H k if '^ («i0* n 3 f S *■•. ' ■;, mm sTONi* '^Jty V ■»''j; LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN ILLINOIS HIS" AL SURVEY -^' eti^c 1851 1926 SOUVENIR OF THE LAYING OF THE CORNERSTONE OF t. iFranna OI!|urrI| Teutopolis, Illinois July 20, 1851 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF IHE VILLAGE OF 0^Ut0|J0ltS AND OF t. iFramis f ansl| BY EUGENE HAGEDORN, O. F. M. Author of **Beitraege zur Geschichte von Teutopolis und Umgegend," etc. 1839 1926 "Local history more than any other, commands the most inter- ested attention for the reason that it is a record of events in which we have a peculiar interest, as many of the participants travelled the rugged and thorny pathway of life as our companions, acquaintances, and relatives.'' — .V. Berry. "History of Effingham County, P. 200. POPE PIUS XL \-MJL/^~'^-v—.^l^ ^^'^^-'=^^V.O-v_^_>00,J^ RT. REV. JAMES A. GRIFFIN, D. D. Bishop of Springfield in Illinois VERY REV. MARTIN STRUB, 0. F. M. Provincial of The Sacred Heart Province Introduction The 20th of July of this year, 1926, mark-; the seventy-fifth anniversary of the laying of the cornerstone of the present church at Teutopolis, — a joyous event, indeed, for the people of the parish. Elaborate preparations were made to cele- brate this event in a becoming manner. As a contribution to this celebration, and also as a lasting memorial of it, the Reverend Pastor, Isidore Fosselmann, 0. F. M., requested the writer to compile a Jubilee Souvenir which was to contain an histori- cal sketch of the pai'ish and town. The following pages are the answer to this request. The writer was able to obtain the necessary information for his sketch not only from BEITRAEGE ZUR GESCHICHTE VON TEUTOPOLIS UND UMGE- GEXD, published on the occasion of the Golden Jubilee on January 2. 3, and 4, 1902, but also from a number of sources which have become available since then; par- ticularly the manuscript REMINISCENCES OF MR. CHARLES EVERSMAN, a well-known citizen of Teutopolis; the files of the EFFINGHAM VOLKSBLATT; and of THE TEUTOPOLIS PRESS. Hence, though it was impossible at this late date to clear up several doubtful points, the writer has been able to present a pretty accurate and complete sketch of the town and parish. It need scarcely be emphasized that truth above all was .sought and that ■"charity towards all, with malice tov/ards none" was the guiding sentiment of the writer in his work. Hence, we hope that the reader will kindly overlook any er- roneous statement that may have crept into the manuscript, and also any over- sight that may have occurred. Lack of time and space are the reasons why some persons or events have been omitted or treated but briefly. The writer would think him.self very ungrateful, if he did not express his heartfelt thanks to all that assisted him in any way in his work. In a particular manner he wishes to thank Mr. Frank Eversman, of Effingham, for the loan of his father's Reminiscences; Very Rev. Roger Middendorf, O. F. M., Chronicler of the Province of the S. Heart of Jesus, Rev. Max. Klotzbucher, O. F. M., Rev. Greg- oire, of St. Francis Xavier Cathedral, Vincennes, Ind., Rev. J. Delaney, of St. Pat- rick's Church, Indiana, Mr. F. P. Kenkel, K. S. G., Director of the Centralstelle, St. Louis, Mo., Rev. Silas Earth, O. F. M., Quincy, 111., Rev. H. H. Regnet, S. J., Librari- an of the St. Louis University, "MrTS. Brumleve, who collected the photos of our sol- dier boys; Mr. Jos. G. Habing, E-Circuit Clerk; IMiss Clara Worman of the "Wor- man Abstract Company," both of Effingham, for copies of the Plat of Teutopolis and other documents; the Uptmor, Hess, Siemer and John Repking families, Messrs. Barney Overbeck, Jo.seph Stallings, Wm. H. Dust, Leo Westendorf, John Mette, Ven. Sr. Ethelberta de Notre Dame, Mis.ses T. Nosbisch and Sylv. Brumleve, Mrs. Mueller, Mr. Hakman, ^Mrs. Chas. Eversman, Mr. John Niehaus. etc. The new en- gravings are the work of Professor P. C. Raymer, Effingham, 111., who has done excellent, the brief time and notwithstanding poor photos and cuts. THE AUTHOR. w DESIGN OF THE PRESENT CHURCH IN 1851 ST. PETER'S CHURCH, TEUTOPOLIS, EFFINGHAM CO., ILL. Rev. Joseph Zoegel, Pastor Width of Church 60 feet, length 110 feet, height of tower 180 feet. PARTI History of the Village of Teutopolis The village of Teutopolis is situated in the township of the same name, in the northeastern part of Effingham County. Its main thoroughfare is the Cumber- land, or Old National Road, traversing the state of Illinois between Terre Haute, In- diana, to St. Louis, ^Missouri. The St. Louis division of the Pennsylvania Railroad also passes through the town. The township of Teutopolis was part of Douglas Township until December 1863, resp. April 1864. According to the HISTORY OF EFFINGHAM COUNTY, pub- lished in 1883, the reasons for the separation were these: "During the late (Civil) war, this township (Teutopolis) had furnished a large number of volunteers for the army, and as the government was making a draft for soldiers, a just credit could not be given for this section unless they were divided from the old Township. Proper steps were taken for a change and a new towniship was created. Another reason for this change was, that this part of the Township had a voting precinct, and when the county adopted township organization, the voting precinct was set aside, all voters being required to go to Effingham, a distance of four miles, to vote. This was put up as a strong ground for a new township, whicji would give the people a voting place nearer home. After the township was set off, a proper distribution of volunteers was made, and it was found that the new township had more volunteers than its ratio of the draft called for, and hence (at first — Ed.) no draft was made here." Teutopolis Township comprises 11,520 acres, much of which was originally timber-land; as late as 1883, though much of the land had been cleared, there were still about 5000 acres of timber, consisting mainly of ash, walnut, hiclcory, cotton- wood, maple, and several varieties of oak. The land is fertile; wheat, oats, and corn are the staple crops. The northern part of the township is drained by Salt Creek and Willow Creek. THE GERMAN LAND COMPANY The village of Teutopolis was founded by Catholic Germans who had immi- grated from the kingdom of Hanover and the grand-duchy of Oldenburg and had made Cincinnati and vicinity their stopping-place before proceeding farther. "Some: stayed six months, some a year, some five or six years, in order to earn sufficient means to pay for eighty or one hundred ac.res of government land and enough be- sides to start life thereon. The Catholic Germans came into the city at the rate of two hundred or more every day, and }>erhaps a tenth as many left the city every day, going to Ohio, Illinois, Missouri, Louisiana, and Wisconsin." (WAHRHEITS- FREUND, Vol. IV, October 1, 1840, page 70). Among these Germans, there were two brothers, Herman H. and Clement Uptm.or, who had come to this country in the summer of 1834 and had found employment as carpenters at Cincinnati for two years, and at Vicksburg, Mississippi, for half a year, after which they returned to Cincinnati. Here Clement conceived the idea of organizing a company, to pur- chase government land in a state west of Ohio, and found a colony of Catholic Germans. Accordingly, he, with two or three others, about in 1837, organized the "German Land Company" (Deutsche Land-Compagnie oder Ansiedlungsgesellschaft). In a short time, the number of members increased to nine, and finally to 141. — 9 — Each member contributed $10 nonthly, until a sum -was at hand sufficient to pur- chase a tract of lanil that seemed large enough for the purpose intended, and be- sides $10 to defray the expenses of the Company. A committee of three was chosen to find land suitable for the colony. This committee, consisting of Clement Uptmor, John F. Waschefort, and Gerard H. Bergfeld, set out on April 17, 1837, visited several places in Ind-^ana, crossed the state in the latitude of Vincennes, explored a large part of Illinois, and travelled as far west as Chillicothe, Missouri. Dissatisfied with the practic.e of slavery existing there, they returned to Illinois, passing through it near the latitude of Quincy and Jacksonville. Alton and Shelby County and the land near Mattoon were also examined, and finally proceeded to the land office at Vandalia, at that time the capital of the state. After carefully examining the books at the office, they decided to buy a tract of land mostly Government land in the northeastern part of Effingham County, which they found to be suft'iciently large and well c,overed with timber. They could, indeed, have found more fertile land near Mattoon, Illinois, etc., but, like m.ost of their country- men, they were ignorant of the virtue of the black soil and considered the prairie unsuitable for cultivation, partly because the prairie in their native land was such, partly because the prairie in these parts v>ras swampy and without drainage. For the latter reason, the air of the piairie was certainly unwholesome, and for many years the early settlers were subject to the attacks of malaria fever. The committee was also guided in its choice of the land by the practical consideration of having sufficient wood for building purposes and for fuel. PURCHASE OF THE LAND After an absence of fifteen weeks, the members of the committee returned to Cincinnati and made their report. At the suggestion of Mr. Clement Uptmor, the location of the land was not made known, lest any land shark take advantage of this knowledge a;id enrich himself at the expense of the prospective buyers. The committee also offered to lead any members of the Land Company who might be chosen to Effingham County, to enable them to inspect the land for themselves. Messrs. John ''Gerard Meyer, and Henry Roennebaum were chosen for the purpose. They v/ere also commissioned to buy the land, if they found it satisfactory, and for this purpose the .=um of $16,000 was entrusted to them. Since railroad facilities were entirely lacking at that time, they, together with Messrs. Clement Uptmor, John F. Waschefort. and Gerard Bergfeld, the first com- mittee, set out from Cincinnati to Effingham County on foot, taking with them a single horse which they took turns in riding, and to the saddle of which they fastened the bags containing the money. Two of the party, well armed, walked at either side of the horse. They arrived at their destination without mishap at the end of June, 1838. Satisfied with the location and nature of the land, both committees preceded to Vandalia, anil on July 5 and 6, concluded all conditions necessary for the purchase of the land. The tract consisted of about 10,000 acres at $1.25 an acre; forty acres, belonging largely to veterans of the Black Hawk War, were bought by Mr. Waschefort for $5,00 an acre. Mr. Waschefort had been instructed to buy all the land in his name and to make out the deeds to the mem- bers of the Company. On July 6, 1848, he had to furnish bond to the amount of $15,000.00 to John Henry Roennebaum, John Gerard Meyer, Gerard Henry Bergfeld and Clement Uptmor. PLATTING OF THE LAND Before returning to Cincinnati, Mr. Wm. J. Hankins, Effingham County Sur- veyor, was engaged and the purchased land was then surveyed and platted. The N. B.— *GEORGE is frequently used here instead of GERARD. — 10 — plat; which v.as recorded in the Superior Court, in Cincinnati, Ohio, on September 21, 1839, read as follows: PLAT (entitled as in margin) Date of Filing and of Plan of the Totot of Teutopolis recording not noted. Recorded in Book A at hi Effingham County ]:'ages 242, 243, 244, 245 and 246. No Surveyor's State of Illinois, Certificate. Then follows Statements and Cer- tificates viz: "Description of the Town of Teu- topolis. Being the North half of Section 24 aLso the West half of the South West quarter of Section Number 24 and the South West quarter of Section 13, also the West half of the South East quarter of Section 13 in Township Number Eight North in Range Six East of the third principle mereadi- an in Effingham County, State of Illinois, the Red lines represent the Bowndries of the Town, the Streets Runing Eastwartly & westerly are Laid out parrell to the National Rode or mr.in Streete and are ach sixty feet wide, except Northun Rowe & Suthun Rowe which are thirty feat wide, the national Rode or mane Street is Eighty feet wide, the streets runing Northly & Southly at Right angles with the national Rode or Mane Street Between Garretts & Smiths Streets are e-ach sixty feet wide, from Suthern Row to northern Row ethe Remaining streets are Each thirty feat wide the Blocks or Squares between Garrett and Smith Streets and Suth.in Row and Northen Row are Numbered from 1 to 48 inclusive, the Blocks or Squares Nos. 1-2-3-4-5-6-11-12-13-14-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-24-2.5-26-27-28-29-30-3.3- P. ^ m MR. HENRY STALLINGS Settled here about 1825 or 1828 MR. HENRY UPTMOR The Soldier (A. D. 1868) S4-35-36-37-38-39-40-41-42-43-44-45 & 46 measures Each 449 feet 10 inches Easterly and Westerly and 533 feat Northerly and Sutherly. Blocks or Squares No. 7, 9 & 10 are Each 449 feat 10 inches Eastwardly & westerley an 383 feat Northely and Suthely Block or Square No. 8 is 449 feet 10 inches Easterley and westerly and 333 feat Northerly and Southerly. Blocks or Squares Nos. 15, 31 & 47 are frac- tionals the in Lots cantained with these Blocks or Squares are Each 49 1-2 feat in fiunt and 533 feat Deep, exr.ept the Lots in Square Nos. 7-9 & 10 which are 383 -— 11 — feet Deep in Square No. 8 the Lots are 333 feet Deep the Lots Nos. 72 & 103 in Square No. 15 and Lots No. 105 in Square No. 31 and Lots Nos, 100 & 101 in Square 47 are fractional Lots, the Out Lots North of Northun Rowe and West of Smith Streete and South of Suthun Row and East of Gearrad Street are num- bered from 1 to one 142 inclusive, the Distance and Sise of Each Lot is Set Down in fig-ures on the platt the Distance and size of those Lots or Tracts of Land culerd Red and marked a, b, c, D, E, F, G, H, I is set Down on the plat thare is a strip of 10 feet Leaft all Round between the Lines of the Town fractions & the Sections Lines. L John F. Washford having Laid out and having Directed to be surveyed and plated the Lands Represented on this plat I John Ferdanand Washfort for myself my heirs and assigns do addapt Rattifey and confirm said plat so laid Down it is ordered provided, always that when one third of all the owners of any one Blocjc or Square may wish to have an Ally opened through the same the other tow third shall pramit such Ally to be opened, the Streets are set apart and Dedardcated as Righsts of ways for publick uses for Ever those parts of Squares or Blocks in No. 7 Seven & 10 Ten culerd Red marked B & F are Dedicated for publick market places for Ever, that part of Block or Square No. 8 Eight Culerd Red and marked G. also out Lots Culerd Red and marked C. D. & E are Dedcated for the use of the German Roman Catholic Church and Sc.hool that Lot or Block culerd Red and marked H is Dedicated for the use of said Church for Burrings Ground, that part of Block or Square marked A and Cullerd Red in Block of Square Nos. 9 nine is Dedicated for public Ground under the controle an Direction of the munisiple athorrities of said Town forever. In Witness whareof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this the Twenty first day of September in the yeare of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and thirty nine Signed sealed and acknowledged JOHN FERDANAND WASHFORT (seal) in presence of us whoe signed the same as Wittneses JOHN A. WISEMAN State of Ohio Hamilton County Sc,t. Before me Daniel Gano Clerk of the Superior Court of Cincinnati within and for said County pursonally appeared John J. Washfort the purson whoe Granted and Executed the within Plat an whose sig- nature is within Given to the adoption and approvel &c. of the same and acknowl- edged the same to be his free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned and contained. In Testimony whereof I Have hereunto set my hand and seal of said Court at Cincinnati this 27th day - November 1839. (seal) Daniel Gano Clerk of the Superior Court Cinty H. C. Ohio. State of Ohio Hamilton County set. I David R. Estes sole Judge of the Superior Court of Cincinnati do hereby certify that Daniel Gano whose certificate is above Given is Clerk of the said Court an the Attestation is in Due form of Law. Given under my hand and seal at Cincinnati this 27th day of Nov. 1839. (seal) D. R. ESTES. When the plat was finished it became evident that there were not enough lots for each 40 acres. Accordingly another tract of 80 acres was bought and laid out in garden lots to be given with each forty acres. One front lot, one back lot and one garden lot incl. 40 acres, cost each member of the Company $50.00. (Chas. Eversman). — 13 — Old Parochial Residence. Public School, 1855. C. Uptmor IV's Store. ST. FRANCIS' CHURCH, A. D. 1862. — 14 — ]\Iain Street, the old National Road, now Trail 11, is eighty feet in width; all other streets, except Northern and Southern Row, are sixty feet wide. The town was divided into 48 blocks, each block containing nine lots of 49 1-2 feet front and, with few exceptions, of 533 feet depth. Outside of the blocks, there were lets called garden, or out lots, varying in size from one to two acres. This plat was recorded at Vandalia, on June 9. 1841. An entry in the church records under this date reads: "1841, June 9, For recording the plat of the town, paid $9.00." On July 23, 1839, the following resolutions were drawn up at Cincinnati by the Committee of the Company: 1. Resolved by a majoiity of votes: that, at the distribution by lot of the town lots, each member of the Company having 40 acres of land shall be assessed $5 00 toward the building of a church; and that the land bought over and above the amount necessary for the allotment of the 40 acres and the lots, be set apart, for the present, as church land. 2. Resolved; that any member, more than 15 ac.res of whose land are prairie land, shall be entitled to put in a claim to a part of the church land. 3. Resolved: that any member having a claim to a part of the church land, must be satisfied with the drawing of lots for the church land. 4. Resolved: that twice 80 acres subsequently bought by Mr. Waschefort. shall become the property of the Company. These resc'utions were voted on and adopted at a meeting of the Company, on August 28, 1838. ALLOTMENT OF THE LAND In the fall of the sam.e year, 1838, the allotment of the land took plac,e in Cincinnati, in the old engine-house between Sixth and Seventh Streets. Slips of paper marked with numbers corresponding to those of the plat, designating 40 acres of farmland, the town lots, and garden lots, v;ere placed in a hat; and each mem- ber of the Company received the land and lots marked on the slip which he drew from the hat. IJr. John F. Waschefort then, in behalf of the Company, made out the necessary deeds. Now the location of the land was made known. One of the Committee had been sent to Vandalia to purchase land for the three members of the original committee. The following is the list of the members of the Campany who shai-ed in the allotment of the land. The list is taken from a notebook of Mr. Clement Uptmor, one of the Dirertors of the Company at Teutopolis since January 1840. ♦ORIGINAL AIEMBERS OF THE GERMAN LAND COMPANY OF CINCINNATL OHIO, 1838. (From the Note Book of ]Mr. Clement Uptmor, one of the three Teutopolis Directors) Name* No. of No. of No. of No. of Lot Outlot 40 Acres 80 Acres Arns (Arnzen?), Bernard 17 10 114 28(?.) Art, Hy 96 101 122 31 Brockmann, Bernard Hy 1 21 49 14 Bussmann, Joseph 5 27 71 Boving, John Fred 7 1 64 12(82—12) *We cannot guarantee the correct spelling in a number of cases. — Editor. — 15 — House of Mr. Clem Vahling (Nick Schnur) north-east of Teutopolis, Dec. 1839 Boeckmann, Joseph 10 Boeckmann, Joseph 13 Brinckmann, Francis 15 Buddeke, John Hy 55 Beerns, Joseph 58 Bergfeld, John Herman 72 Bergmann, Francis .-. 86 Bergfe^d, Gcr. Hv 90 Bergfeld, Ger. Hy 97 Bruemmer, John Hy 104 Brockmann, Joseph 108 Bietenhorn, Francis 120 Berns, John 128 Brockamp, Joseph 133 Boving, .fohn Herman 32 Drever, Bernard Hy. 41 Deters, Ger. Hy 65 Decken (?), Herman Hy 79 Determann, Hy 125 Frieling, John 40 Frommeyer, Fred 76 Feldkacke. Joseph 112 Frev, Josenh 136 Goos (Gohs?), John Mathias 6 Grobmeyer, Rudolph 60 Grobmeyer, Hy 84 Grunkemeyer, John Hy 141 Hille, .A.nna Maria 21 — 16- 12 54 30 93 26 17 42(73- -34) 66 89 47 55 127 7 85 103 99 29 86 132 37 72 87 37 87 60 40(74- -72) 131 139 128 119 134 S3 38(81- -76) 129 6 22 55 27 47 137 32 68 7 49 68 58 15(82- -12) 135 74 43 67 93 102 124 138 13(J) 127 131 3 130 24 61 23 26 95 120 136 20 5 33 37 Hahnhorst, Ger. Hy 23 36 70 Hille, Bernard Hy 33 11 113 30(J) Hussmann, Anton 44 53 112 Hille, John Hy 48 41 95 44(^37—9) Huelle, Conrad 62 48 11 Hahnhorst (?), Dietrich 68 18 Hussmann, Hy 70 54 51 Hardmann (?), Herman Hy 93 103 21 50 Holtvog-t, Herman Anthony 95 104 72 Hackmann, Hy 105 100 109 Huemler, John Wm 129 130 27 28(i) Imwalde, Hy 36 8 121 Imbusch, John Hy 98 73 111 1(J) Inkrod (Unkraut?), Bernard 113 121 4 lonning (Janning?), Bernard 123 139 318 Kempker. Hy 22 13 135 Kramer, Francis 27 28 78 Kabbes, John Hy 51 75 66 8 Kreke, Arnold 52 60 116 Keyser, Joseph 53 45 41 Krieg, Joseph 57 56 Kenter, Herman 63 51 28 Korfhagen, John Ger 81 84 28 21(81—76) Kleyne, Joseph 83 77 43 30(J) Kabbes, John Hy 87 67 22 Kuenne, Albert 88 30(40—72) Klaene (Klone?), Hy 99 88 99 Kark, Jacob John 106 96 13 Koemppe, Joseph 115 111 50 Church and School 109 Krieg, Bernard 92 Luegers, Hy 77 105 129 Lange, Gerard 82 81 8 2ih) Losekamp, Hy 131 117 5 Mever, Francis 8 16 90 Mesch, Joseph 9 20 115 Macke. Fred 24 4 80 Moritz (Morits?), Joseph 45 63 77 Moritz, Christopher 66 69 24 Meyer, Gerard 85 90 79 Meyer, Francis 89 97 82 Mindrup, John Hy 92 76 98 Mette, Joseph 119 113 9 Meyer, Hy. Joseph 137 119 141 Mayer, Clem 19(1) Niehaus, John Hy 73 82 42 Norre (Nurre?), Bernard 100 Ostendorf, Joseph 46 62 68 44(^) Pudhof, Francis Hy 14 9 33 Plaspohl, John Hy 67 58 94 22 Pudick, Eliz 118 133 84 Pisbach, (Rev.) Wm 140 141 85 18 52 Ruemping, Francis 25 2 107 4 Rabe, Clem 31 6 35 38 19 Rueckener, Wm : 35 19 128 Ronnebaum, John H 39 64 101 9 **Rueckener, Christian 43 59 1 Rolfes, Wm 59 57 140 Rehkamp, Hei-m. Hy. 64 37 96 Roecken, Gerard 80 106 120 Renschen, John Hy 110 112 65 Rickelmann. Herm. Hy 114 132 61 34 Riesenbeck, Bernard 116 126 34 Rabe, John H. Jos 133 116 100 45(^) **The following names are written with different ink; these men probably joined the "Landkompagnie" later than the preceeding ones. — 17 — J. H. Rabe and H. H. Uptmor 142 115 75 Rabe, John Hy 45(h) Schulte, Rudolph 2 23 49 2{i) Stuckenborg, Joseph 4 110 Schulte (Schuette?), Gerard 19 24 2 16 Schwegmann, Jos 26 31 76 Schoenhoeft, Christian 28 14 134 Schuerbrock, Herman H 54 42 48 Schmidt, Hy 56 50 125 33 Springmeyer, David 74 80 133 Sudbeck, Anthony 102 72 40 Schovedic.k, Caspar 103 74 91 Schilmoeller, John G Ill 123 105 Schleper, Clem F 126 128 32 Stolteben, Hy 127 140 59 33(74—72) Sander, Casper Geo 139 107 69 Schriewer, Francis 43(74 — 18) Thies, Theo 38 38 45 Tobe, John (Wessel?) 47 49 12 29 Thoele, Peter 50 46 81 Tongemann (Tangemann?), Bern 61 39 117 11 Thoele, .A.nton 101 97 10 13 Thoele, Dietrich 117 125 124 Thoelking, .A.lbert 135 108 47 20 Uthell, Wm,, Sr 3 17 52 Uptmor, John H 30 18 73 Uptmor, Herm. H 75 88 16 17 Uptmor, C. and H. H - 121 118 86 Uptmor, Maria Anna 124 136 19 Utmor, Clem 134 122 46 48 Verwick, Bern. A 11 25 53 Vennemann, Ger 18 15 88 Vennemann, 3rd Anthony 29 7 14 Vorke, Otto -... - 34 ^5 36 1(§) Vennemann, Jos ■ 71 65 35 Vennemann, Anthony, 1st 91 89 120 Vennemann, Theo 94 91 57 35 Vennemann, Anthony 2nd 107 110 56 51 Vormor, John H .'. 130 114 104 46(86—96) Waschefort, Casper 12 34 3 Welage, Joseph 16 32 31 10 Westendorf Joseph 20 29 106 Wempe, H. H. 37 40 15 Windhaus, Ger 42 71 39 Wernsing, Hy 49 70 108 23(81—76) Wempe, H. H 78 94 26 Waschefort, John Ferd 122 109 62 36 Zumbrink, Anthony 69 44 126 3 Zerrusen. H. H. and B. H 25 NAME OF THE SETTLEMENT After the land had thus been distributed by lot, the question of the name to be given the new settlement was next taken up. The following names were pro- posed: New Cincinnati, Covington, Newport, Sebastopol, Muenster, Hanover, Germantovv^n, and St. Peter. The names Hanover and Germantown seem to have been most acceptable, but the postal authorities at Washington informed the mem- bers of the Company that these names had already been adopted by settlements in Clinton County, Illinois. Thereupon it was decided by a majority of votes to call the new settlement ST. PETER. The Rev. William Pisbach, a member of the Company, however, or as Rev. Anselm Puetz, O. F. M., learned of Mr. Clement Uptmor I, the Rt. Rev. John B. Purcell, Bishop of Cincinnati, proposed the name of TEUTOPOLIS. The mem.bers were reluctant to adopt this "strange" name; but when they were told that it signified "City of Teutons, or Germans," they were satisfied and adopted it in place of that of St. Peter. — 18 — CHAPTER II THE FOUNDING OF TEUTOPOLIS, A. D., APRIL 1839— THE CIVIL WAR, 1861 BEGINNING OF THE SETTLEMENT Thus far the plans for the founding of the settlement had been successfully carried out, and the members of the Land Company prepared to leave Cincinnati and vicinity for Illinois, but for various reasons few were able to do so at once. The first to make the journey and settle on their allotted land, were Mr. Henry Vormor and wife, Mr. John H. Bergfeld, Mr. John Bernard Tebbe, later at Green Creek, in Effingham Sounty, Mr. J. H. Uptmor and family and others — seven fam- ilies in all. Ml. Vormor was the only one who owned a team and wagon. These ar- rived in April, 1839. At that time, it may be well to add here, several Americans were living in what is now the Township of Teutopolis: John Gannoway (called Gennivers by the pioneer Geimans), on the farm now belonging to Judge Barney Overbeck; James Leavitt, Kit and Nicholas (Nick) Radley, on the present Lueken or Ordner's place; Mr. Benjamin Stallings, since 1825; and Mr. (Aaron) Williams, a passionate hunter. MR. AND MRS. H. VORMOR Came April 1839 The next to come from Cincinnati in 1839, perhaps in April, were, Joseph Boeck- mann, G. H. Niemann, H. Bruemmer, and Joseph Ostendorf. Mr. Clement Uptmor, the founder of the Land Company, who in September, 1839, married Miss Mary E. — 19 — Niehaus at Cincinnati; Mr. Clement Vahling and wife; and Herman H. Uptmor reached the piesent site of Teutopolis on December 21 of the same year. To find shelter against the severe cold, they occupied a pen whicji probably belonged to Mr. Radley, and from which they had driven the animals kept in it. This pen stood about half a mile northeast of the present church. Next day, they began the building of a log house for Mr. Clement Vahling, in which the three families lived until each had a house of its own. This log house, with the date cai-ved in a log above the door, is .still standing. Frank Maurice Masquelet, B. H. Vogt, Joseph Woermann, John Steinkes, and Jacob Doedtmann came at the end of 1839 or at the beginning of 1840. In January, 1840, the Directors of the Land Company at Cincinnati, Ohio, were the following gentlemen: John H. Buddeke, G. H. Bergfeld, John Mathias Gohs, John Roennebaum, John Albert Kuemmer, Arnold Kreke, Ben H. Brockmann, and J. H. Plasspohl. These empowered Clement Uptmor, Joseph Boeckmann, and Herman Bergfeld, who, on January 19, 1840, had been chosen Directors of the Company for Teutopolis, to admit new members into the Company. The following were admitted at Teutopolis under the usual conditions, and also contributed $10 toward the building of a church: Anthony Pundsack, Clement Pundsack, Joseph Pundsack, J. B. Tebbe, Jacob Doethmann, Joseph Frederick Osterhaus, Clement Niehaus, Joseph B. Brummer, Bernard Suer, Anthony Dodenkamp, and Henry Kre- mer. Other old settlers were: Joseph, Bernard, Hy., and Geo. Koester, Ferd. Braun, Joseph Feldhake, Mathias Moenning, Bernard Deters, Fred Grimming, Ar- nold Kreke, Hy. Herboth, B. Mindrup, J. F. Renter, etc. Mr. John F. Waschefort, one of the members of the Committee which selected and bought the land, settled at Teutopolis in March, 1840. B. H. Suer, (Bernard) Ahrens, Henry Gerdes, and (John G.) Korfhagen came in 1841; B. H. Mindrup, (Herman) Kenter and J. Herboth in, 1842. Many others arrived during the next years. Some made their way from Cincinnati overland, partly by stage, partly on foot; others made use of the steamboats as far as Evansville, Ind.; others, again, passed down the Ohio and up the Mississippi to St. Louis, and thence followed the National Road to their destination. Some, coming directly from Germany, landed at New Orleans, and from that cjty travelled by boat to Cincinnati or to St. Louis and thence overland to Teutopolis. CHAPTER III CHRONICLE FROM PIONEER DAYS, 1839— THE BEGINNING OF THE CIVIL WAR, 1861. Life at the new settlement was full of hardships and privations. There were few comforts and no luxuries. The settlers, as was mentioned above and as we shall have occasion to remark further on, at first considered the prairie unfit for cultivation. Hence, after their arrival, they at once set to work, with the few implements at their disposal, to clear a small strip of timberland, on which they erected their log cabins and the necessary farm buildings and planted some grain and vegetables. The result of their labors during the first years was naturally very meagre. But after some time, especially after they began to cultivate the prairieland, the fruit of their patient industry became evident in the extensive fields of corn, wheat, and other grain that could be seen on all sides. They were also very successful in the raising of cattle and sheep. One of the settlers, at this early date, is said to have obtained more than forty gallons of honey from his beehives. S'nce practically all the settlers dwelt on their farms, the village grew very slowly. The first house in the village was built by John H. Uptmor, who is there- fore called its first citizen, in 1839. It was built of logs, 16x16 feet, and contained — 20 — ■only one room. Iji 1840, Mr. Uptmor sold it to hi-s brother Clement for $5 or $6; this is the first transfer of real estate in Teutopolis on record. Clement Uptmor later erected a frame house, 16x26 feet, on the site on which the home of Mr. Joseph Siemer now stands. In June, 1840, there were four houses in the village; by the year 1845, this number had increased to seven, and by 1850, to nine. In 1842, Teutopolis was granted a POST OFFICE, with Mr. Clement Uptmor as the first postmaster. Up to this time, Ewington, seven miles west of the town, was the nearest post office. About the year 1841, Mr. Clement Uptmor and John F. Waschefort opened the FIRST STORES, containing a small stoc,k of merchandise usually sold in coun- try stores. This stock had a value of perhaps $50, but at that time excited greater curiosity than the display of a department store at the present time. In 1841, Clement Uptmor and his brother Herman began the building of a WINDMILL FOR GRINDING FLOUR, an undertaking which was of the greatest T>enefit to the community and made the town known far and wide. Hitherto the settlers had been obliged to carry the grain to be ground into flour, on their shoulders to the nearest mills, one of wiiich was seven, the other twenty-three miles distant, — obviously a great hardship and entailing a loss of time. The mill erected by the brothers on the site now occupied by the tower of St. Joseph's College, was 40 feet high, 20 feet wide below, and 8 feet wide above; the wings were about 53 feet long. Since there was no sawmill, all the timber had to be c,ut by hand. The structure was a rather clumsy affair, and a strong wind was required to set it in motion. The mill was in operation for the first time on July 4, 1845, but it was not com- pleted until the following spring. It had only one set of burstones, and the bolt- ing had to be done by hand; hence the daily output of flour was not very great, but people came in large numbers from the neighboring places to gaze upon this ^'wonder of the world." During the War with Mexico, 1845 — '47, soldiers often marched through Teu- topolis along the National Road. On October 30, 1845, a dangerous fire raged in the prairie. In winter 1845 — '46 wolves were numerous. SEVEN VOTES AT THE VILLAGE ELECTION About 1845 Representative Leon Cunningham obtained a Special Corporation Charter for the Village of Teutopolis. On the first Tuesday in April following an election for five Village trustees and one constable was held at C. Uptmor's. Mrs. Eliz. Uptmor made the ballot box of black walnut. On the morning of the election the judges and two clerks were sworn in and at 7 o'clock, the polls were opened till 6 o'clock P. M. Two votes besides the votes of the five election judges were cast. The latter five and a constable were elected. The one voter left without an office was soon appointed Road Commissioner. The first official act, after being sworn in, was the granting of a retail liquor, etc., license to Mr. Anton Rabe. The amoimt paid for it was $25.00. When they had assessed a poll tax, the road commissioner was ordered to notify all voters to work on the road at a stated time. The officials convened, plowed two furrows on Main Street and, when the plow gave out, the ditch was cleaned with spades. The President was paid $2.00 as his salary and the other officials $1.50 each. The road boss received about 90 cents for three days' labor. At the end of the fiscal year, the treasurer reported receipts from peddlars' license $5.00 and balance in treasury at the end of the year, $11.50. At the election in 1846 or '47 (a year later), the number of ballots cast was 35. Before an election a huge pole was put up. But the pole must needs fly the Stars and Stripes above the patriotic "Duetske Staadt." In a short time enough money was collected for a big flag and those who could not give money, offered to work gratis. The material was purchased ^nd Messrs. J. W. Pruemmer, Joseph Horn and John Meyer, tailors, and the — 21 — J3-- U 4-> ^^ « 0) § M m ladies divided the work among themselves. Not having a sewing machine, this -was quite a task. The strips were 28 feet long and it took a woman two days to sew them together. The tailors sewed on the stars and the blue, one big star in the middle and 26 smaller ones around it. The flag hung 27 by 15 feet from the pole. An old clarinet player, (Aiding?) intoned: "Grad aus aus dem Wirts- liaus komm ich heraus; Strasse wie wunderiich siehst du mir aus?" etc. Marching up town the flag received its first christening at J. F. Kroeger's tavern; the crowd drank to the health of all and to the flag and Mr. Kroeger sang the "Star Spangled Banner." The next stop was at A. Raben's tavern, where the flag got a second christening. At Jacob Fuelle's tavern the "Te Deum" was sung. Then under the supervision of Mr. Clem Uptmor, who was a caipenter also, the pole, which was 140 feet in height, was iai?ed in the gro\e near Joseph Siemer's house. The speaker's stand was where Mr. Weber's house stood in 1904. After the stars and stripes had been hoisted amid great cheering, Mr. C. Allen made the principal address and convinced all his hearers that Mr. J. Buchanan was the right man for President. Combination Grist and Saw Mill built by J. F. Waschefoit in 18.57 Fraudulent voting at elections in early days was common. At the beginning of the campaign in 1856, James Allen, better known as "Black Jim" was called upon to address the citizens of Tcutopolis on a certain day. According to custom, a big hickory pole v/as raised in the afternoon before, generally near Mr. Clem Uptmor's. After dinner, the crowd, many of vv^hom come from a distance, flocked to the pin oak grove occupying a whole block, later known as "Rieman's Place.'' Here a platform had been put up for the speaker. There were no seats for the audience. Mr. Allen then expounded some sound Democratic doctrine. His words were ever after quoted in discussions and were "gospel truth" for the Democrats. On election day, the saloons being open, not a few became intoxicated and fights were not rare. No questions were asked by the judges nor was the letter of tlie law followed. Many voted, though not of legal age nor even citizens. On one occasion, two women deposited the ballots of their sick husbands; one election ._ 9Q ._ judge demuired, but was overruled. The result of this election became known two months later. The result of the election of President Pierce reached Teutopolis after six months. The month of February, 1848, was unusually warm so that the wheat began to sprout. On the 19th of the month, a violent storm burst forth over the town from the southwest, which destroyed several houses, unroofed the church and all houses except these of the Rev. Kuenster and Mr. Clement Uptmor, broke off two wings of the windmill, and knocked down all the fences. Jacob Puelle and Frank Stumborg were badly injured; Dr. Steward barely escaped being struck by the roof of Joseph Horn's house as he fled down the street. Clement Uptmor, unable to reach his house in time to escape the storm, clung to a tree in his garden and remained unharmed, though the roof of a stable was blown directly over him. Next day, a Sunday, Father Kuenster said a low Mass, comforted the people and bade them go home to repair their damaged property. The FIRST SAWMILL was built by John F. Waschefort on Salt Creek, south- west of Teutopolis. Another sawmill seems to have been built on the same stream north of the cemetery about the years 1849-1852 by Frank Schleper and Theodore Pruemmer. It was a treadmill, and proved to be a failure, as it quickly wore off" the hoofs of the animals that set it in motion. About the year 1849, the army worm made its appearance at Teutopolis and wrought great havoc in garden, field, and forest. In October, 1850, surveyors of a PROJECTED RAILROAD, to be known as the Atlantic and Mississippi Railroad, were at work at Teutopolis and vicinity. Great was the jcy of the people at the prospect of a railroad, and when they learned that Mr. Waschefort had subscribed for railroad stock to the amount of $2000, they he'd a torchlight procession in his honor and carried him on their shoulders thiough the town. For some reason, however, the railroad was never built. On December 23, 1851, the St. Louis and Indianapolis Telegraph Company stretched its wires through the town and opened a station on the site now occupied by the Sisters' school. Mr. Habing was the first agent. When after a few years the Company failed, the farmers who lost their money invested, carried away the poles of the Company for their own uses. In 1857, Mr. John F. Waschefort built a COMBINATION FLOUR AND SAW MILL northeast of his residence. The grist mill was able to produce fifty barrels of flour a day. Mr. Clem.ent Vahling died about the year 1854. Another pioneer, Herman H. Uptmor, died on November 4, 1858. He was born at Lohne, in Oldenburg, Germany, in 1812, and came to Cincinnati in 1834. He married Miss Mary Catherine Bflr- horst, and after her death Miss Anne Mary Hage. He lived at Teutopolis nine- teen years. GLIMPSES OF PIONEER LIFE FIRST HOMES The first houses of the pioneers, as will be readily understood, were built of logs, since it was impossible to obtain dressed lumber, and the only implements at hand were the hammer, axe, broadaxe, drawing knife, and sometimes a plane. Some of the houses were of "one story,'' about ten feet high at the sides; for the building of tliese about forty logs VN^ere I'equired. Others were of a "story and a half," and some of "two stories''; the former required sixty logs, the latter from eighty to ninety. The rafters, sheathing, doors, and sills were split from logs, then hewn with the broadaxe and smoothed with the drawing knife or plane. Wooden pins were used in place of nails. The spaces between the logs were filled — 24 — with juggles, or piece? of timber, whereupon clay was used both inside and outsicte to close all remaining oiacks. The ceiling was made of small strips cut to re- semble plaster laths. Clay mixed with cut hay or straw was squeezed through these strips from above and smocthened below; some of this primitive plastering applied in 1839 v.as still in good condition in 1903. To whitewash the ceiling, a broom often had to serve as a brush; needless to say, the clothing of the white- washer in thac case absorbed most of the liquid. The floors were generally of stamped clay; sometimes they were made of puncheons, or split logs. The fireplace was sometimes built entirely of hickory wood and was very wide. Many used stones or bricks to protect the floor and ceiling against the fire. The wooden chimneys were plastered with a kind of clay (pin oak clay) that hardened. They . needed constant care, and the night's rest was often interru^^ted by a burning^ chimney. Light was furnished by the blazing fire or by a lamp of iron, containing lard or other animal fat. It sometimes happened that the cat ate the fat or MR. CLE3IENS UPTMOR MRS. CLEMENS UPTMOR even made away with it when it was burning. Manv manufactured their tallow candles in tin candle molds. Stationary iron pot-hooks or revolving on a pivot held the kettles and pots. Pumpernickel was baked in a pot, covered with a lid, upon which coal were heaped, in the morning the bread was done. FOOD SUPPLIES It goes without saying that at the beginning of the settlement it was very difficult, if not impossible, to obtain flour and other food supplies. Grist mills were few and far between; the roads, for a grea.t part of the year, were almo.«;t im- passable, and wagons and teams were not numerous. Hence, to obtain good flour, the early settlers frequently had to carry the grain either to Ramsey's mill at Green Creek, seven miles away, or to Newton, twenty-three miles from Teutopolis. This generally required three days, including the waiting for one's turn at the mill. Tlie pioneers often helped themselves by crushing the grain on a piece of — 25 — iron with a hammer, or by putting it into a sack and beating it with a club or using a kitc,hen grater or two stones. We can, therefore, easily understand with what joy the people greet the erection of the windmill by the Uptmor brothers in 1842 — 1846, of which mention was made above. MEAT was easily obtained, as the woods and prairie about Teutopolis abound- ed in game of every kind. The pioneer could frequently procure a plentiful supply for his table by using the rifle from the door or window of his log house. Hunting was, indeed, not only a pastime; it was a necessity. For the deer did much damag« to the crops, and minks, foxes, grey and blue wolves often caused havoc among the poultry, etc. Prairie wolves also made raids and killed sheep and hogs. Much trapping was done, as lead and powder were scarce. Groc,eries had to be obtained from Cincinnati, Evansville or St. Louis, where the pioneer also found a market for his produce. The trip to these cities re- quired several days and entailed great expense. After Clement Uptmor and John F. Waschefort opened their stores in 1840 or 1841, they m.ade regular trips to MR. JOHN F. WASCHEFORT MRS. JOHN 1'. WASCHEFORT Evansville, St. Louis, and Vandalia. There were also two stores in the neighbor- hood, with a stock of groceries, dry goods, and whiskey, one two miles north of the town, was owned by Mr. F. Frieling, and was known as "Jacobsbrunnen," or "Jacob's Well'': another, south of town, was conducted by Mr. John Barlage. CLOTHING Those among the pioneer settlers that used foresight brought with them a good supply of clothing, which lasted many years. Many, owing to poverty, had only two suits of cjothes: one for every day use and another for Sundays and holydays. When the Eversman family came to Teutopolis in 1852, many women wore bonnets which had turned brown and green with age. Homespun was worn for ordinary life. Wool was carded, .spun by the men or women and woven into jean on a handloom by some colonists, or more frequently by an American neighbor. — 26 — The housewife made the suits for husband and children. For the men's suits the cloth was dyed in indigo blue, and was known as "indigo blue jean." Old Mr. Nie- mann manufactured the best spinning wheels in the county. Many families still preserve a spinning wheel and other old relics of pioneer days. For the women the yarn was first dyed, either in blue or red, and then woven into linsy. All stockings were knitted by hand often by men as a pastime during winter. Just before the Civil War, milliners opened establishments and the stores began to put in a better selection of clothing. There were no special white dresses for First (solemn) Communion or for weddings. The bride usually wore a black dress and a bonnet. Many also raised flax in those early times. This was plucked out by the roots, put into water, usually into the creek, for perhaps two weeks; then spread or put up in sheaves to dry. Next it was broken up by means of a wooden machine and put through the hatchel; the coarser parts, or oakum, were used for towels, the finer for linen, or were mixed with wool and spun. Wooden shoes were the ordinary foot gear. They were worn everywhere, at F. F. EVERSMAN, M. D. MRS. F. F. EVERSMAN home, to church and school, as well as to a dance. They were made at Teutopolis by John Fuesting, Joseph Ostendorf, and Henry Kreke. A linden tree was cut into sections, then split until the necessary length and thickness were obtained. Orders were generally taken one Sunday and delivered the next. Often as many as 300 pair of wooden shoes were made out of a single tree. The Sunday shoes were even painted by some; thus old Mr. Clem Uptmor wore wooden shoes that had been painted red. Wooden shoes have not yet (1926) disappeared, especial- ly on the farms. Mr. George Deyman supplies the present market. When Mr. Dieterich Ellmann, the shoemaker, and Mr. Wm. Tolch, the harness maker, came to the settlement, they found it hard to procure the necessary supply of leather from Cincinnati and St. Louis, partly owing to the distant markets, partly due to lack of cash money. They often had to accept produce instead of money. The pric.e of a pair of shoes and boots prior to the Civil War was $2.50 — 27 — and 5.00 respectively. Durina: the War the price was more stationary: $5.00 for a pair of shoes and up to $12.00 for a pair of boots. SICKNESSES The most common ailment among the early settlers was malaria fever, caused by the exhalations of the swampy prairies and the lack of good drinking water. At times, every family was affected. When the land had been properly drained and cultivated, this disease gradually disappeared. The ordinary remedies ap- plied were quinine and whiskey. Since quinine was expensive, sometimes costing as much as $16 an ounce, aloe or other herbs or some extract was used with the wiiiskey. Milk sic,kness was also very frequent in the early days. To cure it, the physicians prescribed sulphur and whiskey. The disease often proved fatal after two or three days. After 1870, it appeared only occasionally. At first, the settlers had to go twenty miles to obtain medical service. About the year 1841, Dr. J. L. Fields settled at Elliotstown, nine miles south, and Dr. J. Le Crone at Ewington, the county seat, seven miles west of Teutopolis. Dr. George Schindel came to Teutopolis about the year 1848. Other physicians during the early days of the settlement were Dr. Stewart, who lived here in 1848, Dr. Thoiuas Brady, Dr. F. F. Eversman, who came from Cincinnati in 1852, Dr. Seth- mann, who came about 1860. The physicians who lived at Teutopolis during the more recent years were: Dr. Joseph Biumleve, Dr. J. Kroeger, Dr. Sloan, who died of smallpox, Dr. Lawrence Brumleve, Dr. Lange. Dr. Eisenbard, Dr. Koch, Dr. Zittek, Dr. Clement Westhoelter, Dr. Mc Kunt, Dr. Selig, Dr. N. F. Hoffmann, Dr. Scheffner and Dr. E. A. Weisenhorn. Dr. Raney, a dentist, also resided here for several years. PLOWING— HARVESTING— THRESHING Considering the prairie valueless, because they found a few Americans settled in the forest clearings and because the prairie was unfit for cultivation owing to the swamps and lack of drainage, the first settlers confined themselves to clearing and cultivating the timberland. There seems to have been little undergrowth ow- ing to frequent forest fires. To clear a tract of 40 acres was a laborious task requii'ing possibly two or three years of labor. Even then there remained the many stumps without chains and stum.p-pullers to remove them. As very few of the settlers had horses, five to six yoke of oxen were needed to break the land. The plow consisted of an iron i^lowshare and a wooden mold-board lined with hoop iron. Ox horns were used for handles. Clem Uptmor records that his father had some prairie land broken in 1845. Mr. Hy. Vormor, who lived for a year or two south of John Gannoway's (B. Overbeck farm), was told by Mr. Gannoway: "Why do you not break the prairie? It is much easier.'' — "But is the land good?" was the retort. Mr. Gannoway replied: "Come along and I will show you.'' The two rode to the northeast of town and, as result, Mr. Vormor soon moved to that dis- trict in the prairie. Some Americans made a regular business of breaking the prairie and charged $2,00 — $2.50 per acre. About 1858 — '60 many used horses to plow the prairie; four horses did more than five yoke of oxen. The first harrow used was made of hewn timber four inches by four inches. It was generally about six feet square and had wooden teeth. The first reaper and grass cutter was bought probably in 1858 by Jacob Fuelle, H. Wernsing, B. Bruever; it was a Manney. (Ev.'s Mem.) It was tested on the J. Meyer farm, east of the College campus. Mr. Waschefort next purchased a McCormick self-rake. These were followed by the Woods self-i-ake, the Buckeye-Cumberland Dropper and Mower, which soon became the leading machine. The Marsh harvester and the Meer self- — 28 — bindar and the Twin self-binders. In cultivating the corn, a one-horse bar plow often drawn by an ox was used and served by two persons — one driving, the other guiding the plow. The three-cornered Harrow manufactured by Mr. Eggermann replaced the teeth by five small plows. This was in turn succeeded by the two- horse cultivator. Fritz Rechalm introduced the hand planter. The corn land was laid out in furrows made by a plow. Later on a marker was made of three joists abcut four feet long set up edgeways and having five boards laid crossways. It marked three rows at a time. When the grain (rye, buckwheat and later on wheat) was ripe, it was cut with the scythe and cradle by men and women; for in pioneer days both sexes did the hard work in the fields. Threshing was at first done by flail or also by cxen or horses tramping out the grain. For cleaning the latter, a "Wanne'' or wicker basket was used. It was open in front and had two handles. The grain was m.cved upward or thrown forward and the cjiaff thus separated. Often the wing of a goose was us:;d to brush off the chaff. Later en horse-power threshing machines were employed, four or five teams furnishing the motor power; the DR. JOSEPH BRUMLEVE MR. SAM McELHINEY driver stood in the midst of the wheel and whipped up the horses. Still later the modern threshing machine came into use. The engine was stationaiy in early days. IMcst of the first wagons used by the colonists were home-made roller-wagons. The wheels were sections of about 2 — 3 feet in diameter cut from a sycamore, the wood of which does not readily split. A hole was cut or bored through the center to admit the axle made of hickory or other hard wood. The frame or box was made of split oak and smoothened with a drawing-knife. The squeaking of the often ungreased wheels could be heard at a great di-stance. The linch-pin wagon made by Mr. Boos was the first real wagon. It had no screw and no leger. Next was the regular standard farm wagon with a cast skein. *Crab-apple bushes were the primitive harrow used at times till 30 years ago and occasionally even now. — 29 — HOW LAND WAS TRANSFERRED We have seen how Mr. J. F. Waschefort, the committee-man, in the name of the Land Company, made out all the deeds to the first settlers. The deed often cost more than the lot. Only very few deeds (two?) were made out up to the year 1850. Despite the plat of the town, many stepped off their land when they first came and thus many errors were made which it was found impossible to cor- rect despite repeated surveys, all of which took the National Road, which forms the Main Street of Teutopolis, as a starting point. In the beginning of the fifties the county surveyors of Effingham, Jasper and Cumberland counties were employed by the village council; but they failed to agree and hence the proper limits of many streets and lots are still questionable; some lots have more feet of ground than the original plat calls for. To straighten out matters without too much ex- citement the village bought a lot at the west end and laid out a street, thereby reimbursing the owners who did not get their due. A remarkable custom when- ever a deed was made out till about 1890 was that the wife who had to sign received a new dress on that occasion. HORSE AND CATTLE BUYERS Cash money was a very rare article in pioneer days. Bartering was the rule. Many Americans made some money by selling furs and honey, etc. Many of our German pioneers seldom were in possession of cash; the markets for their pro- duce were too far away, hence, they often found it hard to pay their taxes. Con- ditions improved, when prior to the advent of the Illinois Central Railroad, horse and cattle buyers began to visit Teutopolis. These men were considered men of importance and worthy of respect. Feeding stock was the best way to dispose of their corn and hay. The trader, in company of a home man (mostly Mr. John F. Kroeger) went from farm to farm and bought up the cattle or horses respective- ly. On the specified day, the animals were brought to town. It was a holiday for all farmers. As there were no daily market reports, no telegrams and telephones, the buyer was sure of a snug profit and could afford to treat the thirsty ones. The horses were tied together in bunches of four or five and taken to the markets. In the case of cattle, there was more competition, because of some home buyers, such as Messrs. Jacob Fuelle, J. F. Kroeger, Mr. Waschefort, etc. The animals were either driven overland to Cincinnati — a trip of 14 days or entrained at Olney, 111., and shipped thither — or they were taken to St. Louis, Mo., a distance of 104 miles, requiring a journey of eight days, or taken to Chicago, 111., a distance of 200 miles requiring 16 days. Hogs were not shipped alive, but were either slaugh- tered by the farm.ers and brought to Teutopolis to Mr. Clement Uptmor, Mr. Wasche- fort, Mr. Ketteler and Vennemann and Wilke, etc., or sold alive to them and packed in winter and shipped in spring. When the first car load of living hogs was shipped by train, the assurance was expressed that these animals would never reach their place of destination alive. There was no STOCK LAW until the beginning of the nineties. Cattle and hogs ran at large, and, to be distinguished, had certain m.arks punched in the right or left ear. These marks were registered at the court house. When an animal was wanted, the owner had to search for it. Coming to town for shopping pur- poses, farmers had to watch their wagons or some roving cow made a fine meal of the sack of bran, etc., on their wagon while the owners wei-e in the store. Many horses and cows were stolen in the early days of Teutopolis. Having no telegraphs and telephones, a thief was comparatively safe, if he had a start of a few hours. The posse that went to search for the thief was rarely successful. It was finally found out that there was a gang of rustlers who had an accomplice — 30 — in this vicinity whom no one had suspected, who hid the stolen animals in his stable. He was finally convicted and served a term in jail. But when the excite- ment had subsided, the thieves took the stolen horses and cows to some distant market. HUNTING IxV EARLY DAYS Until other meat was available, the pioneers, as we have seen, relied for their meat supply upon game which luckily was plentiful. Deer were often seen in droves of twenty to forty and used to come as far as F. Schlepers near the col- lege to water. If the hunter fired, he could hardly fail to hit one animal. As the deer had their regular trails, a slanting spear was often planted back of a rail fence across which the animals used to jump. Again the hunters set the prairie on fire and while the fire and wind drove the frightened animals towards the forest, some lay in wait there and shot them.. One Teutopolis hunter is said to have killed 200 deer. The deer were hunted, however, for their skin rather than for the venison. As game was very plentiful, HOME OF JOHN F. WASCHEFORT especially near Bishop Creek, lovers of the chase came from New York, Boston, etc., to camp hither to indulge in this favorite pastime. Prairie chickens and wild turkeys and quails were likewise very numerous. Rabbits and quails were fre- quently caught in traps, for powder and lead were rare articles. The guns were single-barrel shot guns with flintlock. With the rifle an -old style cap was used — • the first improvement over the flintlock. The sportman molded his own bullets. A hog tooth measured the amount of powder to be used for loading. For this pur- pose the powder was poured down the barrel of the gun; next a piec,e of cloth first greased with tallow, was put over the muzzle, then the bullet in the cloth was cut off, rammed down and the cap was put on the tube. Some of the pioneers loaded their guns almost as fast as the modern client of the goddess of the chase — 31 — loads his breechloader. The distance a rifle earned was 200 — 250 yards. (Cfr. Memoirs of Mr. Chas. Eversman). Cow-horns were used for powder-horns. AMUSEMENTS About the years 1847 — 1856, the Hy. Kabbis tavern, saloon and small store with a German bowling alley annexed, seems to have been a favorite resort for young and old. It was customary to have a dance on New Year's Eve, Shrove Tuesday (Fastnacht) and July 4th. The "dancing hall" was 20x20 feet, and the rough floor of hewn logs was considered "good enough for a prince.'' Males and females, old and young, liked to trip the fantastic toe. Often the floor was so crowded that one could hardly turn around and still they m.anaged to dance. Sud- denly the cry: "Solo!" was heard above the din. Impatient to get a chance to dance, some one warned the dancing couples that they had indulged enough in the frolic and were to give some other couples an opportunity. Usually this request was honored. If later at night it failed to bring a response, a quarrel with its sequel before the justice of the peace might i^ossibly result. The Jacobsbrunnen and Barlage country stores were also favorite haunts for those seeking recreation. The old folks tell many a tale to their children at the fireside of events that took place there in days before the Civil War, when whiskey was good and reasonable in price and when many farmers had a barrel of the liquid in tlieir smoke-house or cellar. NEW YEAR In accordance with a custom brought by the old settlers from the Fatherland, a number of young men equipped with pistols and plenty of powder assembled on New Year's eve. They went from house to house saluting the inmates by a vol- ley, thus "shooting away the old year.'' Thereupon they were invited to enter, treated to a drink and given a large sausage. Wishing them a "Happy New Year," the young invited the inmates to meet them next year, i. e., that night, at some place designated, generally at a neighbor's, and fired another volley when leaving. After all belonging to that circuit had been visited, the "shooters" repaired to the place designated and finding the guests, men, women and children waiting for them, proceeded to fry the sausages collected and to paitake of the cake, ect., provided by the hostess. When the repast was over, at michiight, the young men went outside and fired a volley of welcome to the "New Year'' and ended with singing the "Grosser Gott, wir loben dich!" This custom was still in vogue up to 1905. We regret to siiy that some of the young men failed to observe strict mod- eration in drinking. Still very few accidents did occur; yet one life was lost, ow- ing to accident, it seems. At present the neighbors gather for a social, possibly a dance aad supper. The custom of the young men disguising themselves and serenading the people, too, has almost disappeared. More and more home amuse- ments are taking the place of the old customs. EPIPHANY OR THE SONG OF THE THREE KINGS (STERNSAENGER) On the feast or during the octave of the Holy Three Kings, four or five young men, dressed in white and carrying a crown of paper, gilded, one with blackened face and hands, sing the "Drei-koenigslied" and get a treat of some kind. Mr. Hy. Voss of Bishop Creek introduced the custom in these parts. When they went out for the first time to sing, they were in danger of being shot by the farmer who did not know what was up. The cus^m was also in vogue at Teutopolis. DAS DREI KOENIGE LIED Wir sind die drei Koenige aus Morgenland Durch einen Stern von Gott gesandt Der Stern war gross und wunderschoen Drin ein Kindlein mit der goldnen Kron. Die goldne Kron sein Scepter war, Sein Antlitz leuchtet wie die Sonne so klar. Wir sind gegangen bergauf, bergab, Im kalten Winter durch Laub und Grass Wir sind gegangen in aller Eil', In dreizehn Tagen vier hundert Meil'; Wir sind gegangen nach Bethlehem Nach einer Stadt Jerusalem. Wir kamen wohl vor Herodes' Thuer; Da war ein grosser Riege! dafuer. Herodes in dem Fenster lag Und die drei Weisen rankommen sah. Herodes sprach mit Schimpf und Spott: "Warum ist denn der dritte so scjiwarz?'' Der dritte, der ist uns wohlbekannt Er ist ein Koenig aus Morgenland. "Guten Abend! Guten Aband! meine lieben Herren! Bei wem woUt Ihr heut' Abend einkehre'n?'' "Bei Ihnen, Herr Koenig, an diesem Ort; Wir such den wahren, lebendigen Gott." "Er ist nicht hier, meine Lieben drei Herren, Ihr muesst noch weiter nach Bethlehm kehren." Sie gingen wohl von Jerusalem Zu einem Stalle gen Bethlehem. Der Stern stand stille und rueckte nicht mehr, Es war ein Zeichen von Gott dem Herrn. Der Stern stand stille wohl ueber dem Stall Und auf ihre Knie da fielen sie all. Sie gingen wohl zum Stalle hinein Und fanden Maria mit dem Christkindlein. Sie opfern dem Kinde wohl alle drei Gold, Weihrauch, Myrrhe, und Lobgeschrei. Das Clirist-Kindlein in der Krippe lag- Drum singen wir "Deo gratias! (Bitte um eine Erquickung oder eine Gabe) HERE ONE ASKS FOR A GIFT OR SOME REFRESHMENT. Sie habsn uns eine Verehrung gegeben, Der Hebe Gott lass euch in Frieden noch leben; In Fried und Freud' und immerdar Das wuenschen wir Euch zum neuen Jahr Das neue Jahr, die Seligkeit — 33 — Von nun an bis in Ewigkeit! Wir wuenschen dem Herrn ein grosses Glas Wein; Damit er darauf kann lustig sein. Wir wuenschen der Frau einen goldenen Wagen, Womit sie kann in den Himmel jagen. Wir schreiben auf einen Lilienstrunk: "Der liebe Gott lass euch noch recht gesund!'' Wir schreiben auf einen Lilienzweig: Wir haben gesungen in diesem Haus Und all das Unglueck kehrt der Schwarze hinaus. If the singers are given a present, the "moor'' sweeps all misfortune out of doors. We may add that one of the kings plays the accprdion and that all kneel down when they sing the words: "Der Stern stand still wohl ueber dem Stall — Und auf ihre Kniee da fielen sie all." ("The star stood still over the stable and all fell on their knees.") Mr. Hy. Voss came to Eifingham County in the beginning of the eighties. FASTNACHT OR SHROVE TUESDAY Another custom impoited from their native country was the way of celebrating Monday and Tuesday before Ash Wednesday. A crowd, sometimes masked, one of them carrying a straw man ("Bernstein of Navoo") collected sausages and got a treat — finally winding up with a jolly good time, in which the most prominent citizens took part. How the straw man was once set up on the roof of the jail and how Father Frauenhofer coming from Green Creek was offended till the joke was explained, has caused many a ripple of laughter. MARRIAGE AND MARRIAGE CUSTOMS The celebration of marriage was very difficult in olden days. As the con- tracting parties were all Catholics, the-" --^metimes had to wait 6 to 8 months before they could get married, bef'^.-se leutopolis was repeatedly without a resi- dent priest for many months. Three couples were joined in holy wedlock on one occasion; the young ladies made their first Communion in the morning, got mar- ried at noon and received Confirmation in the afternoon. Girls, at times, married at the age of sixteen or seventeen. If an old settler was robbed by death of his helpmate, he usually made a trip to Cincinnati to look for a new bride. In one instance, the widower walked on foot to that city on the Ohio River and returned on horseback, his bride mounted behind him; at times the one walked and let the other ride. At first weddings were very simple. A black dress and bonnet were worn by the bride. When the population increased, old country customs were in- troduced especially that of the "WEDDING BIDDER" ("Hochtieds Bitter"). After the date of the wedding had been set, the guests received invitations, usually on the Tuesday preceding the wedding. This inviting was done, as a rule, by the best man. He set out early in the day, generally on horseback, sometimes in a buggy. His hat and staff were trimmed with a ribbon and the horse was likewise decorated with ribbons. When he arrived at the house of the intended guest, he recited the following verses: "Gudden Dagg im Huse, gih laiwen Luee! Et gruesst Euch Gott und ick derbie. Ick bin van Dagg de Hochtiettsbitter, Drum hev ick Stock und Haut und Flitter. So ener as ick kommt nit jeden Dagg. — 34 — Drum lustert tau, wat he wohl seggen mag. De Bibel seggt: "Et is net gaud, dat de Menske alleene bliewt." Drum nimmt sick N. N. ene Braut. Se hett N. N. De Hochtied is naechsten Dienstag im Huse von de Braut. Sai soil lewen hoch ! Und wi Gebrauch is dat eu groht Fest. Und wie man segget, giewet et viel Beer, Kauken, Zucker, Suppen und Schinken. Natuerlick mot man donach drinken. Aber dat mack nix, Gott giewet gaut Wiaer. Dan let et sich macken. Will gie mi wat schenken ? En Baendchen an minen Stock oder Haut? Tau dem Schlusse: Et gau alien gaud. Bliewet alle gesund und munter. Dann lewet wohl bit up dat Fest.'' i. e.: "Good day, dear inmates of this house. Greetings from God and from me. I am the wedding bidder of this day. — Hence my staff and hat and orna- MR. H. D. ELLMANN MRS. H. D. ELLMANN ments. — Such as I do not come every day. — Therefore, listen what I have to say. — The Bible says it is not good for man to be alone — Hence N. N. takes unto him- self a bride.— Her name is N. N. — The wedding will take place Tuesday next at the home of the bride. — Three cheers for her. — According to custom this will be a day of great merriment. — It is said, there will be beer, cake, sugar, soup and ham galore. — Of course this makes people thirsty — But no matter, — God grants good weather,— and all will be well. — Will you make me a present?— A ribbon for my staff oi' for my hat? — In conclusion: God bless you all. May all remain well, healthful and cheerful. — Now, good bye till the feast.'' At every house where the wedding bidder extended an invitation, he was pre- sented with a ribbon for his hat; if a second ribbon was proffered, he attacjied — 35 — it to the bridle of his horse. He was not supposed to let his horse walk and had to cry out at the top of his voice: "Hochtied," (Wedding!) to the great amaze- ment of strangers unaccustomed to this. We also subjoin the poem in German used by the late Frank Brinker and in use until some years ago. Prohibition and hard times for the farmer have helped to let this custom die out. DER HOCHZEITSBITTER (Courtesy of Mr. Leo Westendorf) Guten Tag. meine Lieben all, Viel Glueck Euch allzumal! Hier kom^me ich scjireiten: Bis zum Tore wollte ich leiten. Sagte ich "Guten Morgen!" Brauchtet Ihr fuer meine Rede nicht zu sorgen. Nun weil ich sage "Guten Tag!" So so'.lt Ihr hoeren, wenn ich reden mag. Wcllet Ihr meine Rede recht anhoeren, So muesst Ihr mich nicht darin stoeren. Soil ich meinen Spruch recjit machen, So muesst Ihr nicht darum lachen; Denn da ich gestern wollte studieren, Thaten mich die jungen Maedchen faxieren. Mein Studieren liess ich sein Und ging mit ihnen zur Stube hinein. Da habe ich bei ihnen so lange gesessen Und habe ganz auf mein Studieren vergessen. Hier komme ich nicht zu prahlen; Auch nicjit um Schulden zu bezahlen; Sondern ich bin von (N. N.) hierher gesandt, Um Euch ihren Wunsch machen bekannt; Euch Dienstag, den (Datum) auf die Hochzeit zu laden. O, was wollen wir da ein Vergnuegen haben ! Und dazu lade ich ein Sohn u. Tochter, Knecht u. Magd, So wie es mir ist vorgesagt. Jung und Alt, Gross und Klein, Alle, die im Hause gehoerig sein. Nun koennte ich Euch nocji mehr sagen, Aber vor Trockenheit darf ich kein Wort mehr aus meinem Munde wagen. Drum schenket mir ein Glaeschen ein, Faellt mir vielleicht was Bess'res ein. Ist es auch ein Glas Rum, Das stossen wi-r auch nicht um. Bedenken wir, erklaeren es. Wo kommt der Ehestand her? Gott nahm eine Rippe aus Adams Seit', Und schuf daraus ein junges Weib, Setzte sie im Garten des Vergnuegens dar. So haben wir schon zu Anfang ein junges Ehepaar. Wenn wir thun dann weiter gehen, Zu Kana werden wir Schoeneres sehen. Wo Christus selber auf der Hochzeit zugegen war Und offenbarte seine Gottheit wunderbar. — 36 — Aus Wasser mac,hte er den besten roten Wein. Das sollte der Hocjizeit zur Ehre sein. So ist Hochzeit halten ja nicht uebel, Denn so lesen wir's in der Bibel: Geschehen ist es vor tausend Jahren, Als zu Kana die Hochzeit war. So wollen auch wir denn Hochzeit feiern Und das Gedaechtnis froh erneuern, Hochzeit halten ist daium das Best'. Denn in Huette wie auf Thronen beginnt es mit ein'm Freudenfest, Wenn das alles wohl wird sein, Dann wird euch auch Musik erfi-euen. Kaffee, Bier u. allerlei Braten soUen vor Euch stehen, Tiompeten und Violine solle, um euch gehen. Wir wollen tanzen und springen, Dass im Hause die Fenster klingen. Die jungen Maedchen huepfen fein, Wollen auch recht bei den Juenglingen sein. Nun, dass ich nicht rede so vermessen, Und thu' die Hauptsach noch vergessen, Denn ich fuehre hier einen Gefaehrten an meiner Hand, Den moachte ich geme verzieret haben durch ein schoenes Band. Ist es rot oder weis, es ist mir einerlei; Ist es gelb oder gruen, es ist mir nur ums Beste zu thun. So freuet eucji denn nach der Zeit; Denn es waehrt jetzt nicht mehr weit. Sehnet euch darnach mit Herz und Mund: Denn es naht nun bald die Stund, Wo wir begleiten werden zum Altar Das junge, glueckliche Liebespaar. Denn von ihnen wurde ich beschenket Mit diesem schcenen Band so rot. Das junge Liebespaar soil leben Durch ein dreimal "VIVAT HOGH!" Tliere are many variations of parts of this poem often improvised by the "Wedding-Bidder." Here is one of these variations: Conclusion: Kommet alle zur rechten Zeit; Denn Ihr findet alles wohlbereit. An Aufwartung soil es nicht fehlen; Denn ich bin selber dabei. Steckt aber .scharfe Messer bei; Denn es soil etwas vom Besten sein. Dann setze ich mich auf die Bank; Dann wird mir die Zeit nicht lang. Drauf setz' ich mich beim Herrn. Denn ich denk' ich bin es wohl wert. Hab' ich es nicht gut gemacht, Ich hab' es doch zu End' gebracht. For about thirty-five &r moie years the following custom has grown into favor. On Sunday afternoon preceding the wedding the lady friends of the bride wend their way to her house. They carry a long garland or wreath made of flowers, corn husks or evergreen or paper flowers according to the season. Upon entering the room the wreath is laid upon the ground and a lady friend recites the follow- ing or something similar: "Bride and Bridegroom: this is the day on which we all ©O'er our felicitations and tender you this wreath. It is the wreath of your youth, of your innocence, of your virtue. It is neither large nor is it small. You may, however, be well contented with it. You have mutually pledged your love and fidelity to walk through life in peace and joy. Therefore, we all wish to you both much happiness and blessing, long life and health." This was written on paper cut in the form of a heart and encased in a wreath. After the verses have been read or recited, the wreath is turned over to the bride. It is highly esteemed and framed with the bridal wreath and hung up in the living room or parlor. Should the bride fail to receive such felicitations. MR. JOHN EGGERMANN MRS. JOHN EGGERMANN it would be a sign of either being without friends or of improper conduct during her courtship. It was also a custom that the bride ended by inviting her friends to a luncheon and a dance and, of course, by this time, if not sooner, the young gentlemen friends had appeared on the scene. SUPERSTITION OF THE OLD SETTLERS It is remarkable to what extent our pioneers coming from little towns in Europe secluded for centuries from the world at large were given to superstitious beliefs and practices. But in this, they were perhaps not different from people elsewhere as records show. "We were afraid to look into a corner for fear of Hexen (witches)," we were told by a good old matron. "Almost every third person was looked upon as a "Hexe," wizard or witch," said an old settler. Even now there are a number of persons that still fear them. Various precautions and charms were employed to nullify the wicked machinations and spells of the witches. A horse or cow took sick or died; forthwith it was "verhexf or bewitched. A person was bedridden for some time; a witch was the cause. The feather bed was ripped open and, if there were any traces of wreaths or some such thing, it was the work of a "ver- dollte Hexe." The feathers were boiled in hot water or milk, to drive away the witch. Some would take out the heart of the dead animal and boil it and the first person entering the house while this was going on, was the guilty wizard or witch. Others claimed to have seen the spirits of the departed and to have seen burning candles moving about, to have seen the fence hung with white sheets. If a dog annoyed the sleepers by his unremitting barking at night, one in that nighborhood was surely going to die very soon. If the wheels would turn around DR. HENRY EVERSMAN "but not move on, the charm was broken by stepping into the spokes and breaking one. If a person was aflicted with a bleeding or pain, the faith doctor was called from St. Francis Township or Bishop Creek, or elsewhere. He or she made the sign of the cross, prayed, holding the finger for a time, then retired to another room and, when he or she came out, the pain was supposed to have vanished or the bleeding to have ceased. A lady had visited a family, rocked the baby's cradle; when she had bid adieu, the baby cried continually; — the solution was simple; the WITCH was to blame. In at least one instance, the cradle was burned; in vain; .a second one met with the same fate, bat without result. A man driving a team, — 39 — was accosted by a neighboring lady, who praised his team and offered to trade. He refused. She went away; he drove up a hillock — when after a sudden jerk by the horses the single tree stuck in the ground about 2^ feet deep. Unable to extract the same, he unhitched and called some neighbors to his aid. All at once he had an idea: That's work of the witch with whom he had conversed; he told them of his suspicion and all agreed with him as to the "fact." The "bewitched" wagon, it is claimed by some, was left in that spot for years and a new road was started around the old one. The clergy, with one exception, it is said, did not give credence to such stories of witchcraft, and the one who listened thought he would cure them by making them pay dearly to cure them of the superstitions. An amusing story is told of the last secular pastor. Father B. Bartels was one day asked by a man to come out and drive out the witches because during the night the fence for a quarter of a mile had been hung with bed sheets and a filly stub- bornly refused to leave the stable; he promised to do so. As soon as the man opened the door to leave, Father Bartels kicked him bodily into the street saying: "Are the witches gone now?" — The famous silver tea mentioned in the life of Moses Tipsword (Souard) and consisting of water in which a silver coin had been boiled, is also mentioned among the Germans. — A stone jar filled one evening with milk was found full of blood the next morning by a very superstitious lady who ascribed it of course to the "witches," instead of attributing it, as she should have done, to the pranks of some practical joker. — A farmer's mower did not work; he was told to go later on and fire three shots into it and next day it would work. The one who suggested this knew what was wrong and mended it betimes. Some school boys, who carried mice in their pockets to play with, were stupidly believed to have supernatural power to change things inta^mice, etc. So deep- rooted is superstition that while the majority now laugh at their former foolish and sinful fear and credulity, some few still dread witch-craft. THE OLD STAGE COACH AND MAIL ROUTE About 1846 a stage coach line, carrying both passengers and mail, was run- ning from Indianapolis to St. Louis, Mo. Every 10 or 11 miles there was a relay station, where the four horses that drew the stage coach were changed. Every tavern-keeper was anxious to keep the horses for the company. Mr. Jacob Fuelle, the genial and popular tavern-keeper at Teutopolis, generally secured the con- tract, not only because he was the lowest bidder, but also because his stable was known as the best along the road. If a competitor got the contract, it was soon again given to J. Fuelle. The last two years, Jacob was permitted to retain care of their horses without any bid. The stage must have been discontinued when the Vandalia railroad was opened. Jacob was also famous as host and, years after his death, old acquaintances of his inquired for him and when apprised of his demise, words like the following were heard: "God bless his soul! Jacob was the finest tavern-keeper on earth." No better man ever lived than old Jack!" "I'd give ten dollars to eat another meal at his tavern. Poor soul! he is no more." "The most accommodating tavern-keeper that ever lived." — When the driver of the stage coach coming from the east drew near the village, he blew his horn after the manner of the "Postilion" in Europe, unloaded the passengers at the tavern and the mail at the Post Office, the latter being in charge of Clement Uptmor. Meanwhile the passengers had ample time to partake of food and drink. The drivers delighted to show expert driving in turning with the coach, and more than once upset the coach, without, however, ever harming any one, as far as is known. Prior to the coming of the stage coach, mail was carried once a month, and later, twice a week on horseback. There was mail connection between New York — 40 — and St. Louis. There were relay stations about every ten miles. The blowing of a bugle announced the coming of the mail. A new horse and, if necessary, a new rider were ready to start out with the mail at once. Uncle Sam's pony express route often made 10 miles in an hour. The postage for letters was at first 25 cents, about 1840 it seems to have been 18 3-4 and later on 12 1-2 cents. At first the postage had to be paid by the recipient of the letter. There were no envelopes and no postage stamps. The last page was left unwritten, the letter folded and sealed and the address put on. Later, when the stamps came into use, a young man at Effingham bought one to send a missive of love to his sweetheart and not knowing how to affix the stamp, wrote on the envelope: "Postage pre- paid; if the darn thing would only stick." POLITICS AND PATRIOTISM For the first presidential election after the founding of Teutopolis, the seven voters assembled at Clement Uptmor's and marched to Ewington, the county seat and voting place, about seven miles west. Eft'ingham was founded in 1853 only. MR. CHARLES EVERSMAN CLEM UiTMOR IV., Teacher In the Wabash bottom a horseman met them and questioned them whither they were going. When he learned that they were coming to vote, he turned his horse and galloped in the direction of Ewington. When the seven voters crossed the Wabash bridge, which was about a quarter of a mile from the county seat, they were met by a delegation and greeted with three hearty cheers. A procession was formed with snare drum, bass drum and fife at its head. Amid continuous cheering they were guided to the polls, and given the Democratic tickets, which Mr. Uptmor read to his fellow citizens. Thereupon they did the patriotic duty. This over, the band struck up a tune and led them to the hotel where the ladies had prepared a fine dinner for them. Afterwards Judge Thornton made a speech, read the names of the seven voters who had marcjied so far and declared that not only the Democratic party but the whole county might well be proud of them. — ._ 41 — When the Teutopolitans were about to return home, a farmer drove up, invited them to a ride and took them about three miles to the east. After thanking their host, they arrived at home about sunset. Though they received mail twice a week, the news of Buchanan's election arrived only after three months. A ratification meeting was then held. A barrel filled with tar was then fastened to a pole by means of a log chain and raised into the air. There was no speech making. But a good singer, who was ignorant of the national anthem, sang: "O Strassburg, O Strassburg!'' and "Morgenroth ! Morgenroth!'' When the tar-barrel had done its service, three hearty cheers for the Democratic ticket ended the rally. During the campaign of James Buchanan, Teutopolis got its first flag. The Democrats — that means all the voters of those days — held a big Democratic, rally in town and preparations were made to erect a tall hickory pole. This custom was observed as late as the time of President Grover Cleveland. Before v/e conclude our GLIMPSES OF PIONEER LIFE we cannot but say a few words of tribute to those sturdy women who shared all the privations of those days with their husbands. Of them may be said, MUTATIS MUTANDIS, what Mr. H. Huels said of them. "They shared all the pa-ivations, hardships, and by industry and thrift, in most cases, succeeded in becoming rather well-to-do, or, at least, to amass a competency enabling them to pass their declining years in ease and comfort.'' Of one of them He says: "It was a happy union. For more than half s. century they shared in the vicissitudes of an eventful life. Mrs. well sustained the character of wife and helpmate to the pioneer settler. 'Onward and Upward' was her motto. She was always ready to arouse the flagging spirit, to revive the drooping energies, to inspire renewed exertions, to cheer in every trial, and to soften the pang of every disappointment. Such traits of character, we can well comprehend, were eminently useful, as the life of the pioneer settler was very tedious, difl"icult and full of hardships. A kind mistress, a faithful friend, a davoted wife and loving mother, — these are her titles that command our este2m. Mrs. was truly blessed in her children; they were sincerely and affectionately attached to her. — Her piety was humble and self -distrustful; but her faith was firm and unclouded, and though her sufl'erings were severe and pro- tracted, she was humbly and patiently resigned to their infliction, as the salutary discipline of the fleeting vanities of the earth." — Mr. Chas. Eversman assures us that though the old log houses were poor, still they were clean, being whitewashed every spring. And no doubt they provided husband and children with the few com- forts they could aff"ord. All honor to these pioneer MOTHERS as well as to the MEN that laid the foundation of our present civilization and comfort in the then wilderness. May their memory ever be held in benediction ! Before we proceed with our Chronicle, we subjoin a very interesting letter containing A DESCRIPTION OF TEUTOPOLIS "In Canon Salzbacher's book, "Meine Reise nach Nordamerika im Jahre 1842,"' pp. 225, 226 reprinted in "Centralblatt and Social Justice,'' St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 1918, p. 183, we find the following interesting description of Teutopolis apparently taken from a letter of the Rev. Carl Joseph Oppermann, Director of the Priests' Seminary at Vincennes, Indiana. Fr. Oppermann visited Teutopolis sever;'.! times and this letter must have been written in 1844 or 1845. After touchinp, upon liis visit to St. Marie and Stringtown, 111., he continues: "From Newton I went to Teutopolis, a town in the making, founded by poor people from Northern -Germany with the intention of preservi'.ig for themselves and their descendants the precious jewel of faith pure and unalloyed. It was an — 42 — ao'veeabie -urp^'ise for me when at a distance I became awaie that thi.s place had grown very much, had gained much in beauty and had improved. I should hardly have know/I irjy way unless the pealing of the bells (Bcil, l]d.) and the people re- joicing coming out to meet me had pointed out to me t!iat I v/as in the vicinity of Teutopolis. Tears of joy flowed when with old German honesty (Biederkeit) they shook hands with me; the wish was heard aloud that I migiit never leave them again aiul renain as their shepherd and Father. It gave a pan;;- to my heart to ba Icrcefi to reply that my stay in their midst would be of only a few days dura- tion. The devotion and piety of this congregation deeply edified me; revelers and spendthrifts, topers and gourm.ands (Schwelger und Prasser, Saeufer und Schlem- mei ) are not to be found among them. Already more thaa ninety families live here in a circumference of 6 to 7 miles. The love of order, the thrift and in- dustry of the local farmers will soon transform Teutopolis into a pleasant and charming" phtcf- of lesidence. The Church which three yai'rs a,»o by its shabby (miserable) appearance offended the eyes of the Bishop (Hailandiere), in whose MR. H. H. HARDIER MR. ANDREW SCHNEIDER company I then visited the parish has been atti actively remodeled, a steeple has been added tl\ereto, the latter adornd with a bell weighing nvjrn than 900 pounds, which on Sundays and holydays summons the inhabitants to divine service. The zeal for rebgion and the love of God has induced these poor North Ger.nans to acci'muiate iilready $.5C0.G0 earned in the sweat of their brow, lo proceed to the erection of a new church; moreover, to their credit be it said — they have purchased five times 80 acres of land besides 80 and 40 for the priest's resi- dence and the school house. Happy the priest who presides over a par-sh (Con- gregation) which is aware that sacrifices and alms made foi- God's sake do not empoveiish but enrich. To remedy the inconvenience of driving 30 (23 miles — Ed.) to a mill, Uptmor Brother:, have begun to erect a mill on the corner of Pearl an t Cohuribu-; Street; witu God's help it will b? in operation next spring. An intelligent physician, who has perfect cominand of both languages, the German and i:he English, has also taketi up his residence in Teutopolis as did several mechanics vaose services are _ 43 — indispensable to the farmer. The Post Office, a Justice of the Peace, are also found in [he town in which 141 members own their own lots Every lot is pro- vide I vitli a garden so that every proprietor of a lot is ^he owner of four acres of land iii town. A lot is to be had for five dollars. The country is healthful; he who desires to devote himself to agriculture (tilling the soil) finds what he de- sires. The fat prairies are very useful for raising stock; sheep raising has so far given very satisfactory results. The border of the forest is inhabiteil by farm- ers who at dusk need neither Virgilian shepherds' lute nor Swiss Reigen to call their flocks grazing and (reposing) in the exuberant prairies be- side their homes. Agriculture flourishes exceedingly; I beheld with my own eye.s how a farmer bartered 37 gallons of honey for store goods, saying that he had not yet emptied all the honey-combs. A German that intends io devote him- self tc agricultural pursuits and at the same time to preserve his faith pure and unalloyed, fivids in and near Teutopolis the realization of his deiii'e-5. Against the Catholic sense of these good North Germans the sectarian spirit of faction has so far dasliet; in vain, although it has made repeated attempts to stii up dissensions among Liiem. May they remain steadfast to the joy and honor of their former country men, who in Cincinnati are favorably known. May many more Catholic Christians join them who by word and conduct may contribute to our failh and to the .sunetification of souls." (End of Glimpses of Pioneer Life) CHAPTER IV. FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE CIVIL WAR, A. D., 1861—1900 Th slavery question and other difi'erences about state rights, etc., of long standing had finally led to the Civil War. When news of the outbreak arrived, Illinois was ablaze with enthusiasm and immediately thousands of volunteers of- fered their services to the Government. Effingham County, in general, and Teu- topolis nobly did its duty. Mr. Lang Kelly, of Ewington, formed a company of cavalry, the "home guards," as tthey were named, comprising 392 men. Fred and Joseph Thoele, and H. and Fritz Riemann joined them. Eveiy week these home guards met somewhere in the county for a drill. One day Teutopolis was electrified by the cry that the home guards were coming. Soon the whole population was astir. The ladies made elaborate preparation hospitably to entertain the patriots. And on they came in fine grey uniforms, riding eight abreast, without pistol and sword; and well it was, for many a one of those lads had trouble enough to control his horse. After an hour's drill on some vacant lots back of the college, captain Kel- ly ordered: "Forward march!" and so they did, not for the bloody fray, but to at- tack the chickens, potatoes, cakes and pies, which the kind ladies had provided on a long table in the pin oak grove, where George Deyman's home is. Nor were the horses forgotten. Some veterans remarked that these were, indeed, the finest bunch of fighting men they had seen and, if they would fight as well as they ate, well, the homes and hearths would be safe indeed. The repast over, off the home guards rode and were seen no more. When soon after the Government called for more soldiers, 90 of the 392 enlisted. But Teutopolis did furnish a number of volunteers: Hy. Uptmor, Jos. Bussman, John C. Eversmann, Hy. Rump, Sam Mc- Elheny, (living at Toledo, 111.), Herm. Schniederjan, S. Engel, Wm. Weber, Fr. Hofer, Jos. Stallings (living at Effingham), Hy. Busse, F. Friepoertner, Geo. Weis, John Zerrusen and Anton Pfarber. The latter fell at Shiloh, Apr. 6, 1862; Geo. Weis and J. Zerrusen were killed at Fort Donnelson, February 15, 1862. G. Herboth enlisted — 44 — while working at Cincinnati and Dr. Hy. Eversman was surgeon in the army. His Brother Chas. ran away to serve in the war and was sworn in at Bird's Point, Mo., when his father, Dr. F. F. Eversman, came to reclaim him saying: "Two sons in the army is enough;" he wanted to keep one at home. Gerard Runde seems to have acted repeatedly as substitute. Owing to this comparatively large num- ber ot volunteers, no draft took place (H. of Effingham Co.) for some time. But later en, there were some drafts. Those at home also did their duty by supplying food and money, etc. They, too, saw hard times when prices soared skywaid. Great difficulty was experienced to get the funds for the new college and semi- nary that the Franciscans were building — 1861-'62. On December 11th, 1861, the Ven. School Sisters of Notre Dame came to Teutopolis. In 1863 Mr. H. Huels' house, inhabited by Ketteler, burned down. — Great was the joy when the bloody strife ended and "the boys'' came home from war. "THE DUTCHTOWN WAR"— 1867 Scon however, there was to occur another War not reported in larger histories, we mean the "Dutchtown War,'' a good joke on the (Watson or) Mason people. HT J0SEPH8 SEMINARY AND COLLEGE, TEUTOPOLIS, ILLINOIS. 18(i2. It probably happened in fall 1867, when the Teutopolis parish purchased a pipe organ from the Gratian Organ Company, at Alton, 111. The pipes, etc., were shipped via Mattcon to Effingham whence the farmers hauled them to Teutopolis. The account of this "War" against either the altar pillars about 1860 or 1861, when :Mr. Hy. Eversman, the teacher, organist and sexton, was sweeping the church as the "scouts or spies" from Mason, etc., came, whose intent was later on revealed to Dr. Hy. Eversman by Mr. Kagay, who was one of the spies — or in 1867, if the PIPE ORGANS, as others insist, were the innocent cause of the ex- citement, as old pioneers and CHAS. EVERSMAN in "History of Effingham Coun- ty,'' p. 127 insist, — is partly humorous though based on a fact. Mr. A. D. Mc- Callen wrote a series of Articles for the "Effingham Record''. When, some weeks ago, we asked to see these file?, we were told that the old files "were — 45 — binding-'' and could not be seen for two or more weeks. — Editor. McCallen kindly gave us the following information: "All I know about the "Dutchtown War"' was the account given in the County History, published by O. L. Baskin & Co., about 1881 or 1882, which was somewhat legendary, the foundation for which was the shipping or hauling of the pipe organ some time in the 60's (prob. Oct. or Nov. 1867 — Ed.), from Effingham to Teutopolis, when some one started the re- port that the Catholics were arming and preparing to make a war of extermina- tion against all protestants of the County. From the History referred to and information which I had from some of the oldest settlers of the county, it seems that some of the citizens of the village of Mason took the rumor seriously and raised and armed and had begun to drill a small company of men for defense before the "guns" were found to be the pipe organ at Teutopolis. The incident is more humorous than otherwise, but tends to show the credulity and error which often moved and misled good, honest intentioned people in our country's pioneer days. Hoping that this may give you the true "inerdness" of the Dutchtown War, I am Very respectfully, A. D. McCALLEN. On May 20, the surveyors of the new railroad were at work near the college On -January 6, 1868^ the farmers and others who had often been overreached by the insuiance companies, m.et at Clement Uptmor's store and organized a MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Mr. John H. V/ernsing was elected President and G. Habing as Secretary. Ssven directors were also elected for the seven townships interested. Soon after this, Teutopolis was asked to contribute $1000.00 towards surveying the railroad. Several enterprising citizens subscribed the sum, but soon circulated a petition that this money be levied by taxation. The voters approved of this. Next the township was requested to subsr.riba to the capital stock of the new railroad. An election ratified the issuing of bonds to the amount of $15,000.00 of which $7,500.00 were to be paid in lC8i and $7500.00 in 1885, all bearing 10 percent interest. The people voted in favor of the bonds. On July 1, the first mail from the east arrived. The citizens, who are said to have refused the right of way to the I. C. R. R. Co., for fear of the baneful effect on morals, now indulged in day-dreams of a great future; a boom of real estate, large manu- facturing plants, no need of work or paying taxes — the big dividends from the railroad would take care of that — flitted before their vision. But to translate this vision into reality, depot and side-track v/ere a necessity. But where build them? Two factions formed at once: The Up-towners and the Down-tcwners. Finally $1450.00 were voted for to purchase the requisite land. The ac.tion was declared illegal by the opponents and the deadlock was broken by taking the matter cut of the liands of the Village Board. About this time we boasted even of a brewery located on Salt Creek, north of town. Mr. Mathias Krieg was tlie owner. But the water, it seems, was not the kind needed and the brev/ery was discontinued. Despite blasting, some vaults still remain. On April 30, 1869, Mr. Clement Uptmor turned over the Post Office to Mr. Joseph Habing, who transferred the fixtures to the Joseph Horn Building. — • On November 1st, the first freight, consisting of two carloads of salt, one for Mr. C. Uptmor, the other for Mr. P. Wiwi, arrived at Teutopolis via the Vandalia Road. On June 12, 1870 passenger trains began to run according to schedule time. Mr. Joseph Habing died on November 9, 1871. On March 2, 1872, Messrs. Joseph Brumleve and John Kroeger returned with their Doctor's diplomas. On Septem- ber 12, a Frenchman was found dead near the Funnemann farm. His relatives — 46 — were notified. On Febniary 7, 1872, three marriages were solemnized. In April, P. Stumborg's stable was consumed by fire. Two horses belonging to F. Metten perished in the fire. In 1878 .'■everal BRICK houses were erected. On Sept. 14, a freight train derailed at Teut^Tjolis owing to an open switch; two cars loaded with cattle had their freight scatte^-ed, but no life was lost. On January 8, 1879, after an illness of five months with cancer of the stomach, Mr. John Ferd. Waschefort passed to his reward. He was one of the most promi- nent men of the village, one of the chief founders and an early settler. He was born at Adelrup, Essen, in Oldenburg, on January 9 1811. His parents were Cas- par Hoppe, called Waschefort, and Adelaide Waschefort. He came to America at the age cf 20, to Baltimore and thence to Cincinnati. Having learned to make ropes, he, in 1835, formed a partnership with John H. Hackmann and Mr. George Venr.emann. Soon they estr.blished branch stores at Evansville and Teutopolis THE OLD KRIEG BREWERY adding general merchandise, hardware, etc. Mr. Waschefort seems to have come to Teutopolis in March 1840. As he was a shrewd business man, packed hogs and managed a large farm; his teamsters were on the road between Teutopolis and Evansville almost continually. In 1857, the partnership was dissolved and Mr. Hackmann retained the store at Cincinnati and Mr. Vennemann the one at Evans- ville, Mr. Waschefort the one at Teutopolis. In this year Mr. Waschefort built the combination saw mill and grist mill northeast of his residence. In 1839 he had married Marie Gertrude Drees. Both were very generous to the poor. Four or five houses in the east end of Teutopolis were ever ready to harbor poor people whom he gave em.ployment and whom he helped to get food and clothing. His wife bore him one son, Ferdinand, who died of heart failure at Laredo, Texas, in March, 1891. Of the three daughters, Caroline became Mrs. Hy. Ever.sman, Elis., Mrs. Hackmann, and Mary, Mrs. Specker at Cincinnati. Despite some unpopular moves, Mr. Waschefort was public-spirited and promoted many undertakings, esperjally educational and religious. To the Franci.scans he was a father and great benefactor. ■ — 47 — MR. BARNEY WERNSING, who had been elected to the office of County Treasurer in 1879, was a native of Cincinnati, came hither as a young man and taught the first Catholic, (and public) school at Effingham, then at Bishop Creek and at Teutopolis. He was a man of great ability and a courteous gentleman. In February 1880, Mr. Gerard Hy. Bergfeld, one of the most prominent found- ers of Teutopolis, met death in a most tragic manner. Returning from High Mass on Sunday, he noticed at the depot a west-bound train with a double tender waiting for the passing of an east-bound train. He must have planned to steal a ride, and though warned by Chas. Eversman, who motioned to him to get off, he did not heed nor notice. In the afternoon he was found near the culvert close to his farm. Mr. Bergfeld was lying on his back, feet towards the railroad track, the upper head covering his face, blood and brain scattered all over, one glove in his hand, the other and his pipe by his side. The coroner's inquest found both arms broken and the chest crushed. Deceased was still spry and had lived here nearly 40 years and was universally respected. When his remains. were laid to rest, a large concourse of people paid their last marks of respect. In 1882, Mr. C. Uptmor and Son put up a large steam mill at the expenditure of $40,000.00. About the middle of the nineties it was much enlarged and turns out excellent flour, about 300 barrels per day. The product is shipped even to England and Ireland. In January 1883, Messrs. J. Fuelle and Saunders collected for a fire engine. The Parish and the College contributed $50.00 each. About this time appeared "THE HISTORY OF EFFINGHAM COUNTY." It is an excellent work. On May 20, Teutopolis lost one of its most prominent and respected citizens, Francis F. Eversman, M. D. He was a native of Iburg in Hanover. His birth occurred on October 20th, 1807. In 1837, he came to Baltimore, where he finished his school- ing. During his collegiate course he worked in the drug store of a Hospital. At Cincinnati he studied medicine (1847 — '50). When a terrible epidemic of cholera raged in 1849 and people were dying by the thousands, our student volunteered his services, since there was a great lack of doctors. Having received his diploma, he remained at Cincinnati about two years, after which he removed to Teutopolis in 1852. Of his union to Miss Charlotte Fire, three sons were born: Henry, Chas., and John. Dr. Eversman also acted as Post Master for a number of years and as town clerk for some time. In 1865 he opened a di'ug store, which was conducted by his son Charles. After practicing here for 21 years. Dr. Eversman was called to his final reward. His funeral was one of the most imposing Teutopolis has ever seen. To the Franciscans he was like a father, never charging them or the Sisters for his services. He was universally esteemed as an able and conscientious physician, a faithful parishioner, and an amiable character. 1884 On June 5, 1884, thei'e passed away the first Citizen of Teutopolis, Mr. Hy. Uptmor. His family we can ti'ace back to John Hy. Uptmor, born November 18. 1771, and his wife Anna Margaret, nee Nordlohn, born September 2, 1774. Their children were John Hy., Clement, Herman Hy., and Joseph (born 1817 and drowned in the North Sea), John Hy., Jr., was a native of Amt, Vechta, Oldenburg. He learned the shoemaker's trade and married Miss Dependener. To this union four children weie born: Mary 18 — (Mrs. Theo. Pruemmer), Phil. Josephine (Mrs. J. B. Schniederjan) died in Kansas, Clement Uptm.or II., of Lillyville, (died in Texas), and Hy. died at the age of 21 years. The wife died at Cincinnati where from 1834 — '39 he plied the .shoemaker's trade. The children came with him to Teu- — 48 — topoli? in April 1839 (C. Uptmor IV). In 1864 the father married again, viz: His second wife was Mary Anne Johring-. In 1873 he returned to towTi. He suf- fered with cancer and bore his great pains with unflinching courage and trust in God. — At the end of April a spark from a locomotive set fire to Uptmors granary. At a meeting held in the school hall, the question of paying the railroad bonds was discussed. At the request of Supervisor G. Kreke, a committee was elected to assist him in this important matter. The subsequent election decided to refund the bonds at a lower rate of interest. In March, 1884, Teutopolis, being the ban- ner Democratic Township in the state, was presented with a silk flag. Hon. John R. Eden delivered the presentation speech. Mr. George Kreke was instrumental in securing the flag by persuading "Salt Creek Jim'" Edwards, whom Boss Chas. Butler of the Effingham roundhouse, had caused to move the railroad bridge watchman's shack across Salt Creek to wipe out the solid Democratic vote — for once not to cast his ballot. Mr. Butler, and not Mrs. Ada H. Kepley, deserves the main credit for breaking up the solid Democratic vote of the Teutopolis Township, though after the famous Republican rally in 1888, eight Republican votes were cast. OLD WEBER HOUSE, SOUTH OF TEUTOPOLIS On September 4, 1884, :\Ir. J. H. Wernsing, aged 55 years, suffered a stroke of apoplexy while decorating the Bishop Church. Father Paul had barely time to administer Extreme Unction when he gave back his soul to his Creator. A widow and six small children mourned his demise. The Township lost an able Justice of the Peace, who possessed the unbounded confidence of the people and who caused many quarrels to be peacefully settled by showing that "Ein magerer Vergleich ist besser als ein fetter Prozess." He also made out and presei-\'ed deeds for many. As he had been school director for many years, all the pupils of our schools attended the obsequies. — St. Joseph's College has put up a large wing on the west side. An epidemic of typhoid malaria broke out, to which several victims succumbed: Mr. Degenhardt of Collinsville, Mr. Conrad Breitenstein, B. Fiddler of Madison, Iowa. On October 29th, Very Rev. Prov. Vinc,ent, O. F. M., dedicated the new wing and the epidemic ceased. Revs. Raynerius Dickneite, O. F. M., and J. ^Meckel were the festive preachers. The Teutopolis Band played at the Altamont Fair about January 1885. — 49 — 1885 The Narrow Gauge R. R. put in a switch at Eversman Station for the conveni- ence of our grain dealers, as the difference in freight paid by Teutopolis is 12 cents higher than at Dieterich. On August 5, lightning struck Buehnerkempe's chim- ney anH killed three steers in Wascheforts jjasture. In this month malaria was prevalent. On Mondap, February 22, towards midnight, the cry resounded: "Fire!" The village was as bright as day; firemen and people rushed eastward. — The old Wasche- fort mill, recently acquired by Mr. John Weis, was ablaze and was destroyed. The village decided to purchase a hose wagon and to complete the side walk to the cemetery. A resolution was, moreover, passed to have recourse to law in order to recover the market places. In October, the village authorities let the contract for two cisterns, one in front of I\Ir. Uptmor's house, the other in front of Mr. H. H. Hardiek's store. THE WASHINGTON COLONIZATION COMPANY was organized on Wed- nesday, Dec. 2, 1885, at ]Mr. Kuethers store (now J. H. J. Buenker's). About fifty persons were present. The Company elected Mr. F. Hattrup as president and H. Kuether as secretary. Messrs. B. Forsman, J. Drees, B. Kreke, Jos. Arnzen and John Weis were elected as committee to inspect the district to be settled. Twenty citizens of Teutopolis subscribed as members. They received a Itter from Walla Walla describing the district as a regular Canaan. — On January 1, 1886, the Coloni- zation Company chose Messrs. F. Hattrup and B. Forsman of Bishop Creek to inspect the land. Eight new members joined. Messrs. Hattrup and Forsman set out the following Monday on their mission. At the next meeting 33 members paid their dues. 1888 In January, the U. S. Government agents searched the stores and other build- ings cf a number of our best citizens for distilleries, it seems; undoubtedly, this act of injustice was caused by spite or by fanaticism. Messrs. Hattrup and B. Forsman arrived in Moscow, Idaho, to select a site for a colony of people from Teutopolis, Green Creek, and Bishop Creek. They return- ed in the beginning of IMarch with specimens of the products of those regions. On March 10, Hy. Willenborg, a son of Joseph and Maiy Willenborg, in crossing the railroad on Garret Street (near the College) was seized by a train, hurled to a distance cf about 100 feet. The front part of the wagon was shattered while the rear wagon remained almost intac,t. Willenborg was thrown on the platform bleeding from a ghastly wound. Dr. Scheffner was immediately at hand and a priest from the College administered Extreme Unction. He died soon after at the age of 24 years. In April, arson was attempted at the saloon of Wernsing and Oswald. The attempt was luckily frustrated or the two kegs of powder in a nearby hardware store might have caused a disaster. In April Mr. John Weis left for Moscow, Idaho, where he was soon after slain in a quarrel. The village bought a lot in the north of town to lay out a street long needed. It was named (Morgan ? Charley ?) Street. District No. 5 built a new school house in St. Francis Township, on Goebel's farm. G. Ordner has the contract for $89.00. Mr. Lam- bert Flach built a new Hotel, named the "Washington House.'' In the beginning of October or end of September, nine families and 10 young men left for the new colony at Moscow, Idaho: Hy. Kueter, B. Forsman, Theodore and B. Heitstum- mann, Anton Boeckmann, H. Keilman, G. Herboth, H. Hatke, and families; more- over, Joseph and Peter Hof, John Hille, Theo. Schwermann, in all about 47 per- — 50 — sons. Despite the vacancy notic.eable in Church, the schools are as well attended as ever. In December the school tax is higher, because the new law requires that the salary of the teachers be paid in cash, or that a note be given at eight per cent interest. The Trade at Teutopolis for 1886 is shown by the following figures: Our business people paid this year for goods sent and received $12,138.10 for freight; $1,150.00 for expressage; the Vandalia R. R. took in $1,569.00 for tickets; 93 barrels of whiskey and 2,700 kegs of beer were sold. Our mill ground 75.000 bu.^hels of wheat; more than 1,300 hogs were packed; cattle to the value of $3,000.00 were bought and sold by our butchers. Our village Council spent $900 on improvements and $3,262.00 were paid in taxes. February 16, news arrived that the Alton diocese has been divided and a new diocese of Belleville established. MRS. CLEM VAHLIXG (Koelsch) MRS. WM. HEEMAN, Midwife PLAT OF THE VILLAGE OF TEUTOPOLIS (Made by Chas. Eversman in 1890, January 1, 1890, ace. to orig. plat) "The village is laid out upon Section 13 and 24 Tp. of Teutopolis, Co. Effing- ham, State of Illinois, and 240 acres are in Section 13 and 400 acres in Section 24 a total of 640 acres. Main Street is 80 feet wide and runs east and west. Vine, Elm, Walnut, Water, Green, Race, Wall, Washington, Columbus, Plum and Pearl Streets are each 60 feet. Garret, Southern and Northern Row and all the (Alleys?) running through the outlets are only thirty feet in width, St. Charles and Morgan Street are 40 feet. Smith Street from the Southwest corner of Block 48 west then South along the alley South being from there a street of 40 feet, including the alley. The building blocks are 48 and each block has nine lots of 49^ feet in front and 533 feet deep except Block 48, 32. and 16 have 10 lots each. Block 15 has 8 lots. Block 31 has five lots, block 47 has 2 lots. Lot A" in Blk. 9? Lot 13 in Block 8, Lot F in Block 10, Lot G in Block 8, Lot 130 in Block 3, Lot 106 in Blk. 48, Outlot 108, 118 and 97 are public property. Outlot No. 118 is for public graveyard. There are 142 outlots. 4 outlots lettered C, D, E and H. Block 18 is all occupied by the College. Lot C, 16 and 17 is occupied by St. — 51 — Francis Churcji and Convent. Lot D. Lot 4, Lot 5 and 1 is occupied by the school and Lots 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 119, 120 is the Catholic graveyard. The St. Louis, Vandalia and Terre Haute R. R. runs over Vine Street and through outlot 175 and 2. The Company has a right of way of 15 feet on the south side of center of the track from the west village line to lot 36 in Block 18, and from the Village line to lot 16 in Block 4 of 40 feet on the north side of the center of the rack from lot 16 in Block 4 to Garret St. The Company has 140 feet north of the center of the track. Through Lot 17, 5 and 2 the 40 feet on each side of center of the track. Through Lot 142, 141 and 140 in Block 39 the Village has a strip of 10 feet as a water run. See black lines upon Plat. On January 21, 1892, Squire Herman H. Huels breathed his last. Born Jan- uary 30, 1824, near Osnabrueck, Gy., he made his studies at home, took a course of philosophy at Paris, spent six months in Italy, and as a canonical im- pediment preventing him from becoming a priest, he taught classical and modern languages at a Baptist Academy in Bedfordshire., England; came to the Barrens (near Perryville), Mo., seminary to teach the same branches, married after one year Miss Clara Schwegman of Washington, Mo. After service in the office of Mr. T. Allen, who was President of the Pacific Railroad, he came to Effingham County, taught school at Bishop (1852 — '54) and Teutopolis, was for many years Justice of the Peace and, for a time, assistant county judge. In 1861 he retired to his farm near Salt Creek, east of Effingham. He was a loighly educated man and for a time Teutopolis correspondent of the Effingham Volksblatt ("Mentor"). After many futile attempts, Mrs. Vonderheide, the Postmistress, was finally re- moved due to many irregularities. She pleaded guilty at Springfield and the sentence wlas suspended on account of her small children. During this winter a malignant grippe was prevalent and demanded many victims. The Lenten regu- lations were suspended on that account. On April 28, 1892 occurred the demise of good Father Mauritius Klostermann, who had guided the destinies of St. Joseph's College during 18 years and of the Commissariate 10 years and of the province during 3 years. His funeral was the most pompous Teutopolis has witnessed: two Bishops, of Alton and Bellville; several Provincials and many priests and a large concourse of people paid their last respects to his remains. R. I. P. The obnoxious Edwards School Law provoked the ire of the Catholic and Luther- an friends of parochial schools and as a result the Republican party in Illinois, so long entrenched in public offices, suffered a big defeat. 1893 In January, Very Rev. Rector Nicholas Leonard was transferred to Quincy to act as the head of St. Francis Solanus College. In July, Caspar Nolte, architect and builder of St. Francis Church, passed away at Effingham. He was a native of Meschede, born 1819 and labored especially at St. Louis and Effingham. At the latter place he was the architect of Anthony's Church. In June 1893, the contract for digging three cisterns for protection against fire was awarded to Mr. Joseph Blumericli.— On August 3rd, Mr. Clement Uptmor I, one of the main founders and leading business men of Teutopolis gave back his soul to his Creator. He first saw the light of day at Kirchspiel Lohne, in the Grand- duchy of Oldenburg, whence most of the settlers of this colony came. The par- ents were John Hy., born 1771, and Anna Margaret nee Nordlohne, bom 1774. — 52 — They seem to have had seven children: John Hy., born 1803: Catherine Mary, Taom 1806; Clement, born Sept. 10, 1806; Cath. Eliz., born 1808; Hennan Hy., born 1812; Mary Anna, born 1814 and Joseph, who was drowned in the North Sea in 1814. Clement went to school until 10 years of age, then with his father worked in summer on a herring boat, attending school in winter. He learned the trade of ship carpenter. After serving 4-7 years in the infantry, he, with Herman, his "brother came to Cincinnati, Ohio, and labored there as carpenter until 1836, then both went to Vicksburg, Miss., and returned to Cincinnati, April 1837. Here Clem- ent and two or three others founded the German Land Company, selected the site and, after marrying in September 1839, Mary Eliz. Niehaus, came with his brother Herman Hy. and Clem Vahling and families to Teutopolis, on Dec. 21, 1839. lie soon established a store, became the first postmaster, opened a packing house in winter, with his brother H. H., built the famous windmill and later on the large Hope Roller ^lill and died as one of the wealthiest and most respected citizens. Jn Sept. 1889 he celebrated hi? gohlen wedding. His wife preceded him to the VERY REV. GREGORY JAXlvXECHT, O. F. M. REV. CAPISTRAX ZWINGE, O.F.M. ■grave on July 10, 1890. The union of both had been blessed with fourteen children. His son Clement Uptmor surnamed III, succeeded him in business. Uptmor and Siemer erected a new elevator in 1894. In Februaiy, John Bur- ford built the cells of the lock-up of steel (for $185.00). In April, Frye's division of Coxey's arm.y reached Teutopolis and the men were entertained with food and drink and slept in an old ice-house. Only fifty remained of the big army en route to Washington, to ask Congress for employment. In the village hall, Frye deliveietl a speech containing mucli common sense and some nonsense. A tannery was erected in 1894 by Mr. Broeringsmeyer. On August 3, 1894, John H. Runde died suddenly after li\ang here 40 years and making many friends by his honesty and kind ways. Industry and economy enabled him to spend his declining days in peace and comfort. He was a native of Lathen, Hannover, where he was born — 53 — Aug. 1826. Coming to America in 1849, he settled here in 1854. By Sept. the machinery for the tannery had arrived; twenty men are to be employed. On Nov. 12th, Hoedebecke and Ben Weber took possession of Frank Adams' hardware- store. Frank left for Dallas, Texas. 1895 1000 hides were being tanned in January. On Jan. 7, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Adams celebrated their golden wedding. Geo. Deymann got the contract for 600,000 brick for the college (new wing and chapel). A Catholic Union Club was founded by a number of young men; they rented the third story in Thompson's store. In Feb. 1895 old Engelbert Mueller died. In March 1895, Brother Julius Schmaenk, O. F. M., passed away. 1896 In April 1896, repi'esentatives of St. Francis and Teutopolis Townships ob- tained an injunction against the American Bell Telephone Company which had already set its posts between Vandalia and Terre Haute, above territory excepted, to compel said Company to compensate the respective owners for the right of way, to remove the posts already set in the middle of the National Road, and to estab- lish a telephone exchange in Teutopolis by May 1, 1896. Said Company then paid $100.00 to Teutopolis and $160.00 to St. Francis Township, removed the poles to the side of the street and pledged the establishment of an exchange. On May Srd^ the great ^Monopoly began to stretch its line through Teutopolis. 1898 THE PRESS was started in April 1898, in the building now occupied by Weber Bros. After moving around for several years it was located in its present home, and has grown to one of the largest printeries in Southern Illinois. Up to July 1, 1921, it was owned by C. A. Worman; on that date it was Incorijorated and the stock distributed among Teutopolis and Effingham business men. Work comes to the office from all over the United States, and many foreign countries. In May, Mr. Frank Schultz enlisted for Spanish War (Co. L. I. Reg. Missouri Vol.) and was sent to Chicamauga Park, prior to embarking for Cuba. He was mustered out in November. In this year the Rt. Rev. Bishop J. J. Ryan sold St. Joseph's College to the Franciscan Fathers, who changed it into a "Seraphic College'' or a School for As- pirants to the Order. In September John Anheuser was killed by a train in Okla- homa. In ac,cordance with a new ordinance of Oct. 1st and 3rd, the Village Presi- dent must furni.^h bond before taking charge of his office. The sum fixed later on was $500.00. Another ordinance created a company of volunteer firemen and provided for the inspection of chimneys. One chief engineer and two assistant engineers are annually to be appointed by the village council. Teutopolis now re- ceived mail three times daily. In Sept. the COUNTY ATLAS had been published. In Nov. the Hy. Weltz COLLAR FACTORY moved to Effingham.— Wm. Van Oy was appointed Post Master of Teutopolis. — In October 1899 Mr. Chas. Eversman sold out his ding store. In November, Mr. Theo. Wilke, the cooper, died. He had built the old brick house now owned by Leo Fuelle, had conducted a store, pack- ing house and cooperage for a number of years. — 54 — CHAPTER V THE CHRONICLE CONTINUED.— A. D. 1900— MAY 20, 1926. In Januai-y the TEUTOPOLIS PRESS edited a 46 page revised edition of or- dinances in forc.e at Teutopolis beginning with January 1, 1900. Mr. Clement Brumleve, one of the pioneers, departed this life on March 8th. Born at Langerich, Hanover, on May 31, 1817, he came to Cincinnati at an early date, married Miss Frances Grove, and soon after left with others for Teutopolis. Here he conducted a furniture business. His wife preceded him in death in 1892. The Rev. Aug. Brumleve. of Red Bud, 111., officiated at the funeral. In March, J. H. Thoele died suddenly of hemorrhage in his store. About this time also H. H. Huslage, the carpenter, passed away. He had come from Germany in 1860. Mr. Herman Stum- horg, afflicted with blindness for 2.5 years, died in May after patiently bearing ]iis cross. The street lamps were equipped with WelLsbach burners. For the first TEUTOPOLIS CREAMERY time in the history of the County, the quarterly "Institute Day'' was held at Teu- topolis, Mr. Chas. Combs and about 40 teachers attending. In his address of wel- come Mr. L. Rieg dwelled on the meaning of educ,ation. After a number of valu- able papers had been read, visits were made to the College, where they were shown around by Rev. P. Christopher and treated to a fine program by the orchestra xmder the direction of Rev. Valerius. Afterwards the gentlemen visited the monas- tery and the ladies, the Sisters' Convent. On May 12, Mr. Francis Schleper, anoth- er pioneer, went to his eternal reward. He was a native of Oldenburg, wkere he was born Nov. 18, 1817. In 1835 he became a sailor and made a trip around the world in a sailing vessel. In 1844 he settled at Teutopolis, worked as a cari)enter — 55 — and later on tilled his farm adjoining the College. Of his union with Miss Caro- line Niehaus nine children were born. While working at Vandalia, he once walked nearly 40 miles to hear Mass on Sunday and walked back in time cor work on Monday. In Aug., a stock company drilled for gas on B. Krone's farm: but with- out result. Post Master Van Oy, who had been removed from office, died in a Springfield hospital. MR. DIETRICH RIEMAN died Sept. 29th. Bom in Garrel in 1829, he came as a boy to America and resided here ever since. He was re- spected by all. On Sept. 20, at 8:50 P. M., Adlai E. Stevenson, Democratic, can- didate for the Vice Presidency of U. S., spoke from the rear platform of a rail- road car. In September Mr. John Vormor opened his photographic studio The death of seven year old John Ahlers at Green Creek of hydrophobia caused a scare and an ordinance was passed that all dogs must be muzzled after Nov. 14th, or they would be shot. When the constable killed a dog of Albert Willman upon orders of Dr. F. N. Hoffman, president of the Village Board, a law suit ensued which was protracted and proved expensive, the village losing. Eccentric old Mrs. Lein, aged 86 years, died in November. The census gave the popula- tion of Teutopolis as 485; including college and monastery, it amounted to about 710 according to a private census of the "T. PRESS." Finding that the Charter of the Teutopolis Home Farmers' Mutual Insurance Company does not allow to insure all the property heretofore insured, the Company was reorganized and the matter straightened out. On June 8th was the fiftieth anniversary of the wedding of B. Pruemmer and wife. His first wife died of cholera (?). On June 20, 1901, hail and lightning did great damage at Teutopolis especially to the roof of C Pundsack, and H. H. Hardiek's. The latter had three steers killed by lightning. In spring. Dr. Hoffman established his telephone lines between Teutopolis, Mont- rose, Jewett, Greenup, Ebbert, Gila, Wheeler, Dieterich, Island Grove, Elliottstown, Effingham, Sigel and many farms. In fall a pay station was established at Teu- topolis. Mrs. Elizabeth Overbeck, an old pioneer and lieutenant to Mrs. Ada Kepley regarding prohibition, passed away. She has been canonized by Mrs. Ada Kepley as "Saint Elizabeth of Teutopolis.'' About Aug. 1901, the Bell Telephone Company strung four more wires and when the village demanded that the shade trees be spared, the company moved the poles a block north. The Star Creameiy of Teutopolis was opened on Aug. 19th. Mr. H. Krog of Elgin, accepted the job of butter maker. In September, 96,772 lbs. of milk were used and 4,500 lbs. of butter were churned. The price paid for the latter was $913.00. In Sept. the fire- men donned their new unifoiTns consisting of a dark blue shirt with white felt fringe, a cap and a leather belt. Among the pioneers still among the living at the time of the Golden Jubilee of the present churcji edifice celebrated in January, 1902, we may mention: Hy. Stallings, Joseph Stallings, (Effingham), Joseph Horn, Ferd. Nacke, J. Herbo'h, Barney and Wm. Uthell, Mrs. Mary (Uptmor) Pruemmer at Santa Barbara, Cal., and Mrs. Ph. Schniederjan at Hanover, Kansas, etc. Despite the great privations of early days, it is surprising how many of these sturdy pioneers attained the Biblical age of four score years or more. Another fact they deserve credit for, is the large number of children so many of them raised. Of their industry and thrift the fine homies and comfortable barns, etc,., bear witness. — In the beginning of August, a stock company began to drill for gas or oil at the Krone farm. The company was disolved in May 1901, their efforts having proved futile to locate oil. In January, the Vandalia R. R. installed two elecfric bells at the crossing east and west of the depot. On April 29th, Mr. McManus of the Hastings Co., Chicago, 111., had begun to organize the Star Creamery Stock Company at Teutopolis. The capital is to be $4,300.00; the shares being at $100.00. Dr. Hoffman established telephone lines between Teutopolis and all neighboring towns this summer, the — 56 — erection of which had cost $4,800.00. The creamery, after tedious delays, caused by lack of sufficient water supply, was opened on August 19th with Mr. H. Krog, of Elgin, as butter-maker. It was fairly successful as long as it lasted. On October 2, an auto was seen here, perhaps for the first time. The Teutopolis Base Ball Association (T. B. A.) rented for five years the land two blocks south of H. H. Hardiek, which belongs to Mr. N. StefFen, to turn it into a base ball park. On April 29th, occurred the fiftieth anniversary of the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Barney Pruemer. Fr. Zoegel had blessed their union in the old church. It was his second marriage. 1902 In May, the village board combined the offices of police, constable and road commissioner and granted him a salary of $32.50 per month. A board of health, consisting of Messrs. Fred Quatman and B. G. Habing, was also appointed with instructions to add a competent doctor to their committee. After a dance, an epi- KEV. JOS. KUENSTER REV. B. BARTELS demic of small pox broke out and schools, church and stores had to close for weeks. Great loss of business was the result. In July, Siemer and Uptmor established a cooper-shop near their niiU. Irt October, the Mc Cann Telephone Company put up its poles. A milk condensery plant was put up at Effingham at this time. In November, Mr. James Mos.s fell dead after an altercation in Bachman's barber-shop. He was subject to heart trouble. — About December Mr. Chas. Eversman sought to establish a business-men <> club; the attempt proved abortive, only five attended. 1903 In January, Mr. A. M. Poeppelmeyer became sole proprietor of the furniture factory and sold the undertaking establishment to Mr. B. G. Habing. For months — 57 — there v/as much talk about an electric railroad from Terre Haute to St. Louis. A large two-story brick addition is being built to the monastery to serve as the Novitiate. A petition to annex the eastern part of the village was approved of by the village beard and carried in the election by a majority of 14 votes, but was declared illegal, because of a technicality. On June 16th, Mrs. Elizabeth Eg- germann, nee Hcelscher, then Mrs. Thoele, Kroeger, died at the age of 77 years. She was ever ready to assist in religious work. On Ssptemher 20th, another pion- eer was assembled with his fathers, Mr. Ferdinand Nacke, a native of Paderbovn in Germany. He reached the age of four score and four years. On January 21st, another pioneer, Mr. Joseph Horn, a tailor by trade, which later he exchanged with that of a plasterer and bricklayer, gave back his soul to his Creator at the age of 86 years. At the age of 18, he came to Cincinnati, thence to Teutopolis. Once, when he attended the session of court at Ewington, Abe Lincoln, then a struggling lawyer, tore his long coat tai] and Mr. Horn patched it for the future Emancipator of the negroes. Mr. Lmccln once stopped at Jacob FuUe's tavern and also spend about three weeks at Radley's two miles east of Tev-topclis, and even offered to split rails with the boys. Thus Mrs. Eliz. Overbeck, who v\"as then working at Radley's. In February the carpenters put up the block tower for the Vandalia R. R. The block system will be introduced to prevent acci- dents. Every six miles a tower is being erected. In April Demccratic Teutopolis awoke and rubbed its eyes finding that two Republicans had been elected village trustees. They were Messrs. Joseph Siemer and Hy. Brumlve. There were 26 straight Republican votes, whereas there had been only six in 1896. About the middle of June. Dr. Hoffman's barn was struck by lightning and destroyed. On July 2, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Meyer celebrated their golden wedding. Mr. Meyer was a tailor by trade and had formerly worked in Waschefort's store. Later on he engaged in farming. In September, Geo. Bergfeld answered the last summons. He had served three years in the Spanish War and had seen service in Porto Rico and in the Philippine Lslands. 1905 In January "Uncle George," or Gerard Runde, aged 74, followed him to the grave. He had repeatedly served as substitute for drafted men during the Civil War In February, "Prof. Braun", "the natural healer," who had quite a few customers, resolved to settle here and succeeded in separating many from their Iccse coin. In April Rev. Casimir and a number of prominent citizens petitioned the Village Board for a Curfew Ordinance to keep children under 16 years off the streets after dark. It was soon after passed. About this time Teutopolis sold its railroad bonds for $1.02 per $1.00. The face value of the bonds was $1.5,000.00. This m.oney was later divided among the three road districts. In July the old brick walks in the ea.st end of town were replaced by concrete walks. Mr. Linder had the contract. A number of citizens employed his services. On Sept. 5th, Mr. Hy. Wilke succumhed to the grim reaper. Born in 1834, he came to Teu- topolis from Cincinnati in 1847. On the 23rd of September, Mr. Dieterich Buenker followed him to the grave. He was a native of Germany and came from the city on the Ohio in the forties. On Nov. 26th, Mr. Hy. Meyer passed to his re- ward. He was born in Germanp in 1837 and came to America at the age of threa years. 1906 In January, the Teutopolis Press speaks of the village as follows: "Teutopolis has only $500.00 saloon license and has never had any village tax levied. It is — 58 — about as well improved as any village of its size in the state. We have concrete and brick walks, well gravelled streets, about twenty-five street lamps, a well equipped fire department, a fine two story brick village hall, sixteen large cisterns and only three saloons." — In February, 19 lots of the late Joseph Weber were for sale. On April 25, 1906, there went to his eternal reward, Mr. Clement Uptmor, one of the best k^own men of the county though he seldom left Teutopolis. Born and raised in this village as the first child born in TOWN, it is claimed, on March— 1840, he, after finishing his schooling aided his father in business, was for many years deputy postmaster and after some years, paitner of his father in the gro- cery and dry goods store, packing house, and mill. He was perhaps the wealthiest man in the county, owning considerable land, stork in the II!. C. R. R., etc. He OLD GIRLS' SCHOOL AND SISTERS' R^ESIDENCE was known for his retentive memory of faces and names, his sterling honesty, firm convictions, and set ways of frugal living, strictly minding his own business and resenting interference by others, and an indom.itable will power, joined with defer- ence to the convictions of other people. He kept well posted on topics of the day, being a keen observer of men and measures, and always had a kind smile for ev- ery one. — Though sufc'ering from a severe cold, he attended according to his wont, daily Holy Mass and died suddenly while the family had gone to supper. The funeral was largely attended. — On April 30, 1868, Mr. Uptmor III, pledged his troth for life to Miss Bernardina Sudkamp. Of the eleven children only five sur- vived him. On October 11, old John Lein died at the age of 89 years. On Dec. 7th, Geo. Stallings was killed in the railroad yards at Terre Haute. — 59 — 1907 • On February 6th, Mr. B. Dust fell asleep in the Lord at the age of 84 years, Mr. Joseph Fuesting lost his life at Woodbury Big Muddy bridge while working on the railroad. The flagman and signal bell ordinance for dangerous rail road crossings was passed by the village trustees on Marcji 2nd. In June the progres- sive Weber Bros, installed a cash register in their store. In September a 1000 cubic yard of crushed rock were put down on the National Road between here and Effingham. 1908 In April, St. Joseph's College installed a fine organ built by the Wick Bros. Organ Company of Highland, Illinois. On June 6th, the election for a Township High School at Effingham was held. On the last Sunday in June the new Society Hall at Teutopolis was opened. Grandma Hattrup, aged 73, one of the excellent pioneer women, breathed her last on June 24th. In June the old Brick walk on the north side of Main Street was replaced by concrete walks under the direction of Mr. NuxoU. 1909 About Oct. 1, 1909 the first automobile was on exhibition here. The first owner of a primitive auto was Mr. Samstag, agent for Catholic, newspapers. Of permanent citizens, Dr. Hoffman, Joseph Pudenz and Joseph Stilleke were among the first to own an automobile. 1910 On June 4th, 1910, the sewer ordinance was passed. It is to built from the east line of Washington Street to east line of Garret Street. About (September, John Kliesner was killed at East St. Louis by a train. Uncle Hy. Stallings, aged 89 years and living in the country since 1825, died of gangrene at St. Anthony's Hospital. Bom at Posey County, Ind., on June 8, 1821, he came with his parents Benjamin and Anna Stallings and several other children to Tailor's Point, (southeast of Teuto- polis at the Hy. Thoele farm.) Their main food was the venison and wild honey for one whole year, as the grain was destroyed by deer, wild turkeys, squirrels and prairie chickens. Being a squatter, Benjamin sold out his claim and moved on. Hy. afterwards lived where Schoenhoff Bros, conduct their restaurant. After laboring for Mr. Waschefort, he helped to build the Masquelet Church, learning the carpen- ter's and blacksmith trades. He was also much in demand at country dances being a good performer on the violin. In 1846 he married Louise Masquelet. After her death in 1869 he married in 1871 Miss Crescentia Hipp. Henry was a convert to the Catholic faith and made his first Communion on the same day as his son Henry. Henry's son Joseph still resides at Effingham, The Vandalia Railroad put part of the new double track into service about the end of September. The New Salt Creek concrete bridge will soon be ready for use. In December the village board passed the Speed Limit Ordinance, restricting the speed of trains to 10 miles within the corporation limits. The reason for this was the unsatisfactory train service, es- pecially for returning from the west and the failure of the railroad to keep its promises. To the present day no safe and convenient freight yards have been es- tablished by the Van R. R. During the Christmas season, 57 children made their first Communion. 1911 On February 4, the WOMEN SEWING CLUB gave a Euchre Party. In March, Hy. Barlage departed to his eternal home. He was a native of the Fatherland and in — 60 — 1846 came directly to Teutopolis. On June 20, 1911 Teutopolis suffered another great loss in the death of the energetic and successful businessman Mr. H. H. Har- diek. He was born in Hanover in May 1842. At the age of nineteen he came to Teutopolis. In 1865 he married Miss Buenker. Thirteen children were born of this union.. At first Mr. Hardiek farmed; then he took up business; Groceries, dry goods, grain and cattle buying. His partner was for a time Mr. Clement Uptmor IV. Mr. Hardiek in 1£04 sold his store and aided in founding the Teutopolis Bank. He be- came it's first cashier. He was a public spirited man and a good Catholic, the soul of honesty. Dec. 31, 1911 Mr. Joseph Deters died at the age of 80 years. On January 5, i912 Dr. Joseph Brumlsve answered the final summons after suffering from an incurable illness of or.e year. He had practised medicine here for about 38-39 years. A native of Teutopolis, son of Clement and Frances (Grove) Brumleve, he received his elementary and collgiate education in Teutopolis, and in 1872 he received his OLD BOYS' SCHOOL— (East of Church— Razed) doctor's diploma at Cincinnati, in the Ohio Medical College. For one year he was the partner of Dr. Willien at Effingham. Since 1873, he was established at Teuto- polis. Some year's ago, his son Lawrence formed a partnership with his father. About five years ago the deceased retired from active practice. Thirty-five years ago he was married to Miss Christine ISchumacher. They were blessed with eight children. Rev. A. Brumleve and other brothers and a sister survive him. A large concourse of people paid their last respect to the deceased. Hardly had the grave been closed, when the son Dr. Lawrence followed his father to the eternity after a brief illness. He was coroner, township supervisor and village clerk at his demise. His was a large practice. He also conducted a drugstore. Dr. Lawrence Brumleve was a student at St. Joseph's College and graduated in 1901 from the College of — 61 — Physicians and Surgeons at St. Louis, Mo. In 1904, he was united in marriage to Catherine Siemer. Mr. Barney Niemeyer died April 5th. He had been in the saloon and butcher business 24 years. His age was 59 years. In April, Hy. Juei-- gens committed suicide. In the same month Frank Brumleve undertook the erec- tion of the new bank building. No contract was let. Henceforth 'THE FEDERA- TION OF GERMAN CATHOLIC Societies" will be named" THE CATHOLIC UNION OF ILLINOIS." 1912 The petition for annexation of the east end of the village was presented and approved on March 2nd, 1912 and was submitted to the voters at the regular vil- lage election, April 16, 1912. THE CAROLINE EVERSMAN ANNEX TO THE VELLAGE OF TEUTOPOLIS STATE OF ILLINOIS, Effingham County, ss. This is to certify that I, Geo. T. Austin, County Surveyor in and for the County of Effingham in the State aforesaid did at the request of the president and board of Trustees of the Village of Teutopolis, survey out a parcel of land for the pur- pose of annexing the same to said Village of Teutopolis. The lands described to be annexed are as fellows, to wit: All of Waschefort's Subdivision of part of the southeast quarter of the South east quarter of Section thirteen (13) Town 8 North Range 6 East of the 3d P. M. and the South west quarter of the South west quarter of Section eighteen (18) Town 8 North Range 6 East 3d P. M. Also a strip of ground commencing at the North West corner of Block Two (2) of the said Wasche- fort's Subdiv., thence in a southwesterly direction in a parallel line with the north Boundary line of the National Road 679 feet 2 inches to where this line intersects with the East boundary line of Lot 3 of Caroline Eversman's Add'n "A'' to the Village of Teutopolis, thence south sixteen (16) feet to tlie line lot 1 said Caroline Eversman's Add "A." Thence Northeasterly along the North line of Lot one and two of said Caroline Eversman's Add'n "A" on? 1 -indrad twenty three (123) feet to the northeast corner of said lot two (2) said Add'n "A". Thence south- easterly along the east line of said let Two (2) one hundred thirty-five (135) feet to the section line between Section 13 and 24. Town 8 N.— Range 6 E 3d P. M. Thence East along the section I'ne Seven hundred fifty seven (757) feet to the southwest corner of Block number Three (3) of said Wa.schefort Subdiv. And the above is a correct plat of same as is embodied in the petition and ordinance for the same annexation. Dated this 11th day of July A. D. 1912. GEO. T. AUSTIN, County Surveyor. STATE OF ILLINOIS, Effingham County, ss. Office of the President of the Vil- lage of Teutopolis: I, J. H. J. Buenker, president of the village of Teutopolis, do hereby certify that the above plat is an accurate map of the territory added to said Village by ordinance No. 94, entitled "ordinance annexing territory," passed July 6th, A. D. 1912 and approved July 6th, A. D. 1912. In witness whereof I hereunto 8et my hand this 15th day of July, A. D. 1912. J. H. J. BUENKER, Village President. 1913 On Sunday, July 20, 1913, there passed away Mr. Chas. Eversman, undovbtediy the most unique and eminent character Teutopolis has so far produced. Being a popular stump-speaker and very active in politics, he was repeatedly honored with office and chairmanship in the Democratic County organization. His fame rests chiefly on his Sketch of TEUTOPOLIS AND ITS INSTITUTIONS in the "HISTORY — 62 — OF EFFINGHAM COUNTY" and still more on his "MEMOIRS" collected with in- finite patience during a life time from old settlers, documents and personal re- miniscences. Though showing occasional bias our own researches have proved them to be reliable and in "GLIMPSES OF PIONEER LIFE," we have quoted free- ly therefrom. Chas Evpicnv-in, son of Doctor F. F. Eversman, was born at Iburg, Hannover, on Aug. 31, 1843. At the age of seven months, Charley accompanied the family to Baltimore, IMd., thence to Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1852, the family settled at Teu- topoKs. After finishing the gramm.ar grades, attending St. Joseph's College for one year, and Notre Dame University, Indiana, Charles, who was a versatile man, farmed several years, taught school at Teutopolis, clerked in his Father's drug- store, bought it and later on engaged in the general merchandise business until several years before his death. Since then he devoted his time to painting and Catholic K. of America work. On Nov. 22, 1871, he was united in marriage to Miss Catherine Busse. Of the four childrer., Frank is manager of the Gravenhorst store at Effingham, Leo is dead, Dorothy is now Mrs. Ben Weber and Catherine is at home. The cause of Charley's death was stomac,h trouble. Rev. Fathei- Theodosius officiated at the solemn obsequies, which were attended by high offi- cials of the C. K. of A., and by many fellow citizens. 1914 On June 1, 1914 the upper story of Gardewine's residence was desti-oyed by fire. In June, Mr. Ed. Von de Castle assumed the editorship of the Teutopolis Press. On June 10, there passed away Mrs. Wessel nee Deyman, a native of Klein Stavern, an vntiring worker in any good cause, who took pleasure in performing innumerable acts of kindness to her fellow creatures. Many sudden deaths in this vicinity during the last few years. On Aug. 26th 1914, Pope Pius X died of a broken heart at the outbreak of the World War. On Sept. 1, death came as a relief to Mr. John Fun- nemann. one of the greatest benefactors of St. Francis church. He was afflicted with cancer for two decades of years. A native of the township, he was twice married: to the now deceased Miss Gustava Rietcheck and, 32 years ago, to Miss Minnie Busse. At the annual meeting in 1912, the Star Creamery Company, after an existance of 12 years, resolved to offer the plant for sale. Mr. J. H. Hardiek bcught it for $570. CO and later sold the machinery to outsiders. It is a great pity that Teutopolis seems unable to hold any factory and the like for any long time. For several years the short crops and other creameries had cut down the product a little. In September the old Eggermann Building, at least 62 years old, was torn down. It was built by John F. Kroeger who conducted in it a store, a saloon and an inn for a number of years. The stage c(>ach of the national road for some time put up at this place. M?.ny distinguished men of the day turned in at Kroeger's. Much of the old history of Teutopolis centered about this place. It is a pity that such famous landmarks are not reserved for their historical associations if needs be, they might be removed to the rear of the building or the like. The older they are, the more valuable as historic souvenirs. By October 15, the National road had been "rocked," except a narrow stretch which is to be finished by subscription. The funds did not reach. Uptmor's Store has been robbed for the third time and the- guilty party was finally apprehended at Effingham. Mr. Wm. D. Harrington is the new editor of the Teutopolis Press." At the end of October, Dutchtown school girls win two out of three prizes, 1st and 3rd prize for the best essay on some his- toric question in the 42nd senatorial district. On Nov. 18 and 19, 1914, Prof. C. C. Logan of the U. of I., spoke in Teutopolis in Society Hall on Soil Culture. The Mississippi Valley Investment Company has bought the entire $25000.00 stock of C. Uptmor & Son, the .'•ale is to commence on Dec. 19 and last till Dec. 24th. — 63 — '%\ 'lJUU nan AM' '■"--'•1 1915 In Januarj^ Dr. J. R. Raney, dentist, established an office in Teutopolis, over the Bank. On Febi-. 28 Mr. James H. Zipf in Society hall gave an informal talk on the nature and purpose of the Gonzaga Union. Passion Sunday, by Order of Pope Benedict XV, was observed as a day of prayer for peace. The day was one of adoration of the Most Holy Sacrament. 1916 On Aug. 5, 1916, the Village Board granted a twenty years Franchise to the Eastern Illinois Utility Company of Effingham for the purpose of maintaining and operating an electric light and power plant in and through Teutopolis. The gaso- line lights now in use will be replaced by thirty-three incandescent lights, seven of which are to burn ALL night EVERY night and the remainder to burn until twelve o'clock every night. The cost to the village will be $600.00 per year for the thirt-three lights, this amount being but little in excess of the cost of main- taining the lights now in use. The village hall is to be lighted free of charge and one light to be kept burning in front of the same. Mr. Austin is now ob- taining the right-cf-way for the line between Effingham and Teutopolis. The Company had one light burning on Christmas 1916, as specified per con- tract. 1917 On Good Friday, April 1, 1917, our country was, finally, dragged into the most calamitous and most bloody of all wars. Now there was no more question of cri- ticism; as loyal citizens we had to do our duty. And Teutopolis was no .slacker town. Before long there were 18 boys under the colors and the number increased to 70 before the war was over. On April 19th, at the Communion of the C. K. of A., Rev. Theodosius, the pastor and the son of a Civil War Veteran and broth- er to Major Joseph Plassmeyer, U. S. A., preached on "Our Allegiance to Civil Authority'' which fact was reported to Washington, D. C, and gained him the good-will of the U. S. Government. As in those days the venal press and unprin- cipled speakers questioned' the loyalty of every one of German blood or name, Teutopolitans received their full measure of distrust and misrepresentations. Hence a loyalty nieeting was called and pastor and people vied in making it a magnificent success to the surprise of several guests, who had not expected such a spontar.eous outburst of patriotic feeling on the part of the "slow Low Germans.'' The event occurred on Sunday, April 18th. Teutopolis was profusely decorated with the national colors. The meeting in Society Hall was presided over by Mr. Joseph Pudenz. Speec.hes were delivered by the Rev. Pastor, by Father Joseph ]\Ieyer, 0. F. IM., of the College, by attorney H. S. Parker of Effingham and by Mr. Edward Schneider, of Saline, 111., the latter representing the State Council of Defense. All made patriotic, and inspiring talks to the vast audience that packed the hall. An overflow meeting had to be held in the yard, at which Mr. H. J. Weber presided. Judge W. B. Wright, Hon. M. S. Le Crone, Dr. Burkhardt of Effingham and Father Joseph, O. F. M., addressed the assembled crowd. The Rev. Pastor Theodosius then blessed the "Service P'lag" consisting of 18 stars — one be- ing a gold star — representing the number of our boys in the army and navy. The college orchestra and St. Francis Church choir provided the musical part of the program. At the close, two sailor boys, Hy. Wessel and Al Wente, the latter of Lillyville, and on furlough, hoisted OLD GLORY to the top of the flag staff in front of the hall. Thus ended the .splendid patriotic demonstration, which will remain deeply engraven in the memories of all who were privileged to witness it. — 6.5 — PRO DEO ET PATRIA Our ycung men in the Service of our Country in the World War: Adams, Albeit * Adams, Hubert Adams, Leo Adams, Louis Althoff, Ben Bertram, Frank Bourgeois, Leo Borries, Edward Brunk, Brother Pacific, 0. F. M. Brey, Joseph Broeringsmeyer, Anthony Brumleve, August Brumleve, Ralph Brumleve, Sylvester Brev»-er, Allen Buenker, John *Buenker, Edward Burford, Lawrence Busse, Edward *Delker, Ferd. Esker, Alphonse Esker, Harry Eggerman, Albert (Chicago) Funnemann, Edward Gardewine, Ferd., Corp. Graser, Mike Hawickhorst, John Hess, Joseph Hess, Clement Heitmann, Bro. Giles, O. F. M. Hoedebecke, Fred., Corp. Jurgens, Frank *Jurgens, Harry B. Kahtz, Louis Kahtz, Wm. Kliesner, Edward Renter, Bernard Renter, Wm. Remme, Allie Rnabe, Louis Lau, Theodore '■'Meyers, Alfred Marek, Bro. Martin, O. F. M. Niehaus, Ewald Niendiek, Lawrence Poeppelmeyer, Edward Poeppelmeyer, Ferd. Probst. John H. Pniemer, Edward Fruemer, Hy. B. Reuter, Frank Ruesken, Anton Runde, Herman Schoenhcff, Joseph Schoenhoff, Ferd. Schoenhoff, Leo Schoenhoff, Albert Schlanser, Ferd. Schmidt, Aloys Schleper, Clement Schlaper, Frank Stumborg, Edwaid Thoele, Allie Thoele, Aloys Thoele, Lawrence Thoele, Wm., Sergeant Von Oy, Carl Weber, Bernard Willenborg, Edward Willenborg, Lawrence Zerrusen, Ferd. Rev. Cyrinus Schneider, O. F. M. Chaplain Rev. Isidore Fosselman, O. F. M. Chaplain — Cfr. St. Francis Parish Bulletin, A. D. 1920. • GOLD STAR LIST Hariy B. Jurgens died Oct. 4, 1918 at f^t. McHenry, Md. Alfred T.Ieyers, died Oct. 11, 1918 at Winchester, England. Hubert Adams died Oct. 21, 1918 at Camp McClellan, Anniston. Ferd Delker died Nov. 10, 1918 at Marcheville, France. Edward Buenker, died June 28, 1919 at St. Sulpice, Gerondo, France. — 6- '■!SPiSr---->-'''^"^^'''" ' ^^"''■'■' ■"■' On September 30, John Stumborg was killed in an automobile accident. In November 1917 the $104,000.00 hard road bonds for Effingham County were en- dorsed by the bankers; 19.8 miles of the old National Road are to be improved. Cost $306,700.00; of this sum the government allotted $202,700.00. In October the local schools were closed to prevent the spread of the fiu. 1918 In spring our boys and girls, under their teachers, joined the great army of the children all over the Union, who are engaged in garden and poultry club work. At the end of April the "Teutopolis Press'' installed a new Intertype setting ma- chine! In May, a stranger named Meyer, was ar}-ested for expressing pro-German views at Dieterich. May 16th, our business men contributed a big ad in the Press for the benefit of the Red Cross. On June 5, 1918, all those who became twenty-one years of age had to register. The Red Cross drive in Effingham County for $1,500.00 came to a close May 27th; "the county has gone way over tlie top." All German alien females of 14 years and over and not naturalized had to register between June 17 — 26th. Registration was made by affidavit executed in triplicate and accompanied by f'^ur unmounted photographs of the registrar.t, not larger than 3x3 inches in size and had to be of the shoulders and full face of the registrant without hat or head covering. Every registrant was also required to register her finger-prints and points of both ha:;ds. The July 11th issue of the Teutopolis Press was set aside for the benefit of the Island Grove parish, who recently lost their church by fire. During this year the local paper published many interesting letters from ojr djugh boys. On Oct. 4th, Private Harry B. Jurgens died at Ft. McHenry, Md. — In the second week of October the local schools weie closed to prevent the spread of the flu. Hubert Adams succumbed to pneumonia at Camp McClellan, Ala., in October 1918. By Oct. 31st; the epidemic of Spanish Influenza that had visited this section had passed, as it seemed. The various War Loans were generously subscribed for by our citizens. On Nov. 22, Christ Burford, watchm.an at the College crossing, was struck by a westbound fast freight train and breathed his last in consequence of internal injuries, on the door steps of St. Anthony's Hospital, Effingham. Rev. Fr. Julian, O. F. M., who happened to be near to the scene of the accident, gave him absolution. :\Ir. Aug. Schultz, Sr., passed away Nov. 26th. 1919 In January J. W. Helmbacher was killed by a train at Spokane and interred here. Messrs. Ewald Niehaus and Clement Hess v/ere among the first dough boys to return home in January 1919. On January 2, two d?.ring robbers covered cashier John Thies with revolvers, locked him in the vault, and got away with $4,050.00. They were caught at Col- linsville, 111., and lodged in the Effingham jail. They gave their names as Harry Beebe and Cleve Bliss. All the money stolen was covered by insurance. On March 10, Mr. and Mrs. John Kroeger died of the flu, leaving several small orphans. Mrs. Kroeger's sister. Miss Lena Probst soon followed them to the grave. A very sad case. On July 7th, representatives of the Moritz Construction Com- pany arrived. The western part of the road, beginning at Althoff's and Buenker's will first be constructed as far as the township line. The Big Snorter, the huge grading macliine .began to plow Main Street. On September 13, slabbing started at Althoft"s. On Nov. 5th, Grandma Tolch reached the 83rd mile-stone of her life. — 69 — ■'ir ;■ ,f:. 1^ ,'^; -■■■^^'^'C'l'^'vv^^'' :9Hi* About this time, the government inspector ordered the concreting stopped on ac- count of the inclement weather. On Christmas morning, Mr. Hy. Kitten was killed by colliding with a passenger train. Mr. Andrew Schneider, a prominent farmer, died December 22, aged 78 years. On September 17, 1919, the local monastery and College had the honor of a visit by the Most Rev. Seraphin Cimino, the Minister General of the Franciscan Order. 1920 About 44000 bodies of Ame)-ican soldiers are to be brought back from France. Diederich Overbeck and wife, nee Anna Poetter, celebrated their golden wed- ding, May 18th. — Work commenced on the new sewer to be laid from Althoff's hard- ware store to the Renter corner west. Hy. Lau is the contractor. Mr. Geo Austin, did the surv^eying. The Census gives Teutopolis Tp. a population of 931; in 1900 it had 926 inhabitants; in 1910,-896 inhabitants. The body of Alferd Meyers JOHN FUNNEMAN FAMILY arrived June 5th. He was baried with military pomp. Mr. Hy. Uptmor passed away at the age of 80 years. He was a Civil War veteran and a man of his word. He was born at Teutopolis in May, 1840. In August, the "FRANCISCAN HER- ALD", on account of increase in subscriptions and for better mailing facilities, moved its office to Chicago. — The contractors are back at the east end paving work. They will move the machinery to the switch at the pumping station. The west end has not yet been opened much to the inconvenience of an all too patient public, who were seriously inconvenienced for about a year. By the middle of Septem- ber people began to use the hard road to Effingham. On Sept. 2, the Joseph Zer- rusen bam was destroyed by fire. In October Rev. Fabian Rechtiene celebrated his golden jubilee. There was a family reunion. — 71 — 6~«^^ :» r:^fi- 1921 On February 28th, Wm. Pruemmer's cattle barn was completely destroyed by lire. Cn Se-t. 2, 1921, Rt. Rev. An:andus Bahlmann, O. F. M., Bishop of Santarem, Braz'l, was here on a visit. On October 6th, Mrs. Philomena Schniederjan, nee Vahling, died in Kansas. About April 2nd, Mr. F. P. Kenkel, of St. Louis, gave an inspiring lecture on the nature and purpose of the Central Verein and called attention to its splendid work for relief of the European War sufferers. This splendid Society was found- ed in 1855. The first radio was installed at Teutopolis in 1921 by Mr. Joseph Pudenz. 1922 On February 6th, the final summons cam.e to Mr. J. L. Runde, one of Teutopo- lis' successful business men and public spirited citizens. He was a tailor by trade and opened a clothing store later on. He was a fervent Catholic and a member of th2 Third Order of St. Francis.— The zealous Rev. S. P. Hoffman, chaplain of S!;. Anthony's Hospital and very active in Catholic Society work, died suddenly of heart failure in the beginning of 1922. , Schoenhoff Broth ?rs were the next to put up a radio in 1922. In March, the T. Creamery Building, which had been used to store away cement for the hard road, was sold to Mrs. Steve Bushur of Sigel. It will be used as a workshop and garage by Joseph Wilke. On October 8th, Rev. Philip Marke lectured on his trip to Germany. The third well on C. Rieman's farm was down 180 feet and seemed to be "a gu.sher" (?). Miss Carrie Young, well known at Teutopolis as music teacher and organist, who acted in the same capacity at Loose Creek, Mo., passed to a better life. J. Buehnerkempe opened a drug store with Pat Sears in charge. 1923 On October 9th, Dr. Fred R. Greene, of Chicago, lectured here on the "Preven-; tion of Diseases, especially of Typhoid." At the end of November, Rev. Samuel Macke celebrated his golden religious jubilee at Quincy in presence of Most Rev. Archbishop A. Daeger, O. F. M.On Ascension Day Rt. Rev. Bishop A. Schmuecker, O. F. M., of North Shantung, China, preached at the Pontifical High Mass cele- brated by him, on the "Life and Work of a Missionary." In the afternoon, he con- firme'd a class at Bishop and in the evening gave Sacramental Benediction to the Delegates of the Catholic Union of Illinois Convention who had motored over from Effingham. In the Society Hall, Mr. Aug. Brockland gave an excellent address: on "Parochial Schools." On June 24, an illustrated lecture on Sweet Clover and. Soil Improvement was given. The films were from Washington, D. C. On July Grandma Mrs. Wm. Tolc,h, nee Rebeccah McElhiney, passed away at Leo Fuelle's. at the age of 81 years. She was a model Christian and a very charitable woman, ever ready to say a kind word and lend a helping hand. She was a member of the Sigel Lutheran ChuJ'ch and was laid to rest in the Bush Creek Cemetery beside her husband. • 1924 On April 28, 1924, a branch of the Cleaver Glove factory was started with a force of 15 girls. In May, 1926, it employed a force of 30 young ladies. On June 22-24th, a retreat for laymen was given at the local St. Joseph's. Seminary. It was attended by ten men. — 73 — 1925 Rev. Philip Marke, former rector of the local college, died January 15 and was interred here. Rev. Roger preached a touching funeral sermon. On April 2, Mr. Edward Schwarz died at the age of almost 91 years. On February 26th Joseph Bussmann's house in St. Francis Tp. was destroyed by fire. THE PRESENT ST. FRANCIS CHURCH AT TEUTOPOLIS, ILLINOIS In July a very successful bazaar was held at Teutopolis. About midnight on Aug. 18-19th, Very Rev. Samuel Macke, 0. F. M., former rector of the college and Exprovincial, went to his eternal reward. On Aug. 6th, Mrs. Hagensee was killed in an auto accident east of town. On December 21, Schoenhoff's barber-shop was destroyed by fire and the furniture in the adjoining Habing store considerably — 74 — damaged by smoke and water. About this time the "Decatur Herald" brought an article on Tony Bergfeld. It was headed: "Bergfeld does not Keep Cattle; the Cattle Keep Him." 1926 On Sunday, February 7th, 1926, at 7:30 P. M., Very Rev. Provincial Martin Strub, O. F. M., solemnly blessed the organ during which the St. Joseph's College Choir, under the direction of Rev. Thomas Rust, O. F. M., .sang T. Hofmiller's "Laudate Dominurn." This was followed by the Sacred Concert. 1. PRELUDE IN G J. S. Bach Mr. Max Hiendlmayr. 2. ZUR ORGELWEIHE ./. Gruber St. Francis Parish Choir. 3. ANDANTE RELIGIOSO H. Smith Mr. Chris. Hausner. 4. AVE MARIA J. G. Zangl St. Francis Parish Choir. 0. a) FESTIVAL MARCH V. Goller b) ANDANTE FROM PEER GYNT SUITE E. Grieg Rev. Father Thomas Rust, O .F. M. 6. SANCTUS— Gregorian (vii Mass) Grad. Rom. Friars and St. Joseph College Choir. 7. THEME AND VARIATIONS M. Reger Mr. Max Hiendlmayr. 8. LOBET DEN HERRN (Psalm L50) M. Koch St. Joseph College Choir. 9. a) ADAGIO MOLTO A- Guilmant b) ECHO F. De La Tombelle Mr. Chris. Hausner. 10. REGES THARSIS M. Filke St. Joseph College Choir. 11. FANTASIE FINALE j. RJieinberger Mr. Max Hiendlmayr. 1. a) O VICTIMA CARITATIS .- ./. Dietrich b) TANTUM ERGO p. Griesbacher c) BLESSED BE GOD p. Griesbacher St. Joseph College Choir. 2. FESTIVAL MARCH C. Teilman Mr. Chris. Hausner. REV. FR. THOMAS RUST, O. F. M. Director St. Jo.seph College Choir, Teutopolis, Illinois. MR. CHRIS. HAUSNER Director St. Anthony's Church Choir, St. Louis, Missouri. MR. MAX. HIENDLMAYR Director St. Mary's Church Choir, Alton, Illinois. MR. C. H. WOERMANN Director St. Francis Church Choir, Teutopolis, Illinois. — 75 — Following is a description of our ORGAN, in rotation from left to right, as shown on the "Console.'' PEDAL Ft. Violone 16 Subbass 16 Lieblich Gedeckt 16 Octave Bass 8 Swell to Pedal 8 Great to Pedal 8 SWELL ORGAN Ft. Bourdon 16 Geigen Principal 8 Rohr Floete 8 Stopped Diapason 8 Quintadena 8 Salicional 8 Principal 4 Flute Harmonic 4 Flageolet 2 Oboe Bassoon 8 Vox Humana 8 SWELL TO TREMOLO Ft. Swell to Swell 16 Swell to Swell 4 And four piston buttons below the upper manual. GREAT ORGAN Ft. Open Diapason 8 Doppel Floete B Gamba 8 Melodia 8 Dulciana 8 Octave 4 Flute 4 Quint 2, 2-3 Great to Great 4 Swell to Great 16 Swell to Great 8 Swell to Great 4 And four piston buttons below the lower manual. SANCTUARY ORGAN Ft. Contra Flute 16 Violine Diapason 8 Clarabella 8 Vox Celeste 8 Aeoline 8 Flute 4 Sanctuary to Tremolo Sanctuary to Swell 8 Sanctuary to Great 8 Pedal to Great 8 Sanctuary Console off. Right Hand Combination Setter. FOOT STOPS Sanctuary, Swell and Crescendo or Full Organ. The organ is operated by electric current. It has 1320 pipes, 300 being in the Sanctuary Organ. Mr. Diederich Overbeck, aged 85 years, went to his eternal reward on March 24, 1926. He made his first Communion on March 23, 1853, at the first service held in the present church. Mrs. William Uthel, nee Wegman, died April 19th, at the age of 70 years. R. L P. Teutopolis possesses a two story brick village hall and fire engine house de- signed by Chas. Eversman, who also superintended its construction by Contractor Hy. Sanders, Sr. It seems to have been built about the end of the eighties or the beginning of the nineties. The present Board of Trustees of the village of Teutopolis consists of: President — Mr. J. H. J. Buenker; salary $35.00 per year. Clerk — Mr. John Niehaus, salary $45.00 per year. Treasurer — Gus Hattrup. — 76 — Trustees (salary $2.00, if they attend meeting) are: Messrs. Leo Hardiek, John M. Schultz, Clement Siemer, Louis Brumleve, Ferd Wernsing and Henry Wessel. Mr. Frank Gardewine acts as Police Constable and Street Commissioner and is paid $50.00 per month. FESTLIED Teutopolis die Deutche Stadt Nach der Melodie "O Tannenbaum." (Written by Rev. Francis Albers, O. F. M., for the Golden Jubilee in January 1902) 1. Teutopolis, Teutopolis, Ein frohes Lied erschalle. An deinem Jubeltag, gewiss, Ein Freudenfest fuer Alle. O wende heute deinen Blick, Auf die verflossnen Jahr zurueck! Teutopolis, Teutopolis, Du deutsche Stadt vor alien! 2. Von Cincinnati kamen her. Die alten Pioniere John Waschefort, Uptmor und noch mehr, Es waren ihrer viere. Sie waren alle brave Leut, Nicht reich, doch fleissig und gescheidt, Teutopolis, Teutopolis, Du deutsche Stadt vor alien! 3. Sie kaufen sich dort Land und Wald, Und lassen sic.h da nieder; Die Baeume werden umgefaellf, Gar muede sind die Glieder. Man pflanzt nun Kom, Kartoffeln auch, Nach gutem, alten deutschen Brauch. Teutopolis, Teutopolis, Du deutsche Stadt vor alien! 4. Sie leben nun von Korn und Speck, Kartoffelnpfannekuchen. Bald steht die Windmuehl' auch zurecht, Nun gibt's auch Weizenstuten. Fuer Fleisch nimmt man's Gewehr zur Hand, Und schiesst das Wild in Busch und Land. Teutopolis, Teutopolis, Du deutsche Stadt vor alien! — 77 — 5. Die Woelfe laufen wiUl herum, Ei'schvecken Alt und Junge, Verderben viel am Eigenthum, Audi Schlang' mit gift'ger Zunge. Doch zogen sie gar bald von dort, Es war fuer sie kein sich'rer Ort. Teutopolis, Teutopolis, Du deutsche Stadt vor alien! 6. Und allgemach ersteht die Stadt, Ein Haus zum andern kommet. Auch frueh man eine Sc.hule hat, Was sehr der Jugend frommet; Sechs Kinder sind's im Anfang nur, Doch alles gehet nach der Schnur. Teutopolis, Teutopolis, Du deutsche Stadt vor alien! 7. Den Wagen, Pferd und Ochsen ziehn, Beladen mit Getreide, Fern geht es nach St. Louis hin, Durch Busch und Feld and Heide. Sie stecken oft in tiefem Dreck, Und kommen langsam nur vom Fleck. Teutopolis, Teutopolis, Du deutsche Stadt vor alien! 8. Jetzt sind es g'rade fuenfzig Jahr, Dass man die Kirch gebauet Und Vater Kuenster am Altar^ Zum ersten Mai geschauet. Da herr.schte allemeine Freud, Und darum jubelt man auch heuf Teutopolis, Teutopolis, Du deutsche Stadt vor alien! 9. Was soil ich sagen von dem KRIEG, Den Yankees unternahmen ? Schon dachten sie an einen Sieg, Doch sie vergebens kamen. Sie sahen Pfeifen an fuer Flint', D'rum gehen sie zurueck geschwind. Teutopolis, Teutopolis, Du deutsche Stadt vor alien! 10. In '58 da geschah's, Dass Franziskus Soehne, Hier gruendeten ein Niederlass, Ein Haus, erst klein, nicht schoen. Seitdem sind sie noch immer hier, Und wirken eifrig fuer und fuer. Teutopolis, Teutopolis, Du deutsche Stadt vor alien! — 78 — 11. Ein College wurde dann gebaut, Die Jugend zu erziehen, Auf tuecht'ge Bildiiig ward geschaut, Es fing bald an zu bluehen. Und Priester, Lehrer, andre Staend', Hat es erzogen excellent. Teutopolis, Teutopolis, Du deutsche Stadt vor alien! 12. Audi eine "GIRLS' ACADEMY" Hat hier einmal bestanden. Die guten Schwestern fuehiten sie, Jetzt ist sie eingegangen. Doch sind die Maedchen so auch gut, Sie naehen, waschen, kochen gut. Teutopolis, Teutopolis, Du deutsche Stadt vor alien! 13. Die Eisenbahn geht (lurch das Town Von Westen bis na?h Osten. An alien Ecken kann man schau'n Die Telegraphenpfosten. So steht das Staedtchen wuerdig da, Bekannt in ganz Amerika. Teutopolis, Teutopolis, Du deutsche Stadt vor alien! 14. Die deutsche Stadt sie lebe hoch, Sie wachs' und bluehe weiter, Sie stehe viele Jahre noch, Gott sei ihr treu' Geleiter: Die Maenner, Frauen, Kinder all; Sie ruf en heut mit lautem Schall : Teutopolis, Teutopolis, Wir V\'ollen dich stets lieben. — 79 — o o u « H M o o M M H PART II Historical Sketch of St. Peter's Respectively St. Francis of Assissi Parish CHAPTER I.— ST. PETER'S CHURCH St. Peter's In Charge of the Secular Clergy REV. FRANCIS JOSEPH MAURICE MASQUELET Teutopolis was founded for the express purpose of securing for the offspring of the pioneers the precious gift of faith. Rev. Wm. Pisbach was one of the original members and the Rev. Bishop J. B. Purcell seems to have been much interested in the project. From April 1839 when the first seven families settled till Nov. of the same year, we hear nothing of a priest or of services. The nearest priest about this time probably was the Rev. P. Czackert at Piquet's Settlement. But we are told that the old pioneers had to fulfill their Easter duty at St. Louis Mo. Father Czackert C. Sr. who pastor of St. Marie or Picquet's Settlement in Jasper county is mentioned in the Catholic Directory as attending Teutopolis about 1840. The first baptisms entered at Teutopolis are by Rev. Masquelet. He always signs merely Masquelet. According to Mrs. Schoenhoff, a relative, hi=; name was Francis Mau- rice (a nephew was named thus after his Rev. Uncle.) He seems to have signed Francis Joseph in other places. The first child he baptized at Teutopolis in Nov. was: Elizabeth Boeckmann, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth (Jansen) Boeck- mann; sponsors: Hy Uptmor and Eliz. Tebbe. The child was bom on October 13, 1839. On the same day Father ^lasquelet also baptized Joseph Vormor, son of Hy. and Agnes Abodia (Lott) or Loth Vormor, born on Oct. 24, 1839. Mr. Clement Uptmor HI is said to have been the first child born in the \illage. At first, the pa.stor boarded at J. Gannoway's: For the old account book of Clement Uptmor I. shows that Masquelet's board was paid at Oanoway's in Dec. 1839, and in the first months of 1840. As some settlers had come prior to the Teutopolis settlers and lived near by at Green Creek and the present Effingham who also wished to belong to the parish and in a number of cases joined the "German Land Company" and paid the ten dollars for the church. The increasing congregation enabled Father Mas- quelet to build a log church while meanwhile he conducted divine service at H. H. Vormor's who for a year or two lived south of Gannoway's it seems. One dollar rent was allowed them instead of paying board for the priest. But WHERE was the first log church? Though we not do claim to settle the question definitely owing to positive contradictory assertions, it seems from Clement Uptmor IV.'S FAMILY CHRONICLE and from remarks of Chas. Eversman' and Mrs. Mary Vahling nee Vormor as well as from Hy. Uptmor whom I questioned about 1909 that the first church was in town and not near the Masquelet home (now Mr. John Mueller's.) Mr. Henry Stallings worked first for Waschefort and afterwards for Fr. Masquelet and helped the latter to build the church. Now :Mr. J. F. Waschefort came to Teu- topolis in March, 1840. Moreover, the abstract Miss Clara Worman furnished me — 81 — of the land in question, shows that F. M. Masquelet bought it fiom Logans in June 21, 1841. Mr. Hy. Uptmor, "the soldier," informed us (Letter in a answer to Qvies- tions put to him about 1908 or 1909). "In 1840, on Feb. 26th, Rev. Pastor Masquelet carrying an axe, with six other men each furnished with an axe, went into the woods north of Teutopolis in order to cut down the first trees for the first log church." On May 3d it was finished sufficiently to allow the first divine sei-vice to be held in it by Rev. Masquelet. On May 17, Hy. Uptmor, the soldier, born May 6th, was baptized in the church. The steeple was added later. The bell weighing more than 700 pounds (with frame 900 lbs) came from Cincinnati, where some members had been coUcting for it. It cost $230.00 and the freight amounted to $ . Father Masquelet must have been travelinji- considerably. At any, rate what- ever the reason, the Catholic Directory for 1840 mentions Rev. Father F. Czackert as pastor of St. IVTarie and attending Teutopolis. Rev Masquelet baptized again on Aug. 11, 1840 till June 1841. The last entries by him are on October 17 and 30, 1843. Father Masquelet had some trouble with the people. Mr. Joseph Habing writes us, that the main objec- tion against Father Masquelet was that the village might follow the church. For 1 THE MUELLER HOUSE WEST OF TEUTOPOLIS, 1896 Father Masquelet, if the rumors be correct, planned a town near his church. There must have been other reasons. We found 25 years ago a German letter, written. in excellent penmanship and style, but without date — probably a duplicate addressed to the Rt. Rev. Bishop asking for a change of pastors: 1st because the pastor has the subscription list beside the confessional and refuses to hear the confession of those who do not contribute to their pastor's support. 2dly. The people are Low Germans and are not well conversant with High German while their children need a priest that masters the Low German, because otherwise they cannot learn the religion proper- ly; ar.d 3dly, because the Rev. gentlem.an causes trouble m the parish. Whatever the cause, Rev. Masquelet on June 21, 1841 bought some land now partly belonging to Mrs. Lena (Uptmor) Egan, of San Diego, Cal., partly to Mr. (John Mueller), on w^hich he built a small log church. This stood about 75 feet south of the National road and about 25 feet west of the eastern fence. About three adults and t'hree — 82 — children were interred here (according- to Chas. Eversman's Mem.) viz: Mr. P. Schlep; ev, M. Mindrup, Mrs. Adelaide Bruemmer, and three children. Services were held here only a few times, we were told, probably Rev. Masquclet was assigned to another parish. In March, 1843, he baptized at Oldenburg, Ind., where he stayed about 3 months. Mr. C. Eversman gives the following DESCRIPTION of the log church, which stood on the block designated on the original plat G (Hardiek — Hattrup — Buenker place): The church was built of hewn logs; the dimensions were: 32x28 feet; the height was about 18 feet. There were six small windows with 12 lights (8x10.) The steeple was added later o i and was two sections high, i. e. probably 30-40 ft. high. The in- side was plastered with post oak clay. The laths were split out of four feet tim- ber. The outside was covered with four feet clapboards. As the congregation was repeatedly without a clergyman, Mr. C. Uptmor I. held lay service, but refused, when people joshed him about being "Unser Herr Pastor." The following OLD SETTLERS are mentioned about 1839—43, and seem to have been PARISHIONERS: Messrs. Anton Jansen, H. Niemann, Bernard Tebbe, Jacob Doedtmann, J. B. Pruemmer, Joseph Beckmann, B. H. Suer, Richard Loh- mann, Hy. Hollera, Wm. Kabbes, Bernard Arns, Peter Thoele, Joseph Woermann, Herman Siemer, Hy. Remme, H. Fischer, John Osterhaus, Anton Doedenkamp, An- ton B. Janssen, Hy. Dust. In 1845: Gerard Doedtmann, Herman Doedtmann, Hy. Gerdes, Clement Stubbers, Herman Stubbers: 1845: H. H. Tegenkamp, H. H. Koors, Bernard Kncpps; 1847: F. Meyer, H. Koors, B. Sanders, Josepi Wendt, Hy. Wor- man, Joseph Ber:;ard, Hy. Koestcr, Geo. Koester, Ferd. Braun, Joseph Feldhake, Mathias rioenning, Joseph Boessing, Gerard Osthoff, Fr. Hoffmann, Bernard Vogt, John Fechtrcp, Bernard Deters, P'red Grimming, Arnold Kreke, Joseph Suer, Hy. Herboth, and many others. Mr. Clement Uptmor, in the oldest account book of St. Peter's Church, men- tions the following as having contributed to the support of the Rev. Masquelet: in 1839 and in the beginning of 1840: (Joseph) Ostendorf Huemmeler (Herman) Bergfeld H. Pruemmer Bernard Debbe (Tebbe) Jacob Doedtmann John Osterhaus Anton Dodenkamp Kuester (Koester) Hy. Fischer H. Kuester B. H. Sur J. H. Uptmor C(lem) Pundsack A. Pundsack (Hy.) Messmann C. Uptmor C. Vahling LATER— 1840 Gerd. Hackmann H. H. Uptmor C. Niemann (Frank) Mindrup St. Suer J. Pundsack Joseph Boeckmann H. H. Vormor J. B. Brummer (Gred) Dependener Hy. Remme Joseph Wehrmann (Woermann) Hy. Kremer Gerard Kabbis John Rickelmann Bernard Arns H(erman) Fechtrup H. Beermann L. B. Vogt SOON AFTER ALSO: Joseph Schroeder Jos. Rabe H. H. Schulte Wm. Kabbis H. Meyer H. Kathman are mentioned. REV. F. CZACKERT, C. S. S. R. A. D. 1840 According to the Catholic Directory had charge of St. Marie, Jasper Co., and visited Teutopolis occa.sionally. REV. CHAS. JOSEPH OPPERMANN Baptized here Oct. 28, and Nov. 6, 1841, and again on March 15, 1842. REV. FR. JOS. MASQUELET (OCT. 24, 1842— DEC. 4, 1842) baptized repeatedly. REV. T. N. MULLEN, (MULLIN?) O. S. A., (FEBR. 1843— MARCH 3, 1843). Rev. T. N. Mullen, O. S. A., pastor of Newton, was the pastor ("parochus") of Teutopolis also. As he was not versed in the German language, the REV. RO- MAN WEINZOEPFLEN came in April and heard confessions and investigated the case of a Freemason Doctor, who went to Holy Communion without observing the strict law of fasting", who had ''married" again during the life-time of his first wife and who stirred up the people against the Church and clergy. The LATTER, he claimed, were all "ODD FELLOWS'" and this society, (L O. 0. F.) was not for- bidden. Thus Father Weinzoepflen in his REPORT to the Vicar General of Vin- cennes. After a long INTERREGNUM we find Rev. F. J. Masquelet, perhaps on a visit to his family, baptizing on October 17, 1843, Mary Anne Vogt and on October, 30th 1843, Elizabeth Crule. THE. REV. J. VABRET was the next pastor. His name appears on the Baptismal record on Sept. 4, 1844, as having performed 10 baptisms: Hy. Baenger, J. B. Jansen, Phil. Wempe, Clement Vahling, Eliz. 'Sur, Jos. Doedtman, Maria Cath. Osterhause, Hy. Mersman, Philomena Uptmor, Francis Kreke and on Sept. 5, 1844, five baptisms: J. Hy. Bruemmer, Hy. Koester, John Thoele, Sophy Marianna Weber, Cath. Eliz. Weber, and on Sept. 9, 1844, two baptisms: — Hy. B. Bettelmann, bom May 15, 1844. REV. CARL JOSEPH OPPERMANN came again about Oct. 13-29, 1844. He baptized John C. Kenter, Mary Anna Pund- sack, Mary Getrtrude Shindel and John Hy. Hakman. The next pastor who signs as "THE FIRST RESIDENT PASTOR is the REV. JOSEPH KUENSTER (Nov. 184.5— Aug. 1850.) who was successful in his labors. Of the cyclone occurring during his administra- tion, we have already spoken. This pastor also taught school for some time. When, however, the LOG CHURCH proved too small for the growing congregation, and a new church was to be built, the trouble began. Father Kuenster went to Chicago and resigned his charge, but the Rt. Rev. Bishop refused to accept it. He became, however, the target of attack on the part of some and soon after, the Rt. Rev. Bishop sent Fr. Kuenster to the turbulant St. Boniface's Parish at Quincy, 111. CHICAGO, 24 May, 1850. , Teutopolis DEAR SIR:— The Rev. Mr. Kuenster was here and on account of the troubles that have been raised in his Congregation would have wished to leave it and I consented to the measure. But I have no priest to send in his place, and I can not believe that the congregation of Teutopolis is so far forgetful of its duties and the submission they owe to their Ecclesiastical supei'iors, as to prefer being deprived of the serv- ices of a priest rather than yield to the decision of their Bishop. Rev. Mr. Kuenster seems to have been accused of having been prevailed upon me to have the new c,hurch built on lot C, the highest and finest spot in or about your town, and the same accusation has been brought against Mr. F. Waschefort. These accusations have no foundation in truth. Neither Rev. Mr. Kuenster nor Mr. Waschefort has influenced me at all — the latter gentleman never spoke a word to me on the subject. After having examined all the lots that could be used — 84 — to build a church on, I of my own accord, chose the one in question, marked C, on the plat of the town, because it is the most advantageous situated, in every respect, and the best adapted to build a good church on. On my return here from Teutopolis, I found that my predecessor, the Rt. Kev. Wm. Quarter, had selected the same lot and that then the same objections were made by speculators and their friends and adherents. I received several letters from Teutopolis on this subject and I have always answered that I would not depart from my decision deliberately given and that I would never consent to have the New Church built in any other place but the one I and my predecessor had selected. I have written thus to Doemer, Fr. Mas- quelet, John Waschefort and others, and it is useless to try to make me change my determination. I look to the good and advantage of the whole Congregation, and not to that of individuals, and to the fcture as well as to the past and the present. Rev. Mr. Masquelet, who has a large tract of land in the neighborhood and consequently feels an interest in having the Church built in the old place, has acted veiy wrong in interfering in the matter and has decidedly incurred my ■displeasure and that of his Bishop. I have reason to hope that the whole Congregation, perhaps a few stubborn members excepted, will, at last, willingly and gladly comply with the wishes of their bishop, and for this reason I have directed Rev. Mr. Kuenster to return, not -wishing to deprive the Congregation of a priest, and thus punish the good and submissive members of the flock together with the refractory ones. I had jirom- ised .$200 as my subscription to the new church, and had hoped to lay the corner- stone of it on the feast of St. Peter when I shall be in the neighborhood of St. Louis. It is probable also that upon application, I may get some hundred dollars subscribed by the Company in Cincinnati. Should the congregation wish to have the solemn ceremony of laying the ■corner-stone performed at the end of next month, or in the beginning of July, I will repair thither from St. Louis, where I shall be on the 20th of June. Be kind ■enough then to communicate this letter to the congi-egation, if you can do so, and let me know (by writing to me to "University of St. Louis," where I shall be on the 20th of June) whether they wish me to go over to Teutopolis for that purpose, — but it is worse than useless to have the new church built on the site of the present one — and much more so still to try to induce me to build it in the fields far away where the first church was built by Mr. Masquelet. In expectation of finding your answer in St. Louis on or before the day mentioned, I remain. Dear Sir, Yours truly in Ct. Chicago, May 26, Illinois. JAMES OLIVER, Bp. Chicago. His successor at Teutopolis was the REV. FR. J. FISCHER who attended Teutopolis a few times until iSt. Peter's Parish received a new pastor in the person of the REV. JOSEPH ZOEGEL (NOV. 1850— JUNE 1854.) The parish of Teutopolis at that time embraced all the Catholics of Effingham County, especially of the present parishes at Effingham, Green Creek, Bishop Creek, etc., and of several neighboring counties. The building of a larger church became an urgent necessity. The question of the SITE OF THE NEW CHURCH caused great disharmony. This question was settled by the Rt. Rev. Oliver Van de Velde, D. D., second Bishop of Chicago, as the foregoing letter proves. — 85 — Preparations were now made for the new church. An engraving made of the church to be built gives the dimensions as 110 ft. 1., 60 ft. w., and 30 ft. high. The steeple 180 ft. high. July 20, 1851 had been selected as the day on which the corner- stone was to be laid. The DIAMOND JUBILEE of this important event is what we are celebrating- this year. We take a description of this glorious event from "The Shepherd of the Valley," published in St. Louis, and reprinted in the Silver Jubilee in the Episcopacy of the Most Rev. P. N. Feehan, Archbishop of Chicago. We only corrected a few mistakes in spelling of proper n?.mes and the date. The correct date is July 20, 1851. RT. REV. BISHOP VAN DE VELDE, D. D., OF CHICAGO, LAYS THE CORNER- STONE OF ST. PETER'S CHURCH, JULY 20, 1853. "Bishop Van de Velde left St. Louis early in the morning on the 18th instand, accompanied by the Rev. Joseph G. Buschotts, S. J. They arrived at Highland in time for dinner, where the Bishop was welcomed by several Catholics, to whom his visit was unexpected. After passing the whole night in the stage, the Bishop and his companions arrived at FREEMANTON, about sunrise. Here they were met by a deputation from Teutopolis. About 5-6 o'clock in the morning, and display- ing an imposing sight, as with flying banners they descended the hill, entered the village and wheeled around to welcome the Bishop. They were led on by their worthy pa.stor, Rev. Joseph Zoegel, and had brought a second carriage for the acccmm.cdation cf the Bishop and his attendants. The procession marched through Ewington, the county seat of Effingham, and reached Teutopolis about 8 o'clock A. M. Several volleys of musketry announced their arrival. Three arches com- posed of trees and adorned with festoons and flowers, had been erected over the National road, which is the main street of the town. The spot on which the new church is to be erected was first visited, after which the whole procession returned to the old log church, where Mass was celebrated by Rev. Fr. Zoegel, after which the Bishop administered the Sacrament of Confirmation to about forty children and adults." "The following day, sixth Sunday after Pentecost, July 20th, was a happy day for the Catholics of Teutopolis. Early in the morning the people began to arrive from the country. The Bishop said Mass at seven, and the profession was formed about nine; it was headed by the children of the parish, these were followed by the members of the St. Peter's Society, wearing their badges, and the latter by nearly the whole congregation, the men preceeding and the women following the Bishop and his attendants. The procession moved, amid the discharges of mus- ketry, from the old church to the spot where the foundation of the new one has just been laid, a distance of more than a quarter of a mile. The Bishop walked under a large canopy, vested in alb and cope with mitre and crosier, and was attended by the Rev. J. F. Fischer (Pastor of St. Marie Piquet's Settlement), in cope; Rev. Joseph Zoegel, in chasuble; and Rev. Father Busschots, in surplice and stole. The ceremonies of laying the corner-stone of the new church were per- foi-med with the usual solemnities during which the Bishop addressed the people in English, felicitating them on the happy termination of the dissensions, which for several years had distracted the congregation, and exhorting them, hencefor- ward, to cultivate union and fraternal charity; after which the Rev. F. Busschots delivered an appropriate discourse, in German, on the text, "Thou art Peter." The ceremony being ended, the procession returned to the old church, which being of small dimensions, a temporary altar had been erected on the outside, in the open air. High Mass was sung by Rev. Fr. Zoegel, at whicji the Bishop — 86 — I assisted with cope and mitre, attended by the other two clergymen. It was nearly two o'clock P. M. when the ceremonies concluded. A public dinner had been pre- pared under a temporary bower erected near the foundations of the new church. 3Iore than a hundred persons sat down to partake of the festive banquet. All was joy and happiness. Solemn Vespers were sung, followed by the Benediction with the Blessed Sacrament by the Bishop. At night the good people of Teutopolis got up a torchlight procession, and came to the Priest's residence to thank the Bishop and his attendants. Thus terminated the joyful day which will long be remembered by the members of the congregation of Teutopolis." (, 'Shepherd of the Valley".) The body of the new church, of which the stone foundations are already laid, will be 110 feet long and 60 wide; the walls of brick, thirty feet high above the foundations. The steeple, projecting five feet, is to be of a height corresponding with these dimensions. The back pai-t of the sanctuary is to be of an ellipse form, projecting eleven feet beyond the walls, so that the whole length of the church will be 126 feet. Strong hopes are entertained tliat it will be covered before the ensuing winter. JULY 14th. On the following morning the Bishop with his attendants, re- paired to the congregation of Green Ci-eek, about seven miles from Teutopolis, where he said Mass in the log church which had -been lately built there, under the invocation of Mary, Help of Christians! Mr. Caspar Nolte, of St. Louis, was the architect and contractor. The stones for the foundation were intended for the construction of the NATIONAL ROAD, work on which had bean suspended years before. The masonry work was finished in 1851. As some who were opposed to the building of the church at the present site, -A\ithheld their contributions, work progressed but slowly and several lawsuits were the result. To get more funds, church land was sold. TEUTOPOLIS, APRIL 2.3, 1852. TO THE RIGHT REV. JAMES OLIVER VANDEVELDE, My Lord: I transmit to your Lordship these documents, containing the quit claim deeds of John F. Wasc,hefort and wife, such as they came to my hand together with the numbers, descriptions and price of the different tracts of land and Town lots and the names of those persons which have purchased them. The domain of our church has been sold very high, and the sum of 2013 dollars has been realized. I think the church may be completed this summer, if we are assisted a little by the other members of the Church, but I am sorry to state that the right spirit has departed from many in this community. And I humbly suggest that a mission such as Quincy and Shoalcreek settlement have enjoyed, would great- ly contribute to awaken the spirit of union and brotherly love among us and ma- terially aid in the construction of the house of God. Your Lordship's most humble servant, HERMAN H. HUELS, Sect, of Commit. As suggested to the Rt. Rev. Bishop by Mr. H. H. Huels, a mission was held at Teutopolis by Revs. Joseph Weber S. J. and Rev. Joseph Petschowski S. J. (Nov. 7-17, 1854). SOLD FOR NEW CHURCH BUILDING AT TEUTOPOLIS— DEEDS DELIVERED ON THE 1st OF MAY, 1852 1. The S. E. fractional Quart of the N. W. quart Sect. 6 Township 7 N. of Range 7 east containing 26.14 Acres sold at $77.— to Henry Bergfeld. 2. The N. W. fraction Quart, of the N. W. Quart. Sect. 7 Town. 8 N. of Range 7 east. Contain. 34.74 Acres sold to Joseph Quartman at $180.00. 3. The S. W. fract. Quart, of the N. W. Quart. Sect. 7 Town 8 N. of Range 7 east. 34.74 Acres to Widow Catherine Probst at $121. — 4. N. W. fract. Quart, of S. W. Quart. Sect. 7 Town 8 N. of Range 7 east. 34.74 Acres to Herman H. Wempe at $205. — 5. S. W. Quart, of N. W. Quart. 28 Town 8 N. of Range Six east. $0 Acres. Rev. Joseph Zoegel at $154. — RT. REV. 0. VAN DE VELDE, D. D. Second Bishop of Chicago RT. REV. HY. DAMIAN JUNCKER First Bishop of Alton 6. Lot 109. Block 17 John F. Waschefort at $23.— 7. Lot 109 B. 33 Herman H. Huels 24 dolls. 8. Lot H. South of Southern Row, Between Wall and Washing(ton) Streets. Paul Martlett at 105 dollars. 9. Out Lot No. 142 Ferd. Nacke at 51 dollars. 10. Lot marked E. a fractional piece. John Kroeger at $64. dollars. On Easter day, March 27, 1853 the first divine service was held in the new- church and a number of children, made their First Holy Communion on this day. Rev. J. Weber stayed a few weeks, to assist in establishing harmony. Still the funds were lacking and the steeple could not be built. Nor was the interior plastered be- fore fall 1858. A poor, temporary altar was installed. After Father Jos. Zoegel's- departure REV. CHAS. F. RAPHAEL (JULY 1854— NOV. 1856,) came to assume charge. He also met with various difficulties.He occassionally^ said Mass in the Bishop Creek school. He was in turn succeeded by the REV. H. LIERMANN (NOV. 1856— JAN. 1857.) The next pastor was — 88 — REV CARL ZUCKER who rem?Jned only three weeks when he withdrew in disgust, as it seems. TEUTOPOLIS, MAY 28, 1857. THE RT. REV. BISHOP OF ALTON. RT. REV. SIR: The undersigned trustees of tlie church at Teutopolis feel bound most humbly to submit the following to your Lordship. 1. For a long time we have had no regular p( resident) priest so that the inhabitants cannot comply with their religious duties. 2. The church is still encumbered with a debt of $7000.00 and we are unable without the cooperation and the authority of a priest to pay them. 3. The church is only half complete; the edifice has indeed been reared, but the interior is still entirely bare. 4. The parish subscribed the sum of some $700.00 for a new parsonage and the work is to begin; in this case too, the presence and helping hand of a priest would bo of gicat advantage to the congregation. REV. THOMAS FRAUENHOFER REV. GERARD BECHER, O. F. M.. 5. The parish begs of your Lordship to visit Teutopolis in person as soon: as feasible, v/here you may then assign the most suitable means and ways to re,- move our difficulties. 6. At the advice of the Rt. Rev. Bishop of Chicago we have sold the following" real estate property of the church, to partially pay its debts, viz. Acres 6 75-100 NW fr. 1-4 S. 1 Tp. 8R. 5 E $350.00 40 Acres NW. SW. Sect. 1. 8 5 E 22.00 49 Acres SE. SW. 1-4 Sect. 36. 9. 5 E $185.00 80 Acres W 1-2 SE 1-4 Sect. 36. 9. 5 E $350.00 35-100 W 1-2 N 1-2 SW. 2 7. 8. 7 E $400.00' 30-100 W 1-2 NW. fr. Sect. 18. 8. 7 E $600.00 Lot No. 9 in B. 7 in Teutopolis $60.00 Lot- No. 36 in B. 8 in Teutopolis $85.00 — 89 — Lot maiked H on the town Plat $95.00 Lots No's. 109 in Bs. 17 and 33 $21.00 (Old Log Church) $70.00 $2086.00 35.00 TOTAL - $2121.00 We forwaid to you part of the deeds and shall soon forward the remaining- on Respectfully yours, Clement Brumleve, Bernard Raben, .rdin Vechtrop, John Wegman. PLAIN TREE SCHOOL Meanwhile Green Creek had received a resident pastor the REV. THOMAS FRAUENHOFER, FEBR. 12— APR. 28, 1858 who also attended Effingham. He came repeatedly to the aid of the orphaned par- ish which soon received a new shepherd the REV. J. H. FORTMANN AUG. .5, 1857— JAN. 1858 he took up a subscr. $723.64 for erecting a new parso^^age INTERREGNUM (JAN— MAY 15, 1858) REV. BARTHOLOMEW BARTELS, MAY 15. 18.58— OCT. 1858 who had landed in U. S. IMay 3, 1838, having just come from Germany. The Rev. Fa- ther Bartels collected $1 302.64 for the new parsonage and had laid the cornerstone when the Rt. Rev. Bishop Hy. Damian Juncker sent the Franciscan Fathers to take charge of Teutopclis. — 90 — CHAPTER II. St. Francis Parish in Charge of the Franciscans ST. PETER'S. RESPECTIVELY ST. FRANCIS PARISH AT TEUTOPOLIS IN CHARGE OF THE FRANCISCAN FATHERS (Oct. 1858— the present day). When the Rt. Rev. Damian Hy. Juncker wa.^ appointed Bishop of Alton, in Jan. 1857, (Quincy Dior-ese erected 1853), and con.-ecrated on April 26, 1857, he found a population of 50,000, in charge of 28 priests, 58 churches, 5 churches in the course of erection, 30 missions. Realizing how this dearth of pastors must result in the loss of many souls, he, in the fall of 1857, made a trip to Europe to visit Rome and obtain priests for his poor diocese. He was accompanied by the Rev. August Diickwedde, jjastov of St. Libory's, Illinois. At the recommendation of the Rt. Rev. Conrad ]\Iartin, Bishop of Paderborn, and in consequence of the elo- quent pleading the Rev. Brickwedde, the Very Rev. Provincial Gregory Jan- knecht, 0. F. M., though not having a large number of priests, promised to come to the aid of Rt. Rev. Bishop Juncker. The Provincial Council, in a meeting held at Wiedenbrueck, gave its consent to the undertaking, and the permission of the Minister-General at Rome was received without much delay. Thereupon three fathers anrl six lay brothers were chosen from among the many that had volun- teered. The Rev. FATHERS chosen were: Damian Hennewig, superior; Capis- tran Zv/inge, and Servatius Altmicks. The BROTHERS were: Irenaeus Drewes, Paschal Kutsrhe, Marianus Beile, Julius Schmaenk, Edmund Wilde, and Herman Uphoff; the last two belonged to the Third Order Regular. (Cfr. "Beitraege Zur Geschichte von Teutopolis unter besonderer — Beruecksichtigung des Wirkens der dortigen Franziskaner 1839 resp. 1851 — 1901," P. 65, and "The Franciscans in Southern Illinois" by Rev. Silas Barth in "111. Cath. Hist. Review," Vol. II. P. 16if (A. D. Oct. 1919). The nine bade farewell to their brethren at Warendorf on August 24, 1858, embarked at Brem.erhafen aboard the "Bremen" on August 27, landed in Nevv' York on Sept. 14, and on Sept. 23, 1858, the first division arrived at Teutopolis. The eastern buck-wing of Mr. Leo P'uelle's store, the residence of Mr. Alph. Gardewine, served as temporary monastery till Dec. 1858. When the new parson- age, already begun by Rev. B. Bartels, was finished, it was changed into a monas- tery. Father Damian soon added another addition. On October 3, 1858, Father B. Bartels turned the parish over to the Friars. REV. DA:\IIAN HENNEWIG, O. F. M., (Oct. 3, 1858— July 1862) As Teutopolis had changed pastors so often (six pastors in two years) and repeatedly and for a considerable time had been deprived of a pastor, the spiritual condition of the congregation augmented by dissensions left much to be desired. Father Damaan, therefore, set to work at once, not only to finish and embellish the church, but to quicken the pulsation of spiritual life and to promote educational work. At the arrival of the Friars, the steeple was unfinished, extending only slightly over the almost flat roof, the church was just being plastered, the altar, a poor temporary makeshift, and the melodeon was in the sanctuary. New al- tars were obtained, probably from Cincinnati; the side altars cost probably $400.00 each, and were donated by the Married Ladies' and Young Men's Societies. The high altar was a gift of St. Peter's Men Society. A large bell, for whiqh Mrs. C. — 91 — Uptmor, Mrs. F. F. Eversman and Mrs. H. Huslag-e had collected $1,300.00, was blessed by Rt. Rev. Bishop Juncker, in honor of St. Peter. On the following day, the Rt. Rev. Ordinary consecrated the High Altar in honor of St. Francis as primary patron and also in honor of St. Peter as secondary Patron. He enclosed relics of some anonymous martyrs and of St. Maturicus. (?) The new cemetery had already been blessed on June 5th. — A mission had been preached at Teutopolis Dec. 12 — 19, 1858; all i. e. about 500 persons received holy Communion. His first care was to furnish and beautify the house of God and build up the interior life. He procured new altars which when the church was remodeled into a Gothic one, were sold to S. Heart Churcji in Effingham. It is really an impressionable people, susceptible of good. Many a tear have I seen trickling down their cheeks, not only at the ordinary exhortation and in conversation, but also in the confessional." Thus P. Damian to Very Rev. Pro- vincial. — "Hardly a day now passes without some people approaching the foun- tains of salvation, the holy sacraments," writes P. Servatius. In another letter P. Damian writes: "It is almost incredible, how great the confidence of the peo- VIEW OF OLD ALTAR, 1860—1901 Marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Clement Hotze pie here is towards priests walking worthy of their calling and proceeding with circumspection and prudence. If the priest says a thing, that settles it. Here we can discover the intrinsic value of our holy religion for a Catholic, in spite of the many difficulties which the parish has had with its pastors. But with all their soul they again adhere to the new pastor sent them. This is our ex- perience. The people do all in their power to make our condition as pleasant as possible. They bring us victuals in siich abundance that a larger community could subsist. In turn .we have work in abundance." In 1860, Rev. P. Damian writes to the Provincial, whom he experts for visita- tion: "You will find how good-natured these people are, whom formerly I imagin- ed to be giddy immigrants and whom I now find of such a serious and sympathetic disposition, transformed, no doubt, by many trials and severe privations. — In order to preserve their good dispositions, to accustom them to frequent prayer — 92 — and vrligious exercises, without overburdening those not accustomed, we proceeded g-raduaily, step by step.'" (P. Damian, May 9, 1859). REV. MATHIAS HILTERMANN, O. F. M., (July 1862— end of May, 1864) Father Mathias at once took charge of his new duties as Commissary Provin- cial, ?.Ir.stcr of Novices, and pastor of Teutopolis. He continued in the footsteps of his predecessor. He promoted the Holy Childhood Society in a special manner among yoj.iig and ohi, founded on February 9, 1864 the St. Anthony's Reading Circle a.id Singing Club. : EV. DAMIA:: HENNEWIG, O. F. M., (May 1864— Dec. 12, 186.5) Taeicupon Eev. Damian Hennewig, 0. F. M., (May 1864— Dec. 12, 1865) once more administered to Qi. Francis parish despite his frail health. He was fre- quently assisted by Rev. Fathers Killian, Nazarius, Francis Moenning and Eugene Puers. He v/as pla/.ning the election of the Sisters' school and had already ap- REV. DAMASUS RUESIXG, O.F.M. REV. DOMINIC FLORIAN, O. F. M. pointed :>Ir. Clement Uptmor on the Building Committee when the end came. Prerious as his life had been, was also his death, on Dec. 12, 1865. He was the first to be buried in the vault in the monastery garden. R. I. P. REV. FR. MATHIAS HILTERMANN, O. F. M., (Dec. 1865— July 1873) Rev. Fr. Mathias Hlltermann, O. F. M., (Dec. 1865-July 1873), now returned to Teutopolis as pastor and retained this office from Dec. 1865 — July 1873. Fa- ther Mathias purchased the new organ about October 1867, erected the Girls' school and Academy, and built the steeple; the cost for the latter seems to have been defrayed by the Men's Society. — 93 — o < In summev 1873,, Fr. Llathias was succeeded as pastor of St. Francis' by the REV. GERARD BECHER, O. F. M. He enlarged the cemetery and had a walk built thither. At his invitation, the Rev. Fi-anciscan Fathers, Vinc.ent Halbfas, Pancratius Schulte and Maternus Mallmann preached a successful mission. In Dec. 1876, Fv. Gerard was assigned to St. John's Church, Joliet, as pastor and as the first superior of the new residence there. His place at Teutopolis was now filled by the Rev. Master of Novices DAMASUS RUESING, 0. F. M., (Dec. 1876.— July 1879). He procured the new beautiful stations of the cross, the Christmas Crib (except the Three Kings) and began to erect the Boys' scjiool east of the church. When he was appointed one of the first Definitors of the Province of the Sacved Her.rt, the REV. DOMINIC FLORIAN, O. F. M., hereto- fore rector of St. Michael's parish at Sigal, was made pastor at Teutopolis. He changed the St Mary's Society of the Ladies into a Christian Mother Society and REV. PAUL TEROERDE, 0. F. M. REV. POLYCARP RHODE, 0. F. M. St. Ross Young Ladies' Society into a Marian Sodality. He also finished the School and H?.1I begun by his predecessor. REV. PAUL TEROERDE, O. F. M., (July 1879— July 1886) Rev. Paul Teroerde, O. F. M., was the next pastor of Teutopolis. He renewed the roof of the church, installed new windows, renewed the steeple in 1886, invited the Capuchian Fathers Capistran, Ignatius and Damian to give a mission, en- larged the cemetery, bought a fine set of vestments for $500.00, ordered the statues of St. Louis and of the Guardian Angel, added a steps to the Boys' school serving as a fire escape, enlarged the organ gallery and, in 1886, installed a new tower- clock, which came from Mr. Pollhans in St. Louis, Mo., and cost $750.00, which St. Joseph's Men Society, St. Peter's Men Society, the Christian Mothers, the Young Men's Sodality and the Young Ladies' Sodality paid for in part. Mr. J. Funnemann donated $100.00. — 95 — When his six years as guardian were up, FR. SERAPHIN LAMPE, O. F. M., was given charge of Teutopolis congregation and monastery. He had the organ rebuilt at an expenditure of $1,020.00 and shade trees planted at the church, in school yards and in the cemetery. After a year and a half, his predecessor also bec,ame his successor (Jan. 1888— Aug. 1894). FATHER PAUL TEROERDE, O. F. M. completed the crib by adding the figures of the Three King.s — the whole crib costing about $400.00; it was paid by the Christian Mothers. — Fr. Paul put steam heating in- to the church (1889), he also put up the Sacred Heart Altar and regulated the salary question. Heretofore the Fathers accepted no cash salary, but took up two collections ("Termine") per year — one in spring, another in fall. Various victuals: meat, eggs, wheat, potatoes, etc., were collected. As this did not amount to the sum paid to secular priests, Fr. Michael ordered that the vicltuals be estimated at the market value and, what was lacking to $1000.00, be paid in cash. — During his two terms, Fr. Paul was ably assisted by the Rev. P. P. Damasus, Francis Haase, Francis Albers, Eustace Brueggemann, Anselm Puetz and Cletus REV. CASIMIIi HUErPE, 0. F. M. REV. THEODOSIUS PLASSMEYER 0. F. M. Gierschewski. In 1882, the 7th Centenary of the Birth of St. Francis was solemn- ly commemorated. During Fr. Paul's second term the dreaded Influenza snatched a number of victims. Fr. Paul himself "was very sick but recovered. At the expiration of his second term, Fr. Paul was called by obedience to be pastor and superior at the new Franciscan residence at Washington, Mo., entrusted to the Franciscans by Most Rev. Archbishop J. J. Kain, of St. Louis, at the re- quest of the Jesuits, who had long been in charge. At Teutopolis he was succeeded as pastor and superior by the kind P. POLYCARP RHODE, O. F. M., (Aug. 1894— Jan. 12, 1899) Father Polycarp had been a teacher in Germany and sought to win the young people. He won the hearts of all by his amiability. Fr. Polycarp — 97 — installed the new Communion railing and the new pulpit. When he was called to St. John's at Joliet, the people at once made up a burse to be used at his pleasure. With the pemiission of the donors, he used the money to pay for a window in the poor church of his native place. The new Pastor of St. Francis was the REV. CASIMIR HUEPPE, O. F. M., (Jan. 1899— July 1912) He was to do great things at Teutopolis and his pastorate is one of the most re- markable of all in the Annals of the "Duetske Staadt/' in fact, Fr. Casimir was a typic^al Low German and it took a man of stubborn determination to accomplish what he accomplished. He repaired school and hall and, in 1900, erected the beau- tiful crucifixion group in the Cemetery. This cross cost about $300.00 and is a gift of the St. Peter'.s Men and Young Men's Societies. Fr. Casimir also organized the St. Aloysius Sodality for boys and St. Agnes Sodality for girls and the Holy Family Society so strongly recommended by the Pope. He, moreover, induced REV. SERVATIUS ALTMICKS, O. F. M. (1858) At Santa Barbara, Calif., Old Mission the Men's and Young Men's Societies to affiliate with the "Katholische Vereinsbund von Illinois." As the FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF THE LAYING OF THE CORNER-STONE OF THE PRESENT CHURCH (by Rt. Rev. James Oliver Van de Velde, Bishop of Chicago o nJuly 20, 18-51) drew near, Fr. Casimir began to plan what his predecessors had often wished, but not dared do — to transform the plain, ungainly churcji with its flat ceiling into a more artistic House of God. He at first met with great opposition; but finally he prevailed, and he so thorough- ly remodeled the edifice that little remained but the walls. The steeple, which was showing signs of decay, was taken down, and rebuilt to a height of 173 feet. The walls were raised and three naves of Gothic design replaced the flat ceiling. The friars erected their choir on the east side of the Sanctuary, in order to have a view of the altar during divine service. This enabled the pastor to move the Communion railing and the new High Altar farther to the south. This beautiful altar is from the studio of Mr. Hy. Dreisoerner, then at Quincy, and cost $1000.00. — 98 — It is a gift of the John Funnemann family. When the interior remodeling was done, the church was tastefully decorated by Mr. Wm. Kloer, a St. Louis artist, while Mr. Scheidgen of Chicago furnished tlie paintings: The Granting of the Portiuncula Indulgence (over the triumphal arch) according to Fred. Overbeck, and the paintings of St. Bernardine of Siena and of St. John Capistran. The four evangelists painted on copper plates are a fine ornament of the front of the High altar. The old Romanesque altars purchased by Rev. P. Damian, were sold to Rev. Father Wm. Healy, of S. Heart Church, Effingham. For the present, tem- porary side altars were installed. As these many changes took more time than at first anticipated, the jubilee celebration had to be postponed until January, 1902. As a rem.ote preparation, a mission had been preached by Rev. Francis Albers, O. F. M., and Rev. Francis Haase, O. F. M. Meanwhile a Golden Jubilee Souvenir was edited entitled, "Beitraege zur Geschichte von Teu- topolis und Umgegend unter besonderer Beruechsichtigung des Wirkens der dorti- REV. ANSELM PUETZ, O.F.M. REV. NICHOLAS LEONARD, O. F. M. gen Franziskaner." The material was gathered by Rev. Eugene Hagedorn, 0. F. M.: it was edited by other hands. THE GOLDEN JUBILEE OF THE LAYING OF THE CORNER-STONE OF ST. FRANCIS' CHURCH, (1851— Jan. 6, 7, 8 and 9, 1902) A three days' mission renewal preceded the grand jubilee as a fitting prepara- tion. On Monday, Jan. 6, 1902, took place the consecration of the new High Altar, by the Rt. Rev. Bishop J. Janssen, D. D., of Belleville, 111. A solemn High Mass followed, of which the officers were: Very Rev. Hugolinus Storff, celebrant. Rev. Fabian Rechtiene, O. F. M., deacon and Rev. Stanislaus Riemann, subdeacon; the latter two were sons of the parish. After this followed Sacramental Benediction and Te Deum. In the evening, the college boys, under the able direction of Rev. Valerius Nelles, O. F. M., rendered an excellent musical program in honor of the guests. — On Tuesday, Jan. 7th, cannon shots announced the break of the great day. At 9 o'clock, the brass band of Effingham arrived and formed a procession to the college to escort the Rt. Rev. Bishop Ryan to the churc}i. Here Pontifical High Mass was celebrated; the jubilee sermon was preached by the Very Rev. Hugolinus Storff, O. F. M., Provincial. The banquet was served at the College Gymnasium by the ladies and young ladies of the parish. This over, the poems on "Teutopolis,'' composed by the Rev. Francis Albers for the occasion were sung again and again. Next was the Fair with its comic scenes. At five o'clock sup- per was served; at 6:30, the children rendered a fine program in the school hall, after which the Fair continued. On Thursday, Jan. 9th, the Fair was kept up partly inside, partly outside in a tent, in front of school. Supper was set again; at 6:45 a large concourse of people — 600 — 700 persons — marched in the torchlight procession through the main streets past the college and Sisters' School; in front of the church halt was called and, with three cheers for Rev. Father Casimir and Teutopolis, and with "Grosser Gott", the people disbanded. In fall of 1902, the church was furnished with new pews and with a new floor. The following year many got small-pox from a person at a dance and business houses and even the church v/ere closed for a time. Two children died; one adult only had to be anointed, but recovered. In fall 1903, Rev. Casimir, with the ap- proval of the Rt. Pvev. Bishop, changed the highest class of boys and girls into a parochial school. This was soon changed again. Mr. Louis Rieg, who had served the Teutopolis boys' school so long and well, was replaced by Sisters de Notre Dame. The school directors were henceforth to pay the Sisters $650.00 to which the parish adds $150.00. Besides, it agreed to furnish the Sisters with fuel (coal and wood). The position of organist was filled by Miss Carrie Young. The year 1904 brought the FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY of the declaration of the DOGMA OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. Besides a high Mass every month, a Triduum preceeded the feast of the Immaculate Conception. Almost the whole parish received the Sac,raments and tried to gain the jubilee indulgence. On Dec. 8th, the celebration reached its climax. Rev. Fr. Roger Middendorf preached the festive sermon. In the afternoon there was a procession with the statue of Mary Immaculate carried by the Young Ladies dressed in white. St. Agnes Sodality and the Franciscan Community took part in the same. The church was decked in festive array: wreaths and inscriptions on the pillars. (Antiphon Tota pulchra made by Bro. Adalbert Czichos, O. F. M.) Among the jubilee gifts was a beautiful new cruciform MONSTRANCE imported from Kevel- aar. Alas, it was received a few days too late for the festival celebration. It is a gift of the Mr. John Funnemann family, several parishioners, and the jubilee collection on Dec. 8th. THE GOLDEN JUBILEE OF THE ADVENT OF THE FRIARS MINOR AT TEUTOPOLIS, (Sept. 1868— Oct. 1908) The golden jubilee of the arrival of the Franciscan Fathers was another occa- sion of great rejoicing in Teutopolis. It was united with the celebration of POPE PIUS X.'s GOLDEN SACERDOTAL JUBILEE and with the MEETING OF THE EFFINGHAM COUNTY DISTRICKTSVERBAND. This time the parish could celebrate in its own Hall. For Fr. Casimir had purchased the necessary land from Mrs. Hakman and had erected the Society Hall, 1907 — '08. It was de- dicated on June 28, 1908. At the time there was much opposition and the pastor, in fact, built against the will of the majority. If a basement was not built, as some had advised, the reason was simply to avoid greater cost, since the people were opposed to building the Hall. How great a thing Fr. Casimir did in provid- ing the parish with .'^uch a spacious hall, can only be properly understood after the lapse of years. The excellent jubilee program was opened with Pontifical High Mass on Sunday, Oct. 4th, Rt. Rev. John Janssen, D. D., Bishop of Belleville, was — 100 — the celebrant. The powerful sermon was delivered by the Very Rev. Michael Rich- ardt, O. F. M., a most popular preacher. Dinner over, the Delegates of the Dis- trict's Verband held their meeting. After a short devotion, the parade of the delegates and societies from the neighboring parishes took place. The streets were appropriately decorated with bunting, streamers and inscriptions. At the hall, Mr. J. Brumleve gave the address of welcome. Very Rev. Provincial Cyprian Banscheid delivered the address on the Pope's sacerdotal jubilee and Mr. Kenkel spoke on ST. FRANCIS AND THE SOCIAL QUESTION. Rev. John Pennartz, of Sigel, wound up with an address on the "PURPOSE OF THE DISTRICKTSVER- BAND.' At seven o'clock P. M., the school children, under the direction of the Sisters, gave a delightful entertainment to a packed house. It is claimed that on this occasion there were 5000 persons in Teutopolis. Besides the regular trains, which were crowded, a special train from Newton and Dieterich broug-ht a large delegation. On Monday, solem.n High Mass was sung at 9:30. Fr. Francis Al- bers, O. F. M., delivered an excellent sermon on the Religious State. At the two o'clock P. M. meeting. Rev. Hoffmann and Mr. Nosbisch gave a report of con- ventions attended. At 7:30 St. Rose's Sodality presented a fine drama entitled, "The School of Sorrow." On Tuesday afternoon the children gave an entertain- ment to a crowded hall. At 6:30 P. M., a Chinese Torchlight procession took place through the brilliantly illumined streets. Then followed a reception given to the Franciscan Fathers. A number of addresses gave evidence of the love and esteem in which the Fathers are held. Finally, Father Casimir thanked all who had aided in making the celebration such a success. Fr. Michael wound up the evening's program in his popular vein. The next day a Requiem was ch;".ite:l fcr the souls of the departed Friars, a number of whom rest in the Monastery vault, and a visit was made to their last resting place, to show that the living have not forgotten what those who preceded, have done for them. Thus ended, perhaps, the most magnificent demonstration the "Duetske Staadt" has witnessed. Among the many visitors we must not forget the Rev. Ed. Blecke, O. F. M., Prov. of the Holy Name Province. On Thanksgiving day, Nov. 30, 1911, was celebrated the FIFTIETH ANNI- VERSARY OF THE ARRIVAL OF THE NOTRE DAME SISTERS at this town (the exact date is Dec. 7, 1911), and, as the Sisters have deserved very well of the Catholic youth of this parish, there took place a plain but heartfelt celebra- tion. Very Rev. Provincial, Benedict Schmidt, O. F. M., was celebrant at the sol- emn High Mass and Rev. Rector Hugolinus Storff, O. F. M., of St. Joseph's College, preached the formon for the occasion. Afterwards the Ladies served a dinner for the Sisters. Several donations were made. In 1909, a concrete block wall was put up on the northwest corner of the church block at a cost of $-525.00. Mr. Frank Schultz furnished the blocks. After so many and great achievements of Rev. Casimir, we need not wonder that he was givei a fine farewell reception, when the chapter of 1912 transferred him to St. Bernard, Nebraska. He left in July. FR. THEODOSIUS FLASSMEYER, O. F. M., who had been professor and subrector at St. Joseph's College for many years, was assigned by his superiors to the congregation of St. Francis. He soon in- stalled a new GAS LIGHT SYSTEM (Mr. Mathews of Chicago) at a cost of $800.00, including $150 00 for labor. Mr. Ben Weber and Brother Ewald Richardt, O. F. M., put in the pbint. The m.en and young men did the excavating gratis. — The Young Men's Sodality was reorganized, a large library purchased and opened in Dec. 1912. A young men's social Club was organized. On Febr. 2, 1913, the Rev. Chas. Brum.lave, a child of the parish, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Brumleve, said his first Mass in his native town. From Oct. 3rd — 5th, the parishioners had an op- portunity to gain the jubilee iinlulgence granted in memory of the peace of Em- — 101 — V percr Constantine the Great in 313 A. M. The addition to the Sisters' School was begun in the year 1913 and blessed by the Rev. Pastor on Jan. 11, 1914. REV. THEODOSIl S PLASSMEYER, O. F. M., (Aug. 1912— Aug. 2, 1921) The new pastor installed a 150 lights Matthews g'as-light plant, and on Dec. 22, the lights were turned on. The cost including labor was $800.00. Rev. Chas. Brumleve ?aid his first Mass on Febr. 2, 1913, at the opening of Thirteen Hours Adoration. Miss Carrie Young resigned as organist and Mr. L. Rieg was re- installed. The fair held October 4, 5, 6, netted $850.00. On Nov. 24, the Young Men's Sodality was reorganized. The Sodality library was opened a few weeks later. With the aid of Prof. H. C. Weirich, Sr. M. Ethelberta, and the County school superintendent, our schools were reorganized and brought to a high standard of efficiency hitherto unattained in this community. These schools are now recog- nized as standard schools. The high school was also reorganized and later a dis- trict High School formed, and joined by Green Creek, Bishop Creek, Island Grove and Lillyville. Repeatedly Father Theodosius invited lecturers on agricultural subjects, among them Brother Leo C. S. C, of Notre Dame University Farm, who made an epoch-making address on soil and limestone, etc. St. Anthony's Devotion spread. About 80 — 100 received Holy Communion in 1913 and 1914. In accordance with orders from the Rt. Rev. Bishop the finances of the parish were next regulated and the Sunday collections increased very much. The pew rent, which had been $3.50 per seat for 33 years, when Father Dominic Florian regulated it, vv^as raised. The annual house collection and Fair, which began to bring about $800.00, provided the remaining funds. As the annual ex- penses now amount to about $2300.00, this sum had to be provided chiefly by rais- ing the pew rent and a November collection. The salary of the pastor is now defrayed from the pew rent. As the creamery had its outlet to the creek through the cemetery, the company was petitioned to redress this abuse. It was done by discontinuing the creamery. In December 1914, the floor of the sanctuary was replaced by a new double floor; a new green carpet and red runner were put in. St. Elizabeth Sewing Circle and St. Mary's Ladies' Society paid for this improve- ment ($404.00). In 1915, Father Theodosius succeeded in getting a Catholic den- tist, Mr. J. R. Raney, to settle here. On March 21, 1915, a Day of Prayer for Peace was observed. On April 3rd, the new chalice, which the Young Ladies do- nated, arrived from Wm. Rauscher in Fulda, Germany. It cost $200.00. On April 26th, a new piano ($300 00) was installed in the Society Hall. The concrete bridge in the cemetery was built by Mr. H. F. Nuxoll. The price was $274.00. On Nov. 2nd, the new cemetery fence was put up by Weber Bros, ($175.00). During the war Teutopolis was overrun by government agents to ferret out German plotters, which were supposed to exist wherever there were any Germans or people of German descent. Mr. W. H. Kerrick, of Bloomington, was sent by the Government agent to investigate "the most dangerou.sly pro-German town and community in Illi- nois." Fr. Theodosius had been recommended to him as absolutely loyal for his sermon given on "Allegiance to our flag," preached soon after war had been declared to outline for the people the line of conduct now that war had been declared. One, who had been denounced as a suspect had left the state a number of years before the war broke out, the false denunciations came un- doubtedly from the western part of the county. Mr. Kerrick was a sensible man, and after Fr. Theodosius had shown him the true state of affairs, the agent was highly satisfied with the spirit that prevailed at Teutopolis and claimed that our case was typical: "Not one case out of a thousand and was founded on facts and that the parties that provoked a German-American into saying something out of — 103 — the way, were more guilty than the accused." He assured Father Theodosius that he would send to Washington the "best account ever." — The Spanish flu struck Teutopolis towards the end of September. Its first inroads were made in the schools. By October 1st, one-third of the children were missing. On October 3rd, the schools were closed. The mission to be held from Oct. 13 — 20, 1918, had to be cancelled. The doctors treated about 500 cases in our parish. Possibly 100 did not sand for a doctor. Whole families and whole neighborhoods were struck down helpless. What made conditions worse was that for days no medical aid could be procured from the five towTis, Teutopolis, Eff"ingham, Sigel, Montrose and Dieterich. This was toward the end of October. Some cf the doctors had been called to the camps, others were sick themselves. Relatives and friends sometimes refused to care for the patients for fear of contagion. The epidemic spared the pastor and, in fact, the whole monastery. The last sacraments were administered to some 20 persons: nine were buried: two soldiers, who had been shipped in, three mothers; two young ladies and two babies. The quarantine was lifted from the church on Nov. 17th. At 2:00 F. M. we had a thanksgiving service with "Grosser Gott.'' On Nov. 3rd, low Mass was celebrated outside the hall. Fully 300 persons attended. Schools were opened again on Nov. 25th. The Geo. Kitten family was REV. HILDEBRAND FUCHS, 0. F. M. REV. EUGENE HAGEDORN, 0. F. M. especially helpless and the little ones were taken care of by Mrs. Herman Vahling, Mrs. C. Siemer and the Misses Cath. and Emma Meyers, of the Telephone Exchange. On Dec. 28th Rev. Bernardine Weis celebrated his golden jubilee at St. Anthony's Hospital, St. Louis, Mo. Father Theodosius also procured the artistic new church windows and fine vestments. The triumph of St. Francis cost $1000.00. In March 1919, the flu broke out again more viciously than ever and snatched Mr. and Mrs. John Kroeger and the latter's sister, Miss Lena Probst. On Sept. 15th, the Rev. Pastor underwent an operation at St. Louis. From October 26 — Nov. 2, 1919, a successful mission was preached by Revs. Titus Hugger, O. F. M., and John Joseph Brogger, O. F. M. — In April, 1921, two and one-half lots north of Joseph Buehnerkempe were purchased by the pastor for the sum of $1,200.00. They are — 104 — to serve as a play-ground for the school chikhen. Later the 1-2 lot of Mrs. Brxmi- leve was also acquired. On June 2, the five o'clock Mass was eliminated; it was later on reintroduced witli the consent of the Rt. Rev. Bishop. On May — Rev. Father Theodosius celebrated his silver sacerdotal jubilee at Teutopolis. July 2, 1923, the proper date, he spent at his native place with his relatives. On August 2, Father Theodosius departed for Waterloo, Iowa. REV. BARTHOLOMAEUS FELDMANN, O. F. M., (Aug. 1921— July 1922) He came fion-; St. Augustine's Church, Chicago. He introduced two German sermons a month for the older people's sake. Father Bartholomew also installed electric lights into the church. After a year he was sent again to Chicago, and REV. HILDEGRAND FUCHS, O. F. M., (July 1924— January 192.5) was the next pastor. After six month's stay the superiors granted his request and sent him to another sphere of activity. As his successor the superiors ap- pointed the former assistant and present Guai'dian of the local monastery REV. ISIDORE FOSSELMAN, O. F. M., (January 1925— up to the present) Ee began to m.ake preparations for the impending diamond jubilee of the present St. Francis' Church. The whole church edifice was thoroughly renovated REV. MAX KLOTZBUCHER, O. F. M. VERY REV. COM. PROV. KILIAN SCHLOESSER, O. F. M. by Mr. Michael Derleth, of Indianapolis, Indiana; the organ was remodeled and electrified, and the altars, communion rail and statues repainted and regilded by Mr. Max Garisch, an artist from Techny, Illinois. A very successful mission was preached from Feb. 14—21, by Rev. P. P. Honoratus Bonzelet, 0. F. M. and Rev. Fr. Peter Crumbly, 0. F. M. A Diamond Jubilee Book was prepared by Rev. Fr. Eugene, 0. F. M. — 105 — ASSISTANT PRIESTS For nzan'j years St. Francis' Church had no regular assistant. Many of the Fathers, however, especially the MASTERS OF NOVICES: Rev. Killian Schloes- ser, Mathias Hilterman, Francis Moenning, Damasus Ruesing-, Ludger Glauber, Roger Middendorf, Aurelius Bruegge, Gregory Knepper and John Ilg — and the LECTOES: Rev. Fathers Hubert, Eugene Puers, Francis Haase, Francis Albers, etc., and some of the college professors frequently lend their lielp. REV. ISIDORE FOSSELMANN, O. F. M., PRESENT PASTOR Among the ASSISTANTS we may mention: Rev. Anselm Puetz, Eustace Brueggemann, Isidore Fosselmann, John Joseph Brogger, Cyrinus Schneider, Mar- cellas Bushlmann, Eusebius Helle, Herman Joseph Fister, Othmar Bsrthieaume, Peter Pfeifer, Eonaventure Alerding, Ephrem Muench and Maximilian Klotzbucher. May Gcd rev/ard all, pastors and assistants, for the good work they have accompL'shcd in behalf of immoital souls and for the glory of God, with life eteJTial. Air.en. — 106 — ORDINATIONS AT TEUTOPOLIS, ILLINOIS Sept. 14, 1862 — Diaconate was administered to Anselm Mueller and the priest- hood conferred upon FF. Nazarius Kommerscheid.— On Dec. 19, 1862, Fr. Anselm and Aloisius Wiev.-er were raised to the dignity of the priesthood. On Januaiy 9, 1867, FF. Dominic Droessler, Francis :\Ioenning, Gerard Becher, Ambrose Jansenn, Eustace Niemoeller and Sebastian Kleekam received the Tonsure. On Jan. 9, 1867, the first three also received Minor Orders; on January 10, 1867, the same three were made Subdeacons; on January 11, they were made dea- cons; on January 13, 1867 they were ordained to the priesthood. — On February 7, 1878: Fr. Michael Richardt was ordained deacon and on the same day Meinolphus Schmitz, Alardus Andrescheck were ordained priest. m^^ KEMIuE OR MAPLE GROVE SCHOOL PARISHES ONCE ATTENDED F?.0:M IEUTOPOLIS Green Creek - 1S5S— BID:! Effing-ham 1858—1871 St. Patrick's, Trowbridge 1862—1888 Bishop Creek 1863 — now St. Elmo (Howard's Spoint) 1863-188:; Odin 1865—1870 Kinmundy 1866—1879 Sigel ._....' 1866—1888 Spring Point 18 Piopolis (Mt. St. John's; ....1859—1870 Pocahont?.s 1870—1878 Gree-viUe 1870—1878 Pesotum 1876—1884 Shumway and Stewardson ....1879 — 1888 Island Grove 187—192— Dieteiich 1905 Casey VISITED OCCASIONALLY OR ATTENDED TEMPORARILY Marshall, Vandalia, Flora, Watson, Mason, Tonti, Farina, Centralia, Radom and Salem, etc. At present St. Aloysius Church at Bishop Creek and St. Rose of Lima Church of Montrose are atten-'.ed from the Monastery and St. Chailes Church, Casey, is attended by one of the Fathers from the College. — 107 — o H M o (—1 > :^ o CHAPTER III. Biographies of Pastors of the Parish REV. FRANCIS JOSEPH (xMAURICE) MASQUELET Rev. Francis Joseph (Maurice) Masquelet, whose name is the first in the records of Teutopolis parish, was a native of Gabville, near Strassburg in Alsace, where he saw the light of day in 1795. After making his studies in the neigh- boring episcopal see, he was ordained. In 1833 he is mentioned as the assistant of the Rev. Carl Bonaventure McGuire at Pittsburg, then under the jurisdiction of Philadelphia. As dissensions broke out between Germans and Irish, Father Masque- let thought it better to establish a separate church for the Germans whose lan- guage he spoke fluently despite his French name. He bought and fitted up an old factory; but when the Rt. Rev. Bishop came to consecrate it and saw the adjoin- ing buildings, making it unworthy to be a house of God, he refused to dedicate that building. Deeply offended and at odds wi;h his assistant. Rev. IStahl, he and the latter left the diocese. Cincinnati seems to have been the next field of his labors. He is said thence to have attended many small missions. In 1839, the directory mentions him in connection with St. Martins, near Fayetteville. Per- haps it was here that the German Land Company engaged his services for the colony at Teutopolis. November 26th, we find him at this place and boarding for several months at Gannoway's tavern, about two miles west of Teutopolis. He must have traveled about to visit other missions. In 1840 Rev. F. Czackert, C. SS. R., is mentioned as pastor of Ste Marie (Picquet's Settlement), 111., and as at- tending Teutopolis also. ,Then we again find Father Masquelet baptizing alternate- ly here until he disappears from the records about October 1842. For a short time. Father Masquelet, who was received into the diocese of Vincennes in 1840, was pastor at Ste Marie and Teutopolis. Cauthorn gives as his first place in Illinois as ]Mulberry. Where this place is, I do not know. But Mr. Ferd. Nacke, who mar- ried into the Masquelet family, told us in 1900, that the parents of Father Masquelet had lived for a time in a farm near Greenup, whence he attended both Ste. Marie and Teutopolis. Later on he brought his parents and the rest of the family to Teutopolis where his father and mother died. The latter burned to death ana was buried by Rev. Jos. Kuenster in December 1845. From Teutopolis, Father Masquelet went to Oldenburg, where he stayed about three months. Afterwards he labored among the Germans at New Orleans (Lafayette and Algiers, La.). In 1855 and probably in 1866 he paid a visit to Teutopolis, the last time, to dispose of his property here. He seems to have come from Alsace and returned thither and expired at his native place in 1873. REV. CHARLES JOSEPH OPPERMANN Rev. Chas. Joseph Oppermann, who c,ame repeatedly to Teutopolis, and wrote the letter quoted at the end of "GLIMPSES OF PIONEER LIFE," was a native of the Eichsfeld, being bom at Duderstadt, Hannover, Prussia, at the end of the 18th century. After making his classical studies at Goettingen and his higher studies in a Paris seminary, where he was at the same time employed in teaching, he w^as induced by Rt. Rev. Bishop Hailandiere to come to Indiana. There he was ordained to the priesthood on June 5, lS41. On account of his eminent qualifica- tions he again taught both before and after his ordination. He signs himself at — 109 — Teutopolis as Rector of the Seminary of Vincennes. In 1843, he was sent to Oldenburg, Indiana, succeeding Father Masquelet there. He also aided Mi'. John Mueller in founding the parish at Laneville. Later on he assisted in the care of the Germans at Evansville. Compelled by ill health, he went south and died soon after. REV. JOHN AUG. VABRET Rev. John Aug. Vabret was the first rector of St. Gabriel's College at Vin- cennes and had come over with a number of Eudist Fathers at the reques: of Rt. Rev. Bishop Biute from Rennes, France. In 1842 Father Bellier succeeded him on the rectorship. Their General caused them to relinquish the colleg'^ in 1845 and retire to Louisiana. Rt. Rev. Bishop Biaite made over to him absolutely all hi^' estate both PERSONAL and REAL, and he conveyed it to Rt. Rev. Bishop Hailandiere.— Cfr. Cauthorn, St. Francis' Cathedral of Vincennes, 18!)2, p. 175-176. REV. JOSEPH KUENSTER Rev. Joseph Kuenster, who signs himself "the first resident pastor," is a priest of whose youth little is known, except thai: he was born at Dueblich, Germany. I am told that He had been a soldier and knew how to handle horses. He was or- dained by Bishop P. R. Kenrick on Aug. 15, 1842, together with Rev. Thomas Cusack and Rev. P. McCabe. In Nov. 1842, he was appointed the first resident pastor of Belleville. Despite discouraging conditions, he built a church and said Mass in it on Christmas day. Refusing to admit a fallen away Catholic as spon- sor, he was vilified and waylaid and kept a prisoner for a day in an abandoned house till a passing American freed him. His next parish was that of St. Peter's at Teutopolis, where he was successful. In August 1850 he came to Quincy .and showed heroic devotion to the numerous cholera patients. Oftentimes for weeks, he did not lay aside his clothes in order to be ready to prepare some soul for its passage to eternity. He organized an orphan society, for the parentless children, completed the tower, built a school, etc. When cxhau.;ted after such labors, the Rt. Rev. Bishop sent him an assistant, it was too late. Father Kuenster went to his reward Sept. 15, 1857. A fine monument marks his last resting place in St. Boniface cemetery. Once Father Kuenster was called upon by the Bishop to pay his cathedraticum. He paid it to the astonishment of all by carrying a goose and a gander across the prairie. But the good pastor saw nothing funny in it, as he got his salary chiefly, if not exclusively, in kind; for there was little or no money in the colony. But gradually Fr. Kuenster's flock of geese increased and so did the possessions of his parishioners." — (Rev. Father Larmer.) REV. FRANCIS JOSEPH FISCHER Rev. Francis Joseph Fischer was born in Alsace. He was among the celebrated party of clerics who came at the same time as Rev. Bessonies, Audran, Gueguen, etc. He was in minor orders, when he embarked at Havre on October 21st of tne same year. He was ordained priest on September 19th, 1840. After ser/ing as un as- sistant to Father St. Palais at St. Mary's, Chicago, he accompanied Father St. Palais to Logansport, Ind., when Bishop Quarter came to Chicago and his own Ordinary recalled him to Vincennes. He labored again at the Cathedral, Vincen- nes, at Madison (1848), and, after leaving the diocese in 1850, he had charge, for a time, of Ste Marie, Jasper County, till 1850. He also ministered to Teutopolis which he visited repeatedly. He also was pastor of Highland, 111. — 110 — Discouraged with affairs, he returned to Alsace where he wn-; in charge of a parish in . When Fr. J. Virnich called at the parsonage, he was not at home. (Hy. S. Cauthorn, L. c. p. 217-218.) REV. JOSEPH ZOEGEL Rev. Joseph Zoegel was sent by Rt. Rev. Bishop Van de Velde to replace the Rev. Kuenster. He had lately arrived from Alsace (D. of Strassburg). He left Teutopolis about 1854, and, for a time, was pastor of St. Michael's Church in Chi- cago. In 1860, he was stationed at Langford, N. Y. Of his later career we could not find a sure record. REV. CHARLES RAPHAEL Rev. Chas. Raphael was born at La Rochette in Luxemborg on Nov. 3, 1826. He came to America in 1853 and was raised to the sacerdotal dignity probably at Chicago by Rt. Rev. Bishop Van de Velde on June 10, 1854. The young priest was given charge of Teutopolis (July 1854 — Nov. 1856.) He also, sometimes, vis- ited Bishop Creek. Later he labored at Millstadt and Mascoutah, in Brussels, where he built a log church now called St. Michael's. In 1866 he was in charge of Summit Springs, at St. Marie, Butler Co., Pa., and finally, he acted as chap- lain of the Good Shepherd Convent at Milwaukee. He died about 1900. REV. H. LIERMANN Rev. H. Liermann hailed from Vornhein, Muenster, Germany. He was ordained priest, Nov. 18, 1850, and came to Chicago. In 1851, he was appointed pastor of Centen'ille. He was pastor of Teutopolis (Nov. 1856— Jan. 1, 1857.) From 1861— March 1865, we find him at McHenry then at St. Nicholas parish at Aurora, till 1879, when he went to St. Mary's parish at Rock Island, where he died after eight years of faithful services, in 1888. REV. CHARLES ZUCKER Rev. Chas. Zucker was ordained to the priesthood on Nov. 7, 1851 by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Van De Velde in St. Joseph's Church at Chicago. After being in charge of Naperville parish from Nov. 1853 , he was assigned to Teutopolis, but left after three weeks for Chicago. REV. THOMAS FRAUENHOFER Rev. Thomas Frauenhofer, a native of Pffenhausen, Bavaria, was born on Dec. 6, 1817. Ordained to the priesthood in July, 1844, he labored almost eight years in his native diocese. On May 19, 1852. he came to America and affiliated with the diocese of Chicago. In 1856, he came to reside at Green Creek and attended Effingham as a mission. Repeatedly he looked after the spiritual wants of orphaned Teutopolis. His publicanda and chronicle of Mary Help of Christians Church has become famous. They are neatly composed and exhaustive. At times, he visited Decatur to minister to the German Catholics, thus laying the foundation of the present strong congregation. When in the year 1858, about Christmas, he relinquished Green Creek to the Franciscan Fathers, he was appointed to Johnsburg, (D. of Rockport), Dec. 1858 — Dec. 1860; then was as- signed to Lourdes, (Peoria), and, finally, he joined the Diocese of Dubuque. In 1867, he was in charge of Sherrill's Mount, and later on, of Petersburg. He died at the Alexian Brothers Hospital, St. Louis, Mo., in 1870 or 1871. — Ill — REV. JOS. H. FORTMANN Rev. Jos. H. Fortmann was born Febr. 13, 1801, and ordained at the Barrens Seminary, Diocese of ISt. Louis, Mo., on Nov. 1, 1837. He labored at Apple Creek, Mo., was the resident priest at Germantown, (Shoal Creek), pastor at Highland, 111., where he built a church. May 1, 1844. Rev. Joseph Kuenster of Teutopolis, celebrated the first Mass in this church. REV. BARTHOLOMEW BARTELS Rev. Bartholomew Bartels was the last pastor at Teutopolis from the ranks of the secular clergy. He was a native of Cleve on the Rhine, where he was born on March 10, 1823. After studying at Cleve, Cologne, Bonn, and Muenster, he was ordained to the dignity of the priesthood by Archbishop Melchers on May 29, 1847. After 11 years, he left his native diocese and, in spring 1858, he placed himself at the disopsal of Rt. Rev. Bishop Juncker of Alton, who sent him to Teutopolis. He next labored at Quincy; Ste Marie (Jasper Co.); Freeburg, 1860; Millstadt, 1861 — '65; Highland, 2 1-2 years; Germantown, 16 years; retired to Quincy for six years, again assumed active work at Bartelso, wliere he accomplished much, and peacefully slept away on May 4, 1894. Father Bartels was "a knotty, blunt and rugged character. Fearless and ag- gressive, he hewed his way through life. Like many other priests of pioneer days he learned many a lesson in the school of adversity, disappointment, and failure.'' Undaunted, he stubbornly cleared away obstacles and fearlessly followed the path of du4^y, without catering to the favor of a fickle world. Father Bartels was very conservative and known as a great financier. His savings he invested in the beau- tiful church, school, and cemetery. He also saved the daily "America" from finan- cial embarrassment, disgrace and ruin, thus deserving the gratitude of all German Catholics of these parts.''^Zurbonsen, "Bead Roll." REV. DAMIAN (JOSEPH) HENNEWIG, O. F. M. Founder of S. Heart Province and Teutopolis Monastery Rev. Damian (Joseph) Hennewig, O. F. M. — who founded the FranciscaJi Province of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Monastery at Teutopolis, was born Feb. 18, 1808, in (Kirchspiel), Haltern, Bauerschaft Holtwich, in Westphalia, Germany. Being of frail constitution and delicate health, he quit sc,hool with a rather mediocre education. Already in his early youth he showed signs of talent for music and played the flute. His gait was heavy and one of his shoulders higher than the other. Realizing that Joseph was unfit for hard manual labor, his par- ents destined him for the linen trade and apprenticed him to a weaver of linen. He was not slow in learning, and, being very ambitious, was not satisfied as a mere linen weaver, but also devoted considerable time and energy to learn to weave artistic designs for bedding such as the Warendorf weavers made. He became quite proficient in both. His spare moments he devoted to music. The teacher at Haltern gave him lessons on the piano and the organ. Later on he made his home with his married sister at Dorsten and aimed at still greater proficiency in weaving and music. His intimate association with the Rev. Grothues at Dorsten was of great benefit to the ambitious young man. He became organist and occ,asionally pre- sided at the organ in the local Franciscan Church. Tho, by this time, well able to earn his living, nevertheless, he aspired to becoming a teacher and successfully completed a two year's course at the (Normal) Teachers' Seminary at Langen- horst. He soon obtained a position as teacher at Hohenholte and, at first, felt — 112 — happy and contented. In his leisure hours he busied himself with the making of silk and the study of Latin. In 1844, the school board at Haltern engaged him to teach the boys of the highest class. He held this position till 1850 to the satis- faction of all. Encouraged and aided by several priests, he continued the study of Latin and also took up sacred theology since he felt called to the holy priest- hood. Thru the efforts of the Rev. Paul Melchers, Vice-Rector of the Priests' Seminary at Muenster, he was received into this Institution on April 18, 1850. He was ordained priest on August 17, of the same year. For a shoi't time he as- . sisted his Rev. brother, who was pastor at Billerb?ck, as catechist and organist. The young priest soon conceived the desire to serve God in the Order of St. Francis. Consequently, having first donated his furniture and other belongings to the recently erected Hospital at Haltern, he donned the rough brown garb of the Seraphic Saint at Warendorf on March 6, 1851. At his investment he received the name of Damian. Father Damian was a most conscientious Religious and scrupulously observed the Rule and Constitutions of his Order until his death on Dec. 12, 1865. Great was his love for prayer. He was most punctual in attending the choir service both day and night, even after exhausting labors and late study- ing. With great zeal and success he labored in the confessional; extraordinary was his love of mortification. He evidently sought to copy his Seraphic Father. Soon after P. Damian was made Praeses at Warendorf and later Guardian of the large monastery at Paderborn and Vice-Provincial of the Province of the Holy Cross. Recalled to Warendorf, he met there Rt. Rev. H. D. Juncker, the first Bishop of Alton, who was seeking missionaries for his struggling diocese. When asked, whether he would take charge of the American Mission, P. Damian replied: "If I can be of any use, I am ready." — In August, 1858, he set out with Fathers Capis- tran Zrvinge and Servatius Altmicks and six brothers. At Teutopolis Father Da- mian labored most zealously in the vineyard entrusted to his care. When he wrung his hands and told the people: "We still need this," he was never refused. When his term was up, he toog charge of Green Creek till Father Mathias, owing to some misunderstanding with the Rt. Rev. Ordinary, left for St. Louis, Mo., when Father Damian once more assumed charge and spent his last strength in behalf of his beloved Teutopolitans. For ten months the wasting disease preyed on him On his death-bed he advised his brethren faithfully to observe the rule, zealously to strive after perfection, especially recommending mditation on the Passion and Death of our Divine Redeemer and the Way of the Cross, which he had made daily. On Dec. 12, 1865, he gave back his pious soul into the hands of his Creator. Rev. Killian speaks of no soul in his charge having been lost through Fr. Damian fault. The Rt. Rev. Bishop Juncker hastened to officiate at the obsequies and delivered the funeral sermon. The first Franciscan superior was the first to be buried in the newly erected mortuary chapel. His memory is in benediction. REV. MATHIAS HILTKRMANN, O. F. M. Rev. Mathias Hiltermann, 0. F. M. was born at Iburg in Hannover, on February 12, 1812. After his ordination to the priesthood he acted for a number of years as chaplain of the Duke of Arenberg at Brussels, Belgium. Afterwards he took up pas- toral work in East PMesland, in the so-called Diaspora, in places where since the great Protestant Revolution of the yVI. Century there had been no or few Catho- lics and no priest. Appointed to the newly erected church aA Weener, he labored there for 13 years with indefatigable zeal amid difficult conditions. He not only knew how to train a good congregation hut also provided for the erection of schools and a well furnished House of God. Innumerable were the indignities the man of God suffered both at the hands of Protestants and at those of apostate or lukewarm Catholics. To erect several churches and schools, he went to collect a considerable — 11.3 — sum of money in Holland. His charity knew no bounds. He finally carried out his plan of serving God more unreservedly in the Order of the Friars Minor. After his novitiate and profession at Warendorf he was, after the lapse of a year, ap- pointed to the responsible office of Master of Novices. This office he discharged very creditably until in 1862 his superiors sent him instead of the Very Rev. Greg- cry Janknecht, 0. F. ]\L, to North America as Commissary Provincial of the twol foundations of the Saxonia there. The SONNTAGSBLATT, of May 17, paid the emigran; friar the following tribute. "Beloved by his parishioners which he left only to enter an Order and known and revered even more widely on account of his piety, the prayers of many will follow him and we are convinced that whithersoever the orders of his superiors will send him, the blessing of God will ever accompany his untirinp; zeal joined to a childlike disposition and to a heart full of the love of God, and of hi-^ fellowman. If respect for the humble disposition did not prevent us we should take pleasure in showing by single examples of the pastoral activity of this ma i th.it one has no need of reading Victor Hugo's "LES MISER- ABLES" to find genuine apostolic simplicity, — we should find beautiful traits of generosity and self-denial cf even the necessities for the benefit of one's neighbor in the life of this simple priest." On May 7, 1862, he, with three clerics, Nazarius, Anselm Mueller, Aloysius, and one candidate, left Warendorf and arrived at Teutopolis on June 10th. He at once took up with great zeal his duties as Commissary Provincial, as Master of Novices and as pastor of the local parish. He always took the greatest interest in the work of the Holy Childhood. On May 10, 1864, he was succeeded as Commissary by the Very Rev. Killian Schlcesser. In 1869 he was appointed one of the Discreets of the Commissariate, Made vicar of the St. Louis Convent, he, nevertheless, devoted his attention chiefly to the missions. When setting out for a mission he fell and hurt himself. Despite intense pain, he preached the entire mission and heard all the confessions. Upon his return home, the doctor's examination showed several brok- en ribs. As a result he ever after suffered intensely and was mostly confined to his bed. He fell asleep in the Lord on April 25, 1883, just prior to a Triduum preached by the Saintly abbot Frowin Conrad of Conception, Mo. The latter opened the Triduum with the following words: "I came here to speak of two saints and behold, a third one has associated himself with them. "Some remarkable cures are attributed to P. Tdathias by the people: thus ihe cure of an incurable boy at Millstadt, 111. Father Mathias was indeed a model priest and religious, excelling by his spirit cf prayer, humility, self-denial, and mollification. He was untiring in his priestly office. REV. DOMINIC FLORIAN Rev. Dominic FlorJan was a native of Ziegenhals, in Germany. Henry Florian, this was Father Dominic's secular nam.e, was born on March 15, 1837. After he had completed the elementary school, he was sent by his good parents Frances Xavier Florian and Bertha Margraf to a school of Agnculture. As a young man he took the position of an economist Verwalter or manager of a large estate of a wealthy land-owner. But scon, tired of earthly wealth, Henry applied at the age of thirty-three for admission to the Order of St. Francis. He was invested in Warendorf on March 19, 1870. The young novice was then made head of a band of four religious brothers, who were to be sent as recruits to the American missions. They all arrived in New York on May 31, 1870. They were the Tertiary Brothers Fridolin Hemstegger, Lambert Igelhorst (professed). Otto Appelt and Dominic Rheidt (novices). A year later, on March 20, 1871, Fr. Dominic made his pi'ofession in Teutopolis. After finishing his studies in Quincy and St. Louis, he was ordained priest in St. Louis on April 19, 1874, two days after his solemn — 114 — profession. His first sphere of activity was Sigel, Illinois. But already in 1879 he was elected Guardian and pastor in Teutopolis. After two years he was ap- pointed pastor and praeses of Columbus where he remained but a year. Then after another year in St. Louis he was sent to Chaska. The following 13 years were spent in Minnesota; for nine years he attended Waconia from Chaska (1883- 1892) and for four years St. Benedict's parish from Jordan (1892-96). In 1896 he returned to Teutopolis monaster^' but already in the following year he was transferred to Washington, Mo. His sojourn here was also very short, sinc,e in December 1898 he was made assistant at Joliet. For ten years he worked faithfully at the side of Father Polycarp until in December 1908, Fr. Dominic was made praeses of Washington, Mo. In July 1912, he came back to Joliet where he devoted his last strength to the penitents who flocked to his confessional. Finally his hearing began to fail and he was compelled to withdraw from his last activity. With age other infirmities set in and they obliged him several months before his end to retire to St. Joseph's Hospital. Here in consequence of the infirmities of age, eleven days after his 79th birthday, he died peacefully, early Sunday morn- ing, March 26, 1916. Father Provincial Samuel conducted the solemn obsequies before the corpse was laid to rest in St. John's Cemetery. REV. PAUL (HERMAN) TEROERDE, O. F. M. Rev. Paul (Herman) Teroerde, O. F. M., was born at Dingden, D. of Muenster, Westphalia, Jan. 27, 1849. His parents were, Wm. and Chnstina (Walbring) Ter- oerde. After completing his classical studies at Muenster and Coesfeld, he asked for the garb of the Poverello of Assissi at Warendorf on Jan. 28, 1869. On March 13, 1875, he was raised to the dignity of the priesthood by the Most Rev. Paul Melchers, Archbishop of Cologne. On June 3rd, of the same year, Fi". Paul landed in America. From Teutopolis, 111., he attended the mission of Green Creek. Next his superiors sent him to Wien, Mo., and then to Quincy, 111., where he was in charge of St. Antonius. From 1881 — 1887 he was at Teutopolis as pastor and guardian. After a year and a half, he returned from St. Louis to resume his former charge for six more years. During this term he erected the new southern wing to the monastery. From 1894 — '99, Father Paul was supei'ior and pastor at Washington, Mo. His next field of labor was at the "missionary Church" of St. Peter's, Chicago, till January 1911. Meanwhile Father Paul frequently gave missions and retreats. Appointed pastor of St. Francis Solanus' Church and guardian of the Quincy monastery, his health failed him and while seekisg redress at Armstrong Springs, he passed away on Dec. 18, 1911. REV. SERAPHIN (GERARD) LAMPE, O. F. M. Rev. Seraphin (Gerard) Lampe, O. F. M., was a native of Ankum, in the diocese of Osnabrueck, Germany. His birthday was on March 19, 1848. As a young man he came to America and joined the Franciscan Order at Teutopolis on Aug. 12, 1870, and was raised to the dignity of the priesthood on July 18, 1878. Among other places, he labored at Columbus, Nebr., Teutopolis, 111., St. Peter's, Chicago, Phoenix, Ariz., Fruitvale, Cal., and Sioux City, Iowa. — In the latter three places he founded a Franciscan monastery. — He also labored at Quincy, 111., and Hermann, Mo., at Watsonville, Portland, Ore., San Francisco and Sacramento. When the new Province of Santa Barbara was established in Nov. 1915, he was chosen its first Custos or Vice-Provincial. Though ailing for many years. Father Seraphin gave no outward signs of it so that his death, after a painful and un- successful operation at San Francisco, Cal., Qame unexpectedly to his brethren. The pains of his last illness he bore heroically and Veiy Rev. Provincial Hugolinus — 115 — Storff, 0. F. M., sang the Requiem, his Grace Archbishop Hanna pronounced the absolution and refrained from words of eulogy, respecting the request of the dying priest. His remains were laid to rest in St. Mary's Cemetery near those of Rev. Maurus Brink, O. F. M. Among the many qualities, which those who knew Father Seraphin best will remember, are his unfailing and whole-hearted charity. May he rest in peace! FATHER POLYCARP (PETER) RHODE, 0. F. M. Father Polycai-p (Peter) Rhode, O. F. M., was a native of Guenterode, Eichs- feld. Province of Saxony, Prussia. He first saw the light of day on Dec. 15, 1855. He followed the noble profession of teaching, being stationed at Effelder where his memory is still cherished as that of a very kind friend and teacher. In August 1881, he entered St. Joseph's College at Teutopolis as teacher and at the same time perfected himself in the classical studies preparatory for the priesthood in the Order of St. Francis. On July 21, 1883, he entered the novitiate, and after absolving his philosophical and theological studies, was raised to the sacerdotal dignity at St. Louis, Mo., on May 26, 1890. He said his first Mass at Teutopolis. His first charge was St. Mary's Help of Christian Church, at Green Creek. At the same time he acted as assistant master of novices and taught some classes at the college. He next served as pastor of the local parish and after spending about nine years at Joliet, 111., as pastor and superior, he was sent to St. Joseph's Churcji, Cleveland. He also acted for a time as guardian and was elected Definer of the S. Heait Province. At present Father Polycarp is guardian at Indianapolis. REV. CASIMIR (BERNARD) HUEPPE, O. F. M. Rev. Casimir (Bernard) Hueppe, O. F. M., was born at Attendorn, Westphalia, on Nov. .3, 1849. On May 15, 1868, he became a son of the Seraphic Saint Francis. In the trying days of the French-German War he, with many confreres, served as nurse of the sick and wounded soldiers. For this he later received a commemora- tive medal (Medaille fuer Pflichttreue im Kriege fuer Nichtkombattanten), of which decoration he was deservedly proud. In spring 1875, he came to America with P. P. Killian Schloesser and Servatius Altmicks and a number of young con- freres. On June 29th of this year he received Holy Orders and labored at Wien, Mo., Jordan, Minn., Chaska, Minn., (1885 — '95), and Wien, Mo. (1895 — '99). A staunch German, he always was a friend of the Central Verein and kindred organi- zations. From 1906 — '09 he was Definer of the Province. When in 1912, he left Teutopolis, where he achieved great things by his stubborn determination, he was made pastor and superior at St. Bernard's, Nebraska, where he passed away almost suddenly. The cause of his death was a paralytic stroke to which he succumbed the following day, January 27, 1914. Father Casimir was a humble and pious religious, averse to pomp, kind to- wards all, simple and pithy in preaching, devoted to the instruction of children and to the cause of Catholic Societies. His lack of proficiency in the American language occasioned some amusing blunders. — 116 CHAPTER IV. Sons of the Parish REV. STANISLAUS RIEMANN, JUB. DIED AUGUST 9, 1920 The first candidate of the Order born in Teutopolis, was Joseph Riemnnn. His parents were Gerard Remann and Elizabeth Meyer. His birthday was DecemLei 2, 1850. He was one of the first students of St. Joseph's College in 1862. After frequenting College from 1862 to 1868 he was invested on Christmas day, 1868 and received the name Stanislaus. A year later he made his simple vows on the feast of Holy Innocents. When the Provincial, Father Gregorp returned to Europe on February 23, 1870 after his visitation in America, he took Frater Stanislaus % ith him, that the frater might pursue his higher studies in Europe. In 1875 Fr. Stanis- laus returned to America with Fathers Kilian and Servatius, who had been in Germany in the interests of the American Commissariat. Holy priesthood was conferred upon him with 8 other deacons on June 4, 1876, in St. Louis. He said his first Mass in Teutopolis. In 1879 Father Stanislaus was stationed at MT. ST. REV. STANISLAUS RIEMAN, O. F. M. REV. FABIAN RECHTIENE, 0. F. M. MARY'S, MO. From there he went to Memphis (1881-82). For the follov/ing six years he remained at INDIANAPOLIS, during which time he assisted either in the parish or took care of some of the neighboring missions like Brightwood, Frank- lin, etc. At the chapter, July 25, 1888, he was appointed praeses of TURIBIITS MISSION in Caliofmia where he stayed until his recall to the East in 1892, where he was made submagister in the TEUTOPOLIS monastery. From September 1894 until September 1900 he was stationed at Quincy, Illinois, and had charge of St. Anthony's paiish. He had the church renovated and decorated. In 1900 Fr. Stanislaus was transferred to Nebraska. From June 1901 until December 1901 he was praeses of St. Louis Monastery "ad interim.," because at that time the — 117 — Guardian, Father Hugo Fessler, was asked to bring the Fathers back to Memphis. On December 27, 1901, Father Stanislaus was made praeses and pastor of St, Bernard, Nebraska. During- his administrations until 1909, he built the new monas- tery and winter chapel. In 1909 he was transferred to Humphrey. From 1916-1917, he attended Morrison from Hermann, Mo., having acted as vicar in Quincy for a short time. He returned once more to Nebraska, to Lindsay. After celebrating his golden jubilee in the Order, he was soon taken to the hospital in Omaha, where he died of cancer on August 9, 1920. Father Stanislaus was a pious and very quiet and reserved religious, a dear confrere and faithful, humble worker. REV DEAN MICHAEL WEIS Rev. Dean Michael Weis, brother of the Rev. Bernardine Weis, O. F. M., was a native of Muersbach, Bavaria, and the oldest of nine children, being bom June 8, 1838. When he was 13 years old, the family came to New York and Michael worked for five years as a farmhand till the family came to Teutopolis, where he engaged in the same work. At the same time, however the young man devoted all his spare moments to studying and was employed as teacher of the Teutopolis public schools for one year and two years in the same capacity at the parochial school at Edwards- ville. 111. Feeling a call to the priesthood, he entered St. Joseph's College and Seminary for some years, when he went to the Grand Seminary at Montreal, Canada, to complete his studies. He was ordained at Alton on April 4, 1868. He labored at Vandalia. Marine, Effingham, 1872 — March 1877, where he built the fine present church, after which he sought rest in California; then acted as chancellor of the dio- cese, till Jan. 1880. After laboi-ing at Saline Co.; Litchfield; St. Peter and Paul's, Springfield, and, finally, as dean to St. Boniface Church at Quincy, 111. where he spent the rest of his days, laboring most zealously till Nov. 9, 1909, when he went to meet the Master. Rt. Rev. Bishop J. J. Ryan, D. D., p^id Dean Weis the follow- ing beautiful tribute: "The animating motive, the overmastering principle of his life, was the thought of duty — to the holy will of God, to walk in; the way of His commandments and the precepts of his Holy Church; and in the spirit and require- ment of his high vocation to lead all within his care and influence to do likewise. In the laxness and looseness of the time such a life of unswerving duty, day in and day out through a long course of years, is sublime in its lesson to us all. Thf3 genuineness of the heart of the man and the true priest of God showed itself es- pecially in the care of the school and the constantly fatherly interest in the children and all that pertained to them — the last effort, the last strain of his physical powers was to be with them in their little day of honor."— "Blessed are they that die in the Lord; for, behold, now they have rest from their labors and their works follow them." REV. BERNARDINE (GEORGE BURGHARD) WEIS, O. F. M. Rev. Bernardine (George Burchard) Weis, 0. F. M., son of Michael and Ursula (Nestmann), was a native of Muersbach, Bavaria, where he first saw the light on October 14, 1851. The family came to America in May 1852 and seems to have spent some years in the East before they settled at Teutopolis and took up farm- ing. George attended the Quincy and Teutopolis college till 1868, when on Chri.st- mas day he received the habit. On Dec. 12, 1874, he was ordained priest at St. Louis, Mo. There was also the scene of his first pastoral labors. When the yellow fever broke out in Memphis and the Rt. Rev. Commissary called for volunteers to take the place of those Franciscans who had fallen victims to duty, Fatlier Ber- nardine volunteered on September 6, 1878. "I am ready to depart any hour for Memphis, in order to render services to the poor afflicted to the best of my ability. Although I have administered the last sac,raments to several who were quarantined — 118 — ]iere on account of yellow fever, and I shall today go there again, I do not feel the least dread of the disease. Should you be kind enough to send me, I shall deem it a special favor. I should have sent in my application already yesterday, but I was obliged to be away from home all afternoon. Your unworthy FR. BERNARDINE In 1879 he acted as subrector at Old St. Joe's. — Cleveland and Joliet (Chaplain of State Penitentiary (1882-'84) and St. Louis were the next scenes of his zeal. He came to St. Louis and in 1884 and from Januaiy 1887 acted as guardian, at- tending at the same time the "County Farm" i. e. Poor House, Insane Asylum and Female Hospital. During his guardianate the large refectory wing was erected. Made definer of the Province and superior and pastor at St. Sacred Heart Church at Indianapolis, Ind., he wiped out a debt of $15,000.00, a huge ta.sk for the poor parish. After sei-v'ing in various capacities at St. Louis, Santa Barbara, Cal., (Guardian and master of novices); Cleveland, Ohio; St. Louis, Mo.; Chillecothe, Mo. (superior and pastor 1910-'12); Ashland, Wisconsin; Cleveland, Ohio; and St. Louis, Mo., where he had the happiness to celebrate his golden jubilee as religious. VERY REV. DEAN MICHAEL WEIS REV. BERNARDINE WEIS, O. F. M. Father Bernardine passed away at St. Anthony's Hospital on June 16, 1919. Fa- ther Bernardine was a good religious, strictly devoted to the Order and its tradi- tions. As superior he always practised what he exacted of others. The brothers and sisters of Father Bernardine were: (Rev.) Michael, Henry, John, John Gang- olph, Leonard, Barbara Ursula (Sr. Bemardinede, N. D.), and George Burchard. REV. CLEMENTINE DEYMANN John Henry Deymann was born in Hannover in Kl. Stavern, diocese of Osnabrueck on June 24, 1844. His parents were Gerard and Mary (Dueing) Deymann. He came to America in 1863 with his parents, who settled in Teutopo- lis. He soon entered St. Joseph's College to make his classical course. On Decem- Jber 3, 1867, he was invested and received the name Clementine. He made his sim- — 119 — pie vows on Christmas day of the following year. At the investment of a large class, which took place in Teutopolis on December 26, 1871, he made his solemn profession. When the study of theology was transferred from Teutopolis to St. Louis, Frater Clementine was one of the four fratres who came to St. Louis. The class consisted of FP\ John Rings, Clementine Deymann, Herman Wirtz, Bona- venture Faulhaber. On May 19, 1872 FF. John and Clementine were ordained priests by the coadjutor-bishop Patrick Ryan. After rec.eiving "cura'' in July, 1873 Father Clementine was made professor, and later on, sub-rector of St. Jo- seph's College in Teutopolis. He also attended to the missions in Edgewood (1873), Kinmundy (1874), Pocahontas, Bishop and Altamont (1878 — '79). He, also, gave many retreats and often assisted the Rev. Pastors. On July 2, 1879, he was transferred to Joliet, where, besides care of several sisters' institutions, he acted as chaplain of the state penitentiaiy. On August 16, 1880, he was made superior of the residence whilst Father Gerard remained pastor of the parish. By the REV. AUGUST BRUMLEVE REV. CHARLES BRUMLEVE chapter of July 16, 1882, he was appointed praeses and pastor of Chillicothe, Mo. On July 15, 188.5, he was elected definer of the Province and also commissioned to take over the rectorship of the Orphanage in Watsonville, Pajaro Valley, Cali- fornia. With greatest pi-udence and fatherly love he most successfully governed this institution for nine years. In 1891, he was elected definer of the Province a second time. In 1896 the houses of California, which had increased to nine in number since the Old Mission of Santa Barbara had been incorporated in the Prov- ince, were united to form a commissariate. The chapter of July 22, appointed Fa- ther Clementine the first commissary. But he had hardly managed this office a few months when a severe attack of kidney trouble set in. His physicians ad- vised him to go to Phoenix. But already on December 4, he was called away by death. His remains were brought to Santa Barbara for interment in the monas- tery vault. Father Clementine was a man of great working ability. Notwithstanding his many duties as superior, pastor or rector, he found time for literary work, as the number of books and little pamphlets published by him, go to show. He published — 120 — a manual for the members of the Third Order of St. Francis both in English and in German. A Manual of the Sisters of St. Francis, Joliet, — Life of St. Francis Solano, Life of Ven. Junipero Serra, Life of Magin Catala, Novena in honor of St. Antony, May Devotions, Way of the Cross — are from his pen. He translated and published the Seraphic Octave and Life of Ven. Crescentia Hoess. He found time for all this v^rork on account of his great punctuality. He was noted to answer every letter stante pede. The history of the Province calls him "a quiet, iriodest, pious and zealous priest, an exemplary religious" (p. 184). The Acta Ordinis .say of him: "vir simplex et rectus, verus Israelita, in quo dolus non erat, omni- bus carus propter animi mansuetudinem et temperantiam in agendo." — (V. XVI, p. 20) — i. e., a plain and upright man, a true Iseaelite without guile, dear to all because of his meekness and prudent moderation in conduct." REV. FABIAN (BERNARD) RECHTIENE, O. F. M., Rev. Fabian (Bernard) Rechtiene, 0. F. M., the son of Philip and Catherine Zurliene Rechtiene, was born on Nov. 15, 1853, at Covington, Ky. When Bernard was. REV. MICHAEL WERNSING, O. F. M. REV. CLETE ADAMS, O. F. M. a mere child, the family moved to Teutopolis, 111. His pious parents had the happi- ness of giving three daughters to the service of God in religion and one boy to the service of the altar. In the plays staged for the benefit of the Holy Childhood So- ciety by Father Mathias, Bernard repeatedly played the missionary baptizing the little pagan waifs. He made his classical studies at St. Joseph's College. On Dec. 8, 1870, he became a novice and after completing the prescribed course of higher studies, was ordained on June 22, 1879, by the Most Rev. Archbishop P. A. Ryan at St. Louis, Mo., imd said his first Mass at Teutopolis. His first field of apostolic labor was at Jordan, Minn., whence he attended two missions; his next appointment being to Mount St. Mary's, (Wien), Mo. About 1888 he assumed charge of St. Agnes parish at Ashland. Here he celebrated his silver sacerdotal jubilee in June 26, 1904. Since he has labored at St. Paul, Mimi., (July 1912)— at Joliet, and again at his dear old Ashland. On— 1919 or 1920 Father Fabian had the happiness to cele- brate his golden jubilee as a religious at Teutopolis, which was the occasion of a — 121 — happy family reunion. Esteemed and beloved by all for good nature, kindness and his golden heart, which feels equally for all; but the little ones of the flock have ever been the object of Father Fabian's tenderest solicitude. St. Agnes magnificent school will ever be a monument of his devotion to the lambs of his flock. REV. MICHAEL WERNSING, O.F.M., AND REV. CLETE ADAMS, O.F.M. These two young Franciscans are the products of Teutopolis community. They received their primary education in Teutopolis district schools. At an early age they resolved to take up higher .studies and chose St. Joseph's College as their "Alma Mater.'' Successfully they completed the six years college course and the donned the brown garb of Assisi. Their philosophical training of two years, they leceived at the Franciscan House of Studies at West Park, Ohio ; and their theological course of three years at St. Louis, Mo., where they also spent the year after their ordina- tion taking another year of sacred Theology. Rev. Father Michael, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Wernsing, an dCletus, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Adams were ordained to the holy priesthood on June 26, 1925, at St. Anthony's church, St. Louis, Mo., by the Rt. Rev. J. J. Murphy, S. J. D. D., Vicar Apostolic of British Honduras, Central America. Both parents of Father Michael are dead. His mother died but a few weeks after his ordination. He conducted the funeral services. The father of Father Cletus is also dead. Father Michael and Clete read their first solemn holy Mass, Sunday, June 28, 1925, in our church. It was a day of great joy and happiness, not only for the relatives of the two young Fathers, but for all Teutopolis. About 400 persons partook of the sumptuous dinner given in their honor in Society Hall. CHAPTER V. Daughters of the Parish SCHOOL SISTRS OF NOTRE DAME Name in Religion Mother H. Family N. Father Mother Now at Died at M. Syncletica, St. Louis, Mo Vormor, Joseph — Anna Vahling Died at St. Louis M. Zenonis (Eliz.), Milwaukee, Wis Berheide, Bern. — Eliz., Fort Wayne, Ind. M. Chrysogona (Anna), Milwaukee, Wis. ..Berheide, Bern. — Eliz., Mankato, Minn. M. Willibalda, Milwaukee, Wis Riemann, Ger. Died M. Prudence, Milwaukee, Wis Riemann Milwaukee, Wis. M. Viola, Mankato, Minn Riemann, Dietrich Gilbertville, la. M. De Cruce, Mankato, Minn ....Riemann, Dietrich Gilbertville, la. M. Bernardina (Mary), St. Louis, Mo Weis, Leonard St. Louis, Mo. M. Bartholomaea, St. Louis, Mo Weber, Joseph — Cath. Probst Died M Zeno, St. Louis, Mo Heuermann, N. B. — Cath. Thoele Died at Milwaukee, 1906 M. Solania, Milwaukee, Wis Heuermann, N. B. — Cath Thoele Owen Sound, Canada M. Cosina (Mary), Milwaukee, Wis .Day Died at Elm Grove, Wis., 1906 M. Josepha (Anna), Milwaukee, Wis Day Blue Lsland, HI. M. Artemia (Anna), St. Louis, Mo Wilke, Hy. — Anna Wessel, St. Louis, Mo. M. (Mary), St. Louis, Mo Sanders, Hy. M. Mathia, St. Louis, Mo Vahling, Clem— Mary Vormor Koelztown, Mo. — 122 — Name in Religion Mother H. Family N. Father Mother Now at Died at M. Hyacintha, Milwaukee, Wis Thoele, John — ^Cath. Korfhage Besancon, Ind. M. Casimira, St. Louis, Mo .Vahling, Clem — Mary Vormor Died at St. Louis. 1919 M. Hermine (Catherine), St. Louis, Mo Runde, John — Cath. Taphorn GeiTnantown, Mo. M. Agnes (Agnes), St. Louis, Mo Koestner, P. — Frances Schleper Died at Teutopolis 1922 M. Alfred (Emma), St. Louis, Mo Hakman, Alfred — Mary Schoenhoff Ft. Madison, la. M. Sarita (Rose), St. Louis, Mo Pruemer, Barney — Phil. Westendorf St. Louis, Mo. FRANCISCAN SISTERS M. Adelinda, Cincinnati, O Hotze, Ger. — Agatha Dependener Columbus, O. M. Eustacia (Mary), Cincinnati, O Bertram Died M. (Elizabeth), Cincinnati, O Quatman, Joseph — Otten M. Huberta (Ida), Cincinnati, Uptmor, Henry — Phil. Cincinnati, 0. M. Claudina (Anna), Cincinnati, O Hardiek, H. H. — Buenker Died at Cincinnati, O. M. Petronia (Adeline), Joliet, 111 Overbeck, Joseph — Cath. Hagen Chicago, Illinois M. Clementia (Caroline), St. Louis, Mo Osthoflf, Frank — Amelia Luke St. Mary's Infirmary, St. Louis, Mo. SISTERS OF ST. DOMINIC M. Reginalda (Nora), Springfield, 111 Condon, Thomas — Mary M. Columba (Mary), Springfield, 111 Condon, Thomas — Mary ORDER OF POOR CLARES M. Joseph Clare (Helen), New Orleans, La. Weis, John — Cath. Schoenhoff New Orleans, La. SISTERS OF THE MOST PRECIOUS BLOOD M. Juliana (Cath.), O'Fallon, Mo Uptmor, Clem — Bern. Siedkamp Died at O'Fallon, Apr. 13, 1911 M. Aloysia (Carolina), O'Fallon, Mo Uptmor, Clem — Eliz. Niehaus Died at O'Fallon, June 27, 1879 M. Juliana (Josephine), O'Fallon, Mo Uptmor, Clem — Eliz. Niehaus Died at O'Fallon, Jan. 29, 1905 M. Sara (Victoria), Ruma, 111 Gardewine, Hy. — Eliz. Died at Ruma, Jan. 6, 1910 M. Anastasie, Ruma, 111 Gardewine, Hy. — Eliz. Died at Ruma. March 5, 1897 M. Romana (Philomena), O'Fallon, Mo Rechtiene, Philip — 'Cath. Zurliene Died at St. Louis, May 2.3, 1904 M. Gonzaga (Crescentia), O'Fallon, Mo Rechtiene, Philip — Cath. Zurliene Florissant, Mo. M. Rose (Mary), O'Fallon, Mo Rechtiene, Philip — Cath. Zurliene Died at O'Fallon, Jan. 24, 1905 M. Philomena, Ruma, 111 Koemer, Chris. — Mary Martin Wichita, Kansas M. Cunegundes (Anna), O'Fallon, Mo Schleper, Francis — Caroline Niehaus Josephville, Mo. M. Cecilia (Catherine), O'Fallon, Mo Riesenbeck, Clem — Caroline Voling Died at O'Fallon, Sept. 22, 1908 M. Eugenia (Caroline), O'Fallon, Mo Riesenbeck, Clem — Caroline Voling Died at O'Fallon, May 6, 1889 M. Hilaria (Josephine), O'Fallon, Mo Brey, Damasus — Died Oct. 1903 M. Isabella, O'Fallon, Mo Kaercher — 123 — CHAPTER VI— Statistics a a, g _5 re CS g *■** in fe CQ o bH !_) g ^ tta (^N •^ u CS o o o o 3 >H '^ ^ fa u m 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 (41) (60) 225 200 200 200 200 200 225 240 239 238 240 240 240 240 240 250 250 Otc. 10—2 March 27 April 26 2 5 3 14 10 23 31 35 45 71 57 57 83 53 74 62 59 41 42 61 34 49 47 57 54 55 52 36 59 59 59 59 60 71 52 53 57 52 60 64 60 May 60 May 38 May 55 Apr. 64 May 48 May 52 May 55 Map 36 May 55 May 32 May 39 May 40 May 44 May 2—31 1—34 18—26 22—18 11—32 3—12 16—26 19—32 27—29 19—31 15—28 7—39 22—29 11—35 Nov. 3—39 (Rt. Rev. Quarter) Oct.— 47 (Rt. Rev. Van de Velde) July 17—59 (Rt. Rev. Van de Velde) Oct.— 53 (Rt. Rev. Van de Velde) July 19 — 75 (Rt. Rev. Henry Damian) ?— 75— ? (Rt. Rev. Henry Damian) July 6—86 (Rt. Rev. Henry Damian) Feb. 9—117 (Rt. Rev. Hy. Damian) May 15—100 (Rt. Rev. Pet. Jos. Baltes) June 23—89 (Rt. Rev. Pet. Jos. Baltes) June 11—119 (Rt. Rev. Pet. J. Baltes) May 6—85 (Rt. Rev. Pet. J. Baltes) May 9—90 (Rt. Rev. Pet. J. Baltes) Apr. 29—76 (Rt. Rev. Pet. J. Baltes) (11) ?— 117 (Rt. Rev. James Ryan) June 21 — 95 (Rt. Rev. James Ryan) — 124 — 1 2 2 1 1 1 11 31 10 24 10 13 13 17 5 12 11 18 6 30 5 23 12 53 6 48 10 18 6 14 12 32 11 15 7 20 2 27 7 11 6 31 7 19 10 55 10(2; ])22 10 24 7 34 13(32)31 6 17 11 43 10 43 8 42 13 20 10 25 15 54 11 36 17 26 10 33 15 27 7 26 10 19 11 27 7 23 8 13 7 20 15 28 9 30 8 22 10 24 15 14 9 31 8 23 i A c 1 « OS g *J 05 b ffi c be u S EC W >^ o O *J < Z 12; IJ« O 5? d 1894 244 48 May 20—36 May 27—98 (Rt. Rev. James Ryan) (15 ) 4 1895 240 48 May 23—32 8 1896 242 40 May 14—35 8 1897 243 38 May 27—38 June 20—104 (Rt. Rev. James Ryan) 10 1898 242 43 May 19—30 15 1899 233 40 May 28—39 7 1900 237 39 June 10—35 June 17 — 100 (Rt. Rev. James Ryan) 10 1901 232 30 June 2—29 11 1902 233 38 June 15—37 8 1903 232 34 June 7—26 July 5 — 87 (Rt. Rev. James Ryan) 4 1904 232 43 May 29—30 16 1905 232 30 June 18—31 10 19€6 232 39 June 10—28 June 14—86 (Rt. Rev. James Ryan) 11 1907 231 34 May 26—40 8 1908 35 June 14—27 8 1909 47 June 6—32 Oct. 3-93 (Rt. Rev. James Ryan) 11 1910 43 May 22—38 16 1911 34 —131? 16 1912 47 May 18—26 May 19—86 (Rt. Rev. James Ryan) 9 1913 38 Map 10—33 ? 9 1914 42 May 23-49 ? 12 1915 38 March 20—30 June 6—78 (Rt. Rev. James Ryan) 6 1916 41 June 17—38 ? 8 1917 37 June 2—40 6 1918 27 May 25—15 3 1919 28 Mav 31—24 Oct. 12—123 (Rt. Rev. James Ryan) 10 1920 33 May 29—36 20 1921 39 Apr. 9—37 ? 8 1922 31 May 13—31 15 1923 39 May 12—43 May 23—107 12 1924 32 May 17—32 —10 7 1925 34 May 16—24 Dec. 8—97 (Rt. Rev. James A. Griffin) 11 1926 14 May 15—35 4 NOTE: First Holy Communion on three different dates: 1911— May 21—27; May 27—87; Sept. 23—17. Total 131. 1913- June 8—1. 1914— Oct. 3—2. 1916— Dec. 23—3. 1921— Apr. 12—1. 20 14 20 17 22 21 18 16 18 13 14 20 15 12 16 13 17 15 9 17 16 22 19 22 30 22 23 18 16 17 15 11 10 — 125 — CHAPTER VII.— Schools and Teachers After the pioneers had provided for home and church, they turned their at- tention to school, for which a lot and some land, as a sourc,e of income, had been set aside. The FIRST school stood south of the cemetery where Mr. Meyers now lives. The first teacher, according to Mrs. (Uptmor) Pruemmer, was John Hy. Rabe. The FIRST PUPILS were: Josephine Flindsack, Catherine Pundsack, Marie Uptmor, Mary Boeckmann, Fritz Mindrup, Caspar Mindrup, Tony Mindrup (?), Clem Uptmor II., Joseph Boeckmann and Francis Boeckmann. The school, like pioneer schools generally, was a poor one. The parents were dissatisfied. Some reading and playing ar.d singing games was the main branch taught. The next teacher we hear of, was the Rev. Joseph Kuenster, who resided at Waschefort's and taught there and afterwards at the parsonage, A. D. 1845. A bushel of Qorn, or lOc per family was the year's .salary in those days. In fall, 1847, Mr. Peter PROF. LOUIS RIEG Doerner took charge of the school. He was a good teacher. He taught in the second story of Joe Homer's house till the cyclone tore it away. The next school stood where H. Esker resides. School was held in the upper story; the lower story served as the teacher's residence. In April 1851, Mr. Doerner moved to Pettis Co., Mo., and afterwards, to St. Cloud, Minn. After Rev. Jos. Zoegel and Frank Masquelet, Mr. Huels was engaged as teacher. He was removed in con- sequence of gossip. Herr von Schuler was the next teacher (Sept. 1852). He was prabably an Alsatian. In January 1853, Mr. John Hoeny is mentioned as teacher. He left in Sept., 1854. He had taught school in a log house built for the purpose about 300 yards from Hattrups. Another teacher was Mr. Dumstoff or Dumsloff; after Henry Eversman's three or four terms, also Chas. and John Eversman taught — 126 — for a time. Mr. Hoeny was the first owner of a state certificate, having passed his examination at Vandlaia. The next teachers mentioner are: Michael Weis and Wm. Stilleke and John Wehling. The latter was organist also and had an excellent choir, composed chiefly of his wife and 2 daughters. In 1874, he removed to the west and died rather suddenly at Madison, Nebr., in the parish of Rev. B. Feldmann, O. F. M., where he had played the organ. Stilleke taught in a stable or barn fitted up for a school. The present boiler-house for the monastery and church now occupies the place. Wehling's successor was Mr. Louis Rieg, who taught till 1903 and again, from 1910—1918. The Teutopolis schools were generally public schools: Father Mathias intro- duced a parochial school. In 1903, Mr. Louis Rieg was superseded by Sisters of Notre Dame. Already Rev. Damian Hennewig, 0. F. M., who had followed the teaching profession in Germany, had called in the Notre Dame Sisters. They took charge, Dec. 7, 1861. The senior boys, however, continued under the care of male teachers, Messrs. Kugler, Wm. Stilleke, Peter (?) Gottesleben, John Eversman, Michael Weis, John Wehling and Brothers (later Rev.) Rudolph Horst- mann and Brother Gottfried Memel, 0. F. M. Of Prof. L. Rieg the "History of Eff"ingham County Schools" says: "His was, indeed, to be a long tenure of off"ice, devoted service and indefatigable self-sacrifice for the youths of Teutopolis. In 1899 he observed his silver jubilee as educator in their midst, and then continued his noble undertaking down to the present scholastic year, 1918, excepting an in- terregnum of several years, when teaching and organist work were done by him elsewhere (organist at Alton and at Altamont — professor at Quincy College) with great credit. For four years Mr. Rieg taught in the old school, afterwards in the two-story brick school which stood just east of the church and has been dismantled in 1912, about 13 years ago. This school had a hall in the 2nd story for society meetings, entertainments, etc. Its c.onstruction had cost $6000.00. Since 1912, Society Hall has been utilized as a school for the higher grades. Mr. Louis Rieg is a native of St. Louis, Mo., attended the schools at Edwards- ville, 111. While still studying at St. Joseph's College the second year. Father Maurice Klostermann recommended Mr. Rieg to Rev. M. Weis at Effingham, whence he came to Teutopolis. His first marriage to Miss Philomena Stockmann, oc- curred on July 27, 1880. His wife died on Dec. 28, 1908. On Aug. 8, 1917, he married Miss Mary Fulle, who passed away on June 23, 1923. Lay itachers besides Mr. L. Rieg were: Misses Mubeney, 1916 — 1917; Miss Ida Qna^mann, 1918—1924; Mr. Hy. C. Weirich, Prin ipal, 1919—1924. The iif.w annex, erected at an expense of $15,000.00 provided for fine new cla.-.- looms, vk-^ll \t.ililated, well lighted and we 1 eiiuippe-l, a^ a!>o i lunch room and cloak roon s The class rooms have oiled havdv/ood floors, latest model ad- justable de.sks. iliite blackboards, and are also sujiplie I with all the modem aiils to study, maps, dictionaries, globes, arithmetic, modeU, visua-ization equipment, etc. Abou: nine acies of ground are at the disposal of the pupiLs as playground. In J 9] 8 the High School was reorganized and in 192,") another year added. At i)}eseMt, the primary and intermediate g-rades occnpy rh3 above building, while the junior and senior high school students are cared for in the Society Hall, which is also equipped in accordance with the requirements of \h.e State of Illi- nois, whose inspectors have placed the sign "STANDARD SCHOOL" above the front door of each building. Up to the present year, a standard three-year course was recognized by the State Department, and this year a fourth year course has been added meeting all the requirements for off"icial recognition There are at piesent 38 students in the senior high school, and 217 in the grades. The faculty, at pre.sent, is composed of: Sisters, Ethelbert, Theobald, Annette, Arnica, Clovis, — 127 — Laurentine, Alberta, and Marcelline, and the laymen, Messrs. Henry D. Fagan, Principal since 1924, and J. Harold Griffin, since 1925. ST. MARY'S ACADEMY (1866—1883) In May, 1866, the cornerstone was laid for a Girls' School and Academy. On August 15th of the same year the solemn dedication took plac,e. In 1883 the aca- demy was closed for lack of teachers. About 1907, two rooms were fitted up at the Society Hall and the Girls' school fitted up as a residence for the Sisters. MAPLE GROVE SCHOOL was built in the year 1885. It was opened January 1, 1886, with Joseph Hotze as teacher. He taught till June 1886. He was suQceeded by Anton Jansen 1889— June 1890 Miss Margaret Althoff 1911—1913 Wm. Ordner 1890—1892 John Ludwig 1913—1914 Miss Anna Mulvaney 1892—1899 Miss Annette Barcum 1914—1921 Miss Mary Ordner 1899—1908 Miss Elizabeth Donnelly 1921-1924 Miss Anna Mulvaney 1908—1911 Miss Adela Brumleve 1924 The present Directors of the school are: Mathias Nosbisch, Joseph Deters and Wm. G. Pruemmer. THE PLAIN TREE (KRONE) SCHOOL, District 27 in St. Francis Twp. Petition for a new school was mad eon February 15, 1886, and was granted on April 5, 1886, by Messrs. Hy. Thoele and Christian Nosbisch, school trustees. The first Directors were chosen by lots and were: Messrs. B. Krone, John M. Adam, and Hy. Uptmor. Mrs. Goebel had donated the site. The following is the list of teachers: J. H. Uptmor 1886—1888 Ferd. Poeppelmeyer 1907—1908 Wm. Ordner 1888—1890 L. Mulvaney 1908—1910 A. Jansen 1890—1891 Mary Imming 1910—1912 Rose Gardewine 1891—1895 Anna Mulvaney 1912—1913 Mary Ordner 1895—1898 Gerald Began 1913—1916 Leo Mulvaney 1898—1900 Daisy Schwermann 1916—1917 Clement Brumleve 1900—1902 Sadie Mirgon 1917—1918 A. Mulvaney 1902—1904 Bertha Thoele 1918—1920 Rose Gardewine 1904—1907 Teresa Nosbisch 1920—1926 The present school directors are: Messrs. Geo. Krone, John Nosbisch, and Joseph Zerrusen. LIST OF SISTERS SUPERIORS:— M. Margaret Mueller, Dec. 7, 1861— March 1866; Sr. M. Alexia Pfister, April 1866— July 1870; Sr. M. Salesia, July 1870— Aug. 1873; Sr. Felici- tas, Sept. 1873— Nov. 1, 1877; Sr. M. Verena, Nov. 1877— Sept. 18, 1915; Sr. Ehr- harda, Sept. 20, 1915—1919; Sr. M. Amica, 1919—1925; and since Sept. 1925, Sr. M. Ethelbert. OTHER TEACHERS were: the Ven. Sisters Mauritia Utzmann, An- tonina. Electa, Mathia, Theobalda, Tolentina, Adelberta, Wunibalda, Perpetua, Fla- via, Barnaba, Sylve.stria, Jolanda, Villanova, Gabina, Beata, Crescentia, Projecta, Henrica, Benigna, Irenaea, Seraphina, Cupertina, Vita, Pionina, Veronica, Nicolina, Florentia, Reinfrieda, Cora and Xaveria. Teachers at the Academy were: Sisters Aquinata, Eustolia, Norwigis, Avellna, Perfecta and Coelestia. — 128 — Since 1901 the following Sisters taught or worked here: Florentia, Didaca, Veronica, Constantia, Apollonia, Petronilla, Bertelina, Theodolinda, Liborina, Floi^n- tia, Haveria, Paulette, Josephine, Brunonis, Vincentia, Amarella, Alphia, Candidate Agatha Roth, Candidate Mary Borgmeyer, Teresa Stevenson, Sr. Annette, Amadea, Clement, Henrita, Candidate Magdalen Niemann, Sr. Alberta, Sr. Amantia, Sr. Coelinia, Sr. Veneranda, Candidate Rose Schottel, Sr. Clovis, Sr. Marcelline, Sr. Laurentine, Sr. Damian, Sr. Theobald, Sr. Artemia, Sr. Amarella, Sr. Perseveranda. Candidate Cecilia Tabor, Sr. Aniceta. Sr. M. Verena was born in Bavaria on Nov. 28, 1841, and when three years old came to America, to Baltimore. In 18-59 she went to Milwaukee as a candi- date, received into the order in 1860, taught one year in that city, seven years at St. Joseph's School, Rochester, six at Kenosha, 1874—1877, at St. Peter's, Chicago, and ever since at Teutopolis, until 1915, when she took up her residence at Maria in Ripa, St. Louis, ^lo. Sisters that died at Teutopolis: Sr. Aquinata died June 19, 1867; Sr. M. Alexia died Sept. 17, 1870; Sr. M. Adelberta died Febr. 28, 1875; Sr. M. Cupertina died Oct. 11, 1887: Sr. M. Agnes (Koestner) died in July 1922. Teutopolis owes a debt of gratitude of the good Notre Dame Sisters, for the incalculable amount of good they have accomplished in educating the youth of Teutopolis for 65 years. May the Divine Savior, who has bidden to "let the Little ones come to Him and forbid them not" requite those who instruct many unto justice with the light of glory. On Thanksgiving Day, 1911, the Ven. School Sisters de Notre Dame celebrated their Golden Jubilee in Teutopolis. The Very Rev. Provincial Benedict Schmidt oificiated at the solemn High Mass; Rev. Fr. Hugolinus Storff, 0. F. M., Rector of St. Joseph's College, delivered the festive sennon. The ladies and young la- dies served a dinner for the Sisters and many presents were brought. On July 2, 1912, Sr. M. Verena celebrated her golden jubilee as a religious at the Mother House at Milwaukee. A wash basket full of china ware and a gaso- line engine for the Sisters' Laundry were the jubilee gifts of the ladies of the parish, resp. 129 — CHAPTER Vlll.-Societies THE MARRIED LADIES' SOCIETY was organized in order to assist the church financially and to provide vestments and linens, etc., needed for the splendor of divine sei-vice. The organizers were: Mrs. Charlotte Eversman, Mrs. Frances Eggemiann, Mrs. Eliz. Kroeger and Mss. Antoinette Fuelle, The first meeting was held in 1855, The list shows thir- ty-one respectfully 44 charter members. H. Adelaide Stumbach ( ? ) Gerti-ude Boeckmann Eliz. Kroeger Mary Sander Mary Wascjiefort Frances Eggermann Helen Mary Buenker Anna Mary Toelker Mary Engel Gerhabing Mary Eliz. Overbeck Marianna Wilke Gertrude Kreke Marianna Welman Lisette Fennermann Agnes Vormor Catherine Kils Marianna Fachling (?) Gertrude Suhr Mary Althoff Eliz. Kabbis Christina Meyers Engel Thoele Receipts first year — $51.55. Catherine Friepoeitner Cath. Ellmann Marp Kemker Mary Engel Nei Eliz. Wessel Anna Mary Fechtrop Mary Anna Rump Cath. Bruever Mary Adelaide Metten Mary Eliz. Rieman Charlotte Eversman Anna M. Knipping Cath. Eliz. Kroeger Cath. Eggermann Anna M. MindiTip Cath. Thoele Cath. Wegmann A. Cath. Waschefort Frances Gerding M. Anna Althoff Bernardina Anmann Frances Brumleve This society is still nomerically the strongest society of St. Francis parish and has accomplished untold good for church, convent and college. After the arrival of the Franciscans in 1858, these ladies got busy at once to make bedding and other articjes for the use of the Friars, working all dap and often late at night. When the Seminary and College was founded, these noble and generous ladies again got busy and, assisted by a number of others, made 75 beds, etc., each containing one straw tick, three comforts, two pillows, four pillow slips, and four bed sheets, in all, 1120 pieces. The goods were furnished by the College Building Committee: tick, cotton, batton, and comfort calico, but was purchased at Eft'ingham and Cincinnati where the prices were more reasonable. For years after this gigantic task had been accomplished, they offered their time and their labor gratis in sewing, not only bed clothes, but also Church vestments. When the process of canning fruit became known, these ladies, for many years after- wards, spent weeks at the college canning fruit, yes, on many nights they worked till eleven o'clock and never accepted a cent. One of the side altars was paid for by the Married Ladies' Society. It cost $400.00. They are still keeping up the good work of helping the church at fairs and by donating and making things for altar use, etc. — 130 — The present officers are: Mrs. Herman Hewing, Pres.; Mrs. John Burford, Vice-Pres.; Mrs. Catherine Brumleve, Sec'y.; Mrs. Eliz. Schuette. Treas. ST. PETER'S MEN SOCIETY St. Peter's Men Society's first mentioned on April 7, 1844. Its purpose is financial support for the church and adornment of the house of God. The first officers (April 7, '44) were: PRESIDENT: Clement Uptmor; VICE-PRESIDENT: Joseph Boeckmann; SECRETARY: Gerard Meyer; TREASURER: John Wasche- fort; COLLECTORS: Joseph Feldhake, Henry Kraemer, Hy. Vormor, Joseph Osten- dorf, Herman Uptmor. The other CHARTER MEMBERS were: Gerard Hackmann Anton Fuesting Theo. Vunnemann J. Hy. Meyer H. H. Uptmor H. H. Wempe Hy. Kemker Clement Vahling Joseph Bussmann G. H. Bruever Francis H. Schleper D. Thoele J. F. Kroeger F. Thoele H. Weber G. Schniederjan J. Klausing J. Wegmann A. Kreke J. G. Meyer (?) Gerard Korfhage H. H. Vormor Each paid 2.5c, Rec. $7.00 The OFFICERS FOR 1926 are: Joseph Bussman, Pres.; H. J. Weber, Vice-Pres.; Chas. Weber, Sec'y.; Ben Habing, Treas. Number of members in 1926: ST. ROSE OF LIMA YOUNG LADIES' SOCIETY St. Rose of Lima Young Ladies' Society was organized in 1860 by the Rev. Damian Hennewig, 0. F. M., and, in 1882, by Rev. Paul Teroerde. Later on it was changed into a Sodality of the B. V. M. ITS PURPOSE: Veneration of B. V. M. and sanctification of members and beautifying the house of God. The 26 charter members were: Catherine Mette, Collector M. Cath. Feldhake, Treas. M. G. Menke, 2 Pres. Mary Schniederjan Mary Eliz. Mette Eliz. Wemsing Mary Rieman Eliz. Wegman Mary Cath. Thoele The number of members Gertrude Dreyer Eliz. Habing Mary Eliz. Bruemme Philomena Kabbis Mary Kabbes Phil. Uptmor L. Pres. Mary Kox'fhage Eliz. Busse Eliz. Schoenhoff in 1926—120. Mary Anna Kabbes Mary Vormor Caroline Riesenbeck Mary Anna Ostendorf Caroline Waschefort, Sec. Eliz. Venneman Mary Kemker Gertrude Eckjan The present officers are: Miss Eliz. Runde, Pres.; Miss Carrie Hawickhorst, Vice Pres.; Miss Anna Weber, Sec'y.; Miss Estelle Eckjan, Treas. Librarians: Misses Luella Siemer, Bertha Brumleve, Leona Hakman and Eleonore Hewing. — 131 — Eev. Damian, who had been a teacher, in 1860, gathered the young people into the St. John's Young Men Society and the Young Ladies into the St. Rose of Lima Young Ladies' Society in the same year. Father Paul cjianged them into SODALI- TIES iu 1888. Oct. 30, Fr. Damian also introduced the CONFRATERNITY OF THE SACRED HEART OP^ MARY for the conversion of poor sinners, after the B. V. M. altar had been installed. Tlie Society of the HOLY CHILDHOOD was introduced at an early date. Fr. Mathias, O. F. M., was a great promoter of this society. The first members were received into the THIRD ORDER of St. Francis in IS^'i, but the real organization seems to have taken place in 1861, by Fr. Kilian, Mathias Hiltermann, Director (Regelpater). ST. VINCENT ORP'HAN SOCIETY ordered by the Bishop ]n 1866 to be in- troduced, was by the wish of the people united with the St. Francis' Mutual Aid Society. ST. JOSEPH'S SOCIETY having for its purpose the education of talented boys of the parish to the holy priesthood and founded in 1873 on the feast of the patronage of St. Joseph; existed till about 1881. It was finally merged into l:he ST. FRANCIS MUTUAL AID SOCIETY. ST. ANTHONY'S READING CIRCLE and SINGING SOCIETY was organ- ized on February 9, 1864 and existed till 1881 or longer. THE APOSTLESHIP OF PRAYER was introduced by Rev. Mathias, April 2, 1871. THE CONFRATERNITY OF THE PRECIOUS BLOOD dates ba.k to about July 4, 1872, it seems. Father Paul, with the aid of Dr. Hy. Eversman, in 1892, organized the ST. MAURICE BRANCH OF THE CATHOLIC KNIGHTS OF AMERICA. . THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS was also organized. THE THIRD ORDER One of the many societies that have been established in this parish since its beginning, is the St. Francis Confraternity of the Third Order. It is over sixty- two years in existence, having been Qanonically erected by the Rev. Killian Schloes- ser, O. F. M., on March 6, 1864, five and a half years after the arrival of the Franciscans in Teutopolis in 1858. The Third Order was enthusiastically received and greatly appreciated from the very beginning as the numerous investments and professions sufficiently testify. From March 6, 1864 to October 4, 1866, no less than 86 persons, 32 men and 54 women, were received into the Order here at Teutopolis. At the latter date 68 novices had made their profession. The first reception recorded took place June 9, 1863, almost one year prior to the canonical establishment of the Confraternity. It was that of Mr. Wenzel Schuster by Rev. P. Killian. Whether Mr. Schuster ever made his profession in the Order, the records fail to show. John Riemann, received by P. Mathias Hilter- mann, March 6, 1864 and admitted to holy profession, March 12th of the following year, was perhaps the youngest candidate ever invested and professed in the Third Order at Teutopolis. He was 15 years of age at the time of his investment. The records »f the Confraternity up to date show 413 names. Some of these, — 132 — however, were investetl or professed in other localities. At present, the Confra- ternity has 91 members, a few of these rside outside of Teutopolis. As far as can be ascertained from the rather incomplete records, at least four Tertiaries of Teutopolis have jomed religious communities in the course of time. They are: the former Mrs. Joseph Weber, now Sister Clementia at St. Mary's Infirmary, St. Louis, Mo.; Miss Helen "Weis, now Sister Mary Joseph Clare at New Orleans; Miss Anna Berheide and Miss Agnes Fehan. Rev. P. Mathias, through whose efforts the membership of the Confraternity in the beginning increased by leaps and bounds, was its first Regelpater or Director which office he held for many years. Mr. John Hy. Wemsing seems to have been the first Prefect of the men and Mrs. Mary Waschefort for the women. Mr. Wernsing was subsequently re-elected many times as were also Mrs. Elizabeth Uptmor and several others. The Tertiaries of Teutopolis have always been and still are among the most energetic workers of the parish. In past years the Confraternity as such most generously supported the efforts of the St. Joseph's Society, whose object was to foster vocations to the holy priesthood among our own boys, and to provide ma- terially for the education of those whose parents did not have the means to do this. Individual lady Tertiaries have always been and still are eager and ready to sew, make albs, sui-plices, altar linens and laces, cassocks, etc., for the parish church, the College and our missions. Before the Teutopolis High School was opened, there existed a Tertiary Sewing Circle. But when the meeting room of the Sewing Circle in Society Hall was appropriated for high school purposes, the Circle was discontinued and has not been reorganized to this day. The Tertiaries hold their regular religious meetings on the third Sunday of each month. This is at the same time their Communion Sunday. The Confra- ternity has its own banner, which bears tke Franciscan escutcheon. It was made by Mrs. Joseph Thoele. The emblem is a hand painting by a former student of St. Joseph's College. Since this banner is quite worn, a new one will be pur- chased in the course of this year. A number of Tertiaries have already contributed their share towards the price of the new banner, the othrs are expected to do likewise in due time. Following are the present officers of the Confraternity: Mr. Louis Rieg — Prefect of the men; Mr. H. J. Weber — Sub-Pref ec,t ; Mrs. Joseph Thoele — Prefect of the women; Mrs. Philomene Adams — Sub-Prefect; Rev. Maximilian Klotzbucher, O. F. M. — Director. THE FRANCISCAN MISSIONARY UNION This Union, commonly called the F. M. U., is a world-wide organization proper to the Order of St. Francis. Its introduction into all parishes and institutions in charge of the Friars, was ordered in a decree of the present Minister General of the Order, the Most Rev. Bernardine Klumper, O. F. M., in the latter part of 1922. It was enthusiastically welcomed by all classes of the faithful, especially the children. The F. M. U. is the natural outgrowth of the spirit of the numerous Fran- ciscan Family, its purpose is none other than the spread of the Kingdom of Christ on earth. It endeavors to achieve its aim by aiding the missions and missionaries of the Order by spiritual and material alm.s — prayer and money. A local branch of the F. M. U. has been established in our parish in April of 1923. Since that date about 400 persons, adults and children of all ages, have been enrolled. It was organized by the Rev. Ephrem Muench, O. F. M., who was greatly aided through the efforts of the Ven. School Sisters of Notre Dame, in — 133 — particular Sr. Annette. These Sisters are still taking the most lively interest in the Union. The local branch of F. M. U. has achieved startling results since its erection in 1923. So far about $900.00 have been contributed for the cause of the missions through membership dues and donations. In Advent of 1925 the sum of over $100.00 was realized through mite boxes among the school children. Clothing and other useful articles have been sent to the missions by the mission workers of Teutopolis. The following girls have been Promoters of our F. M. TJ. at some time: Josephine Brumleve Cath. Quatman Eleanore Hewing Alberta Niemeyer Adelyn Ordner Leona Hoedebecke Adelyn Einhom Celeste Renschen Alma Weber Genevieve Miller Verena Buenker Edith Schoenhoff The Rev. Ephrem Muench, O. F. M., now stationed at St. Peter's, Chicago, 111., organized the local branch and was its first local Procurator (1923 — 1924). The present Promoters are: Agnes Habing Eleanore Hakman Cecilia Rechtiene Margaret Weis Isabel Wessel Marcella Quatman Marie Wessel Miss Teresa Nosbisch Lorraine Brumleve Miss Adele Brumleve Rev. Maximilian Klotzbucher, 0. F. M., is local Procurator since Aug. 1924, CHAPTER IX.— Cemeteries The first settlers were not here very long when the grim Reaper already de- manded its victims. Though a lot marked "H" had been set aside for a cemetery on the original plat, the grave-yard had not yet been laid out. Hence some were buried at the Masquelet church, so we are told. Unfortunately, no record of funer- als from 1839 — 1845, the time of Father Kuenster, can be found. Only when the remains were taken up and transferred to the new cemetery laid out in the year 1860, were a few meagre notes made of these re-interments. 1839 — H. Brummer; 1840 — Hy. Suer (Gr. Creek), 30 years; Adelaide Brummer, Maria Ostendorf, one-half year; Elizabeth Schleper, Francis L. Sehleper; 1841 — Hy. Gerdes, 65 years, Maria Niemann, Rieman (child); 1842 — ^Joseph Mind- rup, Joseph Uptmor, Clement August Schleper, Herman Luetke-Luechtefeld, Anna M. Masquelet, 65 years; Maria Eliz. (Kalvelage) Jansen, 50 years; Eliz. Boeck- mann, nee Jansen, 30 years; Eliz. Rose Boeckmann, Anton Boeckmann, 3 weeks; Joseph Vormor, 15 years; John Buenker, 45 years; Ben Buenker, 2-3 days; CI. Topper, 12-13 years; Margaret Raben, 60 years; two children of Raben; Hy. Buermann; W. Bergfeld, 25 years; Marg. Riemann, 70 years; Bernardine Frieling, SO years; twins of Frieling; Anthony Thoele, died Sept. 24, 1846; Jos. Steinke, died 1845; H. Steinke, died 1847; M. Philomena Inreeden, died 1846: Ger. Jos. Schniederjans, died 1846; CI. Vahling, died Sept. 18, 1840; an old man; Rieman, — 134 — a child; B. H. Zerrusen (father) died 1845; Uptmor, still-born; Jacob Doedtrnann, a father-in-law, John Durpin, 49 years, died 1846. The cemetery wa^. part of the Hardiek — Hattrup place; part of it was south of the railroad; Hy. Pnjemnier was the first one, it seems, to be buried, and this without a priest; a few board.'j Mvi&rie hastily nailed together so that the remains were visible through the coffin. As the grave was very shallow, the wolves uncovered the coffin at nigiit The bodies of the parents of Rev. Masquelet were not transferred, because they could no longer be found. The old part of the present cemetery (two lots) was donated by F. F. Waschefort, who reserved for himself a plot 20x20 feet only on which he erected a vault for his family. This was torn down many years ago. The cemetery had to be enlarged repeatedly. On Aug. 6, 1868, Mr. Maurer received ^30.00 for a lot. Father Mathias Hiltermann sold the lot on which the second cemetery had been located to Mr. H. H. Hardiek (Hardiek's Osseyard). Later on the lots No. Ill and 110, owned by the Church, were added; but they were so liiliy that they were not serviceable. Accoi'dingly two more lots were purchosed: lot 120 from J. Fuelle and lot 119 from H. H. Hattrup. The street dividing these lots from the graveyard was vacated by the village tioistees and !oc 108, on which the public road now lies, was donated by F. F. Eversman, M. D., on condition that all the newly purchased lots be laid out for burial places. In 11>00 the St. Peter's Men Society donated the beautiful Cx'oss. Later on, many family lots were laid out in the eas^^rrn part of the grave- yard and manv fine monuments are to be seen here. It is a pity, that teams were allowed ii. the cemetery for the purpose of mowing the grass; they broke almost all the old stones marking the graves and make it imjiossible to .«o^^ C. Meislahn MONTROSE, ILLINOIS LEADER IN DEPENDABLE General Merchandise % Hardware, Paints and Oils 5 Reasonable prices, and effi- rt cient service at all times. g Each Day Spent in High I School is Worth $16.66 Y Uneducated laborers earn on O an average of $900 per year for g 40 years, a total of $36,000. o High School graduates earn O on an average of $1,800 per A year for 40 years, a total of ? $72,000. H. D. Fagan and FOR Clothing, Shoes, Jewelry GO TO H. J. Weber & Co. Thirty-four years in the clothing business. Q Our ambition always is to please g our customers. j^ ao!Oi^:potiO'!Q0!Oi^:^^^ SERVICE TWENTY-ONE YEARS OF SOUND BANKING SERVICE Faithfully serving- the needs of Teutopolis and vicinity, quali- fies this Bank to extend it's depositors experienced, financial cooperation. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits over $.50000.00 Teutopolis State Bank OFFICERS H. J. Weber, Pres. Henn. J. Runde, Cashier Joseph Siemer, Vice Pres. Ben H. Weber, Ass't. Cashier — 138 — Established 1855 Will & Baumer Candle Co., Inc. THE CANDLE MANUFACTURERS 405 N. Main Street St. Louis, Mo., U. S. A. Wm. Waltke & Co. SOAPMAKERS AND CHEMISTI Manufacturers Of and Dealers In . LAUNDRY SUPPLIES Grand Ave. and Second St. ST. LOUIS, MO. HENRY BRUMLEVE CARPENTER AND CABINET MAKER Teutopolis, Illinois WESSEL & FULLE GENERAL MERCHANDISE Teutopolis, Illinois — 139 — ^oi^:iX)^c^oi0'Ci0!Q(<:^^ A Good Store in a Good Town We carry the Better Line of Groceries and High Class Dry Goods, Silk and Silk Hosiery. Bring your Country Produce for Cash or Trade We are the exclusive distrib- utors of Eagle Cash Discount Stamps on all purchases. Leo A. Fuelle TEUTOPOLIS, ILL. Repairing Neatly Done LoMis Brumleve Manufacturer and Dealer in Harness and Horse Furnishing Goods Collars, Whips, Bridles, Robes, Blankets, Saddles, Fly Nets, Etc. Teutfopolis, Illinois o for Quick Service and Quality Hardware - Paints Farm Implements - Tractors Come to us, we have it at low prices. WEBER BROS. TEUTOPOLIS, ILLINOIS — 140 — Quality Merchandise WITH Lower Prices ^ Furniture, Floor Coverings, Window Shades, Curtain Rods, Wall Paper, Glass, Paints, Sewing Machines, Pianos, g Phonographs, 8 Carpet Sweepers, Toys, Uptmor's Store Carries an up-to-date line of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, SHOES, GLASS and QUEENSWARE Huckster Truck run in con- nection with Store. Highest prices paid for PRODUCE— Cash or Trade J. H. Uptmor TEUTOPOLIS, ILLINOIS Baby Carriages SPECIALTIES Grave Markers B. G. HABING & GO. i Home Furnishers Funeral Directors § TEUTOPOLIS, ILL . | r Worman Printery Inc. Teutopolis Illinois Fine Commercial and Book Printing. We make a specialty of High Grade Book Work. o,CHXHX)<««cA:«M:e:^<:«HX» For all the news that's fit to print read The Teutopolis Press — 141 — i:KC^i:(<^o^:i^o^c^o^:^!:^p^(^^^ Chrysler & Lansbery Leaders in Builders Hardware Pc'ints, Oils and Varnishes Gas Engines and SejMrators I CASEY, ILLINOIS t Central Lumber Co. g Building Materials g of all kinds YARDS AT § Casey and Martinsville, lU. % I J. Q. Clark Drugs and Sundries g Paints, Varnishes and Wall g Paper' i CASEY, ILLINOIS I J. H. J. Buenker g Dealer in ^ Groceries, Dry Goods, Shoes, and Rubber Goods, Queens- ware, Crockery and Paints Agent for the Dr. Hess line. Fornis Alpenkrauter, Kow Kare and Bag Balm and Ryde's Quality :^ Feeds. ^ Q Eggs, Poultry and Butter bought g g for Cash or Exchange. g YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED § Phone 38 Teutopolis, III. Dr. E. A, Weisenhorn Teutopolis, Illinois Clem Hoedebecke DEALER IN General Merchandise Teutopolis, 111. Highest prices paid for Eggs and Poultry — Cash or Trade. c>«:HK«e»»:««8:(o^:8xo^:e»:^c8:^c8:to ac«io«c«8:8:8:e:b:«c8:^o^o«o«CM:i'.o Casey Motor Co. g Lincoln Fordson g F-O-R-D « Dealers g CASEY, ILLINOIS J. V. PRICE DEALER IN All Kinds of Building Material Phone 32 CASEY, ILL. — 142 — ALBERT THOELE I Confectionery and Restaurant ^ COLD DRINKS & CIGARS | Teutopolis, Illinois ^ Buehnerkemper § Garage REPAIR WORK Gasoline, Oils and Stipplies Teutopolis, 111. VISIT ED & BERT'S PLACE LUNCHES Fountain Service Cold Bottled Drinks .. U. S. POST OFFICE | KATE M. WEIS, Postmistress g JOHN J. WEIS, Assistant 8 JOHN B. WEIS, Clerk § o I A. E. GOEBEL, M. D. ^ Montrose, Illinois Hardiek's Garage LEO HARDIER, Proprietor Distributor for AUBURN and FORD CARS S'oriipe ll(ttt