Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/lakeforestuniverOOmccl c UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS * AUG 1 1915 LAKE FiejKEaOifc'BTISM^IRSITY REPORT OF James G. K. McClure, D. D. PRESIDENT PRO TEMP&HH JUNE 14th, 1893. ore necessary to raise $21,600.00 in- order to cover the special expenses caused by deficit in cur- rent account, by improvements of a permanent nature and by grading the grounds and providing furniture for the new- Academy Buildings. That amount has been* secured in sub- scriptions more than half of which have already beem paid, though final payments are not due until September 1st, T893.. These subscriptions leave the University free of alb indebtedness at this* date. It was also necessary to raise various sums of smaller amounts imorder to meet some, special needs im the work of teaching and to . provide aid for students who could not go on in* their courses unassisted.^ For these- purposes, $1 , 068. 00 have been secured. . I desire at this point to make ‘mention of those who have- contributed to the. University or have secured contributions * to the University for the^ purposes above named: Jacob Befdler. G. H. Holt. E. J. Warner. G. M. Bogue. Marvin Hughitt. L. W. Yaggy. H. N. Hibbard. N. S. Bouton. Arthur Orr. H.C. Durands William Blair. C. H . , McCormick. * D. R. Holt.. Chas.S. Holt. . JjohntH. Dwight.. Mrs. S. Reid. Thomas Murdoch. Calvin Durand. H. B. Cragin. Abram Poole. Thomas D. Jones. David B. Jones. Miss Annie M. Brown. Mrs. G. S. Hubbard. Thomas Kane. William Henry Smith. T D. Hillis:. S. J. McPherson: C. M. Henderson.. Herrick Johnson.. Byron L. Smith. H.. C. Chatfiel drT&y lor .. Mrs. H. C. Chatfield-Taylor . . Charles Wood, D: D. J. G. K. McClure.. Thomas Lord. Mi\s. Joseph T. Bowen: The* Session of the 3rd 1 * Church.. The* Session- of the 4th • Church. The Session of the -Evans-- Albert M.. Day.. tom church.. In additon to the sums already indicated $3,000.00 have Been paid into the Treasury for current expenses — so that the entire -amount raised, in? ways above-, specified, since a year ago at this date is $91,668.00, not including Mr. Reid’s bequest of $20,000.00.. I ought to add that beside? this, amount of $91,668.00* Mrs.. C., B: Farwell, Dr., Hillis and others have raised, money for scholarship purposes the exact total of which I do not know; but the usefulness for good, of . which I do know; with, a firm* conviction* and with, a large- gratitude.. Hon. C. B.„ Farwell has obtained from the. United, States Museum at Washingtons collection of minerals which have been received, and placed in; their cases in - the? Art Building. In the Academy, Dr. A. C. Haven has established the Haven Gold Medal for the best Commencement Otation, and Mr. A. C. McNeill, L.. F. U. ’85,. has established a. prize of Fifty Dollars-for the best Essay in English:. In the College, Mr. E. J. Warner has- established two prizes of * Sixty and Forty Dollars for, the two best Essays on a subject selected from the held of. Political and Social Science. The Educational work of the University has gone for- ward in goodly success through the year. The absence of a Permanent President has been much felt. The election 8 of John M. Coulter, Ph. D, L. L. D., to the Presidency on Feb. 27th, 1893, provides for a great need. It was expected that he would assume the duties of his position here early in the Spring, but his obligations to the Indiana State University of which he was the President made it necessary that he remain with that Institution until the close of the University year. With his Inauguration as President of Lake Forest University on June 15th, 1893 we may look forward to a bright future as an Institution, for he comes to us praised on all sides for scholarship, judgment of men and affairs, administrative ability and consecrated character. His very name will immediately draw attention to Lake Forest. His methods of Education will approve them- selves to the best thinkers on Educational lines. The three vacancies that existed in our Board of Trustees a year ago have been filled by the election of Arthur Orr, Thomas Kane and Newell D. Hillis. The latter as a graduate of the Lake Forest College is the Representative of the Alumni in our body. Our Board is now full, having with the President elect twenty-five members. I desire in concluding this Report to make mention of the fidelity with which the Faculty have done their work in the various departments at Lake Forest and the per- sonal kindness which they have shown me during all my temporary Presidency. I desire to make mention also of the cordial relations which have existed between the students and myself. It has been a matter of great regret to me that I have not had time in connection with my work as a Pastor to be with the students as often and as intimately as I wished. I desire also to make mention of the kindness of the congregation whose minister I am, in allowing me to give 9 so very large part of my thought and attention to this University work. And I desire to make mention of the debt of gratitude I owe and shall always owe the members of this Board of Trustees for the sympathy, support and help that they have given me during these fourteen and a half months. During those months, with the exception of the fortnight passed in May 1893 while in attendance as a Commis- sioner to the Presbyterian General Assembly at Wash- ington, D. C., I have been absent from Lake Forest but one week. It seemed as though University needs would better be met by my presence than my absence, both dur- ing the vacation periods and in term time. In all this period the Trustees have been the ones who have made it possible to keep our work moving and to bring it on its way with such a degree of sucesss. I thank them individually and I thank them collec- tively for what they have done. They have shown devo- tion, self-sacrificing devotion to this Institution. No Board could have done more than they. I rejoice in the larger respect, and the stronger affection for them which have come to me through this year’s association with them. Especially do I recognize the zeal, faithfulness and efficiency of the members of the Executive Committee who have been called upon to administer so largely the affairs of the Institution at much cost of time and effort. And I note with gratitude the work done by the In- struction Committee in the delicate and important inter- ests that have come to that Committee for consideration and action. As this year closes I congratulate the Board that all the Professional Schools, Medical, Dental and Law are in more flourishing condition than twelve months ago. The 10 mew Laboratory of Rush Medical College has its walls up. It is a beautiful and commodious building and will greatly increase »the efficiency of Instruction. The corner stone of the Dental College Building was laid ‘this week. It ad- joins the Laboratory of Rush College and ‘both are on the block west of the Presbyterian Hospital. The Dental College Building will be of handsome and large pro- portions and will accommodate the most numerously attended Derttal ‘School in the world. I shall always ‘count it a pleasure that I have been •able to render the service of this period gratuitously and without the least charge to the University for any personal, official or administrative expense. The needs of Lake Forest University are many, but to •my mind her supreme needs are not in material lines, oc- cupied as I have been with such, but are in the true spirit of prayer and the true ‘consecration to human good on the part of her triends. Given generous fidelity to her motto u For Christ and -the Church'” ‘by those who make her life, and her future of usefulness and of development is sure. In grateful recognition ot the kindness of Almighty God in all our affairs and in earnest desire that those .affairs may always have His benediction I am with great respect, JAMES G. K. McCLURE.