w Year B.Qi Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2010 witii funding from CARLI: Consortium of Academic and Researcii Libraries in Illinois http://www.archive.org/details/yearbookoffridayOOfrid The Year Book The Friday Club INCORPORATION, BY-LAWS, ROLL OF MEMBERS, LISTS OF OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES AND SCHEMES OF EXER- CISES, FROM ITS ORGANIZATION, MARCH 4, 1887 CHICAGO, 1907 State of Illinois, | ^^^ County of Cooky J The Ho7iorahle I. N. Pearson, Secretary of State : The Undersigned, citizens of the United States, propose to form a corporation, not for pecuniary profit, under the provisions of the act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, entitled, ** An Act Concerning Corporations," approved April i8th, A. D. 1872, and make the following certificate in vi^riting in reference thereto : First : The name of said proposed corpora- tion is "The Friday Club." Second : The object for which it is formed is literary and artistic culture. Third: The management of such proposed corporation shall be vested in a Board of fourteen Managers, consisiing of a President, two Vice- Presidents, a Corresponding Secretary, a Record- ing Secretary, a Treasurer, and an Executive Committee composed of eight members, of which Executive Committee the President, Vice-Presidents, Secretaries and Treasurer shall be ex-officio members, which Board of Managera and the officers composing the same shall for the first year of the corporate existence be selected by the undersigned, and for all subsequent years be elected at the annual meetings of the said pro- posed corporation, such annual meetings to be held at such places and times as shall hereafter be fixed in and by By-Laws of such proposed corporation hereafter to be adopted. Fourth : The following persons are hereby selected as the Board of Managers and officers of said proposed corporation for the first year of its corporate existence : Mrs. William A. Otis, President ,,.„., f Miss Alice M. Miller, Fice- Presidents, 1 ,, ,^ ^ ( Miss May Cramer. Recording Sec'y, Mrs. Charles A. Street. Corresponding Sec'y, Miss H. K. French. Treasurer^ Miss A. E. Isham. Executive Committee : Miss Frederika Skinner. Miss Emma C. Kellogg. Mrs. Ambrose Cramer. Miss Katharine Porter. Mrs. Dunlap Smith. Miss S. F. Cowles. Miss Bertha Ray. Miss Elizabeth W. Towner. Fifth : The location of said proposed corpor- ation is in the of City Chicago, Cook County, Illinois. Mrs. William A. Otis. May Cramer. Mrs. Charles A. Street. A. E. ISHAM. State of Illinois, ) I ss. County of Cook. j I, Cyrus Bentley, Notary Public in and for said County and State, do hereby certify that Mrs. William A. Otis, May Cramer, Mrs. Chas. A. Street and A. E. Isham, to me person- ally known to be the same persons who execu- ted the foregoing certificate, appeared before me this day in person and severally acknowledged that they executed the same for the purpose therein set forth. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and Notarial Seal this 20th day of November, A. D. 1890. [Seal.] Cyrus Bentley, Notary Public. INCORPORATION. State of Illinois, Department of State. Isaac N. Pearson, Secretary of State. To all to whom these presents shall come — Greeting: Whereas; A Certificate, duly signed and acknowledged, having been filed in the office of the Secretary of State on the 24th day of Nov- ember, A.D. 1890, for the organization of **The Friday Club," under and in accordance with the provisions of **An Act Concering Cor- porations," approved April 1 8th, 1872, and in force July ist, 1872, a copy of which certificate is hereto attached; now, therefore, I, Isaac N. Pearson, Secretary of State of the State of Illinois, by virtue of the powers and duties vested in me by law, do hereby certify that the said **The Friday Club" is a legally organized corporation under the laws of this State. In testimony whereof, I hereto set my hand and cause to be affixed the Great Seal of State. Done at the City of Springfield, this twenty-fourth day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nine- ty, and of the independence of the United States the one hundred and fifteenth. I. N. Pearson, Secretary of State. State of Illinois, ) I ss. County of Cook. j No. 1,385,841. Filed for record December loth, 1890, at 10 o'clock a. m., and recorded in Book 380! Corporation Records, page 295. John Stephen, Recorder. BY-LAWS. ARTICLE L BOARD OF MANAGERS. Section i . The Board of Managers of this Club shall consist of six officers: the President, two Vice-Presidents, Recording Secretary, Cor- responding Secretary, and Treasurer, and an Executive Committee of eight members (Chair- men of the four standing committees, and four members at large), all to be elected at the annual meeting of the Club. No member shall be eligible to serve in the same office for more than two consecutive terms. Two members of the previous Board of Managers shall be re- elected each year. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the Presi- dent to preside at all meetings. The President shall be ex-officio, a member of of all commit- tees. The Vice-Presidents in their order shall perform the duties of the President in her ab- sence. Sec. 3. The Recording Secretary shall keep a record of every meeting. Sec. 4. The Corresponding Secretary shall conduct all the correspondence of the Club that 7 does not devolve upon the Treasurer and the Chairmen of the committees, and shall have charge of all printing. Sec. 5. The Treasurer shall have charge of all funds belonging to the Club, pay such bills as have been approved by another member of the Board of Managers, issue tickets of member- ship, receive the fees therefor, keep an account of all receipts and disbursements, and report monthly to the Board and annually to the Club. Sec. 6. The Board of Managers shall have charge of all business of the Club and shall ap- point all necessary committees. Five members shall constitute a quorum except for the election of new^ members when the number shall be seven. ARTICLE II COMMITTEES. Section, i . The work of the Club shall be in the hands of four committees: Literary, Fine Arts, Miscellaneous and Social. The Literary, Fine Arts and Miscellaneous Committees shall each consist of a Chairman elected by the Club, and four members appointed by the Chairman of each committee. The Social Committee shall consist of a Chairman elected by the Club and five members appointed by the Chairman of the committee. 8 Sec. 2. The Literary, Fine Arts and Mis- cellaneous Committees sHbH each have charge of four regular meetings in the year. The remain- ing two meetings shall be arranged by the Board. Sec. 3. The Social Committee shall have charge of the rooms and of all social entertain- ments; shall care for the guest-book and regis- ter all visitors. Sec. 4. The Chairmen of the Literary, Fine Arts, Miscellaneous and Social Commit- tees shall submit reports to the Board of Man- agers at its re^uular meetings, stating in detail their respective programs for the ensuing month, and shall submit reports to the Club at its an- nual meeting. Sec 5. The Board shall have power to change the program of any regular meeting. ARTICLE in. MEMBERSHIP. Section i. The members of the Club shall be classed as follows; Resident, Non-resident and Honorary. Resident members shall be those residing within forty miles of the Court-house, and shall be limited in number to one hundred and seventy five. Non- Resident members shall 9 consist of former resident members and shall not hold office or vote at any meeting of the Club. Any non-resident member shall, upon applica- tion, be reinstated in regular membership with- out re-election, even though the membership be flill. The number of Honorary and Non-resid- ent members shall not be limited. Sec. 2. An initiation fee of ten dollars ($io) shall be paid upon acceptance of mem- bership. The annual dues of non-resident mem- bers shall be one dollar ( $ i ) ; of resident mem- bers, ten dollars ($io) payable in advance, at the annual meeting of the Club, or within thirty days thereafter. The dues for members joining after February 1st shall be one-half the dues for the year. Membership may be term- inated by voluntary resignation, or forfeited by failure to pay dues within thirty days after the annual meeting. Sec. 3. No member shall be permitted to vote at the annual meeting unless her dues have been paid for the ensuing year. Sec. 4. Names of candidates for member- ship shall be proposed in writing by a member of not less than one year's standing, and en- dorsed by two other members of not less than one year's standing. Applications for member- ship shall be submitted to the Board at any reg- 10 ular meeting, and shall be acted upon in their order at the next regular meeting. During the Club year a member may propose one candidate and endorse one candidate for membership. The application shall state on the blank form, furnished by the Corresponding Secretary, the name of the candidate, her residence and quali- fications for membership in the Club. A candi- date failing of election cannot be proposed again the same year. In accepting membership, a candidate pledges herself to take active part in the work of the Club. Sec. 5. No member of the Board shall have the powder to propose or endorse candidates for membership. Sec. 6. In balloting for new members seven shall constitute a quorum. Blanks shall not be cast. Two negatives shall defeat an election. ARTICLE IV. SECTION. 1. The annual meeting of the Club shall be held on the second Friday in April at 1 1 A. M., except when the date falls upon Good Friday when the time of meeting shall be set by the Board of Managers. The retiring Board shall hold office until after the May meet- 11 img of the Club, and the new officers and com- mittees shall proceed immediately upon election to the arrangement of the next year's work. Sec. 2. The order of business at the annual meeting shall be as follows: 1 . Payment of annual dues. 2. Reports from the officers of the past year in their order. 3. Election of members of the Board of Managers. 4. Miscellaneous business. 5. Reading of minutes of the meeting. Sec. 3. Twenty-one members shall consti- tute a quorum to transact business, but a less number shall have power to adjourn from time to time. Sec. 4. The Club shall adjourn after the May meeting to the third Friday in October. Sec. 5. The Board of Managers shall meet at 10:30 A. M. on the 2nd Friday of every month, excepting April, when it shall meet on the 1st Thursday, There shall be no meetings during July, August and September. Special meetings may be called by the President, and shall be called by her at the request of three members of the Board. Two unexplained ab- 12 sences of a member from consecutive meetings of the Board shall constitute a resignation. Sec. 6. The order of business at all regular meetings of the Board shall be as follows: 1 . Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting. 2. Reports of the Secretaries and Treasurer. 3. Reports of Standing Committees. 4. Unfinished business. 5. Miscellaneous business. Sec. 7. The regular meetings of the Club squll be held at 1 1 a. m. on the first and third Fridays of the month. Skc. 8. The order of business for the regu- lar meetings of the Club sh .11 be as follows: 1. The President shall call the meeting to order. 2. The Recording Secretary shall read the report of the last meeting. 3. The Corresponding Secretary shall re- port any matter of interest in her department. 4. The President shall announce the topic for the next regular meeting. 5. Miscellaneous business. 6. The President shall announce the pro- gram for the day. Sec. 9. Other meetings may be held during the year as thought advisable by the Board. 13 Open meetings shall be held, one in February and one in May, to which each member may bring one resident guest. The Board may in- vite guests at its discretion to any of the regular or open meetings of the Club. S':c. lo. At regular meetings the essayist may invite six guests; other members may each invite one non-resident guest. Persons living within forty miles of the Court-house shall be considered residents. Any member inviting a guest shall supply the latter with a card, bearing her own name, that of her visitor, and date of meeting. This card shall be presented at the door. Sec. 1 1 . Rules of order shall be those of Roberts' Manual. ARTICLE V. Section i . Before the annual meeting the President shall appoint a committee of five to act as a Nominating Committee. This commiittee shall prepare a list of Officers and members of the Executive Committee for the ensuing year and shall present it to the Club for consideration on the third Friday in March. In presenting this ticket the Chairman shall announce that any li twenty members of the Club desiring a second ticket shall send their nominations, with their signatures, to the Nominating Committee by the fourth Friday in March. The Committee shall then prepare a ballot with one or two tickets and a blank under each name and mail to each member of the Club, with a proxy form. Sec. 2. At the annual meeting, the Nom- inating Committee shall provide a closed box in which ballots shall be deposited, and the Presi- dent shall appoint three persons to act as tellers, and said tellers shall have charge of the ballot box and shall check off the name of each person voting and the names of all proxies and by whom voted, and shall see each ballot deposited singly in the box. The ballot box shall be open from 1 1 a. m. to i :i 5 p. m. ; after which the polls shall be declared closed, and the tellers shall proceed to count the ballots, and the result shall be announced as soon as possible thereafter. Candidates having received the largest number of votes for each office respectively shall be de- clared elected. No member shall be eligible to the same office on the Board for more than two consecutive years. Sec. 3. Official vacancies during the year may be filled by the Board at any regular meet- ing. 15 ARTICLE VI. AMENDMENTS. Section i . The By-Laws may be amended by the Board at any regular Board meeting by a two-thirds vote of the members present, notice of such intention having been given at a previous Board meeting and having been appended to the call for the meeting. They may also be amended at the annual meeting of the Club or any ad- journed session thereof, by a majority vote with- out previous notification. Sec. 2. Articles of association may be amended at any annual meeting ot the Club by a majority vote of the members present, the amendments having been proposed and approved at a previous meeting of the Board of Managers, and notice of the intention to amend having been appended to the call for the meeting. LIST OF MANAGERS SCHEMES OF EXERCISES 1887—1907 BOARD OF MANAGERS 1887-1888 Officers : president : Mrs. REGINAI.D DE KOVEN. VICE-PRESIDENTS : Mrs. Henry Field, Mrs. R. S. McCoRMiCK, Miss Emma C. Preston, Miss Elizabeth King. RECORDING SECRETARY: Miss H. J. Landon. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY : Miss E. \V. Towner. TREASURER: Miss Anita McCormick. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. Chester M. Dawes, Miss Lilly V. Fay, Miss Jenny L. King, Miss Edith Chetlain, Miss May Henderson, Mrs. Henry Hooper. STANDING COMMITTEES 1887-1888 LITERARY COMMITTEE : Miss Hannah K, French, Chairman. Miss Elizabeth Chapin, Miss Emma C. Preston, Miss Edith Cheti,ain, Miss Elizabeth L. Shackford, Mrs. William H. Hubbard. PRINTING COMMITTEE: Miss Harriet B. Hammond, Chairman. Miss Josephine Medill, Miss Fannie Farwell. FINANCE COMMITTEE: Miss Emma C. Preston, Chairman. Miss S. A. King, Miss Eva Kimball. ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Mrs. Charles Henrotin, Mrs. Arthur L,. Chetlain, Mrs. Charles B. FarweLL. SCHEME 1887-1888 Mar. 18. Provided by the Advisory Committee. Subject : ' ' Some Tendencies of Mod- em Luxury." Paper by Mrs. Potter Pai^msr. Songs by Mr . Reginald deKoven. Apr. 1 . Su bjed : ' ' Wordsworth . ' ' Papers by Miss Hannah French and Miss Ei^izabeth Chapin. Apr. 15. Subject: " Southey and Coleridge. " Papers by Miss Bi^aTchford and Miss Preston. May 6. Subject: '• Charles Lamb." Paper by Miss Louise Troost. May 20. Subject : ' ' Barry Cornwall and his Friends." Paper by Miss BerTha Ray, June 3. Provided by the Advisory Committee. Subject : ' ' History of Society at Our National Capital." Paper by Mrs. Reginald de KOVEN. Oct. 21. Providedby the Advisory Committee. Subject : " True Spirit of Etiquette." Paper hy Mrs. J. Young Scammon. Nov. 4. Subject: " Shelley and Keats " Paper by Miss May Henderson. Nov. 18. Subject: "Afternoon with the Re- viewers." Paper by Mrs. J. V. Farwell, Jr. Dec. 2. Subject: " Robert Burns." Paper by Miss Martha Wells. SO Dec. 16. Providedby the Advisory Committee. An Afternoon Tea. Songs, Mr. Reginai^d deKoven, and Miss Kei^LHIY. Piano, Mrs. Lavling and Miss Sprague. Jan. 6. Subject: "Lord Byron and Thomas Moore." Paper by Miss S. A. King, Jan. 20. Subject: "Walter Scott, Poet and Novelist. ' ' Paper by Miss Amie S. Carpenter. Feb. 3. Subject: "Women Writers of this Period." Paper by Mrs. Chester M Dawes. Feb. 17. Subject \ '• Frances Burney." Paper by Miss E. L. ShackFORD. First Annual Meeting. Subject : ' ' Jane Austen . ' ' Paper by Miss R. C. Larrabee. Subject : * ' Mary Somerville. ' ' Paper by Miss L. S. Hunt. Subject: " Charles Dickens." Paper by Mrs. A. F. Ferry. Subject : * ' Thackeray. ' ' Paper by Miss M S. HiLi,. Business Meeting. Mar. 2. Mar. 16. Apr. 6. Apr. 29. May 4. May 18. May 27. Evening Meeting. Readings from Shelley and Keats by Mr. Wii^liam Pardridge. Songs by Mr Donald de Verk Graham. Held at the residence of Mrs. C. B. Far well, 99 Pearson Street. BOARD OF MANAGERS 1888-1889 Officers : PRESIDENT : Mrs. Regiinai^d deKoven VICE-PRESIDENTS : 1st, Mrs. Wii^iviAM H. Hubbard 2d, Miss Martha WellS RECORDING SECRETARY : Miss Amy Bi^atchford CORRESPONDING SECRETARY : Miss E. W. Towner TREASURER : Miss Katharine Porter EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Mrs. Chester M. Dawes, Mrs. J. V. Farwei.1., Jr., Mrs. DUNI.AP Smith, Miss Euzabeth King, Miss May Cramer, Miss E. L. Shackford, Miss Hei,en NEWEI.L, Miss Dora Seeberger. Standing Committees 1888-1889 literary committee: Miss Hannah French, Chairman; Miss E. L. Chapin, Miss K. Iv. Shackford, Miss R. C. Larrabee, Miss Bonnie Withrow. MISCELLANEOUS COMMITTEE : Mrs. A. F. Ferry, Chairman ; Miss LiLivY V. Fay, Mrs. W11.1.1AM Waller, Miss B. W. Whitney, Miss Fredertka Skinnek. PRINTING COMMITTEE: Miss Amie S. Carpenter, Chairman; Mrs. Arthur C. Ely, Miss E. W. Towner, FINANCE COMMITTEE: Miss Elizabeth King, Chairman ; Miss L. S. Hunt, Mrs. RuThven Deane. SCHEME 1888-1889 Provided by the Literary Committee : Oct. 19. Subject: "The Bronte Sisters." Paper by Miss Bonnie Withrow. Nov. 16. Subject: "Greek Lyric Poets and Poetry." Paper by Miss Caroi.ine Kirk- I.AND. Dec. 21. Subject: "The Dawn of Poetry in the Middle Ages. Trouv^res and Troubadores." Poper by Miss Maud Martin. Jan. 18. Subject: "Die MeistersSnger. Hans Sachs, the Cobbler Poet." Paper by Miss Dora Seeberger. Feb. 15. Subject: "The Lessing Period in German Literature." Paper by Miss Edith Cheti,ain. Mar. 15. Subject: "The Age of Louis XIV." Paper by Miss E. W. Towner. Apr. 26. Subject: "Madame de Stael and the French Salon." Paper by Miss HEI.BN Mii,i,ER. 24 Provided by the Miscellaneous Committee : Nov. 2. Subjects: "A Trip to Alaska." Paper hy Miss Kathkrine Isham. "Mexico To-day." Paper by Miss HEI.EN Neweli^. Dec. 7. Subject: "The Ideal and the Real. Their Influence on Human Hap- piness." Paper by Mrs. B. M. JEWEIT. Jan, 4. Subject: "Bad Habits of Good So- ciety." Paper by Miss Anita McCormick. Feb. 1. Subject: "Architecture of High Re- nascence." Paper by Mrs. A. F. Ferry. Mar. 1. Subject: "David Garrick and the Stage in His Time. ' Paper by Mrs. F. A. Dei^ano. Apr. 5. Subject: "Wagner and His School of Music." Paper by Miss Mary L,. Roberts. Informal Talk by Miss Fay. May 3. Subject: "Art of Conversation." Paper by Mrs. Cyrus Benti^ey, Jr. Read by Mrs. J. V. Farweli., Jr. BOARD OF MANAGERS 1889-1890 Officers : PRESIDENT : Miss Frederika Skinner VICE-PRESIDENTS : 1st, Mrs. William H. Hubbard, 2d, Mrs. Chester M. Dawes. RECORDING SECRETARY: Miss Rosalind C. Larrabee. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY: Miss Amie S. Carpenter. TREASURER: Mrs. Cyrus Hall McCormick. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE : Mrs. Reginald de Kqven, Mrs. J. V. Farwell, Jr., Mrs. Cyrus Bkntley, Jr., Mrs. William A. Otis, Miss May Cramer, Miss E. W. Towner, Miss Martha Wells, Miss S. F. CowLES. Standing Committees 1889-1890 literary committee: Mrs. WiLi^iAM A. Otis, Chairman ; Miss Hannah French, Mrs. Reginai^d de Koven, Miss Alice Miller, Mrs. lyouis E. IvAFlin. MISCELLANEOUS COMMITTEE ; Mrs. A. F. Ferry, Chairman ; Mrs. Cyrus Bentley, Jr., Mrs. DuNLAP Smith, Miss Nellie Carpenter, Miss C. Kirkland. PRINTING COMMITTEE: Miss Amie S. Carpenter, Chairman ; Miss K. W. Towner, Miss Helen Newell. 27 SCHEME 1889-1890 Provided by the Literary Committee : Oct. 18. Subject: "Books in Puritan Homes." Paper by Miss E. P. Head. Nov. 15. Subject: "Washington Irving." Paper by Miss E W. Whitnby. Dec. 20. Subject: "The Prophets of Our Na- tion." Paper by Miss lyOUiSE KlRKl,AND. Jan. 17. Subject: "Hawthorne and the Blithe- dale Romance." Paper by Miss A. M. MiLtER. Feb, 21. Subject: "Emerson." Paper by Miss Jennie Dow. Mar. 21. Subject: "An Afternoon with Long- fellow and Cambridge." Papers by Miss Marguerite Walker and Miss Rose Fay. Apr. 18. Subject: "Dr. Holmes and the At- lantic Monthly." Paper by Mrs. Wm. H. Hubbard. Provided by the Miscellaneous Committee: Nov. 1. Subject: "Caste Differences in America." Paper by Miss A M. Miller. Dec. 6. Subject: "Is Patriotism Obsolete?" Paper by Miss A. E. Isham. Jan. 3. Subject: "Effects of the Arts on Morals." Paper by Miss H. K. French. Feb. 7. Subject: "American Characteristics." Papers by Miss Kelly> "Anglomania. " Miss Wells, "Foreigners' Ideas of America." Miss Cramer, "Self-respect of Americans." Miss Carpenter, "A Glance at America's Great Men." Mrs. WiLMERDiNG, "American Women" Miss C. Kirk LAND, "The American Press." May 7. Subject: "Woman in the Nineteenth Century. ' ' Paper by Mrs. Ambrose Cramer > "The Conservative Standpoint." Paper by Miss Edith Cask, "A Progressive View." Apr. 11. Subject: "Hypnotism." Papers by Mrs. Dunlap Smith and Dr. Bryan. May 2. Subject: "Heroines of Charity." Paper by Miss F. M. Blatchford. BOARD OF MANAGERS 1890-1891 Officers : president: Mrs. Wii^LiAM A. Otis. VICE-PRESIDENTS : 1st, Miss A1.ICE M. M1LI.ER. 2d, Miss May Cramer. RECORDING SECRETARY: Mrs. Ch ARISES A. Street. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY : Miss H. K. French. TREASURER : Miss A. E. ISHAM. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Miss Frederika Skinner, Miss Emma C. Kei.i,ogg, Mrs. Ambrose Cramer, Miss E. W. Towner, Mrs. DuNLAP Smith, Miss S. F. CowivES, Miss Bertha Ray, Miss Katharine Porter. STANDING Committees 1890-1891 LITERARY COMMITTEE: Miss Caroline Kirki^and, Chairman ; Miss Dora Seeberger, Miss Maud Martin, Miss E. P. Head, Miss Bertha Ray. MISCELLANEOUS COMMITTEE ; Miss Ei/iZABETH SpraguE, Chairman Miss Bmzabeth Skinner, Miss Grace E. Fdrness, Mrs. F. S. Peabody, Miss S. F. CowLES. PRINTING COMMITTEE; Miss H. K. French, Chairman ; Miss A. S. Carpenter, Miss Bonnie Withrow. SCHEME 1890-1891 Provided by the Literary Committee : Oct. 17. Subject: "Montesquieu and Vol- taire." Paper by Miss Maud Martin. Nov. 21. Subject: "The Encyclopaedists." Paper by Miss Roxana WenT- WORTH. Dec. 19. Subject: "Jean Jacques Rousseau." Paper by Mrs. Chas. Henrotin. Jan. 16. Subject: "The Pre - Revolutionary Salons." Paper by Miss Josephine Medill. Read by Miss Kirki.and. Feb. 20. Subject: "Some Victims of the French Revolution. ' ' Paper by Miss Frederika Skin- ner. Mar. 20. Subject: "Thomas Paine. " Paper by Miss Grace E. Furness. Apr. 17. Subject: "English and German Sym- pathizers with the French Rev- olution." Papers by Miss Harriet Isham and Miss Katharine Head. Provided by the Miscellaneous Committee : Nov. 7. Subject: "Hull House and the Toy n- bee Hall Movement." Paper by Miss Bejrtha Ray. Dec. 5. Subject: "The Growth and Effect of the Magazine." Paper by Miss Mary D. Sturges. Jan. 2. Subject: "Book Illuminating and Kxtra Book Illustrating." Paper by Mrs. S. F. Peabody. Read by Miss McAvoy. Feb. 6. Subject: The Effect of the French Revolution on Music." Paper by Miss Elizabeth Sprague. Mar. 6. Subject: 'Court Fools." Paper by Miss J. L. Kino. Apr. 3. Subject: "American Art in Paris." Paper by Mrs Henry J. Wii,i,ing. Read by Miss Kirki^and. May 1. Subject: "Literary Fads." Paper bv Miss Jui^/.' "A Group of Songwriters." Paper by Miss Jennie E. Cox. Nov. 20. Subject: "Education in Recreation." Paper by Mrs. E. J. Martyn. Dec . 4 . Sn bject ; "The New Olympic Games . ' ' Paper by Mrs. J. M. EwEN. Dec. 18. Subject: "The Effect of Child Litera- ture Upon Children " Paper by Mrs. Abby F. Ferry. Jan, 8. Subject: "Every Day Life of the Puritans." Paper by Mrs. N. H. Blatchford. Jan. 22. Subject: " The Expression of Ameri- can Life in Architecture." Paper by Mrs. Wili^iam A. Otis. Feb. 5. Subject: " Our Present Relations w4th England." Paper by Miss Bertha Ray. 58 Feb. 19. Subject: "Ancient Manuscripts and Missals in the Newberry Library." Illustrated by rare volumes from the Library Museum. lufot'mal Talk by Mr. John Vance Cheney. Mar. 5. Subject: "The Development of the Orchestra." Paper by Miss Mary B. Hale. Mar. 19. Subject: " The Value of the Beauti- ful." Paper by Mrs. CharleS H BesIvY. Apr. 2. Subject: "The Poet Laureate of America." Paper by Miss Dora Seeberger. Apr. 23. Subject: ' Philistinism in Art." Paper by Miss Ei.isabETh F. Ris- skr. May 7. Subject: "Short Studies of Great Educators " Papers by Miss Edith Healy, " Rousseau." Mrs. F. S. Churchill, "Froebel." Miss C. R. Trowbridge, " Rich- ter." Mrs. Emmons Blaine, "Herbert Spencer." Mrs. Slason Thompson, "Thomas Arnold." " Pestalozzi." Read by Mrs. BentlEY. May 14. Evening Meeting. Essay by Mr. Franklin H Head. "Methods of Browning's Work as illustrated by his Poem, Ivan Ivan- ovitch." Songs by Miss Hearding. Mrs. Crosby Adams at the Piano. BOARD OF MANAGERS 1897-1898 Officers ; president : Mrs. Horace H. Martin. VICE-PRESIDENTS : 1st, Miss Ei^izABETH Head, 2d, Mrs. Si^ASON Thompson. RECORDING SECRETARY : Mrs. MuRRY Nelson, Jr. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY: Mrs. SamuEi, a. IvYnde. TREASURER : Mrs. George S. Payson. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE : MEMBER AT LARGE: Miss Mary S. Nixon. LITERARY DEPARTMENT: Mrs. J. Dorr Bradley, Chairman. Mrs. Edward A. Harriman, Vice-Chairm'n. FINE ARTS DEPARTMENT : Miss Jennie E. Cox, Chairman. Mrs. Chas. McGenniss, Vice-Chairman. ECONOMICS DEPARTMENT : Mrs. Arthur T. Aldis, Chairman. Mrs. Frank S. Churchill, Vice-Chairman. SOCIAL COMMITTEE : Mrs. Cyrus H. McCormick, Chairman. 60 Standing Committees 1897-1898 SOCIAL COMMITTEE : Mrs. Cyrus H. McCormick, Chairman. Mrs. WiLWAM H. Hubbard, Mrs. DuDi^EY Winston, Miss M. K. Jones, Mrs. Robert A. Waller. PRINTING COMMITTEE : Mrs. Samuel A. Lynde, Chairman. Miss Edith Healy, Miss Anna Williams. 61 SCHEME FOR 1897-1898 Oct. 15. Subject: "An African Explorer — Joseph Thompson." Paper by Mrs. Chas. H. FerRY. Talk by Mr. Barbour Lathrop. Nov. 5. Subject: " William Morris. " Papet by Mrs. RussEi.iv Tyson. Nov. 19. Subject: " Rugs of the Orient." Paper by Mrs. Arthur J Eddy. Dec. 3. Subject: " Personal Reminiscences of Eugene Field." By Mr. SoL Smith Russeli,, Mr. Frankein Head, Mr, Season Thompson. Dec. 17. Subject: "Relative Value of Claims upon our Time." Paper by Mrs. E. B. McCagg. Jan. 7. Subject: "Memoirs of Madame de Remusat. Paper by Miss Edith Heaey. Jan. 21. Subject: " Dolly Madison." Paper: by Mrs. Francis h.. Saw- yer. Feb. 4. Subject: "An Afternoon with the Ignoramus Club," Papers by Miss C. R. Trowbridge;, Miss. I. C. Gray, Mrs. J. M. EwEN, Mrs. H. B. BuTLKR, Mrs. F. S. C001.IDGE. Feb. 18. Subject: "Notes on an Idle Summer. ' ' Paper by Mrs. V. K. Spicer. Mar. 4. Subject: " Present State of the Amer- ican Journal. Shall we Read the Newspapers?" Paper by Mrs. Wm, S. Jenks. Mar. 18. Subject : " Valesquez : his Time and his Influence." Paper by Miss Margaret Enders. Apr. 1. Subject: "Artistic Possibilities of Chicago. ' ' Paper by Miss L,ucy Runnelt.s. Apr. 15. Subject: " English Poets of To-day.' Paper by Miss Elizabeth L. Rowe. May 5. .Sw^jVc;^: "The Intellect and Emotions in Music." Paper by Mrs. Wm. H. Hubbard. May 13. Special Meeting. Subject : " George Meredith." Paper by Miss Helen Dawes Brown. 63 BOARD OF MANAGERS 1898-1899 Officers : PRESIDENT: Mrs. HoRACB H. Martin. VICE-PRESIDENTS : 1st, Mrs. Elizabeth Head, 2d, Mrs. Slason Thompson. RECORDING SECRETARY: Mrs. William S. Jenks. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY : Mrs. Samuel A. Lynde. TREASURER : Mrs. George S. Payson. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: CHAIRMEN OF STANDING COMMITTEES : Mrs. Francis A. Sawyer, Miss Jennie E. Cox, Miss Dora Seeberger, Mrs. Hugh J. McBirney. MEMBERS AT LARGE: Miss Edith Healy, Mrs. Charles Atkinson, Mrs. Arthur J. Eddy, Miss Lucy Monroe. 64 Standing Committees 1898-1899 literary committee: Mrs. Francis A. Sawyer, Chairman. Mrs. Emmons BIvAIne, Mrs. James W. Scott, Mrs. N. S. Davis, Jr. Mrs. Chester M. Dawes. FINE ARTS COMMITTEE: Miss Jennie E. Cox, Chairman. Mrs. Chari.es McGenniss, Mrs. W. B. E. Shdfeldt, Mrs. WlIvLIAM BURRY, Miss Margaret Enders. MISCELLANEOUS COMMITTEE : Miss Dora SeEberGER, Chairman. Mrs. J, L. Cochran, Miss Mary B. Hai,E, Miss I. C. Gray, Miss Mary D. Sturges. SOCIAL COMMITTEE: Mrs. H. J. McBirney, Chairman. Mrs, IvOUis IvAFLIn, Mrs. Henry N. TuTTle, Mrs. RocKWELE King, Miss Lucy Runneels, PRINTING COMMITTEE: Mrs. Samuee a. IvYNDE, Chairman. Miss Edith Heaey, Miss Anna Williams. 65 SCHEME FOR 1898-1899 Oct. 21. Subject: " Michael An gelo." Paper by Miss Edith Healy. Nov. 4. Subject: " Robert Browning. " Paper hy Mrs. Chari^es Atkinson. Nov. 18. Subject: " An Early Civilization." Paper by Mrs. E. W. Moore. Dec. 2. Recital of Original Song Music. Composed by Mrs. Wm. Hubbard and Mrs. Frederick Coolidge. Sung by Miss Ai^meda Hodges and ]Mrs. Myrtis Chandler Mc- Donald. Dec. 16. Subject: "Metal Workers." Paper by Mrs. L. Plait Hunt. Tafk by Mrs. Cuyler on the "Re- vival of Enamel Work in London." Jan. 2. Subject: "Authors I Have Met." Paper by IMiss Lilian Bell. Jan. 20. Address b}- M. Boutet de Monvel- Paper and Harp Recital by Miss Putnam. Feb. 3. Subject : "Ethics of the Inquisition." Paper by Miss Eliza Stone. Feb. 17. Subject: "Art Out of Doors." Paper by Mrs. Cyrus H. McCor- MICK. 66 jMar. 3. Subject: " A Social Settlement as an Expression of the Social Feeling of To-day." Paper by Miss Mary D, Sturghs. Informal Talk by Miss McDow- Ei,iv. Mar. 17. Subject: "The Carlists and Their Career." Paper by Miss Elizabeth Skin- ner. Read by Mrs. Francis Sawyer. Apr. 7. Subject: " When Anne was Queen." Paper by Mrs. Wm. ShufK1.dT. Apr. 21. Subject: "A Bit of Europe in Chi- cago." Paper by Mrs. Frederick P. BaGIvEY. May 5. Subject: " Glimpses of Spain." Illustrated by stereopticon with original colored slides, by Miss Katharine Gordon Breed. Held in Fullerton Hall, Art In- stitute. Nov. 15. "An Evening with Jane Austen." Paper read by Miss Gray and dramatically illustrated by Miss Trowbridge, Miss Barnes, Miss Healy Miss Herrick, Mrs. Nel- son, Mrs. JENKS, Mr. HeaTon and Mr TwoSE. Old Ballads, sung by Miss AlmEda Hodges, Mrs. Lynde at the piano. Envoy by Miss Harriet Monroe. 67 BOARD OF MANAGERS 1899-1900 Officers : PRESIDENT : Mrs. Cyrus H. McCormick. VICE-PRESIDENT : 1st, Mrs. Lynden Evans, 2d, Miss Edith Healy. RECORDING SECRETARY: Mrs. Charlfs Atkinson. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY : Mrs. Moses Wentworxh. TREASURER: Miss Cora B. Wir.i,iAMS. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE : CHAIRMEN OF STANDING COMMITTEES : Mrs. James B. Waller, Jr. Mrs. Francis King. Miss Lucy Runnells, Miss Margaret Enders. MEMBERS AT LARGE : Mrs. Horace H. Martin, Mrs. Lawrence Williams, Mrs. Samuel A. Lynde, Miss Elizabeth Head. 68 Standing Committess 1899-1800 literary committee : Mrs. James B. Wai:,i.er, Jr., Chairman. Mrs. Arthur J. Eddy, Mrs. Louis K. Lafi^in, Mrs. Slason Thompson, Miss ISABEiv C. Gray. FINE ARTS COMMITTEE : Mrs. Francis King. Chairman. Mrs. Charles B. McGenniss, Mrs. Chari.es Walker, Mrs. Robert Herkick, Mrs. Charles Hodges. MISCELLANEOUS COMMITTEE: Miss IvUCY RuNNELLS, Chairman. Mrs. DuNLAP Smith, Mrs. Heyliger de Windt, Mrs. Arthur Farweli<, Miss Mary D. Sturges. SOCIAL COMMITTEE : Miss Margaret Enders, Chairman. Mrs. William Burry, Mrs. Chester Dawes, Mrs. Rockwell King, Miss Jennie Cox. PRINTING COMMITTEE : Mrs. Moses J. Wentworth, Chairman. Mrs. Lynden Evans, Miss Anna Williams. G9 SCHEME 1899-1900 Oct. 20. Subject: "Duels Famous in Histor}- and Romance." Paper by Miss Maud Hambleton. Nov. 3. Subject : " The Cry of the Children." Program in charge of Mrs. Dunlap Smith, assisted by Judge Tuthii,!, and Mrs. A. P. Stevens. Nov . 17 . Subject : ' ' India of To-day . ' ' Paper by Mrs, Bryan LaThrop. Dec. 1. Subject: •' French Art of the Exposi- tion of 1900." Paperhy Miss Mary C. Wheeler. of Providence, R. I. Piano Solo by Mrs. Frederick COOI^IDGE. Songs by Mrs. Stephen Foster. Dec. 15. Subject: "Diaries" Paper by Miss Car a Durkee. Jan. 5. Subject : " The Old and New Educa- tion." Paper by Mrs. Heyi.iger de WiNDT. Talk on the "Henry George Re- public," by Miss TheodaTE Smith, of Augusta, Maine. Jan. 19. Subject: " A Week in Touraine." Illustrated by stereopticon views. Paperhy Mrs. Cyrus Benti,ey, Jr. Feb. 2. Subject: "A Day with the Poets." Paper by Mrs. Mimvard Adams. Feb. 16. Subject: "Boss Rule in Athens and Rome." Paper by Miss Jui^iE R. Adams. Address by Mrs. John Haves Hammond upon her " Personal Experiences in the Transvaal." Mar. 2. Subject: " Influence of Athletics and Country Clubs upon the Home. ' ' Paper by Mrs. Nathan S, Davis, Jr. Mar. 16. Subject: "A Music Student in Paris." Paper by Mrs. Stephen A. Fos- ter. Apr. 6. Subject: " Walter Savage Landor, a Poet for the Poets." Paper by Mrs. Thomas B. Mars- TON. Apr. 20. Sitbject; "The Relation of Literature to the Public Welfare." Paper by Miss Grace Wither- SPOON. May 4. Subject: " Life on a Southern Planta- tion." Paper by Mrs. Sidney F. An- drews. Negro Melodies sung by Mrs. An- drews, assisted by Messrs. Fen- tress. " The Coon Song," by Paui. Law- rence Dunbar, sung by Mr. Chas. E. Rodon. Mrs. Hubbard at the piano. Held at the Chicago Historical Society. 71 BOARD OF INIANAGERS 1900-lSOl Officers : president: Miss Edith Healy. VICE-PRESIDENTS : 1st, Mrs. Arthur T. Aldis, 2d, Mrs. Ira C. Wood. RECORDING SECRETARY : Mrs. Charles Atkinson. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY : Miss Mary D. Sturges. TREASURER : Miss Cora B. Williams. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE : CHAIRMEN OF STANDING COMMITTEES : Mrs. Francis S. Norton, Mrs. Arthur J. Eddy. Miss LuDA Wells, Mrs. Charles H. Besly. MEMBERS AT LARGE: Mrs. Cyrus H. McCormick, Mrs. Horace H. Martin, Mrs. Samuel A. Lynde, Mrs. Lawrence Williams. STANDING Committees 1900-1901 Literary coMxMITtee : Miss Frances S. Norton, Chairman. Mrs. Hermon b. Butler, Mrs. Lynden Evans, Mrs. George Payson, Miss Grace Witherspoon. FINE ARTS COMMITTEE : Mrs. Arthur J. Eddy, Chairman. Mrs William H. Hubbard, Mrs. Louis E. Laflin, Mrs. Thomas B. Marston, Miss Maud G. Hambleton. MISCELLANEOUS COMMITTEE : Miss LUDA Wells, Chairman. Mrs. Moses J. Wentworth, Mrs. John D. Kales, Miss Katharine Head, Miss IvOUiSE S. Troost. SOCIAL COMMITTEE : Mrs. Charles H. Besly, Chairman. Mrs. C. C. CuRTiss, Mrs. Henry Hooper, Mrs. E. B. McCagg, Miss Margaret Enders. PRINTING COMMITTEE: Miss Mary D. SturgES, Chairman. Mrs. Samuel A. Lynde, Mrs. Moses J. Wentworth. 73 SCHEME 1900-1901 Oct. 19. Subject : " Impressions of the Grand Palais des Beaux Arts." Informal Talk by Mr. Racph Cl<:i'.- 'Victor Hugo, 1802-1902." Paper by Miss Edith Hhaly. Dec. 19. Subject: "Influence of History on the Decorative Arts." Paper by Mrs. J. Cir/f.- "The Neglect of Poetry." Paper by Mrs. Horace H. Martin. Apr. 20. 5«^_;Vr/; "The Contemporary German Theatre." Paper by Mrs. Henry L. Frank. Songs : Mrs. Joseph N. Eisen- DRATH. May 4, Subject: "Development of Dance Forms." Paper by Mrs. Ira Couch Wood. Illustrated by dancing. Poem : Miss Monroe. Dance : Mrs. Lou Wali, Mocre, 100 BOARD OF MANAGERS 1906-1907 Officers : president : Mrs. John M. Ewen. VICE-PRESIDENTS : 1st, Mrs. Wii^LiAM J. Calhoun, 2d, Mrs. Frederic A. Dei^ano. RECORDING SECRETARY: Mrs. Mason Bross. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY : Mrs. Chester M. Dawes. TREASURER: Mrs. John A. Jameson. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: CHAIRMEN OF STANDING COMMITTEES: Miss Ewzabeth F. Risser, Mrs. John A. Carpenter, Mrs, Vibe K. Spicer, Mrs Samuei, R. JewETT. MEMBERS AT LARGE : Mrs. James B. Wai.i.er, Mrs. Chari^es C. Curtiss, Mrs. Frederick T. West, Miss Mary Rozet Smith. 101 Standing Committees 1906-1907 literary committee : Miss E1.IZABETH F. RisSER, Chairman. Miss Dora Aei.en, Mrs. Nathan S. Davis, Mrs. George P. Fisher, Mrs. Wii.i,iAM S. Jenks. FINE ARTS COMMITTEE : Mrs. John A. Carpenter, Chairman. Mrs. Kei