Oy3» J* ^tj,,u-, • / / / /J / ; j s 1 i / / ■ j r> ; l/i 0, i j \ 8 1 4 :*/■ ,V- PIONEER IMMIGRANT I BF I. ILLINOIS HISTORICAL SURVEY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/josephoyer18141800oyer Dy3* 0)6 li v $/£- FOREWORD The contents of this booklet is an outgrowth of a hobby of ours. During the course of our research we have m ade many acquaintances and written many letters. The inspiration we have received from all these people has in itself been a great reward to us. We are verj grateful for all the help we have received. Our ultimate goal is to someday complete a book of the descendants of Joseph Oyer I along with a few other Oyer families we have come in contact with. However, this is going to run into thousands of names and we still have much information to find, we felt that we would like to compile great grandfathers' family in time for the 1963 Oyer reunion. We ask forgiveness for any errors we may have made and do thank each of you for your splendid cooperation. We hope you will keep this record and that it will serve to keep our family ties bound together. July 1963 Sincerely , Verle and Margaret Oyer R. R. 2 Lakeview Estates Gibson City, IL 60936 ••. • / : i" ■ ■ ■ f :' '■..-■ oh . | '. ,. ■: :■'■ d I - f-J® -•.. ■ : - •v £ f ; • • i , • .. • ■ : ' ' • , I : ;• .i . V Introduction This being the 125th year since our ancestor Joseph Oyer took out land from the United States Government, we thought it would be nice to do something special. V/e have endeavored to compile a geneology of his descendants. Many changes have taken place in Illinois since the 1830' s when the Oyers left Alsace Lorraine and came to America. It seems that they did a pretty good job of covering up their tracks as information of their past has been quite hard to come by. However, by gaining a bit of information here and there we have been able to piece a few things together. In the 1830 's, the area now known as Tazewell and Woodford counties, experienced a great influx of Arnish and Mennonite emigrants from Germany and France. Among this group was the family of Joseph Oyer I. In those days it was a common practice for several of the family, perhaps the father or some brothers and sisters, to precede the rest of the family. V/e cannot be certain, but this may have happened in the case of our family. Joseph Oyer I, whose fathers' name was probably John Oyer, was the father of fifteen children, one of whom died in infancy. The other four- teen children all came to Illinois and married and lived here at one time. Joseph Oyer I was first married to a lady whose maiden name v/e believe was Augsburger. To this union v/as born prob- ably nine children, counting the ono who died in infancy. After this wifes ' death, Joseph Oyer I married a lady whose name v/e believe v/as Magdalena Litwiller. To this union was born six children. The youngest child, Phoebe, was born in Tazewell county in 1838 , thus giving us a definite date that v/e know the whole family had arrived in Illinois. Many of the Illinois immigrants made Butler County, Ohio one of their stopping places on the v/ay to Illinois. The Butler County, Ohio settlement v/as started by emigrants from Alsace, Lorraine. The loaders of this settlement were Augs- burgors. If our great .grandmother v/as an Augsburger, we could surmise that Butler County could have had close ties v/ith our ancestors in those days. According to information obtained from a granddaughter of Catherine Oyer Gerber, the Oyers sailed up the Mississippi River, then up the Ohio River to Cincinnati, and then up the Miami River to Butler County, Ohio. After a short stay here, they again traveled down the Ohio, then up the Mississippi and Illinois Rivers to Tazev/ell County. They became part of v/hat was known as the Wesley City settlement. Wesley city is a little town along the East Bank of the Illinois Hiver near East Peoria. There were many French settlers in this area. • • ...... •jf ■ . ... ., ■ .•». ,-, V. • I '• '■■ ••.-.'"' -:;^ : • ' ■--'"■ • • - .' r ; - : .' ' i ■ • Si:'- • ■ . .; •. •' '.■■'■ . ■ ■ •>:■ -'■r. On August 23, 1838, two men filed a claim in the government land office for two separate tracts of land. These tracts were each 160 acres and joined each other. The south one hundred sixty was filed by Joseph Oyer II, my great grandfather, and the other by a Jacob Oyer. It is interesting to note that in 1838 the names on the government record v/ere recorded Joseph Our and Jacob Our. We have never have been able to verify what relationship existed between these two men, but we are almost positive there was some relationship . Jacob Oyer and Joseph 03^er I would have been in the same generation age wise. A great grandson of Jacob Oyer who lives in Ohio, thinks thc3 r v/ere cousins. Four years later Joseph Oyer II deeded the west 80 acres of his 160 to his father, stepmother, and half brothers and sisters. It seems the east 80 acres must have belonged to the children of the first marriage . Joseph may have acted as an agent for his father and preceded him to the area. This is only a speculation of ours. On September 7,1851, Joseph Oyer II v/as married to a widow named Anna Smith Roth. Michael Mosiman was the officiating minister By a previous marriage, Anna Smith Roth had two children, Fannie and Jacob. Jacob died as a young boy. Fannie Roth grew to womanhood and v/as married to Joseph Gerig. They raised a large family. Joseph Oyer II ' s farm was near a railroad junction known as Farmdale. At one time it hosted a Post Office, store, and several houses. It v/as here that his three sons; Christian, Peter, and John v/ere born He died August 16, 1866. His estate v/as settled on September 15,1866 by public auction. The Crier was Thos. Crep. Widow Oyer sold the farm in 1879 to John Eckhart. Later, the farm came into the Guth family. It is interesting to note that these Guths are descendants of the immigrant Jacob Oyer who filed land with Great Grandfather. While we wish we knew more of this early history, v/e hope these few facts and surmisings will be of interest to each of you. We have found them an inspiration to us. \ +y I ' b •■• ' "-it. \;j '[■■■■ '. , •:■' ■ . ' . ... ' i - . • r . ' ' ' i •/ % I .- •o ■ ■■-■ ••' " • i". • i ' :- ■ ' "• ' ■ ;-. I I.I ■ ! '■•!:' ., • T ' -J • i.f; ( ■ ' • I • . THE FAMILY OF JOSEPH OYER I Wc know very little about Joseph Oyer I. We were told that his fathers" name was John., Joseph Oyer I v/as probably born sometime in the 1780' s. His first wife was an Augsburger and his second wife wa, a Litwiller. We are certain he came to America and lived near Farm- dale. His youngest child was born in Tazewell County. He v/as prob- ably buried in the burying ground that once lay at the north end of his farm. This burning ground has long since been discontinued. Joseph Oyer I was the father of fifteen children. One of these died in infancy. The other fourteen all grew to maturity and marrie; They v/ere as f ollows : l.Magdalena Oyer b. Aug. 31, 1865 d.nar.28,1888. married Peter Farney b. Dec. 1798 d. Dec. 15 ,1874. 2. Catherine Oyer b . Aug . 10 , 1809 d.Nov.15,1897- married John Gcrber b. a.. Oct .15,1856. 3. Anna Oyer b. d.Aug.5,1355. married Peter Ulrich b.July 10 ,1811 d. Feb. 8, 1904, 4- .Joseph Oyer b. 1814 d. Aug .16,1866. married Anna Schmidt Roth b.June 27,1814 d. Jan. 16,1892. 5. John Oyer b. 1818 d. Mar. 12,1872 married Anna Farney b.June 8,1829 d.July 8, 1897 . 6. Peter Oyer b.June 14,1819 d.June 14,1890 married Jacobina Ehresman b. Sept. 19, 1830 d. Jan. 12, 1900. 7. Christian Oyer b. Jan. 9, 1821 d.July 9 1904 married Magdalena Grabill b Jan. 21 ,1835 d. Dec. 22, 1910. 8 Mary Oyer b. 1823 d.Nov.12,1893 married Christian Zehr b. 1812 d.July 12 .,1393. 9 . Barbara Oyer b. Aug. 24 . 1825 d.Oct ..30 . 1881 . married Benjamin Rediger b.Feb.18,1818 d. Mar. 27, 1906. 10. Andrew Oyer b.Feb.28.,1826 d.June 27,1913 married Elisabeth Birkey b. Feb. 23 1828 d. Fob. 26 ',1899- 11 .Elisabeth Oyer b .Feb. 21 , 1829 d. Mar ..21,1896. married Peter Zehr b. Doc. 3 1,1818 d. Apr. 6. ,1886. 12. David Oyer b.May 2.1830 d.July 7,1891. married Susanna Forney b . Jan . 3o , 1834 d.Oct .16,1876. 13. Fannie Oyer b. 1834 d.May 30,1872. married Joseph Rediger b.Mar.2.1826 d. Mar .8,1904. (after his v/ifes ' death he married Anna Farney Oyer, widow of John Oyer.) 14. Phoebe Oyer b. Aug. 1,1838 d.May 23,1929. married Christian Sommer b. 1832 d.July 3,1921 Geneology of Joseph Oyer II Joseph Oyer II, the oldest son of Joseph Oyer I, was born in France in 1814. We don't know the exact time he left his native land but we do know he was in Tazewell County, Illinois by the late 1830' s. Ho may have been among the group V/eber mentions in his 'History of the Mennonites in Illinois.' V/eber mentions a group of young people most of whom were unmarried who arrived at Wesley City in 1831. These were mostly from Alsace and Lorraine V/eber also lists a Joseph Aucr who arrived at Wesley City in 1831. Chances are this was greatgrandfather although as yet we have no definite proof, At one time Joseph Oyer II lived in a brick house that stands along Route 24 west of Sunnyland. His sister Catherine kept house for him for a while, Thoy were both single at this time. His sis- ter Catherine married John Gerber in 1838 and moved to the Creve Coeur a^ea. The Gerber schoolhouse stands on the original Gerber farm. In 1850 at the time of the National Census, Joseph Oyer II lived with his brother $ohn and family. Then in 1851 he married widow Anna Schmidt Roth. Widow Roths' family considered Anna's marriage a good one as Joseph had a house and owned land. Joseph became the father of throe sons, Christian, Peter, and John. He died rather suddenly August 16, 1866 at the age of 52. He is buried in a little cemetery that lies along Route 24-. His grave has no marker. Anna Schmidt Our great grandmother Anna Schmidt Roth Oyer was born in Upper Alsace in 1814. She was the youngest child of Jacob Peter Schmidt. Apparently her father died before the family emigrated. In 1832, she with her mother, 3 brothers and 3 sisters came to America. They first settled in Lancaster County, Pa. The church at that place treated them kindly. Three years later the family moved to Butler County, Ohio. In Butler County, Ohio she married Joseph Roth. By this marriage she had two children; a daughter Fannie and a son Jacob. Her husband died around 1850. In 1851 she v/as married to Joseph Oyer of 111. They lived on a farm near a place called Farmdale. Here she became mother of three more sons; Christian, Peter, and John. Her son Jacob Roth died at an early age. In August 1866 her second husband died, leaving her with three small sons. Christian was 14, Peter 11, and John 8 at the time. She died Jan. 11, 1892 at the home of her son Christian. She was 77 years, 6 months, and 14 days old. Her funeral was held at the Roanoke Mennonite Church in charge of John Smith and Peter Sommers. She is buried in the Roanoke Mennonite Cemetery. Accord- ing to her wishes her grave was left unmarked. ' I « ■ • . - . Li ' The Family of Fannie Roth Gerig Fannie Roth Gerig was born in Ohio, on April 14 .,1846. She came to Illinois as a child. After her fathers' death, her mother married Jos. Oyer .In 1864 she married Joseph Gerig of near Gridley, Illinois. She died Dec„23,1919 near Woodburn, Indiana. Following is a list of the Gerig Children: 1. Katie Gerig b. Feb. 3 , 1865 d. Oct .10,1941 married Christian Becker b. Aug. 1,1869 d. Mar. 10, 1943. 2. Anna Gerig b . Mar . 23 , 1866 d.Mar.26,1872. 3.Hagdalena Gerig b.Oct. 17,1867 d. April 30,1956. married Joel Zimmerman b. Dec. 26, 1862 d. Nov .6, 1940. 4 .Joseph Gerig b.Juno 30,1369 d.May 10,1954-. married Mary Zimmerman b. Jan. 16, 1871 d.Junc 21,1956° 5. Jacob B. Gerig b.Dec u 22,1872 d. married Minnie Rediger b.Ilay 4,1886 6. Peter Gerig b.July 23,1874 married Malinda Zimmerman b.Mar.9,1879 d.Dec .22,1962. 7. Mary Gerig b. Nov. 11, 1876 S.John Gerig b.May 11,1878 d. Dec. 9, 1918. married Lizzie Gerig b. Oct. 17,1882 d. Dec. 25, 1946. 9. Christian Gerig b. Jan. 17, 1880 d. married Mary Ann Litwiller b . Nov . 29 , 1839 d. Jan. 8 , 1948. 10. Lizzie Gerig b.Ilay 20,1881 married Henry Becker b. Jan. 12, 1880 „ 11. Emma Gerig b. Sept .22,1883 d. No v. 1,1959. 12. Benjamin F. Gerig b.Juno 25,1885 married Gesina Jooster b. Jan. 13, 1888 d. Oct .22,1947. then married Mathilda Fannie Litwiller b. Jan. 17, 1898. 13.Lydia Gerig b. Sept .4,1887 d. Oct .15, 1887. Christian Oyor Family Christian O^or, the oldest son of Joseph Oyer and Anna Schmidt Roth was born near Farmdale , May 18, 1852. When he was fourteen, his father died. His mother soon had a closing out sale and dis- banded housekeeping. Christian worked at various places until his marriage to Katherine Zehr, daughter of Rev. Jacob Zehr of Deer Creek, Illinois. He spent his life as a farmer living first in Tazewell County, then near Roanoke, and finally buying a farm north of Fisher, Illinois. After he retired he made his home with his daughter, Anna Unzicker ; in Fisher, He died May 20, 1929. He is buried in the East Bend Ejlennonite Cemetery, I.Christian Oyer b.May 23,1852. d.May 20,1929 at Fisher, Illinois. He was married to Katherine Zehr.b.Apr.2,1858,d.Apr.l4,1921. 1. Jacob Oyer b.May 24,1877 married on Mar. 8, 1900 to Elizabeth Zehr b.0ct23,1877.d. July,l<£2 A.Lester Oyer b.Junc 5 , 1903 married on June 30,1929 to Esther Birkey b. Oct .29,1907- a. Marvin Dian Oyer b. Jan. 7 ,19 30. married on Dec. 25, 1947 to Opal Irene Gabriel b. l.Mary Catherine Oyer ,b. June 6,194-9. (June 21 1929. 2.Vicki Jean Oyer b.Junc 16,1950. 3. Susan Lynne 0;/er b.May 12,1952. 4, Douglas Lee Oyer b. Sept . 26,1953- 5-Roxann Oyer b. Oct .14,1954. B.Harold Oyer b. Feb. 9, 1905 d. Feb. 25, 1961. married on April 27,1930 to Goldie Miller b. Feb. 15, 1908. ordained to the ministry June 28,1931 at Goodfield,Ill. a.Darlene Mae Oyer b. Oct. 1,1931 married on Sept. 1,1952 to Herbert Brooks b Jan. 29, 1932. 1. Brian Scott Brooks b. Sept. 12, 1953- 2. Michael Lee Brooks b.May 29,1955 3. David Bae Brooks b.July 27,1961. 4. Douglas Rao Brooks b.July 27,1961. b. Esther Eileen Oyer b.July 3,1933- married on May 3,1952 to Nelson Yoder b. Dec. 11, 1930. 1. Gregory Lynn Yoder b.Oct .27, 1958. 2. Douglas Kent Yoder b. April 28,1961.. c. Viola Mildred Oyer b.Junc 4,1936. married on Mar. 28,1955 to Billie McClard b.May 11,1934 1-Teri Joann McClard b. Jan. 20, 19 56. 2. Jeffrey Dale McClard b. Dec. 4, 1958. d. Donald Ray Oyer b.Nov.19,1938. married on Mar. 7, 1959 to Martha Rainey b. Dec. 7, 1940. l.Dawn Sue Oyer b.Oct .3, 1959 - 2. Cathy Jo Oyer b.July 1,1961. C.Lucille Oyer b.Oct .13,1907. D.V/ilford Oyer b. Aug. 2,1909. married on Aug. 11, 1936 to Bessie Sutter b. Jan. 24, 1912. a. Lawrence Earl Oyor b. Feb. 20, 1943. married in July, 1961 to Mary Church. E.Willard Oyer b.Aug.2,1909. married on Dec. 22, 1938 to Viola Birkey b. Sept .17,1913. a.iaDonna Fae Oyer b.May 28,1940. married on June 18, 19 59 to Leonard Darling. 1. Leonard Darling b. Aug. 13, 1961. 2.Coleen Darling b.Scpt. 1962. b.Dwane Rac Oyer b. Nov. 7, 194-6. c. Mavis Oyer b.May 9,1951. F.Viola Mildred Oyer b. Mar. 16 ,3.912. d. Dec. 6, 1913. G.Ruth Oyer b. No v. 19 ,1913. H.Ethel Oyer b. Nov. 15, 1916 married on Doc. 25, 194-2 to_Elvin Schlappi b. Dec. 29, 1922. 1. Sharon Jean Schlappi b.July 4-, 194-4- . 2. Steven Roy Schlappi b.June 21,1947* 3. Stanley Ray Schlappi b. Jan. 15, 194-9. 4-. Dennis Dale Schlappi b.Nov.30,1952. 2. Anna Oyer b.July 9,1878 d. Oct .3,194-8 at Fisher, 111. married Jan. 2, 1902 to William Unzickcr b.Jan 12, 1880, d. June 8, A.Ervin Unzicker b. Mar .21,1904 (1963. married Sept. 28, 1930 to Velma Smith b. Aug. 28,1911. a. Pearl Anne Unzicker b. Apr .10,1931. married June 30,194-9 to Roger Lamb. 1. Douglas Faye Lamb b. Feb. 12, 1950. 2. Steven Lamb b. Aug. 25 ,1951. 3. Dale Lamb b. b .Phyllis Jean Unzicker b . Aug . 22 , 1933 • married Jan. 10 ,1955 "to Ervin Eugene Rhodes. 1. Paula Jean Rhodes b.Nov.l, 1955« 2. Randall R.Rhodes b.June 29,1957. _3. Ricky Rhodes b.June 3,1958. c.John Robert Unzicker b. Sept .9,1934- marricd Sept .7 , 1954- "to V/ilma Reed 1. Beverly Ann Unzicker b.Mar.10,1955 2. Donald Ervin Unzicker b.June 1,1956. 3. Cheryl Edna Unzicker b.Jan. 18, 1958. 4. Robert Ryan Unzicker b.May 28,1959. 5. Rose Ellen Unzicker b.Nov.26,1960. 6 Joan Louise Unzicker b.June 13,1962. d. Carol Lee Unzicker b.Oct .20,L935- married April 10,1955 to Harry Marvin VanCamp I.Edward Lee VanCamp b.Aug.16,1957 2 Robert Allen VanCamp b.Nov.l, 1959 e. Patricia Mae Unzicker b. Mar .11,1937 married June 17,1956 to Donald Eugene Zeck I.Thomas Lawrence Zeck b. Nov. 9, 1958 2. Linda Belle Zeck b.May 11,1960 f.Darrell Thomas Unzicker b.Mar. 29, 194-0 married Aug. 18, 1956 to Shirley Ann Martin. I.Daniel Thomas Unzicker b. Mar. 21, 1957 2. David Eugene Unzicker b. Aug. 31, 1958 5* William Lee Unzicker b. Jan. 20, I960 4. Teresa Marie Unzicker b.Nov.30,1961 g.Dale Unzicker b. March 12,1944- d. April 194-8. B.Esther Unzicker b. Aug. 18, 1906 C.Clara Unzicker b, Feb. 6, 1909 married to Elmer Springer bo June 29,1906. a. Frederick Springer b. Sept .5, 1932 married May 25,1957 to V/ilma Marie Kaufman 1. Anita Marie Springer b.June 25,1960 2. Timothy Frederick b. March 27,1962 b. Theodore \/illiam Springer b .Jan. 12, 1950 D.Alvin James Unzicker b.May 24-, 1913 married Oct. 16, 1939 to Emma Zohr b. Feb. 13,1913 a . Nancy Unzicker b . Aug . 4- , 194-0 married to Clyde Ingold. :. !'' : . ' • ; !"i ! ■ . .••■ .. .. . ' ;.'» 1. Kenneth Eugene Ingold b. Aug. 5 > i960 2. Kay Elaine "Infold b. Jan. 9, 1963 b. James Alvin Unzicker b. Aug. 11. 194-3 c.John Unzicker b. Dec. 24-, 19-4-5 d.Mark Unzicker b.May 24,1951 E.Elmer Manuel Unzicker b.Nov.16,1911 d. Doc. 9, 1911 F.Orcs Unzicker b. Aug. 11, 19 16 married June 28,1940 to Margaret Zelir b. Feb. 6, 1917 a. Norma Jean Unzicker b. Dec .23,1943 b.Ores Dean Unzicker b . Jan . 26 , 194-9 G.Dorothy Unzicker b. Jan. 24, 1919 H.Ellis Unzicker b.May 30,1921 married Mar. 20, 1943 to Mildred Jacoby b.Mar. 21,1921 a. David Unzicker b.June 6,1944 b. Janet Unzicker b. Oct .17-1949 c.Juanita Unzicker b. Apr. 27, 1932 3. Joseph Oyer b.Mar .29,1380 d.July 10,1963 married Nov. 25,1909 to Bertha Zimmerman b. Oct .25,1889 d. Oct. 14 A. Walter Oyer, b. April 25,1910 (1952. married Mar. 31, 1931 to Elizabeth Yoder b.Fcb.20,1909 d.Mar. a. Richard Dale Oyer b.June 29,1931 (5,1941 married to Margaret Yoder b. Marilyn Oyer b.Aug.10,1933 married Sept. 9, 1961 to Lester C.Miller Jr. 1. David Lester Miller b.July 18,1962 c.Uilma Jean Oyer b. Jan. 21, 1937 married Sept. 14, 1957 to Virgil Cray 1. Steven Ryan Cray b.June 19,1958 2.Julene Elizabeth Cray b.Feb.7,1961 d. Ellen Rose Oyer b.Mar. 5, 1944 d.Nov. 1944 Second marriage Dec. 4, 1945 toFreda Touschor b.July 18,19o9. e. Linda Oyer b. Nov. 21 1947 f .Ronald Oyer b. Nov. 30, 1951 g. Donald Oyer b.Nov.30,1951 d.Nov. 30 .,1951 B.Earl R. Oyer b.Sept .2, 1911 d. Oct .28,1932 C. Elmer Joseph Oyer b.May 20,1914 married June 19,1938 to Ida Yoder b. Feb. 20, 1914 a.Darrcll Oyer b. Jan. 12,1941 b.Gary Oyer b. Aug. 21, 1945 c.Norman Oyer b. Jan. 11, 1951 D. Leslie Oyer b.Sept . 11,1917 married Feb. 25,1941 to Ruth Hciser b.Nov.30,1917 a. Carolyn Oyer b. April 12,1943 b. Nancy Oyer b.May 13,1946 c.Kathy Oyer b.Mar. 18,1952 d.Kandy Oyer b.Mar. 18, 1952 E.Ruth Oyer b.Mar. 16, 1920 married June 1,1946 to Raymond Birkey b.May 21,1917 a. Sharon Joy Birkey b. Dec. 4, 1947 b. Larry Joe Birkey b.Mar. 10, 1951 F.Ruby Oyer b. Mar. 16, 1920 married Feb. 14, 1946 to Harlan Birkey b. Oct. 4, 1918 a. Joy Marie Birkey b. Aug. 7, 1948 b.Joe Allen Birkey b.Sept .24,1952 G.Dorothy Oyer b. Feb. 8, 1923 H.Dora Oyer b. Feb. 8, 1923 d.Juno 24,1960 married Sept. 13, 1948 to Mervin Sutter b.Mar. 14, 1924 a. Karen Kay Sutter b. Nov. 27, 1949 b. Patricia Lea Sutter b. Dec. 20, 1950 c.Michael Joe Sutter b.May 10,1952 , i [ " . ; , I.Darlcne Oyer b Sept. 2, 1925 d. Dec. 22, 1925 J.Lylc Richard Oyer b.July 14,1928 d.Aug. 1,1928 K. Merle Oyer b. April 18,1930 4. Peter Oyer b Jan. 4 ,1882 married Jan. 5, 1909 to Ada Sann b.Mar.22,1891 A.Arthur Oyer b. Mar. 24, 1910 married Jan. 24, 194-3 to Fern Builta B. Margaret Oyer b. Sept .7,1912 married July 17,1941 to Clarence J. Mosiraan a. Margaret Diane Mosiman b„ April 20,1942 b JoAnn ilosirnan b.Aug. 19,1945 C.Dr. Russell Oyer b. Sept .27,1920 married June 30,1944 to Lora Schultz a. Frederick Schultz Oyer b . No v . 14 , 1946 b. Rodney Allen Oyer b. Nov ,i4, 1949 c.Jocl Thomas Oyer b. April 7,1953 5. Elizabeth Oyer B.Dec. 11, 1883 S.F^b.6,1929 married Joseph Birkey b.Nov. 11 ; 1880 on Dec, 17, 1903 A. Chester Birkey b. Nov. 11, 1907 married to Elizabeth Nuehauser Nov. 1, 1951 b. Feb. 28 1913 B.Lorene Birkey b.Oct. 1909, d. Dec. 4, 1957 married Nov. 21, 1934 to John Jackson b.June 6, 1903d. May 8 a. John Jackson b. Jan.l6,1936d.Jan,26,l936 (1963 b.Mary Jackson b.Mar.24,1937 c.Joan Jackson b.Nov. 25,L938 d. Betty Jackson b.May 21,1941 e.Sheryl Jackson b.May 12,194 5 f. Ralph Jackson b.July 1,1948 C.Roy Birkey Dec. 11,1911 married Sept. 1,1951 to Gladys Birkey b.July 7,1920 a. Nancy Birkey b. Sept. 10, 1952 D.Melvin Birkey b.Mar.22,1914 married to Mary Johns Oct. 21, 1939 b. a. Beth Ann Birkey b.May 20,1945 married Mar. 23,1963 to Joe Hochstetlcr b.John Douglas Birkey b.Nov. 23, 1948 c.Jane Louise Birkey b.Aug. 28, 1951 E.N^-va Birkey b. Jan.7, j.916 married June 12,1941 to John Yordy b.Jan 13,1913 a. John David Yordy b.Scpt .17, 1942 b. Wilms Yordy b.Nov. 30, 1943 c. Wallace Yordy b.Apr.30,1945 d.Carl Yordy b.Nov. 11, 1946 F.Edna Birkey b.Aug. 11,1918 married Oct. 3,1938 to Melvin Stahl b.Apr.15,1918 a. Margaret Stahl b.May 27,1939 married Oct. 20,1956 to Nelson Gage l.Kathy Gage b.Fob. 1,1960 2. Karen Ann Gage b.Nov. 3,1961 b.Lylo Stahl b. Feb. 19, 1941 married June 8,1963 to Betty c.Marlcne Stahl b.Aug. 29, 1943 (Gage b. Dec .7,1944) married Jan. 1961 to Alvin Schwiderson 1. David Alvin Schwiderson Aug. 36, 1961 2. Dale Allen Schwiderson b.Jan.4,1%3 d. Marilyn Stahl b.Apr.15,1946 '. ' ■ ' ft K .' ■ ' • 1 ■ 6. Samuel Oyer b. May 7, 1836 married Nov. 5,1913 to Elmira Naffziger b. Feb. 1?, 1888 A.Vilas John Oyer b. Oct. 3, 1917 married Oct. 4-, 1944- to Viola Stauffcr b. Nov. 3, 1919 a. Jerry S. Oyer b . Jan . 28 , 194-6 b.Anna Marie Oyer b.Oct. 16, 1949 c. H c len Mae Oyer b.July 20,1952 d. Kenneth R. Oyer b. April 23,1955 B.Verle Christian Oyer b. Sept. 8,1920 married Aug. 29, 194-5 to Margaret Birkey b.Scpt .19,1924- a. Verio Curtis Oyer b. Sept. 7, 1951 b.Vera Christine Oyer b. Sept 6,195^ c.Vance Gordon Oyer b. Dec. 20, 1958 C.Leta Marie Oyer b.July 6, 1926 married Sept 4, 1952 to John Eichelbergor b. Apr .4-, 1927 a. Douglas John Eichelbergor b.July 16,1956 b. Cynthia Marie Eichelbergor b.Oct .14-, 1958 7. Manuel Oyer b. Mar 19, 1888 married Oct. 2, 1913 to Elizabeth Baccher b. Nov. 17, 1891 A.Elsie K. Oyer b.Sept 25, 1914- B. Bessie Oyer b. Feb. 17, 1917 C.Mary Oyer b.Feb.27,1919 8. Lena Oyer b.Jan. 29, 1890 d.Apr 3, 1950 married Jan. 31,1907 to John Birkey b.Mar.15,1882 A.Edv/ard Birkey b.Aug, 3, 1908 married to Ruth Yoder Feb 14-, 1932 b.July 26,1908 Ordained to the ministry in 194-2 at Manson Iowa a. Dale Birkey b.Sept .26,1934- married July 24, 1959 to Mary Jean Iloline 1 . Barbara Le c Birkey b . Dc c . 12 , I960 b. Doris Birkey b.Sept .26, 1934- c.John Birkey b.Oct .31,1937 married Aug. 1,1959 to Dolores Johnson l.John Edi/ard Birkey b.May 30,1960 2. Cheryl Ann Birkey b. Dec. 1,1961 d. Norman Birkey b . Jan . 19 , 1944 B.Simon Birkey b.Mar . 24-, 1910 married June 25 .,1933 to Erma Donner b. Nov. 12, 1913 a. Earl Birkey b.Sept .17, 1934- marricd Nov. 26, 1954- to Marlys Peterson 1. Connie Jean Birkey b. Aug. 27, 1955 2. Colleen Kay Birkey b. Sept .27, 1959 3. Clayton Eugene Birkey b.Jan. 6,1961 b . Donald Birkey b . Mar 2 , 1937 married Feb. 1,1959 to Kathleen George l.Jay Allen Birkey b.Sept .24-, 1959 2. David Log Birkey b.D^c .12 , I960 c.Marvin Birkey b. Aug. 12,1948 d. Jerry Lyn Birke^ b.Fob.5,1952 C. Clarence Birkey b.Mar. 1,1912 married May 12,194-4- to Vclma Hciser b.Sept .28,1915 a . Ma7Tiard Roy Birkey b . Nov . 4 , 1949 b.Charlcne Birkey b. Aug. 24, 1955 c.Dennis Jay Birkey b. Aug. 6, 1955 d.Mark Lee Birkey b.June 20,1953 D.Alvina Birkey b.Sept. 1913 E/Katherinc Birkey b.June 27,1915 d. Aug. 9, 1916 F. Pearl Birkey b. Feb. 23 , 1917 married Doe.?6.19 c >R tn Marvin (Vi-rho-r •. ■ :•;.[ . . •' ' ,. .., .. . ■ \:\'-' ■ , • ..I i •-, r. ! :■ -i. . • . i i. •. ■ ! ■ " I ■ ' ' i ! I A1 G. Elsie Birkey b. Doc. 15, 1918 married Aug. 31, 1944- to Ralph Yodor b. Nov. 27 » 1911 a. James Yodcr b. Sept. 25, 194-5 b.Mary Ann Yoder b. May 11, 194-7 c.Derrill Jay Yodor b.Mar* 26, 1950 d. Daniel Ralph Yoder b. Dec. 9, 1952 e.Marlenc Kay Yodcr b.Aug.30,1954- f. Kevin Eugene Yoder b. Oct .12,1962 H.Orville Dale Birkey b. Sept .19,1920 d. Sept .19,1920 I.John C. Birkoy b.Mar. 26,1922 married June 1,194-5 to Carol Garbor b. Nov. 29, 1923 a. Roger Lee Birkoy b.June 1,194-7 d.Junc 1,194-7 b. Robert Melvin Birkey b.June 1,194-7 c.Calvin Roy Birkoy b.July 20,1950 d.Juanita Carol Birkoy b. Dec. 30, 1954- e. David Lee Birkoy b.Apr. 20,1957 J.Anna Mae Birkoy b.May 21,1923 married Aug. 12, 194-6 to Jay Showalter b.Mar .11,1923 a. Martha Sue Showalter b . Nov . 27 , 194-3 b. Rebecca Lyn Showalter b. Sept .27,1950 K.Elmer Birkoy b.Fob.24-,1925 married Nov. 15, 194-6 to Hazel Swart zendrub or b.May 17^-927 a. Shirley Mac Birkey b . Apr . 30 , 194-8 b. Larry Dean Birkoy b.Sept .26,1951 c.Sandra Kay Birkoy b. Dec. 29, 1957 L.Pauline Birkey b.June 9,1926 married July 14- , 1961 to Delbcrt Kingcry M.Samuel Birkey b. Oct .11,1927 married Mar. 18, 194-9 to Rozetta Shearer b.July 31,1927 a.Katherino Marie Birkoy b.June 2,1950 b. Samuel Dale Birkoy b.Apr. 20, 1952 c.Judith Elaine Birkey b.Oct .10,1954- d. Dorothy Ellen Birkey b.Mar. 7, 1958 c. Janice Rose Birkey b. Jan. 12 ,1960 f.Paul David Birkey b.June 27,1961 N.Jacob Birkey b. Dec. 14-, 1929 married Aug. 13, 1954- to Lois Snyder b. Aug. 1,1934- a. Love 11 Melvin Birkoy b.Oct .24-, 1955 b.Marlin Keith Birkey b. Jan. 26, 1957 c.Dellis Ivnn Birkey b. Dec .12, 1959 O.Joseph Birkey b. Dec .31,1930 married June 7,1951 to Virginia Bute b. Nov. 24- .,1929 a. Timothy Allen Birkey b.Mar. 6, 1952 d. Mar. 6, 1952 b. Suzanne Louise Birkey b.3?eb.5, 1953 c. Donna Jean Birkey b. Feb. 20, 1954- d. Joe lien Rose Birkey b.July 50,1956 9.Katherinc Oyer b. Fob. 66, 1892 married Mar. 1,1910 to Levi Birkey b . Mar . 7 , 1884- d. Sept. 7, A.Raymond Ellsvorth Birkey b.Mar .20,1911 (1951 married Aug. 18, 1939 to Lola Zchr b.June 14-, 1916 a. David Jay Birkey b. June 5,194-0 married Aug. 18, 1962 to Rose Marie Drudge b. Virginia Birkey b.July 11,194-1 married Sept. 2, 1961 to Roman Ray Gingerich 1. Ricky Ray Gingerich b.July 14-, 1962 c.Luanne Birkey b . Nov . 14- , 194-4- d.Kay Birkey b.May 5,194-6 c.Rita Jo Birkey b.July 31,194-8 f. Connie Birkey b.July 28,1953 r . ■ B.June Birkcy b.July 28,1915 married Nov. 19, 1950 to Antbony Stormzand b. Jan. 12, 1891 a. John Stormzand b.May 9,1952 (d.Dec. 1,1960) C.Ralph Birkcy b.May 27 > 1917 married May 25,194-5 to Mary Schrock b.May 23,1922 Ordained to the ministry in 1950 in Michigan a. Esther Birkey b. Sept. 17,194-6 b. Eleanor Birkey b. Scot. 3, 194-9 c .Carolyn Birkcy b. Mar. 17, 1951 d.Arlenc Birkey b.Mar.8,L954 F.Velma Birkey b.June 14,1920 married Aug . 17 , 1940 to Lowell Birkcy b. Dec. 21, 1917 a. Merle Birkey b.July 21,1941 married Nov. 24, 1962 to Gerry Sousloy b. Wayne Richard Birkey b.June 24,1942 married June 24,1962 to Shirley Arlcne Miller c.Rosclyn Birkcy b.May 11,1944 d. Ret ha Mao Birkey b. Feb. 16, 1949 e . Gcvcva Birkey b . May 31 , 1953 f.Levon Birkey b. Feb. 21, 1957 D.Elwood Birkey b.May 31,1919 d.May31,1919 E.Ellis Birkey b.May 31 -,1919 d. Feb. 10, 1920 G. Infant Girl Birkey b.June 13,1927 d.Junc 13,1927 10. Elsie Oyer b Jan. 23, 1894 11. John Oyer b.June 7,1896 d. Oct. 4, 1934 married to Mary Springer A.Wilmcr Oyer b. Sept .26,1922 married Feb. 15, 1944 to Marie Birkcy b.July 20,1920 a.Michol Oyer b. Dec. 11, 1946 b. Jean Oyer b . Apr . 25 , 1949 c Craig Oyer b. Aug. 4, 19 52 d. Kevin Oyer b. Sept .14,1954 B.Darlene Oyer C.Virginia Oyer D.Lyle Oyer E. Infant Boy 12. Clara Luella Oyer b. Aug 14,1898 d.Aug.14,1898 Peter Oyer Peter Oyer, second son of Joseph Oyer and Anna Schmidt Roth was born near Farmdale, Tazewell County, Illinois Nov. 6, 1854. Peter never married. He did much carpenter work and some farming. Where ever we go people who knew him refer to him as 'Little Pete' This was to identify him from several other men who had the same name. Uncle Pete died at the Eureka Home for the Aged on Nov. 21, 1931. He is buried in the Roanoke Mcnnonite Cemetry. II. Peter Oyer b.Nov. 6. 1854 d. Nov. 21, 1951 t "'- -.:-■ .'• -- 1 • - ' . * ' . • c ■ John Oyer John Oyer, third and youngest son of Joseph Oyer and Anna Schmidt ±7oth, was born near Farmdalc , Tazev/ell County , Illinois on Feb o 27, 1859 He married Mary Smith at Meadows where they lived several years. They then moved to Woodford County where they lived until 1921 when they moved to Michigan. In 1955. he and his wife celebrated their 75th wedding anniversary. He died Aug. 19, 1957 just a half year shy of his one hundredth birthday. III. John Oyer b.Feb.27,18 r ^8 d. Aug. 19, 1957 Married Jan. 15,1380 to Mary Smith b. Dec. 51, 1861 d.May 27,1955 I.Ed H.Oycr b.Mar.2,1881 married Nov. 29,1908 to Ellen Smith b.June 15,1880 Ordained in 1920. A.Ethel Oyer b.July 8,1908 married Sept. 10, 1932 to Samuel Yoder a. Phyllis Ellen Yoder married June 14,1952 to Carl J. Yoder b. Elaine Sue Yoder B.Thelma Oyer b. Oct .12,1910 married Aug . 3 , 19^-6 to Lloyd Noe a . Randa 1 1 Lo e No e b. Judith Ellen Noe C.Pauline Oyer b. April 26,1914 D. Harold Oj^er b. Dec. 1,1920 married Dec. 24 ,1942 to Esther Hartzler a. Phi Hip Edward Oyer b. Michael William Oyrr c.Cynthia Kay Oyer 2. Daniel S. Oyer b. Dec. 5, 3)832 d.Scpt .15,1954 married Frances R.Zook on Aug. 5,1909 A.Lois Oyer married Carl E. Y'oder Second marriage tm Aug. 19,1929 to Phoebe A. Zook b. Jan. 22, 1895 d.Oct .1,1961 B.John Paul Oyer b. 1950. Ordained minister 1956. married Ethel Jennings a. Phi Hip Daniel Oyer b. Jan. 16, 1956 b. Stanley Joe Oyer b. April 26,1958 c.Gary Lee Oyer b. Dec .26,1960 Daniel Oyer was ordained deacon May 28,1923 and ordained bishop on October 4., 1942 3.Lydia Oyer b. Oct. 9, 1884 4. Emma Oyer b. Aug. 6, 1886 d.May 10,1951 5. Amos Oyer b.June 11,1889 d.May 30,1890 6. Noah Oyer b.Apii 1,1891 d. Feb. 25, 1931 married Aug. 9,1915 to Siddie King b „ Oct . 30, 1884 d. March 7, Ordained minister September 30,1923. (1963 A.Vcrna Irene Oyer b.June 20,1920 B.Mary Katherine Oyer b. April 5,1923 C.John Stanley Oyer b.Jan.5,1925 married July 3,194-9 to Carol Joyce Schcrtz b. Dec. 31 d.925 ■ ■ - " • '' a. Rebecca Sc hertz Oyer b. March 26 ,,1955 b.Kathryn Ann Oyer b.Scpt .22,1954 c. Sarah Elizabeth Oyer b.July 2,1957 d. Timothy James Oyer b. Sept .12.1962 7. Arthur Oyer b. Aug. 26, 189 3 d.Oct .2,1894 8. Elmer Jesse Oyer b. March 5,1896 married to Dora Springer b.Scpt. 12, 1904 A.Sanford Oyer b. Aug ^2, 1925 married to Virginia Baker Ordained to the ministry in 1954. a. Sharon Lee Oyer b. Feb. 18, 1951 b.Jerold Allen Oyer b. Nov. 1,1953 c.Marlin Grant Oyer b. Nov. 2, 1957 d. Debbie Oyer b. Nov. 11, 1959 B.Melvin Oyer b. Sept .11,1926 married to Ruth Grieser a. Scott Oyer b.Feb. 3,1956 b. Julie Kay Oyer b. Dec .16,1960 C.Franklin Oyer b. Mar. 18,1929 married to Joyce Cender b. Nov. 13, 1929 a. Steven Lee Oyer b. Aug. 25,1951 b. Stanley Dale Oyer b. Oct. 2, 1953 D. Donna Rae Oyer b. Dec .21,1932 married to Donald Cripe a. Linda Sue Cripe b.Sept .1,1958 b.Lori Cripe b.May 12 ., 1961 E.Wesley Oyer b.July 1,1935 married to Virginia Schaer b.Feb. 9, 1940 F.John Wallace Oyer b. Nov. 9, 1940 G.Janet Oyer b.May 20,1944 H.Robert L. Oyer b.Sept .20,1946 9. Edna Mae Oyer b. April 25,1898 married on April 3^1962, to Joel Bachman 10 . Jesse Oyer b.May 31,1901 d. Nov. 30,1901 11 .Esther Ruth Oyer b. March 18,1903 married Aug. 23, 1942 to Cyril Eugene Smith 5 ! • • ' !'{<<>.{• :.,i v v • • ■ . : • • • ■ ■;•-.. ' ' ■■.-..■ ; ■■ '. ■ : - - - ■. ■ • . && ' • ^ ; . 1 ; : ! ;; - '■■ ;••' • ■ • , \. ■ ■ ■ ■ . ■ ''-:' v'Ll a? •-•..-■ ' ' '■ •■ ; ' ; ' • .■; ■ ■•• •■ - . ._ • j . ■ ' - - . ' ' ' ; : ■ ; -<• • •. ■ I ' . » . . '. . . . f. J . '••■*• '• 1 . * j '"•' : . ■■■ ■ . ■ : : :• ' • "i.- L .' r ; V.,', ... ■: United States of America to Joseph Our Preemption Certificate No. 19020 The United To U.S. Patent 1T0. 1325 Filed for record Sept. 4th A. Do 1879 at 4:30 P.M. oclock States of America all to whom these presents shall come 'Greeting „ ! Whereas Joseph. Our of Tazuwoll County Illinois has deposited in the General land office of the United States, a certificate of the Register, at the land office at Springfield .whereby it appears that full payment has been made by the said Joseph Our, ace >rd:aig to the provision of the Act of Congress of the 24th of April; 1820, entitled an act, making further provision for the sale of the Public lands for the North West Quarter of Section Thirty in Township tv/onty six North of Range three west of the third principal meridian in the district of the lands subject to sale at Springfield Illinois containing one hundred and fifty four and fifty fiv^ hundredths of an acre according to the official plat of the survey of the said lands returned to the Goncral Land Office by the surveyor general which said tract haz been purchased by the said Joseph Our. Nov; know ye that the United States of America in consideration of the premises and in conformity with the several acts of Congress in such case made and provided have given and granted and b^ these presents do give and grant unto the said Joseph Our and to his heirs the said tract above described to have and to hold the same together with all the rights, privileges, immunities, and appurtenances of whatsoever nature thereunto belonging unto the said Joseph Our and to his heirs and assigns forever. £Soal of the * I General land % I Office of the* ^United States* * * * * # £ * >',- ■■:- * * * * •.'.- * •.;: £ $ * * :|; % s*: ;;: v $ :\' ;J; :',: * :;: :;. > r :\: * :,: * * $ * * * * ■:,. *#-,** •;: :;.- v =;-. « * * * # * In testimony whereof I, John Tyler, Presi- dent of the United States of America have caused those letters to be made patent and the seal of the General Land Office to be hereunto affixed. Given under my hand at the cit3 T of Washington the twentieth, day of May in the year of our j_iord one thousand eight hundred and forty one end of the Independence of the United States the sixty fifth. By the President John Tyler by B. Tyler sec 'y Recorded Vol. 38 Page 312 J. Williamson, Recorder of the General Land Office ■ • * • « I ■ - '.'■<' ' ■ \ :" J 'I ..'.-. ... - • ■ '■■ ,- Land Transaction Between Joseph Oyer I and Joseph Oyer II Joseph Our Jr. to Joseph Our or. 4985 Deed No. 5257 Recorded Aug. 30, 1842 This indenture made this 24-th day of Sept., in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred forty two, between Joseph Our Jr. of Tazewell County, 111. of the first part, and Joseph Our Sen. and Motalina his wife, and Barbara Our and Andrew Our and Elizabeth Our and David Our and Fanny Our and Jacobin Our of Tazewell County Of the second part, witnesseth that the said party of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of seventy two dollars and seventy two cents paid by the said party of the second part. The receipt of which is hereby acknowledged do by these presents grant bargain and sell unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, a certain Tract of Land situated in Tazev/ell Co. 111. The v/est half of Northwest Quarter of Section $0 on Township 26 North of Range 3 west of the 3rd principal Meridian containing seventy seven acres and seventy two hundredths of an acre. Together with all and singular the hereditaments and appurt- enances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining. To have and to hold the said premises as above described with appurtD nances unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns forever. And the said party of the first part for themselves, and their heirs, executors and administrators does covenant to and with the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns that are well seized of the premises above conve3red as of a good and indefoasable estate in fee simple and convey the same premises in the quiet of the said party of the second part, the claims of all persons whomsoever, defend. The conditions of this Deed is such have good right to sell and and peaceable possession his heirs or assigns, against will forever warrant and wife ire Our Sr. and Motalina Our hi able possession of the above described natural lifetime and then Barbara Our, Elizabeth Our, Fanny Our, and Jacobin Our, their to have the above described premises forever. In Testimony whereof the said Joseph Our Jun. his hand and seal the day and year first written Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of that the above Joseph to have quiet and poace- premiscs during their Andrew Our, David Our, children, are has hereunto above . set Jacob Kern David Kern Joseph Our Jun. (Seal) State of Illinois Tazewell County I Jacob Kern, a Justice of the Peace in and for said County do certify that Joseph Our Jun. whose name appears signed to the foregoing de^d of conveyance and who is personally known to me to be the identical person whose name is subscribed to said deed as having executed the same as his voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein expressed. Given under my hand and seal at Washington, 111. this 24th day of September, 1842. Jacob Kern, J. P. (Seal) ' , "; ': First joys of hogs 4had Second joys of hogs 4 had Third joys of hogs 3 had a black cow white cow sprackled cow black heifer blind mare brown horse 3 yr old colt grey horse black mare Fan Mill straw cotter shovel plow shovel plow breaking plow a dopple tree a wagon 3 old wheels a fork a stack of hay a stack of hay a stack of oats a stack of oats a stack of wheat a stack of wheat a stack of wheat a peace of corn a peace of corn a peace of corn a peace of corn a peace of corn a lot of Apples a plow 2 single tree 1 neck yok a breaking plow a plow a ax a crind stone a log chaine a shovel a pick a hoe a gropping hoe a hammer a cross cott saw a lot old iron a sithe a sithe a cradle 2 corn cotters a lot of tolew Sale Bill Philipp Esterly ft 11.00 Benjamin Rediger 51.00 Andrew Salzman 31.50 Joseph Schrock 27.00 Joseph Schrock 4-5.90 Philip Esterly 45.50 Andrew Salzman 23.75 George Sist 12.00 Thomas Grass 90.00 Peter Neuhouser 100.00 Alex Birky 111.00 Joseph Schrock 71.00 Cartis Opper 7.50 Nix Rothes 5.70 John Hofhouer 2.00 Joseph Yirk 1.00 Alex Birkey 8.75 Andrew Rothes 1.00 John Grim 15.50 John Spring 2.00 Robert Kopp 1.60 Jacob Brucker 20.50 Joseph Risser 6.25 George List 11.25 George List 27.00 Ben Rediger 70.00 Ben Rediger 34.00 George List 3.70 Alex Birkey 44.40 Henry Schmolberger 12.50 William Ulrick 12.00 John Carkly 22.75 John Carkly 1.75 Joseph Yerk 2.75 Peter Newhauser 1.00 Joseph Yerk .80 George Zehers 1.40 Joe Rediger 1.00 Peter Rothes .40 John Hess .95 Henry V/ittmer 1.50 Jos. Schrock 3.05 Peter Ely .20 Ben Rediger .25 Jos. Schrock .05 Wnw Ulrich .75 Peter Neuhauser .50 T.V. Pinkham 4.25 Andrew Salzman .40 Jos. Schrock .30 Henry Crist .55 John Carkil • 25 H. Schraollberger .10 Henry Vitman 1.10 • 3 1% ■;. ■ 0-, i • * • ' ••■ ; ■ v a saw 5 iron wages a saw & hoe 2 bridle bits a wash board a sash 2 chairs 2 chairs 2 chairs a 1 a carry comb rolling pin lot sondris a set of harness a lot old iron a lot lumber a lot iron 1 a shaving horse bed sted a bed sted a lot bbls a lot bbls a lot of molasses a lot of molasses table cupboards a bed stead a a 4 cooking stove dipper benches 3 chairs 1 bee hive Adam Birky « .65 John Hofouer 1.50 Jos. Schrock .25 George List 1.20 Carles Opper .60 Philip Esterly .25 Nix Rot he .60 Jos. Yerk .25 T. Hess .55 T. Adam Birkey .70 i/m. Lanikas .10 Jos. Schrock .25 Cartis Opper 0.70 Robt . Kopp 5.55 Peter Ely 2.50 Jos. Schrock 1.55 Henr;^ Witinan .10 Jos. Yerk .10 Jos. Yerk .10 John Spring .25 J. Sclusman .25 Wm. Ulrick 2.10 Carlis Opper .30 J. Rosenthal .30 J. Sclusman .80 Jos. Yerk 1.15 John Grim 3.00 John Grim .35 John Grim .20 Peter Newhauser .15 Alex Birkey .50 Total 1035.80 We do hereby certify that the above sale bill in the Estate of Joseph Oyer deceased, is true and correct. Given under our hand this 15th day of Sept. 1866. John Gable , clerk Thos. Crep, (6rier) • • '■;<■" -..-.-•-- - f - : ■ ■ • < - ■ • ;• ■ ' ' ' . ; 7200-SI5 P*-3t C /WHMttm®' »ai. no. 3.i«i j:> UNIVERSITY OF ILLIMOIS-URBAMA