EDITION OF 1st FEBRUARY, 1910. SUMMARY OF REGULATIONS AND RECENT DEPARTMENTAL RULINGS RELATING TO DOMINION LANDS FOR THE GUIDANCE OF AGENTS, SUB-AGENTS AND OTHER OFFI- CIALS, AND FOR THE INFORMATION OF THE PUBLIC. (Effective 1st February, 1910, replacing previous Summaries .) 10014—1 PLAN OF A TOWNSHIP. N —31— 1 —3*2— 1 -33- 1 —34— —35— 1 - 36 - 1 l —30— 1 -29- 1 -28- 1 —27— 1 -26- ! 1 -25- i 1 -19- 1 1 -20- 1 1 —21— ! -22- 1 -23- 1 4 -24- 1 I -13- I 1 -17- 1 1 —16— 1 -lt- 1 -14- —13— 1 ' -7- I -8- 1 —9— -10- 1 _A- 1 1 -12- 1 4 - 4 - 1 — 4— 1 3 __ 4 _ 1 — 1— 1 1 ' 1 1 i ' 1 S Dominion lands are laid off in square townships, each containing thirty-six sections of as nearly one mile square as the convergence of meridians permits. Such sections are bounded and numbered as shown by the above diagram. A section contains six hundred and forty acres. Each section is divided into four quarter-sections containing one hundred and sixty acres each. Road allowances are provided as indicated by double lines on the above diagram, namely: running north and south, .between each section; running east and west, along the township lines and from thence, two miles apart. Townships are numbered consecutively from south to north. Each row of townships thus formed is given a range number. The ranges start from a Principal Meridian and are numbered consecutively. The first meridian is a few miles west of Winnipeg. Ranges number from this meridian as a starting point, both eastward and westward. In regard to all other meridians, ranges number westward only. It will be seen that the number of township, range and meridian, at once shows the exact location of a township. PLAN OF SECTION. N. 13 14 15 16 12 11 10 9 • 5 8 7 8 / 4 3 2 1 S. Each section is deemed to be divided into forty acre areas, known as legal sub-divisions; and numbered and bounded as in diagram above. CONTENTS i " C. 1 'o ^ u: X f 1 Pace. CP '* "" Homestead Entry 5 Lands valuable for timber 7 Squatter before Survey 7 Squatter after Survey 8 Payment for Improvements 8 Homestead Duties. . 8 Residence Duties 9 Residence in the vicinity 9 Ownership defined 10 Cultivation Duties 11 Perfecting an entry 11 Deceased Homesteaders 12 Insane Homesteaders 12 Cancellation Proceedings 13 Reasons for cancellation \ . . 13 Eligibility to cancel 13 Application to cancel. 14 Disposal of cancelled lands 16 Special Inspection 17 Application for lands not available 17 Reservation for Minors 17 Abandonment of Entry 18 Interchange of Entries 19 Seed Grain Liability 19 Application for Patent 19 Sub-Agents 20 Q-J^-Sale of Fractional Areas 20 Giving information to Public 20 Trafficking in Dominion Lands 21 Receipts for Money 22 Purchased Homesteads and Pre-emptions 23 Pre-emptions 23 Purchased Homesteads 28 Instructions concerning Rush for Entries 31 Volunteer Bounty Land Grants 33 Half-breed Scrip 37 Office Hours 39 f 10914 — 1 * Explanation. The numbers pieced after sections indicate the editions of the gulations in which they first appeared, as follows: — 1. Edition of 21st of June, 1907. 2. Edition of 1st of October, 1907. 3. Edition of 15th of November, 1907. 4. Edition of 1st June, 1908. 5. Edition of 1st of September, 1908. 6. Edition of 1st of February, 1909. 7. Edition of 1st of April, 1909. 8. Edition of 1st of February, 1910. A SUMMARY OF REGULATIONS AND RECENT DEPART- MENTAL RULINGS RELATING TO DOMINION LANDS FOR THE GUIDANCE OF AGENTS, SUB-AGENTS AND OTHER OFFICIALS, AND FOR THE INFORMATION OF THE PUBLIC. (Effective 1st Feb., 1910, replacing previous Summaries.) HOMESTEAD ENTRY. (a) All surveyed agricultural Dominion lands (excepting ‘School Lands’ and ‘Hudson’s Bay Company’s Lands’) in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, not disposed of and not reserved or occupied, are open to homestead entry. 1 School Lands ’ consist of sections 11 and 29 in each town- ship. ‘ Hudson’s Bay Company’s Lands ’ consist of section 8 and the south half and the northwest quarter of section 26, in each township south of the north branch of the Saskatchewan river. In every fifth township, namely, townships numbered five, ten, fifteen, &c., the Company acquired the whole of section 26. (2. Amended 6.) Islands which are Dominion lands in the provinces of Mani- toba, Saskatchewan and Alberta are reserved from entry. 7. (b ) An entry does not include the mineral or water rights. 5. (c) Every person who is the sole head of a family and every male who has attained the age of 18 years and is a British subject, or declares intention to become a British subject, is entitled to obtain entry for a homestead to the extent of one quarter-secfion, on payment of an entry fee of ten dollars. 2. Amended 5. A widow having minor children of her own dependent on her for support is permitted to make homestead entry as the sole head of a family. 3. A widow who is remarried thereby ceases to be the sole head of a family and is not eligible to make an entry. 8. (d) Application for homestead entry may be made by a person eligible under the provisions of ‘ The Dominion Lands Act,’ either at the Land Agency for the district in which the land is situate, or at the office of a Sub-agent authorized to transact business in the district. 2. (e) When application for homestead entry is made before a Sub-agent, such application must be transmitted to the Agent forthwith, and has no force or effect until received by him. 2. Lands open to entry. Mineral or water rights. Who en- titled to entry. Widow. Application for entry. Application before sub-agent. 6 Must be in person. Application by proxy in certain cases. Second entry. No entries to em- ployees of land agen- cies. Fraud. Entry for sole use entrant. Notice of receipt of the application may be wired by the Sub-agent at the expense of the applicant, to the Agent, and in such case the land, if available, will be held until the applica- tion papers are received. 2. When a Sub-agent has received an application for entry for a quarter-section, he must not receive another application for the same quarter-section from any other person until the first application has been dealt with by the Agent. 2. (f) Application for entry must be made by the applicant in person. 2. (g) Application for homestead entry by proxy is permitted, however, in the case of a person making entry on behalf of a father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister, when duly authorized to do so in the form prescribed. In such case the proxy must appear before the Land Agent for the district in person. Application for entry by proxy cannot be accepted by a Sub-agent. 2. The homesteader on whose behalf such entry is made, must before the expiration of six months from the date of the entry appear personally before the Agent (not a Sub-agent) and satisfy him by declaration as provided that he is already in residence or on his way to commence such residence, and in the latter case that he will be in residence before the end of the six months. Should he fail to appear, the Agent must cancel the entry without notice at the end of six months from date of entry. 2. (h) The privilege of entry for a second free homestead is restricted by ‘ The Dominion Lands Act ’ to those who com- pleted the duties on their first homesteads to entitle them to patent on or before the 2nd June, 1889. 2. (i) An application for entry must not be accepted from any person who is employed in a Dominion Lands Agency or as a Homestead Inspector during the continuance of such employ- ment. 2. (j) When, in the opinion of an Agent, an entry has been secured by misrepresentation, personation, perjury or fraud of any kind, it shall be his duty to secure all available evidence and forward same to Head Office. 1. If fraud is established to the satisfaction of the Department, the entry will be immediately cancelled and at the discretion of the Minister the entrant will be liable to loss of improvements or of the right to make a homestead entry, or both. 6. (h ) An entry for a homestead is for the sole use and benefit of the entrant, and neither directly nor indirectly for the use or benefit of any other person or persons whomsoever, and the violation of this provision renders the entry liable to cancel- lation. 5. 7 LANDS VALUABLE FOB TIMBER. (a) A quarter section containing more than twenty-five acre3 of “ merchantable timber ” is not open to entry. If entry is granted thereon it will be liable to cancellation. 2, 8. (b ) An applicant is required to make a statutory declaration that the quarter section applied for does not contain more than twenty-five acres of “ merchantable timber.” 1, 8. (c) “Merchantable timber” means spruce, jackpine or tamarack suitable for lumber, railway ties or telegraph poles; or timber of poplar, birch, spruce, jackpine or tamarack suitable for building timber over ten inches at butt. 1. (d) An entrant may in special cases at the discretion of the Department be permitted to select and define, subject to approval, twenty-five acres of merchantable timber for his own use, and permits may be granted on the remainder until dis- posed of. 6. (e) If a quarter section, upon which there is not twenty-five acres of “ merchantable timber ” as above defined, contains more than twenty-five acres of timber suitable for cord wood or fence poles, it is not open to entry unless such entry is granted on the condition that it will be subject to the issue of permits upon the remainder of the quarter section after the homesteader has selected and defined, subject to approval, twenty-five acres for his own use. 8. (f) Lands included in timber berths are not available for entry, but in any case where a quarter-section is only partly covered by a timber berth, homestead entry may be accepted for that portion bf the quarter-section which is outside the berth, provided that the area outside is at least eighty acres. 4. SQUATTER BEFORE SURVEY. (a) A person who has bona fide settled and made improve- ments on agricultural land before the survey thereof and is in occupation of and ordinarily resident on the land at the time of survey shall, if he is eligible under the Act to make entry for a homestead (or a purchased homestead, if within the purchased homestead tract) have a prior right to obtain entry for the land so settled on: Provided that this right is exercised within six months after notice in writing that the land is open for entry, has been given by the local Agent to the said person, or has been posted in a conspicuous place on the land; and that entry shall not be allowed for more than a quarter-section as a homestead. 5. And provided further that at the time of such person’s first occupation of the land claimed the nearest surveyed line was more than half a mile from such land. 6. Timber land defined. Declaration. Merchant- able Timber. Cordwood fence poles. Timber berths. Rights of persons settling on lands before survey. 8 Duties. \ (b) A squatter before survey in actual occupation having substantial improvements at the time of survey who holds a volunteer bounty warrant by original grant or by assignment may apply to the surveyor to note his residence and improve- ments upon the half section ho desires under such warrant, which, however, he must produce for the surveyor’s inspection. But a settler will not be entitled to have the surveyor note his claim for both a homestead entry and for an entry on account of his volunteer bounty warrant at the time of survey; nor can any duties done before he secures entry for the land be counted in connection with a volunteer bounty warrant; and all rights under such warrant will cease if entry for the land is not made in the office of the Dominion Land Agent on or before the date fixed under the Volunteer Bounty Act within which such entries may be made. 8. (c ) In the event of a squatter prior to survey dying or be- coming insane or mentally incapable, either before or after he has made the declaration to the surveyor as to his right as a squatter prior to survey, the legal representative or guardian, as the case may be, may complete the acquiring of entry for the land as legal representative, provided the residence has been considerable and the improvements valuable, and to com- plete the duties as required in the case of a deceased or insane homesteader. 8. SQUATTER AFTER SURVEY. Occupation of surveyed lands by squatting thereon without authority gives no right thereto, and all persons are warned that such occupation is illegal and the squatter liable to eject- ment and forfeiture of improvements. 3. PAYMENT FOR IMPROVEMENTS. Before a person is granted entry for a homestead, a pre- emption or a purchased homestead, he shall declare what im- provements, if any, there are upon the land for which he applies, and pay to the Agent or Sub-agent the full amount of his valuation of such improvements. Should he fail to make such declaration his entry shall be liable to cancellation. In the event of uncertainty as to the correctness of the entrant’s valuation, or if the value of the improvements is placed at over $25, the Agent shall cause such improvements to be examined and valued by a Homestead Inspector. If a surplus has been paid, the excess amount may be refunded. If insufficient, has been paid, the entrant must at once pay the difference, otherwise his entry may be cancelled. 5. Amended 6 and 7. HOMESTEAD DUTIES. * A homesteader is required by the provisions of ‘ The Do- minion Lands Act ’ to perform residence and cultivation duties in each year during a term of three years as follows: 2. 9 (a) Residence Duties. . . , Residence 1. A homesteader may perform the residence duties by ou residing in a house on his homestead at least six months in each hon,estea(i - year during a term of three years. 2. 2. Before applying for patent it is required that the value of Value of the entrant’s house upon the homestead shall be at least three hundred dollars. This requirement applies to all entries granted on and after the 1st February, 1909. 2, 6 and 8. 3. ‘ Residence ’ or ( Residence duties ’ for the purposes of Residence the homestead law means actual and bona fide residence in a dwelling house by the entrant in person upon the homestead, or in accordance with the vicinity provisions. Residence duties cannot be done by a member of the homesteader’s family or by any other person as proxy on his behalf. 8. 4. Sleeping on a homestead at night for a period of six Sleeping months in the year, while following elsewhere during the day stead? me time a trade or calling other than agriculture, will not be accepted as residence within the meaning of the Act, unless the residence of the homesteader is established by his family living continuously on the homestead during such periods of residence and by the homestead being his own sole place of abode during such periods. 6. 5. Residence for six months in each of three years, after Absence homestead entry, satisfies the residence requirement necessary homestead, to entitle the entrant to patent, without regard to periods dur- ing each year when the residence was done, but absence from the land for more than six months, at any one time, renders the entry subject to application for cancellation. 6. 6. Residence for any period less than thirty consecutive days is not accepted as constituting residence for the purpose of per- fecting an entry or of establishing an entrant in good standing. 8 . 7. Homestead duties must be performed during a period of Homestead three homestead years. Under Section 16 of the Dominion yeai ’ Lands Act of the 1st September, 1908, which governs all entries made on and after that date, homestead years can he computed in only two ways, (1st) from the date of the entry and (2nd) from the date of the commencement of residence. Commencement of residence may be after or before entry but no residence before entry can be credited to an entrant for any time during which the land was under entry to another person. 8. (b ) Residence in the Vicinity. 1. The term 1 vicinity ’ is defined as meaning not more than nine miles in a direct line, exclusive of the width of road allow- ances crossed in the measurement. 2. 10914—2 10 Residence on land owned in vicinity. Residence with rela- tives in vicinity. Home- steader liv- ing in vicinity must notify May live on pre- emption. Proof of title. Agreements of sale. 2. A homesteader may, if he so desires, perform the required residence duties by living on a farm owned solely by him, not less than eighty (80) acres in extent, in the vicinity of his home- stead. Joint ownershin in land will not meet this requirement. 6 and 8. 3. If the father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of a homesteader has permanent residence on a farm owned solely by him or her, not less than eighty (80) acres in extent, in the vicinity of the homestead, or upon a homestead, purchased homestead or pre-emption entered for by him or her in the vicinity, such homesteader may perform his own residence duties by living with the father, mother, brother, sister, son or daughter, as the case may be. 2, 5, 5 (revised) and 8. 4. A homesteader intending to perform his residence duties while living on a farm owned by himself or by a relative in the vicinity must notify the agent for the district of such intention, and keep him informed as to his post office address. Other- wise his entry is liable to become the subject of cancellation proceedings. 2, 5 (revised). 5. A settler within the pre-emption tract who has acquired a homestead and pre-emption may fulfil the residence duties in connection with his homestead by living on his pre-emption. 6, 7. (c) Ownership Defined 1. Ownership of land in the vicinity of a homestead when duties are being performed under the vicinity provisions, means that during the entire period of residence while earning patent, the land must either, (a) be vested in the homesteader or relative, as the case may be, or (h ) be held by such homesteader, or relative under bona fide agreement of sale. 8. 2. Before patent will issue, ownership must, if the title is vested in the homesteader or relative, be established by the pro- duction of proof of the date of the commencement of ownership and by the production of abstract of title showing ownership at time of application for patent. 8. 3. An agreement of sale will be accepted as proof of owner ship if the instalments of the purchase money accruing under the agreement have been fully paid to the date of application for patent for the homestead, and if at least one third of the total purchase price has been paid. 8. 11 4. Dominion Land Agents are authorized and required to investigate fully any cases in which they have reason to think that the ownership is not bona fide; and no agreement of sale will he accepted if it is found to be fraudulent or not made in good faith or for good consideration. 8. (d) Cultivation Duties . 1. The practice of the Department has been to require a Before settler residing on his homestead to brinp* a total of at least igo^ 116 * fifteen acres of the same under cultivation. 2. A settler performing his residence duties by living in the vicinity of his homestead, either with parents, or with son, daughter, brother or sister, or on land owned by him, must bring a total of at least thirty acres of the homestead under cultivation. 2. Amended 5. A reasonable proportion of the cultivation must in all cases be done in each year. All entries made previous to the 1st June, 1908, $re gov- erned by the above practice. 2. 2. The following change in the regulations respecting culti- After 1st vation duties applies to all homestead entries made on and June > 1908 ' after the 1st June, 1908 : — A homesteader who resides on his homestead is required to break a total of at least 30 acres of the homestead (of which 20 must be cropped) before applying for patent. A reasonable proportion of the cultivation duties must be done during each year. 4. When the duties are being performed under the regulations permitting residence in vicinity, the total required to be broken will be at least 50 acres (of which 30 must be cropped). 4. 3. Entrants are expected in every case to bring the required Wooded area under cultivation. Where they have been unable to fully lands - meet the requirements by reason of woods, rock, or the broken character of the surface, the area required may be reduced at the discretion of the Minister, and apolication for patent will be taken subject to acceptance by the Agent and Department after inspection and report by a homestead inspector, but inspections of land of this character are not made prior to application for patent. 4, 6 and 8. 4. Cultivation must be done in each of three years, during two of which the breaking must be in crop. 7. (e) Perfecting an Entry. A homesteader is allowed six months from the date of his Tirae J? r entry within which to perfect the same by taking possession of entry, the land and beginning his residence duties in connection there- 10914— 2J 12 Deceased home stea tiers. Insane home- steaders. with. Any entry not so perfected within that period is liable to cancellation. 2. For cause shown, however, Head Office may protect an entry for an additional period of six months. This does not apply to entries made by proxy. 2. DECEASED HOMESTEADERS. (a) In the event of the death of an entrant for a homestead before the completion of the requirements for the obtaining of letters patent therefor, his legal representative shall only be required to fulfil the conditions as to the erection of a habitable house and as to cultivation in order to entitle him to obtain letters patent, after the expiration of three years from the date of the entry for the homestead ; or the legal representative may assign the homestead to a person eligible to obtain a homestead entry ; and the assignee shall, after (1) the expiration of three years from the date of entry for the homestead ; (2) holding the homestead for his own exclusive use and benefit from the date of the assignment, and (3) completing the residence and cultivation requirement* in the same manner as the person who made the entry would ha» T e been required to complete them, be entitled to letters patent for homestead. The assignee does not thereby exhaust his homo- stead right. 5. Amended 6. (b) If a homesteader dies before perfecting entry by com- mencement of residence within six months, the entry becomes liable to cancellation. The Department may, however, on application, extend the time for the performance of the duties if the legal representatives have taken out letters of administra^ tion or have them in course of preparation with intention oi performing the required duties ; but not in the case of a settler who has obtained a homestead entry by proxy unless he had personally appeared at the Agency or commenced actual resid- ence on the homestead. 7 and 8. (c) The above provisions apply with necessary changes to the cases of deceased entrants for purchased homesteads, and pre-emptions. 6. INSAHE HOMESTEADERS. (a) In the event of any person who obtained entry for a homestead becoming insane or mentally incapable, and, by rea- son of such insanity or mental incapacity, unable to complete the requirements necessary for the obtaining of letters patent therefor, the guardian or committee of the said person, or any person who, in the event of his death, would be entitled as his 13 legal representative to do so, shall only be required to fulfil the conditions as to the erection of a habitable house and as to cultivation before the issue of letters patent; but the letters patent shall not issue until the expiration of three years from the date of entry. 5. (b) If a homesteader becomes insane or mentally incapable before perfecting entry by commencement of residence within six months, the entry becomes liable to cancellation. The Department may, however, on application, extend the time for the performance of duties by the guardian or legal representa- tive, but not in the case of a proxy entrant unless he had per- sonally appeared at the Agency or commenced actual residence on the homestead. 8. (c) The above provisions apply, with necessary changes, to the cases of entrants for purchased homesteads and pre- emptions. 6. CANCELLATION PROCEEDINGS. (1) Reasons for Cancellation. An entry is liable to cancellation : — (a) If the residence or cultivation duties or other conditions are not being fulfilled. (b) If a homesteader is absent from the homestead for a period of over six months at any one time. Clause 5, pages 9. ( c) If obtained or granted by error, personation, misrepre- sentation, perjury or other fraud. (Clause ‘ ]/ page 6). ( d) If the land is valuable because of merchantable timber upon it exceeding twenty-five acres in extent. (Clause ‘ a/ page 7). (e) If improvements upon the land have not been paid for or have been misrepresented. (Page 8). ( f) If an entrant executes an abandonment of his entry for a consideration or assigns or agrees to assign any right therein prior to issue of patent. (Clause ‘a’ and ‘b,’ page 21). 6. (g) A reservation for a minor is liable to application for cancellation for non-fulfillment of the conditions or if the same was obtained through error, misrepresentation or fraud. 8. (2) Eligibility to Cancel. (a) Application to cancel an entry liable to cancellation mav Home- be made by a person eligible to enter for a homestead or by a stoad3 - minor who is at least seventeen years and six months of age, 14 P vchased home- stead. Pre- emptions. Homestead with pre-emption. Widow. Personal application. Application before sub-agent. When accepted. Only one application at a time. and eligible to have a homestead reserved for him and files declaration as to eligibility. 1, 4 and 6. (b) In the purchased homestead tract, application for can- cellation may be made by a person eligible to make a purchased homestead entry. 6. (c) In a pre-emption township application for cancellation of an entry may be made by the homesteader of an adjoining quarter-section provided he is eligible to enter for the same as a pre-emption. 6. ( d) If application is made to cancel a homestead entry to which a pre-emption is attached, and no prior application has been filed against the pre-emption, the applicant to cancel will, provided he is eligible for both a homestead and pre-emption, be recorded against the two quarter-sections, and in the event of cancellation ensuing will have the prior right to enter for both. 6. (e) Before application to cancel is accepted from a woman claiming to be the head of a family, her eligibility to make an entry must first be established. 8. (3) Application to Cancel. (a) Application for the cancellation of an entry liable to cancellation must be made in person at the Land Agency for the district within which the land is situate, or at the office of a Sub-agent authorized to transact business for that district. 2. (b) When application for cancellation is made before a Sub-agent, such application must be transmitted to the Agent forthwith, and has no force or effect until received by him. 2. Notice of the receipt of the application may be wired by the Sub-agent at the expense of the applicant as in the case of homestead entry. 2. When a Sub-agent has received an annlication for cancella- tion, he must not receive another application in connection with the same quarter-section or from the same person until the first application has been dealt with by the Agent. 2. (c) An application for cancellation will not be accepted or considered if made within six months of the date on which the entry was granted unless application should be made on the ground of ineligibility or fraud. In such case the appli- cation may be accepted at any time after date of entry and must be accompanied by a statement on oath giving full par- ticulars. 2. (d) Only one application for cancellation will be accepted against an entry until such application has been finally disposed of, and, if subsequent applications are received, the applicants must be promptly advised that they cannot be considered. 1. 15 (e) An applicant for cancellation may not make a second to application until the first is disposed of. 3. one applica- tion. (f) An applicant for cancellation may withdraw his applica- tion and the Agent must report such withdrawal to Head Office. In this case, or in case an applicant for cancellation enters else- where, the cancellation proceedings will be continued. Another application for cancellation must not be accepted in connection with the quarter-section. 3. Must give (g) The applicant for the cancellation of an entry in default 'of default* is required to make a statutory declaration stating in what particulars the entrant is in default, also that he has visited the land affected and that he has personally satisfied himself that the duties are not being properly performed. If his statement should subsequently be found to be incorrect in material points, the applicant will lose his right to enter for the land in case it should become available, or if the entry has been granted him it may be summarily cancelled. 2 and 8. Accepted (h ) Although an entry may he under protection by order of standiu^ Head Office, an application for cancellation must be accepted, protection, and cancellation proceedings will begin or recommence, as the case may be, at the expiration of the protection period, unless the Agent has evidence (which must be recorded) that the duties are being performed. 1. An entrant granted protection is required to satisfy the Agent before the expiration of the protection period that he is complying with the regulations, failing which his da try may be cancelled without further notice. 2. (i) If an application for cancellation is filed after a declara- cd 0t if entry tion of abandonment is executed and before the Agent is advised abandoned, by the Head Office of its acceptance or refusal, such application for cancellation has no standing and does not confer any right on the applicant unless the declaration of abandonment is refused. 2. (j) When an application for cancellation is accepted by the has hant Agent he shall on the prescribed form give the entrant sixty to days within which to show cause why his entry should not be cancelled. 1 . Should he fail to file a defence, his entry may be summarily If fails to cancelled by the Agent. 1 . defend. In the event of the entrant filing a defence, it must be submitted for consideration to Head Office, who may order that fence^iect an inspection be made by the Homestead Inspector, or take such other action as the circumstances of the case may warrant. 2. (h) The Agent must, when an application for cancellation Notices to is accepted, forward notices to the entrant at the address given be maile(i - by him when making entry, at his latest address, and to him at 16 30 day notice. Thirty days J notice. If fails to appear. With- drawals. Other cancelled lands. the post office nearest the land, also to the postmaster nearest to the land. 2. (1) Where cancellation proceedings have been abandoned but owing to failure of the entrant to perform the duties they have been taken again, and provided that the second pro- ceedings are instituted by the person who allied in the first instance, thirty days’ notice only will be given to the entrant to file a defence instead of sixty days otherwise allowed. 5. (Jf) Disposal of Cancelled Lands. (a) When an entry is cancelled by proceedings taken upon an application for cancellation or when there is an application to cancel prior to cancellation, the applicant for cancellation is given thirty clear days to make entry. Notice to the applicant must be sent by mail, and the Agent is not required to notify any other person in connection with that quarter-section. 1 and 6. (b) If the applicant for cancellation fails to appear within the thirty days allowed, the Agent will forthwith post notice of the cancellation in his office available for public inspection giving the date and hour of such posting, and the land will after being posted for ten clear days, become available to the first eligible applicant thereafter. The Sub-agent must also be notified promptly and post notice ; and a copy mailed by the Agent to the Postmaster nearest the land. 6 and 8. (c) When an applicant for cancellation has been given thirty days’ notice within which to make entry the land will not be otherwise disposed of until the expiration of the thirty days, even though he withdraws or takes land elsewhere. 4. But if the applicant for cancellation has withdrawn his application or taken land elsewhere and the thirty days’ notice has not been given, the Agent must immediately post a notice that it will be available to the first eligible applicant applying for same after the expiration of ten days. The Sub-agent must also be notified promptly and must also post notice ; and a copy mailed by the agent to the Postmaster nearest the land. 4 and 8. (d) Entries cancelled after unconditional abandonment for which there is no applicant to cancel, or entries cancelled by special inspection or cancelled otherwise than pursuant to application to cancel, shall, after being posted by the Agent for ten clear days, become available to the first eligible appli- cant thereafter, and the Land Agent shall immediately post notices of such cancellation in his office, available for public inspection, giving date and hour of such posting. Ihe Sub- agent must also be notified promptly and must also post notices ; and a copy mailed by the Agent to the postmaster nearest the land. 4 and 8. IT SPECIAL INSPECTION. (a) Where townships touch upon a railway line, or lie with- Home- in two miles of any railway line, the Agents shall from time to uous time from office records prepare a list of lands for special home- to railways, stead inspection, and instruct the Homestead Inspectors accord- ingly. Such list shall include all lands in said townships for which homestead entry has been granted for one year and over and upon which the records do not show that the duties are being performed. The Inspector shall make his report in duplicate and marked ‘ Special.’ 1. (b) In cases where the Homestead Inspector’s report shows if ll0 duties nothing done in the way of residence or improvements, the d° u e- Agent shall at once institute cancellation proceedings, giving the homesteader sixty days to file a defence, notifying Head Office of the same, following the ordinary procedure in cancel- lation cases. 2. ( c ) One copy of the Inspector’s report of all special inspec- Reports, tions must be forwarded to Head Office, the other kept upon the office file relating to the land. 1. APPLICATION FOR LANDS NOT AVAILABLE DOES NOT GIVE PRIORITY. (a) An application made either in person or in writing for Lands not vfleaut laud not then available, or land under reservation, or available, land unavailable for any reason, will not give the applicant, anv prior right with respect to such land in the event of its becoming available. 2. (b) Lands which have been under reservation for any pur Reserved pose or have been in a timber berth or under lease, which become p^ 1 3 available to the first eligible applicant at the counter must be io days, first posted for at least ten clear days. 6. RESERVATION FOR MINORS. (a) An Agent may reserve an available ^uarter-section as a Conditions homestead for a minor over seventeen years of age, until he is tfon^for^ eighteen, on the following conditions: — 2. minors. First . — His father, mother, brother or sister must live upon if parents his or her homestead, or upon farming land owned solely by 111 vlcimty him or her not less than eighty acres in extent, within nine miles of the quarter-section applied for exclusive of the width of the road allowance crossed in the measurement. 2. Amended 5, and in 5 (revised). Second .. — The father, mother, brother or sister must appear Declara- with the minor in person before the Agent or Sub-agent, and file a statutory declaration, properly executed, giving the date leqmie 10914 — 3 ' 18 Must break 5 acres. Must enter. With dravval. May wire. Failure to enter. Pre- emplion. Entrant may abandon. Abandon- ment in favor of another restricted of his birth and the names and residence of the said relative. When this information has been satisfactorily furnished, the Ao’ent may reserve the quarter-section, reportin''* same to Head Office, at the same time forwarding ft>« '^rdaration, retaining a copy on file in his office. 2. Amended 4 and 5, and in 5 (revised). (b) If the period of reservation includes the months of June and July, five acres of the land reserved must be broken during these months; unless this requirement is complied with the reservation may be withdrawn. 2. (c) Entry must be made within one month after the appli- cant reaches the age of eighteen years. 2. (d) Ho reservation made for a minor may be withdrawn except on the written application of parent, brother or sister, and the minor, and after approval by the Head Office. 4. (e) When application for reservation is made before a Sub- agent the Sub-agent may wire notice to the Agent at the expense of the applicant, the same as for homestead entry. 4. ( f ) In the event of failure to apply for entry within the time specified in this section, the reservation shall cease and determine, and the land shall, after being posted ten days, be open to the first eligible applicant. 5 and 6. (g) The privilege of reservation for minors does not apply to pre-emptions. 6. ABANDONMENT OF ENTRY. (a) A homesteader, purchased homesteader or pre-emptor may by permission of Head Office abandon his entry and obtain authority to make another entry upon executing the prescribed declaration. 1 and 6. The abandonment of a homestead entry after cancellation proceedings against it have been begun, does not affect the right of the applicant for cancellation. 7. (b ) A homesteader, purchased homesteader or pre-emptor whose entry is not the subiect of cancellation proceedings, may abandon the same in favour of a father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister, if eligible, upon filing the usual declaration and subject to the approval of Head Office, but this privilege is strictly limited to the above. Duties done by the entrant are not credited to the relative. This privilege is allowed a pre-emptor only where there are no cancellation proceedings pending against either his home- stead or pre-emption. 1 and 6. If there is a seed grain lien recorded against the land abandoned in favour of a relative as aforesaid, it will remain recorded against the land when entered for by such relative. 8. (c) All declarations of abandonment must reach Head Office before permission will be given the amdicant to re-enter. Xo abandonments by wire will be accepted. 2. (d) Declaration of abandonment must be sent to the Agent of Dominion Lands for the district in which the land is situated. The Agent will immediately note such abandonment and for- ward it to the Department for consideration and action. 8. INTERCHANGE OF ENTRIES. If both parties are in good standing, and the Department is fully satisfied as to their ‘ bona tides/ they may be allowed to interchange their respective entries on tiling with the Head Office the usual declarations of abandonment and giving par- ticulars as to residence and cultivation performed. Authority may then be issued to the Agent to grant such interchange on payment of fresh fees of $10 each. 5. SEED GRAIN LIABILITY. A homesteader against whose entry there stands a government seed grain lien, and who has abandoned that entry or whose entry has been cancelled bv the Department, is only permitted to make another" entry subiect to the seed grain lien upon the abandoned or cancelled homestead being transferred to the home- stead upon which he has been permitted to enter. 6. APPLICATION FOR PATENT. (a) Application for patent may, after completion of the duties, be made by an entrant before an Agent or Homestead Inspector, or before a Sub-agent for the district. 2. (b) Patent cannot be issued to any entrant who is not a British subject by birth or naturalization. 2. (c) Application for patent for homestead must not be taken until the three full years have completely elapsed from the date of entry or commencement of residence before entry. 2. (d) Evidence must be taken only from disinterested witnesses resident in the locality, who are able to testify from their personal knowledge and not from hearsay, and who are not members of the entrant’s family. 3 and 6. (e) Where an entrant has performed his residence duties on farming land, owned by himself or by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister in vicinity, the Agent shall certify on the application for patent whether ownership has been established to his satisfaction and shall note thereon full par- ticulars concerning each document produced for his inspection Must first reach head olliee. How made. British subject. 3 years to elapse. At it Desses. W hen residence is in vicinity. 20 Failure to apply. Natural- ization. Sub-agency not an agency. When allowed. Give full infor- mation. Map. giving the dates thereof, names of parties thereto, amounts of payments and areas of land. Sub-agents or other authorized persons taking applications for patent where proof of ownership is necessary must advise the applicant to forward the necessary documents of proof to the Agent of Dominion Lands promptly. 2, 5, 6, 8. ( f ) Failure on the part of a homesteader to apply for patent within a period of five years from the date of entry renders his right to the homestead liable to forfeiture. 2. (g) Application for naturalization in connection with appli- cations for patent may be made before Homestead Inspectors appointed Commissioners to receive the same. Ho fee is charge- able for their services, but a court fee of 25 cents is imposed by the naturalization Act 4 and 6. • sub-agents. (a) The Dominion Lands Agency is the office of authority and record for the territory comprised in its district. Sub- agencies have been established in certain parts of the districts to receive applications and furnish information, &c., thus saving the public the time and expense of visits to the Land Agencies. 2. (b) Sub-agents are not allowed to accept fees of any kind in connection with their w r ork, except the prescribed office fees. 1. SALE OF FRACTIONAL AREAS. In the case of a fractional area of eighty acres or less, the Department may, upon application, sell such area to the home- steader or owner of land lying alongside. In case the applicant is a homesteader, such sale would be made subject to the home- steader earning patent for his homestead. All applications of this character must be referred to Head Office for decision. The above ruling regarding sale of fractional areas does not apply within the railway belt of British Columbia. 2. Amended 5. GIVING INFORMATION TO PUBLIC. (a) The -fullest possible information shall be (furnished intending settlers by Agents and Sub-agents respecting available Dominion lands. 3. (b) In each Land Agency a map covering the district show- ing the vacant lands therein shall be kept convenient for public examination. Each day the lands entered for must be marked on this map and special care taken to keep it correct and up-to- date, so that any person by reference to it can immediately and clearly see what are the vacant lands in the district. This is important. 2. 21 (c) A list of cancelled lands which, are available for re-entry shall be kept posted in a book in a conspicuous place for public information. 1. (d) Any person may be granted up to three township dia- grams, showing lands absolutely available. These diagrams must bear the office stamp, with date and hour of issuing same, and bo initialed by the officer granting same. 1. (e) On payment of a twenty-five cent fee, an intending settler may secure a certificate from the Agent setting forth the following information in regard to any quarter-section: — Name of entrant. Date of entry. If cancellation proceedings outstanding, date when sixty days’ notice expires. If under protection, when same expires. If a purchased homestead or pree-mption will be supplied to ments and interest. Blank forms for giving this information will be supplied to the Agent. 2 and 8. (f) When an Agent is advised by Head Office that a certain township is surveyed and available for homesteading, it will be necessary to post a notice to this effect in the land office, giving at least thirty clear days’ notice of the date on which the land will be be open for entry, also advertise the date of opening in one of the local newspapers, and in one newspaper in the pro- vincial capital. Sub-agents for the district must be promptly notified and must also post a notice. 2, 5 and 6. (g) Any official giving improper information or unduly favouring any individual in respect to the acceptance of an application or imparting information so as to give anyone an undue advantage over another will be dismissed. 3 and 8. TRAFFICKING IN DOMINION RANDS. (a) Except as provided by law in the case of a deceased entrant, an assignment or transfer of a homestead, purchased homestead or pre-emption, or any part thereof, or an agreement to assign or transfer made before the issue of patent is null and void, and the person so transferring, assigning or agreeing to assign or transfer is liable to forfeit his homestead, his purchased homestead or his pre-emption. 2, 5, 7. (b ) Any person who receives, directly or indirectly, any consideration of any kind in connection w T ith the abandonment of an entry held by him, and the person paying or instrumental in paying, directly or indirectly, such consideration, shall be liable to forfeiture of the entry or of his right of entry at the discretion of the Minister. 2. Cancelled entries. Diagrams for public. Certificate. Townships newly surveyed. Before pateut. A ban don. ing for considera- ation. 22 Penalty. Employees. (c) Every one is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to two years’ imprisonment who buys, trades or sells, or pro- fesses to buy, trade or sell land, or any interest in or control of land open to homestead entry, or for which entry has been granted, before patent therefor has been issued. 5. (d) No officer or employee of or under the Department of the Interior shall, directly or indirectly, in his ow T n name or in that of any other person, purchase or acquire any Dominion lands or any interest therein, nor shall he be interested as share- holder or otherwise in any corporation or company purchasing or acquiring such lands or any interest therein, except by or under authority of an order of the Governor in Council, fi. RECEIPTS FOR MONEY. Dominion Land Agents, Crown Timber Agents, Sub-agents, or any other agent, officer or clerk of the Department of the Interior who receives money for the Department is required to issue a receipt therefor made out on the regular printed form supplied by the Department for each and every-sum of money so received immediately on its acceptance by him. Any person paying money for any purpose to a duly ap- pointed agent or official of the Department may demand from him a receipt on a regular departmental receipt form. A receipt issued on any other form will not be recognized by the Depart- ment as valid. 6. PURCHASED HOMESTEADS AND PRE-EMPTIONS. BOUNDARIES OF TRACT. 1. Purchased homesteads may be acquired under the condi- tions provided in the Dominion Lands Act within the area bounded on the south by the international boundary line ; on the north by the north line of the 44th township ; on the east by the line of the Minneapolis, St. Paul and Sault Ste. Marie Pailway from the international boundary to the Canadian Pacific Pailway main line, then by the Canadian Pacific Pailway main line to the 3rd principal meridian, then by the 3rd principal meridian to the north line of the 44tli township; on the west by the west line of range 26, west of the of the 4th meridian, from the international boundary to the Cal- gary and Edmonton Pailway line, then by the Calgary and Edmonton Pailway line to the north line of the 44th township. 2. Pre-emptions may be acquired within the same area except that, in townships in which any railway company has taken eight sections as part of its land grant, no pre-emptiou may be taken. 6. PRE-EMPTIONS. EX TRY. (a) A person who, — obtains entry for a homestead under the Dominion Land Who Act of 1908 and continues to own and to reside upon the ellglble - land included therein, and does not hold, or has not assigned his right to, or has not received patent for a pre- emption under that or any previous Act ; or has obtained entry for a homestead under the provisions of chapter 55 of the Revised Statutes, 1906, or any previous Act in that behalf, and continues to own the land included therein, and does not hold, or has not assigned his right to, or has not received patent for a pre-emption under the present or any previous Act, may pre-empt any available quarter-section lying alongside his homestead, or separated therefrom by only a road allow- ance, on payment of a fee of $10. 5. (b) A widow who has secured homestead entry as the head Widow, of a family and has afterwards remarried is not eligible to make entry for a pre-emption. 6. 24 Minor. Purchased home- steader. Uroxy. Application of homestead provisions. Duties. Payment. ( c ) The privilege of reservation for minors does not apply to pre-emptions. 6. ( d) Any person who receives patent for a purchased home- stead or who holds an entry for a purchased homestead is not eligible to make entry for a pre-emption. 6. (e) Pre-emption entries cannot be made by proxy. 6 (f) The following clauses under ‘ Homestead Entry/ com- mencing on page 5 hereof, apply to entries for pre-emptions: Mineral and water rights (b) ; making of application for en- try W, (e) and (f) ; employees (i) ; fraud (D ; sole benefit of entrant (k) 6. See also provisions relating to pre-emptions under “ Lands valuable for timber/’ “ Squatter before Survey/’ “ Payment for improvements,” “ Deceased homesteaders/’ “ Insane homestead- ers,” “ Cancellation proceedings,” “ Abandonment of entry,” “ Application for patent,” and “ Trafficking in Dominion Lands.” 8. DUTIES AND PRICE. (a) The homesteader becomes entitled to patent for his pre- emption by, — 1. liesiding for six months in each of six years on either his homestead or pre-emption. 5. If the residence duties for the homestead and pre-emption are performed upon the pre-emption the entrant will not become entitled to a patent for his homestead until he becomes entitled to patent for his pre-emption, but the Department will inter- change the entries on application without fee. 7 and 8. 2. Erecting a dwelling house on his homestead or pre-emption. In the case of entries granted on or after the 1st February, 1909, it is required that the house shall be worth at least three hundred dollars before application for patent is made. 6. 3. Cultivating 80 acres of either the homestead or pre- emption, or both, a reasonable proportion of which must be done each year. 6. 4. Paying for the pre-emption at the rate of $3 an acre. One-third of the purchase money must be paid three years after date of entry for the pre-emption, and the balance in five equal annual instalments. Interest at five per cent is payable at the end of each year from the date of the pre-emption entry. Money scrip is accepted. 5, 6 and 8. Default in payment of interest or of instalments when due renders the pre-emption liable to cancellation. 8. 25 (b) Patent may be claimed at any time after completion of the duties on paying the price in full, and unless claimed within eight years the pre-emption may he cancelled. 5. (c) The provision of the Dominion Lands Act permitting residence on land in the vicinity of the homestead does not apply to pre-emptions. The pre-emption law requires residence actually on the homestead or pre-emption : therefore the entrant cannot hold his pre-emption against cancellation proceedings unless the residence required is performed either on the home- stead or on the pre-emption. 6. CANCELLATION OF PRE-EMPTION. (a) If - an entrant for a pre-emption fails to fulfil in any year the requirements of the Act in respect to his homestead or pre-emption, the Minister may cancel the pre-emption entry and in his discretion cause to be refunded any moneys paid on account thereof. Refunds of interest or of entry fees cannot be made. 5 and 8. (b) A pre-emption entry will be cancelled if for any reason the homestead entry to which it is attached is cancelled. 5. WHERE TWO QUARTERS ON ONE SIDE OF A CORRECTION LINE ABUT ON ONE QUARTER OF THE OTHER SIDE. In case two quarters on one side of a correction line abut bn one quarter on the other side, the one which so abius for less than an eighth of a mile is not to be considered as lying along- side. The one abutting for the greater length may be considered as lying alongside for purposes of pre-emption entry. If two quarters on one side each abut on one quarter on the other side for more than an eight of a mile, either may be considered as lying alongside. But in case of a dispute between applicants entitled to pre-emption entry the quarter having the greatest length abutting is to be considered as lying alongside for pur- poses of pre-emption. 6. WHERE AN applicant's HOMESTEAD IS SITUATED IN AN ADJOINING TOWNSHIP NOT AVAILABLE FOR PRE-EMPTION ENTRY. A homesteader in a township not available for pre-emption entry may apply for a pre-emption entry in an adjoining town- ship, the lands of which are available for pre-emption entry, if his homestead adjoins, as provided, the land for which he desires to make such pre-emption entry. 6. WHERE THE PRE-EMPTION APPLIED FOR AND THE APPLICANT'S HOMESTEAD ARE SITUATED IN DIFFFRENT LAND DISTRICTS. If application for pre-emption entry is made for a quarter- section of land lying within a land district other than the one Pate lit. Vicinity. Claimants must notify. Fifteen day reser- vation. Must be eligible. 26 in which the applicant’s homestead is situated, the Agent of the district in which the pre-emption is situated shall receive the application, and file the same with such evidence as the appli- cant may be in a position to offer, and he shall withhold the issue of the receipt for entry until he has obtained from the Agent of the district in which the applicant’s homestead is situated, satisfactory proof that the applicant is the entrant for the land so claimed as a homestead, and that the entry is in good standing so far as his records show. 6. PRE-EMPTION RIGHTS OF SQUATTERS BEFORE SURVEY AND OF HOMESTEADS ADJOINING LANDS WHICH BECOME AVAILABLE. (a) A squatter before survey, or a homesteader adjoining a newly surveyed township, or a homesteader adjoining lands becoming available which had previously been withheld from settlement, desiring to secure a pre-emption, should notify the Dominion Land Agent for the district in writing to that effect describing the particular quarter-section desired for pre-emption and the land occupied or held under entry. This notice must- reach the Agent prior to the land becoming available for entry. The Agent will reserve such quarter-section from entry except by the squatter or homesteader found to be entitled thereto for fifteen days from and including the date upon which such lands were available for entry according to public notice given. 6. (b ) An application to reserve for pre-emption entry by a squatter or homesteader before the day set' for the opening of the land to entry, only reserves the quarter-section in question for fifteen days from and including the day of opening. It does not give the applicant any prior right against another who is entitled to the same pre-emption. 6. (c) On receipt of such an application, if received before the day set for the opening of the land to entry, the Agent will immediately note the land for reservation and forthwith examine the books to see if the applicant is eligible for pre- emption entry on the quarter-section in question. If he is, it must be noted as reserved for disposition, as hereinafter pro- vided, for fifteen days from and including the day set for the opening of the land to entry. If he is not, the preliminary note for reservation must be cancelled. 6. (d ) When the Agent is satisfied that the applicant is en- titled to a pre-emption entry, and that the quarter-section is entitled to be reserved for that purpose, he will further examine the records to find if any other squatter or homestead entrant may also be entitled to pre-emption entry on the same quarter- section. 6. 27 (e) If it appears that more than one squatter or homesteader In case of has a right to pre-empt any certain quarter-section so applied confllct * for, entry shall not he granted until it has been decided who has the prior right. 6. (f ) If the squatter or homesteader who has the prior right Priority applies for entry for the land so reserved as provided in sub- defined - section (a) hereof, after the opening of the office on the day set for the opening of the land to entry and before the close of office hours on the fifteenth day thereafter, he shall be given the pre-emption entry, whether or not he made application before the opening of the land to entry. 6. (g) A squatter or homesteader whose right to a pre-emption Order of entry for any certain quarter-section which has been reserved priority * is second, third or fourth in order of priority, shall not be given entry before the close of office hours on the fifteenth day from the date when the land becomes available for entry. If the squatter or homesteader having priority of right according to the terms of the Land Act does not apply in person for entry before the close of office hours on such fifteenth day, the claim- ant next in order of priority, who is present in person at that time, shall be accepted and he shall be given an entry receipt either then or at the opening of the office on the day following in priority of any other business. 6. (h) If application for pre-emption entry on any reserved Failure to quarter-section is not made in person by one of the squatters appeai * or homesteaders entitled to such entry as above provided, the land will be available to the first applicant as though it has not been reserved. 6. (i) Full information as to the reservation of any quarter- section for pre-emption, and the claims against it, must be given promptly and fully by the Agent on demand at the counter or by letter. 6. PRIORITY OF APPLICANTS FOR PRE-EMPTION. (a) In deciding the question of priority of right between two applicants for the same pre-emption, the rule provided by subsection 6 of section 27 of the Dominion Lands Act must be followed. That is to say, priority of date of entry receipt or of date of squatting before survey gives priority of right to pre- emption. For the purposes hereof, the date of squatting before survey stands in the place of date of homestead receipt. If two entry receipts are dated on the same day, the one first entered in the books has the priority. 6. (b ) It is to be noted that priority of pre-emption right by Must be reason of priority of homestead receipt does not apply unless the entry is in. good standing. 6. 28 (3ood standing defined . Who eligible. (c) For the purpose of this regulation, a homestead entry which has stood for not more than six months shall be con- sidered to be in good standing. 6. (d) A homestead entry which has stood for a period exceed- ing six months shall also be considered to be in good standing if the entrant has been in bona fide residence within six months before the date upon which his right is questioned, and is other- wise complying with the provisions of the Act. 6. (e) An entry under protection is not to be considered as being in good standing for the purpose of establishing priority as against another applicant for pre-emption who is in good standing unless the homesteader proves that he is in actual residence. 6. (f) In case the homestead entry of an applicant for a pre- emption entry is subject to an application for cancellation, the question of right of such homesteader shall be subject to decision of the Agent on the best evidence available if sufficient. If sufficient evidence is not available to warrant a decision he may withhold entry and refer to Head Office, and the reserva- tion will be continued until the decision of Head Office is re- ceived, and the position of the other applicant, or applicants, will be maintained in the meantime. 6. (g ) The question of the good standing of a homesteader applying for pre-emption entry is not to be raised, except in case of conflicting application for pre-emption by another home- steader or by a squatter before survey or by an applicant for homestead entry, either free or purchased, or by an applicant for cancellation. 6. PURCHASED HOMESTEADS. Purchased homesteads may be acquired on any available lands on either odd or even numbered sections south of town- ship 45, east of the Calgary and Edmonton Railway and the west line of range 26, and west of the third meridian and the Soo Railway line. ENTRY. (a ) Any person who, — holds a homestead entry under the provisions of the Dominion Lands Act, 1908, or under any previous Act in that behalf, but owing to the absence of available land adjoining his homestead is prevented from exercis- ing his right of pre-emption entry; or has obtained entry for a homestead for which he has received or become entitled to letters patent or has 29 otherwise exhausted his homestead right, but has not received entry or patent for a pre-emption or assigned his right thereto, may, after the issue of patent for his homestead, or upon com- pleting the requirements requisite to obtaining letters patent therefor to the satisfaction of the A and whose entry is subsequently cancelled for non-compliance with the conditions attaching to his entry, thereby exhausts all his rights under such military scrip. 7. (f ) The privilege of abandonment and re-entry elsewhere is not accorded by the Act. 6. (g) In other particulars the provisions of the homestead law and regulations thereunder, must be conformed to. 6. DECEASED VOLUNTEER. (a) In the event of the death of a Volunteer entitled to a land grant or scrip, between the date of his enlistment or appointment, and the 31st of December, 1910, the legal repre- sentatives may make application to the Minister of Militia and Defence for the issue of a Warrant in their favour. 6. (b) In the event of a volunteer or substitute dying or be- coming insane or mentally incapable after entry for the land has been made, the legal representative or guardian, as the case may be, is only required to complete the duties as provided in the case of a deceased or insane homesteader. 8. MONEY scrip. An person entitled as grantee or substitute to enter for a land grant may, in lieu thereof, receive money scrip for one hundred and sixty dollars. 6. DEALING IN VOLUNTEER SCRIP BY EMPLOYEES PROHIBITED. Ho officer or employee of or under the Department of the Interior shall acquire, purchase or locate any land warrant or scrip, unless issued to himself, or act as an agent of any person in that behalf, and any such employee violating this provision of the law shall be liable to summarily dismissal on the order of the Minister. 6. c 37 HALF-BREED SCRIP. In settlement of the rights of half-breeds who, because of their Indian blood, are permitted to share in the Indian right to lands in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, scrip is issued in accordance with the terms of certain Acts of Parliament, which scrip may be either ‘ money scrip ’ or ‘ land scrip/ as the half-breed may have chosen at the time of issue. A half-breed who is entitled to scrip in his or her own right and who chooses to take money scrip, receives scrip having a face value of $240 in payment to the Government for Govern- ment land. When a half-breed entitled to scrip has died before the scrip was issued the scrip to which he was entitled is divided amongst his heirs. Such scrip may therefore be for lesser amounts than $240. But whatever the value is, it is stated on the face of the scrip. Money scrip is accepted from bearer in payment for Govern- ment land. There is no registration of transfer of right in money scrip. A half-breed who is entitled to scrip in his own right and who chooses to take ‘land scrip/ receives two scrips, one for 160 acres and the other for 80 acres of land. When a half-breed who is entitled to scrip has died before the scrip has issued, the scrip to which lie was entitled is divided amongst his heirs. Such scrip may therefore be for fractions of 160 or 80 acres, but not less than a legal subdivision of 40 acres. But whatever the area is, it is stated on the face of the scrip. Land scrip cannot be assigned. Entry for land upon which it is desired to apply the scrip can only be made by the half breed to whom it has been issued. Ho assignment of right to the scrip is recognized, but after half-breed land scrip has been applied to land, the right to the land may be transferred. Ho transfer of such right, however, can be recognized which is executed prior to the date of the location of the scrip on the land or executed by a person under twenty-one years of age. Ho settlement duties are required in securing title to land upon which half-breed land scrip has been applied, and patent may issue forthwith to the half-breed who has applied the land scrip or to the person to whom his right to the land has after- wards been assigned. 6. ■Explana- tion. At agencies, only. 'Scripping homesteads. Pritish Columbia Scripping pre- emption. 3S LOCATION OF HALF-BREED SCRIP. (a) Location of half-breed scrip must in every case be made at the Land Agency for the district in which the land is situate. Scrip cannot be located at any of the Sub-agencies. 2. (b) If a homestead entry is in good standing, or if it is not the subject of cancellation proceedings, the homesteader may be permitted to abandon his entry with a view to the location of scrip upon the land under entry. When a homesteader avails himself of this privilege he will thereby exhaust his homestead right. 1. (c) Half-breed scrip cannot be located upon Dominion lands in the Province of British Columbia. 4. (d) If a pre-emption entry is in good standing, or if it is not the subject of cancellation proceedings, the pre-emptor may be permitted to abandon his entry with a view to the location of half-breed scrip upon the land under entry. When a pre- emptor avails himself of this privilege he will thereby exhaust his pre-emption right. 0. This privilege is allowed the pre-emptor only when his home- stead entry and also his pre-emption entry is in good standing and when such homestead entry or pre-emption entry is not the subject of cancellation proceedings. 6. ( e) When a settler is permitted to abandon his entry for the purpose of locating half-breed scrip, sixty days is allowed him within which to do so. If he fails to locate within this time, the land may be made available for re-entry on the usual terms after posting for ten days. 8. DEALING IN SCRIP BY EMPLOYEES PROHIBITED. INo officer or employee of or under the Department of the Interior shall acquire, purchase or locate scrip, unless issued to himself, or act as an agent of any person in that behalf, and any such employee violating this provision of the law shall be liable to summary dismissal on the order of the Minister. 6. 39 OFFICE HOURS. Except on Sundays and Statutory Holidays, Dominion Lands Agencies are open to the public as follows: — Between 1st of April and 31st of October, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., except on Saturdays, when the office closes at 1 p.m. Between the 1st November and the 31st of March, from 9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m., except on Saturdays, when the office closes at 1 p.m. During the lunch hour, the Agent will arrange that some of his staff will remain in the office to attend to public business. 4. Amended 5. The following is the list of the Statutory Holidavs, — Hew Year’s Day, Epiphany, Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Ascension Day, Victoria Day, Dominion Day, Labour Day, All Saints, King’s Birthday, Conception Day, Christmas. ERAHK OLIVER, Minister of the Interior .