EX LIBRIS F. S. FERGUSON A CHECKLIST OF THE F. S. FERGUSON COLLECTION OF SCOTTISH IMPRINTS AND SCOTICA AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS James L. Harner Robert B. Downs Publication Fund Series, No. 1 EX LIBRIS F. S. FERGUSON A CHECKLIST OF THE F. S. FERGUSON COLLECTION OF SCOTTISH IMPRINTS AND SCOTICA AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS by James L. Harner Robert B. Downs Publication Fund Series, No. 1 A joint publication of the University of Illinois Library and the Graduate School of Library Science This paper was prepared in the Rare Book Room, University of Illinois Library, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, 1971. Published in 1972 UIUC Distributed by the Publications Office-215 Armory Building Graduate School of Library Science University of Illinois Champaign, Illinois 61820 Price $1.00 INTRODUCTION ' of unused sheets which had been printed abroad ("These from the year, 1638 to 1649 [_C 4198], having been Printed abroad some years ago, where the benefite of an English Corrector could not be had, several misprintings have fallen in"). 11 C 4220 (Church of Scotland.) A declaration of the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland. Sdinburgh, Printed by tSvan Tyler, 1650. 4. Ferguson 2/13; Aldis 1411; McAloin II, 690. This Is a possible variant since both Wing and McAlpin transcribe "Generall". The signature "Ho: Mylne" on the title page may be that of Robert Mylne (1643-1747), an antiquary who possessed "'vast collections of public records'" (DNB. XIV, 6). C 42243 (Church of Scotland.) The explanation of a former act... for renewing of the solemn league and covenant. Sdinbvrgh, Printed by Svan Tyler, 1648. 4. Ferguson 1/37; Aldis 1323. Bound in mottled calf by Kerr and Richardson, Glasgow. C 4225 (Church of Scotland.) Generall demands, concerning the late covenant. Aberdene, Reorinted by John Forbes, 1662. 4. Ferguson 1/38; Aldis 1736. C 4226 (Church of Scotland.) The generall demands. .. con- cerning the late covenant, in Scotland. Aberdene, Printed by John Forbes, 1663. 4. Ferguson 1/38; Aldis 1753. C 4233+ (Church of Scotland.) The principall acts of foure Generall Assemblies. Edinburgh, Printed by Svan Tyler, 1642. 2. Ferguson 2/14; Aldis 1025; McAlpin II, 157-158, Although lacking the general title page, this is apparently a folio edition of C 4233. Although The Principall acts of... 1642 is separately signatured and paginated, it Is apparent from the inclusion of both sections in the errata (2pl v ) that they were meant to be issued together. 12 C 4234+ (Church of Scotland.) The princit>all acts of the Generall Assembly. .. second day of August 1643. Sdinburgh, Printed by 3van Tyler, 16*4-3. 2. Ferguson 2/16 ; Aldis 106?; McAloin II, 239. This is an unrecorded folio edition of C 423*4-. C 4236+ (Church of Scotland. ) The principall acts of the Generall Assembly. . .May, the 29. Sdinburgh, Printed by Svan Tyler, 1644. 2. Ferguson 2/1?; Aldis 1129; McAlpin II, 309. This is an unrecorded folio edition of C 4236. C 4-239+ (Church of Scotland.) The principall acts of the Generall Assembly. .. 22. day of January. Sdinburgh, Printed by Evan Tyler, 1645. 2. Ferguson 2/13; Aldis 1183; McAlpin II, 3?0. 'This is an unrecorded folio edition of C 4239. C 4240+ (Church of Scotland. ) The principall acts of the Generall Assembly. .. the first Wednesday of June. Sdinburgh, Printed by 3van Tyler, 1646. 2. Ferguson 2/19; Aldis 1212; McAlpin II, 442. This is an unrecorded folio edition of C 4240. C 4241+ (Church of Scotland.) The nrincipall acts of the Generall Assembly. . .August, the 4. of that moneth. Sdinburgh, Printed by Evan Tyler, 164?. 2. Ferguson 2/20; Aldis 1260; McAlpin II, 51?. This is an unrecorded folio edition of C 4241, C 4242+ (Church of Scotland.) The principall acts of the Generall Assembly. .. July the 12. Sdinbvrgh, Printed by Evan Tyler, 1648. 2. Ferguson 2/21; Aldis 1300; McAlpin II, 595. This is an unrecorded folio edition of C 4242. 13 C 4243+ (Church of Scotland. ) The principal! acts of the Generall Assembly. . .July the fourth. Edinburgh, Printed by Evan Tyler, 1649. 2. Ferguson 2/22; Aldis 1355; McAlpin II, 657. This is an unrecorded folio edition of C 4243. C 4253 (Church of Scotland.) The remonstrance of the commissioners of the Generall Assembly. Edinburgh, Printed by Evan Tyler, 1643. 4. Ferguson 1/39; Aldis 1102; McAlpin II, 245. C 4262 (Church of Scotland. ) A solemn league and covenant, for reformation. London, Printed for Edw. Husbands, Sept. 28., 1643. 4. Ferguson 1/40. C 4426 Clarendon, Edward Hyde, earl of. Mr. Edward Hydes 1 speech at a conference betweene both Houses. . .6th. of July, 1641. Printed at London for Abel Roper, 1641. 4. Ferguson l/4l; McAlpin II, 48. All five Illinois copies have "Hydes 1 " not "Hyde's" as transcribed by Wing. The Ferguson copy is the only one of the five copies examined not to have the numeral "l" on A2 r . C 4809 (Cockburn, John.) An historical relation of the late General Assembly, held at Edinburgh. . .1690. London, Printed for J. Hindmarsh, 1691. ^. Ferguson 1/42; McAlpin IV, 412. Comparison of the Ferguson copy with another copy at Illinois (2?4.1/T6?3) reveals that there were two editions of this work. The unrecorded edition, represented by the Illinois copy, may be identified as follows: the title page reads "late Presbyterian General Assembly" and has a two line quotation (Acts 19:32) not present on C 4809. 14 C 5425 C(olville), S(amuel). The grand imposter discovered.. Part I. Edinburgh, Printed by His Majesties Printers, for the Author, 16 73. ^ Ferguson 2/24; Aldis 1982. C 5430 Colvllle, William. Philosophia moralis Christiana. Sdinbvrgi, Excudebant Georgius Swintoun, & Jacobus Glen, 16?0. 8. Ferguson 1/43 (xl?0/C72p); Aldis 1898. C 5599B Company of Scotland. Scotland's right to Caledonia. [Edinburgh], Printed, 1700. 8. Ferguson 2/75; Aldis 4022; Hollander 539- On El v there is a list of books relating to the Company of Scotland. C 5743A Confessio fidei, in conventu. Sdinbvrgi, Apud Andrae Anderson Haeredes & Successores, 1694. 12. Ferguson 1/144 (x238.5/W52cLd/l694a) ; Aldis 3363. C 5744 Confessio fidel in conventu theologorum. Edinbvrgi, Ex officina Typographi ca Georgii Mosman, 1694. 12. Ferguson 1/45; Aldis 3364. Ferguson has noted on the front end paper: "Very rare. The only other copy which I have seen was that in the library of E. Gordon Duff, now in the library of Sir R. Leicester Harmsworth." C 5769 The confession of faith, and the larger and shorter catechism. Edinbvrgh, Printed by George Swintoun and Thomas Brown, and are to be sold by James Glen and David Trench, l6?l. 12. Ferguson 1/46; Aldis 1923. Wing records the place of printing as "Edinbourg". 15 C 593^ A conspiracle of the twelve bishops In the Tower. London, Printed for W. Bond, 1641. 4. Ferguson 1/47; McAlpln II, 24. On A4 V there Is an Interesting engraving of a courtier (the author?) handing the pamphlet(? ) to the Klng(?) and saying "Rede and considar". C 6276 Corbet, Roger. The treatle between the commissioners. London, Printed for B. A., 1647. 4. Ferguson 1/48. Ferguson has noted on the front end paper. "Printer: (Alsop?)". The "B.A. " In the Imprint Is Bernard Alsop who succeeded Thomas Creed. The device on the title page (McKerrow 299, lacking initials T.C. ) was formerly Creed's principal device. McKerrow noted that this device "is apparently not found after his death" (p. 169). Wing transcribes "A treatie". Bound with P 1753- C 6793 Craghead, Robert. An answer to a late book, Intituled, a Discourse concerning the inventions of men. Edinburgh, Printed by the Heirs of Andrew Anderson, 1694. 4. Ferguson 1/49; Aldls 3366. C 6801+ Craig, Sir Thomas. Jus feudale tribus libris comprehension. Sdinburgi, Impressum, l655 2. Ferguson 1/50 (xq340.09/C84j ) ; Aldis 1507. Aldis says that this was printed by Christopher Higgins. C 6804 Craig, Sir Thomas. Scotland's soveraignty asserted. London, Printed for Andrew Bell, at the Cross-Keys in the Poultrey, and sold by Thomas Brown, Alex. Hender- son, George Mosman, John Valens, John Mackly, Mrs. Ongstone, Rob. Allen, Booksellers in Edinburgh, 1695. 8. Ferguson 1/51; Aldls 3453. Both Wing and Aldis record different lists of booksellers In the imprint. There is a note by Ferguson on the front pastedown presumably referring to the armorial bookplate: "? Campbell, Duke of Argyll". 16 C 7027 Cromarty, George McKenzie, earl of. A vindication of Robert III. King of Scotland. Sdinbvrgh, Printed by the Heirs and Successors of Andrew Anderson, l695 4. Ferguson 1/52; Aldis 3454. C 7475 (Cullen, ) F(rancis). G(rant, Lord). The loyalists reasons. Edinburgh, Printed by J: Reid, 1689. 8. Ferguson 2/25; Aldis 2890. D 131 Dalhusie, John. De regnum regnorumque. Sdinbvrgi, Typis haeredls Andraeae Anderson, Io91 8. Ferguson 2/26; Aldis 3140. This copy bears the bookplate of John Campbell, fourth Sari of Loudoun (DNB. Ill, 828). D 133 Dalhusie, John. The salvation of Protestants asserted and defended. Sdinburgh, Printed, 1691. 4. Ferguson 1/53; Aldis 3141. D 281A D'Assigny, Marius. The art of memory. Sdinburgh, Printed and [ sic] Sdinburgh, Re-Printed by John Reid younger, |_c. 1699]. 8. Ferguson 2/27; Aldis 3838.5. It is a reprint of the second London edition (D 281). Wing records this in A Gallery of_ Ghosts. D 636 A declaration of the army of England, upon their march into Scotland. Printed at London, and reprinted at Sdinburgh, by Evan Tyler, 1650. 4. Ferguson 1/54. This edition is not recorded in Aldis; Aldis l407f according to Wing, refers to D 638. The signature "Robert; Mylne" on the title page is apparently that of Robert Mylne (l643?-1747) who owned "'vast collections of public records'" (DNB, XIV, 6). 17 D 664 A declaration of the engagements, remonstrances, representations, proposals, desires and resolutions from. . .Fairfax. . .2?. Seytembris, 1647. London, Printed by Matthew Simmons, 1647. 4. Ferguson 1/71 (942.06/G791d ). Wing also enters this as F 152. D 761 [dropheadj The declaration of the rebels now in arms in the west of Scotland. ! Edinburgh, 1679.] 2. Ferguson 2/28; Aldis 2265. D 1081+ Depositions taken the 22d. of October 1688. . .relating to the birth of the (then) Prince of Wales. I Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, 1688J. 4. Ferguson l/55 Both Wing and Aldis record only a folio edition. The price is given on the title page as "Six Pence". D 1408 Dickson, David. Therapeutica Sacra. Sdinbvrgh, Printed by Evan Tyler, 1664. 8. Ferguson 1/56; Aldis 1773. The use of "U" to sign a signature precedes the first recorded appearance in a book printed in Edinburgh by 17 years (Sayce, p. 12). D i486 Dlllingham, William. Prove all things, hold fast that which is good; I Thess. 5 21.... two sermons. Cambridge, Printed by John Field, and are to be sold by William Morden, 1656. 4. Ferguson 1/57; Bowes 103. D 1549 A directory for the publike worship of God. Edinburgh, Printed by 2van Tyler, 1645. 4. Ferguson 1/207, 1/58 (2 copies); Aldis 1187; McAlpin II, 343. Italic type is used in the signatures whenever the latter part of the page has been printed in italic letters. 18 D 1853 Donaldson, Ja(mes). Husbandry anatomized. Edinburgh, Printed by John Reid, 1697- 8. Ferguson 1/59; Aldis 3662. Bound with this is Postscript to Husbandry anatomiz'd (D 1855). Prom an advertisement in Donaldson's A pick- tooth for swearers (D 1854), it is apparent that Husbandry and Postscript were meant to be sold together after the latter work was published: "Advertisement. Husbandry Anatomi zed ... To which there is now added a postscript... price 14 sh; Scots with a Reasonable Abatement to such as Buy them in Gross or Unbound." D 185^ (Donaldson, James). A pick- tooth for swearers, or a looking-glass for atheists and prophane persons. Edinburgh, Printed by John Reid, 1698. 4. Ferguson 1/60; Aldis 3769. D 1855 (Donaldson, James). Postscript to Husbandry anatomiz'd. Edinburgh, Printed by John Reid, 1698. 8. Ferguson 1/61; Aldis 3772. See the note to D 1853. D 2032+ Douglas, Robert. The form and order of the coronation of Charls II. London, Printed according to the Authors own copy, to prevent any counterfeit, 1660. 4. Ferguson 1/63 (942.06/C386Wdo/l660). Wing does not record this imprint. D 2204 Drummond, William. Polemo-middinia. Oxonii, E Theatro Sheldoniano, 1691. 4. Ferguson 1/64 (x821/D839p/cop. 2). 19 24?7+ Dugdale, Sir William. The antient usage in bearing of such ensigns of honour as are commonly call'd arms. Oxford, Printed at the Theater, for Moses Pitt, 1682. 8. Ferguson (uncatalogued ). Wing does not record this imprint. E. M. Lawson, Catalogue 178, item 120, offered a copy in 1970. George W. Walford (List A/187, Division I, item 80) offered a copy with the imprint "Oxf. at the Theatre for Fin. Gardiner 1682". D 2802 Durham, James. Clavis cantici : or, an exposition of the Song of Solomon. 2dinbvrgh, Printed by George Swintoun and James Glen, 1668. 4. Ferguson 1/65 (223.9/D93c) ; Aldis 1841; McAlpin III, 551. D 2810 Durham, James. The dying man's testament to the Church of Scotland; or, a treatise concerning scandal. Edinburgh, Printed by Christopher Higgins, 1659. 8. Ferguson 1/66; Aldis 1595; McAlpin III, 290. The signature "Wm. Richardson. . .1746" is perhaps that of William Richardson (1698- 1775). the noted antiquary (DNB, XVI, 1137- 1138). E 187 Edward, Robert. The doxology approven. Bdinbvrgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, 1683. 8. Ferguson 1/67; Aldis 2376. E 246 Egan, Anthony. The book of rates, now used in the sin custom-house of... Rome. London, Printed for Benjamin Southwood, 1674. 4. Ferguson 1/68. A variant issue has an addi- tional paragraph address to the reader (can- celled with a paste over) between the rows of printers' ornaments on A4 V . 20 S 658+ E(lys). , S(dmund). An alphabet of elegiack groans, upon the truly lamented death of that rare exemplar of youthful piety, John Fortescue. London, Printed for Tho Heath, 165^. fc. Ferguson 1/69. Wing records only a 1656 edition. S 959+ (England. Parliament. ) An abstract of the act (made anno vj. & vij. Gulielmi III. regls. ) intituled, an act for the Kings most gracious, general and free pardon. London, Printed by Charles Bill, and the Executrix of Thomas Newcomb deceas'd, and sold by Robert Vincent and Joshua Brixey, 1695* 8. Ferguson 2/?2. This title is unrecorded by Wing; however, the Christ Church Supplement lists a copy. E 1017 (England. Parliament. ) An act for continuing and establishing the subsidie of tunnage and poundage. Edinburgh, Re-Printed by Christopher Higgins, 1657. 2. Ferguson 2/29; Aldis 1560.2; Steele 2152 ("not found"). E 1052 (England. Parliament. ) [_dropheadj An act for quiet enjoying of sequestred parsonages and vicaridges. [colophon] Edinbvrgh, Re-Printed by Christopher Higgins, 1657. 2. Ferguson 2/30; Aldis 1561.3; Steele 2157 ("not found"). E 1139 (England. Parliament. ) [dropheadj An act for giving licence for transporting fish. [colophon J Edinburgh, Re-Printed by Christopher Higgins, 1657. 2. Ferguson 2/31; Aldis 1563.6. 21 E 1165 (England. Parliament. ) The acts made in the second Parliament of . . . Charles. Edinburgh, Printed by Robert Young and Evan Tyler, 1641. 2. Ferguson 2/33; Aldis 985; McAlpin II, 5. Ferguson has noted on the title page "? printed in London". S1165+ (England. Parliament.) The acts made in the session of the second Parliament of ... Charles, the eleventh day of June 1640. Edinburgh, Printed by Robert Young, 16140.. 4. Ferguson 1/70; Aldis 98?. Wing records only a folio edition. Aldis suggests that this was actually printed at London. B 123^+ (England. Parliament.) The articles or, charge exhibited in Parliament against D. Cozens of Durham. London, Printed, 16^1. 4. Ferguson 2/74; McAlpin II, 8. A note by Ferguson on the front endpaper reads: "Device: McKerrow 268 Printer: (T. Bates?)". However, according to McKerrow, Islip left "all his presses and printing material to Richard Hearne" (p. 174). This title is unrecorded by Wing. 352? Sverard, Edmund. The depositions and examinations of., concerning the. ..Popish plot. London, Printed for Dorman Newman, 1679. 2. Ferguson 2/35; McAlpin III, 799-800. On E2 r of both the Ferguson and another Illinois copy "after" in 1. 11 has been corrected with a pen to "before". Comparison of several corrected copies indicates that the cancellation was performed at the printer's. F 320+ Falkland, Lucius Gary, viscount. The Lord Favlkland his learned speech in Parliament. Printed in the Yeare, l64l. 4. Ferguson 1/72. Wing records only the variant state with "Prntee" on the title page. 22 F 582 Peatley, Daniel. The gentle lash, or the vindication of Dr. Peatley. Imprinted, 1644. 4. Ferguson 1/73. F ?28A (Ferguson. ) The late proceedings and votes of the Parliamemt of Scotland. Glasgow, Printed by Andrew Hepburn, 1689. 4. Ferguson 2/36; Aldis 2902. Ferguson has noted on the front pastedown: "The only book known with the imprint of Andrew Hepburn. This is a copy of the earlier variant of the title, in which 'Parliament 1 is misprinted 'Parliamemt '." The work is bound in old calf (rebacked) with an embossed coronet and the initials "HL" on the front and back covers. Ferguson notes: "The coronetted HL on sides represent the Initials of Hugh Lyon Sari of Strathmore". F 728A+ (Ferguson. ) The late proceedings and votes of the Parliament of Scotland. Glasgow, Printed by Andrew Hepburn, 1689. 4. Ferguson 1/74; Aldis 2902. Wing does not record the variant state with "Parliament" spelled correctly. F 728A++ (Ferguson. ) The late proceedings and votes of the Parliament of Scotland. Glasgow, Printed by Andrew Hepburn, 1689. 8. Ferguson 2/37. This is an unrecorded (by both Wing and Aldis) octavo edition of twenty leaves, F 777 Fergusson, James. A brief refutation of the errors. Edinbvrgh, Printed by George Mosraan, 1692. 8. Ferguson 1/75; Aldis 3221; McAlpin IV, On the back end paper Ferguson has written: "FSF 23. vi. 1909". F 1277 Fleming, Ro(bert, elder). Three elegies. Edinburgh, Printed, 1692. 4. Ferguson 1/76; Aldis 3222. This copy is bound in red morocco by Riviere. 23 F 1293 (Fletcher, Andrew. ) Dlscorso delle sose di Spagna. Napoli I I.e., Edinburgh, Printed by George Mosman ?J, 1698. - Ferguson 1/7? (x9^6. 053/F63d ) ; Aldis 37^6. This edition was probably printed at Edinburgh; the same printer's device appears in F 1298. F 1295 (Fletcher, Andrew. ) A discourse of government with relation to militia's. Edinburgh, Printed, 1698. 8. Ferguson l/?8 ; Aldis 37^7- F 1298 (Fletcher, Andrew. ) Two discovrses concerning the affairs of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1698. 8. Ferguson 1/79; Aldis 3810; Hollander ^97**. Ferguson has noted on the rear pastedown: "Collated with my other copy". The Hollander copy also has "discovrses" not "discorses" as transcribed by Wing. F 1589 (Forrester, David. ) The differences of the time. Sdinbvrgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, 1679. 12. Ferguson 1/80; Aldis 2152; McAlpin III, 801. On L6 r there is a longitudinal half title "Differences of the Time". F 1662 Foure matters of high concernment. London, Printed by R. Oulton & G. Dexter, for F. Coules, & T. Banks, 1641. 4. Ferguson 1/81. Wing transcribes "Four". The device on the title page is McKerrow 338 (the arms of the University of Oxford). 24 F 1682 Fourteen papers. London, Printed and are to be sold by Richard Baldwin' 1689. 4. Ferguson 1/7^; McAlpin IV, 339-3^0. This work is also entered as B 579^ (two tracts by Gilbert Burnet are included in the collection). The work is made up of reprints of the following titles: L 1386, B 5813, B 584-9, H 311, H 291. H 308, A 3400, L 1633, P 2339, W 2300, K 605, L 1575. P 2960, and A letter from a freeholder, unrecorded by Wing (see my note in The Library, 5th series, 25 [1970], 52-53). G 447 Geddes, William. The Saints recreation, third part, upon the estate of grace. Sdinbvrgh, Printed by David Lindsay, Mr. James Kniblo, Joshua van Solingen and John Colmar, 1683. b Ferguson 1/82; Aldis 2381. The obvious Dutch characteristics of the presswork are due to the influence of Joshua van Solingen and John Colmar. The men, along with materials from Holland, were brought over by John Cairns for the purpose of printing the Acts of Parliament (Aldis, p. 116). There is another copy at the University of Illinois which contains two cancels in the prelims : Uncancelled state: *2 r ~ v The Dedication. . .Anna Hamilton *3 r ~ v The Dedication. . .Lilias Drummond *4 r The Dedication. . .Anna Sinclair *4 V Preface to the Reader Cancelled State : A summa Method of the Book *2 r A summary view of the Substance and *2 V (Blank) *3 r The Dedication. . .Margaret Lesley *3 V Preface to the Reader *4 r ~ v (Material Omitted) 25 G 749 (Gillespie, George. ) A form for Church government and ordination of ministers. London, Printed for Robert Bostock, 164?. 4. Ferguson 1/83. G 750 (Gillespie, George. ) The humble representation of the commission. . .28. Aprile 1648. Printed at London by Edward Griffin for I. R. , 1648. 4. Ferguson 1/84; McAlpin II, 575- G 752 (Gillespie, George.) CXI propositions concerning the ministerie. Edinburgh, Printed by Evan Tyler, 1647. 4. Ferguson 1/85; Aldis 1266; McAlpin II, 488. G 756 Gillespie, George. A sermon preached. . .March 27 1644. London, Printed for Robert Bostock, 1644. 4. Ferguson 1/86; McAlpin II, 288. G 760 (Gillespie, George. ) Theoremata CXI de ministerio. Edinburgi, Excudebat Evanus Tyler, 1647. 4. Ferguson 1/37 (x285.2/G4loL) ; Aldis 1287. Tipped in is a letter from Aldis referring to the above book. G 761 Gillespie, George. A treatise of miscellany questions, Edinburgh, Printed by Gedeon Lithgow for George Svvintoun, 1649. 4. Ferguson 1/88 (260/G4l2t/cop. 2); Aldis 1367; McAlpin II, 639. G 1041 Good counsell come from Scotland. Edinbvrg, Printed by Evan Tyler, 1646. 4. Ferguson 1/89; Aldis 1224; McAlpin II, 415. 26 G 1283+ (Gordon, James.) A request to Romas Cathollcks. . . the fifth edition. London, Printed for Brab. Aylmer, 168?. 4. Ferguson 1/90. Wing records a "fourth edition" of 168? (G 1283) and a "fifth edition" of 1682 (G 1283A). G 2124+ Grotius, Hugo. The proceedings of the present Parliament Justified. Edinbvrgh, Re-Printed in the Year, 1689. 4. Ferguson 1/91; Aldis 2929. This is an unrecorded Sdinburgh reprint of the London edition. G 2259 Gurnall, William. The magistrates pourtraiture. London, Printed for Ralph Smith, 1656. 4. Ferguson 1/92 (UI uncatalogued ) ; McAlpin III, 160. The Ferguson copy was resold. H 475 (Hamilton, Alexander. ) A cordial for Christians, traveling Heaven-ward. Bdinbvrg, Printed by George Mosman, 1696. 8. Ferguson 1/93; Aldis 3549. H 951 (Hart, John. ) The fort-royal of the Scriptures. Sdinburgh, Printed by the Heires of George Anderson for Andrew Wilson, 1649. 12. Ferguson 1/94; Aldis 1366. Wing erroneously cross references Aldis 1366 to H 950. H 981 (Hartlib, Samuel. ) [dropheadj Considerations tending to the happy accomplishment of England s reformation in church and state. [colophon J Anno 1647. 4. Ferguson 1/95; McAlpin II, 493-494. A note by Ferguson on the front end paper reads: "Perfect- it was published without a title". Wing conjec- tures that this was printed in London. 27 H 1280 (Headrich, John. ) Heads and conclusions of the policie of the Kirk. [Sdinburgh,] Reprinted, 1680. 8. Ferguson 1/96; Aldis 2199.3; McAlpin IV, 19. H 1^33 (Henderson, Alexander. ) The government and order of the Chvrch of Scotland. Edinburgh, Printed for lames Bryson, 1641. 4. Ferguson 1/97 (UI uncatalogued ) ; Aldis 1005; McAlpin II, 45. The Ferguson copy was resold. H 2073 Hippocrates. Hippocrates contractus. . .studio 4 opera Thomae Burnet. 2dinbvrgi, Sxcudebat J. Reid, Sumptibus Georgii Mosman bibliopolae, 1685. 8. Ferguson 1/94; Aldis 2531. Wing lists this as a quarto; it is an octavo in fours. H 2298 (Hodges, James. ) A defence of the Scots abdicating Darien. Printed in the Year, 1700. 8. Ferguson 1/99 A note by Ferguson on the front end paper reads: "Scott, Darien Bibliography, no. 103 in support (apparently the only copy known). The authorship has been ascribed to Walter Herries and to James Hodges. The book was ordered to be burnt. It contains the curious tale of the attempted suppression of Lionel Waters book by the Directors of the Company." There are two editions of this work: one has 32 leaves (Ferguson copy); the other has 52 (Hollander 531 and McAlpin IV, 631). Aldis (3951) lists only one edition. H 2602 (Honyman, Andrew. ) The seasonable case of submission to the Church-government. Sdinburgh, Printed by Svan Tyler, 1662. 4. Ferguson 1/100; Aldis 1744; McAlpin III, 28 H 2604 (Honyman, Andrew. ) A survey of the insolent and infamous libel, entituled, Naphtali. [Edinburgh,] Printed, 1668. 4. Ferguson 1/101; Aldis 1852. An early manuscript note on the title page adds i "Edinburgh by 3van Tyler". H 3575/76 The humble petition of the Protestants of France. 20. Ferguson (uncatalogued). The colophon has been trimmed. II I., C. The Commons petition of long afflicted England. London, Printed for lohn Hammond, 16^4-2. 4. Ferguson 1/102. I 213 An enquiry into the causes of the miscarriage of the Scots colony at Darien...an answer to a libel entituled A defence of the Scots abdicating Darien. Glasgow, 1700. 8. Ferguson 1/103; Aldis 3963; Hollander 53^. The Ferguson copy was resold. I 1051 Irvine, Christopher. Historiae Scotiae nomenclatura Latinovernacula. Sdinbruchii, Sumptibus Gideonis Schaw, Bibliopolae nobilis, Typisq; Andersonianis regiis. 1682. 8. Ferguson 1/10^; Aldis 2333. Neither the Ferguson nor the Huth copy (also at Illinois) has "Edinburchii" or "Regius" as transcribed by Wing. I 1052 Irvine, Christopher. Historiae Scotiae nomenclatura Lationvernacula. Edinburgi, Sumptibus quorundum Bibliopolarum Sdinburgensium; Typisque Jacobi Watson, 1697. ^. Ferguson 1/105; Aldis 3673. There is another state of the title page which has an upside- down "m" in "Albinorum" (Illinois copy, uncatalogued ) . 29 J 160 James II. By the King, A declaration. James R. having already signified. .. one and twentieth day of September, 1688. Holy-Rood-House, Printed by Mr. P. B[_ruceJ. Broadside. Ferguson 1/106; Aldis 2794; Steele 2?27 The coat of arms above the title is Steele 239 J 865 Johnston, Arthur. Paraphrasis poetica Psalmorum Davidis. Londini, Excudebat R. Daniel, 4 venalis prostat apud S. Thomson, l657 8. Ferguson 2/39 According to Dr. Johnson, Johnston "holds among the Latin poets of Scotland the next place to the elegant Buchanan" (A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland" "Aberdeen"). K 435 Kilburne, William. Dangerous errors in several late printed Bibles. Printed at Finsbury, 1659. 4. Ferguson 1/107; McAlpin III, 303. This brief pamphlet contains considerable bibliographical detail on the printing of early Bibles. The colophon reads "London, 1 lanuaij, 1659. Stylo Romano. " L324 A landskip: or a brief prospective of English Episcopacy. [London, J Printed in the Year, 1660. 4. Ferguson 1/109; McAlpin III, 374. L 694 L(awrie), R(obert). God save the King... a sermon. Edinbvrgh, Printed by Christopher Higgins, 1660. 4. Ferguson 1/110; Aldis 1646. L 1134 (Leslie, Charles. ) Gallienus redivivus, or, murther will out, &c. being a true account of the de-witting of Glencoe, Gassney, &c. Printed at Sdinbvrgh, 1695- 4. Ferguson 2/40; Aldis 3462; McAlpin IV, 521. See L 1134+. 30 L 1134+ (Leslie, Charles. ) Galllenus redlvivius or, murther will out %c. being a true account of the de-witting of Glencoe, Gassney &c. Edinbvrgh, Printed in the Year, 1695. 4. Ferguson 1/111; Aldis 3463. This Is an un- recorded reprint of L 1134, with letters relating to Glencoe added. The colophon reads "Re-Printed in the Year MDCXV. "; however, it Is possible that this refers only to the letters, one of which had been printed 1692/93. The title page is enclosed within a border of single rules; L 1134 lacks the border. L 1231 (L 1 Estrange, Sir Roger.) Considerations upon a printed sheet. Edinbvrgh, Re-printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, 1683. 4. Ferguson 1/112; Aldis 23?4. L 1533 (McKenzle, George.) A letter from the nobility... of Scotland, in the year 1320... to Pope lohn. Edinburgh, Re-printed, 1689. 4. Ferguson 1/114; Aldis 2910; Mackenzie 42. L 1541 A letter from the Synod of Zeland. Printed at Edinburgh by Svan Tyler, 1643. 4. Ferguson 1/115; Aldis 108?; McAlpin II, 219- L 1684 A letter to a member of the convention of states in Scotland. Printed in the Year, 1689. 4. Ferguson 1/116; Aldis 2913.2. Wing gives Edinburgh as the place of printing; Aldis conjectures that this was printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson. L 1972 Liddel, Duncan. Artis conservandi sanitatem. Aberdoniae, Excudebat lacobus Brounus, 1651. 8 . Ferguson 1/11?; Aldis 144?. This copy is from the collection of James Ludovic Lindsay, Earl of Crawford, with the Bibliotheca Lindeslana bookplate. 31 L 1985 The life and acts of... Sir William Wallace. Glasgow, Printed by Robert Sanders, 1665. 8. Ferguson 1/118; Aldis 1791. Aldis notes that this is by Henry the Minstrel and catalogues it as a 12. The Ferguson copy is bound in brown polished calf by Worsfold. L 2195 (Lllburne, John. ) An vnhappy game at Scotch and English. Edinbvrgh, Printed by Svan Tyler, 1646. 4. Ferguson 1/119 (UI 942.062/L627u/l646 ) ; Aldis 1242; McAlpin II, 429. See L 2195+. The Ferguson copy was resold. L 2195+ (Lilburne, John. ) An vnhappy game at Scotch and English. Sdinbvrgh, Printed by 2van Tyler, 1646. 4. Ferguson 1/120; Aldis 1243; McAlpin II, 430. There are two editions of this work. From the frequent attempts to Justify lines so as to match those of Ferguson 1/119 it is apparent that this is the later of the two editions. The later edition can be identified by the presence of a border around the title page. L 2318 Lindsay, Sir David. The works of. Glasgow, Prented by Robert Sanders, 1683. 12. Ferguson 1/121; Aldis 2389. L 2320 Lindsay, Sir David. The works of. Glasgow, Printed by Robert Sanders, 1696. 12. Ferguson 1/122; Aldis 3578. This copy is from the collection of James Ludovic Lindsay, 2arl of Crawford, with the Bibllotheca Lindesiana bookplate. L 2608 Livingstone, Sir Thomas. The exercise of the foot... likewise, the exercise of the dragoons. . .with the rules of war in the day of battel. Edinburgh, Printed by John Reid, 1693- 8. Ferguson 1/123; Aldis 3298. 32 L 3085 Loudoun, John Campbell, earl. The Lord Lowden his... speech in the Vpper House of Parliament in Scotland, September 9. l64l. London, Printed for lohn Thomas, 1641. 4. Ferguson 1/124. M 156 Mackenzie, Sir George. A defence of the antiquity of the royal line of Scotland. London, Printed for Richard Chi swell, 1685. 8. Ferguson 2/4l ; Mackenzie 38. M 157 Mackenzie, Sir George. Idea eloquentiae. Sdinbvrgi, Sxcudebat Haeres Andrae Anderson, 1681. 8. Ferguson 1/125 (x808.5/M199i ) ; Aldis 2274; Mackenzie 22. This copy has the bookplate of Abercromby of Tullibody (DNB. I, M 158 Mackenzie, Sir George. The institutions of the law of Scotland. Sdinbvrgh, Printed by John Reid, 1684. 12. Ferguson 1/126; Aldis 2459; Mackenzie 26. The Ferguson copy lacks the initial blank, which according to Ferguson was the first leaf of $t< folded to precede the title page and signed "A". The superfluous leaves Oil and 012 are present (see Mackenzie 26). This copy contains the bookplate and signature of John Waugh, Bishop of Carlisle. M 159 Mackenzie, Sir George. The institutions of the law of Scotland. Sdinbvrgh, Printed by John Reid, for Thomas Broun, 1688. 12. Ferguson 1/127; Aldis 2768; Mackenzie 27. This copy has the signature of James Mercer, perhaps the poet (DNB. XIII, 265). M 160 Mackenzie, Sir George. The instltuions of the law of Scotland. London, Printed for Andrew Bell and Jonas Luntley, 1694. 8. Ferguson 2/42; Mackenzie 28. 33 M 162 Mackenzie, Sir George. Jus reglum. cCdinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, 1684. 8 o Ferguson 1/128; Aldis 2460; Mackenzie 33. Another Illinois copv (342.4l/M19r ) exhibits a variant state of $3p. FSF ILLINOIS ^Fl r , 1. 15 1. 1? af firmem morunt affirm am mSrunt cw Or- Orthodox 3F2 r , cw con- condition 3F3 V , cw [lacking] Gronovius 1 s In addition 3p2 v , 3p3 r , 3p4 v have different settings although there are no variants. The Illinois copy contains the earlier state of $3? since ail later editions follow the text of the Ferguson copy. M 163 Mackenzie, Sir George. Jus regivm: or, the just and solid foundations of monarchy. London, Printed for Richard Chiswell, 1684. 8. Ferguson 2/43; McAlpin IV, 1?6; Mackenzie 34. M 168 Mackenzie, Sir George. The laws and customs of Scotland, in matters criminal. Sdinbvrgh, Printed by the Heirs and Successors of Andrew Anderson, ...For Mr. Andrew Symson; and are to be sold by him, 1699- 2. Ferguson 1/129 (q343.4l/M1912/cop. 2); Aldis 3866; Mackenzie 20. The Ferguson copy contains the armorial bookolate of William Nlsbet of Dirleton (DNB, XIV, 516-517). M 169 (Mackenzie, Sir George. ) A memorial for His Highness the Prince of Orange, in relation to the affairs of Scotland. London, Printed for Randal Taylor, 1689. 4. Ferguson 1/130; McAlpin IV, 352; Mackenzie 48. 34 M 175 Mackenzie, Sir George. Moral gallantry. Edinburgh, Printed for Robert Broun, 166?. 8. Ferguson 1/131; Aldis 1838; McAlpin III, 540; Mackenzie 10. The Ferguson copy lacks the dedication to the Sari of Rothes, which was a later addition and is not found in all copies. Andrew Anderson was the printer. The signature "Thomas Pasley, 1750" on the title page could be that of the Sir Thomas who became an admiral (DNB. XV, 442ff . ). M 176 Mackenzie, Sir George. Moral gallantry. Printed at tSdenburgh, and Re-printed at London, by J. Streater, 1669. 12. Ferguson 1/132; Mackenzie 11. Bound with this are M 199 and M 181. M 180 Mackenzie, Sir George. The moral history of frugality. Edinburgh, Re printed for Andrew Chalmers and John Vallenge, and are to be Sold at their Shops, 1691. 4. Ferguson 1/133; Aldis 3l6l; Mackenzie 55. M 186 Mackenzie, Sir George. Observations upon the laws and customs of nations, as to precedency. Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, 1680. 2 . Ferguson 2/44; Aldis 2204; Mackenzie 21. M 199 Mackenzie, Sir George. Religio stoic! . 3denburgh, Printed for R. Broun, and are to be sold by Book- sellers in London, 1665 8. Ferguson 1/132; Aldis 1797; Mackenzie 6. It is apparent from markings in this copy that Ferguson used it as a working copy for his A Bibliography of Sir George Mackenzie. Bound with this are Ml 76 and M181. Ferguson, in his note on this edition argues that the press-work "was almost certainly effected in London. " 35 M 210 (Mackenzie, Sir George. ) A true and plain account of the discoveries made in Scotland. Reprinted at London, by Thomas Newcomb, for Susanna Forrester in Kings-Street Westminster, 1685. 2. Ferguson 2/46; Mackenzie 6l. M 211 (Mackenzie, Sir George. ) A vindication of his Majesties government, & Jvdicatvres in Scotland. Sdinbvrgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, 1683. 4. Ferguson 1/1 34 ; Aldis 2442; Mackenzie 24. M 212 (Mackenzie, Sir George.) A vindication of his Majesties government and judicatures, in Scotland. Printed at Edinbvrgh: And Re-printed at Loudon, by Nathaniel Thompson, for Susanna Forrester, 1683. 4. Ferguson 2/4?; Mackenzie 25. M 758 Marshall, Stephen. The humble answer of the divines... Octob. 6. 1648. London, Printed for Abel Roper, 1660. 4. Ferguson 1/135. Bound with this is a reprint of C 2307, His Majesties finall answer concerning episcopacie. M 1725 Menzies, John. Papismus Lucifugus. Aberdene, Printed by lohn Forbes Younger, 1668. 4. Ferguson 1/136 (282/M52p/cop. 2); Aldis 1846; McAlpin III, 557-558. This copy bears the signature of Patrick Murry, Lord 311 bank (DNB, XIII, 1297) and the bookplate of A.N.L. Munby, inscribed "To F. S. Ferguson 6 Jan. 1959." M 1785 Meredith, Walter. The fidelity, obedience, and valour. London, Printed by S. Griffin, 1642. 4. Ferguson 1/137. 36 M 1899 A message from the Isle of Wight, brought by Major Cromwell. [London, 1 Printed for R. Smithurst, 1648. >. Ferguson 1/138. M 2052 Militia old and new. London, Printed 18 August. 2642 [! 1642J. 4. Ferguson 1/139; McAlpin II, 14?. A note by Ferguson on the front end paper reads: "Device: McKerrow 422 (c) Printers: [Sliots 1 Court Press]". M 2420 (Monipennie, John. ) The abridgement or summarie of the Scots chronicles. Edinburgh, Printed by The Heires of George Anderson, for the Company of Stationers, 1650. 12. Ferguson 1/140; Aldis 1394. M 2421+ (Monipennie, John. ) The abridgement or summarie of the Scots chronicles. Edinbvrgh, Printed by a Society of Stationers, 1662. 12. Ferguson 1/141; Aldis 1?2?. Wing does not record this imorint. M 2422 (Monipennie, John. ) The abridgement or summarie of the Scots chronicles. Edinbvrgh, Printed by George Swintoun and James Glen, and are to be sold by them, and by Thomas Brown and David Trench, l6?l. 12 . Ferguson 1/142; Aldis 191?. Wing transcribes "Dana Trench" in the imprint. N 369 A necessary warning to the ministerie of the Kirk of Scotland. Edinburgh, Printed by Evan Tyler, 1643. 4. Ferguson 1/143; Aldis 1088; McAlpin II, 226. 37 N 740 A new remonstrance and declaration from the army. Sent from the Army Novemb. 18. to be printed and published. 4. Ferguson 1/144. Wing suggests 1648 as the date of printing; Ferguson has noted on the front end paper "1649?". 758 Owen, John. God's work in founding Zion...a sermon preached. . .Septerab. 17th 1656. Oxford, Printed by Leon: Lichf ield. . . , for Tho : Robinson, 1656. 4 . Ferguson 1/145; Madan 2307. P 15 P.. D. P. An antidote against the contagious air of independency. London, Printed by John Field for Ralph Smith, 1644. 4. Ferguson 1/146. A note inserted by Ferguson reads: "References to America: pp. 5 6, 18, 21." P 363 (Park, Robert. ) The rights and liberties of the church. Edinburgh, Printed by a Society of Stationers, 1689. 8. Ferguson 2/48; Aldis 2971; McAlpin IV, 356. The Ferguson copy contains a longitudinal title label printed on L8 r ("Park Against Patronage"). In addition, there is a manu- script longitudinal title label laid in; it appears, from the creases and straining, to have been folded over the foredge with both flaps tucked in. The armorial bookplate of John Campbell, Sari of Loudon (DNB, III, 822) is pasted to the front fly leaf. P 688 Paterson, John. Tandem bona cavsa trivmphat. . .a sermon... the 17. day of February. 1661. 3dinbvrgh, Printed by a Society of Stationers, l66l. 4 . Ferguson 1/14?; Aldis 1708. 38 P 692 Paterson, Ninian. Spigrammatum libri octo. Edinburgi, Sxcudebant Thomas Brown, & Jacobus Glen, 16?8. 8. Ferguson 1/148; Aldis 2134. P 1753 A petition from the city of London with a convenant. LLondon, J Printed in the year 1647. 4. Ferguson 1/48. Bound with C 6276. P 2295 Pitcarne, Alexander. The spiritual sacrifice. Edinburgh, Printed for Robert Brown, [1644], 4. Ferguson 2/49; Aldis 1776. The binder's ticket of Sdmond of Aberdeen is attached to the front pastedown. The date 1644 is derived from the title page to part II. P 2524 A plea for the Parliament. Reprinted for W. Larnar, 1642. 4. Ferguson 1/149. Ferguson has noted on the front endpaper: "Device : _McKerrow 284 Printers: [R. Oulton and G. Dexter?] 11 . P 3222 Presbyterial government described. . .by Britannus Philopresbyter. Edinburgh, Printed in the Year, 1695. 4. Ferguson 1/150; Aldis 3476; McAlpin IV, 525. P 4246 Pury, Thomas. A reply made by. [Condon, J Printed in the Yeare 1641. 4. Ferguson 1/151. 39 P 4268+ Pym, John. The heads of a conference delivered by... Junll 24. 1641. [London] Printed [by R. Young ?] in the yeer, 1641. Ferguson 1/152. There are two separate editions of this title. The Ferguson copy has the device of R. Young (McKerrow 150) on the title page; the other edition (2 copies at the University of Illinois) has the device of John Legate II (McKerrow 373) on the title page. Although the latter is a letter for letter reprint of the former, it can be identified by the presence of Arabic numerals in the margins corresponding to the various "heads". Q 96 Quarles, Francis. Enchiridion miscellaneum. . . the 13 impression. Amsterdam, Printed by Stephen Swart, 1680. 12. Ferguson (uncatalogued). R 146 Rait, William. A vindication of the reformed religion. Aberdene, Printed by lohn Forbes Younger, 16?1. 8. Ferguson 1/153; Aldis 1932. This copy bears the Bibliotheca Lindesiana duplicate stamp. R 613 The recantation of the prelate of Canterbury. London, Printed, 1641. 4. Ferguson 1/154. R ?23 Reflections upon our late and present proceedings in England. Edinburgh, Re printed in the Year, 1689. 4. Ferguson 1/155 (uncatalogued); Aldis 2968. The Ferguson copy was resold. R 1009 The remonstrance of the presbyterie of Sterling. Edinburgh, Printed by Evan Tyler, 1651. 4. Ferguson 1/156; Aldis 1451. 40 R 1932 Rose, Alexander. A sermon, preached. Glasgow, Printed by Robert Sanders, 1684. 4. Ferguson 1/157; Aldls 2488. R 2058 Row, John. L HeDrew ~J % u *- Ja5 Hebraica: seu, voca- bvlarivm. Glasguae, Sxcudebat Georgius Andersonus, 1644. 12. Ferguson 1/158, (uncatalogued ) ; Aldis 1156. This copy is bound with R 2060. The Ferguson copy was resold. R 2060 Row, John. l_HebrewJ Hebraeae linguae institutiones. Glasguae, Sxcudebat Georguis Andersonus, 1644. 12. Ferguson 1/158 (uncatalogued); Aldis 1155; McAlpin II, 314. This copy is bound with R 2058. R 2222 (Rule, Gilbert. ) A just and modest reproof of a pamphlet, called the Scotch Presbyterian eloquence. Edinbvrgh, Printed by George Mosman, l693 4. Ferguson 1/159; Aldis 3302. The Ferguson copy bears the armorial bookplate of John George Home Drummond of Abbots Grange. R 2225 (Rule, Gilbert.) A second vindication of the Church of Scotland. Edinbvrgh, Printed by George Mosman, 1691. 4. Ferguson 1/160; Aldis 3198. An early ownership entry reads "Jehb: Ja: Kilpatrick / 2 s -6 d / 1691". R 2229 (Rule, Gilbert. ) A true representation of Presbyterian government. 3dinbvrgh, Printed at the Society of Stationers Printing house... for George Mosman, 1690. 4. Ferguson 1/161; Aldis 3106; McAlpin IV, 396. R 2353-f Russell, William, Lord. [dropheadj The last speech and carriage of. [colophon] Sdinbvrgh, Re-printed in the Year, 1683. 2. Ferguson 2/50; Aldis 238?. Wing does not record this imprint. R 2435 Ryssen, Leonard van. Summa theologiae elencticae. Sdinbvrgi, Sxcudebat, Georgius Mosman, 1692. 12. Ferguson 1/162; Aldls 3261; McAlpin IV, 455. S 288 S(age), J(ohn). The principles of the Cyprianic age. In the Savoy, Printed by Edw. Jones, for Walter Kettilby, 1695. 4. Ferguson 1/163; McAlpin IV, 526. There is an unrecorded issue with the imprint: "London, Printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-yard. MDCXCV. " (Illinois x823/Salp). S 297 St. Andrews University. The addres of the University of St. Andrews to the king. London, Printed by J: R; to be read by A: L:, 1689. 4. Ferguson 1/164 (321. 7/Sa2a/cop. 2). S 516+ Salus populi suprema lex. or. the free thoughts of a well-wisher. Printed in the Year 1689. 4. Ferguson 1/165; Aldis 2973. The edition recorded by Wing has a drophead title, with the imprint indicated in the colophon. "Edinburgh by the Stationers" is written in an early hand on the title page. S 920 Sclater, William. The remedie of schisme. London, Printed by T. Paine, and M. Symmons, for Tho. Slater, 1642. 4. Ferguson 1/166. 42 S 971 (Scotland. Commissioners. ) Advice, sent from His Majesties commissioners in Scotland. . .lanuary. 15 1642. Printed at Edinburgh, 1642. 4. Ferguson 1/16?; Aldis 1026. S 9?8 (Scotland. Commissioners. ) The great account delivered in to the English Lords. Printed in the yeare, 1641. 4. Ferguson 1/168. S 1038 (Scotland. Estates. ) Act anent drovers. [colophon] Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, 1678. Broadside. Ferguson 2/51; Aldis 2113. 3 S 1070 (Scotland. Estates. ) Act concerning the keeping of conventicles. Edinburgh, Printed by Andrew Anderson, 1676. Broadside. Ferguson 1/169; Aldis 2069.4. S 1122 (Scotland. Estates. ) Act of Parliament anent the excise. Edinburgh, Printed by Evan Tyler, 1645. 2. Ferguson 2/52; Aldis 1172. S 1161 (Scotland. Estates. ) The acts and orders of the meeting of the 3states. Edinbvrgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, 1690. 2. Ferguson 2/32; Aldis 3018. Bound with this is S 1256. S 1162 (Scotland. Estates. ) The acts done and past in the first session of the third Parliament. . .fourth of June 1644. and ending the 29. day of July. Edinburgh, Printed by Evan Tyler, 1644. 2. Ferguson 2/53; Aldis 1128. S 1163 (Scotland. Estates. ) The acts done and past in the second. . .fifth sessions of the first triennall Parliament. Edinburgh, Printed by Svan Tyler, 1646. 2. Ferguson 2/54; Aldis 1211. S 1164 (Scotland. Estates. ) Acts done and past in the sixth session of the first triennial Parliament... third of November 1646. and ending the twenty seventh of March 1647. Edinburgh, Printed by Evan Tyler, 164?. 2. Ferguson 2/55; Aldis 1259* S 1165 (Scotland, Estates. ) Acts done and past in the first session of the second triennial Parliament. . .second day of March, 1648. and ending the tenth of June, 1648. 2. Edinburgh, Printed by Svan Tyler, 1648. 2. Ferguson 2/56; Aldis 1290. S 1166 (Scotland. Estates. ) Acts done and past in the secondsession of the second trlennal Parliament. . .4. of January, and ending the 16. of March. Edinburgh, Printed by Svan Tyler, 1649. 2. Ferguson 2/57; Aldis 1348. S 1167 (Scotland. Estates. ) Acts done and past in the third session of the second triennall Parliament... the twenty third of May, and ending the seventh day of August. Edinburgh, Printed by Svan Tyler, 1649. 2. Ferguson 2/58; Aldis 13^9. S 1175 (Scotland. Estates. ) An additional act for the better improvement & advancing the receipts of the excise and new-impost. Edinbvrgh, Re-Printed by Christopher Higgins, 1657. 2. Ferguson 2/34; Aldis 1564.3. This is an Edinburgh reprint of the London edition (S 1171) 44 S 1181 (Scotland. Sstates. ) The answer of the convention of the Sstates. Sdinburgh, Printed by Svan Tyler, 1643. 4. Ferguson 1/170; Aldis 1069; Steele 1793. S 1219 (Scotland, Sstates. ) The declaration of the Kingdome of Scotland. Sdinburgh, Printed by Svan Tyler, 1643. 4. Ferguson 1/171; Aldis 1079. S 1247 (Scotland. Estates. ) An index or abridgement of the acts of Parliament. Sdinburgh, Printed by John Reid, 1685. 12. Ferguson 1/172; Aldis 2527. S 1256 (Scotland. Sstates. ) The laws & acts made in the second session of the first Parliamt of... William and Mary. Sdinbvrgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, 1690. 2 ,o Ferguson 2/32; Aldis 3018. Bound with this is S Il6l. Although the two works are separately signatured and paginated, Aldis refers to them as one work. S 1258 (Scotland. Sstates. ) The laws and acts made in the fourth session of the first Parliament. Sdinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, 1693. 2. Ferguson 2/59; Aldis 3284. S 1260+ (Scotland. Sstates. ) The laws and acts made in the fifth session of the first Parliament. . .May 9. 1695- Sdinbvrgh, Printed by the Heirs and Successors of Andrew Anderson, 1695 2. Ferguson 2/60; Aldis 3431. Wing does not record this work. 3 1262 (Scotland. Estates. ) The laws and acts made In the sixth session of the first Parliament. . .September 8. 1696. Sdinbvrgh, Printed by the Heirs and Successors of Andrew Anderson, 1696. 2. Perguson 2/6l ; Aldis 3530. S 1264 (Scotland. Estates. ) The laws and acts made in the seventh session of the first Parliament. .. July 19. 1698. Sdinbvrgh, Printed by the Heirs and Successors of Andrew Anderson, 1698. 2. Ferguson 2/62; Aldis 3727. S 1275 (Scotland. Estates. ) Laws and acts past in the third session of the second Parliament. . .12. June to the 11. of September. Sdinbvrgh, Printed by Andrew Anderson, 1672. 2. Ferguson 2/64; Aldis 1935. S 1300 (Scotland. Estates. ) Papers, delivered in by the commissioners of the Kingdome of Scotland. Printed at Edinburgh, by order of the Committee of Estates, by Evan Tyler, 1646. 4. Ferguson 1/173; Aldis 1228. 3 13^3+ (Scotland. Estates. ) Some papers given in by the Commissioners of the Parliament of Scotland. Edinburgh, Printed by Evan Tyler, 1646. 4. Ferguson 1/174; Aldis 1238. Although Aldis describes four editions of this work, Wing apparently could not locate a copy of Aldis 1238. Ferguson has noted on the front end caper: "There exist copies of this issue [i_. e_. editionj, of which the only difference seems to be that they have different type ornaments on the title." 46 3 13^5 (Scotland. Estates.) Some papers given in by the Commissioners of the Parliament of Scotland. . .the third impression. Edinburgh, Printed by Evan Tyler, 1646. 4 5 . Ferguson 1/175. 2/65; Aldis 1240. The Ferguson collection contains two copies of this edition. Aldis gives the collation as A-F^"; the Ferguson copies collate A-C 4 " D 2 S-F . S 1492 (Scotland. Privy Council.) The following depositions.. 9 November 1688. [colophon] Edinburgh, Re-printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, 1688. 2. Ferguson 2/66; Aldis 2757; Steele 2743. Wing gives the format as a broadside; apparently he is describing only the first leaf, which resembles a I roadside. S 1625 (Scotland. Estates.) The laws and acts of Parlia- ment made by King James the first... King Charles the second. Sdinbvrgh, Printed by David Lindsay, 1681. 2. Ferguson (xq346/Sco8s/l424-l68l/cop. 2) ; Aldis 2243. The Ferguson copy lacks "Submissions, and surrenders of teinds", the engraved title page, and the portraits. S 1913 (Scotland. Privy Council. ) A proclamation for securing the peace of the Highlands. Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, 1678. 2. Ferguson 2/67; Aldis 2138.7. S 1969 (Scotland. Privy Council. ) Proclamation prohibiting the nobility, and others to withdraw from this Kingdom without licence. Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, 1678. Broadside. Ferguson 1/176; Aldis 2136.3; Steele 2423. 47 S 212? Scrougie, Alexander. Mirabilia Dei... a congratulatory sermon. Edinburgh, Printed by a Society of Stationers, 1660. 4. Ferguson 1/177; Aldis 1671. S 2153 Scudery, Madeleine de. Les femmes illustres or the heroick harrangues. Edinburgh, Printed by Thomas Brown James Glen and John Weir, 1681. 12. Ferguson 1/173; Aldis 2305- 3 2216 A seasonable and necessary warning concerning present dangers. Edinburgh, Printed by Evan Tyler, 1650. 4. Ferguson 1/179; Aldis 1428. S 2447 Select city ouaeries. London, Printed in the Year, 1660. 4. Ferguson 1/180. This is Part III only. S 2605 A serious and faithfull representation. Printed at London, and Re-printed at Edinburgh by Evan Tyler, 1649. 4. Ferguson 1/181; Aldis 1388. Wing cross references S 2605 to Aldis 1385. S 2647 The sett, or decreet arbitral of King James the 6th. Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, 1683. 8. Ferguson 1/182; Aldis 2426. Ferguson has noted on the recto of the back binder's leaf: "Collated with BM copy G 5318 which lacks Sl-2 but has the blank D4 which is not in this copy. FSF". S 3625 A short reply unto a declaration intituled The declara- tion of the army. Printed, 1650. 4. Ferguson 1/183; Aldis 1431. There is a variant title page which has the words "By the Generall Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland. " lacking in the Ferguson copy (UI uncatalogued ). 48 S 3?23 S(ibbald), R(obert, Sir). Memorla Balfouriania. Sdinburgit Typls Haeredum Andrae Anderson, 1699- 8. Ferguson 1/184; Aldis 3908. On the verso of the title page is the "British Museum Sale Duplicate 1787" stamp. Memoria Balfouriania is a biography of Sir James and Sir Andrew Balfour. The work contains a catalogue of the libarary of Sir James Balfour, who specialized in Scottish monastic chronicles and cartularies dispersed during the Reformation, S 3848 (Simson, Patrick. ) Spiritual Songs. Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, 1685. 12. Ferguson 2/68; Aldis 2611. The title pages of the second through the sixth books are dated 1686. Wing provides a cross-reference to Aldis 25He (?). S 3858 Sinclair, George. Satans invisible world discovered. Edinburgh, Printed by John Reid, 1685. 8. Ferguson 1/185; Aldis 2609. Leaf F4 is in facsimile. S 3935 (Skene, Alexander. ) Memorialls for the government of the royall-burghs in Scotland. Aberdeen, Printed by John Forbes, 1685. 8. Ferguson 1/186; Aldis 2561. Although both Wing and Aldis refer to this as a 12, the vertical chain lines with the watermark in the uptjer Inside margin indicate that it is an octavo. On the front pastedown is the signature "Al. Dunlap" with the following inscription: "The gift of his worthy friend Mr. Abraham Davidson Merchant at Abd." Lettered on the foredge is "Royall Burghs. Aberdeen 1685". S 4050 (Smith, Hugo.) An apology for, or vindication of the oppressed persecuted ministers. Printed in the Year/i677. 8. Ferguson 2/69. Although Wing calls this a 12, the vertical chain lines with the watermark in the upper inner margin indicate that the format is octavo. 49 S 4451 A solemn league and covenant for reformation. Sdinbvrgh, Printed by Svan Tyler, 1648. 4. Ferguson 2/70; Aldis 1343. This is a note by Ferguson onr