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Vote Nig TSE ORR RO SE Ree I 4 LOOSE WEDS Ras shia Pee, wele £770 FSS ee ~~ bs ff’ > a3 Bi ai a Ie ae AGEs “3 gue ; eturn this book on or before the aS ie << Latest Date stamped below. A © ESS ‘ -Ce51 charge is made on all overdue | Vice? Season *4 books. Hee FE Oster ¢% Raf 289 of ony : U. of I. Library = oe ‘- : Ser.) ye Pris iy 4) NG se. 2° " 1P De AMS aR 12 1094p a ve . en evan - ry y a s IK ING dine se ORO 9s ae ay BQ fey gore Oar We ye MAY 1 aches fie ko Te PE rE 1 qon3 ‘e : is wee MAY 7 Vee ox ees sina 4 5 EES S| rt a > Pa ES Ae yf AY, 8 ROT, Rare “eo Ss a re é SAE SP pay P ] on co3 > as peniey 2a, SK : ny & Pee 8s X <4 Sey ae Kelty Seo ’ LENO aay 1A Z of a ou, ee agmeseee os ; ae ; ooh ¢ : i ao 24 aX Srp ee ee m9 Roa Nops ~e ee: Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2021 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign The Kentucky Geological Survey WILLARD ROUSE JILLSON DIRECTOR AND STATE GEOLOGIST SHRIES SIX VOLUME THREE Oil Field Stratigraphy of Kentucky oes ‘uor1edde 90u0 78 STI OLYSTIOLOBVABYO ,,aUOIsSUIOY,, AJIOYO oY, ‘OSUIAIT JO JSOMYVION “U “UN FY TT 9} UO (,.pues,, SNOLIFIM10HD) VUOJSSUTIT VSepuoUO 2Y4} JO doasodInO 9} JO [IBVIeqG “AMDOLNAHSM NI .aNVS,, I1I0 HAILONGOUd LSCW AHL OlL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY A Systematic Presentation of the Several Oil Sands of the State as Interpreted from Twelve Hundred New and Detailed Well Records v By WILLARD ROUSE JILLSON DIRECTOR AND STATE GEOLOGIST AUTHOR OF OIL AND Gas RESOURCES OF KENTUCKY CONTRIBUTIONS TO KENTUCKY GEOLOGY Economic PAPERS On KENTUCKY GEOLOGY PRODUCTION OF EASTERN KENTUCKY CRUDE OILS Ete. Illustrated with 35 Photographs Maps and Diagrams First Edition 1500 Copies THE KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY FRANKFORT, KY. 1922 Copyrighted 1922, by WILLARD ROUSE JILLSON All Rights Reserved THE STATE JOURNAL COMPANY Printer to the Commonwealth Frankfort, Ky. Reid we ot rs , PREFACE The oil resources of the State of Kentucky have demonstrated their great importance to the economic prosperity and growth of the Common- wealth. In 1918 Kentucky produced 4,308,893 barrels of crude oil valued at $11,128,421. This was more than doubled in 1919, when 9,226,473 barrels were produced valued at $24,459,017. In 1920 due to steadily increased prices paid for crude oil, the total value of Ken- tucky crude again jumped and reached the large figure of value of $33,- 525,210; while the volume slowly declined to 8,546,027 barrels. The loss during the year 1920 was therefore nearly 700,000 barrels. Re- cently completed figures of petroleum production for Kentucky for the year 1921 again show an increase of 534, 818 barrels over the year 1920, or at a total petroleum production for 1921 of 9,080,845 bar- rels valued at $16,674,969. This increase, which is regarded as tem- porary, ‘has been due entirely to the new pools found in Johnson, Magof- fin, Lawrence and Warren Counties, for the main producing pools of Lee County have declined steadily. In view of this critical condition of the oil producing industry in Kentucky, it has been regarded as worth while to present an uptodate study of the oil sands of the State as interpreted from representative records selected from the large amount of recent drilling. The idea had its inception in the minds of a number of practical operators who have anticipated the value of such a report to drillers generally, and especially those working in “wildcat” localities. It is hoped that the practical values so earnestly predicted may be realized, and that this volume con- taing over 1,200 new and, here to fore unpublished Kentucky well records, may be the source of much general information as well as assistance in staying the declining oil production of this State. LO aie Director and State Geologist Kentucky Geological Survey OLD CAPITOL Frankfort, Ky., Jan. 1, 1922. CONTENTS Preface Tare Fk ceeds had egret cee te ee aT Gontentes (oy pcis Wise Fes Sree ee ee ge TUiet rations os ao, FP Re aS C Ry ea peer ee ee te CHAPTEHRR Ort and Gas Sands) 2k. ost eee ele eee ee T CHAP TH RGA Galt, GOUm Gg son. as ear a ee eas ced Coreen ac ee Tt Allen: County seat 2s teres 20 eet eo eee ee eee Barrens COUNTY vars ica. edercie aie cere ele 6 eee ae Pe eee Bath County o 653 oe Ve OO OUNG Ye Baampacr dasp en recteain rs on a areca lmarrs cc einie 691 Websters s Coun Eyer rare elias Mkts gy rye 5 2 alc aise be ena 704 Wihatlew,. County lees starr tate ns web iewgs rib ees wena ary 705 WW Utes COUINU I cal om ahce Ane nicl ete casi! sele 20 mao need Sold big 716 Wood ford GOUn Gy) erat lit Rieti teense catokw in alee abe toes Retaials 730 BASE Po CAN IE) TeX epee hs SR ts ten serme Meet e aie. « carA cae Be noe ieteie gaia kens) sewege T31 TINE) BX ei es araionvarsueds Eee Re OI ea a ee ET ee Mee te Pac 733 BO Oe te 2 SUS rn POS bt HS a on W po ee pe Aone Se Se SS Sho at wonerFH co oO 0 bo bw b&b pw bb bo Cc CO a1 S&S Ot www oH © ise) (oS) 34. 35. ILLUSTRATIONS Page The Most Productive Oil ‘‘Sand’’ in Kentucky .... (Frontispiece) Bloeks sole Beaver asamtie: pete cyicne etn eee eee eee ere eres Am MasterneiCentucky Drie wars east ley treet apne, 6 ee AAG TOUD. OFF Os ROUT en ea ene acca ere tee a ae een eee ager Oily Lateral s F Ot sae op atte naey el eek ener gto TRE SMe es ap omens ‘line Devonian“ (Black chal en 15.) snevnsse) can o sere mete ee nne tein cats OQntciop-of the 4 {Beaver Sands Veneer ie ee ke eens The Sunbury -and* Bedford Shales ya... ci). ces eee The ‘Berea Sandstone ni.) ik. cvekus ttl. tee deel sc. fo kere an een ns oI Sketch Map Showing Areal Geology of Kentucky ........ Diagramatic Sections Showing Structural Geology ...... Sketch Map, O11 and ‘Gas pools and Pipelines ............ AY Warren County sGalenertn ogy. smers cea ae taste 6 eae ce ees Deepest Wellin Noriieastern, Kent UGK ye este oir ted once AvSledge Pool Dri s,s Adee aieratete as, sueincs tare oes taate re ent The Kentucky Tren tomy cect 7 were twee tte ok tte uae eee AT UM COMLOTINIT Yeah cl PVA DO CVG mee ene eect meas oe rene cone eres A”. Bluee Grass “Dusterh isc acic S epniste oos: 2 he Uren ereeeina st atheteet as ok e Barcing,; Hastern (Ken Cuck y.sOU wns ae es sea atau teres aisle els AS KantuckyeRivier oA DtLClim Gots cect ins etch hie mre tere rene ars bs Trrepularly Cemented Bottsvalle Sands or .r.cs ee 2d crs ce Weather Pitted \ Pottsville ;Congiomerater fic. .0, 5 <1. eon ao Clit of Berea San detOuee west egn es kee clitem ce ear iee ieee The Irvine-Paint Creek Fault et ge s.3 ihre ~Cormit er ons Sand sama os whe ss cocetg etn eee ice Renee Irregular Sedimentation sin the Pottsville... seater G ‘edge, of Pottsville Conclomeratemey «etn see se eee an Excellent sMississippian NM xpOsUre) mire ots tts ele ece © Tes! “Big Lanmred/hotolastern Kentucky ci yee gen esse ee wo important Kentucky Oil yan 0. eee eee Leemoacts oes hes Mebree ceandst onal w..1.eea omeeKee cn te, Bee. pean: eee AAW escerns Kentucky Oilse? Sandia ol me romise aco cet sia eee Devonian sand “ouurisn iPimiestOn es. mts stg cles eke cee A Massive. Phase ofthe Sebreé Sandstone 2.47.5... 6c. es A, Basal» Pottevallé-Oul Sand 0c ce, pedo ee ees Cees OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY CHAPTER I. OIL AND GAS SANDS. Historical. The first serious attempt to correlate the strata in which oil and gas occur in Kentucky was made in 1888-1889 by Edward Orten, the cele- brated Ohio geologist, who made a personal reconnaissance of the western portion of this State for the Second Kentucky Geological Survey.* Ex- eellent results attended this early petroleum investigation, though it followed closely upon the opening of the first oil and gas fields of Pennsyl- vania, Ohio and Indiana. Among the fundamental points established was the productive nature of several “sands” in Kentucky. Chief among BLOCKS ObY “BHAVER SAND.” These weathered fragments of a ledge of “Beaver Sand” (New Providence Limestone) well illustrate the effects of differential weathering. This outcrop, which is four feet thick, occurs Surrounded by the characteristic blue- green shales on Beaver Creek in Wayne County. these were: (1) the Trenton (Middle Ordovician) limestone series in southern Kentucky; (2) the Clinton (Silurian) limestones of Barren County; (3) the Devonian black shale in Meade County; (4) the lower *Report on the occurrence of Petroleum, Natural Gas, and Asphalt Rock in Western Kentucky. Edward Orten. Kentucky Geological Sur- vey, Serres Il, 233 pp., 1391. Z OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Mississippian limestones and shales in Allen, Barren, Warren and Breckin- ridge counties; and (5) the Pottsville and Allegheny (Pennsylvanian) “sands” in the Western coal field. Today all of these determinations still stand correct, except the second, which is now known to be the Niagaran (Silurian), instead of the Clinton. Yet this early report had something of incompleteness about it, for the Corniferous (Devonian) and Niagaran (Silurian) limestones, which have been responsible when taken together for the greater portion of the oil produced in western Kentucky, were not recognized as oil producing horizons. Furthermore, the Berea and Wier (Mississippian) now so well and favorably known in eastern Kentucky were at this time quite un- suspected as large petroliferous sources. In 1904, Joseph B. Hoeing, later the sixth State Geologist of en- tucky, prepared the second report on the oil and gas sands of Kentucky.? Coming at a much later date, and after a sixteen-year period of state- wide prospecting, Mr. Hoeing’s report added much to the conclusions already presented by Dr. Orten. Hoeing’s statement of the order and sequence of the various oil and gas producing strata was, with one or two exceptions in reference to the Ordovician, quite correct, and stood for many years to follow. He added to Orten’s lst a number of important sands, among which are the following: (1) Knox Dolomite (Cambro-Ordovician), southern Kentucky. (2) Caleiferous (Ordovician), state-wide. (3) Sunnybrook (Ordovician), southern Kentucky. (4) Clinton (Silurian), of Morgan County, ISentucky. (5) Niagaran (Silurian), of Barren County, Kentucky. (6) Corniferous (Devonian), of Estill, Menifee, and Bath counties, Ikentucky. ) The Beaver (Mississippian), of Wayne County, Kentucky. ) Oil City (Mississippian), of Barren County, Kentucky. ) Berea (Mississippian), of Eastern JXSentucky. ) Big Injun (Mississippian), of eastern Kentucky. ) Big Lime (Mississippian), of eastern ISentucky, and ) The four separate sands of the Pottsville (Pennsylvanian) in eastern IXentucky. The contribution to the knowledge of the petroleum geology of Ken- tucky made by Hoeing was notable; yet, in the light of_the great ad- vances made in the drilling of this State in the decade and a half which followed, it finally came to be considered incomplete. In 1919, fifteen years after the preparation of the “Oil and Gas Sands of Kentucky,” the writer presented a new discussion* on the oil stratigraphy of Kentucky which elaborated considerably upon the work of both Orten and Hoeing. +The Oil & Gas Sands of Kentucky, J. B. Hoeing, Ky. Geological Survey, Series 111; Bull. 1, 233 pp., 1904: *Oil and Gas Resources of Kentucky. W. R. Jillson, Ky. Geol. Sur- Vey, Series V. Bull. 1, 630) pp.eist and 2d) Hds 1919s 3d hdeelo20: OIL AND GAS SANDS 3 AN HASTERN KENTUCKY DRILLING. The J. C. Hunter No. 1, drilled by the Ohio Oil Co. near Sandy Hook, Elliott County, in 1921. The rig is of the portable type but the derrick floor- has been roofed over as a protection against bad weather, At the present time there may be added to the list of “sands” enumerated the following ‘‘sands” which appear to have a rather important bearing oi the oil industry in Kentucky: (1) “Deep” sand (Niagaran-Silurian) of Allen, Simpson, Edmonson, Butler, and Warren counties; (2) “Wier” sand (Mississippian) of east- ern Kentucky; (3) ‘‘Shallow’’ sand (St. Louis-Mississippian) of Warren, Logan, Butler, Simpson and Edmonson counties; (4) “Maxton’* (Mauch Chunk-Mississippian) of eastern Kentucky; (5) “Sebree” (Allegheny- Pennsylvanian) of Union and Henderson counties; (6) the “Penrod” (Chester-Mississippian) of Muhlenberg County; (7) “Pellville” sand (Chester-Mississippian) of southern Hancock and northern Ohio counties; (S) “Shallow” sand (Niagaran-Silurian) of Olympia, Bath County and Stanton, Powell County, and other eastern Kentucky oil pools. The produc- ing possibilities of the Warren County “shallow sand” is now well known but the ultimate possibilities of the “Wier” and “Maxton” (Mississippian ) in eastern Kentucky, and the ‘“Sebree’” (Pennsylvanian) and “Penrod” (Mississippian) in western Kentucky, all of which with the exception of perhaps the last are true silica sands, cannot be estimated at this time. *Mrequently corrupted into “Maxon.” 4 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Oil and Gas Sands of Kentucky. Since it is simply the purpose of this work to set forth the sequence of cil and gas sands as recognized by the oil driller in Kentucky for the use of all who may be interested in the oil and gas industry in this State, and especially the practical man, no attempt will be made to present the extreme fullness of detail descriptive matter available. AGAR OUP Os © ties COURES: Important test wells drilled in possible new oil territory generally draw the attention of oi] -meén) about the time ihe “Sand pis reached: These men are watching a new well in Martha district of Lawrence County. While the experienced oil and gas operator recognizes tlrat no well record can ever be presented on a printed page in a form more accurate than that in which it is prepared by the driller, and that inaccuracies of ene form or another are inherent undoubtedly in every log, he knows that the best record available is the best information on which to base further drilling. Stratigraphers who regard as basic the law of changing measurements of outcrop sections within the same series and even short distances, have been slow to realize that the same law applies to sub- surface stratigraphy—the stratigraphy of oi] and gas wells. There kas been too much of an attempt on the part cf many to try and harmonize well records with known surface measurements, a practice which while it gives an air of finish to, cannot assist the practical man at all. Itisa bit of square peg and round hole labor that does not produce oil. The im- portant thing for both the professional and practical man working in oil OIL AND GAS SANDS D field stratigraphy to do, is to recognize the several horizons penetrated by the bit, and learn their lithologic character, and their productive or non- productive measurements. In the light of these considerations, which are fundamental, this book preempts a special geologic field to itself, and does not compete with the standard works on the stratigraphy of Kentucky or adjoining States. The following statements are principally based, therefore, upon an intel- gent and practical interpretation cf many well logs. All descriptions and conclusions have been condensed as much as possible in the interest of the practical oil man, who is justifiably more desirous of securing an adequate summary of the nature of the producing oil and gas sands of Kentucky than he is in a detailed account of its stratigraphy on outcrop. Knox Dolomite. Considered in ascending order, the lowest and oldest formation referred to as a possible oil producing * Kentucky is a “sand” which occurs at a depth ranging from 1,350 to 1,385 feet below the base of the Chattanooga (Devonian) black shale in the Beech Bottom section of southeastern Clinton County, Kentucky. This ‘sand” about which anything is known in “sand” is regarded, by some, as occurring below the Trenton and the Calci- ferous, and has been referred* to the Knex Dolomite (Cambro-Ordovician ) though the ultimate decision is yet in question, due to lack of suf- ficient detailed information of a paleontologic and lithologic character. In this region the Devonian and Silurian limestones are regarded as missing, and no outcrops as low in the Paleozoic section occur nearer than Jacksboro, Campbell County, northeastern Tennessee, a point forty miles distant in an air line. Further investigations will undoubtedly oe lead to a definite decision concerning this deep “sand” which is either cf Lower Ordovician or Upper Cambrian age. In eastern Tennessee the Knox Dolomite (Cambro-Ordovician) attains a maximum thickness ef about 3,500 feet. It is a light to dark magnesean limestone with many chert nodules, and with this description tke cuttings from the Beech Bottom sand seem to agree. In the Beech Bottom region of Clinton County oil was found in the Geo. Smith No. 1 (lessor) well at a depth of 1,728 feet, and produced about five barrels of high gravity green oil from 1,770 to 1,780 feet in depth. Chemically it was a magnesian limestone, fine in texture, and the sand as cut from the bit resembled very fine beech sand. In the Pickett and Fentress counties at the south and southeast in Tennessee a similar if not indeed the same “sand” is recognized at a depth of from 1,562 to 1,617 feet, which is at a “top” depth of 1,335 feet below the Chatta- nooga (Devonian) black shale. The Calciferous. At some distance above the Knox Dolomite, possibly of Beekman- *Administrative report of the State Geologist, Wilbur A. Nelson, Nashville, Tennessee, 1920. Tenn. Geol. Survey, Bulletin No. 25, page 57. 6 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY town age, occurs a hard, sandy limestone which has been correlated with the St. Peters’ Sandstone, and is known as the ‘‘Calciferous’’ (Lower Ordovician). This ‘‘sand” produced commercial quantities of gas in Estill and Hardin counties some years ago, but has been unproductive else- where in the State so far as known. While a remote gas producing possibility in deep wells, it does not hold forth much prospect as an oil producer in this State, as the large number of costly tests which have penetrated it at widely separated points clearly indicate. OTE Sea ACs ORS A drilling of the Carter oil on the, head.of Litteral Fork, Magoffin County. This well sprayed oil over the derrick as may be noted on the darkened beam. The Trenton. Widely prospected in Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, where it is a large producer of both oil and gas, the Trenton “sand” (Middle Ordovician) can only be regarded as one of the minor oil sands of Kentucky. Tee? : RT 52 = ASALY C1UCO SE ee... % va ooo} SE, : Sa oog! a $5045 ang [P4puse5 000% ETE N LSI NARER SE ; SSS OSS FO <<) BERR SSSI so SBN NS SSS esseseeseeeece SESE 3 PIPIY (PODF JID H4AR4tSd7Z P1814 }PODF IO U4AS+Seg ality) ang |P444s9 (*xipusdde ves stood Jo 4sI[ 10,7) ‘'SHNIT GAdId GNV SIO00d SVD GNV TIO AMOOQUNHM DNIMOHS dVW HOLEMS £2 49 —— moe met N as mp comes co emee oe mene RY Suvgw ‘ T Nf ; : NOSdhIG) , JTUAGHS oUt an Ay 35 ate 271A) be NOxide bicgaM.” oe == NO ANIQ adig sv) [==] | NOS$U30N3H SNIQ 3dig 1 | ‘NOSHIONGH, a0 [=] 100q svb anv 110 [=] aNabaq—s| aivos SRIIW OO ‘s oO asiboroab aLvLS any so1dauid ‘NOSTTIFUM AG AMDSNLNA» S3NIN 3Sdid GNV $100d $V9 GNV WO SHL SNIXSOGNI dVW HOLSMS WA SShes ABAYXNS 1V91I901039 AMONLNAM Z oP : “ Se f arte CHAPTER IL. ADAIR COUNTY. Production: Small oil and gas. Producing Sands: Unnamed, (Ordovician). Log. No. 1 J. S. Rector, No. 1, lessor. Creek Dome. Drilled 1920-21. Strata. Mississippian & Devonian Systems. Roy Oil Co., lessee. Location: Darmon Thickness Depth Limestone and shale (011 show 106, salt water 108) .. 340 Ordovician System. Ramesvone.s eit DlUG,) COATS vile vin Ho eo oath 5 Meson Cae LVGn cs t00 Ue Mars a oaaaeehce ark © atin Oa maa eee ahs 35 PAL GSLOn Crm OLUeer OORT SC mieten ls. Sarit an couse «ie Ste atts os 20 Tiimeetone.. DIUC, VOrveCOarsG esis fs. sane beds eed «3 10 Nes UO eG, SOLU SUR COALS Chet tee Set eA eles cis oh ee eee 10 DEES TONG we tema A eis cee Resets, tardy, ne P0324 10 Limestone, coarse, brown and blue............<.... 20 Limestone, blue, coarse; and black ............. 20 AAYIDOS TOMO DTCs OO OSC fat dar sea we pansy erita, «crteaas Meet 10 Limestone, brown, coarse (oil show) .............. 10 Ermestone cous cOarec. wera. fan as ss ha Myth Saw ae 5 Lies PONG mbiIGes COAT SEN a eoxed cts oot era ae cewta eh << 8 LIMESTONE sDrOW Rs Very MAT fe tits ocx. oe sare vast 2 © 0) O felue @o en ue) J6. ne UU) a: \e, 6, ©) 0) 10: ©) 0:6. 6 Yous, (# 0 a. 10) le @ ene Total depth NOTE—This well shows about the same relative distance between the oil sands as do the Creelsboro and Bakertown wells. Log. No. 2 S. J. Royse, No. 1, lessor. about the base of the St. Louis. Strata. Mississippian & Devonian Systems. Soil and clay © eri pital) (6,6 ¥e, yo (sey #18) 1 @ 00106; Limestone, dark, shaly (fresh water ) Limestone, darker, black shale Silurian System. Limestone, black, fine (sulphur water ) Vue (aaa ne! eye ee (sie he) 6) ses 4) 8)10 09: B) Wiehe é) 6 18° 0) oe u'6. NO. le) cemouleivet. ole Palmer Oil and Gas Co., lessee. Thickness 40 Begun Depth 40 75 96 is Bs) 22 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY Ob sw... 4UCKY Ordovician System. Thickness Depth Limestone, black, coarse (salt water) ....... G0. 8) 175 Limestone, ight «coarse@mra. + here ere earn 35 210 Tamestone, blie, verve coarscmen = ae, eee ineconrplete dep iin ates eure er reena rae ere 210 NOTE—Well not finished when samples of drilling supplied from which above record was made. Dec. 9, 1920. Log. No. 3 Southern Oil and Refining Co., No. 1, lessee. Location: Dirigo P. O. Authority: L. Beckner. Strata. Thickness Depth Mississippian System. imestonem(iollss howl 02." sine sean eee eure wet Sesicn 184 184 Shale Ni Wea coh nacrae, & pas Seen ea eet ee ea ee a ee Meas 100 284 Devonian System. Shale,” black cceslac bans dant, Qe ibeetes wien eet eee eee 40 324 Limestones| Cap or 0ck \\ gic .fcnsem a ecinar iano oe cee ree 6 330 imestone tsarid’ s (oil yo eee Cee nee ee ee ee 15 345 Ordovician System. Tamestone (01 sho w-5.00)) sic sscete er coeeeseeete ante eet 405 750 Totaledepth o..c8hsc dgvcee «0 ea. eee eee 750 ALLEN COUNTY. Production: Oil and Gas. Producing Sands: Beaver (Mississippian) ; Corniferous (Devonian); and Niagaran (Silurian). Log No. 4 Smith, No. 1. lessor. Location: Big Trammel Creek. Completed: 19,09; Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth ERIVESUOTO, Dla Caen ner Sac ee ene Re MACs 196 1196 Devonian System. Shale, bro wi wt ay. ee maou ees eee eee seere Cae acy 44 240 DALI CSUOM C. Wes auc Sis ee nine re teapot OR aeitecer tate 12 252 Limestone, brown, first oil & gast yews ee. ee ee 8 260 Limestone; white, broken (upweestn ene ie 28 288 ALLEN COUNTY 23 Silurian and Ordovician Systems. Thickness Depth Phe mCOd Lenn a Manet «Pans bea sercte eaves A RGsre ace hee Low 420 TMCS OM Oe DLO Was MeL ge OL Lar sete <1. 0 oes icp spel seat aoe 5 425 SUOMI C Kee ITT e wRTOLLG MMe Mie Graf. aba wheed gcc wre Sab ee 45 470 Pevet eee fa ALG ames eeemecree orien, oe eet ence ie attra! Seah ciniaine 7s 25 895 SOC Sr UCT wre pat est fatr or users orien Reha ata she 15 910 Tim est One. sia de we OLAV NOL ls WO O'UG it attic, 2.0 ¢ aeiioe 4 26 936 jaimreston eyew ltite wnand andes SHAT pega. cei eck scot ont 21 957 LIE AS aed oN ND Re eaey hoc ee eee A aa ra CR tt SR MeN ele 5) 962 FROST GTO ATC Uw el Ol yn ir ce aes econ ee oe bees eae 16 978 EEO Getleeetd Ci Ue tea nese. tatath, as aicuat fot) oie wala sane nthecrle\s 978 NOTE—The Silurian-Ordovician contact is about midway down in the 132 feet above 420 feet in depth. Log No. 5 Wo -R. Cushenberry,* Now -1;, lessor., Commenced: June 4, 1919: Completed: June 14, 1919. Production: Dry. Authority: The Ohio Oil Company. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Deptih SO lered WaOnie ae aa-Eie eae ty nerd rei cd Autoren wee 4 4 EAM eS LOG OMe at Cette eee Bee ARE: 89 93 JELIMG STONE? ayy tbe ALO arm er ae cet ike Teka, alta 16 109 Devonian System. Sialemeb lack ee ml Odlui pecs aen sas: She aus Be Stake 34 143 Limestone, (cap rock), black, hard (salt water).. 8 taal PRUINSS ON ene Samus ec ricen heal ae scr eeets aac ets ae 15 166 Silurian System. | PAMeSpOMe UAT ig, FW ET es sick eee cree sce Ome: Oper 22 188 Limestone, ‘‘sand,’’ white, soft, (salt water).. 20 208 Gimeéstone, dark hard sy soteer sd 05 oar ora 10 218 Limestone, white, soft (fine salt water) ........ 18 236 amestone,. dark hard. COAESC ai. ca 4 tig dias > 2 ahs ‘t 243 TamesLome wile, MAL pier itty ops. ents tra veny sais y 250 PLO Val eee CLE) GU teten oe tena aye rice, See t ak Atay Neat arn: < 250 Log No. 6 Deep test near Scottsville, Ky. Authority: Albert MeGrain, Cory- don, Indiana. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth LOLS oe) i ES padi on AOR me ge EO ge a ae SS ea 3 3 Dari eceutee em tyes Ch A tacs ecto: oole ale Goste aie Set Reveas. eo 155 158 24 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Devonian System. Thickness Depth Shale; black-«(Chattanooga si. aman ant: oo cee 40 198 JULES FONG ee TOLGEI nt ac ea eeiescehs RP. oe ged eae ee 798 996 TPRIMeStONG, Gali S WOVCT) me cae tenet orien eee nee 4 1,000 Shales bac he give costs tists os vo.c csc eee ete eee ee wee 35 1,035 Re NER adc (eli Snare pacity SCN umn hee Silas tines t aot 5 1,040 WLIMREStODOM FOULEN (e3 rt 6 a .ercsmmen siete ena teerrante 40.5 1208.0 pehiales: “OTC Oy cra apetenets. oe aa balviels age ier Uribe Oren cee once a L082 pale, a DROW NIG. .st sg es 5 ees cee eee ee 38 1,120 hale? “GPencil= Cave), ac aesskedrg ren ates er 3 1,123 Hei THER TOM Ess BLOW yaerssh a ctade rai oer eae aks oe tee (i ) TUES CON Cp SWIPE M Wie etaiets sictese etn euceeree eerste cna ete SO S15 250 Limestone, LDTOWwns cic. etc ee Oe eee eae 224 1,504 Limestone; (salti water): 22.145; cl eae eee UES Loa S LNVES EOE, MOTO Walenta wisest acral ie-- is) cw i ee ere reenact 8 1,586 Limestone; blue Rather ents clerics cies sie eons ate 42, 1,628 TnrmestOne Gat Keeton. ewer tes ee eee ert 8 1,636 Limestone, brown (heavy salt water at 1,860.. 2 eee L090 LEME STOMG PLOT. sakes arietur ice mdse eels ents wisceetr WA cealhegest be [SITES LONG OTA Y whe 2 a - hey are obo mtoee o hachers hestet eke tener Sn I5 8.5.0 Paes CONG, OTA Patten oe ok ae ee ake Sitiol eae ae eet ee IstMUESEOME wr OTay Siti. Ge erences tear ie eee te eee Shs RES RSs TMOSTONS, OTA pierce sway; mccte sche Sole. fa eiike Maeeonoe G5 es BU) GMestONe, “CTA Se cel ak tclncay aie ts Ge ee oie eee eke LO sO 40 JGINTESTONG SOTA Y 6 re ca ca. vince oy wean tees remo suede dee eee 5 1,945 TLAMMEST OIG, OTE You enactment tibiae ah tered yee Be LO tala adeprhy le a ese cee apy aie sek eae eee 1,950 NOTE—tThe base of the Devonian and the top of the Silurian, the base of the Silurian and the top of the Ordovician are all contained within the 798 feet above 996 feet in depth. This record was not kept in detail. Log No. 7 Alfred Landers, No. 2, Jessor. pleted: July 15, 1920. Production: .Dry. Commenced: June 25, 1920. Com- Authority: The Kenco Oil Company. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth iC larya "a OG fede tea as Shee 1s ute ete eis oye eens aces aeeretarete 25 25 Limestone: boublers’ 4e- a apatouc aes oie etn ee { 15 40 Dimestone, ‘black (water\ito: mune nie et ey 50 90 LAM ESCONG; SOTAY etree erect Seer aie Mees tegee tere olen one he 10 100 Bint te OU ew WIG 7 Niet eaten tetera ies oe reac ater 60 160 GBLRcatercn conek spun MGs MARR ALG mio Out AO GS 5 theo ow 6 che 60 220 40 260 Shale, green (New Providence) 0) <0: (6, 18) (0) (@) (0) 9) 0) (6) fe. 0 (6) ALLEN COUNTY 25 Devonian System. er lermola cleat COHa ELAM O GE: rate ate ave ¢ speeder aie A TINGS ONO ren CANT OCIO Gua hose ess stare’ g Sed TOUVes DOU Co ab ie SUL cag Beet oe os ant sot sie Men dre aw 8 ss DiIMestOne sea Nd yaCeal bw ALER )oc.. | wctrae clatter: ES bilge Cp Lee nance Renee istet etd keto s «8 we ace hs Log No. 8 H..Agee, No. 2, lessor. Location: near Allen Springs, Ky. menced: June 12, 1920: Completed: July 2, 1920. Kenco Oil Company. Strata. Mississipian System. NEO This Cam at MM eiia te voc tw Setters ssl Wheres ote esa naan ay 8s HIVES ON Ole Mea ew ere Per Rao te Oe oo osname seen yeaah. = Devonian System. hale splacks (Ohattam00gay Ge. s onc ae eyes aa sree o8 VMPOSTOU Orwr OCA Vans DLELEMLs Polak chs eke ete .uee 5) ore eds ees TMCS LON GS SSA NC C2 OLOW US aaa caweies as ete eg orvtenss Melee Om. MOTH pes O LG. Mossel sce ooo ste ere Soh agai gh TPAtibe Sto Teg y OT OVI, ANC greater ch Aueert cate sors. Shetsiels or? Ibimmessone, Wiaeks sandy, «Marsa... « «5 tec: « ce ores ANG Voge. CO Koken fenton uate meytonn Oe Ritenirue weaile ote o Log No. 9 Robert Mitchell, No. 1, lessor. Completed: Authority: The Kenco Oil Company. Strata. Mississippian System. MO eee Oey Merete eet gaa ah chao eters ahah ofa Goths a sue eal ore APPIN OS GOT Osr » WHLEGO. aa cts ices cote cee ashe ore “bent al ca Toaeus ITT OE. 2) OxeakS OULEUCL IL Mi. cc cictackes see CEtsee vy pie ue oem crs Mie EMM ESTONE oe MIG eer eee eR a eee eee cel ohomae aot es Sed CEM soar RoC ah Ne a ee hence Nees CO Cree eee ee aT DOr Et Devonian System. Siales DltGke( ChALGAMOOOR 9 garam oc iete sie s0 2 WUMeS TOTO CCAD STOCK Write cers smarts sito eeiels ime shONne ws seats) COU nan ors acer.) = lalate shes Silurian System. Se Le ee TP LETC S COME wraete nirra a salads suctay ele ape0¥ “eux oy vowhs rin ee Oui pee AIC (OL frames: que ef eevee sar tanin, = ore SS eel aig eer aaa ota Soke shy, ciel ele «cute breteps wise fore a sons LAIMEStONG ee Sanne COL) \ cry ety ae tie son ees Ordovician System. ILpinoawechs(enayey "22.4 -julabed\ akan oy Aner Redan A eine cormtrce co nerer RCO mete lee os. hy tissice © ele ale wnt sc0.-s hat lean atnial s Thickness Depth 48 308 310 314 316 316 Com- Authority: The ‘Thickness Depth es 40 June 26, 40 354 405 409 413 426 451 461 461 U9t9. Thickness Depth 29 29 205 210 240 245 290. 296 313 348 355 395 405 437 437 26 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 10 Robert Mitchell, No. 2, lessor. Location: near Oak Hill, 4th Dist, Completed: in 1919, Authority: The Kenco Oil Company, Strata. Mississippian System. | Thickness Depth (STAN = EOS rg cesta ee tc ene tae la Uae ee ae CER EN eee ee 29 29 LAmES POMORFOTAY, SS58 ae. ive ort a) eae eae ee tener Oar 226 255 Devonian System, male. Diack. (CChatlamoggs icc. teccs oracle toe 50 305 ALOSLONE: (C2 ParOCK) aut an. corte aeeetc omie net, a kere e omen 5 310 Ihimestone and. shale: Vb en ype eee ea. 437 ObaLS epi 32 one 2 onto wie heeeatns eee mia Lain 437 NOTE—The Devonian-Silurian-Ordovician contacts are ineluded within the last 127 feet. Log No, i1 Robert Mitchell, No, 3, lessor. ‘Location: Oak Hill, 4th District. Commenced: October 4, 1919. Authority: The Kenco Oil Company. Strata, Mississippian System. Thickness Depth CALEY ots ahcrnMahe. 3. eve ets iceaie es sl Ree UNS oe abate Pernice ee eae ee 5 5 TSeMGSLON Gis kys Sine St wl CR rl Rete ss she OA ae LD 200 Shaleleoreen 2 iiss ye sn tds cons eeten cares Oe een eee 5 205 Devonian System. PENCE MICKA euler ani ren ce unre terse aN Sitar hs Sky RW mm ib ee 57 262 DIVEST OLE S(CAD STOCK) pS greet i susie seein clean eee anwees 4-266 Limestone, 7soeamdee? C011) sess cries a eee ete 2 268 TOG BLS C0 OT 1 fei tcr ted yar Sone one Secare arcmin teds 268 Log No, 12 Robert Mitchell, .No, 4, lessor. ‘Commenced: October 6, 1919. Completed: October 18, 1919, Authority: The Kenco Oil Company, Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth CLAY F ccB ick mit A atele the aa ee Ee es, ARE are emt ae sree 18 18 Tae STO se Marche23,.19 19: Strata. Mississippian System. Cieiyarme raster Limestone Limestone, a1) Ss 6Bl je {es 6] (e: len) © el se 6) 6 100.67 «1L.6) 16 (0) ke elnarnebie) 16, ,ailis: fo) au tatty ie, Kel fe. 10} ‘0 6 (eke (©. ‘e. iw 8! lo le, @:.\6) \e! (6) (oe) 6: 16 “eset ie, ¢ ie) ale se ty le Ges Ree eee eee eer ct eae eee a Wig aysreanton Wem ao DKC i ot. mac dO om Maino! oH reo B Sucws ow ee Limestone, bala Rn Raku hor < eedar RA ep as CF MAL lB inGAVAKARONeKy AepsNOl DEOMENE Jy ene Bl. a% nods Oo oma eeac Limestone, WW TNA GOT yor hee a ee Gee Ae haley, PBC rae issih aie ie eee ie oe ee ee Devonian System, Noga? WIRE 04 1 ct aie mete A ARP og en ENd CaP AD ne FYE cope Dimesthoriern( tle Sound, onic ets es cate ae eon rie yore Lihlestone. ands shale. harden avs ee nee aieee and otal depth foe cierto ate oie aero Salt water at 404 feet. Log No. 20, N, L. Hinton, No, 2, lessor, pleted: April 25, 1919: Strata, Mississippian System. Limestone @) te) je; (o 4 ke or 6 ‘0: ye) 16, Ge 0 0 <6) [e. 16) (9 *e, e) ie blue). %- ait « aren ebeare ct canny aac Silurian System. Tim eshomeaacsan i, cme ena Rieiten hae me mene eee Totals depth we ..aecet te occ are Sane Log No. 55 lease, Thickness Thickness oe Deptih 445 495 500 517 530 530 Depth 324 369 374 379 384 396 416 436 436 W. M. Newman, No, 1, lessor, Location: near Bourbon Stamps Production: oil show only, Strata, Mississippian System. SO “ANd a iiSStO We: reads ae hee ee Seen Devonian System, Shale, black | (Chattanooga \ 7. aresees een Damestouers Dl ex ances aa eae cctiet a haere eee TAMOeStOnes CORD vis oes ole ke oe ce eee TAM estOnert st SAU.” Aer erie yan gee ces amen rene ees Oba de Duly Santer tree ee reer ee cree Thickness an Dal Depth cela 352 356 361 379 379 ALLEN COUNTY 45 Log No, 56 A, J, Wheat, No. 1, lessor. Location: adjoins W. M. Newman, No. 1. Production: Dry. Record similar and sand in same place as in W. M. Newman, No, 1. Log No, 57 Gerard, No. 1, lessor. Location: near Bourbon Stamps lease. Completed: July 31, 1907. Production: Dry. Strata, Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Weel sth ebay Ree. EP ae te oe ek en 480 480 Devonian & Silurian Systems, shaley biaek ((Ghattanooga) A5.c< sash ious os 45 525 ATIVE RGON CG pment ee ne a nero oe Sees BR Geet ee i 15 540 GB-OS LOG, Meee wart ee ae hh Meese ee 4 Sh bic seis caterer ens tie 270 810 Ota Ud GD) tyme eee are tn rd ars. dete he 810 Log No, 58 Gerard, No, 2, lessor, Location: near Bourbon Stamps fease, Gommienceds = Dec 3.1907.) Completed: Dec 207190: Production: gas at 310 and 440, Strata, Mississippian System. Thickness Depth HAN eSC OU Geren aye ser Niet scrcae a.n¥iier so okean setts eis. 515 515 Devonian System, Sip lew Didiclon (CUAG LAT OOLE Jon oats ble eaten ale 45 560 a Babb castor (oh aCe Ba oy own creck pon ee eg oa i, 7 ar eee 35 595 ERO Cele tLe tit “tae aemanie skate Ae hataies SAG a ce ars 595 Log No. 59 WHEAT POOL. A. W, Stamp, No, 1, lessor, Production: Dry; abandoned Aug, (geek D. Strata, Mississippian and Devonian Systems. Thickness Depth OMe eh arctic date rst s, cllae ewe Laat eG 6 6 TPM OSLON AMUN OL Po. ta cate ales b's eles exam te's 215 221 EDC me OD LN ge sere store SeWoneeh tauren aC arantce aha 221 46 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 60 No, 2. Commenced: March 29, 1919, Contractor: E, A. Dyer. Strata, Mississippian System. Thickness Jal} OS EOMC ne em Aen Siu ake Restate ote unseat oe 55 Shale worecna (New, Providence jee. asics see 2 Devonian System, phalewsblick= (Chattanoog ayaa aca. ome ee 48 Limestone reap rol.) Oe sere e recs eres focus lente cae kere, 3 Limestone ss: samc. orl) gate oa papain atti es 18 EGIRVESTOINE TS ert accuee he oc etd sea tem ieee es cae 21%, Total depth ... Log No, 61 No. 3 Strata, Mississippian System. Thickness SOT Psat: Sedans ae as Cela skal oleenaie cote soa de Nee ea cnne 6 TAMes tome Sens Sine «ote a tae cpetene Meee: 50 Devonian System, hale black uC ChattanO0ga 0 craw. 1 1) sevens ees 63 [EMSS LOM; Ge aiy Tek) wee ema ea errr canner: 1 TATA SSTODE | Weal ee. Ol ewe hat, aa pact seat tenses ee 14 HETIMESTO MGs Minn «0 Sana atetadk Coe seycpst nc et nehame osteo k tees 1 MObALS MS poh ses ae ta ee nema ne Sata Log No, 62 No. 4, Location: at power house. Strata, Mississippian System. Thickness Sid <0 F ne stem Gotta ratels Mane hears eA nee aes 10 Lameston AU Tay. gett iri aiodes eas ween ees 50 Devonian System. : shale, sblack ( UnaGranOOga,) an. ain weameonie eee 4814, limestone Ceape rOck ) oaticnecis: oe bt aire ee Limestone sa tidy7e (Ol iip i i.tesn bets soem nore 16 Limestone, Tay aa. ae. Fyecthhot te. se ateneet cease Men aide 1 Total: sdept huts oe tate cae etre se Ne ern Well shot April 1,.1920, 10 -qts. Depth 55 57 105 108 126 1281, 12812 Depth 6 56 EV 120 134 135 135 Depth 10 60 1081, 116 132 1338 1338 / ALLEN COUNTY 47 Log No. 63 ING. Location: On hill above powerhouse, Casing Record: 110 feet of casing, Strata, Wississippian System. PoC eairer etre: Goce at ane ee Oe Hts Sse ol Nhe ered s oPanigt eh on cnet Pie LOS UOMUO sie ee Arcee ties: eames yormeeryIetel ses Wide Syne s Devonian System, pueler Dlack apt e ena 43 145 Sut TG SCOU On meer r cer snit ont Pecenaney ie ath ea tp cia Gime nsten ek 3 12 157 HATE SEONG SS DAT secrete strc deere suelo at caret ne th te cae, one i 158 eR LOMO Ol) me RAI eet cece ey ein en clean iis ee 4 162 Limestone ........ eee cece eee ee eee Preeti s hae « s 72 234 TWA CSL OU Ce OL Uno aN Lee) gusnelst Gevcr stein nl esate Sgay'el ee 7 241 eI CREO IC met A Oe Wein te A chore sri ake Waka e7 ats obese ahora dacs 18 259 Ocal OD BIA an das verte ote who areit iets) Manat eect acer 259 NOTE—The Devoniec-Silurie contact is within the 72 feet above 234 feet in depth. 54 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 80 Button, No. 2, lessor. Location: Junction of Skeggs and Beaver Creeks. Production: Flush. 15 bbls. oil. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Lil MLO ShOD COU weal ots Rane pliers leases MOA Sods 152 152 Devonian System. Dhale, black ) (Chattanooga)! saswue shale ee whan aerials 43 195 TAMVEST OU ARS reer eis aime 8 sole areata Cent ose arid Seer anes 74 269 LATO GSO oral Wl terete ote eat ake ste te ede renee er 5 274 Motale “depth, cytes Giese closers eee canes are ears 274 Casing head is 37’, 8” ‘higher than button No. 1. NOTE—The Devonic-Siluric contact is within the 74 feet above 269 feet in depth. Log No. 81 Robert Wayfield, No. 1, lessor. Location: Junction of Upper Bowling Green and Stovall Roads. Commenced: May 7, 1919. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Im Get Oere ee oe eee ee eee ee Nike relia oth Pete | 250 250 T5014 CS LOT Ge Ks tate crat ee tees ke eee tae cere os hee Be a 147 397 TOU ESTO Oy PreCae svi ee 8 564 A CRON Beater 290) ridin cack oes. spe ae 5 Mie eR Re rote 12 576 DOC eMON TH fotee ss cciersrareie late inst alle lete a stort eke 576 56 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 84 Dick Smith, No. 1, lessor. Location: Dry Fork, southern Barren. Well abandoned. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth PE TIGORSU OOM be Seren, aiseercud Wi wisrmie uerstaae' o tausie RS eh 106 106 Devonian System. shaley black (Obattandoga)” Gente ck. acorns: ne 38 144 Jam Ostonets CP asSy.) 52 We mah ewes cusped ort ele an cdanens 167 oll IePTH OSEOUGC Hato ote Bee a caste as i aie ems Mato meer eae 341 652 HCO Cale Ge DEL gion, ae teat era token Ak eee eee rere 652 NOTE—The Devonie-Siluric contact occurs within and toward the top of the 167 feet of limestone above 311 feet in depth. The Siluric- Ordovicic ‘contact occurs toward the top of the last 341 feet of the record. Log No. 85 J. C. Cole, No. 1. lessor. Authority: The Swiss Oil Corporation. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth es WU Niger ey i No Per ate. ett RE te EL Se, dries er ane 20 20 Dames ion er PPO WIR, nad fa. we, pec e ria eet aL amr, 70 90 Limestone, white. hard) isa scntt-.~eie ti a siaete ys oa. 61 151 Tuimiessone, “gray ard e.5 ce soe fiiirussoaee gre 40 ISIE Devonian System. Shale, pblack, sett. (Chattanooga). 7.) < ee D2 243 Lamestone, (cap rock, chard e.c einen am eee One ese 4 247 Timestonen oosand- (iis ph) ete t cl ew Qe pil eset eee ere tue ears oP ke ee te erin eaters 234 Log No. 89 Stephen Kinslow, No. 4, lessor. William Oskamp, lessee. Loca- tion: 4 miles south of Glasgow, on Boyd’s Creek. Drilled in the sum- mer of 1919. Production: summer of 1920, five barrels. Authority: Gordon Kinslow. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Limestone; variable oi... a aetna sort ac tases 161 161 Devonian System. Shale; tbiaek (Chattanooga > eco som ere oer 42 203 TAIN OSLO WC Mien ter tons tater ase Rom A SORTS Merci ee re 27 230 San Us Gil yh xagets cs wake S Re hata wise ee eae re ee eas 2 232 Total® Ceti ae gion steers tele soko tae eens ee eres 232 Log No. 90 William Oskamp, No. 3, lessor and lessee. Location: 4 miles south of Glasgow, on Boyd’s Creek. Drilled in August, 1918. Production: August, 1920—3—4 barrels. Authority: Gordon Kinslow. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth TNMOStONGE We. Sed resp meres eae eo ses te eed te ie ea aCe ll 97 Devonian System. Shale sblack: (Chatianooga)) ware ew seer tea 40 137 Linfestomes bro wit fron ners Cee eee eee 30 167 Limestone, -“"samdA2 OL) ) pare se ata ete tel oe tastetere teres (oe 7 174 TAMVOST ORE. j.0r. Sat eee ie ten earns oe neem ee en ee 20 194 Total .deptl ag ssn tye cote io, ee ean ee 194 BARREN COUNTY | 59 Log No. 91 William Oskamp, No. 4, lessor and lessee. Location: 4 miles south of Glasgow, on Boyd’s Creek. Drilled in the summer of 1918. Pro- duction: August, 1920, 2 barrels a day. Authority: Gordon Kinslow. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth TEGSL OMe eyaTia ble ieee earths es oe Miele Maal wane ar aha ais Or 107 Devonian System. Uae lacke Gilat ta MOO 2a er, crs elaine eae Cit 40 147 ST TACHA ON Cer OPO WI wks Soe tres, cha sin, segs otis he tars 25 172 MGI CSE OM Cress SAD Cea (OLE \ Presa teetaserste oiecelotes sel 7 sone ake 2 174 I Omel CL Ont Mirna Nee can hc nem Onotai ce: Siete the eer e ahcseds 174 Log No. 92 Wilson, No. 1, lessor. Location: 3 miles southeast of Cave City. Authority: H. T. Merry. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth hay UN cc a tiatak Bat ep cure Sark heads eee ORE oe eR gE he 10 10 MRC Se Be SIDS des Al al OEE Seine ee ea RMR y Pare 45 55 ia LGee Cr L CACO OU Ges ab caters ais ceo ok ate trates. co8 often ras 60 115 LI OGUO ILG Mea en Merecate teeter Sede ieee co oe ee caer abe Se 35 150 TUN GSCOWGs a SU Ale OA) e fasts a teleje Stale Ste son etenn atetavekaly 50 200 LIMOS EON ORs mace cate sais tao oe ttan cpa, ace aes 365 565 Devonian System. Shalev sblack -(UhaLlanOoga jms se ws certs crea ee ek 55 620 LOIN TIRE CRASPI Von Ue OPO, Ak te) MEAL yr, 7 PCR See Ae aia 30 650 Silurian System. ra OMG ON. Coe Gite, SILOM) ered, snepeth atts tellacwis) an. te sr eee e ene 40 690 OSL OU Ge waie aI Wie ts ap ichelacoa! stevens shy sepa aes ete os 35 725 Tame RE OMCs LET hs Feee ats oo vkce sce oe ees ee : Fe 800 ROE A RCE UIE Mr tee ir cus sols cin Ctmite =o: Mead etavelate ats 800 Casing, 81% to 75 feet. os 6% to 275 feet. 60 OLL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 93 Richardson, No. 1, lessor. Elem Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Location: just north of Glasgow, Ky. Commenced:—————— Completed: Sept. 20, 1921. Production: Oil, 5 bbls., gas small. Gravity of oil pro- duced 44.7. Authority: W. H. Link. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth DLO TLy a ENP ter aero cleahare, ceca hae Sao ek Sard nga Gtioe ee 36 36 Tim 6st one, 2 D0 Wit bee eer ce tee aee ase ante 10 46 Limestone CTA yyseOlt. ons okt cca ceree then meee 12 58 limestone, “darkscoraye 2.4 sau e 1a geome mete 20 78 Limestone, row tier). chat face oe sei ee cera 10 88 Tamestone; ight abrowit ¢s... 207k oes or oe 15 103 Titmestone,e lao libel oray oipter. see aay ee ited eee eee 10 113 TTESE ONG, STA VOLE eens ee nacre a eee es ee 7 120 Ltirest OTs 2 TO Wilk eet erAe eel coc fe epee ieee eee 5 125 ale, STAN moe cote ye ete cent coe eee nts eee ee 5) 130 MATOS TOME AO TAG coe een tases omnes aes ere mee eee 5 135 Pate STON, Wl be: Ue iets aa tee ee oe 10 145 Hale, MPa ye ® ai akon sok eoeeieke nee Oh me eee Sea 10 155 TTTIVES GOMG. Ora ye Aras A ed santas Shei sae earns Sey are 45 200 ENIneShOne, eli h- OLAS ices, bo,e sane a cuanee L oe eee ee 5 205 Lamestoneridarke gray oy. 22. we meee oes Sas ROmre 5 210 LTD E STOIC aa VEO VOI Pe erat bots ea tence ray te Re ne Scene ‘8 218 ROLLS TE Ve ee tees Otay eS eee SNe Baer Tee Stadia eae pee 25 243 fe Web © Ada CL eur 1) * Wan ae ccas ak tact dct Meet tei, een, Aree, Seeks. elaine renee 20 263 TAB REOS CIN 7 Een Van ete cote egies te ead ch em 5 268 EC SUOING,” sD UILGE eee Sa ane chin. eee ne ere 15 2838 Dimesthone SA vek alee ceca en sete a eons ee ene 15 298 EAMOStOns, darko rayenec. et mre ace oes More 10 308 EIMestOne, STAY Cates nals tue eine are eer eet 12 320 BLS FOOT AY ap eet sone Peters Ske awa von tS Penner 15 335 TSU ESTOTL Ema: erate, Gee hae ae ieemeyaeen ee eee 10 345 hate se STAY ages sok oom, qleera hte Oct sae pen tiers e ee ee 10 355 pedet NE Meme aia ie Maree romney ama fin Ret eM eG aa ES 5 360 JMCSEONC A LST ays cs city aay chk aGcer ocean ene 12 372 Devonian System. Shale, (Chattanooga), (cased below shale) ...... 49 421 Cap POCK, CW MIECI es oie ences dee ee nape er ine eee ae vi, 428 LAMOSTONG, "OTA Ye konae trys hee cee ee ee ee 20 448 Silurian System. iimestone,;- DFO Wn Et iee ah «em cote ces aa ee eee D7 505 Sand. Corll show.) inc: scree eae eee ee ee eee 18 523 BARREN COUNTY 61 Silurian System. Thickness Depth ECS TONOs og ONL Ga eral area ate wie te anaes ya iano shes 10 533 CPO eB Oe ONG Wise Stil hl OS) crass ato. -b- satalsratane ahs 20 553 Ordovician System. aL SENATCS Ord Gus VU Rae tev cca ta re Chama Ba corel fy oe a ces 34 587 CTI ed OG Resell le att at T Cp DOT cea erent viii kt cw pd scare oe aside 7 594 OPPS Sad NT GNA SEO Wall ON ee tam are cr ctiallalesn hake lat « 20 614 DATMOS ROT Cra OAPI mc. tick oe ee Ponte ocd talons te eects et 10 624 Teri CSCO i Gas Wil tke tiene cee abun taeda ar are Src, Saddo cutie 66 690 CE ie TO CKe sili eer gs Seo cet cers Pi: Aca Mabon oe ec eee 6 696 Oil & gas sand, white, (small oil & gas) ......:. 9 705 LET CORO: ALU Ghar ba cree ee aoe irs ire choc tr aerese, Coes 44 749 DGG) ORG te Sen pass ei ont Rute ie tat Caer ren co 10 759 DROS LO TUG, MOLINE Tak, ON eerie has win P9 Pas deve cele ae @+ oe 80 839 TONG ToeMt) VLC M iets Rist wen cat ake phere, cad nacre et ta, Feeney tes 20 859 MVE SLOW Toni Ol Ore ake coe See etc ote ono esha 116 975 Pammestone; sda tla Dito ae saints sateen eer sln a te age ies 5.0: 2th, O43 TRIM CECONEe ard atkw Clay si) revi Mewes Salt lel ce clot ms Tome 2 eimestone? Dluee tal eo. 2s aceae ce pCa Nines, se Re bat OON mer OCie Ail TOULOM jets Geek kcihs nw cite csh ce Sun usp sats + 10) Sele Oe Pande Urenton)y, (commercialsorlys Me. css acre bee Ro a 122 DGB GLTOUNOU Vater carts ata kett tts mises ak sen yea epee: SUM ada SLO LAL COU EE ee creat Soi tpararon ano 2 favor ony Mee Apa BATH COUNTY. Production: Oil. Producing Sand, Ragland (Corniferous) (Devonian), ‘‘Olympia’’ (Niagaran-Silurian). Log No. 94 Ewing Heirs, No. 9, lessors. Location: Licking Union District. Completed: April 18, 1903. Authority: The New Domain Oil & Gas Company. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth PTA CUTS OL Lab een ahd, ation hon Coen ars eter. 18 18 TaN OHO RUD ET ee ano Vals shal: ce tteene eae ale on has 158 176 Pm eeM Hh ee OL imme! fein vot % ck te 2 ake aie vei, stee tons 274 450 Devonian System. | Mialemimiack, sott (Ghathano0oga) J. om.mie. ees os 216 666 Pamestome sand,’ hard (oil at) 67.0). oo... 24 690 POR Le EN aps. caiot Savas rice: at sco dare ne grtamene 690 62 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 95 Ewing Heirs, No. 10, lessors. Location: ‘Licking Union District. Completed: May 6, 1903. Authority: The New Domain Oil & Gas Company. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth COL AVG Lents c pdr oct crus edt ia ally ot ain ses aon ete eee : 22 22 Palm OStON Oa" hears t~ canoye dee ie ua veue niece raieetee eat ats 153 175 SHAG VEW ITE? SATO). & etek eon cashed ae coe oketed : 230 405 amd Ceara erat. es Aer Rohs eee: PAs Aes eC 30 435 Devonian System. elalés lack) (Chattanooga jes... 47409. ea 216 651 Limestone; oi sand,* “Coil ate 0o)e 1 6 wee wee 29545 4680 OLA] Sd ep ih Gene ee oe ce ene are 680 Log No. 96 Ewing Heirs, No. 11, lessors. Location: Licking Union District. Completed: May 28, 1903. Authority: The New Domain Oil & Gas Company. Strata. Mississippian System. _ Thickness Depth CR Vie ss Wee eRe et nes) re ae ayia ieee caoy Mee eat acces 13 13 Jiri CS EOMLG 1,910 Shale, ‘bine ha ONe0 \ sta errata ait mene Z0pe 15930 AK ay ROU es ee Pome R creeen Marg Ry Shree Sg 1,930 This well is still a good producer, the gas being pumped into the pipe line, serving Ashland, Boyd County, Kentucky. Log No. 101. Belle: Ross, No. 1, lessor. Good Losers Oil & Gas Co., (oil well No. 2) lessee. ‘Location: near Bolts Fork, in Boyd County, just north of Lawrance County line, and about 414 miles east of Denton, Carter County. Commenced: June 25, 1920. Completed: Aug. 20, 1920, Initial production: 15 bbls. oi]. Authority: C. E. Bales. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SORLP hie ea See Se ee ee ore one eae Pare ne 20 20 Shale, S black: "cot ie. ceeeceee ial tec cine, CRANE Cees 65 85 Sandstone and hero MBA rat teak Bienes re dake 170 255 Shale, white and wbrown wan nee eee ee eee 5 125 380 Sandstome, (show Of0ag) |i. abe wa hae on tere 30 410 BOYD COUNTY Pennsylvania System. STNG OU Cals este Ome te median. ot coat ncustin sok ie. ie tatane eae dope ACME Wd eet cy gg tart ae Ms nergy Ln ae ete : Sandstone, white .... Shale, black Mississippian System. Limestone (Big Lime) eye LO we ent BG. oi ee tot ete eo Rent eras Handstone,, white (alt swater)” 4c-...te fae ess : Waverly shale Ba ie etna Bor enone rene me}. Aja Vn eagle Spa Wale pment a A. ects A a eaaeney een te Sr SamdsLOnan( dseresGritn ©) ye (Ol) yas sis ' pooled Cisco bea Cheats ax roti eells Sycoh oh ols ce le os SRG Gy area Re elie ig le ot ent, Rae Og ace a hile re Oke tees ae oetn ye te eri al aec ister a sis Pamusuome nae ehear\anitre \en O1l \eay Aron rin Gd RSet Silence rn cas a nai ie eee ue pore eee Sc cleus ough « Toten Se pied geier aN rns. ert, ale 45s Log No. 102. 67 Thickness Depth 170 200 175 15 580 780 955 970 1,075 1,183 Toe 1,637 1,657 1,701 1,709 713 1,718 1,744 Ppt et onl Clara Williams, No. 1, lessor. Location: Lockwood, Ky. Authority: Associated Producers Company. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. poate me the SIRE tween geared cure tae wep vate’ ¢ seo grana el 3 Sandstone (cow run) Ae Sandstone (cow run) (second) .............: Bands homes (satie Sani do wesc slew so ede or : Shale ... Mississippian System. Sandstone (Maxon) Sage ott al tus alien suetst Al Spec ale een em Gi plat 6 lb er ge cee a hes ss Shale, red and blue SPOS RC Tuc te Sandstone (Big Injun), (3 bbls. water in 24 Hie eo Vet teile bio Injunesaud \ Alc). 2... PULL VAT OMOTLOL See), tas. slevevsvcoce ats es ea ig eee e cee SLANE “eNOS cane Sele AR ee te Ae ein nee el Sandstone (Berea sand) (top of Berea 1888).. Total depth Thickness Depth 400 50 50 610 10 50 122 40 200 326 30 42 400 450 500 1,110 1,120 Te Peau a 1,332 1,532 1,858 1,888 1,930 1,930 68 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 103 Drilled by the ‘Huntington Gas & Development Co. Location: on Big Sandy River, 13 miles north of Catlettsburg, Boyd County, Ken- tucky. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth OIL Mibocn ema Ure ceeees eee atk aes eee er one oe am ee 46 46 SAMUS OTE oc ace certs Lon ce eee see Coit) Saeco al sais re ae 85 Sales ht ae eke uy n as Race eet es 10 95 SV TUG cen Be es oe We okie a ee a. Be 10 105 SS Hah] Geet elas Seda he tie ee a an ae te ee eiee aero eae ial 20 125 A DCS Matinsse Capers cee oo Vg on cere et te toc adie Rica Eons ee 65 190 55 ht Geena asa) Geeks aah ine Pach bee oe ere aah aoe Mare aes 10 200 NSTeN cs RAP pita aI A en eet or Cg ID. cc ea ier 20 220 Rel EA ae Re a Ce CS ee oe et Ay Pha 2 ee eed 20 240 Ne BANS bnar ee Rae maA rE Ne lori ry here ge rn Gar Me be oe ae 60 300 DHATOIESS Tih What oe tees ihe ore cede ie ee eats 227 527 ores 0N6 Mm, Sah, Rana Sig eerk ME, ee Rt reds A ee ba ee eer A cok 15 542 Shale nace SET oe Tirhetye sisan Gane Pe ee Pees UR nae ae teenie tee 274 816 Sarit Beearc cl yh ay NR states ie emer eereste ei 224 1,040 TE ha atts hes a ear ARRAN Bids ee 1, AUetes tk os 2 1,042 Sabet An ccerisade ot toa Ot re ae Te eae ee ee ae 18 1,060 Mississippian System. Pandstomes GMa Om) es wre eves ences atte etee Hale AOS UR OTL LO Ne ae N a net ee Open fade oe Reece a seme 2 cee 2 1,084 Limestone (Big Time) et PEER Li ese Oi, STL GA Woe, cre sh cas. te ne erete ys NG Cot Meow ee ot ge ear eltente tees L0s 71,205 Sandstone (Big ac bat TUR, hans tar ae cues tomes és Ae ht RA, PHO Pn cin sng eran Aer aa NaC ate Peak aes Gace ogee cele geee ley EO. Shaler and Shellscc. a see ot ae wees he et eens ANT ~ -1,818 Sandstone . CBerea) ies Hea. we new a ee omer «wets: 44 1,862 Shales and “sholla: ww aesae has etela otekeia edaeeee eee 40 1,902 Devonian System. ANU (COME E Aa esos chap et aed ao feo 658 2,560 Shatecs( ChactanGo gan eeattke satsls ts ne ube rete tee 186 2,746 Limestone and sand (Rapinud) Sint Peres oes eee aes 34 2,780 Silurian System. Tanvestore? o7 s-4 en ete reas et ee pte ees ee rane 625 3,405 Sitale (82 EAE ter ahd crue ace tants 25 3,430 Limestone Red Rone Se ae a ae ei Sniwtneend os (hips 8sqan 05) Shale, black. Date eaatcb eee pert tee meee aeons, os 95 3,600 ‘Limestone o(sliell Wit ecencruearts eeu ora 5 3,605 Dimestone ©( Red pio Ck ies. arrears ar nee 25 3,630 BOYD COUNTY 69 Silurian System. Thickness Depth Rcd ered Deu merrier sean ptde cc oha eo! oo.shry sey of ce ane ore 15 3,645 Limestone (shell), erat ener eoeRot patd os 4 3,649 Shale and sand ane A ie Se ae 41 3,690 2 ee eee 5 SERS OOS Gan hbo rde S Dao, 090 Limestone (Hed! Rocky SEPT bien wera gee ere : 5 63,700 Re rank ALG IOC ry test cs eee cn as ca oa ate ate ye ors 1a eyes Bee VOTO are aes Win miore Mata ecate sw) u. fied ope Sse 3 5 (AN ee SB ee: IMCD EO ROM Se aye ave act iehare cette af ayes enars LD eo, 0 ReLAE TLIC) » SOLE NER We seas cae rang Mate irae ies aCe eee ao eae Die og St Patalidepth. .'.% > 2: 3,787 NOTE—tThe base of the Silman Ae, ite tig of the Ordovician occurs near the top of the 625 feet of limestone above 3,405 feet in depth. BRACKEN COUNTY. Production: Small Oil and Gas. Producing Sands: Probably Trenton (Ordovician). Log No. 104 Well A. ‘Lessor and lessee unknown. (Location: On the bank of the North Fork of the Licking River, near the Bracken-Robertson County Line. Drilling completed: 19038. Strata. Ordovician System. Thickness Depth SOL Lane eee ane) Se Pec w cathckahs foo < ok Fok shacs 15 15 Limestone, (oil ion 85) SS ec a eee 70 85 PiMice ON Ge Ole sande yt te ees ast ee 40 125 PAN CALOMG weO LA Va ere lae epee ots ately con teehee 275 400 A Bren ro M De okey Oye dk Ala tea A RUN rer ec a 400 Log No. 105 Well B. Lessor and lessee unknown. JLocation: About 800 feet east of Well A. Drilling completed: 1903. Production: Oil, flowed for months in the creek. Strata. Ordovican System. Thickness Depth SLOW A Monta ca ees ene a a re eae ; 15 15 IVIMTOSEOME, POM eS OOW wi 0 )F sls ea ane ow Scdiets 55 70 MPV OS LUMO Me( Olah SADLY Yaerte cc sigiusie «tb ears here 40 110 TEMAS LOMO MSO EA Vana facie eer lene. ole. ebeel shay bie cavonte 290 400 LSTA GIG) 014 DPN ida en are Pe ans tr eee 400 70 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 106 Well C. Lessor and lessee unknown. Location: About 1,300 feet east of Well A. Drilling completed: 1903. Production: Gas flowed blowing white for months. Strata. Ordovician System. Thickness Depth. Limestone, (thickness unrecorded, record simi- larito Avand 3). Log No. 107 Well D. Lessor and lessee unknown. Location: 500 feet west of Well A. Drilling completed: 1920. Production: Three barrels, est., some gas. Strata. Ordovician System. Thickness Depth TrmMeston Gy eCOUk ath oO) Mearns 0 tet eee ea ey . 50 50 LSS TONG Seen acetttow sage pamela nS aM ca eerie ta Bees 41 91 EM ES EO MGs 4 cOTl ee. S11 Cl og) teen needs cr cree are 40 131 TMeSTONES | a te hae alae Re ete pee ee 135 266 LAM ESLONG,= OTA Ve nutes ae eer et ae de 124 390 Totals depth .nvtwatee aaa aca epee Bs 390 NOTE—Wells A and D are standing about 90 feet in oil, and are estimated to be good for about three barrels. BREATHITT COUNTY. Production: Oil and Gas. Producing Sands: Pottsville (Pennsylvanian) ; Maxton, Big Injun, and Wier (Mississippian); Corniferous (Devonian); Niagaran (Silurian); and ‘‘Deep’’ or ‘*Big Six’’ (Upper Ordovician). Log No. 108 W, H. Pelfrey, No. 1, lessor, J. Bred=Miles Oil & Gag Coan oil well No. 1), lessee. (Location: near Vancleve, about 200 yds. above iron bridge on the O. & K. R. RB. Commenced: Aug. 72,051919> ) Com- pleted: Aug. 30, 1918. Initial production: 1 bbl. oil. Authority: C. E. Bales. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth eh) UREN Paar oe eae RS Seka neset Al ae icin agree, ake a ee 12 12 San adsbon. on Wey coals wees eae eee toes cane a ne, eee 38 50 Shaletand sirellg.o. 2 woeca aeeuee eee ean eres 150 200 WaAMdStOnes gl atte ere eee ee eee ee ae 160 360 See 6 Fa tices Ge ee OE en este ee 85 445 BREATHITT COUNTY fem Mississippian System. Thickness Depth tester (lithic: alae esses Nt eser rs tees ye 25 470 SOMA Oy Ceteme toEt ae atete ay EM a Mee heer de Pereaty as eels 10 480 EMS COTES COLPALTIO oo sra ea icaete ties pr ste 6. 2 ; 165 645 peu Mean Viel y OTL Ve) = erie eek ete witty, de etait ct epee Latin tal 180 825 Ne ECT E yo oR XA Ne pth rae Reage SER Ni Mads at yoo Ale aa noo Pan a 30 855 DLA Opera ergata Nove are eee Meer NL ct a atede Tometave ost Pifasy | APY AMUStOMOn( sibs ered -GTi tics): (oe saints vielen s A 206 1 09% Devonian System. STEAMER ONC IIG OR ois, eaten oe eto sa wcieetais Oh sce: sclaaeata ons 249 1,344 immestones(oilsat 1,347 sto 1,302) v7 oo cas 155 1,499 AIRE SEONG MrOr OW IN Mm etite sie at. ex 2 e onelare hau tha wees, e 36 Ted D IM eSEON Gm Ol UG Gees rab 5. Setiebara << 5 sr op eae, Gueme « 40 ofp SUI? —SAic sea RR net PE eee eee 19 1,594 Chico Cee LOO Camere et at eens RS cecbecits co shpat a, ah 9 te) 3 7 1,601 FLOGar Std Opth Bi Attn acts. utetete nn. e leSatts L601 NOTE—The base of the Devonian and the top of the Silurian occurs within the 155 feet above 1,499 feet in depth. The oil occurring for 1347 to 1352 feet is in the Corniferous. Log No. 109 Terrell, No. 1, lessor. Big Six Oil Co. (well No. 3), lessee. Loca- tion: Terrell farm, % mile up Sulphur Fork, Frozen Creek. Casing head elevation: 820 ft. A. T. Production: Gas, 5,820,000 cu. ft. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth oO CLAY. 2 peg kg ns oe at ee ae a aN Ee Ba 17 ae; SLOW ESS 4 TAME Y CH ee SNA Repay Seng ete erat ate Ae, ar par EL 83 100 NSE DUS bee Qed URC o ee Seas en © A Sin Als amit ty ero ar on Or, Oni Uae 60 160 LCE UPES. So of 2708 [oy AR MRR IN rs OE AES prs ce Se 30 190 SERENA phe RGN CHAS Rhino RELA EINE nae a age oe emery ans oie aan ie 210 400 Per UNG: Man LELCIC see Nesta eres Pe Gh Oat etatioh decir tg fet eG a 100 500 TAINCL Oe Will Lee terr em nn ire. 3 son. set CUR ey ott ws ans 145 645 ALAC ames A OKMMEOR ere, cre ey casted epee ah eae pees ak ota evar beeen 20 665 Mississippian System. PXMMCSEON Gs (ULL LOM LI OIC eas oases ele, © eho ste « 10 675 Ry eae RAS LLC Heme) es craters to acre. a bak vis! (e's tems cetyo a aban 16 681 PAR Oe PTO al yee: eee crite art leaee oe ete: 139 820 Pe ALG MEANY CUE Me mie meris ccm eve allaas ote oh ar svete soe 600 1,420 72 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Devonian System. Thickness Depth Shale, black) (Qhattanooga) ois. sts acre wise vey Li Oe le52 0 Bale, wy hite repens hw rteken tac geisha rol tener ead 14 1,604 EGUMORE ONG tae eet ete iets site ete ccl he ober oa er eee Li 4e L173 Gas sand (sample of gas sand was a coarse- OTammed, spemoly SAN) i). 2a. .6s sce see : 25 861,803 CO Gale Cart WA cy a as soleltensVorer-t suet Tate ee 1,803 NOTE—The Devonian limestone and the Silurian limestone are both included within the 174 feet above 1,778 feet in depth. As in the Taulbee wells, it is quite probable that the gas production occurring in this field about 175 feet below the base of the Devonian shale comes from the uppermost Ordovician beds. Log No. 110 J. S. Taulbee, No. 1, lessor. (Location: 3g miles up Sulphur Fork of Frozen Creek. Casing head elevation: 805. A. T. Production: 5,000,000 cu. ft. gas, 175 ft. in sand. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth orb tee eae AOR pa cin WV aise nO Sie Oty ease 16 16 Phiglest Dlg GkN i. 2 nen eee nak meee te reer ns aoe. ene 54 70 Sadi Cis Saw DIDO Sacssl een oes Mech cle twat mArcuue. meweue 90 160 Sanh blac kasreene. cata ites a taraie es momenen scene rasa 30 190 arid Peawh Gen wee ween eee toi eee teee ke ae eeer oie 210 400 SUR CUEMMN Ol R Ole: panies Serna ie Se SWA Biche teen 9 Onc ry ors Ts 100 500 RETR AWS IPS) IW Ns taubesthe Wetghme ary roar ary airy + Mtonty Cah of Rp 8 145 645 labor 8 Lac riers cin atclats Mieka saber ts tots Behance eons e 20 665 Mississippian System. Limestone (Little ony a Ma aoa aoe GuerereLe eye 10 675 Shalestblack -.2 4... SRS ts Ae ah ings 5 680 Limestone (Big a) CAR Ren AL SAR a Oe 150 830 melee GW av Cll) aie eee te unr nreet Gea oeenee 600 1,430 Devonian System. Shale, black ppt PED et rg eA. 170 1,600 Shale swhiten o...s.8 ee ES. OR OL 14 1,614 Limestone (gas 1,790) Atte Se: eae 17 saan tet) iLimestone ...... chen SU ee 25 1,815 Total dageh Ee Fart’ 1,815 NOTE—The gas production in aire a coming from a depth of 1,790 feet is either basal Silurian or uppermost Ordovician, and pro- bably the latter. The Devonian limestone (Corniferous) and the Sil- urian limestone (Niagaran) are included within the 176 feet above 173,05 BREATHITT COUNTY 73 Log No. 111. J. S. Taulbee, No. 2, lessor. Big Six Oil Co. (well No. 2), lessee. Location: J. 8. Taulbee farm, 1% mile up Sulphur Fork, Frozen Creek. Casing head elevation: 795. A. T. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Sli ont au ett bse Avcea Baur eee cee rae ee mer ree 10 10 Sea heh Lepr Vou et ein ce cine crea) ole dsb ein fohalisls vate «lola sane 19:0 200 erie eam yD! Crepe eth, IRN Seti cat's amano curs Soy ote ht romaine aie 50 250 Pict eet Alc RBe cer Sine ech tae 7. Re cmtee sO greet Greate oan ote 150 400 RUE Nemec BUN on APP e res eset ee unl eh 5 ‘abate a srr ¢ 200 600 So URIAD MmVGGlLT (OM Menem tenets: ARE Ra. ich afk iss cele uvere 40. 9 lous 40 640 Sitcel Gime Wy ILE RICE, crocctet tay Pate a ach one ote Per Soke ae 25 665 Mississippian System. PoUMESEOM Cm CLUE LeU, ) at ares tare ase cists oe) ahs g shove 5 670 SoU CHEB SENN Con’, Sameer Sern eee et Se Ce Anan ac Pe ae 20 690 Riehl CEpistle Voc ge ot cnt emer g Naveed ok dB accep tat Ceeed 5 tvs 10 700 Limestone (Big Tae PRs ee ee hc ites, Shs 100 800 STEN A AN Ras) dag we eorn otenicn we ts Paar oe irene 2 View mb, 20) Devonian System. Dhalewe blacks «(Chattanooga jy. cn. nss. 0s. so. PR = a Bet BY Po Ubea GL MeVVATEL De rst. sap Gu werk (Nene atte e 3 crc ied Syrah oun ooh > ere le 2h PirmiesTOne. (ease SUC Wal 5.03 lem ot unis aaelee 176 1,803 Tamestone (finished in Red Rock) ............ (Ome ele Oak PO UAPLe DLN ecccen ties Fepes ote 2 1,881 NOTE—Base of Devonian ak of Siltrian indefinite, but in- cluded in 176 feet of limestone above 1,803 feet. The gas is either Silurian or Ordovician, and not unlikely the latter. BRECKINRIDGE COUNTY. Production: Small Oil and Gas. Producing Sands: Cloverport Gas Sand (Lower Mississippian) Corniferous (Devonian). Log No. 111A. John Gibson, No. 1, lessor. Location: 1% miles southwest of Sample Station. Comipleted: Spring, 1922. Authority: C. F. Dun- bar, driller. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth. Shales, sandstones and limestones ........... 1,280 1,280 Devonian System. : tah Lemme Fe Mane We wes a es Sarna oon ciel pian of wi sa ee canes, a 100 1,380 RS OMe eee ps os oe erate fiat mee aa eoahons te: ens 57 1,487 Lmmestone.““eamd, “20.01 SNOW.) sale ewer wed me v8 10 1,447 GEM tile sicher ga. ws vh,y0 "a etsanes caceaethets 1,447 74 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY BUTLER COUNTY. | Production: Oil and Gas. Producing Sands: Unnamed (Mississippian) ; ‘*Deep’’ (Devonian-Silurian). Log No. 112 M. D. Dunean, No. 1, lessor. The Arkansas Natural Gas Co., les- see. ‘Location: near Flat Rock P. O. Commenced: Jan. 15, 1921. Drillers: O. L. Drake and ‘L. C. Jones. Casing head elevation by ane- roid: 625. “Authority: W..C1Hyl Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth ORBAN sayeth Bite ok Hae ee tee Gan cape teen ae oan oe eee 15 15 LES LOM 1k pe le ee per Re ne tae ie 25 40 She Leas Ses eanay co ee eee oe edn en ee ce es Zn 65 LoiIMOStONS, oem, heen keto ieee ee ae ee L5 80 pohia le al Ap ei ae ae eel ack ere ah ee eke 56 136 SALT CRGODGen. aetae eel oa. Seis ok eae ee 24 160 Sd Ot Sas ia. eos Re Cece, eee, Ge ame en ae i 165 DIMESTOME, MOTA Vee tare nhs cle kat ats Ree ee 16 Loi. I heulo:. Witet ere ence wean. ee ake whee wrens ek oe ha 24 205 Shales Drown san th eee ste aol: eee Ce ee eee 15 220 Shale Awinite tis. cA apades Oe oot oes tn ee aera anes 5 225 TAmestome, = whi teu. sc 5s gone eee eee ee eee oD 260 Sirshey Holite, sO tosis oes Gute eee cme ee A ee ee 25D 285. Iniestomec (pays Sand Wier te, ost ucses tks seu eee 25 310 himestomen (pa yesand ), (SOLb.1.. asin ait wees 10 320: POEL EARLS oh. Aa eas ence Rae ee cate I ec end 10 330: Ear 6S FONG, — WHILO | 3 oleae ce eae a eens ee oD 365 Sta Lene TULG) Cot Reese ee eee eteee are oi es ae 5 370 Bi mesbonei ew biliey eh oe oceans ea tie acetone ee 80 450 atm CSLOM eS tOTAS, Mayet ast coat eee tons fe casket eats 130 580 Limestone, white, (salt water 700, 775 8% LT, CASINO SOU di A lt cuertin gd atone ape eae chin outs £95 775 Limestone; yellows .4 ees pe Ree to a arr : 50 825 Ti OS GOMee OTAV ia ute yen y ee tn ee 8 veins ke 45 870: LRGs OW Cre WW LLG Me oct rein eek aie Ses oh narra de oe ke 8 878 Laine st oie weve UO gr ctere are tespeeere = ace ve ase ark etree Ane 4 882 LameshOMC Se DIA Ge ett ereneeres as scernt Fores We cea ta Pi 10 892 EAP MASLO DOs Cw dite wee eetecteneets tert tates Pes swe eos 10 902 Tsim estone plac k te woe at ela aerate dae Cees 20 922 AIMESSEG ME PO WIM tines eee Peta aati asses: canes ae D8 980 Shale. DOWN Sys wee eee t ee ege hoc Sewer chance essa 10 990: HBTEStON Csr WOT O WII ton kak oe teat ee oe an tee eer 6 5 1,005 Limestone; rblack a2. fos ss ee ee ee 10 1,015 ibimestones prow ees ee ee ee ee ; 13 1,088 LIMESTONE} OTAY Mea a eee rate ook Pees 187 he2u ‘Limestone. black fos. one te ee eee 265 1,540 BUTLER COUNTY 75 Devonian System. Thickness Depth SHate, aplac ke OUNAtEaNOOCA. ecg «secs thors) oleae, ovens a 122 1,662 hale: black, p28 V Aes Soteic hepaser tn ws couske ap tsee asthe Ale ae Ponce eee 15 105 SaNOStOMOL. . Neca shite ct sete Crate, eee 4 75 180 Sale = (plac le tear ore Peete A Wan coads pte oe 10 190 Sandstone (show of oil ay 200) Ras ee 20 210 OC ewer peewee k LE tee a lit ets Gb Menge tema atin 100 310 Semis Fomeama ee see ck tee icaihe Wuloc ee Area meee eae tee eee 10 320 Susie Sata ce ae eee tes er rec eg ok Shs oe ete hee tee earn 145 465 SaImstOn Cs se to bce cake bic ate etn Ge tt ae ee ee 10 475 USO ae tes aan Rar at aorta, de tee Pome nhs ete ee 2 477 Rta Ga ies or, eee or ee eae eee Gree ene 50 520 MAUrCSE OIC ceawared wc. chee os sates inna Nene eee omar meee 23 550 POLES Giahs Sera taueree ne rete cat oe tints RECh onl gt ema eae wearer ae 10 560 DAO SUOWEL Om, caus cre Meh mis ae eee ee eee Une © 5 565 De heN ST RUSL bea a enti BARNA, MRE Se Vi ah ph eerie BLUE AR RE a, Vir 5 570 Sats (PSGO Te et oie ay eaten cere os cian ead Pensa ects are 100 670 RSV ei 1 Oe Mite wet soot, ace ere ae ae em eerie 8 Ane 1 Ot RE re 30 700 Mississippian System. Pandstoner (Ua Ron jel ie wetter ee een 90 790 TAMVEStONe qo. )? shards -.-. 17... % <5 1 231 shale) ow hile chard) ota sc. cepa ee 33 264 LAM CSLONeMEbATO acon ter Orie eee cn eee ere tees 9 Pate Dhale-"blaek shards aon eee eects ors eters ere nee 4 277 iDimestone, vihard,-eritty, sand yo. aac sere 3 280 Shales rederock \ia ete 0.0 beatae eee 3 283 Shale; AMG; 24 ga. cns hdc mtere so nels Bae alte Oe ne eee 16 299 Shalev. piaek shard frase ant incte ee pie ee ee nee 12 310 hell ween ne Ole Miens me eos one eee 2 312 Shale, blue, Panda Blk ee ebanis Ot Basten ca ee ie eee ; 12 324 Shell; hard, *coarse.« sandy Wear emer ee eee : 8 oo2 Sand, Wttle-O1l dances cee ni eee ee eee 3 305 Shale, black; sandy, sees tice eee ee 2 Bo Mirales blue, hard.) eae, ee oe coe ee eee 23 360 Limestone hard (tases sn 5 eee are ee 3 363 Shaleseblite, hardin... meses aia eee eee 10 oo A SLEDGE POOL DRILLING. One of the most productive shallow oil pools of the Allen-Warren County field was the Sledge Pool on Bays Creek. Portable rigs similar to that shown above were used and the pool was rapidly drilled up. 88 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Sliales gap in kes: hee eee, yore ans ieee ene Pome aren teens 2 375 TiN SbOTe Pee eMIAy ete ow oes ce el elm, pita) cee oe eee eee 4 319 ROG aL we ttec e nare ov che ateacteoce ss rate ametse Seater 10 389 Shales ST Owil a Darciec. sh ee een ee ae renee meee oe 4 393 Shale, eer aye, s Nando se, ve eaten eee eee Ast 404 Dumestones, Varinblet en. canta. seas: Dee 66 470 Dale wards rots Clee chy ce ect te mee ete e tee 6 476 pe 2 hc aera te on ep APRN miei, ot tee Pyne na Sy aah oe a en 5 481 iimestowes 2nard +e ue seer ee en 5 486 Shale, roray, ehord 09.0, hvese se pesuss sehen bah aine gene te he ce 4 490 LM OSLO WOK Pet ce. one tl cos wee owe ees eee ee, eeree er ee 10 500 Limestone; (little salt) water) 5220 cass eneraena ck 6 506 Shales wolaG ks sar ian tects pons ees ie aarne term ce 10 516 DAC Polk, y DATO) lero rue ates, See ee 9 525 Sand eeray 2 COARSE: (OAS) owes) eee nena tes 10 535 Salm yeeta ys -COALGCL, oven: wis ec aiek Seton tha reas 20 aa mmrestone, Ss white: shard G4 seer gen eee oe : 5 560 LF PVE OT Cre wll ay Ca Ws eae Oooo aie choke ate een eR ees 20 580 Sh les raed Bere he reese tc oto usetayete puneten ee eit 5 585 PTH CSHON Cokes ce as Saeco orden Seek Cee 40 625 RL UPOSt Ors Or prearsae ate Rayos ean ines ee ana ae eee ee eee 7 632 mh ale wir eal) so iaA PO cara. tice ees ae cutee fees ne 2 634 LATTES OIC cee te ae we. acute eee Pen nen aes eee 6 - 640 Sand, showc OL 200) ) VC SHOt.) 7. camaro ahs aan 8 648 srareePomos Coy Ke OTTO WE. cr cee hy eee eee 10 658 Limestone; siohin brown, (water) len 2. ee 119 rare LA MES COUCH eyhs te etece pare Bh tee. cna apnea ee RIS a ee 43 820 Limeéstome, “gray, gritty, (water)oa...)..02e... 2 822 Dimlestome,ew bile ie Waler)cleso 0c e es one eens 16 838 LTIMVESTORC a OTA Vena 1 T Wiens a Oe meee eee iB 841 LAMOStOnEs NOLO WH Rane ge en oa ee ee 26 867 Total dept hye cise as each eet eee 867 NOTE—This record is entirely within the Mississippian. - Log No. 128 Croft, No. 1, lessor. Location: 1 mile northeast of Crofton. Com- pleted: May 18, 1920. Authority: J. M. Huggins, driller. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Souler ed; and ic la yan erie hee een eee eee 4 4 Gimestone,.. doOSe =. aaesenee, oo he oe eae As : 6 10 Shale? Hard; and, limestonew: a5... eee 10 20 Po os oe 89 Mississippian System. Thickness Depth SS eeNCE emer Cars CNS 2 Py cca hota «go ove fi eneh 22 42 ALTRNe CSM ON sp mean et Soho Bier RRP RCE eee ele ear = 45 wolis lee tia tcl ee eee ya ee Powe CM eas tes tem. brs 2 47 SAAS OMe eS Pr a vember Purerasp colt cel les ts oi Sede Sas 15 62 Rens APS Pag Wa 8 ll Aly orto aie: cael ope ee ea eee 6 68 hale essa Tye eee i ches Ge ea. Fen fees reveals 4 72 a CL ee Wn Pe ee ery te ek mere ee tetas cede tate sly vr A fe 4 76 iia! Grebe c Kemeyeeete etn perce na ecu ane etek ve 10 86 Shalesndari se arduree tore coed een ve titer ve terse ce L 93 JAMesT OM Ot Oba yeas LO Willer eaten teens ese is t= os shy, 1a 4) Shale ’Gorea kes ate ce reen ee hts ee ote seo earn ob ak aaa Limestone, dark and poe ae a ere y 36 147 Shale, Ga ncess ia. leve tar, apt manrers ceetten,. ah ot nice 65 212 Dad VCOALSe EO SOTA Va ier eek at oyets we banete fe) 6 218 Shale, hard 8 226 Sand, gray, coarse 6 282 Sand, (water) 9 241 Shale, dark, hard BP Fara ey Pay EAN SC 8 249 or Gl tee rcp en ee A eer ten Meke S nea g 1 250 mate, aback Narco ost: Mace thers re ere ater oe 8 258 Limestone, hard 4 262 Shale, hard EAPO RPAAY hata ot Sava 4 2'66 Shale, white, hard ....... 18 284 Him CStOne MDTO Wd, NOTG2 aoe © Lacon wera te : 12 296 Shale, black, hard .. eee ee, 4 300 Limestone, gray, coarse, pitty Ree tacer oHittene: oneuenor’ 4 304 reo fied, Van a Cae me Le TC) ee peies cmc eee ate ert oor e 8 4 308 Shale, red Acer yep, he ce irae Re rate Green nea 4 312 Sie Les IT Oty ie e eren set tan ee tens te rabe Saal grein ah, 28 340 Limestone, hard .. Pe et har ame PRA Ele ae 3 343 SLOP WEEE, 05 CERO UNE Rd DN A A Up ee re : 10 353 Sand, (show of oil) Pe shana nh aie ronlere Veto gstin see G 360 Sliema Pe akctnar cles he 9. Be ost teat yea Uae os 20 380 Exmespone naar ik sena4rd wade dae « eee one 4 384 Shale, gray, hard cts take soy oh eees Late torts 14 398 POL) eae mle eee aes hese, Wee, Reet alee ae erat ke 2 400 Shale, black, hard 3 403 Shale, red : : aan 4 407 Limestone, blue, and Ae hee Re Re ad on ae Pes 3 410 Shale, brown, hard ... 1f83 423 Limestone, brown 5 bil 474 ra leamilbarc wer OLLOM say ociesrstbela feiss ler om'e oe. a: os 4 478 mIneeSCO Ce MT OWL eo es a) ote aa eee eae he soap ee a 4 482 Shale, black, hard .... + 486 Limestone, brown 4 490 Shale, black, ‘hard a 493 90 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY, OF KENTUCIY Mississippian System. Thickness Depth DBhales (Preah!) Mewes Pry ahs leer ye loca ear asain 10 535 Sandstoue stp lace see fk eo ere te es ; 5 540 iD mnestoue, darks arden. br, ata. aac talene atime 60 600 sandstone, black, (oil-and gas show): ~~. .-:..%. 6 606 Les LO ee DICK oH eee. ce see ate eee ee ee 4 610 Tbr esibo Nesey lint Gate aa 0 os ee eee bee perme ee ee 20 630 LAMM ESCO yar hs” aa ers tity ae ee eee eee 21 651 Lamestoue, black, (sulphur water) fe... 8. 5 656 TIM ESTO N Chr WILLE Se hetsrece ore ee as a Poe ea ok ee 20 676 Tameéstoties \b lacks nee tec een aes eerste eres 10 686 LA MOSTONE PADIACK™ fAoy oes goes tin uset ease eo te 14 700 Damestomey dark casa rasits ciel keg 5 ee cee oe 20 720 Dimestonesiblat ka. ae eee ein a tel at es 20 740 biMmestone, «whites tine! a. .c.. 8 eee cee ee 6 746 TU MestOne wish ts Wak ee tlc am yee eect ee 1, 10 756 POSTING ST LLCs o CAT ine = ges ee do) See on eae 30 786 iurmiestones ioht ak tease itn as cr.clvamtes aaa re 14 800 Tnumestone, sblack, sandy. #0 eeeu ee es 30 830 TWMESTONOG dari Ltt. k ie teeny de Cot eee ay oe 40 870 Iamastone we dark) ous ga ee ee ce ee ee 40 910 JMMEStONe ligt we ley an ee histo ees at ae 10 920 ILAMESTON EO lACK 2.5 he * ee ee eee 30 950 Dormres Ones Bray we cos see acl Re raed, Gis. ee 45 995 hale, (bree) 476° Wa ao sae eo eiereetetege el ape se folar ot Np 5 5 Shale, black, soft (Chattanooga) ............ 18 23 Ordovician System. Limestone, white, hard (Saluda) >...5.0..... 27 50 Limestone, hard, variables, (0i)pes. ee ee 226 (276 Total idepthi ahi. neta eee eee 276 CLINTON COUNTY 103 Log No. 142 C. L. Holsapple, No. 1, lessor. Completed: November 24, 1904. Production: Dry. Abandoned. Authority: New Domain Oil & Gas Co. Location: near Forrest Co. Hage P. O., headwaters of Willis Creek. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth PELL ESE G em UNC mia rar tet ae Wie acre weer | -otellsge 30 30 ERIS Ceara hl Voom Get cde cocci ares tees tances 200 230 TRIM ESPOUS IOs UAT stolte eye aes ave lier Cars 180 180 i IMEStOMe: Went e analy) era. Se aeccss 6 oS s wanes 170 350 aMBeStTOMe ei Le. hati 4 Sere srios ie sms aeereveteos : 180 Seal) PLS OTL Gare Pay ce Mott Pee ps can. chee aatiarusobave op ont cho 150 680 Devonian System. Shale, black, medium (Chattanooga) ........ 20 700 Ordovician System. Limestone, dark blue, (small gas at 904) .... 270 970 SLUNG eterna ROACH Wo ne Nee eae IT ak ea Perm RT ‘ 977 PIAS PONS LO Will emiATO © es % Sitcsl ene ein afte ee es oe : 110 1,087 lnmestoue, Wdark blue, medium’ ./..2. 002/56. ye 258 1,345 himestone, dark blue, «medium v2... 01% oss: Loe 15360 PLU CCR LMAL ORIEL winch tere timed ioaahar she een'v get knee Booed 104 OIL EITELD STRATICRSAE Ay Gia iCoN lUGKIY Log No. 144 John Johnson, No. 1, lessor. Completed: November 6, 1906. Authority: The New Domain Oil & Gas Company. Location: Wolfe River, near -Tenn. Line. Strata. Mississippian System. - Thickness Depth Sol aan ved s Si. aye ae accra. vada de eens carer nnenmena de 14 14 Shale, black, hard)medium (water 22) 23... 18 32 Devonian System. Shale, black, soft: (Chattanooga) 1.0.5. 22 54 Ordovician System. iaumestone, black, variable (eas 330). . 27.2%. .: 546 600 whale. (pencil cave), blwe, .s0rt yee. ses eee 2 602 Limestone, gray, variable (gas 745) .....:.. 738 1,840 limestone, gray, hard “(ow 1,342), 2259 os. se 130, 1,470 Ibimestome, ora’y,. Dard so cheauae a eee eee eet eee 180 1,650 Limestone, white, hard (salt water 1,655) ... LON) Me ae SL) Dimestone, orey, Nard, OTiLevewecs .snkie eee 200 2,000 ROtade de pth. xc tetera s finde tape ene ete 2,000 Log No. 145 L. D. Bow, No. 1, lessor. Completed: November 8, 1907. Pro- duction: Dry. Authority: The New-Domain Oil & Gag Company. Lo- cation: Fannis Creek. Strata. Mississippian System. | Thickness Depth Clay, Weds sO Gl 35.1a chime ee ten re. oie, ee ie 14 14 She Lee DLIPG, sit a0 ft arene wen cme nie tee Aenrar tery a 290 304 Devonian System. Shale, black, sott- (Ghavtamoogs fe... 2s. ec 24 328 Ordovician System. jamestone, eTray, medi ime anew en Ae Er eh 502 830 Shale (pencil, cave), soft 22... ..00:. Re aie eee 6 836 Limestone, “dark oray, qnedium eae 37 873 Totals .d@p thee gto.e at: ata eee ee ae 873 CLINTON COUNTY 105 Log No. i146 Fesiguttrel; No. oleeisster.*> Completed: January 6:9:0) ETM ERLOMNC. © OTe | Moc ttre mae aw Se a dc 60 750 Limestone, brown, sandy, sticky ..... ries Aeneas 15 769 IME CON, ONY, LULU cae ede ol ae teha = ies) one 75 840 Limestone, soft, mixed with shale, (Sunny- BrOOk TOTMAtmONe Tetras. sc nlas te aot : 85 925 phale; bet, “peneil Caves soto... a tots WSs ts 8 933 Limestone, soit s(soapsione) Teor sess Se 3 4.6 27 960 Shale, 2nd, (pencil cave), very soft, (set. 40 RCM OOU AS Etsy Settee CRC Naeem: CPPran eta ate 5D 965 JING EEO MC wee Cy tere ait yous ee Ny odes eRe Ss oe 30 NBS Limestone, brown, sandy, (good looking sand, nO Ou ehow) COaliferous) s.tcers a daa LO See eto citpest One. DING. kM IXeCY oy Stan otetecthedet< os ets oc 150 1,250 TATU CSEOTE PT OIILCT A. tes om tere he ats Beales le Who ae 445 1,695 Cambro-Ordovician System. Sandstone, brown, mixed with limestone ...... oe 1,728 Re OT. MOTUS SIONS) Mecsas ain +, se ev evars a5) oe 30 1.758 PATO SLOOn Wan ALONG: vc 1a riaie rainy acest ol acs, ot 6 06 qt 1,765 ST OURO iam EIOVVI) hota acile nue usitna. oot aise sss 5 TSG 108 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Cambro-Ordovician System. Thickness Depth Sandstone, (oil, high gravity, green) ........ LO sel iou Sandstone se-dry, 1G wi bec ss ae eee ee 5 USS LANTE STORE 8)? sa, oe venue eek ee te on See eee 44 1,829 lamestone, “dry, brown’ tO Sray ce. ae sate ee 20> 1,849 limestone, sandy, dry, SbrO Wl a0) 50. 50 Limestone, blwe Vor, lOCse) - ee rts eee eres * 200 250 pimestone, otay, sott, slO0seoe =... eee : 50 300 Limestone, ibhie, sorts opem 2. ..5.. sere eres eo 31 Lumestotie, ora! js0 Ct, sClose, sent ee eo 50 425 Limestone, Sray, ards. Cl0Serr. sae ht dee 125 550 Limestone, dark pray, Soft, loose o-acee ase. 50 600 Limestone, white, hard, close ............-. : 100 700 Limestone, eray, whards- close sa. .e. em tee a kr 30 730 Tamestone, dark leray, S0tt;2l00SG2 an cn, ke ots & 100 830 Limestone, dark gray, hard; lo6sec.....- 04... 50 880 Limestone; dark, soft; loose ecmeac ieee eiecoe (85 955 Limestone, dark, "hard, opens. scm mer at sieve 46 1,001 OLA LLG CL Weer tert ee eet meme eee eral OL A little gas at 225 feet. CUE oN) CY SERS HINGIS ON The view shows the Kentucky River eliffs of Garrard County just above the Mouth of the Dix River. The section from the cave (left) up, is the Trenton which is productive in Southern Kentucky. Lae OIL FIELD, STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 154 W. R. Neeley, No. 2, lessor. Completed: October 6, 1904. Pro- duction: 15 bbls. oil per day. Authority: The New Domain Oil & Gas Company. Strata. Ordovician System. Thickness Depth Limestone, dark (gray. Ward 2 ag ae arenes Sos eal 121 LamestOne; -oray a Wa rO Go) am ayaa, Ge onde 60 LSf Shale —-Dimes* hard sss Piss perenne wanes eer eee EO ee 10 191 IRVESEOMes = DLO Wie JAaIO ves 9 ce eee ee ee 10 201 Shale whine. bard. -soLt5... wiesu eae wee eee 40 241 EIMesSlOnG, «PA ys LOOSE” srarrieea. ee anne ues nei 100 341 Siale, spite ihardssort soe nas) tees eee ees 15 356 iE MMESTOMG. TOKO Ws Su be toncin re homie © eae eee 269 625 ioimestone, darkioray chard a 26 sales am ae. LOS 130 iimestone. etay, 10086 san act. en bea eee 20 750 PAMeS COM eA LOA, Tay, «1 ata eet 35 183 ROBB Gia tie ie V cao ce Seis etree oa een ee cate 783 Log No. 155 Cloyd Heirs, No. 2, lessors. Completed: May 5, 19038. Produc- tion: Dry, following shot. Authority: The New Domain Oil & Gas Company. Strata. Ordovician System. Thickness. Depth Tin OSUOIE a Aa eee esa ees es eer ee ase 250 250 Dimestones bie mire Gillin 3.07 are ake eer 100 350 Sands Corey ear Ong tos meen ec ene aay rk cea: 125 475 LiMGStO Wes SOlte im ek eee eee ca re ae ates 508 Shale, white; Herds csO1t ao o. cassec eet a tenon ae 2 510 Limestone, white, soft, (oil show 522) ...... 35 545 Limestone snard:ScObrar serene oe eee he 100 645 Tamevtone awiiitesesott. (ween iar eee 55 700 Isnmestowe OSA nd & 9 hae dae wete th ee nee ee 150 850 Sirale; winites siard pic. cp eran Rte en aa Sees 30 880 Lini6stOie. Otay, SOlte ssn 2 acnemy neon ee 10 890 Limestone; dark, shardu, a aie ree een 35 925 Limestone, “white: haade soe een ae ad 950 DOtals dept bene tao an ocean h ener mer eee 950 CUMBERLAND COUNTY 1138 Log No. 186 Radford, No. 1, lessor. Location: Brush Creek Pool. Casing head elevation: 550 feet, approx. Drilled about 1867. Structural Loca- tion: Tip of pronounced dome on which are also located the Glidewell, Melton and Parrish wells. Authority: L. Beckner. Strata. Ordovician System. Thickness Depth Pa ie nt Ur eee ALC See oe vi gy Soop ORE cs hy mR ene 15 15 iimestone, (saliowater & eas 190). oho. 175 1390 Lamesvome, (uncontrollable gas 290), .<¢2...4. 100 290 dew Ges Sy Salen eer Caney hae ee ee 290 NOTE—Large and uncontrollable gas was struck at ‘‘about 290 feet, which blew Mr. Classon, the driller, off his stool and 30 feet away 99 into a gulley. The well was allowed to blow open for a week or more, when it was finally abandoned with the tools in the hole. State- e ment of Jacob Radford, an eyewitness, July; 1920. Log No. 157. Glideweil, No. 1, lessor. Location:-Across the Cumberland River from Bakerton P. O., in Brush Creek Pool. Drilled: about 1867. Pro- duction: a good oil show. Log No. 158 Glidewell, No. 2, lessor. Location: Just across the branch from Glidewell, No. 1. Drilled: about 1892. Production: oil at 390 feet depth. NOTE—Fragmentary information upon the further development of this tract is as follows: Glidewell, No. 38, was drilled about 1906, complete log and depth unknown. Glidewell, Nos. 4 and 5, were drilled subsequently, and the record is said to have been the same as Glide- well No. 3. The Wes Melton Nos. 1 and 2 hada similar record to Glidewell Nos. 3, 4 and 5. The Parrish wells Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4 were also similar to the Glidewell records it is said, but the records have not been secured. All of- these wells started in the Maysville (Ordovician) and struck oil at 380 to 420 feet. Casing head eleva- tion from about 540 feet A. T., and all in Brush Creek Pool. 114 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY DAVIESS COUNTY. Production: Small oil and gas. Producing Sands: Unnamed of Alle- ghany and Pottsville age (Pennsylvanian). Log No. 159 England, No. 1, lessor. Location: Across the road, east of the HKiglehard wells about 800 feet, between Calhoun and Owensboro. Oper- ators: Henry O’Hara, St. Louis; B. A. Kinney, Penn.; Luckett and Bog- gett, st. iLotis. Authority: J. Gy .stuart. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth LUE Sona eye) vee Be WeVeN COMM ae ere gn os yuck © odo recta ed 2 ole olisis 25 25 Sets GOELG: SOL Law fur ue ies Sennen ene ete Ree eee 5 30 Isiméstone. and shale co. ec ee oases ea 10 40 males blieks and Weal grat eat eter ke en eens 5 45 Sales sole, 2 hard qe snakes aetgee ese mao een eens 10 55 Net W Nate gigts raat 1h as leech, es ay Ra Aon Ico Eo 35 90 phale, ebinek Coal - een re et nee none eke eee cee 4 94 a Why Mer cli hie Mera oe Beet ne thors Avy Rehr ey ur res Le 1 95 Broken-limestone and shale. ....65 .250- see 16 at Ea IPL POC KS S OAV eer aes ee ace oa oka ae tee D EG inTesOn eo; OTO Ke te on aces ce ce ene aes 10 126 Syeda es ty Pty Soawedeet Anne, ono acs tae isee meee ee wine eee aee oe 20 146 Shales lack coal Nt somrcuat cue bakers evade hati oa 5 L521 TSC yr Ee see ee ote eo tae ed ee EE roe eee 1 152 IsrmMest otter sylUee yo ease ere aie eee cee ne eee 10 162 Dale alla Sen WL OT) esta. aie tatenste Cane chert oe pees 5) 167 Phale,. CLUS .carUOUACcOUd manometer es ve 184 Ra) ©, oeve Kemer ice ee ese, dren Geer a os sete eee 5 189 Shale oo Sle 8 EO gals” ete al a 122 Fire clay AOE bitoe te’ REESE SRL eee 6 E28 ARC MS 0S £2) Oa dc ee pn nar Rio Cte ee ee 1238 AG OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY SOW KENTUCKY, Log No. 162 6 R. A. Alvey, No. 1, lessor. Location: 114 Miles southeast of Panther, on Bushy Fork. 8S. L. elevation 415’ (about). Well No. 1 iz located about 300 ft. east of Well No. 2. Authority: Turner Burns, Mer. Panther Creek Oi) Co. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SCS TOM Ged 2. & Sere Ue Sale coe eee Sx apes earns 6 6 Wel Opera yo ae Pa Miaos oaaheaet te ee ere ere 10 16 Haley DrOM Tran VDL Wer ss sel sak eee ee eee 65 81 PCAGY Move aus oie aie areas au ae ee ee ee 2 835 SO Ses CUS ee Pare. carey i See tse Rede ae 2 85 hammestone- and wen ale irate eee pia eee 20 105 Candsiome,..:Conl MC show (mas) bon ae eine 12 7 OGRE SOG HOR cae ec tree res Ga eee ee ee caer Log No. 168 k. A. Alvey, No 2, lessor. Panther Creek Oil Co., Owensboro, Ky., lessee.. Location: 300 ft. from No. 1. Log by driller, C. Shad- wick. . Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth CIE a eee Rare ayer SER Pcs 2 ey eee Da on PSV MRO Lehi ym tee ce race oncm ae See ote een oe ee 4 25 Shader Chas satis eee Maman di aon aeanice tere ve 5 30 Shale, brown and blue (called by driller soap STU act Ce A> a oy en ig a ain tae Seg he ad at ee ee 50 80 elon h cea SUCK CePReeAy Reg Seeanacar rey eee Ctr area Rta, ey: 3 83 AT aac OLDIE tid oh tert a shee ar Re elie Bad totes, hc Gonatee el Ae 6 89 Igirestone, broken and-shaltes Dis 2 ss. 18 107 Oil sand 117 : ts 13 120 Break, parting not Aiantigetl ns cries Hb pet he 2 122 Sandstome: (oil). (as satel 2iee keen ees Seats 9 ial Shale, gray 18 149 Shale, soft RR are oot ORT ee Rg ERS Te be, 5 158 Shale: slot ack sn sso yarn ais eee eae eee 6 164 Miyerckin, 2. - 4 168 Shale, gray, sandy 24 192 Limestone, gray 3 195 Fire clay S 198 Shale, blue, ee ee Gs iad te 5 203 Sandstone and limestone sale seus Nias ex othe he de ‘ 20 223 Shale, black, sandy ORR IE Chat Bak BA: Soe ond Oe oD 258 Ineo Rrpi She: dep tii cranes aa a ees 258 An incomplete log. This well was drilled Some ate deeper. Well left in condition to be shot. Authority: J. G. Stuart: DAVIESS COUNTY ry Log No. 164 Higlehardt, No. 1, lessor. Location: between Owensboro and Calhoun, 16 miles from Owensboro, 8 miles from Calhoun. Operators: B. A. Kinney, Oil & Gas Inspector for State of Indiana, Henry O’Hara.. Luckett & Baggett, of St. Louis, Mo. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth CTLSE Sy suey LLG Wire 5 ene earns erent eceRr ss Ree Ms nee ereg 5a 20 20 arse Agewr OTIC WON ioe Peete sae hk pale, ne SSSA aire ee er mm 4 24 Fire clay 6 30 Shale, hard 20 50 Shale, blue . 10 60 Shale, black 5 65 Shale, blue 5 70 Shale, blue, sandy 25 95 Shale, black, coal 4 99 Fire clay . ee aces a 100 Broken limestone Bae ey Me Seo toh : 15 115 LaENVeStOnO;. DIU rICOT hye Kak gas we fea cl vow tes 5 120 Eroken limes tonerskeranelt). tecels 6+ eet Ges , 5 125 Shale, blue . besarte ane ote} Oe ae ree ene 15 140 SIEGE ACh pease Shoe as Eee PaO ee eh eet ee 3 143 Fire clay Z 145 Limestone, blue 5 150 Shale, gray, sandy ...... 25 175 Shale, blue, limy . Ls 190 Shale, broken, limy ih 197 Sand . 8 205 ee 0 ERG Ry yee, ea iter Ganon Serre c ar a ae aa 7 212 Decals: depth = tsa see 3 eteel CP re, 212 These wells had from 16 to 26 feet good sand according to the eperators and the driller. Three wells oa this farm. All logs run alike. All promise pay oil. Authority: J. G. Stuart. EDMONSON COUNTY. Production: Oil and Gas. Producing Sands: Pottsville (Pennsylvanian) ; ‘*Shallow’’ of Warren County (Mississippian); Cornifcrous (Devonian); ‘‘Deep’’ (Silurian). Log No. 164-A Location: Branch of Dismal Creek. Production: Dry. (Oil shows Galy,) -cAuthority< J. Owen bryant. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth ED ORR Airey ms es LN ai aba astle ms hobrate sa 8 8 Bee apse bee ON MEMS te wea oes he ee rice tere was Af Bue! nate eg he ; 25 BIG) i18 OIL: FIELD STRATIGRAPRY Of kK ENTUGIGY Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Shale” 4 wy bo heck a chas Crete ees oe he ee ee ee 25 58 Dt eetone. as. 64d os sie ee te ee ie ee ere 9 67 ih al a? cet Ake ven Anh vee crete ba citt ae eane Pe eon emo 15 82 TORT ONG SA: ae mn eee cE Renae ae 34 ae) SHAG Witng. cei ee hole ae eee 8 124 Di res GOW Gara. en iceae eae aoe ee 42 166 SE Dike teed oh! Sig chee Shere ea ee ene on Re 17 183 TANTESTOR Gaara cere ee eae ee ae 20 203 Sand, ace BAe TY OT Ce eae ey Mt vtiaty erat 1s 218 Sa Ped. Sd acy lis, keen ak as eee ere 42 260 ROLL ELLE ray oon acs ee Soe Oh nat ee ot ey eon are 20 280 Fim est ome,) Oba am oak econo tgs Peete 524 804 [Foals epi i eae. wesc 804 NOTE—This well started fat oe Ge haere coal. ELLIOTT COUNTY.* Production: Oil and Gas. Producing Sands: Wier and Berea (Mississippian). Log No. 165 Ad. Johnson, No. 1, lessor. EHlcaro Oil & Gas Co. (No. 2), lessee. Location: southeast of (Lawton, near the head of Big Sinking Creek. Commenced: December 4, 1920. Oompleted: January 15, 1921. In- ital. produetion?=<~.. 4. bbls7-oil.. Authority? C: i. ales: Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth ROT ede cereus agin ventttts OR tteun Sei ois ca UAE UR et Ss Pee me mane 14 14 Ie TeUOTS Eggi euaa i ea nlinlr mre tua ae eet orga SEs Sy Wt aa AT 45 59 Mississippian System. . Shale, (Ged srock) and tre clay’ if. ..5.. aes 4 - ; 12 re! Lites tomer: (4310-5) Liste) ee scon taicas eat eee he sa 162 Beh aatervnenale mac: 944s 6 Ge me gey iene urarrer cry ac Mmen crpsey etic a 20 182 haley Spl Ue | seks cc Seer 73 255 Sandstone, gray itt on ‘of oil) tee bie he as 18 273 Shales plies ya Re EN Sake 202 475 Sandstone, dark Mine (strong gas pressure) .. 10 485 Shale,» Diver saci sm CSAS eae ee 140 625 Sandstone (Wier), (anon of. oil) Mero atee nts 27 652 Shales brown) (SUnD Uy, ge ene ee oe as es 15 667 Sandstone (Berea), (little as of aiken Sete Ne 31 698 *For additional records Elliott County, see “Economic Papers on ES el earey Geology’—W. R. Jillson, Ky. Geological Survey, Series VI, Fowl Alt, aleyealy ELLIOTT COUNTY Tig Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Reidel CAPER Ween: era's ae Cote gh hop aes et yg egos 5 EOS SPIES Le Reel Ti Vices, Fearne cto euec ean ce te ecaice 14 Tt Pict eee OC TI ee tke ce ane gee ee erm ce Deen laden 4 Dal PAINS ROLE © wn cent tera rae aioe Ve eeseee ae ne eys Tale Voce dares 8 729 Sue le meoTe On. Sard Wi vad eae te wee. Re rc iia tao: 54 783 Devonian System. shale: black (Chattanooga). 28esc 26. a.) < son: 28 811 PPO LAMEC GD Ue ete ies ast oi ese e cieeeear e « 811 Log No. 166 Dr. Wallace Brown, No. 1, lessor. Washington Oil Company, lessee. Location: One-half mile southeast of Ordinary P. O. Eleva- tion: 922 feet. Authority: C. T. Dabney, Winchester, Ky. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SSO DSTA ccna i Sace Snag toner cna oot he ee are ae an aan 4 t SONA nk, cade sael e e ary c ice eeee Me Sorcerer 158 162 Mississippian System. Limestone .... : ay Le 2 164 Shale, white, ae aan eae See on fop) Ss 167 IL AILES GOT CFs teseetc cu. ers See eee s, seam eee «Sos: aks 86 253 Shiales svehiter. ct. oo tre eae Bemeogon oe euetiomees ve ep oer % 2 255 PINGS ON Gate nae eee a aha ena ewan aoa Ts era re 30 285 pales DLAC ke es a se. Sete eee OO PR 73 358 Shale (Waverly), ite By ier teens eee ste seen ve 238 596 Rolie ted ar ic eae crc 3h, ROME 5 Jotislls ones ahs) evens 9 605 Shale, white, and shells PPOs. SIs a, Vie heer toe. ¢ 12 617 SORE Nite a gre CIEEW GB ces ool cate Pein 5 A ie Sy ee 45 662 ater SU CIUS maces pe kt Me aemeels Lo tuts hay iget na sh oLo. amaiap 37 699 PUL MATa OA Oue kara onteeaa panes wasteh oho os «4 a0 20 iad Sales Diath GUA DULY cate amity seo aeece ce telte tare 1 738 pe MOSTONeR ED CTCD SLUG ame ett. coset hele 4 fay sabia wk 10 610 CAR a Oe. oO rime ies ts, Brest oon kery Rene a Oe 18 628 124 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Devonian System. Thickness Depth Shale, black; seit (Chattanooga). .o. 0-2, 110 738 Bire sclay, white, yellow, s0lt wea .e eet en iba 749 ibimestone ‘*sand,”’ soft, (CGorniferous): 3... . 3144 1b2y% Limestone “*‘sand,’’ hard, (Corniferous) ¢.... 314 756 Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ soft, (Corniferous) ...... 344 T59Y% ‘Limestone ‘‘sand’’ broken, (Corniferous) .. 2y, 762 TOUALS Oe DEE nae © ee cueemn as, mete ee ee ere 762 Log No. 173 Grant Shoemaker, No. 2, lessor. Commenced: September 21, 1919. Completed: January 25, 1920. Production: Dry; casing pulled, well plugged. Authority: The Ohio Oil Co. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth MOL Ted a Sot tomers. caters eka tewreateusente. ae aeeee te ea a 20 20 Pandstone, red. mecdiGine ashe ete oe ee ee 180 200 Lumestone, witites lavidess sor" care tee a ee 140 340 Shales bites, lrand 92m ect see ve eal atetee ete 450 790 Shales hard se pic, ss0 1 bam e-eriua feet eae eee as 805 Shale hard S wisitercsot tients oon ert eee ee 25 830 Devonian System. Shale, brown, medium (Chattanooga) ........ 116 946 Mireselay, “wil ter sor Laue ese er deans ne 21 967 Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ hard, dark, coarse (little oil) Oe aa irgisGa Tate ee eer 4 97 .L Dimestones: sand: sha td light, a) nr. 5 meer 6 977 FOG ae (LC PUL gt Ok ree orn perenne 917 NOTE—The last 10 feet of the record is in, the Onondaga lime- stone (Corniferous ‘‘sand’’). Log No. 174 G. R. Srac, No. 2, lessor. Commenced: October 20, 1919. Com- pleted: January 31, 1920. Production: Dry. Authority: The Ohio Oil Co. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth SOL, (TedsasOtt. Saws acm: cane erie meme ea ae 20 20 Sandstone red. soli, 1. a eee eee 80 100 Limestone, “white; hard... 2 eee oa 193 HSTiILE COUNTY 125 Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Lee Lemme SO Lae res eee ee nn aye et este me 460 653 PT OPCl a WAR WHICE,. acOl bom eae hee ten 6 ote ans 25 678 Sleilomr ek Odie OC Ke) ee SOL temas aac. chin wie kage 15 693 Devonian ‘System. Shale, black, soft (Chattanooga) Pirecels. Veg WIL, econ Va y.cceee eae aa op rh oo. 14 854 ‘Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ hard, dark, fue Ee ie 2 856 limestone: ““sand,’’ ray; sort; coarser; (little OLS, Seger a ieee Ne Ree arenes, SESS sacs 2 858 Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ Jhard, white, fine, (salt VU LOT mere e in, cy Shag Sef enue Aap aaewe nF oars 2 860 Thcepach Peare bey Os alt rt Fares ere ney Seer etna Ake) 860 Log No. 175 William MelIntosh, No. 1, lessor. Commenced: October 1, 1915. Completed: October 5, 1915. Production: 10 to 15 bbls. oil. Au- thority: The Wood Oil Company. Strata. Mississippian & Devonian Systems. Thickness Depth Vomto Peo lel pVite ail amacrine eaten Fier cas = 218 218 bimtestone (irvine: “sad? yo joer. nan nares ate 19 237 Mihai JeRey oyna Wis. PA oer ney cs Miepacarao Coren 237 A lead plug was put in this well on April 18, 1917. Log No. 176 William McIntosh, No. 2, lessor. Commenced: January 3, 1916. Completed: January 7, 1916. Production: 4 bbls. oil. Authority: The Wood Oil Company. Strata. Mississippian & Devonian Systems. Thickness Depth Parmespote mids SRALG ssc. |e eeepg hoe sk ne Ses 306 306 mestone a lrvinte ead!" Sasa e ce chine es 12 318 Tetiee CO Od Mave stecke eye ccis orc aper erage aioe, oaks 318 Best pay oil from 310 to 314 feet. No gas. 126 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 177 Dan McCoy, No. 5, lessor. Completed: June 13, 1917. tion: 5 bbls. oil. Authority: The Wood Oil Company. Sirata. Mississippian & Devonian Systems. SANA OG CSM aAlewas cee as tenes vests ee eaceo hate ace tae ‘Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ blue, hard . Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ blue, aay ae of 011) Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ blue, muddy (no pay) Limestone ‘‘sand,’’? brown and white (no pay) Shale, soft ae Total depth .. Log No. 178 Dan McCoy, No. 4, lessor. Commenced: May 30, 1917. pleted: June 13, 1917. “Production: Dry. Authority: Company. Strata. Mississippian & Devonian Systems. Limestone and shale .. Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ fine, dark, eale rarer 200) Jamestonem osand. lark) soot 3. ecm Limestone ““sand:?’ coarse, dark-—.... Uuinbestoue. sand.” 7 alo ber. a0 0 eae eee ae Silurian System. ‘Limestone ‘‘ sand,’’ very coarse, gray-brown and soft 3; Sheps wae wege es Bape Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ ney a gray Hees ont Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ light brown (smell of oil) Shale, very soft . Total depth Log No. 179 George Lile, No. 2, lessor. Commenced: July 31, 1917. 615 Produc- Thickness Depth 615 616 628 644 651 654 654 Com- The Wood Oil Thickness Depth 730 bo pleted: August 17, 1917. Production: Dry. Authority: Oil Company. Strata. Mississippian & Devonian Systems. Linrestomervandleha ley. 1c ere ieee eee. ee onan. Limestonen(lrvines* sand’ ?)\ 2 s.7eee. Total dept” ee... .. ame see tue ee eee a tae Thickness T27 38 750 732 755 760 764 773 hem | 808 Sil Sit Com- Wood Depth 197 835 835 ESTILL COUNTY 127 Log No. 180 George Lile, No. 1, lessor. . Commenced: November 18, 1916. Completed: December 5, 1916. Abandoned: December 7, 1916. Au- thority: The Wood Oil Company. : Strata. Mississippian & Devonian Systems. Thickness Depth Pies bOs Os en Genin em ee ocaces Pathe ove. 2 RMON or oeces 159 og Limestone (Irvine ‘‘sand’’), hard, light brown il 760 imvestome 1 OLlslioyye O00 tee ohare eure Chore Sl Lead LOC Ies GOP big sete ta ie erred reas: mae gia Stopped drilling in blue limestone. Log No. 181 Elizabeth Gibson, No. 1, lessor. Commenced: July 17, 1916. Completed: August 2, 1916. Production: 30 bbls. oil. Authority: The Wood Oil Company. Strata. Mississippian & Devonian Systems. Thickness Depth Tesco messed s ie, Oe ee we ae cosas) Acert sta ee (i pees) (ed) PR INESTOUG RC LTMmnN ep. Saude) | Bate «auc 20 749 Daniestowe:= Diem Naren as an ¢ ae ae aioe sau betes 3 tog pO Lee erd Cire teres erste octets eee te 752 Log No. 182 Elizabeth Gibson, No. 2, lessor. Commenced: August 5, 1916. Completed: August 16, 1916. Production: 20 bbls. oil. Authority: The Wood Oil Company. Strata. Mississippian & Devonian Systems. . Thickness Depth iimestone van dyshalem 2 a sym sca Nes See arene eee 730 730 Tmmestone# Glevyinee amd eye iria os nan tee 23 753 Rotals depen. erates sate woe ee are hens, tvs ie 753 Log No. 183. Elizabeth Gibson, No. 8, lessor. Commenced: August 19, 1916. _, Completed: September 9, 1916. Production: 25 bbls. Authority: The Wood Oil Company. Strata. Mississippian & Devonian Systems. Thickness Depth Bem termi ct Cp De VO! %, Socks so.eisuale)o/stere pa tater ae athens 785 785 amie .OmCmrlevin es... CATO!” ley sh iverg ce “aut alae Lg 804 ital ademthy ee < Sit: Sayer e ea! «ate ates anaes 804 128 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 184 Klizabeth Gibson, No. 4, lessor. Commenced: September 18, 1916. Completed: September 26, 1916. Production: 25 bbls. oil. Authority: The Wood Oil Company. Strata. Mississippian & Devonian Systems. Thickness Depth UTMESTONer ANU Lsulen cs eur Se aa aes aces olaarn ee: 732 732 imestome .Glrving. “sand?” 0 650 cpiecet ene 16 748 TOU MLGO LH oc ry. toate Sales apni ae ee 748 Remarks: The sand was all fini good. Log No. 185 EK. Gibson, No. 5, lessor. Commenced: September 29, 1916. Com- pleted: October 6, 1916. Production: 10 bbls. oil. Strata. Mississippian & Devonian Systems. Thickness Depth isimestome, amd shale”. eee eae eee ee een 739 739 lamestone. (irvine “* sand?" ae 4 oe ase ein ce 14 753 HOt CeO th ts ion. Steere ey mee cae 753 Log No. 186 Widow Garrett, No. 1, lessor: Commenced: April 20, 1916. Com- pleted: May 5, 1916. Production: 25 bbls. oil. Authority: The Wood Oil Company. Strata. Mississippian & Devonian Systems. Thickness Depth Hinieston ewan d yshiale eee ea rea ee eee 782 782 Dimestonen(irvines sama’ 2) 20.) aus eee 20 802 etal Sept ese hw aay ene ere ae of WER There was a showing of oil rae 782 to 786 eet. Log No. 187 Widow Garrett, No. 2, lessor. Commenced: May 6, 1916. Com- pleted: May 17, 1916. Production: 10 bbls. oil after shot. Authority: The Wood Oil Company. Strata. Mississippian & Devonian Systems. Thickness Depth Soil, limestone and black shale .............. 750 750 Limestone, (Irvines ! sand )\9 siya eas 25 775 LO taleideptiweme ane ae an 715 Remarks: The sixth screw cee ey ee HSTILL COUNTY 129 Log No. 188 Widow J. M. Garrett, No. 4, lessor. Commenced: June ( 1916. Completed: June 21, 1916. Production: 20 bbls. oil.. Authority: The Wood Oil Company. Strata. Mississippian & Devonian Systems. . Thickness Depth IYOVEStOMen ands SiAlCe qolts ce eas al ie days «0 ble eho : 800 800 Lm eatones (Levin eer Sad 7) eg cece elk she le gi sous : ie 819 otal. Cpls ser : : 819 Remarks: Show of oil at 802 ate The hua was dark gray. 810 to 815 feet change in sand to light gray. Log No. 189 Mrs. J. M. Garrett, No. 3, lessor. Commenced: May 25, 1916. Completed: June 5, 1916. Authority: The Wood Oil Company. Strata. Mississippian & Devonian Systems. Thickness Depth Soil, sandy shale and black shale ............ 747 747 Panes tones. (Lisi ne ssa im tek) eso le ese St whee 9 756 otal de pilie wae te o6 2 ts : 756 Remarks: Only a light show ne oil in ee mea Log No. 190 Mrs. J. M. Garreit; No. 5, lessor: -- Commenceds- June 24771916. Completed: July 4, 1916. (Production: 2 bbls. natural. Authority: The Wood Oil Company. | Strata. Mississippian & Devonian Systems. Thickness Depth ATM SONOS sa west TA Omen eos os coer cotter ee ts cots ohel ayes 803 803 TM eSlON ee CLE VINES Sans) mee alenes ales 34 837 AOUA IEC OUIEs sees ican a teteee ce state mes cores’ 837 Remarks: Stopped drilling in Magee eiton formation. Log No. 191 Mrs. J. M. Garrett, No. 6, lessor. Commenced: July 7, 1916. Completed: July 18, 1916. Production: 25 bbls. Authority: The Wood Oil Company. Strata. Mississippian & Devonian Systems. Thickness Depth Sandstone and shale ........... pate 772 772 Limestone (Irvine ‘‘sand’’), hee wee ree i 27 499 TSG Gaile CET G Ue le angel she! aioe a conted ke yo ban, op OR ORS 799 130 OIL-FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 192 Mrs. Jo Mi Garrett;, (NoO# 1, lessors Commenced: July, 20, 916. Completed: July 29, 1916. Production: 25 bbls. Authority: The Wood Oil Company. Strata. Mississippian & Devonian Systems. Thickness Depth DANS LONG ON iSAle nn, wer ee oe ee 728 728 Inmeéstone «CIrvine |) Sand. Gy se 2 erie ere ear 29 757 Ota woe th we pect a rece eek ney eae ae ems 757 Log No. 1938 Mrs. J. M. Garrett, No. 8, lessor. Commenced: August 1, 1916. Completed: August 18, 1916. Production: 20 bbls. Authority: The Wood Oil Company. Strata. Mississippian & Devonian Systems. Thickness Depth SHUUStOMey AN Ol S. See ie Ce ee he eee 695 695 himestone = (irvinen. “sand? O\s ocr arate ee Gee 46 T41 TOtal S0Cp ibd 5: shee ee eens 741 Remarks: Stopped drilling in hard, bluish-gray sand, with no pay. Log No. 194 Mrs. J. A. Garrett, No. 9, lessor. Completed: August 28, 1916. Production: 20 bbls. Authority: The Wood Oil Company. Strata. Mississippian & Devonian Systems. Thickness Depth Handstonesand shale 25). 8s ctereaieaue oe set 715 715 iaimestone, Clrvines sand?) —.cz0as. 6 obese. 29 744 TO tL ee Obie, tee ee, : ; 744 Remarks: The tenth and eleventh screws showed hard shale and mud. Log No. 195 _ Mrs. J. A. Garrett, No. 10, lessor. Commenced: September 12, 1916. Completed: September 21, 1916. Production: 5 bbls. Authority: The Wood Oil Company. Strata. Mississippian & Devonian Systems. Thickness Depth Sandstonerand ws ale) meee. tdeemie ie ater) nies 598 598 Taimoestone (Irwin e «Aisande 2 wees, cere ee te atts 48 646 otal depth Raz-c eaters sored sara eect 646 {STILL COUNTY Lod: Log No. 196 Mrs. J. A. Garrett, No. 11, lessor. Commenced: September 11, 1916. Completed: September 21, 1916. Production: 20 bbls. Au- thority: The Wood Oil Company. Strata. Mississippian & Devonian Systems. Thickness Depth RIN US LONG wai Ola Gem rte at sr etep ete a cea ie 715 715 Dimeston onl rvin Gee ssa 2) le eo). motes ox: : 43 758 OG ESCO PGi g naista ny Semcmir ssn amet tti ts Pate 758 Log No. 197 Mrs. J. A. Garrett, No. 12, lessor. Commenced: September 25, 1916. Completed: October 3, 1916. Authority: The Wood Oil Company. Strata. Mississippian & Devonian Systems. Thickness Depth SAIS EON satin ah vleam mnt eet ade Sct starts ke 594 594 Timestone (Irvine ‘‘sand’’), (gas in top) ... 37 631 ROCA Oe H Gligermmi rte cr. mua ee See a tecane 631 Log No. 198 Mrs. J. A. Garrett, No. 13, lessor. Commenced: September 25, 1916. Completed: October 3, 1916. Production: 15 bbls. Author- ity: The Wood Oil Company. Strata. Mississippian & Devonian Systems. Thickness Depth SamdstOne raid shale an tte aes Oe ees 766 766 Himes Oneai Lryinep essen We \iet wane as vee a stare 33 799 LO bat Pe hentia. pencce eS stop Bee ie ah ees woo Log No. 199 Mrs. J. A. Garrett, No. 14, lessor. Commenced: October 15, 1916. Completed: October 20, 1916. Production: 15 bbls. Authority: The Wood Oil Company Strata. Mississippian & Devonian Systems. Thickness Depth panastomerand stale | 2) c2S dee ite ae «Be o> SEA oye 493 493 iiestoticwolrv iter, BON 27 aes 2%". ese «6 eee 42 535 Opal ratlently Sea ee ce ei son 8 Por 535 132 OLL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY Or KENTUCKY Log No. 200 Mrs. J. A. Garrett, No. 15, lessor. Commenced: October 4, 1916. Completed: October 18, 1916. (Production: 25 bbls. Authority: The Wood Oil Company. Strata. Mississippian & Devonian Systems. Thickness Depth Nuimestone, sandstone and shale .............. (53) fESE) damest ones (Irvine: i) Sat a2) ol... tt eee een aarere: 38 fered Tota lodepih =. ee. Cae Best pay from 742 to 746 feet and from 754 to 758 feet. Log No. 201 Joseph Fox, No. 1, lessor. Commenced: December 2, 1916. Com- pleted: December 7, 1916. Authority: The Wood Oil Company. Strata. Mississippian & Devonian Systems. Thickness Depth Soil sandy shale and black shale .............. 635 635 Limestone (Irvine “sand”’), white, hard (salt WAGE i eno Oe ce ee eee Pe nae ek. 29 664 LOtale depth Mita, i) on8ge steers ee he eae 664 The hole filled up 150 feet with salt water. Log No. 202 B. Brinegar, No. 8, lessor. -Commenced: June 17, 1916. Com- pleted: June 22, 1916. Production: 15 bbls. oil. -Authority: The Wood Oil Company. Strata. Mississippian & Devonian Systems. Thickness Depth Soil, sandy shale and black shale ............ 564 564 Limestone {Irvine ,“sand”), fine oil ........... 9 573 Geely Dept 2 aiy.g c eeeeeae oe epee . Dies The first screw showed a little oil. The sand was dark. The second screw showed no increase in oil. The sand was gray. The third screw showed a little more oil. The sand was fine. Log No. 203 B. Brinegar, No. 9, lessor. Commenced: June 24, 1916. Com- pleted: June 30, 1916. Production: 15 bbls. Authority: The Wood Oil Company. Strata. Mississippian & Devonian Systems. Thickness Depth oil, sandy shale and black ‘shale “. 222. 2.22% 558 - 558 Dimestone Clrvine: “sand ?2 )\ ora ya aac. sw ear 12 570 Total. dépbi a vess s waoutes eee ene: sucr 570 ESTILL COUNTY 133 Log No. 204 B. Brinegar, No. 1, lessor. Location: Irvine District. Commenced: March 1, 1916. Completed: March 13, 1916. Production: 15 bbls. Authority: The Wood Oil Company. Strata. Devonian System. Thickness Depth Soil and blaek shale (Chattanooga) .......... 186 186 Limestone (Irvine ‘‘sand’’), quite soft ..... 121%, 198y% POL ald DU watasate od lek The eed es oh aterarco ee cb es 198% Log No. 205 B. Brinegar, No. 2, lessor. Commenced: March 16, 1916. Com- pleted: March 22, 1916. Authority: The Wood Oil Company. Strata. Devonian System. ; Thickness Depth Soil and black shale (Chattanooga) ......... rel A rail lamestene (Irvine Sando iis fact ens eee 2114 232Y vileragitah be ONS huss eee doy -eerce rie, ches hoe ar ici Porco re 23214 Remarks: Showings of each screw were as follows: (1) Shelly, with a very hight show in the bottom. (2) A slight increase in oil. (3) Blue and shelly, no inerease in the oil. (4) Filled 5 feet over the tools. (5) Showed good looking sand, with fairly strong gas in the top, filled 30 feet of oil over the tools. (6) Filled 75 feet of oil over the tools. (7) Filled 90 feet of oil over the tools. The best pay was) between 225 and 232 feet. Log No. 206 B. Brinegar, No. 3, lessor. Commenced: May 5, 1916. Com- pleted: May 9, 1916. Production: 3 bbls. Authority: The Wood Oil Company. Strata. Mississippian & Devonian Systems. Thickness Depth Po Ue ee Latte Be Kea IS aera ae 2 ist a, tt ei a ey aso -w ac yor 313 313 UsiesbOne ml Eien Sand 2) 0. races nes oon 15y%Z 328Yy PSOGAL ALOT an ee nie tas Sedre so Sade, onere ie ots 328% Gas at 323 feet. Best pay from 313 to 323 feet. 134 OIL; FIELD “STRATIGRAPHY OF (KENTUCKY Log No. 207 B. Brinegar, No. 4, lessor. Commenced: May 9, 1916. Com- pleted: May 15, 19165 Production: 15 bbls.— Authority: The: Wood Oil Company. Strata. Mississippian & Devonian Systems. Thickness Depth Pode ain Cae OLenG ke SILSL Osc sane ee eer care ieee oe eer 372 372 Limestone (Irvine ““sand’?), "(oil @ gag) >. 20% 392Y Total depth score chorea fuss tetescus 392 . Log No. 208 B. Brinegar, No. 5, lessor. Commenced: May 18, 1916. Com- pleted: May 24, 1916. Production: 15 bbls. Well abandoned and plugged Nov. 4, 1917. Authority: The Wood Oil Company. Strata. Mississippian. & Devonian Systems. Thickness Depth Soil, sandy shale and black shale, 4...2-...... 568 568 linestone «(irvine “sand?” ya iro, cecrere gee ee eee 20 588 OtG) Si. GDt lug ¢ a tee o Rede ts Gretta eee 588 Log No. 209 B. Brinegar, No. 6, lessor. Commenced: May 26, 1916. Com- pleted: May 31, 1916. Production: 20 bbls. Authority: The Wood Oil Company. Strata. Mississippian & Devonian Systems. Thickness Depth Soil, sandy shale and black shale............. 564 564 Timestonem (irvine te sande); oA O11 jy mere eae 16 580 Otel de pol rake wae tare eae neta acee 580 Log No. 210 B. Brinegar, No. 7, lessor. Commenced: June 2, 1916. Com- pleted: June 16, 1916. Production: 15 bbls. Authority: The Wood Oil Company. Strata. Mississippian & Devonian Systems. Thickness Depth Soil, sandy shale and black shale ...........% 5 Ou: 561 Limestone (Irvine ‘‘sand,’’ (oil and gas) .... 14 575 Ota Ae Wests tins Go ceesin sc. eieky ae ates 575 ESTILL COUNTY 13% Log No. 211 Prewitt, Miller and Goff, No. 106, lessors. Completed: April 23, 1918. Authority: The Petroleum Exploration Company. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth DE MOPaILOMSEn StOMe |g rene waite uss any 5 cts e ees. 75 75 DatlOSt Omen LE OLTGV ile Mp: os. cucsgn crete «tects os 50 125 UBT GTS AE LUE RO en fr cig am a Oy bein tee A A oo ga 10 135 BUC Gere lelvermarAcg thing -, Coie Te henley Sok sh Meek whe ee. 15 150 Mississippian System. JUbeake Sines yet ley fegw Bibs) eaenn Al acyn cen eat caren emcee ; 100 250 INDO er at ees Leica eects oo clara scot es ene 475 T25 Devonian System. Shale, black Cet LS lie eR eT 142 867 OGY Geol Val 5. Gnety lavs 15 882 Limestone Gepaet e? (oil at 924, 986% as 960) 9614 978% AMOUENP Seeks OlAEEE seen tease ty bc Te eee ee ee 9784 Log No. 212 Prewitt, Miller and Goff, No. 108, lessors. Commenced: April 8, 1918: Completed: April 23,,1918. Authority: The Petroleum ~Ex- ploration Company. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth SIVA a Ome, ecm rae ee Sie ie Gee 15 iy Limestone (Big one) BSE Ppech eae ee ree, 87 102 Damas cOlec ant analOee, anti ia Ne wae Cesk cant 508 610 Devonian System. Pen ALOE EO Wik debe ss teenie tis: cP aoe hee) chet avon? 2 130 740 Aedes (OG he nate ane : Ap oa, Seo a 15 755 Limestone (cap eee ey, 155 Mee ne Roe 42 (ey PIMOS bOMeG: 1 sive eta dees OF Mee, .. 9 oA ate yo oue sd 13 810 PaescOn cee CUOaDe SANG! eO1ly o cleric seis h sar 22 832 TAMIOSE OU Cee oT eel Oller hue decay Aiea « 10%, «=842Y LT ONE ON Gr eee ete sete dons os 3 Rast de Sharam 214 845 Total eae Boi: Rg aiete Pacis oar OR AEE PrN 845 136 OIL FIELD STRADPIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 213 Prewitt, Miller and Goff, No. 110, lessors. Authority: The Petro- leum Exploration Company. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth IOUS a iarats eer eyepecsion sis cpus ave levst bare aeuarerey aN oles wane eres? ; 10 10 PMCS Omen IDIS {Lal 6.) ) sacar oe gia unis eos el one ie ree s 55 65 Limestone, sandstone and shale .............% 507 Die Devonian System. Shale, brown Eee Pe Pitre ae ee 135 107 Mire ie hanya. aio er she sat fale Meath items 15 722 Limestone (Cap By ofl ae nae eee ake 88 810 LO bal een, acts ae Sara ste, 810 NOTE—The lower part of the ey 88 feet! of this record is un- doubtedly Silurian. Log No. 214 Prewitt, Miller and Goff, No. 111, lessors. Commenced: June 11, 1918. Completed: June 28, 1918. Authority: The Petroleum Ex- ploration Company. Strata. Pennsylvanian & Mississippian Systems. Thickness Depth Pamedstone. andiehia le. Petes acacia gegen eens sc 225 225 Limestone (Big yah ae eer enact Chal 2, oe aL eRe 90 315 Gla yin Me) ns a eeeg bere ee ook Sahm ey rn Aeneas 504. 819 Devonian System. shale “brown, (Chattanooga) “A..25.. o. os 2s aa. 135 954 PETG CLAY anealerad a Peace MeN poe seeker oucen a. vane Crane meee 15 969 Limestone (cap saa and oil ‘‘sand’’ (oil pe vtae Bale ESE pe teynias sree Oar a 2 yw on Ohman Bee ear Sosa Ube LOtaiwed ep Eh) Maa co. 1 ad Remarks: Bottom of oil pay, ab 039. iihe® reas part of the last 88 feet of this record is undoubtedly Silurian. Log No. 215 Prewitt, Miller and Goff, No. 116, lessors. Commenced: Septem- ber 18, 1913... Completed> Octobersi i. 1913. “Production:” 2oatonrs 0 bbls. Authority: The Petroleum Exploration Company. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth SOT. Wire aerene: ee Ree Ce oe te eRe 4 4 Limestone (ince, idee Soh be) Pi eRe 81 85 hal @; brown <2 ale es ao eee ee 605 690 ESTILL COUNTY 137 Devonian System. Thickness Depth miale. bigest Chattanooga) 2... 6 ac else es : 50 740 EPO SER VOCS Pome wee ORR meee Se Gate 9 749 Limestone (cap rock) (Steel Prine Measure- TEOTPE AM Gat fakes + 8 ee one Rae tas eR 42 (omit Limestone, 1st oil «4 ead ROR CIE Cee oe eet 2 (oe aici et eh ous TS) Wilber aie ote fe cttke te rte eee anes Sark 4 fel Silurian System. Warr sai Cutie INL Aku CObUL Ce Uyak ce Setenine Gh ata aaa eee 3 800 Shale, hard 2 802 Limestone, ord oil Peaud a: “(oil 400 feet ‘High) 9 Suen LM estone ane eh Aleme NAT | carentec atl ois aaeeie te 22 833 MLTMOG OU ma TL VOLE Sa ek tents sete « 3 836 Limestone 2 838 Limestone RAS cae : 3 841 Total At Rant te one eek 841 Log No. 216 Prewitt, Miller and Goff, No. 119, lessors. Commenced: February Zant oLo> | -Gompleted: sMarch= 26,1919 5** Produétions 10> bbls. oil: Authority: The Petroleum Exploration Company. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth 0 tl ies en oe. BAM ah Foren eb en ai 6 6 Sandstone (Pottsv ie) RSet center RN EE 39 45 Shaler Aga cAnaecOUee ang Tac eta: Steere as 80 125 Mississippian System. Limes bomen uittiow LAmMe ete acne 6 5 0 arte. 5 fe eo 15 ° 140 Meso lLes (isto LTO aa telsl wien la suis waste (eo cetet ese 115 255 OH ee OU DVR: peer ae pc ea ad a ic career ae a ee i 15 270 APM oe STK? Wao commas: Berger Pica arotngs paneer eae Aer er 215 485 Pialesene rds ATO ss iell Sat mie in alts Wels «0% oto <> 240 725 Devonian System. SUC TGP Gio g bie webs \ eke eecsthe ane herr arg ee aeeer e aaere 135 860 ltl; PARA © ites Wa, 20 RE Roe sarees 15 875 ‘Limestone (cap rock) anc eicpana”? Rorsoenta ae ee 98 973 Li Lr CL EV we ne en atatir nana ona Seika iofer ont 975 Remarks: Oil at 915 to 938. The lower part of the last 98 feet of ‘‘sand’’ is Silurian limestone. 138 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 217 Prewitt, Miller and Goff, No. 120, lessors. Commenced: December 19, 1918. Completed: January 18, 1919.. Production: 3 to 4 bbls. oil. Authority: The Petroleum Exploration Company. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Pandstone ,GPotisvillen seit. 5 oltnrett epee : 50 50 Nee NUS Rent 09 Ks Meat drag Bras MUL yy, are arial 45 95 Mississippian System. Metin Gs TO NGe te meee cea cesa te en en yane okie tee eee 125 220 haley 26 cca, hy hae ee ey a ene eee 490 278, Devonian System. Shales Oro wile ssc waste oie goa er cae ed ee 150 860 Dh oe oS paces arte, Mont endo acu cpne oily 1 Shgeetaue rE od 12 872 Taurest OMe a. SAIC 42 san erne rice ie eek tap sae eevee 96 968 otal pty excise ter eh rea ne eee cree eG ns 968 Remarks Salt water at 885 and 935. Oil pay from 921 to 934. The lower part of the last 96 feet of this record is Silurian. Log No. 218 Prewitt, Miller and Goff, No. 121, lessors. Commenced: March 29, 1919. Completed: April 16, 1919. Authority: The Petroleum Ex- ploration Company. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Sandstone and shale (Pottsville) ............ 120 120 Mississippian System. Limestone (Little ae re ha Wa he, 30 150 edie Rte mae Spee OE COS ems Fit Fea ory a 15 165 Limestone (Big Taine Ra oe eR oe 100 265 Seles nari. And shells. os. cee ies oe kbr.deuewsno aes 505 270 Devonian System. Shale, brown, hard . anche bie Shaws hot eha eters 140 910 Limestone oan roel ae Meaney etka: Adeeha ees 110~ 15020 Gta wmdemet hh yen Coe, eee te earn ben 0h goa 1,020 Remarks: Salt water at 922. Oi] pay, light from 958 to 978. The lower part of the last 110 feet of this record is Silurian. ESTILL COUNTY 139 Log No. 219 Prewitheeviillersvand= Got, No. 125; lessors. Commenced: August 8, 1919. Completed: September 20, 1919.) Production: 12% bbls. per day. Authority: The Petroleum Exploration Company. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth 550 Aare nal OO rer cs Pecan «Ponsa cereal ahaa Ara 6 8 8 LORS ROR Eh 1845, ay, Soe Pa ae ee 72 80 Mississippian System. Limestone (Little ae Sens ast OP aoe mee 20 100 cS hie, Lewes DC Meee mee Pe al PES Teer a ney wnaces. eh an ches 54 154 (Limestone ae ninmon Se a hee Reg te aS 85° 239 pe LGMmUNAT Ce eects none te cette eh cl se! aia ame fy << 189 428 NLU. TARO SEN. Qartro Seco iether Carre ony ake Rey ar a ar 250 678 SEW a Ue Weibel Eg ihe 52 cen oirdig ceptor Rea eee crc 37 LD Pilg LOM CU Mee ye Cr niet eGR ee tie or cata ft 15 730 Devonian System. eld Vel (UIE Sm esniQeletiay bauer eee Ott peariees haere eeaireines 145 875 Err mmC LL Vom se mt renises tits ve aed eye el Pe tah. Sores see 1 892 Limestone (cap rock), (oil and gas 889) ..... 7 899 Limestone “sand,” (water 900, oil 935-950) .. SZ enol Ota Lede pint ks et poe wie te Ay tele Sapa ho, a NOTE—The lower part of the last 92 feet of this record is Silurian. Log No. 220 Prewitt, Miller and Goff, No. 123, lessors. Commenced: March 14, 1919. Completed: April 3, 1919. Production: 10 bbls. after shot; 4 bbls. natural. Authority: The Petroleum Exploration Company. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Oller ee er ae at ee er 10 10 Sandstone vand shale. 053.3 s.5 5-224. 53 ee 210 220 Mississippian System.’ Limestone (Big Lime), (water at 210) ....... ' 45 265 Shale sereen! Peedi Pes tae poet ays a Gein as 185 450 UES ANTES Pag’ CBr ae oh aay apap ee yar eee ee ee ow 350 800 Devonian System. Slalom prow ies CUaLtATOORA ) a5. i cae aletes > cc opers oe 150 950 ET hages GLORIES i ee Oy cnet ar nea ea RO Pe eae 15 965 Limestone “sand,” (water 988, oil 1,024- STADIA ole Soro, See ae ei Cob eee Res Lidge 079 CORAL Le EUMae sc ye Arsen cetdns lem. epct scene | ie 1,079 NOT E_The lower part of the last 114 feet of this record is Silurian. 140 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 221. Prewitt, Miller and Goff, No. 127, lessors. Commenced: May. 10, 1919. Completed: May 29, 1919. Production: 20 bbls. after first day. Authority: The Petroleum Exploration Company. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SOL eee eee eae Sane acti hs test ee nee Coen ee eee ron 4 4 Sandstone sand sliatlem asso. = tee, peer eee ee “81 85 and Sr CE OUusville \me ae penne tee ieee a eee ee 40 125 HIP ORGLay ot oe elcaueee ee ein fae aes Pcs eet es 10 135 Mississippian System. himesCone a. cds eres re Ae el oan ee eons ee 80 215 Nae; SRO Wits Udeed cere ae sek ee cae ee eo ee ea 45 260 IMEStONO: sie see ee eRe ee eh oe eee 10 270 OHaler Soro wit i-o-srche neta as tyes tae ee omer ee ks ers 390 660 Shale erecd itv maeene erent cnc cen ao ane 25 685 LAO) SOUR ne cee eee een 2k Gite rs iris tecnica 20 705 Devonian System. | Shales Sorowl © ais. cokes ee ae Eee Set were 140 845 male, COPA Ys, ou caiean ie eeu toe, ee ta 23 868 szlmestone (cap rdek) >and “sand”? =). 52... 4.3 oo 967 Lota.Ladep this a « acto trees ee cree aoe 967 Remarks: Oil as gas, light show, at 886. Salt water, hole full, at 887. Oil pay from 924 to 949. The lower part of the last 99 feet of limestone in this well is Silurian. Log No. 222 Prewitt, Miller and Goff, No. 128, lessors. Commenced: May 20, 1919. Completed: June 21, 1919. Production: 5 bbls. after first day. Authority: The Petroleum Exploration Company. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Sandstone sand wsiva lene sc were ree te cee niente 80 80 Mississippian System. Limestone (Bios Lime) 2p ene ee ee ee 86 166 Limestone, Sores Sy) soc te ee eee es ee 15 181 Shale ssgreen hard... ke ee eee er 67 248 Shale, brown Mess oo eee ee eer as 62 310 ESTILL COUNTY 141 Mississippian Systeni. Thickness Depth Tmestone and. shel lesr dws. cleases oe ede ons 5 315 Sie el aC RAT. 5 cto eee eee fee tee eee 5 315 630 ES LOGICS es eas se eet eh hen ath tb 20 650 sibel Nees VAL CL eet terrae apes taint ar ope da 15 665 Devonian System. phale, brown (Chattanooga) 2 )...4.0.....2>; 145 810 UL RRRS CI ERI A ar ince eh eg Sa iene ge Se is 828 Limestone (cap rock) and “sand” 878 to 898 .. 107 935 Tote leden tives qarceswre aces nie wear one, 935 NOTE—The lower part of the last 107 feet of this record is in the Silurian. Log No. 223 J. F. West, No. 1, lessor. |\Location: Rock House Fork, 114 miles N. E. Pitts P. O. ‘Completed: Feb. 27, 1903. Authority: New Domain Oil & Gas Co Strata. - Devonian System. Thickness Depth NEI 2S. 1h nem hina sige Ete 01 perk napaey Sealine er eee are 21 21 shige; ard; black “(Chattanooga,) 2. «s 8 323 isimestone, red, chard, Niagaram -¢.......04.. 6 10 ooo Ordovician System. Limestone bastard pray,-hard .....5..00eas-us SEY 350 laimestone;, bastard brown, hard ©... <4... 2662000 40) 390 Limestone, bastard .oray, lard.c ss ot. sa: demas ee 839 1,229 BOG LOT EI at aia cient ave News ass erie sue euwrie 1,229 142 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY, OF KENTUCKY Log No. 225 J. F. West, No. 3, lessor. (Location: Rock House Fork, 114 miles N. E. Pitts P. O. -Completed: spring of 1903. ~ Production: first day, estimated at 4 bbls. Authority: New Domain Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Devonian System. Thickness Depth COTA Rem eS atte ch, oP say te othrs tami vag oe ne, Set EE 14 14 phaleeblack=( Cha ttanoogn,) ty. acecoa. le etare 49 63 Limestone, gray, hard (Corniferous), (salt ; water ine lastc2 feet it. 730 ce eee ee 20 83 Lotal depth te cen en eee ees aes 83 Log No. 226 J. F. West, No. 4, lessor. Location: Rock House Fork, 11% miles N. E. Pitts P.O. Completed: May 23, 1903. Authority: New Domain Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Devonian System. Thickness Depth ON ge eee arin a genes ah Aare aie ke Reka) Pasar, 3 3 Shale sblacka(Chattanvoga met vse) a enee ee i 69 i. Limestone or Estill “sand,” BTAY,e Ward ey ety 20 92 ewe tie ee Lotalvdepthiva > alee, oa eee eee 92 Log No. 227 ae J: F. West, No. 5, lessor. Location: Rock House Fork, 114 miles N. E. Pitts P. O. .Completed: May 30, 1903. Very light show of oil, good and dry; salt water in the last foot of the sand. Authority: New Domain Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Devonian System. - Thickness Depth Clay. Jthases Jia Bain ee ne ee TA Shale, black (Ghatienonens ey ie as hehe 50 75 Limestone, gray, hard (Corniferous) .......... 18 93 Total? dep this ae sen eae a toes : 93 ESTILL COUNTY 143 Log No. 228 J. F. West, No. 6, lessor. Location: Rock House Fork, 114 miles N. H. Pitts P. O. Completed: Nov. 24, 1903. Estimated production: 1 bbl. the first day Authority: New Domain Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Devonian System. Thickness Depth Qa VaR CLIO Witte nae este woe Ota te ened Sg Sale ras 45 45 ibalonm licks a Oll8 6 2 jiatiumeny no on ara clown c fou ors IND 62 areca Ooms SO tabla) At crac tke ee wea 13 75 Ota DAC ep Uliana et ea ce ee 75 Log No. 229 J. F. West, No. 7, lessor. Location: Rock House Fork, 114 miles N. E. Pitts P. O. Completed: Nov. 25, 1903. Estimated production: 1% bbl. the first day. Authority: New Domain Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Devonian System. Thickness Depth CE Varn YL LO Wie tat es ese IES Sree anes aha ws es, 19 Seep Ol aC K Ge Onl ) Mace ciered tah sce, Sr wath oe okies 45 64 bimestoner sand. (COrniferous |= fcc ee a.) ons 5 12 76 ota ep Litre eter cen ae totiidc: vue a stele 76 Log No. 2380 J. F.- West, No. 8 lessor. Wocation: Rock House Fork, 11% miles N. E. Pitts P. O. Completed: Nov. 27, 1903. Estimated production: 1 bbl. the first day. Authority: New Domain Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Devonian System. Thickness Depth MOLD WiaY CLLOWG Mere cl eg nd a ore lay es Eee hoe ads 8 8 Shale, blacks (Chattanooga) (fe. .s. sien 4 oto 63 T1y% Hines ones sand-a6 COVnierous |e sca detec ot oes 15 8614 LO UAM OD LI Wime caries tan W earch Acasa 8 sheen Las: 864 Log No. 231 J. F. West, No. 9, lessor. Location: Roek House Fork 11%4 miles N. E. Pitts P. O. Completed: Nov. 30, 1903. Production: much water. Authority: New Domain Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Devonian System. Thickness Depth Taree OWA eRe RPS tape ase reste ues oder e 3 passem Ss «tes 22 22 Shalem black (Chattanooga), .cj.scs me tered 2 52 74 Tamestone “sand (Corniferous). ...0..0-.0. <5 13 87 TUCO ee ae oe Ha ahs Be 87 144 OIL: FIELD STRATIGRAPHY S GE VCH NTUCKY Log No. 2382 J. F. West, No. 10, lessor. Location: Rock House Fork, 114 miles N. HE. Pitts P. O. Completed: Spring of 1903. Estimated. production: 1 bbl. the first day. Authority: New Domain Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Devonian. System. Thickness Depth COLA Ys CLL Wer OP Cer wan aris ot (on Wet Ae Aegan ee 32 32 phale black (ha tranoors. sand on eee ee 13 45 Limestone ‘‘sand’’ (Corniferous), (oil 54) ... 16 61 Jotal idepthey 257s cs yea ee erate 61 Log No. 233 C.-P. Rogers, No. 1, lessor: Completed: Sept.- 10, 1904,- “Pra- duction: The well was dry. Authority: New Domain Oil & Gag Co. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Chay, 2 V CLIO WE SOLE. wc ash oe teehee ce oe) Seago ea 9 9 DSewUstOneDMiesesO Lie seche nena. lees eae niece 36 45 Siiales bine ctcot tae. e iatenc neat eee eee ea wees 36 81 Devonian System. Shale, black, hard (Chattanooga) .......... 113 194 Shale: wihtherse0l teens. se ieee wee atina ee ematees 2 196 Limestone ‘‘sand’’ (Irvine), gray, hard ..... 101 297 S eohales bine,.601 bart airtel wig eran ey ete 32 330 Silurian System Shale, pink! SOft. ia cl obs aouelepn carla e oige oe te 60 390 Shale slies Hard Gn tice ae 15 485 Shale: eblue; sOLbs starts ergs hee oe eee een eee 5 490 Tiemestone: bie, ear oe seater tye netted chou. 40 530 mltales Die tA TOL) ote feteas Gos ERR ts eine Demeter o oes 14 544 Ordovician System. Liméstome. Dies, Wald sp ess. es ner enuneC niece 63 607 TOtale depth es 5% ft. streak of oil show 7. ft. from top, 6 ft. of bottom show of oil and much gas’....... 62 2,380 Dandyesime (lack andew Hite) esc aeke ws eee aces 3 2,383 MOURIACODUHG once waeetunen see tee shee 6 cess es 2,383 Log No. 236 Isaac Bradley, No. 1, lessor. Yolanda Oil Company, lessee: Lo- cation: 114 miles from Wayland, on Right Beaver Creek. Completed: November 27, 1916. Casing head: 961.5 A..T. Production: 50,000 cubic feet gas. Well abandoned. Authority: The Eastern Gulf Oil Company. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SOtlernigrd oS. Uhr y RUIN en ware ace rene eet Rutt es 6 atesene qoute 20 20 SagaSt Ole WiltGe mela? CO aewcus se focal oe ee ena eo oe 20.58 40 SLO MEAT) Me eee Pe ee, oh Le ot ee Ree Goes Pee 52 45 Sa MLSE ON Can er Pere ee ie enol tulet lord Be Sav ee t 52 UES ES oe Gyre Sate mie tor cot ee Oe cae eee eh Oe ee a 5 57 Sandstone, u(t resh awaber atc. soneers afore. ee 20 ae Si 1G Pe: el Pkt onions ob ot hoe eRe ee ae Sa A Aten an o 82 Damas FOIE; 8 Wilt b Cor Hur iat aeceteeu mena rere arouse. amare 18 100 Shales Wulrcr dre, se bore. carte seme ae eee opedoat Bete Mckee 10 110 DANUSEONe sew UICC eILAEC B ctiee tena cr eer he oe tne fae 25 135 SNAlOwe DAY. we geaeetis 31: eee Teme SHEN cca titer. 19 154 POM sLone we (laroe. Lresh ew aber) tce oo) puel coded cs 18 ee PUAN. TE Wis ee ps eae, ena iis Bk een ee eae 18 190 SCRE CES UVC es eae ake Marra coe ee hues AAR Satay UkO oe ence he ats 10 200 Se hevlomelrar dl Gmrere hota aera aca ct ier anche otes hore he 15 215 SoTL OLLO MMR een are cat cna eee a cation aon hel Sheers a 20 235 RIEL Cam EL AL amin Roe ee ro cedar aN ane Haire. Laie ans 5 240 SAIN SCOT Cameo we cae aeeee teeters cot toes epee cee, 1G 40 280 READE GON Ss BARS stiles tal le am Pe ace Col Lt ny ae ete 30 310 TION CON Gana. ben DleC eve tse socked he usashaie ee 15 325 Sa mEITALE Chee Ge a7 chee ete ei chticeeTaceeeion s otis a eae ; 40 365 Sandstone, (fresh water 370 to 380) ....... 15 380 SETERPORGE SE a gulipes 4 pn Ohes te Nat Roe Soe ar una er ter vs 395 Eid LeCeCebIC AL OOM sci CU. PEO (Calcas ot sine) ots) ayo «ite 25 420 Pu AMET ee POURS OLISe ice sen etna o nee elas ers 16 436 SST ES CIC C us vere te. Gore re at crs hdaeerer Ry oy ober cnte 6 hos p Ay 453 CARMI Aifrwace ht Ww ace Ay, Ce aa Sec Pee nO an a 3 456 ePW UNS Eb Tan (UN be Mok ee, Shee a Ee nn en Ge ace as Mm ten i Se tee 471 148 OIL: FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Shale chard arene pole cae re es Sete ee 5 476 SANdStOWey- ces cap ies ameter teen ee anaes eet Seema te 20 496 Din ale Sardine kee ee or eee ee kc. eee Nata 5 5OL Sa nOsStOR Cie wae eee eee ites cts le ee osha: 39 540 Shalem ard ey ert ta teac tt scckis oh ccceen an ae Penk 5 545 Sys [ee Vik Cae ol Chey oe csc eee crea cee eeene nee 10 Doo Shaler nerds, Lent acolOredss.m, sa.te tos ereusmereg, terse as 10 565 SATIS CONG Uns tre ce tedaus eaotk ce a re eal a deca ee ees 10 575 Ne Tebs a Let Ct nhs Mine ee a egr ating oases et ae ATU nus SP Poste mc 62 637 SAT CUSLOIMGT caus seas CRs Gs as deh cute tame ne eee apace 1s 652 il ill Se WAP eiy CLE ah ae alae ed icc carne eee Secor eae Taxon 10 662 Matvl Sto megs als she eens we ears een eee oe is 675 heclaltedl Koval ae N Gs Meh Megan trary ater 640 eu at rae ces th eal es 5 680 Sandstone: white. chard ape eee Sees eerie eons 3 peer lo Shales bardis ate: sere tesa, Le nee eer oe te ; 10 (25 Sandstone, iol tecolore dees. see neret deren 10 735 Sialewharddiss os ecnies Lee eee ane eter ss; 5 740 Sandstone. (salty watersat. 9000) csr eek ee ; 195 935 Shalemulack: Ward pre scoh ee sno ce ace aon cena 10 945 Shale Bia rds. tec tat ote hea tatin told ones eben arene 10 955 Shale mand) eaari lete cay eerie ie cece eee ete eee 15 $70 Shale, sar ds 1th Gate: cease cate cents eee eat 40 1,010 Sandstone to soe tekce hots. ccpeeeas cs eae nero as 1,065 Maple enard pldelcu t%. ca..i suse tote ete eeeeceene ee 2 1,067 MamdsiOR eo White. wv scones etn wr ee ee 7 1,074 Shale dark hap fii 25 wit. Ree ate a eee eee 12 eer S 6 Sandstone (Berea Sand), (gas 1086 to 1090 estimated 50,000 cu. ft. per 24 hours. Salt water flooded hole at 1172) ........ dot ee Oe Sha le we aril) ee a ciedsy tas acdc kee ee eee ee 14 APA Dan USbOR Gs 2 seat eee hoe ee eee scone ae Fee 30 301 OTL TO LVL Le toesdiee Sot, LN Sek aw heectate et ha nek tain ee eS 18 19 Mississippian System. Sandstone (Maxon), (salt water at 1463) ... 161) 16480 DphaAlecherdsih lek sao, wera ae nek enero ates eae 14 1,494 band shellesandeshale wnard: seas eee eae kl 12 1,506 LIVES TOME ALC sola Gk penn. ream ieasa cee eee a, 9 ph sales Shale hard =biaekiew.o-. Reh: es Ca eee 10 1,525 DAMOSHONG, “OTA Yon sett = sud slats ape cies eel ce L555 155.46 SHaleye nan Ola Ck eka eee ee een ea eens 14 1,554 Sandstone (Bradley), (oil and gas 1554 to ib DO jira, Foss cra aa ie Stites Ree Mane nee Pe ae et yates Zoe LO So Hhimestone, Gar PTayil.... sn ceeee eee tele e cuok ee, 4141,587% Limestone mwiites (bie olame yee eee ee er 16614 1,754 Shale, sandyaand red ( Biowlnjun jeer. a l,756 FLOYD COUNTY 149 Mississippian System. Thickness Depth phate and sandstone (Big Injun) 22...) ws. 249° 2,005 ROCCE AVON Cals Ges Peep as hee ecu bck ame ote tea cae aloes 40 2,045 Se MOTO Wik Aaya seh sitmen une SERRE nen eeemees eater 100 2,145 Devonian System. phale shard, black i( Chattanooga) Pre..% se ba: 155 2,300 Shale, and sand shells (Chattanooga) ....... 3 2,303 pale sard, biaeke( Chotra moO gms) cnet el onak as 10214 2,405 MODAL MOO tl aot ares aes rea whey aes ae ato 2,405% NOTE—The sandy phase is the middle of the Devonian (Chatta- nooga) black shale. In one well on Aker Branch of Left Beaver Creek in Floyd County this sandy shale produced gas, but it never has pro- duced oil. The Corniferous was not reached by this well. Log No. 237 Station Well, lessor. Pennagrade Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Location: Maytown. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SO LUMEN, oman eo ett A te eens a sass oecl odes 55 =O“ Ro lye Geir e earvens, seo Peirce ter certs cat ke et shar chs. tra torte e eee 75 130 aU POMC ge cay Sas ote card abies are Sees eye eel as a he 80 210 ple bev Ley G lew peta potas: aie atelons ip as cis Se oie eye 215 425 SUMMA RUL SO Ea Ary erie Gan) ORC ae rs ear ees 60 485 Shale, black, (gas 525, gas and water, 635.... 265 750 Pla Cymer cL Veins ceae ro vansck saris gs Sere. oman os fay atie ays foils ca a 38 788 Sled Or DL Cle ee ceed were e tthe Sean e three ees 10 798 SAW St Om Guia. mercy cre tee 8 tte wreck es cls ; 42 840 Mississippian System. RSUME MGS, URGENT BONE Bi A ys oothc paces as Seb hear ae 54 894 Sam aston ene Mx ONL) Meee anh ee svete say's 5e lens srs 55 949 Sandstone, GWater and-as +387). .8 2.5. ae. 41 990 BO LA ee ChOID BGI e cote cic prone rs e tus Gr ove sented ore : 990 Log No. 238 S. May, lessor. Pennagrade Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Location: Mouth of Wilson Creek. Completed: October 31, 1920. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth pECOIN = Ose Cute cay Orem TG ae oe er ae 27 27 SS BALIGE A So, ot Raa i athe ONE freon: Mee ae fata ae eRe : 75 102 PINRO COMES Bees Cts vcs whe av ead ccs. sheets ace sea ov 58 160 ree Se ROB Wd ES | 5 ER mn aes aig ae ate ATT A AeA AN 200 360 150 Pennsylvanian System. OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCK Thickness Depth ROUISGRDESTRODONED cf... Me Amann ous. col 7 Gas ean ara eerie ety a 40 400 S aO ston Gimesiia lye Were wearer see ras baste, cos. iera sere 118 518 Sandstone, (920,200 0008en. fisugas) - os oc. 232 750 Shale; bigek\ salt-water: 6.00) scan. cers tsrse ees 20 770 Shell, wblaeketoassshows 62:0). se eter a eee mene 38 808 Sandstone. (200 00 00cu) ft. pas. 9610) giemeceen 44 852 Shale wolices COASM Pave) Gry Mecie tec: eo tene et kate wenn 15 867 Sindstone (salty aes sets eee ee et ee ee 41 908 Ota SC Dt Diego tetera eens oc meme nares 908 This record is all in the Pottsville. Log No. 239 K. Moore, No. 1, lessor. Pennagrade Oil & Gag Co., lessee. Com- pleted: October 16, 1920. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Soll Bee are aes en ATT ie ee cloe eee rant 65 7.65 WHA Osi ate icts & Scare encie etece pee Sune Re NR ETE nes Renee wee oe 95 160 SAWUStON Cana or fe RO ae ie hoe amen heen 40 200 Shale rate ye tet che ote ea Ree ca i ease ede : 10 210 SAndStOnNOmD Wes. esene cre at ae taken ee re eae oe 20 230 Shale, Coase s 0.0 yi eet ene cates sees 95 325 MN aleces Sea ta, ere maroon eee ea earn . 100 425 SAMUSEONC aR OTAV. secu mats eee eee eee weete . 20 445 Shale ee its eters ss eB rehome Lene ee Memon, wer oma eth OMe re 10 455 Sandstone, spine tsar cee oe aes ee eee 70 525 Sandstone; (Sasso. 02 ee... cm Leis weeetes mene 2 70 595 Shell etka da ckche aes Vale coemenene het ee hae eae enen : 5 600 SaUGstOne; water 1012 ) ee eenw. co nee ee wr eee JL 755 Goal (gas.8 76-906 \ ation wenn = tee keer eee 10 765 Samestonesu.t. ae Ae ae eee ne ee eres ; 60 825 whale. and«sShelh = ia2sse sean wiereee roe ers Tene oe 43 868 San dStomea, Ga. ec gars ee eer ee ee ee ee re me as 38 906 Mississippian System. Shale, broken (gas 926-966, 1,500,00 cu. ft.) it 907 Sandstone (Maxom)s.s a. o. ekstg oa eit ciate ts 62: 969 LOLAt /COpth came ta eee ee eer, 969 FLOYD COUNTY Oak Log No. 240 S. May, No. 1, lessor. Pennagrade Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Loca- tion: Mouth of Wilson Creek. Completed: January, 1920. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Sib GP es pate Cee eee eet ae rat Recor ea en Pee 8 8 TR VOStON Gate, coe Aretharviae nee 6 3's ayumi Ae sae ec 90 98 Une ICI se ss ene aes nage eras rete ee Oe 60 158 STATO SEG Gwen eer nee tte Me Oaks, ano akopatocesckey vie ms, oeaes 18 176 ROW RCZMIES Shes ipemiagly eer ge ies gti ener Ra Om en SOS Pra 90 266 SADGSUON mrss Soectes he ht soe ose hc teescher te ee at 60 326 Ro) di AS arts Hee oie or eee eae eee ie ar ne a GE gr ee 50 376 Livi OSUON Getic: tee wes aes or ebalaua selene © tec he A toa tes saharte 15 391 SUT S bOMGR enya ae eet star. ameter en tat aes 50 441 Sel WES os eer oe at ec eras ar ce eget nh ree age ee ae : 60 501 Shale, hard, shelly, (gas ae Ste eet tah he 50 551 OTS UOT Crk ta aera eae Aya As nck Woueies ve mas ei aES #2 eps its 69 620 Dia leeiw + eee, ; Enc, SERN a rete oe, 8 628 Sandstone, Gan note 735) Mt Nbc leets sate CA 140 768 Sanastone; My Gvaess acts ewe ees chew ete eos 30 798 Handspone.<(salt water S20) Gir. vs: mem as. 62 860 Shale and shell, (gas and oil show 969) ...... 104 964 Sa NUS bOl Crain, stern rk eet ast iewien Cems Renee TRE = a eg 48 12012 Sitales(wascepave LO20-LOT2 Wy tip ta esata eee Ls O27 Mississippian System. DAWES CONS = (Mia COM gee an rote suekcetre de feo wow caleh eeielt 45 - 1,072 pe COUN Ets ola nad ON er, Spat aae da aa or Rear ear ee ree ee eee EOC TW EL OM Oe) Oe LLC eee ater eee Wane eaters era, ore 15 1.205 Ne LO EEW ge pal Se F RSL es de RIES Ss OA Coe ty, CE ientge : 12 they EF Tamestone=(littiowlime). ieee iene se ees oes : 23 1,240 immestones(. Bis Uime ss CWALCT)\ as octets. oot Sets 190. 1,430 DOG ALTO Op ilires sts. ge sae coh salt 6 aire theta he rs 1,430 Log No. 241 H. May, No. 1, lessor. Pennegrade Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Lo cation: Right Beaver Creek. Completed: January, 1921. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth PO eae tee ee rhore eneMamts she eel wh. Sv ior ohn F avon eratamy uae Coane : D 5 PLING S OMG wae reiainis sce 4s eels CA See sive MeN Ore om 20 25 A 5 ce PE oa a me Aan er ae anc 14 39 ‘691, osed uo Suvodde [[eaM 94} JO SOT eu, “AMonJUIy [BV1}]UIH UT TIO ,,UOJUGAL,, VINDJGS 0} $}d9}}B [NJssooonsuN JO JIquINU 9s1BT 9Y} JO JUBOIF JSOUL OY} JO YAT}VAL -SN[IE St AJUNOD UI[MUCI UI Yoo uosuseq uo QZ6T JO JOWWNg OY} UL PeTIlIp TleM ‘T ‘ON JeqeaM ‘O SINO'T *‘MOTTVYS STULL UHLsnd Ssvay ANTad V FLOYD COUNTY 153 Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth ey Reet CMPD Ce eS Ol Pca ole Pata ree sane meni g echt da eka 4 Taz ey ela Nano) ROMANS AMI sek ira PRY BAN her Ee ; 39 OU SHER wet Aereatinn othe Cr MNRAS San RRO i Re Se 30 220 PEG ONE ay rice oct one be Pie once heae carsngadece. oi : 165 SOO SERA Ua CRONIES Gees SOR Gk oie Diag rik NU ear ARIE pul See nae ee ae 120 505 DA) epee lie Wiel Gor GU) O etenctea re god ace Anson a, « 287 192 Se LMM Ee C om Vege eWay oe eY aon ose uwies Scere eters 4 796 SS Hoi Dee as Cet SAL CUlig une enke Metta wily inp n'y ath pcm ae 2 Ane 14 810 Re Reem ere tenas Grin MME PAE. Pe ike Vi aves Sam tye Wek ae eee 8 818 Se REC SOE Om Mirena niches, cot nlewe Oiecls cb te Spar os nae wate gs 2 820 SHORES. LOE ON deg PR ew te Ce tes ey en Cae, es 16 836 SHEL AUG ICAO IGE ag AOUSUN Aceh Ie che ae er eo Bee he sy eat : 45 881 Mississippian System. Shale, sandy, red, Mauch Chunk ...... eh eee ; 64 945 aay Lemme Vein (lenmemn (ert TYR ame ope newteeMet aps, cco eae) 2 98) oaks 30 Was Siigiemmoamdyvuered Mauch -Ohunlkes 2. sc sete ws 25 1,000 Shedlemeca tl eer Otestiows 10 0) ea. ce Pec crete 12 1,012 Ne Sls Wit Ste ka Aah Boe pad le eee ee eran 18 1,030 RPI OLe RS VOR ANeD ROMER cet co Sate a en Ee gr pe a ae ae 45 107 bya Gen OF) Curate Bere ce Ns i et tee we he, a dS 30 Les POCEUES, Che The aaet ows ota ce eae meter hice Sapte g ge ial ess Log No. 242 Dovsy, Nok, glessors - Ky.) Coke, Ca., lessee. Location: 8. May Branch, 2000’ from Wilson Creek. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth PO Lee ee Me cay eae share: nie ema Se Tafasss ; 22 22 UE C1 aan att Ste aw ome we ken cen «aot ona © 28 50 OUD IEM So CREAR Suh ee fae’ ile Te Se NU AR ROE Cea EPS Mar Ria lar 200 250 AUTOS C Cammart Ee Sooke cere fu oie, Homey Ama rae Sek ces sts A Pat Rach cpmiter mes OL yar aninr te Geateet na tun cape aie cha: 20 300 SUNG) Gees Snare PMN ren Ss Uo tals eb n ohetst oe so) 6 56 356 Sarit ON Cmm aa note. than ote Meee oe Sea 14 370 SVC GLO) CME wR at ot pr men ese os. cea GeNey soto oe 20 390 SUSU oT 2 ah ie eA eee a a Sa a 20 410 SLES hE) Came PRs ae wine or cao eel Yate babar whaas UBS) 425 SSPEARS: ODER 6 as) oc enn ei ee 65 490 SNE SOC Men gtr ls tniee oy tact Matis eoedeo gs cue Naln tana sya 40 530 TAPES eaBeena hice Oem, Pee aR eR ee te EN Re Mon es RA 10 540 NSP O NAYS Bot ay SUCIE GPR silersa A Bo a RRL RC cH a Re Aa a ng 190 730 154 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth NOL AG Se eas athe tt Sune Rt eee sty ciel eon Vans ce Nomkolae Role 8 738 SATCSEO MO. Berne nie air Re ecedoe ee cs eos a oe2e fon ene : 122 860 LTS LO 1G) mete ecw rolls ede ie. seems ots ix oa. Xa es ee enale 25 885 AER tent 8 O08 ea Ae, a BR ee NE ea pepe. 6 A 10 895 Mississippian System. DAWU SPONe mua KOM ams fis. < a ou ts. «been tte ee eet elke 94 989 (Sa peewee RM are Se an a Se tele gue emer GIG it 16 1,005 LR Cat OMe meh Ome eho tos sioe a" sco ove toLenebe. oat comonten sate 20 1,025 PVA S POMC sm LITINY GER eters 5 eroleoers opel a ese Shae 6 ea are agi 1,060 PVG CMe eet er he hn Et, oc SW ere tat ue Mere eo eae Ly 12070 Sine Le meth ye ROC MMe: Rotana sce Sess te Bie cee et eee cae he ps 10s L035 Ta LGPEb Ss VS Soaks She Me PN ae sinc Be te neat: do eee aero 18 5 ew RE B, oto leeep ing wen. tues este creme earn 1,103 Log No. 243 J. H. Allen, lessor. Pennagrade Oil & Gas Co., lessee Lo- cation: Maytown. Completed: July 8, 1920. Production: Open flow from Maxon, 985, 250,000 cu. ft. gas. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth OTT ua besa. ceher oie gage add cali eae a ae ee a eR een ie 40 40 SANUS LONG citer ees oP eee cer oh en ney mae 100 140 Ca, Le Re a co be te Oe ee eae ie. tense ONE inns mete Sr 10 150 Sandstone dat. ce cto eee cee, Cee ames ee 70 220 Sale *Se-5 Bae eas hoe eee ae Eee? Mae ert hs oat A 30 250 Sandstone i aan t ain sere ee aed ae eee 10 260 Sha leis.5 out. eee eee a a oy ee ee ay een ee 100 360 mands, Stok ants OE Uta 2 mnt, Be OAT mee NO ae rae ee ese re am SeUILt S COLL MM tt eie hans tcd at trevor Soe cep aT Ns Ja anes SSGR OE | bans ie Ar SEB aR e g oene cae a Sendstote-w(faseoi 0, 20-0000 teens ee cers Stl are snen Cero) 50n00,0).) Ol at sutomere toleel ewer sat eos PaAmcshOne sora yam eae ccs 00 yee secteec sete cctaracs Baudstome, OTA ven easy 2050 00). Wess ees PIANGSTOMC peta iis cs hele et S.0Ps, wi ee) eee sala Sat Us COIO, MON Vere cae ngs amees Syn Stora .thls ws ocne - NEPEAN ECU AAY! Wotan dM 2 Ae ee eee re We on oh ee Se Sandstone, gray and salt sand (flooded 680) .. ONDE Pe Ie, carat, scene gare Bon Ae Mere BR rae a Hei aeeraMeee rete tte ee a he NE ee 4 Say s Mississippian System. lig Vere Ped esa 1h Vo ence Weer comer cereus ee Rhialeuee< taba SaiiicrOncaronta ON eet terry Meeker hee ee. AW ays 507s Fo 0 ol Seca oa mecnaee ao Car earn err eres Log No. 255 Kentucky Coke Co., (J. M. Osborn, No. 1), lessor. feet gas. Orig. Roek Press;:275.lbs. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. SIND ten eb eerie Cade ey Rete ECE ON ac ae CIENEGA OES, OL ORIRE CS CEO ne et nner ie man Completed: Thickness Depth 45 20 55 60 55 35 130 45 65 120 180 235 270 400 525 545 562 568 598 714 lat 765 805 808 814 863 863 Louisville Gas & Electric Co., lessee. Location: Wilson Creek. Date Drilled: Nov. 1, 1921. Contractor: E. B. Duncan. Orig. Open Flow: 1,150,000 cubie 20 40 1 149 35 Thickness Depth 20 60 61 210 245 164 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Pennsylvanian System Thickness Depth Shale: caleareousi aces welt cee ce tee meee 65 SiG ISLC ie car ae cae Ee Be teins pee Serine ie eee etc creae 50 360 MRA he, “GAraTeCOUS far ct cco k ele a oe eran na, eee 20 380 DAMUGLOM Gime emai cn ete R a ce eort ete enkee orcas ton 40 420 peo WM he Mr adr a ens Aen OAR WG ye eR En AEA atin ae os 20 440 Sha lewrc a oar Ole m eee. wea tonen cet oceans ee teae anes 10 450 SLOT Cuameeete npr Rin ahr Geen oi oe ite oan ee ater ; ¢ 457 SEO MeMe AICOT COUMS iran. ke c5- Vela we utes eh eae ee eoee Renee 6 463 SATE CS COIL CMMMee A cotter pete tote ae cree een ca emer ar at ate 47 510 Shalem nar ghee cs ceo stare tenants: PR Aen dee 225 735 Rel CW ti esa TS cet a SCURRY AP ra A RE Raven Saal = ai cS o0 Dek CSLOl Cau sauce ce aoar Pic mttaer a REP ae eae een 5 (E55) oh UBER Us ater ees oheaalichs Pipe nde te eee gine opt van, Tete eS Ae eh 95 850 Neds ReW Wome ull ae gro Qi Wbrsets urea tab Pe a hainarnuyt wir ey toy i Ge Ae poten ke eee 5 855 Ss er ete om at ey ee oe eas Bee eeu penae ere 7 862 WA OSLO los merrier Ohotet oes on Cac reos eee hal seat eter Merriee ee 2 864 he ENT ham nn ember, Vn Mather an ACS haem Ura rerg Mr Mh Shad : ‘i; 877 Rep WANG RUR Ss) Mobs mrew Mtn APabg ae Reh Fan piace, Ss orink, TA ; 13 890 DNTPS, I Goma. car tee og talon Moms LsMeareee arava cle et artener sete voter: De 945 ELD OSEOM 6s sry. a eee orgie aie es tne ee ee Tinie Veer ; 5 950 Mississippian System. THIN CSLON CA ere Are uel ote th eon ene ean heres sek eerree 25 O75 Sandstone 3 978 ROA Leaeste cstacteueeer ste ter sacee tee cack omen chee Race eek een one 7 985 DATOS GOMES. Aasrce ak ute ee re ee eee 5 990 A Mop TIE Ney eh ae renner ar Anos uo 4 ar 990 Log No. 256 Kentucky Coke Co. (S. P. Ratcliffe, No. 1), lessor. Louisville Gas & Electric Co., lessee. Location: Head of Wilson Creek, May- town. Date Drilled: Sept. 30, 1921. Contractor: E. B. Duncan. Orig. Open Flow: 170,000 cubic feet gas. Orig. Rock Press.: 530 lbs. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth (FLO Viel areca hike eee een tab rn weeks ete consi é 35 35 CORP ARES eioreepet siete ere, Crete eee es eee ee he 2 37 OME Weiter tare a Parmeter a ese He chee aR RED 13 50 Shale, ealcarcoiismece:. are ee ee ne 40 90 Shale: et pecs aa Ue ee tess ee ee te hee ON AL Sect 2 45 135 DAndstOwem. okey: bene ae oe grea ten Jol. 1b 150 dale? os bs alata ke sliy Se Geena ee En On A oe ; 20 170 FLOYD COUNTY 165 Pennsylvanian System Thickness Depth Rol VIO mmCANCATEOUS marie cscter era) oct ss les eke acs 8b ale. 2 172 DOLORES deh ae, coe RN age Oe rk Oe ye nn a a 102 274 lem Ciara oO lism ee eetepsen ote sie commie ces Ges peclere 5 io 289 Pon AP UV, AMY ECR occur te Sone tat As sarees Schetns Siegen eee Joa 300 SM hl MEE ART cesar Ree ar eme ee took sre Te ete isis oe ove 50 350 MAINS Ole ammem ener ce te chard mea actos Monch oreive koa) «rate a ss 90 440 PSTN O Sas sek paces oat) AR RCae Oh CoC Oe ee on ea 25 465 HOPING RUMEN, © Sek nde. Gis uoirtcdiurt.44 ius: Caan RENEE eC eer ere 88 553 SEW I eh is ee Citak Bh ectice g Re ace a 341 894 DINOS tO Cm nottennG 1 Mae ieee Latte re 6 o0e ochawe scars 8 902 Ditalemeewnnn Sorters Nero ree a mre ne ent a 18 920 SEEMING ISU R OP AVG). «9 hoe ato fete kt ar grr ee ita Re on or an re Pn a 925 EEN SE Thad is, that a einad gi hanes rs gdh arse an tae ne eae eR a LS 1,040 AMUSO Me meter te sree arate ee eee cg Rae) ie lone eee 10 1,050 Mississippian System. PAMEeSLOMG, 2 0 ac Kepees em tapteer sees a ee testes teers 10 1,060 RITE VOD Came terete Monsen mee eels ceretet. ees Stich a atts 20 1,080 Pete EM: it Cicate © apis ca Aiea a thc ce SNE ee a ee eee BOLL PeGEN ARRAS ONATSS” « Aue CaaS oe elanniS ach 5. One ee eee Ec eerie eae 10 0 Aloe may Pk enc eee eet aero ts rie ee 80 1,180 ASDA OMe cme nee eee eter MOMs ree ONeT HD. Soe ol cette s fare S 15 hades) lumestone 5... ..0 aoe Oy Bare Pi er Pee eee 5 1,200 NETS Wes © Rca opie hy ie SUN oar aA esl ce emtee AEE aaa Cart s ite P2112 IBVRUURSAONIKSY | Bow Oe SAE a Ce © Oh eee Oo meme tetas 3 1b) Shalem GoCOCLE Co. Vic) mem armer Meme tin senses erste UGS AR PAPAS ‘Poi SSROT CM we eres eer ttre ea ee Re eer, ema amie eee aes if e229 Tamestone (Bipvlinve) .darke so.) s65 . a 5 2s L176 1,405 Heda noel (Bre. En jin aterm ey tes akg eos a 65 1,470 PATO SL OM Cae ere eet ane cee te tn tee tet eves ote 25 1,495 PL CR eee rates: een ere taas ree heh eee coal Aho, 30 1553.0 VES 1 ONC mree eee er ere te EI tS Tere hare eae S 50 1580 Sri Gree COLL CG eee ae eee cette An Pee ne AN cn cyol a aes Ve 90 1,670 JEANIE HORNE! bob Geese Gee eh Rn ah a On, ei ee ere 50 1,720 CREW IE) iid hubris Be cea? CRP TEED Carer | Say ee ORR on a 50 157710 Devonian System. SU NPH Oe SU SICWOIGS Sai Grey aa oe i are aan oe a ene Brana 30 1,800 RoE ComMEME Mee sie cel meme tay A aor fol Gial SA aaste' on th op hea Ns 25 1,825 ual Gemeente Seen eee tee ee te eth. ay sna a ahs 45 sic 0 RO WEE So epee) Acie Be i ge a a Ne 30 1,900 PLLC MLO TEPER ae. cee s he Sook aa aoa e Bae ; 168 1,968 PS roy OU eae Oat meee Shee ry 4 cae a ccchig Seal '@) aretha s 10 1,978 Ota Ae elim: weap totes hoot n sus oye svete es 1,978 166 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 256-A. Tom Reffet, No. 1, lessor. Beaver Creek Oi] & Gas Co., lessee. Location: Pitts Fork of Left Fork of Middle Creek, Floyd County, Ky. Production: Gas, 3,000,000 cubic feet. Casing head elevation: 860 A. T. Authority: Frank Harmon, Bill Adams. Incomplete Record. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. ; Thickness Depth Clay sand sand st.Om hae crc ia sn camo: ite eet con seve 30 30 COE i ticaerssemt taney eect ranean ite en 5 35 Shia lew secs ck tial fe he Saeee Tenge tee eae 165 200 Sandstone (Little Dunkard), (1st cow run) .. 60 260 Si ailies seutee Pare wor anes te Ob A cee berer aes wat ye apuew eames Sas 115 375 Pandscone, (Big Duniard yea c ts dria eo taete ee. 65 440 ite CPP aaa ds. irs Pac ns) ata Me eee 20 460 Hand stonen (Sas son jo eee Wipe eeu eee 15 475 poe Pe ime Se ea ty ete ee See ee cence ee ae 105 580 Sandsrone. salt; Clst)a( Cidersey eerie se eee 135 715 DPovals Gent eae Recetas tpi t eee 715 Lou Ann Wright farm, No. 1, lessor. Beaver Creek Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Location: Pitts Fork of Left Fork of Middle Creek, Floyd County, Ky. Production: Gas. Casing head elevation: 795 A. T. Saceual Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth OL RAWORE NOR neg? Amey OR ee ene op an cre ka BUS 28 28 Shatewa WU Otbe tye ace ee tte ee ee eee ee ; 22 50 Sandstone eanidash alee. y. ce ace a creee ee ee f 57 DOAILASLOMC OTA Vi estes tae yeeea teen eae eee: 3 60 Shalev eolacks uw. wer cou ces Seistee cosets eae e mae ays ek COT, Le eR Tee ee eae Cn eee etek. eee er RM ea ete ene 5 82 Rete WEE Be Ge LETS tah pc ierae A BON ibe eths 3 ON a RN ee ade base a0 Bs DADO SOME, OTA Y tis ess sage sce oe Oehege shade te sae eens 62 117 Sen G hcee tee earns mites Sate ween ene ere eRe Geen be 7 184 PANASCOne ww ill LOsem ee ceae Bc eee Nie cre hee a 81 265 She lees lac Rese, ye Sieh cere tener re he 5 60 325 MAUOSLONC = Vil COmmCe te: ean: te eee eie eee ree ce DD 380 Sivalle? Qhlackasre ce etcat roe eee ee ee 35 415 Sandstone: Mrwcu sors erere een erie eeeaee seni 6 es 15 430 Shale; »blagksea pian ecstecner ete eee ae eee DS 585 Nandstomer Cle yee een ee ea ee Ee 240 825 SS Lied esos! ies icine fetes, at ee ea Ta eae er i 6 831 Sandstone ce 5. 6 aves eee ee a ee eee ea 1:2 843 Shale; black *s2 " 1,165 Pe SLOLEGRERCES Stuer tants wal eater cue aes Sdn items a ae 72 ore Sa CMMeRE BCMet hie ceeteaty ete cmclere 6 sie ta ay's sce face: sted Dig Leeds JEUREOSESGR aD Me ye eee cok eh G Oe CRO ORD tae Ree amet eer 9 1b Gall Handstonesandslimestone, shelly . 22.25.2645. 14 1,265 SUNT C TONGS. Ey Cae ern toe Rae CL Tn Ae ee : a3 1,298 ReUNEE ERS. yore inten etay y EERIE Oe EMRE ne opi ater aaa ae rh eee 5 tes 03 SSL SLO tl Gummi et snes heuer STs Sar ceke Sttinracm Stee a tte s 5 1,308 Ca OamRPUnrE nue cketn gett ee PS cede esa oh hie bee sea vogets tas Sea's 8 TP solG ICSE OLLO Met tre citar er tacit cars Siete cle aks crepe c eis kaon 94 1,410 Shale red sand siimestone, shelly. 3, ee.'... 42. 20 1,430 Roe Lt EM piete eee Sea SUS cco e 8 ON cn SRE Ne rate ce mE Eg 37 1,467 LOW WAMGR RODIN SI Elaine, <5 Wek) crete Pls PE eat oe una a rR a 10 1,477 Shale and shells We Sie WRC Es, OR PO na eae a ng ; 8 15485 LOR LOWMer mes COLL Mere ress cpr pem ssc at opotosacs ce ae = 15725 -ale, bluish gray, alumina and silica, Porter’s Eig 19 tabs 95 7g SAR aN ay SA eee bg Pecks var ee A 15 Pe A LOCA led Op thawed atv mre etre Gris cee 1,740 Log No. 260 O. T. Wollaston, No. 1, lessor. Reelfoot Ranger Oil Co., lessee. Location: Walnut Log, Obion County, Tennessee. Authority: Tenn. Geological Survey. Stratigraphic divisions by Wilbur A. Nelson, State Geologist, Tenn. Strata. Quaternary System. Thickness Depth SUriace ss01 ar eect ree nee rer ee ee , 3 3 Clay, siltsand ssand (Rivers fill) Scere ee ee 17 20 Quicksand a (Rivered |] )a eee ee: ieee neem 70 90 Gravel, river water worn, (River fill) ......,. 95 185 Tertiary System. Clay, silt and sand, Pliocene or Miocene ...... 10 195 Sand, (water), Pliocene or Miocene ..........- ee 215. . Gravel, clay and artesian flow, Pliocene or cui Mi0CONG «os ot. Ge ek eee eae ara ae Lee 45 260 ‘ Clay, PliocenerorsMiocene eiiaee sete a 15 275 Sand and clay, Ee locene ormviocene=. oe staan ew 295 Sand, clay and rock, Pliocene or Miocene ~..... 5 5 300 Sandsand clay, liaeG range sory iwe sid. lele ie ieleks 10 310 Sand “and seravel, lia Grange oc: PRP on Oc 20 330 Quicksamd ,. lan Grange soe. hs «epee aes « 5) 335 (Tra Ve laela T ONS Cwm oe een renee arn. esate store. tare 5 340 Gravelvand sand, laa, Grance gr een 5 345 Sand sand *clay, Da Granoes ni. actas can cule ra 25 370 Sandsaldsecravele lian Gran eee em laa 40 410 Gravel, sand, flint, chalk rock, La Grange ..... 20 430 Clay, blue, fine, sticky, ua, Grange ©. .-....-... 19 449 Sand andenint,«UauGrance yout ot. gs se $1 480 Gravel eLay Grange. seh ie. ck eae eG ee 91 571 Clay, sticky, and sand, La Grange .....:...... 29 600 Gravel and sand, La Grange ..... ee oer Ete 40 640 Clay, sticky. and ssald mae Grang@ea. nen ts ys 15 655 Sand, la Grav everest ee tenses oye tee . 65 720 Sandstone, hard, some gas, La Grange ........ 5 (eas Gumbo and sand, La Grange .2.......+:...... 45 To) band, Ia Grange che i ttm reer eee ates 10 780 OBION AND LAKE COUNTIES, TENN. 175 Tertiary System. Log hake, at Proctor’ City. SAD Cee ide eu OO guaran Geen ye. 1G 5. . we aes Sraial, AEE Gs W0T1e (ny. cand dunner a oa eecir Men rena Dana andeoumibo,s Lia, Grange. 2315.06 ses ne oe ee Sommers Dle yee ae TAN Oe, oh ase ct jreme 2 a 3 Clay, sticky,-and sand, a> Grange ov... se SUL ee et Lee rem ree er see Pony a ears a go abel oss 4's Clay, dine,and sand, lua Granged. o 2 oss bs os Salm GLAU Sem Mee Gi yt ads «torre Pt eee we te © Clay suickvenndesand, ua Grange Jer 5.4 ae 0s SRM) TeKey OSA Orage er aes oe SHO Ar ag Soa LAKE COUNTY, TENNESSEE. Thickness Depth 20 40 15 5 65 30 20 35 65 800 840 855 860 925 955 975 O10 1,075 OS Reelfoot Dome Oil Co., lessor. Location: northwest side of Reelfoot Authority: De Armand, driller. Stratigraphic division by Wilbur A. Nelson, State Geologist, Tennessee Geological Sur- vey. Selma fossils found in bottom of well. Strata. Quaternary System. Ri Nea AN An pe SA ether ee rene eee Sahpate sora vial avant We be noe rete eens ae Unknown, (no sample), Pliocene or Miocene .. Clay, blue gray, sticky, Pliocene or Miocene .. Sand and clay, like buttermilk, with wood, some reddisn, “EP locene, or Miocene < a...4,2...5 « Quicksand Mesh ee ates cree ones pand, blue, httle clay, LaGrange 2... ..2+.a5<:; SUC ee ray eae VAM GC es, sen eee owe ee on at PSG oe, uphas Pa TUe emanate «Shae nee, 2 ae eens Gimiporslaas Grange se ae tetas 20.0. deg iin nares) So Pande tant die bite (ATaMOe lee ects. c ce. «tein ae sere cys pand, brown, coarse, la» Grange |. ol. sss oss Pand, vard and gravel Wa, Grange 2,002... 00.. Re eer oe cm Lat Ceram as oer iiets oes dite stars sae oie BSH Le DLAC emt GAN OG attr, Gi gels wer Sele ee Mes pand thard) coarse, lay Grange. 5.25 %.. jo ole lon a CAL DO eOrane ie wis TANOC gene 6 heh thw ec ele aes Salim Drow coatce. tia Granve aa... ce sees (FUInhOs BANG eeOTletee CTech ie. sok eee ase Dialeipicekemeortars, Crecki 5 oti. aici fc oes Gumbo, sandy, (show of oil) Porters Creek .... Thickness Depth 10 10 145 190 210 225 300 380 483 528 565 585 785 900 950 1,020 1,080. 1,140: 1,265. 1,475 1,500 1,580 176 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Tertiary System. Thickness Depth Shale. blacks Ponterss Oreck wena eels 2 oes 20 1,600 Shale, hard, yellow, fine shells, Porters Creek .. 20 1,620 Guiibo meant borers aC reclame ey eee 30 1,650 Cretaceous System. : Shale, black, with blue lime shells and white fling, Selma—MeNairy. and Ripley .0.3.2 .. COR eG 20 Shale, blue, with hard shells of flint and pyrite, PelMma=—MeNairy and @hipley.......5s,/6 2380 1,950 Shells and hard sandstone, Selma—McNairy and IUIplGy sates cc oe eet ee er ee ee DAN 1 O74 Limestone, Selma—McNairy and Ripley ....... ee AUS Ota dep Uli ee figs ae treme Ant cen TNE 2,075 GREEN COUNTY. Production: Oil and Gas. Producing Sands: Corniferous (Devonian) ; Niagaran (Silurian). Log No. 262 Cashdollar, No. 1, lessor. Location: Gowan, near Russell Creek, 7 miles southwest of Greensburg. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth SOL ee eter esos Sa caret ea vy hn a ee 8 8 lamestone,. blue, hard, (water 50 )) eee. 204 212 pla lO ROTA oy ears peer ne Metter re ee ere 32 244 Devonian System. Sle es ee il Clee nena bree ceme = Ce one ae emepence ns ete 43 287 Ica stONG an (Ca Due OCK.) OR qe ce est meet cre cee iie 2 289 (gimestonewe (Ol! acai, | ee eee an 9s weer en ere 6 295 Pope MSU ei ves cn ta eaeens eects ee ae ZO 122’—6¥% casing. Drilled into water. Some came with the oil. Log No. 2638 J. Ki. Thompson, No. 1, lessor. George H. Carson, lessee. Mahan Bros., drillers. Location: 2 miles east of Coakeley. Completed: Sep- tember, 1920. Production: 14 bbl. green oil. ~ Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth S56) |e Sa aay TM Qe np eS cca gd Gc Ie Se 18 18 GREEN COUNTY lated Mississippian System. Thickness Depth AGNES COMED TOM ewe MW. rire. Aiebirets vara steal ow ere 29 47 Caves ANUmete vices. Mice gal Serene oa ciaicke eee 24 (au: Cra vel Maid SVeUVe ria omnes ret tee.s oe aw atiare yarn: 7 78 ES eCOT Gye UIUC ests ey eee ga ta ev crissy 28 101 (Rime STONGs OT AY erate pei cehe so acca er a Nes ot soistons 8 109 Eimestoner broken ri. ences 2 Pee AE rete 41 150 DIMES LOMO, 5 Oba Wate. seater Renita see esa Rone eee os 20 ea PTIMOSUOMOre Ol OR GIie poet Et er MO her a eye Mees hon ve 63 Oe EMMeSCOMer OLA ye NARCN HIN Vg srs Ais ae etn cee 17 245 TORIES UCL OCA Weoiae nis Meee Bmx cds ice wat ho: Deut 29 te WHOM mm Ue, maT Lara tae Mets eet -P-s oe ae 20 294 AMINES POMS MOTOR CTE at eee tetas oe 028 mu oval Check etal 14 308 TGEIMCSEO Ope Ca Vane on, rae ar an ghee ferns cetera Ps, teas, anelee-ns 32 340 MES COMNe me OL OK Clementine ay feeeirn se toore evicschs hese 8 348 TUNE SONG wOL Oy gla RCL mere tes ne eet asner eed: eet 25 373 pail Gea: 1o I Ome eens PR ahah: att ni ba tien «Pot rents. 2 eters 3 3G LEN PRIVES TOURS RE ae? Os 9 ee ee i 8 Ooi these ea OO Ba ae 57 4338 Wage SEONG ee TOY ener Uae tegane sen. he veel et -poreun tc os Yaron iat 450 igimes tones broker en enetc ences. kc 2 earnest. 57 507 RUMEN Coke Meg eye Sp Caer. Pi Seen meas scene Chg wh Onis che 1 508 Devonian System. CLEA Seed gt eo poe Aa He Ce tos ce a ear eee 59 567 PME SLONe TCCa DL OC.) Merten a vree acts fae cterets fr fh. 14 581 Ye SELL BH Wierast a) ost eredcctne he eternal ots ein c : % b581y Lamesvone, Lighteeray, isa Tyger os a.see sie eeeptacas 17% «599 BNC EMP 5 (Shaye Ovo Shes coop ltaes Saceenelye cc prOnaica Fi 599 80 ft. 6% casing. Log No. 264 Vance, No. i, lessor. Molloy & Gardner, lessees. Location: 3 miles southwest of Greensburg. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth SOLUS. by cabo eects EG COE ORDO ay Gena koi aera 4 4 Abu aotele PoreQen Mn teee aie i aes URAC en aa oh ee eee 198 ~202 Devonian System. Sila aD UC WAM EMe te tat ths ee, Caan testes 8 5 259 phaley-oreen! Wire. 2: COM Ra Ae hare ty 3 see ates 4 263 Pe he mn Lea ne Mead rh wr Pee ee) apace: wh W's soo erer bir 47 310 US is este Un Ga Pal OG le lert.ists tees endo Wel eas «eaede oe 2 312 rine messes ATU Mer gr tse ta foo eas sha ous ele oti ahwinyaght 11y% 32314 wN t L GAMO Ei taees dele ccd sls de aie ake ao an alee oe 3231 BARGING HASTHIRN KENTUCKY OIL. The view is in the Kentucky River at Frankfort and shows one method of transporting petroleum to the Ohio River refineries. GREEN COUNTY Log No. 265 ee INAGIC WING elo a lessor Serate. Mississippian System. Soil ead Shale (Waverly), shaly lmestone and sand Limestone, brown, (gas) Limestone, she Limestone, broken, ( Limestone, she Limestone, shelly, (gas) Limestone, brown Limestone, shelly Limestone, broken Sila (i (9) 0) 6116) jerce ™ Fel eige eo) (e) «ee ne! 8) si lly Sire 6! 161 0) (6) 8) UlalOm WallOW) (era. etc. ce «+s 8 33 Limestone, gray, (Buffalo Wallow) .......... 4 37 Sliale, seta, Cboultalo eWallow.)) 2 ccc scone bo os 13 50 ‘Limestone, white to gray, (Buffalo Wallow) .. 32 82 Shale, mainly, light to dark, (Buffalo Wallow) 38 120 Sandstone and dark shale (Tar Springs) ..... 23 143 Pamestonemdark= ((alemsDean ke venu oem om os oe a 144 Pile a Calcateouc.s (a lOMeLean) vi .y.secn. «ee 14 158 Dimestone wd arc, Glens Dean \\ i. ee ee wees 4 162 Shale, dark gray, (Glen Dean) ...... ge i) 163 Jimestone, dark gray, (Glen Dean) .........: 5 168 Shale wdarkoray. .(Glenm eam) Fo. 2... wei 2 29 TI Limestone, dark, crystalline, (Glen Dean) ... 3 200 ae mel aris (ONLI LOGI) petra tirana ay erate a ate, secs 2 202 Limestone, dark, crystalline, (Glen Dean) ... LS 217 Sandstone and shale (Hardinsburg) .......... tad 228 Limestone, dark to light, (Golconda) ........ 37 265 Sc Ope GLOOM \ette tata eras ns cre sfelel sie se hace 1a) 284 Limestone, white to gray, (Golconda) ....... 52 396 190 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Mississippian System. Thickness Depth phalée, dark to‘light; (Golconda) .5.3...,0.7.% 22 358 Limestone, slaty. “trolconda) es... 201-4 oe 12 370 Sandstone with shale (Cypress) ............. 62 432 Mines; Onet a Oa sen mate aates 0% < anse- lg hoya) See 24 456 Handstone, wihite;, (Casper) <)..0.2.5...n« se. 13 469 Limestone, white: to dark, (Casper).....2..%.. 231 700 Limestone, oolitic, white, (show of oil), (St. OMG VLEV Oy ere. tu sae iette a 4s baat ree ere 170 870 Limestone, varying in color, and of varying degrees of purity (St. Louis, Warsaw and Lip pers Way Orly )™ gas men eiccone eeu. meme Mae eens 820 Shale, greenish (New Providence) .......... 30 Devonian System. Shale, black (Ohio-Chattanooga) ............ 198 imMestowes waite. & cece Je eee ne ere 52 Silurian System. dimestone,=selowsto white’. <6 oer ao 170 Ordovician System. ‘Limestone, of varying colors and textures, at bottom, compact like Highbridge lime- SOME ae wat son: Beles Sit ae aiea fee ee Re 1,005 Total depth Log No. 284 1,690 1720 Pols 1,970 2,140: 3,145 3,145 Re Co sett Parm. “Location: 2 miles Ss" sot. Pellvilie Com pleted: Sept. 1921. Authority: C. Tobin Johnson. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Sil is Bee re ok Sree Re rs eae he ae Senne we ene 8 8 SandrockKee.. sees ie een ae he ee er eer eee Seles P25 Sandstone, broken, ,and*shale~s. 37.2. ee 185 Sa I) Pre PClaye ts Sense ey enetot one teens Tee 2 Ca hk ace 20 330 Rilve le 1a Cd Vor vee ea ee ee ene esto eee 5 335 Mississippian System. Limestone, Drown, skeen 15 350 Shale hess aos ee we ee ee ee 5 355 lamestonessTay..andnsualenaa ye een 37 392 Shale. Eiee week epee Sel ee ee nee eee 4 396 Limestone; and \shaley.t.. eee 8 404 HANCOCK COUNTY iat Mississippian System. Thickness Depth POM OWRCT 7 lan 9 See pee aerate cae he Some Nee er 44 448 HOLIT GS UOT ae OUG Vimmorae rn tne Re oil de. dno Gite Meters 8 456 Neh UWE «25 sore hassle ae ye oe arith SMC ie tea a Me ma 8 464 Dic a ee Davee UATE DIINO)! saree sys lenses a: 3 467 Dade (OLIN AY Je LAr meee) ad sces . o,f 5s 16 483 LE EI ee Are Re mn ect mt ae ero ae ana 2 485 Potaledon hun. sane eae = ete ee date : 485 30” of 10" casing. LU Sor Se casiny. Shot with 60 qts. Shows for 25 bopls. Sand brown and medium soft. Drilled by Oak Oil Co. HARDIN COUNTY. Production: Neither oil or gas. Producing Sands: None recognized. Log No. 285 Stuart, No. 1, lessor.. Frank X. Piatt, lessee. Location: near Colesburg. Commenced: December 29, 1920. Completed: January 20, 1921. Production: Salt water. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth 180 Bt oy sh caer a ama Br Ed 0A. eke Manns Rea : 4 4 Shalesnbhie, Sticky cece 1 om retske ite eee ammeter 62 66 Devonian System. mhale, black (Chattanooga) via. teas ore re ees 79 145 HaMeStONG. | TAY. cick. oarcken ae eee eae er LG 162 Dmrestone:. "DPO WI, o scat ain tae oe ee eee 23 185 dimestone, sandy (salt) water) Geena eres 35 220 Shalessn dire: Clays +i. sac ces at Reed kee tes 10 230 Silurian System. Jamestone, sanity (salt water )\ 2. se... : 48 278 Pim es FOO AL Vi eam. Set ute Moe went lee ag oe 82 360 eibe: We OC Dib Parse eaters ence ee tees 360 192 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY HARRISON COUNTY. Production: Neither oil or gas. Producing Sands: None recognized. Log No. 286 Maybrier, No. 1, lessor. Starts in top of Cynthiana. to 254; salt water 254. Authority: LL. Beckner. Gas, 250 Strata. Ordovician System. Thickness Depth LAME STON OS atc ctety teen ee ree aire mene 254 254 Limestone, blue gray, hard, (lithograph) 436 690 Limestone, light dove gray, very hard ....:... 70 760 Limestone, shaly, dark, almost black, soft (grained almost) . : om 65 825 Limestone, dark pepper aor emer va hard ties 15 840 Limestone, light blue green, very soft ..... 33 873 Damestone, Unie dove,sOlbes ot anc eee 6 omy) Limestone, blue, muddy, very sGLt 2c. s-. 3 Al 920 Limestone, dark pepper .and salt, with green Slave nlGve Vite Gh clea nt 6 x 45 965 Salt sand, light, dove Eilts St. ae very fine crystalline ; 10 WEG Limestone, very light dove alone ery iM ae 25 1,000 Unrecordedy sedimon ts "year acer ea 225 1,225 Limestone, fine; ‘sandy, dark» yellows... 9... 65 290 (amestone, tine.) whtlen scum dvi. ee ae tee & 15295 ihimestone, time, light, sandy) Well ogee eee 22 1,315 Limestone, fine; light, sandy, wet .....-:.... 10 itr Dimestone, @11n 6..-dark sam dviee cn cre erence 20 1,345 Limestone, fine, light, sandy, (mineral water) fh Aaa Limestone, sandy, very coarse, and white mag- nesite TS Serres Beh bareie 6 Le Or Limestone, sandy, coarse, Ah ae Aone bn tesmall pyrite Give asi ee cas ee aces 6 Oval dep tll. tec enn gta a eae area ,35 HART COUNTY. Production: Small oil and gas. Producing Sands: Unnamed. Log No. 287 Elizabeth Gaddie, No. 1, lessor. New Domain Oz & Gag Co., lessee. Location: 34 mile south of Boiling Springs Church, Green River. Completed: February 12, 1919. Production: at bend of filled up with salt water within 30 ft. of top % hr. Well abandoned. Casing: 2384—6Y. Authority: New Domain Oil & Gas Co. HART COUNTY 193 Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth tolavig, TUATBS 2 ae Ae Cyne etre Oe ae ae ee 20 20 PIMOS O MGS EA Varn tee tee cal were” seeks Ae ule eh ce ss 140 160 AGS OOl Cpe NU Gir terre satires sunsee & rehearses Zee 375 535 Devonian System. Shale, black (Chattanooga) ................. 55 590 Paecto we Mew hiGG mei t cs oe las cka eee 60 650 SEND MARGE Ps pepe gogo aoe rg ohn ae ee nae er 10 660 CLL ae DALY eermeee ew sey aan Cmcme rebel, «Lok fe scons, ok 60 729 Tova lee tlie cramer s cere rer eneten tats ae 729 Log No. 288 J. G. Nunn, No. 1, lessor. New Domain Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Location: 114 miles northwest Boiling Springs Church. Completed: May 10, 1919. Authority: New Domain Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth CTA MELON et eee 6 ode is eee Boe cen See rire ff 7 Si Gs tL OLRO sea WI) GO meen acs eee rope tee kee oie chsh ce ae 240 poiiel Leen DUC amen eee eae on Ce LE oc ee, eeruee am 5 245 Rimestoness yp lacks ec. )sr est tacos Gee. ee ee 6 Aton L SLANT Dope ihr 2 ie as ee RN Re Lt, Sea ee 8 259 DSLTITGS GO LL Ci eked notch mentee catte, terres ergo a) oe te 551 810 Devonian System. Shale, black (Chattanooga) . eee at oka §6 S76 ISB CSLOM Gm CLAN MET a eee ae neers ewe he noe: 16 892 el Soa) 2 0 es rae ee eee ee eet tenn) fm.” cae 2 894 Tames One ew Lenser ee te ee a as ke 42 936 RS liek Lee LEG ates pt wares eS NU irae ei atts ge aA 5 941 Tnmestone 34.5. She tes SRO Ot rahe ene ere 31 972 Limestone (salt eee Seite eee etnies er wrotnchay « 14 986 LU CLG DCL eee nt: 1 eae ate orch au cv ots 986 Filled 600 ft. south. Salt water 2 ft. in sand. Casing 267—81. 876—64. NOTE—This hole filled with salt water when the tools were pulled out for the last 14 feet. Well abandoned. 194 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 289 H. L. Richardson, No. 1, lessor. New Domain Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Location: 14 mile north Boiling Springs Church,- about 5 miles northeast of Munfordville. Completed: December 5, 1918. Produc- tion: Well dry and abandoned. Authority: New Domain Ou & Gas Co. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth CEL. secre kegs es aise Ra Sues tintin eee 15 15 LvimestOme, PT S.y 2 swive a/oehee soaks oh eden eee Note 150 165 Toiits OSTOM Sse OU aCerspe went aheene can ene eee Bae es 461 626 Devonian System. whee coblack (Chattamooray ec... amas scare ee 60 686 — GUE STOME Se OT ay. Set an®, coc ates Baan ee ls 60 146 invest Oueyia Sans" ge ray sare: semhes een mete ek 39 785 Silurian System. Lamestone=* ‘sand’? (Salto water ele @ se cae as 3 25 810 ‘Limestone, black, (614” casing Ogr0s) eects 190 1,000 Dilan aid *WMeStONe) o.. center eens ge Saat ee None 424 1,424 Limestone, Otay aes ney stat estesagae Peale tll PG Na 76 1,500 TAMeESTO Me” HOLaCley Ww beet c ae re te ee es ae 80 1,580 Osi Le Qe G i. We ca sk-2s ert gee, teenie es eee gh a 1,580 HENDERSON COUNTY. Production: Oil and gas. Producing sands: Sebree and Pottsville (Penn- sylvanian). The Tar Springs and Cypress sands (Mississippian) are also untried possibilities. Log No. 289A. O’Nan Heirs, No. 1, lessors. Union County Syndicate, Union County, Ky., lessee. Location: 500 yards northeast of Highland Creek, and about 500 yards south of the Ulinois Central Railroad right of way. This well is 1 mile southeast of Proctor, No. 1, well (Union County). Commenced: March 4, 1922. Completed: April 1, 1922. Authority: Ivyton Oil & Gas Co. Production: Salt water; well plug- ged and abandoned.. HENDERSON. COUNTY Strata. Pennsylvanian System. IDyamea. Shale and slate Fire clay @ 8) 0 4) (0u.@) (6) (0. © 8) 1018. Lime, flinty Fire clay Coal (No. 11) Slate . Sake. 5 el ee eee oa o. 50 0) fe. 6.) 0° 1s i's) fe SAE: W Cooma rg 6 eg ee PSL RE: eae ORS Pace ye RON ae Coal eee ee ree Bites clay: tye asc va eee Cour ke ere cee ee eae Pia CMe Chena tok ciuke eee es iol: Mfc ce, ote eee ean aan eee Sis LOPEU OT Kanter cre stans Sire cook COdl Ath eSlate a swena eee Sia teieg a Sait ete Bk: Pad yersnell 48. een. san Slate; Sand yes... ora tes Atos (Lat keer Mecrhc Seine ST he, deal CR ARO Foe eer an Dilale slacken pa mare hee SLE PLA RSG A retetyig e cus ny tg SEAR eG Nal eo ee ee eee Dpand. oritty, dark)... Sa Lemec.a tier asp tees es ee Skate, acd ae Bee, kt Lisman Formation, Conemaueh Series siecet Sime ersiet e's eh ssa 8) Sela a Carbondale Forma- tion (composed of DelKoven and Mulford), Allegheny Series. Thickness Depth 125 125 47 172 2 174 4 Lis 2 180 4 184 61 245 D5 300 12 312 38 350 22 372 3 375 20 395 25 420 E 421 64 485 4 489 4 493 t 497 53 550 15 565 ~ 1 566 3 569 kg 586 27 613 8 621 5 626 4 630 196 OlL, FIELD STRATIGRAPIY OF KENTUCKY Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth : : 34 664 Fire clay and light shale, Gahondalonomuaas tion (composed of Sand, white-?...< = . DeKoven and Bal 695 aes. Mulford), Allegheny Sand, salt water. Series. J 15 710 VOUA IOSD Ueno wera os ort calte setias ob ine Pa gr cae 710 NOTE—Full representation of Caseyville and Tradewater forma- tions of Pottsville Series undrilled. Estimated thickness about 600 feet in this locality. The Pottsville Series was not drilled. HOPKINS COUNTY. Production: Small oil and gas. Producing Sands: Unnamed (Pennsyl- vanian), unnamed (Mississippian). Log No. 290 Pools, No. 3, lessor. Moss Hill Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Location: 2 miles south of White Plains, and % mile from well No. 2 on this farm. Completed: in 1918. Production: at first was about 5 bbls. per day; oil is in this well now, but is not being pumped out, August, 1920. Authority: L: H. Littlepage. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Cla Voserk ase nes ee ac Barak. Oo ene Oe : 3 3 Clay and Vora Vel Win eee wet e etter reget oes eso eee “ 10 CB Yas SAI Cy is. is Gael cme eie te a rcey ere fa ho Ce ee 1 27 mhale shard. olin Vea. meee teeta sh a) cures 1 28 HULTC = CLV. Neacecgn opie ie tke Re ee ee ih 35 POLO SOL oth cent te 5 ee eee ae ae ee 25 60 halen aks ee eee Ra a Se eh ane eee, Bey Aes 82 HOPKINS, COUNTY 19% Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth VU eaMR TAL amare eaten tee, cee es tata larr sine, seal aha eas 2 84 ED Gm Va Meiers pote ate kee e asl aps, Sch fy urate S 8a 12 96 SLOP AIS Ais Bias hci Seer nese Onn 5 eee aCe eee i 103 Se Ge RL Laer gre. Amn Pa Cece er a pr eS Ge Se 6 109 By ler S11 Vara vere otsfetan cua ofsts, 08s --fereters Secs «aMe)ce 36 145 SScLLOMeGO Lise te eter eee emer se ee ar dn er seat ahd ee te 41 186 Chalemhardwlimivaneern iy, \oaesn oes On Peo exch 2 188 UDA en, Dei Rae cr SEDER ol ie ake ocr oe ee 12 200 Pale miliary SLU Vines este yrer ens eho te aie sats ore ae oe 3 203 Pash cae NRCS Us KOS DM mle angus Sr a ge ky phan A aa ee Se 5 208 Srl POG OTH open cart emt eter yes ancients cs 42 250 PAP LONEC OT Lar oneha a raat Corner ears Menge, freer ty cua se ycies 4 254 SUE WEES ANE OhekG Sah ther elt Syl Anne ert ae enna, 3 Doe TNE TCR a eer tN on laren ihr Sr eae meee 8 265 Lie LOOM ee Mey Rote ees te a Ree Fee kona tee aga tenn, oie ee (8 340 itiniestonems and. Gnaloue. seca. we eter 10 350 ROUT saCOLI A: Pesrerememmeret, cen eect cco ay erreurs Penen an 10 360 Sand stouex mW 1G OM war cag cc.eomennate msi ms. Soe os fi 367 SST Echo oes eerie ic Re a Ske oe ae pa a Re 5 372 DaMmestOne saddest al Gm en taey ei eee nes eden eras 63 435 Man astowe, MC WASOR)) eaten ole c a atiktetsne,s cheers tous 54 «64404 otal ed opthe speemere vito. en wes creme ales 4401 Log No. 291 Pools, No. 2, lessor. Moss Hill Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Location: 2 miles south of White Plains. Completed: in 1918. Production: Flush 20 bbls. pumped; now the well stands 300 feet in oil, August, 1920. Authority: L. E. Littlepage. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Clavw al decOl lumen 2 ,cncegeths ecdoa ted Giese ye 6 Tala ac des 9 Lo PUN PEs Ch acek ney nolan kere eee et reer 32 Ot amen are Rae A 1 20 Fire clay 13 33 Sand, rock Bb aale Gates sy See eck Ak aie ies 7 40 Sali Ne er ee eemaen avh< h as ed wt, hee on. teak eG hes osha, 4 44 e130) FoR a 8 By UGS CON Careline ene na 3 47 PALO OR Os ote RAS RS Re A ev ae 8. ge mast 6 43 90 AAT te Nese tah Tph Salat Gdge Pekghal ic eet Ot fa: Oe eres 6 96 PRG) MEME tected eee Weed Ors a's Boe ew beh Aa cas 29 125 litlore Ward WV ys Ake theyre cs Sane Sine Sb S , v 32 eles Mareen rm te ae ee Ris aes ae ers, elactes ang, ty qacjecen ie 37 169 SUG a PO RI Sakata errata staat ane: a vate nes arains al 170 PLR Gamat cs, rer peda ieae, imei 3.5 ls hades vhs pre Dh ete BMS wt 65 235 198 OLD] FIELD STRATIGR 2PiLyY > OR Sis NEUCG KY: elt Pennsylvanian System Thickness Depth WANASLONE, Gash Aen ee eek a a nae Bey eae eee 9 244 Shale, soft oe A Ae Sta the ay ee or oP 1) 245 Sandstone 4s ape eet SAP ee ee ON eee 5 250 Fire clay ee ee ae ee eee Cr ee 3 253 whale, Shard, Mmiy< Wer sfc ose tie reeled hae Fake ai 254 Saale “awe aie aay tye mae ee CS Re re eee aes era 24 278 alesis Any eto, Beret ie tre ome eet eA Tee a 12 290 US Le ewe conga o’u a Falcers Concer te shone ees COP nada ote, teem we 27 ole ASO Sl eee ceeds a Vat a erare te mae oy aw nate Mee ke, arc Seana as L 318 SEEMS NCC ems place sel as ae mer a Se, Oy A We chara et ore St 20 338 Sule Gaperocls wad bs. ee. Corie ern eee ge yes L 309 SN MCONL | Picasso Mn Ane iat Rte Masini NEN READY ues hay 3 342 Sand i rock. wiiteuc ie emer cnt eee al oee rete, 1 343 AW shee EMG Loca y rls heemegen de Setar robe Ler hak mea 343 Log No. 292 Bailey, No. 6, lessor. The Moss Hill Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Loca- tion: % mile north of White Plains. Completed: in 1919. Authority: L. E. Littlepage. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SST Lantos Sone op rota RS eee a OOP cee any ae ee 15 15 hale shard’ seus. secede shia, estan = rn ee eee 10 25 Sat Sp ees coe eh. oC eee te eu teen ore iy eh Pree eRe ROME 10 30 ALO OU OVE Aenea ree eats Feats 06 Gefen sco. Po eee 25 60 Saad anciat cl Geile ae eas sickee dat et coat tenon Soyeocae eee ae ee 60 120 Shaler shelly. cseaswer ene seer eee eee 4 124 Dale WO POW «step as uit ea fae ents creams ete oe one D1 Neva SSO eee nee A oe ee OR ath Peed eet ener ecm LG 190 Noda oa eget, Rey nar Me eC ee Aor et ae 50 240 TC ee eit bases be, estan RUS eta ee ee a ee ne eee 20 260 NOSES ie SL ae Pry RO REA on See BCCBRES. STEIN eh 90 a5 0 Shales yshelly coe. eters. ein, ere ere Coes 5 35D Dat dS MOU} ett sets ince Pee acs velar rere Mareen. 5 360 eS 8 Rc Pee Eee Pe RAGA PTT es RE EN elise ye Mm MN Bl. y= 20 380 LiMeshone? amino: cis it te One ee ere he yt ane 15 395 Shale sorowi Pencil sen veya ei one ee 155 550 COAL CROW ULOR Vp Gade aut yer Rene ence Sra 155 705 along pony cera. paarat tein smc ae eames dude ntyk Cees eee 10 VENES) Said MOrOk Oia sree so nee Peete ee nr at ee ube 730 STE, SFO W id we ee. ce eae nae en, nar cee aes 20 450 ELT Cg Se ate etree oe, eae Oe er hae nee eaten ee a 755 HOPKINS COUNTY | 199 Penasylvanian System. Thickness Depth Tamestone., OLewliwn nd. Shells: 2.3 aches ale wks 20 ite) PS Aire enone ce a tre leans Sta rigs 6 gt Sno wndsiny'« w 10 785 BRITE SLO Me CAM TC Ho) ce esac tetera ely © wy ae s6 on 3 788 Bat eww CO. COL re rte iiaas aie es tds x wy eR 8 796 DOU GOOG wisest ecole ote, ai eters apc aes 796 JACKSON COUNTY. Production: Oil and Gas. Producing Sands: Unnamed (Mississipian) ; Corniferous (Devonian). Log No. 293 Sereno Johnson, No. 1, lessor. Wheeling-Kentucky Development Co., lessee. Location: Moore’s Creek. Authority: E. A. Meade, con- tractor, through L. Beckner. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth STC R NWA Dd UN Sie Fie eae hy 0) od a aE RS 8 8 St iets Ait, eeteg ana fern alee hires <% Ag aaah eal aN aoerae aren 8 16 Shale. hard gray, (water 33, water and gas LU eben eephc Aib etca Bae hee eng as Pale TRS Ne 64 80 A he EOL WOT ae wire arene ss Pode ete: hens sath ey emotes 9 50 130 DANO SOM Gea. secs ae Iw ile Pentre cee et cele co srays 20 150 NS ACUIEN BCle ere mes Meednnt 015 ceaiak nnd Cee ae Aer ge toad 50 200 Se RR Cl a eee need ae pokes ts Maceo MN R ouete danigr scree, 20 220 Shale ORE eeu Behe araah i eas ae nein aa ei Ser 10 230 SUM VY LOC OO. ase aN sowas ckach a. oe selon Oh en ser ees PaG 95 325 Pode More LACAC aoe etree nr we Me co eee ion wae els lewis wenn 15 340 PRL Lot Vial Cl eee eet tn a, eee ety tamale ta estes el ore) el 3 30 370 Mississippian System. ile Gm es), PSCLIUCL Vie bn cite sce aire tenes “amatai kyo RNS aCe 40 410 Sori Ome rd Vin UT Ce ee tens eye eg es oka Oe oi oher seas 90 500 Limestone (Big Dime), ae ee ls 5 eens 200 700 SEIT) DAU oa alent eer aerate IM cA Ne aaa es area, Boil lommer calm cealt Wty ys alos eo. ches uote s aie ate 10 To0 Pandstome, (Ute GAS). hncc as ce ol eae ws 5 735 eee Tap ass DP ape ge le eat Rg Pe Ae Rie see an eo ao ao sella ay CR ge ae We ee ach oP a 5 775 ROCCE 20) re eee ae ee FS 2 bho ts 295 1,070 Devonian System. SUN ry SECS are va Tenn ee a 20 tet Limestone, SOTO wis. DEO COTULUY. “winnie eons ein oe ® Peas limestone,” browns, Sandys 4 22s. nes aoe viet ee Abs) Lak 200 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Devonian System. Thickness Depth Shale,-white, (turning green)... 2-0 ae or ae i Sian 137 5 Hale, roheee i omens 16 610 Limestone, soft, (sulphur te 702) chaser of elses 190 800 Limestone (said), ie gue 2 Oi arent ie 40) 840 Filan GS bOM Ossie: at Meee. cee cee cree node eee een are 210 1,050 Lum petore BCRa Gee iiy ae ceterehets tet etale aera yels vauuulien 30 1,080 alin Sg hOne yea eae a ees ae oc ate he ee ene 10 1,090 LaMVestones (San djry ee wot hac sen ae eas eee ee: 60 15150 TL OSLONCH ares Been, Wade eee eae eae oe eee 10 1,160 HGH ESTONG asa 0h) sera ee cern te Cena tiae sy, bse te rgee VES oy pa leat, iGMestOMe DLAC Ket ee nee ee te ee nee eae ee 30 1,200 dzimestone- nsand \e take. eens er ape ie cee 20 1,220 SiS TONG Bie er atw Seo, ee we ea rer 2c, ice ar, eres 55) 1,255 Limestone asad) Veen ee ee tan OF e265 LAmMest ones tee ee ee eee 110 3a t> JESSAMINE COUNTY 203 Ordovician System. Thickness Depth Pte) GT Cum SNy) ee terry doy (ais se eve Lie os he be Oe LOW isso ets BGI, tae Eaee ape gates cra 's fe piee te els and ae 40 1,425 Ernectones (sand). (Water) ache. seths tele sts 6 .1,431 DORAIVSSUP OUI W eNO ane i, fh PVRS SADR tema oe a A fe PA: A 23 1,454 Paves TOME GLa T cee ae Se cee cing eee a 26 1,486 SAMOS GOTO cor VM se aersuteeec ts Ear e15,.2. sles cen ay aso. 2a Lo 0.0) HV ISbEXEES TO Re Rts yey a eh 2a he Ae cm Sak IO Com Sh hin er pe tae ca ea 15 Naa bs MemiehO Mewes OU emma sian ee ce eerg esas ase ye oc, 23 1,538 AcIINeSTONG MW ILCee tee eae tata. ok ef 20 aes! ROS LO IES CLA TG orp estes oe nate oa cat RIE so ao Wes eas AWG deena Ime SONS Loree. Witte ©. eae onesie aus Cmas a9 12 L080 PS UING | MAUI Gere, tun Sc Blan een 3 Boks og sa aces Mens Seppo ak coe eee L600 EGLO STOIC a -OEO W Maem eren eran casas te a Soe oe cme, Tenant ot ets 38 iO o8 Det CEL ON Ctemee et eater crn ge tet ima Waa reste ee 42 1,680 MAMVOSCON Gs WAT Or TILL Vegas. ieveuae ae ae cpteds cate 20) sol, 7100 MPRLeESHO Lee TCAL tate tee a ea eors ea aes Loo alt 15 Peas Lee ser wy. 1, Cage tear te ete gee ee Scere A ee, «wy 5 iPr) iPS Peay aie rs ee eee ie Ak Cen es eee ek pee 5 Wi2Z5 WET GSEONE.~ WHILG* 0 cece ear Sy are, ota sted eae wale Se 20 1,745 ERIE EOE Gye DLE, Ce a Alene cates eter les cc kta 20 1,765 RSPCHOU bs. ASUS MHOE Makers Se Svar i ten serie ctere Baer eo eNRe Be Et ZANT AES) MbMES EO 1.2) = DUC reese ne te tere a gua een es «ec ee 60 1,845 a ES CONC Mr UC be ete ee FOE he ge eerie see sek kere 3 1,848 IEPUCCST ONG] OO. Wiles teen cree ene ees orc as Rhye 1,860 UoLnTes Toller willium e ye sere kit wee ed eee a Fen eps is} 1,873 SHG WT ae Btn eae nat trace reer eg tea eRe ear ae 8 1,881 pETes TOR ey DLAC ee! oN ty era ar Reis eee 14 1,895 POs awit bee oe cones Hin ea ea ee eroe, Seal ge sls <8 sees 5 1,900 ren Gb eee co \ Marcuse ee ee rors to oe eee, 15> = =5915 Pim CSi GU, wwii Oe tee eee clase tenancies a ees Ss 1,928 ATM ea Wl i usa ees eae ets eh, A ame en ce ee ote nit ns 12 1,940 POST OTC am DLO ence) gate ere eas terete eked 15 1955 Ravel pea OW. DO dentate eh cae ag oe nee ins eee ae 45 2,000 ACTH ESLONCl CATS yak. cache crite yes eee 25 2,025 re StOU Cae WL els al spa aire aac s hah eedoce- al Boer 2 25 2,050 BVOC Re IE Mme ae RO ny eats. tae, Shane coe ek ; 25 2,075 IM eabONG.. Hardy \ oe «2s Pe ead eae 3 20 27100 Pact dt ee Came Cl reed ee or ra eer af cB reenn st ed Te ek a 50 2,150 AS LCP MLC eK aeees Bate? Deo a Per eg al ere he us 50 2,200 Py em ELE eras neato Ailey nook eae ate ee fun aad 40 2,240 UTED RECS APIS eae Cv TU, Be ea ee a a arr ak eR Re ee 20 2,260 dee CaLOUCM Wii tosihe © fr ets teehee 40 2,000 ner ocWo'c] ane ecea ) Teh i om cen eye eae ee a ae Pea ae 35 22300 Limestone (15 feet), white (sand), (salt water) ee 40 2.3: Co AGE SEDILE uO Wie ee see nets eee Ge erie’. we IES eee 25 2,400 204 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Ordovician System. Thickness Depth WLaimestone, witite (Sond). su 6 56. cane ees oon cles 25 2,425 Dimestome, whiter (eatd je si vet. hn es ihe al 25 2,450 Limestone, brown, (black skim on water) .... 25 2,475 Tamestone, white; very hard ....... 0 20 2,500 Sand (25 feet), white, foam (more oar vated SURG IS Name seen ey a vcs a ve Mates tot eee Ee 50 8 8=62,550 ACU ES TONG toe Ne & Bays a ented ce toa te eee ake 20 25510 Pande Woe CeO) saan > co, ent Motte oo ete son res 20 2990) DUM eSTOMe, 4 Nal die. am ca ae oe eure nts meee cre 10 2,600 HATVESTONO, VET ye MIG: aon Rote leer oat aes ea ode eee 10 2,610 Limestone, hard, (could not make bits stand) 92 6256.19 (mimestoie. blac kama sera teas as nae ie 16 2,635 Times tiOwe.” SA0.0io rae ae hooves ae be eh sis yee cs "15 2,650.0 PPA THVCSL ON Or CWIIEG. io sas Seeded ies Oe el ee 10 2,660 LAMOSTON EGR SANG ) eB isco tals 4 ieyee esse aes ite, Eee ae oe 20 82,680 Binrestom 6 while ote se ak eee eee cae sce haters 10 2,690 PIMGStORe, Dro Wit =k oe Car ek eee ee 10 2,700 Lamestone; . lightv 005 Give tog. s. ds. eaten ete ete 8 92,008 Limestone asp ial tar sepes ee ae. eects ean oe 9 papaya Ge Limestone, brown, sandy Rie ete a tf 2,724 limestone, (elite ore ern eee eee oe BR oe as Limestone asphalt tar 2 bo DiMestone, sro whan sans Seer ee oe . 6 2,143 Limestone, brown, sandy % 2,100 Limestone dark asphalt tar .... b 2,155 ‘Limestone, white = 6 2,001 Limestone, brown, sandy . Min tacraccke S 2,766 Sand, white, (looks like water at te eee 5 otk: Sand, white, (looks like water sand) ........ Do ee, 0380 Limestone, brown 5) 2,785 Limestone, white Aer eee ae Ee poe rd ae ae 15 2,800 baler city set es wag eae a a ee ee aes co eee to oe ge L007 “23810 Limestone, brown 70 2,880 Limestone, gray . oN ge dat ty et ee 55 2,930 Dliale sapencileave)s .Ceavane-) etapa a eee 8 2,943 Limestone, brown SER PMT, Sick OHSU Rene one ale 2,960 POOR" Matic. ae ance ta te era aoe pea Ree eee ae te eee 5 2,965 Limestone ae eh reenter Wee edly oe oe CR LS 2,980 Soe ey ieee S hecates seh tas yh a ioe. See te eee ee 5 2,985 Limestone, sandy 1) mee 9.9 Limestone Ge Ye si ee Py OE ee, i 3,002 aod 028 ee eee varie of Pe eT sn Pe ek nade. A RR Dao 07 Limestone SO Ik A A AR. PRN ome 6 oF 0 tis Hales Fal ig sec ees ee ee EP Leer 10 3,023 Limestone, brown See eek - 6 3,029 Limestone, pink, ee eects ise Wane tsk e's Se Sed, 03.7 JESSAMINE COUNTY 205 Ordovician System. Thickness Depth PPS COI Ome SOL bee L OM Nass Uo.LF ON wo Gop e snes sae hy 367 36 403 6 409 18 427 LG 444 142 586 20 606 110 716 18 734 52 786 38 824 8 832 18 850 7 857 23 880 880 Elevation: Thickness Depth Soil elite! eo! 16, (e: cel auie! ©) (6118: (0 ce) fe; 6) ee. Le Shale Sand Shale Sand Shale Sand St) et Came ree cee ene Shale, shelly Shale © 01 je) 104648) (@, 16) 16) fe! (4) 10! see ey akan Aa a Mea howe rte ae 1,033 Sha 18 OR. ae pate en ee gt me ee 40: + Lbae ivale: “SUL DTUCY Jeepney eet Aten codate ie ee Ge octane ee 18 1,141 Sandstone (TSOP OR lamar ven ied satiekace vine Ceeer et cee om 19 1,160 Timestomey (Sandy tan cou. 8 acetone Gea pia ee eee 18 PTS POCA LEAD ihe eyes cesses ayia ee Ee) Log No. 314 A. J. Spradlin, No. 3, lessor. Location: Hargis Creek. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth fd Oe Oe eRe EP RMR EME 1. cpa ees Oe oon, Bia ol. 25 25 SSIS 2 peer es Eee ceceanea ic Ui tence na ae ens eee ee 30 5D ald ES (AO oer gu ge MRM RN eM Nc erly REY ee Re Np a 106 ROPE ele tone SERENA Sed hot oe hire. caren Og ee ee 14 120 SSG Tevtetic ah eaen ero hes thm ee Paha ee, on oe 25 145 DABS |! carat a ce ee oe RE SEE as 200 400 bia bens sant wae ergs Gi oteet seem ate et coe A eee ; 6 406 bale, muddy Arte. gerade aaa cyseus ote noma ieeyesiren tse eo 12 418 Sia leer aan ced oie ae RE he A Eee Re 82 500 ST C0 tag ee nk See AREY a ge ea eM yee Sem ee para 2. 50 550 Mississippian System. umestone dark, (Sandys tana te cee 2 ot 587 Sale, muy. (peMmel Leca Ve )r ase ay ac Sri Rortel ots Siete ieee Lo 606 Iamestone (Bic lime) oc eee eee A 60 666 POSIECL, At) aes Nes Bee ve ree erat oe Bremer Pe ei Mere 3 669 TSLTIES LOTS Ba Ga atte eer ara oe eee co ne Oe ee fi 676 POPLIN): SIO IAT Etre cance Notte. a oe aera eens Tats, Ves ge ae 184 860 Laimestone shell 5 Pee eee ene See ee reas 40 900 inimestonbs ands shale tol. + eine see cee 36 936 Sand: (Some as) oo fa Se idee; eset ae ee eee ee 40) 21 6 Plt tere Aira 6. oe car wy an, Sot ek SRG cri re cee 25 1, OO SU NGL6 Ime Manor ae eeterGN ap Meir NnT ey eWmer vaage Ne, Shetek ge alle i ee O18 Shaler white Oto ce oc eatin etrueernere te ane eee 28 1,046 Limestone browns shard: S002) aoe ee J 1,055 Shales folie ieee... hy cc Sere eee . 15 1,070 hale, brow (SUnDULY )b ce ee ae oot ee Le 1,087 Dandstone:( Berean) = paar eaee eee ee 44 1,181 Phele- ard Sehel Lyte ak eeeeir sno eene acanaare re 14. 1,145 Total: depths ett Gre teres ents mee 1,145 JOHNSON COUNTY aug Log No. 315 A. J. Spradlin, No. 4, lessor. Location: Hargis Creek. Elevation: $80. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. . Thickness Depth Sill Papeete Sm Mt oh Pe Reese Si cere eek IR, eee Ae 13 13 aL CONE RRIee Uae eae, Pu ere Oke ts tere am ea hee a0; 38 leas AN Va ne eee, ct ora ee ticn, Oe 32 70 SHAE Few. Son cat Sea nane ar ear Oe Re a eS one ee a 15 85 SGC MES URER RG ge Ny ee ee en eee ee Le ce Geena Paar ei? 28 113 Sandstone, (show oil 248-768; little water 256- PACs hs Sec te b cea upto ise ee ae OA ee 174 287 Sallie NESS IO aie IS on es oR ery GA ie ened peer oe 131 418 Sanson line ak ee at hk ae itn eas 47 465 SSE arena preerrteg fact r re cot ee. Saal be Ptebaadh sds e Sut 3 468 Mississippian System. Limestone (Little Lime), mud and shale ...... 18 486 hele See yi ee ee ee mee: nt meneame 16 502 imecvomes (Dig litte oa ewe eter ets kote et ee 72 574 eV HATA FLW oyaCem Vole urea od Waly gahaly Prema uen we Ca knee elope anche TS. 755 ReseW aC ys Vo HMlE A By rie es ae ow arr ey ates eC eR yee a 70 825 Dad Wier veasiam 1G 3.) sleet... ae ano 38 863 RS LEH EDS 90 RRR ace rich. Po aa penne ey i ae A cee ee ae 48 Ontel otal? dept hier ochora. 27m auta rsa See Log No. 316 A. J. Spradlin, No. 5, lessor. Location: Hargis Creek. Elevation: 109 Ds Strata. Pennsylvanian System. ; Thickness Depth SNOW =a vMiay 1 were, SAA CRON pi Rainn, ieee ee Oe 20 20 Pe Gata ld (aks MA BW EY a tase pen R BD gs ER PR Re ee ; 20 40 She] Cae ee ee ee ees Me AES. ht ce, Oe 8 Re et Peer cee eM ce) oer. sgl Teo ne Se eee 95 818 JUIIDES LONG, 5 SATO Vam care heiress 96 914 lia le wean yg. Gert ren ee oaeee che see, eee 55 969 Sand Si Wier) Gers maeweine peers. cists cost cuclie uy aed eines 46 1,015 SUN By ah ih ott id 5 ig Me Ie ee ce OP rene bo 4,050 OS Ce Delete pee ae soctscs vaeneces eos cesmeeeet ene 1,030 Log No. 317 A. ‘J. Spradlin, No. 6, lessor. Location: Hargis Creek. Elevation: 1020. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth POD)! ee es Sox cpene Stee ite a Fetes Bee ea ok ee ere er ae eee 16 16 Shalev shed keg ke ee eee 39 55 DANGSUOMC olin tat seks ts crete S cuenta ae eee ene a 47 102 Shale. sandy. = muda to ee een ee. eee ae eee 48 150 SanAStoned eo. 5) ote, Aa ee eee 25 175 SHQIGT tole och ee ee rn oe eee 10 185 Sandstenga iat ot vec on «nee ee 170 355 Shade vases. cast oars career cere che enor oe 134 489 MADASTONG > Oop, suse no nea ee eae ee aor ee ee 59 548 Mississippian System. Limestone o( Tittle (Lime) 222-554 eee 32 580 Limestones | Big slime) ae ae eee 27 607 ePEE) Cmts A ge ES ba Nae emir a nae ee ran ihe abs Ee M5 LO) 617 Limestone® (Big lame) 2 eet as atte. ett 33 650 anid es aly oe Siaroportee aller tue ol Selene ce one taanen etc 8 658 Sand; shaly “at nye oe tama poaeies Cranes 172 830 and 8) Mer ee TSS ce An en ee ee re 25 25 Shale, ie A te 8 30 rope NANG Cf] 90 2 sm EMR AP han kr, SA Brea! 6 5 Be Re 5 was 408 226 OL PIRDD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Mississippian System. Limestone (Big Lime) ohale, wish 2s Shale, red Shale, gray Sandstone Shale, bluish Shale (Sunbury) Sandstone (Berea) Total depth Shot 60 qts, 15 bbls. Salt water bailed off. Log No. 325 Jesse Stafford, No. 1, lessor. Thickness Depth 90 498 175 673 10 683 106 789 8 TES 75 872 18 890 30 920 920 Nitro Oil & Gas Co., Huntington, W. Va., lessee. Location: on North Fork of Paint Creek, 3 miles west of Paintsville. Completed: June 25, 1918. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Soil ae Shale ‘Sandstone Mississippian System. ibimestone (Biel ame )i sacs res ete Shale, bluish Shale, grayish Sandstone Shale, bluish Shale (Sunbury) Sandstone (Berea) Total depth Log No. 326 Jesse iIuyons, No. 1, lessor. Production: 1 barrel oil. Thickness Depth 20 20 18 38 380 418 102 520 175 695 LO) 805 4 809 40 849 inh 860 60 912 0 920 Keaton Oil Co., lessee. Location: 1% mile up Keaton Creek from Blaine Creek, on right hand side. Produe- tion: 38 barrels oil. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Sandstone, (35 ft. below surface a heavy flow OLS Water jit oe yeaa one JOHNSON COUNTY 227 Mississippian System. Thickness Depth iamestone, (Bio lime); salt’ water .....06.6. 148 Se yi penis tens ead eee El UML eee ole oka wy sheds ands eg 8 7 524 URS Ee Rig Beate OA A ye eee Aen rea 210 734 fe Rt OPT eee SIN EAE STEN: Oe te cas ee whe eee oh a, oe Ge 6 740 CIE ISS OMIES Se ees oe ures re een a 36 776 DAGON eE GIVICE) cd. OMODOIS. OU er. ng = Su ecb: seq 42 818 CU Oc cureCleDalimes Se tere hy Syeie del cre! Shae kyo oe 818 Log No. 327 Jesse Lyons, No. 2, lessor. Practically the same as Log No. 1. No. 1 produces 38 bbls., and No. 2, is estimated to produce about the same. No. 2 located slightly below No. 1 on Keaton Creek. Log No. 328 Joe Hamilton, No. 1, lessor. Wheeler-Watkins Co., lessee. Loca- tion: on Mine Fork just above the mouth of Little Paint Creek. Au- thority: J. J. Baker. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Sati Sox pide 5 Fone 1h Bn 0 ale aaah ae a ae ee : 30 30 SHC Tce mum nen rm aren) WA AE eg eT oD 65 SPHINN AV OWE a oh acon yr renee Sige a 30 oa eli 28) NC Wig ME WYO Do oe ee a rr at 146 roe (40 nen GIN re a 5 a ri Re ee ie a 6 Lay Mississippian System. LM OSe OMe DU OMLAING | Ci. seo ca sie sie bee pons 0.6 53 205 Santer (Keener) show Olli... aac. ae 165 370 Sie rw Beret on Oa SSE te, el alia doled / «totem ies 35 405 nad, dark craw (Biot Injum)a°Cas: sinh... 2. 3: D 455 Pye Core LU Gen teeth thas ot ote oe eE wt 32, Ge eat Rotene EA 467 REA CLUE MOLY We POOHIE CUS o et ccrere eisp a aos tse 8 : 12 479 Seba OMe, Tiree ah oes cs a aoe. sc Re Pais. ies, ye ie! Sal's) a 38614 515% Seat ee WILEE Vc SOME OL) css. 5 ccc eyaie e weiee @ 24 53914 NekaOtr ge GIN AN oS. OA een a ket eee ee 5 54414 Cora eerie RAT Vom die iic ot ebcicile xe av ese Whar s 20 56414 REELS OIL eevee Ree ceca Atel Soak satay est sc2 aiish so. nace. 15 579 EME eee oa or rh OR a eae 21 601 SPUD LO airs ERE LEY Rae erent) cos ne cs ck poids neh ovens s 25 626 Same pMe (leet Oa teers. soe te, osenk mks, oh a eve, oo atae ye 61 687 OUR! SU OTicLip yes ace tras cre etens ORT h Aye optees 687 Le bo CO OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 329 Joe. Hamilton, No. 2, lessor. Wiheeler-Watkins Oil Co., lessee. Location: on Mine Fork just above the mouth of Little Paint Creek. Strata. Pennsylvanian and Mississippian Systems. Thickness Depth Sandstones, shales, and limestones ........... 504 504 Sad ShOMe MCW VEL) ith eld doaapeget ates Aes eon 40 544 Sihalerandesamds (oT OKCH: 7.1% wis eam o araiecat onesies oO. 635 ANUS ONE AC BELPER sai oe ans tee nee te ew Geel 54 689 Eotalideptlye. .% wetena, : ; 689 NOTE—This record is very neptune: io is reported to have been practically the same as J. H. No. 1 above the Wier sand. Log No. 330 H. M. Rice, No. 1, lessor. Emden Oil Company, lessee. Loca- tion: on Road Fork of Barnett’s Creek, about 2 miles N. E. of Oil Springs, and 8 miles west of Paintsville.. Started: Aug. 1, 1920. Com- ipleted: Sept. 28, 1920. Initial Production: 15 bbls, oil. Authority: C. E. Bales. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Ie OW Bis tare, RE a heres eee ae Re ees 8 8 Sandstone (oil cee 15 in. el ey ee ere eee 487 495 Mississippian System. . Limestone (Big Lime), stron® was . ov. Geans 100 595 Sandstone, shaly, ioreen Vo etary --.e. ey ate 349 944 Sandstone: (°“BereavGrib*” )\s"0il sca es sew ears : 25 969 Shale anc «Ga11 Geno lanes ote ain Oatsee ee ee eee ae 46 £005 LOG Ceptln ets. edt emai ete eee ss 15015 Log No. 331 Will Turner, No. 1, lessor. Mid-South Oil Co., lessee. Location: Little Mine, Elevation: 860 approx. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth POT ns ae ie aad tas PAO Cigale abe ees ener anes 12 12 SHA Sn Mewes vipat wank GA ve sean crde eat eee ee 14 26 Dad Ola yaeree cet « acm bale a Basee anche serv feaianr noes 20 46 Lares orles 9 DLO Wi, wurecec meee ie Larned, oe era ae ike 58 RULE Mt) Le ac 2 tio eels ieee week icra ter So ee: aoe 15 13 OIG): PRY |S chan.) ots ac ean ee ance wee ss eee 84 217 Shale, curary este ak, a bah we Pp tee es A nce ee 50 267 Sandstone (Maxon), sae hea Pe SA NEE 65 332 bo ie) JOHNSON COUNTY , 2 Mississippian System. Thickness Depth NCAMIPGR OMe ye eo Mein GT Se aos fe i's inc once, ©) aH 63 395 Shale, green (pencil cave) 5 400 Limestone (ine Bame), white 2. i. Set §2 482 Shale, green 26 508 Sand, gray 15 525 Shale, sandy SRR ER sats, Be wins Piie Ta deals 4 527 Ram O NV eee Va erie tries sic gical wid hase dle» oe 624 Shale, light gray : 100 724 Sand (Wier), gray, hard De inend ie Goss 56 780 Sale, LO Wr (OU OULEY |) ela oceo cae hs es nes 10 TOG Seen OAT (NSCP ORY sevice sc tr.'s 5 80 a bee ee Se 66 856 Devonian System. Shale, white and black (Chattanooga) ...... 269 LD Limestone sandy, light brown (Corniferous).. Soy teak TEADATSE SEO TINS. TORSHN TARO ECG Ue OR hare en ea meee ee 180 1,390 PTCA OTA LVI Fi ae a hp ayegsle aie ai hie Ue, eo as 20 1,410 a lepebat Migs AMC PREC Sess. o\sne rs ais ace p sue 3 40 1,450 JUAN OURO es. Lao 20 01s 6 Rae ant eee 30 1,480 Lamestone, gray wad beht brown .........:.. 85 1,565 imVervOne; ICT DIG SNAP: 6. ces. ck eae os ae 65 1,630 VEL aRe cers ate: CREW GhOUICR AS he a ree Sie oly GLO MMU CeROMG. te OLA MOTaMNehh 22.0.) «. aubeas we aK 20 L730 LEMOS DCLG "ee Oo ek ae ns aa 40 Leer O MOST ON GAOL IMT oul cad eks « Snclaks “a laberale 20 1,790 FNCU Comme ROMO Oh Wes els yeti cicdvse ve tag deere ce Bhs de. 9 : 205 IS Eee OND ky Me ee Meh at ofa 6 a sylanve al als a ye cee We 15995 NOTE—This is a very poorly kept record, especially in its lower part. PARTIAL RECORDS. Log No. 332 Felix Fyffe, No. 1, lessor. (Location: Big Lick. Production: Gas, 000,000 ft. Commeneed: August 1916. Completed: April, 1917. Depth to sand, 638. Total depth, 672. Feet sand, 34. Log No. 333 A. M. Lbyon, No. 1, lessor. Union Oil & Gag Co., lessee. ‘(Loca- tion: Big Lick. Production: Gas, 500,000 ft. Commenced: May, 1917. Completed: Aug., 1917. Depth to sand, 605. Total depth, 645. Feet sand, 40. Not shot. 230 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 334 A. M. Lyon, No. 2, lessor. Location: Big Lick. Production: Gas, 250,000 ft. Commenced: Sept., 1917. Completed: Oct., 1917. Depth to sand, 705. Total depth, 755. Feet sand, 50. Log No. 335 Steve Fyffe, No. 2, lessor. Location: Big Lick. Production: Gas, 500,000 ft. Commenced: Oct., 1918. Completed: Nov., 1918. Depth to sand, 760. Total depth, 800. Feet sand, 40. Log No. 336 Henry Fyffe, No. 3, lessor. Location: Big Lick. Production: Gas, 300,000 ft. Commenced: July, 1919. Completed: Sept. 3, 1919. Depth to sand, 730. Total depth, 768. Feet sand, 38. Log No. 337 A. M. Lyon, No. 3, lessor. Location: Big Lick. Production: Gas, 300,00 0°ft.* Commenced: Oct:, 1919. Completed: Dee: 195 1919, Depia to sand, 650. Total depth, 690. Feet sand, 40. Not shot. Log No. 338 Jim Evans, No. 1, lessor. Location: Upper Laurel Creek. Pro- duction: Gas, 250,000 feet. Commenced: Aug. 6, 1919. Completed: Sept. 19, 1919. Depth to sand, 685. Total depth, 666. Feet sand, oi. Not shot. Log No. 339 Jim Evans, No. 2, lessor. Location: Upper Laurel Creek. Pro- duction: Gas, 250,000 ft. Commenced: Sept. 28, 1918. Completed: Oct.. 22, 1919. Depth to sand; 678. Total depth, 718. Feet sand, 40. Not shot. Log No. 340 J. S. Young, No. 1, lessor. Location: Upper Laurel Creek. Com- menced: Dee., 1918. Completed: Jan. 28, 1920. Depth to sand, 664. Total depth, 700. Feet sand, 36. CHAPTER V. KNOTT COUNTY. Production: Oil and Gas. Producing Sands: Pottsville (Pennsylvanian) ; Maxton and Big Lime (Mississippian). Log No. 341 Greenville Sloan, No. 1, lessor. Ohio Fuel Oil Co., lessee. Loca- tion: 2 miles from mouth of Caney Creek of Right Beaver Creek. Com- pleted: September 15, 1914. Authority: The Eastern Petroleum Co. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth re SL Cmmrer age a tert rie biists ctuteceret as foe steha: #0 Oe syene ts 18 18 SUITS co RENOIR ee oh Rie ago ene rae aera 12 3.0 Boel Ome Cm See ete ee ei gong oct wile i's 08 fs woman teeters 10 40 (act EO. reel or Ss aca civar cee in) aye I's 3 43 icy le sala rem SCs SNC LISe0 ts .o% ots c'n 5% Aakash gc eos 57 100 ALS LOMCINE Le iat ese Rn RyaGd SRS AOR eRe a eC 60 160 Siler man AMONG LIS’. ford. eiuck ucla ieee eA sare 60 220 DEEUE ok Cok Ghee a ee ee ae 2 Dee lm R TC MUNE ES ce Notes cay wince SEA 18 240 SODAS VNC. (ea Wie Se acini oe mace ae Rear are 15 255 SAte ASO AIT Pe ELIS. el gts, ate gi scotgents ols oh, ape oe 57 312 PAanUslOnee (Passo wWers Lo.) ois se so ia ciscn ss 4 ie 23 335 SCM TPA SWELLS wigs, ss se ciete.<'s asia ees 60 Ooo Sai LS tOle mw i ee cla facil Bae, te Se ters 105 500 DUE mInAT met IN weite NEE) ce te on, oo ae tae «9 usta 150 650 ATIC POMC Mee Ae Rede Pre gece one. doa, sii Bacon 3 erg hes 110 760 plribemaT eerpeces err. athe hots Gre sks we a on Fu tarmhe 80 840 pe le INL Via eran as he. srckacaney teh eae yalnase verano > 45 885 RS LMT GT Chm ey Sree are et a say erettn, cere ee eats ah 55) 940 STS tol en Sle WALOT ied .D o DEAR rail e.oie oq dematnee sis 120 1,060 LIES INPRO ce « kee Sle Cir Wr aes ear Pc mcrae CEE 15) 075 Sandstone, white (gas 1080, 1,000,000 feet).. 30 1,105 seth Pm LUE CU Wy a ee yig eh ha 18g. 6, ter mats = Ee ee ous 4 JOO pilaster te MUUNYES «fekear ce dine Seiok re elas risly sane at te 1,142 a Lemar eS ELIS D5 diate <6 Sis Sele 8p oe Si LG Ps SEWAGE TAR SET TOP Ney oy an, CORE a eae ee AO 12 fae PG) Pang le Wea rl epee anata: pe Peet ce Shs Ge nob yw ale at areca des a 5 PLT Sandstone (salt sand), (small gas 1195 to 1205, show of oil 1238, 1 bailer salt water Dero NOUT, Aho LOO) aa. wesoperdedeie alee Spe Leas 0 De Leet. LECH, BUELL Se fey Stcnciauciar of iw s esate toe oa 70 1,340 232 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Sandstone, (a little pas 1340}. 12cm Mites dhe) Shale; bard. and smelloe se tse wre. sw. eee. eee 76 1,426 AO Ge, Lee Glieen cits: nia), ce Soy a eaens. an emene 1,426 Hole plugged at 435 and 1385 feet. NOTE should be near the 10 feet of sandstone above 1350 feet in depth. This record principally in the Pottsville. The Maxton sand Log No. 342 Joseph Hall, No. 1, lessor. Location: Msuth of Dry Creek of Right Beaver Creek. Casing head: 801 feet. A. T. Completed: October 13, 1904. Authority: The Eastern Gulf Oil Co. strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth eit) ts ee eee ee he Ra eae ee he ee Oa od 18 18 pandstone, eray. (fresh Water) ass. 8e eye oka 10 28 hada “hard: ve aoe saan eee eas Serta eee 92 120 pandstome (fresh water, ers i5a¢-uleeey 5a 8 128 pnale, Mhagd | facta ee Gtk eee ae eee eee 12 240 SANGSHORE yo: alo. SA wer. OR ee De eee ee on 215 Shale} ward, sired lywssa'h Oeics aes hae 105 380 SaNAstouwe. Wh Moe. * .0.9.6e 6 aoe Ae Te ee ee ae 24 404 Shale, hard, shelly, (little gas 435-440) ...... 41 445 shale, sward, pblaoke sk eae Pe oo ee 85 530 PANS VOME MITA ye rn mot Zola Seales fs 8 8 er ee 220 750 MALO eae, DleGlaen tees 4 oo ASE cnc ee ae 60 810 pandstone, VTay. carts a th Meese er Pees. 75 885 phale, Mhard: blacker tne sote nt. 3 aes & ree he 8 see 65 950 pandstone, pray -(salt’ water 981) >. t252..4.,,. 40 990 Shale, whard, “pebble shell’ ..<¢ 0... = @2gses ss... ee 10:02 Sandstone, white (salt water 1123) ......... 1538 bag Gays) Cia) ee AOE OS vend RP oi ae epee a Rae tek a 1,160 Sandstone (salt water flooded hole 1190) .... 83 1243 phale, hard.” 24ity > Seek 3) We ete ee ore Re 5 4 Le A Sandstone. 2... (hae et eae eee eens 8 He Ons Mississippian System. pla le, Oe Ma tale ae ates ee eee ree Bi 2 ot a2 910 Sandstone (Maxon), (oil at 1390 to 1396). .. 108 1,398 Shale,» hard, img; aap) Sane 5 Glee ee ean Aeniay hie a9 1,437 LAM OS OME, wheres: pie te eee ne Oe ee ae 10 1,447 Shale, hard, JiR y

Shalessblackwaiardasctm. a. oe pueden ik. epee: 20 OL o Limestone “(Littles Lame)s dark “20 as oe 105. > 13720 SD naleme (WONCILIIGA VE) airs ss cGneres a iikea-a sere ernie aye hater ast ‘Limestone (Big Lime) , WAP C tuts eet Rete: 127 81,850 Sand w nite et biy 7M) ice ae arent ene 10° 1592.0 Bandstone. red, .hard,. (bie sl nium) nee ee 10% 613930 ule red. sand ve iey Lr gUN) eee oe saeare 15 1,945 Sand; Teds = (Bigs Lnquri\ae st cetera wanueries: hls se 50 1,995 Limestone, “blue, iC Big winnie eee oe eee 5 2,000 Shale, dard, ‘and Jimestone shells “4 2 2. eee 100 2,100 Devonian System. Shales blacks (Chattanoovay) acs eee capes 344 2,444 Limestone (Irvine sand), (1st 10 feet gritty, then mostly limestone, gas 2449) ....... 53 2,497 Silurian System. Tiiniestomies ic... Vaeususk. cats on eat: oe tee ee ee 20 Aico 4t Shale; shard: ‘and slimestonesiiel ls) 2c 601% 2,577% otal depths @ ise. wae eae eer 2,07714 Log No. 344 North Jellico Coal Co., lessor. Louisville Cement Co., lessee. Lo- cation: Near Wilton, Knox Co., Ky. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Saleem d ee AN Se octece Spe oy et eA ree ba Lees say LNG Coa 2 Bas Ween cilantro es We abe aera ee 8 defi: SeEOr cya W ROR Rp Cass yo CAP cry wae ere eae 4.4 22 S ALCS TORG Watuki S cee CAA Rent be gts yO in Un odalel 42.8 64.8 Oa Ma ie Scape ee ee eran Be trea Pe eens Pe Ye ces tab Bat Shales claret Satake le eee a eae eee tee ga a: 66.6 Sa mdetone® eae ata nee ee ee ae ee eas oe a 2 68.6 pandstome;) darks Liv ae te eee nec tears Go 30 142 Sand Stowe aces eee Vangie oe: one eR et ane Ys 144 KNOX COUNTY 235 Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Ler eS OLUMMEE ee eee eee ee ee oa ee aes, 21 6 150 BULGE AT emer tac Meet oa gee pi ve als Oh tene ts pane tata. cee 44.4 194.4 GEA os 5 et IN Renee eae sor a Ne ia ee a a OS a SILO UF mere Mitte Aber SUN NTS. athe ry er wes ase 6 ooo e eel 9 Seu Cler ch, Oar mens ee cute hm. oete ad MT here ar ema aed Se 3 202 iia [eemaCL aC Kage ar. Wa a Pe Al yrs toes corte re oes 6 208 SEL ceMOUe esl ale @PALLING. fo an Aen areca ek SM ays 57 265 Ro Pen meme Let Kae ater ogee oe eS ey 0 at Vine opiate sts cay =, «rs 20 285 SS LOR Led xiare See eee Cine wh Pile eC EON a aes 25 310 SECM, <6 EW as ©, Gee eae eee a Ga Aas yee tbe oe eam 44.4 354.4 ClO mem Se a I et TE moa IS Wale cepcek oie Ete eh cuit pe age PS TUCLm NG, Lower eee xterra ee NE nhieu eTen Manat Ne a iter eae score, 41.6 396 (SiGe erunenee Rie ee ee etary Bek tay Perea 156 391.6 Samoeroter tid Sralemns. 9.0, owl. we akaMco ars 12.6 410 Sa ter TK Cee epee ery, IEE es Ra EEE ries 1 411 ak SOUL > pe Rena Conan eS aa ae ae, che roam 80.3 AD les (CVOS MI CU et ten aes a an ctata Sy oT AYR RE A ee 6 491.9 eee ene) Lee eee Aor Ba uk a ee Se gree Re eee nea o 3.0 495 SLI SLOTS Amel Sn a0 Note aA th tc Oe Nee tions hor tances redone 92 587 Boe CMMREE AE Kw oo Doster s Rats GLEN eRe eee al hae Palais vant 608 REO Otek te ae ie eel iy i ae kee ke enka 87 695 Doli lems euGk ast soe oe Meee alge Suey eee re eRe yore tn 2. Oe 36 2 7) CC WN oO ea rere Re WC etait PRC ore Re eke aa 2.4 700.2 Con and. snalecnitixed se x9 tech aes tines oe ain eeokearcans 1s (2400 Sanusione, shale, Parnes: yay 2-5) es oo 20-2 oF SUSTAIN G) Mates sec Ge Tiered el tans, a te tents us Ban's 47 774 SAudsuonescOls Omendveds ene tee am ltr nore tes 6 780 SOHNE REA BAW Oe toe YP eee rh aay kent Ree hn ere 103 883 Se INEUI SEEN AG fren weg et OO Ae me RR Me a are Tae 10 893 SS mmr KGa econ k Seeiah aitag Gs eS ee ona es Ss Oe eee ere {4 900 OGG HOG: & Oe ee eee ae narra 4 904 RA rel Varies No st cue Hegel ws Gino Slaw ee Mee aye alee 18 922 Rie Lemme tai mero Mec Ace cha cel ahi ish s -alca ents ayens Goes a 924 ESTA ee LOGON SCI Yr fe yn cnn de a rh ate eie wii iam ei 5 929 eer CCA MD ee a hag GY etete. elas aye at pa ae cs 1 930 SSOP EREIEL OSCE 1S 2 ee ee a 11.4 941.4 CET be 8 ah 6 Se UG eae eee ea ie col a SOLS CGI 2 ea ek Cees nee a ea Veit 94326 SINE. GG TE ap Oca a ea eer a 12.6. 956 Limestone, sandy 3 959 HELV Gogaea teh © cane en (i 966 PASC EO Tipe all Comes epi. ole ve «os sae 2s 8s os 3 969 “SATIRIC SEN? ale Mr BetS hen en Oa er 4 973 SLOTUHES Voicg 3 Sie Wy ea oe Ut 984 Shale, dark 4 988 a6 OLL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Shale, sandy Been iy ENORY coin, % oto 2 990 Shales? ple" Ae ee eee ace had < 2 raat) iS a1 6 alot Oia). 2 Saab cc he ras oe eee 140 290 RSL) MANA gates ake ed eae teat eee ee a5 345 SUIS, WV Te eects aac ces Hick eo cy eee eee ee Ce 3 348 (BORE SITO Wi tate alte eee Or wing h ee pk: Gah Reda Rael Oe ie 2 350 Mississippian System. Limestone and shale oh 30D TOS Laon Revere oe eet ci epee ee A ea 20 385 Limestone, blue He at eg GN ERIE 5 390 inimestone; whitey andy shade eee e nee eee 395 St Shale ae om 402 Shale and limestone Peat yn eee ae 409 Shale, pink, and limestone s.00 eee ee, G 4 413 iimesioné-and shale’. «oe ae es a il 426 babes goin 8 pia o.oo = ee Rg ee 35 461 Shales whites ese. an ee eee ee es 10 471 Shales Dime oh eid el «i ep ae Seen Me Sek tes 20 491 InieshOl61 2 sans ss 2 ee 6 497 ~J LAUREL COUNTY 237 Mississippian System. Thickness Depth PRIUS GGG ora ota ae ess 3 ig ents letra eine, Casella im 504 STS ET CEM iL lke lp ie emt ce nm Pan ee a 6 510 Pies nene. bite amdyOTray .c-.\e ssc We dw. o's 45 555 Limestone, brown Les A rs rg OY eta vi 562 | PUNO MON er. AOL CE UO Ne yah in meting se sw Belo 6%. 6 143 705 WNC OUGENG CO tue eke r eee Gane ee sicai"« Wvgia Verte a. on Se 61 766 LAE SUNS 2° PGES sR IO oi a ee IO ee eee 12 778 ‘“‘Sand,’’ green (New Providence) .......... 15 793 Devonian System. Siale prow (Chattanooga ) GRAIG Sueie reacts IBSEN. pee ee ar Re eae air eG 350 RIN la weeds apes e anche Woe hace nie eee SDA vag ae tee PE SS 60 “STEN ny 9 Og a eRe Pe ra 15 RCM ts. Chetek: aa aco Blakes aan Petes seu he a eek as ue tetas 75 SDE TICS 9. (oe Sore ae ers Oe es a ae 20 poe ec Pee eeah. TRE Noe sso oflasle exc beregeishamee 13. abe? Ries 30 BOUTS) Cray ene ans? rotate OMe norher Anak oh. ema s Geeta ae Ne EEN see 15 BL MC eis eats RPO oo, pute age wave Nese: oh 3 tay : 95 Po al Cre eee Gan eee Na Bae Boni et ok Cbs? vc OA 0 25 EU EN(UCMe eS. 5 73 See Ny eee aes Gh Pah acct Stes sw oRG Je tran? : 15 BUTICLOy ee ena ET io ctiac tant otis baat ay loys, cas naps ose to 10 Mississippian System. Pamestones (Uittlew Lim) — vena. cai sos bo ears wins 20 Me CO CTECLLS CAMO) ccc eit pein « F< 6 2 eie eel oe 2 mestONee(Dip* Lame). ). sos sess 6 sud cle oe ci lS SIC ee ee ans Sane ee ORY ends eee a Ree) Caer s ; 20 bi Eee eo om, Meeirn. (hae ee a eee ee Le fran hme ROE Pye tails ah ct Senet ae ay EON eee er re 58 ie SL CM ha Saat datos wh ng menue eA Po Beren ne Mar chic nae 462 1, Puiates sOT OW sCOUNOULY: Vit ce done se oe of cae ere 8s 209 1, Pie oered |. Cpay plat OTL eaG)\ otek. rogiti’ acd Bs OU Cl gC OUANG drags ove en titers Rete cea, oon esa et oy tad 1d Log No. 349 L. S. Alley No. 6, lessor. Ohio Fuel Oil & Gas Co., lessee. menced: January 20, 1920. Completed: February 21, 1920. Feb. 23, 1920, 80 gts. Production: 4 bbls. per day. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness SUN Ce, a ae re 15 A ee Res Me i ae oa a Se oa es ee es 15 Shale 20 Sees oliS ene) snenle lei e lee eile) (¢', @o-6,0.e 6) (6 0 (6 6 © 0 @) '0' © ‘eo: ve Com: Shot Depth 13 60 bo 235 260 610 670 685 760 780 810 825 920 945 960 970 990 992 140 160 162 220 682 COT (PRs) 729 Com- Shot Depth 15 30 240 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Seti da 252. Reena a eee te SE es wo a 30 80 Ned eo I nen al Rear Seer cet c A Soe, ae a eee em ORE 10 90 fet ote Mame re Ree ie of Cen’ UPA. Dk pe MO aOR ; 40 130 poet el eor eicnie Race Ste Mees ere cee yao oo. 2) sh ay ee ee Fs 145 SSBC. Sine e aati eae Seana tract oct aft eae : 15 160 SEN ety Oe Se ee Ae eee tre 400 560- COLT Cs eee oe oie Eh ake ie LE Vo noe I eee Ube G5 SLL ey pa Aes Se si Gee sre een OO ws, em See ee races 40 cto PG Ol peer ets ns ie 6 ae onsets K ares dear ek idee es 135 910 SEN eh ae eee aLalk airi a OCS AON ae SK SERS 20 930 Mississippian System. Huamastomer ((Bige Line )eeceaie, cet neers ates 160 1-090 Randstomes (hice Injunie aa ee eee ye Ua elegy STs Lee Retr LO tate Me ree 7 64 a al ee ene anne ere 2 1,214 Shalerand shell b; Seuss ER ome: ein &, 429g eeos Shale, brown (Sunbury) x ghe cists ag Slaton rhs bace Woe 2:3 ae GAG pand (Berea), (pay 1,67 7s 697) Sree SL 25 Ld POtAL) Opi pan sake cs Rar mtn apeiron as wo the Od Log No. 350 W. F. Austin, No. 1, lessor. Ohio Fuel Oil & Gas Co., lessee. :Lo- eation: Lower Louisa Township. Commenced: April 7, 1919. Com- pleted: May 6, 1919. Shot May 10, 1919, 60 qts. Strata. Pennsvivanian System. Thickness Depth Se TESS iW Side ies ecd ia Os aan Gua, Pee ac Mi naia sy Rome MeL Ce ybaeer eet heals eae 4 4 STE len a eRe Ry. Aenea Ge eR Oe ee 24 28 SUN, Melee a Gon ie ae ian ina aes ae CoRR cae MORE 49 CIR et Eo 2 30 os FACGy Nes ey oe serene PEN ee eta tab ec vin oats yg oY 5 35 SSO eee el Wet ee eee RES Hea cite: eee a hE a meena 11855 50 CGN ae seas FP thee ee ae) ok eek aes tae ee 3 53 FGM ei son cate dee cement re SOB Ten ; 25 78 Sh Mie eek Pen hon a ege We ea greet nie ee RR ee ys ie 85 St 0S. oy hk Ga aod ote kee heaton asa ’ 8 93 Sila 5 hue a eae ek eee ee ee 52 145 Ce ete hho vor ce ae ee at ae Reg pa Metals) oF 40 185 alee te 20 oc eRe teary se eae ea cen fc 5 50 2385 Por Wie eee oe rien A ener ene Te dee dy. a een ge ara ae 35 270 et od ane ae Meri He WR eg Gada ee 60 330 SS Pa caste Sree A ic can Gus zes ie een ee ee Mee eee ae 20 850 Sia Les ees S eens sadn ke a co ee ee eB ree dicine 15 565 LAWRENCE COUNTY Pennsylvanian System. Sand Shaile Sand Shale SUC, Bp PAN ar De diet ICM ane Set eee ee Pee IG ne | et ee ain Mer MC tM So te a ee eg RSUNG YS be Age tan HAGA Med stats: tgs Rid AS REN ah Bigg rn an ae ee : rene BW? Ae eee ate Ue ee, ee en wee © Roel 5 de Sand (salt) Shaler Siete Maa a Scene Sr Se PRA fh ots Sand Mud Sand Shale eee! bee Ua Geib ioe, wy iw is pSi emcee: .a/g er e170: Ta? coh lalla: U6) yeh “el et) apie) ey 6) a .6) es tot ‘ae, ie o, Oras ew hist eee We) ley Fel Or tel 6s tele ame. i) aids ye 16) et 6 6) ounce) ie) a) m Pivanve Aanye Dire) tmeve ie) el e¥e, er eis: eiiiacney ie 6/\\¢) les faye) en ew) els) cer et fe ees ‘o, eee) SRLS) lacs im Venn A087 VO, Werke, fue) (0). ‘e:. Chie) (GMO ace, HO, fey yeutod ca. Ye 6) “we he. 'a) Je Ne! “e' /8) iio. er Male Mo je). es AO 60 c0y) vette Ye: Ye) kg. (0), et (ay val) Jo) wi veel ge! (¢ ia? ole ©) (6) va: ey qi ce: Twine) Ke; im ello) fovms) ‘oe ie) 16, (nla. if, en awe fee a #18 Je onl ie, “e \s Sie He ia ere en ie) le) ay) Vers ra) Kop ce) a Net) oe See ie) ibt je) 8) vei te!) 10) 16! fa Jey ie, a Pus neanere\ a) (a lejie! je’ (vl ‘suis! “wire “sh ae) isidve: Le! oy (ei Yorrs) 6) as) aren tel bole) Jigs dw oe. oj ysis ie?aiey (0) jolMiel Js) Gal cw) lo) ae) Yeu eh) cs: we) 7S) ie% {ely sm WR oN am tie! N, cel ie) 6 1a (ele a Mississippian System. SVE (3G eg tl % 50051018 Ia oer a a Reo el eo a cr Renee TEMRCRA CL tACUNC | ae pRitie Ann tata Mcleod ae aes Samet Petia guise FOELRC RD CURC TIN CANON) mises ss le Au anys ad als aap cor Limestone (Big Lime) UAVS. WIS oA one taster as aewan ne Mileage s+ acts La Spe BRCAICPns kan cya Ge sNeagre 1g h UCM ee ea Pee enn ee eee la SO NE ORE, 2 gee aaa Die higd MeO ea ae onic ge MA ict Rn a ke | BCEAO CAs peer res ge RNS Ee) ec cee ea eM a SADT SMI Chae eC Se an Cente eitYah cath RO TS re pha oa 0s Shale, brown (Sunbury) Sand (Berea) a Postel chem ide 5 aigapeor Fe sa Log No. 35i 2 41 Thickness Depth 13 37 alr 378 415 432 440 465 520 575 578 700 740 765 768 830 833 845 868 872 1,020 1,023 1,135 1,138 1,25 1,585 TG 1,633 1,633 W. F. Austin, No. 2, lessor. Ohio Fuel Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Com- menced: August 6, 1919. Completed: September 5, 1919. Shot Sep- fember 5, 1919, 20 -qts. Productions 5 bbis. per day. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. OUP OSC Sch SEM ra Sarah ana aie arr Co Ea iene diy Poe irae aa SOIR ON 216 |e Aree tele Ue TMLOPSGI ©. 0) At) Sa a rae ne ee ha ee ee aera ee Sei RRO ata tece is hv uP be Re aA er Ea ee Bet Aw bBo a a Aad whee kcs CEUMENNE «28 RP ce a go Sand MAEM eLne Lee aliiateiaie’ Rava?) ens) & (ee) Sem se Fee eo 6) Tee (6) 6 68 18) ee (Oe 8 Thickness Depth yi 7 14 58 65 67 85 200 242 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Slisle ram" sn ell cent ines meme emcee Me ke cals ae Moe 115 315 SB Rake ea ci ag eae seme SL Share sr eiAe, 9 A : 25 340 Min cae fae ee Se RA stun Base 35 375 Dan, Steel Lye we ete a eee eek tees foes ase kt es telape 115 490 DOTODG.- avast tp stan ere Reems floes aoe aW eves aes Met UREA NG ASMP A Eel Dodyh oe, of) yin h te UNS E 90 240 Se LGaes ec-. taey eae i Se LR eee 20 260 Rory 6 Ne er tty PUP od Ret So nt aA Skiba rte eee, ‘ 60 320 elite N Cs 2 Ee Gee Pr Te eA ten Fee eR can cas, Oty, teen te W 40 360 NSE O CG Re rene he PIS a VIER So goes Latin Beccid neROeE a ; 220 580 A hs Reece gm A ae eee Mr cet riers Pie yn cach Oe 20 600 SOLEIL Mi vesce tice a stocyet eaters Pel areca «ete ace Nae eC een ahi gecte 3 40 640 Shale; saCbae” wWaler) lowe, Ala. tesa tceed ee eee iy 35 675 LAWRENCE COUNTY 243 Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth BS PEC Gl Gy ee eet a vers Nias ckatenets omrest: «, acage we Gs : 110 785 VE i er ts beh Keisha ops fais eal igs ori sive ed Days wow 6 65 850 SPELT) GAP care hobs hc, Faas frvie dau eRian dis alte tp arene? Sa are Vege es ; 105 955 Mississippian System. PoP emaePOTLCLIU CAGE Ger. Satut', teeta bane ee dra colli wh 4 959 Ubpmadte heen Wee ale ieun Ohsit NS ee gee mer Ce yrer ce tars eee Rr 160" 51,119 ane bO Wer (ia Om LY] Oe reat cit ieee a ae SON veo Pern DCE tea ercente tee tanta strata asts ieee Bsxe Ai Eels Oe SATO seLO We OU LUOUT Y \olee 4 cate fee oh snare eas 20 e169 0 Sana DETed yi; (pays UrstiL.0. f6eb yer. wee.) as: PAR SRST SE OP LARGIUN! scmeriaie. Merwe tae 6 ans Perel Log No. 353 W. F. Austin, No. 4, lessor. Ohio Fuel Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Com- menced: December 27, 1919. Completed: January 29, 1920. Shot January 30, 1920, 40 qts. Production: 4 bbls. per day. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth UD eSOLIE Stak. se cae a ht ee ere ae ts see ; 3 3 PSO Ga wees Bamana Tank ie er eee ine), os eeu eke ‘ 12 15) So LA LEORGOlE G aie vee A mnse ac hematin eer otncne eee each eters 140 L55 SEIN GLS WOE GSD bate as se eeeecenren te eta en a tee os. acters 30 Loo She lee nG Ol baa ete tc ene eee te ee let BSP Sa 5 190 POC SCOIUE eee montis, ol te eran, trie be ae. aol mos : 20 210 SSE N Tee Went Canta. yet bra anc tr ear yee Sr St aa 91 40 250 No WERON SER ORANG ON Doce. ty MRS Ae gran aun Jeena hee al ar : as) 265 SLR eee OR ee a, Nae Lara at ae ae ge ein een are 10 275 erate (Cl Ga V0 Il VL Gin ee Peden ta csd neon ciety ake tern oF acaiceas e's ; 15 290 ee ts Sad Fe SE Tralee tance cash oa eS ee OL OV A Whetes, a 10 300 Ret OG me me oe eno. Rates, seers rete, Cre aa Shades whe ; 40 340 Seumine. Stell ye Vols ictc tim ook Bee Mo cele ah Meee 5 345 Snes RORMN ry aia ce Gee fa ety ee Pale er Gwe RA na 30, 375 at OME Ec. hid, wcuidh ol caMakal Pie sareh he oN see WOME 25 400 Pe MNTe eG) Cae fk Pie ko On cratccatsted stash on Mo hale 29 Bees é 10 410 OGM nos Es oN a a ee a a ae 2 412 Se hs Ro ae Bh alaaode ald d oe bs ok eats 3 415 pees la ee eae eee) ao ag hace cnn plete O's Sle dene 10 425 Sets 0) i Io sng. < ah.dy wi aloe re ete ae Sle 8 25 450 WOES as uted SS : 7 457 SURE ON AR es a oe 3 470 TROP ORS (ROE Ce gua ine On) Cane ee a : LO 480 244 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Shales: Gob £ ye se eres suerte ee ce emcees A oo giaycd na a 65 D45 mltale, Adak, CCM ite Seles ee ums te Aad, soe oa ne ge 5 550 Shales Baye ce oe per rea Fa aA ae ie wiles ds 35 585 PMO SLOSS ohne ow etes ie oysters Ee Catahate ere ; 74 659 lie, Loe Ch PON Seat we dda aie east ak ey eos eran, 3 tans 61 720 SOMASHOMeS WORE in) Rake state st + sete lass SSiy heh wkr Sane 12 840— NMG. VRIES PP teh bok etal oh phen wee ee ae 45 885 OAT Car Coen y aver thre hens as ela.aed sh tye etet aes es ene tan es ce 65 950 eae Meee cast bat apy bea 130%, 8. PAR hoes Re. 10 960 PS SMLCHIN UNE Alans Beg we Ng's: S.uchud net aed SDI Oe gi. Aer cen 10 21.0 Mississippian System. POSE UC hiss oh eens ore ate as oes hae ah ons eset ; 5 es, Sand (Maxon) . EPS ane gs oon 20 995 Limestone -“GLittler ime), ablack- evake ; 1s eloLe Shilo ME POMeLt “CEE N a, wi) cicraw dae see euuel hehe anneal ; pity 16018 Limestone (Big Lime) 155 1,073 PARASTONE KB Team UN Fn. dele emia fee eeng aoe 105 LAs Shale and shells : 459 10s 0 Dales) Me aN UO IY hye eee ot owen eG ce 24 1,661 Sand (Berea), (pay from 1,757 to 1,767) .... 20% 1,681yY Potiat hepths <5 heck pore eeee eae 1,681y% R. Blankenship, No. 1, lessor. Ohio Fuel Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Location: 214 miles northwest of Busseyville. Commenced: September 9, 1913. Completed: October 28, 1913. Shot November 7, 1913, 30 quarts. Production: Pumping water. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Gravel £edsekn cee eee ial een Chace: ane Rc es chain Ws 52 Sa 1 antes otk oe tee Bee ee eee nee ae 108 160 Shiali etn Meee en ee ke om 110 270 God bol mepe-h kc erro th g te yea eter eens 8 278 Re rie Fe: fkes 76 fo cocetyn MUR iret A hase cP angie Meena toes bn de PA 400 SETA ls set 32a) 2 oS ee, Ae as Re nr ed a et oD 435 TA TS oe as oa ee 07 eae ee er eR 80 Da ane salts cx -o0t cae Oras e tie ee ee ene we inte OG > Gis 530 Shale. £¥stre ot) he ose Bee eee ne emer, <2. f 170 700 ST Se eo hac a ee es te 3D VOD HGS . at Poel ie yaar owe ptt ce eee gee eet arietaeMe AE s 65 800 Jyimestone*- black? 284 oe pepe eee ere ts, 15 815 LAWRENCE COUNTY Mississippian System. Semen NT am LLG weevil.’ 1ka 5 -¥raa OW cin cia ai 87%, Fie ata a ; Cte LES ot Sera wate ERE er es ae OU ae Oe i Er Evmecetone bie LAmic)is pee 6 ee yar tala ees nes Gee ay te ate fo a. Sone OR ee Peat nhs BS Wed SEG BS Ve [a ok VCR ae VO Ce ed nae ae ae ee tre ate eee rege Cara oo ICO Soke eee sos SETA NE eR ART ots) GR AEE Gg ares er hina i ale, Pee, TeUINGE ASU UL As ce docu d uci a cee mere aia ou Weg tenes Paes OPO WEL? COMIVDUI I Ue. cheek atreen ca Geko xo AE PoE PCOS fiaeni ee 2 Iscu VM eonNvan te tpaatli alec kaha not cetags x doe eh Le RO een ck Sa Se eR ES ie Sse SEA pein ah Eula ony lAdepUW Abta ss .conl sq tom Aaa eye Log No. 355 ‘Thickness Depth a vl ae) Fes yae SOV) ai a OND) INS) ent H> OOD 850 865 1.040 1,045 Bae ies) 1,080 LSS ,o Raish Blankenship, No. 3, lessor. Ohio Fuel Oil & Gas Co., lessee. (Partial Record). Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Loyal Be Oe Seay i SRC OW olay MEA fa ean eran ae Saar Soler sete fae tt eee. NE ea Fe be ain a EOS UCTIC Pape OS SEO car ae es ho ae SUVA Le EES noc yee CNR Pas dan 5 ko et eae ee es Bake UNINC SEO IVE tach oc nee ac itn De eA to ead ae te UTES ES eR ee rested, SEM, er ee an ek Me ae Sree we AIA SLOMO. cache Were hoe eee EI te inet iia LOS aT Se LLB sock ce eens Meee ty cece Mate tee 2 ATIC SEOMG: cerenct Ure te INR CA ae te Ce Lo EEL oe CME. mace Rie, MESS. Reh Alara de ae a ORE Gee eure ae Be ame OTNE,§ re. Ralem te AR, Maketads Rare ws Se Be vas aah ELT, hs a ON ee ee te ae ee cr eg Sea ME Rie cs dec «13h Phe, Ss eS as. hin fe Fie aera 3 8 Seen GR SEN me Oe a rs cola 8A oh Wie ymin ia (oan alae oe trans A SITUS 8 cy aR ce renee ook ar a Mississippian System. Pe RORLORC IM MARONN Vo: 19 poe sna hae a Sees Shale PaMmercOmen( Die MuiMIe) boy icc here kee SET TG ES SIS co oy eh ar Shale SE MKCe Meee eae) ee elleil-e/\'s! a kisgs) Tel epee) # fel @) '@A <6) pat 'e) “SW eg Ye) @ Wee; se) OS one) eALer HLA oie ket is, cetiavie! ioe £1 161s, 0, m at ie "a ee (eC) ©) 9: 2/0” is @ 'e '« 6 8) S: Thickness Depth 20 pf No = C. FS =q Coc pe BS oy Cn, 2 eal SS) 1S at 4 He Et ~1 co bo S eu Sr Sa ey eS GS 15 eh 20 Snes Ol mm co Co oO ~] -] O1 ae oor wn nD wee wo bl OV © ol 19/2) NN S ro OO OX a CN SS ideo} 246 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 356 Well not completed when recorded. Arthur Blankenship, No. 2, lessor. Ohio Fuel Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Commenced: June 6, 1917. Completed: July 8, 1917. Production: 3 bbls. per day. Shot July 5, 1917, 100 quarts. After shot, 4 bbls per day. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth IS 1G S01 Lhe cron ret Pee ene a, ern, Age ee 40 40 S Hale ng ie Ae hare cee LOS an ay ocean, Saas a eden 50 90 DANG SCOn Cuan. kee reac titan occa eee ee can rae ia) 185 Daley ca. hcck cae knee ee nity eee ea, «eer oie me 115 300 Seu GStONG. © ata ech ee Ae ea ees Whites doe ae nate ements 50 350 PSEA Gs 9. 21 te ere oe ames ett ae cp ee aor ae 70 420 SATIS HOME ay esas a emesis tr fe eee Ree eee 20 440 Doli Lees aug Maret Sac aac ete ALR re ee 40 480 Sand Steg ives Meiosis cae Sat ea cee rere 20 500 WL LG Pee edd og sea ty weg Lerche ee er are eee area 50 550 SATASEOME> Tea cues cece Ee Caer ed te eee 25 bAD SS Wel Let Dis tee oy cs. SNe eee cee Se tae, ek see 5a 630 Sands tOMe ee Pe ape eee ot ee See 60 690 ra lek Dread 5 Boos hey ac 0 eas Ri oe a Me ean 30 720 Sandstone Miwaters 6.0.0) ame ames cectre yan eae 210 93:0 Sa Leb tetern tone nate itera Ser oer a ee ee 20 950 SAS LONG meee en tees a, oye eau lee heen he 85 12035 folie Ley anh eee nN ae n) er Oe ant he cg gem Cea Rayna > LOCO DEE W ARO RUG ANS Splat Sega ey Dae TO ey pines Sl Cr ot Oh ts oe RS ee 5 10 1,080 SS lve less ee eee crate o oees i eke wea wica pecan ic hertecee 10 1,090 Mississippian System. Limestone. ( Big (Lime) eee ccneriens othe teehe ars 145 1,235 Sandstone: Gisig slam )e sees beeen eae eee on tid) e350 Shale ‘and: e hel] (26 oe see Se eee eel cee 440 1,790 Shalevebrown, (SUnpUny) | mer ear eee. ae ast 31 L831 Sandstome A Beres ) CO (iinet tn genet. ae ets 37% 1,858Y% Total depiny “se"5 7. (ea ercteett tee ia ar. 1,858 LAWRENCE COUNTY 247 Log No. 357 A. Blankenship, No. 3, lessor. Ohio Fuel Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Commenced: November 15, 1919. Completed: March 10, 1920. Shot March 11, 1920, 60 quarts. Production: 3 bbls per day. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SLOT Rp 2 eee ager ar are a RAO ey ire eer iene oy oe 10 10 MOT Y Gh eh emer eth ee aie io aot oho pe sans cer Wee a anes oe 25 35 PO OULGIT wamerc ta ean kN Micets ahi ys Btwn ek ae ae, aa eT 3h 20 55 SSE Ts Ine io gelce Bieer tile te aah aan gel rien eas Ghar ne ee wae eee inaes 10 65 piel Gp taes free neers kote ANRC NGD Oe ke oR eRe es 40 105 NWN EU gabe Ate: Packer, Son Wes he ounce eo er a aes Pena i) 200 SELON esis skp we Re A Rtas ardeue RS Rios Geta Meade ae ee TLS 315 SUN OU 9 wae vee ners amy Oa WO, veal AO oan AR eR AR ar rar 50 365 BS LO a desine: shure we Eee em we More Nee Morne aunney cs Chr c aes 70 435 ReERINO cia oF) he Sie ts ene ees reece nee talc fees 20 455 Se Rem cena te iis PC hash ie ty ees Sa eee Ae nd ak ek oS 40 495 Sth UW meen ch eee I eed eM t Meare ida uate an eres 20 515 SUD red Arye Seat ras ae ane Meee ae da iene 50 565 SSI Be eS a Ae ee ee Rg Pa eR RO cag 25 590 fey LO mee eine Se ee gt Aree Oe ee chee eye ee 55 645 SEW NG PSE i eye ag Re ace Mea sagen PAE SA 60 705 Fete eat aes ean hia se en erate seen ahaa Mt a! 30 735 SSevIE Cle mat WEN LOT 10 21) WV. ectac tes thi rp alaretse tne «pestle Ms 215 950 gee oe 1k acini 5 ee te ee eee Bee ee eRe 2 15 965 BS EL Cl eects Lc Sota re ny aut Pa PM Nt sas "as avs ebsbin [oe So 9, 1,050 POLL A Le aed a: Ae eae een aan ok, ne telat se oie gene 9 35 1,085 Mississippian System. SEEM NCAR ON). we. hoa cesta aes ele toile 4 tha eon ha LAO ae ts, ics) EME aw tee or te Laren ead ations Sa gfe tah haat cre Lees 10 TeLOS Mrmec ome 1 ( 12 Lae Bic. cce a pe tee ee 8 145 1,250 mc orice (Dig LN FU), toe de ciee ee s LAD aL 6D SOMA SOULS ae ans, oad dco deo See Be ees oS 2 a 4615 | 1.826 Sere NOW e(SUNDULY) 5. mje me sac em ale eee os 24 1,850 Sandstone (Berea), (pay 1850-1865) ........ PEE ERGY Bite Siar CDG Is ser. sie etre oes oe ee ae 1,872 248 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 358 Arthur Blankenship, No. 6, lessor. Ohio Fuel Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Commenced: March 29, 1920. Completed: April 28) 1920. Well shot April 28, 1920, 60 qts. Production: 6 bbls. per day. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth CORSE P esate red eet ett fons Steet o ee an ets ne 60 60 SS Hiveileearss Tae eileen ar rahe om no fo Sir, My =< net meee 180 240 (JOE Sere pe eee Re 3, ur AEN ocr cement Al ak. 2 242 edie Ween Gy ESN cl emer Ue iy Sep ne aes SA ale Pogue) Haat, 8 250 VO Uae ang? SSA ines ee, et ae eee eee eee ac 60 310 Shale? ames (We! eee ees achat eee Aad a cas 470 780 BUC PaUs alt) MCW eAtel) foecewii hac eie Ur er a eater ne 175 955 Sia ley Nopieneects Site Te a) eee RUN te tn eee oa eae eee eS 57 1 012 Mississippian System. poet. CMAPS ale seine: ce ih bokeh aie ele iba os, Ue em CRE en ele D8 1, 000 Shale cari the lis! eee Acces catenins cee ei 45 fee gs Limestones (Big alanie siya « 18 0 8 ee 8 8 eo 1S: Jeriemee)| .e:ve x6) -6) 10, @ ne) 610 a @ 0 0 eres ©) @)t, 6 © © © s)ike- Je; 0) el (0) a pe) 10. | 6c) 16. | ei “0, Oi 0 e @) :@ 6 @ 6) © 0) 6 © 1b (us 0016 ee lee ¢ 1s 16 6 . oil per day. Thickness Depth 30 1,035 18 1,053 3 1,056 152° 9915208 Soe ly oOW wD L786 24 1,740 50> 315790 1379.0 Ohio Fuel Oil & Gag Co., lessee. Completed: April 6, 1916. Shot April 4 bbls. Thickness Depth 16 16 133 149 70 219 100 319 70 389 3 392 ag 469 40 509 35 544 70 614 55 669 30 699 75 774 180 954 Toa 029 oO ls 0o9 1S Beso Oe a2. 0380 Loe ges 2 SIP also 21 419 1,740 24 1,764 45° 15809 i309 LAWRENCE COUNTY 251 Log No. 362 Thos. H. Burchett, No. 5, lessor. Ohio Fuel Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Commenced: December 8, 1919. Completed: January 28, 1920. Shot: January 29, 1920, 40 gts. Production: 5 bbls. oil per day. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SUN cel Biers th ae Pome nL en, MTN eee SE SRR : 9 9 Rute Legacies ON] 8: ie. teeta Sale aaa ake ha ita ne os 231 240 SoC SULT Ea Mae ye een ees ree nice ecg a ee Aes 100 340 SM aenraid Gellar (akg tac thee atolar tere aoe es eee, ae 20 925 POHL aG), WITT TO ivr Grete as Fa Pum Mad a ee ea ee at Oy 1,030 Mississippian System. ibimastome GB iow Wane) <4 2.5 caer ee ee HOG Sle EOO Sandstome.(Big= tn) 4yn. Saeco ea : EO 97. Shale, and* shells: Spat ce kwtes elec a meme aw tes 459 1,756 whale, browne (Sunbury.)\ \-66e hak ncd armies we BOF IPG Sandstomey (Berea) s nee b.. Ga selene acre 29 1,805 Total ‘dépth SF nia faryiae soe ha ae 1,805 LAWRENCE COUNTY 253 Log No. 365 J. C. Short, No. 3 lessor. Ohio Fucl Oil & Gas Co., lessor. Com- menced: Feb. 17, 1919. Completed: March 20, 1919. Shot: March 24, 1919), 60 qts.. ‘Production: 3: bbls. per day. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SLO Rope, ee Ra ae te Se Geran DE wae, oe Na ec er Ee a ee 14 14 erie (0 de ON 0 ae ge Si ee PR aa ary Oe ae ee : 6 20 TES ere aes Set te Ok ax Wt ote pe ke wade Saree Ase 70 90 CE 2 ps OGL RTE ee SR AER OE) oe a 2 92 Sirgen ae recuse UA opt can pach pn iia heap oa iad awh ek 58 150 ReeRINUCLIS Ce Uses Pe Tm es a, ay, ewht tcc t dene dees Aleks yack aed As F 65 215 COLORES She ae anet a ai he oa a ee 55 270 SLE Eee TER Es aoc cen Rater ee Guerra eerie tema ee : 30 300 Loe Ore Per NOG eee Beer ent) eb ath aiioas Fase tad 40 340 Seema SEIN Craw inset et a Necicin eee, cieue tm eh. t eae, te Sis P 60 400 ARES S etler ee tease ten te ae taoy, Meine ts rath at aie ene A ae 30 430 eat CSL Oth ol ake ohio ray ae tt ata Oo ner eo ne ’ 60 490 Pee Cena aims ome. ack ek usbreycelne wanty a en 60 550 Get he SPIMSTICL ook vesto rn og ae Ppt, nag eget hcg IRR a 50 6 0.0 pene Semen Ale aNlane Ehret an tinea Wek caer oniceey tons: a 4c Osea Ny at = 130 730 RoE OMC? COALS) Spake. Stig Aye need eetes ste ane Scabies ; 145 875 ToS RE 7 GM 0 EL ae ad aE eee ea Ry by LE OER IE 25 1,000 Mississippian System. Sumeiaitos 0 WCA ON) Sh anglaeen 2 g’ot use on ee ee 10 £2000 ine iss Mee eo rain ioe, kc ech ie aueyrar oy chem GaSe Mew is 1,017 Sra em ORCL LS Wa VC) = wks cad vind ct-cek sare a © dees 3 1,020 mestones (Big “Gime6) so 22... 28 ee eels ECUY 10 Ae ROnO a tokOe LMI kee oe wes Jan. +9, 1918. Shot: Jan. 15, 1918, 100 qts. Very small show of oil, small well after shot. Pro- duction: 3 bbls. well. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Soil, SUT LO MESO me arg ies Co eee Sar heen 2 tae c 45 45 poi ey Gamestop tent, «lane sake Gee hone asia LeMans aya aes 135 180 RSET 7 3b ces te ete Aan a Dear enn Oca rete nme chip PMA are Sa lan AF 3 183 CSL OTL Cc tlie wor cie teeeee « setearine acset dlc Rete eae ee 67 250 RUA Opie GPtrorsss Gey pike Madre = Pace one tans ere es 75 325 SB ENGUSUN ONENESS S/o Sam Sis RIP 2 baat oye ie nn ORC : 85 410 le lest lie) Gets. narinec sists Reyeasi ss tes, ree 90 500 eA THMR Ee OMT SUN or Seance ta siete ge et cera mee eae weat (o PReEe 157 657 Sina Oe aTlel gS CL Ge aka. suc sg dbane Stata ekshahahoas you vken 80 737 Sil ee mari Qe eee am chia ante OPA ee, ears ors : 50 787 otra Can UL CAVE er a cairn eran tect ar lon treating eam eh 3 790 SSE COS LOM Chae Sell teas sapere aisha cis sates cece Pukey s, wey ee 150 940 SMM SS, ene) ce ag eme r sens ee ere te oot indented 2 942 IL OGt OM Coase Pe ee ee ours cco eee ie! ea aes : 60 1,002 Mississippian System. Se Lema C RIO) ure er coche te Cara eee ace Sete, ok eee 68 £070 Sale GONG COUAXON \) Gis foal. 6 cna ding Date e eae cits 18 1,088 cS Ie Guana CMV CHll a CAV C. O sete: POUR yo ssh chee Ae sey PA RUG, PES COME. SLO wel LING amy fot a en atc ras 4 6G > Oe 4 0 Pier er (is LO maT amet ae. eeeeers, ere Wer a.'s 100 1,840 SDE. Aa aig are tes PURE ar Goa as ee Pa e > 1,345 [GSW RTOS COMES ik CBR eG Aue co A IE ee Re a . 40 1,385 Pie ema TiC ae OL Gar ck Mowe nt ae oe ws Bee a takoe 407 1,792 Siralemourowil CSUNDUFY) Vues tn te < 2s Sos Ze esi Seana s (OL OR | Rian anya ant, + eg: Metts eae us 8, 37 1,849 Ge CLC rete ciyieen Medinancy a aneen Regs 1,849 Log No. 368 vac. cohort, No. 3. lessor. Ohio Fuel Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Com- menced: June 2, 1920. Completed: June 26, 1920. Shot: June 28, 1920, 60 qts. Production: 4 bbls. oil per day. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth BLS oe ob otc RAR Oe a : 8 § SEER oo asec, De eee 52 60 256 OIL FIELD SPRATIGRAPHY, OF KENTUCKY Pennsylvanian System. ; Thickness Depth DAanastion Os tates ahem nent wos ies ek out er a ee 45 105 Single; oben". See aeeeed ee eee eee ae dy os dae ee 15 £20 Na RUS Gomes WC VORIDER L'il Wane ame the Rete s ewe ee 39) 155 Shale, blue, and shell, (water flood 300) .... 300 455 PAndshOnet CeO wa TUM Wy hax checks bys ce we cee aad 15 470. Shale, blves a2 26: J Paid ONT insert Te a te oes 0 560 SAMS LOM eran piel bt etree cn cee a ete errno benicar 200 760 SI te, ety te peters 2. Fs lee ht ral ets ear gt EO EATS 40 800 DANUStOMe S fare neice oe aa et eee pee 45 845 Shale © rite ee, fo. al ea. Ree tic eee aa ee 40 885 Mississippian System. Bandstome (Mo X0R V «1 sen has As cae ssen borer 15 900 nade (pene), Caw e)im can yosem ee wre mek neo he a 5 905 bimesione (Big vbims ists 47 tos ck a. ee 2 ee yet ‘ 140 1,045 Sandstone: (bie LN IDM) seats meee eS erm ae 75 1,120 PETA Lr IOLILG: bea eon te renee Pia hk ere een, RAS ‘eee 5 125 RELL G5. ASINGL IV" Sb ce aeweine y ee O Rane ae ee ; 35 1,160 Slrilo. Rblies ands Shellac sient sah aki we er ee 8 1,168 Noe 1 012) Ch ae ee Co ne ee ee ee ee Se ek oe 422 1590 AIT S TONG sec er tts Ov cee A ee ee See ee ; 8 1,598 Dhale, “Drown s(SURBUDY \« tosses eet ees 21. “A619 Sandstone (Berea), (pay 1,620-1,638) ...... 23. 1,642 ek OVAL eG? vie ea ; 3 954 Jethro! 65h ues See eee 1 955 Limestone. (loibhl oe lane) ee sites sre. slome wae ws 5 960 NEST Orie mel ell TTS) Mia ere a, laa rie ace wilh es T2Zo) 15085 Sandstone wibig gum) gee aos fiw etek Mes ; 50 1,155 Shalewand ge ie leet Mtoe esol © otic nits Ree a 443 1,578 hates Deo wi MAS UMOUTys) !. 25). eaten me ae : 20> 15938 Sande Omer eTeayy (Oll). Sone as ave as 5 oe es 2 12) 17610 Rehie Whee TG Sig se 9d) BOA oy ee ee nar nea aoe oe sbi DONO STORe MUL CPOn Ne oo .sfe ure cela ea is haem ee ‘ LT 41,620 OPT ROR TRON OTS OE NMKOR ao Hole kote Ree raite ier bd Pager te Nea rd 10 L650 OU CLO Ot Lloret aaa ccc rer as ace eoesee 1Ge 0 Log No. 374 Elizabeth Pigg, No. 4 lessor. Ohio Fuel Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Commenced: Nov. 29, 1917. Completed: Jan. 12, 1918. Shot: Jan. 14,°1918, 60%qts. Production: 3 bbis, 011. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth ROOD egrets Ge eats cts nico ay ee Wieeea, Sie eae ee eee ene ae : 9 9 Surface and sehale-g..c eu ah ocean eae en 36 45 MUST OMe. Ste 5c thentes Sees ie een eer hoe eee ; 30 80 Sey Ee ee sak trea nthe teas oleae ac ome ay Se 5 85 SOA SLO TVG oe eae haere, Anh panes as dee ah Pa one oer eer 5 5 90 rel AE A Gmc: SIAR ee G re i anes Sat aah Tae oy Ry Aa cenD 25 As SAIL GSTONCERS dee cote a oi ae oe cae et eee . 30 148 SHRleN SO PE et cate A oneal ore aha een oe te, 10 158 Sandstoned We sect a cee SA eee Se ce tae he : 15 eco Shale vsand eenell- weet wea ce eee eee Pe ee eee 67 240 Oy IE Mert See Ronee, Mowe Us inet eh ee Sea aes 4 244 SLOP ARGOLGY ete ce. ed ieee toned) cee ae een, ee ee 6 250 DATS CHG. mets eR evette staan et nae test certs ee eens nae ae ee 60 310 P hale, sah el by est. stow tne eke oe een eee : 80 390 DATUStONOW o.oo ee eee ie hee : 15 405 SSN Mes 7 et nk Gra area eae yee ibe th Gulp ed Atay cal 125 SW) MADUSTOMGR vis artecietn tortea rae ok aren ee ene tan: 5 6 536 Sho, eae ee hake eae ee ee ee 54 590 Sales. Ward orc cee Gre eee een eee ee cere : 22 612 Shalecaind os hel lovee ete ee ear ren nane Nicaea 3 615 HST CSOT) oy oan ee, aan ea eee ee eee ‘ 320 935 ps) OCH: Ea Mma RRS) rials as artes ener ie om koe TNS a 6 941 LAWRENCE COUNTY 261 Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth et Cometh Chee. caet D edie er seta \ ataodhid ood axa ths ; 5 946 SUERTE re Sees Se Ake Nah cet a ee 4 950 PAU REIL C5 yy OMAP AW RR eT A tae watnigt a Shs Gh Se ate 3 ‘ 30 980 TSI 5 a Re at LS ee 2 982 Pamies poner ( bigs duime) 22. S haat tacts ina eee 120° 1 122 Pals omer Cig sli|un) Week eke oN Sukie As ae 60 1,182 SSDNA Cn PR ee EO carn 4 eel al Ecos oc 8 50 1,252 CSL OMe. | Ile re WAC we ered ata. dt Griet x et stil ash ook ot 3 § Ste ina ot pea ley el ya ae wt in ronel cia Reetsee 2 oa stale ete 185 1,472 Sandstone, AE OEY CLEMENT ce Ie 15 1,487 (UDI SURES Di Rei aaa ene ee a M5 e602 SMOG Oro W ie CSUMDUTY)\ =. aes etn 22s Se eee sales ZO eee Le G2 C Se suen Oa CLO ) etsy as. ese bare ay eed yo ose 7 1,634 Se) re ame A SOS Sear) a Roar es we ie Bed. AM yarn 2D sil 5 2 1,636 SMM) WS TAG. hr, atihuatee tartrate ie bre 7 1,487 Se raome ae OrGd) iv cnciate ais es oe ope es + Ga) e000 PG ALCO IAL Pieri 2 ate loo owe oie Brn a's. 08 1,550 268 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 384 F. R. Bussey, No. 7, lessor. New Domain Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Production: 3 bbls. oil per day; shot March 2, 1920, 80 quarts. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SEEN Sak bak cpu Chee ee meer eo OP acy 20 20 Sonic singer Meg ie Sa ac ar te Bie ene 80 100 Shale Ud gene shat wernt hint a hee eens: 475 575 ITC eB E Ne, Meee echt 0e Ai easton entree lee tea tor 359 934 Mississippian System. , Laumestone 2 ( Die slime) ey oures site bys nce tet ane 145 LG) Pandspome: su hone Une emer ee ge ee 20, 8 15104 SH alevandesvelic™. eae ore shee eee he eee oe 479 Lee Sct mht le, +DrOwies OURDUT yy) seu eet eel creas t= rt, 00.0) PANdstOne s<(.Dereds © fee eens he oe. fe ee 54% 1,654 ota. [esd Uy yates ve crnee ine in actetne cela Reta: 1,654% Oil 1660-1668. Second pay, 1632-1650. Log No. 385 F. R. Bussey, No. 8, lessor. New Domain Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Production: 3 bbls. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth LF patel rie pre RRA IS A MEW in GALA RA per io Mot ee 20 20 PANCStONGs ews tee mcr, ea eee, PMNS ay NE 185 205 eT WE a seaman 2a) 2 Sty eee Minin wren ed” Ce sat nos aM ae 250 455 SAUCSt OMCs qian pensar tgtaer. meena tere area! Merete eee tisne £70 625 Des Tee, aie hacateny. eave ented aint ek Guetta fae 20 645 PAndatone = (ale) ana sewete sees, ete apt een ca kt, 335 980 SOULE LG ok ers nes ae ile or cen, Se EEE ts Metom s teean oy s 60 1,040 Mississippian System. Limestone = (Bile oUimiey mare reer ree iD On ello o Sandstone 1(( Digs lyin) pees ste. cee es 25 1,220 Shaletond* stellen ee eee emer ene A23 1,643 Shale SOrOwn ali O00 yiimme Me tytn eet eter Uy) cules Dandstone i Berea) a rceea ere ae eee eee: GO 174s Total depth ame te tet cas eee et Renee 1,718 LAWRENCE COUNTY 269 Log No. 386 k. R. Bussey, No. 9, lessor. New Domain Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Shot: October 18, 1919, 40 quarts. Production: 1 bbl. oil. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth ESE GTO 2.5 Bileo gave irs et Rees foe Dea or ea arr ae age 14 14 Be As eGR Cure ene inl ws td ede gig: cusses 3. : 40 _ b4 TEMES 2 aN Pa itr SRR aE ea RE Sa ee rm 38 92 SEA Ms oc Slot Le eats Sho Re areGS «lahore fs waters 2 94 per arse le eit qatdin A Wins ould Sake eee Ge 410 504 TUS IO GSW ye as Me ae ee eg ai eRe ie aie re area 386 890 Mississippian System. Mimesvone a( Dies Lamey re. Ws ease ace leg oe BLS 1,008 paniovoe = (igs li UIE) eect. eae da tas a ee at 40 1,048 laa | meee ess Me ee rane er rec He ee Meee « 465 1,518 Pele eco T OMT OULD ILYY Joan, feat ois esos ue ee oan 20 Pao o eEeF @RU US REV RUE dG Bx 953 NSH ATEN MLNS Ce pyk Giroie gee pee RO S.A. tral a a Dt 1010 Mississippian System. Eich emcee LE Vem ncot Rees tgteey cee mpeg ee eels cara kv 40 1,050 ya MECN VL OLN ee, Sean a inne id ett nee hy ake eevee, 20 1,060 Da Cea PONGILm Ca. Vel) mes CeRA we tras, Ske ut ete 2 1013 Times LOnemn Diggs ihe) eo kercmen-ne sot ha Gt eater 145 1,218 Danae One. (big, LIU ashe eae ioe .ceears Seale 112 330 Paid Pecneriych side |] mpage tree Satee sayin chee gs, Cent Rane elas 446 1016 mie lev ebrowels (SUN DUPY ). Somatic, cts ee Rey osc OD, L298 Sandstone .(Berea),-(gas and oil) ......2...:. 46 1,844 iO Dak POLOD LLG ee wer aia deters lees stile ss 1,844 Log No. 392 Hester Carter, No. 4, lessor. Ohio Fuel Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Com- menced: March 1920, 40 quarts. 5, 1920. Completed: April 3, 1920. Production: 6 bbls. per day. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. ne Ca) rae, Age la PE Pat ee AIR 71 Foe Sin stars wt ae ee a oe ANUSTONE§ Vie. i roks ese a cue er ReP ne een cee tee ella W Che RT ee OE ya ea hs cata eer eS eee DATS hOMC cg einen ea ee ea as cee ects et ce RUE Ou! Gera cron eA E e Woealet ass — 0 wieteale Satis ce STL SLO [tae Pee TOR aa, Sra dd ce. re Beene aie 6 Ace Pee LOD bat. 2. coe Ree Mane Nee or er ord d tera Rt a, ete hae SALUSLONC es aos Serr eres ets eee Cian ae eo) OF (Oo i eenanoary DORCAS 0 oe Toes hie ae ee ar ae a ae oe ATIC SLOLG— a aac EN ENS eter ee eRe ore NS Sir a 3 NIL OM tk ie Oe See RSS cena cig trate este 'ehie a 8 os SAIC SUMO. Lace ace Petra. Be aie eaten fon eee as SAIS? 9 55 ee Ane ree, Reo al Geriee Regs Pe a ea ae ae BE UCL GTint- Sere ee eee ee ee eter om Soa Sg A mean a ed Se aR ce ree PRESS Ne ics eye cass yevaye: cher teuety saws Sart Gla Aa Tomer Ae aha ena on oP ee whe hot cks, alee 00d PALE [eee ermal apt Soe Me Tae? Gor wi onnees che aisha te oie 566) w akelleile 9 © ee se Sele .6 660 6) #) 6 6) .5. @/ 7@i [@ (ee) (6) 6) @ Shot April 5, Thickness Depth 10 20 70 50 10 55 60 15 55 25 15 55 30 10 10 30 100 150 160 215 275 290 345 370 385 440 470 480 525 540 590 955 74 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCSY Nh Mississippian “System. Thickness Depth Tnimestones (Bier 1 simies) sie yt er tee sees ose ane 140 te hoe Sandstone w( Bios Wnqui) weer 2,1 an le case eh 1,226 Silo’ ke a Me eee aCe ER rat arn de renee 4 1,2 30 Dinnieshometnamerere werner. reels sk iter se cee 40 joer) Shalee anid gael legen. sete ss ess Se ee ee eee 388 £658 SHe le row Dee (UIT) eet. ae ees ec feat anal 1,689 Sandstone (Berea), (oil is 10 feet in sand) ... 24 Ded PE OU ep tli ters. a ite 2ycl ee ecw tema state 1,718 Log No. 393 Hester Carter, No. 5, lessor. Ohio Fuel Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Commenced: April 15, 1920. Completed: May 13, 1920. Gas, 300,- 000 cubic feet gas per day. Shot May 14, 1920, 60 quarts. Produc- tion: Gas, 400,000 cubic feet. Sires. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Quicksandar gee. tee. Cer ee ere ee ee 65 t“6 Shaler teyy., Se ae he eee Ae eee ee ae 20 BeS5 DAnNdetonen-s ook a Oe ee ee eee a) 120 el ft 8s Baa te Pee aes ee NER Rabee ain ate ener 80 200 SATIS TONER soy. ie SRR: or Sena ees Sen ey, 25 225 Sales Bie nk 2 ato cade eine 9: Hey Se ae cae a eae 15 240 Sandetone. Co Weer s 4A Saat Dee ee ee 50 290 UE 8 Ce ik Aco geri aap, Meare em Pah Rie Ie fc fe 1 20 oa SONU SC Ome, Boe atte. ene eee rene aie tet eee ae ae 20 300 RS} AEN [pum Pr codec Ca Rae ME ok cAI ies aoe Stace Ae 8 Ge 30 360 Sands Ole. rushed eoeee oer eet a ee ee 15 310 RS ECULGH oer evel thay A cece eee ie Otc cake Sony Slt Meee be 5 380 DSaNeslome ne SEIS ee bis UeNa ees eect ge Ue 55 435 Sh LGB ut oe ealeys act nee ae eet Me renee eat a ere g: 5 440 ADCS TORS — 9h. ka seenkeee Maan ee ea ie Mee te 328 768 Mississippian System. Uarmes tone. <( Dig Lime) Fo eae toe ee ens 182 950 SAIL b aetiva gets saree fects ape eo OEM Rea eaae re 1) ek 02:0 Shalesand seandstone. aise we eee rena. 2 see-2) .y: 5 2 1,072 Shalerand clones tones shellsaaus awe ee. Oe chu wien ess 1115 Shale-and as liel ls 502k ag eee ee eemeenied eats ecan roe 395 Pe 10 Sandstone (Berea), (1st pay, 12 feet in sand).. 23 1,533 otal “depth? 2655S yetena ttt bate aar Sacre 1,533 LAWRENCE COUNTY Log No. 394 Landon Carter, No. 1, lessor. Ohio Fuel Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Lo- cation: Twin Branch. Commenced: March 24, 1919. 17, 1919-9" Production: Dry hole. Strata. Pennsylvanian System, Schl Lame yh ae eno Ie eee Ge aid (cli. eS onc Slt INTE COMIC ME eee g We, ANC en rer AGO eee en he seh ae eee SPL Lear Tee Te cis ck lari ca. 5 she eee Bat ee eee oe: Cree Le Werte anak hE tei, eee a Ae Ae ook Be Riteas es Ren ae eRe aes ewe meee ore aS COs Le cae ity Lome flere fe) Vill gan, ectene oon cats voy we svece 2.2 Se er eae Pia lems aac en hea etter Meee gee a sts ve as POLO MCLE eC aN: Meck sa creer ataer oy.'. eee Aces sere Gg, MMA ga fo ac tee, Seka Gear al a Oe egs oe ees DOCS fy an aoktete Ra aeye ake ates oo ee tire ore catydaet¢ Dhalem (ites clay) w mee merges ie ee iene ahs 5). nae Shale eae ee Roe we. tetas svete 2. era ew, yet Se CMe eae ety are aiceen en eee COL ware ne. bia: [Gr ulis hCiee mere eek oe wha Vat eae a eat Pan oes eee Se lene ts WARN gerd rte Sou; <<... ae anace che wt ae mandecoue = (Gow tEUI |) ONS 67 cap tele occurs ulcea ins CePA EC wen) amg siete rN eee a, ee annette. sani PLLC En Weegee eimens otnt Re ier menace tian See Lee a Mae or Shaler wsliell yk cotati comere tr were ain ek aaa at's 4 Pema SLING Var gee Meet aes rue og een om dar atetees ie, a8 os ee Shale. (Winters GO aot6o. 0 \ise oe oe. sie cc crab ons Sal SCOT wee are meee. ee acts aie FS taettee at aie tess ot uA TUE ety ett I ee RAEN aegAtn cia inee e r SA ILGS CONC wae ere Seer eo athncre tise tae od tr ees. ocd x Mississippian System. HA oer eT etl LS aia cM en hee ete Nude’ ae car pad abe isimmestones “Chattle wll meow aay. gece eer F< Ais ene phales (Pencil raven «ase. cata) wueceans Peles COM caw, bss On Lie) eee dette the wit) al easy Sam SvON Gs 1s PIT} UI). were ay agee has tc efre |. re bos LORE ea terre nto |e ATES ca hi'e: awe Ate! Mea OG meas athe Chen ee ee ohare meh ree wen SNE MIC: gee RR Arf hp es Bh Pa MEE 97 GML Shells PRR Or Wie “aioe O19) 5 hes (OOS) Oe @) GS OO Ce HS Selle Meee ae Be LS Completed: April Thickness Depth 16 34 40 26 4 40) 60 Hey: 2 41 20 15 75 10 68 32 18 5) rat 65 3 32 9 0 795 16 50 90 116 120 160 220 237 239 280 300 315 390 400 468 500 518 523 550 615 618 650 653 728 765 780 782 945 1,045 1,062 1,080 1,365 1,480 WEATHER PITTED POTTSVILLE CONGLOMERATE. The irregular hardness and cross bedding of this important oil “sand” is well shown. This outcrop is just below Natural Bridge in Powell County, Kentucky. LAWRENCE COUNTY BAA Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Sale meee SMS UILITY We cues iete fan Cue bok ef o 20 1,500 SSC MIDAS RAR ODA Kec ial A S25 Wf eTe APR a Ae Oe re ae a 42 1,542 SOG MOD Uenat. Cena o.< ts Gut ot ae auen at. . o 1,542 ‘Little gas 1491-1497; little gas and water 1521-1527. Drilled 42 feet in sand. Log No. 395 Pricey Chapman, No. 1, lessor. Ohio Fuel Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Location: Near Louisa. Commenced: March 9, 1920. Completed: April 15, 1920. Shot April 16, 1920, 90 quarts. Production: 2: bbls. per day. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Shap BD Spe SNe Fae piles Suet 2 Rakes ct ao cee Se a 14 14 eval ACER Wg ARC DL yeh Sed do! haa er a Oe a ae ee a 21 50 Rey RVR RSTO NA its Ooh Uy Ba face re ry eR pe ae in ear 20 55 CF IED Ae em ee F Gn Outkast oer eee Oe 2 at SPH 9? 7 ca Pe A LOT erg. RENTON et iat asic Gee re Rae a 1s 70 MSCS <2 oP RAN Rta & leery Mee Onan ee anaes oe 10 80 Se MOL Case iter ro tae eco io ea ee 30 LUO mamdstone, luc, = (Water 1120.) ss. nme. + os Race 45 155 Se MCS So Gat Sa te Oi a ne RMD eR IE Ee ae WN de MAR Om 45 200 Pe eed Lys alec as eo eR Nat, Anon Mone ak wate 15 215 Stiales Ald eI epee ai eee eRe eyes oo: 35 250 CS LONG Wank: aoe cea a ere eR ON enh. gee a tay 40 290 SHOE oS Ree ee So dct eae Lae cae ae Ale a 160 450 DOTICEEONG | od rete ere ni ater ss, 50 PS ae eat 25 475 Pokey Comers Seale Sie, ok. Sok aie a nO Ae ea nc ae 35 a0) Sia lew ewhiterm Warcemewy te te eee PAE Bo 13 525 SAMGSLONGH eum ee re ss iat wis. ZeOae crs tte eae Lo 600 eitpte, ceo) lyeewatete 6 fate ta) sake ae ehh sy ace es el 55 655 Creal oe 16a) Geen ce eed MS A 115 770 ITAL C01 am mepeeenee ee ie See rete a ere Sat cue 5 a0 20 720 OU AGUGUH ONO Ome ae, Aco trite a, Pe 70 860 lig eyaeanic Retreat se ho ee ks ees 40) 900 SONTAG, © Oo ARE eos op iccriae iee en 25 925 Mississippian System. CVG Dirt A Pn Be 28 os Ren gee Aer ea ae 5 930 MRC LITO meee ee ey cc ey air das aide ia ais ss a bins hes 5 935 BLtO (DENCIL CAVE) atv fess « fr sears aie ae me es 5 940 Pe StOMO DIG. LTC) i. Sic es fier wee ye oe want TO Og LOU 278 OTD SHIELDS TRAtICRAPHY .OF* KUNIUCKY Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Sandstone (iow lw geet ter te eva cians oe one 105 1,205 Sliaile sal Seaiel le Mie ee ete red ind Meneses he oe 458 1,663 Sree rat Ovuitige (SO PLIISUIT 7) gets tcrey smn egies Sasacpinttr oe 2 1,685 DUNC DGD eLCay Mera are eee eect ue, wey eo sch pacea cette rs, eee Oe LR eae 45 1,010 laimestone s (4nittic™ Lime)? 2 aoe cnrcn erie or. em 25 1,085 HST LO OL circ. cataee bes ee a aes cae ee Cree ee 5 1,040 Dimestoneg UBies Lame |e a mag ati ctor eh etc cee ake 45 bhxs lito) Sandstone (Bigelwjun )) hei. aes e ce os is iene Lig Lamestone.c blacker, ooo cents neem me tk ia Ladd plale-“aidigiel ls eymerciwe accep: ets aver ie were ni ek taeda 403 1,718 enale, brown. (SuNDULW). gee se. ie Teena oa 22 1,740 Dandetone (ered) 1 Onl Stein ee eee a ee eee £65 ob Shale Foal) G.) © oz cater ce ge cae aan cae See 2 1,758 Shale and [sandstone ..ct eaten eee ee ) on Votal: denthiget) ns ei aoe eee, eae Nefeiw' LAWRENCE COUNTY 283 Log No. 401 A A. Collinsworth, No. 5, lessor. Ohio Fuel Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Commenced: June 14, 1918. Completed: July 15, 1918. No record to 610. Production: 4 bbls. per day. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Heres rele OMe Mere se Recetas iste ak tare ciate ho Foden Cosas 610 610 SEU GLI TL Se ie Gen cae a nO TOR OO lec ar a Sere 225 835 PST, Oe role Mere eae ec Fon ened sry Metra Se Gite a Secs 15 850 DA MUSLOM Gee eee chin Menu A GLe are ran ee oN ER 10 860 UL Came teh ae ne Dra ee ek SOE yeah 115 975 IDIER GON GNI ee eyecare ot nck en eats 15 990 Se cei Beet MUR Ae he is Antenne (cde A cients er Pa 20 1,010 Mississippian System. Teiumesteme: «C1 G Bl Ie) a aangiacte her mene tiohodes Poi ghotary ho L45 see 5 Sila Lege cetnt tact ete ek cme A tte A eno Bre ice 2a eles) Bandevones. (Bici Laytn ane ween vik cor: 50 «1,230 Se LOS eres ats region Babee low k Bye ok Tg Tee rorlnw eh eee sana seer a Led enalemand’ shel lake ata wee aeanone Ceirmes Sener: 420 1,655 Shale;sbrown (munbuUry) so. 250. vet e550 eo 25 1,680 Nandstone (Berea), (pay 1681-1691) ........ Jeti EAN Our Oe PLM tere etercccs es tectet @ cus! shia oo wade LeEOrd Log No. 462 W. A. Copley, No. 2, lessor. Ohio Fuel Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Lo- cation: Near Fallsburg. Commenced: May 8, 1918. Completed: June 8, 1918. Shot June 20, 1918, 60 quarts. Production: Dry hole. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth UTA inci, cad ate irs hare etomidate Meet Pee naeee SPE 5 2 Sil Lee gs Sma oaks OUR mes ee, 3, ae Ae ker. 45 50 PSR ITTS TOUG <>. Pare ee Been cee are Tis ee at hota ee, 40 90 SUC Aree havea CMe cok or, ae hee ee ee ee 40 130 AGS EON Cals ee, nueeate Raab rte ancs Seer Sh Aan eee ys Lie 145 Shale, soft, Die 45.5. t cts i teteretes eet Ge ee bee 30 tT5 SAunGslLOne.. Whi lLeae eee OFS kine toa hks Ae Sle es 5) 186 Swale and. con premere +a ktech sat ue hae et ame a0 oD imestone, Sandy: -feesd macs ay ri SAAS he S 85 300 SOTA SS 52 RED Pe VRR ies A or Beam ie eset Se ae 100 494 Sandy shell ,.... ta. sinus vavsn shit see ae 3h eee 50 450 284 Pennsylvanian System. O1lL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY, OF KENTUCKY Thickness Depth 480 515 560 580 600 680 690 850 900 930 970 990 1,045 1,180 1,268 1,348 1,400 1728 1,743 ens 3 1,755 1,768 1781 hyacul Sha leant 2 css eeseeae e eeae Ales ee ies eI 30 Sandstone ® { Go workk tye see ew os ce eaauer sar meee. 35 Sia les... idee Ree eee RI eee de cs ee 45 PMUMeOSLON GS -Sa Naren ee ee ne tiie cg eee 20 Sa ley ene ee Aes coe tiny Bote Saat Sa eeeaers 20 VATICES LO MG irte een Meee he ek cos eee a eo alae epee ee eee 80 SUPE TG tera em te ie ern Cat) Barcel oN ah eee ae Hh) Dads LOWom ye etc. oe muceBey ni ane coat eee Ee ee ee 160 SHNEWER, “(a ee A ene ae NIT APIS SL a tec ate nt ag NB 50 Mississippian System. Ald, -Biedly fh. wc. ew oe ab peat roe rs ieee co oat 30 SS aLOS Ee cons wee ee ere ce hee Lae ee ee ee, 40) POL TLC ie Werte ag ahodes ae a ah ete mea ete pete ep on an: 20 SMOG. WUE 4g reaction alent ce Sater tenn oe ee a) Limestone wt Big: slime) erates aetna eters 135 and, Sen y ears eae ao eee ee oe 88 pandstones (DI, Un jun es ee ete stata tee 80 PIMs TOME wx ec. isan oe oe yee re eee Ee, 52 Soe lean dese] Se. en anae ae eee tee nee re 323 phells sbrowne(Gunbury.) ncn apceasn ee cee ee 20 Paid (CBOLOG Woo... tres usted caeaees tale aie te Caen eee ee 10 Shale: bred)! ce Pane pita eens GE aetna 2 Sand, (ead TOSI eva kate intercrater ples PATS Se ese cw, eG cee PLES roe ye eee eee iS ovale ey tl estes eh eee a Log No. 403 W. A. Copley, No. 4, lessor. duction: Gas, 100,000 cubic feet, and 1 bbl. oil. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Soil (clay) Limestone Shale 1b) 1b, re. fe) ede) e114 0's) 6) ee 0) .8) ©: ie cee 10 1 8! fel ete: te) “ele 16' 18) ks) eae eve fe. 1G en ss\eF Siks-\e 0716)\'0 6.70) Fee) © 10. (® leisy gaits) (ula £67076 08) ol fe Bie) Ss (elie, sie we’ ©) eens Le se’ 10) (0): w\| iSive) tei) 18a) bile) le. erteiie la tehia oa ©) ©: e180) e (0) 8G, 10:48) Le) '9) <0) <6) de; fe 8 0) (6) f6:, -Ol6 Keii6) ie 9A sO 18 se Ye: (eee. Shale Vite ove sy tek ee ce eee en ee Shale (fire clay) Sandstone Shale soft Sandstone Coal Si) (6 {e) 16) 0) \a) 10) 6) 8) 0) 54) 701 8. . eet ee ee ee ee 160 = Sie h62 Sandstone (Big Siw pn) ofes ccc stat sel one stare = ores Jd. 15299 Emestone-* blacks 2h eee eae een ee ee Sa 290 Dliale: and seve levee deers nce teeter ea eee eee 405 1,700 Pliale mor Ow on( UND Y |) eters erent 7s Ngee Weal Cy 2M Sandstone-+( Berea). wi. Peco te oe een sere 20 Loe POtaLP Ue DU Se, ee aie ole ei ar te eee Le aot Log No. 405 D. W. Diamond, No. 2, lessor. Ohio Fuel Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Commenced: July 24, 1917. Completed: August 25, 1917. Shot Aug- ust 28, 1917, 100 quarts. Production: 1 bbl. per day. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth POUL matte Setvaie eke emacs tu ens eae et ehs ne een, ee 20 20 pitale cand és pelle: s Sar secs iies: remem an, cere ees 70 90 Samdstome .% hats we eels heaaae ts Buntves Sateen eee van ete 90 180 Snale-vand shells <2. nee aenean cee ie es eae 100 280 Goal. SO BER fro tie mas eean otk fue a eee i eee 3 283 ita bes - water) 2 psp ee cee emer gts che heen gee ee cee oot 620 ound; “(salty Gmuch-water 67 677) fee arn. en te 100 720 Shalesand “Shella? st aie eee 2 a Me oe ees 100 820 Sita le- amd + sant oio0 we et ha ee ee eee 120 940 LAWRENCE COUNTY 287 Mississippian System. SS ELCs Dice me (UVECUNOOTN ) MeO E Ne Geshe onc sie ape a ahie' a aes 18 Seen ONG le CAVE) sto croc itge Risin ce ate ol ngs s aheet Wis 2 Daisies vGne (Bigs ume) eae eos sie) «Whe wi he ws 140 pyr Pire COME me (tol ge Ty [UT ete cs teak ert Gia eke Siatokce oan ee « ALO pebtet ecreeal rel lament nee ct aren Oe ete sat oe 2 457 Pale DEO WI A COUN OU ye ork voerecs enol soma se sie ‘ 20 Se mOnUs a (GO CT ES) | army tte ae eirig, wots eterna «alt 8 He ame eet gate Har ee er aha uch Sista are abe 2 3 and Smcotlel GO OSL, VO ere weap speek ceceiet hs, 01 axes 20 TOUR IES CGD) GI Serer ter cutters ee ee eee 360° 580 Sands = (OL ehO W072) eovt. we ae Sans ee ee 70 650 Shigtlegs Die. Fy ret ta ee cre ee ere ee 80 730 andre Salt) serch tee ces mates rie Get eran eth eer 90 820 D1, WD LUC ete meee ety ee ata eke eres ee ote ete 10 830 Sand. Seek ek ee we Ck eer es eee ee Lees 15 845 Shale black; eam eenell Wo aah crc actee tee 55 900 ERAN Bagel arn Baird Sr x, A Ago eS mae Cn 85 985 Siva le ep Laelce eke ona, doce Vente ocer ceria: ume rer gem, (2 eorgeenre 15 1,000 Mississippian System. Eamestone, :(Claitble Glname) se) 2-14 0: arcane enero 20 1,020 Shale Mbeya wets sete oe es ce are ae ens é 5 1,025 Tamestone <-GBig 2 ire) eon. ence te home ne 14 ape Een (0 Sandstone( Diggin hin) sep eee ee eee 45 1,215 Limestonéys shell ye teen. series cee a ee aes 30 1,245 LAWRENCE COUNTY APaL Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Sei) 3 285 50 UE Gate «Breet pero Secies M cos, oS ac aus See, Oana, oe « pes) 400 Ber gee tee oe a “arava o> age tisces eveconekeh 40 440 SSVEVIIG RASS Tek kg & Sie tls (eee aC a ce 30 470 STN hes eBid, 2 PS cs cat ge 30 500 RIC SUOTLO me CCl ban tren mate Mocieaste. tis. stay ue se sys cts aes» 45 545 SUE) © Boob nSRee Seog are ee hoes 175 720 SOO SEO emer WU LONes clin near oes ds, Sate eeyola, s)'ore ik 30 750 ey Came COT Lae S(O RMR tee Aeon, eis os ROSES oo platy. ove i's & 30 780 ve a et | Coe ee th cee ee il ie la a es © Se 120 900 ACM Res os SaaS ee dc op Su a 15 915 Se MS OC MME rere elec ki tote ag eh cottons 15 930 Mississippian System. SIGNI ORION SS Regie eee pene tock nS ne ee 10 940 SUTIG! . sigs Bac GSS Ae Caen gO ae ae 80 1,020 SHLGMS 6 a.cle & 5 Sa aie een ar eee 2b) 13045 SEINE 5.5 seething aR 12 LOos0 SL CUE re NE gee = ods, hntee U 8 trae 8 1,065 ine spomen Gbigw ie eG ost UNDUE yy Meee ere eee 242 ley 25 Sandstone (Berea), (oll apay yi cc. 0 ter -oeretets en 36 1,764 Totaleude pth wees 2. capes cesta rien ees 1,764 Log No. 415 Marion Herd, No. 1, lessor. Ohio Fuel Oil & Gag Co., lessee. Lo- cation: Busseyville District. Commenced: May 29, 1917. Completed: June 29, 1917. Shot June 30, 1917, 100 quarts. Production: 6 bbls. oil. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SOT) Paris areca a cereale ten renee ee eeuee ee Seneca ee 16 16 ANU GEOTIC spa, scoterers eae tee ae eae ee ec et 34 50 OEE LO cet Meets. Se Bana nee et Crees GRIP chs DN nee 40 90 ler die debe iinet doh eante ieee Cpt, MR chsh engh bye 3 93 Shia le te, racers eree ae ee sae ts RR ne: Ronee 182 275 Coa len Qyater’) tcccac, a cde eee eee eee eecnen = nee ee . 278 Slidiles (Ptr ces Hott heer wate, ie Roca ee ee 72 350 Sandstorie “s,s cka enc tete a Aloe ae eae 90 440 Shale See are Pern cha ko eee ee eee = 25 465 Goals ak wakes meets 6 oats es eee GB ee eae 3 468 Shale; *hard 2228 "2-tia te ee coe tet oa eee eee, DT 525 Shalesandsahellaisq a eeeas tee ee ee ee ene 75 600 LAWRENCE COUNTY 295 Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SCACUHUTINES 08 tak get. eae ea 50 650 SEW es nora a ripe eee 20 670 Shale, gritty, hard .......-+ssssee eee eee eee, 90 760 AW ole 4. Welt Oe eer Sie sec eta cau Che the ae a a ee 2 762 SOTO AWE WEN op, caged Ne 6, 6 See CeCe aaa an oe ae 118 880 nate yailciQiity 85. \ Sie eee 40 920 PE LCS CONC rte Peete ter aies cols wis a's, cages: area os 20 940 SIG eee e ec cat at eats ae poe 6 LPecenehe ns as, 1s) 95.5 Sie el LOMO mae ee eae sete tenis i sre 0 o.0 ov wh aw Ore LO 965 Sie lemme WHtChem eo JMNme sree 6 ts 6c b-Scn eS tee gus ee 5983) 1,000 Mississippian System. SOIC WRC VLE SOMMER EN REC PGs car 5. cca tole eon ag itso .6 ond #2 TS LOLs Some DCUCIl CA WC ier tas ats te oeF Seats Ade ince omen 2 ie 020 MEMOS GONE MeL BLT |e wera deagcs Poi ai Bites or sanot cates a6 PG Omer ge 8.) DADOSlON Gen DIM Li UI) swos cau ror one orn Soe as (as 1,260 en OMNI Ces eit netie fet. i ors Ste ee ee om, fae & 454 1,714 Rol ae OO LOW MOUND UTY:)io siete ais diene arelasrg spof cure 24 1,738 Ry TECMEC NOLO) MCCOM MDA Ys) ke csci «ree laieje es oi ay oreitee Sone leet ota edep Ulan oath 2 hc. coin oe Bical Log No. 416 Marion Herd, No. 2, lessor. Ohio Fuel Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Com- menced: October 29, 1917. Completed: November 26, 1917. Shot November 28, 1917, 80 quarts. Production: 3 bbls oil. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SOR ecm Lemme Mae ee gor a es Suns bo ea it oth wis 80 80 PSL Coa Se. i a ahs ee 2 82 SIREN, -SIOIEH See oC, Bis Sah iat a th oe er Seer eR 28 bal. O SEAGIG OTS | A cee 8 eens gina ae a 100 210 Poe malice Ciel Ggerirre acre Sey Ao, ba 5 50 260 SSN CUO Cae See Ree Pa ess ote Pe err Mn ert 25 285 ie Cmariceee iG laevis ee ae I ce. ade we age oe 95 380 SOMEG TARTS. 7d 4 et ad See a naa 20 400 CED or 2 oes FI un ea rr AAW) 570 PeeELC spe Tic ue are eee ee tt oe, war 22 592 CO) et Ren ete er se De ig es sce a: shove lem a 596 SEWN 8 cn a Ee Nile Oe ae a 54 650 Sale DOC se Pn Teme te LS 665 UENCE eee iy ics G8 ee Sie 15 680 SECT Cn oir bc mri eto hee te 100 780 296 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SNalor Sc S a eee eee Nera ee aurea tne ee eee ee 5) 785 Sandstones ccm Aion can eee set ey tes COE 5 790 Shales 22 elise, sam eira: eee kee tek Se ae 8 798 DPaAmdstOwe Fe ce, yee el ones elas vee heeled aed Bee 37 835 Shalesande shellate te..n tao cene te ass nee See ees 5 840 Sandstowet tear Serv tht ease eee oe sree 18 858 ey OEE ay ones ane a rod A Be Oe ar er oe AG Rh 22 880 Sandstone 2 occu: ies oad oveke Sh ee a ae ee 40 920 Se esr se SOE IS cocks tte wns Poke tot aber Patched ead Sere ae A eee S Ne 20 940 Mississippian System. Sandstone. (Maxon )saw seteer: renee ween acer ee 25 965 Shale. Seu ee tak oer eee ee eee eens 10 975 Limestone -( Big slime) aa ae. coms tot aerate 220 Bgl sy Sandstone August 28, -1904: Production: Dry, Authority: The New Domain Oil &’Gas Co. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Grovel@and = sande et crt ce eee ee ee 40 40 Shalen hard “plack «sot ton. -. tcc mies he ee 10 50 hale nate byedOLy cs mae. ata. tae ee et sort Siar es 10 60 Dpellee WOU DATs sha) ctok ak ere art eats 5 65 Shale, shehtrshard =: tcc. ae. ite er has ces ES 12 fou Sand, lent, sort, Awater ed 0:)) 0 Se eras ae ear ees 18 95 Sales shard, dark --so0tts. 20.040 se oe ere oe 60 155 puelisstdark:.S0t Ge cient we en a ee ee eae 5 160 Shalevsnard = darken softs cess aid ceca Senter 50 210 Limestone, Slenty narde os oc, Accrisisecertene Sirens 90 3.00 Pand; light bards eiaas alone Ginter 0 Stokoe chee 150 450 Shale, hard,~dark, soit, (waters 480)0 Sav. asae. 30 480 Sand, white, ~softa(waters5 LO) ) oes 5 eee. 30 510 Shale; shards. white ssoleare ve. 01 6) 10) 6) |e) iol 10) 0 ue: 6) fore) 6), ist (6) 66. 6;) 0p eee 0, Ve. Ce Shale Sandstone Shale Sandstone Shale Daa eCGal tie sx. howe ae tee Ase vec etehe ote ee ekey Miteowes ° Shale Sandstone Let Cn po ences Man Macae uncer mesa oe) ken ces becca te ee cane oa ore dee ©, 0 id) het ge Ope. 00) le jel 6) je SB) 0 6) 6 96, ‘ee; 6 10) 0116) 6 (6 io © (es) ve/ kes so erie ee lesgfeyrelie. (0 le U6) fa! ee) ve 16) ie) 6 Te! 06] (e. J9) (eu'e Kel) e)fe, ep (6) © 04 40) (e110), 6) 0 01, (8: Ye, r en) oe: 16) Vere, (0.10. 0, (0, a. -0) 0\ a) 04:6, (0700 «(0 (0% 6 0° 16.4\, 0) le) 6) 61 l0 (One 6) J0) 1@) (6,16) 0) ee Mississippian System. BandstonecCNlaxou) Bxgmates cesar ee Limestone (Big Lime) Sandstone (Big Injun) O16 6 6 fe 0,16 eo © 0) 6) © ‘0 "ee 0s « -« O08) 0 6 8 Oe 0 See 6 8 oe © fo 6 ve Thickness Depth 130 380 450 830 105 935 15 950 130° =1;030 Pore 1 095 Le ele Le De wilt 0 140 1,250 40 Vi, 200 20573 10 50 1,360 43.0 Paleo 0 Lt Ae SO 35 1,842 1,842 New Domain Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Thickness Depth 21 21 80 101 40 141 60 201 16 21%, 83 300 65 365 145 510 90 600 150 750 100 850 70 920 35 955 40 995 me te OLE 165 ae les 0 (one Ulseon Mississippian System. Shale, shelly . Shale, brown (Sunbury Sandstone (Berea) Total depth Log No. 436 A. L. Moore, No. 4, lessor. Shot wane 20, 19205580 Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Gravel Sandstone Shale Sandstone Shale Sandstone Shale Sandstone Shale Sandstone Shale ee 6 8 ee 6 « © 6, ie) @ ‘e 6 6) © of «6 C8 1 © «© © Oe oe 26 © © © © © we oe 8 © «¢ @ 8 © ® e's Sandstone (1st salt) Shale Sandstone (2nd salt) Shale ‘er ie] lef lee 16, 1 50) le Je Mississippian System. Sandstone (Maxon) Limestone (Big Lime) Sandstone (Big Injun) Shale and shells Shale, brown (Sunbury) Sandstone (Berea) Teta) eee ew eee oe eee eee oor ee eee me) ee) 8F 10>. 0218 depth LAWRENCE COUNTY Ce ee ete! @ © fe © 6) © 66. ee Gh 6 e (ole 8 6,0) ei) ve! ie) es, 8) 10) © (¢) 050: 49 ete 6 ‘e’ (oy 0! 0:6 qts. te ce 6), oe) 6), © ve Je 0/6) ele, 9) .6) 6,16 0) 6/0) @ ¢) 0 oer eee eee eee eee ee ew ee ew ee @ Je) eine. at's Jone! a0 6\ oe. (6) oO (6:6: 0 1.6) Key Ke" 0.16 eee @ 6 6 6 6 8 9. 60 6 #0 8 6 6 0 6 6 © 6 oe ¢ e) 0, e666. 656) 0) ec) One: 61) 6 ee) Of ese 0) 610 OGeicrn Choma mae CRG toy Gc) OMost) CuO toe @ .@ pel @, ne. es cts 6) © 0) se) ‘e:ce. e. hen (e/s0i (0! 8 ve O60! once), (0; “0: 0) 10) 6), 0: (61 007 0: 0; 0) je, ‘0: (0) je Ke) 0: 0 @-2 © 6 6 © @ 8 6 ee @ 8 oe ef Be oe «ee 8 oer eee eee ee se we ee ew ee ee ee, “eel ve emie. (se, <8: \@: \e “a7 8) (ei @: Je ej,te. 6 0 @) le: ne: (ete. cel) ie-.e: (60) 0, “#) <9) fe, 16 0) 8.0? e150) (6 6 e/g! 482 16 he; 6, 10 ue (ene) eo) (ee) 0) 6, (0 Me 050), 0:s\e) 16 a) (6) oe! ene 6) 5@: 10; eine) 10 Newel e le ie See ©) «6 oil elel(e) (se) (e+ ey 0 6 #0) 4,16 101.4) 6) 6) 4, 6 ere) 6 (@ oh op Ou ela Om 16-0170 6, Clue) 015 0 Cred 0.7 6) 6 Cp Oe Cty SOO, (Cy OMe tcle tC IOS 60) XP #Car a 0) @, oa J) 10: (6) se), Om, 1e) fe) (0) 61 ei 6) 0) (a Ch I SOe- Cer HO Cr te) Cle te oh OR Wy aCe Bats ET ac S, 010. 8! 815.81 ae: (F080) 0; 6: 01.0) 10) Ope Or Olen (ee) PirsteOloe let ot-1. Od. (Races Late liet WL « Skil: Thickness Depth 1,740 Lou teow Det a0 New Domain Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Production: 2 bbls. oil. Thickness Depth 16 30 85 60 45 50 120 35 60 30 170 90 35 115 45 16 46 131 LOL 236 286 406 441 501 531 Ot A 826 941 986 ICG Loe 1,251 1,736 1,756 1,783 1,783 312 OTD RL ET Dis lad GAP ELY 2 OH CE NCU Ohey: Log No. 437 A. L. Moore No. 5, lessor. New Domain Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Shot April 23, 19207 80 qts. Production: Dry ‘hole. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth LE WRN el doa rae, ae ane Me pect ale aed RN Be ee parr 14 14 SoS OMG game, beet tak: awn outs sptg ei oe cass oe : 26 40 SHOWS e Lay 3 cae ee ee aa mere ee Pe 60 100 PSE WANG MCU NI TOES? Shur. ohm Specie, Aherige ce Airs erg Aer eee me : 80 180 RUPEES Bets Bi iepotk aac cee oc meee ty oat ae aren Sad 200 380 PU Guliiet OLD CRs gterurnias sucon sche Rite c gent ner ua crete, Pe : 150 530 SNCS Akcaeacs Rh geo NE RS eR tte Pee hae 75 605 oe BON ag GU MER eo bed een Menage 2 9 au ene ames ae aed a : 320 925 DSRS ayia ern tact oe SO are Ces CNG eg Sr Re DO ated: Osco Mississippian System. LUM es LOMem Ios tle) Mee wees Acie et ace oe 55 Reso Dads GOMes cs OAT, | (Niemen? ae ces 1c eee 45 1,215 Sa begeari kel Clare meee wee ae eo) atc, ck ee 463 1,678 Slate wor One RW bye) eee neck 5 2) .h i ecee aie 20 1,698 Mavs lOn om DOr ed) we seater mt, oa eee. 5 ces, 5 ct 301% 1,728y% EL G2 be Himmmemeer te wee irc ae oe ree 1,728% Log No. 488 We DO Neal; Nor 2, lessory. Venora Oil’ & Gas Co, Huntington, W. Va., lessee. Location: Busseyville. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth CIO sear VO LLOW: aioe. tise Samir othe cara Mine fone « ote gee 12 12 AACE | Hav iL tas AV AIWAR COR ltem Sora mi oles Botts Ce eee 28 40 Stale; Actes ence ee eee note aie her he eae 140 180 Sandstone, mw li Wt coer. cus yom an, rae ernee eee 20 200 |. Oy a Lue Kaeo a oe ore ieee aaa ee ee ec eee, 400 600 amd Micalt) wiles wealers0 lem a race one 390 SISK) he SEW Ro Pat OL Ub = Sameer PMA y Pek’ sg Ss, SPrcton? -> caee oar a 16 1,000 Mississippian System. Limestone (little Aime), blackeea. sess+s... 30 861,030 TIMES tone BigmiLaime ye ay lite ears: Seen. 120 1,150 Paldstone (45106 ligt) aia lO yee eee ree Lon AlZ1G5 el Gs yy Hat meee eer ears tae ae ae ee 10 1ST o LAWRENCE COUNTY 313 Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Handstone pe wihi coerce ees cere cute on ec tk, Cee 25 1,200 mda. G §o71 dens et mmenemet tern smite. heres an ee ae 300 1,500 haley twit Megaware etre eae ewey tak ers 133 8 =61,633 ROLL C a DRONA UIE ys) eens teehee eg oe 20 1,653 pandstoner Goeren, mere meee ae 7%) wehres tant hence Gee Leet PO ta Lido taper ete nh Siinet ms navenro, 6 1,714 Log No. 439 R. J. Peters, No. 1, lessor.. New Domain Oil: & Gas: Co., lessee. Location: near Louisa. Shot 80 qts. Production: 2: bbls: oil. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Gay, Blue «vce ae ee ew) INE ae 40 40 Quicksand: (7 tracer oe eee emer a te meme tan 10 50 SANGSTOMLG & . cst ane eee meer ee ae ees eek: 10 60 CL Re ee eee Prana thre Fis Ale ee eric. aie a oe tia a 2 62 CONE Vets cae” peer Seen eee ie Teen ate he de e oe ee ie 25 87 SAIEISTONG Wis ae ete ey en pe rice ot we een ee : 33 120 a C2 WC: Oem eect ra i LAS Hon con css ote dion can fem 60 180 WAMOSLONG . (CO WeashUlh) Megtes se) kde inks cn eee ee 20 200 peli ec ab ume Sette oh drive 80 Ua ae eer cs a nee 120 320 Sandstone, alc teeekem calor Meee kee ee ore Oke ; 30 350 PATE: 00. tien atte teats Rohe re Ren et ne ENT Se etre 70 420 Sandstone —....s-ate pee nee eee oe aay , 40 460 Sia) eo ee eae eee ae akan eran ee atin Gee culties vier ice ofc 115 575 Sandstone = (firsts cal ees rere eee rete tee 40 615 iol 8 URN Son ne reir, rrecand aRee base herr had ca ein’ 30 645 Pandstone {SCCOnde cary eee we Aes eel: 155 800 Ha Lea. om Teo pera eee taal are marten eee teens. 20 820 Sandstone: “hess ss ee eee ee tee oe arses oe « ; 30 850 oo 2 Ws aM PME as EPR cee oe cr chin. hake Wai ese ee Rem 15 865 Mississippian System. snd. (Maxon) Semi ape reeeeet fen tere a aye ae 25 890 PEL O-d ty, has Colegeee eee ae een eet dee fon, vos ait! 30 920 HiniestOne: * (Big =. Laie emma Cau aea si. «cease LOS 1h 070 mandstone: bigs lng ui errata. ee tn, 445 Se Do Tiel Z5 Sialemarnid “sholl saa aewe: sateen ee oe tcc erect eth 500 15625 Shale, SLO wo UN Me ween geet en agi as iets ain abe LOAD Sandst@ies (Berea, me em tp wre crete eve kelee sy 6 ok 25a Lr S otal det Naseer warmed. frente ce 5 Tors 314 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 440 R. J. Peters, No. 4, lessor. New Domain Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Shot 80 gts. Production: 3 bbls. oil. strata. ; Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth IGT Ay Bl Rees, Sete eee ee oak oc oe eee Ole or ec ees ae eer ; 22 22 Shiau oad Oe eck eke Sensi eae ere et te ee 27 49 EPs EO USHA OME oe cok SS at a tate aris OR Ag ve ey ry Coates pan) : al 79 SS byrebts ceteris et ceey Ua cs eres eas Seu ae eee ee 40 14.9 SASL Ol Giese, ey erate aster aie urbe ieee atta ee : 50 169 el es at: Deen er Ge no tees ae Aaa tee Mn Barba Mie oicmesntes shana 300 SAM ASE On Ose wer tok barman acer caer mee siete te eee : 45 335 TALS Oe ece altees ecg seat Serra ie Oe esd ert eaec ay ceets IMS 450 NSPE A TO ea SW hil Mesto Pa eee Mier awie at 5 IWis. ck oh acy eA ce ett : 60 510 ovale WC ae er Arne Cm een eR Baar SP Sel ey By has el 290 800 NSLRANG Re (GSB hn ereetre sehen pad oabigws wea tecen ens chrh a ane ‘ 40 840 no eaGih Act acme ee ec en Deiat ty Serge Mois pen Rear er oD S75 Mississippian System. fess HAUG RAMON Reais pee Ale neh Pe ara Gis. eeree eon Prats ee es 50 925 Ne OPH cia aa ty era 7 Ae ane dee me Ae Ae caer rity oe PY Mc BM 25 950 ‘Limestone 9 (Big Dim €) 00. sinc ers ce ee 15.0 S15 L00 eewigekntend¥ey s (le pies UM vaeN be mel eee Sy Are Cone Oi SL G7. pola WW cure Wate Bach eY 1 W ie cencr tw atenste! ® Rein on AR eevee cn ane Oy Pec 467 1,634 Shale, brown (Sunbury) . aor yan ere 20% 1,6544% Sandstone (Berea), (pay a at a, ceases eee 2814 1,683 AWeh ee Nieves khang es errmyer iene icg mgd tec pon ho : 1,683 iPay sand, 1,667-1,678. Oil and gas, 1,674-1,676. Log No. 441 R. J. Peters, No. 5, lessor. New Domain Oil & Gag Co., lessee. Shot 80 qts.. Production: 3 bbls. oil. Strata. Pennsylvanian System Thickness Depth GTEAV Cl tee ceusss ree A Sisalsa med tiny Spethaet pach ae ep 21 21 DS liao: Oginski eich aan a ages es es Peater aectan er eae 25 46 AILO ST OMG 75 ge trent dike We Puerta 2 Gain te oe Sao erate iene aaa 95 606 SVE AIGS RSA HOR OWS) dae seq se Oeheieer, aly pea ee aie ra ial aa 34 640 CSTR SS: LoS aN Pelee S auton ge kr dees 100 740 Sed Uma G TAN Ls) neta atv oka armas Ch cyeee ence aus Game ace ese Gs : 85 825 SSIES "8. soy race beatae eee cote WRU ar i At Ee Ra ne 60 885 Mississippian System. SINC OC Ceabe eee, Seeker cts atete cy toes ace wiles as One oe , 100 985 SURI 0 oe 2 ea ela RY Sealed Sa ei 7 eee nae 80 1,065 isimestones(BigwLIMe \e cei) aces gece geen CUS mee © Sandstone. GBig InjUM) os. ss. eee eee ts we DLO oto Dimectone, shale and shelle i meres. ea ee 460 1,805 Seale Oro wie (OUNDUTY) 0c cates ey ee eaeiete ee 20 1,825 Dae pOles CECTCA.) 02.4 aus dl shale acre olen =. siiviste 315030 A CLIFF OF BEREA SANDSTONE. The Berea Sandstone, productive of both oil and gas in Lawrence, Johnson and other counties, is a prominent rather evenly bedded formation on outcrop. Photo near Vanceburg by Charles Butts. 320 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Dhale iy. hoe eee eee, «eels ater 30 §6.1,060 Sandetone met Wa scorn merepwg. ee ete ae, oe. ane Dee allo Sbale= (pencib caves tse ry se eee ee as anes Shale awit (once marie kee eee REE, wen Span 39 Ue P57. Praceteicheenitey Mer beedbiviat) ke crew A ae, 5 aan ter ar nena. A 158-315 DaUdstonem GDioe TM | oie ace ease coe 80% 15395 lisesi dieahel bea ae rest Soc: cc.cyei ees Seen eee 429 1,824 Shale vsbrowil= GOUnDULY: >So nes, cae es ere erect 25 1,849 Sande lonewd tberee, hooks eee mage Sha tehs ney eer eae: 20141,869% otal Sdepth “eA witr. mp mcueopettnes ener 1,8691% Log No. 477 Thad Ranson, No. 1, lessor. Ohio Fuel Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Com- menced: December 15, 1919. Completed: January 22, 1920. Shot January 24, 1920, 60 quarts. Production: 4 bbls. oil per day. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SOL Pods ey pee ase oe Oe ne eee y, Z Sandstone Ab lult 5.6 ee, creek erate cee ee eee 28 30 Sale Sama ss bG cokes alee ener ca eee eee ree 100 130 Said ts MOUNTAITY ae oe ee eae ee ee eee ae 105 235 Shale= and = shells *2 oats. oe nee ee 435. 9"2.67..0 Sami Sa Sali) tee Fear erga ot ieee ee eee er Ew) 820 UR ee eae eg ak an er a oh Ao eee 20 840 Sand stones socks Cerin Secreta eerie oe een ae 13 975 pS YSN Cole! seein Th ek on etl cane Re een, Meee RM Cn ol Ls 5 980 Mississippian System. Sandstone (Maxon), (gas at 98D) ...../...4% 20 1,000 SDA Les Sime ole mie pc ee es rege eas he ae so drolaM Rss ihamestOme< (Biot Eaarie). oo iy eer es pee ve 160 LAL} Walaskdites (Re LIT TRU hr ere k qe atime tee sacs Tus 1,252 Shalecain ds Stelle se ac ae aa pe a ee an 473 ft) Shale ss Dr Ow nae SUL Ott y ane ceee eeeer eerea 24 1,749 Sandstone (Berea), (oil pay 1750-1765) ..... ie es alo Potal= | dept limarc: cen tien se cate tag whee? Vti2 LAWRENCE COUNTY 321 Log No. 448 Thad Ranson, No. 2, lessor. Ohio Fuel Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Lo- cation: Near Louisa. Commenced: February 27, 1920. Completed: March 31, 1920. Production: Well dry. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. NLT bur “vz, Sg eh at ov open ve veda ee Gr tee tel Shale, [GUA BITER ey Wohnd, Seger tA RAT, SOBs tal = A SOT OUT) baller tet esa eho Lee ee ir ee De Sr DUI CMmEN LLC nt Oe: Me Ages 208 net ee, opt lee ak ay ne oe. SaLidistone wt Olle snowed, 00 0a Pout. me cs Shale, DLUG MR ane Meise io. ate ee ro fe eea ne Raa ee SUG? SECURE Re tece ooprc aer fo ron eg eRe ae Saililst Fema) L(LOvasen Care ewe nh Om aI Ot oy army 6 8 Shen Mississippian System. SEWN Nese, [UWE ay) Im aun are ara, ser chaps pa Pen eRe Se Leen TLOUe A 5k ae un he tam yet ten ae Cat ake armecnmcan litle lime) tees ee ae. eet ere Pe LOM ETEC hw: eer tc I ee ne yh oe Mee POT Cre (510 -an) TOO) ieee dentcreee tec ae Sekar a 2-3 AMEN LON UI Rot ik acca Ga bags ceally tea ae ee Vn Raa ened rg a Nea Kier Mes tet ABM DBIS | Roa 4 cus Rese Eine tncms eee rae IEE ee) LLG ee et ck Rin ane cae ces ale Ue a aoe bees TAS LON Ce an Naren oki et cute cote en oe oe St ae eT OW Tie OO ULDUL Vo) on teed re wen oe en ee SLIM ehOTTe (SCT CA.) facie iat ewe ewtereutrr aust et ge Stale, snellycy (Aly: aren sma te wet, Ok apes kA DOta US dep Limes scr iacetelme ete. sort «eect ts te. Log No. 449 Thad Ranson, No. 3,-lessor. Ohio Fuel Oil & Gas Co., lessee. menced: April 19, 1920. Completed: May 15, 1920. 1920, 60 quarts. Production: 4 bbls. oil. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. seRU lt OS Nae oa ME Sar te A OCT arc Ci ae re a ROP Soca Aes rege pect EI ac Rides Om aOR Erne gong ca Reece CL COLT OM oe MON Roa) Oita ede" Sey gional athada's 4 SUA le ener Perey Acai oe co? Gs SRR Ae via ee Se nee Thickness Depth 20 20 80 100 50 150 aLb 465 85 550 25 a5 215 790 A 805 70 Sus 20 895 20 Sa) 10 925 15 ee O70 1s 1,085 65 TPS 0 5 1555 SAP ees S 441 1,630 2214 1,65244 5b 1,70734 Toes Measles 1,719 Com- Shot May 15, Thickness Depth 16 16 89 105 2 107 3 110 322 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Teale hei aie eee eee Caer tenet ees hehe te iala er aness 35 145 So ia ete ae acs alee Ra Sea tenner eR tess tees 10 dO Sanustonoss yellow, MC Water) © fiw. since see see 1G 225 Shia lorraine aerator: Aer aw een ene SIE Oty no a taamerea ts 75 300 SATIS LON Grae Prete ate Ten eA fae aa oan keme ts 62 362 Sinaloa arene are cer ma ta iG os Misa fet aye eins soe A5 407 LAY Oat 0 Nem aus oe eee rae te ey PPA ce oes Real ile 2 31 438 AS Liat Leas See ster ete ac mre nol gtneee ure ations ay clr Sy metas 62 500 EERO CONSE ROR LON, Vauiba subs 20h Mae Sh Sone enh Ae ih MR a On mero 27 527 Shia le- ance bells me samirserto Ae ates ee ee coe tem wets Zoe 760 Sarid. (aa t.)taaew ater OOCed) ae. a eet Sek 172 932 Mississippian System. mhalemand = siellg wh. (2 im ene MRT 1G smeage Seemed 28 960 Siig lesaieee elic mad. |e. cu.cet chines aie wee enter erent 128 1,088 Sita lem(penGlleCa Vie aire nok r Nien ea ee ee pee Deepels Oa: Timestones (Big samme) eer toa: eet ctor pst tome aes 165. 415256 Pandstone, (Bro ve ln Um) ee eae eater seers 85 1,341 Shilemamd sshellos ey sa2 3 fea ete ee nor 452 Oe Shale brown. (Sump Urys)? pac ater oes oe eee 21 1,814 Sandstone (Berea), (lst 12 feet pay oil) 7. . 28 1,842 Total sdepth gee ce tet args ee cree 1,842 Log No. 450 J. N. Roberts, No. 1, lessor. Ohio Fuel Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Lo- cation: Busseyville District. Commenced: January 15, 1919. Com- pleted: February 14, 1919. Shot February 19, 1919, 60 quarts. Pro- duction: 38 bbls. oil. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth ott) BR eis Seven ahaa ry Re She eh: Darth wr WOR ORV os cor ay Shite? 20 20 POELTICLES COMIC gut centric mee tar cr Ret ie nL om Werder Leeann, 3.0 50 Sia FG Sree trchetete ry rae Ge Scene, ees ama lems Mere. Fobene 70 120 pandstonesn-wellows 200 974 326 Mississippian System. OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Sandstone, 24 Maxoiviemer te eee ce eae G Chee nee 20 Limestone -CB ig manic parame: eietc cc ost cheese ees 20 Dan SbOnew(51e mel UN) eeeaitac an 2 opernie ayonete eerie 155 Sa legeole liver m mesma SLOG sw rate. ne we eetee anes 552 eS DALES Mito T OW mics WENO TIE Sg) a taw 8 nie WU.) oleh otros ont reine 20 Saidstonemmc hs BLes tact) ee. eeu ype ae ome coe ne 26 CO Ga CL O7) Gln eee 2 ee oe ree ee on ee ete ae Log No. 455 Thickness Depth 994 1,014 1,169 eet 1-74 1,767 i BAL atl Martha Taylor, No. 2, lessor. Ohio Fuel Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Commenced: October 8, 1918. Completed: October 28, 1918. Shot November 1, 1918, 60 quarts. Production: 2 bbls. oil daily. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. NST A cats Chen toe RO Cre ti EPER Ln eRe ty a ses hs oo Aka eS 8 SAN SGOT Cie ao5-u ies eee Be ces eet Se eee eae ee ee ee 6 Shaleckind nde 2. seyee ee ore cet eh te eee, 46 DPandstonesst 71 Aish cee ae ne ae ane eee eee 20 Ciel Ramm Mere erenan sg ON re its vain ramp eee a ef al oeet De ae 2 Shales black (teste ec chit err ee eee 23 SAMA STONE ie eee nas chek OMS cla geen oe 43 WALCO, SOL ba veer eects oes See ot OR ee eae 6 DPandslomer 4, Mek eee ecw hs Oven ee eee 61 Shalemancdasielleten tg teers = one eee cet 20 Ci | Res ene we lee a ean eee oe Re ae 5 Sie lesnanidealie] leq h cats tn geo ue ee PWS eee Lan ae one Sariderones arcs maw ea eet entree ee eee: are (SOG LW merece, PRE RCE NO ee Be OD seen ne ner rate 3 SLA LL Rae? Ptah anes cic so tee eee cs sane eee pe Toc, ERT Arc Vain S00 SS NASLONGS aah Ree ee ne Maas ener oe ene 10 mo pyle Base oe ten oF oo ccd agra ere Ie TSE ne 220 Sha lewitarG ere. penccg eee ee - eens en oe 20 Shale seewin tats mr sucueret con ved eee eae ee ee 10 Said S COI tc ace rede tween aie pace wee eae en ta ae 66 Shale wy it sae a eee re eae eat em. ee eee 8 Sandshories (salt) i..5 «cee eet ee eee ee ve 116 Sha lets Se gine See oe ent a ona tee en ee 6 SaTLAStOnee tee Ses wc peceernase eee ees ee eee ed lr oe ae 14 himestone- blacks Senses eS es eee eee ee 30 Shale Thickness Depth 8 14 60 80 82 105 148 154 215 235 238 335 352 355 390 400 620 640 650 716 724 840 846 860 SY0C 896 LAWRENCE COUNTY 327 Mississippian System. Thickness Depth SLING: | LUNE we Qa cee A ch ced ape NPN a a ie 29 925 SSiRey Le Vaan 0, IoC bee ae Pee re tone Seay met UO oe A 20 950 Slee col tart aaa ee eRe ae beau Sete oh. wk Aa 960 Limestone (Little -Lime) ....:.. ers Mee GH Ra 20 985 ee eee keeriC1 be aves) mere mee. torha eso kees Sie at hc 3 988 Darpestonen (Dis eli Te) gma aan eed ranean... iG 2am Bow UHC ROTUC me tbo] OMe UI UTI eee re ger are Mack an cet G2 el .212 Sander Olle lies leirtlmee et Meee tce ee ete Mm, 48 1,260 NSLAREd Ie GW ateh ACM NB RSInIe e? WGN Sane ae ae nae a Sennen 400 1,660 iid OO OW OLE DILL Ve) Mere reece ee. eRe acry 28 1,688 Sui SLOMCMmE OTE, ) mmr ieeee tem. tir eure tS PPT te a 241441,712Y% Dota Reed ep Ul wien nie entrees tient nt tetera tae Log No. 456 T. W. Taylor, No. 5, lessor. Location: Lower Louisa Precinct. Completed: April 22, 1920. Production: The well was abandoned. Authority: The New Domain Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Gage ed aa De Sy RRR Oe Sian ORB, (ol eels UREN aa cre ie aa? 14 14 DSATLA SLOT” oeeuty. (queer: fe, Sete sn a Pogh ee eer dca ai , 26 40 Shales iardarn cy. cehs ctr aes eer ee ae 60 100 PO TLCLSt OMG ee stu. Marra ren eee! ay ear ns eee ae es 80 180 Dba lemelig Tdi tesa ree ees “Reet CAP erated seta: 200 380 SLI LOU CMe te Ment nis eae Pin On nce Paar ta Tee foe 150 530 RUE Oe Wale 23 Nias aarti t.6 By eee ae ey eat Seer 75 605 ome a (al ee ee rea ELLOS) Mel ageaE eR aden a conten ces 320 925 SAC are eet en ene wen eer eed a eats Soke 90 L0 i Mississippian System. PIPES OTs Gee (COLO oe aUIVte: eg ates Altai ott gh Ge cab 5, 155 daled 0 Pas COMen ote RL TUT lee quem mics onoe weg. — 45 2S Solemn rd ye Ali edi MGS tO Meare week. fsa cyt ance 463 1,678 Pe DLO Wile UID UT Yuvan rane ys set ead vcs “Ss : 2006s SOG sUOnCiE Wiser enn mm gc tie Melek i. Cay Sea 3014 1,728 RCE age Le DUT mite ee tea nena eae a naa Race. 1,728% Log No. 457 John B. Thompson, No. 1, lessor.. New Domain Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Shot Nov. 11, 1919, 80 quarts. . Production: 14 bbl. oil. 328 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF. KENTUCKY Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth CUAY fis tee! fares BS aan ae ee ey eee Soe pa, 20 20 DOB TUS LONG] a coh che eee eee mein chs nse Shia tts Gn oes ee 175 ERS Sd 1G AW Jape eect eee ra. gd cele Ike aK cae See 330 525 hia LG se WAT be mee ae et See cha ae circ: etaeeeenme 90 615 DANG SCOR Glee tate wis oe ink deal on manent eee 200 815 Ne LAE Coane We 6 Bea or eS Pe Perea nye petn te een Gin Ae es 894 Mississippian System. Rimestone = (Big sLimieny ee nemo at eens 145 1,039 Sanudstonee ( Diowl Wl fe eee no nko. eee 60" 1,099 a Ua AC RME waa eH AE NU eee areas Sain Pe or Rake Sheng ay on hs ool 1,486 Shale se Prowl (UMD UL Vs oir. et ee eee ne emcaste 20 1,506 Said si Ome BEnea:) pata dessa ee Siege meaeren oe en ee 68 1,574 Wobta lL dep thai tae wtee, aay cee ane 1,574 Log No. 458 John B. Thompson, No. 2, lessor. New Domain Oil & Gas Co., iessee. Shot January -6, 1920, 70 quarts. Production: 1 bbl. oil. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth CIA pices hit cee nie eae et ee IGE 20 20 Sands COnGi cae ce hohe att eu, eee tls ee tie gig eee 180 200 iia, leg ae, skeie ings eet sees oct Se te ee eo Jay) 310 PA LO ca een heed et ceo Wi tare th a. Oo ca eeenEn aeons 340 650 SAMUS TONS eevee acre oh eT ea a ee aca eee 350 1,000 Sitale sees Pe NEGO TE Beh REN MR kc ee = Sab Se ae Mississippian System. Lamestoue 3. Bis Si m6) oo ercctvntrone eagrerae a sha L301 LS 5 NATED (temper Am Ne Serer g Buu ent a Om We wid nail 20 1,206 Sandstone (bree TT yUT ie aace mechs caret ent een ae cree 25 1,231 Shale? and eshiellense meee tee eo ee ac arene 417 1,648 mhale; browne SUNDULY) ees oe tein eon ae 20 1,668 Dan dston eux Beree) sence) ec. wiius ewe emis ae 5714 1,725% AB ee ers Neh 0} semen ears AEA RAD Gg Premera een Shree 1,725y% LAWRENCE COUNTY 329 Log No. 459 John B. Thompson, No. 3, lessor. New Domain Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Location: Busseyville Precinct. Completed: July 19,1920. Production: IE Glee EDDIE oll, Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth CEE Lie eee oh ater eT Nate otis SOM ak ee CERT Se Ricans t 14 14 SITS LON Ogee, mene mercies eee Re Dncd.” Ss otsn hese Footots, Fs 150 164 Semel. 'd ape Weeder (Orns tek nae 2 Sone lone ge 200 364 PATICSLON Gs uae sinon. & Maca er see state tee sekessse coe ae ae 6 300 664 Sere GSA Oh) mee Ae eh ate ert eee ee ae evoke 360 1,024 PIPER OE CON 3 oak &. Oran mea aah CEN CPt ear tart aa L076 Mississippian System. Tae sGou Cae [oD Lose SINC an oes eas comtete shatter otek 150 dase 26 SEL SLOM Cua LoT Oe LN JLT) ge dyee. oe padenc tn castes yor ars uelet oa: o0ne 26k PATIOS LOlOMrani Cue SRGLIG Re coe. ree tis on yee Neen eens 125 1,386 SHS bee Haid tae: eG creer eee et te ee co a ee eer 261 1,647 Shales browile (Gonialiny je ore. sgtel ene. 2 cael ee HA aha tears Sand et (Bered.)ae spmenctta ae costa aeons ae re On 66141,733y% etal epi ie cee te Sits ete meee ae aes cee 1,733Y% Log No. 460 C. M. Waller, No. 1, lessor. Ohio Fuel Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Lo- cation: Near Potters. Commenced: November 2, 1918. Completed De- cember 18, 1918. Shot December 21, 1918, 60 quarts. Production: 5 or 6 bbls. oil. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth OPE yay 5 takers 6 Aba ea EEN ire Ree och eye Denier rane aa 14 14 ere OY 0 et Wout orem grins Ae oo WAR Al GIN ae Aen 18 32 VO OC GmE aren Siam ae nee Pamir eccg te bo oF 48 80 gS oo aoe ee VO LLO Wy Pitan Bonet. cactch marae eto (cages net «lies 70 150 ony mee WCE Ces ae teem and er en ote eth bets ot ie 25 175 aL Oh ee ee ee rer id eee lk 226 OA Ce Mee NE ene rd NT Re os) as oe. ces 29 Oe Se SLOT Cuneta ee Men Se Ri Rey Soe Bee | 60 ry a" SNC WY wa 2 Oe Le hs A. een le ae 45 360 PETES COG ee eee ee PE ies HW Nacsa atk 90 450 REC LC reh NG ay sD ee ae ects fons 2 Sto sty 9 aaa la ann 50 500 ail, Sere LAE Oe ORCS os A ee Sa ye 70 570 330 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth She Leen. a ah eae er Rene eeeGe: Ses oe enh tte ns clas awe 30 600 Sandstone CoLlasbowe Gaye eeeeen eae oie oie 30 630 Sale ariduesiae) Sameer: ker pre chs inane he eeeeel ote 100 730 SS bia] Om ier teem Pee Grave eS oes acy. eg me 20 750 Dpandstoness(a lt) cC waver &70.0)) ™ en mek oe: eeiceee 80 830 SS lig, 1a Bene Pisa ote sor RR cg aS St 4 835 Silos elie Caw ratte eer npr ns es a eee eee ‘ ag) 870 Mississippian System. Snalen Drokcen sand wanells meme mc lenee eee 60 93.0 Sand stawe ei Vax Onl eee ge tena ees. ciate we oy 20 950 PHalom( pene Gave). 2 tet apie nt, eee an gage ot 5 955 Timestonem (Bige Liime) a eee oe kann ets LG Oe Se leLL Dandetone (Digs | mje yank te rte eee ee SOOO alec Shh ee can ten ot arene, Or ea gt gene: 10 Daya lee, etm AUe PMG H ake Ns EM DRO Top prey aaa Ge PCy oy teat nae Sa. une Hac 50 1,240 Shalevand tstiellet yup cae eerste ne eee eee 444 1,684 Sales OLOW Me SS TAD ILE Yalan tues see eee eten eee Aeron es 25 1.209 + &osandstone (Berea)... (as, and’ oil)’ se ecm cu. = 27141,736y . ‘otal deptie ss 20s ars paneer eee 173017 Log No. 461 CG. M. Waller, No. 2, lessor. Ohio Fuel Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Com: menced: May 5, 1919. Completed: July 7, 1919. Shot July 8, 1919, 60 quarts. Production: 3 bbls. oil. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SOT TL teey ree care ee ts a ee ote, eae ee 16 16 RSP HES Rsk 031 ( emnen COR Mn Semis Nereis ore. Cha is ae a reba oS 1.49 165 Sila | Giese, © ec oe eG a ene) se eae Se 50 215 PANASUONG san wore Aan ite ance MLL en eee (os 290 Siig let oa Seok Oe ee eo aa ee eee 10 300 SAndStOnes® accom oe aioe eisai ole. ee eee 20 320 Goa Te a ee ira bal eet cere ae eee ee ae a: 3 323 Sandstone a livive see ne om ee eran eee te ie 400 EG Wie Wee eth gee RRC AY ae MO i Ls ear tence ea 80 480 a ASTON CS wwrus eran cata ey ee REL te te eae 75 Doo lia Le Wine eet ia aca ne nage Rae Sea an cen eee ee DD 610 SANGSEOTMCS hs ecrpetc niin, a hea meen ee eon eticn ae Ue tes 20 630 Sia leaned 2s Olesen th tice’ «seer teenies a eer cre cteca eee 160 790 Sandstones Foie Pee vathne Anche sce beeen eme a) 809 a, LE eer dick: aac spac a MCPS eee Ree a ee eae 60 869 LAWRENCE COUNTY 331 Pennsylvanian System. Shale, hard, and sand Sandstone Shale mines fel abelrelte 6M 0b) 6:58. se le) 0.6 Te Mississippian System. Sand Shale Shale Shale Sand Shale, brown (Sunbury) (Maxon) @ Sils.uerel ts <0 (e eo ye: Je) en telle) Fi AsO te CeCe TG edd Cine ta, 0) 60! Hania: lel elig: tm, ees ete C16) wei 1a) ie? 6 el ah 0 ler, ev 10) 1: © esse) e: Lele) oie tof fn.e) (OL 8) ve) ul eye he (61018) 1°) (8 igre) (ee, ey %, 1°) ¥) 60. Fe, 8.0. fe) (0 (Pencil Cave) Limestone (Big Lime) Sandstone (Big Injun) Saisie; sa (0 Eso 6) 5! ai eivele ale. e])-6) @) \e! (4) 18) ce) (a) 01 lef fe) (6) oe e. eyis) ce o 9 (6 wm ew eee oe 6 he mine nite ie Net aio lseul 6.) SIS CtSel Ole el © Re (9) ue! “el .cikeuia- ei,et.e > 6 OF S101 OP lo ~1e ere mel ie Conc: OOS, Fe i ee SS. O8 Bt 5 S20) Der. OO, CEC Dy WOM Cet ars oe tebe Oi eo ei ie! me ©) eMely Neues ele ve) 16) 1 ogee! of eee! 6 ie, ele! O16) te) 6: 6 Sandstone (Berea), (pay oil 1926-1941) Total Log No. 462 depth : Won Ter vey ten e winie oy 6p ‘on 18. (ere ne) 06; Yee 0 ue ke, @ 10 115 95 80 Thickness Depth 984 1,079 1,159 1,184 1,234 1,237 1,389 1,479 1,505 1,545 1,901 1,925 1,950 1,950 Laura Webb, No. 1, lessor. Vanora Oil & Gas Co., Huntington, W. Va., lessee. 1 BY ee Commenced: January 25, 1921. Strata. Vennsylvanian System. Gravel, brown a He, 1a Ae. eens a je atene: e467 a; va) sa) 0) Se emel © se.) (6) 0. 6/0 Shaler w hiterrs. 6: ease Ra eae te eee soe ey oe Coal, black Shale, black Sandstone, Shale, white Sandstone, Shale, black Sandstone, Shale, brown Shale, white weet wise: inf tte deme Men sit ie el eon white WDA LCswe rae. ates white oO) 40.) 6) .e. ls) ef iv) rel sella Shale, black Sandstone, white Mississippian System. Limestone (Big Lime), white Sandstone Shale Shale, gray (Big Injun), white and shells #16) -4) 18; 'e) 6 [ar 16 Jef '@) je, fo, sie) ae eeeus) leliewta, hel e) elcome! et 6 nbs) 9 Wir Mue aM Ol at. Cy mera cet, On a evel @) @)[ene. (o: (O07@ 0! 86 (6 0 e Di LVus es (6 16 ne) 10 (6 fe) 16/10. ewes iol e: ala meme. (oh s ceure Kebellel isl é.ie, eile) a. 6. alle! ia) anion eile) eee ©. "0 See) Si se*we ‘e) io sea 16) (© [82 v8) @ Cm SO. ONO oer) Dice oO eon seins) fo) ‘elmielre) jeruied -& 16) Selig) (0. 16:5? OO. CC TC och Cea me Cech nc yc ets DC A Ct aes, ia ss RIES ve, alee te: et dike ne) 19, *eLe 4b Cn 9:4) Ca lie is e, cere 60 a % Completed: February 26, Thickness Depth 30 10 30 40 43 60 80 95 120 300 325 375 450 480 885 1,015 1,025 1,478 1,499 332 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Mississippian System. Thickness Depth ETN ALG Oy Beenie trea: catt'r, SCs Ge his Ny Naam ea eR a 3D 1,534 Shale blacks (MUNDUL Vi) meets tet. ss cs eae 3 Mele) orl Handstones bere), amyl Gece oui 4 oss esas A oe 21 L595 Sha le, tb lke ks eter reer ts Ao sie win het oe eit ere 26 1,584 CD OGaN 2d 1 Lire tes epee sera ang css ee 1,584 NOTE—This record is irregular in the last 26 feet. Black shale does not occur as a parting in the Berea sandstone. Log No. 463 F. H. Yates, No. 1, lessor. Ohio Fuel Oil & Gas Co. lessee. Lo- cation: Near Louisa. Commenced: April 30, 1912. Completed: June 4, 1912. Production: 3 bbls. oil. Authority: Wayne Oil Co. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Sandstone-Goray =. oo. ap eet ea ae eee 20 20 Sig Les eats ener as i Mega ace a eee ne 40°" 5-60 pandstone,=( 2 qbotlersi a ba00.) ireaen nese medes 72 132 REL LEM facets wee Slee ie acne tes narra Se ters eee es 8 140 SA MGSUOMO Fa yc rs cette Rte ol ER ewe Mere ae tno 70 210 Shales reece et. oseke coke, cdee eee cree ee eee Bias eee 120 330 AndSstones P(siiOws07 lie seat ete eager eearee Rem en, 30 360 Sip lesand sande - pix euec eee ee ee eee 100 460 Sandstone SAxsureish uate eeebat. tea eat Eee ee 10 470 UNE. Le ad ox sans What ote coe we erg Se ae OS SNe ae 90 560 Sandsroncss seaweed ere Meee cree otc mn 40 600 Sa boat Peale ease ae kn to eee einen cee eee 47 647 panda (salt je < (water: novd 1:5.) oma ee eee 163 810 sSNA Gly Seas ticrt nc TR a NS ance ee SERN LS tes eee 5 815 SLalesandnsandstOue ncn cece Mee. aa sy ees 145 960 Mississippian System. SS IU Lee Siw wanes gate in allen Wes cians ot Aton ky tein een eas 10 970 Ihimestone (little sy himeys s,s ne aoe ee 20 990 Siaies- (Penner ls Caney” 220. 8 scsi nd eter meant we i as 5 O95 Bimestone ( Big 2lime) <. s.c. wena eee eee ev 165 1,160 ales cana. Wet Mahe iar tie an an en ene OAc 5 te hs Sandstone (Bie te ak... a2 cau eens eee ae 1,893 Log No. 477 A. Collinsworth No. 2, lessor. Ohio Fuel Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Commenced: June 28, 1915. Completed: July 22, 1915. Shot July 24, 1915, 175 quarts. Production: % bbl. oil per day. Strata. Pennsylvanian ‘System. Thickness Depth CGO Pr hava te oo orks cae ete es a, A alee cea Se 2 132 COREL 155 Ata ate eas Mie OR TENA Conant ie eee cece 4 234 amd stomeu.( alt )\eeeee an ey EN Ta i. aCNO in ere eee 180 1D0 Mississippian System. lnimes tones Big sume) eerste ive oe eee 130 ILS San AUSLOMe Were) pam... eet, ves det oo Uomemenas mene e ats OD Leela TLOLEL A Ge pel moc rae, Wace tt mae eeap es een ae 12 LAWRENCE COUNTY 337 Log No. 478 A. Collinsworth, No. 3, lessor. Ohio Fuel Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Commenced: August 27, 1915. Completed: November 16, 1915. Shot November 22, 1915, 115 quarts, 3 bbls. after shot. Production: 4 bbls. oil per day. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth OCPD eater eae oh clea: ea ity RRO rier a So aa ae 3 198 RO oh Late Manne Cia et ae Arar een Pots w Woes Bile aes sls 2 242 Said SUOMCPECHA.LU sed anne cea ea eis (Fa ky ow ee Or 150 850 Mississippian System. Himeston es (Bigs Ame) sak oae ae eee we 140 1,245 Samdstomene(Dieee Li] UM ewe. n ese unlern s «rkaenals st 2 Om earl, oO DATICELOME AL DONCH tied ie MRR eee ike eg ant orithy 2 oes 48 1,808 SPOS ECE DU te a ropes ae tee te alae gavide) ok ord. ae 1,808 Log No. 479 Malinda Dameron, No. 1, lessor. New Domain Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Completed: March 8, 1912. Shot 90 quarts. Redehock = (Mae ne Gniiic Weer: sonnel tent eoe as 835 Tammestane my ( 10") larinie \ee Wee eet eed ae 885 Sa DOSLON Os COLOR mae. cat ed parecer te enone aS Zee le ao Rota Lrrdep ii Maree eee enemies rari ae 1,522 Log No. 480 Aleck. Dial, No. 1, lessor. Location: Upper Laurel. Commenced: August 20, 1919. Completed: September, 1919. Shot 60 quarts. Pro- duction: § bbls. oil. ODSOLe Der ea calde w: snes ter Vi Dick t ee eecs ergs arg’ 740 He ete eect me stearate cca ae wy in Se ieee ya ; 14 OTA LC Opi lien 2. akr eer cet tats sia Sapte 764 Log No. 481 D. W. Diamond, No. 1, lessor. Ohio Fuel Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Lo- cation: Near Busseyville. Commenced: February 23, 1915. Completed: March lo 70 Low pondts arch 19, '9155 llb. quarts; “Prodwetion: 3 bbls. oil per day. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SALTS LORE: — (2 2dt) = ae eee yo, fre A a 160 900 338 OLD TIELDeSTRAM GRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Mississippian System. Iuimestoness(: Bio lime.) seeceereer ck wire her ae get 175 IEA 5) Sandstones (Dig lm jus \eeee teense opcode ete 90 15350 Sha les4ia.°> eben eee pee: Sasa ie eines eae ry ee 385 1,385 Sand stoner’ (Berens pers epeatcaray. chk cyectre te ate, 56 1,834 Ota Vem Ont Heer nietcn cnc biece es are. stuns aera : 1,834 Log No. 482 Minerva Diamond, No. 1, lessor. Ohio Fuel Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Location: Near Busseyville. Commenced: October 1, 1915. Completed: October 27, 1915. ,Shot. November 5, 1915, 90 quarts. Production: 3 DD lgameor) 2 Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth OE be BAD arte, Soe ake aie eee eae te: Sak eT On cue ee icky ae eee: 5 135 (GOEL meee come or tes hime. ale cence ste et eL Ate ames mans 5 270 Sandstone 1 (SH.t) 2 ct ee oN ae Gene ene 165 860 Mississippian System. Limestone ¢ CB re tum Gj) as aecers oul onenreey lieia seems ws LS ORC Sandstoness( (Bie. lnjun) een, eee en iT alee Gd ands Lome ns Deren: terre ai cg cteinstetee pate cee. tele 5214 1,757Y Lotel “epbl = S1tceecis cians ook: wie emer: 1,75714 Log No. 483 J: Jo GambillyNo. Llessor) Union .Oil .&eGeas Cor Mr. Ae b. Ayres, Pres., Indianapolis, Ind., lessee. ‘Location: Spring Branch. Com- menced: Nov., 1917. Completed: Feb., 1918. Not shot. Production: 18 bbls. oil per day. DOpmOle Oren ec a wating Maye toed errors seats 650 GGT 01 5 SALAS Wart orate pst toed eeette nae nome eke 40 TOtAle depth Rote wellcpans us, cr om ste sc Patches Bee: 690 Log No. 484 J. J. Gambill, No. 2, Jessor. Location: Spring Branch. Com- menced: Oct., 1919. Completed: Nov., 1919. Well shot 60 qts., pump- ing water July 5, 1920. Production: 35 bbls. oil. Lope Oty BGreg scan ieee aan cry eee, ee (ate eet rot SeRee ony mati keane tela create een ienenes meee 40 otal depolier wrncaee tatet ot ee gees 758. LAWRENCE COUNTY 339 Log No. 485 J. J. Gambill, No. 3, lessor. Location: Spring Branch. Com- menced: March .31, 1920. Completed: June 12, 1920. Production: 20 bbls. oil. OD Oils Derea Sande. aes cesar: cos Pere 982 Beep Ooo (ae arene eames net Coca ocr als. 5 32 a bale Cle tlipergen sey eu iaeger osc ore woes 1,022 Log No. 486 ihafe Hayes, No. 1, lessor. Cambrian Oil Co., lessee. ‘Location: nears Charles?) O. © Drilled@ 1917.- shot and pumped. -Production: Small oil and gas. OPROLME yok MI Cee arm aes of cheno ero ted Ss cate sete eke 600 SAIC SLOMe GC Led trent eerie hci tatn cae a ete OE Lael Log No. 487 John Hayes, No. 1, lesor. Cumberland Petroleum Co., lessee. Topsosrlimestoneg( Bie sham ye erty) nate : 847 Up pMOLCandstOmem Ceres, aacrwta..ccerma seas © 1,447 Log No. 488 John C. Holbrook, No. 1, lessor. Location: Blaine Creek. Com- menced: Jan., 1920. Completed: Feb. 7, 1920. Not shot. (WProduc- tion: 750,000 cu. Lt. gas. FLO DeO le CLCOS6 a.) Uae te oe, a ete eer aee tac ere 714 TGC ENOL SATU Mertens, wages tees os atte te teas ary vis on tags ik « 40 DOU Oe e OUI mritecteest ache suet gc). Acar acest suas 754 Log No. 489 D. C. Hughes, No. 1, lessor. Ohio Fuel O11 & Gas Co., lessee. Loca- tion: Busseyville Precinct. Purchased by lessee from Wayne Oil Co. Completed: May 19, 1913. Shot Oct. 18, 1917, 60 qts. Production: 2 bbls. oil per day. Strata Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Bast OMe me (Salt) greeted tease cearceme cheat tn ae al tales 430 975 Mississippian System. Tm estoues (ig ciMe)) Ps si behead eee gee 165 1,160 SU TIPE OU Opel Ck Cl mania thf cial abi azduetvtales cst are te 6014 1,718y% Dodailied 6p telealerped ovscae tent heticw en fhe Ig 2m 1,719% Hole full of water 660. Break, .1,672-1,688. 340 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 490 iL. N. Hutchison, No. 1, lessor. Ohio Fuel Oil. & Gas Co., lessee. Location: 2 miles northeast of Yatesville Purchased by lessee from Wayne Oil Co. Completed: Feb. 4, 1914. Production: 3 bbls. oil per day. Strata Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth DUM AST OM Ome Saal b )ememnem awe ieks chet sr caye Goes: enrar Cle : 80 720 Mississippian System. MES Liem DI Oma In Coan tepeueor-t. cometary seemed UGE ABEL ALES DAO SL OM Gms 1OeekD |) wares ance Nasgee a breee ens 80" 15130 Hands CONC mE Grea a. carci. en hne x eet Ae ay ae es 50> 1,652 OLA ISCO Ee cians e iebe ear neue inet tate Betaee ees 1,651 Hole full of water, 665. Break in--injun, 1,145-1,155: Olle GOO leis 62 1 Show salt water in bottom of Berea. Log No. 491 iL. N. Hutchison No. 2, lessor. Ohio Fuel Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Commenced: Feb. 14, 1917. Completed: March 14, 1917. Shot: March 19, 1917, 100 gts. Production: 3 bbls. oil per day. Strata Mississippian System. Thickness Depth UM EStONe, MS18" W711 6) eta eh einen ae eee it, 1256 31,025 Sandstome (Bigs ingut) J rae eee eae: een mete: 45 ihre La) Sandstone (Berea saa eescnt es ce ere een eme Oo ek O4n OvaIm dept lies .cgees oe ee te ae eee a 1,647 Log No. 492 Kane, No. 1, lessor. Big Blaine Oil & Gas Co., lessee.. Shot: 70 qus. 2 Eroductiou:. 2 bbls; oil), Top Ole Derek ca Ntsc ine ah eee eee Pay eee ies 1,635 Pa pacha ll, oie epee eae aie See. ies ee ey ere 1,635-1,655 CPEISS ODA Vomuc cage ae eee Ie cone poe ee a eee i OOo ARG) tea gle Foy ey paren es th 5 he ein ee eg I eH Log No. 493 Mary Kelley, No. 1, lessor. Big Blaine Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Shot: 60 gts. Fopsof (Berean sand 25) seo. cure ry eer eet canee 1,872 PON (SAN PA gn oa wn sede Blogs ota one whee Seen! 1,387274-1,878 Ea. Pf Ung lO RCO ESe. ae tars cata te ters sa tingien Seren seen te ar are Total: dep tiie he, Aten ctiemaat 10 tan tenes 1,895 LAWRENCE COUNTY 341 Log No. 494 Roscoe C. Miller, No. 1, lessor. Location: Blaine Creek. Com- menced: Feb. 14, 1920. Completed: Feb. 26, 1920. Shot: 100 qts. Production: 8 bbls. oil. Op mor mD Orem SAM CMM wcckg ce et et SA tie ae hae : 689 HDNET LATE SEW IOD Alix Peeetdp a, Gro aneeiet, Cor Ven eae ene 41 eV otaLa OP Uiiguaes ene ale ces ore ai Sas orale ve A 730 Log No. 495 Roseoe C. Miller, No. 2, lessor. ‘Location: Blaine Creek. Com- menced: March 22, 1920. Completed: April 9,.1920. Shot 100 qts. Production: 8 bbls. oil. ODEOTe Cre i aa a Gare he ene nce ies an oie. « 688 CE MO Lani 1l lem ereatre Bta€.0/ So vucge al tla oF care made eae 28 NOT ALIC@ DU meee: pen cet seaeecy seer a iets TES Log No. 496 John Moore, No. 1, lessor. Location: Tarkin Branch. Commenced: June, 1918: Completed: June, 1919. Not shot. Production: 60,000 eu. ft. .gas. Os Obi CLOt sean Geen has pire tea. tenons tae nianey. © 900 Beet ROL aan Ogle ct see. terete reste St vares oe or: 6 AWCCR OW pak eet sn) Rane alee in ok ea eae ern 1,860 Log No. 497 iL. B. Mullen, No. 1, lessor. Kentucky & Oklahoma Oil Co., lessee. Location: On Brushy Creek, near Cordell. hammest on .en (GS 1OeR MATTE) tr soaks eee ee een: as 403-563 Sandstone (Berea), (oil and gas show) ...... 952-1,057 Log No. 498 W. D. O’Neal, No. 1, lessor. Venora Oil & Gas Co., Huntington, W: WVa., lessee. Location: Busséyville. Commenced: Nov. 8, 1911. Completed: Nov. 28, 1911. Production: One million ft. gas in Big Injun exhausted in 1,085. Strata Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SUSE ONC. CCAS le beere 2.8 Necro eta bre Pia er as 35 d15 Sandstone (salt), (water flood 540) ........ 385 900 Mississippian System. Damnesbonee Clatsle: Wane ois grape aotets Gana 15 915 PU adOr geen Gill Gal VO Ne iea ts cones «she sci or tances 05 10 925 HEPUROS TON Ogi nk LIRITL) e fen is Ppatot ea) tet are aaa 160 1,085 Re LO Hee eet LUT) Racaie, ae nek eney ae Gn uaec o ales 25 1 LEO Daridast Ones ELH: & cs tse. cbs snbwdeegsewe src ndes gfe seil8 23 1,580 LD Gared Gt) Gite ct osc ee eam tito siege 1,580 342 OLL-FPIBLD STRATIGRAPHY “OF KENTUCKY Log No. 499 W. 'B. Pfost, No. 1, lessor.” Ohio Fuel Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Loca- tion: Louisa District. Commenced: April 15, 1915. Completed: May 8, 1915, Shot May 3,-L915,7120 gts." Productions 380rm4: bblendaily. Strata Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth ANUS Oem (Seu eee tate chen fo oe rlcegs sec bint da eee oie 180 940 Mississippian System. UTMes OMe Spe SLING)" Dents So terete. che tema pene L6 Ue 15260 MAMOStONe ssl Vx] UN.) Ai cereus cts. tancltos eateeote ek (Eee AS NG) aT Clee bry: repent os og ates Ath eee eee. ere eee 30. 515370 Shale, gorowuen SUM DUTY: )9.yscpepey. oe otrgts sede Se 415°. =1,785 bales ard-ectescer en veue artaeeee aac. nape essen ern Couns 2 Omi LO a WAL ASLORE an Dera.) s heck Wasnt ee aetenee ee eee AQ 18:00 Oba Wed Spy Gite wig, More gs Been enee ieee ee ae IES 00 Log No. 500 Harry Phillips, No. 1, lessor.. Location: Upper Laurel. Com- menced: July, 1919>- Completed: “Aug. 17 1919") Not shot. = Produc. tion: “gas, 100,000 cu. ft. TOD 405 eb Crea SSand re. coee. ts eee erat Bice een keene 837 WeercoTaca mds tect acter eke acne yne ne eid ee, te ene 10 Poteet @ypit Wired ven castes sven be aaa lee 936 Log No. 501 C. A. Rice, No. 1, lessor. Location: Blaine Creek. Commenced: July <8, 1918.2 Completed: ~Aiigy W151 913 Sushots 20eqts. avr roduciion. oil; not pumping now. Opa tee Cher mea VU meee wil: 1 ee prc areas meee? 814 (WM eetaG Leo Tse ein ee hee eee ec ae ete sk Si 19 AWGN ipekey onl! Stoned can yor ache hoes aca cape 633 Log No. 502 Savage, No. 4, lessor. Big Blaine Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Shot 70 qts. : Tp prot SB erenase it deer. enctet cei casas so) atte a ielic ere LSPS Pay moe iota Rone at ce eg eh SR, Mat Sccke dss ee 1,588-1,600 (Cas Sand? tart Pee eee Le eon oe eee LGisst 623 Totals depthe is tn seas oer ee eee 1,629 LAWRENCE COUNTY 343 Log No. 503 Savage, No. 5, lessor. Big Blaine Oil & Gag Co., lessee. Shot 75 qts. VOPsOLP D Orea sally att tensies Areca Solent aso 840 344 OIL FLELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY v Log No. 509 D. W. Skaggs, No. 2, lessor. Location: Blaine Creek. Commenced: March, 1919. Completed A pril7s, 1919] “shots 60. ote, = Production: 20 bbls. oil POPROL SCEC mica we cobs steele te tart-ooeen say oes 762 EB Geta Odea apm hte sye tue tee gen haar begaetiame ue oe 36 GG ALEC ep Uli aMemeee a ince nether. Caen: 808 Log No. 510 D. W. Skaggs, No. 3, lessor. Location: Blaine Creek. Commenced: May, 1919. Completed: June, 1919 Shot: 60 cqts= “Production: 9 24 bbls. oil. AUGy Oa ¢ ARIOEREY EEG en oc Sa ON Noe OY 748 Feet: Of Sand. c.o-8 te eo ee ie en atone ee : 30 Total de pilin ote ee ersucna eee ite ook wan eees 790 Log No. 511 D. W. Skaggs, No. 4, lessor. Location: Blaine Creek. Commenced: Oct., 1919. Completed: Dec. 13, 1919. Shot 60 gts. Production: 24 bbls. oil. "Pop OT? SAW eo ane ames Me oae sie. eeyauseed eee Uno Meet Of: Satid Sie tcc athens bate entah here mira iat aas eee 34 Total ;depuns i arte arg rca Gi eae cee 1,053 Log No. 512 Daniel Skaggs, No. 2, lessor. -Location: Blaine Creek. Com- menced: Dee. 28, 1919. Completed: Feb. 25, 1920. Shot 80 ats. Production: 20 bbls. oil. "POW Of sb OP Cay Salt Cm vais Beceem tere eae acre 948 Reeteo ts Sa Os eteeet eae keer ie ee ae 35 Total Sd 6p t Woke Une eee opts eee ceca 983 Log No. 513 M. L. Skaggs, No. 1, lessor. ‘Location: Barn Rock Branch. Com- mencéd: Feb. 245-1920. ~Completed.) | March» 2473192 se Notashot Production: Oil; not pumping. Topol Berea sand ars. are eo. Se ee 625 Meet of, sawed arose. ke caters SL eee ee ere ene LAWRENCE COUNTY 345 Log No. 514 Oscar Skaggs, No. 1, lessor. ‘Location: Big Lick Branch. Com- menmced; April, 1918) Completed: May, 1918. Shot 60 qts: Produe- tion: 12 bbls. oil. Op. Ofe Breas. San daar wee terse ae ti Pc sek ses) 739 COL? OL SSANC wapercrcns coroner cee ancien ed he 25 otal dep theses s moet soe ey ee rh, cos 755 Log No. 515 Lafayette Wellman, No. 1, lessor. Ohio Fuel Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Purchased by lessee from Wayne Oil Co., June 1, 1914. Location: Busseyville District. . Completed: July 18, 1913. (Production: 1 bbl. oil per day. Strata Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth RSSITASLOTLC: (SEL cece ies cee Ue te on ar cane eee eens aan 308 938 Mississippian System. Tamestone aC Bic i Lime eae neeres he tek meee tna Coes Lo.0 PAndSLONe 2 DOreds lee vega wits hen ees Were See 52 Orn Totals d Opt lige rgpancrees Ge nee. wet a race Hh fin Ua, Water at 665. Oiel 647-1667, Oil.1,680-1,700:. Log No. 516 John Yates, No. 1, lessor. Big Blaine Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Shot 10> qts: Lop Of Berea: Sandee tw eee ote eee ee 1,553 2h ek ere RE ret oy hal A ee oh SO 1,553-1,568 Shale acidts Cat eee ee eee eee eae oe, ina a8) DOSING 5 “wie 5 Ge aunts een ae cr ie SE aR wn a Paps a SS A Moya N Beri Res 6) Aiea Be, che rg ae a a 1,592 Log No. 517 John Yates, No. 2, lessor. Big Blaine Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Shot 70 qts. Top of Berea sand . 2 iO Gtrhig Seeder eee 1,602 Pa Vet d om Go arts Seka pee CR nner ee ieee , 1,60214-1,615 Sandstonelss 2. aoee ce wee ean mene de: % 28 1,643 Votal: depune ete sree we erent ce ear 1,643 , * ey ‘ € Cr «, Face ST Be 2 b ? - ¢ “Szad Peel! i Ya et CHAPTER VI. LEE COUNTY. Production: Oil and Gas. Producing Sands: Corniferous (Devonian). Niagaran (Silurian). Log No. 518 G. G. Adams, No. 1, lessor. Irvine Development Co., lessee. Lo- cation: Hell Creek section. Commenced: May 22, 1918. Completed: June 28, 1918. Production: 25 bbls. oil per day. Authority: Irvine Development Co. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth LORIE Lee eae thar ceric Rh ty Ren eer Benge reer era a aS orgie ; 10 10 aaVISEOMGt- Al CSN 21 Gnd pereeemt eee ss hep ahs eee a's ches 320 330 Mississippian System. TSG Sb ONG an Sane eerie es beg er eee caer . 145 475 ology ea tala Go Math eet eee oy COE Tiare oy Carseee e Ae 508 983 Devonian System. Se eee) f OW take Se eet tee ec cee mete aes er es tates : 152 Lie BAG, la ler (ibe, CLAY \ge tome tea ene oe kn enen tte st rs Lae EAT, Sia ec ieard sari (be) Lae kere tacee tae cea ake ean, res beac 8 1S) Lesh OMee we Sead 24 were pe eee tea ae err res, 10 1,165 Votal “depth West aeton eer eee eee ee 1,165 Drilled 3 inches into salt water. Well filled 325 feet while being drilled. Pumped off at 25 barrels in 4 hours. Log No. 519 G. G. Adams, No. 2, lessor. Location: Hell Creek section. Com- menced: July 24, 1918. Completed: August 9, 1918. Authority: Irvine Development Co. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth S159 8 ee MARS AB eee eed aE Sis Ae nes ar tier Red ere 15 15 Sandstonewand shales eruew eee ete van ot. 355 370 Mississippian System. LDV ESPONE ener keene ee LON aces ols 145 515 eit a Eocaglea co caeee ters. © Ae oc ey Saree te Tur! Ryoho Me eeaeer 495 1,010 Devonian System. Dad Gee OPO Wilts amie bs cece erate nce cer neay, more acs wk 148 Lbs Shaler ire: clay ei tecseeiny tack tes os fan ens neds ba ae Siiale.. hard | blac Kaeo te ee eee ee we we, F 10 1,82 Eanjestone."“sand 772 (Oul hp sere mentee. ire 2 : Oe eee, LO) Totalsdepih i. cyestetes dm eenen ite nn. 3 196 348 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 520 G. G. Adams, No. 3, lessor. Irvine Development Co., lessee. Loca- tion: Hell Creek section. Production: Salt water was pumped from the well for 2 days; then 7 bbls. oil, then salt water again. Authority: Irvine Development Co. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth eS g NEE acth str ig BOCAS ae es heey eee Ea ci oP RR cane 35 35 SAU GStOn erg 1S ALO we cess eenae is ace ae Bees 345 380 Mississippian & Devonian Systems. AP ROSTOULEuea ret ey oe Oa eae aero omer oe ae ener 170 550 OLaleApLO wll. andeopher surat auecwe erate et ee 665 1,215 SANG; COME site wher deg a eae ee Nene Maw teew a eee ta 6 1221 Totalerd ep thiterrc.ccnctcncecee an mie career eZ The sand was very hard and fine. Log No. 521 G. G. Adams, No. 4, lessor. Irvine Development Co., lessee. Lo- eation: Hell Creek section. Commenced: March 7, 1918. Completed: Mareh 7, 1918. Shot 30 qts. between 1,200 and 1,205 ft. Nov. 17, 1918. Authority: Irvine Development Co. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SS OTL saree geyacte Mattie. Sey a ake sec INe ame sca tee Teen ere 30 30 Sane stones nds haematite ke eg ene orbiter 360 396 Mississippian & Devonian Systems. Tul Sto me snes Wher cu cace tytn saclce tees ote ee ees 135 525 Shale, STCOn SAN deb COW Nase wee ie cient ate teeaa ya 600-4. 125 Fire clayvcand eslalessorov leer eee ana 3 tomo Oo Shalescthard> black. eee ee ce a ee Pee are ee 40 15199 iim estore. Sand 42 SCO1l i cece on tet ema eee re 1.206 Ota ede pei 4) te Opel nee wash cee eet canoe 1,206 Showing for a 15 barrel well. A large amount of gas with heavy pressure. LEE COUNTY 349 Log No. 522 G. G, Adams, No. 6, lessor. Atlantic Oil Producing Co., lessee. Location: Hell Creek Section. ‘Completed: Sept. 9, 1918. Shot: 20 gts. Sept. 11, 1919, between 1,137 and 1,142 ft. Production: light oil show oil. Authority: Atlantic Oil Producing Co. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth DOLL esac Scatter tee remem mee tenet Pa Aas, 6 82, 5) 5 Sandstone (Moun tad wes keete rien Hea ce sees arote, 5. LO 115 miele Wed. ce emma: eae ncn i ges ee a As 20 140 Mississippian & Devonian Systems. Shales shelly = 25 Squeee cease atk cee sree sa « 10 150 Shale. ard, and «ch e] | sere ene een en ere teen: 100 250 lamestone (Little = Lame aces ere teens is) ar ashe 50 300 ET enna ciate Scan bac Bos Ghia tar’ Aan: pace 25 325 Pimestone (Bio. Dir €\y seen rae ere ar ce 115 440) Shale, green and brown (lower part Chat- PAN OOM A): “— Atel a, atone Aree Meal erie. ee Ba eer : 660 1,100 Siler: CITES GLA y) Baer keene ee cnr re geek nee rey 2) eee bad Shales bards black sc cree ea eee ee emcee me 1 Be I RSs Limestone ss! sandnain hari see ween oe tees 914 1,146% Total" dept lepers e evened ss sober seca ete: 1,146 Casing pulled, and well plugged and abandoned. Log No. 523 G. G. Adams, No. 7, lessor. Irvine Development Co, lessee. Loca- tion: Hell Creek section. Commenced: Aug. 29, 1919. Completed: Sept. 18,1919: Shoti.20 qtsa.Sept.a19> 1919, “between ~1,212..and 1,216 feet. Pumped production after shot, 10 bbls per day. Authority: Atlantic Oil Producing Co. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SOL Fe ius Reds eee wane eR eee Seta Sa wh hss 65 65 DandslONe: NOUN LAID aaseee tacks Se gcees ie 6 8 105 170 Salem She liv wreweer em m Nae Mare aoe beeen se 205 a We Mississippian System. Tamestones Citta: lim Oeics cles a es ase else 50 425 lis Loe Stee a eee ee en me ete meme See cs Se ee | Se 5 430 Tim eatonem( Bigger iiiie We cs Mie es chee «eeu, 95 525 Limestone, shelly, and ghale,-hard ...:...... 475 1,000 350 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Devonian System. . Thickness Depth Shale, brown (Chattanooga) ........ ye LNG ee Lee io SHale- (ire cla yea eta eee ca oe Toe ele 200 Shaléesthards laches settes e. ceoee cae ke ce cect ae 10 Nera ee iiméeston ee sa wd eee (Oleh ees wenn. 5 sees : 614 1,216% ARNE OKA de wee akuh ) 6 poo iden Sec 1,216% Log No. 524 G. G. Adams, No. 8, lessor. Irvine Development Co., lessee. Lo- cation: Hell Creek section. Commenced: Sept. 20, 1919. Completed: Oct eld, 1919 -Shotz) 20 -qis2 Oct. L6;-191 9 ber weeny 22 (mands l.262 feet. Production: 20 “bbls: oil after shot: “Authority: Atlantic. Oil Producing Co. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth 1) tare ARN eee eee aren vtec etre tate, raion nt a .a ds 50 50 SANUSTOMGs Sitr Mie cede coe he eeu eae ees 10 60 bales. Batley res Se ion wee ene cee eee eee ena ees 20 80 Sandstone. yellow 2. -.00-1es ae one tee ee 120 200 Sandstone white... tae eos eee nee eee ae eee 30 230 Shale, “hardy seen kes epee ee eee eee P 10 240 Sandstone (i resh= water). a.icc emer secre eee 20 260 poli Ge a PC So ec act oer teehee ye ee tee ee ee ee es SoD Mississippian System. Drestone ’ asa dye a oc0 eco i ses eeca tae ee toa ee eee 45 380 HALO. Sag ben ke ie feet eat eo oe he Oe ; 45 425 Tomestones (Biggie), fre dance area noe 140 565 Shel =And@ashale. shardieen:... ako et oe Genes 515 1,080 Devonian System. Shalem brow le Chabtanoogy = men. rete nee 125 =e 208 Shale Gly ee Lay.) ecrctann A semis oe eee eee E LeeLee Shale shard. + blacks. cite pent we caren ene eee 2 12218 limestones (pay) snatdn... seek cece ee on eer Dim éstome. (eat) Daves te cee, ae eke eee 614 1,2261% Lamestonee eoan Ute Sh oo se ee , te L710 1,234% Lota le dep titers Sweatt gt het e en nees 1,234% Well showed strong for 4 inches into sand. LEEK COUNTY 351 Log No. 526 G. G. Adams, No. 9, lessor. Irvine Development Co., lessee. Loca- tion: Hell Creek section. Shot 20 qts. Dec. 15, 1919, between 1,283 and 1,288 ft. Average daily production: 3 bbls. oil. Authority: Irvine Development Co. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Sr cal oct Reatc eOe eRe eee neome eR a eee gos chee 130 1S) Sands hard. ora Vo se eee eee Vee cies ener ace 35 165 phale; Ward; 1aC keer eset ee ereerare re te eet ro 10 a oT Sal a White, a SOLE suerte Rite Por eee rere 80 255 Shale: hard> *black iicemrceen ee tas oh caer cet aes eak es 70 325 Sand: white; tarde te re wee Glee oho 2 15 340 Shale, hard,«black men ee ee ee ene 20 360 Mississippian System. Shalem hard:=:b ticipants ee rece ae hea car, os 20 380 limestones Gbittle lime) shar dee won seen. a aco: 20 400 Lie Seb LUCE ROLL— te eeu ikene ae eee ee erreee a 8 408 Limestone (Big Lime), white, hard .......... 115 523 hee PeM ECW, aloy Ru tcmmactOy Mpralow. | (aun cee ac, em beel hank par ; 15 538 Dhaleranidesiiel ists a pcnen acne te nie a eer ace aye 457 995 Devonian System. hale browne Chattanooga.) yen sat 7th ly Utes be L0,0) Shales (Tite. G1 Aye \pesp ee eae ere ey een eee er a ew ea ealyes ols Geet aC Kates teed eerie icine, a ee eres 12 1,187 NOPE NG iE Sa lyids AOTRENG HUW AT rater A Oho itis Clee eS aera ae 10141,221y% Shieh) Genk) Too ie There was a good showing of oil and gas. Log No. 529 G. G. Adams, No. 12, lessor. Irvine Development Co., lessee. Lo- cation: Fincastle Section. Commenced: November 25, 1919. Com- pleted: December 23, 1919. Shot 30 quarts December 30, 1919. Pro- duction: Beginning January 2, 1920, 25 bbls. per 24 hours; 40 bbls. were pumped after the shot. Authority and Contractor: Atlantic Oil Producing Co. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth ube M le Tic Nuss) AAD ea 0 ea SR DA ge 6 6 SPUCsnOne ss pMOUN GIL jie. weloe cepa tae tes os 114 120 ef WATE Re care LUO cane (hax erip ee aA ea ce a 55 175 Dad sAndeshale MU Water) oie os. ca chen Lote L1G ewe sine Ae che oats acta te 90 502 POEs os voces PERS Be IRL oi et ie eh es OE he 5 507 ppuiesCOl Cue eater cers de ea Rts hires witera sadhana i 5 512 Src Leen ct A AAEM, tt ERO eure et re thar, Me Ss 18 530 ETE CS DONOR RT tease sree he te sere ee yg Rass oo ob e 5 535 PO TEe Phe aa: seem terme ua Silat Aah a, Senne as ene eR 447 982 Devonian System. 6 Dili CmDLOwthr (Cia tLANOOGa,) Nn ieide. © ost ee ee EOS oe 1) ES Rte ahOme CUT Ger ay, ha geet ens teu shears tela kets pete tS, act, meet > Lorre Sto 0 Salted, Dla ckigewenpmtstes-< Gk etreer setae cacao ttetdtoccne ace 10m 1,170 PmectOnes - SANGare «a careakre ne beens lee Sac Cats 7 LL VeE Mota leon theese PEL esate go atria! alee kage Log No. 532 G. G. Adams, No. 15, lessor. Irvine Development Co., lessee. Lo- vation: West side of center, Fincastle Section. Commenced: February 7, 1920. Completed: March 12, 1920. Shot 30 quarts March 19, 1920, between 1198 and 1207 feet. Production: 20 bbls. per 24 hours, after shot. Authority: Irvine Development: Co. Strata. | Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth ON Ses rs Rae Oi a ARS SRI Re Scar 40 40 RSEWITGIES. fiat Wo gs la 5 sl eeceng 0 gla a a 130 em) IVE LORE eL TE Cigars Len ects ay erect hee at Ce iets oe A 10 280 Boh elem clear (WAU Ci ert. temerity kee et ee hc. ae 10 290 "SHES Eat cat acu nt a Ree a a em ar a phe oe. 20 310 Shale, hard 25 335 Se eune) =) 6) Oley e649. OO e ‘ene 616) 6 61.04 00.6 0106) S10! (6 6 ire xe? * Mississippian System. EB IUOO SU ATS) ges ord eectsg: ccakie Mtr en a een 15 350 ELC con tO FCN ee obne Devin Mende AO ie are 10 360 356 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Co oO Mississippian System. Thickness Depth oimestone et Litt leslie) eee oe ee tn tee 20 380 Shale, (hard p> 5 110 rei YG SS FOE aE Oh caer a Oey OG MO RN gto 40 150 SUB Er "Og Sd Pieaneg oie SP pec ec end ee 75 225 mao W TIC STH EE, ie NES a eget POST

0 : 447 1,017 364 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Devonian System. Thickness Depth Shales DrOWl cciebs siete myitae rene cit ae sesso ncocaer iets 142 Tel 9 Shalem Mires ela ys) tee wyatt siasee Nehong «oe lets ety te 10 Vals 9 Shale, black hard . Seo ee ie LAS 2 e387 Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ “(oil eral Bae sears cette Spal eto 1547 OtAI Me p Une nen octane Epa eting: mereeneas Talo Lee Casing record: Length 21’, 525’. Size 814”, 61%”. Log No. 544 D. B. Kineaid, No. 7, lesor. Atlantic Oil Producing Co., lessee. Location: Hell Creek Section. Commenced: September 27, 1919. Com- pleted: October 13, 1919. Production: Dry; plugged with lead plug and abandoneu. Authority: Atlantic Oil Producing Co. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth DANGS TOME Ae. cy. ce ete giacea ee ele iene ity eueee ates 20 20 Dhieile yaa. cdi2 atemscsss ty cheiere 60 haa Suk ane ener eee 200 220 plale> sol andienardag. 2.5 ee Sonne neers. eee 30 250 Shaleve Wards shell yee tae iets ence catenin aio 45 295 Shaler Nard! s,s secue perce eee ac oleate nobekeak Wonk ares 20 i 5 Mississippian and Devonian Systems. oimestone 7 Big.) peepee eee ra ene ee 150 465 Shell and seho,le. Darden wees ae eee eee ee ere 658 1,123 LaiMeS tone a Cap) Mi. encase Tee ane eee oe Pep, | eg hat hen Limestone “sand,” hard (salt water 1123) .... LO ci oe Potals We pies eats htee ce we eae reas tees atone ga ass Casing record: Length 11) 4700) Size, 81”, 61777 Log No. 545 D. B. Kincaid, No. 8, lessor. Atlantic Oil Producing Co._ lessee. Location: Airdale Section. Commenced: October 31, .1919. Com- pleted: November 26, 1919. Authority: Atlantic Oil Producing Co. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Obie Se oile ape teren as Geen eee eee ee eee 5 5 Shale, (black igh tn. tere eee eet ee ere 45 50 Shales broken. whiteu certs tte 2 Rea 50 100 LEE COUNTY 365 Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth PrN AEC emer STLOULIECEGLIE iive cone oe tans & cad ee eke ae sx 85 185 Sand and shell (iresne water) ap.) 0. oe sg ca «es 40 225 SN EUTUC a NWN Gh MAEM 0b tae ica rae a ear gee 25 250 Mississippian System. TREMLES COLL GW LUC PEE eMerteys er are itn G ence «oR nt kes Fo 25 275 Shale, RUE ol ea Me als boo 3 oat oe ent CaS lear aaa D 280 Ermiestones (Diop lien) tase oeatods fated pi. os = 130 410 Sia Level Ar Clgmrmer teenie ain Phra ck Mss beers A 5 415 Shaler shards sol meee eed nl etens 28, cid rne tate 15 430 SLICED: < coop ye slp.) Opn ee eA ec 80 510 Sialowenardmeeeee tes creme tron gt) yo, ee 40 550 Salem ar Ce camera hr kee a os Sts one ns. Ghee ie Soc: 350 900 Devonian System. Sale ULOW Neen eae pela eee te a ean ee rs many 6 OE 06:0 Ro Wen Gay (nT OMGLON uy mur we ten gu ccl. ars SaaS: coe emcees: LO? 1,03) phales black Whard 7 ae .a secs saeoteet eee: d1Z1,075% PLIES LONGe OAC ue! (VAI V:) pert a, nen ein een eee 814 1,084 EO Ua eC SL Le Rep atewer, Shot. Nov. 16, 1918, 30 gts. Authority Atlantic Oil Pro- ducing Co. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SDS eS OL Claew oy DOL wrstesttea ode soak cis onete scores. aoe EOD 105 aT USeomes (ML OWMUAIU ham capers cobra. ieupene tars = cciha 70 iS either at meoe Pet ee core ate, Oy, a oc tee oars 163 358 SSYMANG IST HGS IS a+ Grek lack ae et bony a cea ae eee 60 398 Mississippian System. rod GZ URE COM OKs Wig RES a pee Pie lar Min Ae ae la eRe ae ; 39 437 jerncVecinermes (Marrs ACs a Oe Se heen ees oon eine ae ug Es 550 SNES, ACE RRO oe Soren ah Cares ree eee Pareoh Dm eel 0Og Devonian System. Pi ale me UrOwl( CMAGLANOOLE ream sees oe : 141 1,198 PALO ee (LET OPE 1A Meche (ha telsache. a cctefs ten) <1's4in verte gi 15 e243 Sal Gamat acl) ld Cm cp ras ecteth © ker a eins tus spe rere TOSS EA Imes TONG (Ca eLOC]e mets ots ea hecaeers clea) 4 9°6" 1,230 OtOIS COD UH me ocpiaty wat niet: oo ee nine 1,230 Shot into salt water. Casing was pulled and well plugged and abandoned April 28 L919: Log No. 549 Shoemaker, No. 4, lessor. Atlantic Oil Producing Co., lessee. Location: Fincastle Section. Commenced: Jan. 23, 1919. Completed: Menlo Lolo. noi. ledtis..reb. 2l,eLOlo sperween, Lo 195 sand 1,200 feet. Authority: Atlantic Oil Producing Co. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth BUT pee CAO ate tly GLA Vite le vec Shands x br sk hee reer Few ® 85 85 PAS CMG CIMOMIUL ALM Mester ters! in nse sesh ete we a a 2's 68 153 RMTCW ESD Rue ei Pe eur Se (oe tt and ee Pee nae ae a eae 162 o15 PUSPIEOIS GOO sae eet steed Marais Tadd sss. ee Soe ese aha ales : 30 345 MEMES soc Soe eae ag Oh ce On OT See ee 92 437 SE ot SOR SSS te ie BA ge ne 3 440 368 OIL) FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Damestonies (Bic wae \amewetcchap. ys 2 alte < leek 931%, 533y% Dhale bine ssOlten momic dye te ino) tee ee 481314 1,015 Devonian System. | Shale; brown, sort (Chatlanooga) %...2.5 5.6). 148 1,163 Dhales cw hither: aided OC Clay). cies cco ee eter uw pee 10 ales Cars ela RoW ste JONES TONE \~ bx caceulg ch = ee aL Pee EEC eee Be cc, ey 115.8 Limestone sand es sort, (COU) vacua 12% 1,200% POCA MACE DG Asotin, bts ons pala oer eee, Serene 1,200% NOTE—The occurrence of the 3 feet of coal just above and in contact to the’ “° Big Lime’? is very unusual. ‘The fact that “coal sis not reported in the other Shoemaker wells is also significant, and points toward a probable error of identification of the cuttings on the part of thesoriller: Log No. 550 Shoemaker, No. 5, lessor. Atlantic Oil Producing Co., lessee. Lo- cation: Fincastle Section. Commenced: Jan. 8, 1919. Completed: Feb. 24,1919. Shot: 20 qts. Feb. 24, 1919, between 1,205 and 1,210 feet. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SiO Se th okey uh atte Cece tet chs fohecone ste otis maa Met ance ee 32 32 err ds I thea Si te tires Soa tue cannes Seta cee) Sone Pee een oy errant 19 ail Snele mliarie Fae ose eee eon ee eek eee er es eee 16 67 eon Wo Rent MING bua wea Cnek 4 of i epee Re manta is Soo 18 85 AUS POWs wT OUMT Ae, pen wee heen mea a0 175 PS DPS rely Ms: tacc ean’. olelscuntie ce. eres elas te eee pomee eae: il 246 Lies EO Gy. vet ele od keen hers aiehe ene nee Pee een ; 16 262 Hats NM teak GEN cum NE tery eNO ay. Rua ae Cio ma rire Shetek 68 330 Mississippian System. USI NVES TOM ee (LiL Gb lew TL mgie)) vi Na An cat eee ke fey se ed 41 on ok Shale ssandyg wil ter Wie atten scale tesiera dete lane 4 aUD SPRUE “vaiwan ene (Gui wt) ine 6 heer bea o a5 eon 13 388 aM eS BOLE FSA. (Vea cer Gel ee holed ono ernie ts 12 400 Leese Senay Cleat kOe 1h Oval ences on. eesie ree een ots 16 416 ADIMLESt OMe (ISL wl Le) eee mend vce edn ante 121 537 Shale; ~shielly> “ite esa acta tala soe terboren anne 24 561 PlAleL SLCC any heed ee. es ep eee dee eee eee 174 735 Shales chard sOMek a. waenc Lae tes eee te een ea eee IEaSe 873 ee 0 Woe beer Pee ey AAMT (eee ro EEE 8 Nptrlind ion nea 112 985 SUAS COU C mall Tian wach eee eet eee ere 6 oul Shale 22 xb Rigen se ieee see tyoe emote. cee ewan oem ibe 12006 Shaley Selly wa vO Wilh wes een sate tee aaeee mentee 9 1,015 LEH COUNTY 369 Devonian System. Thickness Depth Shale, sbrown wChattanooga.) iF. 0% ace ee aes we’ ey Ogg. L om, SMe mreli Cre Clclss lameem cent eamtie. oA ere tha te icles iepaie 39 eI USG ibalOm ar mu lye Keema siteatesh ccs eteahis sere d sheve a 3 20 pee 2.00 Sia eae ee ane tee or Grote Hates a Soe as Sova y S95 wh 8 514 1,205% PSUS FONGREH Cal nren COler De ners rene ere wee over @ Oppel es IPO bAIE COP tHe crys stat aN seo lem a 6s Be 1,211 Log No. 551 Shoemaker, No. 6, lessor. Atlantic Oil Producing Co., lessee. Lo- cation: Fincastle Section. Commenced: March 10, 1919. Completed: April 29, 1919. Shot with 20 qts. between 1,515 and 1,567 feet. Shot with 20 qts. between 1,205 and 1,211 feet. Production: be- ginning April 29, 1919, 3 bbls. oil per day. Authority: Atlantic Oil Producing Co. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SOL Sarcteraie ae srensas i, Sos nt, Seong occa eo oe trae aas hee 25 25 SEIT aes spe aw een ages sosceiten aa iy den eng ate ine tk as : 5 30 SEEMS Sip hha see OTM OIE b 1 «sa OER aN tet ord Sea lor a era 50 80 Sam dobro wire Nard Some acces cme ev cncece serge ee 90 170 ERIN Lipa My dans ore ee Por ote eo Beet zee eae ys: te eta ea as 152 322 Sands MAT ele. eeonrsre Meee eto bodare ts ata sk eiaeeee oe , 20 342 Mississippian System. Shalew plies hard Save t tie sects teks ee ene ee 68 410 am Cerone me CDI Mile yea Tec semen wer mers a) att « 120 530 Tee Weis aged folk ky FRIAR ager o Beta hee acer caper Putt 4 int ain 30 560 SG Oey OTe, Vas eae has ern eM Nr e ieay tear Meera ah x Gu 70 630 ibe G1 sete tT Clmectesretet a: teste terete 4s cack Secu «ees 15 645 pea LE eT Vile oealc lates et once te cyte a0 if eos, 9 slim ots, ches : 380 1,025 Devonian System. Dae, wed O Wile OAL GMOOL A) 9 ac mesma a estas 0 « 150 Aa eS SAE (Pe mOL Ly a WIA ULC amePap tates Aico csr ots coole s,s 1D pL) PTL ecme ne TC Ri oy Come oe neat vee re 5 ahs horde vals 10 1,200 imspestume. sear CSUO Ws OD O01) nia. tos on 20017220 Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ white, hard, (salt water) 8 12:23 Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ gray, hard (oil at 1278) 50> E278 Silurian System. PAM CR ROMO A eae OTA KATO yo coc evy aa done 21 15300 a eee De bare eer reeche setts fo cl ese oes 6 ‘pie 153 20 Tuimiestone, redemshaly cerew.en Gisle eam we sb os bee 3 215 THE IRVINH-PAINT] CREEK EAULT. This section occurs a short distance above Glencarin on the Middle Fork of the Red River in Wolfe County, Kentucky, in a cut of the lL. & N. R. R. The “Big Lime” (Ste. Genevieve-St. Louis) (right) is here opposite the Cuyahoga group (left) and the displace- ment is about 140) ft) shhe downthrow is) on thes richie LEE COUNTY Silurian System. Thickness Depth te Mma Co Mt (lees ama me Sout. aig ak lake 43 1,368 PoE Goud Ope eC me gulLtVeetarc eet. © o> clk ath 2 oo eee 22) 1390 ned ie AMS GUE POU ce SET ate I EP ier ee on 1,425 VOL OTe rer CL wlll Vem mmeceg res cs Gis ok oe) Sv wal pie 5 1,430 Sue e. MONT eee ole a0) Ree Satta as cea 3 17430 PRIA ee ON Car OCnme ka ame arr ne en yc ckcnenete one, 5 1,440 Ordovician System. Thickness Deptt et CEES veH ey Ol ow! Nate W xfs eG BNR ats ge ne ee, D 1,445 POEL LEY rE CU y MMR nea tise cma iw rE, ra os) scines ds Gs 35 1,480 yd Coed WG aT Clarke ao ates Nu ne ote caer Gan eee ahs 5 1,485 Limestone, gray, medium ene ita are eee 310 L795 Ora ede bivmes. Magee: che kee aanct veay ss se OR Ei © feet—a driller’s division. lower part of the 50 feet of limestone showing NOTE—The Devonian-Silurian contact is placed just below 1,278 such a case the oil would be of Silurian origin. Log No. 552 tion: It is probable however that it occurs in the Ol aie 2S. and 710 Shoemaker, No. 7, lessor. Atlantic Oil Producing Co., lessee. Loca- Fincastle Section. Commenced: Mareh 10, 1919. Atlantic Oil Producing Co. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. 0 Lilet Rage Stn Apnea Ronee MORAY abc mire Te anv iseinebeincene ae 25 Man dsLOMesMNOUNEAING Woe Gils ueia te <2. enh ee 89 elets iG eta UOINDT Its ee aaah Calpe ien ok oa Oto ae oe eae ee : in SLR Len scent] ct Vanuee Tick Ved Weiter Tua ae eT cna\ewre ee: 2s ant 131 Mississippian System. Limestone (‘Little Lime), gray, Ae ey 24 eat WSR 08 GK se ena eae ne Os Eee ee Limestone (Big eee GEER Re seh Sir cas Wey ences 116 SVG Mae) PEAR SN al 2 ah: Coens Gace ty a hele eee 22 ETL Op nO COC IME e see tcccten see) oc oe 4a! 4 eo e eat 118 OLN EE! SSR re Vane i 8 Re or mn ne a 135 Authority: Thickness Depth 25 114 125 256 280 359 475 497 615 750 372 OLS PLELD eS TRATIGRAPHY. OF SK ENTUCKY Mississippian System. Thickness Depth phale; saghtab lie ste ay ween cots rte) see gees 125 875 Hale, KOTCC, Mey ew eee eee ae, oie fees e sted 34 909 DIR CTO econ Wee emer Re rerc ty <_ he Tea Lo ae ee aes 14 923 Shales hard: BOS tke ter were ee nk Ou. eee Bl 960 Devonian System. Shallow prow i eC Ma bbanOOga) ewe. scteatarn «ts oO ee laiA-0 Sina. emai remmel avi li bese meena seen a eee LG Ay Lz6 UWE UEC cae |tc bas lt Sut weer Oae AR oa eer Aira : L220 715138 Dime SnOuem ee Somd ee Cry) mene eee ee cen jE SS gales TOL epi led, wan: wee ae ee irene nee 1,148 Log No. 553 Shoemaker, No. 8, lessor. Atlantic Oil Producing Co., lessee. Lo- cation: Fincastle Section. Commenced: May 29, 1919. Completed: June 20, 1919. Authority: Atlantic Oil Producing Co. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Sols Mneeeek ee tet eae nk er cert ceegie tee rer cr eeeteee 14 14 Sandstone (mountain), (fresh water 33) ..... 126 140 Si deer elt enriCl yloe cee ee creat aes ee me canes hee eee ow tS 155 Shale esiellvaks 5) 2 \s om Rewer otter ce deta aseeree taster ie 4 45 200 Pea: U0: ale merahelran 9. AawE er ater, Taare) OM Rasen Mery acer ei S 56 256 pep Oe WKe wrt OUW (any er eae NS Thay’ Oreck rey hicks ch ioc : 44 300 Pande Crays) (LTOSH EWeaLOL)) ssc cn. erga heme tans 22 322 hale feta yan ns on cco d. arte oe race ieee : 15 337 Mississippian System. Tamestome (ttle glrime:) esters. ees eas ohcrorenone 46 383 SS Hi Owes UU Gag shs terse eG. coer ed, oor toes wr oe ees 4 28 411 mes bowen (ie. WStme eines. ster a feoct eve Pekan whore 149 560 Shales ard, ore CN my. muvee ace bicsae rata ahaa me 20 580 Dlrale sss ie livia Mererece.c oases ce reget tc rcset Sea i : 20 600 Shell camdsshaleseh ard geeenctars t gmerelhas ina 1 eee 100 700 Re ae MA rd se useilege see, cence cs eee easy seer ome eondigs oe 275 975 Shales Tedsroclk ju iegim sce terse cater msr casera 10 985 Shale harden case ae eae ees Pe ea ee 5 990 LAM OST ORAS Wi tbC: swe eet vente Maren Srey ea 5 995 Devonian System. Shale; brown “Chattanooga <.125 2. she eee L650 12660 Shale wir erelay \e aac ek aces eee ees IMU 8 ala Rel) Nhale, Ward.) Ole Cleat yaya | eee eee amen een are 14 1,184 OCA GED th we Sra tite te ticene mene iey eieme yeuaas oe 1,184 LEE COUNTY 373 Log No. 554 Shoemaker, No. 9, lessor. Atlantic Oil Producing Co., lessee. ‘Lo- cation: Fincastle Section. Commenced: May 24, 1919. Completed: June 16, 1919. Shot with 30 quarts. June 17, 1919, between 1159 and 1166 feet. Production: Commencing June 19, 1919, 7 bbls. per day. Average daily production after 1 day, 3% bbls. Average daily produc- tion after shot, 314 bbls. Authority: Atlantic Oil Producing Co. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SOLS ge vrnee ay Mee ne Pau etectss SOME Mere Be athe 8k ove Se Bye. Shs 7 ay SAMS pOmow (TCU CAI lanes ae eeu hence A eee. cee 93 dita0 EA Les SAU Vague Bem er gs ener secs are ae rece ou 25 135 Sle mm tLGhar 1 eee ener sien od Siem Ghar te: 120 209 Mississippian System. amesromres: (1 bulegliiiice eam aeahvn tee. ok Aes ees Beas 37 292 SSUWANG WD Ohi" Gand to cier cot ey ek arrears 2 oes ge ee ph 53 345 elle W (Spo W OUT Fe ows ie at Meneame A Se 10 305 aires Vole B10 Drie ae nace tr warn ces coe ales Sea cae 3 130 485 pM Rese area MYSNAG ia9k | Aan PRs ook Caen ea re are 45 530 SS nea late Ol ig meee ese ee oP aea Ts, or, oe ae ets a, 400 930 Sle le red. ead vere ee Me eit. a Soke neice 10 940 Sieh eRe PA: Vg Cee eae otha ilar Mace get ae eats ates nc on 32 972 Devonian System. shales browne Cha ttanooee )os mse WEL. 154 1,126 Shalem (fre ela) Mercer ene ns nes che lense dik eset oe 14 1,140 Sree Len) la Gh Licur Cee mene mentee) ve cea PEe een ct: 15 15155 Late SL OMeaM Sel) CAM tee Need pe eile aaa ee 1 ia er) ota lle p tlas na eae Sa oe ee oe ie ek ee Leo The heaviest volume of gas on this lease was in this well. Log No. 555 Rhodes Hall, No. 1, lessor. Interstate Petroleum Co., lessee. Com- menced: July 10, 1918. Shot with 50 quarts, September 16, 1918. Well cleaned and fully completed September 21, 1918. Authority: L. 3eckner, and approved by Geo. Ogden. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Deptp Ot ee aero RPM Mar cr eels Py ois, aes wk es we 25 25 SEMA ASEAN So Oe A Ane ne ee ae 25 50 374 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Shale hard blacks. ota pew ieee. sok ss wee 30 105 Se Le Mea Tiare: 25 al Seperate eect ks. iv eyeuen see 30 135 Shale or avec DAT. Cee ee tet Ge Sie eee 40 1) Sha les ark Kore LL 2 emer iene et wn foie neue, 15 190 Shale; lm yee gee ere eco: Gee ance ee ce 15 205 Se less wail les stat Came eene tere, eee ch ke ae eee 10 215 Mississippian System. TnmesCone aa lrtties lime). nee ese eet ee 10 225 Pci Cam tienr Came sere hoo 2 ena oa Mota, eerie ees Be on 5 Zo) Sh alewgivrde black: taxseeenes te, er nara tien ty 240 Gimestone (Biowlime); (OA) casing) o.. ee. 150 390 Shale, aardsew il lese OLeeN fae Wns tee eeenee or pets 414 804 Devonian System. Shale Drown: e(Ghavta nota) s . ssc... ee eceuetea 140 944 phale (ire clays (top sofalrvine-sand) 7. am 4 22 966 Limestone .(Irvine sand), (first»pay) ......°.. 12 21S Limestone (Irvine sand), (second pay) ...... 18 996 Limestone “sand,” (pay and pocket) .......... oe OO) Total dep tly st <. aber one eee ae ee ae 1,000 Log No. 556 Rhodes Hall, No. 2, lessor. Lantz & Ogden, drilling contractors. Commenced: September 27, 1918. Completed: November 14, 1918. Shot with 40 quarts, November 22, 1918. Well cleancd and fully com- pleted November 28, 1918. Authority: L. Beckner, and approved by George Ogden. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Soil rand genelly er Oek ge ects eee nee Meee 15 15 Sita ler tard Nil Ge ares Set nes ee ene 45 60 ALT FW BLO Rie sto yee ete iy wees euenvete Wee Wien ee Ce ease er 2 Oi 8.0) Shale, Sarde baci. tw or eae oh are teed we en Wie = 30 0 Dimestone Mean d via seen: fe ee eee tae eee 30 729 plialereRard yloTe yar awe cw motes ae ee 40 180 Shale. shaved war Ke yor ercees coon vam eee ee eae iS 195 Shellie: lingy yy. hate ree caine ties eee eee oe ween 1 210 Shale; Grav Sew bit eaee et entree ae tee ee 10 220 LEE COUNTY 375 Mississippian System. Thickness Depth dormestome mt Utetlem lnnaG ) Siete Ga tare vue < ls hises Pn woe. 6 12 232 Seb ayate neste ed Waal bh oe eon a ee a ae ae 5 237 Shale, hard, black, (61%4” casing 247) ........ 10 -247 imestonen (bio en gM) Makes cereus a nake ater chs nated. 123 370 SNAG meOhCO Meer Wal (un tena uecnciet «vere Ses Sate o actele « Ee Ok Sandstone, red, .snalve (Gir Ingun ils ).5 0% 5a +. 9 396 Sitia Lee tard se was lama eas ere ca tae aiiets serie « 426 822 Devonian System. Siiglewe hound a CHOC OLALCon en a meee ee Ty ie ti, 5 af a 932 SPA A CY 2 ohh 10 Enh oe pce, re ie ae CP eae 12 944 Saleem lard apy lAg Kec meee Rok, etek mucndcturece dass 5 949 TIMES LO lie te SAGs te Geert Oe a eat sks oh ot nie ergs io. chat 9 958 imestone® sands “(first pay ss sata: ss esos 6 4 962 Limestone, sandy Leow 8 970 himestone*“sand./% (second pay) > aye ae oss oe 4 974 POCA DU ietermeccr cs seamucteet ove carats esr: 974 Log No. 557 Richardson, No. 1, lessor. ‘Lantz & Ogden, drilling contractors. Commenced: December 4, 1918. Completed: January 18, 1919. Shot, 2 shots of 20 quarts each, January 23, 1919. Authority: L. Beckner, and approved by George Ogden. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth POOL petit eae SRN ee en dest ae tars eel gadypests Saeed ss 0 10 SATE pepe Cl) Ve. opm COSinl Fie Lee cieh Jeers hed a =) eeu 15 25 SENG Rg teak OO Sh ei a sea mt yee REN a ; 15 40) DA aol beanie wello Ween wre eel eR eh eat. 5s dep S98) Sateen rd se CAT loa Mea ei bear gS) 80 135 ore Laer Veena ae err ce eee Mercia Cyc Se ety os 10 145 Doom ard mola Okt shouts a ksr eos. eee, ody, 50 195 Mississippian System. Inernespome . (little lime) a. 6 65g so ove bn es 40 235 Bilie ee air dou iGO nM Ne LE Psa ss Sigl ale 15) 250 Abide hmyeYs) CUES hOe AEC.) Wet: ACen ee er 125 375 Shale, hard, green, (614” casing at 380) .... 20 395 ted rock or Pink (Big Injun) 5 400 OL 18) (6/4 NOS) a (oa. (6, 0,6) 6.6) 191 "@ 5 SVP Wee Witewmake ay gab tao! oe ge ee ran 435 835 376 Ol FIELD STRATIGRAPHY. OF iENTUCK Y Devonian System. Thickness Depth Shalesshard ® chocolates ween w.5 wert cen ne aieate 109 944 Shale wGine claya le fopaoi, Cap TOCK)s Sere < ane 12 956 Dimiestone (ea Dat OC era e a cten cee eias. eset vee 9 965 TAMes tone na Vaaeeeeetrotines. che Steeeie. are Seems ee 2 967 Isr MES LOE ere eee ee ery er eee ene RC es eee niees ARS 982 Lote] Sdep rime chen ele are e a eee 982 Log No..558 J. D. Smyth, No. 1, lessor. Ohio Fuel Oil & Gas Co. lessee. Lo- cation: Bulen Springs, Lee County. Commenced: May 26, 1920. Com- pleted: June 23, 1920. Shot June 23, 1920, 10 quarts. Production: 5 bbls. oil naturally. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SAMUS TORG Bucrs gases ieee Pe artic eet nse eee | are 50 50 Shales ad eels enna ants ante cae he tee on entree 90 140 Mississippian System. Famestones (Little elite) ) 6. ect ecco eee eee 25 165° mele: | Seach ines cio po etree ieee rons ee a cs 10 iS bamestone (Bigs lime)’ tee oc yee ee ere 80 255 Shaler iveeiael Isis aa 22. eo. cesccotce ies eraeeeaene eae ee eee 522 erere Devonian System. Dhaley brown s( Chatianocea ims serene ye eee 128 905 Shales nines clays) eet ect. Rew aa ee AR iki 916 LATMCSTONGS asad “aN Oll\y (ae acer cn were ae wt 61 aes otal aCeptb ects... tt meee op emt cee oak First coi.e9. 700 Best pay, 965-970. Log No. 559 J. D. Smyth, No. 2, lessor. Ohio Fuel Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Lo- cation: Bulen Springs, Lee County. Commenced: June 26, 1920. Com- pleted: July 95,1920. Shot July 9.91920) 1 0squarts- Production 10 bbls. naturally. LEE COUNTY 377 Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SOL lememe te nist eterna tet ree ere Lt ete Phe We ara d Skee ah weary e 16 16 SLCC LONOM gene water tien eee use eee kA. TM 6 44 60 Se LOcmer ant eee teed Roan aes l.G ea eK kw a 50 110 Sandstone « (lritlemwatersi20))) 7 s4 oc ssh es oe ce 15 125 SATs Gal reo c Ducks Clot ye Eagan Sista tanner 25 150 Mississippian System. imestone = (littles ime ig tt es. agen Gk rete ee 20 a SSE) Gabe rae rs coe Seren tee rete een te he ae. See 10 180 Emestonem (big @ Lime meee eerie hs .a eta, c oes 90 270 DEN (S/R Ga kt el? fateh Adsraees Caneel RAMA ain np ina ores 2 ara 40 310 RSNA SS SSUANSY AY de Soa Sac ert dir vias a a Oe eM wear ne 25 335 Siti 16 Pata otel Se rse. Mei cecialm eet tras ce siecs 430 765 TEI ML OSTON Came racy tinal sie wists: cerunte ken sree. oko yeeros 5 770 Devonian System. mhalewbrowne (Ghatiancoga. le see. s ees. at 130 900 Sha lowe ate Glay \we cons coer eno cate ss ae ce eras 20 920 IMG St Oe mae Cae tar COL) ravens ietesy octe sien raate 62 982 TOtaLe ep Unegem terme teen overeat: 982 First oil, 968. Best pay, 972-982. Log No. 560 Flahaven Logs (3-109 following). Flahaven Land Co., No. 3, lessor. National Refining Co. Beatty- ville, Ky., lessee. Location: This tract consists of the eastern 1000 acres of the Eveleth Heirs farm of 2490 acres, which is situated at and above the junciure of Little Sinking and Big Sinking Creeks in Lee County, Ky. This particular 1000 acre lease lies on the waters of Big Sinking Creek, and was leased by the Flahaven Land Co.—Charles Eveleth, Pres. (Eveleth Heirs), to the National Refining Co., et. al. Another block of 1000 acres partitioned off of this same farm and _lo- cated south of the mouth of Little Sinking Creek, was operated by the Ohio Oil Co. Representative logs of this latter tract are given on another page. Commenced: August 27, 1918. Completed: September 16, 1918. Production: Commenced producing September 20, 1918; production 41 hours after shot was 120 bbls. oil. Drilling contractor: McKay Bros., Fixer, Ky. Authority: National Refining Co., Beattyville, Ky., for this and the immediately following Flahaven Land Co. records (3 to 109). 378 OlLL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth SOL Cait Setar eee Oe ee me aD rk ects foe EE en SP Ne 28 28 Limestone (Digs lime eanard, corny cies i. area 124 152 Shales DFO why SO ci eerenpeer tate pee Sceens ce Greer ee ioe 458 610 Devonian System. Shale, black-s soit. ( Chattanooga): =)... 5.,..6e 140 750 Shale (fire clay), gray, SOM aye an ee te - ae rey ees 27 Tater Limestone. ray. anediui s,ccy 200s o gece heer 71 848 AUS DH RGTS O10 A AOA RN Aor Ne aha ake ac 848 NOTE—The Silurian-Devonian contact is toward the bottom of the last 71 feet of limestone. The driller missed the “break.” Log No. 561 Flahaven, No. 4, lessor. National Refining Co. and Le Roy Adams, lessees. Completed: October 18, 1918. Production: After shot was 250 bbls. oil. Drilling contractor: John Cain, Fixer, Ky. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth limestone (Big Lime), shard, oraye.. .--610. 1. 115 115 Shale, “browr,ss0Ltr 1. meee eee Ree peter eee 510 625 Devonian System. Shale, black, sort: -(Chattanooga,)’ (205 s-u.2- a4 130 760 Shale wdirejelay) Otay. Sollee: «crue ser eee 18 (idles: PNAIe shor ay, sO lb ve shes took pins ease eee 4 782 Bimestone, brownish» cray,smediivme: 0 sre 62 844 FEOLAAG CED Gin Wirt ete ores cpene ce) ota ees 844 Log No. 562 Flahaven, No. 5, lessor. Commenced: September 28, 1918. Com- pleted: October 18, 1918. Drilling contractor: J. A. Ross. Production: 48 hours after shot, 170 bbls. oil. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Soll*and* otherastratal. aes: eee ae ae ee eae 46 46 Limestone “(Big Lime) shard, erayines.- is. 114 160 Shale; SDro wh SOT tate crete ee eee 525 685 LEE COUNTY 379 Devonian System. Thickness Depth Shale, black, soft (Chattanooga) ..........:.. La 820 mliclem (tite pela yin CLAY MOL Getta suit gate ei os wae 15 835 LITE ONC es DEO Wee NNOCL Unit 1 coe, utes ott eece a oe 44 879 COLB IAS Elam e eta cee nar asts Sees ore 3 879 Log No. 564 Flahaven, No. 8. Commenced: October 12, 1918. Completed: No- vember 15, 1918. Production: Commenced producing October 31; 1918; production 48 hours after shot, 480 bbls. Drilling contractor: McKay Bros., Fixer, Ky. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Shale, hard, and shells, soft and gray ........ 85 85 Limestone (Big Lime), hard, gray ............ 112 Loe. pela Leet OC je OTS Vi wcta tint mie eh assoon Pesca sete sete cena ahs 20 217 Limestone, shelly, and shale, hard, gray ...... 100 317 Daler eI se OT Velo bem cst vre.see sites ae cirits go vce Safes 690 Devonian System. Shale, black, gray, soft (Chattanooga) ........ 145 835 Shalen(firesclay) -oray.ecOLters yt aoe we aes 18 853 ihimestone, sbrown, OTAV. SOLU 2. 45.4,...9 05 se ee 35 888 SLMS Ri Wi Os) ME Bees vehi Rr, Orr seta cre rae oe oe 888 Log No. 565 Flahaven No. 9. Commenced: October 18, 1918. Completed: November 9, 1918. Production: Commenced producing November 9, 1918; production 24 hours after shot, 175 bbls. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth SIDIe Spy PR. ARO, ace aaa poet A as Seen ee 38 38 Limestone, hard, broken (Big Lime in part) .. 227 265 li He SO Leen cine he che ae Gages vs 053 515 780 Devonian System. phale, gray, soft (Chattanooga) .........6.%% 120 900 haten( tirerclawy browne 80f ti. oe nec ce earca eds s 12 912 eS HOG: MMe iia A oe eee Sk lS. 55 967 AGRIC Mae gory eins Ce hs ee 967 380 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 566 Flahaven, No. 10. Commenced: Oct. 31, 1918. Completed: Nov. 27, 1918. Production: pumped 48 hours, made 300 bbls per day. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth SOil Fen. oe ee oa tener ate re Vee 15 15 limestones (big? lime);. hard, -oray. sents ch ae 185 200 Shaler hardseoray Sean y memes ene See ete 150 350 Shale; siard, spies Corte a ay ee eet 310 660 Shaleschard'sred.. s0itee eee ae een ee ee eee 15 675 Shale shard @ lie mSOl tart sea.kcus cee ae msien et on bene: 5 690 Devonian System. Shale, black; soit: (Chattanooga, jG" ts ..).% + eae 145 835 Shale> (fire clay), gray soft. 2o.2.. a. es 18 853 Limestoue. black: S0lt2 =. 6 eee 6 859 lainrestone, Drown, mediums). ek ae oe eee ot 896 Total eedep tlie. circ ope ots see Rec tne ter oe 896 Log No. 567 Flahaven, No. 11. Commenced: November 10, 1918. Completed: December 5, 1918. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth OOTh ear ee Car Oe eae ee ee Ce aren Mier 16 16 Limestone. (Big? lime) > oray, soit 0.0..9...4.. 86 102 Shale; nardsandesOnt, slay eee er een erry ee 503 605 Devonian System. Shale, brown, soft (Chattanooga) .......... 127 732 Shale wiirerclayy) (sora y. «SOllm ae ae cg eeeeeee 20 752 odie 16, bea Os Ol bi 5) en ano eee ee eek er eee D dot Jim G8lOnG-e Tow, ened lin 22 oe see ee 32 789 Totals dep thighs ty. ne wee ee aeees 789 LEE COUNTY 381 Log No. 568 Flahaven, No. 12. Commenced: November 16, 1918. Completed: December 7, 1918. Production: Well flowed at the rate of 350 bbls. until shut in. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth OTL Mee eye eeotarreee gener arte ea wie ca tases ar Leese ees 10 10 TLimestones(Bietline), hard, cray ) 2-2 om om « 75 85 Shale,sbard sand shells ss0Lt,-OTAye.. « see cleia atte 505 590 Devonian System. Shales browan,-sott (Chattanooga) <*,..02.%.2.. 140 730 li leat Te sclay | eerayeesOluera. 2. sacle eae re ees 15 745 Shalomitack escort pasnte ocdctenetee ce Mh ret etces 6 noe. i 752 Timestone,s brown, Mmeaqnlin 3.1. 4a wes oe ee aia 783 ‘EOtal pep Uimare eta ds tek toes oe ean oe 783 Log No. 569 Flahaven, No. 138. Commenced: November 20, 1918. Completed: December 5, 1918. Production: Commenced producing December 11, 1918; production 24 hours after shot, 100 bbls. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth POPeAnOesandrock sOLt pean. ofa cia se acres t vere 42 42 Iimestonewshard, white, (Bigs lime), 2. a... ig 214 SALOME LILO mSOL Lee chet ts eee ee rare eee? 459 673 Devonian System. Shalespiacke( Chattanooce): Ss kenvces overeat one: 165 838 Sualomi ire clayy eandesan Were went mete Aer.) : 18 856 SAC mere ws Ste Lic hoes hae heen er See e 37 893 EOUG SU Cp Uiee a. weraetae Menrntte rs scan ala tel ckssor shee 893 Log No. 570 Flahaven, No. 17. Commenced: December 16, 1918. Completed: January 20, 1919. Production: Commenced producing January 30, 1919; production 24 hours after shot, 100 bbls. 382 O1LL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SSOLL Bie ti aks pall -< colores pee emcee ie teenie (rT lh ax Gee. stan lt 48 48 POELDICL? spent se Qucaereaenee peers, eect tcan ele aS yh aoc (es eae een 172 220 Mississippian System. Teitnes vom ean (3 ie malate) ya tse al pue te tete snk eee negra 140 360 Dhaler Momnt eae CB DEA Maw wee wR ve ae 115 475 Siialemaiard esnelly ete 14 acl we teen eae mentees 330 805 mbhale; sadly. aOCis sow atorad ste Seen eve he anew « 35 840 Stel Lemmon el Sam eer ang Si. rate cei ore ate eas hoo vores ee 20 860 Devonian System. : mh le, aplacki a Chattanooga: Wipe. tq cnc ldcta ne eke 140 : 1,000 Sader i rewclay) gence -5 oon tat We, meee nna 18 r,018 SIGUE SEONG: ytg eee ee Cee aire «ce he te ogee eee Al 1059 Votale depp. siciuer ss oaetsene eve Sec eae a 1,059 Log No. 571 Flahaven, No. 19. Completed: March 20, 1919. Production: 24 hours after shot, 175 bbls. Strata. Mississippian System. ; Thickness Depth SOU mare, pOrOw ly. e a 0d youu, ccs oko ei as ea este 5 D EtmMestOnen Die uiten SO ran mcOlG ee. Merce: 100 105 Shake,s green (lid = tian sts.e ect cn emia has 95 200 Shellie. Av haem kanes cache, cee caste es Soe ae tas he enone 30 230 Shale ear atc Ol Ueein O Will ame oe pereee eres ee eee cone 330 560 hole; Teds gna TC yc. edie Rent mane we fe SOE eee te 10 570 DnalewaiardeeDii creo. tive certs eee a eee ae 30 600 Devonian System. Shale, brown, soit” (Chattanooga), 22.0 25c.0.5. 140 740 Shale: Ciresclay ebro wil, ssOl teres, Sacer ier Pace aoe 15 755 Shia lens Drove, .SOt tec se? eaten awe, Meare ee ee ee 10 765 Limestone, <“ sands? 4 tiird, (Sray, osacin an ee 35 800 Total dep toe cc w2s, cum iwe oy Ment eee tae 800 LLE COUNTY 383 Log No. 572 Flahaven, No. 21. Commenced: January 3, 1919. Completed: February 6, 1919. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth DALCLOCke 2100 ma ie Lemme anc. cir twee ail nei aleon es 5 160 160 Mississippian System. LAMESLON Ee 10 ete eee em ete cote ea ene? 160 320 teh] GC eReneg mE ORS eREA NN ELY Storer ets A neue re cool ran scene igs 443 763 Devonian System. Shales black e((Chattanooga,) Gry. emia... oa .bs nes 180 943 loch ery CTT Ce Gla Ve) ence seeks eat Ne woke a anie ves ate eae 22 965 TELM ESTOS cSaT aban ea en oes eet Nok oe ocr. 38 1,008 AMON SEIS Molle] Oa e tence, Cae evar nn, Paracas raene. 1,008 Log No. 573 Flahaven, No. 22. Commenced: March 6, 1919. Completed: March 24, 1919. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Solsandesand roca lard. Ctrike somacra, acess co 156 156 Mississippian System. Limestone (Big Lime), hard, PLAY Begets tog is caer ea 166 a2 ehioens OLO Wi SO meen eer a i es ain 460 782 Devonian System. Sidlempiack, weotty (Chattanooga). 180 962 Alem Tiree elaw i OPA Ve SOLG cr ul che al dee awe be 8 22 984 TRU eStONe se Same na TAs STAY cs a. eric sence » 33 1007 Ha PERL PUR amend Stee Meee Se ela as wii a 1,017 384 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 574 Flahaven, No. 24. Commenced: January 12, 1919. Completed: January 29; 1919: Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SEIN URIS 32s Secor tun a RR cee a aed Rc OT © 18 18 hetlaiaW Koes Sie Nao Prt Ava a cere: RS ee ee cares OIL, aa j 142 160 Mississippian System. Pimestones| Cio Lame) we ee etshick eek tiene ee 116 270 Sa leas bPO wil tee) ce lee ae erase ike, oat ag ee ee 433 7038 Devonian System. pkale black «(Chattanooga ie ss: 2 tee. etre 180 883 halen (Tree clays Wen Sitw. ts age rem cote Ase oe ae 25 908 TAOS TODO) Tap tests: oer cece ean eee eR neat 37 945 Dotal depth’ Air ators: hace eet sero eee 945 Log No. 575 Flahaven, No. 25. Commenced: January 13, 1919. Completed: February 14, 1919. . Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth 0 Men clipes linietwks cere Fete seine Nc cage ieee eee Merc eee iPh TRY Reta: MUS WMEn A Wide Oy cam SOR acre Regn Mes PER Koy incised Pues 108 BAS Mississippian System. Limestone. (1510 11 eae cn ere eae teeter cane tee aes 200 325 Sia le) POW Bite rime feats Sener shesr as ake ete cl Geese caer 310 635 Devonian System. Shale blacks (‘Cha ttan OO9a: ert methane ere 315 950 Sra le Chir: clay \ ial oe deen ae. ea te eye aun merce 25 975 Dirmestone* i735 fag rates hare ce Ae eae ear SR 40141,015% Total depitia-e aceite ee eee ee 1,015% LEE COUNTY 385 Log No. 576 Flahaven, No. 28. Commenced: May 7, 1919. Completed: June yee. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Aerie SOllee Oar mcr eae ke, hate che eee tc en 3 162 162 Mississippian System. Limestone, gray, hard (Big Lime in part) .... 203 365 Shale meOlta are ott one ete he ser els tals chansons 451 816 Devonian System. Shale? black, soft, (Chattanooga) “2 chau... 160 976 Shaler (Grerclaye)\egray. S0Lti cate. salar cae ee: 10 986 Bale mands OTA Ve toc. coc orate, es cer Care 14 1,000 IniIMESLONG 0 S41 «= Nard, OPO Wis ces). ose 66 1,066 A Ova lee CC Ithl ane tee etme wctote tol ter serge na: 1,066 NOTE—tThe Silurian-Devonian contact is toward the bottom of the last 66 feet of limestone. Log No. 577 Flahaven, No. 29. Commenced: April 24, 1919. Completed: May Ae eae Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SOU) wuiark ce SOn barre a eee eae want aiid co Ved cored. 15 15 Sualemhardr andro tearcdar certian ne ee 140 155 Mississippian System. Tamestone- (Bigs Lime) jhard, eraye ss 8 25.3... 150 305 Sige wear woalin (Sebo CAslNe Whee. ace. ok wars 10 315 Elia lemaredses.t yy hard yer cee We wo, 2 veep 450 765 SDC RS Ws ROE Wag couhe clea sack sae a iia y or ra ea 10 775 PANG OO barat eae nn atc ate Aeuhotn ho yale. ohdee 15 790 Devonian System. Shales gray, soft (Chattangoga). ..1.... 6.8.06 150 940 Snilemnetd atk wena ha Vent aie ook sc 4! 10 950 Dimes cone SAL ee wee Pere ky ye din 965 Jiimeéstonee “sand vogray, hard: 05. a6. fee. 6 33 998 POL ail oe alee yeh eine th telat yatta Tacu settee 03, 7 3 998 386 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 578 Flahaven, No. 30. Commenced: March 15, 1919. Completed: AprileZ 0d)" Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Soilpandaunndrock eee ee pay. tee eee 235 235 Mississippian System. Limestone (Big Lime), hg tO ety ate ee aa 100 335 shales hard tand scott, Bi abe 0 a tech eee Rene pare 4 Soe FimestouesSsand.« bards Dro wie sess soe ae 36 1,027 POtal Men tie ob aks pee eras eee F tte 1,027 Log No. 582 Flahaven, No. 34. Commenced: July 11, 1919. Completed: July 24,5 1919. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth POueamessanngtone, Nard. Gark eat cs act k.. vs 115 aa Mississippian System. Limestones( Bigslame) joray, soft 2... a5. 3's: 134 249 RU STEW ES eal CE 0a 99 eae eo a 496 745 Devonian System. Shale, black, soft (Chattanooga) ............ 140 885 EST Mey EGIL GOT tae Aap coun MRE Nr Siieces haul as cs 15 900 Limestone: “sand.” “hard, ‘brown... +... «0: . «ses 39 939 BLOua: LOUD MEM ener ae cet. fr. ay Bae O 9.3 939 388 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 583 Flahaven, No. 35. Commenced: March 30, 1919. Completed: May <8,-19'19: Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth SOT eur ae ay eae ON, ae oltre Cheon eee eee eee 10 10 a Pee OLY Bart's ce ncecch 8nd haga anes atte aioe 10 20 limestones (‘Bie hime) hard, gray es. ee 180 200 Shale; snelly > orayy hard sa--0 cere ee eee 40 240 Sibalons Ward a Whiter wr a au oe Cle eee ee 110 350 Shells, gray, hard, limy ................-.... 10 360 pele ya Hard); Will GG wan see Ieee ee eee ar 296 656 Shale (redrock) bard a aesce rate cee eee 20 676 Devonian System. Shale, hard, black (Chattanooga) ............ 94 fora) Shale, brown, soft (Chattanooga) 22.40%. J.2 «.. 64 834 piale=(fireiclay)g OT av, wihite,-sOlte. 2... 2.6 sees. 165) 808 TEC av OT eres ait Ch ame ACU pe WA Vole te teers oe eee 3 811 famestone sand, eray, SOlti 2. 1.6 hue: nen ees 9 820 Mimestonen Sand am NATC CAT kent ck eae le eee 10 830 Himesponege sand cain tyatiat dares route kere. D 835 rmestOne: ssamds A OTAY 2 SOLU merstar 5 crete leis chet o/s) 8 843 LiMiestOne as san en aL eC ate. mes, aie en ees ce 20 863 Pimestoner. sand jen MONE SOL temas tes ene tes oe 14 877 helena y Cert Lien nee eee ese a. See Meera oc. eta ond 10 887 TObalEOeDL LON me erecta oa ery aod 887 NOTE—The Silurian-Devonian contact is within the 20 feet above Log No. 609 Flahaven, No. 69. Commenced: September 1, 1919. Completed: September 14, 1919. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Deptn SOLE TAY MSO lie. pee deem cen ate ate ees sotent ake ots 18 18 Bingley stand sore ya tole LLy Wem, cee), ft, c aus costed oy oil 62 80 Mississippian System. Limestone..{(Big Lime), hard, white ......0...3 140 220 PY ALO OL CCR SOL Dune ietn c wuetrt iettaseohevene ohana tea, 8. Foe 480 700 Devonian System. Stale, pblack> soit (Chattano0gs,), a. a. wei es 154 854 phalert iireselay wawlle, SOlt cae et wah satan en 52 bo) 869 LIMESTONE a SAN se TAY ASOLl srs se ha sks 8 877 402 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Devonian System. Thickness Depth Limestones G2 Gaeitare aan km oe cee es 20 897 Limestone sands ii Pte e ard ee stae ye cle a 8 905 Limestonen sand see Cate Gade ett. cote ce tent 10 915 Silurian System. himestoner satis ero. War. cas i. nese te as 261%4 941y% Sia ener Candie me eee iy wes ci he tenc cieeey sais ave ens 10 95114 RGM AeA OD GI Svs is aidin.s a3 avecwin sts 0°83. tye ss 951% Log No. 610 Flahaven, No. 70. Commenced: October 8, 1919. Completed: October 19, 1919. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth DOLL aa V GELON BOI Loccnuates Siens eee eren Su Patt ttn ae. Rows eee 20 20 Sandcswehitecasol thers cw nen een ee tne eee 30 50 lea Leie dae tcl LUE ume get mene tel eee our ahs sae See els 43 93 Mississippian System. limestone; shards wiuite, sandy «...2.e.0. sc so 42, 135 Limestone (Big Lime), PRAT onal Oe: saaeeas antes te 105 240 Polie Les mele SUELO knpiy Bee mente: oe e tele CO en a 126 366 Redan A Cave Wie en fog Wa ht Ua ota, eh 2 Pee eee We ee 329 695 Duale, ered MeCrl era NGy, gate e VAN alsa! i one the 15 CoE SS Pate oe tI we Uo ae hates Petanee Ar bs wth ot cde st as ©? ahs 20 730 Devonian System. Shale; brown s.soit, 4 Chattanooga) =... .cc\.4 case 150 880 SUA emClavaly Wate; BOL 70 Gs eamtalc sdk wh 17 897 Ramiestoneas sand. aa hand sad ations 8 eel. 2 5 902 Himesvones Sands. shard. OTA. Vio. sans «os ede as real 923 Limestones sand. brown bard!" senses ee £7 940 LIMES PTiGee sa LU sws CLAY HOT Cs 2) 1-8 tae Ae as 961 Silurian System. ia loom LIChe SOL bam ecatareaar er ae Gene is oe lan Fae a: ee SU OUAH VOC pl Wake aee ce, teats i aise ens tas ati ss oie Log No. 611 Flahaven, No. 71. Commenced: September 16, 1919. Completed: September 30, 1919. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Someemardesbrown; Sandy 2.5), 001-4 us weeks oe 18 18 Sia eA TOT a Nima wet. tinh. 2a? le ke 42 60 LEE COUNTY 403 Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Sanday usr (mwa teotrwwae cigs euten a Sudo, ot ites 32 92 Hae Ard we OLk VARA ecto Aas Sixties nde ey cs 130 222 Mississippian System. Tamestone,<( Bigr inme he hardy eray~ ite. oe ve ss 100 322 Dn Lese oF Cola SOs baeeuer ae mare ee ane ta Soe 18 340 PLDC OTA VG ECO LUamens te tye eaetene endo, The SG cso es Evel 767 Devonian System. Shale, brown, soit (Chattanooga) ..5......... he. 6 943 DUAIC MHI CLElay) Or Aye POLL seca eso ae ee nie eee 23 966 Limestone “sand,” hard, dark, (oil) (1st pay De CARGO. cy gerade cy spe tcnite a t< cane oyeth Cle eel Oo SPAes mA MOV AY L neeee Pans e ai mae sian. haaae he er 12 1,049 Ti WOM hac hen Wore fe pene aaa ee a abana cd 1,049 NOTE—The Devonian-Silurian contact is within the 71 feet above LOST. Log No. 612 Flahaven, No. 72. Commenced: July 24, 1919. Completed: Aug- Uster. bo bos Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth eon Brats Chie cer CU We WO carina erp, rh eee aint ban, ee ms One 30 30 Lumestonen( bisy lame aan yee Te yon arene cw 100 130 eA eos Uae Weeber NORM OUNaEe tee mal Oe eh cote Moma eens As ae 20 150 SPaleos ULO Wil eS Ol Lome ee ewer ee eect Werner a eas: 480 630 Devonian System. Slate, slack s0ic (Chatianoo0cay) anaes. aioe = « 93 tae mlialer iretelay as Pray cnOl Utne ets 5 aueeie seston: 20 743 Thinges one a ycalld wore Veal Cet. ae. fay eins wietitas 38 781 LOGO aL © Ula tn ee ant tea Need Sepik tebe rgoy vie ger 781 Log No. 613 Flahaven, No. 73. Commenced: August 1, 1919. Completed : AUCUSE Ie L919. Strata. : Pennsylvanian & Mississippian Systems. Thickness Depth Sail Pande pilerimids darks Gen cera oe axel tiene Grea s 80 80 Limestone (Bio lime} shard) eray i... tcenu. 120 . 200 Shale, hard; cray, and lime shells ........... 477 677 404 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Devonian System. Thickness Depth Shale, brown, soit (Ghattanooga) ............ sae) eave pia le irerclary eee Tay pe SOL misisistsiisisacie! ais eters aes 21 848 Limestone {cand a-sbrown, sUards ..% 6. od. es eee 36 884 LO Gal Lin CLenD CU Mae Seer haba toy ae Ws tee .8 aie a) oe ene 884 Log No. 614 Flahaven, No. 74. Commenced: August 26, 1919. Completed: October 1, 1919. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth POlL MDTOWI,) SOLER: eneaoe attr melee oem tees 20 20 Shsile Shire bl Ueki ete emeeneeu, cuit oR ed. sae eS haere 0 90 Mississippian System. Limestones (Bie ime), shard. white... 2... 4s 95 185 ern CMe Figelh, fay doc val bathe seg eae ea, Gaeunyy Mog Rena ye em aa 15 200 Delo More DIUC mearnrce. tee. the rr ae seins mega 100 300 Shale ard el Abs SalLCY oF cle sxe civyeis, sekote Me eee? 100 400 Shaler tarde Diemer Ga tase crs Poe Sere Ole © Cha 245 645 Heber Le CoM NOG EGAIS OL VaM et fe cens occ Gpeitiereasta es eect 15 660 Sea ermelia POPeEWILLOtin ae sce cs lcrete oct wien ere Be eerten eats 20 685 Devonian System. Shale, black, soft (Chattanooga) .....:....... Too 824 Shalem tiresclay) ~ white, SOtb: so acter tes 20 844 Dimes ones sagt, OTay, SOlt.o, .issotes asthe co 12 856 inmestones sand. shard: darks 2s ayo ea ae on 39 895 Silurian System. Limestone wsand, light; «soit Wo meee. le 16 eke Sid Leva Da EC me) LUC mee uney, eka eis sere er eran, 11% 922% ‘Lota Vgdep Lin siento ste ase ts oe tae eee 9224 Log No. 615 Flahaven, No. 75. Commenced:, October 15, 15919. October 30, 1919. Completed: Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Ol RADY OW aS Ol igure maar iNen en Marys c aigie o ake oe oes 183) £5 Sha lesa rdcaey Miers eet. rae a eetit cee nt castes 3 vege 8 23. Limestone (Big: Lime), bard, white ........... 103 126 Shaleseiard Ditewmmrmra yh ka te kare nesta & oterah ake 504 630 LEE COUNTY 405 Devonian System. Thickness Depth pnules black ssott. (Chattanooga) os. . Av. een 136 766 lie Legare. Clays) a WalllLe,we0 LUy seed ss ch. 20 786 Tamesfone (capsrock),; hard, black ~2..2....... 2 788 Limestone ay sand, apsOlh, sO TAVS he tie oene sto. ony ws ore. 796 Limestone sands aro sdar keer wer ee oe 15 Sab Tnmestone wsand, ss liehtwehard... soe ee. 15 826 Limestone ‘“‘sand,” hard, dark earn ce nar pare eae 18 844 Silurian System. TUITHOCUONC ue CATIC ae IO Ue web Od Ub eamy e nees ce Ae 16 860 tire e ann rd yw OU Cte ee ent Arata Sentiment sin: i. 867 POULIBSCED UL gitcws tik esc etree ar ne ae 867 Log No. 616 Flahaven, No. 77. Commenced: November 17, 1919. Completed: November 29, 1919. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SO SUKO Wh. COL bere e seta te rei et eens OB cs 12 12 pon poandy, «liotiten hard ste a. cuar nee hee here es ee 4 16 Dou esand ys lushite sol Gemeceue, 1. eta re e oa 61 77 Mississippian System. Limestone (Big Lime), white, hard .......... 108 185 Sha loyeharcd A WAT tein sa ueet aco oa endless ee 4 3D 220 Sie lerei arcs OT Avan tet Senate Matec one ahs Bers tee 195 415 Slia lo barde da nice sear ree tee eee nen oe 235 650 Dee CEC eroOcie | h se Ol barmeres ie ded p crs mia henson. 8% 15 665 tl WBIRT ROTA Vi Merger har ce tae cnet telat cae 25 690 Devonian System. Shales black. soit: (Chattanooga) — st ya 140 830 Shales(tirer cla yyre wlite, SOlte sas eure weeee 26-5 sh, foe IR 847 Limestone: (cap wock), hard} black @3 Fis 205.%,.% 2 849 ioimegtones sandy, (OLay-aSOLLt 8 a4.. = bares et 6 855 Inmestone sands hard, dark).2,.0 2-.0..%o00. 22 S877 Limestone “sand,” gray, medium .,...:..+....«: 5 882 Limestone “sand,” gray, médium .....2....0+- 25 907 Silurian System. Limestone« sand, ) light, medinm s.54.%.. aca. 9 916 SOMO tars Ol meen eae nae, ne raate soa eae a to PRs ove Ly 927 WGVEMG Vie Gane eeu ee tar 927 406 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 617 Flahaven, No. 78. Commenced: December 12, 1919. Completed: January 16, 1920. Sirata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth S01 bmey ello Wwe ec ites te trae oe k- Ber dicate esate atis oaee 20 20 Seritl sacve LO Wirt Ol eget ee teres retin s One Noga nes: 40 60 Sina lem a bcd Veen ace: (aa erent eke er 130 190 Mississippian System. limestone ( Big Lime) jebard, white 32.2.4... a- leis 505 Shale, bards oe veg. oe 9 cit ened we diet te ake fe 305 610 Shale shard seblack scot tarot esa ern oe Tere 136 746 Shia len red sr OCk \eersOl laine ens chen er tect tenn cowene 15 761 Stale, shard ab sick. Ot te macs wea ee.c memset 30 (el Devonian System. Shale; brown, -colte(Cnattanoord jamin ers osamere ce. 140 931 phale (ite clay ye WiiLles SOU met st ettrt ett r sr atenen: oe 946 Hames tones said. ylides 1c eee eee ree eee 8 954 limestone ~Ssands*7 light, hard = preteas pede ne 14 968 Dimestone?- sand ards. Gar. eck ees 32 1,000 Silurian System. Umestone = sam oles ali cinta eed emt ae eee eet eee 22 1,022 hale, "blues SOLU acs a. t..eemeae mens cert date ee anne 10 £032 otal adept lges tat: mie eaten alee a ee 1,032 Log No. 618 Flahaven, No. 80. Commenced: November 8, 1919. Completed: November 29, 1919. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Sonal Drown Le SOle Mieke em eat ene seeketiaes se tus etl. 18 18 Sands alia tml Cee Ory Mucn eects steer tues 172 190 Mississippian System. 3 Limestone, (Big Time) > bard, white. 143 Ste Shale; hard Sel ties pie ea tren ewer cee ens, nse 63 396 Shale, “hard Sor ay. eee eee ee Ue ae en iat ca, 420 816 LEE COUNTY ’ 407 Devonian System. Thickness Depth Shale; black soit. ( Ghattanoora }. 2 oie. ae cs 145 961 healer (ire clavh.s weve; gsGltye. teas. cn ores +a): 25 986 Lamesione® sand veo OTOvgRcOLls oe. , te soe ee. ns 8 994 himestone said Garewal ke. a t.ciaernkos 6 eens 15 1,009 Exes LOnGie ea Newel on tsp sOl Uae, Gi.) vowels see arse 7 1,016 MIN CSCOT Cn pS me ALCP a re ge Pte ns sw cree at at's. cks 30 1,046 Silurian System. etna Hiagse ee ee ie 18 1,064 Limestone “sand,” lght, soft TMCS LOMnCme so Ti Cvaee OTA ya eed Lie re kes nin cps + eae See OOo Shin lesehard Mb IMeN nce! tee, oboree Sirens oe een se Be 12 Oise BOVE GOD Ck aad tes, she che EY shen inle ober nasi aha L081 Log No. 619 Flahaven, No. 81. Commenced: October, 1919. Completed: Oc- tober 207-1 9.19. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Ore Gk OW Ws a0 Guts ee OO or mane eerie se esc, SER Ee 5 2D SSA TiC ne ye LLO WF BOL Ul valey tay Od. des tama ote eos a 35 40 SHE wierd wee 8 SO tes cyan o- erar ky a ahak ee ha 150 190 Mississippian System. Timestone, (Big Lime), hard, whites. 222 4.2... 140 330 Shalessharar c lie SO Fern e ent es eee ae ec ee: 440 770 Sialersinards se lichii Masti in atin eben te. 42: 30 800 Devonian System. Srinler black ssoth at Chattanooga) ) osc.l4 cio 149 949 Sbaleer red veeOl pilus wtp armas = ey lah egaire sans 20 969 Bia lesetirese Lavi, awiliteye sol bey seers ele bho hts 15 984 Limestone “sand,” gray, soft, (pay) .2........ 8 I97Z lamestone “sand, hard, dark, (no good) ©) ...7. iy 1,009 Limestone “sand,” sray, soft, (some pay), ....: 15° 1,024 Silurian System. Limestone “sand,” light, soft, (watery) ...... 10 1,034 Limestone sand, shard 6Bdaark” ne oe. eis 10 1,044 Tumestones: sands dolts asOlinbien «<0. o.ka ew oes 105 1054 Shale tiardesbile, BeOl tek we rots these. atte ces 9144 1,0638% Cotas deputies power sta ce Ark: ae whee sae 1,063% 408 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 620 Flahaven, No. 82. Commenced: October 30, 1919. Completed: November) lia 9197 Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SOLO TO Wal MeO Gee aie a We tects eon) awaits s Grete areas 2 3 So Sal yay IONt, weOltawt er eee oes hie e-< eicaste oe A() 43 Shalev s LUG esOLt. wee ere Vee hw laces cate 157 200 Mississippian System. limestone: (Big lime), hard, white. ..3)7.5.3 .. io 336 Salers hand. sible esol sitemeter ce ote pele 430 766 Shales (reds rock) seco tm gem. wot mee etn, een aries aera 20 786 Sia leveha rds Wess sor teen ene ee it eee eee area, 15 801 Devonian System. Shale, plack, soit e( Chattam00gd | he ase eaeens 155 956 Shales (tirenclay )5 white; ee0l tio .eecaies -o-ahens eet 20 976 limestone a(cap- rock), hardy blacky a. ae a ae 4 980 Limestone “sand,” gray, soft, (good pay) ..... § 988 Timestone. sand. = nard sedans een nee ete 8 996 limestones sands chard, alight ne cy wr eaeera 18 1,014 imeéestene —asande ATC. arlene eee ences 19 L033 Silurian System. IGiinestonens sande toh t sOt Ger ener mee 12 1,045 Shale, hardss-b ities SOL te toes ce ote tes certs one eee 914 1,054 SUS CM Me Loe Ria, seats n enh Die mewn GER ALE 1,054%4 Log No. 621 Flahaven No. 88. Commenced: Dec. 29, 1919. Completed: Jan. 18, 1920. : Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Nand amd soil eora ye ands sOmmee cena ero ons os 27 PA Shale, hard -oraywiOl tare mpehats ney aie oe son 43 70 Sand, Cera, wi0 tle eid ee eee es nous aol. torches, 10 80 Shale hard. oTay., SO mtmnnmeeet ate clots cere tcas act 45 125 LEE COUNTY 409 Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Limestone (Big hime), white, hard ........... 115 240 Bhadeveiard.. GY eeu nso teers averse sc. Sonics ie a sos 5 245 SAO ANAT A OTAy ee OL LaMairencesk Lenk seine tte. «us 20 265 SCADA Oo PEO ESOL baer eie een Min dt curs len seen ass 6 271 Sita) Gch ard ora vaso law terete. ic selena oer : 481 752 Devonian System. Shale: brown, soft’ (Chattamooga) ...i:.2.... 4 123 875 Diem une relay: asOl ban mecca lece t/t) Serene 18 893 Limestone ‘“‘sand,’’? brown, hard, (oil) (1st PayecdO-01l Ande pay itod ool yaks es 69 962 Sale ebard.« ollie oO b be miieleus tely ale mtecens: on sen cate 12 974 TO UAU AC tee rerm: see wie aos Pate (altoks nar sees ash 9s 974 Log No. 622 Flahaven, No. 88. Commenced: Oct. 11, 1919. Completed: Nov. 21. 19:19: Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Slee TOW iy SOL tats rue ten eens ere yeh ses anno 15 15 Sha leauard Dil ..cO Lbmete eee cite ery caer ene. 100 aa 59 Mississippian System. Waimestone (Big Lime), hard, white ......... 110 225 Ale ue se Viello we SOL ts. gers-.e aie tein «l bss at ees 20 245 Bhalenihard owen. clio seme on tet A ake oo cet eaten s 425 670 PIA FORre wrOGK Var SOL tums s ces ate Sats ce eaeace tees 25 695 Salem ard spl eNOl b mrrcee ts ener etd eae cee ea 20 TLS Devonian System. Shale, black, soft<(Chattanooga) 0.0. 0. «4 140 855 plalen (tire. clay) 2wihite, SOlt — tase a. on Aas eae os 1s 870 Iie BPON Ey sas ati 2 ROTA ye SOL pa oes out eye ake ay 927 Silurian System. bimeéestolies Wardeedark -~.., wesc ele Shane 11 938 Otay de plist a. atc tree iene eer bean 938 410 ‘OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 623 Flahaven, No. 89. Commenced: May 4, 1920. Completed: May 1S L920. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth POL Lert tae ee eases ery nr ola tone cae iene shazeitys oot ae te 7 ipa Orewa tO vue cab eee eae te or Ba oils airs aie seein a race ew Loo 160 Mississippian System. Mesto On (Piel sin Gye tony escgat os beset te esse es 105 265 Siale silva nec meer beeen tee hans tee weet aks su eee ee 490 755 Ola eee STOCK \a shonin skeet opty actael cee se tiete bets 10 765 SAGs TPC, Mice ad eataneen see ootcea oe rents Danae fe erected 5 770 Devonian System. hale mibiackm Chattam 00g yy Ai ayerccuttssiel ene pesos : 140 910 Shales (dire Lela y ene oer any seer eaile ean eu vatonenaes aa ce 10 920 reid: Oo peabel OMRZ RGN .@ oben Non be clare RCL ate RRR mee So apie ts he rhs 8 928 Dies GOMe SAM x tak cmescrs aly perce oemene Paeehs cette 68 996 Sale: Saar» £1 those. eters hema ts one neee Gann eens 421%, 1,038Y% Total Pepi Soran a eee hae eet ae es 1,038% NOTE—The Silurian-Devonian contact occurs within the 68 feet above 996 feet in depth. Log No. 624 Flahaven, No. 91. Commenced: Aug. 8, 1919. Completed: Sept. ing ake SEPAGe. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth DOL OTE» SSO LG tur cease meen inner tr tein, Silene. oP eee 30 30 hale, chard orev. soft cslvelly pccc.5 -. .tjess0- ues 70 100 hal 6* ard se Onc O kept re Mee nye ener ean tere 40 140 Mississippian System. Mand ands Mestone,SOTa y WSOt baer ste cre eas) «iets 53 193 Dimesvone ( Bigsiune) hardorwnites... c.0- 102 295 Shaleseoreens GOL weet wea eee mete cia cs 30 2D Shale, Pay eS OL ier 1 cca eee tah test seis Di stelcc 3s 25 350 Grits LWHILO PSOE Ge wc ies ete eee tat esl atyce ccs 35 385 hale, Cray cwOLU aim cnet ee euee bi peete tes oi eVers us « 45 430 Sheliss rier ay e5S0r teint ee eerie err eens cnet 5 435 LEE COUNTY 411 Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Ha ene OVA SOL beeen tee eetiale sf oe tuules se Sehin ts 406% 265 700 ELL ke FELT sp eh eee een err ae eet cone art Oh ay oa a tb Oh one 55 755 elemat Teds LOCK) SOG UmRct whew eit) oc) eile ca! ove ae 15 feral Sale wand. Whites. Uaaatee nes om kicce soe 20 790 Melisn nares a tices ete Seen irate See ese Viena) ata 2 aoe Devonian System. Shalebrown. sot, (Chattanooga) 2.0-,.c.... 83 875 Shells, brown, chard, (Chattanooga) ......... 10 885 shale ibrown, soft, (Chattanooga) ........... 47 932 Shale (fireclay) iwhites hard ©...0..0. 0... 20 952 heels Lac ke na hdres ene. © eka male tone Ve oa ety a Sat TAMINesTOneareen ud, *— Cray. SOL Mas oat ase 5 962 TN SSTON eee SANs wala TU en(laTiC sey Bay cee es E 10 972 Himesvone “sand Ws Lieb bea ed eens erect ree 8 980 ioiest Oller. a Gatlde ee oe ke Miia Cee ae ers es 5 985 LamMestoOneas Sandee td orks Ward iy ucs oce ree teon: 5 990 PRIMES CONC Ween some V1.0 0 oral ehe ak: Maa ee eae eee 5 5 O95 ihimestone “sand Meedark shard 10. cee oe bys 1h AKAs Silurian System. inimestone = sand;??sloht. hardei: 3. ass. nee 20 1,025 Ditalem hard OTA vo SOLU eee en et ed eee ; 10% 1,0385% DOGO GIR oo cx. ee note se me Sle Lome a comes ie 1,0385% Log No. 625 Flahaven, No. 93. Commenced: Sept. 1, 1919. Completed: Sept. Ue, ol URS Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Olea Pile saiid sO ave ee Ol tom. teins se vig Mil ta teers 2 20 20 Dimestone.( Die lime), white, shard = 0 ee 2 2. Alas: 135 Shale and shells, hard and soft, light ....... 467 602 Slaten Cree rOCk mmc0l Ges). sag ete noe cian ee to, 20 622 Devonian System. Shaleablack coin, (Chattanooga \s ii... ois eee oe 1380 bbe Shale (fire CL BV e Wi Dey SOLE cet ne eieats aed ocr he ae 16 768 AOpen AC Remo D there. Ar eaters oes Ren eae cies 5 fess Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ gray, soft, (pay sand) ... 10 783 WAM CStOnem .satlide @ Garis DATO. f.4 ns Gide se ean: 14 7197 lamestonegasanjes While; Hard sine e ke ae 13% 810% 412 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Silurian System. Thickness Depth lamestone:“ “sand. gliehty ss0tt 2... ries eee 1214 1,059y% DUALOM MALO MOLES SULiN, nat Rose ee iia kee 8 1,067Y% POCA LOSING I ceoeat ack Cuanee tioduhs Oye ckemer ee gsc ees 1,067% 416 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 632 Flahaven, No. 107. Commenced: Oct. 4, 1919. Completed: Oct. 2 Lakh 193 Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Sil an Vil) aS OL Genet ni Uc rc cares nce ins Om eeeee rae certs ihe Aya Dia looper ar eee LU CyeenS OL Lin tend tics settee ccs aa een ea eetoeae 50 65 DsDOS LON CeCe GOL Lyete sock cure ee eens 25 90 Mississippian System. Waimestone (Bis Wuimeé), white, hard-/..-..... 95 185 its Camere ol LU Cie aeee Me Gi aca, erick ecmed aeaane as peaabom 447 632 Sialega Led merock.) Marin etait Lge anemone rr «lye 15 647 Mile thrard esp lWew why sce te ae eee reat escent 20 667 Devonian System. Shale, black sori Ghattanoovd lsat e esse 147 814 Shales (firetelay); “white,.s0Lt: oc. dase : 15 829 limestone (cap.rock), hard; black ach. oo). as 5 834 Lamestone “sand, oray,. dark, hard; soft i. 40 874 LAM ESTONG, MOTAY. SOL Gan sae tee ee ne cata een ee : 15 889 If Silurian System. Limestone:*{sand.2°.etay, SoLt, (pay )once us 12 901 Lam eéestotte loht soLtats niente ie wera 6 907 Dimestoner darks aso! tase oes ee eae 5D 912 Shakers Wards) Leyes fiw eee oe er ee 6 918 Sia Le aniay @ tl Ue. SO mtg eta ie ke oe aren ae Peas TiZ 92514 Potalsde pth aah tat < eee Wet ead ae 925% Log No. 633 Fiahaven, No. 108.-. Commenced: Oct. 7, 1919. Completed: Nov: Pipi MEO Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Neco) Meee See ine Ame eh Sem ED ome ur NU ae Linc veln A ales amen 20 20 DANS tomer Oh CAO hia t tt. st ietnete aa cnet uae ace 25 45 Sirale, = hard: -hard,- black >.<"... ... 4 977 TRMESLOUO. | CSAC SOTA yee SOG) ogee ec aay. « 8 985 Dmestones “sande aro Gark weap fess 6's 15 1,000 imestoue sand ee wou nat ee. 2h, yea. oD 1,035 Silurian System. Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ brown sugar, medium .. 18 1,053 SALA Oem Lm O47 Wien ee eM pee we een eet. Mice cys lene aia: 6 1,059 Shales Warder eds- SOr be me tea ete Ste ao eee a 624 1,065%4 vale Gp Ula te pacar nacre a eee are ca wae's 1,065% Log No. 634 Flahaven, No. 109. Commenced: Oct. 25, 1919. Completed: Nov. jf aa Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth ALLOW aire O Lm ed noi te ek she mueller enn ls : 14 14 TC eri ae O.t by aise < mek Mageiis GaN ono. Raoes eerroura ah 30 44 Shaler mrad DMG. SOtis & 0. te eerste, Rouen 156 200 Mississippian System. Miméstone (Big lame), hard, whites: si... 2% 100 300 a losnards, OTCOMs BOOL Le sini s waist tet wer tear 15 So fyi ade malt, «WL LO FeSO LL Aatbave Rae wt eee eee eae aa aoe 390 765 mnele, Wreds rock), Ola aris ve u/c Sates meene eres 20 785 SiO MGR nen cob gd aURN epee Clan Bt © Ronen ee ican ee iy 800 Devonian System. mhule, sblack, -sott “(Chattanooga . sath « «er. 144 944 Paolo mere cola wiite, CSOLion.c, doecmet sedate: 18 962 iimestone (cap rock) hard, black ss). 2, j.y.-s. 2 964 umesbOner Sand. meray NAT. oleae ae ous : 8 972 Pm est omens Sich Gar Kk Ay Ch: de Ware sos 5 oh de he ; 7 979 TarrCerOnem, sea ee ILL AOS OL US ote sah ms nae arace 19 59S DIMespOnp es Sanden WOrdsedark” a. bench ea piesa als: DE oa Wes Silurian System. Limestone ““sand,’” light, ‘soft, coarse ........ 2 29 1,042 Sila, ard: sDIe Soh ime pe 2 tied stata tes ete 138% 1,055y% otal det Wee erin ce eens 2 ee le nee ee 1,055 418 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 635 Flahaven Land Co., No. 1, lessor. Ohio Oil Co., lessee (logs 1-80 following). ‘Location: The following records (1-80) are of wells drilled by the Ohio Oil Co. on its 1000 acre lease from the Flahaven Land Co. This tract is a sub-division of the original Flahaven farm of 2,490 acres, and is located about one mile south of Greeley P. O., south of the juncture of Little Sinking and Big Sinking Creeks, Lee Co., Ky. The general location is about 8 miles east of Old Landing. Commenced: Feb. 20, 1918. Completed: Mar. 23, 1918. Production: natural pro- duction first 24 hours estimated at- 10 bbls. oil. Authority: Ohio Oil Co. for this and immediately following logs (1-80) of the Flahaven Land Co. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Soil eoray SOL Gy cacti soe ee ene n eeeeee 14 14 mhaleye hardy rows frees ee eet ee a ee eee aera 136 150 Mississippian System. limestone (Big Gbime) shard, ray ea ee eto 315 Shalev hard, Drowns. cos eee eee ee eee eee 485 800 Devonian System, Shale, brown, hard-(Chattanooga) ........... 135 935 Shales Cure clay), Stay? HOLbe.. oc. sakes ese ns 12 947 Limestone sm Gape rock). shart sblack wees 10 967 Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ hard, light ..... Uae eae, 4 961 Iimestone.wljek. shard esate ee ee ie rake 16 WEL Horm escomles Sand 4° Shard, lich, oe nee ee 10 981 damestones* “sand, dark pray, hard’. ). 0% i 994 Silurian System. isinvestone. "sand. co Drowns. bard)... 22 12016 Jamestone. ‘sand, shard, light;(payy ea. ae eae) Shale#hardworeensit then cears cee er ee : ie AR NAL DOtalcd 6 pti mee), .0e specu ects ee nee, 1,021 Log No. 636 Flahaven, No. 3. Commenced: June 14, 1918. Completed: July 18, 1918. Production: commenced producing July 15, 1918% natural production for first and second 24 hours, 30 bbls. LEE COUNTY Strata. Pennsylvanian System. PaO Ie ge eray so GON pe rere | ae tees ce Sk O34 Gee, se 3 SOLE fe Salo dog ed a QM ee a a een at oe ; Shale, hard, brown Coal, soft, black Mississippian System. Shale, hard, green eke Was oaks Bimestone: (Big Lime), beard, 9fay foc wan... co} IP ALOs POG MOON Meets: a tion mae a tek ao oops : Devonian System. Shale, hard, brown (Chattanooga) ..5..2.4..:.« Shalem ire sola ve Chav oSOLbo cae. las oe otc’ Limestone (cap rock), hard, black .......... Limestone, hard, black duimestone, Hardee STAy es 22 arch os tare veil bau Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ hard, gray, (oil show) .... tbe sb OU Oy Hard Ore Vio a aiee che oaks ay avn tia, Siete Ne Silurian System. Kimestonme ““sand,* hard dark gray. (01) <2... damestone +sand,’” hard dark -sray 20.0... . ; dumestone “sand, loht gray, hard’ ........% poe he a td el ees ee errs caer eaten hes tome. o Total depth Casing record: size Length 10? 13? 814” 45’ 614” 275’ Za 960 54” 950’ Log No. 637 Flahaven, No. 4. Commenced: June 8, 1918. Thickness Depth 10 10 8 18 92 110 3 113 iN. 125 £45 =) 270 480 750 138 Sse 16 904 6 910 Lt 921 19 940 3 943 10 953 6 959 6 965 4 969 YZ 969% 96914 Completed: June 25, 1918. Production: commenced producing July 24, 1918; natural pro- duction first 24 hours, 30 bbls; natural production after second 24 hours, 15 bbls.; production after first 48 hours, after shot, 100 bbls. Strata. Mississippian System. PIOLL, se8tet Ve sO bun Seren cee eh nes ae vale rraiaa Leaks ons Limestone, (Big Lame), hard, Tay vos... o.. RL eA se POOL ae ealautn tar sca 5 817 Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ hard, brown, (oil) ...... 9 826 LAM ESL ONG Waa Nene mardi. ark | sco s..i. ee ; 10 836 Limestone “‘sand,’’ hard, brown, (oil) ...... : 10 846 Tp MSS COD Gree Cent see PA Vee ose ctad. 4. o1deers easter sets 14 860 Silurian System. mesvone= sand. “hard, elit: a... ak een 15 875 Sialer cide lBe Meter once tomes ape ce vem ; 6 881 Otel GOP the. orucr. eercarersat emer eee 881 Log No. 641 Flahaven, No. 8. Commenced: June 30, 1918. Completed: July 28, 1918. Production: commenced producing Aug. 14, 1918; natural production at the end of 48 hours, 37 bbls.; natural production after shot at end of 48 hours, 125 bbls. Strata. Mississippian Svstem. Thickness Depth DOLE brown) Bort ‘hard, «whites +. -.2-07.0.0 0 8 950 Limestone “sand,” fine; hard; white” .7........ 4 954 LotaL depuls oonut= Wan Oh ee eee 954 Log No. 644 Flahaven, No. 11. Commenced: December 9, 1918. Completed: January 4, 1919. Production: Commenced producing January 18, 1919; production after first 48 hours after shot, 10 bbls. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Soil; \oray, SOLk oc © is Myiae eee ene rae een Te 10 10 hia le. aber (GLU a ache See teat nent athe ee, ee 90 100 Mississippian System. Limestone || Bigwiime),. hard) owhite =. e. ee te. 148 248 ales ard wil es ene, ee mee ten, ea eee eee a2 T20 Sia. le aired LrOCk | eseCl wee awed ee ee ee eee 15 735 Syn le chat Gh se (OLULOM 3 oc sete ort me temend sO er DOM aati Cee inane 20 155 Devonian System. Shale, brown, soft (Chattanooga) ..........5, 140 895 Shale. frescla yy. wiite, SOlt\ wane «cc,iece ewes 10 905 Limestone ‘(cap rock |G bard eplacksl) =. cea >ne. 4 9:09 Limestone “sand,” hard, dark, (oil 914) ...... otal: 920 Dimestonet calcd: Sarde L1G eee seen. eer 6 926 Limestone; sand,» bardarwhitew es ere eee 14 940 Limestone: “sands fine, -hardsodatk.. = se. 3c. k 14 954 Silurian System. Tiimestone and sand) tard darks .......020.... REG 965 ihimestones sand, « hards ewe ae oa 4. eee Le 976 ia ley eax eb ie ae ee nee teen etre ack eee 5 981 Mota le Pil Fee eee eee ta Sct are 981 LEE COUNTY 425 Log No. 645 Flahaven, No. 12. Commenced: March 11, 1920. Completed: April 20, 1920. Production: Commenced producing April 23, VO Os production first 48 hours after shot, 2 bbls. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Soil ey cllow 601 Geert mtr dy baeeeee ti, Paik 10 10 Ser LAE faa Will UC eased, Oe met ie ee gain owt A mn 65 i Mississippian System. Silo wake mD INC. mets bie eee a eee ee nc te 25d 100 Prmestone.( Bie lime), hard, white <. ...<; 04. 110 210 Site loner onl srcOl bur hare eens Ae Se oe Mons oes oO 15 225 SUrOomeichr Gp LING tas wee oh lan s es Se One tala lar 500 125 Devonian System. Shale; brown, sotv(Chattancova)) (2.45.2. 9. 210) 845 SION Ce (ihe sere halle Sydehliermr< cya mn Ripe keer, Merete 20 865 iumestone (cap rock) hard, black 74.2. ...2. <2 : 5) 870 mre stOne a Said + elas DLO Wie oe. eee eee 3 873 IGATIGR LOMO Webel ea LAI @ ode, taetpe cay ca oir tas eee ete 13 886 mee bone Sank ce ion, e: le 10am eres atyseers On 3 889 Dimes: ones sandGea tard 2 OTAy <4 ye. eee a i 896 LEAL SOME, Wl TU) OTC UE a here ha aera es rene RECT. etc 6 902 Limestone ‘sand, *hard. browm ........0.6...2 9 AE Oba Scent te seert ee tt reer ge ae irene el Log No. 646 Flahaven, No. 138. Commenced: January 1, 1920. Completed: January 27, 1920. Production: Commenced producing February 2, 1920; production 48 hours after shot, 29 bbls. . Strata. Pennsylvanian System. ; Thickness Depth DOL Lace SOLUS ge tgs tis we eta Oa toa toate. + 10 10 poole mew INULO EB eee tes peronel tanta eel ae a, esr olefins << pay 30 40 Sian eee eee ee eee ie eM es nS nee oi 70 AO Mississippian System. Limestone, (ios Lame) (ohardi’ 4c. 6 6Gh2% cae 140 250 PDP a CLs ROLE See te Pete Pcs Fe mbes alia fe ee eee 496 746 426 JIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Devonian System. Thickness Depth Shale, brown, soft (Chattanooga) ..... etene 139 885 Shale (fire clay). *white,tsoft .:-. 0... 6... asm. 18 908 Limestone (cap rock), hard, black ............ 2 905 Limestone “sand,” brown, soft, (oil) ......... 14 919 HOLA TUN Mme re Ree te eae ars, rate pee ne Jao Log No. 647 Flahaven, No. 14. Commenced: August 25, 1918. Completed: September 15, 1918. Production: Commenced producing September 16, 1918; production after the first 24 hours after shot, 150 bbls. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Salida hard -eprOwll an.20 oe re ee eee 15 15 pnales black .wSOLts cue cr ene tere arate eer cena 15 30 Mississippian System. Limestone, white, soft, (Big Lime) .......... a 65 Limestone, white, hard (Big Lime) ........... 70 135 Dialepaereen s SOl twa 60 erase eee ee ee 30 165 Dimestone @ hard ~whitews.. |e eee ee 25 190 Unnamed subs taitceenec. panes cee tre cerns cee 18 208 Shale; hwhitesottee). 2 0 ee eee ee 392 600 Shale red "rocks -soits a5 se eres ee ee ee 25 625 Shales orayes cee acer TE ee oa ee 5 630 Devonian System. Shale, brown; soft. (Chattanooga) =. .24.-5 145 775 Shliales( ire scliy)GrkO lyme ewer ae. eee eee eter 10 785 Lamestoneiy( Gap arocls) sepia ck ee... ee yee ete 5 790 Limestone “sand,” gray, (filled up with oil 125 FOCU) Tee bc feces hear ead Oe ee eee oe ee 5 795 Taimestone sand, 2 ai oll) tenant ee ee eee 7 802 Damestones sand a0 Cray semen cre here ae 5) 807 Limestones sands. suara. 20a Kee, re er ee ee, % 810 Limestone, darkeeees ee ee ee eee 4 814 Limestone; tigbtt Craver. -2 oki tau er te 5 819 Limestone, dark o>. oe ne a eee eis 2 821 Limestone, Dontcgray aoe ae oe See ccs 6 827 Lim EStOn Gites irae cate eeree noe ee et ae eee 10 eS ok Silurian System. Taimestone, 08 (Oil) Boer tae ee etek ere tees aeeiede boos 8 845 Jamestone sreand, (8 Wolter ee rte ne 5 850 Shale;ehard Stree ea ae eee Senet. 7 2 852 Total’ dep th tier etre ecto a. 0 a 852 LEE COUNTY Log No. 648 Flahaven, No. 15. Commenced: July 25, 1918. ust 9, 1918. Production: Commenced producing August 13, 1918; pro- duction after first 48 hours after shot, 5 bbls. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. OL er PIIks Pe Olu r eaten veh ew ress bee ek. SAMC anAD OTA Me er fees Ne Meo « Slade MATOS IAC keen ox. eee ae ee PanOe mur, sora Vee eer Pe Meee cr souks Shale. Nard Cray weOlturanane a impeee folds etn susers Mississippian System. Limestone (Big Lime), hard, gray ...... Diigo, Ard oTeeN we SOlbam, 2 eect yee Dialer: Heir War ORV are ei as Atte ty ores Devonian System. Shale, brown, hard (Chattanooga) ...... PualeM{ HTSGClay, jy CT AVResOLtS ae cites aa te ae Limestone (cap rock), hard, black ...... ee eee oe ee ee eevee Limestone “sand,” brown, hard, (oil) ......... nest one: wuard..: Didck sett ate. ray eee ce Limestone “sand,” hard, black, (no pay) Dae SUONE, va OLAV ne othe ces agers Limestone “sand,” hard, gray, (no pay) Limestone ‘ Limesrone, sat dee OL ave ater eke es Limestone. shard. = brownsese es. c ve ee Silurian System. Limestone “sand,” hard, light, (no water) Limestone “sand,” hard, brown, (no pay) RVG e DAT Cee) ilomr ei B eea te hae bot tineap. ofa. s Totals depth ees wcvcwdsae Moores serene: Log No. 649 oe eee ‘sand,” hard, gray, (best oil) ...... © lee iene eee eee oe 8 ee 427 Thickness Depth 10 6 10 74 35 DA Dre © Old f OO bo Ww oS Flahaven, No. 16. Commenced: September 26, 1918. October 17, 1918. Production: Commenced producing October 19, 1918; Completed: Aug- 10 16 26 100 135 255 265 745 886 901 906 911 915 - 917 922 931 942 948 954 960 963 965 965 Completed: natural production after first 48 hours, 75 bbls. oil; production after 48 hours after shot, 100 bbls. 428 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth OU Le, GT Caden ae eR he hss hee ae 12 EZ Samed + +s Pec cer eer omps on mAs suas, Lone 18 30 Mississippian System. Shale ae cee ree te eo a east et ei ee 15 45 Lamiestoner (bio Lime)" & ssc er gaore, te alone iene wares 125 Lid Slit Tempe ate ees yr ht facets chet pak ae eeee Cee 25 195 TAYINC SEONG ge aot tre ors, ohio Os creat eam Reet ees cape 25 220 Sie eae eer ecg = terete act cece Nace or cer ee a ame 410 630 Shalege (red BOCK \Oh wn oo ae seid eee ie eee 15 645 Shalemthard =o. ec Shs ee es oe ee ee eer ee 20 665 Devonian System. Shalesprown {Chattanovovajea,. er aes 135 800 Fire elayy io bce hoe hm bbe 6 Ae ee eee emer his 817 Limestone (Gap -FOCk )\ 09s inn cent eee ee 5D 822 Limestone sand, . (first pay.) - ae eeenan een 10 §32 Limestone. “sand 2 dark =.= ..0.s nee ee 4 836 Limestone,. sandy 2. Sean + Mocs eee oe ete 9 845 LATWHOSTOIE! soa ah rar 7 oaney het ash ered eel Oe er eee es 6 851 Shalem Hard. “cana se seedy, eee iene ee eee 5 856. EiMeStONG? BU i icrene he oe ee ee 8 864 Limestone’ Sand «tan wi cree da wn peer ee 16 880 Total® depth eet ease. 880 Log No. 650 Flahaven, No. 17. ‘Commenced: November 6, 1918. Completed: November 80, 1918. Production: 24 hours after shot, 80 bbls. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Ol! SPAY S01 lta Pore ge heats a ee aera 10 10 Limestone a Big Dime), hard wihiteses.1 242.5 90 100 Shaléewshard. Dives 30 pee ee oa ee ee ee 485 585 Shaler Tedarockin. sorte mw —chtened- Ge eae D 590 Shaleyehavd blue. woltemees: 2.9 eee ce nee 10 600 Devonian System. Shale, brown, soft. (Chattanooga), svesenc +»... 140 740 Shale, (fire clay. Witte: SOLtec: aire rem tetra: 14 754 Limestone “(eap- rock), ards Dlagkwsse ae ate 4 758 Limestone: “sandy? hard] dark 4 wee le 2 760 ‘aZIS IOJ ISps9y_T puodsss 9Yy} UO J9oWWMeY 9} 9ION ‘AYyONIUI ‘A1UNOD TITS ‘OUTATT JO JSOMYVIOU “YUN Y “JT 94} uO (,,.puvs,, SNOIOJIUIOD) VUOISOWIIT ISepucUg 91 JO sinsodxs uy «AUNVS,, SQOUAAINYUOOD AHL 430 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Devonian System. Thickness Depth Tamestone. “sand, shard brown (oil) -S)5.2... =. 10 770 limestone “sand,” hard: dark —...<...cc0-.0«- 20 12.0 Limestone “sand,” -hard, brown, (oil) ........ 6 796 Isimmestone sel acd eee Ca ver eka es oan es sp cee 4 800 Silurian System. siLmestonerssand); snarls brown, (O1l)) Wot 8 808 Limestone’ “sand, *s hard. white-..) 42.4 es 4 812 lnmestone Scand.’ hards dark]... 7.2... 0.8 12 824 Sa lemectardseep ules csolt: (ates... eer rat ens Aes 5 829 Rota [ede pih o21.. atone een ine SNe ote: 829 Log No. 651 Flahaven, No. 18. Commenced: November 1, 1918. Completed: November 14, 1918. Production: Commenced producing November 15, 1918; natural production after first 48 hours, 75 bbls.; production after first 24 hours after shot, 180 bbls. oil. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SOL Srela Va se OL ta hte Rocce ee ete ne erga en ata eee tor one 12 12 STL OW ie SALT re ae Aenea aoe eee aca 23 a0 SHALOMNaArO sy DYOW Ls ¢ fatten. Gea cei meer acta ibs 50 Mississippian System. Inimestones< Digaizime\s, Ward. oraverews. eye e 140 190 had Grech Td ac cee tec ee tee. Penne oes, GOA Bee ae 20 210 Shale;esolt, (sOapstOue \einwa. a) we wees ee 430 640 Siialem (redier otk sa cry nike oe easier cetely e eee 12 652 Pid LOL AGCL= get oee ae gunie iter eh, Seen hat ue aan ahem ge 10 662 Devonian System. Shalem black S(Ghattanoora) a7. aia e se ge sag ors 148 §10 Shale Are relay leak ait eects satmem tunel on tae Saeny Ae 20 §30 lamesbortes (Can grock ) airmen ete. mare ea trots 5) 835 Lames tone sean’) Ora yet et gtes aay cms obs es 10 845 Lamestone;= DACs ere seen ee art cs 5 850 Jamestone eS "sande feat. ene eee cre > ste. 40 890 Sale ard eco 20 ne eee ey ee Eee aS 4 894 Total cde pus Mates eee Ao. Aedes 894 VOTE—The Devonian-Silurian contact is toward the bottom of the 40 feet of limestone above 890. : LEE COUNTY 431 Log No. 652 Flahaven, No. 19. Commenced: December 5, 1918. Completed: January 4, 1919. Production: commenced producing January 16, 1919; production first 48 hours after shot, 145 bbls. Shot January 6, 1919. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SOUL S01 GU ER eon td Seater se vce vee toms 28 28 Sandstone, svellows mc O10 Mena g iw ase ears, 2 30 SSI LOSE OTL Wr OL LLOMMrS mace eee rerun Sister wren ts ci 0S ais, 43 35 65 Mississippian System. Limestone (Big Lime), hard, white .......... 135 200 Sialomeirandierb Wer. Soltis ee ae clea a A ees 490 690 Sina en(rederock) 2001 tac sie x. tne, oles peal ees 12 702 Salers Nard meen GSOr baht et ates tence el a cers an eee 18 720 Devonian System. Shale, brown, soft (Chattanooga) ............ ig 839 SHAlesA Nreselay) White, geOL tari. see cen Siete vcs 20 859 lamestone (eap rock), hard, iblack ...:...:.. 5 864 UMeSTOMG ee San a al kK hardy Oil) Sec ets e 10 874 Limestone ‘‘sand’’ and limestone, hard, light .. 20 894 TimMestotiem “Samide acliards.) Willi Gesccme. os aise 8 902 siImestone paar de (a Liste ane es cette ar elone. etme 4 906 Limestone. sand. shard. awhitemert ses oat ore 8 914 Silurian System. Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ hard, brown, (no oil) ..:.. 6 920 shaletehard. DIG m SOL bmi kta re sees etek ere aries 3 923 PO berm cle). LH meme. toe Meee tnl «baat ashe 923 Log No. 653 Flahaven, No. 20. Commenced: Feb. 20, 1919. Completed: Mar. 12, 1919. Production: commenced producing Mar. 20, 1919; produc- tion first 48 hours after shot, 100 bbls. Shot March 23, 1919. Strata. / Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Ole OP aioe BOL imme eins Aeipegartie ny ate ae te’ che ie © os 14 14 MAILOSLOM Gs VOllLOW., BOL bars ways a siding as chs ote wissen 16 30 NGG es GAMO Lietitieterericre ss 2 so eer: week een 60 90 432 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF. KENTUCKY Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Limestone (Big iLime), hard, white .......... 120 210 Shalé-ablucwbarde. sOitmerw ee wat kre at A470 * 680 Siraley (Ged ROC Kier con trea Aaah so ce emew me 10 690 Devonian System. shale, brown, soft (Chattanooga) ........... 150 840 Shalewresciay jee wiiite, splits 2 oy ees 20 860 LimestonesCeaperock ). hard, pilaeko i154 fons 4 864 Drmestones sand)" hard wittte* oc... sk se 20 884 URmTestOne ee Sealid. VO LOW, Lt a mee nee cee 20 904 TOtAhs Depth: c6), Gites wal pare teoearit on Gece arms 904 Log No. 654 Flahaven, No. 21. Commenced: Dec. 23, 1918. Completed: Jan. 21, 1919. Production: commenced producing Jan. 25, 1919; produe- tion after first 48 hours after shot, 20 bbls. Shot Jan. 24, 1919. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth DANG WHLLG ss 2k, ele een eats. eer eee oe once ; 20 20 Shale; CTAY oa. Aceon ey ate eS PL ete nee 40 60 Shale, OTA Vi. cles Lear tek eae eee ee eee 40 100 Dae Was oes Sade tan a, a ee ee ee 100 200 Mississippian System. [yn estone: EBie Limi) soiree violas Sees ete 150 350 Sales SOTA V cere eacaeaet ont aueiee Rune cee Near ate ears 25 375 Sen saV etc pe oN on UA erate tearhey ei she WANN, tare Plate cy REL A 25 400 ALE COLL Sin cn eine cade cant Sa ee ee eee hc fo. eee se 400 800 phalen( Ted .fOCk i = .a-ne ok ola ey tre a erry 15 815 Devonian System. phale, brown (OC latiamooge \e. gees caren. sss eel 986 Sale (fire —clayy 2 aie cata Be Me pea se 1G Loe 4), 010s (lamestonen’ “sand, = (pay). see Sa i Ree Lo3 ss 014 Lames tones tblacks c. Sw oy saueickaren nee eter ce hate ke ; 6 1,020 TAMESONE, ATK iaaeedes. es uae eke eden ee kode, 38 1,058 DOval@ode Dikt® fa." suse tne teers. ope 1,058 LEE COUNTY 433 Log No. 655 Flahaven, No. 22. Commenced: Feb. 5, 1919. Completed: Feb. 20, 1919. Production: second 24 hours after shot, 75 bbls. Shot Feb. 4, 1919. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SEARO aN ORV MATA CCONMFD umn yy OP ce Gack ce ek eee tie ee era 50 50 Rodel Seti ar Cab a Cle mmter aman meracet a oa aul Pe woe 200 yaa) Mississippian System. limestone: (Bios Lime), hard, white ... 15... 150 400 phate, soft, white (soapstone) 7...2..5.....+- 440 840 Shrlem(red: rock, fs0Lt, yee = ps tan ciet ere te ac ok H 15 855 halen mhita Piece Vy Cae ont MNase Uta be sues 155) 870 - Devonian System. Shale. Drown soll e( Chattamoold | 5. feces... 140 15,010 RS RLAINe ROLIC er Chay aire WUE Oe grates Once here ch 4) oer oie | oct 20 1;0380 LCR aE acdc Ke emataceete Savee ease aie ccs ei a, 4 1,034 TURES TOME “CCAD RTOCK Weccrnsee sire sete ls se esata aoe De 1050 Tetmestone: Sands 1 COLL) ch cpa eens ov ehetendeitus ore 5 1,044 Shell eo eehe: Sr hor ate ens ty oh ee oe Ae. 2 1,046 ISPOC HEU MOs eld feu Ol eee cen rhe yc ees ys, 6 1,052 Timestonen band --< dark eOTay co... cee ast. ts 2 1,054 DMes tone cs Sam SOTA vow ie sv ostcu an tals nel sae 4 .,1,058 Utes bOU Ga. atti suet LEC) tour ton eee tea cee 22 1,080 TO Get an CD ee een re tara wen arn ee ors aa 7.8 1,080 Log No. 656 Flahaven, No. 23. Commenced: Feb. 7, 1919. Completed: Mar. 17, 1919. Production: commenced producing Mar. 22, 1919; produc- tion after 48 hours after shot, 75 bbls. Shot Mar. 18, 1919. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth NO SsOLi,Sdryy wes. ese e. NOt aby oe TE ar en mn : 20 20 PaMUslonmes Sols sy Sllow ss stoke he. ae eS wiles 25 45 Sis Loves Ol fre nUce aauew ereeoa eketn ath arenes os tiv eke haks 40 : 85 Soa Lees nea Cem UIs SO) T Gamay ne Meyer d seere a ccacat ee 120 205 Mississippian System. Limestone (Big Lime), hard, white ........ 140 345 SHAAN. 0 Gite Rd ila apa gs (0 Ae we oe ONO ae Ni ee a oe 500 845 434 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Devonian System. Thickness Depth Shale, brown, soft (Chattanooga) ........... 130 975 shale (fire clay) a wiitessOt tent cy. se ones 14 989 Limestone (cap focm) snard, black 2. 02... ae 992 Lamestones: (sands eae ar dee TO Wil acess 8. wenn 9 10 OL (Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ hard, dark ........:... 20 15021 Winestomeges sand = ew te, hard = yb oe eae ane i 1,028 Limestone ““sand’’ and Jame, hard, dark .... 3 eal SIREN TEN VOCS OL ipaeetest, Serpe Wem eee nee Taree eee 1,031 Log No. 657 Flahaven, No. 24. Commenced: Mar. 26, 1919. Completed: Apr. 9, 1919. Production: commenced producing April 14, 1919; produc- tion after 48 hours after shot, 100 bbls. Shot April 11, 1919. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Sand sewnite, (sOLt 2 1s acini enema 30 30 Re Oost lennapetin ateere tacit Fons van een) ene aan, Oe 175 205 Mississippian System. Gimeéstone, (Big eisme ja. nee oe eee ee 135 340 Shale, greeticee ., hard, whiter. ..:g5 et « 126 269 redavs tee ieee een MIphV (me COMA oA creer let aus tec My cen eee a es 486 coo miraleg( Te derOck ) ses! Gotene tel ai crears oie, Se ek oe ts 10 765 eet oge N POPCR are go BQN CUNY R ROR aE ones = orem Oe ee 10 Lhe Devonian System. Shale; brown, sot (Ohattano0ga) 2... 2.0... 130 905 MHGICe UreaCla yee Wilkie, G01 camer ened cic aie 15 920 Limestone t(cap rock eahard,darke..... < .3 hom, ae 2 922 Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ brown, hard, (oil) ...... 15 os WAMesLOneg sania wahard: dark. (ty), pau. 3 940 Limestone “sand,” brown, hard, (oil) ........ 5 945 Limestone ‘‘sand,’’? and lime, hard, dark .... 12 957 OAL LOD LU ee. gees site en cee Mea ere cee 5. 957 Log No. 664 Flahaven, No. 32. Commenced: April 7, 1919. Completed: April 29, 1919. Production: commenced producing May 4, 1919; produe- tion 48 hours after shot, 80 bbls.. Shot April 28, 1919. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Otley ota vie SOE ee ly ery eet setae eel eet oe 20 20 Shales hardseDiwe, SOUOn. ote cad ate #4 ap mend ods ome 110 130 438 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Mississippian System. ; Thickness Depth Limestone (Big Dime ji shard, syiite <7... 0 120 250 wales hard aterm SO Li aeeeie 1. cate tree eset ope 470 720 Shale «Cred “TOC ms0 Liege eiaatash . tn one eee 10 730 phalesthardeep lee sort. Bere. eo... cee ee ee 25 755 Devonian System. Shalem brown sett (Ohattamo0ga \o ia. ei eters oes 130 890 puale Cire ely) whit, S6OFE v.erangcs ee eee skeen 16 906 Limestone «(cap erock), hard, blackiey hudson 4 910 [imestoner sands ’?ehard: Drown, acoul i) eon 14 924 Tamestone “‘sand,’’ hard, dark, (mo oil) ...;. 18 942 EO Corl LIers ey cae ie ere ke he ie eee re 942 Log No. 665 Flahaven, No. 33. Commenced: April 23, 1919. Completed May 12, 1919. Production: commenced producing May 16, 1919; produe- tion after 48 hours after shot, 100 bbls. Shot May 138, 1919. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. | Thickness Depth SOL Ora Vs SOL tems ys epeeeveie oie mens Corel te ae goa 25 25 Silas har deb lie eaOT bras tact encucc erence ence 7) 100 Samdstonet ded — SO icy sare keene fates caetire ear ier aae 20 120 Mississippian System. ep N Cea d (made g ake lore ropa a Aten on muon Seine nt gis Fe 20 140 Limestone (Big Lime), hard, white .......... 120 260 alee baed. Vb lUG os0 it iets cl meee Set aetna 470 730 Shaleutred Frock Ve ssOT G7 toe a ee tegen eee ee 12 (4o5 Pod esa CMe ab an MS VROR SPER (OW Maney now waRA Ale Wye oe Aen. ee 27 769 Devonian System. Shale, brown, sort: (Chatiangoga |i 1. a -paeue 13d 900 pale (Tre Clay.) SWwihite, SOU. wuss ks ees velee ae pons 16 916 Limes tOnea( Cap. TrOck |p Warde dari 2. putea Rion. 3 ee!) Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ brown, hard, (oil) ........ as; 932 Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ hard, dark, (no oil) ...... 2514 957% ote Wedel Piece ee weer ne aan ee ee et 95714 Log No. 666 Flahaven, No. 34. Commenced: April 23, 1919. Completed: May 7, 1919. Production: commenced producing May 10, 1919; produc- tion 48 hours after shot, 140 bbls. Shot May 8, 1919. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth OM OTA SOT bse fe cate aie, Mee ai he ogee Rat res t xh Sandstone, yellow. so hig. tewe tae ee este oe 49 50 Shales hard. blevesot tae ee rc eee eee AD 185 LEE COUNTY 439 Mississippian System. : Thickness Depth Limestone GbioshLime) chard eeray so cc i)... 145 330 Pbale mara. Wile me Limes sles Sock ats ke. meals 470 800 Silalew(redsrocky ws0tt, meyer espace n-ne So.) rs 10 810 Shale ward ao liversmcO fiery. 2-8, s-beeccs cake ice che hs 10 820 Devonian System. Shale, brown, soft (Chattanooga) ........... 140 960 Shales (ire, Clay ie Wiites S0tbe cis wedi gre ate + 13 973 Damestone: (cap rock) shard edark ( s.<5). 0. 4 IEC Tnmestone, sand.“ -sbrown, hard.) ( 01) 9a. eo: jal 988 bimestone’ ““sand;’”’ hard, dark, (no-oil)’..-%- eZ 1,000 imestones sand,’? hard seray ;> (ob) .2.. a2. K 1,007 Limestone “‘sand,’’ hard, white, (no oil) .... 4 1004 Dota ad OD tlvatr aes wird soa ne ett sale ome as LOLA Log No. 667 Flahaven, No. 35. Commenced: May 10, 1919. Completed: May 27, 1919. Production: commenced producing June 4, 1919; produc- tion 48 hours after shot, 75 bbls. Shot May 28, 1919. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SOU robe SOL bern cor een tenes cous seem encuseel othe ote lee 12 Shalesehard, eDIG, ecOl tee weer keta ects ter tae rere S L73 185 Mississippian System. ihimestone (Bigulime), hard, white ..222... 135 320 Sa een ar dae DLE mie Lames cent an ere te nema < eee 465 785 olialee( TOdeT OG \ ection bertye cme or 15 800 DBhatecelard sbitle, sOltunn .. see Pt Moe aN e es Bae ass 815 Devonian System. Shale-sbrowls, sole (Chattanooga) elas... .26 + 150 965 Bhglemciracclay), “white m@eOlian esse cn os 15 980 ibimestones(¢ap rock), shard, dark... 35..%. 2. ¢ 3 983 Limestone ‘*sand,’? brown, hard, (oil)-...... ANP, 1,000 UCimestone *“sand,’? hard, ‘dark)-(no. 011)... .<- 18 1,018 AMM hein Lis sey co rs Cen OP ean Oe 1,018 Log No. 668 Flahaven, No. 36. Commenced: April 18, 1919. Completed: May 6, 1919. Production: commenced producing May 9, 1919; production 48 hours after shot, 155 bbls. Shot May 7, 1919. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SOT STAY, SOOL brma a an creek orrssahier a: oi a) 9! Sei) oh lela etrs 20 20 Shale miard. DlWe msO bie caters 6 ch ete wo one sot Fore ; 140 160 440 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY _ Mississippian System. Thickness Depth lnmestone (Bio Lime), oray. shard oe .\.nn ee 120 280 Shale, hard, blue, BO ee Pee sce see 476 756 haley redirock j us0f tae slope thas ace eee oes 14 TEO Shales hard lve rss Orie con Soon. 7g <, route tens sees 10 780 Devonian System. Shale, brown, soft (Chattanooga) .......... : 140 920 mhaled(fresclay jew kite, Soft...) 5 .s%ky ”’ “brown, “hard; (oil) .2) 22. 108) 954 limestones “sand.” @otay bard ye ary) ann. serce 12 966 DORLE Gp tet a. poeta Way cs aot meet ete eee 966 Log No. 669 Flahaven, No. 38. Commenced: May 15, 1919. Completed: June 4, 1919. Production: commenced producing June 11, 1919; production 48 hours after shot, 50 bbls. Shot June 4, 1919. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SOUly -ORav SO te. nes snes poeme Sess Peete 16 16 hale, .beird.- DIME, “SOLU. wales pone Shrsate eee tee 64 80 Mississippian System. limestone: (Big jbune), white, shards. acs. .2e 140 220 Shale hard,.plwesssol te sav ee eae cee 450 670 Shale(tederoek)sssolt, sa shaere cea a eee oe 10 680 Shale*snard “piue, Msi 2 eee fats us de eee ene i> 695 Devonian System. Shale, brown, soft (Chattanooga) ........% ; ie 832 Shales(ire-clay), aw lite.cOLtang as tae eee 12 844 Limestone 4 Ca FOCI). anand suckin cayman eee 3 847 Limestone "sand," Wbrown,, hard-s (oils, «2 14 861 isimestone *"sand,”. -lieht, chard, (nocol)y=24-: 8 869 Limestone and sand, hard, dark, (mo oil) .... 12% ‘°881y% Potal dep tlh Ss ae esis cai eee oes 881¥y% Log No. 670 Flahaven, No. 39. Commenced: June 9, 1919. Completed: June 27, 1919. Production: commenced producing July 1, 1919; produc- tion 48 hours after shot, 10 bbls. Shot June 27, 1919. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Shale, gua. wWihite. usOLty iu ceo. cee ence ae eae 20 20 Saad - hae ese. wrety shee Macis Gk wert eee voc psi soc eae 40 60 Shale Ward, abi ey esOLbee elm ese ee wien teers 120 180 LEE COUNTY 441 Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Limestone (DBigelime); bard, white .:..5..... 150 330 DhaleyMlard , CTeGO es Orient etka awl need os 20 350 DCMS e OP1 Us ee WL LOM nee arenes ku oer es, wc... 20 370 SHAS, PHRAE Oar esol ters. t ee Meee eres kee 448 818 Devonian System. Mae Oe OW Team OME Chait Oe, Namie. akcemer ages a, 140 958 Bialer(Cirencla view whiten mms ania, ye mtn. tas 20 978 Shale (red rock) Byer 2 980 Winrestone, (capireek echand, idarkists, fh. oo% 3 9838 Eamestonece sand: a cearip tet tat tic Aneel ae Sil 1,014 OCG) Liteura we aleares, fac cemaa Utes tee oat Pe 1,014 Log No. 671 Flahaven, No. 40. Commenced: May 30, 1919. Completed: June 6, 1919. Production: commenced producing July 12, 1919; production after 48 hours after shot, 1 bbl. Shot June 17, 1919. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. . Thickness Depth BS OL me a VaranlO £ tyene retire gcnai ace eae aie te es ae clk ee rae 20 20 Sirloin rete DUG a GO Lia teator eye nt seo ees one ct 80 100 PO NOS ROL OMY MOL t enon 7st sk aie tants lee: 32 132 Mississippian System. damestone: (Big wbime), hard, white 7 .5.....+ 138 270 Shale. Ward. sblitesss0ib 2 yak See ee ee ae 505 (as Dialesered LOCK) eS01 ty pn tad eee ees. cote 5 780 Shaleslhard. bl ue-esOb umenow oe sees acl wikett weer ees D 785 Devonian System. Shale, brown, soft: (Chattanooga) «..0. 2.05 42.48 125 a1 0 plales (ire clay, sew hte, Leonor +3... choc et ae 12 922 Dimestone (cap rock) -ihard, \darkai. nian... 3 925 Dimesione Sisands brown, Nard 6. =. ..6.. on, 937 Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ white, hard, (no oil) .... 16 Hae. OUALSO CDE Nee te Mae weet ot ore ck ta! 953 Log No. 672 Flahaven, No. 41. Commenced: May 26, 1919. Completed: June 7, 1919. Production: commenced producing June 14, 1919; produc- tion after 48 hours after shot, 50 bbls. Shot June 9, 1919. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth FOAMS DADO Leeman tie eM Sts aisee ce ot ohio koe aoe ae oe casks 12 12 UDG MT ee O LUA COL Ten tee eee AGeuettan nee ies a: 2 15 20 DaNdstone wera oO teeter Wy crcl: wipaea Hoty ee et to 100 Bile, ard. pliers l ieeon tera eunecce ce SA hy 115 ras) 442 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Mississippian System. . Thickness Depth Limestone (Big Lime), hard, white ........ 135 350 Shaleuhard.» Dilwe. cod tee has .c kw pete ae oe ee ee eee 20 851 Limestone ui -cand wc arkoersol te eer ee 10 861 OC AILICD iL aaeeetag meager irene, tee S61 Log No. 674 Flahaven, No. 43. Commenced: May 21, 1919. Completed: June 122 10093 Strata. Pennsylvanian System. “Thickness Depth Ol QUAY.» Ol bee weet ee et eee ee 20 20 Shale hard blues sottaw- ace. sees ie eee 110 130 MandstOle,y Cray a GOL tues ohedtel oy eek eee ee 30 160 LEE COUNTY 443 Mississippian System. Thickness Depth rise lis Tico) SOdtcG emeeceis rec enen ee eee, os Pa ok 20 180 Limestone (Big Lime), white, hard Rae ie ee 120 300 Pes ee eD) LUe, ms O Eileeeeema cee birot oo) cidne) ecaliss «wis ash 480 780 Siales (reds roel) ASO te maw espe Askew h we Ss csh « 10 790 Devonian System. ; Shale, brown, soft (Chattanooga) .......5... 150 940 Sills oiiir eaglay i wOie e0lire.. a cet. oes 55 5 2s 965 ingestonse “eap rock) shard; dark . i. secsnue.. 2 967 Limestonet “sands hard dark, (orl). 22.6 24: ie 982 Lumestone:" sand,’ hard, dark, (dry). ..2. s. 4 986 limestone: “‘sand,’? hard, white, (dry) °... ....< 8 994 ROW Ais GO Pt Meade ney on haere ets. o Suat ahah os 994 Log No. 6%5 Flahaven, No. 44. Commenced: June 16, 1919. Completed: July 8, 1919. Production: commenced producing July 12, 1919; production 48 hours after shot, 15 bbls. Shot July 9, 1919. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth PoLOv Es alg! G2 RSs LON Hr Uh cla nae ce eS a Lamas tare Pa re eae 20 20 see Aye 102 a Meg MAUS 3 yh ONO RR ea gre ae te a es 145 165 AMGeLOne, OTAY,) SOL Ly cs Baer ere 8 portance 15 180 Mississippian System. Limestone (Big Lime), hard, white 2.......- 140 320 Sale tare Does Okie eer ren cele rs coe 430 750 Shale (red rock), sof. 6.00. Gacea oe 15 765 Hales ed 2 DUG Ol beret lee tern Oa Oe eon 5D 820 Devonian System. Shale, worown, soLt GUbabtanoood) | ...ce. +4 : 130 950 Palen tke clay Swiites SOL cee. .ut shale bc. eat 18 968 Limestone (cap rock),-hard, dark .5°. o.2. =, 4 972 amrescone “sand; ebrown, hard’... 500+ sca 12 984 Limestone’ sand;’? hard, dark, (no, oils... 4 987 Go Lede) COG UR ei ers) eatad count at a dees peat Log No. 676 Flahaven, No. 47. Commenced: July 5, 1919. Completed: July 16, 1919. Production: commenced producing July 19, 1919; produc- tion 48 hours after shot, 10 bbls. Shot July 17, 1919, between 899 and 909 feet. Strata. ‘ Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth ES ALe, aeices (BO tie ae eaten ie reese eo otc. alt ist aoe 100 100 444 OL) FIELD STRATIGRAPHY. OF JEN TUCICY Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Himestome (Big wlime aba ew iite ot ne. cras se 140 240 Shales sO0lt,; Ov Rites eam seein ote a re bres 490 730 Devonian System. Shale, brown, sett (Chattanooga) .........-- 160 890 Dialer Ciresclay WeOray sO tie tn. eo cac uns es 6 896 Timestone Geanerock | hard volack cen ean. 2 898 TIMest Ones Sanders nO Wil. tarde on, sas, cee last 909 Toe gece tees teens ae tar cs pean eee ee 909 Log No. 677 Fiahaven, No. 48. Commenced: July 14, 1919. Completed: Sept. 19, 1919. Production: commenced producing Sept. 20, 1919) produc: tion 48 hours after shot, 6 bbls. Shot Sept. 18, 1919, between 958 and JOSeL eel. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth ROP Mall HRA ee a tONM ear ere nay a rece RA ceo. Yeh eR ey re 50 30 Satan lies SOc ber an tre eee ee nea ee ey ene eee 100 130 Mississippian System. Sale Menards Wwlhtte. oo aese-cec.. ene cere eres 50 180 ibimestone (Bie Gime), hard; white .-s..-.... 110 290 Draler rare white Solty 4a tec. a enn ee ee 510 800 Devonian System. hale; brown, Solt(Chattanooca = 24 2... ee 135 935 Shales (ire clay Ww alte; sO tte e. aire nner ne Yeah 956 LAM CSLOwe (Cap. Tock = shard i ackomaatc.a. as 2 958 Dimestones “Said, °*oraye-s0lt.. (Oil) ses eee 10 968 TOUAL SA GOUH Bianco tss8 Ate, ape ee ee 968 Log No. 678 Flahaven, No. 49. Commenced: Aug. 11, 1919. Completed: Aug. 19, 1919. Production: commenced producing Aug. 27, 1919; pro- duction 48 hours after shot, 4 bbls. Shot Aug. 20, 1919, between 1012 and 1026 feet. Strata. : Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth DOllS DIAC ee OLE permet nel cere reheat eee, 12 le Sands sOrOW i 101 La hae ee ee ee en ree 78 30 Shale brow sol tae eee ee eee ee 109 199 LEE COUNTY 445 Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Limestone (Big Lime), hard, white .......... sagah 360 Paes Wilt ONS rb Mmritarn We Ral eer eeestc,k ones auc 480 840 Slee (Peder Ock la ms0 tue tena oc carat hee Pes 5 845 . rebate Whe hlean tga anche AC umt rs fw nls 6 JP ee Rl ce a a 15 860 shale, “brown, Soft: (Ghattanooga).......)... - 132 Joe Shale, (ire Clays WOibe, SOG @ 00.02. 6a 2 eae Lose LOG Irmestone (cap rock) hard, edarke s.) sens aw 5 LA Oslee Limestone “‘sand,”” dark, soft; (pay) ...c4<. 14 1,026 OOt aba che [plage ea aciter ete oie rad ke oes 1,026 Log No. 679 Flahaven, No. 51.’ Commenced: July 29, 1919. Completed: Aug. 20, 1919. Production: commenced producing Aug. 26, 1919; produc- tion 48 hours after shot, 4 bbls. Shot Aug. 21, 1919, between 944 and 959 feet. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Sand#etone (mountain), white, S0ft 2......5.-.. 145 145 Mississippian System. Dimestone. (Big ihime), hard;swhite= «..... =. « 125 270 lem Ar Coe Wiliite.e SO Lbeem ices Poker oo ets eal eee a balk (Goal Devonian System. Shale, brown, soft (Chattanooga) ........... 140 921 Vialos(irerclay Me wOlle, produc- tion 48 hours after shot, 60 bbls. Shot Aug. 30, 1919, between 1018 and 1028 feet. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth ManeelONe,e VOLlow,cCOl bs a1 extern eee ee ee, 40 40 Slinle shards darks a0£t «sencch hee eee ern 110 150 shale and shells; heht-and. bard si see ieee 85 235 Shale (fre-clay)., whites sOlt oa nee eee 10 245 Mississippian System. Limestone (Big Lime), hard, white 2-7... slays 380 Shale? chard soreen, qs0t tatty aera et ee ee 20 400 Shale. hard! ewihtite: sw rcs oor a eee ee 200 600 PALS? AAA iy etre ae One ey nee ee ee Oe ae 40 640 hale Mhard. (SOT tects eee, een eee ae 220 860 Sheale=(redorock ect. ee tants eee re, reemeee 10 870 Devonian System. whale, brown (Chattanooga) ses. seucan eee 138 . 1,008 Wisi lea Hemel ay.) eet el eee vee Se) 15016 LAmMestones(CAp mock Vee Ward wndar were eee ce 2 OLS Dimestones sand, alight scott, (Oil). ance ace 10 1,028 ABapreN EONS Sie, OR oe RRO. Sa pork eh 1,028 Log No. 684 Flahaven, No. 58. Commenced: Aug. 22, 1919. Completed: Sept. 3, 1919. Production: commenced producing Sept. 8, 1919, production 48 hours after shot, 30 bbls. Shot Sept. 4, 1919, between 816 and. Oa omt eet. LEE COUNTY 449 Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Our arite SOLS oc, eb Pete Remees tacett haere ay cata wat ae 40 40 Limestone (Big Lime), hard, white ......... 130 170 his Os ear he WIL LORPR OLE ware et wey sericea tees o ose 485 655 Devonian System. Shale, browns solv (Chattanooga) 9... .... - 139 794 Shales (ures clays) p WWite meCO numa cesta ee osc oa 20 814 (Limestone (cap rock), hard; black .......... 2 816 ‘Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ brown, soft, (oil) ....... al 828 DOAN CC Mes cra wenn uc RenO tees tr teMa es e's cena : 828 Log No. 685 Flahaven, No. 59. Commenced: Sept. 6, 1919. Completed: Sept. 20, 1919.. Production: commenced producing Sept. 24, 1919; produc- tion 48 hours after shot, 35 bbls. Shot Sept. 22, 1919, between 997 and 1006 feet. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SOE Sra Cc OL Garett ect wees. tealen rere. ae sts. caine 14 14 Sunder omer ered meso LlMn ee fers ake ones ete Sal 195 Mississippian System. Limestone (BigLime.), hard, white .22.....%. 155 350 Be S Obits cWill b Orme ae sia «oka atace o1Sete wt eros « : 499 849 ShaAlecdreds TOC). (OLE gw cend cite. tate he sa toute te 5 854 Devonian System. Shale, brown, soft (Chattanooga) -..........%. 125 Ooo Shalev Gire clay \oewhite; SOLt Mau. se se ens so 15 994 lamestone (cap rock)..hard,; black’ 20.052". ost. «1 - 2 996 bimestane.. “Sandy. 1DrOWl. SOll wae Gal. oa euie en 10 1,006 LOCA GOD tlie savant eses lat Aiegare as arc carers 1,006 Log No. 686 Flahaven, No. 61. Commenced: Sept. 1, 1919. Completed: Oct. 1, 1919. Production: commenced producing Oct. 12, 1919. Shot Oct. 6, 1919, between 996 and 1004 feet. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth OGL menace BOLG Wa oq at shes eps bate aacvatste cate ate oAie 40 40 Siantibsvy Shem ody pie st ee on et enue EES 80 120 Slap a Pw Nite. Oem iat chee sikenaks were arses 60 180 450 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Limestone (Big Lime), hard, white °:...... 130 310 Shales har dpe Wiles Unt aries eaasitccsrepcrtyeraises 540 850 Devonian System. Shale, sbrown, soft (Chattanooga) ........3.. 120 $70 Helm (Ahem ola yey, aww OILG. BOLE 2.0) ct ny sg-gel=) sot eeee 22 oa MiMesto tem CAperoOcl() , lard, ab rac Keres ae ear 2 Dio Gimestovess sande? hard, dark, 4 O11) "ees oe 8 1,002 IGMCELON Ewe Ard sWILLbG. scm ’/sbrown, softs: (Oily so... 6s TZ 1,022 LOG Red, PCLOR IC Hetrecte ce tg Beet, Js ere eo Pacey 1,022 Log No. 690 Flahaven, No. 65. Commenced: Oct. 24, 1919. Completed: Nov. 25, 1919. Production: commenced producing Nov. 30, 1919; produc- -tion 48 hours after shot, 10 bbls. Shot Nov. 26, 1919, between 902 and 912 Test. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth CONN eM ThE VN a On Fay eee eek SAAT CEPR ce Rag oy BO 100 100 1 e |e 5 PSO EW LG OL bate ys, eke cp aey ti ey ed eben s slat ero Lo alia 3) 452 OL be PINDDSS TRAtTiGRAPRHY OF KENTUGEKY Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Limestone (Big Lime), hard, white ........ Pred 276 Siale Shardes wil tewesOlt a vss chctele Gucte wre tscotcs 464 740 Devonian System. ; Shale,spre wl, sort (Chattanooga) es 140 880 Shalemiirerclay, -willlte, SOLt). osu. : sade eens on 20 900 Limestone (cap tock); black, Warde ss. ai 2 902 Limestone ““sand,’* brown, soft, (Coil) ova... 10 912 ARO AMG Ret oid Oe rm tecrn rn titi y DoS Ce kc Rh 912 Log No. 691 Flahaven, No. 67. Commenced: Sept. 14, 1919. Completed: Oct. 11, 1919; Production: Commence producing Oct. 17, 1919, production 48 hours after shot, 12 bbls. Shot Oct. 13, 1919,, between 1145 and LL ts eet, Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SOL PPO 5180 leo eaat cena coctne es ee neers ope toner nome 12 12 and. Hurd: edu case teh onc eo poe meme eee eee ee 160 ee hale; shard, white, p0tt <0.06% 580 6. s sat rorer ene 40 212 Sandogred. SOLt mecca: oh cage lol Sart ce eee be renee 28 240 Shale shard; Cray. SOLG ius te cers nene mee ee ae 130 370 Sand ard. (olaele es ease eee eee re are 30 400 Mississippian System. Limestone (Bis Lime), tard, white... i.e. 120 520 ohale, shard sereens SO. .0- =, ae ote eee, 506 wis!) Tigmestosme hart. = Whiten scree etree ene eens 20 590 Shale shard.) whites colin wicca cee eee eee 405 995 Devonian System. phale, brown, sort) (Chathanoopa) 0s see : 0 Slee phales( fre lay) ow bile. sO utern, 19 ae meen oO ue Vivek 142 iamestone (cap rock), dard; black. .....°05 26 SA wt 25) Limestone ‘““sand;’? brown, thard «J0....¢... iby? Lelie TOtAPe de Dilite eins. hepatoeins eee : 15157 Log No. 692 Flahaven, No. 68. Commenced: Sept. 25, 1919. Completed: Oct. rea N, ORES E. Silata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Sairtd {Ped IM GCL Weaee ete ese Ate een tee eee 205 205 Limestone. Mard;ewnite oot cee ee ee eee Lo) 215 Shale, dark. meqilinieus,... 2) aera ee eee 85 300 Hand, hard,- whites eee eet ae 30 330 Shales Ganks sort. este ce tee eee eee re 30 360 LEE COUNTY 453 Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Limestone (Big Lime), hard, white .......... 125 485 Mee WHILE, CMECILECLAIN Gace st tSee oe cathe ee Pletal « 504 989 Devonian System. Shale, brown, medium’ (Chattanooga) ....... bs OR ees DM ae, Widl Les SOLteL ss ord aoa eee ae 4 : 18 ee ibimestone (cap rock), hard ,dark’......... 2 Lat39 Iaimestone, sand; 72, hard. crave asec sacs 65 1,204 DO Lee ccla Ee MeGibe sce) emetic et armen cones era oe een cad s 4 1,208 EDO Tel eit iiyiet at «c caved wie oes Serene ’ 1,208 Log No. 693 Flahaven, No. 69. Commenced: Oct. 6, 1919. Completed: Nov. 7, 1919. Production: commenced producing Nov. 12, 1919; produc- tion 48 hours after shot, 6 bbls. Shot Nov. 8, 1919, between 994 and 1005 feet. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. ‘ Thickness Depth Gravelsinds suale. Drow SOlt a... ae ek . cee 55 55) Siler tard sari SOLU mrs irs sexeg ee recalsce 140 195 Mississippian System. Bameston6 -(big lame), gray, hard. ........%. 135 330 Bl Ce Oray ecOlGngsr mf aes basa topeee en we tee 506 836 Devonian System. phate brown, self (Chattanooga yi 1,2.-.0.... 140 976 miler Chrenclay je “white, sOlts hice .te 7 eer 3 15 991 HimMestene- (Cap erocis). BARC, dite ncaeeacgees cc 3 994 Limestone ““sand;’* brown, ott, (O1l) > 2... 4 ial 1,005 OLA CLO DUIN) top cte omen oe Soe rena. c cts <. ee at 1,005 Log No. 694 Flahaven, No. 70. Commenced: Oct. 24, 1919. Completed: Nov. 13, 1919. Production: commenced producing Nov. 11, 1919; produc- tion 48 hours after shot, 10 bbls. Shot Nov. 15, 1919, between 1003 and 1014 feet. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Sai wwii Cosme l tame aay pee serene eras te ode walt, ae 14 14 Se AMAT orc al K, peach en ee ee cas dee aes 40 54 atic SHAT, (CAD knew s oa, cecein mie. ts) Eos aie ae fen 141 L955 454 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Limestone. (Bie, Line) shard ewhite sf. tars 130 325 puale; ward. and soapstone. WHiters..5. 7 asieene 530 855 Dhale S (PeOsrOG ) mes O Dimer amity tate sine cst ciety 10 865 Devonian System. Shale brown, sorb (Chattanooga) ttn... sans 120 985 Dhaley Girerclay ya wiiite, S01 tie. sme vies saree 1s 1,000 inimestone. (Cap rock),, bard, dark). G20 5.050 Zee: Pinvest On esas Same POWs SOLt& ay. cs ois kee 12 1,014 OL AUG AOD ENe caress Ss yerste ct ca vonet ua eee kee ene ole 1,014 Log No. 695 Flahaven, No.-72. Commenced: Oct. 2, 1919. Completed: Oct, 31, 1919. Production: commenced producing Nov. 6, 1919; production 48 hours atter shot, S bbis2 “Shot @Nov.. 1) 1919; Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Soil wblack- SOL Ss vir eae oe tana ie eerie ; 80 80 Sand. ewihliters SOLG™ wal. enki peat ee ones ae ces 35 niga Fs) Mississippian System. Limestone (Big Lime), hard, white ......... 130 245 tale; Vardar w hites@sOLie ors lene ee ern 472 eal, Devonian System. Shale, brown, soit (Chattanooga) ......... 5. 140 857 Shalev nresclay ss wilte; SOL ter. aecsie eee rode 20 877 lamestone (cap rock), hard, iblack=.7..5%.. .. if 878 Tamestones sand; "brown. 50te, \COll ae... ar 10 888 TPotaleaent Wakes ctertug tonsa: Cone crees eh comer rere 888 Log No. 696 Flahaven, No. 75. Commenced: Nov. 21, 1919. Completed: Jan. 1,-1920.. Shot. Jian 25 1920; between 11.01 and) P17 9teet. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth ISO1] wo laeks "Sol Pee ecent. sa oer Ronee eae eee 6 6 SAT: WUE Ger SOL Ure or emeire cece merece cakes mace meyers 119 AS Shale shard. white ma0te acters ee reer 165 290 Mississippian System. Limestone (Big ilime), hard, white ......... 130 420 pede sMeae NVEW MOI ony MONT Red ac Te Rie Rr cr AH inn mums howe 4h 490 910 LHE CUUN'TY 499 Devonian System. Thickness Depth Shale, brown, soft (Chattanooga) ........06.- 140 1,050 Shale (ure! Clay sr wWilterrsOLi ass. ms 2. cathe. 210 el ee Limestone (cap roek), hard, black ..:..7.... Zaels01s imestome re lard pha ccs peeenetal ete rnc ers cleo, Siac 11 1,084 DANTESCONe Sand ee APO se Watt Oo ci.) ss sie pede anes 32 EG DAMestoness sand. mowite, s0Lt...( O1))\ rer... Akal UE Ar LOTALE Ce pt Deeescrstemey etre aowes Ate see, fuss « BLAS Brag Log No. 697 Flahaven, No. 76. Commenced: Feb. 21, 1920. Completed: April 5, 1920. “Production: 48 hours after shot, 3 bbls. Shot April 5, 1920, between 961 and 971 feet. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SOLE SO Lee, eet Roa a ee ae eel ee er aE 90 90 SAN meh ee LUG cen Mite arte nue chee MaceemC ted coetter cies 105 ns) Mississippian System. Limestone (Big Lime), hard, white .......... 105 300 Shalev Wards creen sitar. se ated cect. e 20 320 DML mars OL s OOk teen usne etal ctevcchs rion. clatete 503 823 Devonian System. shale, black, soft) (Chattanooga)... ,s1.,.. : 110 933 WOU GSU OMe mar sl ar oe eee phe oye i 10 943 piale. (irenciay alent. bard = enemies : 14 957 INestones (Cape FOC) a whard, mila kiss. see: 2 959 Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ hard, light and dark, (oil) 12 oi Aaesot EGG Ry alt eh Paes oh Hieceey cmd, te een nO Oe PTL NOTE—The single occurrence of 10 feet of limestone between the ‘‘fire clay’’ shale and the black shale of the Devonian is unusual. Log No. 688 Flahaven, No. 77. Commenced: Nov. 13, 1919. Completed: Dec. 18, 1919. Production: commenced producing Dec. 23, 1919; produc- tion 48 hours after shot, 15 bbls. Shot Dec. 20, 1919, between 1119 and 1130 feet. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth OMe Te me CCa Wieser we eas wala roots ere Sena eeln hes te 195 oe Se ear oe Th) OCU Uhm tate take: cies se caebers tere. oe snes 145 340 Mississippian System. Limestone (Big Lime), hard, white ......... 120 460 eG ew PTOCI COL lima instar eier av me ne eaela ers 20 480 Shale. “wihits.. sive euiiew asia e+] aue con 1 cee ee eles 487 967 456 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Devonian System. ‘Thickness Depth Shale, brown, medium (Chattanooga) ........ P30 eis 09'e Ate; owWihitess SOL Gee eee ees ee. Ok ee re ; 20 ye | Limestone (cap rock), hard, dark .......... Helos apt hess I Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ ibrown, hard, (oil)....... ae eel. 0 Mitaledepth eee ete els te ate eee 1,130 Log No. 699 James M. Olinger, No. 3, lessor. ‘Commenced: July 16, 1918. Completed: Aug. 22, 1918. Shot: Aug. 19, 1918. Authority: Ohio Oil Co. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SOlMe DIOWD, "SOT? .6 « eantices coe wee eet eae 30 30 Pan, Wards Dr. w ie wn eco stone cee er era ee ee 20 50 shale, hard, “and shells, :oraye Gc s caw sees 269 319 Mississippian System. LAmestone, hard a white su Sees eee ets eore me 90 409 Shalewbard; and ssnells ewlous. cetera 425 834 Devonian System. Shale, brown (Chattanooga) .......:......> , 160 994 Shale, DLW. 80 bys eigen ann othe ee eee ee 15 1,009 Dimestones (Gap Sh0GK \igraie. Aer crane ee eee ‘ 25 861,034 Limestone “sand. 7. Drow ae oe aes ie eee ee 21 1,055 Lotalwlepth)\inaads. ceeteey Ae kote carte toe 1,055 CHAPTER VII. LOGAN COUNTY. Production: Oil and Gas. Producing Sands: ‘‘Shallow’’ (Mississippian), Corniferous (Devonian), Niagaran (Silurian). Log No. 700 M. H. Hall, No. 1, lessor. Authority: The Bertram Developing Co. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Pvt ener TS Meee nf eR TIOAE oar ou ne'n, Sa TL ote erm ees 4 4 ALIIVEES OMCs WU 1 Ul On tog hoy, cose Xe usa hecpator cota pei a wish wae a0 6 400 cL eshomes -ChOCOlAtey We. < foie gue ate bie case ass ae 400 800 TOSCO Cor CLK take eens creek Me. tae iene ata ae aeh a e 241 1,041 Devonian System. Rlaler ( Chacita M0000) ee cies cette 6s 5 aba ate. sd) ane ie eS (mirestone= “Sand WC woter jars. 2 piss aban 20 shea Gees mestone, pvartable- qncecolor -.24 24 si. Ae eee P 123 1,261 isimestone- Scand >and shale. aay. fscke « 2 4 1,265 LAH eSTONE pvetiia les ineeolorer ase. . nse 6 octets 127 1,392 PO Cer Mol Gp bt Penne et eta av cecal 1,392 Log No. 701 Flowers, No. 1, lessor. (Location: 2 miles south of Russellville. Completed: Feb. 25, 1921. 1st shot, 40 qts. 1st showing, 565-585. 614 in. easing, 395. Authority: C. A. Phelps, Bowling Green, Ky. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth ENTVGe LOM Cars Lerma LC eee tan ataccr Auks Stee ie a cee are vst 15031 Devonian System. Tia Ore Olas cae eee en ein a rae eam eee cee ga 94 ie Less LIAL CSC OLLOnm Wil Ub Cmeee Sec uke cocirlits tice ih oRee stot seer ee 20 1,145 TRUIMESLON GO. cOCAP) LOCK.) iret cea ee tru) sue cls ese es 30. 15175 WE PEW TNC 0 hy Pees A A pire eet me aie car T,L7) Log No. 702 Shaker, No. 1, lessor. Authority: C. A. Phelps, Bowling Green Ky. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Lamestotiess shales. eben. eve, ven ets ues eta, ee ; 1,038 1,038 Devonian System. Shales black *CChattamoggay tsi 0. « oceans 19 ny 458 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Limestone (cap rock) ........ SG he nt 26 1,143 Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ (oil) good rine) hes ec IMs SAR tGKS) Tope] we Pit geeeemenc tener eile ks 1s) ote NePro = (ore 1,158 Log No. 703 Nourse, No. 1, lessor. . Location: 3 miles east of Russellville. Au- thority: GC. A. Phelps, Bowling Green, Ky. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth TLimestones, snoales; 66G.) 7°.) aie ee co 10.9.0 1,090 Devonian System. Shale, black (Chattanooga) ........+.++..06: SLs Lia UaIMeSbONG, Will bet ei sitet Lpokekow beast chs tees tMakeL olen, 50 1220 Limestone, white: and blue: t.4.....2106 .. see 10 1,235 (iM OStONe, STAY = cai ee sie © erie )-muoh iu eosetenons 34 1,269 Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ on By Iniay ethan ey eaecaaeeen 5 1,274 Total depth. (5 sce rgetees inte tel edo Eeteastan sds 1,274 Log No. 704 Johnson, No. 1, lessor. Location: 214 miles northeast of South Bend. Shot 60 qts., 1,102-1,115. 6134” casing, 429. Shot 60 qts., 1,181-1,200. Authority: C. A. Phelps, Bowling Green, Ky. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Limestoues ashales, c6lG@s. 0. oes oe rete eer nee en 930 930 Devonian System. Shales black’ snes wees cuts tana eae ee een ae enone 72 1,002 Lam estome, “WILE. ca. tear oto cine cuenta ean perc ome 30 1,032 TDiestoue; Sian aso se ees es hte ata ete emeeee es 43 1.075 Silurian System. Dimestones*¢sands") (whites water) er. ny.nstan on 10 1,085 Ibimestone sisand sn 3) o's 5 100 OS dO TEN taraguct a et enew tise ors PP eeu h ty" 2 cet ot 100 466 OIL FIBLD SERATIGRABREY: OF KENTUCIOY MAGOFFIN COUNTY. Production: Oil and Gas. Producing Sands: Pottsville (Pennsylvanian), Maxton, Big Lime and Wier (Mississippian). Log. No. 720 Harris Howard, lessor, No. 1. Bedrock Oil Co., lessee. Location: Meadows Branch of Upper Licking River. Elevation: ??? Strata. Thickness Depth Pennsylvania System. Soll 4s, Me 2 ries + tees ito oe et ee een eee 26 26 Sha le--i7. wees SS earatnn pe einen se ieee eee ee 34 60 Gog 5 tek se ate Te SOE ee ite ee 3 63 Seale ia. castes as wok eit Aes oa a ene 104 167 Cie7) iene tate era ry ety eat Bot aS 3 170 co 916 erate ee Mar tert tere, A menu OE Riese me WR re Pe aa 15 185 Sand white s(show.ofloil |e ote ek eee eee 10 195 DAW cla nce Saku wid uw cAAR TERS Gt, loka eae, en a 80 275 Sand! and; shileo eye tents ee ne eee 25 300 ladles sits ceed tone ie, erase eens noe Ca ee ee 20 320 Shales: iycis. Wel eres en See ys eee ee 155 475 Sand) white: (ous at. 000+)) cee ce eee ee Zo 500 Sand.“ white, (show. of oil) ana ee tee 50 550 mand, salt water -ateo 10 ase. eee ee eee 20 570 Shale s-istns cceh eee Dine 4 eee ale ee 70 640 Mississippian System. De LO pee, cance atte ac eee Beni eee ed ee ee 100 740 Limestone, white (Big. Lime) 3... 5 eee 95 _ 835 Shales atvzcaas neh cee cart ae ens ees re ee ae 80 915 Sand (Shows -ot@il \ie. si sensei tee eee ee eee 50 965 Sls. les Sunbury eidses eon ee eae eee 195 1,160 Sand, *saltcwatersnéaritopsta-ne 55 ae ee ee 801,240 phales sandy ashello@ ove amen 45 eee es eres Omen les lO Solt. black#shale = (SuUnbuty jue. ss ety cee en eee eee 40 1,350 Hard, yellow, sandy, shales( Berea) =. a,..25 see 40 1,390 “AM “OD JoisqoM ‘ourpoIjuy Yooip Ysnoy Jo quII]T 4YNOS 9Yy} UO 00d “AMON US Ul sjutod AuvuU 1B JIONpoAd s[qissod wv SI PUB PULS SUTIAJIOAIOSOI {IO JUST[IOXO UBS ST 9X{[IAS110q eu] ,,sesnoy yo04d,, WO wos 0F ADuUOpus}, poyavwW VB sdoidjnNoO YI A9AD DIDYM SIGCIYX9 SoTI9S Soainsvesul [VOD 9} Jo suOIsSpURS [eSeq SIU, \ELVUAWOWOTIDNOO ATTIASLLOd FO GDag1 : 468 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Devonian System. Thickness Depth Shale, sottablack |(Chattancova) et... 2a vegeta ee 360 ~=—s«d1, 80 Shale. Sora ys Soest eer ee mee Meee iss ects ot oe 116 =1,866 pandy lime, bard om fopmeweet AG qc: see 8 1,874 Limestone, soft and hard streaks, gray, 1870-1874.. LG) SiEsos SANG. WiiomeOmemlIIestOne -.-.0 ae cane awnia eee ll 1,804 Limestonefhard-and) sottsstreaks 02... 0.4. on ils AGRON We Limestone, scandy iter 25042 eee ae mee 9 14,925 Limestone, hardtand?sottealternately 7.0.0... .-:s.. of 7a 1,062 Mica WE GC) Sha Nie ey PO op mee arene tee eed, eghih aren eramant 1,962 NOTE—At 1,240 casing was drawn, and salt water filled well to within 300 feet of tle top. Log No. 721 Clay Adams, No. 1. C. K. Dresser, Bradford, Pa., lessee. Loca- tion: Head of Raccoon Creek. Production: 5 bbls. prior to shot. Com- pleted to Wier sand, October 2, 1920. Authority: W. G. Roeder, Lex- ington, Kentucky. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Sandstone, stale and econ yay oo aiak peters ons 420 420 Sando DTO Wine octets siete! «seers foneh en epee ers 12 432 Sand Chole fullyotewater), 181i. sp. ie cay ened aes ois 38 470 Sand Sete oe ea ona eine eae Be re 60 530 Mississippian System. Inmestome, whiter vj5.4.% ..o8< ucst auras, te 60 590 (Lames One. White: Wadi. no ee ceee ee css ane cee ane 60 650 Sele DING ee! ph mescece es omen nee tear oe ers ahaa ae ae Ae 80 730 Sales Warde Dia Kot. awn aa weenie ene i oan cena 22 752 Raheem Ay LIL e are ae on een ieutian. ote va ce eee eee eee en eee re 135 887 DaNds KCOANSC = 2( O45 \ame. cette Meee en, onsets eet mene iets 8 895 JMMESEONE, MSA y) aca cite ate kes te eeicenic ee eros 5 900 Limestone: and=shaleweproken 7. sni,ancss a. one ote 4 904 Die we SAIL yon. ee eee ee er cera te eerste 4 908 LAM Stone dak ser avon iver hee ee ag ets ee rece 3 914 Dadi ee CON 6 Ce Sai Cty we tes Rees Cater serene cs 8 ‘919 Sands thards at ke eee a eens nar eee nye eres. 2 921 MORALS NO Laven OPAC ee erie ees aac tacm etcetera 20 941 OHale ns Gate yeh. cn. act ete ewe Meme a eue sect ae 5 946 and, COALS, wil On tay OTS, Veer en haste ws epee cee 12 958 Sarid; eo We O Val Vor caters tate sat yee oy em ener aiena teers 18 976 sand, light! prayie Wier ooaase seie alk oes ite ee i Sat SECS eg Sou 0) 01 ed OPW ds Ay MRR Ae ERAN AAR sacra 14 OH ands OUT as Wile tan pact oe tn eee eer eee 15% 1,006% Sand . ales wn hee cute nas eine kee Seat es 60 1,066% LOtals depths ra tre eee eee ae ote 1,066 % MAGOFFIN COUNTY 469 Log No. 722 Keaton No. 1 (?). Location: Mouth of Johnson Creek. Began: June 16, 1914. Finished: August 6, 1914. Production: Dry. Driller, EK. Guignon, Authority: L. Beckner. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SILOS Mine OTA Vel Seat gee tre tte cones a salete a3 x04 oes 46 46 Sel eee arc wes Mul Gee eat Maaeet arate. seorohaci.cuet tcotn gocher oe tals 16% 54 100 oat TA) mee Perit nitee dl Moriee riers eee stat ein aeh ec eae es aly 8 10 110 Seis aco ll ono ie Loe eee TC Mrcrs aerate racine as eons Gaon ckee 210 320 LIL mene eagerness Wan ace Tate Se me ats, tants 6 a5" 9 10 330 SPRUE TS EW mG a sk Boe, Sar rel nda rage POR inner aarlirt” Ala veges 15 345 PULL Mani cea ccBeNeh ewes suet) A Grn. Gn eo tes ols ody Gite Tavs ye «2 142 487 UIE IR a CHO en. ceria cr ena poe ea a i E 76 563 Ala WAL e SA Oey were arenas et ace PO 4 5 ee ees 10 573 POI Mareen earn eats kao fo Se Pree Ae ee 10 d83 Mississippian System. iumectoneweDies Lime ya CAaSe0s ates tags ce ek. ae = 132 715 ROADS GON Ge weer eee eo etaea fate craven osha aha ead shoals, 10 io 1,257 1,260 1,292 1,700 1,700 NOTE—White shale showed at 1,700, the bottom of the well. The drill stopped undoubtedly at or very close to the Devonian limestone, Log No. 725 Browning Oil Co., No. 1, lessee. John Mart Phipps, lessor. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. GONGUEEOF 6.5 eben tact oe tieye see syeeehoe cene hare wee Dandy OTay eowatered tele 0.) ae wists © 6 eetwitontet. Pep Ne Mc ey LOW dl ae Uy Meat pyr tobee MOREA Ciera am Ano re eames UST OA rere Bas ATR one Pare cami aap cert Sal Cae ie eer ike, ee a ee eC rae: ag oe eae ede POET CL maemo irae Marcle teers a atomic te a netel a caus yma) wee no atl s Mississippian System. cD phint CHO MC ante betcaMiswaks otanBs seus sonar A vereene rata ecto cores Shalem PencileCave alas. so. os sends heist ig TOSLOM Cw Pole Lill) Maca te sg nitery seals acirndeus ae cee Seer ef POET Seer places a, ster of awe shaar aateeieia ais SRC COTM TEM NG ek Puce ran, Soni coer rates, Tats Me Sandstone, gray, (oil and gas show) .......... RSPEI RO Bes Peat ae “te asl ma rior rane ee EP a Dan OA OOO SOW, Olle ch. areca ne 'el sg) snus’ ove, 2 athike Re (etait (ah file tre capes Ae One PED eer caer ae SUAS TOLL Crk As elated) Se aes ac NC RRC ae RR ai ery, 004 lente «el she ce eaiete ain Gow ete Che ere Thickness Depth 24 24 250 280 330 340 360 380 393 438 695 748 T921%, 759 1631, 1721, T9214, 8101, 472 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Mississippian System. Sand, soft brown, good oil, Wier sand ........ if Pad, .S6CON AU DAY. WISE BAN (oon. fo oscs + a ema 3 shale; bitesoreak= eWitr ead. . .teeele ae 9% Dad WSOMOc Ons we VWViLOTAGAIUG C ofc alets Ke. dig covets: 2 Sand, gray-brown, eas, Wier sand’... .....- 314 Ans oR LUO Oba LOPE SAIC. Wits). vs Gretatene seme 4 Sand Orava siibbleroll Wier sande)... usa ee & 2% NAC SOLO eRVLOreSa I, &n\., ciatacsts sere strcecey ne 6% Sand, gray-brown, (show oil?), Wier sand ... alcrk Sia lee tls W Teresa NU ae ack nse te crs tare iS tee 6 IS ee eNOLTU UN cag ety ee Soles ete care we olen eet cle 214, OA ALOE Gil merge trou. eoat se eer eee) ees Log No, 726 T. M. Cooper, No. 1. Browning Oil Co., lessee. Location: Fork, Fork of Licking River. Salt water: one bailer per hour, Thickness Depth 811% 814% 824 826 82914 833% 836 8421 853% 859% 862 862 Brushy Strata. Pennsylvanian System. - Thickness Depth SHOES Scope Gaye arabica: 2 SPtan Weak cena ee tan as ao eee ee eee 5 5 SS AIRO” “COAL: eee ie Cine we oO fierce nye ae ee ae oe 45 50 PO SLO We cer ata as 9e Daovace aie tote ke ante eae Mie A 100 150 SA. CORP RE weit. !s eh: reno er. | tim a ramen oe 50 200 SE NSCG Cami oc hs BCS PRRs GRrayyie baer ds Airy ene phe, 370 Shaler Oro waits cc cy. entero eekeet Meroe 90 460 AMG PO OTAY AG sk one cg gree Bei ode bees te eee ass eee 40 000 Mississippian System. Limestone, 4nd shaleges = 5. acts eee eee 32 532 Dinies tome. ointeyD ro Willy (Seon. suka eee 16 548 GMOs DONesA Neem, osha wcikgetspceetres omen 1 560 TIRES TORE S DIAG Seite see lets sixes tinteee sceeg torn eet 20 580 Lim CShONC, WIL ay eek. ae, 255s cies etal mente 65 645 Shale, sPed ye Sa yy Mage erst ae east et aeecs eee nema 8 653 poh ONS) uel OP TUS ty te gy hs Or UR aroma erent ee Seen yi | 232 885 pands broken. and shaley cb csosstos ses on oa 3 918 aNd Bod Pela eee ot. hme in. ohdt eens atem ena alae etree 44 962 aI el eee eee sick ne croeeene eps-c ot ee peal aratsee apace 12 974 ee Mirae oor a ec eh OPMENT Pri lcd ota rat oy CoN ce aan Ale aera 6 980 Sand, white, Wier correllative 4.2... .. ssa. 63 1,048 SHslow Wer .Correllativersnetsenie. Senet. 5 eee 4 104g Sand ws white, Wick COrrellAtivel es 2. ae ee oe 4 Teo Sande ewihite, Wier correllative es yack. tee hes 1,064 Shales gray and bigck (Sunbury yes. ot 36 §©6©1,100 Pandstone:* (ser ea)) sree uss ayn a eer eens 202° 1h ao Shales or pl ete ae emer ae ees core a ieee cee peed eee tO Mert is '>. MAGOFFIN COUNTY 473 Devonian System. Thickness Depth See 8 obi DRA s. oe be cee a raga 3, A AR rt are ra 8 1,143 ed ENS ANDI G LS ae in) te CU chos ohn CRC RC 1) ] 1,153 ANEW calyocrlet “woh Geto eile, aenee crete een 1,153 Log No, 727 L, C. Bailey, No. 1, lessor, Formerly owned by Browning Pet. Co;, now by Cumberland Pet, Co, Production: Reported 40 bbls, EHle- vation: 1,045. Strata, Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Sim ds ANU Oran Ole Ween us ein « Lan ees 30 30 NO CENENG lp RuBes Co eacur) Ape Tr BieSmita Cyahenen ur lee ieg ae aan Me eegmaMee 6 36 SUE Seder shee PACU ky OEE oe ee 12 48 ORME cette cOrecodes CR etter, TY oe atk ene ie Greens ce gh le 2 50 ha Cte en encase heroes, ore ciate A ead eo ae 85 SVT Clamete aisha an ters. Seite a. sentence tne eae cave ete 110 195 SUUEUI TS ge Se rae ee ea eras cE ae 45 240 EVM ey Wescott cea We oak GRE a eerie se Pose sale eae os taceengeeoe 30 270 Sia) Came ear ak eee ge hee ah geiko ae ee See Lee 35 305 oH Male By ocala NI Ree) tay le men neP mare RERATORD Cota. enn Samir. OR ac 160 465 ou UR AN ke eee Mae tees een ache) ae ar aa Oh ye 85 530 AIC Menino ae 6G nc See eae amcester Sey cware ate 40 579 Sikcbecm, DING Upto ie tela cece ewe chal ms teh habeas 35 605 nepouaRake Mas kV cv. esitehasth samp hure ra, thy cree Ie perc 10 eer eater 5 610 STARCH IO L LO swear ee Pay Meena hee letra svesdean ele ye cera 8 618 Mississippian System. inmestone, white (little me ye... emt: 8 626 Stiles bide Ce ene iGaye ot. nea. os oa Pra ee 18 644 Ibsen eimoen (lene IBilnitcy oma nn open meee OG 61 705 Da Vers aleeepea OTCON, arn ass = fe + cs asdets ior 185 890 SHaTeM ici VeNh ih > 2s laurl : oo eie Se A Ree sre cee cacan tere per as 85 975 Sand; pray-brown, oil, Wier sand -..:.4...... 29 1,004 SIUC Vel Wie ON WGK ect NATO Ne a UnaNee Peret eet c Mee ana pi ANA HN Rees Se rata ieecen IO MYA ee cehiNel on Sel olan Sor hea aura ae 17 1,035 Sl Coat nih crag BRP ona ey on. ee cree ee ae 10 1,045 San, STAY DrOWi aa ye caters tee het dope hele 8 1,053 tale Ge Pillans tine se aNA dis Pech iche apetd as oe 1,053 474 OLUSRIE DD TRA TIGR ARTY .O Pe KonN TUCK Y Log No, 728 Hostin Conley, lessor. Mine Fork Pet. Co., lessee. Location: Headwaters of Mine Fork Creek, on a branch of Litteral Fork. Ele- vation: 950, Strata, Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth RV NC ate eee Mee ie ee oe sth oe aon one teks, ogee acne tar 68 68 and gO Wola G08) | ccm. ss eed aoc ao 14 82 pe CE Dione Sco ba oak Rel ee ere ee rca Res! AACR Pt 390 472 NOE lle LM aezarsitath nis etoe uA toas Ie IO corn Nae PTE ar er pee 84 556 Mississippian System. amestoney (Claittle SLimte) ee terete eee eae 22 578 PD aleateemeh MCAVG): ci une Leese keene eee 8 586 LIMO SEONG) (ISLS es LI Che weet una orunaaeee 60 646 Slade isan. d terme oe hop. Beene oe ae 104 750 hod EW Me See eros Norns mens er iar Munem ula Rea ty ity Ariel 168 918 Sand, eTayish sorown (Ula yec01l ) oe sare ses sees 16 934 Hi Cleese tne uh atm ca elektro am ae elon arene 15 949 Sands. Chavis ih (OTGWi, | V1 er ase een a ace toa 29 hes Shale. W ver sand © 5ae.=* Pa ees ee ane oe 7 985 Sand -(payeoil ). Wier. sand vial. os oe ee 1 Se OOS SOILS VOyeteteatt.t whirek pee myen bp ena ee oe ears Meh em nie ae 1 ee OES al ee 2.6 aie OOD) tee Aan ge ete ie an 13 1,026 OUR Cep ilies ic ane cern cesta aes sete 1,026 Log No, 729 Crate Meade, No, 1, lessor, Browning Pet, Co., lessee. Location: Headwaters of Pigeon Creek, near Johnson County line. Production: 37 bbls. oil and 300,000 ft, gas. Elevation: 1,020, Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SarndsiOne-menalece at (aC Oc) se mi ae, Lanes as sans 609 609 Mississippian System. Lamectone (ie 21a Oe as cenwa ete nacarer nse. 53 662 UDRecordeGumsed (el. can we uer. a eee ten See 279 941 and (CESt ys MW ler toa tid armas. , eee tee teen, 22 963 Shale: (break)? GWieresand: this aen 4c eee cee 21 984 Se PRIKO MERROW ANN che cra Bie) aetemons coment Gyr ne ot 12 996 Shaler (br ealo eWuleradan (aes ere eee eee see i leo hs OPO Ma Nope HMOE een ae Cine Seven BAN pe a a aoe 3 1-016 AM Maley elites Socom Oh heme tanya ts oa : 1,016 MAGOFFIN COUNTY F 475 Log No, 730 RB. Grifuth, No.3. Near Wheelersburg P.O. Production: Last two feet in gas sand. Estimated: 15 bbls, oil. Strata, Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Limrecorded peed wen iss Wee ga ard ohana Oh iy athe ioe 62414, 62414, Mississippian System. sim osbO mem Clo1 oe LMC) pe POD edbwr ek ts cate ore «teeeies 62414 IpmreeOrded SAGdiMe MES en ea Res owt, whee are cel 258 88217 eve WeN el Shi) To tla reused ies We ae re eS Sey eo eee 23 1,0051,4 SNOW OC one 5 Srae tote ere gh Nee a sore ae are teen A ee ae oA 21 1,0261, Sand GCP yO w NVICraSaNd, fi gecss oo Getet 22 946 Limestone tO HLamMe) eves ceo Sateen acces 24 2790 SEER RG VVIELY OF Ly ute Pir tn aera ces See wey wate 124 1,094 DAMA STOME, scr. dee nines ale eae Aang cease) Faroese Niet oes a0 oe 4 LENA VO? Li Se twa rag ae ten ee eames en aevegete Spe eee DANdspone GWOT)" sae. 2 acer cede eis meaeact Pere caval aue 28 1,200 DAldstome.nOWier yn Nard eect arnt rane 12 akya2 Lotal depth pec. wets cece ste oes 1,212 Log No. 743 Elzo Dotson, No, 2, lessor. Ivyton Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Location: * Mash Branch of Burning Fork. Contractor: Potts. Date drilled: Oct. 20, 1921, Orig, Open Flow: 750,000 cu, ft. gas. Shot. Orig: Rock Press.: 350 lbs. Authority: Louisville Gas & Electric Co. Strata, Pennsylvanian System, Thickness Depth SOT) eek Le te, eee ee a er eet ar, vee Soe ele ies 15 SS Wy Gat cane ccere fe Ovi accn oan sas ae eee teeter eee ee tag te Mss 40 — 28 INES LON Ge a wiesac ceteris ene teke Pewee acer as) 70 Sieh DORR eyecare te ee se. een ieee tthe ee raat eae USC 165 Zoo PETA es POL Oly aliekt le. ce tenckcr austen cae aetet aie ta aes onl Shae ec 35 270 al etic karts R ec ace et cne eee tetera Reena Ge. One eC ES eee 145 415 SAN CeO Mem kel etn Mn gee eee cot on Pen ee neater, 20 435 red RRS OAR neue ny nrg SP Me, SORT Racy mmr OS Aaah eatiaei 1) 445 WaItdStONS" et oss ee eUeeer ee atte cen geen une ae 350 (ODS PHAlGl 2. rele ee eeeeNe tae Fete eye uO Oh cee hence 40 835 Mississippian System. Limestone (uittlealaime). =... ata oe ene 20 855 COV OR seo hee cia maa ei ehene aa els ae oe Ate eee 2 857 umestones (Big aye \ee cane cee erie eet stece eens 63 920 Sale. SOT Ay Bae nears oad ort ok. exam ame Page eh emtrceen ne mage LAV Low Shales Disc kgane 7 eens sent ctaete haa pare eine ieee Biss aes be 55 SandshOne we eee eer ee een we ene eater da AY MAGOFFIN COUNTY 485 Mississippian System. Thickness Depth ACLS UO 10 Gem el CCD acer rater wc cette 8% ce oid. dv ce Lowest 243 PAM OSCON G te teer cs eae et eperene Sa eh ccs ole He gy e's a 0 Shee aap DaNCStOUe AO mycin ty sto tort, lide te Fhe ot oe 4, AN PAB ees) EOLA MSCS) binge gett. Shue hounn. fats co et Dats NOTE—This well showed some oil, but shot ruined same. Herewith are given a number of ‘‘sand’’ records. These logs are all incomplete, the thickness of the Pennsylvanian System and the uppermost beds of the Mississippian System having been omitted by the driller, Log No. 744 k. B. Griffith, No, 1, lessor, Bedrock Oil Company, lessee, ~ Lo- cation: Litteral Fork near Wheelersburg. Top Bottom Top, Bio Lime, all Mississippian ....0.2...... 467 Her FRITS icc seem VEtsSt SSW Tate gen. onc ewe sc eras eres 819 836 Shale, all: Mississippian. 2 .2.-9- 2. -3..2e os 836 858 Sand (Wier oil), all Mississippian .......... 858 888 Shale, Slee PeSISG1) OVA twee, ae eens ae eens ck cess 888 893 Sand with gas, all Mississippian .....-........ 893 906 Sha lomed me NGS LSS BD Date cea ary istration 906 924 Ota le (Le pillar tre teey cli icke ete ake b cvems 924 Log No. 745 R. B.Grifftith, No, 2, lessor: Top Pottom A Wayen. WE gtey NDING a Arey ay Deen oer ote eae a ar 580 RS NITER 8 5 eal cities Raritan null edt ink Cis An Ren ee eR, er 943 965 re iecd Ne 5 ong ae or eer reba go mre eee cle ae ea eer Some eee 965 98414, Sand, PAY oc. cece cece cece eee e cece cece eens 9841/4, 1,018 Si ameter eas ee eke eee are Wm Re ara eos lenis cae b.0.E3 1,020 Seta CLS wr OSS essen ose matey eta Ee ig Se Statue at al ceinii chs : 1,020 1,038 (Wel ae NAGS E-. cLnets Je, cures cad eaede Se ears Pond pee ere 1,038 Shot, 20. qts. in 1st, and 60 qts. in 2nd, Production: 10 bbls, oil, 486 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No, 746 Milt Wheeler, No. 3 Top Bottom TE ODy BIC aL Ge8 bee ences ba Wie cle e a io ees pone Cha 460 BPS Gps me NOW ce OL 0G) SOG". wales thee 800 823 Rate C meee sth: ic sks Ciagece ks prtsiere vat aFe ates aes 823 84614, Ate NV LOL AOI) Va ety cis te ops as vn oe ceetabarer nag eee 8461, 872 PS CUS peewee coat a cs; 2 agedp ede a th Ce eta eke ine ote 872 88114 Daud eS OUCE ILO Wa CAS accel ce «Wiese seca ere ercee 8811, 8981, $5 Fhe ates ps oss Mol oes ghd in tee Mastic atouabanl te Naas Ms one ik 8981, 901 OLS TCO DG colin gene cutee onal det tes 901 Shot with 20 qts. in lst pay and 60 qts. in 2nd pay. Produce- tion: 18 bbls oil. Log No, 747 Vernon Kelley, lessor. Myers & Turner, lessee. Location: Two miles west of Ivyton, Bottom Top ot Bis Limetals a ene ee Serta mere 718 ANchertay € AN SHY Seal rae Ors be Ba dierde od yA eS 1,015 Cras AG Sa Bes eal teen nora netta cats ive Sree need erecta 1,040 SHOWis OL OL) weer etn cas aimee een Letter 1,081 Log No. 748 Dave Conley, lessor, Mid South Oil Go,, lessee, Location: Litteral Branch. Elevation: 970. Completed: June 12, 1920. Production: 30 bbls. oil. Top Bottom Wier sand! top 45.24%) suv. coke Soh RGR ee

limestones shells gen. shee. oe 35 915 Said SOMax0n ee. oe eee Ge eis ee Be tetotene tee eae 25 940 Limestone® shelles crite tates cmt tees to ee Rie tes e 40 980 maale,w black” (pencil Sea ve) ener ste Geen ee 40 1,020 Sand (Maxon), “2nd, (gas 51,04 Oey essen cee 40 1,060 hale wan dred e160 Gletn ce ee pee eaieke nee meter So) metas Sand | Slur te weaned 43 Sees wake eee eas LOS elias eed. Ok: * a ipa see arch oe tee eon en eee te ated SO) Pialem.P ene) / Cave ants. ees eer meme ence fe eels tO). Wie 2 D5 Limestone; (Big: Lame) “4 gas lea 13 sees ee 175° °1,430 Rod “Tock: 92. oem. sak tke chee ies ee re 15 1,445 Limestoneshelis 24 jankis cies th Geena sate 50> 115095 Bo LG ee ooh so Rea wise aialedihalbe dar etn Sadho Meiopn tenet eel 353 1,948 a AF he ots ies care evict betharee Sezer se MT eco oe aE ee 12 -. 1,960 Sandstone (Berea grit), (gas 1,950) ........ PRT 2.035 hiMmestone- Wheliss tena: ce: ae ees Sr ae 15 2,050 otal edG pil SoM. ctsns. ovate ected on aes 2,050 Log No, 758 Lewis Dempsey, (Tract No, 1, well No. 1), lessor, United Fuel & Gas Co., lessee. Location: Head of Big Elk Creek, Production: Dry hole. Authority: D, 8. Osborne & R. M. Dunbar, drillers, Strata. Pennsylvanian System, Thickness Depth COLA a Maa ih a. Cees mia cicas taah nttiper he male cae te tener ccna 9 ") Shale awe Gy ete ery CRU ho ACRE kes eae 66 . 1) Ney, IES MME mE Rete Beene rors IN eto EN ROAR, Se SM SE Crake ieee 45 120 MARTIN COUNTY Pe is Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SS ihe Cumeete: aeeee ae eC See Seay ok aca a cue as 42 162 Oa ee ee ds er een ne ete a seg pe a 167 Ea Lee cee ee ee net oh ee er Meee ac See te sigue me CO bhensoars 18 185 OSI CLY Mere ree a ee rn ee ers Pees hate Bert gcd a 3D 220 SUT cid Gitar etn ae eee ee cee Se RNA MR SC e a oD 200 ASW 16 lis he ea OR Ee altel se toe shale she Ae Ct 20 2 ey) Re ed Cael ren sr ere cae st ade So, eee ea 45 320 TE CS LON OR werstsreee) pete s ee eet arate srerar eda So. x fat ents 3 ts 25 345 NOPE ein Na MAE ual pigs cal oeall, Rye Sch Chea ee ee a 70 415 POSTON Ce mre Pacertert pee ae hehe ans ames ee oe 30 445 Scheme ene as ect tee ok ee eae Seed ey eee: 25d 470 LOSE ONGs Uma creek ene a ORL Cale EE 10 480 Pe EWC onl nce Bebe ne CARD Re td ns ir ae Zo 505 SPW ONG 6 be 8 bE 8 ae ae els ee are i ae teen ea eI hae Da 560: Ate Os bon Oman cis toi tee nee secrete eae ee ts weet cote, erie 40 600 Peel Comes hme Dah een Met asses aah aa ot sae irae ees olsinrs 190 790 AL Comet ee ener: Ue Se Peet Men tne itn ee ae akane 50 840 BOLT OL Ohm 0 LOC Kee Gan orc, tet eae eh ais Mele once slslae 25 865 po SMW SE Cece Sian gy Aa Ake atte Br adie yh hao leo Bac er in Ag 5 870 MeSLONGy DIAGKye catticcaten eo esieusie droetthe se atte. 10 880 SSL VEINS: ERR RR 2 ite a Pon aet e wag c ar na GREN PeOR 84 964 REARS Fo Aerie wae ake Seam IA ot Ree ae gl Sater A ee a 14 978 SA Lege sen kee eee Meee foe Pam chee ea Oh, cps eels 5 983 PROCS TOG ISIN. ce ment wet ore per thal ne aut: cee) a hia an Sia re 15 998 Od Sa BU Oe one Re cg Aree SPR er ata) eta gee Zio el O25 RECO (hoe Kam neat eats Bl ON Ses Sie emg Le a 60. 71,085 SE ANG CGY Eb daa ee Oe lh ee aren Em saa | Soe ASR tate eae en comet eee ey ey ere ominG We, 22 nt uk a) EOC gar OC eter tae Rt a meetin Pes Re NRT: LORRI el Zc PSH Ml sh rari cela ee lena nessa ag aot morape al ecrkes Seo Zoe pelerow ESTO LU Mee aN eneish ns een cn Sh ds hs sachet a oe dN ea es BO, Sal Gaerne te oR caterers hee ee eta 5 1,165 ihamestonoer. GLattle phiine joe ete tere shee se ot We elal SG ates Cuba MeO enV. aurs alc ene ssa teers pee eam ieee: 457-1190 PARVeS VO ewels 1 Ob Lint Je Goce chee Say ea gk is ae LID 1330 Pana Lyne ae aire to pe ee eels ie 15 153.95 NP ERE OO Se Mice Ree crop ee Pn, arr gigee eae ee aa hos MAT BIC er me Chena a Merce oat on Rare ev'eeste a tusycks 1,470 NOTE—Fresh water at 65 ft.; hole full, Salt water at 740 ft.; hole full, 496 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY McCRACKEN COUNTY. Production: Neither oil or gas to date. Producing sands; none recog- nized to date. Log No, 759 Paducah Well. Lessor unknown. Lessee unknown. Location: Within the City of Paducah. Drilling completed in 1888. Production: Dry. Drilling samples collected by J. C. Farley and W. L. Bradshaw. Authority: R. H. Loughridge, Ass’t Geologist, Jackson Purchase Report of Kentucky Geological Survey, Series II, p. 321-326, pub. 1888. Strata. Quaternary System. Thickness Depth IOama wprOw lk, MICaCeOlis ftw 4.4 ek ae ce eae 40 40 Gravelerounded cherteand QUuaTtZ pan... sooo es 20 60. Tertiary System. Clava alae Koran dso Qi see ced ete ce gene ene rets 90 150 Cretaceous System. Clay and sand, micaceous interlaminated .... 114 264 Cheriyaquart, andi pyTite Geb tis. . aig. ee ait 71 335 Mississippian System. Limestone, shaly white, fossils, Chester Group 90 425 Limestone, dark, impure, cavernous, Chester GEO) omeiosa wears rn eaten gees ante tee re ee ee 45 470 Limestone, silicious, cavernous, Chester Group AS DAS Shale, dark, limy, fossils, Chester Group ¢5..8 32 550 Shale, white, limy, Lossus, “O besters Groupee... 185 735 Limestone, blue, Pentremital, Chester Group .. 400 1,135 Iimestone, blue, fractured, loose sand, (St. LB iUaeWisy tay Meena Sen cot ey werk Ur cgeeyaat nee ee 1 eel e2 se () DO Gai dO Uh ie er ose ee re ee eae ce oa 1,250 NOTE—This record has been slightly revised from. the original, chiefly to show the Tertiary representative which is regarded as present in this locality beneath the surface. Loughridge considered this record important as a proof of down throw faulting of 1,350 feet on the Kentucky side of the Ohio River as compared to the geologic section on the Illinois side of the Ohio River. This amount of faulting, though large, is indicated as altogether probable by recent detailed work done in Livingston, Crittenden and Caldwell Counties. In Livingston County the elongated areal outcrop of Pottsville sediments, extending in a northeast-southwest direction, is in reality a dropped fault block bordered on the northwest ‘by a fault and on the southeast by another fault, each of which may be regarded as major faults of the region. In Livingston County the down throw attains a measured maximum of McCRACKEN COUNTY 497 —feet. This great fault block if it were to extend to the southwest as the two faults when last seen in Kentucky would indicate, would pass directly under the City of Paducah, though the thick recent deposits of unconsolidated sand, gravels and clays would obliterate any surface indication or proof of the great deformation below. McCREARY COUNTY. Production: Oil and gas. Producing sand: ‘‘Beaver’’ (Mississippian). Log No, 760 Rock :-Creek Property Co., No, 16, lessee. Completed: March 5, 1914. Production: First day, 5 bbls. Authority: New Domain Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Pennsylvanian System, Thickness Depth Spas Comms OL ee eee A are eae OnE cee eter Ae che ace ees 15 ee Sandstone: wVello wep. a. suse a secre a ke ate 105 120 Sate ai Le: PSO tetera. -— ae eek Stn coe re ae ce 5 oes 180 300 Dba teered sera dye. hemes oie ne reon fis ek ees 50 390 lialerm DUG SOT bare Plame lotr ol: wane aie ae et 114 464 Mississippian System. IES LONG Vath LG 210 OL erate eee. acy 586 1,050 late DAT Cs wOliey awit: son Miner. ee teases aes aeers (res Pe babes limestone: “sand2/s (Beaver), white =. .e.. 14 1,142 Shalemhard, biuew(New Providence 2.2... a4. 6 1,148 LO LAMA Otis eoeusince ote et at ar rates wie 1,148 Log No, 761 J. L, and J. A, Dobbs, No. 1, lessors, New Domain Oil & Gas Co., lessee, Completed: June 17,°1914. Production: After shot, 10 bbls. Authority: New Domain Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Pennsylvanian System, Thickness Depth OPA Ve CSOLL IAM cat tea oto ahem ip SOO eA, 5 ition A sree e shea 11 iat ATS LOU Cee oe a ah bars @ Mat. aurne as boca ake Ga are, tag a « 90 101 27 EG pa ASA CCES gm cC0l Sete arene ate io er Breen ee a ee a 345 446 Mississippian System. DIMES TOMO eS f Avie WNL LE ae. suniel a sane, Steric a oieie eseite es CoO 1207-6 ed ne MRS AN: fala ho eum ne teeta rai este pe At Pe eae eee Aa Te > Oe L126 Lamestone: “sand co COERVEr), DTOWMy 2.5. + te a Loe BALA Shale. Hard, pluer (New. Providence). io. sn... >. LS ail 6 Wan 8 ee ey ap dle Weyer ke as Conte SAREE 1,156 498 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 762 J, L, and J, A. Dobbs, No, 2, lessors. New Domain Oil & Gag Co., lessee. Completed:' July 10, 1914. Production: 5 bbls. Authority: New Domain Oil & Gas Co, Strata. Pennsylvanian System, Thickness Depth CRG g arene a Gee Panes eae re enc ae Re eee Onc, Setene 8 8 Sandstomer Vy OllO Wa meer ac gke tik os ee «ners 92 100 SE Oss 510 WRG era teats tre, pan vee) sceoheae cera ha eco na eras Muegs a 150 250 Shialessred toa ( aLILCeee coke erent oie on 205 455 Mississippian System. TAMOSTONG,. SLAY, 6 WHLLUCI eras awe ole tee eee 405 860 daimestomes black: “seems erect cans at a emens L506 S15019 Shale ehard ai iwedia.cnean cic tienae aekee see ere menace SUPT A Soni) Juimestone “°osand?* (beaver), Sonow no. ..a.0 LS — 14s Shale, chard, bite (New Providenes) is. .nee 22 | Vii55 Total depth a.2 ¥ 2 ciasmicp tae ern eee 1,155 Log No. 763 J, L. and J, A. Dobbs, No, 3, lessors. New Domain Oil & Gag Co., lessee, Completed: Dee, 12, 1914. Production: 15 bbls. 2Authonty: New Domain Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth DAN CUStONE Bomeecec von 98. sro. telees ee obras eee se 125 125 Gla mataie,, DIME NOS TC Sic iaut ce eae om eas oe 355 480 Mississippian System, Tamestone, eray-.and whiteness ee 390 870 IAC OStOME, we lag kh: Ieee, tents a na gS ere LVS.) 15045 Shades seatiard.€ ein X 60 gargs eee eee care eee 125 eh) Limestone: “sand?" S(Beaver) i art meee ne ha weeteled So Shale, hard, blue (New Providence) ........ 10 1,192 SMa) FW are Fey) GW Seep ae nor y eens OS ys Vogt A 15192 McCREARY COUNTY 499 Log No. 764 Cephas Rice, No, 1, léssor. New Domain Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Completed: Oct. 8, 1915, Production: Dry, Authority: New Domain Oil’ & Gas Co. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth CLS Vet a ether ee RA aie, Sine Me oben Yaw tenes Cs Yas) x 10 10: Sa Gs LON Cmae Sem heer Per ee cco eae te Gn te 150 160 SEWN pt MB re ES hs ace nme a re Ares cl See og ae 300 460 Mississippian System. Limestone vray ew OIGeee 6 ess. cn ous eee ane ees 390 850 Limes tones: Dig Chee rata ae hs sos dee es Ronis a ae Lips 1,025 PRC cea er Ce MUTLER OC. Shuster tate hace store be ahs akg : 103 1,128 Limestone ‘‘sand’’ (Beaver), brown ......<. 12 1,140 Shale, hard; blue (New Providence) ......... 20 1,160 BO eC O10 LRiays vate cashes ee nei fino a ek eh te ee 1,160 Log No, 765 Ephram Phipps, No. 1, lessor, New Domain Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Completed: Dec. 9, 1919, Production: Dry. Well abandoned, Author- ity: New Domain Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth CS im ee Sie ee od as, ae ahah ayaa, Soe naiisoahe Wh syond 0 86! 0 20 20 ToUPGSL OMCs e WILT erect ie, bese dyke obave ota tata stant uote aha ace 380 400 TAMVOSUOWO gpl Ve ean datas tite aera Nets Sey oct: 50 450 MTESTG Ges AC IG veins Tre Seah ke Chee ee eae tie teal « 175 625 Dimestonesand stint, -black* Wrstn ie kre 3 oa LOT 732 immestonesasamd’ *(Beaver jp wilite: «Sr... 2. 5 737 Shale, hard, blue (New Providence)-:.....:. Atal 748 OCG ERC CD himmeret eet wale on coterie ovo 748 Log No. 766 Hoffman Bros., No. 1, lessees. Location: South of Silerville P. O. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth eSSp TY cade sahgs ARAL See Rt ayn PREP Te ie Ae ee one 7 ¥ RNC) MOO SR Tee ee On ge ae gn 43 50 el AEE PEW Te Re a ce PL Rl Seah Speke are Ben aah ale eres ret 28 78 Oech ell te eer: WONG hie Dei Soran on Whe a a nye AO Ae 4 82 SS LG SETH) Ve be Peale sie tas Gln Pts ds ne tetas 25 LOG SN Olee a Claro soe ce ates aca Hee 34 141 EGR CLAY MORIN Yo. Miccks cobs tom hcuk seh siorn aeemate Oe 1425-10 500 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SEY le. oit ok epee eee nea ns Me Sys S, nants 20 1622410 Shale dad toe tires a ee eR ene. Aer kore Ome 189 DALE ine hee. pana eR erat erm, tant.) p ets Zee 7a EEO) OC RR rates Sect corer tute Unad eer er anata era OF-83 215 phale; edarkisatia veer -n ee ae ata cee 235 :4 SAIN vase oe eee eee Le Sek re ne mere ones 49:6 284: 10 Sia lege al eee peer e he se ae eon, ee roies 0:8 285 : 6 ERTL yee Wee tame Sage cere kcuhly CA avec ate tots 23:6 309 Shale <.dark arte eee eset. ics he ewe : 48 oO NENG SAR CR NEM Sah ie tpi rats Tree hn re ee 164 :6 Digan Goin CO BLP We raee yay Bese ae a eae mee eens , OE a. D 2iemeL Prem cla ye eSa 0 vitamin, Cea eee tee 15236 Syne ey! hale wasnt yogis eect sok ee we eek ee eee die Ps) HSI 10 Shalev lacks sue. sess tive ccna tor eons 22 561: 10 Bre CLG 5 atl Vows: aces! cay Gstin nas tore Sh vtote ss LO ED O42 nS lal oA lCkgt.: cue se esnete oar en ote Le sac 580:3 LOT We iss eet ee acer rare cem lena rete her Ste ole. Oe On 7 5S OR 10 ALO, Says ire knca otk pret Vee ee teks 5eaG Sy ie ec OBEN CLD tee cose creel A wat Seger ore Ses rates ose 10 596: 4 shale ctdat ke- Salt a tnee-o erat. we eee eee Soares 629 : 6 Sand Pi gash Reo ie a aoa Peake ween eet 8 210) S6385.04 COA ets bee hae ope soloed eek orem hoe ae heer Omer 638: and yeroe khin ders we pare eee 0:3% 638: 4 COD ie coger Arrow Oe ait sice oe ene y ncaie eee ae ree O25 1 0 abo, 08a 2 BIC © pSeesente os isceoee amet aes Mme nants cranes 203.2144. 6645 41 ODN Wee oie cre al sas ote ee ctu als Raley os 0:5 664 :9% WTO 7 Gla yor waar ce sis re ert SO ony eens ae 4:6 669 : 3% Sand) weegatiss Vipin ec ohore pop arie hogar de cies fame 6 10 679 : 31 Coal Nee ee O52 679 :5y TGS CLE Vo a1 yak te eters ane ee By ee) 683 : 21% aC Atak cas rac dea ten een Ge okie eee aE 12 695: 2% LTP Rata Das seats or inate MR en es hae MLN ee) Baca) OF:s Ae OD One fed AF MSR CMBR 6A wis cT PR oe nes aCe ra er Ue Oe Cole : 3 6985275 Sand , ee 2 10.9 eo Shale, sandy SF Pa ee OC WF) RD abr es 4:8 714:5 PSP BG bari al ey AST sa ee ewe a elt oa nee VER URS ar Rages} SSAA LO PULL Von ee, aetna ata Mokena em at es Oe ‘ Aor 4y, AIG 3s iY SLOP MCMC NW ard. 9 eres Pat ene tees ee Dec of Te = eZ Warr Cla Wasa Vey & cor ape iets. shee ae conn 4 160 :7% Shale, light . 3 763: 7Y Whale, OT ye wists annie Uva ces ate ees 6 769: 7% WUT OC oGEAV er eochamtic ok saa ete ee eta Seer aes 1-25 f4#1:31% Sand rock tee. 6 850: 7% Mississippian System. Shale, 7 green; en auch eC hunk 73) cy. 20). 0s. sa 861:7% Shale, red, MLamehe Ghun Kearse ster ee ee eiere : 16 8717: 7% McCREARY COUNTY 501 Mississippian System. Thickness Depth hale gray envi ne Gn niga iets} oad : Ze LIBS SOF G22 Limestone, gray, Mauch Chunk......... at 881:6% Totaled ent emer sk. ; SS le6a2 CHAPTER VIUT. McLEAN COUNTY. Production: Oil and gas. Producing sands: ‘‘Beech Grove’’ and Sebree Sandstone (Alleghany-Pennsylvanian). Log No. 767 J. L, Ford, No.1, lessor, B, A. Kinney, Bradford, Pa., and Henry O’Hara, St. Louis, Mo., lessees. Location: Glennsville, 6 miles N. E, of Calhoun. Contractor: Clarence Shadwick, Owensboro, Ky, Authority: C. Shadwick and J, G, Stuart. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth pia Me rae etc Ce temiat Aa ake veo abe cee aan Caren 2 2 TSO SG REN reek ae St aires teens tA ue ees Bie oes 20 22 Sandstone, brown, shale, laminated .......... 5 27 Sandstone, brown, shale laminated .......... 13 40 Clay, gray, shale, laminated soapstone ...... 3 43 rede: ciate a2 WEA ceeaele, Sharh Oe EE Niey yi PRG aeons cigar Mew iam ae ar 2 45 CO eR eE ee errr cee nt eRe NG oon eS Se 2 47 Sree me Cm. Cleo me Cen eee pois Perey te ee ee re te 3 50 Clay eo Pay, Sig - Su vim tea Deh! wc te-caecahs a 6 sc wars 30 80 Limestone, clayey, ble, shard a. 252.55 4.5 i eey eater 5D 395 McLEAN COUNTY 505 Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth pli le, ROTA Ye gee Veer Peer tots aha one wise a aati 5 400 Shale Wee pee Rate ear ere Cede ee Rare Feat 25 425 DHSG Car PEAY mead Ve © awe abe ature ccs oo ool. 2 45 ~° 470 PAP OL.G cer aa eee a eee ee are tas Tine letaco gay Sones othe 10 480 ebhales darks ota yea C Vaemewa oom wie tn Cone es a 10 490) SAO USPONe Ot tare rayne rer eto a Taare. S). re 5 495 Shaler Garke oT ane Saye em ncrattia tes eres wise 65 560 DUS [O10 teen iel ere cee ORR este ree Silk kldaue Oh a 5 565 Didlendaric OTAV wean y | aapeaee ay. ai atts 5 5 570 ale el ar ro Deny eee. 1 Vier ae ee seek nt cae ora 3. « 10 580 Dmnesrone lights grav. Nardin auc cee Sete ttc 10 590 Shale. Care Oray. ecalid Varna. cas rere dost ek 20 610 SL Oa Opa eee ee toly ae Ane ec nether aia es eee 30 640 Danastone, Cray, coarse; caleareous ..5.25... 10 650 Mameston Gq 0 Tas Wass V oat me. eae am, este 5 655 GELS OTL Oo tap. ter he ae eet seat ae Aleit ah ee racae y= ats 5 660 ie lod ark eo ray sed yp aco s/c . wicvem os Stier 13 673 De mdstoie wari eray aSU Aly ake one ton ae 16 689 Pilea Arie OTe ye SAIC Vue et iis Rueteeh ae ae oe ake 51 740 oA ANE Hee acd Be Non CN ed Nake he Gey RONG rs A eae ar RE Saar 30 1719 TTROSTONE yew ELE, Massive. sys). Pee gh eects Sure ae 3 773 Ge We eR Oe ae ate ae ea Prune eRe Re ard a a eR 3 776 Male meet ay fe SAN V axe eer. its ee a ee den. ee 16 792 Cia ye ete agit ee: SNR e ed eka e Saale ot Lass ele ete Sel m FANS) mandshone,. waters Dearie F4-0.t3. 5 «5 .. ee nen ie §10 pandstone, light: gray, calcareous, 10 820 Sandstone, light gray, medium grained ....... 45 865 SLIM Cer 0 Teal cot el CT RAKS )7ion weno nig aren 7a res a 5 870 OLRM N So ce Mpa Nyaa Nee Ce fe rt ee ea 20 890 EST GSEO Gar en tant ake Beare te in yc tere te-gee eles 15 905 NG LOME White See ewer Scor.vi6, lene e, ein ecars ae eee 10 oi Te See eau tle gray . SOL tame 2 em fava ern a cae Toe Sa a <3 12 725 IgLIMesLOMCs (COPMILOTOUS ) tees tere ne yeeros we nt 20 745 PUL enIG mG s msO L bape ec Meet Anette eis Callens cies vale ¥,'s 4 749 SA VOSLON Gp Or UV mE meee eee ees et cole et gy ie el eke 5) 754 TPAMes Ones to Ite Nas eer reg te crans yee eel ens 10 764 Silurian System, Slaloweredeall (hr OTeet SOL tea ite wie gis toe as « 158 922 TIMESTONG 9s Stays tMalGle t oret fee nre © ot ohn oe al 923 Shale, light, soft, and limestone, gray, hard .. 80 61,0038 TOLaept han ce arenes ase se ea 1,008 Log No. 777 A, C. Skidmore, No; 1, lessor. Completed: Oct, 8, 1904, Produe- tion: 1,200,000 cu. ft. gas. Authority: New Domain Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth OIRO COL Ge tere ches oe ogcees Gna ave octal d'atsch ts 6a 5 5 Sandstone, blue, hard, and shale, hard, blue, SUGNIN?, Bercaet getty page ne a Mee Pera |e aaa ar aoa 240 245 SaWOShONe.) Cla Veo al Ook. or aor... a5 mie aot me aes 9 254 Omar ee COL tue rat et: Gee ead accra eco ae 46 300 SoC SLOG OPA Ve FLAT seer et Mente oir t iat bem ra ote a 5 305 SUALG ads aie WO iL Gerretse erate rae ie crea ahah 15 320 Reeth Gm ak) Kee OL tewee. ate eters capt oee st the tetas os 5 325 eh sie har dsn DIM. ecOE te een daly ron aero ve Gees 41 366 BON GstOnGs Vlve amar dts). seeds atone ala sno: 4 370 Pale mn ard eu DIOS Ot alnice wate avas ted ose iiela-cia Seon 's 10 380 Devonian System, Shale, black, hard, Chattanooga ........,... 23 403 Shale, brown, soit, -Chatianc0ga. saa. sai os ue « 12 415 Shale, black, hard and soft, Chattanooga .... 20 435 Shale, black, hard, Chattanooga .............. 22 457 512 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Devonian System. Thickness Depth mhale; brown; soils -Cbathano0ga i... o.1. ere « 23 480 Shale, black, “hard -@hattanooga. ......:0 2 en 30 510 Shale, brown blue, soft Chattanooga...... 18 528 Limestone, (Cormiterous ) (GAs) as sca a: cree 43 d71 Silurian System, RES Gy MR ANU Os mets Od Ua Water ue, «1 eel et Sucre oreo pnatetan ateots snares 3 574 POURS CODEN © coe tee cent cetacean eee eter ote 574 Log No. 778 G, W, Pitts, No. 1, lessor, Completed: March 14, 1905. Pro- duction: Dry, Pocket of gas at 315 feet; salt water at 511 feet. Authority: New Domain Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Hollands eravel, yellow and loose 97.7.-r oes 10 10 SA NdscONe might. mC C tae ee meena eee oe 33 43 Shale palio Rts Medvie vice: sta erskekt seek aera 66 109 Lnmestonereora.y. sre (imi: siesta ghee eta eee 8 7. Shalecsspbliiew SOttaRucw nee he cre ee ne 13 130 ee mameksiney Mer INMed ra iseeRyl 55 Evin tao 9 Geo Gun Ap Sued Soho 9 139 Shales ent. SON! gene pe casero eto oars 25 164 Eq¢mestone ep lucwmhardse ews. cae ae pace teat 56 220 Sales DIU. S02 te Gat. ceca eeruaeer eeacar ts seer nena 5 225 Tnmrestome stb lites shards meee gem mute cera ate 38 263 Shalem le S608 ta ert ect te i eed nen ee Biel 290 Mie les (reds FOC Kin gta Cdg cea, Waar cise ene rare 8 298 liale, ON te SOLE Ae onc sts whens, teste oi Sohal ce etre 40) 338 Devonian System, Shale, black medium (Chattanooga) ........ 159 497 Shale: (fire Clay) white SO0ft \. 0. a-0. as eee 8 505 Lim EstOme, ear dee (Orie utes tosh. teeta ai 84 589 Shalem blue mie dim keg aes aaecs ee. eee ee eae rads 8 597 | Oba BUS b ames cede che cmticceee: cere esate nts | D9.7 NOTE—The Devonian-Silurian contact is probably about midway within the 84 feet of limestone above 589 feet. MENIFEE COUNTY 513 Log No, 77 J, B. Phillips, No. 1, lessor, Completed: April 15, 1905. Produe- tion: Gas, Well was tubed and packed, Authority: New Domain Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Soil ond sora elf sO Lio. tern a1 f, oailins Aeeheys ee 6 6 SAAC MDI Cee cilia atten ree eS maar alah staat eae 10 16 Seta Chiedeg) PLE rem yt Cigmn A Clare set house oerce, Creat tet pubes ae 15 31 Salo wo Meter sO me tes cin tick ie Meee ee tee 8 9 40 Samdstome bilinear ard ti a as bee yas ne Gorn: 27 67 ine OM erat ote WA td OF meh ceva sat st cis ccs oor her 30 97 Shale nol Uey. SOl tes kes, onan Mahon eee; ae oS 8 105 TMCSCOMe al oy pula TG. bas, ciate nk ete ba tonnes as 8 113 ANAS TOME A WLM. TTA ATTN © jee oie age © eroeeeees 59 172 SH alempolUermsO Linon bat a er ePts A eekas cheel : 48 220 ire gtOme etie He Nard ty. oe cya tee geet ae wfsve) seas 20 240 Shale, blue, soft, limestone, blue, hard ...... 90 330 Devonian System. Sialews black.) sot tCGhattamooga)” 4.c a. tai -s - 146 476 Sat eneire scl ye\ea LG MAT awe ie yale o.c.cMn > 9 485 Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ gray, soft and hard (gas) 23 508 Shake mie cs0l ances cena trees i ts 1 509 Mota bedept lets. veto abe ottaret Riese ier 2 509 Log No. 780 Jefferson Brewer No. 1, lessor. Completed: April 29, 1905. Pro- duction: A little gas at 803 feet. Authority: New Domain Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth DOUsaAnGe STA Vel VeMlOW “GOL Gos ee aacoherels, sa.0 elem 19 eg. PSG COTO gay COme INGE | Biche. Smee at sc NRT EV «Pens, Bo 4 23 UGUMeSLOM Ee. sewhiLOye HATO eats soy. to Medekaces 8 31 Robe DOS 0 tbemces cares ayecs eat iMe what, Soren woke sven ag if 32 Timestone.woteys -WAbCs on ak.cse aiuto aoe pica eee 13 45 VEG DS Von ean gal Mla: bee & yeorente alana Menon inane Merete ape 18 63 EAMGStONG Wille smblards ty. daw ldupetasiele ce eos. 27 90 SlalesspluesosO tiers: more wee ein, tanh ack ule 2 92 EIMeStone. aw Ntbe sear) Measure corks ceed fos 2 94 ale ww lUG. TOC rGOl Coad Somme ilonicte ea ands 42 136 514 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Mississippian System. Thickness Depth mandstoue; blue, sUrmi, ela Pd Sec. a. yes orn aste of «he eee 284 420 Limestone, yellow wewatdems scrote: cc sce sl hen 2 422 Sandstone, wollen sO, eld canes teste ar one 195 GL7 Limestone. Dive Warde ee eile cone mec megs D 622 DHalexubiive re SOLU arcs. crite sict ce nue aie yokes gs epee a 629 Lamestone, eblie; = hard) isc-. 6. oy acces aoe ee 5 634 Devonian System, Shalemsblack sort (Gbattanooga) yee oe: wane 154 788 Shale. Gnre Clay \eepinessOli et. jamaee ae ages 14 802 Limestone, ‘‘sand,’’ brown, medium, (gas) .. 26 828 Shale, Molie; SSO LU h= aw. eee chan eke eee eee di 829 Otel dep bp ae) ire ene one er cena 829 Log No. 781 J. J. Dennis, .No,.1, lessor. » Completed:) May .11,51905... Produc- tion: The well was dry. Authority: New Domain Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Gravely ey GOW. CORTSG ho. wexwteedeie utente ole 5 5 Sandstong, shite, hard, Sotte nm. «0. ase ee 233 238 Shales hl Gs 0 Li ar ote Mer eemacineerant ioe eee te a2 16 254 SAndstone, spl Wer MAL wrk.) on coe coe Aare 1 255 Shales vDlUe cS OLiis: secant sete ego ice earth Genie. 84 339 MANOSLOME, eOLUG, aT Il nee aap naes Seer amas 2 14 353 mona Gy, DULG, BOL tren oti eee ra eee an ioe eon ee teres 66 419 TAmMestome. = Ora yw NATO Satta ee nee eats ome 2 421 Shales plie: (coft: uote at eee ne oe een 10 431 Devonian System, shales blacks (Chattanooga yeu wcce wert nce 170 601 Limestone. *“sand,*7 blue (gas). 65.8 encase 26 627 Shales blues pha Tdi wt wae crease aa en ieee ee 10 637 Ota depth yaace nec ween Puasa ia tees 637 MENIFEE COUNTY 515 Log No. 782 HK. M. Yocum, No. 1 lessor. Completed: Sept. 30, 1919. Produe- tion: The well was dry; was plugged and abandoned, Authority: New Domain Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Pennsylvanian System, Thickness Depth Ces by eh Gk erg Sereda eet Semen ghee ee Pay ee eens aha 170 170 DATS GOWE. 7 V7 OLLO Waren wei ncetetan na te ey uel ainda f8e 80 250 Te LO peepee terse bie cote eee ee tae Bsa ta ase lel afeiaas esis 80 330 Mississippian System, PATO S CONG a ine te ernie eae tee a ene Stone sacs 20 350 SH BLORE Sa ave treet oe a tae en cae a en ae 20 370 TGaEMe SE ONG Biter antl carat ne wun le Ce nee eee eres oe 60 430 Ry Diet LG eee ty IAL Omen em erat tect ate Lectin. nko yin ea cs Brees aicte 50 480 Ned ae ie QA am Re Re rots © ig iia na ar rl ara PES ee Aero SN ah 500 980 Devonian System, Shalesplack, (Che ttanoggay rv... ss itieece ors: ZAMS Sa deat Selene, “ela vetersnen see, Secrets cscroc. set iae 207 915200 LT OS FONG My eiclda Ch to ihe on are ah tan. sia tela wioaeclers oa Lome S25 LLG SLON Gem WIL Oy ae sete al ors fais tien ode alecetete a ee bs 2D) ia OMe WE me DLAC serene ea ciety CHS ake Wis Toe cba. 7 121, 1,8071/, Ota Ede Db lac pine tei, ceot edie ree eui ecet 1,30714 NOTE—The Devonian-Silurian contact is within the lower half of the 75 feet of limestone above 1275 feet. Log No. 783 George Downing, No. 2, lessor. Completed: Sept. 2, 1919. Pro- duction: Dry. Casing pulled and well abandoned. Authority: New Domain Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Pennsylvanian System, Thickness Depth CLAN GET OC Uebetys ts ere graye A cers area als eeteeN ees 6 6 lage kon ewe oe atte he eel ate ace 139 145 SPaTLOR EG. WANE LO beet tera barn ta eN ei ate dare t a os cae, 3 90 235 policemen err ones eis BG ters cutie fis tr cbtah cia stece ves cus 70 305 Mississippian System, Vuh CRTOIVE: eerWLLb Oe teats ann oh tetra nies then bate 18 323 Siiale wid ark mest tee eerste cies ease eee eee Sys 18 341 Tameston a, whites castek sy ee ceeeed «eer oee es War 60 401 516 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Handstone; sigh tye la vem here aie oat nears tea 164 565 Shale, lie tsa dyer crce: tole. cesere esse ere enalais Ni astas 270 835 TAMCSEOWE oe okere sic tae ees ae ope cone. 5154 Vou cetrdee) fechas 43 878 Shale (soapstone) wlio sche, cen teca) de ayers eee ries 92 970 Devonian System, Shale, black, Chattanooga ............:..-.; 20 990 shaleybrown,sChattanoovarc i... aie iar rot 15 O05 hale biack,*Cnatlamouea . 4-11. ss sees sa ee Sar 158 1,163 Dhialer NEO. Clay), a WtGO wvuk Gis stae te Abe oe ceases Soe Ld aL plied Oss DL ae kes Wa eth es cre etenawertet cece sa thetic ee ed DF od, LG sim estomor, Sad “Joe DIUOMyts.c<.t. resins cue es 34 1,210 Limestone sw lib, cse yin cee ene cot dec eilatsen gietarer senere 20, 1,230 LG talieie pil ae ec ste cates eras nis ep em cee 1,230 Log No. 784 George B. Downing, No. 3, lessor, Completed: Sept. 19, 1919. Production: The well was dry; plugged and abandoned. Authority: New Domain Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Gaye leceys eee ace ac eo ee ets eerie aate taste eee 5 5) Dandstone, “whiter nas see cut area sae eieeere taper oe 10 15 Shales D]We inches sek cre as tes Olen oaagey cet eee eee eras 5D 70 Dandstone, white sey cwetes nn oem eet eieda ete 85 155 hale replay Presale. Sr wae eee ok ete cnet eer ere GL 226 Mississippian System, Limestone, grayy Me vice, Foniee hem arce meer penn 10 236 eH TENG ier g OLN: Bourn Oho era Lc ene Mar tester de are cn 25 261 Times t OMS STAN a ees cheers teicher tg tater Sve 318 Sandstone, (bine; slaly: 7.2" te siete Ae yee ete s 15 333 Sandstonem) Uereshslyzest eee nue sere 412 745 Damdston em DUS ehialy Wetectrciiessretanateye apse a) orate 140 885 Shale, SDlAGK ose utes ies da cnsce ee erode Se nee apa Pensl satin oe ee 20 905 Phaleyy PLOW we Wa. cwsciek eee hea opieeeeee ae ea eee ss 20 925 Devonian System. Shale, black) (Chattanooga)... 2.0... 22. 5.28 = 149 1,074 mhale-(4rénclay.) yaw hite te satus ohleeemene ts oe 15 ee 0S8 Shade; sdblack+si. ve aera aun Siok te tte nae oe mane ; 21%41,091% iuimestone "sands? gray. (Oil fea ee oe ames mee es Lf, MENIFEE COUNTY 517 Silurian System. Thickness Depth FGI OS RON OSs WT VC imme sem taht ete cI oes tana oS 30 1,1611, Lar e te Nad a Co tees cM Maa ae pista sty ose ooo g oA Bes 6 61,1671, MOWRY Sato Tegan see | oe \ ORC ee os naan 1,1671, Log No. 785 H. F. Osborn, No, 1, lessor. Location:————_- Commenced: Dee. 1, 1919. Completed: Dec. 15, 1919. Shot Dee. 18, 1919, between 1,165 and 1,175 feet. Production: 48 hours after shot, 12 bbls. Authority: Ohio Oil Co. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth RSLOPEEM RT OG” oth cre chr NWR ob, a ak wh une aha, aE RNS ees 120 120 Sandstone, ored Medium wae ge as cht Soteace bs 80 200 RUA Le stp LeGas OF terra tiem i eactrecs Cara ital. bere tare aoe 40 240 SAGUSLONG, POU nNOCIUMi Mate. t ale tre. fete oak 80 320 Mississippian System, Limestone,-hard,-white, BigewLime )....0e. 22% 40 360 irmestone shard blue Biowilam ewer. cates aren 40 400 Sandstone, hards dark. Glittle os) wae saua.s es 200 600 Shale, hard, and limestone shells ............ 325 925 Devonian System. Shale DEOWNwASOl tL. TONAL LaiMOO Ue ora) ee se ee yian. 200° 1,125 Shale (fire clay), light, soft, Chattanooga.... S0pee el aD Shale wblack-s0tt-. Chattanooga. im. + ven abe me : Sela Loe Dumestone- -Ceap rock) = hard black.) ve... LD 13164 Iain estoner Sandi ae Gar ikeesOLin 2. a x a PI aha Po leet ree CLAS Neo Nees eae ors aGhaus tay Se ee 15. 1,134 [a OSEOMC Sapa. a hi ath Phas Geet a wee ie bE Se nats Rea Ee By PO tale AAPG ete we S52 175 609 DANUSLODG wel Oli meen eto Reena Cm Cetin nt, 2 lente = 60 669 HALO Renae eo TAN Semen Hen wen ks wats a: esa) 44 281 950 Devonian System. Miao lack esOhta | mat URN OOOd \ i pan ae ete we. 18114 1,13811, Shales ore clay) w wlive mSOtie esas aout ae oe 15 1,1461,, Limestone “‘sand,’’ brown, medium .......... 1314 1,160 ie ober ek Lent [iy sersetars cry ene any een eae oe ler £ 1,160 Log No. 791 HoH Osborn, No. 7; lessor = Location: Commenced: May 1, 1920. ‘Completed: May 12, 1920. Production: 24 hours after shot, 50 bbls., oil. Authority: The Ohio Oil Co. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth GEA VRS OT eatin: ea nent Re eer tine Aer awn mks 10 10 ped dee W Coto MA aie Hig(6 megan OM RUNS Red oh Piao Gig ak eT ON ce arp Urner ae 90 100 AMC SL OME, a Ca eOd a ore mone Steams ts ot Preng 30 130 SS Ha Ves sehen One he Mea ot be aac ulcie Seen er, oiten 10 140 SAME MOTION EE OE nO Coeneaiate ratedi-ag vies clea argh le Patan 606 200 Mississippian System. SSN SR ces naga 9 RTs Ib Oe UMS te ee or noha a a PS ele corr 70 270 ANonasngetck Mayes 10 ey am SY NUL SM ReS on al Pae Laane iS denen, a a 35 305 Rh er) Cements ect tate ey enone, as Seas aisat 6 311 EIVVCS £ O eens ACs mnt Wee lan eaare aul somata sarert ans tele ff 318 Salam Ou OCKs we BOLG © ares aka dicst® paL ue cs uehes Jed. 329 eu Oar ay, Ot oe beet tate h. aise Eee inet opal ORL BIS. 175 504 Pandstome ith sorte 1G es. Ada. Ate cuteness 135 639 SAERIMO (cys alin Nery OUND (0 A, Si 15,050 miale (fre clay joc WIG, GOLE oe ods. fee ec eats 14 1,064 Tamestone “sande. prow. Ward ages mieren <0. a, Lhe aU KD CPO tAul Cl Op ete oe pura ane una ie s.20 ie asst 3 OTD Log No. 794 H. Osborn, No. 10, lessor. Location: Commenced: June 17, 1920. Completed: July 5, 1920. Shot July 5, 1920, between 1,217 and 1,227 feet. Authority: The Ohio Oil Co. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Net SH EN Oe Sy BNR edi Re ig Sorter a nae Lae ee ge 20 20 eit Nieye ike Oa Py Ot eAR Te to a eee er eer ee 185 205 See eit oO Bi eae CLM aru career Gt cer, teaainehe ee we brane as ays) 260 Se ARSC UIE a0 Nile RE CHEN irra made Ree Seem rR Ces BIEN rama ae 95 355 Mississippian System. ale rede hOCm ee SOL Cir = were ie mura saat tee aes 10 365 PANTO SU OINCS aU th Gates eset) Roaekitas es Shes a Megat I a) areas 30 395 le lemma, $0. c Cmina Sco aera sleet seasons ones aie 10 405 UP OS LONG oar ee Ore Vries, Meee ee aint sete ohn kaon 5 0) 455 Shales re der OC Ki cSOd bat ere tees ieee che som ay ste 10 465 Sha leseWiawerly elton teees08 bir mya cuchtn enter oto ese 530 995 Devonian System. phale, "brown . (Chattanooga) 212.6. mens sas ronWnay | Wade ra Nt) Shales (ire velayy, light 2solt:cmiate ec sate Poe ata: Uae ~ eA EPAN AY, Limestone «sandr, FO WN. con erent eats 1 e230 STS OrGEiL ge LOU Lie were te yrageibactrral Shaw Ric aes) Ec yet, lee 1,230 Log No, 795 H. Osborn, No. 11, lessor; . Location: Commenced: June 23, 1920. Completed: July 3, 1920. Shot July 4, 1920. Authority: The Ohio Oil Co. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth CU ch yee ree eres nates mee cee tpe carr Rae iene he was af oar Is ae 14 14 rs} Ne WH coat UR? h oC6 Rigead 8 05 ( a clipe cs mr AiPRA MACS wre one? 20 34 OWES Ri AG Gea Oh ne der manne CR rae uty MAM cork Side eins ae 56 90 irae pear TOG atl onc ss cuty ster cetera Otte steuintars 90 180 524 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Mississippian System. ' Thickness Depth Shaledired Yoeks) jsQ0l° tenacc or sa ee eneeeeones 10 190 Dames tones wl ohiteseeshs) on ae ers =. ices ty ates 30 220 plvale enh rd ety Me Meee gene aceite © cee at ae anaes 10 230 Lbimestonemronaves Nard!) wie tnrtgs nae ser er 45 275 SRaler- (red eroc ley A sOn tie shies a cceane: « acsres eye ee arees 8 283 Shalem W ay erlypeliont.-sOlte wa. tis. on cusnee 539 822 Devonian System. Shale btown- 1 Chattanooga). mer sn alt ead genseces 208 seek Wise) halen (iresclay); dight, SOLU q ciactenecye ns ot oes 201, 1,0511, bimvestone: sand, 77s OPO Wii. 55 snc ee ke eee eee 11%, 1,063 GGG Leed GD BS etic a 3a ne eats uatece weged cea 1,063 Log No. 796 John Becraft, No. 1, lessor. Location: Near Rothwell. Com- pleted: June 2, 1904. Production: The well was dry. Authority: ‘New Domain Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Clay; eVellome ss ORG miss cede aie ee genet ee fee tia q 7 waldstones -dark?s SO? bitte tar, reer en ees eee 23 30 SNL SLOFVE, .Ch LT yea Cl te Aue op cae ees See ee 2 32 SA ScOM es Car yrgOl fie ase ea cases mere eer te ui 33 Sandstotie, dark, bard-amd ee eae 35D 68 mene, ble, SOLE. wus. des ts le ante ee ae ik eee mee + 12 Sandstome es, Caricg bh a Pee 25a gee gene ree nes eee 8 80 Sandstone Gare SOL b wae. eae aeake ho Mere ae 13 93 hale ntl, SOF Lu. Same: Hac hoes Cerrone Sco ee 1 94 Sandstone, soar ive Waid heen es omnes 6 100 Slew olibe, eS Ward dat oes chain tere ene Miwa BManarcncbaee aie 45 145 Sanustonen Daria is ge eor se esr a ene ee eo eae 3 148 halem Witter SO tas thaw alam hides oak ap ene eens 12 160 DAM OBLONG sat Che Ce tice ee oem cae rene tee trade omen os we 10 LO Shale yD lPes tSOT Less, bese seen ci. Ohtedl eer eee 13 183 Sardstoner ard sake can ec cae nee ale 194 hale, blues hardy mame .tondar een tecec mre ete® 46 240 hale Dlme. SObbet nt ese hie 9g eearnene ett ee eke 272 512 Lamestoné, -orty., “hardy .... ebhale,> blie; s0ft Chattanooga 2. 06... oes. « iimestonensbardsdarica( Cormfterous yy ioc. 2« 2 SHAG ep LUCs S01 harm ere few ante. hos Gs ses ais DTM CSLOD Crm Otay me Hal lament rte pt ack Oe a reins s Silurian System. Shale, soft, blue and ELLE ete ee gato trate Aa ky ofA: Feat aA ERT A UE aT her parade gate EST aoe CRE ear Aa TRIMCHUD IED pe OTA Vie aT (Lier co ieee gtts seat St So petd omekd ln GeO Grete wie ercee = Mist oP AY. ee tone Pecono hea a WAWMIOS TONG Ora yy SIAL. can ery han tere y Ric iecadt cen Siler esta ihe taerate et sie or oe Reece aap ot TEMES Omer DIMOU SOL Varta. Stent. nee te Molle ac bhecarhe IGILCSCOMG pen DAL@ NSO Ges wll aa Seana oe Gio nek oles Titi CSL ONG SO Pay aes OL bagi, Fa etedect daa os ope acd iss ATES L OMG ATONE, ot SO 1liae foe cln ia teats soda sive oe Tameston ob lienrsOlt My 4 how re inter. eee kee SECTS S DO TVG ya UN ELT) mace stresses cP anata Vaan THIMESCOI Gy OPO WR ei aAl (ly at anys ch as ac sheen atee, oe Bone Molle dak OR 3 boa a es gene a rea NOTE—The Silurian-Ordoviecian contact is within of the 480 feet of limestone above 1,470 feet. Log No. 797 Thickness Depth 98 48 2 36 165 643 691 700 736 741 746 857 895 903 930 950 996 1,470 1,482 1,515 1,525 1,565 1,730 1,800 1,800 the upper part J. J. Chambers, No. 2, lessor. Completed: Sept. 15, 1904. Pre duction: The well was dry. Authority: New Domain Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Mississippian System. Cla ViCLLOW, GO) tiem dare. tates gis ciel purine. nie oie Samdstonee blue, shards ups & sete ees 6 cits a esata QM MED Leip AULA awa, ao sues Goes ey cutie ae sete ona get SS Le LGyeat NL ULC SOL ts ora apie narce.e attri s ouecsl al git bree wwe ae RULeNGO DCm Ota Wee WaT Cie. te: = ne\shrens sit clays ssuere Devonian System. Shale, black, hard, (Chattanooga) ........... Siial ee Wiles SOL fee e Panes Pts evtnnl a kao che conse Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ dark, hard, open, (gas) Eamestonent sand, “dark. “closes. (gas)) aa... ey Thickness Depth 7 113 180 153% 3Y%, 1 120 300 4531% 457 613 621 636 661 526 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Silurian System. Thickness Depth Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ gray, close, (gas) ........ 15 676 Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ gray, hard, (salt water) .. 12 688 Limestone, Orde ec Ot ie tai ee «2 bene ge Bie ee 7 695 Shale (rb Melek Rt ieee reas rete Shots scl oa napa tet ears 13 708 OUD OD tine tet sche WU cogent tere, aaah tee any Se 708 Log No. 798 John P. Crockett, No. 1, lessor. Location: Near Rothwell. CUom- pleted: July 29, 1904. Authority: New Domain Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth (lave OMELlOW, BOL toeoe walt eeNee eye ans tae 3 3 pandstone. Dine. Wardens. och aires aie cance 5 § Shale blues eoLty2 cs \p-sa aaee ee cine ake 7 15 Sandstones slie, chet na. swe. eee oe carr wpstonepe is 3 18 phales biel sso ts mnt meade ore ..50.-. 25. - Log a79 Shale, blue;ssott,, (Chattanooga no... . 0... 8 a87 Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ dark, hard, open, (gas) .. 16 603 Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ light, hard, open, (gas) .. 15 618 Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ light, hard, clcse, (gas.. 24 642 Lotal dept brie. ca icn onata gett tree nese oe 642 MENIFEE COUNTY 527 a a ee ee eee Log No. 799 W. F. Fitzpatrick, No, 1, lessor. Completed: June 28, 1904. Authority: New Domain Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Cla Voace LO Weis. lee tyoxes ween ee tee aR aca 5 5 MALS RAL PR a SOL bam, eaten ele tri ae ee ou Are ees da 15 20 PAWTOSLOLe gen Geena pet eee ee. Att he eters 10 30 DaIVOSCO ties ela lic sAeO t Gem emai. ce see at tie ob eee 10 40 SAMS UOT Geran Mee AT Meee eee ieee hee cla css 10 50 Shalom dart s0 Lie ieese peers ery ee errno e. 120 170 eT Ha EH See DVRS W I) as fa ers Ros eee ea i Wee Uh pet 10 180 Re P BICC alicn TOR) 7 oo J pierre ast a OU eee eS 137 oat COAT LLG eek) nes WA PUN eatin. lareest Mena a eet atc he ceah ano 9 326 Devonian System. Shale, black,hard, (Chattanooga) ...2.0...... 4() 366 Shale, dark brown, soft, (Chattanooga) ...... 102 468 Oe Lilccm Roh tame ees fear, ceo eens eevee een ees oe 5 473 Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ dark, hard, open, (gas).. 6 479 Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ dark, soft, close, (gas) 4 483 Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ light, soft, close, (gas) 8 491 limestone *‘sand,’’ dark, soft, close, (gas)... 4 495 lamestone: “sand,” slight, soft; (eas): i... 5... 4 499 SAL er mOLILe se SO LG Wye neh coon tenia arene oto lee cere 4 503 Ota leeds D.iLi ween tr ome ce he ahs een tarry 503 Skeleton ‘‘Sand’’ Records These wells were drilled in the Alexander Pool on the waters of Meiers Creek, Menifee County, ‘Ky. The elevations were run by Y- level, hand level, and barometer, by Louis Panyitti, Geologist for the Ohio Cities Gas Co., and W. 8S. Peck. The surficial rocks in this pool are Pennsylvanian in the hills and Mississippian in the bottoms. G. H. Alexander, lessor. Location: 10 acre tract. Log No. 800 NG OAL, ct) Feet LOMPOC STAC SY Ne oR8 fay - Sear a chgege a coe Sache eet meta eli ee A Oe Gre BS arches ere arr SE COME car Rar l en Pie PE ROR L079 528 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 801 No. 2. Feet Elev atl Oly camer ec he ee cucre teidn ee eee Lie Omen. Clas Least eee neeaL Sick ecient iie2 {Ae OOM Opa Ome, lira oben eee 89 Log No. 802 No. 38. RUS WALI OT ve oe et ola on deta Ae a eee et ie fed SS 58 eS eed ODEN g ee es eae ac see ee ge wearers Brann L092 Cap avove tide Gy H. Alexander, lessor. 13 acre tract. Log No. 803 INGOs dem a) LO VV LLOM oar onan nas eee eed ain ee ae ee, eee Li arel Or eee LON0y Can artes eto fea hea rock Rak ow Aceh race geo 1,076 Cap above tide Log No. 804 Nope: ah) FUlevVa tion ie a. cto he ee PERN ers SRS ey ies ee eicey. Ah CRED se erar REN Me GREW greet sr tat eat a Spree tee Oro Cap above tide Log No. 805 No. 3 EEO WA GLOW: ak a cteneyreie ok sot amen ten ese gate hE 1194500 AST (Sa ae temecst par ho he en teed ated Oar nem ener oa 1,098 Cap above tide Log No. 806 No. 4. Elevation Cap 2S) Tor 6! (er er oh @ 56) ‘0! 48) 6) we) A) 10) 6) ei 16 ety © ie rey ie @) Lele) 6) ‘6 oO) 6 6) wr lel te: (6 0,16) © 6 & 16) .s ws ley se 6) @re © @ (6.10) 6 70 0) 6.0) 0 1,132 Cap above tide 6 Je) 0) fe: 8 Chie ol ei) RU ec a) is ore) oy e170 MENIFEE COUNTY 529 Log No. 807 IN Ore Feet OUR INE ss he es Ak ak ol Ae Pa ae TELGZyte Or a eal EWG shad Meri dy eso vg Pat ar oe 1,084 Caer ale OV Gato) op eae atte, 572.6 5, egos 21-2 98 Log No. 808 No. 6. Lead Omer ae ea ore an. else ste alee es Stes ge echoes ed Na BOE A AER Se Rg ire Dc erie es Kee ae ee Pa A 1,093 CA Pie ON CmmU UO tok ne claae homey he deta Wile eccn: 94 Galle Alexander, lessor,-Bio Side Log No. 809 INO eee HHO ALLO matric eA, ide ees aati eck Les aner SA. ST, OS tine een SAAT) Co LLL NE A aia Fee ane Sarees iO GAD DOVE tMLe - 45 Shar ainraeaisk ee tee cakes 82 Log No. 810 IN'On Hel ORE LOL cen acento kate ays Oa ered hee eta eee PLS s ye ies (FEE Rac See anf ae ees See ee 1,00 (ams apOVen tide ~ rece nets ..n, ee re ree 87 Log No. 811 Nor 3. LOR GLO Mae xd. tate et 8, Aone at ran shone ole, ob are 1,190 Aa AFD me elation c HaR ho eh Meth eae he ney shake % 1,102% CAD MAVOV CA CIOO Rica tere a ksh Bigs, aielansieas abe 88 Log No. 812 No. 4. EON AT IND Nisa cars ante sete eae eiee op <0 a Merews eae tas IS Geer AT Cap EN bok coir Be nT A ERE ay entire ie Ae gree 1,112 Cap above tide ei, s sie) le, Swe) 6 16) ele) Se len au 61 mle) e818 6, 6 530 Log No. 813 No. 5. Elevation Cap Dorsey Ratliff, lessor. Log No. 814 IN OGL. Elevation Cap Cap above tide Log No. 815 NiO 2s Elevation Cap Cap above tide coeeoeeoerecese Log No. 816 IN Osteo Elevation Cap Cap above tide Log No. 817 No. 4. Elevation Cap Log No. 818. No.'‘5 Elevation Cap B) 0 G0 je)" 6 6 ©) 0 6 6 & © 4 6 © @ 8 0 © ¢ 6 6 6 © «, fe), ie) 6, 64) ee ea i is © 6 OLL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Cr ee eee eee ee ee eee ee ee oe ) eee eeee eee eee ye eee ably eeeeereeer eee eee ee see eee eee eee ee wee eee ee oer eee eo ewe eee eee eo ey Sth eee) abe Repl gs 1h ma Ree 1,094 119.003 Acar: RMN ott 1,093 eoseeeeeee eevee yao is wtectaers Da 1,064 Arle 1,246 783 A. 7: 1,152 95 MENIFEE COUNTY Do. Log No. 819 No. 6 Feet USES Ay TEAS cone, on OS ys 1 eee Cee MEET B 7 akc mene da ok “re os ae os oe Re 1,083 pate al Cap eaOnemt lle rete striae) Ve Syear as : Log No. 820 No(s PONG OP gh ies We Reh Serene AE ee od eke fins DR Ps ta BS) aed ie OE Ok eae yu oc Otic et rs Rar aren ae a 1,103 OMe 1.0 ECL CCW sae te et ore gid easel he kOe 90 Log No. 821 NOG 3: HELE VeuuLO teats kare a tee ey eee adel ater er the Dero Lg ee Le OEE oe RRO Ee Tau is hres ae Ree ares eee ae 1,133 Cap above tide a o, 6) 0) 6. 8) 6 0 le 6) 6) (6 oe © © © 6: 6. (6)\0: 16 Log No. 822 iNOS Ga GL OMe a ey eee reper toca ee tenes ine Dc Oar Ti Oy eae. Cap deren erie ae Na theta e aoe Nay eae, lsh. Cap above tide oe 10, 0" e) ) ete e-¥) fe 6 We 6 0 is 6) os) «) 6 Log No. 823 INO DO. dN SaeeeeaMongh AS eein wits eth caphecey aleeolcec eas: Bredacie Deak or Cap oy 6:6), 6), :@0 let -0,'e 01.6 10" (611m Ae) 0) 6) 9a O © 6) a0: 8. 8416 te) 6! 90 6, wey (Wee aS Cap above tide Oe) ase!) 6tueis*) vec.) 8) ue) 6 Cele (oe) 6 .@) 7S ie) [es 6) 6 Log No. 824 No. 11. Elevation Cap e jettal Stalled al v.10. @) 0) (eral ce, 008/610) 0) @. {6 Se\l0) © ise e106 Oe OG. 910 6.10) 0. 40 @ hehe 6) Se 10°. 6.6 6 Me 10) C80 (¢ 67%. 0) 6) Gre 1,124 Cap above tide 532 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 825 IN Oye las Feet HAA bO lL See eee olay Acad ee ehnieken: Oa pia cota, Cone nee Oy bite eng he eee ato ais 1,089 Asan ds Cap above tide a eee. Ne! Wo. 10) 6, ae Le!) 6) Ae tgye <6 be) 0/0) eaen ce) Dorsey Ratliff, lessor, (Hog Lot). Log No. 826 INo.. 1. TAIOW ACEO Diy! -ierse tte eas alone Geter ta we nee ae LSS DOO eA et CDAD coche Ghee? arte ate leh, fone cdmoy ear ei caae net a Oss 1,095 Cap above tide eho) jo, Tee)’ ber io 0: 10s Pigs. ee te ‘ele: ete) Ja Pete Brown. Log No. 827 Nioiz: EMO V2 DEOMI [ate ctas te Paha tahoe aot eRe Let OD TSAR pel CIS | aide so oherado atime Ye tyres tela diies GP atee teen Ae ple 103.9 Ga. PrapOve 41 Cx se c-cauemns ie acme onan te 108 Log No. 828 No. 2. ALT o ac Rinley Meare ir rreerea ye erp grime! MeN epReie ear ol, RB age Ne co 8 A CLAN Ditexdtel<. 6 Se tanis ht oh bees ON en tua Se tea 1,095 CAD a DO VORTICES fasta char ee ne ea aceon ee ee 103 Log No. 829 No. 3. HilLewatlOn, s 20 tvciy sete mes oS eee 2 cipal mA lye OSH GSN SS RRS Ae Be er net a ari asta, duc Sue 5 ake sail Cap above tide Sion 0) 46 Te’ 0! 16. | 6)! 6:0) ee let re) tat le. 6) tel ew)! Log No. 830 IN'on 4s BlOVAtIOn DUA ir ooo aioe ste th Sen eee tee Cap SU eet Bhai tae nt Goth Ree etn ne Sieh B 1,122 Cap above tide ©) (ee hens o6) 16 4) enw Ye) '6 (el) 6/10) Je) (6.0) 21 0} 401 MENIFEE COUNTY 533 Log No. 831 No. 5 Meet VERS CNMIGNEN A cid Sk, eel ahta oe Mea Re Re eae ange LD Oia OO EAS Lee Ce Rd mse NORE NN cae EN SE LO in Gang ha ods 1,184 Ga NOV Ome CLC Ommn a? ae peal inact haars seach seoon 124 Log No. 832 No. 6. LG VY Med OT many ae mace soe ge eT toe adeaes ter &, entree as GOO Me Oot or a De eee eS nee Oke eee a reerme Si, dea CaperaDOv Cac bl Omer set) ce aratcrs Poo Nas cee ene, 114 Log No. 833 INO. TY. LO VLE EO Titel oars Rc mete ot per alenet cece na abe s eae aerate Gan Rarer oaetebehe 3 Rede ten adie oe a Sis ah ish ae ag 68) ped Ne MCAD ae O Vibe USCC Pierre etee hate, Gen arie tue eet ORE ee) Log No. 834 No. &. BLGNCAT LOU ep dear hve eertercen tt aieaE ey ee aa tae Cap e)pe\ ane) a) 6| Lele) emia) le.fal eo 6h oe Ue\6. 6) ent eimial loll af oem el, alse, ane as, 6, 8 © 0) 0) © @ oe 16) 0: ¢ 16, ¢ 0 o 9 'e coco er rere eee eee ee se eee eee eevee oreo ree eee ese eee ee ee were ee © (0) 6 © 6.6 "6 6 ¢ & 616 6.40 6 © 0 6. 0 6 ® 6 14 0 @ © 0. @ (0:8 6 ys) 6) © 0 € 6 © ee © © 6 6 6 © 6 © 6 ee 8.6 Feet eae iid Seg Sian Ts eh 2 oe 1,068 1,110 1,140 1,065 542 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY William Trimble, lessor. Log No. 885 NOs Le Feet BLeVAtLO I hen peeeecethi cee ate nc eer aise hers ae ees E2026 EG Ghee Bei AL 2 ang ReaD aye iyi) 2 1,043 GCap “ADOVCGtiGE. “92 denice nai ie eat 160 Rebecca Dennis, lessor. Log No. 886 INOS: Hal Gy AETO I Po. oe se See e aera free Ate occ 1,242 C8 Me Sete rea et so eat nett a age er Ces tates lew oe On 1,194 CapennOventidews wats. con ban ota eebat 48 E. M. Yokum, lessor. Log No. 887 NO: 2: UONYES ee Sua ob Neate ante eanen, irae ete no ORAS th oak Res pera (DA tag tx FAM ig came eee 2 ogee he ae 1,203 FEDS BDO VC CLC Ca, tai eG es eek eee 68 James Wilson, lessor. Log No. 888 NOS La Fle VAGLOM: es aa te ace EE, ere ee 0 Cap ahaa gs Leer as ati fim, Aeon an) Say Ret a 1,080 B. Swango, lessor. Log No. 889 NOx: Pile Vato Mp ure rea te ss ree 1,084 Tae eritesl that eeu ee te eee eo ee 1099 Cap ADOVG TICE i, 2. eee es coe erm ao eee —15 Jos. Collingsworth, lessor. Log No. 890 No. 1. Hilev ations tas ae cite pe eee ate ne at es 1,153 CAD Mie cis u aie Meee ae eee ee eee Caprabove stiles tio ac 2 ak nee aeons MENIFEE COUNTY J. C. Ledford, lessor. Log No. 891 Nox 723 Feet FULGViACTONE stat erne as ep pre eee ee ae 8G 1,185 OS yeaeed Ree eee ee Lease rah oS aye, Se Be wee G 1,032 Fae OY Ou UIC mer Amer a, Ri ern > Raith ss, « 154 Thos. Greenwald, lessor. Log No. 892 IN-Osge.Le LG VCS OW Mer. chest are corn one Shea we evi akc eee 914 COUT) WER cae tae Ace Car Nee ee uke en ye ae 626 Cia era OV Cit Ommee anen ede teste cae ea eres 288 Lon Barker, lessor. Log No. 893 ING we L: Hieuat Olen men eee ate. een 954 Cap aro oce¢ Ose oocno ono ps Gh mos oom n so Gon 808 Caps doOVO8 ULCOm ey ncl nent wate .na S Eacatne tents 147 William Baty, lessor. Log No. 894 IN 'Oen Le JULe VLA OMe wi comaate. Bre Nee cre nla Jeet Mn eae 1,223 AD bie GE crear hats ate ete tts est re wee 1,106 (Ca Ly OMe ge LLC ieee wy otieace Serre ete ces eee aPiey Brooks Tract, lessor. Log No. 895 Novel, ESAs Ss a OsEI sha rie, Pee Metta vay hs cas! Sheree ete eat ae (DES ee Rin Red te MOR UA ge oe ane: aA PAL END 1,120 (rel ARCA Wim LCL OSM ptt tue ae stew era ec eres Powers Heirs, lessors. Log No. 896 No. 1. HO VaAGIONg een Mn rete Mx cents ory keaton t- 1,270 Coe iat es med ecg ee dete Ree Tt eats gee Wa cee eal CAD EaADOV Ceti a ees alc ee Ne oe 131 RUG he seg wl Ys pod, aT. 544 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 897 INO jas Feet Pe vats ecpae cctngtt Poema chs vyelo nt Garret 1,263 Cart ae ee teste ee petceb h h are ene nin 1,142 Gap ta ove Std Cacat 26 tenn neem 121 Log No. 898 INOS 388 PUP OVLLOI Pe eerie he o dc oreies toa eas eRe ee re Sore eo Oe CC tae Ae nie code te ne MAREN eas ces neg aie 1,080 CAD a0 0'V CLUES or, erie so eaten clone avers suse 110 Log No. 899 No. 4 HCVESION Gees sb ats op eae aL ee tne CON Mme eae de>, wari eer os cb mn ps 1,082 COP +a VOW OR TAL 2. cue eri daah teres ete nents a kaa) O. D. Barker, lessor. Log No. 900 No. 1s BGVAGIONS ie, heintte Sake a ee ee oe hood CAT. Pa ek tarok ie cies igs ee ates Snes 1120 GCapsaboverridess aaverimer rate en. ane 114 Log No. 901 No. 2. Tiley AELO 0 terrier ore eta aiel ahaa ieye ote oe 1,215 (CAD aac ss Shea apemys tects iho opts ars aera LO Cap Ra DOV EC. Ul AC cte ete asear tosarats Gees or ee 114 Mart Barker, lessor. Log No. 902 ~o4- A, DT, Now FLLOVAL LOL Ma cae eehape Hectares aera amie cece SO lm Sd Awe be Capt iit: Seren aaa (1222) 702 Capeavovertide wer. cie os ee sents (146?) 166 ' Black Shale a stphMebals aicer a en Seance he aoe caeihe 502 MENIFEE COUNTY 545 Oscar Motley, (J. R. Lyon), lessor. Log No. 903 Non. TOV OW LG Ue a emer enter pes ee ene ies, wiles ayo pers, drs LCR Ue Sah Ae uta ome tage no NS Rr Onclaran ane ar CAP TaDO Ver ULdG armrest ais ou sla e us teas, c+ Mota led etna aw ters, coe aera ces ne cheb soo, Se See W. M. Whitt, lessor. Log No. 904 IN Ose des Ley ALOT rt ere es eee «ee Cee PEE ee OAD ye es eet en Ree one cere ae ic ae SE a ANs Jas. Collingsworth, lessor. Log No. 905 Feet POTN gta cece at ees whe ec oes a ete eae GES eerie nets BEE ce PO eAG HE NCnaD Oe ES EO Gare a0 Ov 6arhi Cem meer rt ne Pertenece rece S Jim Phelps, lessor. Log No. 906 So. of EH. A VS Wich Ga ORs oop Pelcta, eas so ce, oti ar a aes st oe CRE ak pet at de oer nate Pam ee Peas SM gemten Sree cee Chae OV ea: bLCCE, facets (econ eles ee oro Bea. Beaty Heirs, lessors. Log No. 907 Now dL: HOV Gre EL Otis ester. otal teks raat ee ae Moen el oie (A erected sgtate seiata, weet seen whe METRES SS CTE RADIO Viele UC Ole seectea 8 aris cuore tos tas etal tbe Frank Lawson, lessor. Log No. 908 (OD) eeahas ig an eS etree RA eee Se, oat p 1,145 AS MN 1,030 Dead Oil 115 546 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY J. T. Powers, lessor. Log No. 909 Now? Feet LOSER IE AAR en, Picea ha, SAM bare ere Omran Prtie ea iS tag 1920 (eS OM ceeds CBD aio araneta Va oe botrte este neyat ceqane i Sate easter eae aie 1,149.50 Gai ka Ome etl Ommaeie cece hs ccreltee a ee erodes 108 Log No. 910 Now 2: TL OV ACLOU AS See cn ia ittins She erat err eueterate See as 1,241.65 A. T. CA Diese opiate wud pues Brakeuene Me acsts ea ees 1,1388% CAD RA DOVEr TIdO.g nas antec eee ee 103 Log No. 911 No. 3. Feet TS] GeAGL OTN Sear eee cde ede e te ete oe ee pete 1 20S 9 4 Amel PAD oe ices wyaatle Oke ce eth am ee erent Same 1,108% plus 8% No Water. CAP ADOVOatTdG late eee re ome erm eee © 100.4 Log No. 912 No. 4. HVS VE ULOM tek cho ae ester iata ede Siedehons seeds soca ete TAO Om 4heA nt Cape chipicr h oiek St artem icin ances Gavin ieee 1,103 plus 6% S. W. plus 2. plugged. Gap abOV 6. tid eects tachi hyn erch-ie nee eh otciet one 100.94 to 6 ft. shot 20 qts. Salt water shut off and 365 feet of oil. Silas Montgomery, lessor. Log No. 913 NOEL: FLOV ALO eee: ties carte tnd ese maa es eu rect TLS 2065 e408 Le OL RA ENA ie HOW ern tire ee ied (ere ee Oe 1,093 plus 13% Cap above tide ir. s faces danke tem wae 105 .65 Wells Heirs, lessors. Log No. 914 INO Ase Le FEI G VATION Seat fe ead take ea ae eee rae ee LA2.000 6.0) Wael, Caen Aah oe ee, Pelt fee Sea ee ee oes tale B 0 Captaboy Getileci<. aha Usman tea oo ister 114 Frof Wells Heirs to J. T. Powers No. 1, 26 feet higher. (J. TPowers No. 1) is 1,257.85) MONROE COUNTY 547 MONROE COUNTY. Production: Oil and Gas. Producing ‘‘Sand’’: Sunnybrook (Ordovician). Log No. 915 Dux Oil Co. Location: About 6 miles west of Thompkinsville. Commenced: Oct. 31, 1919. Completed: Nov. 27, 1919. Authority; Dux Oil Co., through L. Beckner, Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth SS OL tae arene Tee Dre Ns hag ater secs see ates leh 10 10 AES CONG ee SN pan Pare eae 5 Say Evie, ee ao 70 80 Sand and limestone, grayish, (gas) ...«....... 3 83 WTR S COILe ee At eo rey yey Atl Oe ELLIE yop eterna > 4 37 120 TSE OS GOT Cy LUC tae Shel mre carta te tee tee Rea cep ake © 21 141 TSE HOTS, RAV ILILG. 7.0m a ser oh ena ee ee yn os 3 144 Shales MAT OS De eTien (Sl PIN UT MOOS.) eevee vce g- oo eres D 149 Devonian System. Shale, biaeky (Chattandvuga)y io 2225. 012 sak at a 25 174 Silurian System. EGTLCS LONE at ONT Dy Oat Owe nae peered ec cee 15 189 Sip lew card re ta Vaiae,: nett stants meee oes 5 194 Ordovician System. Tames Tome lent =D) Wel es: cvs. ec cNoty rs cenit teak. tedee 50 244 PQUBTES LOMO. DUT DAG gpel sear ever ate os orm tr cat ape 3 247 LAMESTOIO DEOWUISI <5 cia) oii Pia alert are iy eee 5) 252 phate. Poreciis hy sliards jain atest, eee 4 256 LGINIESEOMC yk OPA Vie aall.warents eben Ooh a RAae ect 4 260 Jiibestonie gibt garth Aer Od)! \etreetbe tot ance steed ay oracaly 21, 26214 DOLeI Ge Dil Geter Rechte eter nt a hr ret 2621, Log No. 915-A. W. L. Douglas, No. 1, lessor. Location: Near Fountain Run, Mon- roe County, Ky. Commenced:— Completed:— (Partial Record). Strata.. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth, Shale mat.d elim GStOn es caw, vst ae hac oe @ Sieteie wets 170 170 Devonian System. Shale, sblacls (Chattanooga) 02 sete» » ensteteress 35 205 iLamesbouer.( Comms er0us \lixse iy. ie ae eee eee 15 220 Silurian System. LM OSLONG 7 CIN 12. ea. Daen sd Sante testi oa cs 6c ecter, Sips eee 30 250 548 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Ordovican System. Thickness Depth Limestone and shaly limestone (includes Tren- LOT) iis ve icc ea aunts Cost gs Foose temas 19150 1,400 Eimestone, dark nia rie wesc. lee ots weaker rons si 47% 1,447 Limestone, dark gray, Knoxville Dolomite ... io Aso at Limestone, dark, shaly, Knoxville Dolomite .. 60 1,580 Dinméstoney dark; compact]. .c. snes. soe bee 22 1,602 Incomplete depth (April 1, 1922) .... debs NOTE—The Trenton and Calciferous is found within the lower half of the 1150 feet above 1447 feet in depth. The Knoxville Dolomite is regarded as the producing sand of the new Beech Bottom wells of Clin- ton County, Ky. These wells produced oil at a depth of 1365 feet be- low the black shale (Devonian). MORGAN COUNTY. * Production: Oil and Gas. Producing ‘‘Sands’’: Big Lime, Big Injun, Wier, Berea (Mississippian), Corniferous (Devonian). Log No. 916 EK. H. Oldfield, No. 1, lessor. Location: At’ Mize P. ©. Produce- tion:. 2,000,000 cu, ft. gas. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Siglo cand «Sh els exist aaa we pteiek wei eee ae 100 100 Sand, av bite Wwe acc wee eta ate te ree ieee ome arte 215 315 WHILE ANd. sells L050 White water sand? (Corniférous) ... ics. -0%. ©. Da. «l,0.o0 mandy hard. bre wa CCOrmirerous i. jc ee ton ee 0g UGS White Swaterqcand «( GOMMTCTOUS Mecmrayateitens 15 751.08 0 Total ae pigs er. ce ee ee ee eee 1,080 20 feet 10 inch casing, 95 feet 8 inch casing. 520 feet 61) inch casing. Log No. 918 J. T. Fugett, No. 1, lessor. Iron City Oil Co.,, No. 1, lessee. Lo- cation: Brushy Fork of Caney Creek. Completed: Oct. 21, 1917, Authority: L. Beckner. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. LEX EG paver sty cer ahar wdc egies eae eaters Be een aes SRG Sei Gy Aw deter dah since dep at ieee eee Rate tee need Hales Wad acsties as pian ak ere pein ae PAT) Qi ct ths Satya ates ieee ptrenae ah seeps th ieee ee eens Shalessdard, Asani y wee tate neha em ciead neler ieee Sand okie tear pes sive oe fas a oe eae rr ee a Shale; Chatd yee sae. ee. eee eee ee Sat i. Soe oraeane ate ee anon te a eae eee Thickness Depth 18 ane 8 42 60 290 350 85 435 40 475 140 615 60 675 65 740 MORGAN COUNTY 551 Mississippian System. Thickness Depth ROUTE W cba od Wik STE at fr Sty Git CMA C EO RO A a 10 750 Lau SS TON eet aiid Oe NTN Ces nwate at els acs ais oe Mcrae cs 5 759 eM ral bs okt rian as Gh a one a eee ee 5 760 Tam estonesCBigs Vamelweware acts eth cic avis sos 105 8695 poli Veen VCE rOT Yate Menten esrpisre teg ja hal. \-Completed Aue. 1s, 19-1327 e Drillers: Harry Creel, Grover Barnes and W. R. Forman. Authority: L. Beckner. Strata. Pennsylvanian System, Thickness Depth SOUL, ete. aoe naan ee cae SAP ROC) i FP OR ooh 9 9 Goal, Dittimanoue and shialés jc cece. pense eke 266 215 POAT Dc, tie Spe eee hee eas reas en ct aR ae een ae 45 320 Ded: Walls Goh 1G) A me Perce mea pera of nen A Earn mare nt Sag) Se 210 530 SAM OLA CK 6 ac austin tet o ee koue sett cetee eh emeecee 200 730 Reread ns Marys foy ae (2) enti mane ecg arr We pte (xR, AC ce ae 45 775 Mississippian System. Iamestone CLittle wianimve re. 2 sa lene eee eee 105 880 Limestone (Bigs Dime) ease eran ree nee 20 900 pelea W ayer lye toe meter maccae ora ee meme tetera ae 1852) 91085 £9 11% peatees. Sia stats eee pees ee tte ge oe See oe eee eet 419 1,504 DAHCSbO Ney Tse Ca lar. eres «ae ends Leen ee Ng nes cares 16s e152 0 liad Gears ee ro eats ey nite eae eee eee 24 1,544 Devonian System. mile olack is Ghat tamoOe a Neen. twee yee eset 36 1,580 Shale “OMe Clan OOO As) Ber ems ted jecagereass Crees hee 248 1,828 Iamegtone, oo Sane whee te eee oe SiS eA 8 Eimessone (2eand 2" reat eoeee ees toe 20'4” 1,880 MO Galle Le pt era nitars «ie ag spe Mente) tes etaoee ee 1,880 First pay at 31/ feet in sand and runs to 13 feet. Log No. 921 Vv. P. Haney, “No. 3, lessor, Location: Upper Tract.) Com- menced: Oct. 14, 1913. Completed: Nov. 12, 1913, Drillers: J. Den- nis, H. R. Newland, G. Barnes and W. R. Forman. Authority: L. Beckner. MORGAN COUNTY Strat Pennsylva Sandstone, shale and cannel coal Sand a. nian System, Gy xe! 's}e) 0! ee" far el 6" ee) ef of Sipe) ©: (6) (ee (Ss: a .e) 0) a7 6) (6, 07:0 (ol “@, ip) 856) oh 0 my 8 SCENIC he oacfepr MWR IR ies oe) 2 oe gw sine A ren ee Mississipp ian System. imestornes Clit ile Wile) Seno Sec totelesck ey ees pe SPW Ke AER TS 8 Wey Al coe aa" ap em ae dacs Pree -a eR 15h OSGI es Chi. oe DliG, area ast iote desta ees N= EA Lem NV VOT A VAN mi creme tots abe sees wane sanst arcadia Pas SUMdsS LON GEC DELedy) aiec treed op ate aie cnale a ent Shale, hard Devonian e! Ch ie! 4 te: Sal. 6) ot nisi ee ‘ele, oe © © is 0 ee 0 2 0 6 «8 6 « System. Shalev blacks (Chattan00Os je jae as ets wees abe Shale Limestone ‘‘sand’’ 4) feltes (elerde! @ (0) (baie) ie: be Fe: @. se, (6) 616) 6: ce... 10) [8 (00 Se a) ©) Sipe) 16) a); Tehiwi. 8) (6) eecscwervreeeoec ene veeoecees eevee VOCAL CCD UD ir es cin lavas duetaye ele, Sta eve le, ate Pay from 1,812 to 1,8231,/ feet. Log No, 922 Maso May 2, 19 Strat n Jones, No. 1, lessor. Location: Cannel City. Thickness Depth 470 470 152 622 98 720 100 820 8 828 Loe Al OOF 458 1,465 15 1,480 Some leh bb 255 Melee 0 40 1,810 Delis sor: 133 3.1 Commenced: 13. Completed: June 3, 1913. Authority: L. Beckner. a. Pennsylvanian System, Soil @: sep 6) © 0) 0! le) 6 je: @: Ye) 6 @) 16-6 © 0. © 6 (Bl. (6 orDe) 0) (0: @ 10) @ © 8 * 6 0 \8) 6 8 0 8 mielisncwnd wehalere Ward © Wakes. cette: oe cos oes Sand Shale Sand BANS TOP baa neregeae, a. «1 i Be Aer eee arg ma) xo) ‘6 @ 1100 8, ele) (ei 6) ©) (ef) "6 9:00: (@) (ene, thf: m0) 6) 0,108 10, © lo lwo @ (0:0) 0. fa Mississippian System. DAMES LOT ee (aL sEU TLC Littl Oy) aie a tle re dragster tars peeks, «eta en Shale *) eine) 6) ot scot se, «| ol ae) eeu sien 0) le) eo: 1b)! te: Ss) e he: e: Op 70) 10), ©. te! aires 8) ye) learn CB LOn ewer 1 @ LRG jee 5 oe sucheroredartc'es toto oteue simys Shale AEE SG RG) © Sere Rae tt ha nme Scientia ar Mn PR PAM etO Dew CL OTOA ePcatccts 2 cla chats ates) elaleta «aie ots Ro iiets nme LEC) ee ocd e sco area cels Aust ota ess fener a Veelo rs Devonian Shale Shale Limestone System. Pare LaCie CHA GLAM OO Od) oi crete naa ors Se) acu) elon wi fe) .s) 9) s) 18) Oe) ele eee, (oye 6116. 6. ce Le Ol Ne Lee 08). 8.18 ee: a) 0 18) 16 CE BATIT MRO ee Leth tera oe cree aa ie OD em Ce bil fee oer aren ee nieg ants esate te cdo. sale No pay until 7 feet below cap. Thickness Depth 12 Lee 6 265 200 50 100 10 440 25 50 251 30 12 129 135 400 600 650 750 760 765 950 1,390 1,415 1,465 ripe 1,746 161, 1,76214 ‘s 1,7621% 554 OTL, FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 923 Jim Little, No. 1, lessor. Mullins & Mullins Oil & Gas Co., lessee, Location: Near Mize P. O., about 200 yards above post office on Mur- phy Fork of Grassy Creek. Commenced: July 10, 1917. Completed: Aug.-9, 1917. Initial production: 900,000 cu. ft. gas® Authority C, H. Bales. Strata. Pennsylvanian System, Thickness Depth BOUL RM vas = dere por cnan Snax ars a stan egeu Munk aM vamegst ois Wop Caan ee eke 6 6 Shatesand .chebls. oaks en keuat «nstece ore ae amet es 94 100 aC Spomernwy hl tlm re tank oe tra eee tee aoe nae 210 310 OE Leo ytd Pec tan ee ce cys oot ie RR ea a HN eS 50 360 Mississippian System. umes pone (battle ame inseam meets eee 20 380 DM estOnent Big vel alnie: |) se, en eee ete aay ae ee 120 500 Sitales CWaAVerly \etie steam ee tees, crete ete fe Biri 540 1,040 Devonian System. bhales brown (Chattanooga. 75. aacn smite wees 200 1,240 Shaleys white "(Chattanooga ie ascend oe 20 1,260 pilale brow <.Chattanoogd 2.7002 i arc cey Al Ae 28 T mestone <2 Sand.) 2 S( Sos ale asst, ee Metso deez o2 U6 tel # ep tie cetens Srarecls «ce eet ea nee ME hs Log No. 924 Jim Little, No. 2, lessor. Location: 1 mile southwest of Mize PO} Authority: Le Ve oMullen: Strata. Pennsylvanian, Mississippian and Devonian Systems. Thickness Depth Sandstone, limestone, and shale 42,022 -sea2 1,034 1,034 Tim estore, ce aand27 cCOormitrerous |, aco St eneds 32 1,066 Silurian and Ordovician Systems. Limestone accra, 306, ame cone career ZAQ BATS 0G LOtaLY Gepall os wy casa «crete re eee 1,306 Log No. $25 Clay Murphy, No. 1, lessor. Forman Oil & Gag OCo., lessee. Lo- cation: Near Mize P. O., about 1 mile up the Murphy Fork on Grassy Creek from the post office. Commenced: May, 1917, June, 1917. Production: Dry. Completed: MORGAN COUNTY 555 Strata. Pennsylvanian System Thickness Depth ot HRA SNe gelled ead | Si rh ea a ee a a 18 18 Eames Loner aid ss ioll ste cits oe talk ee 26k 12 30 UBS eeay ones sober ONIN y ee Ot A ek ve a Ae as a 10 40 SSEEMOUENSS AO TKTS seen uate gaat cae llr Solar), tha ee Re a Pa 125 165 Shia Perea rn ede east ert ge oak Te etc 2 -e.c's 3 168 Siiidstod sete nee a 57 225 SSD LCs, Mier ere ees Eerie We eee ney en oY ae 20 245 OCDE Oleh Pte nee Meee Msc teentT I Uae ara Pg 5 250 SIR NO rt Ppa titra rao Ar Ee Murs 0 ota! era ae ae 10 260 EC StI mae co ve tan ere ite eee 60 320 SOLE (ier cg AS) ut etc He eM tia SRM Ae Diy Pa RD Oo 6 326 Sad SCO er ete te ote e ROrGs naa ate, 6 332 fe HES aca aN Gils RM Since Cae on rae el ae a 18 350 Mississippian System. Enmesbone at little slime) idee. s os, eats apt e « 20 370 ROE ALO sot mi eter aay crea ee ties 18 Fes ge a gage MAE 22 392 LimMiescO Wes CIO a lane he ea tie ei fog ore euceeen 108 500 ROLLA Waar VOr Lain teu hares eee erin eet es ot aia ane ahs 461 961 Diipteme DiC Kummer R AT am at tyes ath ci cecnia 19 980 SM MenmeW iLO mates tye, oe ee NS Ral Silchar 10 990 EILCAS TOR Cin COTO, al 2 beter ete we uit Ree cecte or cue ate Bases 5 995 SLES Lee VN INL DG, aeercentens ial the haan oven NDR Trt te Geo Tb Merl 010) Devonian System. Daialen ebro wie 4 ChatranoOlae gn) weet. sa wor a 250 1,260 Sieh Soma Ge SM Gilet OO Cat, \en tee ica ene eee 20 + 1,280 HORS Sie OS ROL OOS f Uilmgn east s RA ee Were Ain ee dike Pah gn teeta Bea? 3) 1,283 LIMES ON Cs SSA Tce me rane tee hae eee eA cae mae a 153820 gloat SPALL IMs Hie shaper hae twee iy Mahe klar 1,320 Log No. 926 Hurt Dowery, No. 1, lessor, Murphy Fork Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Location: Near Mize: P. O., about 214, miles from Mize P. O., on the left hand fork of Murphy Fork of Grassy Fork, 1917. Completed: May, 1917. Production: Dry. Bales. Strata. Pennsylvanian System Soil Shale Sandstone Shale ei wien oe 1 6).6) 6. “Si.é) e) en le! O68 a) 6) 0) 0) 8 a0 0) ¢ 6 00: '®. © 0: 6:6 6 0 4) 0.10 i) 1 60068 28 4 Oe Sire) ues een 'e) we) #| al ele) # Wp ene 6) 66.6) 8 (O®. (8 6 eres ¢ sie @ ee) oe 6a) eure Chie) «ey 6 0) ¢ © 86 08 % 0 0 0 6 6 eee OS ay po, oP euce “ee le 6 oglu 0 er 4) ue) 6h ene) 6, 6) O18. 10 6 bop a) 6 OCS) (6) 640! 8 6) To ele '6) se (he Sie e, (6) sh ewe ig ONS 16 16 1d. eo, 6.188) 68 8 ew 6 8 6M Laie) 6 ke.8) we Clie. ‘s! S60) 6 = oO 'e, 10 10 6.76) 18 6 Commenced: April, Authority: ©. EH. Thickness Depth 17 vy 23 40 £85 225 2 227 48 275 60 335 556 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Mississippian System. Thickness Depth ihimvestouve sand shellac. teh r nets «tones 35 370 whale, ela. yaa a NC an wate nae bisa ete 18 388 Timestone: and shel lam eee Ay ctctccers oat ora nine 22 410 Tamestone Bie Siam ey) heen aes crete tee te 150 560 Shate “CNV averly ys se oe aera sts ritahe ore alten seeatie 440 1,000 Sandstoue 2 Berea) ia. ty ans ree eet sages ee 5 1,005 Shales OWOLG -a kr cs Rec Boge Geer aga einer ease Die eek OO Devonian System. Shalemblackre( Chattanooga. 8.0 es ee a eau 25 1,035 hale, white (COhattano0oge aac sei oa. ak asaes = 15 ~*1,05.0 Shale, browne (Chastanooea) = ete as py steee a ae tosr ara aera ie eee mae 7) EoD 13 13 De IARC CDLAC los Met ne Sore he Poh nem os tea ce rete ge 122 135 SELL AE Gu SrOraW. et it oe Race rte aetlatameae ew ernst oe 50 185 sy Tarra ey iter CL fe Pa gs goin Sic cece oh aaa eras eae 25 210 CoQ PUTTS bie COE linens teettie’ dice sa ane ehiec ace Sete A Tete ge sa opbcre sy) 215 Se RNIN, er toy kat ae Re ee RCO We Aer PR er RIAs AMEE Pope 395 610 SEMTUCL Sale fo rs tach cee cc Sea meeaa pe ke ees see Maes GONE alts 160 TAY Perio ena wet terete. ce oye cee eee Ha Ai yz t ari 30 800 PEIN PAVE GOs tte cette eteue Cail sti bares pes teehee Tah Ae 80 880 ike PGtoua leur mega ee en akerace ohty ak tol CE ats Seale wie) 30 910 Mississippian System. UDI e ST Oe DIG eminence tine, Aether ees GN cyst ove wie = Peat) 920 DMLeSLONe SC b1l's ILC je. WHT UG me sie onan eae ure EON) cereal) Sil ees mE VL OPA aia rk. cess sate es 9. Cec RA eons ot ZO LS Siren lemme ale ul aterm te vee Seti ete t5.2 re ee 440. <.1,578 Meh) Cate Feet beac leno 8 aie ge) el, tlle eras cb en ses rahe, Ses ioe Ae LOL aL. Sa DAMUSRONGT (EXCTOAM Seth em Wik Si alea sin o> 8 wth cents 2 20) 15605 Solves ech OL VL Gree eh te te Nr taticmas ao carait sols ie, « 20> L625 Devonian System. ¥ shale. black) hard, (Chattanooga) 2h. 04-4; BSA ea hy ea Pamestone . ‘sands’ e( Cormsrerous) sii a2 syeks sca « VAN Gee Be 2) Ota ROC iimese er Pe tere an setters mageteca at Pe Ba!) 558 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 929 A. A. Gose, No. 3, lessor. Commenced: Nov. 13, 1913. Com- pleted: Dee, 22, 1913. Authority: L. Beckner. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SOULE chatter PR MOE thew a nye ORTON 85, coarse Leen He 181, 18l, Wannel*codl fand as hal Ci salsas tata een ree 814 100 *: Pola ler olret Uw ecm ieee cts te eid. cnc ea, ete, Ce eee 402 502 Bandiusor ty om ca seme ut teas acne tans caer, Sater 118 620 Pieless hard 9% Shs se tes Sapa t ery.) eater Ae PE Ne Kae 160 780 PSH ec SCG LTO setticecren, se cya, teh nets epee eee Sh, co Peer 60 840 Sidhe, wile rd Sheet eames tae ays yee ane meer 90 930 Mississippian System. Lames cone “Citic e Lime) aus Ws eau senceecw nate? 10 940 SLs ae Set al impact fee el Ree er ney es a aie 10 950 Tarpnes tone CI To Fe AMS: ne ticles ree ot cue: An eaeher recone 20 970 Shiela cw aver ly fees eet otra nonas nee Lp s elsb25 SHA Lepard sacri nn mh rent aace Ren ae ee 46.0 [oss Handstoue: (Berea } iid re). etl)o nee pee ee ee 10. 1,595 Shale, BAT yen cil ee eels Bite ne eo emmy, 20 1,645 Shales. bad sob lacoste eos seth ee acetate hits 25 1,640 Devonian System. Shaler (Ghabiamoop ay eae treet chy este ee ee 264 1,904 Limestone sand? Corniferous) ) (. 5 3 eeeah 22 A ele DOO oe Lamestone- “sand” “¢Corniferous)s eee. ma. 19 1,945 ’2” POtal dep Ulads < areye tert aens eae cee ee 1,945 2” Log No. 930 lL. M. Haney, No. 1, lessor. Completed: Aug. 5, 1913. Drillers: W. R. Forman and H. R. Newland. Production: First pay 3’6” from top of sand; second pay 9 to 14 feet in sand, Casinghead alt.: 982.1 feet. Authority: L. Beckner. Strata. Pennsylvanian System, Thickness Depth Sollee Myer eae aac hee Smt CRE Se eee eae Sein a, 5 5 AEN KC WEN | Omer arerar A a oh BRO CPan mh eegeee Asn ain center 49 54 Cannels Coal (ker iar ahacenns eae aes eee leet te nd ee 5 59 halo ssnard bo. Aka eects seatede hen nee On wet ain eae eee Rede 81 140 Sand, eof Girt Ot mann rte eh noe eet ase ce eee ee 187 327 Handstone CPOs VIG aesemeg. ihe tciceyel ticle aie anes 253 580 ~ .. MORGAN COUNTY 559 Mississippian System. Thickness Depth ISIOTESTOM eM UTE CaM EIGN acts. -5~ Suas Sone ce et whe Niele 15 595 ISLIN ES FON Car IS 1 Owl ah) Peter ela tie iste “neem cans oi 6's 110 705 Rua ema Wid Viel yo tmergcee cra etter teas Gree ache. or gees PSII OSG Ol) Coes Kiet tien cc een, ener os, Olivet anare ede as Se Oe OO Wl eee seat aera nica tuk eats oR Pen OSG OMG WRGl OAs) a veld ocala aus. ota e+ 21s", dia opere con one Sa 1S.g NETO mW DUUe et vceet ateetice oe ch eens ou Pevonian System. shale, brown>( Chattanooga): .<.c.2.2% +.) Shalem narde (Chattanooga } ia. setae 5 sic LARVOSCOM GS aT Cen ate hee oer ictal sae a choo ee leKere ee) ene see ee 6/10) | 18 eee ee #10 6) "ee oe eee Obie 016! Je) +1 etre) 6.76 os f6 ie 6 ac St On eine Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ (gas 1,860) (oil 1867-71) ROCA URC CEL BM tense cetaiae Star cenats ener oe «¢ 561 Thickness Depth 15 250 5 250 45 50 300 53 497 747 752 1,002 1,047 1,097 1,397 1,450 121f 1,46214 1,46214 Driller: Thickness Depth 580 580 590. 745 780 906 930 3.0 1,390 1,520 1,530 1,555 562 Of ELE DDS TRATTORAPH YOR WEN TUCIRY: Log No. 935 . Home Oil Co., No, 1, lessee. Location: Cannel City. Commenced: Jan. 15, 1918. Completed: Feb. 4, 19138. Casinghead elevation: 930 feet. Authority: L. Beckner. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Noy Raat Met cm te RUN TAL gr RMR 8 ede: Maa 15 1) ee ELD CEI: ee OBER FoR DML ARS Crh eh Sai sua Coed dk iere Fy Oe 10 25 Pg LE, NAT Cut deh eee Sc ner ommtras nce kok Secor aes 55 80 Bar Whe weed tue Bate Rea i SIR Alt Beth dh sa cata ate 24 3 83 SOT CLOLOINED Miia chaise tar ter ne ee oe a, cree boos Tat 160 SH abGcouy es Boccia evade wits = Beare atts tie hae eel he an ale 40 200 COTE cea a ae eer rg Pat rant crrese cate) Seegietis Pris Fe oe examen ge an 70 270 Shahe,s Ward. whi: eh op era eet ae 20 290 S alee a cea. sain ee ks Ale rd peas. DRREOae Been Mg meRT Se 20 310 PACs RVTI LO: er ea Site eters evecare acatecy has Oenenaee 95 405 Mississippian System. imesiomer (Bio AUG iia. arcs tne sien sen ens dere 180 585 limestone. and thal errhardee .ciscee, oer. oh cated: 40 625 Panidepones wes setiton a then ee ee 95 105 LEN Ch eg fees sree Te ae nue ea tect Nac eat athe cies te Poke BPE 275 380 oli Lapis at Ane, as co meerdpaucat ine scant eran BA eS. es 204 584 RON ea pict aot coset nse hence Go ete Rate SE Oe ae Wee Sa rt 56 640 DS rales bar nee ane ol ta anne t an apenctaschars 5 tsian oc 85 725 Mississippian System. Mamesrone Uibile eign © acc rakecits ohcte he ator atPet a: 10 735 SS Tete Cae nehe reuse eatonspe trate or taaee oie eh edict) Say ey cect, See 15 -750 Inmiestone «(Big climes Ceased) Sones ae eee 165 915 Sled lees Wa Wel meets atetan, Ales ma ae saat Seaecena dt aewe ay > 440 1,355 SAMAStOMON FCO Ore ais wuts eerste uti aigieknerstes Saeed eye Ae) Sinema lnetr le Pay irare tgh cuarans Paap e ce 8 Oe she 30 1,400 Devonian System. Shale, hard, black (Chattanooga) <. 02. 2.5..; 30 1,430 Shale, black (Chattanooga) ...........+-.... 286144 1,716 Tnmestonen!*sands7? Girsteols 1124) tec cok 124% 1,729 Dot ael wi Ot eet Meu aatethe: vuvtcie 9 scm [ot shalone obs giao 564 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 938 Daniel Gullet, No. 1, lessor. Ohio Fuel Oil & Gas Co., lesseé. Lo- cation: Cannel City District. Commenced: Oct. 27, 1913. Completed: Dece22- Luks. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth COLT whan reise te Pe heten teases ce isnege age ities ae Santer ees Lae ome 12 12 ROLLED NG a Garters tare e ote crates) oe eee ereemettMcn emule maar 84 96 GiOa a ee Retin cote fc etch Mera n Ser cad emacs wos paemere 2 98 Sirale wind Ge ells on tonct. ctetne Sete ci's yee eee ce secure 272 370 PUBL) Liabiahee: eo alte cit hee Wa (tie ok MEMES eh HSE ARES AeeeE Reps tants 270 640 SLOEN Eaten te Sarat etn, Ortiver gre te, Ce irene Rie PLAS Ca EA AS 30 670 Mississippian System. Jotmestones Git tle tam ete, enacts stem & to teen 20 690 bere tid wade iiss sch. ts ties ose online gettanscople iels 30 720 Isimestones (Bie elm 6). 23 ek he ete ay ects Reena 120 840 alee AV erly j= set ects ernest rngarepen ioe 440 1,280 Pandshome (OTe er. tak. srcufaclueae taco eea ue ates 25 1,305 Siale~ amu h OUsCren teres. coe tes eee erreur tances 60% --1,3:65 Devonian System. shale; ~ black ~(.Chattanooga)) —. 42sec <2 os oe 294 1,659 Shale ree awe Ao utc. as Uhr eae oe eee AD co L699 Lamestone. (Gorm erous \ en .cks state ecru. = 48 1,747 limestone: said? 22 brown, mcm eee 2 1,749 Pota Ledentne cetacean ten ai ats ete ate cir. 1,749 Log No. 939 J. B. Whitt, No. 1, lessor. Ohio Fuel Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Lo- cation: Cannel City District. Commenced: July 7, 1913. Completed: July 27, 1913. Shot, 50 qts. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. ‘Thickness Depth Retail Man) ences tian ee ce oO del Pir apd orn oat SEN Aes So 14 14 Shales ls aller owatere | OO\os arena cn -ge om ee aioe 86 100 Daido do sheliss ease eect a wae coe Meigen ENS 205 Native 2 CO Le apts poh is. oe rr ae Bat eae 4 209 ha leads wine sagas Yr see cate on eee eee ee 81 290 Shaleguud waleligte. wewr alcove beets a einen me 290 580 San de Salt erie, al mtr ony ae seer ecto 160 740 MORGAN COUNTY 565 Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Roe re pe ven Neat Voriic he Pata i! Oy D0 790 esha ES Uy paces) Wea he, Te ert ei ear th SRB car apa ae ra 90 880 pod Ae AUR Ae epee cert exit Bort Bet Car ROO iy ce ae ara a 25 905 Mississippian System. Tumedtone -CiittisnLimeyeet-c i ss50 cei han hee ine Ome CCE GV Cy aes mk re mye Pade te s Sec ais Gas aie. « 4 926 umestouren GE io alg 6 iene man eras oe oie gies as a 108.0 ‘SLOG W Re, Gaeta aie Garman Ea rh a nee Ae Cee ee 4 Oe ea) SEC SH OE Car hese Lad aU IL hie WN atte ciaieus ese ietss ans acs LhGS Ys 15285 Shalem wees el Swen ieee halons eM eae ee. 2805-9 oh b2 0 srl aera emNa en Pies tar ates BAC Ue cohen Ona oko ogs ar egos 20 1,540 SLE Wer W1OCOM Dy cree 5 7 anne A lente AGI Morn € een Ie LOM lea oi) OE CeBOM es (DELO) ah tinh m-w Nem ewe eet cilane ete: oe 20m e155 70 RON a serat cee ee oe EECA S Can © ae ae Miccets gh chats 4 Oe e610 Devonian System. Shalev-brown- (Chattaniora) 8. «0b totes a iete re 260 91,870 BS aa Tener eeacr wernt ce sceller qu) apie ceyie. atts avet a ols Rierhale ous) ome JA Ye Eee) ibimestone ““sand ” e(Cormiterougy) 2242.22. « Lo Geen Oe ABS Hee: etety Tos che soe he es OR erg We on Ce Sa a 159.09 Pay> 1897-1906. Did not drill through sand. Last 4 feet brown, sandy lime. Log No. 940 H. C.. Keeton, No. 3, lessor. Ohio Fuel Oil & Gas Co., lessee. .Lo- cation: Cannel City District. Commenced: July 31, 1913. Completed: Aug. 31, 1913. Shot Sept. 1, 1913, 50 qts.;. 2nd shot, 50 qts. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth OMPD Cam el ae Mowe acyr th kas crcl er dares «Taree an nop eae 40) 40) Peet eee twee ere MER, Sasa Sa Ney tee, a Benats Em thes 220 260 (ropa ene O al ie ener ere eh rtd ol abe imal Maven Rage ate 2 262 Sia One ices rete at nana eek elie aby tree tive mt sf) wah ai 288 550 Pate Uhr et eee ee Ponts Fen ae cease eeehae aiaarat oe ait -g 165 715 Sener Gecatis ie nie Fal sane 4 wabeeirab a Migs Danie RORRe a cst pe ae 60 es Sie hATO WE regia ae a ORe a MT A AMOR Roe RR eM rn 105 880 pele e ACC em em pe eater ne, ark: Sr SiMe Mean Nate Wied ot ae arc 5 885 566 OLD PAINE DASTRATIGRAPHY -OW-KENTUCEKY, Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Ioimestome Cliittle* ime) Gee oA wats cease ae 13 898 LAM Os LOMC Sto SU ree mere. caewew lees we sees nee ree Li AS. A002 mivale > CMV cay Ori yeh wna eet oyeuy a nia thes nee eo eA 25 9 5100 DBT AStOTe soo eT UML NP mere erien cde tyr come aeiees 3 1,130 Shale Ss be ge eee Mate cece te state te a otra aa ae (A ee OIA) DL GAs Rear ania cee ctr eens. Ton ar Pe eee ae eda 30 1,230 Sig Lee ehler. wie mints tuscy ester eexe nem neared eee hee 10> 153.00 SULA LO eer oe ieee ito to dese caries rath tee oe arer ae 50 1,350 po Let Lie cil) Ey amevieh, excita ee {er irs tteenaeeh Ge ceyet at gate hs te 75 1,425 bets Wie Varun 'p «a Ome eo 2 Pandstoner( Biosigaun epee vec ws wae ches Zomelea a0 Shale sand wshel siemens). teem sroke ocean 50.6 eto Shale” Dro wis wracnn sitesi: ee eins neki Giese Sone 2 1,625 MANUOSLONOs GBCTOR mr wcr cc Nites oa oa ees 15 1,640 SHAS, Saw Cee yo ee tg chk ncsttls et tueroesemammee SOP met, GsiU Devonian System. Shales browl (Chattanooga): asst seke atone ere 207) 45937 Sia Lee Wwiit beet dite: e cactee. spat ebaiee ape ae Rode aaue beset eet SO GRRL ood Limestone ‘‘sand’’ (Corniferous), (oil 1974) 16,7 15933 Tota lerd ep th Serer, echt Aue ae avdedecde ter Theses Log No. 943 H. C. Keeton, No. 7, lessor. Ohio Fuel Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Lo. cation: Cannel City District. Shot Oct. 8, 1913, 50 qts. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SOUL Ake of fataye oie: cose ater tee BUaistenaie seiee tener ate 25 25 ial ad cecors oe te Garten ted ss aie aka wechtre area cone haere 2 27 Shalem dd sivelig peta at. cvatame we cca cae hades eetere ate 511 538 Deke rds ibe eas meres» earthen he GAD ce units iad, ahs seg sina A 192 730 ROB So paces sts ihre) es eal ee Sehets 2 tgs Ponte yeas oat 70 800 RAI Saaks srhise gs re tailal ahs, avamesni ee torate tonal imme lane getekacer ase 50 850 Mei ot he) EM er na A hats ire lean ve Wer Mae A A ede Ad 15 865 Mississippian System. LOCOS LG 1 Onree ve. ca eC ae Pinas, teen doe te mene Tee 8 20 885 ANG # eters She ete atom wate inet. te ane p aeres 10 895 aU Saree mates ss noe patna oh pant ie sop ee ee ebae as ae 12 oe iLamestonesCBigs loiie ye ee meres cose eto k oe eae 1G, Oe be 0) og Shale and shells ..... hey: eM aes ee ee ee 30 — ,097 NE BAUS Ni BU Ws ie RUMra hs Far yee: Or a ee Se Me MAR Sehr Lea aA oF : Paes MENA) Mihaila anes Sells ee Gv. fon, ce. uy eames ein, act 405 1,525 ate, TO WIL hs uicecs eae ceme aeeitne ee ae ees ne ee 10) (ekne5 andston ee CBeLeay acs. une. the cee cee: 40 1,575 Devonian System. Shale; brown s(Ghattanooga) a. sant 21s ed 846 Slrale rewia te oreer. tects beater ena Sete. se nee ree 2314: 1,869 Limeéstones “Scand? <(Cornilerotis | et. tear eee 41%, 1,874 Limestone, (oil and gas) (Corniferous) ...... Sales Se Himestonen (Cormikeroud yan siase eee este eee LP 1.83.9 TOG als GOLA a abet at ot wales Pale en een 1,889 MORGAN COUNTY 569 Log No. 944 J. B. Whitt, No. 3, lessor. Ohio Fuel Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Lo- cation: Cannel City. Commenced: Aug. 27, 1913. Completed: Sept. LT; 19i32) Shot Octte Oya 1 913 86.07. qts. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth CANE M Ree Seca ege rea re. A EE ag ie NOVRONS Ta. ele colon 158 158 OSTEND oo eta SOrM Mar paths SNe a Pee oro ae ml ba Pre Ale 3 Gab RS NIT i peta a Pa Ha rel a lege ees vie Ae Ak A RP at 57 218 COA ean s oe ae ein Sets ated sho, Once asaie aeons abe oy ata 4 2 220 pie Pepreatac bere 1G eee eons etree moor acrcas tates sec at eee a 297 dT SSE WAG BeeSEW Aen te | eS RR Gara, ply rice asp meagan ene Rr gm 201 718 Ha Les aint, s7, er wen Sen nt Abn ays eo eutearct Ores ak ees locas ook 12 730 SWE STN Bil hyre tgs) ah, Aelia go cre aire wh ae ye 112 842 ree Ber mA LENG Keres owelicac ge Sess (eo cafe cae eee ee cece ane Ye 5 847 att ere) ac eens an atene eer MOP eer geome ects ome ce tc yc he ctter ame 26 873 SEO meV Lew per eie ie enon ess Sue cote ineye chem, tes nae 5 878 Mississippian System. dries cone Lattle Laie. yes aad er peg ee cel es otters 9 887 Bhagat eerests oe meen Sh as ty eterno AG (as nt g haloes 2 889 AOS T ONL OCDE Oey LATIVO \ouragtit ey errs ea ate leva of ele LPC One ets 05.9. SH ACHUCMOVVCTL UC) Rages aos auatesel sind eaetapata + ehaisubs, orks evens 27 1,086 Sara sO Gras LO mc Ul | (lity aie Mie Galan sieesuetees otc Beat Sa Phe baie Lie! Gpeaia le SOC LI SY er wtart ak ates «Rcoks cle stele se actrees Tela LS. Sune AER Ss Rorecgiaen eele alc Aree ara ere a ee eran a Los lea 05 whalesand ishells, Cwater.ate>42 ) 9 cits ose ass 245 1,450 plist Misia dD APR WSS Un anan e o eda Une miata NER ee oa nd BE ee BA 42 1,492 Role OPO VET MS MILT e ra. cicts anal ateneeer cates (ee S500 SanGstoneGe (Berea ees Bee ters ariel ol oases. nal os Za. “1,020 ye Fe MIC ingest A'S Os a ioe Bry rans Shh ia A ae aa Pe ieee leo 20 PINAL O SPES LOL Vion qrat Sn cepa eae ecco ota cs axe) trate Peter eres 8 1,548 Devonian System. Shale, brown (Chattanooga) .......s:ssecens. 276 1,824 SL WS pee dee ies eh ce rene Eedatgg Wiccch vor sieel of satin caavne font ns ZO ee a0) himestone .“*saud,4>(Cormiterous) 26.5. + on TSP es Gt Ota Ls Op Ul ete sere tteie oltroks eis eb pole oeke, one 1,867 Pay 1854-18638; gas 1858. 270 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 945 J. B. Whitt, No. 4, lessor. Ohio Fuel Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Lo: eation: Cannel City District. Commenced: Sept. 27, 1913. = Com- pleted: Oct. 28, 1913. Shot, 50 qts. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Ne]OY ak pint Salaun creat cus dak gre vine prerriiees Sah Roe Vek ane 250 250 Cann el, GOL eet: eer wouter wou or to. cies eat eto 10 260 are Same peel CLUS ei rom aunt gcnry. tor ba asta cueo rons 90 350 AES eeWe ios Geko tine S erariery: Src mans, ase tat Aan 50 400 and Amide shell guar. cyte aparauets, «1 eet eae tees 50 450 Sita lamb Levey Gre orc merece teeta. ta a eae ecient, 21s 50 500 Isimestomeman deci elll oi cern oon cen sats a eats abe yok 100 600 SIG TG Sek Wiles seh veiet, te ein Semeur eek bidsiee e 60 660 atk Masa Gautier ae. © vic ge coat erteneasbe cine tams 180 840 ral Owe LAG IC oy ah ce che seciree epaveneeaet (ittlestsmren oe. ceteye yeu wentsesate es Li el 0G PH BLD ire cps te erate che Oot keke Ccape te ation Mer Meare eosngeene 2 1,008 Times tone (Bigg Loi 6 yet hr ices sacuabeterseee nt oP aeerers 15.0; T5158 phells sane shales ccco. puaevect. eras Shee eee. easton 42 1,200 Sand oshelist: 27. lank washan aera 2m preter at Sirs 80) 13230 Ne eiite cea R: eee egy Saeee ean aaah, Ant Meine acne Shen BB Oe 2013.00 nia le san da atiell egies tee aan a ete tena ae ee 100 1,400 ATL ee HAP erat nce Nee ueee orien east eee ee acetone ee 50 1,450 Del 6) Wigret ioe eee sa eter n Sanat Aaeees ine eer ya rata 190. 1,640 MandsLone ps ( Berenyiam gene lt. acer, aoe ey aya 20 1,660 Devonian System. whale, =browi( ChavtanOO0d \ectemt : ae eesq etre, SV0R E960 Shales wil Geach etaee vee eeee Ste ceetas cererey sg oes a le ost Limestone ‘‘sand’’ (Corniferous) (oil 1900). 15% 1,996% POtAl MO Opts a corm ct weakest ar cnrcrtcnaliners 1,996% Log No. 946 J. B. Whitt, No. 11, lessor. Ohio Fuel Oil & Gag Co., lessee. Lo- cation: Cannel ‘City District. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth GI aaa es meer A ORG AIIM AE Meet Oh aii rs Car Tena cha he 10 10 PO SUTL wpiere pet ca ope Roa oe en Re ec ae 80 90 MORGAN COUNTY 571 Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth HELE SOL Ge ae een ae. Sek ie Sh mart 120 210 SE BIRG IME ane eet ire, fae, naner, At Sy OS Conan oe 65 275 SH Cis Ste ak eae ete er ERS ee rra ore. 15 290 LAMESTONG, Se OTL yee ets ee sent et 5 te 30 320 his Lea Wy epaaceen hee eee neare mene trea le aie gat, 90 410 UbiRenber aon itoy Bob Sioa malta sya eA ae Une ean ak 7 ee 120 530 Seale waT Gare Swann ee teen © Meee wnat cten = 7a ae. ao 565 BGR ARe Ro) ae RN gee Cs caer i ee een BO 600 LATUES OTC Es WiHIGe bee Wat ek Me entee ea Bee et: « 87 687 LILO as eG.) (OV LCE A oleae ue aicnlng tol. wna 143 830 SHEL CRI) co © Kameron teste Ads (ces ee RP TR, relent ean 5 835 AE aetna Wee Meroe Sen Niche, Mize he eit, Syste same stem nate 25 860 hae Se tnd woke Meek ane ytd. cet nie rete 6 aa ce 40 900 SUE TUS Eo” nd A ance nS ake Rc agate Gi Ce Se eR 105 861,005 EPO MM cy pee Ct ae ct eee ce oa nk eth kena”, ee Zoe de 03.0 SET auEE pheecih cae Sale 4 vale Ree tena eae rey Sore at aces 10 1,040 Mississippian System. MeshOmer (LTE pes Ute) Mar. ste. tar cect era: Ci Lay aVE Ui Manoa Ghee pas etester set ae teh ym Groce oP cn et win AR syel ume SCO Oe Lh Oss Senta alee shemcetda gris oe ata LD ieee US SSL Oa Wy HUG Cm cree cofeethan tetonsth ce Stes den wnt Rent ee a5 se 42 1,250 PSS LOT sare een han ae sah oe End She ad ee nai ee ray aay eae Seale Aa dees Cl isan cvy hare cpneeeee enti etens < ecte 3 153:05 TGVETESEON Os Ves ray. ak ee tee Riri ee ore ecules Glee eat ON 20 1,825 Shalescands siieligeen wie ctr) scaecatnaee., Ghee arena Lob L480 Pamestone,shardin tice cater delete « umyionen oreeeN omen Lao 0 Shekels, ee mea cee hele aap Waters sac oe 45 1,615 LAM CSLOMC. WINLTO te. ar. ent ney Sees Rene eh 25 1,640 Or RIKs ROU NEul6 Beppe arte ee Rye Te Peat Cote ae een 30 1,670 DSIRE DLAC Kare estes a erst Peet tee se th ath a a, oe eae aes Iee Uh sloiteha) NAMASLOME © UD GFEd ) os sn pteaie nen nec sate ie ah eas oy eee) Sa Lea MG El Gt Preset kcvaregs ac. he rateenca ne eee ote « ev Bis IAS nat as, Devonian System. Shades brown <(Ciatbamo0pa)ys -.7s sansa ote esa cue 275 2,000 SOA Gyan WILE Oe aa ii ncca ts or et one sorte. ce mee nish tied es oh ac Ls, 2,013 Limestone ‘‘sand’’ (Corniferous), (oil 2019).. 16) 22,029 Ghar GU tlie, ooo conceit iran erie senate 2,029 572 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 947 Riley Benton, No. 2, lessor. Dreadnaught Oil & Refining Co., lessee. Location: Brush Creek, 14% miles from Cannel City, Morgan Co., Ky. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth COM GUCTORSSI4G ADIPe vas a ateiae mete Ha ae lore eae 21 21 ROMA LOS PULA e et Wcnss moeate fe tage: Saag cia Curcine ot sy gee teem. 50 71 Saber SW RiP Opt ara net ha aoe cas tee ke tea ie om ees one er, 248 SS SAEs PSA, Poes rece hae sec eR agree cya has ee ere, eee Cet 419 red Ap WAV Sarg gree SES a Bt Uruvias PERN Ae ee Bae rales ea 12 431 POELILCL oP ecanrsdcesicta Susie aha cue eee Rane ee ce Ae Re ele 20 451 ld BER Oy eae RR AS RE an Enema tbe rca at 49 500 ISUMOStON GP 2", 4.U ee vies Wie ete Oe eo ee ee 25 525 Shicid Cetra i Ache ee tear cee Serta eker oo rat cee cs aD, eee 14 539 POEL YL Cl RAMEN 0, Or o> cise a ree ge eh enn ettan See ee ate acre 50 589 Dial eat Vk: tara nies Ret ate ee para eee eee 6 595 Shale.and limestone shellsrsa: cram) ee ee 23 618 DBI OE Fs aes ope RS Te Ea eae ae 7 625 SH Gh Bho: Ga cee ph a lida Al nie See eal Re ee ne ee 3 628 Mississippian System. Limestone» (littler Lime is, ae, acne ree 14 642 ShatesaGbreak nei ./ae sy eee ner tee ace ee nae me 12 654 Limestone (Big-iaime), (eased 6-5/8) se 22... : 150 794 Wore be See CCL este art a se foun Reet cleat renter ON fancy renee oe 50 844 Sandstone: (Bigsingun), (oil and gas) (ise... 36 880 Shales( Waverly) 04 Cas) i tevce eaake Ware ke ee 354 1,234 Stale wero Walon OUD UL Ye) pes omer had Oe ueactce. cere et 10 361,244 Sandstone, (Berea), (showing ol) 2... . 45.2. Sea s3 PAL] Oy sew ILO rt oe aces sie sire tal dag sala cee eae see Tees 305 Vive L3 Devonian System. Shale, sbrown. (Chattanooga) “0.07. tions. oe 290 1,608 HPS 1a V5 fics Siete re me eens: ate an oa ee Seear Ne emer 42 1,645 IGM SSTOMe RCC) LOCK) 6 snycesi ons eens te titer nett. S aL Gos LAMESLONe, GOAY.Olleataor 1 ye lal a wLca\eee ee Lis) 1,664 LOCAL SOG DEI Gens s nockat aetna ler srarncenes tne 1,664 MORGAN COUNTY 573 Log No. 948 Lewis Williams, No. 1, lessor. Mid South Gag Co., lessee. Lo- eation: 1 mile north of fault on Mine Fork. Casinghead elevation: 140 feet. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth DULL C Ome ra VOl oe se mete ue ere bebe alates ae ct ate 16 16 NSEC O10 i Rack Saray her rere ear ne a ar PP ge PP era 70 86 Nie LOO LG grec uue cen eters elena torah see eee! om, es Leste = 9 95 Mississippian System. Peston es Glattlewlaimele ws ty 4 eae dee 10 105 Bbales CPemeile Cave): aaivs oa a e7e we aias gs oa << e 5) 110 Limestone (Big Lime), (little gas 180) ...... 50 160 Sard ee OL 2S 0 vee 0) 1) itera cater .ts 1s et nafs peta! can ores 200 360 uimestone shale. (oul show +390)" 0)... oe. 122 482 SIAMLOLS COM ma. aete ote le wvege a oi congas Shel en eh wale als F 37 519 ital ewe la Cet ere ice de nine een male Speers Co 30 549 Pasko re TOG UAW, yee or etaenes i saees ee ros ohne 6 14 563 NLP Ve ware toned tar ides be eoneta yotake (akal SADA oe) eta oes aller baka oe PANS ee aXe! Shale mpTO Wis Goth WUE) keen. aes + teat ene oe 19 602 DAUOA LOM Gums OTOA, ima er yess cee wet foray ertrce ec 87 689 Devonian System. Shale-sbrowi COhabtamOOSS ween oss J ars 23 T12 Hbo ta Me Ui Meee cet ieeecs « ccamae: bietaes est Wav ene « 712 Pitti cast o. seDry hole: Log No. 949 J. ©. Hill, No. 1, lessor. Location: Open Fork, near Johnson Coun- ty line. Casinghead elevation: 725 feet. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth 5): ake wae eee eaten CNS are Re gener herrea arse sees 3 3 TO GW abOre kU jer. cede cto cles tee: cae siaremieals. © ney 150 153 Saud, loose, (large pebbles) sf asii.5 a0 o.604 2 des 4 157 RL) Letra ceeNcs aghgeen Bas, teanNyn. alytet treme, triataleg. sss ie 16 173 Sey OM ee eer erred Sak et) aa ee. et Pe ac oer te far btactrs ns 52 225 Pilea beeen a AITCLMOT OMe We crore crt due bene cle ails Meoeee ah 14 239 MASE OM Oy Wy LLG cm eeers steht wires~ or Seer Wise Giele s) 3 242 eh tice tL Cr Cie Ce ete ee ects etic ae 2 oes eve ata 24 266 574 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Sand, Diack ands iestGWe mem: sat. st cee. 18 284 Nolleles) Wo lem Nerney MMC Leer Ces: Oh gi Kis aay Erte aie pau he fe 18 302 NeW US Narra arte aad i us unl ace ah rg NR ag chee ga BY 3 305 Mississippian System. Limestone <(iaittle ames orays sat same 30 335 limestone (Bigs oime), mwhite 32.5, eowe we 90 425 DaDdCOTeaKS 7 6.S0 Vie ies eos ee sensi sl cheats oe co Li. 442 Shale (Waverly), (gas and salt water 392-5).. 108 550 Shale, “ete vOul RA Lik Bees Satta ane op teeee oomeetea oy feet 45 595 Tul CS FONG. wae Pe ee ys Cite reer .. wets ane waa 10 605 Sate Si iat tore taste ce ec ees we ecne Sae ne onae 59 664 iimestone and sand, (show oil 590) .......... 21 685 Shale, Cehow O1lsGG:0 96% O)) mite seh ee eee it 692 RAL fote calpain: cists ts ake hone ipa tote ok op ae oe ee oly Meee poli Oia es 110 co reag ssctet alec ee 7 ee teen as 22 745 SS aLTNEL ) \atetaee voksac ieee sah ak anteater pe aed eran Mea ea sea 7 752 Shaler and ili CSLON Oh, wages nen ore eee 21 773 Nt NC tee. Se, Rea agri Aner nimi ir rete TW a pees OP oti ai 190 Sandstone, CBerea) i 24,0. miak oe ci eee: 98 888 Devonian System. SD ALG! Oi. Bieta eae seat a fete eros Beso ate Rene ee pase 16 904 LOLA Cle EAL 228 Sut sek ele bP tite ae ees Noms Saree 904 CHAPTER IX. MUHLENBERG COUNTY. Production: Oil and Gas. Producing sands: Pottsville Sandstone (Penn- sylvanian), and Penrod (Chester age) (Mississippian). Log No. 950 Cox, No. 1, lessor. Location: 3 miles north of Dunmor. Produc- tion: S00;000%cu. fi) “Gas: Gray Sand Oi) and Gas, Co., Central City, lessee. Authority: H. F. Storer, Central City. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SS ATOR: once tee trite ls eyavath a nets, Bia ee yarn Sp aes 30 30 pL S LOMO MW ALOT 2 rae iriee crows emcees Neate anus eye re 300 330 So Lice Ota ked syeR tn esheets, ee Ne oak eh viene ok ahaa Fs 45 375 Mississippian System. WAIL OS LOU Cspre cata An een 3.5 eee hme. wired es eb ee 130 505 SAIS LOT Cone ote rtge aerate Peas er ee ora erate ne oe 20 525 Ra Cmte ty ae tarde Site ae cnirs Seats. Cau aes oe fo 544 Mandspone ys. ( Ollsand sas, SNOW.) op 6 ts wk. 4. odes 12 556 TEC OS TOIL Gt Me se sat Menten tate coaisey oe shoe setae 73 629 SAMOSLONE, | (OAS Wey sia arc lias shies lois sores ware -ol eee e 7 636 ROTA LOT Re ke coe a oe MedeNe wre hs vaste len eiaitens ete anuhe bela seril ora wie 7 643 PAM SLOM OA COAS Mere keearay ecg eet eels: sag eee Nose 22 665 LOST OMe sitar: crocs sane le oc ts ec eael oe Shenton 286 951 POtal ede pt Ret ey rent e teas. ceedtees cache ke tras OEE Casing record: 71 ft. of 814 casing. 365 ft. of 614 casing. 397 ft. of 2 in. tubing on Packer. NOTE—This well probably finished in the Chester. Log No. 951 Poole, No. 1, lessor. Location: Twin Tunnels. Production: Dry. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth eS LOML Ot my ciar sion gene ates i taholere sich y seaserycen nl ate 41 41 COR ese eehcet eee ae tetas cece ed ch fin S Ate ole an 2 43 oleae onus ri pact ere: Pe, Pes cPatee agira. hee ec 5 She, gu oh foal 114 COORLD Oeintac Ciera cues eae Maracas cctoe eas de Nokacgh sya ace 4 118 SSA THOSTONLG see ee eee ae lS he Seis he Bata 6 L24 576 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Shale cis As ere ears etek te eet te ae gh peters ce 96 220 GO Frcs hia ae ctu eee ape heen PS Sree a oes Me eons os 2 222 Hanmdstone;. (Cwaier yt eon earn ais. creche ke citer tae 8 230 Ned A Wks anions er ere ee RA mare ree ar era IME ech Pe eae 140 370 Saas One yy, (WV ALS terete tee tele ces ate hele ila sae Tene 300 670 Shale, ToPencileCa veneers om ceca tesa can eis 30 700 Mississippian System. ISMESTONG RCAC y eal Og ner: nels ects eta ete 15 715 Shal of 4.2 ok Sovamvens mia’ Perks mise telose ede are «, acta eaters 35 750 TSUMVOSLO Bey gO aaah casters © saetees cians aden rete 20 770 MON BHLG WK, we or sce yarns. mars apekeas ote slegs g A aheeohe ns mes teres 6 776 LuVIN OS POMS SA hagas one cara tins shal olsislacees, sean Sen crore oka s 6 782 RS Ties pres elke Sie he eae oes cate erioske cen otis ca eso eyeteaiare ah eae 8 AOD) TGF OS OMG put te Sie atte he hii ta veieialer seomtee ohatec cae 15 805 AEN oI ee aa ip te Rice ed rae terye ete ashy Pe et, ees ES. ai 20 825 Tamestone, Sandy, (Water) c.c. se. ot clots annie eo 25 850 SS a en erates posta ease ewe Poke Bante <5 oanrees eee este ened oe 35 885 TAN PSCONG, UCNOTtyo... wcrc. tS ene eat he 15 900 immestone, cies set nee 3 1,164 Side; ard rl OMS OL UME pean a ots sususie ie ale one aor Sy gh A RY NI eCUO WOMAN MOeO MW e tte (ct te casr eer catake «aia i Lope Lo DGC SLOM ey ARG, My EGe on ayes thre wet sce es 23 61,214 idem iat Peet es sO Lite ait iceerierdy t-clr. scare tol « Le ole. 9 Rate RNA mole .chU Lids tc wignstalt eget tenets ws 55 1,284 Meameston owed are TO wl write bl s e cd tein ote > 20 61,3804 STL LG. melpehe Clr MUD, AAS eee hel on atts cai ole: sat atslres s oslee pee ged Baran Oy PuieCles aliaT Cen Pane cite is keene iceaels cones aeons dG Ue nl ese mlidle. Nardedark, exera GeO ts uh. feria aan cine om << 32 1,354 Limestone, oray, extras Nard © .%G0 ne. «eee Selo OL 578 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Mississippian System. Thickness Depth PULA LON are re) WO sear metas masrae eiaee Suerte bee 7 1,864 Dimiestone, bard. DLOWMs wees ais Geka arcmin es ee 5) 1,367 Shale shards OCR O Ute pea acne hn ec one tahoe Seis Syed bees 4 Limestone, hard brown, scandy. ao- ele co amd wry, Oreel wie neers ie een ee ee 19 1,810 hale mu Td LW Om wat see cer ee eat a eae ad te 25 1,835 Sand, stay, green, (New, Providence). 7.c... - 5 1,840 phaile; hardiblue. News Providence)” oe i... .cs.0 25 15865 limestone; brown, (New, Providence)... 4.4. =. Delo 0 Shale, hard, blue, (New Providence) ......... 30 1,900 Devonian System. Shale ebrown( Cha tlanoo Gay iis eeynea me 2h 8 30e sod oo IQiMVESTON CANAL LOW I oe reine eee ee 5 1,940 Hela Wc igta CN oo bball OF ADE Satesiy eh ratr Mig obiee im grep ie on ol 2° 1.942 dit OST O11 CM 8 DIO Wa oe ecole cued ene ie oe nce 4 1,946 Ta MSS tone yaw ld Hee ere cay ye nee eae taco oie eee 16 1,962 Shales hard buen. caw. ate oa tener a eee tae heen Selo O5 limestones hard acura «20°. tetas om coe eine 15 1,980 LIT CSTOMESS SANC Yami ee ee pct una ect Lanna ee ate ee el 8G MUHLENBERG COUNTY 579 Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Tet Lee teh Clement) el CMe et PIM Nr hme acto. ee aes Saito 3 ino e0 LAMestOTer tern ma, oe CONE teeta. iis 8 ste peels a 2) 0 Silurian System. TW Get ON Ga Wt Cement Lc he fs a tescans 6-3, 5 19 2,024 tMVeS ONC) GHAEd, = WMtlGmranton evar yl cots cles « 21 2,045 REAPS Ce ACE cle Caley NEKO as 8G. 0 cha tacig Marae Peer ae ae a 40 2,085 Ages COM ey NTs OTA Vises quarts ng h'S ces eon sees 20> 2 £05 os Hist oeeeeiney (lise, 10, WOsmiee eae sees su cae SEE ears ee el oe 25 Al oO Ordovician System. ET COLON Cee (Ei Ger Santee eee Ein hae ht ee ate ee 80 Piped hy) Dumestone. Srayrand “brow! 2% esas toe 2 LOpee 2220) Mimestones, sand “Pe ercons chem woe ete 3 2,258 Limestone, soft, white, (salt water 2,245).... (Cece Op) Ota ee Dt eases nes eas tk oh panancet est can a 2,265 Log No. 953 Lacy well, No. 1, lessor. Casinghead elevation: 450 feet. Bar. Authority: L. Beckner. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth £5 Onl lee SEL CNCLED vate masher se ticn ak NBC erste Sue ch tee cg stemge we ate 10 10 SOV CSOs Cw he rest ee Pee he Ie ae Se Mead ade Bs} 43 OBIE MAG wee re A Aegan Sa NL eer vo a ee mnie ae Or cre Sac bell 54 CO AIRE ASS Lae ne, Maha ee eo RR Era ene etka es i 55 Oi Ac ee Ne Coane oie ee MAMET thee Ua ge a ak Sa aa a 3 58 eT GAC ASE RAN Cio | ate RRMA NOG > papel tS, <5. a Se oer nese aie Meera Pe 16 74 TRI ELS tpt oy Penn Bah ast ek Re Nia. cee rche eat ret seek 34 108 QOALSN One Lhe) hen Seon teen Namen te yaks Oo ke ee Maas 5 ole less ERO Gra AVC sap ataa oe anes, ght) rewera vi Beene Fhe, oN Naar eet 1 114 ANH OSU OMS sa UC mee nen fee ck Sos Si ape is hit aes Mey’ hoe 1 115 CT Oa em SamLS yee NOM oe tak a Seder eats, eri is area eee 6 iby Aa ESE SUCT GL Ve Men tren re ee Sites vot Cats Ne. ay oad Gtr sigten oat’ 'e ) 126 ME SLOWNG ©. sree eecuhe cue st RR SR i ee te te ere 1 Loo Sel Girac eeM ack MES, Tenet Unet co tre ce er ete snbtns, bate abate 5 1388 Toe NING CCUMO IWS Saaeas. AxSaiga. oF a ns geet AIP ear Me rn ae AB BAP fe 23 ton Ne AGIs Whee Rich tiene Mees Pa ed aA ta ase ee mR ote a RB OE omar 32 193 Slate ate re eect aoe e. sherri ences: anime aaaade ist 3 196 COA MAN gO aise tee PEM aa AMR or ereintiade a craters 5 201 POA ae eee nae pr oteraye: tence ote aca arate 201 Ooi (fr ae) Cleo P EEL Des RAT G WAP ELY ONS Giey Log No. 954 St. Bernard Mining Co. Location: 144 miies northeast of White 8 Plains. Casinghcad elevation: 400 feet, Bar. Authority: St. Bernard Mining Co, and le. “Beckner, Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth OTe Reread ans iS eer eae 15 15 SLAG weOrt wana WmteshONe) .<.\ ..5 Bicke eee ae 17 32 Siralesshar dae mai eCOaL Ueno ak ween taueetaveee: 2 34 PO ELC SEO Clk riot a8 woennch a So he mityatn ate Ena eet tae 10 44 el NC Re eather ea ar rere REN Se WAL A 5 49 SEV CSE ODT Cinder toarn ab Recs tie Net in ee oath ane ae eae 14 63 hale gan deeOa |: tek epee eet gee ee eae oy 80 Ugh gael ts Camere ee nn eae Re Soe! none Me dl §1 PINOSLOME: 7. ears ce teens eee ere apes ne 2 83 OD a's Ss. precede aan waka) Techs ee enna Reet a Fee cate enemas 1 84 CO] ec Cah pea cnt obece te ene es ie en ees Ate ee 3 87 dHPY GE Vea or “cays seta acs ee a ste Of i cae nt oa 5 92 PAT CSL OLA) (one as ret ote nh crore eee ge meee eee 9 101 Sa Ga Pepe csi tenes cet ele: abs eee einer oY ey Seek 3 104 LaaMeStOlie” > cite ete es oe ee ee 5 10s SA Satine Aen e sat teE ee cess eater aan ep ene 32 141 SaMdst ones” Fave tpn eee ee ee ek ee 60 201 LamiestonGine pe tae ee ae ee ee 1 202 DDL OMe, ae ac veeeedore Rie ler cteusncs Sirs ce euenees ae oe mash ne ae Ee 8 210 ATI SE OU e ot oe se atten ce ee eee Ta eee 20 230 Sale Pgerice eis te eed Coe ee 6 236 Sandstone (yh oe et, ey ete re aaraee epee eae 26 262 ‘bOtal Sdeptiy 7 at Seet) ka ee eee 262 Log No. 955 Pond Creek Bottom Well. Location: % mile north of Rochester Road. Authority: L. Beckner. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth MOEN peo tpn > eli MEA Wielinar ene Beet an, okie ey.” 30 30 CDULO I Sa ce OLUGL toe cr en tee ea rdecct aasende Cie arate 8 38 GPA VEILS DEO whe cc taamanc occa sacks Minas spite orn «Mees wtnot 8 46 Sand sLOnes. Dik. avopyaie a ote ie deep obed tego eee: 8 Pod DAIS MSU Up: dene aaa rh Aces re oh eee ee Sip 62 Mirae ear COT Varroa eels Roe teint eneene tye eet wees 17 The) CO Le 5 searre igMt ere deems. os come laee feeetinea eh we eae he ae iy (9% Shales (IQidney. Sogo ee ohn toe cet eg = ee a eae 1y 81 MUHLENBERG COUNTY | 58 L Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth ey EAS SEN Rel Welle | 65.8 Seah aig aa ee 3 84 HPCs NOME ane wes err Wert Wee CN | RNs hte eye Se sda Sie 2 86 RB LG Peso Ge tera yet met Men ereen ee readers (Nes irtekval 4 a. ay daa 97 ITC MON TIEN Eee Be 7 Ano Sace a angie tah ee ee a 33 130 SHALO iar Oe liens Fey ter cu ethers a, rae 5G 2 132 WES AM Caco Pe” Aa ee rn Sete Sri te, tae Cr lear 1 138 EO POL AV pare, ots ee greta ent a tet Soe eerin a: 6 oa 2 2 135 nL C-es bores. eerie teks enna MAT a4 6 141 RO CAMCOe Dillion wiee Rte Gar ect ue tener Se © 141 Log No. 956 Concord Well. Location: At Concord Schoolhouse. Casinghead elevation: 220 feet. Authority: L. Beckner. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SOUT m CLA Warmers nicer Meme eee te er. iss winks heen aie ieee 4 4 Sans Coney eer rhe ee. se ot mem ee a ar 35 39 Sale ea y are ROTO Wile er haat eae eer ote oe V3 40 Red Gee Ss tak Sates iy ay ple Par Pa ON ta Ria ig eM cae Re Fa 34 74 PHM SONG athe LA LOce estore eee tet ccs. aha steko erent us 109 183 Pl eee br eae eee os ena teres ote Cet sne a Seep tte ahs 5 188 CO EL Rg eB UAS Gee, ee ce oe OPIN SI tent LS, ood eee ahs 1 189 AB eG Vi oe a tonchets Ghee WM cama totem esar el es ayete ete ie is 196 UIMesvOne Pando san Sho Ons we acre ae ee «cate 15 Zit RS Head Crump nares eieaeys irene egtse sna. eee doen ae ar Seeks nape es erect se hag gt aerate ns hae 23314 866 SSAC. eid | SOTO Wil = .-f heme G mae re aie Caen coe 8, + 870 Shale andscoal, (| Jaegarspeanl ) i ion ae. sean 6 876 Sandeahds roitensshalen oo cy Gh. aie teria ee hace Lee 893 Sand ard rand shidlein ~ creer cnet cote 2 895 PTAALCLS oLVTLT COREA yy cat tay wey ee en en ae ea 3 898 Timestone,.2-Ver vost ard Me watt. ne wae acre 2 900 Sa deerOttenge (4 Peale sco iaits sor ieee ocean ee 24% 902% Sand, ars ea vO = eats, 6 cree ere tone ene 7% 910 eC, OW AAG Gre eats seek as ecto mas ee aaean ee at ee 8 918 PANG Man S Wil LObs cai tae at ete 5, cite hae setae cede D 923 OLN AUS Uae WS py gloWh Xo Ohke Ie ira tr RON Un ete Rea 19 933 wand, hard, changing to blue fy. ee oh 15 948 SAT Coe st NS WML ee rorere a Me ea Ace ao ORCI seta aay 965 Sear dined ae Cer Ginn, teeta aes te ere ene a; 982 phale andsnothen shaly sands ox see no he ose ec 42 1,024 Gandae tales aia 2s. fuk aes seaetey Ue en ra® B600-1,060 UN IEG RCH CN Maa 5 Se aeae MaMa ty) eh) GRR MCT val ciate iy ema 20 .1,080 Souk, lard wewhitenn eo weol cose lel 7 Oa. DD owas lieo po alee) ta C amen whan ee vii vacreececen abe ince Gates Ae Ll 49 Shale, black and gray, coal (Sewall Seam) .. Le 2.20 Hand mwikearde Cray, (OAs anid elle leo.) tse oO eleaoa NO BAN AG DV oi ewese ak hes eo i ee oe 1,223 DRILLERS NOTE—Broke pin off at 299 feet; crooked hole from 299 to 308 feet. The record is all in the Pottsville. Set: 81% casing 879 feet; 614 casing 794 feet; packed on bottom 6% casing. PIKE COUNTY oe eel Log No. 963 T. J. Williamson, No. 1, lessor. Location: Pikeville, Ky. Well completed: May 29, 1920. Drilled by A. B. Brode & Son. Tool Pusher: S. L. Anderson. Drillers: J. T. O’Laughlin and L. E. Smith. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Dri lt ele oan eGa sit iim eco data eo. 222. 37 37 ep WAN) pec ae ple Ako yeh RD Ge Pa, TNC. RU, Se ee ee 15 1 es SAC a GLA) Mra CASET 0 MnL ey cy Orem Herat ae meta te coke vi 28 140 PITESTOIE, SOLEC ern rhea, aunt te Mee bins sas 23 163 Shaletan de said. broweni unt ccas saad ae crane 3 iseicecrs its 350 cL CEG Ue SINC A ced ores Oc. mwanner annieten UMMA it me 300 650 LG acer rience pat edinas enh atice Ses oc hata" oh ove"g Cee 46 696 SAME RS Vien Tt Pre LOLs Set ce a ee ein, 3 a OKs 3 735 Cook Cond Oshalet. [ote are oe ewR a NE areas ele as 2 737 Sands saltre (cas. Ss (Omang 4 Ue ihre anes wes os ileal 852 De dE ICM ie Ag i on kA aia orca A og aa ee ena 2 854 SveLENCL SS aL abe ee ee ne aie cde 3 amare. foo shtctaee oo 130 984 Uae COST CARTED Bley ay te Ae aReeA ia tool to. 7 Jo 1 TELM ES LOTR RA Pee rank heh aeaete eye yao, Sete share ial He. pul | nae aa RCI CEN DEGEN soeic city eet omen ete ARMA clege oats. oye 14, FAL0S5 Dro linl omwlieh tor Raw kins st an cota es ns fc eaarehete NUE Ged eta ne SPEEA TS iy al ho eae eee Be AR este Sl ere Muon Sa eR 300 go, Lo” Ste) Geen oer tenes ee Woman see ears WR Mec to Paes hd Seow ae aig SIIKD pend CHG gh teeter Pips OPO dg Rata ORE a rare rea EOS ars S DRINT SS CONG oD Chom ion rss. Moet wee Cenk etn goer ethers a Pets 'G SHA OyMey OT Gat hele tals Nadects cy chettae tate Caen 2 cea! aia ter a oie Ea Mississippian System. ECCS U TOG Maes anes tees amet ata a rotatatlens yon. ote. ot or PU ai boven Gp Pim essone; esa (ly eve oe er. atlet eaters shee areas eee 10 1,222 FUEL = LOC Ks cate eee cch Mery nous Meagan easy epee Re aha sah Sh) reed Zine Rote See Kegs, Searom. Labo sototteatstee ny anette leroy sce ewes Ao Lear SNE RSE gee ate ine Ce nn eee Oe RS Nee ra Dims.) VES LON. Cote CAT Kare b. oe laor suds Sats, tone ateres ids ese kek 20 vite 00 SLUTS Te hea NGL e Dee. Men Gme as ate ear ee keg eee 20 1,320 REALL me VOL] Gu erea sae ea ae efare: Saree ane Leer ine 2 S/p eels ah over Zi aad Sg Lepeeve ALAS oy laren te eran eae shu oreeeren set ee oe 14 1,355 SSPE CL SILGUTG © Sah etiitscens Sates ey pede hatte Sa A ocdhe het alee afte Ae Hea eal) PS Let) GAME VLD LEG cea tatesee anatatt sob sera bat stedets ainsta st eens ious Bt oa, Seek tt Gl MeN CE KD) luli erence ao! rans aedadia’ cima Ty ae 87 1,454 Perr On OT Cee cnc Mase ny of, sHc snag Sher) ce? Me cemera re on atthe at 90 1,544 SHalewat all MOSLONGarnus «seh ees oer she aan wee 3 1,574 Jamestone, -CLitthe Mamie) his Peo 3 ee leis eel biel L9-1.5.9:3 Limestone (Big Lime) (65 casing 1,800) ... 2002s 9S AMA TOMe msi WEI AUT Ys tect emer se tm lolaa’< stoners ts 30 99,8238 Ban CSC UAW ) einin chet ergreetena ra ohne a tates a Mtoneie 20 1,848 592 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KHNTUCKY Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Dialer ta nds Sie) sine oat ence me esste a alaety steht DoUel Sel ROGET OCI atu areas Seg R sete eats ME 7s tee ee DOr SS. 3.6 Shalemand tale aeir come cen ene tas hore tenet, aeeeee 12 1,898 Sand. white; aad im estoves es .)../ et oe eaee UO ORL eae:s Shale: aad we lve tig peat eis teeters 2 Sie oie eae L026 +2100 Sander sinel lyn Sar oere moe eacteereten. 3a Oe aap te oe ee Ter 2 Ls ROTEL O tera Meese Meee ete Ue en wea se aa. iat set oaelan ee ee ao 2,141 hale ean Gl see bl camer ays en eo swan oe Pan oe cede 6029 2,201 Devonian System. DHA sore wi ywaiiesla te! si. Geis «ces. hee eee eee y VOGR = 2.6.00. MAN CSUO Me Wen Maser ees fA ote oe eee ee wn ee nels 38 2,345 Sliale jamewsla teens 265 ween. bas te aly aeaeee eee 20 2,365 Totals dept he <2 vee eee os tar a eee See 2,365 POWELL COUNTY. Production: Oil and Gas. Producing Sand: Corniferous (Devonian), Niagaran (Silurian). Log No. 964 Williams, No. 2, lessor. Location: Northeast edge “of Stanton. Production: 2 bbls. oil; gas at 156. Strata. Devonian System. Thickness Depth Shale, black (Chattanooga) and soil ......... 132 132 Piresclay and cshale =o Ese ees vee erie: see 18 150 iuimestome _(irvyine Sand. yo it cq ate os see soe ess ié 157 Shale, hohts pegs eek naw ss eer else kane 58 215 LMeStLOne es said a4 on Ol) eects iey ie, eee as ee 8 223 Shoes gleich os severing cee ahaa cre ok em ae sn mesnate Ee 240 inrestone; Asan dyin(Cr) ee A hie hes una ete cal 5D 245 POCA COG pit ean. hareetiaw’ 5 2 eens eee rs aera 245 Log No. 965 Will Aiam, No. 1, lessor. Location: Near Xena P. O. Autuority: Lucien Beckner and Dr. I. T. Rogers. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth San dS andi shaiemese so sectin ces <'e'e atdes leas eae earl 400 400 Devonian System. Shale, black. (Chathanooga) a. =.taeu «se wien. 150 250 limestone “(Cormiferous) 2.732 2) welnas ete 60 619 iG Gall ee GU ee eet ee aston eile ee een cen 619 POWHLE “COUNTY 593 Log No. 966 Wix Day, No. 1, lessor. Completed: April 5, 1905. Produstion: Well was dry; show of gas at 134 feet; the casing was pulled and weil piugged and abandoned. Authority: New Domain Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Pdi and eeTavel ered and) lOOSCN A) carte a oes 18 18 Mans vOne a Ol UO, e COL biang sie gees ea eeteg ake os gn Tel 95 ITS COD Cry PiU Cem LET ee reas Cea ee te vaant a oie o 23 118 Dialeme lL WOeasOt Law macet sue ere e repens ee ie, 9 127 NoEaes Weg Soult cpe, Aas NaC nal day rte aiid Oh x nara he ge ane cre 5) 130 Sandstone wy Ue Me Naru nets oe ety ee. 4 134 Sve WAN FNCU aX aad OU MENS eta Na res eS ET ral eet: ee 19 1538 Teiiien siels a biie.. tar dear saree sicaye seatose an et 1 154 Shaleralucmaherd mectcus ae eee ea as ne 30 184 Ta eset ltl Gt COL aes SEN einen eee Ogee Wat eee 16 200 slimestone: es Dine. Mian ckmen ate iy aires) et oem, 6 206 Devonian System. Shale, black, hard, (Chattanooga) .........., 50 256 Shale, brown, firm, (Chattanooga) .......... 94 350 DiigiGn Gre thay ko eliChis SOLtay antsy sce hots ec 8 358 Limestone= “sand coray hardy) (gas aa 39 397 Sitalo micrcdss DUM Cw SOL Lakes urciiar aagitiaces «deat ie 3 400 FOCAL CCD TA metric tatranma tener ah tae are of eee 400 Log No. 967 J. G. Skidmore, No. 1, lessor. Commenced: Feb. 3, 1905. ‘Pro- duction: Dry. Authority: New Domain Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth SOL ri tramtecrate rs stern d Napa ae co eaten Sy ores, Say vane ii ip WEA Oe) Ue SOLU mia ty ne oes Boe ore sin eh awe ls ke, ca. a 3 Dein a pON Cwm LIL mica C) Mein cust ss cher mies quits“ 18 26 vedAGeR EMEA UTATIEH MILAN A Oe poh DOA APA ey rey in SRN See eS 50 76 elit Lene Lg) Doe 0 Lu ae te aes piehte, caveat os eqn oecatahal 79 155 Limestone and shells, blue, hard ............ 4 159 aterm Lien mal eee nen. owes aint t aie, act retain Bong 10 169 Shalt. DING WV VOny shal CL iets eee satitunae eheten aie ee © 2 PPC 594 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Shale seo tw sOLbery eee dwt ces et cae. eee eaten ae 89 260 Pandstone, Ted) Wears eer se te cece iin. tee ne hone 10 270 Shakes Light. SOL beets ee ee on eters eee eee 39 309 LA NTeS COTE, sO LILe se rear Cl sense cree eisteccuet at ee, an eens taates 3 312 Devonian System. Shale’ black sort wChattano0¢a)=sa van. ee ae. = 145 457 iia les wards plies (SOL taken tage site paersoveleto 10 467 Dimestones “sand sy a Pas) pODEIle tisk Oe ete ol 498 TiO CALL dep UR aes. wean eect eee eeu ee oe aut nee 498 Log No. 968 J. S. Skidmore, No. 2. Completed: March 22, 1905. Production: gas. Authority: New Domain Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Soulrand. gravely spine: soli). ceo ana oe 9 9 Shaleze pluie ol Harn. cetacean de era ae ie 30 39 S LAMeStONe sight, aed gin wen ..convelcns. cree oa eee 6 45 lia le abluewe sor ian. wie cccnc «sere wr eeu teeth eerie 37 82 HUMES LONG ai Ot orders ape tes, cei d. cae eee oe Oe cee 13 95 pS haleligh eS0k bette gs ee cette at eee eee 45 140 Shale -sbluéssmeditim whe ates aan ee ee 30 170 Shale Oh te sOLt tomes wn ces at eee oe ees 44 214 SHAS (TeAeLOCk i, WSO gar cetera: saksle des eels ot 8 222 alesse ts SOC tee aus ok eens ane er aens 2 35 257 Sandstomenont Nard Wc see orth sy Meco tae 3 260 hale, leh ters Olters pn teete Gert mene eth et alee 2 ar aes 2 262 Devonian System. Shale; black» softa (Chattancosa) mcs... 7s su iB 413 Shaler Cire=clay),e white, SOlte cat «es qe mes shetere 8 421 Limestone *‘sand;’”* light, open, (gas) ...... ; 18 439 POtake CED GN creat ta lcks te aie Weta ohn ea eare rae 439 POWELL COUNTY 595 Log No. 969 Cornelia Wymore, No. 1, lessor. Completed: Sept. 28, 1904. Production: Dry; small show of oil at 388 feet. Authority: New Do- main Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Mississippian System. . Thickness Depth CAV aPSO L bees wert ee ctgen seen ete wee Petes 12 12 Sialeshso tub! GGle ane. cee eyes cere Tice 165 dal OMG IG MeO then Plime ase Wars te whee ocak aE Wis a's, o 10 187 Ail iMeS TON EAE DMC mein to Ge hedors eye oat sistas 8 195 ihe emp OL Cet Crewtie acre tk ties tod cates: os cate 10 205 Devonian System. Shale, Diackesolt -( Chavtano0gs.\e a5 er. ores 133 338 DIMNESTONG OLA Vm Ces shaie tah one Holic te 5 tae ages 20 358 AMES TONG RD LUeGsusOTt SNA scarce. tis 160 518 UairesbOtors Ole slams. sutecs erst aie eihtc eros, och eras : 45 563 HORIMESCOUC, OFAN s SAT CL elena site en ctnen a: rohe ork 20 583 GAMES EOme me DIU aris eee thew onane ceeetiote aire tse 245 828 Ota IwOS DON apres racer. ones. ets, Ser 828 NOTE—The Devonian-Silurian contact is within the 160 feet above 518 feet in depth. Log No. 970 Joseph Willoughby, No. 1, lessor. Completed: Oct. 22, 1904. Pro- duction. Dry; show of gas at 120 and 418 feet. Authority: New Do- main Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Cet ve aL Pr OV CLUES Mecca aa eet 1 Saher A stags cud st 8 oh 8 § TEAC SUCTONS pace ih oer Reps at eee Ny Se, Looe ee 40 48 Shale or sandstone, blue .... here SAGEM hae 85 1S IIS tide me LUG mb SALLY Oe tans ess «arate s oney et < Ug oe 250 Mississippian System. Shale, \bigdks eChattanooga) ave sy. hk ee 140 390 ys Alin Cara Oe ane Geis Carta eS Seen e aze 10 400 ESIMESEON GSD COW. pallet Olea hor oie eee oes t cece 18 418 rene AES op Mee Fi Sia sem NG le wae ectnoe xo. RR ae a ie ae ae 157 575 Hines tone Dro wi. am edly AS tsar en sees 15 590 PO eee SOT teeth a ROE, Br So cet os Oe ew 10 600 526 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Fimeéstone;browie one rdiegees ea 6 esteem 10 610 Jaimestone,. DGC. na rdeee er a. ayo mem eae 20 630 Sale TA Sol fh bacdcee anca ween eee Or ton a. ican tea renee 10 640 Timestoness bluesediard | aces. 0s coe ee 1600 =. 800 TPO CaP OCP Gg ee atin ccs co esa, Gone Ect ee ners 800 NOTE—The Devonian-Silurian contact is within the 157 feet above 575 feet. Log No. 971 M. D. Rogers, No. 1, lessor. Commenced: Dec. 10, 1919. Com- pleted: Jan. 18, 1920. Production: Commenced Jan. 28, 1920; pro- duction 48 hours after shot, 15 bbls. oil. Shot Jan. 25, 1920, be- tween 766 and 790 feet. Authority: The Ohio Oil Co. Strata. : Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Soll TDROw i SOL tes eat cee ee Eee ae ee 20 20 SAn dshonese red, wT eC Umn c.conn ce eis cae ees 49 67 Limestone. lard, ewiiLG cis memset eee eee 90 157 Sates eblirey wea IUMA a soles certs cee ee ae eee 412 569 Shalestred. hard, sandyit.. toes tomer eee ate 18 587 HIG “Cla Vey WHILO SOLU et bores eK ee ec oe tence eee 32 619 Devonian System. Shale, hard, brown (Chattanooga) ......... 142 ipo’ Hives Clays Will teres. time tes ce Adee ae ieee Geen 4 765 Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ hard, dark, (little oil) ... 8 773 Limestone ‘‘sand,’”’ brown, medium, (good DV) giasad fametons "es Parss seekale 1a Ce Pou cenels toa mibeten ike 16 789 Shale shards lUOVesOLt ee eceids cue eee ee : 12 801 LOCALE ON EL 7 iatct ti. set ot pti dete ener teases Bean 801 Log No. 972 M. D. Rogers, No. 2, lessor. Commenced: Feb. 8, 1919. Com- pleted: Feb. 24, 1919. Production: Commenced Feb. 28, 1919; pro- duetion 48 hours after shot, 24 bbls. oil. Shot Feb. 26, 1919, be- tween 768 and 790 feet. Authority: The Ohio Oil Co. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Deptn Soil Pred) Se0 ftir a cact, co ee eer eee ee ne, eee 20 20 Sandstone, .red- 0 ardere. 0 ewe eco se ees 20 40 POWELL COUNTY 597 Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Pi Ost Givemerita bheme will 1 Ue or ctcmebiews lols cette talseara cs 110 150 Shale, hard and soft, bluish, medium ....... 460 610 Robie evar OCs eO KGa ial O Vamiies. ele Co orale Saisie pres = wes) 625 ET OR Gl Ye MENT nT LOO OL Leith. 's% oak eke de as 27 652 Devonian System. Shale, brown, medium (Chattanooga) ..... 105 757 LOR Cle mW TLC OO tin serene petit fcnke wedwcnans* oboe 3 760 At TNS HONENe Come ome et Tei Delete ote 502 ahs) wrote 8 768 Dimestonery sands) sbrowi ss0rt,.(OU\™ oak. 2: 22 790 NESE ME ae I PCN Eat ON AD eG a chon er ae ey eres ae ae 10 800 ANGE Ware CY 6h Ae 0 ince Fe RE” Hanae oy Meira he Ae 800 Log No. 973 M. D. Rogers, No. 3, lessor. Commenced: March 8, 1919. ° Com- pleted: April 5, 1919. Production: Commenced producing April 10, 1919; production 48 hours after shot, 15 bbls. oil. Shot April &, 1919, between 755 and 771 feet. Authority: The Ohio Oil Co. strata, Mississippian System. Thickness Depth SOR Are sho S0 Line kaet Beatie eee ne rte oc aut he waa eed 10 10 SaMtdetOne © TEC. m Arie ceen eet ac che cunt ee ee cust s 20 50 isimMestOmen Hari we Will tOscpa a eee ieee fc eae. on 102 oz Shale, hard and soit, bluish, medium ....... 436 568 Diraleo ered] SOlb, Sal Varo ia. Wa ata ae tae; s 12 580 Devonian System. Shale; brown, soft (Chattanooga) <.....7...'. 150 730 WiPoee lay, CWwlitOroNOLb, ropes ct. rer sect ty geenees ee : 17 747 tamestone. “sand. hours) aitersshot,si4 vobls-. oll, Shot Jan. 25, 1919, between 783 and 759 feet. Authority: The Ohio Oil Co. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth DO1l, OPO WL SOLE hie Gal cae ee ee eee en ee 20 20 Pandstone eredsc Solve wa ae eae eee 50 70 Shale, ehard: swh ite. (less sorte cmc eee ee 85 Loo POWELL COUNTY 599 Mississippian System. Thickness Depth eloalesallcdesnellsmpittes amd. SOLG o%. 2 ccc feces au 3 400 555 Shalesered, Hard moa Va awed Aa ces ees ssa Dare 12 567 PATE CLV rw llLer ReO Lbs Mem eCiwrey. Raehats whens. wate 4s 24 pot Devonian System. pbilem Drowns as01t, ( GNalbanlogOotayen. wicceas es, 136 727 PIT Os Clay ye WHE OE SOL bien ga eheteia anette ts 5 fe 4 (fseak Meg ON. Sand eeehards WiaGKe « octeesc.. 0 seo 8 (8) issMeslOnecmae 1 see DLO wien SOtt om are te mc,-4) 24 (ars) Sa Grea TOccOLLe wes O fi eee eee a Atta eto tans 5 768 Total depth 768 Log No. 977 J. N. Rogers; No. 2, lessor.- ‘Commenced: Feb. 5, 1919. - Com- pleted: Feb. 22; 1919. Production: Commenced producing Feb. 28, 1919; production 48 hours after shot, 11 bbls. oil. Shot Feb. 25, 1919, Letween 740 and 746 feet. Authority: The Ohio Oil Co. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth ene) Uh SUWEA SY en aid a iene aun eb nee NEE a Seer 20 20 SILA SLOI Ge MAT CC ete cones pee ie shar, net kag cn fot 50 70 LIMES LOM sea rayar Ww Wi LOLs eid 6 ees ica Wa tees os cs 80 150 Slialevanaustates elle, MOGI glia. c6 se ae 450 600 Shalem (ved grOUl COL bree vcrslatoleehew 6 lee eon «| 12 612 Hire oleh Views WO LGOs pS Odi tgs Piast ehckra a ares abe 23 635 Devonian System. Shale, brown (Chattanooga) 2. ./. gh... 22 3 95 730 Pireacie yaiewll ber SOL bert: cscifoe nym Seema a Bia Ac ied fous GEST OMe eS SO ROTO WII? oe cca ote « Sone Sra 27 761 Shate- shard, blweR WSO Mase ik iey eae he giao 9 TO WDOd ald CO bina. vac inee ciearee eee aaa eee a ate teas 770 NOTE—The Devonian (Chattanooga) black shale at 95 feet is somewhat thin in this record. 600 OIL FIELD: STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 978 J. N. Rogers, No. 3, lessor. Commenced: March 6, 1919. Com- pleted: March 26, 1919. Production: Commenced producing April 1, 1919; production 48 hours after shot, 10 bbls. oil. Shot March 27, 1919, between 817 and 841 feet. Authority: The Ohio Oil Co. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Soil, Veh Ow ASO Gea: gene a sigue ae tcbots a8 oa trate omens 20 20 SAWASPON eet AL ew DLUG waienirid dane tate ooas ones (Gx 95 Rimestone> white wvyery heard. cy 5 vn. ae seeds see 80 Tisey Pye] ae AC SMe ll Oe tee oes oe ore te, Sates eres eee eae rae 450 625 Siale ered esl e Sait ye ete mec cia eee coe ee 25 650 Devonian System. Shale, brown, soft.(Chattanooga) ...,....... 150 800 iMresvelay, 7 Wilite,- CA lUIMA es saath cocks eteus torn ts 10 810 Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ hard, dark, (gas sand). se} 823 Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ brown, medium, (oil SOLE CL Van “aaa, SR veraiags ee anctcte, Ste) uae aly agetee eee 18 841 Shaléa bharde: blue, .201 tee. ces. dete. oe ete. yee 5 846 LOCAL Y COD GL Hocus. sees ercety Parc te eae asee ap 846 Log No. 979 J. N. Rogers, No. 4, lessor. Commenced: April 9, 1919. Com- picred Apr 1) 7.-1919. Produchon: Dry. s Authority. Loner Onion) Co. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth SOL rer Cl. S86 L bare) sees catenin oe Se a ntae nee Pee eee 12 12 Shaleot radvrock). med tiii sera... Wat vera eseari acts 36 48 amestone,. bard swhiteren cs) 2 etre. teste es eee 88 136 Shale, pnord Gamrdescoltecectes ar ae. Cee ee eee vce 480 616 Shale, reds molt sea0d ¥ ae- 2 ao bya ere. ee rate dare 12 628 Devonian System. Shale, brown, medium (Chattanooga) ...... 140 768 Wires Clava. WiNTLG ais Ok lew eiiuete ol aaa dea keene 12 780 Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ light, hard, (all salt Watery Ges: Seem eee ream ; 32 812 Wotale@deptiresetss ctu eek oust. tera ere e 812 POWELL COUNTY 601 Log No. 980 W. Adams, No. 9, lessor. Commenced: Dec. 20, 1918. Com- pleted: Jan. 22, 1919. Production: Commenced producing Jan. 27, 1919; production 48 hours after shot, 25 bbls. oil. Authority: The Ohio Oil Co. Strata.. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth RENARG IES Gea ceeMe os leleiere GER socom al rear ok Cena aa eae 40 40) TSRWiGSLOTe a Na hee VITO. hfe eis Ol crea tote ue ite 106 146 RTC me el CO ea COaR ORNS ot eee! ste, Saree ate ake coi cate 457 603 Sia lovers pill Comeunarety au wena thaw shore «fs 12 615° Shales gard. white .... co. (eatin at neo et eA Ee ae 28 643 Devonian System. Shale, hard, brown (Chattanooga) ........... 132 yayes: PSO BOWL LO ma eO Lumlee ath tec ere ont eat ete 8 Osis: TPM SSLOMG ta SAIC yee WV INE GGG. 1. foe aia ae ah ae hocn os 32 815 ISMIMES LONG we SATLGy sae Dill Kage sens, Sigh fc gohan shade 6 821 timestonel* “shale.” whihess medium. ~.5. a. 6 827 POURED Ghd serch rete aed ier today = aes 827 Log No. 981 W., Adams, No. 10, lessor. Commenced: Feb. 3, 1919. Com- pleted: Feb. 18, 1919. Production: Commenced producing Feb. 21, 1919; production 48 hours after shot, 25 bbls. oil. Authority: The Ohio Oil Co. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth SLC MLM oe seeks rete sais aie tice Pees ecers teas iors ees 20 20 Asi estOn Ore laArdoe Whi LOsai are oe oot ot bie 110 150 meme rs OAV DI LO ge etl eset tle «this ies a he tae 451 581 Po A BCL ge NT) Ko atch keke col = sueBe Maae aT eee hiesi-or ara. 12 593 Shad OR EC ame Walt | OS tape ane V iin chee ae cas, for Goahats 28 621 Devonian System. Bhtatey. DrOwWE eV CHAULANOO Cn litt ctas..) «serials eee jhay74 753 NAS. AW Leer OS testy siete eer he ee rete aly ar oS, chia) whacests 8 761 TH CREO UClte Gale Meee aT Deter te Pal ohn cra ay uae oe 794 SAL CDI Le etree cei eco te ten cos ali tnd se os 4 798 Total SAS Nt it eae. ker ere eed.) sta de 798 602 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 982 W. Adams, No. 12, lessor. Commenced: June 12, 1919. Com- pleted: June 21,-1919°. Production: Commenced» producing July 4, 1919; production 48 hours after shot, 12 bbls. oil. Authority: The Ohio Oil Co. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth S01 EGE BOG Meme hire Buc i l \ aun Glee Cen cee a eS 10 10 ISL ESTON-Cassvarcl mary OTGGIN Ie © oc aang. tee somceentin. $0-e 90 100 SELLS PANTIE MOTI ~ hac cic cio cace me be surest aie a ae 365 465 DONC CIP OG I) SONU bier. cts uiege hae e eynatet years teks 28 493 BFS “Clay “WTbO, SOLD sdactstere te auetsee Ber oncaekere i ther 510 Devonian System. Shale, black, médium (Chattanooga) ......., 143 653 Pure slays will bess Ol Gilet sw ern, a eee eae renee Cee 8 661 imestones “sand.” idark) medium wenn to oe 31 692 TOtals Gepuh ean ete rr. ares eee: 692 Log No. 983 Dana Lumber Co., No. 1, lessor. Commenced: Jan. 28, 1918. Completed: April 8, 1918. Production: Dry. Authority: The Wood Oil Co. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth DARASTOMeeSUAIC POEL. we, pte kecn ee Soe eh eee aes 563 563 Devonian System. Shale smiaek=-( Chattanoova, ec. any ot eee 160 723 EPS CnC LVOII can tet tue wads (ar PG vee evaa Shean Nl ete Pearce 12 735 Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ blue’ and brown, (no OUI ie alee ota oe ae one Payee © oer ieee Wenge aes 4 739 Tamestone ““sand;** lighter-and finer’ a....... 4 743 Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ (fine white water) ...... 1a 754 Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ light and fine, (skim of Ol iet sentra Sa OR EE ghee PRS egy 6 760 Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ yellow, muddy, (oil SMOLL) ein Shes hs aee a een es 9 769 Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ (filled 300 ft. with salt Wiebe). EUR. Guns ts <“sand< 2 CLrvine) Wein ce- ts. me eee 33 T18 ‘otal! ep tinier c.. cites ata tee nee eee 718 PULASKI COUNTY. Production: Oil and Gas. Producing Sands: Pottsville (Pennsylvanian) ; Big Lime (Mississippian); Corniferous (Devonian) ; Niagaran (Silurian); Upper Sunnybrook, Maysville age (Ordovican). Log No. 999 Newell, No. 1, lessor. Somerset Petroleum Corp., lessee. Loca- tion: Fishing Creek, 6 miles N. W. of Somerset. Driller: George Cox. Production: 1 barrel green oil. Authority: W. A. White, General Manager. Strata. Devonian System. Thickness Depth POO Me SSE Pat sit nk ROR Deat st is a hat IR kas cae Oo See 10 10 Limestone enard a. et vice Seon oe te ater: 18 28 Silurian System. Dire telay-amceree shee te hy oa tate eee ee eae eaemee 10 38 (LiNVestone: -Oul maalid te ney ee See ee ee 2 40 Shales bio wis saaees eee eee ees ce ce eee 10 50 JADIOStON 68 Se cake Seles tw. neta ae eee ne neers 10 60 Limestone and sand, (salt water) .......-.. 5 65 Lamestone, gray, (014 in. casing ate 10 jour os 5 70 LfimestOn ere Fins evn ah +n ee Re ele ioe stee 11 81 Oil p80 4 leEe eee a yc tev ecee ee buona. ee earns 10 ul IPAM OS EOT0 o§ ost hse agar fe eae coats ere eee eee 3 O4 Oth, dept hisses: hei ake pe eter ae eee 94 PULASKI COUNTY G11 Log No. 1000 Newell, No. 1, lessor. Somerset Petroleum Corp., lessee. Loca- tion: Fishing Creek, 6 miles N. W. of Somerset. Driller: George Cox. Production: 1 barrel green oil. Authority: W. A. White, General Manager. Strata. Devonian System. Thickness Depth Se le xD eS Bea hn Aertel 9 Ot Ae 9 9 PATIVES TOMO smetheL EC We cnet s taereie eae eens eee ree ire on ve 18 27 Silurian System. EE UP es Cle vie cee een vite Aerial dar oho sta fa h'dy Gh a eNOS 10 37 C)PWS Sir memeg AR eee ee en rie ha een) ees ss 2 39 TL Sn TO We ee ek caret hot tN ert asad Pca aks el 50 eine SOME mee eer ee ee doe cee ee teees, chert 5 55 Limestone, gray, and sand, (64%” casing 65) 10 65 MOTI OS EOI Cum aa meet e ate te) Mie ere N el Rover aks ate 15 80 Cee eters Sake rE NS os ra eo NE 10 90 ASLANESTON Caos okey eee Rah chee eat FE atte aeee os eke 12 102 Lota be epinrenne eo Aata aiet ts ait te. 102 Log No. 1001 A. J. Spaugh, No. 1, lessor. Somerset Petroleum Corp., lessee. Location: Fishing Creek, 6 miles N. W. of Somerset. Driller: George Cox. Production: 1 barrel green oil. . Authority: W. A. White, Gener- al Manager. Strata. Devonian System. Thickness Depth Od ere ene ee ee One aS oan sh eich gey tates 10 10 Tattiesnotres: lair Ce verkc ne eats Bets so Nias SP eis Vel ce ties 20 30 Silurian System. And AEN a hy hare eT coe i Cente ares ee 10 40 OVUM SATUS cet onatrtne tart depth ieennc oe etter te enac 424 ROCKCASTLE COUNTY. Production: Oil and Gas shows. Producing Sands: Big Lime (Chester- Mississippian); Corniferous (Devonian). Log No. 1003 Albert Albright, No. 1, lessor. New Domain Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Completed: Aug. 19, 1904. Production: Dry. Authority: New Domain Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth TANG URe ee erie eee atest eee tate a oe eae cet ee 15 1D LGMestOue,eDLUC, sOPEl wanker tran cate kel aed oer 91 106 Limestone, blue, hard (New Providence) .... 85 191 Devonian System. Shale; black, soit. (Chattanooga na. .n -- 50 rea MGre-Clayi,) SOLbssW OLGC ae oe). seane eeeaieee eo gete pete. 10 251 Jimestome.: “sand /a(Ragland) Wards see 20 271 Lameéstone, white, hard ge see eee a 220 491 Limestone,,oray, bard. ap ana ay oe 112 603 POta dency Seer chicas fe oe ok roca eee 603 NOTE—The Devonian-Silurian contact is within the upper quarter of the 220 feet of limestone above 491 feet in depth. The Silurian- Ordovician contact is toward the middle of the lower part of the 112 feet of limestone above 603 feet in depth. ROCKCASTLE COUNTY 613 Log No. 1004 William Hepinger, No. 1, lessor. New Domain Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Completed: Sept. 6, 1904. Production; Dry. Authority: New Domain Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depta NF c2 el Pied see irs Be ee SAE ddd eer a 5 5 SIV eSt Olen Whiter wari ater ets sie ate tes Chr s 20 25D Sale Ole rmee Ok Wuet. ces ke eee mane Sey ptt crweat ack 50 fen HUIS CSTON Cyes SUV eG PC te earn eehte detec ere eds 70 145 LTTE S POT Oes OL sass een te eto ety mee com an eee a carne i Cas 300 Devonian System. mhale; Molack ys soLutscCbattano0gs a. a. see 84 384 hinrestoneashelista nd ssitaleresOl tb) acc. eae sos 2.6 510 PWHTESTONG.. UNA TrGar ec ce Sales reine 2 o.Pcahe ees : 97 607 ote Vd piligee ace erescy iets ae in cn ikee aan s 607 NOTE—The Devonian-Silurian contact is within the upper half of the 126 feet of limestone above 510 feet. Log No. 1005 J. EH. Tate & Co., No. 1, lessors. Completed: Aug. 8, 1904. Pro- duction: Dry; casing pulled, well plugged and abandoned. Authority: New Domain Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Sal ander elna Vel lOwW Wun scat ace seierde mes cas kee 10 10 limestone, rw biter blue Nard. "ance e ersne ast 60 70 Soh Tena INO SeSOT Lee ment watecatea ee ey acts ome tance salem 35 105 ERVeS PONG. ONY, mi EC eeere Rep enne ue etree yet encs 60 165 bale Sse EOL Gimd hace pcnt comet me at worhchen a: the ee 105 270 LHINOSEOU Coe WIL Cte. Cbar Siete lo stivedan ob. dt sete oe 8 278 Shale, blue, green, soft_(New Providence) ... 82 360 Devonian System. Shale, black, soft, hard (Chattanooga) ...... 94 454 ST LOM ILOnerGO Lc tukencr ann cease Motu tices conan oh face 45 499 Sie lemenOi inlets SOL ba sat sas tok et aaa te ethene komme aie: 15 514 inmestone sholls. billeswitite, SOlt: «. .0p0ne « 45 559 Silurian System. lAmestone,.etay, white, very hard ...22....2. ... 42 601 Said, erayvonveny Ward o 6 cen sie ne ch) e sew are ease 12 613 Sia OL GSO Dime weremciien Sc ln et, CMe cron alot oe tehanan aus 12 625 AWS IMIME VENA ANE YS lef S27 ary Tae ey ER AES Corer RENE 625 NOTE—The varicolored shales below the Chattanooga are probably in reality a part of same. 614 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 1006 David Hysinger, No. 1, lessor. New Domain Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Completed: Oct. 1, 1904. Production: Dry. Authority: New Domain Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Sand seravel and «muda. ke ate ot eee 65 65 LA OVESOMes Rar! =. “scciee sere eect ee nnn ee Gee eee ee 63 128 Bis lee BOLL, eSand ys stg tte ie eee ie gD 245 Devonian System. Shale, black, shard ( Chattan0ogs jar acs. 2s 1c 70 O15 Shate; lnmestone wand shellgal. |. ase eee 81 396 Limestonesand wahale, sot scr eee eee 89 485 Limestone, -oray,) Wardha. cas eee ee 112 Dot Yotal “depth. 5 cts s2%. estes thee ests ae 597 NOTE—The Devonian-Silurian contact occurs toward the base of the 81 feet of shale and limestone above 396 feet in depth. Log No. 1007 C. i. Lear, No. 1, lessor. — Completed: sSept.720, 190458 Produc. tion: Dry. Authority: New Domain Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth oil sand) quseksaid Weare ects se eee 10 10 PAWMeNLONG, 0 lUGs ards tte Reet en are 60 70 Shalewana shells: esot time: cy mre scores chee ey ee ee 240 Devonian System. Shale,’ browne ( Chattanvogs jas. win: eee 93 333 hale. 2 DIMER SOL Gl weenie meee eer we Fates ae 65 398 DImMestoOne re wiliLe yl art ane oreo ere eee, vaeee ee 100 498 Totalecdepths gi. cee oe ee eee eee 498 NOTE—The Devonian-Silurian contact occurs toward the base of the upper half of the last 100 feet of this record. The 65 feet of blue shale is probably partly at least Chattanooga. ROCKCASTLE COUNTY 615 Log No. 1008 B. S. Devault, No. 1, lessor. New Domain Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Completed: Sept. 238, 1904. Production: Dry. Authority: New Do- main Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth SOLO POM it pes Olsen Mena wee ie fice acne aves 5 dD TIMES ONG Wt be ae MALO mee einer mre os il x ste thas 80 Shalem essed tower ain wtcies Wil et etry ck cs os 9 oe 250 so Devonian System. Shale, brown; hard’ (Chattanooga) «.2....<.. 90 420 Ale ma bon SOt Gu tapes sot er ats hose 5 as, : 12 AZZ INeSsLOne a WOLbCsm VCE Vaal betel go. tt.ccte G Gus cone HES 611 OGIO DUI Secrets. tox Stes ses erence 611 NOTE—The Devonian-Silurian contact occurs toward the base of the upper one-third of the last 179 feet of limestone of this record. ROWAN COUNTY. Production: Oil. Producing Sand: Ragland (Corniferous) (Devonian) Niagaran (Silurian). Log No. 1009 J. EH. Johnson, No. 1, lessor. Location: 414 miles northwest of Morehead. Commenced: January, 1920. Completed: February, 1920. Production: The hole was dry, and the casing was pulled and plugged. Authority: Mohney Bros. and Brown, drillers. Strata. Devonian System. Thickness Depth A EW Clans chao ae cba eaten aes co ane Nae es ee ta Weoies oe hee 25 25 Shale, blue, and shale (Chattanooga) ....... 55 89 ehale; blue (Chattanooga ss oame seeks iste 70 150 piale (Chattanooga) .c0. a. Ae pecy a ere ee 10 160 Shale, blue, and shale (Chattanooga) ...... 28 188 Demestone “saads4’ CCornil oroug js oh suns esis >< 5 193 Limestone, white (Corniferous) .. 03." 04. =. « a2 225 Silurian System. vir LeveL IPGL Deen ote ne ete Letaat's tas aa ree recess fa CMe) Adtias 40 265 Sl ere (ae POCiee eee. .cam eres ce ait wenties acetc, oe Wears 3 295 Salem mslr ie LU Gus Mamet ic cmtuel gies ty hee are kel ean, all ss 5D 350 nek OSL ALT Wace nears hols nh Ge ry A ao eA rs ee eS gira 25 oD MATER COMG ANU MSO wats aes Sie ea: See weet o0 295 400 Dion Aed Sree er A wie eo. es ooh rete aee i 410 her Comp TPE Cltin Wo ILRE Olan. cits te ais a onan des ka ea tee tescaees ZU 430 OVEML OS. OTe WLLL lea ean, © oes CIR aia 6 ore hes 20 450 Ordovician System. Lamestonre 2410 eialee ATC ee oe ee 150 600 dWiyeral Wedeyegnil oa keane ar Sar: 1,2 €00 616 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 1010 W. J. Fletcher, No. 1, lessor. Location: Near Morehead. Com- pleted: April 27, 1904. Production: Well was dry. Water aft 30 and 975 feet. Authority: New Domain Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth pend sande gravel, brown, SOlt. (05 een. aes 13 SHALE A MLe] US Ol bel te cme are nee vitaatte eee eae eee 10 23 EI TESSLON Cre OLUC + DOI bc i.y. et ede cence ae eee 167 190 PaMLesto mess vllibes cA see. cares gs ksw shale een 50 240 Slt one ards 2wilhitG, °SOd ters statem cute eae ain eases 45 285 TANVESTONO LW ULbG, nLALC. woe nels a te ee eee ree? cs 105 390 WME MeWIMILC, SOTTO sie trate circiae senator eee one i110 500 Uae DrUW les sO bie t. ehetets ie cere tatelone tote etn, een daty 515 Shale, ard, white soft... o:e.o. eee , 65 580 Devonian System. Shale; brown, soft (Chattanooga): a. 235 815 Pive-celans white; GOLiemuess ceca koe he we aes 10 825 Limestone ‘‘sand’’ (Ragland in part), white, Ward | At nPecces ee aes ere eee eee ee: 105 O30) Sha lesow ihe esol tt. hes eeceeeen is eae eee ee ae 30 960 Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ white, hard, (gas 975) .. 15 S75 haley wel, wiley -SOuue wesc ey. eaelce ase eee id) 1,010 Sigle- weds hard Sluruvesce > Stopes aoe en aera 50 1,060 Ordovician System. Limestone shells and shale, hard, white, soft eset) 1,210 imes one, whiter werye hard: cicon.e nee tees 291 1,501 EO tI RGD Uli ayela vote kgs eee em eee 1a 01 NOTE—The Devonian-Silurian contact is within the first half of the 105 feet of limestone above 930 feet in depth. RUSSELL COUNTY. Production: Oil and Gas. Producing Sand: Sunnybrook and Trenton (Ordovician). Log No. 1011 HE. G. Wilson, No. 1, lessor. Completed: Sept. 22, 1904. Pro- duction: Dry. Authority: New Domain Oil & Gas Co. Strata. : Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Limestone, light, THAD ec they eae tee ey ter ee Zee li 25.5 Devonian System. Shale, black, soft QGhattano0 gam ae aa cede ee. : 30 286 RUSSELL COUNTY 617 Ordovician System. Thickness Depth Dinvestoness Saind 200 650 Limestone, blue, hard, (oil show 676) ....... 26 676 limestones sssand, -- bite oray ahard, 55.56. -e srs 16 692 TshrSSbO Wee Wn Gee Riera nce ete ip ees wale ae ur 106 798 Shalem envan es esOl law sete. eye a oNearh nes Fons po 2 800 Ioimestone barbers ta rd, joka: 53 eeettien nies se tae 51% 851 Ticea Wde pi imias acct e ai abet hae heb ees 801% 618 OLL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Leg No. 1014 Kyle, No. 1, lessor. T. A. Sheridan, lessee. Location: Pumpkin Creek. Commenced: In winter of 1920-21. Elevation: About 640 feet A. T. Starts 2 feet below Chattanooga Shale in the Ordovician Richmond Shale. Strata. Ordovician System. Thickness Depth NOraedyscs: fewaloby (40 Gut Wee een et nr nnAe Nr a ie, Maw laa 598 59S PST a bea DETTE Ca V'O)) cists crak role antares inet onan 3 601 inimmestone;s Coaree,- iGhtebr0 Wi >see een oo as ay, 640 Limestone coarse, tohts DrOWR ga. a. tse eek 16 656 lintestone, coiee-colored, harder 7.0. 4..2.6 se 12 668 phate, blue-black. thimy, Goarser = spe cee 12 680 Limestone, coffee-colored, coarse .........5.5 8 688 Limestone wdarios Dliias sn ave. eee et ea ene 36 724 limestone: Vdatk- Drow os eee te ee ee 16 740 Limestone. ionter- plesk (Case eee. eee 4 (44 limestone, light -cofice-colored Gin awe a. oh 4 748 Otel “dep Lies ts are ic deny teen eres 748 NOTE—Well unfinished, Jan 7, 1921. Creelsboro Wells. McMeade Co., lessee. Drilled sir 1920: Authority: UL. Beckner. Log No. 1015 IN'On ele Starts about 60 feet below base of Chattanooga Shale in the base of the Richmond or top of Maysville. Limestone all the way. Oil at 245 feet, dark blue to brown limestone to 275 feet in depth. This well produces considerable gas. Elevation, 597. Approx. Log No. 1016 No. 2. Same as above. Elevation, 595. Approx. Got oil at 246. Log No. 1017 NG: 0. Same as above. Elevation, 590. Approx. Got oil at 247 feet flowing. RUSSELL COUNTY 619 Log No. 1018 No. 4. Same as above. Elevation, 485, Barometric. Got oil at 255 feet. No. 2 was tubed for pumping and nothing about it could be learned. No. 3 is flowing a small trickle of light gassy oil into a trough, about % bbl. a day. It has considerable gas. No. 4 has oil about 200 feet down from which gas is rising, not as good as No. 1. Log No. 1019 Bacon No. 1. (Called Creelsboro, No. 5.) Elevation, 610. Approx. Got no oil or sand at same horizon as other wells. Got no oil at 605 feet in depth. SIMPSON COUNTY. Production: Oil and Gas. Producing Sands: ‘‘Shallow’’ (St. Louis age) (Mississippian); Corniferous (Devonian); ‘‘Deep’’ (Niagaran age) (Silurian). Log No. 1020 Henry Reeder, No. 2, lessor. Tidewater Oil Co., Norfolk, Va., lessee. Location: 4 miles northeast of Franklin, and east of Drakes Creek. Production: Considerable gas, and 25 bbls. oil, natural flow to tank 20 feet above casing head. Authority: Barney Calvert. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth SYORDS | 22 coc ra Gara RR A a mc ee a a : 10 10 TRGNGIPENCD RU RIN 2 Mere? rie hep CRORE ARE Di der oe a ner Rana aca oe area 515 525 Devonian System. Shaleywbinck =(ChattanoOea ys au ee. ds a cee 3 50 575 CONIUO TE GO2Z5 AsO es oe carne, fo 6 hgh Peeve Si arr oem ee 4 Swit) NIMES HOME UCA Dart OCR jn ercee gauche aim Groner sje sonatas 2 581 iamestone= “sand,” brown) (Old yep fos. ess ea sls 12 593 PESTON Creo Immo p eerie rats a agora as a) 2 595 TRMVES LOO, e OMI OMe oy on vt Memsta reine edie eat a4. + Sieh 7 602 ‘POtAD COU ines wun ste aeraettt aeeiy eels es aiere ¢ 602 620 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY: OF KENTUCKY Log No. 1021 Tom Lewis, No. 1, lessor. Location: Southwest of Rolands Mill in Drakes Creek bottom, 4% miles northeast of Franklin. Production: Considerable sulphur gas, which flowed open for over a year. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth DOL Pewee a ear Nt oes chitin notes aaa eater rare 18 18 LMC StONe eC TTet™ Waver ). Graiickne a) pitt ore LOT 125 TAGE SEOMG TA CGAS I ea" sl vncciwehs flees Spat ear me oetae 245 370 Tat O SUOMI L.A tecrcs bese in zoia ah oats sa tenean aremttce ote whe neers : 130 500 heer Oe POON. Sos BU. ss cesae. eure ye ieee tems tion 40 540 Devonian System. shaleablack (Chattanooga) ic. ania ome ices sees 50 590 LALOR GON Gs< 548s alia! wh aes ree cae Oe a ee eee 10 600 Totaly depth ii titcee «a: ate tet cee re. 600 Log No. 1022 W. H. Lewis, No. 11, lessor. Location: 2 miles north of Frank- lin, left of Bowling Green Road. Production: This well was dry. Strata. Mississippian and Devonian Systems. Thickness Depth Tamestone-and tshale, = (Sasi... er ee Ag wd bee EH) Otaly Ce pene (7 syam: sagt leet ett othe eee iL00 Log No. 1023 Boyd, No. 1, lessor. McGlothlin, Moore & Co., lessees. Location: 2% miles south of Franklin. Completed: June 25, 1920. 206 feet of casing set. Authority: Walter Moore. ; Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Sure aCe. Aude LuMes LONG. yes. aumento Me ea ee 5038 503 Devonian System. Shale? lack! ( Chatbano0 fay) ie cate eeenee te 57 566 Limi eSPOne Cape LOCK: int. Marisa bdr eio ttn tense 2 10 570 EA MCStONS a. a ius Seed Siete ees eee ae 48 618 Silurian System. bimestorve "sand? ™2(01l 7 firstn paso eaa eas ee 32 650 th sewce i i wae eae eee ee ee 650 SIMPSON COUNTY 621 Log No. 1024 Boyd, No. 2, lessor. MeGlothlin, Moore & Co., lessees. Location: 3% miles south of Franklin. Completed: Aug. 1, 1920. 205 feet casing set. Authority: Walter Moore. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Suriacountds WMC LON Om. aes fone oo aioe 2 500 500 Devonian System. haley lachlan CR at tanOOl aye york ia ae teil o he 2s 61 561 EADVESE OM CA CA [ie LOCKE) 2 rep eie . aha Gees ee ft os aia em mete pees 863 863 Devonian System. Shale, “black (Chattamo0o@ays vo g2-hswates css an: 56 cE i) Limestone s(cap Tock jy Coll) riante as ee ees 12 931 LAM OSTONE 5 “Belen Gay mee been hens etree one one 9 940 Limestoney Scand: 2b Pd = ewer wee eet 4 944 Limestone. ““sand,’? dark, (second aye eines. 9 953 Silurian System. LAMIEStG NE to SSANG Se ICE bem ae eee © cena 67 1,020 otal depth ees a2 sas ote eet, pals anaes 1,020 Log No. 1081 Anderson, No. 1, lessor. Lick Creek Oil % Gas Co., lessee. Lo- cation: 8 miles northeast of Franklin. Production: Gas. Authority: Brady Perdue. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth limestone, white’ and (Tay =. c.10.. os we 490 490 TAMESTONG, Gosar Oye | TO Ww mein int Cane sees 58 548 Devonian System. Shidte, black-( Chabtanoocas.. cack tus ole e acon 60 608 Tei Mest ON Gri (GA.p TOC Is teea teckel oe anne re 4 612 TGRMLOSTON C8 Aiveen x tauors eesceke ore tame caceee ache ae er, 122 734 Total edeptits W.goianmet igs ome ee okalaterar ena 734 SIMPSON COUNTY 625 Log No. 1032 Chas. Anglea, No. 1, lessor. Location: 11% miles southeast of Franklin. Commenced: Aug. 19, 1919. Completed: Nov. 12, 1919. Production: Estimated production, 25,000 cu. ft. gas. Authority: Brady Perdue. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth red tp Re Renee alte ee nen ein ty trae nti tate a re 23 23 EX ONGS GO TC ume treet eat Nagy ee iia eects Lat hniciames «Bcc 382 405 Share, soreen CNG wor TO VIdenCe )\) Gyre. ca ice ts , 40 445 Devonian System. munles black ( Chattanooga. July &, 1919. Completed: Aug. 12, 1919. Author- ity: Brady Perdue. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Som Magee OPA ele ice me socks ere ne nse sree etehey ne 31 31 Limestone IS eT eee 399 4350 Sneie, oreen. GNew TF rOvidenCe) tam. =a > =) 48 478 Devonian System. Pialen Drow “COhAttanOOP a) e fais tie sete coronas 42 520 PATER UOT a CoP eT OC EO Vag aly ns tal si tpg a eee 10 530 FETE SCO Mee e eee er eee wae one tele tonssstay » loekeje tas teem 163 693 SOG) PoC Op Gime ee tage fe rete ee yen, hee 693 The casing was pulled and the well abandoned. 628 OLL FIELD*STRATIGRAPEY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 1038 Hughes, No. 1, lessor. Moore & Enders, lessees. Location: 4 miles southeast of Franklin, 1% mile east of I. & N. Railroad. Commenced: July 23, 1920. Completed: Aug. 19, 1920. Shot: Aug. 23, 1920, 80 quarts. Authority: Walter Moore. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Isl ESTOMOGIn OMS Ale oie. eens ee erie ap gs eect 460 460 Devonian System. Shalessplack \ChattanO0ga mec 061s ve deey ns tee as 55 515 ATAU OS COYLE ape cciicch is aviiee chs eae wach ee aye oes ene he te 5 520 TET OS LOM eye Sate eho ve vaca nods ee ne Cee 20 540 ime Stoo Dies. Lies Wace eee tee re 50 590 FO Gad: ep thy ease. tees eet ten sae ee eee 590 Log No. 1039 Tom Lewis, No. 1, lessor. Prestonsburg Oil & Gas Co., lessee. LLo- cation: 414 miles northeast of Franklin, and 1 mile from Reeder pool. Production: Small sulphur gasser. Authority: Tom Lewis. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth OTE ste g oct Pee get sen eee OAS eo gakenar es as eo dce cs cee eae 18 18 Ibimestone? Ciresh wate Wa) Siren eee es oes 107 125 ESTHVG 8 FOE). Pid sare me cetie & aden ee ee cpa rae 375 500 Sale, green’ (News Provyaden ce) 1, cm ume ho 40 540 Tevonian System. Shale olack COmattanoood.. lank os... esa ete 50 590 Hatt CS G01 Cra Wace keel ene ein scaakt cence na ae 10 (plus) 600 (plus) POCA OGM iis nears ote tees ure acere ee 600 (plus) Log No. 1040 Meador, No. 1, lessor. Lick Creek Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Lo- cation: 7 miles east of Franklin. Production: Fine gas well. Authority: Brady Perdue. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Ipinvest ONG. “VATS 5 ase yee aac eee 225 225 Limestone, “san te 200 gad eae en 1 eee tras 4 229 Dintestone: “Ssand 1 2cot tp 2. et eee 6 235 SIMPSON COUNTY 629 Mississippian System. . Thickness Depth TL NICST OIG Men Viet Cem mre mee teres 8 cacs ais eee acs 45 280 ISimestone. sp Dinkge were wae tro theo ty ecebece a 5 285 TAME SLO MC WE Comer eet eon ne ey. c+ a Seats 45 300 Limestone, blue, and shells (New Providence) 72 402 Devonian System. Shale, blag AO hatoamOOganewialt.. 4.40 s ce sstane «es 48 450 EEC FOL Aye sets ern me oration EPs Meee eo eg See alin, 13 463 Dinaeshoner Ccapenoe kk) tem mntenaer ce ses... 5 : 2 465 WIM OSTOME. .nvar lel Geer ey oe te eae as oe, 220 685 ODAC tiger Nee teeters ar cya. 685 NOTE—The Devonian-Silurian contact is about 20 feet down in the last 220 feet of limestone. This well finished in the Silurian, or perhaps the top of the Ordovician. Log No. 1041 Pearson, No. 1, lessor. Location: 6 miles northeast of Franklin, en ‘Lick Creek. Authority: Brady Perdue. Strata. Mississippian System. Limestone Cot SLY OSL OS.) tates, oresece ia saslh. eae 135 135 PUM C SO WE 2 TO.C leg fo teen ener eceg he ee cee eto hs 163 298 Himestonam sea deg = WObel\ gr Lr aa ere ce Siero es u 305 Himestone “sand, dark weCwater)) wosck¢o4 2% 6 S511 ireme shone, elie an deny et creer. Was oe ebay . on oc. ve we “« Sal, LSIMMeSTOHG, asda hk: Mie eee eke 8 ot Shaleadhard ve darke Sparen iy eee fom eerie 2 380 oval id Gp Ge senha) te eget ace ee 380 Log No. 1048 O. M. Stringer, No. 9, lessor. Location: 814 miles east of Frank- lin, on Middle Fork Creek. Commenced: April 30, 1920. Completed: May 10, 1920. Authority: Glen Neaville. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Imestome rand sslia lent eit oe Laeae toe 224 224 Devonian System. phale,oblack. (Chatban Gora \ ce. mea nieee ts 53 oid Limestone, pepper, amdycaltye se eee ene 4 281 Tamestone light vray, blue, (gas) 5 mmk seu 4 285 himestone, pepper aate eal berate wee one eee 8 293 Shale, hardwan dena deyoe cen me eens seater ann cees s 301 HaIMestomess leh Larrea vam ere cee eens eae ment rene 4 305 Limestone, grayish browne sane ee as 4 309 SIMPSON COUNTY 635 Silurian System. Thickness Depth Dumestone “sand, =] brown and coarse ..... 8 Phi LaF LSTesLOMOus teal vaem tiem ney Cae od hsis- 0s tens «te 4 321 rolicile as bat ean ee Veer wr ghts.< 8 gin as, ees 12 333 IMS evOU eee aiktia tihOwy ile & sce g teenies oo Side sce 16 349 Mm GstOner “cand, Ole show) hace cies jis a tis ase 15 364 Ody LOT T= Palate weit nents Paka ap at cies 364 Log No. 1049 Stringer Bros., No. 4, lessors. Commenced: Dee. 29, 1919. Com- pleted: Jan. 14, 1920. Authority: Irvin J. Brown Oil Co. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth A HECRE OIG sAIe Cy Sh Ail Oe eee ne (thio eh Coys GER oh wack ogc = 340 340 Devonian System. Dale, poiack a( Ghavlano0cay) iylatespac te ea 8 55 395 TnimmestOne, pepperialuesale elias = As shares 8 403 TEtHNC ROIS, POE, wa iin ke gece Serie See ot meer 4 407 TSG STOIC, eM Yr rece tae oe ek ken hoe eas 8 415 Dimestonies mrediming dark sbrOwn, 25 ga. cous oe 8 423 YTV GS COTO sa OU A Vim nee ne ee ue coder Sat qo. ye ee ete § 431 Silurian System. Wimresc orien wit ise OP ON R ae stele loca eae ot 4 435 LAMCS 501 Crem PUN O.We) tities ate cetk eke ante ise) phe ada 4 439 Ties OT eementlUUleL Cl yen T Na Merocaccd thor shauck anus phe hate ae 8 447 (aagnest on Gs. Gy VOTO WI soe, tate] ate whe oleae 4 451 LMC SLUM TUL OD lee 7 nema spss due gbety min) ae ee 4 455 Limestone, little darker, (fair show of 011) 4 459 LAMIEStONe A DTOWUPANC) GRAY yous qs ce. ay (Ol Maho Wy) ey eye eae egy ei mee 20 500 Limestone-“*sandi’’ (pay) Cexcelkent:)\ ta. 52.5% 2 522 Motak cdepuliys ales pcany comes se Lol reece 522 NOTE—No. 2 well same as No. 1, except larger. TAYLOR COUNTY. Production: Oil and <:as. Producing Sands: Corniferous (Devonian) ; ‘*Second’’ or ‘‘Deep’’, (Niagaran-Silurian). Log No. 1055 J. R. Bailey, No. 1, lessor. Cash dollar, et al., lessees. Location: Just south of Sulphur Well P. O. Production: 2,470,000 cu. ft. gas. Casinghead el. above sea level, 790 feet. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth 0) | tear, a ar Ser a abe OM eRe OWN eS) AM NG Deer hae Mee ke : a 3 DIM OSPON Gye Fer ayy h trie ry. pacha Pas taken sede ee oa 140 143 Hale lusts Ses Ue ees Cee eee ee eee 2 145 Limestone: *white. | fee ese teas eee tee ee 2 ue ad LAMESEONC.,. Wa yarece sa. e Sen oes ne eee ae ‘ 84 2al Timestone sbrok crv pane beeen cee eee ee 60 291 TAYLOR COUNTY 639 Devonian System. Thickness Depth Shales binek (Chattanooga ies vc. wc blacks (Chattanooga) 2.75 avs wise 5 sss eon 32 322 Shale; dark brown (Chattano0ga). sca. v.08 i Sa 333 Rimestoner (cap rocks ShowrOfegil) Gi. asta Ww 333y aap Oe te WV LLL Comet ate aee en cates ter cb oe Sle tay itn me enete 2% 336 Ordovician System. She ee te che lisG wseeeuees eral eemetin dae ccd Ghee Nie ony Sta te 27% 363 SUCH OR LAROR eat. toy 5 ino EG aval Sy) tekan ie ocean tye ms horn aree 3% 367% LnImestorGnm eaard, 7 DTOWI 42). a thse a ohne = oo 44% 371y LRMIeCRLOLLC me POW mick eat eece ear cr ttre ass fle hae. 338% 405 Si a71 CL ace Cm VL CUL ON te coe oe rete deta chal es owle iar ti So endear t 10 415 ‘THEINCR LON Couey LL Cceyaark, Se sccw ee te ane che Lem inal haces eld CMeet aera neeaeat ed arta vanarie ae oraee “es vas ou 306 Devonian System. Shales sbiaek? (Omratian Gogan® oe. teehee were to, sts, 2 45 351 Timestone \(caperocks) , darkcOTra yarn did ric onthe ns 49 400 Wimestone st sande sray, Une; (GAS) in.) oc w= 2 402 Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ blue, gray, coarse, (gas) 8 410 Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ blue, gray, very coarse .. a 415 Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ bluish gray, (no gas) .... 5 420 TGTIE SPO TRO SalI emer an, aoe gett ao usme een tang os gots 5 425 Dillon erie wa likOgmaan ssn savesetetebr vias cee ine cate as Pe 21 446 VOCAL eCeD tiie lk peregetar aterer she of Sco sc tres 446 NOTE—With the exception of a few feet (5-10) at the top of the 49 feet of limestone above 400, all of this strata is probably Ordovi- cian. The Devonian-Ordovician contact is a few feet below the black (Chattanooga) shale. Log No. 1065 T. E. Claycomb, No. 1, lessor. Location: 2 miles southeast of Saloma, 4 miles northwest of Campbellsville. Completed: June 25, 1920. Production: 962,000 cu. ft. gas. Contractor: William Clay- comb. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Chee ee ee retain Meee Chin <7 17 ee AohMeSTON eta DEG Olices, Boiron toa Beet Westie cn) cats oeee 18-3 190V PAIN EATOMOTEI Carve tear ata es eee weak Om oe 105 295 Limestone and shale, blue (New Providence) GLAST S WO Wily sated a cor age atte eons eal as A ate aa as On 33 328 Devonian System. phgle, black -(Ghattano0ga is esra0 oe ete soe 52 380 Limestone (cap rock), dark gray, hard ...... D 385 646 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Ordovician System. Thickness Depth Limestone, hard, gray, sandy, (gas show 387) 10 390 Limestone, coarse pebbles, and sand, (large flow SS ee aw ee PON Ci rstqere™, ee eee ayes 8 403 Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ blue, soft, muddy, (show of SAL CT Wea COIS) Stee mien) wists) ign ciathe oye en eeienny eee 4A DAVIS LOCAL Sep ilissrent tic c-b 2 -9- ONS ee Ie, anh, 3 448 Shale esas via aisles). oo ay Maem eee eos aviators 10 458 hn ry Leen Kae reed ees oa Poh teem eee eee ates yee 20 478 Cog Pare a, cron cre tenet abies eet ttn heli te 2 479 SHB Le a Ge Coe Cll VANE eecre on tte ain ecco Mee msdn cre cals 2 481 Sa lee Par ce we Se eee oe seer dans Sonn ote Laatste ate 10 491 ‘yon uey ‘oeaiqeg Jo 4sve AYpBIO, edd} doOidjNg ‘sanzjny JuVvJAodw1 ue sey Alpsiqnopun puv AYUNOH UOoTUA UI J9oNpoad [10 UB SB pezZIUSoOOI1 sU0d0q ATU DO Les CU ai ‘poulvis OS1IBVOD puUue Moly} SI ‘Solzos AUSYSelTyV 94} UI ‘UOTIVUIOJ [Vseq ‘VUOJSpUBS svsaIq9g 94h HSINOYd HO .dadNVS, "IIO AMONUNASM NUALSHM V OIG FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY 651 Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth LYCOS LOT On ci UU CE mL eeetn norte ae Ghee Co woe a ohe 2 4938 NALOS WAT cen eee res Wenee, al = lteyeets See. sere 40 Doo SSE Cet WWE Ce ce et eee Metre tee, sce ces", Se ae Fi « 10 543 SVE) pect Kew es ete tree pe pees, ee ho oe ts 46 589 Sand, ‘. a Reraet 4§ 637 Sand (oil, 20 bbls), ae ee anueeone 9 646 Poti tein Weare ce mete ge gr aes ees, eae ss 646 NOTE—This record stops at the base of the Alleghany Series. CHAPTER X. WARREN COUNTY. Production: Oil and Gas. Producing Sands: ‘‘Shallow,’’ ‘‘Beaver,’’ and ‘‘Amber Oil Sand’’ (Mississippian); Corniferous (De- vonian); ‘‘Deep’’ (Niagaran age) (Silurian). Leg No. 1070 Graham, No. 1, lessor. Location: 3 miles northeast of Bowling Green, Khichardsville, Pike.-. Completed: January;.1920.° Authority: Tie wee Cooper, contractor. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth mole otavel rand | bouldersy itacts recs eile o oes -- 30 30 Tot OSTOMES “eee Ate og ohves tices cone oe eG, ahs Ror hte, 652 682 Devonian System. Shales piackun Chattanooga, \il tosses 1 «ses toareicns 85 767 TRU OSLO Wed Pet OC Ke) ue vont, sat crwth ie sciwy eka atts si oi 16 783 TT ESLOM eS RVVULL OM EO TLE. OC Oe settee weer naie tecdanst « 12 C95 Lmestone, prow, ight SHOW, ae ha ae a os 24 819 Silurian System. IIS bOM emo TAY meter re ane Pe paltecnr al afar aa 856 DIMeSLON Ss sO Mian aAlresOW= Ol. Olle we ., secs cca ee 20 876 PIMICCLO MC mL GC PO UN Ve meoiced cretion ce) seecce dee ree ves 26 902 Ordovician System. MVEsStLONe, eStreaks Of O1lssandS sc oe ake. cetera s Afi: AL AWC EME LON Gant Cap wet OC Ky Garant stemere at csobelg, sila corte Dis e056 Limestone, light brown, strong oil odor ...... So el tat Pavestole sedan longs etre settee fever ceria ne Comat Souk ee crepe 9 1130 POLAR UW wencs semiseers ten eaten ore ete oe es slats 1,130 Fresh water from 40 to 60 feet. Sulphur water from 210 to 225 feet. Log No. 1071 W. B. Anderson, No. 1, lessor. Completed: November 5, 1919. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth SOE Bee i, Rares Nas oR ca at tay hy 9a averetore We 2 65 65 Wrmest Cues Ota Ve ta. ere. std hens cages ma bole ve 60 125 Limestone. blues (sulphiirs WALGL icc tnt = 15 140 TELNET OU Geet) LIL Gm meee pee bey cae tole cipal naka ted cicrnaeernabians 3 145 TLCS LOM Gmc nec et erie a ins chitita a sca rata 8 5 150 Limestone, bluer (showing of 011) © s.. ta... 15 165 654 OIL .FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Mississippian System. Thickness Depth iimestone “otorsoas.2ipe20) 2 o> sec eee ee 55 220 Tames tones, arka 7 cies cet rae: oe ete che aes 40 260 Prom est one, (darkens sanyo crete, tasty ea sae, eet 20 280 Dimes one cw Sih teri pater eit ss ict baese he ere 30 310 PAIRCS TONE ee Wi bomtre teeter na aon. ease’ re ae 30 340 LIMESTONG.= Willi Lem eee cine nie sits Cee aaes : 40 380 Limestone! cleawivhite Soe. 309, asc een verte cee 30 410 Devonian System. Pia ler Lakes isewe ee tele ee he cane Gl te te Sts tape 65 475 Limestone (cap rock), white, sandy, (showing OL OUFAG SLEDS) Shaytens Noar oe Tes ats GA at eres 8 483 Oils sand je esr OWile «Gok. s POE TEN RRR A MB a2 515 HLUMSSTONS SOT AViar ats awk nim ties oie wero pieid ately ce vehe teas 18 533 TOtal AU Gp thtat osaceciey ieee eee Ree 533 Drilled by J. 8S. Garretson & Son, drilling contractors, Bowl- ing Green, Ky. Commenced spudding on September 29, 1919. Amount of casing used, 654 feet, 814 and 130 feet 6%. Log No. 1072 Chandler, No. 1, lessor. ‘Location: Moulder Pool. Authority: W. N.. Dhayer: Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth TO STOMLG ons oncom ene Barats gee pee Wee taveue 3 40 300 Dimestone, sandy, jw hited ccs ateikn: Limestone; 01] and water ..1-......6. ROS LOMO SOW tweak Ke mes Mit cc Att weet 659 The Swiss Oil Corporation. aie eye ie) eC uiel ve, enuenke) felliey mle, 6 ati al > ee) Sat eee 8) cel jefe) Fp ve) vets ae: |e) “ey 0} 66 oe 8 © ew we ew Cerne! (© loon ien te o) @), db) 6) 10) ono 0, 8) cs! [ee se =) Je Limestone, ‘‘sand,’’ brown (oil showing) .... Silurian System. Limestone and shale, hard, dark .... lrmnestone,.. = sand) 2° s (oi odor) 4). Nivpharyercneay Were Wal hbte™: pee uN Cerne Matar uc nare Oma naNe AF ths aa LAT Ger Mesche Th oa nemeeees teeter sia: ate Minnie cece aye Log No. 1084 J. E. Moulder, No. 9, lessor. Commenced: July 24, 1919. D. Turner, Bowling pleted: Aug. 23, 1919. Contractor: J. Authority: The Swiss Oil Corporation. Strata. Mississippian System. Ona MeO TAVERN ag iste chicas eget Wane hele! cs erelle. sates tamestonebomiders. shard aes .' 0. Sn. EATKCSLONG 6 SOL beet spa chee she as Re ic ae ec Ot Qc a) Us! Vented (a/ Lojue'ws ie a Se) whe ela e ee ee we we Limestone, gray, and flint, white, Ward oe sh. &. Lamestone, brOWn, S01b ...54 54604. < Limestone and flint, white, hard .... TULL UC Wl Gens ape ac ke hee ae Tamestoive, sviite, sOLt 2-0. 8.0 ays se USN Wil ee ay OTA Te NAS Urey CarMane ean ei oen Mines ene Limestone and flint, white ........ FC Pee win Ii ege Wameenc crsrakshs ages te 5, cae Shale, green, soft (New Providence) oe © © © © © @.)/6))\¢ |6) 16) (8) 107© ie Ong ee, (a 6. Cae Mere Ue) Ce joie) .6) iat 6) alae *), ome @ (e) 6) 67s e ve « © 6 66 Thickness Depth 50 90 15 Bis) 75 30 50 Thickness i 18 15 10 20 20 10 30 20 20 30 35 50 140 155 188 263 293 343 393 404 407 415 448 463 538 553 B56, 556M Com- Green. Depth ve 25 40 50 70 90 100 130 150 170 200 235 660 OIL FIELD. STRATIGRAPHY OF IKKENTUCKY Devonian System. Thickness Depth Shale, black; sotte( Chattanooga) ces eene oe 40 275 Shale browse. ceeds toe ee nae seer ate eeencen 10 285 Linréstone shard ie ares: cee ae es he eee 8 293 limestone. 0uso sand) eeeray,. SOLG. Ghee: 3 296 OTA SO OD t eerste deca pach os «ahaha dienes 296 Log No. 1085 J. Es Moulder, No.2 10, lessor. e. Commenced? Aucust = 9 yest 9195 Completed: September 3, 1919. Contractor: L. D. Turner. Produe- tion: Dry. Authority: The Swiss Oil Corporation. Dire be. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Lay Ser Cid © ia ota eset yee ee eee eres ae ae Jaimestone, shard; sTay es. =... Se een CR Lae Los 180 Limestone and flint, gray, white, hard ....... 105 285 TmestOnes Pera v., NAT sere wrt eer nee 70 oD Shale, green; hard, (New Providence) week «reruns * 278% 662 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 1088 J. E. Moulder, No. 13, lessor. Completed: November 7, 1919. Authority: The Swiss Oil Corporation. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Gravel sandvelay, wy eUlOWsaS0lU, 00-0eu Stee iene 2 a TT Og OMG y UA TORO RAY 6 ok... cke tet eys cc's ie pein tetas 10% late Clay, boulders and gravel, yellow, soft ...... 10 221% lumestone, dork, oray, Mediums 2.4. ¢ sora 40Y% 63 Limestone andashale, bine, -medimm si. «ast. ~ 5 se 160 LGHINES TOME W HLLG-0 WLELECL, (ooo 5) 5, a eee lease aes cme at tas 85 245 Shale, green, hard, flinty (New Providence) .. 25 270 Devonian System. Shale, black, soft (Chattanooga) ........... : 58 328 Limestone (cap rock), stray, hardii 22s. ces D 333 Limestone, ou sands? hard. ee ees hee 9 342. Tova We pity we yecspsnsts ead eke eee ee pen 342 Log No. 1089 J. E. Moulder, No. 14, lessor. Authority: The Swiss Oil Corpora- tion. Strata. Mississippian System. : Thickness Depth DOL ello wteeOl bret ce. ves mccarts epics eteeen 25 25 IRE ST ONG, SOT aya DanC Gta aloe meter Vetter tney 6 31 Mid “ib literso ti ony. on oe eete nes eee tee 5 36 Dumestorne mipardy Obay T.e22 0. ww teuemoncl ete acetates 72 108 are Droit Sand eet encas carers cokcnene oh ahccnyee sires caters 5 113 Limestone, Uhardset aye iirc ree eee 27 140 TsTESTOMe, GW IT hemi Cl tea a eeree aes gti torres io 215 Jaumestones + oreen, “SOLD at. snr at cease eke lee woe ee 25 240 Limestone, yellow, hard, (New Providence) .. 19 259 Shale, green, soft, (New Providence) ....... is 272 Devonian System, Shale, black, “soft (Chattanooga) (sa20%- 20.6 55 327 Limestone (cap: rock jy pray, hard sone: 12 339 himestome, “sand brown, 60 tains. eee 11 350 Lamestome, “Sands anv ih Geta rd bee te ee a 352 Ota SCO Fick wie tae cio ere eee 352. WARREN COUNTY 663 Log No. 1090 J. E. Moulder, No. 15, lessor. Commenced: September 12, 1919. Completed: September 23, 1919. Production: Dry. Authority: The Swiss Oil Corporation. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth STOLE SOT Gar: ewer ot erent Ce Tae ee 7 Leer at 3 "3 Clave CLO WemhO Chie tine ee tie tere ete See riche, 13 16 HM GStOn ote DINO eit ay CO et ee eee ee oe on 48 Mord, sbluevsott) (fresh wa Ler irs wn. cress cn 4 52 Tapes LORE OLE ry ATO aire en atest, bay ee Oe 26 78 W ALOT SOU STAY ORSOL Ua gcmnel ay 2.8 a eee ay! aul 6 84 Hae DI MOseSO LE rot eae ea ee Se eee) ne ges S 89 TIMES LON CS DIU Grea TO -ee. oy at ae taniee 2 hp 21 110 Limestone, yellow, soft (sulphur water) ...... § 118 TA IMNEE CONC OTUCh NAL Ci trie son ines eee od: 20 138 esl Owe a Witter nar ete cise a weeiere cecal eo 5 2 190 WES LOU Gre OLAV ee COL be choi ct. suri. o, ator acre ecto e 7" LOT TES LONe Men Wes elit RUeet. s,m bio is tee a Oe is oe 35 230 Oe OFA VaweO Lip cert en ae, saa ye aise sta ge tele cae 47 YT Devonian System. Sha leveloy Owl SOL ie orice ce ca Set een tre eee Cees 58 308 Lamestone.(eap rock), cray whards: o.. esos... 4 339 PMiestOne;e ws cand... STAY; ellarde 8c, vag ster 5 344 Limestone, white, hard (salt water) ......... j 1 345 ‘Rotated apt bearer te eit ee ily seen altel, 345 Log No. 1091 J. E. Moulder, No. 16, lessor. Production: Dry. Authority: The Swiss Oil Corporation. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth CLAG San UpOPayiel .sOk Gatien cate teenage ett es 18 18 Limestone, hard, (fresh water, top; sulphur Wa CAR DOU EOI ae caeaetiteerar terenn sealers totes opus ala Ee a5) Tr Os tone ae Wilk) Cee sat ccs cbiet chats uel pues pees 55 rg0 VM ESCOMEIBOTAY | toes eons nt ncne we Gy ter ene are dpa 30 220 rms ones. Ditlewee eit eae en ae ec dues on 40 260 Limestone, green, bard (ittle gas) ........2.. 20 280 Devonian System. Sialesblacikw(CnalbAbOOGS jlome «s1eG ws cemey tem yas 58 338 ATE GSE OME. MCEDD EOC IY soya sistas treet stisuscincete oe ae sr one 3 341 Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ (small show of oil) ...... 10 351 bam eatones ei whee Gwalen) eee oa Saas, ses 5 356 Pista led antler tear hes ihoe Su bonu hak sec 356 664 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY :OF KENTUCKY Log No. 1092 J.-H. Moulder, No. 17, lessor; Completed: “October*29° 1919° Produetion: Dry. Authority: The Swiss Oil Corporation. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Chive bouldere trod myer ts. han. kn cana 40 40 Liniestonesl bp lieieercae eee. fs ees ee ee 110 150 THMeStOne cewWwiitt Om peter ee. ocr ote tee eas 110 260 Shale ler eenieene nat oy: os Rll eee eee 5 265 Devonian System. Shale. black (Chattamoo0gay (3.6) is 2h. Myals wo clare 50 315 SHULe MAD LO WL wcslcuea eee 2 waceeeene Lr ree ee eae a ee 1s o28 Ieimiestomey (Ca psTo Ck Tr. ccs targa vie vaca atonme 5 333 SAC Sabcnuete cons A asa ea a gat ty aes dada ce aetna ras 20 Som Silurian System. SRAle ce le sa 5 cnt eer et ale ces ern eer cee ot 374 DAMeSTONE, VOL ar. ante a eee ees oak eager 4) 383 otal adeptie ses. ir ES bier tne 383 Log No. 10938 J. KE. Moulder, No. 18, lessor. Authority: The Swiss Oil Corpora- tion. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth SOU y cade. cctko eet ath ha on Pack eee tere ae ee ae 8 8 Limestone boulders," OTe), "G01 t.s< 1s aeeeene sae 3 1st Limeshone, witite, -exura etd aes een eee enn ee 9 20 Ti meshonere lacie, SOL uw sore ien eee ey ene 4 24 Limestone and mud, yellow, soft (water at 40) 21 45 MoLNIENTOW ss Dla Alba ECan on tess ee ems oot ren eee 40 85 LINEStTONeCmaANG as1tb, eWiiite, UNare , 2.0 ee ee eee 5 90 LADLESEOMe ys OTA sO Une aiceens. whe Wty ome ae ened 30 120 PMestone, « Whites nard weet ae leon. caine «enor 30 150 Linvestone Tavs Waldner). crate aa eee penne sisreus 25 175 Spar, LIsht cond Sn ale eo nay sO n bata Aen mera: 40 215 Devonian System. Shale; place. Nard. oa s6heers ao eee eee eee 47 Z2b2 Shale, “brown shards) ick we eee ee te, Dulce Tninestowemccaprrock a, SOL ba eemec ease a ee 3 277 LamMestOn ess OT ay, S01 Ly vi pawn reat at een gene 2 279 Lim éstones sb1a Ck see. eee ae eee os 5 1 280 Ota Prde pull, ocho tena nach eee heres acconted 280 »WARREN COUNTY 665 Log No. 1094 J. E. Moulder, No. 19, lessor. - Production: Dry. Authority: The Swill Oil Corporation. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth IUTELCE, Yello Weer dO Lie re tere ee She reey erie ac ce Gee 30 30 ISTHIGSTOH Gree Mel Vow NaC wre cert tee i shes ic» 4 34 MEO LEG Ok Ly wewen steer? warren ial iy eras net 1 35 ATM ERLON Cys OVO yer DAG sectec tos Matt. test ewe to, ca at's es 70 105 Rep adO RANMA dames RAE nse Pale Ro aes Od meno ent fee cs OR PRTaee A. 112 TANDVEST DUG ee ON Ai acl Annan ais fon Seem ee ea Ae, o ectsic 32 144 [ciMesbONernwiBLG, whit Tiomeows te wr, 4 cicns clear eurt, 5. 80 224 DRe CRO TIC AOE BCT mas OL be sap see eye tickets ot cee eek : 25 249 Dirmestone, yellows Ward 0. fence g core sco eeeee : 20 269 Shake RorCcnsmsOl Lamina eta iia ae cea Ate et ats : 16 285 Devonian System. Shales black, sott. (Chattanooga): "07.1400: 6 3e 54 339 Shale, brown, soft Beak A eet 4 343 DIMESLONE TCAD LOCK), OTay elarde se. lena aellele nett: 4%, 709 Limestone. jw hitieuiea cece etie tees. ocak ee ees Hgts 720 Limestone and “sand, teray,-very hard —4.0.....% 22 742 Silurian System. LIMestone,.--sand, 7 .( Show MOL Oil) =e. .).tee a 3 745 limestone; olues(sh0w.0t voll) ayn ore! nee 4 749 LIMeStGNe sera ys ane sans OlItLy" cee ees 22 771 PHIMESTOME mes O LOS Bee. tics seater eee ae ROL ae 4 fpf 59 Limestone, blue, rotten (show of oil at 780) .. onl 806 Tui miesione, (er ay) - and Sand... wisn cae 14 820 Limesiome, blues. cheat. te co one ee | a ene 19 839 ROD AIS AO VEI wre 4: pgs aise eng ee 839 Log No. 1096 é; Joe Shipley, No. 2, lessor. Commenced: September 1, 1919. Completed: October 28, 1919. Authority: The Swiss Oil Corporation. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Cha ye VOLO Wey timc. « sian sua-bacake bit ahah, oe ap Seen tras oe 10 10 Clay and eTa vel; sy.ellow.—o. e)y.5. eS Meee 30 40 limestone, white, Cwater atv-05>): 01.5. ipy 6) we) Ko 16, 6) ee) (6s Silurian System. Limestone, ‘‘sand,’’ first Limestone, red rock a4 Cee el et 16) ee 6) oe Ol ee, & sie le) «6; 16 O)) ONai le wion oy 6) 0) \e) ele) sie letlet ete) 4.0) 162 Ve) (ey ve Lines EL OMe ea ae SOC AT keen varce ots Beith casks Total o/s) 8) em wpe e me Vie heh 9) (Peis: Serle ne fe) ot Ke depth Completed: In 1920. Thickness Depth 62 736 a Mod 8 759 15 774 30 804 5 809 8 817 19 836 48 884 20 904 LO Dye st5 005 1,005 Authority: The Thickness Depth 904 76 35 ipa 904 980 1,015 1,026 1,035 1,046 1,046 670 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 1101 William Stone, No. 1, lessor. Completed: In 1920. Authority: The Big Dipper Oil Company. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth DLE LON CS ih. cptek ciate. Ris focert feos 4 ahaa te enemae eee 1,005 T0065 Devonian System. Shale, biagce Chattanooga; 1a. o + ats tanta t mare 78 1,083 Gi 6S tO Nea pase eth aes ea ciel oie esate ae 102 15185 On end Pel T Ss tae eae. Bare cee ke Pete tone as 15 1,200 Ordovician System. ATH GEE O1WGx Diet toe. ae ee rig rane e ao dene Meee 15 17215 ALTINCSEOUGE se ISIC s weer. cece cacti nec cee as Reare ee 8 1225 Lim oetOn er 1h dered SPO lees et cor ie ete ee ieee 9 L232 AUiMeStONe, | SSA nota ee oe eet eee ee any aoe, 13 1,245 TATMNESHONECMRS ae Gee cstih Rin OR 2 Oia inate nce ne ie ree Bel 2o0 TOEaE A OPth i avimra: Oa: tok ks toeep iene ears Aeon NOTE—The base of the Devonian and the top of the Silurian is within the 102 feet of limestone above 1,185 feet. Log No. 1102 J. T. Hunter, No. 1, lessor. Completed: September 11, 1919. Show of oil: At 424 feet. Oil and gas from 941 to 947 feet. Author- ity: The Big Dipper Oil Company. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth RSL) Bue Cat ca ea ee irae Warr Se ee err Aree Brey creek, 2 2 Lame ston Gao rayi pee pen meen ee eee keys enare 43 45 LVMESLONG. RW il Cae a hire. tortie ohn, Serene ac 35 80 Limestoe.] ples - Sons tee a eer eee 16 96 imest On Gy STAy > ae has tts mies shen sates ieee eas 12 108 Jgimestoiie, bE Wily sears ete Ae kloe ae oth oe eae 38 146 LAM CStON OA OTA Yin uchstgetor Ne earcg tee tae ee ar 22 168 iaimeston.e,. eh oll y-< ruc: dante, eae eee eee ter nnn 20 188 LLamestone se. White se: ho aera rome con near rene yo 20 208 Limestone a DTOW Rites cee ee a oe ae ee 122 330 Dimestoney graye aera etal bere eee 70 400 Limestonescbro wily. ee ee a ae Le 415 WARREN COUNTY 671 Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Te VCR TON Cos OR Veen ie ids SiGe ah gto g phere sini» vets s 38 453 TATE SGOTICA ee OT Oni lieme wr aid Pacts onc. oo Sante ees 70 523 Limestone, Re ei ad Ste tae, Pe a ee fies 600 [eT ATES ON Chis ble Ghee eee eee tetas 8 wn tools OA ee 195 (i : Pevonian System. MAIC DPC KK OORAECANOOL SG) | Wo ta shle wa lew 5 er- ce 4 3 75 870 EFPRPE STON Me wre eee, Pee te ioe eros Soe ae 94 964 Peiiives 0.0 Career Ole ert can ieee. ne alee. ain x 2 966 ANS B28 ES HEN oe) a ce emen rcs Oe na ee 966 NOTE—The base of the Devonian and the top of the Silurian is found in the 94 feet of limestone above 964 feet.. Log No. 1103 John Thomas, No. 1, lessor.. .Commenced: January 12, 1920. Authority: The Big Dipper Oil Company. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth DATIOR VOU Ce ee ghvace doa), Sect h, OVS suas. hie. PEs 410 410 Devonian System. Shale, blacki-(CRattanoo ga. jm eis Geckos Key we e's 63 473 AMIATET SH eeE Mt Ie eke wine lef PaO ear are cee area te 480 VATA OSLOMC TEP SU eke ene om Cy cope nats hos eters 15 495 ENV ESE OTE Gree er aepe S eos terete or hides AY As Lee 12 507 LA ren ROG Gla em, cr epoca, Seat ct oh ont sitan aio > 507 Log No. 1104 Robert. Ldwrence, No. 1, lessor. Completed in January, 1920. Authority: The Big Dipper Oil Company. Strata: Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Ra TER eT LO, Oe he Beet oeigh ie oie We ar Pee nt tier ae Maar aes ore es 339 oog Devonian System. Pile mach (CORAL PANOOP AM cigs atte ate lrecsen ara : 60 399 SATO LOL 6mm wean hte ce’ Seca yo rere aks Dalai wees ua 410 LUNES tie. wee wok. mere nt. eter ee eee 7 417 NTN OSLO Me mes Ree E ce dure ltrs o- br. sdduatvhalec sua. cé\ 6.6 3 420 AMO EAN CONSTANT UM Loki 2 hat aaah On ee OR er Pa : 420 672 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 1105 Tom Lawrence, No. 2, lessor. Commenced: November 20, 1919. Completed: December 31, 1919. Production: Dry. Authority: The Big Dipper Oil Company. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Tsim 6stonee = ..0.5 ie ea eke ee 380 380 Devonian System. Shale, black en a brugh walks eco nee eee aes 58 438 Lain estone. ee. eekstiie ike Sit eee ees 6 444 Limestone, first ean: Se Ee seen nit eee ater tae 26 470 Silurian System. TAnVOST ON GS haar. eee eet ies 2. cay es oh aoe eRe aas te races 32 502 LAMSEStONG, Seconds: Ssani Ger are ao emetel ware eke 16 518 ETVES TOMES ate. Se hes, heey ees ee icetak cae as ohn re Ro are ene 12 530 DOTA EOC Pi ln ens rcfeten ate thice re ieee thee lee 530 Log No. 1106 Henry Lawrence, No. 2, lessor. Commenced: October 16, 1919. Completed: November 15, 1919. Production: Pumping 25 barrels daily, flush. Authority: The Big Dipper Oil Company. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth TogXeS EG Gy mewe eecce cs dete sale. eee nes nd 345 345 Devonian System. Shale, black page tae | ee ads Bee eae a ots 35 380 Lam eStOne” me. 4 Ran Ge Cis el te see Pee 5 385 Lamestone -sfrstie*" Sand: yeu os eee bon Pere 10 395 LANGSTON 2) sccuhoeoet koa? aoe eee eee ae eet ole ont ern 45 440 Dotal depths sess sce on on eat eee. ames 440 NOTE—The Devonian-Silurian contact is within the last 45 feet. Log No. 1107 Henry Lawrence, No. 3, lessor. Commenced: November 18, 1919. Completed: December 5, 1919. Production: Started pumping 40 bar- rels daily: Authority: The Big Dipper Oil Company. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Lire St OMG iar eters ces ee Pres Pk ann =. eee 339 339 Devonian System. Shale, black s(Chattanooga)s sie rc.c. nas 6 ea 58 397 Harmeston ese firstk Gandy omen e ean tears 39 612 LSU OSLO Es eed LU Ohta, ia 4s i See owe omeie Cae eee Rook ees 62 674 Limestoties cdark- . 0. vo. ee ee ee 76 m750 Lanpesto ne cell We) en 5.92. wen car a eeeacaue weer eee eee 50 800 Timestone, white and #black® 202775 o4) shoe Soe 70 870 Shi Loree PO Will, cs, shy spe i eer ee Bante ae ee 5 875 AUTOS WOle Cer eee nt elk uae eeeee re earn ane ce eens 90 965 Siaee er la be. At COLO bak eee eee eet a, ed oo, 139 1,104 otal dep tiit.gntee as te taseteuer cto eee ews 1,104 NOTE—This is a poorly kept record. The base of the Mississippian System and the top of the Devonian (Chattanooga Shale) is evidently within the 70 feet above 870. The change was not noted by the driller. The base of the Devonian and top of the Silurian is within the last 139 feet of the well. Log No. 1111 J. P. Lowe, No. 1, lessor. Authority: The Bertram Developing Company. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth PNA dy tee Ae Pn i Ng See Cen r Y coe in ie ptm Fay Ps 70 70 erin GSO Caen Ge ihalss boar i otces deme ne ee uae ake te awe 2 320 390 Shale,-green CNew Providence)! <4 vices oe 30 420 Devonian System. shales brow (CHalbamooga) «si. lc. rere ust cea sys 60 480 LEST ORGMICC SF DMBTO GI ja eg tre. kaysViaaitan) ant tate Foran: 7 487 EAM OSt OG ceie SAILG tame geo hae A eue ae ogec eee, 18 505 lie Giias PEAT Wee nace oily Peete ee nee, BS eet ah oe, OR, Set, Reo 55 560 Lim estoness DbliGaae . nia. eee ee er eee 20 580 LLeS POM Ee S OsAdid . 4 Pi Oue ue see ee) ee nee PAs 605 TiimvesGone EDC sie wa eie tee eo er ee i eee, 45 650 Ordovician System. EA WO SO It Ctines Kiera ant tee Meta ec es eee 21 671 Limestone, sealtg Watery. mace cess eee ee 16 687 Lo Gaby Gert lise exetene rs gee ae tc eect eee es 687 NOTE—The base of the Devonian and the top ef the Silurian is within the 55 feet above 560 feet. WARREN COUNTY Log No. 1112 Tarrants, No. 8, lessor. Commenced: June 10, 1920. July 138, 1920. Authority: Stein, Johnson and Kersetter. Strata. Mississippian System. Sd! prostate eat ie ae eer er PON oe gnc Vt | 2 IBOmL ders 730 Ge Cla yarn acres ee eee le ae Se otis iy Serer cna 12 564 otal “deptit.! A yweie sc. se eee eles mee oe 564 WARREN COUNTY 679 Log No. 1118 Hatcher, No. 1, lessor. Location: 1 mile northeast of Bowling Green. Commenced: November 25, 1919. Completed: January 30, 1920. Authority: The Bertram Developing Company. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Boulders wiint VellowrG aya. tamenes< is oke SEE 26 26 im CShONE Aen a cents e mee pene Behe amr tret sis acs 44 70 Boulders, limestone and clay ...... ics See 10 80 ESVEOSTON Cine a cine ersuaereetrsesre a ks ee tee ne te as ; 25 105 GAC PN eee eters oie elaborate eleniteon te giv ca gerade acts 10 LES TONGS COM Or sO Tet Vie OL) se mtsce setts yecteces aba och ye ees iba, 234 TIVE SE ONC Clete CO Asiuchue 2.8.0 atasi elsriehe clstecties. 40 276 TSO OS 1011. Opes Uys Boot es cis osha oleae) otal is folevans ves Steet 54 330 TOUTES COI feed) Le .6 omens ena ee eee ice at eee ate one ts ic ae 25 355 SES TONG Ae Whiten seme ie aoe ag fcuk aly ome anemone 65 420 Limestone, blue and green (New Providence) 40 460 Devonian System. Shales browne (CUAGLANOOGAy, sco aie. aoe nin w she 53 513 limestone (cap rock) 5 25.2. si 2 ee se 8 521 Limestone, *“sand,’?“whites(little oily 7. <.. .. 4 525 AVES OLVC wr LO Wadden oe tee ns Tamterene ra phys Mer pos ene 3 28 553 Silurian System. Wik aVSSca ea ery Meg ye Oty Shien 7 ttc Be monn pare eae ar iar 12 565 OTA LEede pUlime mes sc pclae. ce mnie rt eaters 565 Water at 140 feet. Log No. 1119 Hobdy, No. 1, lessor. Authority: The Bertram Developing Com- pany. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Sot iaea el POT AV Cle teig ee far tee a oh ense oe Levelthe eae weg © eal c Oe ils Se de a peek rene eae oe ea 114 121 GPT Eo hac one pop ah eA Wore t ime es Pat Oe meee 189 310 Limestone (light show of oil and gas) ...... 20 336 TeETIDO EO Opeth ieee te ais Os fore, 3 ster 0)\ohe wie ais pars 140 470 Limestone +*s sand’? (oil), cee cis ee eee 10 480 MIO HOI Cam MR Ran CRIN nic ints cc nematster ccs aces 334 814 ‘sorqitiqissod Suronpoad [Io ..8,puRs,, 94} OF Moeqmevip & po1spisuoo eq yoUuUBO ‘19A9 MOT ‘OTYSTAOJOVAIVYO TVOLSOTOU] SIUL “psa uUsuUtso A[uliy pue popped Moly} o1vV ‘Ayonjuesy ‘ee1qeag JO Sve AMTBOO, edA} 94} UT pesodxe Se sUuoJSpURS 9aIq9S 9Y4} JO suo1z10d ule 19D OLSANVS HAUGHS AHL AO HSVHd AAISSVN Vv WARREN COUNTY 681 Devonian System. Thickness Depth Smale lacy CRAnLamrOO Sa Wei sieare tik = nth wine 1 891 Ditestowes san Gas DOW le veere.c coat ty be ene cos cask 10 901 LVM ESTOMG OSS and veMewiTe stots. 2 eee of es ; 25 926 IMCs One, TOWN wot ayn Das). a ac ws as 6 15 941 Silurian System. pS yba cs FENCE. aE oly Bee cys Seki owen See ee a 30 971 Jamestone *‘sand,7* brown, (third pay), ..... 12 983 TOMES LON Caed MOCK ewe sepeee tote oalaie hs 4 987 TNBIPSLON OS CPA AON ee. Meet cee citons, ghee Sie) a Po 5 Pasties eed BUAPAn TOGA Te nChe [Ul] Beege te NM AIS Ren Teo tats tok 5. : 1,222 Log No. 11290 Slate well, No. 1. Authority: The Bertram Developing Company. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Dorken ia Ore vel ew ck eke Rent ROARS geet 45 45 PUN CSvOD Grr CT a Wy OIC Carew ee oleic tent Gee ete é 479 524 Limestone, black ~.... tA Re oe ee 10 534 Devonian System. itlew Ultcle (ChaAltanogga)) smn. . a fom 7 aon sees 68 602 LAMIGH CONG T POC)! ma. ccna ate ak este Syl e alls 20 622 Me SONG ON Mae GAIL pa sILES TS Ms cue ve tin ust one, Phe 20 642 Tits QeTOrt ei DIO OTT gaseck. cde eponeh aaok or cloned en aia selene 40 682 Lamestone, oiler. sumd 45 SECON «6.288 ie Suid 28 PLO AGS CONC mao Dil We teak su, tp tecan, JPecr ey oe ene a ane 49 759 ARCO PE URONS) Ch (Re Septet ee STR omer Narra 759 Fresh water at from 40 to 60 feet. Sulphur water at 190 to 265 feet. Log No. 112i William Neale, No. 1. Location: 1 mile north of Woodburn. Drilled in May, 1920. Authority: Moran Oil & Refining Company. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth BIE Co CMe) Ce ei Wane Ah, Arcee Reece fairy ecaeer ' 45 45 iMESLOU Ger rem av eLenynr ys sashes) o's einen ee 10 55 TMVeShOnes STAVE aes af ofp oc ot cleyat se @ Torte 120 175 Limestone, brown Wfréesh water) 0... 055.238 20 195 ings ONG ce Oa yenres AGlats +. tape¥pie 0s eis). 2,5 female, © 25 220 6$2 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Limestone, brown (sulphur water) .......... 20 240 TAMSS On eye Sh GOTO Weta ve cists) «accustom tccateets 100 340 DIMeESLOUC; POTAVe 5m kanes Ante ke os NOR ye ee 110 450 Sand e Drowns sal be WALery venga shi. she sceta ewe al 10 460 Esitin GSGON GOL OY acemas Mace stetcae wi Cy SPs ou ee, oe 65 525 Jmestons, ble; PSD alesse Gr ee ee 135 660 Devonian System. Shale, Sbrownie (GniatLanOO0gs. 5) 'f.a o%.. erste ome 67 727 THMEStONGs CAP ero c ers sci. cc Peatat ne Oc er: 3 730 TL AMMGST On OMI LGR wos ce ces ee ee 45 eras Silurian System. Dimestone, sOlile,ceandiya\ CAs \e Sarkis wen cte. «eek: 6 781 IsimeslonlewoTa wane. care cs eae ie eee 6 ipa Lut MOSCONE so. Week son Ores Ort ieee ge cor. eee 28 815 Dimiestone,.solt. 8a lyse awe Mode eee ee anes 400 122155 eM Rc beeal (1h: Wi 6 Rad eet ne Raa A eRe Sl erm ORB. of 25 1,240 Sitale, SPP LO Wi, otc. oe oes oe see ene BO, soln ato ele. a0 a Choro) San Mareen Ramesh nin te te te ee aie, Se ree a So 1,280 LIN SSL ON Garip lee wes eee as en ee ete eee 20 1,300 AM ESUOMeu SOLO Wil; HiTie sae, ean named Pee eee bees 15 ee TSWV OSOWVESE TO LUO N s cites ote ete Gets cette ae 30 Lp A5 otal udepGn om Wass. es as ete ee ners 1,345 NOTE—The Devonian-Silurian contact is within the upper 50 feet of the 400 feet above 1,215 feet in depth. Log No. 1122 Noah Manley, No. 1, lessor. ‘Location: Oakland, R. F. D. No. 1. Commenced: March 24, 1920. Completed: April 9, 1920. Authority: The Kenco Oil Company. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth ADC VL IL cer E Vie Ue vs ihae (cusntsien Pater g ts oR elec eee 18 18 limestone Gwvater’at 50 and 165)°...0.5...42 292 310 Vit MEER ALES RSV tW ce (an Pel SMART ie Wey BLS aa PR ee : 42 352 Devonian System. Shale; < black (Glial ban0OPA) Sy. ub ict cane hut euey 62 414 Tanrestone (cape tot olor a. ees Pete 4 418 Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ brown, hard, (gas and oil) 14 432 Gamestone: (salts water) ao inc eee se aris age 5 437 Ite stone= on. d= shale seg ct cay semen ye eerie eras © 48 485 Tamestone, “sand? ?-(showing of 011)! .2.. scr... 9 494 Dimestone, Dlie,yardyr ss ~ i; ahots vuedt ee teiele eie earooke 34 528 OGAL sO DLW y ma.cte ian a eees Sac. shes: ene ome 528 NOTE—The Devonian-Silurian contact is midway in the 48 feet above 485 feet in depth. WARREN COUNTY Log No. 1123 Noah Manley, No. 3, lessor. Drilled in 1920. Kenco Oil Company. Strata. Mississippian System. DSTI GEG OTRO Rk, eek cee ecee onan Chara ts) 6 i eget Fd, sol ans Shale;egroen s(New Providence): .cts. 6 set Devonian System. Hale ACH CNACLAMOOSA,) aes «tems ere ciel 6 = oc Tae SONG: COd Peet OCC) in eter hoe rete evans Reo elicl Wl ago on HGIMVES COME SAIC y CCAS) rl cue) et oes Giacomo, ab al «ee iamestone “sandy 4 (oil), i848 er Saas wae HEMI CSE OU G pe STAY capes eyes Saks “Be COO Be ea Ge EOC aCe iit Demeter ates otek tier abe wetens, opiate cee NOTE—This well finished in the Silurian. Log No. 1124 Authority > The Thickness Depth 314 44 52 314 358 410 417 420 423% 500 500 Turner Farm, No. 3, lessor. Location: 3 miles from Bowling Green, Nashville Pike. Authority: A. B. Hughes and Son, drillers. Strata. Mississippian System. THe OM eye iiar day CASIILO VE tote ny elmer. ae su aes yee gan SSO Meee Vil) (alae po cre, corr ebeco. acS: o-< xe LAMeShOne Sud Hint. ara lene. ssn odin eu eeres Da ASCSC ONC SE Es Se ee rk Pao Sanh MPa SOAS arte eae Devonian System. Shale, black (Chattanooga) Meroe cares aces cae TEMMESLOUG: Coir OC kale Melek wants dt, steed eects OCA Oe pth terete a une ce lsat cane wanes NOTE—Black sulphur water at 158 feet. Log No. 1125 Thickness Depth 165 165 400 600 722 798 814 814 Perkins Lease, No. 2, lessor. Location: Davenport Oil Pool. Drilled in 1920. Strata. Mississippian System. Limestone Devonian System. Shalem piaeke COCnALtanNOO SS) tore ers slots echoes PALE CBD G We pice aay cee peep arse Ye phatlars sezejeesl sie sie,.e's, $ ese EOE ACO IIG LL porta tale Peo 8 iene fesv sc share. sis Oil at 940. Black sulphur water at 185. Cased off at 223. NOTE—This well finished in the Silurian. Thickness Depth 820 80 105 820 900 1,005 1,005 684 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 1126 on Fleenor Farm, No. 1, lessor. Location: 5 miles south of Bowling Green. Commenced: July 26, 1920. Authority: Giles Overton, driller. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth CAV Mote -naves eames coe twee maiarges neta tis oneh an bee ede 4 4 TERING SCO Orca OVE Vite rare charecs, ees igus ee erent er : 126 130 AM EELONG wD LOW Wien oe the hee beeen ee acto 15 145 EAMEStONG STAY, ANG, TNb, sOTOWIt: creat ace 75 220 Limestone, brown (good show of oil at 300).. 80 300 Limes oem darlin, ord yi a. ce eet ae tans 100 400 Ipimes tone. aden Kyla yy gege tt ae, eet etgee cers 47 447 lamestone black W(eas)> “ewe nte sucesso oie er 3 450 Limestone, oil ‘‘sand’’ (fair showing of oil) .. 14 464 NOTE—This well is entirely in the Mississippian. Log No. 1127 Well in the Davenport Pool. Authority: The Leon Oil Producers Company. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Inmestone. and eherty limestonen.. sa. apron 710 710 Devonian System. RUA Oca met) HACAC So <8 arene nner Oe eet eR cae Rouen ora nabe, 80 790 Y FTES PO MON sey oe en ee aoa See e to Tae ee 20 810 Shale and mSad, 7s eae GR Sete ag ee ae a 35 825 HAimeshotien Sarid cr ob in een ie teen oe en ee 5 830 Lit eSEOINEL -WHILGah os taertacs acu siens: coat ek cre meats Les 20 850 Silurian System. LT Meas OT Es OU sbO Oy CLT SOU) Ue ragnier so lor eients.e paigeinen Masih 10 860 SE cd. | oy Reem iets ie RARE S EN TR SO Grete ero W tnt 3 10 870 Drives tomes, (DTG Vitis tat ie eek ona eee ee ee 20 890 Rota he Game ed Nino ee mee er Ah Commee on tal WG cre is Oo Aaa. Py Ae hd al Ls 905 LS OSTON G9 Cul [Ett eee ee lc Au i ee eas 5 910 iiniestone (pay ssand), (eas alld O1l)— ane we 10 920 Total® Gey teen, suche caste: be see eaten en tenes 920 WARREN COUNTY 685 Log No. 1129 Henry 8. Chapman, lessor. (Deep Test.) Location: On the Daven- port Farm. Authority: M. L. Chenoweth. Strata. Missis-ippian System. Thickness Depth dae OST On ese WihlLOy ter. werent chin ois east ede os 80 80 SAVOL DML Cai sey mae Hox ro eae ne ates hci ees 8 88 PAIMESOC ILE Wi Ler ay wan ieee oer Gat SiS oes ee 932 1,020 Devonian System. Shale prown (Chattanooga.jlrs cn we sca are oe 1) aba By IRUHGS COMA MOET er Or a vemeeniege gs ste gs Eten eos Sie 2 90 1,200 LN CSHOdL EOL a omey 1 Cl eae OL meme ry hayiesat aya, tgs Ss 10 ZL Ordovician System. MST CSLOME Ol LOr iw micas te Clee eal kan ares 4Ie want Bae 90 13.00 LIMMeSTON eG Oba veraNd 2WOILE. Aerts cca eck oe ome 100 1,400 Limestone, brownish gray, very hard ........ 100 1,500 DAM CSbON Cr. OREN dees a eamsreee tins fatts Mucous Me oie 90 1,590 ATIC ATOM CG OG O Uveseaey cee: ptr petelGak, ear Ga cis ne ae Bs 12 1,602 PM CSL OMe OTAV Ol bar oy farce eee a Wrltnds a inte. Oiess ce fe 58 1,660 TAMOSvONe, sWhitewan de CLAY Vo sea sais) slow eee 65 1,725 Inmestone,.blue eray, medium soft 25 4... .<%'. ei es) 2,100 Mississippian System. Limestone, pale brown and white, hard’...... 100 2,200 Limestone, brown, hard, flinty, with particles Of ADlaGkeliiM CSvOne MINUX CU. wes ee aw es 50 2,250 Dimestone,- dark) brow, «very hard) .-.4.5 68. s 150 2,400 PP PRESTON Ee. UAT ee DTOW Daher «Monee Cakes komen aoa 100 2,500 Limestone, light and brown chertz, mixed ... 50 2,550 Jupmestone, “Cray rand cdl ack wSOLb SG: & go-sure ip. cians 50 2,600 Limestone, dark gray and brown, mixed, hard 100 2,700 iamestone:. dark and Uehty Ward. om. f.00. 8 oats 50 2,750 LaRHOSUOIUE, soar e OPA Ve MAC tiksee tasks: toga ate as tose 50 2,800 Limestone, light gray, with black particles SONY Oe CE eI sald ener ne ty Meet aa ore har s dale 50 2,850 Limestone, medium gray, very hard ........ COs) Sage ao AO Ge LGN Gee ot at a Pacbas Re teopieises at ec tee eee 2,925 NOTE—Top of Trenton probably at 1,800 to 1,900. Trenton 700 to 900 feet. The Devonian-Silurian contact is within the 90 feet of Limestone above 1,200 feet in depth. 686 OIL FIELD/STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 1130 Edwin Willoughby, No. 1, lessor. Location: Near Sledge Pool and Bays Fork. . Elevation: About 610 A. T. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth ime slONOmewyeec er ee en t+ aces deer sie Der tere 360 360 Devonian System. Slalée;meblack) (Chattanooga): isc i cledtaeee es os 53 413 Tyrves pone. DUC ens! 5: athe elena ne ela late wa eee 8 421 TITS OREM FOL O Wiles. oa oats rece be ee oo Coen te Wee 14 435 Silurian System. Tor Ores HOR Ge Sah ds Vou ae ce hte wc Ce ae oe acenen a 452 Lan CS LOMG ) O00 gS tae ew eles d hats ete auhae ee 2 132 584 LINES TONG SAD Uso a vCal ye eens eh tmeeeng een ame 29 613 LATIN GStORNGr a SACede Cee e 8 gota ee alae eee eee 728 1,341 lintestome “(Cap Rock)" dark’ pray... es led OPK Limestone (Trenton), (1st oil show) ........ 6dz, eh Al? Limestone, erystalized: hard 7 .)....0es we. vate 21 1,438 Demestone,(2nd wsh0w): sarin sata. ee then 2 1,440 Ist shot at 475 feet, 60 quarts. 2nd shot at 435 to 452 feet, 80 quarts. Salt at 584. NOTE—The Silurian-Devonian contact is within the 132 feet above &84 feet in depth. Log No. 1131 J. W. McGuire, No. 1, lessor. Hoge Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Com- mencéd: -Aug. 14, 1919. Completed: Aug: 28119197 Contractor: Lioyd Roetramel. Rig: Steam star. Production: Oil. Plugged up well to 480 feet, and shot second sand with 20 quarts nitro glycerin. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Con CWetor ny. Se page ier era ea kate eee a 47 47 Iaimestone;* (eased sei \ woe .aeece ieee 128 ars) LEVINE TONE Were, Be tale eed werk eae = Rae Loner oe. Menaae 142 317 Devonian System. shale black Chattanoogad ta. waeeue ln aecee 68 385 Limoeston 6 CCAD ocetecnsseita ss on eetn a oie che ace 16 401 Lamestome.; list; essai i ee ee bet ea ee 12 413 2S WARREN COUNTY 687 Silurian System. Thickness Depth LHLUVOS UOT O.0 Ate ty ean Ue eo peteh ever s/o Ne ik geen Ores 2 425 haimescowe, (DiiGmac a aa ste sce ee eS 50 475 LEMOS C OME LEST) ewan iy weet ree, oo, eee Oe, 5 480 METEAVGSL OIG, © O LUC ete eemarta sane ao. ome ce ase 18 49§ PPC RCO T Cae OCCT een ee Geechee ve a FeO Shag ee 22 520 LO@ads wCLODt ee yacmm meats tah. 42 ON yey oS d20 Log No. 11382 J. W. McGuire, No. 2, lessor. Hoge Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Com- menced: June 4, 1920. Completed: July 12, 1920. Contractor: Regal & Madison. Rig: New star No. 38. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth MEL ICORNY SULT ip ug nat Arh te OD aA, Sel OR ah 2a a ae Are RN 14 14 UTROST OM Cr CAS Cinta 20h sent ata te ecm 2 encis ays om aatio 206 220 EVIL CS HOM On Mery anes Geena ee Ort chee we Rates ihe ws. ‘ 152 372 Devonian System. Sie, sbigek (Ca ptan OOga ) as! as6<: 1. Meare as 68 440 Dmestone (Cap and ereth San” ir eke ois ae 459 a GSUOUL GI aes ena Tad, Peciys aed soa tikes SE 7% 6 465 Silurian System. MSTONEStOn es ea Sandy eee niet eet. 8 oa has Cee 30 495 ESPRC SEO DCTL Meg. ohn hoes een tin Gna a Sent sates 39 534 HAMmestOWwesro Ue RU NUes ot a ee ok hither lee 5 539 TUTTLE SUON Cr) 5. Pie Met damre hin aura oe aieste tare ech se 5 544 DGG als Cem Gli Nos ents at aie Geese) ol tui ahrss 544 Shot 2nd sand 467 to 48214 with 60 quarts nitro glycerin. 6% feet anchor on bridge. Cleaned out well to 515 feet. 80 feet of fiuid in hole on Aug. 6, 1920. Leg No. 1133 J. W. MeGuire, No. 3, lessor. Hoge Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Com- menced: July 15, 1920. Completed: July 28, 1920. Contractor: Regal & Madison. Rig: New gasoline star No. 38. Production: Bailed % bbl. oil 30 minutes after shot. Aug. 6, one week after shot, fluid stood 158’4” in hole. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth COMCWCCOMs, Heat ta tee Me ty so ihe caste Ene a ees Bears 38 38 PMCS TON Cae ee 2.0 Ne hie Ree. cieke ge aan hue « 188 22.6 UFIESE OMe ee eee eee ln re es Sat ee Coie: 160 386 688 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Devonian System. Thickness Depth Shale. blagk@sCCHaltamOv ee iran msn pete es 47 433 LATEST OM GcCSs) ta-cdte etme ster ieet home eert aa 13 446 interne. Uste Seam hy sarees tor ets 7 oer ae 2 448 TAM OS CONVOT NN. sen a Oncar tre stee ae ae Saree ope Medes Somes 10 458 JLMEStONe, © ZA Sees se er ee, eee eee te ee at 479 Silurian System. PAMIOSHON ES. Tete ema Oak tee chante es- ake alee 46 525 Liinestolewo dio raar d 7 er, ee an ee aes 15 540 LAMEStOU Cw aemth aie care tb cae ana ete ee Fi 610 Ordovician System (bimest Ome, wihite wath Sand Ou. tee as bt 661 AITO CS UOICRA: 1 arches ieee rk ole Ce ee 8 669 AmestONes= DUS of Satie so ent a aac. he. pt vaee ete ae 5 674 LPMVOSCOMOR anc set Bice i ee a he ees ee kee ee ee 30 704 OPAL ILO DCI” Some, © 2 tine. cee ee en 704 NOTE—Shot third sand with 60 qts. nitro glycerin, 525 to 540. Bridge stood at 579 after shot and eleaned out. Log No. 1134 J. W. MeGuire, No. 4, lessor. Hoge Oil & Gas Co., lessee. Com pleted: Aug. 10, 1920. Contractor: E..P. Meredith. Rig: Steam’ star, Production: Dry; oil shows only. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth LLOMMCUICTOR: Sir, tres + ter caste tee ean eR ee entta 41 41 Taimestone, Ceased voit ees we ote tee ones 176 217 AITO SHOU GL wie bY es ects no eines We cira con Sanne eee 185 402 Devonian System. Shale, black “Cha tvano0 On ica. ts wn. hinge a Dt 459 PMCS TOME 7s CCAD Rete aren g iWer ate eee ee eart 9 468 SITMLOSTOUE, 0 Lou was wael tl (ec he eae Monte ees ee 2 492 Silurian System. Limestone, (ineludes 22 ndiasamicls se: jan. -f2 1 coer. 54 546 Limestone, v3 die Sead] J hee oy ce een ences 9 55D ares O81 Bare A ile atta Sp cats thee an ener can Be et 632 Ordovician System. imespomes 4 WG 2S5.10- Aer eae rte een nomen 26 658 Tat IMOSL ONG ad: cen tern soa mien eomerce a, Rel eae ae 22 680 DAMES OMe (47D Dar Se Sat ae ee ne Ne ere es tee 4 IGS 695 Tim Os Oi, OTA y— 7 xkin igs Rein © eee are 42 737 Total “dept. Sidictcn tance cked eo wanceat can 737 WARREN. COUNTY 689 Log No. 1135 Hy P. Tabor, -No. 1, lJessor.. Hoge Oil. & -Gas. Uo-, lessee: - Com- pleted: Nov. 12, 1919. Contractor: Russell & Gardner. Rig: Cyclone class D. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Dept): WOBDUGTOT SES WGACE em dom eis, «yea hc nickes : 40 40 Eig GS Or Cec SCny eet) OVA route ie seein tar ate tha < 195 235 WEEN Han OR soe os Arcs Or UT ce Boa ne rene 138 3798 Devonian System. Shale, place = Ghia vbamoog aja mat = hace tcc « D5 428 PEETIVC SY OLTOR (CCD at Sah ewe gee aie, Sedat at PRM E Hz, So eae 8 436 Dumestone, Lar samd, 7 300 Shale, hard, gray, soft, New Providence ...... 2 Sys Devonian System. Dhale; black, ;sott (Ghatianoora ye ia.n ase. a6 40 397 Ordovician System. limestone, brown, gray, soft, hard .../...... 603 1,000 SMe Ae POuerlmCa Me yeu SOLU si as) ates eo Sem Gee ane 35 1,008 lamvestone = brown; eray, hard. soft. 849 1,852 Pres CONG te Sou: CeO TANG cnc. als scr etnade ee es es 35 1,887 (berree ma@iice ei Ui aie eer a ay Rese el es eran ey WC oul sie: 24 1,911 Tie Cees aoe ee eh gre te ace enaniget a nary sea 10 1,921 BLO Le LOO 1G Mer Pek aa erate Se ae era ig foc, ean arte apie aca a 13924 NOTE—A Silurian component is regarded as present forming the upper portion of the 603 feet above 1000 in depth. Log No. 1153 Woe Dick, No, 1. lessor, .:Completeds Dec. 923, :1904. Produc- tion: Dry. Authority: New Domain Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth UAV Nan OFA Vel a08 OF bata terns wiajtarrenes Pah: ste nud 11% 11% Ei OSEAT Gr! ey ne nrttete ee Pence oer iy a ue Ra : 50714 519 Shale, hard, blue, soft, New Providence ...... 8 527 Limestone, white (Beaver), sandy, New Provi- CPCB C CL tee seecns en koe ee a change pny eters Mite : 1a 540 Shale, hard, blue, soft, New Providence ...... 14 554 Devonian System. Peele eee One Ga au alO OO Memeo wrens sue ah 40) 594 Shale. bile, sol te Cimiitanooene ss. tnce lenin. Eee AMG) 604 658 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Ordovician System. Thickness Depth Limestone, Sandys, whitess bande... sols cites gi 615 Ismestone Arb ues slOOsGper wate: excite ohs we sae oars 200 815 Limestone, white, black, hard, shelly ........ 150 965 Lamestones blueyr Opeiiret reve. ai ots she auc Bye ches 135 1200 Limestone, black, white, shelly .............. 100 1,200 Limestone, whit€; very sandy ....% 5.6 «ni an. 12 15212 Ajimes ton es. DIG sesOne 2.5 meant ote nah teenie ee 20 LiZog Limestone; oray,every hard© : 25... ona. es 100 ivoow iLamestone,sonay. wery nelly... 2.2 Sem sm cae ec 150 1,482 LamestOme; Ola we wey. Nard Vaccine jeri + aan 25 1,507 Sb are r, exe Keno) 2 oe ponent ahs ore ae GMs O eae oc 1700 NOTE—The upper portion of the 200 feet above 815 is regardel as Silurian. Log No. 1154 H. C. Dobbs, No. 1, lessor. Completed: Mar. 16, 1916. Produc- tion: Dry; casing pulled and well abandoned. Authority: New Do- main Oil & Gas Co. . Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth EAMeswenes EOTAy ahora ecg kee Meets ease eats 75 75 Eee hOmer. Whe = Alin ett svt. tae ee ee eee 90 165 IGIMOStONE, COTE Hace «hits ouedwlsae Acetaree tare ee 5D 220 Shales Grods Tock.) —2 van pvaie cen) me ae ce nse Re ‘ 40 260 Lg ESEON EG, we OLACKir s wires ele on A ee Ce 65 325 Tait CStON eG, £19 We Wicca aware A emreeee te een LD) 495 Shale, bard, blue New Providence 231.023, 2.45 10 505 Limestone ‘‘sand’’ (Beaver), white, New Provi- (LOIN CG Milas oh. Gaticch. te ner nin eaten Rae. Leper iy ; 5 510 Shale, hard, blue, New Providence .......... 9 519 ate Ss Spt haps cist te ee. aoe a ee 519 Water at 40 feet; sulphur water at 160 feet; gas at 330 and 425 feet. Log No. 1155 EK. R. Walker, No. 1. lessor. Completed: Oct. 7, 1904. Produc- tion: Dry; fresh water at 65 feet; oil show at 188 feet; small gas show at 360 feet. Authority: New Domain Oil & Gag Co. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Limeéstone;, white; blue, sandy “.......02.. 05 620 620 Devonian System. Shale, black, soft (Chattanooga) .0...¥;...°. 60 680 WAYNE COUNTY 699 Ordovician System. Thickness Depth immostone, shard.=.sot.. waite, blue ..... is.e: 822 1,502 Ota he NGM eames, cel sed 1c oe ad 1,502 NOTE—The upper portion of the 822 feet above 1502 feet in depth is regarded as Silurian. Log No. 1156 Cyrus Brown, No. 7, lessor. Completed: June 14, 1915. Produc- tion: Dry; casing pulled and well abandoned. Authority: New Do- main Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth RES V5 Peete’ De steel an. SAY Mee Ray eta te Seine es nee wn ‘ 15 Lo ET OS TOMOE RS NAY catia Terenas ee Sere ee Pe ete 185 200 LAINCCCO Ie sar TL Omar ame Gee were Siete ce ee aie. 200 400 ER EGS TON CLO Wowie tar vntetiae ac cea has Ore tee ae eth ee 50 450 EMRCETOMEGN WVC LION ations a Swaine © ewe eae 25 475 limestone, black ..... BSN eG cae Aare art a : 101 D6 LH MNSSGOMe we Will bem urhmeserde te ces eta ht ccna ere a 90 666 PE TUV ONO Ui Coie LNLEHON Uae eer areas cat (eee ees tajaNsers winaans 10 676 LIN OS UO IVE parE G Oop 2, hwy ebael cia a ade AS Dat real ee, vids 94 470 Shales DitlegeN GwruPrOvVidLenGGio.ce. cs oo eke Vicae 8 TUS Limestone, white, New Providence .......... 8 786 plaleve bites NeweaProvidente. se. 6 fin cokes eos 8 794 Devonian System. phate; black. (Clattanooga.) 0is2 v7 ches nmot ee 2 796 (LOta Le Oe pt meer atua eee on ets aiabars a 796 Log No. 1157 Frank Hurt, No. 1, lessor. Completed: Sept. 25, 1907. Produc- tion: showed for 10 bbls. before shot; dry after shot. Authority: New Domain Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Sila Lee te er Ree. se treks Scee Seen octet her ouace ete s é 20 20 FIN OSL OT OL We ie Lae acres es Bice re ee cers ete 140 160 pee RANW OO MIG RUN IC) SLO BIG H nam nck Teac eAny Cf esr eae eee rm 10 170 deegiste pRaqider, ony AAW a gal Or: Ro Rein are = Snares oP ees eae 150 320 P7110 CSL ON Cte le ese ee aN Les. ee geet «atcha anions 20 340 700 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Hinrestones: ewhitect an eee 66 on coeene 60 400 bimestone, gritty, brown, hard) .5%. 22.0)... 170 570 Limestone, iblack.7sotiieeecs pie 2 Sr ie on 140 710 Shalé, hard,-blue; New Providence: 2.5 Ames 10 720 ‘Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ (oil) New Providence ... 14 734 Shale, hard, blue, soft, New Providence ...... 26 760 Devonian System. Shale black weorteccharranooga) Sea ee ele 1 761 Dobald Op thigiete a ntatabcrt wusc Gin oi mene? 3 eo Log No. 1158 Frank Hurt, No. 2, dessor. Completed: Dee. 11, 1907: Produc: tion: Dry. Authority: New Domain Oil & Gas Oo. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth LAIMESLONG as AER a still Gee poner een tee ee Regt aes 126 126 TaMestone. lew ihe liad reek ee amte y e penta 160 286 TUMESLON Ge, CANE. LTTE Tien wee tie eee eel: eee 110 396 Limestone, «black, medium. <..nset sae e ee ee 200 596 Limestone; white, medium join o.ce 6 cee oe 54 650 Lamestone. black, Paredial wane test eee ono ia fons Shale, hard, medium, New Providence ........ 2 dod Sand” (Beaver), New Providence .. 2... i545. 10 Teo: mhale, bard, blue, New-Providence,..), 1.5.04 9 746 TPotel dent. 2e.. secre oe ee eee 746 Log No. 1159 William Foster, No. 1, lessor. Completed: June 26, 1907. Pro- duction: commenced producing 5 bbls. Authority: New Domain Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Limestone ss sand wos Ara e er teal: octane cee ase 200 200 Mississippian System. Lamestone, light ws) pede auhte actats hia oe ere secs 650 850 Limestone ‘‘sand’’ Beaver Creek, light, New PYOVIGED COy LAr came aku tet iare o ere cenede ans 15 865 Shale, hard, blue, New Providence ........... y 867 otal depthses foie Manca us hosas eye terns 867 WAYNE COUNTY 701 Log No. 1160 William Foster, No. 2, lessor. Completed: Aug. 17, 1907. Pro- duction: commenced producing 25 bbls. Authority: New Domain Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Poet rpee LV OUR miler Capertee clan te ala sues a's Pons c Fat aes 10 10 Mississippian System. LAIST Orem ©: tes Me PC wae wee aera erent ho of 6 860 870 Limestone ‘‘sand’’ (Beaver), dark, medium .. 13 883 RO GadS Cle PL |i aectag: 1a cheep era tae ceed) cs $883 Log No. 1161 Bee OsierarNo7 l, tessor. Completed: s Aug. 19 e1OLo. “Produc. tion: Dry. Authority: New Domain O11-& Gas Co. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth ee TLC CIO iggecx aad ca gcks od cae ee succes Lar oie ae me agen 200 215 ECHO INO NCurCs CVU EAE mae. mae oot t ak cacttose 565. 840 lew han beeen tse. 4 ge tera a cant wane ema e ty: os 83 923 Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ white, hard, New Provi- MCLE Rata ieee Wi ees Nears eae Lee : 28 951 Shale, hard, blue, soft, New Providence ...... 6 957 Grae ace Winer eet ee ct ome e natn. G Dt Log No. 1162 By Foster, No. 2, lessor: Location: Bell Hill Precincet.. Produc- tion: commenced producing 10 bbls., Dee. 16, 1913. Authority: New Domain Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Mississippian System. Thickness Depth Sleeps Or hams tess tt rites, ko ges sey tke ee a tel ; 136 136 SIMO LOM CesT, AEC Waker contol any yoke nats ahs 30 166 Te OSL OMe a Wetbe mal: a. cca stn Bayle Gare ee ee a 320 486 Tia nVesr OW Cen OF ay mel) ors: ecg atetps aserl se dasban sche 40 526 GAP uses meee en eects en oe Rae ca tae) eee oy es Qaeads , 200 726 amMeaspone. aitdushale Mardi Ae. tea oe ee owe oe st 799 Limestone ‘‘sand’’ (Beaver), New Providence 21 820 SS ieale a anrare Mab ULC b am sata apeth te tapas ogee ee ac he aoe D 825 OU Uae CUBE Wig aeehera an aan beltac ral seca ne ste ar caihase 825 702 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 11638 B. Foster, No. 3, lessor. Completed: Jan. 26, 1914. Produc- tion: Dry. Authority: New Domain Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Mississippian System, Thickness Depth No OE: Weis (asim va apace ieuuh't Sate Une « aa ha ie AU Ree Gra OS nak : 130 130 GEN CS TOIKG ; 0 OW ee hegaa ge eaten st eke Care a ve teat eee 50 160 Lavi est Gre; mw Winery eit eo Oe etm 310 470 ELPA OSE Ome sy lee lee ae ere ye te en ere tear metres 200 670 Pini estone-* “sande: swihtte cosas ae eu eee 122 792 Silale, shards bine, (New. Providence, 7%: ..2 70, 21 813 Shale, hard, blue, New Providence .....'..... 44 857 POT ale Ot i ee mice. cre ene ha shenees ctu te 857 NOTE—The Berea sand (limestone) occurring within the New Pro- vidence formation was not recognized by the driller of this well. Log No. 1164 T. T. Davis, No. 10, lessor. ‘Location: Turkey Rock Pool, near Slickford. Commenced: Oct. 11, 1919. Completed: Nov. 8. 1919. Drilled by the Vulean Oil Co. Authority: The Vulcan Oil Co. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth (A SO Eek eka oc AUNT ete URES oh esl Wie a ene ahee wets 19 19 SS ATAIST OSS Mus wn erate xe ee Pee eee earns eee ; 11 30 Ss het her aie oti wie ihere Ut, One. we hate ier eae Run ee hata aaa : 10 40 POLI STONEY mur Sau Oe MeemGa Well tne, ear rnnieric nen rea 160 200 SeCcNE MN Nab Ring geo ure My ne tereme hE NC COR I Sie 180 380 Mississippian System. ariestome, VOT ever! a, ome eee comet neti ssle ey tee ee ee 70 450 fegane Ns Marnie 26 6 Ramer ere Sune aan MO TORE ANN OA de, ae rat a nal! 20 470 IATL ESbON 3 el eete i s ae mesa a oe ae 30 500 fReN SECT SINC A, Viigo Ay 0 ee Picea Mee aay Saleh oie Dy BE RNG I Pein ae a 5 505 SEPLIE OSU CMG te OOS Ws steer says cave, cies hice tate n agers Se ote Ae ts 385 890 LATEST OIG, ela Cte Gtwarrs tes a amet, ade eerer- nara NGS ANAS) Halen ar deere, ate Nutra wear ety Riemer cette: 42 cia eae Limestones“sandacy UB6av Cry meee unc ete mae 20% 1.147% Shale Laon\ara a) net ae tein ee See mee Acie MAB egsy 04 IG Lee til eo > ogists Meeps: eer tse Meee ae : 1,175% Log No. 1165 T. T. Davis, No. 11, lessor. (Location: Turkey Rock Pool, near Slickford. Commenced: Nov. 27, 1919. Completed: Jan. 15, 1920. Authority: The Vulean Oil Co., drillers. WAYNE COUNTY 703 Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SEC a ae SST Gp i RS Pie ROE Naa a a 15 15 PTS OT) On says satan Mebane often Ce eeemaeennt sie scans a, andlor 10 25 SA ESOL LRN ic eter en Etehe ere Es, 6 oaceh es «82 iP 40 Sat GS LOTOMt meat ede otra eet anes hehe ee ae 180 220 Sia ECOL Uae mail a Ore tice Giet sete o ccnlets a Se bee So cee 180 400 Mississippian System. Liv. CSLONC, OT Ay gee acne: seeekapas aren a oe Tie eke Boe 765 475 pesos Ms vay Wake ag? (ey ee Aeean or, Pe aed a spice Oak A mm dest a Pe hear 20 495 TSMR COM eu aie eae kc Me eis Ousted 6 Sie we os 380 875 ee SOD es ees We Kin 5 nese. ces os aie ee ene. «a ae aie 1,050 aT SSON Corel ie stra tear aee a arat ch treencnatic «oa lumact! dun save 50 eo 0 Shale, hard, New Providence a Aare 48 1,148 Limestone ‘‘sand’’ (Beaver), News Bror Hanth LAtels LO0 mhiele, Waris New Providence: . aoe .. ssiens ott 3 1,163 Devonian System. Shale, sblack {(Chattan00ga) 01.6. sea. oe 29) eet 8 2 SAREE hen gs Mey sk ae Oe ree ea Re eee L, £92 Log No. 1166 JT. T. Davis, No. 12, lessor. Location: Turkey Rock Pool, near Slickford. Commenced: Feb. 21, 1920. Completed: April 16, 1920. Authority: The Vulean Oil Co., drillers. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth (SUR GM wen Sie ain © epics eter ees ee Ratio nae eee Maia ’a 3. haa nem 15 15 Sli @ amt PU eee Wor eee ee eet Mes oe ee cag tae lets ans 15 30 RTUEbL Ge ae Eiui a eetenee ore a aeRO ly ety, Fate ate epreuscne pre aie ate 20 50 ore dy CORA) IN Sree ROME eet ha AR i ra arte Ui or a ne RT eS ‘ 150 200 By eto eur (“eel ties Maletar cent rete haces 200 400 Mississippian System. PHOS HOR Ob, ner ee nda sce eae aarti sata ate tae les 85 485 ped de Review avatars dl Ue tea ga Re eR os GAS he eae 12 497 LaTOSEOILC as Seether tee tee acre Gohan Dimas ex stone, aha ds : 403 900 ibaperteryaghau ys MS VENGY ere e a etter Perera ge CE Aegan . 250 E150 Shalesehardee Newel rovidence, 2.6 c.c.ai550 hls Oo LeLS 7 Limestone ‘‘sand’’ (Beaver), New Providence 14% 1,201% Shate,shard, New PTO Viden Ge ie oie eis avy «ios ck whe 1% 1,202 Devonian System. Shale, black (Chattanooga), (oil) ............ 20. 1229 Je WWE Solver An yn eta, cata nO See eNO 1,229 704 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY WEESTER COUNTY. Production: &imall oil and gas. Producing Sands of commercial im- portance not recognized to. date. Log No. 1167 Jim Trice, No. 1, lessor. Noon Oil & Gag Co., lessee. Location: 1tZ-miles northeast of Dixon, Ky. Spudded, Dec. 13) L9DS:.. Broduc- tion: Dry. Driller: Morarity. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth OO pe COUN UC COT Bel iGne Uren ea Sea) eer: ween eae eae 20 20 ieo'l Fe Boia ak ihgn bie re Serie Mra RANA cae vice Hien Te git 5 : 80 100 RSIS Vere eae aidan nacre, oe mac cae to, raat oe Me Pe : 100 200 CRTC DONE «sate anerniy oka tae Glee es carne Rea eae eer eee he 50 250 Dad pC ad Or che, 0) We cae peo Sinn ete aces 3.0 280 lle oe, mits, 2 eS ahG nusen ter once ont eS PAl sk att, caromee acta memes , 70 S50 aries ONL) cashuude a wens cs eae ae nS oeacmas Eee ; 50 400 PaO Eee a AN ELF IE Doee eee ete I TE car ; 50 450 NL BLL Bg esac steal Seek Pea ay Selle ce cass Roe ee cea : 150 600 Roren iG Med As, ae eR PRT RMN. cu ck Sh Mee Ts a S'S 50 650 et ce Nk? a eR OE BN RECURS ante EEA NRL oe a | : 100 750 MEST ONS Fonsi. owes che nen Rae Bia re OMS ea ae oe 50 800 OL AEe Voy oa SUCK MRC MUN a tee tee A tag Pane (8 Mail AN els 100 900 NoTER (WS Aggie UE Nes ai wees ir Ue mh hoe Ne aud a ns aay ge ee 15) 25 925 So Lie Lea n e o at cclnye sca cette eae eer Ncaae ate ca eee : 75 1,000 Limestowe very. Warde is sve aties dette ke imac. 5 0 Cae LOU SS He ee eee Seri ee, a ee I let any ae eee aS, : 50 1,100 LSAT EAS HOUUG op 2h Sythe ais Sen oa, we tetsica ah ale na els tom REM eRe te Ciena 2d L425 LNG Htcr santa, Se Sue Pago bare, Wrenn ae over ete hae RRR , 0 1,160 Lamestomey av eryo hard Fe ir. ee sla tans ce sae 10 L170 Suk ThClamhs Se Ra Sd ia al ap eouratactes en anges Min aea ake chee 70 1,240 SSeS ee pees Ln cried! ha howe tik Ae Yay cae day eee ig ee g 60 1,300 oy TR AV 6 RGM TEP Ee Poet ar ea ENE SO Ra et i AGB E IR oe ‘ 60 1,360 RO Tene xe Cee eho) ias oh tig ae eaten MERC Nay iia tte Maroc eet ea : 40 1,400 TST THOS TOME Osa ice toe Ee i ee a oa ok eee a ieee ey , 50 1,450 Shale, eee ish cment it cet one Bhn Wee ae Oo ap i act. 150 1,600 AB yhaetercy cy Votre ae PAR they tet PR Rne aA in Meer te Re Ae 10 1,610 SH SC Meet a ec eh atk linn ie hare My ea ne Non ee nA Se 40 . 1,650 Rees MIC: em SCAN Sen AY SNORT Un rota aura Ot aah nied oI cif : 80 1,730 er SECS EM i gee ohiegt O/ OR Oh Smee er ceatiyes Guesea ep whl a ero ailis a: 45 1,775 pHa ere es ie aeons BOE eet, ween : 25 1,800 Litt @SGORLE tenets ae cscs oir erg eee ees ey he 150 1595.0) ial Gere tee eke ree it hott Putten ste Skene Sera dcr aeeeeet Peas ; 50 2,000 WOT he Foy cette ecb age aye aegis Secs states ac ates 40) eas a ae ae 200 2,200 WHITLEY COUNTY 708 Mississippian System. Thickness Depth iva, | Grmtas Giese tees om eae: Se : SU Pia) A ORD SAR Rost ek A tt dene eee ale oe eee coe) 195 ANd Oran OL te a rem eens Woe ada ae can e 55 250 710 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Shale: shard eb lauckyesoiewmrew<:ca:a. 40-2. corns oie i cee 10 260 Shale; swhite,e bards samdiye kent cc-vs cs pon.) eke pas ne 65 325 Shale.) Dard cD TO Ww kes O ime eee cs Ses one ne sets 40 365 PAN ASLOMEC, eS Te ye eel eC ween Moh yous Fue eui rs sau 10 375 Sand, white, medium, (settled quickly) ...-.. 80 455 hale MOAT wD lACKeSOs bearers seer het. coder siene lta tons 3 458 Sale, OPA y war Oeel I yey. c eh oeeel el sc ua rak cisuene 14 472 phe le abarda: DYN tems 0 linet weer ar ht cacurr acres 4 476 Sand. sWwihite mano ere CANIM ene eters, dances tae eater 52, 528 Coa Ike blac k SOU Lees Stereo siete cae cae etna ae ; 1 529 Shale miards eOrOw lee s0ltueret 4. eee ee eee ees 22 551 Sandstone, hard, gray, (little gas 555) ...... 10 561 Shalewiard, bite, s0Lt. and shells) 22ers 74 635 PAndspone wm iards Clays qatar nat Hee Siena 10 645 pal G, sar. LOW), eSOdt te tae te ee eee AIA 15 660 Sandstone; dark ey erye bardiss acces ee ec coe 10 670 Shales eiardssDrO wl, Olt mse el eedces levees cee rene ahs 685 PANCSLOU eC, wOTAy, cr) oc werrecr ie ees mene eta 10 695 Shale, ard; "oro wis pc ores ae oe te eerste ee 15 710 Limestone, black, very “hards%..s. .)srcc iets shee 5 715 Sliple te TOW I1 y SOLVE wee eck ee eee 10 CAS) Sandstone, gray, hard ....... Poa se eri ee 20 745 Shale and shells, hard, white, soft te Np 3 SP 45 790 SalWdstOwe es OTs Vim vere c genre: oes a nce g ce 10 800 shalerhardsered: ad0 ue .s.acg tr tn etme ee aan 40 840 Shale. Nard eo ray yesOt ice ere eres. eu pene 15 855 Sands Cray a medline Bock. ae ea eer ee 22 877 Shales bard, DTOWD -ss0L bese. cee ene ee eas Ted. 888 Sitaleahard. Cray; wt beens) arte net cate en ene gl Ue: § 902 Sand voray, 2 ard sts. a.ce) ca. tae ieee te ate ene 10 912 Mississippian System. ASIN OSPOMes aT OW HIT Cet ola Sects oe cau els Tees 28 940 Phalex MAP. CTAy aSOlburs osc .ecken ie wre sre ies 5) 945 TAMESLONG. SOTO Whee llaT Cat. ae arene: a ee 5 950 Shalep harder ray sor tae yen neers a ee 10 = 960 TIPS LONE WOLLG, ala Teme. anette. Oaerte eeestee en ee 25 985 Shale, hard, white, soft . Sapte 5 eo. 0) Limestone, hard, white, Big Tae (180). Seat 10 =1,000 Limestone, hard, brown, Big Lime (180) .... OS ae 0re) Limestone, hard, gray, Big Lime.(180) ...... Dee L007. Limestone, hard, brown, Big Lime (180) .... 1384-15093 Sand, soft, gray, (light oil show), Big Lime (1:8,0.) Be Aceenht yhocs Gt Stat Meet exc te Gal te Weise st ieee & Deer 09,5 Limestone, brown, hard, Big Lime (180) .... fe ARIAS WHITLEY COUNTY frill Mississippian System. Thickness Depth ihimestone, hard, gray, Big Lime (180) .....; oo 1-1, £40 Iimestone,. gray. bard, Bigs time. (180); 2.7... 500 Sand, brown, limy, (50,000 cu. ft. gas at 1185) Sete OT OL LCe. gee wan eee ey ois cite ee ran vceartese : 1,201 Log No. 1173 Nelson, No. 1, lessor. The Cumberland Bend Oil Co., lessee. Loca- tion: 11% miles southeast of Williamsburg. Completed: in 1907. Shot Nov. lo, 1907, 907 gts. | Production: “about 144 bbls. Authority: EF. C. Dicel, Williamsburg. Strata. Pensylvanian System. Thickness Depth PHAM ASlLOmMe a s Gwe ai aC Onlin aya Ws tees aie wnt ae ‘ 455 455 SOW FRG Be hs aw WINS ee ak OO ee eee ie: Seen ees RaneC nL Be 10 465 DANG VC meet Se ee pecs eels ings Ue 30 495 TTPCSE OTC Me. WL UCainen Wa meer et ARE Dh epece sae nee are ak 10 505 DDC See VIC DO: ae ede et eta eee BOBR On ee fan gt WIS ke ade al eh 70 bine rer dnige SS mall aS a6 Meet be gle, Te MA PER Eee Oey A a aR 7 582 Shale, hard ee MPT cet l eae et oie Tet tena Pos 3 Ss Sand) WOlbemcUas 0 9 Sol sO US ie cet. ous to 5D” 640 pe WEN Fee gegen Wi Rak G me What arc oad ar maeyad Sa ee ror 20 660 plicche we reel Cl Weanmee, re een stn eer ene sun cron 55 715 (SA Le NL Va term teas Mees eet tees teach eer tiae ee CaN 20 735 pe Lesa Tie 0 Can emt ance ae ene erence ket ats ee Eee aia ok 766 Sand, (gas) Aer beemek Cones ot scietdceter crc 1 Occ Saad, ew NGC Olli kg Oc CO MLS U Vente te tars anise as! 780 eENAVehs MeCypel her Laweitee sic be Apes ee oaRh ond ene eum ten 25 805 aC eae a (Olay Oa 6) Oy iene. go ee : 6 S11 preva | eae Lea Cla eee Peet ge) ee US ey 4 815 SUA NV SpeAL TN MB le orig a moar A ae Ae per PER hte nee soon 10 825 LETT ee FOC Ma crs settee Sea eer teen Eee ae gente iar & 1% 826% Potala Cepeie set pe ern fe ee 826% Log No. 1174 G. W. (Rains, No. 3, lessor. Location: mouth of Clear Fork Creek, 114 miles southeast of Williamsburg. Cased Feb. 14, 1919. Shot with 10 qts. glycerine by the Ky. Glycerine Co. Recommenced drilling at You tect. ~Authomty: lO: Dicel: Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Ses Ore esr VCOan (COL ether iess tiara te weenie ¢ 939 939 iL eer ais ok eae oe oe ee te oe eae are cmer one oak ve 3 942 712 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Mississippian System. Shale and shells, hard, pink, (Mauch Chunk) . Ne [hike Rgiiee ta oa ton DRY ere Peri as 20 oh eens hie oh Sic Shale, hard, red... Limestone, light SRA Shale, hard, pink, light (Mfaneh Cue since tok ‘Timestone, bIUeG ssa. Pyrite eed ees Shale, hard, idark 8 Fee Bakes Limestone, black, (show of ie deren Meee) Ctr sl MESTOWO Ap Lacie et an, Weth os tse he es brite Sete bs Meteo eee STH OG Pe arc Mark ewe, |e tere ny Cap enseokorsen scgeeme mae Mates imestone, Licht, sibig Lime. (203) 0 2s. sos Sand; ight gol PIM e-4'2 Odi) fa. ome ote ais 6 als Limestone, light softer, Big Lime (253) ...... Limestone, light, dark, Big (Lime (253) ...... limestone, ight, Bis, Dimer 253 )ie..... a0 125 Limestone, ‘dark, (Big ‘hime -(253)~.....7.... Limestone, light; Bre slimes (253) oe. 3 a Limestone, light, ‘Big Time (253) ~...... 42, Limestone, stay, BbigelLime: {253 tees ce ae. Limestone, dark, (Bigelinten( 2.510) meee ee ae Limestone, gray, (oil show 1460-1463) ss Lame (25:3 \ ee. treks oat eke ats epava etaiee uate Limestone, light, Big Lime (253) catak ates oes Limestone, gray, dark, Big Lime eee oa Asher Sand, dark, gray Limestone, dark, gray, & cm mene ‘(ies 1515) Limestone, dark gray, pebbles & erystal rock Sand, pebble and crystal rock .....:3.....+..- Band wonay, and Slimeston ey. ves ene eee Total depth Log No. 1174-A. —— Thickness Depth 68 15 2 51 48 5 46 14 24 6 63 35 33 31 20 L010 1,025 1,027 1,078 1,126 To mee ietod 1,215 kepada 1,284 LoL 1,352 1,383 1,403 1,407 1,414 1,424 1,435 1,445 1,463 1,467 1,474 1,482 1,517 1,522 1,526 1,532%4 1,532% Well at Saxton, %4 mile 8. E. Saxton, between L. & N. and South- ern R. R., 20 feet or more above railroad. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Sirol Gwe. gs Aer ee ORO ae ea Eee Si re ke SIANCEUONGS (is. ye teenie cateee anne SEAT oe oe ma CC eee RANS Ke) ROMANS prey yur hy Pull ae ten Loni Sanh UMTS, oon an bare SAWdstOne we ites eae ee ee ote cei ans ; Sandstone s & weitere ence cee ete coats eae er Sandstone Sandstone Shale Thickness Depth 130 130 160 170 180 210 245 275 295 WHITLEY COUNTY 713 Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SS LIE Greg ron re reed Seater ok Wer ra Stet estates 8 og edhe Ce on 5 300 pel SEPT Ne eon get Aa 2 eaten tie tile ch ya Ra 30 330 od Es AC SIeS Cle Si ae ele PP ra ligt 0) G\ pe a ne 50 380 SSUES LOI CEE teenie Maral neLectreMerae sy aT ht LE ole tas (Sc sone 45 425 Sey ON Omer Sete ie cn eee ee SAN ot ccd). ater os 35 460 oe Ws Ey ko) ease oua ea rrh prick: ict 2) at Nungua a aD 495 SSL ae Ol Came e ieee Mares trainee ae hos, Sita ee ene” 30 525 SLES LOM Ce .ceprornen meet eae tee a eee ee nN 5 30 FaNa) DIG St OMe me atem een stt ary. seme Tate et ces inca e so : 30 585 pet Wale BRU TN on GY Cm re Se re Say hk PES nyc ce 25 610 Ne WANG ECUITOR TYE BS, os teint eas te Ng od. tc PA ell A Oi oe a 25 635 SiG AGG CMH OWNS, 2 ans a oy piben ee Ses ge) 9 Sn eer 20 655 SECS UG. INO meena gett Seana SIS ese oe, Mee lib emg taster e i 20 675 ROE MAWO KCRW ONE TES Cet Stel orcers. on mrins Sian 2 ip tay. AV aires eeege Fam in 15 690 ELT CSU O LL Chae ese tans seco eee eee eee ah ath cer eee AiR 705 SVT LOL GC ee enc MYT osc ttn etied shame dee ener aes a Ne oiians 15 720 NOUNS SG RASH AWSOME Fey angel yeeros Mareen: Hee ore ae em re tat tre a 15 ERS AMAR LOMEY are tery cinch: tek tN Woke afol cr al's sun totet echt sete 10 745 Whale; (casediatel4 7. Ot77 “casing \iy 7 oo. nase. 10 755 SNe ALOR LO, © Ses ep ti maa er re pareiy sss Far CM 55 810 Sa vastOomeus ser tec y remoder seen rset comet atets teeter a tees 30 840 SibaLe path nse a be eem ae ck arog: totum rr rome? ea tee nema, aw nate 5D 895 Shale and sandstone (salt water 935) ........ 40 935 PVA COLO SiGe cote hear a taemen meee cae UTE a, 10 945 Sandstone (more water, rerimmed 8%”) .... 15 960 OEMS OIC, a caee cae men hee case ad anioy Aiea cisatpemebe tom egies 10 970 SARS VONGa tres oe tease ace ee NE ee tae eras 15 985 ote M UGS RCLR Silados | Caden uryribes Salsas BAP Racer aml aR co pear ee 10 ESS Sandstone. (8” -hole to 1000, cased) ...2-1.... L0- 1,005 LINCS LON On merce acacecdas Sree ate est. ath ate ex et ees 15 1,020 OTL S 1 OVS ree re ee menace Mocs ea os ane ee eiah ener ee skal s ; 20 1,040 PNeIECS 018 Cure career et eae A We RRs Ae OE Eee 1s 1 asa ATU SLODE ga Men noia ate coterie eerie eo a eae eT ak hogar « ; 10 1,065 SAIL SLO Cie eee en ae roe enc ee eee rea) ovate tee ciretiny ansu sac eee O80 AMOStON Ga shOl eG NOW: el apsce at sleereye sie. 0.5 helels cess V2 092 Palas ewe ley SUA Cr aa seb sLoeees aan s ateote sees ‘ ayes 125 DTG HOM Cie se Noh chal Grdu cs ove ce: dup el sone Aue este Rate, 3 30 17155 Mississippian System. ETT CB UD TGs eal sate lees et rch oenee tet Ad aieen ces betes os 20 lets tae BOG ee ec, hee ee Enna ee le eae eee 35 19210 SOLE IG RRs ote lee tes eye earths PES Re: LOR Cue ee Re 50 1,260 Ree TANS Rep Reuile, let CON pr nary Pot CO SEE ke RRO AE RE 40 1,300 TBSP On CAA SSA IG ce sercact eho scene itis! site, 5 pols ed Rate ABs Rerterh Rented eke Von | tN yey Wk yee: Be Ae ee ar Re me ere 35 1,370 ro cee he Dacre CG Rea ewes 8 hey Sao ge. 5 Rk bie rans Wa a ee 30 1,400 “AYONUNy ‘SINQSUIVITIIM 18 [IO S9onpoid pure dip ysvoqjnos [Ru410ou of} YWM A9AOD J9pUN S908 ‘STIR puRlAIquIND MoTEeq ‘yoo1p e[8en uo Surddoa9jno ¥vi1e148 SIULL ‘SoTJUNOD AIBVIINIW Pues AVYTJIUM JO 9}]VIIWO[SUOD OT[IAS}}0Oqd pappeq AABOY 9Y} UL UOWWIOD 1B ,SOSNOY YIOd,, 10 SITIO GNVS “110 WITIASLLOd IVSVa WAL WEBSTER COUNTY 715 Mississippian System. Thickness Depth See POMEL Mis Cl anne Stes ap Ternary: 5 ne ai ome aes 25 1,425 ALVES TOT ee eee eer te haa eta hs Wea she wale ote 25 1,450 I OSLO Cm aotee ete Re Pe iea cine vos eet sac eeS 25 1,475 NOUTIL OS EO TLC mite aera OPT eee pe atle re oat akh ee < iats pd 30 1,505 Weimer Ke BS ack eye FM pod Gu CRO eae 5) Poo Dialeannte eStO 1G metaer eres ss. + ees ete tases 8 30 15-60 UB ph sikajct ope Va Qetere te CRAP tcl ty icc Ge ORC ica ace 25 1,585 LIN ESCOM Comet oe eice e e Nee oat tes ee aS, Ss 25 1,610 RTE SLOO Ope totey orca teg re eRe Tar chs elt 6 ee eo, ¢ 6 1,616 MCh REN AGS) eLAah Sf atin uch er ona Cainer 1,616 Log No. 1174-B. R. N. Adkins, No. 1, lessor. Location: 114 miles 8. W. Williams- burg, on ist right-hand branch of Briar Creek, Whitley County, Ky. Production: Gas. Completed: 1920. Casing head elevation: 1042 A. T. Structural position: Nose of anticline, south flank near crest. Authority: C. E. Dicel, Williamsburg, Ky. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth ESOL DIM gg Ae eM Rem US ete W in tlre eee age eier s 5 5 RUDE NA eh Kose! Puc etyean MeL Gy ALey ney SER tien Pe on ear nee 85 90 ROUSE a cig arya A we SEN Aa eA gt oar BO Rate Ge aC LTS 265 POT aL O11 erie ete ean, Ler oe olay sas Lat hte ee aca ania ss ee aks 162 427 Sal Geren a COS: hae cate eve Epa teal te ote kere eons e 3 430 SANS LON Camere ter eR Nake Oo fee acteese eae Vinay ae w iets LG3 Se poalon@cased .00.0e O70 Casio) tsiecmenel oon. sie 5 32 625 SUING RPROMNKS) Pigs hPa ee Soar ada pie SOO WAR ote aoe ee LS 740 ada syn "Scan A 6 Aptech Tie ‘omaay Ge ty iat GneplpO ya eee iegs Sm 10 750 SATUS COTY Cuma memes Te Reamer er rag one Cr late Peh on orate: of te ocken + 55 805 Sha lenceoaledue cain. s (Oo got. cewclor ene tes site) ote een. 60 865 Se TAStOU Cam ee eR ne: ace wo gmake & SUE ovat re ice 35 900 Dts) Ome em Graewn ae eae dem cn SOs Ranney orc uta cerie.0 23 923 SIV SE OMCs COLL wrtieetge eve oh kell inie seem ate, wets ne' ss 20 943 Sy SbOl Guar TOMO Ms cieteis soar he.e si ohevse o's ec lccars 22 965 pe OWNS pag SR Ag Cube an NIA oy Oe eter, Cetra ne rare ae ee 13 978 Mississippian System. Shale, pink (Mauch Chunk) .............. ee 1,050 Shale ee i Ncnt SST IW ee ook AS oe 50 1,100 ALEC S OMCs ec eit ie Rate Matstone Me eda a Usd ad 'e,0 sees 10 pia 8) Siralee Wate tens pared Weds Are RON RUSS EE 5G Atel ioe ete fn Po wha Sal a a COMM CS LOC lol eel MEO )ae eters, stn eo esate sieeve «0 des ep 20, “15180 GAC org cee eure ecko he ee a ee eae a a by esis AMestonem Cbirwe LITO ees srt & sascere wees so wie rant 40 1,225 716 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Mississippian See Thickness Depth Pele veges BE ees esl veil see eae 5 61,230 Limestone (one 1365). RG ey he teen 135 1,365 Limestone “(more passatels70) 9. >. 2% 56am se 19 15.5.4 SCO DAL SOE Dt heme Meme siete turd Sos 4) ste temas 1,384 WOLFE COUNTY. Production: Oil and gas. Producing Sands: Corniferous (Devonian), Niagaran (Silurian). Log No. 1175 J. T. Day, No. 1, lessor. Uigh Gravity Oil Co., lessee. Location: on Red River, 1 mile north of intersection of Wolfe, Breathitt and Magoffin County lines. Commenced: June 10, 1920. Completed: Aug. 27 1920.) Drillers: A. A. Wolte, J. C-1Gibson. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Conductor .. ds Stat ata tok Sans os eo ee 20 20 Shale, (cased 8%, 215 ft.) bevy cattle chstonegs ox mee . 460 480 Limestone Piha ee er ate al Chats toy ge cag oR RTS t 10 490 cB 6 Meee Ar ee rate pris Bete AR char ey OL, SoBe Coty Oo 50 540 Se let civn ays Bente eel diet the eet okeneesaetens erasec ae ener 60 600 soa eR Ihe Ratan ire EARP MR ARAL, Abt nahh Reiter © 75 675 Mallee ek, Vas, no pie e keeles: oye elehe eka w ee ee Menkes 90 765 TMCS CON Oiler. ear ae toe dra eh oe ade tole hee os ee eee 10 775 OTL hs A sence Wha tote att amt eas en dey tone te ee Meme 100 875 Sale a ttaan tats ase 5s spac ete abate barat cde Tet eam sow naeet ape 5 880 OAV Uae cweia = Yin ons aus a visas whale aha Seles fe day eae or er enetae 60 940 ed ieee Calin Aa mie Arete Ae cmb A STAs Be brine es tears 5 945 Limestone, weet on col ie eee ee eee 96 205 COB el Fiat Se ea ceo eae Reda ee ee ee 4 109 WOUFE COUNTY fae Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth DORA Fditogeacare cena atecakar er atta a tesel eitaiish Sa ly cattgan Ys 0 feus 5 210 RS Tigh). LT ag Memes e at eh meee ape te te eee.» hE. =. lal « valian 130 340 rey We eee a Aa oy 28 Soh icine 5 8h ic ea ema i tee ea 210 550 Soil e ow rd wae ero rae eee rt ia ea oe eh Ne 45. 595 NSren a BOR TaG Bake DRE ee eg ee ee 10 605 ned TE dete SENG INST ei nanigee IF 25-5. Snot aia Pe as a 15 620 Sandan deh Clee rete varia eee: ern ein alsa u ene «a ahs 15 635 NEP INSTA ow hastcte act cc rPy ty Sati attache pst ESR cone acres oe 80 715 Sina lee Orie = pte eee ee eyes ee coe nt, te ae 25 740 Mississippian System. PLMOSTOMer @LILUTLO TIE rin ete te eens oe ne : HO 750 Rice Lote Lhe a meee emir ee eer Gong sensei cnn A be e0e 2 5 155 Sande ee BeBe fen teoe ol esh tate a ene teas 10 765 Limestone (Big Pre or a ee er ae 85 850 Sand,.broken o..... dhe fan AN alc ee We ONG 7 RAE: 540 1,390 Shale, black Ena Disha areiahe a she aan ee hotly oe LOSS L400 Shale, hard, blue (New Providence) .......... 25 15425 Devonian System. Shale, brown beens) seekose cope eemetaue’ treks : 240) Bel 6 70 POU SE NTE ieee my eet Seed at sige; os. sf ano We slapehotte er ays 20e 0 L,695 Limestone eae rockon Sd Mite Liye REE LD EO ee 4 1,699 Iimrestonegs Sande reoss9. a ee tee eet aoe 6 OS ‘Lam estore Dro wuleet: oe tan See ee cee ee ee Aerie 1,826 Glad 20 pti a. er preee eer ter ree to eae 1,826 NOTE—The Devonian-Silurian contact occurs within the upper quarter of the 121 feet of limestone above 1,826 feet in depth. Log No. 1179 W. L. Hobbs, No. 7, lessor. Commenced: Oct. 9, 1919. Com- pleted: Nov. 25, 1919. Production: commenced producing Nov. 29, 1919. Authority: The Superior Oil Corporation. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Gla yar vellow re sOl bse. se cie cate hele edie tue ak teats ons 20 20 Shale dark is0rteasme ees: ph ie Set hae 85 105 Sand (mountain), yellow, ta Mayet eta e 200 305 Cla enero Wilt satyOcluDy en se i... ea. tLe e220, TaMCSTOM Ce Savi eco Cae ete Cats oiilgheyucet meee: 4 1,224 Ovals Cepthy aes ccs ee tone Seid he sowie seks ; 1,224 Log No. 1180 W. L. Hobbs, No. 8, lessor. Location: Township in the fourth precinct. Commenced: Dec. 22, 1919. Completed: Jan. 14, 1920. Production: commenced producing Jan. 15, 1920. Authority: The Superior Oil Corporation. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth moll and tshele Wharde 4s jc ope m rete ae ae 100 100 aia CMOUN TALL: ) atin sca ts em peo eeeareta th alee Gate 110 210 Shales bards. gm (wisi betas chars ie elo rae ec eT ae 3 tO 360 Mississippian System. Tame stone AGB oil AM ee. womunes. tae ak cated oe keen 140 500 Shale nar wad 1G Onslel Sant eas ee eee 530 1,030 Devonian System. Shales: biacion( Chattanooga ys ak eme mwas 1.0.0 see fe 9G Het cS SR AE haere MEN eG Seco S Mawr emia, mt MPR AS 1A 16 1,206 ibimestone (cap rock) 20.0... Bora oan gh Gre ele aez Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ Gk pay 1222) | ace genere Lonel 2ou POLS ECE D tloe ete. toh et crs ae nee LF cca Log No. 1181 . W. L. Hobbs, No. 9, lessor. Commenced: Mar. 17, 1920. Com- pleted: Mar. 31, 1920. Production: commenced producing April 2, 1920. Authority: The Superior Oil Corporation. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SO brandpelay er. the cea ices eee nae eae F 10 10 NE WiKGEe Greeny aka: BHAG nA Cn ween Aad 5 AB mks, 170 180 bales hard wan d¢eok Gaeeeks cee oop a eee eee 140 320 WOLFE COUNTY 721 Mississippian System. Thickness Depth HAM es TOM oe SO @ llMle umee omits ao$e s Goose ole sores 105 425 alee Ward ead ese hier a ake chs Sosea.s- a. 5.05 930 Devonian System. Dhiale, wolack." (Chattanooga ae atts viaccte. 2 oe LG OR. 090 aC [A Vame skeet geteues tee tcr emneah Weve pages Tareas nm Ses 15 1,105 Limestone (cap-rock),;. (Corniferous) ........ Lager] Easy, Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ (Corniferous), (oil .pay LEO LS Otsu amve eerie Maat cote: Sate ale ene toes PAVE a es bale, NO pale Git linmgeo eK ree euns akere te. a0 cow nca 2 te oue Log No. 1182 W. L. Hobbs, No. 10, lessor. Commenced: April 14, 1920. Com- pleted: April 30, 1920. . Production: Dry. Authority: The Superior Oil Corporation. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth OLN A We Glave Raat mee tates ee eo. eked 5 tie ole 20 20 Dae - Ae Cee eee Steere erty eres Seen lash 60 80 2 aS Ey gee Ma Moy hier Wa RD ae och Beta pet Shee Pi ce iar Me i 180 260 hale ard wad Sekleweatr aval meeee fukn ene eae ; 100 360 Mississippian System. PT eS COD Cr rsk LTO.) Sense irae aecnk Meme ke ea 120 480 Uae ar an celiin Oe SI ed bee ue koh cai ho ep akg see 450 930 Devonian System. shale, brown (Cla ttanooga) 2 .k-e4 <2. were ae Do il a0 TNS gfe igo Sem a Re ae RRB eerens OT An Acts cect SORE: ae 1,140 (Limestone (cap eens Sey Mert i ea ee 5 1,145 Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ rea one of oil) reg Been pyr a hee by Limestone, gray .... FE oO EO 33 1,190 Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ Gear Becestederehatenae flo ia tied 24 1,214 POC MeL Opri liter tecen se speast acc casebenc rar. Tae aes 1,214 NOTE—The Devonian-Corniferous contact occurs toward the base of the 33 feet of limestone above 1190 feet. The lower part of the last 24 feet of the record is probably Silurian. 722 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No..1183 W. L. Hobbs, No. 11, lessor. Commenced: May 11, 1920. Com- pleted: May 26, 1920. Production: Dry. Authority: The Superior Oil Corporation. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Sous sGOLt ar pete ce ke ee ec eet. eee ne 10 10 Ly yh Gone 65 PP Cl cic ae avon, eats wey tne ter dasa ceeotawamestioweine seen 15 25 Sands CM ountainy es0Lb aan op srs aes 165 190 Shale snare win: ss see ere eee tae ae Tere cee 115 305 Mississippian System. isrmestone = Bigelime)5 Warde. lassen co 125 430 Shale; hard) sereen yas —sqqs-snccenentou oie sat vaets : 30 460 Red SENN pgn FN gle bate eM PMP spay nie Hav Rh, Rete NLS it. 455 915 Devonian System. Shale, brown, soft’ (Chattanooga) ..3..%...45..<. 13.0 et 0 9s ETC ELE Yo ear it ene hives tas Rane, pee et Oe Eee ee eranee 2ESe Soak hie! Limestone (cap erock).. Corniferotgs. ne. : ee Bea la be Sand; (dry.) -Corniferoug*.2 - 1,157 LOtalLdepLiies v.85 1th meee eet on ey orca, Ley. Log No. 1184 A. C. Creech, No. 5, lessor. Location: 1 mile from Torrent. Com- pleted: Feb. 2, 1920. Authority: The Sable Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Pennsylvanian & Mississippian Systems. Thickness Depth Sandstone,-shale;-and “limestone*.-s2— te 1,068 1,068 Dimestones (cant rock) eau aenae ynereesaee aan Toe eel 083 Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ (Corniferous-Devonian) .. 10 1,093 LoL CStON Gite tetk ak ae ee eee eee 5 14 107 ‘Ro talerde pthstceqmigisgeiceneenseescom meer LO, Log No. 1185 A. C. Creech, No. 5, lessor. Location: 1 mile from Torrent. Com- pleted and shot Feb. 27, 1920. First pay was from 1106 to 1121 feet. Second pay was from 1106 to 1132 feet. Authority: The Sable Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Pennsylvanian & Mississippian Systems. Thickness Depth Sandstone, shale, and limestone’ .........2... 1,092 1,092 Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ (Corniferous-Devonian) .. 40 elo 2 Total: cdep tba. 2.5 ote canton eee ee 1,132 WOLFE COUNTY 723 Log No. 1186 A. C. Creech, No. 6, lessor. (WLocation: 1 mile from Torrent. Com- pleted: June 1, 1920. Authority: The Sable Oil & Gas Co. Strata. Pennsylvanian & Mississippian Systems. Thickness Depth CONC WOEOL Bee eneincr ee eyie Ce iaeke On Fences eta REae 10 10 Sandstone, shale and limestone .:.......... 1,030 1,040 Limestone (cap rock), Corniferous .......... ; 152° 15055 Limestone, (first pay) Corniferous .......... : Tomes 0 70 IMCS TON Cometeeat ea treater de Cee ed geet Rae vance ok 10 1,080 Silurian System. TANTeS On erm CSC COMME DAY) Gree cenen-iete sch, yet: 2D ee ko Ot AIS Leptin geper shets teres sees ts fe 1,105 Log No. 1187 A. F. Johnson, No. 1, lessor. Completed: July 12, 1910. Pro- duction: Dry; water at 100 and.220 feet; showing of oil and gas at 160 feet. Authority: New Domain’ Oil & Ga Co. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Soil and sand, white, soft ................4... a 7 Sand and shale; hard; dight,.s0ft). 2.5 5.22555 | 43 50 Shales hardy. blue esott. tos tac ct ee ee 30 80 Sand, “white. loose. « ster) geikele ere ta ceua: site ses 130 400 Mississippian System. imestonerCBig i lasnte) ies aie er eee ety 2 115 515 phate, shard sandslime:shellstew a4.) cae eres 500 1075 Sale was cen ee reece cere el eee eee team weer eee 165 15180 EF) iG | aa tenn occa tote re ayaa tat wid one Mee ah one 2055 20 0 Limestone (cap eaely Sse avetac( iets. set oes eet cates 14. 31,214 iLimestone ‘‘sand,’’ (oil pay 1,220-1,230) .. 167 527230 ‘Botal dept in Vives ccuye a che econo ne es 1,230 Log No. 1198 | Spencer Heirs, No. 16, lessors. Commenced: April 19, 1920. Completed: April 24, 1920. Authority: The Superior Oil Corporation. Strata. Pennsylvanian Systetm. | Thickness Depth SOT Pane Clavie st tarvaiah gst tdey eth eter utes te eee 20 20 Shale ewiardst adds SOL tie sveels teat siecaee eee hen eean es 110 130 Sad eG VUO UN tAIT \heo a sa op Ate er cree ane aan oo 160 290 hale, shard’ an des0 tise worth on. eee ee ero aan ss 80 370 Mississippian System. im estone sGb1e 7 Lame) aoe es oe nus keno nesses 105 475 Shale, ener cedn Geo OL br. a. eerek the ean Rees 470 945 Devonian System. Sale gsCCnat Gan00 0a am. cs sitet drei ee ees aces AB eN RS Bhd kell PAPCClay- gis. fm setts kegpeeel ston: ee CS OG cans | 30. Lob Limestone (cap rock) oats 14 sl 169 ‘Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ (oily pay “1171- 1180) . Ue Bled R75 otal depths ie arecedewiy yet er aare eaten. tees tS 7 WOLFE COUNTY — 727 Log No. 1194 Spencer Heirs, No. 17, lessors. Commenced: May 5, 1920. Com- pleted: May 20, 1920. Production: Dry; casing pulled and well aban- doned. Authority: The Superior Oil Corporation. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth OL Se sO tie. terre ot ete ee Ween ene ano 10 10 She lemiard nay Meee sO th we utcatenietetis sore oso 130 140 Sand (Mountain) yellow, soft. .:2.0+...088 150 290 PLOWS NOM es as teh co latest: HE AM SRA les el Ae No RR ea 125 A415 Mississippian System. (Limestone (Bigy lame), white,shard i022... 33% 105 520 Shales Nard se OT OC esl haere ine vier et ens ote 30 550 ed ds Sipe (oH Wl6 ball eat ae ewig yy oe OO Se Rn aR IPE 450 1,000 Devonian System. Shale, brown, soft (Chattanooga) ............ 7 Ome Le er0 IreMelayeasOl Gare etree sect ee we oral sce eel me aes 18 1,188 LAMeSvONG— (Cay TOC reals win. to. thete, «oho one Lo 00 ‘Limestone. sands ay oih ard peewee Pee ee is oe 49 1,249 TOtAL GED G lA sess seetitiats aye ele sclera ss) oes 1,249 NOTE—The Devonian-Silurian contact occurs within the lower half of the last 49 feet of limestone. Log No. 1195 Hall and Burke, No. 29, lessors. Commenced: Dec. 30, 1919. Completed: Jan. 17, 1920. Authority: The Superior Oil Corporation. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth SVG1 Le caIUG Me LILO Weert cetera rae eNmere ie tetemeiers emanate seer 18 18 ICE pea Ve LUCE Clee ae cece hao Box site oe Co ES E.R du el onl 218 236 DUO rL ari MO Cite tac ese a Tete tes at, eee tee eee 60 296 SCLIN eee A TL age ceeis eee ate canst. ot Wits) eel ee ts. « 80 376 Mississippian System. ‘Limestone (Big Lime), light, hard .......... 120 496 ial ema lao ly Pee ureriiitiee sts ta cuc tiene ager et eabe re, oe 440 936 728 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Devonian System. Thickness Depth Shale, black, medium (Chattanooga) ......... 140 1, Ono Mren clay, light,* Medi ume cone are vies a oe goatee ee 20 1,096 Limestone ‘‘sand,’’* salt, -gray, hard, (salt = WAUSTS) “et ces eee teeny Mea R Rn sod oe Gomes Pome 2 Deel bec Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ gray, hard, and medium, COLIN Git SLY.) piereot sitet suse ecto Gayshns. tee eae een 40 1,165 lamestoneé, rothen; ona y, SOL bck su0n.. os sus ole ote 5 170 Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ gray, medium, (oil (pay) YL See ICL Sb Shales tard... [iehie mm 010ml oie cess a a) oteecis saa 4 1,189 LOtalLwdoptn sks, sc. cs Say eee eee Peers LLS9 NOTE—The Devonian-Silurian contact occurs within the 40 feet of limestone above 1,165 feet in depth. Log No. 1196 William Adams, No. 1, lessor. Location: Torrent District. Com- pleted: May 16, 1917. Initial production: 65 bbls. oil. Authority: The Superior Oil Corporation. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Hanastone, shale, And =COalS%2 cae acetone aha ooD ono Mississippian System. IpTa CstOm ert ils laine) a wo at laean teehee tok, Fea ee 15 1,095 Limestone ‘‘sand,’’ (oil show 1,1 14, water Ws Ue ON ec air ee ee weg Th ely Rs Fe 70 15165 otal ied epi i ir eet tener eae See 1,165 NOTE—The base of the Devonian occurs at the top of the last one-third of the last 70 feet of limestone. WOLFE COUNTY 729 Log No. 1197 William Adams, No. 3, lessor. Location: Torrent District. Com- pleted: Jan. 12, 1918. Initial production: 40 bbls. oil. Authority: The Superior Oil Corporation. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Sandstone, shale and COIS Say, Speer oan. eer ew 340 340 Mississippian & Devonian Systems. Tames, OW ern Gb oa eee hee tees Geshe > sre 100 440 Rock; green 4i07...: 6 ee 30 470 Sandstone and shale ana, five fiat BES cane cig eae 624 1,094 GUID ESTO Me COA DalOCK We ecerttcnya «crash hanet eis o04.5 ae Ee Iirestones sands4*e(salt-water-l,U27) >. s,. 65 1,162 OCA Me dent Wie metas eet soe t. Sere. te tat 1,162 The well showed lots of gas. NOTE—The base of the Devonian occurs at about the top of the last one-third of the last 65 feet of limestone. Log No. 1198 William Adams, No. 4, lessor. Location: Torrent District. Com- menced: Nov. 25, 1917. Completed: Dec. 22, 1917. Initial produc- tion: ‘about 90 bbls. oil. Commenced producing: Dec. 23, 1917. Au- thority: The Superior Oil Corporation. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth Sandstone, tshalemanmd (Coals . a. ssc ke. es ates 344 344 Mississippian System. Limestone ae pie, st eres shears macete tean 146 490 Shai] See Meera ke cet ap ars Sin tue Setaek reas she aa 470 960 Devonian System. Shale, brown, and fire clay (Chattanooga) .... bya el eal PMCS COM Gah os oul Oncues (COL Mer attr: tee ore. rere ste: 59 1,190 Oa) le 0 Orne Memmnemeremtes dekencsager ire Soni yohsin oss sale 6 1,190 NOTE—The base of the Devonian occurs toward the base of the last 59 feet of recorded limestone. 730 OIL FIELD STRATIGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY Log No. 1199 R. H. Taulbee, No. 1, lessor. Federal Oil Corp., lessee. Loca- tion: 314 mi. south of Campton on Upper Devil’s Creek. Commenced: Aug. 22, 1921. Completed: Sept. 19, 1921. Production: Gas, 50,- 000 ch. ft. est. & 14 bbl. natural. Rig: 28 star. Driller: Glenn Me- Coun, Campton. Strata. Pennsylvanian System. Thickness Depth fT ee ae Rt nas Le Ue a WS Aol toy Ona tb aie rh a 5 3) Sandstone & Shale (Mountain Sand) ........ 285 290 Mississippian System. irmestomens (litele mlm 6) 2 wom 5 aeete ote) eee 35 325 hale, les isOl tye e eect Paneer 30 20D ‘Limestone (Big Lime), een 445) Ae ah Rta 90 445 pandstone (shaly), “gray«@reen fs A... et. Sis 502 947 Devonian System. : whale, black s( Cnatvan00 a) gts cepts ale sees wets PANE © Wea bes Shale, white (fire ee s Rishe sees anneal AGhC Ul vn lect 20 Peels. 67. Shale; “brew ulse ne wee ec ere eee eee 10 LL (DMR CSTOME (CAD )S arora acre hope chatrrencnas aaters tor aire BB Aloo d MeFlees JolMestOMGss (SAS. SAN 74 ress a. tect te ee e LO ale LS. LaMeS EON Caiman as) ate tae ein baker Meh crerauecs 544 1,193 ‘Limestone (oil Caan 22) ae Melee Sane nee eae s 11 1,204y% LET OSLONGS Sree ess St. Baou ie anata teen arene eeeet Eke Mee ones : 2714 1,232 Limestone, ~ (Ou sbOW,) occ tors ain oer tere 514 1,237% IGUINE STON Co ci ten. apc linn Moret oueRe a hceatekrcane. ae neon 1614 1,254 TOtad SPC CVE N s. e rises aaclecuees re aries eee. 1,254 WOODFORD COUNTY. Production: Neither oil or gas. Producing Sand: None recognized. Log No. 1200 United Phosphate & Chemical Co., No. 4, owners and operators. Location: at Wallace Station. Completed: Dec. 1, 1920. Authority: W. R. Golson, mgr. Strata. Ordovician System. Thickness Depth Sol, *CLORIN: ) ietotreptenect tage taret oa ndet ods ota an ese: 16 16 Dineston Gye C10 Wit io cei 2s la niced tat. ete s,s se 780 796 HT TMESTON Es CS MM. mec rtsas a ae hes ete eed ote A 12 808 Limestone CORINA Sic. ae eee ae rtece oe 3 389 ee OU Obed eth aeew ea 197 NOTES—Small water flow 1, eae per min. oe 90 ft. Small dry cavity at 796 ft. Small wet cavity at 1,143 feet, which pumped 30 gal. fresh water per minute. No recognizable oil or gas show. (THE HND) APPENDIX List of Commercially Important Oil and Gas Pools in Kentucky. (Corresponds to numbering of map on page 20). No. 1, Meade County (old) Gas Field; No. 2, Cloverport (old) Gas Field; No. 3, Hartford Oil Pool; No. 4, Caneyville Oil Pool; No. 5, Leitch- field Oil and Gas Field; No. 6, -Bear Creek Gas Field; No. 7, Diamond Springs Gas Field; No. 8,,Warren County Oil and Gas Fields; No. 9, Allen County Oil and Gas Fields; No. 10, Barren County Oil and Gas Fields; No. 11, Green River Gas Field; No. 12, Lincoln County Oil Pools; INO. 18, Wayne County Oil Pools; No. 14, Knox -County Oil and Gas Vield; No. 15, Clay County Gas Field; No. 16, Ishand Creek Gas Field; No, 17, Station Camp Oil Pool; No. 18, Irvine Oil Pool; No. 19, Big Sink- ing Oil Pool; No. 20, Ross Creek Oil Pool; No. 21, Menifee County Gas EKielad; No. 22, Menifee County Oil Pool; No. 23, Ragland Oil Pool; No. Aa O anno On es Ollmn2O OlcmeN Ones Dan Obl Lweaterm © llea20Ol-seNO.m Ome reauliie t County Gas Field; No. 27, Cannel City Oil and Gas Pool; No. 28, Knott County Oil Pool; No. 29, Beaver Creek Oil and Gas Fields; No. 30, Pres- tonsburg Oil and Gas Fields; No. 31, Burning Fork Gas Field; No. 32, Paint Creek Oil and Gas Field; No. 33, Laurel Creek Oil and Gas Fields; No. 34, Martin County Gas Field; No. 35, Busseyville Oil Pool; No. 36, Fallsburg Oil Pool, INDEX ADAIR CO. 215 ADAMS, CLAY, 468. ADAMS, G. G., 347 to 355 incl. ADAMS, LORAD, 261. ADAMS, WILLIAM, 728, 729. EC KGUN Se Ever Nos elo AGEE, E., 25. AIAM, WILL, 592. PACU ES IING AY wo lelicy ale PALA EU EUSy arth eo ba mel Die ALBRIGHT, ALBERT, 612. ALEXANDER, G. H., 527 to 5385 incl. ALLEN, J. H., 154. PNICALADING, Ws 22% 5 ALG SY. BIANCONENO mer oo. TSAO IOC, Ain lets Wars, BAILEIY, W. B., 488. BVA N EID es Ibe Ong CUT EVM AG IN, (5), IG, BALL, TOM, 333. Av IAC DSL OM ya 2 Ope 2b ie BAPHISL HDUCATIONAL SOCIN TY: UUs BARKHER, LON, 543. BARKER, O. D., 544. BARKER, RUFUS, 586. BARKER, MART, 544. BARREN, COn ul 25.6, 2: ARE CK OEUNG o.0:- BAR MEE Eh OSse2 63. BATE CO., ~ 61. BHCROR TD JNO: 24: BHATY HEIRS, 545. IB BAW BE AUN ID In, oO BHCKNER, LUCIEN; 22, DOU OS lee DO BED CEe BOMLOM TRH ELON 5. BBINTON] REE NYG» (26 BHREA SAND, 2, 9. BEREA SANDSTONE, 12. BESS OIL & GAS Co., 508. BIG INJUN SAND, 10. BiG SeON LD Yer COn moss. BiGwoIvER SAND ere OF et: BLAKEMAN No. 1, 181. BLACK SHALE, 8. BLANKENSHIP, R., 244. BLANKENSHIP, RASH, 245. BLANKENSHIP, ARTHUR, BLANKENSHIP, A., 247. BLANTON, JNO., 476. BLANTON, BUDDIH, 478, 487. BUT GRASS i BLUESTONE QUARRY, 11. BOTTS, MARTHA, 537. 240, 248. CAL CINE ROU Si 2. )- (CELE DID WADA (Ok, “Tse CATMOW AY = CO ye a4: CAMPBELL, ANNIE, 641. (CASEI Eve C Oem LleneyO CNAME Rae VV cnn oe CARTER, HESTER, 334, 2% CARTER, JO, 258. CARTER, (C. Ts ZO ea TL 22 ALLEN, GOLLA® 167-168, A LDLEN* CO 8.3.22. ALLEN LEASE. $2 ALE EY ole. Sy soso s S209: IMUV EY = BosAs (106: ANDERSON, No. 1, 624. ANDERSON, W. B., 653. ANGLEA, CHAS., 625. AREA. GHOLSORSKY:, 13 ARMSTRONG, SAM R., 201. AUSTIN, H. C.. 333. AUSTIN, W. F., 240 to 243 AUXIER OIL CO., 215. BOWLING GREEN, 7. BOVE CO mon IS @ONeD BNO we wlmolOs BOYD. No.2. 621. 1S ONG Ee DW INe ms Gse2r BOW Fees 042 IBOWIGENS yo Gao Wien el Oe BRADLEY, SANFORD, 188. BRADY, GHOWTE.) sii. BRADLEY, ISAAC, 147. Biv CHINE COM O98 BRASSWELL, W. F., 106. BREATHER Com 10. BRHCKIN RIDGHMCO mer lar. BRECKINRIDGE CANNE'L CO. 1S. SEVERING Sy ee ae Oia. BREWER, JEFFERSON, 513. BRIGGS LEASE, 41. BREN GAC Bs 132) Say alsa. BROWN, WARD, 625. BROWN, PE'TE, 40, 540. IS IVOWUN © YER WS a Gio 9) BROWN, S. M., 705. BROWN, F. R., 333, 334. HSIEVONVEN ee eee OLo ereOioe BROWN, DR. BRUNSON No. 1, 657, 658. IRACANG Non Ua 2s OGS: ISU CRCAIN AONE es ee Bim, 9.0) po ool. BUCHANAN, EFFIB, 33. BURCHETT, T. H., 248 to 251 BURNS) RIV BUR IEAY39 39)9) SGREVIN See e002 BURTON, MOLLIB, 256. BURTON, MATTIE, 561. BUSSE NE Eee 20 4 ton 271 BUSSEY, TOM, 333: eve COP mona as UE O ING INO moor BUTTON UNOF 25154. BUDS, “CHAS. 626: CARTER, JOS., 3305. CARTER, LANDON, 275. CASEY VILLE SANDS, 13. CASHDOLLAR No. 1, 176. GAS KEM Yea Neo 00) CAD TELS Gab Olis: CHAPMAN, PRICY, 277, 2 CHAPMAN, JNO. R., 335. CHAPMAN, HIINRY &., 68 WALLACH, 119. incl. COAL. inel. 0 inel: e! INDEX—Continued. +CHRISTIANSCOR, SC. CHANDLE'R, No. 1, & No. 2, 654. CLARK, JAMES L., 336, 279. CLINTON SAND, 2. CLAYS CO. eo se CUIN TONE CO.25,-LG1, CLAYCOMB; "T.-H t 645. CLEARFIELD LUMBER COoO., 548. CLOY D3. Js Wa, 643: CLOXED BELO TR Sse i, COLE Jee Cre OOO, OO ond. COFFEE, CHAS.,.'558:. CONGLETON,. DR. A. TL8. COOK, 0. Cac EG heL0s: COOKER NO geo: COLLINSWORTH, JAS., 545. COLLINSWORTH, A., 281, 2838, 336, 337. DAMERON, MELINDA, 237. DANA LUMBER CoO., 602. IDA WAlS), “18S ONES (Ue es. IOTASVEl Sim C Or alee. IDA ally Mog Ge IDWAN, AWD, BSG), IDA, ASUSMEARS BEB). DEMPSEY, LOUIS, 490, 491, 494. DENNIS, J. J., 514. DENNIS, W. J., 541. DENNISTON HEIRS, G. W., 540. DENNISTON, PHIL, 541. DENNIS, REBECCA, 542. DEINTON, WILL, 82. DENTON, W. E., 86. IBD AVCAOM BING ABY Shs. Lan lay. HDMONSON CoO., 3, 117. MELLO DAVETDNG., 459: SLIGO T US COUNTY. Lis: EVV Ets Mingus UP AP A RACK. Wee Ha nba. EFLAHAVEN LOGS, 377. EFYLAHAVEN (Lessor) 378 to 417 incl. FLAHAVEN LAND CO. (Lessor), A18 to 455 incl. FLEHNOR FARM, No. 1, 684. LEM DA ADONS MENG, AWS dis. alts LONE CO 4 Gs MEOW HES. NO pL 4G NONI AT,. dUNKOS, We, TNOURIDs dik 1b, “DW GAINSESVILLE POOL, 34, 35. GAMBILL, J. J...385. GANG Tiglig lis, Eee 262. GARRE@GT, Wilt; 128. GARRET ied ap eli sel on ARR od Ande 0, bo danas TAR REET. LUCY a 562: GHRARD, No..1, 45. GIBSON CO. IND Je13:; GIBSON, JOHN, 73. GIBSON, ELIZABETH, 127. GILBH RIS TAYLOR. «358: GUANCY,, Li, 0). GLENWALD, THOS., 543. COLLINSWORTH, JOS., 542. CONLEY, HOSTIN, 474. CONCORD, W. V., 581. “COOPER, T.. M., 472. COOPELE, Diba or CORR ey RY Ge Oldie CORNIBEROUSP SAN DF 255 COPELEY, N. A., 283, 284. CRAWHORD* CO. .1EL. 18:5 GCRHECH, Ae Cries 23. CRETACIOUS SYSTEM, 14. CRIDER; _ WM... Mir e2s5s GRISPS WV. ai 10, Loa. CRITTENDEN CoO,; 108. CROB"E. WNG.w lS og CUMBERLAND CoO., 6. CUSHE NBER W-. e 23: DIAL, ALEX, 337. DIAL, MINERVA, 338. DIAMOND, D. W., 286, 287, 288, 337. DIAMOND, J. F., 288. DIAMOND, J. H.; 289, 290. DIAMOND, W. I., 291. DISMAL CREEK WELL, 117. DOBBS, J. & J. Ag, 497,- 498. DOTSON, ELZA, 484. DOUGLAS, W. L., 547. DOWNING, GEO., 515. DOWNING, GEO. B., 516. DOWNING, GEO. O., 536, DWN CAIN Vie Dei: IZUNING Now Lr o2ie OWES OLE COP moa ie ENGLAND No. 1, 14. ESTILL COUNTY, 120 EVANS, JIM, 230. EWING HEIRS, 61, 62 TOYS Mae, WOME OO, 70a. MOS MMidde, Jey Wil TOs, HNO PSs ENO, aa DOD, mail MRALHY, RICHARD, 81. FRANKLIN CO., 169. HPUDGHy As IME 110: UKE AD Ea. al, (Cry OO) LUE MON SC Oneal einiel ID NOMI), TE DIB yas) YORU EUE SLE Vine 2 30. HYPEH, EWNRY, 230: GLIDE WELL, (No. 2), 113. GOODNIGHT NOs ose Gok GOSS aesUNIDYee De GOSS, A. A., 558. GOWEN, No. 1, 182. GRACE, CORDELIA, 482. GRACE, GEO., 483. GRAM BIS Jakes be SZREIBNUP ‘COUNTY, esi GREEN COUNT Y,<1 7: GRIT MID Ets Bea lonetooe GRUBBS, JAS. 292: EU AO PUN, TeIUMDY, hy Ge GULLETT, DANIEL, 564. INDEX—Continued. HAGAN, J. E.,.621, 622, 623. HAGGERMAN, ROY, 114. HALL, W. M., 640. TALL, M. E., 407. HALL, RHODES, 378, 374. HALL, JOS., 232. PAT ieee Ss URES aie HAMILTON, JOS., 227, 228. HANCOCK #CO., 48)): ELAN BING. Vieg by. 0D ae HANEY, L. Mi. .558, 559, 560. HARDING COUNTYS 191; HARRIS, “O.,> 627. HARRISON -COUNTY, 192. AGEs © OWING S92: AU CAINE IN Onn itme 0, C Oe HAYS, TOM,” 292, MAYS, LDAEPH,* 339. HAYS, JNO., 339. WAGE © IN ON ZO. HENDERSON CoO., 3, 194. HENDERSON, THOS., 123. HENSLEY, IRVINE, 100. HEPINGE'Re WM., 613. HERD, MARION, 294, 295. TEV VAL Anise NVieu eee 01 D3 010 OF MAW Bass. 1675) to, 61 seinel: HICK S.-W Li; Les: Hii CaM 6.40: HID, Ss. 1.7642; IGLEHART, LOUIS, 508. ILLINOIS, 6. JACOBS. J2 W278; JAYNE, ANDY, 225. JEFFERSON COUNTY, 200. ALOMAR, ets, WO GO: JHWHLL, LIZZIE, 33, 34, 36, 37. JEWELL, GEORGE, 38. JL LSON, “Wo Res hLin EV. = Vi eons. JOHNSON COUNTY, 10. JOHNSON, (A. Ey 1238; KANE, No. 1, 3840. KEATON, No. 1, 469. XHATON, WM., 469. KEETON, EC. voGa- 566, 567; 56S. KELLEY, VERNON, 486. KELLEY, MARY, 340. KG NINGID YOR Ge Pa 1 SENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL AVCTRP RE 1. TED We SUR- LACKEY, HANNAH, 304, 305, 306. IMO NC, INoy “LS By) LANDERS, ALFRED, 24. LaSALLE ANTICLINE, 18. LAUREL COUNTY, 236. LAWRENCE COUNTY, 237. HAW EEX INC MC Oe Jin Celio. LAWSON, FRANK, 545. TDA, Col. G4: LEDFORD, MARTIN, 540. LEDFORD, SCOTT... 540, LEE COUNTY, 347. LEWIS, No. 1, 52. LEWIS, TOM, 620, 628. Lhiwis, W. H., 620. H 735 HILL, W. B., 644. IsIGbily Oy, Hay ETON: @UNGS Neue lessee ELIS DORICAI 1. HITCHCOCK, DAN, 205. » HOBBS: Wo» Lig alo 20, 2a. HOBDY Now leo: HOHING & JOS.75B..82. HOFFMAN BROS., 449. HOLBROOK, A. M., 296. HOLBROOK, Je Cn 20a, sod. HMOLDUAR, ws, 460: OILS eb “Oly Jie, “OG. HOOVER, WM., 202. HOPKINS, FRANK D., 146. HOPKINS COUNTY, 196. PLO Waris INO. sos ooo: HOWARD, HARRIS, 466. IELOWEACE DSP EC DANS Hes IN'O eae HUBBELL, SARAH, 460. EW GEE Ss eNOw ie Gero: HUGHES» D.2@:, *30 loos Os BUNT E Rede 6.70% IMD ONMIPIE RAE Ona ete HUNTINGTON GAS & DEVELOP- MENT CoO., 68. ELUL ME RANG. 16995) 7.00: HUTCHINSON, JAS. A., 297, 298. EG CEN SO Ne pl Non 200 600, ea 40) HYSINGER, 614. INDIANA, “1. SOEUN SON Ja. Ei, woslipy !'OHNSON, No. 1, 458. JOEUN She Via. Elo Oe. JOHNSON COUNTY 2.205: JOHNSON, SERENA, 199. JOELINSON RICE AED ais: JOHNSON, JOHN, 104. JONES, BUCK, 562. JONES, MASON, 553. JUSTICH, WM., 303. KWSSLER, No. 1, 1838. PUD IETaNse wdin lini, ISO KINKAID (Lessor), 361. FSG AUD) SD > ee O12 no Oona 0.4 KINSLOW, STEPHEN, 58. iN Oe COMING necio de KNOX COMUNE Ya233- KNOX DOLOMITE Hazan Os 1 Nib e INO 1h, (ale ILjBEID,, CAB ONREAD, Beeion Alas 1GUINC @1cINe EC OW NGYa 2 0: LINDEN, A. J., 551. LAVAS RDU Re VENOM (6 LITTLE, JOHN, 554. SIG, PSV DAT: TEAC weve Crib, Ay” Webbe Gye le LOGAN COUNTY, 457. TONG. SIMPSON 22: LOUISVILLE CEMENT CoO., LOVE, JAS., No. 1, 470. LOWTHER, ERNEST, 91. LURE Lie i Od. LYON. A M229, 4230. LYONS, JESSH, 226, 227. 234. 736 M MADISON COUNTY, 465. MAGOFFIN COUNTY, 466. MANLEY, NOAH, 682. MARTIN COUNTY, 488. IVEASEVIEIUNG IN loge MATLOCK, OTIS, 458. MAXON SAND, 38. MAXTON SAND, 3, 12. VICAG Yar ie Lenmla MEATY ead Ol od oe. plow. EVIEAS YSIS ECISED ECS eNO Lue) WNEECOMW NEL OWED One MeCOY 126; McCOY, THOMAS, 610. McCRACKEN COUNTY, 496. MceCREARY «COUNTY, "497. McDONALD, O. J., 39. McGLENIN, JAMES, 308. McGLOTHLIN, W. M., 621. McGOWAN, JORDAN, 697. McGRAIN, ALBERT, 28. McGUIRE, J. W., 686, 687, 688. IMGIENIROS Eee WNL, 2.5: MGKEINIS DIR. Hy (Co 3808: McLHAN COUNTY, 508. McLEAN COUNTY POOR FARM, 504. N NAGE Nee leoe NEAL, WM., 681. INGEST EVES VE ECS eel le NIELSON, No. 1, 71! NEW PROVIDENC, I), NEWELL, No. 1, 610, Gale OAKES HEIRS, 576. OFFILL, WILLIAM, 77. ORTON O1LO FCOUNDY wosAe CHO TOMER CO ms: OIL AND GAS POOLS, 20. OIL AND GAS SANDS, 4. OIL ae GAS OAN DSe OR KY. lb, its OL CIS SAN Diy 2: ODD RTE DSi re 548. PADUCAH WELL, 496. mee 2 SCHOOLHOUSE WELL, PANY Lei wOU LS ocd PATTERSON, No. 1, 084. PAYNE INO whee o: PEABODY ‘COAL CO,, 93, 94, 95) (96. PHARSON, No. 1, 629, 630. PHCIsy We so poe le PHDANT Non Ios: [PWIMMEMDNG WG deh, 70: PENDLETON COUNTY, 587. PHNROD SAND, 13. PHRKINS, DAVE, No. 2, 683. ee Ings Wag GHbGy “Giles, Gillis, Ble Gs PEOSTeWe 2b.0o Loss. PHELPS, JIM, 545. PHILLIPS, HARRY, 342, PARHUbIGANES) dis 1B.. 513. PELL PS; EPHRAIM, 499. PHIPPS, JOHN MART, e4a1: PIGG, ELIZABETH. 258, 259, 260. FIKE COUNDY sass: IN DEX—Continued. MEADH, CRATH, 474. MEADOR, No. 1, 628. MENIFEE! COUNTY, 7, 509. MILL, W. M., 698. MILLER, LYDIA, 673. MILLER, ROSCOR, 341. MIMMS, TOM, 646. MISSISSIPPIAN LiMESTONH, 2. . MITCHELL, FOWLEIR, 624. MITCHELL, “ROBERT, 25,5 26, c0- MOFFETT, SOPHIA, 309. MONROE COUNTY, 6, 548. MONTGOMERY, SILAS, 546. MOORH, “AW 3107931) 312: MOORE, JOHN, 341. MOORE, K., 150, 1655. MORGAN COUNTY, 548. MOTLEY, OSCAR, 545. MOULDER, J. E., 659, 660, 661, 663, 664, 665. MUHLENBERG COUNTY, 5765. MULLEN, LL. B., 341; MULLINS, JOE, 597. MURPHY, CuAY, 564. MURPHY, JOAN, 64: MURPHY & BURDETTE, 80. NEWMAN LIMESTONE, 11. NEWMAN, W. M., 44. NIAGARA, 2, 7. NOURSH, No. 1, 458. INLD Alo LORS GES NYE, Widow cf George, 668. OLINGER, JAMES M., 456. ONEIDA INSTITUTE, 97. ORTON, EDWARD, 1, 2, OSBORN, Ha “Pah bli, aos, BI B45 iia, Sait OSBORN {J 724 68: OSKAMP, WM., 58, 59. OWSLEY COUNTY, 586. OHARA, SLRS. WH. 8. ONAN HEIRS, 194. O’NEAL, W. D., 312, 341. 519, 520; PITTS; G.2W. bi2. POND CREEK WELL, 580. POOMRNOs ele on oD: POOES, NOms2. lone POOLS News. OG: POOR FARM WELL, 504. POPPLEWHUL SIMCO, 617. ROI Re einaVal 5 116 POSSIBLE OIL SANDS, 14. POTTSVILLE SANDS, 2, 13. POWELL COUNTY, 592. POWERS HEIRS, 543. POWHIRS Jens, 546. PREWITT, MILLER & GOFF, 135, 136; 137, °138;139, 140. 1603,.6022 605, 606, 608, 609. PRICE; Nov 1,048: PRICH, W. M., 184. PROCTER, GEORGE, 649. PRU GPa Byway VIRGIL, 40, 42, 438, 44. PUGH, No. 1, 638. PULASKI COUNTY, 610. PURDUE SS: 009: IN DEX—Continued. Cod QUATERNARY SYSTEM, 14. Kwa EMENOMRAD), INK. 4k, alikey. RAINS, G. W., 711 RANSON, THAD., 320, 321. Re IMOIDIU Mey, Se dea doe RATER, A.) 158: RATLIFF, DORSEY, 510. RUCTOR, ds Spooks Ig ONDID Ida, IERD INR, ody). REFFET, TOM, 166. REELFOOT DOME OIL CO eto. MLS Hi JORN ato: RICH, ch A., 342. LICH, CEPHIAS, 499. RICE, Jeb, UE, ae, Paral ECUC Hale ene. 225. RICE, SHERMAN, 481. RICHARDSON, No. 1, 60, 375. RIP J. Ce 83: SVNIDIDIDID,, Lage aniey dha. S4UDTSMIRS, 12L 1a, al. SANDERS, No. 1, 461. SAVAGE, No. 45 342,343: SAXTON WELL, 712. SCOMPS VLE hae Say eZ oe SCHUMER ALBEE RO 461, 1462, 463, 464, SHIBASRANT AS Ghn, 563. SEBRE'IE SANDSTONE, 3, 14. SHOP GROIN, Tby ING eble SIEUNIKCIDNRe, IN@, Jl, Zing SHE AUNIN@ Nie Eee moe moon SELIM MDS.) ERED ys 5 1: SHIPLEY, JOH, 665, 666. SHOEMAKEIR, Lessor, 366, 367, 368, BOG), BALE 372, Bok SHOHMAKER, GRANT, 124. SELO Rae ALS ee 4g ID. SHEROWRMN AL, KO. Bil.” RRs WiiBi. SKAGGS, DANIEL, 344. SKAGGS, D. W., 343, 344. SKAGGS, M. L., 344. SKAGGS, OSCAR, 845. SKELETON “SAND” RECORDS, 527. SieLDIMO RH eAne © ..e oe SKIDMORE, J. G., 593, 594. SLACK, IT. C., 646. SLA'TH WHLL; No.> 1, 681. SLOAN, GRHENVILLE, 231. SIMMEODTEE, IN, ib Bee SIMMEIM EL IDIMOHES, GxGe SMITH, GEORGH, 107. TABOR, EP. 689. LEA @RKSER Ae Ate eee 2k Oe adebem alia TAR EAN TS, INO; 3, 2675. AMANARIED ARS Tan CONUS. TAULBEHE, No. 1, 72. LAULBEM, J. S8., 73. TAULBEH, R. HH. 730. TAYLOR, COUNTY, 638. TAYLOR, MARTHA, 326. ALY LOT “De BW 57 cocus A AOR, We C2 ep: THRRELL; No. 1, ° 7%. THREHLL “BUS’, 647. THOMAS, G71: TEOMP SON dpe Boole ous mone. ROBHERIS, Go W., 694, ROBERTS, J. N., 322, 323. ROCKCASTLE COUNTY, 612. ROCK CREEK WELL, 497. ROGER, WILL, 172. ROGERS, J. B., 598. ROGERS. J. N.; 098; 099% 600, ROG HIRO vie Dow Gaal RONEY, ‘MITCHELL & BRUEBR, Lite ROSE Now iy 7 One [© Sea Glee ROSS, No. 1; 207. ROSS, BELL, 66. ROSS. .VWVisltiss) Oc. ROWAN COUNTY, 615. ROY SES Sida, a. RUSSELL COUNTY, 618. VET Er rd © EDNG eo Ove SIUINCADT EL, ole ADs Sie SIND EEG NO Lue Gor SOUMEM a: © RES VO Wy Er ais SPAU GE, “AsyS.,76 C1. SH Chemex COR al 02s SPENCER HEIR S, 724, 725, 726, 727. SPENCER, GEO., 724. SPENCER, J. De (all. Se RADUIN GA. J 216, 2L7,e218) 219% 220, 222. SPRADLIN, W., 4, 488. SRAC, G. RR. 124. STAKFFORD, JESSE, 226. STAMP, A. W., 45, 46, 47. STAMPS, BOURBON, 44, 49. STARKS WELL, 48. SLATE JOURNAT CO] LV. STATION WELL, 149. STHWART, MARTHA, 65, 83, 85. STONE, WM., 670. STONE, W. H., 644. STRINGER BROS., 635. STRINGER, O. M., 632. STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY OF KEN- ADOICIRCNE, TUS) SIMOZ MEIN, IN@, al, ASI ST. BERNARD MINING CO; 580; ST. PEERS oe SUNNYBROOK, 2. SWANGO, B., 542. SYDNOR, BOB, 6406. TELOMPSON, Jo5E., 176; THURMAN, G. A., 105. TiPTON, BURNSIDE, 45. Pp LON, ELO MAS. e223) ODDS COUNT Yeu cAG, TOMPKINS, J2.7.., 102.2106. TRACI BROOKS) 1543: TRENTON SAND, 6. TRICE, -JIM; 2004; TURNER FARM, No. 3, 683. DRONE Re © Ie Rel Sid, AMOASINE Dias, dev aaKOlsy, ih POMEVIN EVs VV Mala 82,283 TURNER, WM., 180. 738 , INDEX—Continued. UNION COUNTY, 3,849. AL ‘CO., 730, IVIAEN CEGPEINIO elas lagi U UNITED PHOSPHATE & CHEMIC- | Vv VANUG EIN, Ma Be si. WiIABASED COZ sli, ic. WALKER, JIM, 253. WALLER, C. M., 329, 330. WAR De Gee Wire Ole WARD, MALISSA, 488. WARREN COUNTY, 2, 3, 653. WATKINS, A., 48. WATKINS, HIRAM. 236. WAYFIHLD, ROBERT, 54. WIAMNE! COUNTLEY, 6,. 698. WAYNE, Saw 4. 642. WHEB CG. 2b. ele: WEBB, JONAH, 160. WHBB ye. de, bk WEBB, LAURA, 331. WEBER, LOUIS C.,° 169. WEBSTER COUNTY, 704. WEIR SAND, 3, 9. WELLMAN, LaFAYETTE, 345. WELLS HEIRS, 509, 546. WEST, J. F., 141. WHHAT, A. J., 45. WHEAT POOL, 45. WHEELER, MILT, 475, 478, 486. AW EEDA Bhvas COMIN YS 1.00: WHITTAKER, JACK, 480. YOAINGICOH Youn tiem Grp Gs YANN, WILLIAM, 200. RP.UeISy 10) lebanese YATES, JOHN., 345. WwW UPPRR SUNN RO OKs. VICTORIA, DANIEL, 475. WV ELLE NG ie ear. ANAS UGR ARS Al. Jey oleh, INGO, - sie WHITT, W. M., 545. Aas BEAM Dh (Ola b teu doe: WILLIAMS, No. 2, 592. WILLIAMS, LEWIS, 573. WHI EEAIVES. | Wii sts WILLIAMS, J... 32: WILLIAMS, SOL, 34. ANGEDIDIESIMISS AG, Tele Ue) WILLIAMS, CLARA, 67. WILLIAMSON, T. J., 591. WILLIAMSBURG OIL SAND, 13. WILLOUGHBY, EDWIN, 686. WILLOUGHBY, JOSEPH, 595. WLUSON, 2B Ge. 6.0: WILSON, JAMES, 542. W TLSON, Now 159: VVEEINEN DS NOvm leteet Gi: WOODSON, No. 1, 55. WODEE, COUNTY 205. WOODMhORDECOUNTYSs (30: WRIGHT, LOU ANN, 166. WRIGHT JOtrN. 216: WYMORE, CORNELIA, 595. YOCUM, ELM, “513: YOKUM, E. M., 542. YOUNG, HUA 709; YOUNG, J: Si, 230: KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WILLARD ROUSE JILLSON DIRECTOR AND STATE GEOLOGIST FRAN Serciofh ie Oe RENGES So BN SY ss yi cS \ DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR . ' sll Ry eS Bean Let pe ae aoe SKY GEOL SAL SU! ALBERT B. FALL, SECRETARY | 2 ; ort < Seinicue ee ike {joy ..= E JILLSON — «UU. S GEOLOGICAL SURVEY - . ne nee Be | DIRECTOR AND STATE GEOLOGIS _-—-« GEORGE OTIS SMITH, DIRECTOR ee — 89° EXPLANATION u HORIZONTAL CONTROL COMPLETED |39° r TOPOGRAPHIC FIELD WORK f) PARTLY COMPLETED ate TOPOGRAPHIC FIELD WORK COMPLETED MAPS IN COURSE OF PUBLICATION by e" < MAPS PUBLISHED PRIOR TO JULY 1. 1912 wih Onqt SOA Sa! le MAPS PUBLISHED SINCE JULY 1, 1912 $ a? iS TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS AND GEOLOGIC FOLIOS [PUBLISHED Wires eS BSS ma i 3 7. Sf \ yr wie: ‘ | es rs hose Sys RS : x We NK Harcinsbud: ; n PIE ASH ay \/ 2) . 4, > / ( Se en ~ : BRECKINRIDG RE Srv in y’. 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