GvtcP <,juuuvtn 11 STATE OF ILLINOIS DWIGHT H. GREEN, Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION FRANK G. THOMPSON, Director DIVISION OF THE STATE GEOLOGICAL M. M. LEIGHTON. Chief URBANA SURVEY REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS — No. 97 CORALS FROM THE CHOUTEAU AND RELATED FORMATIONS OF THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY REGION BY 013 William H. Easton PRINTED BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS URBANA, ILLINOIS 1944 FRANK J. BELL GEOLOGIST CARBONDALE, ILL. 5iV .o*- STATE OF ILLINOIS DWIGHT H. GREEN, Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION FRANK G. THOMPSON, Director DIVISION OF THE STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY M. M. LEIGHTON, Chief URBANA REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS — No. 97 CORALS FROM THE CHOUTEAU AND RELATED FORMATIONS OF THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY REGION William H. Easton PRINTED BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS y .S" URBANA, ILLINOIS <%^^ Ok ^ ♦ 19 4 4 % S^"^ y' ORGANIZATION STATE OF ILLINOIS HON. DWIGHT H. GREEN, Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION HON. FRANK G. THOMPSON. Director BOARD OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND CONSERVATION HON. FRANK G. THOMPSON, Chairman EDSON S. BASTIN, Ph.D., D.Sc, Geology ROGER ADAMS, Ph.D., D.Sc, Chemistry LOUIS R. HOWSON, C.E., Engineering WILLIAM TRELEASE, D.Sc. LL.D., Biology EZRA JACOB KRAUS, Ph.D., D.Sc, Forestry ARTHUR CUTTS WILLARD. D.Engr.. LL.D. President of the University of Illinois GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DIVISION M. M. LEIGHTON, Chief SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL STAFF OF THE STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DIVISION 100 Natural Resources Building, Vrbana M. M. LEIGHTON, Ph.D., Chief Enid Townley, M.S., Assistant to the Chief Velda a. Millard, Junior Assistant to the Chief Helen E. McMorris, Secretary to the Chief Betty J. Westerbeek, Geological Assistant GEOLOGICAL RESOURCES Coal G. H. Cady, Ph.D., Senior Geologist and Head L. C. McCabe, Ph.D., Geologist (on leave) R. J. Helfinstine, M.S., Assoc. Mech. Eng. Charles C. Boley, M.S., Assoc. Mining Eng. Heinz A. Lowenstam, Ph.D., Assoc. Geologist Bryan Parks, M.S., Asst. Geologist Earle F. Taylor, M.S., Asst. Geologist (on leave) Ralph F. Strete, A.M., Asst. Geologist M. W. PuLLEN, Jr., M.S., Asst. Geologist Robert M. Kosanke, M.A., Asst. Geologist Robert Ellingwood, B.S., Asst. Geologist George M. Wilson, B.S., Asst. Geologist Arnold Eddings, B.A., Research Assistant (on leave) Henry L. Smith, A.B., Research Assistant Raymond Siever, B.S., Research Assistant John A. Harrison, B.S., Research Assistant (on leave) Mary E, Barnes, B.S., Research Assistant Virginia Kremers, B.S., Research Assistant Margaret Parker, B.S., Research Assistant Industrial Minerals J. E. Lamar, B.S., Geologist and Head H. B. WiLLMAN, Ph.D., Assoc. Geologist Robert M. Grogan, Ph.D., Associate Geologist Robert R. Reynolds, M.S., Asst. Geologist Margaret Copeland, A.B., Research Assistant Oil and Gas A. H. Bell, Ph.D., Geologist and Head Carl A. Bays, Ph.D., Geologist and Engineer Frederick Squires, B.S., Petroleum Engineer Stewart Folk, M.S., Assoc. Geologist William H. Easton, Ph.D., Assoc Geologist Ernest P. DuBois, Ph.D., Asst. Geologist Paul G. Luckhardt, M.S., Asst. Geologist (on leave) Wayne F. Meents, Asst. Geologist James S. Yolton, M.S., Asst. Geologist Margaret Sands, B.S., Research Assistant Robert F. Smith, A.B., Research Assistant Areal and Engineering Geology George E. Ekblaw, Ph.D., Geologist and Head Richard F. Fisher, M.S., Asst. Geologist Subsurface Geology L. E. Workman, M.S., Geologist and Head Carl A. Bays, Ph.D., Geologist and Engineer Charles W. Carter, Ph.D., Assoc. Geologist Robert R. Storm, A.B., Assoc. Geologist Arnold C. Mason, B.S., Assoc. Geologist (on leave) C. Leland Horberg, Ph.D., Assoc Geologist Frank E. Tippie, B.S., Asst. Geologist Merlyn B. Buhle, M.S., Asst. Geologist Paul Herbert, Jr., B.S., Asst. Geologist Charles G. Johnson, A.B., Asst. Geologist (on leave) Dorothy B. Speziale, M.S., Asst. Geologist Marvin P. Meyer, B.S., Asst. Geologist Margaret Castle, Research Assistant Ruth E. Roth. B.S., Research Assistant Stratigraphy and Paleontology J. Marvin Weller, Ph.D., Geologist and Head Chalmer L. Cooper, M.S., Assoc Geologist William H. Easton, Ph.D., Assoc Geologist Petrography Ralph E. Grim, Ph.D., Petrographer Richards A. Rowland, Ph.D., Asst. Petrographer (on leave) Physics R. J. PiERSOL, Ph.D., Physicist B. J. Greenwood, B.S., Mech. Engineer Donald O. Holland, M.S., Asst. Physicist (on leave) GEOCHEMISTRY Frank H. Reed, Ph.D., Chief Chemist H. W. Jackman, M.S.E., Chemical Engineer James G. McCvllough, Research Associate Elizabeth Ross Mills, M.S., Research Assistant Coal G. R. YoHE, Ph.D., Chemist Herman S. Levine, B.S., Research Assistant Industrial Minerals J. S. Machin, Ph.D., Chemist and Head Delbert L. Hanna, A.m., Asst. Chemist Fluorspar G. C. Finger, Ph.D., Chemist X-ray and Spectrography W. F. Bradley, Ph.D., Chemist Analytical O. W. Rees, Ph.D., Chemist and Head Howard S. Clark, A.B., Assoc Chemist L. D. McVicker, B.S., Assoc Chemist. P. W. Henline, M.S., Assoc Chemical Engineer William F. Wagner, M.S., Asst. Chemist Cameron D. Lewis, B.A., Asst. Chemist Herbert N. Hazelkorn, B.S., Research Assistant William T. Abel, B.A., Research Assistant Carol J. Adams, B.S., Research Assistant MINERAL ECONOMICS W. H. VosKuiL, Ph.D., Mineral Economist Douglas F. Stevens, M.E., Research Associate Ethel M. King, Research Assistant PUBLICATIONS AND RECORDS George E. Ekblaw, Ph.D., Geologic Editor Chalmer L. Cooper, M.S., Geologic Editor Dorothy E. Rose, B.S., Technical Editor Portia Allyn Smith, Technical Files Clerk Rosemary Metzger, Technical Assistant Meredith M. Calkins, Geologic Draftsman Beulah Featherstone, B.F.A., Asst. Geologic Draftsman Leslie D. Vaughan, Asst. Photographer Consultants: Ceramics, Cullen W. Parmelee, M.S., D.Sc, and Ralph K. Hursh, B.S., University of Illinois Mechanical Engineering, Seichi Konzo, M.S., University of Illinois Topographic Mapping in Cooperation with the United States Geological Survey. This report is a Contribution of the Division of Stratigraphy and Paleontology. 248 63046—2500-4-44 April 1, 1944 Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2012 witii funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/coralsfromchoute97east CONTENTS Page Introduction o . 7 Acknowledgments . 7 Preparation and illustration . . . • . . . 8 Taxonomic procedure . . . . . 8 Stratigraphic summary 9 Locality list 11 Check list 14 Terminology . . . ■ . .".-..■.". 15 Glossary 15 Plate 1 . 23 Plate 2 25 Bibliography . . . , . . 26 Systematics 29 Family Paleocyclidae 29 Genus Microcyclus Meek and Worthen 29 Microcydus blairi Miller 29 Family Cyathaxonidae . 29 Genus Cyathaxonia Michelin 29 Cyathaxonia tantilla (Miller) emend . 30 Family Metriophyllidae . . . . . . . 31 Genus Metriophyllum Milne-Edwards and Haime 31 Metriophyllum deminuthmm n. sp 31 Genus Rotiphyllum Hudson .-..•. 32 Rotiphyllum calyculum (Miller) emend .32 Rotiphyllum hians n. sp . . . . 33 Family Streptelasmidae . . . . . . - . - . 34 Genus Pseudocryptophyllum n. gen 34 Pseudocryptophyllum cavum n. sp. . . . • 34 Family Hapsiphyllidae Grabau emend 34 Genus Triplophyllites n, gen. .,.....,...,......,..,... . . . . . 35 Triplophyllites palmaUu n. sp 35 Triplophyllum terebratum (Hall) 38 Triplophyllites centralis (Milne-Edwards and Haime) 39 Triplophyllites cliff ordanus (Milne-Edwards and Haime) 39 Triplophyllites exigiius (Miller) . .... . . 40 Triplophyllites ida (Winchell) emend. . . . " 41 Genus Hapsiphylliim Simpson emend. 42 Subgenus HapsipJiyllum Simpson emend. . . . . . . , ■ 42 Subgenus Homalophyllites n. subgen. 42 Hapsiphyllum {Homalophyllites) calceolus (White and Whitfield) 43 Hapsiphyllum {Homalophyllites) pifinatus n. sp. . 44 Genus Neozaphrentis Grove 44 Neozaphrentis tenella (Miller) emend 45 Genus Meniscophyllum Simpson emend. . ... . . ' , .45 Meniscophylhim minutiim Simpson 46 CONTENTS— Continued Page Systematics — Family Hapsiphyllidae — Continued Genus Clinophyllum Grove emend. 47 Clinophylliim chouteauense (Miller) . . . . . . . .47 Clinophyllum excavatum n. sp 47 Appendix to Hapsiphyllidae 48 Genus and species unidentified 48 Genus Amplexus Sowerby ,. 48 Amplexus rockfordensis Miller and Gurley . . . .48 Family Caniniidae 49 Genus Caninia Michelin in Gervais 49 Caninia corniculum (Miller) emend, 49 Family Clisiophyllidae 51 Genus Koninckophyllum Thomson and Nicholson 51 Koninckophyllum glahrum (Keyes) 51 Genus V esiculophyllum n. gen 52 V esiculophyllum sedaliense (White) 52 Family Lithostrotiontidae 53 Genus Lithostrotion Fleming 53 Lithostrotion microstylujn White 53 Family Favositidae 54 Genus Favosites Lamarck emend. Smith and Gullick 54 Favosites divergens White and Whitfield 54 Favositesf mancus Winchell 54 Genus Pleurodtctyum Goldfuss 55 Pleurodictyum expansum (White) 55 Appendix to Favositidae 55 Genus Palaecis Haime in Milne-Edwards 55 Palaeacis conica n. sp 56 Family Cleistoporidae n. fam. 57 Genus Cleistopora Nicholson emend 57 Cleistopora procera (Rowley) 58 Cleistopora ramosa (Rowley) 58 Cleistopora typa (Winchell) emend 59 Cleistopora sp 60 Appendix to the Cleistoporidae .60 Genus Microcyathus Hinde 60 Microcyathus enormis (Meek and Worthen) 60 Family Syringoporidae 61 Genus Syringopora Goldfuss 61 Syringopora harveyi White 61 Family Auloporidae 61 Genus Aulopora Goldfuss 61 Aulopora? sp 62 Genus Cladochonus McCoy . 62 Cladochonus striatus n. sp .62 Position unknown 62 Coleophyllumf greeni Rowley . 62 Plates and Explanations (3-17) S3 CORALS FROM THE CHOUTEAU AND RELATED FORMATIONS OF THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY REGION BY William H. Easton INTRODUCTION ARESTUDY OF THE ChOUTEAU CORALS is important for the following reasons. 1. The coral fauna of the Chouteau lime- stone is larger in number of genera and spe- cies than that known from any other Car- boniferous formation in this hemisphere. 2. The species are reestablished by crit- ical restudy of the available primary types. 3. The stratigraphic and geographic ranges of the species are established by crit- ical reexamination of previously published records and restudy of specimens. Synony- mies have been revised accordingly. 4. Corals are so abundant in the Chou- teau limestone that they are definitely useful for correlation. 5. The Chouteau is the oldest formation of undisputed Mississippian age and it is therefore important as a stratigraphic key horizon. 6. Further systematic study will be aided by clarification of inadequately understood genera and species. Some genera whose types came from the Chouteau are known in Europe and the Orient. 7. The opportunity is presented to apply modern systematics to a large number of Lower Mississippian corals. The writer has studied every available Chouteau coral known by him to be in in- stitutional collections. Material which is unavailable includes that not lent for study by certain distant institutions, that stored away during the uncertain times preceding the war, and that which some institutions have stored away because of lack of space. If specimens are known to have been lost or destroyed these facts are recorded. In all, about 550 specimens have been studied. The check list included in this study shows the occurrence of each species as de- termined by the literature. It is to be hoped that detailed collections will be made from the Chouteau limestone (restricted) so that the precise occurrence of the species may be known. To that end this paper is offered as an aid in stratigraphic studies of the Kinder- hook group. The original descriptions of some species are so inadequate or inexact that the species cannot be recognized. Most of the original descriptions require revision and the use of modern morphologic terminology. Some of the Chouteau genera are known to occur in Europe, Australia, and Asia and a few of them possess such marked peculi- arities that reasonable correlation of strata can be made between these distant places. Eventually, perhaps, the coral-bearing Car- boniferous beds of America may be closely correlated with the coral zones of western^ Europe. Carboniferous corals are of undoubted usefulness in stratigraphic correlation. Their neglect for many years has probably resulted from the generally indispensable necessity of grinding one or more surfaces to ensure identification. As a matter of fact, the grind- ing of a surface on a coral is commonly easier than the careful preparation of the exterior or interior necessary for the precise study of certain other fossils. Acknowledgments Specimens have been lent by: E. B. Branson, of the University of Missouri; Guy Campbell, of Corydon, Indiana; G. Arthur Cooper, of the United States Na- tional Museum ; Carey Croneis, of the Uni- [7 CHOUTEAU CORALS versity of Chicago; G. M. Ehlers, of the University of Michigan; Rousseau H. Flower, of the University of Cincinnati ; and H. E. Vokes, of the American Museum of Natural History. Winifred Goldring, of the New York State Museum, furnished photographs of specimens and data on oc- currence and disposition of specimens. The manuscript has profited through criticisms and suggestions by C. L. Cooper and J. Marvin Weller, of the Illinois State Geo- logical Survey. The writer is grateful to all these people for their cooperation in this study. Preparation and Illustration Study of internal structure is generally required for accurate identification of cor- als. Formerly thin-sections were made, but this elaborate process is usually unnecessary. Generally a flat-ground surface or a speci- men sawed in parts and smoothed off will furnish all required data. If well calcified material is available, cellulose peel sections can be made. Some of the Chouteau corals are illus- trated here for the first time and sections of others are presented for the first time. Previously published sections have varied in enlargement but here most of them are shown at a uniform enlargement unless this would entail an unwarranted waste of space or greater enlargement was desirable to bring out detail. The Chouteau corals are variously calca- reous, dolomitic, and silicified, and it has been most convenient to illustrate their in- ternal structure by camera lucida drawings or by inked photographs reduced by use of Farmers solution. The two photographic plates show growth habits, general calical features, and minor structural details. Primary type specimens of most species have been available for study and they are illustrated either externally or internally or both. If necessary to verify a species, the holotype was sectioned, but otherwise another specimen was used. If possible the calyx was carefully excavated. Thoroughly silicified specimens were etched free with acid. Taxonomic Procedure Many of the Chouteau species were based upon groups of cotypes, one specimen of which has now been selected as the holotype in each case. Some of these groups included many specimens and some of them were dis- covered to contain specimens belonging to several different genera and species. If the cotypes are not all conspecific a specimen has been chosen as holotype which agrees most closely with the common conception of the species even though it was necessary to disregard the specimen figured or described by the original author. Fortunately, the In- ternational Rules of Zoological Nomencla- ture allow a reviser to make such a selection and thus cause the least amount of confu- sion and do the least damage to existing classification. As many as possible of the citations listed in the synonymies were reviewed. Some of the anomalies of stratigraphic distribution have resulted from faulty identifications perpetuated by failure of subsequent work- ers to verify previous work. STRATIGRAPHIC SUMMARY STRATIGRAPHIC SUMMARY The Chouteau limestone in Missouri, as originally defined by Swallow (1855, p. 101), consists of an upper 40- to 50-foot thick-bedded limestone and of a lower 20- foot thin-bedded limestone. The type section at Chouteau Springs, Cooper County, Mis- souri, was described by Moore (1928, p. 84) as consisting of an upper member 30 feet thick and a lower member 20 feet thick. At a quarry in Sweeney, Cooper County, Moore (1928, p. 85) recorded 43 feet 6 inches of limestone in the upper member, which is separated by a possible disconform- ity from 25 feet 8 inches of limestone in the lower member. Previous to the appearance of Moore's paper, the upper and lower beds were sometimes distinguished but they were always considered to be subdivisions of a single formation. Moore, however, re- stricted use of the name Chouteau to the lower beds, of Kinderhook age, and pro- posed the name Sedalia limestone for the upper beds, which he assigned to the Osage group and correlated somewhat tentatively with the Fern Glen formation. The latter usage is accepted by the United States Geo- logical Survey (Wilmarth, 1938, p. 439). One mile north of Sedalia, Pettis County, Missouri, Moore (1928, p. 86) recorded 18 feet 2 inches of Sedalia limestone overlying 6 feet 5 inches of exposed Chouteau lime- stone. Many of the original Chouteau col- lections were made from the quarries near Sedalia. In the river bluffs at Providence, Boone County, Missouri, Moore (1928, p. 88) recorded 21^ feet of Sedalia limestone and 42^^ feet of Chouteau limestone. Many fossils have been collected from this lo- cality. Some 25 miles southwest of St. Louis a good exposure contains about 7 feet of Chouteau limestone, according to McQueen (1939, p. 97), who referred higher sandy shales and cherty limestones at that place to the Sedalia which he considered to be equivalent to the ''lower Fern Glen." Sandstone and sandy shale between these formations were identified as Northview sandstone. A composite section (after Weller, 1941, pp. 72, 73) based on outcrops on both sides of Mississippi River near Hannibal, Mis- souri, shows the following beds to occur in sequence below the widespread Burlington limestone: Prospect Hill sandstone, Mc- Craney limestone, English River sandstone, Hannibal (or Maple Mill) shale, and Louisiana limestone. Corals with close Chouteau affinities are known from the McCraney and Prospect Hill, these being the beds of the Burlington, Iowa, section from which the types of Leptopora typa were collected. Near Jerseyville, Illinois, is a very thick section of Chouteau limestone underlain in order by the Maple Mill shale, Hamburg beds, and Grassy-Saverton shale of J. M. Weller. The Hamburg beds are presumed to be equivalent to the Glen Park lime- stone. Corals have been collected from the Chouteau limestone at a locality northwest of Jerseyville. The Sedalia limestone is pos- sibly present here above typical Chouteau. The Springville shale of Union County, Illinois, contains glauconitic limestone beds near the base from which corals of Chou- teau affinity have been collected. It has been considered by Weller and Sutton (1940, p. 766) to be equivalent to the Hannibal shale. The Rockford limestone of Indiana is a thin glauconitic limestone- overlain by Osage siltstone and underlain by a few inches of calcareous shale. Most of the col- lections from the "Rockford beds" were made many years ago and the fossils are reputed to have been collected from argilla- ceous limestone or calcareous shale either overlying or grading down into the typical Rockford limestone. The thin shale under- lying the Rockford limestone also carries corals. The Hampton formation of Iowa consists of four members in the north central part of the outcrop area; these members are, in descending order, the Iowa Falls, Eagle City, Maynes Creek, and Chapin. In the southeastern part of the outcrop area the Hampton formation consists of the Wasson- ville member, underlain by the North Hill member. The Wassonville is equivalent to the Maynes Creek, and the North Hill is equivalent to the Chapin. The Iowa Falls and Eagle City are thought to be younger than the Chouteau (restricted), and the faunas are said to be derived from the Chou- teau (Laudon, 1931, p. 348). The rest of the Hampton formation is thought to be equivalent to the Chouteau. 10 CHOUTEAU CORALS j-i o. c OO o -^ CO 5 .^ o > c o n .xz "q- c o o E o o c Cl> O cz o <1> k- \ "^ O a> J^ \ •- «2 CO LJ_/^ -a \ E CO CO OO ro o ~~" <2 o -z: \ s "O hout resti OO \ pa pujsajun neajnoqo \ _iC <1> O) o- i- ^ o ■o CO a> c <1> ex. c *CL ^- it: o- c >. j^ <^ -C xz a> < 5 S o CO a> c o ^y\y^/\ |i>. N K IS. /\./s O -o VN \JN j\l ^ o a a> c: J5 Z3 CO = — L_ o CD "^ o "> c: lE jE 5 i_ u_ o HI >% zz OO a> a> CO -C CL> Cd ' . o _J t o •QO UJ to -4- o O > ^ z o- cu — i- CO -J / =3 O o -1- cu > hi ii fO 1 >^ CO -^ a> <^ ^ Z3 fO I— Q_ CO CL> J2 to O CO o ^ Q. E 3 <\3 ^_ o cr rcj ro o fO CL ^ UJ :^ IC -J "O CD OO leqiuu PH UJ 30VS0^ - o ■HOOHy^aNlV^ o ,. ^ Nviddigsissm " • I' ssm -eg G ^ O «J a, cj 3 Tn - o .2 3J - «-> rt > ^ 2 ^ a, G — te •^3 D t^ LOCALITY LIST 11 The Compton limestone of southwestern Missouri contains a fauna of Chouteau affin- ity. It is overlain by the Northview forma- tion which Moore (1928, pp. 126, 127) considers to be equivalent in part to the Chouteau (restricted) and to be perhaps a clastic phase of the Chouteau. A study of the Chouteau corals leads to several conclusions : 1. The Chouteau limestone (restricted) contains essentially the same fauna through- out a large area and presumably it is every- where of the same general age. 2. The Chouteau fauna contains ele- ments occurring in formations as old as the Louisiana limestone and as young as the Burlington limestone. 3. Although the Sedalia and Chouteau limestones contain many species in common, they may be differentiated. 4. The ''Rockford beds" of Indiana con- tain species known from the Chouteau; these strata are presumably equivalent to some part of the Chouteau. 5. Limestone beds at the base of the Springville shale contain corals of Chou- teau and Rockford affinities ; the thin lime- stones may therefore be equivalent to the Rockford limestone and to some part of the Chouteau limestone. 6. The Fern Glen species are almost all distinct from those in the Sedalia and Chou- teau limestones; the existing tentative cor- relation of the Fern Glen and Sedalia is therefore questioned. 7. Among the most peculiar Carbonife- rous coral genera are Palaeacis and Cleisto- pora; because Palaeacis is known most abun- dantly from the European faunal zones K through C2 and Cleistopora from Zi and Zo, it seems probable that the Chouteau limestone is similar in age to some of the Z beds of British stratigraphers. Locality List 1 Chouteau limestone (unrestricted), near Sedalia, Missouri. 2 Probably upper Chouteau limestone (un- restricted), bluffs of Missouri River, Providence, Missouri. 3 Kinderhook, in railway-cut 3 miles north- east of Morning Sun, Iowa. 4 Fern Glen formation, Illinois. 5 Shale below Rockford limestone, Rock- ford, Indiana (now inaccessible). 6 Lower limestone beds of Springville shale, Darty Creek, Illinois. 7 Lower part of Chouteau limestone (un- restricted), near Sedalia, Missouri. 8 Chouteau limestone (unrestricted), Pet- tis county, Missouri. 9 Upper part of Chouteau limestone (unre- stricted), near Sedalia, Missouri. 10 Thin gray-green shale below Rockford limestone, 1.5 miles southwest of Hen- ryville, Indiana, where road crosses Caney Fork. 1 1 Thin gray-green shale below Rockford limestone, 4 miles east of Underwood, Indiana, on the John Keener farm. 12 Rockford limestone (unrestricted), Rock- ford, Indiana. 13 Kinderhook beds. Lake Valley, New Mexico. 14 Fern Glen formation, Kimmswick, Mis- souri. 15 Fern Glen formation, Monroe County, Illinois. 16 Orophocrinus conicus zone of Hampton formation, Le Grand, Iowa. 17 Burlington limestone, Springfield, Mis- souri. 18 Burlington limestone. Sulphur Springs, Missouri. 19 Keokuk limestone, Springfield, Missouri. 20 Chouteau limestone (unrestricted), Knox County, Missouri. 21 Hills near Louisville, Kentucky. (Prob- ably New Providence shale at Button Mold Knob.) 22 Chouteau limestone (unrestricted), near Warsaw, Missouri. 23 Chouteau limestone (restricted). Pan- cake Hollow, north of Hamburg, Cal- houn County, Illinois. 24 Chouteau limestone (unrestricted), Ben- tonville, Missouri. .25 Chouteau limestone (unrestricted), Cur- ryville, Missouri. 26 Oolitic limestone near base of McCraney limestone, Burlington, Iowa. 27 Prospect Hill sandstone, Burlington, Iowa. 28 Chouteau limestone (restricted), in small quarry along south branch of hollow east of Hamburg, Calhoun Countj^ Illinois. 12 CHOUTEAU CORALS 29 Upper Chouteau limestone, 3 miles north- east of Curryville, Missouri. 30 Cyathaxonia arcuatus zone of Chapin member of Hampton formation, Iowa. 31 Product us sedaliense zone of Maynes Creek member of Hampton formation, in abandoned quarry 1 mile west of Chapin, Iowa. 32 Chonetes multicosta zone of Maynes Creek member of Hampton formation, on north bank of Maynes Creek in NW. Yx s^^' 21, Reeve Township, Iowa. 33 Spirifer striatiformis zone of Maynes Creek member of Hampton formation, in upper reaches of Spring Creek, northwest of Hampton, Iowa. 34 Spirifer platynotus zone of Iowa Falls member of Hampton formation, near Iowa Falls, Iowa. 35 Spiriferina solidirostris zone of Hampton formation, Le Grand, Iowa. 36 Fern Glen formation, Sulphur Springs, Missouri. 37 Kinderhook (probably Fern Glen forma- tion), Jersey County, Illinois. 38 Chouteau limestone (restricted), Snake Den, Knox County, Missouri. 39 Near top of Chouteau limestone (unre- stricted). Providence, Missouri. 40 Wassonville member of Hampton forma- tion, Iowa. 41 Productus sedaliense zone of Maynes Creek member of Hampton formation, in abandoned quarry 3 miles northeast of Hampton, Iowa. 42 Productus sedaliense zone of Maynes Creek member of Hampton formation, on south bank of Beaver Creek, sec. 32, Washington Township, Iowa. 43 Chonetes multicosta zone of Maynes Creek member of Hampton formation, in abandoned quarry on south bank of Spring Creek in northern Hampton, Iowa. 44 Pachylocrinus genista zone of Hampton formation, near Le Grand, Iowa. 45 Louisiana limestone, Louisiana, Missouri. 46 Hannibal formation. Pleasant Hill, Illi- nois. 47 Hannibal formation, Rockport, Illinois. 48 Chouteau limestone (restricted), Lincoln County, Missouri. 49 Chouteau limestone (restricted). Dog- town Creek, Calhoun County, Illinois. 50 Chouteau limestone (restricted), near Sweeney, Missouri. 51 Chouteau limestone (restricted), 4 miles north of Lisbon, Missouri. 52 Chouteau limestone (restricted), on Clear Fork, southwest of Montgomery City, Missouri. 53 Probably upper Chouteau limestone (un- restricted), on Smiths Branch, south of Montgomery City, Missouri. 54 Compton limestone, in abandoned quarry on Little Sac River, 8 miles north of Springfield, Missouri. 55 Chouteau limestone (restricted), Kiesin- ger Bluff, on Osage River, north of Warsaw, Missouri. 56 Sedalia limestone, near Sweeney, Mis- souri. 57 Sedalia limestone, Kiesinger Bluff, on Osage River, north of Warsaw, Mis- souri. 58 Pierson limestone, along Springfield-Buf- falo highway in valley of Little Sac River, Missouri. 59 Sedalia limestone, in Missouri River bluffs, near Easley, Missouri. 60 St. Joe limestone, 2 miles southeast of Reeds Spring, Missouri. 61 Sedalia limestone, Clarksville, Missouri. 62 Sedalia limestone, Hannibal, Missouri. 63 Sedalia limestone, on Noix Creek, near Bowling Green, Missouri. 64 St. Joe limestone, in Truitt quarry, south of Elk Springs, Missouri. 65 "Bed 7," Burlington, Iowa. (Prospect Hill sandstone.) 66 St. Joe limestone, 1 mile south of Noel, Missouri. 67 St. Joe limestone, 1.5 miles south of Noel, Missouri. 68 Burlington limestone, Huston quarry, Hannibal, Missouri. 69 Burlington limestone, on Noix Creek, near Bowling Green, Missouri. 70 Lower Burlington limestone, Dark Hol- low, near Fulton, Missouri. 71 Burlington limestone, east of Rocheport, Missouri. 72 Lower Burlington limestone, near Swee- ney, Missouri. LOCALITY LIST 13 73 Lower Burlington limestone, west of Os- ceola, Missouri. 74 Burlington limestone, Springfield, Mis- souri. 75 Reeds Spring limestone, on Shoal Creek, east of Crane, Missouri. 76 Keokuk limestone. Lime Quarry, Pierce City, Missouri. 77 Keokuk and Upper Burlington limestones in old quarry northwest of Mt. Vernon, Missouri. 78 Chapin member of Hampton formation, in southwest corner sec. 29, Ross town- ship, Missouri. 79 Burlington limestone, Burlington, Iowa. 80 Kinderhook limestone, on east bank of West Fork of Des Moines River, in southwest part of Humboldt, Missouri. 81 Kinderhook limestone, on south side of river near bridge, Rutland, Missouri. 82 Saverton shale, Louisiana, Missouri. 83 Louisiana limestone, Louisiana, Missouri. 84 Lower Burlington limestone, Louisiana, Missouri. 85 Chouteau limestone, Louisiana, Missouri. 86 Upper Burlington limestone, Louisiana, Missouri. , 87 Upper Burlington limestone, Greene County, Missouri. 88 Ft. Payne (Keokuk) limestone, 0.5 mile north of Cruddup, Alabama. ' ._' 89 Basal Ft. Payne limestone, 1 mile NW^ of Calvary, Kentucky. ^ 90 New Providence shale, Kentucky. . i_ 91 New Providence shale, Kenwood Hill, 5 miles south of Louisville, Kentucky. 92 New Providence shale, in railroad-cut 1 mile south of Petrolia, Kentucky. 93 Basal 50 feet of New Providence shale, abandoned Columbia pike, on east side of Fishing Creek, Pulaski County, Ken- tucky. 94 Morris Mountain shaly member of Logan formation, 8 miles east of Berea, Ken- tucky. 95 New Providence shale at Kings Moun- tain tunnel, Lincoln County, Kentucky. 96 New Providence shale in road IM miles southwest of Parnell, Kentucky. 97 Grand Falls chert member of Boone for- mation, 10 feet below Short Creek oolite, in SE. ^ sec. 34, T. 28, N., R. 31 W., near mouth of Jones Creek, near Joplin, Missouri. 98 St. Joe limestone, St. Joe, Arkansas. 99 Thin limestone (Boone), San Saba, Texas. 100 Boone limestone, Siloam Springs quad- rangle, Oklahoma. 101 Osage limestone and chert (Upper Bur- lington?), sec. 25, T. 20 N., R. 19 E., Oklahoma. 102 Upper Boone limestone, Carrollton, Ar- kansas. 103 Upper Boone limestone, 9 miles north- east of Fayetteville, Arkansas. 104 Boone limestone, near Eureka Springs, Arkansas. 105 Chert from Boone limestone, near Sul- phur Springs, Arkansas. 106 Loose chert (Boone) 0.5 mile southeast of Sulphur Springs, Arkansas. 107 New Providence shale. Whites Creek ' Springs, Tennessee. 108 Chouteau limestone, Annada, Missouri. 109 Chouteau limestone, east of Curryville, Missouri. 14 CHOUTEAU CORALS aDUapiAOJJ M3^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 I I 1 1 ! X 1 1 1 1 1 Suudg sp99-a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 >^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 aof -^s ll^llllllll«llllllllllllllllll^^(ll 0||1AIIOSSU7\\ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 >< 1 1 1 1 <^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 >^ 1 1 1 1 'A O :>[39J3 S9UX^])\[ ||||||x|||||||x:|||||x|||||||||xi|||| D S^^-Bj[ ^MOJ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X 1 1 1 1 UOSJl9IcI 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 < u Pi uo;dmo3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X 1 1 X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 < 9]|IA§Uudg 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 < (p9;Du;s9jun) pjO}:5[DO'a ><;||x;|x||||||x|||||||||||x;|| u W uo;j9A^S 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ^'^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -Bu^isinoq 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 >< 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l^qiau'EH 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 >< 1 1 X 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 < X9U^J33p\[ ! 1 1 1 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0^ o U niH ;39dsoJd 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ^2 (p9;Du;s9i) n^9;noq3 X|x|s^-Xx| 1 1 1^1 |>^| 1 1 1 1 1 I'^l 1 1 1 |>^x| 1 |x|x|xx|x!x!|><;|xx 0^ ^^n^9:inot[3 J9M07,, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X X 1 X 1 1 1 1 1 X X 1 1 1 X 1 X 1 X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 s < ^^n^9:inoq3 j[9ddf[,, 1 |><| 1 |x|xxxx| 1 |x[xx| |xx|x|xxx|x| lx| 'BI{13p9§ |||||||||||x||x|x|||[xx|||||x||||x| 1 o U3{3 UJ9J |||||||||||x|||||||||||j|||||x;xi||| :>{n:5[09x 'uo^Suipng ||x|||||||||||x|||||x||||||x^^||j| 1 o u 1 c c t/ >< c < 5 c < s a: 1 c: T or C c c c c 'I c E re c i > c ■5; c ^ C C 1/ C 0. re Q, C J E re > re C- X 0. E % > c _^ E 'c re re .2 -. c ■ X '1 re > a. > J tr re E 0. 'c7 c 1 cr :3 'c 0- t_ re <_ 1 J re E c •E 1 're E c E N re bj £ i E '> c 'e .C ' c t? c E E 'e E > c 'E CL E 'e E c 1 C f: Q, re c i ■% > I ^ C 1 re 1 1 E t? re C X a, E 1 a; E '"> 4: c c a. E .| '> c Pi % !^ re E c pi > Q. > s- re re C ^1 ■^ '^ J- '> E re 1 Q, -. > H C T h _5 *x a, 0, c in C T ^re :^ T e- re 0, E c ■'■J7 > *s pi m d C GLOSSARY 15 TERMINOLOGY Terms describing Paleozoic corals in more or less common English usage have not been assembled previously in any one publication. Hill's (1935) compilation of British ter- minology is the most authoritative list to date, but it is far from complete. The com- pilation presented here includes most of the terms used since about 1900. Definitions are worded as simply as possible. Words describing fleshy parts and post-Paleozoic corals are not included. There has never been an accepted Amer- ican system of morphologic terms, probably because corals have been less studied in America than in Europe; moreover, an "American terminology" is not needed. It is necessary, however, to provide American students with an adequate index of available terms. Partial lists published by Americans include those by Robinson (1917), Grabau (1922, in a Chinese journal), Sanford (1939), Twenhofel and Shrock (1937), Moore (1933), Grabau and Shimer (1909), Grove (1934), and Moore and Jeffords (1941), but some of these compila- tions are only incidental and none was intended to be complete. The following list likewise is known to be incomplete, but it does contain all terms in more or less cur- rent usage. For those who wish more de- tailed morphologic discussions, the reader is referred to Hill (1935), Grabau (1922), and Sanford (1939). Most of the terms included in the follow- ing list are morphologic, but a few refer to ontogenetic and evolutionary stages. Some have had more than one meaning and some are used as adjectives to modify different nouns. Synonyms are italicized after the definitions and homonyms are listed sepa- rately and numbered. Previously published definitions have been drawn upon freely without acknowledgment. Each student has his own preference in terminology within reasonable limits. In the following glossary, some obsolete terms are indicated and others which the writer does not recommend are indicated by as- terisks (*). Glossary Acanthine septa: Discontinuous septa consist- ing of unfused trabeculae. Acceleration: Addition of more secondary sep- ta in one pair of quadrants than in the other. Acrocolumella : Axial structure consisting of distally elevated tabulae. Alar: Indicates lateral position or at alar sep- ta; is determined primarily by abutting of counter septa against an alar sextum. Ab- breviated: A. Alar pseudofossula: Gap between alar septum and next adjacent counter septum. Lateral fossula. Amplexoid: Having septa withdrawn toward periphery. Amplexoid septum: Retreats from axis, lies upon upper surfaces of tabulae, and extends progressively shorter distances axially as distance from tabulae increases. Short sep- tum in part. Anastomosing: Joining, as in reticulate col- onies of Cladopora. Inosculation. Angulo-concentric dissepiments: Similar to concentric dissepiments except in being an- gular with apex directed peripherally. Annulation*: Encircling depression on epith- eca. Apex*: Pointed end of coral. Apical end. Aphroid: Plocoid coralla separated by dissepi- ments only. Apical end: Pointed end of coral. Apex. Asexual increase: Growth or spread of coral or colony by sending out ofFsets. See Bud- ding, Gemmation, Fission. Astraeform: Having polygonal corallites in transverse section. Astraeoid: Closely packed plocoid corals with indefinite boundaries between corallites. Atavo-tissue : Tissue common to parent and offset corallites. Attenuated septum: Thin throughout length. Aulophylloid* : Tendency toward complex axial structures. Aulos*: 1 Any axial structure. Aulos*: 2 See Inner wall. Axial area: That portion of thecarium lo- cated axially from inner wall. Axial boss: Elevation in calyx corresponding to an axial structure. Calicular boss. Axial complex: A columella or pseudocolum- ella; unrestricted in usage, but inferring pseudocolumella. Axial edge: Edge of septa nearest axis. Term not recommended. 16 CHOUTEAU CORALS Axial increase : Growth bj' addition of two or more corallites from a calyx and having new septa and epitheca axially but continu- ing peripheral septa and epitheca of parent. Compound calcular budding. Axial pit: Depression of floor of calyx at position of tabularium. Calicular pit. Axial plate: Bisects axial column in cardinal- counter plane, may be continuous with car- dinal septum or counter septum or neither. Medial plate. Axial septum: Jointed counter and cardinal septa. Axial series: Tabulae near axis of corallite. Axial zone. Axial tabula: One of inner series. Axial vortex: Axial structure formed by twisting of axial ends of septa. Streptocol- umella. Axial zone*: Tabulae near axis of corallite. Axial series. Basal budding*: Budding trom margm or from definite points near base. Marginal budding. Basal disk: Earliest portion of skeleton formed. Basal plate. Basal epitheca*: Common investing sheath in massive coralla. Holotheca. Basal plate: First formed part of exoskel- eton. Base*: Attached edge of septum. Peripheral edge. Bourrelet: Encircling expansion on wall, coarser than growth-lines. Varices. Bradygenesis: Retardation of ontogenetic de- velopment. Brephic stage: Ontogenetic stage in which the six protosepta are formed. Nepionic stage. Breviseptal phase: Phase characterized by short septa. Amplexoid in part. Budding*: Asexual increase. Gemmation. See Basal, Coenenchymal, Fission, Interstitial, Marginal, Septal, Stolon, Tabular budding. Calceolid: Conical corals flattened on one side, may have operculum. Calice: Open end of coral; may be deep, shal- low, gently concave, inverted, steep-walled. Calyx. Calicinal gemmation: Budding from within the calyx. Calicular pit: Depression of floor of calyx at position of tabularium. Axial pit. Calicular platform: Area between axial pit and periphery. Peripheral platform. Caliculum*: Simple cup-shaped individual. Calyx: Open end of coral; may be deep, shal- low, gently concave, inverted, steep-walled. Calice. Calyx walls: Lateral portion of calyx, gen- erally consisting of inner edges of septa. Caninpid: Corals which change from discoid through trochoid to cylindrical. Cardinal: Indicates position of structures or areas within thecarium; cardinal septum de- termined primarily by location of herring- bone pattern of septa on theca; cardinal quadrants lie between alar septa and car- dinal septum. Abbreviated: C. Cardinal pseudofossula*: Gap between car- dinal septum and next adjacent septum. Carina: Vertical or horizontal flange on sep- ta; may be reduced to rows of spines. Carinate: Having carinae. Ceratoid: Conical corals with apical angle of about 20°. Cerioid: Massive corals possessing individual walls. Coenenchymal budding: Development of new corallite from connective tissue in massive coralla. Coenenchyme : Common connective tissue be- tween corallites of some massive coralla. Columella: Simple solid axial rod or plate extending lengthwise. Columnella. Columnella*: See Columella. Complete tabulae: Extend across thecarium. Concentric dissepiments: Have uniformly arched upper surfaces convex distally, uni- formly distributed between septa. Cone-in-cone: Superimposed series of prox- imally tilted tabulae. Conical: Cone-shaped. See Calceolid, Cera- toid, Haploid, Patellate, Pyramidal, Tro- choid, Turbinate. Conico-cylindrical: Conical proximally and cylindrical distally. Contiguous : Touching. Continuous septum: Septum with trabeculae 1 completely fused to form longitudinal plate. Contratingent: Minor septa joined to adja- cent major septa towards counter quadrants. Corallite: 1 Skeleton of simple coral. Corallite: 2 Skeleton of individual coral in a colony. Corallum: 1 Skeleton of a compound coral. Corallum: 2 Skeleton of a simple coral. Costa: 1 Longitudinal ridge on epitheca coin- ciding in position with a septum. Term not recommended. GLOSSARY 17 Costa*: 2 (Obsolete.) Longitudinal ridge on epitheca located between septa. Interseptal ridge. Costal budding: Increase from thecal region. Counter: Indicates position of structures or areas within thecarium; determined primar- ily by parallel bordering septa; cardinal quadrants lie between alar septa and coun- , ter septum. Abbreviated: K or CT. Counter-laterals: First pair of secondary sep- ta; may be grouped with primary septa. Ab- breviated: CL. Crenulate: Zig-zag or serrated epitheca of corallites in compound coralla. Crossbar carinae: Crossbars at position of septa in peripheral region if the septa are absent. Curved: Used to modify designation of shape in simple corals, typically cardinal quad- rants are on concave side, counter quad- rants on convex side. Cyathophylloid: Tendency toward radial sym- metry. Cyathotheca: Inner wall formed by fusion of down-turned margins of tabulae. Cylindrical: Uniform in diameter, especially in mature portions. Cyst*: See Dissepiment or Cystosepiment. Cystiphylloid : Tendency toward abundant dis- sepiments. Cystocolumella: Axial structure consisting of cysts. Cystosepiments : Large dissepiment-like struc- tures differing from dissepiments by arising independently of septa ; not sharply differ- entiated from dissepiments. Dendroid: Fasciculate with branching coral- lites. Denticulate: Serrate axial edges of septa. Acanthine in part. Diaphragm: 1 Transverse partition in tubular area of Cleistopora and Cladopora. Diaphragm*: 2 (Obsolete.) See Tabula. Dichotomous: Branching by pairs, as in ra- mose Favositidae. Dilated septum: Thick throughout length. Diphymorph: Corallite expressing new ortho- gentic trend within compound corallum. Directive septa*: Cardinal, counter, and alar septa. Primary septa. Discoid: Button or coin-shaped. Discontinuous septa: Septum with trabeculae not completely fused to form longitudinal plate. See Acanthine, Amplexoid, Lonsdale- oid, Naic, Perforate septa, Retiform, Septal cone, Septal fillets. Septal grating. Dissepiment: Small distally arched structure, convex upward, occurring next to theca but between septa, except where septa do not reach theca (lonsdaleoid septa). Dissepimentarium: Peripheral zone of dis- sepiments. Distal: Youngest portion. Endotheca*: 1 Portion of corallite encircled by theca. Thecarium. Endotheca: 2 All structures within theca ex- cept columella and septa. Ephebic stage: Ontogenetic stage possessing specific characters (adult). Epitheca: External sheath of corallites; com- monly indicates development subsequent to formation of primary coral wall. Outer wall. Epithecal projection: Horizontal tube con- necting adjacent corallites in fasiculate col- onies. Fistula. Everted: Periphery of calyx lower than floor. Exotheca: All structures outside of (but in- cluding) theca. Exothecal scales: Small plates attached in vertical rows to septal grooves. Scales. Extra-calicinal budding: Increases other than from calyx. False costa*: (Obsolete.) Longitudinal ridge on epitheca between septa. Interseptal ridge. Costa 2. Fasciculate: Corallites of compound corals not touching. See Dendroid, Phaceloid. Fiber*: (Obsolete.) See Trabecula 1. Fission: Separation of calyx by cleavage. Fission budding: Extension of features of parent corallite into new corallite (polyp may be separated from parent polyp by closing off of area of juncture). Fistula: Connecting tube between neighbor- ing corallites of fosciculate coralla. Epithe- cal projection. Fossula: 1 Gap formed by abortion of a sep- tum. Fossula: 2 Gap formed by shortening of a septum, also by down-warping of tabulae at same position. Siphonofossula in part. ~ Fovea*: (Obsolete.) See Fossula. Gemmation: Asexual increase. Budding. Geniculate: Having abrupt change in direc- tion of growth. Scolecoid in part. Genomorphic group: Diphymorphs of coralla or entire genus. Gerontic stage: Ontogenetic stage character- istic of old age. Granulose: Having very small granules on epitheca or tabulae. Term not recommended. 18 CHOUTEAU CORALS Growth line: Fine encircling irregularity on theca. Haploid: Simple conical coral. Holotheca: Outer wall or common investing sheath in massive coralla. Peritheca. Horizontal skeletal element: Structure formed at base of living coral. Horizontal bar*: See Tabula, especially in Favositidae. Horseshoe dissepiment: Domed dissepiment resting on flat horizontal base near inner edge of dissepimentarium. Hystero-brephic: Very early stage with pos- sible omission of characters in offset coral- lite. Hystero-corallite: Skeleton of offset corallite formed after the proto-corallite. Hystero-ephebic: Adult stage with possible omission of characters, in offset corallite. Hystero-neanic: Early stage with possible omission of characters, in offset corallite. Incomplete tabula: Not extending across the- carium. Increase: Asexual growth. Budding, Gemma- tion. Infundibuliform: Cone- or funnel-shaped. Inner wall: Solid longitudinal structure sim- ulating internal theca. See Phyllotheca, Sclerotheca, Cyathotheca, Stereotheca. Inosculation*: Joining. Anastamosing. Interior wall*: (Obsolete.) See Inner wall. Intermural increase: Lateral increase occur- ring in cerioid coralla at angles between walls. Intermural pore: Perforation of only one of two neighboring corallite walls in massive coralla. Interrupted septum*: Not reaching theca. Lonsdaleoid septum. Interseptal ridge: Vertical ridge on exterior of epitheca between adjacent septa. Pseudo- septum in part, Pseudocosta, Ruga, Costa 2. Interseptal space: Portion of lumen between two adjacent septa. Interstitial budding: Insertion of new coral- lites in interstices between corallites. Invaginated: Tabular arching in reverse of usual manner. Lamella: 1 Short axially located plate resem- bling septum. Lamella*: 2 (Obsolete.) See Septum. Lateral budding*: Budding from some point in walls. Parietal budding. Lateral fossula*: Gap between an alar sep- tum and next adjacent counter septum (ob- solete). Alar pseudo-fossula. Lateral increase: Apparent growth of new corallite from epitheca of parent. Left counter quadrant: Position of thecarium between counter septum and left alar sep- tum w^hen counter is orientated away from observer. Long septum: Extending almost to axis. Lonsdaleoid: Having septa withdrawn from periphery, outer space filled by dissepiments. Recessive septa in part. Lonsdaleoid dissepiments: Abut against either epitheca or other dissepiments because of retreat of septa toward axis. Lonsdaleoid septum: Not extending to peri- phery. Recessive septum. Lumen: Space within thecarium not occupied by skeletal elements. Major septa: Protosepta and metasepta. Marginal budding*: Budding from margin or from definite points near base. Basal bud- ding. Massive: Compound corals with actually touching corallites. See Cerioid, Plocoid, Prismatic. Medial lamella: Axial plate generally in car- dinal-counter plane. Medial plate*: Bisects axial column in car- dinal-counter plane, may be continuous with cardinal septum or counter septum, or neither. Axial plate. Metasepta: Long septa resembling protosepta but in intermediate position. Secondary septa. Minor septa: Short septa inserted subsequent to and alternating with major septa. Ter- tiary septa, in part. Mural pore: Perforation extending through epithecas of two adjacent corallites, as in Favositidae. Naic septum: Formed in part by transverse plates connected by rods or granules of sclerenchyme. Neanic stage: Ontogenetic stage between brephic and ephebic stages. Neotissue: New tissue, commonly thicker than atavo-tissue. Nepionic stage: Ontogenetic stage in which the six protosepta are formed. Brephic stage. Offset: Corallite formed later than and from proto-corallite. Operculum: Lid covering calyx. Outer wall: External sheath of corallite. Epi- theca. Outer zone*: See Dissepimentarium. Pali*: Short vertical plates located axially. Lamella 1. Term not recommended. GLOSSARY 19 Palicolumella: Axial structure consisting of thickened or unthickened axial plate par- tially separated from counter septum. Palmate : Septa in bunches with one septum near the middle being generally the longest. Parietal budding: Budding from some point in walls. Lateral budding. Parricidal budding. Involving death of par- ent polyp. Patellate: Conical corals with apical angle of 120° or more. Perforate septum : Discontinuous septum with trabeculae forming open meshwork. Perforate septum: Having holes. Periaxial tabula*: 1 One of outer series. Periaxial tabula: 2 Tabula between axial series and inner wall. Peripheral area: That portion of thecarium located peripherally from inner wall. Peripheral edge: Attached edge of septum. Base. Peripheral increase: Formation of offsets con- sisting mainly of neo-tissue, originating from dissepimentarium. Peripheral platform: Area between axial pit and periphery. Calicular platform. Peritheca: 1 Outer wall of compound coral. Holotheca. Peritheca*: 2 Sheath covering proximal por- tions of colony. Petraeoid: Addition of stereoplasm in space left by amplexoid retreat of septa. Phase: Part of coral differing from remainder without ontogenetic cause. Phyllotheca: Inner wall formed by bending of septa at right angles and fusion of bent portions. Phaceloid: Fasciculate with parallel coral- lites. Pinnate: Tendency of some septa (notably in cardinal quadrants) to lean toward car- dinal septum. Platform: Flat bottom or floor of calyx. Plocoid: Massive corals without individual walls between corallites. Polyp*: 1 Living coral. Polyp: 2 Fleshy part of a coral. Polypidum*: (Obsolete.) Colony, especially of prostrate corals. Corallum. Primary septa: 1 Cardinal, counter, and both alar septa. Primary septa*: 2 Cardinal, counter, both alar, and both counter-lateral septa. Proto- septa. Principal septa: Primary 2 and secondary septa. Prismatic: Massive corals with adjacent corallites in contact at all points. Astrae- form, in part. Proliferation*: Increase of corallum. Budding, Gemmation in part. Prostrate: Lying horizontally or close to sub- stance upon which calyx grows. Protocorallite: Skeleton of initial corallite in colony. Protosepta: Cardinal, counter, both alar, and both counter-lateral septa. Primary septa 2. Prototheca: Conical or cup-shaped embryonic exoskeleton. Proximal: Oldest portion. Pseudocolumella: Axial structure more com- plex than columella. Pseudocosta: Longitudinal ridge on epitheca not coinciding with septa. Intersepted ridge. Ruga, Costa 2. Pseudoseptum: Vertical ridge on exterior of theca; unrestricted in usage. Interseptal ridge, in part. Pseudothecalia: False theca formed by thick- ening, fusion of peripheral ends of septa. Pyramidal: Conical corals flattened on three or four sides. Quadrant: One fourth of thecarium; either cardinal or counter indicating position be- tween an alar and either cardinal septum or counter septum. Radial: Radiating from axis, especially re- lating to septal pattern in late stages. Radiciform process*: Prolongation near the apex. Rootlet. Recessive: Septa not reaching periphery. Lons- dale oid septa. Rejuvenation: 1 Addition of new constricted calyx smaller than parent but otherwise identical. Rejuvenescence in part. Rejuvenation: 2 Addition of new calyx within parent calyx; unrestricted usage. Rejuvenescence: Constriction of corallite fol- lowed by expansion, involving recapitulation of youthful characters. Rejuvenation 1 in part. Reticulate: Forming mesh-work. Retiform septum: Perforate with connecting bars between it and adjacent septa. Rhopaloid septum: Axially swollen or dilated. Right cardinal quadrant: Portion of theca- rium between cardinal septum and right alar septum when counter is orientated away from observer. Term not recommended. 20 CHOUTEAU CORALS Right counter quadrant: Portion of thecarium between counter septum and right alar sys- tem when counter is orientated away from observer. Rootlet: Root-like prolongation near apex. Radicifornt process. Root-like process*: Proximally directed prop generally confined to proximal portion. Ruga*: 1 (Obsolete.) Longitudinal ridge on epitheca not coinciding with septa. P^<'w^/o- costa, Interseptal r-idge, Costa 2. Ruga: 2 Encircling striation on epitheca coarser than transverse striation. Rugose: Corals with metasepta inserted at four points. Scales: Small plates attached in vertical rows to septal grooves and Interseptal ridges. Exothecal scales. Sclerenchyme: Calcareous material of skel- eton. Stereoplasm, Stereome. Sclerocolumella : Axial structure consisting of irregularly deposited calcareous material in late stages. Sclerotheca: Inner wall formed by densely packed ring of dissepiments. Scolecoid: Cylindrical corals whose direction of growth Is Irregular. Geniculate In part. Secondary septa: Principal septa added later than primary septa but before any possible tertiary septa. Metasepta, In part. Secondary wall*: (Obsolete.) See Inner wall. Septal budding: Partitioning of parent calyx into two to four subdivisions by curving of primary septa. Septal cone: Hollow cones with apex (either central or eccentric) directed proximally, cone thinning distally. Septal fillet: Discontinuous septum with tra- beculae fused to form band-like septa In horizontal bands. Septal grating: Discontinuous septa with superimposed comb-like unfused trabeculae. Septal groove: Longitudinal depression cor- responding In position to septum. Septal sulcus. Septal ridge: Very short vertical ridge on In- side of epitheca at position of septum. Septal sulcus*: Longitudinal groove on theca, corresponding to position of septum. Septal groove. Septum: Longitudinal plate extending In- wards from epitheca; may be acanthlne, carlnate, thin, dilated, long, short, amplex- oid, sinuous, retiform, perforate, continu- ous, discontinuous. Shape stage: Portion of coral characterized by recognizable difference in external form. Short septum: Extending only short distance axially from periphery. Amplexoid septum in part. Simple: Corals which lived singly, as opposed to compound corals. Solitary. Siphonofossula: Deep fossula with down- warped tabulae. Smooth: Character of theca. Solitary: Corals which lived singly, as op- posed to compound corals. Simple. Spine: Outwardly directed extension on theca. Splnulose striation*: See Septal ridge. Squamula: Degenerate tabula terminating In free edge within lumen; may overlap other squamulae (interlocking). Stereocolumella: Axial structure consisting of stereoplasm deposited In late stages. Stereome: Calcareous secondary deposit upon skeletal structures. Sclerenchyme, Stereo- plasm. Stereoplasm: Calcareous secondary deposit upon skeletal structures. Sclerenchyme, Ster- eome. Stereotheca: Inner wall formed by addition of stereoplasm to skeletal parts In ring within thecarium. Stereozone: Portion of coralllte extensively built up by stereoplasm. Stolon budding: Origination of new bud from horizontal tube connecting neighboring corallites ; all three units have connected visceral cavities. Stolonal budding: Increase by sending out creeping basal prolongations from which new corallites arise. Straight: Used to modify designation of shape In simple corals. Streptocolumella: Axial structure caused by twisting of ends of septa. Axial vortex. Synapticula: Transverse conical or cylindrical bar between septa. Tabella: Short arched tabula located axially, generally associated with lamellae. Tabula: Transverse skeletal elements form- ing floor of calyx at each successive stage; commonly best developed In central region ; may be complete or Incomplete. Tabular budding: Origination of new calyx from wall of parent but enveloped by tabula. Tabularium: Axial zone of tabulae. Tachygenesis: Acceleration of ontogenetic de- velopment. Talon: Arched lateral expansion near apex. Term not recommended. GLOSSARY 21 Tertiary septa: Late-formed generally short septa inserted between neighboring prin- cipal septa. Minor septa, in part. Thamnastraeoid: Closely packed phaceloid corals without boundaries between coral- lites and with septa of adjacent corallites confluent. Theca: External sheath of corallites; com- monly of unrestricted significance. Thecarium : Portion of corallite encircled by theca. Endotheca. Trabeculae: 1 Microscopic longitudinal spic- ular elements forming septa. Trabeculae*: 2 Irregularly formed skeletal tissue characteristic of Cleistopora appear- ing reticulate in section. Transverse striation: Fine encircling stria- tions on epitheca. Trochoid: Conical corals with apical angle of about 40°. Varice : Encircling irregularity on wall coarser than growth-line ; may be expansion or con- striction. Bourrelet in part. Vertical skeletal element. Structure formed by invagination of polyp in more or less vertical plane. Vesicular*: Having dissepiments. Wall*: Outer sheath. Theca, Epitheca, Outer wall. Yard-arm carinae: Carinae opposed in posi- tion on the two sides of a septum. Zaphrentoid stage: With axially coalesced pinnate septa, very large cardinal fossula, complete tabulae ; possibly common to all rugose corals. Zooid*: Individual coral within compound corallum. Corallite. Term not recommended. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 1 Figs. 1-3 Longitudinal sections of distal portions of corallites. 4, 5 Longitudinal sections showing types of tabulae. 6-20 Transverse sections showing types of septa. 21-26 Longitudinal sections of left half of corallites showing types of septj 27-31 Transverse sections showing types of dissepiments. [22] Illinois State Geological Survey Report of Investigations No. 97 Plate 1 CALICULAR PLATFORM CALICULAR BOSS CALICULAR PIT TABULARIUM DISSEPIMENTARIUM INVERTED \ 21 EVERTED COMPLETE INCOMPLETE SHORT LONSDALEOID 13 RHOPALOID RETIFORM SEPTAL CRESTS 17 20 PERFORATE SEPTAL RIDGES CARINATE YARD-ARM CARINAE HORIZONTAL CARINAS 1^ ■ff^25 rV v26 PERFORATE SEPTAL GRATING ACANTHINE AMPLEXOID SEPTAL FILLETS SEPTAL CONE ! 23 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 2 Fig. 1-5 Transverse sections showing types of inner walls; fig. 4 is a dissepimental stereotheca; fig. 5 is a septal stereotheca. 6-12 Transverse (above) and longitudinal (below) sections showing types of axial columns. 13-15 Transverse sections showing types of fossulae. 16-19 Transverse sections showing appearances of various septal groups. 20 Transverse section of one corallite and portions of surrounding corallites in a phaceloid corallum. 21-24 Transverse sections of one corallite and portions of surrounding corallites in plocoid coralla. 24 Illinois State Geological Survey Report oe Investigations No. 97 Plate 2 PHYLLOTHECA sclerotheca cyathotheca stereotheca stereotheca palicolumella sclerocolumella stereocolumella acrocolumella cystocolumella 11 ^..J.^^16 axial complex primary septa protosepta protosepta protosepta, metasepta AND metasepta AND MINOR SEPTA 23 ^^S>HC^-24 APHROID THAMNASTRAEOID 25] 26 CHOUTEAU CORALS BIBLIOGRAPHY Bassler, R. 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CYATHAXONIA 29 SYSTEMATICS PHYLUM COELENTERATA CLASS ANTHOZOA ORDER TETRACORALLA Family Paleocyclidae Dybowski, 1873 Genus MiCROCYCLUS Meek and Worthen, 1868 Thin, discoidal, almost flat free corolla with a small central irregular basal scar of attach- ment and a shallow calyx provided with smooth septa arranged in four groups separated by fos- sulae of which the cardinal one, with a con- spicuous cardinal septum, is best developed. Major septa merging into a smooth central area; minor septa short and often attached to the major. The smooth septa and conspicuous car- dinal fossula with its cardinal septum are char- acteristic of Microcyclus, which represents the stage of development in the family at which all the fossulae but the cardinal one are inconspic- uous. (Bassler, 1937, p. 193.) Genotype. — Microcyclus discus Meek and Worthen. Occurrence. — Devonian of Illinois, New York, Virginia, Germany, Canada, and Spain; Chouteau limestone, Sedalia and Providence, Missouri. Microcyclus Blairi Miller Plate 16, figures 9, 10 Microcyclus hlairi Miller, 1891, Indiana Dept. Geol. Nat. Res. 17th Ann. Rept., p. 7, pi. 9, figs. 27, 28. Adv. Sheets. Microcyclus blairi, Miller, 1892, Indiana Dept. Geol. Nat. Res. 17th Ann. Rept., p. 261, pi. 9, figs. 27, 28. Microcyclus blairi, Miller, 1892, North American Geology and Paleontology, App. 1, p. 669, fig. 1201. Microcyclus blairi, Keyes, 1894, Missouri Geol. Survey, vol. 4, p. 117. Microcyclus blairi, Moore, 1928, Missouri Bur. Geol. Mines, ser. 2, vol. 21, pp. 97, 154, 186, 195. Microcyclus blairi, Bassler, 1937, Jour. Paleon- tology, vol. 11, p. 196, pi. 31, fig."l7. Description. — In young specimen (diam- eter 7.5 mm) M^ith 22 septa, 4 cardinal ma- jor septa lie on either side of short cardinal septum; counter septum extends onto cen- tral depressed smooth area ; lateral spines occur on some septa in right counter quad- rant. Mature specimen (holotype, diameter 12.3 mm) has 26 primary septa alternat- ing with very short secondary septa, which fuse with primaries on cardinal sides of septa; central smooth area slightly convex; five primaries in each cardinal quadrant. Longer cardinal septum in slightly later stage. Occurrence. — Localities 1, 2, 56, ?59, ?63, 73. Material. — Specimens studied, 8. Orig- inal figured cotypes, University of Cincin- nati Nos. 3998 and 3999; other cotypes. University of Cincinnati No. 4000; addi- tional studied specimens. University of Mis- souri No. 1042. Kemarks. — The writer hereby selects as holotype the cotype figured by Miller on plate 9, figure 27 (University of Cincinnati No. 3998). Family Cyathaxonidae Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1850 Genus Cyathaxonia Michelin, 1847 Small ceratoid Rugose corals with a tall col- umella developed independently of, but in con- tact with, the major septa, and with minor septa inserted alternately with the major septa; with complete tabulae inclined down to the epitheca, and without dissepiments. Hill (1940, p. 194). Genotype. — Cyathaxonia cornu Michelin, 1847. Occurrence. — The genus is known from Z2 in the Lower Carboniferous into the Lower Permian and has been recognized in Belgium, Ireland, England, Scotland, Rus- sia, Australia, and the United States. In this country it is known from the Chouteau limestone (unrestricted) of Missouri, the Fern Glen formation of Illinois, the shale beneath the Rockford limestone of Indiana, and the lower limestone beds of the Spring- ville shale in Illinois. Possible Devonian representatives are known. Remarks. — According to Hill (1940, p. 194) Cyathaxonia Thomson, 1878 is not referable to Cyathaxonia Michelin, 1847, but Cyathocarina Sochkine, 1928 is a junior subjective synonym. For details of cyathaxoniid septal inser- tion, see Faurot (1909, pp. 69-108), Hill (1940, p. 194), Grabau (1922, pp. 68, 69), and Grove (1934, p. 121). 30 CHOUTEAU CORALS Cyathaxonia arcuatus Weller is not re- viewed in this study because the writer be- lieves this species to be misidentified when listed from beds lower than the Fern Glen. Cyathaxonia tantilla (Miller) emend. Easton Plate 6, figures 7, 8; Plate 16, figures 16, 17 Zaphrentis tantilla Miller, 1891 [in part], In- diana Dept. Geol. Nat. Res. 17th Ann. Rept, p. 11, pi. I, figs. 23, 24. Adv. Sheets. Zaphrentis tantilla, Miller, 1892 [in part], In- diana Dept. Geol. Nat. Res. 17th Ann. Rept, pp. 621-622, pi. I, figs. 23, 24. Zaphrentis tantilla, K,eyes, 1894, Missouri Geol. Survey, vol. 4, p. 111. Zaphrentis tantilla, Keyes and Rowley, 1897, Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., vol. 4, p. 30. Cyathaxonia minor Weller, 1909, Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 20, p. 270, pi. 10, figs. 14-17. Cyathaxonia minor. Snider, 1914, Jour. Geol., vol. 22, no. 6, p. 17. ^Cyathaxonia minor, Girty, 1915, U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 598, p. 29. C[yathaxonia] minor. Snider, 1915, Oklahoma Geol. Survey Bull. 24, p. 23. Cyathaxonia minor, Purdue and Miser, 1916, U. S. Geol. Survey Folio 202, p. 11. Cyathaxonia minor, Moore, 1928, Missouri Bur. Geol. Mines, ser. 2, vol. 21, pp. 148, 163, 191, 195. Cyathaxonia minor, Croneis, 1930, Arkansas Geol. Survey Bull. 3, pp. 47, 49. Cyathaxonia minor, Cline, 1934, Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., vol. 18, no. 9, pp. 1140, 1144. Cyathaxonia tantilla. Grove, 1935, Am. Midland Naturalist, vol. 16, pp. 367, 368, pi. 9, figs. 15-17. Cyathaxonia tantilla, Moore, 1928, Missouri Bur. Geol. Mines, ser. 2, vol. 21, pp. 53, 93, 96, 97, 120, 154, 195. Description. — Small, curved cylindrical, commonly geniculate corallites; calyx deep, with prominent elliptical axial boss, sharp but short septa lining nearly vertical walls ; epitheca moderately thick, very finely striate to rugate, obscure septal grooves when un- weathered. Transverse sections. — In late ephebic stage (diameter 2.7 mm), 24 septa — one cardinal, one counter with simple septum on either side, then 5 pairs of septa on each side uniting just short of columella; col- umella practically undifferentiated, one- fourth of diameter of calyx, slightly ellip- tical, long axis directed counter-cardinally, fused with tips of septa; septal spines very rare. Most advanced stage observed (diameter 3.5 mm) with 28 septa lining walls of calyx. Broken tip in early ephebic stage (dia- meter 1.3 mm) with 21 septa, cardinal, counter and one lateral septa all single, four pairs of septa on one side, five on other ; extra pair on side of acceleration during geniculation. Small spines abundant on sides of septa. In neanic stages precise structure obscure ; at 0.9 mm about 10 or 12 septa, columella present. In general, paired septa consist of one main septum and shorter auxiliary joining on side away from cardinal septum. Longitudinal section. — Columella extend- ing well into calyx ; septal spines quite prom- inent, in arched series sloping inward and downward ; dissepiments not observed ; tab- ulae extremely thin, about 0.7 mm apart, sloping gently upward axially. Occurrence. — Localities 2, 4-7, 46, 50, 52-54, 56, 60, ?61, 64, 75, 84, 98. This species has also been reported from the Burlington limestone at Louisiana and Han- nibal, Missouri, by Keyes (1894, p. Ill), but according to McQueen^ there are no specimens listed in the Missouri Geological Survey collection to substantiate this report. Material. — Specimens studied, 68. Holo- type, University of Cincinnati No. 3940; paratypes. University of Cincinnati No. 3941, 24404; Grove's hypotypes, University of Chicago No. 38042 ; other studied ma- terial, United States National Museum not numbered, Illinois State Geological Survey Nos. 3509, 3516, University of Missouri not numbered, and University of Chicago No. 9855. Remarks. — Miller designated 31 speci- mens as cotypes of this species. One cotype, which most closely fits the original illustra- tions, and which bears a different number (University of Cincinnati No. 3940) is hereby designated the holotype. This is 8.5 mm long and would be about 2.7 mm in greatest diameter if the calyx were not somewhat crushed. It has 26 septa and a prominent columella in the 1.5 mm deep calyx. The exterior is smooth near the tip but is weathered near the calyx. This speci- men and several others were cleaned by the writer in order to establish the nature of the Correspondence, H. S. McQueen, August 26, 1942. METRIOPHYLLUM 31 calyces. No traces of fossulae were ob- served. The "fossula" as described by Car- ruthers (1913) refers to a different septal distribution and not a depression at the cardinal position (see Carruthers, 1913, pi. Ill, figs. 4, 7, 9, 10). Altogether, 22 of the original cotypes are referable to this species, one to Syringo- pora harveyij one to Paleacis n. sp., one pos- sibly to Hapsiphyllum n. sp., one to Am- plexus corniculum Miller, three to Metrio- phyllum n. sp., and two are unidentifiable (one may be a pathologic specimen of C. tan til la). Family Metriophyllidae Hill, 1939 Genus Metriophyllum Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1850 Metriophyllum Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1850, Paleont. Soc. London, p. Ixix. Metriophyllum Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1851, Polypes Foss. des Terr. Palaeoz., p. 317. Lopholasma Simpson, 1900, New York State Mus. Bull. 39, vol. 8, p. 206. Stereolasma Simpson, 1900, New York State Mus. Bull. 39, vol. 8, p. 205. Lopholasma Grabau, 1922, Paleontologia Sinica, ser. B, vol. 2, fasc. 1, p. 42. Lophelasma Lang, Smith, and Thomas, 1940, In- dex of Palaeozoic Coral Genera, p. 80. Stereoelasma Lang, Smith, and Thomas, 1940, idem, p. 123. Small, simple, ceratoid rugose corals; septa carinate, radially arranged, commonly fused axially to form a pseudocolumella ; tabulae thin, sparse ; dissepiments present. Genotype. — Metriophyllum bouchardi Milne-Edwards and Haime. Occurrence. — Hamilton (Devonian) of New York; probably late Visean or early Moscovian of China; Lower Carboniferous of the British Isles ; lower part of Chouteau limestone (unrestricted) of Missouri. Material. — The specimens illustrated by Hall (1876, pi. 19, figs. 1-13) are mostly in the American Museum of Natural His- tory, except for the original of figure 9, which is New York State Museum No. 3740/1. The location of Hall's specimens illustrated as figures 4, 6, 10 is unknown. Simpson's (1900) specimens are in the New York State Museum as follows: fig. 16, No. 3740/3; fig. 17, No. 3740/2; fig. 18, No. 3741/2; fig. 19, No. 3520/1; fig. 20, No. 3520/2; fig. 22, No. 3520/3. Remarks.— Hill (1940, pp. 132, 136) in- dicated that Metriophyllum is a senior syn- onym of Lopholasma, but she does not use either name, preferring to retain species groups of "Zaphrentis'' because the other pertinent genera have not been studied in detail. The writer feels that obvious dif- ferences between Zaphrentis and Metrio- phyllum warrant using the latter genus when it seems applicable, even though its details are imperfectly known. Grabau (1922, p. 42) believed that "the Devonian form is probably derived from Stereolasma rectum'' and that (p. 58) Lophocarinophyllum was probably derived from a coral of the Metriophyllum type. Jeffords reiterated the same view (1942, pp. 208-209). Hill (1940, p. 132) be- lieved Fasciculophyllum was derived from corals of the Metriophyllum type which she includes in the Zaphrentis omaliusi group. Lang, Smith, and Thomas (1940, p. 123) state that Stereolasma and Lopholasma are junior synonyms of Metriophyllum; on the basis of examination of the figures the writer concurs. It has proved impossible to decide to which genera belong any of Hall's specimens referred to by Simpson. Simp- son's types are thin-sections and are not known to have been cut from any of Hall's figured specimens. Metriophyllum deminutivum Easton, n. sp. Plate 3, figures 1-3 Zaphrentis tantilla Miller, 1891, [in part], In- diana Dept. Geol. Nat. Res. 17th Ann. Rept., p. 11, Adv. Sheets. Zaphrentis tantilla, Miller, 1892, [in part], In- diana Dept. Geol. Nat. Res., 17th Ann. Rept., pp. 621, 622. Externals. — Small, slightly curved, cera- toid to cylindrical, slightly elliptical in cross-section ; epitheca thin, very finely stri- ate, unevenly constricted, commonly obscur- ing interseptal ridges; calyx deep, steep- walled, without calicular boss but with traces of septa on floor and walls. Dimensions of specimens, all incomplete : Greatest Length diameter University of Cincinnati No. 24300 (holotype) . 10.5 mm 4.2 mm University of Cincinnati No. 24301 (paratype) 8.3mm 4.4mm University of Cincinnati No. 24302 (paratype) 10.1mm 5.5 mm 32 CHOUTEAU CORALS Tangential section. — (PL 3, fig. 2.) Sep- ta slightly flexuous; carinae 6 in 3 mm, very prominent, extending about 0.1 mm from septa, with upward-directed hook at tip, overlapping carinae of septa on either side, but not exactly alternating with them, being nearly opposed on any one septum but lying in plane oblique through septum (ex- cept in early ephebic stage, where carinae alternate, slope downwards to septa). Transverse sections. — (PL 3, fig. 3.) In middle ephebic stage (diameters 2.5 x 3.0 mm), septa thick, grouped somewhat in pairs, five pairs on each side between single thick cardinal septum and thin counter septum with single minors joining it on either side to form tripartite counter sys- tem ; ends of septa fused in axis ; epitheca thick ; tabulae sparse, thin ; occasional sep- tal spine present. Broken tip in late neanic stage (diame- ter 1.3 mm) with 8 septa united axially, only two paired. Longitudinal section. — (PL 3, fig. 1.) Axial structure with traces of sinuous septa, especially in more mature stages ; carinae slope gently downward axially; not more than three very fine dissepiments observed. Comparison. — This species differs from Lopholasma carbonaria Grabau and Metrio- phyllurn battersbyi Edwards and Haime in being notably smaller, having far fewer septa, and in very rarely showing dissepi- ments. Occurrence.- — Locality 7. Material. — Specimens studied, 3. Holo- type. University of Cincinnati No. 24300; paratypes, University of Cincinnati Nos. 24301, 24302. Genus RoTiPHYLLUM Hudson, 1942 Densyphyllinn Thomson, 1883, Proc. Roy. Phil. Soc. Glasgow, vol. 14, p. 445. Densiphyllum Vaughan, 1906, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. London, vol. 62, p. 318. Densiphyllum, Vaughan, 1908, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. London, vol. 64, p. 459. Densiphyllu7n, Smyth, 1915, Roy. Dublin Soc. Sci. Proc, n. s., vol. 14, p. 556. non Densiphyllum Dybowski, 1873, Arch. Naturk. Liv-, Esth-u. Kurl. [1], vol. 5, lief 3, p. 335. Rotiphyllum Hudson, 1942, Geol. Mag. vol. 79, no. 5, p. 257. Rotiphyllum, Hudson, 1943b, Leeds Philos. Soc. Proc. (Sci. Sec), vol. 4, pt. 2, p. 136. RotipJiyllum, Hudson and Fox, 1943, Yorkshire Geol. Soc. Proc, vol. 25, pt. 2 (1942), p. 106. Diagnosis. — "Zaphrentoid corals of Fas- ciculophyllum oinaliusi species-group^ with evenly spaced, radial, major septa which meet axially and form a stereocolumn. Car- dinal fossula, on convex side of corallum, similar to other loculi except that they usually extend to the septal axis. Alar fos- sulae indistinguishable from other loculi. Tabulae conical. No dissepiments. Septal plan in early growth-stages similar to that in other species of F. omaliusi species- group." (Hudson, 1942, p. 257.) Genotype. — Densiphyllum rushianum Vaughan, 1908, emend. Hudson, 1943. Occurrence. — According to Hudson (1943b, p. 137), "Rotiphylloid structures are known in members of the F. omaliusi species-group from the lower Tournaisian to the top of the Visean." Remarks. — Rotiphyllum has not previ- ously been identified in North America. Both the American species studied herein appear to be phylogenetically older than the described British material in that the Amer- ican species have wider stereocolumellae, more prominent fossulae, pronounced bilat- eral symmetry, and a tendency toward pin- nate septa in the cardinal quadrants. Rotiphyllum calyculum (Miller) emend. Easton Plate 3, figures 7-10; Plate 16, figures 32, 33 Zaphrentis calyculus Miller, 1891, Indiana Dept. Nat. Res. 17th Ann. Rept., p. 10, pi. 1, figs. 13, 14, Adv. Sheets. Zaphrentis calyculus. Miller, 1892, Indiana Dept. Geol. Nat. Res. 17th Ann. Rept., p. 620, pi. 1, figs. 13, 14. Zaphrentis calycula, Moore, 1928, Missouri Bur. Geol. Mines, ser. 2, vol. 21, p. 97. Externals. — Holotype curved trochoid, widely flaring at calyx; calyx deep with concave floor ; epitheca thin with striae ; holotype has 25 primaries alternating with short secondaries ; tips of majors fused to central smooth area; first pair of majors on each side of cardinal septum fused before meeting smooth area; a short major on - ""The characteristic features of this group_ of small conical, and curved Rugose Corals are the position of the cardinal sectors on the convex side of the corallum, the palmate grouping of the septa which are radial or sli'^htly concave to the cardinal septum, the stereocolumn o*^ varying strength, the pseudofossula about a counter septum often long and rhopaloid, and the tendency of the minor septa to be contratingent with the counter-minor'" longer." (Hudson, 1943b, p. 104.) ROTIPHYLLUM 33 cardinal side fused with each alar; right alar combination free; holotype 15 mm long on convex side, calyx 12 mm in diameter. Paratype strongly curved, abruptly flar- ing, about 6 mm long on convex side, 8 mm in diameter at calyx; septa 24, with one short cardinal followed in counterclockwise direction by 2 fused, 1 free, 4 fused, 1 nearly free, 5 fused, 1 free (counter), 3 fused, 1 nearly free, 3 fused, and 2 free major septa; minor septa alternate with majors. Another paratype (diameters 5.9 by 6.7 mm) has 18 septa, cardinal septum in fos- sula on convex side, followed on either side by groups of 4 septa (last of which is almost free alar septum) ; counter septum bordered by groups of 4 septa. Transverse section. — One to three tab- ular intersections between septa in late ephebic stage. In late neanic stage of holo- type (diameter 2.4 mm) cardinal septum is slightly longer than others, none reaches center, and most are short and paired near epitheca. Longitudinal section. — Tabulae about normal to counter side, tilted proximally somewhat toward cardinal side, flat or con- cave; axial region composed of tabulae and axial ends of septa, all reinforced with scler- enchyme forming a flat-topped axial struc- ture. Occurrence. — Localities 1, 2. Material. — Specimens studied, 36. Holo- type, University of Cincinnati No. 3359; figured paratypes. University of Cincinnati No. 3359a; studied paratypes. University of Cincinnati No. 24307 ; unidentified orig- inal cotypes, University of Cincinnati No. 24308. Remarks. — This species was differentiated from among the cotypes and is represented by Miller's figured specimen, here desig- nated the holotype, plus 14 paratypes. RoTiPHYLLUM HiANS Easton, n. sp. Plate 3, figures 4-6; Plate 16, figures 6-8 Zaphrentis caly cuius Miller, 1891 [in part], In- diana Dept. Geol. Nat. Res., 17th Ann. Rept., p. 10. Adv. sheets. Zaphrentis calyculus, Miller, 1892 [in part], In- diana Dept. Geol. Nat. Res., 17th Ann. Rept., p. 620. Externals. — Small, trochoid, somewhat flattened; calyx oblique toward concave side, shallow, with prominent oval axial boss parallel with or oblique to cardinal-counter plane; epitheca thick, with rugae; calicular budding observed; holotype 14 mm long (convex side), 7 mm long (concave side), calyx 10.7 by 9.7 mm in diameter. Calyx of holotype with 24 major septa, arranged as follows in counter-clockwise di- rection : cardinal septum prominently con- nected to axial boss, 1 short free major, 4 fused, 1 single (right alar) , 3 fused, 2 fused, 2 fused, 1 single, 4 fused, 1 single (left alar), 3 fused, 1 single; minor septa re- stricted to right (convex) side. Another specimen (diameters 11 by 9.7 mm), possesses 27 (possibly 28) majors ar- ranged as follows (counterclockwise) : car- dinal septum not prominent, in pronounced fosuUa, leaning to right of cardinal-counter plane, 3 fused, 2 fused and then fused to third, 1 free and short, 1 free and short (right alar), 11 single extending equally to axial boss, 1 free and short (left alar), 3 (possibly 4) single (1 extra possibly fused to last), 3 fused. A third specimen (diameter about 7.7 mm) has 22 majors with minors alternating all around the somewhat deep, symmetrical calyx. Transverse sections. — In very early ephebic stage (diameters 1.7 by 1.9 mm) holotype with solid central area joined by 1 cardinal, 1 lateral fused to next (right alar), 10 majors, 1 (left) alar, 2 majors next to cardinal, totaling 16 septa; sugges- tion of tabulae. In section through bottom of another calyx (diameters 14.0 by 7.7 mm), 22 septa, cardinal single, counter joined about half-way on either side by other single ma- jors. Tabular intersections abundant near epitheca. Longitudinal section. — Columella very long, tapering; tabulae steeply oblique downwards to epitheca, both concave and convex, generally very thin. Comparison. — This species differs notably from R. calyculuju (Miller) emend. Easton in having a columellar boss in the calyx; otherwise the two are similar. Occurrence. — Localities 7, 9. Material. — Specimens studied, 8. Holo- type, University of Cincinnati No. 24303 ; figured paratypes, University of Cincinnati Nos. 24304, 24305, 24306; figured ideo- type, Illinois State Geological Survey No. 34 CHOUTEAU CORALS 3502; other specimen, University of Cint cinnati No. 24401 (as paratype of Z. tenella). Remarks. — The types were formerly part of the cotypes of Z. calycula Miller. Family Streptelasmidae Grabau, 1922 PsEUDOCRYPTOPHYLLUM Easton n. gen. Diagriosis. — Simple, rugose corals; six primary septa in earliest stage observed, three (cardinal and alars) persistently strongest, longest; counter septum very strong in early stage, rapidly becoming weak, persisting into most advanced stage observed; minor septa, if any, confined to counter quadrants, well developed only in early stages ; tabulae present, thick near cen- ter, very thin periaxially; dissepiments ab- sent. Genotype. — P seudocryptophyllum cavum Easton n. sp. Occurrence. — Chouteau limestone (unre- stricted), Pettis County, Missouri. Remarks. — This genus differs from Cryp- tophyllum in having six early septa, counter septum strongly developed early in onto- geny and persisting into late stages, sec- ondary septa almost restricted to early stages. It differs similarly from Plerophyl- lum but also the orientation of Plerophyl- lum is the reverse of that in Cryptophyllum and Pseudocryptophyllum. Plerophyllum may prove to be synonymous with Crypto- phyllum, but the Chouteau species must be placed in another genus on the basis of the six early septa and the strong counter sep- tum in early stages. Both Plerophyllum and Pseudocryptophyllum have walls of epitheca fused with the extreme outer portions of septa. The tabulae of Cryptophyllum and Pseudocryptophyllum are similar in being axially depressed. Pseudocryptophyllum may have been derived from Cryptophyllum by additional reduction in the length of sec- ondary septa and reduction in the strength (not necessarily length) of the counter sep- tum. This is not borne out by the strati- graphic occurrence of the species, however, for the monotypic Cryptophyllum extends from Zg into Dg of the British section — a range which includes almost the entire Lower Mississippian of America. Pseudocryptophyllum cavum Easton n. sp. Plate 4, figures 8-11 ; Plate 16, figure 31 Externals. — Small, straight, ceratoid ; epi- theca thin with definite interseptal ridges and septal grooves, spines very sparse; cor- allite expands increasingly rapidly. Calyx not observed. Transverse sections. — In late ephebic stage (9.3 by 8.3 mm) three very prom- inent dilated septa, cardinal and alars; counter short, flanked by axially somewhat swollen longer counter-lateral septa on either side ; fairly well-defined traces of secondary septa irregular in counter quadrants, else- where secondary septa only swellings on periphery; all majors connected by strongly developed transected tabulae near axis; outer tabulae very thin. In late neanic stage (diameters 4.3 by 3.5 mm), six prominent septa meeting at solid axial structure which is in reality a thick tabula; counter septum much the most di- lated but shortest; rather well developed septal traces of secondaries in counter quadrants join transected tabula in slightly earlier stages ; tabulae thin. At very slightly more advanced (early ephebic) stage, septa extend almost to cen- ter, fail to meet at tabular intersection; counter much weakened, it and counter-lat- erals shortest of six septa present. Longitudinal section. — Tabulae arch steeply upwards with slight axial sag; may be recurved upwards at peripheries; vari- able in thickness. Comparison. — The six long major septa serve at present to differentiate the species. Occurrence. — Localities 8, 38. 7l^«/^r/^/.— Specimens studied, 2. Holo- type. University of Missouri not numbered ; a possible representative is Illinois State Geological Survey No. 3510. Remarks. — The orientation of the speci- men was obtained from a study of the inter- septal ridges and septal grooves. Family Hapsiphyllidae Grabau, 1928, emend. Easton Diagnosis. — Simple rugose corals whose major septa tend to surround a prominent cardinal fossula; minor septa may be pres- TRIPL OP HY LUTES 35 ent; tabulae present; dissepiments may be present. Type genus. — Hapsiphyllum Simpson, 1900, emend. Easton. Remarks. — Many of the corals included in this family have formerly been included in the "Zaphrentidae" of authors. Grabau (1928, p. 118) proposed the family Hapsi- phyllidae for what is essentially this group. He included Hapsiphyllum, Allotropiophyl- lum, and Mentscophyllum in the family. In addition to Hapsiphyllum, Allotropio- phyllum may be a member, but Menisco- phyllum is not typical, although it probably belongs here. Schindewolf considered Zaphrentoides Stuckenberg to be a senior synonym of Hapsiphyllum Simpson, and therefore changed the family name to Zaphrentoididae (1938, p. 451). The writer does not recog- nize Zaphrentoides as having much taxo- nomic value because of lack of information about its genotype and, therefore, the fam- ily name Hapsiphyllidae is revived. This family includes Hapsiphyllum, Neozaphren- tis, the new genus described hereunder, prob- ably Meniscophyllum, and possibly Clino- phyllum. Genus Triplophyllites Easton, new genus Zaphrentis of authors [in part]. Triplophyllum Simpson, 1900 [in part], New York State Mus. Bull. 39, vol. 8, p. 209. Menophyllum Milne-Edwards and Hairae, Girty, 1911, U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 439, p. 28. Triplophyllum, Grove, 1935, Am. Midland Na- turalist, vol. 16, No. 3, p. 339. Zaphrentoides (Hapsiphyllum) Schindewolf, 1938 [in part], Jahr. Preuss. Geol. Lande- sanst. (1937), vol. 58, p. 449. Triplophyllum of authors [in part]. Diagnosis. — Simple, small to large, nearly straight to curved, conical; asexual increase very rare; calyx generally evenly concave; septa very short in upper part of calyx; epitheca generally thin, with rugae, striae, interseptal ridges, septal grooves; spines may be present; major septa v^ry long in early stages; minor septa very short to rudimentary or absent ; cardinal fossula very prominent, occupied by progressively short- ened cardinal septum, bounded by generally axially fused neighboring cardinal septa; alar fossulae best developed in late neanic stage, tending to become obscure in later stages; tabulae prominent throughout; dis- sepiments generally sparse, irregular, mostly in early portions of corallite, usually between major and minor septa and never becoming lonsdaleoid; septal stereozones may be present. Genotype. — Triplophyllites palmatus Easton, n. sp. Occurrence. — Abundant in Mississippian of North America ; Tournaisian and Visean of Belgium, England, Russia, and Scotland. Description of genotype Triplophyllites palmatus Easton, n. sp. Plate 8, figures 1-6 Externals. — Slightly curved, mostly tro- choid but sometimes ceratoid ; sparsely spin- ose ; interseptal ridges strong, markedly stri- ate, notably stronger on either side of the four primary septa ; calyx deep ; cardinal position commonly to one side of the con- cave side; sections show cardinal and alar fossulae present in the calyx, cardinal sep- tum very short in a long narrow fossula, counter and alar septa slightly longer than other major septa. Transverse sections. — Minor septa devel- oped very late in ephebic stage and always i;udimentary. In late ephebic stage (diameters 14.3 by 15.8 mm) 34 major septa, of which car- dinal septum is very short and located in very long, narrow fossula; counter septum slightly thicker than other septa; one or two groups of palmate septa occur in coun- ter quadrants which are accelerated ; minor septa present in a few loculi (pi. 8, fig. 1). In middle ephebic stage (diameter 11.3 mm) 28 major septa; palmate arrangement of septa in counter quadrants quite marked ; cardinal fossula long and somewhat axially expanded ; long septum shown in it in plate 8, fig. 2 is a metaseptum and not cardinal septum, which is masked by stereoplasm to right of long septum. Through progressively earlier ephebic stages (pi. 8, figs. 3a-3d) lengths of the palmate septa decrease in counter quadrants until they are indicated only by septal grooves; at the same time, cardinal septum becomes longer. In very early ephebic and late neanic stages (pi. 8, figs. 4a-4c), number of septa further decreases; tabulae not observed in neanic stages. 36 CHOUTEAU CORALS Longitudinal section. — Tabulae complete, sharpl)^ recurved proximally near their bor- ders in lower half of corallite, less sharply recurved near calyx; dissepiments very sparse, either in angle between a tabula and epitheca or enlarged with tabulae butting against them; about 7 tabulae in 10 mm. Comparison. — T. palmatus differs from T. spin nl OS us a (Grove) in having the cardinal septum shortened by early ephebic stage; the pronounced palmate grouping of septa in the counter quadrants, the very strong counter septum, and the early reduc- tion of the length of the cardinal septum are characteristic of the species internally. The generally trochoid shape, the very deep calyx, the strong interseptal ridges, and the sparse spines may provide external identify- ing characters. Occurrence. — The specimens were col- lected by the writer from near the top of the Kinkaid limestone (Chester series, Mis- sissippian system) in the gully to the west of the road north of Cedar Grove Church, in the NE. ^4 NW. >i sec. 31, T. 11 S., R. 2 E., Johnson County, Illinois. The col- lections came from bed 13 as measured by Lamar (Illinois Geol. Survev Bull. 48, p. 80,1925). Material. — Holotvpe, No. 3519; figured paratypes, Nos. 3520, 3521, 3522, 3523; unfigured paratypes No. 3524; topotypes No. 3525 ; all in the collections of the Illi- nois State Geological Survey. The speci- mens from which figs. 3a-3d and 4a-4c of plate 8 were drawn were completely ground away in an effort to obtain the earliest possible stages. Remarks. — No other group of corals is as difficult taxonomically as the so-called "zaphrentids." Most identifications are questionable when made without sections, but even when sections are prepared, the simple morphology is misleading. The most recent nomenclatural advance has been the restriction of Zaphrenthis {sensu stricto) to corals with an open cardinal fossula, car- inate or toothed septa, and a wide zone of dissepiments (Schindewolf, 1938, p. 452). No known Carboniferous corals are refer- able to Zaphrenthis. Schindewolf (1938, p. 450) separated the Carboniferous "zaphrentid" corals into two subgenera under the genus Zaphren- toides Stuckenberg, 1895. Of these, Zaph- rentoides (Zaphrentoides) has the cardinal fossula on the convex side of the corallite and Zaphrentoides (Hapsiphylluin) has the cardinal fossula on the concave side of the corallite. This taxonomic arrangement places corals both with and without dissepiments in the same subgenus, a condition which the writer considers unsatisfactory. The pres- ence or absence of a major morphologic fea- ture, such as a tendency for development of dissepiments, is of greater taxonomic value than the orientation of an existing feature, such as the cardinal fossula. Even so, the writer essentially agrees with Schindewolf that the dominent position of the cardinal fossula has taxonomic significance, that its significance is of subgeneric rank, and that the mere presence of alar fossulae is not of generic importance. Instead of adopting a modification of Schindewolf's taxonomy, the writer feels it necessary to establish a new genus whose characters are referable to an incontrovert- ible genotype which, in turn, is based upon adequately known type material. T. palm- atus is the best known species available to the writer ; it is abundant at its type local- ity which is well established, the material is well preserved, and the species is entirely typical of the genus. For these reasons, this Kinkaid species is chosen as genotype, rather than one of the Chouteau species, all of which are less well known and either are rarely found or are based upon unavailable types. Several available genera may prove in one or more cases to be senior sj'^nonyms of Triplophyllites, in which instance it will be small trouble to make necessary nomencla- tural changes. As it stands, one must either refer these species to a genus (Zaphrenthis) to which they are known not to belong or refer them to a genus whose characters are inadequately known. The status of several genera belonging in the latter category are reviewed below. (1) Zaphrentoides Stuckenberg, 1895, was proposed to include corals as follows: "Simple corals whose corallites possess more or less regular conical shape. On the outer surface of the wall we percieve en- circling swellings in faint impression. The septa are separated into two cycles. The septa of the first order extend almost to the axis and are slightly twisted there ; are four : the cardinal septum, the counter septum, and alar septa [which are] weakly devel- oped and situated in fossulae; of these ffos- TRIPL OPHYLLI TES 37 sulae], that of the cardinal septum is most strongly developed, whereas those of both alar septa are weakly represented and that of the counter septum is hardly noticeable. The septa of the second order, which alter- nate with those of the first [order], are weakly developed and are apparent only on the inner surface of the moderately deep calyx. The tabulae are complete and extend almost to the theca. An endothecal tissue is lacking or is merely present in embryonic development, wherein it is present most often in the basal part of the corallites. The genus differs from the genus Zaphretitis by the weak development of both alar septa of the first order and of the counter septum, which are situated in fossulae. Among the species already known, Zaphrentoides (Za- phrentis) griffithi Edwards and Haime also belongs thereto." (Free translation of orig- inal German diagnosis, [Stuckenberg, 1895, p. 191] by the writer.) Equivalence of Zaphrentoides and Trip- lophyllites would result if it could be proved that Stuckenberg's statement is true that Zaphrentoides has an "endothecal tissue" (dissepiments) in the basal part of the cor- allites (Stuckenberg, 1895, p. 191). It is naturally probable that the Russian species studied by Stuckenberg have the structures assigned to them, but it is not necessarily true that Z. griffithi^ which Stuckenberg mentioned only incidentally but which was subsequently (Schindewolf, 1938, p. 449) made the genotype of Zaphrentoides, also has dissepiments. Schindewolf (admittedly) and Stuckenberg (probably) based their concepts of Z. griffithi in part on Thom- son's concept of that species, which he said (Thomson, 1881, p. 218) has "curved inter- septal dissepiments." Probably Thomson's "curved interseptal dissepiments" are for the most part traces of tabulae, but some of them may represent dissepiments. Hill studied Thomson's figured specimen and concluded that Z. griffithi Milne-Ed- wards and Haime, Thomson, 1881 is a jun- ior synonym of Z. curvilinea Thomson^. It is doubtful that Z. griffithi Milne-Edwards and Haime, Thomson, 1881 is conspecific with Z. griffithi Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1851. In any case, Schindewolf's designation of Z. griffithi as the genotype of Zaphrentoides obviously must find basis upon Milne-Ed- wards and Haime's species and not upon Thomson's concept of that species. The fact is that, contrary to Schindewolf's state- ment (1938, p. 449), Z. griffithi is not "well known." Until Zaphrentoides is ex- amined upon the basis of its genoholotype, its status will remain uncertain. If the geno- holotype be lost, it is suggested that Zaph- rentoides be allowed to lapse as far as it concerns "zaphrentid" nomenclature, ex- cept, of course, that it would then exist as a monotypic genus of unknown relationship. (2) Amplexi-ZaphrentisVaughan, 1906, was proposed as a subgenus of Zaphrenthis with three genosyntypes indicated, one of which, Z. bowerbanki Milne-Edwards and Haime, Thomson, 1883 (pi. 6, fig. 3), was chosen as genolectotype by Lang, Smith, and Thomas (1940, p. 16). Hill considered this "species" of Thomson's to be a junior syn- onym of Z. curvilinea Thomson, 1881. As pointed out above, Thomson's concept of Z. griffithi was considered by Hill to be representative of Z. curvilinea. If so, Ain- plexi-Zaphrentis is a junior synonym of at least part of the basis of Schindewolf's con- cept of Zaphrentoides, but there is no proof that the two genera are actually synony- mous. Carruthers (1908, p. 158) considered Ainplexi-Zaphrentis to be a junior synonym of Caninia. It appears that this view would be acceptable from a study of Vaughan's diagnosis of Ainplexi-Zaphrentis and from a study of the figured specimen (Vaughan, 1906, pi. 39, fig. 7), but the subsequent designation of a type for Amplexi-Zaphren- tis seems to the writer probably to have changed the original concept of the genus. (3) Menophyllum Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1850 is not known well enough to permit evaluation of the genus. It is thought to be nearly related to Triplophyllites, if not actually to be a senior synonym. Girty (1911, p. 28) once referred a specimen to 3 Hill (1940, p. 126) believed that Z. enniskilleni Milne-Edwards and Haime (which "may well belong to the same generic group as Z. delanouei" [idem, p. 144]) should be referred to what is here called Triplophyllites, and that Z. curvilinea belongs in the same genus (idem, p. 140). Hill did not specifically mention the presence or absence of dissepiments in the discussions of the Z. enniskilleni and Z. delanouei species-groups, but she did say (idem, p. 143) that there are no dissepiments in Z. curvilinea, which she placed in the former group. On the other hand, illustrations of species (Thomson, 1881, pi. 3, figs. 4, 5) which Hill also placed in synony- my with Z. curvilinea Thomson seem to me to show sparse dissepiments in longitudinal section. Finally, Hill's illustration of Z. curvilinea (1940, pi. 7, fig. 2) ap- pears to me to show dissepiments in the upper left corner, near the upper right corner, and at the lower left side. 38 CHOUTEAU CORALS this genus but subsequently (1915a, p. 23) stated that his concept of Mejiophyllum co- incided with Triplophyllum Simpson ; ac- tually, it is to be inferred from this that his identification implies Triplophyllites. Until the genoholotype of Menophyllum is studied, it is suggested that the name not be applied to other Carboniferous ''zaphren- tids." (4) Triplophyllum Simpson, 1900 was proposed with Z. terehrata Hall, 1883 as genotype. The single available specimen was not sectioned ; in fact, only a side view was figured. Simpson figured Z. dalei Milne- Edwards and Haime and gave Z. centralis Milne-Edwards and Haime as an example, but he chose Z. terehrata as genotype ap- parently because that type was in the col- lections he studied and the others were not. Girty (1915a, p. 23) erroneously cited ''T . centrale" as the type species of Triplo- phyllum. Although it appears that subse- quent studies correctly name the genotype, it so happens that Z. terehrata is not at all typical of the concept of Triplophyllum of authors exemplifying the generic group oc- curring in the Carboniferous. The writer was unable to borrow the genoholotype of Triplophyllum for study, but excellent photographs were furnished by Dr. Winifred Goldring, some being re- produced here. Through the courtesy of Mr. H. E. Vokes, the writer was allowed to study and section four additional speci- mens (topotypes) of the species. So far as the writer is aware, these five are the only known specimens of T. terehratum (Hall). The material examined shows external de- tails fairly well, but the internal preserva- tion is very poor. A new description of this species is as follows. Triplophyllum terebratum (Hall) Plate 11, figures 1, 2; Plate 17, figures 16-18 Large, nearly straight, ceratoid ; calyx very deep, secondary septa prominent wher- ever seen, primaries tending to form counter- clockwise axial vortex; cardinal fossula in- conspicuous in calyces, not confined to either concave or convex side, bounded by un- fused adjacent metasepta, occupied by short cardinal septum; alar fossulae either absent or doubtfully identified septa withdrawn from axis in very old corallites, leaving cal- ical floor formed by a tabula; epitheca thin, wrinkled, showing interseptal ridges and septal grooves faintly when unweathered ; holotype with 48 major septa; another il- lustrated specimen with 42 primaries alter- nating with shorter secondaries, another with 44 primaries alternating with secon- daries. In late ephebic stage (diameters 23 by 18 mm) primaries extend nearly to cen- ter, but are bunched; tabulae slope steeply into cardinal fossula; dissepiments abun- dant. In late neanic or early ephebic stage (diameters 11.5 by 11.5 mm) most primary septa extend to center, tendency toward ax- ial vortex pronounced, cardinal fossula prominent, cardinal septum long, only one of alar fossulae discernible; secondary septa rudimentary or very short; dissepiments sparse. Of the foregoing characters, the most im- portant are the tendency toward formation of an axial vortex, the cardinal fossulae with free metasepta along the walls, the inconsequential alar fossulae, and the bunched groups of septa in late stages. Of less importance are the extremely deep calyx, the abberant position (with regard to curva- ture of the specimen) of the cardinal fos- sula, and the relatively long secondary septa associated with very long and free primary septa in the calyx. These characters necessitate the recognb tion of two genera, Triplophyllum, and Triplophyllites. Triplophyllum contains two American species — the Onondagan T. tere- hratum (Hall) and T. edwardsi (Nichol- son). Triplophyllites contains the Carbon- iferous species heretofore thought typical of Triplophyllum. The presence of dissepiments in Triplo- phyllites must be considered in relation to phylogenetic development, for this character is not consistent within the genus and may be difficult to prove in many specimens. Dis- sepiments are more apt to be found in strat- igraphically older species, although they oc- cur sparsely and irregularly and sometimes in modified form in younger species. Thus, although the writer's diagnosis is based in part upon a character of diminishing strength, the presence of the character in the series is of great taxonomic value. Material. — Genoholotype of Triplophyl- lum; New York State Museum No. 3841/1 ; studied plesiotypes; American Mu- seum of Natural History No. 4094/1. The present understanding of Triplophyllites is TRIP LOP HYLLITES 39 based upon the types of T. palmatus and partly on Grove's hypotypes; University of Chicago (Walker Museum), Nos. 31560, 31546, 4704, 25192, 31570, and cotypes No. 4705. Other materials studied by Grove: holotype, Illinois State Geological Survey (Worthen collection) No. 2562; plesiotype, No. 2556. Taxonomic possibilities. — Triplophyllites could be split into two subgenera, one of which would have the same name as that of the genus and would include Triplophyl- lites with the cardinal fossula on the con- cave side. The other subgenus would include those corals with the cardinal fossula on the convex side ; this, then, would include corals corresponding to the concept of Zaphren- toides Stuckenberg. Unless Zaphrentis re- versa Worthen should prove to belong to this group, the hypothetical subgenus is not known at present in North America. Triplophyllites centralis (Milne-Edwards and Haime) Plate 9, figures 1, 2 Zaphrentis centralis Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1851, Mus. histoire nat., Arch., vol. 5, p. 328, fig. 6. Zaphrentis centralis, Milne-Edwards, 1860, His- toire nat. des coralliaires, t. 3, p. 336. Zaphrentis centralis, Worthen, 1890, Illinois Geol. Survey, vol. 8, p. 72, pi. 9, figs. 1, la. Zaphrentis centralis, Williams, 1900, Arkansas Geol. Survey, Ann. Rept. 1892, vol. 5, pp. 336, 337, 339-341. Zaphrentis centralis, Keyes, 1894, Missouri Geol. Survey, vol. 4, p. 112. Zaphrentis centralis, Keyes and Rowley, 1897, Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., vol. 4, p. 30. Zaphrentis centralis, Shepard, 1898, Missouri Geol. Survey, vol. 12, pt. 1, p. 122. Triplophyllum centralis, Simpson, 1900, New York State Mus. Bull. 39, no. 8, p. 209. Triplophyllum centralis, Simpson, 1902, New York State Univ. State Mus. Rept., vol. 54, no. 3, p. 209. f Zaphrentis centralis, Girty, in Smith and Sie- benthal, 1907, U. S. Geol. Survey Folio 148, p. 6. Triplophyllum (Zaphrentis) centralis, Butts, 1922, Kentucky Geol. Survey, ser. 6, vol. VII, p. 84. Zaphrentis centralis, Moore, 1928, Missouri Bur. Geol. Mines, ser. 2, vol. 21, p. 189. fZaphrentis sp. aff. Z. centralis, Moore, 1928, Missouri Bur. Geol. Mines, ser. 2, vol. 21, pp. 181, 195. Zaphrentis centralis, Cline, 1934, Bull. Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol., vol. 18, no. 9, p. 1152. Externals. — Medium to large, curved cer- atoid; epitheca thin, with encircling swell- ings, faint interseptal ridges, septal grooves ; calyx deep, steep-walled ; prominent cardinal fossula on concave side. Transverse sections. — In late ephebic stage, about 40 major septa, radially ar- ranged, withdrawn from center; septa of counter quadrants thickened ; cardinal sep- tum rudimentary; tabulae and dissepiments present; minor septa as septal ridges; alar fossulae indistinct or lacking. In middle ephebic stage 36 thick major septa, all except very short cardinal septum extend to center or fuse about narrow car- dinal fossula ; alar fossulae much reduced ; minor septa present ; dissepiments sparse. In early ephebic stage about 30 thin major septa, arrangement is radial in counter quadrants, pinnate in cardinal quadrants; alar fossulae well developed; cardinal sep- tum very short; cardinal fossula narrow bounded by thin walls. In neanic stage, 26 major septa, cardinal septum long, thick; cardinal fossula long, widest axially, with thick wall, composed of ends of pinnate septa in cardinal quadrants ; septa in counter quadrants radial; alar fos- sula not pronounced; dissepiments very sparse. Occurrence. — Localities 17-21, 70, 74, 84, 86, 87, 89, 97, 101-106. Material. — Specimens studied, 4. Grove's hypotypes. University of Chicago No. 31560; Worthen's specimens, Illinois State Geological Survey (Worthen collection) Nos. 2570, 2563 ; primary types are pre- sumably in Paris, France. Remarks. — This species can be distin- guished by the axial retreat of septa in the counter quadrants, by the failure of septa to curve about the cardinal fossula in adult stage, and by the relatively smooth but never spinose epitheca. Triplophyllites cliffordanus (Milne-Edwards and Haime) Plate 9, figures 3-5 Zaphrentis cliffordana Milne - Edwards and Haime, 1851, Mus. histoire nat. Arch., vol. 5, p. 329, pi. 3, fig. 5. Zaphrentis cliffordana, Milne-Edwards, 1860, Histoire nat. des coralliaires t. 3, p. 337. 40 CHOUTEAU CORALS Zaplirentis diffordana, Worthen, 1890, Illinois Geol. Survey, vol. 8, p. 75, pi. 10, figs. 1-la (not lb). fZaphrcntis diffordana, Whitfield, 1891, N. Y. Acad. Sci. Ann., vol. 5, p. 576, pi. 13, figs. 1-3. fZaphrcntls diffordana, Whitfield, 1895, Ohio Geol. Survey, vol. 7, p. 465, pi. 9, figs. 1-3. Zaplirentis diffordana, Grabau and Shimer, 1909, North American Index Fossils, vol. 1, p. 58. Zaplirentis diffordana, Weller, 1909, Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 20, p. 272, pi. 10, figs. 18-19. Zaplirentis diffordana, Bassler, 1912, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 41, p. 219. Triplopliyllum diffordana, Butts, 1922, Kentucky Geol. Survey, ser. 6, vol. VII, pp. 52, 55, 58, 59, 71. Triplopliyllum (Zaplirentis) diffordana. Butts, 1922, Kentucky Geol. Survey, ser. 6, vol. VII, p. 53. Triplohpyllum [sic] diffordana. Butts, 1922, Kentucky Geol. Survey, ser. 6, vol. VII, p. 56. Zaplirentis (Triplopliyllum)? diffordana?. Butts, 1926, Alabama Geol. Survey, Sp. Rept. 14, p. 170, pi. 54, fig. 7. Zaplirentis diffordana, Moore, 1928, Missouri Bur. Geol. Mines, ser. 2, vol. 21, pp. 63, 97, 148, 163, 175, 177, 187, 195. ?Zaplirentis diffordana, Laudon, 1931, Iowa Geol. Survey, vol. 35, pp. 380, 393, 398-402, 414, 427, 429 [in part]. Zaplirentis ivortheni, Laudon, 1931, Iowa Geol. Survey, vol. 351, p. 427. ? Triplopliyllum difforadanum. Grove, 1935, Am. Midland Naturalist vol. 16, p. 344; pi. 8, figs. 4, 5; pi. 11, figs. 13, 14, 16 (not 12, 15). Externals. — Small to medium size, sharp- ly curved ceratoid, commonly carfnate near apex at cardinal and counter positions ; epitheca with encircling rugae, faint inter- septal ridges and septal grooves; calyx moderately deep, steep-v^^alled ; cardinal fossula on concave side; minor septa in most mature stages. Transverse sections. — In ephebic stage (diameters 11.2 by 9.0 mm) are 30 much dilated major septa, of which there are 9 on either side of counter septum in counter quadrants; minor septa absent; cardinal septum long; tabulae sparse; dissepiments not observed. In very late ephebic stages, cardinal fos- sula becomes more apparent by retreat of cardinal septum. Occurrence. — Localities 14, 16, 30-38, 40-43, 53, 60, ?66, 67-69, 73, 88, 91-96, 107. The original material of Milne- Edwards and Haime came from locality 21 (New Providence shale) and from Mam- moth Cave and Grayson County, Kentucky. Material has been listed by Whitfield (1891, 1895) from the Maxville limestone at Maxville and Newtonville, Ohio. The Maxville limestone and the beds near Mammoth Cave and In Grayson County are much younger than beds at locality 21, hence, more than one species is probably represented. The only undoubted speci- mens seen by the writer are from localities 16 and 35. Material. — Grove's hypotypes, Univer- sity of Chicago No. 4704, not studied; the primary types are presumably in Paris, France; the material used in this review is State University of Iowa No. 9902. Remarks. — This species Is characterized externally by the small curved, commonly carinate corallites (3 or 4 cm high, calyx 1.5 to 2 cm in diameter) ; internally by the rather straight thick major septa, persis- tently long cardinal septum, and late inser- tion of minor septa. The writer has been unable to find the sections from which Grove made the figures (Grove, 1935, pi. 11, figs. 13, 14, 16) hence detailed study could not be made of them, but the writer does not include the other illustrated specimens (idem, pi. 11, figs. 12, 15) in T. cliff ordanus. Triplophyllites EXiGUUS (Miller) Plate 10, figures 1-7 Zaplirentis exigua Miller, 1891, Indiana Dept. Geol. Nat. Res. 17th Ann. Rept., p. 11, pi. 1, figs. 19, 20. Adv. Sheets. Zaplirentis exigua, Miller, 1892, Indiana Dept. Geol. Nat. Res. 17th Ann. Rept., p. 621, pi. 1, figs. 19, 20. fZaphrentis sp. Worthen, 1873, Illinois Geol. Survey, vol. 5, p. 278. Zaplirentis diffordana?, Worthen, 1890, Illinois Geol. Survey, vol. 8, p. 75?, pi. 10, fig. lb (not 1, la). Zaplirentis joined at median plate; small djtrellaef^^al a^reatest curvature of tabul^; tabnlar de^ty about 15 in 1 cm. •^ C\^ ^ Occurrence. — Localjkies 2A, 25, 63, 80, ^^- . . "^ / . Material. — Specimen's studied, 3. The holotype may be in the Missouri Geological 52 CHOUTEAU CORALS Survey collection but ft is not available and perhaps is lost. Specimens examined, Univer- sity of Missouri No. 7209, not numbered. Remarks. — The fossula is indistinct in most sections, but is recognizable. Interest- ing features in the coral are the rather coarse thick dissepiments and the progressive weakening and ultimate disappearance of the axial structure. The species seems closely related to Koninckophyllujn tortuosum (IVIichelin) from the Tournaisian. Genus Vesiculophyllum Easton n. gen. Diagnosis. — Simple, straight to curved, nearly cylindrical, rugose corals; dissepi- mentarium very broad in mature specimens, consisting of large dissepiments elongate parallel to periphery, possibly formed only in late stages ; septa sinuous, dilated ; no axial column ; tabulae numerous, generally incomplete, fine, gently sloping in outer regions, steeply sloping axially, all sloping proximally; septa not reaching axis or per- iphery if dissepiments be present. Genotype. — Vesiculophyllum sedaliense (White), 1880. Occurrence. — Known only from Chou- teau limestone of Illinois and Missouri. Remarks. — This genus dififers from Aphrophyllum Dun and Benson, 1920, with which it is most closely allied, chiefly in having the tabulae, concave upward and in having dissepiments between septa only in very late stage. It resembles Dibunophyllum in having closely packed tabulae at the axial ends of septa, but in the latter genus these are part of a spiderweblike axial structure consisting of tabellae and septal lamellae, whereas in Vesiculophyllum they are tab- ulae only. Septal lamellae and tabellae are not known in Vesiculophyllum, nor have naic septa been observed. Aphrophyllum resembles this genus in the relative lengths of long and short major septa. In the obscure cardinal fossula, in the wide similarly formed dissepimentarlum, in the dilated septa, and in lateral compression. Vesiculophyllum sedaliense (White) Plate 5, figures 5-9; Plate 17, figure 12 Chonophyllum sedaliense White, 1880, Contr. In- vetrebrate Paleontology, No. 8 p. 157, pi. 39, fig. 3a. Extract from U.S. Geol. Survey, Twelfth Ann. Kept., (1878). Chonophyllum sedaliense, Keyes, 1894, Missouri Geol. Survey, vol. 4, p. 116, pi. 14, fig. 9. fCyathopJiyllum glabrum, Sardeson, 1902, Am, Geol., vol. 30, no. 5, p. 306. ClionopJiyllum sedaliense, Moore, 1927 Am. Assoc Petrol. Geol. Bull., vol. 11, no. 2, p. 1330. CJionophyllum sedaliense, Moore, 1928, Missouri Bur. Geol. Mines, ser, 2, vol. 21, pp. 128 154, 195. Externals. — Large, slender to thick; epi theca and dissepimentarlum commonly not preserved in mature regions, leaving very irregular surface with edges of septa and tabulae showing; calyx very deep, nearly vertically walled distally; cardinal fossula prominent to obscure ; septa in quadripartite arrangement, pinnate in cardinal quadrants. Transverse sections. — In very late ephebic stage (diameters about 32 mm by 35 mm reconstructed), dissepimentarlum occupies half of radius ; dissepiments compressed, very elongate parallel to periphery ; corallite com- pressed ; major septa thick, sinuous; minor septa very short, separated from neighboring majors by concentric dissepiments. In middle ephebic stage (diameters 15.2 by 18.0 mm incomplete), dissepimentar- lum (when present) occupies ^ of ra- dius; some major septa in part especially thickened, all long; minor septa short; dis- sepiments very sparse between major and minor septa; tabular intersections abundant between septa and in axial region ; corallite compressed in cardinal-counter plane. In early ephebic stage (diameters 9.8 by 10.3 mm), dissepimentarlum absent; major septa long, thickened ; cardinal and counter septa longest ; tabular intersections abundant between septa, somewhat concentric in axial region. In late neanic stage (diameters 6.7 mm by 6.9 mm), cardinal septum very long, swol- len at axial end ; counter septum somewhat longer than neighbors, very thick ; septa pin- nate in cardinal and counter quadrants, short; tabular intersections concentric in axial region. In very early neanic stage (diameters 2.0 by 3.1 mm), cardinal septum a short spine, others not definitely determinable ; tabulae occupy almost all of thecarium ; section quadrilateral with four proto-septa presum- ably occupying corners, as cardinal septum certainly occupies one corner. Longitudinal section. — Tabulae rather flat in peripheral area, sloping steeply to- ward apical end In axial area, produced up- ward, obliquely outward short distance LITHOSTROTION 53 beyond septa; tabulae appear very incom- plete because of intersections of sinuous septa. Occurrence. — Localities 1, 8, 9, 23, 55-57. Material. — Specimens studied, 33. Holo- type, supposedly in Broadhead's collection, probably was destroyed by fire. Specimens examined, Illinois State Geological Survey Nos. 3503, 3504, 3505, 3506, University of Missouri Nos. 380, 1134, University of Chicago Nos. 1243, 2037, 21295, 31587, 31594. Family Lithostrotiontidae (Grabau 1927) Chi, 1931 Remarks. — The family Lithostrotiontidae, proposed by Grabau in 1927 in an unpub- lished syllabus used by students in the Na- tional University of Peking, was first published by Chi in 1931. Genus LiTHOSTROTiON Fleming, 1828 Phaceloid and ceroid Rugose corals, which have typically a columella, long major septa, and large conical tabulae, usually supplemented by outer smaller and nearly horizontal tabulae. Dis- sepiments are well developed in the larger species, but absent in the very small forms. Increase is nonparricidal. (Hill, 1940, p. 166.) Genotype. — Lithostrotion striatum Flem- ing, 1828. Occurrence. — Lower Carboniferous through Lower Permian in Europe, Asia, northern Africa, North America, and Australia. Remarks. — The genotype was established by the International Commission of Zoologi- cal Nomenclature in Opinion 117. For a review of the effects of this opinion, see Hill (1940, pp. 166, 167). A large number of genera and subgenera have been erected upon variations from typi- cal Lithostrotion, but these subdivisions have not all achieved ready acceptance. In the case of Lithostrotion microstylum White, the broad diagnosis of Lithostrotion applies, but the species differs from Lithostrotion in characters at least of equivalent value to those used by some authors to name new genera. It resembles Cystophorastraea Dobrolyubova, 1935, in being partly cerioid and partly aphroid, as well as in general morphologic relationships of septa and columella, but L. microstylum is not known to have a thamnastreoid phase. The recognition of a very early Mississip- pian Lithostrotion, further contradicts the belief in America that the genus is an index of St. Louis and Ste. Genevieve ages ; it has been reported from rocks of possible Penn- sylvanian age in Canada. The general range of the genus abroad is very long, extending through rocks equivalent to our Lower Mississippian into rocks equivalent to part of our Lower Permian. It may be expected, therefore, that the range in America will be further extended. Lithostrotion microstylum White Plate 13, figures 1-3; Plate 17, figure 1 Lithostrotion microstylum White, 1880, U. S. Geol. and Geog, Surveys Terr. 12th Ann. Rept., pt. 1, Contr. Invertebrate Paleontology no. 8, p. 159, pi. 40, fig. 7a, advance printing, Lithostrotion microstylum, White, 1883, idem, p, 159, pi. 40, fig. 7a. Lithostrotion microstylum, Keyes, 1894, Missouri Geol. Survey, vol. 4, p. 124. non Lithostrotionella hemisphaerica Hayasaka, 1936, Mem. Fac. Sci. Agr., Taihoku Imp. Univ., vol. 13, no. 5, p. 61. Externals. — Massive, somewhat flattened coralla; calyces irregularly polygonal, about 1 cm across, shallow, with pronounced central boss and surrounding raised ring formed by elongation of septa; examples of rapidly growing corallites overlapping neigh- bors common. Corallites branching, nearly recumbent on base, upturned at margin of coralla ; holotheca not observed. Dimensions of topotype, 3 cm by 9 cm by 11 cm. Transverse sections. — In mature region, corallites plocoid, aphroid; lonsdaleoid re- treat of septa variable; dissepiments irregu- lar, generally large; septa strong, 18 reach- ing columella becoming very thin near tips, 18 not quite reaching it at diameter of 8 mm ; columella circular, strong, with faint radiating lines indicating incorporated tabel- lae or septa; traces of tabulae well shown, extending almost to tips of short septa. Longitudinal section. — Columella free, solid rod with some vertical traces of tabel- lae or septa; dissepiments irregular, ovoid to commonly elongate parallel-bordered vesicles two or three times as long as thick, abruptly tapered at ends, sloping downward axially at angle of about 45°, meeting at border of corallites without intervening epitheca ; where sections leave axial plane, septa and dissepiments form more or less un- 54 CHOUTEAU CORALS differentiated reticulate structure ; some tab- ulae may have been misinterpreted as dis- sepiments, as typical tabulae were not recog- nized. Occurrejice. — Localities 1, 9. Material. — Specimens studied, 2. Holo- type was probably lost in the fire which destroyed the Broadhead collection. Studied topotypes. University of Missouri No. 1357, University of Chicago No. 1265. A specimen is listed in the collection of the Indiana State Museum from the ''Chouteau group, Sedalia, Mo." Remarks. — ^The specimen in the Indiana State Museum may be the holotype. The specimens examined by the writer are within the size range (10-12 cm) given for the holotype, but are probably better preserved. Keyes' statement (Keyes, 1894, p. 124) that there is "some doubt as to the locality" is puzzling in view of a clear statement by White as to where Broadhead collected the specimen; since that time at least two and possibly three more specimens have been collected. Family Favositidae Milne-Edwards and Haime Genus Favosites Lamarck, 1816, emend. Smith and Gullick, 1927 Tabulate coral. Corallum compound. Corallites contiguous and prismatic. Walls perforated by pores. Septa absent or merely represented by rows of spine-like processes. Tabulae complete and more or less horizontal. (Smith and Gullick, 1927, p. 117.) Genotype. — Favosites gothlandicus La- marck, 1816. Occurrence. — Silurian and Devonian of many parts of the world; rarely Lower Mississippian of America. Remarks. — Lang, Smith, and Thomas (1940, p. 94) definitely consider Palaeo- favosites Twenhofel, 1914, to be a junior subjective synonym of Favosites. They ap- parently believe that Calamopora Goldfuss, 1829, is a junior subjective synonym (idem, p. 29) and state (idem, p. 28) that Bore- aster Lambe, 1906, is a possible synonym. Favosites divergens White and Whitfield Plate 13, figure 4; Plate 17, figure 3 Favosites, White and Whitfield, 1862, Boston Soc. Nat. History Proc, vol. 8, p. 306. Fwvosites di