K977 K77C cop. 3 II CATALOGVE OPT PINLEY COLLECTION JN THE LIBRARY OF KNOX COLLEGE SECONJD EDITION A msm "LI B RAFLY OF THE UN IVLRSITY Of ILLINOIS A977 K77c cop. 3 ILLINOIS HISIORY SURVEY LIBRARY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/catalogueofbooksOOknox FINLEY COLLECTION ON THE HISTORY AND ROMANCE OF THE NORTHWEST A CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND MAPS BELONGING TO THE I IXLEY COLLECTION ON THE HISTORY AND ROMANCE OF THE NORTHWEST ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY BY AUTHORS COLLECTED AND PRESENTED TO THE LIBRARY OF KNOX COLLEGE GALESBURG, ILLINOIS BY EDWARD CALDWELL OF NEW YORK CITY AND OTHER DONORS Second Edition PUBLISHED BY KNOX COLLEGE G ^LESBURG, ILLINOIS 1 9 2 8 LIBRARY OF KNOX- COLLEGE F1NLEY- COLLECTION ONTHE HI STORY AND ROMANCE- OF %, THE NORTHWEST • 36 <4^ PRESENTED BY The special Book-plate which marks all volumes in the Finley Collection. Designed and executed by Tiffany, New York. 77 PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION In 1924 the Library of Knox College published " An Annotated Catalogue of Books belonging to the Finley Collection on the History and Romance of the Northwest." At that time the Collection contained less than 1000 volumes. The number at present is over 2500. This edition of the catalogue includes all of the books, pam- phlets and maps now in the Collection, with a list of the donors. It is published as a brief and condensed finding list for those who use the Collection, and for reference by intending donors. The first edition also contained a reprint of the best guide ever published to the early literature on the discovery and exploration of the Mississippi Valley, by Appleton P. C. Griffin, of the Library of Congress. Copies of this may still be obtained at the Library. The Finley Collection is now shelved in the Finley Room of the new Henry M. Seymour Library. One of our illustrations shows an interior view of this room and another a general view of the Library. Attention is also called to the reproduction of the book-plate, which is inserted in all volumes of the Finley Collection, and to the list of separate maps at the end of this catalogue. Vll LIST OF DONORS TO THE FINLEY COLLECTION William E. Barton, Chicago. Ralph Budd, St. Paul. Albert Britt, Galesburg. Cadmus Book Shop, New York. Edward Caldwell, New York. Carnegie Institution, Washington, D. C. Thomas E. Donnelley, Chicago. Victor Elting, Chicago. John H. Finley, New York. Frank F. Fowle, Chicago. Robert T. Hill, New York. Illinois Secretary of State, Springfield. Edward J. Jacob, Peoria. Charles B. Johnson, Champaign, 111. Edward Dudley Kenna, New York. George A. Lawrence, Galesburg. Rev. C. W. Leffingwell, Pasadena, Cal. Mrs. Rebecca Lawrence Lowrie, New York. Miss Margaret I. McLaughlin, New York. Lester C. Ott, Petersburg, 111. Mrs. Janet Grieg Post, Chicago. Rev. Francis B. Steck, Quincy, 111. Frank E. Stevens, Sycamore, 111. THE FINLEY COLLECTION From the pages of the following catalogue it is obvious that the period covered is roughly from 1600 to 1840 — from discovery to settlement — with some books dealing with both earlier and later periods. While placing the emphasis upon the early history of the old Northwest Territory, which took definite form as a political subdivision of the United States in 1787, the Collection includes the related history of New France, Canada and Louisi- ana, and to some extent of the whole Mississippi Valley. Here is brought together the literature of the French, the English and the beginnings of the American domination. Much of it is the original source material in the French language, with the English translations wherever available. The special features of the 2500 volumes now in the Collection may be summarized as follows: (1) The Narratives of the Early Explorers. — These include two of Champlain's four books in their first editions of 1619 and 1632 with a half dozen later editions and reprints in both French and English, including the Prince Society translation and the one now in process of publication by the Champlain Society. There is also a beautifully bound copy of De Creuxius' Historiae Canaden- sis, formerly owned by Henry Ternaux and Henry F. Depuy. This volume, published in 1664, contains the first publication in complete form of the journey of Nicolet in 1634 to what is now the State of Wisconsin. The narratives of the voyages of Radis- son in 1652 to 1664 are available in the Prince Society volume of 1885, their first and best publication. Other early volumes are Thevenot's Voyages, both in the 1681 and 1682 editions, which contain the first publication of the Marquette narrative of the discovery of the Mississippi River by Joliet and himself in 1673, together with the Rich 1845 reprint of the Marquette story, of which only 125 copies were published, and the Leyden edition of 1707; the first and second editions of Hennepin's first book on Louisiana, dated 1683 and 1688, with the two volume translation by Shea; the first and second French editions of Hennepin's x AN AUTHOR CATALOGUE second book, dated 1697 and 1698 with the two English editions of 1698, known as the "Bon" and "Tonson" issues, as well as the second English edition of 1699 and several editions, reprints and translations of Hennepin's other and later works. Tonti's narrative has a special interest for the people of Illinois, since for twenty years he held a fortified post on Starved Rock on the Illinois River. The book-plate of the Finley Collection has made this post its central feature. Tonti's narrative was first published at Paris in 1697 with an English edition in 1698. Both of these rare editions together with five later ones are a part of the Collection. The narrative of Joutel, who was really the historian of the La Salle expeditions, did not appear in print until the Paris edition of 1713 followed by English editions in 1714 and 1719. These with three other and later issues stand alongside the fifteen Hennepins and the seven Tontis on the shelves of the Finley Collection. La Hontan is represented by nine different editions both in French and English, including the first, published at Paris in 1703. (2) Reprints of Manuscript Archives.- — In this part of the Collection will be found a set of Margry's six-volume reprints of La Salle, Tonti, Joliet and other material from the French archives; French's Historical Collections in 7 vols.; Shea's two books of the early narratives; the Canadian Archives in 16 vols., as well as about 30 other volumes of early Canadian records; the O'Callaghan reprints of Colonial documents in 15 vols.; the Virginia State Papers in 11 vols., Journals of the House of Burgesses of Virginia in 13 vols.; the American Archives in 9 vols.; the American State Papers in 38 vols.; and Force's Tracts in 4 vols. (3) The Narratives and Reports of the Early Jesuit Missionaries. This is historically a most important part of the Collection. First of all we have the 73-volume set of Jesuit Relations edited by R. G. Thwaites. This is supplemented by the 3-volume reprint made in 1858 by the Canadian Government; the two volumes edited by Martin published in Paris in 1861; and a complete set in 26 vols, of Shea's Cramoisy Press reprints issued from 1855 to 1887 in a limited edition of 100 copies, and a com- plete set in 8 vols, of the similar O'Callaghan reprints, of which only 25 copies each were published. The Collection also eon- tains the Journal des Jesuites, both the first and second editions of 1871 and 1892; the Shea translation of 1881 in 2 vols, of Le OF THE FINLEY COLLECTION xi Clercq's First Establishment of the Faith in New France; and other allied volumes by Bressany, 1852 edition; Crespel, 1884 edition; Ferland, Rochemonteix, Mazzuchelli, and others. (4) The Early Histories of New France, Canada and Louisiana. These may be said to cover the early history of what is now known as the St. Lawrence Valley, the Great Lakes region, and the Mississippi Valley. They include the works of Lescarbot, first, second and fourth editions of 1609, 1612 and 1618; Sagard, Le Clercq, Faillon, Ferland, de la Potherie, Bossu, du Pratz, Gayarre, Marbois, Charlevoix, Dionne, Heriot, Bibaud, Parkman, Suite, Garneau, Smith, Kingsford, Hart, Severance, Doughty, and others. (5) The Later General Histories of the Mississippi Valley. — Special mention should be made of the first three English editions of Imlay's Topographical Description of the Western Territory published in London in 1792, 1793 and 1797, as well as the Dublin edition of 1793 and the Berlin edition of the same year. The Collection also has the two 1778 London issues of Hutchins' Topographical Description and the Paris edition of 1781. Another rare volume is M'Afee's History of the Late War in the Western Country, published at Lexington, Ky., in 1816. Other histories include the works of Albach, Alvord, Beggs, Blanchard, Brown, Burnet, Bradford, Butterfield, Carter, Chittenden, Coues, Coman,. Darlington, English, Fernow, Flint, Hermann, Hinsdale, Hosmer, Hulbert, Kellogg, Laut, Marshall, Monette, Moore, Nicollet, Ogg, Paxson, Perkins, Poole, Ross, Roosevelt, Spears and Clark, Thwaites, Turner, Volwiler, Walker, and Winsor. (6) Narratives of Early Travelers in the Pioneer Days.— The group of books under this heading is of great interest. It con- sists of contemporary reports of early travelers of all nationalities who made journeys on foot, on horseback, or by boat or stage coach through the Mississippi Valley, which was then attracting the interest of the whole world. These books, many of them published in the large cities of Europe, in English, French, German and Dutch, bear witness to this widespread interest. They were in fact the publicity literature that within a few decades brought to the states of the Northwest a vast army of the European ancestors of our present day citizens. Only a t*<\v of these 200 or more volumes can be mentioned. Birkbeck's Letters from Illinois and Notes on a Journey in America ran xii AN AUTHOR CATALOGUE through several editions in England, Ireland, France, and Germany, as well as in the United States in 1817 and 1818. Nine of these are in the Collection, which also has a presentation copy from the author of Flower's Letters from Illinois, 1822, also dealing with the same English settlement in what is now Edwards County. Another rare volume is Pittman's Present State of the European Settlements on the Mississippi, London, 1770, and still another is Pownall's Topographical Description, London, 1776. Other travel books are those of Carver, first edition, 1778; Chastellux, 1786 and 1787; Long, 1791; Volney, 1803; Michaux, 1804; Thaddeus Harris, 1805; Ashe, 1808; Alex. Henry, 1809; Schultz, 1810; Cuming, 1810; Ker, 1816; Fearon, 1818; Thomas, 1819; Darby, 1819; Dana, 1819; Wm. Tell Harris, 1821; Woods, 1822; Faux, 1823; Beltrami, 1824 and 1828; Flint, 1826; Shirreff, 1835; Griffiths, 1835; Gregg's Commerce of the Prairies, first and second editions, 1844 and 1845; and scores of others including Atwater, Brackenridge, Hoffman, Lambert, Latrobe, Hall, Mrs. Kinzie, M'Clung, Murray, Parker, Perrin du Lac, Stuart, Mrs. Tillson, and Weston. Special mention should be made of nearly 50 volumes on the Journals of the Lewis and Clark expedition up the Missouri River and over the Rocky Mountains in 1804-1806. This important exploring expedition made under the direction of President Jefferson soon after the purchase of Louisiana, has an important literature of its own and these 50 volumes cover it in a most satisfactory way. They include the first American edition of 1814 in two volumes, and the first London edition of the same year, in a quarto volume beautifully bound by Riviere, with many other issues, published in America and Europe. The Journals brought out under the editorship of Elliott Coues in 1893 in 4 volumes and the issue of 1904 in 8 volumes, edited by Reuben G. Thwaites, round out the Collection. Mention should also be made of three editions of 1807, 1808 and 1812 of the Journal of Patrick Gass, a member of the Lewis and Clark expedition. The reports and records of other similar early expeditions will be found in Long's Account of an Expedition from Pittsburgh o the Rocky Mountains, 3 vols., 1823; in Long's Narrative of an Expedition to the Source of St. Peter's River, 1824; in Alexander Mackenzie's Voyages from Montreal in 17S9 and 1793, London, 1801, with a handsome Zaehnsdorf binding; in Pike's Account of Expeditions to the Sources of the Mississippi, Philadelphia, OF THE FINLEY COLLECTION Xlii 1810; and in Alexander Henry's Travels and Adventures in Canada, New York, 1809. In this same class of literature belongs the indispensible set of 3 volumes by Chittenden on the American Fur Trade and Larpenteur's Forty Years a Fur Trader, as they deal with the adventures of explorers, travelers and traders throughout the whole region of the Mississippi Valley. In addition to all of these original editions there is the 32- volume set of reprints of Early Western Travels, edited by Reuben G. Thwaites. In this monumental work are nearly forty journals of the early travelers. (7) Histories of the State of Illinois. — The Illinois histories include those of John Reynolds, 1852 and 1855, with the later reprints of both; Blanchard, Breese, Brown, Buck, Davidson and Stuve, Duis, Edwards, Ford, Gerhard, Greene, Humphrey, Mitchell, Jones, Lusk, Mason, Matson, Moses, Parrish, Pease, Perrin, Pooley, Snyder, Wallace, and Waller. In addition to these there are many local histories of Chicago, Peoria, Rock Island, Springfield, Quincy, Cairo, Decatur, as well as histories of Cook, McLean, La Salle, Sangamon and Williamson counties. There are early pamphlets issued by the Illinois Land Company in 1839, by the Illinois Central Rail Road Company in 1855 and 1856, and an especially rare group of about 20 pamphlets pub- lished by the Cairo City and Canal Company in 1837 and 1838. Of special interest to the Knox Library is a copy of the Proceed- ings of the First Illinois Anti-Slavery Convention held at Upper Alton in 1837. The call for this convention was signed by many residents of Galesburg and several of the Trustees of Knox College. (8) Histories of Other Mississippi Valley States. — The early histories* of these states include Brice's History of Ft. Wayne, 1868; Cox's Early Settlement of the Wabash Valley, 1860; Dillon's Indiana, 1843; Ellsworth's Valley of the Upper Wabash, 1838; Smith's Early Indiana Trials and Sketches, 1858; Parker's Iowa, 1855; Newhall's Sketches of Iowa, 1841; Collins' Historical Sketches of Kentucky, 1847; Butler's Kentucky, 1834; Filson's Kentucky, 1793, and the Paris edition of 1785; Marshall's Kentucky, 1824; Barbe-Marbois' Louisiana, 1830 and the Paris edition of 1829; Fortier's Louisiana, 1904; Gayarre's Louisiana, all of the early editions from 1848 to 1854; Livingston's System of Penal Law for the State of Louisiana, 1833; Martin's Louisiana, 1827-29 and 1882; Stoddard's Sketches of Louisiana, 1812; Farmer's Detroit, 1884; Historical and Scientific Sketches of Michigan, xi v AN A UTTIOR CA TALOG UE 1834; Lanman's Michigan, 1839; Sheldon's Michigan, 1856; Neill's Minnesota, 1858; Oliphant's Minnesota, 1855; Billon's St. Louis, 1886-88; Atwater's Ohio, 1838; Drake's Cincinnati, 1815; Hildreth's Pioneer History, 1848; Hosmer's Maumee Valley, 1858; Taylor's Ohio, 1854; Haywood's Tennessee, 1823; Lap- ham's Wisconsin, 1844 and 1846 editions; Smith's Wisconsin, 1854; Strong's Territory of Wisconsin, 1885; McLeod's History of Wiskonsan, 1846. (9) Early Guide Books and Gazetteers. — Of special interest are Beck's Gazetteer of the States of Illinois and Missouri, 1823; Brown's Western Gazetteer, 1817; Cobbett's Emigrant's Guide, 1829; Collins' Emigrant's Guide, 1830; Cumings' Western Pilot, first edition, 1825; Curtiss' Emigrant's Guide, 1852; Hunt's Wisconsin Gazetteer, 1853; Jenkins' Ohio Gazetteer, 1839; Peck's Gazetteer of Illinois, published at Jacksonville in 1834, as well as two other editions of 1836 and 1837; Peck's Guide for Emigrants, 1831; Peck's Traveler's Directory for Illinois, first edition, 1839; Smith's Western Tourist, 1839; and Wetmore's Gazetteer of the State of Missouri, 1837. (10) Early Periodicals and Other Literary Works. — This class of books is of great importance in the study of the West. The Collection includes the American Pioneer, Vols. 1 and 2, 1842-3; the Chicago Magazine, Vol. 1, 1857; the Illinois Monthly Maga- zine, Vols. 1 and 2, 1831 and 1832; the Western Monthly Maga- zine, Vols. 1 to 5, 1833-36; the Olden Time, Vols. 1 and 2, 1846 and 1847; the Western Monthly Review, Vol. 3, 1830; the Western Literary Journal and Monthly Review, Vol. 1, 1845; and the Hesperian, Vol. 1, 1838. The writings of Judge James Hall are represented by thirteen of his works published from 1828 to 1857. Other early writers whose books are in the Collection are Flint, Gallagher, Gallaher, Coggeshall, Caroline M. Kirkland, Irving and Hoffman. (11) Historical Periodicals. — Among the most important in the Collection may be mentioned the American Historical Review, Vols. 1-27; the Magazine of Western History, Vols. 1-14; Magazine of American History, Vols. 2-26; the Historical Maga- zine, a complete set in 23 vols.; and Niles Register, a complete set in 76 volumes, published from 1811 to 1849. (12) Historical Society and Club Publications. — This is one of I he most useful and valuable parts of the Collection and includes complete sets of the Papers and Reports of the American Histori- OF THE FINLBY COLLECTION xv cal Association, in 52 vols. ; of the Champlain Society Publications in 19 vols. ; of the Journal, Transactions, and Proceedings of the Illinois State Historical Society and Library in over 50 vols.; of the Chicago Historical Society, in 10 vols, and 24 pamphlets; a complete set of the Fergus Historical Series of 35 pamphlets bound in 4 vols.; the Kansas Historical Society in 13 vols.; a complete set, from the library of the late Senator Lodge, of the Collections, 7G vols., (1792-1923) and Proceedings, 58 vols., (1791-1924) of the Massachusetts Historical Society; the Collec- tions of the Michigan Pioneer and Historical Society in 34 vols.; the Minnesota Historical Society Publications in 22 vols.; the Collections and Proceedings of the New York Historical Society, 70 vols.; the Ohio State Archeological and Historical Society Publications in 25 vols.; the Parkman Club Publications, Nos. 1-18, a complete set; the Reports, Collections and Proceedings of the Wisconsin State Historical Society in over 50 vols.; and several other similar sets. (13) Miscellaneous Subjects. — Several classes of books in the Collection can be mentioned but very briefly. These include the Indians, Religious History, and Biography. Adair's History of the American Indians, London, 1775, and Wakefield's History of the Black Hawk War, published at Jacksonville, 1834, deserve special mention. Another book of local interest is a bound vol- ume containing 14 pamphlet reports of the General Association of Congregational Churches and Ministers of Illinois, 1856 to 1871. In the 1861 document is a 60-page Report on Knox College. (14) Maps. — While this section of the Collection makes no claim to completeness it is nevertheless worthy of special mention as a good beginning of most valuable historical material. A list of the separate maps will be found at the end of the catalogue. (15) Bibliographies. — These include a large number of volumes that will be found most helpful in the study of Mississippi Valley history by Griffin, Winsor, Harisse, Marcel, Turner, Buck, Pooley, Boggess, Carayon, Baldwin, Kingsford, Gagnon, Field, Larned, and Venable. AN AUTHOR CATALOGUE OF THE FINLEY COLLECTION Note. — The classification of this catalogue is alphabetical, by authors, editors, translators and compilers. Usually only one entry appears for each title, except where there is an editor or compiler as well as an author. All books not accompanied by a donor's name are the gift of Edward Cald- well. Initials of authors are omitted to save space. The catalogue is intended to give a brief and comprehensive summary of the Collection and to provide a quick finding list of its contents when the author is known. Ackerman's Early Illinois Railroads. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 23. Chicago, 1884. Adair's History of the American Indians. London, 1775. Adams' The Duplicate Letters, the Fisheries, and the Mississippi. Wash- ington, 1822. (Two copies). Albach's Annals of the West. 3rd Ed. Pittsburgh, 1857. (See also Perkins.) Allen's (ed.) History of the Lewis & Clark Expedition to the Sources of the Missouri River. 2 vols. Phila., 1814. Alvord's (ed.) Centennial History of Illinois. By several authors. 5 vols. Springfield, 1920. Alvord's The County of Illinois. Springfield, 1907. Alvord's The Old Kaskaskia Records. Chicago Hist. Soc. pamphlet. Alvord's Mississippi Valley in British Politics. 2 vols. Cleveland, 1917. Alvord and Bidgood's First Explorations of the Trans-Allegheny Region by the Virginians, 1650-1674. Cleveland, 1912. Alvord and Carter's (eds.) Invitation Serieuse aux Habitants des Illinois. Providence, 1908. American Antiquarian Society. Transactions and Collections. Vols. 1, 2 and 3. Worcester, 1820, 1836, 1857. American Archives. 4th Series, 6 vols., and 5th Series, 3 vols, (all pub.) 9 vols. [Washington, 1837-53.] American Explorers Series. Edited by J. B. McMaster. 17 vols. New York, 1922. Champlain, 2 vols.; La Salle, 2 vols.; de Vaca; de Soto, 2 vols.; Coronado; Mackenzie, 2 vols.; Lewis and Clark, 3 vols.; Colden, 2 vols.; Harmon; Butler. American Historical Review. Vols. 1-33, 1895-1927. 1 2 .4 JV AUTHOR CATALOGUE American Historical Association. Papers. 5 vols. 1886-91. Annual Reports, for the years 1889 to 1923. 51 vols. American Pioneer. Vols. 1 and 2. 1st Ed. Chillicothe, 1842 and Cin- cinnati, 1843. The Same. Vol. 1 only. 2nd Ed. Cincinnati, 1842. American State Papers. A complete set, 38 vols. Washington, 1832-61. I. Foreign Relations, 1789-1828, 6 vols. II. Indian Affairs, 1789-1827, 2 vols. III. Finance, 1789-1828, 5 vols. IV. Commerce and Navigation, 1789-1823, 3 vols. V. Military Affairs, 1789-1838, 7 vols. VI. Naval Affairs, 1789-1836, 4 vols. VII. Post Office Department, 1789-1833, 1 vol. VIII. Public Lands, 1789-1837, 8 vols. IX. Claims, 1789-1823, 1 vol. X. Miscellaneous, 1789-1823, 2 vols. Anderson's (trans.) Joutel's Journal of La Salle's Last Voyage. The Caxton Club, Chicago, 1896. Anderson's (trans.) Nicholas de La Salle's Relation of the Discovery of the Mississippi River. The Caxton Club, Chicago, 1898. Anderson's (trans.) La Salle's Relation of the Discoveries and Voyages of Cavelier de La Salle, from 1679 to 1681. The Caxton Club, Chicago, 1901. Anderson's (trans.) Relation of Henri de Tonti concerning the Explorations of La Salle from 1678 to 1683. The Caxton Club, Chicago, 1898. Andreas' History of Chicago. 3 vols. Chicago, 1884. Andreas' History of Cook County, 111. Chicago, 1884. Andrews' Colonial Folkways. Chronicles of America, vol. 9. New Haven, 1919. Andrews' The Fathers of New England. Chronicles of America, vol. 6. New Haven, 1919. Armstrong's Early Life among the Indians. Ashland, Wis., 1892. Armstrong's Sauks and the Black Hawk War. Springfield, 111., 1887. Arnold's Abraham Lincoln. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 15. Arnold's Wm. B. Ogden and Early Days in Chicago. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 17. Chicago, 1882. Arnold's Recollections of Early Chicago and the Illinois Bar. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 22. Arnold's Reminiscence's of the Illinois Bar Forty Years Ago. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 14. Asbury's Reminiscences of Quincy, Illinois. Quincy, 111., 1882. Ashe's Travels in America, performed in 1806. Newburyport, 1808, Ashe's Travels in America, London, 1809, OF THE FINLEY COLLECTION 3 Atwater's History of the State of Ohio. Cincinnati, [1838]. Atwater's Remarks made on a Tour to Prairie du Chien. Columbus, 1831. Ayer's (trans.) Millet's Captivity among the Oneidas in 1690-91. Chicago, 1897. Babcock's (ed.) Peck's Forty Years of Pioneer Life. Phila. [1864]. Badger, Rev. Joseph. A memoir of, containing an autobiography. Hud- son, Ohio, 1851. Bailey's History of the Illinois River Baptist Association and Its Churches. New York, 1857. [Baird's] View of the Valley of the Mississippi. 2nd Ed. Phila., 1834. Baker's St. Joseph-Kankakee Portage. South Bend, Ind., 1899. Baldwin's Early Maps of Ohio and the West. Cleveland, 1875. Baldwin's History of La Salle Count}'. Chicago, 1877. Balestier's The Annals of Chicago. (Republished from the original edition of 1840.) Fergus Hist. Series, No. 1. Chicago, 1876. Ball's Northwestern Indiana from 1800 to 1900. Crown Point, 1900. Ballance's History of Peoria, Illinois. Peoria, 1870. Barbe-Marbois' Histoire de La Louisiane. Paris, 1829. Barbe-Marbois' History of Louisiana. Phila., 1830. Bartlett's La Salle in the Valley of the St. Joseph. South Bend, 1899. Bartlett's Tales of Kankakee Land. New York, 1904. Barton's The Influence of Chicago upon Abraham Lincoln. Chicago Hist. Soc. pamphlet. 1923. Baudry des Lozieres' Voyage a la Louisiane. Paris, 1802. Baudry des Lozieres' Second Voyage a la Louisiane. 2 vols. Paris, 1803. Baxter's Memoir of Jacques Cartier. New York, 1906. Beck's Gazetteer of the States of Illinois and Missouri. Albany, 1823. Becker's The Eve of the Revolution. Chronicles of America, vol. 11. New Haven, 1918. Beckwith's The Illinois and Indiana Indians. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 27. Chicago, 1884. Beecher's Narrative of Riots at Alton in connection with the death of Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy. Alton, 1838. Beggs' Pages from the Early History of the West and Northwest. Cincin- nati, 1868. Bell's A Journey to Ohio in 1810. Rochester, 1904. Bell's (trans.) Garneau's History of Canada. 1st Ed., 3 vols. Montreal, 1860. The Same. 2nd Ed., 2 vols. Ottawa, 1862. 4 AN AUTHOR CATALOGUE Beltrami's La Decouverte des Sources du Mississippi. Nouvelle-Orleans, 1824. Beltrami's Pilgrimage in Europe and America leading to the Discover}*- of the Mississippi and Bloody River. 2 vols. London, 1828. Berquin-Duvallon's Vue de La Colonie Espagnole du Mississippi. 2nd Ed., Paris, 1804. Bibaud's Historie du Canada. [Tome 1.] Montreal, 1837. The Same. Tome 2. 1760-1829. Montreal, 1844. The Same. Tome 3. 1830-1837. Montreal, 1878. Biggar's (ed.) Lescarbot's History of New France. 3 vols. Toronto, 1907, 1911, 1914. Biggar's (ed.) Precursors of Jacques Cartier, 1497-1534. Ottawa, 1911. Biggar's (ed.) Works of Samuel de Champlain. Vols 1 and 2. (To be pub. in 6 vols.) Toronto, 1922. Biographical Sketches of some of the Early Settlers of the City of Chicago, Parts I and II. Fergus Hist. Series, Nos. 5 and 6. Chicago, 1876. Billon's Annals of St. Louis. 2 vols. St. Louis, 1886-88. Birkbeck's Letters from Illinois. 1st Ed. Phila., 1818. The Same. 1st Ed. London, 1818. The Same. 2nd Ed. London, 1818. The Same. 3rd Ed London, 1818. Birkbeck's Notes on a Journey through France. 4th Ed. London, 1815. Birkbeck's Notes on a Journey in America. 1st Ed. Phila., 1817. The Same. 1st Ed. London, 1818. The Same. 2nd Ed. London, 1818. (Two copies.) The Same. 3rd Ed. London, 1818. The Same. 4th Ed. London, 1818. Birkbeck's Bemerkungen auf eines Reise in America. Jena, 1818. Black Hawk War. The Expedition Against the Sauk and Fox Indians, 1832. Reprinted. New York, 1914. (Gift of the Cadmus Book Shop, New York) Black Hawk. Autobiography of Black Hawk. Edited by J. B. Patterson. Oquawka, 111. [1882]. Black Hawk. Life of Black Hawk. Edited by J. B. Patterson. Boston, 1834. Black Hawk. Life of Black Hawk. Edited by M. M. Quaife. Chicago, 1916. Blair's Indian Tribes of the Upper Mississippi Valley. 2 vols. Cleveland, 1911-12. Blanchard's Discovery and Conquests of the Northwest, with a History of Chicago. Wheaton, 1879. OF THE FINLEY COLLECTION 5 Blanchard's Documentary History of the Cession of Louisiana. Chicago, 1903. Blanchard's History of Illinois. Chicago, 1883. Blatchford's Biographical Sketch of Hon. Joseph Duncan, Fifth Governor of Illinois. Chicago Hist. Soc. pamphlet. Blegen's Journal of the Voyage Made by Verendrye with one of his brothers, n.p., 1925. {Gift of Ralph Budd, St. Paul) Blodgett's Autobiography. Waukegan, 1906. [Blowe's] Geographical, Historical, Commercial and Agricultural View of the United States of America. London, 1820. Bogart's Daniel Boone and the Hunters of Kentucky. Auburn, 1854. Bolton's The Spanish Borderlands. Chronicles of America, vol. 23. New Haven, 1921. Bond's Minnesota and Its Resources. Chicago, 1857. Bonham's Fifty Years Recollections. Peoria, 111., 1883. Bossu's Neue Reisen nach West-Indien. 2 vols, in one. Helmstedt, 1776. (Vol. 2 is dated 1774.) Bossu's Nouveaux Voyages aux Indes Occidentales. 2 vols. Paris, 1768. Bossu's Nouveaux Voyages dans l'Amcrique Septentrionale. Amsterdam, 1777. Bossu's Travels through that Part of North America, formerly called Louisiana. 2 vols. London, 1771. (Two copies). Bouquet. Historical Account of Bouquet's Expedition against the Ohio Indians in 1764. Cincinnati, 1907. Bourne's (ed. and trans.) Champlain's Voyages and Explorations. 2 vols. (In American Explorers Series.) New York, 1922. Brackenridge's Journal of a Voyage up the River Missouri, 1811. In Thwaites' Early Western Travels, vol. 6. Cleveland, 1904-7. Brackenridge's Recollections of Persons and Places in the West. Phila., [1834]. Bradbury's Travels in the Interior of America, in 1809-11. In Thwaites' Early Western Travels, vol. 5. Cleveland, 1904-7. Bradford's Notes on the Northwest. New York, 1846. Brady's Chief Joseph's Own Story. From the N. A. Review, 1879. (Gift of Ralph Budd, St. Paul) Brady's Conquest of the Southwest. New York, 1919. Breese's Early History of Illinois, from 1673 to 1763. Chicago, 1884. Brennan's The Wonders of the Dunes. Indianapolis, [1923]. 6 AN AUTHOR CATALOGUE Bressany's Relation Abregee de Quelques Missions . . . dans la Nouvelle France. Translated by R. F. P. Martin. Montreal. 1852. Brice's History of Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne, Ind., 1868. Bross' History of Chicago. Chicago, 1876. Brown's Biographical Sketch of Hon. John Peter Altgeld, Twentieth Gov- ernor of Illinois. Chicago Hist. Soc. pamphlet. Brown's Early History of Illinois. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 14. Brown's Historical Sketch of the Early Movement in Illinois for the Legal- ization of Slavery. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 4. Chicago, 1876. Brown's History of Illinois. New York, 1844. Brown's The Present and Future Prospects of Chicago: An Address deliv- ered Jan. 20, 1846. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 9. Brown's Recollections of Itinerant Life. Cincinnati, 1866. Brown's Old Northwest Territory. Kalamazoo, 1875. Brown's Political Beginnings of Kentucky. Filson Club Pubs., No. 6. Louisville, 1889. Brown's Western Gazetteer, or Emigrant's Directory. Auburn, 1817. Browne's Altgeld of Illinois, a Record of his Life and Work. New York, 1924. Browning. The Diary of Orville H. Browning. A New Source for Lincoln's Presidency. Chicago Hist. Soc. pamphlet. 1924. Brownell's Indian Races of North and South America. Hartford, 1873. (Gift of Miss Margaret McLaughlin, New York) Brymner's (trans.) Journal of the First Expedition of Verendrye to the Mandan Villages, n.p. 1925. (Gift of Ralph Budd, St. Paul) Brymner's (ed.) Rapport sur les Archives du Canada, 1872-1903. Bound in 16 vols. Ottawa, L873-1904. Bryner's Abraham Lincoln in Peoria, Illinois. Peoria, 1924. (Gift of Edward J. Jacob, Peoria) Buck's The Agrarian Crusade. Chronicles of America, vol. 45. New Haven, 1920. Buck's Illinois in 1818. Springfield, 1917. Buell's Memoirs of Rufus Putnam. Boston, 1903. Buffalo Historical Society. Proceedings, Vol. 5, 1902. Bullock's Sketch of a Journey through the Western States in L827. In Thwaites' Early Western Travels, vol. 19. Cleveland, 1904-7. Bunner's History of Louisiana. New York, [1841]. Burnet's Notes on the Early Settlement of the Northwestern Territory. ( lincinnati, 1847. OF THE FINLEY COLLECTION 7 Burpee's (ed.) Journals and Letters of Verendrye and his Sons. Toronto, 1927. Burpee's Pathfinders of the Great Plains. Chronicles of Canada, vol. 19. Toronto, 1914. Burr's Trial. Message from the President transmitting a Copy of the Pro- ceedings, etc. Washington, 1807. Burrow's Fifty Years in Iowa. Davenport, 1888. [Butel-Dumont's] Histoire et Commerce des Colonies Angloises, dans l'Amerique Septentrionale. Londres, 1755. Butler's History of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Louisville, 1834. Butler's The New-Found Journals of Charles Floyd, a Sergeant under Cap- tains Lewis and Clark. Worcester, Mass., 1894. Butler's The Wild Northland. (In American Explorers Series.) New York, 1922. Butterfield's Historical Account of the Expedition against Sandusky. Cin- cinnati, 1873. Butterfield's History of Brule's Discoveries and Explorations, 1610-1626. Cleveland, 1898. Butterfield's History of the Discovery of the Northwest by John Nicolet in 1634. Cincinnati, 1881. Butterfield's History of George Rogers Clark's Conquest of the Illinois and Wabash Towns, 1778 and 1779. Columbus, 1904. Buttrick's Voyages, Travels, and Discoveries. In Thwaites' Early Western Travels, vol. 8. Cleveland, 1904-7. Cairo City (111.) and Canal Co. Prospectus and other documents. About 20 pamphlets bound together, v.p., 1837-1838. Caldwell's (comp.) Annotated Catalogue of Books belonging to the Finley Collection on the History and Romance of the Northwest. Galesburg, 1924. Calendar of Virginia State Papers and Other Manuscripts preserved in the Capital at Richmond, 1652-1860. 11 vols. Richmond, 1875-1893. Calumet Club. Reception to the Settlers of Chicago prior to 1840. Chicago, 1879. Canada. Manuscripts relating to the Early History of Canada (and six other pamphlets). Quebec, 1868. Canada. Memoires sur Le Canada depuis 1749 jusqu'a 1760 (and several other similar pamphlets bound together). Quebec, 1873, etc. Canadian Archives. Catalogue of Pamphlets, Journals and Reports in the Dominion Archives, 1611-1867. Ottawa, 1911. The Same. 2nd Ed. 1916. 8 AN AUTHOR CATALOGUE Canadian Archives. Rapport sur les Archives du Canada, par Douglas Brymner, 1872-1903. Bound in 16 vols. Ottawa, 1873-1904. Carayon's Bibliographie Historique de la Compagnie de Jesus. Paris, 1864. Carpenter and Arthur's History of Illinois. Phila. 1854. Cartwright's Autobiography of a Backwoods Preacher. Cincinnati, n.d. Carr's Lincoln at Gettysburg. Chicago, 1906. Carr's Missouri. Boston, 1888. Carr's My Day and Generation. Chicago, 1908. Carr's The Mini. 4th Ed. Chicago, 1905. Carr's Stephen A. Douglas; His Life, Public Services, Speeches and Patriot- ism. Chicago, 1909. Carter's Great Britain and the Illinois Country, 1763-1774. Washington, 1910. Cartier's Bref Recit et Succincte Narration, etc. Paris, 1863. Cartier's Relation Originale. Paris, 1867. Cartier's Voyage de Jacques Cartier au Canada en 1534. Paris, 1865. Carver's Three Years Travels through the Interior Parts of North America. Walpole, N. H., 1813. Carver's Travels through the Interior Parts of North America in the Years 1766, 1767 and 1768. London, 1778. Carver's Travels in Wisconsin. New York, 1838. Carver's Voyage dans les parties interieures de l'Amerique Septentrionale. Trans, from 3rd English edition. Paris, 1784. Casgrain's Les Batailles des Plaines d'Abraham et de Sainte-Foye. Quebec, 1908. Casgrain's Montcalm et Levis. Tours, n.d. Casgrain's [Review of] The Fight for Canada, by Major Wood; and The Fight with France for North America, by A. G. Bradley. [Quebec, 1905]. Caton's Early Bench and Bar of Illinois. Chicago, 1893. Caton's The Last of the Illinois and a Sketch of the Pottawatomies; also Origin of the Prairies. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 3. Chicago, 1876. Caton's Miscellanies. Boston, 1880. Catherwood's Story of Tonty. 14th Ed. Chicago, 1924. Chamberlain's Chicago and Its Suburbs. Chicago, 1874. Champigny's Etat-Presen1 de la Louisiane. La Haye, 1776. Champlain Society. Publications. 19 vols. Toronto, 1907-1926. Champlain's Voyages el Descouvertures faites en la Nouvelle France. Paris, L620. OF THE FIX LEY COLLECTION 9 Champlain's Lea Voyages de la Nouvelle France. Paris, 1632. Champlain's Voyages. 2 vols. Paris, 1830. Champlain's Oeuvres, par Laverdiere. 6 vols. Quebec, 1870. Champlain's Voyages. 3 vols. Prince Society. Boston, 1878-82. Champlain's Voyages. Edited by W. L. Grant. New York, 1907. Champlain's Voyages and Explorations, 1604-1616. 2 vols. (In American Explorers Series.) New York, 1922. Champlain's Works. Edited by Biggar. Vols. 1 and 2. (To be published in 6 vols.) The Champlain Society, Toronto, 1922. Channing and Lansing's Story of the Great Lakes. New York, 1909. Channing, Turner and Hart's Guide to the Study and Reading of American History. New York, 1912. Chapais' The Great Intendant [Talon]. Chronicles of Canada, vol. 6. Toronto, 1914. Charlevoix' Letters to the Duchess of Lesduiguieres. London, 1763. Charlevoix' Histoire et Description Generale de la Nouvelle France. 6 vols. Paris, 1744. Charlevoix' Histoire et Description Generale de la Nouvelle France. 3 vols. Paris, 1744. Charlevoix' History and General Description of New France. Trans, by Shea. 6 vols. New York, 1866-72. Charlevoix' Journal of a Voyage to North America. 2 vols. London, 1761. Charlevoix' Journal of a Voyage to North America. Edited by Louise Kellogg. The Caxton Club, Chicago, 1923. Chase's (Bishop) Reminiscences. An Autobiography. 2 vols. Boston, 1848. Chastellux' Voyages dans L'Amerique Scptentrionale. 2 vols. Paris, 1786. Chastellux' Travels in North America. 2 vols. Dublin, 1787. Cheney's (comp.) Inaugural Addresses of the Presidents of the United States. From Washington to Lincoln. Chicago, 1904. The Same. From Johnson to Roosevelt. Chicago, 1905. (.Gift of Thomas E. Donnelley, Chicago) Cheney's (comp.). Memorable American Speeches. 4 vols. Chicago, 1907-1910. Chesnel's Histoire de Cavelier de La Sail.'. Paris, 1901. Chicago Commercial Club. A History of the Pilgrimage of the Chicago Commercial Club to Centres of Western Commerce. Chicago, 1901. Chicago. Directory of the City of Chicago, Illinois, for 1843. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 28. (Reprint) Chicago, 1896. 10 AN AUTHOR CATALOGUE Chicago. Jubilee Services of the First Presbyterian Church of Chicago. Chicago, 1883. Chicago Historical Society, 1857-1907. Celebration of the 50th Anni- versary of Its Incorporation, Feb. 7, 1907. Addresses by Ezra B. McCagg and Franklin H. Head. Chicago Hist. Soc. pamphlet. Chicago Historical Society. Collections. Vols. 1-10, 10 vols. Chicago, 1882-1918. Other Publications (in 24 pamphlets) arranged chronologically: 1. Wight. — Eleazer Williams. (Also in Fergus Historical Series, No. 35.) 1903. 2. Mann. — The Chicago Common Council and the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850. 3. McCulloch. — Early Days of Peoria and Chicago. 4. Jewett. — In Memoriam. John Nelson Jewett, 1827-1904. 5. Radebaugh. — The Boundary Dispute between Illinois and Wisconsin. 6. Grover. — Some Indian Landmarks of the North Shore. 7. Blatchford. — Biographical Sketch of Hon. Joseph Duncan, Fifth Governor of Illinois. 8. Brown. — Biographical Sketch of Hon. John Peter Altgeld, 20th Governor of Illinois. 9. Alvord. — The Old Kaskaskia Records. 10. Grover. — Father Pierre Francois Pinet, S. J. and His Mission of the Guardian Angel at Chicago, A.D., 1696-1699. 1907. 11. Chicago Historical Society, 1857-1907. Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Its Incorporation, Feb. 7, 1907. Addresses by Ezra B. McCagg and Franklin H. Head. 12. Hamilton.— Biographical Sketch of Gurdon Saltonstall Hubbard. 1908. 13. Selby. — Abraham Lincoln — The Evolution of His Emancipation Policy. 1909. 14. Reed. — The Masters of the Wilderness; A Study of the Hudson Bay Company from Its Origin to Modern Times. 1909. 15. James. — The Preamble and Boundary Clauses of the Illinois Constitution. 1910. 16. Cox. — The Indian as a Diplomatic Factor in the History of the Old Northwest. 1910. 17. White. — The Lincoln and Douglas Debates. 1914. 18. MacNaul. — The Jefferson-Lemen Compact. 1915. 19. Ray. — The Convention that Nominated Lincoln. 1916. 20. Patterson. — Early Society in Southern Illinois. (Reprint from Fergus Historical Series, No. 14.) 1881. 21. Proctor. — Lincoln and the Convention of 1860. 1918. 22. Barton — The Influence of Chicago upon Abraham Lincoln. 1923. 23. Cole. — Lincoln's "House Divided" Speech. 1923. 24. The Diary of Orville H. Browning. A New Source for Lincoln's Presidency. 1924. Chicago Magazine, vol. 1, nos. 1-5 (all pub.) Chicago, 1857. Chicago River and Harbor Convention. By seven different authors. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 18. Chicago, 1882. Chittenden's American Fur Trade. 3 vols. New York, 1902. Chittenden's History of Early Steamboat Navigation on the Missouri River. 2 vols. New York, 1903. Chittenden's Yellowstone National Park. Cincinnati, 1900. Choix des Lettres Historiques de la Venerable Mere Marie de 1' Incarnation. Clermont-Ferrand, 1857. Cist's Cincinnati in 1841. Cincinnati, 1841. Clark's Conquest of the Illinois. Edited by M. M. Quaife. Chicago, 1920. Clark's Sketch of his Campaign in the Illinois in 177S 9. Cincinnati, 1809. Clark's Proofs of the Corruption of Gen. James Wilkinson and of his Con- nection with Aaron Burr. Phila., 1809. OF THE FINLEY COLLECTION 11 Clary's History of the Churches and Ministers connected with the Presby- terian and Congregational Convention of Wisconsin. Beloit, 1861. Cleaver's Early Chicago Reminiscences. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 19. Chicago, 1882. Cleaver's History of Chicago from 1833 to 1892. Chicago, 1892. Cobbett's Emigrant's Guide; in Ten Letters, addressed to the Tax-Payers of England. London, 1829. The Same. London, 1830. Cobbett's A Year's Residence in the United States of America. Belfast, 1818. The Same. London, 1819. The Same. London, 1822. The Same. 3rd Ed. London, 1828. (Two copies). Coffin's Life and Times of the Hon. Samuel D. Lockwood. Chicago, 1889. Coggeshall's Poets and Poetry of the West. Columbus, 1860. Colbert et la Canada. Paris, 1879. Colby's Founder of New France [Champlain]. Chronicles of Canada, vol. 3. Toronto, 1915. Colby's The Fighting Governor [Frontenac]. Chronicles of Canada, vol. 7. Toronto, 1915. Colden's History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada. London, 1747. Colden's History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada. 2 vols. (In American Explorers Series.) New York, 1922. Cole's Lincoln's "House Divided" Speech. Chicago Hist. Soc. pamphlet. 1923. Coles' History of the Ordinance of 1787. Philadelphia, 1856. Collection de Documents Inedits sur le Canada et L'Amerique. Tomes 1, 2, et 3 (bound in one). Quebec, 1888-90. Collection de Manuscrits contenant Lettres, Memoires, et autres Docu- ments Historique relatifs a la Nouvelle France. 4 vols. Quebec. 1883-1885. Collection des Manuscrits du Marcchal de Levis. 12 vols, bound in 7. Montreal, 1889-1895. Collection du Memoires et de Relations sur l'Histoire Ancienne du Canada, etc. Quebec, 1840. Collins' The Emigrant's Guide. Hull, 1829. Collins' Historical Sketches of Kentucky. Maysville, Ky., and Cincinnati, 1847. Collot's A Journey in North America. 3 vols. Reprinted. Firenze, 1924. 12 AN AUTHOR CATALOGUE Colquhoun's The Fathers of Confederation. Chronicles of Canada, Vol. 28. Toronto, 1916. Colton's Tour of the American Lakes ... in 1830. 2 vols. London, 1833. Colton's (pub.) The Western Tourist. New York, 1846. Coman's Economic Beginnings of the Far West. 2 vols. New York, 1912. Connelley's Eastern Kentucky Papers; The Founding of Harman's Station. New York, 1910. Cook's Bygone Days in Chicago. Chicago, 1910. Cooley's Michigan. Boston, 1885. Cooper's History of Jerseyville, 111., 1822-1901. Jerseyville, 1901. Conkling's Recollections of the Bench and Bar of Central Illinois. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 22. Coronado's Journey, 1540-42. (In American Explorers Series.) New York, 1922. Corwin's John Marshall and the Constitution. Chronicles of America, vol. 16. New Haven, 1919. Coues' (ed.) Expeditions of Zebulon M. Pike to the Headwaters of the Mississippi River. 3 vols. New York, 1895. Coues' (ed.) Forty Years a Fur Trader on the Upper Missouri. The Per- sonal Narrative of Chas. Larpenteur, 1833-1872. 2 vols. New York, 1898. Coues' (ed.) History of the Expedition under the Command of Lewis and Clark. 4 vols. New York, 1893. Coues' (ed.) Journal of Jacob Fowler. New York, 1898. Coues' (ed.) New Light on the Early History of the Great Northwest. The Manuscript Journals of Alex. Henry and David Thompson. 3 vols. New York, 1897. Coues' (ed.) On the Trail of a Spanish Pioneer. 2 vols. Now York, 1900. Counties of Illinois. Their Origin and Evolution. Springfield, 1919. Cox's The Indian as a Diplomatic Factor in the History of the Old North- west. Chicago Hist. Soc. pamphlet. 1910. Cox's Recollections of the Early Settlement of the Wabash Valley. Laf- ayette [Ind.] 1860. Craig's History of Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh, 1851. [Crain's] Report on United States Roads in the Territory of Wisconsin; and Report on Harbor Improvements on Lake Michigan. Washington, 1840. Crespel's Voiages du R. P. Emmanuel Crespel, Reprint of 1742 edition. Quebec, 1884. OF THE FINLEY COLLECTION 13 Creuxius' Historiae Canadensis. Paris, 1664. (Two copies). Croghan's Letters and Journals, relating to Tours into the Western Country, 1750-65. In Thwaites' Early Western Travels, vol. 1. Cleveland, 1904-7. Cuming's Sketches of a Tour to the Western Country, 1807-1809. Pitts- burgh, 1810. Cuming's Tour to the Western Country, through Ohio and Kentucky, 1807-9. In Thwaites' Early Western Travels, vol. 4. Cleveland, 1904-7. Cumming's Western Pilot. Cincinnati, 1825. Curley's Nebraska. London, [1875]. Currey's Chicago: Its History and Its Builders. 3 vols. Chicago, 1912. Currey's Story of Old Fort Dearborn. Chicago, 1912. Curtiss' Western Portraiture, and Emigrants' Guide. New York, 1852. Cutler. Life, Journals and Correspondence of Rev. Manasseh Cutler. 2 vols. Cincinnati, 1888. Cutler's Life and Times of Ephraim Cutler. Cincinnati, 1890. Dainville's Beautes d'Histoire du Canada. Paris, 1821. Dana's Geographical Sketches on the Western Country. Cincinnati, 1819. Darlington's Christopher Gist's Journals. Pittsburg, 1893. Darlington's History of Colonel Henry Bouquet and the Western Frontiers of Pennsylvania, n.p., [1920]. Darby's Tour from the City of New York to Detroit. New York, 1819. Darnell's Journal ... in the years 1812-13. Phila., 1854. Davidson's History of the Presbyterian Church in the State of Kentucky. New York, 1847. Davidson's In Unnamed Wisconsin. Milwaukee, 1895. Davidson and Stuve's Complete History of Illinois from 1673 to 1873. Springfield, 1874. DeBlois and Barnes' John Mason Peck and One Hundred Years of Home Missions, 1817-1917. New York, 1917. DeCelles' The "Patriotes" of '37; a Chronicle of the Lower Canadian Rebel- lion. Chronicles of Canada, vol. 25. Toronto, 1916. Denys' Description and Natural History of the Coasts of North America (Acadia). Toronto, 1908. de La Potherie's Histoire de L'Amerique Septentrionale. 4 vols. Paris, 1722. de Smet's Letters and Sketches. In Thwaites' Early Western Travels, vol. 27. Cleveland, 1904-7. 14 AN AUTHOR CATALOGUE de Smet's Oregon Missions and Travels over the Rocky Mountains, 1845- 46. In Thwaites Early Western Travels, vol. 29. Cleveland, 1904-7. de Soto's Narrative ... in the Conquest of Florida. 2 vols. (In American Explorers Series). New York, 1922. de Vaca's Journey . . . from Florida to the Pacific, 1528-36. (In American Explorers Series), New York, 1922. [Dickinson's] (ed.) A History of Eureka College. St. Louis, 1894. Dillon's History of Indiana. Indianapolis, 1843. Dionne's La Nouvelle France de Cartier et Champlain, 1540-1603. Quebec, 1891. Dix's Champlain, the Founder of New France. New York, 1911. Documents Historique. Correspondence echanges entre les autorites Francaises et les Governeurs et Intendants. Vol. I (all pub.). Quebec, 1893. Dodd's The Cotton Kingdom. Chronicles of America, vol. 27. New Haven, 1919. Donaldson's Public Domain. Washington, 1884. Doughty's The Acadian Exiles. Chronicles of Canada, vol. 9. Toronto, 1916. Doughty's The Cradle of New France. Montreal, 1908. Doughty's (ed.) Historical Journal of the Campaigns in North America for the years 1757-60, by Captain John Knox. 3 vols. Toronto, 1914, 1916. Doughty's Siege of Quebec and the Battle of the Plains of Abraham. 6 vols. Quebec, 1901. Doughty and Dionne's Quebec under Two Flags. Quebec, 1903. Doughty and McArthur's (eds.) Documents relating to the Constitutional History of Canada, 1791-1818. Ottawa, 1914. (For first volume see Shortt and Doughty.) Douglass' (ed.) James' Three Years among the Indians and Mexicans. St. Louis, 1916. Drake's Picture of Cincinnati and the Miami Country. Cincinnati, 1815. Drake's Making of the Ohio Valley States, 1660-1837. New York, 1894. Drake's Pioneer Life in Kentucky. Cincinnati. 1870. Draper's Narrative of a Journey down the Ohio and Mississippi in 1789- 90. Cincinnati, 1888. Drown's Record and Historical View of Peoria. Peoria, 111., 1850. Duis' Good Old Times in McLean County, Illinois. Bloomington, 1874. Dunbar's 1 1 istory of Travel in America. 4 vols. Indianapolis, 1915. OF THE FINLEY COLLECTION 15 Dunn's Indiana. Boston, [1916]. Durrett's Historical Sketch of St. Paul's Church, Louisville, Ky. Filson Club Pubs., No. 5. Louisville, 1889. Durrett's Traditions of the Earliest Visits of Foreigners to North America. Filson Club Pubs., No. 23. Louisville, 1908. Dussieux' Le Canada sous la Domination Francaise. Paris, 1855. Dye's The Conquest. True Story of Lewis and Clark. Chicago, 1902. Edwards' History of Illinois from 1778 to 1833, and Life and Times of Ninian Edwards. Springfield, 1870. Ellet's The Mississippi and Ohio Rivers. Phila., 1853. Ellet's Pioneer Women of the West. New York, 1852. Ellet's Summer Rambler in the West. New York, 1853. Elliott's Notes taken in Sixty Years. St. Louis, 1883. [Elliott's] (ed.) Record of the Services of Illinois Soldiers in the Black Hawk War, 1831-2; and in the Mexican War, 1846-8. Springfield, 1882. Ellsworth's Valley of the Upper Wabash, Indiana. New York, 1838. Elvas' Histoire de la Conqueste de la Floride par les Espagnols sous Ferdi- nand de Sota. Paris, 1685. English's Conquest of the Country Northwest of the Ohio River, 1778-1783, and Life of George Rogers Clark. 2 vols. Indianapolis, 1896. Erwin's History of Williamson County, Illinois. Marion, 111., 1876. Esarey's History of Indiana from its Exploration to 1850. Indianapolis, 1915. Evans' Pedestrious Tour through the Western States and Territories, 1818. In Thwaites' Early Western Travels, vol. 8. Cleveland, 1904-7. Expedition against the Sauk and Fox Indians, 1832. By an Officer in General Atkinson's Brigade. New York, 1914. (Gift of the Cadmus Book Shop, New York) Extraits des Archives des Ministeres de la Marine et de la Guerre a Paris, 1755-60. Quebec, 1890. Faillon's Histoire de la Colonie Francaise en Canada. 3 vols. Villemarie, 1865. Falconer's Discovery of the Mississippi . . . London, 1844. Faris' On the Trail of the Pioneers. New York [1920]. Faris' Romance of Forgotten Towns. New York, 1924. Farmer's History of Detroit and Michigan. Detroit, 1884. Farnham's Life in Prairie Land. New York, 1860. Farnham's Travels in the Great Western Prairies. In Thwaites' Early Western Travels, vols. 28 and 29. Cleveland, 1904-7. 16 AN AUTHOR CATALOGUE Farrand's The Fathers of the Constitution. Chronicles of America, vol. 13. New Haven, 1921. Faux's Memorable Days in America. London, 1823. Faux's Memorable Days in America, 1819-20. In Thwaites' Early Western Travels, vols. 11 and 12. Cleveland, 1904-7. Fearon's Sketches of America. 2nd. Ed. London, 1818. The Same. 3rd Ed. London, 1819. Fergus' Biographical Sketch of John D. Caton. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 21. Chicago, 1882. Fergus' Directory of the City of Chicago, 1839. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 2. Fergus Historical Series. Nos. 1-35 (all pub.) Bound in 4 vols. Chicago, 1876-1903. 1. Balestier. — The Annals of Chicago. (Republished from the original edition of 1840.) 1876. 2. Fergus. — Fergus Directory of the City of Chicago, 1839. 3. Caton. — The Last of the Illinois and a Sketch of the Pottawatomies; also Origin of the Prairies. 1876. 4. Brown. — An Historical Sketch of the Early Movement in Illinois for the Legalization of Slavery. 1876. 5. Biographical Sketches of some of the Early Settlers of the City of Chicago, Part I . 1876. 6. Biographical Sketches of some of the Early Settlers of the City of Chicago, Part II. 1876. 7. Wentworth. — Early Chicago. A Lecture delivered April 18, 1875. 8. Wentworth. — Early Chicago. A Lecture delivered May 7, 1876. 9. Brown. — The Present and Future Prospects of Chicago: An Address delivered Jan. 20, 1846. 10. Scammon, Arnold and others. — Addresses delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Chicago Historical Society. 1877. 11. Hyde.— Early Medical Chicago. 1879. 12. Mason. — Illinois in the Eighteenth Century: (1) Kaskaskia and Its Parish Records; (2) Old Fort Chartres; (3) Col. John Todd's Record Book. 1881. 13. Gillespie. — Recollections of Early Illinois and Her Noted Men. 1880. 14. Porter. — The Earliest Religious History of Chicago. Brown.— Early History of Illinois. Patterson. — Early Society in Southern Illinois. Arnold. — Reminiscences of the Illinois Bar Forty Years Ago. 15. Arnold. — Abraham Lincoln. Sheahan. — Stephen A. Douglas. 1881. 16. Wentworth. — Early Chicago: Fort Dearborn. An Address delivered May 21, 1881. 17. Arnold.— Win. B. Ogden and Early Days in Chicago. 1882. 18. Chicago River and Harbor Convention. By seven different authors. 1882. 19. Cleaver. — Early Chicago Reminiscences. 1882. 20. Hoffman.— A Winter in the West. Letters Deacriptive of Chicago in 1833 4. 1882. 21. Fergus. — Biographical Sketch of John O. Caton. 1882. 22. Arnold. — Recollections of Early Chicago and the Illinois Bar. Conkling. — Recollections of the Bench and Bar of Central Illinois. Hoyne. — The Lawyer as a Pioneer. 23. Ackerman. — Early Illinois Railroads. 1884. 24. Wentworth. — Congressional Reminiscences; Adams, Benton, Calhoun, Clay and Webster. 1882. 25. Norris' Business Directory of Chicago for 1846. Third Year of Publication. (Reprint.) 1883. 26. Harrison. — Aborigines of the Ohio Valley. 1883. OF THE FIX LEY COLLECT ION 17 27. Beokwith. — The Illinois and Indiana Indians. 1884. 28. Directory of the City of Chicago, Illinois, for 1843. (Reprint.) 1896. 29. Kirby. — Biographical Sketch of Joseph Duncan, Fifth Governor of Illinois. 1888. 30. Kinzie. — Narrative of the Massacre at Chicago. [Saturday] Aug. 15, 1812, and some Preceding Events. Second Edition, with illustrations, additional notes, and index. (Reprinted from first edition of 1844.) 1914. 31. Mason. — Pierre Menard, and the Pierre Menard Papers. Moore. — Noel Le Vasseur. Lists of Early Illinois Citizens. 32. Jones. — John Rice Jones and Rice Jones. 1889. 33" Mason.— John Todd, John Todd's Record Book and John Todd Papers. 1890. 34. Mason. — Philippe de Rocheblave and Rocheblave Papers. Moses. — Court of Inquiry at Fort Chartres, 1890. 35. Wight. — Eleazcr Williams not the Dauphin of France. 1903. Ferland's Cours d'Histoire du Canada, 1534-1759. 2 vols. Quebec, 1861- 65. Ferland's Notes sur les Registres de Notre Dame de Quebec. Quebec, 1863. Fernow's Ohio Valley in Colonial Days. Albany, 1890. Ferris' The States and Territories of the Great West. New York, 1856. Field's Catalogue of the Library belonging to Mr. Thomas W. Field. New York, 1875. Field's Essay towards an Indian Bibliography. New York, 1873. Field's Memorials of Methodism in the Bounds of the Rock River Con- ference. Cincinnati, 1886. Filson Club. Publications. No. 5. Durrctt's Historical Sketch of St. Paul's Church, Louisville, Ky., 1889. No. 6. Brown's Political Beginnings of Kentucky. Louisville, 1889. No. 13. Johnston's First Explorations of Kentucky. Louisville, 1898. No. 23. Durrett's Traditions of the Earliest Visits of Foreigners to North America. Louisville, 1908. Filson's First Map of Kentucky. Washington, 1908. Filson's Histoire de Kentucke. Paris, 1785. Filson's Discovery, Settlement and Present State of Kentucky. London, 1793. Finley's The French in the Heart of America. New York, 1915. Finley's Les Francais au Coeur de L'Amerique. Paris, 1916. Finley's History of the Wyandott Mission at Upper Sandusky, Ohio. Cincinnati, 1840. Finley's Sketches of Western Methodism. Edited by W. P. Strickland. Cincinnati, 1855. Fish's The Path of Empire. Chronicles of America, vol. 46. New Haven, 1919. Fisher's The Quaker Colonies. Chronicles of America, vol. 8. New Haven, 1919. 18 AN AUTHOR CATALOGUE Fiske's Chicago in Picture and Poetry. [Chicago], 1903. Fiske's New France and New England. Boston, 1904. Fitch's Rare Map of the Northwest, 1785. Flagg's The Far West; or a Tour beyond the Mountains. In Thwaites' Early Western Travels, vols. 26 and 27. Cleveland, 1904-7. Flandrau's The Discovery of Marias Pass., n.p., 1925. (Gift of Ralph Budd, St. Paul) Flandrau's A Glance at the Lewis and Clark Expedition., n.p., [1925]. (Gift of Ralph Budd, St. Paul) Flandrau's The Verendrye Overland Quest of the Pacific, n.p., 1925. (Gift of Ralph Budd, St. Paul) Fleming's The Sequel of Appamatox. Chronicles of America, vol. 32. New Haven, 1919. Flint's Letters from America. In Thwaites' Early Western Travels, vol. 9. Cleveland, 1904-7. Flint's Indian Wars of the West. Cincinnati, 1833. Flint's The First White Man in the West. Cincinnati, 1849. Flint's History and Geography of the Mississippi Valley. 2 vols, in one. Cincinnati, 1832. Flint's Recollections of the Last Ten Years. Boston, 1826. Flint's (ed.) Western Monthly Review. Vol. 3. Cincinnati, 1830. Flom's History of Norwegian Immigration to the United States. Iowa City, Iowa, 1909. Flower's Letters from the Illinois, 1820, 1821. London, 1822. Flower's Letters from Lexington and the Illinois, 1819. In Thwaites' Early Western Travels, vol. 10. Cleveland, 1904-7. Flower's Letters from Illinois, 1820-21. In Thwaites' Early Western Travels, vol. 10. Cleveland, 1904-7. Folsom's Fifty Years in the Northwest, n.p., 1888. Folwell's Minnesota. Boston [1908]. Force's Tracts and other Papers. 4 vols. Washington, 1836-46. Ford's The Cleveland Era. Chronicles of America, vol. 44. New Haven, 1919. Ford's Washington and His Colleagues. Chronicles of America, vol. 14. New Haven, 1918. Ford's History of Illinois from Its Commencement as a State in 1818, to 1847. Chicago, 1854. Fordham's Personal Narrative of Travels in Virginia, etc. Edited by F. A. Ogg. Cleveland, 1906. OF THE FINLEY COLLECTION 19 Fortier's History of Louisiana. 4 vols. New York, 1904. Foster and Whitney's Report on the Geology of the Lake Superior Land District. 2 vols. Washington, 1850-51. Franchere's Voyage to the Northwest Coast of America, 1811 14. In Thwaites' Early Western Travels, vol 6. Cleveland, 1904-7. Franklin. Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. Chicago, 1911. (Gift of Thomas E. Donnelley, Chicago) French's Historical Collections of Louisiana. 5 vols. New York and Phila., 1846-1853. French's Historical Collections of Louisiana and Florida. 2 vols. New York, 1869, 1875. French's The Pioneer West. Boston, 1923. Fuller's Economic and Social Beginnings of Michigan. Lansing, 1916 Fuller's The Purchase of Florida. Cleveland, 1906. Fuller's Summer on the Lakes in 1843. Boston, 1844. Gagnon's Louis Jolliet, decouvreur du Mississipi et du Pays Illinois. 2nd Ed. Montreal, 1913. Gagnon's Essai de Bibliographie Canadienne. Quebec, 1895. Gale's Reminiscences of Early Chicago and Vicinity. Chicago, 1902. [Gallagher's] Selections from the Poetical Literature of the West. Cincin- nati, 1841. Gallagher, Wm. D. and Otway Curry, editors. The Hesperian. Vols. 1 and 2. Columbus, O., 1838-9. Gallaher's Western Sketch Book. 3rd Ed. Boston, 1852. Ganong's (trans, and ed.) Description and Natural History of the Coasts of North America (Acadia), by Nicolas Denys. Toronto, 1908. Ganong's (trans, and ed.) Le Clercq's New Relation of Gaspesia. Toronto, 1910. Garneau's Histoire du Canada. 4 vols. Quebec, 1845-52. The Same. Sixieme edition. 2 vols. (Vol. 2 is 5th Ed.) Paris, 1920. Garneau's History of Canada. Trans, by Andrew Bell. 3 vols. Montreal, 1860. The Same. 2nd Ed. 2 vols. Ottawa, 1862. Gass' Journal of the Voyages of a Corps of Discovery under the Command of Capt. Lewis and Capt. Clarke. 1st Ed. Pittsburgh, 1807. (Two copies.) The Same. 2nd Ed. Pittsburgh, 1808. The Same. 4th Ed. Phila., 1812. Gass' Journal of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Edited by J. K. Hosmer. Chicago, 1904. 20 .4A T AUTHOR CATALOGUE Gayarre's History of Louisiana. 4 vols. (Vols. 1, 2 and 3, New York, 1854; Vol. 4, 3rd Ed., New Orleans, 1885.) Gayarre's Histoire de la Louisiane. 2 vols. Nouvelle-Orleans, 1846-47. Gayarre's Louisiana: Its History as a French Colony. Third Series of Lectures. New York, 1852. Gayarre's Louisiana: Its Colonial History and Romance. New York, 1851. Gayarre's Romance of the History of Louisiana. New York, 1848. Gerhard's Illinois as It Is. Chicago, 1857. Gillespie's Recollections of Early Illinois and Her Noted Men. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 13. Chicago, 1880. Gist's Instructions and Journals. 1750-52. [Privately printed, about 1850.] Glazier's Headwaters of the Mississippi. Chicago, 1893. Goodrich and Tuttle's Illustrated History of the State of Indiana. Indian- apolis, 1875. Goodwin's The Dearborns. Chicago, 1884. Goodwin's Dutch and English on the Hudson. Chronicles of America, vol. 7. New Haven, 1919. Gordon's Fort Dearborn Disaster. Chicago, 1912. Gordon's John Kinzie, the Father of Chicago. [Savannah, Ga., 1910.] Gosselin's Jean Nicolet et Le Canada de son temps. Quebec, 1905. Goyens' Le P. Louis Hennepin. 1925. (Gift of Rev. Fr. Francis B. Steck, Quincy, III.) Grant's (ed.) Champlain's Voyages. New York, 1907. Grant's The Tribune of Nova Scotia. Chronicles of Canada, vol. 26. Toronto, 1915. Gravier's Carte des Grands Lacs de l'Amerique, du Nord, dressce en 1670, par Brehan de Gallinee. Rouen, 1895. Gravier's Cavelier de la Salle de Rouen. Paris, 1871. Gravier's Nouvelle Etude sur Cavelier de La Salle. Rouen, 1885. Gravier's Decouvertes et Etablissements de Cavelier de La Salle de Rouen, dans l'Amerique du Nord. Paris, 1870. Gravier's Etude sur une carte inconnue, etc. Paris, 1880. Gravier's Vic de Samuel Champlain. Paris, 1900. Gravier's (Henri) La Colonization do La Louisiane, 1717-1721. Paris, 1904. Greene's Government of Illinois. New York, 1904. Gregg's Commerce of the Prairies. 2 vols. New York, 1844, The Same. 2 vols. New York, 1845, OF THE FINLEY COLLECTION 21 Gregg's Commerce of the Prairies, 1845. In Thwaites' Early Western Travels, vol. 20. Cleveland, 1004-7. Gregg's Commerce of the Prairies. Edited by M. M. Quaife. Chicago, 1926. {Gift of Thomas E. Donnelley, Chicago) Griffin's Discovery of the Mississippi. A Bibliographical Account. New York, 1883. ( Reprinted in Catalogue of the Finley Collection, 1st Ed. Also in Stiles' edition of Joutel's Journal.) Griffiths' Two Years Residence in the New Settlements of Ohio, North America. London, 1835. Grover's Our Indian Ancestors. Evanston, 111., [1901]. Grover's A Brief History of Les Cheneaux Islands. Evanston, 111., 1911. Grover's Father Pierre Francois Pinet, S. J., and His Mission of the Guardian Angel at Chicago, A.D., 1696-1699. Chicago Hist. Soc. pamphlet. 1907. Grover's Some Indian Landmarks of the North Shore. Chicago Hist. Soc. pamphlet. Guyon's Etude Gcnealogique sur Jean Guyon. Montreal, 1927. [Hachard]. Relation du Voyage des Dames Religieuses Ursulines de Rouen a la Nouvelle-Orleans. Paris, 1872. Hakluyt's Principal Navigations, Voyages, Tramques, and Discoveries of the English Nation. 12 vols., Glasgow, 1903-1905. Hale's Kanzas and Nebraska. Boston, 1854. Hall's (Basil) Forty Etchings. 4th Ed. Edinburgh, 1830. Hall's (Basil) Travels in North America. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1829. Hall's (Francis) Travels in Canada and the United States in 1816 and 1817. Boston, 1818. Hall's (Frederick) Letters from the East and from the West. Baltimore, 11840]. Hall's (James) The Harpe's Head; a Legend of Kentucky. Phila., 1833. Hall's Legends of the West. Phila., 1832. The Same. New York, 1854. Hall's Letters from the West. London, 1828. Hall's Memoir of the Public Services of Wm. Henry Harrison. Phila., 1836. Hall's Notes on the Western States. Phila., 1838. Hall's Romance of Western History, or Sketches of History, Life and Man- ners in the West. Cincinnati, 1857. Hall's Sketches of History, Life and Manners in the West. Phila., 1835. Hall's The Soldier's Bride and Other Tales. Phila., 1833. 22 AN AUTHOR CATALOGUE Hall's Statistics of the West. Cincinnati, 1836. Hall's Tales of the Border. Phila., 1835. Hall's The West: Its Commerce and Navigation. Cincinnati, 1848. Hall's The^ Western Souvenier. Cincinnati, [1828]. Hall's The Wilderness and the War Path. New York, 1846. Halpin's Seventh Annual Edition, Chicago City Directory, 1864-5. Chicago, 1864. Hamilton's Biographical Sketch of Gurdon Saltonstall Hubbard. Chicago Hist. Soc. pamphlet. 1908. Hamilton's Incidents in the Life of Gurdon Saltonstall Hubbard. Chicago, 1888. Hamy's Au Mississipi. Paris, 1903. Hanna's The Wilderness Trail. 2 vols. New York, 1911. Harmon's Journal of Voyages and Travels in the Interior of North America. (In American Explorers Series). New York, 1922. Harper's Fort Huron and Its Neighbors on the Upper Missouri, n.p., [1925.] (Gift of Ralph Budd, St. Paul) Harris' Journal of a Tour into the Territory Northwest of the Allegheny Mountains. Boston, 1805. Harris' Journal of a Tour into the Territory Northwest of the Allegheny Mountains, 1803. In Thwaites' Early Western Travels, vol. 3. Cleve- land, 1904-7. Harris' History of the Early Missions in Western Canada. Toronto, 1893. Harris' History of Negro Servitude in Illinois. Chicago, 1904. Harris' Remarks made during a Tour through the United States. London, 1821. Harrison's Aborigines of the Ohio Valley. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 26. Chicago, 1883. Harrisse's Notes pour servir a l'Historie, a la Bibliographic, etc. Paris. 1872. Hart's Fall of New Fiance. Montreal, 1888. Hart's History of the Valley of the Mississippi. Cincinnati, 1853. Hasbrouck's La Salle. New York, 1916. (Gift <>/ John Finley) Haywood's Civil and Political History of the State of Tennessee. Knox- ville, 1823. Healy's Women of the Red River. Winnipeg, 1923. (Two copies.) Hearne's Journey from Prince of Wales's Fort in Hudson's Bay to flic North- em < )cean. Toronto, 191 I . OF THE FIN LEY COLLECTION 23 Hebbe and Mackay's (trans.) Postl's Life in the New World, or Sketches of American Society. New York, [1844.] Heinrich's La Louisiane sous la Compagnic des Indes, 1717-1731. Paris, [1908]. Hendrick's The Age of Big Business. Chronicles of America, vol. 39. New Haven, 1919. Hennepin's Description de la Louisiane. Paris, 1683. Hennepin's Description de la Louisiane. Paris, 1688. Hennepin's Description of Louisiana. Trans, by J. G. Shea. New York, 1880. Hennepin's Nouvellc Dccouvertes d'un Tres Grand Pays. Utrecht, 1697. Hennepin's Nouvelle Decouverte dans l'Amerique Septentrionale de M. de La Salle . . . Amsterdam, 1698. Hennepin's New Discovery of a Vast Country in America. The "Tonson" Edition. London, 1698. Hennepin's New Discovery of a Vast Country in America. The "Bon" Editon. London, 1698. Hennepin's New Discovery of a Vast Country in America. London, 1699. Hennepin's New Discovery of a Vast Country in America. Edited by Reuben Gold Thwaites. 2 vols. Chicago, 1903. Hennepin's Nouveau Voyage d'un Pais plus grand que L'Europe. Utrecht, 1698. Hennepin's Voyage Curieux. Nouvelle Decouverte d'un Tres-Grand Pays situe dans l'Amerique. La Have, 1704. Hennepin's Voyage ou Nouvelle Decouverte d'un Tres-Grand Pays, dans L'Amerique. Amsterdam, 1704. Hennepin's Voyages Curieux et Nouveaux de Messieurs Hennepin et de La Borde. Amsterdam, 1711. Hennepin's Voyage en un Pays Plus Grand que L'Europe, etc. Amsterdam, 1720. Hennepin's Decouverte d'un Pays plus grand que L'Europe situe dans l'Amerique (Vol. IX of Bernard's Recueil de Voyages). [Amsterdam, 1737.] Henry's Travels and Adventures in Canada and the Indian Territories. New York, 1809. Henry's Travels and Adventures in the Years 1760-1766. Edited by M. M. Quaife. Chicago, 1921. Henry and Thompson's Manuscript Journals. Edited by Elliott Coues. 3 vols. New York, 1897. 24 AN AUTHOR CATALOGUE Henshaw's Letters on the Internal Improvements and Commerce of the West. Boston, 1839. Heriot's History of Canada. Vol. I. (all pub.) London, 1804. Hermann's The Louisiana Purchase and Our Title West of the Rocky Mountains. Washington, 1900. Hesperian; or Western Monthly Magazine. Vols. 1-2. Columbus, O., 1838-9. Hicks' (ed.) Hutchins' Topographical Description of Virginia, etc. Cleve- land, 1904. Hildreth's Pioneer History. Cincinnati, 1848. Hill's The Public Domain and Democracy. New York, 1910. {Gift of Robert T. Hill, New York) Hinsdale's The Old Northwest. New York, 1888. Historical and Scientific Sketches of Michigan. Detroit, 1834. Historical Magazine. Complete set, 23 vols. Boston, 1857-1875. Hodder's (ed.) Pittman's Present State of the European Settlements on the Mississippi. Cleveland, 1906. [Hoffman's] A Winter in the West. 2 vols. New York, 1835. The same. Another set. (Gift of C. W. Leffingwell, Pasadena, Cal.) Hoffman's A Winter in the West. Letters Descriptive of Chicago in 1833-4. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 20. Chicago, 1882. Holbrook's Old 'Kaskia Days. A Novel. Chicago, 1893. Hosmer's (ed.) Gass' Journal of Lewis and Clark Expedition. Chicago, 1904. Hosmer's (ed.) History of the Expedition of Captains Lewis and Clark. 2 vols. Chicago, 1902. Hosmer's History of the Louisiana Purchase. New York, 1902. Hosmer's Short History of the Mississippi Valley. Boston, 1901. Hosmer's History of the Maumee Valley. Toledo, 1858. Hough's The Passing of the Frontier. Chronicles of America, vol. 26. New Haven, 1918. Howard's History of Louisiana Purchase. Chicago, 1902. Howe's Historical Collections of Ohio. Ohio Centennial Edition. 3 vols. in 2. Columbus, 1890-91. Howland's Theodore Roosevelt and His Times. Chronicles of America, vol. 47. New Haven, 1921. Hoyne's The Lawyer as a Pioneer. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 22. [HoyneJ — In Memoriam. Sketch of the Life and Character of Thomas Hoyne. [Chicago, 1883.] OF THE FINLEY COLLECTION 25 Hubbard. Autobiography of Gurdon Saltonstall Hubbard. Chicago, 1911. {Gift of Thomas E. Donnelley, Chicago) Hubbard's Memorials of a Half Century in Michigan. New York, 1888. Hurlbut's Chicago Antiquities. Chicago, 1881. Hulbert's The Paths of Inland Commerce. Chronicles of America, vol. 21. New Haven, 1919. Hulbert's Pilots of the Republic. Chicago, 1906. Hulbert's The Ohio River. New York, 1906. Hulbert's Washington and the West. New York, 1905. Hulbert's (ed.) Ohio in the Time of the Confederation. Marietta, O., 1918. Hulbert's (ed.) Records of the Original Proceedings of the Ohio Company. 2 vols. Marietta, O., 1917. Hulme's Journal of a Tour in the West in 1818. In Thwaites' Early West- ern Travels, vol. 10. Cleveland, 1904-7. Humphrey's Illinois, the Story of the Prairie State. Indianapolis, 1917. Hunt's Wisconsin Gazetteer. Madison, 1853. Huntington's The Red Man's Continent. Chronicles of America, vol. 1. New Haven, 1919. Hutchins' A Topographical Description of Virginia. First Impression. London, 1778. Hutchins' A Topographical Description of Virginia. Second Impression. London, 1778. Hutchins' Description Topographique de la Virginie. Paris, 1781. Hutchins' Topographical Description of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland and North Carolina. Reprint. Edited by F. C. Hicks. Cleveland, 1904. Hutchinson's Resources of Kansas. Topeka, 1871. Hyde's Early Medical Chicago. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 11. Chicago, 1879. Illinois Anti-slavery Convention. Proceedings. Alton, 111., 1838. Illinois Central Railroad Co. Lands offered for sale. New York, 1855. The Same. New York, 1856. Illinois Land Co. Articles of Association. Phila., 1839. Illinois. I ists of Early Illinois Citizens. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 31. Illinois Monthly Magazine. Vols. 1 (nos. 3 to 12) and 2 (nos. 1-3, 6, 8). Vandalia, 111., 1830-31. 26 AN AUTHOR CATALOGUE Illinois State Historical Library and Society. Collections. Vols. 1-20, 20 vols. 1903-1925. Journal. Vols. 1-20, 20 vols. 1908-1927. Transactions. 26 vols, (a complete set), 1900-1925. Publications. 5 vols, (a complete set) Nos. 1, 3, 5, 18 and 25. 1899-1918. Bulletin. Vol. 1, nos. 1 and 2 (all pub.). Circular. Vol. 1, no. 1 (all pub.). Imlay's Topographical Description of the Western Territory of North America. 1st Ed. London, 1792. The Same. 2nd Ed. London, 1793. The Same. 3rd Ed. London, 1797. Imlay's Description of the Western Territory of North America. Dublin, 1793. Imlay's Nachrichten von dem westlichen Lande. Berlin, 1793. Indians. Speeches on the Passage of the Bill for the Removal of the Indians. Boston, 1830. [Irving's] Tour of the Prairies. London, 1835. Jacksonville, 111. Celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Organ- ization of the Congregational Church, 1883. Jacksonville, 1884. Jacob's Biographical Sketch of the Life of the late Captain Michael Cresap. Cincinnati, 1866. James' (comp.) Account of an Expedition [Long's] from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mts., performed in the Years 1819, 1820. 3 vols. London, 1823. James' Expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains, 1819-20. In Thwaites' Early Western Travels, vols. 14 to 17. Cleveland, 1804-7. James' The Preamble and Boundary Clauses of the Illinois Constitution. Chicago Hist. Soc. pamphlet. 1910. James' Three Years among the Indians and Mexicans. Edited by W. B. Douglass. St. Louis, 1916. Jameson's Winter Studies and Summer Rambles in Canada. 3 vols. London, 1838. The Same. One vol. Toronto, [1923]. Jay's Correspondence and Public Papers, 1763-81. Edited by H. P. Johnston. 4 vols. New York, [1890-1893]. Jefferson's Writings. With Notes by II. A. Washington. 9 vols. Wash- ington, 1853. Jefferson and Dunbar's Documents relating to the Purchase and Explora- tion of Louisiana. Boston, L894. Jenkins' Ohio Gazetteer and Traveler's Guide. Columbus, 1839. Jesuits. Choix des Lett res Historiques des la V*&i6rable Mere Marie de 1' Incarnation. Clermont-Ferrand, 1857. OF THE FINLEY COLLECT/OX 27 Jesuit Relations. Le Journal des Jesuites. 1st Ed. Quebec, 1871. The Same. 2nd Ed. Montreal, 1892. Jesuit Relations. O'Callaghan Reprints. Nos. 1 to 8. 8 vols. Albany 1870-71. 1. Baird's Missio Canadensis, 1611-12. Reprinted, Albany, 1870. 2. Lallemand'e Copie de trois Lettres escrittes es 1625 et 1626. Reprinted, Albany, 1870. 3. Lettre du Reverend PSre L'Allemand, dated Nov. 22, 1629. Paris, 1632. Reprinted, Albany, 1870. 4. Jouvancy's Canadieae Missionis relatio ab anno 1611 usque ad annum 1613. Romae, 1710. Reprinted, Albany, 1871. 5. Jouvancy's De Regione et Moribus Canadensium seu Barbarorum Novae Franciae. Romae, 1710. Reprinted, Albany, 1871. 6. Relatio rerum gestarum in Novo-Francica Missione annis 1613-1614. Lyons, 1618. Reprinted, Albany, 1871. 7. Relation de ce qui s'est pass6 en la Nouvelle France, 1626. Paris, 1629. Reprinted, Albany, 1871. 8. Lettre du Pere Charles l'Allemant. Paris, 1627. Reprinted, Albany, 1871. Jesuit Relations. Relation Abregee de quelques Missions dans la Nouvelle France, par Bressany. Trans, by Felix Martin. Montreal, 1852. Jesuit Relations. Shea's Cramoisy Press Reprints. Nos. 1 to 26. 26 vols. New York, 1857-87. 1. Gravier (J.) Relation de la Mission des Illinois. New York, 1857. 2. Bigot (J.) Relation de la Mission Abnaquise, 1684. New York, 1857. 3. Bigot (J.) Relation de la Mission Abnaquise, 1685. New York, 1858. 4. Bigot (J.) Relation de la Mission Abnaquise, 1701. New York, 1858. 5. Cavelier (J.) Voyage de M. La Salle. New York, 1858. 6. Chaumonot (J. M.) Autobiography. New York, 1858. (Two copies.) 7. Chaumonot (J. M.) Continuation of Autobiography. New York, 1858. 8. Tranchepain (M.) Voyage des Ursulines a la Nouvelle-Orleans. New York, 1859. 9. Registres des Baptdmes et Sepultures au Fort Duquesne, 1753 to 1756. New York, 1859. 10. Journal de la Guerre Contres les Chicachas, 1739-40. New York, 1859. 11. Gravier (J.) Voyage a l'Embouchure du Mississipi, 1700. New York, 1859. 12. Dablon (C.) Relation de la Nouvelle France, 1673-79. New York, 1860. (Two copies.) 13. Uablon (C). Relation de la Nouvelle France, 1672-3. New York, 1861. 14. Relations Diverses sur la Bataille de Malangeule. New York, 1860. 15. Relation de la Mission du Seminaire de Quebec, 1700. New York, 1861. 16. Jogue (I.) Novum Belgium. New York, 1862. 17. Sagean (M.) Extrait des Voyage de Mathieu Sagean. New York, 1863. 18. Milet (P.) Relation de sa Captivit6 parmi les Onneiouts en 1690-91. New York, 1864. 19. Negociation entre la Nouvelle France et la Nouvelle Angleterre en 1648. New York, 1866. (Two copies.) 20. Relation des Affaires du Canada en 1696. 73 pages. New York, 1865. The Same. Another edition of 42 pages only. 21. Bigot (J.) Relation de la Mission Abnaquise, 1702. New York, 1865. 22. Gravier (J.) Lettre sur les Affaires de la Louisiane. New York, 1865. 23. Bigot (J.) Lettre du P. Bigot a Annecy. New York, 1858. The Same. Another issue of the same date, slightly different. 24. Dreuillette (G.) Epistola ad Joannem Wintrop. New York, 1864. The Same. Second edition. New York, 1869. 25. Gendron. Quelques Particularitez du Pays des Hurons. New York, 1868. (Two copies.) 26. Chauchetiere La Vie de la B. Catherine Tegakouita dite a present La Saincte Sauua- gesse. New York, 1887. 28 AN AUTHOR CATALOGUE Jesuit Relations. Relations dcs Jesuites. "The Quebec Reprint." 3 vols, bound in 6. Quebec, 1858. Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents. Edited by R. G. Thwaites. 73 vols. Cleveland, 1896-1901. (Gift of Edward Dudley Kenna, New York) Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents. A Selection. In one volume. New York, 1925. Jewett. In Memoriam. John Nelson Jewett, 1827-1904. Chicago Hist. Soc. pamphlet. Johns' Personal Recollections of Early Decatur, (111.) [Decatur, 111.], 1912. Johnson's The Chronicles of America. 50 vols. New Haven, 1918-1921. 1. Huntington's The Red Man's Continent. 2. Richman's The Spanish Conquerors. 3. Wood's Elizabethan Sea Dogs. 4. Munro's Crusaders of New France. 5. Johnston's Pioneers of the Old South. 6. Andrews' The Fathers of New England. 7. Goodwin's Dutch and English on the Hudson. 8. Fisher's The Quaker Colonies. 9. Andrews' Colonial Folkways. 10. Wrong's The Conquest of New France. 11. Becker's The Eve of the Revolution. 12. Wrong's Washington and His Comrades in Arms. 13. Farrand's The Fathers of the Constitution. 14. Ford's Washington and His Colleagues. 15. Johnson's Jefferson and His Colleagues. 16. Corwin's John Marshall and the Constitution. 17. Paine's The Fight for a Free Sea. 18. Skinner's Pioneers of the Old Southwest. 19. Ogg's The Old Northwest. 20. Ogg's The Reign of Andrew Jackson. 21. Hulbert's the Paths of Inland Commerce. 22. Skinner's Adventurers of Oregon. 23. Bolton's The Spanish Borderlands. 24. Stephenson's Texas and the Mexican War. 25. White's The Forty-Nincrs 26. Hough's The Passing of tne Frontier. 27. Dodd's The Cotton Kingdom. 28. Macy's The Anti-Slavery Crusade. 29. Stephenson's Abraham Lincoln and the Union 30. Stephenson's The Day of the Confederacy. 31. Wood's Captains of the Civil War. 32. Fleming's The Sequel of Appamatox, 33. Slosson's The American Spirit in Education 34. Perry's The American Spirit in Literature. 35. Orth's Our Foreigners. 36. Paine's The Old Merchant Marine. .'i7. Thompson's The Age of Invention. 38. Moody's The Railroad Builders. 39. Hendrick's The Age Of Big Business 40. Orth's The Armies of Labor. 11. Moody's The Masters of Capital. 12. Thompson's The New South. 13. Orth's The BOBS and the Machine. OF THE FINLEY COLLECTION 29 44. Ford's the Cleveland Era. 45. Buck's The Agrarian Crusade. 46. Fish's The Path of Empire. 47. Howland's Theodore Roosevelt and His Times. 48. Seymour's Woodrow Wilson and the World War. 49. Skelton's The Canadian Dominion. 50. Shepherd's The Hispanic Nations of the Wu World. Johnson's French Pathfinders in North America. Boston, 1919. Johnson's Jefferson and His Colleagues. Chronicles of America, vol. 15. New Haven, 1921. Johnson's History of Nebraska. Omaha, 1880. Johnson's Illinois in the Fifties, or a Decade of Development. Champaign. 1918. (Gift of Charles B. Johnson) Johnston's (ed.) Correspondence and Public Papers of John Jay, 1763- 81. 4 vols. New York. [1890-1893.] Johnston's First Explorations of Kentucky. Filson Club Pubs., No. 13. Louisville, 1898. Johnston's Pioneers of the Old South. Chronicles of America, vol. 5. New Haven, 1918. Jones' Illinois and the West. Phila., 1838. Jones' John Rice Jones and Rice Jones. Fergus Hist. Series. No. 32. Chicago, 1889. Journals of the House of Burgesses, (Virginia). 13 vols. Richmond, 1905-1914. Joutel's Journal Historique du Dernier Voyage . . . Paris, 1713. Joutel's Journal of the Last Voyage . . . London, 1714. Joutel's Journal of his Voyage to Mexico. London, 1719. Joutel's Diario Historico del Ultimo Viaje que Hizo M. de La Sale. New York, 1831. Joutel's Journal of La Salle's Last Voyage. Trans, by M. B. Anderson. Chicago, 1896. Joutel's Journal of La Salle's Last Voyage, 1684-7. Edited by H. B. Stiles. Albany, 1906. Jugments et Deliberations du Conseil Souverain de la Nouvelle France et Quebec. 6 vols. Quebec, 1885-1891. Kansas State Historical Society. Collections. Vols. 1 to 12, 12 vols. i bound in 11). Topeka, 1881-1915. Keating's Narrative of an Expedition to the Source of St. Peter's River, etc. 2 vols. Phila., 1824. Kellogg's (ed.) Charlevoix' Journal of a Voyage to North America. The Caxton Club, Chicago, 1923, 30 • AN AUTHOR CATALOGUE Kellogg's Early Narratives of the Northwest, 1634-1699. New York, 1917. Kelton's Annals of Fort Mackinac, n.p., 1894. Ker's Travels through the Western Interior of the United States. Elizabeth - town, 1816. King's Ohio. Boston, 1888. Kingsford's Early Bibliography of the Province of Ontario. Toronto, 1892. Kingsford's History of Canada. 10 vols. Toronto, 1887-98. Kinzie's Narrative of the Massacre at Chicago, (Saturday) Aug. 15, 1812, and some Preceding Events. Second Edition, with illustrations, additional notes, and index. (Reprinted from first edition of 1844.) Fergus Hist. Series, No. 30. Chicago, 1914. Kinzie's Wau-Bun, the "Early Day" in the Northwest. New York, 1856. The Same. Chicago, 1891. The Same. Chicago, [1901]. Kip's Early Jesuit Missions in North America. New York, 1848. Kirby's Biographical Sketch of Joseph Duncan, Fifth Governor of Illinois. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 29. Chicago, 1888. Kirkland's A New Home— Who'll Follow? New York, 1839. Kirkland's The Chicago Massacre of 1812. Chicago, 1893. Kirkland's Story of Chicago. 2 vols. Chicago, 1892. Kirkland's Western Clearings. New York, 1846. (Two copies.) Kirkpatrick's Timothy Flint, Pioneer, Missionary, Author, Editor, 1780- 1840. Cleveland, 1911. Knox's Historical Journal of the Campaigns in North America for the Years 1757-60. 3 vols. Toronto, 1914, 1916. Koerner. — Memoirs of Gustave Koerner, 1807-1896. 2 vols. Cedar Rapids, 1909. Kofoid's Puritan Influences in the Formative Years of Illinois History. Springfield, 1906. La Hontan's Nouveaux Voyages dans l'Amcrique Septentrionale. 2 vols. La Haye, 1703. (Two copies.) La Hontan. Dialogues de Monsieur le Baron de La Hon tan ct d'un Sauv- age, dans rAmcrique. Amsterdam, 1704. La Hontan. Suite du Voyage, de rAmcrique ou Dialogues de Monsiuer le Baron de La Hontan et d'un Sauvage, etc. Amsterdam, 1704. La Hontan's Voyages dans rAmcrique Septentrionale. Seconde edition. 2 vols. La Haye, 1706. La Hontan's New Voyages to North America. 2nd Ed. London, 1735. (Two copies.) OF THE FINLEY COLLECTION 31 La Hontan. Un Outre-Mer au XVII siecle. Notes by Francois de Nion. Paris, 1900. La Hontan's New Voyages to North America. Edited by R. G. Thwaites. 2 vols. Chicago, 1905. Lakeside Press Classics. A Series of historical reprints published annually since 1903. A complete set. Chicago, 1903-1927. 1903. Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. 1904. Inaugural Addresses — Washington to Lincoln. 1905. Inaugural Addresses — Johnson to Roosevelt. • 1906. Fruits of Solitude— William Penn. 1907. Memorable American Speeches, Colonial Period. 1908. Memorable American Speeches, Democracy and Nationality. 1909. Memorable American Speeches, Slavery. 1910. Memorable American Speeches, Secessions, War and Reconstruction. 1911. Autobiography of Gurden S. Hubbard. 1912. Reminiscences of Early Chicago. 1913. Reminiscences of Chicago during the Forties and Fifties. 1914. Reminiscences of Chicago during the Civil War. 1915. Reminiscences of Chicago during the Great Fire. 1916. Black Hawk. 1917. Indian Captivity of O. M. Spencer. 1918. Pictures of Illinois One Hundred Years Ago. 1919. A Woman's Story of Pioneer Illinois. 1920. The Conquest of Illinois. 1921. Alexander Henry's Travels and Adventures. 1922. John Long's Voyages and Travels. 1923. Alexander Ross' Adventures on the Oregon, 1924. Ross' Fur Hunters of the Far West. 1925. Southwestern Expedition of Zebulon M. Pike. 1926. Gregg's Commerce of the Prairies. 1927. Manly's Death Valley in '49. Lambert's Travels through Lower Canada and the U. S. 3 vols. London, 1810. Lanman's History of Michigan. New York, 1839. Lansden's History of the City of Cairo, 111. Chicago, 1910. Lapham's Geographical and Topographical Description of Wisconsin. Milwaukee, 1844. Lapham's Wisconsin. 2nd Ed. Milwaukee, 1846. Larned's (ed.) Literature of American History. Boston, 1902. Larpenteur's Personal Narrative. Forty Years a Fur Trader on the Upper Missouri, 1833-1872. Edited by Elliott Coues. 2 vols. New York, 1898. La Salle's Journeys as Related by his Followers. 2 vols. (In American Explorers Series). New York, 1922. La Salle's Relation of the Discovery of the Mississippi River. Trans, by M. B. Anderson. Chicago, 1898. La Salle's Relation of the Discoveries and Voyages of Cavelier de La Salle from 1679 to 1681. Trans, by M. B. Anderson. Chicago, 1901. 32 AN AUTHOR CATALOGUE Latrobe's The Rambler in North America, 1832-1833. 2 vols. London, 1835. The Same. 2 vols. London, 1836. Laut's The "Adventurers of England" on Hudson Bay. Chronicles of Canada, vol. 18. Toronto, 1914. Laut's Blazed Trail of the Old Frontier. New York, 1926. Laut's The Cariboo Trail. Chronicles of Canada, vol. 23. Toronto, 1916. Laut's Lords of the North. New York, 1900. Laut's Pioneers of the Pacific Coast. Chronicles of Canada, vol. 22. Toronto, 1915. Laverdiere et Casgrain's Le Journal des Jesuites. 1st Ed. Quebec, 1871. The Same. 2nd Ed. Montreal, 1892. Law's Colonial History of Vincennes under the French, British and American Governments. Vincennes, 1858. Leacock's Adventurers of the Far North. Chronicles of Canada, vol. 21. Toronto, 1914. Leacock's Dawn of Canadian History. Chronicles of Canada, vol. 1. Toronto, 1914. Leacock's Mariner of St. Malo [Cartier]. Chronicles of Canada, vol. 2. Toronto, 1914. Le Clercq's First Establishment of the Faith in New France. Trans, by J. G. Shea. New York, 1881. Le Clercq's Nouvelle Relation de la Gaspesie. Paris, 1691. LeClercq's New Relation of Gaspesia. Toronto, 1910. Lemley's Autobiography and Personal Recollections. Rockford, 111., 1875. Le Page du Pratz' Histoire de la Louisiane. 3 vols. Paris, 1758. Le Page du Pratz' History of Louisiana. 2 vols. London, 1763. The Same. One vol. London, 1774. Lescarbot's Histoire de la Nouvelle France. 1st Ed. Paris, 1609. The Same. 2nd Ed. Paris, 1611. The Same. 4th Ed. Paris, 1618. Lescarbot's Histoire de la Nouvelle France. 3 vols. Paris, 1866. Lescarbot's History of New France. 3 vols. Toronto, 1907, 1911, 1914. Levering's Historic Indiana. New York, 1909. Lewis and Clark. Travels in the Interior Parts of America. London, 1807. [Lewis and Clark]. The Travels of Capts. Lewis and Clarke . . . London. 1809. Lewis and Clark. History of the Expedition to the Sources of the Missouri River. Edited by Paul Allen. 2 vols, Phila., 1814. OF THE FINLEY COLLECTION 33 Lewis and Clark. Travels to the Source of the Missouri River, and across the American Continent to the Pacific Ocean. London, 1814. Lewis and Clark. Travels to the Source of the Missouri River, and across the American Continent to the Pacific Ocean. 3 vols. London, 1815. Lewis and Clark. Reize naar de Brounen van den Missouri en door het vaste Land van America naar de Zuidzee. 3 vols. Dordrecht, 1816 - 1818. Lewis and Clark. History of the Expedition under the Command of Captains Lewis and Clarke. 2 vols. Dublin, 1817. Lewis and Clark. History of the Expedition under the Command of Captains Lewis and Clarke. 2 vols. New York, 1842. Lewis and Clark. — History of the Expedition under the Command of Lewis and Clark. Edited by Elliott Coues. 4 vols, bound in 3. New York, 1893. Lewis and Clark. History of the Expedition of Captains Lewis and Clark, 1804-5-6. Edited by J. K. Hosmer. 2 vols. Chicago, 1902. Lewis and Clark. The Conquest. True Story of Lewis and Clark. By E. E. Dye. Chicago, 1902. Lewis and Clark. — History of the Expedition under the Command of Captains Lewis and Clark. 3 vols. New York, 1902. Lewis and Clark. Original Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806. Edited by R. G. Thwaites. 8 vols. New York, 1904-05. Lewis and Clark. The Trail of" Lewis and Clark, 1804-1904. By Olin D. Wheeler. 2 vols. New York, 1904. Lewis and Clark. Gass' Journal of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Edited by J. K. Hosmer. Chicago, 1904. Lewis and Clark. History of the Expedition ... to the Sources of the Missouri. 3 vols. (In American Explorers Series.) New York, 1922. Lewis and Clark. A Journal of the Voyages of a Corps of Discovery, under the Command of Capt. Lewis and Capt. Clarke. By Patrick Gass. Pittsburg, 1807. (Two copies.) The Same. 2nd Ed. Pittsburg, 1808. The Same. 4th Ed. Phila., 1812. Lewis and Clark. An Interesting Account of the Voyages and Travels of Captains Lewis and Clark. By Wm. Fisher. Baltimore, 1812. Lewis and Clark. The New- Found Journals of Charles Floyd. Worcester, 1894. Lettres Edifiantes (Choix des) ecrites des Missions Etrangeres. 8 vols. Paris, 1808-9. Lettres Edifiantes et Curieuses, ecrites des Missions Etrangeres, par quel- ques Missionaires de la Compagnie de Jesus. Vol. XI only. Paris, 1715. 34 AN AUTHOR CATALOGUE Lincoln and Douglas. Political Debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas, in the celebrated campaign of 1858 in Illinois. Columbus, 1860. The Same. Cleveland, 1894. Linder's Reminiscences of the Early Bench and Bar of Illinois. Chicago, 1879. Little John's Legends of Michigan and the Old North West. Allegan, Mich., 1875. Livingston's System of Penal Law for the State of Louisiana. Phila., 1833. Locke's A Paper City. [New Canton, 111.] Boston, 1879. Lockwood's New Harmony Movement. New York, 1905. Long's Voyages and Travels in the Years 1768-1788. Edited by M. M. Quaife. Chicago, 1922. (Two copies.) (Gift of Thomas E. Donnelley, Chicago) Long's Voyages and Travels of an Indian Interpreter and Trader. London, 1791. Long's Voyages and Travels of an Indian Interpreter and Trader. In Thwaites' Early Western Travels, vol. 2. Cleveland, 1904-7. Long's Voyages chez Differentes Nations Sauvages de l'Amerique Sep ten - trionale. Paris, 1795. Lossing's Pictorial Field Book of the Revolution. 2 vols. New York, 1855. Louisiana. Debates in the House of Representatives on the Bills for Carrying into Effect the Louisiana Treaty. Phila., 1804. Lovejoy's Memoir of Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy. New York, 1838. Lusk's Eighty Years of Illinois Politics and Politicians. 1809-1889. Springfield, 1889. M'Afee's History of the Late War in the Western Country. Lexington, 1816. Mack's Old Monroe Street. Chicago, 1914. Mackenzie's Voyages from Montreal through the Continent of North America. London, 1801. Mackenzie's Voyages from Montreal through the Continent of North America. 2 vols. New York, 1902. Mackenzie's Voyages from Montreal through the Continent of North America, in 1789 and 1793. 2 vols. (In American Explorers Series.) New York, 1922. McCulloch's Early Days of Peoria and Chicago. Chicago Hist. Soc. pamphlet. McLean County Historical Society. Vol. 1. Bloomington, 111., 1899. OF THE FINLEY COLLECTION 35 McLeod's History of Wiskonsan. Buffalo, 1846. McMaster's (ed.) American Explorers Series. 17 vols. New York, 1922. MacMechan's Winning of Popular Government. Chronicles of Canada, vol. 27. Toronto, 1916. MacNaul's The Jefferson-Lemen Compact. Chicago Hist. Soc. pamphlet. 1915. Macpherson's Scenic Sieges and Battlefields of French Canada. Mont- real, n.d. Macy's The Anti-Slavery Crusade. Chronicles of America, vol. 28. New Haven, 1919. Magazine of American History. Vols. 2-26. New York and Chicago, 1878-1891. Magazine of Western History. Vols. 1-4. Cleveland, 1884-1886. The Same. Vols. 1-14. Cleveland and New York, 1884-1891. Manford's Twenty Five Years in the West. Chicago, 1867. The Same. Chicago, 1875. Manly's Death Valley in '49. Edited by M. M. Quaife. Chicago, 1927. (Gift of Thomas E. Donnelley, Chicago) Mann's The Chicago Common Council and the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850. Chicago Hist. Soc. pamphlet. Mapes' History of the City of Ripon [Wis.]. Milwaukee, 1873. Marcel's Cartographie de la Nouvelle France. Paris, 1885. Margry's Les Navigations Franchises. Paris, 1867. Margry's Memoires et Documents pour servir a l'Histoire ... 6 vols. Paris, 1879-88. Marietta College. Historical Collections. Vols. 1 to 3. Marietta O., 1917-18. [Marquette] La Decouverte du Mississippi. Quebec, 1873. Marquette and Joliet. (See Thevenot for Editions of 1681 and 1682.) Marquette and Joliet. Ontdekking van eenige Landern en Volkern. In't Noorder-gedeelte Van America. Leyden, 1707. Marquette and Joliet's Voyage et Decouverte . . . Paris, 1681. Reprint edition by Rich. Paris, 1845. Marquis' Jesuit Missions. Chronicles of Canada, vol. 4. Toronto, 1916. Marquis' The War Chief of the Ottawas. Chronicles of Canada, vol. 15. Toronto, 1915. Marshall's History of Kentucky. Frankfort, 1824. Marshall's Historical Writings relating to the Early History of the West. Albany, 1887. 36 AN AUTHOR CATALOGUE Martin's History of Louisiana. 2 vols. New Orleans, 1827, 1829. The Same. A new edition in one volume New Orleans, 1882. Martin's Life of Father Isaac Jogues. Trans, by Shea. New York, [1885]. Martin's (trans.) Bressany's Relation Abregee de quelques Missions . . . de^ia Nouvelle France. Montreal, 1852. Martin's Mission du Canada. 2 vols. Paris, 1861. Mason's Chapters from Illinois History. Chicago, 1901. Mason's Illinois in the Eighteenth Century; (1) Kaskaskia and Its Parish Records; (2) Old Fort Chartres; (3) Col. John Todd's Record Book. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 12. Chicago, 1881. Mason's Pierre Menard, and the Pierre Menard Papers. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 31. Mason's Philippe de Rocheblave and Rocheblave Papers. Fergus Hist. Series No. 34. Mason's John Todd, John Todd's Record Book and John Todd Papers. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 33. Chicago, 1890. Massachusetts Historical Society. Collections, vols. 1-76, with index volumes, 1792-1923. Proceedings, vols. 1-40, 42-57, with index volumes, 1791-1924. Matson's French and Indians of Illinois River. Princeton, [111.], 1874. Matson's Memories of Shaubena. Chicago, 1878. Matson's Pioneers of Illinois. Chicago, 1882. Maximilien's Voyage in the Interior of North America, 1833. In Thwaites' Early Western Travels, vols. 22 to 25. Cleveland, 1904-7. Mazzuchelli (Samuel Charles), Memoirs of. Chicago, 1915. M'Clung's Sketches of Western Adventure. Dayton, 1854. McCarty's Territorial Governors of the Northwest. Iowa City, 1910. Mcllvaine's (ed.) Reminiscences of Early Chicago. Chicago, 1912. Mcllvaine's (ed.) Reminiscences of Chicago during the Forties and Fifties. Chicago, 1913. (Gift of Thomas E. Donnelley, Chieago) Mcllvaine's (comp.) Reminiscences of Chicago during the Civil War. Chicago, 1914. Mcllvaine's (comp.) Reminiscences of Chicago during the Great Fire. Chicago, 1915. McKenney's Sketches of a Tour to the Lakes. Baltimore, 1827. McMaster's History of the People of the United States. 8 vols. New York, 1890-1921. M'Nemar's The Kentucky Revival. New York, 1846. OF THE FINLEY COLLECTION 37 McSpadden's Illinois. New York, 1926. Meese's Early Rock Island. Moline, 111., 1905. Meese's Upper Mississippi Sketches. [Moline, 111., 1904.] Merrick's Old Times on the Upper Mississippi. Cleveland, 1909. Michaux's (Andre) Travels into Kentucky, 1795-96. In Thwaites' Early Western Travels, vol. 3. Cleveland, 1904-7. Michaux's (F. A.) Travels to the Westward of the Allegheny Mts. London, 1805. Michaux's Reise in das Innere der Nord-Amerikanischen. Weimar, 1805. Michaux's Travels to the West of the Allegheny Mountains, 1802. In Thwaites' Early Western Travels, vol. 3. Cleveland, 1904-7. Michaux's Voyage a, l'Ouest des Monts Alleghanys. Paris, 1804. Michigan Pioneer and Historical Society. Collections. Vols. 1-4, 6, 8-22, 25, 26, 30-39, and General Index to Vols. 1-15. and 16-30. Together, 34 vols. Lansing, 1877-1915. Michigan. Historical and Scientific Sketches of Michigan. Detroit, 1834. Milburn's Pioneer Preachers and People of the Mississippi Valley. New York, 1860. Milet. Captivity of Father Peter Milet among the Oneida Indians. New York, 1888. Miller's Cincinnati's Beginnings. Cincinnati, 1880. Miller's Thirty Years in the Itinerancy. Milwaukee, 1875. Millet's Captivity among the Oneidas in 1690-91. Trans, by Mrs. Edward E. Ayer. Chicago, 1897. Mills and Smith's Report of a Missionary Tour through that part of the United States which lies West of the Allegheny Mts. Andover, 1815. Minutes of the General Association of Congregational Churches and Minis- ters of Illinois. 12 Annual Reports, 1860-1871, bound in one volume. Mitchell's Contest in America between Great Britain and France. London, 1757. [Mitchell's] (comp.) Illinois in 1837. Phila., 1837. [Mitchell's] Sketches of Illinois. Phila. 1838. Minnesota Historical Society. Publications: Collections, Vol. 1-17. Minnesota History Bulletin, Vols. 1-3. rohvell's History of Minnesota, 1 vol. Brower's The Aborigines of Minnesota, 1 vol. Montague's Illinois and Missouri State Directory for 1854-55. St. Louis, 1854, 38 AN AUTHOR CATALOGUE Monette's History of the Discovery and Settlement of the Valley of the Mississippi. 2 vols. New York, 1846. The Same. 2 vols. New York, 1846. Moody's The Masters of Capital. Chronicles of America, vol. 41. New Haven, 1919. Moody's The Railroad Builders. Chronicles of America, vol. 38.. New Haven, 1919. Moore's Noel Le Vasseur. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 31. Moore's The Northwest under Three Flags, 1635-1796. New York, 1900. Mooris' Journal, relative to his Thrilling Experiences upon the Maumee, 1764. In Thwaites' Early Western Travels, vol. 1. Cleveland, 1904-7. Moses' Court of Inquiry at Fort Chartres. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 34. Chicago, 1890. Moses' Illinois, Historical and Statistical. 2 vols. Chicago, 1889-1892. Munro's Crusaders of New France. Chronicles of America, vol. 4. New Haven, 1918. (Two copies.) Munro's (ed.) Documents relating to the Seigniorial Tenure in Canada, 1598-1854. Toronto, 1908. Munro's Seigneurs of Old Canada. Chronicles of Canada, vol. 5. Toronto, 1914. Murray's Travels in North America during the Years 1834-36. 2 vols. London, 1839. Neill's History of Minnesota. Phila., 1858. Neville's Historic Green Bay. Green Bay, Wis., 1893. Newhall's Sketches of Iowa, or the Emigrant's Guide. New York, 1841. New Jersey Archives. First series, vols. 1-29, 31; and index for vols. 1-10; Second series, vols. 1-5. New York Historical Society. Collections. Vols. 1-7, First and Second series. New York, 1811-1848. Collections. Publication Fund Series. From the first volume of the series. 56 vols. New York, 1868-1923. Proceedings, 1843 to 1849. 7 vols. New York, 1844-49. Nicollet's Report intended to illustrate a Map of the Hydrographical Basin of the Upper Mississippi River. Washington, 1845. Niles Register. A complete set. 76 vols. Baltimore and Philadelphia, 1811-1849. Nion's (ed.) Un Outre-Mer au XVII 8 Siecle; Voyages au Canada du Baron de La Hontan. Paris, 1900. Norris' Business Directory of Chicago for 1846. Third Year of Publication. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 25. Reprint. Chicago, 1883. Norris' General Directory and Business Advertiser of the City of Chicago for the Year 1844. Facsimile reprint. 1902. OF THE FINLEY COLLECTION 39 North Dakota State Historical Society. Collections. Vols. 1-6, 6 vols. 1906-20. Norton's Edward Coles, Second Governor of Illinois. Phila., 1911. Norton's History of the Presbyterian Church in the State of Illinois. Vol. 1 (all pub.) St. Louis, 1879. Nuttall's Journal of Travels into the Arkansas Territory, 1819. In Thwaites Early Western Travels, vol. 13. Cleveland 1904-7. Oakly's The Oregon Expedition. (From the Peoria Register). New York, 1914. {Gift of the Cadmus Book Shop, New York) O'Callaghan's (ed.) Reprints of Jesuit Relations. Nos. 1-8. 8 vols Albany, 1870-71. O'Callaghan and others. Documents relative to the Colonial History of the State of New York. 15 vols. New York, 1856-87. Ogden's Letters from the West. In Thwaites' Early Western Travels, vol. 19. Cleveland, 1904-7. Ogg's (ed.) Fordham's Personal Narrative of Travels in Virginia, etc. Cleveland, 1906. Ogg's The Old Nort Invest. Chronicles of America, vol. 19. New Haven, 1919. (Two copies.) Ogg's Opening of the Mississippi. New York, 1904. Ogg's The Reign of Andrew Jackson. Chronicles of America, vol. 20. New Haven, 1919. Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society. Publications, vols. 1-25, 25 vols. 1887-1916. Olden Time. Edited by Neville B. Craig. 2 vols. (vol. 1, 1846; vol. 2, 1876, reprint). Pittsburgh, 1846, 1876. Oliphant's Minnesota and the Far West. Edinburgh, 1855. Oliver's Eight Months in Illinois. Chicago, 1924. (2 copies.) Orth's The Armies of Labor. Chronicles of America, vol. 40. New Haven, 1919. Orth's The Boss and the Machine. Chronicles of America, vol. 43. New Haven, 1919. Orth's Our Foreigners. Chronicles of America, vol. 35. New Haven, 1920. Otis' (trans.) Champlain's Voyages. 3 vols. Prince Society, Boston, 1878-82. Owen's Geological Exploration of a part of Iowa, Wisconsin and Illinois. Washington, 1844. Paine's The Fight for a Free Sea. Chronicles of America, vol. 17. New Haven, 1920. 40 AN AUTHOR CATALOGUE Paine's The Old Merchant Marine. Chronicles of America, vol. 36. New Haven, 1919. Pages' Voyages autour du Monde, 1767-1776. 2 vols, in one. Paris, 1782. Palmer's Early Days in Detroit. Detroit, [1906]. Palmer's Journal of Travels over the Rocky Mountains. In Thwaites' Early Western Travels, vol. 30. Cleveland, 1904-7. Parker's Iowa as it is in 1855. Chicago, 1855. Parker's The Power and the Glory. New York, 1925. (Gift of Mrs. Rebecca Lawrence Lowrie, New York) Parker's Trip to the West and Texas. Concord, N. H., 1835. Parker and Bryan's Old Quebec, the Fortress of New France. New York, 1903. Parkman Club. Publications. Nos. 1 to 18. (A complete set bound in one vol.) Milwaukee, 1896-97. 1. Stickney's Nicholas Perrot. 2. Campbell's Radisson and Groseilliers. 3. Legler's Henry de Tonty. 4. Terry's Aborigines of the Northwest. 5. Gregory's Jonathan Carver. 6. Davidson's Negro Slavery in Wisconsin. 7. Wight's Eleazer Williams. 8. Mcintosh's Charles Langlade. 9. Bruncken's The Germans in Wisconsin. 10. Miller's The Polanders in Wisconsin. 11 Campbell's Pere Rene Menard. 12. Starkey's George Rogers Clark and his Illinois Campaign. 13. Stickney's The Use of Maize by Wisconsin Indians. 14. Gregory's The Land Limitation Movement; a Wisconsin Episode of 1848-1851. 15 and 16. Legler's A Moses of the Mormons (Strang). 17. La Boule's Claude Jean Allonez. 18. Davidson's Negro Slavery in Wisconsin and the Underground Railroad. Parkman's Discovery of the Great West. Boston, 1870. Parkman's Works, Centenary Edition. 13 vols. Boston, 1922. The titles of the separate volumes are as follows: Pioneers of France in the New World. The Jesuits in North America. La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West. The Old Regime in Canada. Count Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV. A Half Century of Conflict (2 vols.) Montcalm and Wolfe (2 vols.) The Conspiracy of Pontiac and the Indian War after the Conquest of Canada (2 vols.) The Oregon Trail. Life of Parkman, by Chas. H. Faniham. Parrish's Beyond the Frontier. Chicago, 1915. Parrish's The Great Plains. Chicago, 1915. Parrish's Historic Illinois. Chicago, 1905. Parrish's Molly McDonald. A Tale of the Old Frontier. Chicago, 1912. OF THE FINLEY COLLECTION 41 Parrish's A Sword of the Old Frontier. A Tale of Fort Chartres and Detroit. Chicago, 1905. Patterson's (ed.) Autobiography of Black Hawk. Oquawka, 111., [1882]. Patterson's Early Society in Southern Illinois. Chicago Hist. Soc. pamph- let. 1881. (Also in Fergus Hist. Series, No. 14.) Patterson's (ed.) Life of Black Hawk. Boston, 1834. Pattie's Personal Narrative during an Expedition from St. Louis to Vera Cruiz, 1824-27. Edited by Timothy Flint. In Thwaites' Early Western Travels, vol. 18. Cleveland, 1904-7. Paxson's History of the American Frontier. Boston, [1924]. (Two copies.) Pease's The Story of Illinois. Chicago, 1925. Peck's Forty Years of Pioneer Life. Edited by Rufus Babcock. Phila., [1864]. Peck's Gazetteer of Illinois, in Three Parts. Jacksonville, 1834. The Same. Philadelphia, 1837. Peck's Guide for Emigrants, containing Sketches of Illinois, Missouri and the Adjacent Parts. Boston, 1831. Peck's New Guide for Emigrants to the West. Boston, 1836. The Same. 2nd Ed. Boston, 1837. Peck's New Guide to the West. Cincinnati, 1848. Peck's Traveller's Directory for Illinois. New York, 1839. Peet's History of the Presbyterian and Congregational Churches and Ministers in Wisconsin. Milwaukee, 1851. Penn's Fruits of Solitude. Chicago, 1906. Pennsylvania Archives. Second series, vols. 1-19; Third series, vols. 1-25. Pepper's Maids and Matrons of New France. Boston, 1901. Perkins' Annals of the West. 1st. Ed. Cincinnati, 1846. The Same. 2nd Ed. St. Louis, 1850. The Same. 3rd Ed. Pittsburgh, 1857. Perrin du Lac's Travels through the Two Louisianas. London, 1807. Perrin's History of Illinois. [Springfield, 1906.] Perrot's Memoire sur les Meurs, Coustumes et Religion des Sauvages de l'Amerique Septentrionale. Leipzig, 1864. Perry's The American Spirit in Literature. Chronicles of America, vol. 34. New Haven, 1918. Phillip's The First Map of Kentucky, by John Filson. Washington, 1908. Phillip's The Rare Map of the Northwest, 1785, by John Fitch. Washing- ton, 1916. 42 AN AUTHOR CATALOGUE Phillips' Conquest of Kansas by Missouri and her Allies. Boston, 1856. Pike's An Account of Expeditions to the Sources of the Mississippi. Phila., 1810. Pike. Expeditions of Zebulon M. Pike to the Headwaters of the Mississippi River. Edited by Elliott Coues. 3 vols. New York, 1895. Pike. An Important Visit. Zebulon Montgomery Pike, n.p., [1925]. {Gift of Ralph Budd, St. Paul) Pike. Southwestern Expedition of Zebulon M. Pike. Edited by M. M. Quaife. Chicago, 1925. (Gift of Thomas E. Donnelley, Chicago) Pittman's Present State of the European Settlements on the Mississippi. London, 1770. Pittman's Present State of the European Settlements on the Mississippi. Reprint. Edited by Frank H. Hodder. Cleveland, 1906. Poole's The Ordinance of 1787, and Dr. Manasseh Cutler as an Agent in Its Formation. Cambridge, 1876. Poole's The Ordinance of 1787. A Reply. Ann Arbor, 1892. Pooley's Settlement of Illinois from 1830 to 1850. Madison, Wis., 1908. Pope's The Day of Sir John Macdonald. Chronicles of Canada, vol. 29. Toronto, 1915. Porter's The Earliest Religious History of Chicago. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 14. Post's Two Journals of Western Tours, 1758-59. In Thwaites' Early Western Travels, vol. 1. Cleveland, 1904-7. [Postl's] Die Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-amerika, von C. Sidons. (pseud.) 2 vols, in one. Stuttgart, 1827. [Postl's] The Americans as They Are. London, 1828. [Postl's] Life in the New World, or Sketches of American Society. Trans, by Hebbe and Mackay. New York, [1844]. Power's History of the Early Settlers of Sangamon County, 111. Spring- field, 1876.' Power's History of Springfield, Illinois. Springfield, 1871. Pownall's Topographical Description of such parts of North America as are contained in the (annexed) map of the Middle British Colonies. London, 1776. Proctor's Lincoln and the Convention of 1860. Chicago Hist. Soc. pam- phlet, 1918. Public Lands. Laws, Treaties and Other Documents having operation and respect to the Public Lands. Washington, [1810]. Public Lands, General Public Acts of Congress, respecting the Sale and Disposition of. 2 vols. Washington, 1838. OF THE FINLEY COLLECTION 43 Purchas' Hakluytus Posthumus, or Purchas his Pilgrames. 20 vols. Glasgow, 1905-1907. Quaife's (ed.) Alexander Henry's Travels and Adventures in the years 1760-1766. Chicago, 1521. Quaife's The Capture of Old Vincennes. Indianapolis, 1927. Quaife's Chicago and the Old Northwest, 1673-1835. Chicago, 1913. Quaife's Chicago's Highways, Old and New. Chicago, 1923. Quaife's (ed.) Gregg's Commerce of the Prairies. Chicago, 1926. {Gift of Thomas E. Donnelley, Chicago) Quaife's (ed.) Conquest of the Illinois by George Rogers Clark. Chicago, 1920. Quaife's (ed.) Manly 's Death Valley in '49. Chicago, 1927. {Gift of Thomas E. Donnelley, Chicago) Quaife's (ed.) Development of Chicago, 1674-1914. Chicago, 1916. Quaife's (ed.) Alexander Ross' Fur Hunters of the Far West. Chicago, 1924. Quaife's (ed.) Indian Captivity of O. M. Spencer. Chicago, 1917. Quaife's (ed.) John Long's Voyages and Travels in the Years 1768-1788. Chicago, 1922. {Gift of Thomas E. Donnelley, Chicago) Quaife's (ed.) Life of Black Hawk. Chicago, 1916. Quaife's (ed.) Pictures of Illinois One Hundred Years Ago. Chicago, 1918. Quaife's (ed.) Southwestern Expedition of Zebulon M. Pike. Chicago, 1925. {Gift of Thomas E. Donnelley, Chicago) Quaife's (ed.) Tillson's A Woman's Story of Pioneer Illinois. Chicago, 1919. Rabb's (ed.) Tour through Indiana in 1840. The Diary of John Parsons. New York, 1920. (Two copies.) Radebaugh's The Boundary Dispute between Illinois and Wisconsin. Chicago Hist. Soc. pamphlet. Radisson. — Relations des Voyages de Pierre Esprit Radisson, dans les amices 1682, 3 et 4. Ottawa, 1895. Radisson. Voyages of Peter Esprit Radisson. The Prince Society, Boston, 1885. Rapport sur les Missions du Diocese de Quebec. 21 numbers in 5 vols. A complete set. Quebec, 1840-1874. Ray's The Convention That Nominated Lincoln. Chicago Hist. Soc. pamphlet. 1916. Raymond s Teeumseh. Chronicles of Canada, vol. 17. Toronto, 1915. 44 AN AUTHOR CATALOGUE Reed's The First Great Canadian. The Story of Pierre Le Moyne. Chi- cago, 1910. Reed's Masters of the Wilderness. Chicago, 1914. Reed's Masters of the Wilderness; A Study of the Hudson Bay Company from Its Origin to Modern Times. Chicago Hist. Soc. pamphlet. 1909. Reep's Lincoln at New Salem. Petersburg, 111., 1927. (Gift of Lester R. Ott, Petersburg, III.) Relations de la Louisiane, et du Fleuve Mississipi. Amsterdam, 1720. (See "Tonti" and " Hennepin.") Relation de la Louisianne ou Mississipi. Ecrite a une Dame, par un Officier de Marine. Amsterdam, 1720. Remy's Voyage au pays des Mormons. 2 vols. Paris, 1860. Reynolds' Letter to his Constituents. Washington, 1840. Reynolds' Pioneer History of Illinois. Belleville, 111., 1852. The Same. 2nd Ed. Chicago, 1887. Reynolds' My Own Times, Embracing also a History of My Life. [Belle- ville] 111., 1855. The Same. Another copy. Presentation copy with author's signature. The Same. 2nd Ed. Chicago, 1895. Rice's Sketches of Western Reserve Life. Cleveland, 1885. Richman's The Spanish Conquerors. Chronicles of America, vol 2. New Haven, 1919. Rigault and Goyau's Martyrs de la Nouvelle France. Paris, 1925. Robertson's Louisiana under the Rule of Spain, France and the United States, 1785-1807. Cleveland, 1911. Rochefoucault-Liancourt's Travels through the United States of North America, the Country of the Iroquois and Upper Canada in the Years 1795-7. 2 vols. London, 1799. Rochemonteix' Les Jesuites et la Nouvelle France au XVII' 1 Siecle. 3 vols. Paris, 1896. Rochmonteix' Relation par Lettres de l'Amerique Septentrionale (1709-10). Paris, 1904. Rock Island County, 111., Past and Present of. Chicago, 1877. Rogers' Biography of Eld. Barton Warren Stone. Cincinnati, 1847. Rogers' A Concise Account of North America. London, 1765. Rogers' (Major Robert) Journals. London, 1765. [Rogers'] Memoranda of the Experience, Labors and Travels of a Universalist Preacher. Cincinnati, 1845. Roosevelt's Winning of the West. 6 vols. New York, 1905. The Same. Allegheny edition. 4 vols. New York, 1900. OF THE FINLEY COLLECTION 45 Ross' Adventures of the First Settlers on the Oregon. In Thwaites' Early Western Travels, vol. 7. Cleveland, 1904-7. Ross' Fur Hunters of the Far West. 2 vols. London, 1855. Ross' Fur Hunters of the Far West. Vol. 1. Edited by M. M. Quaife. Chicago, 1924. Roy's Le Sieur de Vincennes. Quebec, 1919. Rusk's Literature of the Middle Western Frontier. 2 vols. New York, 1925. Safiford's Life of Harman Blennerhassett. Cincinnati, 1853. Sagard's Histoire du Canada. 4 vols. Paris, 1886. Sagard's Le Grand Voyage du Pays des Hurons. 2 vols. Paris, 1865. Saint Valier's Estat present de l'Eglise et de la Colonie francaise dans la Nouvelle France. Quebec, 1856. St. Clair. The St. Clair Papers. Edited by Wm. H. Smith. 2 vols. Cincinnati, 1882. St. Clair's Narrative of the Manner in which the Campaign against the Indians in 1791 was conducted, etc. Phila., 1812. St. John's Letters from an American Farmer. 2nd Ed. London, 1783. The Same. New York, 1904. Salter's Iowa: The First Free State in the Louisiana Purchase. Chicago, 1905. Scammon, Arnold, and others. Addresses delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Chicago Historical Society. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 10. Chi- cago, 1877. Schermerhorn and Mills' Correct View of that Part of the United States which lies West of the Alleghany Mountains. Hartford, 1814. Schoolcraft's American Indians. Buffalo, 1851. Schoolcraft's Narrative Journal of Travels through the Northwestern Regions of the United States. Albany, 1821. Schoolcraft's View of the Lead Mines of Missouri. New York, 1819. Schultz's Travels on an Inland Voyage ... in the years 1807 and 1808. 2 vols, in one. New York, 1810. Sealsfield's The Americans as They Are. Described in a Tour through the Valley of the Mississippi. London, 1828. Sealsfield's Die Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika. Von C. Sidons (pseud.). Stuttgart, 1827. Sealsfield's Life in the New World; or Sketches of American Society. New York, [1844]. Selby's Abraham Lincoln. The Evolution of His Emancipation Policy. Chicago Hist. Soc. pamphlet. 1909. 46 AN AUTHOR CATALOGUE Severance's Old Trails on the Niagara Frontier. Cleveland, 1903. Severance's An Old Frontier of France. 2 vols. New York, 1917. Seymour's Woodrow Wilson and the World War. Chronicles of America, vol. 48. New Haven, 1921. Shaler's Kentucky. Boston, 1885. Shambaugh's Executive Journal of Iowa, 1838-1841. Iowa City, 1906. Shea's (ed.) Captivity among the Oneidas in 1690-91 of Father Pierre Millet. Trans, by Mrs. Edward E. Ayer. Chicago, 1897. Shea's (ed.) Cramoisy Press Reprints. Nos. 1-26. 26 vols. New York, 1857-87. Shea's (trans.) Captivity of Father Peter Milet. New York, 1888. Shea's (trans.) Charlevoix' History and General Description of New France. 6 vols. New York, 1866-72. Shea's Discovery and Exploration of the Mississippi Valle}'. New York. 1852. The Same. Albany, 1903. Shea's (ed.) Early Voyages Up and Down the Mississippi. Albany, 1861. The Same. Albany, 1902. Shea's (trans.) First Establishment of the Faith in New France, by Le Clercq. 2 vols. New York, 1881. Shea's (trans.) Hennepin's Description of Louisiana. New York, 1880. Shea's History of the Catholic Missions among the Indian Tribes of the United States. 1529-1854. New York, 1855. Shea's (trans.) Life of Father Isaac Joques, by Martin. New York, [1885]. Sheahan's Stephen A. Douglas. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 15. Chicago, 1881. Sheldon's Early History of Michigan. New York, 1856. Shepherd's The Hispanic Nations of the New World. Chronicles of America, vol. 50. New Haven, 1919. Shirreff's Tour through North America. Edinburgh, 1835. Shortt and Dough ty's (eds.) Documents relating to the Constitutional History of Canada, 1759-1791. Ottawa, 1907. (For second volume see Doughty and Mc Arthur.) Skelton's The Canadian Dominion. Chronicles of America, vol. 49. New Haven, 1919. Skelton's The Day of Sir Wilfred Laurier. Chronicles of Canada, vol. 30. Toronto, 1916. Skelton's The Railway Builders. Chronicles of Canada, vol. 32. Toronto, 19X0, OF THE FINLEY COLLECTION 47 Skinner's Adventurers of Oregon. Chronicles of America, vol. 22. New Haven, 1920. Skinner's Pioneers of the Old Southwest. Chronicles of America, vol. 18. New Haven, 1919. Slafter's (ed.) Champlain's Voyages. 3 vols. The Prince Society, Boston, 1878-82. Slocum's The Ohio Country between the years 1783 and 1815. New York, 1910. Slosson's The American Spirit in Education. Chronicles of America, vol. 33. New Haven, 1921. Smith's Early Indian Trials and Sketches. Cincinnati, 1858. Smith's History of Canada. 2 vols. Quebec. 1815. Smith's History of Kentucky. Louisville, 1892. Smith's Historical Sketches of Old Vincennes. Vincennes, 1903. Smith's History of Wisconsin. Vols. 1 and 3 (all pub.) 2 vols. Madison, 1853. Smith's Fifty Years of Public Life. Life and Times of Lewis Cass. New York, 1856. [Smith's] Relation Historique de l'Expedition contre les Indiens de l'Ohio en 1764. Amsterdam, 1769. Smith's Reminiscences of Early Methodism in Indiana. Indianapolis, 1879. Smith's Traveller's Guide. [New York], 1857. Smith's The Western Tourist and Emigrant's Guide. New York, 1839. Smith's Journal. Incidents of a Journey f ^om Pennsylvania to Wisconsin Territory in 1837. Chicago, 1927. Smith's (ed.) St. Clair Papers. 2 vols. Cincinnati, 1882. Snyder's Adam W. Snyder and His Period in Illinois History, 1817-1842. 2nd Ed. Virginia, 111., 1906. South Dakota Historical Society. Collections. Vols. 1-12, 12 vols. 1902-24. Sparks' English Settlement in the Illinois. Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 1907. Sparks' Life of Father Marquette. New York, 1848. Sparks' Life of Robert Cavelier de La Salle. New York, 1848. Spears and Clark's History of the Mississippi Valley. New York, 1903. Speeches on the Passage of the Bill for the Removal of the Indians, delivered in the Congress of the United States, April and May, 1830. Boston, 1830, 48 AN AUTHOR CATALOGUE Spencer. The Indian Captivity of 0. M. Spencer. Edited by M. M. Quaife. Chicago, 1917. Spilman's Semi-Centenarians of Butler Grove Township, Montgomery Co. 111. n.p., 1878. Spring's Kansas. Boston, [1913]. Spring's Memoirs of the Rev. Samuel J. Mills. New York, 1820. Steck's The Jolliet-Marquette Expedition, 1673. Washington, D. C, 1927. (Gift of Rev. Fr. Francis B. Steck, Quincy, III.) Steele's A Summer Journey in the West. New York, 1841. Stephens' Jacques Cartier and his Four Voyages to Canada. Montreal, [1890]. Stephenson's Abraham Lincoln and the Union. Chronicles of America, vol. 29. New Haven, 1918. Stephenson's The Day of the Confederacy. Chronicles of America, vol. 30. New Haven, 1919. Stephenson's Texas and the Mexican War. Chronicles of America, vol. 24. New Haven, 1921. Stevens' Autobiography of Stephen A. Douglas. (Gift of Frank E. Stevens, Sycamore, III.) Stevens' Biography of Stephen A. Douglas. (Gift of Frank E. Stevens, Sycamore, III.) Stevens' Black Hawk War. Chicago, 1903. Stevens' (ed.) Wakefield's History of , the Black, Hawk War. Chicago, 1908. Stevens' James Watson Webb's Trip across Illinois in 1822. Sycamore, 111., 1924. (Gift of Frank E. Stevens, Sycamore, III.) Stevens' Personal Recollections of Minnesota and Its People. Minneapolis, 1890. Steward's Lost Maramech and Earliest Chicago. Chicago, 1903. Stewart's Highways and Hedges; or Fifty Years of Western Methodism. Cincinnati, 1870. Stiles' (cd.) Joutel's Journal of La Salle's Last Voyage. Albany, 1906. Stoddard's Sketches, Historical and Descriptive, of Louisiana. Phila., 1812. Strickland's (ed.) Finley's Sketches of Western Methodism. Cincinnati, 1855. Strong's History of the Territory of Wisconsin from 1836 to 1848. Madison, 1885. Stuart's Three Years in North America. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1833. Suite's Melanges Historique. 10 vols, bound in 5. Montreal, 1918-22. OF THE FINLEY COLLECTION 49 Suite's Melanges d'Histoire et de Littcrature. 4 vols, bound in one. Ottawa, 1876. Suite's Pages d'Histoire du Canada. Montreal, 1891. Swan's Journal of a Trip to Michigan in 1841. Rochester, 1904. Tanner's Description of the Canals and Railroads of the United States. New York, 1840. [Tanner's] Martyrdom of Lovejoy. Chicago, 1881. Tanner's Memoires de John Tanner. 2 vols. Paris, 1835. Tasse's Les Canadiens de L'Ouest. 2 vols. Montreal, 1878. Taylor's History of the State of Ohio, 1650-1787. Cincinnati, 1884. Thevenot's Recueil de Voyage de Mr. Thevenot. 1st Ed. Paris, 1681. The Same. 2nd Ed. Paris, 1682. Thomas' Travels through the Western Country in the Summer of 1816. Auburn, N. Y., 1819. Thomassy's De La Salle et ses Relations, inedites de la Decouverte du Mississipi. Paris, 1859. Thomassy's Gcologie practique de la Louisiane. New Orleans, 1860. Thompson's The Art of Invention. Chronicles of America, vol. 37. New Haven, 1921. Thompson's Narrative of his Explorations in Western America, 1784-1812. Toronto, 1916. Thompson's The New South. Chronicles of America, vol. 42. New Haven, 1919. Thompson's (and others) Site of Fort de Crevecoeur. 1905. {Gift of the Illinois Secretary of State) Thwaites' Daniel Boone. New York, 1922. Thwaites' (ed.) Early Western Travels, 1748-1846. 32 vols. Cleveland, 1904-07. Contents of the Series Volume 1 (1748-1765) comprises: Weiser's Journal of a Tour to the Ohio; August 11-October 2, 1748. Croghan's Selection of his Letters and Journals, relating to Tours into the Western Coun- try, 1750-65. Post's Two Journals of Western Tours, 1758-59. Morris' Journal of Captain Morris, of His Majesty's XVII Regiment of Infantry, relative to his thrilling experiences upon the Maumee, 1764. Volume 2 (1768-1782) comprises: Long's Voyages and travels of an Indian Interpreter and Trader, with account of the Posts situated on the River Saint Laurence, Lake Ontario, etc. Volume 3 (1795-1803) comprises: Michaux' Travels into Kentucky; 1795-1796. 50 AN AUTHOR CATALOGUE Michaux' Travels to the West of the Allegheny Mountains, in Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, and return to Charleston through the Upper Carolinas, 1802. Harris' Journal of a Tour into the Territory Northwest of the Allegheny Mountains, 1803. Volume 4 (1807-1829) comprises: Cuming's Tour to the Western Country, through Ohio and Kentucky; a voyage down the OhkTand Mississippi Rivers, and through the Mississippi Territory, and part of West Florida, 1807-1809. Volume 5 (1809-1811) comprises: Bradbury's Travels in the Interior of America, in 1809-1811, including description of Upper Louisiana. Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Tennessee, the Illinois, and Western Territories. Volume 6 (1811-1814) comprises: Brackenbridge's Journal of a Voyage up the River Missouri, 1811. Franchere (Gabriel) Voyage to the Northwest Coast of America, 1811-1814, or the First American Settlement on the Pacific; translated and edited by J. V. Huntington. Volume 7 (1810-1813) comprises: Ross' Adventures of the First Settlers on the Oregon; or Columbia River. Volume 8 (1812-1819) comprises: Buttrick's Voyages, Travels, and Discoveries. Evans (Estwick) Pedestrious Tour, of Four Thousand Miles, through the Western States and Territories, 1818. Volume 9 (1818-1820) comprises: Flint's Letters from America. Volume 10 (1818-1821) comprises: Hulme's Journal of a Tour in the West (Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois) in 1818. Flower's Letters from Lexington and the Illinois; 1819. Flower's Letters from Illinois; 1820-1821. Woods' Two Years' Residence in the Settlement on English Prairie in the Illinois Country; 1820-1821. Volumes 11 and 12 (1819-1820) comprise: Faux's Memorable days in America; Tour to the United States to ascertain the condition and probable prospects of British Emigrants; 1819-1820. Welby's Visit to North America and the English Settlements in Illinois, with a Winter Residence at Philadelphia; 1819-1820. Volume 13 (1819) comprises: Nuttall's Journal of Travels into the Arkansas Territory, 1819. Volumes 14, 15, 16 and 17 (1819-1820) comprise: James' Expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains, 1819-1820. Volume 18 (1824-1827) comprises: I'm iik's Personal Narrative during an Expedition from St. Louis through the Vast Regions between that place and the Pacific Ocean, thence through the City of Mexico to Vera Cruz; edited by Timothy Flint; 1824-1827. Volumes 19 and 20 (1821-1839) comprise: OODBN'S Letters from the West ; a Tour through the Western Country, ami a residence in the States of Ohio and Kentucky. BULLOCK'S Sketch of a Journey through the Western States, from New Orleans to New York, by the Mississippi, Ohio, City of Cincinnati, etc., in 1827. GREGG'S Commerce of the Prairies: Journal of a Santa V(- Trader. OF THE FINLEY COLLECTION 51 Volume 21 (1832-1834) comprises: \\ j tin's Oregon; or a short history of a long journey from the Atlantic Ocean to the region of the Pacific, by land. Townsend's Journey across the Rocky Mountains, to the Columbia River. Volumes 22, 23, 24 and 25 (1833) comprise: M vximilikn's Voyage in the Interior of North America; translated by Hannibal Evans Lloyd with Atlas volume of 81 plates. Volumes 26 and 27 (1836-1841) comprise: Flagg's The Far West: or, a Tour beyond the Mountains. Smet's Letters and Sketches, with a Narrative of a Year's Residence among the Indian Tribes of the Rocky Mountains. Volumes 28 and 29 (1839-1846) comprise: Farnham's Travels in the Great Western Prairies, the Anahuac, and Rocky Mountains, and in Oregon Territory. Smet's Oregon Missions and Travels over the Rocky Mountains, 1845-1846. Volume 30 (1845-1846) comprises: Palmer's Journal of Travels over the Rocky Mountains to the mouth of the Columbia River. Volumes 31 and 32 comprise: A Complete and Exhaustive Analytical Index to the entire series. Thwaites' Father Marquette. New York, 1917. Thwaites' France in America, 1497-1763. New York, 1905. Thwaites' (ed.) Hennepin's New Discovery of a Vast Country in America. 2 vols. Chicago, 1903. Thwaites' Historic Waterways. Chicago, 1888. Thwaites' How George Rogers Clark Won the Northwest. Chicago, 1904. Thwaites' Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents. 73 vols. Cleveland, 1896-1901. (Gift of Edward Dudley Kenna, New York) Thwaites' (ed.) Kinzie's Wau-bun, the "Early Day" of the Northwest. Chicago, 1891. Thwaites' (ed.) La Hontan's New Voyages to North America. 2 vols. Chicago, 1905. Thwaites' On the Storied Ohio. Chicago, 1903. Thwaites' (ed.) Original Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804- 1806. 8 vols. New York, 1904-05. Thwaites' Wisconsin (Amor. Com. Series). Boston, 1908. Thwaites' (ed.) Wisconsin in Three Centuries, 1634-1905. 4 vols. New York, [1906]. Thwaites' (ed.) Withers' Chronicles of Border Warfare. Cincinnati, [1895]. Tillson's A Woman's Story of Pioneer Illinois. Edited by M. M. Quaife. Chicago, 1919. 52 AN AUTHOR CATALOGUE Tonti's An Account of Monsieur De La Salle's Last Expedition and Discoveries in North America. (Excerpt from the N. Y. Hist. Soc. Collections for 1814.) Tonti's Account of Monsieur de la Salle's Last Expedition and Discoveries in North America. London, 1698. Tonti's Dernieres Decouvertes dans l'Amerique Septentrionale de M. La Sale. Paris, 1697. Tonti. Memoire envoye en 1693 sur la decouverte du Mississipi. (Excerpt from "Revue Maritime" of Apr. 1861.) [Paris, 1861.] Tonti's Relation de la Louisiane et du Mississipi. Amsterdam, 1720. Tonti's Relations de la Louisiane, et du Fleuve Mississipi. Amsterdam 1720. Tonti's Relation of Henri de Tonti concerning the Explorations of La Salle, from 1678 to 1683. Trans, by M. B. Anderson. Chicago, 1898. Townsend's Journey Across the Rocky Mountains to the Columbia River. In Thwaites' Early Western Travels, vol. 21. Cleveland, 1904-7. Treat's National Land System. New York, 1910. Trow's (printer) Alton Trials of Winthrop S. Gilman [and others]. New York, 1838. True Picture of Emigration; or Fourteen Years in the Interior of North America. [In Pike County, Illinois.] London, 1848. Turner's Frontier in American History. New York, 1920. Turner's List of References on the History of the West. Cambridge, 1915. Turner's Reuben Gold Thwaites: A Memorial Address. Madison, 1914. Turner's Rise of the New West, 1819-1829. New York, 1906. Tuttle's General History of the State of Michigan. Detroit, 1873. Tuttle's Illustrated History of the State of Wisconsin. Boston, 1875. Tuttle and Pennock's Illustrated History of the Northwest. Madison, 1876. Tyrrell's (ed.) Hearne's Journey from Prince of Wales's Fort in Hudson's Bay to the Northern Ocean. Toronto, 1911. Tyrrell's (ed.) Narrative of David Thompson, 1784-1812. Toronto, 1916. United States Roads in the Territory of Wisconsin. Washington, 1840. Ursulines (Les) de Quebec depuis leur establissement jusqu'a nos jours. 2 vols. Quebec, 1863-4. Upper Missouri Historical Expedition of 1925. Editorial Comment. (Gift of Ralph Budd, St. Paul) Upper Missouri Historical Expedition of 1925. Library List. n. p., [1925]. (Gift of Ralph Budd, St. Paul) OF THE FINLEY COLLECTION 53 Upper Missouri Historical Expedition of 1925. A set of eight historical pamphlets issued by the Great Northern Railway, bound in one volume. (Gift of Ralph Budd, St. Paul) 1. a. The Verendrye Overland Quest of trie Pacific. By Grace Flandrau. b. Journal of tne first expedition of Pierre Gautier Sieur de la Verendrye to the Mandan villages on the Missouri. Trans, from the French by Douglas Brymner. c. Journal of the voyage made by Chevalier de la Verendrye witn one of his brothers in search of the western sea. Trans, from the French by Anne H. Blegen. 2. A Glance at the Lewis and Clark Expedition. By Grace Flandrau. 3. An Important Visit. Zebulon Montgomery Pike, 1805. 4. Fort Huron and its neighbors on the upper Missouri. A Chronological record of events . By Frank B. Harper. 5. The Discovery of Marias Pass. By Grace Flandrau. 6. Chief Joseph's Own Story. By Cyrus Townsend Brady. 7. Library List. Upper Missouri Historical Expedition. 8. Editorial Comment on the Upper Missouri Historical Expedition of 1925. Utley, Cutcheon and Burton's Michigan as a Province, Territory and State. 4 vols. New York, 1906. Van Cleve's "Three Score Years and Ten"; Life-long Memories of Fort Snelling, Minn. Minneapolis, 1888. Venable's Beginnings of Literary Culture in the Ohio Valley. Cincinnati, 1891. Verendrye's Journals and Letters. Toronto, 1927. Vergennes' Memoire historique et Politique sur la Louisiane. Paris, 1802. Verwyst's Missionary Labors of Fathers Marquette, Menard and Allouez in the Lake Superior Region. Milwaukee, 1886. Villiers du Terrage's La Decouverte du Missouri et Fhistoire du Fort d'Orleans (1673-1728). Paris, 1925. (Two copies.) Villiers' Les Dernieres Annees de la Louisiane Francaise. Paris, [1904]. Vincennes District. Letter ... in Relation to Certain Claims to Land in the Vincennes Land District. Dated July 6, 1838. Washington, 1838. Virginia State Papers, Calendar of. 11 vols. Richmond, 1875-1893. Volney's Tableau du Climat et du Sol des Etats-Unis. 2 vols, in one. Paris, 1803. Volney's View of the Climate and Soil of the United States. London, 1804. Volney's View of the Soil and Climate of the United States of America. Trans, by C. B. Brown. Phila., 1804. Volwiler's George Croghan and the Westward Movement. 1741-1782. Cleveland, 1926. Voyages de Decouverte au Canada, entre les annees 1534-1542. Quebec, 1843. Wait's State Papers and Publick Documents of the U. S. Vols. 1-12. 12 vols. 3rd Ed. Boston, 1819. 54 AN AUTHOR CATALOGUE Wakefield's History of the War between the United States and the Sac and Fox Nations of Indians. Jacksonville, 111., 1834. Wakefield's History of the Black Hawk War. Edited by Frank E. Stevens. Chicago, 1908. Walker's Mississippi Valley and Prehistoric Events. Burlington, Iowa, 1879. Wallace's The Family Compact; a Chronicle of the Rebellion in Upper Canada. Chronicles of Canada, vol. 24. Toronto, 1915. Wallace's History of Illinois and Louisiana under the French Rule. Cin- cinnati, 1893. Wallace's The United Empire Loyalists. Chronicles of Canada, vol. 13. Toronto, 1914. Waller's Brief History of Illinois. Galesburg, 111., 1909. Washington's (ed.) Writings of Thomas Jefferson. 9 vols. Washington, 1853. Weiser's Journal of a Tour to the Ohio, 1748. In Thwaites' Early Western Travels, vol. 1. Cleveland, 1904-7. Welby's Visit to North America and the English Settlements in Illinois, 1819-20. In Thwaites Early Western Travels, vol. 12. Cleveland, 1904-7. Weld's Voyage au Canada dans les annees, 1795, 1796 et 1797. 3 vols. Paris, [1800]. Wells' The Schools and Teachers of Early Peoria. Peoria, 111., 1900. Wentworth's Congressional Reminiscences: Adams, Benton, Calhoun, Clay and Webster. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 24. Chicago, 1882. Wentworth's Early Chicago. Fergus Hist. Scries, Nos. 7 and 8. [Chicago, 1875-1876.] Wentworth's Early Chicago: Fort Dearborn. An Address delivered May 21, 1881. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 16. Western Literary Journal and Monthly Review. Vol. 1, 1844-5. Western Monthly Review. Edited by Timothy Flint. Vol. 3. Cincinnati, 1830. Western Monthly Magazine. Vols. 1 5 (all pub.) bound in 4 vols. Cin- cinnati, 1833-36. Western Traveller's Pocket Directory and Stranger's Guide. Schenect- ady, 1836. Weston's Visit to the United States and Canada in 1833. Edinburgh, 1836. Wetmore's Gazetteer of the State of Missouri. St. Louis, 1837. Wheeler's The Trail of Lewis and Clark, I NO I 1 «)() 1 . 2 vols, New York, 1904. OF THE FINLEY COLLECTION 55 White's The Lincoln and Douglas Debates. Chicago Hist. Soc. pamphlet. 1914. White's A New Collection of Laws, Charters and Local Ordinances of the Governments of Great Britain, France and Spain relating to the Con- cessions of Land in their Respective Colonies. 2 vols. Phila., 1839. White's The Forty-Niners. Chronicles of America, vol. 25. New Haven, 1918. Wight's Eleazer Williams. Chicago Hist. Soc. pamphlet. 1903. (Also in Fergus Hist. Series, No. 1.) Wight's Eleazer Williams not the Dauphin of France. Fergus Hist. Series, No. 35. Chicago, 1903. Williams' Early Mackinac. St. Louis, 1901. The Same. New Ed. New York, 1912. Williams' The Honorable Peter White. Cleveland, [1905]. Willson's The Great Company. New York, 1906. Wilson's The Peace of Mad Anthony. Greenville, O., 1909. Winsor's Cartier to Frontenac. Boston, 1894. Winsor's Mississippi Basin. Boston, 1895. Winsor's Narrative and Critical History of America. 8 vols. Boston. 1889. {Gift of the General Library to the Finley Collection) Winsor's Westward Movement, from 1763 to 1798. Boston, 1897. Wisconsin State Historical Society. Collections. Vols. 1-28, 28 vols.. Madison, 1855-1920. Proceedings. A complete set, except the 24th, 27th and 69th. Together 44 Reports bound in 22 volumes, 1875-1922. Wisconsin. United States Roads in the Territory of Wisconsin. Wash- ington, 1840. Withers' Chronicles of Border Warfare. New edition. Cincinnati, [1895J. Wood's Historic Mackinac. 2 vols. New York, 1918. Wood's All Afloat; A Chronicle of Craft and Waterways. Chronicles of Canada, vol. 31. Toronto, 1914. Wood's Captains of the Civil War. Chronicles of America, vol. 31. New Haven, 1921. Wood's Elizabethan Sea-Dogs. Chronicles of America, vol. 3. New- Haven, 1918. Wood's The Father of British Canada. Chronicles of Canada, vol. 12. Toronto, 1916. Wood's The Great Fortress [Louisbourg]. Chronicles of Canada, vol. S. Toronto, 1915, 56 AN AUTHOR CATALOGUE Wood's (ed.) The Logs of the Conquest of Canada. Toronto, 1909. Wood's The Passing of New France. Chronicles of Canada, vol. 10. Tor- onto, 1914. Wood's The Red River Colony. Chronicles of Canada, vol. 20. Toronto, 1915. Wood's (ed.) Select British Documents of the Canadian War of 1812. 3 vols. Toronto 1920, 1923, 1926. Wood's The War Chief of the Six Nations [Brant]. Chronicles of Canada, vol. 16. Toronto, 1914. Wood's The War with the United States. Chronicles of Canada, vol. 14. Toronto, 1915. Wood's The Winning of Canada. Chronicles of Canada, vol. 11. Toronto, 1914. Woods' Two Years' Residence in the Settlement on the English Prairie in the Illinois Country. London, 1822. Woods' Two Years Residence in the Settlement on English Prairie in the Illinois Country, 1820-21. In Thwaites' Early Western Travels, vol. 10. Cleveland, 1904-7. Wright's Chicago: Past, Present and Future. Chicago, 1868. Writings on American History. A complete set in 16 vols., from 1902-19. Wrong's A Canadian Manor and Its Seigneurs. Toronto, 1908. Wrong's The Conquest of New France. Chronicles of America, vol. 10. New Haven, 1918. Wrong's Washington and His Comrades in Arms. Chronicles of America, vol. 12. New Haven, 1921. Wrong and Langton's (eds.) Chronicles of Canada. 32 vols. Toronto, v.d. 1. Leacock's The Dawn of Canadian History. 2. Leacock's The Mariner of St. Malo (Cartier). 3. Colby's The Founder of New France (Champlain). 4. Marquis' The Jesuit Missions. 5. Munro's The Seigneurs of Old Canada. 6. Chapais' The Great Intendant (Talon). 7. Colby's The Fighting Governor (Frontenac). 8. Wood's The Great Fortress (Louisbourg). 9. Doughty's The Acadian Exiles. 10. Wood's The Passing of New France. 11. Wood's The Winning of Canada. 12. Wood's The Father of British Canada (Carleton). 13. Wallace's The United Empire Loyalists. 14. Wood's The War with the United States (1812). 15. Marquis' The War Chief of the Ottawas. Hi. Wood's The War Chief of the Six Nations. 17. Raymond's Tecumseh. 18. Laut's Tne Adventurers of England on Hudson Ray. 19. Burpee's Pathfinders of the Great Plains. 20. Leacock's Adventurers of the Far North. 21. Wood's The Red River Colony. OF THE FINLEY COLLECTION 57 22. Laut's Pioneers of the Pacific Coast. 23. Laut's The Cariboo Trail. 24. Wallace's The "Family Compact" (The Rebellion in Upper Canada). 25. Decelles' The "Patriotes" of '37. 26. Grant's The Tribune of Nova Scotia. 27. Macmechan's The Winning of Popular Government. 28. Colquhoun's The Fathers of Confederation. 29. Pope's The Day of Sir John Macdonald. 30. Skelton's The Day of Sir Wilfrid Laurier. 31. Wood's All Afloat (Crafts and Waterways). 32. Skelton's The Railway Builders. Wyeth's Oregon. In Thwaites' Early Western Travels, vol. 21. Cleve- land, 1904-7. EARLY STATE MAPS OHIO Ohio. The Tourist's Pocket Map of the State of Ohio, exhibiting its Inter- nal Improvements, Roads, Distances, etc. By J. H. Young. Phila- delphia. Published by S. Augustus Mitchell, 1834. Map is 13 X 15 M inches, colored, folded into 32mo, roan covers. The Same, 1839. Same size and form. INDIANA Indiana. The Tourist's Pocket Map of the State of Indiana, exhibiting its Internal Improvements, Roads, Distances, etc. By J. H. Young. Philadelphia. Published by S. Augustus Mitchell, 1836. Map is 13 X 15 inches, colored, folded into 32mo, roan covers. Indiana. Published by T. G. Bradford, 1838. Map is 11 \i X 14 inches, mounted. ILLINOIS Illinois. The Tourist's Pocket Map of the State of Illinois . . . Published by S. Augustus Mitchell, Philadelphia, 1834. Map is 13 X \o x A inches, colored, framed. {Gift of Rev. C. W. Leffingwell, Pasadena, Cal.) Illinois and Wisconsin. A New Map of Illinois and Part of Wisconsin Territory. By J. M. Peck and J. Messinger, Cincinnati. Pub- lished by Doolittle & Munson. Copyrighted, 1835, by J. M. Peck. Mai> is 13 H X 18J-2 inches, colored, and has an inset picture of Illinois College. Folded into 32mo, roan covers. For Peck's story of his making of Illinois maps, see Peck's Traveler's Directory, New York, 1839, pp. 7-10 (Finley Collection). Illinois. The Tourist's Pocket Map of the State of Illinois, exhibiting its Internal Improvements, Roads, Distances, etc. By J. H. Young. Published by S. Augustus Mitchell, Philadelphia, 1836. Map is 13 X 151-2 inches, colored, folded into 32mo, roan covers. Illinois. A New Map of the State of Illinois. Published by Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co. Philadelphia, 1855. (Copyright date is 1850.) Map is 13J"2 X 15^2 inches, colored, folded into 32mo, roan covers. Illinois. Published by J. H. Colton, 86 Cedar Street, New York, 1852. Colored, 14 X 17 inches. Folded to 32mo, cloth covers. 58 AN AUTHOR CATALOGUE Illinois. New Sectional Map of the State of Illinois Compiled from the U. S. Surveys; also exhibiting the internal improvements, distances between towns, villages and post offices, the outlines of Prairies, Woodlands, Marshes, and the Lands donated to the State by the Gen. Govt, for the Purpose of Internal Improvements. By J. W. Peck, John Messinger, and A. J. Mathewson. Published by J. H. Colton & Co., New York, 1853. Map is 28J-2 X 42 inches, colored, folded into 32mo, roan covers. The Same. Philadelphia, 1854. Same as 1853 map except that it is not colored. MICHIGAN Michigan. The Tourist's Pocket Map of Michigan exhibiting its Internal Improvements, Roads, Distances, etc. By J. H. Young, Philadelphia. Published by S. Augustus Mitchell, 1835. (Copyrighted 1834.) Map is 13 X 15}-^ inches, folded into 32mo, roan covers. The Same. Phila. 1836 (2 copies) (Copyrighted 1834). The Same. Phila. 1839 (Copyrighted 1834). Michigan. An Improved Edition of a Map of the Surveyed Part of the Territory of Michigan, by John Farmer, 1836. Colored Map is 31^ X 21, folded into 32mo, roan covers. Two insets are dated 1835. Map is torn but none missing. Michigan and Wisconsin. Map of the Territories of Michigan and Ouiscon- sin on a scale of 30 geographical miles to an inch. By John Farmer of Detroit, 1836. Map is 35 X 24 y 2 inches, colored, folded into 32mo, roan covers. Michigan. Map of the Surveyed Part of Michigan. By John Farmer. Published by J. H. Colton, New York, 1840. Map is colored and is 34 X 23^ inches, folded, into 32mo, roan covers. Michigan. Lake Superior and the Northern Part of Michigan. Published by J. H. Colton, New York, 1853. Map is colored and is 17 X 14 inches, folded into 32mo, cloth covers. The Same. 1854. Map is same size, colored. Michigan. Map of the State of Michigan and the Surrounding Country exhibiting the Sections and the Latest surveys compiled from authentic sources. By John Farmer. 23rd Edition. Detroit, 1854. Map is 22 X 32}^ inches, folded into 32mo, roan covers. Michigan. Township Map of Michigan from the Latest Authorities. Published by Ensign, Bridgman and Fanning, 156 Williams Street, New York, 1857. Map is 20 \i X 25 inches, folded into 32mo, cloth covers Michigan. Rand, McNally & Co.'s Indexed Map of Michigan. Chicago, (1877). Map is 20 X 14 inches, folded into 32mo, cloth covers, with 34 pages of text — list of countries, islands, lakes, rivers, towns, post offices, etc. OF THE FINLEY COLLECTION 59 Michigan. Maps, etc., of the Mineral Region of Lake Superior. Three maps, each 32 X 21 inches, folded into 12mo, cloth covers, and 16 pages of text. ''List of Persons to whom permits to locate mineral lands on the south shore of Lake Superior have been granted and leases issued upon them by the Secretary of War, up to June 16, 1846." Published by Weare C. Little & Co., Albany, N. Y. Two copies. WISCONSIN (See also under "Illinois" and "Michigan") Wisconsin. Map of the Settled part of Wisconsin Territory. Published by Hinman and Dutton, Philadelphia, 1838. Map is 17>2 X 22 inches, colored, framed. {Gift of Rev. C. W. Leffingwell, Pasadena, Cal.) Wisconsin. Sectional Map with the Most Recent Surveys, by I. A. Lap- ham, 1846. Published by P. C. Hale, Milwaukee. Lithographed by J. H. Bufford & Co., Boston. Map is 24 M X 24 M folded into 32mo, roan covers. Wisconsin. Chapman's Sectional Map of Wisconsin, with the most recent Surveys. Published by Silas Chapman, Milwaukee, Wis., 1855. Map is 32 1-2 X 23 inches, scale 10 miles to an inch, folded into 32 mo, cloth covers. Wisconsin. Sectional Map of Wisconsin, with the most recent Surveys. Published by Silas Chapman, Milwaukee, Wis., 1855. Map is 33 X 35 inches, folded into 32mo cloth, covers, scale 10 miles to an inch. OLD NORTHWEST TERRITORY (Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin) Old Northwest Territory. Map of the States of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois with the settled part of Michigan. Published by S. Augustus Mitchell, Philadelphia, 1834. Map is 18 X 22J-2 inches, colored, framed. {Gift of Rev. C. W. Leffingwell, Pasadena, Cal.) Old Northwest Territory. Folding Colored Map of the States of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, and Michigan Territory. Published by Ezra Strong, New York, 1835. 16 X 20 inches, folded to 18mo, in leather cover. Old Northwest Territory. Map of the States of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, with the settled parts of Michigan and Wisconsin. Published by S. Augustus Mitchell. Philadelphia, 1847. Map is 23 X 18 ^ inches, folded into 32mo, roan covers. The Same. Published by S. Augustus Mitchell, Philadelphia, 1848. Map is 22 ^ X 18 inches, folded into 32mo, roan covers. Old Northwest Territory. Chapman's Township Map of the Northwest. Compiled from the United States Surveys and other authentic sources. Published by Dyer and Pasmore, Milwaukee, Wis. 1858. Map is colored and is 27 X 32 inches, folded to 32mo, in cloth covers. 60 AN AUTHOR CATALOGUE IOWA Iowa. Chapman's Sectional Map of the State of Iowa, compiled from the United States Surveys and other authentic Sources. Published by Dyer and Pasmore, Milwaukee, 1857. Map is colored and is 37^ X 25 inches, folded to 32mo, cloth covers. Iowa. Colton's Township Map of the State of Iowa. Compiled from the U. S. Surveys and other Authentic Sources. Published by G. W. and C. B. Colton, 172 William St., New York, 1866. (Copyright date, 1858.) Map 29 X 25^ inches, folded to 32mo, in cloth covers. KANSAS Kansas Territory. MacLean and Lawrence's Sectional Map of Kansas Territory, compiled from the U. S. Surveys by C. P. Wiggin. Litho- graped by Wm. Schuchman & Bro., Pittsburgh, 1857. Map is 40 X 41 inches, folded to 32mo, in cloth cover. The Same. Colored. Same size and form. Pittsburgh, 1857. KENTUCKY AND TENNESSEE Kentucky. Map of the State of Kentucky: with the Adjoining Territories. By J. Russell, 1794. Map is 18 X 16 inches. Kentucky. The Tourist's Pocket Map of the State of Kentucky, exhibiting its Internal Improvements, Roads, Distances, etc. By J. H. Young. Philadelphia. Published by S. Augustus Mitchell, 1836. Map is colored, and is 15 X 12 H inches, folded into 32mo, roan covers. Kentucky and Tennessee. Map of Kentucky and Tennessee. Compiled from the Latest Authorities. Published by S. Augustus Mitchell. Philadelphia, 1834. Map is colored and 22 X 17 inches, folded into 32mo, roan covers. Tennessee. The Tourist's Pocket Map of the State of Tennessee, exhibit- ing its Internal Improvements, Roads, Distances, etc. By J. H. Young, Philadelphia. Published by S. Augustus Mitchell, 1834. Map is colored and is 16 X 13^2 inches, folded into 32nio, roan covers. VIRGINIA Virginia and Maryland. Map of Virginia and Maryland. Constructed from the Latest Authorities. Published by S. Augustus Mitchell, Philadelphia 1834. Map is colored, is 22 X 18 inches, folded into 32mo, roan covers. Virginia. The Tourist's Pocket Map of the State of Virginia, exhibiting its Internal Improvements, Roads, Distances, etc. By J. II. Young, Phi la. Published by Thomas Cowperthwait & Co. 1852. Map is colored, is 16 X !•'*).> inches, and is folded into 32mo, roan covers. OF THE FINLEY COLLECTION 61 EARLY MAPS OF LA LOUISIANE, LA NOUVELLE FRANCE, CANADA, ETC. (1732 TO 1764) A New Map of the North Parts of America claimed by France under ye Names of Louisiana, Mississippi, Canada and New France with ye Adjoyning Territories of England and Spain. The Projection of this Map is call'd Mercator's . . . by H. Moll, Geographer, 1720. 24 X 40 inches, outlined in eolor, framed. Inserts of: The Indian Fort Sasque- sahanor, (engraving); Annapolis Royal (map); Mouth of the Mississippi and Mobile Rivers, (map). (Gift of Victor Elting, Chicago.) Nouvelle Carte Particuliere de L'Amerique. It also bears the title: ; 'A Map of the British Empire in America with French, Spanish and the Dutch Settlements adjacent thereto; by Henry Popple, a London. Grave par Jean Conv Back." (1740 or 1732?). Map measures 19^ X 23^2 inches including margins. A Plan of the Straits of St. Mary and Michilimakinac to Shew the Situa- tion and Importance of the two Westernmost Settlements of Canada for the Fur Trade. 13^ X §\i inches, mounted in a heavy mat. Source unknown, date 175-(?) Described by Phillips as "Anonymous." Carte de la Louisiane et des Pays Voisins. Par le Sr. Bellin, 1750. Sur de Nouvelles Observations on a corrigc les Lacs et leurs Environs. 1755. Map, partly colored, with wide margins, measures 27 X 22 ^ inches. Partie Orientale de la Nouvelle France ou du Canada. Par Mr. Bellin. Published by the heirs of Homan, 1755. Map measures 21}-^ X 1624" inches; or with margins 24 X 20^4 inches. Partie Occidentale de la Nouvelle France ou du Canada. Par Mr. Bellin. Published by the heirs of Homan, 1755. Map measures 21 x /± X 1624" inches; or with margins 24 X 20^4 inches. Partie Occidentale de la Nouvelle France ou du Canada . . . Publ. par les Heritiers de Homan, 1755. Map is 16^4 X 21 inches, outlined in color, framed. (Gift of Mrs. Janet Grieg Post.) Carte des Lacs du Canada Pour Servir a l'Histoire des Etablissemens Europeens. Par M. b., Ing. de la Mar. (1757). Map is 11 X 7li inches — with margins it measures 15 X 10 inches. La Louisiane et Pays Voisins. 14 X 8^ inches. From Bellins Petit Atlas Maratime, Tome I, No. 40, 1764. La Nouvelle France ou Canada. 14 X 8 inches. From Bellin's Petit Atlas Maratime, Tome I, No. 4, 1764. Carte des Cinq Grans Lacs du Canada. 14 X 8^4 inches. From Bellin's Petit Atlas Maratime, Tome I, No. 6, 1764. An Accurate Map of Canada, with the adjacent countries; Exhibiting the late Seat of war between the English and French in those Parts. 13 X 10 \i inches, colored. London, n.d. The Illinois country is all called Virginia. Photographic facsimile. A Documentary Relic of La Salle's ill-fated Expedi- tion of 1684. "It is our opportunity here to present the narratives of the discoverers, explorers, and founders of the French empire in North America — narratives full of the charm of brave deeds, of heroic endurance, of abiding enthusiasms, and of famous achievements. " Extract from the General Introduction to Kellogg 's "Early Narratives of the Northwest." itlti Hi Hi iliilMl KiiiilKliiKiliffl ■■ lUilillll ' PBBii Iffi Hi mpM MeayWw fffiH SHE 1*11