-■:M / 'Tr. ffin<\. JU 4iJh^' THE '^ TRUTH" ABOUT ^uiibai) Clusing aiiij yocal Option. Being a rrplij made on the 10//^ April, 1 S83, ^V? the Town Ilall, Rur^elei/, by the REV, R. M. GRIER, M.A., R.D. Vicar (jf Rugclej^, and Prebendary of Lichfield. TO .SPEECHES DELIVERED 0^ THESE SUBJECTS, BY H. C. EDWARDS, ESQ., Sccretaiy to tlie Licensed Victuallers' National Defence League, and others in the same Hall, ON MAUXDAY THURSDAY, 1883. EEPRINT FROM TilE RUaSLEY ADVERTISER. Cn Tuopclay cvcninp:, April 1011\, a large find iiitliunitial audienct! was attracted to the » Town Hall, Tiiipoloy, to listen to an address by' tlif Kov. B.M. Gricr, in roplyto the statcnu'iits recently made at a ni^etinp,' in that ha!l, in coi nection with the Licensed Victuallers' Kat onal Defence Leasiue. There was a larue attendance, chiefly of working . men, large nrinibers being unable to obtain admission, oii account of the crowded state of the room. 1). WooDUOFFK. Esq., occupied th(! chair, and in a brief but telling spec'ch, iritroduced the Yi(ar, ashing for him as fair a hearing as had be en given to the s])eakers in connection with the Licensed Victualler's Mee^ng. Tlie Rev. R. ]\L (jeikr then I'ose, and was nio^t enthusiaticaslly received. He said, Mr. Chaiiman, Ladies and Gentlemen, tlu; Tem- peiancc party in Rngeley, have, I think, good n a en to congratulate themselves upon the imjiortant meeting, which has recently been held by the Licensed Victuallers in this T<;wn Hall. It is, in my opinion, a very flat- tering recognition of the efforts which Ave luive niode to promote the sobriety of the countiy ; ard I honestly think that we deserve it. For it was in this parish that mainly through the exertions of n.y dear and honouied friend, the late Mr. Horton, neirly all the work of the well-known Clerical Memorial to the Archbishops and Bishops of the ('hurch of England was done. Rugeley, therefore, may be held responsible for the appointment of the Lords' Committee on Intempc ranee and i