V REPORT UPON THE IMPROVEMENT AND ENLARGEMENT OF THE WATER SUPPLY OF THE i|»i wBSm&tem: V'A' ' L CITY OF LYNN BY meg* 00330 Mg WILLIAM S. JOHNSON CIVIL ENGINEER Wr&Km Iml'M V ‘ ' December 28, 1907 (Printed September, 1908.) I / • . • KSr<- t, V.frtV? . REPORT UPON THE IMPROVEMENT AND ENLARGEMENT OF THE WATER SUPPLY OF THE CITY OF LYNN WILLIAM S. JOHNSON CIVIL ENGINEER December 28, 1907 (Printed September, 1908.) 6 2 ?. \ \J5%t Press of Frank S. Whitten LYNN, MASSACHUSETTS 09 CONTENTS Page. Scope of investigation ......... 5 Historical ............ 8 Growth of waterworks ......... 13 Financial ............ 13 Description of present sources of supply ..... 19 Table of elevations .......... 23 Description of Breed’s pond ........ 23 Description of Birch pond ........ 25 Description of Walden pond ........ 27 Description of Hawkes pond ........ 29 Description of Saugus river ........ 30 Summary in regard to physical conditions of present sources . . 32 Table of watersheds, storage capacities, etc 32 Quality of water of present sources ....... 33 Analyses of water of present sources ...... 35 Color of water entering ponds ........ 40 Chlorine in water entering ponds ....... 41 Odors in water of present sources ....... 42 Bacteria in water of present sources and in Ipswich river . . 45 Capacity of present sources 47 Population 48 Estimated future population ........ 49 Consumption of water . . . . . . ... . 51 Estimated future consumption ........ 56 Improvement of the present sources of supply .... 56 Drainage of swamps ......... 57 Improvement of bottoms of ponds ....... 58 Protection of ( sources from pollution . . . . . . 61 Improvement of the Saugus river ....... 64 1 54390 4 Page. Methods of getting water from the Saugus river to Walden pond . 66 Changes in piping .......... 71 Quality of water obtainable from present sources .... 73 Use of tributaries of Saugus river ....... 75 Use of Beaver dam brook ........ 75 Use of Pilling’s pond ......... 76 Filtration of the present sources ....... 81 Quality of water obtainable by filtration ...... 81 Extension of present sources ........ 91 Supply from Metropolitan District ....... 92 Ipswich river .95 Different methods of utilizing Ipswich river ..... 105 Conclusions in regard to Ipswich river ...... 125 Summary ............ 126 REPORT UPON THE IMPROVEMENT and ENLARGEMENT OF THE WATER SUPPLY OF LYNN Boston, December 28th, 1907. Public Water Board , Lynn , Mass.: Gentlemen, — In accordance with your instructions, I have made a thorough study of the present sources of water supply of the city of Lynn with a view to determining the best method of improving the quality of the water, and have investigated other possible sources of supply which might be used either independently or in connection with the present sources, and beg to submit the following report. The investigations were undertaken in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 479 of the Acts of the Legislature for the year 1907, and their scope is indicated by Sections 4 and 5 of the Act, which are as follows : " Section 4. The construction of the works necessary for the enlargement and development of the said water supply and for protecting and improving the quality of the water shall be begun by said city, acting through its Public Water Board, within one year, and shall be completed within three years after the passage of this act. The said works shall provide an adequate quantity of good water 6 for all the requirements of the city, and for the proper sanitary protection of such water, and for the elimination and diversion from the sources of supply of all polluted waters, or for their purification or treatment, in such man- ner as will fully protect the public health. "Section 5. The construction of the said works shall be carried out by the Public Water Board of said city, and the Board is hereby further authorized and directed to make all necessary preliminary investigations and to pre- pare plans for the works, and for this purpose shall have power to employ engineering experts as to the sanitary protection, storage and purification of water, and such other assistance as may be necessary. The preliminary investigations herein authorized shall include : an estimate of the cost of cleansing and making sanitary the water- sheds of Pillings pond and Beaver dam brook, so-called, in the town of Lynnfield, and of the cost of connecting the same with the present sources of water supply, together with an estimate of the amount of increase in the supply of water obtainable by the use of said pond and brook ; an estimate of the cost of a conduit or pipe line to convey water from the Ipswich river or Martin’s brook, either separately or in connection with the water of Pilling’s pond and Beaver dam brook into the present reservoirs of the city of Lynn, or for pumping water either from said Ips- wich river or said Martin’s brook into said Pillings pond, or the present reservoirs by the plan deemed by said Board to be most advisable ; an estimate of the cost of cleaning or covering the bottom of Walden pond or the other ponds as have not so been treated ; an investigation of the quality of the waters of all of the various sources and tributaries now used or available for the use of said city with chemical and bacterial examinations thereof, at such points as may be agreed upon by the engineers and experts employed by 7 the Lynn Water Board and the State Board of Health, including an investigation of all sources and causes of pollution or objection affecting the present or proposed sources of supply of the city of Lynn, the best methods of removing the same, and the estimated cost thereof.” It was found at the outset that little reliable information as to the present sources of supply of the city was avail- able. Such plans and surveys of different portions of the system as may have been necessary for construction pur- poses have been made from time to time by different engi- neers, but few record plans have been made and preserved ; consequently it seemed desirable to obtain from surveys, so far as possible, information as to the various ponds which constitute the present sources of water supply and as to their watersheds, as well as concerning any proposed sources of supply, rather than to attempt to gather the information from the data in the possession of the depart- ment. All of the work has been done with a view to fur- nishing accurate information which will be of use in con- nection with any future work which may be undertaken. A thorough inspection has also been made of the pos- sible sources of pollution on the watersheds of the various ponds with a view to determining the best method of pre- venting the pollution of the sources of supply and the cost of the same. Chemical and bacterial analyses have been made, as required by the legislative act, of the present sources of supply and of other sources available for the supply of the city. These analyses have been made by the State Board of Health and the detailed results, together with the results 8 of analyses of the various sources made in previous years, are appended. The plans which have been made in connection with the work and which are submitted herewith, include : 1. A large wall map on a scale of 1,000 feet to an inch showing the surveyed watersheds of the present sources of supply, and of the Ipswich river and its tributaries. 2. Plans of the ponds and of portions of their water- sheds, showing the depth of water, the depth and extent of the mud on the bottoms of the ponds and the area and location of swamps upon the watersheds. 3. Plans and profiles showing in detail those plans for developing the supply which appear to be the most feasi- ble. 4. A set of plans of a filtration plant for the purification of the water by slow sand filtration. 5. Rough plans showing the different studies which have been made for the development of the supply along lines which have not been worked out in detail, the pre- liminary studies having shown them to be of less value than other schemes. Historical The first important action by the city of Lynn toward obtaining a public water supply was taken in 1869, when the city government after several large conflagrations in the city, petitioned the legislature for authority to take water from Humphrey’s or Flax ponds. An authorizing act was obtained from the legislature in that year. The city, how- ever^ voted against the introduction of a water supply, and 9 a temporary arrangement was made with the parties con- trolling Flax pond for laying water pipes from that source to the center of the city for fire protection purposes only. This was done during the year 1869 at a cost of $32,000. In 1870^ a small mill privilege at Breed’s pond was pur- chased, together with the land and buildings connected therewith. The dam was partially rebuilt, a gate-house erected and a 12-inch main laid to connect with the mains which had been laid from Flax pond during the previous year. The total expenditure for bringing this supply into the city was a little more than $60,000. Although at the time of purchasing Breed’s pond it was not anticipated that the water would be used for domestic purposes, it was decided in the latter part of 1870 to allow house connec- tions to be made with the pipes, and during the months of November and December about fifty such connections were made. The supply from Flax pond was shut off at this time. The elevation of Breed’s pond when full was at that time but 62 feet above mean high tide, and in order to sup- ply water to the higher portions of the city and make effec- tive use of the fire hydrants a small engine was purchased and placed in the factory building at Breed’s pond. The pumps were operated during working hours, but during the night, except in case of fire, the supply was by gravity. The expenditure for the engine and its connections was $7,800. In 1871, an act was passed by the legislature legalizing the purchase of Breed’s pond and providing for the issue of bonds, and in that year work was begun upon the con- IO struction of the present pumping station and distributing reservoir and a complete system of distribution pipes. Up to this time the work of construction had been car- ried on by a water supply committee of the city council, but on the 12th of July, 1871, an ordinance was passed by the city council establishing a public water board of the city of Lynn, and " the charge, superintendence and over- sight of all structures, works, arrangements, and apparatus designed and provided for obtaining and supplying pure water for the uses of the city,” were transferred to the newly elected water board. Late in 1872, the pumping plant, consisting of the Leavitt pump at present in use, was put into service, and the distributing reservoir was completed. The leakage from the reservoir was so great, however, that it was unser- viceable, and during the following year the bottom was thoroughly puddled and made practically tight. In 1873, three years after the introduction of water, it became necessary to obtain an additional supply, and in September of that year the work of constructing the Birch pond dam was begun. An investigation was made in 1876, by James P. Kirk- wood, civil engineer, with reference to obtaining an additional water supply, and the construction of reservoirs on Penny and Hawkes brooks was recommended. In 1878, the dam at Breed’s pond was raised about three feet. A contract was made in 1878 with the town of Sau- gus to supply a portion of that town with water, and since that time Saugus has been supplied from the Lynn works, the contract having been renewed from time to time. In 1880, the water supply again becoming insufficient for the needs of the city, investigations were made with refer- ence to obtaining an additional supply by means of tubular wells, and twenty-eight wells 1 and 1-2 inches in diameter and from 36 to 39 feet in depth were driven near Straw- berry brook at the point where the brook meets tide water. Additional wells were sunk later in order to increase the supply from this source and water was drawn from the wells nearly every year till 1886. The water drawn from the wells during the last years of their use was seriously affected by the inflow of salt water. In 1883 an investigation was made by Phineas Ball, C. E., with reference to an additional water supply, and as a result of his investigations, work was begun during the latter part of that year upon the construction of a canal between the Saugus river at Rowlett’s dam and Birch pond, this canal intercepting the waters of *Penny and Hawkes brooks. The dam at Birch pond was raised in 1885 about nine feet, and as the canal from the Saugus river entered the pond at a lower level, a pipe line was constructed through the bottom of the pond to the gate-house in order that the water from the canal might be conveyed directly to the pumping station when Birch pond was full. The water- shed of Birch pond did not yield sufficient water to fill the pond after the raising of the dam and a pumping plant was erected at the upper end of the pond in 1887 for the pur- pose of raising water from the canal to the pond. In 1888, the construction of Walden and Glen Lewis ponds upon Penny brook, one of the streams intercepted 12 by the canal, was begun, and this work was completed in 1889. In 1890, the capacity of the pumping plant at Walnut street was increased by the addition of a Loretz pumping engine, with a rated capacity of 10,000,000 gallons per day. During the years 1895 and 1896, Hawkes pond was constructed on Hawkes brook, the second brook which was tributary to the canal. The high service system, consisting of a high service pump located in the Walnut street pumping station, and a steel tank at an elevation about 82 feet above the elevation of the distributing reservoir was installed in 1895 to serve the higher sections of the city. The construction of a canal from the Saugus river at Montrose to Hawkes pond was begun in 1897 and com- pleted in 1*898. Upon the completion of this canal, the canal from the Saugus river at Howlett’s dam was aband- oned, and water from the Saugus river was taken only from Montrose. In the year 1901, an act was passed by the legislature authorizing the city to construct filtration works and to take water from the Ipswich river. In 1902, the Walden pond pumping station was con- structed for the purpose of pumping water from Hawkes pond into Walden pond. At the same time the raising of the Walden pond dam twenty feet above its former level, causing the water to flood the Glen Lewis pond, and form- ing the present Walden pond, was begun, this work being completed in 1905. i3 An investigation relative to improving and enlarging the water supply was made by direction of the legislature in 1906, by the State Board of Health and the water board of Lynn, acting jointly. In order to show the rapid development of the water- works system, the following table has been prepared, showing the population of Lynn and Saugus, the quantity of water used, the total cost of the works to date and the yearly income derived from the works at the end of each 5-year period from 1875 to I 9°5» inclusive. Table Showing Growth of Lynn Water Works. Year. Population of Lynn and Saugus. Average Daily Consumption. (Gallons) Total Net Cost of Works to Date. Yearly Income. Number of Services. Length of Distribu- ting pipe (Miles) 1875 . . *32,600 1,291,000 $910,260 $ 52,553 3,224 48.6 1880 . . 40,899 1,235,000 1,008,390 79, 6 35 4,488 57-3 1885 . . 48,722 1,921,000 1,292,510 110,089 6,919 79.1 1890 . . 59,40° 2,657,000 1,833,348 154,788 9,490 101.6 1895 : . 66,851 4,360,000 2,232,430 i 8 5,573 11,698 124.8 1900 . . 73-597 4,680,000 2,472,821 199,004 12,569 129.4 1905 . . 83,295 4,924,000 2,965,704 240,476 13,556 138.0 * Saugus omitted this year as the town was not supplied from the Lynn Works until 1878. Financial. For the purpose of showing the financial condition of the water works, the following tables are introduced, giving certain facts, in regard to the cost of the different portions of the system, the gross and net income of the water department, and the net debt each year taken from the annual reports of the Water Board. x 4 This table shows that the Water Department is making a very substantial profit each year, and this notwithstand- ing the fact that the water rates are not high as compared with the rates in other cities. The net income each year is turned into the sinking fund for the purpose of paying off bonds when they mature. The amount so paid is much larger than is necessary for the purpose, and if pay- ments are made in the future as they have been in the past, it will soon become necessary to make some other dis- position of the surplus in order to keep the sinking fund from attaining undue proportions. i5 Total Net Cost of Water Works to January 1st, 1907. Breed’s pond . $ Hi^S - 28 Birch “ 9 3 , 47 x - 8 4 Walden 44 . 564,410.38 Hawkes 44 . 161,036.53 New Supply (Saugus river, old canal tunnel, etc.) .... 338,970.92 Canal from Saugus river to Hawkes pond. 47 i 947-33 Pipe conduits . 81,289.39 Walden pond pumping plant . 83,003.72 Walnut street pumping station . 57 > 5 62 -39 Pumps and boilers . 140,327.29 Force-mains . 4 i , 54 < 5- i 3 Distributing reservoir • 131,581.49 Standpipe and high service pumps 34,274.07 Highland service . t2 , 43 I - I 7 Mains, hydrants and gates . . 883,404.99 Services .... . 337,885.20 Meters .... 37 > 53 M 2 Miscellaneous • 2 3 , * 99-94 Total .... . . $3, 1 27,009.48 Less amount received for extra pipe . 160,296.26 Total net cost , , $2,966,713.22 Moth:. — The cost of 19.7 miles of pipe and services in Saugus and 0.3 miles of pipe and services in Swampscott is not included in the above table. Table Showing Net Water Works Debt from 1890 to 1906 Inclusive. Year. Population. Net Debt. Net Debt. Per person, 1890 59,4°° $ i * 3 66 *377 $23.00 1891 60,890 1,376,128 22.60 1892 62,380 1 * 347*755 2 I . 6 l i8 93 63,870 I , 4 I 2 , 3 2 7 22 . I I i8 94 65,360 1,348,600 20.63 i8 95 66,85 1 1,436,024 21.48 1896 68,200 I ,420,048 20.82 i8 97 69 i 549 I * 3 8 9 *° 4 I T 9-97 1898 70,899 1,348,608 19.02 lS 99 7 2 * 2 47 I , 3 I 7 , 2 4 ° 18.23 1900 73*597 1,276,272 • 7-34 I9OI 75*537 1,133,866 15.01 1902 77 * 47 6 1,532,503 19-76 I 9°3 79 > 4 l6 1,470,866 18.52 I 9°4 81 *355 I A I 3 AH 1 7-37 I 9°5 83. 2 95 l A 12 A 9 2 16.96 1906 8 5* 2 35 1,335,238 15-65 Table Showing Revenue from Water Works each Year from 1875 to 1906, Inclusive. Year. Population. Revenue. Revenue per person, ■ 8 75 32,600 $52,553 $I. 6 l 1876 33,734 60,807 1 .80 1877 34,869 64,002 1 .84 1878 3 8 , 6 io 67,57° I *75 i8 79 39,754 73 , 95 ° 1.86 l88o 4°, 8 99 79,635 I *95 l88l 42,464 80,968 1.91 l882 44,029 94,420 2. 14 1883 45,594 98,894 • 2.17 1884 47, J 59 n4,9 0 4 2.44 1885 4 8 ,722 I 10,089 2.26 1886 50,858 116,574 2.29 1887 5 2 , 994 123,508 2 -33 1888 55 ,! 3 ° 134,481 2.44 1889 57,266 141,866 2.48 189O 59,400 154,788 2.61 189I 60,890 1 7 1 ,745 2.82 1892 62,380 188,980 3-°3 i8 93 63,87° 1 77,804 2.78 1894 65,36° ■76,655 2.70 i8 95 66,851 ■85,573 2.78 1896 68,200 ■ 9 °, 53 i 2.79 i8 97 69,549 183,712 2.64 1898 70,899 186,658 2.63 1899 72,247 ■ 93,699 2.68 1900 73,597 199,004 2.70 1901 75,537 203,078 2.69 1902 77,476 215,692 2.78 I 9°3 79 , 4 t 6 224 , 44 ° 2.83 I 9°4 8 ', 355 2 33 i 7°7 2.87 I 9°5 8 3,295 240,476 2.89 1906 8 5,235 259,255 3*°4 Note: Figures for 1875-1877 are for Lynn only. After 1877 Saugus is included, and after 1886 a small portion of Swampscott. i8 Table Showing Net Income from Water Works each Year from 1875 to 1906, Inclusive. Year. Population. Net Income. Net Income per person. 1875 32,600 $28,843* O.89* 1876 33,734 9,729* O.29* 1877 34,869 3,840* O.II* 1878 38,610 674* .02* i8 79 39,754 12,907 0.32 1880 40,899 17,127 O.42 1881 42,464 ' 4 ,i 79 o -33 1882 44,029 27,777 0.63 i88 3 • 45,594 22,001 0.48 00 00 47, '59 26,735 o -57 00 00 48,722 26,573 °-55 1886 50,858 32,269 0.63 1 887 5 2 ,994 35,574 0.67 1888 55 >' 3 ° 30,027 °-54 1889 57,266 46,Il8 0.81 1890 59 , 4 °° 5^344 0.86 1891 60,890 58,325 0.96 1892 62,380 90,960 '•46 l8 93 63,870 65,068 1.02 ON 00 hH 65,360 52,048 0.80 1895 66,851 73 , 54 ' 1. 10 I896 68,200 54,821 0.80 i8 97 69,549 43,898 0.63 1898 70,899 60,551 0.85 1899 72,247 44,006 0.61 1900 73,597 72 , 3 0 9 0.98 1901 75,537 52, 0 97 0.69 1902 77,476 83,028 1.07 I 9°3 79,416 4 x ,!27 0.52 I 9°4 8 i ,355 3 1 , 000 0.38 I 9°5 83,295 46,000 °-55 1906 ♦Deficiency. 85,235 64,000 °-75 Note : — Figures from 1875-1877 are for Lynn only. After 1877 Saugus is included, and after 1886 a small portion of Swampscott. x 9 Present Sources of Supply. The present sources of supply consist of four storage reservoirs which have been constructed on small brooks in the westerly portion of Lynn and Saugus, known as Breed’s Birch, Walden and Hawkes ponds ; and the Saugus river, water from which is taken at a point in Montrose in the town of Lynnfield. Water from the Saugus river is diverted into Hawkes pond by means of a canal. The water is drawn from Hawkes pond through an open canal to the Walden pond pumping station, from which point it is pumped into either Walden pond or Birch pond, or when Birch pond is at a low level it can be discharged by gravity into this pond. The water of Walden pond is drawn into Birch pond by means of a pipe line and tunnel. From Birch and Breed’s ponds pipe lines are laid directly to the pumping station on Walnut street, and there is a connection between these two lines, so that some water can be discharged from Birch pond into Breed’s pond, or vice versa. The capacity of the pipe line from Breed’s pond to the pumping station is not sufficient to supply the quantity of water required by the pumps, so that at all times some water must be drawn from Birch pond, and with the present arrangements, all of the water, except that which is contributed by the nat- ural watershed of Breed’s pond, must pass through Birch pond. The channel from the Saugus river to Hawkes pond consists of 2,430 feet of open canal, 220 feet of concrete conduit, 220 feet of stone culvert, and 730 feet of tunnel. 20 The canal is 8 feet wide on the bottom, with side slopes of i 1-2 to i. The tunnel and the culverts have a much larger area than the canal. The elevation of the bottom of the canal at its upper end is 70.8 and at its lower end is 70.3 The elevation of the Saugus river is ordinarily only 70.5 feet, so that whenever it is desired to divert water through the canal, the water in the river is raised by closing the gates in a small dam which has been con- structed across the river just below the head of the canal. This dam raises the water to about elevation, 75.2 feet, and with the water in the Saugus river at this elevation, the capacity of the canal is about 30,000,000 gallons per 24 hours. The raising of the water of the Saugus river in this manner floods vast areas of meadow land bordering the river, to a slight depth. The elevation of high water in Hawkes pond is 77.85, so that water can be drawn from the Saugus river only when the water in Hawkes pond is about three feet below high water. The canal from Hawkes pond to the pumping station, through which all of the water from this reservoir is drawn, is irregular in section, and in one place where it passes close to possible sources of pollution, a 48-inch pipe has been laid to replace the canal. The total length of this canal is 4,480 feet, and its present capacity is probably in the vicinity of 20,000,000 gallons per day. At the pumping station, the canal discharges into a pump well, where the water is passed through screens before going to the pumps. The Walden pond pumping plant is supposed to have a capacity of 30,000,000 gallons per day. It has been found, 21 however, that it would be impossible to operate the pumps at a greater rate than 20,000,000 gallons per day, even if the canal from Hawkes pond should be sufficient to supply a greater quantity than this. From the pumping station the water is forced through a 30-inch force-main about 1,800 feet in length to Walden pond, the pipe used for a force-main being also used for drawing water from the pond. The elevation of high water in Hawkes pond is 77.85 feet, and high water in Walden pond is 93.91 feet, a difference of 16.06 feet. The water from Hawkes pond, however, is drawn by gravity to the pump well at the pumping station at an elevation of about 54 feet, so that although the difference in elevation between the ponds is only 16 feet, the lift necessary to get the water from Hawkes pond into Walden pond when the pond is full is about 40 feet. From the Walden pond pumping station to the head of the canal above Birch pond there are two lines of 30-inch pipe. These pipes are connected with the Hawkes pond canal at Walden pond pumping station, and with the 30- inch pipe line running from the pumping station to Wal- den pond. The length of each of these 30-inch pipe lines is about 2,250 feet. The tunnel at the upper end of Birch pond, into which the 30-inch pipes discharge is 6 feet high, 7 feet wide, and 1,358 feet long. The bottom of the tun- nel where it discharges into the pond is considerably below the elevation of high-water in Birch pond, so that when the pond is full the tunnel is operated under a head. The pipes from Birch pond to the pumping station con- 22 sist of a 22-inch cement-lined pipe, which was the pipe originally laid, and a 30-inch cast-iron main. The lengths of these pipes are approximately 5,750 feet and 6,250 feet respectively. The pipe from Breed’s pond to the pumping station is of wrought iron lined with cement 18 inches in diameter and about 2,228 feet in length. At the pumping station a connection has been made between the pipes from Birch pond and the pipe from Breed’s pond, so that the water from one pond can be discharged into the other. The elevation of the two ponds when full is nearly the same, so that the quantity of water which can be discharged from one pond into the other through the small pipe from Breed’s pond to the pumping station is very limited. At the Walnut street pumping station the water was originally discharged into a pump well, but at the present time the pipes from the ponds are connected directly with the pumps so that the water comes to the pumps under a head and there is no suction. The elevation of the floor of the pumping station is about 48 feet. From the pumping station the water is forced through two lines of pipes 1,700 feet in length to the low service distributing reservoir, or through another pipe line of about the same length to the high service distributing reservoir. The pipes to the low service distributing reservoir are 20 inches and 30 inches respectively, the former being cement lined and the latter cast-iron. The pipe to the high ser- vice reservoir is of cast-iron 16 inches in diameter, and a connection is also made between this pipe and the low ser- vice reservoir, so that it can be used for either purpose. 23 There are two pumps used for the low service, a Leavitt pump having a nominal capacity of 5,000,000 gallons per 24 hours, which has been in use for about thirty-five years ; and a Loretz pump having a nominal capacity of 10,000,- 000 gallons per 24 hours, which has been in use 19 years. The pumps used for the high service are two 1,500,000 gallon Loretz pumps, installed in 1895. The low service reservoir is an open basin constructed with earth embankments. Its area when full is 5 acres ; its depth 15 feet, and its capacity 20,000,000 gallons. The high service distributing reservoir consists of a steel tank 50 feet in diameter, 35 feet high, and containing when full 500,000 gallons of water. The relative elevation of the different sources of supply and the distributing reservoirs, is as follows : Saugus river at Montrose (normal) . . . 70.5 Saugus river at Montrose (when canals are in use) 75.2 Hawkes pond, high water .... 77.85 Walden pond pumping station pump well . 54. Walden pond, high water . . . . 93.9 1 Birch pond, high water ..... 68.7 Breed’s pond ....... 67.9 Walnut street pumping station floor . . . 48. Low service distributing reservoir . . .187. High service distributing reservoir . . . 269. Breed's Pond. Breed’s pond, the first source of supply, was originally used as a mill pond, furnishing power for a small factory, located in the vicinity of the present dam. Water from this source was first used for domestic pur- poses in 1871, and at that time the depth of the water at the dam was 17 feet, but in 1878 the dam was raised 3 feet. 2 4 Up to 1907, none of the mud or other organic matter at the bottom of the pond had been removed or covered, fur- ther than the removal of some of the stumps near the shore. The mud covers an area of about 45 acres, or 77 per cent of the total area of the pond. During the summer of 1907, two small areas of shallow flowage near the upper end of the pond were improved by covering them with a layer of gravel, and a large number of stumps in the shallower por- tions of the pond removed and burned. The pond for the most part has steep banks and is well adapted for the stor- age of water, and would make an excellent reservoir if the mud were removed from the bottom. The watershed of the pond comprises 1.07 square miles, a large portion of which is within the limits of the Lynn Woods, but there are several houses within the watershed located not far from the shore of the reservoir near the dam. The population within the watershed amounts to 47 per- sons per square mile of watershed. One of the roadways in the Lynn Woods follows the shore of the pond on one side, and wash from this road finds its way more or less directly into the pond. Several of the tributaries of the pond also receive more or less street wash. There are sev- eral large swamps within the watershed, aggregating in area about 111 acres. The water entering the pond from the different tributaries is of poor quality, being exceedingly high colored and containing a large quantity of organic matter, due to its contact with the organic matter in the swamps through which the streams pass. Considerable of the color in the water entering the pond is lost by the bleaching effect of 25 long storage in the pond, since most of the water enters at the upper end. The water drawn from the pond is, how- ever, at times highly colored, and frequently has a dis- agreeeble taste and odor, due to growths of organisms to which the pond is subject. Breed’s pond has in the past furnished better water than any of the other ponds, and there has been less trouble from the growth of organism in this source than in any of the others. The pond receives practically no water except from its own watershed, and as the tributary streams enter the upper end of the reservoir, the water entering the pond has the benefit of long storage. There is a considerable leakage from the pond at high water, but as the pond has been nearly empty during the entire period covered by the investigations there has been no opportunity to measure the quantity lost in this way. Birch Pond. The construction of Birch pond was begun in 1873. The dam constructed at that time raised the water about 13 feet and flooded an area of 67 acres. The area flooded was covered with bushes and very little was done in preparation for flooding, except to cut and remove the brush. The dam was raised in 1885 about nine feet. At the present time the area of the pond is 82 acres. The depth at nominal high water is 19.4, but the level of the water is frequently raised to about 23 feet. When the water is at a depth of 19.4 feet, the storage capacity is 381,100,000 gallons. Very few of the stumps have been removed from the bottom of Birch pond, other than those which have been loosened naturally from time to time. The upper end of 2 6 the pond where the depth of water is least contains a great number of stumps and a deep deposit of mud. The total area of the bottom covered with mud is 60 acres, or 73 per cent of the whole bottom. The mud in the deepest portion of the pond is very deep. In the shallow area at the upper end the depth of mud varies from .5 of a foot to 4 feet. The watershed comprises .68 of a square mile, contain- ing a population of 100, or about 147 persons per square mile. Much of this population is so located that drainage from the houses quickly finds its way into the pond. The area tributary to the pond from the north is within the Lynn Woods and free from habitations. A highway skirts the west shore from the dam to the upper end, and all of the wash from this street and from several side streets is discharged directly into the pond. A large quantity of water escapes from Birch pond at times of high water through and around the dam. The quantity lost in this way amounts to about 250,000 gallons when the pond is full. The character of the water furnished by Birch pond for several years after its construction was such that it was impossible to use it for the supply of the city during the summer months. The poor quality of the water continued until water from other sources was turned into the pond, thus diminishing the time during which the water remained in contact with the mud. The raising of the dam in 1883 also made an improvement in the character of the water stored. The character of the water during recent years has depended largely upon the character and amount of the water discharged into it from the other sources, as this 27 pond receives all of the water that is used by the city, from Walden pond, Hawkes pond and the Saugus river. The pond is even now subject to the frequent occurrence of tastes and odors due to the growths of objectionable organisms in the water. The water also shows the effects of pollution. * Walden Pond. This reservoir is formed by a dam across Penny brook. Originally two dams were constructed across the brook about 4,300 feet apart, forming two ponds, the level of the upper pond being about 6 feet above that of the lower. The lower pond was known as Walden pond and the upper as Glen Lewis pond. All of the water from Glen Lewis pond flowed over the dam or through gates into Walden pond. These two reservoirs were con- structed in 1889 and the total storage capacity was 523,- 760,000 gallons. The area flooded by the construction of the dams was swampy, and the water of the old Walden pond was never of such a quality as to make it suitable for domestic purposes. In 1902, a new dam on the site of the old Walden pond was begun and was completed in the year 1905. This dam makes the depth of water about 37 feet, and the pond floods the old Glen Lewis dam, making one pond when the reservoir is full. The area of the new pond is 240 acres, and its storage capacity 1,754,200,000 gallons. The pond has not yet been filled with water. Some efforts have been made to improve the character of the bottom of Walden pond by covering the mud in places, and it appears that about 125 acres of the bottom have been improved in this way. The remaining portions are in 28 their original condition, covered to a considerable depth with mud. The banks of the pond are steep and there are practically no areas of shallow flowage, so that the pond would make an ideal reservoir for the storage of water, were it not for the mud on its bottom. The watershed has an area of 1.75 square miles, includ- ing the pond, almost entirely within the Lynn Woods reser- vation, and containing no population. There are numer- ous driveways through the woods, some of which are along the shores of the reservoir, or along tributary streams, and the wash from these roads finds its way more or less directly into the reservoir. There are no sources of pollution on the watershed other than the street drainage, and what might arise from the use of the shores of the pond by the public for pleasure purposes. Penny brook, the chief tributary of the pond drains a great area of swamp and the water entering the pond from this stream is highly colored and contains large quantities of organic matter. The water entering other portions of the main pond is also highly colored, but that coming from the Glen Lewis arm of the pond is of much better quality. The character of the water of Walden pond has in recent years been affected by the pumping into it of a con- siderable quantity of water from Hawkes pond and the Saugus river. The pond is subject to growths of organisms which make the water very objectionable at times and it is probable that under present conditions and with the present character of the water entering it, these growths will occur almost every season. Walden pond has never been filled since the dam was 2 9 completed, but from the measurements which have been made of the leakage from the reservoir during the past season, it is probable that the leakage from this pond when full will amount to from 600,000 to 800,000 gallons per day. It was believed at the time the dam was rebuilt that it would be desirable to still further increase the height of the dam and the dam was constructed with a view to add- ing 20 feet to its height at some future time. The leakage is so great, however, that indications are that it would not be found practicable to do this without practically rebuild- ing the entire structure, even if it were desirable to provide additional storage. Hawkes Pond. Hawkes pond was constructed in 1896. Before the pond was filled, all of the mud on the area to be flooded was either removed or covered with gravel, and the bottom now seems to be in good condition, except for a rank growth of weeds which covered it during the time when the water was out of the pond in the past summer. The pond has a depth of 25 feet at the dam, an area of 75 acres, and a capacity of 300,000,000 gallons. The drainage area comprises 1.86 square miles, which contains a population of 500 or about 269 persons per square mile. Much of the population is situated close to Hawkes brook, the main feeder of the pond. There is no sewerage system within the area, and the sewage is disposed of upon the ground or in the ground, in many cases close to the stream. Some cesspools have been constructed near the brook by the city of Lynn to prevent the direct entrance of sink wastes into the stream, but there are 30 numerous vaults and other sources of pollution not far from the brook or its tributaries. There are several large pig- geries within the watershed so situated that drainage from them finds its way in some cases directly into the brooks. A slaughter-house is situated close to the brook, but a por- tion of the drainage is conveyed to a cesspool which has been recently constructed by the water board. A highway follows one shore of the pond, and the street wash for a considerable distance finds its way into the pond. The water of the brook, besides being polluted, is at times very highly colored from contact with the organic matter in the extensive swamps through which it passes. The total area of the swamps within the watersheds is about 134 acres. The water at times of dry weather is of fairly satisfactory quality in this respect, and by suitable ditching can be improved at other times. This pond receives water from the Saugus river, so that the quality of the water of the pond is dependent to a con- siderable extent upon the character and amount of the water diverted from this stream. Hawkes pond is in excellent condition for the storage of water, but the water furnished by it has always been of unsatisfactory quality, probably on account of the poor quality of the water entering it, both from its own water- shed and from the Saugus river. Saugus River. The construction of a tunnel and canal from Howlett’s pond on the Saugus river to Birch pond was begun in 1883 and completed in 1884. This canal intercepted the water of Hawkes and Penny brooks, two small streams upon which subsequently the reservoirs. 3i known as Walden and Hawkes ponds, were constructed. In 1897 and 1898, a canal was constructed for the pur- pose of taking water from the Saugus river at Montrose about two miles above Howlett’s pond, the point from which water had been previously taken, and conveying it to Hawkes pond. The Saugus river at Howlett’s pond was foully polluted by sewage, chiefly from the town of Wakefield. The point in Montrose at which water is now taken, is above the brook which drains the principal portion of Wakefield, but the river above Montrose contains within its watershed a portion of the town of Wakefield and the principal por- tion of Reading. The river has a watershed of 10.58 square miles, which contains a population of about 710 per square mile. The town of Wakefield is provided with a sewerage system, so that much of the sewage is carried out of the watershed and cannot find its way into the streams. The town of Reading however, has no sewerage system, and in many cases the sewage finds its way directly into the streams which are tributary to the Saugus river. The river flows for a long distance through great areas of swamps and at times the water is very highly colored from contract with organic matter. The canal from the river to Hawkes pond is constructed at such an elevation that it is necessary to raise the water of the river in order to have it flow through the canal, and when this is done a great area of meadow is flooded to a slight depth. The water at this time takes up great quantities of organic matter, so that whenever the water is 32 diverted into Hawkes pond, the character of the water is considerably worse than it is under ordinary conditions. Summary in Regard to Physical Condition of Present Sources. The accompanying table gives a summary of the statis- tics in regard to the various sources of supply and their watersheds. Breed’s Birch Walden Hawkes Saugus Pond. Pond. Pond. Pond. River. Elevation of pond at high water (ft.) 67 -93 68.70 93*90 77-85 70.5 Area of watershed (sq. m.) j.07 0.68 i-75 1.86 IO.58 Area of pond (acres) 5 8 -5 82.O 240. 74.6 Depth of water at dam (ft.) 19.1 19.4 37- 25.0 Average depth 13-7. H-3 22.5 H-5 Storage capacity (million gal.) 263. 381. 1754- 354- Area of mud bottom of pond (acres) 45- 60. 75- 0. Area of swamp on watershed (acres) m. 20. 4 1 - i34- Population on watershed 50 - 100. 0. 500. 7500. Population per square mile 47- 147. 0. 269. 710. The four ponds now used by the city have steep banks and little shallow flowage, and in these respects are unusu- ally well adapted for the storage of water. The watersheds of Breed’s and Walden ponds are practically uninhabited, and were it not for the great quantities of mud in the bot- tom of these ponds and the swamps upon their watersheds they would furnish an excellent surface water, although it would be necessary to have them thoroughly inspected at all times to prevent local pollution from the large number of persons who frequent the Lynn Woods. The watershed of Birch pond contains many possible sources of pollution, and the wash from a considerable length of highway is discharged directly into the reservoir. 33 The bottom of the reservoir is covered with mud, so that the water stored in it is certain to be of unsatisfactory qual- ity at times. Hawkes pond has been thoroughly prepared for the stor- age of water, and is in excellent condition at the present time. The watershed, however, contains large areas of swamp and a large population besides several large pig- geries. This pond also receives considerable wash from streets. The water entering the pond from its own water- shed is of very unsatisfactory quality. Saugus river is polluted by the population upon its water- shed and is very highly colored. Furthermore, the flood- ing of large areas of meadow whenever the water is diverted adds to the objectionable character of the water. Quality of Water of Present Sources. Frequent analyses of the different sources of supply have been made since 1887 by the State Board of Health, and yearly averages of the results are given in the accompany- ing tables. A table is also presented giving the total number of microscopical organisms in the water of each source. The chief effect of the microscopic organisms is to give tastes and odors to the water, and a table is presented giving the odor as found by the State Board of Health of the samples of water which have been collected during 1907. As previously stated, the water entering the reservoirs from their own watersheds is in many cases of poor quality. During the past fall samples of water were col- lected from the principal tributary streams and a determin- 34 ation was made of the color and of the chlorine in each of these tributaries, the chlorine giving in a general way the amount of pollution which the stream received. The results of these investigations are given graphically in two diagrams appended. Two series of samples have been collected for bacterial examination in November, 1907, and these samples have been examined to determine the number of bacteria present in the water and the presence of sewage bacteria. The results of these examinations are also appended. It will be seen from the tables of analyses that the quality of water entering the ponds from their own water- sheds is very poor, being in most cases highly colored, and containing large quantities of organic matter, and in many cases being polluted. The water is ordinarily much improved by long storage which it gets in the ponds, but at frequent intervals, growths of microscopic organisms occur in the ponds, giving the water a disagreeable or even offensive odor. The water of Walden pond after a period of about five months had elapsed since water from the Saugus river had been discharged into it, was bacterially very pure and con- tained no sewage bacilli. Breed’s pond had been emptied during the summer, and a large number of men had been working in the pond, so that the unfavorable bacterial results obtained here were to be expected. The water of Hawkes pond and Birch pond contained large numbers of bacteria, including large numbers of sewage bacilli. The water of the Saugus river is of poor quality accord- ing to the analyses, both on account of the quantity of organic matter and the high color, and on account of the evidences of sewage pollution. Averages by Years of Chemical Examinations of Water from Breed’s Pond. [parts PER 100,000.] UOJJ SSOUpXEJJ o.S 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.7 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.7 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 patunsuoQ uoSXxq • • M pONNfOt>fONlOw N fA 8 8 8 8 VO O N N 8 8 auuo[i{3 Z 1 2 « < ti X 2 ° to £ g > W Sus- pend’d 0* O O rO O O to 8 Tt“ 8 co 8 Ov 8 I 0 0 rO 8 Tt" 0* O O O 0" O (? O <0 O O 00 8 .0028 VO ? T 3 • v > rO t>» 00 3 \ S) 0 N 8 £ ON CO t>. vo £ !>• CO 0 fio e/3 O O 0 3 O 0 0 O 0 O O 0 O N G 13 vC vo i C? & do 00 o\ Ov rO rO vo ro Tj- CO CO ON 00 * vO 0 H O 0 0 O O 0 0 0 O O O 0 0 0 0 q uopiu -Sj no ssot; tt UV o. r^u\LT)ir)n O O rO £ « N M N rOrovorOM tJ- .f ooogoooogooooooo oooOoooooooooooo I«*°X m po ro m rn m e 5 « c n a y IS «S o a .2 Q • r°x ~ w N r<) * V) ifl t-. GO QvO ►« N rO t|- io vQ (?'^'cotn(»OTOTt2'w8\8'§\8'8'8\0' joquinjq Averages by Years of Chemical Examinations of Water from Birch Pond. [parts per 100,000] ssaupjpjj o o m O W « 0 o o *0 pjumsuo^ uoSXxq 10 rr> cO VO Os § § § § § § § § § § | ON NO cO !>• « O cO \f) VO M < D N NO SO O S' 0 VO 8 8 s n rj- co 8 8 8 VO *«“ 8 8 8! <4- Tf d 3 8 8 ouuoiqo O * VO 0 !>• CO VO vo NO VO s 1>- $ d VO so" -o Sus- pend’d 00 o 5 0 8 1 0 8 8 VO 8 Os S 5 0 8 8 0 8 1 % 8 1 0 8 vo 8 vo 8 < 2 O c 6 0 25 . Dis- | solved PO 00 0 d O CO Cl 0 d -+* d O .0222 00 0 d 0 .0229 CO *>• 5 $ 3 00 O NO d 0 00 Os O 0 0 Os O 8 0 r}- d O § s < < 0 H d 0 Cl 0 a d 0 N Os O Qn d O ^0 d 0 1 0 i>- O d O VO d d O CO « 0 0 S 5 NO d 0 d 0 ? O vo VO 0 ON X 5 0 Free vo NO 8 d ? 8 s 5 CO 0 0 Os 8 c 0 NO 8 0 c" 0 d 1 00 ? 8 d 1 00 q Th 8 s §1 « < g g UOIJIU -Sj uo ssot; 0 CO VO 10 CO NO CO 00 d vo NO 8 d ? vo NO On $ S? NO 8s 0 On vo M Ji H ^ * W pjiox O CO CO CO Cl 5 c? VO d r § O vo CO vo vo CO l>» NO £ & VO rO cO of cO q ^f* 0 X 0 0 2 • 0 0 Jm O O d co vo vo 0 vo 0 00 *-< | ^: r tr^ 3 ^ 2 s v 2 -& J>- NO Tj-iod d rO cO cO co cO ^ cO •siaquin^ Averages by Years of Chemical Examinations of Water from Walden Pond. [parts PER 100,000. J UOJJ ssaupxeH ifl 00 c o' o o pauinsuo3 uoSiCxQ s3;u;tN ilililiillllli sapuijK 08888 888888888 3UUOHO Sus- pend’d N rOw'OO m fO O n O lo t-» O 0 C 1-1 -^-vO O O t N K 1 00 J>»voir)T MM-hw-iOOOOOoOOOC oooooooooOooooc 3 Ov 5 8 Dis- solved co co on 0 ionoono r^t^Moo to x>. *o O 00 O Th NO 10 00 Tj- NO CO M HH i>. Tf M N Tt-cOcOC*NC*C*C*c5o*C*N~NttN OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Total !? S &^Sg v 8v3 < §v$S*2$ ( 8 $ *& VO vO -^-rorOM rON (T> r*5 <*5 M (M P OOOOOOOOOOOOOOC ) 0 00 M-'O\Oi^«OO 00 O\OwNO to On NO to C* rOrJ-i-H co co cO co cO rf- OOOO^OOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOO UOl^IU ■Sj tio ssot; I^ox 3- 'S n O) o lip 00 ci m ir> to 10 xo 'Ss % § cO CO 0) hh N cO^-lOvQ t?CO Q\ O N CO rt- to vQ OnQnQnOnOnQnOnQnQnQ O O Q O O O COCO 0\COCOCOCOCOCO On On On On On On O asquin^ ssaupjBji pauinsucQ uaS/Cxo sa;ia}ijs[ O M o o o o c o 8 8 8 8 8 8 3UUO[lt3 8 8 8 8 8 1/3 T3 3 c C/3 8\ 8\ 8\ joqiun^ Averages by Years of Chemical Examinations of Water from the Saugus River at Montrose UOJJ ssaupjuH o « fo o o m ^ oo q rOrOrOrOfOrOroci fO p3uinsuo3 Tft^^-vO COCOON to O NO 00 m On ~ On N On 1 tiaSXxo CO « S3IUIIN 0001 0002 0002 0002 0001 0001 0002 0001 .0002 w rh w ti o ti fi cc s T3 z _ I 3 ° 2, 475, ooo 45 3 1889 57 . 266 2. 450. 000 2.657.000 43 4 189O 59,400 45 4 189I ' 60,890 3 ,i 3 1 ,' 000 3 1 4 1892 62,380 3, 549, ooo 57 5 1893 63,870 3, 744, ooo 59 6 i8 94 65, 3 6 ° 4.020.000 4.360.000 62 8 i8 95 66,851 65 10 1896 68,200 69,549 47539 .°°° 66 13 1897 4.642.000 4.746.000 66 15 1898 70,899 67 *7 1899 72,247 5,379,°°° 74 l 9 1900 73,597 4.680.000 4.506.000 64 20 1901 75,537 60 2 3 1902 77,476 4,684,000 60 2 5 I 9°3 79,416 5, 1 38, ooo 65 2 7 I 9°4 81,355 83,295 5 , 333 , 00 ° 66 28 i 9°5 4,924,000 59 3 ° 1906 *Lynn only. 85,235 5 * 1 33 »°oo 60 33 53 For purposes of eomparison a table is presented giving the average rate of consumption per person in all of those cities having a population of more than 50,000 where records could be obtained. The figures in this table are taken from a paper in the Journal of the New England Water Works Association. Average Daily Consumption of Water and Percentage of Metered Services in 1905 in Cities Having a Popu- lation of More than 50,000. Consumption Per cent Gallons City. Population Metered Services Per person p»r day Buffalo, N. Y. 400,428 3 3 2 4 Salt Lake City, Utah. 57, 8 75 2 3°9 Troy, .... 60,500 4 248 Philadelphia, Pa. i) 4 I 7)° 6 3 1 2 3 ° Albany, N. Y. 93 > 7 6 5 !5 21 I Bridgeport, Conn. . 82,061 5 2IO Pittsburg, Pa. 363,116 0 2IO Detroit, Mich. 3 2 5> 6i 4 9 l88 Erie, Pa. 5 8 , 7 8 3 2 179 Harrisburg, Pa. 55*557 73 171 New Haven, Conn. 121,391 3 l68 Camden, N. J. 84,746 3 155 Boston, Mass. 595 , 3 8 ° 5 I 5 I Richmond, Va. 86,881 44 150 Nashville, Tenn. 282,213 5 2 00 -r Cleveland, Ohio. 44 L 974 68 x 37 Cincinnati, Ohio. 34°>399 12 I 3 ° San Antonio, Tex. 61,145 10 13 2 Reading, Pa. 89, hi 7 128 Norfolk, Va. 5 2 ? 5 °° 0 I2 5 Evansville, Ind. 63,132 0 I2 5 Grand Rapids, Mich. 101,21 1 2 9 i2 3 Los Angeles, Cal. . 1 28,521 3 i 120 Newark, N. J. 278,190 44 1 17 Yonkers, N. Y. 55,879 99 IX 5 54 City. Hoboken, N. J. Kansas City, Kans. Columbus, Ohio. Omaha, Neb. Pawtucket, R. I. Wilmington, Del. Seattle, Wash. Memphis, Tenn. San Francisco, Cal. New Bedford, Mass Toronto, Canada. St. Louis, Mo. Cambridge, Mass. Milwaukee, Wis. Somerville, Mass. Rochester, N. Y. Paterson, N. J. Indianapolis, Ind. Louisville, Ky. Duluth, Minn. Minneapolis, Minn. Toledo, Ohio Worcester, Mass. Kansas City, Mo. Dayton, Ohio Providence, R. I. Hartford, Conn. Atlanta, Ga. Utica, N. Y. . Lynn and Saugus Lowell, Mass. St. Joseph, Mo. Charleston, S. C. St. Paul, Minn. Manchester, N. H. Fall River, Mass. Lawrence, Mass. Population. 67,222 57,969 144,265 83,607 79,40° 84,046 99,588 121,232 364,674 74,362 270,000 636,972 97,434 325,735 69,272 179,064 118,583 196,028 226,^31 62,896 . 221,708 I 57^ OI 5 128,135 179,27° 97 , 3 8 9 212,823 93^60 102,041 . 62,^69 83,295 94,889 128,306 56,233 178,020 63,417 102,762 70,050 Per cent Metered Services. Consumption Gallons Per person per day. 69 “5 45 IJ 3 7 6 1 10 59 1 10 81 104 21 102 12 100 20 100 21 96 2 3 95 4 93 7 9 2 l 9 9 2 80 9 1 l 9 89 4 1 89 37 87 10 82 8 81 4 1 77 47 76 70 75 95 75 38 73 70 70 86 68 98 66 100 65 98 59 30 59 69 58 20 58 2 57 38 56 7 2 5 2 97 4 2 88 43 55 The quantity of water used legitimately for domestic purposes is everywhere increasing at a rapid rate, due both to the more general use of plumbing fixtures in houses, even of the most inexpensive class, and the increasing quantity of water required by modern fixtures. While, by an extension of the use of meters in Lynn, some of the sources of waste now in existence will be removed and any excessive consumption due to waste will undoubtedly be prevented, the comparatively low consumption at the pres- ent time indicates that the sources of waste now in exis- tence are not large and the increase in the legitimate use of water is likely to be more rapid than any decrease due to the further prevention of waste. It is impossible to forecast the growth of population of the city, and it is still more difficult to foretell the quantity of water which will be used, which depends not alone on the population but on a variety of other conditions. For purposes of this report, I have assumed that the rate of increase in the average daily consumption will be one gallon per person each year, making the average con- sumption of water in 1940, 94 gallons per person per day, which, as will be seen from the foregoing table, is less than the present consumption of water in more than half of the cities included in the table. The following table gives the estimated future con- sumption of water in Lynn and Saugus, based upon the estimated population previously given and upon the assump- tion that the average daily consumption per person will increase one gallon each year. 56 Estimated Future Consumption of Water in Lynn and Saugus. Year. Estimated Population. I9IO. 96,000 I 9 I 5 109,500 1920 I 24,000 l 9 2 5 139,000 i 93 ° 155,000 J 935 17 ^ 5 °° I 94 ° 188,500 Estimated Consumption Per person. (Gallons) Estimated Daily Consumption (Gallons) 64 6,144,000 69 7 > 555 > 000 74 9,176,000 79 10,981,000 84 13,020,000 89 I 5, 263, 000 94 1*1,719,000 Improvement of the Present Sources of Supply. The four ponds which constitute the present sources of supply can be improved so as to furnish water which will be of fair quality and as safe as any surface water source in the midst of a large population can be.j^In order to secure the best water possible from the ponds without filtra- tion it will be necessary to thoroughly drain the principal swamps upon their watersheds, remove or cover with gravel the mud and other organic matter upon the bottoms of the various ponds, construct sewers and drains to remove the sewage and street wash from the most thickly settled por- tions of the watersheds, construct water-tight vaults where vaults are necessarily situated within a short distance of any stream or other body of water tributary to the sources of supply, purchase land where.the most dangerous sources of pollution exist, and maintain a constant and thorough inspection of the ponds and their watersheds by capable and trustworthy men. 57 The water flowing in the Saugus river is of such poor _ quality for so many reasons that it is not feasible to make good water of it, except by filtration or storage, although its quality can be much improved by the ditching of swamps, the prevention of the direct discharge of sewage into its tributary streams and by the sanitary control of the water- shed. The Drainage of Swamps. The feasibility of draining the principal swamps upon the watersheds of the various ponds has been carefully investigated. There are upon the watersheds of the four ponds about 306 acres of swamps distributed as follows : Acres, III 20 Breed’s pond Birch pond . Walden pond Hawkes pond 4 1 *34 Total ...*.. 306 Very little has been done toward draining these swamps, other than to deepen the channels of the streams which flow through them. While this has probably kept portions of the swamps from remaining saturated with water and has thus reduced the quantity of organic matter taken up, it has not provided for the prompt removal of water flowing toward the swamp from the hard land before it has an opportunity to come in contact with the organic matter. It appears to be feasible in every case at a reasonable expense to thoroughly drain the swamps so that the water flowing from the high land toward the swamp can be quickly taken away by the stream without passing over and through a great mass of organic material. To drain the swamps will require in each case the construction of a main channel of sufficient capacity and depth to quickly remove all of the water brought to it. From this ditch, branch ditches should be constructed from ioo to 200 feet apart, extending in either direction to the edge of the swamp. In most cases the fall of the stream at the outlet of the swamp is so rapid that very little excavation of the channel below the swamp will be required. To thoroughly drain the swamps upon the watersheds of the ponds will require the construction of about 18 1-2 miles of ditches at an estimated cost of about $7,000. This does not include land damages, but much of the swamp area is now owned by the city and the remaining areas would be greatly bene- fited by thorough drainage, so that there should be very little or no expense on this account. The area of swamps upon the watersheds of each of the ponds and the cost of draining them are as follows : Area of Swamp. Cost of Draining. Breed’s pond, 111 acres $2,540 Birch pond, 20 “ . 460 Walden pond, 41 “ 940 Hawkes pond, 134 “ 3,06° $7,000 Imfrove 7 nent of Bottoms of Ponds. The mud and organic matter at the bottom of Hawkes pond was removed or covered at the time the reservoir was constructed. This work was apparently quite thoroughly done and the 59 bottom now seems to be in good condition. At times when the water in the pond has been drawn to a low level there has been a rank growth of weeds over the bottom causing an accumulation of organic matter, which will tend to counteract the good effects of the original cleaning of the bottom. Portions of the bottom of Walden pond have been improved, this work being done at different times when the water has been drawn out of the pond. From the reports of the Water Board it appears that the total area from which the mud has either been removed or covered amounts to about 125 acres, or 52 per cent of the total area of the pond. Unfortunately, if the present sources of supply are to be maintained without material additions, it would be unsafe to draw the water from Walden pond for a sufficient length of time to permit of cleaning of the bottom, without causing a shortage of water. It will be possible, however, to improve the bottom in the shallower portions of the pond and it is here that such work is of the most importance. The existence of great deposits of organic matter in the deeper places, however, will cause much trouble at certain seasons of the year due to the "fermentation” of the water. It is probable that about seventy-five acres of the bottom of Walden pond can be improved in addition to that already improved, leaving about 17 per cent of the area which can not well be reached. The work would have to be done during the latter part of the season after the water has been drawn down and when the other ponds are full. It will undoubtedly be cheaper in most cases to cover the 6o mud with material taken from the shore than to attempt to remove it, and the estimated cost of doing this work in Walden pond is $35,000. When Birch pond was originally constructed, very little was done to the bottom other than cutting some of the brush. Some of the stumps have been removed, but the original mud remains upon the bottom, and many of the stumps are still standing. A survey of the pond has been made and soundings of the mud have been taken. Of the total area of the bottom about 60 acres, or 75 per cent, should be improved. Gravel can be obtained along the shores of the pond for covering the mud, and the total cost of covering will probably be about $24,000. It will not be feasible to do this work, unless provision is made for drawing water for the supply of the city from the other ponds, as under present conditions water must be drawn from Birch pond whenever the pumps are in operation. The bottom of Breed’s pond until 1907 remained practic- ally in its original condition. At that time when the water was drawn to a low level, two small areas at the upper end of the pond where the water is shallowest were covered with gravel to a depth of from six inches to one foot. The total area improved in this manner was about five acres. The mud in many portions of Breed’s pond is from a foot to six feet in depth, and the total area of mud is forty-five acres. To cover this mud where it is deepest will require the thorough draining and drying up of the bottom of the pond, and it is possible that in places it may be necessary to place a platform of some kind to hold the gravel and keep it from sinking into the mud. Gravel can be obtained at convenient 6 1 places along the shore of the pond, so that the haul will not be great, and it is probable that the whole mud area of the pond can be covered with gravel at a cost of about $16,000. The total cost of improving the bottoms of the ponds may be summarized as follows : Area of Mud. Acres. Estimated cost of covering. Breed’s pond • 45 • . $16,000 Birch pond . 60 . . 24,000 Walden pond • 75 • 35, OOO Total, "“'4 0 O 0 Protection of Sources of Supply fro?n Pollution. All of the ponds are so situated that their shores are likely to be resorted to very largely ; and in the case of Breed’s and Walden ponds, the public has been encouraged to visit the ponds by the construction of paths and roads along the shores and along the tributary streams. Much travelled highways also skirt the shores of Birch and Breed’s ponds. The watershed of Walden pond lies almost entirely within the Lynn Woods reservation and contains no population, so that the only danger of the direct pollution of this source is from the use of the Lynn Woods for pleasure purposes. The danger of pollution from this source can be made very small by proper police protec tion. The watershed of Breed’s pond is very largely within the Lynn Woods, but there are a few houses, the drainage from which might find its way more or less directly into the pond near the gate-house. The sewage from these 62 houses can be removed from the watershed without any serious difficulty. The cost of a sewer for this purpose would not be more than $1,000. The watershed of Birch pond contains a number of houses, including several summer camps. It will be diffi- cult to construct a sewer to convey the sewage from all of this population outside of the watershed, or to connect with the city sewers. It is essential, however, that sewers should be provided for those houses, which are located on the slopes leading directly to the pond, if the water is to be used without filtration ; and it is also desirable that the drainage from the street which runs along the edge of the pond should be conveyed to a point outside of the water- shed of the pond and thus prevent the entrance of great quantities of street filth at times of storms. Tight vaults can for the present be provided for the buildings in the upper portion of the watersheds. A rough estimate of the cost of the work essential to be done at once is $10,000. If it were a question only of the pollution of the water from the present buildings, it might very likely be found to be cheaper to purchase some of the property and remove the houses than to construct sewers, but should these houses be purchased, there is nothing to prevent the construction of houses on other land within the watershed. It will probably be desirable to purchase some of the land within the watershed of this pond in any case. The preservation of the purity of this pond is of the utmost importance under the present conditions, since the water from it is drawn directly to the pumps and thence supplied to the city with- out the purifying effect of long storage which is possible in the case of the other ponds. 63 The Hawkes pond watershed contains a large popula- tion, most of which is situated upon Hawkes brook which enters the reservoir at its upper end. The watershed con- tains about ioo houses, many of them situated close to the stream, The village of South Lynnfield is largely within the watershed. In order to thoroughly protect this brook from sewage pollution, a sewer should be constructed to serve the houses in South Lynnfield, and tight vaults should be constructed for all houses which cannot be served by the sewers. The sewage cannot be discharged into any stream, so that purification works will be necessary in con- nection with any scheme for sewerage in this vicinity. The vaults should be inspected from time to time by the city authorities and it will probably be necessary for the city to pay the expense of keeping the vaults clean. In some cases the conditions are so bad that it is desirable for the city to purchase the control of the property. There are several large piggeries on the watershed, the filthy drain- age from which flows directly or indirectly into the brook, and in some cases the hogs wallow in the streams or along the edge of the meadows tributary to the streams. There is also a slaughter-house situated within a short distance of the brook. Both the piggeries and the slaughter-house should be removed to some point outside of the watershed, since some filth from these must inevitably find its way into the brook. Considerable improvement has been made in the condition of this brook, and several of the worst cases of pollution have been removed, but there yet remains much to be done if the water is to be used without filtration. It is possible that the construction of sewers can be deferred 6 4 if suitable precautions are taken to prevent the entrance of polluting matter, by the purchase of property, the con- struction of vaults and thorough inspection. The cost of construction of water-tight vaults and other work within the watersheds would amount to about $3,000. The amount which might be expended to good advantage in the pur- chase of land along the streams is very uncertain, but for the purposes of estimate it may be assumed that the sum of $5,000 should be expended in this way in the immediate future. To summarize, the cost of improving the quality of the water of the four storage reservoirs and their tributaries would be as follows : Draining swamps Improving bottoms Protection from pollution $ 7,000 75? 000 19,000 Total $101,000 Improvement of Saugus River . The water of the Saugus river above the canal at Montrose, as already indicated, is highly colored from contact with the vegetable matter in the swamps through which the water passes, and it is also polluted by sewage, some of which finds its way quite directly into the stream. The water is unfit for domestic use in its present condition. In order to use this water without filtration, it would be necessary to remove so far as possible the various sources of pollution, to keep the swamps from being flooded, and then to provide for the storage of the water for a long period in a suitably prepared storage reservoir. 6s By storage in reservoirs for a suitable length of time the disease germs would be completely removed, and the water drawn from the reservoir would be less highly colored than the water entering it. The period during which the water should be stored varies with the conditions, but it is certain that if the Saugus river should be stored for a period of four months any disease germs present in the river water would be absolutely destroyed. The town of Wakefield is already provided with a sewer- age system, and much of the sewage from this town is removed from the watershed. The town of Reading, how- ever, which has a large population is without a sewerage system, and the sewage from many buildings finds its way very directly into the streams. The construction of a sewerage system for this town has been under consideration for several years and plans have already been prepared. The water which receives the drainage from Reading passes through one end of Quannapowitt Lake, so that it already receives some benefit from storage. There are numerous other sources of pollution along the stream and its tributaries at points nearer the head of the canal, but in all of these cases, with the enforcement of rules and regu- lations similar to those now in force for the protection of the other sources of supply, the direct pollution of the stream by sewage can be largely prevented. It would be practically impossible to drain the immense areas of swamps within the watershed of the Saugus river, and in fact, with the present canal it is impossible to draw water into Hawkes pond without flooding the swamps. It would appear to be feasible to improve the channel of the 66 main stream above the canal and to construct tributary- ditches so as to prevent the flooding of the meadows, except at times of extreme high water, but this would be of little use if the present method of obtaining water by raising its level is continued. Under the present plan, water from the river is taken at times of high flow through the canal into the upper end of Hawkes pond. Water from Hawkes pond is drawn through another canal to the Walden pond pumping sta- tion where it is pumped into Walden pond. Water is taken from the Saugus river only at times of high flow. In this way both Walden pond and Hawkes pond contain water from the Saugus river. In order to provide sufficient storage for the Saugus river water to insure the destruction of all of the disease germs and make the water safe for domestic purposes it would be necessary to hold the water of Hawkes pond and of Walden pond in storage for a period of about four months after the flow from the Saugus river had ceased. During this period water must be drawn from the other ponds for the supply of the city. Calculations have been made to determine the length of time under average conditions and under the most unfavor- able conditions during which it would be possible to store the water in Walden and Hawkes ponds. It is found that with the estimated consumption in 1910 it would be possi- ble in a year of average rainfall to supply the city for a period of five months from Birch and Breed’s ponds, dur- ing which time the water of Walden pond and Hawkes pond could remain in storage. During a very dry year this time would be only 3 1-2 months. With the esti- 67 mated consumption for the year 1915? it would be possible to store the water in Hawkes and Walden ponds for a period of 3 1-2 months in the average years, and for 1 1-2 months during an extremely dry year. In these compu- tations it has been assumed that Birch and Breed’s ponds would be full at the time the draft of water from the Saugus river is begun, and that the water would be drawn entirely out of Breed’s and Birch ponds before any water is used from Hawkes or Walden ponds. This is not a plan to be recommended, however, since the water of the reservoirs in warm weather is certain to become objectionable when drawn to a low level. Furthermore, the exposed bottoms of the ponds would be exceedingly unsightly and an excel- lent opportunity would be afforded for a rank growth of weeds, which would affect the quality of the water during the succeeding season. It does not seem feasible to secure a safe water from the Saugus river with the works as at present constructed. It is evident that if Hawkes pond should be filled with water which can be safely used, and if Walden pond is the only pond receiving Saugus river water directly, the time during which the Saugus river water could be stored would be very greatly increased. To accomplish this, two methods seem to be possible. First, a pipe might be laid from the upper end of Hawkes pond to a point below the dam in order to carry* the Saugus river water around Hawkes pond, whence it could flow to the Walden pond pumping station and thence be pumped into Walden pond. This would keep the Hawkes pond water free from con- tamination from the polluted Saugus river water and this 68 pond with its large storage and its comparatively large watershed would be made available for use during the time the Saugus river water is stored in Walden pond. Another scheme for getting the water from the Saugus river into Walden pond without passing it through Hawkes pond would be to abandon the present Walden pond pump- ing station and to construct a pumping station at Montrose near the head of the present canal with a force-main run- ning along Lowell street for about 5,000 feet and thence along the valley of a small tributary of Hawkes brook into Walden pond watershed. It would be possible to construct a small intake basin just above Lowell street which would back the water up to about the head of the canal without flooding the meadows and furnshing a suffi- cient basin so that the pumps could be operated to advan- tage. A pumping station could be erected near Lowell street equipped with electrically driven centrifugal pumps. The pumping capacity for many years in the future need not be more than 10,000,000 gallons per 24 hours. The most economical force-main for this amount of water would be a 24-inch main, and the length of force-main would be 9,000 feet ; the static head against which the pumps would have to operate would be 22 feet, while the total dynamic head operated at the 10,000,000 gallon rate would be from 50 feet to 60 feet. The advantages of this scheme over the scheme of lay- ing a pipe through or around Hawkes pond are very great. In the first place, it would be possible to take water from the Saugus river without flooding the vast area of meadows as is necessary with the present canal. The cost of pump- 6 9 ing will also be very small as compared with the cost of pumping at the present pumping station. The lift required to get the water from the Saugus river into Walden pond would be only about 22 feet, while at present the water from the Saugus river flows through Hawkes pond and thence to Walden pond pumping station, making it neces- sary to lift it about 40 feet when Walden pond is full. Furthermore, it would be possible to draw water for the supply of the city or for the filling of the other ponds from Hawkes pond during the time when water was being pumped from the Saugus river into Walden pond, which would not be possible if the Saugus river water was carried around Hawkes pond, unless a separate pipe should be carried from the Saugus canal through to the Walden pond pumping station. If the pumping plant should be constructed and the force-main laid from Montrose to Walden pond, with similar assumptions to those previously made, it would be possible to store the water in Walden pond during a very dry year without drawing any water whatever from this source for a period of about five and one-half months when the consumption is as great as it is estimated to be in the year 1910. During an average^year the period of storage would be 10 months. When the consumption reaches the estimated consumption for the year 1915, these figures would be four months for a very dry year and six and one- half months for an average year. As in the previous case, this assumes that all of the water will be drawn from the other reservoirs before any is used from Walden pond and this would mean poor water for a time. If only one-half 70 of the water stored in Birch, Breed’s and Hawkes ponds should be drawn from storage, the time during which water could be stored in Walden pond would be about three months during a dry year and five and one-half months during an average year with the estimated consumption for 1910 ; and one and one-half months during a dry year and four and one-half months during an average year with the estimated consumption for 1915. It would seem possible, therefore, even up to 1915 to secure storage for the Saugus river for a sufficient period to insure the destruction of any disease germs which may be in the water discharged from that stream into Walden pond, but it would mean that dur- ing very dry years the ponds would be drawn to a very low level, and the water consequently would be likely to be of poor quality and an opportunity would be afforded for a growth of weeds and grasses on the exposed bottoms. The cost of the works for pumping water from the Sau- gus river at Montrose directly into Walden pond is esti- mated to be as follows : Intake basin on Saugus river . $5, ooo Pumping station . . . 1,000 Pumping machinery ( 1 0,000,000 gal. cap.) 5, ooo Force main, 24-inch * . . . 45,000 Land damages . 5, ooo Total • • • • $61,000 If these works should be installed, there would be no further use for the Walden pond pumping plant, which could be sold. No deduction has been made for this plant, as the amount which would be received by its sale is very uncertain. 7i Changes in Piping. A very essential part of any plan for utilizing the present sources without filtration is to construct pipe lines of suffi- cient size so that water can be drawn from any one of the reservoirs in sufficient quantities for the supply of the city without using water from any other source. These pipes should also be of sufficient size to permit of the rapid filling of Birch and Breed’s ponds from the upper ponds. For this purpose it would be desirable to construct a 36-inch pipe line from Hawkes pond to the present Walden pond pumping station, there to connect with the lines now in existence leading to Walden pond and to Birch pond. There are now two lines of 30-inch pipe from the Walden pond pumping station to the upper end of the tunnel at the head of Birch pond. It would probably be desirable to lay a pipe inside of the tunnel extending beyond the tunnel along the edge of Birch pond to a point below the pond, there to connect with the present 22-inch and 30-inch lines leading to the Walnut street pumping station. At the upper end of Birch pond, provisions could be made so that one of the 30-inch pipes could discharge into Birch pond when the other was conveying water around Birch pond either to the pumping station or to Breed’s pond. Breed’s pond is at present connected with the pumping station by an 18-inch pipe. A 36-inch pipe should be laid from the pond to connect with the present pipes from Birch pond to the pumping station. This connection could be made at a point about 4,000 feet below Birch pond, and the connection would be about 2,300 feet in length. With 72 these changes in piping it would be possible to draw from any one of the reservoirs in sufficient quantity to supply the city. At the same time that water was being drawn from any reservoir it would be possible to do a certain amount of filling of the lower reservoirs from the upper reservoirs. The cost of these changes in the piping would be about as follows : Line from Hawkes pond to Walden pond pump- ing station, 4,480 feet 36-inch pipe at $8.70 . $39,000 Extension of 30-inch pipes through tunnel, 1,358 feet at $7.00 ...... 9,500 36-inch pipe from upper end to lower end of Birch pond, 5,000 feet at $8.70 . . . 43,500 Cnnnection with Breed’s pond and present line from Birch pond to pumping station, 2,200 feet of 36-inch pipe at $8.70 20,000 Total ........ $112,000 The cost, therefore, of obtaining the best water possible from the present sources of supply would be about as fol- lows : Drainage of swamps ..... Removing or covering mud .... Cleaning up watersheds ..... Intake basin on Saugus river .... Force-main Saugus river to Walden pond . Pumping plant ...... New mains from reservoirs .... Land damages ....... $7,000 75. 000 19.000 5.000 45 .000 6.000 ii 2,000 5. 000 Total ........ Engineering inspection and contingencies 15 per cent ........ $274,000 41,100 Total $315, io ° 73 Vitality of Water Obtainable fro?n Present Sources . The quality of water which would be obtained by the above works would be considerably better than the quality of the water now furnished to the city, and by the proper use of the Saugus river and the storage reservoirs and with competent inspection a water could be obtained which would be reasonably safe. The water furnished to the city, however, would be highly colored, it would generally have a slight vegetable taste and odor and would be subject at times to growths of organisms which would make it very objectionable. While it is very likely that such growths will occur at times in all of the reservoirs simul- taneously, it is probable that at other times certain of the reservoirs will be affected while others are not, and with the plan proposed it would be possible to deliver to the consumers water from the best source. After everything has been done to prevent the pollution, there will still be the possibility of local pollution of any of the sources, which cannot be entirely prevented in a densely populated neighborhood, but this with proper inspection cannot be considered a great danger. The water will not be a clean water, on account of the large amount of street wash con- taining horse manure and other filth from the streets which will be washed into the reservoirs at times of storms. In dry seasons, the ponds, except Walden pond will be drawn to a low level, becoming unsightly, affording an opportunity for the growth of weeds and at such times probably furnishing poor water. The water supply developed as outlined and providing for the storage of the Saugus river water for a sufficient 74 time to insure the destruction of all disease germs would probably be sufficient to last until about the year 1915 if the water of Quannapowitt Lake is not taken for the supply of Wakefield. If Wakefield should take its water supply from Quannapowitt and divert all of the water as it is privileged to do, the supply would last until about the year 1912. The population on the Saugus river watershed is increasing quite rapidly and it will be* increasingly difficult and expensive to restrict the pollution of the water. At the same time the period of storage of this water in Walden pond which will be possible will be rapidly decreasing with the increased population and use of water in Lynn, so that it is likely that some other source than the Saugus river will be found desirable before the limit of the capacity is reached, unless the supply is filtered. If the present sources should be used as outlined above and it should be found desirable to add to the supply, it ‘would be necessary, unless the water should be purified to find some unpolluted source which could be used during the time when the Saugus river is stored. The most available source for this purpose appears to be Pillings pond, the water of which can be carried to Hawkes pond by gravity, but the yield of the sources would not be very greatly increased by the use of this pond. The water of the Ipswich river can be pumped into the watershed of Pillings pond at a comparatively small expense and be passed through filter-beds before being discharged into the pond, giving a large additional supply. These possibilities for obtaining an additional supply will be discussed more in detail subsequently in connection with the development of other schemes. 75 Use of the Tributaries of the Saugus River. The water obtained from the Saugus river is of such objectionable character, due both to the pollution and to the large areas of swamps bordering the streams, that it has been proposed to take the water from its two principal tributaries, Pillings brook and Beaver dam brook, using the water from these sources instead of the water of the main stream.- By the use of these two branches in connec- tion with the ponds, it would be possible to obtain a yield of about 6,300,000 gallons per day. This would be suffi- cient to supply the city, until about the year 1911 without the use of the main stream. Examinations of the water of Beaver dam brook made during the past year show that its quality is very little if any better than that of the Saugus river. The brook drains a large area of swamp, and its watershed contains a con- siderable portion of the village of Lynnfield center. If the water is to be used without long storage, it would be neces- sary to expend a large sum in preventing its pollution. The water which during dry weatheris of fairly good color, dur- ing wet seasons has a very high color. Studies have been made to see if it would be possible to use the water of this brook either by the construction of a gravity line to Hawkes pond or by pumping it into the watersheds of Pillings or Walden ponds. It is found that to get the water into Hawkes pond by gravity, it would be necessary to construct a dam and flood a large area to a small depth. The area which would be flooded is swampy, and the water stored would be of an exceedingly poor quality. Furthermore, 7 6 the expense of obtaining the water and preventing its pol- lution would be entirely disproportionate to the value of the water which would be obtained. The same may be said of any scheme for pumping the water. During dry weather the flow of the stream is very small and it would probably be uneconomical to operate a pump, except at times when the flow of the stream is high. In this way a large proportion of the yearly flow of the brook would be lost. Pillings pond is about one mile from the upper end of Hawkes pond. The pond is now used to store water for operating a cider-mill. The elevation of high water in the pond is 101.6, or about 31 feet above the level of the water in the Saugus river. The pond has a watershed of 1.60 square miles which is practically uninhabited, except that there is a large summer population in cottages on the shores of the pond. The pond itself is shallow, the general depth being six feet, and at one end of the pond there is an extensive area of swamp. The pond has a muddy bottom over its entire area. The area of the pond is 70 acres and its storage capacity about 100,000,000 gallons, which is small in comparison with its watershed. The water at the outlet of the pond, notwithstanding the unfavorable character of the pond for storing water is of much better quality than that of any of the present sources of water supply. If it can be connected with the present sources at a reasonable expense this pond would make a valuable addition to the supply. The yield of Pillings pond, together with the reservoirs which constitute the present sources of supply would be 77 about 5,500,000 gallons per day in a very dry season, which is about the present consumption of water in the city. It will still be necessary, therefore, if the water of Pillings pond is taken to use the water of the main stream at times. During average years the supply from Pillings pond would be sufficient so that it would not be necessary to pump any water from the Saugus river until the consumption increases considerably beyond the present amount. Two methods of securing the water from this pond have been considered ; first, by laying a gravity main into Hawkes pond watershed, allowing the water of Pillings pond to flow into Hawkes pond by gravity; second, by laying a gravity main to the Walden pond watershed and with arrangements so that the water can be discharged either into Walden pond or into Hawkes pond. The works for conveying the water to Hawkes pond would be very inexpensive to construct, but the disadvantage of this scheme is that when it is necessary to use water from the Saugus river, the water in Hawkes pond must be kept stored for a period of several months, and no water from Pillings pond could be used during this period to eke out the present supply, as it would all have to pass through Hawkes pond. If Pillings pond is to be used it is desir- able that the water of the Saugus river be pumped directly from Montrose to Walden pond, and under these circum- stances the water from Pillings pond can be conveyed to Walden pond through the same pipe at a comparatively small additional expense. The works which would be necessary for carrying out this scheme are as follows : 7 8 Construct a small intake basin on the Saugus river at a point just above Lowell street, backing water up to about the head of the old canal, but without flooding the meadows. Construct a 10,000,000 gallon centrifugal pumping plant, the pumps to be operated by electric motors. From the pumping station construct an 18-inch force-main along Lowell street to a point where it would intercept a gravity main from Pillings pond to Walden pond. Construct from Pillings pond to Walden a 36-inch main, chiefly of concrete, discharging into the westerly arm of the pond, at a point where this main crosses Hawkes brook gates and a blow-off should be provided so that the water from Pillings pond can be discharged into Hawkes pond when desirable. The difference in elevation between Walden and Pil- lings pond is about eight feet, and a 36-inch pipe would discharge about 12,000,000 gallons of water per day. This is more than Pillings pond would furnish, but a 36- inch pipe is recommended with a view to conveying the water of the Ipswich river to Walden pond at some time, since it is plain that if this scheme is adopted, the ultimate development of the supply will be by pumping the Ipswich river water into Pillings pond watershed. In a year of average rainfall with the present consump- tion of water, it would not be necessary to pump any water whatever from the Saugus river if Pillings pond were con- nected with the system. With the estimated consumption in 1915 and in a year of average rainfall it would be nec- essary to pump about 500,000,000 gallons of water during the year in order to fill the reservoirs. 79 In an exceedingly dry year with the present consump- tion, it might be necessary to pump about 100,000,000 gal- lons during the year. In a very dry year in 1915 it would be necessary to pump 875,000,000 gallons from the Saugus river during the year. It will be seen from this that during the next few years the Pillings pond supply would be likely to furnish all of the water required in addition to the water from the pres- ent ponds, but if a dry year should come, it would be necessary to pump a small quantity from the Saugus river or from some other source. When the undesirable water from the Saugus river is used for filling up Walden pond, the water of Pillings pond could be discharged into Hawkes brook at a point where the main would cross that stream, and the addition of this water to Hawkes pond would lengthen materially the time during which the water of Walden pond could be stored. The adoption of this plan would give the city the best water which it is practicable to secure from the present sources without filtration, supplemented by any of the avail- able sources in the vicinity. By thoroughly draining the swamps upon the watersheds of the ponds, removing or covering the mud on the bottom of Birch and Breed’s ponds, and so far as possible on the bottom of Walden pond, water could be obtained, the color of which would be considerably less than the color of the water now sup- plied to the city. The color, however, will increase as more water from Saugus river is required. The water will have a vegetable taste, and will be subject to growths 8o of organisms as at present, except that the cleaning of the reservoirs and the drainage of swamps will assist some- what in diminishing the troubles from this cause, and by making possible the drawing of water from any one of the ponds directly to the pumps, the troubles from this cause will be still further diminished. The following is a rough estimate of the cost of con- struction for comparison with the cost of construction in the other schemes previously outlined : Estimated Cost of Improving the Present Sources of Supply by taking Water from Pillings Pond Without Filtration. Drainage of swamps . $7,000 Improvement of bottom of ponds . . 75, ooo Pipe line from Hawkes pond to pumping station Walden pond 39,000 Extension of pipe through tunnel pond ..... above Birch 9 ? 5 °° Pipe line around Birch pond . . 43 > 5 °° Pipe line to Breed’s pond . . 20,000 Intake basin on Saugus river . . 5, ooo Pumping plant, including station . . 6,000 Gravity main from Pillings pond to Walden pond 65,000 Force-main from Saugus river to above gravity main connect with 18,000 Protection from pollution . . 20,000 Land and water damages • 25,000 Total ..... . $ 333 >°°° Engineering inspection and contngencies, cent ...... 15 per 49 i 95 ° Total ..... . . $ 3 82 i 95 ° 8i In this case, also, the Walden pond pumping plant will be of no further use and the amount received from its sale should be deducted from the figures given above. Use of Water from Present Sources After Filtration. The filtration of the water supply of Lynn has been under consideration for many years and has for a long time been considered a part of the plan for the future development of the supply. In 1898, the Water Board in its report to the mayor and the City Council made the following recommendations : “ Purity of Water.” "This is a subject of the highest importance for the wel- fare of our citizens. Such an important factor in the daily life of every individual should be delivered to them in the highest degree of purity possible. To effect this most desirable result a large amount of labor has already been performed in improving the watersheds and cleaning out the beds of the ponds. "It is desirable to still further continue our work in another direction. For some time particular attention has been given to the purification of surface water supplies by filtration. The most comprehensive studies of the results to be gained by filtration have been obtained by the State Board of Health during the last ten years at their experi- ment station at Lawrence. " The value of their experiments may be deduced from the fact that an experimental filter so located as to make it 82 comparable with a large filter of a city supply system has given an average bacterial efficiency of 99.70 per cent, while under continuous operation one year. " The improvement made in the purity of a water supply by filtration is more plainly shown by the effect upon the health of the people of Lawrence from the filter built under the advice of the State Board of Health, and first put in operation September 20, 1893. "To still further improve the quality, we recommend the filtration through sand, as recommended by the State Board of Health for Lawrence.” Three years later in 1901, legislative authority was ob- tained by the city to "establish filtration beds for the filtra- tion of its present water supply or any additional water sup- p ] y-” Early in 1906, Mr. Allen Hazen, civil engineer, made a report to the Mayor of the city recommending the puri- fication of the present sources of supply by some form of filtration. Later in the same year, the engineer of the State Board of Health and the city engineer of Lynn after a thorough investigation of the sources of supply, and the possibilities of increasing and improving the supply, recommended the filtration of the present sources by slow sand filtration. It is undoubtedly a fact that whatever plan is adopted to meet the present requirements, the city of Lynn will be obliged eventually to filter its water supply in accordance with the recommendation of the water board made nine years ago, and the advice of the other experts who have studied the subject. In this respect the city is in no differ- 83 ent position from that of other cities supplied from streams and ponds, and especially those cities where the sources are located near a large center of population. By filtration the water of the present sources can be made absolutely safe, and in no other way can this be be done ; neither is there any other w£y to prevent the troubles occurring from the growth of organisms in the water. There are two methods of filtration which might be adopted ; the first known as slow sand filtration ; and the second as mechanical filtration. Slow sand filtration con- sists in passing the water through a bed of sand at a suffi- ciently low rate to permit of the changing over of the organic matter into inorganic matter. This is practically the process which we see in nature when water passes from the surface of the ground into the soil and appears again in the form of springs or is drawn from wells. By such filtration all disease germs are removed from the water, the microscopical organisms are removed together with all taste and odor caused by them, so that the result- ing water is absolutely safe, from a sanitary standpoint, and is clear and free from any other objectionable quali- ties, except that it still retains some color. It is possible to apply chemicals to the water before filtration, by which practically all of the coloring matter will be coagulated. The water can then be passed through a settling tank to remove a portion of the coagu- lated sediment and then passed through filters, the result- ing water being clear, tasteless, odorless, and practically colorless, comparable with the best spring water. 8 4 Mechanical filtration requires the use of such coagulants. The coagulant generally used is alum and if there is sufficient lime naturally present in the water, no other chemical is necessary ; but in some cases it is necessary to add lime or soda ash in addition to the alum. The alum is applied to the water in quantities varying with different waters, but in general it amounts to about one grain of alum per gallon of water filtered, or roughly speaking, for the purification of the Lynn water about 809 pounds of alum per day would be required. After the coagulant is applied the water is passed through settling tanks, where a large proportion of the precipitated material is settled out and the water is then passed through small filters at a rate of from 100,000,000 to 125,000,000 gallons per acre per day. The filters do not act, properly speaking, as filters, but rather as strainers for straining out the material which has been coagulated, and the removal of bacteria is accomplished by mechanical action rather than any chemical change. Mechanical filters are cleaned by a mechanical arrange- ment. When it becomes necessary to clean them, which with some waters may be several times a day, the current of water is reversed, the filtered water coming up through the sand from the bottom and at the same time the sand is agitated either by revolving arms, or in the more modern filters by means of compressed air introduced at the bottom of the filter. This thoroughly washes the sand grains and the dirty water is carried off from the top of the sand, after which the filter is ready for another application of water. 85 Both of these systems of filtration are in common use and both give good results, mechanical filtration being preferred where waters are likely to contain clay which cannot be satisfactorily removed without coagulation. The first cost of construction of mechanical filters is much less than the cost of slow sand filters, but on the other hand the operating expenses of the mechanical filter plant are much greater than the operating expenses of slow sand filtration. One great advantage of slow sand filtra- tion is that it requires less attention than a mechanical fil- ter plant and the results of inattention or unskilled atten- tion are much less serious. In the operation of the mechanical filter plant there are always possibilities of neglect or of carelessness on the part of the attendants which will result in unpurified or partially purified water. With the slow sand filters such chances are very remote. For the city of Lynn I would unhesitatingly recommend slow sand filters in preference to mechanical filters. The coloring matter present in the water is of such a character that it would not be entirely removed by ordinary slow sand filtration, and in order to get a complete removal of the color some coagulant must be used. With the ordi- nary rates of filtration, the color of the filtered water is from two-thirds to three-fourths as great as the color of the water applied to the filter, the color removed depending to some extent upon the condition of the water in other respects. By reducing the rate of filtration the color removal is greatly increased. The color is more effectively removed from water which has undergone fermentation in an uncleaned reservoir for some time than it is from water 86 in a flowing stream ; so that the color removal from the Lynn ponds would probably be considerably greater than it would in the case of the filtration of the water taken from a river. Experiments have been made by the State Board of Health upon the filtration of the Lynn water and the experimental results indicate that a slow sand filter operated at about the usual rate will remove on an average at least one-third of the color. The color of the water will increase with the increased use of water from the Saugus or Ipswich rivers, which are highly colored sources of supply, and it may be desirable to remove the color from a portion of this water, or possibly to decolorize the entire supply at some time in the future, but this can be done when the necessity arises. With filtration of the present sources, if the sources are operated to the best advantage ; that is, if the Saugus river water is stored for as long a time as possible before being used, a water will be obtained which is at all times much better than the best water now supplied to the city. The water would compare favorably in all respects with the water supply of any of the cities in eastern Massachusetts sup- plied from surface water sources, and would be free from the tastes and colors to which every such water is subject at times if unfiltered. Very careful investigations were made by the engineer of the State Board of Health and the city engineer of Lynn with reference to the best location of filters. Further investigations which have been made fail to reveal any better site than that selected by them. The site selected 8 7 tor the filter-plant is at the city poor farm, where filters can be built upon land not now occupied, at such an ele- vation that the raw water can be drawn to them by gravity from the various ponds and the filtered water can be delivered by gravity to the present Walnut street pumping station. The location of the filters upon the poor farm land would not be objectionable, since they would be cov- ered with earth and grassed over and would not be in any way unsightly or interfere with the development of adjac- ent property. The water can be filtered satisfactorily by slow sand filtration at rates of from 2,500,000 gallons per day and upwards, depending upon the character of the water filtered. The water drawn from the Lynn reservoirs after having the benefit of long storage can be filtered at a much more rapid rate than river water containing a large amount of sediment, or which is highly polluted. There will probably be times when the organic matter present in the water drawn from the reservoirs is increased ♦ by the abundant growths of organisms that a fairly low rate would be necessary, but it would seem to be perfectly safe to count on filtering the water at rates of at least 3.000. 000 to 4,000,000 gallons per acre per day, and it is possible that in the operation of the filter satisfactory results might be obtained at much higher rates. For the requirements of the city for a reasonable time in the future, three acres of filters should be sufficient and this plant when it is all in use will surely filter from 9,000,000 to 12.000. 000 gallons per day. An estimate has been made of the cost of six one-half 88 acre filter-beds, so designed that additional filtering area can be readily added if it should be found necessary. The filters would consist of four feet in depth of suitable sand, contained in masonry structures and covered with concrete roofs. The filtered water would be collected in a covered masonry clear water reservoir located near the filters from which it would flow to the pumping station by gravity, the function of the clear water reservoir being simply to equal- ize the flow. The piping necessary to bring the water to the filters and to convey it from the filters to the pumping station would consist of a 36-inch pipe connecting with the present pipes leading from Birch pond to the pumping station and a 36-inch pipe from the clear water reservoir to the Wal- den pond pumping station. The present distributing reservoir into which the water is pumped is an open basin holding 20,000,000 gallons or between three and four days’ supply. By filtration, the organic matter is changed over to min- eral matter and this mineral matter furnishes food for organisms. Organisms, therefore, grow more rapidly in filtered water than in unfiltered water. The organisms do not grow in the water, however, if it is not exposed to the light. For this reason it is possible that it may be found desirable at some time to separate a portion of the reser- voir so that the water will not be stored for so long a time, reserving the water in the remaining portion of the reser- voir for use in emergencies ; or it may possibly be found desirable to cover a portion of the reservoir in order to 8 9 keep the water from exposure to the light before it is deliv- ered to the consumers. It is likely, however, that this will not be necessary. There are numerous cases where filtered water is exposed to the light in such reservoirs without any marked deterioration in its quality, and it is my opinion that such will be the case in Lynn. It is probable that it may at some time be desirable to relocate the distributing reservoir, constructing it at a higher elevation in order to give greater pressure in the city. When this is done, it will be wise in any case to build a covered reservoir, but until that time comes it is not likely that the reservoir will need reconstruction. Should the filters be constructed at the present time, all of the sources of supply would be continued as at present. The only work which it would be necessary to do in addi- tion to the construction of the filters, the clear water-basin and the necessary connections with them, would be to drain the swamps on the watersheds of the ponds, in order to reduce so far as possible the color of the water before it is applied to the filters ; and for the same reason it is desir- able to install a pumping plant at Montrose to lift the water from the Saugus river into the canal, and thus obviate the necessity of flooding the vast areas of swamp above the canal each time that the water from the Saugus river is taken into the system. The cost of the work necessary to be done in connection with the construction of the filters would be approximately as follows : 9 ° Six i -2 -acre filter beds complete with all connections, regulating apparatus, etc., Clear water basin .... 36-inch C. I. main to filters . 36-inch concrete main to pumping station, $177,662 16,897 23,490 20,400 Drainage of swamps .... Pumping plant at Saugus river $ 2 3 8 >449 7,000 6,000 Engineering inspection and contingencies 15 per cent. ..... $ 2 5 I >449 37 . 7 2 7 Land damages ..... $289, l66 10,000 Total ...... $299,166 By the purification of the water of the present sources by slow sand filtration a water will be obtained which will at all times be clear, tasteless and odorless, and will be an excellent water for drinking and other domestic uses, hav- ing all of the good qualities of the present supply with the objectionable features removed. The water will still have some color but by the drainage of the swamps upon the watersheds the color of the water applied to the filters will be much less than the color of the water at present supplied to the city, and by filtration about one-third of this color will be removed. As a result, the color of the water fur- nished to the city will be hardly noticeable in an ordinary glass. The color will increase, however, as it becomes necessary to use a larger proportion of water from the Saugus river. 9 1 The quantity of water which can be obtained from the present sources in a very dry season will probably be sufficient to supply the city until about the year 1922. If the town of Wakefield should exercise its right to take water from Lake Quannapowitt, the time would be shortened somewhat, but even should all of the water be taken from this source, which seems unlikely, the present sources would last until at least the year 1919. Should the water be filtered, the future supply will undoubtedly come from the Ipswich river, and plans have been made of various schemes for taking water from this source when it shall become necessary. The water of the Ipswich river is more highly colored than the water of the Saugus river, so that when this source is taken, unless some method of decolorizing is adopted, the filtered water is likely to be quite highly colored. It will probably be found desirable whenever the water of this source is taken to remove some of the color before it is discharged into the present sources, or to decolorize the entire supply. The best place at which to take the water of the Ipswich river in connection with the present sources is in the vicin- ity of the mouth of Will’s brook, a short distance above the paper-mill. At this point the stream has a large watershed, and the stream is only a short distance from the edge of the watershed of the Saugus river. The water from this source can be pumped into the watershed of Beaver dam brook, from which it will flow naturally to the present intake at Montrose, or it could be pumped into the watershed of Pillings pond, from which it could be con- 9 2 veyed by gravity into either Hawkes pond or Walden pond, thus obviating the necessity of pumping from the Saugus river into the canal ; or the water from the Ipswich river can be pumped directly into Walden pond at a considera- bly greater first cost that in the case of either of the other schemes, but saving the necessity of pumping water at the present Walden pond pumping station. When the water of the Ipswich river is pumped into the present sources, it would be possible to construct open sand filters at a small expense, upon which the water could be discharged before entering the present sources, and a por- tion of the color removed from the water by the application of chemicals. It is certain that the water from the Ipswich river can be much improved before it is discharged into the present sources, but the determination of the best method of doing this may reasonably be left until the necessity for it arises, since, what seems now to be the most satisfactory method, may fifteen years hence seem less desirable. Supply from rietropolitan District. Of the possible new or additional sources of supply there seem to be but two which are feasible, the Metro- politan Water Supply and the Ipswich river. The Metropolitan Water District was formed by Chapter 488 of the Acts of the year 1895. It was the intention of the framers of this act to include Lynn in the district, but this was successfully opposed by the authorities of the city of Lynn, so that the city was not included. The district has constructed works sufficient for several years in the 93 future, and has paid the cost of maintenance and a portion of the amount necessary to pay the bonded indebtedness has been assessed upon the cities and towns in the district. If it could be shown to be for the best interests of the city of Lynn to enter the Metropolitan district at the present time, this could undoubtedly be accomplished, but it would certainly be required that the city should pay upon entering the district at least its share of the amount already paid in to the sinking fund in the past, as well as assume its share of future payments. If the city of Lynn had entered the Metropolitan district and had paid a portion of its assessment each year, but be- ing still supplied from its own works, as in the case of the city of Newton, its aggregate annual assessments would now have amounted to over $80,000.00. It is certain that in justice to other portions of the district, the city would be compelled to pay this amount for the privilege of entering the district at the present time. The distributing pipes of the Metropolitan system have not been constructed with a view to supplying Lynn and it would be necessary should Lynn be supplied from these works, to construct a pipe line from the Fells reservoir into into the city at a cost estimated in 1894 to be $300,000.00, but if built now the cost would probably be greater than this. The annual assessment, if the city should take all of its water supply from the district would now be in the vicinity of $80,000 per year. This would make the total cost of entering the district in the vicinity of $400,000 and the annual assessment $80,000. 94 To offset this in part, it would be unnecessary to use the present pumping station, and the maintenance of the present reservoirs would also be unnecessary. This would mean a saving of perhaps $20,000 per year, making the annual cost about $60,000 per year. This is very much in excess of the cost of obtaining an ample supply of water for the future requirements from other sources and of filter- ing the entire supply ; and the quality of water supplied by the Metropolitan district would be inferior to that obtained from the Lynn sources after suitable filtration. The Metropolitan supply, unless the consumption of the water in the district is cut down, will not be sufficient for the needs of the district for more than a few years in the future, and the addition of Lynn to the district would shorten the time during which the present sources will sup- ply the rapidly increasing population. When an additional supply becomes necessary, the annual payments will prob- ably be increased considerably. It has been suggested that the Metropolitan District might take the present reservoirs of the city of Lynn and use them, making a payment to the city for the same, as in the case of the taking of Spot pond. This does not seem to be probable in view of the fact that the water fur- nished by the Lynn reservoirs without filtration is of quite inferior quality as compared with that of the Metropolitan supply. The reservoirs would appear to be of no use to the district, except for the supply of Lynn and possibly Swampscott and Nahant, and the district would have to maintain another pumping station to supply these places from the ponds. 95 Had the city entered the Metropolitan district at the time that the district was formed, it is possible that this might have been the best and most satisfactory solution of the water problem. At that time, the Hawkes pond reservoir had not been constructed and the Walden pond dam had not been raised. These structures cost, together with the pumping plant at Walden pond about $700,000 and the city is paying at the present time about $42,000 annually for interest on the cost of the works and as a contribution to the sinking fund to retire the bonds. This amount, in addi- tion to the cost of maintenance, would now be saved had the city entered the Metropolitan district in the beginning. Ipswich River. Authority was granted to the city of Lynn to take water from the Ipswich river by Chapter 508 of the Acts of the Legislature of the year 1901. Section 1 of this Act is in part as follows : "The city of Lynn may for the purpose of providing an additional water supply for itself and its inhabitants, take by purchase, or otherwise, the water of Ipswich river and its tributaries, including Martin’s pond, above the point where said Ipswich river intersects the junction of the boundary line of the towns of Lynnfield, North Reading and Middleton, reserving to the owners of mills on said river their rights as mill owners to use such waters as flow to said mills, and the dams connected therewith, except so far as said city shall from time to time actually divert and use the same for the purposes named in this act ; provided that the city of Lynn shall not take water 9 6 from the Ipswich river except when the daily flow of said river at the paper mill dam in the town of Middletown shall exceed ten million gallons, and then at such times said city may take all of the flow of said river in excess of ten million gallons and no more, and shall only exercise the right to take the waters above mentioned, during the months of December, January, February, March, April and May.” The act also provides that no application for assessment of damages shall be made foi the taking of any water or water rights, or for any injury thereto until the water is actually withdrawn or diverted. It is understood, how- ever, that the city has made certain payments to some of the owners of water rights on the river in Ipswich. The Ipswich river watershed is contiguous to the water- shed of the Saugus river. At the lowest point where water can be taken under the act above cited, the river has a watershed of about 45 square miles. The watershed con- tains the villages of Wilmington and North Reading, besides a large scattered population. The total population on the watershed is estimated to be 3,900, or about 87 per- sons per square mile. Near the head waters of the river in the town of Wilmington there is a tannery which now discharges a large quantity of very foul wastes directly into the stream. The principal tributary of the river is Martin’s brook, which enters the main stream 3.5 miles above the point where water may be taken. This brook has a watershed of 12.4 square miles which contains a population of 565 or 45 persons per square mile. Martin’s pond is located on 91 this branch and on its shores are about twenty summer cottages, the occupants of which are included in the above figures. There are no serious sources of pollution on Martin’s brook, except what may come from the use of these summer cottages and the use of the pond for pleasure purposes, and the water from this branch could be made safe to use for domestic purposes by removing the cottages around the pond, and by proper regulation of the water- shed. On the main stream above Martin’s brook there is a population of 2,530, or about 104 persons per square mile, and the tannery is also in this portion of the watershed. The river is bordered throughout a large portion of its course by extensive swamps, and Martin’s brook has even more extensive swamps than the main river. The water is highly colored and contains a large quantity of organic matter due to its contact with the vegetable matter in the swamps. The river has but little fall through much of its course, so that it would be difficult to drain the swamps. Martin’s pond is a shallow pond, having an area of 90 acres, and a maximum depth of about 6 feet. The bot- tom contains a deep deposit of soft mud. At one time the water in Martin’s pond was at a higher level, and a dyke was constructed to prevent the water flowing back from the pond into the watershed of the Shawshine river. At cer- tain seasons of the year, the pond is practically filled with organisms, and it does not seem feasible to improve its character, except at a great expense. The water furnished by Martin’s brook, while it could be made safe for domestic purposes, is exceedingly high 9 8 colored, and if diverted into the present sources of supply would increase greatly the color of the water furnished to the city. The water of the main stream of the Ipswich river above Martin’s brook would be considerably polluted by sewage, and to use the water from this source it would be necessary either to remove the tannery, or to thoroughly purify the wastes from it, and then to treat the water either by storage or filtration, as in the case of the water from the Saugus river. The same is true if the water should be taken from the main stream at a point above the paper mill. It is evident, therefore, that there is but little advantage, from a sanitary point of view, in taking the water of the Ipswich river ; and the appearance of the water supplied to the city if taken from this source and possibly also, the taste and odor, would be less desirable than that of the water furnished by the present sources. Analyses of samples collected during the past season from the Ipswich river and its tributaries at different points are given in the accompanying tables ; and for purposes of comparison, analyses collected at practically the same time from Saugus river at Montrose are given. c o — C > £ j= i c/) a Bacteria per c. c. UOJJ . . . 0 P '0 • • • q ssaupjBH Pp ri- 00-4- pauinsuoQ uaSXxQ rO m m vO q tp vo q* |nitrogen AS | .0001 .0001 .0002 .0000 as- 2 § 8 8 8 8 3UUO[ll3 00 m *0*0 10 q\ M - AMMONIA Albuminoid Sus- pend’d .0010 .006S .0064 .0184 Dis- solved Tt- 00 Tt* O On 00 M N 0 * K-. N M q q q q Total S' VO 00 '*■ a x <8 a 00 00 Free 00 00 vo n- S* 3- S- 'S 00 q q RESIDUE ON EVAPORATION uoptu -Sj uo ssop[ uo 0 10 0 ip vq q q- po m pi ro IBtox uo 0 00 pp O q q- vo to l> vo ODOR Hot decid’ly veg. and earthy distinct, veg. and unpl. decid’ly unpl. and oily uroglena distinct, veg. and f. unpl. Cold distinct, veg. and earthy distinct, veg. and unpl. distinct, unpl. and oily uroglena distinct, veg. and f. unpl. APPEARANCE Color O vo VO XT) IO H Sed- iment slight cons. cons. v. slight •p 3 — H v. slight v. slight v. slight v. slight Date of Collec- tion 1907 July 9 Aug. 29 Sept. 17 Nov. 5 jaquinu 0 w vo Qv 1 & 5 | 58 £• S S Martin’s Brook. Bacteria per c. c. : : j 8 • uoji .0200 ssaupxeii 1.0 2.10 1.6 2.1 1-7 pauinsuoQ u sSAxq w m vo q\ tri \q up xip NITROGEN AS I 1 ? i ! o o o o o sapuiiN .0010 .0090 .0060 .0020 .0010 auiaomo | <8 <»«?'? 00 # rO *-• m AMMONIA Albuminoid. Sus- pend’d $ § S ^ 'S 8 8 8 8 8 Dis- solved \Q M 00 tJ- VO o\ 0 n 00 n M M M t- g 0 0 0 q q Total O c* vO 00 n n" to S' § « q q q q q Free O N O CO S’ 8 5 $ 5 0 0 q q q RESIDUE ON EVAPORATION uopxu -Si uo ssot; K i? !? • 8 3 « d d -j- tn m° X ro m’ <0 O' \o ODOR Hot distinct, veg. and musty distinct, veg. and musty distinct, veg. and f. unpl. decided, musty and unpl. distinct, veg. and f. unpl. Cold faintly veg. and musty distinct, veg. and musty distinct, veg. and f. unpl. distinct. musty and unpl. distinct, veg. and f. unpl. APPEARANCE Color 1. 00 •S 2 .60 1.2S 1.30 Sedi- ment slight v. slight cons. v. slight v. slight Turbid- ity v. slight v. slight v. slight v. slight none Date of Collec- tion 1907 July 9 Aug. 29 Sept. 17 Oct. 30 Nov. 5 aaquin^ Stiff $ £■ S 8 8 fs o o 1— ca B u c Bacteria per c. c. : : : : s i uoji .0120 ss 3 up«H o o o ro <-< pauinsuo3 udSAxQ VO ~ vo 00 00 vo On >h rO MD t*- xo NITROGEN AS saiHUN §§§§§§ o o o o o o SOJBJ^XK o ° o o o o § 8 8 8 8 8 aui-iopiQ o VO <-o 00 00 N N ro rO fO fO AMMONIA Albuminoid Sus- pend’d o n oo n o o M N CO N 8 8 8 8 8 8 i > flo 75 vO e* OO N N On O 5 " q q S 8 8 8 Total j ^ V? g. & £ o q 8 8 8 O Free 1 .0020 .0060 .0028 .0036 .OO 36 .OO 36 RESIDUE ON EVAPORATION uopiu -Si' iio ssot; 10 O VO VO VO •-< q C\ c* fo ci fO *H N* rO fO I^ox 8 i? 0 ? <8 R 3 tJ- VO fO V) 'O ODOR Hot decidedly veg. and musty distinct, veg. and unpl. distinct, veg. and earthy distinct, veg. and earthy distinct, veg. and earthy distinct, veg. and f. unpl. Cold distinct, veg. and musty faintly veg. and unpl. faintly veg. and earthy faintly veg. and earthy faintly veg. and earthy distinct. veg. APPEARANCE Color >00 10 v? 00 0 ON uo vq rr> Sedi- ment slight v. slight cons. slight v. slight v. slight Turbid- ity v. slight none v. slight v. slight none v. slight Date of Collec- tion I 9°7 July 9 July 29 Aug. 29 Sept. 17 Oct. 30 Nov. 5 aaquin^ 00 CO ~ Th VQ H« VO Tt" GO N CO ~ r- ~ • 0 0 O on S <8* S* 8 S 8 1 T3 C O CL £ +3 s- G Bacteria Per c. c. 8 cO UOJJ .0120 ssaupjBH 00 M O 00 d « m d p9umsuo3 uaSXxQ ON VO ^ VO Tt" CO CJ NITROGEN AS | sgjixiJN § § 8 § q q q q S9}KJ}Ifq .0020 .0000 .0020 .0010 3UUOIIIO c* M 00 VO CO CO AMMONIA Albuminoid Sus- pend’d VO 00 rh (SI S* ^ 8 J? q 0 q q Dis- solved t 2 58 vS q o 5 q q Total O O N N 00 vO On ro co rh CO OOOO Free .0036 .0116 .0048 .0064 RESIDUE ON EVAPORATION UOI}IU -Sj uo ssot; O 0 to O Tj- W 00 '<*- M* N CO TOOj. 10 O VO l/} vo up q n tJ- Tt- tr) so ODOR Hot distinct, veg. and f. earthy distinct, veg. and unpl. distinct, veg. and f. musty distinct, veg. and f. unpl. Cold distinct veg. and f. earthy faintly veg. f. unpl. faintly veg. distinct, veg. and f. unpl. APPEARANCE Color VO Tj- VO vo 00 vo q q Sed- iment v. slight slight cons. slight Turbid- ity slight slight decided v. slight Date of Collec- tion 1907 Aug. 29 Sept. 17 Oct. 30. Nov. 5 jgqumjq 00 N <» 2 O \Q C/D S 58 8 8 Skug River at Entrance to flartin’s Pond. Bacteria per c. c. uojj .0120 ssaupjBH « m o pauinsuo3 uaSXxo O N Os O N r-r> Tj- ro NITROGEN AS .0001 .0001 .0001 .oooo .OOIO .0010 .0010 .OOIO 3UUOPO VO VO 00 00 N CO ro ro AMMONIA Albuminoid Sus- pend’d 8 8 <8 'S 8 8 8 8 Dis- solved 'S ? $ s- cO H-t HH c* o o o o Total vO ^ vO O *-* Os o* CO ih *-< N o o o o Free '8 8" *8 8" 8 8 8 8 RESIDUE ON EVAPORATION uopiu •Si uo ssot; O O lO O qv x>» qs ov ci h< ■-«* cJ mox O vo O vo vq ~ q Tt- VO 4- vo vo ODOR Hot distinct, veg. and musty distinct. veg. distinct, veg. and f. unpl. distinct. veg. Cold faintly veg. and musty distinct. veg. faintly veg. distinct. veg. APPEARANCE Color O n VO Tt- CO Tt- q Sedi- ment v. slight slight cons. none Turbid- ity v. slight v. slight v. slight v. slight Date of Collec- tion I 9°7 July 29 Aug. 29 Sept. 17 Nov. 5 jaqumjq OQ N N V? $ c c» Saugus River at Montrose. [parts per 100,000] Bacteria per c. c. ' : : : 8 : $ l> H • . . VO UOJJ . . . . O O vo vo " ' * • S o ssaupjpjj n q\ vo 00 q 4* 4- VO CO CO CO poumsuo3 uaSAxQ cO •- 0* *>. N O 00 vo vo 0 ►h 0* | NITROGEN AS N N ^ N HH O 8 8 8 8 8 8 q q q q o q 0 0 0000 § 8 ? 8 8 § aimoino S> \q SB. 08 q\ AMMONIA Albuminoid Sus- pend’d O Th 0 00 00 8 8 f 8 § t Dis- solved VO VO 00 rf N O T*- !>. O HH N H-< N CO CO CO O O OOOO Total O C* CSI Tj- 0 00 !>• hh VO ^ VO C* C* N CO CO CO O O OOOO Free .0046 .0060 .0072 .0020 .0048 .0048 RESIDUE ON EVAPORATION uopiu -Sj uo sso^i O O O VO 0 co tj- rt- ^ vq cO CO CO cO cO co I^ox O VO O O O VO \q q vo go 00 00 06 d\ ^ 00 t>> ODOR Hot decided, veg. and f. musty distinct, veg. and unpl. decided, veg. and musty distinct. veg. distinct. veg. distinct. ve g- Cold distinct. veg. distinct, veg. and unpl. distinct, veg. and musty faintly veg. faintly veg. faintly veg. APPEARANCE Color 00 vo N N O Tt- tj- vo 00 qv qv Sed- iment v. slight slight v. slight slight v. slight v. slight T3 'Jo g 0 H v. slight v. slight v. slight slight none v. slight Date of Collect- tion 1907 July 9 Aug. 26 Sept. 17 Oct. 29 Oct. 29 Nov. 7 •siaquin^j N VO M 3 ^ g. < 55 * § vH" $8 SB S8 The investigations which have been made show very clearly that there is no advantage whatever in taking water from the Ipswich river or from any of its tributaries at the present time, as the water should be purified or decolorized, and the expense of obtaining it would be much greater than the expense of obtaining water from the Saugus river. It is evident, however, that future additions to the supply must come from this stream and the source will be a valuable one for the city, although the water will probably be used only after purification. Various schemes for utilizing the water of the Ipswich river both independently and in connection with the Saugus river or some of its tributaries, have been investigated. The schemes investigated are as follows : Scheme /. Convey the water of the Ipswich river above Martin’s brook to Hawkes pond by gravity. Scheme 2. Pump water from Martin’s brook into the watershed of Beaver dam brook ; thence by gravity to Hawkes pond, intercepting water from Pillings pond. Scheme 3. Pump water from Martin’s brook to the watershed of Pillings pond ; thence by gravity to Hawkes pond. Scheme 4. Pump water from Martin’s brook to Pillings pond; thence by gravity to Walden pond. Scheme 3. Pump water from Martin’s brook to water- shed of Walden pond. io 6 Scheme 6 . Pump water from Ipswich river at Will’s brook to Beaver dam brook watershed ; thence by gravity to Hawkes pond, intercepting the water of Pillings pond. Scheme 7. Pump water from Ipswich river at Will’s brook to the Pillings pond watershed ; thence by gravity to Hawkes pond. Scheme 8 . Pump water from Ipswich river at Will’s brook into the watershed of Pillings pond ; thence by gravity to Walden pond. Scheme p. Pump water from Ipswich river at Will’s brook to Walden pond watershed. Scheme io. Pump water from Martin’s brook into the Saugus river watershed, pumping water from the Saugus river at Montrose as at present. Scheme //. Pump water from Ipswich river at Martin’s brook into the watershed of Saugus river, pumping water from the Saugus river as at present. Scheme 12. Pump water from the Ipswich river at Will’s brook to the Beaver dam brook watershed, taking the water from the Ipswich river as at present. Scheme ij. Pump water from the Ipswich river at Will’s brook to Pillings pond watershed, pumping the water from the Saugus river as at present. Any scheme for using the water of the Ipswich river or its tributaries without filtration involves the drainage of the 107 swamps on the watersheds of the present ponds ; covering or removing the mud on the bottoms of the ponds and the protection of the ponds from pollution in the manner previ- ously described in connection with the development of the present sources. It would also be necessary in order to obtain the best water possible to construct pipe lines so that the water could be drawn by the pumps from any one of the ponds. Any scheme for using the water of this river would also involve payment for the diversion of the water, to the owners of every mill privilege between the point of taking and the sea. In case the water is taken from the main stream, it would be necessary to remove the tannery in Wilmington or to provide for the thorough purification of the wastes discharged therefrom. io8 Scheme 1 . Convey Water from the Ipswich River above Martin's Brook to Hawkes Pond by Gravity. Above Martin’s brook in the vicinity of the Reading water works there was formerly a mill pond, and it has been suggested that a dam might be constructed at this place to raise the water somewhat so that it could be conveyed to Hawkes pond by gravity. The construction of a dam at the point proposed would flood great areas of meadows to a slight depth which would result in water of very objec- tionable quality, so that it would not be feasible to construct anything more than a small intake reservoir at this point. The elevation of the meadows at the pumping station is about grade 74, and it would not be desirable to raise the water much above this elevation. The length of a gravity main from the water works pumping station to Hawkes pond would be about 6.4 miles, and a conduit laid with a fall of five feet in this distance would discharge into Hawkes pond about 11 feet below high water mark, which would practically mean that the conduit could only be used when Hawkes pond is empty. A gravity line would have very deep cuts through a territory where the cost of con- struction would be large, and on portions of the line piles or some sort of timber foundation would probably be required. The estimated cost of such a line is $350,000. The water furnished by this scheme would be of such quality that it would require long storage before it could Lynn Water Works no safely be used and it would be more highly colored than the water of the Saugus river. In order to obtain the stor- age required, it would be necessory to pump water at Walden pond pumping station as fast as it was discharged into Hawkes pond, and when Walden pond was filled, to shut off the water and allow Hawkes pond to fill from its own watershed. This scheme seems to be entirely impracticable both on account of the expense and the poor quality of the water obtained by it. Ill Scheme 2. Pump water from Martinis Brook into the Watershed of Beaver Dam Brook ; thence by Gravity to Hawkes Pond , intercepting Water from Pillings Pond. This scheme is not feasible on account of the difficulty and expense of constructing a suitable gravity line from Beaver dam brook to Hawkes pond. The water of Martin’s brook and of Pillings pond could be made safe to use for domestic purposes without purification ; but the water of Beaver dam brook receives considerable pollution, and if this source should be used without purification it would be necessary to provide for the removal of the sewage from the village of Lynnfield center. 1 1 2 Scheme 3. Pumf Water from Martin's Brook to the If at er shed of Pillings Pond ; thence by gravity to Hawkes Pond . By this scheme a water could be secured which would be safe to use without purification. The water of Martin’s brook, however, is very highly colored, and the effect of introducing this water without decolorization would be to increase the color in the water supplied to the city. It might be possible, however, to decolorize the water by filtration through open sand filter beds before it is dis- charged into Pillings pond, and in this way secure water of very good quality. The expense of taking water from Martin’s brook in this way, including the cost of the work necessary to be done on the present sources, would be in the vicinity of $375,000, and it does not seem necessary or desirable to go to this expense at the present time, since the water from the Saugus river can be used in connection with the water from Pillings pond for many years, furnish- ing a water which will be of as satisfactory quality for domestic purposes as that obtained from Martin’s brook. A sufficient supply could be obtained from Martin’s brook and Pillings pond to supply the city until about the year 1923. Lynn Water Works Scheme 3 Scale Scheme 4. Pumf the water from Martin's Brook to Billings Pond ; thence by gravity to Walden Pond . This scheme has all the advantages of the previous scheme and the additional merit of discharging the highly colored water of Martin’s brook directly into Walden pond, where it would receive the benefit of long storage, which would remove a portion of the color ; furthermore, the Walden, pond pumping station could be abandoned, thus doing away with the second pumping of the water. Were it not for its large cost this scheme would have much merit. It would be necessary if this scheme were used to do all of the work in the improvement of the present sources of supply which was contemplated in connection with pre- vious schemes for using the present sources and Pillings pond without filtration and to construct a 10,000,000 gal- lon pumping plant, a 30-inch force-main 21,650 feet in length and a 30-inch conduit from Pillings pond to Wal- den pond. The cost of this work would be about $210,000. It would also be desirable and possibly neces- sary to remove some of the color of the water of Martin’s brook before discharging it into Pillings pond at a further expense. If the scheme of diverting Pillings pond into Walden pond in connection with the development of the present sources were adopted, the pumping of the water of Mar- tin’s brook into the Pillings pond watershed would be worthy of consideration when an additional supply of water becomes necessary. Lynn Water Works Scheme4 Scale ii 6 Scheme 5. Pumj) the Water of Martin's Brook to Watershed of Walden Pond. This scheme would involve the construction of a force- main 7.4 miles in length and a pumping plant capable of raising the water from Martin’s brook into Walden pond at a cost of about $240,000. The water secured in this way would be the same as that secured by the previous scheme, except that the better water of Pillings pond would not be included, and for this reason it does not appear to have any advantages over Scheme 4. * Lynn Water Works n8 Scheme 6. Pump Water from Ipswich River at Will's Brook to Beaver Dam Brook Watershed ; thence by gravity to Hawkes Pond, intercepting the Water of Pillmgs Pond . This scheme like the others which involve the convey- ing of the water of Beaver dam brook to Hawkes pond by gravity does not appear in any way as desirable as other methods of obtaining the water. Scheme 7. Pum'p the Water from Ifswich River at Will’s Brook to Pillings Pond Watershed ; thence by gravity to Hawkes Pond. The adoption of this scheme is not desirable, since it involves the filling of Hawkes pond with the polluted water of the Ipswich river and the second pumping of the water at the Walden pond pumping station. The period of storage possible in Hawkes and Walden ponds would not be sufficient to insure the complete removal of disease germs from the water. 120 Scheme 8. Pump Water from Ipswich River at Will’s Brook into the Watershed of Pillings pond; thence by gravity to Walden pond. The carrying out of this plan would involve practically the same construction as in the case of Scheme 4, except that the length of force-main required would be 12,500 feet, and the cost of the pumping plant, force-main and gravity line from Pillings pond to Walden pond would be $135,000. By the adoption of this scheme, water would be obtained which would be somewhat similar in character to the water which would be obtained by the scheme pre- viously described in connection with the development of the present sources, except that it would be more highly colored, and a sufficient quantity of water would be obtained to last until 1930 with the present restrictions on the use of the water of the Ipswich river. The total cost of obtaining water in this manner would be about as follows : Intake on Ipswich river . $5,000 Pumping plant 10,000 Force-main 24-in. 12,500 ft. . . 50,000 36-in. conduit, Pillings to Walden . 65,000 Drainage of swamps . 7,000 Improving bottoms of ponds Pipe line from Hawkes pond to Walden 75, ooo pumping station Extension of pipe through tunnel of 39,000 Birch pond . 9 > 5 °° William S JofJHSO* 122 Pipe line around Birch pond . $ 43 > 5 °° Pipe line to Breed’s pond 20,000 Protection from pollution 50,000 Land and water damages 75 ,° 0 ° Engineering inspection and contingencies $449,000 15 per cent. ..... 6 7 > 35 ° Total ...... $ 5 i6 > 35 ° This scheme does not seem to have sufficient advantages over the scheme previously outlined for using the Saugus river to warrant the extra expenditure, but it seems likely that the future development of the supply may be along these lines. It would be possible in connection with this scheme to provide for the partial purification of the water of the Ipswich river before it is discharged into Pillings pond. This might be done by the construction of open sand-filter beds, similar to those used for the purification of sewage, at a comparatively small expense. Such filter- beds would remove a large part of the color from the water and would improve its character in other respects. Lynn water Works 124 Scheme 9. Pump Water from Ipswich River at Wills Brook to Walden Pond Watershed. This scheme is substantially the same as the scheme previously outlined, except that Pillings pond which furnishes the best water would be left out. Such a scheme would cost about $170,000, and seems at the present time to have no great advantage over the scheme of pumping water into Pillings pond watershed. It is possible, how- ever, that if the Ipswich river is not used for several years, it may at that time be more desirable to pump the water of the Ipswich river directly into the Walden pond watershed rather than to take the water of Pillings pond. Schemes 10, 11, 12 and 13. These schemes all involve the use of the Saugus river substantially as at present. The Saugus river in connec- tion with the ponds will probably be sufficient to supply the city for about 15 years. At the end of that time the con- ditions on the Saugus river watershed may have changed to such an extent that it may be desirable to eliminate the Saugus from the supply ; so that it has not been considered desirable at the present time to make detailed investigations of these various schemes, further than to show that either one is perfectly feasible and at a reasonable expense. There appears now to be no advantage in pumping water from Martin’s brook or from the Ipswich river in the 125 vicinity of Martin’s brook rather than to pump water from the river at Will’s brook, and the cost of the latter scheme would be considerably less than the cost of pumping the water from the vicinity of Martin’s brook. Conclusions in Regard to the Ipswich River. Should the water of the Ipswich river be taken at the present time, the best method of securing it would be to pump from the river in the vicinity of Will’s brook, dis- charging into the Pillings pond watershed. From Pillings pond the water would be carried by gravity into Walden pond. The cost of such a scheme, including the improvement of the present ponds and their watersheds, and including an estimate of the damages for the diversion of water from the Ipswich river and from Pillings pond, and the cost of removing the tannery wastes and other sources of pollution, would be $424,000. The damages for the diversion of water are likely to be large. The water obtained in this way would not be of as satis- factory quality as the water obtained by the development of the present sources, with the use of Pillings pond in the manner previously outlined. 126 Summary. SUPPLY FROM METROPOLITAN DISTRICT. If it could be shown to be for the best interests for the city of Lynn to enter the Metropolitan district at the pres- ent time, this could undoubtedly be accomplished. Should Lynn be supplied from these works it would be necessary to construct a pipe line from Malden into the city at an estimated cost of more than $300,000. If the city of Lynn had entered the Metropolitan dis- trict in the beginning and had paid a portion of the assess- ment each year, being supplied from its own works, as in the case of the city of Newton and the town of Hyde Park, its aggregate assessments would now have amounted to over $80,000. It is certain that in justice to other por- tions of the district, the city would be compelled to pay this amount for the privilege of entering the district at the present time. The annual assessment,' if the city should take its entire supply from the district, would now be in the vicinity of $80,000 per year. To offset this in part, it would be unnecessary to main- tain the present reservoirs and pumping station, which would mean a saving of perhaps $20,000 per year, making the annual cost about $60,000 per year greater than the cost of maintaining the present works. This is very much in excess of the cost of obtaining an ample supply from any of the other sources investigated, and of filtering the entire supply, while the quality of the water supplied by the Metropolitan works would be inferior to that obtained from the Lynn sources after suitable filtration. * 127 Ipswich River and Martin’s Brook. Authority was granted to the city of Lynn in 1901 to take a portion of the water of the Ipswich river. At the point where water can be taken under this act, the river has a watershed of about 45 square miles. The water- shed contains a population of about 4,000, including the villages of Wilmington and North Reading. Near the head waters of the river in the town of Wilmington there is a tannery which discharges large quantities of foul wastes directly into the stream. The principal tributary of the river is Martin’s brook, which enters it about 3.5 miles above the lowest point where water may be taken. The brook has a watershed of 12.4 square miles, which contains a small and scattered population. The main portion of the Ipswich river would not furnish water which could be used without purification in some way and in this respect it is not materially differ- ent from the Saugus river. The water of Martin’s brook could be kept free from pollution at a reasonable expense. The color of the water of the Ipswich river is higher than the color of the water of the Saugus river ; and the water of Martin’s brook is even higher colored than the water of the main stream, so that without decolorization in some way the water of either stream would be of very unsatisfactory quality. Investigations which have been made show that to con- vey water from Martin’s brook into the present ponds either by gravity or by pumping would be a very expen- sive undertaking and the result would not be satisfactory. 128 To get the water from the main stream of the Ipswich river to the present ponds would be less expensive than to take the water from Martin’s brook ; but in this case, as well as in the case of the use of the Saugus river, the water would have to be purified before it could be used. Without purification, the Ipswich river would not furnish water of satisfactory quality. With purification the Sau- gus river would be likely to furnish more satisfactory water than the Ipswich river, and at a much less cost. Beaver Dam Brook and Pillings Pond. The possibility of‘ using these two tributaries of the Sau- gus river has been investigated. Beaver dam brook fur- nishes water of little better quality than the water of Sau- gus river, and the expense of securing water from this stream would be large in comparison with the quantity which would be obtained. Pillings pond, the other tribu- tary, could be made to furnish water of much better quality than any of the present sources of supply, and it is possible to get the water into the ponds by gravity at asmall expense. The yield of Pillings pond, together with the ponds which constitute the present sources of supply, would in a very dry year be no greater than the present consumption of water in the city. It would still be necessary, therefore, if Pillings pond should be used, to use the water of the Saugus river at times. Lynn Water Works Scheme A Scale William S Johnson 130 Improvement of the Present Sources Without Filtration. Scheme A. The ponds which constitute the present sources of sup- ply can be improved so as to furnish water which will be of fair quality, and as safe as any surface water source in the midst of a large population can be. In order to accom- plish this without filtration, it would be necessary to drain thoroughly the principal swamps upon the watersheds, remove or cover with gravel so far as possible the mud and other organic matter upon the bottom of the ponds, construct sewers and drains to remove the sewage and street wash from the most thickly settled portions of the watersheds ; construct water-tight vaults where vaults are necessarily situated within a short distance of any stream, purchase land where the most dangerous sources of pollution exist, and maintain a constant and thorough inspection of the ponds and their watersheds by capable and trustworthy men. Pipe-lines should also be constructed so that the water can be drawn from any one of the ponds in sufficient quantity to supply the pumps. The water of the Saugus river cannot be made of satis- factory quality, except by filtration or storage, although its quality can be much improved by ditching the swamps, preventing the direct discharge of sewage into it, and by the sanitary control of the watershed. If the water can be stored in a reservoir for a sufficient time before being used, it could be made perfectly safe for domestic purposes, and at the same time a portion of the color would be removed. Studies have been made of the possibility of providing for the storage of Saugus river water in Walden pond for a sufficient time to insure the destruction of all disease germs, but the supply from the other sources is so limited that without some supplementary supply the period of storage during a dry season would be too short for this purpose. With Pillings pond added to the present ponds, enough water would be available during any year of average rain- fall to supply the present requirements of the city without the use of any water whatever from the Saugus river. During a very dry year it would be necessary to pump a small quantity from the Saugus river, the quantity increas- ing each year with the increased use of water in the city. Plans have been made, therefore, for utilizing the water of Pillings pond in connection with the present sources, as follows : Construct a small intake basin on the Saugus river at a point below the present canal in such a manner that the water will not flood the meadows ; erect a 10,000,000- gallon centrifugal pumping plant, electrically operated ; lay an 3 8-inch force-main on Lowell street to a point where it would intercept a gravity main from Pillings pond to Walden pond. The main from Pillings pond to Walden pond would be constructed of concrete 36 inches in diame- ter. At the point where this main crosses Hawkes brook, gates and a blow-off would be provided, so that the water of Pillings pond could be discharged into Hawkes brook when desirable. The 36-inch pipe from Pillings pond would carry more water than the pond would yield, but this size is recommended, since if this scheme is adopted i3 2 the extension of the supply will be by pumping the water of the Ipswich river from the vicinity of the paper mill into the Pillings pond watershed, which can be done at a comparatively small expense. The adoption of this plan, together with the improve- ments of the ponds and their watersheds will give the city a water which will be safe as it is possible to secure from surface water sources situated near a large population. The water will be highly colored, though not so much so as at present. It will have a vegetable taste and odor and will be subject to occasional growths of organisms which will make it offensive, but the troubles in this respect will be much less frequent than at present. The following is an estimate *of the cost of construction : Drainage of swamps ...... Improvement of bottom of ponds .... Pipe line from Hawkes pond to Walden pond pumping station ...... Extension of pipe through tunnel above Birch pond . Pipe line around Birch pond ..... Pine line to Breed’s pond ..... Intake basin on Saugus river ..... Pumping plant including station .... Gravity main from Pillings pond to Walden pond . Force-main from Saugus river to connect with above gravity main ....... Protection from pollution ..... Land and water damages ..... $7,000 75,00° 39,000 9>5°° 43>5°° 20,000 5 , 00 ° 6,ooo 65.000 18.000 20.000 25.000 Total $333,000 Engineering ‘inspection and contingencies, 15 per cent 49>95° Total $382,95° i33 Improvement of Present Sources by Filtration. Scheme B. By filtration, the water of the present sources can be made of perfectly satisfactory quality ; and it is undoubt- edly a fact that in common with other cities supplied from surface sources located near a large population, the city of Lynn will find it necessary eventually to filter its water sup- ply whatever plan is adopted to meet the present require- ments. There are two methods of filtration which might be adopted ; the first known as slow sand filtration, which con- sists in passing water through a bed of sand at a rate of from 2,500,000 to 5,000,000 gallons per acre per day. The second known as mechanical filtration, which requires the use of chemicals and sedimentation, after which the water is passed through small filters at a rate of from 100- 000,000 to 125,000,000 gallons per acre per day. Both of these systems of filtration are in common use and both give good results ; but, for the city of Lynn I would unhesitatingly recommend slow sand filters in preference to mechanical filters. By slow sand filtration, all tastes and odors would be removed from the water, and water would be supplied which would be clear, odorless, and in every respect of satisfac- tory quality, except that some of the color would still remain. The use of a coagulant and settling basin before filtra- tion would insure a practically, colorless water ; but with slow filtration alone, after improving the watersheds of the I 34 ponds by the drainage of the swamps, a water would be furnished which would have a color very much less at all times than the color of the best water supplied to the city under the present conditions. The most favorable site for the filters is on the poor farm, where there is unoccupied land at such an elevation that the water can be conveyed to it from the ponds by gravity, and the filtered water can be conveyed to the Walnut street pumping station by gravity. This is the site selected by the engineer of the State Board of Health and the city engineer of Lynn, as a result of the investi- gations made by them in 1906. Plans in sufficient detail for reliable estimates have been made for a purification plant consisting of six and one-half acre filter beds enclosed in masonry structures, the roofs to be groined arches supported by concrete piers, the fil- tering material to consist of four feet of sand. The filtered water would be collected in a covered masonry reservoir located near the filters, from which it would flow to the pumping station by gravity. The piping necessary to bring the water to the filters and to convey it from the filters to the pumping station would consist of a 36-inch pipe connecting with the pres- ent pipes leading from Birch pond to the pumping station, and a 36-inch pipe from the clear-water reservoir to the Walnut street pumping station. Careful estimates have been made of the cost of con- structing the filters, and it appears that the six filter-beds having a combined area of three acres, together with the clear-water reservoir and all necessary piping, would cost Lynn Water Works Scheme B Scale 136 $275>ooo. Should the water of the present sources be filtered, it would be desirable to drain the swamps upon the watersheds of the present ponds in order to reduce the excessive color of the water entering the ponds. It would be desirable also to provide for obtaining water from the Saugus river without flooding the great area of meadows above the canal as is necessary at present. To do this, an inexpensive pumping plant should be installed at Montrose to raise the water from the river to the canal at times when it is desirable to use this source. This could be done at an expense of about $6,000. The total cost of works for improving the water by filtration would be as follows : Six 1 -2-acre filter beds complete, with all connections, reglating apparatus, etc. . Clear-water basin .... 36-inch C. I. main to filters 36-inch concrete main to pumping station, $177,662 16,897 2 3i49° 20,400 Drainage of swamps .... Pumping plant at Saugus river $ 2 3 8 ,449 7,000 6,000 Engineering inspection and contingencies 15 per cent ...... $ 2 5 1 >449 37 > 7!7 Total ....... Land damages ..... $289,166 10,000 Total ....... $299,166 i37 The distributing reservoir into which the water is pumped is an open basin. When filtered water is exposed to light in such a reservoir, organisms grow more rapidly than in unfiltered water, and there is a possibility that it may be found desirable to separate a portion of this reser- voir so that water will not be stored for so long a time, or to cover a section to keep the water from exposure to light. It is likely, however, that this will be found to be unnec- essary. Future Supply. The development of the present sources by either of the schemes outlined above would provide the city with a suffi- cient supply of water until about the year 1922. If the town of Wakefield should exercise its right to take the water of Lake Quannapowitt, the time would be shortened somewhat. The future supply will evidently come from the Ipswich river, and plans have been made of various schemes for taking water from this river when it shall become necessary. If Scheme A is adopted, the best method of taking water from the Ipswich river will be to pump from above the paper mill into Pillings brook. If Scheme B is decided upon, there are several methods of using the Ipswich river which would be perfectly feasi- ble, and the selection of the particular method may reason- ably be left until the necessity arises. With the Ipswich river added to the present sources, the city will have sufficient water to supply its requirements for many years in the future. i3« Conclusions. The investigations which have been made show clearly that it is for the best interests of the city to improve the present sources of supply rather than to attempt at the present time to obtain water from a new source. By clean- ing up the ponds and their watersheds, taking Pillings pond and constructing pipe lines from the various ponds to the pumping station at a cost of $383,000, water can be obtained, if the watersheds are carefully guarded, which will be practically free from disease germs. The water will, however, be colored, will contain a considerable quantity of organic matter and at times will be objection- able on account of tastes and odors. By the construction of filters, together with the drainage of swamps and the construction of a pumping plant at Montrose at a cost of $299,000, water can be obtained which will have little color, and which will be absolutely clear, tasteless and odorless. The cost of operating the filter plant will be about $6,000 per year, which is practically the interest and the contri- bution to the sinking fund required by the extra cost of Scheme A; so that the annual payment required by the city by the two schemes would be practically the same. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM S. JOHNSON, Civil Engineer. t 0 ^ SiootZ S uraj nfv a J J HUMPHREY'S POND 0£ f* ^_V Ivl ,rl .** _*Jr -_v- <*l -2^J£ PUS LIC y-.r *- VJkS^jFjJi FOREST — V_ y. v. «r_'it-^ -V W-V- V_'K'-V'_'»'_'»'_^ V y_ y_\#'_V_*' ^_\y_ _r3li'_'r_*_iiL y_y v_y_\y_ v _w_y_ _\y _V_ W- # _ '«'_ y_\r. .v _ y _«/ _r_ V> _\!K_ y_ y_ m,_ y _ y_~ tears” *&< ^ ~'Soa.dL Zynnfl’* 1 * ar- V CITY OF LYNN. ••• 1892. -:- Compiled, by EL. Star eft, CE. MAP OF THE Lynn Water System 'SC / AL£_ 5=3 Ora wNoZ Pla te No. /&/ . Pipe /4rea& /8" - 254 22’ 300') 30" - 70 &'°° 6 36’ - / 0/7 30’ - 706 *2 e/4/2 42" « /385~ 43’ “ /scs Qt/AMT/T/tt /4f*f*f*OX/MSir£: /%Me*3 -oar* A 48" fTto/n ia/tf/n cbno/ITenc/t - S’ooo '« Z86fooe ze&e'i & " " " " " " por-f/o/ 7o/7eo/ *• Aooo' mZ/32 oac \2/92.<- C " " " new e ypootmZ/24/ a o H/snc P/ora/jonS mcrnkec/ L. Token by L. o/on cf " O " O we//ey. \Orawnby Cfi&cA er/ i6