). DOCUMENTS Beals, Alan J., et al. "The Automatic Generation of Floyd Production Syntactic Analyzers." DCS Report No. 350. (September 9, 1969)- •21- Bernhard, Winfried H. "A Matrix Inversion Program for IlilAC IV. " ILLIAC IV Document No. 229, DCS File No. Sl^f, (Jiily 8, I969). Knowles, Michael. "A Shadow Algorithm for Computer Graphics." ILLIAC IV Document No. 227, DCS File No. 8II, (September 22, I969). Marceau, I. W. , et al. "Linear Programming on ILLIAC IV." ILLIAC IV Document No. 225, DCS File No. 808, (September 1, I969). Matsushita, Y. "Hidden Lines Elimination for A Rotating Object. " ILLIAC IV Dociiment No. 220, DCS File No. 8OI, (Jioly 2, I969). Stevens, James E. "A Kalmaa-Filter Tracking Program for ILLIAC IV." ILLIAC IV Document No. 222, DCS File No. 8o4, (August I3, I969). Wang, Paul J. "Romberg's Method in Numerical Quadrature." ILLIAC IV Document No. 223, DCS File No. 806, (July 1, I969). Yasui, Toshio. "Programming the Tillotson Equation of State on ILLIAC rv. " ILLIAC IV Document No. 22^^, DCS File No. 807, (August 20, 1969). CORRECTIONS The following theses and documents were not mentioned in previous QPR ' s : Gaffney, John L. , Jr. "TACOS: A Table Driven Compiler-Compiler System." Master's thesis, DCS Report No. 325' Urbana, Illinois: Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, I969. Gold, David E. "A Model for Linear Programming Optimization of l/O- Bound Programs." Master's thesis, DCS Report No. 3^0* Urbana, Illinois: Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, 1969. Graham, Marvin L. "The Role of Input/ Output in a Computer System. " ILLIAC IV Document No. 221, DCS File No. 8OO, (June 27, 1969)- Heimerdinger, W. L. "String Processing on a Parallel Computer. " DCS Report No. 299, (January 13, 19^9) • Horsman, Larry. "Design Considerations for Multilayer Transmission Line Circuit Boards." DCS Report No. 2'^k, (January 2, I968). -22- imcLASsrFiEr Security Cl««»ific«tion DOCUMENT CONTROL DATA R&D (Smcurlty clmamltlcmllon of lllla. body ol mhttrmel mnd Indauhig mnnolmtlon mumt h» *nlar»d whan th» onrall report l.t claatlllad) NICINATINC ACTIVITY c Corporate author) Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 618OI ia. REPORT SECURITY CLAisiF^ICATIOK' UNCLASSIFIED 26. CROUP m^omr TITLE ILLIAC IV QUARTERLY PROGRESS REPORT July, August, September 19^9 3KSCRIPTI VE NOTES (TYpa of raport and fnelualva dmtam) July- September, I969 - Progress Report of the ILLIAC IV Pro.iect kUTHOR(SI (Firal nasM, middla Irtlllal, Imal nama) lEPOMT DATE liOA'ember 1, I969 7a. TOTAL NO. OF PACES 26 7b. NO. OF REFS i CONTRACT OR CRANT NO. ■U6-26-I5-3O5 PMOJECT NO. USAF 30(602)-lHl;4 Ba. ORICINATOR'S REPORT NUMBER(S) ILLIAC IV Document No. 23I DCS Report No. 362 Sb. OTHER REPORT NO(S) (Any o(h«r nmnbors that may be aaafgnad thia raport) RADC TR DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT Qualified requesters may obtain copies of this report from DCS. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES NONE 12. SPONSORING MILITARY ACTIVITY Rome Air Development Center Griffis Air Force Base Rome, New York I'^^^O *aSTR AC T See the Report Summary on Page 1 within the Report itself. D /n°o?..1473 UNCLASSIFIED Security Classification UNCLASSIFIED Security Classification KEY WORDS EE Simulator CU Simulator EE Diagnostics PEX Computer Design Automation Operating System Translator Writing System Compilers and Translators TRANQUIL GLYPNIR Assembler Utilities B5500 Operation Numerical Analysis Initial Value Problems Eigenvalue Problems Linear Programming Long Codes Radar Data Processing Seismic Signal Processing Burroughs ALGOL to CDC ALGOL Conversion Education and Documentation Graphics UNCLASSIFIED Security Claaaification .^"^ ^^