DEAN’S STEAM FITTER’S COpffPtiTRTION ftp PRICE BOOK ^ ^earning anb ^abor. LIBRARY OF TH E University of Illinois. CLASS. BOOK. VOLUME. Books are not to be taken from the Library. Accession No. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 THE STEAM FITTERS COMPUTATIONS PRICE BOOK CONSISTING OF TABLES GIVING THE CUBICAL CONTENTS OF ROOMS OF VARIOUS SIZES TABLES GIVING THE NUMBER OF SQUARE FEET OF WALL SURFACE TABLES GIVING THE NUMBER OF SQUARE FEET OF WINDOW SURFACE. TABLES GIVING RADIATION REQUIRED FOR ROOMS OF ANY SIZE AT VARIOUS PROPORTIONS. ALSO TABLES SHOWING THE COST OF RADIATION AT VARIOUS PRICES PER SQUARE FOOT. TABLES GIVING SIZE, PRICE, WEIGHT, ETC., OF PIPE, FITTINGS, VALVES, ETC. Blank Forms for Cost and Price of Material. IN ADDITION TO WHICH IS SOME GENERAL IN- FORMATION ON POINTS OF INTEREST TO STEAM AND HOT WATER FITTERS. * Copyrighted 1893 By Mark Dean, Chicago, III. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1895, by MARK DEAN, in the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. L. BARTA & CO., PRINTERS, 144 HIGH ST., BOSTON, MASS. wvn ns INDEX Air vai.ves. Acme Bundy Common Hodge — Eureka. . Duplex Perfected. Van Aukens Jenkins Lock& Shield Victor Wood Wheel Altitude Gauges.... Asbestos Cement... Boilers. Abraham Cox Co. Novelty Circulator American Boiler Co. Advance American Bolton Florida Little Giant Modern Perfect Solel Spence Tropic Bolton, G.& J. Bolton Electric Boiler Co. Electric Globe Steam Heater Co. HARD Globe Horizontal Tubular Gorton Boiler Co. Gorton Hart & Crouse. Royal Herendeen Manufacturing Co. Furman Furman, Jr Ideal Boiler Co. Ideal Kewanee Boiler Co. Haxtum Morgan, D. F., Boiler Co. Morgan Mott, J. L., Iron Works Co. Sunray Mowry, C. W. Cataract Page New York Central Iron Works. Dunning Page, Wm. H., Boiler Co. All Right Volunteer Pease, J. F., Furnace Co. Economy Smith & Antony. Hub Page. ... 94 94 .. 94 ... 94 .. 95 .. 95 ... 95 ... 95 ... 95 ... 95 .. 125 ... 133 Boilers. Smith, H. B. Co. Cottage Gold Mercer Mills O. K United States Heater Co. Capitol Hecla Mascot Walker & Pratt Commonwealth Crawford Bronze Bronze liquid Page. ..224 .. 225 .. 226 ...228 ... 227 ... 229 ... 230 ... 231 ... 232 . . . 233 . .. 131 ... 131 .... 219 .... 186 .... 187 .... 188 190, 191 .... 185 .... 192 .... 193 .... 196 .... 189 194, 195 Capacities of Pipes for Carrying Liquids Cubical Contents of Rooms Circumferences and Areas 240 7-57 240 Damper Regulators — Powers’ 127 Expansion Tanks 130 Equalization of Pipe Areas 240 211 .197-199 202 203 205 Fittings, Brass, for Iron Pipe 92, 93 Fittings, Railing 0 Fittings for Iron Pipe. Condensed List 78 Separate Lists, arranged alphabetically pages 80-88 Flue Brushes 128 • 200 ’ 201 Gas Pipe 206, 207 Gauge CockS .208, 209 .... 210 .... 212 Hair Felt Hot Water Thermometers Hydraulic Gauges .... 213 .... 218 ,216, 217 Marble Mineral Wool, Pipe Covering Pressure Regulators 214 215 Bailing Fittings 222 235 234 .220, 221 RADIATOR VALVES. Steam. Common Jenkins Bros Hot Water. Detroit Quick Opening Lunkenheimer Foot — 223 Weber r: iXO 78 120 133 125 122 131 133 133-137 .... 128 90 96 96 101 101 102 RADIATORS. Adams Radiator Co. Cyclonic Electric American Radiator Co. Direct. Rating. Page. Cost. Cuts. RADIATORS. Rating. Page. Cost. Cuts. 158 168 Joy Radiator Co. Crescent , 160 179 158 168 Crescent Window — ... 149 160 179 Orient Vertical Flue 160 160 179 Detroit Ornamental , 139 155 162 Detroit Dining Room. . 139 154 162 Detroit Flue 139 154 163 Excelsior 138 154 Ideal 138 154 166 National 138 154 165 National Single Column 138 154 165 National Four Column. 138 154 165 Peerless 138 154 Perfection 138 154 164 Perfection Flue 139 154 16 Perfection Din’g Room 139 154 Indirect. Excelsior 140 154 167 Perfection Pin ... 140 154 167 Specialties. Column 140 154 163 Curved 154 Corner 154 164 Window 154 Stairway 154 Direct Indirect 154 166 Corry Radiator Co. Gem 150 158 177 Hercules 150 158 176 Leader 150 158 177 Pearl 150 158 176 Fowler Radiator Co. Fowler 147 158 169 Grilling, A. A., Iron Co. Porter Radiator & Iron Co. Efficient 150 Fleur-de-lis 150 Fleur-de-lis Loop 150 Vertical Flue 150 Smith, H. B., Co. Direct. 160 160 160 160 Champion Union 152 159 182 C. U., Direct, Indirect.. 159 Imperial Union 152 159 182 Union 152 159 181 Royal Union 152 159 181 Reed 152 159 183 Reed Circular 159 Reed Column 159 Whittier 159 183 Indirect. Gold Pin — 159 183 Standard Radiator Co. Standard, Old Style 151 161 Standard, New Style. . . 151 161 184 Standard Single Loop.. 151 161 184 Standard Four Loop . . . 151 161 United States Rad. Co. Splendid . 138 161 185 Steam Cocks . Steam Gauges . 118 122 Direct. Bundy Standard.. 141 156, 157 171 Bundy Columbia 138 156, 157 173 Bundy Column 141, 142 156, 157 171 Bundy Corner . 143 156, 157 171 Bundy Climax 156, 157 Bundy Defiance 146 156, 157 Bundy Dining Room. . . 145 156, 157 172 Bundy Duplex Base — 156, 157 172 Elite 156, 157 173 Princess 146 156, 157 Pyro 146 156, 157 174 Pyro Wall — 156, 157 174 Perfect — — 157 Renaissance 143, 144 156 173 Indirect. Bundy Standard 156, 157 175 Bundy Angle 156 Bundy Climax 156 175 Bundy Pin 156 Perfect 143 156 Tables of Cubical Contents 7-57 Tables Giving Size of Radiators 58-6H Tables Giving Square Feet of Glass or Wall Surface 62-67 Tables giving Cost Price of Radiation .... 68-75 Useful Information 240-244 V acuum Gauges 122 VALVES. Angle 106-109 Cross 104 Check 114-117 Gate 110-113 Gurney Heater Co. Yale 147 Quintet 147 160 170 160 170 Hot Water ) Radiator } See Radiator Valves 120 Safety ) Holland Radiator Co. Holland....' Jarecki Manufactur’gCo. Erie. 148 Erie Dining Room 148 160 178 160 178 160 W ater Feeders, Automatic 131 Water Gauge Cocks ... 124 Water Gauge Columns 126 Water Gauge Glasses 124-126 Wrought Iron Pipe 78 4 PREFACE. Haying felt the necessity of computed tables in determin- ing radiation, I have figured out those which I think will be most useful to the fitter and arranged them in this book in what I trust will be found convenient form. I have also given lists of materials in common use, with blank spaces for costs and prices, to enable those who desire it to have complete data for estimating contracts. To accommodate those who need the tables only, this book is issued leaving out all pages between 80 and 237, at the same price, |2.50. Cuts of radiators and boilers have been shown to assist the fitter in explaining the merits of the goods he handles. All of these cuts, both of radiators and boilers, have been given by their respective manufacturers, and I take this oppor- tunity of thanking them for the same. THE AUTHOR. i ‘ r . ■ ' •' J »:» r ? ,** ’■ • ' EXPLANATION TO TABLES OF CUBICAL CONTENTS ON THE FOLLOWING PAGES, Each table covers two pages. To find the cubical contents of any room, first turn to the page having the desired height ceiling ; this you will find marked in the upper left-hand or upper right-hand corner of the page in large figures. Follow along the row of figures at the top until you come to a number representing the width of the room. Follow down the column of figures immediately under this number until you come opposite a number in the column of figures at the left-hand side of the page representing the length of the room, and the amount found here, under the width and opposite the length, is the cubical contents of any room having those dimen- sions. Proceed in the same manner to find the cubical contents of any room. Note. It is not expected that every one will find themselves familiar with these tables at sight, but a very little time spent in looking over the different forms will make them of indispensable value. I wish to call special attention to the tables giving “ Cost of Radiation,” pages 68 to 75 inclusive. These tables can be used for many different purposes. For example, on page 68 we find 24 feet of radiation, at 19£ cents per foot, costs $4.68. We will suppose it is fittings you wish to figure. Simply call the 44 amount ” the number of fittings and the 44 price per foot ” the cost each ; thus, 24 4 inch bushings, at 19i cents each, equal $4.68. Or we will suppose you wish to know the cost of 57 feet of pipe at 20 i cents per foot; look opposite 57 and under 20J, and you find the result $11.54, and so on. This table can be used for anything covered by the prices and amounts used. 7 8 CUBICAL CONTENTS OF ROOMS 25X50 AND 3 3* 4 4* 5 5* 6 6* 7 7* 8 8* 9 9* 10 10* 11 11* 12 12* 3 3* 72 84 98 4 96 112 128 4* 108 126 144 162 5 120 140 160 180 200 5* 132 154 176 198 220 242 G 144 168 192 216 240 264 288 6* 156 182 208 234 .260 286 312 338 7 168 196 224 252 280 308 336 364 392 7* 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450 8 192 224 256 288 320 352 384 416 448 480 512 8* 204 238 272 306 340 374 408 442 476 510 544 578 9 216 252 288 324 360 396 432 468 504 540 576 612 648 9* 228 266 304 342 380 418 456 494 532 570 608 646 684 722 10 240 280 320 360 400 440 480 520 560 600 640 680 720 760 800 10* 252 294 336 378 420 462 504 546 588 630 672 714 756 798 840 882 11 264 308 352 396 440 484 528 572 616 660 704 748 792 836 880 924 968 n* 276 322 368 414 460 506 552 598 644 690 736 782 828 874 920 966 1012 1058 12 288 336 384 432 480 528 576 624 672 720 768 816 864 912 960 1008 1056 1104 1152 12* 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 13 312 364 416 468 520 572 624 676 728 780 832 884 936 988 1040 1092 1144 1196 1248 1300 13* 324 378 432 486 540 594 648 702 756 810 864 918 972 1026 1080 1134 1188 1242 1296 1350 14 336 392 448 504 56C 616 672 728 784 840 896 952 1008 1064 1120 j 1176 1232 1288 1344 1400 14* 348 406 464 522 580 638 696 754 812 870 928 986 1044 1102 1160 1218 1276 1334 1392 t 1450 16 360 420 480 540 600 660 720 780 840 900 960 1020 1080 1140 1200 1260 1320 1380 1440 1500 15* 372 434 496 558 620 682 744 806 868 930 992 1054 1116 1178 1240 1302 1364 1426 1488 1550 16 384 448 512 576 640 704 768 832 896 960 1024 1088 1152 1216 1280 1344 1408 1472 1536 1600 16* 396 462 528 594 660 726 792 858 924 990 1056 1122 1188 1254 1320 1386 1452 1518 1584 1650 17 408 476 544 612 680 748 816 884 952 1020 1088 1156 1224 1292 1360 1428 1496 1564 1632 1700 17* 420 490 560 630 700 770 840 910 980 1050 1120 1190 1260 1330 1400 1470 1540 1610 1680 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253 289 325 361 397 434 470 506 542 578 614 9 230 268 306 345 382 421 459 497 536 574 612 650 689 9* 242 283 323 363 404 444 485 525 565 606 646 686 727 767 10 255 298 340 382 425 468 510 553 595 638 680 723 765 808 850 10$ 268 312 357 402 446 491 536 580 625 669 714 759 803 848 893 937 11 281 327 374 421 467 514 561 608 655 701 748 795 842 888 935 982 1029 11$ 293 342 391 440 489 538 587 635 684 733 782 831 880 929 978 1026 1075 1124 12 306 357 408 459 510 561 612 663 714 765 816 867 918 969 1020 1071 1122 1173 1224 12$ 319 372 425 478 531 584 638 691 744 797 850 903 956 1009 1063 1116 1169 1222 1275 1328 13 332 387 442 497 552 608 663 718 774 829 884 939 995 1050 1105 1160 1216 1261 1326 1381 13$ 344 402 459 516 574 631 689 746 803 861 918 975 1033 1090 1148 1205 1262 1319 1377 1434 14 357 417 476 536 595 655 714 774 833 893 952 1012 1071 1131 1190 1250 1309 1369 1428 1488 14$ 370 431 493 555 616 678 740 801 863 924 986 1048 1109 1171 1233 1294 1356 1417 1479 1541 15 383 446 510 574 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1445 1530 1615 1700 1785 1870 , 1955 2040 2125 21 536 625 714 803 893 982 1071 1160 1250 1339 1428 1517 1607 1696 1785 1874 1964 2053 2142 2231 22 561 655 748 842 935 1029 1122 1216 1309 1403 1496 1590 1683 1777 1870 1964 2037 2151 2244 2338 23 587 684 782 880 978 1075 1173 1271 1369 1466 1564 1662 1760 1857 1955 2053 2151 2248 2346 2444 24 612 714 816 918 1020 1122 1224 1326 1428 1530 1632 1734 1836 1938 2040 2142 2244 2346 2448 2550 25 638 744 850 9561063 1169 1275 1381 1488 1594 1700 1806 1913 2019 2125 2231 2338 2444 2550 2656 26 663 774 884 9951105 1216 1326 1437 1547 1658 1768 1879 1989 2100 2210 2321 2431 2542 2652 2763 27 689 803 918 1033 1148 1262 1377 1492 1607 1721 1836 1951 2066 2180 2295 2410 2525 2639 2754 2869 28 714 833 952 1071 1190 1309 1428 1547 1666 1785 1904 2023 2142 2261 2380 2499 2618 2737 2856 2975 29 740 863 986 1109 1233 1356 1479 1602 1726 1849 1972 2095 2219 2342 2465 2588 2712 2835 2958 3081 30 765 893 1020 1148 1275 1403 1530 1658 1785 1913 2040 2168 2295 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191321252338 2550 2763 2975 3188 3400 3613 3825 4038 4250 4463 4675' 4888 5100 5313 lO SMALLER HAVING CEILINGS Qh FT. 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HIGH 9 . | 13 i 13* 14 14* 15 15* 16 16* 17 17* 18 18* 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 13 1521 13* 1580|1640 14 1638 1701 1764 14 * 1697 1762 1827 1892 15 1755 1823 1890 1958 2025 15* 1814 1883 1953 2023 2093 2162 16 1872 1944 2016 2088 2160 2232 2304 16* 1931 2005 2079 2153 2228 2302 2376 2450 17 1989 2066 214212219 2295 2372 2448 2525 2601 17 * 2048 2126 22052284 2363 2441 2520 2599 2678 2756 18 2106 2187 22682349 2430 2511 2592 2673 2754 2835 2916 18* 2165 2248 23312414 2498 2581 2664 2747 2831 2914 2997 3080 19 2223 2309 23942480 2565 2651 2736 2822 2907 2993 3078 3164 3249 19* 2282 2369 24572545 2633 2720 2808 2896 2984 3071 3159 3247 3335 20 2340 2430 25202610 2700 2790 2880 2970 3060 3150 3240 3330 3420 3600 21 2457 2552i 26462741 2835 2930 3024 3119 3213 3308 3402 3497 3591 3780 3969 22 2574 2673 27722871 2970 3069 3168 3267 3366 3465 3564 3663 3762 3960 4158 4356 23 2691 2795 28983002 3105 3209 3312 3416 3519 3623 3726 3830 3933 4140 4347 4554 4761 24 2808 2916 30243132 3240 3348 3456 3564 3672 3780 3888 3996 4104 4320 4536 4752 4968 5184 25 2925 3038 3150 3263 3375 3488 3600 3713 3825 3938 4050 4163 4275 4500 4725 4950 5175 5400 5625 26 3042 3159 3276 3393 3510 3627 3744 3861 3978 4095 4212 4329 4446 4680 4914 5148 5382 5616 5850 27 3159 3281 3402 3524 3645 3767 3888 4010 4131 4253 4374 4496 4617 4860 5103 5346 5589 5832 6075 28 3276 3402 3528 3654 3780 3906 4032 4158 4284 4410 4536 4662 4788 5040 5292 5544 5796 6048 6300 29 3393 3524 3654 3785 3915 4046 4176 4307 4437 4568 4698 4829 4959 5220 5481 5742 6003 6264 6525 30 3510 3645 3780 3915 4050 4185 4320 4455 4590 4725 4860 4995 5130 5400 5670 5940 6210 6480 6750 31 3627 3767 3906 4046 4185 4325 4464 4604 4743 4883 5022 5162 5301 5580 5859 6138 6417 6696 6975 32 3744 3888 4032 4176 4320 4464 4608 4752 4896 5040 5184 5328 5472 5760 6048 6336 6624 6912 7200 33 3861 4010 4158 4307 4455 4604 4752 4901 5049 5198 5346 5495 5643 5940 6237 6534 6831 7128 7425 84 3978 4131 4284 4437 4590 4743 4896 5049 5202 5355 5508 5661 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9108 9504 9900 45 5265 5468 5670 5873 6075 6278 6480 6683 6885 7088 7290 7493 7695 8100 8505 8910 9315 9720 10125 46 5382 5589 5796 6003 6210 6417 6624 6831 7038 7245 7452 7659 7866 8280 8694 9108 9522 9936 10350 47 5499 5711 5922 6134 6345 6557 6768 6980 7191 7403 7614 7826 8037 8460 8883 9306 9729 10152 10575 48 5616 5832 6048 6264 6480 6696 6912 7128 7344 7560 7776 7992 8208 8640 9072 9504 9936 10368 10800 49 5733 5954 6174 6395 6615 6836 7056 7277 7497 7718 7938 8159 8379 8820 9261 9702 10143 10584 11025 50 5850 6075 6300 6525 6750 6975 7200 7425 7650 7875 8100 8325 8550 9000 9450 9900 10350 10800 11250 13 9 1"2 CUBICAL CONTENTS OF ROOMS 25X50 AND 3 3!4 4 4/ 2 5 5/ 2 6 6 % 7 7/2 8 8‘/» 9 9K 10 10 54 11 11 /* 12 12% 3 ■ i'A 85 99 116 4 114 133 152 4 % 128 149 171 192 5 142 166 190 213 237 5 /* 156 182 209 235 261 287 6 171 199 228 256 285 313 342 182 216 247 277 308 339 370 401 7 199 232 266 299 332 365 399 432 465 7 % 213 249 285 320 358 391 427 463 498 534 8 228 266 304 342 380 418 456 494 532 570 60S 8 X 242 282 323 363 403 444 484 524 565 605 646 686 9 256 299 342 384 427 470 513 555 598 641 684 726 769 9/ 2 270 315 361 406 451 496 541 586 631 676 722 767 812 857 10 287 332 380 427 475 522 570 617 665 712 761 807 855 902 950 10 'A 299 349 399 448 498 548 598 648 698 748 798 847 897 947 997 1047 11 313 365 418 470 522 574 627 679 731 783 836 888 940 992 1045 1097 1149 n>/ 2 327 382 437 491 547 600 655 710 764 819 874 928 982 1030 1092 1147 1201 1256 12 342 399 456 513 570 627 684 741 798 855 912 969 1026 1083 1140 1197 1254 1311 1368 12 X 356 415 475 534 593 653 712 771 831 890 950 1009 1068 1128 1187 1246 1306 1365 1425 1484 13 370 432 494 555 617 679 741 802 864 926 988 1049 mi 1173 1235 1296 1358 1420 1482 1543 13^4 384 448 513 577 641 705 769 833 897 961 1026 1090 1154 1218 1282 1346 1410 1474 1539 1603 14 399 465 532 598 665 731 798 864 931 997 1064 1130 1197 1263 1330 1396 1463 1529 1596 1663 14 i / 2 413 482 551 619 688 757 826 895 964 1033 1102 1170 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3519 3705 3890 4075 4260 4446 4631 40 1140 1330 1520 1710 1900 2090 2280 2470 2660 2850 3040 3230 3420 3610 3800 3990 4180 4370 4560 4750 41 1168 1363 1558 1752 1947 2142 2337 2531 2726 2921 3116 3310 3505 3700 3895 4089 4284 4479 4674 4868 42 1197 1396 1596 1795 1995 2194 2394 2593 2793 2992 3192 3391 3591 3790 3990 4189 4389 4588 4788 4987 43 1225 1429 1634 1838 2042 2246 2451 2655 2859 3063 3268 3472 3676 3880 4085 4289 4493 4697 4902 5106 44 1254 1463 1672 1881 2090 2299 2508 2717 2926 3135 3344 3553 3762 3971 4180 4389 4598 4807 5016 5225 45 1282 1496 1710 1923 2137 2351 2565 2778 2992 3206 3420 3633 3847 4061 4275 4488 4702 4916 5130 5343 46 1311 1529 1748 1966 2185 2403 2622 2840 3059 3277 3496 3714 3933 4151 4370 4588 4807 5025 5244 5462 47 1339 1562 1786 2009 2232 2455 2679 2902 3125 3348 3571 3795 4018 4241 4465 4688 4911 5134 5358 5581 48 1368 1596 1824 2052 2280 2508 2736 2964 3192 3420 3648 3876 4104 4332 4560 4788 5016 5244 5472 5700 49 1396 1629 1862 2094 2327 2560 2793 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HIGH. 9 1~2 13 13 % 14 14 % 15 15* 16 16* 17 17* 18 18* 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 13 1605 13* 1667 1731 14 1729 1795 1862 14* 1790 1859 1928 1997 15 1852 1923 1995 2066 2137 15* 1914 1997 2061 2135 2208 2282 16 1976 2052 2128 2204 2280 2356 2432 16* 2037 2116 2194 2272 2351 2429 2508 2586 17 2099 2180 2261 2341 2422 2503 2584 2664 2745 i 7* 2161 2244 2327 2410 2493 2576 2660 2743 2826 2909 18 2223 2318 2394 2479 2565 2650 2736 2821 2907 2992 3078 18* 2284 2372 2460 2548 2636 2724 2912 2899 2987 3075 3163 3251 19 2346 2436 2527 2617 2707 2797 2888 2978 3068 3158 3249 3339 3429 19 % 2408 2500 2593 2686 2778 2871 2964 3056 3149 3241 3334 3427 3519 20 2470 2565 2660 2755 2850 2945 3040 3135 3230 3325 3420 3515 3610 3800 21 2593 2693 2793 2892 2992 3092 3192 3291 3391 3491 3591 3690 3790 3990 4189 22 2717 2821 2926 3030 3135 3239 3344 3448 3553 3657 3762 3866 3971 4180 4389 4598 23 2840 2949 3059 3168 3277 3386 3496 3605 3714 3823 3933 4042 4151 4370 4588 4807 5025 24 2964 3078 3192 3306 3420 3534 3648 3762 3876 3990 4104 4218 4332 4560 4788 5016 5244 5472 25 3087 3206 3325 3443 3562 3681 3800 3918 4037 4156 4275 4393 4512 4750 4987 5225 5462 5700 5937 26 3211 3334 3458 3581 3705 3828 3952 4075 4199 4322 4446 4569 4693 4940 5187 5434 5681 5928 6175 27 3334 3462 3591 3719 3847 3975 4104 4232 4360 4488 4617 4745 4873 5130 5386 5643 6899 6156 6412 28 3458 3591 3724 3857 3990 4123 4256 4389 4522 4655 4788 4921 5054 5320 5586 5852 6118 6384 6650 29 3581 3719 3857 3994 4132 4270 4408 4645 4683 4821 4959 5096 5234 5510 5785 6061 6336 6612 6887 30 3705 3847 3990 4132 4275 4417 4560 4702 4845 4987 5130 5272 5415 5700 5985 6270 6555 6840 7125 31 3828 3975 4123 4270 4417 4564 4712 4859 5006 5153 5301 5448 5595 5890 6184 6479 6773 7068 7362 32 3952 4104 4256 4408 4560 4712 4864 5016 5168 5320 5472 5624 5776 6080 6384 6688 6992 7296 7600 33 4075 4232 4389 4545 4702 4859 5015 5172 5329 5486 5643 5799 5956 6270 6583 6897 7210 7524 7837 34 4199 4360 4522 4683 4845 5006 5168 5329 5491 5652 5814 5975 6137 6460 6783 7106 7429 7752 8075 35 4322 4488 4655 4821 4987 5153 5320 5486 5652 5818 5985 6151 6317 6650 6982 7315 7647 7980 8312 36 4446 4617 4788 4959 5130 5301 5472 5642 5814 5985 6156 6327 6498 6840 7182 7524 7866 8208 8550 37 4569 4745 4921 5096 5272 5448 5624 5799 5975 6151 6327 6502 6678 7030 7381 7733 : 8084 8436 8787 38 4693 4873 5054 5234 5415 5595 5776 5956 6137 6317 6498 6678 6859 7220 1 7581 7942 ! 8303 8664 9025 39 4816 5001 5187 5372 5557 5742 5928 6113 6298 6483 6669 6854 7039 7410 i 7780 8151 8521 8892 ! 9262 40 4940 5130 5320 1 5510 5700 5890 6080 6270 6460 6650 6840 7030 7220 7600 >7980 8360 > 8740 9120 > 9500 41 5063 5258 5453 5647 5842 6037 6232 6426 6621 6816 7011 7205 7400 7790 > 8179 ' 8569 > 8958 1 9348 1 9737 42 5187 5386 5586 i 5785 5985 6184 6384 6583 6783 6982 : 7182 7381 7581 7980 >8379 > 8778 > 9177 ' 9576 i 9975 43 5310 ' 5514 5719 i 59213 6127 6331 6536 6740 >6944 7148 7353 7557 7761 8170 >8578 1 8987 ’ 9395 i 9804 10212 44 5434 5643 5852 16061 6270 6479 >6688 16897 '7106 7315 7524 7733 7943 i 8360 >8778 1 9196 i 9614 10032 ! 10450 45 5557 5771 5985 .6198 6412 6626 i 6840 > 7053 1 7267 7481 7695 ' 7908 1 8122 18550 >8977 ’ 9405 » 9832 ! 1026C >10687 46 5681 5899 6118 1 6336 i 6555 >6773 l 6992 : 7210 >7429 > 7647 7866 i 8084 8303 18740 >9177 ’ 9614 [ 10051 10488 1 10925 47 5804 6027 6251 6474 6697 ’ 6920 17144 r 7367 7590 >7813 > 8037 ' 8260 >8483 1 8930 >9370 1 9823 ! 10269 » 10716 i 11162 48 5928 16156 6384 6612 ! 6840 >7068 ; 7296 1 7524 : 7752 : 7980 >8208 18436 . 8664 19120 >9576 1 10032 ! 10488 1 10944 I- 11400 49 6051 6284 6517 '6749 i 6982 ! 7215 . 7448 17680 17913 1 8146 i 8379 | 8611 8844 1 9310 >9775 ► 10241 . 10706 i 11172 ! 11637 50 6175 i 641 * ! 665C 16887 ’7125 i 7362 ! 7600 17837 ’8075 .8312 ! 8550 >8787 ’9025 1 9500 >9975 1 1045C > 10925 > 11400111875 te r IEN THE EXACT SIZE IS NOT GIVEN USE THE NEXT LARGER. 15 1 O CUBICAL CONTENTS OF ROOMS 25X50 AND 16 SMALLER HAVING CEILINGS 10 FT. HIGH 10 13 13* 14 14* 15 15* 16 16* 17 17 * 18 18* 19 19* 20 “ 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 1755 1820 1823 1890 18851958 19502025 2015: 20802: 2145 2210 22752; 13 209321702! 1602240 2228231021 • 22952380 13632450 2340 2405 2470 253521 2730 28602! 2990 31203: 3380 3510 31 3640 3770 3! 3900 41604! 4290 4420 4! 4940 51; 5070 5 5200 5 5330 54(50 13* 1960 20302103 21002175 2430 2498 25G5 1633 2600 2700 2520 2! 25902! 2660 2' 273021 28002! 2835 970 105 >240 32503375 2940 3! 30803: 3220 3360 3500 3510 1645 3780 1915 4050 36403' 37803! 3920 41 4060 4! 4200 4! 40304185 1320 4455 590 45504725 46804! 4810 4995 130 5265 5400 5535 5670 55905805 57205940 58506075 5248 2320 5393 2465 2538 4340 4480 4620 47604! 49005! .5040 5180 53205! 5460 5600 5740 5880 60206: 61606! 6300 598062106440 6110634565806 6240 6480 6720 _ 63706615:6860 50 10500'6750l7000 14* !610 1683 5755 5828 5900 1045 1190 3335 3480 3625 1770 1915 1060 :205 1350 4495 4640 4785 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6930 7140 7350 7560 7770 7980 8400 8820 9240 9660 10080 10500 6450 6665 6880 7095 7310 7525 7740 7955 8170 8600 9030 9460 9890 10320 10750 6600 6820 7040 7260 7480 7700 7920 8140 8360 8800 9240 9680 10120 10560 11000 6750 6975 7200 7425 7650 7875 8100 8325 8550 9000 9450 9900 10350 10800 11250 6900 7130 7360 7590 7820 8050 8280 8510 8740 9200 9660 10120 10580 11040 11500 7050 1 i 285 7520 7755 7990 8225 8460 8695 8930 9400 9870 10340 10810 11280 11750 7200 7440 7680! 7920 8160 8400 8640 8880 9120 9600 10080 10560 11040 11520 12000 7350 7595 7840’ 8085 8330 8575 8820 9065 9310 9800 10290 10780 11270 11760 12250 7500 1 7750 80001 8250 8500 8750 9000 9250 9500 10000 10500 11000 11500 12000 12500 17 1 O CUBICAL CONTENTS OF ROOMS 18X25 AND 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 25 4500 4750 5000 5250 5500 5750 6000 6250 26 4680 4940 5200 5460 5720 5980 6240 6500 6760 27 4860 5130 5400 5670 5940 6210 6480 6750 7020 7290 28 5040 5320 5600 5880 6160 6440 6720 7000 7280 7560 7840 29 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200 io 50 i • 24500 i 25000 i 26000 • 27000 • 28000 ' 29000 i 30000 i 31000 I 32000 i 33000 i 34000 ' 35000 i 36000 ' 37000 i 38000 ' 39000 ' 40000 i 42500 > 45000 1 47500 50000 52500 ' 55000 > 57500 60000 62500 65000 67500 70000 72500 75000 77500 80000 82500 85000 87500 90000 92500 95000 97500 100000 l HAVING CEILINGS 10 FT. HIGH. 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 15210 15600 16000 15990 16400 16810 16380 16800 17220 17640 16770 17200 17630 18060 18490 17160 17600 18040 18480 18920 19360 17550 18000 18450 18900 19350 19800 20250 17940 18400 18860 19320 19780 20240 20700 21160 18330 18800 19270 19740 20210 20680 21150 21620 22090 18720 19200 19680 20160 20640 21120 21600 22080 22560 19110 19600 20090 20580 21070 21560 22050 22540 23030 19500 20000 20500 21000 21500 22000 22500 23000 23500 20280 20800 21320 21840 22360 22880 23400 23920 24440 21060 21600 22140 22680 23220 23760 24300 24840 25380 21840 22400 22960 23520 24080 24640 25200 25760 26320 22620 23200 23780 24360 24940 25520 26100 26680 27260 23400 24000 24600 25200 25800 26400 27000 27600 28200 24180 24800 25420 26040 26660 27280 27900 28520 29140 24960 25600 26240 26880 27520 28160 28800 29440 30080 25740 26400 27060 27720 28480 29040 29700 30360 31020 26520 27200 27880 28560 29340 29920 30600 31280 31960 27300 28000 28700 29400 30100 30800 31500 32200 32900 28080 28800 29520 30240 30960 31680 32400 33120 33840 28860 29600 30340 31080 31820 32560 33300 34040 34780 29640 30400 31160 31920 32680 33440 34200 34960 35720 30420 31200 31980 32760 33540 34320 35100 35880 36660 31200 32000 32800 33600 34400 35200 36000 36800 37600 33150 34000 34850 35700 36550 37400 38250 39100 39950 35100 36000 36900 37800 38700 39600 40500 41400 42300 37050 38000 38950 39900 40850 41800 42750 43700 44650 39000 40000 41000 42000 43000 44000 45000 46000 47000 40950 42000 43050 44100 45150 46200 47250 48300 49350 42900 44000 45100 46200 47300 48400 49500 50600 51700 44850 46000 47150 48300 49450 50600 51750 52900 54050 46800 48000 49200 50400 51600 52800 54000 55200 56400 48750 50000 51250 52500 53750 55000 56250 57500 58750 50700 52000 53300 54600 55900 57200 58500 59800 61100 52650 54000 55350 56700 58050 59400 60750 62100 63450 54600 56000 57400 58800 60200 61600 63000 64400 65800 56550 58000 59450 60900 62350 63800 65250 66700 68150 58500 60000 61500 63000 64500 66000 67500 69000 70500 60450 62000 63550 65100 66650 68200 69750 71300 72850 62400 64000 6.5600 67200 68800 70400 72000 73600 75200 64350 66000 67650 69300 70950 72600 74250 75900 77550 66300 68000 69700 71400 73100 74800 76500 78200 79900 68250 70000 71750 73500 75250 77000 78750 80500 82250 70200 72000 73800 75600 77400 79200 81000 82800 84600 72150 74000 75850 77700 79550 81400 83250 85100 86950 74100 76000 77900 79800 81700 83600 85500 87400 89300 76050 78000 79950 81900 83850 1 85800 87750 89700 91650 78000 80000 82000 84000 86000 ! 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HIGH. 1 O'* 13 13* 14 14* 15 15* 16 16* 17 IT* 18 1 18} 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 13 1775 13* 1843 1914 14 1911 1985 2058 14* 1979 2055 2132 2208 15 2048 2126 2205 2284 2363 15* 2116 2197 2279 2360 2441 2523 16 2184 2268 2352 2436 2520 2604 2688 16* 2252 2339 2426 2512 2599 2685 2772 2859 17 2321 2410 2499 2588 2678 2767 2856 2945 3035 IT* 2389 2481 2573 2664 2756 2848 2940 3032 3123 3216 18 2457 2552 2646 2741 2835 2930 3024 3119 3213 3308 3402 18* 2525 2622 2720 2817 2914 3011 3108 3205 3302 3399 3497 3594 19 2594 2693 2793 2893 2993 3092 3192 3292 3392 3491 3591 3691 3791 19*2661 2764 2867 2969 3071 3174 3276 3378 3481 3583 3686 3788 3890 20 2730 2835 2940 3045 3150 3255 3360 3465 3570 3675 3780 3885 3990 4200 21 2867 2977 3087 3197 3308 3418 3528 3638 3749 3859 3969 4079 4190 4410 4631 22 3003 3119 3234 3350 3465 3581 3696 3812 3927 4043 4158 4274 4389 4620 4851 5082 23 3140 3260 3381 3502 3623 3743 3864 3985 4106 4226 4347 4468 4589 4830 5072 5313 5555 24 3276 340-j 3528 3654 3780 3906 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495 536 577 618 8 264 308 352 396 440 484 528 572 616 660 704 8/4 280 327 374 420 467 514 561 607 654 701 748 794 9 297 346 396 445 495 544 594 643 693 742 792 841 891 9^ 313 365 418 470 522 574 627 679 731 783 836 888 940 992 10 330 385 440 495 550 605 660 715 770 825 880 935 990 1045 1100 ioy 2 346 404 462 519 577 635 693 750 808 866 924 981 1039 1097 1155 1212 11 363 423 484 544 605 665 726 786 847 907 968 1028 1089 1149 1210 1270 1331 u% 379 442 506 569 632 695 759 822 885 948 1012 1075 1138 1201 1265 1328 1391 1454 12 396 462 528 594 660 726 792 858 924 990 1056 1122 1188 1254 1320 1386 1452 1518 1584 12% 412 481 550 618 687 756 826 893 962 1031 1100 1168 1237 1306 1375 1443 1512 1581 1650 1718 13 429 500 572 643 715 786 858 929 1001 1072 1144 1215 1287 1358 1430 1501 1573 1644 1716 1787 13^ 445 519 594 668 742 816 891 963 1039 1113 1188 1262 1336 1410 1485 1559 1633 1707 1782 1856 14 462 539 616 693 770 847 924 1001 1078 1155 1232 1309 1386 1463 1540 1617 1694 1771 1848 1925 i4y 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1276 1435 1595 1754 1914 2073 2233 2393 2552 2711 2871 3030 3190 3349 3509 3668 3828 3987 30 990 1155 1320 1485 1650 1815 1980 2145 2310 2475 2640 2805 2970 3135 3300 3465 3630 3795 3960 4125 31 1023 1193 1364 1534 1705 1875 2046 2216 2387 2557 2728 2898 3069 3239 3410 3580 3751 3921 4092 4262 32 1056 1232 1408 1584 1760 1936 2112 2288 2464 2640 2816 2992 3168 3344 3520 3696 3872 4048 4224 4400 33 1089 1270 1452 1633 1815 1996 2178 2359 2541 2722 2904 3085 3267 3448 3630 3811 3993 4174 4356 4537 34 1122 1309 1496 1683 1870 2057 2244 2431 2618 2805 2992 3179 3266 3553 3740 3927 4114 4301 4488 4675 35 1155 1347 1540 1732 1925 2117 2310 2502 2695 2887 3080 3272 3465 3657 3850 4042 4235 4427 4620 4812 36 1188 1386 1584 1782 1980 2178 2376 2574 2772 2970 3168 3366 3564 3762 3960 4158 4356 4554 5752 4950 37 1221 1424 1628 1831 2035 2239 2442 2645 2849 3052 3256 3459 3663 3866 4070 4273 4477 4680 4884 5087 38 1254 1463 1672 1881 2090 2299 2508 2717 2926 3135 3344 3553 3762 3971 4180 4389 4598 4807 5016 5225 39 1287 1501 1716 1930 2145 2359 2574 2788 3003 3217 3432 3646 3861 4075 4290 4504 4719 4933 5140 5362 40 1320 1540 1760 1980 2200 2420 2640 2860 3080 3300 3520 3740 3960 4180 4400 4620 4840 5060 5280 5500 41 1353 1578 1804 2029 2255 2480 2706 2931 3157 3380 3608 3833 4059 4284 4510 4735 4961 5186 5412 5637 42 1386 1617 1848 2079 2310 2541 2772 3003 3234 3465 3696 3927 4158 4389 4620 4851 5062 5313 5544 5775 43 1419 1655 1892 2128 2365 2601 2838 3074 3311 3547 3784 4020 4257 4493 4730 4966 5203 5439 5676 5912 44 1452 1694 1936 2178 2420 2662 2904 3146 3388 3630 3872 4114 4356 4598 4840 5082 5324 5566 5808 6050 45 1485 1732 1980 2227 2475 2722 2970 3217 3465 3712 3960 4207 4455 4702 4950 5197 5445 5692 5940 6187 46 1518 1771 2024 2277 2530 2783 3036 3289 3542 3795 4048 4301 4554 4807 5060 5313 5566 5819 6072 6325 47 1551 1809 2068 2326 2585 2843 3102 3360 3619 3877 4136 4394 4653 4911 5170 5428 5687 5945 6201 6462 48 1584 1848 2112 2376 26^0 2904 3168 3432 3696 3960 4224 4488 4752 5016 5280 5544 5888 6072 6336 6600 49 1617 1886 2156 2425 2695 2964 3234 3503 3773 4042 4312 4581 4851 5120 5390 5659 5929 6198 6468 6737 50 1650 1925 2200 2475 275013025 3300 3575 3&50 4125 4400 4675 4950 5225 5500 5775 6050 6325 6600 6875 ALWAYS USE SMALLEST NUMBER AT TOP AND LARGEST AT SIDE 22 SMALLER HAVING CEILINGS 11 FT. HIGH. 13 13*/* 14 14*4 15 15*4 16 16V, 17 17/a 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 13 1859 13*4 1920 2004 14 2002 2079 2156 uy 2 2073 2153 2233 2312 15 2145 2227 2310 2392 2475 15*4 2216 2301 2387 2472 2557 2642 16 2288 2376 2464 2552 2640 2728 2816 16*4 2358 2448 2539 2630 2721 2811 2982 2993 IT 2431 2524 2618 2711 2805 2898 2992 3085 3179 17*/* 2502 2598 2695 2791 2887 2983 3080 3176 3272 3368 18 2574 2673 2772 2871 2970 3069 3168 3267 3366 3465 3564 18*4 2645 2747 2849 2950 3052 3154 3256 3357 3459 3561 3663 19 2717 2821 2926 3030 3135 3239 3344 3448 3553 3657 3762 3971 19*4 2788 2895 3003 3110 3217 3324 3432 3539 3646 3753 3861 4075 20 2860 2970 3080 3190 3300 3410 3520 3630 3740 3850 3960 4180 4400 21 3003 3118 3234 3349 3465 3580 3696 3811 3927 4042 4158 4389 4620 4857 j 22 3146 3267 3388 3509 3630 3751 3872 3993 4114 4235 4356 4598 4840 5082 5324 J 23 3289 3415 3542 3668 3795 3921 4048 4174 4301 4427 4554 4807 5060 5313 5566 5819 24 3432 3564 3696 3828 3960 4092 4224 4356 4488 4620 4752 5016 5280 5544 5808 6072 6336 25 3575 3712 3850 3987 4125 4262 4400 4537 4675 4812 4950 5225 5500 5775 6050 6325 6600 6875 26 3718 3861 4004 4147 4290 4433 4576 4719 4862 5005 5148 5434 5720 6006 6292 6578 6864 7150 27 3861 4009 4158 4306 4455 4603 4752 4900 5049 5197 5346 5643 5940 6237 6534 6831 7128 7425 28 4004 4158 4312 4466 4620 4774 4928 5082 5236 5390 5544 5852 6160 6468 6776 7084 7392 7700 2fe? 4147 4306 4466 4625 4785 4944 5104 5263 5423 5582 5742 6061 6380 6699 7018 7337 7656 7975 30 4290 4455 4620 4785 4950 5115 5280 5445 5610 5775 5940 6270 6600 6930 7260 7590 7920 8250 31 4433 4603 4774 4944 5115 5285 5456 5626 5797 5967 6130 6479 6820 7161 7502 7843 8184 8525 32 4576 4752 4928 5104 4280 5456 5632 5808 5984 6160 6336 6688 7040 7392 7744 8096 8448 8800 33 4719 4900 5082 5263 5445 5626 5808 5989 6171 6352 6534 6897 7260 7623 7986 8349 8712 9075 34 4862 5049 5236 5423 5610 5797 5984 6171 6358 6545 6732 7106 7480 7854 8228 8602 8976 9350 35 5005 5197 5390 5582 5775 5967 6160 6352 6545 6737 6930 7315 7700 8085 8470 8855 9240 9625 36 5148 5346 5544 5742 5940 6138 6336 6534 6732 6930 7128 7524 7920 8316 8712 9108 9504 9900 37 5291 5494 5698 5901 6105 6308 6512 6715 6919 7122 7326 7733 8140 8547 8954 9361 9768 10175 38 5434 5643 5852 6061 6270 6479 6688 6897 7106 7315 7524 7942 8360 8778 9196 9614 10032 10450 39 5577 5791 6006 6220 6435 6649 6864 7078 7293 7507 7722 8151 8580 9009 9438 9867 10296 10725 40 5720 5940 6160 6380 6600 6820 7040 7260 7480 7700 7920 8360 8800 9240 9680 10120 10560 11000 41 5863 6088 6314 6539 6765 6990 7216 7441 7667 7892 8118 8569 9020 9471 9922 10373 10824 11275 42 6006 6237 6468 6699 6930 7161 7392 7623 7854 8085 8316 8778 9240 9702 10164 10626 11088 11550 43 6149 6385 6622 6858 7095 7331 7568 7804 8041 8277 8514 8987 9460 9933 10406 10879 11353 11825 44 6292 6534 6776 7018 7260 7502 7744 7986 8228 8470 8712 9196 9680 10164 10648 11132 11616 12100 45 6435 6682 6930 7177 7425 7672 7920 8167 8415 8662 8910 9405 9900 10395 10890 11385 11880 12375 46 6578 6831 7084 7337 7590 7843 8096 8349 8602 8855 9108 9614 10120 10626 11132 11638 12144 12650 47 6721 6979 7238 7496 7755 8013 8272 8530 8789 9047 9306 9823 10340 10857 11374 11891 12408 12925 48 6864 7128 7392 7656 7920 8184 8448 8712 8976 9240 9504 10032 10560 11088 11616 12144 12672 13200 49 7007 7276 7546 7815 8085 8354 8624 8893 9163 9432 9702 10241 10780 11319 11858 12397 12936 13475 50 7150 7425 7700 7975 8250 8525 8800 9075 9350 9625 9900 10450 11000 11550 12100 12650 13200 13750 WHEN THE EXACT SIZE IS NOT GIVEN USE THE NEXT LARGER. 23 1 1 CUBICAL CONTENTS OF ROOMS 18X25 AND 18 19 I 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 31 32 33 25 4950 5225| 5500 5775 605C 6325 6600 6875 26 5148 5434 5720 6006 6292 6578 6864 7150 • 7436 27 5346 5643 5940 6237 6534 683] 7128 7425 » 7722 8019 28 554^ 5852 616C 6468 6776 7084 7392 7700 8008 8316 8624 29 5742 6061 6380 6699 7018 7337 7656 7975 8294 8613 8932 i 9251 30 5940 6270 6600 6930 7260 7590 7920 8250 8580 8910 9240 | 9570 i 9900 3J 6138 6479 6820 7161 7502 7843 8184 8525 8866 9207 9548 ; 9889 i 10230 10571 32 6336 6688 7040 7392 7744 8096 8448 8800 9152 9504 9856 10208 i 10560 10912 11264 33 6534 6897 7260 7623 7986 8349 8712 9075 9438 9801 10164! 10527 10890 11253 11616 11979 34 6732 7106 7480 7854 8228 8602 8976 9350 9724 10098 10472 10846 I 11220 11594 11968 12342 35 6930 7315 7700 8085 8470 8855 9240 9625 10010 10395 10780 11165 . 11550 11935 12320 12705 36 7128 7524 7920 8316 8712 9108 9504 9900 10296 10692 11088 11484 : 11880 12276 12672 13068 37 7326 7733 8140 8547 8954 9361 9768 10175 10582 10989 11396 11803 12210 12617 13024 13431 38 7524 7942 8360 8778 9196 9614 10032 10450 10868 11286 11704 12122 ! 12540 12958 13376 13794 39 7722 8151 8580 9009 9438 9867 10296 10725 11154 11583 12012 12441 12870 13299 13728 14157 40 7920 8360 8800 9240 9680 10120 10560 11000 11440 11880 12320 12760 ' 13200 13640 14080 14520 41 8118 8569 9020 9471 9922 10373 10824 11275 11726 12177 12628 13079 13530 13981 14432 14883 42 8316 8778 9240 9702 10164 10626 11088 11550 12012 12474 12936 13398 13860 14322 14784 15246 43 8514 8987 9460 9933 10406 10879 11352 11825 12298 12771 13244 13717 14190 14663 15136 15609 44 8712 9196 9680 10164 10648 11132 11616 12100 12584 13068 13552 14036 14520 15004 15488 15972 45 8910 9405 9900 10395 10890 11385 11880 12375 12870 13365 13860 14355 14850 15345 15840 16335 46 9108 9614 10120 10626 11132 11638 12144 12650 13156 13662 14168 14674 15180 15686 16192 16698 47 9306 9823 10340 10857 11374 11891 12408 12925 13442 13959 , 14476 14993 15510 16027 16544 17061 48 9504 10032 10560 11088 11616 12144 12672 13200 13728 14256 14784 15312 15840 16368 16896 17424 49 9702 10241 10780 11319 11858 12397 12936 13475 14014 14553 15092 15631 16170 16709 17248 17787 50 9900 10450 11000 11550 12100 12650 13200 13750 14300 14850 15400 15950 16500 17050 17600 18150 52 10296 10868 11440 12012 12584 13156 13728 14300 14872 15444 16016 16588 17160 17732 18304 18876 54 10692 11286 11880 12474 13068 13662 14256 14850 15444 16038 16632 17226 17820 18414 19008 19602 56 1108811704 12320 12936 13552 14168 14784 15400 16016 16632 17248 17864 18480 19096 19712 20328 58 11484 12122 12760 13398 14036 14674 15312 15950 16588 17226 17864 18502 19140 19778 20416 21054 60 11880 12540 13200 13860 14520 15180 15840 16500 17160 17820 18480 19140 19800 20460 21120 21780 62 12276 12958! 13640 14322 15004 15686 16368 17050 17732 18414 19096 19778 20460 21142 21824 22506 64 12672 1337614080 14784 15488 16192 16896 17600 18304 19008 19712 20416 21120 21824 22528 23232 66 13068 1379414520 15246 15972 16698 17424 18150 18876 19602 20328 21054 21780 22506 23232 23958 68 13464 14212 14960 15708 16456 17204 17952 18700 19448 20196 20944 21692 22440 23188 23936 24684 70 13860 14630 15400 16170 16940 17710 18480 19250 20020 20790 21560 22330 23100 23870 24640 25410 72 14256 15048 15840 16632 17424 18216 19008 19800 20592 21384 22176 22968 23760 24552 25344 26136 74 14652 15466 16280 17094 17908 18722 19536 20350 21164 21978 22792 23606 24420 25234 26048 26862 76 15048 15884 16720 17556 18392 19228 20064 20900 21736 22572 23408 24244 25080 25916 26752 27588 78 15444 16302 17160 18018 18876 19734 20592 21450 22308 23166 24024 24882 25740 26598 27456 28314 80 15840 16720 17600 18480 19360 20240 21120 22000 22880 23760 24640 25520 26400 27280 28160 29040 85 16830 17765 18700 19635 20570 21505 22440 23375 24310 25245 26180 27115 28050 28985 29920 30855 90 17820 18810 19800 20790 21780 22770 23760 24750 25740 26730 27720 28710 29700 30690 31680 32670 95 18810 19855 20900 21945 22990 24035 25080 26125 27170 28215 29260 30305 31350 32395 33440 34485 100 19800 20900 22000 23100 24200 25300 26400 27500 28600 29700 30800 31900 33000 34100 35200 36300 105 20790 21945 23100 24255 25410 26565 27720 28875 30030 31185 32340 33495 34650 35805 36960 38115 110 21780 22990 24200 25410 26620 27830 29040 30250 31460 32670 33880 35090 36300 37510 38720 39930 115 22770 24035 25300 26565 27830 29095 30360 31625 32890 34155 35420 36685 37950 39215 40480 41745 120 23760 25080 26400 27720 29040 30360 31680 33000 34320 35640 36960 38280 39600 40920 42240 43560 125 24750 26125 27500 28875 30250 31625 33000 34375 35750 37125 38500 39875 41250 42625 4i000| 45375 130 25740 27170 28600 30030 31460 32890 34320 35750 37180 38610 40040 41470 42900 44330 45760 47190 135 26730 28215 2970031185 32670 34155 35640 37125 38610 40095 41580 43065 44550 46035 47520 49005 140 27720 29260 3080032340 33880 35420 36960 38500 40040 41580 43120 44660 46200 47740 49280 50820 145 28710 30305 31900133495 35090 36685 38280 39875 41470 43065 44660 46255 47850 49445 51040 52635 150 29700 31350 33000.34650 36300 37950 39600 41250 42900 44550 46200 47850 49500 51150 52800 54450 155 30690 32395 3410035805 37510 39215 40920 42625 44330 46035 47740 49445 51150 52*55 54560 56265 160 31680 33440 35200,36960 38720 40480 42240 44000 45760 47520 49280 51040 52800; 54560! 56320 58080 165 32670 34485 3630038115: 39930 41745 43560 45375 47190 49005 50820 52635 54450 56265 58080 59895 170 33660 35530 37400 39270 4 1 140 43010 44880 46750 48620 50490 52360 54230 56100, 57970 59840 61710 175 34650 36575 38500 40425 42350 44275 46200 48125 50050 51975 53900 55825 57750 59675 61600 63525 180 35640 37620 39600 4 1580 1 43560 45540 47520 49500 51480 53460 55440 57420 59400 61380 63360 65340 185 36630 386(554070042735 44770 46805 48840 50875 52910 54945 56980 59015 61050 63085 65120 67155 190 37620 39710 4180043890 45980 48070 50160 52250 54340 56430 58520! 60610, 62700 64790 66880 68970 195 38610 40755 4290045045' 47190 49335 51480 .'■36l»5 55770 57915! 60060 62205 64350, 66495 68640 70785 200 39600 4180044000 46200 48400 50600 52800 55000, 57200 59400! 61600! 63800 66000! 68200 70400 72600 24 LARGER HAVING CEILINGS 11 FT. HIGH 1 1 34 35 13090 13464 13838 1- 14212 1< 14586 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 4516830 17325 461720417710 17578 1) 179521! 49 18326 18865 50 52194482002021 54 2( 2019621 56209442 5821692 120 125 130 12716 14960 1! 153341 15708 11 16082 16456 11 18700 19250 :0790 1560 223302! 60 6223188 6423936! 6624684 682543221 802992031 85317903: 9033660 35530 30800 32725 034650 036575 1003740038500 1053927041 110411404: 11543010 044880 546750 48620 050050 135 5049051975 053900 1455423055825 15056100 57750 155 579705! 160598406: 16561710 170635806! 175654506' 180673206! 185691907 190 71060 7! 19572930 20074800 13475 13860 .4245 .46301! 15015 1; 14256 1465215059 .504815466 .544415873 .5400 .5785 1< 6170H 16555 .6940 .80951! .8480 22440231002! 23870 24640 25410 56180 2< 70 26180 26950 27720 28490 72269282' 74 276762! 7628424 7829172 31 15840 16280 .623616687 .663217094 17028 17501 1742417908 1782018315 18216 18722 861219129 19008 19536 1940419943 1980020350 10592 21384 22176 2968 53760 24552 25344 26136 16928 21164 21978 22792 23606 24420 25234 26048 26862 27676 57720 28512 29304 J8490 29304 30118 29260 30096|30932 100303088831746 t0425 12350 44275 46200 48125 3168032560 3366034595 35640; 36630 37620138665 39600|40700 4158042735 19675 1600 63525 15450 7375 19300 1225 3150 75075 77000 43560 45540 47520 49500 151480 534(50 44770 46805 48840 50875 52910 54945 41800 43890 45980 48070 50160 52250 54340 56430 58520 60610 62700 64790 66880 68970 71060 73150 71280|73260 75240 73260,75295 77330 /5240j77330 79420 7722079365 81510 79200;81400i 83600 5544056980 5742059015 59400 61050 6138063085 63360 65120 6534067155 6732069190 69300 71225 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 50 16731 17160 17600 17589 18040 18491 18018 18480 18942 19404 18447 18920 19393 19866 20339 18876 19360 19844 20328 20812 19305 19800 20295 20790 21285 21780 19734 20240 20746 21252 21758 22264 22770 20163 20680 21197 21714 22231 22748 23265 23782 20592 21120 21648 22176 22704 23232 23760 24288 24816 21021 21560 22099 22638 23177 23716 24255 24794 25333 25872 21450 22000 22550 23100 23650 24200 24750 25300 25850 26400 27500- 22308 22880 23452 24024 24596 25168 25740 26312 26884 27456 28600 23166 23760 24354 24948 25542 26136 26730 27324 27918 28512 29700 24024 24640 25256 25872 26488 27104 27720 28336 28952 29568 30800 24882 25520 26158 26796 27434 28072 28710 29348 29986 30624 31900 25740 26400 27060 27720 28380 29040 29700 30360 31020 31680 33000 26598 27280 27962 28644 29326 30008 30690 31372 32054 32736 34100 27456 28160 28864 29568 30272 30976 31680 32384 33088 33792 35200 28314 29040 29766 30492 31218 31944 32670 33396 34122 34848 36300 29172 29920 30668 31416 32164 32912 33660 34408 35156 35904 37400 30030 30800 31570 32340 33110 33880 34650 35420 36190 36960 38500 30888 31680 32472 33264 34056 34848 35640 36432 37224 38016 39600 31746 32560 33374 34188 35002 35816 36630 37444 38258 39072 40700 32604 33440 34276 35112 35948 36784 37620 38456 39292 40128 41800 33462 34320 35178 36036 36894 37752 38610 39468 40326 41184 42900 34320 35200 36080 36960 37840 38720 39600 40480 41360 42240 44000 36465 37400 38335 39270 40205 41140 42075 43010 43945 44880 46750 38610 39600 40590 41580 42570 43560 44550 45540 46530 47520 49500 40755 41800 42845 43890 44935 45980 47025 48070 49115 50160 52250 42900 44000 45100 46200 47300 48400 49500 50600 51700 52800 55000 45045 46200 47355 48510 49665 50820 51975 53130 54285 55440 57750 47190 48400 49610 50820 52030 53240 54450 55660 56870 58080 60500 49335 50600 51865 53130 54395 55660 56925 58190 59455 60720 63250 51480 52800 54120 55440 56760 58080 59400 60720 62040 63360 66000 53625 55000 56375 57750 59125 60500 61875 63250 64625 66000 68750 55770 57200 58630 60060 61490 62920 64350 65780 67210 68640 71500 57915 59400 60885 62370 63855 65340 66825 68310 69795 71280 74250 60060 61600 63140 64680 66220 67760 69300 70840 72380 73920 77000 62205 63800 65395 66990 68585 70180 71775 73370 74965 76560 79750 64350 66000 67650 69300 70950 72600 74250 75900 77550 79200 82500 66495 68200 69905 71610 73315 75020 76725 78430 80135 81840 85250 68640 70400 72160 73920 75680 77440 79200 80960 82720 84480 88000 70785 72600 74415 76230 78045 79860 81675 83490 85305 87120 90750 72930 74800 76670 78540 80410 82280 84150 86020 87890 89760 93500 75075 77000 78925 80850 82775 84700 86625 88550 90475 92400 96250 77220 79200 81180 83160 85140 87120 89100 91080 93060 95040 99000 79365 81400 83435 85470 87505 89540 91575 93610 95645 97680 101750 81510 &3600 85690 87780 89870 91960 94050 96140 98230 100320 104500 83655 85800 87945 90090 92235 94380 96525 98670 100815 102960 107250 85800 88000 90200 92400 94600 96800 99000 101200 103400 105600 110000 25 1 1 2 CUBICAL CONTENTS OF ROOMS 25X50 AND 8 8* 9 9* 10 10 * 11 11* 12 12* 736 782 831 828 880 932 874 929 983 1038 920 978 1035 1093 1150 966 1026 1087 1147 1208 1268 1012 1075 1139 1202 1265 1328 1392 1058 1124 1190 1256 1323 1389 1455 1521 1104 1173 1242 1311 1380 1449 1518 1587 1656 1150 1222 1294 1366 1438 1509 1581 1653 1725 1797 1196 1271 1346 1420 1495 1570 1645 1719 1794 1869 1242 1320 1397 1475 1553 1630 1708 1785 1863 1941 1288 1369 1449 1530 1610 1691 1771 1852 1932 2013 1334 1417 1501 1584 1668 1751 1834 1918 2001 2084 1380 1466 1553 1639 1725 1811 1898 1984 2070 2156 1426 1515 1604 1693 1783 1872 1961 2050 2139 2228 1472 1564 1656 1748 1840 1932 2024 2116 2208 2300 1518 1613 1708 1803 1898 1992 2087 2182 2277 2372 1564 1662 1760 1857 1955 2053 2151 2248 2346 2444 1610 1711 1811 1912 2013 2113 2214 2314 2415 2516 ! 1656 1760 1863 1967 2070 2174 2277 2381 2484 2588 ; 1702 1808 1915 2021 2128 2234 2340 2447 25o3 2659 1 1748 1857 1967 2076 2185 2294 2404 2513 2622 2731 ! 1794 1906 2018 2130 2243 2355 2467 2579 2691 2803 > 1840 1955 2070 2185 2300 2415 2530 2645 2760 2875 . 1932 2053 2174 2294 2415 2536 2657 2777 2898 3019 2024 2151 2277 2404 2530 2657 2783 2910 3036 3163 2116 2248 2381 2513 2645 2777 2910 3042 3174 3306 2208 2346 2484 2622 2760 2898 3036 3174 3312 3450 2300 2444 2588 2731 2875 3019 3163 3306 3450 3594 2392 2542 2691 2841 2990 3140 3289 3439 3588 3738 2484 2639 2795 2950 3105 3260 3416 3571 3726 3881 2576 2737 2898 3059 3220 3381 3542 3703 3864 4025 2668 2835 3002 3168 3335 3502 3669 3835 4002 4169 2760 2933 3105 3278 3450 3623 3795 3968 4140 4313 2852 3030 3209 3387 3565 3743 3922 4100 4278 4456 2944 3128 3312 3496 3680 3864 4048 4232 4416 4600 3036 3226 3416 3605 3795 3985 4175 4364 4554 4744 3128 3324 3519 3715 3910 4106 4301 4497 4692 4888 3220 3421 3623 3824 4025 4226 4428 4629 4830 5031 3312 3519 3726 3933 4140 4347 4554 4761 4968 5175 3404 3617 3830 4042 4255 4468 4681 4893 5106 5319 3496 3715 3933 4152 4370 4589 4807 5026 5244 5463 3588 3812 4037 4261 4485 4709 4934 5158 5382 5606 3680 3910 4140 4370 4600 4830 5060 5290 5520 5750 3772 4008 4244 4479 4715 4951 5187 5422 5658 5894 3864 4106 4347 4589 4830 5072 5313 5555 5796 6038 3956 4203 4451 4698 4945 5192 5440 5687 6934 6181 4048 4301 4554 4807 5060 5313 5566 5819 6072 6325 4140 4399 4658 4916 5175 5434 5693 5951 6210 6469 4232 4497 4761 5026 5290 5555 5819 6084 6348 6613 4324 4594 4865 5135 5405 5675 594(5 6216 6486 6756 4416 4692 4968 5244 5520 5796 6072 6348 6624 6900 4508 4790 5072 5353 5635 5917 6199 6480 6762 7044 4(500 4888 5175 5463 5750 6038 6325 66131 6900 7188 3 * 4* 5* 6 * 7* 5* 6 7 7* 8 8* 9 9* 10 10 * 11 n* 12 12 * 13 13* 14 14 * 15 15* 16 16* 17 17* 18 18* 19 19 * 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 391 414 437 460 483 506 529 552 575 598 621 644 667 690 713 736 759 782 805 828 851 874 897 920H 288 316 348 345 380 374 403 431 460 489 518 546 575 604 633 661 690 719 748 776 805 834 863 891 920 949 978 1006 411 443 474 506 538 569 601 633 664 696 727 759 791 822 854 886 917 949 980 1012 1044 1075 1107 414 449 483 518 552 587 621 656 690 725 759 794 828 863 897 932 966 1001 1035 1070 1104 1139 1173 1208 564 604 644 684 725 763 805 845 886 926 966 1006 932 957 983 1009 .0351 1035 1064 1093 1121 150 1139 1170 1202 1 ; 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HIGH. 1 1 2 13 13* 14 14* 15 15* 16 16* 17 17* 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 13 1944 13* 2018 2096 14 2093 2174 2254 14* 2168 2251 2335 2418 15 2243 2329 2415 2501 2588 15* 2317 2406 2496 2585 2674 2763 16 2392 2484 2576 2668 2760 2852 2944 16* 2467 2562 2657 2751 2846 2941 3036 3131 17 2542 2640 2737 2835 2933 3030 3128 3226 3324 17* 2616 2717 2818 2918 3019 3119 3220 3321 3421 3522 18 2691 2795 2898 3002 3105 3209 3312 3416 3519 3623 3726 18* 2766 2872 2979 3085 3191 3298 3404 3510 3617 3723 3830 19 2841 2950 3059 3168 3278 3387 3496 3605 3715 3824 3933 4152 19* 2915 3027 3140 3252 3364 3476 3588 3700 3812 3924 4037 4261 20 2990 3105 3220 3335 3450 3565 3680 3795 3910 4025 4140 4370 4600 21 3140 3260 3381 3502 3623 3743 3864 3985 4106 4226 4347 4589 4830 5072 22 3289 3416 3542 3669 3795 3922 4048 4175 4301 4428 4554 4807 5060 5313 5566 23 3439 3571 3703 3835 3968 4100 4232 4364 4497 4629 4761 5026 5290 5555 5819 6084 24 3588 3726 3864 4002 4140 4278 4416 4554 4692 4830 4968 5244 5520 5796 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5880 6174 6468 6762 7056 7350 50 1800 2100 2400 2700 3000 3300 3600 3900 4200 4500 480U 5100 5400 5700 6000 6300 6600 6900 7200 7500 ALWAYS USE SMALLEST NUMBER AT TOP AND LARGEST AT SIDE. 28 SMALLER HAVING CEILINGS 12 FT. HIGH. 12 13 13 * 14 14* 15 15* 16 16* 17 «* 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 13 2028 13 y 2 2106 2187 14 2184 2268 2352 uy 2 2262 2349 2436 2523 15 2340 2430 2520 2610 2700 is y 2 2418 2511 2604 2697 2790 2883 16 2496 2592 2688 2784 2880 2976 3072 16 y 2 2574 2673 2772 2871 2970 3069 3168 3267 17 2652 2754 2856 2958 3060 3162 3264 3366 3468 17 X 2730 2835 2940 3045 3150 3255 3360 3465 3570 3675 18 2808 2916 3024 3132 3240 3348 3456 3564 3672 3780 3888 18 y 2 2886 2997 3108 3219 3330 3441 3552 3663 3774 3885 3996 19 2964 3078 3192 3306 3420 3534 3648 3762 3876 3990 4104 4332 19* 3042 3159 3276 3393 3510 3627 3744 3861 3978 4095 4212 4446 20 3120 3240 3360 3480 3600 3720 3840 3960 4080 4200 4320 4560 4800 21 3276 3402 3528 3654 3780 3906 4032 4158 4284 4410 4536 4788 5040 5292 22 3432 3564 3696 3828 3960 4092 4224 4356 4488 4620 4752 5016 5280 5544 5808 23 3588 3726 3864 4002 4140 4278 4416 4554 4692 4830 4968 5244 5520 5796 6072 6348 24 3744 3888 4032 4176 4320 4464 4608 4752 4896 5040 5184 5472 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7140 7350 7560 7980 8400 8820 9240 9660 10080 10500 36 5616 5832 6048 6264 6480 6696 6912 7128 7344 7560 7776 8208 8640 9072 9504 9936 10368 10800 37 5772 5994 6216 6438 6660 6882 7104 7326 7548 7770 7992 8436 8880 9324 9768 10212 10656 11100 38 5928 6156 6384 6612 6840 7068 7296 7524 7752 7980 8208 8664 9120 9576 10032 10488 10944 11400 39 6084 6318 6552 6786 7020 7254 7488 7722 7956 8190 8424 8892 9360 9828 10296 10764 11232 11700 40 6240 6480 6720 6960 7200 7440 7680 7920 8160 8400 8640 9120 9600 10080 10560 11040 11520 12000 41 6396 6642 6888 7134 7380 7626 7872 8118 8364 8610 8856 9348 9840 10332 10824 11316 11808 12300 42 6552 6804 7056 7308 7560 7812 8064 8316 8568 8820 9072 9576 10080 10584 11088 11592 12096 12600 43 6708 6966 7224 7482 7740 7998 8256 8514 8772 9030 9288 9804 10320 10836 11352 11868 12384 12900 44 6864 7128 7392 7656 7920 8184 8448 8712 8976 9240 9504 10032 10560 11088 11616 12144 12672 13200 45 7020 7290 7560 7830 8100 8370 8640 8910 9180 9450 9720 10260 10800 11340 11880 12420 12960 13500 46 7176 7452 7728 8004 8280 8556 8832 9108 9384 9660 9936 10488 11040 11592 12144 12696 13248 13800 47 7332 7614 7896 8178 8460 8742 9024 9306 9588 9870 10152 10716 11280 11844 12408 12972 13536 14100 48 7488 7776 8064 8352 8640 8928 9216 9504 9792 10080 10368 10944 11520 12096 12672 13248 13824 14400 49 7644 7938 8232 8526 8820 9114 9408 9702 9996 10290 10584 11172 11760 12348 12936 13524 14112 14700 50 7800 8100 8400 8700 9000 9300 9600 9900 10200 10500 10800 11400 12000 12600 13200 13800 14400 15000 IVHEN THE EXACT SIZE IS NOT GIVEN USE THE NEXT LARGER. 29 1 2 CUBICAL CONTENTS OF ROOMS 18X25 AND 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 6900 7200 7500 k 7176 7488 7800 8112 7452 7776 8100 8424 8748 7728 8064 8400 8736 9072 9408 8004 8352 8700 9048 9396 9744 10092 8280 8640 9000 9360 9720 10080 10440 10800 : 8556 8928 9300 9672 10044 10416 10788 11160 11532 8832 9216 9600 9984 10368 10752 11136 11520 11904 12288 9108 9504 9900 10296 10692 11088 11484 11880 12276 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19656 20160 23940 25200 !6460 17720 28980 0240 1500 21120 22440 23760 25080 26400 27720 29040 30360 31680 33000 3120032760 34320 3240034020 35640 3360035280; 36960 3480036540 38280 36000 37800 1 39600 33480353403720039060 40920 3648038400 40320 42240 1553 16034560 1653 170 36720 175 37800 39900|42000'44100 45640 3762039000 41580 43560 387604080042840 44880 180 38880 410404320045360 185 39960 42180 44400|46620 190 41040 43320 4560047880 19542120'44460 4680049140 200 4320045600 48000.50400 30 LARGER HAVING CEILINGS 12 FT. HIGH 12 34 35 36 37 3413872 3514280 14700 36 146881512015552 37 15096 15540 15984 16428 38 15504 15960 16416 16872 39 15912 16380 16848 17316 40 16320 16800 17280 17760 41 16728172201771218204 421713617640 1814418648 43 17544 18060 18576 19092 44 17952 18480 19008 19536 45 18360 18900 19440 19980 46 18768 19320 19872 20424 47 19176 197402030420868 48 19584 20160 20736 21312 49 19992 20580 21168 21756 50 20400 21000 21600 22200 52 21216 21840 22464 23088 54 22032 22680 23328 23976 56 22848 23520 24192 24864 58 23664 24360 25056 25752 60 24480 25200 25920 26640 62 25296 26040 26784 27528 64 26112 26880 27648 28416 66 26928 27720 28512 29304 68 27744 28560 29376 30192 70 28560 29400 30240 31080 72 29376 30240 31104 31968 74 30192 31080 31968 32856 76 31008 31920 32832 33744 78 31824 32760 33696 34632 80 32640 33600 34560 35520 85 34680 35700 36720 37740 90 36720 37800 38880 39960 95 38760 39900 41040 42180 100 40800 42000 43200 44400 105 42840 44100 45360 46620 110 44880 46200 47520 48840 115 46920 48300 49680 51060 120 48960 50400 51840 53280 125 51000 52500 .54000 55500 130 53040 54600 56160 57720 135 55080 56700 58320 59940 140 57120 58800 60480 62160 145 59160 60900 62640 64380 150 61200 63000 64800 66600 155 63240 65100 66960 68820 160 65280 67200 69120 71040 165 67320 69300 71280 73260 170 69360 71400 73440 75480 175 71400 73500 75600 77700 180 73440 75600 77760 79920 185 75480 77700 79920 82140 190 77520 79800 82080 84360 19579560 81900 84240 86580 200:81600 84000 86400 88800 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 50 17328 17784 18252 18240 18720 19200 18696 19188 19680 20172 19152 19656 20160 20664 21168 19608 20124 20640 21156 21672 22188 20064 20592 21120 21648 22176 22704 23232 20520 21060 21600 22140 22680 23220 23760 24300 20976 21528 22080 22632 23184 23736 24288 24840 25392 21432 21996 22560 23124 23688 24252 24816 25380 25944 26508 21888 22464 23040 23616 24192 24768 25344 25920 26*96 27072 27648 22344 22932 23520 24108 24696 25284 25872 26460 27048 27636 28224 29400 22800 23400 24000 24600 25200 25800 26400 27000 27600 28200 28800 30000 23712 24336 24960 25584 26208 26832 27456 28080 28704 29328 29952 31200 24624 25272 25920 26568 27216 27864 28512 29160 29808 30456 31104 32400 25536 26208 26880 27552 28224 28896 29568 30240 30912 31584 32256 33600 26448 27144 27840 28536 29232 29928 30624 31320 32016 32712 33408 34800 27360 28080 28800 29520 30240 30960 31680 32400 33120 33840 34560 36000 28272 29016 29760 30504 31248 31992 32736 33480 34224 34968 35712 37200 29184 29952 30720 31488 32256 33024 33792 34560 35328 36096 36864 38400 30096 30888 31680 32472 33264 34056 34848 35640 36432 37224 38016 39600 31008 31824 32640 33456 34272 35088 35904 36720 37536 38352 39168 40800 31920 32760 33600 34440 35280 36120 36960 37800 38640 39480 40320 42000 32832 33696 34560 35424 36288 37152 38016 38880 39744 40608 41472 43200 33744 34632 35520 36408 37296 38184 39072 39960 40848 41736 42624 44400 34656 35568 36480 37392 38304 39216 40128 41040 41952 42864 43776 45600 35568 36504 37440 38376 39312 40248 41184 42120 43056 43992 44928 46800 36480 37440 38400 39360 40320 41280 42240 43200 44160 45120 46080 48000 38760 39780 40800 41820 42840 43860 44880 45900 46920 47940 48960 51000 41040 42120 43200 44280 45360 46440 47520 48600 49680 50760 51840 54000 43320 44460 45600 46740 47880 49020 50160 51300 52440 53580 54720 57000 45600 46800 48000 49200 50400 51600 52800 54000 55200 56400 57600 60000 47880 49140 50400 51660 52920 54180 55440 56700 57960 59220 60480 63000 50160 51480 52800 54120 55440 56760 58080 59400 60720 62040 63360 66000 52440 53820 55200 56580 57960 59340 60720 62100 63480 64860 66240 69000 54720 56160 57600 59040 60480 61920 63360 64800 66240 67680 69120 72000 57000 58500 60000 61500 63000 64500 66000 67500 69000 70500 72000 75000 59280 60840 62400 63960 65520 67080 68640 70200 71760 73320 74880 78000 61560 63180 64800 66420 68040 69660 71280 72900 74520 76140 77760 81000 63840 65520 67200 68880 70560 72240 73920 75600 77280 78960 80640 84000 66120 67860 69600 71340 73080 74820 76560 78300 80040 81780 83520 87000 68400 70200 72000 73800 75600 77400 79200 81000 82800 84600 86400 90000 70680 72540 74400 76260 78120 79980 81840 83700 85560 87420 89280 93000 72960 74880 76800 78720 80640 82560 84480 86400 88320 90240 92160 96000 75240 77220 79200 81180 83160 85140 87120 89100 91080 93060 95040 99000 77520 79560 81600 83640 85680 87720 89760 91800 93840 95880 97920 102000 79800 81900 84000 86100 88200 90300 92400 94500 96600 98700 100800 105000 82080 84240 86400 88560 90720 92880 95040 97200 99360 101520 103680 108000 84360 86580 88800 91020 93240 95460 97680 99900 102120 1043*0 106560 111000 86640 88920 91200 93480 95760 98040 100320 102600 104880 107160 109440 114000 88920 91260 93600 95940 98280 100620 102960 105300 107640 109980 112320 117000 91200 93600 96000 98400 100800 103200 105600 108000 110400 112800 115200 120000 31 12 1 "2 CUBICAL CONTENTS OF ROOMS 25X50 AND 3 3^ 4 4 Vi 5 Bfc 6 6*4 7 7/4 8 8J4 9 9‘A 10 10X 11 11*4 12 X2/ s 3 SJ4 112 131 153 4 150 175 200 4 % 168 196 225 253 5 187 218 250 281 312 BH 206 240 275 309 343 378 6 225 262 300 337 375 412 450 6V4 243 284 325 365 406 446 487 528 7 262 306 350 393 437 481 525 568 612 v x / 2 281 328 375 421 468 515 562 609 656 703 8 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 8 x / 2 318 371 425 478 531 584 637 690 743 796 840 903 9 337 393 450 506 562 618 675 731 787 843 900 956 1012 9*/ 2 356 415 475 534 593 653 712 771 831 890 950 1009 1068 1128 10 375 437 500 562 625 687 750 812 875 937 1000 1062 1125 1187 1250 10|4 393 459 525 590 656 721 787 853 918 984 1050 1115 1181 1246 1312 1378 11 412 481 550 618 687 756 825 893 962 1031 1100 1168 1237 1306 1375 1443 1512 11 x / 2 431 503 575 646 718 790 862 934 1006 1078 1150 1221 1293 1365 1437 1509 1581 1653 12 450 525 600 675 750 825 900 975 1050 1125 1200 1275 1350 1425 1500 1575 1650 1725 1800 12i/ 2 468 546 625 703 781 859 937 1015 1093 1171 1250 1328 1406 1484 1562 1640 1718 1796 1875 1953 13 487 568 650 731 812 893 975 1056 1137 1218 1300 1381 1462 1543 1625 1706 1787 1868 1950 2031 13tf 506 590 675 759 843 928 1012 1096 1181 1265 1350 1434 1518 1603 1687 1771 1856 1940 2025 2109 14 525 612 700 787 875 962 1050 1137 1225 1312 1400 1487 1575 1662 1750 1837 1925 2012 2100 2187 14i/ 2 543 634 725 815 906 996 1087 1178 1268 1359 1450 1540 1631 1721 1812 1903 1993 2084 2175 2265 15 562 656 750 843 937 1031 1125 1218 1312 1406 1500 1593 1687 1781 1875 1968 2062 2156 2250 2343 15 x / 2 581 678 775 871 968 1065 1162 1259 1356 1453 1550 1646 1743 1840 1937 2034 2131 2228 2325 2421 16 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 1654 618 721 825 928 1031 1134 1237 1340 1443 1546 1650 1753 1856 1959 2062 2165 2268 2371 2475 2578 17 637 743 850 956 1062 1168 1275 1381 1487 1593 1700 1806 1912 2018 2125 2231 2337 2443 2550 2656 17 x / 2 656 765 875 984 1093 1203 1312 1421 1531 1640 1750 1859 1968 2079 2187 2296 2406 2515 2625 2734 18 675 787 900 1012 1125 1237 1350 1462 1575 1687 1800 1912 2025 2137 2250 2362 2475 2587 2700 2812 1854 693 809 925 1040 1156 1271 1387 1503 1618 1734 1850 1965 2081 2196 2312 2428 2543 2659 2775 2890 19 712 831 950 1068 1187 1306 1425 1543 1662 1781 1900 2018 2137 2256 2375 2493 2612 2731 2850 2968 19H 731 853 975 1096 1218 1340 1462 1584 1706 1828 1950 2071 2193 2315 2437 2559 2681 2803 2925 3046 20 750 875 1000 1125 1250 1375 1500 1625 1750 1875 2000 2125 2250 2375 2500 2625 2750 2875 3000 3125 21 787 918 1050 1181 1312 1443 1575 1706 1837 1968 2100 2231 2362 2493 2625 2756 2887 3018 3150 3281 22 825 962 1100 1237 1375 1512 1650 1787 1925 2062 2200 2337 2475 2612 2750 2887 3025 3162 3300 3437 23 862 1006 1150 1293 1437 1581 1725 1868 2012 2156 2300 2443 2587 2731 2875 3018 3162 3306 3450 3593 24 900 1050 1200 1350 1500 1650 1800 1950 2100 2250 2400 2550 2700 2850 3 X)0 3150 3300 3450 3600 3750 25 937 1093 1250 1406 1562 1718 1875 2031 2187 2343 2500 2656 2812 2968 3125 3281 3437 3593 3750 3906 26 975 1137 1300 1462 1625 1787 1950 2112 2275 2437 2600 2762 2925 3087 3250 3412 3575 3737 3900 4062 27 1012 1181 1350 1518 1687 1856 2025 2193 2362 2531 2700 2868 3037 3206 3375 3543 3712 3881 4050 4118 28 1050 1225 1400 1565 1750 1925 2100 2275 2450 2625 2800 2975 3150 3325 3500 3675 3850 4025 4200 4375 29 1087 1268 1450 1631 1812 1993 2175 2356 2537 2718 2900 3081 3262 3443 3625 3806 3987 4168 4350 4531 30 1125 1312 1500 1687 1875 2062 2250 2437 2625 2812 3000 3187 3375 3562 3750 3937 4125 4312 4500 4687 31 1162 1356 1550 1743 1937 2131 2325 2518 2712 2906 3100 3293 3487 3681 3875 4068 4262 4456 4650 4843 32 1200 140G 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600 3800 4000 4200 4400 4600 4S00 5800 33 1237 1443 1650 1856 2062 2268 2475 2681 2887 3093 3300 3506 3712 3918 4125 4331 4537 4743 4950 5156 34 1275 1487 1700 1912 2125 2336 2550 2762 2975 3187 3400 3612 3826 4037 4250 4462 4775 4887 5100 5312 35 1312 1531 1750 1968 2187 2406 2625 2843 3062 3281 3500 3718 3937 4156 4375 4593 4812 5031 5250 5468 36 1350 1575 1800 2025 2250 2475 2700 2925 3150 3375 3600 3825 4050 4275 4500 4725 4950 5175 5400 5625 37 1387 1618 1850 2081 2312 2543 2775 3006 3237 3468 3700 3931 4162 4393 4625 4856 5087 5318 5550 5781 38 1425 1662 1900 2137 2375 2612 2850 3087 3325 3562 3800 4037 4275 4512 4750 4987 5225 5462 5700 5937 39 1462 1706 1950 2193 2437 2681 2925 3168 3412 3656 3900 4143 4387 4631 4875 5118 5362 5606 5850 6093 40 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 3250 3500 3750 4000 4250 4500 4750 5000 5250 5500 5750 6000 6250 41 1537 1793 2050 2306 2562 2818 3075 3331 3587 3843 4100 4356 4612 4868 5125 5381 5637 5893 6150 6406 42 1575 1837 2100 2362 2625 2887 3150 3412 3675 3937 4200 4462 4725 4987 5250 5512 5775 6037 6300 6562 43 1612 1881 2150 2418 2687 2956 3225 3493 3762 4031 4300 4568 4837 5106 5375 5643 5912 6181 6450 6718 44 1650 1925 2200 2475 2750 3025 3300 3575 3850 4125 4400 4675 4950 5225 5500 5775 6050 6325 6600 6875 45 1687 1968 2250 2531 2812 3093 3375 3656 3937 4218 4500 4781 5062 5343 5625 5906 6187 6468 6750 7031 46 1725 2012 2300 2587 2875 3162 3450 3737 4025 4312 4600 4887 5175 5462 5750 6037 6325 6612 6900 7187 47 1762 2056 2350 2643 2937 3231 3525 3818 4112 4406 4700 4993 5287 5581 5875 6168 6462 6756 7050 7343 48 1800 2100 2400 2700 3000 3300 3600 3900 4200 4500 4800 5100 5400 5700 6000 6300 6600 6900 7200 7500 49 1837 3143 2450 2756 3063 3368 3675 3981 4287 4593 4900 5206 5512 5818 6125 6431 6737 7043 7a r >o 7656 50 1875 2187 2500 2812 3125 3437 3750 4062 4375 4687 5000 5312 5625 5937 6250 6562 6875 7187 7500 7812 ALWAYS USE SMALLEST NUMBER AT TOP AND LARGEST AT SIDE 32 SMALLER HAVING CEILINGS 12 1-2 FT. HIGH. 12 1“2 13 13* 14 14 5* 15 15* 16 16* 17 17* 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 13 2112 13 y* 2193 2278 14 2275 2362 2450 14* 2356 2446 2537 2628 15 2437 2531 2625 2718 2812 15* 2518 2615 2712 2809 2906 3003 16 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 3100 3200 16* 2681 2784 2887 2990 3093 3196 3300 3403 IT 2762 2868 2975 3081 3187 3293 3400 3506 3612 17* 2843 2953 3062 3171 3281 3390 3500 3609 3718 3828 18 2925 3037 3150 3262 3375 3487 3600 3712 3825 3937 4050 18*4 3006 3121 3237 3353 3468 3584 3700 3815 3931 4046 4162 19 3087 3206 3325 3443 3562 3681 3800 3918 4037 4156 4275 4512 19* 3168 3290 3412 3534 3656 3778 3900 4021 4143 4265 4387 4631 20 3250 3375 3500 3675 3750 3875 4000 4125 4250 4375 4500 4750 5000 21 3412 3543 3675 3806 3937 4068 4200 4331 4462 4593 4725 4987 5250 5512 22 3575 3712 3850 3987 4125 4262 4400 4537 4675 4812 4950 5225 5500 5775 6050 23 3737 3881 4025 4168 4312 4456 4600 4743 4887 5031 5175 5462 5750 6034 6325 6612? 24 3900 4050 4200 4350 4500 4650 4800 4950 5100 5250 5400 5700 6000 6300 6600 6900 7200 25 4062 4218 4375 4531 4687 4843 5000 5156 5312 5468 5625 5937 6250 6562 6875 7187 7500 7812 26 4225 4387 4550 4712 4875 5037 5200 5362 5525 5687 5850 6175 6500 6825 7150 7475 7800 8125 27 4287 4456 4625 4893 5061 5231 5400 5568 5737 5906 6075 6412 6750 7087 7425 7762 8100 8437 28 4650 4725 4900 5075 5250 5425 5600 5775 5950 6125 6300 6650 7000 7350 7700 8050 8400 8750 29 4712 4893 5075 5256 5437 5618 5800 5981 6162 6343 6525 6887 7250 7612 7975 8337 8700 9062 30 4875 5062 5250 5437 5625 5812 6000 6187 6375 6562 6750 7125 7500 7875 8250 8625 9000 9375 31 5037 5231 5425 5618 5812 6006 6200 6393 6587 6781 6975 7362 7750 8137 8525 8912 9300 9687 32 5200 5400 5600 5800 6000 6200 6400 6600 6800 7000 7200 7600 8000 8400 8800 9200 9600 10000 33 5362 5568 5775 5981 6187 6393 6600 6806 7012 7218 7425 7837 8250 8662 9075 9487 9900 10312 34 5525 5737 5950 6162 6375 6587 6800 7012 7225 7437 7650 8075 8500 8925 9350 9775 10200 10625 35 5687 5906 6125 6343 6562 6781 7000 7218 7437 7656 7875 8312 8750 9187 9625 10062 10500 10937 36 5850 6075 6300 6525 6750 6975 7200 7425 7650 7875 8100 8550 9000 9450 9900 10350 10800 11250 37 6012 6243 6475 6706 6938 7168 7400 7631 7862 8093 8325 8787 9250 9712 10175 10637 11100 11562 38 6175 6412 6650 6887 7125 7362 7600 7837 8075 8312 8550 9025 9500 9975 10450 10925 11400 11875 39 6337 6581 6825 7068 7312 7556 7800 8043 8287 8531 8775 9262 9750 10237 10725 11212 11700 12187 40 6500 6750 7000 7250 7500 7750 8000 8250 8500 8750 9000 9500 10000 10500 11000 11500 12000 12500 41 6662 6918 7175 7431 7687 7943 8200 8456 8722 8968 9225 9737 10250 10762 11275 11787 12300 12812 42 6825 7087 7350 7612 7875 8137 8400 8662 8925 9187 9450 9975 10500 11025 11550 12075 12600 13125 43 6987 7256 7525 7793 8062 8331 8600 8868 9137 9406 9675 10212 10750 11287 11825 12362 12900 13437 44 7150 7425 7700 7975 8250 8525 8800 9075 9350 9625 9900 10450 11000 11550 12100 12650 13200 13750 45 7312 7593 7875 8156 8437 8718 9000 9281 9562 9843 10125 10687 11250 11812 12375 12937 13500 14062 46 7475 7762 8050 8337 8625 8912 9200 9487 9775 10062 10350 10925 11500 12075 12650 13225 13800 14375 47 7637 7931 8225 8518 8812 9106 9400 9643 9987 10281 10575 11162 11750 12337 12925 13512 14100 14687 48 7800 8100 8400 8700 9000 9300 9600 9900 10200 10500 10800 11400 12000 12600 13200 13800 14400 15000 49 7962 8268 8575 8881 9167 9493 9800 10106 10412 10718 11025 11637 12250 12862 13475 14087 14700 15312 50 8125|8437 8750|9062 9375 9687 10000 10812 10625 10637 11250 11875 12500 13125 13750 14375 15000 15625 WHEN THE EXACT SIZE IS NOT GIVEN USE THE NEXT LARGER. ' 33 1 3 CUBICAL CONTENTS OF ROOMS 25X50 AND 3 3* 4 4* 1 5 5* 6 6* 7 7* 8 00 9 9* 10 1 io* 1 11 | m 12 12* 3 117 3* 137 159 4 156 182 208 4* 176 205 234 263 5 195 228 260 293 325 5* 215 250 286 322 358 393 6 234 273 312 351 390 429 468 6* 254 296 338 380 423 465 507 549 7 273 319 364 410 455 501 546 592 637 n 293 341 390 439 488 536 585 634 683 731 8 312 364 416 468 520 572 624 676 728 780 832 8 * 332 387 442 497 553 608 663 718 774 829 884 939 9 351 410 468 527 585 644 702 761 819 878 936 995 1053 9* 371 432 494 556 618 679 741 803 865 926 988 1050 1112 1173 10 390 455 520 585 650 715 780 845 910 975 1040 1105 1170 1235 1300 10* 410 478 546 614 683 751 819 887 956 1024 1092 1161 1229 1297 1365 1433 11 429 501 572 644 715 787 858 930 1001 1073 1144 1216 1287 1359 1430 1502 1573 11 * 449 523 598 673 748 822 897 972 1047 1121 1196 1271 1346 1420 1495 1570 1645 1719 12 468 546 624 702 780 858 936 1014 1092 1170 1248 1326 1404 1482 1560 1638 1716 1794 1872 12* 488 569 650 731 813 894 975 1056 1138 1219 1300 1381 1463 1544 1625 1706 1788 1869 1950 2031 13 507 592 676 761 845 930 1014 1099 1183 1268 1352 1437 1521 1606 16% 1775 1859 1944 2028 2113 13* 527 614 702 790 878 965 1053 1141 1229 1316 1404 1492 1580 1667 1755 1843 1931 2018 2106 2194 14 546 637 728 819 910 1001 1092 1183 1274 1365 1456 1547 1638 1729 1820 1911 2002 2093 2184 2275 14* 566 660 754 848 943 1037 1131 1225 1320 1414 1508 1602 1697 1791 1885 1979 2074 2168 2262 2356 15 585 683 780 878 975 1073 1170 1268 1365 1463 1560 1658 1755 1853 1950 2048 2145 2243 2340 2438 15* 605 705 806 907 1008 1108 1209 1310 1411 1511 1612 1713 1814 1914 2015 2116 2217 2317 2418 2519 16 624 728 832 936 1040 1144 1248 1352 1456 1560 1664 1768 1872 1976 2080 2184 2288 2392 24% 2600 16* 644 751 858 965 1073 1180 1287 1394 1502 1609 1716 1823 1931 2038 2145 2252 2360 2467 2574 2681 17 663 774 884 995 1105 1216 1326 1437 1547 1658 1768 1879 1989 2100 2210 2321 2431 2542 2652 2763 17* 683 796 910 1024 1138 1251 1365 1479 1593 1706 1820 1934 2048 2161 2275 2389 2503 2616 2730 2844 18 702 819 936 1053 1170 1287 1404 1521 1638 1755 1872 1989 2106 2223 2340 2457 2574 2691 2808 2925 18* 722 842 962 1082 1203 1323 1443 1563 1684 1804 1924 2044 2165 2285 2405 2525 2646 2766 2886 3006 19 741 865 988 1112 1235 1359 1482 1606 1729 1853 1976 2100 2223 2347 2470 2594 2717 2841 2964 3088 19* 761 887 1014 1141 1268 1394 1521 1648 1775 1901 2028 2155 2282 2408 2535 2662 2789 2915 3042 3169 20 780 910 1040 1170 1300 1430 1560 1690 1820 1950 2080 2210 2340 2470 2600 2730 2860 29% 3120 3250 21 819 956 1092 1229 1365 1502 1638 1775 1911 2048 2184 2321 2457 2594 2730 2867 3%3 3140 3276 3413 22 858 1001 1144 1287 1430 1573 1716 1859 2002 2145 2288 2431 2574 2717 2860 3003 3146 3289 3432 3575 23 897 1047 1196 1346 1495 1645 1794 1944 2093 2243 2392 2542 2691 2841 2990 3140 3289 3439 3588 3738 24 936 1092 1248 1404 1560 1716 1872 2184 2340 24% 2652 2808 2964 3120 3276 3432 3588 3744 3%0 25 975 1138 1300 1463 1625 1788 1950' 2113 2275 2438 2600 2763 2925 3088 3250 3413 3575 3738 3900 4063 26 1014 1183 1352 1521 1690 1859 2028 2197 2366 2535 2704 2873 3042 3211 3380 3549 3718 3887 4056 4225 27 1053 1229 1404 1580 1755 1931 2106 2282 2457 2633 2808 2984 3159 3335 3510 3686 3861 4037 4212 4388 28 1092 1274 1456 1638 1820 2002 2184 2366 2548 2730 2912 3094 3276 3458 3640 3822 4004 4186 4368 4550 29 1131 1320 1508 1697 1885 2074 2262 2451 2639 2828 3016 3205 3393 3582 3770 3959 4147 4336 4524 4713 30 1170 1365 1560 1755 1950 2145 2340 2535 2730 2925 3120 3315 3510 3705 3900 4095 42% 4485 4680 4875 31 1209 1411 1612 1814 2015 2217 2418 2620 2821 3023 3224 3426 3627 3829 4030 4232 4433 4635 4836 5038 32 1248 1456 1664 1872 2080 2288 2496 2704 2912 3120 3328 3536 3744 3952 4160 4368 4576 4784 4992 5200 33 1287 1502 1716 1931 2145 2360 2574 ! 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HIGH. 1 3 13 13* 13 2197 13* 2282 14 * 15 2366 2451 2535 26202720 15* 16 2704 16* 2789 17 2873 QAQ4. Ol 17*295830713185 18 30423159 18*31273247 2369 2457 2545 26332' 2808 289631 2984 3211 3296 3380 3549 3718 3887 4056 3335 3422 3510 3686 3861 4037 4] 4212 42254388 19 19* 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 59156143 4901 5408 5577 5746 2548 26392' 1730 2! 2821 291231 4394 45634' 47324914 7394! 50705265 52395441 5616 5792 5967 6318 6084 6253649467346! 642266696916 7! 6591 6760 7020 72807! 6929 7196 70987371 7267 11 7436 7 7605 14 ;0033: 2922 !016 1110 1205 3299 3276 3367 3458 3549 36403' 38223! 40044: :186 4368 45504' 456347324901 [914 5090 50965! 5090 5278 5460 5642 5! 5824 6006 6! 6188 6370 7462 7' 644 7! 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HIGH 13 34 35 36 37 3415028 3515470 15925 36159121638016848 37 16354 16835 17316 17797 38 16796 17290 17784 18278 39 17238 17745 18252 18759 40 17680 18200 18720 19240 4118122186551918819721 42 18564 19110 19656 20202 43 19006 19565 20124 20683 44 19448120020 20592 21164 45 19890 20475 21060 21645 46 20332 20930 21528 22126 47 20774,21385 21996 22607 48 21216 21840 22464 23088 49 21658 22295 22932 23569 50 22100 22750 23400 24050 52 22984 23660 24336 25012 54 23868 24570 25272 25974 56 24752 25480 26208 26936 58 25636 26390 27144 27898 60 26520 27300 28080 28860 62 27404 28210 29016 29822 64 28288 29120 29952 30784 66 29172 30030 30888 31746 68 30056 30940 31824 32708 70 30940 31850 32760 33670 72 31824 32760 33696 34632 74 32708 33670 34632 35594 76 33592 34580 35568 36556 78 34476 35490 36504 37518 80 35360 36400 37440 38480 85 37570 38675 39780 40885 90 39780 40950 42120 43290 95 41990 43225 44460 45695 100 44200 45500 46800 48100 105 46410 47775 49140 50505 110 48620 50050 51480 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444C0 45448 46436 47424 49400 38532 39546 40560 41574 42588 43602 44616 45630 46644 47658 48672 50700 39520 40560 41600 42640 43680 44720 45760 46800 47840 48880 49920 52000 41990 43095 44200 45305 46410 47515 48620 49725 50830 51935 53040 55250 44460 45630 46800 47970 49140 50310 51480 52650 53820 54990 56160 58500 46930 48165 49400 50635 51870 53105 54340 55575 56810 58045 60280 61750 49400 50700 52000 53300 54600 55900 67200 58500 59800 61100 62400 65000 51870 53235 54600 55965 57330 58695 60060 61425 62790 64155 65520 68250 54340 55770 57200 58630 60060 61490 62920 64350 65780 67210 68640 71500 56810 58305 59800 61295 62790 64285 65780 67275 68770 70265 71760 74750 59280 60840 62400 63960 65520 67080 68640 70200 71760 73320 74880 78000 61750 63375 65000 66625 68250 69875 71500 73125 74750 76375 78000 81250 64220 65910 67600 69290 70980 72670 74360 76050 77740 79430 81120 84500 66690 68445 70200 71955 73710 75465 77220 78975 80730 82485 84240 87750 69160 70980 72800 74620 76440 78260 80080 81900 83720 85540 87360 91000 71630 73515 75400 77285 79170 81055 82940 84825 86710 88595 90480 94250 74100 76050 78000 79950 81900 83850 85800 87750 89700 91650 93600 97500 76570 78585 80600 82615 84630 86645 88660 90675 92690 94705 96720 100750 79040 81120 83200 85280 87360 89440 91520 93600 95680 97760 99840 104000 81510 83655 85800 87945 90090 92235 94380 96525 98670 100815 102960 107250 83980 86190 88400 90610 92820 95030 97240 99450 101660 103870 106080 110500 86450 88725 91000 93275 95550 97825 100100 102375 104650 106925 109200 113750 88920 91260 93600 95940 98280 100620 102960 105300 107640 109980 112320 117000 91390 93795 96200 98605 101010 103415 105820 108225 110630 113035 115440 120250 93860 96330 98800 101270 103740 106210 108680 111150 113620 116090 118560 123500 96330 98865 101400 103935 106470 109005 111540 114075 116610 119145 121680 126750 98800 101400 104000 106600 109200 111800 114400 117000 119600 122200 124800 130000 37 1 3~2 CUBICAL CONTENTS OF ROOMS 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2160 2228 2295 2363 2430 2498 1337 1374 1411 1448 1485 1559 1634 1708 1782 1856 1931 2005 2079 2153 2228 2302 2376 2450 2525 2599 2673 2747 2565 2822 26332896 27002970 41 1660 42 1701 43 1742 44 17822079 45 18232126 1937 1985 203 ! 2430 46 Il863|2174 2484 47 19042221:2538 48 19441 22682592 2214249127683044 2268 2552 2835J3119 23222612,29033193 2376|2673 2970 3267 273430383341 279531053416 648 689 729 770 810 851 891 932 972 1013 1053 1094 1134 1175 1215 1256 1296 1337 1377 1418 1458 1499 1539 1580 1620 1701 1782 1863 1944 2025 2106 2187 2268 2349 2430 2511 2592 2673 2754 2835 2916 2997 3078 3159 3240 3321 3402 3483 3564 3645 570 614 658 702 746 790 834 878 921 965 1009 1053 1097 1 ><;•_* 851 898 945 992 1040 1087 1134 1181 1141 1185 1229 1 1272 1316 1229 1276 323 1370 1418 1360 1404 1448 1492 1536 1580 1623 1667 1711 1755 1843 1931 2018 2106 2194 2282 2369 2457 2545 2633 2720 2808 2896 2984 3071 3159 3247 3335 3422 3510 .3598 3686 3773 3861 3949 1465 1512 1559 1607 1654 1701 1748 1796 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HIGH. 1 3** 13 13* 14 14* 15 15* 16 16* 17 17* 18 18* 19 20 21 13 2282 13* 2369 14 14*25452643 2633 15 15 * 16 16* 17 17* 18 3159 18*3247 27202825 28082916 28963007 29843098 30713189 19 3335 19*3422 2467 2460 2552 2734 2646 2741 2835 2930 3024 3119 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 6143 3510 3686 3861 4037 4212 4388 4563 4739 4914 5090 5265 32133328 33083426 3281 3372 3463 3554 3645 3827 4010 4192 4374 4556 4739 4921 5103 5285 5468 3402 3497 3591 3686 3780 3969 4158 4347 4536 4725 5441 5650 5616 5832 57926014 5967 6318 6494 6669 6845 7020 7196 7371 ’547 7722 7898 6197 6379 6561 6743 6926 7108 7290 7472 7655 7837 8019 8201 2838 2936 3034 3132 3230 3524 3621 3719 3817 3915 4111 4307 4502 4698 4894 49145090 51035285 5292 5481 5670 5859 6048 6237 6426 6615 6804 6993 7182 7371 7560 7749 7938 812' 8316 8505 5481 5677 5873 6068 6264 6460 6656 6851 7047 7243 7439 7634 7830 8026 8222 8417 8613 8809 8073838486949005 8249856688839200 8424 8748 9072 9396 8600|8930|9261'9592 8775[9113l9450l9788 ll 3038 3139 3240 3341 3443 3544 3645 3746 3848 3949 4050 4253 4455 4658 4860 5063 5265 5468 5670 5873 6075 6278 6480 6683 6885 7088 7290 7493 7695 7898 8100 8303 8505 8708 8910 9113 9315 9518 9720 li 9923 0125 1( 3243 3348 3453 3557 3662 3767 3871 3976 4080 4185 4394 4604 4813 5022 5231 5441 5650 5859 6068 6278 6487 6696 6905 7115 7324 7533 7742 7952 8161 8370 8579 8789 8998 9207 9416 9626 9835 .0044 10253 10584 .046310800 1 3456 3564 3672 3780 3888 3996 4104 4212 4320 4536 4752 4968 5184 5400 5616 5832 6048 6264 6480 6696 6912 7128 7344 7560 7776 7992 8208 8424 8640 8856 9072 9288 9504 972011 9936 11 10152 li 10368 3675 3787 4010 4121 4232 4344 4455 4678 4901 5123 5346 5569 5792 6014 6237 6460 6683 6905 7128 7351 7574 7796 8019 8242 8465 8687 8910 9133 9356 9578 9801 0024H .0247 .0469 li 10692 1 10915 1138 3902 4016 4131 4246 4361 4475 4590 4820 5049 5279 5508 5738 5967 6197 6426 6656 6885 7115 7344 7574 7803 8033 8262 8491 8721 8951 9180 9410 9639 9869 10098 .0328 10557 .0787 1016 11246 11475 4134 4253 4371 4489 4607 4725 4961 5198 5434 5670 5906 6143 6379 6615 6851 7088 7324 7560 7796 8033 8269 8505 8741 8978 9214 9450 9686 9923 10159 10395 10631 10868 11104 113401 11576 11813 4374 4496 4617 4739 4860 5103 5346 5589 5832 6075 6318 6561 6804 7047 7290 7533 7776 8019 8262 8505 8748 8991 9234 9477 9720 10206 10449 10692 11178 11421 1664 4620 4745 4870 4995 5245 5495 5744 5994 6244 6494 6743 6993 7243 7493 7742 7992 8242 8492 8741 8991 9241 9491 9740 11 9990 11 996310240 10490 li 10739 10989 10935 11239 11489 1: 11738 11988 119071122381: 12150,12488 4874 5002 5130 5387 5643 5900 6156 6413 6669 6926 7182 7439 7695 7952 8208 8465 8721 8978 9234 9491 9747 11 .0004 .0260 10517 .0773 11030 11286 11543 1799 1205(5 12312 .2569 12825 li 22 23 5265 5400 5670 5940 6210 6480 6750 7020 7290 7560 7830 8100 8370 8640 8910 9180 9450 9720 9990 .0260 10530 1 108001 110701: 11340 1: 11610 1! 11880 12150 12420 1; 126901; 12960 13230 3500 24 25 5670 5954 6237 6521 6804 7088 7371 7655 7938 8222 8505 8789 9072 9356 9639 9923 10206 10490 10773 .1057 .1340 1624 1907 2191 12474 12758 .3041 .3325 13608 13892 14175 6237 6534 6831 7128 7425 7722 8019 8316 8613 8910 9207 9504 9801 10098 10395 H 10692 10989 1: 112861: 11583 1: 11880 12177 12474 12771 13068 U 13365 13662 13959 1< 14256 14553 14850 6831 7142 7452 7763 8073 8384 8694 9005 9315 9626 9936 10247 1< 10557 08681! 111781: 1489 1: 17991! .2110 12420 12731 13041 13352 .3662 13973 14283 1- 4594 li 14904 15215 1552511 7452 7776 8100 8424 8748 9072 9396 9720 10044 10368 0692 11016 1340 1664 1988 .2312 12636 12960 1; 132841; 13608 13932 14256 14580 .4904 .5228 15552 15876 .6200 8100 8438 8775 9113 9450 9788 10125 10463 10800 11138 11475 11813 12150 12488 12825 13163 .3500 3838 14175 14513 14850 15188 15525 15863 16200 16538 16875 39 1 4 CUBICAL CONTENTS OF ROOMS 25X50 AND 40 SMALLER HAVING CEILINGS 14 FT. HIGH. 1 4 13 13* 14 14 * 15 15* 16 16* 17 17* 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 13 2366 | 13* 2457 2552 14 2548 2646 2744 m 2639 2741 2842 2944 15 2730 2835 2940 3045 3150 15* 2821 2930 3038 3147 3255 3364 16 2912 3024 3136 3248 3360 3472 3584 16* 3003 3119 3234 3350 3465 3581 3696 3812 17 3094 3213 3332 3451 3570 3689 3808 3927 4046 17 * 3185 3308 3430 3553 3675 3798 3920 4043 4165 4288 18 3276 3402 3528 3654 3780 3906 4032 4158 4284 4410 4536 18* 3367 3497 3626 3756 3885 4015 4144 4274 4403 4533 4662 19 3458 3591 3724 3857 3990 4123 4256 4389 4522 4655 4788 5054 19* 3549 3686 3822 3959 4095 4232 4368 4505 4641 4778 4914 5187 5460 20 3640 3780 3920 4060 4200 4340 4480 4620 4760 4900 5040 5320 5600 5880 21 3822 3969 4116 4263 4410 4557 4704 4851 4998 5145 5292 5586 5880 6174 6468 22 4004 4158 4312 4466 4620 4774 4928 5082 5236 5390 5544 5852 6160 6468 6776 7084 23 4186 4347 4508 4669 4830 4991 5L52 5313 5474 5635 5796 6118 6440 6762 7084 7406 7728 24 4368 4536 4704 4872 5040 5208 5376 5544 5712 5880 6048 6384 6720 7056 7392 7728 8064 8400 25 4550 4725 4900 5075 5250 5425 5600 5775 5950 6125 6300 6650 7000 7350 7700 8050 8400 8750 26 4732 4914 5096 5278 5460 5642 5824 6006 6188 6370 6552 6916 7280 7644 8008 8372 8736 9100 27 4914 5103 5292 5481 5670 5859 6048 6237 6426 6615 6804 7182 7560 7938 8316 8694 9072 9450 28 5096 5292 5488 5684 5880 6076 6272 6468 6664 6860 7056 7448 7840 8232 8624 9016 9408 9800 29 5278 5481 5684 5887 6090 6293 6496 6699 6902 7105 7308 7714 8120 8526 8932 9338 9744 10150 30 5460 5670 5880 6090 6300 6510 6720 6930 7140 7350 7560 7980 8400 8820 9240 9660 10080 10500 31 5642 5859 6076 6293 6510 6727 6944 7161 7378 7595 7812 8246 8680 9114 9548 9982 10416 10850 32 5824 6048 6272 6496 6720 6944 7168 7392 7616 7840 8064 8512 8960 9408 9856 10304 10752 11200 33 6006 6237 6468 6699 6930 7161 7392 7623 7854 8085 8316 8778 9240 9702 10164 10626 11088 11550 34 6188 6426 6664 6902 7140 7378 7616 7854 8092 8330 8568 9044 9520 9996 10472 10948 11424 11900 35 6370 6615 6860 7105 7350 7595 7840 8085 8330 8575 8820 9310 9800 10290 10780 11270 11760 12250 36 6552 6804 7056 7308 7560 7812 8064 8316 8568 8820 9072 9576 10080 10584 11088 11592 12096 12600 37 6734 6993 7252 7511 7770 8029 8288 8547 8806 9065 9324 9842 10360 10878 11396 11914 12432 12950 38 6916 7182 7448 7714 7980 8246 8512 8778 9044 9310 9576 10108 10640 11172 11704 12236 12768 13300 39 7098 7371 7644 7917 8190 8463 8736 9009 9282 9555 9828 10374 10920 11466 12012 12558 13104 13650 40 7280 7560 7840 8120 8400 8680 8960 9240 9520 9800 10080 10640 11200 11760 12320 12880 13440 14000 41 7462 7749 8036 8323 8610 8897 9184 9471 9758 10045 10332 10906 11480 12054 12628 13202 13776 14350 42 7644 7938 8232 8526 8820 9114 9408 9702 9996 10290 10584 11172 11760 12348 12936 13524 14112 14700 43 7826 8127 8428 8729 9030 9331 9632 9933 10234 10535 10836 11438 12040 12642 13244 13846 14448 15050 44 8008 8316 8624 8932 9240 9548 9856 10164 10472 10780 11088 11704 12320 12936 13552 14168 14784 15400 45 8190 8505 8820 9135 9450 9765 10080 10395 10710 11025 11340 11970 12600 13230 13860i 14490 15120 15750 46 8372 8694 9016 9338 9660 9982 10304 10626 10948 11270 11592 12236 12880 13524 14168 14812 15456 16100 47 8554 8883 9212 9541 9870 10199 10528 10857 11186 11515 11844 12502 13160 13818 14476 15134 15792 16450 48 8736 9072 9408 9744 10080 10416 10752 11088 11424 11760 12096 12768 13440 14112 14784 15456 16128 16800 49 8918 9261 9604 9947 10290 10633 10976 11319 11662 12005 12348 13034 13720 14406 15092 15778 16464 17150 50 9100 9450 9800 10160 10500 10850 11200 11550 11900 12250 12600 13300 14000 14700 15400 16100 16800 17500 41 1 4 CUBICAL CONTENTS OF ROOMS 18X25 AND 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 25 6300 6650 7000 7350 7700 8050 8400 8750 26 6552 6916 7280 7644 8008 8372 8736 9100 9464 27 6804 7182 7560 7938 8316 8694 9072 9450 9828 10206 28 7056 7448 7840 8232 8624 9016 9408 9800 10192 10584 10976 29 7308 7714 8120 8526 8932 9338 9744 10150 10556 10962 11368 11774 30 7560 7980 8400 8820 9240 9660 10080 10500 10920 11340 11760 12180 12600 31 7812 8246 8680 9114 9548 9982 10416 10850 11284 11718 12152 12586 13020 13454 32 8064 8512 8960 9408 9856 10304 10752 11200 11648 12096 12544 12992 13440 13888 14336 36 8316 8778 9240 9702 10164 10626 11088 11550 12012 12474 12936 13398 13860 14322 14784 15246 34 8568 9044 9520 9996 10472 10948 11424 11900 12376 12852 13328 13804 14280 14756 15232 15708 35 8820 9310 9800 10290 10780 11270 11760 12250 12740 13230 13720 14210 14700 15190 15680 16170 36 9072 9576 10080 10584 11088 11592 12096 12600 13104 13608 14112 14616 15120 15624 16128 16632 37 9324 9842 10360 10878 11396 11914 12432 12950 13468 13986 14504 15022 15540 16058 16576 17094 38 9576 1010810640 11172 11704 12236 12768 13300 13832 14364 14896 15428 15960 16492 17024 17556 39 9828 1037410920 11466 12012 12558 13104 13650 14196 14742 15288 15834 16380 16926 17472 18018 40 10080 1064011200 11760 12320 12880 13440 14000 14560 15120 15680 16240 16800 17360 17920 18480 41 10332 1090611480 12054 12628 13202 13776 14350 14924 15498 16072 16646 17220 17794 18368 18942 42 10584 11172111760 12348 12936 13524 14112 14700 15288 15876 16464 17052 17640 18228 18816 19404 43 10836 1143812040 12642 13244 13846 14448 15050 15652 16254 16856 17458 18060 18662 19264 19866 44 11088 1170412320 | 12936 13552 14168 14784 15400 16016 16632 17248 17864 18480 19096 19712 20328 45 11340 1197012600 13230 13860 14490 15120 15750 16380 17010 17640 18270 18900 19530 20160 20790 46 11592 122361288013524 14168 14812 15456 16100 16744 17388 18032 18676 19320 19964 20608 21252 47 11844 12502:1316013818 14476 15134 15792 16450 17108 17766 18424 19082 19740 20398 21056 21714 48 L2096 127681344014112 14784 15456 16128 16800 17472 18144 18816 19488 20160 20832 21504 22176 49 12348! 13034 1 13720 14406 15092 15778 16464 17150 17836 18522 19208 19894 20580 21266 21952 22638 50 | 126001330014000 14700 15400 16100 16800 17500 18200 18900 19600 20300 21000 21700 22400 23100 52 1310413832! 14560 15288 16016 16744 17472 18200 18928 19656 20384 21112 21840 22568 23296 24024 54 1360811436415120 15876 16632 17388 18144 18900 19656 20412 21168 21924 22680 23436 24192 24948 56 141121489615680 16464 17248 18032 18816 19600 20384 21168 21952 22736 23520 24304 25088 25872 58 146161542816240 17052 17864 18676 19488 20300 21112 21924 22736 23548 24360 25172 25984 26796 60 151201598016800 17640 18480 19320 20160 21000 21840 22680 23520 24360 25200 26040 26880 27720 62 156241649217360 18228 19096 19964 20832 21700 22568 23436 24304 25172 26040 26908 27776 28644 64 16128 1702417920 18816 19712 20608 21504 22400 23296 24192 25088 25984 26880 27776 28672 29568 66 16632 1755618480 19404 20328 21252 22176 23100 24024 24948 25872 26796 27720 28644 29568 30492 68 17136 180881904019992 20944 21896 22848 23800 24752 25704 26656 27608 28560 29512 30464 31416 70 17640 186201960020580 21560 22540 23520 24500 25480 26460 27440 28420 29400 30380 31360 32340 72 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33880 35420 36960 38500 40040 41580 43120 44660 46200 47740 49280 50820 115 28980 305903220033810 35420 37030 38640 40250 41860 43470 45080 46690 48300 49910 51520 53130 120 30240319203360035280 36960 38640 40320 42000 43680 45360 47040 48720 50400 52080 53760 55440 125 31500|33250 35000 36750 38500 40250 42000 43750 45500 47250 49000 50750 52500 54250 56000 57750 130 327603458036400:38220 40040 41860 43680 45500 47320 49140 50960 52780 54600 56420 58240 60060 135 34020'35910 3780039690 41580 43470 45360 47250 49140 51030 52920 54810 56700 58590 60480 62370 140 35280372403920041160 43120 45080 47040 49000 50960 52920 54880 56840 58800 60760 62720 64680 145 36540385704060042630 44660 46690 48720 50750 52780 54810 56840 58870 60900 62930 64960 66990 150 37800399004200044100 46200 48300 50400 52500 54600 56700 58800 60900 63000 65100 67200 69300 155 39060412304340045570 47740 49910 52080 54250 56420 58590 60760 62930 65100 67270 69440 71610 160 40320425604480047040 49280 51520 53760 56000 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HIGH 14 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 48 50 34 16184 k 35 16660 17150 36 17136 17640 18144 37 17612 18130 18648 19166 38 18088 18620 19152 19684 20216 39 18564 19110 19656 20202 20748 21294 40 19040 19600 20160 20720 21280 21840 22400 41 19516 20090 20664 21238 21812 22386 22960 23534 42 19992 20580 21168 21756 22344 22932 23520 24108 24696 43 20468 21070 21672 22274 22876 23478 24080 24682 25284 25886 44 20944 21560 22176 22792 23408 24024 24640 25256 25872 26488 27104 45 21420 22050 22680 23310 23940 24570 25200 25830 26460 27090 27720 28350 46 21896 22540 23184 23828 24472 25116 25760 26404 27048 27692 28336 28980 29624 47 22372 23030 23688 24346 25004 25662 26320 26978 27636 28294 28952 29610 30268 48 22848 23520 24192 24864 25536 26208 26880 27552 28224 28896 29568 30240 30912 32256 49 23324 24010 24696 25382 26068 26754 27440 28126 28812 29498 30184 30870 31556 32928 34300 50 23800 24500 25200 25900 26600 27300 28000 28700 29400 30100 30800 31500 32200 33600 35000 52 24752 25480 26208 26936 27664 28392 29120 29848 30576 31304 32032 32760 33488 34944 36400 54 25704 26460 27216 27972 28728 29484 30240 30996 31752 32508 33264 34020 34776 36288 37800 56 26656 27440 28224 29008 29792 30576 31360 32144 32928 33712 34496 35280 36064 37632 39200 58 27608 28420 29232 30044 30856 31668 32480 33292 34104 34916 35728 36540 37352 38976 40600 60 28560 29400 30240 31080 31920 32760 33600 34440 35280 36120 36960 37800 38640 40320 42000 62 29512 30380 31248 32116 32984 33852 34720 35588 36456 37324 38192 39060 39928 41664 43400 64 30464 31360 32256 33152 34048 34944 35840 36736 37632 38528 39424 40320 41216 43008 44800 66 31416 32340 33264 34188 35112 36036 36960 37884 38808 39732 40656 41580 42504 44352 46200 68 32368 33320 34272 35224 36176 37128 38080 39032 39984 40936 41888 42840 43792 45696 47600 70 33320 34300 35280 36260 37240 38220 39200 40180 41160 42140 43120 44100 45080 47040 49000 72 34272 35280 36288 37296 38304 39312 40320 41328 42336 43344 44352 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8 4000 87000 81000 83250 85500 87750 90000 83700 86025 88350 90675 93000 86400 88800 91200 93600 96000 89100 91575 94050 96520 99000 46 LARGER HAVING CEILINGS 15 FT. HIGH 15 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 48 50 34 17340 35 17850 18375 36 18360 18900 19440 37 18870 19425 19980 20535 38 19380 19950 20520 21090 21660 39 19890 20475 21060 21645 22230 22815 40 20400 21000 21600 22200 22800 23400 24000 41 20910 21525 22140 22755 23370 23985 24600 25215 42 21420 22050 22680 23310 23940 24570 25200 25830 26460 43 21930 22575 23220 23865 24510 25155 25800 26445 27090 27735 44 22440 23100 23760 24420 25080 25740 26400 27060 27720 28380 29040 45 22950 23625 24300 24975 25650 26325 27000 27675 28350 29025 29700 30375 46 23460 24150 24840 25530 26220 26910 27600 28290 28980 29670 30360 31050 31740 47 23970 24675 25380 26085 26790 27495 28200 28905 29610 30315 31020 31725 32430 48 24480 25200 25920 26640 27360 28080 28800 29520 30240 30960 31680 32400 33120 34560 49 24990 25725 26460 27195 27930 28665 29400 30135 30870 31605 32340 33075 33810 35280 50 25500 26250 27000 27750 28500 29250 30000 30750 31500 32250 33000 33750 34500 36000 37500 52 26520 27300 28080 28860 29640 30420 31200 31980 32760 33540 34320 35100 35880 37440 39000 54 27540 28350 29160 29970 30780 31590 32400 33210 34020 34830 35640 36450 37260 38880 40500 56 28560 29400 30240 31080 31920 32760 33600 34440 35280 36120 36960 37800 38640 40320 42000 58 29580 30450 31320 32190 33060 33930 34800 35670 36540 37410 38280 39150 40020 41760 43500 60 30600 31500 32400 33300 34200 35100 36000 36900 37800 38700 39600 40500 41400 43200 45000 62 31620 32550 33480 34410 35340 36270 37200 38130 39060 39990 40920 41850 42780 44640 46500 64 32640 33600 34560 35520 36480 37440 38400 39360 40320 41280 42240 43200 44160 46080 48000 66 33660 34650 35640 36630 37620 38610 39600 40590 41580 42570 43560 44550 45540 47520 49500 68 34680 35700 36720 37740 38760 39780 40800 41820 42840 43860 44880 45900 46920 48960 5100*; 70 35700 36750 37800 38850 39900 40950 42000 43050 44100 45150 46200 47250 48300 50400 52500 72 36720 37800 38880 39960 41040 42120 43200 44280 45360 46440 47520 48600 49680 51840 54000 74 37740 38850 39960 41070 42180 43290 44400 45510 46620 47730 48840 49950 51060 53280 55500 76 38760 39900 41040 42180 43320 44460 45600 46740 47880 49020 50160 51300 52440 54720 57000 78 39780 40950 42120 43290 44460 45630 46800 47970 49140 50310 51480 52650 53820 56160 58500 80 40800 42000 43200 44400 45600 46800 48000 49200 50400 51600 52800 54000 55200 57600 60000 85 43350 44625 45900 47175 48450 49725 51000 52275 53550 54825 56100 57375 58650 61200 63750 90 45900 47250 48600 49950 51300 52650 54000 55350 56700 58050 59400 60750 62100 64800 67500 95 48450 49875 51300 52725 54150 55575 57000 58425 59850 61275 62700 64125 65550 68400 71250 100 51000 52500 54000 55500 57000 58500 60000 61500 63000 64500 66000 67500 69000 72000 75000 105 53550 55125 56700 58275 59850 61425 63000 64575 66150 67725 69300 70875 72450 75600 78750 110 56100 57750 59400 61050 62700 64350 66000 67650 69300 70950 72600 74250 75900 79200 82500 115 58650 60375 62100 63825 65550 67275 69000 70725 72450 74175 75900 77625 79350 82800 86250 120 61200 63000 64800 66600 68400 70200 72000 73800 75600 77400 79200 81000 82800 86400 90000 125 63750 65625 67500 69375 71250 73125 75000 76875 78750 80625 82500 84375 86250 90000 93750 130 66300 68250 70200 72150 74100 76050 78000 79950 81900 83850 85800 87750 89700 93600 97500 135 68850 70875 72900 74925 76950 78975 81000 83025 85050 87075 89100 91125 93150 97200 101250 140 71400 73500 75600 77700 79800 81900 84000 86100 88200 90300 92400 94500 96600 100800 105000 145 73950 76125 78300 80475 82650 84825 87000 89175 91350 93525 95700 97875 100050 104400 108750 150 76500 78750 81000 83250 85500 87750 90000 92250 94500 96750 99000 101250 103500 108000 112500 155 79050 81375 83700 86025 88350 90675 93000 95325 97650 99975 102300 104625 106950 111600 116250 160 81600 84000 86400 88800 91200 93600 96000 98400 100800 103200 105600 108000 110400 115200 120000 165 84150 86625 89100 91575 94050 96525 99000 101475 103950 106425 108900 111375 113850 118800 123750 170 86700 89250 91800 94350 96900 99450 102000 104550 107100 109650 112200 114750 117300 122400 127500 175 89250 91875 94500 97125 99750 102375 105000 107625 110250 112875 115500 118125 120750 126000 131250 180 91800 94500 97200 99900 102600 105300 108000 110700 113400 116100 118800 121500 124200 129600 135000 185 94350 97125 99900 102675 105450 108225 111000 113775 116550 119325 122100 124875 127650 133200 138750 190 96900 99750 102600 105450 108300 111150 114000 116850 119700 122550 125400 128250 131100 136800 142500 195 99450 102375 105300 108225 111150 114075 117000 119925 122850 125775 128700 131625 134550 140400 146250 2001102000 105000 108000 111000 114000 117000 120000 123000 126000 129000 132000 135000 138000 144000 150000 47 6 t 7 { 8 82 9 & 12 122 13 132 14 142 15 152 16 162 17 172 18 182 19 3 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4* 49 50 JBICAL CONTENTS OF ROOMS 25X50 AND 144 h 168 192 216 240 264 288 312 336 384 408 432 456 480 4* 324 360 396 432 468 504 540 576 612 648 684 720 756 792 828 864 900 936 972 1008 1044 1080 1116 1152 1188 1224 1260 1296 1332 1368 1404 1440 1512 1584 1656 1728 1800 1872 1944: 2016 2088 2160: 2232! 2304: 2376 2448 2520: 2592 2664 2952 3024 3096 3168 3240 33121 3384: 3456 ! 35281 840 880 921 960 1000 9241008 9684056 !0 1012 1104 10561152 11001200 1040 1080 1120 1160 1200 1240 1280 1320 1360 1400 1440 1480 1520 1560 1600 1680 1760 1840 1920 2000 2080 2160 2240 2320 2400 2480: 2560: 2640: 2720: 2800 : 11441248 11881296 12321344 12761392 13201440 42960; 2736 3040 33120: 0 3256 03344: 03432: 28803200 3520: 3280: 3360: 3440: 3520 . 3600; 5* 6 676 728 780 832 884 936 988 1040 1092 1144 1196 1248 1300 13521456 14041512 1364 1408 1452 1496 1540 1584 1628 1672 1716 1760 1848 1936 2024 2112 2200 2288 2376 2464 2552 2640 2728 2816 2904 3080 288031683456 3608 3696 ‘ 3784 3872 3960 432( 3680 4048 4416 4' 3760 3840 < 3920- 4136 4224 4312 1488 1536 1584 1632 1680 1728 1776 1824 1872 1920 2016 2112 2218 2314 2400 2496 2592 2688 2784 2880 2976: 3072 3168 29923264 3360 3936 4032 < 41! 422445' !046J 4512 4608 4704 50965488 3600 400014400 4800 5200 5600 784 840 896 952 1008 1064 1120 1176 1232 1288 1344 1400 1456 1508 1560 1612 1664 1716 1768 1820 1872 1924 1976 2028 2080 2184 2288 2392 2496 2600 1568 1624 1680 1736 1792 1848 1904 1960 2016 2072 2128 2184 2240 2352 2464 2576 2688 2800 3224 ! 3328 3432 3536 3640 13848 4144 3552 364839524256 37444056' 3840 4264' 4368 :72 .2844, :784.' 4888 4992 3472 3584 3696 3808 3920 37444032 4368 41604480 4592 4704 4816 i764928 580 5040 5152 5264 5376 n 900 960 1020 1080 1140 1200 1260 1320 1380 1440 1500 1560 1620 1680 1740 1800 1860 1920 1980 2040 2100 2160 2220 2280 2340 2400 2640 2760 2880 3000 27042912 3120 3328 3536 28083024 3240 3456 3672 29123136 3360 3584 3808 30163248 3480 3712 3944 31203360 3600 3840 4080 3720 3840 3960 4080 4200 4320 4440 4560 4680 4800 4920 5040 5160 5280 5400 5520 5640 5760 5880 6000 1024 1088 1152 1216 1280 1344 1408 1472 1536 1600 1664 1728 1792 1856 1920 1984 2108 2048 2112 2176 2240 2304 2368 2432 2496 2560 2520 2688 2816 2944 3072 3200 3968 4096 4224 4352 4480 4608 4736 4864 4992 5120 5248 5376 5504 5632 5760 5888 6016 6144 6272 6400 Si- 1156 1224 1292 1360 1428 1496 1564 1632 1700 1768 1836 1904 1972 2040 2176 2244 2312 2380 2448 2516 2584 2652 2720 2856 2992 3128 3264 3400 4216 4352 4488 4624 4760 4896 5032 5168 5304 5440 5576 5712 5848 5984 6120 6256 6392 6528 6664 6800 1296 1368 1410 1512 1584 1656 1728 1800 1872 1944 2016 2088 2160 2232 2304 2376 2448 2520 2592 2664 2736 2808 2880 3024 3168 3312 3456 3600 5184 5328 5472 5616 5760 5904 6048 6192 6336 6480 6624 6768 6912 7056 7200 1444 1520 1596 1672 1748 1824 1900 1976 2052 2128 2204 2280 2356 2432 2508 2584 2660 2736 2812 2964 3040 3192 3496 3648 3952 4104 4256 4108 3744 3888 4032 4176 4320 4560| 4800 4712 4864 5016 5168 4464 4608 4752 4896 5040 53201 5600 5472 5624 5776 5928 6080 6232 6384 6536 6688 6840 6992 7144 7296 7418 7600 10 1600 1680 1760 1840 1920 2000 2080 2160 2240 2320 2400 2480 2560 2640 2720 2800 2880 2960 2888 3040 3120 3200 3360 3344 3520 3680 3840 3800 4000 4960 5120 5280 5440 5760 5920 6080 6240 6400 6.560 6720 6880 7040 10 * 1764 1848 1932 2024 2016 2100 2200 2184 2268 2352 2464 2436 2520 2640 2604 2728 2688 2772 2856 2940 3080 3024 3168 3108 3276 3696 3864 4160 4320 4480 4704 4928 4640 4368 4536 4872 6216 6384 6552 6720 6888 7056 7224 7392 7200 7560 7360 7728 7520 7896 7680 8064 7840 8232 8000 8400 11 1936 2112 2288 2376 2552 2816 2904 2992 3256 3192 3344 3432 3360 3520 3528 3696 3872 4048 4032 4224 4200 4400 4576 4752 5104 5040 5280 5208 5456 5376 5632 5544 5808 5712 5984 5880 6160 6048 6336 6512 6688 6864 7040 7216 7392 7568 7744 7920 8096 8272 8448 8624 8800 11 * 2116 2208 2300 2392 2484 2576 2668 2760 2852 2944 3036 3128 3220 3312 3404 3496 3588 3680 3864 4048 4232 4416 4600 4784 4968 5152 5336 5520 5704 5888 6072 6256 6440 6624 6808 6992 7176 7360 7544 7728 7912 8096 8280 84M 8648 8832 9016 9200 2304 2400 2496 2592 2688 2784 2880 2976 3072 3168 3264 3360 3456 3552 3648 3744 3840 4032 4224 4416 4608 4800 4992 5184 5376 5568 5760 5952 6144 6336 6528 6720 6912 7104 7296 7488 7680 7872 8064 8256 8448 8640 8832 9024 9216 9408 12 * 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 4000 4200 4400 4600 4800 5000 5200 5-100 5600 5800 6000 6200 6400 6600 6800 7000 7200 7400 7600 7800 8000 8200 8400 8600 8800 9000 9200 9400 9600 9800 9600 10000 48 SMALLER HAVING CEILINGS 16 FT. HIGH. 1 6 49 1 6 CUBICAL CONTENTS OF ROOMS 18X25 AND 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 491- 18 7200 7488 7776 8064 8352 8640 8928 9216 9504 9792 10080 10368 10656 10944 11232 11520 11808 12096 12384 12672 12960 13248 13536 13824 .4112 50 1440015200 315808 2 16416 17024 3 16704 17632 14976 15552 16128 r 60 17280 7021 7221 76 105 110 115 120 125: 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 19 7600 7904 8208 8512 8816 9120 9424 9728 10032 10336 10640 10944 11248 11552 11856 12160 12464 12768 13072 13376 13680 13984 14288 14592 14896 318240 6217856 18848 18432 19 190082 82310424: 7822464237122 21888 8023040 902592027360 10028800 3168033- 331203 345603 360003 44640 46080 47520 48960 50400 51840 53280i 20 8000 8320 8640 8960 9280 9600 9920 10240 10560 10880 11200 11520 11840 12160 12480 12800 13120 13440 13760 14080 14400 14720 15040 15360 15680 16000 16640 17280 17920 18560 319200! 3 19840 19456 20480 82006421120 68195842067221760 101602128022- 10736 218882 22400 323040 74213122249623680 24320 2 24960 24320 85 24480 25840 27200 28560 95 27360 28880 30400 31920 3024031920: 134403: 34960 3< 36480 38000 37440395204: 38880 40320 41760 43200 41040 42560 44080 456004! 47120 48640, 50160 51680 53200 54720 562401 5472057760 28800 3040032000 33600: >5200 >6800 3840041 1600 432004: 44800 46400 :8000 49600 51200 21 8400 8736 9072 9408 9744 10080 10416 10752 11088 11424 11760 12096 12432 12768 13104 13440 13776 14112 14448 14784 15120 15456 15792 16128 16464 16800 17472 18144 18816 19488 20160 20832 21504 22176 22848 23520 24192 24864 25536 26208 2560026880 30240 33600 35280 36960 38640 :0320 4000042000 43680 5360 47040 48720 50400 52080 53760 5280055440 5440057120 56000|58800 5760060480 5920062160 6080063840 r u , 56160 592806240065520 200 57600160800164000 67200 22 8800 9152 9504 9856 10208 10560 10912 11264 11616 11968 12320 12672 13024 13376 13728 14080 14432 14784 15136 15488 15840 16192 16544 16896 17248 17600 18304 19008 19712 20416 21120 21824 22528 23232 23936 24640 25344 26048 26752 27456 28160 29920 31680 33440 35200 36960 38720 40480 42240 44000 45760 47520 49280 51040 52800 54560 56320 58080 59840 61600 63360 65120 66880 68640 70400 23 9200 9568 9936 10304 10672 11040 11408 11776 12144 12512 12880 13248 13616 13984 14352 14720 15088 15456 15824 16192 16560 16928 17296 17664 18032 18400 19136 19872 20608 21344 22080 22816 23552 24288 25024 25760 26496 27232 27968 28704 29440 31280 33120 34960 36800 38640 40480 42320 44160 46000 47840 49680 51520 53360 55200 57040 58880 60720 62560 64400 66240 68080 69920 71760 73600 24 9600 9984 10368 10752 11136 11520 11904 12288 12672 13056 13440 13824 14208 14592 14976 15360 15744 16128 16512 16896 17280 17664 18048 18432 18816 19200 19968 20736 21504 22272 23040 23808 24576 25344 26112 26880 27648 28416 29184 29952 30720 32640 34560 36480 38400 40320 42240 44160 46080 48000 49920 51840 53760 55680 57600 59520 61440 63360 65280 67200 69120 71040 72960 74880 76800 26 10816 11232 11648 12064 12480 12896 13312 13728 14144 14560 14976 15392 15808 16224 16640 17056 17472 17888 18304 18720 19136 19552 19968 20384 20800 21632 22464 23296 24128 25 10000 10400 10800 11200 11600 12000 12400 12800 13200 13600 14000 14400 14800 15200 15600 16000 16400 16800 17200 17600 18000 18400 18800 19200 19600 20000 20800 21600 22400 23200 24000 24800 25600 26400 27200 28000 28800 29600 30400 31200 32000 34000 36000 38000 40000 42000 44000 46000 48000 50000 52000 54000 56000 58000 60000 62000 64000 66000 68000 70000 72000 74880 74000, 76960 76000 79040 78000 81120 80000 83200! 29120 29952 30784 31616 32448 35360 37440 41600 43680 45760 47840 49920 52000 54080 56160 58240 60320 62400 64480 66560 68640 70720 '2800 27 11664 12096 12528 12960 13392 13824 14256 14688 15120 15552 15984 16416 16848 17280 17712 18144 18576 19008 19440 19872 20304 20736 21168 21600 22464 23328 24192 25056 24960 25920 25792 26624 27456 28288 27648 28512 29376 30240 31104 31968 32832 33696 33280 34560 36720 38880 39520 41040 43200 45360 47520 49680 51840 54000 56160 58320 60480 62640 64800 66960 69120 71280 73440 75600 28 12544 12992 13440 13888 14336 14784 15232 15680 16128 16576 17024 17472 17920 18368 18816 19264 19712 20160 20608 21056 21504 21952 22400 23296 24192 25088 25984 26880 26784 27776 28672 29568 30464 31360 32256 33152 34048 34944 35840 37080 40320 42560 44800 47040 49280 51520 53760 56000 58240 60480 62720 64960 67200 69440 71680 73920 76160 78400 29 13456 13920 14384 14848 15312 15776 16240 16704 17168 17632 18096 18560 19024 19488 19952 20416 20880 21344 21808 22272 22736 23200 24128 25056 25984 26912 27840 28768 29696 30624 31552 32480 33408 34336 35264 36192 37120 38440 41760 44080 46400 48720 51040 53360 55680 58000 60320 62640 64960 67280 69600 71920 74240 76560 78880 81200 30 14400 14880 15360 15840 16320 16800 17280 17760 18240 18720 19200 19680 20160 20640 21120 21600 22080 22560 23040 23520 24000 24960 25920 26880 27840 28800 29760 30720 31680 32640 33600 34560 35520 36480 37440 38400 39800 43200 45600 48000 50400 52800 55200 57600 60000 62400 64800 67200 69600 72000 74400 76800 79200 816001 84000 15376 15872 16368 16864 17360 17856 18352 18848 19344 19840 20336 20832 21328 21824 22320 22816 23312 24064 24816 23808 24304 24800 25792 26784 27776 28768 29760 30752 31744 32736 33728 34720 35712 36704 37696 38688 39680 41160 44640 47120 49600 52080 54560 57040 59520 62000 64480 66960 69440 71920 74400 76880 79360 81840 84320 86800 77760 80640 83520 86400! 89280 92160| 95010 79920 82880 85840 888001 91760 94720, 97680 82080 85120 88160! 91200 94240 97280|l00320 84240 87360! 00480| 93600 96720 99840102960 86400 89000 92800 96000 992001024001105600 32 16384 16896 17408 17920 18482 18944 19456 19968 20480 20992 21504 22016 22528 23040 23552 24576 25088 25600 26624 27648 28672 29696 30720 31744 32768 33792 34816 35840 36864 37888 39936 40960 42520 46080 48640 51200 53760 56320 58880 614-10 64000 66560 69120 71680 74240 33 17424 17952 18480 19008 19536 20064 20592 21120 21648 22176 22704 23232 23760 24288 25344 25872 26400 27456 28512 29568 30624 31680 32736 33792 34848 35904 36960 38016 39072 38912 40128 41184 42240 438S0 47520 50160 52800 55440 58080 60720 63360 66000 68640 71280 r 3920 '6560 76800 79200 79360 81920 84480 87040 89600 81840 84480 87120 89760 92400 50 50 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 iVINC CEILINGS 16 FT. HIGH. 16 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 48 50 21904 22496 23104 23088 23712 24336 23680 24272 24864 25456 26048 24320 24928 25536 26144 26752 24960 25584 26208 26832 27456 25600 26240 26880 27520 28160 26896 27552 28208 28864 28224 28896 29568 29584 30272 30976 F 26640 27232 27824 28416 29008 27360 27968 28576 29184 29792 28080 28704 29328 29952 30576 28800 29440 30080 30720 31360 29520 30176 30832 31488 32144 30240 30912 31584 32256 32928 30960 31648 32336 33024 33712 31680 32384 33088 33792 34496 32400 33120 33840 34560 35280 33856 34592 35328 36864 36064 37632 39200 29600 30784 31968 33152 34336 30400 31616 32832 34048 35264 31200 32448 33696 34944 36192 32000 33280 34560 35840 37120 32800 34112 35424 36736 38048 33600 34944 36288 37632 38976 34400 35776 37152 38528 39904 35200 36608 38016 39424 40832 36000 37440 38880 40320 41760 36800 38272 39744 41216 42688 38400 39936 41472 43008 44544 40000 41600 43200 44800 46400 35520 36704 37888 39072 40256 36480 37696 38912 40128 41344 37440 38688 39936 41184 42432 38400 39680 40960 42240 43520 39360 40672 41984 43296 44608 40320 41664 43008 44352 45696 41280 42656 44032 45408 46784 42240 43648 45056 46464 47872 43200 44640 46080 47520 48960 44160 45632 47104 48576 50048 46080 47616 49152 50688 52224 48000 49600 51200 52800 54400 41440 42624 43808 44992 46176 42560 43776 44992 46208 47424 43680 44928 46176 47424 48672 44800 46080 47360 48640 49920 45920 47232 48544 49856 51168 47040 48384 49728 51072 52416 48160 49536 50912 52288 53664 49280 50688 52096 53504 54912 50400 51840 53280 54720 56160 51520 52992 54464 55936 57408 53760 55296 56832 58368 59904 56000 57600 59200 60800 62400 47360 50320 53280 56240 59200 48640 51680 54720 57760 60800 49920 53040 56160 59280 62400 51200 54400 57600 60800 64000 52480 55760 59040 62320 65600 53760 57120 60480 63840 67200 55040 58480 61920 65360 68800 56320 59840 63360 66880 70400 57600 61200 64800 68400 72000 58880 62560 66240 69920 73600 61440 65280 69120 72960 76800 64000 68000 72000 76000 80000 62160 65120 68080 71040 74000 63840 66880 69920 72960 76000 65520 68640 71760 74880 78000 67200 70400 73600 76800 80000 68880 72160 75440 78720 82000 70560 73920 77280 80640 84000 72240 75680 79120 82560 86000 73920 77440 80960 84480 88000 75600 79200 82800 86400 90000 77280 80960 84640 88320 92000 80640 84480 88320 92160 96000 84000 88000 92000 96000 100000 76960 79920 82880 85840 88800 79040 82080 85120 88160 91200 81120 84240 87360 90480 93600 83200 86400 89600 92800 96000 85280 88560 91840 95120 87360 90720 94080 97440 98400100800 89440 92880 96320 99760 103200 91520 95040 98560 102080 105600 93600 97200 100800 104400 108000 95680 99360 103040 106720 110400 99840 103680 107520 111360 115200 104000 108000 112000 116000 120000 91760 94240 94720 97280 97680100320 ll L00640 103360H L03600 106400 96720 99840H .02960 li .06080 109200 99200 1< 02400 05600 108800 112000 .01680 104960 108240 111520 114800 104160 107520 110880 114240 117600 106640 1100801: 113520 116960 120400 109120 126401! 116160 119680 1! 123200 111600 15200 118800 .22400 126000 114080 117760 121440 125120 128800 119040 122880 126720 130560 134400 124000 128000 132000 136000 140000 106560 109440 112320 115200 1 109520112480 115440 118400 1' 112480115520 118560 121600 115440 118560 121(180 124800 118400 121600 124800 128000 18080 .21360 124(540 127920 1312001: 127680131 131040 1 34400 13 120960123840 1! 124320127280 .307201; 134160 1 37600 .26720 1302401; 337601; 3‘ 140800 1< 129600 .332001; .36800 11 40400 44000 132480 .36160 39840 143520 147200 138240 142080 145920 149760 153600 144000 148000 152000 15(5000 160000 51 1 8 CUBICAL CONTENTS OF ROOMS 25X50 AND 52 SMALLER HAVING CEILINGS 1 8 FT. HIGH 18 13 13* 3042 3159 3276 3393 3510 3627 3744 3861 3978 4095 4212 4329 4446 4563 4680 4914 5148 5382 5616 5850 0084 6318 6552 6786 7020 7254 7488 7722 7956 8190 8424 9126 9360 9594 10530 3281 3402 3524 3645 3767 3888 4010 4131 4263 4374 4496 4617 4739 4860 5103 5346 5589 5832 6075 6318 6561 6804 7047 7290 7533 7776 8019 8262 8505 8748 8991 9234 9477 9720 9963 982810206 10062 10449 1029610692 10935 1076411178 1099811421 14 3528 3654 3780 4032 4158 4284 4410 4536 4662 4788 4914 5040 5292 5544 5796 6048 6552 6804 7056 7308 7660 7812 8064 8316 8568 8820 9072 9324 9576 9828 10080 10332 II 10584 10836 11088 11340 11592 11844 114661190712348 14* 15 3785 3915 4046 4176 4320 4307 4437 4568 4829 4959 5090 6220 5481 6742 6003 6264 6525 6786 7047 7308 7569 7830 8091 8352 8613 8874 9135 9396 9657 9918 10179 10440 .0701 10962 11223 4050 4185 4455 4690 4725 4698 4860 4995 5130 5265 5400 5670 5940 6210 6480 6750 7020 7290 7560 7830 8100 8370 8640 8910 9180 9450 9720 9990 102C0 10530 10800 11070 11340 11610 1148411880 1174512150 12006 12420 15* 4325 4464 4604 4743 4883 5022 5162 5301 5441 5580 5859 6138 6417 6696 6975 7254 7533 7812 8091 8370 8649 8928 9207 9486 9765 10044 10323 10602 10881 11160 11439 11718 11997 12276 12555 16* 17 17* 4608 4752 4896 5040 5184 5328 5472 5616 5760 6048 6336 6624 6912 7200 7488 7776 8064 8352 8640 8928 9216 9504 9792 10080 10368 10656 10944 11232 11520 11808 12096 1238412771 1267213068 1296043365 4901 5049 5198 5346 5495 5643 5792 5940 6237 6534 6831 7128 7425 7722 8019 8316 8613 8910 9207 9504 9801 10098 10395 10692 10989 11286 11583 11880 12177 12474 5202 5355 5508 5661 5814 5967 6120 6426 6732 7038 7344 7650 7956 8262 8568 8874 9180 9486 9792 10098 10404 10710 11016 11322 11628 11934 12240 12546 12852 13158 134(54 13770 12834 1324843662 14076 14904 15228 15552 ■■i , , , 15876 1 17 00* 121501 12600 130 50113500 13950 14400 14850 15300^5750 16200 : ,,12267 12690 13113 1353613959 14382 11232] 11664 12096 12528 12960 13392' 13824 14256,14688 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HIGH. 1 8 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 50 34 20808 ' 1 i 1 35 21420 22050 22680 36 22032 22680 23328 23976 37 22644 23310 23976 24642 25308 38 23256 23940 24624 25308 25992 39 23868 24570 25272 25974 26676 27378 40 24480 25200 25920 26640 27360 28080 28800 41 25092 25830 26568 27306 28044 28782 29520 30258 42 25704 26460 27216 27972 28728 29484 30240 30996 31752 43 26316 27090 27864 28638 29412 30186 30960 31734 32508 33282 44 26928 27720 28512 29304 30096 30888 31680 32472 33264 34056 34848 45 27540 28350 29160 29970 30780 31590 32400 33210 34020 34830 35640 36450 46 28152 28980 29808 30636 31464 32292 33120 33948 34776 35604 36432 37260 38088 47 28764 29610 30456 31302 32148 32994 33840 34686 35532 36378 37224 38070 38916 39762 48 29376 30240 31104 31968 32832 33696 34560 35424 36288 37152 38016 38880 39744 40608 41472 49 29988 30870 31752 32634 33516 34398 35280 36162 37044 37926 38808 39690 40572 41454 42336 44100 50 30600 31500 32400 33300 34200 35100 36000 36900 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162 149 4900 1960 1633 1400 1225 1089 980 817 700 612 490 327 280 245 218 196 178 163 151 4950 1980 1650 1414 1238 1100 990 825 707 619 495 330 283 248 220 198 180 165 152 60 $ Square Foot of Glass Surface, Wall Surface, or Cubic Feet. 2500 to 4950. SEE EXPLANATION, PAGE 61s RATE. 3 < 35 37£ 40 m 45 m 50 55 60 70 80 90 100 115 130 150 175 200 2500 71 67 63 59 56 53 50 45 42 36 31 28 25 22 19 17 14 13 2520 72 67 63 59 56 53 50 46 42 36 32 28 25 22 19 17 14 13 2540 73 68 64 60 56 53 51 46 42 36 32 28 25 22 20 17 15 13 2560 73 68 64 60 57 54 51 47 43 37 32 28 26 22 20 17 15 13 2580 74 69 65 61 57 54 52 47 43 37 32 29 26 22 20 17 15 13 2600 74 69 65 61 58 55 52 47 43 37 33 29 26 23 20 17 15 13 2620 75 70 66 62 58 55 52 48 44 37 33 29 26 23 20 17 15 13 2640 75 70 66 62 59 56 53 48 44 38 33 29 26 23 20 18 15 13 2660 76 71 67 63 59 56 53 48 44 38 33 30 27 23 20 18 15 13 2680 77 71 67 63 60 56 54 49 45 38 34 30 27 23 21 18 15 13 2700 77 72 68 64 60 57 54 49 45 39 34 30 27 23 21 18 15 | 14 2720 78 73 68 64 60 57 54 49 45 39 34 30 27 24 21 18 16 i 14 2740 78 73 69 64 61 58 55 50 46 39 34 30 27 24 21 18 16 1 14 2760 79 74 69 65 61 58 55 50 46 39 35 31 28 24 21 18 16 1 14 2780 79 74 70 65 62 59 56 51 46 40 35 31 28 24 21 19 16 j 14 2800 80 75 70 66 62 59 56 51 47 40 35 31 28 24 22 19 16 14 2820 81 75 71 66 63 59 56 51 47 40 35 31 28 25 22 19 16 14 2840 81 76 71 67 63 60 57 52 47 41 36 32 28 25 22 19 16 14 2860 82 76 72 67 64 60 57 52 48 41 36 32 29 25 22 19 16 14 2880 82 77 72 68 64 61 58 52 48 41 36 32 29 25 22 19 16 14 2900 83 77 73 68 64 61 58 53 48 41 36 32 29 25 22 19 17 15 2920 83 78 73 69 65 61 58 53 49 42 37 32 29 25 22 19 17 15 2940 84 78 74 69 65 62 59 53 49 42 37 33 29 26 23 20 17 15 2960 85 79 74 70 66 62 59 54 49 42 37 33 30 26 23 20 17 15 2980 85 79 75 70 66 63 60 54 50 43 37 33 30 26 23 20 17 15 3000 86 80 75 71 67 63 60 55 50 43 38 33 30 26 23 20 17 15 3050 87 81 76 72 68 64 61 55 51 44 38 34 31 27 23 20 17 15 3100 89 83 78 73 69 65 62 56 52 44 39 34 31 27 24 21 18 16 3150 90 84 79 74 70 66 63 57 53 45 39 35 32 27 24 21 18 16 3200 91 85 80 75 71 67 64 58 53 46 40 36 32 28 25 21 18 16 3250 93 87 81 76 72 68 65 59 54 46 41 36 33 28 25 22 19 16 3300 94 88 83 78 73 69 66 60 55 47 41 37 33 29 25 22 19 17 3350 96 89 84 79 74 71 67 61 56 48 42 37 34 29 26 22 19 17 3400 97 91 85 80 76 72 68 62 57 49 43 38 34 30 26 23 19 17 3450 99 92 86 81 77 73 69 63 58 49 43 38 35 30 27 23 20 17 3500 100 93 88 82 78 74 70 64 58 50 44 39 35 30 27 23 20 18 3550 101 95 89 84 79 75 71 65 59 51 44 39 36 31 27 24 20 18 3600 103 96 90 85 80 76 72 65 60 51 45 40 36 31 28 24 21 18 3650 104 97 91 86 81 77 73 66 61 52 46 41 37 32 28 24 21 18 3700 106 99 93 87 82 78 74 67 62 53 46 41 37 32 28 25 21 19 3750 107 100 94 88 83 79 75 68 63 54 47 42 38 33 29 25 21 19 3800 109 101 95 89 84 80 76 69 63 54 48 42 38 33 29 25 22 19 3850 110 103 96 91 86 81 77 70 64 55 48 43 39 33 30 26 22 19 3900 111 104 98 92 87 82 78 71 65 56 49 43 39 34 30 26 22 20 3950 113 105 99 93 88 83 79 72 66 56 49 44 40 34 30 26 23 20 4000 114 107 100 94 89 84 80 73 67 57 50 44 40 35 31 27 23 20 4050 116 108 101 95 90 85 81 74 68 58 51 45 41 35 31 27 23 20 4100 117 109 103 96 91 86 82 75 68 59 51 46 41 36 32 27 23 21 4150 119 111 104 98 92 87 83 75 69 59 52 46 42 36 32 28 24 21 4200 120 112 105 99 93 88 84 76 70 60 53 47 42 37 32 28 24 21 4250 121 113 106 100 94 89 85 77 71 61 53 47 43 37 33 28 24 21 4300 123 115 108 101 96 91 86 78 72 61 54 48 43 37 33 29 25 22 4350 124 116 109 102 97 92 87 79 73 62 54 48 44 38 33 29 25 22 4400 126 117 110 104 98 93 88 80 73 63 55 49 44 38 34 29 25 22 4450 127 119 111 105 99 94 89 81 74 64 56 49 45 39 34 30 25 22 4500 129 120 113 106 100 95 90 82 75 64 56 50 45 39 35 30 26 23 4550 130 121 114 107 101 96 91 83 76 65 57 51 46 40 35 30 26 23 4600 131 123 115 108 102 97 92 84 77 66 58 51 46 40 35 31 26 23 4650 133 124 116 109 103 98 93 85 78 66 58 52 47 40 36 31 27 23 4700 134 125 118 111 104 99 94 85 78 67 59 52 47 41 36 31 27 24 4750 136 127 119 112 106 100 95 86 79 68 59 53 48 41 37 32 27 24 4800 137 128 120 113 107 101 96 87 80 69 60 53 48 42 37 32 27 24 4850 139 129 121 114 108 102 97 88 81 69 61 54 49 42 37 32 28 24 4900 140 131 123 115 109 103 98 89 82 70 61 54 49 43 38 33 28 25 4950 141 132 124 116 110 104 99 90 83 71 62 55 50 43 38 33 28 25 61 5000 to 300,000. Table Showing Radiation Necessary at Various Rates per SEE EXPLANATION AT RATE. a ◄ 3 3 h 4 4* 5 6 7 8 10 15 m 20 22k 25 27k 30 32k 5000 1667 1429 1250 1111 1000 833 714 625 500 333 286 250 222 200 182 167 154 5050 1683 1443 1263 1122 1010 842 721 631 505 337 289 253 224 202 184 168 155 5100 1700 1457 1275 1133 1020 850 729 638 510 340 291 255 227 204 185 170 157 5150 1717 1471 1288 1144 1030 858 736 644 515 343 294 258 229 206 187 172 158 5200 1733 1486 1300 1156 1040 867 743 650 520 347 297 260 231 208 189 173 160 5250 1750 1500 1313 1167 1050 875 750 656 525 350 300 263 233 210 191 175 162 5300 1767 1514 1325 1178 1060 883 757 663 530 353 303 265 236 212 193 177 163 5350 1783 1529 1338 1189 1070 892 764 669 535 357 306 268 238 214 195 178 165 5400 1800 1543 1350 1200 1080 900 771 675 540 360 309 270 240 216 196 180 16 6 5450 1817 1557 1363 1211 1090 908 779 681 545 363 311 273 242 218 198 182 168 5500 1833 1571 1375 1222 1100 917 786 688 550 367 314 275 244 220 200 183 169 5550 1850 1586 1388 1233 1110 925 793 694 555 370 317 278 247 222 202 185 171 5600 1867 1600 1400 1244 1120 933 800 700 560 373 320 280 249 224 204 187 172 5650 1883 1614 1413 1256 1130 942 807 706 565 377 323 283 251 226 205 188 174 5700 1900 1629 1425 1267 1140 950 814 713 570 380 326 285 253 228 207 190 175 5750 1917 1643 1438 1278 1150 958 821 719 575 383 329 288 256 230 209 192 177 5800 1933 1657 1450 1289 1160 967 829 725 580 387 331 290 258 232 211 193 178 5850 1950 1671 1463 1300 1170 975 836 731 585 390 334 293 260 234 213 195 180 5900 1967 1686 1475 1311 1180 983 843 738 590 393 337 295 262 236 215 197 182 5950 1983 1700 1488 1322 1190 992 850 744 595 397 340 298 264 238 216 198 183 6000 2000 1714 1500 1333 1200 1000 857 750 600 400 343 300 267 240 218 200 185 6050 2017 1729 1513 1344 1210 1008 864 756 605 403 346 303 269 242 220 202 186 6100 2033 1743 1525 1356 1220 1017 871 763 610 407 349 305 271 244 222 203 188 6150 2050 1757 1538 1367 1230 1025 879 769 615 410 351 308 273 246 224 205 189 6200 2067 1771 1550 1378 1240 1033 886 775 620 413 354 310 276 248 225 207 191 6250 2083 1786 1563 1389 1250 1042 893 781 625 417 357 313 278 250 227 208 192 6300 2100 1800 1575 1400 1260 1050 900 788 630 420 360 315 280 252 229 210 194 6350 2117 1814 1588 1411 1270 1058 907 794 635 423 363 318 282 254 231 212 195 6400 2133 1829 1600 1422 1280 1067 914 800 640 427 366 320 284 256 233 213 197 6450 2150 1843 1613 1433 1290 1075 921 806 645 430 369 323 287 258 235 215 198 6500 2167 1857 1625 1444 1300 1083 929 813 650 433 371 325 289 260 236 217 200 6550 2183 1871 1638 1456 1310 1092 936 819 655 437 374 328 291 262 238 218 202 6600 2200 1886 1650 1467 1320 1100 943 825 660 440 377 330 293 264 240 220 203 6650 2217 1900 1663 1478 1330 1108 950 831 665 443 380 333 296 266 242 222 205 6700 2233 1914 1675 1489 1340 1117 957 838 670 447 383 335 298 268 244 223 206 6750 2250 1929 1688 1500 1350 1125 964 844 675 450 386 338 300 270 245 225 208 6800 2267 1943 1700 1511 1360 1133 971 850 680 453 389 340 302 272 247 227 209 6850 2283 1957 1713 1522 1370 1142 979 856 685 457 391 343 304 274 249 228 211 6900 2300 1971 1725 1533 1380 1150 986 863 690 460 394 345 307 276 251 230 212 6950 2317 1986 1738 1544 1390 1158 993 869 695 463 397 348 309 278 253 232 214 7000 2333 2000 1750 1556 1400 1167 1000 875 700 467 400 350 311 280 255 233 215 8000 2667 2286 2000 1778 1600 1334 1143 1000 800 533 457 400 356 320 291 267 246 9000 3000 2571 2250 2000 1800 1500 1286 1125 900 600 514 450 400 360 327 300 277 10000 3333 2857 2500 2222 2000 1667 1429 1250 1000 667 571 500 444 400 364 333 308 20000 6667 5714 5000 4444 4000 3333 2857 2500 2000 1333 1143 1000 889 800 727 667 615 30000 10000 8571 7500 6667 6000 5000 4286 3750 3000 2000 1714 1500 1333 1200 1091 1000 923 40000 13333 11429 10000 8889 8000 6667 5714 5000 4000 2667 2286 2000 1778 1600 1455 1333 1231 50000 16667 14286 12500 mu 10000 8333 7143 6250 5000 3333 2857 2500 2222 2000 1818 1667 1538 60000 20000 17143 15000 13333 12000 10000 8571 7500 6000 4000 3429 3000 2667 2400 2182 2000 1846 70000 23333 20000 17500 15556 14000 11667 10000 8750 7000 4667 4000 3500 3111 2800 1 2545 2333 2154 80000 26667 22857 20000 17778 16000 13333 11429 10000 8000 5333 4571 4000 3556 3200 2909 2667 2462 90000 30000 25714 22500 20000 1800015000 12857 11250 9000 6000 5143 4500 4000 3600 3273 3000 2769 100000 33333 28571 25000 22222.2000016667 14286 12500 10000 6667 5714 5000 4444 4000 3636 3333 3077 200000 66667 5714350000 44444*40000 33333 28571 2500020000 13333 11429 10000 8889 8000 7273 6667 6154 300000 100000 85714|75000|66667!60000 50000142857 3750030000 20000 17143'15000ll3333 12000 10909 10000 9231 EXPLANATION TO TABLE ABOVE The column of figures at the left of each page represents either square feet of glass sur- face, square feet of wall surface, or cubic feet. The row of figures at the top are the rates. The column of figures under each rate is the product of the column of figures on the left divided by that rate. To ascertain the amount of radiation necessary to heat any given number of square feet of glass, or wall surface, or cubic feet, turn to the number in the left-hand column (under “Amt.”) representing the amount to be warmed; look opposite this, and under the desired rate you will find the amount of radiation required at that rate. 6li Square Foot of Glass Surface, Wall Surface, or Cubic Feet. 5000 to 300,000. BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE. RATE. a 35 37 * 40 42^ 45 47£ 50 55 60 70 80 90 100 115 130 150 175 200 5000 143 133 125 118 111 105 100 91 83 71 63 56 50 44 38 33 29 25 5050 144 135 126 119 112 106 101 92 84 72 63 56 51 44 39 34 29 25 5100 146 136 128 120 113 107 102 93 85 73 64 57 51 44 39 34 29 26 5150 147 137 129 121 114 108 103 94 86 74 64 57 52 45 40 34 29 26 5200 149 139 130 122 116 109 104 95 87 74 65 58 52 45 40 35 30 26 5250 150 140 131 124 117 111 105 95 88 75 66 58 53 46 40 35 30 26 5300 151 141 133 125 118 112 106 96 88 76 66 59 53 46 41 35 30 27 5350 153 143 134 126 119 113 107 97 89 76 67 59 54 47 41 36 31 27 5400 154 144 135 127 120 114 108 98 90 77 68 60 54 47 42 36 31 27 5450 156 145 136 128 121 115 109 99 91 78 68 61 55 47 42 36 31 27 5500 157 147 138 129 122 116 110 100 92 79 69 61 55 48 42 37 31 . 28 5550 159 148 139 131 123 117 111 101 93 79 69 62 56 48 43 37 32 28 5600 160 149 140 132 124! 118 112 102 93 80 70 62 56 49 43 37 32 28 5650 161 151 141 133 126 119 113 103 94 81 71 63 57 49 43 38 32 28 5700 163 152 143 134 127 12G 114 104 95 81 71 63 57 50 44 38 33 29 5750 164 153 144 135 128 121 115 105 96 82 72 64 58 50 44 38 33 29 5800 166 155 145 136 129 122 116 105 97 83 73 64 58 50 45 39 33 29 5850 167 156 146 138 130 123 117 106 98 84 73 65 59 51 45 39 33 29 5900 169 157 148 139 131 124 118 107 98 84 74 66 59 51 45 39 34 30 5950 170 159 149 140 132 125 119 108 99 85 74 66 60 52 46 40 34 30 6000 171 160 150 141 133 126 120 109 100 86 75 67 60 52 46 40 34 30 6050 173 161 151 142 134 127 121 110 101 86 76 67 61 53 47 40 35 30 6100 174 163 153 141 136 128 122 111 102 87 76 68 61 53 47 41 35 31 6150 176 164 154 145 137 129 123 112 103 88 77 68 62 54 47 41 35 31 6200 177 165 155 146 138 131 124 113 103 89 78 69 62 54 48 41 35 31 6250 179 167 156 147 139 132 125 114 104 89 78 69 63 54 48 42 36 31 6300 180 168 158 148 140 133 126 115 105 90 79 70 63 55 48 42 36 32 6350 181 169 159 149 141 134 127 115 106 91 79 71 64 55 49 42 36 32 6400 183 171 160 151 142 135 128 116 107 91 80 71 64 56 49 43 37 32 6450 184 172 161 152 143 136 129 117 108 92 81 72 65 56 50 43 37 32 6500 186 173 163 153 144 137 130 118 108 93 81 72 65 57 50 43 37 33 6550 187 175 164 154 146 138 131 119 109 94 82 73 66 57 50 44 37 33 6600 189 176 165 155 147 139 132 120 110 94 83 73 66 57 51 44 38 33 6650 190 177 166 156 148 140 133 121 111 95 83 74 67 58 51 44 38 33 6700 191 179 168 158 149 141 134 122 112 96 84 74 67 58 52 45 38 34 6750 193 180 169 159 150 142 135 123 113 96 84 75 68 59 52 45 39 34 6800 194 181 170 160 151 143 136 124 113 97 85 76 68 59 52 45 39 34 6850 196 183 171 161 152 144 137 125 114 98 86 76 69 60 53 46 39 34 6900 197 184 173 162 153 145 138 125 115 99 86 77 69 60 53 46 39 35 6950 199 185 174 164 154 146 139 126 116 99 87 77 70 60 53 46 40 35 7000 200 187 175 165 156 147 140 127 117 100 88 78 70 61 54 47 40 35 8000 229 213 200 188 178 168 160 145 133 114 100 89 80 70 62 53 46 40 9000 257 240 225 212 200 189 180 164 150 129 113 100 90 78 69 60 51 45 10000 286 267 250 235 222 211 200 182 167 143 125 111 100 87 77 67 57 50 20000 571 533 500 471 444 421 400 364 333 286 250 222 200 174 154 133 114 100 30000 857 800 750 706 667 632 600 545 500 429 375 333 300 261 231 200 171 150 40000 1143 1067 1000 941 889 842 800 727 667 571 500 444 400 348 308 267 229 200 50000 1429 1333 1250 1176 1111 1053 1000 909 833 714 625 556 500 435 385 333 286 250 60000 1714 1600 1500 1412 1333 1263 1200 1091 1000 857 750 667 600 522 462 400 343 300 70000 2000 1867 1750 1647 1556 1474 1400 1273 1167 1000 875 778 700 609 538 467 400 350 80000 2286 2133 2000 1882 1778 1684 1600 1455 1333 1143 1000 889 800 696 615 533 457 400 90000 2571 2400 2250 2118 2000 1895 1800 1636 1500 1286 1125 1000 900 783 692 600 514 450 100000 2857 2667 2500 2353 2222 2105 2000 1818 1667 1429 1250 1111 1000 870 769 667 571 500 200000 5714 5333 5000 4706 4444 4210 4000 3636 3333 2857 2500 2222 2000 1739 1538 1333 1143 1000 300000 8571 8000 7500 7059 6667 6315 6000 5455 5000 4286 3750 3333 3000 2609 2308 2000 1714 1500 PACES 58 TO 61 INCLUSIVE. EXAMPLE: Find the radiation necessary to heat a room 13£x 19£x9£ feet, figuring by cubical contents only and supposing it requires 1 square foot of radiation for each 37£ cubic feet. We will first get the cubical contents by referring to page 15, where we find it to be 2,500. We next lo<>k for 2,500 in the left-hand column of the above table and find it at the top of page 61; following across the page on a line opposite this number (2,500) till we come under the rate 37£, we find 67, which represents the square feet of radiation necessary to heat the above room at 1 to 37£. Proceed in the same manner for glass or wall surface, referring to page 62 to ascertain square feet of surface when dimensions are known. 61 § SQUARE FEET OF GLASS OR WALL Continued on following Feet. Inches 1 12 14 16 18 20 22 2 24 26 28 30 32 34 a 38 40 42 44 46 * Ft. In 1 12 1 14 1% 134 16 1 34 134 134. 18 l l A 124 2 234 20 1 % 2 234 234, 254 22 1% 234 m. 254 3 334 2 24 2 234 2 % 3 334 354 4 26 234 234 3 334 3% 4 434 454 28 2 % 2% 334 334 4 434 454 5 554 30 2 %, 3 334 354 434 434. 5 5*/, 554 634 32 2 % 3 354 4 434, 5 534 554 634 654 7 34 2 % 334 354 434 4% 534 554 6*4 6*4 7 734 8 3 36 3 314 4 434 5 6*4 6 634 7 734 8 834 9 38 334 3% 434 4% 534 554 634. 654 7*4 8 834 9 934 10 40 3 'A 4 434. 5 534. 6 654 734 754 834 9 934 10 1034 11 42 8*4 4 454 534 554 634, 7 734 8*4 3% 934 10 1034 11 11% 1234 44 3% 434 5 554 m 3% 734 8 8*4 9 954 1034 11 11% 1234 12% 1334 46 3% 434, 5 554 6 % 7 754 834 9 934 1034 10% 1134 1234 12% 1334 14 14% 4 48 4 454 534 6 HU 734 8 HU 934 10 1054 1134 12 12% 1334 14 14% 1534 16 51 434 5 554 634 V 754 8*/, 9 % 9 % 1054 1134 12 12% 1334 1434 15 1534 1634 17 54 4% 534 6 654 734. 834 9 954 1034 1134 12 12% 1334 1434 15 15% 1634 1734 18 57 4 % 534 634 734 8 3U 9*4 1034 11 12 1254 1334 1434 15 15% 16% 1734 1834 19 5 60 5 5 % 6 % 734 834 9*4 10 1054 1154 1234 1334 1434 15 15% 16% 1734 1834 1934 20 64 5 34 634 7 8 9 954 1054 1134 12% 1334 1434 15 16 17 17% 18% 1934 2034 2134 68 5% «*4 734, 8*4 9*4 10*4 1134 1234 1334 1434 15 16 17 18 19 19% 20% 21% 22% 6 72 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 76 634 734 834 934 1034 1134 1254 1354 1454 1554 17 18 19 20 21 2234 2334 2434 2534 80 6% 754 9 10 11 1234 1334 1434 1534 1654 1754 19 20 21 22% 2334 2434 2534 26% 7 84 7 834 934 1034 1154 1254 14 1534 1634 1734 1854 19% 21 2234 2334 2134 25% 26% 28 88 734 8/2 954 11 1234 1334 1454 16 17 1834 1934 20% 22 2334 2434 25% 27 28 2934 92 724 9 1034 1124 1254 14 1534 1634 18 1934 2034 21% 23 2434 2534 26% 28 2934 30% 8 96 8 934 1024 12 1334 1454 16 1734 1854 20 2134 22% 24 2534 26% 28 2934 30% 32 100 834 954 11 12/2 14 1534 1654 18 1934 20% 2234 2334 25 2634 27% 2934 3034 32 3334 104 824 10 1134 13 1434 16 1734 1854 2034 2154 23 24^ 26 2734 29 3034 31% 3334 34% 9 108 9 1034 12 1334 15 1634 18 1934 21 2234 24 2534 37 2834 30 3134 33 3434 36 112 934 11 1234 14 1534 17 1854 2034 2154 2334 24% 2634 28 2934 31 32% 3434 35% 3734 116 924 1134 13 1434 16 1754 1934 21 2234 2434 25% 2734 29 30% 3234 33% 3534 37 38% 10 120 10 11% 1334 15 1654 1834 20 2154 2334 25 26% 2834 30 31% 3334 35 36% 38 40 124 1034 12 1354 1534 1734 19 2054 2234 24 2554 2734 2934 31 32% 3434 3634 38 3934 4134 128 1024 12/2 1434 16 1754 1934 2134 23 25 2654 2834 3034 32 33% 3534 3734 39 41 42% 11 132 11 1254 1454 16/2 1834 2034 22 2354 2554 2734 2934 3134 33 34% 36% 3834 40% 4234 44 136 1134 1334 15 17 19 2054 2254 2434 2634 2834 3034 32 34 36 37% 39% 4134 4334 4534 140 1124 1334 1534 1734 1934 2134 2334 2534 2734 2934 31 33 35 37 38% 40% 42% 44% 46% 12 144 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 148 1234 1434 1634 1834 2034 2234 2454 2654 2854 3054 33 35 37 39 41 4334 4534 4734 4934 152 1234 1454 17 19 21 2334 2534 2734 2934 3154 33% 36 38 40 4234 4434 4634 4834 50% 13 156 13 1534 1734 19/2 2124 2354 26 2834 3034 3234 34% 36% 39 4134 4334 4534 47% 49% 52 160 1334 15/2 1754 20 2234 2434 2654 29 31 3334 3534 37% 40 4234 4434 46% 49 51 5334 164 1324 16 1834. 2034 2254 25 2734 2934 32 34 3634 38% 41 4334 4534 47% 50 5234 54% 14 168 14 1634 1854 21 2334 2554 28 3034 3254 35 3734 39% 42 4434 46% 49 5134 53% 56 172 1434 1654 19 2134 24 2634 2854 31 3334 3554 3834 4034 43 4534 47% 5034 5234 55 5734 176 1434 17 1934 22 2434 27 2934 3154 3434 3654 39 4134 44 4634 49 5134 53% 5634 58% 15 180 15 1734 20 2234 25 2734 30 3234 35 3734 40 4234 45 4734 50 5234 55 5734 60 184 1534 18 2034 23 2534 28 3054 3334 3554 3834 41 4334 46 4834 51 53% 5634 58% 6134 188 1524 1834 21 2334 26 2854 3134 34 3634 3934 41% 4434 47 4934 5234 54% 5734 60 62% 16 192 16 1854 2134 24 2654 2934 32 3454 3734 40 42% 4534 48 50% 5334 56 58% 6134 64 196 1634 19 2154 2434 2734 30 3254 3534 38 4054 1334 4634 49 51% 5434 5734 60 6234 6534 200 16M 1934 2214 25 2754 3034 3334 36 39 4154 4434 4734 50 52% 5534 5834 61 64 66% 17 204 17 1954 22% 25/ 2834 3134 34 3654 3954 4234 4534 4834 51 53% 56% 5934 6234 6534 68 NOTE: Always take numbers at the top for the height and numbers at the side for the length. Follow down the column under the heighth until you come exactly oppo- site the length, and where the imaginary lines cross you will find the number of square feet. No fractions less than 14 are used. For convenience this table is indexed both in 62 SURFACE 12 X IT FEET AN D SMALLER. pages see note. Feet. Inches 51 54 57 ft 64 68 72 76 80 l 88 92 9 8 6 100 104 9 108 112 116 10 120 124 128 182 136 m Ft. In. 51 17 54 19 20 57 20 21 22 5 60 21 22 23 25 64 22 24 25 26 28 68 24 25 27 28 30 31 6 72 25 27 28 30 32 34 36 76 27 28 30 31 33 36 38 40 80 28 30 3i 33 35 37 40 42 44 7 84 29 31 33 35 37 39 42 44 46 49 88 31 33 34 36 39 41 44 46 49 51 53 92 32 34 36 38 41 43 46 48 51 53 56 58 8 96 34 36 38 40 42 45 48 50 53 56 58 61 64 100 35 37 39 41 44 47 50 52 55 58 61 64 66 104 36 39 41 43 46 49 52 55 57 60 63 66 69 72 9 108 38 40 42 45 48 51 54 57 60 63 66 69 72 75 78 112 39 42 44 46 49 53 56 59 62 65 68 71 74 77 81 84 116 41 43 46 48 51 54 58 61 64 67 71 74 77 80 83 87 90 10 120 42 45 47 50 53 56 60 63 66 70 73 76 80 83 86 90 93 96 124 43 46 49 51 55 58 62 65 69 72 75 79 82 86 89 93 96 LOO 103 128 45 48 50 53 57 60 64 67 71 74 78 81 85 89 92 96 99 103 106 110 11 132 46 49 52 55 58 92 66 69 73 77 80 84 88 91 95 99 102 106 110 113 117 136 48 51 53 56 60 64 68 71 75 79 83 87 90 94 98 102 105 109 113 127 121 124 140 49 52 55 58 62 66 70 74 77 81 85 89 93 97 101 105 109 112 116 121 125 129 132 12 144 51 54 57 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 88 92 96 100 104 108 112 116 120 124 128 132 136 144 148 52 55 58 61 65 70 74 78 82 86 90 94 98 102 107 111 115 119 123 127 131 135 139 148 152 53 57 60 63 67 71 76 80 84 88 93 97 101 105 109 114 118 122 126 131 136 140 144 152 13 156 55 58 61 65 69 73 78 82 86 91 95 99 104 108 112 117 121 125 130 134 138 143 147 156 160 56 60 63 66 71 75 80 84 89 93 97 102 106 111 115 120 124 129 133 137 142 146 151 160 164 58 61 65 68 72 77 82 86 91 95 100 104 109 114 118 123 137 132 136 141 145 150 155 164 14 168 59 63 66 70 74 79 84 88 93 98 102 107 112 116 121 126 130 135 140 144 149 154 158 168 172 61 64 68 71 76 81 86 90 95 100 105 110 114 119 124 129 133 138 143 148 153 157 162 172 176 62 66 69 73 78 83 88 93 97 102 107 112 117 122 127 132 137 141 146 151 156 161 166 176 15 180 63 67 71 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 180 184 65 69 72 76 81 87 92 97 102 107 112 117 122 127 133 138 143 148 153 158 163 168 173 184 188 66 70 74 78 83 88 94 99 104 109 115 120 125 130 135 141 146 151 156 162 167 172 177 188 16 192 68 72 76 80 85 90 96 101 106 112 117 122 128 133 138 144 149 154 160 165 170 176 181 192 196 69 73 77 81 87 92 98 103 109 114 119 125 130 136 141 147 152 158 163 168 174 179 185 196 200 70 75 79 83 89 94 100 105 111 116 122 127 133 139 144 150 155 161 166 172 177 183 189 200 17 204 72 76 80 85 90 96 102 107 113 119 124 130 136 141 147 153 158 164 170 175 181 187 192 204 feet and inches and they can be used independently or together and the answer found is always square feet. For example, it makes no difference whether you say 3 ft. x 42 in., 36 in. x 3 a /2 ft. or 3 ft x 3}£ ft., all mean the same, and by consulting the table you will find in each case the result obtained, 1014 sq. ft. is the same. Fractions of 1 sq. ft. not given in the above table. 63 SQUARE FEET OF CLASS OR WALL SEE NOTE, 6 6* 7 7* 8 8* 9 9* 10 10* 11 11* 12 12* 13 13* 14 14* 15 10* 63 68 73 78 84 89 94 99 105 110 11 66 71 77 82 88 93 99 104 110 115 121 1H 69 74 80 86 92 97 103 109 115 120 126 132 12 72 78 84 90 96 102 108 114 120 126 132 138 12* 75 81 87 93 100 106 112 118 125 131 137 143 150 13 78 84 91 96 104 110 117 123 130 136 143 149 156 162 169 m 81 87 94 101 108 114 121 128 135 141 148 155 162 168 175 182 14 84 91 98 105 112 119 126 133 140 147 154 161 168 175 182 189 196 m 87 94 101 108 116 123 130 137 145 152 159 166 174 181 188 195 203 15 90 97 105 112 120 127 135 142 150 157 165 172 180 187 195 202 210 217 225 15* 93 101 108 116 124 131 139 147 155 162 170 178 186 193 201 209 217 224 232 16 96 104 112 120 128 136 144 152 160 168 176 184 192 200 208 216 224 232 240 16* 99 107 115 123 132 140 148 157 165 173 181 189 198 206 214 222 231 239 247 17 102 110 119 127 136 144 153 161 170 178 187 195 204 212 221 229 238 246 255 17* 105 114 122 131 140 149 157 166 175 183 192 201 210 218 227 236 245 253 262 18 108 117 126 135 144 153 162 171 180 189 198 207 216 225 234 243 252 261 270 18* 111 120 129 138 148 157 166 176 185 194 203 212 222 231 240 249 259 268 277 19 114 123 133 142 152 161 171 180 190 199 209 218 228 237 247 256 266 275 285 191 117 127 136 146 156 165 175 185 195 204 214 224 234 243 253 263 273 282 292 20 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 21 126 136 147 157 168 178 189 199 210 220 231 241 252 262 273 283 294 304 315 22 132 143 154 165 176 187 198 209 220 231 242 253 264 275 286 297 308 319 330 23 138 149 161 172 184 195 207 218 230 241 253 264 276 287 299 310 322 333 345 24 144 156 168 180 192 204 216 228 240 252 264 276 288 300 312 324 336 348 360 25 150 162 175 187 200 212 225 237 250 262 275 287 300 312 325 337 350 362 375 26 156 169 182 195 208 221 234 247 260 273 286 299 312 325 338 351 364 377 390 27 162 175 189 202 216 229 243 256 270 283 297 310 324 337 351 364 378 391 405 28 168 182 196 210 224 238 252 266 280 294 308 322 336 350 364 378 392 406 420 29 174 188 203 217 232 246 261 275 290 304 319 333 348 362 377 391 406 420 435 30 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 285 300 315 330 345 360 375 390 405 420 435 450 31 186 201 217 232 248 263 279 294 310 325 341 356 372 387 403 418 434 449 465 32 192 208 224 240 256 272 288 304 320 336 352 368 384 400 416 432 448 464 480 33 198 214 231 247 264 280 297 313 330 346 363 379 396 412 429 445 462 478 495 34 204 221 238 255 272 289 306 323 340 357 374 391 408 425 442 459 476 493 510 35 210 227 245 262 280 297 315 333 350 367 385 402 420 437 455 472 490 507 525 36 216 234 252 270 288 306 324 342 360 378 396 414 432 450 468 486 504 522 540 37 222 240 259 277 296 314 333 351 370 388 407 425 444 462 481 499 518 536 555 38 228 247 266 285 304 323 342 361 380 399 418 437 456 475 494 513 532 551 570 39 234 253 273 292 312 331 351 370 390 409 429 448 468 487 507 526 546 565 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520 552 585 617 650 682 715 747 780 812 845 877 910 942 975 64 SURFACE FROM 6X10 FT. TO 25X65 FT. PAGES 62 AND 63. 15* 16 16* 17 17* 18 18* 19 19J 20 20* 21 21* 22 22* | 23 23* | 24 | 24* 25 15* 240 16 248 256 16* 255 264 272 17 263 272 280 17* 271 280 288 297 18 279 288 297 306 315 324 18* 286 296 305 314 323 333 342 19 294 304 313 323 332 342 351 19* 302 312 321 331 341 351 360 370 380 390 20 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 21 325 336 346 357 367 378 388 399 409 420 430 441 22 341 352 363 374 385 396 407 418 429 440 451 462 471 484 23 356 368 379 391 402 414 425 437 448 460 471 483 495 506 517 529 24 372 384 396 408 420 432 444 456 468 480 482 504 516 528 540 552 564 576 25 387 400 412 425 437 450 462 475 487 500 512 525 533 550 563 575 587 600 613 625 26 403 416 429 442 455 468 481 494 507 520 533 546 559 572 585 598 611 624 637 650 27 418 432 445 459 472 486 499 513 526 540 553 567 580 594 607 621 634 648 661 67q 28 434 418 462 476 490 504 518 532 546 560 574 588 602 616 630 644 658 672 686 700 29 449 464 478 493 507 522 536 551 565 580 594 609 623 638 652 667 681 696 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13.32 13.68 14.04 14.40 14.76 15.12 15.48 15.84 16.20 16.56 16.92 17.28 17.64 18.00 37 13.69 14.06 14.43 14.80 15.17 15.54 15.91 16.28 16.65 17.02 17.39 17.76 18.13 18.50 38 14.06 14.44 14.82 15.20 15.58 15.96 16.34 16.72 17.10 17.48 17.86 18.24 18.62 19.00 39 14.43 14.82 15.21 15.60 15.99 16.38 16.77 17.16 17.55 17.94 18.33 18.72 19.11 19.50 40 14.80 15.20 15.60 16.00 16.40 16.80 17.20 17.60 18.00 18.40 18.80 19.20 19.60 20.00 41 15.17 15.58 15.99 16.40 16.81 17.22 17.63 18.04 18.45 18.86 19.27 19.68 20.09 20.50 42 15.54 15.96 16.38 16.80 17.22 17.64 18.06 18.48 18.90 19.32 19.74 20.16 20.58 21.00 43 15.91 16.34 16.77 17.20 17.63 18.06 18.49 18.92 19.35 19.78 20.21 20.64 21.07 21.50 44 16.28 16.72 17.16 17.60 18.04 18.48 18.92 19.36 19.80 20.24 20.68 21.12 21.56 22.00 45 16.65 17.10 17.55 18.00 18.45 18.90 19.35 19.80 20.25 20.70 21.15 21.60 22.05 22.50 46 17.02 17.48 17.94 18.40 18.86 19.32 19.78 20.24 20.70 21.16 21.62 22.08 22.54 23.00 47 17.39 17.86 18.33 18.80 19.27 19.74 20.21 20.68 21.15 21.62 22.09 22.56 23.03 23.50 48 17.76 18.24 18.72 19.20 19.68 20.16 20.64 21.12 21.60 22.08 22.56 23.04 23.52 24.00 49 18.13 18.62 19.11 19.60 20.09 20.58 21.07 21.56 22.05 22.54 23.03 23.52 24.01 24.50 50 18.50 19.00 19.50 20.00 20.50 21.00 21.50 22.00 22.50 23.00 23.50 24.00 24.50 25.00 51 18.87 19.38 19.89 20.40 20.91 21.42 21.93 22.44 22.95 23.46 23.97 24.48 24.99 25.50 52 19.24 19.76 20.28 20.80 21.32 21.84 22.36 22.88 23.40 23.92 24.44 24.96 25.48 26.00 53 19.61 20.14 20.67 21.20 21.73 22.26 22.79 23.32 23.85 24.38 24.91 25.44 25.97 26.50 54 19.98 20.52 21.06 21.60 22.14 22.68 23.22 23.76 24.30 24.84 25.38 25.92 26.46 27.00 55 20.35 20.90 21.45 22 00 22.55 23.10 23.65 24.20 24.75 25.30 25.85 26.40 26.95 27.50 56 20.72 21.28 21.84 22.40 22.96 23.52 24.08 24.64 25.20 25.76 26.32 26.88 27.44 28.00 57 21.09 21.66 22.23 22.80 23.37 23.94 24.51 25.08 25.65 26.22 26.79 27.36 27.93 28.50 58 21.46 22.04 22.62 23.20 23.78 24.36 24.94 25.52 26.10 26.68 27.26 27.84 28.42 29.00 59 21.83 22.42 23.01 23.60 24.19 24.78 25.37 25.96 26.55 27.14 27.73 28.32 28.91 29.50 60 22.20 22.80 23.40 24.00 24.60 25.20 25.80 26.40 27.00 27.60 28.20 28.80 29.40 30.00 61 22.57 23.18 23.79 24.40 25.01 25.62 26.23 26.84 27.45 28.06 28.67 29.28 29.89 30.50 62 22.94 23.56 24.18 24.80 25.42 26.04 26.66 27.28 27.90 28.52 29.14 29.76 30.38 31.00 63 | 23.31 23 94 24.57 25.20 25.83 26.46 27.09 27.72 28.35 28.98 29.61 30.24 30.87 31.50 64 23.68 24.32 24.96 25.60 26.24 26.88 27.52 28.16 28.80 29.44 30.08 30.72 31.36 32.00 65 1 24.05 24.70 25.35 26.00 26.65 27.30 27.95 28.60 29.25 29.90 30.55 31.20 31.85 32.50 73 COST OR SELLING PRICE OF RADIATORS CENTS PER FOOT. a <5 27 27* 28 28* 29 29* 30 30* 31 32 33 34 35 36 66 17.82 18.15 18.48 18.81 19.14 19.47 19.80 20.13 20.46 21.12 21.78 22.44 23.10 23.76 67 18.09 18.43 18.76 19.10 19.43 19.77 20.10 20.44 20.77 21.44 22.11 22.78 23.45 24.12 68 18.36 18.70 19. 0*- 19.38 19.72 20.06 20.40 20.74 21.08 21.76 22.44 23.12 23.80 24.48 69 18.63 18.98 19.32 19.67 20.01 20.36 20.70 21.05 21.39 22.08 22.77 23.46 24.15 24.84 70 18.90 19.25 19.60 19.95 20.30 20.65 21.00 21.35 21.70 22.40 23.10 23.80 24.50 25.20 71 19.17 19.53 19.88 20.24 20.59 20.95 21.30 21.66 22.01 22.72 23.43 24.14 24.85 25.56 72 19.44 19.80 20.16 20.52 20.88 21.24 21.60 21.96 22.32 23.04 23.76 24.48 25.20 25.92 73 19.71 20.08 20.4^ 20.81 21.17 21.54 21.90 22.27 22.63 23.36 24.09 24.82 25.55 26.28 74 19.98 20.35 20.72 21.10 21.46 21.83 22.20 22.57 22.94 23.68 24.42 25.16 25.90 26.64 75 20.25 20.63 21.00 21.38 21.75 22.13 22.50 22.88 23.25 24.00 24.75 25.50 26.25 27.00 76 20.52 20.90 21.28 21.66 22.04 22.42 22.80 23.18 23.56 24.32 25.08 25.84 26.60 27.36 77 20.79 21.18 21.56 21.95 22.33 22.72 23.10 23.49 23.87 24.64 25.41 26.18 26.95 27.72 78 21.06 21.45 21.84 22.23 22.62 23.01 23.40 23.79 24.18 24.96 25.74 26.52 27.30 28.08 79 21. 3 S 21.72 22.12 22.52 22.91 23.31 23.70 24.10 24.49 25.28 26.07 26.86 27.65 28.44 80 21.60 22.00 22.40 22.80 23.20 23.60 24.00 24.40 24.80 25.60 26.40 27.20 28.00 28.80 81 21.87 22.28 22.68 23.09 23.49 23.90 24.30 24.71 25.11 25.92 26.73 27.54 28.35 29.16 82 22.14 22.55 22.96 23.37 23.78 24.19 24.60 25.01 25.42 26.24 27.06 27.88 28.70 29.52 83 22.41 22.83 23.24 23.66 24.07 24.49 24.90 25.32 25.73 26.56 27.39 28.22 29.05 29.88 84 22.68 23.10 23.52 23.94 24.36 24.78 25.20 25.62 26.04 26.88 27.72 28.56 29.40 30.24 85 22.95 23.38 23.80 24.23 24.65 25.08 25.50 25.93 26.35 27.20 28.05 28.90 29.75 30.60 86 23.22 23.65 24.08 24.51 24.94 25.37 25.80 26.23 26.66 27.52 28.38 29.24 30.10 30.96 87 23.49 23.93 24.36 24.80 25.23 25.67 26.10 26.54 26.97 27.84 28.71 29.58 30.45 31.32 88 23.76 24.20 24.64 25.08 25.52 25.96 26.40 26.84 27.28 28.16 29.04 29.92 30.80 31.68 89 24.03 24.48 24.92 25.37 25.81 26.26 26.70 27.15 27.59 28.48 29.37 30.26 31.15 32.04 90 24.30 24.75 25.20 25.65 26.10 26.55 27.00 27.45 27.90 28.80 29.70 30.60 31.50 32.40 91 24.57 25.03 25.48 25.94 26.39 26.85 27.30 27.76 28.21 29.12 30.03 30.94 31.85 32.76 92 24.84 25.30 25.76 26.22 26.68 27.14 27.60 28.06 28.52 29.44 30.36 31.28 32.20 33.12 93 25.11 25.58 26.04 26.51 26.97 27.44 27.90 28.37 28.83 29.76 30.69 31.62 32.55 33.48 94 25.38 25.85 26.32 26.79 27.26 27.73 28.20 28.67 29.14 30.08 31.02 31.96 32.90 33.84 95 25.65 26.13 26.60 27.08 27.55 28.03 28.50 28.98 29.45 30.40 31.35 32.30 33.25 34.20 96 25.92 26.40 26.88 27.36 27.84 28.32 28.80 29.28 29.76 30.72 31.68 32.64 33.60 34.56 97 26.19 26.68 27.16 27.65 28.13 28.62 29.10 29.59 30.07 31.04 32.01 32.98 33.95 34.92 98 26.46 26.95 27.44 27.93 28.42 28.91 29.40 29.89 30.38 31.36 32.34 33.32 34.30 35.28 99 26.73 27.23 27.72 28.22 28.71 29.21 29.70 30.20 30.69 31.68 32.67 33.66 34.65 35.64 100 27.00 27.50 28.00 28.50 29.00 29.50 30.00 30.50 31.00 32.00 33.00 34.00 35.00 36.00 101 27.27 27.78 28.28 28.79 29.29 29.80 30.30 30.81 31.31 32.32 33.33 34.34 35.35 36.36 102 27.54 28.05 28.56 29.07 29.58 30.09 30.60 31.11 31.62 32.64 33.66 34.68 35.70 36.72 103 27.81 28.33 28.84 29.36 29.87 30.39 30.90 31.42 31.93 32.96 33.99 35.02 36.05 37.08 104 28.08 28.60 29.12 29.64 30.16 30.68 31.20 31.72 32.24 33.28 34.32 35.36 36.40 37.44 105 28.35 28.88 29.40 29.93 30.45 30.98 31.50 32.03 32.55 33.60 34.65 35.70 36.75 37.80 106 28.62 29.15 29.68 30.21 30.74 31.27 31.80 32.33 32.86 33.92 34.98 36.04 37.10 38.16 107 28.89 29.43 29.96 30.50 31.03 31.57 32.10 32.64 33.17 34.24 35.31 36.38 37.45 38.52 108 29.16 29.70 30.24 30.78 31.32 31.86 32.40 32.94 33.48 34.56 35.64 36.72 37.80 38.88 109 29.43 29.98 30.52 31.07 31.61 32.16 32.70 33.25 33.79 34.88 35.97 37.06 38.15 39.24 110 29.70 30.25 30.80 31.35 31.90 32.45 33.00 33.55 34.10 35.20 36.30 37.40 38.50 39.60 111 29.97 30.53 31.08 31.64 32.19 32.75 33.30 33.86 34.41 35.52 36.63 37.74 38.85 39.96 112 30.24 30.80 31.36 31.92 32.48 33.04 33.60 34.16 34.72 35.84 36.96 38.08 39.20 40.32 113 30.51 31.08 31.64 32.21 32.77 33.34 33.90 34.47 35.03 36.16 37.29 38.42 39.55 40.68 114 30.78 31.35 31.92 32.49 33.06 33.63 34.20 34.77 35.34 36.48 37.62 38.76 39.90 41.04 115 31.05 31.63 32.20 32.78 33.35 33.93 34.50 35.08 35.65 36.80 37.95 39.10 40.25 41.40 116 31.32 31.90 32.48 33.06 33.64 34.22 34.80 35.38 35.96 37.12 38.28 39.44 40.60 41.76 117 31.59 32.18 32.76 33.35 33.93 34.52 35.10 35.69 36.27 37.44 38.61 39.78 40.95 42.12 118 31.86 32.45 33.04 33.63 34.22 34.81 35.40 35.99 36.58 37.76 38.94 40.12 41.30 42.48 119 32.13 32.73 33.32 33.92 34.51 35.10 35.70 36.30 36.89 38.08 39.27 40.46 41.65 42.84 120 32.40 33.00 33.60 34.20 34.80 35.40 36.00 36.60 37.20 38.40 39.60 40.80 42.00 43.20 200 54.00 55.00 56.00 57.00 58.00 59.00 60.00 61.00 62.00 64.00 66.00 68.00 70.00 72.00 300 81.00 82.50 84.00 85.50 87.00 88.50 90.00 91.50 93.00 96.00 99.00 102.00 105.00 108.00 400 108.00 110.00 112.00 114.00 116.00 118.00 120.00 122.00 124.00 128.00 132.00 136.00 140.00 144.00 500 135.00 137.50 140.00 142.50 145.00 147.50 150.00 152.50 155.00 160.00 165.00 170.00 175.00 180.00 600 162.00 165.00 168.00 171.00 174.00 177.00 180.00 183.00 186.00 192.00 198.00 204.00 210.00 216.00 700 189.00 192.50 196.00 199.50 203.00 206.50 210.00 213.50 217.00 224.00 231.00 238.00 245.00 252.00 800 216.00 220.00 224.00 228.00 232.00 236.00 240.00 244.00 248.00 256.00 264.00 272.00 280.00 288.00 900 243.00 247.50 252.00 256.50 261.00 265.50 270.00 274.50 279.00 288.00 297.00 306.00 315.00 324.00 1000 270.00 275.00 280.00 285.00 290.00 295.00 300.00 305.00 310.00 320.00 330.00 340.00 350.00 360.00 2000 .540.00 550.00 560.00 570.00 580.00 590.00 600.00 610.00 620.00 640.00 660.00 680.00 700.00 720.00 74 FROM 27 TO 50 CENTS PER SQUARE FOOT, CENTS PER FOOT. 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 6b 24.42 25.08 25.74 26.40 27.06 27.72 28.38 29.04 29.70 30.36 31.02 31.68 32.34 33.00 67 24.79 25.46 26.13 26.80 27.47 28.14 28.81 29.48 30.15 30.82 31.49 32.16 32.83 33.50 68 25.16 25.84 26.52 27.20 27.88 28.56 29.24 29.92 30.60 31.28 31.96 32.64 33.32 34.00 69 25.53 26.22 26.91 27.60 28.29 28.98 29.67 30.36 31.05 31.74 32.43 33.12 33.81 34.50 70 25.90 26.60 27.30 28.00 28.70 29.40 30.10 30.80 31.50 32.20 32.90 33.60 34.30 35.00 71 26.27 26.98 27.69 28.40 29.11 29.82 30.53 31.24 31.95 32.66 33.37 34.08 34.79 35.50 72 26.64 27.36 28.08 28.80 29.52 30.24 30.96 31.68 32.40 33.12 33.84 34.56 35.28 36.00 73 27.01 27.74 28.47 29.20 29.93 30.66 31.39 32.12 32.85 33.58 34.31 35.04 35.77 36.50 74 27.38 28.12 28.86 29.60 30.34 31.08 31.82 32.56 33.30 34.04 34.78 35.52 36.26 37.00 75 27.75 28.50 29.25 30.00 30.75 31.50 32.25 33.00 33.75 34.50 35.25 36.00 36.75 37.50 76 28.12 28.88 29.64 30.40 31.16 31.92 32.68 33.44 34.20 34.96 35.72 36.48 37.24 38.00 77 28.49 29.26 30.03 30.80 31.57 32.34 33.11 33.88 34.65 35.42 36.19 36.96 37.73 38.50 78 28.86 29.64 30.42 31.20 31.98 32.76 33.54 34.32 35.10 35.88 36.66 37.44 38.22 39.00 79 29.23 30.02 30.81 31.60 32.39 33.18 33.97 34.76 35.55 36.34 37.13 37.92 38.71 39.50 80 29.60 30.40 31.20 32.00 32.80 33.60 34.40 35.20 36.00 36.80 37.60 38.40 39.20 40.00 81 29.97 30.78 31.59 32.40 33.21 34.02 34.83 35.64 36.45 37.26 38.07 38.88 39.69 40.50 82 30.34 31.16 31.98 32.80 33.62 34.44 35.26 36.08 36.90 37.72 38.54 39.36 40.18 41.00 83 30.71 31.54 32.37 33.20 34.03 34.86 35.69 36.52 37.35 38.18 39.01 39.84 40.67 41.50 84 31.08 31.92 32.76 33.60 34.44 35.28 36.12 36.96 37.80 38.64 39.48 40.32 41.16 42.00 85 31.45 32.30 33.15 34.00 34.85 35.70 36.55 37.40 38.25 39.10 39.95 40.80 41.65 42.50 86 31 82 32.68 33.54 34.40 35.26 36.12 36.98 37.84 38.70 39.56 40.42 41.28 42.14 43.00 87 32.19 33.06 33.93 34.80 35.67 36.54 37.41 38.28 39.15 40.02 40.89 41.76 42.63 43.50 88 32 56 33.44 34.32 35.20 36.08 36.96 37.84 38.72 39.60 40.48 41.36 42.24 43.12 44.00 89 32 93 33.82 34.71 35.60 36.49 37.38 38.27 39.16 40.05 40.94 41.83 42.72 43.61 44.50 90 33.30 34.20 35.10 36.00 36.90 37.80 38.70 39.60 40.50 41.40 42.30 43.20 44.10 45.00 91 33.67 34.58 35.49 36.40 37.31 38.22 39.13 40.04 40.95 41.86 42.77 43.68 44.59 45.50 92 34.04 34.96 35.88 36.80 37.72 38.64 39.56 40.48 41.40 42.32 43.24 44.16 45.08 46.00 93 34.41 35.34 36.27 37.20 38.13 39.06 39.99 40.92 41.85 42.78 43.71 44.64 45.57 46.50 94 34.78 35.72 36.66 37.60 38.54 39.48 40.42 41.36 42.30 43.24 44.18 45.12 46.06 47.00 95 35.15 36.10 37.05 38.00 38.95 39.90 40.85 41.80 42.75 43.70 44.65 45.60 46.55 47.50 96 35.52 36.48 37.44 38.40 39.36 40.32 41.28 42.24 43.20 44.16 45.12 46.08 47.04 48.00 97 35.89 36.86 37.83 38.80 39.77 40.74 41.71 42.68 43.65 44.62 45.59 46.56 47.53 48.50 98 36.26 37.24 38.22 39.20 40.18 41.16 42.14 43.12 44.10 45.08 46.06 47.04 48.02 49.00 99 36.63 37.62 38.61 39.60 40.59 41.58 42.57 43.56 44.55 45.54 46.53 47.52 48.51 49.50 100 37.00 38.00 39.00 40.00 41.00 42.00 43.00 44.00 45.00 46.00 47.00 48.00 49.00 50.00 101 37.37 38.38 39.39 40.40 41.41 42.42 43.43 44.44 45.45 46.46 47.47 48.48 49.49 50.50 102 37.74 38.76 39.78 40.80 41.82 42.84 43.86 44.88 45.90 46.92 47.94 48.96 49.98 51.00 103 38.11 39.14 40.17 41.20 42.23 43.26 44.29 45.32 46.35 47.38 48.41 49.44 50.47 51.50 104 38.48 39.52 40.56 41.60 42.64 43.68 44.72 45.76 46.80 47.84 48.88 49.92 50.96 52.00 105 38.85 39.90 40.95 42.00 43.05 44.10 45.15 46.20 47.25 48.30 49.35 50.40 51.45 52.50 106 39.22 40.28 41.34 42.40 43.46 44.52 45.58 46.64 47.70 48.76 49.82 50.88 51.94 53.00 107 39.59 40.66 41.73 42.80 43.87 44.94 46.01 47.08 48.15 49.22 50.29 51.36 52.43 53.50 108 39.96 41.04 42.12 43.20 44.28 45.36 46.44 47.52 48.60 49.68 50.76 51.84 52.92 54.00 109 40.33 41.42 42.51 43.60 44.69 45.78 46.87 47.96 49.05 50.14 51.23 52.32 53.41 54.50 110 40.70 41.80 42.90 44.00 45.10 46.20 47.30 48.40 49.50 50.60 51.70 52.80 53.90 55.00 111 41.07 42.18 43.29 44.40 45.51 46.62 47.73 48.84 49.95 51.06 52.17 53.28 54.39 55.50 112 41.44 42.56 43.68 44.80 45.92 47.04 48.16 49.28 50.40 51.52 52.64 53.76 54.88 56.00 113 41.81 42.94 44.07 45.20 46.33 47.46 48.59 49.72 50.85 51.98 53.11 54.24 55.37 56.50 114 42.18 43.32 44.46 45.60 46.74 47.88 49.02 50.16 51.30 52.44 53.58 54.72 55.86 57.00 115 42.55 43.70 44.85 46.00 47.15 48.30 49.45 50.60 51.75 52.90 54.05 55.20 56.35 57.50 116 42.92 44.08 45.24 46.40 47.56 48.72 49.88 51.04 52.20 53.36 54.52 55.68 56.84 58.00 117 43.29 44.46 45.63 46.80 47.97 49.14 50.31 51.48 52.65 53.82 54.99 56.16 57.33 58.50 118 43.66 44.84 46.02 47.20 48.38 49.56 50.74 51.92 53.10 54.28 55.46 56.64 57.82 59.00 119 44.03 45.22 46.41 47.60 48.79 49.98 51.17 52.36 53.55 54.74 55.93 57.12 58.31 59.50 120 44.40 45.60 46.80 48.00 49.20 50.40 51.60 52.80 54.00 55.20 56.40 57.60 58.80 60.00 200 74.00 76.00 78.00 80.00 82.00 84.00 86.00 88.00 90.00 92.00 94.00 96.00 98.00 100.00 300 111.00 114.00 117.00 120.00 123.00 126.00 129.00 132.00 135.00 138.00 141.00 144.00 147.00 150.00 400 148.00 152.00 156.00 160.00 164.00 168.00 172.00 176.00 180.00 184.00 188.00 192 00 196.00 200.00 500 185.00 190.00 195.00 200.00 205.00 210.00 215.00 220.00 225.00 230.00 235.00 240.00 245.00 250.00 600 222.00 228.00 234.00 240.00 246.00 252.00 258.00 264.00 270.00 276.00 282.00 288.00 294.00 300.00 700 259.00 266.00 273.00 280.00 287.00 294.00 301.00 308.00 315.00 322.00 329.00 336.00 343.00 350.00 800 296.00 304.00 312.00 320.00 328.00 336.00 344.00 352.00 360.00 368 00 376.00 384.00 392.00 400.00 900333.00 342.00 351.00 360.00 369.00 378.00 387.00 396.00 405.00 414.00 423.00 432.00 441.00 450.00 1000370.00 380.00 390.00 400.00 410.00 420.00 430.00 440.00 450.00 460.00 470.00 480.00 490.00 500.00 2000 J40.00 760.00 780.00 800.00 820.00 840.00 860.00 880.00 900.00 920.00 940.00 960.00 980.00 1000.00 75 NOTE, In arranging list prices on the following pages it has been the author’s aim to make everything subservient to the convenience of the Master Fitter, and to accomplish this, fittings, etc., so far as possible, have been located alphabetically without regard to quality. Boilers and radiators have been located alphabetically under the manufacturer’s name for the purpose of keeping all of each make separate. However, this rule has been disregarded whenever a number of radiators having the same rating could be grouped. Blank spaces have been provided for “ Cost,” etc., to enable those who so desire to always have with them complete data for estimating work. It would be impossible to list all makes of the different classes of goods and keep the book within reasonable size, and, therefore, blank spaces have been left, so that any special goods not represented herein may easily be written down in its proper place. A SUGGESTION. Prices subject to market change should always be written with a good lead-pencil (not ink), so that they can be erased and changed as occasion demands. It is often a good plan to have a private cipher for costs. 77 WROUGHT IRON WELDED STEAM, PRICE LIST AND TABLE Adopted Jan. 29, 1895. ! Kind of Pipe. R Size of Pipe. Price Per Foot. Square Feet of Radiation in One Lineal Foot of Pipe. Square Feet of Radiation Per Cubic Foot of Contents in Pipes. Actual Diameter in Inches. Thickness in Inches. Black. 1J In. and Smaller. Per Cent Discount. Galvanized. 1} In. and Smaller. Per Cent Discount. External. Internal. 1} In. and Larger. Per Cent Discount. 1} In. and Larger. Per Cent Discount. List. Cost. Price. List. Cost. Price. i $0 051 $0.08 .106 276.878 .405 .270 T06§ 'd I] 05} .07|- .142 196.428 .540 .364 .088 i 0% .07} .176 132.211 .675 .494 .091 © fi .07 .09} .220 103.928 .840 .623 .109 £ 3 .08} .11} .275 74.250 1.050 .824 .113 +3 +3 1 111 .16 .346 57.747 1.315 1.048 .134 « H • XA 4 • 15£ .22 .434 40.772 1.660 1.380 .140 — itfc - .&i" .494 "3O0T 1.900 “Oil .145 2 .35 .42 .622 28.306 2.375 2.067 .154 21 .52 .62 .753 22.665 2.875 2.468 .204 3 .68 .80 .916 17.862 3.500 3.067 .217 .81 .98 1.055 15.371 4.000 3.548 .226 4 .95 1.16 1.175 13.289 4.500 4.026 .237 r-^ 4£ 1.25 1.50 1.309 11.807 5.000 4.508 .246 o> 5 1.42 1.75 1.455 10.476 5.563 5.045 .259 6 1.85 2.20 1.739 8.660 6.625 6.065 .280 F 7 2.45 3.00 1.996 7.425 7.625 7.023 .301 P- 8 2.95 3.70 2.257 6.500 8.625 7.982 .322 c3 . 1 9 3.75 2.519 5.768 9.625 8.937 .344 M 10 4.75 2.816 5.125 10.750 10.018 .366 11 6.00 3.140 4.571 12.000 11.250 .375 12 7.00 3.344 4.246 12.750 12.000 .375 13 8.00 3.663 3.809 14.000 13,250 .375 14 9.50 3.921 3.540 15.000 14 250 375 15 11.00 4.182 3.295 16.000 15.250 .375 CONDENSED LIST PRICE OF FITTINGS. Elbows. Tees Crosses. Nipples Unions. Coup- d lings. 1 c © 1 R. H. C. I. . and L. and Red C. I. 45 Degrees Cast Iron. Cast Iron Reducing. Malleable. Y Bends. Cast Iron. Cast Iron Reducing. Close R. H. 4 'd 9 b i Plugs. Caps X A and Larger Flange. Malleable. H B R. and L. Bushings. B s 06 07 10 09 11 09 25 12 14 07 12 04 05 20 07 09 06 h 09 11 15 13 15 13 30 18 21 09 15 05 08 65 28 10 12 07 i 13 16 20 20 23 19 40 28 32 10 18 06 12 70 84 13 18 09 1 H 20 23 26 30 35 27 60 40 46 14 24 10 16 85 46 17 25 13 VA 25 29 35 38 44 40 90 60 58 17 80 13 24 115 60 21 36 17 2 40 46 50 60 70 60 125 80 92 25 40 20 32 150 80 28 44 27 2% 75 85 130 110 125 105 2 25 150 170 66 100 35 45 175 40 42 8 110 125 160 150 175 170 3 25 2 20 2 50 75 125 60 70 2 25 60 60 8/4 135 150 190 2 00 2 30 2 40 4 50 2 70 300 100 75 85 2 75 80 80 4 180 210 2 50 2 50 2 90 340 600 3 50 400 125 85 1 20 315 1 00 1 00 6 2 85 325 4 50 4 00 4 60 900 5 70 660 200 1 75 2 00 6 00 1 65 1 85 6 3 90 4 50 5 50 5 50 6 35 1100 7 80 900 2 75 2 40 2 35 6 50 2 40 2 50 7 700 800 900 10 00 1150 17 00 14 00 16 00 400 3 75 4 00 8 00 3 25 3 75 8 10 00 11 50 12 00 15 00 17 00 25 00 20 00 23 00 5 75 5 50 4 35 10 00 4 25 5 50 For Discount and Cost see page 80. 78 GAS, AND WATER PIPE. OF STANDARD DIMENSIONS. Circumference. Transverse Areas. Length of Pipe per Sq. Foot of Length of Pipe Containing One Cubic Foot. -P § . GO .* IS £> p p o o . External. Internal: External. Internal. Metal. External Surface. Internal Surface. ^ o a* o a XlcQ il Size of Hole Drill for Ta Inches. Inches. Sq. Ins. Sq. Ins. Sq. Ins. Feet. Feet. Feet. Lbs. a£ 1 272 848 129 0573 0717 9 44 14 15 2513 241 27 21-64 1 696 1 144 229 1041 1249 7 075 10 49 1383 3 42 18 29-64 2 121 1552 358 1917 1663 5 657 7 73 751 2 559 18 19-32 2 639 1957 554 3048 2492 4 547 6 13 472 4 837 14 23-32 3 299 2 589 866 5333 3327 3 637 4 635 270 1 115 14 15-16 4 131 3 292 1 358 8626 4954 2 904 3 645 166 9 1 668 11K 1 3-16 5 215 4 335 2 164 1496 668 2 301 2 768 96 25 2 244 UK 1 15-32 5 969 5M 2 835 2 038 — 79? 2 01 twt~ 70 66 2 678 11 K 1 23-3& 7 461 6 494 4 443 3 356 1 074 1 608 1 848 42 91 3 609 UK 2 3-16 9 032 7 753 6 492 4 784 1 703 1 328 1 547 30 1 5 739 8 2 X 10 996 9 636 9 621 7 388 2 243 1 091 1 245 19 5 7 536 8 3 X 12 566 11 146 12 566 9 887 2 679 955 1 077 14 57 9 001 8 3 % 14 137 12 648 15 904 12 73 3 174 849 949 11 31 10 665 8 4 U 15 708 14 162 19 635 15 961 3 674 764 848 9 02 12 34 8 4 X 17 477 15 849 24 306 19 99 4 316 687 757 7 2 14 502 8 5 5-16 20 813 19 054 34 472 28 888 5 584 577 63 4 98 18 762 8 6 5-16 23 955 22 063 45 664 38 738 6 926 501 544 3 72 23 271 8 7 % 27 096 25 076 58 426 50 04 8 386 443 478 2 88 28 177 8 8 30 238 28 076 72 76 62 73 10 03 397 427 2 29 33 701 8 9 19-32 33 772 31477 90 763 78 839 11 924 355 382 1 82 40 065 8 10 13-16 37 699 35 343 113 098 89 402 13 696 318 339 1 456 45 95 8 40 055 37 7 127 677 113 098 14 579 299 319 1 27 48 985 8 43 982 41626 153 938 137 887 16 051 273 288 1 04 53 921 8 47 124 44 768 176 715 159 485 17 23 255 268 903 57 893 8 50 265 47 909 201 062 182 655 18 407 239 259 788 61 77 8 LIST PRICE OF FLANGES. Size. H K 1 IK IK 2 2% 3 4 4K 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 Diameter Inches. | 3 3 K 4 4K 5 5 K 6 6K P* §* ir* UK 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 *14 17 20 26 31 40 50 *17 20 26 31 40 50 55 *18 21 28 33 40 50 60 68 80 * 22 28 33 42 52 62 72 80 90 1 00 * 25 30 35 42 52 62 72 80 90 1 00 1 10 * 31 36 42 52 62 72 80 90 1 00 1 10 1 20 45 55 65 75 80 90 1 00 1 15 1 25 1 45 1 65 1 90 55 65 75 80 90 1 00 1 15 1 30 1 45 1 65 1 90 2 00 2 25 65 75 84 96 1 08 1 22 1 37 1 52 1 69 1 90 2 12 2 35 2 60 75 87 1 00 1 13 1 26 1 55 1 75 1 85 1 95 2 25 2 50 2 85 1 04 1 22 1 40 1 58 1 76 1 96 2 16 2 36 2 56 2 85 3 50 1 55 1 70 1 90 2 10 2 32 2 54 2 76 3 00 3 75 1 65 1 80 2 00 2 20 2 40 2 60 2 80 3 05 3 75 2 20 2 40 2 60 2 80 3 00 3 20 3 45 3 75 4 25 5 00 3 75 4 10 4 50 5 00 5 50 6 25 4 00 4 50 5 00 5 60 6 25 6 90 5 75 6 25 7 00 7 75 6 00 6 60 7 25 8 00 9 25 10 00 11 00 9 00 9 75 10 75 12 00 13 50 Those marked * are drilled for screw. Circular Flanges made to order at double above prices. 79 IRON PIPE Q Description. +3 ^ CD NUMBER OF BRANCHES. 2 ss 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 List .90 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.70 2.15 2.40 2.80 1 In., Cast Iron Cost CG a Price List 1.15 1.25 1.45 1.65 03 2.40 2.65 3.05 a H E 1£ In., Cast Iron Cost Price o List 1.30 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.10 2.55 2.&6 3.20 £5 In., Cast Iron Cost a Price List Cost Price Q Description. 4-5 © CD SIZE. HH a I 5 X % X X 1 IX IK 2 List .05 .05 .06 .07 .09 .13 17 .27 Bushings, Black Cost Price List Cost Price m List .03 .04 .05 .08 .12 .15 .22 pH Above 4 In., Cast Iron Cost © Price Halved, C. I. List .16 .18 .20 .25 .36 ga •“I H Solid, C. I. Same List Cost Price a^ Qhh List Cost Price 1 List .05 .06 .07 .10 .13 .17 .21 .28 Malleable, R. H. Cost ec ! Price g Malleable, R. & L. List .07 .0$ .ii .15 .20 .28 .30 .50 2 Cost Ph D Price O © Major’s List Per Doz. 236 27T5 1 Improved Elastic Cost Price List jCost Price List .12 35 .28 .40 .56 .80 co Cast Iron Cost s § |price Cast Iron, Reducing List .14 21 .32 .46 .58 .92 © Cost Price List Cost 'Price ! 80 FITTINGS NUMBER OF BRANCHES. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 3.30 4.20 4.75 5.50 6.25 7.00 7.75 3.55 4.45 5.00 5.75 6.50 7.25 8.00 377(5 4.60 H7l5 5.90 6.65 7.40 8.15 SIZE. 2J* | 3 z}4 4 4^ 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 .42 .60 .80 1.00 1.50 1.85 2.50 3.75 5.50 6.50 7.50 10.00 .45 .70 .80 1.15 1.60 2.00 2.35 4.00 4.35 6.00 7.25 10.00 .35 .50 .60 .70 13 .60 .80 1.00 1.50 1.65 2.40 3.25 4.25 333 7.50 10.00 ' 33 1723 5.00 1.86 £23 2.70 3.50 5.00 5.70 7.80 1233 20.00 2333 40.00 3333 T 7 TC £33 3.00 IO © 6.00 6.60 £33 1333 ' 2333 3333 1333 7333 81 IRON PIPE Q Description. +3 ^ 02 1 SIZE. t— i W $3 Ph | H % h 1 i A 2 List .04 .05 .06 .09 .13 .20 .25 .40 Cast Iron, R. H. Cost Price Cast Iron, R. & L. List .05 .00 .07 .11 .16 .23 .29 .46 Cost Price Cast Iron Reducing, R. H. List .07 .11 .16 .23 .29 .46 Cost Price List .04 .05 M .09 .16 .21 .32 'M Malleable, R. H. Cost Price Malleable, R. & L. List .05 .06 .08 .12 .20 37 .40 .60 Cost t/2 £ Price List .10 .10 .15 .20 .26 .35 .50 o 45 Degree, C. I. Cost 9 « Price Malleable, with Union List .75 .90 1.15 1.60 2.50 Cost Price Double Branch List .38 .52 .68 .90 for Hot Water, Cost C. I. Price Double Branch List for Hot Water, Cost C. I. Flanged Price Long Sweep for Hot Water, C. I. List .25 .35 .45 .60 Cost Price Long Sweep for Hot Water, List Cost Flanged, C. I. Price List .06 .07 .09 .12 .16 3o cc 1 Solid, C. I. Cost Price < List .06 .08 .10 .15 .18 33 Ph Halved, C. I. Cost Pi q Price o List — Cost Price PIPE SIZE AS PER HEADING ABOVE. go H Length of Traverse in Ex. Joints 2 2K *A 2% 2>£ List 1.50 2.00 2.75 4.00 5.50 8.00 § All Brass Cost fc Price O Iron Body, Brass Sleeve List § Cost Ph Price X r-r -1 List Cost Price 82 FLANGES— FOR LIST FITTINGS SIZE. 2^ | 3 3^ 4 4^ 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 .75 1.10 1.35 1.80 2.50 2.85 3.90 7.00 10 00 13.00 20.00 30 00 .85 1.25 .85 1.25 1.50 2.10 3.00 3.25 4.50 8.00 11.50 15.00 23.00 3535 .72 1.40 2.00 2.80 1.30 1.60 1.90 2.50 3.50 4.50 5.50 9.00 12.00 22.00 §335 1.50 2.25 3.00 3.75 05 6.75 9.75 15.00 21.00 25.00 30.00 45.00 6.00 9.00 12.00 IT25 2230 27.00 33.00 48.00 Too 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.50 4.50 6.50 10.00 14.00 17.00 20.00 30.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 11.00 15.00 18.00 22.00 32.00 .25 .35 .50 .65 .75 .80 1.00 .30 .40 PIPE SIZE AS PER HEADING ABOVE. 2^ 2% 3 5 5 6 7 7 16.00 24.00 3773 £3o 11.50 15.00 34.00 2o35 wm 90.00 180.60 SEE PAGE 79. 83 NIPPLES. I I I I I I HANGERS. [RON PIPE Q Description. +2 ^ to NUMBER OF HOOKS. f s « ® A A 1 2 3 For 1 In. Pipe, List .07 .14 .18 In. Between Cost Zfl w Centers Price For li In. Pipe, List .08 .16 .20 5 3 In. Between Cost s3 Centers Price tH For In. Pipe, List .12 .24 3o O 3£ In. Between Cost O M Centers Price cH For 2 In. Pipe, List .1$ .36 .50 \\ In. Between Centers Cost Price Description. O 02 ®s Ph SIZE. H H % h i 1H W * List Cost Price .22 .44 Expansion Pipe, or Ring Hooks .25 .30 .18 Id .38 15 Eureka Patent, Adjustable Pipe List Cost Price .15 .18 List Cost Price List Cost Price T02 — “04 .05 .07 IT 15 Lock Nuts List Cost Price List Cost Price -30 .35 15 Too T 30 1.70 Long Screws .5o List Cost Price List Cost Price "35 To .07 13 T) IT "IT “25 Close or Short 15 — T5 Long List Cost Price .07 .09 .10 .11 .15 List Cost Price To 121 15 151 IT 15 R. & L. Short TlOi "[List 'Cost Price 15 15 R. & L. Long 1 “IT 15 15 151 jList Cost Price 84 FITTINGS ^ NUMBER OF HOOKS. 4 5 6 .20 .26 .32 .25 .32 .40 .36 .45 .60 .65 .80 .95 SIZE. 2>£ 3 S/4 4 4 ^ 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 .55 .65 .90 1.15 1.50 2.25 .33 loo - ro .45 3H 35 .75 1.15 OH .40 .50 .70 .95 1.25 1.35 1.90 2.70 3.70 .56 .75 1.00 1.25 1.75 2.00 2.75 4.00 5.75 7.00 8.50 12.00 .75 .95 05 1.60 2.25 2.60 3.60 m 05 Oo Oo Oo 85 RETURN BENDS. I REDUCERS. IRON PIPE O m SIZE. inscription. S3 Pw 3^ % K 1 2 List .15 .22 .35 .50 .60 .90 Cast Iron Cost Price List Cost Price List .03 .03 .04 .05 .06 .10 .13 .20 Cast Iron Cost Price List .07 .09 .11 .15 32 Countersunk Cost Price List Cost Price 4J and Larger, Cast Iron List .03 .03 .08 .10 .16 .20 .66 .45 Cost Price List .30 .35 .45 IB Offset, Malleable Cost Price Close Pattern, Malleable, R. H. List .13 .20 .30 .45 .65 0(5 Cost Price Close Pattern, List .14 .2 8 .38 .55 .80 1.68 Malleable, Cost R. & L. Price MediumPattern, Malleable List Right Hand Same List as Close Patter n, R.H. Cost Price Left Hand Same List as Close Patter n, L.H. Open Pattern, Malleable, R. H. List .15 .25 .55 .55 .75 05 Cost Price Open Pattern, List .16 .30 .43 .70 .68 Oo Malleable, Cost R. & L. Price List .10 .15 .22 .34 .45 .75 Close Pattern, Cast Iron, R. H. Cost Price List .16 .17 .28 .40 .52 .86 Close Pattern, Cast Iron, R. &L. Cost Price Open Pattern, Cast Iron, R. H. List .20 .20 .30 .45 .66 1.15 Cost Price Open Pattern, Cast Iron, R.&L. List .25 .35 .86 .80 05 Cost Price List .36 .40 .86 .90 1.68 Back Outlet, Cast Iron, R. H. Cost Price Back Outlet, Cast Iron,R.& L. iList .88 .48 .7(5 1.05 1.45 jCost IPrice 86 FITTINGS SIZE. 2^ 3 3>£ 4 4^ 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 1 (50 2.60 .35 .50 .75 .85 1.35 1.75 2.40 3.75 5.50 i 6.50 7 50 10.00 .70 1.00 1.50 1.85 2.75 3.00 4.00 8.00 10.00 > 12.50 15.00 22.00 .90 1.25 MALLEABLE. in UiaiMnvb r nuivi i tn I v cc.ii i c.n » 3156 3.00 i* 11 H l 4 1 1£ if 2* if 2i 3 n 2t% 2* 3* 2 4 2* 4£ 3 5 q blZG 2 Close Pattern . . id Medium Pattern . m Open Pattern . . 336 Tfo z nr D h 136 2.25 \ u. / .. O Ui z S CAST IRON. z ui DISTANCE FROM CENTER TO CENTER. 1.75 336 1.75 335 O if If h H 2i 3 1! 3* 2 3i 4f 2f 3! 5f 3 n 336 £36 Sizes Close Pattern . . Onon Pottorn 335 135 336 3.75 1 87 IRON PIPE ft g 2 Description. Per Ct. Dis. SIZE. H H \ H \ H 1 W 2 CC W B Malleable List Cost Price .07 .08 .09 .13 .19 .27 .40 .60 Cast Iron List Cost Price .06 .07 .09 .ift .20 .30 .3ft .60 Cast Iron Reducing List Cost Price .11 .15 .S3 .35 .44 .76 Cast Iron, Screwed, Special for Hot Water List Cost Price .38 .52 .6ft .96 Cast Iron, Flanged, Special for Hot Water List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price UNIONS. Malleable List Cost Price .15 .18 .20 .28 .34 .46 .60 78(5 American List Cost Price Crane’s Patent List Cost Price .70 .85 1.15 1.50 Flange List Cost Price .65 .70 .85 1.15 1.50 1 1 Keystone List Cost Price .20 .24 .28 .35 .40 .56 .80 .95 List Cost Price 1 CO >* Y Bends, Cast Iron List Cost Price .25 .30 .40 .60 .90 1.25 List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price 88 FITTINGS SIZE. 3 3/4 | 4 | 4* | 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 1.05 1.70 2.40 3.40 1.10 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.50 4.00 5.50 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 45.00 1.^5 1.75 2.30 2.90 4.00 4.60 6.35 11.50 17.00 23.00 30.00 50.00 rW 2725 3.00 3.75 5.25 6.75 9.75 15.00 21.00 25.00 30.00 45.00 6.00 9.00 12.00 17.25 22.50 27.00 33.00 48.00 1.50 2.10 3.00 4.00 1.75 2725 2.75 3.15 4.50 57oo 6.50 1.75 2.25 2.75 3.15 4.50 £00 6.50 8.00 10.00 I275o 15.00 22.00 2.00 2.75 2^5 3.25 4.50 6.00 9.00 11.00 17.00 253)0 89 IRON PIPE Description. 43* S3 PL SIZE. X H H U | i IX IX 2 List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price RAILING Description. 43 O m SIZE. S3 — 1 X % 1 }}& 2 List .10 .15 .20 .25 .35 .90 Acorn Ornament Cost Price Crosses List .15 .22 .35 .45 .58 05 Cost Price Crosses, with Side Outlet List .18 37 35 35 3F 05 Cost Price List .15 35 35 .45 .72 Elbows Cost Price 90 FITTINGS SIZE. 2K 3 3K 4 4K 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 FITTINGS. Description. PerCt. Dis. ■ - - .M SIZE. H H 1 iK IK 2 List .12 .18 .25 .40 .50 ~30 Elbows, with Side Outlet Cost Price List .IS' .IS .15 .20 25 35 Floor Flanges Cost Price List .12 .18 .2 6 .46 35 35 Tees Cost Price Tees, with Side Outlet List 35 22 .35 .45 .55 35 Cost Price ei I KIND. BRASS STEAM FITTINGS Description. +3 SIZE. Ph X X X\ X X I 1 2 2 ^ Bushings, Red. One Size List .07 .09 .13 .21 .38 .50 .67 .84 1.56 Cost Price List .09 .13 .21 3& .50 .67 M 06 Red. Two Sizes Cost Price List Cost Price List .08 ■" 116 .15 .20 .30 .40 .66 .75 1.25 2.00 Caps, Rough Cost Price List .13 .15 .20 .25 .3§ .45 .70 .8b 1.55 '”2.56 Caps, Finished Cost Price List Cost Price Couplings, Rough List .08 .10 .15 .20 .30 .40 .60 .75 1.25 2.66 Cost Price Couplings, Finished List .13 .15 .20 .25 .35 .45 .70 .85 1.55 2.50 Cost Price List Cost Price List .15 .20 .30 .40 .55 .80 lib 1.40 1.95 05 Crosses, Rough Cost Price List .30 .35 .55 .70 .85 1.25 1.90 2.50 '3.56 6.25 Crosses, Finished Cost Price List Cost Price List .10 .12 .16 .25 .3b .50 .8b 1.15 L50 3.00 Elbows, Rough Cost Price List .15 .18 .24 .35 .45 ,6b 1.10 1.56 2.00 "T75 Elbows, Finished Cost Price List Cost Price List .08 .08 .10 .15 .20 .25 .40 .50 .90 1775 Lock Isuts, Rough Cost Price Lock Nuts, Finished List .10 .10 .12 .18 .23 .30 .4b .bb 1.00 05 Cost Price List Cost Price 92 FOR IRON PIPE. Description. PerCt. Dis. SIZE. H H % % 1 H 1 i&| 2 2^ Nipples, 4 Inches Long and Less, Finished List Cost Price .15 .20 .30 .35 .45 .60 .90 1.25 1.60 3.00 List Cost Price Plugs, Rough List Cost Price .06 .08 .10 .15 .20 .25 .40 .50 .90 1.56 Plugs, Finished List Cost Price .10 .Vl .15 .20 .25 .30 .50 .70 no 2.66 List Cost Price Reducers, Rough List Cost Price .14 .20 .30 .35 .50 .65 1.25 Reducers, Finished List Cost Price .20 .25 .35 .40 .60 .75 1.55 List Cost Price Return Bends, Open Pat., Rough List Cost Price .50 .80 1.00 “TKo 2.25 3.00 Return Bends, Open Pat., Finished List Cost Price .70 1.00 1.30 2.00 3.00 4.00 List Cost Price Tees, Rough List Cost Price .12 .15 .20 .30 .45 .70 1.00 1.25 1.75 £o5 Tees, Finished List Cost Price .20 .25 .35 .50 .65 1.00 1.50 2.06 2.75 5.86 List Cost Price Unions, Grown Joint List Cost Price .30 .40 .58 .75 1.00 1.40 i.6o 2.75 4.06 OT List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost [Price 93 COMMON. I I AUTOMATIC. AIR VALVES 4-5 G aj SIZE. Trade Name. Quantity. Finished. Nickel Plated. oj H PH X H Yz H % Acme, No. 1, Steam, has Evaporating Cup and Cap, or Wood Handle List Each 1.15 Cost Price Acme, No. 2, Steam, List Each 1.25 with Drip Pipe Connection Cost Price Acme, No. 3, Steam, with Lock and List Each 05 Cost Shield Price Acme, No. 5, Steam, with Positive Vent List Each 1.50 Cost Price Acme, No. 6, for Steam and Water List Each 1.25 Cost Price Acme, No. 7, Hot List Each Oo Water, with Drain Connection Cost Price List Cost Price Bundy Baker, List Each 1.25 Steam, with Drip Connection Cost Price Bundy Baker, List Each 1.50 Steam, with Evaporation Cup Cost Price Bundy, Steam, A. — without Drip Con. B. — with Drip add 25c. to List List Each 1.00 Cost Price Bundy, Steam, List Each (Cup only "6o and Plated all Cost over Price J. D., Rough Body, Finished Trimmings, with Union List 2.75 3M Oo 5.85 05 I£55 Cost Price J. D., Finished List 335 Oo os OS OS 105 all over, with Cost Union. Price 96 STEAM RADIATOR VALVES. Q Description. U OD SIZE. s kS H h 1 2 J. D., Rough Body, Plated Trimmings, with Union List 3.00 3.75 4.65 6.25 8.00 12.85 Cost Price £ J. D., Rough Body, Plated all over, with Union List 3.20 3.80 o> 6.40 8.10 13.10 32 Cost o Price « J. D., Finished List 3.25 4.25 5.25 7.00 9.25 14.35 C/3 and Plated all Cost M over, with Union Price w fc Lock and Shield, List E? same Price as Cost Wood Wheel Price Rough Body, Finished Trimmings List 2.75 3.50 5.00 7.00 TL5B Cost Price cd W List 2.75 3.25 4.25 5.75 8.00 I£9u Finished all over Cost k ij Price ◄ Roueh Body, List 2.50 3.00 3.85 “ £25 7.25 11.85 > Plated Trimmings Cost g O Price Rough Body, Plated all over List 2?fE 3.15 4.00 5.50 7.50 I£To Cost o Price J a List 3.15 3.50 4.50 6.00 8.25 13.50 Finished and Plated all over Cost 3 ► Price Rough Lody, List 3.05 3.85 4.75 6.45 8.55 WsS g Finished Trimmings, with Union Cost o o Price £ List 3.50 4.40 5.30 7.05 9.65 1535 cd jd lnisiiGci an over, with Union Cost § Price « Rough Body, 0| A f A d List 3.30 4.15 5.15 6.90 8.80 14.15 32 jl i area Trimmings, with Union Cost S? 3 g Price Rough Body, List 3.50 4.20 5.25 7.05 8.95 IL45 ~ Plated all-over, with Union Cost Price Finished and List 3.55 4.70 5.80 7.70 10.20 15.80 Plated all over, with Union Cost Price Rough Body, Finished Trimmings List 1.90 £60 3.30 OB 6.00 10.20 ►4 W . 98 Cost Price List o> 3.00 3.75 5.15 OB' 11.55 Finished all over Cost Price Plated Trimmings List 2.05 2.75 3.50 4.85 OT IOB Cost cdg Price 33^ Rough Body, Plated all over List 2.fcd 2.90 3.60 5.00 6.35 To!7B t-j Cost Price CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE. 97 S. WO< STEAM RADIATOR VALVES Description. Per Ct. Dis. SIZE. X 1 m | i* 2 Finished and Plated all over List Cost Price 2.70 3.30 4.10 5.40 6.75 12.35 Finished Trimmings, with Union List Cost Price 2.50 3.30 05 5.90 Oo 105 Finished all over, with Union List Cost Price 2.90 3.70 4.70 05 Oo 105 Plated Trimmings, with Union List Cost Price 2.45 330 05 5.95 7.65 105 Rough Body, N.P. all over, with Union List Cost Price 2.85 3.65 4.65 05 8.10 13.00 Finished and N. P. all over, with Union List Cost Price 3.45 4.10 5.25 05 8.80 14.60 List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price 98 STEAM RADIATOR VALVES. Description. Per Ct. Dis. SIZE. X X X X 1 IK IK 2 List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price i 1 List Cost Price 99 HOT WATER RADIATOR VALVES. 5 Description. 5 ® SIZE. 5 H 4 ®3 % 1 1 2 1 Rough Body, Finished List 2.45 3.25 4.50 1 6.50 10.00 Cost Trimmings Price Rough Body, Plated all Over List 2.85 3.65 5.05 7.10 10.85 o Cost .6 Price lx List 3.00 3.85 5.25 7.50 11.50 Finished Body Cost Price Finished Body, Plated all Over List 3.40 4.30 5.80 8.10 12.35 Cost 3 Price Rough Body, List 1.60 2.25 3.25 4.50 7.00 Finished Trimmings Cost p4 Price Rough Body, Plated all Over List 1.95 2.65 3.70 5.00 7.75 Cost Price s List 2.15 2.85 4.00 5.50 8.50 ◄ Finished Body Cost £ w Price Finished Body, Plated all Over List 2.50 3.25 4.45 6.00 9.25 Cost Price Rough Body, List 3.75 4.65 6.25 8.00 T2785 i > fc !S Plated Foot Piece Cost Price 1 & 1 w ■ c- Rough Body, Plated all Over List kbo 4.75 Oo Oo 13.10 Cost Price List TM 5.25 7.00 9.25 14.35 : i Finished Etnd Plated all Over Cost Price : Rough Body, List 2.70 3.50 4.75 6.50 10.75 i Plated Foot Cost i Piece Price |S Rough Body, Plated all Over List 2. &> 3.65 4.90 6.75 11.00 ! < 1 £ Cost ! w Price ! ^ List 3.10 4.00 5.40 ra> 12.25 I Finished cind Plated all Over Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price 101 HOT WATER Q Description. C > cc SIZE. 3 ©5 K 1 IK IK 2 Rough Body, List 2.45 3.25 4.50 6.50 10.00 6 55 Finished Trimmings Cost . s Price 01 O H<1 Rough Body, Plated all Over List 23o 3.65 535 7.10 10.85 Cost Price List 3.00 3.85 £25 7.50 11.50 £ . Finished Body Cost § ® Price sc Finished Body, Plated all Over List 3.40 4.30 5.80 8.10 12.35 Cost H H — S o Price Rough Body, List 2.45 3.25 £50 6.50 10.00 Finished Trimmings Cost 9° O C Price Rough Body, Plated all Over .List 2.85 3.65 5.05 7.10 10.85 Cost Price a? «o »§ List 3.00 3.85 5.25 7.50 11.50 Finished Body Cost a Price 20 Finished Body, Plated all Over List 3.40 4.30 5.80 8.10 12.35 OD <1 Cost o Price Rough Body, Finished List 1.60 235 3.25 Oo 7.00 Cost Trimmings Price 1-4 « Rough Body, Plated all Over List 1.95 2.65 3.70 5.00 7.75 1 Cost SH Price a s M J List 2.15 235 4.00 £50 8.50 Finished Body Cost Price Mfl o Finished Body, Plated all Over List 2.50 3.25 4.45 6.00 935 c is Cost Price cp — pH H s< Rough Body, Finished List 2.25 3.25 4.40 6.10 9.00 Cost Trimmings Price a e Rough Body, Plated List 2.40 3.35 4.65 6.30 §35 Cost •H Trimmings Price Rough Body, Plated all Over List 235 330 4.85 630 §3a « Cost o Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price 102 RADIATOR VALVES. Description. Per Ct. Dis. SIZE. y % K 1 i H 1 % \ 2 List Cost Price \ List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price 103 CROSS Description. Per Ct. Dis. SIZE. X % X X \ i | iK | IK 2 Brass List Cost Price .85 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.50 5.00 8.00 Iron Body, Brass Mounted, without Yoke, Screwed List Cost Price 3.00 3.50! 4.75 6.50 Iron Body, Brass Mounted, without Yoke, Flanged List Cost Price 4.50 5.50 7.00 9.00 Iron Body, Brass Mounted, with Yoke, Screwed List Cost Price 9.50 Iron Body, Brass Mounted, with Yoke, Flanged List Cost Price 12.00 Brass List Cost Price L7ff 2.00 2.25 2.50 3.25 4.75 6.25 9.50 Iron Body, Brass Mounted, Screwed List Cost Price Iron Body, Brass Mounted, Flanged List Cost Price Lunkenheimer’s Patent Regrinding List Cost Price 1.00 1.50 166 3.50 5.10 06 List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price 104 VALVES SIZE. 105 GLOBE AND ft Description. +3 SIZE. 5 ®5 Ph X % X X 1 ix 2 List .60 .75 1.00 1.35 1.80 2.80 3.90 5.90 Brass Cost Price Iron Body, Brass Mounted, without Yoke, List 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.75 2.00 2.50 3.50 5.00 Cost o Screwed Price Iron Body, Brass Mounted, List £25 2.50 3.00 ' 3.75 FTFo 6.75 s Cost o Flanged Price u Iron Body, Brass List 8.00 Mounted, with Cost Yoke, Screwed Price Iron Body, Brass List Mounted, with Yoke, Flanged Cost Price List 1.10 1.25 1.60 2.20 2.80 4.00 5.50 8.00 Brass Cost Price Brass Hub, Screwed List 2.75 OF 5.58 5.00 7.25 Cost Price List OF CQ BrSiSS Hub, Flanged Cost § Price w With Yoke, Screwed List TF!Fo cc Cost 9 Price 8 With Yoke, Flanged List 11.75 Cost Price All Iron Globe Valves, Screwed (For Ammonia, Acids, etc.) List 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 F3F Cost Price All Iron Globe Valves, Flanged (For Ammonia, Acids, etc.) List 4.10 05 4.50 US 5.25 OF Cost Price Iron Body, List OF 5.00 without Yoke, Cost Screwed Price Iron Body, List £Fo 6.75 CO w Without Yoke, Flanged Cost Price Iron Body, with Yoke, Screwed List Oo s HH Cost H W Price Iron Body, with Yoke, Fianged List OF - M Cost £ Price D (-? Patent Regrinding List .70 .85 1.15 L45 1 OF OF OF OF Cost Price Patent Regrind- List 1.66 £.18 £.86 5.16 3.65 5.25 OF IFTTF ing Brass Wheel, Finished all over Cost Price * ANGLE VALVES SAME 106 ANGLE* VALVES SIZE. 2^2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 11.75 16.00 7.50 10.50 9.50 13.50 10.50 14.50 18.00 21.00 28.00 32.00 44.00 §OT 135.00 200.00 12.50 17.50 21.50 25.00 32.00 3 OT 49.00 91.00 14£>.00 220.00 TOT 22.00 11.00 16.00 13.00 18.00 12.00 16.75 19.50 24.00 32.00 40.00 48.00 80.00 90.00 130.00 185.00 TOT TOT SOT 26.00 34.00 42.00 50.00 80.00 90.00 130.00 185.00 117)0 TOT 15.50 17.50 SOT 27.00 3 OT 2 OT 52.00 TOT TOT 16.75 TOT . 27.50 SOT 35.50 46.25 5 OT 7750 TOT 9.50 13.50 WES 14.50 18.00 21.00 28.00 32.00 44.00 TOT 17.50 21.50 25.00 32.00 36.00 49.00 TOT TOT SOT 33.50 LIST AS GLOBE VALVES. 107 GLOBE AND KIND. Description. Per Ct. Dis. SIZE. K % X H 1 IK IK 2 List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price . List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price 1 1 V 108 ANGLE VALVES SAME ANGLE* VALVES SIZE. 2 ^ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 LIST AS GLOBE VALVES. 109 JENKINS BROS. GATE SIZE. uescripnon. S3 Ph X Vs X X 1 2 List 1.50 2.00 2.85 4.00 5.00 7.50 Brass Cost Price List os 4.00 5.00 7.00 9.50 105 Brass Flanged Cost Price List 3.30 4.70 5.90 57rS Brass Hose Cost Price Iron Body, Composition Mounted, List 535 Cost Screwed Price Iron Body, Composition Mounted, List 6.66 Cost Flanged Price Sliding Stem and Leaver, List 2.50 OS 4.25 SO OS Oo Cost Brass Price SlidingStem and Leaver, Iron B’y, Comp. Mounted, Screwed List 10.00 Cost Price SlidingStem and Leaver, Iron B’y, Comp. Mounted, Flanged List ITSS Cost Price Finished Trimmings List 1.75 OS 3.00 4.10 8.65 — m Cost Price List OS OS OS 5.80 6.80 OS Finished all Over Cost Price List 1.85 2.30 3.15 OS SIS — res Nickel Plated Trimmings Cost Price Rough Body, N. F. all Over List 05 2.40 05 OS 535 OS Cost Price Finished, and N. P. all Over List 3.70 4.15 4.95 6.00 7.00 05 Cost Price List 2.60 OS OS S3S OS 05 Finished Trimmings Cost Price List 05 OS S7F5 OS 535 1535 Finished all Over Cost Price List OS OS 05 OS OS 05 in lCKei ± iaieci Trimmings Cost Price Rough Body, N. P. all Over List OS 05 4.20 535 OS OS Cost Price Finished, and N. P. all Over List OS 5.05 5.95 735 51)5 IT35 Cost Price 110 VALVES SIZE. 2K 3 3^ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14.00 20.00 20.00 28.00 15.75 30o 12.00 15.00 18.00 21.00 29.00 30.00 36.00 50.00 62.00 85.00 120.00 13.00 16.00 19.00 27.50 31.00 32.00 38J0CT 50.00 62.00 85.00 120.00 105 22.50 105 Tf3o 20.75 24.00 33.25 39.50 537 ? f > 66.00 — 18.50 21.75 25.50 31x25 41.50 53.75 66.00 KIND. Description. Per Ct. Dis. SIZE. % X 1 ix 1/4 2 List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price 1 1 1 CATE Description. Per Ct. Dis. SIZE. K ! % | % | H 1 | 2 Brass List Cost Price 1.00 1.00 1.20 1.75 2.50 3.50 5.00 7.50 Iron Body, Screwed or Flanged Ends List Cost Price 10.00 Quick Opening, Screwed Ends, Brass List Cost Price 4.00 5.00 7.00 10.00 Quick Opening, Iron Body, Screwed or Flanged List Cost Price TOff Improved “ Handy,” Brass Body List Cost Price 1.60 1.86 Off 3.50 Off Off Improved “ Handy,” Iron Body, Brass Trim List Cost Price Off Improved “ Handy,” all Iron List Cost Price Off 6.00 Off List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price — | 1 1 List Cost Price ...} 1 i | i 1 1 2 VALVES SIZE. 1 13 JENKINS BROS. HORIZONTAL, ANGLE, AND Description. Per Ct. Dis. SIZE. X X \ X \ X % 1 IK Brass Screwed List Cost Price .50 .50 .60 .85 1.15 1.55 2.30 3.25 Brass Flanged List Cost Price 3.25 3.75 4.50 6.50 0(5 Iron Body Brass Mounted Screwed List Cost Price 1.50 2.28 215 Iron Body Brass Mounted Flanged List Cost Price 2.50 3^0 135 Brass Screwed List Cost Price 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.90 2.60 3.60 5.00 Brass Flanged List Cost Price 4.75 5.50 7.80 9.80 Iron Body Screwed List Cost Price Iron Body Flanged List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price HORIZONTAL, ANGLE, AND VERTICAL CHECK 114 VERTICAL CHECK VALVES 45 - SIZE. 115 HORIZONTAL, ANGLE, AND KIND. || Description. Per Ct. Dis. SIZE. r X X % X X 1 1 X iX List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price ! List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price HORIZONTAL, ANGLE, AND VERTICAL CHECK 116 VERTICAL CHECK VALVES - 55 - SIZE. 2 2^ 3 &y 2 4 | 4* 5 6 | 7 8 10 12 .... VALVES ARE ALL LISTED THE SAME. 117 STEAM A Description. Per Ct. Dis. SIZE. X X X | X X 1 IX COMMON. Brass, Flat or Square Head List Cost Price .70 .70 .75 1.10 1.50 2.25 3.75 4.80 Iron, with Brass Plug, Square Head List Cost Price 1.00 1.10 1.20 Teo 2.00 05 4.66 All Iron, Square Head List Cost Price .70 .75 .80 .90 1.25 1.50 2M 3 WAY FLAT OR SQUARE HEAD. Brass List Cost Price 1.65 2.25 3.40 5.50 lo6 Iron, with Brass Plug List Cost Price 2.00 O>0 OF 4.75 All Iron List Cost Price 1.30 1.75 2.00 2.75 List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price 1 18 COCKS. SIZE. 2 3 3 ^ 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 7.25 14.00 20.00 36.00 50.00 info 9.50^ 13.50 30.00 40.00 Too 4.50 6.50 12.00 16.00 28.00 33.00 45.00 10.00 105 200 Oo 11.00 15.50 Oo 6.00 Oo 1 l .. 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 19 SAFETY Q Description. O ■ri SIZE. A 2 u X X X \ % X X 1 m iX List 2.00 2.00 2.25 2.75 3.50 5.00 7.00 8.50 Brass Screwed Cost s Price 0 List 9.50 13.50 17.50 3 Brass Flanged Cost o Price & o Iron Body, List 2.50 3.50 Oft 6.00 S Brass Mounted, Screwed Cost S 0 Price 5 Iron Body, List Oft Oft 6.75 8.25 Brass Mounted, Flanged Cost Price List 02 4.95 Oo 8.25 10.15 cd Brass Cost O £ Price 8 Iron Body, Screwed List Oo 4.50 05 1 L2ft tfi Cost t— i K Price fc H •-t Iron Body, Flanged List Cost Price Lunkenheimer’ s List 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.50 9.00 lOft All Brass, Top or Side Outlet Cost Ah’ O Price W Ah Lunkenheimer’ s List Iron Body, Cost Angle Price List Cost Price List Cost Price GAUGE Diameter of Blank Shank. * 0D ! X i « X % 1 iK iK Threads to Fit Iron Pipe. X % X X X X 1 jList .95 1.00 1.10 Compression jCost Price Compression, with Stuffing Box List 1.10 1.15 1.25 Cost Price | List Oft Oft 1.10 i Ball Cost I Price List .60 .75 Toft i.25 1.50 Oft Oft Mississippi Cost IPrice List Cost Price | | * REFERS TO 120 VALVES SIZE. 2 2^ | 3 3^ 4 4^ 5 6 7 8 10 12 12.00 20.00 30.00 25.00 34.00 scToo Oo T£oo 18.00 Woo 30.00 36.00 44.00 60.00 145.00 10.50 10.00 W50 29.25 36.00 42.00 50.00 67.50 154.00 15.40 t 10.25 16.75 22.00 31.00 38.00 Woo 73.00 W25 19.00 25.50 34.00 41.50 62.00 80.00 18.00 3£oo 38.00 32.00 40.00 COCKS. Description. 4-3 i O 0D IRON PIPE SIZE. Pm % K Patent Gauge Cocks, with Cleaner List 1.50 1.60 1.75 Cost Price Patent Gauge List 1.00 1.10 1.30 Cocks, (without Cleaner Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List I Cost Price MISSISSIPPI COCKS. 121 fLIC. * P ◄ Q X a STEAM, HYDRAULIC, VACUUM, Description. Per Ct. Dis. DIAMETER OF DIAL. k \ % % y 1 i X 2 Bourdon, Brass Case List Cost Price ^ Bourdon, Iron Case, Japanned List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price • List Cost Price Brass Case, with Steel Tube List Cost Price Iron Case, with Steel Tube List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price Pressure and Vacuum, Brass Case List Cost Price Pressure and Vacuum, Iron Case, Japanned List Cost Price t Water Pressure and Altitude, Brass Case List Cost Price Water Pressure and Altitude, Iron Case, Japanned List Cost Price i List Cost Price 1 List Cost Price 122 $5.00 EXTRA FOR AND COMBINATION GAUGES DIAMETER OF DIAL. 3 4 5 5^ 6 6% 8 l A 10 12 8.00 9.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 16.00 20.00| 30.00 40.00 75.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 8.00 10.00 !3!oo 16.00 22.00 .32.00 50.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 125.00 35.00 50.00 70.00 90.00 110.00 ! ! 16jO(F 20.00 25.00 40.00 50.00 80.00 14.00 505 SOO 30.00 40,00 60.00 16.00 20.00 25.00 200 EOo 80.00 14.66 16.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 60.00 MAXIMUM HANDS. 123 UGE COCKS. II KIND WATER GAUGE GLASSES LENGTH OF CLASS- X 10 11 ! 12 13 | 14 ! 15 1 16 | 17 List .40 .40 .45 .45 .50 .55 .60 .65 b Genuine Scotch Cost Price List .40 .40 .45 .45 .50 .55 ,60 .68 1 Genuine Scotch Cost Price List .55 .55 .55 .55 .60 .60 .65 Tf?5 1 Genuine Scotch Cost Price List .90 .90 .90 .90 .90 .90 .90 .95 1 Genuine Scotch Cost Price List 1 1 Patent Red Reflecting Cost 1 Price Patent Red Reflecting List .40 , .40 .45 .45 .86 .55 .60 h Cost Price Patent Red Reflecting List .40 .40 .45 .45 .50 .55 .60 d>5 1 Cost Price Patent Red Reflecting List .55 .55 .55 .55 , .60 .60 .65 .70 1 Cost Price Patent Red Reflecting List | 5 Cost Price Patent Red Reflecting List l Cost Price 1 1 i WATER GAUGE COCKS AND WASHERS. 124 WATER GAUGE GLASSES LENGTH OF GLASS. 18 | 19 20 | 22 24 30 36 48 60 72 .70 75 .80 .90| 1.00 1.35 1.70 2.50 3.75 5.40 Jo .75 .80 .90 1.00 1.35 1.70 2.50 3.75 5.40 .75 .80 .85 .95 1.05 1.70 2.10 2.95 4.20 5.85 1.00 1.10 1.25 1.50 2.00 2.95 3.35 5.00 6.70 8.35 .70 .75 .80 .90 1.00 1.85 2.85 .75 .80 .85 .95 1.05 2.00 2.50 1.50 Oo 2.50 2.00 2.60 3.25 ALTITUDE GAUGES AND HOT WATER THERMOMETERS. KIND. Description. PerCt. Dis. PRICE. Each. Per Doz. List. 1 Cost. | Price. List. 1 Cost. | Price. | ALTITUDE GAUGES. H and M. 5 Inch Black Dial 3.00 30.00 I HOT WATER j 1 THERMOMETERS. | Acme, Straight 2.50 24.00 Acme, Angle 3.50 33.00 125 STEAM OR WATER GAUGE COLUMNS Length Center to Center. Size of Boiler Conects. Per Cent Dis. PBICE, EACH No. Description. ♦Complete. Body Only. List. Cost. Price. List. Cost. Price. 1 12 In. ! j h In. 15.00 3.00 2 1G In. | In. 20.00 4.00 3 19 In. | , 1 In. I 25.00 L j 5.00 i * PRICE COMPLETE INCLUDES CAST IRON COLUMN, STEAM GAUGE, THREE TRY COCKS, AND GLASS GAUGE WITH TWO GUARDS. WATER GAUGE COCKS. * No. I Description. | No. of .Gua’ds I Size of ; Glass. 1 Threaded to Fit Iron Pipe. Per Cent Dis. price: Iron* Wheels. WITH Wood Wheels. List. Cost. Price. List. Cost. Price. Rough Body. 2 ! ^ x 10 fin. 2.75 Rough Body. 2 ! . § x 12 iln. 3.00 | 3.75 Finished. 2 j f x 12 £ In. 4.25 Finished. 4 f x 12 h In. 6.25 Finished. 4 }xl« 1 1 In. 7.50 j Rubber Washers for Gauge Glasses. Per Dozen ! .60 * FOR SINGLE GAUGE COCKS SEE PAGE 124. 126 THERMOSTAT. REGULATOR NO. 6 . HOTWATER REGULATOR ParseKfi'V k gtj THE POWERS REGULATOR PRICE LIST Telegraph Cipher. MST. COST PRICE. Agate. Atlas. Dexter. Unicorn.. Ulster. Valor. Onyx. Onyx. Onyx. Onyx. Amethyst. Amethyst. Amethyst. Amethyst. No. 1. Limiting- Device only, for Hot Water Heater. No. 2. Regulator complete, for Furnace $25 00 40 00 45 00 50 00 2 00 45 00 3 00 3 50 4 50 G 00 5 00 G 50 8 50 13 00 No. 3. “ “ “ Steam No. 4. “ “ ‘ 4 Hot Water Double Lever Attachment, extra No. 6. Regulator, complete, without Steam Valve. . Special Valve for use with natural gas, 1 inch “ *• “ “ “ li inch “ “ “ *•• H inch “ “ “ “ '2 inch Balanced Valve, 1 inch “ “ li inch “ “ 1 $ inch* “ “ 2 inch Oiscount on Regulators Discount on Valves 127 KIN PRESSURE Description. Per Ct. Dis. SIZE. >2 K 1 i X 2 Curtis List Cost Price 22.00 28.00 35.00 44.00 Davies No. 1, above 4 Inch Flanged Ends List Cost Price 22.00 24.00 25.00 30.00 Muelers List Cost Price 10.00 13.00 17.50 24.00 40.00 Watson’s, 2 Inch and Larger, Iron Body List Cost Price 17.00 2£00 28.00 38.00 List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price FLUE BRUSHES Description. Per Ct. Dis. SIZE OF FLUE. 1 i>2 | m 2 Adjustable, Nelson’s Expan- sion. List Cost Price 1.50 2.00 Boiler Brooms for Underneath lust Cost Price Per Doz. 24.00 ChristofTel, Elliptic Spring List Cost Price 2.00 ChristofTel, Steel Coil List Cost Price Toff 1.10 Engineers’ Favorite List Cost Price 2.00 2.00 List Co*t Price List iCost iPrice 1 List Cost iPrice | | 1 ! List Cost 'Price 1 28 REGULATORS SIZE. 2>£ 3 3/4 4 4 ^ 5 6 | 7 8 9 10 | 12 57.00 72.00 100.00 135.00 180.00 35.00 40.00 Woo 60.00 75.00 100.00 135.00 175.00 275.00 &50.00 70.00 90.00 55.00 70.00 90.00 140.00 | A ND CLEANE RS- SIZE OF FLUE. 2 j£ 2 % 3 3H 3i 4 3 3 4 4 5 6 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 £25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.65 1.75 1.90 £oo 2.25 £50 2 JS 3.00 3.25 3.50 315 4.00 6.28 7.50 1 1 1 | 129 HOT WATER EXPANSION TANK. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 j 9 10 11 12 13 Dimensions in Inches. Capacity in Gallons. Length of Gauge in Inches. Square Feet of Radiation Tank Will Carry. . Per Cent Dis. Price. Without Gauge | With Gauge 12x20 12x24 12x30 12x36 14x30 14x36 16x30 16 x 36 16x48 18 x60 20 x60 22 x 60 24 x 60 10 12 15 18 20 24 26 32 42 66 82 100 120 200 225 300 400 500 600 700 800 1,200 2,500 3,200 4,000 5,000 List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List 8.00 8.50 j TW 9.50 12.50 ! Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price TTsT" Cost Price List Cost Price List Cost Price 13.00 TToo | 15.00 16.50 31.00 TOO TTM 500 130 BRONZE, MARBLE Description. Per Cent. Discount. Price per Sq. Feet. List. Cost. Price. AT orm r*n t MISCELLANEOUS. Quantity. Per Cent. Discount. List. Cost. Price. Automatic Water Feeders — Each. 20.00 Bronze Liquid Per Gal. Pale Gold Bronze Per lb. Rich Gold Bronze Per lb. Silver Bronze Per lb. Copper Bronze Per lb. Fire Bronze Per lb. Crimson Bronze Per lb. Green Bronze Per lb. Orange Bronze Per lb. 131 PIPE AND BOILER COVERINGS AND COflPOUNDS. 133 PIPE COVERING Q Description. ^ <« INSIDE DIAMETER OF PIPE. ® A pH X X 1 1 iK iK 2 Covering (in Sections 3 Ft. Long), Per Foot List .20 .20 .23 .25 .27 .30 Cost Price List .27 .27 .27 .27 .27 .30 2g Elbows, Each Cost “o Price go List .35 .35 .35 .35 .35 .40 Tees, Each Cost WH WJ Price List .27 .27 .27 .27 .27 .30 Valves, Each Cost Price Covering, Per Foot List .20 .20 .23 .28 .27 .30 Eh Cost A w N W A Price List .27 .27 .27 .27 .27 .30 Elbows, Each Cost fc Price CZJ List .35 .35 .35 .35 .35 .40 O H Tees, Each Cost CO W Price « CO List .27 .27 .27 .27 .27 .30 ◄ Valves, Each Cost Price Covering, Per Foot List .17 .17 .18 .19 .20 ' .23 Cost |2 e w Price List .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 S^T Elbows, Each Cost *8 Price CO OQ List .28 .28 .28 .28 .28 .&) EH cOc Tees, Each Cost g§ 1§ s Price List .21 .21 .21 .21 2T .24 Valves, Each Cost Price Covering, Per Foot List .12 .12 .13 .14 .15 .17 W i> Cost Price H List .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 .17 Q * Elbows, Each Cost H o Price Ph n, List .21 .21 .21 .21 .21 .23 Tees, Each Cost CO o Price § List .10 IS .16 .10 .10 pH Valves, Each Cost Price Asbestos Super- ator Jackets List .10 .10 .10 .16 .10 .12 Cost Price List Cost Price 134 AND FITTINGS INSIDE DIAMETER OF PIPE. 2^ 3 4 4 ^ 5 6 7 8 9 10 [ .35 .40 .44 .48 .53 .58 .63 .69 .75 .85 .95 .35 .40 .45 .50 .60 .69 .82 .95 1.13 1.25 1.40 .45 .55 .60 .65 .74 .80 .92 1.05 05 1.50 1.75 .45 .55 .66 .65 .74 .80 .92 05 1.25 1.50 1.75 .35 .40 .44 .48 .53 .58 .63) .69 .75 .85 .95 .35 .40 .45 .50 .60 .69 .82 .95 1.13 1.25 1.40 .45 .55 .60 .65 ' .74 .80 .92 1.05 1.25 1.50 1.75 .45 .55 .60 .65 .74 ' ' .80 .92 1.05 1.25 1.50 1.75 .30 .34 .37 .39 .42 .48 .54 .62 .67 .74 .25 .30 .34 .37 .39 .42 .48 .54 .62 .67 .74 ! I .34 .42 .45 .50 .54 .57 .64 .74 .82 .92 1.00; .34 .42 .45 .50 .54 .57 .64 .74 .82 .92 1.00* .19 .22 .68 .28 .30 .32 .37 .40 .45 .50 .57 .19 .22 .25 .28 .30 .32 .37 .40 .45 .50 .57 .27 .32 .34 .38 .40 .43 .49 .55 .62 .69 .751 i .27 .32 .34 .38 .40 .43 .49 .55 .62 .69 A3 .15 .17 ri 8 .16 .20 .21 .68 .25 .27 .36 135 STANDARD. | NATIONA PIPE COVERING Description. Per Ct. Dis. INSIDE DIAMETER OF PIPE. % K \ 1 1 K | 1 % 2 Covering, Per Foot List Cost Price .15 .15 .17 .18 .19 .22 Elbows, Each List Cost Price .19 .19 .19 .19 .19 .22 Tees, Each List Cost Price .27 .27 .27 .^7 .27 .29 Valves, Each List Cost Price .20 .26 ' .26 .20 .20 .23 I Covering, Per Foot List Cost Price .17 1 17 .18 .19 .20 33 1 Elbows, Each List Cost Price .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .23 Tees, Each List Cost Price .28 .28 .28 .30 Valves. Each List Cost Price .21 .21 .21 .21 .21 List Cost Price List Cost (Price List Cost Price ; I List Cost Price i — List Cost Price ; 1 List Cost Price . . .! List Cost Price List Cost Price T| List ! I Cost Price List Cost j Price 1 136 AND FITTINGS INSIDE DIAMETER OF PIPE. 3 3 ^ 4 | 4 ^ | 5 6 | 7 ! 8 | 9 10 .24 .28 .32 .34| .37 .38 .44 .50 .55 .60 .68 .24 £ / .32 .34 .37 .38 .44 .50 .55 .60 .68 .33 .39 .43 .47 .50 .53 .60 .69 .77 .85 .94 .33 .39 .43 .47 .50 .53 .60 .69 .77 .85 .94 .25 .30 .34 .37 .39 .42 .48 .54 .62 .67 .74 .25 .30 .34 .37 .39 .42 .48 .54 .62 .67 .74 .34 .42 .45 .50 .54 .57 .64 .74 .82 .92 1.00 .34 .42 .45 .50 .54 .57 .64 .74 .82 .92 1.00 137 RADIATORS. * AMERICAN RADIATORS — perfection, national, ideal, peerless, and excelsior. BUNDY COLUMBIA, BANNER, FAVORITE, FLEUR-DE-LIS, tQOVE, HOLLAND, KALAMAZOO, AND ST. LOUIS. No. || Sections. LENGTH. Inches. TAPPED. HEATING SUR. Sq. Ft. The American’s. Bundy, Banner, Favor- ite, Gove, Holland, Kalamazoo, and St. Louis. |Excelsiorj Favorite. One Pipe. Two Pipe. 4S In. High. S3 XI •-I bo &K 32 In. High. 26 In. High. 23 In. High. 20 In. High. 2 5 4 5.2 1 1 X i 10 8 6$ 5* 4j 4 3 7* 6 7.8 1 1 t 15 12 10 8 7 6 4 10 8 10.4 1 1 20 16 13* 10$ 9* 8 5 12* 10 13. 1 1 1 25 20 16$ 13* Ilf 10 6 15 12 15.6 1* 1 * 30 24 20 16 14 12 7 17* 14 18.2 u 1 i 35 28 23* 18$ 16* 14 8 20 16 20.8 i* 1 40 32 26$ 21* 18$ 16 9 22* 18 23.4 H 1 45 36 30 24 21 18 10 25 20 26. U 1 1 50 40 33* 26$ 23* 20 11 27* 22 28.6 i* U i 55 44 36$ 29* 25$ 22 12 30 24 31.2 H 1* i 60 48 40 32 28 24 13 32* 26 33.8 n U I 65 52 43* 34$ 30* 26 14 35 28 36.4 1? U t 70 56 46$ 37* 32$ 28 15 37* 30 39. H l* i 75 60 50 40 35 30 16 40 32 41.6 1* li i 80 64 53* 42$ 37* 32 17 42* 34 44.2 i* H i 85 68 56$ 45* 39$ 34 18 45 36 46.8 l* li i 90 72 60 48 42 36 19 47* 38 49.4 i* H i 95 76 63* 50$ 44* 38 20 50 40 52. i* n i 100 80 66$ 53* 46$ 40 21 52* 42 54.6 1* i* i 105 84 70 56 49 42 22 55 44 57.2 l* i* i 110 88 73* 58$ 51* 44 23 57* 46 59.8 i* i* i 115 92 76$ 61* 53$ 46 24 60 48 62.4 l* i* i 120 96 80 64 56 48 25 62* 50 65. i* i* i 125 100 83* 66$ 58* 50 26 65 67.6 2 i* li 130 104 86$ 69* 60$ 52 27 67* 54 70.2 2 i* i* 135 108 90 72 63 54 28 70 72.8 2 i* U 140 112 93* 74$ 65* 56 29 72* 58 75.4 2 i* U 145 116 96$ 77* 67$ 58 30 75 78. 2 H 1? 150 120 100 80 70 60 31 77* 62 80.6 2 1* u 155 124 103* 82$ 72* 62 "WIDTH. American. Perfection National Ideal Peerless Bundy Columbia. Excelsior Favorite Fleur-de-Lis Gove Holland Kalamazoo St. Louis 7* 9* Ti si 7f SI 7§ 8* 8 9 7* 8* 7* 7* 9* 7* 9* 7* 7* 9* tGove, not listed in 23 inch high. There are other radia- tors with same rating and heights as those mentioned above. •national four column. AMERICAN, ‘national single column. No. Sec. Length. I HEATING SURF4CE. Sq. Feet. No. Sec. 38 In. 32 In. 26 In. 20 In. Length. High. High. High. High. 2 5 2 5 16 13* 10* 8 3 7* 3 7* 24 20 16 12 4 10 4 10 32 26$ 21* 26$ 16 5 12* 5 12 i 40 33* 20 6 15 6 15“ 48 40 32 24 7 17* 7 17* 56 46$ 37* 28 8 20 8 20 64 53* 42$ 32 9 22* 9 22* 72 60 48 36 10 25 10 25 80 66$ 53* 40 11 27* 11 27* 88 73* 58$ 44 12 30 12 30 96 80 64 48 13 14 15 16 32* 35 37* 40 13 32* 104 86$ 69* 52 14 35 112 93* 74$ 56 15 37* 120 100 80 60 16 40 128 106$ 85* 64 17 42* 18 45 17 42* 136 113* 90$ 68 19 47* 18 45 144 120 96 72 20 50 19 47* 152 126$ 101* 76 21 52* 20 50 160 133* 106$ 80 22 23 55 57* 21 52* 168 140 112 84 22 55 176 146$ 117* 88 24 25 26 60 62* 65 23 57* 184 153* 122$ 92 24 60 192 160 128 i»6 25 62* 200 166$ 133* 100 27 67* 28 70 29 72* FOR TAPPING OF AMERICAN RADIATORS SEE 30 75 PAGE : iao. 31 77* HEATING SURFACE. Sq. Fket. 38 In. High. 32 In. High. 26 In. High. 23 In. High. 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 51 54 57 60 63 66 69 72 75 78 81 84 87 90 93 5 7* 10 12 * 15 17* 20 22 * 25 27* 30 32* 35 37* 40 42* 45 47* 50 52* 55 57* 60 62* 65 67* 70 72* 75 77 h 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 3* 5 6* 8 * 10 m 13* 15 16$ 18* 20 21 § 23* 25 26$ 28* 30 31$ 33* 35 36$ 38* 40 41$ 43* 45 46$ 48* 50 J1L. 138 RADIATORS. AMERICAN RADIATOR CO DETROIT ORNAMENTAL FLUTED DETROIT AND PLAIN FLUTED RADIATORS. DINING ROOM RADIATORS. DETROIT FLUE RADIATOR. PERFECTION FLUE RADIATOR. No. Sec. Length. HEATING SURFACE. Squares Feet. C O c» Length. HEATING SURFACE. Square Feet. 20 In. High. 18 In. High; 10 In. High. 14 In. High. 13 In. High. £ 38 In. High. 32 In. High. 20 In. High. 23 In. High. 10,15, 14 In. Hgh 2 6 12 10$ 9$ 8 7$ 2 6 19 16 12 10 6$ 3 9 18 16 14 12 11 3 9 28$ 24 18 15 10 4 12 24 21$ 18$ 16 14$ 4 12 38 32 24 20 13$ 5 15 30 26 § 23$ 20 18$ 5 15 47$ 40 30 25 16$ 6 18 36 32 28 24 22 6 18 57 48 36 30 20 7 21 42 37$ 32$ 28 25$ 7 21 66$ 56 42 35 23$ 8 24 48 42$ 37$ 32 29$ 8 24 76 64 48 40 26$ 9 27 54 48 42 36 33 9 27 85$ 72 54 45 30 10 30 60 53$ 46$ 40 36$ 10 30 95 80 60 50 33$ 11 33 66 58$ 51$ 44 40$ 11 33 104$ 88 66 55 36$ 12 36 72 64 56 48 44 12 36 114 96 72 60 40 13 39 78 69$ 60$ 52 47$ 13 39 123$ 104 78 65 43$ 14 42 84 74$ 65$ 56 51$ 14 42 133 112 84 70 46$ 15 45 90 80 70 60 55 15 45 142$ 120 90 75 50 16 48 96 85$ 74$ 64 58$ 16 48 152 128 96 80 53$ 17 51 102 90$ 79$ 68 62$ 17 51 161$ 136 102 85 56$ 18 54 108 96 84 72 66 18 54 171 144 108 90 60 19 57 114 1011 88$ 76 69$ 19 57 180$ 152 114 95 63$ 20 60 120 106$ 93$ 80 73$ 20 60 190 160 120 100 66$ FOR TAPPINGS FOR ALL RADIATORS LISTED ON THIS PAGE, SEE PAGE 140. 139 RADIATORS. AMERICAN RADIATOR CO. CIRCULAR OR COLUMN RADIATOR. No. Section. | Perfection, for Steam or Water. Detroit, for Steam or Water. Ideal. National, for Steam only. Steam. W ater. Diam. at Legs. Inches. Diam. at Legs. Inches. Diam. at Legs. Inches. Diam. at Legs. Inches. Diam. at Legs. Inches. Out- side. Inside. Out- side. Inside. Out side. Inside. Out- side. Inside. Out- side. Inside. 12 20* 14 22 6 16 25* 6* 24 8 22* 5* 26 9 22* 51 18 27 8 25 9 20 28* 9* 26 10 25* 3* 29* 12* 25* 8* 22 27 11 24 32 13 28 12 28* 11* 33 16 28* 11* 25 32* m 28* 11* 33* 16* 28* HI . 26 29 13 28 33* 14* 30 14 31 14 36* 19* 31 14 30 &3* 14 * 32* 16* 32* 15* 38* 21* 32* 15* 32 33 17 33 34* 17| 40* 23* 34* 171 34 3Sj% 19-A 34 18 36 37 21 36* 19§ 43* 26* 36* 19§ ; 40 4U 22 h 44 53* 24* 46 42J 26| 60 55 36 EXCELSIOR INDIRECT. Length of Sec. . . 3 Ft. Height of Sec. . . . 7* In. Width of Sec. . . . 3* In. Heating Surface per Sec 12 Sq. Ft. (See “Data” below.) PERFECTION PIN INDIRECT. STANDARD. Length of Sec. . . 3 Ft. Height of Sec. . . 7* In. Height of Sec. at connecting point . 11* In. Width of Sec. . . . 2* In. Heating Surface per Sec 10 Sq. Ft. EXTRA LARGE. Length of Sec. . . 3 Ft. Height of Sec. . . . 11* In. Height of Sec. at connecting point . 15* In. Width of Sec. . . . 2* In. Heating Surface per Sec 15 Sq. Ft. FOR RADIATION PER SECTION SEE PAGES 138 AND 139. DATA FOR EXCELSIOR INDIRECT RADIATORS. Heating Surface. Cold Air Supply. Diameter of Duck if Round. Hot Air Flue. Size for Brick Work if Hot Air Flues. Size of Register. Ratio of 1 to 30. Ratio of 1 to 35. Ratio of 1 to 40. Sq. Feet. Sq. Inches. Inches. Sq. Inches. Inches. Inches. Cubic Feet. Cubic Feet. Cubic Feet. 24 36 6.8 48 4x12 8x 8 720 840 960 36 54 8.3 72 8 12 9 12 1080 1260 1440 48 72 9.6 96 8 12 10 14 1440 1680 1920 60 90 10.0 120 12 12 12 15 1800 2100 2400 72 108 11.7 144 12 12 12 19 2160 2520 2880 84 126 12.7 168 12 16 14 22 2520 2940 3360 96 144 13.5 192 12 16 14 24 2880 3360 3840 108 162 14.4 226 12 20 1G 20 3240 3780 4320 120 180 15.2 240 12 20 16 24 3600 4200 4800 132 198 15.9 264 12 24 20 20 3960 4620 5280 144 216 16.6 288 12 24 20 24 4320 5040 5760 TAPPINGS. For all styles of Perfection, Detroit, National, Ideal, Peerless, and Excelsior. STEAM. ONE PIPE WORK. Radiators Containing 24 square feet and under .... 1 Inch. Above 24, but not exceeding 60 feet, 1* » Above 60. „ ,, ,, 100 “ 1* ,, Above 100 square feet 2 ,, TWO PIPE WORK. Radiators Containing 48 square feet and under . . . 1 x J Inch. Above 48, but not exceeding 96 feet 1* 1 „ Above 96 square feet . . . . 1* 1* ,, HOT WATER. Tapped for Supply and Return. Radiators containing 40 square feet and under 1 Inch. Above 40, but not exceeding 72 square feet 1* „ Above 72 square feet 1* * Distance from floor to center of opening is 4* inches. 140 RADIATORS. BUNDY STANDARD ONE AND TWO ROW RADIATORS. Steam. One or Two Row. Hot Water. One or Two Row. Styles of Loops. Hghts. of Rdtrs. Feet of Heating Surface per Loop. List Price per Loop. List Price per Foot. Cost per Foot. Hghts. of Rdtrs. Feet of Heating Surface per Loop. List Price per Loop. List Price per Foot. Cost per Foot. r 42 3} $2.45 $0.70 45 4 $3.40 $0.85 Standard . . 36 30 3 2} 2.25 2.13 .75 .85 39 33 3 } 3 3.15 3.00 .90 1.00 l 24 2 2.00 1.00 27 2* 2.88 1.15 r 42 41 2.87 .67} 45 4! 3.92 .82} Enlarged . . -j 36 30 3* 3 2.54 2.48 .7% .82} 39 33 4 3 } 3.50 3.41 .871 .on 1 24 2} 2.28 .97} 27 2| 3.19 1.12} r 42 4} 2.76 .65 45 4| 3.80 .80 Extended Snr- J 36 3} 2.45 .70 39 4 3.40 .85 face . . . 1 30 3 2.40 .80 33 3.V 3.33 .95 l 24 2} 2.22 .95 27 2| 3.12 1.10 List of Different Sizes, giving Lengths in Inches. One Row.* 1x3 4 i 5 | 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 ! 20 22 24 26 12 15} | 18} 1 21} 25} 28} 31} 34} 38 41} 44| 47} 51 54 eof ! 66} 73} 79} 86i Two Row* 2x3 4 5 6 7 8 | 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 16 18 20 1 22 1 24 26 12 15} 18} 21} 24f 28} | 31} 34f 38 41} 44| 47f 50} | 54} 60! 66} | 73} | 79} 86} BUNDY STANDARD THREE AND FOUR ROW RADIATORS. Steam. Three and Four Row. Hot Water. Three Row. Sizes . . . Lengths . 3x3 . 12} 4 15} 5 18} 6 22 7 25f 8 28} 1 9 1 31} 10 34} 11 39 1 12 | 42 13 j 15 45} 1 51} Four Row.* Sizes ! r . 4x4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 1 14 18 20 22 1 24 Lengths . . 16} 19! 22} 26} 29} 32 35! 42} | 48! 60} 67} 73} | 79} BUNDY CIRCULAR STEAM AND HOT WATER DIRECT RADIATORS. Steam. Hot Water. Styles of Loops. Hghts. of Rdtrs. Feet of Heating Surface per Loop. List Price per Loop. List Price per Foot. Cost per Foot. Hghts. of Rdtrs. Feet of Heating Surface per Loop. List Price per Loop. List Price per Foot. Cost per Foot. Standard . . | 42 3} $2.63 $0.75 45 4 $3.80 $0.95 36 3 2.40 .80 39 3} 3.50 1.00 Enlarged . . j 42 36 4} 3} 3.08 2.71 .72} .77} 45 39 4} 4 4.39 3.90 •92} .97} Extended Sur- ( 42 4} 2.98 .70 45 4} 4.28 .90 face . . . ( 36 3} 2.63 .75 39 4 3.80 .95 List of Sizes, giving Diameters of Bases in Inches.* Size No. of Loops . . 1 1° 1 1 15 20 26 34 | 50 72 Diameter of B^se . . 17} 18} 21} 22} 26} 31} 36 FOR TAPPINGS SEE NOTE, PAGE 144. 141 RADIATORS. BUNDY CIRCULAR STEAM AND HOT WATER DIRECT RADIATOR. Steam. Hot Water. Styles of Loops. Hghts. of Rdtrs. ~Peet of Heating Su-Lce per Loop. List Price per Loop. List Price per Foot. Cost per Foot. Hghts. of Rdtrs Feet of Heating- Surface pe Loop. List Price per Loop. List Price per Foot. Cost per Foot. Standard . . j 42 36 3 * 3 $2.63 2.40 $0.75 .80 45 39 4 3 * $3.80 3.50 $0.95 1.00 Enlarged . . j 42 4* 3.08 .72* 45 4| 4.39 .92| 36 3* 2.71 .77^ 39 4 3.90 .97 * Extended Sur- ( 42 4* 2.98 .70 45 42 4.28 .90 face . . . ( 36 3* 2.63 .75 39 4 3.80 .95 List of Sizes, giving Diameters of Bases in Inches.* 10 15 20 26 34 50 m 18 * 21* 22* 26* 31* Size No. of Loops . Diameter of Base . 72 36 BUNDY COLUMN STEAM AND HOT WATER DIRECT RADIATOR. Steam. Hot Water. Styles of Loops. Hghts. of Rdtrs. Feet of Heating Surface per Loop. List Price per Loop. List Price per Foot. Cost per Foot. Hghts. of Rdtrs. Feet of Heating Surface per Loop List Price per Loop. List Price per Foot. Cost per Foot. Standard . . J 42 3* $2.80 $0.80 45 4 $4.80 $1.20 36 3 2.55 .85 39 3* 4.38 1.25 Enlarged . . j 42 4* 3.29 .77* 45 42 5.58 1.17* 36 3* 2.89 .82* 39 4 4.90 1.22* Extended Sur- ( 42 4* 3.19 .75 45 4| 5.46 1.15 face . . . | 36 3* 2.80 .80 39 4 4.80 1.20 List of Sizes, giving Outside and Inside Diameters of Bases in Inches.* Ste’m Ste’m Ste’m Ste’m Hot Wat’r Sizes, No. of Loops 26 34 50 58 50 Outside Diam. Base 26 30 36 41 36 Inside Diam. Base 9 12| 17 24 17 BUNDY RING COLUMN STEAM RADIATOR. Steam. Styles of Loops. Hghts of Rdtrs. Feet | Ileatg.l Sur. per Loop. 1 List Price per Loop. List Price per Foot. Cost per Foot. Standard . . j 42 36 3* 3 $3.33 3.00 $0.95 1.00 Enlarged . . | 42 36 4* 3* 3.94 3.42 .92* .97* Extended Sur- ( face . . . ( 42 36 4* 3* 3 83 3.33 .90 .95 List of Sizes, giving Inside and Outside Diameters of Bases in Inches.* Size, No. of Loops . 18 22 28 32 Outside Diam. Base 26 30 36 41 Inside Diam. Base . 12 16 2*2* 28* LARGE BUNDY CIRCULAR OR COL- UMN STEAM DIRECT RADIATOR.* Made in 1 diameter (57£ inches); in halves to encircle col- umns 18 inches in diameter; 32 different heights (from 16 inches to 48 inches), and with three distinct styles of loops. [Standard, Enlarged, and Extended Surface.] Steam. Styles of Loops. Hghts. of Rdtrs. Feet Heatg. Sur. per Loop. List Price per Loop. List Price per Foot. C08t per Foot. Standard . . j 48 42 3* 3 $2.98 2.70 $0.85 .90 Enlarged . . j 48 42 4* 3£ 3.51 3.06 .82 J- .87* Extended Sur- j 48 4* 3.40 .80 face ... ( 42 3* 2.98 .85 Total number of loops in radiator 142, in outside circle 46. To reduce the amount of heating surface, interior loops to the number of 96 may be omitted, deducting, in the 48 Inch Radiator, for each Standard loop 3 feet of heating surface and $2.00 from list price; Enlarged loop 3J feet and $2.50; Extended surface loop 3J feet and $2.40. In the 42 Inch Radiator, Standard loop 2i feet and $1.70; Enlarged loop 3 feet and $2.05; Extended loop 3 feet and $2.00. The center of feed and return tappings are 7 inches from floor on account of extra high legs, and, when both are on same side, they are 3} inches apart. The extra high legs, in connection with marnle top, which is usually used, makes heights of radiators 48 inches instead of 42 inches — and 42 inches instead of 36 inches. Binder for marble top only is furnished at above prices, marble and iron tops — extra heavy — being charged for extra — prices on appli- cation. FOR TAPPINGS SEE NOTE, PAGE 144. 142 RADIATORS. BUNDY CORNER STEAM AND HOT WATER RADIATOR. Hot Water. Styles of Loops. Hghts. of Rdtrs. Feet of Heating Surface per Loop. List Price per Loop. List Price per Foot. Cost per Foot. Hghts. of Rdtrs. Feet of Heating Surface per Loop. List Price per Loop. List Price per Foot. Cost per Foot. ( 42 34 $2.63 $0.75 45 4 $3.80 $0.95 Standard . . j 36 3 2.40 .80 39 3 4 3.50 1.00 42 4i 3.08 .724 45 4| 4.39 .924 Enlarged . . j 36 2.71 .774 39 4 3.90 .974 Extended Sur- ( 42 4 2.98 .70 45 4| 4.28 .90 face ... ( 36 3? 2.63 .75 39 4 3.80 .95 List of Different Sizes, giving Radii in Inches. Sizes, No. Loops 10 15 20 Radii, in Inches 15 m 194 Center of tapping 3£ inches from floor and 2 inches from side of Radiator. LARGE BUNDY CORNER STEAM DIRECT RADIATOR. List of Different Sizes, giving Radii in Inches. List of Sizes and Dimensions of Bundy Perfect Indirect and Bundy Perfect Window Direct Radiators. Styles of Loops. Hghts of Rdtrs. Feet Heatg. Sur. per Loop. List Price per Loop. List Price per Foot. Cost per Foot. Standard . . j 42 36 34 3 $2.98 2.70 $0.85 .90 Enlarged . . | 42 36 4i 3! 3.51 3.06 .82* .874 Extended Sur- j face ... | 42 36 4* 3 4 3 40 2.98 .80 .85 Sizes, No. of Loops . 25 28 Radii, Inches . . . 224 224 No. Sec. Length of Stack. Inches. Two Pipe Openings Supply Return. SQ. FT . heats: surface. 36 In. Long, 15 Sq. Ft. per Sec. 29 In. Long, 12 £ Sq. Ft. per Sec. 23 In. Long, 10 Sq. Ft. per Sec. 19 In. Long, 8 Sq. Ft. per Sec. 1 34 14x1 15 124 10 8 2 7 H l 30 25“ 20 16 3 104 H l 45 374 30 24 4 14 14 H 60 50 40 32 5 174 14 H 75 624 50 40 6 21 14 H 90 75 60 48 7 24 h H H 105 874 70 56 8 28“ n H 120 100 80 64 9 314 14 H 135 1124 90 72 10 35 14 U 150 125 100 80 11 3Sb 14 H 165 1374 110 88 12 42 14 U 180 150 120 96 13 454 14 H 195 1624 130 104 14 49 14 11 210 175 140 112 15 524 14 U 225 1874 150 120 16 56 14 H 240 200 160 128 Height of Bundy Perfect Indirect Stack, 9} inches. The Bundy Perfect Window Direct Steam Radiator is made from the Bundy Perfect Indirect sections of the above four different lengths. The above heights do not include 1 inch or 2 inch legs used with Perfect Window Direct Radiators, which adds that much to the heights of the Radiators. 1 inch legs furnished unless otherwise ordered. Width of Perfect Window Direct Radiator, 9£ inches. BUNDY RENAISSANCE STEAM DIRECT RADIATOR, WITH CORNER PILLARS. LIST PRICES. Forty-three Inches High* Thirty-seven Inches High.* List of Radiators bu following size £ Width of Base, 1 Ro 2 Row, Ilf In., 3 Ro’ lilt on the STANDARD. ENLARGED. STANDARD. ENLARGED. w, 7£ In., kv, 15£ In. 3£ Feet Heating Sur. per Loop. List Price. 4* Feet Heating Sur. per Loop. List Price. 3 Feet Heating Sur. per Loop. List Price. 3£ Feet Heating Sur. per Loop. List Price. Shape of Radiator. Number of Loops. Length Rad’tors. Heat’g Sur. With IronTop or arr’ngedfor Marble Top. Heat’g Sur. With IronTop or arr’ngedfor Marble Top. Heat’g Sur. With IronTop or arr’ngedfor Marble Top. TT« n f’rJWith IronTop Heat g or arr’ngedfor Sur. | Marble Top. lx 5 '5 214 174 $ 36.50 2U $ 39.00 15 $ 34.50 174 $ 36.00 1 7 7 284 244 43.50 29f 47.00 21 40.75 244 43.00 1 9 9 344 314 50.75 38J 55.00 27 47.25 314 49.75 1 11 11 41 38| 57.75 46* 63.00 33 53.50 384 56.75 1 13 13 47f 454 65.00 554 71.00 39 60.00 454 63.50 1 15 15 54 524 72.00 63* 78.00 45 66.25 524 70.50 2 5 10 214 35 58.00 42 A 62.75 30 54.25 35 57.00 2 7 14 274 49 72.00 594 78.75 42 66.75 49 70.75 2 9 18 34| 63 86.25 764 94.75 54 79.50 63 84.50 2 11 22 41 77 100.25 934 110.50 66 92.00 77 98.00 2 13 26 47| 91 114.25 1104 126.50 78 104.50 91 111.75 2 15 30 534 105 128.25 1274 142.50 90 117.00 100 125.50 3 5 15 214 524 79.00 63* 86.00 45 73.25 524 77.50 3 7 21 284 734 100.50 894 110.50 63 92.50 734 98 50 3 9 27 344 944 120.75 114* 134.50 81 111.50 944 119.25 3 11 33 42 1154 143.25 1404 159.00 99 130.75 1154 140.25 3 13 39 484 1364 164.50 165* 183.00 117 149.75 1364 161.00 3 15 45 54* 1574 186.00 1914 207.50 135 169.00 1574 182.00 FOR TAPPINGS SEE NOTE, PAGE 144. 143 RADIATORS. BUNDY RENAISSANCE STEAM DIRECT, WITH CORNER PILLARS.* Thirty-One Inches High. Twenty-Five Inches High. Width of Base. Shape. No. of Loops. Length. STANDARD. ~ ENLARGED. STANDARD. ' ENLARGED. Htg.Sur.l Iron Top, Htg.Sur.l Iron Top. Htg.Sur.l Iron Top. Htg.Sur.l Iron Top. 1x5 5 21* 12* $34.00 15 $35. 7o 10 $33.25 11! $34.75 c 1 7 7 28* 17* 40.00 21 42.50 14 39.00 16* 41.00 1 9 9 34* 22* 46.00 27 49.25 18 45.00 21 47.50 o 1 11 11 41 27* 52.25 33 56.00 22 50.75 25f 53.75 * 1 13 13 47| 32* 58.25 39 62.75 26 56.50 30* 60.25 1 15 15 54 37* 64.25 45 69.50 30 62.25 35 66.50 C ° r 2 5 10 21* 25 53.00 30 56.50 20 51.75 23* 54.50 £ 2 7 14 27! 35 65.00 42 70.00 28 63.25 32* 67.25 2 9 18 34* 45 77.00 54 83.50 36 74.75 42 79.75 2 11 22 41 55 89.25 66 96.75 44 86.50 51* 92.50 £ a 2 13 26 47§ 65 101.25 78 110.25 52 98.00 60§ 105.00 0 to above prices to get list prices on Dining-Room Hot Closet Radiators, with Ornamental Base and Loops, as per Fig. .50, Bundy Catalogue I. Add $.‘57.00 to above prices for Standard and Enlarged Loop to get list prices on Dining-Room Hot Closet Radiators, with Ornamental Base and Loops, as per Fig. .51, Bundy Cata- logue I. Not made with Extended Surface Loop for Brass Screen. FOR TAPPING, SEE PAGE 144. 145 RADIATORS. BUNDY ELITE STEAM AND HOT WATER DIRECT AND DIRECT INDIRECT RADIATOR. Size and dimensions of Elite Radiators witli- M ~ o s c? :^ rx Length in j Inches. OPENINGS. Sq. Ft. of Heating Surface. Number of Sections. .2 fir! SIZE OF TAPPING. Sq. Ft. of Heating Sur- face. 38 In. High. 8 Sq. Ft. per Sec. Steam. 1 Hot Z £ 4.1 In. Ilighl Gj| Sq. Ft. per Sec. | js . Uw . %«* = QO s jS * •Win. High 48 Sq. Ft. per Sec. -C . =£ g* 3# 20 In. High 2j Sq. Ft. per Sec. Steam. Hot Water, j 1 Pipe. 2 Pipe. 1 Pipe. 2 Pipe. i 3 1 l xl 1 xl 6| 51 3* 1 5! 1 1 X ! 1 Xl 8 2 6 1 1 1 1 131 11 91 71 51 2 91 1 1 ! 1 1 16 3 9 1 1 fi 1 20 161 14 1H 81 3 131 1 1 ! | 1 1 24 4 12 1 1 ll 1 26§i 22 m 15 11 4 17 1 1 ! 1 1 32 5 15 U 1 3 4 1 1 33l| 271 23J 18! 13! 5 20! H 1 ! ! i 1 40 6 18 H X |1 1 40 33 28 221 161 6 21b ll 1 ! i 1 48 7 21 U 1 11 1 46f 381 32§ 261 191 7 281 H 1 ! i 1 56 8 24 U 111 1 11 H 53i 44 371 30 22 8 32 H H l H H G4 9 27 n !H 1 H H 60 ' 491 42 33f 24! 9 35! H H l H H 72 10 30 i? 1 H H 66§ 55 46§ 371 271 10 391 H H l H H 80 11 33 H ! H 1 U ll 731 601 511 4H 301 11 431 H H l H H 88 12 36 H H 1 H ll 80 66“ 56 45 33 12 47 H H l H ll 96 13 39 H U 1 H ll 86§ 711 60| 48f 35! 13 50! ll H l H H 104 14 42 H H 1 ll H 931 77 651 521 381 14 bib ll H l H ll 112 15 45 j H 11 HH H 100 821 70 561 411 15 581 H H H H H 120 16 1 48 ' H U HU H 106| 88 74§ ! 60 44 16 62 ll ll H ll ll 128 17 | 51 ! 11 ll HH H 1131 931 791 63f 46! 17 65! H ll H ll H 136 18 i 54 ; H U HiH H 120 ; 99 84 671 491 18 691 H H H ll H 144 19 57 1 2 l* H ll H 126§ 1041 88s 711 521 19 731 2 H H ll lb 152 20 | oo ! 2 U ll u H 1331 H0“ 931 75 55 20 77 2 H H ll ll 160 21 63 i 2 U HH H 140 ! 1151 98 78| 57! 21 80! 2 ll H ll lb 168 22 66 j ! 2 11 Hill ll 1461 121 102§ 821 601 22 Sib 2 ll H ll H 176 23 69 J 2 ll ll 11 H 1531: 1261 1071 861 631 23 881 2 lb H H 1 } 184 24 ! 72 1 2 ll HiH H 160 i 132 112 90 66 24 92 2 ll ll H H 192 25 i 75 1 2 ll h|h n\ 166§, 1371 lies 93! 68! BUNDY PYRO STEAM AND HOT WATER DIRECT RADIATOR. List of Sizes and Dimensions. BUNDY PRINCESS STEAM DIRECT RADIATOR. List of Sizes and Dimensions. Heating Surface. BUNDY PYRO WALL STEAM AND HOT WATER DIRECT RADIATOR. List of Sizes and Dimensions. Number of Section*. Length in Inches. size of tapping. i § =■ _ £ H - -ct J, £ C “ §8® Steam. Hot Water. 1 Pipe. 2 Pipe. 1 11J 1 1 x ! , 1 X 1 8 2 211 1 l ! 1 1 16 3 31! 1 1 ! 1 1 24 4 42 1 l ! i 1 1 1 32 5 52! H i ! 1 1 40 6 621 H i ! 1 1 48 7 72! H l ! 1 1 56 8 83 I H H 1 H H 9 93! H H i ' H H ! 10 1031: H * 1 i H H ! 80 11 113! H l! l 1 u n 88 BUNDY DEFIANCE STEAM AND HOT WATER RADIATOR. n -i; 21 !56f 8 22 59* 23 Itilff 24 64l 25 2 llin. x 18in. 8 in. x 13in. •r C-3.S u s £ * fl81, 197l9f1 j 20, 20*, 21 ! ] 211, 22“ 221 j ! 23 and 231. J ri3j, 14, 141 | J 15", 15£, 16 I 1 16*. 17, 17i | lSaiuHsi^ * x oCu $6.30 $0.90 4 $4.20 $1.05 Hot Water. $6.83 $0,975 $4.60'$1.15 TAPPING SEE PAGE 144. 146 RADIATORS. FOWLER RADIATOR CO FOWLER” STEAM AND HOT WATER . No. of Sections. Length. Inches. Openings. Heating Surface, Square Feet. One Pipe Steam. Inches. Two Pipe Steam. Inches. Hot Water. Inches. Height. 36 30 Inches. | 24 20 2 5| 1 x 0 ! x 5 1 x 1 14 11 8 b 61 3 8* 1 0 ! 5 1 1 21 165 12} 10 4 105 1 0 1 5 1 1 28 22 17 135 5 m 1 0 1 1 1 35 275 215 161 6 165 U 0 1 1 1 1 42 33 255 20 7 18! 15 0 1 I 1 1 49 385 29| 235 8 215 15 0 1 ! 1 1 56 44 34 26§ 9 24 15 0 1 5 15 15 63 495 385 30 10 26§ 15 0 15 1 15 15 70 55 425 335 11 295 15 0 15 1 15 15 77 605 46f 361 12 31| 15 0 15 1 15 15 84 66 51 40 13 345 15 0 15 1 15 15 91 715 555 435 14 375 15 0 15 1 15 15 98 77 595 461 15 39| 15 0 15 1 15 15 105 825 63f 50' 16 42| 15 0 15 1 15 15 112 88 68 535 17 45 15 0 15 1 15 15 119 935 725 561 18 47$ U 0 li 1 15 15 126 99 765 60 19 505 u 0 15 1 15 15 133 1045 80! 635 20 525 n 0 15 15 15 15 140 110 85 661 21 555 n 0 15 15 15 15 147 1155 895 70 22 585 15 0 15 15 15 15 154 121 935 735 23 60f lb 0 lb - 15 H lb 161 1265 97! 761 24 63§ 15 0 lb 15 15 15 168 132 102 80 25 66 lb 0 15 15 15 15 175 1375 1065 835 26 68$ 15 0 15 15 15 15 182 143 1105 86§ 27 715 15 0 15 15 15 15 189 1485 114! 90 28 735 lb 0 15 15 15 lb 196 154 119 935 29 765 H 0 15 15 15 n 203 1595 1235 961 30 795 15 0 15 li 15 15 210 165 1275 100 31 81f 15 0 15 15 15 15 217 1705 131! 1035 32 84| 15 0 15 15 15 1* 224 176 136 1061 These dimensions are from outside to outside of tapping bosses ; where openings are less than II inches, allow- ance must be made of $ inch on each end for reducing bushings. Width of radiators, 8g inches. Width of feet of same, 9$ inches. Width of base, semi-direct, 10 inches. GURNEY HEATER CO. GURNEY” RADIATOR. DESCRIPTION. Square Feet of Radiating Surface. YALE” QUINTET RADIATOR. DESCRIPTION. 0.0 & " is 39 In. High. 33 In. High. 27 In. High. 21 In. High. 0 0 Oy M> a d hJ 47 In. High 13 Sq. Ft. per Sec. 40 In. High 11 Sq. Ft. per Sec. 33In.High 9 Sq. Ft. per Sec. 26In.High 7 Sq. Ft. per Sec. 20 In. High 5 Sq. Ft. per Sec. 2 75 15 125 115 9 2 9 26 22 18 14 10 3 115 225 18! 175 135 3 135 39 33 27 21 15 4 15 30 25 23 18 4 18 52 44 36 28 20 5 18| 375 315 28! 225 5 225 65 55 45 35 25 6 225 45 375 345 27 6 27 78 66 54 42 30 7 265 525 43! 405 315 7 315 91 77 63 49 35 8 30 60 50 46 36 8 36 104 88 72 56 40 9 331 675 565 51| 405 9 405 117 99 81 63 45 10 375 75 625 575 45“ 10 45 130 110 90 70 50 11 415 825 68| 635 495 11 495 143 121 99 77 55 12 45 90 75 69 54 12 54 156 132 108 84 60 13 48! 975 815 74! 585 13 585 169 143 117 91 65 14 525 105 875 805 63 14 63 182 154 126 98 70 15 56! 1125 93| 865 675 15 675 195 165 135 105 75 16 60 120 100 92 72 16 72 208 176 144 112 80 17 63! 1275 1065 97! 765 17 765 221 187 153 119 85 18 675 135 1125 1035 81 18 81 234 198 162 126 90 19 715 1425 118! 1005 855 19 855 247 209 171 133 95 20 75 150 125 115 90 20 90 260 220 180 140 100 Square Feet of Radiating Surface. Width of Section, 9$ inches. Width of legs, 11$ inches. Thickness of section, 3J inches. Each section is 9g inches wide. Width at feet, 9g iuehes. Height from floor to center of openings is 8$ inches. 147 RADIATORS. JARECKI MANUFACTURING CO. 148 RADIATORS. JOY RADIATOR CO. CRESCENT. CRESCENT WINDOW. No. of Sections. S 73 a fcB a % S J o 73*^ -3 c 2 g Sis'® cc -2 s- § a o .a£.2 fi 52 g ”.502 o* u o A § elf ” ~cc o - H O o A As! s o a o OJ . -£§ 111 aa? o H O © CC o o S3 o a a a tub a © .si, „ *3 © . © a a g n o *_> o oO © © bSoHJV* 2 .s L . 3 g ag ’So e ^ © o a -ecu © '-'•£,”00 GO S CC gc ag .a o+a 2 an a , v ~ © -n ^CO ©_=cq? M aj Jill 2° So HEATING- SURFACE. Sq. Feet of Heating Surface. 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 IT 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 51 54 57 60 63 66 69 72 75 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 77 84 91 98 105 112 119 126 133 140 147 154 161 168 175 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 102 108 114 120 126 132 138 144 150 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 88 92 96 100 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 51 54 57 60 63 66 69 72 75 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 <11 "iG 10! 131* 16* 22* 25 /g 28f 31i 5 g 34* 37 & 40* 43 1 ’°16 46 481| 51* If 11 16* 22 27* 33 38* 44 49* 55 60* 66 71* 77 82* 88 93* 99“ 104* 110 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 9 13* 18“ 22* 27 31* 36 40* 45“ 49* 54 58* 63 67* 72 76* 81 85* 90 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 ORIENT. VERTICAL FLUE. J No. of Sections. JS © a To a © fa •5** a £ cs'S CO *-> e 6 a o a> cc © a js 5.2 ©^ ~ 5 c « o a U 60 45 15 39! 105 86* 67* 45 16 40 96 80 64 48 16 42* 112 92 72 48 17 42* 102 85 68 51 17 45 119 97! 76* 51 18 45 108 90 72 54 18 47! 126 103* 81" 54 19 47* 114 95 76 57 19 50 A 133 109* 85* 57 20 50 120 100 80 60 20 53* 140 115 90“ 60 21 52* 126 10. p f 84 63 21 55* 147 120| 94* 63 22 55 132 110 88 66 22 58| 154 126* 99 66 23 57* 138 111; > 92 69 23 61* 161 132* 103* 69 24 60 144 120 96 72 24 64 168 138 108“ 72 25 62* 150 125 100 75 25 66! 175 143! 112* 75 149 RADIATORS. PORTER RADIATOR AND IRON CO. “efficient” and “fleur-de-lis” vertical flue, and “fleur- DE-LIS” LOOP RADIATORS. Length. SQUARE FEET Of HEATING "SURFACE. No. Loops. Efficient. “Fleur-de-Lis.” “Efficient.” “ Fleur-de-Lis.” V.F. “ Fleur-de-Lis ” Loop Vertical Flue. Loop. 38 In. 32 In. 26 In. 21 In. 38 In. 32 In. 26 In. 20 In. 2 5* 6* 5* ' 14 11* 9 6 8 6| 5* 4 3 8 9| 8* 21 17* 13| 9 12 10 8 6 4 10* 13 11 28 23 18 12 16 13* io§ 8 5 13* 16* 132 35 28| 22* 15 20 16§ 16 10 6 16 19* 16* 42 34* 27 18 24 20 18! 12 7 18f 22f 19* 49 40* 31* 21 28 23* 21* 14 8 21* 26 22 56 46 36 24 32 26* 24 16 9 24* 29* 24f 63 51| 40* 27 36 30 26! 18 10 26| 32* 27* 70 57* 45 30 40 33* 29* 20 11 29* 36| 29* 77 63* 49* 33 44 36* 32 22 12 32* 40 32 84 69 54 36 48 40 34! 24 13 35 43* 34* 91 74* 58* 39 52 43* 37* 26 14 37* 46* 37* 98 80* 63 42 56 46* 40 28 15 40* 49J 40 105 86* 67* 45 60 50 42! 30 16 42f 53 42f 112 92 72 48 64 53* 45* 32 17 45* 56* 45* 119 97| 76* 51 68 56§ 48 34 18 48* 59* 48* 126 103* 81 54 72 60 50! 36 19 51 62f 51 133 109* 85* 57 76 63* 53* 38 20 53* 66 53f 140 115 90 60 80 66* 56 40 21 56 69* 56* 147 120f 94* 63 84 70 58! 42 22 58| 72* 59* 154 126* 99 66 88 73* 61* 44 23 62 75* 62 161 132* 103* 69 92 76§ 64 46 24 54f 78 64| 168 138 108 72 96 80 66! 48 25 67* 81* 67* 175 143f 112* 75 100 83* 69* 50 EFFICIENT" AND FLEUR-DE-LIS” V. F. BODY, 8 INCHES WIDE, 9? INCHES ACROSS THE FEET. "fLEUR-DE-LIS” LOOP, 72 INCHES WIDE. CORRY RADIATOR CO. HERCULES, CEM, LEADER, AND PEARL RADIATORS. SQUARE FEET OF HEATING SURFACE. u o oo 6 ..ength, Inches. Hercules, Gem, and Leader. Hercules made in 37, 34, 31, 28, 25, 21, and 13 In. High. Gem and Leader made in 44, 37, 31, 25, and 18 In.High. Pearl. M 44 In. 37 In. 34 In. 31 In. 28 In. 25 In. 21 In. 18 In. 37 In. 34 In. 31 In. 28 In. 25 In. 21 In. 18 In. 2 5 17* 14* 13* 12 10! 9* 7| 6* 10! 9* 8! 7* 6! 5 J 4! 3 8 26 21| 20 18 16 14 li! 9* 16* 14§ 13* 11* 10* 8* 7* 4 11 34! 29 26! 24 21* 18! 15* 12! 21* 19* 17* 15* 13* 11* 9* 5 14 43* 36* 33* 30 26! 23* 19f 15| 27 24 22 19 17 14 12 6 17 52 43* 40 36 32 28 23* 19 32§ 28* 26* 22* 20* 16! 14* 7 20 60! 50| 46! 42 37* 32! 27* 22* 37f 33* 30* 26* 23* 19* 16! 8 23 69* 58 53* 48 42! 37* 31 25* 43* 38* 35* 30* 27* 22* 19* 9 26 78 65* 60 54 48 42 34* 28* 48! 43* 39* 34* 30* 25* 21* 10 29 86! 72* 66! 60 53* 46! 38:f 31! 54 48 44 38 34 28 24 11 32 95* 79! 73* 66 58! 51* 42§ 34§ 59J 52* 48* 41! 37* 30* 26| 12 35 104 87 80 72 64 56 46* 38 64* 57* 52* 45* 40! 33* 28! 13 38 112! 94* 86! 78 69* 60! 50! 41* 70* 62* 57* 49* 44 * 36* 31* 14 41 121* 101* 93* 84 74! 65* 54* 44* 75* 67* 61* 53* 47* 39* 33* 15 44 130 108! 100 90 80 70 58* 47* 81 72 66 57 51 42 36 16 47 138* 116 106! 96 85* 74! 62 50| 86* 76 i 70! 60* 54* 44* 38 17 50 147* 123* 113* 102 90! 79* 65* 53* 91! 81* 74f 64* 57! 47* 40! 18 53 156 130* 120 108 96 84 69| 57 97* 86* 79* 68* 61* 50* 43* 19 56 164! 137! 126! 114 101* 88! 73* 605 102* 91* 83* 72* 64* 53* 45* 20 59 173* 145 133* 120 106! 93* 77* 63* 108 96 88 76 68 56 48 150 RADIATORS. STANDARD RADIATOR CO OLD STYLE. I NEW STYLE. or HEATING SURFACE. • • . . . ! 1 No. of | Sec. Length Ta Water. pped for Steam. HEATING SURFACE. Square Feet. 44 In. 38 In. 32 In. 2G In. 22 In. 30 Flow and Ret. Supply. Return. 43Un. | 37£ln. | 31JIn. | 25£ln. | 21£ln. 3 ~n IT'" 1 X I " 171 15 12! 10* 12 10 9 7*: i 6 4* 4 10 l 1 i 23 20 17 14 11 18 15 13* 11* 9 6* 5 12* 1 1 1 28| 25 21* 17* 13! 24 20 18 15 12 9 6 15 l 1 3 34* 30 25* 21 16* 30 25 22* 18! 15 Hi 7 m l 1 ! 40* 35 29! 24* 19* 36 30 27 22* 18 13* 8 20 1 1 i 46 40 34 28 22 42 35 31* 26*| 21 15f 9 22* l 1 a 51| 45 38* 31* 24! 48 40 36 30 i 24 18 10 25 l 1 ! 57* 50 42* 35 27* 54 45 40* 33!! 1 *7 20* 11 27* l* 11 i 63* 55 46! 38* 30* 60 50 45 37* ; ! 30 22* 12 30 1* H i 69 60 51 42 33 66 55 49* 41* 33 24* 13 32* l* U i 74| 65 55* 45* 35! 72 60 54 45 36 27 14 35 l* li i 80* 70 59* 49 38* 78 65 58* 48! 39 29* 15 37* U il i 86* 75 63! 52* 41* 84 70 63 52* ! 42 31* 16 40 l* 11 i 92 80 68 56 44 90 75 67* 56* 45 33| 17 42* U li i 97| 85 72* 59* 46! 96 80 72 60 1 48 36 18 45 11 H i 103* 90 76* 63 49* 102 85 76* 63! 51 38* 19 474 11 11 i 109* 95 80! 66* 52* 108 90 81 67* 1 54 40* 20 50 11 11 i 115 100 85 70 55 114 95 85* 71* ! 57 42! 21 524 H 11 i 120| 105 89* 73* 57! 120 100 90 75 j 60 45 22 55“ H 11 i 126* 110 93* 77 60* 126 105 94* 78! ! 63 47* 23 574 li U i 132* 115 97* 80* 63* 132 110 99 82* 66 49* 24 60“ H 11 i 138 120 102 84 66 138 115 103* 86* 69 51! 25 62* U 11 i 143! 125 106* 00 68! 144 120 108 90 72 54 26 65 H li i 149* 130 no* 91 71* 150 125 112* 93! 75 56* 27 67* 11 11 i 155* 135 114! 94* 74* 156 130 117 97* 78 58* 28 70 li H i 161 140 119 98 77 162 135 121* 101* 81 60| 29 m li H i 166f 145 123* 101* 79! 168 140 126“ 105 84 63 30 75* U H i 172* 150 127* 105 82* 174 145 130* 108! 87 65* 31 77* l* li i 180 150 135 112* 90 67* 32 80 11 11 i 186 155 139* 116* 93 69! NEW SINCLE LOOP. NEW FOUR COLUMN No. of Sec. Length 1 Pipe Steam. Tappings. 2 Pipe Steam. Water. 44 In. 38 In. 32 In. 26 In. 22 In. 18 In. 44 In. 38 In. d 05 26 In. j 22 In. 18 In. 2 5 1 1 X I 1 7 6 5 4 3 2* 17 14 11* 8* i 7 5* 3 7* 1 1 ! 1 10* 9 7* 6 4* 3| 25* 21 17* 12! i 40* 8* 4 10 1 1 ! 1 14 12 10 8 6 5 34 28 23 17 i 14 11 5 12* 1 1 1 1 17* 15 12* 10 7* 6* 42* 35 28! 21* 17* 13! 6 15 1 1 ! 1 21 18 15 12 9 7* 51 42 34* 25* ! 21 16* 7 17* 1 1 f 1 24* 21 17* 14 10* 8! 59* 49 40* 29| i 24* 19* 8 20 1 1 ! 1 28 24 20 16 12 10 68 56 46 34 28 “2 9 22* 1 1 I 1 31* 27 22* 18 13* 11* 76* 63 51! 38* 314 24! 10 25 1 1 ! 1 35 30 25 20 15 12* 85 70 574 42* 35“ 27* 11 27* 1* 1* l 1* 38* 33 27* 22 16* 13| 93* 77 03* 46! 38* 30* 12 30 1* 1* l 1* 42 36 30 24 18 15 102 84 69 51 I | 42 33 13 32* 1* 1* l 1* 45* 39 32* 26 19* 16* no* 91 74! 55* j 454 35f 14 35 1* 1* l 1* 49 42 35 28 21 17* 119 98 so A 594 1 49 38* 15 37* 1* 1* l 1* 52* 45 37* 30 22* 18! 127* 105 86* 63! ! 524 41* 16 40 1* 1* l 1* 56 48 40 32 24 20 136 112 92 68 ; | 56“ 44 17 42* 1* 1* l 1* 59* 51 42* 34 25* 21* 144* 119 97! 72* 59* 46! 18 45 1* 1* l 1* 63 54 45 36 27 22* 153 126 103* 764 63 49* 19 47* 1* 1* l 1* 66* 57 47* 38 28* 23| 161* 133 109* 80! 664 52* 20 50 1* 1* l 1* 70 60 50 40 30 25 170 140 115 85 70“ 55 21 52* 1* 1* l 1* 73* 63 52* 42 31* 26* 178* 147 120! 89* 73* 57! 22 55 1* 1* i* 1* 77 66 55 44 33 27* 187 154 126* 934 77 604 23 57* 1* 1* i* 1* 80* 69 57* 46 34* 28| 195* 161 132* 97| 804 63* 24 60 1* 1* i* 1* 84“ 72 60 48 36 30 204 108 138 102 84“ 66 25 62* 1* 1* i* 1* 87* 75 62* 50 37* 31* 212* 175 143! 106* 874 68;* 26 65 1* 1* 1* 1* 91 78 65 52 39 32* 221 182 149* no* 91 “ 71* 27 67* 1* 1* 1* 1* 94* 81 67* 54 40* 33! 229* 189 155* 114! 944 74* 28 70 2 u i* 1* 98“ 84 70 56 42 35 238 196 161 119 98 29 72* 2 1* i* 1* 101* 87 72* 58 43* 36* 246* 203 166f 123* 101 V 79! 30 75 2 1* l* 1* 105 90 75 60 45 37* 255 210 172* 127*1105 824 31 77* 2 1* 1* 1* 108* 93 77* 62 46* 38! 263* 217 178* 131||l08*| 85* 151 STEAM RADIATORS. 1 1 UNION” AND “ROYAL RADIATORS. UNION” “champion UNION*' and “imperial UNION" RADIATORS. Imperial Union not made in 45 in. high. | No. Sections. ■ Length. in. Square Ft. Radiating Surface. | No. Sections. J -J 0 0 * £ 2 Length. Square Feet of Radiating Surface. Size. | No. of columns. | Width. 1 Length. Square Feet of Radiating Surface 36 inches high. 30 inches high. 24 inches high. 20 inches high. 44 inches high. 36 inches high. 30 inches hign. 24 inches high. 1 20 inches 1 high. 4 7/ ins. 12% ins 8 6 5 4 2 x 3 6 12ins 11 ins. 15 12 9 7/ 6 5 r i 1 4 “ 14% • 10 7/ 6 5 2x4 8 12 ” 13 “ 20 16 12 10 8 6 7/ “ 17 « 12 9 7 6 2 x 5 10 12 “ 15/ “ 25 20 15 12/ 10 7 7/ “ 19% ' 14 10/ 8 7 2x6 12 12 “ 17% 11 30 24 18 15 12 8 7% " 21/ ( kfc 16 12 10 8 2 x 7 14 12 “ 20 “ 35 28 21 17% 14 9 7/ “ 23% ( 18 13/ 11 9 2x8 16 12 “ 22 11 40 32 24 20 16 10 7/ " 26 1 20 15 12 10 2 x 9 18 12 " 24 % “ 45 36 27 22/ 18 12 7/ “ 30/ ' 24 18 15 12 2x10 20 12 “ 26/ 50 40 30 25 20 14 7/ “ 35 ' 28 21 17 14 2x11 22 12 “ 28 11 55 44 33 27/ 22 16 7/ " 3934 1 32 24 20 16 2x 12 24 12 “ 3134 60 48 36 30 24 18 7/ ” 44 ~ 1 kb 36 27 22 18 2x 13 26 12 “ 33/ “ 65 52 39 32/ 26 28 7/ " 48/ 40 30 24 20 2x14 28 12 “ 35/ 11 70 56 42 35 28 22 7/ “ 53 44 33 27/ 22 2x15 30 12 “ 37% “ 75 60 45 37/ 30 24 7^ " 5734 48 36 30 24 2 x 16 32 12 “ 40 11 80 64 40 40 32 2x17 34 12 “ 42 11 85 68 51 42/ 34 Hight 1 | 44 36 24 | | 20 2x18 36 12 “ m “ 90 72 54 45 36 2 x 20 40 12 “ 49 100 80 60 50 40 2 x 22 44 12 “ 53 11 110 88 66 55 44 Cost 2 x 25 50 12 “ 59% “ 125 100 75 62/ 50 2X28 56 12 “ 66/ 11 140 112 84 70 56 Price 1 2 x 31 62 12 “ 73% 11 155 124 93 72/ 62 152 COST PRICES OF RADIATION. The majority of the heating trade prefer to handle only one or two lines of radiators, and for this reason it is thought best to list only a few makes, on account of the space a larger number would occupy. Therefore, only a few are listed, and blank spaces are left sufficient for any others the fitter may handle. 153 COST PRICE OF RADIATION. Name of Manufacturer and Radiator. PerCt.Dis. off List. Extra per Section or Loop. Cost per Section or Loop. Cost per Square Foot. Height in Inches. 45 38 32 31 2$ 25 23 22 20 19 18 16 15 14 13 American Rad. Co. Steam. DetroitOrnament’l F. Detroit Plain Fluted. Detroit Dining-Room ! Det. F. Renaissance. . Excelsior C. I., Top. . Ideal National National Single Col . . N ational Four Col ... . Peerless Perfection Perfection Flue Perf ’ t ’ nDining-Room Indirect Steam. Excelsior Perfection Pin Specialties — Steam. Column Curved Corner ... Window Stairway Direct Indirect 154 COST PRICE OF RADIATION. Name of Manufacturer and Radiator. PerCt.Dis. off List. Extra per Section or Loop. Cost per Section or Loop. Cost per Square Foot. Height in Inches. 45 38 32 31 26 25 23 22 20 19 18 16 15 14 13 American Rad. Co. Hot Water. DetroitOrnament’l F. Detroit Plain Fluted. Detroit Flue Det. F. Renaissance. . Detroit Dining-Room Ideal National National Single Col . . National Four Col. . . . Peerless Perfection Perfection Flue Perf ’ t ’ nD ining-Room Indirect Hot Water. Excelsior Perfection Specialties —Hot Water. Column Curved Corner Window Direct Indirect Perfection Rad. Tops. 1 155 COST PRICE OF RADIATION. Name of Manufacturer and Radiator. PerCt.Dis. off List. Extra per Section or Loop. Cost per Section or Loop. Cents per Square Foot. Height in Inches. | A. A. Griffing Iron Co. Steam. Bundy Bundy Columbia Bundy Column I Bundy Corner Bundy Climax Bundy Defiance Bundy Dining-room.. BundyDirectln direct Bundy Duplex Base.. Bundy Elite . . Bundy Princess Bundy Pyro Bundy Pyro Wall — Bundy Renaissance.. Indirect Steam. Bundy Bundy Angle Bundy Climax Bundy Pin ...... Bundy Perfect i i 156 COST PRICE OF RADIATION. Name of Manufacturer and Radiator. PerCt.Dis. off List. Extra per Section or Loop. Cost per Section or Loop. Cents per Square Foot. Height in Inches. | | A. A. Griffing Iron Co. Hot Water. Bundy Columbia ! Bundy Column Bundy Corner Bundy Climax Bundy Defiance Bundy Dining-room.. BundyDirectlndirect Bundy Duplex Base.. Bundy Elite Bundy Pyro Bundy Pyro Wall — Bundy Renaissance.. Indirect Hot Water. Bundy Bundy Climax Bundy Pin Bundy Perfect i | j i i ! 157 COST PRICE OF RADIATION Name of Manufacturer and Radiator. PerCt.Dis. off List. Extra per I Section or Loop. Cost per Section or Loop. — Cost per Square Foot. Height in Inches. 1 ! ! I I 1 1 i ! 158 COST PRICE OF RADIATION. Name of Manufacturer and Radiator. off List. Extra per Section or Loop. Cost per Section or Loop. Cents per Square Foot. Height in Inches. | H. B. Smith Co. Steam. Champion Union. Cham. Union Dir.Ind. Imperial Union Union Royal Union Reed Reed Circular Reed Column Whittier Indirect Steam. Gold Pin, Regular. . Gold Pin, fi Tn. Dmm. Gold Pin, 10 In. Drum Gold Pin, Flange Gold, Utica Pattern.. Hot Water. Champion Union Cham. Union Dir.Ind. Imperial Union Union i Royal Union Whittier Indirect Hot Water. Gold Pin, Regular. . . Gold Pin, 6 In. Drum. Gold Pin, 10 In.Drum. I Gold Pin, Flange Gold, Utica Pattern. . | 159 COST PRICE OF RADIATION. 160 COST PRICE OF RADIATION Name of Manufacturer and Radiator. off List. Extra per Section or Loop. Cost per Section or Loop. Cost per Square Foot. Height in Inches. | 161 RADIATORS AMERICAN RADIATORS. Detroit. / Detroit Dining Room. 162 RADIATORS AMERICAN RADIATORS. Perfection Column. Detroit Flue, 163 RADIATORS AMERICAN RADIATORS. Perfection Corner (Hot Water). Perfection (Steam). 164 RADIATORS AMERICAN RADIATORS. National Single Column. National Steam. National Four Column National Hot Water. RADIATORS AMERICAN RADIATORS. National Direct Indirect (Steam). Ideal (Steam). RADIATORS. AMERICAN RADIATORS. Perfection Flue. Climax Indirect. 167 RADIATORS. ADAMS RADIATOR CO. 168 Fowler Semi-Direct (Showing Air Passages) 169 RADIATORS. GURNEY MFG. CO. Gurney. Yale Quintet, 170 RADIATORS. A. A. GRIFFIN IRON CO. Bundy Corner. Bundy Circular. 171 RADIATORS Bundy Dining Room. 172 RADIATORS, 173 RADIATORS, 174 RADIATORS. Bundy Duplex Crescent Damper. Bundy Horizontal Steam Indirect. Bundy Climax Hot Water and Steam Indirect. 176 RADIATORS. CORRY RADIATOR CO. Hercules. Pearl. 176 RADIATORS. COREY RADIATOR CO. Leader. Gem. 177 RADIATORS 178 RADIATORS JOY RADIATOR CO. Crescent Flue Window. Crescent Flue. Crescent. 179 RADIATORS. Nason. GEO. P. STEEL IRON CO. Niagara. Gove. 180 HOPSON & CHAPIN MFG. CO. Connecticut. NIAGARA RADIATOR CO. NASON MFG. CO. RADIATORS H. B. SMITH CO. Union (Ornamental Base). Royal Union. 181 RADIATORS H. B. SMITH CO. End View. Imperial Union. End View. Champion Union. 182 RADIATORS. H. B. SMITH CO. Whittier. 183 RADIATORS STANDARD RADIATOR CO. New Style Single Loop. Standard (New Style). 184 “LITTLE GIANT" (trade .ark) Hot Water Heater. FOR HEATING AND SUPPLYING HOT WATER. SURFACE BURNING FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL. Number | Cipher i Height, inches Diameter, inches Diameter of Grate, inches Size of Tapping, inches Diameter of Smoke Pipe Gallons of Water Heated per Hour Capacity Sq. Ft. Direct Radiation Cubic Feet of Air Space Heater will heat with | Direct Radiation to 3 Cost Price 12 Lad 35 16 12 5 IOO 75 2250 $ 40 16 Lake 38 '/> IQ 15 1 y> 6 200 175 5250 - 70 20 Lard J / z 40 7 24 18 * /z 2 6 350 300 9000 IOO Discount AMERICAN BOILER COMPANY, 84 Lake St., Chicago, Ills. 185 “ADVANCE” (trade mark) Hot Water Heater. SURFACE BURNING ADAPTED TO ALL KINDS OF FUEL. | Number of Heater] | Cipher Height, inches Floor Space required, inches Size of Fire Chamber inches Number | of Sections | Diam. Smoke Pipe 1 1 Size of Flow Outlet, inches Number and Size of Return Inlets, inches Capacity, Square Feet, Direct Radiation in Addit’n to Mains Cubic Feet of Air Space Heater will heat with Direct Radiation In *i4 I Amen 75 66x53 26 x 28 7 IO 5 2*4 1150 34,500 I412 2 Amid 75 72x53 26 x 34 8 IO 5 2-4 1400 42,000 475 3 Anon 75 78x53 26 x 40 9 IO 5 2-4 1700 51,000 560 4 Ante 75 84x53 26 x 46 10 IO 5 2-4 2000 60,000 640 5 Apex 75 90x53 26 x 52 11 12 5 2-4 2300 69 OOO 700 6 Apse 75 96x53 26 x 58 12 12 6 2-5 2600 78,000 760 7 Arch 75 102x53 26 x 64 13 12 6 2-5 3000 90,000 840 8 Arid 75 108x53 26 x 70 14 12 6 2-5 3400 102,000 920 Discount Height of fire chamber, 22 inches. Size of feed door, 13 x 17 inches. Can be set in brick work, or covered with asbestos cement if desired. Is adapted to all kinds of fuel and constructed with a large feed door allowing the use of all sizes of wood or coal. All joints are screwed iron to iron and are away from the action of the fire. American loiter Company 84 Lake Street, Chicago, Ills. 186 ADAPTED TO ALL KINDS OF FUEL. | Number of Boiler || Cipher Height, inches || Floor Space required, inches Size of Fire Chamber inches Number of Sections Diam. Smoke Pipe 1 1 Steam Outlet, ins. 1 1 Number and Size ofReturn Inlets, inches Capacity Sq. Feet Direct Radiation Cubic Feet of Air Space Boiler will Heat with Direct Radiation a Cost Price 51 Abe 75 66x50 26 x 28 7 IO 4 2-2^ 750 45.000 $435 52 Ace 75 72x50 26x34 8 10 4 2-2^ 900 54,000 480 53 Add 75 78x50 26 x 40 9 10 4 2-2 I050 60,000 535 54 Aft 75 84x50 26 x 46 10 IO 4 2-2 1200 72,000 580 55 Age 75 90x50 26 x 52 11 12 T 5 * /z 2-3 1350 80,000 632 56 Aim 75 96x50 26 x 58 12 12 5 2— 1 ICOO QO.OOO 685 57 Ale 75 102x50 26 x 64 13 12 5 J 2-3 1650 96,000 75 o 58 Arm 75 108x50 26 x 70 14 12 5 2-3 1800 105,000 814 Discount Height of water line, 55 inches. Height of fire chamber, 22 inches. These boilers can be set in brick or covered with asbestos cement, if desired. They are adapted to the use of all kinds of fuel, especially wood and soft coal. The feed door being 13^ x 17 inches, permits the use of coarse fuel. Every part of the boiler is accessible for cleaning. American & otter Company 84 Lake Street. Chicago. Ills. 187 “BOLTON” Hot Water Heater. SURFACE BURNING. FOR HARO AND SOFT COAL. Badge Bale Barge Bask Baton DIMENSIONS of Heater. inches Outside of Brick Work .S' v y vr a £ 21 21 25 21 30 21 32 24 32 34 34% 37 37 37 42 37 44 4° ’44 u- y o to u o y *-» .a a — c5 i jf cu c s £ S ( 15 XI5 19 xt 5 23% X 15 25 % X 15 850 25^x17 3 71 4 7 4 71 4 8 ; 4 81 4 0.5 S 3 <*. a °o y N a5 2 to 4 2 tO 4 y a & c 3^ cr« cn * *t §3 3 u to 1-} $160 190 210 230 250 DOUBLE FIRE-POT SIZES. S* I 8K Beach 43 38 25; 65 54 37 925 19 X30 9 6 2 to 4 900 $300 Bearn 43 38 27 65 54 39 950 21 X30 9 8 2 to 4 1100 350 Belch 43 38 32 1 65 54 44 1000 25% X30 9 8 2 to 4 1300 400 Bench 43 44 32; 65 6044 1050 25% X34 9 8 2 to 4 1700 510 Bergl 43 58 331 65 74 45 1100 25% x 37 12 8 2 to 4 2200 620 TRIPLE FIRE-POT SIZES. Q Bifid A2 57 X 2 65 65 72 73 82 A A 1100 25% X45 25% X51 25% X51 12 12 2 to 4 2400 2 to 4 2700 2 to 4 3100 $660 730 810 7 10 Bijou Birch tO AX 66 66 X2 t r L r AA 1200 12 12 10K HO 48 32 82 HH 44 1250 12 12 NO 20 SERIES, FOR HEAVY WORK. 20 Bohea 49 39! 49 1 73 70 72 1 200 '40 x 30% « ? 2 to 4 2500 $690 25 Boom 49 78 49' 73 109 72 2000! 40 x , 2 x6i 14I 16 2 to 4 5000 1400 30 Bough 49 118 49I 73 174 72 3500140^x91^ i8 t 24 2 to 4 7500 2100 Discount. American toiler Company 84 Lake Street, Chicago, Ills. 188 “SPENCE” (trad, mark) Hot Water Heater. Style B. Style C. DIMENSIONS AND PRICES STYLE B ' Number of Heater Cipher Height of Heater inches. Diameter of 1 Heater, inches Diameter Fire Pot, inches Number of Sections Diameter Smoke Pipe, inches Number and Size Branch Outlets, inches Single Outlets, inches Capacity Square Feet Direct Radiation Cubic Feet Air Space Heater will heat with Direct Radiation ;sii j 10 Sap 47 20 16 5 7 to 225 6,750 ^IOO 20 Sack 5i 23 5 7 2-2 300 9,000 150 30 Sand 54 25 20 y 2 5 8 4-2 3% 450 13-500 210 40 Save 57 28 2354 5 9 4-2 4 650 19-500 260 50 Sake 64 33 27 5 10 6-2 5 900 27,000 335 52 Sash 69 33 27 6 10 6-2 5 1,000 30,000 370 6o Same 65 36 30 5 11 8-2 5 1,200 36,000 425 62 Sail 70 36 30 6 11 8-2 5 1,300 39,000 450 7o Sage 67 40 34 5 12 8-2 6 1,700 51,000 560 72 Safe 72 40 34 6 12 8-2 6 1,800 54,000 600 STYLE C See 53 23 16 5 7 2-2 3 275 8,250 $135 Semi 56 25 l 9 5 8 2-2 3 , 350 10,500 170 Sell 58 28 20 l / 2 5 9 4-2 3/4 550 16,500 236 Send 63 32 25 5 10 4-2 4 800 24,000 300 Seat 67 35 28 5 11 5-2 5 1,100 33,000 400 Sere 72 35 28 6 11 5-2 5 1,200 36,000 425 Sewer 67 39 32 5 12 8-2 5 1,500 45,000 500 Sepoy 75 39 32 6 12 8-2 5 1,600 48,000 530 Sect 70 46 39 5 13 8-2 6 2,300 69,000 700 Serge 76 46 39 6 13 8-2 6 2,500 75,000 740 Sense 77 52 44 6 14 8—2 6 3,000 90,000 840 Discount American toiler Company 84 Lake Street, Chicago, Ills. 189 FLORIDA* (trad, mark) Steam Boiler. SELF FEEDING FOR HARD COAL 1 Number | of Boiler Cipher Height of Boiler, inches i Diameter of Boiler, inches. Diameter Fire Pot, inches Number of Sections Height of Water Dme, inches Number and Sizeof Steam Outlets, inches Size of Return Inlet, inches Diameter Smoke Pipe, inches Capacity Square Feet Direct Radiation Cubic Feet Air Space Boiler . will heat with Direct Radiation Ifi 3 2 Fable 48 30 15 5 34 2-1^ 1# 7 150 8,250 $150 4 Facet 53 30 15 6 39 2-1 % 7 175 91625 170 8 Fade 52 3 f 18 5 36 2-1 % 7 275 15*125 210 TO Fagot 58 36 18 6 42 2-1 y 2 7 325 I 7 i 875 230 16 Fail 54 40 21 5 38 2-2 2 8 400 22,000 260 18 Faint 60 40 21 6 44 2-2 2 8 450 24,750 280 20 Fall 60 45 25 5 38 2-2 K 2^ 10 550 30,250 330 22 False 67 45 25 6 45 2-2^ 2^ 10 625 34,375 360 25 Fame 60 50 30 5 39 2-3 3 10 750 41,250 390 27 Fancy 67 50 30 6 46 2-3 3 10 900 49,500 430 30 Fang 74 50 32 7 53 2-3 3 10 1,000 55,ooo 460 DOUBLE BOILERS 44 Farce 60 45X 90 25 10 38 2-3 3 13 1,100 60,500 $620 47 Farm 67 45X 90 25 12 45 2-3 3 13 1,250 68,750 690 50 Fast 60 50x100 30 10 39 2-3 3 13 1,500 82,500 800 53 Fatal 67 50x100 30 12 46 2-3 , 3 13 1,800 99,000 840 56 1 Fates 74 50x100 32 14 53 2 - 3 K 3 l A 13 2,000 110,000 900 HEAVY DUTY BOILERS SURFACE BURNING Fault 57 59X115 36 10 42 2-4 2-3 18 2,500 i37,5oo $1050 Favor 65 59x115 36 12 50 2-4 2-3 18 3,200 176,000 1200 Fawn 73 59x115 36 14 58 2-5 2-4 18 4,200 231,000 1350 Discount. American toiler Company 84 Lake Street, Chicago, Ills. 190 FLORIDA* (trade mark) Steam Boiler. SURFACE BURNING FOR HARD AND SOFT GOAL Number 1 of Boiler | Cipher Height of Boiler, inches Diameter of Boiler, inches. Diameter Fire Pot, inches Number of Sections I Height of | Water Iyine, inches Number and Size of Steam Outlets, inches Size of Return Inlet, inches I Diameter Smoke Pipe, inches Capacity Square Feet Direct Radiation Cubic Feet Air Space Boiler will heat with Direct Radiation w 3 102 Feast 50 30 15 5 34 2-1^ 8 100 5,500 $150 104 Feed 56 30 15 6 40 2-1^ iK 8 175 9,625 170 108 Feign 50 36 18 5 35 2-1V2 8 250 13,750 200 IIO Feint 56 36 18 6 48 2-1 V* 8 300 16,500 220 116 Fence 47 39 21 5 40 2-2 2 10 350 19,250 240 118 Fern 54 39 21 6 50 2-2 2 10 400 22,000 260 120 Ferry 55 44 25 5 44 2-2^ 2^ 12 500 27,500 300 122 Fetch 64 44 25 6 53 2-2 % 2/4 12 600 33,ooo 350 125 Feud 57 48 30 5 45 2-3 3 12 700 3 8 , 5 oo 380 127 Fiat 66 4 » 30 6 54 2-3 3 12 800 44,000 400 130 Field 75 48 32 7 63 2-3 3 12 900 49 , 5 oo 440 DOUBLE BOILERS 144 Fiery 55 44X 90 25 10 44 2-3 3 14 1,000 55,ooo $620 147 Fifer 64 44X 90 25 12 53 2-3 3 14 1,200 63,250 690 150 Fifth 57 48x100 30 10 45 2-3 3 14 1,400 77,000 800 153 Fight 66 48x100 30 12 54 2-3 3 14 1,600 88,000 840 156 Filch 75 48x100 32 14 63 2-3 3 14 1,800 99,000 900 HEAVY DUTY BOILERS 158 Finis 57 59 X 115 36 10 46 2-4 2-3 18 2,500 137,500 $1050 161 Firm 65 59x115 36 12 54 2-4 2-3 18 3,200 176,000 1200 164 First 73 59x115 36 14 62 2-5 2-4 18 4,200 231,000 1350 Discount. American Afioi/er Company 84 Lake Street, Chicago, Ills. 191 “ MODERN ” ( TRADE M*RlO Steam Boiler. SURFACE BURNER FOR HARD OR SOFT COAL DIMENSIONS AND PRICES Number of | | Boiler Cipher Height of Boiler, inches. Diameter of Boiler, inches Diameter of Grate, inches Height of Water Line, in. Number of Sections Diam. Smoke Pipe, inches Size of Steam Outlet, inches Number and Size Return Inlets, inches Capacity Square Feet Direct Radiation Cubic Feet of Air Space Boiler will Heat with Direct Radiation 3 Cost 1 : , •. ' 1 3^6 Mock 55 32 21 45 3 8 254 2-1^ 325 17.825 $230 401 Mold 65 32 21 55 4 8 2^ 2-1^ 400 22,000 260 501 Morn 56 38 26 46 3 9 3 2-2 500 27,500 300 600 Moss 66 38 26 56 4 9 3 2-2 600 33 ,ooo 350 Discount American &}oi/er Company 84 Lake Street, Chicago, Ills. 192 "PERFECT” (trade mark) Hot Water Heater. SURFACE BURNING. HARD OR SOFT COAL. Number of Heater Cipher | Height, inches Floor Space Required inches Area Fire Chamber sq. in Diam. Smoke Pipe, inches Number of 2-in. Outlets Special Single Outlet, inches | 4-in. Screwed Hubs Green- house Openings Cap. Sq. Ft. in add’n to Mains Cubic Feet Air Space Heater will heat with Direct Radiat’n to 3 21 Pace 47 25x32 240 7 4 3 1 or 2 225 6,750 $100 22 Pagan 58 26x33 256 7 4 3 1 or 2 300 9,000 150 23 Paid 55 27x34 306 8 4 3 1 or 2 450 13,500 210 24 Pall 60 28x35 342 8 4 3 1 or 2 500 15,000 225 72 Paint 55 30x36 441 8 6 3 2 725 21,750 285 25 Pansy 61 31x37 441 8 6 3 2 800 24,000 300 26 Panel §6 34x42 575 9 8 4 2 to 4 1,100 33 ,ooo 400 27 Papal 63 35 x 43 625 9 8 5 2 to 4 1,350 40,500 462 28 Parch 69 36x44 676 9 8 5 2 to 4 1,500 45,ooo 500 218 Pass 58 39 X 47 813 10 8 5 4 to 6 1,800 54,000 600 29 Paste 65 39 X 47 841 10 8 5 4 to 6 2,000 60,000 640 220 Patch 72 40x48 869 10 8 5 4 to 6 2,200 66,000 680 270 Pause 61 44x52 1,056 11 10 6 4 to 6 2,700 81,000 780 30 Pawn 68 44x52 1,089 11 10 6 4 to 6 3,000 90,000 840 320 Payee 75 45x53 1,122 11 10 6 4 to 6 3,200 96,000 880 370 Peace 63 47x55 1,260 12 12 7 4 to 6 3 , 7 oo 111,000 980 31 Peck 70 48x56 1,296 12 12 7 4 to 6 4,100 123,000 1060 450 Pedal 77 49 X 57 i ,332 12 12 7 4 to 6 4,500 135,000 1140 32 Peel 84 49 X 57 1,369 12 12 7 4 to 6 4,800 144,000 1200 EXTRA HEAVY DUTY HEATERS. 230 Peony 88 I 94x72 2,178 2-1 1 10 2-6 8 6,000 180,000 $1680 231 Petty 94 102 x 80 2,592 2-12 12 2-7 8 8.200 246,000 2120 232 Pewit 108 |io6x 82 2,738 2-12 12 2-7 8 9,600 288,000 2400 Discount Return inlets are tapped same size and number as outlets. In ordering state whether 2-inch outlets or a special single outlet is required. If not specified 2-inch outlets will be sent. American (0 3 5 Tab 48 28 15 4 2 2 8 175 5,250 $85 s l A Tack 54 28 15 5 2 2 8 225 6,750 100 7 44 30 21 4 2 2 8 275 8,250 135 9 Tail 49 30 21 5 2 2 8 350 10,500 170 12 Take 54 30 21 6 2 2 8 450 13,500 210 13 Talis 59 30 21 7 2 2 8 525 15,750 230 15 Talk 64 30 21 8 2 2^ 8 600 18,000 250 17 Talon 49 39 25 6 2 2^ 10 800 24,000 300 19 Tame 55 39 25 8 2 3 10 1,000 30,000 370 21 Tank 61 39 25 10 2 3 10 1,200 36,000 425 24 Taper 59 50 30 6 2 3 13 1,300 39,00° 450 26 Tardy 66 50 30 8 2 4 13 L 550 46,500 515 29 Task 73 50 30 10 2 4 13 1,800 54,ooo 600 8 r CU DOUBLE HEATERS 39 Tea 55 39 x 78 25 16 2 4 14 2,000 60,000 $720 41 Teem 61 39 x 78 25 20 2 4 14 2,400 72,000 760 42 Tell 59 50x100 30 12 2 4 14 2,600 78,000 800 43 Tempt 66 50x100 30 16 2 4 14 3,100 93,000 900 46 Terse 73 50x100 30 20 2 5 14 3,600 108,000 1000 HEAVY DUTY HEATERS, SURFACE BURNING 49 Thank 57 59 XII 5 36 10 2 5 18 4,000 120,000 $1050 53 They 65 59 XII 5 36 12 2 5 18 5,ooo 150,000 1200 55 Thigh 73 59 XII 5 36 14 2 6 18 6,000 180,000 1350 Discount American toiler Company 84 Lake Street, Chicago, Ills, 194 SURFACE BURNING "TROPIC” (trade mark) Hot Water Heater FOR HARD OR SOFT COAL Number of Heater Cipher Height of Heater, inches Diameter of Heater, inches. Diameter Fire Pot, inches Number of Sections Number of Outlets Size of Outlets, inches Diameter of Smoke Pipe, inches Capacity Square Feet Direct Radiation Cubic Feet Air Space Heater will heat with Direct Radiation Vi 3 105 Tibia 50 30 15 5 2 2 8 250 7,500 $117 107 Tick 56 30 15 6 2 2 8 300 9,000 150 109 Tide 50 36 18 5 2 2 8 400 12,000 190 112 Tier 56 36 18 6 2 2 8 500 15,000 225 113 Tiff 47 39 21 5 2 2% 10 600 18,000 250 115 Tiger 54 39 21 6 2 10 700 21,000 280 117 Till 55 44 25 5 2 2*4 12 900 27,000 335 1 19 Timid 64 44 25 6 2 3 12 1,000 30,000 370 121 Tinge 57 48 30 5 2 3 12 1,200 36,000 425 124 Tissue 66 48 30 6 2 3 12 1,400 42,000 480 126 Title 75 48 32 7 2 4 12 1,600 48,000 530 DOUBLE HEATERS i37 139 141 143 146 Toast Tokay Tooth Toper Torch 55 64 57 66 75 44X 90 25 10 2 4 14 2,000 60,000 $720 44X 90 25 12 2 4 14 2,200 66,000 740 48x100 30 10 2 4 14 2,400 72,000 760 48x100 30 12 2 4 H 2,700 81,000 820 48x100 32 14 2 4 14 3,100 93,000 900 HEAVY DUTY HEATERS 149 Tuber 57 59x115 3<> 10 2 5 18 4,000 120,000 $1050 152 Tulip 65 59x115 36 12 2 5 18 5,000 150,000 1200 155 Tutor 73 59x115 36 14 2 6 18 6,000 180,000 1350 Discount American &}oi/er Company 84 Lake Street, Chicago, Ills. 196 “SOLEIL” (trade mark) Steam Boiler. SURFACE BURNER FOR HARD OR SOFT COAL DIMENSIONS AND PRICES 1 Number of 1 Boiler Cipher | Height of Boiler, inches. Diameter of Boiler, inches 1 Diameter Fire 1 Pot, inches Number of Sections Diameter Smoke Pipe, inches Number of Steam Outlets Size of Steam Outlets, inches Size of Return Inlet, inches Capacity Square Feet Direct Radiation Cubic Feet Air Space Boiler will heat with Direct Radiation (A 3 190 Sob 5i 33 19 3 8 2 2 2 250 13,750 $200 195 Soda 56 33 19 4 8 2 2 2 300 16,500 220 210 Soft 55 35 21 3 8 2 2 2 350 19.250 240 215 Soil 61 35 21 4 8 2 2 2 400 22,000 260 250 Soap 56 4i 25 3 9 2 2 1 / 2 2^ 500 27,500 300 2 55 Some 62 4i 25 4 9 2 2V2 2 l A 600 33,000 350 280 Song 58 45 28 3 10 2 2'A 3 700 38,500 380 285 Soot 65 45 28 4 10 2 2 % 3 800 44,000 400 320 Sort 58 5i 32 3 12 2 3 3 1,000 55.000 460 325 Soup 65 5i 32 4 12 2 3 3 1,100 60,500 520 330 Sown 7i 5i 32 5 12 2 3 3 1,200 66,000 570 Discount American tfioi/er Company 84 Lake Street. Chicago, Ills 196 Price ELECTRIC BOILER f ! - | CAPACITY. PRICES. % DISC. Size Grate, Inches 2 Th , S 3 O ta 'd 9 • Hot Water. Steam. 19 43 3 9 02 Dimensio Boilei Inchei Dimensio Brickw Inche; No. Brick Requir H W 53 1 i Shipping Weigh Hot Water. Steam. List. Cost. Price. List. Cost. Price. Sise B, with i in. Tubes 15 in. long, front and rear of Stand Pipes. 4 15x12 34 12x33 45x28 500 5 3 450 300 200 $ 120 $ 124 5 15x15 42 15x33 45x31 530 5.3 480 425 270 145 150 6 15x18 51 18x33 45x34 560 5.3 510 530 325 170 176 7 15x21 59 21x33 45x37 590 5.3 550 620 390 195 202 8 15x24 68 24x33 45x40 620 5.3 610 710 440 220 228 9 15x27 76 27x33 45x43 650 5.3 675 800 500 245 254 10 15x30 85 30x33 45x46 680 5.3 740 890 560 270 280 11 15x33 93 33x33 45x49 710 5.3 790 980 620 295 306 Size C, with 1 in. Tubes 18 in. long, front and rear of Stand Pipes. 4 18x12 40 12x39 51x28 550 5.3 500 380 250 $ 140 $ 146 5 18x15 50 15x39 51x31 570 5.3 600 500 300 170 177 6 18x18 60 18x39 51x34 600 5.3 710 620 400 200 209 7 18x21 70 21x39 51x37 620 5.3 820 750 470 230 240 8 18x24 80 24x39 51x40 640 5.3 940 860 540 260 272 9 18x27 90 27x39 51x43 660 5.3 1100 970 600 290 303 10 18x30 100 30x39 51x46 680 5.3 1220 1080 670 320 335 11 18x33 110 33x39 51x49 700 5.3 1340 1190 740 350 366 12 18x36 120 36x39 51x52 720 5.3 1460 1290 810 380 398 13 18x39 130 39x39 51x55 750 5.3 1580 1400 870 410 429 Siaje B, with 1 in. Tubes 24 in. long, front and rear of Stand Pipes. 4 24x12 52 5 24x15 65 6 24x18 78 7 24x21 91 8 24x24 104 9 21x27 117 10 24x30 130 11 24x33 143 12 24x36 156 13 24x39 •169 14 24x42 182 12x51 15x51 18x51 21x51 24x51 27x51 30x51 33x51 36x51 39x51 42x51 63x28 650 [5.3 63x31 670 5.3 63x34 690 5.3 63x37 720 5.3 63x40 750 5.3 63x43 780 5.3 63x46 810 5.3 63x49 840 5.3 63x52 870 5.3 63x55 900 5.3 63x58 930 5.3 660 800 940 1075 1210 1350 1475 1600 1740 1875 2010 500 350 $ 180 700 430 220 860 540 260 1000 630 300 1150 720 340 1300 810 380 1440 900 420 1580 990 460 1730 1080 500 1870 1170 540 2000 1260 580 $ 188 230 272 314 356 398 440 482 524 566 608 Manufactured by ELECTRIC BOILER CO., Rochester, N. Y. 197 ELECTRIC BOILER No. Sections. Size Grate, Inches. Square feet Heat’g Sur. Dimensions, Boiler, Inches. Dimensions, Brickwork, Inches. No. Brick Required. -J> Ik I\i Shipping Weight. CAPACITY. PRICES. % DISC. Hot Water. Steam. Hot Water. Steam. ca a Cost. Price. *j> 3 1 Cost. Price. Size F, with 1 in. Tubes 30 in. long, front and rear of Stand Pipes. 6 30x18 114 18x63 75x34 1030 5.3 1650 1000 650 $ 320 $ 335 8 30x24 152 24x63 75x40 1090 5.3 2200 1460 880 420 440 10 30x30 190 30x63 75x46 1150 5.3 2750 1880 1125 520 525 12 30x36 228 36x63 75x52 1210 5.3 3300 2240 1350 620 650 14 30x42 266 42x63 75x58 1270 5.3 3850 2700 1575 720 755 16 30x48 304 48x63 75x64 1330 5_3 4400 3060 1800 820 860 18 30x54 342 54x63 75x70 1390 5.3 4950 3420 2025 920 965 20 30x60 380 60x63 75x76 1450 5.3 5500 3780 2250 1020 1070 22 30x66 418 66x63 75x82 1510 5.3 6050 4140 2470 1120 1175 24 30x72 456 72x63 75x88 1570 5.3 6600 4500 2700 1220 1280 Siflje GG, with 1 1_4 in. Tubes 36 in. long, front and rear of Stand Pipes. 6 27x36 180 27x75 87x43 1350 6.5 2220 1940 1200 $ 570 $ 588 8 36x36 240 36x75 87x52 1450 6.5 2960 2640 1620 740 764 10 45x36 300 45x75 87x61 1550 6.5 3700 3240 2020 910 940 12 54x36 360 54x75 87x70 1650 6.5 4440 3900 2130 1080 1116 14 63x36 420 63x75 87x79 1750 6.5 5180 4540 2840 1250 1292 16 72x36 480 72x75 87x88 1850 6.5 5920 5200 3240 1420 1468 18 81x36 540 81x75 87x97 1950 6.5 6660 5840 3650 1590 1644 20 90x36 600 90x75 87x106 2050 6.5 7400 6480 4050 1770 1830 22 99x36 660 99x75 87x115 2150 6.5 8140 7130 4450 1940 2006 24 108x36 720 108x75 87x124 2250 6.5 8800 7800 4860 2115 2187 Size HH, with 1 i-4in. Tubes 42 in. long, front and rear of Stand Pipes 6 27x42 210 27x87 99x43 1600 6.5 2460 2125 1300 $ 660 $ 681 8 36x42 280 36x87 99x52 1730 6.5 3280 2875 1870 860 888 10 45x42 350 45x87 99x61 1860 6.5 4100 3625 2340 1060 1095 12 54x42 420 54x87 99x70 1990 6.5 4920 4375 2810 1260 1302 14 63x42 490 63x87 99x79 2100 6.5 5740 5125 3280 1460 1509 16 72x42 560 72x87 99x88 2200 6.5 6560 5875 3750 1660 1716 18 81x42 630 81x87 99x97 2300 6.5 7380 6625 4220 1860 1923 20 90x42 700 90x87 99x106 2400 6.5 8200 7375 4690 2060 2130 22 99x42 770 99x87 99x115 2500 6.5 9020 8125 5160 2260 2337 24 108x42 840 108x87 99x124 2600 6.5 9840 8875 5530 2460 2544 Siaje J, with 1 1-4 in. Tubes 48 in. long, front and rear of Stand Pipes. 6i 27x48 240 27x100 112x43 1850 6.5 2700 2500 1600 $ 740 & 764 8' 36x48 320 36x100 112x52 1950 6.5 3600 3500 2150 980 1012 10; 45x48 400 45x100 112x61 2150 6.5 4500 4320 2700 1220 1260 12 54x48 480 54x100 112x70 2350 6.5 5400 5180 3325 1460 1508 14! 63x48 560 63x100 112x79 2500 6.5 6300 6000 3980 1700 1756 16 72x48 640 72x100 112x88 2600 6.5 7200 6900 4260 1940 2004 18i 81x48 720 81x100 112x97 2700 6.5 8100 7780 4860 2180 2252 20 90x48 800 90x100 112x106 2800 6.5 9000 8600 5380 2420 2500 22! 99x48 880 99x100 112x115 2900 6.5 9900 9500 5940 2660 2748 241108x48 960 108x100 112x124 3000 6.5 10800 10400 6500 2900 2996 Intermediate Sizes, Odd Number of Sections, in proportion . Manufactured by ELECTRIC BOILER CO., Rochester, N. Y. 198 ELECTRIC BOILER u CAPACITY. PRICES. % DISC. 1 Size Grate, Inches 1 ^ 11” No. Brick Required ft. j Total in. 1 Height Hot Water. Steam. 0 0 GQ £ 6C ® $3 3 a) 02 ■sS 23 J« Q O k ® a-gf g’CH Q U® 3* in Hot Water. Steam. List. Cost. Price. List. Cost. Price. Si ze K, with 1 1-4 in. Tubes 54 in. long, front and rear of Stand Pipes. 6 27x54 270 27x112 124x43 2150 6.5 3000 2850 1800 $ 840 $ 864 8 36x54 360 36x112 124x52 2370 6.5 4000 3900 2430 1120 1152 lo 45x54 450 45x112 124x61 2490 6.5 5000 4860 3040 1400 1440 12 54x54 540 54x112 124x70 2610 6.5 6000 5840 3650 1680 1728 14 63x54 630 63x112 124x79 2730 6.5 7000 6800 4250 1960 2016 16 72x54 720 72x112 124x88 2850 6.5 8000 7780 4860 2240 2304 18 81x54 810 81x112 124x97 2970 6.5 9000 8750 5470 2520 2592 20 90x54 900 90x112 124x106 3090 6.5 10000 9720 6075 2800 2880 22 99x54 990 99x112 124x115 3210 6.5 11000 10700 6680 3080 3168 24 108x54 1080 108x112 124x124 3330 6.5 12000 11700 7300 3360 3456 Size hy with 1 1-4 in. Tubes 60 in. long, front and rear of Stand Pipes. 8 36x60 400 36x124 136x52 2500 6.5 4400 4400 2650 $1270 $1310 10 45x60 500 45x124 136x61 2620 6.5 5500 5400 3375 1590 1640 12 54x60 600 54x124 136x70 2740 6.5 6600 6480 4050 1900 1960 14 63x60 700 63x124 136x79 2860 6.5 7700 7580 4725 2210 2280 16 72x60 800 72x124 136x88 2980 6.5 8800 8640 5400 2520 2600 18 81x60 900 81x124 136x97 3100 6.5 9900 9720 6075 2840 2930 20 90x60 1000 90x124 136x106 3220 6.5 11000 10800 6750 3160 3260 22 99x60 1100 99x124 136x115 3340 6.5 12100 11880 7425 3480 3590 24 108x60 1200 108x124 136x124 3500 6.5 13200 13000 8100 3800 3920 Size MM, with 1 1-3 in. Tubes 73 in. long, front and rear of Stand Pipes. 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 36x72 48x72 60x72 72x72 84x72 96x721 108x72 120x72 132x72 144x72 486 648 810 972 1134 296 1458 1620 1782 36x150 48x150 60x150 72x150 84x150 96x150 108x150 120x150 132x150 1944144x150 162x52 162x64 162x76 162x88 162x100 162x112 162x124 162x136 162x148 162x160 3500 3700 3900 4100 4300 4500 4700 4900 5100 5300 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000 22000 24000 5150 6900 8640 10370 12100 13840 15550 17280 19000 20800 3200 4300 5400 6480 7560 8640 9720 10800 11880 13000 $1520 2050 2580 3110 3640 4160 4680 5200 5720 6240 $1550 2090 2630 3170 3710 4240 4770 5300 5730 6360 Size N, with 1 1-3 in. Tubes 84 in. long, front and rear of Stand Pipes. 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 36x84 48x84 60x84 72x84 84x84 96x84 108x84 120x84 132x84 144x84 564 752 940 1128 1316 1504 1692 1880 2068 36x174 48x174 60x174 72x174 84x174 96x174 108x174 120x174 132x174 2256144x174 186x52 186x64 186x76 186x88 186x100 186x112 186x124 186x136 186x148 186x160 4100 4370 4640 4900 5180 5450 5700 5990 6250 6500 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 6600 8800 11000 13200 15400 17600 19800 22000 24200 26400 6000 8100 10100 12100 14100 16100 18150 20200 22200 24200 3750 5050 6300 7560 8820 10100 11350 12600 13860 15200 $1820 2450 3080 3700 4320 4940 5560 6180 6800 7420 $1856 2482 3140 3772 4400 5036 5668 6300 6932 7564 Intermediate Sizes, Odd Number of Sections, in proportion. Manufactured by ELECTRIC BOILER CO., Rochester, N. Y. 199 THE GORTON STEAM BOILER PERFECT COMBUSTION. SELF FEEDING. '7f\' Numbers 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 * 7 Diameter of Boiler Shell, in 24 28 32 35 41 43 51 54 Height of Boiler Shell “ 30 33 33 37 37 45 45 45 Dia. outside of Jacket “ 80 31 35 38 45 46 55 57 Total Height of Boiler ) without trimmings in f 64 67 69 72 80 87 90 92 Diameter of Fire Pot, in 18 19 21 24 30 32 38 40 Height of Water Line ) from bottom of base, in ) 51 54 55 50 63 70 73 74 Number of Tubes 21 31 35 45 67 72 100 128 Length of Tubes ... in 27 30 30 34 34 42 42 42 Diameter of Tubes ... “ 3* 2i 2* 2* 2-J- 3* 2* Number of Steam Outlets 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Dia. of Steam Outlets in u u 2 2 2* 3* 3 3 Diameter of Return Pipe “ 2 2 2 2 2* 2* 2* Diameter of Smoke Flue ‘ ‘ 7 7 8 8 10 10 12 12 Square ft. of Boiler Surface 45 60 • 75 105 140 185 260 320 No. of sq. feet of direct ) radiating surface it will > 260 350 450 630 850 1100 1500 1900 supply ) $618 Price of Boiler complete ) with trimmings ... J $178 $208 $243 $298 $378 $443 $668 Cost ... ... ... ... ^"Ice ... ... Weight of Boiler ... lbs 1645 1685 2025 2375 3300 3650 4575 5250 SPECIAL NOTICE — Nos. o, i, 2 and 3 Boilers are made with cast, iron water-legs, unless otherwise ordered. The price of Nos. 2 and 3 Boilers with wrought-iron water-legs are $278 and $328 respectively. Gorton & Lidgerwood Co., 96 Liberty St., N. Y. 200 BOILER. SELF FEEDING. '7FT Numbers, 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Diameter of Boiler Shell in 24 28 32 35 41 43 51 45 Height of Boiler Shell “ 30 33 33 37 37 45 45 45 Dia. outside of Jacket “ 30 31 35 38 45 46 55 57 Total Height of Boiler “ 64 67 69 72 80 87 90 92 Diameter of Fire Pot “ 18 19 21 24 30 32 38 40 Number of Tubes 21 31 35 45 67 72 100 128 Length of Tubes ... in 27 30 30 34 34 42 42 42 Diameter of Tubes ... “ 21 21 21 2£ 21 21 2£ 21 Number of Flow Pipes ... 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Dia. of Flow Pipes in 21 21 3 3 31 31 4 4 Number of Return Pipes 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 Dia. of Return Pipes ... in 31 31 44 41 51 51 4 4 Diameter of Smoke Pipe “ 7 7 8 8 10 10 12 12 Square ft. of Boiler surface 45 60 75 105 140 185 260 320 No. of sq. feet of direct j radiating surface Boiler V 450 650 900 1250 1700 2100 3000 3800 will supply ) Price of Boilers complete ) without trimmings... J $170 $200 $23o $295 $375 $440 $620 $670 Cost Price ... ... ... Weight of Boilers ... lbs 1645 1685 2025 2375 3300 3650 4575 5250 SPECIAL NOTICE — The heating capacities given in the above table Includes the surface in all flow and return pipes. Nos. 20, 21, 22 and 23 boilers are made with cast-iron water legs, unless otherwise ordered. The prices of Nos. 22 and 23 boilers, made with wrought=iron water legs, are $270 and $325, respectively. Gorton & Lidgerwood Co., 96 Liberty St., N. Y. 20 ? I % 8. D. BOILERS For Steam and Hot Water. List No. 1. Sections of this Boiler form the Base and Ash Pit. Number of Sections 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Square feet Steam Radiation 390 500 625 800 900 1025 1175 1325 1500 Sq. ft. Hot Water Radiation 600 775 975 1300 1550 1775 2000 2375 2700 Size of Grate in inches 20x18 20x24 20x30 20x36 20x42 20x48 20x54 20x60 20x66 Square feet of Grate Surface m 3^ 4 1-6 5 5 5-7 6% 7 1-7 9 4-9 Square feet of Fire Surface 66 85 104 123 142 161 180 199 218 Length of Boiler in in. over all 44 50 56 62 68 74 80 86 92 Height of Boiler jn in. over all 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 Width of Boiler in in. over all 50 50 ' 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Total Weight 2046 2635 3224 3813 4402 4991 5580 6169 6758 List Price $214 50 $276 25 $338 00 $399 75 $461 50 $526 25 $580 50 $646 75 $708 50 Cost Price Water line 44 inches from bottom of Boiler. List price of Trimmings for Steam Heater $19.00. per cent, discount. List No. 2. Sections of this Boiler form the Base and Ash Pit. Number of Sections 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Square feet of Steam Radiation 1300 1450 1700 1860 2050 2232 2418 2604 Square feet of Hot Water Radiation 2300 2900 3500 4100 4700 5300 5900 6500 Size of Grate in inches 30x36 30x42 30x48 30x54 30x60 30x66 30x72 30x78 Square feet of Grate Surface 7J4 m 10 HJ4 12^ 13% 15 16*4 Square feet of Fire Surface 217 248 279 310 341 372 403 434 Length of Boiler in inches over all 63 69 75 81 87 93 99 105 Height of Boiler in inches over all 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 Width of Boiler in inches over all 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 Total Weight 6510 7440 8370 9300 10230 11160 12090 13020 List Price $705 25 $806 00 $906 75 1007 75 1108 25 1209 00 1309 75 1410 50 Cost Price Water line 4 feet 8 inches from bottom of Sections. List price of Trimmings for Steam Heater $22.00. per cent, discount. List No. 3. With Separate Base as shown in cnt. dumber of Sections 4 / 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Square feet Steam Radiation 350 400 600 650 800 900 1050 1150 1300 Sq. ft. Hot Water Radiation 500 650 800 1000 1300 1550 1800 2100 2300 Size of Grate in inches 18x18 18x24 18x30 18x36 18x42 18x48 18x54 18x60 18x66 Square feet of Grate Surface 2H 3 3% 4^ 5H 6 6% 7^ m Square feet of Fire Surface 56 73 90 107 124 141 158 175 192 Length of Boiler in in. overall 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 Height of Boiler in in. over all 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 Width of Boiler in in. over all 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 Total Weight 1848 2409 2970 3571 4000 4572 5056 5500 5952 List Price $182 00 $237 25 $292 50 $347 75 $404 00 $458 25 $513 50 $568 75 $624 00 Cost Price 1 Water line 45 inches from bottom of Base. List price of Trimmings for Steam Boiler $19.00. 202 per cent, discount List No. 4. Sections of tbis Boiler form tbe Base and Asb Pit. Number of Sections 3 4 5 6 7 8 Square feet of Steam Radiation 90 130 175 220 265 325 Square feet of Hot Water Radiation 175 250 340 450 540 670 Size of Grate in inches 13x10 13x15 13x20 13x25 13x30 13x35 Square feet of Fire Surface 17 24 31 38 45 52 Length over all in inches 26 31 36 41 46 51 Width in inches 27 27 27 27 27 27 Height in inches 40 40 40 40 40 40 Weight 645 805 965 1125 1285 1445 List Price $60 00 $78 00 $100 75 $123 50 $146 25 $169 00 Cost Price Water line 33 inches from bottom of Section. List price of Trimmings for Steam Heater $15.00. per cent, discount. The H. A. R. D. Cast-iron Sectional Boiler for Steam and Hot Water Heating are made with and without independent Sectional Base. Lists No. 1, 2 and 4 are without and list No. 3 has the independent base as shown in the cut. Manufactured by Globe Steam Heater Co., North Wales, Pa. GLOBE PORTABLE Steam • and • Hot • Water • Heaters, Of the Best Steel Plates. Dimensions and Prices of Steam Heaters. Number 15*6 16 19 19 *6 24 24*4 24*6 31 Diameter of Casing in inches .... 23 23 26 31 31 38 38 38 Diameter of Boiler in inches 19 19 22 27 27 34 34 34 Diameter of Fire Box in inches . . . 16 16 19 24 24 31 31 31 Height of Fire Box in inches .... Total Height of Boiler in inches . . . 30 35 35 35 40 35 40 46 55 61 61 61 74 66 74 84 Diameter of Steam Openings .... m m 2 2*6 m 2*6 3 Diameter of Return Openings .... 1 m m 1*6 2 2 2 2 Diameter of Smoke Pipe 6 6 8 10 10 12 12 12 Size Chimney recommended 6x8 8x8 8x10 8x14 8x14 8x20 8x20 8x20 Square feet of Heating Surface . . . 28 40 60 80 107 118 160 200 Square ft. of Direct Radiating Surface 165 220 330 440 585 640 880 1100 List Price $145 00 $170 00 $220 00 $245 00 $270 00 $300 00 $335 00 $400 00 Cost Price Dimensions and Prices of Globe Portable Hot Water Boiler. Number . 15*6 16 19 19*6 24 24*4 24*6 31 Diameter of Casing in inches .... 23 23 26 31 31 38 38 38 Diameter of Boiler in inches 19 19 22 27 27 34 34 34 Diameter of Fire Box in inches . . . 16 16 19 24 24 31 31 31 Height of Fire Box in inches .... 30 35 35 35 40 35 40 46 Total Height of Boiler in inches . . . 55 56 56 56 69 61 69 79 No. of two-inch Flow Pipes 2 2 3 4 4 4 5 5 No. of two-inch Return Pipes .... 2 2 3 4 4 4 5 5 Diameter of Smoke Pipe in inches . . 6 6 8 10 10 12 12 12 Size of Chimney recommended .... 6 x 8 8 x 8 8 x 10 8x14 8x14 8x20 8x20 8x20 Square feet of Heating Surface . . . 28 40 60 80 107 118 160 200 Sq. ft. Rad. Surf, (pipes to be covered) 280 400 600 800 1000 1180 1600 2000 List Price $125 00 $145 00 $190 00 $210 00 $232 00 $258 00 $285 00 $345 00 Cost Price per cent, discount. Manufactured by Globe Steam Heater Co., North Wales, Pa. 203 Ornamental • Boiler • Fronts, For Return Tubular Boilers. Dimensions and List Prices. Diam. of Boiler in inches Ht. bot. front to top grt. brs. Ht. top grt. brs. to bo’lr in in. Total height of front in in. No. binder brs. or buck stays Dis. bet. cntr. of holes in b. s. Length of binder rods Length of grate bars. Size rear ash door in inches Approximate weight in lbs. Fronts, str. & arch dead pits. 30 24 18 82 4 6 ft. 5 ft. 3 ft. 16x18 1800 830 00 36 24 18 87 4 6ft. 6in. 6ft. 4in. 3 ft. 6in. 16x18 2500 834 50 42 24 20 95 4 7 ft. 2 in. 6 ft. lOin. 4 ft. 16x18 3500 836 80 48 24 22 102 4 7 ft. 9in. 7 ft. 4in. 4ft. 6in. 16x18 4000 843 50 54 26% 22 109 6 8 ft. 3 in. 7 ft. lOin. 5 ft. 16x18 4500 858 70 60 26 % 25 120% 6 9ft. 3in. 8ft. 4 in. 5 ft. 6 in. 16x18 5000 860 00 66 26% 25 126% 6 9 ft. 9 in. 8ft. lOin. 6 ft. 16x18 5900 888 00 72 27 25 136 6 10ft. 4in* 9 ft. 4 in. 6 ft. 6 in. 16x18 6500 8116 00 Cost Price List rear ash door and frame n 20 82 20 82 20 82 20 82 20 82 20 82 20 82 20 Cost Price List rear ash T bars 81 50 81 65 81 70 82 90 83 30 83 75 83 90 84 45 Cost Price List grate bearers 81 50 81 95 82 00 83 20 83 50 84 00 84 15 84 40 Cost Price List buck stays 84 10 84 75 85 10 85 80 810 95 812 05 814 75 815 20 Cost Price List binder rods 81 80 82 00 82 10 | 83 40 83 60 83 70 84 20 84 40 Cost Price List anchor bolts, 5 ft. long 81 60 81 65 81 70 81 85 83 40 83 60 84 00 $4 20 Cost Price List common grate bars 89 10 813 00 815 50 818 20 822 15 824 25 826 25 828 00 Cost I Price List complete 851 80 861 70 867 10 881 05 | 8107 80 8113 55 8147 45 j ‘ 178 85 Cost Price 1 „ per cent, discount. Manufactured by Globe Steam Heater Co., North Wales, Pa. 204 MANUFACTURED BY THE CLOBE STEAM HEATER COMPANY, NORTH WALES. PA. ROYAL STEAM HEATERS. PRICES. Size of Heater. STYLE. List Pr.ce including Trimmings and Asbestos Covering. COST. PRICE. 5 $160.00 6 180.00 7 in 200 00 8 ft 220.00 9 w ft 240.00 10 « K 260.00 16 P PP 260.00 17 H 290.00 18 320.00 19 2 fj 350.00 20 R t> 380.00 21 m 410.00 22 P 3 460.00 23 ◄ 500.00 24 540.00 25 580 00 DISCOUNT .... SIZES AND DIMENSIONS. Size of Heater. Num- ber of Sections Square feet of Direct Radiat’n Heater will sup- ply. Cubic yeet of Air Space Heater will heat with di rect radiat’n and proper pipiug. Size of Fire Chamber Inches. Square Feet of Surface in Heater. Height of Water Line Inches. Height of Hea ter includ ing Drnm. Inches. Length of Heater in- cluding Smoke Connec- tion. Inches. W dth of Heater, includ- ing Re. turn Man! folds. Inches. Size ot Smoke Pipe. Inches. S;ze of Steam Connec- tions. Inches. Size of Return Connec- tions. Inches. 5 5 175 8,750 19x16 34 35 50 46 38 8 2% 2-2 6 6 225 11,250 19x20 40 35 50 50 38 8 2% 2-2 7 7 275 13,750 19x24 46 35 50 54 38 8 2% 2-2 8 8 325 16,250 19x28 52 35 50 58 38 8 3 2-2% 9 9 375 18,750 19x32 58 35 50 62 38 8 3 2-2% 10 10 425 21,250 19x36 64 35 50 66 38 8 3 2-2% 16 6 400 20,000 23x20 78 47 68 54 42 10 2% 2-2 17 7 450 22,500 23x24 92 47 68 58 42 10 2% 2-2 18 8 500 25,000 23x28 106 47 68 62 42 10 3 2-2% 19 9 600 30,000 23x32 120 47 68 66 42 10 3 2-2% 20 10 700 35,000 23x36 134 47 68 70 42 10 3 2-2% 21 11 800 40,000 23x40 148 47 68 74 42 10 4 2-3 22 12 900 45,000 23x44 162 47 68 78 42 10 4 2-3 23 13 1,000 50,000 23x48 176 47 68 82 42 10 4 2-3 24 14 1,100 55,000 23x52 190 47 68 86 42 10 4 2-3 25 15 1,200 60.000 1 23x56 204 47 68 90 42 10 4 2-3 The above ratings are guaranteed to be correct, and are in addition to mains. For indirect radiation, add 50 per cent, larger heater power. Asbestos cement is included for covering top and sides of heater, also a full set of especially constructed improved trimmings as shown in cut, and a poker, hoe and flue brush. Heaters can be set in batteries for large work. Write for Discounts. HART &. CROUSE, 211 WATER ST., NEW YORK. 206 ROYAL HOT WATER HEATERS. PRICES. Size. of Heater. STYLE. List Price including Asbestos Covering. COST. PRICE. $125.00 5 150.00 6 ro 175.00 7 8 tf 200.00 W § i 9 225.00 10 qak nn « 250.00 16 17 w 280.00 o 18 19 Radiation. ( covered. ) Sur. 180 215 300 360460 535 600 800 950 1200 1500 2000 2800 35oo 4200 Brick Set Style Only. The measurements of sizes 6A, 7, 8, 9, 10. and 11 include brick-work. These sizes are made in Surface Burners only. Our Hard Coal and Soft Coal Burners are listed at the same price. The Portable Boilers have no brick-work. Figure one size larger grate for soft coal than for hard coal. A full set of steam trimmings and firing tools go with each boiler. THE HERENDEEN MFG. CO., Geneva, N. Y. 208 “Faultless Furman” Hot Water Boilers, SURFACE BURNERS. MAGAZINE BURNERS. * NO. LIST. COST. PRICE. NO. LIST. COST. PRICE. 0 $130 0 $120 1 150 1 140 H 190 H 180 2 235 2 220 91 265 2| 250 3 300 3 285 4 340 4 320 5 410 5 380 — 8 460 6 430 520 7 570 % Discount. 8 690 'T' L /V V * A MM /\ A A 9 910 — a uc auuvc pucca arc lur ciuicr puriaoic or brick set. Portable not made larger than No. 6. * Not made larger than No. 6. 10 1,040 11 1,180 12 * SIZES AND DIMENSIONS. DESCRIPTION. Portable or Brick Set Styles. Brick Set Style Only. Number of Boiler 0 1 4 2 2 h 3 4 5 6 65 7 8 9 10 11 Diam. Grate and Fire Pot, in. 16 16 20 20 22 24 24 30 30 26x34 28x36 36x42 36x56 44x56! 44 x 7 o£ No. sq. in. Grate Surface... . 201 201 314 3i4 380 452 452 707 707 884 1008 1512 2016 2486 3102 Height to top of Dome, in.. . 40 46 43 49 5° 50 56 55 61 58 58 58 58 82 82 Extreme Width Boiler, in. . . 28 28 3 1 3i 34 37 37 44 44 56 64 64 64 72 72 Extreme Length Boiler, in. . . 38 38 46 46 5° 51 5i 60 60 64 96 112 130 124 138 Number Water Outlets 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 4 4 5 7 8 10 Size Outlets and Inlets, in. . . 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 Diameter Smoke Pipe, in... . 7 7 8 8 8 10 10 12 12 12 16 16 18 18 20 Number Brick required 500 500 550 600 650 700 800 900 1000 1400 1750 2250 2750 3250 35oo Sq. feet f With 1 Mag. 250 300 420 500 650 730 825 1 100 I2 75 Direct j Mains > Radiation. ( covered. ) Sur. 270 325 45° 540 700 800 900 1200 l 4 2 5 1800 2250 3000 4200 5200 6200 The measurements of sizes 6^, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 include brick-work. These sizes are made in Surface Burners only. Our Hard Coal and Soft Coal Burners are listed at the same price. The Portable Boilers have no brick- work. BSP 3 Figure one size larger grate for soft coal than for hard coal. Each Hot Water Boiler is supplied with a full set of trimmings, firing tools, and all necessary fitting and connections. (Special size outlets and inlets tapped to order at cost.) THE HERENDEEN MEG. CO., Geneva, N. Y. 209 # “FURHAN JR.” STEAH BOILERS. # Sizes, Dimensions, and Prices. Size of Boiler B C D E Diameter of Grate, inches Dimensions of Base, inches Height, inches Height of Water Section, inches . . Outside Diameter of Water Section at Bottom, inches Outside Diameter of Water Section at Top, inches. . . No. of Outlets and Inlets Size of Outlets and Inlets, inches Size Smoke Pipe Required, inches No. Square Feet of Direct Radiation Boiler will supply with Mains Covered No. Sq. Ft. of Glass Boiler will heat in a Greenhouse List, Complete with Trimmings Cost, Complete with Trimmings Price, Complete with Trimmings 12 12 21x25 21x25 35 42 17 24 16 16 12 12 2 2 2 2 5 5 14 14 25x30 25x30 41 48 22 30 20 20 16 16 2 2 2 2 7 7 65 to 85 350 $32 85 to 100 450 $36 115 to 150 600 $42 150 to 185 700 $47 # “ FURMAN JR.” HOT WATER BOILERS. # Sizes, Dimensions, and Prices. Size of Boiler B c D E Diameter of Grate, inches 12 12 14 14 Dimensions of Base, inches 21x25 21x25 25x30 25x30 Height, inches 35 42 41 48 Height of Water Section, inches 17 24 22 30 Outside Diameter of Water Section at Bottom, inches 16 16 20 20 Outside Diameter of Water Section at Top, inches.. . 12 12 16 16 No. of Outlets and Inlets 2 2 2 2 Size of Outlets and Inlets, inches 2 2 2 2 Size Smoke Pipe Required, inches No. Square Feet of Direct Radiation Boiler will 5 5 7 7 supply with Mains Covered No. Gallons of Water the Boiler will Heat per hour. . 100 to 125 125 to 150 175 to 225 225 to 275 100 to 125 125 to 150 175 to 225 225 to 275 No. Sq. Ft. of Glass Boiler will Heat in a Greenhouse 350 450 600 700 List, Complete Cost $24 $28 $33 $38 Price MADE BY THE HERENDEEN MANUFACTURING CO., GENEVA, N. Y. 210 G. 6c J. R. BOLTON’S IMPROVED HOT WATER HEATER. Xh XP 2[ d XP 2 w 52J -3 XP 2 tr* o N 0 N* o o o o kQ p p 3 ° 5’ 0 2. • O W: 2.' o’ r p 3 m Cl~ O •"t o i-h XP CD O fh * CD c-t- 0 3 0 I-+5 d "t CD P* 3 o in yi yx ri B. t/1 r-h ~ : ; CD d : • 1 o CO p • • d p & : 1 a p : c+ • : 1 cd p o JD o : P • I 4^ co 03 03 9 vO to to Or o to 0 to o 4- 4^ to M -J M -F> 40 O oo 03 to ai -F> o o at oo to O' to O' O 4^ to Ln IH O 03 at Ol O at at 03 to ai oo Ol o o O 00 to O' to O' o •F* to vO W M at O' IH 03 to ai oo O' o o at o to O' to O' o to to W M 03 O' O' CO O O'' c M 03 03 Or O' O at c O to oo to CO o 03 to oo M M O' 03 O' to O 9 -fe at 1 w M CO 4^ at or 00 o o O oo to to to to o Oi to O to to 1 to -a O' to M i O o -4 1 M M 03 -F* Or -4 O o o at oo to to to to O' or to OO to to to M at \C 1 03 VH O O' o M 03 ai or O' to o o o o to to to to O' to 40 03 03 to M to 05 CO 1 O 05 Q M M 03 O' a» 03 40 o o O O to O' to ON O' 03 to O' at at t-H to 9 -fe 03 03 to o o at 1 to to 03 O O' Ol O o o O oo to 4^ to -P» O' o o O' O' at M to Q vO 1 M to O to O M to to to 03 o O' to 43* o o o o 4^ to -F* O' to o CO O' M -F> 03 Q O' O' 1 43. to O O' C M to 03 03 03 to O' -^1 00 c o ° 1° to to to O' O' o to Portable and Brick Set. ALL SURFACE BURNERS. No. Style. List. Cost. Price. 8 Surface. #425. 10 < t 500. 12 i t 625. 14 < t 800. HEAVY DUTY. No. Style. List. 20 Surface. Prices on Appli- cation 24 «( 28 4 « MANUFACTURED BY THE FOSKETT &. BISHOP CO., New Haven, Conn. 211 Ideal Hot Water Heaters NO. LIST COST PRICE 13 $125 1 14 150 15 190 24 220 25 240 26 260 35 300 36 335 37 370 45 450 i 1 46 490 | 1 47 530 56 640 57 680 58 700 % Discount. All heaters furnished with branch header or flange outlet as ordered. TABLE OF DIMENSIONS AND CAPACITIES. No. Height of Heater Diam. of Heater Diam. of Grate Number of Sections Smoke Outlet Size of Outlet Capacity Square Feet 13 42" 24" 19" 3 8" 3" 300 14 46" 24" 19" 4 8" 3" 350 15 50" 24" 19" 5 8" 3" 400 24 48" 27" 21" 4 9" 4" 500 25 53" 27" 21" 5 9" 4" 575 26 57" 27" 21" 6 9" 4" 650 35 55" 31" 25" 5 10" 4" 800 36 60" 31" 25" 6 10" 4" 900 37 65" 31" 25" 7 10" 4" 1100 45 57" 37" 30" 5 11" 5" 1300 46 62" 37" 30" 6 11" 5" 1450 47 67" 37" 30" 7 11" 5" 1600 56 66" 43" 36" 6 12" 6" 2000 57 71" 43" 36" 7 12" 6" 2200 58 77" 43" 36" 8 12" 6" 2400 fflapufaetured by o>6ga( <6oiler Gomponij f 36 DEARBORN STREET, CHICAGO. 212 (9\— yg> “HAXTUN” Steam Boiler (§y s© — THE — “HAXTDN” Hot Water Boiler PRICES FOR STEAM AND HOT WATER SOFT AND HARD COAL HARD COAL ONLY NO. LIST COST PRICE NO. LIST COST PRICE 4 $200 4/4 $200 6 250 6/4 250 9 350 9^4 350 10 450 ioy 2 450 12 500 12J4 500 DISCOUNT.....: % DIMENSIONS No. of Boiler - - - 4 6 9 10 12 4j4 6J4 9J4 10^ 12^ Diameter of Boiler, in. 27 35 45 53 63 27 35 45 53 63 Height of Boiler, in. - 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 “ Ash Pit, in. 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 Smoke Flue - - - 8x10 8x12 9x12 10x12 12x12 8x10 8x12 9x12 10x12 12x12 Diameter Grate, in. - 22 30 40 48 58 22 30 40 48 58 Brick to set - - - 2000 2500 3000 4000 5000 2000 2500 3000 4000 5000 Shipping Weight, lbs. 1700 2300 3100 4000 5000 1700 2300 3100 4000 5000 Sq.ft.Rad’n Steam - 300 600 900 1500 2000 400 700 1100 1700 2400 “ “ Hot Water 750 1400 2300 3200 4500 950 1650 2800 3650 5400 The above prices include Boiler, Bed Plate, Grate, Doors, and all Castings needed to set same in Masonry. MANUFACTURED BY KEWANEE BOILER CO. KEWANEE, ILL. 213 Oataract Hot Water Heater. PRICES. Portable form only-. Diao., per ot. No. List. Cost. Price. 1 $125.00 2 150.00 3 180.00 4 225.00 Sizes and. Dimensions. No. of Heater. 1 2 3 4 Total Height, 58 63 63 64 Total Width, 31 33 36 36 No. of Outlets, 1 1 1 1 Size of Outlets, 3 4 4 No. of Returns, 2 2 2 2 Size of Returns, 2 2 2 2K Diam. of Smoke Pipe, .... . in. 7 8 8 10 Sq. ft. of Direct Rad. Supplied, . . 275 450 600 800 Shipping Weight, ...... . lbs. 800 1200 1400 1600 In Estimating, include Flows and Returns as Radiating Surface. W. C. MOWRY, .... Norwich, Conn. 214 page; steam; heater. PRICES. Briolc-Set. Disc. per ct. Portable. Disc. per ot. No. List. Cost Price. No. List. Cost Price. 15 $125.00 110 $136.00 18 150.00 120 165.00 21 180.00 130 200.00 21 D. S. 200.00 133 225.00 24 235.00 140 260.00 24 D. S. 255.00 144 285.00 30 300.00 150 345.00 30 D. S. 325.00 155 375.00 Sizes and Dimensions, No. of Boiler. 15 18 21 21 D. S. 24 24 D. S. 30 30 D.S. Sq. ft. Grate Surface, 1.03 1.53 2.10 2.35 2.85 3.00 4.43 4.60 No. of Sections, , . . 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 Total Height, . . . in. 59 62 68 72 68 72 68 72 Total Width, . . . in. 40 44 48 48 52 52 60 60 Total Length, , . . in. 40 44 48 48 52 52 60 60 No. of Outlets 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Size of Outlets, in. 2 2 2K 3K 3 3 3 3K Size of Return, . . (a) 1 1 1* 1* 1 X 1/4 IK Diam. Smoke Pipe, in. 7 8 8 9 10 10 12 12 No. of Brick required, 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1600 1700 Shipping Weight, . . . 1000 1400 1600 1700 1800 2000 2800 3000 Sq. ft. Direct Rad. Supp’d, 175 350 475 550 650 725 850 1000 Portable Dimensions same as Brick-Set. W. C. MOWRY Norwich., Conn. 216 u o -*-> a O g tj .9 r/ a 0 Cl. co a ® 0 x/i ’«) $ cPQ o’ s 0 . u L , H 'o 0 Actual Square feet of Radiation it will supply exclusive of Mains. Number of two inch Flow Openings in each Heater. Vw • O to B O .N £ *3 ts p. u 0 „ CO £ aSjg W *4-1 0 u o a £ Height of H in inche: Size of Fire ] inches. a* So 0 rt O 3 *4-4 0° JS 0 a 0 0 N GQ 8. a ** <» 0 0 u 'S X Diameter of Fire-Pot. Depth of Fire- Pot. | Height of Ash Pit Total Height over all. I Height of Water 1 Line. | No. of Tubes. Diameter of Tubes. 0 X 3 h ‘o T/ J I No. ft. Heating | Surface. I Area of Grate 1 Surface in Sq. ft- 1 Tapped for Main 1 Pipe. Size Square of j Brick Work. I Height of Brick Work. I No. t-f Brick 1 required to set. Diameter of Smoke Pipe Size of Chimney Flue. : Radiating Sur- face it will Sup- ply for Steam. Radiating Sur- face it will Sup- pip for Hot-water Shipping Weight c c c S3 c s Ilns. c c £ £ c a c (/) e a s* (/>** JS 0 25 42 20 22 13 61 4 ?/ 40 2 2 48 59 1200 8 8x8 225 360 1300 30 36 20 22 13 54 4354 19 2 54 20 58 2 2 52 52 1200 8 8x8 3 °° 450 1300 I 30 40 20 26 13 58 48 19 254 24 70 2 2 52 56 1200 8 8x8 350 55 o 1300 i 54 33 40 22 26 13 58 4854 21 2 54 24 80 254 2 56 56 1.300 8 8x8 400 650 1400 2 36 42 24 26 13 60 49 23 2}4 24 90 3 254 60 58 1350 8 8x10 5 °o 800 1600 254 39 43 27 29 13 61 52 22 3 27 102 4 2/4 62 59 1450 9 8x12 600 95 o 1800 3 42 48 30 29 13 67 5354 23 3 29 Il6 5 3 66 62 l 60 O 10 10x12 800 1200 2000 354 45 48 33 30 13 67 54 54 26 3 30 140 6 4 69 62 1700 11 12x12 1000 1600 2600 4 48 54 36 33 14 75 59 29 3 33 165 7 4 73 72 1900 12 12x12 1200 1900 2800 4/4 52 54 38 33 14 75 59 27 354 33 190 8 4 77 72 2000 13 12x16 1400 2200 3200 5 56 54 40 34 14 75 59 30 354 34 215 4 82 72 2300 14 12x16 1600 2500 3600 554 56 66 40 36 14 87 7 i 30 354 46 259 8fcl 5 82 84 2700 14 12x16 2000 3000 400c THE ABOVE PRICES INCLUDE BOILER AND CASTINGS COMPLETE. STEAM TRIMMINGS $ PER SET NET EXTRA. Manufactured by NEW YORK CENTRAL IRON WORKS CO., GENEVA, N. Y., U. S. A. 222 The Hub Steam and Hot Water Heaters HUB STEAM HEATER. HUB HOT WATER HEATER NO. LIST. COST. PRICE. NO. LIST. COST. PRICE. 116 $ 85 116 $ 75 118 115 118 105 120 165 120 155 122 200 122 190 126 265 126 250 130 340 130 325 Above Prices include Triple Non-Conducting Jacket and Trimmings. DISCOUNT, SIZES AND DIMENSIONS. STEAM HEATER. HOT WATER HEATER, Number of Boiler 116 118 120 122 126 130 116 118 120 122 126 130: Diani. Grate 16 18 20 22 26 30 16 IS 20 22 26 30; No. sq. in. Grate Surface 201 254 314 380 530 706 201 254 314 380 530 706j Height to top of Dome, in 46 48 50 55 64 71 46 48 50 55 64 71 Height to W ater Line, in 40 41 44 48 54 55 Extreme Width, in 26 28 30 33 39 44 26 28 30 33 39 44 Extreme Length, in 29 31 34 38 45 50 29 31 34 38 45 50 Number and Size of Outlet 2-2 2-2 2-2 2-2 2-2* 2-2 3 3-2 4-2 6-2 6-2 4-2 4-2! 2-2* 2-2* Number and Size of Return Inlet 1 2.2 2-2 2-2 2-2 2-2 2-2 3-2 4 2 6-2 6-2 4-2 4-2 1 2-2* 2-2*1 Diam. Smoke Pipe 6 6 8 8 9 10 6 6 8 8 9 10! Sq. ft. Radiations l 125 175 250 325 400 650 250 300 400 500 750 1000, with > to to to to to to to to to to to to Mains Covered. ) 175 250 325 400 1 650 1000 300 400 500 750 1000 1500] Fire pot is brick lined. If lining is removed, fire pot is 2 inches larger than size given above. SMITH & ANTHONY CO., Boston and New York. 223 THE COTTAGE. •J a FOR WATER WARMING. Discount Size of Grate 1 6 x 1 6 inches (256 sq. in=i8" round graie) 16 x 20 inches (320 sq. in=2o"round grate) 16 x 24 inches (384 sq. in=22" round grate) Direct Radiation Supplied 250 square feet 325 square feet 400 square feet Total Height 43 inches 43 inches 43 inches Width 28 inches 28 inches 28 inches Length .... 30 inches 34 inches 38 inches List, F. O. B. Westfield, Mass. Cost $80 $100 $120 Price ..... REGULAR TAPPING. Size of Grate. For Supply Pipes. For Return Pipe. 16x16 inches 1 — 2^ inches 1 — 2 % inches 16 x 20 inches 2 — 2 % inches 2 — 2j*2 inches 16 x 24 inches 2 — 2 Vig inches 2 — 2j^ inches The H. B. Smith Co., 224 Manufactured by WESTFIELD, MASS. Number of I I M „ « I Number THE GOLD BOILER GOLD’S PATENT SECTIONAL X-L BOILER. No. 1 XL Boiler. Discount Number of Sections. | Square Feet of Direct Radiation Supplied. Square Feet of Indirect Radiation Supplied.* Size of Grate. [ Total Height of 1 Boiler. [ Total Width of Boiler. j Total Length of Boiler. Height of Water Line. I Width of | Boiler Section. Height of 1 Roiler Section. Height of Ash Front. 1 Outside Diameter | of Top Drum. ( Outside Diameter | of Side Drums. Shipping Weight. List on Cars at Westfield, Mass. uS 1 0 1 O 3 DIJJ in. ft in ft in ft in ft ft in ft in in in in lbs. 6 240-300 240-270 18x18 5-6 3-9 4 - 4 4 2-2 3-9 12% 6 \Vz 2,200 #i 95 7 300-340 270-360 18x24 5-6 3-9 4-10 4 2-2 3-9 12 % 6 \ x /i 2,500 230 8 340-420 360-450 18x30 5-6 3-9 5 - 4 4 2-2 3-9 12 % 6 4 % 2,800 257 9 420-500 450-540 18x36 5-6 3-9 5-10 4 2-2 3-9 12% 6 \Vz 3,200 285 10 500-580 540-620 18x42 5-6 3-9 6- 4 4 2-2 3-9 12 % 6 4 % 3 * 5 °° 313 11 580-675 620-700 18x48 5-6 3-9 6-10 4 2-2 3-9 12% 6 4 % 3,800 337 12 675-750 700-760 18x48 5-6 3“9 7 - 4 4 2-2 3-9 12% 6 4 % 4,100 362 ♦Based upon the surface being placed in the main chamber. No. 2 X L Boiler. Discount Number of Sections. Square Feet of Direct Radiation , Supplied. Square Feet of Indirect Radiation Supplied.* I Size of Grate. Total Height of Boiler. [ Total Width of Boiler. Total Length 1 f Boiler. Height of Water Line. Width of Boiler Section. Height of Boiler Section. Height of i Ash Front. j j Outside Diameter | of Top Drum. 1 Outside Diameter of Side Drums. Shipping Weight List on Cars at Westfield, Mass. Cost. in. ft ft in ft in ft in ft in ft in in in in lbs. 9 740-800 750-800 24x36 6 4-3 6 4-6 2-8 4-3 12% 6 4,200 $362 10 800-900 800-900 24x42 6 4-3 6-6 4-6 2-8 4-3 12% 6 4 % 4,600 396 1 1 900-1040 900-1000 24x48 6 4-3 7 4-6 2-8 4-3 12% 6 4 % 5,000 431 12 1040-1150 IOOO-I IOO 24x54 6 4-3 7-6 4-6 2-8 4-3 12% 6 4%2 5,400 466 13 1150-1270 1100-1200 24x60 6 4-3 8 4-6 2-8 4-3 12% 6 4 % 5 » 9 °° 494 14 i27o-i4o 0 1200-1300 24x60 6 4-3 8-6 4-6 2-8 4-3 12% 6 4 % 6,300 52 » •Based upon the surface being placed in the main chamber. NOTE. — In estimating the number of feet of radiation these boilers will supply, as per tables, the direct and indirect radiation to be taken separately — i. e. the 6-section No. i Boiler will supply 300 feet of direct or 270 feet of indirect radiation, each separately. Manufactured by The H. B. Smith Co., WESTFIELD, riASS. 225 THE MERCER BOILER. No. 1 MERCER BOILER. Discount Size of Boiler. No. of Sections. Square feet of Steam Radiation each Boiler will supply. Square feet of Water Radiation each Boiler will supply. Size of Grates, inches. Square feet of Grate Surface, jj I Square feet of j ! Fire Surface | Total Height of ! Boiler, inches. j Total Length of Boiler, inches. Outside Width of Boiler, inches. Height of Ash Pit, inches. Dia. of Smoke Pipes, inches. Weight, pounds. List, F. O. B. Westfield. O U Price. 5 250-300 35°- 450 18x18 60 69 39 45 12 K 9 2000 $i95 6 300-400 450- 600 18x24 3 72 69 45 45 12 Vi 9 2300 230 7 400-500 600- 800 18x30 3 3 A 84 69 5 1 45 12 % 9 2700 264 8 500-600 800- 1 000 i8x36 4 Y 2 96 69 57 45 12 % 9 3000 305 9 600-700 1000-1200 18x42 sK 108 69 63 45 12 Yi 9 3400 348 IO 700-800 1200-1400 18x48 6 120 69 69 45 12 % 9 3800 390 No. 2 MERCER BOILER # Discount Size of Boiler. No. of Sections. Square feet of Steam Radiation each Boiler will supply. Square feet of Water Radiation each Boiler will supply. Size of Grates, inches. Square feet of Grate Surface. Square feet of j Fire surface. ! Total Height of Boiler, inches. 1 Total Length of Boiler, inches. Outside Width of 1 Boiler, inches. | Height of Ash Pit, inches. Dia. of Smoke Pipes, inches Weight, pounds. List, F. O. B. Westfield. Cost. ! Price. 1 7 700- 800 1250-1450 i 27x30 sK 126 80 S l Y 60 16 12 3800 $396 8 800- 950 1700 27x36 6 * i44 80 S 7 l A 60 16 12 4300 459 9 950-1 100 2000 27x42 7% 162 80 63 X 60 16 12 4800 522 10 1100-1250 2300 27x48 9 180 80 69 % 60 16 12 53°° 5S4 1 1 1 1250-1450 2650 27X54 10 Ys 198 80 75 Y 60 16 12 5800 647 12 1450-1650 3000 27x60 | 216 80 8ifc 60 16 12 6300 710 Hanufactured by The H. B. Smith Co., WESTFIELD, HASS. 226 THE O. K. BOILER Discount No. 2. For Heating or Power. Height, 7" 3" ; Width, 5'' 11"; with full cast iron front. Fire Surface, 20 square feet to each section. Grate surface, 22" wide, 5 Yz" deep, each section. No. 3. For Heating or Power. Height, 8'; Width, 7'' ; with full cast iron front. Fire Surface, 28 square feet to each section. Grate Surface, 33" wide, 5^" deep, each section. No. 4. For Heating or Power. Height, 8' 1 ; Width, 7' 4"; with full cast iron front. Fire Sur- face, 34 square feet to each sec- tion. Grate Surface, 42" wide, 5" deep, each section. Number of Sections. Square Feet of Heating Surface. Square Feetof Radiation supplied. Height of Water Line. Weight of Materials. Pounds. List on Cars at Westfield. 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 132 i54 176 198 220 242 264 286 308 75° 875 1,000 i»I 25 1,250 1 »3 75 1,500 1,625 i.75o 4 feet, 3 inches. 3,800 4,250 4,700 5,150 5,600 6,050 6,500 6,950 7,400 304 340 376 412 448 484 520 556 592 7 210 1,400 5,4oo 432 8 240 1,600 4; 6,000 480 9 270 1,800 A O 6,600 528 10 300 2,000 .c 7,200 576 1 1 330 2,200 fx 7,800 624 12 360 2,400 8,400 672 13 390 2,600 V 9,000 720 14 420 2,800 't 9,600 768 15 45° 3,000 10,200 816 7 255 i,75<> 6,200 496 8 290 2,000 6,925 554 9 325 2,250 e n 7,650 612 10 360 2,500 % 8,375 670 11 395 2,750 .C 9,100 728 12 430 3,000 sO 9,825 786 13 465 3,250 10,550 844 14 500 3,5oo “,275 902 15 535 3,750 12,000 960 16 570 4,000 12,725 1,018 The H. B. Smith Co., 227 flanufactured by WESTFIELD, HASS, THE MILLS BOILER Discount Number of 1 Sections. Square Feet of Fire Surface. Square Feet of Radiation supplied. , , 1 Square Inches, of Grate surface Weight of Material. Pounds. List on cars at Westfield. Cost. Price. 7 144 864 960 5,578 370 No. 4. 8 168 1,008 1,152 6,240 410 9 192 i»i5 2 i,344 6,922 45i For Steam or Water Warming. 10 216 1,296 i ,536 7,595 49 1 7' 3* high X 7'’ 4" wide, 6" thick. 24 square feet of fire surface to each section. Height of water line, 11 240 1,440 1,728 8,187 53i 12 264 1,684 1,920 8,940 57i 5' 4/4"’ 13 288 1,728 2,112 9,612 610 14 312 1,872 2,304 10,284 651 7 202 1,210 930 6,431 463 No. 4 1-2. 8 238 1,426 1,116 7,212 5io 9 274 1,642 1,302 7,993 556 For Steam or Water Warming. 10 310 1,858 1,488 8,774 601 6' 8 " high X 7' 3" wide, 6" thick. 30 square feet of fire surface to each section. Height of water line, 11 346 2,074 1,674 9,559 649 12 382 2,290 1,860 10,340 695 5' 5^*. 13 418 2,505 2,046 11,094 74i 14 454 2,722 2,232 11,828 777 6 180 1,080 744 6,536 45i 7 216 1,296 930 7,636 494 No. 5. 8 252 1,512 1,116 8,345 548 For Power and Warming. 8' i" high X7' 3" wide, 6" thick. 36 square feet of fire surface to each 9 288 1,728 1,302 9,255 602 10 324 i,944 1,488 10,164 656 11 350 2,160 1,674 11,075 7 °7 section. Height of water line, 5' 9 W* 12 39 6 2,376 1,860 11,983 764 13 432 2,592 2,046 12,855 818 14 468 2,808 2,232 13,707 872 8 462 2,772 1,728 13,100 1,019 No. 6. 9 528 3,168 2,016 14,500 1,126 For Power and Warming. 9' 8" high X 8' 8 " wide, 6" thick. 66 square feet of fire surface to each 10 594 3,564 2,304 15,900 i,235 11 660 3,960 2,592 17,300 i,343 12 726 4,356 2,880 18,700 i,45i section. Height of water line, 7' 3/4". 13 792 4,752 3, *68 20,100 *,559 14 858 5,148 3,456 21,500 1,669 N. B. — The ratings above are for steam. The water ratings of these boilers should be based directly upon the steam ratings given above, and may be estimated in direct proportion to the tempera- ture at which it is proposed to carry the radiation. * Manufactured by The H. B. Smith Co • , WESTFIELD, MASS. 228 SINQLE FIRE-POT SIZES. No. Square feet of Radiation Heater will carry in Building besides Mains. Height in inches. Width in inches. Depth in inches. Regular Flow Connec- tions. (returns duplicate) Diam of Smoke Pipe. Inches. Size of Grate. Shipping Weight, Pounds. PRICE, F. O. B. Detroit. Discount ...... per cent. Net Price, 301 400 63 28 22 ^2-2in. 8 17X 17 1700 8155 302 510 63 28 26 j 2*2> 2 8 17 x 21 2000 180 303 635 63 28 30 9 17x25 2250 215 304 765 63 28 34 ( 2-2 in. 9 17 x 29 2500 240 305 875 63 33 30 ( 2-3 in. 10 22 x 25 2400 270 306 1050 63 33 34 J 10 22 X 29 2600 320 307 1250 63 33 38 ■v 2-2 in. 10 22 X 33 2900 370 308 1425 63 33 42 f 2 " 2 /2 J 2-3 in. 10 22 x 37 3100 400 DOUBLE FIRE-POT SIZES. Each Grate. 309 1700 74 75 26 •jo \/ 13 22 X 21 5100 8465 3IO 2000 74 75 30 3 2 /2 13 22 X 25 5800 535 311 2400 74 75 34 • 14 22 X 29 65OO 640 312 2700 74 75 38 3*3 14 22X33 7IOO 675 313 3000 74 75 42 14 22 X 37 7700 750 THE “FOUR HUNDRED” CAPITOL. SINQLE FIRE-POT SIZES. 405 1600 66 40 40 T 1 12 26x30 3200 13 400 I 406 1850 66 40 45 >3-4 in. 12 26x35 35 oo 500 407 21G0 66 40 50 j 1 12 26 x 40 3800 ! 600 1 DOUBLE FIRE POT SIZES. 409 3400 77 102 40 T . 15 each 26 x 30 7000 $ 850 410 3900 77 102 45 >6-4 in. 16 26x35 7600 950 411 4400 77 102 50 i 17 26 x 40 8200 1050 UNITED STATES HEATER CO., Detroit, Mich. 229 HECLA SINGLE FIRE-POT SIZES. No. Square feet of Radiation Heater will carry iu Building besides Mains. Height in inches. «5 A S a A jS 0 JS 0 (3 a A - Q Height of Water Line, inches. Steam Outlets, inches. Return Inlets, inchos. Diam. of Smoke Pipe. Inches. « 8 e 0 c S Shipping Weight, Pouuds. PRICE, r. O. B. Detroit. Discount per ocnl. ■Net Price, 3°3>2 450 63 26 42 2^ 2 9 22 X 21 2500 $235 305 550 63 33 30 42 2>2 2 10 22 X 25 2700 275 306 650 63 33 34 42 3 10 22 X 29 2900 310 307 750 63 33 38 42 3 2 K 10 22 x 33 3300 325 308 850 63 33 42 42 3 2 %. 10 22 X 37 3600 340 DOUBLE FIRE-POT SIZES. 310 1100 63 75 30 42 3 2 X A n Each Grate. 22 x 25 6200 $520 311 1300 63 75 34 42 3 /£ 14 22 x 29 6900 590 312 1500 63 75 38 42 4 2 l A 14 22 x 33 7700 650 j 313 1700 63 75 42 42 4 2% 14 *2x37 8500 700 ....... THE “FOUR HUNDRED” HECLA. SINGLE FIRE-POT SIZES. 405 1000 66 40 40 50 4 3 12 26 x 30 3600 $400 406 1150 66 40 45 50 4 3 12 26x35 3900 450 407 1300 66 40 50 50 4 3 12 26 x 40 4200 500 DOUBLE FIRE POT SIZES. 409 2100 66 102 40 50 4 2 'A 15 each 26 x 30 7600 $785 410 2400 66 102 45 5° 4 2'A l6 26x35 8200 880 411 2700 66 102 50 1 1 50 aX 17 26 x 40 8800 900 UNITED STATES HEATER CO., Detroit. Mich. 230 HOT WATER. THE MASCOT HEATER. STEAM. JI 5 175 8110 23 53 15 8 800 118 250 135 26 53 18 8 900 221 350 160 29 56 12 8 1000 UNITED STATES HEATER CO., Detroit, Mich. 231 THE COMMONWEALTH HEATER FOR HOT WATER. NUMBER. 18 20 22 24 ! 28 Diameter of firepot, inches l 9 22 24 27 Grate area, square inches 284 284 380 452 573 Weight, pounds 1234 1492 1822 2553 2950 Height, inches 5i 57 63 634 70 Width, inches Depth, inches 29 29 29 34 34 28 28 3° 33 36 Size inlet and outlet, inches 4 4 4 5 5 Fire surface, square feet 24 39 55 90 118 Capacity, square feet direct radiation, includ- ing pipes, in ordinary house heating 460 520 640 800 960 List price, with shovel, poker, damper, bolts and packings complete $120 $150 $180 $210 $250 Discount Cost Price Round firepot, half brick-lined; planed joints between sections, packed with paper and red lead. All heaters have ash-sifting grates. All sections are tested at 100 pounds to the square inch. One inlet, at the back; one outlet, at the top. WALKER & PRATT MFG. CO., 3 1 Union Street, BOSTON, MASS. 232 “SMALL SERIES” WATER HEATERS. NUMBER. 0 « 2 4 Height, inches 26^ 2 9 Yx 35 X A 40 A Largest diameter, inches 14 W/\ 18 23 V\ Size inlet and outlet, inches.. 1 ^A 3 Capacity in lineal feet 4-inch pipe 50 75 150 300 Capacity for heating water, gallons per hour, from 6o° to 150° 35 50 IOO 200 List price $15.00 $20.00 $35.00 $50.00 Discount Round firepot, half brick lined. Seamless one-piece water section, tested at 150 pounds to the square inch. THE CRAWFORD HEATER. FOR WATER. FOR STEAM. NUMBER. For Water. For Steam. 25 30 26 i 31 Diameter of firepot, inches 17^ 2J.I 17^ 241 700 59 22 y 2 Grate area, square inches 346 850 53 26^ 2 \ Weight, pounds 600 48 ,/ 22X 340 Height, inches 62 26^ Diameter of casing, inches Size inlet and outlet, inches Capacity, lineal feet 4-inch pipe 3 4 550 440 3 4 Capacity, square feet direct radiation, including pipes, in ordinary house heating 320 200 300 List price, with shovel, poker, casing and damper $75-oo $100.00 $96.00 $126.00 Discount Price . .... Round firepot, half brick lined. Seamless one-piece water section, tested to 150 pounds to the square inch. Galvanized sheetiron casing, with castiron cover. WALKER & PRATT MFQ. CO., 233 31 Union Street, BOSTON, MASS. VOLUNTEER. Portable, Surface Burning. Steam or Hot Water. • Numbers *1 2 4 6 8 10 12 Diameter of Fire Pot, in 15 15 18 21 25 30 36 No. sq. in. Grate Surface ITT ITT 254 346 490 TOT 1,018 Height of Boiler, Steam, in. . 60 60 66 66 68 T4 Height to Water Line,) Steam, in / 51 51X 56X 60 61 63X Height of Boiler, Water, in. . 43 50 52 58 59 62 6T Outlets, Steam, No. & Size, in Two, 2 Two, 2 Two, 2 Two, 2X Two, 3 Two, 3 Inlets, Steam, No. & Size, in. Two, IX Two, IX Two, IX Two, IX Two, IX Two, IX Outlets, Water, No. & Size, in Two, IX Two, 2 Two, 2 Four, 2 Six, 2 Six, 2X Four, 3 Inlets, Water, No. & Size, in. Two, IX One, 8 One, 3 Two, 2X Three, 2X Three, 2X Four, 3 Diameter, Smoke Pipe, in . . . 5 6 6 T 8 8 10 No. sq. ft. Direct Radia-) tion, Steam / 150 225 350 550 800 1,500 No. sq. ft. Direct Radia-) tion, Water f 200 300 400 550 800 1 ,200 2,000 List, including Trimmings,) Steam j $135 $180 $230 $300 $3T5 $500 Cost Price List, including Regulator,) Water / $100 $120 $160 $200 $280 $350 $4T5 Cost Price * No. 1 made for water only. Hot Water Boilers regulate draft automatically. Nos. 1 and 2 with base for setting on floor, $5.00 extra. THE WM. H. PAGE BOILER CO., Norwich, Conn. 234 ALL RIGHT or Steal. Numbers 18 21 25 30 Diameter of Fire Pot, in 18 21 25 30 No. sq. in. Grate Surface 254 346 490 707 Height of Boiler, Steam, in 63 65 65 66 Height to Water Line, Steam, in 49% 52% 53 53% Height of Boiler, Water, in 54 55 55 56 Outlets, Steam, Number and Size, in Two, 2 Two, 2 Two, 2% Two, 3 Inlets, Steam, Number and Size, in Two, 1% Two, 1% Two, 1% Two, 1% Outlets, Water, Number and Size, in Four, 2 Six, 2 Six, 2 Four, 3 Inlets, Water, Number and Size, in Two, 2% Two, 2% Two, 3 Four, 3 Diameter, Smoke Pipe, in 7 8 8 10 Number Brick required, Steam 700 800 1,000 1,200 Number Brick required, Water 600 750 950 1,150 No. sq. ft. Direct Radiation. Steam 250 350 550 900 No. sq. ft. Direct Radiation, Water 400 600 900 1,400 List, including Trimmings, Steam $165 $210 $290 $375 Cost Price List, including Regulator, Water $150 $190 $270 $350 Cost Price .... Hot Water Boilers regulate draft automatically. THE WM. H. PAGE BOILER CO., Norwich, Conn. 235 ' ■ ’• . — . : . . , ... USEFUL INFORMATION STEAM. A CUBIC inch of water evaporated under ordinary atmospheric pressure is converted into 1 cubic foot of steam (approximately). The specific gravity of steam (at atmospheric pressure) is .411 that of air at 34° Fahrenheit, and .0006 that of water at same temperature. 27,222 cubic feet of steam weigh 1 pound ; 13,817 cubic feet of air weigh 1 pound. Locomotives average a consumption of 3,000 gallons of water per 100 miles run. The best designed boilers, well set, with good draft and skilful firing, will evaporate from 7 to 10 lbs. or water per pound of first-class coal. In calculating horse-power of Tubular or Flue boilers, consider 15 square feet of heating surface equivalent to one nominal horse-power. On one square foot of grate can be burned on an average from 10 to 12 lbs. of hard coal, or 18 to 20 lbs. of soft coal, per hour, with natural draft. With forced draft nearly double these amounts can be burned. Steam Engines, in economy, vary from 14 to 60 lbs. of feed water and from 1J to 7 lbs. of coal per hour per indicated H. P. See table below for duty of high grade engines. Condensing engines require from 20 to 30 gallons of water, at an average low temperature to condense the steam represented by every gallon of water evaporated in the boilers’ sup- plying engines — approximately for most engines, we say, from 1 to 1J gallons condensing water per minute per indicated horse-power. Surface Condensers should have about 2 square feet of tube (cooling) surface per horse- power for a compound steam engine. Ordinary engines will require more surface according to their economy in the use of steam. It is absolutely necessary to place air pumps below condensers to get satisfactory results. RATIO OF VACUUM TO TEMPERATURE (FAHRENHEIT) OF FEED WATER. 00 inches, Vacuum 11 18 »» . 212 ° .190° .170° 22J inches, Vacuum *25 „ 27 £ „ 150° .135° 112 ° 28£ inches, Vacuum 29 29 £ >> 92° 72° 52° * Usually considered the standard point of efficiency— Condenser and Air Pump being well proportioned. WEIGHT AND COMPARATIVE FUEL VALUE OF WOOD, 1 Cord Air-dried Hickory or Hard Maple weighs about 4,500 lbs., and is equal to about 2,000 lbs. coal. 1 „ „ White Oak weighs about 3,850 lbs., and is equal to about 1,715 lbs. coal. 1 „ „ Beech, Red Oak, and Black Oak weighs about 3,250 lbs., and is equal to about 1,450 lbs. coal. 1 „ „ Poplar (whitewood), Chestnut, and Elm weighs about 2,350 lbs. # and is equal to about 1,050 lbs. coal. 1 „ „ Average Pine weighs about 2,000 lbs., and is equal to about 925 lbs. coal. From the above it is safe to assume that 2\ lbs. of dry wood is equal to 1 lb. average quality of soft coal, and that the full value of the same weight of different woods is very nearly the same — that is, a pound of hickory is worth no more for fuel than a pound of pine, assuming both to be dry. It is important that the wood be dry, as each 10 per cent, of water or moisture in wood will detract about 12 per cent, from its value as fuel. DUTY OF STEAM ENGINES. A well-known engineer of high authority gives the following comparative figures showing the economy of high grade steam engines in actual practice : Type of Engine. Temperature of Feed Water. Lbs. of Water Evaporated per lb. or Cum- berland Coal. Pounds of Steam per 1 H. P. used per hour. Pounds of Cumberland Coal used per 1 H. P. per hour. Cost per 1 H.P. per hour, sup- posing Coal at $6.00 per ton. Non-Condensing 210° 10.5 29. 2.75 $0.0073 Condensing 100° 9.4 20. 2.12 0.0056 Compound Jacketed 100° 9.4 17. 1.81 0.0045 Triple Expansion Jacketed. 100° 9.4 13.6 1.44 0.0030 * # * The effect of a good condenser and air pump should be to make available about 10 lbs. more mean effective pressure than the same terminal pressure ; or to give the same mean effective pressure with a correspondingly less terminal pressure. When the load on the engine requires 20 lbs. M. E. P., the condenser does half the work ; at 30 lbs., one third of the work ; at 40 lbs., one fourth, and so on. It is safe to assume that practically the condenser will save from one fourth to one third of the fuel, and it can be applied to any engine cut-off, or throttling, where a sufficient supply of water is available. THE ABOVE 18 FROM WALWORTH MFG. CO.’S POCKET PRICE-LIST BY PERMISSION. 238 WATER TROUBLING- the diameter of a pipe increases its capacity four times. Friction of liquids in pipes increases as the square of the velocity. The mean pressure of the atmosphere is usually estimated at 14.7 lhs. per square inch, so that with a perfect vacuum it will sustain a column of mercury 29.9 inches or a column of water 33.9 feet high at sea level. To find the pressure in pounds per square inch of a column of water, multiply the height of the column in feet by .434. Approximately, we say that every foot elevation is equal to \ lb. pressure per square inch ; this allows for ordinary friction. To find the diameter of a pump cylinder to move a given quantity of water per minute (100 feet of piston being the standard of speed), divide the number of gallons by 4, then extract the square root, and the product will be the diameter in inches of the pump cylinder. To find quantity of water elevated in one minute running at 100 feet of piston speed per minute, square the diameter of the water cylinder in inches and multiply by 4. Example: Capacity of a 5 inch cylinder is desired. The square of the diameter (5 inches) is 25, which, multiplied by 4, gives 100, the number of gallons per minute (approximately). To find the horse power necessary to elevate water to a given height, multiply the weight of the water elevated per minute in pounds by the height in feet, and divide the product by 33,000 (an allowance should be added by water friction, and a further allowance for loss in steam cylinder, say from 20 to 30 per cent). The area of the Steam Piston multiplied by the steam pressure gives the total amount of pressure that can be exerted. The area of the water piston multiplied by the pressure of water per square inch gives the resistance. A margin must be made between the power and the resistance to move the pistons at the required speed — say from 20 to 40 per cent., according to speed and other conditions. To find the capacity of a cylinder in gallons. Multiplying the area in inches by the length of stroke in inches will give the total number of cubic inches ; divide this amount by 231 (which is the cubical contents of a U. S. gallon in inches) and the product is the capacity in gallons. WEIGHT AND CAPACITY OF DIFFERENT STANDARD GALLONS OF WATER. Cubic Inches in a Gallon. Weight of a Gal- lon in pounds. Gallons in a Cubic Foot. Imperial or English 277.274 10.00 6.232102 Weight of a cubic foot of water, English stand- ard, 62.321 lbs. Avordu- United States 231. 8.33111 7.480519 pois. Weight of Crude Petroleum, 6| lbs. per U. S. gallon, ) 49 n thp harrp1 Weight of Refined „ lbs. per U. S. gallon, ( 42 8 allons t0 ttie Darrel. ‘ miner’s inch ” of water is approximately equal to a supply of 12 U. S. gallons per minute. FIRE STREAMS. Pressures required at nozzle and at pump, with quantity and pressure of water necessary to throw water various distances through different sized nozzles — using inch rubber hose and smooth nozzles. G. A. Ellis, C. E. Size of Nozzles. 1 Inch. 1J Inch. J 11 Inch. lg Inch. Pressure at nozzle 40 60 80 100 40 60 80 100 40 60 80 100 40 60 80 100 ♦Pressure at Pump or ) Hydrant with 100 ft. > 2£ inch rubber hose. ) 48 73 97 121 54 81 108 135 61 92 123 154 71 107 144 180 Gallons per minute 155 189 219 245 196 240 277 310 242 297 342 383 293 358 413 462 Horizontal dist. thrown 109 142 168 186 113 148 175 193 118 156 186 207 124 166 200 224 Vertical dist. thrown. . . 79 108 131 148 81 112 137 157 82 115 142 164 85, 118 146 169 *For greater lengths of 2} hose the increased friction can readily be obtained by noting the differences between the above given “pressure at nozzle” and “pressure at pump or hydrant with 100 feet of hose.” For instance, if it requires at hydrant, or pump 8 lbs. more pressure than it does at nozzle to overcome the friction when pumping through 100 feet of 2£ inch hose (using 1 inch nozzle, with 40 lb. pressure at said nozzle), then it requires 16 lbs. pressure to overcome the friction in forcing through 200 feet of same size hose. THE ABOVE IS FROM WALWORTH MFG. CO.’S POCKET PRICE-LIST BY PERMISSION. 239 SIZES OF FLOW AND RETURN PIPES APPROXIMATELY PROPORTIONED TO SURFACE IN RADIATORS.* MAINS. BRANCHES AND RISERS. Size of Pipe. Square feet of Square feet of Square feet of Square feet of Square feet of Square feet of surface in radi- surface in radi- surface in radi- surface in radi- surface in in- surface in direct ators on first ators on second ators on third ators on fourth direct radiators radiators on one floor, or 10ft. to floor, or 15 ft. to floor, or 25 ft. to floor, or 35 ft. to in cellar or or more floors. 15 ft. above level 25 ft. above level 35 ft. above level 45 ft. above level basement. Average. of fire in circu- of Are in circu- of fire in circu- of Are in circu- lator. lator. lator. lator. f ' ■ 40 - 45 50 1 50 75 80 85 n 100 135 110 120 135 150 if 135 220 180 195 210 230 2 225 350 290 320 350 370 2£ 320 460 400 490 525 550 3 500 675 620 650 690 730 650 850 820 870 920 970 4 850 1100 1050 1120 1185 1250 1050 1350 1325 1400 1485 1560 5 1350 1700 6 2900 3600 7 3900 4800 8 5000 6200 9 6300 7700 10 7900 9800 11 9500 11800 12 11400 14000 * Copyrighted, 1892, by John J. Hogan. *TABLE XLII. -EQUALIZATION OF PIPE AREAS. Sizes of Pipes, j h In. | In. 1 In. ljln. Uln. 2 In. 2£In. 3 In. 3£In. 4 In. 4jln. 5 In. 6 In. 7 In. 8 In. £ Inch 1 . 1.7 2.8 4.9 6.6 11. 15.6 24. 32. 41. 52. 65. 94. 123. 167. | Inch 1 . 1.6 2.6 3.8 6.2 8.9 13.8 18. 23. 30. 37. 54. 72. 93. 1 Inch 1 . 1.7 2.3 3.8 5.5 8.5 11. 14. 18. 23. 33. 44. 57. 1£ Inch 1. 1.3 2.2 3.1 4.9 6.6 8. 10. 13. 19. 25. 33. 1J Inch 1 . 1.6 2.3 3.6 4.8 6.2 7.7 9.7 14. 19. 24. 2 Inch 1 . 1.4 2.2 2.9 3.8 4.7 5.3 8.6 11. 14. 2j Inch 1 . 1.5 2. 2.6 3.3 4.1 6. 8. 10. 3 Inch 1 . 1.3 1.7 2.1 2.7 3.9 5.2 6.7 3^ Inch 1 . 1.2 1.6 2. 2.9 3.9 5. 4 Inch 1. 1.2 1.5 2.2 3. 3.9 4 * Inch 1 . 1.2 1.8 2.4 3.1 5 Tnch 1 . 1.4 1.9 2.5 6 Tnch 1 . 1.3 1.7 7 Tnch, 1 . 1.2 Internal Areas of Pipes. .3048 .5333 .8627 1.496 2.038 3.355 4.783 7.388 9.887 12.73 15.93 19.99 28.88 38.73 50.03 *The above tables are taken from Abraham Cox Co.’s catalogue, “ Novelty Circulator,” by permission. RELATIVE CAPACITIES OF PIPES FOR CONVEYING OR DISCHARGING 1 1 u 2 2£ 3 3* 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 1 2 05 3.57 5.66 11.61 20.40 31.98 1.00 1.74 2.75 5.66 9.87 15.57 23.00 32.00 56.00 88.00 129.00 181.00 243.66 316.00 498.00 1.00 1.57 3.21 5.66 8.95 13.21 18.39 32.12 50.67 74.00 104 . 00 139.00 181.00 286.00 1.00 2.05 3.57 5.66 8.39 11.61 20.28 32.18 47.04 66.00 88.00 115.00 182.00 1.00 1.74 2.75 4.06 5.66 9.87 15.57 22.90 31.98 42.93 55.86 88.13 1.00 1.57 2.32 3.24 6.66 8.93 13.13 18.33 24.61 32.02 50.52 1.00 1.47 2.05 3.57 5.66 8.39 11.61 15.57 20.28 32.18 1.00 1.39 2.43 3.83 5.66 7.91 10.57 14.10 21.69 1.00 1.74 2.75 4.06 5.66 7.59 9.87 15.57 1.00 1.57 2.32 3.24 4.24 5.66 8.93 1.00 1.47 2.05 2.75 3.57 5.66 1.00 1.39 1.88 2.43 3.83 1.00 1.33 1.74 2.75 1.00 1.20 2.05 1.00 1.57 ~T 1 U H 2 2 * 3 3 * 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 The capacity of a pipe is in inverse proportion to the square root of its length. Doubling the diameter of a pipe increases its capacity 5.G6 times. From The John Davis Co.’s catalogue, by permission. 240 CIRCUMFERENCES AND AREAS OF CIRCLES Diam. Circ. Area. Diam. Circ. Area. Diam. Circ. Area. Diam. Circ. .,-3 Area. h .0981 .00076 7* 23.56 44.178 16 50.26 201.06 24* 76.96 471.43 A .1963 .00306 23.95 45.663 50.65 204.21 77.36 476.25 ? .3926 .01227 7| - 24.34 47.173 161 - 51.05 207.39 24f - 77.75 481 10 & .5890 .02761 24.74 48.707 51.44 210.59 78.14 485.97 ¥ .7854 .04908 8 25.13 50.265 16* — 51.83 213.82 25 — 78.54 490.87 .9817 .07669 25.52 51.848 52.22 217.07 78.93 495.79 ¥ _ 1.178 .1104 8* _ 25.91 53.456 16| - 52.62 220.35 25* - 79.32 500.74 1.374 .1503 26.31 55.088 53.01 223.65 79.71 505.71 ¥ _ 1.570 .1963 8* — 26.70 56.745 17 — 53.40 226.98 25* — 80.10 510.70 1.767 .2485 27.09 58.426 53.79 230.33 80.50 515.72 s _ 1.963 .3097 8| _ 27.48 60.132 17* _ 54.19 233.70 25| _ 80.89 520.70 H 2.159 .3712 27.88 61.862 54.58 237.10 81.28 525.83 ¥ — 2.356 .4417 9 28.27 63.617 17* 54.97 240.52 26 — 81.68 530.93 u 2.552 .5184 28.66 65.396 55.37 243.97 82.07 536.04 i - 2.748 .6013 9* - 29.05 67.200 17| - 55.76 247.45 26* - 82.46 541.18 H 2.945 .6902 29.45 69.029 56.16 250.94 82.85 546.35 1 — 3.141 .7854 9* — 29.84 70.882 18 — 56.54 254.46 26* — 83.25 551.54 3.534 .9940 30.23 72.759 56.94 258.01 83.64 556.76 i* _ 3.927 1.227 9| _ 30.63 74.662 181 _ 57.33 261.58 26f _ 84.03 562.00 4.319 1.484 31.02 76.588 57.72 265.18 84.43 567.26 1* 4.712 1.767 10 31.41 78.539 18* 58.11 268.80 27 84.82 572.55 5.105 2.073 31.80 80.515 58.51 272.44 85.21 577.87 if - 5.497 2.405 10* - 32.20 82.516 18f _ 58.90 276.11 27* - 85.60 583.20 5.890 2.761 32.59 84.540 59.29 279.81 86.00 588.57 2 — 6.283 3.141 10* — 32.98 86.590 19 — 59.69 283.52 27* — 86.39 593.95 6.675 3.546 33.37 88.664 60.08 287.27 86.78 599.37 2* _ 7.068 3.976 10f - 33.77 90.762 191 _ 60.47 291.03 27f - 87.17 604.80 7.461 4.430 34.16 92.885 60.86 294.83 87.57 610.26 2* — 7.854 4.908 11 34.55 95.033 19* 61.26 298.64 28 _ 87.96 615.75 8.246 5.411 34.95 97.205 61.65 302.48 88.35 621.26 2| - 8.639 5.939 in _ 35.34 99.402 19f _ 62.04 306.35 28* _ 88.75 626.79 9.032 6.491 35.73 101.62 62.43 310.24 89.14 632.35 3 — 9.424 7.068 in 36.12 103.86 20 62.83 314.16 28* 89.53 637.94 9.817 7.669 36.52 106.13 63.22 318.09 89.92 643.54 3* - 10.21 8.295 m - 36.91 108.43 20* - 63.61 322.06 28! - 90.32 649.18 10.60 8.946 37.30 110.75 64.01 326.05 90.71 654.83 3* — 10.99 9.621 12 — 37.69 113.09 20* 64.40 330.06 29 — 91.10 660.52 11.38 10.320 38.09 115.46 64.79 334.10 91.49 666.22 Sf - 11.78 11.044 12* 38.48 117.85 20f _ 65.18 338.16 29* _ 91.89 671.95 12.17 11.793 38.87 120.27 65.58 342.25 92.28 677.71 4 12.56 12.566 12* 39.27 122.71 21 65.97 346.36 29* 92.67 683.49 12.95 13.364 39.66 125.18 66.36 350.49 93.06 689.29 4* - 13.35 14.186 12f - 40.05 127.67 211 _ 66.75 354.65 29! - 93.46 695.12 13.74 15.033 40.41 130.19 67.15 358.84 93.85 700.98 — 14.13 15.904 13 40.84 132.73 21* — 67.54 363.05 30 — 94.24 706.86 14.52 16.800 41.23 135.29 67.93 367.28 94.64 712.76 4| - 14.92 17.720 131 41.62 137.88 21f _ 68.32 371.54 30* - 95.03 718.69 15.31 18.665 42.01 140.50 68.72 375.82 95.42 724.64 5 — 15.70 19.635 13* 42.41 143.13 22 69.11 380.13 Ho C CO — 95.81 730.61 16.10 20.629 42.80 145.80 69.50 384.46 96.21 736.61 5* - 16.49 21.647 131 43.19 148.48 221 _ 69.90 388.82 30| _ 96.60 742.64 16.88 22.690 43.58 151.20 70.29 393.20 96.99 748.69 5* — 17.27 23.758 14 43.98 153.93 22* — 70.68 397.60 31 — 97.38 754.76 17.67 24.850 44.37 156.69 71.07 402.03 97.78 760.86 5f - 18.06 25.967 141 44.76 159.48 22f - 71.47 406.49 31* - 98.17 766.99 18.45 27.108 45.16 162.29 71.86 410.97 98.56 773.14 6 18.84 28.274 14* 45.55 165.13 23 72.25 415.47 31* — 98.96 779.31 19.24 29.464 45.94 167.98 72.64 420.00 99.35 785.51 6* - 19.63 30.679 141 46.33 170.87 23* _ 73.04 424.55 31| 99.74 791.73 20.02 31.919 46.73 173.78 73.43 429.13 100.1 797.97 6* — 20.42 33.183 15 47.12 176.71 23* 73.82 433.73 32 100.5 804.24 20.81 34.471 47.51 179.67 74.21 438.30 100.9 810.54 6| - 21.20 35.784 151 - 47.90 182.72 231 _ 74.61 443.01 32* - 101.3 816.86 21.57 37.122 48.30 185.66 75.00 447.69 101.7 823.21 7 — 21.99 38.484 15* 48.69 188.69 24 — 75.39 452.39 32* — 102.1 829.57 22 38 39.871 49.08 191.74 75.79 457.11 102.4 835.97 7* - 22.77 41.282 15f 49.48 194.82 24* _ 76.18 461.86 32! _ 102.8 842.39 23.16 42.718 49.87 197.73 76.57 466.63 103.2 848.83 FROM THE JOHN DAVIS CO.’S CATALOGUE, BY PERMISSION. 241 CIRCUMFERENCES AND AREAS OF CIRCLES. CONTINUED. Diam. Circ. Area. Diam. Circ. Area. Diam. Circ. Area. Diam. Circ. I Area. 33 103.6 855.30 41* 130.3 1352.6 50 157.0 1963.5 58* 183.7 1 2687.8 104.0 861.79 130.7 1360.8 157.4 1973.3 184.1 2699.3 33* - 104 4 868.30 41f - 131.1 1369.0 50* - 157.8 1983.1 58! - 184.5 2710.8 104.8 874.88 131.5 1377.2 158.2 1993.0 184.9 2722.4 33* — 105.2 881.41 42 131.9 1385.4 50* 158.6 2002.9 59 — 185.3 2733.9 105.6 888.00 132.3 1393.7 159.0 2012.8 185.7 2745.5 33| - 106.0 894.61 42* - 132.7 1401.9 50f _ 159.4 2022.8 59* - 186.1 2757.1 106.4 901.25 133.1 1410.2 159.8 2032.8 186.5 2768.8 34 — 106.8 907.92 42* 133.5 1418.6 51 160.2 2042.8 59* — 186.9 2780.5 107.2 914.61 133.9 1426.9 160.6 2052.8 187.3 2792.2 34* _ 107.5 921.32 42f _ 134.3 1435.3 51* _ 161.0 2062.9 59! 187.7 2803.9 107.9 928.06 134.6 1443.7 161.3 2072.9 188.1 2815.6 34* — 108.3 934.82 43 135.0 1452.2 51* — 161.7 2083.0 60 — 188.4 2827.4 108.7 941.60 135.4 1460.6 162.1 2093.2 188.8 2839.2 34J - 109.1 948.41 43* - 135.8 1469.1 51| - 162.5 2103.3 60* 189.2 2851.0 109.5 955.25 136.2 1477.6 162.9 2113.5 189.6 2862.8 35 — 109.9 962.11 43J 136.6 1486.1 52 163.3 2123.7 60* — 190.0 2874.7 110.3 968.99 137.0 1494.7 163.7 2133.9 190.4 2886.6 35* - 110.7 975.90 43f - 137.4 1503.3 52* _ 164.1 2144.1 60! - 190.8 2898.5 111.1 982.84 137.8 1511.9 164.5 2154.4 191.2 2910.5 35* 111.5 989.80 44 138.2 1520.5 52* _ 164.9 2164.7 61 191.6 2922.4 111.9 996.78 138.6 1529.1 165.3 2175.0 192.0 2934.4 35| - 112.3 1003.7 44* _ 139.0 1537.8 52| _ 165.7 2185.4 61* 192.4 2946.4 112.7 1010.8 139.4 1546.5 166.1 2195.7 192.8 2958.5 36 — 113.0 1017.8 44* 139.8 1555.2 53 — 166.5 2206.1 61* — 193.2 2970.5 113.4 1024.9 140.1 1564.0 166.8 2216.6 193.6 2982.6 36* - 113.8 1032.0 44f - 140.5 1572.8 53* _ 167.2 2227.0 61| 193.9 2994.7 114.2 1039.1 140.9 1581.6 167.6 2237.5 194.3 3006.9 36* — 114.6 1049.3 45 141.3 1590.4 53* — 168.0 2248.0 62 194.7 3019.0 115.0 1053.5 141.7 1599.2 168.4 2258.5 195.1 3031.2 36| - 115.4 1060.7 45* _ 142.1 1608.1 53! _ 168.8 2269.0 62* 195.5 3043.4 115.8 1067.9 142.5 1617.0 169.2 2279.6 195.9 3055.7 37 — 116.2 1075.2 45* 142.9 1625.9 54 169.6 2290.2 62* — 196.3 3067.9 116.6 1082.4 143.3 1634.9 170.0 2300.8 196.7 3080.2 37* - 117.0 1089.7 45f - 143.7 1643.8 54* - 170.4 2311.4 62| 197.1 3092.5 117.4 1097.1 144.1 1652.8 170 8 2322.1 197.5 | 3104.8 37* — 117.8 1104.4 46 144.5 1661.9 54* 171.2 2332.8 63 — 197.9 3117.2 118.2 1111.8 144.9 1670.9 171.6 2343.5 198.3 3129.6 37f - 118.6 1119.2 46* _ 145.2 1680.0 1 54f - 172.0 2354.2 63* 198.7 3142.0 118.9 1126.6 145.6 1689.1 172.3 2365.0 199.0 3144.4 38 119.3 1134.1 46* 146.0 1698.2 55 172.7 2375.8 63* 199.4 3166.9 119.7 1141.5 146.4 1707.3 173.1 2386.6 199.8 3179.4 38* - 120.1 1149.0 46f -J 146.8 1716.5 55* 173.5 2397.4 63! 200.2 3191.9 120.5 1156.6 147.2 1725.7 173.9 2408.3 200.6 3204.4 38* — 120.9 1164.1 47 — 147.6 1734.9 55* — 174.3 2419.2 64 201.0 3216.9 121.3 1171.7 148.0 1744.1 174.7 2430.1 201.4 3229.5 38| - 121.7 1179.3 47* _ 148.4 1753.4 55! 175.1 2441.0 64* 201.8 3242.1 122.1 1186.9 148.8 1762.7 175.5 2452.0 202 2 3254.8 39 — 122.5 1194.5 47* — 149.2 1772.0 56 — 175.9 2463.0 64* — 202 6 3267.4 122.9 1202.2 149.6 1781.3 176.3 2474.0 203.0 3280.1 39* _ 123.3 1209.9 47| _ 150.0 1790.7 56* 176.7 2485.0 64! 203.4 3292.8 123.7 1217.6 150.4 1800 1 177.1 2496.1 203.8 3305.5 39* 124 0 1225.4 48 - 150.7 1809.5 56* 177.5 2507.1 65 204.2 3318.3 124.4 1233.1 151.1 1818.9 177.8 2518.2 204.5 3331.0 39| - 124.8 1240.9 op - 151.5 1828.4 56! 178.2 2529.4 65* 204.9 3343.8 125.2 1248.7 151.9 1837.9 178.6 2540.5 205.3 3356.7 40 125.6 1256.6 48* 152.3 1847.4 57 179.0 2551.7 65* 205.7 3369.5 126.0 1264.5 152.7 1856.9 179.4 2562.9 206.1 3382.4 40* 126.4 1272.3 48| 153.1 1866.5 57* 179.8 2574.1 65! 206.5 3395.3 126.8 1280.3 153.5 1876.1 180.2 2585.4 206.9 3408.2 40* 127.2 1288.2 49 153.9 1885.7 57* 180.6 2596.7 66 207.3 3421.2 127.6 1291.2 154.3 1895.3 181.0 2608.0 207.7 3434.1 40| - 128.0 1304.2 49* 154.7 1905.0 57| 181.4 2619.3 66* 208.1 3447.1 128.4 1312.2 155.1 1914.7 181.8 2630.7 208.5 3160.1 41 128.8 1320.2 49* 155.5 1924.4 58 182.2 2642.0 66* 208.9 3473.2 1 129.1 1328.3 155.9 1934.1 182.6 2653.4 209.3 3486.3 41i 129.5 1336.4 49f 156.2 1943.9 58* 182.9 2664.9 66! - 209.7 3199.3 | 129.9 1344.5 156.6 1953.6 183.3 2676.3 210.0 ! 3512.5 FROM THE JOHN DAVIS CO.’S CATALOGUE, BY PERMISSION. 242 CIRCUMFERENCES AND AREAS OF CIRCLES. CONCLUDED. Diam. Circ. Area. Diam. Circ. Area. Diam. Circ. | Area. Diam. Circ. Area. 67 210.4 3525.6 75* 237.1 4476.9 84 263.8 5541.7 92* 290.5 6720.0 210.9 3538.8 237.5 4491.8 264.2 5558.2 290.9 6738.2 67* _ 211.2 3552.0 75| - 237.9 4506.6 84* - 264.6 5574.8 92| - 291.3 6756.4 211.6 3565.2 238.3 4521.5 265.0 5591.3 291.7 6776.4 67* 212.0 3578.4 76 238.7 4536.4 84* 265.4 5607.9 93 292.1 6792.9 212.4 3591.7 239.1 4551.4 265.8 5624.5 292.5 6811.1 67| _ 212.8 3605.0 76* - 239.5 4566.3 84| - 266.2 5641.1 93* - 292.9 6829.4 213.2 3618.3 239.9 4581.3 266.6 5657.8 293.3 6847.8 68 213.6 3631.6 76* 240.3 4596.3 85 267.0 5674.5 93* 293.7 6866.1 214.0 3645.0 240.7 4611.3 267.4 5691.2 294.1 6884.5 68* __ 214.4 3658.4 76f _ 241.1 4626.4 85* _ 267.8 5707.9 93| _ 294.5 6902.9 214.8 3671.8 241.5 4641.5 268.2 5724.6 294.9 6921.3 m 215.1 3685.2 77 — 241.9 4656.6 85* 268.6 5741.4 94 — 295.3 6939.7 215.5 3698.7 242.2 4671.7 268.9 5758.2 295.7 6958.2 68| - 215.9 3712.2 77* - 242.6 4686.9 85| - 269.3 5775.0 94* - 296.0 6976.7 216.3 3725.7 243.0 4702.1 269.7 5791.9 296.4 6995.2 69 216.7 3739.2 77* 243.4 4717.3 86 270.1 5808.8 94* — 296.8 7013.8 217.1 3752.8 243.8 4732.5 270.5 5825.7 297.2 7032.3 69* _ 217.5 3766.4 77f - 244.2 4747.7 86* - 270.9 5842.6 94f - 297.6 7050.9 217.9 3780.0 244.6 4763.0 271.3 5859.5 298.0 7069.5 69* 218.3 3793.6 78 245.0 4778.3 86* 271.7 5876.5 95 298.4 7088.2 218.7 3807.3 245.4 4793.7 272.1 5893.5 298.8 7106.9 69| _ 219.1 3821.0 78* - 245.8 4809.0 86f - 272.5 5910.5 95* - 299.2 7125.5 219.5 3834.7 246.2 4824.4 272.9 5927.6 299.6 7144.3 70 219.9 3848.4 78* 246.6 4839.8 87 — 273.3 5944.6 95* — 300.0 7163.0 220.3 3862.2 247.0 4855.2 273.7 5961.7 300.4 7181.8 702 _ 220.6 3875.9 78| _ 247.4 4870.7 87* - 274.1 5978.9 95f - 300.8 7200.5 221.0 3889.8 247.7 4886.1 274.4 5996.0 301.2 7219.4 702 — 221.4 3903.6 79 248.1 4901.6 87* — 274.8 6013.2 96 — 301.5 7238.2 221.8 3917.4 248.5 4917.2 275.2 6030.4 301.9 7257 . 1 702 _ 222.2 3931.3 79* _ 248.9 4932.7 87| _ 275.6 6047.6 96* _ 302.3 7275.9 222.6 3945.2 249.3 4948.3 276.0 6064.8 302.7 7294.9 71 — 223.0 3959.2 79* 249.7 4963.9 88 — 276.4 6082.1 96* — 303.1 7313.8 223.4 3973.1 250.1 4979.5 276.8 6099.4 303.5 7332.8 7H - 223.8 3987.1 79f - 250.5 4995.1 88* - 277.2 6116.7 96f - 303.9 7341.7 224.2 4001.1 250.9 5010.8 277.6 6134.0 304.3 7370.7 712 — 224.6 4015.1 80 — 251.3 5026.5 88* — 278.0 6151.4 97 — 304.7 7389.8 225.0 4029.2 251.7 5042.2 278.4 6168.8 305.1 7408.8 712 - 225.4 4043.2 80* - 252.1 5058.0 88f - 278.8 6186.2 97* - 305.5 7427.9 225.8 4067.3 252.5 5073.7 279.2 6203.6 305.9 7447.0 72 226.1 4071.5 80* 252.8 5089.5 89 279.6 6221.1 97* 306.3 7466.2 226.5 4085.6 253.2 5105.4 279.9 6238.6 306.6 7485.3 722 _ 226.9 4099.8 80f - 253.6 5121.2 89* - 280.3 6256.1 97| - 307.0 7504.5 227.3 4114.0 254.0 5137.1 280.7 6273.6 307.4 7523.7 722 — 227.7 4128.2 81 — 254.4 5153.0 89* — 281.1 6291.2 98 — 307.8 7542.9 228.1 4142.5 254.8 5168.9 281.5 6308.8 308.2 7562.2 722 - 228.5 4156.7 81* 255.2 5184.8 89| - 281.9 6326.4 98* - 308.6 7581.5 228.9 4171.0 255.6 5200.8 282.3 6344.0 309.0 7600.8 73 — 229.3 4185.3 81* 256.0 5216.8 90 — 282.7 6361.7 98* — 309.4 7620.1 229.7 4199.7 256.4 5232.8 283.1 6379.4 309.8 7639.4 732 _ 230.1 4214.1 81f _ 256.8 5248.8 90* _ 283.5 6397.1 98f _ 310.2 7658.8 230.5 4228.5 257.2 5264.9 283.9 6414.8 310.6 7678.2 732 — 230.9 4242.9 82 — 257.6 5281.0 90* — 284.3 6432.6 99 311.0 7697.7 231.3 4257.3 258.0 5297.1 284.7 6450.4 311.4 7717.1 732 - 231.6 4271.8 82* 258.3 5313.2 90f - 285.1 6468.2 99* 311.8 | 7736.6 232.0 4286.3 258.7 5329.4 285.4 6486.0 312.1 1 7756.1 74 — 232.4 4300.8 82* — 259.1 5345.6 91 285.8 6503.8 99* 312.5 7775.6 232.8 4315.3 259.5 5361.8 286.2 6521.7 312.9 7795.2 742 233.2 4329.9 82f - 259.9 5378.0 91* - 286.6 6539.6 99* 313.3 7814.7 233.6 4344.5 260.3 5494.3 287.0 6557.6 313.7 7834.3 742 234.0 4359.1 83 _ 260.7 5410.6 91* 287.4 6575.5 100 314.1 7853.9 234.4 4373.8 261.1 5426.9 287.8 6593.5 314.5 7874.0 742 234.8 4388.4 83* 261.5 5443.2 91f 288.2 6611.5 100* 314.9 7893.3 235.2 4403.1 261.9 5459.6 288.6 6629.5 315.3 7913.1 75 235.6 4417.8 83* 262.3 ! 5476.0 i 1)2 289.0 6647.6 100* 315.7 7932.7 236.0 4432.6 262.7 ! 5492.4 289.4 6665.7 316.0 j 7942.4 752 236.4 4447.3 83J 263.1 ! 5508.8 I 92* ■ 289.8 6683.8 100* 316.4 7972.2 236.7 4462.1 263.5 | 5525.3 1 290.2 6701.9 316.8 1 7991.9 FROM THE JOHN DAVIS CO.’S CATALOGUE, BY PERMISSION. 243 CAPACITIES OF BOILERS. FOR HOT WATER HEATING APPARATUS. And capable of maintaining the temper- ature of the water in the Apparatus at 180 o Fahr. over night without attention. ( G . E. Dixon.) FOR LOW PRESSURE STEAM HEAT- ING APPARATUS. And capable of maintaining steam over night without attention. (G. E. Dixon.) Boiler Surface Total Direct Direct Radi- Boiler Sur- Total Direct Direct Radiation in Radiation in ation r er feci face in Radiation in Per Square Foot Square Feet. Square Feet. er Surface. Square feet. Square Feet. of boiler surface 20 110 5.50 40 168 4.20 30 181 6.03 50 218 4.36 40 257 6.42 60 272 4.53 50 338 6.76 80 384 4.80 60 425 7.08 100 504 5.04 70 512 7.46 120 626 5.21 80 603 7.54 140 752 5 37 90 695 7.72 152 830 5.46 100 792 7.92 172 962 5.60 120 991 8.26 194 1114 5.74 140 1198 8.56 211 1232 5.84 159 1400 8.80 252 1522 6.04 199 1842 9.25 292 1816 6.21 225 2142 9.52 295 1840 6.23 279 2788 9.99 347 2240 6.45 323 3332 10.31 399 2642 6.62 372 3976 10.68 421 2820 6.69 453 5065 11.18 482 3321 6.89 517 5938 11.48 541 3818 7.05 The quantities of radiation in the above table are exclusive of all piping. One square foot of Indirect requires the same boiler capacity as 1 y t square feet of Direct Radiation. From John Davis Company’s catalogue, by permission. TEMPERATURE OF STEAM, PRESSURE OF WATER AND CAPACITY OF TANKS. Degree of Heat Per Lb. Pressure of Steam. Pressure per Sq. in. per ft. Head of Water. TANK CAPACITY. Pounds Pressure. D egrees. Feet Head. Equals Pres- sure per sq. in. Diameter. Gallons Per Foot of Depth . 0 212 1 .43 2 Feet Inches 23.5 1 215 2 .87 2 “ 6 41 36.7 2 219 3 1.30 3 “ 52.9 3 222 4 1.73 3 “ 6 44 72.0 4 224 5 2.16 4 “ 94.0 5 227 10 4.33 4 " 6 14 119.0 6 230 15 6.49 5 “ 146.9 7 232 20 8.66 5 " 6 44 177.7 8 235 25 10.82 6 " 221.5 9 238 30 12.99 6 “ 6 44 248.2 10 240 35 15.16 7 287.9 15 250 40 17.32 7 “ 6 44 330.5 20 259 45 19.49 8 " 376.0 25 267 50 21.65 8 " 6 424.5 30 274 55 23.82 9 “ 475.9 35 281 60 25.99 9 " 6 530.2 40 286 65 28.15 10 “ 587.5 45 292 70 30.32 11 “ 710.9 50 298 75 32.48 12 “ 846.0 55 303 80 34.65 13 “ 992.0 60 307 85 36.82 14 “ 1151.5 65 312 90 38.98 15 “ 1321.9 70 316 95 41.15 20 “ 2350.1 75 320 100 43 31 25 " 3670.0 80 324 115 49.50 30 “ 5287.7 85 328 130 55.90 35 *• 7197.1 90 331 150 64.50 40 “ 9400.3 95 334 175 75.25 100 338 200 86.15 244 ADVERTISEMENTS. The reputation of those who advertise on the following pages is too well established to need com- ments. Their names are a guarantee for honesty, stability, and fair business dealings. When addressing them, kindly mention that you saw their ad. in this book. 245 Walworth Mfg. Co., SOLE MANUFACTURERS AHston Pipe Wrenches, 5tillson Pipe Wrenches, Miller’s Ratchet Die Plates, Walworth Die Plates, Stanwood Pipe Cutters, Ashley Nipple Holders, Hall’s Cast Iron Pipe Cutters, Walworth Pipe Vises, Taps, Dies, and Reamers, Walworth Bronze Seat Gate Valves, Extra Heavy Flanged Fittings. ALSO Wrought Iron Pipe, Boiler Tubes, Brass and Iron Goods for Steam, Water, and Gas Work. WALWORTH MFG. CO., 56 Beekman St. 16 Oliver st., Boston. THE ARMSTRONG MFG. CO., .Bridgeport, Conn. ARMSTRONG’S ADJUSTABLE STOCKS AND DIES FOR THREADING PIPE. PIPE THREADING AND CUTTING OFF MACHINES. . . . For Hand or Power . . . No. 3 Machine. Pipe Cutters. Pipe Wrenches. Improved Hinged Vises. CLAMP DOGS, LATHES, ETC. PORTABLE PIPE STANDS, ETC. No. 2£ Machine. Our Catalogue Will Interest You. Write For It. NEW YORK OFFICE: ... 139 CENTRE STREET. The Powers Automatic Temperature Regulator FOR CONTROLLING STEAM, HOT AIR, OR HOT WATER HEATING APPARATUS In Residences, Schools, Churches, and Public Buildings. By means of a thermostat similar to the cut, located in the central part of the house, the dampers are opened and closed directly by the temperature itself, the heat of the rooms furnishing the motive power. Simple in construction , positive in action , and certain to give satisfaction . No heat- ing system is complete without it. Used with Coal or Natural Gas. It secures Uniformity of Temperature, and Saves Fuel. Applicable to Hot Blast and Ventilating Work of all kinds. Handles Mixing Dampers with a Gradual Motion. We also control automatically the temperature of water and other liquids when heated in tanks by steam or otherwise. THE POWERS TELE THERMOME TER. Thermostats in the schoolrooms, connected with indicators in the basement, show to the fireman the temperature of each room in the building. INVALUABLE WITH HAND REGULATION. Our apparatus is handled by the heating trade everywhere. Separate catalogues for residence or school work, with prices, etc., sent on application. The Powers Regulator Co., 36 Dearborn Street, ... Chicago, 111. 3 Remington Typewriter, THE STANDARD MACHINE. wmm ^ m mwwr tw yr i rfiwFwrm . mwwwTrrfwwwvwwrvww ¥ Improvements of 1894 place this Machine beyond competition. . • • ¥ Wyckoff, Seamans & Benedict, 15 SCHOOL STREET, Send for Illustrated Catalogue.. Boston, Mass. IN FAIRNESS TO YOUR CUSTOMER, and in JUSTICE to YOURSELF, you ought * to investigate the HODGE = :eureka: AIR VALVE Pat'd Aug. 2, 1892. AUTOMATICALLY vents the Radiator of Air. BY ITS USE Circulation is obtained with less pressure, and NO LEAKAGE. CLOSES against the Escape of Steam by EXPANSION. CLOSES against the Leakage of Water by FLOATAGE. ONLY Air Valve that works equally as well on either Steam or Hot Water. AIR VALVE Best Made, Neatest Looking, and Best Working on the Market * PRICE, $1.00 EACH. AMERICAN PIN CO., Successors to HODGE BROS., External View of No. 5. WATERBURY, - - CONN. 4 Why Not^=^ keep up with the times by ♦ > . . subscribing for “Heating and Ventilation,” THE REPRESENTATIVE AND ONLY JOURNAL OF ITS KIND IN THE WORLD. Each issue up to date, and finely printed and illustrated. The con- tributors to its reading columns are the brightest brains engaged in prac- tically designing and installing heat- ing and ventilating apparatus in the United States at the present moment. There are many single copies worth more than the yearly subscription. HOW MUCH? $1.00 per Year. ‘‘NOT A DULL LINE IN IT.” ADDRESS THE H. & V. PUBLISHING CO., 145-6 World Building, New York City. Faultless Furrpap Boilers HAVE THESE POINTS: DURABILITY. Cast Iron, Screw Joints, Equal Expansion, Good Workmanship. Vertical Circulation, Clean Fire Surface, Fire ECONOMY. Against Water, Brightly Burning Fire, Smoke Pipe * * at Coolest Point, Boiler Well Encased in Jackets. EASE OF MfiHflGEflENT. Vertical Fire Service, Rock= ing Grate, Automatic Steam Damper Regulator. HOT WATER AND STEAM. A SURE WINNER. AN EASY SELLER. Send for our new Catalogue and get our Prices. Tbe Hereijdeei) AUuuf&cturiug Co., HOME OFFICE AN D WORKS, GENEVA, N. Y. Branches : BOSTON, 54 Oliver Street. NEW YORK, 39 Cortlandt Street. PHILADELPHIA, 1019 Betz Building. CHICAGO, 52 Dearborn Street. Address us at Geneva, N. Y., or our nearest Branch Office. 6 The Simplex Printer A new invention for duplicating copies of writing or drawings. Simple, Cheap, Effective. Endorsed by Over 50,000 Users. From an original, on ordinary paper, with any pen, ioo copies can be made. 50 copies of typewriter manuscripts produced in 15 minutes. Send for circulars and samples of work. AGENTS WANTED . LAWTON & CO., = 20 Vesey St., New York. To Users of . . . . . . This Book: It is the Publisher’s intention to make and keep this a Standard Hand-Book of Tables for the Master Fitter. New tables and data will be added from time to time as occasion requires. Address all communications and orders to M. E. DEAN, 54 Oliver Street, Boston, Mass. Observe This Wheel ! It's the easiest to ride, adjust, and keep in order, on account of its Dust Proof Bearings, of any wheel ever built. . . . Its name is The Warwick. It has Vermilion Rims. . . . Is “ Built on Honor.” .... Sells for $100, $85, $80. . Full particulars in our Cata- logue, Sent Free on Application. . The Warwick Cycle Mfg. Co., Springfield, Mass. AMERICAN RADIATORS (Trade Mark.) Have Been Proven — by the — Most Severe Tests Superior to All Other Makes. National Single Column. NIPPLE CONNECTIONS. Large, Unobstructed, Internal Areas of Sections and Connections. LOOPS CONTAIN FULL AJTOUNT OF HEAT- ING SURFACE CLAIITED. Largest Assortment In The World, INCLUDING Direct, Indirect, and Direct=Indirect Perfection. FOR Steam and Hot Water. American radiator r oMPANY 111 & 113 Lake Street, Chicago, 111. New York, 92 Centre Street. ninneapolis, 330 First Street, North. Boston, 44 Oliver Street. Denver, 1810 Blake Street. FACTORIES, DETROIT AND BUFFALO. A /nr ..v CoJuiDn «HP Made in Italy 06-08 MIN