LI B R.AFLY OF THE U N IVER.SITY or ILLl NOI5 016.7114 C73e r^o. 1-20 CITY PLANNING A;,0 LANDSCAPE AKCHITECURE Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (L75t. Committee of Planning Librarians EXCHANGE BIBLIOGRAPHY University of Illinois list no. 5 November 1959 CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICTS llary Vance, Librarian, City Planning and Landscape Architecture Library, University of Illinois This bibliography has been prepared for use in a Graduate Seminar on the CBD to be given by Professor Vfilliam I. Goodman at the University of Illinois Department of City Planning and Landscape Architecture spring, 1960. The class will include students in planning, sociology, geography and economics. Because of the length of the bibliography, general refer- ences are omitted in favor of specific references. Much mate- rial on the CBD is currently being published, and a supplement to this bibliography is planned for June, 1960, to list current publications and additional references that Professor Goodman and the students find useful diAring their seminar studies. CONTENTS I . General II. Topical 1. Bibliography 2. Design 3. Open spaces: a. Malls b. Plazas 4. Land use 5. Land values 6. Population 7. Promotion 8. Impact of decentralization 9. Circulation a. Transportation b. Transit c . Parking d. Traffic 10. Urban redevelopment 11. New towns 12. Public buildings III. Case studies Available from Exchange Bibliographies Committee of Planning Librarians 6318 Thornhill Drive Oakland 11, California Price per copy: $2.00 CPL Exchange Bibliography 12 I. GENERAL "Adverse Trends in Older Shopping Districts," Appraisal Journal , (July, 1957), 441-444. "Adverse Trends in Older Shopping Districts," Real Estate Analyst , (March 16, 1956), 91-94. Alevizos, John P. and Allen E. Beckwith, "imat Every Retailer Should Know about the. . .Dovmtown Dilemma," Hsir vard Business Review , (January, 1954), 109-119. American Society of Planning Officials, "Central Business District Goals," Planning Advisory Service Information Report , (No. 125, August, IdEdy. American Society of Planning Officials, "Programs for Central Business District Improvement," Planning Advisory Service Information Report , (Ho. 80, November, 1955). Armstrong, Robert H. , "Obsolescence in Central City Areas," Traffic Engineering , (March, 1944), 135-139. Barnard, Boyd T., "The Businessman Looks at Center City Planning," Skyscraper Management , (July, 1958), 12-13. Beran, Robert J., "Crisis in the City: Dovmtown Decay," Mortgage Banker , (August, 1959), 17-19, 23-24. Bingham, S. H. , Downtown U.S.A. — Is It Doomed? from an address be- fore the United States Conference of Mayors, New York, May, 1952. Bogue, Donald J,, "Economic Areas as a Tool for Research and Planning," American. Sociological Review , (1950), 409-416. Boyce, Shirley, "Resurgence of Downtown," Building s, {I'&y, 1957), 26-27* and (June, 1957), 48-51": Brett, Lionell C. B., "The New City Centers of Europe," Land E oor.OTii cs, (November, 1952), 369-373; and RIBA Journal , TJune, 1950). Burns, Vifilfred, British Shopping Centres ; New Trends in Layout and Distribution . London: L. Hill, 1959. Burton, Ife.1. The City Fights Back . New York: The Citadel Press, 1954. "By 1976 Vfhat City Pattern" Architectural Forum , (September, 1956), 103-137. CPL Exchange Biliography 12 Carroll, J. D., Jr., "Defining Urban Trade Areas," Traffic Quarter- ly, (April, 1955), 149-161. Carroll, J. D,, Jr., "Future of the Central Business District," Public Management , (July, 1953), 150-153. "Central City Planning," Stores , (November, 1954). "Central Business District Panel," ASPO Planning , (1950), 133-139. Chamber of Commerce of the United States. Business Action for Better Cities; A Complete Repojrt on the Businessmen's Conference on Urban Problems, Portland, Oregon, June 25 and 24, 1952 . Vfeshing- ton, D. C: 1952. pp. 94-128. "The City's Stake in Its Dovmtown District," Real Estate Analyst , (December 31, 1953), 542-552. De Boer, Saco Rienk. Shopping Districts . Washington: American Plan- ning and Civic Association, 1937. "Downtown District Decreasing in Iraportanoe," Real Estate Analyst , (June 28, 1957), 275-90. Downtovm Idea Exchange, 27 Most Influential Articles from Dovmtovm Idea Exchange . New York: 1958. Downtown Idea Exchange. 250 Best Ideas from Downtovm Idea Exchange . New York: 1958. Downtown Idea Exchange. How to Raise Funds for Revitalizing Down- town . (A Downtown Idea Exchange Special Study). New York: n.d. "Dynamic Planning for Retail Areas," Harvard Business Review , (November-December, 1954). Eberle, George J, The Business District . Los Angeles: Pacific Southwest Academy of Political and Social Science, 1941. Fine, Isadore V. Retail Trade Area Analysis . luladison: University of Wisconsin, Bureau of Business Research, 1954. Fisher, C. P., "Planning Local Business Districts," City Planning , (1929), 106-109. Fisk, George, "The Replanning of Center-City Shopping Districts," Journal of Retailing , (Summer, 1959), 80-84. Pugard, R. "What is Happening to Our Central Business Districts," National Conference on Planning , 1940. pp. 107-114. "Future Development of Local Business Area Detailed," Ci tizen and Chronicle, (November 21, 1958), Section 3. CPL Exchange Bibliography 12 "The Future of Downtown Districts," American Planning and Civic Annual , (1950), 131-155. Gould, Jay M. "Rebirth of the Downtown City," Sa les Management ^ (November 10, 1958), 102-104. Greenfield, Albert M. "American Merchandisers Told of Danger which Threatens Business Districts," Urban Land , (January-February, 1944), 4-6. Gruen, Victor, "Dynamic Planning. for Retail Areas," Harvard Busi- ness Review , (1954), 53-62, Gruen, Victor, "Planning for Shopping," Traffic Engineering , (January, 1956), 163-166. Harrall, C. A. "Revitalizing the Central Business District," Pub- lic liana gem ent , (August, 1958), 182-186. Hartman, George W. "The Central Business District — ^A Study in Urban Geography," Economic Geography , (1950), 237-244. "The Health of Older Business Centers Is a Matter of Municipal Concern," Horizons , (June, 1956), 1-2. Herrold, G. H. "Trade or Traffic in City Centers," Journal of the American Institute of Planners ," (1945), 35. Thesis abstract. Holloway, R. J, "Looking Around: the Downtown Dilemma Continues," Harvard Business Review , (March, 1955), 131-134. Hoyt, Homer, "Forces of Urban Centralization and Decentralization," American Journal of Sociology , (M^y, 1941). Huber, B. "Die Erneurung der City," Werk, (F^rch, 1957), 77. International Congress for Modern Architecture. Heart of the City . New York: Pellegrini & Cudahy, 1952, International Union of Local Authorities, 13th Congress, The Hague, 1957, Traffic Congestion in the City Centre, Reports Prepared for The Hague Congress, 12th-18th June, 1957 . The Hague: 1957. Jacobs, Jane, "Dovjntown Is for People," The Exploding Metropolis , by the Editors of Fortune . Garden City: Doubieday & Company, Inc., 1958, pp. 157-184. Johnson, E. S. "The Function of the Central Business District in the Metropolitan Commiaiity," in Reader in Urban Sociology by Paul K. Hatt and Albert J. Reiss";^ Grlencoe: The Free Press, 1951. pp. 480-491. CPL Exchange Bibliography 12 Jonassen, C. T. Shopper Attitudes, Special Report 11-A . Washing- ton: National Research Council, Highway Tie search Board, 1955. Mace, Ruth L. "Doi/'mtown, N. C. Progress Report," Popular Gove rn- ment , (March, 1959), 2-5. "Main Street: Bulwark of Retailing. How are the Chains Safegarding Their Tremendous Stake in Established Business Centers? 23 Cities are Put under the Microscope to See Vifhat Can Be Done about Parking, Promotion, Modernization," Chain Store Age (General Ilerchandise Executives Edition), (February, 1957), 197-201. "Main Street 1969," American Planning and Civic Annual , (1957), en- tire proceedings. Miller, John A. "Is the Downtown Area Doomed?" Traffic Engineering , (November, 1945), 56-59. ■"Modernizing Main Street," Architectural Forum , (February, 1956), 127-133. "Modernizing Jfein Street, Bow America's Towns and Cities Are Mobil- izing to Revive Their Downtown Business Districts Through Store Modernization, Improved Parking, and Traffic Flow," Chai n Store Age (Grocery Executives Edition), (February, 1958), 187"-a72"; Mosier, Jack M. "Reduction of Excessive Area in Commercial Zones," American Society of Planning Officials, Proceedings , 1949. Mott, S. H. , "Central Business District Problems," Journal of the A jnerican Institute of Planners , (Spring, 1951), 69-70. liEurphy, Raymond E. and J. E. Vance, Jr., and Bart J. Epstein. Cen- tral Business District Studies . (Reprints from Econo mic Geog - raphy with additions). Worcester, Mkss,: Clark University, 1955. National Retail Dry Goods Association, "Central City Recovery: a Nationwide Report," Stores , (January, 1955). National Retail Dry Goods Association, Dynamic Retailing in the Modern Economy . Nev/ York: 1954. National Retail Merchants Association. Proceedings, Dovmtown De - velopment Committee Session, 47th Annual Convention , New York: 1958. Nelson, R. L, ^d F. T, Aschman, "Conservation and Rehabilitation of Major Shopping Districts," Urban Land Institute Teclinical Bullet in, No, 22, (1954). CPL Excjhgmge Bibliography 12 Nichols, Charles G. "Reviving the Central Business District," American City , (July, 1955), lOB. Nirenstein, Nathan, "There'll Always Be a Main Street," Appraisal Journal , (January, 1947), 105-109. "Off -Street Parking Won't Save a Dying Shopping Center," Horizons for Modern Pennsylvania Local Government , (September, 1959), 3-4. Pratt, Samual and Lois Pratt. Suburban Downtown in Transition , a Problem in Business Change in Bergen County, N.jT Rutherford: Fairleigh Dickinson University, Institute of Re- search, 1958. Princeton University Conference. Environment for Business and In- dustry . Princeton: 1968. Proudfoot,' Malcolm J., "City Retail Structvire," Eoonomic Geography , (1937), 425-528. Proudfoot, Malcolm J., "The Selection of a Business Site," Journal of Land and Public Utility Economics , (1938), 370-381. Quails, William H. A Checklist of the Problems of the Central Distri ct. Johnson City: Tennessee State Planning Commission, 1954. Rannells, John. Core of the City . New York: Columbia University Press, 1956. Reierson, Curtis C, "Tomorrow's City," The Baylor Bulletin , No. 35 (Iferch, 1958), 17-40. "Retailers' Problem: Reviving a Sick Old Downtovm," Business Yfeek , (January 15, 1955), 42-44. Roterus, Victor, "Central Business Districts," ASPO Planning , (105), 133-136. Rouse, J. VJ, "Program for Dovmtown," abstract. Architectural Forum , (August, 1957), 186. Rouse, J. W, , "Will Doimtown Face Up to Its Future?" Urban Land , (February, 1957), 1-5, Rubloff , Arthur, "Opportunities for Growth in the Central Business District," American Planning and Civic Annual , (1954), 148-155. Schmidt, Walter, "The Future of Downtown Districts," American Plan - ning and Civic Annual, (1950), 131-156. CPL Exchange Bibliography 12 Sheridan, Leo J,, "Future of Central Business Districts," Skyscraper Management , (September, 1941), 29-30, 37. "Shopping Centers Take Opposite Paths; Toledo Is Attempting to Re- vitalize Its Downtown Area; While Atlanta Merchants Are Going sifter the Suburban Market," Business Week , (August 15, 1959) 56-58. Skyscraper Management , (October, 1959), entire issue. Smailes, A. E. "Central Business Districts in Cities," Geographic Review , (October, 1955), 574-577. Smith, Larry, " ISaintaining the Health of Our Central Business Dis- tricts," Traffic Quarterly , (April, 1954), 111-117. Soloman, Sidney L. "The Downtown Store — ^Alive and Kicking," Tobe Lecture Series . Nevtr York: Fairchild Publications, Inc., 1957. pp. 92-106. Solomon, Sidney L, , "Great Decade of Grov/th Seen for DBVmtovm De- pai-tment Stores," Commercial and Financial Chronicle , (j'ky 16, - 1957), 2317. Steele, R. S,, "A Study of Nine Central Business District Proposals," Journal of the American Inst'itute of Planners , (1957), 40. Thesis abstract, Steiner, Richard L. Revival of the Central City . (Address at the Third Annual Planning Assembly, Akron, Ohio, April 19, 1958), Stevens, Herbert W. , "Modernizing the City Center," ASPO Planning, (1958), 87-91. Thabit, Walter and Nathalie Lobe, "Shopper Origins and Destinations," Traffic Quarterly , (January, 1957), 30-53. U.S. --Bureau of the Census. 1954 Census of Business; Central Busi - ness District Statistics; Summary Report . Washington: GPO, 1958. Siommary of a series covering the central business district of selected large cities with comparable city and standard metropolitan area data. Walker, Fabol. Business Enterprise and the City . Princeton: Tsuc Institute, 1957. Watkins, iiillioent, "Building in the Town Centre," Town Planning Review, (July, 1954), 85-94. Weeks, R, E. "Some Salient Facts Affecting Downtown Areas," Appraisal Journal, (October, 1959), 561-564. CPL Exchange Bibliography 12 Weiss, Shirley F. The Central Business District in Transition , Methodological Approaches to CBD Analysis and Forecasting Future Space Heeds . (City and Regional Planning Studies, Research Paper No, 1). Chapel Hill: Department of City and Regional Planning, UniTersity of North Carolina, 1957. Yooum, James C, "Keeping Main Street Prosperus: the Importance of Downtovm," Ohio Retail Analyst , (April, 1957), 1-4; (May, 1957), 4-5; (June, 1957), 5-6; (July, 1957), 4-5. II. TOPICAL 1. Bibliography "Basic Information Sources on Downtovm Shopping Districts," Busi - ness Service Bulletin of the U.S. Business and Defense Ser- vices Administration, BSB-135, (December, 1955), 1-11, Quails, William M. A Bibliography for the Central Business Dis - trict . Johnson City: Upper East Tennessee State Planning Commission, 1954, . Ticknor, J/iargaret. Bus i ness Districts, Central and Decentralized ; Some Representative Publications . Washington: U.S. Bureau of Public Roads, 1951. Weiss, Shirley F. The Central Business District in Transition, Methodological Approaches to CBD Analysis and Forecasting Future Space Needs . (City and Regional Planning Studies, Research Paper No. 1). Chapel Hill: Department of City and Regional Planning, University of North Carolina, 1957. In- cludes an excellent bibliography. See also: III. Case Studies — Honolulu. 2. Design Clay, Grady, "Main Street 1969; Miracle Mies or the Big Mess?" Journal of the American Institute of Planners , (No. 3, 1957), 151-134. "Creating a Livable City," Landscape Architecture , (July, 1958), 218-225. Gibberd, Frederick. Tavm Design . London: Architectural Press, 1953. CPL Exchange Bibliography 12 Great Britain--I-'linistry of Housing and Local Government, Design in Tovm and Village . Part III: "Design in City Centers," by W. G. Holford. London: HJ/BO, 1953. Grubb, Eric A. "Modernizing the City Center," ASPO Planning , (1958), 79-87. Gruen, Victor, "Downtovm Needs a Lesson from the Suburbs," Business Week , (October 22, 1955), 64-65. "Hov/ to Compete with Outlying Shopping Centers: Redesign Your 'Down- toTOi;''" American City , (February, 1957), 130-132. Eace, Ruth L. , "Is It Face Lifting Time for Downtovm North Carolina?" Popular Government , (February, 1958), 1-7. Sitte, Camillo. The Art of Building Cities; City Building According to Its Artistic Fundamentals . New York: Reinhold Publishing Corporation, 1945^ "Townscape, Downtown America," Ar chitectural Review , (April, 1958), 279-80. See also: III. Case Studies — Chicago, Greenvidoh, New Canaan, Passaic, Ponca City, Sacrameuto. 3. Open Spaces ~ a. Malls Alexander, Laxirence, "Some Second Thoughts on Downtown Ij!alls," Stores , (October, 1S59), 6-7. Clay, Grady, "Business in a Botanical Garden," Architectural Forum , (August, 1959), 108-113, Downtown Idea Exchange. T he Impact of the Liall on Downto:TO.; A Special Study . New York: 19o9. McVoy, Arthur D,, "Pedestrian Way Business Districts: Competition from Suburban Centers Shows Practicality," A merican City , (l&roh, 1957), 136-138. Nirgiotis, Nicholas, "Downtovm Shopping Kails, Importance and Im- pact on Central Area Values,'' S kyscraper lianagement , (October, 1959), 12-13, 66. Revere Copper and Brass, Inc. Your Children Can Romp Here li?hile You Shop . Nev/ York: n.d, "Shopping Walls Featured in Toivn Improvement Plans," Architectural Record, (July, 1959), 34. • CFL Ejcohange' Bibliography 12 Tanner, 0., "Closed to Traffic, Pedestrian Shopping Mall," Archi - tectural Forum , (February, 1959), 88-93. See also: III. Case Studies — Coventry, Fort Worth, Grand Haven, Kalamazoo, Kansas City, Mooreville, Rye, Springfield, Stevenage, Waco. 3, Open Spaces — b. Plazas Fogarty, F,, "Earning Power of Plazas," Architectural Forum , (January, 1958), 9. See also: III. Case Studies — Milvmukee, Minneapolis, Pittsburgh, St. Louis, 4. Land Use Armstrong, Robert H. , "Changing Downtown Patterns," Urban Land , (June, 1957), 1-6. BartholoirjBw, Ear land. Land Uses in American Cities . (Harvard City Planning Studies, Vol. XV). Cambridge: Harvard Univer- sity Press, 1955. pp. 120-134. Connell, A. T., "Land Uses that Require a Central Business District Location," Journal of the American Institute of Planners , (Spring,' 1955), 161. Thesis abstract. Ling, Arthur. "Office Buildings in the Big Cities," News Sheet of the International Federation for Housing and Town Plan - ning , (November, 1956), 26. McMillan, Samuel C, "Changing Position of Retail Trade in Central Business Districts," Traffic Quarterly , (July, 1957), 357-372. See also: III, Case Studies — Boston, Burbank, Cincinnati, Dayton, Denver, Detroit, Greensboro, J/!adison, Portland (Me.), Sacramento, 5, Land Values Buenger, Arthur, "Preservation of Downtown Values, the Importance of Maintaining the Central Core of the City is Recognized by All. Downtown is Coming Baok," Skyscraper Management , (August, 1957), 3-4, 47. 10 CPL Exchange Bibliography 12 "City Realty Values Seen Sliding, Despite Price Rise," Architectural Forum , (March, 1955), 17. "Parking and Its Effects on DoTvntoxvn Business and Property Values," Tax Economics Bulletin , (November-December, 1955), 89. Rich, Richard H. , "Effects on Downtovm Real Estate Suburban Shopping Centers," Skyscraper Management , (October, 1959), 16-17. Taylor, Gerald Kirkbridge. Relationships between Land Value and '. Land Use in a Central Business District . V\(ashington: Urban Land Institute, 1957, Young, J. C, "Economic Effects of Expressways on Business and Land Values," Traffic Quarterly , (October, 1951), 353-368. See also: III. Case Studies — Chicago, Flint. 6. Population Foley, Donald L,, "The Daily Movement of Population into Central Business Districts," American Sociological Review, (1952), 538-543. Foley, Donald L. and Gerald Breese, "The Standardization of Data Showing Daily Population Movement into Central Business Districts," Land Economics , (November, 1951), 348-353. Foley, Donald L., "Urban Daytime Population: A Field for Demog- raphio-Eoologioal Analysis," Social Forces , (1954), 323-330. Schmitt, Robert C, "Estimating Daytime Populations," Journal of the American Institute of Planners , (1956), 83-85. Sharp, Harry, "The Non-Residential Population of the Central Busi- ness District," Land Eoonomios , (November, 1955), 378-381, See also: III. Case Studies — Chicago, Flint. 7, Promotion Armstrong, Robert H, "Rock and Roll in Retailing," Urban Land , (October, 1956), 3-5. Downtown Idea Exchange . (Semi-monthly magazine) , v, 1 (Sept, 1954), to date, -; 11 CPL Exchange Bibliography 12 8. Impact of Decentralization Alexander, L., and D. Weiss, "Dovv-ntor/n Retailers Hit Back at Subur- ban Shopping Trend," Printer's Ink , (January 21, 1955), 22-25. Bartholomevr, Ear land, "Present and Ultimate Effect of Decentraliza- tion on American Cities," Real Estate Record , (October, 1940). Clark, Frederick P., "Concentration and Decentralization in the New York Metropolitan Region," Journal of the American Institute of Planners , (Fall, 1950), 172-178. "Downtown Loads Its Hsavy Guns: Central Cities Are Falling Behind Suburbs and Shopping Centers in Retail Race," Business Vfeek , (November 23, 1957), 71-72. "Downtovm vs. Suburban," Yifomen's Wear , (August, 1955). Fisher, Howard T., "Can Ma.±n Street Compete? Automobile Age Has -^'"'^ Brought Shopping Center as Rival," American City , (October, 1950), 100-101. Fisher, Howard T,,"The Impact of Nevj- Shopping Centers on Estab- lished Business Districts," American Planning and Civic Annual , (1950), 144-154. Greenfield, Albert M. , Downtown and Shopping Centers in New Re - gional Cities . (Address to the International Council of Shopping Centers, February 25, 1958 in New York City). Hoyt, Homer, "Impact of Suburban Shopping Centers in September, 1956," Urban Land , (September, 1956), 1-7. Hoyt, Homer, "Urban Decentralization," Journal of Land and Public Utility Economics , (August, 1940). Jonassen, C. T., Dovnatown vs. Suburban Shopping . Columbus: Ohio State University, BxH-eau of Business Research, 1953, Jonassen, C. T,, The Shopping Center Versus Dovmtovm . Columbus: Ohio State University, Bureau of Business Research, 1955. Mclfillan, Samuel C, "Decentralization of Retail Trade," Traffic Quarterly , (April, 1954), 213-223. Nelson, Richard Lawrence, "Outlying Shopping Centers vs. Downtown Retail Trade," Appraisal Journal , (October, 1957), 485-498. Peel, Roy V., "Decentralization in American Cities," Businessman's Conference on Urban Problems, Proceedings , Chicago, 1950. "Prospects of the Central Business District vs. Suburban Regional Shopping Centers," Connecticut State Jo urnal, (Jlay, 1959), 2-3. 12 CPL Exchange Bibliography 12 Rich, Richard H. , "Effect on Downtown Real Estate of Suburban Shop- ping Centers," Skyscraper I^Jianagement , (October, 1959), 16-17. Rubloff, Arthur, "Regional Shopping Centers and Their Effect on the Future of Our Cities," American Planning and Civic Annual , (1953), 45-50. Sharpe, G. B., "Ifeasuring the Pull to the Central Business District and to the Suburbs," Urban Land , (February, 1953), 3-7. Shaw, Steven J., "The Shopping Center Revolution and Its Impact," Business and Economic Review , (April, 1958), 1-4. "Shopping Spreads Out: Downtown Is Worried," U.S. Mews and World Report , (November 7, 1952), 58. Smith, Larry, "Commercial Real Estate Relation ships --Downtown ajid Suburban," Urban Land , (l&rch, 1956), 3-5. Toole, S. liestcott, "Choosing a Business Location: Downtown vs. Su- burbia," Skyscraper Lfenagement , (October, 1959), 18-19, 69-70. U.S. — Department of Commerce- -Office of Area Development. Central Business Districts and Their Metropolitan Areas: A Summary of Geographic Shifts in Retail Sales Growth, 1948-1954 , by Murray D. Dessel. (Area Trend Series No. 1) . Washing:ton: GPC, 1957. U.S. — Department of Commerce — Office of Area Development. Central Business Districts and Their Metropolitan Areas: A Summary of Geographic Shifts in Sales Volume, 1948-1954 . (Staff Paper Wo. 5). Washington: Department of Commerce, 1957. Walker, Mabel, "The Impact of Outlying Shopping Centers on Central Business Districts," Public Management , (August, 1957), 170-174. Welch, Kenneth C, "The Regional Center and Downtovm," Traffic Quarterly , (July, 1958), 371-388. Westchester Co., W.Y. — Department of Planning. An Analysis of the Cross Country Shopping Center and Its Impact on Shopping Areas . White Plains: 1956. Winterich, John T., "Downtown Versus Suburban Shopping," Publisher's Weekly , (November 21, 1953), 2076-2080. Winterich, John T., "How Customers Choose between Shopping Centers and Downtovm," Publisher's Yfeekly , (August 6, 1955), 524-527. See also: III. Case Studies — Buffalo, Chicago, Cleveland, Des Moines, Louisville, Mount Pleasant, Seattle. 13 CPL Exchange Bibliography 12 9. Circulation — av Transportation Buckley, James C. "Comprehensive Transportation £md Terminal Plan- ning for Large Urban Centers," Journal of the American Insti - tute of Planners , (Winter, 1947), 11-22. Cox, Frank Emery, "Transportation and Parking Facilities in Down- tovm Rehabilitation," Traffic Quarterly , (October, 1957), 477-491. Meeks, Carroll L. V,, "Depots in the City Plan," Journal of the American Institute of Planners , (Spring, 1948), 4-14. National Research Council — Mghivay Research Board, "Shopping Habits and Travel Patterns," Special Report No. 11-B , (1955), 1-21. National Research Council— Highway Research Board. Travel to Com - mercial Centers . Washington: 1953. Owen, Wilfred. The Metropolitan Transportation Problem . Washing- ton: The Brookings Institution, 1956, See also: III. Case Studies — Atlanta, Cincinnati, Dayton, New York, Pittsburgh, San Francisco, Toledo, Washington. 9. Circulation — b. Transit Anderson, G. "kV. , "So Far We Have Told Only Half Our Story; YIha.t Transit Can Do to Alleviate Traffic Congestion in DoTmtown Districts," Bus Transportation , (September, 1955), 50-51. Balfour, F. C. "Mass Transit vs. the Auto--A Revolution in Land ' Economy," Architectural For\jm , (April, 1955), 206. Chamber of Commerce of the United States. Businessmen sind Public Transit Service . Washington: n.d. Keith, G« \1,, "Transit Helps to Save the Downtovna Business," Public Utilities , (September 29, 1955), 457-466. Nichols, C, G., "Public Transit and the Downtown District," Public Utilities , (July 7, 1955), 51-54. Talbott, Philip M. , "Rescuing 'Downtown' and Its Transit," Public Utilities Fortnightly , (December 8, 1955), 941-944. See also: III, Case Studies — Buffalo, Cleveland, Dallas, Detroit. 14 CPL Exchange Bibliography 12 9. Circulation -- c. Parking The American Municipal Association. Parking — A 1951 Guide Post to L'iunicipal Action . Chicago: 1951. American Automobile Association. Parking Programs ».« Facts about Selected Urban Parking Programs in the United States . V^fash- ington: 1954. American Municipal Association. Parking — What Cities Are Doing about It . Chicago: 1949. Associated Retailers of Indiana. Parking for Smaller Cities . Indi- anapolis: 1948. Automotive Safety Foundation. What Parking Means to Business . Wash- ington: 1955. Canning, William 3., "Determining the Parking Requirements in a Busi- ness District," 1940 Proceedings , Eleventh Annual Ifeeting. New York: Institute of Traffic Engineers, 1940. pp. 117-120. Chamber of Commerce of the United States — Transportation and Com- munications Department. The Big Squeeze . Washington: n.d. Chamber of Commerce of the United States — ^Transportation and Com- munications Department. Curb Parking . Washington: 1953. Clark, Frederick P., "Adequate Parking in Business Areas," Traffic Quarterly , (April, 1951), 155-169. Connell, E, J,, "Parking Lot to Aid Downtown Business," Public Works , (August, 1957), 111 Evans, Henry K., "A Realistic Approach to Dovmtown Parking," USA Tomorrow , (October, 1954), 51. Fordham, Jefferson B., "Local Governments to Provide and Finance Parking Facilities," Traffic Quarterly , (October, 1951), 369-382, Hanna, John T,, "Factors Affecting Parkers' Choice of Parking Lots or Garages," Traffic Quarterly , (October, 1949), 400-412. "The Importance of Off -Street Parking and How It Can Be Financed in Mchigan," Mchigan Municipal Review , (July, 1952), 109-112. Klaber, Eugene Henry, "Parking for the Central Business Districts," Ajr.erican City , (April, 1953), 142-143. Knapp, Kenneth, "Characteristics and Extent of Off -Street Parking," American Planning and Civic Annual , (1950), 140-144. 15 CPL Exchange Bibliography 12 LeCraw, Charles S. Parking Lot Operation . Sagatuck, Conn.: Eno Fovmdation for Highv--ay Traffic Control, 1948. Levin, David R. Parking Facilities as Public Utilities . (Speech presented Jan. 1951 at 30th Annual Meeting' of Highway Re- search Board). Tfeshington: National Research Coimcil, High- way Research Board, 1951. Levin, David R,, "Special or Benefit Assessments for Parking Fa- cilities," Urban Land Institute Technical Bulletin , (No. 35, 1951). Levin, David R., "Trends in Legislation for Off -Street Parking Facilities," National Research Council, Highway Research Board, Bulletin 48 , 1952. Lindman, Ray H. Ana lysis of California Statutes Relating to Public Acquisition of Off -Street Parking" Facilities . Los Angeles: Legal Department of Automobile Club of Southern California, 1952. "Location Factors for Off -Street Parking," Urban Land , (j&irch, 1954). Jfeitson, Theodore M. , "Parking Problems of American Cities," American Planning and Civic Annual , (1950), 123-140. Mogren, Edward G,, "Review of Plans for Financing Municipal Off- Street Parking," Traffic Quarterly , (October, 1951}, 429-439. Montgomery Co., Md. — Public Parking Lot Technical Advisory Com- mittee. Report . 1952. Mott, S. H. and M. S, Wehrly, "Automobile Parking in Central Busi- ness Districts," Urban Land Institute Technical Bulletin (No. 5, July, 1946). "Municipal Off -Street Parking in 79 California Cities," Western City, (March, 1951), 25-30. National Association of Building Ovmers and Mianagers. Off -Street Parking Study . Chicago: 1950. National Research Council--Highway Research Board. . Off -Street Parking; Legislative Trends, Administrative AgenciesT (Bulle- tin no. 48). Washington: 1952. National Research Council— Highway Research Board. Parking . (Bulletin no. 19). Tfeshington: 1951. 16 CPL Exchange Bibliography 12 National Research Council — Highway Research Board. Farlcing as a Factor in Business . (Special Report no, 11). Washington: Part I. "Attitudes Toward Parking and Related Conditions in Columbus." Part II, "Economic Relationships of Parking to Business in Seattle Metropolitan Area." Part III. "Relationships between Downtown Automobile Park- ing Conditions and Retail Business Decentralization," Part IV. "Central City Property Values in Saii Francisco and Oakland." Part V. "Trends in Economic Activity and Transportation in San Francisco Bay Area." National Research Counoil--HighiAray Research Board. Parking Commit- tee Report, and Three Papers . (Bulletin no. ISjI Washington: 1948. National Research Council--IB.ghway Research Board. Walking Dis - tances in Parking . (Reprint from Proceedings ) . National Retail Dry Goods Association. Parking — How It Is Financed . New York: 1952. New Jersey State League of Municipalities. A Practical Off -Street Parking Plan . Elizabeth, N,J, : n.d. New York (State) — ^Department of. Commerce. Solving Parking Prob - lems . Albany: 1950. Nichols, Charles G. "A Direct Approach to the Downtovm Parking Problems," Stores , (December, 1954). Nolting, Orin F, and Paul Oppermann. The Parking Problem in Central Business Districts, with Special Reference to Off -Street Park - ing . Chicago: Public Administration Service, 1938. Phillipps, Mner B, and Irving Tenner. Financing Municipal Off- Street Parking Facilities . Chicago: Municipal Finance Offi- cers Association, 1948. Ramp Building Corporation, Planning the Modern Parking Facility . New York: 1948. Regional Plan Association, Inc, "Municipal Off -Street Parking Systems," Bulletin no. 76 (1950) and Supplement — "Municipal Off-street Parking." (1950). Rhyne, Charles S. Municipally Owned Parking Lots and Garages , Washington: National Ins'oitute of Municipal Law Officers, 1948, Wat kins, William J. Relationship Between Dotvntov.Ta Automobile Park - ing Conditions and Retail Business Decentralization . 1953. 17 CPL Exchange Bibliography 12 See also: III. Case Studies — Akron, Atlanta, Bakersfield, Bayonne, Berkeley, Binghamton, Bluefield, Boston, Champaign, Chicago, Chico, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbia, Columbus, Dallas, Danville, Darien, Dayton, Decatur, Endicott, Fond du Lac, Freeport, Galesburg, Hayward, Houston, Kalamazoo, Kansas City, Lexington, London, Louisville, Mami, A^lford, Mlwaukee, Minneapolis, Newark, Oakland, Pavrtucket, Philadel- phia, Pittsburgh, Providence, Riverside, St. Louis, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle, Stockton, Syracuse, Tulsa, Washington, Westchester, ViTilmington, V/orcostcr 9, Circulation — d. Traffic "All Roads Lead to Downtown," Planning Information Bulletin , Syracuse , (April-May, 1959), 1-7. Almblad, C. Vif,, "Some Traffic Factors in the Central Area De- velopment," Traffic Quarterly , (July, 1959), 378-395. Barkley, Robert E, Origin-Destination Surveys and Traffic Volume Studies . Vfashington: National Research Council, Highway Re- search Board, 1951, Chamber of Commerce of the United States — Transportation and Com- munication Department. Solutions to the Merchandise Pickup and Delivery in Business Districts . Washington: 1950. Churchill, Eenry S., "Influence of Traffic on Decentralization of Cities," Institute of Traffic Engineers Proceedings, Chicago, October, 1948. "Crowded Streets," Urban Land Institute Technical Bulletin , (No. 26, June, 19557^ Eberle, Alfred T,, "The Retail Merchant's Interest in the Traffic Problem," Traffic Quarterly , (April, 1951), 115-130. "Free Flowing Traffic Means Better Business," Urban Land , (Janu- ary, 1951). Gruen, Victor, "Renewing Cities for the Automobile Age," Traffic Engineering, (May, 1957), 357-359, 363. Horwood, Edgar H. Center City Goods Movement, an Aspect of Con- gestion . (Paper prepared for presentation at the, 38th annual meeting of the Highway Research Board). 1958. Kincaid, Evert. "Relieving Downtown Congestion," Aroerioan Plan - . ning and Civic Annual, (1949), 104-111. 18 CPL Exchange Bibliography 12 Levin, David R, ajad L. P. Cookingham and S. R. DeBoer. "Panel on Expressways and the Central Business District," Acer i can Planning and Civic Annua l, (1954), 131-148. Mitohell, Robert B, and Chester Rapkin, Urban Traffic; a Function of Land Use . Nev;- York: Columbia University Press, 1954. "The One Way Street j Its Effect on Retail Business," California Highways and Public Works , (J/Iarch-April, 1953). "Traffic Control is Moving from Palliatives to Specifics," Ameri - can City , (February, 1955) . ^^'Urban Traffic Forum; How Can Big Cities Save Their Downtovm Dis- tricts from Strangling in Their Own Congestion?" Architectural Forum , (February, 1953), 110-119. Vfehrly, IEbx K, , "Downtown Traffic, 1970 — a Blessing or a Curse?" Urban Land , (J&irch, 1959), 1. Young, J. C, "Economic Effects of Expressways on Business and Land Values," Traffic Quarterly , (October, 1951), 353-368. See also: III. Case Studies ~ Arlington, Atlanta, Chicago, Denver, Detroit, Flint, Kankakee, Kansas City, London, New York, Paw- tucket, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Portland (Ke,), San Francisco. 10. Urban Redevelopment "Cities Not for Dying: Redevelopment Boom," Architectural Record , (May, 1954), 170-177. Community Planning Association — Greater Toronto Branch. Redevelop - ment in Central Districts; Record of the Meeting of April 29 , 1954 . Toronto: 1954. Contini, Edgardo. The Renewal of Downtown USA . (A speech to the Los Angeles Transportation Club, December 4, 1956). Great Britain — Ministry of Town and Country Planning. Advisory Handbook on the Redevelopment of Central Areas . London: HLBO, 1947. Follin, James W, , "Coordination of Urban Renewal vdth the Urban ffighway Program," Urban Land , (1956), 1-6. Grebler, Loo, "Europe's Reborn Cities," Urban Land Institute Tech - nical Bulletin, (No. 28, 1956). 19 CPL Exchange Bibliography 12 "How to Rebuild Cities Downtowij Round Table Report," Architectural ' Forum , (June, 1955), 122-131. King, R. H, , "The Redevelopment of Central Areas," Journal of the Tovm Planning Institute , (December, 1956), 13-17. Lichfield, Nathaniel, "Eoonomio Problems of Central Redevelopment," Housing Review , (September-October, 1958), 133-141. Nystrom, Paul H. , "The Renewal of Downtovm Shopping Districts," Virginia Municipal Review , (December, 1957), 273-275. "Rebuilding the Downtown Centers," Stores , (June, 1955). Town Planning Institute — Research Committee. The Economics of Central Area Redevelopment; a Report . London: 1952. See also: III, Case Studies — Atlanta, Baltimore, Boston, Denver, Detroit, Elizabeth, Gary, Los Angeles, l&lwaukee. New Haven, New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Providence, Romford, Sacramento, St. Louis, San Francisco, San Rafael, Tarrytovm. 11. Hew Towns Bodie, W. G, R,, "The Provision of Shops in a New Town," Journal of the ToTTO Planning Institute , (November, 1953), 269-271. See also: III, Case Studies — Harlow, Ifemel ifempstead, Stevenage, 12. Public Buildings Underwood, Gilbert S,, "Location of Federal Buildings," American Planning and Civic Annual , (1950), 154-156. See also: III, Gas© Studies'— Albuquerque, Austin, Baltimore, Boston, Burbank, Charlotte, Chicago, Cincinnati, Dayton, Denver, Detroit, Durham, Harrisburg, Long Beach, Modesto, Oakland, Rochester, San Francisco, Seattle, South Bend, Tacoma, Toronto, Tulsa. 20 CPL Exchange Bibliography 12 III. CASE STUDIES Austin, Texas Wise (Harold F.) Associates, Capitol Area Master Plan . 1956. Akron, Ohio Akron — City Planning Conanission. A Study of the Parking Condi - tions in Ala*on's Central Business District. 1947. Albuquerque, Mew Mexico Albuquerque, N, M. — City Planning Commission. Albuquerque Civic Center I&ster Plan. 1954. Allentomi, Pennsylvania LeCra^v, Charles S, "Allento^m Saves Its Shopping Area," Traffic Quarterly, (January, 1949), 63-73. Arlington, Massachusetts Arlington, Kass. — Planning Board. Arlington Center Traffic Study. Boston: 1950, Atlanta, Georgia Atlanta — Metropolitan Planning Commission, Nov/, . ,f or Tomorrow . 1954. Atlanta — Traffic Engineering Department. Atlanta Solves Its Parking Problem; a Report Showing the Progress IJade in Adding New Off-Street Parking Spaces to the Atlanta Doy.Titown Area . 1957. Sears, Richard H, , Jr. Central Atlanta 1957 Street Use Plan , Guide to Computations Forecasting Dovmto^\'n Street Traffic Volumes Resulting from Express^vay Completion . Atlanta: Metropolitan Planning Commission, 1957. "Urban Redevelopment — South," Progressive Architecture , (August, 1954), 12. 21 CPL Exchange Bibliography 12 Bakersfield, California Bakersfield, Calif. — City Planning Commission. ]Dawntown_Park- ing. 1947. Baltimore, Maryland Baltimore — Department of Planning. Retail Trade . 1957. Barnes, Hisnry A. "Do-wntovm Baltimore: Prosperity or Doom?" Baltimore , (June, 1956), 16-17. Belluschi, Pietro, Preliminary Report on the Inner Ifeirbor Site for the Civic Center of Baltimore . Baltimore : Committee on Downtovm and Greater Baltimore Committee, 1957. Dovmtovm Committee of Baltimore. Dovvntovm Study, Baltimore . Baltimore: The Industrial Corporation, 1941. "Downtown Rejuvenation: Charles and Civic Center Ordinances Enacted," Baltimore , (April, 1959), 12. Greater Baltimore Committee — Planning Council. The Central Business District Plan, Downtown Baltimore . Baltimore : 1959. Greater Baltimore Conmiittee — Planning Council. Charles Center . Baltimore: 1958. Hutzler, Albert D., "The Future of the Business Center," Balti - more , (July, 1955), 11-15. McVoy, Arthur D. A Prospectus for Downtovm Baltimore . Balti- more : Department of Planning, 1956. Miller, J. Jefferson, "Proposed Charles Center Project in Do\'vn- town Baltimore," Planning and Civic Comment , (jime, 1958), 20-23. "Nev/ Heart for Baltinore," Ai'chitectural Foru gi, (reprinted from the J'jaae, 1958 .ssue). Bayonne, Meiv Jersey Bayonne, N, J^ — Planning Bi^ard. P arking Requirements in the Central Business District. T956. 22 CPL Exchange Bibliography 12 Berkeley, California Meyer, James W, and Richard Gallager, "The Berkeley Plan: a Co- operative Parking Lot Project," Traffic Quarterly , (October, 1952), 467-474. Bethesda, I/^feiryland Maryland— I&ryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, A Plan for the Central Business District of Bethesda, Ifeiry- land. Silver Springs: 1946. Binghamton, Mew York Broome Co., N. Y.— Planning Board. Off -Street Parking for Down - town Binghamton. Binghamton: 1954. Birmingham, England "Planning the Built-Up Area: City Center," (Extract from report of the Birmingham, England Public T/orks Committee to the City Council, 6th July, 1943). Town and Country Planning , (October, 1932). Bluefield, West Virginia Bluefield — Office of City Manager. Bluefield I^iunicipal Parking Building. 1947. Boston, Massachusetts Ahern, Daniel J. The Start of Boston's Great Rebuilding Era . (Reprint from Greater Boston Business , February, 1958). Boston: Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce, 1958, Alevizos, John P. and Allen E. Beckwith. Downtown and Suburban Shopping Habits of Greater Boston . Boston: Boston Iferald and Traveler; and Bureau of Business Research, College of Business Administration, Boston University, 1954. "The Back Bay Center," Architectural Forum , (November, 1953), 103-115. 23 CPL Exchange Bibliography 12 Ballard, William H. A Survey in Respect to the Decentralization of the Boston Central Business District . Chicago : Urban Land Institute, 1940. "A Beehive Office and Domes Convention Ife.ll for Boston," Archi - tectural Forum , (September, 1953), 43. Belluschi, Pietro, "Boston's Back Bay Center," USA Tomorrow , (October, 1954), 8-13. Boston — City Planning Board. Building Accommodations in Boston's Dovmtovm Bay Business District . 1953. Boston--City Planning Board. Government Center Study, a Pre - liminary Report , 1956. Boston — City Planning Board. Off -Street Parking Report for the Downtown Area , n.d. Boston--City Planning Board. Report on the Proposed Government Center Redevelopment Project, January, 1958 . 1958. "Boston Again on Horns of Tax Dilemma; Proposed Tax Relief to Gain |i75-Million Business Center," Engineering News , (Feb- ruary 3, 1955), 28. "Boston Back Bay Center," Royal Architectural Institute of Canada Journal , (December, 1953), 365-367. "Boston Center, by a Group of Top New England Architects," Architectural Forum , (November, 1953), 103-115. "Centre Commeroial a Boston," Architecture D'Aujourdhui , (Decem- ber, 1953), 56-60. Firey, Walter, Land Use in Central Boston . Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1947. Greater Boston Economic Study Committee. A Report on Downtown Boston . Boston: 1959. Little (Arthur D.) Inc. Preliminary Research for the Redevelop - ment of Boston's Retail District, Report to Boston Planning Board . Boston: 1957. Iflerry, George B,, "Boston Reawakening; Prudential's City within a City, Sparks a Potential Boom Counted on to Remake Down- town Area," National Municipal Review , (June, 1957), 282- 286, 330. "News Bulletins," Progressive Architecture, (l.krch, 1957), 100. 24 CPL Exchange Bibliography 12 "Proposed Back Bay Center Development for Stevens Development Corporation," Progressive Architecture , (January, 1954), 73-84. "Prudential Plans Huge Business-Hotel-Housing Center in Boston," Architectural Forum , (March, 1957), 7-9. "Redevelopment Plans Aired in Boston, Philadelphia," Architec- tural Forum, (February, 1953), 45-47. "Renewing Our Cities: Boston Begins to Stir," Architectural Forum. (February, 1956), 13. Buffalo, New York "Bold Project F&y Revitalize Bxjffalo's Dovmtown," American City , (March, 1955). Buffalo — City Planning Commission. Greater Buffalo Dovrntown Business Core . 1958. Buffalo — City Planning Commission. A Proposed Shopping and Tran - sit Concourse for Downto^Ti Buffalo . 1954. "TiTio Says Buffalo Downtown Areas Are Slipping? The Figures Don't Show It," Buffalo Business, (January, 1958), 11-12. Burbank, California Burbank — City Planning Board. Civic Center Study . 1957. Burbank--City Planning Board. Land Use Inventory of the Central Area. 1959. Burien, Yfashington King Co., Wash. — Planning Commission. Burien, Business District Expansion Study. 1958. Champaign, Illinois Bartholomev; (Iferland) and Associates. A Report upon Parking in Champaign Business Districts, City of Champaign, 111 . St. Louis: 1953. 25 CPL Exchange Bibliography 12 BartholoDiew (iferland) and Associates. Supplemental Parking Study, City of Champaign, 111. St". Louis: 1958. Charlotte, North Carolina Charlotte-Keoklenburg Planning Commission. Governmental Center . 1958. Chicago, Illinois Beatty, Ross J., Jr., "Beautif ication in Action: People Who Work and Shop Doivntown Respond Happily to the Wev;, the Clean, the Bright. Here is Chicago's Program," Skyscraper fenage - ment, (October, 1959), 20-21, 70-72. Breese, G, W. The Daytime Population of the Central Business District of Chicago . Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1949. "Bold Plans for Chicago," Architectural Forum , (November, 1954), 122-130. Carson, Pirie Scott & Company. Centennial Competition Program . Chicago: 1954. Chicago — Bureau of Street Traffic. Cordon Count Data on the Central Business District . 1959. Chicago — Comnittee for Staggered Hours. A Study and Recommenda -. tions for the Relief of Traffic Congestion xvithin the Cen - tral Business District of Chicago . Chicago: 1950. Chicago — Department of City Planning. Development Plan for Central Area of Chicago . 1958. Chicago — J&yor's Traffic Survey Committee--Survey Committee for the Central Business District. Study and Recommenda - tions for Improving Traffic Movement" in the Central Busi - ness District . Chicago: 1950. Chicago — Plan Commission. Chicago Civic Center . 1949. Chicago Association of Commerce and Industry- -Parking Committee. Parking Plan for the Central Area of Chicago . ,1949. Chicago Central Area Committee. The High Price of Grass Se^d. Chicago: n.d. 26 CPL Exchange Bibliography 12 Chicago Central Area Committee. Planning the Future of the Chicago Central Area; a Policy Statement . 1958. Chicago Central Area Committee. Progress Report of the Beauti - fication Committee . Chicago: 1957. Chicago Central Area Committee — Executive Committee. What's happening in Chicago . Chicago: n.d. "Chicago Devises a Plan to Crack the Slum Collar around Its Loop," Architectural Forum , (April, 1954), 128-129. "Chicago Moves to Revamp Its Core," Engineering News Record , (September 4, 1958), 23-24. "Chicago's Central Area Plan," Skyscraper Ifenagement , (October, 1958), 8-9, 55. "Future Development of Chicago," Architectural Forum , (August, 1952), 96-99. Hoyt, Homer, "Downtown Chicago Needs Stabilizing Factors," Real Estate , (July 26, 1941), 9-11. Hoyt, Homer, One Hundred Years of Land Values in Chicago . Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1933. Johnson, Earl S. The Natural History of the Central Business District, with Particular Reference to Chicago . Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Sociology, University of Chicago, 1941. Pirie, John T,, Jr., "Carson Pirie Scott Centennial Competition," USA Tomorrovr , (October, 1954), 80-83. Real Estate Research Corporation, Economics and Legal Analysis , Perimeter Plan for Englevrood Plaz a. Chicago: 1953. Reeder, Leo, "The Central Area of Chicago— A Re -examination of the Process of Decentralization," Journal of Land and Pub - lic Utility Eoonomics , (November, 1952) . "Renewing Our Cities: Chicago IVIixed Patent Urban I/Iedicine," Arolutectural Forum , (July, 1955), 12-13, 17. Skidmore, Ovangs & Merrill. The Fort Dearborn Project . Chicago: n.( "State Street vs. Suburbs: Chicago Braces to Hold Its Downto^vn Trade," Business Week , (Jxine 26, 1954), 44. "Two Chicago Civic Projects Move Ahead Several Stages," Archi - tectural Forum , (September, 1955), 13, 27 CPL Exchange Bibliography IZ Chi CO, California Chico- -Department of Public Works. Central Business District Pa-rking Stvdy, City of Chico. 1957 , Cincinnati , Ohio Applebavim, William, "Cincinnati Business Centers," (abstract). Association of American Geographers Annals , (June, 1957), 151. Applebaum, V/illiam and Bernard L. Schrapher. A Quarter Century of Change in Ci:ac innati Business Centers. Cincinnati: The Cincinnati Enquirer, 1956. Cinoinnati--City Planning Commission. Circulation System — Central Business District Plan, Part One . 1957. Cincinnati — City Planning Comniission. The Cincinnati Central Business District; Retail Space UeVds ". 1957. Cincinnati — City Planning Commission , Th e Cincinnati Central Business District Space Use Study, a Sumin ary. 1956. Cincinnati— City Planning Commission. Doivntcwn River-front Redevelopment Plan . 1946. Cincinnati — City Planning Commission. Land Use and Building Groups — Central Business District Plan, Part Two . 1957. Cincinnati — City Commission. Parking; A Study of Present and Future Meeds in Downtovm Cincinnati . 1947. Cincinnati — City Planning Commission. Space Use Study . 1956. Cincinnati — City Planning Commission. A Study of the Grouping of Public and Quasi-Public Buildin~;'s of the Cen'oral Type . 1946T~ ' Garber, Tweddell and Wheeler. Cincinnati CBD Plan; Cost Studies . Cincinnati : 1958 . Schmidt, ViTalter S. Proposals for Downtown Cincinnati . Washing- ton: Urban Land Institute, 1941. '' 28 CPL Exchange Bibliography 12 Cleveland, Ohio CleYeland — City Planning Commission. Cleveland Dovrntown Parking Survey, Final Report . 1952. Cleveland — City Planning Commission. Downtovm Cleveland, 1975 . 1959. Cleveland — City Planning Commission. Our Dovmtown Parking Head - ache and Hovj^ We Can Cure It, Cleveland Dovrntown Parking Survey, Preliminary Report, 1951, •Cleveland Chamber of Commerce. Decentralization — A Problem in Cleveland' s Future . Cleveland: 1941. Cleveland Chamber of Commerce — Lakefront Development Committee, Report . 1941. "Cleveland: City with a Deadline," Architectural Forum , (Re- ;• print from the August, 1955, issue) . Cleveland Illuminating Co,— Market Research Section. Cleveland Shopping Habits . Cleveland: n,d, Cleveland Transit System, The Future of Metropolitan Cleveland Depends on the Subway ;~Re"port to the Cleveland Transit Board Covering Pertinent Facts Relating to the Dovrntown Distribution Subway . 1957. Cuyahoga Co,, Ohio — Covinty Engineer. Report on the Downtovm Subway . Cleveland: 1957, "How Cleveland Electric Illuminating is Helping to Shape the Dovmtovm Cleveland of Tomorrow," Electrical World , (June 6, 1959), 52-53. Miller, Richard A., "The Glittering Slum on Main Street," Archi - tectural Forum , (April, 1959), 104-108. Powers, Edmond C, "Is Downtown U.S.A. V'forth Saving," New Jersey Municipalities , (March, 1959), 26-27. Praeger-Kavanagh, New York. Cleveland Subway; Operating and En - gineering Feasibility . Cleveland: Board of County Commis- sioners, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, 1956. Yifallace, George N. How Cleveland Merchants Can Secure Off-Street Parking by the Benefit Assessment Method . Cleveland: City Planning Commission, 1954. 29 CPL Exchange Bibliography 12 Columbia, South Carolina Columbia — City Planning Comnission. Central Business District Parking. 1955. Columbus, Indiana Metropolitan Planners, Inc. Parking and Traffic Plan, Central Business District, City of Columbus, Indiana . Indianapolis, 1957 . ' Coventry, England Ling, A. G», "Pedestrian Shopping Precinct for Coventry City Centre," Municipal Journal, (January 20, 1956), 165-167. Dallas, Texas Anderson, Q,, "Exchange Park at Dallas is a City within a City," I/]anuf acturers Record , (December, 1956), 9-10. Business Executives' Research Committee, Dallas. The Future Role of the Central Business District, Dallas, Texas . Dallas: 1958. "City within a City Rising in Dallas, Exchange Park," Engineer - ing Mews , {Itarch 28, 1957), 45-46. Dallas Transit Company. Recommendations for the Relief of Dallas' Downto-vm Traffic Congestion . Dallas: 1957. "Sheraton Hotel Included in Southland Center Project," Archi - tectural Forum , (February, 1956), 21. Texas — Highway Department. Parking Survey of the Dallas Central Business District. Dallas: 1951. Danville, Illinois Metropolitan Planners, Inc. Parking Plan, Central Business District, Prepared for Danville, 111. Indianapolis: 1957. 30 CPL Exchange Bibliography 12 Darien, Connectiout Clark, Frederick P. Off -Street Parking Plan for Darien Center . Darien: 1951. Dayton, Ohio Dayton — City Plan Board. Central Business District Study , Part I. Redevelopment . 1958. Dayton — City Plan Board. Central Business District Study , Part II. Land Use and Space Use . 1959. Dayton--City Plan Board. DcTmtovm Parking Study . 1952, Dayton— City Plan Board. A Governirjent Center Plan for Dayton , Ohio . 1946. Dayton Area Chamber of Conmerce. A Consolidation of Remeirks from the Dayton Metropolitan Area feart Conference . Dayton: 1958. "Getting People Downtoivn a nd Back," American City , (April, 1955). Glover, Chuck. Metropolitan Heart Beat and Cities Fight Back , two series of public service articles published by the " Dayton Daily News , Jan. 19 through Yar, 9, 1958. Dayton: 1958; Smith (Vfilbur) and Associates. Parking Study, Central Business District, Dayton, Ohio. NeAv Haven: 1958. Decatur, Illinois Bartholomew (Harland) and Associates. A Report upon Existing and Proposed Parking Facilities, Decatur, 111 . St. Louis: 1D60. Denver, Colorado Crocker and Ryan. Report on Modernization of Denver's Coirmercial District, Reco;rnending Construction of the ?.!arket Street Trafficv/ay. Denver: 1948. 31 CPL Exchange Bibliography 12 DehvSr — Pkanning Offi^'e.^ Central Area Land Uses — Reasons for Location and Change— Central Area Plan Bulletin No. 2. 1957. ' - Denver — Planning Office. A Demonstration Plan for Central Denver — Central Area Plan Bulletin No. 1 . 1957. Denver — Planning Office. Lower Do-vmtovm Denver, ExpressTvay and Adjacent Redevelopment Areas— Central Area Plan" Bulletin Ho. 6 . 1958. "Denver's Commeroial Building Surge Is Started by. Outsiders," Business Week , (September 19, 1953), 80-86. "Denver's Mle High Center," Architectural Foriim , (November, 1955), 128-137. "Denver's Tvro-Block Court House Square Project Started," Archi - tectural Forum , (iVlay, 1956), 13. Downtown Denver Improvement Association. Annual Report, 1958 . Denver: 1959. "A New Approach to the City," Architectural Forum , (January, 1957), 144-151. Des Moines, Iowa Bartholomew, Barland, "Des Moines Revises Its City Plan to Con- trol Decentralization," Planning and Civic Comment , (Janu- ary, 1941, Detroit, Michigan Black, Harold, "Detroit: A Case Study in Industrial Problems of a Central City," Land Economics , (August, 1958), 219- 226. ~ Detroit — City Plan Commission. Central Business District — Land Use, Trafficvmys and Transit . 1956. Detroit — City Plan Commissiqr^. Civic Center . Rev. 1957. Detroit — City Plan Commission. Proposed Cultural Center Pla n. 1948. 32 CPL Exchange Bibliography l2 Detroit Medical Center Citizens Conimittee. The Detroit Kedical Center; A Proposal for the Re-Use of Land Cleared under the Federal and City Urban Renewal Program . Detroit; 1958. "Replanning Downtown Detroit," Journal of the Anerican Institute of Architects , (September, 1959), 32-47. Wells, Carl S. Proposals for Downto^vn Detroit; a Digest of a Report. Washington: Urban Land Institute, 1942. Durham, North Carolina Durham, N.C.--City Planning Department, A Governmental Center for Durham. 1956. Elizabeth, Mew Jersey Candeub, Isadore, "Elizabeth, N.J. Plans Downtown Redevelopment," American City , (October, 1955), 116-117. Endioott, Hew York Broome Co., K. Y, — Plsinning Board. A Plan for Parking in Central Endioott. Binghamton: 1949. Flint, Michigan Osborne, Henry W, , "Relieving Congestion in the Flint Business District," Institute of Traffic Engineers Proceedings , Chicago, 19'^ Sharp, Earry P. The Hon-Residential Population of the Central Business District of Flint, Michigan; a Study in Human Ecology . Ann Arbor: Ifichigan University Institute for Human Adjustment, 1954. Wright, Deil S. Central Business District of Flint, Michigan ; Changes in the Assessed Valuations of Real Property, 1930 - 1951 . (Social Science Research Project 1). Ann Arbor : Institute for Human Adjustment, University of lELohigan,. 1954. 33 CPL Exchange Bibliography 12 Fond du Lac, Yfisconsin ViTisconsin — Highway Conunissioh. Pa rking Study of Fond du Lac Central Business District. ladison: 1953. Fort Worth, Texas ■"The Fort Worth Plan," Urban Land , (September, 1956), 7. "Fort Worth Plan Excludes Autos," Progressive Architecture , (Ijay, 1956), 81 Gruen (Victor) and Associates. A Greater Fort Yforth Tomorrow . Fort Worth: Greater Fort Worth Planning Committee, 1956. Leiferte, Sam, "Dovmtown Futurama: Special Feature Downtovm. Fort Worth Days," Fort Vforth Business Review , (December, 1958), 3-24. Lowe, J. F., "Yifhat's Happened in Fort Worth?" Architectural Forum , (Fay, 1959), 136-139. "Typical Downtovm Transformed: Plan for Fort Vforth," Architec - tural Forum, (May, 1956), 146-155. Freeport, Illinois Bartholomew (Harland) & Associates. Parking in the Central Business District. St. Louis: 1957. Galesburg, Illinois Bartholomev/ (Harland) a Associates. Analysis of Proposed Imire - diate Off -Street Parking Program in the Central Busine ss District . St. Louis: 1956. Bartholomew (Harland) & Associates. Traffic and Parking in the Central Business District. St. Louis: 1953. Gary, Indiana Cornell University"Department of City and Regional Planning. Central Gary: 1980; Central Business District Redevelop - ment Plan, Gary, Indiana, 1960-1980 . Ithaca: 1959. 34 CPL Exchange Bibliography 12 Grand Haven, liichigan Terrill, R. V., "A Shoppers J,4ill— The Grand Haven Story," I'iichi - gan Municipal Revievf, (September, 1958), 203-211. Grand Rapids, Michigan Urban Land Institute — Central Business District Council. Doivn- toTOi Grand Rapids. Tfeshington: 1955. Greensboro, North Carolina Greensboro — Department of Planning. A Land Use Flan for the Greensboro Metropolitan Area. 1948. Greenwich, Connecti cut Greenwich — Planning and Zoning Commission. Plan of Development ^ Old Greenwich Business Center . 1954. "Redesign Your 'Downtowni'" American City, (February, 1957), 130-132 . Harlow, England "Harlow. . .Toxvn Centre," Architectural Review , (June, 1958), 381-392. "Tovm Center Planning Proposals," Architect and Building News , (July 31, 1952), 24. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Pennsylvania — State planning Board. The Proposed Extension of the State Capitol Grounds at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. I941, Hartford, Connecticut Rogers, Taliaferro and Lsimb. Hartford, Connecticut, Interim Plan for Downtown . 1958. 35 CPL Exchange Bibliography 12 Batboro, Pennsylvania Community Planning Associates. Towards a Better Hatboro . Study Ho. 1 . Hatboro: Committee for Community Ad- ■vanoement, 1957 . Hayward, California Hayward— City Planning Commission. Report on a Proposed First Stage Off-Street Parking Program. 1949. Hemel Hempstead, England Ablett, H. Kellett, "Hemel Hempstead, New Torm Centre," Munici - pal Journal, (May 18, 1956), 1143-1149. Honolulu, Hawaii Hawaii — Territorial Planning Office. Honolulu Central Business District Bibliography, 1945-1958 . Honolulu: 1958. Hawaii — Territorial Planning Office. A Report on A New Capitol for ^v/aii, Honolulu: 1959, Houston, Texas Texas— State Highviray Department. Houston Central Business Dis - trict Parking Survey. Houston: 1953. Indianapolis, Indiana }.5arion Co,, Ind, — Metropolitan Planning Department. Central Business District, Indianapolis, Indiana Report , Indian- apolis: 1958. Vfright, George Caleb, "Indianapolis CBD," Journal of the Ameri - can Institute of Architects, (October, 1959), 36-41. 36 CPL Exchange Bibliography 12 Kalamazoo, Ijichi gan Chen, Wen-Chao, A Study of Parking Facilities for and Parking Habits of Dovmtovm Workers in Kalamazoo . Kalanazoo: Dov/n- town Kalamazoo Planning Committee, Inc., 1957. "Downtown Pedestrian Mall," Street Engineering , (October, 1959), 44-49. Gruen, Victor. Presentation Concerning the Desirability of lister Planning for the Central Business District of Kala - mazoo . 1956. Gruen (Victor) & Associates. Kalamazoo, 1980. Detroit: 1958. Kamloops, British Coliunbia Oberlander, H. P. Futia'e Commercial Development in Kamloops , B.C., a Report on the Planned Development of the Commercial Core of the City. Vancouver: 1958. Kankakee, Illinois . Bartholomew (Harland) and Associates. A Report upon Traffic Control in the Central Business District. St. Louis: 1956, Kansas City, Missouri Community Studies, Inc. Kansas City Dovmtown Parking Survey . Kansas City: 1954. Conraunity Studies, Inc. Do^vntown Traffic Survey . Kansas City: 1953. "In Kansas City, a Framework for the Future: an Alert Metropolis Circles Its Downtown Problems with a Ring Highway," Archi - tectural Forum , (November, 1955), 158-165. Kansas City — Plan Commission. Central Business District, Kansas City, Missouri, Study . 1956. "Kansas City-1980," Skylines (Kansas City Chapter of the Ameri- can Institute of Architects), (October, 1957), 5-37. Miller, J. David, "KC/80~an Urban Transfusion," Journal of the American Institute of Architects , (December, 1958), 21-25. 37 CPL Exchange Bibliography 12 Roeseler, V^. , "Kansas City Downto^vn Story," American City , (April, 1956), 123-124. Schmelzer, Charles J,, "Downtown Resurgence in the Heart of America," Skyscraper i/Ianageiiient , (December, 1957), 12-13. Lancaster, Pennsylvania Lancaster — City Planning Commission. Lancaster's Central Busi- ness District— A Study. 1958. LaTjrenoe, I&ssachusetts Liebke, James F, An Analysis and Recommended Program for the Central Business District, Lav/rence, iJassachusetts . Law- rence : 1957. Lexington, Kentucky Lexington — Office of the Traffic Engineer. Downto%'m Parking Surrey. Little Rock, Arkansas Hatcher, James A., "ivlain Street--Little Rock, 1960," Journal of the American Institute of Architects, (April, 1959), 26-29. London, England Great Britain — Jfinistry of Transport and Civil Aviation. Park - ing Survey of Inner London; Interim Report . London: Hi ISO, 1956. London — County Council. A Flan to Combat Congestion in Central Lond on . London: 1957. "Shopping Areas in the City of London," News Sheet- of the Inter - national Federation of Housing and Town Planning , (February, 1957), 31-32'. 38 CPL Exchange Bibliography 12 Long Beach, California Long Boach — City Planning Commission, A Compajative Analysis of Two Civic Center Sites. Site Number 1, Lagoon Site. 1948, Los Angoles, California Central Business District Association, Los Angeles. A Quarter Century of Activities, 1924-1949 . Los Angeles: 1949. "Coast Skyscraper Group," Architectural Forxim , (August, 1957), 39. "L A Sets Renevml Examples. Favors Clearance for Large Downtovm Area," Architectural Forum, (October, 1956), 12-13. Louisville, Kentucky Louisville Area Development Association. Parking Survey of the Central Business District . 1949. SteviTart, Arista Joseph. Proposals for Dovmtovjn Louisville . Washington: Urban Land Institute, 1942. Wenzlick (Roy) and Co. Decentralizing Influences in the Dovm - tovm District of Louisville, Kentucky. St, Louis: 1944. iladison, Wisconsin Design for Tomorrov/, Inc. The Heart of Metropolitan J/iidison . Ifiadison: 1958. Ratcliff , R, U. The ifedison Central Business Area, a Case Study of Functional Change . (Vifisconsin Commerce Papers, Vol. I, No. 5). Kadi son: Bureau of Business Research and Service, University of V/isconsin, 1953. Miami, Florida Darlow, Arthur E,, "JiLami to Upgrade Its Dovmtovm," American City , (August, 1959), 123. Counell (Fa\arioe H. ) and Associates. Report on Existing Parking Conditions and Recommendations for the Temporary Solution of the Immediate Parking Problem in the Central Business Area of ?!iami, Florida . Miami: 1946. 39 CPL Exchange Bibliography 12 Miami--Departinent of Engineering. A Report on Dovmtown Mami , Florida . 1959. Miami — Planning Boeird. Miami Central Business District Report — Some Facts and Conclusions . 1956. "Study Report on Doimitovra Miami," Street Engineering , (July, 1959), 10-15. Wehrly, Fax S,, "Downtovm Miami," American Planning and Civic Annual, (1951), 144-150. Mlford, Connecticut Clark (Frederick P.) and Associates. Parking Flan for fdlford Center. Rye, H.Y. : 1955. Mlwaukee, Wisconsin "Top Banks Battle over Rebuilding J/Iilwaukee," Business Week , (July 4, 1959), 92-94. Building Ovmers and Jfenagers Association of Milwaukee, The Center of Business . Mlvraukee : 1956. Mlwaukee -Board of Public Land Commissioners — Planning Division. Central Plaza, Milvmukee, IVisconsin . 1958, Milwaukee — Board of Public Land Commissioners — Planning Division. Downtown Milwaukee, 1975; Preliminary Staff Report . 1957. Ramp Building Corporation. Survey of Off -Street Parking Require - ments and Development Program for the Central District, Mil - waukee, Wisconsin. New York: 1950. Mnneapolis, Minnesota "Elevated Shoppers Plaza Proposed to Revitalize DovmtoiYn," Archi - tectural Forum , (July, 1956), 13. ffinneapolis — Planning Commission. Goals , (Policy Goals Brief — Central Minneapolis Series Ko. 2, Publication No. 103). 1959. "Ivlinneapolis' Practical Plaza," Urban Land, (September, 1956), 8, 40 CPL Exchange Bibliography 12 Minnesota — State-Wide Highway Planning Survey. A Report of the Minneapolis Central Business District Origin-Destination Survey , St. Paul: 1946. Schmid, C. F. "The Natural History of the Central Business Dis- trict in Ifinneapolis," Social Saga of Two Cities . Minneapo- lis: Bureau of Social Research, The liinneapolis Council of Social Agencies, 1937. pp. 37-55. Modesto, California Citizens Civic Center Committee. Citizens Report on a Civic Center . Modesto: 1955. Modesto — City Planning Department. A Civic Center for Modesto ; a Study of Civic Center Concept, Functions and LocationT " 1955. Montreal, Canada "itontreal to Have Large Office Building Center," Civil Engineer - ing , (1/iiy, 1958), 384. . "Le Nouveau Centre d'Affairs de Montreal, Ville-lJarie," Architecture D'Aujourdhui, (June, 1959), 82-83. Mooreville, Worth Caroli na . likce, Ruth L. , "The Uooreville Story: Small Town America Fights Back," Popular Government , (lay, 1958), 6-10, 16. Mooreville — Office of the City J&nager. The Mooreville Plan ; a Future for Downtovm Moorevil le . 1 95YT Niohol, Ridley T., "The Mooreville Plan; a New Traffic Idea— The Pedestrian i'Ja.ll," Police , (September-October, 1958), 23-25. Nichol, Ridley T,, "Pedestrian Mall Proposed for Central Business District," Public Management , (October, 1957), 232-233. Traffic and Planning Associates, The Mooreville Plan, a Future for Downtown Mooreville. Mooreville: 1957. 41 CPL Exchange Bibliography 12 Moimt Pleasant, New York MoCrosky, T. T., "The Effect of a Proposed Regional Shopping Center upon the Tovm of Mount Pleasant," Urban Land , (April, 1951). 1-6. Muskegon, Mchigan • Muskegon — Planning Commission. Central Business District Rede - velopment Plan . 1957. Muskegon — Planning Commission. Planning Today for a Greater Downtown feluskegon Tomorrow . 1958. Van Hoef, Robert F., "Revitalizing Muskegon's CBD," American City, (December, 1955), 78-80. Nashville, Tennessee Brush, Clinton E,, "Nashville 1970," Journal of the American Institute of Architects , (Jfiay, 1959), 32-35. Nashville Housing Authority. Capitol Hill Business Center De - velopraent. n.d. New, New Jersey Nev; Brunsvdck — Board of Commissioners. Planning for Nexv Bruns - vfick's Central City . 1958. Neiv Canaan, Couneoticut : Costales, Clarence C, "How to Make Older Business Centers More Attractive; New Canaan, Conn, Is a Prime Example," American City , (February, 1953), 98-100. New Haven, Connecticut "How to Get Renewal Off Dead Center," Architectural Record , (October, 1956), 166-169. "New Haven: Test for Downtovm Proposal," Architectural Forum , (July, 1958), 78-81, 152. 42 CFL Exchange Bibliography 12 "New Haven's Chvirch Street Project Ydll Give City a Revitalized ^h85 J/Ellion Heart," Architectural Foriai, (July, 1957), 7-9. Wevif Orleans, Louisiana New Orleans — City Planning Commission. A Prospectus for Revi - talizing New Orleans. 1957. New York, New York "Five-in-One Circular Theater Building," Architectural Forum , (February, 1957), 37. "Imminent Urban Projects," Interiors , (September, 1956), 10. "Lincoln Square: Grandest Redevelopment Project," Architectural - Forum , (October, 1957), 12, 14-16. .New York (City) — Department of City Planning. Commeroial and Industrial Floor Space Inventory . 1957. New York (City)— Department of Traffic. The Traffic Control Plan of i&nhattan; Objectives and Results . 1956. "Old Vfell Street: Nobody ITants to Leave," Business Week , (July 16, 1955), 68-72. Regional Plan Association, Inc. Traffic and Parking Study, a Plan for Improvement of Conditions in the Central Business Areas of Nev; York City . New York: 1943. ~ "Slvim Clearance ifeiy Bring Conventions to New York," Architectural Record , (January, 1953), 20. Tobin, Austin J., "The Mid-liiinhattan Bus Terminal of Nev; York's Port Authority," Traffic Quarterly, (January, 1952). Newark, New Jersey "Downtovm Renascence in Newark, N. J.," Stores , (December, 1957), 41-43. Newark— Bureau of t'iunicipal Research. Parking in the Newark Central Business District 1951. 1952, 43 CPL Exchange Bibliography 12 Norfolk, Virginia Agle, Charles K. A LJjaster Flan for the Central Business and Financial District, Norfolk, Virginia , Princeton: 1956. Jflaxwell, T, F., "Jfester Plan Developed for Civic Center," Public liknagement , (February, 1957), 35. Norfolk — City Planning Conmission. Cultural Center Plan, Plate IV of City Plan . 1951. Norfolk — City Planning Commission. Civic Center Plan, Plate V of City Plan, December 1952 . 1952. Norfolk — Redevelopment and Housing Authority. A l.'kster Plan — for the Central Business and Financial District . 1956. Sullivan, Frank, "In Norfolk, Va., Doivntown is Getting a Face Lifting," Municipal South , (April, 1958), 11-12. Oak Ridge, Tennessee "Kain Street Comes to Oak Ridge," Business Vfeek , (September, 1955), 192. Oakland, California Bartholomew (Ear land) & Associates. Off-Street Parking and Traffic Control in Oakland Business District . St. Louis: 1947. Oakland — City Planning Commission. The Oakland Civic Center and Lake Iferritt Improvement, 1947. Palm Springs, California Palm Springs — City Planning Commission. Central Business Dis - trict Report. 1958. Passaic, Nev; Jer sey Passaic Valley, N. J. Citizens Planning Association. Redesign of Downto\ra Passaic. Clifton: 1958. 44 CPL Exchange Bibliography 12 Paivtuoket, Rhode Island Blair Associates. Downtown Pav/tucket and the Freeway . Provi- dence: 1958. Rhode Island — Dept, of Public ViTorks — Division of Roads and Br idge s . A Parking Survey of the Pawtucket Central Busi - ness District, 1945. Providence: 1946. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Alder son and Sessions. Philadelphia Cent ral District Study . Philadelphia: Philadelphia City Planning Commission, 1951. "Bob Dowling Climbs Philadelphia's Chinese Wall," Architectural Forum , (April, 1953), 148-151. Churchill, Henry S., "City Redevelopment," Arcliitectural Forum , (December, 1950), 75-76. Kahn, Louis I,, "Toward a Plan for Midtown Philadelphia," Per - spectus, The Yale Architectural Journal , (1954), 10-27. Philadelphia — City Planning Commission, Characteristics of Parking Demand in the Philadelphia Central City as Ob - tajned from the Philadelphia-Camden Traffic Survey June - November 1947 . 1951. Philadelphia — City Planning Commission, Characteristics of Person-Trips to the Philadelphia Central City . 1954. Philadelphia — City Planning Commission. Penn Center -Re develop - m.ent Plan . 1952. "Philadelphia's Hour of Decision," Architecttiral Forum , (June, 1952), 118-125. ^Philadelphia's Penn Center Grows by Stages," Architectural Record , (August, 1955), 169-172. "Philadelphia's Redevelopment," Architectural Forum , (December, 1956), 128-135. "Philadelphia's Redevelopment — a Progress Report," Architectural Forum , (July, 1955), 118-127. "Redevelopment Plans Aired in Boston, Philadelphia," Architec - tural Forum, (February, 1953), 45-47. 45 CPL Exchange Bibliography 12 Seltzer, Richard J. Proposals for Do-wntown Philadelphia . Chicago: Urban Land Institute, 1941. Smith (Wilbur) and Associates. Parking Study, Central Business District, PMladelphia, Pa . New Haven: 1957. Smith (Wilbur) and Associates. Traffic Improvement Plan for the Central Business District, Philadelphia, Pa . New ilaven: 1957. Phoenix, Arizona The Arizona Republic . (Sunday, April 27, 1958), "Downtown Phoenix Section." Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Allegheny Conference on Community Development, PittsbiH'gh and Allegheny Coimty: Planning to Reality . Pittsburgh: 1956. Briggs, Frank H. , "Financing Problems in Urban Redevelopment', Cities Have Discovered that the Blighted Areas Surround- ing their Dovmtown Can be Invaluable Assets in their Re- development Plans; a Case in Point is Pittsburgh's Gate- way Center," Skyscraper Management , (October, 1959), 14- 15, 68-70. "A Downtown Area Refuses to Die: Review of the Way Pittsbxargh Business Men and Civic Planners Tackle their Dov/ntown Problems, Nothing Was Simple, but the Job Vfas Done," Stores , (J;ky, 1953), 13-15. Gutheim, F., "Projects without Plans; Pittsburgh Redevelopment Boom," Architectural Forum , (February, 1957), 146-151. Kolesar, E. Richard, "Central Business District Aocuracy Check," Research Letter (Pittsburgh Area Transportation Study), (August, 1959), 11-17. Le%vis, L. F,, "Reconstruction Pays Off: Progress Report from Pittsburgh," Stores , (November, 1954), 38-40. McNeil, Donald M. , "Relieving Congestion in the Pittsburgh Business District," Institute of Traffic Engineers Pro- ceedings, Chicago, October, 1940 . l&rtin. Park H, , "Pittsburgh's Golden Triangle," American Planning and Civic Annual , (1951), 138-144. ' ' 46 GPL Exchange Bibliography 12 "Office Towers in a Park," Architectural Forum , (December, 1953), 112-116. ~ "An Open Place at the Heart of a City," Architec tural Record , (February, 1957), 195-198. Parsons, Brinckerhof f , Hogan & MacDonald, Report on Six Fro - posed Parking Facilities for the Public Parking Authority . of Pittsburgh, Pa . New York: 1948. Pittsburgh Regional Planning Association. Parking Study of the Pittsburgh Central Business District . Pittsburgh: 1946. "Pittsburgh Renascent," Architectural Forum , (November, 1949), 59-65, 112. "?Jhy Pittsburgh Still Draws the Shopping Crowds," Greater Pitts - burgh, (November, 1957), 23-24. Ponca City, Oklahoma Wright, Deil D., "Sparking a Business Area Face-Lifting; Coopera- tion betvreen Security Bank and Ponca City Chamber of Com- merce, Oklahoma," Burroughs Clearing House , (February, 1957), 48-49. Portland, Oregon Prichard, Lev/is G., "Portland's Dovmto\vn District," Oregon Busi- ness Review (January, 1957), 1-5. Portland, Mai ne Greater Portland Chamber of Conanerce and Portland Planning Board. Circulation . 1959. Greater Portland Chamber of Commerce and Portland Planning Board. Downtown, the Business F^n's Viev^po int. 1959. Greater Portland Chamber of Commerce and Portland Planning Board. Dovmtoivn Task Force . Portland: 1959. Greater Portland Chamber of Commerce and Portland Planning Board. Land Use . Portland: 1959. Greater Portland Chamber of Commerce and Portland Planning Board. The Shopper's Vie^vpoint . Portland: 1959. 47 GPL Exchange Bibliography 12 Princeton, New Jersey Coraniinity Planning Associates. A Study of the. Central Business District, Borough of Princeton, New Jersey .. Princeton: 1955. Providence, Rhode Island .^ Mew Heart for Providence . (Editorials reprinted from the Provi - dence Journal and the Evening Bulletin ). Providence: 1955. "People's Attitudes Toward Dovmto^m Providence," Urban Land , (November, 1956), 8. Pratt, Robert W. Attitudes and Practices of Residents of Greater Providence Concerning Dovrntavm Providence; Report of a Survey for the Dp-ymtown Business Coordinating Coun - cil of the Greater Providence Chamber of Commerce . Providence: 1956. Providence — City Plan Conimission. Application for Demonstration Grant under Section 514 of the Housing Act of 1954; a Study of the Extent to which Civic and Business Groups Interested in the Downtovm Area Can Participate PrQ.ctically and Con - structively mth an Official Planning Agency and the City Government in Developing Plans, Policies and Programs for the Renewal of the Downtown Neighborhood. 1957. Riverside, California Eliot, Charles William. Planning for Parking, Central Business District. Pasadena: 1949. Rochester, Nexv York Aex, Robert P., "Rochester's Six Point Program," Stores , (August, 1957). Bartholomev.r (Harland) & Associates. A Civic Center for Roches - ter, N. Y . St. Louis: 1930. Dennis, E. Willard, "Comeback of the Central City. Reports on the Conference Held Recently in Rochester," Stores, (Aug- ust, 1957), 5-9. Forman, Fred, "A Downtown Shopping Center," Traffic Quarterly , (October, 1959), 495-503. '' 48 Romford, England "Development Scheme for 12-Aore Site in Centre of Romford; Ovmers to Pool Land in Comprehensive Plan Prepared by Essex County Council," Surveyor , (May 3, 1958), 461-462. Rotterdam, The Netherlands Kieh, Robert, "Europe's Fifth Avenue; Li jnbaan-Rotterdam Testi- fies to Success of the Downtown Shopping Center," Urban Land, (October, 1954), entire issue. Rye, New York "Shopping Center — Grass Will Literally Grow on Rye's l&in Street when Plans for Revamping Its Business Section Are Executed, Architectural Forum, (August, 1946), 76-79. Sacramento, California Neutra, R. J. and K. E. Alexander, "Redevelopment of a Downto\'ra Area: Design Criteria for SacrEimento," PSA Tomorrow , (No. 3, 1955), 8-13. Sacramento — City Planning Commission. More Business Is Good Business for Downtown Sacramento . n,d. Sacramento— City Plauining Commission. Redevelopment Ideas for California's Capitol . 1950. "Sacramento, a Model for Small City Redevelopment, Is Rebuilding 25% of Its Central Business Area," Architectural Forum , (June, 1954), 152-159. "Special Design Award: City Planning," Progressive Architecture , (January, 1955), 104-107. Wise, Harold F. Analysis of Potential Commercial Expansion, a Study of Present and Future Needs for Land to Permit Cen - tral Area Commercial Development in Sacrajnento's West End . 1953. Saint Louis, Missouri Baer, S, R,, "Central City Planning; the Political Problems of Downtown Reconstruction; How St, Louis Tackled Them," Stores , (November, 1954), 38-40. 49 GPL Exchange Bibliography 12 liissouri — State Highv/ay Department. A Comprehensive Parking Survey of the St. Louis, Mssouri, Central Business Dis - trict . Jefferson City: 1951. St. Louis— Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority, Plaza Redevelopment Project — Saint Louis . 1955.' St. Louis — Plan Commission. Measuring Deterioration in Com - mercial and Industrial Areas, the Development of a Method . iwr. Thomas, Lewis F, The Localization of Business Activities in Metropolitan St. Louis" (Washington University Studies — New Series, Social and Philosophical Sciences, No. 1), St, Louis: Washington University, 1927. Saint Paul, Minnesota St, Pa.ul — Planning Board. A Report on a Central Business Dis - trict, St. Paul, Minnesota, a Survey and Analysis of the Central Business District . (Commxmity Plan Report 7), 1958, St, Paul — Central Business District Authority, Dovmtown Saint Paul; a Plan for Its Development. 1943, Saint Petersburg, Florida St, Petersburg — City Planning Department. Central Core Plan , 1958. San Diego, California San Diego — City Planning Commission. Off -Street Parking . 1950. San Diego — Planning Department. Downtovm San Diego Reports . 1958. Stone & Youngberg. Financing Off -Street Parking in the Central District of San Diego. San Francisco: 1956. San Francisco, California San Francisco — City Planning Commission. Parking Garages for San Francisco . 1947. 50 CPL Exchange Bibliography 12 San Francisco — City Planning Commission. Redevelopment; Elements of Planning, Rebuilding of Area "B ." 1956. San Francisco — Department of City Planning. Daily Trips in San Francisco . 1955. San Francisco--Department of City Planning. Modernizing Down - toivn San Francisco . 1955. "San Francisco Advancing Huge Downtown Project," Architectural Forum , (April, 1957), 6. Skidmore, Owings & Merrill. The Golden Gateway . San Francisco: 1956 Wurster, Bernardi and Emmons. San Francisco Civic Center Develop - ment Plan, San Francisco: 1958. San Leandro, California San Leandro — Redevelopment Agency. Let's Look at the Heart of Our City, n, d. San Rafael, California . . Wise, Harold F. A Guide to the Rebuilding of a Burned Out Area of DoxvntoxTO San Rafael, California. Palo Alto: 1957. Seaside, California Ruth, D. Central Bu s j.ness District, 1957, Seaside, Cali - fornia. Berkeley: 1957. Seattle, Washington Central Association of Seattle. Planning the Future of Seattle's Central jirea . Seattle: 1959. Seattle — City Planning Commission, Report on Proposed Public Buildings Area . 1945. Seattle— City Planning Commission. Summary of Restudy, Civic Memorial Arts Center Site. 1950"]i 51 CPL Exchange Bibliography 12 Wagner, Louis C, "Retail Trends in Seattle (Central Business District as Compared with Surrounding Areas, 1939 and 1948)," Journal of F^arketing , (July, 1953), 50-56. Fagner, Louis C, "Trends in Seattle Central Business District Retailing," Paoifio Northwest Business , (November, 1957), 5-9. Washington (State) — Department of Highways. A Parking Study of the Central Business District. Olympia: 1948. Shipley, England Urwin, D,, "Central Area Redevelopment at Shipley," Surveyor , (August 31, 1957), 901-903. South Bend, Indiana Joint City-County Committee on Governmental Buildings Site Loca- tion. A Report on Governmen t Buildings Site Location for St. Joseph County and South Bend, Ind. South Bend: 1955. Springfield, Oregon Blensley, R. C, "Shoppers Paradise is Really a Paradox; Down- town Pedestrian l,fe.lls Are Helpful — but They're a Problem Too," Highway Highlights , (I&.rch-April, 1959), 29-31. Johnston, N. J., "A City Takes the First Stepj an Experiment for Renewing a Central Business District," Journal of the American Institute of Planners , (No. .1, 1958), 11-15. Lutes, Donald H. , "Revitalizing Downtown Is Aim of Springfield Pedestrian Mall Test," Western City , (February, 1958), 29-69. Springfield Chamber of Commerce. Shoppers Paradise; an Experi - ment in Downtown Revitalization . Springfield, Ore,: 1957. Turner, E. R., "Create Shopping Mall by Closing Main Street", Public Management , (October, 1957), 231232. Turner, S, R,, "Springfield's Shoppers Paradise, an Experiment in Downtown Revitalization," Mayor and Manager , (February, 1958), 10-12. 52 CPL Exchange Bibliography 12 Stevenage, England Sampson, T., "The Stevenage Town Centre; New All-Pedestrian Town Centre Is One of the Boldest Planning and Architectviral Ex- periments in Recent Years," Town and Country Planni ng, (Janu- ary, 1959), 13-16. "Town Centre for Stevenage," Mmicipal Journal , (February 15, 1957), 345-347. Stockton, California Chamber of Commerce of the United States — Transportation and Communications Department. Shopper Bottleneck . Washing- ton: 1953 Stockton-City Planning Department. Survey of Traffic and Parking in the Stockton Central Business District . (Report No. 1) . 1954. Syracuse, Mew York Syracuse — City Planning Commission and Traffic Engineer. Report on Off-street Parking Study for the Central District. 1947. Tacoma, Washington Tacoma — City Planning Commission. The Central Core — Central Business District Studies . 1959. Tacoma — City Planning Commission. Public Buildings Site Selec - tion . n.d» Tacoma--City Planning Commission. Recommended Location of County-City Building. 1953. Tarrytown, New York Ober lander, G, H. F., "Core Redevelopment of the Village of Tarrytown, New York," Journal of the American Institute of Planners, (Fall, 1955), 164. Abstract. 53 CPL Exchange Bibliography 12 Terre Haute, Indi ana Bassett, Gregory and Virilliam lo Goodman. Terre Haute , Indiana Central Business District Study. Urbana: 1959. Toledo, Ohio Toledo-Lucas County Plan Conunissions. The Hu b of Toledo-Dowitown . Parts I-III. 1959. Toledo-Lucas County Plan Commissions. Central Ar ea Development , F ut ur e Impr o vement s . 1957. Toledo-Lucas County Plan Commissions. Traffic Pattern and D orm- toTOi . 1957. Toledo-Lucas County Plan Commissions. Retail Sales Trends , Toledo Centra l Business Distri c t and Metropolitan Area . 1957. Toronto, Canada Kerr, Donald and Jacob Spelt, "lifeniifacturing in Downtown Toronto," Geogr aphical B ulletin , (llo. 10, 1957), 4-20. Toronto — Planning Board. The South Side of the CiTic Square , 1958. Trenton, Mew Jersey Boorman, Dean K., "Dovmtown Trenton Plans for Rebirth," City/Re - gional Planning , (August, 1959), 20-23. Candeub and Fleissig. Trenton Central District Plan . Trenton: Greater Trenton Council, 1957. 3 vol. Greater Trenton Council and Board of City Cor.unissioners. Trenton Central District Area Plan. Trenton: 1959. Tulsa, Oklahoma Architectural League of Tulsa, Inc. Civic Center Project — Final Report . Tulsa: 1955. Rice, Paul W. Tulsa Parking Survey . Tulsa: 1950. 54 CPL Exchange Bibliography 12 Union City, Tennessee Union City — Municipal -Regional Planning Commission. Central Business District Survey and Analysis. 1957. Yorktovm Heights, New York Clark (Frederick P.) and Associates. Proposed Development Plan for the Yorktown Heights Business Area. Rye: 1954. Vallingby, Sweden Ahlgren, Magnus, "Tunnelbanestationen Vallingby Centrian," Byggmastaren , (A4, 1956), 86-88. Aronson, Albert, "Vallingby Centrum," Byggmastaren, (A4, 1956), 77-79. Backstrom, Sven and Leif Reinius, "Centrumbyggnaden i Vallingby," Byggrmstaren, (A4, 1956), 80-85. "Vallingby Central Area," Architectural Review, (June, 1958), 378-380. Waco, Texas Vifaco Downtovm Unlimited. Presents a Comprehensive Survey of the Cotton I/kll April 14-19, 1958. Waco: 1958. WaJgefield, England "New City Centre in Nine Years; Spotlight on Waisfield," Muni - cipal Journal, (October 17, 1958), 2693. Washington, D. C . Joint Policy Committee on Doivntovm, Vifashington, D.C. Acti on Report for Downtov/n Washington . Vifashington: 1959. McGarin, Charles T. A Parking Progrsun for Washington . Vfesh- ington, D.C: Department of Highways, 1947. 55 CPL Exchange Bibliography 12 Silver, J,, "Trends in Travel to the Central Business District by Residents of the Vfeshington, B.C. 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Preliminary Report on Central Businoss District, a Part of the Metropolitan Plan for Greater Winnipeg. 1948. Worcester, I/kssaohusetts West, Richard G,, "Worcester Adapts Downtown Park and Shop," Parking, (Fall, 1957), 17-78. 56