THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY From the collection of Julius Doerner, Chicago Purchased, 1918. (bl5.^e. hi 53b £/57 3 ^ /V5"3 Xr PREFACE. My aim in the compilation of this work has been to give to the drug trade a reliable, convenient, and quick reference book ^containing all of the botanical drugs known up to the present time, giving all of their Botanical , Common , Pharma- copoeia! and German Common (in German) Names , and Medi- cal Properties . The author has consulted the best standard authorities, and works on Materia Medica, and an experience of fifteen years in the drug business materially assisted in the convenient arrangement of this work. To make the book practically useful, the subject has been treated with plainness and simplicity, as far as possible. I am well aware that druggists are, almost daily, perplexed by the use of common names, as applied to botanical drugs, and even botanical names (as many have two or more) ; and in the absence of a book to which you can readily refer, a sale is often missed, when you have the goods wanted, in your stock, but not known to you or your assistant, by the botanical or common name applied to it by your customer, (the only one known to him). By close examination of this work, you will see the author has surmounted all of these difficulties, and believes it is a Reference Book, that will be fully appreciated, and has long been needed by the drug trade. J. M. NICKELL. 19 CONTENTS. EXPLANATION OF ABBREVIATIONS ...5—6 PARAGRAPHS 7—144 BOTANICAL INDEX 145—172 PHARMACOPCEIAL INDEX 173—188 OILS 189-195 GERMAN INDEX (COMMON GERMAN NAMES)..-196— 210 INDEX, COMMON NAMES 211—267 DIRECTIONS FOR GATHERING BOTANICAL DRUGS 267-268 1 EXPLANATION OF THE ABBREVIATIONS OF MEDICAL PROPERTIES Used, in the Paragraphs. j A medicine which claims the property l of causing abortion, j Substances which possess a sourish "j taste. . Hot, biting, irritating. Relieving or arresting glandular pain, j Preventing the bad effects of poisons { inwardly. j Producing a salutary change without \ perceptible evacuation. Relieving pain, or causing it to cease. A remedy which expels worms. Gently laxative, without purging, j Medicine believed capable of exciting \ the venereal appetite. Odoriferous, stimulant, spicy, j Having the property of constringing ( the organic texture. J A substance capable of blunting the | venereal appetite, j Opposed to biliousness ; acting on the A remedy for vomiting. Opposed to epilepsy ; relieving fits. A remedy for hysteria, j Preventing the formation of calculi in l the urinary organs. Arresting morbid periodical movements Opposed to inflammation. Relieving or curing rheumatism. Curing or preventing scurvy. Opposed to putrefaction. Relieving or preventing spasm. _ Opposed to or curing venereal diseases. Used against bites of insects, snakes, etc. Healing or soothing to inflamed parts. Having a tonic effect. Expelling wind from the bowels, [els. Increasing evacuations from the bow- j The property of burning or disorgan- ( izing animal substance. Relating to diseases of the head. Increasing the flow of bile, j Improving the savor of food, as salt, 1 pepper, salad, etc. A warm stomachic ; exciting the heart. Used for improving the complexion, j Causing irritation in one part to relieve 1 pain in another part, j Soothing, mucilaginous, relieving in- \ flammation. j Removing obstructions ; aperient in a \ general sense. Purifying the blood. [ulceis. Drying the moisture of wounds and Cleansing to wounds, boils or ulcers. Producing insensible perspiration. Dispelling or resolving tumors, [urine. Increasing the secretion and flow of Removing superfluous hair. Detergent. Powerfully cathartic. Producing or causing vomiting. Promoting menstruation. Softening to inflamed parts ; soothing. Eatable as food. j A substance which, applied to a living j part, causes an eschar. Relating to eruption or skin diseases. Abo. Abortive, Aci. Acidulous, Acr. Ade. Acrid, Adenagic, Ale. Alexipharmic, Alt. Alterative, Ano. Ant. Ape. Anodyne, Anthelmintic, Aperient, Aph. Aphrodisiac, Aro. Aromatic, Ast. Astringent, A-aph. Anti-aphrodisiac, A-bil. Anti-bilious, A-eme. A-epi. A-hys. Anti-emetic, Anti-epileptic, Anti-hysteric, A-lit. Anthilitic, A PER. A-phl. A-rhe. A-sco. A-sep. A-spa. A-syp. A-ven. Bal. Bit. Car. Cat. Anti-periodic, Anti-phlogistic, Anti-rheumatic, Anti-scorbutic, Anti-septic, Anti-spasmodic, Anti-syphilitic, Anti-venomous, Balsamic, Bitter, Carminative, Cathartic, Cau. Caustic, Cep. Cho. Cephalic, Cholagogue, Con. Condiment, Cor. Cos. Cordial, Cosmetic, C-IRR. Counter-irritant, Dem. Demulcent, Deo. Deobstruent, Dep. Des. Det. Dia. Dis. Diu. D-pil. D-ter. Dra. Emr. Emm. Emo. Esc. Depurative, Dessicative, Detergent, Diaphoretic, Discutient, Diuretic, Depilatory, Detersive, Drastic, Emetic, Emmenagogue, Emollient, Esculent,. E-sch. Escharotic, Exa. Exanthematous, EXPLANATION OF THE ABBREVIATIONS.— CONTINUED. 6 Exc. Excitant, Exp. Expectorant, Far. Feb. Farinaceous, Febrifuge. F-com. Female Complaints. Fcet. For. Fcetid, Forage, Fum. Fumigating, Gal. Hep. Galactagoguk, Hepatic, Her. Herpatic, Hyd. Hydragogue, Hyp. Ins. Irr. Hypnotic, Insecticide, Irritant, Lax. Laxative, Len. Lenitive, Lit. Lithontryptic, Mat. Maturating, Muc. Nar. Nau. Nep. M ucilaginous, Narcotic, Nauseant, Nephreticum, Ner. Nervine, Nut. Nutritious, Opt. Orn. Ophthalmicum, Ornamental, Par. Parturient, Pec. Pectoral, Per. Perfume, Poi. Poisonous, Pun. Pungent, Pur. Purgative, Ref. Refrigerant, Res. Resolvent, Rub. Sac. Rubifacient, Saccharine, Sad. Salad, Sal. Sap. Sed. Sia. Ste. Saline, Saponaceous, Sedative. Sialagogue, Sternutatory, Sti. Stimulant, Sto. Stomachic, Sty. Styptic, Sud. Sudorific, Ton. Tonic, Ver. Ves. Vermifuge, Vesicant, Vis. Viscid, Vul. Vulnerary, I \ \ 1 \ Producing excitement ; stimulant. A medicine capable of facilitating ex- pectoration. [as nutriment. Containing farina ; mealy ; employed Abating or driving away fever. Ailments peculiar to women, as dys- menorrhcea, amonorrhoea, etc. Bad smelling, nauseous, stinking. Used as food for domestic animals. Disinfecting by burning substances which counteract obnoxious odors. Favoring the secretion of milk. Relating to diseases of the liver. Relating to or curing eruptions or skin diseases, as ringworm. Medicines that cause watery evacu- ations, and believed capable of expel- ling serum. Producing or inducing sleep. A substance that destroys insects. Causing irritation. A medicine that acts gently on the bowels, without griping. Allaying irritation; also laxative. Medicine believed to dissolve calculi in the urinary organs. Favoring the maturation or ripening of tumors, boils and ulcers. Gummy, glutinous, viscid, demulcent. Stupefying, sedative, poisonous. Causing inclination to vomit. Relating to orcuringkidney complaints. Allaying nervous excitement ; acting on the nervous system. Having the quality of nourishing or sustaining life. A remedy for diseases of the eye. Cultivated for ornament. j A medicine that induces or promotes 1 labor or child-birth, j Medicines considered proper for reliev- \ ing affections of the chest. Used for its fragrance, j Producing death, if taken in improper ( doses. Biting, hot, acrid ; prickly to the taste, j A medicine that physics more power- ( fully than a cathartic, j Depressing the morbid temperature of "1 the body ; cooling, j Discutient ; dispelling or resolving { tumors. Producing redness of the skin. Containing sugar ; sweetish. J Fresh herbs eaten as condiments or as 1 food. Containing the properties of salt. Soapy ; making a lather with water. Directly depressing to the vital forces. Provoking the secretion of saliva. A substance which provokes sneezing, j Exciting or inducing organic action of ) the animal economy, j Strengthening and giving tone to the } stomach; tonic. j Externally astringent ; arresting hem- \ orrhage or bleeding. A medicine which provokes sweating, j Permanently strengthening ; in a dura- \ ble manner invigorating. Anthelmintic ; expelling worms. Producing blisters. j Having a glutinous or ropy consist- ( ency ; tenacious. Healing to fresh cuts or wounds. © JLm© Beta mi© ail READY REFERENCE. Botanical synonyms will not be found in the following paragraphs* but in the botanical index only, and the numbers there refer to the paragraph to which they belong. ABEEMOSCHUS ESCULENTUS. Okra. Bendee. Com- bo leaves. Musk leaves. Musk leaf plant. Amber seed. Ambrette. Ambrette grains. Ochra. Musk seed. Capsules. Muc. dem. edi. 2 — - ABEEMOSCHUS MOSCHATCS. Musk Seed. Musk seed plant. Musk Mallow. Syrian Mallow. Rose Mallow. Water M air- low. Seed. cor. sto. ner. pun. ■ 3 ABIES BALSAMEA. Fir balsam tree. Balm of Gilead fir. Balsam Spruce. Hemlock fir. Balsam poplar. Balsam fir tree. Fir tree. American silver fir. Canada Balsam tree. Bark. sti. diu. ant. det. vul. 4 ABIES CANADENSIS. Hemlock Spruce. Canada pitch tree. Hemlock tree. Hemlock gum tree. Hemlock pitch tree. Weeping Spruce. Pine tops. Tanner’s bark. Hemlock bark. Hem- lock leaves. Bark. ast. dia. Leaves, abo. 5 ABIES COMMUNIS. Spruce. Common Spruce. Spruce tops. Bark. diu. a-sco. emm. - — 6 ABIES EXCELSA; Norway Pine. Norway spruce fir. Thus tree. American Frankincense. Barras. Burgundy pitch tree. Galipot tree. Norway Spruce. Yields. Burgundy pitch. ABIES EARIX, Larch. European Larch. Orenburg gum. Manna of Briancon. Venice turpentine tree. Yields. Venice turpentine. 8 — - ABIES NIGRA. Black Spruce. Double Spruce. Spruce gum tree. Chewing gum tree. Bark. alt. diu. sti. 9 ABIES PECTINATA. Red Spruce. Bark. diu. a-sco. emm. — to — ABIES PICEA. Silver fir tree. Silver fir. Silver pine. Com- mon Fir. Strasburg Pine. Galipot tree. Burgundy pitch tree. Thus tree. Frankincense tree. Yields. Burgundy Pitch. 8 J, m. nickell’s botanical ready reference. — 11 — ABIES TAXI FOLIA. European silver fir tree. Yields, Strasburg turpentine. — 12 — ABRUS PRECATORIUS. Love Pea. Wild liquorice. Licorice, bush. Crabs’ eyes. Indian liquorice. Jumble beads. Liquorice buds. Red bean. Liquorice Bush. Root and Leaves* Pec. muc. dem. IB ABUT A RUFESCENS. White Pareira brava. White pareira. Brown pareira brava. Root. diu. 14 ABUTILON CONDALUM. Yellow Mallows* Yellow mallow. Plant, muc. emo. dem. 15 ABUTILON INDICUM. Indian mallows. Plant, dem. muc. diu. 16 ABUTILON STRIATUM. Striped Abntilon. * Plant, dem. muc. 17 ACACIA ADANSONIA. Thorn Tree. Yields. Gum Senegal. 18 ACACIA A.RABICA. Egyptian Thorn. India gum tree. Gum arabic tree. Egyptian gum arabic tree. Bablach pods. Bab- lah pods. Acacia bambolah. Yields. Morocco gum arabic. 19 ACACIA CATECHU. Catechu tree. Terra Japonica. Cat- echu. Cutch. Gambeer. Japonica. Gambir. Black China Cate- chu. Gambier. Bengal red Catechu. Yields. Gum Catechu. — 20 — ACACIA DECURRENS. Black wattle tree. Australian gum. Wattle gum. Australian acacia. Wattle tree. Yields. Australian gum. — 21 — ACACIA FARNESIANA. Sponge tree. Cassia flower tree. Cassie. Wattle. Cassie flower. Yields. The fragrant cassie flower. 22 ACACIA HORRIDA. Doornboom. South African gum tree. Babul tree. Babool bark. Yields. So. African gum arabic. 23 ACACIA JUREMA. Adstringens bark. Bark. ast. 24 ACACIA VERA. Gum arabic tree. Egyptian thorn. Acacia. Cape gum. Neb-neb (the pods). Yields. Gum arabic. 25 ACALYPHA VIRGINIAN A. Mercury Weed. Plant, exp. diu. 26 ACANTHUS SPINOSUS. Bear’s breech. Herb. diu. ast. 27 ACERATES VERI DIFLORA. Green milkweed. Plant, car. ton. diu. a-spa. og ACER DASYCARPUM. Silver maple. White maple. 29 ACER NEGUNDO. Ash Maple. Box elder. Bark. ast. vul. J. m. nickell’s botanical ready reference. 9 30 ACER NIGRUM. Black Maple. Bark. bit. ast. 31 ACER PENNSYLVANICA. Striped Maple. Striped dog- wood. False dogwood. Bark. ast. Eeaves. a-eme. 32 ACER PSEUDO-PLAT1NUS. Sycamore. Bark. ast. opt. vul. 38 ACER RUBRUM. Red Maple. Striped Maple. Whistle wood. Swamp maple. Soft maple. False dogwood. Bark. ast. opt. 84 — ACER SACCHARINEM. Maple Sugar Tree. Maple rock. Bird’s-eye maple. Sweet tree. Rock maple. Bark. ton. ant. opt. 35 ACER STRIATUM* Striped Maple. Moosewood. Bark* opt. diu. 36 ACHARAS SAPOTA. Sapodilla plum. Sapodil. Nase- berry. Bark. feb. Seed. diu. acr. 37 ACHILLEA AGERATUM. Maudlin Tansy. Maudlin. Plant, cor. sto. cep. gg ACHILLEA MILLEFOLIUM. Yarrow. Milfoil. Noble yarrow. Ladies’ Mantle. Nosebleed. Thousand leaf. Mille- folium. Plant, ast. alt. diu. ton. vul. 39 Achillea atrata. Achillea nana. Achillea mos- chata. Species of Achillea millefolium. 40 ACHILLEA NOBIEIS. Noble yarrow. Plant, ast. alt. diu. ton. vul. 41 ACHILLEA PTARMICA. Sneezewort. Bastard pellitory. German pellitory. European pellitory. Goose tongue. Root. acr. Leaves, ste. pun. 42 ACHYRANTHES REPENS. Forty knot. Plant, diu. ton. 43 ACINOS YULGARE. Mountain thyme. Herb. sti. ton. emm. 44 ACNIDA CANNABINA. Water Hemp. Willow hemp. 45 ACONITUM ANTHORA. Yellow helmet flower. (Va- riety, Aconitum napellus.) Root. poi. eat. ant. 46 ACONITUM ARCTOPHONUM. Bearbane. Aconite. 47 ACONITUM CAMMARUM. Variety Aconitum napellus. Root. ano. nar. irr. 48 — ACONITUM FEROX. Indian Aconite. Bish. Atwisha. Bikh root. Nepal Aconite. (Variety Aconitum napellus.) Root. poi. acr. ano. deo. 10 J . m. nickell’s botanical ready reference. 49 ACOXITFM HETEROPHYLLCM. Atis. (Variety Acon- itum napellus.) Root, a-per. ton. aph. 50 ACOYITEM LUPARIA. Wolfwort. Plant, nar. vir. poi. — 51 — ACONITIJM LURIDUM. (Variety Aconitum Ferox.) Root. ano. deo. poi. — 52 — ACONITUM UYCOCTONUM. Great Yellow Wolfsbane. (Variety Aconitum. Napellus.) Plant, nar. 58 ACONITUM MEUOCTONUM. Badger’s bane. Aconite. Plant, nar. 54 ACONITUM NAPELLUS. Aconite. Friar’s cap. Monk’s hood. Wolfsbane. Friar’s cowl. Wolfroot. Styrian Monk’s hood* Mousebane. Plant, deo. ano. nar. sed. poi.‘ 55 ACONITUIM PAEMATUM. (Variety Aconitum Ferox.) Root. ano. deo. poi. 56 ACONITIJM THERIOPHONIEM. Beastsbane. Acon- itum. Plant. nar. 57 ACONITUM TRAGOCTONUM. Goatsbane. Aconite. Plant, nar. 58 ACONITUM UNCINATUM. American wild monk’s. hood. American monkshood. (Variety Aconitum Napellus.) Plant, nar. ano. acr. 59 ACONITUM VULPARIS. Foxbane. Plant. nar. 60 ACORUS CALAMUS. Sweet Flag*. Calamus. Grass Myrtle. Myrtle flag. Sweet myrtle. Sea sedge. Sweet cane. Sweet grass. Sweet root. Sweet rush. Sweet sedge. Root. aro. car. ton. vul. 61 ACROSTICHUM AUREUM. Forked fern. Plant, pec. ast. 62 ACTJEA ALBA, White Cohosh. White baneberry. Necklace weed. White beads. White berry snakeroot. Root, pur. eme. 68 ACTjEA RUBRA. Red Cohosh. Red baneberry. Poison berry. Red berry snake root. Toad root. Root. pur. eme. — 64 — ACTAGA SPICATA. Baneberry. Herb Christopher. Rattle- snake herb. Christopher root. Root. vul. ast. 65 ABANSONIA BIGITATA. Baobab tree. Bread nut. Monkey bread tree. Bark aiid Leaves, emo. muc. feb. ton. sud. 66 ABASONIA GREGORII. Ethiopian Sour Gourd- Sour Gourd. Cream of tartar tree. Bark. feb. Fruit. Aci. J. m. nickell’s botanical READY REFERENCE. 11 67 ADEXANTHERA PARVONIA. False red sandal- wood. Wood. Dyes a deep red. 68 ADIANTVH €API1LUS VENERIS. European llaid«n. hair. Venus hair. Plant, pec. muc. exp. ref. 69 AD1MTVH PEDATUM. Maidenhair. American Maiden- hair. Rock fern. Plant, pec. muc. exp. ref. ton. 70 ADONIS AFTUMNAEIS. Pheasant’s Eye. Red morocco Plant, ast. bit. 71 ADONIS VERNAL1S. False Hellebore. Bird’s eye Plant. nar. epi. cau. ves. 72 iEGEE MARMELOS. Bengal Quince. Bael. Bela. Indian bael. Beal Fruit. Fruit, nut. cat. ref. feb. 78 ABGOPODIFM PODOOARIA. Gout Weed. Goat’s foot. Ashweed. Root and Herb, a-sco. diu. sad. 74 .dESCIJIiFS GLABRA. Bucheye. Buckeye tree. Bark. ton. feb. nar. Analagous to JE. Hippocastanum. 75 iESCELCS HIPPOCASTANUM. Horse Chestnut. Buck- eye. Spanish chestnut. Bark. ton. feb. ast. Seed. nar. 76 .ESCIJEIJS PAVIA. Small Buckeye. Red Buckeye. Bark. ton. feb. nar. Seed. poi. far. 77 iETHUSA CYNAPIUM. Small Hemlock. Dog poison. Small-leaved hemlock. Fool’s parsley. Leaves, poi. nau. irr. 78 r.rmsv IM VARH' VT V. Fool’s Parsley. Plant, poi. nau. 79 AGATHOSMA PULCHELLA. Bucco. Agathamosa. Reaves, diu. aro. 80 AGATIIOTES CHIRAYTA. Chiretta. Chirayta. Bitter stem. Bitter stick. East India Balmony. Plant, bit. a-per. a-bil. ton. — -81 AGAVE AMERICANA. American Aloe. Century plant. American Agave. Maguey. American Century. Flowering Aloe. Mexican Maguey. Spiked Aloe. Plant, diu. a-syp. $2 AGAVE VIRGINICA. False Aloe. Rattlesnake’s master. Virginian Agava. Virginia Aloes. Root. bit. car. 88 AGRIMONIA EITPATORIA. Agrimony. Cockleburr. Stickwort. Plant, ast. sto. 84 Ailaiitlius excelsa. Ailanthus malabarica. Variety. Ailantus glandulosa. 12 J. m. nickell’s botanical ready reference. 85 AlhAYTUS GLANDULOSA. Chinese Sumach. Ailantus. Tallow tree. Tree of heaven. False Varnish tree. Bark. ant. 86 AJUGA GHAM^EPITYS. Ground Pine. Bugle, Germ- ander. Chamaepity’s. Field Cypress, heaves, aro. bit. ape. ton. 87 AJUGA PYRIMIDALIS. Upright Bugloss. Mountain Bugle. Plant, sub-ast. bit. 88 AJUGA REPENS. Bugle. Common Bugle. Plant, sub-ast. bit. 89 Akazga. Ordeal poison of Africa. Species of Strychnos. 90 — AEBIZZIA ANTHEEMINTICA. Messcnna bark. Be- senna. Bisenna. Bark. ant. for tapeworm. 91 — AEUHEMIEEA AKVEXSIS. Parsley piert. Plant, used in strangurv. 92 ALCHEMILLA VUhGARIst JLadies’ Mantle. Plant. ast. in hemorrhage. 93 ALCHORXEA hATIFOhlA. Alcornoque hark. Bark. bit. ton. ast. in Asthma. 94 AhETRIS AUREA. Yellow Star root. Root, as Aletris Farinosa. 95 AEETRIS FARINOSA. Unicorn Root. Ague grass. Star root. Star grass. Colic root. Ague root. Unicorn. Crow corn. Devil’s bit. Blazing star. Aloe root. Bitter grass. False star grass. Mealy starwort. Root. bit. ton. sto. f-com. 96 AEEURITES LACCIFERA. Gum Shellac. Lac. Shellac. Gum. ton. ast. in Varnish. 9 7 AEEURITES TRILOBA. Spanish Walnut. Candle nut tree. Candle berry tree. Belgium walnut. Lumbang nut. Indian walnut. Otaheite walnut. Yields. Spanish walnut oil. 98 AEGAROBIA GEANDUEOSA. Mesquite gum, Mexican Gum Arabic. 99 AEISMA PLANTAGO. Water Plantain. Mad-dog-weed. heaves, ves. diu. lit. 100 AhhIARI A OFFICIYAhlS, Hedge Garlic, Jack by the hedge. Plant, a-sco. det. Seed. acr. lit. 101 — AhhIUM ASCOhONIUUM. Shallot. Bulb. edi. diu. con. 102 AhhIUM €ANA1)ENSE. Meadow Garlic. Bulb. as. Garlic. 103 — AhhIUM CEPA. Onion. Common onion. Cepa. Bulb. sti. diu. ant. emo. mat. J. m. nickell’s botanical ready reference. 13 104 ALLIUM PORRUM. Leek. Bulb, sti. diu. ant. emo. mat. 105 ALLIUM SATIVUM. Garlic. gClove Garlic. Garlic cloves. Bulb. sti. diu. ant. emo. mat. 106 ALLIUM TRICOCCUM. Three Seeded Leek. Plant, sti. diu. emo. 107 ALLIUM URSINCM. Ransoms. Ramsons. Plant, For gravel. 108 ALLIUM VICTORIALIS, A Herman's Root. Root, a-spa. 109 ALLIUM VINEALE. Crow Garlic. Bulb. diu. sti. emo. 110 ALNUS GLUTINOSA. European Alder. Owler. Bark and Leaves, bit. ton. ast. int. Ill ALNUS RUBRA. Ta? Alder. Red Alder. Smooth Alder. Common Alder. Speckled Alder. American tag Alder. American Alder. Smooth Swamp Alder. Swamp Alder. Bark. alt. erne. ast. 112 ALOEXYLON AGALLOCHUM. Aloe Wood. Aloes Wood. Eagle Wood. Wood. fra. cor. sti. 113 ALOE SOCOTRINA. Socotrine Aloes* Bombay Aloes. Turkey Aloes. Mocha Aloes. Zanzibar Aloes. Gum. cat. sto. aro. emm. dra. 114 ALOE SPICATA, Cape Aloes. Shining Aloes. Spiked Aloe. Gum. sti. cat. emm. ant. sto. 115 ALOE VULGARIS. Barbadoes Aloes. East Indian Aloes. India Aloes. Bitter Aloes. Hepatic Aloes. Horse Aloes. Gum. Cat. emm. ant. 116 — ALPIXA GALAXGA. Galangal. Catarrh Root. East India Catarrh root. Kassamah. Galangall. Galangale. Amazon root. Small Galan^al. Large Galangal. Galanga. Root. aro. sti. sto. cor. 117 ALSTONIA SCHOLARIS. ©evil’s Tree. Bark. bit. ast. 118 ALSTONIA CONSTRICTA. Dita Bark; Bark. In malerial disorders. 119 ALSTONIA THEJEFORMIS. Santa Fe Tea. Leaves, Used as tea. 120 ALTHAEA OFFICINALIS. Marsh Mallow. Althaa. Mortification Root. Sweat weed. Wymote. Root and Leaves, muc. dem. diu. 121 ALTHAEA ROSEA. Hollyhock. Althae Rose. Malva Flowers, large. (Analogous to Althaea Officinalis.) Flowers, emo. dem. diu. 122 ALYXIA AROMATIC A. A Batavian Tree. Bark. Allied to Canella. 14 J. m. nickell’s botanical ready reference. 123 ALYXIA BUXIFOHIUM. Scentwood, Bark. aro. cor. feb. 124 AMANITA AURANTIACA. Eatable Agaric. Plant, edi. 125 Tonka Bean Wood Mushroom, Fly AMANITA MUSCARIA. Poisonous Mushroom. Plant, poi. foet. nau, 126 AMARANTHUS HYPOCHONDRIAfUS. Amaranth. Prince’s Feather. Lovely Bleeding. Red Cockscomb. Pilewort. Spleen Amaranth. Leaves, ast. det. in piles. 127 AMARANTHS ALBUS. Pig-weed. Green Amaranth. Plant, vul. a-phl. det. 128 AMARANTHS BLITHM. Wild Amaranth. Allseed. Plant. emo. dem. sad. 129 AMARANTHS CAUDATHS. Gentle Plower, Amaranth. Heaves, ast. det. 130 AMARANTHS MEHANCHOHICUS. Hove lies bleeding:. Nuns' Whipping Rope. Heaves, ast. det. 131 AMARANTHS TRICOLOR. Joseph’s Coat. Variety. Amarantus Melancholicus. 132 AMARYHHIS ATAMASCO. Daffodil Hily. Atamasco Lily. Stagger Grass. Root. acr. IBB AMBROSIA ARTEMISUEFOHIA. Roman Worm- wood. Stammerwort. American Roman Wormwood. Ragweed. Hogweed, Ambrosia. Common Ragweed. Carrotweed. Bastard Wormwood. Plant, det. a-phl. (Analgous, Ambrosia Trifida.) 134 AMBROSIA TRIFIDA. Tall Ambrosia. Horseweed. Bit- terweed. Horsecane. Great Ragweed. Richweed. Wild Hemp. Giant Ragweed. Plant, sti. ast. opt. 135 AMIANTIIIHM ERYTHROSPERMUM. Fly Poison. Bulb. nar. poi. Heaves, poi. 136 AMIANTHIHM MHSCAETOXICHM, Fly Poison. Fall Poison. Bulb. With honey, a fly poison. 137 AMMI COPTICHM. Bishop’s Weed. AjavaSeed. Bishops Weed True. Seed. aro. pun. car. diu. ton. 138 AMOMHM GRANHM PA RADISI. Grains of Para- dise. Guinea Grains. Malaguetta Pepper. Paradise Seed. Seed. pun. sti. aro. 139 — AMOMHM M AXIMUM. Java Cardamom; Bengal Carda- mom. Nepal Cardamom. Variety. Elettaria Cardamom. Seeds, aro. pun. car. cor. j. m. nickf.ll’s botanical ready reference. 15 140 AMOMUM RACEMOSUM. Round Cardamom. Clustered Cardamoms. Variety. Elettaria Cardamom. Seed. aro. pun. car. cor. 141 AMOMUM REPENS. Small Cardamon. Variety. Elettaria Cardamom. Seed. aro. Dun. car. cor. 142 AMOMUM ZERUMBET. Zedoary Root. Root. car. aro. bit. ton. sti. 143 AMOMUM ZINGIBER. White Ginger. Bleached Ginger. Jamaica Ginger. Root. aro. sti. pun. car. ere. 144 AMORPHA CANESCENS. Eead Plant. Wild Tea. Plant, alt. 145 — AMPEEOPSIS aUINQUEFOEIA American Ivy. Wood- bine. Virginia Creeper. Five Leaves. False Grapes. Creeper. Wild Woodvine. Wild Woodbine. American Woodbine. Woody Climber. Bark and Twig. alt. ton. ast. exp. 146 AMIGDALUS AMARA. Bitter Almond. Greek Nuts. ' Kernels, bit. sed. Yields. Prussic Acid. 147 AMTGDALUS DULCIS. Sweet Almond. Jordan Almond. Greek Nuts. Kernels, sweet, emo. dem. pec. 148 AMYGDALUS GLABRA. Nectarine. Variety. Amygdalus Persica. Leaves and Kernels, bit. poi. 149 AMYGDALUS PERSICA. Peach. Peach Tree. Common Peach Tree. Eeaves and Kernels, sed. ' bit. aro. lax. poi. —150 AMYRIS BALSAMIFERA. Jamaica Rosewood. Rhodes- wood. Wood. dia. aro. cep. 151 — AMYRIS EEEMIFERA. Java Almond Tree. Yields. Gum Elemi. 152 AMYRIS GILEADENSIS. Balsam of Gilead. Arabian Balm of Gilead. Balsam of Mecca. True Balm of Gilead. Beshan. Balsam. vuL cos. aro. 153 ANACYCLUS OFFICINARUM. German Pellitory. Root. sia. sti. acr. — -154 ANACYCEUS PYRETHRUM. Pellitory of Spain. Spanish Chamomile. Pyrethrum. Pellitory. Root, sia. sti. acr. rub. l£fj ANACYCEUS RADIATUS, Oxeye. Plant, vul. ape. dyes yellow. 156 — ANAGAI,I,IS ARVENSIS. Red 4'hickwecd. Red Pim- pernel. Weather-Glass. Poor Man’s Weather-Glass. Scarlet Pim- pernel. Shepherd’s Weather-Glass. Plant, poi. ner. exp. sti. 157 ANAGAEEIS COERUEEA. Blue Pimpernel. Blue Scar- let Pimpernel. Variety. Anagallis Arvensis. 16 J. M. nickell’s botanical ready reference. 158 ANAMIRTA COCCULIJS. Cocculus Indicus. Oriental Berries. Indian Cockle. Fish Berries. India Berries. Levant Nut. Berries, acr. nar. poi. fish poison. 159 AXANASSA SATIVA. Pineapple. Fruit. acr. edi. a-sco. 160 ANOHUSA ITALICA, Italian Bugloss. Small Bugloss. Plant, muc. dem. ref. dia. 161 ANCHUSA OFFICINALIS. Bugloss. Bugloss Herb. Ox- tongue. Garden Alkanet. Bugloss Root. Bugloss Flowers. Herb. cor. in hypochondria. 162 AXCHUSA TINCTORIA. Alkanet Root. Anchusa. Dyers’ Alkanet. Orcanette. Bugloss. Alkanet. Root. Colors red. 168 ANDA BRASIL1ENSIS. Anda Seed. Seed. Yields Oil Anda. 164 AXDIRA ANTHELMINTICA. Cabbage Tree Bark. Bark. ant. ast. 165 AADIRA INERMIS. Cabbage Tree Bark. Yellow Cab- bage Tree Bark. Partridge Wood. Worm Bark. Bark. bit. ast. feb. ver. 166 ANDIRA RETUSA, Surinam Bark. Brown Cabbage Tree Bark. Cabbage Tree. Bark, cat. ant. bit. 167 AXDROGRAPHIS PAKICELATA, Creyat. Analogous to Agathotes Chirayta. Plant, bit. sto. feb. 168 — ASDROHEDA VK-IMHOLIA. Sorrel Tree. (Poison variety of Andromeda Arborea.) Leaves, poi. 169 ANDROMEDA ARBOREA. Sorrel Tree. Sorrel Tree Elk- wood. Elkwood. Elk Tree. Sour Leaf. Sour Tree. Sour Wood. Bark and Leaves, aci. ast. feb. ref. 170 ANDROMEDA MARIANA. Sorrel Tree. Stagger Bush. Wicke. (Poison variety of Andromeda Arborea.) Leaves, Used for itch. 171 ANDROMEDA NIT1DA. Pipe Stem* (Poison variety of An- dromeda Arborea.) Leaves, acr. poi. 172 ANDROMEDA OVALIFERA. Oval Leaved Elk Tree. (Poison variety of Andromeda Arborea.) Leaves, acr. poi. — -178 ANDROMEDA POLIFOLIA, (Poison Variety Andro- meda Arborea.) 174 — ANDROMEDA PUEVERIIEENTA. Mealy Bush. Leaves, err. ste. 175 ANDROMEDA RACEMOSA. White Osier. White Pepper . Bush. J. m. nickell’s botanical ready reference. 17 176 — ANDROMEDA SPECIOSA. Large Flowered Andro° me da. Leaves, err. 177 ANDROPOGON CITRATUM. Lemon Grass. Verbena Grass. Oil. per. fra. aro. sti. 178 ANDROPOGON MURICATIJS. Vettivert, Khus Khus Vetiver. Vetivert. Cuscus. Vittievar. Iwarancuse. Kus Kus. Root. Used as a perfume. 179 ANDROPOGON NARDIJS. Yields. Oil of Citronella. 180 ANDROPOGON SCHOENANTHUS. Ginger Grass. Camels’ Hay. Mountain Grass. Indian Geranium. Lemon Grass Tea. Oil. aro. sti. car. 181 - — A X DROS.EMUM OFFICINALE. Park Leaves. Tutsan. Plant, vul. 182 ANEMONE CERNUA. Drooping Flowered Wind Flower. Plant, bit. ton. 183 ANEMONE CYLINDRICA, Indian Anemone. 181 ANEMONE HORTENS1S. Garden Anemone. Plant, opt. 185 ANEMONE LUDOYICIANA. Americana Pulsatilla. Species, Anemone Pratensis. 186 — ANEMONE NEMOROSA. Wood Anemone. Wind Flower. Red Wind Flower. American Anemone. Flowers, acr. poi. rub. — 187 ANEMONE PATENS. Meadow Anemone, American. Yariety of Anemone Nemorosa. 188 ANEMONE PRATENSIS. Meadow Anemone. European Pulsatilla. Pasque Flower. Wind Flower. Anemone Pulsatilla. Pulsatilla. European Anemone. (Variety Anemone Nemorosa.) Herl>. a-syp. poi. rub. 189 - ANEMONE VERNALIS. Yellow Anemone. llerb. cau. rub. 190 ANEMONE VIRGINICA. Wind Bloom. Herb. In hollow teeth. 191 ANETHOl F(ENI€ULIJM. Fennel Seed. Common Fennel Seed. Sweet Fennel. g Seed. aro. car. pec. diu. 192 ANETHIM GRAVEOLENS^ Dill Seed. Dill. Dilly. Garden Dill. Seed. aro. sti. car. sto. 193 ANETHUM SOWA. Indian Wo mum. Seed. aro. car. edi. cor. 194 ANGELICA ATROPURPUREA. Purple Angelica. Masterwort. High Angelica. Archangel. Angelica. American Angelica. Dead Nettle. Bellyache Root. Wild Archangel. Root anil Seed. sti. car. emm. 18 J. m. nickell’s botanical ready reference. 195 - — ANGELICA OFFICINALIS. European Garden Angel- ica. Holy Ghost. European Angelica. Root ant. Yields, caoutchouc. J. M. NICKELL'S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. 37 550 €EDRELA ODORATA. BarMoes Cedar. Sweet-scented Cedar. Bark. aro. feb. Wood. fra. 551 CEDRIJS DEODORA. Fountain Tree, Indian Cedar. Wood. fra. res. 552 CEDRUS LIBANI. Cedar of Lebanon. False Manna. Wood, fr? 553 CELASTRIJS SCANBENS. False Bittersweet. Fever Twig. Fever Twitch. Staff Vine. Roxbury Wax Work. Wax Wort. Climbing Bittersweet, Yellow Root. Climbing Staff Tree. Climb- ing Orange Root. Bittersweet. Bark of Boot, alt. diu. her. nar. 551 CELOSIA CRISTATA. Cockscomb. Leaves, ast. apt. vul. - — 555 — CELTIS OCCIDENTAL! S. Nettle Tree. Sugar Berry Tree. Hack Berry. Bark. ano. ref. Berries, ast. 556 CENTAEREA AMERICANA. American Star Thistle. Root. ast. bit. ton. 557 CENTAFREA BEHEN. White Behen. Root. ast. bit. ton. 558 CENTAUREA BENEDICTA. Blessed Thistle. Holy This- tie. Spotted Cardus. Bitter Thistle. Bleesed Cardus. Cursed Thistle. Spotted Thistle. Plant, ton. dia. bit. feb. 559 CENTAFREA CALCITRAPA. Knapweed. Star Thistle. Root. ton. feb. bit. Seed dia. 560 — CENTAFREA CENTAFRIFM. Greater Centaury. Root. bit. ton. feb. vul. 561 CENTAFREA CYANFS. Blue Centaury. Blue Bonnets. Blue Bottles. Flowers, cor. ton. opt. 562 - CENTAFREA ISNARDI, Jersey Thistle. Root, ton feb. 568 CENTAFREA NIGER. Horse Knob Thistle. Horse Knob. Loggerheads. Root. bit. deo. ton. 564 CENTFNCFLFS MINIMFS, Chaffweed. Bastard Pimpernel. As Anagallis. 565 CEPHAELIS IPECACFANH A. Ipecacuanha. Ipecac. Wild Ipecac. Root. erne, exp nau. nar. 566 CEPHAELIS MFSCOSA. West Indian Ipecac. As Ipecacuanha. 567 CEPHAELIS PFNICEA. Jamaica Ipecac. As Ipecacuanha. 568 CEPHAELIS RENIFORMIS. Peruvian Ipecac. As Ipecacuanha. 38 J. m. nickell’s botanical ready reference. 569 CEPHALAJfTHIJS OCCIDENTALS. Button Bush. Mountain Globe Flower. Crane Willow. Pond Dogwood. Globe Flower. White Ball. Swamp Wood. Buttonwood Shrub. Little Snow Ball. Bark. ton. lax. feb. ape. 570 CEBASTICM VULGATEM. Mouse Ear Chickweed. Chickweed. Herb. ref. nut. as salad. 571 CERASUS AC1DA. Wild Sour Cherry, Bark. ast. pec. feb. 572 CERASIJS AVIIJM. Sweet Cherry. Gaskins. Hedge Berry. Mazzards. Bird Cherry. Bark. ast. pec. feb. 573 CERASUS MAHAEEB. St. Eucie Wood. Macanet Grains. Perfumed Cherry Wood. Wood. aro. sud. Kernels. Macanet Grains. 574 CERATONIA SILIQUA. St. John’s Bread. Algaroba Bean. Bean Tree. Sweet Pod. Carob Tree. Honey Bread. Husks of the Ancients. Locust Bean. Powder, sac. edi. nut. cat. 575 CERATOPHYEEUM DEMERSUM. Hornwort. Plant, dem. emo. 576 CERBERA TANGHIN. Madagascar Tanghinia. Leaves, cat. Kernels. Deadly Poison. 577 CERCIS CANADENSIS. Judas Tree. Red Bud. Powder, a-sco. CERCIS BONPEANDU. Mexican Fever Plant. In Organic Diseases of the Heart. 579 CETERACH OFFICINARUM. Ceterach Leaves. Milk Waste. Leaves, muc. pec. 580 CETRARIA ISEANDICA. Iceland Moos, Erango F id Liverwort. Plant, dem. ton. nut. pec. y 581 CHARA VULGARIS. Water Feathers. Plant, a-spa. ver. 582 CHEIRANTHUS ANNUUS. July Flower/ Plant. nar. deo. orn. CHEIRANTHUS CHEIRI. Wild Flower. Flower, ner. nar. deo. 584 CHEIRANTHUS INCANA. Brompton 4ueeu. Bromp- ton Stock. Flower, emo. det. 585 CHEEIDONIUM GEAUCIUM. Horn Poppy. Horned Poppy. Bruise Root. Sea Celandine. — 586 — CHELI OOSIOI MAJIJS. Great Celandine. Tetterwort. Garden Celandine. Celandine. : Plant, hyd. ape. diu. 587 CHEEIDONIUM MINUS. Lesser Celandine. Root. acr. sty. In piles ; Leaves, cau. J. m. nickell’s botanical ready reference. 39 588 €HELONE GLABRA. Balmony. Snakehead. Turtle Bloom. Turtlehead. Salt Rheum Weed, Fishmouth. Shell Flower. Bitter Herb. Leaves, bit. ton. cat. ant. 589 CHENOPODIUM ALBUM. Lambs Quarter. Leaves, a-sco. 590 CHENOPODIUM AMBROSIOIDES. Mexican Tea. Jerusalem Tea. Ambrosia. Jesuit Tea. Oak Champion. (Analo- gous to C. Anthelminticum.) Herb. ant. 591 CHENOPODIUM ANTHELMINTICUM. American Wormseed. Wormseed. Wild Wormseed. Stinking Weed. Wormseed Plant. Oak of Jerusalem. Jesuit Tea. Jerusalem Tea. Goosefoot. Jerusalem Oak. Jerusalem Jak. Fruit, ant. Yields Oil Wormseed. 592 — CHENOPODIUM BONUS HENRICUS. English Mer- cury Plant. Goose Foot. Good King Henry. English Mercury Herb. English Mercury. Leaves, emo. ref. lax. 593 — - CHENOPODIUM BOTRYS. Jerusalem Oak. Oak of Jerusalem. Feather Geranium. (Spec. C. Anthelminticum.) Plant, ant. pec. 594 CAENOPODIUM OLIDUM. Stinking Orache. Goose- foot. Stinking Goosefoot. Stinking Arrach. Dog Arrach. As Chenopodium Vulvaria. —595 CHENOPODIUM QUINOA. Peruvian Quinua. Leaves, edi. nut. Seed. As Food. 596 CHENOPODIUM RUBRUM. Swine’s Bane. Leaves, ant. nar. 597 CHENOPODIUM VULVARIA. Stinking Goose Foot. Notchweed. Goose Foot. Plant, a-spa. ner. foet. 598 CHIMAPHILA MACULATA. Spotted Wintergreen. Spotted Pipsissewa. Rheumatism Weed. King’s Cure. (Analogous to C. Umbellata.) Plant, diu. ton. alt. 599 CHIMAPHILA UMBELLATA. Pipsissewa. Prince’s Pine. Rheumatism Weed. King’s Cure. Wintergreen. Ground Holly. Noble Pine. Pyrola. Rheumatic Weed. Bitter Winter- green. Pine Tulip. Plant, diu. ton. alt. ast. exa. 600 CHIOCOCCA RACEMOSA; Cahinca. Cahinca Root. Snow- berry David Root. Bark. cat. erne. ton. diu. 601 CHIONANTHUS VIRGINICA. Fringe Tree. Old Man’s Beard. Gray Beard Tree. Poison Ash. Snowflower. White Fringe. Bark. ape. alt. diu. ton. feb. 602 CHIRON1A CENTAURIUM. European Centaury. Les- ser Centaury. Tops and Roots, aro. bit. ton. feb. 40 J. M. nickell’s botanical ready reference. 603 CHIRONIA CHIEENSIS. Chili Gentian. Peruvian Gen- tian. Root, bit, ton. As Gentian. 604 CHLORA PERFOEIATA. Yellow Wort. Plant, bit. ton. 605 CKTOXDRILLA JUJfCEA. Succory Gum. Leaves, diu. Used in Dropsy. 606 CHOXDRUS CRISPFS. Irish Moss. Carragreen. Cana- green Moss. Carragheen Moss. Pearl Moss. Salt Rock Moss. Plant, nut. muc. dem. pec. 607 (HRYSOBALANIJS ICACO Cocoa Plum. Leaves, pec. Fruit, edi. 608 CHRYSOPSIS ARGEXTEA. Silver Aster. Leaves, pec. 609 CHRYSOPHYLEIJM GLYCYPHLJIUM. Monesia Bark. Bark. ast. bit. Extract. Called Monesia. 610 CICER ARIET1NCM. Chick Pea. Coffee Pea. Issue Peas. Seed, edi. res. nut. ast. 611 CICHORIITM EXDIYA. Garden Endiva. Garden Chicory. Endive. Chicory. Garden Endive. Root. ton. lax. diu. 612 CICHORIUM IXTYBUS. Succory. Chicory. Wild Chicory. Wild Succory. Root. ape. deo. bit. 618 CICIJTA MAOUEATA. American Water Hemlock. Water Hemlock. Spotted Parsley. Poison Snakeweed. Children’s Bane. American Hemlock. Spotted Hemlock. Wild Hemlock. Poison Hemlock. Death of Man. Poison Parsley. Beaver Poison. Plant. acr. nar. poi erne. ano. 614 CICIJTA YIROSA. European W T ater Hemlock. Water Hemlock. Cowbane. As Cicuta Maculata. 615 CICIJTARIA VULGARIS. Cow W eed. Wild Cicily. Variety. Cicuta Virosa. 616 CIMICIFFGA RACEMOSA. Black Cohosh. Rattle Root. Black Snake Root. Bugwort. Squawroot. Bugbane. Rattleweed. Rattlesnake’s Root. Rich Weed. Root. alt. ner. exp. emm. dia. 617 CINCHONA ASPERIFOEIA. Bolivia Bark. Species. Cinchona. 618 CINCHONA CAEISAYA. Yellow Cinchona. Yellow Bark. Yellow Peruvian Bark. Calisaya Bark. Peruvian Bark. Jacket Bark. Cinchona. Bark, a-per. ton. feb. ast. 619 CINCHONA CONS! AMINE A. Pale Bark. Carthagena Bark. Bicolorata Bark. Huamielies Bark. Loxa Bark. Pale Crown Bark. Crown Bark. Silver Crown Bark. Maracaibo Bark. Pitaya Bark. Red Carthagena Bark. Bogota Bark. Peruvian Bark. As Cinchona Calisaya. (Rich in Alkaloids.) J. M. nickkll’s BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. 41 620 — CINCHONA CONDAMINEA CANDOLLII. Black Cin- chona. (Mixed with Loxa Barks.) 621 CINCHONA CONDAMINEA JLA NCI FOLIA* Fibrous Carthagena Bark. Bogota Bark. Coquetta Bark. Cartha- gena Bark. Yields. Alkaloids. 622 CINCHONA CONDAMINEA LIJCUMJEFOLIA. White Crown Bark. (Used in the Manufacture of Quinine.) As Cinchona Calisaya. 623 CINCHONA CORDIFOMA. Columbia Bark. Colombia Bark. (Used in Quinine Manufacture.) As Cinchona Calisaya. 624 CINCHONA CORDI FOLIA VERA. Hard Carthagena Bark. Velvet Bark. Bark. bit. nau. ton. feb. 625 CINCHONA FERRUGINEA. Brazilian Bark. (Substi- tuted for Cinchona Bark.) 626 - CINCHONA MACROCARPA. Ouaiana Bark. Bark. bit. 627 CINCHONA MICRANTHA. Pale Lima Bark. Lima Bark. Huanuco Bark. Bark. ton. feb. ast. a-per. 628 CINCHONA NITIDI. Lima Bark. Dark Ash Bark. Gray Bark. Silver Bark. Huanuco Bark. Variety of Cinchona. 629 CINCHONA OVATA VULGARIS. Carabaya Bark, Ash Bark. Jaen Bark. Ten Bark. 680 CINCHONA PITAYENSIS. Pitaya Bark. Variety of Cinchona. 681 CINCHONA PUBESCENS. Arica Bark. Pale Bark. Cusco Bark. (Mixed with Yellow Bark.) 632 CINCHONA PUBESCENS PURPUREA. Cusco Bark. Booby Bark. (Mixed with Yellow Bark.) 633 CINCHONA SUCCIRUBRA. Red Cinchona. Red Bark. Peruvian Bark. Jacket Bark. Saint Ann’s Bark. Cinchona. As Cinchona Calisaya. 634 CINNAMOMUM AROMATICUM. Chinese Cinnamon. Chinese Cassia. Cassia Bud Bark. Cassia Bud Tree. Cassia Flower Tree. Flower of Cassia. Cassia Buds. (Yields Cassia Buds.) As C. Zeylanicum. 635 — CINNAMOMUM 4'tTLII.AWAN. t ill Hawaii Bark. Clove Bark. (Analogous to C. Zeylanicum.) Bark. aro. sti. ast. pun. car. 636 CINNAMOMUM KIAMIS. Massoy Bark. Yields. Oil of Massoy. 637 CINNAMOMUM SINTOC. Sintoc Barks of Java. Bark. aro. bit. 638 CINNAMOMUM XANTHONEURUM. Papuan Bark. Bark. fra. pun. sti. 42 J. m. nickell’s botanical ready reference. —639 CIKNAMOMIM ZEYLANICUM. True < eylon Cinna- mon. Cinnamon. Suet Cinnamon. Cassia. Ceylon Cinnamon. Saigon Cassia. Saigon Cinnamon. True Cinnamon. Bark. aro. cor. sto. car. sti. ast. 640 CIRCLE A CAYADENSIS. Enchanter’s Nightshade. Plant. res. vul. 641 C1RSIUM ARVENSIS. Canada Thistle. Cursed Thistle. Horse Thistle. Root. ton. diu. hep. a-bil. 642 CIRSIUM LANATUM. OistafT Thistle. Root. dep. hep. Eeaves. a-phl. 643 CHEEONE LANCEOEATA. Chelone Maculata. Che- lone Purpurea. Varieties of Balmony. 644 CTSSAMPELOS CAPKNSIS. Cape Ivy Vine. Root. erne. cat. 645 CISSAMPELOS PAREIRA. Pareira Brava. Velvet Leaf. Ice Vine. White Pareira Brava. False Pareira Brava. Root, diu. 646 CISTUS CRETICUS. Rose of Crete. Eabdanuin Resin, sti. emm. 647 CISTUS SAEVIFOEIUS. Holly Rose. Eeaves. ast. 648 ( ITISI I.I I S AMARUS. African Wild Water Melon. Wild Melon. Pulp, drastic cathartic. 649 CITRUS ACIBA. Lime Tree. Fruit, aci. acr. ref. a-sco. 650 CITRUS AURANTIUM. Common Sweet Orange. Sweet Orange. Orange. Curacoa Orange. Nerolia Flowers. Forbidden Fruit. Golden Apple. Orange Apple. Fruit, edi. nut. ref. Flowers, fra. per. 651 CITRUS BIGARADIA. Seville Orange. Bitter Orange. Bigarade. Cassia Lignea. Fruit, fra. Unripe fruit. Issue peas. 652 CITRUS LIMETTA. Bergamot Lemon. Bergamot Orange. Adam’s Apple. Oil Bergamot, fra. per. edo. 658 CITRUS LIMOJiUM. Lemon. Fruit, aci. ref. a sco. Peel. Oil Lemon. 654 CITRUS MEDICA. Citron. Cedrat. (Variety Citrus Limonum.) Oil Cedrat, Peel. Candied. 655 CITRUS PARADISE Forbidden Fruit. (Variety of Orange.) As Citrus Aurantium. 656 CITRUS VULGARIS. Bitter Orange. Curacoa Orange. Common Bitter Orange. Fruit, bit. feb. Peel. bit. aro. ton. J. m. nickell’s botanical ready reference. 43 657 CLADOXIA PYXIDATA. Trumpet Moss. Wall Moss. Plant, ast. feb. eme. 658 ( LADHASTIS TIXCTORIA. Yellow Ash. Fustic Tree. Yellow Wood. Kentucky Yellow Wood. Kentucky Yellow Ash. Bark. cat. Wood. Yellow. 659 CEAYTONIA LANtEOLATA. Pigeon Root. Eeaves. sad. a-sco. 660 CEEMATIS CRISPA, Curled Flower Clematis. (Variety C. Virginica.) Leaves and Flowers, ves. acr. irr. diu. — — 661 CLEMATIS ERECTA. Upright Virgin’s Bower. Virgin’s Bower. Variety. C. Virginica. 662 CLEMATIS FEAMMUEA. Sweet Scented Virgin’s Bower. Variety. C. Virginica. 603 — CI.13MATIS VIOltXA. Leather Flower. (Variety C. Virginica.) Eeaves and Flowers, acr. ves. sti. diu. 664 CLEMATIS VIRGIXICA. Virgin’s Bower. Traveler’s Joy. Common Virgin’s Bower. Eeaves and Flowers, acr. ves. sti. diu. sud. — -665 CEEMATIS VITjAEBA. Traveler’s Joy, Ladies’ Bower. I Old Man’s Beard. Smoke Wood. Virgin’s Bower. White Vine. Wild Vine. (Variety C. Viiginica.) Eeaves and Flowers, cau. opt. Used in Itch. 666 CEETHRA AEXIFOEIA. White Alder. Sweet Pepper Bush. White Bush. Spiked Alder. Eeaves and Flowers, dia. exc. 667 CEETHRA TIXIFOEIA. Soapwood. Eeaves and Flowers, dia. sap. det. 668 CLIFFOKTIA II.ICIFOl.IA. African Tea Plant. Eeaves. emo. exp. In Catarrh. ♦ 669 CLINOPODIITM VIILOAKE. Field Thyme. Dogmint. Eeaves. ast. diu. a-ven. 670 CEUSIA OAEACTODENDRON. Cow Tree. Hya Hya. Milk Tree. Juice. Vegetable Milk. 671 CNEORLM TRICOCCUM. Widow Wail. Plant, acr. irr. Eeaves. pur. det. 672 CXICUS EANCEOLATA. Common Thistle. Milk Thistle. Root. ton. alt. hep. Eeaves. a-phl. 678 COCOOEOBA UVIFERA. Seaside Grape. Lobe Berry. Yields. Jamaica Kino. 674 COCCUEUS BAKU. Senegal Root. Plant; bit. ton. diu. feb. 675 COCCUEUS CAROLINES. Carolina Cocculus. Seed. As Fish Poison. - 1 44 J. M NICKELL’s BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. 676 COCCUEUS CORDIFOEIUS. Gulancha. Guilancha Bark. Plant* ton. a-per. diu. a-syp. 677 COCCUEUS PALMATtS. Colombo. Colomba. Colomba Root. Calamba Root. Calumbo. Kalumb. Foreign Colombo. Root. ton. feb. a-eme. 678 COCCUS IEICIS, Grains Chernies. 679 COCHLEARIA AQUATIC A. Water Horse-radish. Root. sti. ton. diu. Leaves, sad. 680 COCHLEARIA ARMORACIA. Horse-radish. Root. sti. ton. diu. abo. rub. Leaves, sad. 681 COCHLEARIA CORONOPUS. Wild Scurvy Grass. Plant, a-sco. diu. 682 COCHLEARIA OFFICINALIS. Scurvy Grass. Scrubby Grass. Spoonwort. Meadow Saffron Leaves. Meadow Saffron Seed. Leaves, a-sco. dia. rub. Leaves, sad. 683 COCOS NLCIFERA. Cocoanut. Cocos. Cocoa Palm. Pal- myra Wood. Oil. pec. Milk. dep. lax. 684 — Cin Tree. Wineberry. Fruit, aci. ref. feb. Root. diu. 1948 RICHARDIA AFRICANA. Calla Lily, Trumpet Lily. Root. acr. ves. 1949 RICHARDSON I A SCABRA. White Ipecac. Undulated Ipecac. Ipecac. Root. erne. sud. As Ipecac. 1950 RICINUS*COMMUNIS. Castor Oil Plant. Palma Christa Castor Bean. Bofareira. Mexico Seed. Oil Plant. Seed. Yields Castor Oil. cat. 1951 RICINUS LIVIDUS. South African Castor Oil Plant. Seed. dra. cat. irr. Oil. cat. — 1952 — ROBINIA A MARA. Bitter Locust. Bark, bitter. In Diarrhoea and Dyspepsia. 1953 ROBINIA HISPIDA. Bristly Rose Acacia. Rose Acacia. Moss Locust. Bark of Root. erne. cat. exp. 1954 ROBINIA PSEUDO ACACIA. Locust Tree. Black Locust. Yellow Locust. Bark of Root. erne. cat. exp. 1955 ROBINIA VISCOSA. Clammy Locust, Bark of Root. eme. cat. exp. nar. 1956 ROCCELLA FUSIFORM IS. Angola Weed. Litmus Weed. Yields a Dyestuff. 116 J. m. nickell’s botanical ready reference. 1957 ROSA BBANDA. Wild Rose. Flower, ast. ton. opt. 1958 ROSA CANINA. Dog-Rose. Bedeguar. Dog Rose Galls. Hep Tree. Hip Tree. Wild Brier. Brier Rose. Hip Fruit. Hips. Eglantine Gall. Hop Fruit. Hog Seed. Hip Seed. Fruit. In Conserve of Rose. Pill Mass. 1959 ROSA CENTIFOBIA. Hundred-leaved Rose. Cabbage Rose. Pale Rose. Petals, ape. Distilled for Rose Water and Otto Rose. 1960 ROSA GABBICA. Red Rose. French Rose. Prorins Rose. Petals, ton. ast. opt. In Conserve. 1961 ROSA MOSCHATA. Musk Rose. Yields Otto of Rose. 1962 ROSA PA RV1 FLORA* Wild Rose. Flower, ast. ton. opt. 1963 ROSA RUBIGINOSA. Sweet Brier. Wild Brier. Eglantine. Eglantine Rose. Sweet Brier Rose. Flowers. Fragrant. 1964 — ROSMARINUS OFFICINALIS. Rosemary. Rosemary Plant. Garden Rosemary. Beaves and Flower, aro. bit. cep. sti. emm. 1965 ROTTLERA SCHIMPERI. Musena Bark. Musenna. Bark, with Koosso, for Tapeworm. 1966 ROTTLERA TINCTORIA. Kameela. Monkey-face Tree Kamala. Rottlera. W urrus. Powder of Fruit.— Capsules, ver. against Tapeworm. -1967 RUBIA CORDIFOBIA. Bengal Madder. Root. deo. det. diu. emm. A Dyestuff. 1968 RUBIA TINCTORIA. Madder Root. Dyers’ Madder (the root of Madder). English Dyers’ Madder. Root. deo. diu. emm. A Dyestuff. 1969 RUBIGO ALNEA. Blight (Mildew on Leaves). 1970 RUBFS CASSIUS. Dewberry Plant. Variety. Rubus Fruticosus. 1971 RUBUS CANADENSIS. Bow Blackberry, Dewberry. Creeping Blackberry. Fruit, esc. a-sco. Bark of Root. ast. 1972 RUBUS CUAMiEMORUS. Knot Berry. Cloud Berry. Fruit, a-sco. feb. ref. 1973 RUBUS FRUTICOSUS, Common Blackberry. Bramble. Blackberry Vine. Fruit, edi. diu. ast. Bark. ast. 1974 RUBUS IDA2US. Raspberry. Hindberry. Garden Raspberry. Fruit, esc. lax. Beaves. ast. ton. sti. par. erne. 1975 RUBUS OCCIDENTABIS. Thimble Berry. Fruit, lax. Beaves. Mild astringent. J. m. nickell’s botanical ready reference. 117 - — 1976 RUBUS ODORATUS. Rose Flowering Raspberry. Plant and Flowers, diu. In Dropsy. 1977 RUBUS SEXATILIS. Brier Herb. Rock Blackberry. Stem and Leaves, ast. vul. 1978 RUBUS STRIGOSUS. Wild Red Raspberry. Raspberry. Red Raspberry. Fruit, esc. lax. Feaves. a-eme. pur. ast. 1979 RFBUS VIFFOSUS. American Blackberry. High Black- berry. Dewberry. Blackberry. Cloud Berry. Thimble Berry. Bark of Root. ast. In Dysentery. - — 1980 RUDBECKIA FACIWIATA, Thimble Weed. Cone- disk Sunflower. Tall Cone Flower. Cone-disk. Cone Flower. Plant, diu. ton. bal. In Kidney Complaints. 1981 — - RUDBECKIA PURPUREA. Red Sunflower. Black Samp- son. Comb Flower. Purple Cone Flower. Root, a-syp. dep. 1982 —= RUELLIA TUBEROSA. Many Root. Root. Used as Ipecacuanha. 1983 RUMEX ACETOSA. Sorrel. Common Sorrel. Garden Sorrel. Meadow Sorrel. Leaves, aci. ref. diu. a-sco. Root. ast. 1984 RUMEX ACETOSEFFA. Sheep Sorrel. Common Field Sorrel. Common Sorrel Red Top Sorrel. Field Sorrel. Analogous to Rumex Acetosa. — lass — - RUMEX ACUTUS. Sharp-leaved Dock. Wild Dock. Analogous to Rumex Crispus. 1986 RUMEX AFPIXUS. Mountain Rhubarb. Monks’ Rhu- barb. Analogous to Rumex Crispus. 1987 RUMEX AQUATICUS. Great Water Dock. Water Dock. Analogous to Rumex Ciispus. 1988 RUMEX BRITAXNICA. Water Dock. Yellow-rooted Water Dock. Yellow-rooted Dock. Analogous to Rumex Crispus. 1989 RUMEX CRISPUS. Yellow Dock. Sour Dock. Garden Patience. Narrow Dock. Curled Dock. Root. alt. ton. dep. ast. a-sco. 1990 RUMEX LUNARIA. Moon Wort. Sorrel Tree. 1991 RUMEX OBTUSIFOFIUS. Blunt-leaved Dock. Broad- leaved Dock. Wild Patience. Analogous to Rumex Crispus. - — 1992 RUMEX PATIENTIA. Patience Dock. Garden Patience Dock. Garden Patience. Patience. Passions. Analogous to Rumex Crispus. 118 J. m. nickell’s botanical ready reference. 1903 RUMEX SANGUINEUS, Bloody Dock. Olcott Root. Analogous to Rumex Crispus. 1994 BUMEX SCUTATUS. French Sorrel. Leaves, aci. ref. a-sco. 1995 RUPPIA MAKITIMA, Ditch Grass, Plant, vul. dep. 1996 RUSCUS ACUEEATUS. Sweet Broom Root. Butchers" Broom. Knee Holly. Sweet Broom. Root. ape. diu. 1997 RUSCUS HYPOGLOSSUM. Horse Tongue. Formerly used in Relaxed Uvula. 1998 RUTA GRAVEOLENS. Rue. Garden Rue. Countryman’s Treacle. Herb of Grace. Herb. aro. bit. pun. ton. emm. acr. 1999 RUTA SYLVESTRIS, Harmel Wild Rue. Wild Rue. Herb. hyp. 2000 SABAL PALMETTO. Cabbage Palmetto. Dwarf Palmetto. Palm Tree. Palmetto. Buds. Eaten as Salad. 2001 SABBATIA ANGULARIS. American Centaury. Ameri- can Red Centaury. Bitter Bloom. Wild Succory. Rose Pink. Bitter Clover. Red Centaury. Eye-bright. Plant, a-bil. ton. bit. ver. emm. feb. 2002 SABBATIA ELLIOTII. Quinine Plant. Quinine Herb. 2003 SABBATIA STEEEARIS. (Used in General Debility.) 2001 SACCHARUM OFFICINA RUM. SugarCane. Yields most of the Sugar of commerce. 2005 S AGIN A PROCUMBENS. Pearl Wort, 2006 SAGITTARIA SAGGITTIFOEIA. Arrow Head. Arrow Weed. Root. Yields Fecula. ref. ast. det. 2007 SAGUS LiEVIS, Sagus Ruftta. Sagus Rumphii. Sago Palm. Yields Sago. 2008 SAL1SBURI A ADIANTIFOLIA. Ginkgo Tree. Maiden- hair Tree. Gingo Tree. Seed, edible, ast. ton. Yields Oil. 2009 SALIX ALBA. White Willow. Willow. Salacin Willow. Willow Bark. Withe. Withy. Bark. bit. leb. a-per. Leaves ast. 2010 SALIX J1GYPTIACA. Calaf. Ban. Bark, a-sep. cor. a-aph. 2011 SALIX BABYLONICA. Weeping Willow. Garb. Tree. om. 2012 SALIX FRAGILIS. Crack Willow. Willow Bark. Bark. bit. ton. J. m. nickell’s botanical* ready reference. 119 2013 SAL1X HELIX. Yellow Dwarf Willow. Variety of Salix Purpurea. 2014 : — - SALIX NIGRA. Black Willow. Catkins Willow. Pussy Willow. Bark. bit. ast. a-sep. det. a-per. Buds, a-aph. 2015 SALIX PENTANDRA. European Willow, Bark. ast. ton. feb. aro. Yields Salacin. 2010 SALIX PURPUREA. Purple Willow. Bark, bitter. 2017 SALIX RUSS ELI AX A. Bedford Willow. Bark. ast. ton. feb. „ 2018 SALIX VIMINALIS. Basket Willow. Osier Willow. Osier Basket. Bark. ast. ton. muc. 2019 SALS ALA KALI. Saltwort. Prickly Saltwort. Prickly Glass- wort. Sea Grape. Plant. emm. sti. diu. hyd. 2020 SALSALA SODA. Glasswort. Yields, Soda of Alicant. 2021 SALVADOR A PERSIC A. Mustard Tree. Scripture Mus- tard Tree. Scripture Mustard. Bark of Root. acr. ves. Seed. pun. 2022 SALVIA AFRICANA. Wild African Sage. Herb. Analogous to Salvia Officinalis. 2023 SALVIA ARGENTEA. White Sage. Plant, orn. 2024 - salvia CLAYTOXI. Vervain-leaved' Sage. Vervain Sage. Plant, sud. ton. a-aph. 2025 SALVIA COLORATA. Purple-topped Sage. As Salvia Horminum. 2026 SALVIA FULGEXS. Mexican Sage, Cardinal Sage. Scar- let Sage. Plant and Flower, orn. 2027 SALVIA HISPANICA. Wild Chia Seed. Chia Seed. Seed. opt. muc. 2028 SALVIA HORMINUM. Purple-topped Clary. Herb. exc. Seed. opt. aph. 2029 SALVIA LYRATA. Wild Sage. Cancer Weed. Meadow Sage. Lyre-leaved Sage. Leaves and Juice* For Warts and Cancers. 2030 SALVIA OFFICINALIS. Garden Sage. Sage. Leaves, ton. sud. ast. exp. aro. a-aph. 2031 SALVIA. POMIFERA. Crete Sage. Sage Apple. Galls with Honey form a Confection. 120 J. m. nickell’s botanical ready reference. 2032 — SALVIA PRATENSIS. Meadow Sage. Analogous to Salvia Officinalis. 2033 SALVIA SCLAREA, Clary, Clarry. Clammy Sage. Clary Sage. Clary Herb. Herb. a-spa. bal, cor. 2034 SALVIA URTICIFOLIA. Nettle-leaved Sage. Nettle Sage. Herb. As Salvia Officinalis. — 2035 SALVIA VERBENACA. Clear Eye, Wild Clary. Christ’s Eye. Seed. In Ophthalmia. 2036 SAMBUC11S CANADENSIS. American Elder. Elder. Sweet Elder. Common Elder. Rob Elder. Elder Flowers. Elder Rob (juice of Berries). Bark. cat. erne. Flower, diu. dia. exa. 2037 SAMBUCUS EBULUS. European Dwarf Elder. Dane- wort. English Dwarf Elder. Blood Elder. Walewort. Wallwort. Dwarf Elder Berries. Root. pur. Leaves. In Gout. Fruit. For Wine. 2038 SAMBFCrS NIGRA. European Elder, Blackberried Euro- pean Elder. Elder. German Elder. Boor Tree. Bountry. Ellan- wood. Ellhorn. Bark. cat. Fruit, diu. Flower, exp. dep. 2039 SAMBUCUS PUBESCENS. Mountain Elder. Red Ber- ried Elder. Bark. hyd. cat. erne. 2040 SAMOLUS VALERANDI. Water Pimpernel, Brook Weed. Leaves, vul. pur. For Chaps. 2041 SANGUINARIA CANADESSIS. Blood Root. Red P*c- coon. Indian Paint. Pauson. Red Paint Root. Red Root. Indian Red Paint. Root. erne. sed. feb. sti. ton. diu. emm. 2042 SANGUISORBA CANADENSIS. Canada Burnet, Bur- net Saxifrage. Saxifrage. Plant, ast. ton. In Hemorrhage. 2043 SANGUISORBA MEDIA. Great Burnet, Plant, ast. ton. In Hemorrhage. 2044 SANGUISORBA OFFICINALIS. Garden Burnet. Ital- ian Burnet. Italian Pimpernel. Plant, ast. ton. In Hemorrhage. 2045 SANICULA CANADENSIS. Black American Sanicle. Root. ner. ano. feb. ast. exa. In Chorea. 2046 SANICULA EUROPiEA. European Sanicle. Sanicle Root. Wood Sanicle. Leaves, mild ast. vul. exa. 2047 SANICULA MARILANDICA. Sanicle. Black Sanicle. Black Snakroot. Root. ner. ano. a-per. ast. In Chorea. J. m. nickell’s botanical ready reference. 121 2048 SAXTALUM ALBUM. White Sandal (young wood). White Sandal Wood. Sandal Wood. White Saunders. Saunders. Almug. Yellow Sandal (old wood). Wood. Frogrant. per. sti. sud. —2049 SANTOLINA CHAMJ1UYPARISSUS, Lavender Cot- ton. Cypress Herb. Twigs, ver. ins. aro. 2050 SAPINDUS EM4RGIXATUS. Indian Soap Plant. Soap Berry. Soap Root. Seed. exp. sap. a-epi. 2051 — SAPINDIJS SAPONARIA. Indian Soap Nat. Soap Nut. Fruit, a-rhe. det. acr. sap. Fish poison. 2052 — SAPONARIA OFFICINALIS. Soapwort. Bouncing Bet. Old Maids’ Pink. London Pride. Soap Root. Bruise Wort. Fullers’ Herb. Sheep Weed. Plant, ton. dia. alt. a-syp. exa. sap. —2058 SAPONARIA VACCARIA. t ow Herb. Plant. Gal. to Cows. Seed. diu. 2054 SAPOTA MULLERI. Bullet Tree. Yields a substance like Gutta Percha. —2055 SARGASSUM BACCIFERUM. Eaver. Gulf Weed. A Seaweed, ape. diu. a-sco. 2050 SARRACENIA FLAVA. Water Cup. Eve’s Cup. Side- saddle Plant. Yellow- flowered Watercup. Trumpet Leaf. Fly Trap. Analogous to Sarracenia Purpurea. 2057 — SARRACENIA PURPUREA. Pitcher Plant. Sarracenia. Small Pox Plant. Eve’e Cup. Saddle Plant. Huntsman’s Cup. Forefathers’ Cup. Side-saddle Flower. Side-saddle Plant. Fly Trap. Watercup. Plant, bit. ast. sti. ton. diu. 2058 SARRACENIA VARIOEARIS. Small Pox Plant. Side- saddle Plant. (Analogous to S. Purpurea.) Plant. In Small Pox. 2059 SARRONIA JABORANDI. Species of Piper Reticulatum. 2000 SAROTHRA GENTIANOIDES. Nit Weed. False Johns- wort. Plant. aro. res. ner. 2001 SASSAFRAS OFFICINAEE. Sassafras Bark. Ague Tree. Cinnamon Wood. Saloop. Saxifrax. Sassafras. Bark. aro. sti. alt. diu. dia. 2002 SASSAFRAS PARTHENOXYLON. Virgin Tree. Oriental Sassafras. Fruit, bal. Oil. a-rhe. sti. 2008 SATUREJA CAPITATA. Cilliated Savory; Herb. ton. car. emm. a-spa. 2004 SATUREJA HORTENSIS. Summer Savory. Herb. aro. sti. car. emm. aph. con. 6 122 J. m. nickell’s botanical ready reference. -2065 SATUREJA MONTANA. Winter Savory. Herb, Analogous to Satureja Hortensis. 2066 SATUREJA VIMINEA. Pennyroyal Tree. Eeaves. aro. car. sud. emm. 2067 SAURURUS CERXUUS. Breast W'eed. Lizard’s Tail. Root. cmo. dis. For Inflamed Breasts. 2068 SAUVAGESIA ERECTA. Si. Martin’s Herb. St. Martin’s Wort. Herb. vul. ast. 2069 SAXIFRAGA AEBA, While Saxifrage. Plant, diu. lit. ape. 2070 SAXIFRAGA SARMENTOSA. Sailor Plant. Strawberry Geranium. Chinese Saxifrage. Beefesteake Plant. Wandering Jew. Plant and Flowers, om. 2071 SAXIFRAGA TRIDACTYLITES. Whitlow Grass. Plant, diu. dep. 2072 — SAXIFRAGA I MBROSA. Eondon Pride. Plant and Flowers, om. diu. 2078 SCABIOSA ARVEXSIS. g Field Scabious. Eeaves. dep. exa. pec. exp. 2074 SCABIOSA ATROPURPUREA. Sweet Scabish. Mourn- ing Widow. Mourning Bride. Plant and Flowers. In Itch. 2075 * SCABIOSA STEEEATA. Star Scabious. Cat’s Eye. Plant and Flowers. In Itch. 2076 SCABIOSA SUUCISSA. Devil’s Bit. Scabious. Devil’s Root. Wood Scabious. Devil’s Bit Herb. Devil’s Bit Root. Root, a-syp. 2077 — SCAXDIX PECTEN YEXERIS. Venus Comb. Shepherd’s Needle. Pucker Needle. Plant, vul. Shoots eaten, diu. 2078 — SCHINUS ARVEIRA. Arveira. Bark. aro. resinous, astringent. 2079 SCHCEXCS MARISCOIDES. W ater Bog Rush. Plant, dep. alt. 2080 SCHRANKIA UNCINATA. Sensitive Brier. 2081 SCI EE A FRASFRI. Wild Hyacinth. Root. esc. erao. To Inflamed Breasts. 2082 SCI EE A MARITIMA. Squills. Sea Onion. Officinal Squill. White Squills. Red Squills. Bulb. irr. erne. exp. diu cat. nar. 2088 SCIRPUS EACUSTRIS. Club Rush. Bulrush. Typha. Seed. ast. emm. dm. hyp. 2084 SCIRPTS MARITIMUS. Spurt Grass, Plant, din. ast. J. m. nickell’s botanical ready reference. 123 2085 SCIiERANTHTS ANKIJES. Gravel Chick weed. Knaw- el. German Knot Grass. Plant, ast. emo. diu. 2086 SCEEROTIUM CE 1VUS. Ergot of Rye. Smut of Rye. Spurred Rye. Horn Seed. Seigle Ergote. Cockspur Rye. Mother of Rye. Ergot. FuilgUS. poi. emm. par. abo. f-com. 2087 SCOLOPENDRIUM OFF I CIST A RUM. Heart’s Tongue. Hart’s Tongue Fern. Caterpillar Fern. Plant, ast. pec. vul. Spleen Complaints. 2088 SCORZONERA HISPANICA. Vipers’ Grass. Winter Asparagus. Root. esc. 2080 SCROPHULARIA AQUATICA. Water Figwort. Water Betony. Bishops’ Leaves. Broadwort. Leaves. Correct the bad flavor of Senna. 2090 SCK OPHUE ARIA MARIEANDICA. Scrofula Plant. Figwort. Holmes’ Weed. Heal All. Square Stalk. Carpenters’ Square. Figwort Herb. Analogous to Scrophularia Nodosa. 2091 SCROPHULARIA NODOSA. Figwort. Heal All. Knotty- rooted Figwort. Figwort Root. Kernelwort. Carpenters’ Square. Scrofula Plant. Plant, vul. dep. emm. f-com. exa. 2092 SCROPHULARIA VERNALIS, Yellow Figwort Brown- wort. Plant, diu. nar. alt. ano. vul. 2093 SCUTELLARIA AEBA. White-flowered Scull Cap. Variety of Scutellaria Lateriflora. 2094 SCUTEEEARIA GAEERICUEATA. European Scull Cap. Hooded Willow Herb. Plant, bitter. In Tertian Ague. 2095 SCUT ELEA RI 1 II YSSOPIFOEIA. Hyssop-leaved Scull Cap. Analogous to Scutellaria Lateriflora. 2096 SCUTEEEARIA INTEGR1FOEIA. Large-flowered Scull Cap. Analogous to Scutellaria Lateriflora. 2097 SCUTEEEARIA LATERIFLORA. Scull Cap. Blue Scull Cap. Blue Pimpernel. Hooded Willow Herb.. Side-flowering Scull Cap. Mad Dogweed. Hoodwort. Mad Weed. Helmet Flower. American Scull Cap. Plant, ner. ton. diu, a-spa. 2098 SECAEE CEREALE. Rye. Fruit (Seed). An article of diet. nut. lax. 2099 SERUM ACRE. Small House Leek. Biting Stonecrop. Jack of the Buttery. Wall Pepper. Plant, acr. erne. cat. ves. diu. 124 J. M. nickell’s botanical ready reference. - 2100 - — SEDUM ALBUM. White Ntouecrop. Lesser House Leek. Worm Grass. Prick Madam. Plant. ref. ast. In Salads. 2101 — SEBUM ROSEUM. Rose wort. Root. cep. ast. 2102 SEBUM RUPESTRE, Stonecrop. Plant. acr. erne. cat. 2103 SEBUM TELEPHIUM. Orpine Livelong. Orpine. Live- forever. Livelong. Plant. ast. vul. irr. ref. 2104 SELAGINELLA LEP1BOPHTLLA. Hollyhock Rose. Resurrection Plant. Plant. A Hygrometric Plant. 2105 SELINUM CANABENSE. Hemlock Parsley. Marsh Parsley. Variety of Selinum Palustre. 2106 SELINUM PALUSTRE. Marsh Smallage. Marsh Parsley. Plant. emm. diu. a-spa. 2107 SEMECARPUS ANACARBIUM. Cashew Nuts. Cachew Nuts. Malacca Nuts. Marany Nuts. Marking Nuts. Malacca Bean. Acajou Nut. Mangle. Fruit ami Juice, cau. poi. a-syp. Nut. edi. 2108 SEMPERVIVUM TECTORUM. Common House Leek. Bullock’s Eye. Jupiter’s Eye. Jupiter's Beard. Aaron’s Rod. Thunder Plant. Sengren. House Leek. Plant, ref. emo. a-ven. vul. ast. aci. 2109 SENECIO AUREUS. Life Root. Waw Weed. Uncum Root. Cocash Weed. Ragwort. False Valerian. Golden Senecio. Cough Weed. Squaw Weed. Female Regulator. Liferoot Plant. Uncum. Plant, diu. dia. emm. feb. exp. 2110 SENECIO BALSAMITiE. Groundsel Balsam. Plant, diu. vul. des. ast. 2111 SENECIO CINERARIA. Busty Miller. Plant, vul. det. —2112 SENECIO ELONGATA. Long-stemed Groundsel. Plant, a-sco. det. vul. ast. —2113 SENECIO GRACILIS. Unknui. Fire Weed. Female Regula- tor. False Valerian. Golden Senecio. Life Root* Ragwort. Squaw W«ed. Nutqua. Mequot. Variety. Senecio Aureus. 2114 SENECIO JACOBEA. Ragwort. Stinking Willie. Saint Tameswort. Staggerwort. Saracen’s Comfrey. Bun Weed. Staver- wort. Leaves, bit. nau. a-rhe. vul. 2115 SENECIO LANCEOLATUS. Variety of Senecio Aureus. 2116 SENECIO LOBATUS, Butterweed. Leaves, vul. ton. ast. J. m. nickell’s botanical ready reference. 125 2117 SENECIO OBOVATUS. Squaw Weed Root. Old Robert’s Root. Squaw Weed. Variety. Senecio Aureus. 2118 SEXECIO SARICEMICUS. Saracens’ Woundwort. Leaves, vul. det. des. 2119 SENECIO SCANDENS. German Ivy. 2120 SENECIO SONCHIFOLIA. Tassel Flower. 2121 SENECIO TOMENTOSA. Asliwort. Rag Woolwort. 2122 SENECIO VIJLOARIS. Common Groundsel. Groundie Swallow. Fleawort. Groundsel. Variety. Senecio Aureus. 2123 SEQUOIA GIGANTEA. California Redwood. Giant Tree of California. 2124 SEQUOIA SEMPERVIRENS. Common California Redwood. 2125 SERPENT ARIA NIGRA. Variety of Cimicifuga Racemosa. 2126 SERRATUEA TINCTORIA. Saw Wort. Plant, vul. Dyes Yellow. 2127 — SESAMUM INDICUM, Benue Plant. Oily Grain. Benne. Oil Plant. Til Seed. Teel. Sesame Leaves. Leaves, emo. muc. vul. 2128 SESAMUM ORIENTALE. - Benne. As Sesamum Indicum. (A variety.) 2129 SESELI MONTANUM. Bastard Spignel. Root. pur. 2130 SETARIA GLAUCA. Bristly Foxtail Grass. 2131 SETARIA ITALICA. Italian Millet. Bengal Grass. 2132 SETARIA VIRIDIS. Green Foxtail Grass. Green Setaria. 2133 SESTERIA CiERULEA. Moor Grass. Blue Sesleria. 2134 SHEPHERDIA ARGENTEA. Buffalo Berry. Rabbit Berry. Fruit, aci. esc. 2135 SHORE A ROBUSTA. Dammar Resin Tree. Resin. In Plasters. Seed. Yields Oil. 2136 SICYOS ANOULATA. Single seeded Cucumber. Variety of Sycyos Angulatus. - — 2137 SI DA ABUTILON. Velvet Leaf. Leaves, muc. dem. In Diarrhoea. 2138 SID A CANARIENSIS. Canary Tree. Leaves, dem. vul. As Tea. 126 J. m. nickell’s botanical ready reference. 2189 SIDA SPIXOS4. 1 11 caetoxicum . 136 4 * pyrimidahs .. 87 Ammi copticum 137 “ repens 88 Amomum aromaticum * 901 Akazga 89 44 Cardamomum ... _# 90 1 Albizzia anthelmintica 90 4 4 Granum paradisi . .. . X38 Alchemilla alpina * 92 44 maximum X39 “ arvensis 9 1 44 Melegueta * 138 41 vulgaris 9* 44 racemosum 140 Alchornea latifolia 93 44 repens X4 1 Aletris aurea 94 44 Xanthioides * 902 44 farinosa 95 44 uva * 901 Aleurites laccifera 96 44 Zerumbet 142 44 triloba 97 44 Zing ber 143 Algarobia glandulosa 98 Amorpha canescens 144 Alisma p'antago 99 Ampelop^is quinquefolia _ .. X45 Alkanna tinctoria * 162 Amygdalus communis 146-147 44 ama»a 14.6 Allium ascolonicum 101 44 dulcis •*T 147 44 Canadense 102 44 glabra I48 44 cepa 103 44 Persica 149 44 porrum ... Amyris balsamifera 150 44 sativum 105 44 elemifera X5X 44 tncoccum 106 44 Gileadensis x 5 2 44 ursinum 107 44 kataf * 344 44 victorialis ...... 44 opobalsamum ...... * 152 44 vineale 109 44 tomentosa * 991 Alnus glutinosa no Anacardium occidentale ... _* 2107 * Anacyclus officinarum. . .... 153 44 rubra hi 44 Pyre thrum 154 44 serratula * hi 44 radiatus X55 44 serratida * in Anagallis arvensis 156 Aloe Americana * 81 44 coerulea X57 44 Arborescens * 114 44 Phoenicea * 156 44 Barbadensis * 115 Anamirta Cocculus 158 44 Bethelsdorf * 1 14 44 paniculata * 158 44 Commelyni * 114 Ananassa sativa X59 44 Ferox * 114 Anapodophy llum Canadensis* 1764 44 Indica * 113 Anatherum muricatum * 178 44 multiformis * n4 44 nardus * 180 44 perfoliata * US Anchusa Italica 160 44 plicatillis * 114 44 officinalis 161 44 pnrpnrascens * IK 44 tinctoria 162 44 Socotrina * x . j ll 3 Anda Brasiliensis 163 “ spicata 114 44 Gomesei * 163 44 vera * xx3 Andira anthelmintica. 164 44 vulgaris xi5 44 inermis 165 Aloexylon Agallochum 112 44 retusa 166 Alpina Cardamomum * 901 Andrographis paniculata. 167 44 officinarum * 116 Andromeda angustifolia ... 168 44 Galanga. ... 116 44 arborea 169 44 . repens * 141 44 mariana 170 Alstonia constricta 118 44 nitida 171 44 scholaris 117 44 ovalifera 172 44 Theaeformis 119 44 polifolia X73 Althaea officinalis 120 44 pulverulenta .. ... X74 u ro^ea 121 44 racemosa 175 Alyssum m ar1 t ,rn,irn * 1272 44 speciosa 176 Alyxia aromatica 122 Andropogon bicornis * 180 44 buxifolium ' 123 44 citratum 177 Amanita aurantiaca 124 44 muricatus 178 44 muscaria 125 44 nardus. X79 Amaranthus hypochondriacus 126 44 schoenanthus .. ... 180 Amarantus albus 127 Androsaemum officinale 181 44 blitum 128 Anemia * 1633 44 caudatus 129 Anemone cernua 182 44 hypochondriacus* 126 44 cylindrica 183 44 melancholicus . __ 130 44 hepatica * ii45 44 tricolor X3i 44 hortensis 184 Amaryllis Atamasco 132 44 ludoviciana 185 Ambrina ambrosioides* 590 44 nemorosa 186 Ambrosia artemisiaefolia... 133 44 patens 187 44 elatior * 133 44 pratensis 188 INDEX.- —BOTANICAL NAMES. 147 Anemone Pulsatilla ... ♦ 188 Arctostaphylos glauca — . 239 “ vernalis — 189 44 Uva Ursi. 240 44 Virginica 190 Areca Catechu 241 Anethum foeniculum IQI Arenaria mariana 242 44 graveolens 192 Arethusa cynapium * 77 44 pastinaca * X673 Argemone Mexicana 243 44 sowa 193 Argostemma githago 244 Angelica archangelica * 194 Arissema Dracontium * 274 44 triphylltim * 277 44 lucida ♦ I94 Aristolochia anguicida 245 44 officinalis *95 44 bracteata 246 44 sylvestris 196 44 clematitis 247 44 triquinata * 194 44 cyffiibifera 248 Angostura cusparia * 1026 44 grandiflora * 248 Angrsecum fragrans IQ7 44 hastata * 253 Anisum vulgare * 1718 44 hirsuta * 253 Anona Mynstica 199 44 longa 249 44 muricatus 198 44 odorata * 882 “ palustris 200 44 pistolochia .... 250 “ reticulata 201 44 reticulata * 253 Antennaria dioica * 203 44 rotunda 251 44 margaritacum . 202 44 sagittata * 253 44 plantagineum . 203 44 sempervirens.. 252 Anthemis arvensis 204 44 Serpentaria 253 44 Cotula * 1440 44 Sipho 254 11 nobilis 205 44 tomentosa * 253 “ * 205 44 vulgaris * 247 4 parthenoides ... * 1864 Armeria vulgaris * 2224 4 4 pyrethrum * J 54 Armeniaca vulgaris 255 Antherosperma moschata _ 322 Armoracia rusticana * 680 Anthora Vulgaris * 45 44 sativa * 680 Anthospermum vEthiopicum. 206 Arnica Angustifolia * 256 Anthoxanthum odoratum. 207 44 montana 256 Anthriscus cerefolium 208 44 scorpoides 257 44 sylvestris 209 Aronia botrychium 258 Anthyllis vulneraria 210 Artanthe adunca * 259 Antiaris Toxifera 211 44 elongata 259 Antirrhinum Linaria 212 Artemia Californica 260 “ majus Artemisia * 262 Aphyllon uniflorum * 1623 44 abrotanum 261 Apios tuberosa 214 44 Absinthium 262 Apium graveolens 215 4 * afra 263 44 Petroselinum * I692 44 alba * 264 Aplectrum hyemale 2l6 44 balsamita * 271 Aplocera maritima 217 44 Botrys * 59o Apocynum androssemifolium. 218 44 campestris * 261 44 cannabinum 219 44 Canadensis..... ♦ 262 44 hypericifoiium. 220 44 Chinensis * 270 Aquilegia Canadensis 221 44 Contra 264 44 sylvestris * 222 44 dracunculus 265 44 vulgaris 222 44 glacialis 266 Arabis Canadensis 223 44 glomerata 267 44 Chinensis 224 44 hirsuta 268 44 rhomboides 225 44 Judaica * 267 44 sagittata 226 44 leptophylla * 271 44 stricta 227 * 4 maritima 269 44 thatiana ._ 228 44 moxa 270 Arachis hypogaea 229 44 Pontica 271 Aralia Canadensis. * 1649 44 Romana * 271 44 hispida.. 230 44 rubra * 264 44 Japonica * 99? 44 rupestris 272 44 uudicaulis 231 44 Santonica * 264 44 quinquefolia . * 1649 44 Sieberi * 264 44 racemosa 2"32 44 suaveolens .. * 260 44 spinosa 2'3'J 44 tennifolia * 271 Arbor alba minor * 1447 44 vahliana 264 Arbutilon condalum 234 44 vulgaris 273 Arbutus merziesii 235 Arthanita Cyclamen * 814 44 unedo 236 Arum Dracontium 274 44 Uva Ursi * 24O 44 dracunculus * 277 Archangelica officinalis ... * 195 44 esculentum 275 “ atropurpurea * 194 44 maculatum 276 Arctium bardana * 237 44 triphyllum 277 44 Lappa ... 237 44 Virginicum * 1684 Arctostaphylos alpina 238 44 vulgare * 277 148 INDEX. — BOTANICAL NAMES. Arundo donax.. Astragalus exscapus — 316 “ phragmites ... 279 44 glycyphyllos ... .... 317 Asagrsea officinalis... - 2397 44 massiliensis Asagraya officinalis 2397 44 Tragacantha... --- 318 Asarum Canadense Atherosperma moschata .. 44 Europaeum ... 281 Astrantia major 319 44 Carolinianum . . * 280 Athamanta annua 44 officinalis 44 aureoselinum.. ..* 321 “ Virginicum. ...... 44 cervaria 1340 Asclepias asthmatica 44 Cretica 44 alba 44 Cretensis 44 Apocynum . * 292 44 libanotis x '34<> 44 cornuti 292 44 meum 149 2 44 Curassavica 285 44 oreoselinum .. . 321 44 contrayerva Athyrium Filix Foemina .. — * 3°2 44 decumbens ... 286 A triplex halimoides 323 44 fibrosa 44 hortensis 44 gigantea. ... 288 44 laciniata 326 14 incarnata 44 mummularia --- 325 4 4 mataperro 44 patula 44 obovata 44 Purshiana 326 44 procera 44 Mexicana — * 590 44 pseudo-sarsa ... 44 odorata 593 44 pubescens .. * 292 44 olidum — * 597 44 pulchra Atropa Belladonna 327 44 Syriaca 44 Mandragora 328 44 tomentosa Attalea funifera 329 44 Tuberosa ... 293 Averrhoa bilimbi 330 44 verticillatus ... 294 44 carambola — - 33 1 44 vincetoxicum ... --- 295 Avicennia tomentosa Asimina triloba... 505 44 nitida 332 Aspalanthus Aydendron laurel. ---* i5 6 9 Asparagus officinalis Azadirachta Indica — * 1455 Asperugo procumbens ... 297 Azalea Indica 333 Asperula cynachica ... 298 44 nitida 334 44 odorata .... 299 44 nudiflora 335 Asphodelus luteus 44 procumbens ---* 1379 Aspidium athamanticum. . 301 44 viscosa ---- 336 44 coriaceum 1794 Azedaracha amoena . — * *454 44 depastum 303 Baccharis genistelloides .. 337 44 discolor 44 halimifolia 33 8 44 ferrugineum 1794 44 pillularis ---- 339 44 Filix Foemina .. Bactyrilobium fistula — * 525 44 Filix Mas --- 3°3 Bahia archnoidia 340 44 Goldianum 3°3 Ballota foetida 341 44 marginale 3°3 44 lanata .... 342 Aspidosperma Quebracho, 4 nigra ...* 341 Quebracho Bark (a South 44 suaveolens 343 Am. bark) Balsamaria Inophyllum. * 991 Asplenium Adiantum nigrum. 304 Balsamita — * 1866 44 angustifolium... .... 305 Balsamodendron Myrrha. 344 44 aureum 579 44 Gileadensis* 152 44 Ceterach 579 Bamia moschata _..* 1 44 Filix Foemina .. 302 Banisteria angulosa.... _. 345 44 Filix Mas — * 3°3 Bancksia Abyssinica ___* 416 44 latifolium — * 579 Baphia nitida .... 346 44 murale 3°7 Baptisia alba 347 ‘ 4 obtusum 307 44 Australis 348 44 rhizophyllum ... 306 44 leucantha ---* 349 44 ruta muraria 3°7 44 tinctoria 349 44 Scolopendrium.. 308 Barbarea proecox ---* 932 44 trichomanes 3°9 44 stricta — * 932 Assafoetida disgunensis .. 1563 44 vulgaris Aster sestivus 310 Bardana ---* 237 44 amellus 44 minor ---* 2445 44 cordifolius Barosma betulina ---* 35* 44 ’dysentericus 44 crenata 35* 44 Helenium 44 crenulata ---* 35* 44 inguinalis 44 eckloniana ---* 35* 44 officinalis. 44 odoratal 44 puniceus 3*3 Barosma serratifolia 352 44 tradescantia 314 Basella 44 undulatus Bassia Parkii 354 Astragalus aculeatus ...* 318 Batschia canescens 355 44 caryocarpus . .... 315 Bauhinia tomentosa 356 index. — botanical names. 149 Bauhinia variegata 357 Bombax pentandrum .... 401 Battata Virgimana Bonplandia trifoliata Begonia grandiflora... 358 Bontia Germinans .. * 2107 Behen abiad Borago officinalis 4C2 44 album Borassus flabelliformis 403 44 officinarum * 790 4 Borbonia ruscifolia 404 Belladonna baccifera.. * 327 Boswellia floribunda ---* 1258 Beilis perennis 359 44 serrata — 405 “ hortensis * 359 44 thurifera .. * 405 44 major * 359 Botrophis racemosa -. * 616 Benzoin odoriferum. .. 44 Serpentaria -- * 616 “ officinalis Botrychium fumaroides.. Berardia * 237 Virginianum . . * 406 Berberis — — Botrys ambrosioides 590 44 aquifolium ... 360 44 Americana -- * 590 44 aristata 3 61 44 anthelminticum... - * 59 1 4> Canadensis... 362 44 Mexicana -- * 590 “ irratabilis Bovista nigrescens . . * 1401 “ lycium ... .... Bowdichia virgilioides 407 44 vulgaris 303 Branca Germanica ...* 1149 Berchemia volubilis... 44 ursina 26 Bergera Konigii 365 44 vera Bertholletia excelsa 366 Brasenia hydropeltis Beta hybrida 367 Brassica canina 1484 44 macrorhiza 44 campestris. 44 vulgaris alba 369 4 eruca 44 * 4 rubra 370 44 Florida .... 411 Betonica aquatica 44 officinalis 44 hydropeltis ..* 408 37i 44 juncea 4i3 44 Pauli * 2412 44 marina Betula alba - 372 44 napus ... 412 44 emarginata 44 nigra... -• * 2157 44 glutinosa 44 oleracea .... 414 44 lenta 373 44 rapa .... 415 44 papyracea 372 44 sinapistrum .... 413 44 rubra 44 sinapioides .... 413 Bidens Beckii '375 Brayera anthelmintica .... 44 bipinnati 44 connata 376 Bromelia ananas Bromus ciliatus . . - * 159 44 frondosa ■ 378 44 glaber 44 tripartita ■ 379 44 pubescens 4i7 Bigonia alliacea - 380 44 purgans 4 l 7 44 capreola 381 44 secalinus 418 44 Catalpa * 542 44 tremulentus .. * 1380 44 Indica ■ 382 Broussonetia tinctoria - * 1530 44 leucoxylon 383 Brucea antidysenterica - * 2235 44 ophthalmica ... ■ 384 Bryonia Africana .... 419 44 radicans • 385 44 alba Bignonia sempervirens. * 1043 44 . dioica ... 421 Bittera febrifuga.. 44 nigra . * 2263 Bixa Americana * 386 44 Peruviana 44 Orellana 386 Bubon Galbanifera Blechnum borealis 387 44 gummiferum - * 879 44 lignifolium.. * 3<-8 44 Macedonicum ... 423 44 squamosum * 579 Bucida buceras .... 424 44 Virginicum.. 388 Buena hexandra --- 425 Blephilia hirsuta 389 Bulbocapnos cavus - * 251 Blighia sapida 39° 44 digitatus . * 253 Blitum Americanum * 1715 Bulbous Laminaria 44 Capitatum 39 1 Bunias Americana Bocconia cordata 392 Bupleurum rotundifolium. ... 427 Boehmeria nivea 393 Bursera acuminata . * 428 Boletus Agaricus 394 44 gummifera ... 428 44 albus * 397 Butea frondosa ... 429 44 cervinus Buxus sempervirens --- 430 44 fulvus 44 suffructicosa --- 43 1 4 * fomentarius * 396 Byrsonima crassifolia --- 432 4 4 hepatica 395 By ttera febrifuga . 2152 44 ignarius.. 396 Cacalia anteuphorbium — 433 44 laricis 397 44 atriplicifolia — 434 44 officinalis 44 reniformis - * 434 44 suaveolens 398 44 suaveolens - * 434 44 ungulatus 44 tuberosa --- 435 Bomarea salsalla 399 Cacoucia coccinea --- 43 6 Bombax ceiba Cactus grandiflorus --- 437 150 INDEX. — BOTANICAL NAMES. Cactus Opuntia * 1613 Csesalpina bijuga 439 “ bahamansis . 438 “ Bonducella 440 . 44 coriaria 441 44 crista.. 442 44 echinata 443 41 pipai 444 44 pulcherrima 445 “ sappan 446 Caladium esculentum 447 “ palustris * 275 44 seguinum 448 Calamintha acinos 449 “ alpina 456 44 clinopodium 451 Nepeta * 1463 4 4 officinalis 452 44 pulegii 453 Calamus aromaticus * 60 44 Draco 454 44 odoratus . * 60 44 vulgaris * 60 Calandrina discolor 455 Calatropus gigantea * 288 Calceolaria arachnoidea 456 44 primata 457 44 irifida 458 Calceum Equinum * 2348 Calendula alpina * 256 44 arvensis 459 44 officinalis 460 Calestegia sepium 461 Calla palustris 462 Callicarpa Americana 463 Callicocca Ipecacuanha * 565 Calliopsis tinctoria * 737 Callirrhoe digitata 464 Callistephus Chinensis 465 Callitriche verna 46 6 Calls arum * 1200 Calophyilum inophyllum 467 44 spuria 468 Calotropis gigantea * 288 44 mudarii * 288 Caltha alpina * 256 44 arvensis * 459 44 officinalis * 459 44 palustris 469 44 vulgaris 460 Calycanthus Floridus 470 Camassia esculenta 471 Camellia Japonica 472 Camelina sativa. __ 473 Campanula glomerata 474 44 latifolia 475 44 rotundifolia 476 14 trachelium 477 Camphora officinarum * 1^02 Camphorosma Monspelica 478 Campomanesia Lineatifolia... 479 Canada alba 480 Canarium commune * 151 Canella alba 481 4 ‘ axillaris 482 44 giroffe 483 Canna solutiva * 525 44 speciosa 484 Cannabina aquatica * 957 Cannabis Americana 485 44 Indica 486 14 sativa * 486 Capillus veneris * 68 44 _ 44 Canadensis.* 69 Capparis baducea 487 Capparis spinosa - 488 Capraria biflora 489 Caprifolium perfoliatum 490 Capsella bursa-pastoris 491 Capsicum annum 492 44 baccatum * 492 44 Brasilicum * 492 44 cerasiforme 493 44 Hispanicum * 492 44 grossum 494 44 micranthium * 492 44 minimum 495 44 tetragonium 496 Carapa Guianensis 497 44 Touloucouna * 497 Cardamine amara 498 4 * fontana * 1565 44 hirsuta 499 44 Nasturtium * 1565 44 pratensis 500 44 rhomboides 501 Cardaminum minus * 2343 Cardamomum majus * 138 44 malabarense..* 901 44 minus * 901 44 piperatum * 138 44 rotundum * 901 Cardiaca crispa * 1326 Carduus altilis * 819 44 benedictus * 558 44 Brazilianus * 159 44 marianus 502 44 nutans- 503 44 sativus * 509 44 veneris * 869 Carex arenaria 504 Carica papaya 505 Carlina acaulis 506 44 sub-acaulis 506 Carpinus Americana 507 44 betulus 508 Carthamus tinctorius 509 Carum carui 510 Carya alba 511 44 amara 512 44 olivaeformis 513 44 porcina 514 44 sulcata 515 44 tomentosa 516 Caryophyllata aquatica * 1066 nutans * 1066 urbana - * 1067 44 vulgaris * 1067 Caryophyllus Americanus ... * 948 ' 4 aromaticus 517 4> hortensis * 856 44 Pimenta * 948 44 vulgaris.. * 1067 Cascarilla * 778 44 sebiferum * 2229 4 ‘ tinctorium * 788 Cassia absus 518 44 acutifolia.. 519 44 ^Ethiopica.- 522 44 alata 520 44 augustifolia 521 44 Bonplandiana * 525 44 Brasiliana 523 44 caryophyllata * 1548 44 chamaecrista 524 44 cinnamomea * 634 44 excelsa.. * 525 44 Fistula 525 44 Forskalii * 526 44 lanceolata 526 V . — — INDEX.— BOTANICAL NAMES. 151 Cassia lenitiva --- -* 5 T 9 Cerastium vulgatum ... 57° 44 lignea .* 634 Cerasus acida ... 571 44 Marilandica -- 527 14 avium ... 572 44 Moschata -* 525 4 4 hiemalis 44 nictitans 44 Lauro-cerasus -* 1833 ii nigra . * 525 44 padus _* 1835 44 obtusata _* 519 • 4 rubra 44 occidentalis -- S29 44 Serotiana 1839 44 officinalis -* 530 44 Virginiana .. * 1839 “ orientalis -* 530 44 vulgaris “ Senna -- 530 Cerasus mahaleb --- 573 “ Tora -- 53 1 Ceratonia siliqua --- 574 Cassie Farnesiana .* 21 Cerbera Tanghin ... 576 Cassine Caroliniana .* 1206 Ceratophyllum demersum. --- 575 Cassuvium pomiferum * 2107 Cereus grandiflorus --* 437 Cassytha filiformis - — 532 Cercis bonplandu ... 578 Casuarina stricta 44 Canadensis — - 577 “ torulsa -- 54i Ceterach officinarum --- 579 “ equisetifolia -- 538 Cetraria Islandica 44 quadrivalvia -- 539 Chserophyllum angulatum . . . * 209 Castalia speciosa -. -* j 534 44 odoratum... 1547 Castana *535 *533 44 sativum ... 208 44 Americana -- 533 44 _ sylvestre ... . . * 209 4 ‘ Equinse -* 75 Chamaedrys incana 2287 44 pumila. -- 534 44 marum . . * 2287 44 vesca -- 535 44 palustris 2289 44 44 Americana... -* 533 44 scordium ..* 2289 “ vulgaris -- 536 44 vulgaris Castiglionea lobata -- 537 Chamaeleon album . * 506 Catalpa arborea -* 542 Chamaelirium luteum 1139 44 cordifolia -- 542 Chamaemelum - - * 205 Cataputia major .*1950 44 foetidum ... --* 1440 41 minor - 974 44 odoratum __ 205 Catha edulis -- 543 44 vulgaris 1441 Cathartocarpus Fistula * 525 Chamaerops Palmetto 2000 Caucaulis carota -* 847 Chamomilla foetida 1440 44 daucoides -- 544 44 nostros I44 1 Caulophyllum thalictroides -- 545 44 Romana 205 Causarra Chirayta .* 80 44 spuria ..* 1440 Ceanothus Americana -- 546 Chara vulgaris 44 colubrinus - . * 2200 Chaulmoogra odorata 44 ovalis -- 547 Chavica Betel 1733 44 thyrsiflorus — 548 44 officinarum *735 Cecropia peltata -- 549 44 Pepuloides 1735 Cedrela febrifuga _* 2246 44 Roxburghii --* 1735 44 odorata -- 550 Cheiranthus annuus — 582 44 surena .* 2246 44 Cheiri — 583 Cedrus baccifera .* 1260 44 incana ... 584 44 deodora — 55i Chelidonium glauoium — ... 585 44 Libani -- 552 44 majus ... 586 44 Mahogani -* 2247 44 minus ... 587 Celastrus edulis -* 543 Chelone elatior 588 44 scandens -- 553 44 glabra ... 588 Celosia cristata 44 lanceolata Celtis occidentalis 44 maculata ... 643 Centaurea Americana. -- 55b 44 purpurea ... 643 44 behen -- 557 Chenopodium album --- 589 44 benedicta - 558 44 ambrosioides --- 590 44 calcitrapa -- 559 anthelminticum. 591 44 centaurium 44 Bonus Henricus 592 44 cyanus — 5bx 44 Botrys -- 593 44 Isnardi ... 562 44 foetidum —* 597 44 niger — 563 44 olidum — 594 44 stellata -* 559 44 quinoa — 595 Centaurium magnum 44 rubrum ... 596 44 officinalis -* 560 44 sagittatum .. 592 Centunculus minimus -- 564 44 vulvaria --- 597 Cepa - - * 103 Chimaphila corymbosa - * 599 44 maritima . * 2082 maculata Cephaelis emetica -* 1845 44 umbellata - - - 500 44 Ipecacuanha — 565 Chinchona *618 *633 44 muscosa Chiococca anguifuga 44 punicea ... 567 44 densifolia 44 reniformis ... 568 44 racemosa Cephalanthus occidentalis.. ... 569 44 scandens . . * 600 152 INDEX.- —BOTANICAL NAMES. Chionanthus maritima * 6oi Cissampelos Mauritiana * 64S 44 Virgimca. 6oi 44 Pareira 645 Chironia angularis * 2001 Cistus Canadensis * 1129 “ centaurium 602 4 “ Creticus 646 “ chilensis 603 44 salvifolius 647 Chlora perfoliata 604 Citrullus amarus 648 Chondrus crispus - 606 44 colocynthis * 79 1 44 mamilosus * 606 44 vulgaris * 795 44 polymorphus * 606 Citrus acida _ 649 Chondrilla juncea 605 44 acris * 649 Chondodendron tomemtosum* 645 44 Aurantium 650 Chondrodendron 44 * 64.S 44 Bergamia * 652 Chrysanthemum carneum ... * 1865 44 Bigaradia 651 44 leucanthemum* J 333 44 Limetta risso _* 649 44 parthenium. * 1864 44 44 652 Chrysobalanus Galeni - * J 54 2 44 Limonum 653 14 Icaco 607 44 medica 654 Cnrysopsis argentea 6c 8 44 Paradisi .. 655 Chrysophyllum Buranheim.* 609 44 vulgaris 656 4 ‘ glycyphlseum 609 Cladonia Island ica * 580 Cicer arietinum 610 44 pyxidata 657 44 lens * 926 44 rangifenna * I 345 Cichorium endiva 611 Cladrastis tinctoria 658 intybus 612 Claviceps purpurea _ * 2086 Cicuta aquatica * 614 Clavus secalinus _* 2086 44 maculata 613 Claytonia lanceolata 659 Clematis crispa ..... 660 44 Stoerkii * 703 44 erecta 661 44 virosa — 6i| 44 flammula 662 44 vulgaris * 703 44 viorna 66 3 Cicutaria vulgaris 613 “ Virginica. 664 Cimicifuga racemosa 616 44 vitalba 665 44 Serpentaria * 616 Clethra alnifolia 666 “ foetida * 616 44 tinifolia 667 Cinchona asperifolia 617 Cliffortia Ilicifolia 668 44 Calisaya 618 Clinopodium arvense * 669 44 Condaminea 619 44 vulgare. 669 44 44 candollii... 620 Clusia galactodendron 670 4 4 44 lancifolia. .. 621 Clutia cascarilla * 778 44 44 lucumaefolia 622 44 Eluteria * 778 44 cordifolia 623 Cneorum tricoccum 671 44 4 4 vera 624 Cnicus arvensis .* 641 44 ferruginea 625 44 benedictus 558 44 macrocarpa 626 44 lanceolata 672 44 micrantha 627 44 marianus * 502 44 nitida 628 Cniaum palustre... * 2106 44 ovata vulgaris 629 Coccoloba uvifera. 673 44 Pitayensis 630 Cocculus Bakii 674 44 pubescens 631 44 Carolinus 675 4 4 4 4 purpurea. 632 44 chondodendron... _* 645 44 scorbiculata genuina* *>33 44 cordifolius 676 44 succirubra 633 44 Indicus * 158 Cineraria maritima * 2111 44 lacunosus * 158 Cinnamomum album * 481 44 Levanticus * 158 44 aromaticum 634 44 palmatus 677 44 Burmanni * 636 44 Plukenetii * 158 44 Cassia * x 3°4 44 suberosus * 158 44 Culilawan 635 Coccus ilicis 678 44 Kiamis 636 Cochlearia aquatica 679 44 Loureirii * 634 44 Armoracia 680 44 nitidum * 634 44 coronopus ... 681 44 rubrum * 635 44 hortensis * 682 44 sintoc 637 44 officinalis 682 44 sylvestre Amer- 44 Pyrenaica... * 682 icanum * i5 6 7 44 rusticana * 680 44 tamala * 634 44 vulgaris ♦ 682 44 Xanthoneurum 638 Cocos nucifera 683 44 Zeylanicum 639 Ccelocline polycarpa 684 Circaea Canadensis 640 Coffea Arabica 685 4 ‘ lutetiana * 640 Coix lachryraa 686 Cirsium arvensis 641 Cola acuminata 687 44 lanatum 642 Colchicum autumnale 688 44 maculatum * 502 44 illicium * 689 Cissampelos Capensis 644 44 variegatum 689 44 glaberrima * 645 Collinsonia Canadensis 690 1 INDEX.— BOTANICAL NAMES. 153 Collinsonia cordata Copaifera nitida - * 727 “ ovata 44 officinalis 727 “ scraba 44 Sellowii * 727 44 verna Coptis teeta 728 Colocasia esculenta ... 44 trifolia .. 729 Colocynthis officinalis -* 79 1 Corallina officinalis 730 Columnea longiflora - 693 Corallorhiza odontorhiza. 73i Colutea arborascens .. 694 44 innata 73i “ vesicaria. -- -- 695 44 multiflora ... 73i Comandra umbellata .. 696 44 verna 73 1 Comarum palustre — 697 44 Wistariana.. 73i Commelina angustifolia Corchorus capsularis ... — 732 Comocladia dentata .. 699 44 olitorius 733 Comptonia asplenifolia Cordia Africana 734 “ duici-filix -* 700 44 Boisseri — 735 Conferva rivalis 44 myxa 736 Coniclinium coelestinum.--o __ 702 Coreopsis trichosperma .. 738 Conio-selenium Canadense. * 2106 44 tripteris * 738 Conium maculatum 44 tinctoria 737 44 moschatum Coriandrum Cicuta _ .. . 614 Conopholis Americana 1623 44 maculatum . 703 Consolida major - * 22m 44 sativum 739 44 media * *333 Coriaria myrtifolia 740 44 minor .* 1828 44 ruscifolia 74i 44 regalis * 850 44 sarmentosa * 74i 4 rubra -* 1814 44 thymifolia 742 44 sarracenica .* 2191 Cornus alternifolia 743 Contrayerva Virginiana ... -* 253 44 amomus * 750 Convallaria biflora .... 44 Canadensis 744 44 borealis 44 Circinata 745 44 majalis -- 707 44 Fcemina * 750 44 multiflora .. 708 44 Florida 746 “ polygonatum.. -- 7°9 44 mas * 747 44 racemosa -- 710 44 mascula 747 Convolvulus arvensis 44 mas odorata * 2061 44 Batatus — 712 44 paniculata - 748 44 cantabrica •- 7i3 44 rubiginosa.. * 750 44 Fioridus -* 721 44 sanguinea 749 44 Indicus * 712 44 sericea 7^0 44 Jalapa -* 1225 44 tomentosa * 745 44 major albus — -* 7*9 Coronopus * 681 44 mechoacanna -- 7*4 44 Ruellii 752 44 megalorrhizus. -* 7*7 Coronilla emcrus 75 1 44 nil — 7 X 5 Corvisartia Helenium * 1221 44 operculatus .. 716 Corvdalis bulbosa 753 44 Orizabensis — .* 1225 44 Canadensis 754 4 * panduratus — 7 I 7 44 cucullaria 755 44 perennis * 1169 44 digitata 756 44 purga -* 1225 44 formosa 751 44 purpurea .. 718 44 nobilis 758 44 repens -* 7i9 44 solida . * 753 44 sagittaefolius .. * 711 44 tuberosa 759 44 Scammonia. .. .. 720 Corylus Americana 760 44 Scoparius .. 721 44 avetlana 761 44 sepium — -- 7*9 44 rostrata 762 44 sibthorpii .* 711 Costus Arabicus 764 44 soldanella 44 nigra 819 Svriacus , * 720 Coscinium fenestratum .. 7 6 3 44 Turpethum .. -- 723 Cotula — ¥ 1440 Conyza ... .* 1220 44 foetida * 1440 44 bifoliata 44 multifida. 766 44 major - .* 726 Cotyledon umbilicus 767 44 Marilandica -- 725 Coumarouna odorata * 872 44 media .* 1220 Cowania Stansburiana .. 768 44 squarrosa Coto Bark 765 Copaifera Beyrichii -* 727 Crassula tetragona 769 44 bijuga - 727 Crataegus aria 770 4 ’ cordifoha - 727 4 4 coccinea 771 44 coriacea -* 727 44 crus-galli 772 44 Guianensis -* 727 44 Oxy acanthus ... 773 44 Jacquini -* 727 Crataeva gynandra 774 44 Jussieui ... -* 727 Crinium Americanum 775 “ laxa * 727 Crocus odorus * 776 44 Martii -* 727 44 officinalis * 776 44 multijuga -* 727 44 orientalis * 776 1 154 INDEX.- —BOTANICAL NAMES. Crocus Indicus * 8o6 Cydonia maliformis 816 44 Germanica. ... * 509 44 vulgaris 816 41 sativus 776 Cynanchum argel 817 Croton balsamiferum 777 44 Ipecacuanha ..* 283 “ benzoe V 2278 44 oleaefolium * 817 44 Cascarilla * 778 tomentosum ..* 283 64 Eleutheria ... * 778 4 4 vincetoxicum . * 2 95 44 Eluteria 778 44 viridiflorum ..* 283 44 Gossypifolium ...... 779 44 vomitorium * 283 44 humilis 780 Cynara cardunculus 818 44 Jamalgota ... * 787 44 scolymus 819 4 4 lacciferum * 96 Cynodon dactylon 820 44 lineare 781 Cynoglossum amplexicaule .. 821 44 lucidus 782 44 Morrisoni 822 44 malambo 783 44 officinale 823 44 niveus * 786 44 Virginicum 821 44 pavana 784 Cynometra Agallocha * 112 44 pedicipes __ 78,5 Cyperus antiquorum * 1 3 1 4 44 Philippinensis .... . * 1966 44 Indicus * 806 44 pseudo-china .. 786 44 officinalis 824 44 Sloanei. * 778 44 odorus ... * 882 44 suberosum — „ * 786 Cypripedium acaule 825 44 tiglium 787 44 arietinum 826 44 tinctorium 788 44 calceolus * 831 Crozophora tinctoria _* 788 44 Canadensis 831 Cruccata 789 44 candidum 827 Cubeba officinalis ..... * 1734 44 flavum 828 Cucubalus behen 790 humile * 828 Cucumis anguria * 795 luteum 829 44 agrestis * IS 10 parviflorum 829 44 Citrullus * 795 pubescens .... 830 44 colocynthis 79 1 44 . spectabile 831 44 melo 792 Cytisus cajan 832 44 sativus 793 44 Laburnum 833 44 sylvestris * 25 10 44 Scoparius 834 Cucurbita anguria.. . — * 795 Daedalea suaveolens * 398 44 aurantia .... 794 Daemonorops Draco * 454 44 Citrullus 795 Dahlia variabilis 835 44 leucantha.. * 797 Daphne alpina. 836 44 lagenaria 796 44 Gnidium 837 44 Pepo . 797 44 lagetta 1284 Cuminum Cyminam 798 44 Laureola ...... 838 44 minutum * 798 44 major * 838 44 nigrum * 1582 44 Mezereum 839 44 pratense * 5 10 44 paniculata * 837 44 Romanum * 798 Darlingtonia Californica 840 Cunila mariana 799 Dasystoma pediculana. * 1063 44 mascula * 1220 Datisca cannabina 841 44 pulegioides .... * 1121 Datura alba (fatuosa*) O o=o-- 842 44 sativa * 2064 44 ferox 843 Cuphea viscosissima 800 44 Stramonium.... .=,= 845 Cupressus disticha 801 44 sanguinea 844 44 sempervirens .. __ 802 44 tatula ... 846 44 thyoides 803 Daucus candianus 320 Curcas purgans 804 44 Carota 847 Curcuma amada 805 44 sylvestiis.o 848 44 aromatica * 808 44 vulgaris.... * 847 44 longa 806 Davilla Brasiliana 849 44 rotunda * 806 44 rugosa ..* 849 44 viridifolia „. * 806 Decodon verticillatum * 1419 44 Zedoaria 807 Delphinium consolida 850 * 4 Zerumbet 808 44 exaltum 851 Cuscuta Americana. 809 44 officinalis * 852 44 EuroDaea 811 44 staphisagria 852 44 epithymum 810 Dendropogon usneoides * 2 3 T 9 44 filiformis ♦ 811 Dentaria bulbifera 854 44 glomerata 812 44 enneaphylla 854 44 major * 811 44 diphylla.. 853 44 minor He 810 44 lacinata .... 854 44 tetrandra He 811 44 multifida 854 44 vulgaris He 8n Dianthus barbatus 855 Cusparia febrifuga.. He 1026 44 Caryophyllus 856 Cyanus segetum 813 44 Chinensis 857 Cyclamen Europaeum 814 44 hortensis 858 Cyclopia genistoides 815 Dicentra cucullaria * 755 INDEX.- —BOTANICAL NAMES. 155 Dicentra spectabilis ... * 757 Echites Chiliensis 897 Dictamnus alba 8 59 Elaeocarpus Hinau 898 44 Fraxinella 860 Elais Guiniensis ... 899 Dicyphellium caryophylla- Elaphomyces granulatus * 1400 turn * 1303 Elaphrium excelsum.. * 99* Dielytra Canadensis * 754 44 tomentosum * 99 1 “ cucullaria * 755 Elatine hexandra 900 44 formosa * 757 Elettaria Cardamomum 901 44 major .... ...... 002 44 trifida . — - * 861 Emblica officinalus 1707 Digitalis lutea = 862 Empetrum nigrum 903 44 purpurea .„ 863 Enula campana 1221 Dilatris tinctoria * 127 9 Ephedra Americana ...... 904 Dionaea muscipula ... 864 Epidendron 2393 Dioscorea batatas .... 865 Epidendrum vanilla * 2393 44 villosa ... — 866 Epifagus Americanus. * 1624 Diosma betulina ....... * 35i 44 Virginiana. * 1624 44 crenata.... . * 35i Epigaea repens 905 44 crenulata * 35i Epilobium angustifolium 906 44 latifolia * 35i 44 colaratum 9°7 44 odorata * 35i 44 hirsutum 908 44 serratifolia.... * 352 44 palustre 909 Dioinum remedium ....... * 1216 44 spicatum * 906 Diospyros Embryopoteris.. 867 Epimedium alpinum. ... 910 44 Virginiana 868 Epipactis lateriflora 91 1 Dipsacus fullonum 86q Epiphegus Americanus * 1624 44 pilosus ... 870 44 Virginiana * 1624 44 sylvestris 871 Equisetum arvense 912 Dipterix odorata 872 44 hyemale 9*3 Dirca palustris 873 44 laevigatum 914 Discopleura capillacea * *37 44 minus * 912 Disernestongummiferum .. * 879 44 robustum 914 Distylium racemosum 874 Erechthites hieracifolius 9*5 Ditoplaxis muralis ... * 2162 Eremocarpus setigerus 916 Dodecatheon media ... 875 Erica valgaris 917 Dolichos filiformis 876 Erigeron annuum Q20 44 pruriens ... 8 77 44 bellidifolium..-. 918 “ prurita 878 44 Canadense 919 44 purpureus ... * 877 44 heterophyllum 020 Dorema Ammoniacum 8 79 44 Philadelphicum 921 Doronicum Arnica * 256 44 strigosum * 921 44 cordatum * 880 Eriodendron aufrectuosum. .* 401 44 Germanicum * 256 Eriocephalus umbellatus 922 44 montanum * 256 Eriodictyon Californicum 923 44 officinalis * 880 Eriodyction glutinosum 924 44 pardalianches .. 880 Erodium cicutarium 925 44 Romanum * 880 44 moschatum.. * 105$ Dorstenia Brasiliensis 881 Ervum lens 926 44 contrayerva 882 Eryngium aquaticum 927 44 Drakena * 882 44 campestre 928 44 Houstonia 883 44 maritimum 929 Draba acaulis 884 44 Virginianum 930 44 incana S85 44 yuccefolium 93* Draco sylvestris * 4* Erysimum alliaria * 100 Dracocephalum Canariense 886 44 barbarea 932 44 moldavica . .. 887 44 cheiranthoides 933 Dracontium fcetidum * 1200 44 Nasturtium * 1565 44 polyphyllum .. __ 888 44 officinale * 2161 Drymis aromatica * 890 Erythoxylon Coca * 94* 44 Winteri 890 Erythraea acaulis 934 Drosera longifera * 889 44 centaurium * 602 44 rotundifolia.. 889 44 Chilensis 935 Drymis * 890 Erythrina herbacea.. 93 6 Duboisia myoporoides 891 44 monosperma * 429 Dysophylla avicularia 892 Erythronium Americanum.. . 937 Ecbalium agreste * 1510 44 dens Canis * 937 44 elaterium * 1510 flavum 938 44 officinalis * 1510 44 Indicum 939 Ecbolium elaterium * 1510 lanceolatum ..* 937 Echinacea purpurea * 1981 Erythrophleum Judiciale 940 Echinops multiflorus 8 93 Guineense ..* 940 44 strigosus 894 Erythroxylon Coca 94* Echinus Phillxpinensis * 1966 Eschscholtzia Californica 942 44 scandens 895 Esenbeckia febrifuga 943 Echinum vulgare 896 Eucalyptus globosus * 944 156 INDEX.- —BOTANICAL NAMES. Eucalyptus globulus .. 944 Ferula SumbiH 44 piperita 945 Ficus carica ... 998 ° 4 rostrata .... q \6 44 communis .. * 99 8 Eugenia acris — .. 947 44 Indica 44 caryophyllata.o-- * 517 44 religiosa 44 cauliflora — * 1549 Filago Germanica... 44 Pimenta = 948 Fillasa suaveolens Euonymus Americanus ... 949 Flammula Jovis 44 atropurpureus.. 950 Foeniculum aquaticum -* 1595 “ Europseus „ 95i 44 dulce Japonicus 952 44 officinale ... 1003 44 tingens 953 44 vulgare Eupatorium ageratoides..— 954 Fothergilla alnifolia 44 aromaticum 955 Fragaria anserina 44 aya-pana 956 44 Canadensis 1005 44 cannabinum 957 44 grandiflora..., 44 connatum * 962 44 vesca 44 incarnatum 958 44 Virginiana 44 Guaco * 1495 Frangula Vulgaris -- 1917 44 Japonicum * 957 Frankinea grandifolia 44 leucolepsis 959 Frasera Carolinensis .* 1007 44 maculatum 960 44 officinalis... ...* 1007 44 nervosum q6i 44 verticillata.. 44 perfoliatum 962 44 Waited 44 pilosum * 9b5 Fraxinus acuminata 44 purpureum 963 44 Americana 44 rotundifolium . _ _* 965 44 apetala 44 sessilifolium 964 44 excelsior 44 teucrifolium 965 44 florifera 44 verbenaefolium . _* 965 44 ornus 44 verticillatum ... 966 44 paniculata 44 violaceum 967 44 parviflora 44 Virginicum * 962 44 polygamie Euphorbia canadensis 968 44 pubescens 44 capitata 969 44 quadrangulata... 44 corollata 970 44 sambucifolius f ’ 4 helioscopia 971 Fritillaria meleagris ... 14 hypericifolia 972 Fucus Crispus 44 Ipecacuanha ... 973 44 helminthocorton... - - 1016 44 lathy ris 974 44 palmatus 44 maculata 975 44 versiculosus 4 4 palustris 976 Fumaria bulbosa ... 753 44 paralias 977 44 cava 44 peplus 978 44 media 1018 44 pilosa * 976 44 officinalis 44 prostrata 979 Galanga major 44 _ protulacoides... _* 973 44 minor Euphrasia officinalis 980 Galax rotundifolia Euryangium Sumbul 982 Galbanum officinalis Eurybia argophylla 981 Galega officinalis Exidia auricula 983 44 Persica Exogonium purga * 1225 44 toxicaria ..* 2275 Exostemma brachycarpum. __ 984 44 Virginiana 44 Caribaea 985 Galeobdolon, luteum 44 coriaceum 986 Galeopsis angustifolia 44 floribunda.. 987 44 grandiflora — 1022 44 Peruviana.. __ 988 44 ladanum . * 1622 44 triflora 990 4< ochroleuca ... 1023 44 Souzanum 989 44 tetrahit Faba ignatii * 2234 44 versicolor Fagara octandra. 99 1 Galipea cusparia 44 piperita - * 2450 44 febrifuga Fagarastrum Capensis 992 44 officinalis Fagus ferruginea 993 Galium aparine 44 purpurea * 994 44 asprellum 44 sylvatica .„ .. 994 44 circaezans 44 sylvestris * 994 44 crucciatum Fatsia papyrifera 995 44 mollugo ... 1031 Feronia elephantum 996 44 odoratum 299 Ferula Africana * 422 44 palustre 44 ammoniacum ♦ 879 44 tinctorium 44 ammonifera * 879 44 trifidum 44 Asafoetida * T 5 6 3 44 triflorum 44 ferulgo * 997 44 verum ...... 44 Galbanifera - 997 Garcinia mangostana --- 1037 INDEX. — BOTANICAL NAMES. 157 Gardenia campanulata Gnaphalium stoechas .. 1086 44 grandiflora -- 1039 44 sylvaticum Garuleum bipinnatum 44 uliginosum Gaultheria hispidula Gomphia Guianensis .. 1089 “ procumbens Gonolobus hirsutus 44 repens * 1042 44 macrophyllus ... 1091 Goodyera pubescens 44 repens 44 sempervirens .. - io 43 Gordonia Hsematoxylon ... .. 1094 Genista spinosus 44 lasianthus .. 1095 44 tinctoria -- 1045 Gossypium herbaceum Gentiana acaulis Gracilaria lichenoides .. 1097 44 amarella Gramen Crucis cyperioidis... .. 1098 “ catesbaei Gratiola officinalis ... .. 1099 44 centaurium .* 602 44 Virginica 44 chirayta .* 80 Gramitis aurea ■* 579 44 crinata .. 1049 Grevillea robusta 44 lutea Gnndelia glutinosa 44 major .* 1050 44 hirsutula 44 marophylla 44 integrifolia .. 1102 44 ochroleuca -- 1053 44 robusta 44 pannonica * 1050 44 squarrosa 44 punctata Guaiacum officinalis -- 1105 44 purpurea -- 1051 Guazuma tomentosi 44 quinquefolia - 1054 Guilandina Bonducella -* 440 44 Quinquiflora 44 bonduc 4 rubra * 1050 44 Monnga 44 saponaria — -- 1055 Guizotia oleifera 44 veterum -* 1050 Gunnera perpensa Geoffraea inermis -* 165 Gymnocladus Canadensis ... .. mi 44 Jamaicensis -* 165 Gymnopteris Ceterach ■* 579 4k Surinamensis ... * 166 Gy nandropsis pentaphylla - _ .. 1112 Geoffroya inermis -* 165 Gynocardia odorata Geranium dissectum Gypsophila struthium 44 maculatum — 1057 Gyromia Virginica ■* 1442 44 moschatum .. 1058 Habilla Carthagena -- 1115 4 4 pusillum — 1059 Habzelia ^thiopica ■* 2359 44 Robertianum Hsemanthus coccineus .. 1116 44 sanguineum Hsematoxylon Campechianum 1117 44 sylvaticum. Hagenia Abyssymca .* 416 Gerardia pedicularia Hamamelis macrophylla ... .. 1118 44 quercifolia 44 Virginica .. 1119 Geum caryophyliatum .* 1067 Hardenbergia monophylla.. .. 1120 44 nutans .* 1066 Hecatonia palustris . * 1911 44 odoratissimum Hedeoma pulegioides 44 rivale Hedera Helix 44 strictum .* 1067 Helenium autumnale -- 1123 44 urbanum 44 parviflorum 44 vernum 44 puberolum -- 1125 44 Virginianum Helianthemum Canadense . . . .. 1129 Gigartina helminthocorton.. .* 1016 corymbosum -- 1130 Gilienia occidentalis . * 1071 44 vulgare * 1126 44 stipalacea Helianthus annuus 44 trifoliata 44 divaricatus .. 1127 Gladiolus communis -- 44 tuberosus 1128 44 luteus -* 1235 44 vulgare .* 1126 44 vulgaris _* 1072 Helichrysum arenarium .* 1080 Glaucium flavum -* 585 44 nudifolium 1131 44 luteum -* 58s 44 stoechas .* 1086 Glechoma hederacea ■* *57 6 Helicteres isora 44 hirsuta .* 1576 Heliotropium grandiflorum -- “33 Gleditschia triacanthos lndicum -- “34 Globularia alypum -- 1074 Helleboraster -* 1135 Glvceria fluitans .. 1075 Helleborus foetidus — “35 Glycyrrhiza echinata 44 grandiflorus • ii37 4 4 glabra -- 1077 44 hyemalis - - 1136 44 lepidota . , 1078 44 niger . 44 typica .. 1079 44 officinalis * 37 - 1137 Gnaphalium arenarium 44 orientalis -- 1138 44 dioicum 44 trifolius-.- . * 729 44 luteum album .. 1082 44 viridis .* 1136 44 macrocephalium . 1083 Hellenia grandiflora -* 764 44 Margaritaceum * 202 Helminthochortos officinalis * 1016 44 plantaginifolia .. 1084 Helonias dioica 44 polycephalum -- 1085 44 lutea -* “39 158 INDEX.— BOTANICAL NAMES. Helonias officinalis * 2397 Hematoxylon Campechianum*ni7 Hemerocallis flava 1140 Hemidesmus Indicus 1141 Hemizonia alba 1142 “ corymbosa ... 1143 Hepatica Americana 1145 “ acutiloba 1144 44 triloba * 1145 Heperomale arbutifolia ... -.1146 Heptallon graveolens 1147 Heracleum lanatum 1148 44 spondylium 1149 Hernandia sonora 1150 Herniaria glabra 1151 Hesperis raatronalis - .. 1152 Heuchera Americana 1153 44 acerifolia. 1154 44 caulescens ... 1155 44 cortusa * 1153 44 pubescens 1155 44 Richardsonii - 1156 44 viscida... * 1153 Hibiscus abelmoschus * 2 44 esculentus * 1 44 moscheutus * 2 44 palustris 1157 44 populeus .. 1158 44 rosa-sinensis 1159 44 sabdariffa 1160 44 trionum 1161 Hicorya alba * 51 1 44 olivaeformis * 513 44 porcina... * 514 44 sulcata* * 515 44 . tomentosa * 516 Hieracium gronovii 1162 44 murorum 1163 44 pilosella 1164 44 scabrum 1162 44 venosum 1165 Hierochloa borealis — 1166 Holchus saccharatus * 2004 Homerocallis flava * 1140 Hopea tinctoria.. „ 1167 Hordeum causticuin * 2397 44 distichon 1168 44 vulgare * 1168 Humulus Lupulus 1169 Hura Brasiliensis 1170 44 crepitans 1171 Hyacinthus muscari 1172 44 orientalis 1173 Hysenanche capensis - 1174 Hydrangea arborescens 1175 44 hortensia .. 1176 44 . vulgaris * 1175 Hydrastis Canadensis 1177 Hydrocotyle Asiatica 1178 44 centella 1179 44 umbellata 1180 44 vulgaris 1181 Hydropeltis purpurea * 408 Hydrophyllum verum * 1177 44 Virginicum 1182 Hymenaea courbaril 1183 Hyoscyamus agrestis 1185 44 albus 1184 44 aureus 1185 44 niger 1186 44 pallid us 1185 44 physolordee 1185 44 scopolia 1187 Hyperanthera Moringa ... * 1524 Hypaene thebaica 1188 Hypericum coris laxiusculum. officinale officinarum . parviflorum perforatum ., sarothra Virginicum . vulgare Hypogon anisatum Hvpopitys lanuginosa Hypoxis erecta Hyssopus officinalis Iberis amara 44 bursa-pastoris 44 sophia Icica Guianensis Ictodes foetxdus Ignatia amara Ilex Aquifolium Canadense 1192 1192 ... 1191 ... 1192 ... 1193 1192 1192 ... 1194 ... 1195 ... 1196 ... 1197 ... 1198 -* 491 . . * 500 ... 1199 ... 1200 2234 dahoon glaber laevigatus major mate .... opaca Paraguensis Paraguaiensis vomitoria Illicium anisatum Floridanum religiosum Imbricaria saxatilis Impatiens balsamina 44 fulva 44 nolime tangere . 44 pallida Imperatoria ostruthium . . . Indigofera anil ... 44 Caroliniana ... Inga vera Inula Britannica 44 conyza 44 dysenterica 44 Helenium 44 oculusChristi 44 squarrosa Ioannesia principis Ionidium Ipecacuanha ... 44 marcucci 44 microphyllum.. 44 parviflorum Ipomaea Jalapa 44 macrorhiza 44 Nil 44 operculata 44 orizabensis 44 purga 44 purpurea 44 quamoclit 44 Schiedeana 4 simulans 44 turpethum Iridsea edulis Iris ,‘Florentina 44 foetidissima 44 Germanica 44 hexagona ... 44 lacustris 44 lutea 44 nostras 44 pseudo-acorus 44 tuberosa . * 12 INDEX. — BOTANICAL NAMES. 159 Iris versicolor . ... 1238 44 verna ... 1237 44 Virginica — - 12 37 44 vulgaris 1234 Isatis tinctoria ... 1239 Isonandra gutta 1240 lxia Chipensis — 1241 Jacaranda procera 1242 Jacea tricolor 2436 Jacobaea obovata ..* 2114 Janipha Manihot ..* 1248 44 stimulans --- 1243 Tasminum grandiflorum... ... 1244 44 odoratissimuni. ... 1245 44 officinale .. 1246 Jateorrhiza Calumba. 677 44 palmata ..* 677 Jatropha curcas 44 gossypifolia — I2 47 44 manihot Jeffersonia Bartoni -* 1249 44 diphylla .. 1249 44 diphyllum --* 1249 Juglans alba 4 * cathartica 1250 44 cinerea 44 fraxinea 44 nigra.. *' rigia --- 1253 44 tomentosa 516 Juncus bufonis ... 1254 44 effusus -- 1255 44 odoratus 180 Juniperus Bermudiana ... 1256 44 communis --- 1257 44 lycia 44 oxycedrus --- 1259 44 Sabina 44 Virginiana ... 1261 Justicia adhatoda 44 ecbolium 44 hyssopifolia 44 nasuta 44 pectoralis 44 pedunculosa Ksempferia rotunda. .* 808 Kalmia angustifolia.. 4 * glauca 44 latifolia — ... Knowltonia vesicatoria .. 1271 Koniga maritima Krameria argentea -* 1273 44 grandifolia 44 ixina ... 1273 44 lanceolata ... 1274 44 latifolia 44 rusifolia 44 tomentosa. ... 44 triandra Krigia Virginica ... 1277 Kuhnia eupatorides Lachnanthes tinctoria Lactuca Canadensis ...... . * 1280 44 elongata 44 graveolens .* 1283 44 marina 44 sanguinea 44 sativa 44 scariola... 44 sylvestris .* 1280 44 virosa Lagetta lintearia Lagoecia cuminoides ... 1285 Laminaria bulbosa . 1286 44 digitata Laminaria saacharina 1288 Lamium album 1289 “ amplexicaule 1290 44 foliosum * 1289 44 garganicum 1290 Lantana camara 1291 Lapathum aquaticum 1987 44 hor tense * 1992 44 orientale *1926 41 pratense * 1983 44 sanguineum *1993 44 sylvestre *1985 Lappa bardana * 237 44 major * 237 44 minor * 237 44 officinalis * 237 Lapsana communis 1292 Larix Americana 1293 44 communis * 7 44 Cedrus - * 552 44 decidua * 7 41 Europsea * 7 44 pyramidalis * 7 Larrea Mexicana 1294 Larrya Mexicana.. 1295 Laserpqium asperum * 1296 44 glabrum * 1296 44 latifolium 1296 44 montanum *1297 44 siler 1297 Lathyrus maritimus 1298 Laurencia pinnatifida 1299 Lauro cerasus * 1833 Laurus iEstivalis * 1301 44 alba 1300 44 Benzoin _ 1301 44 Camphora 1302 44 Caryophyllata. 1303 44 Cassia 1304 44 Cinnamomoides * 1567 44 Cinnamomum * 634 44 culilawan * 635 44 Indicus 1305 44 Malabathrum 1306 44 nobilis 1307 44 pichurim * 1569 44 Quixos 1308 44 Sassafras *2061 44 Winterana * 890 Lavandula angustifolia * 1311 44 latifolia 1311 44 officinalis ... * 13 n 44 spica 1309 44 Stoechas 1310 44 . vera 1311 Lavatera arborea 1312 Lawsonia alba 1313 44 inermis 1314 44 spinosa 1315 Lecanora tartarea 1316 Lechea major. 1317 Lecontia Virginica * 1684 Ledum latifolium 1318 44 palustre 1319 44 Rosmarinus * 1319 Leiophyllum buxifolium 1320 Lenina minor 1321 Leontice leontopetalum 1322 44 thalictroides * 545 Leonotis Leonurus 1323 Leontodon autumnale 1324 44 palustris. 1325 44 Taraxacum * 2265 Leonurus cardiaca 1326 Lepidium campestre 1327 160 INDEX. — BOTANICAL NAMES. Lepidium piscidium Lithospermum tinctorium . . . * 162 “ sativum 44 villosum .* 162 “ Virginica 1330 44 Virginianum * 1608 Lepidotis clavata Littorella lacustris -- *372 Leptandra Virginica 1331 Lobaria Islandica -* 580 Lespedeza sessilifolia .... .... 1332 44 pulmonaria _* 2228 Leucanthemum vulgare.. 1333 Lobelia cardinalis.. -- *373 Leucoium luteum — * 583 44 coccinea -* 1373 Levisticum officinalis 44 in flat a Ley sera gnaphaloides 1334 44 Kalmii -* *374 Liatris cylindracea __ 44 pimfolia -- *375 44 graminifolia 1335 44 spicata .. 1376 “ odoratissima — 1336 44 syphilitica 44 scariosa 1337 44 urens -- *378 44 spicata .. 1338 Loiseleuria procumbens -- *379 “ squarrosa 1339 Lolium tremulentum Libanotis coronaria — * *9 6 4 Lonicera brachypoda ... 44 Cretensis Lonicera caprifohum 4 * hirsuta 44 coerulea .. 1383 “ vulgaris 1340 44 Diervilla .* 861 Licaria Guianensis ---* 1303 44 Germanica -* 1385 Lichen arboreum 44 hirsuta 44 caninus 1341 44 Marilandica . * 2205 “ carragheen ...* 606 44 periciymenum - *385 44 cocciferus 1342 44 sempervirens 44 Floridus hirtus... 1343 Loranthus Europseus “ Islandicus ._ — * 580 Lotus corniculata .. 1388 14 laciniatus ---* *347 44 hirsutus... 4 parietinus 44 sylvestris -* 1458 44 plicatus .... 1343 44 Virginiana .* 868 Lucuma mam m _ 1*200 41 pyxidatus 1344 Ludwigia alternifolia .. 1391 44 rangiferinus ---- 1345 44 palustris — *392 44 reticulatus. Luffa acutangula 44 roccella 1346 Lunaria biennis -- 1394 44 saxatilis .... 1347 44 rediviva 44 spurious. — * *34i Lupulus communis .* 1169 4 ‘ stellatus Lychnis dioica .. 1396 * 4 tinctorius 44 diurna -* 1396 Ligusticum actaeifolium... .... 1348 44 githago -- *397 4 capillaceum . — * *49 2 44 officinalis .* 2052 44 cornubiense.. *349 44 vespertina -* 1396 44 levisticum ... 1350 Lycium barbarum .. 1398 44 meum --* *49* Lycoperdon bovistis - *399 44 phellandrium , *595 44 cervinum .. 1400 44 podograria.... 44 proteus Ligustrum ^gyptiacum.. i3*4 44 solidum 44 vulgare .... 1352 Lycopodium clavatum -- *403 Lilium bulbiferum. 44 complanatum.. ..1404 4 * Canadensis 44 lucidulum .. 1405 44 candidum 44 officinale * 1403 * 4 martigon 44 selago 44 tigrinurp- Lycopsis arvensis Limonium 44 vesicularia 44 malum Lycopus Europseus. Limosella aquatica 44 sinuatus .. 1410 44 subularia 44 Virginicus .. 1411 Linaria cymbalaria Lysimachia nemorum 44 vulgaris 44 Nummularia .... - *4*3 Lindera Benzoin . ..* 1301 44 quadrifolia .. 1414 Linnsea borealis.. 44 vulgaris - *4*5 Linosyrus vulgaris 1362 Lythrum alatum Linum arvense... 4 * Hyssopifolia .. 1417 44 catharticum 1363 44 salicaria “ usitatissimum 44 verticillatum. .. 1419 44 Virginicum .... 1365 Maclura aurantica Liquidambar asplenifolia.. - - * 700 44 tinctoria.... 44 imberbis — * *3 6 7 Macropiper methysticum * 1736 44 officinalis .—*2244 Macrotrys racemosa * 616 44 orientale .... Madia sativa .. 1422 44 styraciflua... 1:567 Maesa Lanceolata - 1423 Liriodendron Tulipifera ... .... 1368 Magnolia acuminata Lithocarpus Javensis ■--- 1369 44 glauca - 1425 Lithospermum arvense ... .... 1370 44 grandiflora . 1426 44 officinale... .... 1371 44 macrophylla INDEX. — BOTANICAL NAMES. 161 Magnolia tripetala . 1428 Mentha cervina -- 1472 Mahonia - - _* 360 44 citrata.. Mallotus Philippinensis ... * 1966 44 crispa -- M74 Mal]5ighia crassifolia -* 43 2 4 ‘ gentilis -* 1479 44 glabra * ’ gratissima -- H75 “ urens -- M30 4% laevigata - 1479 44 mourella -- I43 1 44 Langii * 1476 Malva arborea.-.- .* 120 >4 officinalis -* 1476 “ alcea 44 palustris . * 1469 “ rotundifolia - ‘ 4 piperita - 1476 - 1434 44 puleg'um 44 vulgaris - -* 1433 * 4 Romanae .* 1866 Mandragora officinalis _* 328 44 rotundifolium .. .. .. 1478 Mangifera Indica 44 sativa - 1479 Mangostana Garcinia 1037 44 sylvestris -* 1475 Manihot utilissima -* 1248 44 spicata - 1479 Maranta arundinacea -- 1436 44 undulata -* *474 44 Galanga .* 1 16 44 villosa -* 1475 Marchantia polymorpha -- *437 44 viridis. -- *479 Marrubium album -* M38 44 vulgaris -* 1479 44 Germanicum -* I43 8 Menyanthes nymphaeoides .. 1480 44 vulgare -- 1438 44 trifoliata Marshallalanceolatta « 44 verna Maruta Cotula Mercurialis annua -- M83 “ foetida - -* 1440 44 perennis Matonia Cardamomum .* 901 Mertensia Virginica. -- 148s Matricaria Chamomilla -- M4 1 Mesembryanthemum crystal- 44 partbenium * 1864 linum Mays Americana * 2461 Mesembryanthemum edule .. 1487 Mechoacanna nigra * 7i4 tortuosum 1488 Medeola Virginica Mespilus Germanica .. 1489 44 verticillifolia * 1442 44 Oxyacantha .. 1490 Medicago circinata -- 1443 Methystophyllum glaucum. .. 1491 “ lupulina Meum Athamanticum .. 1492 44 sativa-.-- -- 1445 Michella champaca -- 1493 Megarrhiza Californica -- M46 Micromeriadonglassii -- 1494 Melaleuca Caj uputi . — Mikania Guaco -- 1495 “ genistifolia -- 1448 Milium solis -* I37 1 44 latifolia Mimosa abstergens 1496 44 minor ■* 1447 44 Catechu .* 19 Melampyrum arvense - 1450 44 cineraria -* 18 44 sylvaticum ... - i45i 44 pudica — 1497 Melampodium ... -* ii37 44 scandens .. 1498 Melanthium dioicum .* 1139 Mimulos glutinosus -- I 499 44 hybridum -- 1452 Mimulus moschatus 1500 44 Virginicum . .. - 1453 Mirabilis Jalapa -- 1501 Melia Azedarach -- H54 44 long flora ...» kk Indica . . . , Mitchella repens _ _ I COO Melianthus major Mitella cordifolia * 2312 Melilotus alba 44 diphylla 44 ccerulea Mohria thurifera -- 1505 “ leucanthe -* 1457 Mo’lugo verticillata “ officinalis •* 1459 Molucella laevis 44 vulgaris Momordica balsamina Melissa Calamintha 44 charantia 44 citrata •* 1464 44 Elaterium 44 citrina .* 1464 Monarda coccinea -- 1511 44 Fuchsii - 44 didvma “ grandiflora 44 fistulosa ‘ Nepeta - -- 1463 44 Kalmiana -* 1512 44 officinalis -- 1464 44 oblongata -- I 5 I 4 Melittis melisophyllum - 1465 44 punctata -- 151.S Melothria pendula Monnina polystachia -- iS 1 ^ Melothrum — . * 420 Monodora Myristica -- 'S 1 ? Menispermum angulatum . .* 1467 Monotropa hypopitys -- 1518 “ Canadense . -- i4 6 7 44 uniflora -- I 5 I 9 “ Cocculus .* 158 Moraea sisyrinchium “ fenestratum. •* 763 Morinda citrifolia -- 1521 “ palmatum .. .* 677 44 muscosa .* S 66 “ paniculatum .* 158 44 royac 44 tuberculatum . 1468 “ tinctoria -- I 5 2 3 Mentha aquatica -- 1469 Moringa aptera — !524 14 arvensis -- M7o 44 pterygospernia ... -- 1525 44 balsamea -* 1476 Morus alba 44 Capensis.. — H7 1 44 nigra -- 1527 162 INDEX. — BOTANICAL NAMES. Morus papyrifera .. iqz8 Nepeta cataria -- 1575 44 rubra -- 1529 44 citriodora.. * 14^4 44 tinctoria _ -. 1530 44 glechoma .. 1576 Mucuna pruriens 44 vulgaris _ * 1575 44 prurita.. * 878 Nephelium longanum -- 1577 Mulgedium acuminatum... -- I 53 1 Nephrodium Filix Mas -* 303 “ Floridanum -- 1532 Nerium anti-dysentericum.. * 2443 Muscari botryoides — — 1533 44 oleander -- 1578 Myosotis arvensis.. -- 1534 Nervosperma balsamita .* 1580 44 palustris -- 1535 Nicotiana latissima (variety)* 1580 44 Virginica * 822 44 Loxensis (variety)* 1580 Myrcia acris 44 macrophylla (var.)* 1580 Myrica cerifera -- *537 minor * 1579 44 Gale 44 paniculata * 1580 Myricaria Germanica -- *539 44 repanda (Cuba) .. .* 1580 Myriophyllum verticillatum -- I 54° 44 rustica -- 1579 Myristica aromatica * 1542 44 Tabacum .. 1580 44 fatua Nigella Damascea 44 fragrans -* 1 54 2 44 sativa 44 Moschata -- 1542 Nuphar advena -- 1583 “ officinalis * I 54 2 44 lutea -* 1585 44 tomentosa -* 1541 Nymphsea alba .. 1584 Myrospermum frutescens .. -- 1543 44 Indica .* 1586 “ Pereirse * *544 44 lutea 44 Peruiferum -- *544 44 nelumbo 44 pubescens -. -- 1545 44 odorata ■- 1587 44 sonsonata . -* 1544 44 umbilicalis .* 1585 44 Toluiferum . . 1546 Nyssa coccinea Myroxylon Pereirae * 1544 44 multiflora .. 1589 44 Peruiferum * *544 Obione canescens -- 159° 44 sonsonatense . . -* 1544 Ocimum basilicum -- 159 1 44 Toluifera * 1546 44 Caryophyllatum. . -- !592 Myrrhis annua -* 320 44 citratum -* 1591 44 Claytoni - - 1547 44 pilosum -* I59 1 44 odorata * 1547 44 racemosum .* 1591 Myrtus acris. * 1536 GEnanthe aquatica • * 1595 44 anglica -* 1538 44 crocata ... -- *593 44 Caryophyllata -- 1548 44 fistulosa “ Caryophyllus -* 5 T 7 44 Phellandrium.... 44 cauliflora -- 1549 CEnothera biennis .. 1596 ‘ l communis...... 1 55° 44 cruciata I ^Q7 44 leucodendron. .... -* 1447 44 gauroides .* 1596 44 Pimenta -* 948 44 glauca.. ._ I598 Nabalus albus - i55i 4 * grandiflora -- *597 Najas Canadensis -- 1552 44 muricata -- 1597 Napellus verus -* 54 44 parviflora -- 1597 Narcissus auranticus -- 1553 Oldenlandia umbellata — 1599 44 bulbocodium Olea Americana 44 jonquilla — *555 44 Europsea 44 odora — 1556 44 latifolia.. 44 poeticus -- 1557 44 longifolia .. 1603 14 pseudo-narcissus. -- 1558 44 polymorpha .* 1601 Nardostachys Jatamansi- .. -- 1559 44 sativa . * 1601 Nardus Americana .* 231 Omphalea diandra 44 Celtica -* 2383 Ononis antiquarum .* 1606 44 Jatamansi . . 1560 44 natrix 44 montana .* 2387 44 spinosa 44 stricta -- 1561 Onopordon acanthium Narthecium Americanum.. .. 1562 Onopordum acanthium ... _ . . * 1607 Narthex Asafoetida -* 1563 Onosmodium hispidum .* 1608 44 Assafoetida - - 1563 44 Virginianum.. .. 1608 Nasturtium amphibium .. 1564 Ophelia Chirayta .* 80 Armoracia .* 680 Ophioglossum ovatum .* 1609 44 officinale -- 1565 44 vulgatum... .. 1609 44 palustris .. 1566 Ophiorhiza mitreola .. 1610 44 sativum.. .* 1329 Ophrys apifera Nectandra cinnamomoides . .. 1567 Opopanax chironium .* 1672 44 cymbarum ... 1568 Opuntia cochinillifera .. 1612 44 puchury - ^69 44 vulgaris 44 Rodiaei Orchis bracteata Negretia pruriens -* 877 44 latifolia Nelumbium codophyllum .. -- i57i 44 mascula 4 luteum ... 1572 Origanum aquaticum -* 957 44 specieosum ... — J 573 44 dictamnus Nepentha distillatoria -- *574 44 Marjorana ^ .. 1618 INDEX. — BOTANICAL NAMES. 163 Origanum marjoranoides .. 1618 Parnassia Caroliniana _. 1665 '* Smy rnaceum Parthenium hysterophorus. .. 1666 44 Syriacum _* 22S7 4 4 integrifolium.. .. 1667 44 vulgare Passiflora coerulea Omithogalum maritimum. .* 2082 44 edulis .. 1669 “ umbellatum . . 1621 44 launflora Ornus Europaea ._ Passiflora rubra " mannifera Pastinaca altissima.. — .* 1672 44 rotundifolia anethum _* 192 Orobanche Americana 44 graveolens.. .* 192 14 uniflora 1623 44 Opopanax 44 Virginiana 44 sativa .. 1673 Orobus atropurpureus ... 1625 Patrinia Jatamansi -* 1559 niger Paullinia cupana .. 1674 44 sylvaticus 44 sorbilis Orontium aquaticum Pedicularis Canadensis _. 1675 Oryza sativa _ 44 gladiata Osmanthus fragrans Pedilanthus tithymaloides.. .. 1677 Osmorrhiza longistylis Pelargcnium anceps Osmunda cinnamomea * 4 capitatum ... 1679 44 regalis -- i6 33 44 cucullatum 44 Spectabilis -* 1633 44 odoratissimum .. 1681 Ostrya Virginica .. 1634 44 roseum Oxalis acetosa 44 thiste 44 acetosella Peltandra Virginia 44 crassicaulis -- *637 Pensea sarcocolla 44 tuberosa Penicillium hyphomycetes .. 1686 44 violacea .. — .. 1639 Penstemon pubescens Oxyacantha Galeni -* 363 Penthorum Sedoides. .. 1688 Oxy coccus hispidula 1640 Periploca grseca 44 palustris 44 Indica _* 1141 Oxyria reniformis 44 secamone Paederota Virginica -* I33i Persea caryophyllata .*1303 Paeonia anomala -* 1643 44 gratissima 44 communis 44 Sassafras . * 2061 “ corallina Persica vulgaris -* 149 44 officinalis ... 1643 Persicaria mitis -* 1788 Palea Cabotii 1644 44 urens -* 1786 Palicourea Crocea -* 1844 Petroselinum Macedonicum. •* 423 44 marcgraavii — 1645 44 sativum -. 1692 44 officinalis ... 1646 Peucedanum alsaticum -* 1693 44 speciosa ... 1647 44 Austriacum... .* 1694 Paliurus aculeatus . . 44 cervaria * *34° Palma Christa %l officinale .. 1693 44 cocos -* 683 44 oreoseiinum... -* 321 44 Dactylifera -* 1704 44 montana .* 2106 Panax quinquefolia ... 1649 4854 44 argentina ... 1807 44 officinalis .. 1854 44 Canadensis 44 Virginica -* 1485 44 fragraria Pulsatilla nigricans .* 188 44 Norvegica ... 1811 44 nuttalliana -* 185 44 palustris 44 patens .* 188 44 reptans 44 pratensis .* 188 44 sarmentosa ..* 1808 44 vulgaris .* 188 ,l fruticora 1810 Punica Granatum -- 1855 44 rupestris Punicum malum 44 pumila Pycnanthemum aristatum.. .. 1857 44 simplex.. 44 linifolium.. .. 1858 44 Tormentilla 44 montanum. -- 1859 Poterium sanguisorba ... 1815 pilosum — .. i860 Pothos foetida Virginicum .. 1861 Pothomorpha peltata Pyrethrum carneum Premna integrifolia 44 cinerarisefolium .. 1863 Prenanthes Fraseri ... 1818 44 parthenium 44 Serpentaria .. 1551 44 roseum .. 1865 Primula auricula 44 sylvestre -* 4i 44 elatior 44 tanacetum .. 18 66 44 officinalis Pyrola elliptica .. 1867 44 veris 44 maculata -* 598 44 Vulgaris ... 1823 44 rotundifolia .. 1868 Prinos glaber 44 umbellata -* 599 4 ’ glabra 44 uniflora .. 1869 44 laevigatus Pyrus Americana . * 2196 44 verticillatus 44 arbutifolia .. 1870 Prunella officinalis ..* 1828 44 aria 44 vulgaris ... 1828 44 communis Prunus acacia — * 1835 44 coronaria 44 amygdalus *i 461 *M7 44 Cydonia .* 816 44 Armeniaca - * 255 44 domestica .. 1874 44 avium 64 Malus __ 1875 44 Caroliniana 44 sorbus 44 capricidia Pyxidaria macrocarpa 1877 44 Cerasus Quamoclit vulgaris . * 1229 44 Damascena 1832 Quassia amara... .* 2152 44 domestica 44 excelsa * 2152 44 hortensis 44 Simarouba * 2153 166 INDEX. — BOTANICAL NAMES. . Quassia Simaruba -* 2153 Rheum hybridum ... 1923 Quercula minor kk leucorrhizum .... 1924 Quercus “ Moorecraftianum . 1925 kk alba .. 1879 “ palmatum “ Rhabarbarum “ aquatica 1925 “ Catesbaei .* 1887 “ Rhaponticum .... 1927 “ cerns ... 1881 “ Sinense “ coccifera _. 4k speciforme ... 1925 kk coccinea .. 1883 “ Tartaricum “ excelsa “ undulatum 1925 “ falcata - 1885 ** Webbianum “ ilex Rhinacanthus communis.. 1265 “ ilicifolia .. 1887 Rhinanthus crista-galli 11 infectoria .. 1888 Rhizophora mangle .... 1929 “ macrocarpa Rhododendron chrysanthe- kk montana mum ... 1930 kk niger, nigra .. 1891 Rhodydendron chrysanthum* 1930 “ obtusiloba ferrugineum.. 1931 kk occidentalis -- 1893 maximum . 1932 kk palustris .. 1894 Ponticum . .... 1933 kk pedunculata . * 1899 Rhodymenia palmata .... 1934 kk prinus -- 1895 Rhus Belgica 1538 kk robur “ copallina. 1938 kk rubra -- i 8 97 “ coriaria .... 1935 kk suber.. .. 1898 “ cotinus .... 1936 k ‘ tinctoria .. 1899 “ diversiloba • --- 1937 kk virens kk glabra Quillaya saponaria “ glabrum .... 1938 Quinquinia pinckneya .* 1721 “ lobata Randia dumetorum...* “ rad leans •--- 1939 kk latifolia -- 1903 “ sylvestris ..*1538 Ranunculus abortivus.r .. 1904 “ Toxicodendron kk aconitifolia — 1905 “ typhina ... 1941 ik acris.. “ venenata kk albus . * 186 kk vernix kk aquatica .* 1911 Ribes album. .... 1943 kk arvensis _. .. 1907 kk Floridanum. ... 1944 kk bulbosus kk grossularia — 1945 kk digitatus lk nigrum ... 1946 “ ficaria -* 587 kk officinale ..* 1947 flammula .. 1909 kk olidum lsetus .* 1908 kk rubrum ... 1947 palustris .* 1911 kk triflorum 1945 kk Pennsylvanicus.* 1908 kk Uva crispa 1945 k repens kk vulgare - 1947 “ sceleratus .. 1911 Richardia Africana ... 1948 kk vernus -* 587 kk scabra J 949 Virginianus -* 1377 Richardsonia Brasiliensis. 1949 Raphanus hortensis “ marinus. .* 1912 kk emetica — * 1949 .* 680 “ scabra ... 1949 lk sativus Ricinoides elseagnifolia 778 kk sylvestris .* 680 Ricinus communis --- 1950 Rapuntium galeatum “ maximum -* 1373 k ‘ lividus — — I 95 I -* *373 kk major Renealmia cardamomum . * 901 kk minor Reseda luteola -- J 9 T 3 kk viridis 1950 Reticularia officinalis _* 2228 “ vulgaris 1950 Rhabarbarum -* 1926 Robinia amara — 1952 Rhamnus alaternus .. 1914 ‘ k hispida — — 1953 kk catharticus -- i9!S kk pseudo-acacia — J 954 “ crocea “ viscosa --- 1955 kk frangula Roccella fusiformis ... 1956 kk Hispanicus -* 19H kk tinctoria 1346 kk infectorius .. Rochelia Virginian a “ Jujuba. ‘ k lycioides .. 1919 Ronabea emetica Rosa afzeliana .* 1845 . 1958 kk Purschiana 1921 kk armata 1958 ik Ziziphus “ astriaca Rhaphanis .* 1912 “ blanda — 1957 Rhaphanus . ,* 1912 kk canina — 1958 Rheum (and var.) .* 1926 kk centifolia --- 1959 “ Australe -* i9 2 5 kk Gallica “ compactum .. 1925 kk moschata kk Capsicum -- 1925 kk pallida 1959 kk Emodi -- 1925 kk parviflora INDEX.— BOTANICAL NAMES. 167 Rosa rubra | Sagus lsevis “ “ vulgaris * 1958 kk Ruffia “ rubiginosa 19^3 kk Rumphii u sylvestris * 19 8 Salisburia adiantifolia. Rosella vulgaris * 889 Salix alba .. 2009 Rosmarinus hortensis.. * 1964 “ iEgyptiaca kk officinalis.. 1964 kk Babylonica “ sylvestris . * 1319 kk fragilis Rottlera Schimperi 1965 kk helix “ tinctoria kk nigra Rubia cordifolia 1967 ki pentandra “ Iberica kk purpurea ' k peregrina kk Russeliana kk tinctoria 1968 kk viminalis “ sylvestris Salsala Kali.... Rubigoalnea 1969 “ soda.... Rubus affinis * 1973 Salvadora Persica “ batus * 1970 Salvia Africana “ Caesius 1970 u argentea kk Canadensis.. 1971 kk Claytoni kk Chamaemorus ... - i97 2 kk colorata -. 2025 “ flagellaris kk fulgens “ frondosus * 1973 kk Hispanica .. kk fruticosus kk horminum kk idaeus 1974 kk hortensis * 2030 kk niger ■ * 1973 k * lyrata... “ occidentalis 1975 kk minor * 2030 “ odoratus 1976 kk officinalis : “ procumbens * I 97 I 11 pomifera 11 sexatilis 1977 kk pratensis .. 2032 kk strigosus - 1978 kk sclarea -- 2033 kk trivialis.. * I97 1 kk urticifolia .. 2034 “ villosus 1979 kk verbenaca. -- 2035 Rudbeckia lacinata 1980 kk vitse -* 307 “ purpurea 1981 kk vulgaris .* 2030 Rudolphia frondosa * 429 Sambucus arborea * 2036 Ruellia tuberosa kk Canadensis Rumex acetosa 1983 kk Ebulus .. 2037 kk acetosella 1984 kk helion . * 2037 acetosus * 1983 kk herbacea .* 2037 ki acutus 1985 “ humilis -* 2037 “ iEtinensis * 1994 kk nigra “ Alpinus ik pubens -* 2039 “ aquaticus - 1987 kk pubescens .. 2039 ki Britannica kk racemosa . * 2039 “ crispus 1989 kk vulgaris * 2036 “ gigantea ... * 288 Samolus valerandi . 2040 “ glaucus * 1994 Sandalum rubrum -* 1850 kk hastatus * 1994 Sanguinalis corrigiola -* 1783 “ hpdrolapathum. * 1988 Sanguinaria acaulis .* 2041 kk intermedius * 1984 kk Canadensis . kk lunaria 1990 Sanguis draconis * - 454 “ obtusifolius i99i Sanguisorba Canadensis kk patientia 1992 kk media. .. 2043 “ purpurea kk officinalis kk sanguineus 1993 kk rubra . * 2044 kk scutatus. 1994 Sanicula Canadensis -- 2045 kk tuberosa * 1983 kk Europaea Ruppia maritima 1995 kk eborascens -* 1723 Ruscus aculeatus 1996 kk Marilandica .. 2047 kk hypoglossum .. - 1997 “ montana .* 1723 Ruta graveolens 1998 kk officinarum .* 2046 “ hortensis Santalum album “ muraria * 307 kk citrinum . * 2048 “ sylvestris *999 kk myrtifolium .* 2048 Sabadilla officinalis * 2397 kk rubrum .* 1850 Sabal Palmetto Santolina chamaecyparissus .. 2049 Sabbatia angularis Saphora tinctoria * - 349 kk elliatii Sapindus emarginatus “ stellaris “ sapqparia Saccharum officinarum Saponaria dioica -* 1396 officinale ... * 2C04 kk officinalis Sagina procumbens lk vaccaria Sagittaria saggittifolia _ Sapota Mulleri -- 2054 “ variabilis kk achras -* 36 168 INDEX. — BOTANICAL NAMES. Sargassum bacciferum -- 2055 Selinum Ostruthium * 1216 Sarracenia flava .. 2056 44 palustre “ purpurea.. -- 2057 44 peucedanum .* 1694 “ variolaris . 2058 44 pubescens .* 196 Sarothra gentianoides .. 2060 Semecarpus Anacardium ... .. 2107 Sarronia jaborandi -- 2059 Sempervivum acre * 2099 Sassafras offiicinale tectorum 44 parthenoxylon Senecio aureus.. Satureja capitata 44 balsamitae “ hortensis 4 * cineraria 44 montana 44 elongata 44 origanoides -* 799 44 gracilis 44 viminea 44 hieracifolius .* 915 Saururus cernuus 44 Jacobea . Sauvagesia erecta 44 Lanceolatus -- 2115 Saxifraga alba 44 lobatus 44 granulata .* 2069 44 obovatus 44 rubra .* 2210 44 saricenicus 44 sarmentosa 44 scandens 44 tridactylites 44 sonchifolia umbrosa 44 tomentosa 44 vulgaris -* 1695 44 vulgaris Scabiosa arvensis -- 2073 Sequoia gigantea _ 44 atropurpurea -- 2074 *’ sempervirens .. 2124 44 stellata — 2075 Serpentaria nigra “ succissa Serratula tinctoria Scandix cerefolium * 208 Sesamum Indicum 44 odorata * 1547 44 orientale - 11 pecten * 2077 Seseli montanum “ “ veneris Setaria glauca. Schinus arveira 44 Italica Schoenus mariscoides .. 2079 44 viridis — Schrankia uncinata . . 2080 Sesteria cserulea -- 2133 Scilla Fraseri Shepherdia argentea ._ -- 2134 44 maritima Shorea robusta — 2135 Scirpus lacustris Sicyos angulata “ maritimus Sida abutilon .. 2137 Scleranthus annuus -- 2085 44 canariensis Sclerotium clavus 44 spinosa .. 2139 Scolopendrium lingua .* 308 Sideritishirsuta 44 officinarum .. 2087 44 thaeazan . 2141 44 ruta muraria* 307 Sigillaria multiflora... -* 709 Scoly mus sativus .* 819 Silene armeria Scoparius — -* 834 44 inflata... .* 790 Scopolina atropoides -* 1187 44 maritima. -- 2143 Scorodosma foetidum -* 1563 44 Pennsylvanica .. 2144 Scorzonera Hispanica .. 2088 44 Virginica -- 2145 Scrophularia aquatica Silibium marianum .* 502 44 foetida . * 2091 Silphium gummiferum 44 lanceolata . * 2091 44 laciniatum .. 2147 44 Marilandica .. 2090 44 perfoliatum _ .. 2148 44 nodosa .. 2091 44 terebinthinaceum .. 2149 • 4 vernalis .. 2092 Simaba Cedron 44 vulgaris . * 2091 44 Quassioides -- 2151 Scutellaria alba... Simarouba amara -*2153 44 Caroliniana _* 2096 44 excelsa. -- 2152 44 galericulata .. 2094 44 Guaianensis -* 2153 44 hyssopifolia — 2095 44 officinalis -- 2153 44 integrifolia Sinapis alba -- 2154 44 lateriflora 44 arvensis - 2155 Secale cereale 44 cernua -* 2157 44 cornutum .* 2086 44 Chinensis -- 2156 44 luxurians .* 2086 44 eruca * 410 Secamone ^Egyptiaca . * 1690 44 nigra.. .. 2157 Sedum acre .. 2099 44 tuberosa -* 415 44 album Siphisia glabra -* 254 44 roseum Siphonia cahuchu -* 2158 44 rupestre 44 elastica -- 2158 14 telephium Sirion Myrtifolium .* 2048 Selaginella lepidopbylla .. 2104 Sison amomum -- 2159 Selinum Angelica * 196 44 anisum .* 1718 44 Canadense 44 podograria -* 1351 44 Imperatoria .* 1216 Sisymbrium Alliaria . * 100 44 Opopanax . * 1672 44 Barbarea _* 932 44 Oreoselinum 44 Bermudiana .. .. 2160 INDEX. — BOTANICAL NAMES. 169 Sisymbrium menthastrum..* 1469 muralis.. * 2162 nasturtium * 1565 officinale 2161 parviflorum * 2162 sophia. 2162 Sisyrinchium Bermudianum.. 2163 Sium apium * 315 Berula *2165 Carvi * 510 erectum * 2165 graveolens * 215 latifolium 2164 ninsi * 1650 nodiflorum 2165 sisarum 2166 Smilacina racemosa.... * 710 Smilax aspera Chinensis * 2167 44 “ Peruviana ...* 2170 44 China 2167 44 cumanensis *2170 44 glycyphylla.. 2168 41 medica 2169 44 officinalis 2170 44 papyracea 2171 44 peduncularis 2172 44 pseudo-China 2173 ‘ 4 rotundifolia 2174 44 Sarsaparilla 2175 Smyrnium olusatrum 2176 Solamen intestinorum *1718 Solanum Carolinensis 2177 44 Dulcamara ... 2178 44 laciniatum 2179 44 lycopersicum 2180 44 esculentum *2187 44 feet id 11m * 845 44 furiosum * 327 44 hortense nigrum..* 327 44 lethale * 327 44 lignosum *2178 44 magnum - * 1715 44 maniacum * 327 44 melongena 2181 44 nigrum 2182 44 niveum 2183 44 paniculatum 2184 44 pseudo-capsicum... 2185 44 racemosum Am’n..* 1715 44 somniferum 2186 44 scandens *2178 44 tuberosum... 2187 44 urens * 492 44 vesicarium *1709 44 vulgare * 2182 Solenostemma Argel * 817 Solidago gigantea 2188 44 odora 2189 44 rigida 2190 44 Saracenica * 2191 44 virgaurea 2191 44 vulgaris * 2189 Sonchus oleraceus 2192 Sophora heptaphylla 2193 44 Japonica 2194 44 speciosa 2195 44 tinctoria * 349 Sorbus Americana 2196 44 aria — .* 770 44 aucuparia 2197 44 Cydonia * 816 44 domestica * 1874 44 malus. * 1875 Sorghum saccharatum 2198 44 vulgare 2199 Soymoida febrifuga 2200 Spartinia stricta 2201 Spartium junceum 2202 4 ‘ scoparium * 834 44 tinctorium * 1045 Spathyema foetid a ...* 1200 Spermoedia clavus * 2086 Sphacelia Segetum * 2086 Sphseria Sinensis 2203 Sphserococcus crispus * 606 44 helminthocortus* 1016 44 lichenoides * 1097 Sphondylium Branca -ursina* 1149 Spigelia anthelmia 2204 i4 Lonicera *2205 44 Marilandica 2205 Spilanthes oleracea — 2206 Spilanthus acmella 2207 44 oleraceus - 2208 Spinacea oleracea.... 2209 Spiraea denudata.. ..* 2214 44 filipendula 2210 44 hypericifolia 2211 44 opulifolia 2212 44 tomentosa 2213 44 trifoliata *1071 44 ulmaria 2214 Spiranthes autumnalis 2215 Spondias dulcis 2216 44 entra 2217 Squilla pulcherrima * 2082 Stachys betonica * 371 44 palustris ... 2218 44 sylvatica 2219 Stachyta Jamaicensis 2220 Stalagmitis cambogioides 2221 Statice Armeria — 2222 44 Caroliniana 2223 44 Limonis * 2224 44 Limonium 2224 44 maritimum *2224 44 vulgare * 2224 Stellaria media 2225 44 palustris 2226 Stephensia elongata — * 259 Sterculia acuminata -.* 687 44 foetida 2227 Sticta pulmonaria 2228 Stillingia ligustina * 2230 44 sebifera 2229 44 sylvatica 2230 Stizolobium pruriens * 877 Stobaea rubricalis 2231 Stcechas Arabica ...* 1310 Stramonium foetidum * 845 44 majus-album..* 845 44 vulgatum * 845 Stratiotes aloides 2232 Strychnos colubrina 2233 44 lgnatia^ 2234 44 Ligustrina * 2233 44 Nux Vomica 2235 44 potatorum .. 2236 44 pseudo-quinia 2237 44 tieute 22 3® 44 toxifera (toxicaria) 2239 Stylophorum diphyllum 2240 Styrax Americana 2241 44 Benzoin 2242 44 calamita 2243 44 officinalis 2244 Subularia aquatica 2245 Succissa pratensis * 2076 Swertia difformis * 1007 Swietenia febrifuga — - 2246 8 170 INDEX. — BOTANICAL. NAMES. Swietenia Mahoeani. __ 2247 u Senegalensis 2248 14 Soymida *2246 Sycios angulatus 2249 Symphoricarpus occidentalis. 2250 44 racemosus.. 2251 44 vulgaris 2252 Symphytum album *2253 44 hirsutum *2253 44 minus * 1828 44 officinale 2253 44 Petraea 2254 Symplocarpus foetidus * 1200 Syringia vulgaris 2255 Tabernaemontana utilis 2256 Tagates erecta 2257 44 patula 2258 Tamarindus Indica 2259 Tamarix Anglica 2260 44 Gallica 2261 44 Germanica * 1539 44 orientale . 2262 44 pentandra **539 Tamnus communis * 2263 Tamus communis 2263 Tanacetum balsamita * 1866 44 crispum *2264 44 hortense *1866 44 vulgare 2264 Tapsusbarbatus * 2400 Taraxicum Dens-leonis 2265 44 officinale *2265 44 officinalis .. * 2265 Taxodium discichum 2266 Taxus baccata ... 2267 44 Canadensis 2268 Tecoma pentaphylla 2269 44 _ radicans * 385 Tectaria calahuala * 1794 Tectonia grandis .... 2270 Telfaria pedata ._ 2271 Tephrosia Apollinea 2272 44 cineria 2273 44 purpurea 2274 44 toxicaria 2275 44 Virginiana 2276 Terminalia bellirica - 2277 44 Benzoin — . ... — 2278 44 chebula ... 2279 44 citrina 2280 Testudinaria elephantipes..., 2281 Tetragonia expansa 2282 Teucrium Canadensis 2283 44 chamaedrys 2284 44 chamaepitys * 86 44 creticum 2285 44 hyssopifolium * 2285 “ iva 2286 44 marum 2287 44 officinalis * 2284 44 palustre * 2289 44 polium 2288 44 scordium 2289 44 scorodonia 2290 Thalictron * 2291 Thalictrura anemonoides 2291 dioicum 2292 Thapsia Garganica 2293 44 silphium 2294 44 trifoliata 2295 Thapsium actaeifolium * 1348 44 atropurpureum 2296 44 barbmode 2297 Thea As<=amica 2298 44 Bohea — 2299 Thea chinensis * 2300 44 Sinensis ... 2300 44 viridis. 2301 Thesium linophyllum 2302 Thevetia nerifolia .... 2303 Thlaspi arvense 2304 44 bursa-pastoris.. * 491 44 campestris * 1327 Thlapsus bursa-pastoris * 491 Thuja articulata 2305 44 occidentalis 2306 Thuya * 2306 Thymus acinos * 43 Alpinus * 450 calamintha. * 1460 citriodorus ...... 2307 Creticus 2308 mastichina 2309 multiflorus * 1463 Serpyllus 2310 sylvaticus 669 sylvestris * 2063 vulgaris 2311 Thysselinum palustre * 1694 Tiarella cordifolia 2312 Ticorea febrifuga 2313 44 Jasminifolia 2314 Tiglium officinale * 787 Tilia alba 2315 44 Americana 2316 44 Canadensis * 2316 44 Europaea 2317 44 glabra * 2316 44 grandiflora * 2317 44 pauciflora] *2317 44 ulmifolia. *2317 Tillae ascendens 2318 Tillandsia usneoides— 2319 Toddalia aculeata 2320 Toluifera balsamina .* 1546 Tormentilla erecta * 1814 44 officinalis * 1814 Torreya Californica 2321 44 myristica 2322 Trachelium Americanum ...* 1373 Tradescantia Virginica 2323 Tragium anisum * 1718 Tragopogon porrifolium.. 2324 44 pratensis 2325 Tragoselinum angelica * 1351 44 Magnum *1719 44 saxifraga * 1719 Trapa nutans .... 2326 Tremella nostoc.. 2327 Tricerastes glomerata 2329 Trichostema lanceolata 2330 Trien tabs Europaea 2328 Trifolium Alpinum 2331 44 arvense 2332 44 aquaticum 1481 44 aureum ***45 44 cervinum * 957 44 fibrinum * 1481 44 hepaticum * 1145 44 officinale r_* 1457 44 pratense 2333 44 repens 2334 Triglochin maritinum 2335 Trigonella Foe n um * 2336 “ 44 graecum .. 2336 Trillium erectum * 2337 44 latifolium *2337 44 pendulum 2337 44 purpureum * 2337 Trinia vulgaris 2338 INDEX. — BOTANICAL NAMES. m Triosteum perfoliatum 2339 Triticum caninum * 2340 “ repens 2340 Tritoma uvaria 2341 Trollius Americanus * 2342 44 laxus 2342 Tropaeolum majus 2343 ‘ 4 minus 2344 44 peregrinum 2345 Tulipa Gesneriana 2346 Tulipifera Liriodendron * 1368 Turnera aphrodisiaca 2347 Tussaca recticulata * 1092 Tussilago farfara 2348 “ frigida - * 2348 “ petasites 2349 44 vulgaris * 2348 Tylophora asthmatica * 283 Typha angustifolia 2350 44 aromatica * 60 44 latifolia 2351 Ulmus alata.. 2252 44 Americana - 2353 44 campestris - 2354 44 effusa *2354 44 fulva 2355 44 glabra *2354 44 rubra .. 2355 44 sativa * 2354 44 scabra * 2354 Ulva cnspa * 606 44 Jatissima 2356 Umbilicaria . 2357 Umbilicus pendulinus -* 767 Umsema deltifolia — 2458 Unona iEthiopica 2359 44 odoratissima >..2360 44 polycarpa .. * 684 Upas antiar * 211 Uraspermum Claytoni * 1631 Urginea maritima * 2082 44 Scilla ... *2082 Urtica Canadensis . . 2361 44 capitata 2362 44 dioica 2363 44 pilulifera 2364 44 pumila 2365 44 stimulans 2366 44 urens 2367 44 urentissima . 2368 .Usnea hirta * 1347 44 plicata * 1347 Ustilago Maydis 2369 Utricularia macrorhiza 2370 Uvaria triloba * 505 Uvularia grandiflora 2371 44 perfoliata 2372 Vaccaria vulgaris ..... * 2052 Vaccinium arboreum 2373 44 corymbosum 2374 44 dumosum 2375 44 frondosum 2376 44 myrtillus 2377 44 oxycoccos ... 2378 44 Pennsylvanicum.. 2379 44 resinosum 2380 44 stamineum 2381 44 _ Vitis Idsea 2382 Valantia aparine * 1027 Valeriana celtica , 2383 44 dentata 2384 44 dioica 2385 “ edulis 2386 44 locusta * 2384 44 major * 2390 V aleriana minor .......... 44 montana ........ 44 officinalis 44 pauciflora ... 2389 44 phu 44 saxatilis 44 spica ... 44 sylvatica 44 tuberosa.... Valisneria spiralis Vandellia diffusa --- 2392 Vanilla aromatica 44 Guianensis .... 2394 44 palmarum .... .... 2394 44 planifera .... 2394 44 pompona .... 2394 44 sativa ..... 44 sylvestris .... 2394 Variolaria faginea •--- 2395 Veratrum album 44 Lobelianum 44 luteum 44 officinale 2397 44 Sabadilla 44 viride Verbascum album 44 alatum 44 blattaria .... 2399 44 nigrum 44 thapsiformis .. 2401 44 Thapsus Verbena hastata ... . 44 officinalis 44 spuria ... 2404 44 urticifolia .... 2405 Verbesina sativa 44 sinuata 44 Virginica .... 2407 Vernonia angustifolia 44 fasciculata 44 noveboracensis... 44 Prsealta .... 2409 44 tomentosa Veronica Americana 44 anagallis 44 agrestis .... 2413 44 aquatica 2410 44 Beccabunga 44 hedersefolia 44 officinalis .... 44 peregrina .... 2414 44 purpurea •--* 37 1 44 quinquefolia .. — - 2415 44 scutellata ---- 2413 44 Virginica ...* 1331 Vetiveria odorata ..* 178 Viburnum acerifolium 44 cassinoides 44 dentatum. 44 lantana 44 lantanoides 2419 44 laevigatum 44 lentago 2420 44 opulus 44 oxycoccos 44 prunifolium 44 roseum 2423 Vicia ervilla 44 faba 44 sativa ..... Victorialis fcemina 44 longa 44 rotunda Vinca major 44 minor 172 INDEX. — BOTANICAL NAMES. Viola blanda 2428 “ Canadensis 2429 “ canina 2430 44 cuculata 2431 “ lutea * 583 44 martia * 2432 44 odorata . 2432 44 ovata 2433 44 pedata 2434 44 pumila .. *2430 44 rostrata 2435 44 sylvestris * 2430 “ tricolor 2436 Virgilia lutea * 658 Viscum album __ *2437 “ flavescens 2437 44 verticillatum * 2437 Vitex agnus castus 2438 44 . verticillatus *2438 Vitis alba e ylvestris ... * 420 44 corinthiaca 2439 “ Idaea myrtillus *2377 44 “ palustris *2378 44 sativa - *2440 44 vinifera 2440 ‘ vulpina 2441 Volkameria inermis 2442 Warnera Canadensis * 1177 Wellingtonia gigantea * 2123 Winterana aromatica * 890 Winterania Canella - * 481 Wrightia anti-dysenterica 2443 Wyethia helenoides 2444 Xanthium strumarium 2445 “ spinosum 2446 Xanthorhymus ovalifolius 2447 Xanthorrhiza Apiifolia 2448 “ marboica * 2448 44 tinctoria v -...*2448 ‘ simplicissima.* 2448 Xanthorrhoea hastilis 2449 Xanthoxylum alatum 2450 Americanum..* 2453 Carolinianum.. 2451 Clavus Herculis 2452 fraxineum . 2453 44 fraxinifolium..* 2453 44 piperitum *2450 44 ramiflorum. 2453 44 tricarpum *2453 Xeranthemum annuum 2454 Xylopia glabra 2455 Xyris Caroliniana 2456 Y ucca aloifolia 2457 44 filimentosa 2458 44 gloriosa 2459 Zamia pumila 2460 Zea Mays 2461 Zingiber cassumuniar 2462 44 officinale 2463 44 Germanicum * 276 44 purpureum *2462 44 Zerumbet 2464 Zizia aurea 2465 Zizyphus Jujuba * 1919 44 vulgaris *1922 173 INDEX. PHARMACOPCEIAL. (As contained in the U. S., British and German.) The numbers refer to the paragraph, not the page ; and to avoid repetition, in the following index the numbers are used, in place of reprinting, the name in the paragraph to which the numbers refer. Absinthium _ 262 Acacia (gum) - 24 Acacia gummi (gum) 24 Aconiti folia (leaves) 54 44 folium (leaf) 54 44 radix (root) 54 Adstringens Fothergilli 1849 Achillea 38 Agaricus albus 396 “ chirurgorum 396 Agresta (green grapes) 2440 Alcae iEgyptica 2 Aletris 95 Allium 105 Aloe 113-114 44 Barbadensis 115 44 Capensis 114 44 hepatica 115 11 lucida . 115 44 Socotnna 113 Althaea 120 Amenta lupuli 1169 Amygdala amara 146 “ dulcis ... 147 Amygdalae amarae 146 44 dulces 147 Amylum marantae 1436 Anethi fructus 192 Angelica 194 Angustura 1026 Anisum 1718 Anthemis - 205 Antherae lilli I 355 Anthodia cinae 264 Antophylli 517 Apocynum androsaemifolium. 218 “ cannabinum 219 Aralia nudicaulis 231 “ spinosa - 233 Areca 241 Arillus myristica 1542 Armoraciae 680 Arnica 256 Arnotta (Annotto) 386 Arum. 277 Asa dulcis (gum) 2242 Asa foetida (gum) 1563 Asclepias.. 293 “ incarnata 289 44 Syriaca 292 44 tuberosa 293 Asarum 280 Assafcetida 1563 Aurantii amari cortex (peel).. 656 dulcis cortex (peel).. 650 44 flores (flowers) 650 Azedarach — 1454 Bablah 18 Bacca Phytolaccae (berries).. 1715 Baccae alkekengi _ 1709 44 berberidis (berries) 362 “ cubebae - 1734 44 ebuli (berries). 2037 44 hederae arboreae(berries)ii22 44 Juniperi (berries) 1257 44 lauri (berries) 1307 44 mororum (berries) 1527, 1526 44 myrtilli (berries) 2377 44 myrtillorum (berries).. 2377 44 oxycoccos 2378 44 paradisi (berries) 1663 4 pimentae 948 44 piperis nigri 1737 44 phytolacae (berries) 1715 44 rhamni cathartica 1915 44 rhois glabra (berries).. 1938 44 ribium rubrum.. 1947 44 spinae cervinae (berries) 1915 44 sumach (berries) 1938 Balsamum ASgypticum 152 44 Benzoin (gum) 2242 44 Brasiiiense 727 44 Canadense (balsam) 3 44 Carpathicum (bal- sam) 1724 Balsamum Copaiba. 727 “ Copaivae 727 44 de Mecca (balsam) 152 44 de Tolu (balsam) .. 1546 44 Gileadense (bal- sam) 152 Balsamum Indicum (balsam) 1544 44 44 album (white balsam) 1544 Balsamum Indicum nigrum (balsam) 1544 Balsamum Indicum sic 1546 44 Libani (balsam) .. 1724 44 mariae(gum) 991 44 nucistae (fixed oil) 1542 44 Peruvianum (bal- sam) 1544 Balsamum Peruvianum album (white balsam) 1544 Balsamum Peruvianum nig- rum (balsam) 1544 Balsamum Peruvianum sic- cum (dry balsam) 1544 Balsamum Tolutanum - 1546 44 Styracis 1366 Barras (white turpentine) 1728 Baume de Copalme 1366 174 INDEX. —FHARMACOPCEIAL NAMES. Baume de San Salvador.. - Cetraria Bedeguar Chenopodium .. Bela.. Chimaphila Belladonnae folia (leaves). ... 327 Chirata 44 radix (root)... --- 3 2 7" Chiretta .. 80 Benzoe (gum) - Chondrus Benzoinum (balsam) Cimicifuga .. 616 Berberis — 3 6 3 Cinchona (yellow and red) 633-618 Berberidis Indicus ....... 44 flava .. 618 ... 788 4 ‘ 44 cortex . 618 “ rubra ... ... 788 44 pallida . . 618 Boletus cervinus 44 44 cortex .. 618 44 chirurgorum ... 396 44 rubra .. -- 633 44 salacis ... 398 44 cortex ■- 6 33 Bombax Cinnamomum -- 639 Bovista... ... 1399 44 .. 634 Bray era 44 acutum .. 639 Buchu Cinnamomi cortex Bulbus Colchicii ... 688 Clavelli cinnamomi (buds)... .. 639 44 Scillae Clavus secalina Butyrum nucistae (fixed oil).. 1542 Cocculi Indici Caflfea ... 685 44 Levan tici .. 158 Calamus - 44 piscatorii -- 158 Cahuchu (gum elastic)... ... 2158 Cocculus 158 Calumba ... 67 7 Colchici cormus. .. 688 Camelli ... 2234 44 radix (root) .. 688 Camphora (Camphor) ... 1302 44 semen (seed) .. 688 Canella.. ... 481 44 semina (seeds) .. 688 “ alba.. Colocynthides (apple) .. 791 44 Cubana --- 1303 Colocynthidis pulpa (pulp). .. 791 44 dulcis Colocynthis -- 79* 44 Zeylanica ... 639 Conium -- 703 Cannabis Americana ... 485 Conii folia (leaves) -- 703 44 Indica ... 486 44 fructus (fruit) (seed).. -- 7°3 Caoutchouc (gum elastic). 2158 Coptis Capita papaveris (capsules).. 1659 Copaiba -- 727 Capsici fructus ... 492 Corallina Capsicum --- 492 Coriandri fructus (fruit) (seed) 739 “ Africanum ... 492 Coriandrum - 739 Capsulse papaveris (capsules) 1659 Cornus circinata -- 745 Cardamomum 44 Florida .. 746 44 longum . . . 902 44 sericea -- 7 5° 44 Malabaricum Cortex (bark) (small) 44 Adansoniae ... . Cardamomum medium (small) 901 44 adstringens, Brazil.. 23 44 minus (small).. 901 44 Alcornoque .... - 432 44 rotundum (round) 140 44 alni glutinosa 44 majus(wild). 902 44 44 spuria Caricae (figs) ... 998 44 Alstonise - ll 7 Carobe 44 alyxia aromatica ... .. 122 Carota (seed) 44 amygdali Persicae_ r . - *49 Carpobalsamum ... 152 44 Angosturse Carrageen ... 606 44 44 spuria... - 2235 Carui fructus (seed) ... 510 14 Aralia spinosa - 233 Carum (seed) 5 1 © 44 Aurantii - 651 Carthamus --- 5^9 44 44 arriari ..... - 656 Caryophilli ... -517 44 44 dulcis - 650 Caryophyllum --- Si7 44 Azedarachi - *454 Caryophyllus --- 5i7 44 Bebeeru - *570 Cascarilla ... 778 44 Berberidis.... - 3^3 44 cortex ... 778 44 44 Indicus .. . 361 Cassia caryophyllata — 1303 44 Betula - 372 44 Cinnamomea ... 1304 44 Cabaggii - 165 44 Fistula 44 Canellae alba . 481 44 lignea — 634 44 Capparadis . 488 44 Marilandica ... 527 44 Caryophyllatus ..... - *3°3 Cassiae pulpa (pulp).. -- 525 44 Caryopihylloides - 635 Castanea ■ leaves) 44 Cascarilla . 778 Castanaea --- 535 44 Castanae Americana. - 535 44 equinae — 75 44 44 equinae - 75 Cataria 44 Cassia albae . 481 Catechu (gum) ... 19 44 44 lignea - 1304 44 nigrum (black) ... 19 44 Cedrelae febrifugae.. . 2246 Cerasa acida ... 571 44 Chabarro - 407 44 dulcis — 572 44 Chacarilla — . . 778 INDEX.— PH ARMACOPCEIAL NAMES. 175 Cortex Chinae 633, 618 Cortex nucum J uglandis 44 44 Calisaya 618 (green hulls) 1253 44 44 flavus 619 Cortex nucum Juglandis viri- “ 44 fuscus 627 dis (green hulls) 1253 44 “ grisea . 627 Cortex Olea 1601 44 44 Loxa 619 44 Paratoda 482 “ 44 regius 618 44 Pareirae 645 44 44 ruber 633 44 Persicorum 149 44 Cinchona 633, 618 44 Pini 1727 44 44 flavae 618 44 44 Canadensis 4 • 4 4 4 pallidae 619 44 Pomorum Aurantii 656 44 44 rubrae 633 Cortex Pomorum Granatorum 44 Cinnamomi 639 (fruit peel) 1855 4 4 4 4 acuti 639 Cortex Populi 1805 4 4 4 4 Cassiae 1304 44 Pruni oadi 1835 44 44 Chinensis. 634 44 44 serotinae.. 1839 44 44 Zeylanici . 639 44 14 Virginicae - 1839 44 Citri , 653 44 Psydii (rind) 1855 44 Cluteae 778 44 Pyrus malus 1875 44 Coccognidii - 839 44 Quassia 2152 4< Copalchi 786 “ Quercus — 1899 44 Copalki 2237 44 44 albus 1879 44 Culilaban 635 44 44 ruber 1897 44 Culilawani 638 44 44 tinctoriae 1899 44 44 Papuanus . 638 44 Radicis Azedarach ... 1454 4 4 4 4 verus 635 44 Gossypii 1096 4 4 Cupressi 802 44 44 Granati (bark) 1855 44 Curacoa 656 4 4 4 4 rubri villosi.. *979 44 Cuspariae 1026 44 Rhamni frangulae 1917 44 Eleuteriae 778 44 salicis.. 2009 44 Eleutheraei 778 44 44 nigri.. 2014 44 Fagi 993 * 4 Sambuci — 2036 44 Frangulae *9 X 7 44 Sassafras 2061 44 Fraxini.. 1009 44 Simarubae 2153 44 Fructus aurantii 656 44 Sintoc 637 44 44 citri 653 44 Soymoidae.. 2200 44 44 Granati (rind) 1855 44 Sumach *935 Cortex Fructus Juglandis 4 4 44 radicis 1938 (green hulls) 1253 44 Swieteniae 2246 Cortex Geoffroyae flavus 165 44 Tabernae montanae ... 117 44 44 fuscus 1 66 44 Tamarisci Gallica 2261 44 Jamaicensis 165 44 44 Germanica *539 44 Surinamensis 1 66 44 Taxi 2267 44 Guaiaci ligni nos 44 Thuris 2244 44 Granati fructus (rind) 1855 44 Thymeleae 839 Cortex Granati radicis (root 44 Thymiamatis 1366 bark) 1855 44 Tiliae 2316 Cortex Granatum radicum 44 Tulipiferae 1368 (root bark) 1855 44 Ulmi 2354 Cortex Granatum pomorum 4 4 44 Americana 2353 (fruit peel) . 1855 44 44 fulvae 2355 Cortex Hippocastani 75 4 4 4 4 interior 2354 44 Juglandis... 1250 44 Winteri 890 44 Kinse aromaticae 778 44 Winteranus . 890 “ Laricis 7 44 44 spuria 481 “ Laureola 839 Cormps Colchici 688 “ Ligni sancti 1105 Costus amarus - 764 “ Ligni Cassiae.. x 304 44 corticosus.. 481 “ Limonis 653 44 dulcis . 481 Magellanicus 890 Cotula I 44° “ Magnoliae 1425 Croci stigmata 776 “ Malabathri 634 Crocus 776 “ Malambo 783 44 Americanus 5°9 “ Mali... 1875 44 Hispanicus 776 44 Malicorium (peel) 1855 44 Lilii *355 44 Margosae x 455 44 Orientalis 77 6 44 Massoy 636 Cubeba 1734 44 Matias - 783 Cubebae 1734 44 Mezerii 839 Cucumis agrestis 1510 44 Mezereum 839 44 asinus 1510 44 Mudar 288 Curcuma - 806 44 Musenae 1965 Cudbear... 1316 44 Myricae ceriferae *537 Cusso 416 44 narcaphtum 2244 Cuspariae cortex 1026 44 Nectandrae *57° Cydonia exsiccata 816 176 INDEX. — PHARMACOPCEIAL NAMES. Cydonium — 816 Flores Chrysanthemi 1862 Cynosbata 1958 “ Cinae 264 Cypripedium 830 Clematidis 661 Dactyli (dates) 1704 Colchici 688 Delphinium 8 so tt Cyani 561 Digitalis 863 Digitalis 863 “ folia 863 it Doronica Germanica . 256 Diospyros (fruit) 868 tt Farfarae 2348 877 1200 it Flammulae 661 Dracontium Gnaphalii 1085 Dulcamara 2178 tt Granatorum 1855 Ecbalii fructus 1510 tt Hageniae 416 Elaterium iSio tt Hispidulae... 1085 Elemi (Elemi) iSi tt Hyperici 1192 Ergota 2086 tt Tasmini... 1246 Erigeron Q20 Koso 416 “ Canadense 919 1 1 Kosso 416 Eupatorium q62 tt Koosso 416 Euphorbia Corollata 44 Ipecacuanha 970 41 Lamii albi 1289 973 Lavandulae 1311 Euphorbium (gum) 968 Lavendulae 1311 Euonymus 9SO Libanotidis 1964 Extractum Glycyrrhizae (ext.) 1077 Liliorum convallaria. . 707 Faba Calabarica 1712 it Lillia albi I 355 44 Physostigmatis 1712 tt Lupuli 1169 “ Sancti Ignatii 2234 Malvae arborea 121 Fabae Coffese 685 k4 44 alceae X2I 44 Dividivi 44 1 44 hortense 121 “ deTonca 872 tt 44 rosea 121 “ febrifugae 2234 tt 44 sylvestris..... 1434 44 Indica 2234 tt 44 vulgaris 1434 44 Libidibi 44 1 Martii 2432 44 Pichurim 1569 4i Meliloti *459 Farinae Lini i3 6 4 44 Millefolii 38 “ Secalis (flour) 2098 it 44 nobilis 40 FestucaeCarophyllorum (stems) 517 tt Moschatae 1542 Fibnlla Artemisiae 273 tt Naphae 650 Fici 998 tt Oxycanthae 772 Ficus 998 t t Paeoniae l6 43 44 passae 998 tt Papaveris albus 1659 Filix Mas - .. 3°3 tt 44 Rhoeades.. 1658 Flores (flowers) tt 41 rubri 1658 44 Absinthii 44 Acaciae 262 1838 38 tt tt Persicorum Pilosellae ... 149 1081 41 Achillae tt Primulae 1821 44 Agnicasti 2438 44 44 veris 1821 44 Alceae 121 tt Pruni sylvestri 1838 44 Althaea 120 it Ptarmica 4 1 44 Amygdali 146, 147 tt Punicae 1855 44 Anthos 1964 Pyrethri Dal 1862 44 44 roismarini 1964 tt 44 rosei 1865 44 Anthemidis 205 tt Ranunculi 186 44 Aquilegiae 222 tt Rhceades 1658 44 Arnicae. 256 tt Roris marini 1964 44 Aurantii 650 44 Rosae x 959 44 Aurantiorum 650 Rosae incarnata *959 44 Balaustines 1855 It 44 pallida *959 44 Bellidis 359 tt 44 rubrae i960 44 Bismalvae 120 44 Rosarum incarnatum. x 959 44 Boraginis 402 44 44 pallidum 1959 44 Brayerae Anthelmintica 416 tt 44 rubrum. i960 44 Buglosi 160 Sambuci . 2038 4 ‘ Calcitrapae 559 it 44 Canadensis.. 2036 44 Calendulae 460 it Scopariae 834 44 Calthae 469 tt Spartii 834 44 Caprifoliae 1385 tt Spicae T 3°9 44 Carthami 509 tt Stcechados Arabicae... 1310 44 Cassiae (buds) 634 tt 44 citrinae 1080 44 Cassie 2X 44 44 Neapoliti.. 1086 44 Chamaemeli 1441 it Tanaceti 2264 44 Chamomillee ■ H4I tt Thapsi 2401 44 44 foetidae .. 44 44 Romanae I44O 205 Tilae 44 cum bract (with 2317 44 44 spuriae... I44O leaves) 2317 44 Chamomillae vulgaris. I44I Flores Trifolii albi 2334 INDEX. — PHARMACOPCEI AL NAMES. 177 Flores Trifolii odorati .. 1457 Folia Rhois Toxicodendri 1940 44 44 rubri ---- 2333 44 Ricinii x 95o “ Tussilaginus 44 Rosmarini 1964 44 Urticae 2363 44 Rubi fruticosi *973 “ 44 mortuae 44 44 strigosi 1978 44 Verbasci 44 Rutae 1998 44 Violarum 2432 44 Sabinae 1260 44 Viola odorata .... 44 Salviae 2030 Foeniculum 44 Savinae 1260 Foeniculi fruetus 44 Sennae 5 X 9 Folia (leaves) - 44 44 Alexandrinae 5*9 44 Abelmoschi 1 44 44 Indica 526 44 Acetosae 1984 44 44 Marilandicaae .. 527 44 Aceris rubri. 33 44 Sesami 2127 “ 44 striati 44 Stramonii.. 845 44 Aconiti 44 Sumach *935 44 Aim 44 Tabaci 1580 44 44 glutinosae 44 Tamala pathri 634 44 Althaeae 44 Taxi. 2267 44 Anthos 44 Theae 2300 44 Arctostaphyli 44 Toxicodendri 1940 44 Aurantii .. .... 656 * 4 Trifolii fibrini 1481 44 Aurantiorum 44 Tussilago 2348 44 Belladonnae 44 Tylophorae 283 44 Buccu 44 Uvae XJrsi 240 44 Buchu 44 Verbasci 2401 It 44 Vitis viniferae 2AA.O Folliculi sennae (husks) C IQ Frasera IOO7 44 Carobae Fruetus (fruit or seed) 44 Castanae 44 Ajowan *37 44 Cicutae 44 Anethi 192 44 Coca — . 44 Anisi 1718 44 Coluteae 44 44 stellati 1208 44 Conii 703 44 44 vulgaris 1718 44 Daturae alba.. 44 Aurantiimmaturi 656 44 Digitalis 863 44 Aurantii 651 44 Diosmae 44 Belae 72 “ Fagi 994 • 44 Cannabis - 486 44 Farfarae 44 Capsici ■ 492 44 Fraxini 44 Cardamomi . 901 44 Guaco 1495 44 44 minores > 901 44 Hederae 44 Caricae 998 44 Hippocastani 75 44 Carui 510 44 Hyosciami 44 Carvi 510 44 Ilicis aquifolii 44 Cassia Fistulae 525 44 44 Americanae .. 44 Ceratoniae 574 44 Indi 634 44 Citri 653 44 Juglandis 44 Cocculi . 158 44 44 regiae . .... 1252 44 Colocynthidis ■ 79i 44 Juniperi 1257 44 Conii 703 44 4 4 Sabinae 44 Coriandri 739 44 Lauri 1307 44 Cubebae J 734 44 Laurocerasi 44 Cydoniae 816 44 Libanotidis 1964 44 Cumini 798 44 Malabathri 634 44 Cynobasti x 958 44 Malvae x 433 44 Diospyri 867 44 Maticae “ Ecballi 1510 44 Mate . 44 Elaterii 1510 44 Melissae * 4 Foeniculi 1003 44 Menthae crispae * 4 Hibisci esrulenti _ 4 4 44 piperitae.. 1476 44 Hordei 1168 44 44 viridi x 479 44 Juniperi 1257 44 Myrciae x 536 44 Lauri 1307 44 Myricae ceriferae .. 1537 44 Limonis 653 44 Millefolii 38 44 Malus 1875 44 Nicotianae 44 Mori 1527 44 Papaveris 1659 44 Mororum 1527 " 4 Patchouli x 7 6 5 44 Moschatae 1542 44 Persicorum *49 44 Myrtilli 2377 44 Pini x 727 44 Papaveris 1659 44 4 4 Canadensis 4 44 Petrosehni 1692 ' Populi - 1805 44 Piperis longi *735 14 Quercus 1879-1896 44 44 nigri x 737 44 Rhododendri x 930 44 Phellandrii *595 178 INDEX.— PHARMACOPCEIAL NAMES. Fructus Pruni 1832 Gummi Astragali - 318 44 Rhamni iqi8 44 Anime . 1183 14 4 4 catharticae .. 19*5 44 Arabicum . 24 44 Rosae caninse 1958 44 Asafoetida - 1563 44 Sabadillae ._ 239 7 44 Assafoetida - *563 44 Tamarindorum 2259 44 Australe 20 44 Vanillae 2393 44 Benzoe . 2242 44 Benzoini _ _ _ 2242 44 Crispus 606 44 Camphora... . 1302 44 Ceylonensis ...... 44 Carannae 428 44 Hibernicus 606 “ Elasticum - 2158 44 Versiculosus 1017 44 Galbanii Fungus Albus saligneus .. 398 44 Gambiense . 1849 44 Bedeguar 1958 44 Gambir . 19 44 Civinus 398 44 Guaiaci 4 4 Chirurgorum 1399 44 Hederae 44 Cynosbati 1958 44 Juniperi ... . 2305 44 Ignarius - 396 44 Kino . 1849 4 4 4 4 praeparatus.. 396 44 Lamac . 24 44 Laricis 397 44 Leucum . 24 44 Quercinus 396 44 Mimosae 44 Rosarum 1958 44 Myrrha - 344 44 Salacis 398 44 Nutt 44 Sambucinus 983 44 Panacis Fusti (stems) - 5i7 44 Rubrum adstringens. . 1849 Galbanum (gum) Q97 44 44 44 Gambiense 1849 Galla (galls) 1888 44 Sandarac . 2305 Gallae (galls) 1888 44 Sanctum - 1105 44 Aleppo (galls') 1888 44 Sarcocolla - 1685 44 Chinensis (galls) 874 44 Scorpionis - 24 44 Halepenses (galls) 1888 44 Tragacantha - - 3i8 44 Levanticae (galls) 1888 Gutta Gambir 4 4 T urcicae (galls) 1888 44 percha Gambier - 19 44 Tuban (purified) Gambir ...... 19 Haematoxylon Gaultheria .... 1042 Haematoxyli lignum Gelsemium 1043 Hemidesmi radix Gemmae abietis (buds) 1728 Hedeoma 44 Balsamae (buds) 1802 • Helianthemum 44 Capparidis conditae Helleborus - 1137 (buds) 488 Helmintochortos Gemmae Pini (shoots) 1728 Hepatica - IHS 44 Populi (black) 1803 Herb a (herb) Gentiana -> 1050 44 Abrotini 44 Catesbaei 1048 4 4 4 4 foemini - 2049 Gentianae radix 1050 44 44 hortensis ... _ 261 Geranium 1057 44 44 mari ... Gpiim __ _ 1066 44 Absinth i Gillenia 1071 44 Acanthi Glandes Quercus 1878 44 Acetosellae .. 1636 Glandulae Lupuli (Lupulin).. 1169 44 Achillese .. 38 44 Rottlerae (Kameela) 1966 44 Acinos ■- 43 Glycyrrhiza - 1077 44 Aconiti - 54 Glycyrrhizae radix 1077 44 Adianthi albi - 307 Gossypii radicis cortex 1096 44 44 Americani . .. 1798 Gossypium (wool).. 1096 44 44 nigri - 304 Grana Avenionensis (berries) 1 1918 44 44 rubri .. 309 “ gnidi (berries) 837 44 /Egyptiaca - 1458 44 lycii Gallici (berries).. 1918 44 Agerati •- 37 44 Maleguettae — 138 44 Agrimoniae - 83 44 Moschata (seed) 2 44 Alchemilli .. 92 44 Paradisi 138 44 Alexandrina 44 Tiglia (bean) 787 44 Allii Ursini - xo 7 44 Tiglii (bean)... 787 44 Althaeae (leaves) 44 Tilli (bean) 787 44 Alliariae Granati fructus cortex (rind) 1855 44 Amarici 44 radicis cortex 1855 44 Anagallis - 156 Guaiaci lignum 1105 44 Andrographidis 44 resina (resin) 1105 44 Anethi Guarana • j 674 44 Anthos (leaves) .. 1964 Gummi (Gum) 4 4 44 . sylvestris ... .. 1319 O mil mi (gum) — 44 Antirrhini (leaves) ... .. 213 44 Acaciae 24 44 Apocyni andro (leaves) 218 44 Ammoniacum — 879 44 44 cannabini (leaves) 219 44 Acaroides 2449 4 ‘ Arbor vitaea (leaves). .. 2306 INDEX. — PHARMACOPCEIAL NAMES. 179 Herba Arctii (leaves) 237 Armoracise (leaves) 680 Arnica (leaves) -- 256 Artemisiae 262 41 albae 273 44 moxa _. 270 44 vulgaris 273 Asari (leaves) 281 Asperulae 299 Athanasia 2264 Atriplicis fcetida 597 44 Mexicana... 590 Ariculae muris .1164 Ballota 342 Balsaminae 1215 Balsamitse 1866 Barbae caprae 22x4 Barbarae (leaves) 363 Bardanae (leaves) 237 Basilici 1591 Beccabungae 2410 Belladonnae (leaves) ._ 327 Bellidis - 359 Benedicta 1067 Betonica ... 371 Bidensis tripartita 379 Bismalvae (leaves) 120 Boraginis 402 Botrys Mexicana 590 44 vulgaris 590 Branca.. 1149 44 ursina Germanica 1 149 Britannica (leaves) 1988 Buglossi 160 Buglae 1409 Bursae-pastoris . 491 Calamintha 1460 Calendulae (leaves) 460 Calthae sativae (leaves) 460 Cannabis 486 44 Americanae.. 485 44 Indicae 486 Canni 264 Camphoratae 478 Capilli Americani 69 44 veneris 68 Cardiaca 1326 Cardui benedicti 558 44 sancti 558 44 veneris (leaves) 869 Cedronellae 887 Centaurii 602 44 Americanae.. 2001 44 benedicti.... 558 44 minoris 602 Cerifolii ... 208 44 Hispanici 1547 Ceterachi 579 Chamaecyparissus 2049 Chamaedrys 2284 Chamaepityos 86 Chelidonii 586 Cheloni glabrae 588 Chenopodii 591 44 ambrosioides 590 Chimaphilae 599 Chiraytae .... 80 Chiratae 80 Cichorei ... 612 Cicutae (leaves) 703 44 aquatica 614 44 majoris (leaves) 703 44 maculatae (leaves) 703 Cicutae minoris(leaves) 77 44 virosae (leaves). 614 Herba Citronellae 1464 “ Clematidis , 66 1 Clinopodii 450 44 vulgaris 669 Cochleariae 682 Collinsoniae (leaves) .. 690 Conii (leaves) 703 44 maculati (leaves) 703 Consolidae (leaves) 2191 Conyzae 726 44 mediae 1220 Costi 1866 cum floribus Linariae.. 212 Cunilse 1620 44 Americanae 799 Cupressi 2049 Cuscutae 81 1 Cynapii (leaves) 77 Cynoglossi 823 Datiscae (leaves) 841 Daturae (leaves) 845 44 Stramonii (leaves) 845 Dauci (leaves) 847 Delphinii 850 Dens-leonis 2265 Digitalis (leaves) 863 44 purpurea (leaves) 863 Dorea 2191 Doronici (leaves) 256 Dracocephali 886 Dracunculi 265 Dulcamarae 2178 Equiseti... 913 Erigeronitis (leaves).. 920 44 _ Canadensis 919 Erysimi — 2161 Eupatorii - .... 962 44 cannabini... 957 44 perfoliata ... 962 Euphrasiae 980 Farfarae (leaves) 2348 Felis 1575 Flamulae.... 66 1 Fceniculi 1002 Fragariae (leaves) 1005 Fumitorae 1018 Fumariae 1018 Galegae 1020 Galeopsidis 1023 44 grandiflora. 1022 Galli 1027 Gaultheria (leaves) 1042 Genista 1045 Geranii (leaves) 1057 44 Robertiani (leaves)io6o Glastium 1239 Glechomae 1576 Gnaphalii 1081 Gratiolae 1099 Hederae (leaves) 1122 Helianthi 1x26 Hepaticae nobilis 1143 44 stellata 299 4 | trilobae 1145 Hispidulae 1164 Hydrocotyle 1178 Hyosciami (leaves) 1186 44 _ alba 1184 Hyperici 1192 Hyssopi 1197 Iberis - 1198 Ibisci (leaves) 120 Ignis 1342 Impatiens 1215 Impia 1005 180 INDEX. — PHARMACOPCEIAL NAMES. Herba Isatis Jaceae . Lactucae (leaves) “ scariolae (leaves) “ virosae (leaves).. Lamii “ sylvatici foet. Lappa (leaves) Lappa, majoris (leaves large)..,... Lappa, minoris (leaves small) Ledi palustri 44 latifolii Levistici (leaves) Linariae 41 _ cum floribus.. Leonuri Lini cathartici Lobeliae 44 inflatae Luteolae Lycopi Lycopodii Lysimachiae Malvae 44 vulgaris visci 1239 2436 1283 1280 1283 1289 2219 237 - 237 237 1319 1318 1350 212 212 1326 ^63 1374 1374 1913 1409 1403 1415 *433 *433 120 Majoranae .... 1618 Mari veri 2287 Marrubii 1438 “ albi-_-_ 1438 44 aquatici 1409 “ nigri 34 1 Matico (leaves) 259 Matricariae 1864 Meliloti 1459 Melissae 1464 Menthae acutae 1479 44 aquaticae 1469 44 arvensis 1470 44 catariae 1575 44 cnspae 1474 44 equinae 1475 44 piperitae 1476 44 Romanae 1479 44 sylvestris 1475 44 viridis 1479 44 vulgaris 1479 Mercurialis 1483 Mesembryanthemi crys- tallini i486 Millifolii ..... ... 38 44 nobilis 40 Moldavicae 887 Monardae 1511 Myrti (leaves) 1538 Nardi sylvestris 281 Nasturtii 1565 Nepetae 1575 Nicotianae (leaves) 1580 Nummulariae 1413 CEnanthae 1593 44 aquaticae 1594 Ononidis 1606 Origani 1620 44 Cretici 1617 Osmundae (leaves) 1633 Paradisi 1663 Parietariae 1661 Patchouli 1765 Pedicularis — 1675 Pentaphylli 1813 Persicariae 1788 Petroselini 1692 Herba Pilosellae 1164 Pimpernellae hortense.. 1815 Plantaginis lanceolata.. 1748 44 latifolia 1749 Polygalae 1772 44 amarae 1772 44 vulgaris 1778 Portulacae 1806 Prunellae 1828 Ptarmicae 41 Pulegii 1477 Pulmonaria 1854 44 arborea 2228 44 maculata.. 1854 Pulsatillae 188 44 nigricantis.. 188 Pyrethri Germanica 41 Pyrola maculata 598 Ranunculi 186 Rhois Toxicodendri 1940 Ribii (leaves) 1946 Rorellae 889 Roris marini (leaves).. 1964 44 solis 889 Rosmarjni (leaves) 1964 Rosmarini sylvestri 1319 Rubii fruticosa (leaves) 1973 44 idaei (leaves) 1974 44 strigosi (leaves).. 1978 Rutae (leaves) 1998 44 _ inurariae (leaves) 307 Sabinae 1260 44 Virginianae 1261 Salvae (leaves) 2030 44 pratense (leaves) 2032 44 ^ sclareae (leaves) 2033 Saniculi (leaves) 2046 Santolinae 2049 Saponariae 2052 Saturejae 2064 Savinae .... 1260 Schcenanthi 180 Sclareae (leaves) 2033 Scolopendriae 308 Scoparii 834 Scrophulariae 2091 aquaticae 2089 Marilan- dicae 2090 Scutellariae 2097 44 galericulatae 2094 Sempervivi 2108 Senecio ... 2109 Serpylli 2310 Sideritis 2140 Solani furiosi 327 44 lethalis 327 44 nigri 2182 44 maniaci 327 44 Dulcamari 2178 Sonchi 2192 Sparti 834 Spilanthis 2208 44 oleraceae 2208 Stramonii (leaves) 845 Spiraeae 2213 Symphiti (leaves) 2253 Tabaci (leaves) 1580 Tanaceti 2264 Taraxici 2265 JTheae 2300 Thujae (leaves) 2306 Thymi ... 2311 44 vulgaris 2311 Trifolii albi (flowers).. 2334 INDEX. — PHARMACOPCEIAL NAMES. 181 Herba Trifolii acetosi 1636 Lignum Colubrinum 2233 44 44 odorati *459 44 Fernambuci 443 44 44 fibrini (leaf) — . 1481 44 Guaiaci 1105 44 Guajaci 1105 44 41 rubri 2333 44 Haematoxyli 1117 “ Tussilaginis 2348 44 Hederse arboreae .... 1122 44 Urticse 2363 44 Indicum 1105 44 44 majoris 2363 44 1117 4 4 44 minoris 2367 44 Nephriticum 1524 44 44 mortuae 2365 44 Pavanse 787 44 Uvae Ursi 240 44 Pterocarpi 1850 44 Verbasci 2401 4 4 Quassiae 2152 44 Verbenae 2403 H tt 2152 44 Veronicae. 2412 “ 44 Surinamensis 2152 44 Viacae -2426-2427 44 Rhodn 72 1 44 Violae 2432 44 Rhodium 721 44 44 tricoloris 2436 44 Sanctum 1105 44 Violarum 2432 44 Santa Marthse 443 44 Virgae aureae . 2191 44 Santali abli 2048 44 Xanthii (leaves) 2445 44 44 citrinum 2048 Heuchera HS3 44 Santalinum rubrum.. 1850 Hordeum 1168 44 Sappan 446 44 decorticatum (pearl) 1168 44 Sassafras 2061 44 perlatum (pearl).. 1668 44 Taxi 2267 44 preparatum (pre 44 Vitae 1105 pared) 1168 Limones 653 .1168 Limonis cortex (peel) 653 Humuli Lupuli 1169 44 succus (juice) 653 Humulus 1169 Lini farina (meal) *3 6 4 Hydrastis — - H77 44 semina (seed) i3 6 4 Hyosciami folia - 1186 Linum (seed) 1364 44 semen - 1186 Liquidamfear 1367 Ignatia - - 2234 Liriodendron . 1368 Indigo - - 1217 Lobelia 1374 Inula - 1221 Lupulin (Lupulin) 1169 Ipecacuanha - 565 Lupulina (Lupulin) 1169 Iris Florentina - 1232 Lupulus (hop) 1169 44 versicolor - 1238 Lycopodium . 1403 Jalapa — . 1225 Ly copus 1411 Juglans . 1250 Macis (mace) 1542 Jujubae . 1922 Magnolia 142S Juniperus - 1257 Mala aurantii . 656 44 Virginianus - 1261 44 citrae ... ■ 653 Kamala . 1966 Maltum (malt) . 1168 Kino Malum Persicum (fruit) • 149 44 Indicum - 1849 Manna (manna) . 1010 Kousso - 416 44 Tamarissina (Tama- Krameria.. risk manna) . 2261 Krameriae radix - 1275 Maranta • J 43 6 Lacca alba — - - 96 Marrubium . 1438 44 musica - i3 J 6 Mastiche (gum) ■ i74i Lacmus Mastix (gum) ■ I74i Lactuca Matico ■ 259 Lactucariurn Matricaria • 1441 tt Medulla sambuci(pith, ofstem)2036 44 Germanicum... - 1283 44 Sassafras(pith, ofstem)2o6i Laminaria Meconium . 1659 Lappa — Melissa - 1464 Laurocerasi folia — - 1833 Mentha piperita • i47 6 Lavandula 44 viridis ■ 1479 Leptandra Mezereum ■ 839 Lichen caragheen Mezerci cortex - 839 44 cocciferus Monarda - 1515 44 Islandicus . 580 Monesia (extract) 609 44 Tartareus Mori albi . 1526 Lig'iiuiu (wood) 44 nigri ■ 1527 44 Agallochi 44 succus • 1527 44 Aloes Moxae (pith of) 2036-1126 44 Anacahuitse - 735 Mucuna ■ 877 44 Aspalati Myristica - 1542 44 Benedictum 44 adeps, (oil, expressed) 1542 44 Brasile - 446 Myrrha (gum) • 344 44 Brasiliense rubrum. - 443 Myxae - 73 6 44 Campechianum .. 1117 Nectandra (bark) ■ 1570 44 Citrinum — - *53° Nectandrae cortex (bark) ■ 1570 182 INDEX. — PHARMACOPCEIAL NAMES. Xuces (nut.) Oleum Cascarillae 778 14 Americana; 44 Cassiae (of bark) * 3°4 Aquaticae Castoris 1950 Arecae ... 241 11 Cebadillae (of seed) .. 2397 ii Behen... --- 1525 U Cedri 654 11 Barbadensis Chaerophylli (herb).. 208 Betel (betle) ... 241 11 Chamomillae 1441 u Cathartica U Chamaemeli aeth 205 ik Cupressi 11 Chenopodii 59 i ll Juglandis --- 1253 11 Cinnamomi 6 39 44 44 cinereae . ... 1250 44 1304 K Moschatae ... 1542 44 cassiae 1304 41 Persicorum (“stones ) 140 44 veri 639 u Pineae ... 1724 11 44 Zelanici.. 639 u Quercus ... 1878 11 Citri 653 44 Vomicae --- 2235 ll 44 florum (flower).. 654 4 4 Pistachiae ... 1742 11 Cocois|.._ 683 Nuclei Myristicae ... 1542 4-4 butyraceae 683 Nux Moschata ... 1542 44 nuciferae 683 44 Vomica Conii 7°3 Oculi populi (buds) Copaibae (Oil of Co- Oculis Christi _. paiba) 727 41 1 Oil 111 ( niU CorianHri n'lCk «i Abietis 4 Corticis Aurantii(peel) 650 Absinthii Coryli 761 it Abrofrani U Croci.. 776 44 Acori ... 60 11 Crotonis 787 i% Aloeticum 115-114 11 Cubebae .... i ?34 44 Amygdalae 146-147 11 Cumini (of seed) 798 ll 44 amarae _ ... 146 U Curacoa (of peel) 656 44 4 expressum 11 Cymini (of seed) 798 (expressed) 146-147 44 de Cedro 653 44 Amygdalarum 146-147 de Colza (of seed) 409 4> Anamirtae cocculL — 158 H de Kerva 1950 44 Anethi 11 Digitalis 863 44 Andropogonis Nardi. 179 11 Diosmae 351-352 44 44 Citrati 177 11 Ergotae 2086 Vi 44 Schcenanthi 180 11 Erigerontis Canadensis 919 44 Anisi - 11 Erechthites . 915 44 44 stellati 11 Fabarum pichurim (of 4 < Anthemidis beans) 1569 Anthos ... 1964 11 Fagi (of nut) 994 44 Arachis — 229 11 Filicis 3°3 44 Armoraciae ... 680 11 44 maris 303 44 Arnicae flores (flowers) 256 Florum naphae (of 44 44 radicum (root) 256 flowers) 650 44 Asari 280-281 11 Faeniculi 1003 44 Aurantii 650-656 H 44 dulcis 1002 44 corticis (peel) 650-656 11 44 vulgaris igi 44 44 florum(flowers) 650-656 11 Fructum Juniperum 44 folii (leaves).. 650-656 11 (of berries) I2 57 44 Balanium --- 1525 11 Galbani 997 44 Balatinum --- 1525 11 Gaultheriae 1042 44 Barosmae .... 35 I “ 35 2 11 Geranii 1681 44 Belladonnae (fruit) -- 327 11 Guaiaci 1105 44 Benzoini (of gum). 2242 1C Hedeomae 1121 Bergamii --- 652 11 Helianthi (seed oil).. 1126 44 Bergamottae 11 Hyosciami 1186 Betulae — 372 ll Hyperici 1192 Buxi ... 430 Hyssopi 1197 Cadinum 11 Infernale 804 44 Cajeputi ... 1447 11 Jasmini (flowers) . . 1246 4 * Cajuputi ... 1447 H Jatrophae curcadis... 804 44 Calami — Juglandis 1253 44 Camphorae (Oil of 11 J uniperi (berries) 1257 44 Camphor, volatile.. 1302 ll 44 empyreumaticum 1259 4i Cannabis (of seed).. 486 11 44 Virginianum 1261 Capsici ... 492 Lapidum prunarum Cardamomi (of seed) 901 (pitts) 1832 44 Cari (of seed) --- 510 11 Lathyris 974 44 Carlinae (of root). ... 506 11 Lauri exp. 1307 44 Carui (of seed) — — 5 10 44 Sassafras 2061 14 Carvi (of seed) — — 510 44 volatil 1307 14 Caryophylli .... 517 Laurinum 1307 Caryophyllorum . . --- 5 T 7 Lauro cerasi ^33 INDEX.— PH ARM ACOPCEIAL NAMES. 183 Oleum Lavandulae (flowers).. 1311 Oleum Rosmarini 1964 “ 44 flores (flowers) 1311 44 Rutae 1998 44 spicatae 1309 44 Sabinae 1260 u 44 vera (flowers) 1311 44 Salviae 2030 “ Liliarum (flowers) nss 44 Sambuci 2038 ‘ k Limonis 653 4 4 Santalini albi (and Other Limonium 6^3 44 species) - 2048 Limettae 652 44 Santalini ligni 2048 “ Lini x 3 6 4 44 Sassafras — 2061 14 Lobeliae 1374 44 Satureja 2064 44 Lupuli 1169 44 Serpylli 2310 u Macidis 1542 44 Sesami 2127 Macis essentiale 1542 44 Sinapis 2154 “ Madi 1442 44 Spicae I 3°9 u Marjoranae 1618 44 Spirae ulmariae 2214 “ Matico - 259 44 Stcechadis 1309 “ Melaleuc ae 1447 44 Stillingiae 2230 • 4 Melissae 1464 44 Strobuli pini (tops) 4 “ Menthae H79 44 Tabacae 1580 44 44 crispae 1474 44 T abaci 1580 44 4 ‘ piperitae 1476 44 Tanaceti - 2264 it 44 pulegii *477 44 Terebinthinae (and other “ 44 viridis 1479 species) 1725 41 Millefolii 38 44 Thymi _ 2311 Monardae **15 44 Tiglii 787 41 Moschi 982 44 Valerianae 2388 4% Myristicae (volatile) .. 1542 44 Vitis (of vine) 2440 44 44 (expressed) 1542 44 Xanthoxylii 2453 44 44 essentiale (vol 44 Zingiberis 2463 atile) 1542 Olibanum Americanum (gum) 1259 44 Myristicae expressum, 44 Arabicum 1258 (expressed) 1542 44 ostindi 405 44 Myrti (blossoms) 1550 44 sylvatici 1728 44 Narcissi — 1 555 Opobalsamum 152 44 Neroli (flowers) 650 44 siccum (dry bal- 44 Nucis moschata 1542 sam) 1544 a 44 pini (nuts) 1724 Opopanax (resin) . 1672 44 Nucistae expressum (but Origanum . 1620 ter of) 1542 Orleana (Annotto) • 386 44 Nucum juglandis !253 Orseilla _ 1346 44 Olivae 1601 Panax . 1649 44 Olivarum ...... 1601 Papaver • 1659 IV 44 Provincial Papaveris capsulae (white) 1659 (Provence) 1601 Pareira • 645 “ Olivarum viridis (com- 44 radix. 645 mon) 1601 Passulae maioris (raisins) 2440 #.v Origani — 1620 44 minoris ■ 2439 44 44 cretici 1617 Pasta guarana ■ 1674 44 Palmae.. 899 Pendunculi cerasorum (stems) 1831 44 44 Christi 1950 Pepo (seed) ■ 797 44 Papaveris (seed oil) 1659 Petala rosse centifolia • J 959 II Petroselini 1692 44 44 Gallica . i960 (1 Patchouli 1765 Petroselinum . 1692 44 Pepo (seed oil) 797 Physostigma . 1712 44 Pichurim (nuts) 1569 Physostigmatis faba . 1712 44 Picis liquidae (oil of tar) Phytolaccae bacca (berry) I 7 I 5 (Pinus of several species) 44 radix (root) I 7 I 5 44 Pimentae 948 Pigmentum Indicum 1217 44 Pimpinellae — 2044 Pimenta 948 Pini Canadense _ A Piper (black) _ .. ... 17*37 44 44 rub. um (oil of tar) » 44 album (white) ■ A /o/ • 17 37 (Pinus of several species) 44 aromaticum (black) • J 717 44 Pini sylvestri j 1728 44 caudatum ■ 1734 44 Piperis 1737 Hispanicum ■ 492 44 Populus 1804 44 Jamaicense . 948 44 Provinciale 1601 44 longum • 1 735 II Pulegii 1477 44 nigrum (black) ‘ 1737 44 Radicis carlinae 506 Pix abietina (pitch) 6 44 Rapae 409 44 alba (pitch) of several spe- 44 Raphini 2155 cies 6 44 Ricini I 95° 44 arida (pitch) of several 44 Rorismari 1964 species 6 44 Rosae (and other spe- 44 Burgundica (pitch) . 6 ciesl . iofir 44 Canadensis 44 ....... 4 Rosarum (by infusion) 1959 184 INDEX.— PHARMACOPOEIA! . NAMES. Pix liquida (tar), Pinus and Radix Asclepiadis 285 other species ‘ 1 navalis (black pitch) , Abies 172S Asclepias incarnata 289 Asclepias Syriaca 292 of several species) 6 n 44 tuberosa 293 “ nigra (black pitch), Abies U Asparagi 296 of several species 6 ti Astrantiaa.- 44 solida (black pitch), Abies ll Bardanae 3*9 237 of several species- 6 *1 Belladonnae _ _ _ 327 362 Placenta seminis lini (oil cake), 1364 Berberidis Podophylli radix 17O4 Bismalvae 120 Podophyllum 1764 Bistortae 1784 Polygala rubella Poma acidula (sour) 44 aurantiiimmatura(un- 1775 1875 Brancae ursinae . Brasiliense 1149 565 Bryoniae 420 ripe ft.) 650 It Buglossi 161 44 citri (fruit) 653 Cahincae 600 44 colycynthidis 7 qi 14 Calagualae .. 1794 Prinos 1827 Calami 60 Pruna (prunes) 1832 II Caltha alpinae 256 1838 1832 Calumbae 677 1607 Prunum (prunes) Cardui Prunus Virginiana (bark) 1839 II Caricis 504 Pterocarpi lignum 1850 II Carlinae 506 Pulpa Tamarindorum (pulp).. 2259 44 Caryophyllatae 1067 Pyrethri radix 154 II aquaticae 1066 Pyrethum 154 II 44 urbana.. 1067 Quassia . 2152 44 Cassamunar 2462 Quassias lignum 2152 II Cepae 103 Quercus alba 1879 Cervariae J 340 1899 1899 •I Chinae 2167 2173 44 tinctoria II 44 Americana; Radix (root) 11 44 Orientals 2167 44 Abri 12 It 44 spuriae 2173 44 Acanthi 1607 II Chirayta 1 80 44 Aconiti 54 II Cichorei ... 6n 44 44 heterophylli 52 II Cicutae 614 “ 44 hyemalis .. 1136 II 44 virosae 614 44 44 Indicae - 48 »l Cimicifuga 616 44 44 racemosae 64 44 serpentariae 616 44 Acori- 60 It Colchici 688 44 Actae racemosa 616 II Collinsoniae 690 44 Adonidis 7 i II Colombo 677 44 Alcannae 162 “ Columbo 677 44 Alkannas 162 II 44 Americanum.. 1007 44 Allii - 103 44 spuria 763 44 44 sativa 105 44 Consolida majoris 2253 44 Althaeae 120 44 Contrayerva 882 44 Anethiursini 1492 II Corallorhiza - 73 1 44 Angelicae 44 4 * sylvestris 195 II Curcumae 806 . 196 44 44 longae 806 44 Anti-cholerica 2194 * 4 44 rotundae 3 o 6 44 Apii montani 321 II Cyperi 824 44 Apocyni andro 218 it Datura. 845 44 4 4 cannabini 219 II Dauci. 847 44 Araliae nudicaulis 23 1 It 44 sativi 847 4 4 44 racemosae 232 44 Dentallaria 1757 44 44 spinosae 233 II Delphinium 850 44 Archangelicae *95 II Dens-leonis ... 2265 44 Ari maculati 276 Dictamni 859 44 44 triphvlli 277 Donacis 278 44 Aristolochiae 253 Doronica 880 4 4 44 clematidis. 247 It Dysentericae 565 44 44 longae 249 II Elebori ii 37 44 44 rotundae __ 25 1 ll Enulae 1221 44 44 solidae 251 II Eryngii ....... 928 44 4 4 vulgaris... 247 II Eupatorii.. 957 44 Armoraciae 680 Farfarae - 2348 44 A mi r T*' *56 276 Filicis maris ... - 303 2210 44 Aronis Filipendulae 44 Artemisiae 273 li Fceniculi ursini. T 49 2 44 Arundinis 278 II Fragaria 1005 ‘ 4 44 vulgaris 279 II Fraxinellae 859 44 Asari - 281 ll Galangae - 116 “ 44 Candensis 280 if Gentianae 1050 44 44 Europaeus. 281 44 albae 1296 INDEX.— PHARMACOPCE 1 AL NAMES. 185 Radix Gentianae nigrae. 1 34 ° Radix Oreoselini 321 44 rubrae . 1050 Osmundae 1633 Ginseng 1650 44 Ostruthii 1216 44 Americana... 1649 44 Paeoniae 1643 Glaucii... 585 44 Pareira 645 Glycyrrhiza .. 1077 44 44 Bravae . 645 44 echinata.. 1076 44 Paridis . 1663 “ Hispanica 1077 44 Pastinacae 1673 Gossypii 1096 * 4 Patientiae 1992 Graminis 2340 U Personatae 256 44 rubri 504 44 Petroselini 1692 Graniti 1855 44 Peucedani 1693 “ Guaco 1495 Phytolaccae 1715 • 4 Helenii 1221 44 Pimpinella 1720 Helianthi tuberosi 1128 44 Pimpinellae alba ... ■ J 7*9 Hellebori albi.... 2396 44 Italicae 2044 44 fcetidi II 3 S 44 44 minoris 1815 44 44 hyemalis... II36 4 % 4 ’ majoris 1719 U hortensis 1719 44 44 viridis II36 nigra - 1720 n Helonias 11 39 44 Pistolochiae 250 “ Hernidesmi 1141 44 Plantaginis 99 Heraclei 1148 Podophylli 1764 11 Hermodactyli 689 Polemonii 1770 Hirundinariae 295 Polygalae amarae 1772 u Hydrastis Canadensis. 1177 U 44 Virginicae... 1776 4 ‘ Ibisci 120 44 vulgaris 1774 “ Ictodes foetidi 1200 %% Polypodii 1797 44 4 % P<;piid-arori __ ... 121^ K 44 nigra 3 r 9 Ptarmicae 41 * 4 Indica Lopeziana 2320 4 k 44 montanae 256 u Inulae 1221 4 * Pyrethri 154 565 44 44 1 44 albae 1949 4 % 44 communis J 53 44 44 amylaceae 1949 44 44 Germanica.. i 53 44 44 annualatae, • S^S 44 44 Romanae 154 4 4 44 nigrae 1845 Ranunculi 1908 44 44 striatae 1845 Raphani 680 4 i 44 undulatae . 1949 44 Rapontica 1927 44 Iridis Florentina ■ J 232 Ratanhae !275 4 4 44 nostatis._ , J 234 Restae bovis 1606 44 44 versicolor I238 Rhabarb 1925 l * Iwarancusae ■ x 7 8 44 Rhapontici 1927 U Jaborandi 1739 Rhei 1925 44 Jalapae ■ 1225 44 44 albi 1924 ♦4 44 albae 717 44 44 Asiatica 1925 44 44 laevis . 1227 44 Austriacae 1927 44 Krameriae 1275 44 44 Buchari 1926 Lapathi acuti 1991 4 4 44 Chinensis.. 1926 Lappae minor _ 237 44 14 Indici 1926 Laserpitii Germanici.. • 1350 N 4 Rhinacanthi 1265 44 Levistici - ■ * 35 « 44 Rhodia 2IOI * 4 Lilli albi 1355 Rosae regiae 1643 Liliorum convallium. .. 707 Rubi fruticosi 1973 44 Liquiritiae 1077 44 villosi 1979 44 44 glabrae — . 1077 44 Rubiae tinctoria 1968 4 ‘ mundata. 1076 44 Salicis nigra 2014 44 Russica 1076 44 Salsaparillae (and other i 4 Lopeziana 2320 species') 2169 44 Malva visca 120 %% Sanguinariae 204I 44 Mandragorae 328 44 Saniculae 2046 Maniaca 327 44 Americanae.. 2045 iS Mechoacannae. _ 717 44 44 nigra 2047 44 nigra.. .. 1225 44 Saponariae 2052 Melampodii ”37 44 albae 1396 44 Metalistae 1502 44 HispamcaeV III 4 44 Meu _ 1492 44 rubrae* 2052 Mezerei 839 Sarsae 2170 Morus diaboli 2076 4 4 Sarsaparillae (and other Nardi 1559 species) 2169 11 44 Indici 1559 44 Sarsaparillae Germanica 504 Ninsi 2166 44 Indici II4I U Nymphaea 1587 44 Sarzae... 2175 CEnanthes J 593 Sassafras — 2061 Ononidis 1606 186 INDEX.— PHARMACOPCEIAL NAMES. Radix Sassaparillse (and other Rhizoma Calami aromatici... 60 species) 2169 Caricis 5°4 Saxifragae 2210 ,k Chinae 2167 Scammonise 720 Coptidis . 728 • k Scillae 2082 ‘ l Curcumae 806 *4 Scorzonerse 2088 “ Filicis _ • 3°3 “ Scrophulariae 2090 “ Galangae 116 k aquaticse 2089 “ Graminis 2340 “ “ vulgaris. 2091 ** Imperatoriae 1216 Senegse 1776 k ‘ Iridis 1232 “ Senekae 1776 “ Podophylli 1764 “ Serpentariae 253 kk Tormentillae 1814 “ Virginianae 253 “ Veratri 2396 “ Sisaris 2166 * ‘ viridis 2398 Solani 327 “ Zedoariae 807 quadrifolia. 1663 “ Zingiberis 2463 Spigelia . 2204 Rhoeas (petals) . 1658 “ “ Marilandica . . 2205 Rhoeados petala (petals) . 1658 Squillae 2082 Rhus glabrum (berries) 1938 “ Stillingia 2330 Rob Rhamni (juice) * 9*5 Succisae 2076 “ Sambuci (juice) 2038 44 Sumbul 982 Rosa Canina fructus (fruit).... 1958 •4 Symphytii 2253 “ centifolia (petals) 1959 44 Taraxaci 2265 tf centifoliae petala (petals) 1959 “ cum herba ik Gallica (petals) i960 (root and herb) 2265 k * 4i petala (petals).. i960 Tinosporae 676 Rosmarinus 1964 Tormentillae 1814 Rottlera 1966 tt Toddaliae 2320 Rubia (root) 1968 4 i Turpethi 723 Rubus (root) 1971 “ Tussilaginis ... 2348 Rumex 1989 Tylophorae . 283 Ruta 1998 u Urticae 2363 Sabadilla 2397 Valerianae 2388 Sabbatia 2001 “ Americanae.. 2389 Sabina.. 1260 “ minoris 2388 Sabinae cacumina 1260 u “ montanae 2388 Saccharum (Refined sugar)... 2004 “ Veratri abli 2396 kk Acerinum (Maple it kk viridis 2398 sugar) 34 iV Vettivar 178 kl album (White sugar) 2004 it Victorialis 1072 Sago (prepared pith) 2007 kk Vincetoxici 295 “ perlata (Pearl sago) 2007 k ‘ Viola 2432 Salix 2009 it Xanthii 237 Salvia 2030 “ Zarsaparilla 2170 Sambucus 2036 Zarzae 2170 Sambuci (lores 2038 Zedoariaea 807 Sandaraca Germanica 2305 u Zerumbet 2464 Sandaracha (Sandarach) 23^5 ii Zingiberis 143-2463 Sanguinaria 2041 ii kk Africanis .. 143-2463 Sanguis Draconis (resin) 454 ll “ condita 143-2463 Santalum.- 1850 kk * 4 Jamaicensis 143- -2463 Santonica (undetermined spe- Ranunculus 1908 cies).... 264 Resina (Resin) — Sarsae radix .... 2170 44 Acaroides (and other Sarsaparilla (and other species)2i7o species) 2449 Sassafras 2061 44 alba (from Pinus of kk medulla (pith) 2061 44 several species) 1726 k * radix (root, with bark) 2061 Benzoe 2242 Scammonise radix (root) 720 44 Carannae 428 Scammonium (resin) 720 44 Draconis ._ 454 kk Smyrnseum 1690 4 4 Elastica 2x58 Scilla 2082 Gambiensis 1849 Scorbuli Lupuli (Lupuline). .. 1169 44 Guaiaci . 1105 Scutellaria 2097 44 Kino... 1849 Sebestenae 736 44 Ladanum - 646 Secale clavatum 2086 44 Lentiscium 1741 “ cornutum 2086 Lutea 2449 kk luxurians 2086 Mastiche 1741 Semen (seed) — Mastix 1741 kk Abelmoschi 2 Oleae 1601 kk Adjowaen *37 Rhei Radix (and other species)i926 “ Agni casti (fruit) 2438 Rheum (and other species) ... 1926 kk Ajavae *37 Rhizoma Asari 281 “ Ammi *37 Calami 60 tl Amomi 948 INDEX. —PHARMACOPCEIAL NAMES. 187 Semen Amygdali amarum-.. 44 44 ^ dulce 44 Anacardii 44 Andae - - 41 Anethi 44 Angelicae - 44 Anguriae 44 Anisi stellati 44 44 vulgaris 44 Anti-cholerica 44 Apii graveolens 44 Arecae (nuts) 44 Athanasiae 44 Avellanae (nut) *• Badiani 44 Bardanae - 44 Berberidis 44 Bonducellae (nuts) 44 Canariensis 44 Cannabis.. . 44 Cardamomi majoris (large) minoris (small) rotundis (round)... Cardui . Carthami Carui Carvi - Carvi montani Cataputiae Cebadillae _ Chenopodii. Chervil Cicutae Cinae 44 Americanae 41 Barbaricum (and other species). 44 Levanticum Citrulli---. Coccognidii ._ Cocculi Indici Cochleariae Colchici Conii maculati Contra Coriandri - Crotonis Cucumis ... Cucurbitae 44 Lagenaria.. Cumini 44 # nigri Cydoniae Cymini Cynae Levanticae Cynobasti Daturae 44 albae 44 _ stramonii Dauci sativae 44 sylvestris Delphinii Erucae .... et folia Daturae albae (seed and flowers)... Euphorbiae lathyris.. Fceniculi 44 aquatici 44 Cretici 44 dulcis 146 147 2107 163 192 195 795 1208 1718 2193 2I S 241 2264 761 1208 237 363 II07 1699 486 901 902 901 I40 502 502 509 510 5*o 798 1950 2397 59 1 208 ill 591 264 264 795 839 158 682 688 703 264 739 787 793 797 796 798 1582 816 798 264 1958 845 842 845 847 847 850 2154 842 974 191 1595 1003 ico2 Semen Fceniculi Romani 1003 44 4 4 vulgaris.. 191 44 Foeni-Graeci 2336 44 Foenugraeci 2336 44 Guilandinae - 1107 * 4 Gynocardiae 1113 44 Helianthi 1126 44 Hippocastani 75 44 Hordei (Pearl barley) 1168 44 Hyosciami 1186 44 Ignatii 2234 44 Ispaghulae 1746 44 Kaladanae... — 715 44 Laserputii 1350 44 Levistici 1350 44 Lini 1364 44 Lithospermi. 1370 44 Lobeliae 1374 44 Lycopodii (Lycopo- dium) 1403 44 Melanthii 1582 44 Milii 1654 44 44 solis 1370 44 Myristicae 1542 44 Nigellae 1582 44 Nucis vomicae 2235 44 Nicotianae 1580 44 Oryzae (Rice) 1629 44 Poeoniae 1643 44 Papaveris ^Maw seed) 1659 44 album (vari- ety of alba) 1659 44 44 coeruleum (blue) 1659 44 44 nigrum 1657 44 Pedicularis 852 44 Pepo...... 797 44 Petroselini 1692 44 Phalaris. 1699 44 Phellandrii aquatica.. 1595 44 Physostigmatis 1712 44 Psyllii 1751 44 Rapa 409 44 Ricini ........... 1950 44 44 majoris 804 44 Rosa Benedictae 1643 44 Sabadillae 2397 44 Sanctum 264 44 Santonici 264 44 Sinae (Cinae) 264 44 Sinapis (black and white). .2157-2154 “ “ 2157 44 44 albae 2154 * 4 44 nigrae 2157 44 Staphidis agriae 852 44 Staphisagriae 852 4 ‘ Stramonii 845 44 Strychni 2235 44 T abaci 1580 44 Tanaceti 2264 “ Tiglii 787 44 Urticae 2367 44 vel anthrodi cinae (and other species) 264 44 Zedoariae (and other species) 264 4 4 Zinae (and other species) 264 Semina Stramoni 845 Senega ....... 1776 44 radix. 1776 Senna (and other species) 519 44 Alexandrina (and other species) 526 44 Indica (and other species) 519 188 INDEX. — PHARM ACOPCEI AL NAMES. Serpentaria 253 Serpentarise radix 253 Sesamum (leaves) 2127 Sesami folium (leaves) 2127 Setae siliqua hursutae 877 41 mucuna 877 Siliqua Bablah (pods) 18 “ Dividivi 441 “ Dulcis 574 44 hursuta 877 44 Libidibi 441 44 purgativa 525 44 vanillae 2393 Sinapis (seed) 2157-2154 4 * alba (seed) 2154 44 rrigra (seed) 2157 Simaruba — — 2153 SolidagO- 2189 Spica Celtica 2383 44 Indica - 2383 Spigelia 2205 Spiraea — 2213 Sporulae lycopodii (Lycopo- dium) 1403 Statice . 2224 Stillingia . 2230 Stipites amarae dulcis (stems) 2178 44 cerasorum (stems) 1831 44 caryophylli (stems) . . 517 “ Dulcamarae (twigs) .. 2178 Storax (balsam) 1366 44 calamita . .. — 1366 44 liquidi (liquid) 1366 Stramonii folia (leaves) 845 44 semen (seed). 845 44 semina (seed) 845 Strobuli Lupuli ...* 1169 Styrax (balsam) 1366 44 liquidus (liquid) . 1366 Suber (cork > — 1898 Succus Absinthii (juice) 262 44 Acacia vera (from the greenpods) 18-24 44 Aconitii (juice). 54 44 Belladonnae (juice) ... 327 44 Catechu (gum) 19 41 Citrijjuice) — 653 44 Conii (juice) — 703 44 Dauci (juice) 847 44 Digitalis (juice) 863 44 Glycyrrhizaecrudus (ex- tract)... 1077 44 Hyosciami (juice) 1186 44 Juniperi (juice) 1257 “ Lactucae (juice) 1282 ,>4 Limonis 653 44 Liquiritiae crudus 1077 *' Mori (juice) 1527 44 Rhamm ( juice) 1915 44 Sambuci (juice) 2038 44 Taraxici (juice) 2265 4 4 Thebaicus (Opium)... 1659 44 Scoparii (juice) 834 44 Viridis (sap) 1915 Sumbul radix 982 Summitates Absinthi (tops).. 262 44 Juniperi (tops) 1257 * 4 Meliloti 1459 44 Millefoli (flowers). 38 44 Patchouli.... 1765 4V Sabinae 1260 Summitates Scopariae (tops).. 834 Tabacum 1580 Tacamahac (resin) 991 Tamarindi 2259 Tamarindus 2259 Tanacetum 2264 Tapioca (Tapioca) 1248 Taraxaci radix 2265 Taraxacum 2265 Terebinthma (Turpentine, and from other species) 1725 44 Canadensis (bal- sam of fir) 3 44 alba (from sev- eral species).. 1725 44 Argentoratensis n 44 Communis (from several species) 1725 44 Germanica (and from other spe- cies).... 1728 44 Laricis 7 44 Laricina 7 ' 4 Strassburgensis. 11 44 Veneta 7 vulgaris (and from other spe- cies) 1725 Thea Bohea 2299 44 Chinensis 2300 44 Hispanica 590 ' 4 nigra 2299 44 Romanae 590 44 Paraguay 1206 ' 4 viridis.... 2301 Thridace 1283 Thus Arnericanum (American turpentine, hard) 1729-1725 Thus vulgaris (gum turpent- ine) 1729-1725 Tormentilla 1814 Toxicodendron 1940 Tragacantha (and other spe- cies) 318 Tridace 1283 Triosteum .... .... 2339 Tubera Aconiti 54 44 China 2167 44 Colchici 688 44 Jalapa 1225 Turiones Abietis (tops) 8 44 Juniperi 1257 4 * Pini (pine shoots)... 1725 Ulmi cortex 2354 Ulmus - 2355 44 fulva 2355 Uva passa (Raisins) 2440 Uva Ursi 240 Uvae Ur si folia 240 Uvae (Raisins) 2440 Valeriana 2388 Valerianae radix 2388 Vanilla.... 2393 Verati viridis radix 2398 Veratrum album ... 2396 44 viride 2398 Viola - 2434 Xanthorrhiza 2448 Xanthoxylum 2453 Zingiber.... - — 2463 INDEX. OILS. Giving their Common Names , and the Drug from which they are produced. OIL Almond “ Andiroba “ A radii* u Aspic “ Bancoul “ Bay | “ Beech Nut j “ u “ Euro-j pea n | “ Ben | “ Benne -j “ Carap _ “ Cashew Apple. .. | “ “ Nut ] “ Cast an a -j “ Castor u Cebadilla “ Cocoanut... “ Colza -j “ Corooka -j “ Coondi “ Cottonseed -j “ Croton -j “ Cucumber Seed. ,k Cumaru “ Hippel's j “ Domba “ Earth Nut “ Exile j “ Flaxseed “ Florence “ Fusel -j “ Ginger Crass “ Gingelly | “ Crass -J “ Ground Nut “ Hempseed | “ Huts’ Yellow.... | “ .latropha j “ Kan air i i The expressed oil of Amygdalus Communis. Carap Oil, Carapa Guianensis. Peanut Oil, Arachis Hypogaea. Oil of Spike Lavender, Lavendula Spica. Lumbang Oil, Aleurites Triloba. The fixed oil from the berries, Laurus Nobilis. The fixed oil from the nuts of Fagus Fer- ruginea and species. The fixed oil from the nuts of Fagus Syl- vatica. The fixed oil from the seed, Moringa Ptery- gosperma. The oil of the seed, Sesamum Indicum and Orientale. The solid fixed oil of Carapa Guianensis. The vesicatory oil, Anacardium Occident- ale. The edible fixed, oil, Anacardium Occi- dentale. The expressed fixed oil of the nuts, Ber- tholletia Excelsa. The expressed fixed oil, Ricinus Communis. The fixed, fatty oil, Veratrum Officinale. The expressed fixed oil of Cocos Nucifera. The fixed oil of the seed, Brassica Cam- pestris. An Indian medicinal oil distilled from Arge- mone Mexicana. Mote Oil, Carapa Guianensis. The expressed seed oil of Gossypium Herb- aceum. The fixed oil of Croton Seed, Croton Tig- lium and other species. See Sassa Oil. See Tonquin Oil. A volatile oil by destructive distillation of bones. Poon Seed Oil. See Peanut Oil. The fixed oil from the kernals of Thevetia Nerifolia. See Linseed Oil. See Olive Oil. The essential oil distilled from wine and spirits. See Grass Oil. The oil expressed from the seed of Sesa- mum Indicum. The volatile oil from Andropogon Schoen- anthus and other species. See Peanut Oil. The fixed, drying oil by expression, Can- nabis Sativa. The fixed oil of Niger Seed, Guizotia Olei- fera. The oil of Barbadoes nuts, Curcus Purgans and other species. The fixed oil of the fruit, Canarium Com- mune. 190 INDEX.— OILS. Kopii;i J The oil obtained from Calophyllum Ino- j phyllum. Kekune Spanish Walnut Oil, Aleurites Triloba. Kikuel -j bustard Tree, oil of seed, Salvadora Per- Kossumba A fixed oil from Carthamus Tinctoria. I* i'ii s j A crude, elastic, gummy substance from ( Borneo. Kundah A fixed oil from Carapa Guianensis. Limbolee . - j A fixed oil of Curry Leaf Seed, Bergera \ Konigii. I.iiiKPAd j The h xe fU drying oil of Flax Seed, Linum 1 Usitatissimum. Jillillbaug Spanish Walnut Oil, Aleurites Triloba. Madia A fixed oil of the seed, Madia Sativa. J The solid, fixed oil of the seed, Melia ® 1 Indica. Marking' Nut J An acr *d« vesicatory oil of the pericarp, ® } Semecarpus Anacardium. Mustard Seed J The fixed oil of Sinapis Nigra and other 1 species. Namur See, Grass Oil. Napala See, Jatropha Oil. Narpaulah j Affixed oil from Croton Seed allied to Tig- Neem — See, Margosa Oil. Nemaur See, Grass Oil. | Commercial name for Peanut and Walnut j The fixed oil expressed from the pericarp 1 of Olea Europsea. Oondee See, Poon Seed Oil. J The lubricating oil from seeds of Omphalea 4fua»e } Diandra. Palm j The fixed oil of Palm fruit, Elais Guini- Palma Christa. . Castor oil, Ricinus Communis. „ , j The volatile, perfumery oil from Michelia r'anu "j Champaca. Peau n t The expressed , fixed oil of Arachis Hypogaea Physic Nut See, Jatropha Oil. to* j The purgative oil of Barbadoes nuts, Cur- nnnoen -j cas Purgans> Pinnacottoy See, Poon Seed Oil. Poonga Poon Gum Oil. p, rum i The fixed oil of the seed of Sapindus Emar- lowu 11 111 | ginatus. Poon Seed The fixed oil of Calophyllum Inophyllum. j The fixed oil of the fruit, Calophyllum Pootingee -J S p u .ia. to am «.«- J The fixed oil of Poppy Seed, Papaver PoppySeed -j Somniferum . Provence An esteemed kind of Olive Oil. Pumpkin Seed.. { T £ e ep e 0 xpressed oil of the seed ’ Cucurb!ta Ramtil j The h xe< i °il of Niger Seed, GuizotiaOlei- „ „ c „ j l The fixed oil of the seed, Brassica Napus Rape Seed -j and other spe c ies . Rosin Obtained from Pine Resin. Rasa See, oil of Lemon Grass. Salad.. See, Olive Oil. Sassa Cucumber Seed Oil, Cucumis Sativus, * 2 , ,, ( An indefinite name applied to seeds yield- Seed 1 ing oil. Seneca Petroleum Oil, in its crude state. ( Obtained from the India rubber tree, Si- Seringa . phonia Elastica. Serpolet Distilled from Thymus Serphyllum.. CoGnmiini (Obtained from Blacktil Seed, a variety of Sesamum -j Sesamum Qrientale. Shino-hap i A fixed oil procured from Brassica Chi- * ® -------- j nensis. Siri The same as Oil of Lemon Grass. Soap Nut Poon Gum Oil. INDEX.— OILS. 191 OIL Sweet 44 Tallicoonah . Teel Tonqnin.. Tnmika... Valisaloo . Virgin Walnut ... Belgaum Spanish. OIL of Allspice . Almond, bit .. j 44 sweet | Aloes Amber Anda Seed j Angelica Anise S**ed 44 Star.... Arnica -j Arbor Vitae... Asarabacca . . . Assafoetida ... Balm -j Balsam Fir ... | “ Pern, -j Bay Bay berries ... Ben Ben ne Bergamot j Birch Baric. .. 44 ‘ bi’k Bit. Almonds | Black Pepper Bnchu -j Cade Cajeput Calamus .. Canada Snake j Root j Camphor Canada Flea-j bane | Capsicum j Caraway -j Cardamon -j Cascarilla -S Cassia -j Cassie j Name given to Olive Oil. Kundah Oil. The oil expressed from the seed of Sesa- mum Indicum. A perfumery oil expressed from the seed, Dipterix Odorata. The concrete oil of Diospyros Embryop- teris. See, Ramtil Oil. A name given to the finest Olive Oil. The fixed oil of Juglans Regia and other species. Candleberry Nut Oil, Aleurites Triloba. Canoleberry Nut Oil, Aleurites Triloba. The aromatic oil by distillation of Eugenia Pimenta. The volatile oil procured by distillation of Bitter Almond kernels. The fixed oil obtained from the kernal of Amygdalus Dulcis. The oil distilled from Common Aloes. Distilled from Amber Resin. 1 he oil expressed from the seeds of Anda Brasiliensis. From the root of Archangelica Officinalis. From the fruit (seed) of Pimpinella Anisum. From the capsules of Illicium Anisatum. From the roots and flowers of Arnica Mon- tana. From the fresh tops of Thuja Occidentalis. From the roots of Asarum Europaeum. From the gum resin of Narthex Assafoetida. Distilled from the fresh herb Melissa Offici- nalis. Distilled from the balsam (oleo-resin) Abies Balsamea. Distilled from the balsam Myrospermum Peruiferum. Distilled from the leaves of MyrciaAcris. Distilled from the berries of Bay Laurel. From the seed of Moringa Pterygosperma. Teel oil. Sesamum Indicum and Orientate. By. expression or distillation of the fruit rind, Citrus Bergami. Distilled from the bark of Betula Alba. Distilled from the bark of Betula Lenta. Distilled from the marc of Bitter Almond kernels. The oleo-resin of Piper Nigrum. Distilled from the leaves of Barosma Cre- nata and other species. A kind of tar distilled , per desensum , from Juniperus Oxycedrus. The volatile oil of the leaves, Melaleuca Minor and other species. The volatile oil of Sweet Flag Root, Acorus Calamus. By distillation, from the roots of Asarum Canadense. The volatile oil of Camphora Officinarum. The volatile oil of Erigeron Canadense. The oil, 44 by ether,” from Capsicum An- nuum and other species. The volatile oil from the fruit (seed) of Carum Carui, The volatile oil from the seed of Elettaria Cardamomum. The volatile oil from the bark of Croton Eleuteria. The heavy, volatile oil distilled from Cassia Bark. A fragrant, volatile oil, from the flowers of Acacia Farnesiana. 192 INDEX. — OILS. Oil. of Cayenne Pep- J per ) “ Cedar -J “ Cedrat | “ Celery “ Chamomile... j “ Checkerberry -j “ Cherry j “ “ Eaurel | “ Cinnamon | “ “ Eeafj “ Citron ] Citronelle Cloves Coeculus I11- dicus Copaiba Copaiva Coriander Cucumber Seed Cubeb Cummin Dill Seed Ergot Erigeron See Oil of Capsicum. The volatile oil obtained from Juniperus Virginiana. The volatile oil from the fruit rind of Citrus Medica. From the fruit (seed) of Apium Graveolens. A volatile oil obtained from the flowers of Anfhemis Nobilis. The heavy, volatile oil from Gaultheria Procumbens. Distilled from the bark of Wild cherry, Cerasus Serotiana. Distilled from the leaves of Cerasus Lauro- cerasus. The heavy, volatile oil from Cinnamomum Zeylonicum. The fragrant, volatile oil from the Cinna- mon Leaf. The fragrant, volatile oil from leaves and rind of Citrus Medica. The fragrant, volatile oil from Andropogon Nardus. The heavy, volatile oil from cloves, Cary- ophyllus Aromatica. The oil of the seeds by evaporating a strong tincture. The volatile oil from the oleo-resin of Copa- ifera Multijuga and other species. See Oil of Copaiba. The product by distillation of the fruit of Coriandum Sativum. * The expressed oil of the seed of Cucumis Sativus. The volatile medicinal oil distilled from Cubebs. The volatile medicinal oil distilled from Cummin (fruit) Seed. The volatile oil distilled from the fruit of Anethum Graveolens. An oil procured by evaporation of the Etherial Tincture. See Oil of Fleabane. Eucalyptus | T ro ? ure .d from the leaves of Eucalyptus “ ... The volatile oil of the Peppermint Tree. Eunliorbia ■! A .°^ obtained from the seed of Eu- ** / phorbia Lathyris. j The volatile medicinal oil from Foeniculum * •) Dulce, and Vulgare. Fern Oil of Male Fern, Aspidium Filix Mas. j The volatile oil by distillation of Abies | Pectinata. ] The oil distilled from the plant, Erechthites ...... ^ Hieracifolius. riMhniuk J The volatile oil by distillation of Erigeron } Canadense. \ The stimulant, volatile oil obtained from uariic.. } Allium Sativum. naiilfhAvia j The volatile oil obtained from the plant, fiailltneria ... ^ Gaulther i a Procumbens Gentian j T 'he volatile oil obtained from Gentiana 1 The volatile perfumery oil from Pelargo- ueranmm ■} P i um Odoratissimum. The commercial name for Grass Oil. ( The oil, 44 by ether,*’ of Ginger Root, Zin- “j giber Officinale. 44 Grass . See Grass Oil, Andropogon Schcenanthus. Golden Rod J The volatile oil obtained from Solidago "j Odora. Grain See Fusel Oil. Guaiacnm The volatile oil from Guaiacum Officinale. Hedeoma The volatile oil of American Pennyroyal. INDEX. — OILS. 193 OIL of Hemlock j Henbane j Hop | Horseradish . j Horsemint ... Hyssop — .... | Jasmine. -j Juniper Ber-j ries I Juniper wood Khuskhus -j Laurel -j Lavender -j “ Spike Lemon -j “ Grass . -j “ Thyme j my | Lobelia -j Mace j “ expressed Male Fern -j Marjoram j Massoy -j Matico -j Melissa “ Indian Meadow j Sweet j Mezereon -j Mustard -j Myrbane -J Myrrh | Myrtle -j Narcissus j Neroli, “Bi-j parade \ Neroli, “pe-j tale ” ) Neroli, “ petit i tfrain” j Nutmeg; “ expressed Onion The volatile oil distilled from Abies (Pinus) Canadensis. An oil by distillation from Hyosciamus Niger. An acrid oil by expression of Humulus Lupulus. By distillation from the roots of Cochlearia Armoracia. The essential oil of Monarda Punctata. The oil, “ by ether,” of the herb, Hyssopus Officinalis. The perfumery oil, “by enfleurage,” of Jasmine Flowers. The medicinal oil distilled from Juniper Berries. See Oil of Cade. The volatile, perfumery oil from Androp- ogon Muricatus. The volatile oil from the berries of Laurus Nobilis. The fragrant, volatile oil from the flowers of Lavendula Vera. See Oil of Spike. The volatile oil obtained from the fruit rind, Citrus Limonum. The volatile oil obtained from Andropogon Citratum. The volatile oil obtained from Thymus Cit- riodorus. The fragant, perfumery oil, “ by enfleur- age,” of Lilium Candidum. The oil, “by ether,” from the seed of Lobelia Inflata. The volatile oil from mace, Myristica Fragrans. A fixed oil by expression, from Mace. The oil, “by ether,” from the root of As- pidium Filix Mas. The oil, by distillation, of Origanum Mar- jorana. See Oil of Origanum. The volatile oil obtained fiom Cinnamo- mum Kiamis. Distilled from the leaves of Artanthe Elongata. See Oil of Balm. See Oil of Lemon Grass. A product of Salacine. The acrid, volatile oil from the roots of Daphne Mezereum. An oil expressed from the seed of Sinapis Alba, and Nigra. The volatile oil distilled fi\ m the marc of Mustard Seed. An artificial flavor of Bitter Almonds, Nitro-Benzole. The volatile oil distilled from Balsamoden- dron Myrrha. The volatile oil distilled from Myrtle blossoms. A perfumery oil, by enfleurage, of Narcis- sus Flowers. A perfumery oil from the blossoms of Citrus Bigaradia. The fragrant volatile oil from the flowers of Citrus Aurantium. By distillation of the leaves and unripe fruit of Citrus Aurantium and Vulgare. The volatile oil from Nutmegs. The fixed oil obtained from Myristica Fragrans. An acrid, medicinal volatile oil of Allium Cepa. 194 INDEX. — OILS. OIL of Origanum .... j “ Orange Flow-j ers ( “ Orange Peel . 44 Oraugelle Parsley -j “ Partridge j Berry j 44 Patchouly | “ Pennyroyal., j 44 Pennyroyal, j European { “ Peppermint., j 44 Petit Grain ... -J 44 Pichurim j Bean ( “ Pimento “ Potatoes “ Prickly Ask. . 44 Rhodium -j 44 Rosemary j 44 Roses -j 44 Rue -j 44 Safflower 44 Sage j “ Sandal | 44 Sassafras j 44 “ Nutsj “ Savine | “ Senna.. | 14 Solidago... .... “ Spearmint — -j 44 Spike j 44 Spikenard. 44 Spruce 44 Star Anise. 44 Stillingia . .. 44 Sunflower Seed 1 44 Sweet j Almonds | “ Sweet Bay .... 44 Sweet Marjo-j ram ] “ Tansy -j Tar 44 Thyme | 44 Tobacco -j c ■ 44 Toil quin -I The volatile oil from Origanum Vulgare and ihymus Vulgare. See Oil of Neroli. The volatile oil from the fruit rind, Citrus. The oil of Sweet Maijoram. The volatile oil from the roots of Petroseli- num Sativum. See Oil of Checkerberry. The fragrant oil from the leaves of Pogos- temnon Patchouly. The oil distilled from the fresh herb, Hedeoma Pultgioides. The oil distilled from the fresh herb, Mentha Pulegium. An oil distilled from fresh flowering herb, Mentha Piperita Oil of Orange Leaves, Citrus Aurantium and Vulgare. See Oil of Sassafras Nuts. See Oil of Allspice. See Fusel Oil. See Oil of Xanthoxylum. The volatile oil distilled from Rosewood, Convolvulus Scoparvus. The volatile oil distilled from the flowering tops of Rosmarinus Officinalis. The volatile oil obtained from the petals of Rosa Centifolia and other sjpecies. The volatile oil from the fresh herb, Ruta Graveolens. A fixed oil from Carthamus Tinctoria. The volatile oil distilled from Salvia Offici- nalis. The volatile oil distilled from Santalum • Myrtifolium and other species. The volatile oil distilled from Sassafras Officinale. Obtained by expression from the seeds, Nectandra Puchury. By distillation from the fresh tops, Juni- perus Sabina. By distillation from the leaves, Cassia of I several species. See Oil of Goldenrod. By distillation from the fresh herb, Mentha Viridis. By distillation from the fresh herb, Laven- dula Spica. Commercial name for Grass Oil. The oil, by distillation, of the leaves of Abies (Pinus) Nigra. The volatile oil, by distillation, of Star , Anise fruit. Prepared from the alcoholic tincture of Stillingia Sylvatica. By expression from the seed of Helianthus Annuus. By expression from the kernal of Amygda- lus Dulcis. The volatile Oil of Laurel, Laurus Nobilis. See Oil of Marjoram. By distillation from Tansy herb, Tanace- tum Crispum and Vulgare. Obtained by distilling Tar. The oil, by distillation, of the plant, Thy- mus Vulgaris. The oil, by distillation, of the leaves, Nicotiana Tobacum. Perfumery oil, by expression, from the seed of Dipterix Odorata. INDEX.— OILS. 195 OIL of Turpentine... | *- Valerian j “ Verbena “ Vertiver ik Wintergreen . “ Wormseed -J “ Wormwood... -j “ Yarrow • “ Xanthoxylnm “ Xantboxylum Distilled from the oleo-resin of Pinus Palustris and other species. By distillation, of the roots of Valeriana Officinalis. Commercial name for Oil Lemon Grass. See oil of Khuskhus. See Oil of Checkerberry. The volatile oil from the seed, Chenopo- dium Anthelminticum. The volatile oil from the herb, Artemisia Absinthium. The volatile oil from the herb, Achillea Millefolium. An oil, “by ether,” from the berries of Xanthoxylum Fraxineum. An oil, “ by ether,” from the bark of Xanthoxylum Fraxineum. INDEX. GERMAN COMMON NAMES. (IN GERMAN.) The numbers refer to the paragraphs, not the page, and to avoid unneces- sary repetition, the name will not be found reprinted in the paragraph to which it belongs, but the number refers you to that paragraph. 2l&nel)m*£raut 1634 2lbrabam3ftraud)?23lumen (flowers) 2438 21bvabam3ftvaud)s©amen (seed) 2438 2lbranb 261 2tcaciens(S5ummi 24 2lcfeleis23Iumen (flowers) 222 2lcfer?©iinfel (leaves) 86 21cfers6alat 1280 2lcfers2Bur§el 60 2lblers23lumen 222 SlboniSsSBurjei (root) 71 2lbftiiitgirenbe S^itibe au§ 23ras filien 23 21epfel, faure (sour apples) 1875 SlebfelbauntsSRiitbe (bark) 1875 21fcben?^ett (grayling grease)... Slffobil 1558 2lfterforn 2086 2lgape, amerifamfd)e 81 " Pirgimaniidjie 82 2l^lfirfcf)ens9tiitbe (bark) 1835 2lborns&latter,geftreifte( leaves) 35 ,, „ rot^e (leaves) ... 33 Slborn^ucfer 34 2Uauts2Bur3cl 1221 2llauiis2Bursel 1153 21l!anna=2Bur§eI 162 2Ufornoquevs9tinbe (bark) 432 2lUelu)ab ....1636 SlUerleisGJetours 948 2lUermaim§ * £arnifcb s SBurgel, lange 108 21Uevmann§ s £arnifcb s SBurjel, runbe 1072 2llmofi 948 2lloe, 23avbabo§ 115 ,, bittere 114 „ fiebei* 115 ,, ©ocotrinifcbe 113 2lIoebols 112 2llpeurofens$8latter (leaves) . ...1930 2Ui)entf)t)tttiau 450 2Up*Jlraut ^182 2llp*9Rebl 1403 2llp*9lanfen 2178 2Uvamu2Burjel 328 2lltf)ees23Iumen (flowers) 120 ,, ^raut (leaves) 120 ,, 2Bur*el (root) 120 SUpsiensSRiube, arontattfcbe 122 2lmber?Araut 2287 21inbva, (Ambergris) 2Imbra, flttffige 1367 2lmmomat;©ummi (gum) 879 2lmomlein 948 2litbas ©amen (seed) 163 2lnfers2Burjel 162 2lnborn, fcbwarger 341 „ tpeifjer 1438 2lngeli!as©amen (seed) 194 ,, SDBurjel (root) 194 SlnguftuvasSRinbe (bark) 1026 2tnguftura?*ftinbe, falfdbe 2235 ,, ,, roftfarbiae 2235 2t.nime(gum) 1183 91ntmes^ar5 1183 *2lniss©amen (seed) 1718 2tnibo£antbe, mofd)u$riecbenbe... 207 21pfelbaum?^iitbe (bark) 1875 2lvabifd)e§ ©ummi (gum) 24 2lrabifcf)e3 2Beibraud) 1259 2lialie, nactte 231 ,, bornige 233 2lrecanufc (nuts) 241 2lrmfas33ldtter (leaves) 256 ,, 23lnmen (flowers) 256 ,, SBurjel (root) 256 21rou3s2Bw5el 276 2lrrotPs9ioot 1436 2l3beft (asbestos) 21$bbalt (asphaltum) 2lfcl) S 2Bur5el 859 2tftrautie 319 21ttid)s23eeren (berries) 2037 ,, 2Bur*el (loots) 2037 2lufred)ter gteft 1634 2tugemrtilcf) 2265 2lugeutroft 980 2litgens2Bursel 2388 2luvin, rotter 602 2lnfternfd)alert, praparirte (pre- pared oyster shells) SSablacb, iubifcbeS 18 23ad)bnngenfraut 2410 23abefd)jpamm (sponges) aSabiart 1208 23abian?©amen 1208 23albrians2Burgel 2388 „ „ flvofce 2390 ,, ,, ©umpf 2385 23alIote 341 S3allote, toollige 342 SBalfam, canabifdber (balsam fir) 3 inbtanifcber 1544 23alfants©arbenfraut 37 SBalfamiite 1212 ,, roilbe 1508 SBalfanu&i’aut 1866 SSalfamslUltnse 1479 23alfams£annenfproffen (buds).. 3 23anbipmm?2BurseI 303 SBaobab?9tinbe (bark) 65 23arbarifcf)e3 ©ummi (Gum Ged- da) 23arbens$vaut 932 23artgra3sDel 179 23afiliens$raut 1591 S3afilitens$rant 1591 S3affovas:($ummi (Bassora gum). SBatfjeugelgamanber 2284 23aftavbs£anf 841 23aumlungen?5lraut 2228 9Bauern?©euf 1198 23aumol (olive oil) 1601 SBaumiuoUe (cotton) 1096 Index.— German Common Names. 197 ^aumjuoUcit= 2 Buv 5 el (root) .1096 23ilfenfrautz^amen (seed) .1186 5)dretts2)recf 1076 Silfeitfamen .1186 $drens$)iUu)m , 3el .1492 SBimfeuftein (pumice stone) SMrens^encfyeU2Burael .1492 Simftein (pumice stone),... Sdreits^ett (bear’s grease) SBiugeU&vaut .1483 $8drentfaueiis$raut .1149 35irfen-2Bur§el .1814 SarenflauensSBurjel .1149 jBirfeitsftinbe . 372 Sdreit?£auc6 107 ,, fcbtoar^e . 373 23dren?2:raubenbldtter 240 33ifam (Musk) SBavensgutfer .1071 23ifams33ldtter (leaves) 1 SareitsSBursel .1492 33ifam?$bvner (seed) . 2 $8avlabps.$haut .1403 $tfams9JieIoneits©amen (seed).. . 792 23drlabj);3JJoo5, flcmeineS .1403 SBittersSKepfel . 791 SdrlajppsSamen .1403 23itters$lee .1481 $8dnuur5 .1492 58itter?#o4 .2152 s Ddrs2Bur^el .1136 8itter&olg*9tinbc (hark) .2152 Sebeeru?9tinbe .1570 93itter?9tinbe, jamaifanifctye .2152 $ecbers$lumenfvaut .1815 „ megitauifitye . 786 ^cd)evs^led)te 1344 ,, furiitamil'cbe .2152 23eefinqe 2377 23itters©iiftfraut (herb) .2178 SefyensWifje .1108 93ittev?©u|fteugel (stems) .2178 93eben?Oel (ben oil) S3itter«3jinmet 635 23eifuf$?$raut (leaves) 273 SittevsSurjel .1050 SbeifufesSBurjel (root) 273 23lacf s fj-ifdjbeiu (cuttle fish 53eifu|, bitterer 262 bone) ®eintreUs2Burjel .2253 33lantenbeimer £$ee .1023 2$ei3=23eere 492 93Iafens©ruit .1915 23eUabonna=Sldtter (leaves) . 327 SBiafen$Airf$en .1709 3)eIlabonnas2Burget (root) 327 23lafens©enne§s$Blatter . 694 23enebicteiis2Bur$et .1067 SBlafeit^ang .1017 2)engeU$raut .1483 S3tausS3eereu .2377 Sengoe .2242 93laus^>ol5 .1117 2)erberi§ens9tinbe (bark) 363 23leis2Burs .1757 ,, ©ameu (berries).... 363 SBleisSSurjel .1757 ,, SBurgel (root) 363 SBlitjs^uluer .1403 33ergamottsDel (oil) . 652 S3lo(f?,3w>itter .2462 33erqs$)ieliffe .1460 SSIutegel (leeches) 2iergs9iapbta (pure naphta).... Slutbolj .1117 Sergsipeterfilie (leaves) . 321 SBluts^gel (leeches) 58eigs$etenilieus2Bunel(root) . 321 93Iuttraut?2Bursel .2041 SerqsjBfeffer . 839 33Iut=©cbtoamm . 396 Sergs^gmian . 43 SlutsSKurjel .1814 33evgs9Jlin5e .1460 ,, catiabifd^e .2041 93ernfyarbiner?$raut . 558 93ocf3blut (dried goat’s blood).. Sernftein (amber)! $Bocf§I)oru .*2086 $ertram3?93lumen, toilbe 93oct§bonts©nmen .2336 (flowers) . 41 33o$raut (leaves) . 41 S3ods©tor^fd)nabel 1060 93ertram^2Buv3el . 153 So&ueus&vaut .2064 „ „ rbmifcfye . 154 SBolIe . 103 ,, ,, toilbe . 41 93olu§, armenifcber (Armenian Serufs^raut .2140 bole) „ cauabifcfyeS . 919 23otu£, rotfyer (red bole) „ raucf)f)aarige3 .2140 ,, roeifcer (white bole) 23efcf)reis$iaut . 919 93oretfd)s5Blumen (flowers) . 402 Sefenqinfter . 834 33oretfd)s5traut (leaves) . 402 93efenqinfters931umeit (flowers). . 834 33onteo?6ampfer (gum) .1302 SeteUMufc . 241 $Bot>ift .1399 $8etonien?$raut . 371 33ranbs£atticfyblumen .21148 Settlerlau^s^raut .2445 SBraubs&attiqtraut .2348 99eutels58eeren (berries) .1715 S8ianbs£efd)enfraut .2348 93esoar?2Bursel . 881 9rafUetto«.§olg . 442 Sibergeil (castor) SBrafilien?$ol$ . 443 Sibergeils^ett (castor grease). Svaimnmr^Jtraut .2091 93ibevs$lee !l481 93rat)era, imiumtreibenbe . 416 $JiberneUs2Bur$el, qrofee italicn.2044 SBredjsSHitffe .2235 I n ,, fleine ,, 1815 99re$$2Burgel, ameri!attifd)e .1071 SiberneUsflraut (leaves) .1815 ,, qerinqelte . 565 93id?33eeren .2377 „ geftreifte .1845 23ienens$raut ,, metjlige .1949 ^tenens©auq, roeifeer (flowers). 1289 ,, fdjn>ar$e . 565 s I3teHensffiacb§ (bees wax) „ toeifje .1949 Sitfens^raut.. .1186 „ roeifce, boljige... . 565 „ fcbl«fmad)enbe§ .1187 ,, tuellenformige... ..1949 „ lueifecS .1184 93renn=33orften . 877 Index.— German Common Names. 198 SBvenneffelsHraut, qvofce§ 2363 „ „ Heines 2367 Srenns^raut 661 23remu2Bur3eI 839 SSrennsGplinber (leaves) 270 33rombeeven (berries) 1973 9Svombeerens93ldtter (leaves) 1973 2kombeerens9ttnbe (bark) 1973 33iombeereit?2Buv5el (root) 1973 S3rud) S taut 2046 aSriineUe, gettmne 1828 SBruntteiis^reffe 1565 $ntid)*2Bunel 1996 Sniftatcnt 1221 5bni|tsS8eereit, fvanftbfifcbe 1922 „ itrtlienifcbe 1919 ,, fdjnuarae 736 ,, lpanifct>e 1922 33uccos33latter 351 $ud)nmpfer . 1636 58uct)s93latter (leaves) 994 Suc^Del (oil) 994 33ud)?9ftinbe (bark) 993 ®ud)s2Bei*en (buckwheat) Siic^jen s Woo§ 657 Sucfyus'lUdtter 351 ^utterblumens^iaut (leaves).. ..2365 ^utterblumensSBurgel (root) 2265 SBntjenfletten^raut 2445 Snbenflettens^urgel 237 Spffolitb Gabarro=$iitbe 432 GaffeesSobnen 685 Gai)intas2Bur*el 600 Gajenne^feffer 492 GajepuuDel (oil Cajeput) 1447 Gailcebav^inbe 2248 Gainca?2Bur*el 600 Galabar^llobne 1712 GalagualasSBurjel 1794 Galatnbacs^olg 112 GalifapasGuina 618 Gompedjen^pls 1117 Gantpbev (gum) 1302 Ganabifdjev $Balfam (balsam)... 3 GanariensSamen 1699 Gantbaviben (spanish flies) Gautdjonc 2158 (Savanna 428 Garbamomen, gvofce 902 „ lange ceplonifcbe... 902 „ !Iememalabavifd)c 901 Garbambntlein 901 GavbosiBenebictensihaut 558 Garobe 574 Garoep Gbina (Saroet)s9tinbe GarcmpjOtinbe 1026 Gavoten (root) 847 GarotensSameu (seed) 847 Gavpatbiicber 93ali am (balsam). 1724 GaScariUsMinbe 778 GaffaroasStarte 1248 GaffiensDlin&e 634 Gaftov?Del 1950 Gatecfyu 19 GaftanieiisSlinbe, milbe (bark).. 75 (Satbavinens^flaumen 1832 Gebev^lepfel (apples) 1261 Gebers33eeren (berries) 1261 Gebvelavs9tinbe 2246 GebronsSatnen 2150 Gentifolie 1959 GeplonifdKS 2tto£>3 1097 GbabavrosSftinbe 432 Gbicis©amen 2027 Gbitis$Pfeffer 492 GbinasDtinbe, brauite 627 Gbina?9tinbe, gelbe 631 ,, £bmg§ 618 „ votlje 633 Gbina?2Bursel . 2167 ,, amerilanifdje 2173 Gbivapta 80 Gbiron3s5traut, d)ilefifcbeS 603 Cbviftopb3s$vaut (herb) 64 Gbviftopb§s2Buml (root) 64 „ „ falfcbe 71 CbriftsSBurjel 1137 Gicbovien=$raut (leaves) 612 GicporiensSBurgel (root) 612 Gitronen 653 Gitronens^vant 261 Giivonens3Hiliffe 1464 GitronensDel 653 Gitroneitsifd)e3 454 &vad)ens&'opf 887 SDvacbensSCBurjel 1235 dragon 265 2)reifrtltigfeit§s$vaut 2436 ^ruiben^Dlebt 1403 Index.— German Common Names. 199 &iiiTs2Buvj 726 2) fiiTft>ui*3sAraut, grofjeS 726 ,, ,, flerneg 1220 $urcbbred)s$r«ut 427 S)ui-tl)bred)s©amen 427 3) uvd)tDacfy3s.ftraut 427 ^urdfluctcb^Sameit 427 ©bers^tautenfrnut 261 ©ber?©fd)eminbe 2196 ©bersSOSurj 506 ©bersSBurjel 506 ©bier ©amanber 2284 ©beUebersftraut (leaves) 1145 ©beUebersft'raut?33Iumen (flow- ers) 1145 ©I)renprei§ 2412 ©ibens=23eeren (berries) ”*2267 ©iben?33latter (leaves) 2267 ©ibens^olg (wood) 2267 ©ibeits^inbe (bark) 2267 ©ibifd)s33Iumeu (flowers) 120 ©ibifcbs$raut (leaves) 120 ©ibifcbsS&ursel (root) 120 ©id)eln (acorn) 1896 ©id)elns©affee (acorn coffee) 1896 ©id)ens33latter (leaves) 1900 Cnd)ens91ZifteI, ecf>te .2437 ©id)ens9tinbe, votbe (bark) 1896 ,, meifee (bark) 1879 # ©ibotter (yolk) ©iersSdjalen (eggs shell) ©inborn (yolk) 95 ©ifenbart 2403 ©ifenbntsSBlatter (leaves) 54 ©ifenbuts2Bnvget (root), 54 ©ifen^lltleiii (leaves) 54 ©itenerant 2403 ®i3*Jh-aut 1486 ©iter^effel 2367 ©iroetB (white of eggs) ©lerni (gum elemi) ©lepbantensSdnje, oftinbifdje ....2107 „ ,, U)eftint>ifcbe.2107 ©Ifenbeiit (ivory) „ fc^toarggebraunteS (black ivory) ©Ifenbeiit, toetftgebrannteS (white burnt ivory) ©nbibiensJh'nut (leaves)..., 612 ©noibiensSBuvsel (root) 61^ ©ngel^-Olumcben (flowers) 1081 ©ngelmfc^Jursel 1797 ©ngeltmtrj 194 ©ngels2Bur§el 194 „ ,, toilbe 196 ©nteiisgett (duck grease) ©ntenfuf|s2Bur§el 1764 ©n5ians?2Burjel, rotbe 1050 ,, ,, fcbiuarje 1340 ,, ,, lueiffe 1296 ©PbeusSeeren (berries) 1122 ©bbeusSldtter (leaves) 1122 ©pbeus©ummi (gum) 1122 ©vbfeleit 363 ©rbs3lepfel 1128 ©vbs^irnen 1128 ©robeersWlatter (leaves) 1005 ©rbbeersSSnrsel (root) 1005 ©roe, japitnifcbe 19 ©rOs©pbeu 1576 ©rosGoUe 602 ©rbsSlaud) 1018 ©rosicbeibe 814 ©rbs©cbierling 703 ©rb?SBeibrancb 86 ©rleus^latter (leaves) 110 ©rlettsStinbe (bark) 110 ,, ,, amerifauifdje ill ©fcben?S3ldtter (leaves) 1009 ©fcbensSBlumeit (flowers) 1009 ©fdbensDiinbe (bark) 1009 ©fd)ens©tengel (stems) 1009 ©feIinnen?aftUd) (ass’s milk) @fel3bifteU$raut (leaves) 1607 ©teUbiftelsSSurael (root) 1607 ©feBfmf s 23lcttter 2348 ©fel^bufs^lumen 2348 ©fel§(mf'2fim'8el , 2348 ©fel§s$iirbi5 1510 ©fenbedgsDiinbe 943 ©ifigsStofenbldtter 1960 ©ftragon 265 ©Vborbiuuts©nmuti (gum euphorbium)* gatls^rant .' 256 gaUfrautsSSurjel 256 gabeitlad 96 §arreufrauts2Bursel 303 ,, ,, luetblidbe ..... 302 garbesSeeren 1915 gdrbersGinfterfrant 1045 garbers^reugborubeereu 1918 gcirbers9tefeba 1913 garberrotbe 1968 gdrbenuaib 1239 gafel, jitdenbe 877 ganlbauntsSkeren (berries) 1915 gaulbanms^inbe (bark) 1917 geberglaun (asbestos) gebers^orj 2158 gebenvetfj (asbestos) geigeit 998 gel'bs©i)breffe 86 gelbs©arbeblumen (flowers) 38 gelb?©arbeEraut (leaves) 38 gelbslluntmelfrnut 2310 gelb?9Jlobnblnmen (flowers) 1658 gelb*aJiin$e 1470 gelbs^itteriporns^rant 850 ge(bs91itterfporn?(Samen 850 gelosStbpmian 2310 gelfens9tofe 1129 gendjel 191 „ fretifdjer ..1003 ,, romifcber 1003 ,, fitter 191 gendjels^ols 2061 gendbels^raitt (leaves)..., 191 gembelstSanteu (seed) 191 geudbel?2Burjel (root) 191 ^ernambuf^§ol5 443 geners^ifliit 1342 gid)ten?93l(itter (leaves) 4 gicbtensGummi (gum) 4 gicbtens9tinbe (bark).. 4 giedbcrstout 2001 giebersiUee 1481 giebers91inbe, me£ifanifcbe 786 gingerbnt?33lnmeu (flowers) 863 gingerbnts^raut (leaves) 863 AingerbutsSamen (seed) 863 gifripein, k>eifje§ (cuttle flsh bone) .. gifcbs^bnter 158 gifd)s£etm (isinglass) " amcrif'rtnifcber (Amer- ican isinglass) gtfcbs^brnn (sperm oil) glacbS?$raut 212 200 Index.— German Common Names. pad)3s©amen 1364 Alafdjeus$urbi3s©amen (seed) .. 796 Alatters©imfens2£ur5el 1255 ^lecfrtertsSBitrael 1265 ^lecfblumens^vaut 2206 glecfsSungenfrant 1854 Alteber=58eeren (berries) 2038 AliebevsSlnmen (flowers) 2038 ^liebersaftitfe (juice) 2038 Pieber^inbe (bark) 2038 ffliegen, fpanifc|e (spanisii flies) gIocienz23lumen 561 §locfens©treuliug •. 1399 glo^flraut 726 ,, amevitanifd)e§ 112L Poljs©amen 1751 ^loventinifcfye 33eild)en?2Bnrsel..i232 %lufcjQav% 1183 gontanelU@rbfen 1232 ^•raii5ofens£o4 1105 pansofens£>ol8s©ummi 1105 ^rangofens^oljjsOtittbe 1105 Aranen^oft 1620 graueiis§aar 68 graueris£)iftels©amen 502 #rauenfyaar, norbameiifanifcfyeS 69 „ rotljeS 309 ,, fcfytoavae3 304 ,, toeifje§ 307 graueusSWantel 92 Araueits©d)ui) 825 PauensSBur&el 545 peifam?$rant 2436 groftf)loffels2Burael 99 gucpsptt (fox grease) pct>3tuanbens93eeren (berries). 1663 pd)3tvaub entrant (leaves) 1663 pcptranbensSBurjel (root) 1663 pnffingev^raut 1813 ©albanum 997 ©algantsSBnrjer 116 ©alipot, amevifanif<^er 1727 ®aU ? 2le*>tel 1888 ,, djinefifdje 874 „ beutfc^e 1881 @attu§, inbifc^er 18 ©amanber, ebler 2284 ©amanberlein 2248 ©nmbeer (garabir) ©ambir (gambir) ©anja 486 ©ctnfes£)iftelsj£vaut, glutted 2192 ,, ,, raul)e£ 2192 ©anfe?ptt (goose grease) ©anfespfc, mofylriecfyenber 1590 ©attfe?^appelblumen (flowers)..1433 ©anfes^ab^eltraut (leaves) 1433 ©anfe?e 295 ©ifts2Butl)erid) 614 ©ilbsSBnrsel, afrifanif$e 484 >. A „ range 806 1 ,, runbe 806 ©infeng, amevifanifdjer 1649 „ cfyinefiftfjer 1650 ,, jabanefifdjer 1650 ©in[ters93lumen 834 ©inftevz^raut 834 ©ittevsSBursel 807 ©lan^Otufi (soot) ©lass^raut 1661 ©lieb^raut 2140 ©loden?33lume 222 ©nabens^raut 1099 ©olbs93lnme (flowers) 222 ©olb?23lumeuWhaut (herb) 222 ©olbner ©iinfel 88 ,, 2BibertI)on 69 ©olb^B^en ...' 1126 ©olbsOtutfye, gemeine 2191 ©olbsSBnrsel 1558 ©otte§r©naben?$rant 1099 ©otte§*lliti)eils93of)ne 1712 ©ranatsSlumen (flowers) 1855 ©ranats©cfyalen (peel) 1855 ©ranats2Bursel?9tinbe (bark of root 1855 ©rapfyit (black lead) ...: ©ra§*2Buv&el 2340 ©renfing 38 ©riecfyifd)s#eu5©amen 2336 ©nedjifcper pee 2030 ©rie§?.&ol$ 1108 ©rte§ s $$nr$ 645 Index.— German Common Names. 201 (SJrie^SBurjel, amertfanifcbe 645 ©rinb*2Bursel 1991 ©ruitbbeil 156 ©runbbeiU2Burael 321 ©uaco* 93 latter (leaves) 1495 ©uacosSBuisel (root) 1495 ©uajac (gum) 1105 ©uajacsdhtmmi (gum) 1105 ©uaiac?£ar§ (gum) 1105 ©uajacs£o4 (wood) 1105 ©uajacs^tiiibe (bark) 1105 ©uaraita 1674 ©urnmi, ara&if$e§ 24 „ orenburgifcbeS 7 ©unbeU^tebeu (gum gamboge ). 1576 ©uubermaun, gemeiiter 1576 ©itnjab 486 ©iiufel, golbiter 88 „ friecbeitber 88 ©urfeitsSameu 793 ©Ut fur 2 tile* 482 ©utta^ercba 1240 ^aarftvangs2Bur§el 1693 £abersilummel 798 |)aantmels.£alg (mutton suet) ... t fianf (leaves) :. 486 ©anfs^raut (leaves) 486 nnfs<5amen (seed) 486 aputfen (fruit) 1958 &arn*&raut 1913 £artfyagel 261 £artbeits$raut; 1192 §ar 5 (rosin) „ burgunbif<$e§ (burgundy pitch)... £ars, gelbe§ (rosin) „ ,, gemeines (rosin)...- ,, weifteg (white rosin) £afelnuftsDel (oil) 761 t afeUSBurj 281 afelsSSurjel 281 ,, caitabifdje 280 £>afenobrs$raut 427 ^afenobr?©amen (seed) 427 £>afeitsiJ3abbdfraut (leaves) 1433 £aubecbel?$raut (leaves) 1606 IjaubedJelsSCBursel (root) 1606 £afbels2Bur*el 2082 4}aui'ens23lafe (isinglass) ,, amevifanifcbe (Amer- ican isinglass) 4>aufeits33lafe, ruffifdje (Russian isinglass) #au§s£audb 2108 ,, arofeer , 2108 £au£s2Bm$raut 2108 &etfenfii1d)es:93(umeit 1382 »eib?23eeren (raspberries) 1974 fteibecfer 1814 §eibels$8eeren 2377 ,, rotf»e 2382 ^eibnifd) 2Bunbs$raut 2191 |>eil aller ©cbcibeu 2046 $eiligegeifts2Bur$el 194 £eiU$)iftel 558 £eiU$raut (leaves) 120 §eiligeits§olj (chips) 1105 §eiligeubol5?9tinbe (bark) 1105 £eiU$raut, gemetneS 1149 £eiU2Bursel 120 §eleneits2Bur§eI 1221 §elft 92 ©elmsJli-aut 2094 „ feitenbliitbige§ 2097 ^jelmbufcb^SBurjel 753 £emlod?Del 4 ^erbftsSftofen (flowers) 121 ^erbftjeitlofesSlumen (flowers). 688 ^erbftjeitlofesSamen (seed) 688 ^erbftseitlofesSBursel (root) 688 t errgott3s23artlein 2214 era?$reunb 299 £ersgefbannsih-aut 1326 £er§s2Burael 1492 £eu?<5anteu, gried>ifc£)er 2336 45e£eus$vaut 1186 ^e£ens3Jlebl 1403 ^imbeercit . 1974 lumbeereiuitraut (leaves) 1974 £immeI3s33rob (flowers) 2401 .§immel3?©cbluffel (flowers) 1822 §inbldufts2Burgel (root) 612 £inbldufts2Bur§elfraut (leaves). 612 |>irfdf)*33runft 1400 £irfcbs§oru, gebrannteS ,, fcbttmrjgebvaitnte^ 5»irfd)s^lee 957 fiirf#*?pi4 1400 Jirfcbs&ruffel 1400 £irfd)s2Burael, fcbnmrje 1340 ,, ,, toeifje 1296 ^iricbsuitgeiis^raut 308 ^irtentafcbeUtaut 491 #trie 1654 |>irfes<5amen 1654 £ocbefcbens33ldtter 1009 £ocf>efcbens3tinbe 1009 £ocbefcl)eit?©tengel 1009 $obls33eereu 1974 ^oblsSBurjel •• 753 §obI*3ft$n 1023 £>olbers$8eeren (berries) 2038 $olbers33lumett (flowers) 2038 ^olbersSlutbeit (flowers) 2038 §olber*9Unbe (bark) 2038 §oUunbers23eeren (berries) 2038 £>ollunbers93lumen (flowers) 2038 §olIunber*23lutben (flowers) 2038 |>ollunbevs3tinbe (bark) 2038 ^olluubersScbiuamm 983 ^ol^caffie 634 £>ol5*3immet 634 $omg (honey) Souigs^lee 1459 |) 0 bfert 1169 ,, fpanifdjer 1617 §obfens©eibe, eurobaifcbe 811 . < oornflee?unb3?9toie ... .1958 ers) .1434 |>unb3s2Buvgev . 295 $aypappels$ 8 lumeu, Heine (flow §unb§suugens 2 Burget (root) . 823 ers) .1433 ^unb^ungeits^raut (leaves).. . 823 $aspappel?ihaut, grofjeS £>unqarieit Salfant (Hungarian (leaves) .1434 balsam) MSpappeUiHciut, Heines §uitger?$orn .2086 (leaves) .1433 §ii^nersS)arm, rotter . 156 ^aSpappelsSBurjel, grofte (root)1434 §upner?£lee .2310 ,, Heine ,, 1433 Jiibner^obl .2310 ^almuSsSurjel . 60 |>i'tlfen?23ldtter (leaves) .1201 ,, fctlfdje .1235 , .1197 5lamala .1966 Sabotanbis 2 Bur 5 e( .1739 $ameeU§eu . 180 §aens(H)ina, blaffe . 618 3lamiUen, getneine 1441 ,, ,, bvauue . 425 ,, romifd&e . 205 ^afeflapaf $ampfers$iaut.., . 478 ^alape, brafilianifcpe $aneel .1304 ,, inbiauifcpe . 723 rceifeer . 481 ,, leidfle .1225 $anbeI?2Bifd) . 913 fpinbelfbrmige .1225 £anitens5lraut . 913 ,, tueifee ilantparibeit (Spanish flies) ^alapettsSur^el .1225 $appern (buds) . 488 Samaifauifcper ^Pfeffer . 948 ^appernsSHnbe (bark) . 488 3a§min?23Iumen (flowers).’ .1246 ^aibamontlein . 901 ^a^mtnsDel (oil) .1246 JlcutoifeU 2 M)l .2187 ^apaniicpe @rbe ilartoffels©tdrfe .2187 3jbifd)s33lumen (flowers) . 120 ^aScarilHDliitbe . 778 Sbifcps^raut (leaves) . 120 $aftanien, inilbe . 75 ^bifcpsSur^el (root) . 120 $a$en* ©amanber .2287 $e Idnger je lieber .2436 $at>ens$rautlein .2099 Sefuiten^pee . 590 ^ajenntinje .1557 3gnatiu§?53o£men .2234 Jla|enpfotd)en, gemeineS (flow' SmmorteUen .1080 ers) .1081 Ssnbiaitiicber SBalfam £afcentoebel . 913 „ Xabat .1374 $aiens 2 Burael .2388 3 nbtg?$raut, beutjcpes .1239 $elIerf>al34lorner (seed) . 839 Subigo (indigo) £an)rt? 2 Bursel .1736 Snbifcpe flatter . 634 $ermeSs$ 8 eeien . 678 Sngber ,. 143 £ermefiens$ 8 eeren . 678 „ beutjcper ,. 276 £enens£vaut (leaves) .2401 ,, tDilber $emnfrauts$ 8 lumen (flowers)...2401 £efieU93eeren. .2378 ^ngiuers^lauen . 143 $enfcplamms93lumen .2438 ^nfecteiis^uluev, perfifd;e§.... ..1865 ^euicplatnntsSamen .2438 ^opauniSsSeeren ..1947 $ieferns (syrup) 1915 Hrenjtf^ummet 798 Anm3$9eeren 2382 $vopf?2Buv3el 1797 £ropf*2Bursels$raut (leaves)... 2091 £ud)ens©d}elle 188 ,, fdfluarse 188 ftrup born £ul)n 1576 fluty*$raut 1483 ^ubbonts ©amen ...2336 &ul)s$rafce 877 $iimmel 510 ,, fdpoarjer 1582 ^ummeli©amen 510 $unigunbens$raut 957 $uffo 416 $ujeuelle (Cochineal) iUibnfc^oteusSlumen 834 #iittensjlerne 816 Sab*Jtuaut 1036 2abs$raut, gelaes 1036 ^acbens^noblaud) 2289 SacfmuS .1316 Safrt| .1077 2ampen*9tufj (lamp black) 2ai erfrauts^urgel 1296 Sattidj 1282 Sattid)? ©aft .1282 2attid), ftmfenber. 1283 ,, miloer 1280 Sand) 105 SauSs^ovner 158 £aufe*$orner 852 Sduies©amen 852 SaoenbersSBlumen 1309 £eben3tf$8aum .2306 Seberfletteiu $raut 83 Sebers^tjvan (cod liver oil) Seoers^arj 2158 Seinsflraut 212 Sein4t'ud)en ( expressed Linseed) Seiiu ©amen 1364 Skin = ©amen ? 2Jleljl (linseed SenbensSBursel 1991 £erc^ens©c^ioamm 397 £ibibibts$ol)ne 441 £ibibibi*©d)oten 441 Cic^GSlumensSBurgel • 688 Siebertcbe Jtranter 1023 2iebfrauenbett:=©tvol) 1036 Siebftodel^raut 1350 £iebftoctel*©amen 1350 SiebftbdelsSBurgel 1350 SiliensSIumen, toeifje (flowers) 1355 2ilienfiaubs58eutet, rneitfe. 1355 Silieusii'urgel, blaue 1234 ,, metfje (root) 1355 £inbeu?33liit£)en (flowers). 2317 ,, olme flatter (without leaves) 2317 fiobelieusihaut 1374 Sobelien?2Burjel (flowers) 1377 2bffels$vaut ..... 682 SbffeUtfreffe 682 2opesr2Burjel 2320 Sorbeer?33ldtter (leaves) 1307 2orbeer^utter (expressed oil)..1307 Sorbeeren (berries) ..1307 2orbeer?0el (expressed oil) 1307 2orbeermeiben-3fltube ..2015 Socfyers^ilg 398 2omenblatt=2Burjel 545 2ou)enfuf$s$raut (leaves) 2046 Soiuenmaul 212 ,, grofjeS 213 £8weuga$u*A-raut (leaves) 2265 Solueu^abusSSursel (root) 2265 Sogas(S^ina 627 £ucien*9tinbe 987 2ungen*$lecfytc 2228 £u n g ens 'JJ1 o o 3 * 2228 Sung entrant 1854 Spcopobium 1403 U)fagellanifd)e 9?iut>e 890 2Jtegeus$almu§ 60 mageitsSSurjel 60 2JlagiftranStf2Sursel 1216 3Jlags©ameu, fd^VDcyr^ex* 1659 ,, meijjer 1659 3kal)agonis91inbe 2247 SM&Uflraut 2214 attain 35 lumen (flowers) 707 aJlais(5ilbcfd)en (flowers) 707 j 204 Index.— German Common Names. aftaxtipfels'Burael 1764 3Jiairan 1618 2Jlajoran 1618 ,, luilbev 1620 Sflatummicfy 51° •iJiatambos&iitbe 783 aJiaflaguettas^Pfeffei- . 138 3Jiattbel», bxttere 146 3JianbeU&lut(>en (blossoms) 146 147 3ftanbeln, fiifee 147 3Jlangels2Bur$el 1991 3JlcmjofsStarfe (tapioca) 1248 aJlannStreu 928 2Jlariens58aIfam 991 9Jlavieus23latt (leaves) 1866 SJtarieubiftekftraut (leaves) 502 aJlavienbiftelsSameu (seed) 502 3)tarieniteffel 1438 SDlavfs'gett (Ox marrow) 3Jla3liebens:33lume (flowers) 359 3Jla3liebeits$raut (leaves) 359 3Jlaffot)s9tinbe 636 •Dlafticf) 1741 2ftaftt£ 1741 3JlaftiEs^o4 (wood) 1741 3Jiafti£sjtraut 2287 9Katicos93ldtter 259 3)iauers$feffer 2099 3Jtauers9taute 307 3)laulbeeien 1527 „ rotfye 1527 3Kaufeij§i*df)en, rotfyeS (flowers)..1081 3Jlau3bbrleiit 1164 ■DlauSsAunebel 2082 2JlarasSBeiIrf)en (flowers) =....2432 SJleccas^alfam 152 2Ked)oacannas2Bur5el, gvaue 1225 UiebeiitB 2214 Sfteerbeifufj 269 3tteers3)loo3 730 3Jleemttigs2Burjel 680 9)lecrrettigsSoffelfraut (leaves).. 680 DleersSdpuamm (sponges) 3Jleertoermutb 269 3)leer s 3tmebel 2082 3Negerz$raut... 1036 aJle^lborns33Iut(>en (blossoms)... 773 3tte(>I 5 3flittter 2086 3)leifter'2Burj 1216 2Jleifters2Buv5el 1216 ,, fd^tonvje 319 3Jtetainbos9tiube 783 3Mbe, fttnf eube 597 3Mequetta^feffer 138 3)1 el iff e 1464 „ turfif^e 887 3ttevfuriu3s£raut 1483 3Jletaliftaz2Bursel 1502 3Jlettram 1864 3Jlej:ifanifcbe 33itters9tinbe 786 3Jle£itauiicf>e§ 21rgemone 243 3){ej:i(amfc()eg £raubens$raut... 590 2JHere, rot^c 156 2Jlilcbjucfer (sugar milk) 3JUlcfyblumens$raut 1772 3)li^bmen s 58ittev 728 „ £eeta 728 3Jltftel 2437 3JUl* ? $vaut 579 ’ 3)iittag3blumens5lraut 1486 I 3)Utd)eUa 1042 DlobeitsSeumra 948 DlobnsSlattev (leaves) 1659 3)lobns(5rtract (opium) 1659 2Jlot)ns$tdnnen (heads) 1659 3Jlof)nsj?bbfe (heads) 1659 3KoI)ns©amen, fdjwavaer (blue seed) 1659 3Jlobns©amen, weiBer (white seed) '. 1659 2Jlobrs9Utben 847 9)lbbren 847 3ttbf)ren?©amen (seed) 847 3Jlolfe (whey) 3)loitarbens^raut 1512 DJlondb5fappe?33Iatter (leaves)... 54 2Jloncb3fapjpes2Bursel (root) 54 9Jlond)3s$Pfeffer 2438 3)lbu4^s3ibttbavber ...1986 3)lonbs51raut 406 3Jtonb*3taute 406 3)louefias@rtrnct (extract) 609 Sllonefias^Unbe (bark) 609 3)loo3s33eeren 2378 3)loo^s^uIbev 1403 3Jloo3, ceBlonifdje^ 1097 ,, iSlanbijdjeS 580 3Jioo§*$ledf)te 580 3)ibrfemau (leaves) 1403 9)lofcfju§ (Tonquin musk) 9ftof4u3s2Bursel 982 3Jlotten?$vaut 1319 2JiottenErauts33lumen, gell>e 1080 3JUinge, rbntifd&e 1479 „ runbblattrige 1478 fpifce 1479 SDlufanuas^inbe 90 3Jlubavs9tinbe 288 3Jlusfats33alfam 1542 3)lu§fat?58Iiitbe (Mace) 1542 3ftu3fats3iuffe (Nutmegs) 1542 aftuefateUev ©albeisjlraut (leaves) 2033 3Jhifettna?9iinbe 90 3Jluttev*£ars 997 3flutter-$raut 1464 „ 1864 3Kutter^ein 2086 3)httter^itmmel 798 2Jluttev*3ielfen 517 SJIuttersSBurjel 1492 3Jhtttev*3itmnet 634 ajlqrr^ft (gum myrrh) 344 gjlqrteugagels^raut 1538 3Jl9rtens2Bacl)3 (myrtle wax). ..1537 9tacfytfd>atteiu£raut, ftf)toar$e3..2182 31annaris2Bursel 1141 9tavb, tubifc^er 1559 ,, luilbev 281 •ftavbe, celtifdje 1559 ,, inbifctye 1559 3lavrentappes3)Idtter (leaves)... 54 ,, SBursel (root) 54 31atterfobf*2Bur;|eI 896 31atters2Bursel 1784 sRatterjungenstfiaut 1609 9telfen 517 9ielfens£affie (bark) 1303 91elfens£jola (stems) 517 9Mfeus$feffer 948 9Mfens9tinbe 1303 31elfens©tiete (stems) 517 9telfen=2Buv&eI 1067 9ielteus3immet 1303 31effels^vaut (leaves) 2367 31ierenfarrns2Buijel 303 ^ie^aBurjel 2396 ,, anterifanifcbe 2398 „ falfcf^e 71 gviine 1136 j Index.— German Common Names. 205 SRieSzSBurjel, orientalifcfye 1137 „ ftinfenbe 1135 ,, fdbtoar^e 1137 „ tueifje 2396 „ SBinter 1136 SRintgbarf 112 SRujjzDel (nut oil) Defer, brauner (brown ochre)... ,, gelber (yellow ochre) ,, rotter (red ochre) Dd)fenbred)z$raut (leaves) 1606 Dcbfenbred&sSBurjel (root) 1606 0d)fenz@aUe, eingebiefte (in- spissated ox gall) Dd)fenz9ttarf (ox marrow) Ddflenfufjes^ett (neatsfoot oil) DcMeujuugensSBlumen (flowers) 161 Dcfyfen^ungens^raut (leaves) 161 OdifenjuugeuzSBiirgel (root) 161 ,, ,, luilbe 896 Dbermemtig 83 Defbftiims^arj (gum elemi) 151 0etmagenz(Sameu (seed) 1659 DelzSRttffe 1108 DeUSameit, agtjptifdjer 2128 DIantzSShirjel 1221 Dlibanum (gum) 405 DlibenzSBlatter (leaves) 1601 Dlioens©ummi (gum olive) 1601 DlibettzDel (oil) 1601 DlibenzSRiube (bark) 1601 Opium (Opium) 1659 Dpo=S8alfam 152 DpozSBalfamunt, troefner (dry balsam) 1544 Dpopauaj; 1072 DrapirizIRiiibe 1026 Drangen, bittere reife 656 ,, ,, unveife 650 656 Draitgenz2lepfef (apples) 656.... 650 DrangenzSBlditer (leaves) 656... 650 DrangenzSBiumen (flowers) 656 650 Drang enzSdjalen (peel) 656 650 DrangensSBursel 1177 Drant 1620 „ grower 213 DrbealsSobnen 1712 Drfanetz'JCBursel 162 Drlean (Annota) 386 DrfeiUe 1346 DfterzSHuine 188 DfterluseizSSursel 249 ,, bid^te 756 ,, fraujoftfepe.... 250 ,, gemeiitelange 247 ,, „ runbe 753 ,, lange 249 ,, runbe 251 Dftran^SSurjel 1216 SpaeonieiizSIumeu (flowers) 1643 spaeonienzSanten (seed) 1643 spaeomenzSBurjel (root) 1643 spalmzSButter (oil) 989 ^atmsDel (oil) 899 spalmazepriftizDel (oil) 1950 spana£z©ummi .....1672 spamtazSBursel 301 spappeIz23lumen,grof!C (flowers) 121 SpappelzSBldtter (leaves) 1803 spappelzSftinbe (bark) 1803 spappelzjhtoipen (buds) 1803 spappelzSftofen (flowers) 121 spapuanijdje ©ulUaroanz s Jtiube .. 638 spabeu 2340 s I5arat)ie3z£oh 112 sparabie3z$brner 138 Sparaguapsdtoug 2206 Sparaguai)z2:t)ee 1206 Sparazfcffe 2206 sparatobozSftinbe 482 SPariSzSBeeren (berries) 1663 $z$erne (pits) 149 S|3firficf)zSRinbe (bark) 149 spflamnen (prunes) 1832 Spfriemenzih-aut (flowers) 834 $friemeuz$rautz93lumen (leaves) 834 Spic^urimzS8of)neu, grofje (large)1569 ,, tteine (small)1569 Spiment 948 $impiueUz2Burjel, grofte 1719 ,, fdjiuarse 1719 ,, tueifte 1720 spimberzSftiiffe 1742 spineolen 1724 spiftaccieu 1742 spianfenzftlecbte 657 SpodenzSSSurjel 2167 spodenz^oB 1105 spoeonienzSBlumen (flowers) 1643 spoeontenz(Santen (seed) 1643 SpoeouienzSBurjel (root) 1643 Spoleg 1477 206 Index.— German Common Names. s $olep, omerifanifc^er 1121 9ticimt5sDel (oil) .1950 ^omevaiuien . 656 9ticinu3s©amen .1950 ,, urtreife (buds) 656.. . 650 „ amerftanifty'! r ^omerangeiisSlepfel, umetfe (American) .1950 (apples) 650 . 656 OticimiSsSameu, franjofifeber ^omeraitjensSlatter (leaves) (French) .1950 656 . 650 9ticirtu3s©amen, grower . 804 ^omercuueu^Iiitfycn (flowers) 9tigaifcber SBalfam .1724 650 . 656 9liugel5$8lumen (flowers) . 460 ^omerangensven?Gaifie . 525 fjhtcfyapats'SIatter (leaves) .1765 9lb(ireiis§itlfe . 525 $urgiers©affia , 525 9iobr*2Burael, fpauifd>e . 278 $urqiers^lacb§ .1363 9tofen*2lepfel .1958 $urgier?$bnter . 787 9tofeits33ebeguar .1958 ,, Heine . 974 9tofens33ldttev / blafjrotbe .1959 $urgiers$raut .1099 „ frau$bfif$e .1960 $urgiers2ftoo§ . 580 9lofen?^olj . 721 $urgters2eiit .1363 9hflensDel .1961 $urgienuegs$)ornbeereu (ber 9tofeits©d)ipainm .1958 ries) .1915 Diofinen (raisins) .2440 $urpurs^ingerl)utblume» 9io6martn (leaves) .1964 (flowers) . 863 „ roilber .1319 SPurpursftiugerbutfvaut (leaves) 863 9lo§mann5591umeu (flowers) ... ..1964 ^hirpur*Aingerbutfamen (seed) 863 9to$manns$raut (leaves) .1964 Dunifiens^ols .2152 9lo^?itaftanien (nuts) . 75 QuedeusGraS .2340 9toBs£aftauiens9tinbe (bark)..., .. 75 £Utecfen*2£ur&el .2340 9iof^eitd)el .1595 „ rotfye . 504 9i'o§bufs$T£uit (leaves) .2348 Duecf?<3ilbev (mercury) 9io|s©cl)tpan§ 913 Duercitronens^iube (bark) .1899 9to§s2Bur*el . 506 Duenbelsilraut 9iot()s$eilrpuv5el .1814 Dluitten (dried quinces) .. 816 91ot^s|)ols . 438 Duitteits©amen (seed) . 816 9lbbren?Srtffie . 525 Duittensfterne (seed) .. 816 91u(»ralant .1220 Dtuittens©d)mtte (dried 9tut)rsU3lumeu, neapolitauifcfye. ..1086 quinces) 9lubts9iiiibe .2153 9tog::2Bnrjel .1610 9tubfs2Bur3el 1814 9tainfavrns33lumen (flowers)... ..2264 9lupredbt0?^rant .1060 9tainfarnts$raut (leaves) .2264 9Hibc, gelbe .. 847 9taimarrns©amen (seed) .2264 9Ui(»v mid) nidjt ait .1212 ShtinsSBeibe (leaves) .1352 9Utfters9tirtbe ..2354 'Jtatcmfyias^inbe (bark) .1275 ©ababillsSaineit .2397 SiataubiasSurjel (root) .1275 ©abebaum^liitter 1260 9lautes23latter .1998 ©aflorsSBlunten . 509 9iattens2Bnnel .1814 ©aflor=©ameit . 509 9lebenbolbeiis$raut, rbbrige3...1594 ©afran . 776 „ fnfraitgelbe^ „ amerifanifdjer .. 509 (leaves) .1593 „ falfd)er . 509 9tebenbolDeidrauts2Buv^el(root)1593 ,, orientalifd)er .. 776 9flebenboIbeits©amen ,.1595 ,, fponifdjev .. 776 9iegemourmsDel (earth worm ©aftgviin .1915 oil) ©ago (sago) 9iei3 ©aqos3)lebl (sago flour) ffteifjs-iRlei (black lead) ©aiab'SKurjel ,.1616 SKenetloben ©alat, Garten .1282 9tePier?£raut (leaves) ..2264 „ gif tiger .1283 9iePiers93lumeu (flowers) ..2264 „ toilber ..1280 91ebier?©ameit (seed) ..2264 ©albebftraut ..2030 9^abaibev*2Bur5el .1926 ,, SQSiefen ,.2032 ,, cf)inefifcfc>e — ,.1925 ©aIbei?Gamanber .2290 ,, iubifebe ..1926 ©aIbeis9Jhi§cateUer ..2033 » ,, fibirifd)e ..1925 ©aleb?2Bitrjel .1616 ,, tiirf ifcf>e .1925 ©atomonSs©ieqel .. 709 9tfbapontifs2BuneI ..1927 ,, fleineS . 710 9tbeinfarrn«SBIumeu (flowers). ..2264 ©aitbarac ,.2305 9iI)einfarrnsJtraut (leaves) ..2264 ,, beutfd)ev .1257 ^beinfavriisSameit (seed) ..2264 ©anbarad? ,.2305 s Jibeumati3mu§s2Burjel ..1249 ©anbbeereus931dtter . 240 9ticiuu^s s I3liitter (leaves) ..1950 ©alpeis.ftraut .2030 Index.— German Common Names. 207 ©alneisGamattber ..2290 ©cMafsStyfel ..1958 ©alueis3ftu3catteller .2033 ©cblafapfeIs2Burjet * . 328 ©albei, 2Biefeu .2032 ©ddafsjlraut ..1186 ©anbel*£ola, blaueS .1108 ©cblag?$raitt ,, qelbe3 .2048 ©dblaitgens£>o4 ..2233 „ iotbelpar^$ummel .1582 ©aftai)avittas2Bur-$el .2170 ©cbtpar^SBuv^el .2253 ©affapaviUa, beutfcbe 504 ©dppefel (brimstone) „ ’gvaue . 231 ©d)toefets2Buvsel .1693 ,, oftinbifcbe .1141 ©d)tpeinebrobs 2 Buv 5 el . 814 ©atuvei .2064 ©cbioein§tob .2182 ©auevacbsSeeren . 363 ©d)n)eiitefencbeIs2Bm^el .1492 ©auersSDattelu .2259 ©cbiPinbfiidbtgsSBurset , 616 ©auer^lee .1636 ©cor5onev?2Bursel .2088 ©aufencbeUSBursel .1693 ©ebefteit . 736 ©aus^vaut .2182 ©e$mg s »l fitter .. 526 ©an?Dbv .1749 ©ees@icbe .1017 ©cbaaf^unge .1749 ©eibelbafts^inbe (bark) . 839 ©cammomum, aleppiicbe3 . 720 ©eibelbaftsSBuvsel (root) . 839 „ fmpvnaifcbeS .1690 ©eifens^raut (leaves) .2052 ©dbadbtelsipalm . 913 ©eifens^iube (bark) .1901 ©dbabeitfrautsSBIumeu .1080 ©eifen^2Burgel (root)’ .2052 ©cbabjiegers^lee .1458 ,, dqpptijcbe .1114 ©dbafgarben»33lumen . 38 „ ittbifcbe .1114 .. ebte (flowers) 40 ,, lebantifcbe .1114 ©d)afgavben?$vaut (leaves) „ ebieS . 38 ,, fpaitifcbe ,, lueifce .1114 .1396 (leaves) . 40 ©etferies©amen . 215 ©cbafvibben*23Iumen (flowers). . 38 ©emeleb . 112 ©cbafvibpeu^raut (leaves) . 38 ©euegalsGittttmi (Senegal gum) ©cbafts^eu . 913 ©enegasSBuvsel ©enefa?2Buvsel .1776 ©cbabahiersSBuvjel .2396 .1776 ©cbampamers2Buv§el .2396 ©enf, q vilu er .2157 ©cbarbodSs&lee .1481 ,, fdpuavfiev .2157 ©cbarbocf3?$raut . 682 ,, fpeifcev .2154 ©dbarlacbs33eeveu . 678 ©emte§s$8lattev . 526 ©cbavlacbs^raut .2033 ,, alejanbrinifcbe. ©efams33Iattev . 519 ,, Garten .2033 .2127 ©dbarIadb?2Buvm (Cochineal).. ©efanisDel (oil) .2127 ©dbellact 96 ©eben?33aum .1260 ©cbeUsitvaut . 586 ©iebenfinqevtvauts2Buvjel .1814 ©cbevnacfel .2046 ©ieben^eit .1458 ©dbievlittg (leaves) . 703 ©ieg^mar^sSBurjel . 108 ©cf)ierliug3s$raut (leaves) ,, geflecfte§ . 703 ©ienna (senna) ©ietqelb .1913 (leaves) . 703 ©imarubas9tmbe .2153 ©cbieiling^s^raut, ffeineS . 77 ©inau .2046 ©d)ievnu'g§s©ameu , 703 ©iunqriin, avofee* .2426 ©tbiffrobvsSBuvsel, gemeinc . 279 „ fretne$ .2427 208 Index.— German Common Names. ©intocs91iitbe 637 ©mini el (emery) ©onnens9td3c§eu 1126 ©onuertz^au 889 ©otnmers3toiebeln ..... 103 ©oobs33rob 574 ©opbiens^raut * 100 ©oubaniicbe ©elbsStinbe 684 ©oulin..... 728 „ 728 ©opmibasiftinbe 2246 ©pdmfcbe fyliegeu (Spanish flies) ©pamfcpev ftopfeu 1617 ,, ilevbel 1547 ,, Corbel 1547 ,, ^feffev 492 ©panifcpe jRobvsffiuvsel (root)... 278 ©pavgelsSBurjel 296 ©pa$etn2Bur5el 2052 ! ©pecE*3Jlelbe 1483 ! ©pedbts2Buvjel 859 ©peasGiimmi 2158 ©pecEliliesSIumeu 1385 ©pe^vfraittsSBuijel...: 2388 Speid)eU2Buvael 2052 ©peicpels^raut 2052 ©perntsDel (sperm oil) Spiegelieu?£raut, brafilianis fcbe§ 2204 ©pi'egeliensJlraut, marpldnbis icpes 2205 ©piegelieiisSBurjel, brafirfcbe...2204 ©piegelieii?S>ursel, marplanbis fd?e 2205 ©piEs23lumen (flowers) 1309 ©pifsCel (spike oil) ©pitjflettensih-aut (leaves) 2445 ©pinnenbiftel^rdut 558 ©pring?©urfe 1510 ©pfings©urfen^©rtract,ii^it)avs jer (black elaterium) 1510 ©piingsGurlensGrtvact, toeiBer (white elaterium) 1510 Springs^orner, fleirte (seed) 974 ©jm|s©urfe 1510 ©tabsflvaut 261 ©tabhmi>£raut 261 ©tabnmrjsSBeibleiu 2049 ©tad)elmiB 5 £raut (leaves) 845 ©tacbelnuBs©amen (seed) 845 ©tab up mi ga meg 2412 ©taUErauts2Bur§el 1606 ©tapbabviaitsSamen 852 ©taugeusSacf 96 ©tangetu©cf)ft>efel (sulphur in rolls) .' . ©tdrfe (starch) 712 ©tdrfs2Jtebl (starch) 712 ,, amertEantfcpes 1436 ©tarEesSummi (glucose) ©tecbapfelsjlraut (leaves) 845 StediapfelsSamen (seed) 845 ©tecbpalmen?58ldttev (leaves)... 1201 ©tecb*2Bm$el 928 j ©teb=2Biu*ael 928 l ©teinbeereiisiflldtter (leaves)... 240 I ©teinbvecbsSBurjel, votbe 2210 1 ©teins^lee 1459 ,, blauer 1458 j ©teintoblensCel (coal oil) ©teiuIinbeiisiBldtter (leaves). ...1703 1 ©teinlinbeits9tinbe (bark) 1703 | ©teiiisDel (rock oil) „ rotbe3 (red rock oil) ,, meifjes (white rock oil) ©teinsDtofe 1129 ©teinpeteileins2Bur*el 1720 ©teius©ame 1371 ©teiiimurjcls^iaut 83 ©tepban§s£oruei- 852 ©ternaniS 1280 ©ternbiftelsifllumen (flowers)... 559 ©ternbiftel'^raiit (leaves) 559 ©ternlebers£rant 299 ©ternleben!Dioo£ 1437 ©terns©ameu 1208 ©ticf)s28ur$el 256 ©tiefmuttercbeu^raiit 2436 ©tinEafant 1563 ©tinfj^amiUeu 1440 ©tinEiuacpbolbers^raut 1260 ©tinfenber Satticp 1283 ©tinEenbe s JMbe 597 ©toctsSacE 96 ©tocEsjHofen (flowers) 121 ©toecpaS, arabifcper 1310 ©tovajrsJflalfam (liquid styrax)2244 ©tora£, fefter 2244 „ fliiffiger(liquidstyrax)2244 ,, falfcber (false storax)...2244 ©torcps©cbiia‘beI 1057 ©tauc$Eugelblumen?33ldtter 1074 ' ©treiu^ulber 1403 ©tridEs^raut, ^anfartige^ 841 ©trobsSIumeit, gelbe 1080 1 ©turmput, blauer (leaves) 54 ©turmbut?2Burgel (root) 54 ,, neapolitanifcbe 48 ©tulten?2Burjel 1067 ©uccabe (sugared peel) 654 ©ubfee*£bee 1206 ©iiBbolg 1077 ©iiBbol35©aft 1076 ©uftleesSlumen 1382 ©umacp 1935 ©umacbss^eeren (berries) 1935 ©umad^iBldtter (leaves) 1935 ©umacbs91tnbe (bark) 1935 ©limpfbalbriausSurjel 2385 ©umpfbaarftraug^SBunel 1694 ©umpmelEen*2£urael 1066 ! ©umpfpoft 1319 ©umpf=©pirae 2214 ©ureu*9tinbe 2246 ©brup (molasses) 2004 Sctbaf, iitbiamfcber 1374 £abafss23ldtter, marpldnbiicbe..l580 „ tiirfifcbe 1579 ,, tHrqtnifdje 1580 ^abernamontaitas^inbe 117 Sfcacamabac (gum) 991 £afels£acE 96 Staid) (French chalk) £alcps©tein (French chalk) £alf (French chalk) Stamarinben 2259 £amariftens s Jtinbe, beutfcbe (bark) 1539 £amariftens9tinbe, fvanjbfifcbe (bark) 2261 Janneuiproiieiisgfieiu (essence) 8 2ainien*apfeiisDel (oil) 9 Sapioca (tapioca) Jaicbensifleereu (berries) 1715 Safcbeubeerett'SGBursel (root) 1715 2:aubiteffeU93lumen (flow* rs). ..1289 SaubeiD^orbel 1018 i SEaubensflvaut 2403 Jaubnefielblumens^vaut (leaves) 1289 Index.— German Common Names. 209 ^aufeubgiilbeit^raut . 602 23auilIes53obnen...... ..2393 £aiu'enbgiUben?&raut, amevifa SBegetabilifdjer ©dpuefel (lycc ttifd)e3 .2001 podium) . ^aufeitbmanns2BurseI . 248 SBeilcbens&lumen (flowers) .2432 £a£ii§s23eeren (berries) ..2267 $eilcf>ens#ol5 £aj;u3?931dtter (leaves) .2267 33eilcbensSdfluatnm .. 398 £aj;u3?£ols (wood) .2267 SkildjertsSBurjel (root) ..2432 Xa£U§s$inbe (bark) ,, florentinifd^e. . ..1232 £erpentbiit, amevitanifdjer .1725 SSemiSs^aar ,. 68 ,, canabifcfyer (balsam fir) 3 SBernunfts^raut £erpentt)in, carpatbtfcfyer (bal- $etiber*2Buv5el sam) .1724 SBieigutt) . 321 £erpentinit, t>eutfc^ev (turpen - SSioIen (flowers) ,.2432 tine) .1728 SSogelsSeeren Xerpeutt)iu, bicfer (turpentine) 1728 SSogelbeerbaum?9iiube ..2196 ,, barter (white hard SSagelsSeim ..1201 turpentine) .1725 SBogeGSeibe .. 811 £erpentl)in, gemeiner (turpen - SSogeGtSporn ..2086 tine) .1728 2Bacfy£)olber?33eeren £erpentbiit, ftrafjburger (tur- „ tiir£ifd)e .1259 pentine) . 9 2BacPoIbers$Blatter (leaves)..., ..1257 £erpentin, ueitetianifdjer SBacbbolbersGummi (gum) ..1257 (Venice turpentine) . 7 2Bad)t;olbers§o4 (wood) ..1257 ^erpeutbinsDel, gemeiner (tur - 2Bacf)boIbers©aft (juice) .1257 pentine) 2Bad)bolbers©pibeit .1257 £eufel§abbij35$raut (leaves)... 2076 SOBacp, qelbe§ (bees wax) ^eufeBabbiftsSBurjel (root) .2076 ,, japanifdje^ (Japan wax)2229 S£eufel3augeu?jtraut .L186 ,, toeifte§ (bleached wax) £eufel3sSDvect .1563 2Bacb$mprtels23ldtter (leaves)., .1537 Steufel^-JUiffe .2326 2Bad)§mprteU9iinbc(bark) ..1537 Xf)ee, cauabtfcfier .1042 SBaib.... .1913 „ gviiner .2300 2Baiscu?©tdrfe (starch) „ Sabrabor .1042 SGBalbbingel^raut .1484 ,, fcproarjer .2299 SBalbfarntsSSursel . 303 £fjeer, idprar^er (tar) SBalbijafyneit^ufc, toeijjer . 186 ,, toeifcer (white tar) SQSalbbapnenfu^sShtnten . 186 £beersDel (oil of tar) SBalbmeifter . 299 2^eviaf?2!3ur5el 2390 2BalbliIien?33lumeit ..1382 £brib<*E .1282 2Balb*2Hinae .1475 - 2$gmian .2311 2Balbnad^tfd)attensilraut „ milber .2310 (leaves) . 327 £tyt)ms@eibe . 810 SSalbneffeU^raut, grofses ..2219 £obteus33lume (flowers) . 460 2Balb s Jtebe . 661 £obtenblumes$raut (leaves).... . 460 2Balbs(3tro(> .1036 £obtenfopfs s J)ioo§ .1347 2Balbs2BoIle .1728 £ollbeeven«ilraitt . 327 2BalbiuoUs@jtract (extract)..., ..1728 £olls$vaut . 327 2BalbtooU=Del (oil) ..1728 XoUfrautsSBurjel (root) . 327 2Balbn)inbe*SBlumeu .1385 £oUtiifd)en?$raut . 327 SBaUfiid^ett (whale oil) £oUtorbeU$raut (leaves) . 614 SBaUs-Jluffe (walnuts) ..1253 £oiu?S8alfam (tolu balsam) .... .1546 ,, unreife (unripe wal $onfas23ol)nen . 872 nuts) .1253 Xopittambur .1128 2Ballnuf(s33ldtter (leaves) .1253 ^ormentxlsSBui^el .1814 SBaUmifjs ©cbale, grime (shucks)1253 £ouruefoI . 788 SBauratb (spermaceti) £raqaittf) (tragacanth) SEBaUrat^Del (sperm oil) £ragarttbs2Bur*el (rooi) . 316 2Banbs$leiDeIt'en=3tinbe .2421 SSurmtrautsSamen (seed) .2264 2B«u .1913 2Burm?3Jtoo§ .1016 SSelfc^e SWiiffe .1253 ,, corfifanifcbe§ .1016 2Begeric| .1746 2Burmi9Unbe, iamaifanifcbe . 165 ,, grower breiter .1749 „ fuvtitamifcbe . 166 ,, mittlerer .1750 SBurntsSameu, amerifanifcber ,, fpi^er .1747 (American) . 591 2Beiber*$rieg .1606 2Burm*Samen. berberiicber SfficgloavtsSSursel (root) . 612 (barbarian) . 591 2Beqtoarts$raut (leaves) . 612 SBurntsSamen, lebantifcfyer . 264 2Betbens3iinbe .2009 2Burms£aitg .1016 ■JBeibensSctytoamm . 398 2Burnts£ob’ . 262 2Seibeu5®urjel, fcfymavse .2014 2Burft?$raut .1618 2Beibericb, gelber .1415 2Buti)beerens5haut (leaves) . 327 SBeifynacfytSsSBurjel .1137 aOBiit^erict) (leaves) . 614 2Bei(>raucl) . 405 5 .1197 ,, 2Balb .1728 )abits2Bursel . 153 2Beil)raud)?9tinbe (bark) .2244 3apfens£opfen .1169 2Beinvauteus$raut .1998 $aj>feitsfloru .2086 2BeinrebensS3latter (leaves) .2440 lauten . 707 SSeinrebcnstoeigsSpi^en (tops). 2440 ^auntirfcbensStengel, aiiterifa 2BeiTt*£rauben, unveife (green itifcbe r. 86i grapes) .2440 JaunliltcitsSSlumeu ..1385 2Beiu?2Bur5el .1067 saunrubettsSBursel . 420 2Beifebonts33lutt)en (blossoms). . 773 saunsSalat .1280 SBeij^SBurjel . 709 Jei)rs^rQut .. 371 SBermutl), gemeiner . 262 lebrsSBur^el . 276 „ pontifcfyer . 27 1 3eitlofes$8lumen (flowers) .. 688 ,, rotmfcfyer . 271 3eitlofesSamen (seed) . 688 2Bermutl)s33lumen (flowers) .. 262 3eitlofes2Bur§el (root) . 688 2Bevmutb=©))i^en (tops) .. 262 3epters2Bur*el . 807 2Bermut^?35eituf; (leaves) . 262 libeben .2440 SGSetfc^en .1045 ligeuners^raut ..1186 2Biber*£l)on, gol.bner .. 69 jimmet, brafilianifcfyer . 634 „ rotter . 309 ,, Gapeune . 634 9Bibevs©ift . 881 ,, ceplonifcfyer ,. 639 2Biefens©ei§bart .2214 „ 4?ois .1304 2Biefeus$onigiu ..2214 ,, janauifc^er .. 634 2BiefensSafran (flowers) . 688 ,, malabarifdjer .1304 2Biejenfalbeis$vaut ..2032 ,, Sumatra ,. 634 2Bintei'Srunnenfreffe .. 932 ,, meifjer .. 481 Winter* Grim, bolbenblitmige§ .. 599 JimmctsSBtutben (buds) ,. 634 2Binters9iie§murgel .1136 jimmetsSajfie ,.1304 2Binterfd)afts§eu ;. 913 jimmctfovte .1304 2Binterfd»e 3^iitbe . 890 3iu»s$raut . 913 SBinterSsgimmet . 890 jipollen .. 103 SffiinterfpargelsSBurjel ..2088 3irbel?9luffe ..1724 SBirbel . 699 Sirenen : ..2255 2Birbel*3)oft, gemeiner . 699 jitvonen .. 653 2Bof)lgemutb ,.1620 jittmer . 807 2Bol)loevlei?Slatter (leaves)... .. 256 „ 93Iocf ..2462 SBofyluerleisSBlunteu (flowers).. ,. 256 ,, gelber ..2462 SBoblberleisSKSur^el (root) .. 256 3ittmers5lraut (leaves) ., 265 2Bolf5s33eeren (berries) ..1663 3ittmer?Samen .. 264 2Bolf6beevetts$rctut (leaves) ,.1663 ftittroer?2Burael .. 807 2 Bolf§beerens 2 Bur 5 eI (root) ..1663 jotteublumen4tlee ..1481 2Bolf8*ftufc ..1409 Jucfer, toeifcer ..2004 2Bolf§*flraut (leaves) ..1663 4ucfer, (5anbt§ (rock candy)... ..2004 2Bolf3firfd)eits$raut (leaves)... .. 327 judervofeu^Slatter ..I960 2Bolf§mild^s©ummi (gum ^udersSprup (molasses) ..2004 euphorbium) tfutfersSBurjel ..2166 2Bolf3trapp-itraut ..1326 gunberS .. 396 2BolU33lumen (flowers) ..2401 gmeija^ns^raut .. 399 2BolU$raut (leaves) ..2401 gmeticben.., ..1832 2BoUfrauts58lumen (flowers)... ..2401 gwiebelit .. 103 SBunbevs^Sfeffer.' .. 948 211 INDEX. COMMON NAMES. Numbers refer to the paragraph, not the page. Numbers with f (dagger) prefixed, is the article generally given when different plants have the same common name. Aaron’s Beard - - J 93 6 “ Rod 2108 Abele Tree - i8o 4 Abscess Root I 77° Absinthium - 262 Absus Seed - - 5 r 8 Abyssinian Tea 543 Acacia 2 4 tk Australian 20 ‘‘ Bambolah - 18 Acajou Nut - 2107 Acetosella Ach Root 1523 Ack kk 5” Aconite..--. ... 46 +54- 53-57 Aconitum - 56 Acorn - i8 78 kk Coffee 1878 Aorid Growfoot - i9°8 “ Lobelia 1378 '• Lettuce — 1283 Adamand Eve - 216 Adam’s Apple — - 652 “ Needle 2459 Adder’s Leaf 937 kk Mouth 2225 lk Tongue 937 kk “ Fern - 1609 “ Violet — io 9 2 “ Wort...- 896 Adstringens Bark 23 African Black Pepper i73° kk Bryony - - 4*9 kk Cayenne Pepper 492 “ Cotula 76b “ Cubebs ...1730 “ Ginger 2463 “ Lilac 1454 “ Mahogany 2248 “ Marigold - 2257 “ Olibanum 175b “ Pepper 49 2 “ Red Pepper.. 49 2 “ Rose *658 “ Tea Plant 668 kk Turmeric ----- „ 484 11 Wild Watermelon 648 Afternoon Ladies 15 02 Agar Agar 1097 Agaric Canadian 397 “ Female - 394 lk Larch, European 397 “ Oak 39 6 -+394 kk of the Oak 39b kk Purging 397 ki White 397 Agathamosa 79 Agave, American - 81 “ Virginian 82 Ageechee Tree r 5 8 8 Agnus Castus 2438 Agonia Bark - 1762 Agrimony 8 3 kk Hemp--.. 957 kk Water Hemp 379 Ague Bark - l8 4b ' k Grass 95 “ Root 95 “ Weed- 962 ‘ k Tree 2061 Ailantus 8 5 Ajava Seed I 37 AkeeTree 39° Albany Beech Drops i8 5 2 kk Hemp ---2361 Alcanna x 3*4 Alcamphora 7 8 5 Alcornoque l8 9 8 ki Bark 43 2_ 93 Alder, American — 111 kk American Tag 111 “ Black 1827 Buckthorn I9 I 7 lk Common - 111 kk Dogwood, Black ..1917 lk European 110 kk European, Black * 9 l 7 kk Leaved Dogwood 745 Red - kk Smooth Swamp m kk Spotted XII 9 “ Striped - +1827-1119 kk Swamp.-- 111 kk Tag i 11 kk White 666 ‘ Ale Cost 1866 Ale Hoof r 576 Aleppo Galls l8 88 * k Scammony Plant 7 20 kk Worm Seed - 264 Alexanders - 2176-+2465 Alexandria Worm Seed 264 Algaroba Bean — 574 Alkanet 355* * l62 tk Dyer’s J b 2 4 '" Garden --- x bi ki Root - *62 Alkekengi Berries x 7°9 Allamenda - 895 All Bones *34b Allerin Brabo 1 1 90 Allerman’s Root 108 All Heal 2388 Alligator Apple. 200 kk Pear 1691 All Seed I2 8 Allspice 948 Allspice, Florida 47° 212 INDEX.— COMMON NAMES. Almond, Cutting American Foxglove 863-+1063 “ Jordan 147 kk Frankincense 6 Almonds, Bitter ... kk Gentian 1048 44 Sweet x 47 “ Ginseng 1649 Almug - “ Greek Valerian 1770 Aloe, American 81 kk Hellebore 2398 44 False 82 kk Hemlock 613 44 Root - 95 kk Hemp 485 “ Wood kk Holly 1205 \loes, Barbadoes xx 5 kk Horsemint X 5 X 5 44 Bitter xx 5 kk Ice Plant *5 X 9 “ Bombay xx 3 44 Indian Hemp 219 “ Cape XI 4 “ Indigo 349 kk Curacoa, (Species of kk Ipecac -..+973-1070-1071 Cape) 4 }vy x 45 “ East Indian 1057 “ Hepatic xx 5 kk Larch 1293 44 Horse xx 5 44 Laurel 1270 44 India ... ...... 115 44 Licorice 1078 kk Mocha 113 44 Linden 2316 “ Shining xx 4 4k Liquorice 1078 44 Socotrine XI 3 44 Lovage x 348 “ Turkey 113 4k Lung Wort. ..+2305* 1485 “ Zanzibar xx 3 kk Maiden Hair 69 Aloeswood 44 Mandrake 1764 Alternate-leaved Cornel 743 kk Marsh Rosemary .. 2223 Althiea 44 Meadow Anemone. 187 kk Rose 121 4 4 Mezereon 873 Alum Root xx 53-+i057 44 Monkshood 58 “ 44 Maple Leaf. XI 54 44 Mountain Dittany. 799 Alyssum 44 Nightshade X 7 X 5 Amada Ginger 44 Nutmeg X 5 X 7 Amadou 44 44 Tree . . 199 Amaranth 44 Olibanum 1256 Amazon Root 116 44 Olive 1600 Amber Seed - 1 44 Pellitory 1662 kk Tree 206 44 Pennyroyal.. 1121 Ambrette 44 Pepper. 492 kk Grains 44 Plane Tree x 754 Ambrosia ..59°-+i33 44 Poplar 1804 44 Tall 44 Pulsatilla 185 American Agave 8x 44 Red Centaury 2001 kk Alcornoque... 407 44 Red Pepper 492 kk Alder 44 Rhatany 1274 kk Aloe 81 44 Rhubarb 1923 kk Anchusa 355 44 Roman Wormwood x 33 kk Anemone 186 44 Saffron 509 kk Angelica x 94 44 Sanicle +1153-1154 kk Aspen 44 44 Black 2045 44 Balm of Gile- 44 Sarsaparilla 231 ad .1802-+1801 44 Scullcap 2097 “ Barberry 44 Senna 527 44 Basswood 2316 44 Silver fir 3 44 Bay berries x 537 44 Sloe 1837 kk Beech 993 44 Spikenard 232 “ Bitter Polygala 1775 44 Star Thistle 556 kk Blackberry ... x 979 44 Sumach 194* kk Broomrape ... 44 Sweet Violet. 2428^2429 kk Buckbean 44 Tag Alder in kk Cayenne Pepper... 492 44 Thrift 2223 44 Centaury 44 Tormentil 1057 “ Century 81 44 Tormentilla xo 57 kk Chestnut 533 44 Turkey Oak 1892 kk China Root... 2173 44 Valerian 825-826*827 44 Coffee Bean IIII 44 82Q-828-+830 4 * kk Tree .. mi 44 Vegetable Tallow “ Columbo 44 Tree x 537 “ Cowslip 875+ 469-1485 44 Vegetable Wax x 537 “ Cranberry 2378 “ Vervain 240a ki Dittany 799 4 ‘ Wahoo 949 kk Dodder 812 44 Water Cress.. 1329 +1330 kk Elder 44 44 Hemlock 613 kk Elm •2353-+ 2 355 44 44 Pepper 1789 kk Eng Valerian 2388 44 White Ash 1008 44 Filbert 44 White Hellebore 2398 INDEX. — COMMON NAMES. 213 American Wild Monkshood . - 58 Arbutus, Trailing ■ 9°5 “ Wild Valerian 2389 Archel .... “ Woodbine M5 Archil ....... 44 Worm root 2205 Archangel 4 ‘ Wormseed 59 1 44 Green .+1411*1409 44 Yew 2268 44 Wild 194 Anacahuite Wood 735 Areca, Nut 241 Anchusa . 162 44 Palm 241 Anda Seed - 163 Argel Leaves Andromeda, Large Flowered 176 Arica Bark Anemone, American 186 Aristolochia Root ...+253-247 44 European t88 Arnica ...257-+256 44 Garden 184 44 Common “ Indian 183 44 Flowers 256 “ Meadow 188 44 Root “ Pulsatilla 188 Arnotta ■ 386 44 Rue . 2291 Aromatic Wintergreen. 1042 44 Wood 186 Arrach 324 44 Yellow 189 44 Dog 594 Angelica 194 44 Stinking ... 594 44 American 194 Arrow, Arum 44 European 195 44 Grass 2335 4% Garden . 195 44 Head “ High 194 44 Indian 950 “ Purple 194 44 Plant ■ 1436 44 Tree..... 233 44 Poison 44 Wild 196 44 Weed 44 European 196 44 44 Indian... 749 Angelico 1348 44 Wood .... ..2417-+950 Angle Pod 1091 44 Root Plant ■ 1436 Angola Weed 1956 Arsmart 1789 “ Pea 832 Artichoke Angostura Bark 1026 44 Jerusalem ... 44 False 2235 Artificial Issue Peas ... Angustura 1026 Arum, Wild Water..... Anil . 1217 Arveira Anime . 1183 Asafoetida Anise, Common . 1718 Asarabacca 44 Chinese . 1208 4 ‘ Broad Leaved a8o “ Cubeb ■ i73i Asclepias 293 11 Florida . 1209 Ash Bark 44 Peoper - I 73 I 44 Berries, Prickly... 2453 44 Plant . 1718 44 Bitter, “ Root 1631- $1194 44 Black 41 Seed *... . 1718 44 Blue 10x3 44 44 Star . 1208 44 Colored Ground Liver- 44 Tree, Wild... . 1209 wort Annatto - 386 44 Common ., 44 Tree - 386 44 European Antimony, Vegetable . 962 44 Flowering ..+1622-1010 Appalachian Tea 1824 44 Manna Apple, Adam's 652 44 Maple 29 44 Alligator 44 Mountain 1874 44 Custard Tree . 200 44 Poison 1942-1936-+601-1940 Devil’s 845*1328 44 Prickly 2453 “ Indian • i7 6 4 44 44 Northern 2453 44 May • 1764 44 44 Southern. .--2451-+233 44 of Cain . 236 44 Red 44 of Sodom 1888 44 Walnut 44 Peru - 845 44 Weed 44 Root . 970 44 White 44 Swamp - 335 44 Wort 44 Thorn - 845 44 Yellow 658 44 Tree.. - 1875 Asiatic Ginseng 44 Water . 200 Aspaghul Seed 1746 Apricot - 255 Asparagus Arabian OlibanUm - 1258 Aspen 44 Lavender . 1310 * 4 Poplar 44 Manna . 2261 Asphodel 44 Senna 44 False 44 Tea - 543 Aspic 1309 Aracacha - 704 Assacou Aralia Bark - . 232 Assafetida 1563 Arar Tree . 2305 Assafoetida 1563 Arbor Vitae Asses’ Eyes 878 214 INDEX. — COMMON NAMES. Assyrian Plum 734 Balm Red Aster ..465-+3X3 44 Stinking , ... 44 China 44 Sweet . i464-t886 • 4 Heart Leaved Balmony 588 44 Silkseed 724 Balsam Apple 4 4 44 Wild 44 Silver 608 Asthma Weed *374 44 Californian.. Astringent Root *057 44 Copaiva Tree 727 Atamasco Lily 44 Copalm *367 Atis 44 Field Atlee Galls 44 Fir, Tree Atwisha 48 44 Garden +1266-1212 Australian Acacia 44 Groundsel “ Gum.. 44 of Gilead 44 Sarsaparilla 44 44 Mecca 152 44 Sassafras 44 Pear Autumnal Crocus 44 Peru 1544 “ Gentian 44 44 White 1544 Ava Kava 44 Plant *083 Avens 44 Poplar „.i8o2-+i8oi-3 44 Early Water 44 Seed *544 44 European 44 Spruce 3 44 Purple 44 Sweet 1085 44 Root 44 Tolu, Tree 44 Root, White 44 Tree... *543 44 Water 44 44 Peruvian... 1544 “ White * 4 Vine. 44 Yellow “ Weed..i2i2-io8s-i2i3-ti2i5 1918 44 White 1085 Avocado Pear Balsamina 1508 Awa RootJ Bamboo, Brier ■ 2175 Awl Tree Ban Awlwort ----- Baneberry ----- 64 Ayapana 44 Brazilian 44 Red 63 44 White Azalia 334 Bandura • *574 Azalea, Creeping ■ *379 Bang “ Garden 333 Bangue Azedarach Bark • *454 Banyan Tree 999 Bablah Pods Baobab Tree 65 Bablach Pods 18 Barbadoes Aloes xi5 Babool Bark 44 Cedar 55o Babul Tree 22 44 Cherry 1420 Bachelor’s Buttons 2235- 1906-+ 1905 44 Flower Fence 445 44 “ California 340 44 Nuts Backache Brake. 3° 2 44 Physic Nuts. “ Root 1338 44 Pride Badgersbane 53 Barbary Wormseed Badiane Barberry 363 Badukka 44 American Bael 44 Califronian 3 60 Bahama Redwood ...... 44 European 363 44 Tea 44 Holly Leaved . 44 Whitewood Bark ... 481 44 Indian Bahel Bardana 237 Bairnwort 359 Bardane 237 Baldmoney *492 Bark Balimbago **58 Barley 44 Scotch Ballote 44 Wolfs Barr as ...... 6 Balm *464 Barren Oak “ Field *575 44 Strawberry 44 of Gilead, American Barrenwort 1802-+J801 Barwood 44 of Gilead, Arabian *52 Basil - ..1591-1859 44 “ “ Buds .. 44 Bush 44 44 44 Bud Tree 1802 44 Common 4 Fir 44 Flax Leaved 1858 44 44 44 Herb 886 44 Small 41 4 4 44 True... *52 44 Sweet 1591 44 Indian 2337 44 Thyme 44 Wild. .-452-+449 44 Leaved Spilanthus 2207 .1857-+799 44 Lemon Basket Osier 44 Mint 1474-1x464 44 Willow 44 Moldavian 887 Basswood INDEX.— COMMON NAMES. 215 Basswood American ... 2316 Bearbind ........... 7“ Bast Tree 2316 44 Small 711 Bastard Alkanet 137° Bearsbreech “ Balm 1465-1*1461 Bear Oak 44 Bearsfoot 1135 Bears’ Bed 1798 44 Boneset 964 44 Ear 44 Brazilwood... 699 44 Foot +1135-1793 44 Cardamon.... 44 Fright 1147 14 Cedar 2246-tuo6 44 Grape 44 Cassia i3°4 44 Grass 2458 lk China Root.. 2173 44 Paw Root 3<>3 kk Cinnamon i3°4 44 Weed 924 kk Cress 44 Wort ...... 1492 ‘ k Dittany .-859-+860 Beard Tongue “ Feverfew 1666 Beastsbane 56 44 French Physic Nut. 1247 Beaumont Root *33* kk Gentian 1047 Beauty of the Night 1501 i4 Hellebore Beaver Poison ..703- +613 kk Hemp k4 Root.. 1583 “ Horehound... 34i 44 Tree ■ 1425 44 Ipecac 285 Beazor Nut 44 Nicaragua Wood ... 439 Bebeeru Tree 1570 44 Mustard i7 6 7 Beberin Tree 684 11 Negella 1397 Beccabunga kk Parsley 544 Bedda Nut.... kk Pellitory 41 Bedeguar ...... 1958 kk Pimpernel- .. 564 Bedford Willow 44 Plantain Bedstraw 44 Saffron Bee Balm 1464-+1512 44 Spignel 44 Orchis kk St. Johnswort 1189 Beech, American ■ 993 44 Stone Parsley 2159 44 Blue .. .+508-507 4k Toad Flax. .. ..+2302-696 44 Drops .1624-+1623 4k Vetch 44 44 Albany.. 44 Wormwood.. 133 44 Nuts 993 Bawchang Seed 44 Nut Tree 993 Bawdmoney 1492 44 Water 507 Bay berries, American.. 1537 44 White European 994 44 European.. J 3°7 Beeflower Bayberry 1537 Beefsteak Plant 44 Bush Beesriest Plant- 44 Jamaica Beesnettle 44 Tree 1536 Beet, Red Garden 44 Wax Tree 44 White Garden Bay Bush Buds Beetle Weed... Bay, Holly .+1095-1425 Beggars’ Lice 44 Laurel 1307 4k Tick 44 , 44 European.. 1307 44 Common 378 44 Leaves 1307 Behen Nuts 1525-+1524-H08 44 Leaved Passion Flower. 1670 44 White 44 Plum Bela 44 Sweet -1 425-+ 1 307 Belgium Walnut 97 44 Tree. Belladonna 44 Rum Leaf ..+1536-947 Belleric Myrobalans ... Beach Pea Bellflower ... 476 44 Plum 44 Clustered .. 474 Bead Tree Bell Pepper.. 494 Beads Bellwort 2372 Beaked Hazel 44 Large Flowered 2371 44 Violet 2435 Bellyache Root 194 Beam Tree Bendee 4 4 44 White • 770 Bengal Cardamon 139 Bean 44 Grass 44 Calabar 1712 44 Kino 429 * 4 Carthagena 1115 44 Quince ...... 72 * 4 Castor 1950 44 Root 44 Common Benjamin Bush 44 Sophora 2195 * k Tree 44 St. Ignatius ■ 2234 Benne .+2127-2128 44 Trefoil Benne Plant 44 Tonka Bennet . 1069-+1067 44 Tree 44 Root 44 Vanilla 2393 Ben Nuts 1525-+HC8 Bearbane 46 Benzoin, Laurel Bearberry 44 Tree 216 INDEX.— COMMON NAMES. Bergamot, Herb 1473 Bishop’s Cap “ Lemon 44 Leaves Mint . 1473 “ Weed •-- 137 “ Orange..... “ 44 True... 44 Wild.. tl5I3-ISI4 Bishopswort 1582 Bermuda Cedar .... Bistort “ Grass “ Officinale ... 1784 Berry bearing Cedar *259 “ Virginian __ *79* Besenna 90 Biting Knot Weed Beshan *52 14 Stone Crop Betel.. . Bitter Almond “ Nut " Apple 79* 44 44 Tree... 241 “ Ash 44 Pepper *733 44 Bark Beth Root 2337 k * Blain 2392 Betony -+*4*1-37* 44 Bloom 44 Wood -* 6 75’+37* ki Bugle .+1409-1410 Bevilacqua 44 Bugleweed *4°9 Bhang _ 44 Candytuft 1198 Bibernal 44 Cassava Bibiru Bark . *570 44 Clover Bicolorata Bark 1,4 Cress Bigarade 651 44 Cucumber 79* Bigbloom *427 4k Damson 2153 Big Laurel 44 Dogsbane 218 Big Leaved Ivy.. 1270 “ 44 Witch Hazel 1118 44 Gourd 44 Grass 79* Bignonia “ Indian 44 Herb..... 588 44 Hickory 5*2 Bikh Root 48 44 Lucust *952 Bilberry .2376-2377 44 Milkwort *772 Bindweed 718-+717-1785 44 Nut 5*2 44 Bracted ..... 44 Oak 1881 “ Lavender 7*3 44 Orange Birch, Black ----- 373 44 Polygala, American 1775 “ Canoe 44 44 European 1772 44 Cherry ■ 373 44 Quassia “ European 372 44 Root .. I050-+2I8 44 Jamaica... 44 Stem ..... 44 Mahogany 44 Stick 44 Paper • 372 44 Sweet ..+2178-553 “ Red... 44 14 Climbing .. 553 44 Spice .. 44 44 False 553 “ Sweet 44 44 Herb “ White, American , ... 372 44 “ Nightshade “ “ Common 372 44 44 Stems Birdcherry -+*835-572 44 44 Twigs.... 2178 Bird Limp _ . 120S-2427 44 Thistle. ... 44 44 Mistletoe 2437 44 Trefoil 44 Pepper 44 Vetch “ Pods... 495 44 Weed ..1125-+134 “ Seed, Hemp • 485 44 Wintergreen 599 “ Weed *783 44 Wood .+2152-2455 Birds 9 Eye 44 44 Vetch “ Eye Maple ... 44 Worm 44 Foot Trefoil - 1388 44 Wort +1723-1050 “ “ Violet ... • 2434 Black Alder “ Knot Grass *783 44 44 Dogwood . *9*7 44 Nest 44 44 Tree *9*7 “ Nest, Plant *5*9 44 Ash kk kk Root • 847 44 Balsam *544 11 Tongue... — 44 Bearberry - Birth Root 2337 4 4 Berry *979 k ‘ Wort 44 44 American.. *979 “ 44 Common 247 4 4 4 4 Common *973 44 44 Coramandel. “ “ High 1979 “ 44 Evergreen... 252 44 44 Lily “ kk French 44 44 Low “ “ Long 249 44 44 Vine 44 44 Round 44 Birch 373 “ 44 Roundrooted 1 251 44 Birdweed *785 44 kl South American.. 245 44 Bittervetch 44 “ Thick 44 Borehound Bisenna 44 Boy Gum ...... 2449 Bish 48 44 Bryony INDEX.— COMMON NAMES. 217 Black Caco * Blazing Star 1338-+95-1339 “ Caraway 4 4 4 4 Root 1339 44 Cherry ..11839-327 44 4 4 Wort.... ■ IX 39 44 44 Poison 327 Bleaberry 2377 44 China Catechu... 19 Bleached Ginger ■ 143 44 Choke 1839 Bleeding Heart .--+830-832 Cinchona Blessed Cardus 558 44 Cinnamon 1717 44 Herb 44 Currant, Wid 1944 44 Thistle 558 44 Cohosh Blechnum 388 44 Cummin .+1581-1582 Blight 1969 44 Currant -I946-+2439 Blimbing Tree. --«- 330 44 Cypress Blind Nettle 44 Dogwood 1917 Blister Root ■ 1758 44 Flower ... +1453-1452 Blisterweed 44 Gentian 1340 Blite • 39 1 44 Ginger 2463 Blockwood .... .... 1117 44 Haw 2422 Blood Elder 2037 44 Hellebore H37 44 Geranium 44 44 East Indian.. 1138 44 Root 44 Henbane 44 Staunch 44 Horehound 341 *• Tree 779 44 Indian Hemp .. 486-+219 “ Twig ■ 749 “ Ipecac 1845 44 Weed ....... 285 4 4 44 Peruvian. 1845 44 Wood 1094 44 Jack Oak 44 Wort 1165 44 Larch 1293 44 44 Striped 1165 44 Locust 1954 Bloody Dock 44 Maple Bloom Grass 44 Masterwort 3*9 Blooming Spurge ■ 970 44 Medick 1444 Blue Ash 1013 44 Moss 2319 44 Balm 44 Mustard 2157 44 Beech .-.+508-507 “ Mulberry... . 1527 44 Bells 44 Mullein 44 Berry --+2376-545 44 Mustard Seed 2157 44 44 Cornel 75° 44 Myrobalans 44 Birdsfoot Violet.. 2434 44 Nightshade Black Whortleberry - 2379 44 Oak .+1899-1891 44 Bonnets 561 44 Pepper 1737 44 Bottles 44 Poplar 1803 44 Cardinal 44 Poppy .+1657-1659 44 Centaury.. 561 44 Pursley ---+975-972 44 Chamomile 3H 44 Ramthorn 44 Cohosh 44 Root I 33 I “ Daisy 3M 44 44 Indian 44 Eyed Grass 44 Sampson 44 Eyed Lily 2163 44 Sanicle 2047 41 Flag 1238 44 Scrub Oak 1887 14 Fringed Gentian.. 1049 44 Snakeroot .. 2047-+616 44 Gentian Root -+1048-1054 44 Seeded Poppy 1656 44 Ginseng 545 44 Snakeweed 44 Gum Tree ■ 944 44 Spleenwort.. 304 44 Honeysuckle 44 Spruce 8 44 Lettuce y. 44 Spurge 975 44 Lobelia 1377 44 Tamarinds 2259 44 Mallows 1433 “ Tany 44 Melilot 44 Tea 4 4 Morning Glory . . . 44 Thorn ..2420-1838 44 Patch 788 44 Tilseed 44 Pimpernel -.+157-2097 44 Turnip 44 Poppy 1659 44 Walnut 4 Poppy Seeds 44 Wattle Tree 44 Scarlet Pimpernel 157 44 Whortleberry .2380- +2377 44 Scull Cap 44 Willow... 44 Sesleria Bladder Campion 790 44 Tangles 2376 “ Fern 1795 44 Tarweed, California 2330 44 Fucus 44 Thistle.. 896 44 Green I 9 I 5 44 Vervain .+2402-2404 44 Ketmia 44 Violet -2434-+2431 44 Nut 1742 44 Weed 896 44 Podded Lobelia 1374 44 Whortleberry 2376 44 Senna ■ 694 Bluets ,-2376 44 Wort 2370 Blunt Leaved Dock *99* 44 Wrack Bocconia 10 218 [INDEX.— COMMON NAMES. * Bofareira . Bread Nut - 65 Bog Bean 44 Root . 1842 41 Myrtle .-I538-tl48l Breast Weed . . 2067 44 Onion Brier 44 Rush Water 44 Herb . 1977 Bogota Burk . 44 H orse . 2174 Bouea - - - J2299 546 44 Rose - i958 Boileau . 44 Sweet - 1963 Bois de Crabe 483 Brimstone wort - * e 93 B.ldoa B«»ldo 1697 Brinton Root Bolivia Bark . 617 Bristol Wa 1 Cress Bomarea, Climbing... 399 Bristle Stem Sarsaparilla Bonduc - Bristly Foxtail Grass ** Nuts 44 Oak, Common 1899 44 Seed 1107 44 Rose Acacia - 1953 1 ‘ T ree *524 British Tea +2355 2353 Boneset “ Tobacco ■- 2348 44 Purple 963 Briziletto Wood -- 438 44 Upland 964 Broad Leaved Asarabacca... 280 Bonnet Pepper 496 4 4 4 4 Dock ■ - 199 1 Bonny Dame 324 44 * 4 Dogwood - 745 Booby Bark 632 4 4 44 Kalmia Bookoo 3Si 44 44 Laurel 1270 Boor Tree 2^38 44 Wort.. Borage Brompton Queen .. 584 Borbonia 404 44 Stock .. 584 Boreal Sour Dock Broome Grass ■ - 4*7 Botany Bay Oak 54i Brook Alder 4 * 44 Tea 2168 Bean 1481 Bouncing Bet 2052 44 Lime Bountry 44 Liverwort -- M37 Bourbon Tea 197 44 Weed Bowman’s Root, 970-219-1070- Broom, Common -- 834 44 Corn Bow Wood 1420 44 Corn Grass Box 44 Dyers... .. 1045 “ Berry 44 Flowers - 834 44 Dwarf 44 Grass -- 4i7 44 Elder 29 44 Herb -- 834 44 False •* Indigo -- 349 44 Garden Edging.. 43° 44 Irish -- 834 44 Thorn... 44 Pine -- 1725 44 Tree ....+430 746 44 Rape 1623-1624 44 Wood 44 44 American .. 1623 44 44 Jamaica 2269 44 44 Naked. Boys’ Love 261 44 44 One-flowered . .. 1623 Bracken 44 Root, Sweet .... .. 1996 Bracted Bindweed — 461 44 Yellow -- 349 Braid Root 1265 Brown Cabbage Tree Bark. .. 166 Brake 44 Lobelia • - 1374 * 4 Common 44 Pareira Brava -- J 3 44 Buckhorn . — '633 44 Wort 44 Fern Bruise Root - 585 44 Rock 796-11797-1848 44 Wort 44 Root 1797 Bryony 44 Sweet 44 African .. 419 44 Winter 44 Black Brandybottles 1583 44 Red.*. .. 421 Brazilian Ayapana 956 44 Red Berried .. 421 * 4 Bark 44 White 44 Beans 1569 44 Wild 44 Caacica 969 Bucco - 44 Clove Bark. Buchu 44 Jaborandi Root 1739 44 Long -- 352 “ Purge 44 Long-leaved — 352 44 Quinquinia Bark... 425 44 Short-leaved -- 35i 44 Sarsaparilla Buckbean - 44 Tea 44 American Brazil Contrayerva .. 881 Buckeye -+74-75 44 Nuts 44 Small .. 76 44 Tea 44 Tree 44 Wood Buckhorn Bramble 1973 44 Brake -- 1633 Branching Laikspur . 44 Male Fern -- 1633 44 Plaintain. *75! Bucks’horn Plantain — 1745 INDEX. — COMMON NAMES. Buckthorn I 9 I 5 44 Bark * 4 Berries i9 r 5 44 California _ 44 European . 19 T 7 44 Purging... 1915 Bucku 35i Budwood Buffalo Berry 2134 Bugbane Bugle 88-86 44 Bitter -.1410-+1409 44 Common 88 44 Sweet 44 Water 44 Weed 44 4 4 Bitter ... 1409 4 4 44 European '1409 44 Wort Bugloss 161-162-+402 44 Common 44 Flowens 161 4 * Herb 44 Italian 44 Root 44 Small 44 Upright 87 44 Viper’s 896 44 Wild ...1407-+297 Bugwort 616 B uku 35i Bulbous, Fumitory 753 44 Laminaria... Bullet Tree 2054 Bulldogs Bullock’s Eye... 44 Lungwort ... Bullsfoot 2348 Bulrush Bunch Berry 744 44 44 Cornel... 744 44 Flower 1452 44 Pmk Bunweed Burdock 44 Grass 44 Prairie 2149 Burgamot Wild .. .1514-1513 Burgundy Pitch Tree. Bur Marigold Burnet, Canada 44 Garden 2044 44 Great 44 Italian 2044 44 Saxifrage .. 2042-+1720 44 European.. 1720 Burning Bush +950-949-951 Burrage Burr Flower 44 Oak “ Seed 44 Thistle 44 Weed 44 Wort Bush Basil 44 Clover 1332 44 Honeysuckle. ... 861 44 Whortleberry ... 2375 Bushman’s Tea Bushy Gerardia Butea Gum Butchers' Broom Butter and Eggs 1553 44 Bur 2348 44 Cup -.+1908-1906-1911 219 Butter Cup, Garden.. 1905 44 44 South African. .. 1271 44 Fly Piant 340 44 “ Weed 293 “ Jags 1388 44 Nut 1250 " Tree 354 44 Weed +2116-919 44 Wort 1722 Button Bush 569 44 Snake Root +1338-927 Buttonwood 1754 44 Shrub 569 Caapeba 1816 Cabbage, Garden 414 44 Palmetto 2000 44 Rose .... 1959 44 Skunk 1200 44 Tree 166 44 “ Bark + 164-165 44 44 Brown . . 166 44 Yellow.. 165 Cabinet Cherry 1839 Cachang Parang 1498 Cachew Nut. 2107 Caco, Black 692 Cactus Large Flowered 437 44 Night Blooming 437 44 Sweet Scented 437 Caffein Nut 687 Caffer Tea 1131 44 Wild Plum . 1660 Cafta Leaves 543 Cahinca 600 44 Root 600 Cailleau 1291 Cajenne Pepper 495 44 Pods 495 Cajeput. 1447 Cajuput, New Caledonia 1449 Cajuput Tree 1447 Cake Saffron 776 Calabar Bean.. 1712 Calabash Nutmeg 1517 Calabria Liquorice Root 1076 Calaf 2010 Calamba Root 677 44 Wood 763 Calamint 1460-+452 44 Lesser 453 Calamus ... 60 Calandrina — 455 Calathian Violet 1052 Calendula 460 California Balsam 1083 44 Barberry 360 44 Blue Tarweed 2330 44 Buckthorn 1916 44 Giant Tree 2123 44 Life Everlasting 1083 44 Lilac Bark 548 44 Nutmeg. 2321 44 Pitcher Plant 840 44 Poison Sumach 1937 44 Poppy 942 44 Redwood 2123 44 Common. 2124 44 Side-saddle 840 44 Flower 840 44 Soap wort 1698 44 Stinking Yew 2322 Wild Sage.. 260 44 Sunflower 2444 Calico Bush 1270 Calisaya Bark ._ 618 220 INDEX. — COMMON NAMES. Calla Lily ----- 1948 Caraway Seed Callahuala Root.. 1794 kk Wild Calumbo Cardamom Camellia 44 Bastard 901 “ Common 472 44 Bengal Camel’s Hay 180 “ Ceylon Camomile “ Clustered Campeachy Contrayerva .... 883 kk Java 139 Camphor Laurel 44 Malabar “ Tree 44 Nepal Cammock - “ Round *40 Campeachy Wood 1117 k ‘ Seed Campion Pink 790 “ Small *4* Cam Wood 346 44 Wild — 992-tgoQ Canada Balsam Tree 3 Cardamon “ Bark Cardinal Flower 1373 “ Burnet “ Blue ■ 1377 “ Fleabane 919 44 Red “ Nettle 2361 “ Sage “ Pitch Tree Cardoon ...... 818 “ Root 293 Cardus, Blessed 14 Snake Root 280 44 Spotted 558 k * Tea 1042 Carib Tea 489 k * Thistle 641 Caribbee Bark Canadian Agaric ---- 397 Caribaean Bark 4k Bur 823 Carline Thistle. “ Holly Carnation Gilliflower... 856 Canary Archil 1346 “ Pink “ Bird Flower 2345 kk Spanish 445 “ Grass 1699 Carob Tree 574 “ Rosewood Carolina Allspice. 44 Seed 1699 kk Bark 4 4 Seed Grass 1699 “ Cedar 1261 “ Tree..... kk Cocculus 6 75 44 Weed 1346 44 Jassamine 1043 Cancer Drops kk Laurel Cherry 44 Jalap -— 1715 kk Pink 2205 “ Root kk Pink Root kk Weed kk Poplar 1801 kk Wintergreen 1041 kk Potato 7*2 Candle Berry 1537 44 Tea kk Myrtle 1537 “ Vanilla *33 6 44 44 Tree 97 Carony Bark kk Nut 97 Carpenters’ Herb. *4** kk kk Tree “ Leaf 1019 kk Wood “ Square .2091-42090 kk Wort Carpetweed 1506 Candy Carrot Carrageen Moss 606 kk Tuft Carragheen Moss Cane Storax Tree 2244 Carragreen 606 Canella Carrion Flower 1576 44 White Carrot, Garden 847 Canker Lettuce . 1868 kk Weed *33 kk Root 1551-' 1729-2223 44 Wild 847 44 Violet .... 2435 Carthagena Bark ...621-4619 “ Weed I55 1 kk kk Fibrous 621 Canoe Birch kk “ Hard 624 kk Wood .... 1368 44 Bean ***5 Cantaloupe 792 Carthaginian Apple 1856*41855 Canterberry Bell 477 Cascara Sagrada 192X Caoutchouc . 2158 Cascarilla -.4778-777 Caper Bush — .... 488 ^ Bark kk Spurge 974 “ Spurious Cape Aloes 114 Cashew Nuts “ Gooseberry 1709 Cassava Plant. 44 Gum 24 Cassia 11 Ivy Vine 644 kk Bark.... 1304 “ Mint “ Bud Bark 634 “ Weed 1346 “ Buds, Tree 634 Capsicum ... 492 “ Chinese 634 Carabaya Bark 44 Flower Tree Caraccas Sarsaparilla 2171 kk Lignea Caramba Tree .. 33 1 44 Saigon. 639 Caranna Gum Tree .... 428 44 Stick Tree....... Caraway .... 510 Cassie .. INDEX.— COMMON NAMES. 221 Cassie Flower Ceylon Cardamom Cassumuniar 44 Cinnamon 639 Cassytha, South African 532 44 Ipecac.. Castana Nuts 44 Moss 1097 Castor Bean 1950 Ceylonian Plant. 892 44 Oil Plant 1950 Chafe Weed Catalpa Tree... Chaff Weed 564 Catawba Tree 542 Chamaepitys ... 86 Catarrh Root Chamomile .-1441-+205 Catch Fly +2145-218 44 Blue “ Weed 44 Corn Catechu 19 44 Garden 44 Black, China... 19 44 German 1441 44 Red, Bengal.. .. 19 44 Low 44 Tree “ Roman... . 205 Caterpillar Fern 44 Spanish 154 “ Plant 1443 44 Wild .1441-f 1440 Catmint Chamomilla Catnep Champion Oak 590 Catnip Chanchi 742 Catrup 1575 Charas 486 Cat-o’nine-tail Charlock Cat Thyme. Chaste Tree Catgut Chaulmugra m3 Cat Tail Flag 2351 Chaulmoogra Seed 1113 Cats’ Claw. Chay Root 1.599 44 Eye Cheat Grass 44 Foot .1576-280 Chebullic My robalans . . 2279 44 Milk 97i Checkerberry i 503 -+io 42 44 Paw 1576 Cheese Bowl 44 Wort 1575 44 Plant 1433 Caucasian Insect Powder 1865 44 Rennet Cauliflower 44 44 Herb... Cayenne .... 492 Cheeses - M33 *• Pepper -495-+492 Chequer Flower ..1149-+689 44 Pepper, African. 492 Chequered Daffodil Cedar Cherry Bay — 1835 “ Apples 44 Birch “ Barbadoes 550 44 Bird -+1835-572 “ Bastard 2246-+1106 44 Black .-327-+1839 44 Bermuda 44 Cabinet 1839 li Berry Bearing 1259 44 Fowl 1835 44 Indian 55i 44 Ground 44 of Lebanon ... 552 44 Laurel 1833 41 Red 4 4 4 4 Carolina 4 ‘ Spanish ”99 44 Pepper 493 44 White 2306-+803 44 Wild, Red 44 44 False 44 44 Sour 57i Cedrat 44 44 Wood, Perfumed 573 Cedron Chervil 44 Seed 44 Spanish 1547 • Celandine . — 586 Chestnut 533 44 Garden 586 44 American 533 44 Great 586 44 European 535 44 Lesser 587 44 Horse 44 Poppy Chess Grass 418 44 Tree 392 Chestnut Oak 44 Wild Chewing Gum Tree 8 Celery 215 Chia Seed Celtic Nard 44 Wild Cembra Nuts 1724 Chicken Pepper J 9°4 Centaury, American 2001 44 Toes 73i 44 American, Red.. . 2001 44 Weed 1346 44 Blue 561 Chick Pea.. — 44 European 44 Weed ..+2225-570 44 Greater 44 44 Red 156 44 Ground 1773 4 4 44 Wintergreen 2328 4 * Lesser 44 Wintergreen- — 44 of Chili 935 Chicory ...+612-611 44 Red 44 Garden Century, American 81 44 Wild 612 44 Plant 81 Chiendent 2340 Cepa Children’s Bane Ceterach Leaves 579 Chili Gentian Cevadilla Seed ...... Chillies 492 222 INDEX.— COMMON NAMES. Chilly Pepper . 492 Cinquefoil Norway Chilmac 44 Root China Aster 465 Cistus, Marsh I O IQ 44 Bark .1901-+425 Citron China Grass Citronelle 1464 “ Pink 857 44 Oil 44 Rhubarb Cives or Chives, a variety of “ Root . .+2167-866 onion or leek “ “ American.. 2I 73 Clabbergrass 1027 44 44 False 2173 Clammy Locust 1955 Chinese Anise “ Mustard “ Box “ Sage 2033 “ Cassia 634 44 Weed +1768-1766 “ Cinnamon 634 Clapwort “ Cress Clarry 2033 Galls 874 Clary “ Ginseng 44 Herb 2033 Chinese Goldthread Clary, Purple Topped.. “ Nut Galls 874 „ k * Sage 2033 44 Rose ii59 Clear Eye 2035 44 Saxifrage Clearing Nut 4 4 Sumach 85 Clearweed 44 Vegetable Tallow ... 2229 Cleavers 44 Velvet Galls .. 874 Cleaver Grass 44 Yam 865 44 Wort. Chink Clematis, Curled Flowered... 660 Chinney Weed 1346 Cleome Chinquapin 534 Cliffweed •+ II 54“ II 53 Chin wood Climbing Bittersweet.. Chirayta 80 44 Bomarea 399 Chiretti 80 44 Buckwheat .. 1785 Chittam Bark 1921 44 Orange Root 553 Chocolate, Indian 44 Staff Tree... 553 Root 1069-+ 1066 44 Sumach 1940 Choice Dielytra. 757 Clivers Choke, Berry Clotbur ..+2445-237 44 Black 1839 44 Little 2445 44 Cherry 1839 Cloth Plant 393 “ Dog.. 44 44 Grass 393 Chop Nut Clotweed - Choy Root 1599 Cloud Berry .1972-+1979 Chsistmas Daisy 465 Clove Bark 635-483-1303-+1548 44 Rose 44 “ Brazilian .. 1303 Christopher Root 64 Clove Garlic 105 Chri-t’s Eye .+1222-2035 44 Pepper 948 44 Thorn 44 Pink 856 Chuichunchulli 44 Wild ..1536-+947 Churnstaff 97i Clover. 2332 Churrus 486 44 Field Cicily, Sweet 1631 Cloves 44 44 European *547 Clover Broom 349 44 Wild 615 44 Red 2333 Cicuta 703 44 Sweet +i 4 59- i 457 Cilliated Savory 44 Melilot . Cinchona 44 White ■ J2334-1459 44 Black 620 44 44 Melilot ... 44 Red 633 Clown Heal 2218 44 Yellow 618 Clown’s Mustard 1198 Cinnamon 44 Woundwort ... 44 Bastard 1304 Club Moss 44 Black 1717 44 Rush 44 Ceylon 639 Clustered Bellflower... - 474 44 Chinese 634 Solomon Seal 44 Colored Fern Cluster Cherry 1835 14 Java Coakum . — 44 Saigon 639 Cob Nut, West Indian. 1604 44 Santa Fe 1567 44 Pink 858 44 Suet 639 Coca Leaves 44 True 639 Cacash 44 Ceylon 639 44 Root 44 White 44 Weed 44 Wild Cocculus, Carolina 675 “ Wood 44 Crispus 1468 Cinquefoil .1813-+1808 44 lndicus 158 44 Herb .+1808- 1813 Cochineal Fig ...... 1612 INDEX. — COMMON NAMES. 22 S j Cochineal Oak ... ... ----- .. 1882 Compass Weed .... .... .+2147-2148 44 Tree .. 1882 Condor Vine Cocksfoot Grass, Egyptian . . 1098 Cone Disk Cockle Burr - 83 * 4 44 Sunflower “ Corn 1 1397-244 44 Flower 44 Indian. -- 158 44 “ Purple 1981 Cockmint .. 1866 4 4 4 4 Tall Cockscomb Conessi Bark 2443 44 Red.... Conium 7°3 Cocks-spur Pepper .. 492 44 Spotted 703 Cockspur Rye Conmarouma Beans “ Thorn, White... -- 772 Consumption Brake 406 Cockup Hat 44 Weed.... ..+1868-340 Cocky Baby Consumptive Weed 924 Cocoa Nut -- 683 Continental Tea 13'% “ Palm -- 683 Contrayerva 882 “ Plum 44 German 295 Cocos - 683 4 Mexican 1843 Cocowort .. 491 Convulsion Weed 1519 Codlins and Cream. Coolweed Coffee - - 685 Coolwort “ Bean .. mi Copaiva Tree 727 44 Corn .. 2199 Copalchi Bark 786 Pea 44 44 of Mexico.2237-+786 44 Tree ... 685 Copalm 1367 “ 44 American ... mi Coquetta Bark Cohosh, Black Coral Berry 44 Blue . 44 Bloom 936 41 Red 44 Moss.... 73° 44 White * 4 Root. Cola Nut Coramandel Birthwort. 246 Colchicum ... 688 Cord Grass Cold Seeds 795-797 Coriander 739 44 Water Root — 3i3 44 Seed 739 Cole Seed - - - 409 44 44 Herb... 739 * 4 Wort Corinthian Currants. .. 2439 Coliander --- 739 44 Grapes 2439 Colic Root +866- '95-1338 44 Raisins 2439 44 Weed --- 755 Cork Oak.. 1898 Collard 44 Tree Collinsonia “ Wood Colocynth ... 791 41 44 Oak .+1898-1893 4 * Apple 791 Coral . . 2461 44 Fruit — - 79 1 44 Chamomile.... ... ... 204 Colomba ... 677 44 Cockle ..+1397-244 44 Root 44 Crowfoot ig°7 Colombia Bark . . 623 44 Ergot 2369 Colombo ... 677 “ Flag 44 False — 763 44 Fungus 44 Foreign ... 677 41 Grom well -+1608-1370 44 Wood - - - 763 44 Mustard 2155 Coltsfoot +2348 -280 44 Pepper 44 False 44 Poppy 1658 44 Snake Root 4 ‘ Rose Coltstail ... 919 44 Salad European ... 2384 Colubrina 44 Snake Root +931-927-1338 Columbia Bark Cornel Columbine 222 44 Alfprnatp T.enverl nA.'x 44 Feathered 44 Bunchberry 744 44 Garden. 44 Dogwood 748 44 Wild 44 44 White 748 Columbo 44 Dwarf 744 44 American 44 Florida Columbrina --- 2235 44 Flowering 746 Colza ... 409 44 Male 747 Comb Flower +1 126-1981 44 Round Leaved. 745 Comfrey — 2253 44 White 748 44 Saracens... Cornels 747 Common Liquorice Root.. ... 1077 Cornelian Cherry 747 44 Low Mallow --- 1433 Cornish Lovage 1349 44 Shade Elm --- 2353 Corozo Nut 1713 44 Spruce 5 Corpse Plant 1519 44 Tansy Corsican Moss.. 1016 44 White Elm - - - 2353 44 Worm Moss. 73° Compass Plant +2147-2148 44 Worm weed.. 224 INDEX. “COMMON NAMES. Cossoo 416 Creeping Blackberry 197 * Costmary - 1866 44 Bugloss Costus, Sweet 764 44 Cinquefoil 1813 Coto Bark ... 7 6 5 44 Crowfoot 1910 Cotton Root 1096 44 Cucumber ..1466 44 Lavender 2049 44 Leopardsbane 257 “ Plant 1096 44 Milkweed 286 44 Rose.. 1001 44 Water Parsnip 2165 44 Thistle. .. 1607 44 Wintergreen .. " Tree— 1800 44 Wormweed “ 44 Gum 401 Creosote Plant - 1294 “ 44 Indian 401 Cress " 14 Silk 400 44 Bitter 44 Weed. 202 44 Chinese 44 Wood Tree 1800 44 Garden «. Cotula, African .. 766 44 Meadow Couch Grass 2340 44 Penny 44 44 Red 504 44 Pepper +1329-1330 Cough Root 2337 44 Spring 501 “ Weed 2109 44 Water Coumarouma Bean 872 44 Winter Courida 332 Crete Sage 2031 Countryman’s Treacle 1998 Cretian Balm 2308 Cowage -- 878 Creyat Cowbane — 614 Crimea Rhubarb. ...... 1927 Cowberry 2382 Crinkle Root 853 Cowcabbage 1587 Cross Cleavers Cow Grass +2333 -1783 44 of Jerusalem 1396 Cowhage i 877 44 Toes 1388 44 Cherry - 1430 44 Vine ---+385-381 44 East Indian 878 44 Wort. 1030-+962-789 1414 44 Wild 877 Croton Oil Plant Cow Herb 2053 44 Seeds 44 Itch 878 Crow Berry 44 Lice ----- 378 4i Corn 44 Lily 1583 44 Foot .1908-+ 1 05 7 44 Parsley 1149 4 4 4 4 Acrid 44 Parsnip 1148 44 44 Buttercup .+1908-1906 Cowslip 1485 44 44 Common 44 American... 875-+469- -1485 44 44 Corn 44 English.. 1822 Crowfoot, Creeping 44 Primrose +1822 -1821 44 Marsh 44 44 English 1822 44 Water 44 Virginia 1485 Crow Garlic Cowslips - 469 44 Silk Cow Tree 670 Crown Bark 44 Weed 615 44 44 Pale 44 Wheat I 45° 44 4 4 White .... Cow’s Lungwort 2401 44 Beard . 2406-+2407 44 Tail 919 Crummock Coxcomb 1928 Crystal Wort ii45 44 Yellow . 1928 Cubeb, Anise Crab Apple Tree 1873 44 Plant 1734 44 Thistle 1607 44 Pepper 1737-+1730 44 Tree 1873 Cubebs ...... 1734 Crabs 1 Eyes 12 44 African 1730 Crack Willow 2012 44 Dutch 1731 Cramp Rark _ ..... 2421 41 Guinea Cranberry - 2378 44 Tailed *734 44 American 2378 Cuckoo Bread 44 Common 2378 44 Buds “ High 2421 44 Flower 44 Mountain 240 44 Pint Crane Willow 569 Cuckolds ---378 +377 Cranesberry 2378 Cucumber 793 Cranesbill +1057-1056-1061 -1062 44 Bitter 79 1 Crassula, South African 769 44 Indian 1442 Crawley 73i 44 Squirting 4 ‘ Root — 73 1 44 Tree .+1424-1368 Cream Nuts. , 366 44 Wild 44 of Tartar Tree 66 Cudbear Cree Indian Sanicle • 1156 44 Plant 1001 Creeper M5 Cudweed ....1001-202 -1084-+1088 44 Virginia M5 Cuichunchulli Creeping Azalea 1379 Culilawan Bark 635 INDEX.— COMMON NAMES. 225 Culvers’ Physic 1 33 1 Dane wort 44 Root 1331 Dangleberry Cumin 798 Dark Ash Bark 628 kk Plant Darnel ... kk Seed ...... 798 Date Palm Cummin, Black 1582-+I581 44 Plum 868 kk Seed. 79 8 44 Tree 4 * Sweet Dates kk Wild Datura, East Indian... Cundurango 44 White Cup Fern - 1795 4 44 Flowering 842 “ Lichen, Scarlet 1342 David Root 44 Plant Davilla k - 44 Indian Day Flower 698 Curacoa Orange . 44 Lily Curare... 2239 Deadly Carrot Curcuma 44 Nightshade... kk Ohio ii77 Dead Men’s Bells ■ ‘863 Cureall 1060- 1066-+ 1464 44 Nettle Curled Flower Clematis 660 44 Sea Apple 1888 kk Dock x 9 8 9 44 Tongue ■ 1593 lk Mint 1474 Deal Pine Currant, Black 1946-1*2439 Death Head Moss kk Corinthian ... 2439 44 of Man 4 ‘ Garden 1947 Death’s Flower 44 4k White 1943 Deer Balls 4 Indian 2252 44 Berry + 1503-1042 2381 44 Leaf 1504 44 Food 4k Oak 1899 44 Tongue ..+1336-938 4k Red 1947 Demerara Pink Root.. 44 White Dentellaria “ Wild Black... 1944 Devil’s Apple ...845-+32S 4k Zante 2439 44 Apron Curriers’ Sumach 740 44 Bit 1139-95-11338-2076 Curry Leaf Tree 4 4 4 4 Herb Cursed Thistle .. 558-641 4 4 44 Root Cusco Bark 44 Bite 2398 Cuscus 44 Bones 866 Cusso 44 Dung ■ 1563 Custard Apple 44 Dye 44 44 Tree “ Fig Cutch 19 44 Gut Cutting Almond 44 in a Bush - 1581 Cypress, Bark 44 Leaf. 2368 44 Herb 2049 44 Milk 44 Powder 44 Root 44 Tree.... 44 Shoestring 44 Vine 44 Stinging Leaf.. 2368 44 Virginia 801 4 4 T ree 117 Cypruss Wood 44 Turnip..... .... 421 Daffodil 44 Wood 44 Chequred - 1015 Dew Berry .+1971-1979 44 Lily 132 44 44 Plant ■ 1970 Dagger Flower, Plant.. 2459 44 Plant 889 Dahlia De Witt Snake Root... 1818 44 Common.. Dhak Tree Dahoon Holly Diamond Plant Daisy Dianthus 858 44 Blue Dielytra. ■ 757 44 Common, Garden 359 “ Choice ■ 757 44 Flowers *333 Digitalis 863 44 Ox Eye 1333 Dill. 44 White.. 1333 44 Garden Dalmation Insect Powder 1863 44 Seed Dames’ Violet Dillisk 1934 Damiana 2347 Dilly Dammar Resin Tree... 2135 Dillydilweed • 1440 Damson 1832 Dita Bark 118 44 Bitter.. Distaff Thistle 44 Mountain Ditch Grass 44 Plum Dittany... • 799 Dandelion 44 American 799 44 Dwarf 1277 44 44 Mountain .. 799 44 Fall 44 Bastard +860-859 Danes’ Blood 474 44 European 859 226 INDEX. — COMMON NAMES. Dittany Mountain.. „ 799 Drooping Starwort 1139 44 of Crete Droopwort Divi Divi 441 Drop Berry Dock Bloody T 993 Dropsy Plant 44 Blunt Leaved.. .. 1991 Drop wort 12210-1071 44 Curled.. — x 9 8 9 “ Common 44 Great Water... 198 7 44 Hemlock 1593 44 Narrow 44 W^ter i595-ti593 44 Sharp Leaved.. i9 8 5 44 western .+1071-1070 44 Sour Drumstick Tree - 525 41 Spatter 1583 Drunkwort 4 ‘ Sweet... - Duckretter 2398 44 Water Ducks' Foot 44 Wild 1985 44 Meat 44 Yellow Duckweed 1321 4 4 4 4 Rooted.. 1988 Dulse - IQ34 Dockmackie 44 Red Doctors’ Gum Dumb Cane Dodder 44 Nettle 44 American Durango Root 2329 44 Greater Dusty Miller 2111 44 of Thyme.... Dutch Clover. H44 Dog Arrach 594 44 Cubefos Dogacnamus 745 44 Medlar - 1489 Dogberry Tree 749 • 4 Myrtle +1538 1550 Dog Button 44 Pink *9*3 44 Fennel...- 44 Rush 9 X 3 44 Grass - - 2 34o 44 Storvecrop 1688 44 Mint. Dutchman’s Breeches . . 755 44 Poison 44 Laudanum 1671 44 Rose 44 Pipe .1519-+254 44 44 Galls Dwale 327 44 Tree Dwarf Cassia 524 44 Violet 2430 44 Cornel 744 44 Weed 44 Dandelion 1277 44 Wood 746 44 Elder.. 230 44 Alder Leaved 745 44 44 European 2037 44 44 Black 44 44 Berries.... 2037 44 4 4 Broad Leaved 745 44 Gentian 44 44 False 33-+3I 44 Ground Nut 1651 4 4 4 4 Florida. --- ■ 746 44 Laurel 44 4 4 Pond 44 Mallow 1433 4 ‘ 44 Round Leaved 745 44 Milkwort I77 2 44 44 Swamp ...1846-+750 44 Nettle 2367 “ 44 Virginia — • 746 44 Olive 836 Dogs’ Bane • 4 Palmetto 44 Finger 863 44 Plantain x 752 44 Mercury 44 Rose Bay x 93 x 4 ‘ Mouth 44 Sheep’s Laurel .. 1268 44 Tooth Grass.. .. ■ 2340 4 * Solomon’s Seal... 44 Tongue 44 Spleenwort 3°7 44 Tooth Violet... ....... 937 44 Stinger ■ 2367 Dollar Leaf 44 Stinging Needle. 2367 Donkeys’ Eye 44 Sumach x 938 Doom Bark 44 Umbel Door Weed .. 44 Water Lily 1480 Dornboom 44 Wild Flax 1363 Double Flowered Tansy 2264 44 Yew 44 Peony Dye Berry ----- 2377 44 Spruce 8 44 Tree, Yellow - + 1570-684 44 Tansy Dyers* Alkanet Doum Palm 44 Broom Doves’ Foot 44 Cleavers 1033 Dragoness Plant 44 Green Weed 1045 Dragon Root 44 Lichen x 346 4 * Turnip ■ 27 7 44 Madder 44 Wort 1784 44 Oak 1 899-+ 1 8 88 Dragons’ Claw 73i 44 Saffron 44 44 Scaly.. 73i 44 Weed 1239-+1045-1913 44 Blood 454 44 Woad I2 39 44 Eye 1577 Dysentery Root 822 Dried Grapes 44 Weed .T088-+822 Drinkers’ Nut Eagle Vine Drooping Flowered Wind 44 Wood Flower 182 Ear Wort .. INDEX.— COMMON NAMES. 227 F.arly Water Avens Emetic Herb - *374 Earth Apple 1128 44 Root - 970 " Club .— 44 Weed. - *374 “ Gall Enchanters* Herb • 2403 44 Nut 44 Nightshade . 640 “ Smoke F.ndiva, Garden . 61 1 80 Endive 611 44 “ Black Hellebore. .. 1138 44 Garden . 611 44 44 Catarrh Root 116 44 White . 2265 44 44 Cowhage 878 Englishman's Foot - *749 44 44 Datura 843 English Cows. ip 1 *22 44 44 Hemp 486 44 Primrose . 1822 44 44 Horse Radish Tree 1525 44 Dwarf Elder ■ 2037 44 44 Nettle 44 Dyers’ Madder . 1968 4 4 4 4 Plant *3*5 44 Elm • 2354 44 44 Sarsaparilla 44 Gilingale . 824 44 44 Spikenard .. 1559 44 Hawthorn ■ 773 44 44 Squills 939 44 Ivy 1 122 4 4 4 4 Tamarinds . 2259 44 Medlar ■ t 4 8 9 Easter Giant 1784 44 Mercury ■ 592 Eatable Mushroom 124 44 44 Herb - 592 E jony Mountain 357 44 44 Plant ■ 592 Eel Grass 44 Moxa .1126 Eenhorn 44 Oak . 1896 Egg Apple ** Pepper . 884 44 Plant 44 Stick Rhubarb - *9 2 7 Eglantine 1963 44 Valerian . 2388 44 Gall 44 Walnut 1252 44 Rose -- 44 WaterCress . 2161 Egyptian Bean I573-+I586 Erango, Flowered Liverwort 580 44 Cocksfoot Gr ss ... 1098 Erect Knot Grass • *783 44 Gum Arabic Tree.. 18 Ergot . 2086 44 Lotus 1573 44 of Corn 23^9 44 Privet ... I 3 I 4 44 of Rye . 2086 44 Thorn 18 +24 Ervador Rato 1645 Elaterium Eryngo, Water ■ 927 44 Cucumber. .. 1510 44 Wild . 928 Elder .+2036-2038 Erythronium ■ 937 4 * American Eschscholtzia • 942 44 Blackberried European 2038 Esnbeckia - 943 44 Common Eternal Flower 1086 44 Dwarf Ethiopian Pepper 2359 44 44 Berries 2037 44 Sour Gourd 66 44 44 English... 2037 Eubaean Nut 535 • 4 44 European . ------ 2037 Eucalyptus 944 44 European Euphorbia 973 44 Flowers 2036 Euphoibium . 968 44 German 44 Plant 968 44 Prickly 233 European Anemone 188 44 Red Berried 2039 44 Angelica *95 44 Rob Ash 1CO9 Elecampane 44 Aspen 1805 Elephant Apple 996 44 Avens . 1067 44 Foot 44 Barberry 3 6 3 44 Pepper 1735 44 Bayberries *3°7 Elephants Ear 358 44 Bay Laurel *3°7 Eleuthera Bark. 44 Black Alder iQi 7 El Gobernador 44 44 Berried Elder 2038 Elk Bark 44 Birch 372 44 Tree 44 Bitter Polygala 1772 44 44 Oval Leaved . 172 44 Buckthorn 1917 44 Wood -1427-+169 44 Bugleweed 1409 Elian Wood 44 Burnet Saxifrage.. 1720 Ellhorn 2038 44 Centaury . 602 Elm, American.. ■2353-^2355 44 Chestnut 535 44 Common Shade .. 2353 44 Corn Salad 2384 4 4 44 White... 2353 44 Dittany 859 44 English 2354 44 Dwarf Elder 2037 44 European 2354 44 Elder 2038 44 Indian 44 Elm 2354 44 Red 44 Filbert 761 44 Slippery 2355 44 Fivefinger 1813 44 Sweet 2355 44 Garden Angelica.. 195 44 White 2353 44 Goldenrod 2191 44 Yoke 508 44 Holly 1201 INDEX. — COMMON NAMES. 228 European Horsemint 1475 “ Ice Plant i486 “ Larch 7 44 44 Agaric 397 44 Linden 2317 44 Lovage 13 so 44 Maidenhair 68 44 Mandrake 328 44 Manna Tree 1010 44 Marsh Rosemary.. 2224 44 Mechoacan Root.. 284 44 Milkwort 1778 44 Oak, Common 1896 44 Pellitory 41 44 Pennyroyal 1477 44 Poplar - 1805 44 Pulsatilla 188 44 Sanicle 2046 44 Scullcap 2094 44 Senega Snake Root 1772 44 Silver Fir Tree 11 44 Snake Root 281 44 Strawberry Tree .. 236 44 Sweet Cicily 1547 44 44 Violet 2432 44 Thrift +2224-2222 44 Vervain — 2403 44 Walnut .+1253-1252 44 Water Hemlock... 614 44 44 Lily 1584 44 44 Pepper 1786 44 White Beech 994 44 44 Hellebore .. 2396 44 44 Water Lily. 1584 44 Wild Angelica 196 44 44 Carrot 848 44 44 Senna 1074 44 Willow 2015 44 Wormseed +264-267 44 Yellow Balsam 1214 4 4 44 Lily 1585 44 44 Pond Lily- 1585 Evans Root 1066 Evening Beauty 1502 44 Primrose 1596 Evergreen Birth wort 252 44 Oak 1886 4 Privet 1914 14 Snake Root. 1772 Everlasting 1085 Eve’s Cup +2057-2056 Exile Tree - 2303 Eye Balm 1177 Eyebright +980- 1374-972-2001 Eye Root 1177 Faham Tea 197 Fair Maids of France - 1905 Fairy Fingers 863 4 ‘ Gloves 863 Fall Dandelion 1324 44 Poison 136 False Alder 1827 44 Aloe 82 44 Angostura 2235 44 Beech Drops +1518-1195 44 Bittersweet - 553 44 Boneset 1278 44 Box - 746 44 China Root.. 2173 44 Clammy Mustard 1768 44 Colombo 763 44 Coltsfoot .. — 280 44 Crawley 1852 44 Dogwood 33- +3 1 44 Flax 1327 False Foxglove 44 Fringe Tree 44 Grapes J 45 44 Gromwell 44 Hellebore 44 Hemp 44 Indigo 348 44 Jalap -+1501-1227 44 Johnswort 44 Lettuce 44 Mallows.. 44 Manna 44 Mustard 44 Pareira Brava 645 44 Pimpernel 44 Red Sandalwood. 44 Saffron - 5°9 44 Sarsaparilla 231 44 Scabish 44 Spikenard 44 Star Grass 44 Sunflower.... 44 Sweet Flag 44 Sycamore... 1754 44 Syringia 44 Unicorn ■ 1139 44 Valerian .2113-+2109 44 Varnish Tree 85 44 Vervain 44 White Cedar 44 Wild Flax 44 Winter’s Bark 44 Wintergreen 1868 Fan Palm 44 44 Tree Farkleberry 2373 Fava . ‘Feather Few. 44 Geranium 44 Tree 1936 Feathered Columbine.. Febrifuge Bark 44 Plant Felonwort Felwort Female Agaric ■ - 394 44 Fern 1847-1797-+302 44 Nervine 831 44 Oak 1899 44 Regulator -.2109-2113 Fenberry 2378 Fen Grape 2378 Fennel 44 Flower 44 Large 44 Seed 4 44 Common. 191 44 Sweet +1002-191-1003 Fenugreek Fernambuco Wood ■ 443 Fern, Adders’ Tongue.. 44 Brake .+1797-1633 44 44 Winter ■ 1847 44 Bush “ Cinnamon Colored 1632 44 Female 1797-+302-1847 44 Flowering . 1633 44 Gale 44 Grape 41 Java 1644 44 Male ..1633-+ 303 4 4 44 Shield 44 Meadow 1538 44 Rattlesnake 44 Rock 69 INDEX. — COMMON NAMES. 229 Fern, Roman Flax, Common t n(\A “ Root 1797 44 Drop 8ll 41 Royal Flowering. 1633 44 False, Wild 44 South African 44 Leaved Basil 1858 44 Spleen 44 Mountain 1776 44 Spleenwort 44 Purging 1363 44 Sweet 44 Seed Feronia Gum Tree 996 44 Vine Fetid Hellebore .+II35-I200 44 Weed 44 Nightshade 44 Wild --473 -+ i 3 6 5 Fever Bush 4 4 44 American i3 6 5 44 Few.. Fleabane ...920-4919 44 44 Bastard 1666 44 Canada 919 44 Plant, Mexican. 578 44 Marsh ..726- 4725 44 Root --+2339-731 44 Philadelphia. 921 44 Tree -.1721-1*944 44 Small 44 44 of Australia 944 44 Various Leaved 4920-915 44 Twig ..2178-4553 Flea Seed— ...... 1751 44 Twitch 553 44 Wort .41751-2122 44 Weed .. Flesh Colored Asclepias 289 44 Wood Fleur de Lis 44 Wort ..2339-4962 Flix Weed Field Balsam Florentine Orris 44 Balm 1575 Florida Allspice 470 44 Calamint 1463 44 Anise 44 Clover 44 44 Tree 44 Cypress 86 44 Bark 44 Pea 4 ’ Cornel ■ 746 44 Scabious 44 Dogwood 746 44 Sorrel, Common.. 1984 44 Star Anise 44 Thyme Flower de Luce 1238 44 Weed 1440 44 Gentle 44 Wort 1440 44 of an Hour Fig Tree 44 Indian 44 Velure 2348 999 Flowering Aloe 81 Figwort 44 Ash 41622-1010 44 Herb 44 Brake 1633 4 4 Knotty-rooted . . 2091 44 Cornel 746 44 Root 44 Fern 44 Water 44 Hemp Nettle 1024 Filbert 44 Nettle 1025-41024 “ American 44 Willow 44 European 761 44 Wintergreen. 1772 Fine Leaved Hedge Mustard. 2162 Fluellin 44 Water Hemlock 1505 Flux Root -1048-4293 Finger Flower 863 Fly Agaric - *24 44 Leaf... 44 Bane Fir Balsam Tree 3 44 Plant 44 Club Moss 44 Poison - 135-+136 44 Common 44 Trap 42057-2056 218 44 Rape... .41624-1518 Foenugreek Seed 2336 4 Tree 3 Foies Foot Fire Pink Folia Carobae 44 Weed 21: 13 919-4915 Folks’ Glove 863 Fish Berries 158 Food of the Gods 44 Mouth 588 Fools’ Parsley 478-77 44 Poison 44 Stones 44 44 West Indian, , 2273-42275 44 Water Cress 2338 Fitch — 2425 Forbidden Fruit ..655-4650 Fit Plant Forefathers’ Cup - 2057 44 Root 15*9 Foreign Colombo 677 4 4 44 Plant 44 Indian Hemp... 486 Fivefinger. 44 Spikenard 2383 44 Common 1808 Forget-me-not + I 534“ I 535 44 European 1813 Forked Fern Fivefingers, Root j 649 Forty Knot 42 Five Flowered Gentian. 1054 Fountain Tree 44 Leaves 145 Four Leaved Grass 44 Leaved Grass 1813 Four O’clocks Flag, Blue Fowl Cherry 44 Lily ... .. 1238 Fox Bane 59 44 Myrtle 44 Berry 44 Sweet Foxglove 863 Flannel Flower 44 American .41063-863 Flax *364 44 False 230 INDEX. — COMMON NAMES. Foxglove, Purple 863 * 4 Yellow 862 F oxgrape 2441 -+ 1 663 Fox Tail - 1403 Fragrant Leaved Goldenrod.. 2189 44 Olive - 1630 Frangipanni 1761 F rankincense +405-1 756 44 American 6 44 Tree 10 44 True, Arabian 1258 French Berries 1918 44 Birthroot 250 44 Ground Pine — 2286 44 Lungwort 1163 4 * Marigold 2258 44 Mulberry — - 463 44 Nuts 1253 44 Plum 1832 4 ‘ Rhubarb 1927 44 Rose i960 44 Sorrel. 1994 44 Tamarisk 2261 Friars’ Cap 54 44 Cowl 54 Fringed Bog Bean 1480 44 Buckbean 1480 44 Gentian 1049 44 Polygala — 1772 Fringe Tree 601 Frog Cheese 1401 44 Leaf 408 44 Lily 1583 44 Wort 1908 Frost Grape 2441 44 Plant - 1129 44 Weed — 1129 44 Wort 1129 Fruit of the Oak 1878 Fuellin 321 Fullers’ Herb 2052 44 Teasel 869 Fumatory 1018 Fumitory 1018 44 Bulbous 753 44 Noble 758 Funka 1140 Furge — - 1044 Furze 1045 Fustic 1530-+1421 44 Old--..- 1530-+1421 44 Tree._ 1530-+658 44 Wood 1421 44 Young 1936 Gaglee 276 Gag Root 1374 Galam Gum (White Acacie)-- Galanga - 116 Galangal - 1 16 44 Large 116 44 Small 116 Galangale 116 Galangall 1 16 Galbanum Plant 997 44 South African 422 Gale, Sweet _ 1538 Galingale, English 824 Galipot, Tree 10-6 Gall Oak +1888-1884 44 of the Earth 1852. +1818 44 Weed 1054 44 Wort 212 Gallow Grass 486 Galls 1888 44 Aleppo 1888 Galls, Atlee 2262 44 Chinese 874 44 44 Velvet 874 44 Mecca 1888 44 Tamarisk 2262 44 Turkey 1888 44 White 2280-+ 1 707 Gambeer 19 Gambier r 19 Gambir 19 Gamboge, Painter’s 2447 44 Plant 2221 Gang Flower 1778 Ganja 486 Gar^ntogen 1649 Garb 2011 Garden Anemone 184 Artichoke 819 Azalea 333 Balsam +1266-1212 Burnet 2044 Buttercup 1905 Carrot . 847 Celandine 586 Celery __ 215 Chamomile 205 Chicory . 61 1 Columbine 222 Cabbage 414 Cress 1329 Currant 1947 Dill 192 Edging Box 430 Endiva 611 Endive 611 Geranium 1681 Gooseberry 1945 Hyacinth 1173 Hydrangea 1176 Lavender 1311 Lettuce 1282 Lobelia 1373 Marigold 460 Nightshade +2182-2178 Orache 324 Parsley 1692 Parsnip 1673 Patience +1992-1989 44 Dock - 1992 Pea 1743 Pepper +494-492 44 Cress 1329 Pink 858 Purslane 1806 Radish 1912 Raspberry 1974 Red Cherry 1831 Rhubarb a 1923 Rocket +1152-410 Rosemary 1964 Rue 1998 Sage 2030 Sorrel 1635-+1983 Spurge 974 Sunflower 1126 Thyme 2311 Violet 2436 Gardeners’ Garters 1699 Garget 1715 Garlic 105 44 Clove— 105 " 774 44 Sage 2290 44 Shrub 380 Garnet Berry 1947 INDEX. — COMMON NAMES. 231 Gaskins Gayhine Gay Feather .+1338-1337 Gem Fruit Gentian - 44 Black 1340 44 Blue . 1054-+1048 44 Chili “ Five Flowered. 1054 44 Fringed 1049 “ Marsh 1053-+1052 “ Ochroleucous.. ---- 1053 44 Peruvian 603 44 Root.. 44 Snakeroot 1818 44 Soapwort 1055 44 Southern 44 White 2339-+I296 Gentle Flower Georgia Bark Geranium +1681-1057 44 Garden 44 Rose 1681 44 44 Scented. 44 Spotted ■ io57 44 Strawberry ... German Chamomile I44 1 44 Contrayerva ...... 295 44 Elder ■ 2038 44 Goldenlocks 44 Insect Powder. 1865 44 Iron wort 44 Ivy 44 Knot Grass 2085 44 Madwort 297 44 Orris Root 44 Pellitory — +153-41 44 Sarsaparilla 504 44 Scammony Plant 710 44 Tamarisk 1539 44 Tinder 44 Valerian Germander +2283-86-2284 44 Wood Sage . 2283 Giant Solomon Seal 44 Ragweed 134 44 Tree of California 2123 14 Whortleberry 2374 Gildewort Gillenia Gill-go-over-the-ground Gilliflower 856 44 Carnation 856 Gillrun ■ 1576 Ginger 2463 44 African 44 Amada 805 44 Black 2463 44 Bleached 44 Bread Tree 1188 44 Grass 44 Indian 44 Jamaica 44 Leaf “ Race 44 White 44 Wild Gingo Tree Ginkgo Tree Ginseng 1649 -1650-1651 44 American 44 Asiatic 1650 44 Blue 545 44 Chinese 1650 44 White ' 2 339 Ginseng, Yellow 545 Ginsing Gipsy Herb 44 Wort 1409-14 1 1 Girasole Gladiolus Gladwine 1233 Glasswort 44 Prickly Glidewort Globe Amaranth 44 Berries 44 Flower ...-+2342-569 44 Hyacinth 1533 44 Thistle 893 Goatsbane Goat’sBeard 44 Foot 44 Leaf 1385 44 Pepper 44 Root 44 Rue 44 Thorn 44 Weed... God Tree Gold Cup 44 Shrub 1647 Golden Apple 44 Bough 2437 44 Chain 833 44 Club 44 Coreopsis 737 44 Daisy *333 44 Locks, German 1080 44 Maidenhair... 1799 44 Motherwort... 44 Mug Weed — 1030 44 Oak 44 Rod 44 4 * Common. 44 44 European 2191 44 Fragrant Leaved. 2189 44 44 Hard Leaved 2190 4 4 4 4 Rigid.... 44 44 Smooth, Three Ribbed- 2188 44 44 Sweet.... 44 44 44 Scented.. . 2189 4 ‘ Seal ii77 44 Senecio Goldicups. Gold of Pleasure Goldthread 44 Chinese — Goldylocks Gollindrinera .. Gombo Leaves Gomma de Batata Good King Henry Goora Nuts Goose Berry 1945 44 44 Garden... 1945 Foot +594-59 2 -59i-597 44 Grass 1783-+1027-1807 4 4 44 Great.... 297 44 Tongue 4 1 Gooses Hare Gopher Wood 1313 Gourd !. 796 Gout Weed 196- +73-1351 44 44 Shrubby . 489 Gowans Grains, Ambrette 44 Chermes 232 INDEX.— COMMON NAMES. Grains, Paradise .. * 3 8 tt Tigli 787 Granadilla 1669 Grantogen 1649 Grape Fern 406 4 * Hyacinth I COO Vine . 2440 Grapes 2440 Corinthian 2439 tt Dried 2440 Grass Bears 2458 44 Bengal 2131 “ Bermuda 820 Blue Eyed 2160 ti Bristly Fox Tail 2130 ti Brome ai 7 44 Broom Corn 2198 44 Burdock 237 Canary 1699 44 Seed 1699 China 393 44 Cleaver 2333 ti Cloth Plant 393 Cord 2201 Couch 2340 it Cow +2333 -1783 Ditch 1995 Dog ... 2340 Dogs Tooth 2340 Five Leaved 1813 44 Four Leaved 1663 44 Fox Tail, Green 2132 Gallow - 486 44 Ginger 180 ti Goose 1783 *+1027-1807 it Great Goose... 297 “ Grip 1027 ii Holy 1166 ii Hungarian 1653 ii Knot 2340-+1783 ii 41 German 2085 Lemon 177 ti Marl 2333 ii Mat 1561 ii Millet..... +1654-2100 •t Monkey * 329 ii Moor 2133 Mountain 180 ii Mouse Ear Scorpion... 1535 it Myrtle 60 tt Of Parnassus 1665 tt Para 329 Penny . 1928 ti Pepper +1716-1320 Pigeons 2403 Quack 2340 “ Quick or Quitch 2340 Rib +1748 -1750 ti Rot 1723 ti Scurvy 682 ii Scutch 820 ti Seneca 1166 ti Shelly 2340 “ Silk 2458 it Spurt .... ... 2084 it Star 1106-+Q5 tt Sweet 60 tt Swines’ 1783 ti Sword 1072 ii Tree. 2449 Twitch 2340 “ Two Penny Mi 3 ii Vanilla 1166 ii Vernal 207 Vioers’ 2088 Grass, Whitlow 44 Witch 44 Worm 44 Yellow Eyed.... Grave Plant Gravel Chickweed 2085 4 ‘ Grass 44 Plant * 4 Root 44 Weed .1 608-+905-861 Gray Bark 628 Gray Beard T ree Grease Wood Plant... 1590 Great Burnet 2043 44 Celandine 586 44 Goose Grass ... 297 44 Laurel 44 Leopardsbane .. 880 44 Ragweed i 34 44 Stinging Nettle 2363 44 Water Dock 1987 44 Wild Valerian.. 2388 44 Yellow Wolfsbane 52 Greater Centaury 560 44 Dodder 44 Pimpernel ... * 7*9 44 Pinweed 44 Spurge 976 Greek Nuts 147-146 44 Valerian • 1769 44 44 American 1770 Green Amaranth 44 Archangel 44 Brier 2174 44 Broom 1045 44 Dragon 274 44 Foxtail Grass . 44 Heart Tree 44 Hellebore 44 Leaver 44 Lobelia... 1374 44 Milkweed 27 44 Osier 745 44 Ozier 44 Sauce 1636 44 Setaria 44 Tea 44 Valerian 44 Weed 1045 44 Wood ■ 1045 Grenadier ■ >855 Grindelia — Grip Grass Gromwell 137 1-+ 1 370-1 608 44 False Ground Apple 44 Berry 44 Bread 44 Centaury 1773 44 Cherry • I 7 11 44 Flower 1775 44 Heel 44 Hemlock 44 Holly 599 44 Ivy 44 Laurel ■ 905 44 Lemon - 1764 44 Lily 2337 44 Maple -- 1I 53 _ + II 54 44 Moss... 1798 4 ‘ Nut 44 Oak 44 Pine 1404-+86-2284 44 44 Stinking.. 478 44 Plumb INDEX.-*— COMMON NAMES. 233 Ground Raspberry .... . Hair, Strong Swamp. 1694 44 Squirrel Pea — 1249 Halbert- leaved Tearthumb... 1782 “ Ihistle 506 Halish “ Vine Hard Carthagena Bark 624 Groundie Swallow Hardhack Groundsel Hard Leaved Golden Rod 2100 “ Balsam Hardock 44 Common.... Harebell - “ Long Stemed Hareburr . “ Tree — 338 Hares Beard Grouseberry - 44 Ear.. 427 Guaco 1495 44 Foot Guaiac Wood Harts Horn Bush 1633 Guaiacum 44 44 Plantain.. 1745 Guaiana Bark 44 Pennyroyal 1472 Guarana 1674 4 ‘ Tongue Fern... Guarumo 549 Harvest Bells Guava 44 Lice Guayva Hashish 486 Guelder, Maple H ask wort “ Rose 2416-12423 Hastate Knot Grass .. 44 44 Maple... Haugh Nut Guiana Haw Black 44 Eyevine — . 384 Hawk Bit 1165 Guinea Corn 44 Weed 1165 44 Cubebs 1730 Hawthorn 44 Grains 138 44 English - 773 4 * Hen Flower 44 White 44 Palm 899 Haymaids 1576 ‘ 4 Pepper H ay Saffron 776 “ Sorrel Hazel Guirila 1865 44 Crottles Guilancha Bark 676 44 Nut.... -1 1 19-761. +760 Gulancha 44 Wort— Gulf Weed 2055 He Oak 54° Gum Acroid 2449 Headache Tree 44 Ammoniac Plant .. 879 Head Betony 1675 44 Anime Healall +1828-690-2090-2091 44 Arabic Tree +24-18 “ High 44 Australian Healing Herb ..+2253-2255 44 Bark, Black 1589 Heart Leaved Aster. . . 44 Black Boy 2449 44 44 Plantain 1744 44 Camphor Tree 44 Liver Leaf ii44 44 Cape 24 Heartsease .-1788-+2436 44 Doctors 318 Hearts’ Ear 1788 44 Elastic Tree. 44 Root 44 Galbanum - ... 997 44 Tongue 44 44 Plant.. _ 422 44 44 Spleen Wort.. 308 44 Grass Tree 2449 44 Truffle 44 Hacmatac 1293 Heart Wort 44 Ivy 44 Snake Root 280 44 Lucca Heath — .. 44 Myrr Tree 344 Heath Pea - 44 Plant H03-924-+2253-2255 Heather 9 T 7 4 4 Sandarach 2305 Hedgebell - 7 11 44 Shellac 9 6 Hedge Berry 572 44 Tacamahac Tree.. 99i 44 Garlic 44 Tamarack 1293 44 Hyssop *<^99 44 Tree i3 6 7 44 Maids 1576 44 44 Blue 944 44 Mustard .+2161-1565 44 44 Feronia 99 6 44 Nettle ... ... 2218 44 Wood 944 44 Woundort 44 Yellow 2449 Heliotrope IX 33 Gunbright Hellebore, American .. Gunjah 486 44 Black ii37 Gutta Percha Tree 1240 44 False ...2398-+ 7 r Gutter Tree 44 Fetid . +1135-1200 Gypsie Herb 44 Green .+2398-1136 44 Weed 44 Stinking ... ”35 Hackberry 555 44 Swamp 2398 Hackmatac 1293 44 White .2398-+2396 Hackmetac 1293 44 44 American.. 239^ Hagberry 1835 44 4 4 European.. 2396 Hair Cap Moss 44 Winter 44 Strong l6 93 Helleborine 9 11 234 INDEX.— COMMON NAMES. Hellweed ...» . - . 8ll Hickory, Soft Shell 44 White Heart .. 5 X 3 Helmet Flower 2097 ■ 5*6 44 Pod High Angelica 194 Helmintochorton ... 4 ‘ Balm • 15” Helonias ”39 Highbelia - ---- x 377 Hemidesmus 1141 High Blackberry “ Cranberry x 979 Hemlock 2421 4V American .. 613 44 Healall “ Bark 44 Mallow 1434 “ Dropwort .. 1593 44 Pennyroyal 799 “ EuropeanWater 614 Hig Taper 44 Fir 3 Hillberry 44 Ground ... Hilwort x 477 44 Gum Tree 4 j Hindberry *974 “ Leaves 1 Hindheel “ Parsley 2105 Hini x 33 x “ Pitch Tree Hip Fruit “ Poison +703-613 44 Seed x 958 44 Small Leaved 77 44 Tree 44 Spotted 703-+613 44 Wort 44 Spruce 4 Hippo 44 Indian ■ 970 “ Storksbill.. 44 Tree 4 44 Wild.. 44 Water .703-+614-613-1594 Hips *958 44 “ American 613 Hive Vine “ 44 Drop 1593 Hoaihound 1438 44 “ Fine Leaved. 1595 Hoary Pea “ Wild +703-613 Hobble Bush 2419 Hemp 486 Hockelberry 23 77 44 Agrimony 957 Hog Apple 1764 44 American 485 44 Bean “ Birdseed 485 44 Bed 1404 44 Black Indian.. 486-+219 / 4 Fennel 1693 44 False 44 Gum 318 44 Indian, East... 44 Nut 5 X 4 44 Nettle 44 Plum 4 * Weed 486 44 Potato “ White Indian.. 44 Seed x 958 Hen and Chicken ... — - 359 44 Weed x 33 Henbane .. 1186 44 Wort 44 Black Holewort 753 “ White Hollow Tooth Herb — . 1023-+1022 11 Yellow 1711 44 Wort 753 Henbit Holly, American 44 Bay 1205 Henna Plant ■ X 3 X 4 .1425-+1095 Henne. I3M 44 Canadian 1202 Hen’s Foot 544 44 European 1201 Hep Tree 1958 44 Leaved Barberry 360 Herba Althaese, Cape of Good 44 Oak 1886 Hope 44 Rose 647 Herbe au Diable - 1759 44 Yaupon Herb Barbara - — 932 Hollyhock 121 “ Bennet 14 Blessed 1067 44 Rose .... Hnlmps’ Wpf»H 44 Christopher +1633-64 Holy Ghost 44 Grass x 95 44 Eve 44 Ivy 752 44 Herb 2403 44 Margaret x 333 44 Thistle 558 44 Mastich 2309 Honduras Sarsaparilla.. 4 44 Syrian . Honesty x 395-+ x 394 44 of Grace Honewort .+2159-2338 44 Paris 44 Field 2159 44 Peter Honey Bloom 44 Bread 44 Robert 574 44 Sophia 44 Locust 1073 44 Trinity 44 Lotus x 457 44 Two Pence Honeysuckle +1382-490-1385 Hercules’ Club 2452-+233 44 Blue 1383 Hermodactyle 689 44 Bush 861 Hermadoctylus Herons’ Bill ”49 44 Swamp ... 336 44 Wild 334 Hickory Hooded Milfoil 2370 44 Bitter 512 44 Willow Herb... +2094-2097 44 Hog Nut 5 r 4 Hood wort 44 Shagbark — — 5” Hook Heal 1828 INDEX.— COMMON NAMES. 235 Hook Weed - 1828 Humble Plant ........ Hoop Ash 1835 Hundred Eyes “ Petticoat 44 Leaf Rose 1959 44 Tree 1454 Hungarian Grass Hop Fruit 1958 Millet 1653 ,k Hornbeam 1634 Hunger Flower 885 44 Marjoram 1617 4 ‘ Weed X9°7 “ Medick 1444 Huntsmans’ Cup 2057 44 Tree Hurr Burr “ Trefoil 1444 44 Nut - Hops Husks, of the Ancients. 44 Wild Hyacinth *173 Horehound 44 Garden 1173 “ Black 34 1 Hya Hya 44 Stinking .. ... 341 Hydrangea - II 75 44 Water 44 - Garden 44 White. ... 1438 14 Wild 1X75 Wild 965 Hyeble Horestrang 1693 Hyena Poison 1X74 Hornbeam 507 Hypernic Wood 443 44 Swamp 1589 Hyssop X197 Horn wort 575 44 Hedge X099 ! Horn Poppy Leaved Lythrum X417 “ Seed . 44 44 Scullcap Horned Poppy 5 8 5 44 Wild Horse Aloes Iceland Moss 580 44 Balm Ice Plant 15x9 44 Bane ... 1595 4 4 4< American 15x9 44 Bean 2424 44 44 European “ 44 Common.. 2424 44 Vine. 645 44 Blob 469 Igna Bark Tree “ Brier 2174 Illinois Nut 5x3 “ Cane 44 Pecan 5x3 44 Cassia 523 Imperial Masterwort... 44 Chestnut 75 Incense, Indian 4°5 11 Chire 44 Male 405 44 Fleaweed 349 44 Tree .2278-+1199 kk Flower 44 Wood 1199 kk Fly Weed 349 India Barberry - 3 61 k ‘ Gentian 2339 44 Berries 158 11 Ginseng 2339 44 Pink ..+2205-857 44 Heal 44 Rubber Tree - 2158 “ Hoof Indian Aconite 48 “ Knob 563 44 Anemone “ 44 Thistle... 563 44 Apple i7 6 4 “ Mint ..+1515-1513 44 Arrow 950 44 44 American . 1515 4 4 44 Weed .... 749 44 44 European. 1475 44 . 44 Wood 950 44 44 Ohio 389 44 Bael 44 44 Round Leaved... 1478 44 Balm 2337 44 44 Sweet 799 44 Barberry 44 Nettle 2177 44 Bark 1425 44 Pipe 9*3 44 Barley-Caustic . 2397 44 Radish 680 44 Bay +1307-1305 44 Tree. 1525-11108-1524 44 Berries 158 44 44 Water... 679 44 Bignonia 44 Sugar 44 Black Drink 1207 44 Tail ....+919-913 44 44 Root 1851 44 44 Rush 44 Cedar. 55i 44 Thistle 44 Chocolate 44 Thyme .--.452-+451 4 * Cockle x 5 8 44 Tongue --I997 4 ‘ Corn 44 Weed 919 690-+134-2213 44 Cotton Tree Hottentot Bread 44 Cress +2343-2344 Hounds’ Berry Tree.. 749 44 Cucumber 44 Tongue 44 Cup House Leek 44 44 Plant 4 4 4 ‘ Common.. 44 Currant 44 44 Lesser 4 Dates 44 44 Small 44 Datura Hove X576 44 Dream H uamielies Bark 619 44 Elm 2355 Huanuco Bark 44 Fig Tree 999 1 Huckleberry +2377-2376-2380 44 Geranium 44 Squaw 2381 44 Ginger 236 INDEX.— COMMON NAMES. Indian Gum Tree 18 Insect Powder, German ...... 1865 “ Hazel Nut - 440 14 4 ‘ Persian n Head Ipecac — 1223-+565-1949 “ Hemp ^86 44 American 1070-+973-1071 “ 44 Americar 4 Bastard 44 Black... --486-+219 41 Black 1845 44 Foreign. 486 44 Ceylon *4 44 White... 44 Jamaica 567 H Hippo 44 Malabar 1902 “ Hydrocotyle 44 Peruvian 568 “ Incense 405 44 South American 1224 Ipecac 283 4- Spurge... 973 ' » Kale • 447~+275 “ Striated 1845 *• Leaves (Cinnamon Leaves.) 44 Undulated 1949 “ Lettuce 1868-+1007 “ West India ..+566-1844 “ Liquorice 44 White 1223-973-+1949 *• Madder “ Wild 973-563 +2339 44 Mallows --2139-+15 44 4 4 American .. 973 Millet +2199-1654 Ipecacuanha — 565 ii Mug wort Mulberry Iris Irish Broom 1232 • 834 ii Nard 41 Moss n Oak Iron Oak .+1892-1881 “ Olibanum 405 44 Weed 44 44 Wood +1634-507 ii 4 * Red 44 Wort “ 44 Yellow 44 44 German “ Pea 214 Ishpingo 44 Pennywort Isle of France Ipecac... 44 Persimmon 867 Ispaghul “ Physic 1070-219-+1071 44 Seed 1746 ii 44 Small Flowered 1070 Issue Peas n Pink 1373-+2205 4 ‘ 44 Artificial 1232-1122 44 Pipe *5*9 Italian Bugloss 44 Plant ”77 44 Burnet “ Plantain 435 44 Juice Root ii Poke 2398 44 44 Wood.... 1077 “ Posey 44 Millet 44 Potato 44 Olive 44 Red Root. 1279 44 Pimpernel 2044 44 Red Wood Tree Itch Weed 44 Root Ivory Nut 44 Sage “ Palm 44 Salt. (The Powdered 44 Plum on Sumac Berries). . 1938 44 Vegetable I 7 T 3 ii Sanicle 954 Ivraie K Sarsaparilla 1141 Ivy . 1270-+1122 Senna. ..... 44 American.. ... . I AC ‘ 4 Shamrock 44 Big Leaved 44 Shoe “ English “ Soap Plant 44 German “ 44 Nut “ Ground 44 Spikenard 1560 44 Gum il Strawberry 39i 44 Leaved Toad Flax. H Tobacco 1374 44 Poison .+1940-1939 i! Turnip 1842-+277 44 Wood 44 Walnut 97 Iwarancuse 178 1» Wicopy Jaborandi 1739 44 Womum.. 44 Root Brazilian 1739 Indigo , American 349 Jabuticaba Fruit 1549 Berry 1903 Jacinth ii73 44 Broom 349 Jack by the Hedge ii False 348 Jacket Bark 44 Plant 1218+1217-1790 Jack in a Box 44 Prairie 347 Jack in the Pulpit 44 Weed 349 Jack Oak Wild, False 349 Jack of the Buttery — 44 Yellow 349 Jacob’s Ladder 44 44 Vine .+2172-1770 Ink Berry . 44 Nut Jaen Bark 44 Plant Jaffna Moss ...... 1097 44 44 New Granada 742 J aggery 44 Root Jagong Insect Powder, Caucasian ... 1865 Jalap 44 Cancer 44 Dalmatian 1863 1715 INDEX. —COMMON NAMES. 237 Jalap False ,. -+1501 -1227 Jimson Weed 845 44 Male 1227 Joan Silver Pin. 1658 “ Plant I50I Job’s Tears ..1608-+686 “ Tampico 1230 44 44 Wild 44 Vera Cruz 1225 Joe Pye g66-g62-+g63 44 Wild 717 44 44 Weed Jamaica Bark +990-984 Johnswort ‘ * Bay berry 1536 44 False 44 Birch 428 Johnny Jumper 2436 44 Bitter Bush g6i Joint Weed +1782-1779 44 Boxwood 2269 Jonquil •-+I555-775 44 Cedar .. 1296 44 Flower 1555 44 Contrayerva 882 Jordan Almond M7 14 Dogwood 1740 Joseph’s Coat *3* 44 Ginger M3 Jove’s Fruit 868 1 Ipecac 5 6 7 Judas’ Tree 577 44 Mignonette I3M Jujube *9*9 44 Nutmeg 1517 44 Tree 44 Pepper 948 July Flower... 582 44 Red Cedar 1256 Jumble Beads 44 Redwood 1094 June Berry 44 Rosewood I 5° Juniper ... .. 1257 41 Sarsaparilla 2170 44 Bark 1257 44 Spikenard 343 44 Berries 1257 44 Water Lily 1573 * Bull 1257 44 Yellow Thistle 243 44 Gum. 2305 Jamestown Weed 845 44 Leaves Japan Sophora 2194 44 Wood _ 1259 44 Vegetable Wax 222g Juno’s Tears 2403 Japanese Pepper 2450 Jupiter’s Beard Japonica 19 44 Eye Jasmine 1246 44 Nuts 1253 44 Flowered Ticorea.. . 2314 Juribali 44 Flowers,White.i244-+i246 Jurebeba 44 Large Flowered 1244 Jurubeba 44 Red.. 1229 Justices’ Weed. 959 44 44 West India 1761 Jute Plant 732 Jatamansi 1559 Kaladana .. 71c Jaundice Berry 363 Kalumb 677 44 Root TI 77 Kamala 1966 Java Almond Tree 151 Kameela 1966 44 Cardamom 139 Kangaroo Apple 2179 44 Cinnamon 1306 Karil Root 44 Fern 1644 Kassamah 44 Pepper 1734 Kat 543 Jersey Live Long 1082 Kava Kava 1736 * 4 Tea 546 Kawa... I73 6 44 Thistle 562 Kedlock 2154 Jerusalem Artichoke 1128 Kelp 44 Cherry 2185 Kelpware 44 Cowslip 1854 Kemps 1 75° 44 Iak 59i Kentucky Coffee Bean . 44 Oak S93-+59I ^ 4 4 4 Tree . 1 in ,t Sage 1854 44 Mahogany... 44 Star 2324 44 Yellow Ash.. 658 44 Tea i2o6-59t-+5go 4 4 44 Wood 6 S 8 Jessamine, Common White... 1246 Kermes Oak 1882 44 Red i22g Kernelwort 44 White.. 1246 Khat Kat 543 44 Yellow 1043 Khus Khus Jesuits’ Bark (Old Name for Kidney Liver Leaf 1145 Peruvian Bark). 44 Liverwort ■ 1145 44 Nuts 2326 44 Root ...+963-339 44 Powder (Peruvian 44 Vetch Bark Powdered). 44 Wort 44 Tea +1206-591-590 Kill Lamb Jew Bush 1677 Kings’ Clover I 457-+ I 459 Jewel Weed. + 1215-1213 44 Cup 44 44 Speckled 1213 44 Cure •--+599-598 Jews’ Ear 983 44 Fern 44 Harp Plant 2337 44 Spear 44 Mallow Kinnikinnick 44 Myrtle 1550 44 Bark 75° Jimpson Seed 845 Kino Plant ... 1849 44 Weed 845 44 Root, American... x °57 238 INDEX.— COMMON NAMES. Kisky Thomas Nut 1250 Larkspur Kleinia 44 Branching 850 Knap Weed 559 44 Herb Knawel 44 Seed 852 Knee Holly 1996 Laurel... .+1307-1270 Knights’ Spur 44 American Knitback .... 2253 44 Bay 1307 Knob Grass 44 Benzoin 44 Root 44 Bernes 1307 Knot Berry 44 Broad Leaved ... “ Grass 2340-+1783 44 Cherry j 833 “ 44 Birds’ 1783 44 Great 1932 44 44 Erect 1783 44 Leaves I 3°7 44 44 German 44 Mountain . 1932-+1270 “ 44 Hastate 44 Narrow Leaved . 1268 44 Root 44 Sheep .1270 +1268 44 Weed 1788 44 Swamp +1269-1095-1425 44 44 Spotted 44 Sweet Knotted Marjoram Lavender... 13 11 Knotty Brake 3°3 44 Arabian 44 Rooted Figwort 44 Bindweed 7 J 3 Kola Nut 687 44 Common Koosso 44 Cotton Kousso 44 Flowers, Common.. 1309 Krameria 1274 44 Garden Kundoo Nut Tree 497 44 Spike 1311-+1309 Kus Kus— 178 44 Tkrift Kussander - 7i7 Laver Labaria Plant 888 Lavose Labrador Tea 1318 Lead Plant 144 Laburnum Tree 833 44 Wort Lac Leaf Cup Lace Bark Tree 44 4 4 Yellow Lachnanthes 1279 Leather Bush Lacmus +1346-1316 44 Flower Lactucarium.- 44 Wood 873 “ German... 1283 Leaver Wood Ladies’ Bedstraw Leek 44 Bower 44 House 44 Fingers Lemon 44 Glove 863 44 Balm 44 Mantle- 9 2 -38 44 Grass 44 Slipper 44 44 Tea 44 44 Showy. 831 44 Thyme “ Slippers 44 Walnut 44 Smock 500 44 Wild 44 Sorrel Lentil 44 Thumb 1788 Lentils 44 Tresses 2215 Lentisk Lads’ Love Leopardsbane Lake Weed.---- Roman .. 880 Lambkill 1270-+1268 Leptandra 1 33 1 Lambs’ Lettuce -- --- 1750 Lesser Calamint 44 Quarter -+2337-589 44 Celandine 587 44 Toes 44 Centaury 44 Tongue 44 House Leek Lapland Moss - 1343 Lettuce, Acrid Larch ....+1293-7 44 Blue I53 1 44 Agaric - * 394~+397 44 Common 44 American 1293 44 False 1532 44 European 7 44 Garden Large Fennel 1003 44 Indian .+1007-1868 44 Flowered Andromeda. 176 44 Liverwort 1868 44 44 Bellwort 237X 44 Opium . 44 i4 Cactus 437 44 Red 44 44 Jasmine 1244 44 Strong Scented 4 4 41 Scullcap 2096 44 White i55i 44 Flowering Spurge 970 44 Wild .+1280-1868 44 Galangal 44 <4 Opium.. 44 Malva Flowers ... I2X Levant Hellebore 44 Periwinkle 2426 44 Nut 158 44 Spotted Spurge . . 972 44 Wormseed 44 Valerian Lever Wood 1634 Lark Heel Levose 1350 Larks’ Claw 850 Libi Dibi 44i INDEX.— COMMON NAMES. 239 Licorice Liver Wort -1437-+1145 “ American 4k k4 Kidney 1145 44 Bush 44 Noble 44 Root Lizard’s Tail. Life Everlasting 10S 1-202- Lobe Berry 673 -+1085-1087-1088 ~ obelia Life Everlasting, Californian. 1083 44 Acrid 1378 44 44 Pearl Flow- 44 Blue ered 44 Brown.... 1374 44 of Man 44 Garden — 1373 “ Root .2H3-+2109 44 Green 1374 44 44 Plant 44 Herb 1374 Light Jalap 44 Red ....... 1373 Lignum Vitae 1105 44 South African. 1375 Lilac - 2255 44 Spiked 1376 44 African 1454 Loblolly- 1729 44 Bark, Californian 548 44 Bay 1095 “ Common 2255 44 Pine 44 White Locust Bean Lily, Blue Eyed 2163 44 Bitter 1952 “ Common White .. 1355 44 Bloom “ Daffodil I3 2 44 Plant 44 European Yellow. 1585 44 Tree 1954 “ Meadow 1355 44 44 South American. 1183 “ ol the Valley 707 Lofty Quassia .... 2152 “ Tiger 1353 Loggerheads 563 44 White .1584-+I355 Logwood 44 44 Pond 1587 44 Campeachy . 44 “ of the Valley 1355 44 Honduras.... 44 Yellow Pond 1583 44 Jamaica Lima Bark 44 St.Domingo. 1117 44 44 Pale London Pride .2052-+2072 44 Wood 443 Longan Fruit 1577 Lime Tree 1588-649-+2316 Long Birthwort 44 44 European ... 2317 44 Buchu Lime wort Catchfly 4 4 Florida Moss 2319 Linden 44 Leaved Buchu ... 352 44 American. 2316 44 44 Pine 1725 “ European 2317 44 44 Sundew . 889 44 Flowers 44 Moss 2319 Linseed 1364 44 Nutmeg I 54 I Lions’ Ear 44 Pepper 1735 * 4 Foot .1818-+1551 44 Stemmed Groundsel 2112 44 Snap 44 Sundew 889 44 Tail Loose Strife +1418-1415-1416 44 Tooth 2265 44 44 Yellow... 1415 Liquid Amber Lopez Root kk . Storax Lords and Ladies 277 Liquorice 1077 Lordwood 44 American Lotus .+1572-1388 kk Buds 44 Rattle Nut 1573 kk Bush 44 Tree 868 ‘ k Root... Louse Berry Tree QSi 44 “ Calabria 44 Wert +1063-371-1675 44 Spanish 44 44 Foxglove ., 1675 44 Wild 1029- 12-+231-317 Louisiana Squill 775 Lisbon Contrayerva Lovage Lithy Tree 44 American 1348 Litmus Plant 44 European 1350 44 Weed .+1346-1956 Love Apple Little Clotbur 44 in a Mist 44 Good 44 Lies Bleeding 130 44 Pollom 44 Pea 44 Snowball 44 Vine 44 Water Lily Lovely Bleeding Live Forever +1085-2103 L<3w Balm. 4 ‘ Long 44 Blackberry I97i Live Oak 44 Blueberry 2379 Liver Leaf 44 Centaury 44 44 Heart 44 Chamomile 44 44 Kidney U45 44 Mallow ■ 1433 Vi Lily ~ - Loxa Bark * 4 Moss Lucerne * 4 Mushroom Lumbang Nut — 44 Weed Lung Flower 240 INDEX. — COMMON NAMES. Lung Moss Male Jalap Lungs of the Oak 44 Lavender Lungwort . 1485-1854 44 Nervine “ American .+2395-1485 44 Nutmeg “ Bullocks 44 Orchis 44 Cows 44 Shield Fern “ French U63 Malaguetta Pepper .. 138 41 Maple. 1854-1485-2395 Mallaguetta 44 138 Mallow, Common 1434 41 Virginia 1485 44 Commune... 1433 Lustwort 889 44 High • 1434 Luteolin *9*3 44 Indian 2i 39 -ti5 Lychnis __... 44 Low *433 Lycopodium . .. I 4°3 44 Marsh “ Moss 1403 44 Wort Lynn 2352 44 Yellow +14-234 “ Wahoo 2352 Malva Lyre Leaved Sage 44 Flowers, Large 44 Tree 44 44 Small. Macanet Grains 573 Mancona Bark Mace 1542 Mandioca Macedonian Parsley ... 423 Mandragora Root 328 Mad Apple . 1888-+845 Mandrake Madagascar Tanghinia. 576 44 American.. ■ *7 6 4 Madar Bark 288 44 European . 328 Madeira Nut 1253 44 Round 44 Wood 2247 44 Wild Madder, Bengal Mangle “ Dyers’ 44 Wurzel 368 44 English Dyers 1968 Mango *435 44 Indian 1599 44 Ginger 44 Root Mango Tree *435 44 Wild 1033-+1031 Mangosteen, Wild ... *037 Mad-dog-weed Mangrove *929 Madia Seed 1422 Man-in-the-Ground - 7*7 Madness Manna - Madnep 44 Arabian Madrona Bark 44 Ash Mad weed 2097 44 Crop *075 Mad wort. 1272-+473 44 False oofi T-+25'> 44 German Manna of Briancon.. 7 Magnolia +1425-1424-1427-1428 44 Tamarisk 2261 “ Big Leaved..... i4 2 7 44 Tree Maguey 81 44 44 European 44 Mexican 81 Man-of-the-Earth — Mahogany 2247 Man Root 7*7 44 African Many Root 44 Birch 373 Manzanita 44 Kentucky Maple Ash 29 * 4 Mountain 373 Maple, Bird’s Eye — 34 44 Spanish 2247 44 Black 3° 44 Tree . ... 2247 44 Flower 359 Mahonia 44 Ground ...+1154-1153 Maiden Hair 69 44 Guelder Rose 44 44 American . 69 44 Leaf Alum Root 1154 44 44 European.. 68 44 Lungwort.. ..1 854-1485 44 44 Golden 1799 44 44 Tree 44 Red 33 Maids’ Hair 44 Rock 34 Maize 44 Striped 33*35"+3* 44 Small 44 Sugar Tree... 34 Malabar Cardamom 44 Swamp 33 44 Ipecac Marany Nut 44 Nightshade 353 March 44 Nut Tree Marcory Malacca Bean Maracaibo Bark 44 Nut Marestail 913-+906-919 Malambo Bark MargosaTree *455 Malay Tea Marigold Male Agaric 44 African .... 2257 44 Cornel 747 44 Bur — 377 44 Fern •* 6 33*+3°3 44 French 44 Fern Buckhorn 44 Garden 44 Fool’s Stones 44 Marsh 44 Incense 405 44 Water INDEX.— COMMON NAMES. 241 Marigold Wild 459 Meadow Bouts Marjoram 44 Cabbage Hop... 44 Cress 44 Knotted 44 Fern “ Spanish... .1619-+1617 44 4 4 Buds,... “ Sweet I6l8 4 4 44 Burrs ... 1538 “ Wild 1859-+1620 44 Garlic 44 Winter 44 Lily Marking Nut 44 Parsnip -2297-+2465 Marl Grass 2333 44 Pink Marmalade Apple 1390 44 Pride “ Tree 44 Queen ... Marsh Beetle - 2351 44 Root... 2223 44 Cistus Z 3 X 9 44 Rue “ Cleavers 44 Saffron 688 44 Clover 14 44 Leaves 682 44 Crowfoot 44 44 Seed . 44 Dandelion 1325 “ Sage .+2029 2032 11 Epilobium 44 Salsify ------ 2325 44 Ftvefinger 697 44 Saxifrage 1695 44 Fleabane . .+725-726 44 Scabish 44 Gentian +1052-1053 44 Silkweed 44 Hibiscus zz 57 44 Sorrel 1983 44 Mallow 44 Star 44 Marigold 44 Sweet 44 44 Leaved Gun- 44 Turnip ... .2213-+2214 ------ 277 44 Orchis - 44 Wort 44 Parsley +2106-2105 Mealberry. 44 Pestle 2351 Mealy Bush...... 44 Root 44 Starwort 95 44 Rosemary 44 Tree 44 44 European... 2224 Mecca Galls 1888 44 Sm allage Mechameck 7 X 7 44 Tea Mechoacan 44 Trefoil 44 Root, European.. 284 44 Marsh Turnip .. 2 77 Medick * 4 WaterCress Medlar 44 Wort 44 English 44 WoundWort..— Medusa’s Trumpet Martagon Lily z 356 Meechoacan Root Marvel of Peru . 1502-+1501 Melilot .+1459-1457 Mary Bud 44 Blue z 458 44 Gold, Garden 44 Clover 44 Thistle 44 Trefoil 1444 Maryland Pink 44 Sweet 1457 Massoy Bark Melon, Musk... 792 Masterwort +1 148-194-1216 44 Water 795 44 Black 3 X 9 44 Wild 648 44 Imperial . .+1216-319 Mercury Herb Mastich Tree 44 44 English.. 592 Mat Grass 44 Plant 44 .. 592 Mata 44 Weed 25 Mate Mesenna Bark Matias Bark Mesquite Gum 98 Matico 259 Metalista Root 44 . West Indian Matrimony Vine x 398 Mexican Contrayerva.. 44 Fever Plant.. 1843 578 Maudlin 44 Gum Arabic — 98 44 Tansy 37 44 Maguey 81 44 Wort T 333 44 Poppy 243 Maw-seed .1656-+ 1 659 44 Sage May-apple _ 1764 44 Sarsaparilla.. 44 Mountain — *7 6 3 “ Tea 590 May Flower • 9°5 Mexico Seed- x 950 44 Lily Mezereon - .-+839-837 44 Queen Moss 1798 44 American ... 873 44 Tree 773 Michaelmas Daisy ■ 3*4 44 Weed x 440 Michaux 44 Wort .+1440-1030 Mignonette, Wild *9*3 44 Wreath Mild Water Pepper 1787 Mazzards Milfoil 38 Meadow Anemone 188 Milium Solis I37 1 44 44 American.. 187 Milk Ipecac +970-218-2337 Bloom 44 Parsley 11 242 INDEX. — COMMON NAMES. Milk Purslain 970 Moss Ceylon • 1097 44 Pursley .. 972-+97O kk Jaffna • 1097 44 Sweet “ Lapland 1343 44 Thistle .. 2192-+672 44 Locust “ Tree 44 Long Florida 2319 44 Waste Moth Mullein 2399 “ Weed 218-+970-292 Mother Clove 517 44 44 Common.. “ of Rye 44 44 Creeping.. “ of Thousands. 44 44 Root “ of Thyme +2310-2311 44 kk Wandering 2l8 “ 0fWhe.1t. _ 1450 44 kk Whoorled.. 294 Motherwort 44 Willow Moth Mullein “ 11 Herb 1418 Mountain Arnica 44 Wort 1776 44 Ash 1874 “ 44 Bitter T772 “ 4k American 2196 “ 1V Common ... 1774 “ “ European 2197 “ 44 European.. 1778 4 Balm.i46o-924-+i5ii 08 Millet 44 Box kl Common J &54 “ Brake 44 Grass +1654-2199 k ' Bugle 87 44 Hungarian 1653 44 Calamint kk Indian +2199-1654 44 Cranberry kk Italian 44 Damson 2153 “ Seed 1653 44 Dittany 799 Turkish 44 Ebony ... • 357 k ‘ White 1457 44 Elder 2039 kk Yellow 1459 “ Flax • 1776 Mill Mountain... 1363 41 Globe Flower. 5 6 9 Mint 44 Grass Mishmee Bitter 44 Holly Mist Flower 44 Laurel 1932-+1270 Mistletoe 2437 44 Liquorice 44 Oak 1387 44 Mahogany ... 373 Mistress of the Night.. i77i 44 May Apple.. 1763 Mithridate Mustard 2304 44 Mint 1512-1620-+1859 Mitre Wort .1504-+2312 44 Parsley Moccasin Flower 830 44 Pink “ Plant 44 Rhubarb k ‘ Root 828 44 Rose Balm... 15H Mock Orange .+1702-1829 44 Sorrel 1636-+1642 Mocker Nut 516 44 Spinach Mohawk Weed - 2372 44 Strawberry... Moldavian Balm 887 44 Sumach Mole Plant 974 44 Sweet 546 Molucca Balm I 5°7 44 Tea....; k ‘ Grains 44 Thyme ...450-+43 Monarda - 15*5 44 Valerian - 2387 Monesia Bark 609 44 Tobacco Money Flower 1394 Mourning Bride 2074 kk Wort *4*3 “ Widow Monkey Bread Tree .. 65 Mouse Bane. ■ 54 44 Face Tree 1966 44 Blood Wort ... 1164 “ Flower 830 44 Ear 1164-1088-+1084 , 14 Grass 329 44 44 Chickweed . “ Pepper 2359 44 44 Cress Monkshood. 54 44 44 Scorpion Grass 1535 kk American .. 58 44 44 Virginia 44 Wild American... 58 Mouth Root 729 Monks’ Rhubarb 44 Smart Montpellier Coris 2254 Moxa Moon Flower 44 English ‘ k Fruit Pine 1405 4k Weed 44 Seed... I4 6 7 Mudar Bark 288 “ 44 Root 1467 Mudwort “ Wort Mugweed, Golden 1030 Moorberry Mugwort ■ 273 Moor Grass 2133 44 Indian 268 Moose wood 35-+873 44 West Indian ... 1666 Morning Glory .. 1228-+718 Mulberry, Black ■ 1527 44 kk Blue. 44 French 4 6 3 44 44 Purple.. 718 44 Indian. Mortification Root 44 Paper 1528 Moss Berry 2378 44 Red ■ 1529 INDEX. — COMMON NAMES. 243 Mulberry, White 1526 Nasturtion 1565 Mullein 2401 Nasturtium +1565-2343 4 * Moth 2399 Navelwort 767 Murillo Bark 19OI Navette Muruxi Bark 432 Neb-Neb Musena 44 Necklace Weed Musenna Neckweed Mushroom, Eatable 124 Nectandra Bark 1570 44 Poison 125 Nectarine Musk Grape Flower 117= Neem Bark M55 44 Leaf Plant Negro Head 1713 44 Leaves I 44 Pepper 2359 44 Mallow.. 44 Vine “ Melon 792 Nepal Aconite 48 44 Plant 44 Bitterwood 44 Root - I 559-t982 44 Cardamom 44 Rose Nephritic Plant 44 Seed Neroli Flowers 44 44 Plant Nerve Root 830-+828 44 Thistle 1 1 607-503- 2 1 02 Nervine ...... 828 44 Tree 981 Nest Root 44 Vegetable 1500 Net Leaf Plantain .+1092-1093 Musky Storksbill Nettle Leaf Vervain .. 2405 Musquash Root... 7°3 Nettle.. 2363 Mustard, Bastard 1767 44 Bees'... 44 Clammy 44 Common +2362-2363 44 Clowns’ 44 4 4 Stinging 2363 “ False 44 Dead .-+1290-194 “ 44 Clammy 44 Dwarf 2367 *• Hedge 1565-+2161 44 East Indian 44 Fine Leaved 2162 44 Flowers 44 Mithridate ... 2304 44 Great Stinging.. 2363 44 Oriental 44 Leaved Sage 2034 44 Red 2157 44 Pillbearing 2364 44 Scripture “ Sage 2034 44 44 Tree 44 Stingless .+2365-1289 44 Seed, Black... 2157 44 Tree 555 44 44 White .. 2154 44 White 44 44 Yellow . Networt 44 Treacle .-2304-+933 New Caledonian Cajuput 1449 44 Tree 4 Grenada Ink Plant 742 44 Wild 2155 44 Jersey Tea 546 Myosotis 44 44 44 Tree.. 54<5 Myriad Leaf ■ 1540 44 Zealand Spinach.. Myrobalans +1707-2277 Nicaragua Wood 442 44 Belleric 2277 Nic Wood - 442 44 Black 2279 Nickar Tree 44 Chebullic... 2279 Nicker Tree, Yellow 1107 44 Yellow Nickweed 486 Myrrh Seed 1545 Nigella, Bastard 1397 Myrtle +1550-1537 44 Seed “ Bog... 1538-+1481 Niger Seed 44 Candleberry 1537 Nigger Toes 44 Dutch i550‘+i538 Night Blooming Cactus 437 “ Flag 44 44 Cereus 44 Grass 44 Henbane 1187“ 44 Jews ■ 1550 Nightshade 44 Sweet 44 American.. 1715 44 Wax 44 Black Nail wort 44 Common Naked Bropmrape 1623 44 Deadly .. 2182-+327 44 Ladies 44 Enchanters’ Nannyberry 44 Fetid 1186 Nannybush 44 Garden +2182-2178 Napoleon Plant. 44 Malabar ... 353 Narcissus +i557- I 555 44 Three Leaved 2337 44 Poets’ 44 Vine Nard 44 Woody 44 Common Nim Bark 1455 44 Indian 1559 Nine Bark Narrow Dock Ninety Knot 44 Leaved Laurel. Ninsin “ “ Virginia 44 Root - 1649 1 hyme Nipplewort Naseberry Nitweed 2060 214 INDEX. — COMMON NAMES. Noah’s Ark .. Nut, Physic Noble Epine 773 44 Pichurim 1569 “ Pig 44 Liverwort 1145 44 Pistachio 1742 “ Pine 44 Poison “ Yarrow 44 Purging * Nodding Lilv 1354 44 Rattle . 44 Wakerobin... 2337 44 Sardian 535 None so Pretty 44 Sassafras *569 None Such 1444 44 Soap -2051-+1496 Nolitangere 44 Spanish Noon Day Flower 2325 44 Taqua k ‘ Flower 2325 44 Vomit 44 Tide.. 44 Water . +2326-1572 Northern Prickly Ash 2453 44 Wood. Norway Cinquefoil l8ll 44 Yer 44 Pine 44 Zibel 1724 “ Spruce 6 Nutall’s Weed 737 44 “ Fir 6 Nutmeg 1542 Nosebleed 38 44 American 1517 Notchweed 59 7 44 Calabash 1517 Nuns’ Whipping Rope. 13° 44 Californian 2321 Nut, Acajou 44 Flower 1582 44 Areca 44 44 Seed... 44 Barbadoes 14 Jamaica I 5 I 7 “ Beazor Long i54i 44 Bedda 44 Male.... Beech 993 44 Tree, American 199 44 Wild 1541 44 Wood 403 44 Betel 241 Nutqua-mequot 44 Bitter 512 Nutall’s Polygala 1773 “ Bladder Nux Metella 44 Vomica 2235 “ Brazil “ 44 Bark 2235 “ Caffein 687 Nya Pana 956 “ Candle 97 Oak Agaric -_-396-+394 “ Cashew 44 American, Turkey 44 Castana ■ 366 44 Barren “ Chop. 44 Black . 1891-+1899 44 Clearing 44 Bear 1887 44 Cola ...... 687 44 Bitter 1881 “ Corozo 4 “ Black Jack “ Drinkers’ 44 Botany Bay 541 “ Earth 44 Burr ** Eubsean 535 44 Champion 590 41 French 1253 “ Chestnut 1895 44 Gall Oak 1888 44 Common, British.. 1899 14 Galls 1888 44 European 1896 44 44 Atlee 44 Cork 44 “ Chinese 874 44 Currant 44 44 44 Velvet 874 44 Dyers’ .1899-+1888 44 Goora 44 English 44 Ground 44 Evergreen 44 44 Dwarf 44 Female 1899 44 Haugh “ Gall +1888-1834-1899 44 Hazel 761 -+760-1119 44 He 540 44 Hog • 5 J 4 44 Holly 1886 44 Hurr 44 Indian 44 Illinois. 513 * 4 Iron. +1892-1881 “ Ink 44 Jack 44 Ivory I 7 I 3 44 Jerusalem- .. .+591-593 44 Jesuits’ 44 Kermes 1882 44 Jupiter’s 1253 44 Leaves.... C4 Kisky Thomas 44 Live “ Kola 687 44 Mistletoe 1387 44 Levant 44 Nutgall 1888 '* Malabar 44 of Jerusalem — 593-+59I ‘ 4 Malacca 2107 44 Pin “ Marany 44 Poison 1940 4 ‘ Marking 44 Post 44 Mocker 516 44 Red 1897 44 Oil 44 44 Spanish 1885 44 Olive Tree 898 44 Rock Chestnut 4i Pea 2.9 44 Scarlet INDEX.— COMMON NAMES. 245 Oak Scrub - 1887 Orange, Bitter, Common 656 44 She 44 Common, Sweet 650 44 Silk Bark I IOI 44 Curacoa ...656- +650 44 Stone 44 Gourd “ Swamp 1895 44 Grass 44 Teak 44 Root 1177 44 Turkey 1881 44 Seville.... .... 44 Wainscot . 1881 44 Swallow Wort.. 293 44 Water 44 Sweet 44 White 1879 44 Vine 794 44 Yellow. 1883 Orcanette Oca, Peruvian 1638 Orchil Ochra Orchilla Weed Ochroleucous Gentian 1053 Orchis Ohio Curcuma ”77 44 Bee 1611 “ Horsemint 389 44 Large Round Leaved. . 1753 Officinal Bistort 1784 44 Male u Sarsaparilla.. 44 Marsh 1615 “ Squill Ordeal Ogeechee Tree 1588 44 Bark 940 Oil Plant -+1950-2127 44 Beam of Calabar “ Nut 44 Poison of Africa. 89 “ 44 Bark 44 Root Oily Acorn 44 Tree 44 Grain Oregon Grape 360 Okra 44 Tobacco 2386 Olcott Root 1993 Orenburg Gum Old Field Balsam Oriental Berries 158 44 “ Pine 1729 44 Mustard 2156 “ Maid’s Pink 44 Plane Tree 1755 u Man 44 Sassafras 44 Man’s Beard 44 Sweet Gum Tree.. 2243 44 44 Tree 44 Tacamahac... 467 44 Robert’s Root Origanum +1620-1515 Oleander 15 7* Orinoco Sassafras 2568 44 Yellow 2303 Orizaba Jalap Olibanum ..+1258-405 Orpine 44 African 1756 44 Livelong “ Arabian 1258 Orris, Common 1234 “ Indian 405 44 Root 1233-+1232 Olive, American 4 4 44 European... 1236 44 Bark - 44 44 German 1234 44 44 Tree 424 Osage Apple 44 Dwarf 836 44 Orange 1420 44 Fragrant Osier, Basket 44 Gum 44 Green... 745 44 Italian 1603 44 Red 750 44 Leaves - 44 White 175 44 Nut Tree 898 44 Willow 44 Spanish Oswego Tea 1512 44 Spurge 839 Otaheite Apple 1 44 Tree 1601 44 Walnut 97 1 44 Wild Ourari 44 West India. Wild. 424 Oval Leaved Elk Tree.. One BeTry -*503-+ i66 3 Ova-ova 1519 4 4 44 Leaves 1503 Owler 44 Blade.. 705 Oxadoddy • I 33 I 44 Flowered Bloomrape 1623 Oxalis 44 44 Wintergreen.. 1869 Oxbalm 44 Seeded Cucumber. 2249 Oxeye - . 1123-+155 Onion 44 Daisy “ Bog Oxheal ”35 44 Common Oxlip 1820 44 Sea Oxtongue Opium Lettuce Oyster Root 2324 44 Poppy 1659 Ozier, Green 745 Opopanax 44 Red 750 Opossum Tree 1367 Paddock Stools ■ 396 Or jche, Garden 3 2 4 Paddy 1629 - 44 Sea 3 2 3 Pseonia 1643 44 Spreading 326 Paigle Tea 1822 Orange Painters’ Gamboge 2447 44 Apple Pale Bark 44 Bergamot 652 44 Crown Bark 44 Bitter 44 Gentian 246 INDEX.— COMMON NAMES. Pale Laurel — * ... Pauson 44 Lima Bark Pawpaw 505 44 Rose 1959 Pea 44 Touch Me Not. , .1215+1213 44 Beach Palicourea 44 Coffee Palillo 44 Common Palm Areca 44 Field. - 1743 Palma Christa 44 Garden 1743 Palmetto . Peach “ Cabbage 44 Tree i49 44 Dwarf 44 44 Common.. _ 149 Palm Fruit Tree.-* 44 Wood 44 Oil Tree 44 Wort... Tree Peanut Palmyra Palm 403 Pear Balsam 1509 44 Wood 683 44 Leaf Wintergreen. Palsy Wort 469 44 Prickly 1613 Panna . ... - 301 Pearl Flowered Life Everlast- ing Papaw - - 505 44 Moss 606 Paper Birch 372 44 Plant 1371 Mulberry 1528 44 Wort Pappoose Root 545 Pecan Papuan Bark .. 638 44 Illinois 513 Para Cress .+2206-2208 Pegwood 950 Paradise Seed i3 8 Pelargonium Paraguay Roux Pelican Flower - 253 “ Tea Pellitory i54 Para Grass .. - - 329 44 American “ Rhatany. 1273 44 Bark 2453 Paratoda Bark 44 European _ 41 Pareira Brava 645 44 German +153-4* 44 “ Brown .. 13 44 of Spain *54 “ “ False... 645 44 Wall “ 44 White .. +13-645 Pencil Cedar Parilla, Yellow 1467 44 Tree Paris Wort 44 Wood Park Leaves 181 Pennsylvania Sumach.. i93 8 Parrots’ Corn 509 Penny Cress Parsley , 4 * Grass 44 Common 44 Leaves 767 44 Fools’ +78-77 Pennyroyal “ Garden i6g? 44 American ... 44 Leaved Yellow Wort.. 2448 44 European .. Macedonian... 423 “ High ------ 799 44 Marsh .+2106-2105 44 Tree “ Mountain 321 Pennywort 44 Piert 44 Indian 44 Poison ... +703-613 44 Thick Leaved +1181 44 Rock 1178 “ Sea 1350 Peony 1643 44 Spotted +703-613 44 Common 1643 “ Water 703 “ Double 41 Wild 2465 Pepper, African Parsnep... 44 African Black. - I 737‘+ I 73° Parsnip 1673 44 American 492 44 Cow .......... 4 4 44 Red.. 44 Garden 1673 44 Anise “ Meadow .2297-+2465 44 Bell.. Partridge Berry ..+1503-1042 44 Betel 44 44 Vine . 1503 44 Bird 44 Pea 44 Black 1737 44 Wood 4 4 44 African. . - 1 73 7-+ * 730 Pasque Flower 188 14 Bonnet Passion Flower ....... 44 Cajenne 44 “ Bay Leaved.. 1670 44 Cavenne Passions. 1992 44 American Pastel Leaves 1239 44 Cherry Patchouly 1765 44 Chicken 1904 Patience 1992 44 Chilly 44 Dock -.1992-+1784 4 ‘ Cockspur ..... 492 44 4 4 Garden . 1992 44 Corn 44 Garden -.1989-+1992 44 Cress . I330-+I329 Patagonia Mint.. 147S 44 Cubeb .+1730-1737 Paul’s Betony. 1410*11411-2412 1 44 Dulse ... INDEX.— COMMON NAMES. 247 Pepper, Elder.. 259 Pickpurse ... 49i 11 Ethiopian 2359 Pie Plant 1923 44 Garden ..+494-492 Pigeon Berry i7 T 5 44 Goats’ 44 Grass 2403 44 Grass +1716-1329 44 Pea.. . 832 44 Guinea 492 44 Root 659 44 Jamaica 948 44 Tree 233 Japanese 2450 44 Weed 2403 44 Java *734 Pigmy Weed - 2318 Long *735 44 Zamia 2460 44 Malaguetta - 138 Pig Nut 5i4 “ Monkey 2359 44 Weed.... 44 Negro ...... 2359 Pile Lotus 1389 44 Pod 492 Pile Wort. .gi5-+i26-i9o8 44 Poor Man’s 1329 Pillbearing Nettle 2364 Red -.+492-495 Pillwort — 44 Rod Pilot Weed... 2147 “ Root 853 Pimento 948 ** Spanish 492 Pimpernel 44 Tree 44 Blue .-2097-+157 44 Turnip 277 44 Greater y.19 44 Wall 44 Italian 2044 44 White 44 Red 156 44 Wild 839 44 Scarlet 156 44 Wort 1329 44 Water .2040-+2410 44 Zanzibar 492 Pimpinel.. Pepperidge ---1589-363 Pimpinella • I 7 I 9 44 Bush Pinckney Bark Peppermint -945-+1476 Pin Oak.. 1894 44 Tasmanian . 44 Weed 44 Tree.. 945 44 4 4 Greater *3 T 7 Perfumed Cherry Wood 573 Pine Apple 159 Periwinkle .+2426-2427 44 44 Strawberry 1005 Pernambuco Wood 443 44 Broom 1725 Persian Berries 1917-+1918 * 4 French Ground 44 Feverfew . 1865 44 Ground 1404-+86-2284 44 Insect Powder. 44 Loblolly 1729 Persiana Bark 44 Long Leaved... 172c Persimmon ... 868 44 Norway +6-1726 4 * Bark 868 44 Nuts 44 Indian 867 44 Old Field - 1729 Persio 1346 44 Pitch 1725 Peru Apple 845 44 Red 1726 Peruvian Balsam Tree. 1544 44 Sap 44 Bark -..+633-618-610 44 Soft Deal 1727 44 44 Yellow... 618 44 Stone 1724 44 Black Ipecac. 1845 41 Tops 4 44 Cinnamon 1308 ' 4 Tulip 599 44 Gentian 44 Weed 1193 44 Ipecac 568 64 White 1727 44 Oca 44 Wild Scotch.... 44 Quinua 595 44 Yellow Pitch... 1725 44 Slipperwort 457 Pingo Pingo 904 44 Sorrel 1637 Pink 858 Pestilence Weed... 44 Carolina 2205 Petty Morrel 44 Catchfly 2144-+2145 44 Spurge 44 China. 857 44 Whin - 4 Garden 858 Pewter Wort 44 Indian 1373-857-+2205 Pheasants' Eye 7° 44 Maryland 2205 Philadelphia Fleabane . 44 Meadow 334 Phthisic Weed 1392 44 ' Mountain 9°5 Physic, Culver’s 44 Root 44 Indian 1070-f 1071-210 44 44 Carolina.. 2205 44 Nuts 44 * 4 Demerara. 2204 44 Barbadoes 4 44 West Indian. 2204 44 Root 4 4 Rose 2001 Picac 41 Snake Root Pichurim 44 Swamp 334 44 Beans 44 Weed 44 Nuts 44 Winter Pickaway Anise Pinoncillo Tree 537 Pickerel Weed. 2358 Pinxter Flower 335 Pickney Bark Pipe Plant 1519 Pickpocket 49i 44 Stem ...... 171 248 INDEX. — COMMON NAMES. Pipe Tree Polypod, Rock 1797 44 Vine ^ 254 Polypody Pipi Pods 444 44 Common .. 1797 Pipsissewa -r 599 Pomegranate 1855 “ Spotted 598 * 4 Bark 1855 Pistachies 1742 44 Fruit 1856 Pistachio. 1119 44 Peel 1855 44 Nuts... 1742 Pompion 44 Nut Tree 1742 Pond Dog Wood 5 6 9 Pistacia Galls i74i 44 Lily --+1587-1583 Pitaya Bark 630 +619 44 44 White 1587 Pitch Pine 1725 44 44 Yellow • 1583 Pitcher Plant Pool Root +955-954 44 “ Californian 840 44 Wort... Q55 Plane Tree. - - *754 Poor Man’s Pharmacetty 491 “ 44 Oriental.. 1755 4 4 44 Pepper—. Plantain 1749 44 44 Rhubarb. . -+2292-2291 kk Branching I 75 I 4 4 44 Weatherglass 156 “ Common 1749 4 Robin 44 Dwarf - 1752 Poplar 44 American .--+1804-1368 “ Hartshorn 1745 44 Heart Leaved 1744 44 Aspen 1804 44 Indian 435 44 Balsam .1802- +1801-3 : * 4 Net Leaved _IOQ3-tlOQ2 44 Black 1803 ik Ribwort 1747 44 Buds “ Roberts 44 European.--... 1805 I “ Snake .1165-+174 7 44 Tacamahac kk Water tr 744-1092 99 44 Trembling 44 White 1 1003-203- 1 752 44 White.. Pleurisy Root... 293 44 Wild I3 6 8 Plowman’s Spikenard. _ -,ti220-337 44 Yellow 1368 Wort 725 Poppy Plum 1832 44 Black --+1657-1659 44 Assyrian 44 44 Seeded-.. “ Beach 1834 44 Blue kk Damson 44 California “ French 44 Horn +585-2240 ki Sebasten 736 44 Horned 585- ki Tree 44 Mexican 243 Pocan Bush 17*5 44 Opium - 1659 Pock Wood... 1105 44 Prickley 243 Poets’ Narcissus 1557 44 Red 1658 Pointed Cleavers 1028 44 Seed Blue — . 1656 Poison Ash 1936-+60 1- 1940-1942 44 Thorn “ Berry 6 3 44 White 1655 44 Dogwood 44 Elder 1942 1942 4V Wild Portland Arrow Root . 1658 “ Flag 1238 “ Sago 44 Hemlock ...1703-613 Post Oak • 1892 44 Ivy .1939-+1940 Potato - 2187 44 4 Vine 1940 44 Pea 214 44 Mushroom • 125 44 Plant 44 Nut Sweet 44 Oak 44 Wild ... 717 44 44 Sumach I 94° Poverty Weed — 1450-+1085 44 Parsley — +703 613 Prairie Burdock 2149 44 Root >.703 44 Dock +2146-1667-2148 44 Snakeweed . .+613-703 44 Grub 44 Sumach 1942 44 Hyssop 44 Swamp Sumach 1942 44 Indigo 347 44 Tobacco 44 Pine 1338 44 Vine +1940 1939 44 Senna 524 44 Wood 1942 44 Turnip Poke - ■ I 7 I 5 44 Weed * 4 Indian ■ 2398 Prickly Ash 4 4 44 Northern. 2453 44 Root • 1715 44 Virginia.— ■ i7 x 5 44 44 Southern . .. -2451-+233 44 Weed I 7 1 5 44 44 Yellow. .. 2452 Polar Plant 2147 44 Elder Polecat Weed 1200 44 Glasswort Polishing Rush 9i3 44 Lettuce 1283 Polyanthus 1822 44 Pear Polygala Nuttalls 1773 44 44 Cactus 1613 Polymountain of Candy. 2285 4 4 44 4 4 Common.. 1613 “ Yellow. 2288 44 4 Common. 1612 INDEX. — COMMON NAMES. 249 Purslane 44 Saltwort . 2019 44 Garden 1806 “ Yellow Wood.. -+245] -2452 “ Sea Prick-madam 2100 44 Speedwell ... 2414 Prickwood 949 Pursley 44 Black Pride of China T 454 44 “ India 1454 41 Milk 11 44 the Meadow 2214 Purvain 44 Tree 1454 Pussy Willow 4i Weed 9 T 9 Putcha Pat • 1765 Priests’ Crown 2265 Putty Root 2l6 44 Pintle 2 77 Pyramid Flower Prim 1352 44 Plant 1007 Primwort I.3.S2 Pyrethrum Primrose 1821 Pyrola 44 Round Leaved. 599 44 Common 1823 1868 44 Cowslip 1821+1822 Quack Grass 2340 44 Evening 1596 Quafodil. ------- 1453 44 Tree 1822-182 1-+15Q6 Quaker Button ... Princes’ Feather 126 Quaking Asp 44 Pine 599 44 Aspen Privet 1352 Quamash 471 Privv - 1352 Quassia 44 Bark ..+2152-2133 Prooession Flower . . 177 4 2152 Provins Rose i960 44 Wood 2152 Prunes 1832 Quebracho Bark. (A South Ptelea 1846 American Bark.) Ptelia Bark 1846 Queen of the Meadow. - — 2214-+963 Public House Plant 281 4 4 44 44 Prairie. (Yields Puccoon, Red 2041 Oil anal, to Gaultheria.) 44 Yellow „ 1177 Queens’ Delight Pucha Pat 1765 44 Root Puchurim 1569 Quercitron ..1883+1899 Pucker Needle 2077 Quickens 2340 Pudding Grass 1477 Quick Grass ... 2340 44 Pipe Tree — 525 Quick in the Hand ... 1215 Puff-ball 1400-1399-+1401-2265 Quickset Puke- Weed I 374 Quilmai Pulsatilla 188 Quince 816 44 American 185 44 Bengal 72 44 European 188 44 Seed Pulse. (The Common Name Quinine Herb 2002 for Peas, Beans, Etc ) 44 Plant 2002 Pumpkin 797 Quinquinia Bark 425 Puncie Apple 1855 4 4 44 Brazilian 425 Punic Apple 1855 Quinsy Berry 44 Wort 1946 Punk 396 298 Purge, Brazilian 716 Quillai Bark Purging Agaric 44 Berries 397 Quillaya Bark. 1901 I 9 I 5 Quinquinia de Piantri. 989 44 Buckthorn i9!5 Quitch 2340 44 Cassia 525 44 Grass 2340 44 44 West Indian.. 523 Quitel 1331 Flax.. 1363 Quiver Leaf 1804 46 Nuts 804 Qurari 2239 44 Root 970 Rabbit Berry Rabbits’ Foot 2134 Purple Angelica 194 2332 44 Archangel 1411 44 Mouth 213 44 Avens 1066 44 Root - 231 44 Boneset 963 Raccoon Berry 1764 44 Cone Flower 1981 Race Ginger 2463 44 Everlasting.. 2454 Radish 44 Foxglove 863 44 Common 44 Fringe 1936 44 Garden. 44 Leptandra I33 1 44 Horse 680 44 Morning Glory 718 44 Water -1565-+1564 44 Stramonium 846 44 Wild - - 2155 “ Topped Clary 2028 Ragged Cup “ “ Sage 2025 44 Lady 44 Willow 2016 Ragweed 44 Common 133 44 Willow Herb 1418 133 44 Vined Willow Herb. . 9 °7 44 Giant ■ 134 Purschiana Bark . . 1921 44 Great 134 Purslain, Milk 970 Ragwort +2 109-2 1*3-2114 White 970 Ragwoolwort 250 INDEX.— COMMON NAMES. Rainbow Weed Red Hot Poker Plant.. 2341 Raisins... 2440 44 Ink Berries 44 Corinthian 44 Indian Paint Raisin Tree 44 Ink Plant 1715 Ramie Cloth Plant 393 44 Jasmine 44 Grass Plant 393 44 W. I 44 Plant... 393 44 Jessamine Ramtil 1109 44 Knees Rampion 1714 44 Laurel 1425 Ramshead 826 11 Legs 1784 Ramsons - 44 Lettuce Ransoms 44 Lobelia 1373 Ranstead Weed 44 Maple Rape 44 Morocco 70 44 Seed 409 44 Mulberry 1529 Rapper Dandies 44 Mustard 2157 Raspberry I974-+I978 44 Oak 1897 44 Garden 1974 44 Osier 750 44 Ground 1177 44 Ozier “ Red 1978 44 Paint Root 44 Rose Flowering 1076 44 Patch 788 Ratsbane 2235 44 Pepper .._495-+492 Rattle-bush 349 4 4 4 4 African ■ 492 Rattle-nut 1572 44 Pimpernel 156 Rattle-root 44 Pine Rattlesnake’s Beans ... 44 Pollon Rattle-weed 44 Poppy RattleSnakerootf 1551-616-1002-2337 44 Puccoon Rattlesnake Fern 44 Raspberry.. - ... . 1978 “ Flag 93 1 44 44 Wild... 1978 “ Herb 64 44 Rattle. 1675 “ Leaf 1092 44 River Snakeroot . . - 253 “ Master. 1337-+927 44 Rod 750 82 -1338-1339 “ Rood 750 44 Plantain ... . + I0QV2O3 44 Root .-+546-2041 “ Root. .+1551-1002 44 44 Indian 12 79 616-2337 44 Rose 4 4 Violet .+2433-937 44 Rosewillow 750 44 Weed.. 1092 -I165-+927 44 Sandal-wood 1850 Red Alder 44 Santal 1850 44 Ash 44 Saunders — 1850 44 Balm 44 44 Wood... 44 Baneherry 63 44 Seed ”39 44 Bark 633 44 Shanks .+1060.1788 44 Bay 1425 44 Sarsaparilla. 44 Bean 44 Spruce 9 44 Bengal Catechu. .. 19 44 Squills 44 Berry 1649 44 Stalked Aster 3*3 44 44 Snake Root. 44 Sunflower 44 44 Tea IO42 44 Thorn apple 44 Berried Bryony ... 421 44 Top Sorrel ...... 1984 4 4 4 4 Elder 44 Weed 1715 44 Bilberry 2382 44 Willow 750 44 Birch 374 44 Wind Flower 44 Bryony 421 44 Wood .-750-+1850 44 Buckeye 76 Red-wood, Bahama 44 Bud 577 44 California, Com- 44 Campion mon 44 Cardinal Flower 1373 44 California.. 2123 44 Carthagena Bark.. 619 44 Jamaica 1094 4 / Cedar 44 of Turkey.. 747 44 Centaury 44 Tree 44 Cherry, Garden... 1831 44 44 Indian 44 Chickweed 156 Redoul 44 Cinchona Reed, Common 279 44 Clover 2333 Reedmace ..2350-2351 44 Cockscomb Reindeer Moss 1345 44 Cohosh 63 Rejagnou 44 Columbine 221 Relbun 44 Corn Poppy Resin of Thapsia 2293 44 Couch Grass 504 Rest Harrow. 1606 44 Currant 1947 Resurrection Plant 4 Dulse 1231 Rhapontic Root 1927 44 Elm 2355 Rhatany 1275 44 Head 285 44 American I2 74 INDEX. — COMMON NAMES. 251 Rhatany, Para 1273 Rose Dog 1958 44 Root ... 1275 44 Elder 2421 “ West Indian. 1273 44 Flowering Raspberry 1976 Rheumatic Weed ...+599-3IO 44 French. i960 Rheumatism Root 44 Geranium 1681 “ Weed.... .-.+599-598 44 Guelder +2423-2416 Rhodes Wood 150 44 Holly 647 Rhodium Wood 44 Hundred Leaved 1950 Rhubarb - 1926 44 Laurel 1578-+1270 41 American 1923 4 Mallow 2 44 China 44 Maple Guilder 2416 44 Crimea 1927 44 Musk I961 44 English Stick. 1927 44 of Crete 646 4 ‘ French 1927 44 Pale 1959 11 Garden .... .. I923 44 Pink 2001 44 Monks’ 44 Provins i960 * 4 Tartarian 1924 44 Red i960 “ Turkey 44 Scented Geranium 1679 44 Wild 7 l 7 44 44 Storks’ Bill 1682 Rib Grass +1748-1750 44 South Sea ^78 44 Wort 1747 44 Sweet Brier io6a 44 4 4 Plantain. 1747 44 Wild +1962 1957 Rice Plant 4 Willow.. 75° 44 Paper Plant - 995 4 4 44 Red 750 Richleaf Rosewood 721 Richweed +690 616-134-2365 44 Canary 721 Riga Balsam ------ 1724 44 Jamaica 150 Rigid Goldenrod Rose wort... 2101 Ring Worm Bush 520 Rosey Bush 2213 RiDple Grass 1747 Rosemary 1964 River Weed m - 7 qi 44 Garden 1964 Rob Elder 2036 44 Marsh 2223 Robert’s Plantain 44 Plant 1964 Robin-run-away 1576 44 South African, Wild i 922 Robin-run-in-the-h edg€ 157 6 44 West India, Wild.. 781 Robins’ Rye 1798 44 Wild 1319 Rock Blackberry J 9 77 Rosey Bush 2213 44 Brake — +1707-1706-1848 Rosin Weed +2146 -2148 44 Chestnut Oak Rot Grass 1723 44 Cress Rottlera 1966 44 Fern Rough Boneset 965 44 Maple 34 44 Gentian 1048 44 Parsley 44 Parsnip 1672 44 Polypod J 797 44 Root 1338 44 Rose 1130-+1129 44 Sunflower 1127 44 Tripe 2357 44 Woodbine 1384 44 44 Lichen 2357 Round Birthwort +753-251 44 Weed 44 Cardamom 140 Rocket Herb, Yellow.. 932 44 Heart 2296 44 Sea 44 44 Plant 2295 Rod, Aaron’s 44 Leaved Cornel 745 44 Red 750 44 44 Dogwood 745 Rogation Flower 1778 44 44 Horsemint... 1478 Rohun-bark 44 44 Plantain 1749 Roman Chamomile 205 44 44 Pyrola 1868 44 Fern 387 44 4 * Sorrel 1642 44 Leopardsbane.. 880 4 4 44 Sundew 889 44 Wormwood .. .+271-133 44 44 Wintergreen.. 1868 44 44 American 133 44 Mandrake 1072 Root of Scarcety 367 44 Ramsom 1072 Rope Bark 44 Rooted Birthwort 251 Ropewind.. 44 Tree... 2196 Rose Acacia 44 Wood Tree +1874-2196 44 African 1658 44 Zedoary 807 “ Balm IS” Rowan Tree 2196 “ Bay - I 933-+9° 6 Roxbury Wax Work . 553 44 44 Dwarf 1931 Royal Cow Parsnip. (A variety 44 Betty of Heracleum Lanatum.) 44 Brier j 958 Royal Flowering Fern 1633 44 Cabbage J 959 Ruby Wood 1850 44 Chinese :. 1159 Rue 1998 44 Christmas 1137 “ Anemone 2291 44 Colored Silkweed 289 44 Garden 1998 44 Corn 1658 44 Goats’ +2276- -1020 44 Cotton 44 Meadow 2292 252 INDEX.— COMMON NAMES. Rue, Wild Harmel 1999 Rum Cherry RuptureWort Rush, Common 1255 44 Dutch 44 Polishing 9 I 3 44 Scouring 9 J 3 Rusat Russia Seeds 1075 Russian Spurge .. 976 Ruswut Rut of Hearts Rye 44 Robins’ 44 Smut of 44 Spurred Sabadilla Seed 2397 Sacred Anise Tree 44 Bark 44 Bean 44 Fig Saddle Flower 44 Plant 2057 Safflower 509 Saffron 776 44 American 509 44 Bastard 509 44 Dyers’ 509 44 False 509 44 Leaves, Meadow 682 44 Meadow 688 44 Seed 5 C 9 4 4 44 Meadow .... 682 44 Spanish 776 44 Thistle Sagackhomi Sage 41 Apple 44 California, Wild 44 Clary 2033 44 Crete - 44 Indian 44 Lyre Leaved 44 Meadow +2029-2032 44 Nettle 2034 44 44 Leaved. 2034 44 Purple Topped 2025 “ Tea 44 Tree. 44 Vervian 44 Vervian Leaved 44 Wild 44 44 African 44 Willow 44 Wood +2283-2290 Sago Palm 1705-2007 Saigon Cassia 639 44 Cinnamon 639 Sailor Plant Saint Ann’s Bark 633 44 Anthony’s Turnip. 1908 44 Catherine Prunes. 1832 44 Christopher Herb. 1633 44 Domingo Bark 986 44 Ignatius’ Bean 2234 44 James’ Weed. 49 1 44 44 Wort 44 John’s Bread 44 44 Dogsbane. 44 44 Wort 44 Lucia Bark 44 44 Wood 573 44 Martin’s Herb 44 4 4 Wort.... 20^8 44 Peter’s Wort 1822 Saint Thomas’ Tree 356 Salacine Willow 2009 Salad 1282 Salep Root +1616-1615 Salmon Leaved Blood Flower 11 16 Saloop 2061 Salsafy 2324 Salt Bush 325 “ Lake Plant - 768 44 Rheum Weed 588 44 Rock Moss 606 44 Wort _ 2019 44 44 Prickly 2019 Sampson Root 1053 “ Snake Root, +1053- 310-1048 Sandal Yellow 2048 Sandbox Tree 1171 Sand-myrtle 1320 Sand-nettle 1243 Sand Wort 242 Sandalwood 2048 44 Red 1850 44 White 2048 Sanders Wood 1850 Sang 1649 Sangree Root _. 253 Sangrel 253 Sanicle . 2047 44 American 1154- +1153 “ djfcck 2047 “ European 2046 44 Root 2046 ‘‘ White 95S-+954 Wood 2046 Santa Fe Tea 119 44 Cinnamon 1567 Saoria 1423 Sapan Wood 446 Sapodil 36 Sapodilla Plum _ 36 Sap pan 446 Saracen’s Comfrey 2114 44 Woundwort 2118 Sarcocolla 1685 Sardian Nuts 535 Sarracenia 2057 Sarsaparilla 1467-'} 2170 4 * American 231 44 Australian 1120 “ Brazilian 2171 44 Bristle Stem 230 44 Caraccas 2171 41 False 231 44 German 504 44 Guatemala 2171 44 Guayaquil 2170 44 Honduras 2170 44 Indian 1141 44 Jamaica 2170 44 Lisbon 2171 44 Mexican 2169 44 Red 2170 44 Rio Negro 2171 44 Southern States.. 2175 44 Spanish 2170 44 Texas 1467 44 VeraCruz 2169 44 Virginia 2175 44 Wild 231 44 Yellow.. 1467 Sassafras 2061 44 Australian 322 44 Bark 2061 “ Nuts 1569 INDEX. — COMMON NAMES. 253 Sassafras Orinoco 1568 Scrub Oak, Black 1887 44 Swamp -tl425-745 Scrubby Grass 682 “ White 44 Trefoil Sassy Bark Scurvy Grass 682 Satin Flower -tl395-2225 Scullcap Satyr 44 American 2097 “ Vegetable 44 Blue 2097 Sauce Alone !329 44 European ... 2094 Saucy Bark . - 4 Hyssop-Leaved 2095 Saunders 44 Large Flowering 2096 “ Red 44 Side 2097 “ White 44 White, (variety of).. 2097 44 Wood 44 44 Flowered 2003 44 44 Red.... Scutch Grass Savanna Bark Sea Ash -- -+2451-233 Savanilla 1273 44 Beans 878 44 Rhatany 1273 44 Bindweed Savin 44 Burdock Savory, Cilliated 2063 44 Celandine - 585 44 Summer 44 Cole 44 Winter 44 Cypress Savoy an 44 Gilliflower Saw Wort -2126-+I338 44 Grape Saxifrage .2042-+I720 44 Holly.. 929 “ Burnet .+I720-2042 44 Lavender 44 Chinese 207O 44 Oak 14 Meadow- 44 Onion 44 White 44 Orache Saxifrax 44 Parsley 1350 Scabash 44 Pink — 2222-+790 Scabious 920-+919-2076 44 Purslane .--I806-+323 44 Field 44 Rocket 44 Sweet Sedge +504-60 Scabish *596 44 Side Balsam 777 44 False 1439 44 44 Beech 44 Meadow 3*3 44 44 Grapes 44 Sweet 44 Spurge Scabwort 4 * Tangles Scaldweed 44 Thrift Scaly Blazing Star -- 1.339 44 Weed. 44 Dragons’ Claw.. 73i 44 Wormwood Scammony Plant 44 Wrack 44 44 Aleppo Sealroot 710 +708 44 44 German 719 Seal wort 44 Root Seaside Arrow Grass.. 44 Smyrna +1689-1690 Sebasten Plum 44 Senna Sebesten 736 44 Virgin Sedge S^a 44 Wild 44 Sweet Scarlet Berry .. Seed Box 1391 44 Cup Lichen Seeded Plum 868 44 Lightning 1.396 Seigle Ergot 44 Oak Self Heal 1828 44 Pimpernel 156 Semen Anti-Choleria _ 2193 44 Rose Balm Seneca Grass 44 Runner 44 Root 177b 44 Sage 44 Snake Root ..+1776-1778 Scent Wood 123 Senega Root -.1776 Scoke - 44 Snake Root .-+1776-1778 Scorpion Grass . 1534 44 44 44 European 1772 44 Senna 75i Senegal Root 674 44 Weed Seneka Root i77 6 Scotch Barley 44 Snake Root... 177b 44 Bonnets Sengren 44 Scurvy Grass — 722 Senna 5i9 44 Thistle 44 Plant Scouring Rush 9L3 44 American - 527 Scratch Weed 44 Bombay 521 Screw Tree 44 Herb — 695 Scripture Mustard 44 Indian 521 44 44 Tree 44 Mecca Scrofula Plant 2091- +1129-2090 44 Mocha 521 \ 44 Root 937 44 Prairie 524 ' 4 Weed 44 Scammony 1689 Scrub Oak 1887 44 Scorpion 75 1 254 INDEX. — COMMON NAMES. Senna, Sensitive 524 Sickle Senna 531 44 Tinnevelly 521 4 Weed . 44 Tripoli 44 Wort.. 1828 44 Wild 527 Side Flowering Saddle Flower 840 44 44 European. io 74 4 4 44 Scull Cap 2097 44 44 Indian 521 Side-saddle Flower ■ 2057 Sensitive Brier . .. 2080 4 4 44 Californian 840 “ Pea 524 44 Plant. .+2057-2056-2058 44 Plant ...1497-1528 Silk Bark Oak 14 Senna 44 Cotton Tree September Weed 313 44 Grass Septfoil Silkseed Aster 724 Serpentaria 253 Silkweed Service Tree 44 Common 44 '• True .... 44 Rose Colored. Sesame Leaves “ Swamp Settiswort 1135 Silkworm Tree Setwali - - 2388 Silky Cornel 750 Seven-bark 44 Swallowwort Seville Orange 651 44 Wormwood Shad-bush 258 Silver Aster 608 Shad-tree 44 Bark 628 44 Crown Bark r fiTQ 44 44 Tree 511 44 Fir 44 44 Walnut ... 511 44 44 Tree Shallot 44 44 44 European 11 Shamrock .+1636-2334 44 Leaf 1427-202 -22I3-+2230 44 Water. 44 Leaved Senna... 2272 44 White 44 Maple 28 Sharp Leaved Dock... 1985 44 Pine 44 Sow 44 Weed .22I3-+I807 Shave-Grass Simaruba.. 2153 She Oak 539 1 44 Bark Shea Tree 354 Simplers’ Joy Sheep Berry Single Seeded Cucumber 2136 Burr 2445 Sintoc Bark of Java ... 44 Laurel . 1270-+1268 Skevish 44 Poison 1268 Skewer Wood 44 Sorrel 1984 Skirret 44 Weed Skoke 1715 Shellac ■ 96 Skull Moss .+I347-I2XI Shell-bark Hickory.... 5i5 Skunk Cabbage Shell-flower 588 44 Weed Shelly-grass ■ 2340 Slavewood 2153 Shepherds’ Club Sleekleaf 1320 44 Knot Sleek Sumach 1938 44 Needle Sleepwort 44 Purse - 49i Sleepy Nightshade 2X86 44 Rod Slink Weed i4 x 9 44 Staff Slipper Root 44 Weatherglass 156 “ Weed Shield-fern, Male 303 Slipperwort, Peruvian . 457 Shield-lichen 1664 Slippers Shield Root 303 Slippery Elm 2355 Shin Leaf .1867-+1868 44 Root 2253 44 Wood Sloe — 1838-+2422 Shoe-black Plant 1159 44 American Shoes-and-Stockings. . . 1388 44 Tree Shooting Star Slovenwood Shore Weed.. T 37 2 Smallage Short Leaved Buchu — ■ 35i 44 Marsh Shot-bush Small Basil 1592 Shovel Weed 2358 44 Bearbind Showy Ladies’ Slipper. 831 44 Bibernel Shrubby Fern 700 44 Buckeye. 44 Goat Weed 489 44 Bugloss 44 Gout 44 489 44 Burnet Saxifrage. 44 Trefoil 1846 44 Cardamom 141 Shrub Oak. 44 Cleavers. 1034 44 of Australia 44 Cranesbill 44 Yellow Root 2448 44 Fennel Flower Siberian Stone Pine.... 1724 44 Fleabane Sicily Root 1S31 ‘‘ Flowered Indian Physic 1070 Sickle Grass 44 Galangal 44 Pod 44 Hemlock INDEX. — COMMON NAMES. 255 Small House Leek Soap Nut, Indian 2051 44 Leaved Hemlock 77 44 Root — +2052-2050 41 Maize 44 Tree Bark 1901 44 Malva Flowers .. 1433 44 Wood.... 667 44 Periwinkle 2427 Soapwort .... — 2052 44 Pimpernel 44 California 1698 Small-pox Plant +2057-2058 44 Gentian • io 55 Small Saxifrage 44 White 1396 ** Seaside Balsam.. 777 Soapwood 667 “ Solomon Seal Sodom, Apple of 1888 . 44 Spikenard Soft Deal Pine 1727 Smart Weed 44 Maple 33 Smellage - 44 Shell Hickory 5 I 3 Smoke Plant i93 6 Soldiers’ Herb 259 44 Tree 1936 Solomon Seal 709-+708 44 Wood 4 44 Giant 708 Smooth Alder 44 44 Small 710 44 Sumach 1938 Sophora 2195 Smut of Corn 2369 44 Bean 2i95 44 44 Rye 2086 Sorb 1874 Smyrnia Scammony +1689- 1690 ‘‘ Apple 1874 Snaffles Sorrel 1983 Snagrel — 44 Common 1984 1636-+1983 Snake Bite 1280-+2337 “ 44 Field 1984 44 Head 588 44 Field .... 1984 44 Leaf 44 French *994 44 Lily 4 Garden _..i635-+i983 44 Milk.. 44 Ladies 1636 44 Plantain +1747-1165 44 Mountain ..1636-+1642 Snakeroot 44 Peruvian ..... 1637 44 Black .2047-+616 44 Red Top. 1984 44 Button.. -+ t 33 8 -9 2 7 ‘ 4 Round Leaf 1642 44 Canada 44 Sheep 1984 44 Coltsfoot 44 Tree 1990 44 Corn 1*9' 31-927-1338 4 4 44 170-169-+168 44 European 281 44 44 Elkwood . 169 44 Evergreen 1772 44 Wood 1636 44 Gentian Souchet 824 44 Heart Soudan - 684 44 Rattle +155 1-1092- Sour Berry 2378 2337-616 “ Bush 463 44 Red River... 44 Dock ..1642+1989 44 Sampson _+ 1053-1048-3 10 44 44 Boreal 1642 4 Seneca I77 6 44 Gourd 66 44 Senega .1778-+1776 44 Gum Tree. 1589 44 Seneka 1776 Souring 1873 44 South African 1040 44 Wild Crab Tree 1873 44 Southern Sour Leaf 169 44 Texas 44 Sop 198 44 Vermont 44 Tree 169 ‘ 4 Virginia 44 Trefoil 1636 44 White 44 Wood 169 Snakes’ Tongue South African Buttercup 1271 Snakeweed 1280-+253-1784 4 4 44 Cassytha 532 44 Black 4 4 44 Castor Oil Plant 44 Poison ...+613-703 i95i Snakewood 2233 44 44 Crassula 769 Snap Dragon +213-212-2145 4 4 44 Galbanum 422 44 Tree 44 44 Gum Tree 22 Snapping Hazel Nut 1119 44 44 Lobelia T 37S Snapweed .+1301-1215 44 44 Pennyroyal. .. 1179 Snapwood 44 44 Plant 1322-1334 Snapping Hazel 4 4 44 Snakeroot 1040 Sneezeweed. -1124-+1123 4 4 4 ‘ Tea Plant 815 Sneezewort. South American Birth worth.. 245 44 Swamp 44 44 Ipecac 1224 Snowball 4 4 44 Locust Tree. • 1183 44 Wild 546 44 44 Poly gala , 1516 Snowber^y 44 Sea Rose 1578 Snowdrop, Yellow .—938-+937 44 44 Tea.. 1207 Snowflower Southern Gentian , 1048 Snuff Bean 872 44 Prickly Ash 2451-+233 Soap Bark 44 44 Elder 233 44 Berry ?05 0 44 Snakeroot.. 280 44 Nut -205I-+I496 44 States Sarsaparilla.. 2175 256 INDEX. — COMMON NAMES. Southern Wild Ginger. 282 Spikenard, Indian Southernwood 44 Jamaica... “ Root ... 506 44 of Crete ... “ Tartarian 264 44 of the Ancients. 1 560 Sowberry --+2378-363 +1559 Sowbread 44 Plowmans’ . +1220-337 Sowfennel 1693 44 Small 231 Sowthistle 44 Tree 233 Spinach 2200 44 Mountain „ _ 32 4. Spinage 2209 Spadic -- 941 Spindle Tree 950-+949-951 Spanish Bayonet 2457 Spiraea “ Bean Spirit Weed 44 Bellotas Spleen Amaranth ... 126 “ Broom 44 Fern...- +700-308 44 Cane Spleenwort . --.305-+308 44 Carnation ... * 4 Black 44 Cedar 44 Bush 44 Chamomile 154 44 Common .. “ Chervil 1547 44 Dwarf 3°7 44 Chestnut .. ..+536-75 44 Fern “ Dagger 2457 44 Swamp 305 “ Juice Root ™ 77 Split Rock .-.+1154-1153 u Liquorice 1079 Spogel Seed 44 Mahogany 2247 Sponge Tree “ Marjoram .+1617-1619 Spoonhunt “ Moss 2319 Spoon wood 44 Needles 376 Spoonwort 682 “ Nuts 1520 Spotted Alder 44 Oak, Red 1885 4 ‘ Arum 44 Olive 44 Boneset “ Pepper 492 44 Cardus 558 44 Saffron 776 44 Comfrey 1854 “ Sarsaparilla ... 44 Conium 703 44 Soapwort 1114 44 Cowbane 703 44 Tinder 44 Cranesbill 1057 44 Toothpicks 848 44 Geranium 1057 44 Walnut • 97 44 Hemlock Sparrow Grass 44 Knotweed 1788 Spatter Dock 1583 44 Lungwort 1854 Spatling Poppy 790 44 Parsley +703-613 Spearmint 44 Pipsissewa 598 . Spearwort — 1909 “ Plantain Spprkl^d Alder _ hi 44 Pursley Q7r 44 Jewels -. 1213 4t Spurge ---• 975 44 44 Weed . 1213 44 Thistle 558 Speedwell .... .2410-+2412 44 Tiger Lily.... *357 44 Root 44 44 Root... - 1357 44 Tall 1331 44 Wintergreen.. 598 44 Virginia Spreading Orache Spica Celtica 2383 Spring Bloom 334 44 Indica 44 Burr Seed 2446 Spice Berry.-..- 44 Cress COI 44 Birch 373 44 Orange 44 Bush 44 Wintergreen .. 44 Root 1065 Spruce 5 44 Wood “ Black 8 44 44 Bark 44 Double 8 Spicknel J 49 2 44 Gum Tree 8 Spicy Wintergreen 44 Hemlock ■ 4 Spider Flower. 2323 44 Norway .... ... 6 Spiderwort 2323 44 Red 9 Spigelia “ Tops Spignel - 1492 Spunk 397-+396 Spignet Spurge 973 Spike Lavender. ... -1311-+1309 44 Black Spiked Alder 666 44 Blooming 97° 44 Aloe 44 Caper... • — — - t_ — — 974 44 Lobelia i37 6 44 Flax +839-837 Spikenard --1559-+232 44 Greater ■ 976 44 American ... 44 Ipecac 973 44 East Indian . 1559 44 Large Flowering 970 44 False. 4 4 44 Spotted. 972 44 Foreign 2383 44 Laurel 838 INDEX. — COMMON NAMES. 257 Spurge, Olive Stinking Ash 1 Petty 44 Balm 44 Russian — 44 Black Hellebore ... 1135 44 Sea 44 Chamomile • 1440 44 Spotted “ Gladwme - *233 44 Sun — --- 44 Goosefoot -- +597-594 Spurious Cascarilla... 44 Ground Pine.. 478 Spurred Rye 44 Hellebore “35 Spurrey 44 Horehound 34i Spurt Grass 44 Nightshade Square, Carpenters’- .. ..+2090-2091 44 Orache 44 Stalk _i=;i2-+2oqo 44 Poke Squaw Berry 44 Prairie Bush .. 1846 “ Bush — 44 Weed ■ 59 1 44 Drops 44 Willie 44 Huckleberry.. Stinkweed “ Mint Stinkwort — 845 44 Root Stitchwort “ Vine 1503 Stonebrake x 797 “ Weed ..+2 109 313-2 1 13-21 17 Stonecrop. “ 44 Root 44 Biting Squilily 44 Dutch. Squill, Louisiana 775 44 Virginia x688 44 Officinal Stone Clover 2332 Squills “ Crottles Squirrel Corn -_-757*+754 44 Fern 44 Ear 1093 44 Linden 1703 41 Pea, Ground. 1249 44 Mint Squirting Cucumber . . 1510 44 Oak - . 1369 Staff Tree, Climbing .. 553 44 Pine Staff-vine - 44 44 Siberian 1724 Stagger-bush 170 44 44 Swiss .... 1724 Stagger-grass 132 Stoneroot Stagger-weed .... Stoneseed T 37° Staggerwort Storax Bark 2254 Staghorn -+1941-1403 44 Tree 2244 Stagshorn Sumach I 94 I Storks’ Bill .1057-+925 Stammerwort — 4 4 4 4 Musky Standerwort 44 44 Rose Scented Staphisagria 852 Stramonium 845 44 Seed 852 44 Purple 846 Starchwort Strangle Tare - ..... 8x1 Star Anise Strasburgh Pine - 44 44 Seed Strawberry 44 Bloom 44 Bush 949 44 Flower —* 313-310 44 Common 44 Grass -..1196-+95 44 Geranium 44 of Bethlehem 44 Indian - 39 1 44 of the Earth 44 Mountain X005 44 of Jerusalem 2325 4 * Pineapple 1005 Star-root — 95 44 Shrub 44 ’Blazing 1339 44 Spinach. ..... 39 x Star Thistle 559 44 Tree -950-+236 44 Scabious 2075 44 44 European 236 Starwort 1139*1311-2225 44 Wild 1005 44 Drooping ii39 Straw Colored Gentian. . 1053 44 Water 466 Striated Ipecac 1845 Staunchwort Striped Abutilon StaverwOrt ....... 44 Alder — . ... — +1827-1119 Stavesacre 44 Bloodwort 44 Seed 852 44 Dogwood 31 Stave Wood 2153 44 Maple 35-+3 x -33 Stay Plough Strong Scented Lettuce.. Stemless Ladies’ Slipper 825 Stubwort. Steeple Bush Styptic Weed 529 Stepmother 2436 Styrax Stitch wort +2225-2226 44 Sweet Gum 1367 Stickadore Styrian Monkshood 54 Stickseed 378 Suber Stickwort 83 Succory Stillingia 44 Gum 605 Stinging Nettle ------ 2363 44 Dock Cress Stingless 44 .1289 +2365 4 ‘ Wild : 2001-+612 Stink 845 Suet Cinnamon Stinking Arrach 594 Sugar Berry Tree 555 258 INDEX.— COMMON NAMES. Sugar Cane 2004 “ Palm 1706 Sulphur Weed 1693 Sulphurwort 1^93 Sumach - +1935-1938 “ American 1941 44 California Poison 1937 44 Chinese _ 85 “ Climbing 1940 44 Curriers 740 44 Dwarf. ... 1938 44 Pennsylvania 1938 44 Poison 1942 “ Sleek 1938 “ Stagshorn 1941 44 Swamp 1942 44 Tanners’ + 1935-740 44 Upland 1938 44 Velvet 1941 44 Venice 1936 “ Virginian 1941 Sumbul 1559-+982 Summer Grass n 66 44 Savory 2064 Sundew 889 44 Long 889 44 44 Leaved 889 Sundrops 1598 Sunflower 1126 Common 1126 False 1123 Garden.. — 1126 Red... 1981 Rough 1127 Swamp.. 1123 Tickseed. 738 Wild +1127-1126-2444 Sunrose 1129 Sun Spurge 971 Supplejack 364 Surgeon’s Agaric 396 Surinam Bark 166 Suter Berry 2453 Sutterberry Bark 2453 Swallow Wort 979*1292 44 44 Orange 293 44 44 White 295 Swamp Alder xu 44 Apple..., 335 44 Beggars* Tick.t379-378*377 44 Cabbage 1200 44 Cheeses 335 44 Dogwood 1846-+750 44 Fenwood 446 44 Grass 1125 44 Hairstrong 1694 44 Hellebore 2398 44 Honeysuckle 336 44 Hornbeam 1589 44 Laurel +1269-1095-1425 44 Maple 33 44 Milkweed 289 44 Oak 1895 44 Pink 334 44 Redberry 2378 44 Robin 462 44 Sassafras +1425-745 44 Silkweed 289 44 Sneezewort 1123 44 Sowfennel 1694 44 Spleenwort 305 44 Sumach 1942 44 Sunflower 1123 44 Tea 1319 “ Turnip 277 Swamp Valerian 2385 44 Willow 909 ‘‘ , Herb +i4i9-9°9 Wood +873-569 Swan Weed.. 313 Sweat Root 1770 44 Weed 120 Sweating Plant 962 Sweet Almond 147 Alyssum... 1272 Balm 1464-+886 Balsam 1085 Basil 1591 Bay 1425-11307 Berry 1640 Birch 373 Brake 303 Brier 1963 44 Rose 1963 Broom 1996 44 Root 1996 Bugle 14 1 1 44 Weed 1411 Bush. 1 700 Cane 60 Cassava 1248 Cherry 572 Chervil 1631 Cicily 1631 44 European 1547 44 Root 1631 Clover +1459-1457 Costus ; 764 Cummin 798 Cyperus 824 Dock 1784 Elder 2036 Elm 2355 Fennel 191-+1002-1003 Fern 700 Ferry 700 Flag 60 44 False 1235 Gale 1538 Goldenrod 2189 Grass. 60 Gum .... 1367 44 Oriental 1366 Horsemint 799 John 855 Laurel 1209 Leaf... - 1167 Liquorice 1077 Lucerne 1457 Magnolia 1425 Marjoram 1618 Meadow 2213-1071-+2214 Melilot 1457 Myrtle 60 Oleander 1578 Orange 650 Pepperbush 666 Pod 574 Potato 712 Rocket 1152 Root 60 Rush 60 Scabious 921 Scabish 2074 Scented Bedstraw 1035 . 44 Cactus 437 44 Cedar.... 550 44 Goldenrod 2189 44 Life Everlast- ing 1085 INDEX. — COMMON NAMES. 259 Sweet Scented Pond Lily 1587 Tar Weed, California Blue 2330 44 44 Violet.. 2432 4 4 44 White 41 “ Virgins’ Bower 662 4 4 44 Yellow ”43 “ 44 Water Lily... 1587 Taragon 44 44 Yellow J as- Tara mine.. 1245 44 Yam Root... 11 Sedge Tare . 2425-11380 44 Shrub 470 44 Plant 44 Sicily Taro 447 44 Smelling Trefoil 957 Tartarian Moss 44 Tea ‘ 4 Rhubarb IQ24 44 Tree 34 44 Southernwood 264 “ Vernal Grass ... 207 Tasmanian Peppermint 945 “ Viburnum 2422-12420 Tassel Flower 44 Violet 2432 Tat Grass 44 Water Lily 1587 Tawkin 44 William 855 Tea, Abyssinian 543 “ Willow 1538 44 Appalachian 14 Wood 1077 44 Arabian 44 44 Bark 778 44 Assam kk Yellow Jasmine.. ”45 44 Berry Swine Bread 814 44 Black 44 Cress 752 44 Botany Bay 2168 “ Snout 44 Bourbon 197 Swinesbane 44 Brazil... Swines' Grass 44 Brazilian Swiss Stone Pine 1724 “ British +2355-2353 Sword Grass 44 Bush 44 Lily 44 Bushman’s I 49 I Sycamine 41 Carolina 4< Continental 1318 44 False 44 Faham Syrian HerbMastich .. 44 Green .... 44 Mallow 4 Jesuits ti2o6-SQi-59o 44 Nard 44 Labrador *3 l8 44 Spikenard- 1559 44 Malay Syringia .I702-+2255 44 Marsh I 3 I 9 44 False 44 Mexican... Syringe Tree 2158 44 Mountain Tacamahac 44 New Jersey 546 44 Curaca 991 44 Oswego 44 Marituas .. 467 44 Paigle 44 Orientale... 467 44 Paraguay 44 Poplar 44 Plant, African .. ... 668 Tag Alder Ill 44 South Sea Tailed Cubebs 1734 44 Swamp I 3 I 9 44 Pepper - 1734 44 Sweet... Tall Ambrosia 134 44 Theezan 44 Boneset 44 West Indian 44 Coneflower 1080 44 Wild..... 44 Speedwell 1331 Teak Oak 44 Veronica 1331 44 Tree 44 White, False Indigo 340 Teak wood Tree 44 Wild Larkspur 851 Tearel Tallow Shrub. 1537 Tear Thumb 1782 Tallow-tree Teasel- 44 Vegetable- 44 Fullers’ 869 Tallow, Vegetable (the wax).. 1537 “ Wild 871 Tamarack 1293 Tea-tree, New Jersey... *546 Tamarind Tree 2259 44 White Tamarisk, French Teazel 871 44 Galls Teel 44 Tree Tellicherry Bark. 44 German 1539 Ten Bark Tampico Jalap Ten O’clock Tamus Tentwort 307 Tanners’ Bark 1879-4 * Terra Firma Wood 439 44 Sumach --+1935-740 44 Japonica 19 Tansy... 44 Merica 806 44 Double Tetter Berry “ Wild Tetterwort 586 Tape Grass 2391 Texas Sarsaparilla M 6 7 Tapioca Plant 44 Snakeroot 253 Taqua Nuts * 7 l 3 Teyl Tree 2317 Tar Weed 924 Thalictroc 2161-1-1565 260 INDEX. — COMMON NAMES. Theezan Tree Tickweed, Sunflower.. 738 Thick Birthwort ...756-+2S3 Ticorea “ Leaved Pennywort, fn8i- 44 Jasmin Flowered 2314 1178 Tieute 2238 “ Weed.. Tiger Lily 1353 Thimble Berry -+1975-1979 Tika Dye Tikimma Thistle, American Star y ^ 55 6 Tilia Flowers ..+2316-2317 44 Bitter 55 8 Tilseed “ Blessed 558 44 Black... “ Blue 896 Tillseed Tillyseed 44 Common Til-tree “ Cotton Tinder 396-394 44 Crab 44 German 397 44 Cursed .. +641-558 44 Spanish 894 “ Distaff Tinker Weed “ Globe 893 Tinnevelly Senna 521 44 Holy ...... 558 Toad-flax 44 Horse 44 Grass 44 “ Knob 563 Toad-Lily 44 Jersey Toad-mouth “ Mary 502 Toad-root “ Milk Toa-tree 538 44 Musk +1607-503-2102 Tobacco 44 Indian 107 A 44 Scotch 44 Mountain 44 Spotted 558 44 Oregon “ Sow 44 Wild -1579-+1374 4i Star 559 44 44 English .. • 1579 Thorn-Apple 845 44 Wood 44 Red 844 Tomato 44 Tree 773 Tonca-bean Thorn, Black .2420-+1838 Tonga-bean 44 Buck Tongue-grass — 1329 44 Christ’s Tonka-bean 44 Egyptian +24-18 44 Wood 44 Goats’ 318 Tonquin-bean 44 Haw Toothache Bark.. 44 Poppy 243 44 Bush 2453 44 Tree 17 44 Grass. 44 White +773-772 44 Tree Thorough Stem Tooth Root - - 1 *33 44 Wax Toothwort Thoroughwort _ . . Toot-plant 741 Thousand Leaf 38 T oot Poison 4 * Men Wort.. 248 Tormentil ...... 1814— +1057 Three Leaved Arum — Tormentilla 44 44 Nightshade... 2337 44 American . 1057 44 Thorned Acacia 1073 Tory Weed 823 “ Seeded Leek Touch-me-not 1214- -1213-+1215 Thrift 44 Pale .1215-+1213 ‘ 4 American Touch-weed *497 44 European ... 2222-+2224 Touch-wood 396 Throat Root . + I069-I066 Toywort 49* 44 Wort 1338 Tragacanth 3*8 Throw Wort 44 Gum 3*8 Thunder Plant 2108 44 Root 316 Thus Tree Trailing Arbutus 905 Thym^ ... O O T T 44 Snmarh min 44 * Basil 7 Travelers’ Joy 665-664-+2402 44 Cat Treacle, Countryman’s. 1998 44 Common Garden 2311 44 Mustard -+933-2304 44 Field 669 Tree Beard 2319 44 Garden ' 4 Lungwort 44 Horse . .452-+451 44 Mallow 44 Lemon 2307 44 Nightshade 44 Mother of 2311-+2310 44 of Chastity 2438 44 Mountain 450-+43 44 of Heaven 85 44 Virginia, N a r row 44 Primrose +1596-1821-1822 Leaved 44 Sorrel +168-169-170 44 Wild +2310 2307 Trefoil H45-+I481 Tickle Weed 2398 44 Bean Tick Seed Sunflower 44 Birdsfoot 1388 Tickweed 44 Hop *444 INDEX. — COMMON NAMES. 261 Trefoil, Marsh — . Twisted Stick “32 44 Scrubby Twitch Grass 2340 44 Shrubby Two Penny Grass 1413 Trembling Poplar Tyone Bark 44 Tree Typha .+1255-2083 Trickle Umbil Root.. Tridace Umble Trillium Umbrella Tree True Arabian Frankincense.. 1258 Uncomocomo “ Bishop’s Weed 137 Uncum 44 Ceylon Cinnamon 639 44 Root 44 Cinnamon 639 Undulated Ipecac 1949 44 Love tl663-2337 Unicorn. “39~+95 44 Roman Wormwood 271 44 False 44 Service Tree 44 Root 95 Trumpet Flower 3 8 5 Unicorns’ Horn .... ■ “39 44 Honeysuckle. Universe Vine 44 Leaf - 2056 Unkum 44 44 Honeysuckle.. 1386 Upas Tree 2238 44 Lily 44 of Java — 2238-211 44 Moss _i 3 44-+657 Upland Boneset 964 44 Tree --+549-383 44 Cranberry 44 Weed . 1280-1963 44 Sumach 1938 44 Wood 549 Upright Birthwort. ... ■ 247 Tubereuse 1771 44 Bugloss • 87 Tuber Root 293 44 Virgins Bower 661 Tuberose I77i Upstart 688 Tuckaho Urari Tulip Uva Ursi 44 Poplar.... Uvedalia 1793 44 Tree 1368 Valerian .+2388-2386 Tumeric 806 44 American 827-826- 44 African .... 484 825-828-829-1830 44 Root ii77 44 44 Greek 1770 Tumpu 4 4 44 Wild 2389 Tun Hoof. 44 English Tupelo 1589 44 44 American 2388 44 Tree 1589 44 False.... .2113-+2109 Turbith ■ 1074 44 German. ... ... Turkey Bur Seed.. 44 Great Wild 2388 44 Claw 73 1 44 Greek 1769 44 Corn 44 Mountain 2387 44 Galls 1888 44 Root 44 Oak 1881 44 Swamp 2385 44 Pea -2276A757 44 Vermont 2388 44 Rhubarb 1926 44 Wild ■ 2388 T urkish Corn Valerian worts. (The plants 44 Millet ■ 2199 of the order Valerianacse.) Turks’-cap 1356 Vandal Root 2388 44 Lily 1356 Vaniglia 2393 Turmeric 806 Vanilla 2393 Turnip 415 44 Bean 2393 44 Black 44 44 Plant 44 Devil’s 421 44 Cactus 437 44 Dragon • 277 44 Grass 44 Indian .1842-1277 4 ‘ Leaf 1336 44 Marsh 277 Various Leaved Fleabane, +920-015 44 Meadow 2 77 Varnish-tree, False ■ 85 44 Pepper 2 77 Vegetable Antimony... * 4 Prairie ... .1-1842-471 44 Brimstone — 1403 44 St. Anthony’s 1908 44 Caterpillar.. 2203 44 Swamp 277 Hair... 2319 44 Wild 277 44 Ivory 17 J 3 Turnsoil 13 16 4 ‘ Musk 1500 Turnsole “34 44 Oyster 2324 Turpentine Root 2444 44 Powder 1403 44 Sunflower .. 4> Satyr Turpeth Root 723 44 Sulphur 1403 Turtle- bloom 588 4 Tallow (the wax).. 1537 Turtle-head 588 44 4 4 Tree .... 2229 Tutsan 181 44 41 it Amer- Twin-flower can. 1537 Twin-leaf 1249 44 44 Chinese .. 2229 44 Root 1249 44 Wax, American.. . 1537 Twisted Horn “32 44 44 Japan. 262 INDEX.— COMMON NAMES. Veiny Leaved Hawkweed 1165 Virginia Mouse Ear... Velvet Bark 44 Poke 44 Leaf - ..2137-+645 44 Sarsaparilla... - 2175 44 Plant 44 Snakeroot 44 Sumach - x 94 x 4 Speedwell Venice Sumach 1936 44 Stonecrop 1688 44 Turpentine Tree 7 44 Sumach x 94i Venus’ Bath 44 Thyme Narrow 44 Comb Leaved 44 Cup 44 Tobacco 44 Flytrap 864 Virginian Bald Cypress. Virgins’-bower + 44 Hair 68 664-661-665 44 Shoe 44 Common 664 Vera Cruz Jalap 44 Sweet Scented 662 Verbascum Flowers Virgin Tree...- Verbena Grass 177 Vishnu Tree Vermont Snakeroot Vittivert 44 Valerian 2388 Vittievar Volkameria Vervain 24O3-+2402 Vomit Nut-— “ American 44 Wort 44 Blue .. +2402-2404 Waahoo ...+950-949 44 European 2403 Wafer Ash 1846 “ False Wahoo +950-949-2352 “ Leaved Sage... 44 American 949 44 Mallow 1432 Wainscoat Oak 1881 44 Nettle Leaved. 2405 Wake-pintle - “ Sage Wake-robin .-+277-2337 44 White 2405 Wale wort 2037 Vervine - Walking Leaf Vetch Wall Cress 44 Bitter 44 Flower 44 Kidney 44 44 Western ... Vetiver 44 Germander Vetivert 178 44 Moss 657 Vettivert. 178 44 Pellitory Vincetoxicum 295 44 Pennywort 767 Vine 44 Pepper.. 44 Maple *467 44 Rue 307 41 Poison .+1939-1940 44 Wort 44 White 665 Walnut - 5 XX 44 4 4 Wild 421 44 Ash 44 Wild — - +420-421-665 44 Belgaum Vinegar Plant .I94I-+I686 44 Black Vineland Hawkweed... 44 European .+1253 I2 5 2 Violet .+2431-2434 44 French 1253 44 Adders' 44 Indian 44 American Sweet. .+2429-2428 44 Lemon 1250 44 Birdsfoot 2434 44 Otaheite 97 44 4 4 Blue ... 2434 44 Shagbark 5 11 44 Bloom 44 Spanish 97 44 Boneset - . 9 6 7 41 White 44 Blue, Common- .. 2431 Walpole Tea 546 44 Canker 2435 Wandering Jew 44 Milkweed.. 44 Dames’ 44 Dog ...... 2430 Watercress 752 44 Dogstooth 937 Wart wort - 44 Flowers 2432 Water Aloe 44 Garden 2436 44 Apple 44 Leaves 2432 44 Avens .. 44 Rattlesnakes’ - 937-+2433 44 Beech 507 44 Sorrel 1639 44 Betony - 44 Sweet European. 2432 44 Blob 469 “ 44 Scented... 2432 44 Bog Rush 2079 Vipers’ Bugloss 896 44 Bugle ... .+1411-1409 44 Grass 44 Cabbage - ... ■ 1587 Virgin Scammony 720 44 Calamint x 470 Virginia Agave 44 Can *585 44 Aloes 82 44 Chickweed 44 Bistort *79* 44 Chincapin x 572 44 Cowslip ■ 1485 44 Cress 1565 44 Creeper • x 45 44 44 American.. + I 33°~ I 3 2 9 44 Cypress 44 44 English 2161-+1565 44 Dogwood 746 44 44 Fools’ ■ 2338 44 Lungwort 1485 44 44 Yellow 1566 INDEX. — COMMON NAMES. 263 Water Crowfoot Wax Myrtle 1537 Cup +2056-2057 44 Palm 899 Dock 1987-+I988 44 Pink. it 44 Great I9 8 7 Waxen Woad .. 1045 Dragon 4 6 9 Waxwort 553 Dropwort +1595-1593 Waybred *749 Eryngo 9 2 7 Wayfaring-tree Feathers 581 Way thorn.. i9!5 kk Fennel — 1595 Weasel-snout “ Figwort Weathercock 1215 Flag Weatherglass — i5 6 IV Germander Weeping Spruce 4 Hemlock . . 703-+614-613-1594 44 Willow tt 44 American 613 Weigelia 861 tt 44 Dropwort 1593 Weld *9*3 44 44 Fine Leaved. . 1595 Welch Clover “ Hemp 44 44 Sorrel 1636 44 44 Agrimony 379 Western Dropwort 1071-+1070 4 4 Horehound 141 1-+1409 44 Wall Flower... Horseradish West India Cob Nut — 44 Jelly 44 Fish Poison, 2273-+2275 4 4 Jessamine 1100 44 Ipecac .+566-1844 kk Leaf .-1934-+408 44 Matico — .. 259 44 Lily- +1587-1238 44 • Mugwort. . 1666 kk 44 White 1587 44 Pink Root. 2204 44 44 European.. . 1584. 44 Red Jasmine 1761 44 Yellow + I 5 8 3“ I 57 2 44 Rhatany... 1273 44 Lovage *593 44 Tea 489 44 Mallow 44 Yellow Prickly tt Marigold ----- 375 Ash 2452 11 Maudlin. Whahoo 44 Melon.. Whahow 44 44 African. Wild ._ 648 Whig Plant Milfoil 1540 Whin 44 Mint 1469 44 Berry .+2377-2380 tt Navel wort 1180 Whip-poor-will’s Shoe. . tt Nerve Root 289 Whip-tongue 1031 tt Nuts . 1572-+2326 Whistle Wood....... .. 33 tt Nymph I55 2 White Agaric 397 “ Oak 44 Alder