LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 51 . 84 l^6T no. 171-187 cop. a. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 it*"' Report No. 187 GRAPHICAL PROCESSING USING HYBRID ANA LOG -DIGITAL CIRCUITRY by David P. Casasent August 30, 1965 Report No. 187 GRAPHICAL PROCESSING USING HYBRID ANA LOG -DIGITAL CIRCUITRY by David P. Casasent August 30, 1965 Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois This work was supported in part by the Office of Naval Research under Contract Nonr-l83U(l5) . ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to express his sincerest thanks to his advisor, Professor W. J. Poppelbaum, for his good counsel, support, and encouragement. Thanks are also extended to Mr. M. Faiman for his helpful suggestions . 111 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Pararaatrix System 1 1.2 Transformer 1 1.3 The Equations of Transformation 2 l.h Block Diagram of the Paramatrix System h 2 . GENERATION OF X i and Y 6 2.1 X and Y Counter . J 6 2.2 X and Y Control 6 2.3 Resistance Chain 6 2.U Diamond Gate 10 3. ROTATION: SINE-COSINE POTENTIOMETER 12 k. TRANSLATION lk k.l Current Amplifier lU U.2 Resistive Summing Network lU 5. MAGNIFICATION: VOLTAGE AMPLIFIER 22 5.1 Specifications 22 5.2 Methods of Amplification 22 5.3 Sources of Drift 23 5.U Input Stage 26 5.5 Second Stage 28 5.6 Output Stage 28 5.7 Amplifier Topology 30 5.8 Emitter- Follower Output 3^ 5.9 D-C Analysis 36 5.10 V e b Variations and Gain kk 5.11 V e b Variations and Linearity ^8 5.12 Influence of Thermal Variations 50 5.13 Effect of Thermal V eb Variations 55 5.1^- Output Stage Compensation 55 5.15 Experimental Data 58 5.16 Component Replacement 60 5.17 Output Range 63 5.18 Input Range 67 5.19 Frequency Range 68 5.20 Single Two-Stage Amplifier Design 68 5.21 Summary 69 6. CONCLUSIONS 72 BIBLIOGRAPHY 7^ iv 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1 Paramatrix System The Paramatrix system of pattern representation and manipulation, proposed by W. J Poppelbaum, employs hybrid analog-digital circuits to represent and manipulate (i.e., translate, rotate, magnify) a line drawing. This line drawing is displayed on a two-dimensional grid of lights which is called a "matrix/' The feed-system of the lights is composed of 32 parallel X lines and 32 parallel Y lines p thus creating 102U points of intersection. Each X and Y line is referred to by some reference voltage level to enable transformation of points to be done by conventional analog methods . The graph of X versus F(x) is referred to as the input pattern. It is set on potentiometers If F(X ) is V volts ? then the matrix intersection (X.. Y.) where Y. = V volts, the analog level of line Y., is illuminated by i J J J means of a flipflop which drives a light bulb placed at the intersection. Obviously to illuminate more than one light bulb in a given row, more than one F(x) versus X graph must be provided „ 1,2 Transformer Once the F(X) versus X graphs are set and the line drawing has been displayed by the matrix array of light bulbs, it may be desirable to transform this line drawing by any or all of the following transformations: translation, rotation, magnification. The device which performs these operations is called the transformer. Various limits have been fixed on the above three operations. Translation up or down and left or right by as many as 32 steps, rotation about the geometric center of the matrix by an angle 0, < 9 < 3&0 , and -1- -2- magnif ication by m in the X direction and n in the Y direction where m does not have'to equal n, r- < m,n < ^, must be made available. These operations must be done at a speed of about 100 kc and with an accuracy of one per cent. The 32 X coordinates have been assigned voltages -7=5 < X. < 8,0 volts. Thus the voltage by which X is designated differs from that of X. . by 1 i+l 0.500 volts. The Y coordinates are similarly designated. 1.3 The Equations of Transformation The voltages which designate the X and Y coordinates under investigation were chosen so that they would be symmetric about the center of the matrix. This makes the operation of magnification one of simply multiplying each X and Y coordinate value by the magnification factor desired. This, however, implies that the line drawing to be magnified be centered at the (0.0 volt, 0.0 volt) matrix point which shall be designated the origin. This was found to be the best method of magnification despite this limitation. Similarly, rotation occurs about the matrix origin and this implies that the geometric center of the figure lie at the matrix origin. Since this is necessary anyway for magnification, this restriction is very minor. In transforming a figure the following order is the one which will yield the desired results most easily: (1) Translation of the figure until the geometric center lies at the matrix origin, (2) Magnification, and (3) Rotation. Designating the initial coordinates of the figure as x, y and the transformed coordinates as X, Y, the transformation equation is (X,Y) = RMT(x,y) . (l.l) -3- Defining a as the amount of translation in the X direction, b as the amount of translation in the Y direction, Q as the angle of rotation, m as the magnification factor in the X direction, and n as the magnification factor in the Y direction, the equations of transformation become; X - m(x + a) cos 9 + n(y + b) sin 9 (1.2) Y = -m(x + a) sin 9 4 n(y + b) cos 9 . (l.3) The transformer, however, inspects 3ach of the 102^ matrix points (X , Y.), i, j =0 ... 31 and determines what initial matrix point with the -*- J given values of a, b, 0, m> and n would have generated the point in question. In other words, the inputs to the transformer are X and Y, the output or transformed coordinates^ and the outputs are x and y, the initial coordinates. There will be 102^ pairs of inputs, one for each of the 102^ matrix points. For each of these the transformer will generate a corresponding pair of input coordinates (x. ., y. .) which, under the transformation chosen, would yield the output coordinates (X., Y.) which are being investigated. Depending on whether the generated matrix intersection (; . .,y. .) was activated on the initial figure, the corresponding transformed point (X . , Y„) will be activated or left alone. The following intersection (X , Y„ ) is then similarly inspected and the process continues until the entire matrix grid has been scanned. This method of transformation is the simplest to implement in hardware , The transformation equations that the transformer solves correspond to performing the inverse operations done on the matrix and in the opposite order. The order of the operations that the transformer performs is rotation, demagnification, and translation, Rotation and translation are performed with the opposite sign conventions as before. The actual equations of transformation take the following form? -4- x. . = - [X. cos e - Y. sin q] - a (l.M ij m 1 j y. . = - [X. sin + Y. cos 0] - b (1.5) J ij n 1 j i, J = ... 31 where X. and Y. assume all 102*+ possible combinations of 32 X and 32 Y coordinates . Theoretically,, the order for the operations of magnification and rotation is unimportant since both require only that the center of the figure lie at the matrix origin. Obviously translation must be performed first on the matrix . If the order of magnification and rotation were not chosen as in equations (l.2) and (l„3) then the common factors l/m and l/n would not occur in equations (lA) and (l.5) and the 'equations of transformation would be more difficult to generate. It is quite possible that in the generation of the equations of transformation certain coordinate voltage levels after magnification and translation could reach quite high values . The circuits of the transformer are designed so that such voltages will be set to +10 volts or -10 volts, 1,*+ Block Diagram of the Paramatrix System Figure 1 contains a block diagram of the Paramatrix system. This paper will be concerned only with the transformer portion of the Paramatrix system together with part of its peripheral equipment necessary to generate the equations of transformation. The major emphasis will be on an ultralinear voltage amplifier (Section 5). Further information and discussion regarding the other portions of this system can be found in the various DCS Technical Progress Reports listed in the Bibliography, -5- 1- *' .^ - X " " CO 3 u > UJ >f K O (- < _l 2 It 3< cr UJ i- IF UJ z CO cr UJ > CM ro CM W X cr CJ s z X cr 5 Ej E ro □ t- Z CM £ H V ro Q 2 i i a ii ,-, >r g § If OE UJ UJ 2 o z X> ft >T _l UJ > 85 cr CM JO i o o X i i ll ^^ 9 X ► — 51 c e a * UJ i- r- 8 o X QJ 0. UJ o CO 5 a cr -a Q i- — ._ ivi >■ z u CO O V X T ON MA SCRIPTS LETTERS NALS. INE WIRE HERWISE SES. T FUNCTI / i J \ z m ui o <_. p UJ p s 2S 2 3 g* mo J | UJ K- Z ^ O « £0 .« Q lil TJ ACH LINE DENOT fHERE INDICATED UMBER IN PAREN DENOTES FOUR 1 ►a CM ii m z UJ > x u o _i o Pi g ¥ o ro « i"> uj 11 CO UJ r- O OORDINATEJ EPRESENTE PPER (LOWl IGITAL (AN/I >l 8 x 8 zj O CC => Q '-U * 71 «- o -' c\i fO ^ e (U -P ra >? •H ■p I CD U CO Ph O s CO hO CO •H n o o pq H CD ■H 2. GENERATION OF X. AND Y. i J 2.1 X and Y Counter The X and Y matrix coordinates have been designated X ... X and Y Q ... Y with (X Q , Y ) occurring in the bottom left corner of the matrix. The scanning process involves the orderly generation of all 102U matrix coordinates. This is accomplished by means of a 5-bit Y Counter controlled by a clock. This counter controls a 5-bit X Counter. The X Counter is stepped up by one each time the Y Counter completes its cycle of 32 steps. In this way the matrix is scanned sequentially column by column from bottom to top, 2.2 X and Y Control The specific coordinates are available as the outputs of two 5-bit binary decoders which have the five flipflop outputs of the counters as inputs. These two decoders are referred to as X Control and Y Control in Figure 1. One and only one of the 32 outputs of each decoder is a "l" depending on the binary number contained in the corresponding counter. 2.3 Resistance Chain These 6U digital signals from the two decoders are changed into their corresponding analog values -7.5 < X., Y. < 8,0 volts by means of the system shown in Figure 2. The diamond- shaped symbol represents a diamond gate circuit (Section 2.^-). It is a hybrid analog-digital circuit whose input equals its output when the gate is a "1," otherwise its output floats; gX. and gY. are the digital J outputs of the X and Y decoders . If V is fixed at 8 volts and if R n = R = R 00 = R_ then V through 1 n 32 V\ n assume the values -7.5 < V < 8,0 in 0.5 volts increments. These are 31 - n - precisely the voltage levels corresponding to the X and Y coordinates . -6- ■7- gv +v Q 31 gX 31 31 gY 30 >Rig><30 V 3 c gY 29 J R2 gx 29 V 2 8 gYie g x R16 s\ XL gY 15 gx i5 ViT <>■ '<^^>' R17 gx t < gY i3 i R16 gx 13 ■aV gYi 2 J. R15 gx 12 v i2 i gY 2 | gX 2 | Y Jri4 Y „Y gx 17 gY x > gx ± A kA ,kM^>. gY 4 gx < x 16"" x 31> Vo %"Y«) t R32 (x -x 15 ) Yj Figure 2, Resistance Chain with Diamond Gates -8- Thusj if gX. is a "l" then the X output is the analog voltage corresponding to X. on the matrix. The Y. output operates similarly. The effect of a load current, I , can be predicted by considering the case shown in Figure 3. The dependence of V on n and I is derived as follows : V - V V - n n (l6-n)R nR v = I, V = — [nV - n(l6-n) I H n l6 L IL + V I "\ > 16-n i >n Figure 3- Resistance Chain for Tolerance Analysis The change in V due to L 4 is n L ' ■9- n(l6-n) I T R & \ = TS AV n= n(1 "I6 5 T L R where < n < l6 cAV 2n ~ = I T Rn (1 " TZ) an - J L "0 ^ " 16' cAV AV is maximum at n = 8 C The maximum AV is thus n n AV = 8(1 - « ) I R n max„ 16 L AV = kl r R^ . (2.1) n max L The effects of variation in resistor values can be investigated by again referring to Figure 3? For worsl>>case analysis^ the l6-n resistors are assumed to be the lowest possible and the n resistors the highest possible within the resistor tolerances. Denoting the resistor tolerance by CT R - . R, . and R = R. . , the equation for AV in terms of the Umax. - Dmin : n resistor tolerance o; r is: V nR n " nR + (l6-n)R n(l + CT ) R v _______ _ o_ _ n " n(l + CT )R + (l6-nJ[T~^~a r ^ R Defining V as V when cr = B nO n -10- V - V - ^- r 16(1 + «') , 1 AV - V n V n0 - 16 L n(l + a' ) + (l6-n)(l - a') ' l] = ^ V r AV > . ^«1 r 32 - 2n n " 16 L 16 - 16 a' + 2ra -*rp - (32 - l+n)(l6 - 16a 1 + 2nQ; , ) - n(32 - 2n)2a' -^~ = 32(l6)(l - a' ) - 6Un(l - a' ) - ^n a 1 . Assuming the resistors will be small tolerance a' « 1, AV J is then ' n me ximum at n = 8 and AV nmax " 2 (2.2) 2.h Diamond Gate The diamond gate used in Figure 2 is shown in Figure k. The inputs to the diamond are the analog voltages corresponding to the various matrix coordinates. The gate signal is the gX. or gY^ signal from the X or Y control. These gX. and gY . signals are the outputs of NOR circuits and their level is either volts for "l" or -5.0 volts for "0." If the gate signal is a "1" (0 volts), V. = V ' T, is off since its 3 in out 1 base is well above the base of T . Fifteen milliamps then flows through T_ and T . The diode drops are the same and V. = V , . 23 ^ in out If the gate signal is a "0" (-5.0 volts), T is on and T is off since the base of T is above that of T . Current thus flows around the diamond through R„, T_, and R, . V . thus floats and is restricted to the 3 3 h out range -10 < V < +10 volts by the choice of base voltages of T^ and T . — out — 23 -11- + 25v +10v T1.2 T3 SM5333 SM1530 BRIDGE DIODES 1N995 14v ZENER DIODE GATE Vqut -25v Figure h. Diamond Gate Circuit. 3. ROTATION: SINE-COSINE POTENTIOMETER The simplest way of accurately generating the sine and cosine of an angle is by means of a sine-cosine potentiometer. The potentiometer is wirewound with continuous rotation. It has four wipers separated by 90 . Figure 5 shows that, with inputs + V, the outputs are + V sin Q, + V cos G. The potentiometer used is accurate to within one per cent. The figure shows that the potentiometer is not wound linearly, but rather is proportional to the sine and cosine curves. This sine- cosine potentiometer can be combined with the resistance chain to generate the rotation terms in the equations of transformation. Figure 6 shows the connections necessary. They simply involve replacing the + 8 volts supplies by + 8 sin 0, + 8 cos 0„ Due to the fact that all four trigonometric values with positive and negative signs can be generated, it is not necessary to subtract two voltage levels or to attempt to invert analog signals. These two operations would be difficult to perform to the desired accuracy of less than one per cent. Such operations would also employ more circuitry. The four outputs shown in Figure 6 are precisely the first four terms in the equations of transformation with appropriate signs already included in the generated values. The sine-cosine potentiometer must have a fixed load if its accuracy is to be maintained. The potentiometer used has a specified fixed load of 320 ft. Each resistor R in the resistance chain is thus 20 Q. Equation (2.2) predicts a worst— case error of ^4-0 mv if one per cent resistors are used. -12- -13- + Vo Figure 5° Sine-Cosine Potentiometer „ +Vcos0 g x 3i? gy 3 i 9 X 30 > 9 Y 30 9 X 17 9Yl7 -vcos e gv ? gx gYi I gx ■~6K>~' ~&+6~' +Vsin0 ? 9 X 3i gY < gx 30 > gY 14 J gX 16 gY i5 -Vsin 6 ? gY 3i g x o > gY 3 o i i i g x i4 J gYi6 + Ycos0 +Xcos0 4Xsin0 -Ysin0 Figure 6, Resistance Chain with Sine-Cosine Potentiometer and Diamond Gates „ h . TRANSLATION h . 1 Current Amplifier Before discussing the manner in which translation is achieved a current amplifier will be discussed. At many points in this system more current was needed than the particular point in question was capable of furnishing with the desired accuracy . A simple emitter-follower would introduce too much error and thus a current amplifier was necessary, capable of furnishing or receiving 10 ma and for which V, = V + 50 mv over the range -10 < V. < + 10 volts, m out _ — in — The circuit is shown in Figure 7 and used in Figure 8. T is a constant- current source and T is a constant- current sink, thus the current flowing in T^ is constant and V , _ is constant. T^ and T^ are a difference 2 eb2 5 o amplifier connected between input and output. If the output is above the input, T/- passes more current and the bases of T and T, are lowered thus lowering the output. Similarly, if the output is below the input, T/- passes less current and the bases of T and T, are raised thus raising the output. The output transistors T_ and T« enable this circuit to provide or receive current. Only one output transistor is on at a time depending on whether the output is positive or negative. The output voltage is again restricted to tie range - 10 < V < +10 volts by the two collector supplies of T„ and T, — out — 5 ^ h , 2 Resistive Summing Net work The easiest way of adding two voltages is by means of a resistive summing network. Figure 8 shows the topology necessary to generate the equations of transformation. The four inputs to the first two resistive summing networks are the outputs of the four diamond gate chains shown in Figure 6. -Ik- ■15- + 25v SM3936 2N1308 2N1309 2N706A -25v Figure 7= Current Amplifier Circuit -16- Any output current from the diamond gate must be supplied at the input. The inputs to the diamond gstes are points on the resistance chain „ Equation (2.l) shows that for even a 1 ma load current in one diamond chain the voltages on the resistance chain are in error by as much as 80 mv« This error can easily be eliminated by inserting current amplifiers at the outputs of the four diamond gate chains as shown in Figure 8. The error in the current amplifier is approximately 5 mv per ma of load current. The output currents will be restricted to a maximum of about 5 ma to improve accuracy. A resistive summing network will not be accurate unless negligible current is drawn from its summing junction. The current amplifiers placed at the output of the first stage resistive summing networks insure this operating condition. It will be shown that the voltage drop across R can reach a maximum of 5 volts . The current in R must be limited to 10 ma due to the current amplifier and the limit chosen is 5 ma. This determines the value of R . The value of R is variable and reaches UR as a maximum. This prevents using widely different impedance levels for the stage 1 and stage 2 voltage dividers instead of the extra two current amplifiers . The loss in the resistive summing network used as the second stage adder is fixed at approximately l/2.2 and the input controlling the translation quantities a and b is varied. This was necessary since the coefficient of a and b in the equations of transformation is -1. Using a fixed source for a or b and varying the summing resistor would vary a and b as is desired but it would also vary the coefficient of the first two terms in the equations of transformation by this same variable coefficient. This would make the potentiometer settings for various values of m, n, a, and b very difficult if not impossible to determine. -17- xl cos e o -Yj SIN 9 O X[ SIN 9 o Yj COS 9 \iy-^- £> C ^(X L COSfi-Yj SIN 9) X L COS 9 - Yj SIN0 _a £> R2 -v" ♦ £> R7 C - 2.2a G A^ R8 -V ♦ Gm G l> XL COS fl-Yj SIN 9 R5 i Rll £> R3 Xi SIN 0+ Yj COS 9 b R6 -^I^(XL SIN 9 +Yj COS6) ( Gn " G l> R4 /' &• R9 2.2b A^> RIO -v 1 ' £> X L SIN + Yj COS 9 — ! -I < R12 Figure 8„ Translation by Voltage Dividers and Current Amplifiers, + IOv i>10K <2.7K I 10K r — -o- 2.2a •VlOK u Rl v l o v/— R2 v 2 o ,A- tl-ai)r cl I AL l M Bl :^="AV ; OE2 Re Figure 12. Drift Equivalent Circuit for NPN Difference Amplifier, + A %Rb ! d q > Rb i Re Figure 13 . NPN Difference Amplifier for Stability Analysis -28- of R and R b /(P + l). The effective emitter resistance is thus R,/(p + i). The worst-case stability factor is then p/2. It can be concluded that the best input stage would be a difference amplifier with negative feedback applied appropriately in the input stage. The input drift of a differential stage has been found to be much better than that of an equivalent single-ended stage. This improvement can be partly attributed to the inherent consistency of A V /A T coefficients which, for unmatched transistors of a given type, differ by less than ten per cent. Other similar benefits occur. If the currents in this input stage are restricted to low values the drift will be further reduced. 5 .5 Second Stage A simple second stage as shown in Figure l^t- produced interesting benefits o Figure lk is shown with values of drift in stages 1 and 2. For clarity at present, stage 1 is shown as a single-ended amplifier. Figure 1 it- shows the effect of second stage drift referred to the first stage. For the single-ended first stage amplifier shown, the current and voltage drifts of stage 2 tend to cancel those of stage 1. For a normal difference amplifier the stage 2 drift may add or oppose the first stage drift. The minimization of the drift in stage 1 is very important since any drift present will be multiplied by the gain of stage 2. 5 .6 Output Stage Past attempts at such an amplifier with an open-loop gain greater than 100 reduced by feedback to a closed-loop gain of about 20 were accurate to about three per cent and commonly possessed drifts of about 150 mv. The obvious reason for this drift and nonlinearity was the fact that the output of this amplifier had a range of 20 volts and had to be capable of handling -29- i-CL (Al h5 > + [ji (Alb2+ r ± AV b«2 Figure lU„ Drift Currents and Voltages in Two-Stage Amplifier. both positive and negative voltages „ When the output was changed from its maximum positive value to its maximum negative value^ every transistor junction in the circuit either went from its highest temperature to its lowest or vice versa, Under such conditions all transistor parameters changed by their greatest amount and many of these changes were magnified in one or the other or both of the amplifier stages. These problems are typical of most d-c amplifiers. The solution chosen was the novel output stage shown in Figure 15 , The voltage V is the output of a two-stage amplifier similar to Figure lk„ The voltage V is the output of a similar two-stage amplifier but with the polarity of all transistors reversed. The voltages V and V are chosen such that at V. =0 volts? the voltage drop across the in J ox- -JJU- V20 100 n O Vi 6 v 0UT Figure 15 . Constant-Current Output Stage potentiometer is 1.0 volts. Since V and V 2 are the outputs of two similar two-stage amplifiers, the inputs of both amplifiers may be connected with the result that for a given increment in input voltage V 1 and V increase by approximately equal increments depending on the equality of their respective gains . This maintains a constant voltage across the potentiometer and thus the current through both transistors is constant and the V drops of both transistors are constant. The output wiper can be eb adjusted at V ±n = to give V^ = 0. Thereafter V^ = K (^ + V g ) where K is a constant and depends on the position on the potentiometer where the wiper is placed. This circuit is called a constant-current output stage. 5.7 Amplifier Topology The amplifier is shown in Figure l6 with resistor values and the transistor types used in this application. As noted previously, it is composed of two similar two-stage amplifiers whose output voltages are offset by a constant amount feeding the modified output stage of Figure 15 which goes through an emitter-follower whose output is fed back to the two non- input bases of the two difference amplifiers with negative feedback. It has an open-loop gain of 107 and a closed-loop gain of about 21. •31- + 25v IN O ii O OUT TRANSISTORS 2N1308 RESISTORS ±1% 1/2 W ZENERS 1N746 DIODE 1N995 -25v Figure l6. Ultralinear Voltage Amplifier, -32- Equation (5 .k) demonstrated the low input-voltage drift possible with this input stage. Due to the negative feedback, the insertion of resistors directly in the emitters of the difference amplifier transistors to drastically reduce any difference in r and to improve linearity, the choice of transistors with P > 50, and the use of constant— current drive in place of a resistor returned to a supply voltage, equation (5.5) can be used to calculate the stability. The value of R in equation (5.5) n ow becomes e R « r + (p + 1) R« (5.6) e c e due to the constant -current drive, where R' is the external emitter ' e resistance of the constant-current generator. Using the values of Figure l6 R » 2 Mfl (5.7) e and the stability, S, of the input stage is found to be k x 10 + 10 3 f on S w —^ (5.o) ^ x 10 +20 The second stage of the amplifier consists of T_,^, R Q , R n _ for one 10' cr 11 amplifier and T , R , R for the other. The feedback ratio is chosen to be greater than the final gain of the amplifier as will be shown later „ This fact means that the input transistor's base voltage varies by a larger increment than does the base voltage controlled by the feedback. This enables the input stage which is actually a difference amplifier to be treated as a single-ended amplifier as far as the investigation and effect of voltage and current drift are concerned, yet as a difference amplifier as far as compensation is concerned. The two stages thus have the same properties as the two- stage amplifier of Figure lk, namely that any drift voltage or current from the second stage tends to cancel the drift -33- voltage and current of the first stage thus creating a quite stable input stage. The first stage gain of each amplifier should be very nearly the same and quite linear. The feedback is such as to properly compensate for any errors due to parameter variations. If the output voltage is too high, the bases of Tj and T will be too high, decreasing the current in R, and increasing the current in R . This causes the current in T to increase and in T to decrease. The bases of T and T rise_, causing the bases of Tq and T to fall which reduces the output. This is the desired effect for the chosen case of too high an output. The feedback works similarly to increase an output which is too low. The stability of the second stage gain will be discussed in conjunction with the output stage. The fairly linear gains of both two-stage amplifiers will keep the initial offset voltage between the bases of Tq and T rather constant. This constant difference maintains the emitter y currents of T and T at constant values and thus V . and V , _ remain o 9 ebo eb9 nearly constant. The resistors R^- and R merely serve to fix the two collectors at convenient points where V , . cannot be reached and the cb mm. value of V can be kept as low as possible without using two additional power supplies and connecting the collectors directly to them. This topology produces a circuit which is thermally quite stable despite the large voltage ranges. The magnitude of the current sources are chosen such that the portion of the V , versus I curve which is used eb c can quite easily be linearized. This was necessary since over the voltage range necessary it was impossible to completely cancel V between transistors although the differential input stage employed does this to a great extent. -3U- A more rigorous treatment of the thermal stability of the circuit appears in Sections 5.12, 5.13, and 5.1 1 +. The effect of V variations on linearity is treated similarly in Sections 5-10 and 5.H. The gain of the first stage is about 10, reduced by feedback to about 2, the second stage gain is 10. 5 .8 Emitter-Follower Output The reason for the output NPN emitter-follower T can be seen from a consideration of the driving capabilities of the output of Figure 15. The output circuit is redrawn in Figure 17 with the feedback resistor R of Figure l6 as shown. O Vi O V; V L I -O0UT R 20 Figure 17. Loaded Output Stage. The effect of a load current on the output can be determined from the following equation: V - v v - v 2 ■ - 1 = - R 1 R, -35- Let the potentiometer resistance be R and define K such that R l + R 2 = R R r°o R 2 = (1 - K) R Q V = V - V K + V 2 K - KR (l - K)i The quantity V n - V.K -f VJC is the theoretical value of V ^ , 11 2 out V - V = A V = KRJl - K)± = loading error . (5.9) out out The smaller R or K is made, the smaller the loading error becomes since the output impedance thus decreases „ With the following values ; i = 10 ma R Q = 50 n K = 1/10 , equation (5.9) becomes loading error = ^5 mv Equation (5.9) has not considered the effect of an output change on the circuit feedback. Referring to Figure 16,, a load current causes the base of Tq to increase, causing the base of T to decrease^, the collector current of T to increase. The effect through T and T is multiplied by the feedback ratio and added to the above loading error. Experiments have shown that the loading error is roughly twice that predicted by equation (5.9). -36- The difficulty involved in setting V and V of Figure 17 such that K = l/lO and the fact that the error due to loading alone will be about 90 mv leads to the conclusion that this output must be fed through an emitter— follower with feedback as in Figure l6. The potentiometer is then centered such that at V. =0 volts the emitter-follower output, V , in ' out' is also volts. The fact that the output is not taken directly from the potentiometer does not affect the usefulness of and necessity for this circuit . The drift of one of the two— stage amplifiers with a similar emitter-follower output and the same feedback but without the constant-current output stage,, was found to be about 150 mv. It is the constant— current output stage which reduces the drift and permits compensation. A d-c analysis of a single two-stage amplifier employed in the voltage amplifier of Figure l6 will be presented followed by a rigorous analysis of the effect of V , and its variations on the gain and on the eb linearity. This amplifier is shown in Figure l8. 5,9 D-C Analysis In this analysis it is assumed for simplicity that all transistors have V , = and a = 1. Such a first order analysis investigates the basic eb design equations of the amplifier and the various inequalities to be satisfied. The input voltage is U, the output voltage is V, and the current in T is denoted by i . n n The current in is constant ■ V x l - R^R,, + R ) (5.10) -37- The voltage at the base of T is fV where f is the feedback ratio or the fraction of output voltage fed back to To R f = :l. R 9 + R io (5.11) The current i is thus u - iy 3 = fv - R u (i x - i 3 ) (5.12) U - f V + R^i '3 = \ + R 5 (5.13) u o + x V SRli Figure l8. Two-Stage V-Amplifier for D-C Analysis ■ 38- i, is related to i by h'is- (5 - lM The current i, determines the output voltage V, V = -Z + .R 8 i k R/- Rq V = -Z + -^— i from (5.11+) R T 3 R. R ft U - f V + R, i V = -Z + \£ ( R +R k X ) from (5.13) V = -Z 4 G Q (u - f V + R^ i 1 ) (5.15) where G is defined as the open-loop gain. R 6 R 8 G = R T (R U + R 5 ) ' (5 ' l6) Equation (5.16) can be verified by noting that the gain through a difference amplifier with the second base grounded is the ratio of the collector resistor to the sum of the two emitter resistors G i - " n~TT^ (5.17) The second stage gain through the simple transistor stage is approximately the ratio of collector resistor to emitter resistor. G p = -=& (5.18) 2 R -39- The total gain is G o- G r G 2- ^A ) (5.19) which agrees with equation (5.16). Solving equation (5.15) for V, the result is: -Z + G Q (U + r u 1^ 1 + f G V = G(U + R^ ^ - |-) (5. SO) where G is the closed— loop gain defined as G = i-rr^ • (5.2D Zero offset is defined as V = when U = 0„ From equations (5.10) and (5.20) the condition for zero offset becomes VGo^ ^ 1 ( R 2 + R 3 ) Z R p (5.22) or (5.23) ( R U + V R T R 2 R U R 6 R 8 = -R-lR— TR^T ' It is very interesting to note that this offset condition is independent of all supply voltages. If R, = R , the offset condition is -1 = 6 8 - - 1 . (5 2k) R 2 2R 1 R ? L °^ -ko~ In the final amplifier, this offset is not zero and is adjusted by means of the constant -current source I . The condition that the voltage range at the base of the input transistor T be larger than the voltage range at the base of the second V V transistor T is easily verified. The voltage range on T is - — < U < + — d j> G — G and the voltage range on T is -fV < U < + fV. Thus the first inequality to be satisfied is V [| - f ] > (5.25) or | - f > . (5.26) From equation (5.2l) 1 l+f o G " G o K*« G- f= G7 • (5 - 27) G is the open— loop gain of the amplifier which is greater than zero thus pr-f = ^>0 (5.28) G G and the analysis of Section 5.5 is valid. For T, and T to conduct, the emitter supply of T, must be greater than or equal to the collector supply of T . " This is true since the supplies chosen show -kl- v = x . (5.29) The output range over which the gain is linear is -X < V < +■ X (5.30) The corresponding input range is - I < U < + § (5.31) Now all transistors must conduct over the ranges defined by equations (5.30) and (5.3l) to insure linearity of gain. When U is at its minimum value, -X/Gj the linear operation condition is i > 0., which, from equation (5.13) becomes U . - f V . + R, i" > (5.32) mm min 4 1 \s ~> i or G T " n * Equation (5.28) can now be written as X (i - f) = X(-^-) G G Q £+ fX .+ R, i > . (5.33) Equation (5.33) thus becomes R u i >X (| - f) (5.3^) or R k i 1 > X (~) (5.35) -42- The zero offset condition requires \ i i = h (5 - 36) by which equation (5.35) is p->p- (5.37) G G which satisfies the condition that i > 0. The condition for this is the same as that of equation (5.29) if the collectors of T and T are returned to the same supply voltage. If U is at its maximum value the linear operation condition is i < i . T, conducts, thus L i < Y ■ X Rx- i < minimum of [Rg i , Y - X] (5.38) From equation (5.13) R 6 H " 57^ <§ - fX + ^ (5.39) and from equation (5.3^) Z 1, = 1 G o \ ' (5.1*0) Equation (5.38) now has the form: "fcV^H'i-"*^ R 6 Z < minimum of [Y - X, - — 5—] G \ (5.41) 43- or B, R, Z (£-+£-)< minimum of [Y - X, ;^-p-] . (5.^2) \ + R 5 G o G o ' G o \ Equation (5„U2) requires R. R 6 (X + Z) < R 6 Z(l + ^-) (5.^3) or R s 7 \ Equation (5.U2) also requires (X + Z )R 6 < (Y - X)G n (5.^5) R, + R^ or R 7 (X + Z) ^ < Y - X . (5.^6) As used in the final amplifier design the point V of Figure l8 is V Q and the base of T^ is V of Figure l6„ The actual zero offset o 2 out condition from Figure l6 is 8 ebll 2 V R Z2 eb8 ~ This simply amounts to decreasing the magnitude of the constant — current source^ T , of Figure l8 c With Y = +10 volts = X the inequalities above do not hold unless V is level— shifted down by four volts, -kk- When this is done the conditions on Figure 18 become ~ q X - f- k (5.37a) Z - k 11 " \ G o (5.^+Oa) R 6 X Z R.(z - k) p ^ p Ltt + Uf + — ] < minimum of [Y - X + K, -5—7 ] (5 Ala) R k + R 5 . G o R h G o R R (X + Z + Itf G_) < (Z - 10(1 + s 2 ) (5^3a) R^ R 7 (X + Z + kt G_) s 1 < Y - X + 1+ (5.^6a) Rg A similar analysis performed on a PNP two-stage amplifier produces similar equations. The values chosen satisfy these inequalities. 5.10 V , Variations and Gain — eb No attempt will be made in this section to consider the effects of changes in parameters other than V . The analysis of the input stage in Section 5 .k and of the second stage in Section 5.5 considered all major variations in the transistor parameters. The overall effect of the V , variations on the gain will now be eb presented. Only V variations due to current level changes will be considered. Thermal variations in V , will be discussed in Section 5.13. eb Following this discussion of the effect of V . variations on "gain, the effect eb Of these variations on the linearity of the amplifier will be presented. -4 5 - The circuit of Figure l6 is used for this analysis, a, is assumed to be one. This is a quite valid assumption if all transistors have a 6 > 50, The current in T will be designated i , The constant currents K y n n I and l r will be designated by capital letters. The |V I of transistor 5 o eb T will be designated V , , The base of transistor T will be designated n ebn n V The bases of T, and T_ will be designated V , , These conventions n 4 2 out will apply in the remainder of this thesis. By considerable algebraic manipulation, it can be shown that: RRI VR V-V V 9 5 r_l out 20 eb2 e bl in , 8 = R 10 2 " ( R 1 + R 2 )(R 20 +I W + R l + R 2 + R l + R 2 R. - 2 — V - 25 R io eb7 (5.W R 12 R 8 M V out R 20 V in V ebU ' V eb3 9 " R 1X L 2 + I R 3 + V( R 20 + R 2l' " R 3 + «k + R 3 + R U R, (5.W) V R eblO As V. increases, V' increases, but the increase in V is greater than in ' out m the increase in V , . Similarly, as V. decreases, V decreases and the out ' in ' out decrease in V. is larger than the decrease in V , . in out For a positive input voltage increment i } i , Vq, and V increase and i and i decrease. For a negative voltage increment r , i , V Q , and V^ decrease and i_ and i.,_ increase. o' 9 3 10 Equation (5-^7) is rewritten designating in parenthesis after V the current to which V is directly proportional, ■k6- R„ R. I. V V in W- 1 ! 5 - W 1 ^ v = ? 5 r-5. _ -222* , 8 ' R 1Q L 2 2R 1 2R X 2R (5.U9) 5 V ,JiJ - 25 R io ebT Defining cW as the change in V for a given change in V. , equation (5.^-9) n n m' becomes R S R Q o 2R R n m out eb2 1 ebl 1 ^- av (i ) . R 1Q eb7 7 (5.50) Using the specified resistor values cWo becomes dV A - 107 [37. - dV« + cW KO (-i, ) - dV .,(i, )] - lOdV .JiJ (5.5l) o in out eb2 1 ebl 1 eb7 7 For the case of cW. > 0, av K1 > ebl (5.52) 3v < eb2 cW > eb7 cW' > out av n = 107 [dV. - av + - A] - 10B . (5.53) 9 m out where a = -av + av eb2 ebl and -U7- b = av , _ eb7 are positive numbers since by equation (5.52) - av , . > o eb2 + cW , . > ebl + av _ > o eb7 Thus as V. increases V increases but the increase is reduced by the mo cW values , For the case of cW. < 0, eb m ' bV . , < ebl ^V , > eb2 cW < eb7 c*V < out where cW p = 107 [dV. - cW' + C] + 10D (5.55) o m out C = cW - av > eb2 ebl d - -av uv > eb7 (5.5*0 since by equation (5.5*0 9V eb2 > - 3V ebT > ° " aV S bl > ° -1+8- As V. decreases V decreases but the effect of the V in 8 eb variations will be to reduce the decrease. The conclusion from these two cases is that the effect of the V . parameters on the circuit will be to reduce the gain at V n below its eb 8 theoretical value which assumes V , = constant. eb If a similar analysis is carried out for V , a similar result will be obtained. The effect of V . variations will thus tend to reduce eb the overall amplification of the circuit slightly below its theoretical value. 5.11 V . Variations and Linearity — eb — — iL - Such variations in V , will make the amplification of the circuit eb B difficult to predict although it is ultralinear. But it is not necessary that the gain be within 0.5 per cent of a specified value since the potentiometer settings in the voltage dividers of Figure 8 can be adjusted according to the value of the gain. The important point is that the gain be extremely constant . Before investigating the effect of V variations on linearity, the various current levels in the circuit will be determined. It is easily verified that the approximate current levels are as shown in Table 1. The equations for cWq and dV are cWo = 107 [dV. - av. + dV KO (-iJ - av ..(ij] o in out eb2 1 ebl 1 (5.56) " 10aV eb7 ( V av = io T [dv ln - av; ut + av (i ) - dv ebU (-i 2 )] + 103T ebl ( 1 10 ) • (5.57) 4 9 - Table 1. Current Levels for -10 < V < +10 volts - out — I- - - iCurrent min, - ma max, - ma : h .25 .68 *2 .32 .75 1 *3 .25 ,68 h ,20 .63 s .955 .955 l 6 .88 .88 h 1.08 3.08 ^ 10 10 h 10 10 \o 1,08 3.08 The variation in current in the input stage is quite small as is the current level, This portion of the V . versus i curve should eb c have a rather linear variation in V , and positive increments in V , should eb eb be nearly the same as negative increments for equal and opposite i increments, The V , variations in the difference amplifier stage were seen eb not to cancel, as the two V . values do, but to add. Due to the low current eb levels, the V , variations will be quite linear. Since the total current in > eb i • both transistors is constant the entire first stage variation will be very- linear. The variation in V , in the second stage transistors should be eb about the same as in the first stage since the current range is wider but the values are higher thus reducing the slope of the V , versus I curve, •=> r eb c These portions of the V , versus I curve can be linearized and treated eb c as straight lines such that equal and opposite increments of current produce equal and opposite changes in V . -50- These variations in V . will thus be quite linear and the voltages eb to at Vq and V should increase linearly; thus, the gain remains rather constant even though V varies and its variation is multiplied by the gains of the various stages . 5.12 Influence of Thermal Variations Figures 19a and 19b show a PNP and a NPN transistor amplifier corresponding to T and T , the second stage amplifiers of Figure l6. -f V + 2 O v. O u 2 ~d 2 (a) PNP (b) NPN Figure 19 . Transistor Amplifier Stages. The power dissipation for the PNP amplifier is determined as follows v - u i - d i l = e R v. = -z + r i = -v_ + a ~ (v - vl - a ) 1 c C Z R 11 e -51- P cl = (U L + d l ' V l } \ e e e where 1 eb7 The pcwer dissipation for the NPN amplifier is similarly determined as follows 1 = u 2 - d 2 + .T e R v 2 = z-R c i c = z-a^(u 2 -a 2+ v) e P c2 ^ ( " U 2 + d 2 + V 2 ) *c p c2 = [ -u 2 + a 2 + z - a f (u 2 - a 2 + v )] r (u 2 - a 2 + v) e e where d 2 = V belO • R Denoting CC — = g = gain of the amplifier stage^ the power dissipation can be e plotted as in Figure 20a and 20b. The actual values are listed below the graph and the initial value of u - ± and u + d, is shown (u at V. - V = 0), The voltages vl + d and ul - cL vary by about +0.8 volts from their initial value for an output voltage range of +8 < V < -8 volts. Over this — out — range of operation the P versus u curves can be linearized and approximated c as straight lines. ■52- (a) PNP (b) NPN Figure 20. Power Dissipation for the Transistor Amplifier Stages of Figure 19'a,b). -53- An V. increases both u. and u_ decrease, and as V. decreases in 1 2 * in both u and u increase „ Also, due to the circuit topology u and u always change by equal amounts and in the same directions.. As u + d increases P . increases, but as u - d^ increases P _ decreases and vice cl 2 2 c2 versa. Since these portions of the power dissipation curves have been linearized the increases in P equal the corresponding decreases in P , Thus du = du cip . = ap _ . cl c2 A similar analysis performed on both first stages yields the following results : ai 3 = ^i 2 ai 1 = di k ap . = ap h cl c4 dp = ap _ - -ap , = -ap . . c3 c2 cl cU- As power dissipation increases,, junction temperature increases, the increase being determined by the thermal resistance of the semiconductor. AT = SAP c It can be shown that as temperature increases V decreases. The emitter current is proportional to the minority carrier density just inside the base since the forward current across a FN junction is largely holes. This forward current is approximately proportional to this minority carrier density divided by the base width. If the emitter current is to remain unchanged for two temperatures T and T } the hole density must remain constant as temperature varies. Defining p as the minority carrier bn density just inside the base at temperature T , it follows that: For E » V. . V r R 1 c Thus -3k- c ^ 1 qv„ p bi exp - ( ^ } = p b2 exp - ( kT^ Pun q. V o V n n -n -bl = exp.[ (-£- +)]~^ ^>b2 k T 2 T l "i2 Pv,-, Ell :— - exp.[-q - & (— - =-) p d2 k r x i 2 E - V E - V n _S 2 . _g 1 T T 2 1 T AT E V V T ^ T!/ V n E E 1 1 i JL g g E g AT ~ AV __ ,ATs T E ' AV - - ( T ) E 1 R 1 It has been found experimentally that, for Germanium and Silicon transistors, for currents in the ma range, V decreases by about 2.5 mv for each degree centigrade increase in temperature. Hereafter P will denote the collector power dissipation of transistor n and T' will denote the junction temperature of transistor n. n -55- 5-13 Effect of Therma l V , Variations ■ ~> , eb As V. increases P . P^, and P^ decrease and P n , P, , and P n ^ in 2' 3 7 1 *+ 10 increase; thus T', T' and T' decrease and T" , Tt, and T' increase; thus V , _, V a nd V , _ increase; and V .'. and V , n ^ decrease. Similarly eb2' eb3 eb7 ebl^ eblO as V. decreases P^, P , and P^ increase and P., P, , and P n _ decrease; thus m 2* y 7 1 V 10 ' T*. T" and T' increase and T' T,' , and T' decrease; thus V . n3 V ._. and 2' 3 7 1 *+ 10 eb2' eb3 V , _ decrease and V , _. V , , . and V , _ . increase eb7 ebl' ebV eblO By equations (5.56) and (5° 57) these thermal V variations are observed to cancel since cW ._ = -cW eb7 eblO ebl ebk eb2 eb3 Similar results are observed if V. decreases „ m This tends to produce a circuit which is not affected by temperature variations over the desired output range . 5 „1^ Output Stage Com pensation The analyses of the previous sections have produced the following results : (1) Parameter variations due to current levels will tend to decrease the gain at Vn and V, and these variations will be approximately linear „ Thus,, Vo will tend to vary by the same amount and in the same direction as V , (2) Thermal variations due to temperature tend to cancel at V Q and V^ Obviously the linear approximations used are not exact and the variations at Vo and V will not be exactly linear or drift— free. The -56- constant-current output stage will further compensate for any deviations present at Vq and V . By defining d(v\ - V Q ) as the deviation in (V_ - V D ) from its 9 o y o initial value at V. = V , = 0, the effect of the output stage may more easily be discussed. If d(V - Vq) > 0, implying that V has increased by more than V n . a large output current would be expected and V would be too large, o' out This does happen actually but the error is drastically reduced. For 3(V 9 - Vg) > , \ - \ - v eb9 + v zl + v + v Z£ + v eb8 , the modified output stage current increases. Thus, 3V eb 9 > ° SV eb8 > ° av zl >0 Sv Z2 >0 which implies * V 9 " V " (dV eb 9 + SV Z1 + 3V Z2 + dV eb 8 ) " 3 \ 2 The change in V , and V^ is about the same and for eb Zi ^(V 9 - Vq) « .3 v , ^ S ^ S 50 mv -57- Therefore cW ~ Q,lv, which shows that much of the nonlinearity 22 has been accounted for by V , Q , V . V r71 , and V^ variations The variation, J ebo' eb9 Zl' Z2 ' cW^ , is reduced further by the fact that cW = KcW where K is R 22 1X R 22 approximately Q5. Thus in the experimental values above, cW ~ 0.05 volts . Thermal variations are similarly reduced at V by a factor of about one-fourth. The gain of a single two-stage amplifier as used in Figure l6 has been found to be constant within two per cent for Germanium and 2.7 per cent for Silicon transistors. The error of the amplifier of Figure l6 is 0.33 per cent. This is one-sixth of the error of a single two-stage amplifier. This factor of one-sixth is the same as appeared above in the experiment involving variations in the modified constant- current output stage parameters . As V„ increases, V Q increases thus P „ decreases, and P Q increases, 9 o 7 cy ' co ' or vice versa. It is easily shown that SP 9 " " SP 8 since emitter currents are constant, Thus^ bl 9 = -dig. From which eb9 ebo Thus the temperature changes in Tq and T are such that they tend to maintain the output voltage at its proper value and the modified output' stage current constant. -58- Similarly, the output stage reduces any thermal drift present at Vq and V by a factor of about one- fourth. Its effect in reducing linearity variations at V and Vn is considerably higher, the factor being about one- sixth. Due to the effect that lU and T have in reducing thermal drift and improving the linearity of the gain and the effect that T and T ft have in further reducing these errors, T and T and Tq and T will be designated circuit- compensating transistor pairs since their compensating ability is due to their position in the circuit and not to a match of transistor parameters „ 5 .15 Experimental Data Table 2 contains experimental data on the voltage amplifier of Figure l6. A digital voltmeter, accurate to within 2 mv was used for these measurements. The fact that the digital voltmeter had this error made it necessary to step down a high input voltage in order that readings accurate to below 1 mv could be obtained. An error of 2 mv in the reading of an input voltage would be magnified by 21 and the output voltage would be accurate only to within k-2 mv. This is approximately twice the error of the voltage amplifier . For these reasons the input column is headed V! . Column three * in shows the increments in V for equal increments in V. . All of the out in output increments are accurate to within 0.8 per cent of the average value, the largest difference being 28 mv. Column four shows the gain of the amplifier calculated to four figures . The gain is seen to be extremely linear, the largest deviation from the value G = 21. 38 is 0.33 per cent. Column five shows the deviation in output voltage caused by a load requiring 10 ma at all voltages. The largest error due to loading was observed to be a 15 mv decrease in output voltage. -59- Table 2. Test Data. V (volts) in V (volts) out AV (mv) out Gain V Loaded out (mv) 0.000 0.000 -8 41,000 +1.020 1020 21 . 42 -8 +2.000 +2.036 1016 21.38 -10 +3.000 +3.060 1024 21.1+2 -10 +4.000 +4.064 1004 21.34 -10 +5.000 +5.086 1022 21.36 -12 +6„ooo +6.100 1014 21.36 -12 +7.000 +7.120 1020 21.36 -12 +8 . 000 +8.135 1015 21.36 -14 +9 . ooo +9.166 1031 21.38 -15 o 000 +0.008 -1.000 -1.015 1015 21.32 -9 -2.000 -2.039 1024 21. 41 -8 -3.000 -3.050 1011 21.35 -9 -4.000 -4.082 1032 21.42 -9 -5.000 -5.100 1018 21.42 -8 -6.000 -6.125 1025 21.44 -8 -7.000 -7.140 1015 21.42 -8 -8.000 -8.160 1020 21.42 -8 -9.000 -9.166 1006 21,38 -8 -6o- The largest output offset voltage (V , when V = 0) was ° out in observed when the input was kept at its maximum or minimun value for a while and then grounded. The maximum such offset voltage observed was 8 mv. The largest drift was observed at the higher voltages when the input was kept at its maximum or minimum level and then the polarity reversed. The largest such drift observed was 8 mv. 5.l6 Component Replacement The resistor values have been chosen so that the potential difference across R in Figure l6 is 1.0 volts with the high side being +0.6 volts and the low side being -0.U volts. These values assume a V . eb of 0.1*+ volts for Germanium and O.78 volts for Silicon transistors (Tq, T ). The value 1.0 volts is not critical; it is only necessary that the voltage be in the neighborhood of 1.0 volts and that the value about O.lU volts be somewhere within the 1 volt range at V. =0 for zero offset. The D in collector resistors R/- and R place an upper limit on the collector current and on the voltage across the potentiometer. This upper limit is found from V Z1 + V Z2 + X c + 2V eb + 2V cb " 2(5 ° " I c ) (5 - 58) Assuming V , = .78 v for Silicon Transistors eb V . . = 1 v for Silicon Transistors (5.59) cb min V = V = 2.9 v Zl Z2 y The maximum collector current is I * 19 ma (5.60) c -6l- This voltage increment of 1.0 volts will vary somewhat as transistors are interchanged but this voltage difference was found sufficient to account for most V , and (3 variations between transistors. Naturally, eb to keep the circuit values as given, Germanium transistors must be replaced only by Germanium units, and similarly for Silicon transistors. New resistor values could be calculated if it was desired that all of the transistors be Germanium or Silicon. The only two resistors that would have to be changed would be R s and R which determine the magnitude of the constant-current source and sink. The V , versus I curve for Germanium is rather linear and the eb c knee is not very pronounced. For this reason it is quite easy to find replacements for Germanium units since for almost all Germanium transistors the I = 0.5 ma point is situated such that the curve of V , versus I can c eb c be quite easily linearized in the used region surrounding this operating point. The knee of the V , versus I curve for Silicon is more pronounced eb c than in Germanium units and its position is not nearly the same between two different NPN or PNP types. In general it has been observed on a curve—tracer that the knee occurs at values as low as I = 0.1 or 0.2 ma c in Silicon PNP units and as high as I = 0.8 ma in many Silicon NPN units. For this reason when using this amplifier with all Silicon transistors more care must be given to the choice of current levels in the input difference amplifiers. If nonlinearities are observed at the output, data can be taken for dV„ and dV" for V. = + 0.2 volts, V. =: + 0.3 volts, 7 10 in — 'in — ' and V. = + O.k volts. It has been found that cW^ or cW. n _ will be in - 7 10 constant for either positive or negative increments in cW. and not to in constant for the opposite signed increments. This information will tell whether the I operating point is sufficiently above or below the knee of the V curve to use a linear approximation or whether the operating point is too close to the knee of the curve, thus indicating an increase or decrease in the operating point current, I . For the two Silicon transistors SM5306(NPN) and 2N3638(PNP), the following values were changed to increase the current in the PNP difference amplifier by a factor of four. This was necessary since the knee of the V curve for the 2N3638 occurs at about 0.5 ma. R - U.65 K a R 12 = 1.3 K r i8 = 10 a R . = 15 K fl R = h K a R 1 = 10 K fl R = R^ = 62 n R l6 =2.?Kfi All other values are as before. It is much easier to obtain an operating current on the V versus I curve where the useable portion of the curve may be linearized by increasing the currents. Care should be used in increasing these input stage currents since the thermal drift increases by about the same factor by which the first stage currents are increased. This follows from equations (5.5^) and (5.57) and a consideration of the magnitudes of AP -. j, 4. and AP , AP ~. . , will be increased c first stage c second stage c first stage by approximately the factor by which the input stage currents are increased. If the second stage currents are not changed the thermal variations in the second stage is not sufficient to cancel the thermal variation of the first stage. The 10 K fi and 1 K ft resistors in the second stage could be decreased by twice the factor by which the first stage currents were increase thus increasing AP -, , , enabling the c second stage' ° second stage thermal drift to be of sufficient magnitude to cancel the first stage thermal drift. It is thus much better, if the magnitude of I at the V , knee allows, to decrease the first stage currents and increase eb ' the first stage resistors to obtain linearity of operation without a corresponding increase in drift. -6 3 - 5.17 Output Range An output range of -10 < V < +10 volts was desired. This is determined by the circuits which the voltage amplifier must drive. An output of -12 < V < +12 volts can be tolerated. The +10 volts out collector supply of T n insures the upper limit on V . To determine the _L± out lower limit on V the critical voltages and currents at which the various out transistors cut—off is investigated. Transistor T 1-L = ^ + Vln g R V ° Ut = »^TT + A55 V. n (5.6l.) The maximum i , i = „955 ma = i , (5.62' 1 max, y y 5 occurs at V. = l o 05 v . (5.63) in ' ' The minimum i , 1 __._ = ma^ (5o6U) mm, occurs at V. = -1.05 v . (5.65) in Transistor T, ■6k- H 1 3 = 2' V. - V in out 2R„ = .kh - .J+55 V m (5.66) The maximum i , i = 0.88 ma = \ r , 3 max . o ' (5.67) occurs at V. = -0.97 v in (5.68) The minimum i , i = ma , 3 min. (5.69) occurs at V. = 0.97 v in (5.70) As above, for any inputs outside of this range, the value of i_ and i remain at their maximum or minimum, the only limits being on the collector base junctions of the transistors. Transistor T, 7 The collector base junction of T must also be properly biased, that is, ■ 25 + -&- • i- - R_ V R 10 "1 < 10 - R, i , 5 eb7 4 1 (5.71) -6 5 - Assuming average V . values ° eb i < .686 ma V < ,k6l v in (5.72) Transistor T The collector base junction of T must be properly biased, that is, R i 25 - (J8-a - V eblQ ) R 8 > -10 + k.n . (5.73) 11 Assuming average V , values eb i- < °655 ma V. > - U75 v in (5.7*0 From the critical voltages and currents determined above, the lower limit on V can be calculated, out V . occurs at out mm. V. *, -A75 v . (5.75) in At this input value i- = .655 ma (5.76) i = .22 ma Thus, V 9 = -l.k v (5.77) -66- V 8 . -16.2 v (5.78) \ 2 " " TA " V eb 9 " V Z1 " ( - 16 - 2 + V eb8 + V Z2 } = '^ 2 ' ^±] = 1.2 v (5.79) V . . ~ .11.6 - v ... (5.80) out mm. ebll V , ~ -11.75 v . (5.81) out max. w ' The experimentally measured value is V , . -11.5 v . (5.82) out mm. This is within the tolerable range and is acceptable. The originally desired range could be obtained by inserting a diode from the base of T to the -10 volts supply. This is not necessary in this application however. The zener diodes Zl and Z2 are necessary to obtain an output range of at least -10 < V < +10 volts due to the +10 and -10 volts - out - supplies on T and T . These supply voltages limit the maximum and minimum values of V Q and V\. The range of V Q and V" could easily be 09 o9 extended by replacing the +10 and -10 volts supplies by +25 and -25 volts. This however requires that T and T be chosen such that the collector-to— base breakdown voltage is at least 35 volts. This transistor specification is avoided by inserting Zl and Z2 to step down the range of Vq to -lU.2 <: Vq < +5.8 volts and to step up the range of V to -5.8 < V < +1^.2 o 9 9 volts, thus enabling T and T to remain conducting throughout the desired output range. -67- 5.l8 Input Range There are certain limits on the input voltage since for V > 0.97 volts the base of T ^ is at -10 volts and for V. < -1.05 in — 10 in — volts the base of T is at +10 volts. Thus the allowed input range is about -9 < V. n < +9 v (5.83) to insure the proper collector— to— base bias on T and T The maximum value that V can have in its Paramatrix application m occurs when a point on the edge of the matrix with coordinate voltage +8 volts is magnified by four and shifted right by l6 volts. Thus V. can become V. = ~ [8m + a] in max, V si- (48) (5.84) in max, 20 v ' KJ ' V. ~ 2.4 v in max. The possible range of V. is thus in -2,4 < V. < +2,4 v . (5.85) in Thus, there is no need for bumping diodes at the input to the voltage amplifier since the allowed range of equation (5 083) is not exceeded as shown by equation (5.85)0 The input impedance of the voltage amplifier is essentially the parallel combination of the collector resistance of R and R Z. * 600 K n In Since one input transistor is an NFN and the other a FNP, the base current at the input is less than it would be for a single two-stage -68- amplifier. This reduces any error due to current flowing into or from the summing point of the second stage voltage divider. 5 .19 frequency Range The only limitation on the speed of operation appears to be the choice of transistors. The higher the alpha cut-off frequency of the transistors used, the better the frequency response. Fast zener diodes should also be used. With the transistors listed in Figure ]6, the circuit performs satisfactorily with a 500 kc square-wave input with a rise time of 200 ns and a fall time of 100 ns. With Silicon SM5306 and 2N3638 transistors the circuit performs satisfactorily over 1 mc with rise times of 100 ns and fall times of 100 ns. 5 .20 Single Two-Stage Amplifier Design It is possible, although not practical due to component replacement difficulties to build one-half of the amplifier of Figure. l6 with new values and with a loss of accuracy and an increase in drift. A matched pair of very high p(p > 100 ) transistors with almost identical characteristics, with |3 extremely constant and with very flat collector characteristics over the desired current range, can be selected on a curve— tracer for use in the input stage. Similarly the collector characteristics for various loads can be plotted. A transistor with very good linearity over a wide current and voltage range and with a collector breakdown voltage greater than 35 volts can be selected for the second stage transistor. Tests on the second stage transistor with the load used in plotting the collector characteristics can be tested to determine the best combination of gain and current levels that produce the most linear gain. -6 9 - A similar test can be made on the first stage transistors to determine the best current levels for linearity with the stipulation that the product of the first stage gain and the second stage gain is greater than 100 . In this manner the single-stage amplifier of Figure 21 was designed. Its thermal drift is much worse than before, about 35 niv. Its offset has increased to about 25 mv and the gain is constant within one per cent. 5.21 Summary This voltage amplifier has many advantages over other designs. It has excellent drift stability and very low offset values,, both below 10 mv, Its output range is quite high for so accurate an amplifier. Its linearity is below 0.35 per cent. The compensation techniques used to achieve this unusually good stability are functions of the topology. The ease of replacement of components demonstrates how free this amplifier is from matched transistor pairs and various temperature compensating elements. Temperature compensating diodes and thermistors cannot actually be used due to the large voltage and temperature ranges since junctions which cool off at one output level may heat up at the next output value. The data of Table 2 was taken at d-c» When run at higher frequencies the performance actually increases since input levels are on for only very small fractions of seconds as opposed to fractions of minutes in a d-c test Thus, the junctions will have much less time in which to heat up or cool down, reducing the parameter variations considerably. There are certain disadvantages to this amplifier. It actually contains two voltage amplifiers and thus naturally has a rather large number of components and is not as simple an amplifier as is possible. -70- +25v I 20K > 20K i /^- SM5334 3.3 K lOOfl 100ft 4lOK |680i2 S\. UK 18K IN 963 2 N 1308 OUT ♦ O i 10K S6.8K 1N963 T -25v WHEN NOT SPECIFIED RESISTORS ±1%,1/2W. TRANSISTORS SM1530 Figure 21. Single Two-Stage Amplifier. -71- This was found necessary since the drift and linearity compensation desired could not be obtained in a single two-stage amplifier. A second disadvantage of this amplifier is that the gain which is so exact cannot be accurately predicted due to the number of components, the number of V . drops and other parameters which must be measured, and the eb ' unknown amount of variation which is not compensated for and which subtracts from the gain. The inconvenience of having to measure the gain on a meter and varying one of the feedback resistors until the desired gain is obtained is a small price to pay for the accuracy which such a configuration can produce. The number of components is still less than in many d-c amplifiers which have much less accuracy. A diode could be placed in series with R n and R for better temperature stability although it is not really necessary here since the power dissipation is rather constant in T,- and T^<. Also a zener diode could be used in place of R, n and R for a more stable current source or sink. This again is not necessary since P and P /■ are very constant. 6 . CONCLUSION This method of transforming line drawings which are displayed on a matrix of light bulbs has many interesting features . 1. It presents new applications for hybrid analog-digital circuit techniques, 2. It uses analog voltage levels to determine the matrix coordinates „ 3o It employs diamond gates to gate analog signals by means of digital ones „ k It sequentially scans the matrix by digital counters . 5= It contains a highly accurate current amplifier with unity voltage gain within 50 mv. 6. It involves an ultralinear, low drift, wideband voltage amplifier capable of amplification with an accuracy of 0„33 per cent over a wide output range. 7<> It is capable of translating, rotating, and magnifying this line drawing at high speeds. The desired accuracy of this system is one-half the voltage difference of adjoining coordinates or 250 mv. The accumulative worst - case error of the transformer from the sine-cosine potentiometer to the output of the voltage amplifier is approximately 230 mv which is within the desired accuracy. Many of these circuits, notably the ultralinear voltage amplifier, have applications in many areas of engineering research. Various compensation techniques used in this amplifier have produced, over a wide voltage range, accuracies previously unattainable without the use of integrated circuit techniques or extensive chopper and rectifying circuits -72- -73- Amplifiers with very high accuracies are normally limited to frequencies below 100 kc. The minimum error of integrated circuit amplifiers is about one per cent and few of these had an output range of 20 volts. The amplifier described herein has an error of 0.33 per cent, a 20 volts output range, and can operate with a 1 mc square-wave input , There are many possible applications for this ultralinear voltage amplifier. With a resistive summing network with a variable summing resistor, as an input circuit, the gain of the entire circuit can be varied from 1 to 20. If one input to the resistive summing network is connected to a variable power supply, the aforementioned variable gain is possible as well as a level- shifting of the output voltage. Other obvious applications for such an amplifier involving different peripheral equipment are possible as the particular application warrants . BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Joyce, M. and K. Clark, Transistor Circuit Analysis , Addi son-Wesley Publishing Company, Massachusetts, I96U. 2. Korn, G. A. and J. M. Korn, Electronic Analog and Hybrid Computers, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 196%. 3. Middlebrook, R. D., Differential Amplifiers, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York, 1963. k. MilLman, J. and A. Taub, Pulse and Digital Circuits , McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc , , New York, 1956. 5. Poppelbaum, W. J. and N. E. Wiseman, "Circuit Design for the New Illinois Computer," Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois. Report No. 90. August 1959. 6. "Quarterly Technical Progress Report," (Part l), Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois. October-December, I96U, 7„ "Quarterly Technical Progress Report," (Part l), Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois. January-March, 19^5 . 8. "Technical Progress Report," (Part 3)> Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois. June, 196^. 9. "Technical Progress Report," (Part l), Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois. July, I96U. 10. "Technical Progress Report," (Part 2), Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois. September, I96I. 11. Texas Instrument, Inc. Transistor Circuit Design, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1963. -7k- Unclassified Security Classification DOCUMENT CONTROL DATA - R&D (Security classilication o/ title, body of abstract and indexing annotation must be entered when the overall report ia claaslfied) 1. ORIGINATING ACTIVITY (Corporate author) Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 61803 Za REPORT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION Unclassified 2b CROUP 3 REPORT TITLE Graphical Processing Using Hybrid Analog -Digital Circuitry 4 DESCRIPTIVE NOTES (Type ol report and Inclusive dates) Technical Report 5- AUTKORt'S; (Last name, first name, initial) Casasent, David P. 6 REPO RT DATE August 1965 7« TOTAL NO. OF PACES 7b- NO. OF REFS 11 8«. CONTRACT OR CRANT NO. Nonr I83I+ (15) 6. PROJECT NO. 9a ONiaiMATOR's REPORT NUMBERi'S) • • OTMCR NfPORT NO(S) (Any other numbers that may be assigned mla import) None 10. AVAILABILITY/LIMITATION NOTICES 11. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES None 12. SPONSORING MILITARY ACTIVITY Office of Naval Research 219 South Dearborn Street Chicago, Illinois 6060k 13- ABSTRACT By assigning analog voltages to the coordinates of a graph, drawings can be electrically displayed. By means of a sine-cosine potentiometer, resistance chains, and diamond gates -with appropriate gate signals from digital counters, these drawings can be transformed (i.e., translated, rotated, magnified). Resistive summing networks and compensated current amplifiers provide the translation, while an ultralinear voltage amplifier achieves the magnification. This ultralinear voltage amplifier consists essentially of two two-stage amplifiers feeding a constant-current pre-output stage with negative feedback applied to the first stages. Thermal and nonthermal parameter variations are compensated for by a linearization of the used portions of the power dissipation and V versus i curves, the constant-current output stage, and circuit compensating transistor pairs . This topology produces an amplifier with a gain constant within 0.33 V er cent, a 20 volt output range, a drift and offset voltage of less than 9 Wf an & a frequency response of d-c to 1 mc with a square wave input. It can supply 10 ma at all voltage levels with an error of less than l6 mv. Component replacement is possible with no loss of accuracy. -75- DD FORM 1 JAN 64 1473 Unclassified Security Classification TTnnl nasi fi fid Security Classification -76- 14- KEY WORDS LINK A ROLE LINK B ROLE LINK C Paramatrix Constant -current output stage Hybrid analog-digital circuits Ultralinear voltage amplifier Circuit-compensating transistor pairs INSTRUCTIONS \. ORIGINATING ACTIVITY: Enter the name and address of the contractor, subcontractor, grantee, Department of De- fense activity or other organization (corporate author) issuing the report. 2a. REPORT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION: Enter the over- all security classification of the report. Indicate whether "Restricted Data" is included. Marking is to be in accord- ance with appropriate security regulations. 2b. GROUP: Automatic downgrading is specified in DoD Di- rective 5200. 10 and Armed Forces Industrial Manual. Enter the group number. Also, when applicable, show that optional markings have been used for Group 3 and Group 4 as author- ized. 3. REPORT TITLE: Enter the complete report title in all capital letters. Titles in all cases should be unclassified. If a meaningful title cannot be selected without classifica- tion, show title classification in all capitals in parenthesis immediately following the title. 4. DESCRIPTIVE NOTES: If appropriate, enter the type of report, e.g., interim, progress, summary, annual, or final. Give the inclusive dates when a specific reporting period is covered. 5. AUTHOR(S): Enter the name(s) of authors) as shown on or in the report. Enter last name, first name, middle initial. If military, show rank and branch of service. The name of the principal author is an absolute minimum requirement. 6. REPORT DATE: Enter the date of the report as day, month, year; or month, year. If more than one date appears on the report, use date of publication. la. TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES: The total page count should follow normal pagination procedures, Le. , enter the number of pages containing information. 76. NUMBER OF REFERENCES Enter the total number of references cited in the report. 8a. CONTRACT OR GRANT NUMBER: If appropriate, enter the applicable number of the contract or grant under which the report was written. 8b, 8c, & 8d. PROJECT NUMBER: Enter the appropriate military department identification, such as project number, subproject number, system numbers, task number, etc. 9a. ORIGINATOR'S REPORT NUMBER(S): Enter the offi- cial report number by which the document will be identified and controlled by the originating activity. This number must be unique to this report. 9b. OTHER REPORT NUMBER(S): If the report has been assigned any other report numbers (either by the originator or by the sponsor), also enter this number(s). 10. AVAILABILITY/LIMITATION NOTICES: Enter any lim- itations on further dissemination of the report, other than those imposed by security classification, using standard statements such as: (1) "Qualified requesters may obtain copies of this report from DDC" (2) "Foreign announcement and dissemination of this report by DDC is not authorized." (3) "U. S. Government agencies may obtain copies of this report directly from DDC. Other qualified DDC users shall request through (4) "U. S. military agencies may obtain copies of this report directly from DDC. Other qualified users shall request through (5) "All distribution of this report is controlled. Qual- ified DDC users shall request through If the report has been furnished to the Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, for sale to the public, indi- cate this fact and enter the price, if known. It SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES: Use for additional explana- tory notes. 12. SPONSORING MILITARY ACTIVITY: Enter the name of the departmental project office or laboratory sponsoring (pay- ing for) the research and development. Include address. 13. ABSTRACT: Enter an abstract giving a brief and factual summary of the document indicative of the report, even though it may also appear elsewhere in the body of the technical re- port. If additional space is required, a continuation sheet shall be attached. It is highly desirable that the abstract of classified reports be unclassified. Each paragraph of the abstract shall end with an indication of the military security classification of the in- formation in the paragraph, represented as (TS), (S), (C), or (U). There is no limitation on the length of the abstract. How- ever, the suggested length is from 150 to 225 words. 14. KEY WORDS: Key words are technically meaningful terms or short phrases that characterize a report and may be used as index entries for cataloging the report. Key words must be selected so that no security classification is required. Identi- fiers, such as equipment model designation, trade name, military project code name, geographic location, may be used as key words but will be followed by an indication of technical con- text. The assignment of links, rales, and weights is optional. Unclassified Security Classification "55s.TYOF.LUNU. J -U..BANA ca P002 V m 167(1965) 510 64IL6Rno C002JM ,„„,.„,.., processor ol vlsuann