MELDAHl ^L.aD^ Portsmouth^ Monchester GREENUP L.8.D. Moysville Voncebun Greenup' Jeffersonville' McALPINI 'LSD^ CANNELTOI^ Howtsville 83°00' 38°45‘ 84° 15* 84° 00 38°45 84°00 OHIO RIVER 84° 15’ -39° 00’ BANK EROSION STUDY U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DIVISION, OHIO RIVER CINCINNATI, OHIO JULY 1977 - __ ■ ____ . . _ __ - - . ■■ ■■■■! ■ , u i - — —i - _4— 85®45* 86° 30' 38° 15' New Albany 86 ° 00 ' 86 ° 15 38 ° 15 LOUISVILLE Leavenworth 86° 4 5 West Point 86 ° 00 Cloverport 37 45 86 0l 45 -38°00 85°45' lONl cS tt*"' A \V\ ' .^0 n ^ -37°45 87°00’ 38° 30'- 83°45 83° 30 83° 15' - 38°30 83°00' mm$m mam mm mm m DATE Dm 551.3 Oh31 05070703 Ohio River Division Field OHIO RIVER BANK EROSION STUDY. gemco JUl 2 7 IN REPLY REFER TO DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY OHIO RIVER DIVISION . CORPS OF ENGINEERS P O BOX 1 159 CINCINNATI. OHIO 45201 ORDDE 8 July 1977 MEMORANDUM FOR: MG CHARLES I. McGINNIS, Director of Civil Works SUBJECT: Litigation on Streambank Erosion 1. I had previously reported to General Graves the status of our erosion study efforts in my 14 June 1977 memorandum. Briefly summa¬ rizing—the memo covered the background, what has been done, and what remained to be done to complete the report and prepare for trial. 2. On 27-28 June a major milestone was successfully completed. The draft report was reviewed in detail by the steering group, working group, consultants, and OCE representatives. I certainly appreciated the assistance and input provided by Messrs. Homer Willis, Jake Lankhorst, and Sam Powell. I believe the review was comprehensive and of sufficient scope to go final on the study report. The changes, additions, clari¬ fications, and corrections have been made and I am furnishing copies of the study report for your advance information and review. The report will be made available to everyone, including the litigants,and I intend to make the report available on 15 July 1977 for general distribution. 3. Concurrent with these advance copies to you, I am also providing copies to the steering group, consultants, and the Department of Justice (through Manny Seltzer's office). After 15 July a more complete distri¬ bution will be made and I will keep you advised. 4. We are currently working out details to try to meet with the con¬ sultants and Department of Justice probably during the week of 25 July in order to discuss trial preparation and prioritize the items deemed necessary by the Department of Justice. 1 Enel (trip) as CF: ORPDE (dupe) ORHDE (dupe) ORLDE (dupe) ORDED-T/Browne Steering Group Members DAEN-CWE/Willis DAEN-GCZ-C/Lankhorst Brigadier General, USA Division Engineer im ' s jSJU i pctibiv .1 r jj^ oi fe : i* n *•»<& rifriw ;*ho ***£!& ' . - r -■ ' • 1 - t . • : , • . ■ - ! / ■ ■ • •. J ■ i • : ■ 4 } \ .. Ml LL ION TONS OHIO RIVER FREIGHT TRAFFIC DENSITY 1935 - 1975 OHIO RIVER DIVISION, CORPS OF ENGINEERS CINCINNATI, OHIO I H LU or 3 CD 600 500 400 MILES BELOW PITTSBURGH O 0 C < u i/I rv i/i 2 II H-U > 2 Q£ z OC O > CO Z> o z LU * u z n-8 300 z ac 200 100 0 Li_ X o 1 — < O o (V o X z 3 z t— $ < _J UJ CO CO z I Z < LU I $ h- Q. « Rev 7/15/77 4. Evolution of Navigation , a. Development of River Tra nsportation. Historically the first mode of transportation used by the settlers was the flatboat, which was used on the Ohio River before the end of the Revolution. These boats were of simple, wooden construction with lengths ranging from 15 no 50 feet and they were suitable for navi¬ gation through the shallow waters of the unimproved river owing to their stability. Flatboats depended on current for motive power; their un¬ gainly bulk, shape, and lack of power prevented them from navigating upstream. Canoes and dugouts were used for upbound transportation from the earliest times, but they had severe limitations in cargo-carrying capacity. Thus, a solution had to be found for upbound transportation, which was furnished by the development of the greater capacity keelboats and barges. The "keel" was the rigid longitudinal timber which bore the brunt of collisions, and the hull was constructed of ribs covered by planking. The dimensions of keelboats varied from 30 to 75 feet in length and from 5 to 10 feet in width, with cargo capacity from 15 to 40 tons. Keelboats carried masts and sails which were used when possible, but the boats were commonly propelled by a crew of men with iron-tipped poles which were pushed against the bottom, or by pulling with long ropes from the bank. Keelboats first appeared on the Ohio River in the 1790's. Navigating the river in keelboats was fairly dangerous because they frequently had to run close to the bank to avoid currents, increas¬ ing chances of damage to boats. The invention of the steamboat is generally credited to Robert Fulton, whose CLERMONT first operated on the Hudson River in 1807. It took only 4 years for the appearance of the first steamboat, NEW ORLEANS, on the Ohio River. Five years later, the WASHINGTON was specially con¬ structed for navigating generally shallow waters. With steam power, more cargo could be transported with substantial reduction in travel time. Reductions of as much as 80 percent in travel time and costs were rea¬ lized. The first period of the steamboat boom was in the decades from 1830 to 1855, when a great shipbuilding industry was developed along the Ohio River. During most of this time, the total number of steamboats constructed was well over 100 each year. A series of low water periods beginning in 1855 stopped the further expansion of river navigation, and for a rime ship¬ ping companies found keen competition from newly organized railroads. b. Navigation Improvements on the Ohio River . During the westward expansion of the nation, the Ohio River fulfilled an important role as an artery of commercial and passenger traffic. However, in its natural state the river was not suited for year-round navigation. An especially serious obstacle to navigation was the Falls of the Ohio River where a series of rapids over rock outcrops created hazardous navigation conditions during a significant portion of the year. II-9 I The first attempts to improve navigation were clearing and snag¬ ging of the river, and the construction of wing dikes to concentrate the flow, thus creating more depth. The goal of these early improvement proiects was to obtain a minimum navigable depth of 3 feet over the bars during low water season, thereby obtaining year-round navigation. From 1825 to 1842 a total of 142 wing and training dams were constructed; however, tne original plan of improving the entire river was not com¬ pleted. The dams were not stable enough, and in some instances.their construction resulted in the deposition of sediment. However, clearing and snagging were more successful and improved navigation over the entire river. New expansion of navigation in the latter part of the 18th Century led to the development of the slack water navigation system. It was decided that a movable dam system permitting a navigable pass during high water, but damming up the pool during low water, would be con¬ structed. The first such lock and dam were built near Pittsburgh. The project objective was to maintain 6-ft navigable depth; however, during subsequent development of the system the objective was modified to provide 9-ft navigable depth. Eventually the system was completed with 49 dams for the entire river by 1929. A special feature of the earlier Ohio River navigation improvement project was the Louisville and Portland Canal which was a Federally- assisted private enterprise. It was designed to allow year-round navi¬ gation around the Fails of the Ohio. The original project had three locks in tandem and was opened in the 1830*5, and continued to function until the mid-1860's. After the second World War, the tremendous increase in river ton¬ nage required larger tows, and delays at the 600-ft long locks of the "slack water navigation system" became a serious obstacle to navigation. The Federal response was substitution of 19 high-lift dams with dual locks (generally 600- and 1200-ft long) to replace the old system. The first three dams of the new system - Montgomery, Dashields, and Emsworth - were completed between 1934 and 1938 in the upper Ohio. Gallipolis was impounded in 1937, with Smithland being currently the only unit of the system under construction. Mound City has been deferred while the rest of the system was con->leted between 1961 and 1975. Plate 6 shows the old "slack water" and the new "high lift dam" system. The canalization of the Ohio River began in 1878 with the construc¬ tion of the first movable dam near Pittsburgh and was completed in 1929. It initiated the re-expansion of river navigation by providing a year- round dependable navigation depth of 9 ft. After 1945, the conversion from steam to diesel power provided cleaner and more economical opera¬ tion and today steamboats have practically disappeared from the river. i II-10 Recent years brought a tremendous increase in freiqht moved on the Ohio River, resulting in increases of tow and barge sizes, and requiring more powerful towboats. Barge sizes, standardized generally at 26 x 175 ft. durinq the initial period of "slack water navigation" for transportation of coal and other commodities, have increased to 35 x 195 and 52 x 290 ft. The largest barges are used mostly for oil and gasoline transportation. Concurrently with the expansion of freight volume, tow sizes increased also from an average of 8 to 10 barges/tow in earlier times to 15 to 16 barges/tow (fully or semi-integrated) coal or gasoline tows of today, rhe modernization of the Ohio River navigation system responded to the needs of the shipping industry by providing a smaller number of dams with larger locks eliminating time-consuming and costly multiple lockages. 5 * Evolu t ion of Flood Control . The Ohio River basin lies directly i n the path usually followed by cyclonic disturbances as they move from west to east in the winter and early spring. For this reason, the basin fre¬ quently has more than normal rainfall from January to March, when infil¬ tration, transpiration, and evaporation are at a minimum, and rainfall- runoff relationships attain their maximum. This is a major factor accounting for the large flood flows likely to occur. Another con¬ tributing factor is the rapid runoff caused by the slopes of the mountain¬ ous regions bordering the basin to the east and southeast. Furthermore, the basin's pear shape tends to synchronize flood flows originating in the upper or narrow portions with those of the three large tributaries drain¬ ing the wide area toward the mouth, the Wabash, Cumberland and Tennessee Rivers, On the Ohio and tributaries, flood problems have been affected by encroachment of buildings, bridges, railroads, highways, and other structures, drainage of forest swamp lands, improper land use, and forest depletions. In this century, the devastating floods of March 1913, March 1936, and January-February 1937 caused great economic losses and considerable loss of life. The 1937 flood was the most disastrous ever experienced in the basin, causing damages estimated at that time in excess of 5400 million (in 1937 dollars). More than 500,000 persons were driven from their homes and 65 lost their lives. Virtually all rail, telegraph, telephone, power, and highway facilities along the Ohio River and its major tributaries were interrupted for periods lasting from a week to a month. In general, business and industry were paralyzed. Because of the basin size, no single flood brought maximum flood¬ ing throughout the basin. The 1937 flood was the highest in most sub¬ basins, particularly those in the lower Ohio River Basin. The eastern sub-basins generally have recorded the 1936 flood as the maximum of record. Ihe 1913 flood was centered over the tributaries in the middle of the basin, north of the Ohio. More recent floods such as January 1957, January 1959, March 1963, and March 1964 have generally caused the maximum recorded flows in several major Ohio River tributaries. On many smaller tributaries, local flash floods are the maximum of record. In April 1977 several West Virginia and eastern Kentucky tributaries recorded maximum floods. 11-11 Early efforts at flood control in the Ohio River Basin began about 1808 when private landowners built levees in the Wabash River Basin to protect their farmlands. Later, local groups built levees and walls to partly protect Shawneetown, Illinois; Portsmouth, Ohio; Lawrenceburg, Indiana; and other communities against Ohio River floods. Following the great flood of 1913, the Miami Conservancy District was formed by local interests which built, without Federal or state aid, five control reser¬ voirs and numerous local protection projects in the Great Miami River Basin. Other entities have followed this approach to mitigate local and tributary problems. The development of Federal reservoirs in the Ohio River Basin began in 1934 when the Corps of Engineers, in cooperation with the Muskingum Conservancy District, constructed 14 reservoirs in the Muskinaum Basin. In that same year at Shawneetown, Illinois, on the Ohio River, the Corps of Engineers, under authority of the 1928 Flood Control Act, raised and enlarged the existing levee which was originally built by the city in 1375. The current Ohio River Basin plan for flood control includes an integrated Federal and non-Federal program consisting of a system of reservoirs, local protection projects and watershed projects on tribu¬ taries and local protection projects along the Ohio River. Also, various types of non-structural measures have been undertaken and more are planned in certain flood plains. A portion of the system operated by the Corns in the Ohio River Basin consists of 70 tributary reservoirs, which are either completed or far enough along towards completion, to be effective in reducing floods. Of the water reaching the Cannelton and Meidahl pools, about 30 percent comes from drainage areas controlled by flood control reservoirs. These projects store water during periods of high runoff and release it later, thus contributing to a stabilization of river flows by reducing flood peaks and supplementing low flows. Figure II-2 illustrates the effect that "30 percent control" has on water flow from a heavy rainfall. The controlling structures allow the Corps to "shave" the top off of flows which would otherwise flood. Obviously, the "typical" chart applies only to points downstream of areas partly controlled. Basins without flood control dams still exhibit "natural" flooding. This activity also tends to contribute to stability of the river by reducing the amount of rise and fall of the water levels and consequently reduces the changes that would contribute to the mass instability of the banks. More specifically, this condition reduces seep¬ age forces acting on the banks. 11-12 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF RIVER FLOW MODIFICATION FIGURE n-2 IT- 13 6. Biological Elements , a. General . ^ince the 1920's, the Ohio River has been modified by navigation structures. Flood levels have not been appreciably altered by these projects; however the river no longer experi- enceds the lower stages associated with low flows since their construction. The structures have imposed changes on the river and, as such, have imposed some changes on its associated biota. The general discussion of the basin's biological elements includes their recent history as well as major associations, such as the upland forests, the lowland forests, agricultural areas, the aquatic environ¬ ment and the riparian fringe area, where the impact of changing pool levels is most pronounced. b. Brief History of Forest Cover . The forests of the Ohio River Basin, like the river, have little resenblance to those confronting early settlers some 200 years ago. They had spread from the south in the wake of retreating glaciers and had stood thousands of years. Their composition varied with their setting, oak-hickory on the upland slopes grading to beech-maple forests in the lowlands and the ter¬ races ana to tne mesophytic species of the bottoms and rlverbanks. Growth was luxuriant and presented a formidable barrier to settlement. The forests were a hindrance to travel, a haven for unfriendly Indians, and an obstacle to homesteading. They were considered a nuisance and clearing began with the first settlers. The clearing increased as more settlers arrived and accelerated in the 19th Century as uses for the timber were developed. Burning provided wood ash, which contributed a substantial income as a byproduct of the destruction of timber, bringing as much as $100 a ton in 1819. Tanning bark was peeled from the fallen trees and used in the growing leather industry. The charcoal furnaces of southern Ohio and northern Kentucky influenced the forest cover of the region. By 1883, only 18 percent of the State of Ohio had woodland cover, whereas in 1853 it was still 54 percent wooded (Diller, 1956). With advances in transportation, lumber production rose. In 1900, almost a billion board feet were produced in Ohio. In 1910, the Louisville paper reported that most of the harvestable timber had been removed from Kentucky. c * Upland Forest . The basin lies within the area of the Great Eastern deciduous forest. Uplands in the vicinity of the river are generally in mixed mesophytic species, dominated largely by oak and hickory. All existing upland forest is second or third growth, but large areas of mature stands are found on steeper slopes. These forests include a diverse understory and provide habitat for a variety of animals, such as the white-tailed deer, fox, squirrels and other small mammals, numerous birds, snakes, lizards and insects. d. Lowland Forest . Little of the once-extensive lowland forest, remains, as most of these lowlands have been converted to agricultural production. Some stands and woodlots persist which consist largely of maple and oak on well-drained sites grading to the sycamore-cottonwood- American elm-silver maple associations of the bottomlands. Dense under¬ growth is common and such stands provide habitat for raccoon, muskrat, mink, skunk, various reptiles and amphibians, numerous insects and a variety of bird life. 11-14 e. Agricultural Land , Agricultural areas include most of the flat land near the river. Crops such as corn, soybeans, and wheat are encount¬ ered. Land not suitable for cropping is often in pasture. The activity limits the use of such lands for most wildlife, but some species such as cottontail rahbit, quail, dove, and various small animals find this habi¬ tat acceptable. Aquatic Environment , The navigation system has imninveH on the aquatic environment by eliminating the riffle-pool system which formerly existed during low-flow conditions. Lower bank and shoal development has been modified and species of shallow water habitat have been largely displaced. Few aquatic plants are found near the banks and none are found in the channel. With the dampening of variation, the benthic fauna has been greatly reduced. The rich clam and mussel diversity has been greatly reduced, largely from land-use changes and associated pollu¬ tants. The macroinvertebrate fauna is more typical of lakes than the riverine environment. Fish species reflect the lake-like character of the river, with few stream species appearing in recent surveys. The most common species are the emerald shiner, gizzard shad, carp, skipjack her¬ ring, fresh-water drum, and channel and blue catfish. Other fish of interest commonly found in the river are buffalo, carpsuckers, sauger, walleye, gar, crappie, threadfin shad, and the unusual relics, the bowfin and the paddlefish. Reptiles and amphibians are common in the sloughs and backwaters. Waterfowl frequent the river and many shorebirds pause in migration at the Falls of the Ohio, at Louisville at the head of the Cannelton pool. g. The Riparian Fringe. This classification is artificial as the "Riparian fringe" is maintained along the river by man's activities, largely through agriculture, road-building, industry and urbanization. Generally, the banks are not adaptable to those activities and have been left to create a narrow fringe of trees and shrubs along the river. Progressing landward from the shore, the tree species commonly encountered are willow, silver maple, cottonwood, box elder, American elm, and a gradation of other species into the lowland forest, in that order. The willow and silver maple are adaptable to conditions nearest the water, and their propagation by sprouting tends to form dense root systems and thickets of the trees. These species can contribute to stabilizing the banks by holding soil and acting to dissipate wave energy against the shore. Extensive lateral root systems lessen their tendency to topple. A varied understory occurs along the banks, commonly including buttonbush, spicebush, Virginia creeper, poison ivy, nettle, ragweed, and some grasses. Honeysuckle and coralberry commonly form thickets at higher levels. The fringe offers habitat for muskrat, mink, and a variety of small mammals, along with amphibians, reptiles and numerous birds. Species present, their density, and their diversity vary along the bank with slope, soil type, and a variety of other factors. Vegetational associations are site specific and analyses are included in the individual site descriptions. 7. Additional Background , a. Gene ral. The locks and dam proj¬ ects at Meldahl, Cannelton, and Newburgh were built under the authority of the River and Harbor Act of 3 March 1909, Public Law 317, 60th Congress, Second Session. The Meldahl project is located 436.2 miles below Pittsburgh and 1.7 miles below Chilo, Ohio. Construction of the locks began in 1959 and they became operational on 16 November 1962. Construction of the dam started in 1961 and the dam became operational on 22 December 1964. The normal pool level of 485 ft m.s.l. was reached on 28 March 1965. This lock and dam structure replaced four old low-lift Locks and Dams 31, 32, 33 and 34. The Cannelton Locks and Dam Project is located on the Ohio River at a point approximately 3 miles upstream from Cannelton, Indiana, at mile 720.8 below Pittsburgh. This project replaces old Locks and Dams 43, 44 and 45. Construction of this project was initiated on 28 June 1962 with construction of the dam itself beginning on 16 October 1965. The project was completed and dedicated on 2 November 1974. The Newburgh Locks and Dam was constructed on the Ohio River at a point slightly less than 2 miles upstream from Newburgh, Indiana, at mile 776.1 as a replacement structure for old Locks and Dams 46 and 47. Construction of the project was commenced on 27 April 1965, with con¬ struction of the dam itself beginning on 19 June 1970. The project was completed and dedicated on 25 October 1975. b. Criteria for Flowage Easements . The general criteria for the establishment of real estate easement lines through the navigation pool area on the Ohio River locks and dams was determined on the same basis that was used on other navigation projects. In accordance with previ¬ ously established criteria, the lower limit of easement acquisition along the mainstream was the ordinary high water profile, which is defined as a line to which the river rises so frequently and for such periods of duration as to impress upon the soil and vegetation of the lower banks characteristics distinct from that of the upper banks. This definition has been developed by judicial precedence. This line was the boundary line above which the Government made compensation. A stream profile of the ordinary high water line was established by making several observations through the areas and using a line composed of the averages for those observations. c. Flowage Easement Elevati ons. The upper limit of acquisition is based on the ordinary high water flow superimposed on the new pool level at the dam. However, for the Cannelton pool, an elevation 3 feet above the new pool level was used as a starting point for superimposing the new ordinary high water line. The ordinary high water and flowage easement lines are shown on Plates 7 and 8. 11-16 In the Meldahl Pool the upper limits of flowage easements estab¬ lished a series of horizontal 1-foot increments which were set at a minimum of 3 feet above the superimposed ordinary high water line after the dam was completed and the new normal pool was established. The lower flowage easement limits were established as the existing ordinary high water line of the Ohio River. The flowage easement line for all tribu¬ taries was extended as a horizontal line at the elevation of the Ohio River guide flowage easement line at the mouth of the tributary. Ordi¬ nary high water and flowage easement lines are shown on Plate 9. The level of the Newburgh normal pool is entirely below the ordinary high water line; consequently, the acquisition of interests in lands along the main stream was not required. The breakdown of the number of tracts per project and the means of acquisition are as follows: NUMBER AND PERCENT OF FLOWAGE EASEMENTS PROJECT Purchased Condemned Acquired No. % No. % No. % Meldahl 1,632 (76.2) 509 (23.8) 2,141 (100.0) Cannelton 1,130 (83.7) 220 (16.3) 1,350 (100.0) Newburgh 301 (95.3) 15 ( 4.7) 316 (100.0) Total 3,063 (80.5) 744 (19.5) 3,807 (100.0) The elevation of flowage easements acquired along the Ohio River for each project is as follows: River Mile Elevation of Flowage Easements MELDAHL POOL 436.0 to 428.0 489 428.0 to 420.4 490 420.4 to 413.4 491 413.4 to 460.8 492 460.8 to 400.6 493 400.6 to 394.0 494 394.0 to 388.6 495 388.6 to 384.0 496 384.0 to 379.4 497 379.4 to 375.2 498 375.2 to 371.6 499 371.6 to 367.8 500 367.8 to 364.4 501 364.4 to 360.8 502 % 11-17 • « . . III. COLLECTION OF DATA ^ • General Data , a. Geology an d Soils. Reconnaissance of geology and soils conditions was conducted by the Corps for Newburgh Cannelton, and Meldahl pools using aircraft and surface vessels. Data were collected at litigants' tracts and adjacent areas to obtain facts regarding significant factors for bank erosion. Data as obtained in the field were recorded by ownership, tract number and date. Property boundaries were referenced and the tract river frontage walked out to determine existing conditions and to locate suit¬ able riverbank sites for more detailed examination and sampling. Tract reconnaissance observations were recorded and included; photographs, weather conditions, river stage, tributary stream relations, topography, slope conditions, surface runoff characteristics, seeps and swings, drainage controls and stream relocations, bank protection efforts, extraction and dredging operations, structural influences, tree and fence lines, utilities, and wells. At sites selected for detailed field examinations and sampling, the location was referenced to a stake set near the top of bank. Bank materials were exposed by trenching, scarifying continuous reaches, test pitting, or hand auger borings where near-horizontal benches made trenching impractical. At each site detailed examination and logging of exposed and augered mate¬ rials were accomplished by geotechnical staffs. Materials were visually classified, general water content noted, and with representative samples being obtained. Buried materials including vegetation, charcoal, coal, plastic and apparent archaeological sites were recorded. Undisturbed samples were obtained at locations in proximity to continuous disturbed sampling locations. These samples were referenced for location and orientation, placed in proper containers and sealed. At Dames and Moore laboratory facilities, the disturbed samples were classified using the Unified System designations. Classification tests included sieve and hydrometer analysis of grain size distribution, natural moisture content and Atterberg Limits. The undisturbed samples were examined at Waterways Experiment Station and radiographic and petrographic data were derived. Krueger Enterprises Geochron Laboratories conducted radiocarbon age deter¬ minations for selected wood samples. Geotechnical information is pre¬ sented on bank cross sections. References for these studies are listed in the Bibliography. Ohio River area mapping has been conducted by the Corps of Engineers since the late 1800's. During the 1950's and early 1960's ro^PPing was undertaken for use in planning additional navigation s ructures. These areas were field controlled (3rd order accuracy) III-l and were mapped by photogrammetrie methods. In 1976-1977 the litiga¬ tion sites in the Newburgh, Cannelton, and Meldahl pools were photo¬ graphed at low altitudes, with controls, and were surveyed in the field. Cross sections obtained by photogrammetric methods prior to and after the construction of the high-lift system were compared. Average variances of 5 to 10 feet horizontally and 2 to 4 feet vertically can be expected using these methods. b. Hydrology, Cl imatology and Sediment ation. The data col¬ lected for this portion of the study can be divided into six broad categories: Discharge Sediments Waves Ice Material Removal Localized Shoreline Impacts In the following subparagraphs, a general description of the types of data collected for each of the referenced areas is covered. Data devel¬ oped in these areas were considered important to support the evaluation of the complex mechanisms resulting in bank changes at the sites under study. References for these studies are listed in the Bibliography. (1) Di scha rge. Within the broad category of "dis¬ charge", data were collected relative bo impoundments, stages and dura¬ tions, runoff, ordinary high water trends, and flow velocities. The time-history relationship between controlled and uncontrolled drainage areas within the Ohio River Basin was developed. Stage hydrographs were prepared using gaging stations in the vicinity of the sites. Stage duration curves for pre- and post-impoundment conditions were also pre¬ pared for each site in the Cannelton pool and for gaging stations located in the vicinity of the sites in the Meldahl pool. In order to determine the relative "wetness" or "dryness" of a given period, cumulative discharge mass curves were prepared using Louisville as a representative station for the period of 1928 through 1976. Previously, the ordinary high water profiles for pre-project conditions in both pools had been established by visual inspection and III-2 new ordinary high water profiles for post-project conditions were com¬ puted on the basis of equivalent flows. These profiles are shown on Plates 7 and 8 for the Cannelton pool and Plate 9 for the Meldahl pool. Stream velocity measurements were made during April-May 1977 at a total of 19 cross sections in the Meldahl, Cannelton and Newburgh pools. Only one set of measurements was made in the Meldahl pool. In the Cannelton pool, two sets of velocity determinations were made during relatively high stages in April 1977 and relatively low stages in May 1977. The velocity cross sections were at, or in the vicinity of, the sites as shown on Plates 29-50. (2) Sedim ents . Available published and unpublished data were collected to obtain information on sediment rates, sediment gradation and changing stream features. The purpose of this investiga¬ tion was to analyze and establish trends, if any, in sediment yield and sediment transportation for pre- and post-impoundment conditions. Analysis of stream features included the examination of broad general trends in thalweg shifting, both horizontally and vertically, and local bed form changes. Bed material samples were taken at five locations in the Cannelton and Meldahl pools. (3) Waves . Data collection for this category included measurements of tow- and wind-generated wave heights, and meteorological data on wind speeds, durations, and directions, and the determination of wind-generated wave fetch lengths and directions. Field measurements of tow- and wind-generated wave heights were conducted by the Waterways Experiment Station in April-May 1977 at nine locations in the Cannelton pool, four locations in the Meldahl pool, and one in the Newburgh pool. These measurements were made at, or in the vicinity of, sites as shown on Plates 29-50. At the same locations wind speeds and directions were determined also. The long term meteorological data of stations located in the vicinity of the Cannelton and Meldahl pools were used for a basis for analytical determination of wind-generated wave heights and their durations. Fetch lengths were determined at each site using graphical procedures for post-impoundment normal pool conditions. General com¬ parisons were made with those for pre-impoundment normal pool. (4) Ice^ Data were collected on the history of river ice at two locations, Cincinnati, Ohio, and Louisville, Kentucky. Data sources were unpublished Weather Bureau statistics. An effort was made to collect information specifically applicable to the study sites; how¬ ever, no such information could be obtained. Ice history records of the Ohio River were compared to global trends in climate. 111-3 (5) Mat erial Remova l. Available Huntington and Louisville District records were obtained to compile a history of dredging required to maintain project depth in the pools under investi¬ gation. Also, available records were collected on the history of commercial dredging in the pools. Where applicable, data were refer¬ enced to the specific sites under investigation. (6) Localized Shoreline Impacts . In this category, shoreline works, such as boat docks, marinas and loading facilities were listed and referenced to specific sites under investigation, where applicable. c. Navigat ion. General data were collected to determine trends in river navigation practices, volume and characteristics of commercial navigation and volume of recreational traffic on the river. The scope of the data collection included the following specific areas: (1) Traffi c V olum e. Data were collected to describe trends of tonnage and vessel traffic in the Meldahl and Cannelton pools before and after the impoundments. Data sources were survey scope reports prepared by the Huntington and Louisville Districts, Corps of Engineers. Where available, the material in the reports was supple¬ mented by field data collected at specific lock and dam sites. A limited review of available records was made to describe the recreational traffic in both pools. (2) Tow Size and Configuration . Historical trends on the development of towboat horsepower, tow and barge sizes were reviewed. Sources of information were published data on the fleet characteristies of companies navigating the river, and survey scope reports prepared by the Huntington and Louisville Districts. A limited analysis of tow speeds under present conditions was made on the basis of computerized information available in the Districts. (3) Sailing Lines . At each litigant's tract, changes in sailing lines associated with the impoundment of the pools were investigated and their effect, if any, on the sites was assessed. Sources of information were navigation charts published by Louisville and Huntington Districts. Sailing lines are shown on Plates 10-28. d. Vegetation and Clearing . Biological data were collected under the categories of general vegetational investigations, specific site investigations, and clearing investigations. (1) General Vegetational Inve s tiga tion. A review of the literature was conducted to gather background information. Per¬ tinent literature is cited in the Bibliography. ( II1-4 (2) Site Investigations . Tracts were surveyed for general ground cover, species present, diversity of species, density of vegetation, and age of selected individual trees. Larger trees were aged by increment borings, examined for numbers of annual rings and measured for length. These measurements were used to extrapolate to the approximate age of the tree being sampled. Forests were sampled using the point-centered quarter method of Cottam and Curtis (1956) as described by Mueller-Dombois and Ellenburg (1974). The data were analyzed and printouts obtained using a BASIC language computer program developed by Wiedeman and Standifer (unpublished) which includes slope justification where applicable and conversion to metric measurements. Sites were indexed by owner's name, tract number and Ohio River mile. Summaries of these analyses are included as Tables III-l and III-2. (3) Clearing . All records, inspectors' reports and logs, correspondence, Design Memoranda, contracts and specifications were reviewed. Where possible, field verification was performed. e. Photo Interpretation. The following is a list of photography obtained for Cannelton and Meldahl pools. (1) Corps of Engineers' Photography (a) Cannelton Pool Photo Date Scale Remarks 1930 1:24000 1st aerial mapping 1961 , 62, 63 1:18000 pre-construction mapping 1967 1:24000 clearing 1974 1:12000 color-ne;; permits 1976 (23 Nov) 1:6000 site maps 1977 (2 Feb) 1:6000 ice 1977 (2 Feb) 1:20000 ice 1977 (9 May) 1:6000 post high water (b) Meldahl Pool 1958- 1974 59 1•12000 1:12000 pre-construction mapping color-ncg permits 1977 (22 Mar) 1:6000 site mapping 1977 (12 May) 1:4800 1 » «* III-5 (2) Park Aerial Survey Photo Date Scale Remarks 1973, 7A 1:40000 Cannelton pool 1975, 76 & 77 1:40000 Cannelton pool 1975 1:45000 Cannelton pool (3) Soil Conservation 1 Svc., Cartographic Unit 1970 1:48000 Hancock County, Ky 1956 1:20000 Jefferson County, Ky 1953 1:20000 Lewis County, Ky 1953 1:20000 Greenup County, Ky 1975 1:45000 Hardin County , Ky 1971 1:48000 Crawford County, Tnd 1971 1:48000 Harrison County , Ind 1969 1:38000 Floyd County, Ind 197 1 1:45000 Clermont County, Ohio (4) National Archives and Records Service 1937, 40 1 :20000 Perry County, Ind 1937, 40, 53, 58 1:20000 Crawford County, Ind 1937, 40 1:20000 Harrison County, Ind 1937, 40 1:20000 Floyd County, Ind 1937, 40 1 -.20000 Clark County, Ind 193/, 40 1:20000 Switzerland County, Ind 1937, 38 1:20000 Hancock County, Ky 1938 1:20000 Breckenridge County, Ky 1938 1:20000 Hardin County, Ky 1937 1:20000 Bullitt County, Ky 1938 1:20000 Meade County, Ky 1937 1:20000 Jefferson County, Ky 1935, 38 1:20000 Pendleton County, Ky 1938 1:20000 Pendleton County, Ky 1938 1:20000 Bracken County, Ky 1937 1:20000 Mason County, Ky 1938 1:20000 Lewis County, Ky 1938 1:20000 Greenup County, Ky 1937, 38 1:20000 Campbell County, Ky 1938 1:20000 Clermont County, Ohio 1938 1:20000 Brown County, Ohio 1938 1:20000 Hamilton County, Ohio 1938 1:20000 Adams County, Ohio 1938 1:20000 Scioto County, Ohio III-6 Photo Date 1P67 1960, 68 1949, 60, 68 1971 1953, 58 , 67 1949, 59, 71 1951, 64, 71 1951, 67 1974 1959, 60, 66 1974 1955, 65, 73 1951, 59, 64, P ; l, 60, 66 ) u 7 3 1959, 60, 65, 1949, 57. 69 1951, 60, 66 19 7?. 1949, 60, 67 1973 1950, 58, 71 1950, 66, 71 1950, 62, 68 1951, 58, 66 1974 (5) Agriculture Service Stabilization and Conservation Scale Remarks 1 :20000 Crawford County, Ind 1:20000 Floyd County, Ind 1 :20000 Harrison County, Ind 1:48000 Harrison County, Ind 1:20000 Perry County, Ind 1:20000 Bracken County, Ky 1:20000 Breckenridpe Countv, Kv 1:20000 Campbell Countv, Kv 1:40000 Campbell County, Ky 1:20000 Greenup County, Ky 1:40000 Greenup County, Kv 1:20000 Hancock County, Ky 72 1:20000 Hardin County, Ky 1:20000 Jefferson Countv, Ky 1:40000 Jefferson County, Ky 72 1:20000 Lewis County, Ky 1:20000 Mason County, Ky 1:20000 Meade County, Ky 1:40000 Meade County, Ky 1:20000 Pendleton Countv, Ky i:40000 Pendleton County, Ky 1:20000 Adams County, Ohio 1 :2OH00 Brown County, Ohio 1:20000 Clermont Countv, Ohio 1:20000 Scioto County, Ohio 1:40000 Scioto County, Ohio III-7 TABLE III-l x: MELDAHL POOL Griffit Wood C. Rice E. Rice Scientific Epithet Common Name Approximate ORM 412 412 428 429 Acer negundo Boxelder X X X Acer rubrum Red maple Acer saccharinum Silver maple X * X Aesculus octandra Yellow buckeye Asimina triloba Pa paw Carya ovata Shagbark hickory X Carya tomentosa Mockernut hickory Catalpa speciosa Catalpa X Celtis laevigata Hackberry Cereis canadensis Redbud X Cornus florida Dogwood Fraxinus americana White ash X Gleditsia triacanthos Honey locust Juglans nigra Black walnut Liquidambar styraciflua Sweet gum Liriodendron tuiipifera Tulip poplar Morus rubra Red mulberry Quercus alba White oak Quercus borealis Red oak Quercus macrocarpa Bur oak Quercus montana Chestnut oak Platanus occidental is Sycamore X Populus deltoides Cottonwood X Prunus serotina Black cherry X Robinia pseudo-acacia Black locust X * X Salix interior Sandbar willow X X Sassafras albidum Sassafras Ulmus americana American elm X X Trees per acre whenere determined 429 Basal area (sq. ft. per acre) 115.1 Ages of oldest trees in sample 24 99 - 18 X Trees noted in area, but not included in sample analysis. * Trees present in sample analysis III-8 TABLE III-2 CANNELTON POOL McGehee McGehee Cox Benner Scientific Epithet Common Name Approximate ORM 642 668 670 683 Acer negundo Boxelder Acer rubrum Red maple Acer saccharinum Silver maple X X * Aesculus octandra Yellow buckeye X Asimina triloba Papaw Carya ovata Shagbark hickory Carya tomentosa Mockernut hickory Catalpa speciosa Catalpa Celtis laevigata Hackberry * X Cereis canadensis Redbud Cornus florida Dogwood Fraxinus americana White ash Gleditsia triacanthos Honey locust * Juglans nigra Black walnut Liquidambar styraciflua Sweet gum Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip poplar Morus rubra Red mulberry * Quercus alba White oak Quercus borealis Red oak Quercus macrocarpa Bur oak Quercus montana Chestnut oak Platanus occidentalis Sycamore X Populus deltoides Cottonwood X * Prunus serotina Black cherry * Robinia pseudo-acacia Black locust * Salix interior Sandbar willow * X X Sassafras albidum Sassafras Ulmus americana American elm * Trees per acre whenere determined 301 348 618 Basal area (sq. ft. per acre) 75 300 947 Ages of oldest trees in sample 8 35 64 38 X Trees noted in area, but not included in sample analysis. * Trees present in sample analysis III-9 TABLE III-2 (CONT.) 0 u a & CQ CANNELTON POOL (CONT.) s: u III-19 secured approximately 350 ft. downstream, again 33.7 ft below the referenced top of bank. Thirteen disturbed samples were secured, representing a 27.5 ft high section. One undisturbed sample was secured 5.3 ft below the nominal top of bank. (4) Photo Interpretation . Aerial photography of scale 1:6000 was taken 23 Nov 76, 2 Feb 77, and 9 May 77. \ (5) Refer to Plates 18 and 49. v. (DICKENSON) ORM 724.6 (1) Hydrology and Hydraulics . (a) Velocity measurements were made in the cross section at ORM 724.4 on 15 Apr 77 and 24 May 77. (b) Tow wave heights and wind speeds were measured at ORM 724.5 on 30 Apr 77. (2) Vegetation . A general site survey was conducted 9 May 1977. (3) Soil s and Geology . Twenty-four disturbed samples were secured 3 May 1977 at a single site representing a 22.2 ft high section. One undisturbed sample was secured 8.8 ft below nominal top of bank. (4) Photo Intrepretation . Aerial photography of scale 1:6000 was taken 23 Nov 76, 2 Feb 77, and 9 May 77. (5) Refer to Plates 28 and 50. III-20 IV. APPLICATION OF DATA TO SPECIFIC SIiES. 1. Tract 523E Ethyl RICE ORM 429.1 - 429.2 a. Hydraulics and Hydrology* (1) veioc —-- - . , . - „ 419 1 on 16 April I977W2.5 ft per sec with a top width of 2,260 t, a thalweg depth of 37 ft, and stage 0.27 ft atove normal P°° . Velocities. The maximum velocity measured at ORM (2) Waves . (a) The fetch region generating wind waves for this property extends from E to SSW with a maximum effective fetch lengt o 1.4 miles from the E. (b) For this property prevailing wind direction within the fetch region is from the SW. (c) Tow wave height measurements at ORM 429.1 on 7 May 1977 show maximum wave heights ranging from 0.41 to 1.00 ft. ( 3 ) sailing and Mooring . The new sailing lir.a is closer to the bank due to the inundation of a bar. (4) Shoreline Features . A boat dock is located on the bank at ORM 430.2. (5) Rive r Flows and Stages . (a) The natural OHW at ORM 429.1 was elev 477.0; the modified OHW was computed to be elev 485.8. (b) The 24-ft raising of the normal poo„ from 461.0 to 485.0 has reduced the range of pool fluctuations. (6) Material Removal . (a) No maintenance dredging has been performed at this site. (b) Commercial dredging was performed from 1970-1976 between ORM 427.5 and 430.0 on the opposite bank. b. Vegetation and Clearing. (1) Bulldozing has recently disturbed the bank, with access to the river being excavated in addition to a 20-ft wide clear¬ ing through the trees on the slope leading to the high bank. Along the immediate bank were box elder, black locust, and catalpa, with silver maple, black locust and American elm being encountered further back from the river. Some root exposure was noted along the water's edge. (2) Clearing by the Corps removed larger vegetation from the low banks prior to raising the pool. c. Soils and Geology . Investigations were conducted at this tract located on the Ohio River and tributary streams on 10 May 1977. Ohio River stage this date was elev 485.6. Recent slumpage had ex¬ posed scarps within the banks and benching had occurred in failure debris. Accumulation of drift was noted at and in tributary streams and along Augusta Bar. Bank erosion was noted along the tributary stream. Scarps, excavations and augering encountered alluvium: moist dark brown to brown silty clay with fine sand stringers. d. Photo Interpretation Notes . (1) Unstable Zones . The area appears to be unchanged throughout pre-Meldahl pool photography. Delta formations and small lateral changes below the mouths of tributaries indicate an environ¬ ment favoring accretion rather than erosion. Only slight changes in the lower bank were noted from 1938 to 1959. (2) Bank Changes . Prior to the impoundment of the river a large sand and gravel bar protected the bank during normal and low flows. When the Lock & Dam 34 pool was impounded, the bar was submerged. This impoundment-induced configuration remained fairly stable except for accretion which took place along the right bank in front of this tract. When the Meldahl pool was impounded in 1965, the bank configuration was changed by inundation of the lower terrace. The upper terrace, which had a considerably steeper slope, became the bank at the new normal pool. The 1966, 1971, and 1977 photography shows very shallow water in front of the tract. This is the submerged low terrace which appears to support emergent aquatic vegetation as well as being a collection area for snags and other drift. Also this area is a protective barrier for the banks. At normal pool, most wave energy would be dissipated by the emergent vegetation growing in the shallow water and by drift accumula¬ tions. The presence of the emergent vegetation indicates that the bottom conditions were stable for plant growth and reproduction; therefore, this is possibly an area of sediment accumulation. IV-2 The removal of trees below the first terrace may have had a detri¬ mental effect. The trees were removed prior to the 1938 photography and the slope thereafter kept in grass. The grass slope was noted to be more susceptible to bank erosion than adjacent properties with original tree cover. Farming practice since the earliest photography shows cultivation near the top of bank. This practice has also contributed to bank changes by exposing the soil to erosion by rainfall and runoff through the winter and early spring. Since the pool was raised, a small recreational area was developed upstream of this tract. The USGS Felicity OH/KY Quadrangle shows several campsites in the immediate area. e. Summary. A minor tributary stream, which may cause satu¬ ration of bank materials, is located at this site. Additionally, sub¬ mergence of a bar deposit immediately adjacent to the riverbank at this site appears to have had an effect on bank erosion. Previously, river traffic could not navigate close to the banks during slackwater periods because of the presence of the bar. After impoundment of the Meldahl pool, river traffic could pass relatively close to the banks at this point and could possibly be a source of erosive wave action. These factors act ir. addition to the significant erosive mechanisms of mass instability associated with saturation of bank materials followed by rapid fall in river elevation, and piping and undermining. f. Conclusions. Bank erosion at this site would have occurred by natural phenomena without the construction of the navigation struc¬ tures and the impoundment of a permanent pool. Of the natural erosion- causing phenomena, drawdown-related bank failure and piping with result¬ ing undermining are of major significance. The stabilization of stages and flows provided by Corps of Engineers' projects tends to reduce these rapid drawdown conditions. However, the interaction of several factors renders it impossible to predict erosion or accretion rates. g. Refer to Plates 9, 17, 29 and A-3; and Figure B—1-1. 2. Tract 527 e - 1&2 Eugene and Elizabeth POSTON ORM 428.8 429.0 a. Hydraulics and Hydrology . (1) Velocities. The maximum velocity measured on 16 Apr 1977 was 2.T ft per sec with a top width of 2,340 ft, a thalweg depth of 36 ft, and stage 0.20 ft above normal pool. These data are from measurements at ORM 428.9. IV-3 (2) Waves. (a) The fetch region generating wind waves for this property extends from E to SW with a maximum effective fetch length of 1.4 miles from the E. (b) For this property prevailing wind direction within the fetch region is from the SSW. (c) Tow wave height determinations at ORM 429.1 on 7 May 1977 show maximum wave heights ranging from 0.41 to 1.00 ft. (3) Sailing and Mooring . The new sailing line is closer to the bank due to inundation of a bar. (4) Shoreline Features . A boat dock is located at ORM 430.2. (5) River Flows and Stages . (a) The natural GHW at ORM 428.9 was elev 477.1; the modified OHW was computed to be elev 485.8. (b) The 24-ft raising of the normal pool from 461.0 to 485.0 has reduced the range of pool fluctuations. (6) Ma terial Removal. this site. (a) No maintenance dredging has been performed at (b) Commercial dredging was performed from 1970-1976 between ORM 427.5-430.0 on the opposite shore. b. Vegetation and Clearing . (1) A steep bank leads almost directly from the water to a flat terrace with a dense grove of silver maple and black locust. Some roots were exposed, but where observations were made, no trees had toppled into the river. Trees located near the shore included silver maple, box elder, American elm, and catalpa. (2) Clearing was performed by the Corps at this site prior to raising the pool. c. Soils and Geology . Investigations were conducted at this tract located on the Ohio River and tributary stream on 10 May 1977. Ohio River stage this date was 485.6. Recent slumpage scarps within IV-4 the banks and benching in failure debris had occurred. Accumulation of drift was noted at the tributary stream and along Augusta Bar. Scarps, excavations and augering encountered alluvium: moist dark brown to brown silty clay with fine sand stringers. d. Photo Interpretation Notes. (1) Unstable Zones . The area appears to be unchanged throughout pre-Meldahl pool photography. Delta formations and small lateral changes below the mouths of tributaries indicate an environ¬ ment favoring accretion rather than erosion. Only slight changes in the lower bank were noted from 1938 to 1959 . (2) Bank Changes . Prior to the impoundment of the river a large gravel bar protected the bank during normal and low flows. When the Lock & Dam 34 pool was impounded, the bar was submerged. This impoundment-induced configuration remained fairly stable except for accretion which took place along the right bank in front of this tract. When the Meldahl pool was impounded in 1965, the bank configuration was changed by inundation of the lower terrace. The upper terrace, which had a considerably steeper slope, became the bank at normal pool. The 1966, 1971, and 1977 photography shows very shallow water in front of the tract. This is the submerged low terrace which appears to support emergent aquatic vegetation as well as being a collection area for snags and other drift. Also this area is a protective barrier for the banks. At normal pool, most wave energy would be dissipated by the anergent vegetation growing in the shallow water and by drift accumula¬ tions. The presence of the emergent vegetation indicates that the bottom conditions were stable for plant growth and reproduction; therefore, this is possibly an area of sediment accumulation. The removal of trees below the first terrace may have had a detri¬ mental effect. The trees were removed prior to the 1938 photography and the slope thereafter kept in grass. The grass slope was noted to be more susceptible to bank erosion than adjacent properties with original tree cover. Farming practice since the earliest photography shows cultivation near the top of bank. This practice has also contributed to bank changes by exposing the soil to erosion by rainfall and runoff through the winter and early spring. Since the pool was raised, a small recreational area was developed upstream of this tract. The USGS Felicity OH/KY Quadrangle shows several campsites in the immediate area. IV-5 e. Summary . Removal of the protective capacity of a bar deposit immediately adjacent to the riverbank at this site appears to have had an effect on potential bank erosion. Previously, river traffic could not navigate close to the banks during slackwater periods because of the presence of the bar. After impoundment of the Meldahl pool, river traffic could pass relatively close to the banks at this point and could possibly be a source of erosive wave action. Additionally, a minor tributary stream which causes saturation of bank materials with possible consequent erosion is located at this site. These factors act in addition to the significant erosion mechanisms of mass instability associated with saturation of bank materials followed by rapid fall in river elevation, and piping and undermining. f. Conclusions . Bank erosion at this site would have occurred by natural phenomena without the construction of the navigation struc¬ tures and the impoundment of a permanent pool. Of the natural erosion- causing phenomena, saturation of bank materials and rapid fall of river and piping and undermining are of major significance. The stabilization of stages and flows provided by Corps of Engineers' projects tends to reduce rapid drawdown. However, the interaction of several factors renders it impossible to predict erosion or accretion rates. g. Refer to Plates 9, 16, 30 and A-4; and Figure B-l-2. 3. Tract 533E - 1&2. Charles and Jean RICE ORM 428.3 - 428.4 a. Hydraulics and Hydrology . (1) Velocities . The maximum velocity measured at ORM 428.3 on 16 Apr 1977 was 2.1 ft per sec with a top width of 2,320 ft, a thalweg depth of 37 ft, and stage 0.26 ft above normal pool. (2) Waves . (a) The fetch region generating wind waves for this property extends from E to SW with a maximum effective fetch length of 0.73 mile from the E. (b) For this property prevailing wind direction within the fetch region is from the SSW. (c) Tow wave height measurements at ORM 429.1 on 7 May 1977 show maximum wave heights ranging from 0.41 to 1.00 ft. (3) Sailing and Mooring . The new sailing line is closer to the bank due to the inundation of a bar. (4) Shoreline Features . A recreational boat dock is located along the bank at ORM 430.2. IV-6 (5) River Flows and Stages. (a) The natural OHW at ORM 428.4 was elev 477.5; the modified OHW was computed to be elev 486.0. (b) The 24-ft raising of the normal pool from 461.0 to 485.0 has reduced the range of pool fluctuations. (6) Material Removal. this site. (a) No maintenance dredging has been performed near (b) Commercial dredging was performed from 1970-1976 between ORM 427.5 and 430.0 along the opposite bank. b. Vegetation and Clearing . (1) A steep bank 4-5 ft high is adjacent to a flat ter¬ race with a dense grove of silver maple and black locust. Some roots were exposed, but no trees were observed to have toppled into the river. (2) Clearing was performed by the Corps at this site prior to raising the pool. c. Soils and Geology . Investigations were conducted at this tract located on the Ohio River and tributary stream on 10 May 1977. Ohio River stage this date was elev 485.6. Recent slumpage had exposed scarps within the banks and benching had occurred in failure debris. Accumulation of drift was noted at tributary stream and along Augusta Bar. Scarps, excavations and augering encountered alluvium; moist dark brown to brown silty clay with fine sand stringers. d. Photo Interpretation Notes. (1) Unstable Zones . The area appears to be unchanged throughout the pre-Meldahl pool period photography. Delta formations and small lateral changes below the mouths of tributaries indicate an environment favoring accretion rather than erosion. Only slight changes in the lower bank were noted from 1938 to 1959. (2) Bank Changes . Prior to the impoundment of the river, a large gravel bar protected the bank during normal and low flows. When the Lock & Dam 34 pool was impounded, the bar was submerged. This impoundment-induced configuration remained fairly stable except for accretion which took place along the right bank in front of this tract. When the Meldahl pool was impounded in 1965, the bank configuration was changed by inundation of the lower terrace. The upper terrace, which had a considerably steeper alope, became the bank at normal pool. IV-7 The 1966, 1971, and 1977 photography shows very shallow water in front of the tract. This is the submerged low terrace which appears to support emergent aquatic vegetation as well as being a collection area for snags and other drift. Also this area is a protective barrier for the banks. At normal pool, most wave energy would be dissipated by the emergent vegetation growing in shallow water and by drift accumulations. The presence of the emergent vegetation indicates that the bottom condi¬ tions were stable for plant growth and reproduction. The removal of trees below the upper terrace may have had a detri¬ mental effect. The trees were removed prior to the 1938 photography and the slope thereafter kept in grass. The grass slope was noted to be more susceptible to bank erosion than adjacent properties with original tree cover. Farming practice since the earliest photography shows cultivation near to the top of bank. This practice has also contributed to bank changes by exposing the soil to erosion by rainfall and runoff through the winter and early spring. Since the pool was raised, a small recrea¬ tional area was developed upstream of this tract. The USGS Felicity OH/KY Quadrangle shows several campsites in the immediate area. e. Summary . Removal of the protective capacity of a bar deposit immediately adjacent to the riverbank at this site appears to have had an effect on the potential bank erosion. Previously, river traffic could not navigate close to the banks during slackwater periods because of the presence of the bar. After impoundment of the Meldahl pool, river traffic could pass relatively close to the banks at this point and could possibly be a source of wave action. A minor tributary stream which causes saturation of bank materials with possible consequent erosion is located at this site. Significant erosion mecha¬ nisms are mass instability associated with saturation of bank maerials followed by rapid fall in river elevations and piping and undermining. f. Conclusions . Bank erosion at this site would have occurred by natural phenomena without the construction of the navigation struc¬ tures and the impoundment of a permanent pool. Of the natural erosion- causing phenomena, saturation of bank materials and rapid drawdown, and piping with undermining are of major significance. The stabilization of stages and flows provided by Corps of Engineers' projects tends to re¬ duce rapid drawdown. However, the interaction of several factors renders it impossible to predict erosion or accretion rates. g. Refer to Plates 9, 16, 31 and A-5; and Figure B-l-3. IV-8 4. Tract 1209E Norman and Anna WOOD ORM 412.8 - 412.9 a. Hydraulics and Hydrology . (1) Velocities. The maximum velocity measured at ORM 412.8 on 17 Apr 1977 was 2.0 ft per sec with a top width of 1,140 ft, a thalweg depth of 56 ft, and stage of 0.46 ft above normal pool. (2) Waves . (a) The fetch region generating wind waves for this property extend from SSE to WNW with a maximum effective fetch length of 1.09 miles from the SE. (b) For this property, prevailing wind direction within the fetch region is from the SSW. (c) Tow wave height measurements made at ORM 412.8 on 7 May 1977 show maximum wave heights ranging from 0.55 to 1.20 ft. ( 3 ) Sailing and Mooring . There is a slight shift in sail¬ ing line away from the bank. (4) shoreline Features . There is a boat dock located on the bank at ORM 414.0. (5) River Flows and Stages . (a) The natural OHW at ORM 412.8 was computed to be elev 481.4; the modified OHW was computed to be elev 488.1. (b) The 24-ft raising of the normal pool from 461.0 to 485.0 has reduced the range of pool fluctuations. (6) Material Removal . (a) No maintenance dredging has been performed at this site. (b) A commercial permit was issued for dredging to be performed in the vicinity of ORM 415 from 197 0 to 1976. b. Vegetation and Clearing . (1) The lower slope area contains young white ash, American elm, and black locust. A 20 to 25 ft reach of slope separates this area from the narrow band of trees containing some shagbark hickory of large size. The upper slope includes box elder and has been IV-9 recently cut for a utility easement. The easement separates the bank from another stand of hickory, willow, black cherry and redbud, presumably once contiguous with the bank stand. Workers were observed cutting trees and shrubs along the riverward margin of the easement and disposing of them over the bank. (2) Clearing was performed by the Corps at this site prior to raising the pool. c. Soils and Geology. (1) Investigations were conducted at this tract located along the Ohio River and a tributary on 10 May 1977. Ohio River stage this date was approximately 485.9. Colluvium materials extending from rock outcrops above United States Highway 52 to the Ohio River evi¬ denced historical and recent failures with benching in the toe of slide area. Rock fragments from colluvial materials are encountered in the tributary channels and the toe of slope area. Failure surfaces are with¬ in the damp colluvium and approximate to top of rock. These materials con¬ sist of moist, dark brown to yellow brown silty clay with trace of fine sand. d. Photo Interpretation Notes . (1) Landslide-related slope changes were noted at this site. In the 1977 photo two areas in the middle of the site exhibited indications of additional slope failures. (2) Extent . From 1938 to 1949 lower bank changes could not be determined as a result of high water conditions; however, the upper bank exhibited no discernible change. From 1949 to 1957 the lower bank exhibited changes, while the upper bank did not. (3) Rate of Change . It appears that toe of slide changes were more extensive on the upstream portion of the tract. e. Summary . Instability of the riverbank materials was noted, but it was considered to be a result of creep or solifluction type sliding in residual soils derived from local bedrock (colluvium). These colluvial slide areas experienced movement which occurs over a very long period of time at a relatively slow rate, with isolated instances of more rapid movement during periods of saturation or under similar circumstances when the resistance of the materials to sliding is re¬ duced. At this colluvial slide area, the instability of the banks is in no way associated with the presence of the river at a higher impound¬ ment elevation. f. Conclusions . Sliding of slope colluvium unrelated to project modified river conditions is of major erosion significance. IV-10 Refer to Plates 9, 15, 32 and A-6; and Figure B-l-4. g- 5. Tract 1301E Donald and Mary McNELLY ORM 412.2 - 412.6 a. Hydraulics and Hydrology (1) Velocities. The maximum velocity measured on 17 Apr 1977 was 2.5 ft per sec with a top width of 1,630 ft, a thalweg depth of 51 ft, and stage 0.47 ft above normal pool. (2) Waves . (a) The fetch region generating wind vaves for this property extends from SSW to NNW with a maximum effective fetch length of 1.27 miles from the S. (b) For this property prevailing wind direction within the fetch region is from the SSW. (c) Tow wave height measurements at ORM 412.8 on 7 May 1977 show maximum wave heights ranging from 0.55 to 1.20 ft. ( 3 ) sailing and Mooring . There has been a slight shift in sailing line away from the bank since impoundment of the Meldahl pool. (4) Shoreline Features . There is a recreational boat dock located along the bank at ORM 414.0. (5) River Flows and Stages . (a) The natural OHW at ORM 412.4 was elev 486.1; the modified OHW was computed to be elev 489.1. (b) The 24-ft raising of the normal pool from 461.0 to 485.0 has reduced the range of pool fluctuations. (6) Material Removal . (a) No maintenance dredging has been performed in the vicinity of this site. (b) A commercial dredging permit was issued for 1970- 1976 for the vicinity of ORM 415.0. IV-11 b. Vegetation and Clearing. (1) The steep banks vary from bare to covered. Erosion is noted along the top bank, exposing roots of American elm, cotton¬ wood, and silver maple. Shrub growth is well established in places and consists of willow thickets, isolated alder, and some grasses. (2) Large trees were removed by Corps clearing operations prior to raising the pool. c. Soils and Geology . Field investigations were conducted during 11 May 1977 at this tract located adjacent to several tribu¬ taries and the Ohio River. Recent slumpage exposed scarps were evident in alluvial materials along reaches of Ohio River bank. Bank erosion on tributaries occurred within the area of main stem confluence. Drain¬ age control was not observed at this tract. Accumulation of drift was observed along these tributaries. Slumpage exposed and excavation and auger encountered alluvium generally consisting of moist brown silty clay with fine sand and clayey silt with fine sand stringers. d. Photo Interpretation Notes . (1) From 1938 to 1948, lower bank change could not be detected due to high water and tree cover; however, the upper bank evidenced discernible changes. From 1949 to 1957, the lower bank evi¬ denced change while the upper bank exhibited no visible change during this period. From 1957 to 1965, the lower bank evidenced moderate changes along limited reaches. However, this bank change could not solely be attributed to any one factor, as the Meldahl pool was in place in March of 1965, and photos were taken in the fall of that year. There was no defined change detected within the bank during this time. From 1965 to 1977, the bank evidenced additional changes at specific locations. (2) S ignificant Factors . The site is situated on the outside curve of the Ohio River, and there are indications that the river has cut into the right bank and land accretion has occurred at the left bank. (3) Rate of Change . The reach of bank has exhibited detectable historic (1938-1977) erosion. e. Summary . Some significant erosion by natural forces is evident at this location. The banks at this site are subject to mass instability associated with saturation of bank materials followed by rapid fall in river elevation. In addition, this tract is located on the outside of a bend where the river impinges directly on the banks and tractive forces would be at a maximum. IV-12 f conclusions. Bank erosion at this site would have occurred by natural phenomena”without the construction of the navigation struc¬ tures and the impoundment of a permanent pool. Of the natural erosion- causing phenomena, mass instability of saturated banks, rapid draw¬ down and maximum tractice forces of flow velocities (as located on the outside of a bend) are of major significance. The stabilization of stages and flows provided by Corps of Engineers' projects tends to reduce rapid drawdown. However, the interaction of several factors renders it impossible to predict erosion or accretion rates. g. Refer to Plates 9, 14, 33 and A-7; and Figure B-l-5. 6. Tract 1305E James and Cheryl CHOUINARD ORM 412.1 - 412.2 a. Hydraulics and Hydrology . (1) Velocities. The maximum velocity measurement at ORM 412.1 on 17 April 1977" was 2.1 ft per sec with a top width of 1,760 ft, a thalweg depth of 52 ft, and stage 0.47 ft above normal pool. (2) Waves . (a) The fetch region generating wind waves for this property extends from SSE to NW with a maximum effective fetch length of 1.27 miles from the SSE. (b) For this property, prevailing wind direction within the fetch region is from the SW. (c) Tow wave height measurements at ORM 411.3 on 6 May 1977 show maximum wave heights ranging from 0.25 to 0.55 ft. (3) Sailing and Mooring . There has been a slight shift in the sailing line away from the bank. (4) Shoreline Features . A recreational boat dock is located along the bank at ORM 414.0. (5) River Flows and Stages . (a) The natural OHW at ORM 412.1 was elev 481.7; the modified OHW was computed to be elev 489.2. (b) The 24-ft raising of the normal pool from 461.0 to 485.0 has reduced the range of pool fluctuations. IV-13 (6) Material Removal. this site. (a) No maintenance dredging has been performed near (b) Commercial dredging permits were issued for the vicinity of ORM 415 for 1970 to 1976. b. Vegetation and Clearing . (1) Most of the upper bank is cleared and used as lawn, except where trees and brush remain along the "peninsula" formed by Three-Mile Creek at the upstream end. The bank is generally steep and bare, including only isolated alder and willow. Banks along the creek appear stable with a shrub-herb cover. (2) Clearing was performed by the Corps at this site prior to raising the pool. c. Soils and Geology . Field investigations were conducted during 11 and 12 May 1977 at this tract located approximate to several tributaries including Three-Mile Creek and for tract-defined reaches of Ohio River bank. Recent slumpage exposed scarps were evident in alluvial materials along reaches of Ohio River bank. Bank erosion on tributaries occurred within areas of confluence with the Ohio River. Drainage control had not been effected at this tract and random material placements were noted as ineffective bank erosion protection measures. Bedded alluvial fine to medium sand was encountered near the top of bank. Accumulation of drift was observed along Three-Mile Creek. Slumpage exposed and excavation and auger encountered alluvium generally consisting of moist, brown silty clay with fine sand and clayey silt with fine sand stringers. d. Photo Interpretation Notes . (1) General . Bank changes were perceived on the right bank at Three-Mile Creek at its confluence with the Ohio River. From 1938 to 1949 any lower Ohio River bank change could not be detected as a result of high water condition of the 1938 photos; how¬ ever, the upper bank was exposed and during that period exhibited no visible changes. Only minor bank line changes were noted between 1949 and 1977 except during the period from 1957 to 1965 . IV-14 On the portion of Tract 1305-E which is on Three-Mile Creek the first notable change in banks occurred between 1949 and 1957 and was apparently related to the construction of a new east-west highway through the area, and the attendant relocation of the mouth of the creek. ( 2 ) Significant Factors Affecting the Ohio Riv er Bank. , . ^ The site is sifc uated on an outside curve of the Ohio River and there are indications that the river has cut into the right bank and land accretion has occurred on the left bank (b) The mouth of Three-Mile Creek has been relocated. ^ .Siguii icant Factors Aff ecting Three-Mile Creek. _ , .. . The absence of tree cover upstream of the mouth and on the right bank of the creek. mourn (b) The meandering bends of the creek. . ^ Rate of Change . As indicated, the bank has exhibit-ed detectable historical (1938-1977) changes. ‘ d e. Summary. Erosion by natural forces is evident at this lam* The at this site are object to mass instabSLy associated with saturation of bank materials followed by rapid fall in river eleva- tion In addition, this tract is located on the outside of a bend where a^a^um™ 68 ~ ^ *«**• forces would be^ . f : Conclusions. Bank erosion at this site would have occurred tur“ and th mena ,. With ° Ut COnstruct i° n ° f the navigation struc- r s and the impoundment of a permanent pool. Of the natural erosion- causing phenomena, saturation of materials followed by rapid fall in offhand) traCtl f 6 f ° rCeS ° f fl ° W Vel ° clties (as Seated on the outside flows orfvid^ h tiajor significance. The stabilization of stages and flows provided by Corps of Engineers' projects tends to reduce rapid fible to oreXT"' the faction of several factors renders it^pos- sioie to predict erosion or accretion rates. g. Refer to Plates 9, 13, 34 and A-8; and Figure B-l-6. Tract 1307E Jacob and Josephine SCHWAB ORM 411.8 - 412.1 a * Hydraulics and Hydrology . 411 q 17 A ^\, Xjr. loc it ie s. The maximum velocity measured at ORM andl SL,’ J 977 WaS 2 ‘ 6 ft Sec with a »P width of 1,670 ft eg ept of 45 ft and stage at 0.47 ft above normal pool. IV-15 (2) Waves. site. (a) No wind-generated wave studies were made at this (b) Tow wave height measurements made at ORM 411.3 on 6 May 1977 show maximum wave heights ranging from 0.25 to 0.55 ft. (3) Sailing and Mooring . There is a slight shift in the sailing line away from the bank since the impoundment of the Meldahl pool. (4) Shoreline Features . There is a recreational boat dock located on the bank at ORM 414. (5) River Flows and Stages . (a) The natural OHW at ORM 411.9 was elev 481.7; the modified OHW was computed to be elev 488.3. (b) The 24-ft raising of the normal pool from 461.0 to 485.0 has reduced the range of pool fluctuations. (6) Material Removal . (a) So maintenance dredging was performed at this sit*. (b) Commercial dredging permits were issued in the vicinity of ORM 415.0 for 1970-1976. b. Vegetation and Clearing . (1) These banks vary in regards to vegetative cover from willow thickets to isolated shrub stands and grasses on slump benches. (2) The Three-Mile Creek bank is densely wooded with young cottonwood, sycamore, birch, silver maple, American elm, and red maple. (3) Clearing was performed at this site by the Corps prior to raising the pool. Evidence of clearing within Three-Mile Creek has been masked by new growth. c. Soils and Geology . Field investigations were conducted on 12 May 1977 at this tract located approximate to several tributaries including Three-Mile Creek and for tract-defined reaches of Ohio River bank. Recent slumpage exposed scarps were evident in alluvial materials along reaches of Ohio River banks. Bank erosion on tributaries occurred within areas of confluence with the Ohio River. Drainage control was not observed at this tract and random material placement was noted as IV-16 I \ ineffective bank erosion protection measures. Sediment plumes were noted. Accumulation of drift was observed along tributaries. Slump- age exposed and excavation and auger encountered alluvium generally consisting of moist brown silty clay with fine sand and clayey silt with fine sand stringers. Granular materials were being extracted and processed at an excavation approximate to Three-Mile Creek. d. P hoto Interpretation Changes . Bank changes were per¬ ceived along this site on the right bank of the Ohio River and on the left bank of Three-Mile Creek at its confluence with the Ohio River. From 1938 to 1949 any change within the lower bank of the Ohio River could not be detected as a result of high water condition of the 1938 photos; however, the upper bank was visible and exhibited no discernible changes. Only minor bank line changes were noted between 1949 and 1977 except during the period from 1957 to 1965. The Three-Mile Creek relocation did not have any effect on site portions of the creek. Between 1957 and 1965 there were con¬ siderable location specific bank changes. Between 1965 and 1977 no changes were discerned in the banks within those portions of the site on Three-Mile Creek. However, indications of bank erosion were apparent in the 1977 photos. Other factors which could have affected these dravdown-related bank changes are: (1) erodible clayey silts and silty clay alluvium; (2) that the tract is situated on the beginning of the outside curve of the Ohio River and there is visual evidence that the river has cut into the right bank and land accretion has occurred on the left bank; (3) the absence of trees along the low bank after 1965; and (4) the relocation of the mouth of Three-Mile Creek. Other factors which could have affected the bank changes on several portions of Three-Mile Creek are: (1) the absence of tree cover upstream of the mouth and on the right bank of the creek; and (2) the meandering bends of the creek. This reach of bank has not exhibited detectable historical (1938- 1977) changes. e. Summary . Some erosion by natural forces is evident at this location. The banks at this site are subject to mass instability asso¬ ciated with saturation of bank materials followed by rapid fall in river elevation. In addition, this tract is located on the outside of a bend where the stream impinges directly on the banks and tractive forces would be at a maximum. IV-17 f. Conclusions . Bank erosion at this site would have occurred by natural phenomena without the construction of the navigation struc¬ tures and the impoundment of a permanent pool. Of the natural erosion- causing phenomena, saturation of materials followed by rapid fall in river stage and maximum tractive forces of flow velocities (as located on the outside of a bend) are of major significance. The stabilization of stages and flows provided by Corps of Engineers' projects tends to re¬ duce rapid drawdown. However, the interaction of several factors renders it impossible to predict erosion or accretion rates. g. Refer to Plates 9, 13, 35 and A-9; and Figure B-l-7. 8. Tracts 1353E - 1&2 Bernard GRIFFITH ORM 411.2 - 411.5 a. Hydraulics and Hydrology . (1) Velocities . The maximum velocity measured at ORM 411.3 on 17 April 1977 was 1.7 ft per sec with a top width of 1,530 ft, and a thalweg depth of 49 ft at stage 0.48 ft above normal pool. (2) Waves . (a) The fetch region generating wind waves for this property extends from S to NW with a maximum effective fetch length of 0.84 mile from the NW direction. (b) For this property prevailing wind direction within the fetch region is from the SSW. (c) Tow wave height measurements made at ORM 411.3 on 6 May 1977 show maximum wave heights ranging from 0.25 to 0.55 ft. (3) Sailing and Mooring . No change in sailing line has occurred. (4) Sh oreline Features . A boat dock is located on the bank at ORM 414.0. (5) River Flows and Stages . (a) The natural OHW at ORM 411.3 was elev 481.8; the modified OHW was computed to be elev 488.3. (b) The 24-ft raising of the normal pool from 461.0 to 485.0 has reduced the range of pool fluctuations. (6) Material Removal . (a) No maintenance dredging was performed in the vicinity of this site. 1 IV-18 was (b) In the vicinity of ORM 415 commercial dredging performed from 1970-1976. b. vegetation and Clearing . (1) A narrow lower slope with sand bar willow saplings and alder extends to the bank above which there is a narrow band of trees . including black cherry, hackberry, silver maple, and box elder. Behind this bank is a mowed strip separating a stand of trees similar to those near the river. A wet swale near the water contained willow, cotton¬ wood, and sycamore. (2) Clearing was performed at this site by the Corps prior to raising the pool. c. Soils and Geology. Field investigations were conducted during 12 May 1977 at these tracts located approximate no several tribu¬ taries including Three-Mile Creek and a tract-defined reach of Ohio Riven bank. A recent bench was evident in alluvial materials along the Ohio River bank. Accumulation of drift was observed along tributaries. Siurnpage exposed and excavation and auger encountered alluvium generally consisting of moist brown silty clay with fine sand and clayey silt with fine sand stringers. Granular materials were being extracted and pro¬ cessed at an excavation approximate to Three-Mile Creek. d. Photo Interpretation Motes. (1) General. Changes were perceived along the right bank of the Ohio River, but none were discerned on the banks of Three-Mile Creek. From 1949 to 1957 no visible bank change was discernible along that portion of Three-Mile Creek within the site. During the same period, no discernible bank changes were noted on the Ohio River portion of site Between 1965 and 1977 the lower portion of the Ohio River bank evi¬ denced slight changes at specific locations, with no detectable change in the upper portion of the bank. (2) Significant Factors . Factors which could have affected bank changes are: (1) the slumpage-susceptible and easily erodible silty sands, clayey silts, and silty clay alluvium witnin both Three-Mile Creek and Ohio River bank areas; (2) the site location on the outside of a bend of the Ohio River; and (3) the natural meandering of Three-Mile Creek. (3) Rate of Change. As indicated, the top of the upper bank at this site has not exhibited any notable historical (1938-1977) change while the top of the low bank had evidenced slight changes. e. Summary . Relatively negligible erosional activity is taking place at this location. IV-19 f. Conclusions , Bank erosion at this site would have occurred by natural phenomena without the construction of the navigation struc¬ tures and the impoundment of a permanent pool. However, this site is considered to be in a condition of near stability. The stabilization of stages and flows provided by Corps of Engineers' projects tends to re¬ duce rapid drawdown. However, the interaction of several factors renders it impossible to predict erosion or accretion rates. g. Refer to Plates 9, 12, 36 and A-10; and Figure B-l-8. 9. Tracts 2102E - 1&2 Beuford CUNNINGHAM ORM 394.3 - 394.7 a. Hydraulics and Hydrology. (1) Velocities . The maximum velocity measured at ORM 394.2 on 17 April 1977 was 2.1 ft per sec with a top width of 1,700 ft, a thalweg depth of 34 ft, and stage 0.58 ft above normal pool. (2) Waves . (a) The fetch region for wind waves at this property extends from NE to NW with a maximum effective fetch length of 0.98 mile from the NE. (b) For this property the prevailing wind direction within the fetch region is from the NE. (c) Tow wave height measurements at ORM 394.5 on 6 May 1977 show maximum wave heights ranging from 0.2 to 0.9 ft. (3) Sailing and Mooring. There has been a slight shift in the sailing line away from the Kentucky bank. Project navigation depth is available between Manchester Islands #1 and #2 since the impoundment of MeIdahi pool. (4) Shoreline Features. A river terminal is located at mile 397 on the bank opposite. A boat launching ramp is located in the vicinity of ORM 395.5 on the Ohio bank. (5) River Flows and Stages . (a) The natural OHW at ORM 394.4 via s elev 485.8; the modified OHW was computed to be elev 490.9. (b) The 17-foot raising of the normal pool from 468.0 to 485.0 has reduced the range of pool fluctuations. (6) Material Removal . (a) Maintenance dredging was performed at Manchester Island between 1942-1961. (b) Commercial dredging permits were issued in the vicinity of ORM 398 for 1970-1976. IV-20 Rev 7/15/77 b. Vegetation and Clearing (1) A wide sparsely vegetated toe of slope area with clumps of horsetail, Virginia creeper, poison ivy, and grasses was noted as merg¬ ing with a lower bank of similar, but more evenly distributed cover. Upper banks are wooded, mostly in silver raaple and American elm. Some toppling was evident, especially toward the downstream end where the vegetation extends closer to the water. (2) Clearing was performed oy the Corps at this site prior to raising the pool. c. Soils and Geology . (1) Investigations were conducted at this tract located along the Ohio River, together with a tributary stream area, on 12 May 1977. River stage was approximately elev 486.0. Banks evidenced gently sloping lower reaches and moderate to steeply sloping upper reaches. Recently deposited dessication-cracked gray organic silty clay was encountered within the lower reach of bank. Upper slope materials con¬ sisted of alluvial, moist to damp, dark brown to brown silty clay with fine sand and clayey sandy silt. Commercial dredging of granular mate¬ rials was being conducted within the Ohio River approximately 2,500 ft downstream of this tract. Of particular interest was a stratum of recently deposited silt located about elev 498 and noted along a low terrace near both the up¬ stream and downstream property limits. (2) Significant causative factors for the moderate upper bank erosion conditions noted at this tract are rapid drawdown condi¬ tions and waves at and most significantly above normal pool. d. Photo Interpretation Notes . (1) Location, Type, Extent . An examination of the 22 March 1977 (1:4,800) photography revealed that bank changes were discernible at least 6,000 ft. upstream of the site. In the downstream direction changes end abruptly at the Tract boundary. Downstream of this tract changes in slopes extend to the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad fill. The change in slope approximate to the railroad fill was in the 1959 photog¬ raphy. Bank changes had occurred at the site and along the bank upstream prior to the 1971 photography and appeared to extend further upstream when photos obtained during 1977 were utilized. Another bank change was at the upstream ends of both channel islands. Beginning at the nose of each island, changes occurred downstream along the left bank for about 1,000 feet and then abruptly ended. These changes were not discerned until the 1971 photography. IV-21 (2) Significant Factors , There are several factors of varying significance that could contribute to these changes. (a) Vegetation . The bank tree cover in the 1938 photography appears to be younger than might be expected. The prelimi¬ nary indication is that the land along the banks was originally more extensively farmed but during the 1930's was allowed to revert to old- fields growth. The photography from 1971 to 1977 indicates a progressive loss of bank vegetation. Some large trees were lying in the river at the base of the slope along with other debris. (b) Channel Geometry . Because of the relatively narrow width along the Cunningham property, the bank could be subject to higher velocities during floods than the bank in the wider cross sections downstream. The situation where erosion diminished in the wider channel cross sections where flood flow velocities would be less makes this consideration a possibility. The changes along the upstream end of channel islands could also occur during flood periods; however, erosion-related changes would not neces¬ sarily be restricted to only one side as in the case of the Manchester islands. Considering the general pattern of bank changes along 5- to 6-mile reach of river channel, geometry does not seem to be a dominant factor, (c) Sailing Line . Another possible factor resulting in bank changes at this site would be waves generated by towboats. The sailing line on the January 1977 navigation charts is located slightly to the right of mid-channel, but because a narrow passage exists through this reach of the river the left bank could still be subject to signifi¬ cant wave action. The sailing line proceeds around both islands, through the left channel and has been located here since at least 1913. (3) Rate of Change . The lower alluvial terrace has changed to a moderate extent since 1938. The upper terrace does not appear to have experienced any changes to date. It was difficult to discern changes between 1971 and 1977 along top of bank except upstream of the site. It would seem that the bank at the site has changed during the interval between 1959 and 1971. e. Summary . Localized piping and instability of materials associated with sequences of high water and rapid fall in river level were found at this site, although erosion-related activities could have been triggered by localized grain-by-grain removal through wave activity. IV-22 Rev 7/15/77 f. Conclusions . Bank erosion at this site vrould have occurred by natural phenomena without the construction of the navigation struc¬ tures and the impoundment of a permanent pool. Of the natural erosion- causing phenomena/ saturation of bank materials and rapid fall in river stages and localized piping of materials are of major significance. The stabilization of stages and flows provided by Corps of Engineers' projects tends to reduce rapid drawdown. However, the interaction of several factors renders it impossible to predict erosion or accretion rates. g. Refer to Plates 9, 11, 37 and A-ll; and Figure B-l-9. 10. Tract 410E George WAGNER ORM 718.3 a. Hydraulics and Hydrology . (1) Velocities . The maximum velocity measured at ORM 718.0 on 15 April 1977 was 4.5 ft per sec with a top width of 1,312 ft, a thal¬ weg depth of 76 ft, and stage 0.6 ft above normal pool. (2) Waves . (a) The effective wind wave fetch region for this property extends from ESE to WSW with a maximum effective fetch length of 0.90 mile from the WSW. (b) For this property the prevailing wind direction within the fetch region is from the SW. (c) Wave height measurements were performed in the vicinity of this site at ORM 718.1. (3) Sailing and Mooring . The sailing line has shifted towards the bank upstream of the property since the pool impoundment. Federal emergency mooring buoys are located at ORM 719.8. (4) Shoreline Features . A marina is located at ORM 719.1 along the bank. (5) River Flows and Stages . (a) The natural OHW at ORM 718.3 was elev. 377.4; the modified OHW was computed to be elev. 383.4 for the 383 normal pool and 386.3 for the 386 normal pool. (b) The 25-ft raising of the normal pool at these tracts from 358.0 to 383.0 has reduced the range of pool fluctuations. ► IV-23 (6) Material Removal. No maintenance dredging has been performed in the vicinity of this site. No specific information is available regarding commercial dredging. b. Vegetation and Clearing . (1) Vegetation is indicative of the colluvial origin of these soils and includes oak, hickory, sweet gum, hackberry, black walnut, and sassafras. Elevations of some individual- trees would indi¬ cate long-term sliding in this area. (2) Clearing was performed at this site by the Corps prior to raising the pool. c. Soils and Geology. Field investigations were conducted at this tract located along the Ohio River on 2 and 3 May 1977. Ohio River stage these dates was approximately 383.1. Slopes extending from rock outcrops above Indiana State Route 166 to the Ohio River evidenced both historical and recent failures with tension cracks, scarps and river-eroded toe of slide colluvial debris being noted. Failure surfaces are within the damp slide material and near top of rock. This material consists of gray to brown silty clay with fine to medium sand and rock fragments. d. Photo Interpretation Notes . (1) The slope approximate to Indiana Highway 166 showed changes between 1930 and 1977. The greatest change in slope 'was at approximately Ohio River Mile 718 which is the location of the greatest slide activity and is just upstream of the tract. Slope changes were noted between Ohio River Miles 718 and 719. Comparison of photos indi¬ cates that slope changes have been intermittent along this reach between 1970 and 1977. (2) Significant Factors, There are indications that land¬ slides have been active within this area since the 1930's. Ground photos taken of this area and on-site examination showed numerous scarps or breaks in the ground surface with exposed planes of slippage. e. Summary . Instability of the slope materials was noted, but was considered to be a result of a creep or solifluction type sliding in residual soils derived from local bedrock (colluvium). These colluvial slide areas experienced movement which occurs over a very long period of time at a relatively slow rate, with isolated instances of more rapid movement during periods of saturation or under similar circumstances when the resistance of the materials to sliding is reduced. At this colluvial slide area, the instability of the slope is in no vay associ¬ ated with the presence of the river at a higher elevation after pool impoundment. IV-24 Rev 7/15/77 f. Con clusions . Sliding of slope colluvium unrelated to river conditions is of major significance. q. Refer to Plates 7, 27, 38 and A-12; and Figure B-l-10, 11. Tract 640E Henrielia BYNON ORM 717.9 a. Hydraulics and Hydrology. (1) Velocities. The maximum velocity measured at ORM 718.0 on 15 April 1977 was 4.5 ft per sec with a top width of 1,330 ft and a thalweg depth of 75 ft at 0.6 ft above normal pool. (2) Waves . (a) The fetch region for wind vaves for this property extends from SE to W with a maximum effective fetch length of 0.95 mile from the SE. (b) Prevailing wind direction within the fetch region is from the SW. (c) Wave height measurements were performed in the vicinity of this site at ORM 710.1. (3) Sailing and Mooring . The sailing line :ias shifted towards the bank upstream of the property since the pool impoundment. Federal emergency mooring buoys are located at ORM 719.8. (4) Shoreline Features. A marina is located at ORM 719.1 along the bank. (5) River Flows and Stages . (a) The natural OHW at ORM 717.9 was elev. 377.5; the modified OHW was computed to be elev. 383.5 for the 383 normal pool and 386.4 for the 386 normal pool. (b) The 25-ft raising of the normal pool from 358 to 383 has reduced the range of pool fluctuations. (6) Material Removal . No maintenance dredging has been performed in the vicinity; no specific information is available regard¬ ing commercial dredging. b. Vegetation and Clearing. (1) Vegetation is indicative of the colluvxal origin of these soils and includes hickory, sweet gum, hackberry, black walnut, IV-2 5 and sassafras. Elevations of some individuals vould indicate long-term sliding in this area. (2) Clearing was performed by the Corps at this site prior to raising the pool. c. Soils and Geology . Field investigations were conducted at these tracts located along the Ohio River on 2 May 1977. Ohio River stage these dates was approximately 383.1. Slopes extending from rock outcrops above Indiana State Route 166 to uhe Ohio River evidenced historical and recent failures with tension cracks, scarps, and river- eroded toe of slide colluvial debris being noted. Failure surfaces are within the damp slide debris and near top of rock. This material consists of gray to brown silty clay with fine to medium sand and rock fragments. a. Photo Interpretation Notes . (1) Slopes approximate to Indiana Highway 166 showed changes between 1930 and 1977. The greatest change is near the down¬ stream end of the Tract-defined reach. Slope changes occur between Ohio River Miles 718 and 719. Comparison with the 1970 photo indicates that changes have been intermittent along this slope between 1970 and 1977. (2) Significant Factors . There are indications that land¬ slides have been active within this area since the 1930's. Ground photos taken of this area and on-site examination snowed numerous scarps or breaks in the ground surface with exposed planes of slippage. e. Summary . Instability of the slope materials was noted, but it was considered to be a result of a creep or solifiuction type sliding in residual soils derived from local bedrock (colluvium). These colluvial slide areas experienced movement which occurs over a very long period of time at a relatively slow rate, with isolated instances of more rapid movement during periods of saturation or under similar cir¬ cumstances when the resistance of the materials to sliding is reduced. At this colluvial slide area, the instability of the banks is in no way associated with the presence of the river at a higher elevation after pool impoundment. f. Conclusions . Sliding of slope colluvium unrelated to river conditions is of major significance. g. Refer to Plates 7, 26, 39 and A-13; and Figure B-l-12. IV-26 12. Tract 719E Douglas LEATHERBURY ORM 714.2-714.5 a. Hydraulic and Hydrolog y (1) Velocities . The maximum velocity measured at ORM 714.0 on 15 April 1977 was 4.9 ft per sec with a top width of 1,570 ft and a thalweg depth of 68 ft and stage 1.0 ft above normal pool. (2) Waves . (a) The fetch region for wind waves at this property is from SW to N, maximum effective fetch length is 1.29 miles from the N. (b) Prevailing wind direction within the fetch region at this property is from the SSW. (c) Tow wave height measurements at ORM 714.0 on 1 May 1977 show maximum wave heights ranging from 0.2 to 0.7 5 ft. (3) Sailing and Mooring . No change in sailing lines. Federal emergency mooring facilities are located at the bank at ORM 713.9 (4) Shoreline Features . None are located in the vicinity of the site. (5) River Flows and Stages . (a) The natural OHW at ORM 714.4 was elev. 378.4; the modified OHW was computed to be elev. 384.0 for the 383 normal pool and 386.8 for the 386 normal pool. (b) The 25-ft raising of the normal pool at this tract from 358 to 383 has reduced the range of pool fluctuations. (6) Material Removal . (a) Maintenance dredging was performed at ORM 716.3 (Hog Point bar) from 1934-1966. dredging. (b) No specific data are available on commercial b. Vegetation and Clearing . (1) The flood plain is cultivated to the edge of the bank near the upstream end of the site. Little protective vegetation exists except near Pond Creek, where shrub willow and maple reach near the water ► IV-2 7 (2) Most tree cover along the low bank was removed during the Corps' clearing operations. Large rootwads were also removed during clearing. The vegetation fringe that formerly existed was located below the ordinary high water line and would have died and toppled without clearing. c. Soils and Geology . Investigations were conducted at this tract located along the Ohio River together with a tributary stream area on 4 May 1977. River stage this date was approximately elev. 384.0. Slumpage exposed alluvium consisted of fine sand pockets and moist dark brown to brown sandy silt with clay and horizons of silty clay with fine sand. Benches were noted within lower bank slumpage materials. d. Photo Interpretation Notes . (1) The bank showed perceptible changes between 1930 and 1977, Comparison of photographs obtained in February 1938, May 1971, and May 1977 indicates that the extent of these changes decreases within a 2000~ft reach downstream of the tract. (2) Comparison of photographs May 1971 taken 2 months prior to the final pool rise and February 1938 shows definible bank change. Further comparison of May 1971 and May 1977 shows additional bank change after the impoundment of the Cannelton Pool. (3) The May 1977 photography shows two mooring buoys approximately 2,500 ft upstream of the site. Commercial and recreational traffic near the bank at that point could result in wave affects. (4) Farming practices on the site may have contributed to the bank erosion, since plowed areas were noted near the edge of bank. The 1930 through 21 May 1971 photographs show that the land in the Pond Run basin was also being farmed. Some bank change within Pond Run was perceived when comparing the 1930 and 1971 photography, but no addi¬ tional bank change was noticed after the final pool rise. Since the Cannelton Lock and Dam was completed the Pond Run area has been allowed to succeed to brush and small tree vegetative cover. (5) Another contributing factor to bank change may be the area topography. e. Summary . Localized piping and instability of materials principally associated with sequences of highwater and rapid fall in pool level were noted at this site. Erosional activities could also have been triggered by localized grain by grain removal through wave activity. f. Conclusions . Bank erosion at this site would have occurred by natural phenomena without the construction of the navigation struc¬ tures and the impoundment of a permanent pool. Of the natural erosion- causing phenomena, piping with undermining , saturation of bank materials. IV-28 rapid fall of river, and wave action are of major significance. The stabilization of stages and flows provided by Corps of Engineers' projects tends to reduce rapid dravdown. However, the interaction of several fac¬ tors renders it impossible to predict erosion or accretion rates. g. Refer to Plates 7, 25, 40 and A-14; and Figure B-l-12. 13. Tract 1300E-1&2 Earl LOESCH ORM 708.3 to 708.6 a. Hydraulics and Hydrology . (1) Velocities . The maximum velocity measured at ORM 708.2 on 15 April 1977 was 4.0 ft per sec with a top width of 2,480 ft and a thalweg depth of 47 ft at 1.7 ft above normal pool. (2) Waves . (a) The effective wind wave fetch region for this site extends from SSW to NNE, with maximum effective fetch length of 0.84 mile from the NE. (b) For this property the prevailing wind direction within the fetch region is from the S. (c) Tow wave height measurements at ORM 708.1 on 1 May 1977 show maximum wave heights from 0.2 to 0.7 ft. (3) Sailing and Mooring . There has been change in sailing lines. Tows can navigate substantially closer to the bank during slack- water conditions since the submergence of a bar. (4) Shoreline Facilities . None are located in the vicinity of the site. (5) River Flows and Stages . (a) The natural OHW at ORM 708.3 was elev. 380.0; the modified OHW was computed to be elev. 385.1 for the 383 normal pool and 387.7 for the 386 normal pool (b) The 25-ft raising of the normal pool from 358.0 to 383.0 lias reduced the range of pool fluctuations. (6) Material Removal . Maintenance dredging was performed at Carter's Landing Bar (ORM 707.9) from 1934 to 1966. Spoil was placed on the Kentucky bank. IV-2 9 b. Vegetation and Clearing . (1) Vegetation indicates a relatively stable bank, with good cover of grasses and herbs - upper elevations include mixed woods of box elder, red maple, pawpaw, hackberry, black walnut, and shagbark hickory - all species characteristic of well-drained soils. (2) An American elm at the water surface was aged at 70 years. This area was within a slope area unsuitable for cultiva¬ tion (slope of 16°), located between the cultivated flood plain and cultivated lower terrace. (3) The existing "beach" extending into the river was a cultivated terrace in 1930 and 1938 and was reverting to other vegetation in 1967. c. Soils and Geology . This tract was investigated on 2 May 1977 with the Ohio River stage at approximately elevation 383.4. Banks along the Ohio River evidenced steep scarps. The lower scarp was noted as continuing along the tract-defined reach and recent erosion-exposed alluvium consisted of moist brown to dark brown fine sandy clayey silt *nd silty fine sand stringers, with some clay and fine charcoal fragments. Benches were noted in lower bank debris. Drift accumulations and anchored stumps were observed within and at lower bank areas. Sediment plumes were evident. Cattle were observed grazing this property and watering on the beach. Related scarification of the beach surface by cattle was noted. d. Photo Interpretation Notes . Changes in this area have been discerned along the right bank of the Ohio River, affecting the entire ite except an area upstream of a north-south rural road and along an unnamed tributary which has no perceptible bank change. e. Summary . Relatively minor erosion was noted as occurring. At this location, the pool inundated a shallow bar deposit allowing commercial and recreational vessels to navigate closer to the riverbanks than had been possible before the impoundment occurred. f. Conclusions . Bank erosion at this site would have occurred by natural phenomena without the construction of the navigation struc¬ tures and the impoundment of a permanent pool. Of the natural erosion- causing phenomena, saturation of bank materials and rapid fall of river, piping and undermining are of major significance. The stabilization of stages and flows provided by Corps of Engineers' projects tends to re¬ duce rapid drawdown. However, the interaction of several factors renders it impossible to predict erosion or accretion rates. g. Refer to Plates 7, 24, 41 and A-7; and Figure B-l-13. IV-30 Chester EATON and 14. Tract 2200E Gerald WILLIAMS ORM 696.3 to 696.5 a . Hydraulics and Hydrology . (1) Velocities. The maximum velocity measured at ORM 696.3 on 16 April 1977 was 3.5 ft per sec with a top width of 2,120 ft, a thalweg depth of 39 ft, and stage 3.9 ft above normal pool. (2) Waves (a) Wind wave fetch region for this property is from SSE to NNE with a maximum effective fetch length of 0.98 mile from the SE. (b) For this property the prevailing wind direction within the fetch region is SE. (c) Tow wave height measurements at ORM 696.3 on 1 May 1977 show maximum wave heights ranging from 0.25 to 0.75 ft. ( 3 ) sailing and Mooring . There are no changes in sailing line. No mooring facilities are located in the vicinity. (4) Shoreline Features. None are located in the vicinity of this property. (5) River Flows and Stages . (a) The natural OHW at ORM 696.4 was elev. 383.3; the modified OHW was computed to be elev. 387.9 for the 383 normal pool and 389.9 for the 386 normal pool. (b) The 16-ft raising of the normal pool from 367 to 383 has reduced the range of pool fluctuations. (6) Material Removal. No maintenance dredging was per¬ formed in the vicinity of the site. No specific information regarding commercial dredging is available. b. Vegetation and Clearing . (1) Clearing to 386 ft. msl was accomplished by the Corps. (2) Clearing was not a causative factor in the erosion at this site. All of the cleared vegetation would have died and toppled had it not been removed. (3) Presently bank vegetation is established near Little Poison Creek (willow thickets). IV-31 c. Soils and Geology . Field investigations were conducted on 4 May 1977 at this tract located along the Ohio River approximately elevation 384.0. Tract reconnaissance was inclusive of the tributary Little Poison Creek and evidenced steep banks with numerous slumps which exposed moist brown silty clay, with fine sand, brown clayey silt with fine sand, clayey silty fine to medium sand. Dessication cracking in alluvium was noted. Considerable drift had accumulated in the lower bank areas. d. Photo Interpretation Notes . (1) Bank Changes . A zoom transfer scope was used to make a study of the change in bank areas between 1930 and 1977. Approximately 3,500 ft of shoreline was referenced from just south of Poison Creek to immediately north of Little Poison Creek. Drainways from a small farm pond located about 1,500 ft inland from the Ohio draining to Poison Creek were also discerned. (2) There was no perceived change in the bank between 1930 and August 1967 with June 1938 photograph also being examined. Changes are discernible within the northern area of the tract in the 19 January 1971 photography. The January 1973 photography shows bank change all along the reach of tract north of Poison Creek. Bank changes vary in extent from perceptible at the northern boundary of the tract to no change south of Poison Creek. Changes have continued to May 1977 at an apparently diminishing rate. (3) Prior to August 1967 there was no detectable change, but during the period August 1967 to June 1971 changes were noted. (4) Comments regarding extent of bank changes after August 1967 are relevant to this tract only. For instance, while the August 1967 photography shows no bank change at this tract, at a location 7,500 ft north of Poison Creek on the same side of the river, a cuspate defined pattern of slum rage is noted. Thus, it is concluded that the factors causing bank changes after 1967 were occurring prior to 1967. e. Summary . At this tract natural migration of the thalweg and the river reach have been intensified by localized wave activities. These mechanisms were in addition to the factors of mass instability associated with saturation of bank materials, followed by rapid fall in river elevation and erosive mechanisms such as piping and undermining. The activity of all of the various mechanisms associated with removal of bank materials is complex and interrelated. f. Conclusions . Bank erosion at this site would have occurred by natural phenomena without the construction of the navigation struc¬ tures and the impoundment of a permanent pool. Of the natural erosion- causing phenomena, bank saturation, drawdown, piping and undermining. IV-3 2 and wave actions are of major significance. The stabilization of stages and flows provided by Corps of Engineers' projects tends to reduce rapid drawdown. However, the interaction of several factors renders it impos¬ sible to predict erosion or accretion rates. q. Refer to Plates 7, 23, 42 and A-16; and Figure B-l-14. 15. Tracts 2410E, 2218E, 2215E(2) Billy C. GLENN ORM 692.5-694.2 a * Hydraulics and Hydrology . (1) Velo cities . The maximum velocity measured on 16 April 1977 at ORM 692.4 was 4.1 ft: per sec with a top width of 1,520 ft and a thalweg depth of 58 ft at 5.1 ft above normal pool. The maximum velocity measured on 16 April 1977 at ORM 693.25 was 4.6 ft per sec with a top width of 1,680 ft, a thalweg depth of 55 ft at 4.9 ft above normal pool. (2) Waves (a) The effective wind wave fetch region for Tract Nos. 2215E and 2218E is from SSE to NNE with a maximum effective fetch length of 1.4 miles from SSE. The effective wind wave fetch region for Tract No. 2410E is from SSE to NNE direction with a maximum effective fetch length of 0.95 mile from SE. (b) For Tract 2215E and 2218E the prevailing wind direction within the fetch region is from SSE. For Tract 2410E the prevailing wind direction within the fetch region is SSE. (c) Tow wave height measurements at ORM 693.25 on 2 May 1977 show maximum wave heights from 0.25 to 1.0 ft. Tow wave height measurements at ORM 692.3 on 3 May 1977 show maximum wave heights from 0.16 to 0.9 ft. (3) Sailing and Mooring . Federal emergency mooring buoys are located along the opposite bank. There has been no change in sail¬ ing lines. (4) Shoreline Features . A loading dock is located along the bank at ORM 692.5 near the upstream boundary of the property. (5) River Flows and Stages . (a) The natural OHW at ORM 694.0 was elev 384.0; the modified OHW was computed to be elev 387.9 for the 383 normal pool and 390.2 for the 386 normal pool. (b) The 16-ft raising of the normal pool at these tracts from 367.0 to 383.0 has reduced the range of pool fluctuations. (6) Material Removal . No maintenance dredging has been performed in the vicinity of the site. No specific information is available regarding commercial dredging. b. Vegetation and Clearing (1) The vegetation at the upper site is typical of upland areas in well-drained limestone soils (species included tulip poplar, white and chestnut oat, black cherry, hackberry, honey locust, black locust and American elm). The steep slope was quite rocky, allowing sprouting of various herbaceous and woody plants. (2) The downstream sites (2218 & 2215) includes a wide lower slope devoid of vegetation, near vertical scarps, and an upper bank forested mostly in American elm less than 35 years old. This forest is indicative of a formerly cultivated area. There are several seeps along the scarps. Land behind the elm grove is in corn, which results in enhanced infiltration into the soil. c. Investigations were conducted at this tract located along the Ohio River and tributary streams on 5 May 1977. Ohio River stage on this date was approximately elevation 384.1 This tract evidenced varied bank conditions including colluvium derived rock debris and terrace sequences of alluvium brown silty clay with trace of fine sand. Seepages were noted in bank areas. Sediment plumes were observed approximate to a tributary and Ohio River confluence near the upstream boundary of the tract. This tract evidences extensive areas of historical landslides with slight erosion occurring within some reaches of lower slopes. d. Photo Interpretation Notes (1) Location, Type, Extent . With the aid of a zoom trans¬ fer scope and utilizing photographs obtained during 1938, 1961, 1962, 1974 and 1977, bank changes were compared. (2) Historical changes appear on the right bank of the Ohio River along the southern section of Tract 2410E and Tracts 2215E and 2218E. The Tract 2215E exhibits the greatest amount of change, with a more irregular bank configuration, as compared to Tract 2214E and the southern limits of Tract 2410E. This pattern of bank change in Tract 2215E may be indicative of fine-grained materials. Tract 2218E and the southern section of Tract 2410E exhibit somewhat more uniform slopes, indicative of a coarser grained soil material. The northern section of Tract 2410E where the least change is noted exhibits relatively steep slopes indicative of these potentially less erodible limestone derived colluvial materials. IV-3 4 Rev 7/15/77 e. Summary . The primary causes for erosion at these sites are mass instability associated with saturation of bank materials followed by rapid fall in river elevation and piping and undermining. Additionally, the activity of river traffic and particularly the establishment of a loading facility immediately upstream from the tract with attendant fleeting activities appeared to be a factor in the erosion of the bank along this reach of river. Waves generated by this river traffic and by wind appeared to be a possible additional causative factor in bank erosion. The activity of all of the various mechanisms associated with removal of bank materials is complex and interrelated at these tracts. f. Conclusions . Bank erosion at this site would have occurred by natural phenomena without the construction of the navigation struc¬ tures and the impoundment of a permanent pool. Of the natural erosion- causing phenomena, saturation of banks and rapid fall in river stage, tow and wind wave action, and maximum tractive forces of flow velocities (as located on the outside of a bend) are of major significance. The stabilization of stages and flows provided by Corps of Engineers' projects tends co reduce rapid drawdown. However, the interaction of several fac¬ tors renders it impossible to predict erosion or accretion rates. g. Refer to Plates 7, 22, 43 and A-17 & A-17/1; and Figure B-l-15. 16. Tract 3015E Clyde and Mary BENNER ORM 683.3 to 684.0 a. Hydraulics and Hydrology . (1) Velocities . No velocity measurements were made near this site. (2) Waves . (a) Wind wave fetch region for this property extends from ESE to NW, maximum effective fetch is 0.7 mile from the NW. (b) Prevailing wind direction within the fetch region is from the NW. (c) Tow wave height measurements at ORM 684.0 on 2 May 1977 show maximum wave heights ranging from 0.25 to 0.55 ft. (3) Sailing and Mooring . No change in sailing line and no mooring facilities occur within the site vicinity. (4) Shoreline Features . No facilities are located in the vicinity of the site. IV-35 (5) River Flows and Stages. (a) The natural OHW at ORM 683.7 was elev 386.7; the modified OHW was computed to be elev 390.0 for the 383 normal pool and 391.9 for the 386 normal pool. (b) The 16-ft raising of the normal pool from 364 to 383 has reduced the range of pool fluctuations. (6) Material Removal . (a) No maintenance dredging was performed in the vicinity of the site. (b) No specific information was available for com¬ mercial dredging. b. Vegetation and Clearing . (1) The narrow lower bank is a remnant of a formerly cultivated terrace which had been allowed to revegetate. A fringe of silver maple occurs along the top bank in the upstream por¬ tions. These are dense, clumped, and multi-trunked, about 35-40 years old, and indicate a frequently flooded area containing second growth. In the lower part of the site a field was plowed to approximately the top of bank. (2) Clearing by the Corps removed much of the vegetation from the terrace at the lower part of the property. c. Soils and Geology . Investigations were conducted at this tract located along the Ohio River and tributary streams on 3 May 1977. Ohio River stage this date was approximately 384.6. This tract evi¬ denced variable topographic, soils and rock outcrop conditions. In the central reach of the tract, recent bank siumpage scarps exposed alluvium consisting of damp layered brown fine sandy silt, clayey silt and silty clay. Benching occurred in lower bank siumpage debris. A terrace was encountered between the upper and lower banks. The upper bank also evidences seepage areas. The upstream reach of the tract consists largely of colluvium with indications of bedrock control at shallow depth. The downstream reach is composed of a single steep bank of alluvial soil. Large drift accumulations were noted. d. Photo Interpretation Notes . (1) From available aerial photographs of this site for the period between 1930 and May 1977, a comparative study of bank changes was conducted. IV-36 (2) In the 1930 aerial coverage, the terrace and sloping flood plain were being cultivated. Only brush and small tree growth were observed at the boundary between the toe of slope, bank and ter¬ race. The boundaries between the bank and terrace were discerned from the photos by changes in elevation and vegetation. (3) Little change in bank configuration could be per¬ ceived in the 1937 and 1938 aerial coverage. However, trees grown since 1930 located at the edge of the flood plain seem to have been damaged after the 1937 flood. Silt and sand deposited along the bank after the flood changed its configuration slightly. (4) By 1951, changes in bank had progressed, especially at the drainage exits in the middle area and at the downstream limit of the site. (5) In the 1967 coverage it was difficult to discern bank changes because of the tree canopy. However, immediately up- strp am and downstream of a large gully at the downstream limit oi the site, changes were perceived. (6) The April 1971 coverage indicates that changes had occurred since 1930. The difference between the 1930 and 1971 bank indicates bank changes had occurred in the middle area of the site. At both the upstream and downstream ends of the site, the bank had also changed slightly during the same time period. (7) The February 1977 coverage indicates no perceived change had occurred recently within the middle of the site. This may be a result of rock controls of these banks since outcrops are noted just above this area. At the upstream, and downstream area of the tract the bank has continued to change slightly. e. Summary. Relatively minor erosional activity was observed within the downstream two-thirds of the site. This was considered to be representative of a natural progression of the river within its valley. It was considered that migration of the thalweg and erosional removal by current velocities and shear forces were the predominant mechanisms. The shifting of the thalweg was considered to result from control of river migrations by bedrock at and in the immediate vicinity of the site. Within the upstream one-third of the site the slopes evidenced sliding in colluvial materials. f. Conclusions . Bank erosion at this site vould have occurred by natural phenomena without the construction of the navigation struc¬ tures and the impoundment of a permanent pool. Of the natural erosion- causing phenomena, shear forces from current velocities as deflected by rock outcrops and colluvium derived rock debris, and sliding of slope colluvium are of major significance. The stabilization of stages and flows provided by Corps of Engineers' projects tends to reduce rapid drawdown. However, the interaction of several factors renders it impos¬ sible to predict erosion or accretion rates. IV-3 7 g- Refer to Plates 7, 21, 44 and A-18; and Figure B-l-16. 17. Tracts 3229E and 3238E Nicholas PURCELL a ♦ Hydraulics and Hydrology . (1) Velocities. No data were collected at the site. (2) Waves . No wave data were collected at this site. (3) Sailing and Mooring . Not applicable at this site. (4) S horeline Features . None are located in the vicinity of this site. (5) River Flows and Stages . (a) The natural OHW at ORM 678.5 was elev 388.4; the modified OHW was computed to be elev 391.2 for the 383 normal pool and 392.9 for the 386 normal pool. (b) The 16-ft raising of the normal pool at these tracts from 367 to 383 has reduced the range of pool fluctuations. (6) Material Removal . Not applicable at this site. b. Vegetation and Clearing . (1) Land at the ridge includes a lawn and roadway. The slope to the stream indicates slumping with trees toppled in various directions. Large trees include sycamore, cottonwood, and silver maple. (2) No clearing was performed by the Corps at this site. c. S oils and Geology . Field investigations were conducted on 4 May 1977 at this tract located approximate to Mill Creek of the Little Blue River with Ohio River stage at elev. 384.9. Slopes above Mill Creek evidenced historical and recent failure conditions with tension cracks, scarps and stream-cut toe of slide debris being noted. Failure surfaces were within the wet colluvium and approximate to top of rock surfaces. This colluvial slide debris includes materials derived from weathered lacustrine deposits and shaley silty claystone. These materials were classified as brown to gray silty clay to clay and fine sand with iron staining, damp to wet. IV-38 Rev 7/15/77 ^ d. Photo Interpretation Notes . ( 1 ) Location / Type, and Extent . The failing slope is located on the right bank of Mill Creek about 3,600 ft upstream of its junction with the Little Blue River. This failure area begins just up¬ stream of the county road bridge located about 1/2 mile north of Alton and extends some 600 ft above the bridge. Examination of photos from 1930 to 1977 resulted in identifying several areas of unstable soils or soil and rock mixtures. On the slopes, slides of colluvium or colluvial mixtures of sandstone, limestone and shale were noted. Glacial lake bed remnants within tributary stream valley areas, such as the Blue, Little Blue, and Mill Creek are related to slides located within and at faces of the dissected remnants. (2) There are indications that slope changes predate the earliest photography. Further, there are indications that sliding has been active since 1930 within these terrace areas. The most active and severe recent sliding has occurred in the upstream portion of this site. Photos were compared for the years 1936, 1967, 1974, 1976 and 1977 to determine the nature and extent of the toe of slide changes. A readily discernible change was noted utilizing 1967 photos and the 1977 photos. This slope change occurred over a 350-ft section nearest the house. The other photos were examined in an attempt to define the period during which most of the changes occurred. The 1974 photo indi¬ cates that approximately half the sliding occurred between 1967-1974 and the remainder between 1974-1977. The other changes were so slight they could not be discerned from photos and the period of occurrence could not be determined. The upper slope appears to be sliding in mass. The mass has moved down the slope taking trees and other vegetative cover along with it. The upper bank is almost devoid of vegetation. Areas or slope failure are indicated by large leaning trees. This indicates a slope which now has no stratified soil structure, but rather is cracked and broken in random directions. (3) Sign ificant Factors . The lacustrine clays and silts comprising the lower slopes are poorly drained materials. The slopes are subject to saturation by ground water. The sliding maso nas numer¬ ous cracks and weathered slip surfaces. As the landslides continue to move the soil, irees, brush, and other debris further down the slope, the channel of Mill Creek is restricted and has a lower discharge capacity,. With the stream obstructed, flow is diverted. The trees and other debris within the channel also result in increased turbulence. (4) Rate of Change . The rate of change at this site proba¬ bly has little importance since indications are, from the nature of the slope change, that significant failure movements have occurred during several periods rather than continuously. # IV-39 e. Summary . Saturation of hillside materials is considered to be the significant instability factor. Historic evidence of instability in the immediate vicinity of the tract was established by photo interpretation. Sufficient field observations were conducted to define natural mass movements unrelated to changes in pool elevation. f. Conclusions . Ground v«ter saturation of hillside materials and mass movement of slope colluvium unrelated to project-modified river¬ ine conditions are of major significance. g. Refer to Plates 7, 45, and A-19; and Figure B-l-17. 18. Tract 3703E Ralph COX ORM 669.8 to 670.2 a. Hydraulics and Hydrology . (1) Velocities . The maximum velocity measured at ORM 669.0 on 14 April 1977 was 5.7 ft per sec with a top width of 1,400 ft and a thalweg depth of 63 ft, stage 11.0 ft above normal pool. (2) Waves . (a) Wind wave fetch region for this property extends from E to NW, maximum effective fetch length is 0.7 mile from the NW. (b) Prevailing wind direction within the fetch re¬ gion is from the NW. (c) Tow wave height measurements at ORM 669.0 on 4 May 1977 show maximum wave heights ranging from 0.55 to 1.4 ft. (3) Sailing and Mooring . There is no change in sailing line; however, there is a possibility of navigating slightly closer to the bank at slack water since the impoundment of the new pool. (4) Shoreline Features . A boat launching ramp is located on the bank at mile 669.8 (5) River Flows and Stages . (a) The natural OHW at ORM 670.0 was elev. 391.0; the modified OHW was computed to be elev 393.3 for the 383 normal pool and 394.8 for the 386 normal pool. (b) The 16-ft raising of the normal pool from 367 to 383 has reduced the range of pool fluctuations. IV-40 (6) Material Removal. (a) No maintenance dredging was performed at this site. (b) No specific information on commercial dredging is available for this site. b. Ve getation and Clearing . (1) The site has a high bank with a narrow beach. Top of the high bank was plowed within 2 ft of the edge. Shrub growth occurred on the bank, mostly locust. Vegetation establishment was noted near the upstream end of the site, with silver maple and sycamore npa|- the water and hackberry and buckeye located higher on the slopes. These indicate well-drained soils. The largest sycamore and hackberry were aged at less than 35 years. (2) Erosion-related toppling of trees occurs at this site. Measurements indicate flows near the shore approach shear velocity fre¬ quently. Such velocities could contribute to the extent of observed erosion. (3) Clearing was accomplished by the Corps at this site. Although not extensive, this exposure of cleared bank to shearing velocities probably has contributed to the observed tree toppling. c. Soils and Geology. Investigations were conducted at this tract on the Ohio River and tributary stream on 4 May 1977. Ohio River stage this date was approximately elevation 383.5. Recent slumpage had exposed scarps within the upper bank and benching had occurred in failure debris. Recent sediment deposition was noted in lower bank areas. Excavations and augering encountered alluvial moist to damp dark brown to brown silty clay with fine sand. Erosional downcutting by a tributary stream was noted. d. Photo Interpretation Notes . (1) Location, Type, Extent . Historical bank changes are evident along the entire reach of tract. The upper bank is generally more constant. (2) Significant Factors . Factors which could have af¬ fected bank changes at this site are: the easily erodible silt and silty clay alluvium, the topography of the upper bank (perhaps affected by the existence of a continuous stand of trees during the period of photo coverage), and the effects of tows operating close to the bank. e. Su mmary . A natural erosional condition exists which can be attributed to the existence of bedrock and colluvium across the river IV -41 and the resulting migration of the eroding river into this reach of bank. More significant causes of erosion at this site are mass instability associated with saturation of bank materials followed by rapid fall in river elevation and piping and undermining. The activity of various mechanisms associated with removal of bank materials is complex and interrelated at this site. f. Conclusions . Bank erosion at this site would have occurred by natural phenomena without the construction of the navigation struc¬ tures and the impoundment of a permanent pool. Of the natural erosion- causing and related phenomena, shear forces from current velocities as deflected by rock outcrops and colluvium-derived rock debris, and saturation of bank materials and rapid fall in river stage, and piping of materials and resultant undermining are of major significance. The stabilization of stages and flows provided by Corps of Engineers' proj¬ ects tend to reduce rapid drawdown. However, the interaction of several factors renders it impossible to predict erosion or accretion rates. g. Refer to Plates 7, 20, 46 and A-20; and Figure B-l-18. 19. Tract 3828E John H. McGEHEE ORM 668.3 to 668.6 a. Hydraulics and Hydrology . (1) Velocities . The maximum velocity measured at ORM 669.0 on 14 April 1977 was 5.7 ft per sec with a top width of 1,400 ft and a thalweg depth of 63 ft at 11.0 ft above normal pool or stage 0.7 ft above ordinary high water. (2) Waves . (a) Wind wave fetch region for this property extends from ESE to WSW; maximum effective fetch length is 0.72 mile from the SE. (b) Prevailing wind direction within the fetch region at this site is from the SW. (c) Tow wave height measurements at ORM 669.0 on 4 May 1977 show maximum wave heights ranging from 0.65 to 1.4 ft. (3) Sailing and Mooring . There is no change in sailing line; however, submergence of a bar permits navigation closer to the bank under slack water conditions. (4) Shoreline Features . A boat launching ramp is located on the bank opposite to the property at ORM 669.8. IV-4 2 (5) River Fl ows and Stage s. (a) The natural OHW at ORM 668.5 was elev 391.4; the modified OHW was computed to be elev 393.7 for the 383 normal pool and 395.2 for the 386 normal pool. (b) The 16-ft raising of the normal pool from 367 to 383 has reduced the range of pool fluctuations. (6) Material Removal . (a) No maintenance dredging was performed in the vicinity of this site. (b) No specific information is available on commer¬ cial dredging. b. Vegetation and Clearing . There is a stand of young sand¬ bar willow protecting the lower bank and extending up to the high bank. Dense vegetation is present. Little or no active erosion is evident at pool elevations. The upper bank includes a forest of mature black locust/ honey locust/ and including hackberry, black cherry, mulberry, and elm. There is no vegetation-related evidence of recent major disturbance. c. Soils and Geology. This tract was investigated on 29 April 1977 with the Ohio River stage at approximately elevation 385.6 Sloping banks along the Ohio River evidenced recent sediment deposition with some slumping and benching of these layered moist brown silty fine sand with trace of clay and leaf fragment deposits. Upper bank alluvium consists of brown silty clay with some fine sand, fine sandy silt with clay, and silty fine sand with trace of clay and organics. d. Photo Interpretation Notes . (1) At Tract No. 3828E slight changes along a low natural levee were perceived. (2) The areas affected by changes are a terrace and a farm road in the early photography, and a low natural levee which was mapped as the top of bank. The terraces appear unchanged. These terraces slope up to a natural levee which was under cultivation or in pasture land between 1912 and 1938. Between 1938 and 1966 changes were per¬ ceived in the levee. (3) The change in top of bank was perceived using 1:6,000 scale 23 November 1976 aerial photos. The initial bank line conditions were discerned from the 193 0 photography. A comparison was made between the 1930 top of bank as seen on the aerial photography and the 1912 Ohio IV-4 3 River Navigation Charts. Change of bank before 1930 is suggested, but an accurate comparison between map and photography was not possible because the position of the top of bank by the 1912 contours is ind et erminate. (4) The relative positions of the 1930, 1938, 1961, 1966, and 1976 top of bank were plotted by use of a zoom transfer scope. There was an insignificant amount of bank change between 1930 and 1938. The 1961 imagery was obtained during high water when the pool elevation was at approximately 400. The top of bank corresponds approximately to the water’s edge and shows changes when compared with the 1930 and 1938 imagery. (5) The 1966 imagery indicates that a continuation of these bank changes took place between 1930 and 1961. The 1976 top of bank cor¬ responds approximately to that discerned from the 1966 photography. It is apparent that most bank changes at this site occurred prior to 1966 and prior to the impoundment of the Cannelton Pool. (6) The 1971, 1973, and 1974 imagery at scales of 1:40,000 and 1:48,000 was not useable for comparison purposes. (7) Considering bank conditions between 1930 and 1976, it appears that the bank had changed throughout that period. However, the rate of change was greater prior to 1966 than post 1966. The changes taking place at this site today are a continuation of processes occurring prior to the impoundment of the Cannelton Pool. e. Summary . Erosional activities are relatively insignificant at this site which is located on the convex side of a river bed. The site evidences relatively minor removal of material during high water stages with subsequent reworking and redeposition as the high waters recede. Observations of recent deposition of materials, together with erosional reworking confirm these sequences of river-related actions. f. Conclusions . No significant bank erosion was n oted. Accretion of debris and sediments and the reworking of these deposits was observed. However, the interaction of several factors renders it impossible to predict either erosion or accretion rates. f. Refer to Plates 7, 19, 47 and A-21; and Figure B-l-19. 20. Tract 5018E E. Davis McGEHEE ORM 641.8 - 642.2 a. Hydraulics and Hydrology . (1) Velocities . The maximum velocity measured at ORM 641.4 on 14 April 1977 was 5.1 ft per sec with a top width of 1,500 ft, a thalweg depth of 59 ft, and stage 17.3 ft above normal pool. IV-44 (2) Waves. (a) Fetch region for wind waves at this property extends for E to NW with a maximum effective fetch length of 0.57 mile from the NW. (b) For this property, prevailing wind direction within the fetch region is from the NW. (c) Tow wave height measurements at ORM 641.5 on 4 May 1977 show maximum wave heights ranging from 0.38 to 0.67 ft. (3) Sailing and Mooring . line. (4) S horeline Features , is located at ORM 643.3. No change occurred in sailing The Olin Corporation loading dock ( 5 ) River Flows and Stages . (a) The natural OHW at ORM 641.5 was elev 398.6; the modified OHW was computed to be elev 400.1 for the 383 normal pool and 401.0 for the 386 normal pool. (b) The 9-ft raising of the normal pool from 374 to 383 has reduced the range of pool fluctuations. (6) Material Removal . (a) Moman's bar (ORM 639.6) was dredged from 1937- 1946. Spoil material was placed on the Indiana bank from this dredging activity. dredging. (b) No specific data are available on commercial b. Vegetation and Clearing . • (1) Growth varied from exposed benches to a willow stand reaching from the water's edge to an upper terrace. The terrace area has a thicket of young sandbar willow, with occasional cottonwood and sycamore. (2) The former riparian fringe was thinned by Corps clear¬ ing operations. c. Soils and Geology. Field investigations were conducted at this tract located along'The Ohio River and within tributary stream IV-45 areas on 27 and 28 April 1977. River stage was approximately elev 387.2. Bank erosion conditions noted during tract reconnaissance included slumpage scarp exposures of layered alluvial moist brown clayey silt with fine sand, silty fine sand with some clay, and silty fine sand with benches within lower bank debris. Terrace and lower bank areas evidence recent deposition of dark brown silty fine sand with clay. d. Photo Interpretation Notes . (1) Bank Changes . The changes in the bank within this reach were studied by comparing various photos taken between 1938 and 1977. (2) Location, Type and Extent . There were no major changes in the bank within this reach of river. Several minor changes occurred between the following photo coverage dates: 1961, 1974, 1976, and 1977. There was no change noted between 1961 and 1974. From 1974 to November 1976, there were three locations where bank changes occurred. The amount of change was scaled and determined to increase in the down¬ river direction. There was one small area where minor bank changes had occurred between November 1976 and February 1977. The maximum bank change was located about the midpoint of the tract. Ground photos here show that there is a scarp where bank changes were most readily dis¬ cerned. The photos also showed definite benches within the lower bank. (3) Significant Factors . The alluvial soils comprising the lower terrace along the river bank in this reach are primarily silts and clays with sand. These fine-grained materials are typically under¬ lain by sands and gravels. The bank in some places is slightly higher in elevation than the adjacent farmland. Periods of heavy rainfall and high runoff may result in steady seepage within lower bank areas. The channel configuration in the area of this tract is a long bend with a relatively high bank along the concave side and a point bar deposit on the convex side of the bend. The point bar consists of more erodible material than the high bank alluvium and colluvium on the opposite side of the channel. Small concave erosion features were noted within the 3,300-ft length of bank between these sites. There are more discernible irregularities within this area than within litigant's tracts as per¬ ceived utilizing February 1977 photos. Although the areas of irregu¬ larity have become somewhat more extensive over the years, they were perceived on photos as early as 1949, but were not discerned on the 1938 photos. There are indications that there has been some bank change in this general area prior to the raising of the pool by Cannelton Dam in 1971. (4) Rate of Change. The amount and period of changes ?ere reviewed to determine approximate rates. The bank changes had occurred at different locations for each period where photographic data were considered. It was noted that most of the changes occurred where the banks are 5 to 10 ft lower in elevation than in the adjacent areas. IV-4 6 It is noted that these areas of lower bank elevation are subjected to more frequent flooding. Numerous breaks were common in the bank where slump-related changes were perceived. Slumping changes were perceived in the more recent photographic coverage of 1974-1977. e. Summary. This tract exhibits mass instability from flow of groundwater witiTattendant removal of granular materials. This removal may result in the collapse of large blocks along the face of the bank which then interrupt groundwater flow, leading to pressure build-up and further instability. f. conclusions. Bank erosion at this site would have occurred by natural phenomena without the construction of the navigation struc¬ tures and the impoundment of a permanent pool. Of the natural erosion- causing phenomena, g»oundwater flow, mass instability of bank materials, and piping and resulting undermining are of major significance. The stabilization of stages and flows provided by Corps of Engineers’ projects tends to reduce rapid drawdown. However, the interaction of several fac¬ tors renders it impossible to predict erosion or accretion rates. q. Refer to Plates 8, 18, 48 and A-22; the Figure B-l-20. 21. Tracts 5101E & 5112E John H. McGEHEE ORM 639.5 - 641.1 a. Hydraulics and Hydrology . (1) Velocities. The maximum velocity at ORM 641.4 on 14 April 1977 was 5.1 ft "per sec with a top width of 1,500 ft, thalweg depth of 59 ft, and stage 17.3 ft above normal pool. (2) Waves ♦ (a) Fetch region for wind waves at this property extends from E to NW with a maximum effective fetch length of 0.57 mile from the NW. (b) For this property, prevailing wind direction within the fetch region is from the NW. (c) Tow wave height measurements at ORM 641.5 on 4 May 1977 show maximum wave heights from 0.33 to 0.67 ft. (3) Sailing and Mooring . There is no change in sailing line. (4) Shoreline Features. The 01in Corporation loading dock is located at ORM 643.3. IV-47 (5) River Flows and Stages. (a) The natural OHW at ORM 641.5 was elev 393.6; the modified OHW was computed to be elev 400.1 for the 383 normal pool and 401.0 for the 386 pool. (b) The 9-ft raising of the normal pool from 374 to 383 lias reduced the range of pool fluctuations. (6) Material Removal . (a) Moman's bar (ORM 639.6) was dredged from 1937- 1946. The material was placed on the Indiana bank. (b) No specific data are available on commercial dredging at this site. b. Vegetation and Clearing . (1) A good willow growth was established from the water's edge to the upper terrace. Within the terrace area a thicket of dense, young sandbar willow 3-8 years old was encountered. Occasional silver maple and cottonwood were noted within the upper willow thicket. Some root exposure occurs along the water’s edge, but no toppling was observed. The lower benches appear to be areas of deposition with willow growth. Erosional conditions may result from shear forces which approach critical velocity at the site at relatively low flood stages. (2) The former narrow riparian fringe was largely cleared by the Corps. The occasional cottonwood and silver maple noted were isolated and above the clearing line. This fringe was quite narrow with farm operations approximate to the banks. c. Soils and Geology . Investigations were conducted during 28-29 April 1977 and on 5 May 1977 at these tracts located along the Ohio River and within tributary stream areas. Ohio River stages were approxi¬ mately 385.6 on 29 April and 385.3 on 5 May. This tract exhibited variable topographic, soils and rock conditions. Transverse cracking was noted 10 ft to 12 ft back of the top of bank. Recent slump- age scarps exposed and excavation and auger sampling encountered alluvial and fluvial glacial intermixed, layered and cross-bedded materials. These materials were classified as layered and lensing moist to damp brown silty clay, clayey silt with fine sand, and sandy silt with clay and as moist brown silty clay with fine sand, silty fine sand, and fine to coarse sand and gravel. Rapidly downcutting tributary streams also exposed these materials and buried wood. Drift accumulations were observed. Seeps and springs were noted within the relatively pervious sands and gravels. IV-48 d Photo interpretation Notes. The changes in the bank line in this reach”were*^studied by comparing various photos taken between 1938 and 1977. (1) Location, Type and Ex tent . There were no major changes in the bank within this reach of river. Several minor changes occurred between the following photos: 1961, 1974, 1976, and 1977. There are three locations where bank change occurred between 1961 and 1974 Between 1974 and 1976 there are six small areas where changes were observed. Most of these changes were within the downstream 400 ft of the tract. Ground photos show that there is typically a very steep slumpage scarp from 2 to 4 ft in vertical extent at some of the locations where bank failure has occurred. (2) Significant Factors. The soils comprising the lower terrace and upper bank - in this reach are alluvial silts and clays with fine sand. These fine-grained materials are typically underlain by sands and gravels. The bank in some places is slightly higher in elevation than the adjacent farmland. Periods of heavy rainfall and high runoff may result in steady seepage within lower bank areas. The channel configuration is a long bar with a relatively high oankline along the concave side and a point bar deposit on the convex side of the bend and within the area of this tract. The point bar side consists of more erodible material than the colluvium banks on the opposite side of the channel. Also noted were small concave erosion features in the 3,300-ft length of bank immediately downstream of this site. There are more discernible irregularities within this area than within these liti¬ gant's tracts as perceived utilizing February 1977 photos. Although the area of the irregularities has become somewhat more extensive over the years, they were perceived on photos obtained as early as 1949, but were not discerned on the 1938 photos. There are indications that there has been some change of bank in this general area prior to the raising of the pool by Cannelton Dam in 1971. ( 3 ) Rate of Change . The amount and period of changes was reviewed to approximate rates. The bank changes at both sites have occurred at different locations for each period where photographic data were considered. It was noted that most of the bank change occurred in a general area where the banks are 5 to 10 ft lower in elevation than in the adjacent areas. The only apparent significance to this is that the areas of lower bank elevation are subjected to more frequent flooding. Numerous breaks were common in the bank where slump-related changes were perceived. In the reach downstream of this site, changes in the bank line were discerned from photography obtained. e. Summary . These tracts exhibit mass instability from flow of groundwater removing granular materials. This removal may result in the collapse of large blocks along the face of the bank which then IV-49 interrupt groundwater flow, leading to pressure build-up and further instability. In the upstream reach, gently sloping and stepped banks were noted as resulting from piping failures in the stratified sands, gravels, and silt. f. Conclusions . Bank erosion at this site would have occurred by natural phenomena without the construction of the navigation struc¬ tures and the impoundment of a permanent pool. Of the natural erosion- causing phenomena, mass instability of bank materials, groundwater flows, and piping with resulting undermining are of major significance. The stabilization of stages and flows provided by Corps of Engineers' projects tends to reduce rapid drawdown. However, the interaction of several factors renders it impossible to predict erosion or accretion rates. g. Refer to Plates 8, 18, 49, A-23 and A-2^/1; and Figure B-l-21. 22. John DICKENSON OEM 724.6 a. Hydraulics and Hydrology . (1) Velocities . The maximum velocity measured at ORM 724.4 on 15 April 1977 was 4.4 ft per sec with a top width of 2,180 ft and a thalweg depth of 45 ft at a stage 18.3 ft above normal pool. (2) Waves. (a) The effective wind wave fetch region for this site extends from SF. to NW, with maximum effective fetch length of 1.14 miles from the NW. (b) Tow wave height measurements at ORM 724.5 on 30 April 1977 show maximum wave heights ranging from 0.4 to 1.0 ft. (3) S ailing and Mooring . There are no changes in sailing lines. Federal emergency buoys are located in the vicinity of the site. (4) Shoreline Features . A loading dock and a recreational boat launching ramp are located on the shore in the vicinity of the site. (5) River Flows and Stages . (a) The natural OHW at ORM 724.6 was elev 376.5; the modified OHW was computed to be elev 376.7. (b) The normal pool was not raised at this tract. ( IV-50 (6) Mate rial Removal . No maintenance dredging has been performed at this site. No specific information is available on com¬ mercial dredging. b. Vegetation and Clearing . (1) A gravel reach extends 6 to 8 ft from the water line to a steeper bank slope which evidences recent slumping. A thicket of sandbar willow covers the upper bank and much of the slope except along the slumpage scarps. Ground cover varies from none to a thick inter¬ twining of poison ivy and Virginia creeper along the bank, with willows. Mature sycamore and cottonwood occur along the bank, with shrub silver maple and alder. (2) No clearing was performed by the Corps at this site. c. Soi ls and Geology . Field investigations were conducted on 3 May 1977 at this upper Newburgh pool site, with Ohio River stage at elev 365.5 The bank consists of a steep scarp and lower slope reach. Coal and charcoal were encountered at depth within alluvial bank mate¬ rials. A drain and standing waste water were noted behind the top of bank near an area of maximum erosion. Concrete slabs had been placed in this area. Sampling at scarp and within lower slope areas encount¬ ered alluvial moist to wet brown clayey silt with fine sand. d. Photo Interpretation Notes . (1) The 1930, 1937, 1961 and 1977 photography was noted as showing a sequence of bank changes. (2) Comparisons of the 1930 and 1938 photography indicates that bauik change may have occurred at one time, possibly during the flood of 1937. The exaimination of recent photography suggests that bank changes are now being affected by structures in the immediate area (for example a port facility). e. Summary . Relatively insignificant erosion was noted at this site. localized saturation of bank materials appeared to be caused by discharge of domestic waste water. Also, generation of waves by river traffic was observed. A localized concentration of river traffic relatively close to the property was noted. f. Conclusions. Bank erosion at this site vould have occurred by natural phenomena without the construction of the navigation struc¬ tures and the impoundment of a permanent pool. Of the natural erosion- causing phenomena, localized saturation of bank materials and tow¬ generated wave action are of major significance. The interaction of several factors renders it impossible to predict erosion or accretion rates. g. Refer to Plates 7, 28, 50 and A-24; and Figure B-l-22. IV-51 . ' Kev 7/15/77 * V. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS i. General. Summary statements and conclusions for individual sites are included~as subparagraphs e. and f. in Section IV. Study-derived summary and conclusions follow. 2 Summary. An analysis has been made of each of the sites in the pools concerning their stability and types of forces to which they are subjected. The sites have been classified into three broad categories: (1) those in which there is accretion or minor erosion, (2) those that are affected primarily by colluvial slides, and (3) those that show some bankline instability that is substantially caused by drawdown-related slumpages, seepage of groundwater, river currents, or waves. The present Ohio River is geologically stable and has inherited its major patterns and locations from its Pleistocene predecessor. As com¬ pared to that predecessor, the reduced discharge, flat gradient, controls, and resistant bank materials preclude major channel change. It is certain that serious bank erosion has occurred during the major floods of the past; however, the damage is repaired naturally. Hence, at any one site the bank position will fluctuate depending on meteorologic and hydrologic conditions. The width ot the meander belt is controlled by impingement of the river on rock. However, as with all rivers, the present Ohio, within constraints imposed by its history, is dynamic and conforms to the laws of geomorpnoiogy and hydraulics. Theretore, bank erosion and channel changes within the limits of the rock controls do take place. The forces causing changes in the geometry oi the river system include the erosive actions of flows, slope zailures, wind ana boat waves, ice, and seepage resulting from groundwater flows. In terms of the impor¬ tance of these forces, an analysis of data and river systems indicates that the major forces affecting channel alignment and bank erosion are the actions of the flowing water, bank slides, and related phenomena. The effects of water seepage are, in general, difficult to assess, but in some cases may be rather significant. Changes in the system created by wind and ice are less important and, in most cases, are insignificant in their effects The magnitude of wind -generated waves is determined by several fac¬ tors such as wind speeds, directions and fetch lengths, whicn are variable from site to site. As noted in Section IV, the maximum fetch lengths vary between 0.7 to 1.4 miles. The range of wind wave heights from these fetches generated by all but the most extreme wind speeds are comparable to those of tow-generated waves given in Section IV. Due to the short fetch lengths, wind waves are relatively small when compared to locations such as ocean shores where unlimited fetch lengths result in substantially higher wind waves and associated forces, which are primary causes of shore V-l Considering recent river development, many changes have been effected that in general increased the stability of the river system. Specifically, the reservoirs constructed within the Ohio River drainage basin control approximately 30 percent of the contributing area. These reservoirs reduce peak flows and increase the stability of the system. In addition, the construction of the locks and dams hold river stages at a rather constant level during normal and low flow periods. This stability of water level reduces the amount of rise and fall of the water against the riverbank and consequently reduces changes that would otherwise contribute to the instability of the banks. More specifically, this condition reduces seepage forces and weight forces acting on the bank. Thus, Federal developments both off and on the river have improved control of stages and the system tends to be more stable than it was in its natural state. A number of possible mechanisms of bank change were identified within the Newburgh, Cannelton and the Meldahl Pools. Predominant among these mechanisms is mass instability, commonly referred to as slumping or slid¬ ing. The term "mass instability" is considered to refer to situations in which a combination of increases in forces tending to cause bank failure combined with conditions which reduce the resistance of bank materials result in failure. The greatest increase in forces which tend to cause collapse of the riverbanks is the lowering of the water level next to the bank with related pore pressure increases ana subsequent strength reductions. The higher pools associated with the new high-lift structures result in lesser drawdown than with the old slackvater system. This is demonstrated on Fig. V-i. The lesser drawdown increases bank stability. In addition to slumping and removal of bank materials as described above, these materials are removed through the activity of water flowing through soil layers in the riverbank. Characteristically, the alluvial materials in the riverbanks are deposited in thin layers and significant variation in grain size and permeability occurs within these layers. These soil structures result in seepage of water along more permeable layers which generally consist of fine sands or sands and gravels. The passage of water along these layers tends to remove individual particles of these granular materials at the face of the bank, in turn removing support for overlying materials. This type of activity is generally referred to as piping failure and is a rather common phenomenon in strati¬ fied alluvial materials. In general, the greatest potential for seepage and piping type failures occur when the greatest gradient exists between the water level within the streambanks as compared to the water level in the adjacent river. Flow systems such as cropland drainage or discharge of wastewaters result in localized bank saturation. Seepage and piping V-2 Rev. 7/15/77 failures may occur after rapid fall of river stage following periods of high water. In all of these situations, the creation of a high gradient causing flow of water through granular layers leads to the removal of individual grains of the granular layered material and produces instability within the bank materials. Another causative factor in bank erosion is a grain by grain removal of material by water contact. In some cases this water contact takes the form of a shear stress associated with the current velocities at the contact point between the river waters and the bank. In other instances, grain by grain removal is caused by the impingement of waves on the bank near the water line. These mechanisms may represent a predominant factor for removal of material at a particular site. Addi¬ tionally, these mechanisms may trigger or initiate mass movements where this removal changes a situation from critical equilibrium to one of immediate failure. A mass of bank material may be in an incipient failure condition and a localized slight removal of material through water contact may initiate a mass failure of much greater magnitude than the removal associated with the wave activity only. Mass movements of bank materials may significantly change the erosion potential. For example, large blocks of material may fall from their original positions and lodge at a lower elevation. At this level they could block the flow of ground water through more pervious materials and consequently change the overall stability of the bank by inducing water pressure and thereby reducing the shear strength of the material. In other cases, the slumping of a large mass of material to a lower ele¬ vation may temporarily protect the bank at that elevation irom the erosive action of waves. Local reworking of slump debris by wave action and current velocity has been noted at a number oi sites, 3. Conclusions. Bank erosion would have occurred along the Ohio River, including the tracts under litigation, by natural phenomena without the construction of navigation structures and the impoundment of permanent pools. Of these phenomena the most significant erosion causative fac¬ tors are failure of banks during and following wet periods and the reworking and transport of slumpage debris. Significant erosion conditions and bank failures following floods have been noted in his- toric records. Ohio River navigation structures have been constructed throughout the past 50 years and conditions of moderate to severe erosion have been noted within all reaches regardless of the periods of impoundment. V-3 .'A . VI BIBLIOGRAPHY Airanar, A. A., Mobarek, I. E., M. E., Mobarek/ I. E., and Kadib, of navigation canal cross-section of the hydraulic phenomena (Pt 2). N. (Pt 1 & 2); El-Ghamry, A. A. (Pt 3). 1969. Design and alignment (Pt 1)• Study 22d Int Nav Cong. Sec 2-3 Paris, France. Ammar, A. A. 1969. 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Q_ UJ or > o E |o <3 CO r> PLATE I REGIONAL GEOMORPHOLOGY 39 ° 00 ' ~l ( BANK EROSION STUDY ALLUVIAL VALLEY OF THE OHIO RIVER MELDAHL POOL OROXE _ JULY 77 PLATE 3 3 3 5 UJ £ j $ jf i *: I u. § to tr f" UJ UJ >- >- V 2 o z O 3 k-j — CD <2 U. > O O z ^ h U cn tr Q. UJ U cc UJ CO UJ <0 (t > 8 E o cr iLt > ARMY OHK z < OCK I 0 UJ U.S. ao 0 X 0 oc 0 PLATE 4 MONTGOMERY ISLANO L.&O.Ar .DASHIELOS L&0 / /EMSWORTH 1.8 r PLATE 5 M ,L ES 0E LOW PITTSBURGH OHIO RIVER OJ ~D r~ > H m \y. 3c ac m fr it* w C«J r^-» s co 4 c 'THE OHIO G RIVEf( 11^ PROFILE St> Wva OtL 3~H1a] r- iu i- < CL ▼ ‘S ti n i 3 avw '03 N 3 QZ 13 IQ 3 N 33 H 3 won i t)jd a i x a i * 3 dVd HdVfciiJ N 30 ZX 3 I 0 UI-aOl L ON I I I ' I I I WVQ 3 VS'ld “1 V ?VN b'lao 0 } o>/.6'‘l3 Otl32 yarAol aNIdT^oVM : efc'iAjva - ■ i - U -H - '! t- shin y?v iajvq n-Lwa 1 1 - 11 CL It > S~T\, cc ^ * “ > } X X o < ' ^ Q o: V 'll NI 30VW □ O N3Q2J.3IQ 3N33HJ H3NI «JcJ m X O I UldVd MdVan N332X3IO CJI UDl»L ON I LEGEND Pre-Cannelton or Meldahl channel line Post-Cannelton or Meldahl channel line U.S. Light Daymark Pre-Cannelton and Meldahl buoys: Post-Cannelton and Meldahl buoys: Gage Arrival point for lockage Waters edge at pool stage before Cannelton or Meldahl Pools Waters edge at pool stage after Cannelton or Meldahl Pools Bar, with less than project 9-foot depth at pool stage before Cannelton or Meldahl Pools Bar, with less than project 9-foot depth at pool stage after Cannelton or Meldahl Pools Aerial crossings: Power Telephone Dock Intake Submarine crossing Recreational Facilities Launching Ramp Dock Marina Mooring Facilities Fleeting Area Ordinary High Water Elevation Reach limits □ □ R □ • x OH W OOO t_ f U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY MODIFICATION OF SAILING LINE AND NAVIGABLE DEPTH ORDXE JULY 1977 PLATE 10 PLATE II KENTUCKY MASON COl'NTY NORMAL POOL MELDAHL DAM ELEV. 485.0 PRE-MELDAHL DAM NORMAL POOL ELEV. 461.0 ^Narteston Bar OHIO RIVER U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY MODIFICATION OF SAILING LINE AND NAVIGABLE DEPTH 0 I 2 Hhhhh 3 4000 ORDXE JULY 1977 PLATE 12 OHIO BROWN COUNTY ( OHIO BROWN COUNTY o ? 3 4000 1 ---- •=! ORDXE JULY 1977 PLATE 14 KENTUCKY MASON COl'NTY U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION n Bar NORMAL POOL MELDAHL DAM ELEV. 485.0 PRE-MELDAHL DAM NORMAL POOL ELEV. 461.0 OHIO RIVER BANK EROSION STUDY MODIFICATION OF SAILING LINE AND NAVIGABLE DEPTH McNELLY - ^charleston Bar G'-y OHIO RIVER U S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY MODIFICATION OF SAILING LINE AND NAVIGABLE DEPTH 0 1 M H H H H l~ 3 4000 t '—-A ORDXE JULY 1977 PLATE 15 KENTUCKY MASON COUNTY NORMAL POOL MELDAHL DAM ELEV. 485.0 PRE-MELDAHL DAM NORMAL POOL ELEV. 461.0 BROWN COUNTY OHIO i ! i | I ! ! I I ! I / NORMAL POOL MELDAHL DAM ELEV. 485.0 PRE-MELDAHL DAM NORMAL POOL ELEV. 461.0 Augusta KENTUCKY BRACKEN COUNTY OHIO RIVER 4000 ' U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY MODIFICATION OF SAILING LINE AND NAVIGABLE DEPTH ORDXE JULY 1977 PLATE 16 OHIO 0 1 nnuTiuL - NORMAL POOL CANNELTON DAM ELEV. 383.0 PRE-CANNELTON DAM NORMAL POOL ELEV. 374.0 KENTUCKY MEADE COUNTY RIVER 2 7. 3 4000 IE£=ZZj INDIANA HARRISON COUNTY U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY MODIFICATION OF SAILING LINE AND NAVIGABLE DEPTH ORDXE JULY 1977 PLATE 18 I NORMAL POOL CANNELTON DAM ELEV. 383.0 PRE-CANNELTON DAM NORMAL POOL ELEV. 367.0 INDIANA CRAWFORD COUNTY OHIO RIVER 0 1 H H H H R P= 4000 ^3 U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY MODIFICATION OF SAILING LINE AND NAVIGABLE DEPTH ORDXE JULY 1977 PLATE 19 / KENTUCKY MEADE COUNTY U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER 0 12 3 4000 ' M H H H H I— r I - - -1 OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY MODIFICATION OF SAILING LINE AND NAVIGABLE DEPTH OROXE JULY 1977 PLATE 20 NORMAL POOL CANNELTON DAM ELEV. 383.0 PRE-CANNELTON DAM NORMAL POOL ELEV. 367.0 U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY MODIFICATION OF SAILING LINE AND NAVIGABLE DEPTH ORDXE JULY 1977 PLATE 2! PLATE 22 INDIANA *1 PERRY COUNTY I :-=* KENTUCKY BRECKINRIDGE COUNTY OHIO RIVER 0 12 3 4000 ' N H~H H H t —I . T -~1 NORMAL POOL CANNELTON DAM ELEV. 383.0 PRE-CANNELTON DAM NORMAL POOL ELEV. 367.0 U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY MODIFICATION OF SAILING LINE AND NAVIGABLE DEPTH A ORDXE JULY 1977 -J PLATE 23 / NORMAL POOL CANNELTON DAM ELEV. 383.0 PRE-CANNELTON DAM NORMAL POOL ELEV. INDIANA PERRY COUNTY U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY MODIFICATION OF SAILING LINE AND NAVIGABLE DEPTH KENTUCKY BRECKINRIDGE COUNTY OHIO RIVER 0 12 3 4000 ' rr~~- I.. ORDXE JULY 1977 PLATE 24 OHIO RIVER 0 ? 2 kHHHHl— I 4000 ' U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY MODIFICATION OF SAILING LINE AND NAVIGABLE' DEPTH OROXE JULY 1977 PLATE 25 NORMAL POOL CANNELTON DAM ELEV. 383.0 PRE-CANNELTON DAM NORMAL POOL ELEV. 358.0 KENTUCKY HANCOCK COUNTY BYNON U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION OHIO RIVER 0 12 3 4000 ' iTH H H H I— ~ I I- =1 ORDXE JULY 1977 BANK EROSION STUDY MODIFICATION OF SAILING LINE AND NAVIGABLE DEPTH PLATE 26 NORMAL POOL CANNELTON DAM ELEV. 383.0 PRE-CANNELTON DAM NORMAL POOL ELEV. 358.0 KENTUCKY HANCOCK COUNTY DICKENSON OHIO RIVER 0 12 2 4000 ’ Hawesville 1 * U.s. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY MODIFICATION OF SAILING LINE AND NAVIGABLE DEPTH ORDXE JULY 1977 PLATE 28 1 f- ::::::: MAPPING BASED ON 22 MAR.77 PHOTOGRAPHY LEQEMD <977 FCLO SECTION 1959 MAPPING " VELOCITY CRObft SECTION VWYE. MEA9URSMUIT mnm. SOIL SAMPLING SITE- PHOTOGRAPH LOCATIOM U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY MELDAHL POOL ETHEL RICE, TRACT NO. 523E PLAN AND SECTIONS MILE 429.1 ORDXE JULY 77 PLATE 29 SHEET I Of t ku ” -I >-»■<< C Ol U u 3 -i U C C s IS o * o MAPPING BASED ON 22 MAR.77 PHOTOGRAPHY LEGEND 1977 FIELO SECTION 1959 MAPPING " VELOCITY CROfet* SCCTIOW WAYE. MCA9URSMUIT soil sampling arm- PHOTOGRAPH LOCATION 100 100 200 FEET sheet I 6f * omrzoen #-<7-70 romi no m ETHYL RICE, TRACT NO. 523E SOIL PROFILE MILE 429.1 JULY 77 PLATE 29 SHEET 2 OF 2 U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY MELDAHL POOL ETHYL R!CE, TRACT NO. 523E SOIL PROFILE MILE 429.1 ORDXE JULY 77 PLATE 29 SHEET 2 OF 2 ) ir =3 rs o X o tiila *-:• hi i-i -i- -‘tip 11 1. -± j tt-h i r i + i3 ieo 3 t. - - 61 r r j t — if if L. :s“f m -H* 'M9 111 TTT ±i COUNTY or FISCAL vr •Htrr NO TOTAL •N«.rrs * {14. -I * • H- 4i i: -"t l * ‘ ' rrrr 4TT 44 . tfrnBr 444r it: *■: 1:1 r TTT tr — :::: • •: 1. SANDY SILTY CLAY, dark brown, w/rootlets t* worm casts, damp (topsoil) 2. SANDY SILTY CLAY, ligil brown, W/charcoal horizons to 1" thick, rootlets, damp 3. SILTY CLAY, brown, w/Fmc sandy layers, charcoal horizons, & rootlets, damp 4. SANDY SILTY CLAY, brown, buried log in upper 1/3, wet 5. SILTY SANDY CLAY, broirn, wet T. lifl 11-1 Altai I * — - 1! l — — * ; l • I ' • t T -f rt Z i 44444 - — 14.1- 4 1 - 1 - 4-1 ■ ■1 iT ' t — r - L ±t tt 44 41 ii 4- m IT U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY MELDAHL POOL ETHYL RICE, TRACT NO. 523E SOIL PROFILE MILE 429.1 ORDXE OM7ZOCN #-17-70 ram ho. « PLATE 29 JULY 77 SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEET 2 OF 2 p s i s 2 5 iifti 2 §f C3 I J MAPPING BASED ON 22 MAR.77 PHOTOGRAPHY LEGEND J977 HELD SECTIONS SOH- SWRlWi SHTE Fvcmoaww uac^now O«0M SKTION US. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY MELDAHL POOL EUGENE a ELIZABETH POSTON, TRACT NO. 527E-182 PLAN AND SECTIONS „ MILE 42&3 ORDXE J ULY 77 PLATE 30 TOACT m «7£-g I i C 1 1 c » c i s i! i i. • < o m o •A < ■i «* FINAL SURVEY I 1 s mt ■* O >- • £ > S 1 J rumio ...... ... i 1 a ) M M * 1 I 1 £S3 hi v - «, j * OHIO RIVER OHIO 'TTTTF 4-M—»—,— U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY MELDAHL POOL EUGENE a ELIZABETH POSTON, TRACT NO. 527E-I82 PLAN AN8 SECTIONS , WILE 42&3 ORDXE JULY 77 Si!!!!!!!!!!!!! t niiiiiiiurr: "nt" mini 4t8G . : — rh i i f 4 - ' ±: ::::::::::::: -U ■ t 1 + 4 - HI COUNTY or et#CAt rr»4 #*4crr NO TOT AC #MC*T# •j © © 4i POSTON Tract S27K-1 SILTY SANDY CLAY, brown, w/rootlets k wci.n casts, damp (topsoil SANDY SILTY CI.AY, br< iwn to 1 :qht brown, w/fine sandy lenses, rootlets :r. upper ha f , daxnj 4 -1- : : 444 4: —f —t -4-- ■ 4 -1 - * — 4-111 "1 1+ltt 444 4^- 44 - +L • r r •' !- L ;-4 :rt ■:' ■4^ -4-4- • - • ■ • • t - 44444444 44-- lirl 44 4: T4" 14-4 niinssnniiKHniinnnmnsnni 0*TZQtN #-17-70 ro*M NO a 4- U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY MELDAHL POOL EUGENE 9 ELIZABETH POSTON, TRACT NO. 527E-IB2 ORDXE SOIL 8 VEGETATION PROFILE MILE 4283 JULY 77 PLATE 30 SHEET 2 OF 2 MAPPING BASED ON 2 2 MAR. 7 7 PHOTOGRAPHY ETHYL R RICE/liT AL TRACT NO. 533 E-j LEGEND 1977 FIELD SECTIONS VELOCITY CROSS SECTION SOIL SAMPLING SITE PWOTOORAPH LOCATION . - 4 _- — tT 4 — $ • ! • Ll 4 •• j _ 4 L \ » +- 1 H 44 - -4- f - + US U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY MEL.DAHL POOL CHARLES 8 JEAN RICE, TRACT NO- 533E-I82 PLAN AND SECTION MILE 4289 JULY 77 ORDXE) PLAT E 31 SHEET I OF 2 ) s Q e st5; a ssssi w* •. F < < * cc C 3 LT\ ?°5 SE2 a I2e! J COUMTY or rWCAL ■s" ▼OTA*. •MOTS RPl¥Pi p p 1 • \ r f ♦ biM CMCTZOCN ®-l 7-70 POM NO. II SHEET 2 OF 2 MAPPING BASED ON 22 MAR.77 PHOTOGRAPHY & LEGEND - 1977 FIELD SECTIONS (g) WAVE SHE - VELOCITY CROSS SECTION (g) SOIL SAMPUklQ PHOTOGRAPH LOCATION US. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY MELDAHL POOL NORMAL L. a ANNA a WOOD, TRACT NO I209E PLAN AND SECTIONS MILE 412.8 ORDXE JULY 77 PLATE 3* I >> U. « Ui >- -I > *- a. : O m u. OJ MAPPING BASED ON 22 MAR.77 PHOTOGRAPHY @ LEGEND 1977 FIELD SECTIONS WAVE. M6ASORECENT SHE VELOWTY C.RO&6 SECTION SOIL 3AMPUUQ PHOTOGRAPH LOCATION 100 IOO 200 FEET -XT Mu +++ it *- X j So? x ± ■M m t± tt rW PT^USISSHi: :::::::: ■- + 44 - f • COUNTY or Yf *• TOT Ai. WOOD Tract 1209F. 1. SILTY CLAY, dark brown, w/angular 1 imebtone fragments, roots L wcnr casts (topsoil 2. SILTY CLAY, dark bro' »n, w/anqular rock fragments, darn (colluvium 3. SANDY CLAY, mottled gray, light brown a. red-brown, w/anqular rock fragments, wet (colluvium 4. SILTY CLAY, mettled gray, liqht browr, & red-brown, w/anqular rock fragments gravel to boulder size, dami to wet (colluvium 5. SILTY CLAY, : ight brown to red-brown, siickensided, angular cobble- fragments, damj (colluvium) 6. SILTY CLAY, brown to liqht brown, w/rock fragments, dam| (colluvium) 7. SANDY SILT, brown, wet (recent dej-osit, 8. SILTY CLAY, mottled brown to liqht browr., w/rock fragments, wet (colluvium/ -I- ErrnKSSKSIKSSSSKU II K -X lit :sssss:::kssssss MTZaCM 0-4T-70 romd NO a xt 4 Xrh± it - ’ * 44 u U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY MELDAHL POOL NORMAL L. fi ANNA B WOOD, TRACT NO. I209E SOIL a VEGETATION PROFILE MILE 412 8 ORDXE JULY 77 r» i ATC lO V MAPPING BASED 0N22MAR.77 PHOTOGRAPHY LEGEND \ 1977 FIELO SECTION asa aia m 531; YEJljOCJTY cro»s section 0) SOIL. BAMPUUO 1 r t: ri rt E4- US. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY MELDAHL POOL DONALD . R 8 MARY McNELLY, TRACT NO 1301E PLAN AND SECTIONS MILE 412.6 ORDXE JULY 77 PLATE 33 SHEET I OF t ) >■ Ul < S l_ _J n to t *- « < It ii T T ~t" • F :±I se2s a S5?*? i 4-L4 t" Ft f f£ f: ±L rnn COUNTY or FISCAL Yf*» •MEET NO TOTAL •~»CT« © McNELLY Tract 1301E 1.) SILTY (.‘LAY, light brown, w/rootlcts wont casts, dry (tcpsn.l 2.1 SILTY SANDY CI.AY, brdwn, w/root.lets h worm casts, damj 3.) SANDY SILTY Cl .AY, br■ E < tu p -J *o %o >•-*.<« « O ■ M 3 J |U C i/I 4. ►- < lo 5 - u, “ 3 „ „ > L £ < 3 s ? 5 * i tt ±: nt i i i j 3 IKpEiEf £ 4141 rips H la-a H i f ausi HI -+ --1- - 14 i aiHoBXfi Tfc/lU 717 T It T •ii]: CMJ 4- liUiJJ m kssj: - 4 - iii t T i +--++■ • I_ 4--H -M- im :: Hi —T — 14 mm$ ;U --- - - 4 • 4 *\ . . . 4 • - - 4 . | < •4 }T - DfETZGEN 0-17-70 FOf»M NO A i M 4- tr -4 - 4 ■ 44 - ■ 4- —4- 44' 444- i4; 4. : I : -ITT- 4- + -H •r frf 1 t : or vr*» NO •NC*T« ■ j • • • • • . ♦ . i . i i . McNELLY Tract 1301E SILTY CLAY, liqht brown, w/rootlets *, wonr. casts, dry (tcpso: J SILTY SANDY CLAY, brdwn, w/rooLlets k. worm casts, damf SANDY SILTY CI^AY, brlwn, w/f i no sandy layers, damf. to mci.'.t SANDY SILTY ClJ\Y, mettled brewr. tc qray, w weed fragments, wet tc damf. SILTY SANDY CLAY, lifht browr. tc qray, w Mayers cf fine silty sand ranqir.q from 13* thick in uj'f-er S tc 2 M lr. bottom 1/3, crqamc layer*, t'. 3" in upfjer S, weed fraqments in lewer half, mcist tc wet SANDY SILTY CLAY, brtwn to s 1 rty cl to red-brow., layers of f ine* sand to *»", lrci. stained y clay nodules, moist tc wet -- . f- • 4 • 4 * - - 4 - - M- i?*n - 4 - 4- :{r 4 - 4 — 4: SILTY SANDY CLAY, brown tc red-browr., w/sand layers h If rises to ■»", wet SILTY CLAY, brown to red-brown, wet 141 -t lav 4- - 4 - TT 4- 44 4 4 l. Hr ; t • ,44- 4 - 1444' 44 44 - T 444- T 4 - . | . 4—4- ■ ■ —1-4-4- 14' :44i 4-i : . IT: l- 4 it U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY MELDAHL POOL DONALD R a MARY McNELLY, TRACT NO. 1301E SOIL 8 VEGETATION PROFILE MILE 412.6 ORDXE JULY 77 PLATE 33 SHEET 2 OF 2 MAPPING BASED ON 22 MAR. 77 PHOTOGRAPHY -4 LEGEND 1977 FIELD SECTION VELOCITY cross sectiom soil SAMPLING PHOTOGRAPH LOCATIOKi OHIO IOO 100 200 FEET rocts, mo ist i SANDY SILTY CLAY, browr., w/sandy silty-silty sand layers, daaip SILTY SANDY CLAY, brcnrr., w/silty sand layers, wet SILTY SAND & SANDY SILT, brown, alternating 1/2" layers, wet izir; © SANDY SILTY CLA'i , brown, w/silty sand layers, wet 9J SILTY SANDY CLAY, brown, w/very fine layers of sandy silt-silty, wet 10J SILTY CLAY, brown, wet I SANDY SILTY CLAY, brown, w/fine sandy layers, wet • ^ |”| CLAYEY SANDY SILT, brown, w/V sandy layers, wet W SILTY CLAY, brown, w/layers t lenaes of fine sand, roots t chert fragments 2SILTY SAND, dark brojrn. SJ SILTY SANDY CLAY, nettled brown to gray, w/silty sand layers (. layered leaf materials, wet 6J SANDY CLAY, brown w/$ray sandy layers, lumpage-onented zones w/leaf materials - - - • - . ' L I r E J • T "T" ■ K . • • f • ■ • * • i • 4 • • r t ■ • -• ■ * ■ i j ■ j- * . * t • i • - ■ < 4-4- ; l ; 4 1 f • T r I 1 L 4 * ■7—*—r —*■ rPR 4~: itrb - 4 —, 4 - 4 - 1 - ±fc U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY MELDAHL POOL JAMES a CHERYL CHOUINARD, TRACT NO. I305E SOIL PROFILE MILE 4 12. I JULY 77 "SHEET 3 6F X LESENP 0 (977 FIELD SECTION 1959 MAPPING SOIL SAMPLING SITE ve.t-OC.ITN CROSS section! PHOTOGRAPH LOCACTIOW PLATE 35 SHEET I OF 2 MAPPING BASED ON 22 MAR. 77 PHOTOGRAPHY US. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY MELDAHL POOL JACOB a JOSEPHINE SCHWAB, TRACT NO. I307E PLAN AND SECTIONS MILE 4119 ORDXE JULY 77 < o T““ CO Q > K VO “3. a- o « IV • AREAS CHECKED ORIGINAL SURVEY o o 00 o * o X KLAIt 30 . M O SHEET I OF 2 j ISSS * ** *- ” < < 111 H I! rf" .IS 441C 5S x. ■4-4- -H 4+4 . • t: 4-4- - id 1+44 t: ttitt "ST "IT - ""I ::::::::: J_ OmmUlH #- 17-70 «0. • .1 £ COUNTY or vr NO +4 -„u SCHWAB Tract 1307E SANDY SILTY CLAY, brc*rn, blocky, iron stain, rootlets, dami SILTY CLAY, brovr SILTY SANDY Cl AY, Li iron-stained, with silty sand, d&m[ brown, ircn-stained, most SANDY SII.TY CLAY, brown, moist SILTY CLAY, brown r with 1/4" sar.d lenses, dam;: SILTY SANDY CLAY, brown, moist SANDY CLAY, brownl with 1 M' sand lenses, moist tc wet SANDY CLAV brewn, with fine 1/0" sar.d lenses, lren-stained, moist tc wet SANDY CLAY, brown, with brown to qray fine sar.d layers, 2'' layer black organic material, wet SANDY SILTY CLAY, brown, with lenses of fine sar.d, wet 1 -4 ; 44 - 4-4 :± 4- — ! ill ± : U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY MELDAHL POOL JACOB & JOSEPHINE SCHWAB, TRACT NO I307E SOIL PROFILE MILE 411.4 ORDXE JULY 77 PLATE 35 PLATE 36 SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEET I OF 3 — a i sE2s a ~ 3 I U W f--4 + —- ■ H-4-4 4 - 4 - E 4-- M 444 4-4 -r-r-4 4E -4 E - -Mr +-+■ 1—h :± E 4 RJ -l- : ■ t 1- t- j- 1 4--4 - }- \ - l-i—4- ■ 4 - - 1- + + - | 4 ::::4 t * m -I— r - ■ t • { -4- 4 - •- - T5“ ■- ±: E i t’ +-+ ■\ -f i- • • imr wr f ft - ffi itf: E3£ 35 ri ill t Br .-^x44 Tj 4 - f 44- if .. T 4 ■ 4 * 1 * * t 1 1 ' • ♦ < 4- 4- t 4 T - I - ' 1 • L- 1 1 t 1 ftf _L - 1 _ T 1 4__ E 1= - 1 T r _ . -- t •t - 4 - t • • 1 E 4 * • • ■ T T ■ . 1 E * 7 j JL * * -r X. j- E E • ■ 4 r ' "I t ■ ■ j t E ♦ ■j - * 1 “T i 1 ; 1 • • E t 4 1 i. -14 | \ ■jsh tin J3 E ± 4 - It f i 4-4 :-E :.=4 -i- + OCTZOCM *-17-70 ro*u mo ■ 1-1 COOMTY or rtacAt. vr*« 4-4--E 44 01 + - 1 t :::::: ill l f T‘ SCHWAB Tract 1307E CLAY, brown, blocky, iron stain, rootlets, damp brown iron-stained, with silty sand lenses, damp CIAY, brown, iron-stained, most CLAY, brown, moist brown, with 1/4" sand lenses, damp CLAY, brcwn, moist brown! with. 1^4' sand lenses, moist tc wet 9 SANDY CLAE brown, with fine 1/8" sand lenses, i rcn-stained, moist tc wet 10 SANDY CLAY, brown, with brown to gray fine sand layers, 2" layer black organic material, wet 11 SANDY SILTY CLAY, brown, with lenses of fine sand, wet E 4-44 i 4- 4 \- 4- \ J ■4 E . -L-- - f T I 1 * - 4" L 1 L ] -j- 1 1 4 . : -- f T + E j 4-- ■ J- 1 - 1 ' * 1 4 j ' * + " E j ■ * - t ♦ - J 14= 0 i— TT t 4 : H—t- JJ — U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY MELDAHL POOL JACOB a JOSEPHINE SCHWAB, TRACT NO. I307E SOIL PROFILE MILE 411.4 ORDXE JULY 77 PLATE 35 SHEET 2 OF 2 MAPPING BASED ON 22 MAR.77 PHOTOGRAPHY 1977 FIELD SECTIONS photograph locatiow US. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY MELDAHL POOL BERNARD GRIFFITH, TRACT NO. I353E-I a 2 PLAN MILE 411.3 ORDXE JULY 77 SHEET I OF 3 SHEET 2 OF 3 *> gog lib a ilii E <*> i tniittttr Tiffin 13 I TT -1 ti ±o it tXtt m 4* | t 4 f Iff t +1 t r r f rt I 4 • r T 4 t ■ _L - ±44 I 4 l -+++-r tlx: t± f- 44-4-4 4-4-t- fin Hi 4-4 .* ♦ - f it >■-4 444-4 it: r-T f-- COUKTY or 4 - i . ^ GRIFFITH Tract 1353E-U2 1 SANDY SILTY CLAY, dark brown, with rootleta, da«p 2 SANDY SILTY CLAY, brown, with fine sand layers, da^> 3 SANDY CLAYEY SILT, brown, with layers of fine sand to 1" thick at 1* intervals, da»p 4 CLAYEY SAND, brown to light brown, fine to sedna grained, wet 5 SANDY SILTY CLAY, brown to rod-brown, wet 6 CLAYEY SILTY SAND, brown to red-brown, fine to aediiM grained, wet 7 SANDY SILTY CLAY, brown, wet :::: ±1 I *4- :: . . 7 44 44 ti:: 11 tP rr+t i - 4 4 -: 4-4 14- iR. -4-1 iix ,L i-i- -4—-1—j— TT-L I *- 47-70 US. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY MELDAHL POOL BERNARD GRIFFITH, TRACT NO. I353E-I 82 SOIL 8 VEGETATION PROFILE MILE 411. 3 ORDXE JULY 77 _ PLATE 3S SHEET 3 OF 3 AREAS CHECKED D J.4. tti 4 rr -4' “ i: rtr — 52 fiiQ A iin. 4ii ±4 ■4 •ft:}- i • j • i ■ • ::|TT‘ 4 i: r 41 T”T -t~ i-4. 44 4- |4 4 '1 -m 4 a. ■-t •4 4-1 44-4 • f * * *!*•*» 4t4 :' 4-44 -+ — >- W ■ 14--4 444 44:f-r 44 . ■ f 414 i .; ► - 4 — 4±i: 444- . J.. 11 l . 4-4-:- 4-14. 1 t |4 -4-1- — “J ■ ■ ’ —r ! 4. ' .4— — 4- — -4- —t— - -4-i -l- 444n -ttt ±{44 T 7 ■f- 4 US. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY MELDAHL POOL BEUFORD CUNNINGHAM, TRACT NO 2I02E-I 8 2 PLAN AND SECTIONS MILE 3945 JULY 77 ORDXE Kate 37 SHEET I OF 2 SHEET I OF 2 m H a « O ■ UJ -J — 'jj K i P 4 .C ^ s„r £ is 3 « - sssiS *> t. “ < < a Pi . :?!!£ ii +444 TtttX jw: ;== $*L T ' s jm 1 —r L± n C4-4- £4- t4 :B 4TP 4 si u 44 4444 44 P-4 n®r 4 ■ i: i:= ■i 4++: . LL COOWTX or m tEEJE B CUN* INGHAM 11. SILTY SANDY CLAY, brown. few roollets, increasingly sandy w/depth, moist 12. CLAYEY SANDY SILT, brown, rootlets, w/atringers of silt and sand, moist '13. SILT, gray t SAND, gray-brown, interbedded, Many rootlets. moist 14. SILTY SANDY CLAY, gray-brown, slightly organic, Many rootlets. Moist 15. SILTY CLAY, gray-brown, and SILT^ SAND, light brown, finely interbedded 16. SILTY CLAY, gray, organic, highly plastic 17. SAND, light brown, trace silt 18. SANDY SILT, gray, and SILTY SAND, brown, finely interbedded 19. SILTY SAND, mottled light to dark gray-brown, w/sandy silt stringers, Many roots & rootlets 20. NO SAMPLE 21. SILTY CLAY, gray, w/dessication cracks i. occasional leaf 6 twig fragMente, sand stringers in top 3", damp 22. SAND, light brown 23. SILT NODULES in SILTY SAND matrix 24. SAND, light brown, and SILTY SAND, brown, finely interbedded, few rootlets becoming absent w/depth, dark brown sandy silt stringers+jottam half. 3iat 25. SANDY SILT, dark gray-brown, trace coal fines, w/silty sand stringers, damp 26. SILTY CLAY, dark gray, wet, same as 21., 1" to 4" thick 27. SILTY SAND, brown, wet 28. SILTY SAND, light brown to reddish brown, w/clay stringers t lenses, moist to damp 29. CLAYEY SILT, gray, & SILTY SAND, brown, interbedded 30. SILTY SAND, light brown w/siit stringers V 31. SILTY SAND, orange brown, damp 32. SILTY SAND, w/numerous rounded to sub-angular gravels 33. SILTY SAND, brown, wet m £. :::::::: D«TZO*N #-17-70 p oaw no. • - 4 t X- 4- 1 T + -t- * 4 * 1 4 T 1 i ♦ * • 4 Hi: a - 44- u U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY MELDAHL POOL BEUFORD CUNNINGHAM, TRACT NO. 2I02E“I 8 2 SOIL 8 VEGETATION PROFILE MILE 394.5 ORDXE JULY 77 PLATE 37 SHEET 2 OF 2 t Bo'r _ £ £2 s s K O | U IU =3 —i Ui K K f 4. P < < ■GT2 ::I =i 4 tttfc t Si Ui 47 ±i -4-4- -4 TTT 4- ■+■ 4- ti t-i rt' it - :±: ::: 4- 4- n r 4- t± 4- ft +-4--H- S+ : i+rr± + 4 H+ + DtrrzaaM + 4 4—h St Tallin* rn "1 fH r t '1 CUNNINGHAM Tract 2102 E-l & 2 1. SI^TY SANDY CLAY, dark brown, friable, slightly organic, many roots fc rootlets 2. SILTY SANDY CLAY, light brown to brown, friable, w/iron-stained nodules of silt, rootlets, moist 3. SANDY SILTY CLAY, brown, rootlets, moist 4. CLAYEY SANDY SILT, mottled gray-brown to red-brown, rootlets, moist 5. SILT, gray & brown, friable, organic, many rootlets, moist 6. SANDY SIETY CLAY, mottled gray to orange brown w/dark organic streaks, rootlets, moist 7. SILT, gray, organic, many roots & rootlets, moist 8. SILTY SANDY CLAY, brown-gray, rootlets, damp 9. SILTY CLAY, gray-brown, rootlets, damp 10. SILTY SANDY CLAY, gray-brown to red-brown, many rootlets, damp 1 coumx or t U TOTAL. SuSSiliilitSSta!* 4.f ■ J-4 -L m r ;± “t rtn rrnrnrirr 44 H * ♦ f ■ 4 +-• TTtT t • t t- i Li r1 CUN1INGHAM 11. SILTY SANDY CLAY, brown, few rooileta, increasingly sandy w/depth, moist 12. CLAYEY SANDY SILT, brown, rootlets, w/atringers of silt and sand, moist ' 13. SILT, gray t SAND, gray-brown, interbedded, many rootlets, moist 14. SILTY SANDY CLAY, gray-brown, slilghtly organic, many rootlets, moist 15. SILTY CLAY, gray-brown, and SIL’Hf SAND, light brown, finely interbedded 16. SILTY CLAY, gray, organic, highly plastic 17. SAND, light brown, trace silt 18. SANDY SILT, gray, and SILTY SAND, brown, finely interbedded 19. SILTY SAND, mottled light to dark gray-brown, w/sandy silt stringers, many roots 6 rootlets 20. NO SAMPLE 21. SILTY CLAY, gray, w/dessication cracks & occasional leaf t twig fragments, sand stringers in top 3", damp 22. SAND, light brown 23. SILT NODULES in SILTY SAND matrix 24. SAND, light brown, and SILTY SAND, brown, finely interbedded, few rootlets becoming absent w/depth, dark brown sandy silt stringers^bottom half, moist 25. SANDY SILT, dark gray-brown, trace coal fines, w/silty sand stringers, damp 26. SILTY CLAY, dark gray, wet, same as 21., 1 M to 4" thick 27. SILTY SAND, brown, wet 28. SILTY SAND, light brown to reddish brown, w/clay stringers i lenses, moist to rb*»p 29. CLAYEY SILT, gray, & SILTY SAND, brown, interbedded 30. SILTY SAND, light brown w/silt stringers l 31. SILTY SAND, orange brown, damp 32. SILTY SAND, w/numerous rounded to sub-angular gravels 33. SILTY SAND, brown, wet —*-*- t 11 t- — 44 :- U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY MELDAHL POOL BEUFORD CUNNINGHAM, TRACT NO. 2I02E4 ft 2 SOIL a VEGETATION PROFILE MILE 394.5 ORDXE JULY 77 PLATE 37 SHEET 2 OF 2 42Q 1 P : -4 L ' ■ it \ ti 1 4QD .JSC • I tL -M- J30 f:!': i: n t-- -U.4. I- j i i u-L ! ' • * * t * • • • * I ' I 1 I lilt i.A ■ +-TT « 1 * ** i * Imi t- 44: aa L U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY CANNELTON POOL GEORGE WAGNER, TRACT NO 4JOE PLAN AND SECTIONS MILE TIM ORDXE JULY 77 ,577,500. INDIANA \ MAPPING BASED ON 2iN0VJ&J>+ JOT0GRAPHY . s GEORGE WAGNER \ • I wS 11 *677 ,ooo_ It 13*1 A 139*4 J CTD b\ v - 100 -42Q : -4JJQ MU ■# 0 100 200 300 FmI -H- AQC -J9Q r 4- + t t ■ * i \ r~r : «ir^ *’ T. \ A iTJWUWT 4-:~ JJQ. : l , 4 f:t: -- m S5SSS8S55SSfS8S88SSSSSS555SS5!SSIS:SS8 ft! . mi :t: MO t liO 2TI ;»b 1 . 1 ---4 ao >4/30 >*'+K \£ (g) 6 O H / Izi i 4U/ «• .-, f L . J C NORMAL POOL ELEV 333 0 W E 333 3 . Flow -“i-----f . 4d I . . iSOQ L&t* * » « IP mL r »»B V E R LEGEND @) WA.VE MEASUREMENT SITE ---. VELOCITY CROSS, CATION 4 - DIGITIZED SECTION (II-Z3-7* PHOTO) V*-W0mzto SECTION (4-19-SI PHOTO) Vq . 1977 SOUNDINGS (FATHOMETER) MILE- LE&etMD (COHT) 50U- SAMPLING SITE ^0h»PHOTO&RAPH location -718 \cr \8 N676POO. 3410 -4 • 1 “4—-> • • : I * » a. • hi-:. 310 * ■ 4 ■ I : t • +4 I. LH1L 4 • -t — 4 ' ' ' I . ssa i -3SQ -3Z0 — 38Q JOQ. 4 -~ \ : M*C Ml ? IH-alj-TW ^ipWErpscrms i in j i; -4- ■t HO »r i . 1 . 8i f t • I 4-t V M -t““t sssssss xi ■+-■ +.IJ m i i ; i t » ! ; 4 1 1 ■ * 1 rr I . • t -mi , i i J-* t i i. mu-uJ < - 4 - 'I l: n ' 4—1- iH U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY CANNELTON POOL GEORGE WAGNER, TRACT NO. 4»E PLAN AND SECTIONS MILt Tits ORDXE JULY ?7 1 : 1 : 3*g. iSJS 3Sa ata a 3 as 3aa its 34a i4fl 4 - ■t-1 4 -- to It TTT :fc 14 ~ TTT • i , • 4 • 1 • 4 • THtF TH • 4 • • t • • *!: t: * * • I 4 .j 4 .j- 4:4 SANDY SILTY CLAY, yellowish 6 wood frag organic odor, w/faw f In a rock f regents 2. ) SANDY CLAYEY SILT, brown, w/shele 6 sandstone fragments 3. ) FILL MATERIAL, brick fragments in brown clayay ailt Matrix 4. J SANDY SILTY CLAY, 1 igfit brown, 1 w/rock fraML SURVEY » LO , TtD , SURVEY - * - * t » t . JWJfi- *oa ^4 ala a*a ala aia aaa aaa afifl aao -4 • l i I I - -t -1 - ♦ —4 i T . 1 -t -+-»- + -■■ -I—i- _ "1- - -■ - - -4 * - • • -1 • • EJJLttlilUlKl -t- • - + - - — 4 - roibCA) IVY •vi^anan a*tDPtR •AMERltllXtUd * •»• ♦ - * ■+ - * - •f •♦* + * t • ♦ • ♦ 44 4 TjTiTffl 0 SANDY SILTY CLAY, yellowish brawn, organic odor, w/fmw fine rock (n^nti t wood fragments, damp * - - - *-—* - j£^|y L583 _I2_ .El.LV. M £AMPLI«i6 2>BA.l | ■ . • f ! I . ttI 2.) SANDY CLAYEY SILT, brown, w/shsle t sandstone fragments 3J FILL HATERIAL, brick frai^ents in brown clayey kilt Mtrii 4J SANDY SILTY CLAY, light brown, 1 w/rock fraqpMntk, slope in active failure (colluviuai) I 5 J SANDY SILTY CLAY, light brown, trace of fine gravel, damp 6J SANDY SILTY CLAY, brown, daaip to wet 7.) SANDY SILTY CLAY, brown, w/rock i, wood fragments, wet (colluvium) j IbJ SANDY SILTY CLAY, light brown, wet © SANDY SILTY CLAY, mottled gray to brow, w/rock fratpients, gravel to boulder sire, iron stained, damp (colluvium) 1 J no) SANDY SILTY CLAY, brown, w/sub-angular rock fragments, damp (colluvium; ; SANDY CLAYEY SILT, brown, w/sub-angular siltstone fragments, damp (colluvium) I U 2 ) CLAYEY SANDY SILT, brown, wet | SANDY SILTY CLAY, brown, wet ! (l4 J CLAYEY SANDY SILT, brown to light brown, wood fragment, wet, refusal in boulders ... 4 - 2.0 iO 40 Bp 00 70 f-1 f: .1. _4 —4- • 4 - &D ^0 12 0 120 1^0 ifflO ida rrc 1 200 ElO ua 240 ntoT 2S4C? 2E.O 2la aoa aio US. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY CANNELTON POOL GEORGE WAGNER, TRACT NO 4K)E SOIL a VEGETATION PROFILE MILE 7ia3 ORDXE JULY 77 SHEET 20F2 'GRAPH LEGEND (11-23-76 PHOTO) \ (4-19-61 PHOTO) DISITIZEO SECTION 1977 SOUNDINGS (FATHOMETER) SOIL SAMPLING SITE PHOTOGRAPH LOCATION U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY CANNELTON POOL ORD HENRIELLA BY NON, TRACT NO 640E PLAN AND SECTION &SLE TIf jO JULY 77 FUJI •• 'dhr]iV ttt e 3 o \ a * 5 f o 5 3 S Wo * I PROfllE I m i t 20 2-flQ zra z*a z&o 340 4iO U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY CANNELTON POOL HENRI ELLA BYNON, TRACT NO 640E SOIL a VEGETATION PROFILE MILE 718 OR DX E JULY 77 H. BYMOW Tract 64OE GRAVEL, angular sand.tone. highway aggregate SILTY CLAY, dark greenish brown rtny rootlets, damp SILTY CLAY, greenrsh brc~n. ./rootlets A angular sandstone ira^enta. dasp SANDY SILTY CLAY, gray to browj. .hale fr.g^nts, wet, (colluviue, “ s '“’ ”• - SLIDE COLLUVIUM - no sample SILTY CLAY, gray ^ligh^brown. w/shale a limestone Events . w^. s " Dy SILTY — — ‘ SANDY SILTY CI>Y ‘ W CT 0 r^r dSt ° ne ‘ UMSt0ne iron staining. SANDY SILTY CLAY, light brown, rock fr.gments. damp GRAVELLY SANDY SILTY CLAY, light br own, wet PLATE 39 SHEET 2 OF 2 i. 33S aao aas aac J3TS 3TC 6AQ l&S (D- © -sweet gum —r- 3 WAD BASK MIC*EFTr © OAK LOCUBT M0!LAU U-W JIUHBS VMlPU* jf ■ VIR3M1A caeepER — wascM ivy: > T^-'-~-- -! - POlSCtJ IVY" ■ SILVER MAPLE" (SYCAMORE AMEHCAU Bl.Mrf— . EILvjER MAPLE ©- EJ JSL. EL-EV. AT SAMPUWQ 3(57X1 ) O 20 30 40 EjO 60 70 qo 90 ioo no 120 l^a i+o l $>0 Kio ITO i©o 19)0 200 210 220 230 - | ■ SECTION' Mb:. 1 +-- • I- ■ ■ • ♦ • ♦ * Y - m-n H. BYNOW Tract 64OE GRAVEL, angular sandstone, highway aggregate SILTY CLAY, dark greenish brownTTtny rootlets, damp SILTY CLAY, greenish brown, w/rootlets t angular sandstone fragments, f SANDY SILTY CLAY, gray to browij, shale fragments, wet, (colluvium) SANDY SILTY CLAY, light brown, many shale t some limestone fraga^nts, iron staining, wet to damp (colluvium) I SLIDE COLLUVIUM - no sample I SANDY SILTY CLAY, gray to ligh| brown, w/shale t limestone fra<^ients i wood, damp (colluvium) I SANDY SILTY CLAY, mottled gray t brown, w/iron stained shale t limestone fragments, damp (colluvium) SANDY SILTY CLAY, w/boulder-sire sandstone & limestone fragments, iron staining, damp (colluvium) SANDY SILTY CLAY, light brown, rock fragments, da«NJ GRAVELLY SANDY SILTY CLAY, light brown, wet r 2-AO 260 200 zra 2 - 6 a 200 300 US. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY CANNELTON POOL HENRI ELLA BYNON , TRACT NO. 640 E SOIL a VEGETATION PROFILE MILE 718 ORDXE JULY 77 SHEET 2 OF 2 .MAPPING BASED ON 23 NOV.76 PHOTOGRAPHY lec.emd DIGITIZED SECTION (11-23-76 PHOTO) DIGITIZED SECTIONI4- 19-61 PHOTO) 1977 SOUNDINGS (FATHOMETER) PHOTOGRAPH LOCATION V m 400 ; 390 . _ \ W E 366 2 (4 NORMAL POOL E(,EV 38 SJBTTTi-SrTST 3UC 370 U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY CANNELTON POOL 330 DOUGLAS LEATHERBURY, TRACT 719 E PLAN AND SECTIONS MILE 714 4 JULY 77 ORDXE SHEET I OF 2 —■— 4 — PLATE 40 UJ < O >- IB o s UJ > c u Ul I CJ 2 4/1 \i o O X X u *o X ►- £ 2 n m U • W7 PROFILE MOTE BOOK MO r * 1 c ► 2 1! S2 “5 n 1 PLAN X § • o o X X * O O o x “ w w * K » “9* wTw .u Isi's VII UBV) o 8f . .400; 400 390 .380 ; V W e 36(5 2 (4 - I9-6B NORMAL POOL EL t EV 383.0 Vttt sKTTTi-zrreT $4 4 i-t+* m . ..; i: 370 3fiQ r it 330 ill 33 'i. isr U0 SEpTlOW F|0. 3 ; 1 -I--., .200 250 370 360 350 . 0 90 i 100 190 200 2 50 SECTION MO. 2 I INDIANA DOUGLAS LEATHERBURY TRACT NO. 7I9E 0+00 DIGITIZED SECTION (11-23-76 PHOTO) DIGITIZED SECTIONS-19-61 PHOTO) 1977 SOUNDINGS (FATHOMETER) PHOTOGRAPH LOCATION 0+00 NORMAL POOL ELEV 363 0 W E 383 3 Flow 400 552.9 (4 -15-611 TTTTT-fSl- 3S0 350 . SECTION N0 .X U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY CANNELTON POOL DOUGLAS LEATHERBURY, TRACT 719E PLAN AND SECTIONS MILE 714.4 ORDXE JULY 77 note book • - - - ■ - - - • • - 1- j i ■ 1 1 ■ - * - * - t * - -4-44- 1 • • — 4— ■ 1 1 f 4-t't-4 — 4—4 - - 1 • --+ - 1 • -t — — - - - - 11 T-rr > ►- i < < * o J K * 3 -j * « a - 414- a.i; 1 ICO, ; wo; no. mo 144 1AQ 1 4 4 ’ t 4 f 4' -1 44 . 444 —I-4- . , 4 1*0 ! —r4- • l ■ 4 .160 • t ■ 44- j<3 - 4-4 ■ 2 eo . 2x0 tta ! iag TTjia* -...j. : Jl • • ■ 4 - ti- 290 ZStP : 230 - 4 - ♦ -4 * ftt ■nt: - 4 -4- T *4 US. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY CANNELTON POOL DOUGLAS LEATHERBURY, TRACT 719E SOIL 6 VEGETATION PROFILE MILE 7 W.A ORDXE PLATE 40 JULY 77 SHEET 2 OF Z MAPPI NG BASEDON 23 NOV. 76 PHOTOGRAPH roes SECTION (11-23-76 PHOTO) (4-19-61 PHOTO) SS (FATHOMETER) PUWCJ #ITE . OCATIOIN HIKigt iiinini U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY CANNELTON POOL EARL LOESCH, ET UX TRACTS I300E-1, I300E-2 & I3I6E MILE 70*2 ORDXE JULY 77 W..ATC 41 ismn EARL 10ESCH, ET UX TRACT ?K>S 1300E-1. I300E-2 ®> ISI8E 0*00 0+00 NORMAL POOL ELEV 383L W E 363. 5 MILE- Elev DIGITIZED SECTION (11-23-76 PHOTO) (4-18-61 PHOTO) 1977 SOUNDINGS (FATHOMETER) SOIL MPUHIG SITE PHO GRAPH LOCATIOIN ,3S0 9* MAPPING BASED ON 23 NOV. 76 PHOTOGRAPH U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY CANNELTON POOL EARL LOESCH, ET UX TRACTS I300E-1, 5300E-2 H I3I8E WILE T0T2 ORDXE JULY 77 ML.ATE 41 ’WSEkr T ELEV. 3®3tO Tracts 1300E-1 t 2, 131te CLAYEY SANDY SILT. dark brown. , llghtly or ,. nlc< ^ SANDY OEYEY SILT. dark br«n jo br^. root 1st., „ tat *" c “- T,z " tlc : - - ™“- - —.... .«• b ™ “ -».... SILTY SANDY CLAY. 9 rayi. h br~„ to U,ht brown. f.w rootl ^., SANDY SILTY CLAY, brown, few rootlets, .oi.t NO SANPLE SANDY SILTY CLAY, dark brown to brown SANDY CLAYEY SILT, dark brown, w/.and lenses U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY CANNELTON POOL EARL LOESCH, ET UX TRACTS I300E-I, I300E-2 8 I3I8E SOIL 8 VEGETATION PROFILE HD Dv r MILE 708.2 ° R DXE JULY 77 PLATE 41 SHEET 2 OF 2 NO SANPLE * •*>* --..— L ............. SILTY CLAY, brown, w/trace of fme sand 4-00 390 a»! 330 3.73 XOOUJiJN U.s. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY CANNELTON POOL EARL LOESCH, ET UX TRACTS I300E-I, I3QOE-2 8 I3I8E SCHL 8 VEGETATION PROFILE ORDXE MILE 7082 JULY SHEET 2 OF 2 SURVEY BLOT . fr I SURVEY » » A3C me rtZC ■4 IS >410 . 4 —**o£ -40G 3B= 3TE 37Q 305 3fcC ■4- 33 - . 1 . •t*r EATON - WILLIAMS Tract 2200E SANDY CLAYEY SILT, brown to dark brown, aany rootlet* becoming few w/depth, moist SILTY SANDY CLAY, brown 6 dark brown, very few rootlets, moist to SANDY SILTY CLAY, brow, moist SILTY SANDY CLAY, brown to llghj brown, molet SILTY CLAY, brown, damp CLAYEY SILTY SAND, brown, wet CLAYEY SAND, brown, wet CLAYEY SANDY SILT, brown, wet ' .I I" \Q 240 230 2AO 730 .290 U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY CANNELTON POOL CHESTER EATON 8 GERALD WILLIAMS, TRACT 2200E SOIL 8 VEGETATION PROFILE MILE 695.4 ORDXE PLATE 42 JULY 77 SHEET 2 OF 2 SURVEY <410 . .403 _ 4 - . 4 • “AMEF tCAN EL $ :© EATON - WILLIAMS Tract 2200E SANDY CLAYEY SILT, brown to dark brown, many rootlets becoming few w/depth, moist SILTY SANDY CLAY, brown t dark brCTjn, very few rootlets, moist to damp SANDY SILTY CLAY, brown, moist SILTY SANDY CLAY, brown to lighj brown, moist SILTY CLAY, brown, damp CLAYEY SILTY SAND, brown, wet CLAYEY SAND, brown, wet CLAYEY SANDY SILT, brown, wet • *•••• t V • MuLBERRY - ■ .■—HAJLKBI-ERV —— f c>4 LQCOfclT- UER lAlPjLt - !— HYCAJMDRE cot' iuiM^joao - • : lNl^ECD BUfert ORAfcatb— - i- Aoa RED iAKP LE- POI4CIU IVY SiRU&E> 3SC 3BS 38C 3TE 370 .305 D*l £?- . ELEV. ATT 3A.M1PLIMC, 3&4.C? .30 I BO «|o i3o rto 130 220 2-30 2r4C 230 330 2 T0 390 300 3o* 5E£TlOKimi4 r -4 .r. p"" U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY CANNELTON POOL CHESTER EATON a GERALD WILLIAMS, TRACT 2200E SOIL 8 VEGETATION PROFILE MILE 69S4 ORDXE JULY 77 PLATE 42 SHEET 2 OF 2 PLATE 43 REV. 7/15/77 SHEET I OF 5 SHEET I OF 5 • z . .. 1 DIGITIZED SECTION (11-23- " (444- JNOINGS (FATHOMETER) AMPUUG ftITE • • .... ,41C i . . . . ; 11 400. -MO* .370 :.a; » • 1 EEGEMO (COJT.) ( 5 ) —0 F’HCTTOaiAtAPH LOCJmOM - velocity CMoea amcrtou <0 Z ~T -~aaa » , 4 4 J I »1 ♦ MO ) XM IE 4 : 1 . Eid t: t:l' 13 x 1 -- 1 1 A 1 1 ' I ' 1 • ' * ~T 2 U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY CANNELTON POOL BU-LY C. CL EWN-TRACTS 22I5E, 22I8E B 24406 PLAN ANO SECTIONS MILE 994.2 ORDXE JULY 77 zIl 11 t /, 7 70.30 O £ CK GH®f*V "ijo" ZJO — 4- ~3C AO So LVER MAFjLft- - t is- BO BEC.TIOKLKIOJ-X. t poison tw vrncjiMiA e w rtrw 0*1 WORMAL ‘t 2>.d -SL ELEV. AT SAMPUN& 504.1 '■ 1 ■ -I ZOO 210 2X0 -I-■— i : » f • l ■ - . 4 - . . • t - f * * 1 GLENN (Site 13-2) Tracts 22l|5E, 2218E, 2410E 0 SILTY CLAY, dark brown, organij, many rootlets, damp SANDY SILTY CLAY, mottled light to dark brown, rootlets, damp f'TS NO SAMPLE SANDY SILTY CLAY, dark brown, »lightly organic, damp [ 5 J NO SAMPLE («.) SILTY SANDY CLAY, gray-brown to dark brown, rootlets, small sandy silt lenses '— in lower half, moist 0 SILTY SANDY CLAY, brown, few rootlets, prominent silty sand lenses 6 stringers ( 8.) SILTY SANDY CLAY, gray-brown, fine sand stringers 6 clay stringer, moist \9.) CLAYEY SANDY SILT, brown, rootlets, clay stringers ( 10 ) SILTY SANDY CLAY, gray-brown, rootlets, damp to moist ^1^^ SANDY SILTY CLAY, gray, rootlets, moist ^12^ SANDY SILTY CLAY, mottled gray-brown to red-brown, few rootlets, scattered fine charcoal fragments, damp © SANDY SILTY CLAY, dark brown, moist to damp ^14^ SILTY SANDY CLAY, mottled dark to light gray fc orange-brown, damp becoming wet & seeping, clay lenses lower portion U5J SANDY SILTY CLAY, brown, wet fl6y SILTY SANDY CLAY, brown streaked w/gray, wet ! i : | : t ... .... : zo 2 TQl £ l z*o U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY CANNELTON POOL BILLY C. GLENN-TRACTS 22I5E , 2218E 8 24I0E SOIL 8 VEGETATION PROFILE MILE 694.2 ORDXE JULY 77 PLATE 43 SHEET 4 OF 5 /UQ sac ate 380 315 3TC 342 340 33S aaol -t-- CORN ID ao 3D -*P ~r (Site 13-3) Tracts 2&15E, 2218E. 2410E SANDY CLAYEY SILT, brown, rootlets, damp to wet SILTY SANDY CLAY, brown to dark brown, few rootlets decreasing w/depth, moist to damp SILTY CLAYEY SAND, brown, very few rootlets, silt lenses, damp J SANDY SILTY CLAY, brown, very few rootlets, damp SILTY SANDY CLAY, brown, no rootlets, moist SANDY SILTY CLAY, brown, moist SILTY SANDY CLAY, brown, damp SANDY SILTY CLAY, gray-brown to brown, damp to wet SILTY SANDY CIAY, brown, wet SILTY SANDY CLAY, gray, very soft, w/fibrous orgamc3, wet NO SAMPLE, slump material, w/qlass fragment SANDY CLAY, gray to red-brown, w/silty sand lenses SANDY SILTY CLAY, gray to red-brown, w/silty sand lenses becoming stringers w/depth, damp to moist SILTY SANDY CLAY, brown 2>40 2t5 O 2fcO eta 300 BIO U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY CANNELTON POOL BILLY C. GLENN-TRACTS 22I5E, 22I8E 8 24I0E SOIL 8 VEGETATION PROFILE MILE 694.2 ORDXE JULY 77 PLATE 43 SHEET 5 OF 5 PLATE 43 SHEET 5 OF 5 U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY CANNELTON POOL CLYDE BENNER, ET UX-TRACT 30I5E PLAN MILE 683.7 ORDXE J ULY 77 PLATE 44 SHEET I OF 3 >V. 76 PHOTOGRAPHY ► Z a * *EM U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION | BANK EROSION STUDY CANNELTON POOL CLYDE BENNER, ET UX-TRACT 30I5E PLAN AND SECTIONS MILE 683.7 ORDXE JULY 77 MAPPING BASED ON 23 LEGEND DIGITIZED SECTION (11-23 - 76 PHOTO) DIGITIZED SECTION (4-19-81 PHOTO) 1977 SOUNDINGS (FATHOMETER) PHOTD6RAPH LOCATION WAVE MEASUREMENT €>I~TC soi u samplinig, site PLATE44 SHEET t OF * n • ■ » | \ j j .:.' .! : . j i \ | \ : : J 1 !_ i ' 330 33 So 0 1 1 1 1 m * . j i ! • j i £ 0 SO IOO 150 200 250 , \ i _ i— L U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY CANNELTON POOL 5D IOO 150 ZOO SECTION NO. T CLYDE BENNER, ET UX-TRACT 30I5E PLAN AND SECTIONS MILE 683.7 ORDXE JULY 77 PLATE 4 4 SHEET t OF S .1 mo .-ja«a aiJi J4.0 a*j 340 . I— 3 fc 5 ajio 3£3 ' i i .!. rt-f t t .;. i. —.—.—,- 4 * • ... • BENNER Tr« - > BOISE © CLAYEY SANDY SILT, light brown, w/layered crosi bedded sand •«*»• a frigawntj of wood, gla^e A flint ^23 CLAYEY SANDY SILT, brown, w/ail£y sand layera becoming lanaaa w/depth, wona ^ ' caata A rootleta, daf f 3 SANDY CLAYEY SILT, brown, w/fina aand layera A rootleta, grading coaraar w/dapth, daaip ] \4J CLAYEY SILTY SAND, light brown* w/cleaner aand layera, daag> ,5.) SANDY SILTY CLAY, brown, daaq) btfcoaung wet w/depth 32 >a £3o <*fcO 210 iBO iO St Ci £40 U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY CANNELTON POOL CLYDE BENNER, ET UX-TRACT 30I5E SOIL 8 VEGETATION PROFILE MILE 6837 ORDXE JULY 77 PLATE 4 4 PLATE SHEET 3 OF 3 BENNER Tr«o** 01 SE bedded sand iuu t t ra^ente © CLAYEY SANOY SILT, light brown, w/layered croaa of wood, glaaa t flint © CLAYEY SANDY SILT, brown, w/eilfy aand layera becoming lanaaa w/dapth, wor» caata t rootleta, deep © SANDY CLAYEY SILT, brown, w/flne aand layera t rootleta, grading coaraer w/dapth, daaip CLAYEY SILTY SAND, light brown, w/cleaner aand layera, deep ( Sj SANDY SILTY CLAY, brown, daep bfcaeiing wet w/depth its. i.. ; - iso E.IE.V.. VT, iiAJwtPUiUV 36A.& i&o i ia iTo i fjo lio i »a i<*o £ 0O aio U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY CANNELTON POOL CLYDE BENNER, ET UX-TRACT 30I5E SOIL » VEGETATION PROFILE MILE 6817 ORDXE JULY 77 ~l 0 BECTIQW hl&fi ido i ilo J2.Q 115 aaa L_ £410 £!TO ifeO ISO £30 PLATE 4 4 PLATE SHEET 3 OF 3 SURVEY 1 U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY CANNELTON POOL NICHOLAS PURCELL, ET UX-TRACTS 3229E 8 3238E SOIL 8 VEGETATION PROFILE MILE 678.5 ORDXE JULY 77 PVMCELL Tract 3229E 6 32 3AE SANDY SILTY CLAY, light brown, root lata, d^p SANDY SILTY CLAY, settled ligh . brown to gray, blocky, Iron staining, SANDY SILTY CLAY, aottlad light brown to gray, da*p COLLUVIUM, state of active failure CLAY, light brcwn to gray, trslre sand, wet SANDY SILTY CLAY, gray to brow*, wet SILTY SANDY CLAY, brown, iron staining, wet SILTY SANDY CLAY, brown, iron staining, sandstone fragments, auger refusal, wet PLATE 45 SHEET 2 OF 2 US. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY CANNELTON POOL NICHOLAS PURCELL, ET UK "TRACTS 3229E 8 3238E SOIL 8 VEGETATION PROFILE MILE 678.5 DRnv f PLATE 45 SHEET 2OF 2 a* 420 410 400 390 .380 t- ' .3101_ .380 4 - 30 1 : . *. . • 1 » : • .— T 1 , : .1 i ■ * 1*0 200 SEtT ION rto 300 DO in U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY CANNELTON POOL RALPH COX, ET UX, TRACT NO. 3703E PLAN AND SECTIONS MILE 670.0 ORDXE JULY 77 PLATE 4 6 me*t i w * JULY 77 PLATE 4 6 OTEtT l C# t Z 3 I 1" AZQ ; 4L5 410 40S . , 400 3 365 360 375 37Q 305 300 355 350 £!0 ■ft - 4 .' I ■\ 4 -- 4-4 m cox Tract J703E SILTY SANDY CLAY, dark brown, rootlet* (topsoil) SILTY SANDY CLAY, dark brown, rootlots, wom casts, damp SANDY SILTY CLAY, brown , damp SANDY SILTY CLAY, brown , w/silty oand layero to 1/4 " , SANDY SILTY CLAY, brown , damp SANDY SILTY CLAY, brown , silty sand lcnsoa & layers , damp SANDY SIl/TY CLAY, brown w/gray rones, damp SANDY SILTY CLAY, brown w/finc sand layors to 1/4", damp b« CLAYEY SANDY SILT, , brown, w/charcoal fragments, wet SILTY SANDY CLAY, brown , w/light brown cond layero, wet SANDY SILTY CLAY. brown . wet PLATE 46 REV. 7/15/7 7 SHEET 2 OF 2 ORIGINAt '“ " - .— _ SURVEY ' FINAl . ,, , SURVEY Azn 412 4 to 40S • 40 Q 3^5 2>°lQ 385 38C 375 37Q 3&5 ^CaO 355 35Q SILTY SANDY CLAY, SILTY SANDY CLAY, SANDY SILTY CLAY, SANDY SILTY CLAY, SANDY SILTY CLAY, SANDY SILTY CLAY, SANDY SiyTY CLAY, SANDY SILTY CLAY, CLAYEY SANDY SILT SILTY SANDY CLAY, SANDY SILTY CLAY, COX Tract y03E dark brown, rootlet* (topsoil) dark brown, root lot*, worn cast*, damp brown, damp brown, w/«ilty oand layero to 1/4", damp brown, damp brown, silty sand lenses t layoro, damp brown w/gray zones, damp brown w/finc sand layors to 1/4", damp becoming brown, w/charcoal fragments, wet brown, w/light brown cand layers, wet brown, wet wet w/dmptH • •it rrrt i~-t —►—> -1 - 4 — zo 3D BsSHBggngpgsfggngngggHng!?!””?" U.S. ARMY CORPS O'r ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY CANNELTON POOL RALPH COX, ET UX, TRACT NO 3703 E SOIL a VEGETATION PROFILE MILE 670.0 OR DX E PLATE 46 REV. 7/15/7 7 SHEET 2 OF 2 MAPPING BASED ON 23 NOV 76 PHOTOGRAPHY US. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY CANNELTON POOL— JOW MCGEHK. CT UX- TRACT M£AE Pl-AN AMO MOTION JULY 7T ORDXE I I I 1 * US. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY CANNELTON POOL'— JOHN UcOOEE. CT UX- TWCT mm PLAN AND SECT SON 1 n NH.S MSS ORDXE . JULY n— "i. ' ■ ' ! » t T -tiC- -UJ- -ff f; -i^a ifcQ aifi 4nta 44^ f I ■ . e.o A3 (-■)■ .. _ 4 —*-- 4 -1 - 4-4 it tar 4 - light brown, ooottom* loof fr ■to, nolot not of flno loof 4 twl« frofonto w/o oUt bln4or orgonlco IViy finod loof fr>fonto troco cloy 4 cloyoy oond otringor, block orgonli otrooko own, %/block organic otrlngoro, noiot 'block organic otringoro, nolot irk gray-brown, troco iron otolling, nolot 1 :tr - - "1 44 -psp* 140; ex a —r - 4 - — • I OKI. 4 • ■ . 4 - 4 ■. ■ AUL ..O'tC: ft r.!>a ex.a . UkC . - L 3 04 . - *■ ;-1 . . ( ii 1 ■ < 1 |ii> —+ - 4 - U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY CANNELTON POOL JOHN H. McGEHEE, TRACT SOIL PROFILE MILE 668.5 NO 3828E ORDXE JULY 77 PLATE 47 SHEET t OF t t * sts, noist Iti ifi- 1 . i njrt CLAY iut gray-brow, w/e root* t rootlets. NO SAWU I I. 04 m MMl>Y 4. SILTY SAKE J. NO SANPL 8 (. SILTY (AMD SILT, dark brown, (aw rootlet*, oat brown, w/atrlnyars c lansas of sand, aoaa clay, oany rootlets, oolst brown, w/trsca of clay, oany fine leaf 4 atsn fregents in Irregular thin layers, dswp I - JsioL ) ' f 4 iS: O -I w. « » IOQ -f- is R RR 7. SILTY SAND, light brown* no organic* 8 . SILTY SAMD, M * * -7-4- I * -1-1- -1- ■ - - • ■ - j • ■ - • *--4 - ft' ■ brown, w/traoa of clay, thin non-flberous organic strlngars, 1/8" sons. Iron staining -4-i 4 - 444:I.I-T TTB! IlfW UJU, K/^isoa if HU, UHTT 10. NO SMTli 11. SILTY »>JC, brown to lltfit brown, aoattorod leaf tt 12. NO SAMPLC 13. lean riMNSTl, 'dense net of fine loaf • twl* fragawnta w/eowe earn* *Ut binder 14. Blurt SAM), brown, w/traoa of clay, nunarous stringer* S two 0.2' layers of leaf frags, oolst MHVI 15. SAND, light brown, no organic* 16. SILTY SA», brown, nany fined leaf (rege n ts 17. SILTY SAND, brown, w/traca clay t clayay sand stringer, black organ1^ streaks IS. CLAYIY SILTY SAND, brown, W/bl*ck organic strlngars, woist 19. SILTY SAND, brown, w/black organic stringers, noist 20. SANDY CLAYIY SILT, dark gray-browp, trace iron staining, noist t * ♦ 1 * - - 4 -*t ' ♦ “ ‘ T-•- t‘T J.;.: • t -1 4TTr T ■ t - r • t-t -1 - ■ •f -l-i-l r '! -aos- M+a - 1 — 1 — . » ■ e ■ t — — iaj.;.;.:a3<2:.;.;a4a;. .ja TTT 4444 > - 4- ..A'tCi ..sac jiao t t * r R 4 4 - - I • 4 - 4-4 - 4 ► - -1 - + - 4 - ♦ - - ri - i ♦-ft* 4 ' ♦ t ■♦- 7 —4-4 R 44 1- . i ■ ■ TT ’.tT 1 1 I -+- + -*■ ieo • t -+ - + ■ a t a 4. -rl .4-- 410 £ O I I TT - - ■ ♦ - 4 • IT - • -4-1 i£3 -4-i RRi t 'R 4' - ■- 7 - t * - - l: - 4 - - i t — 4 - 7 ~ i - f" 1 1 p i: t - 7 - 1 r *- jR i: : j- 4 - 1 7 - 7 - - 1 • r 4 - 1 f -1 - j- 4 - 1 1 1 T i- 1. - 4 - - 1 4 - i rt 1 j' t i 1 t T 1 rr 1 1 4 ■ t ■ [ 4.1. [ p 1 • : ‘ 1 4 - 1 • i < ; T ~r 1: - 1 R- 4 ;. : ... 1 1. - .4 | • • 1r 4 _ ■ • L_ ~ 4 • ■ -L 44^ -1-- -+• -t -1 • <*i3 M 4- t.a -4—- f -t- -*--t —4--1 -i, 4 -t • 4- -1- 4 - ; 1 a a add© 12 a .ifi.a : no. IS l^O • “! —-4- -4- - -• - t - - * - * — TT rr 4 - 4 • - 4 —4 — -- - 4 - *- ♦--*-4 .- 4 - 4 ---+-- i-l-t 4444 .TTT* Tit- .4 - 4 - 4 - sue 2.14© . tA a •444 1-4-1 4 - 4 ■ £<>a £f .a "’O 4 - t - ♦ - --♦-I- - 7 - - *4—f —f- 4 — US. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY CANNELTON POOL JOHN H. McGEHEE, TRACT NO. 3828E SOIL PROFILE MILE 668.5 ORDXE JULY 77 PLATE 47 SHEET 2 OF t 430 ‘ 1 US. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY CANNELTON POOL E. DAVIS McGEHEE, ET UX- TRACT 50I8E PLAN AND SECTIONS MILE 642.0 ORDXE JULY 77 --.Y. PLATE 48 SHE i t tor I PLATE 48 . . r * T ■ 1 n i • - \ . . . • • • r ♦ • • • * • • • . , • • • ~r . • • f .-4 lO -L • I • ■ i .j. KjL • • - I - ♦ ' • - - - ■- - • - - ■1 .j 4.1 J *j: 1 .1^ ■ M . ' i • ~V -t- i ' ~ ii ‘1 -L • 4 * - « L rr» • - i 4: T -j- • — 4 - ■ n j. .i. 1 -1 U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER D VISION BANK EROSION STUDY CANNELTON POOL E. DAVIS McGEHEE, ET UX- TRACT 5018 SOIL 8 VEGETATION PROFILE MILE 642.0 ORDXE JULY 77 PLATE 48 SHEET 2OF 2 O I 4- >*-*-<- < <1 jenui. i.} mrr mb. tut tm*, mt rMtuti, I.) BUB? SILT, tut (•> rantlata, B CUTTY HUT MB, krtn, taw raatlata, allt I cUjrtjr allt atrla«ara la lawi half. MB? CUT!? BXU, Bark brawa ta brown, salat ta Mb, accaalaaal rantlata la «J»*r quarter, allty aaat laaaaa i atrlagara la lawar tklrB, —a r ana a caatlnga S.J BAMT cum IIU, gray-brawn w/lron stalaaB atraaka, aolat (J SILTY BAM t cum SILT, brown, lnterbnBBaB laaaaa, aolat 7.) SILTY BAM? CUT, brown, aolat S.J BAM? BILTY CUT, brown, aolat 9j CUm BILTY BAS), light brown, Baap k 10 J SASSY CUTTY SILT, brown, aolat, organic fragmanta In uppar half --j yliy SILTY BAS) t CUYEY SILT, light brown to brown, thinly laynrnB, [UJ SAKrr CUTTY SILT, brown, ^13j) SILTY BAS), Bark brown, faw clayay allt lanaaa Jy SILTY SAM), light brown, faw allty clay lanaaa . ' U5/ CUYEY SILTY SAS), brown, aolat, ■(" allt aaaa aaparataa froa light brown aaaB abova 16j) SILTY SAM) t CUTTY SILT, light brown i brown, IntarbaBdaA, aolat cum SILTY SAM), dark brown, aolat US/ CUTTY SAXOT SILT, brown, aany roota, aapaclally naar bottor, aolat JV SILTY SAM) t CUYEY SILT, flnoly lntarbaddad ( 20 ) CUYEY SAHDY SILT, brown, aolat My SILTY SAM), faintly aottlaB light brown to brown w/oranga brown atraaka, faw waatharad organic aatarlal In nlddla, aolat - . * . *■ •- 1 mzn -4 -4 * f- , - * . 4-- 4. —.4 — ff suia :tr 4-1-14. —t -— Ziia 4. 14 - 4 - :~r “ --F —b -L- * - -~r: t - ■ -•*- + - r: ■t- -• -1 —♦ - ■ *rrr 44-4- -l-f *-- - "1 *t - t* US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER Dl VISION BANK EROSION STUDY CANNELTON POOL E. DAVIS McGEHEE, ET UX-TRACT 5018 SOIL 8 VEGETATION PROFILE MILE 642.0 ORDXE PI ATT AO -- JULY 77 SHEET 2 OF 2 i ts . 41SQ ; .Aoa ■ t - ■ I • t ■ ‘ p *1: :t::p --1 JJKx .11 n + -t- f • t f ■ i 1 r I i i- H * I 7 7 ' ttl 3»4 3(ll - j23-7» mowaal p66L Ilev siao ■ a +4-|4* I • 111 —t- ilO m Sfi TOTH!.! — - - - V ‘s i . . \ ■ ... 1 . • • ■ • \ ...i *i . . J 0 * 0 j. 1:! : V • t 1 • • •t-TTl: r ■ ■ : r : " . 43Q 420 410 4qo ; .390 , JfcBO , .370 W. El 3893 U- l£-fi|2) r jftLL.3S£JLiL'-i24il POOL ^LEV. 3*3.0 .... i .-i.■.1 I .111111 I t f irt 1-1 t: J. aa ICO i . : l ' HO 200 "SECTK 210 300 NQ. 4 soo. 400 U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY CANNELTON POOL JOHN H. McGEHEE-TRACTS 5II2E 9 5I0IE PLAN AND SECTIONS MILE 641.0 ORDXE JULY 77 PLATE 4t "swrr US. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY • * . I I : ' CANNELTON POOL JOHN H. McGEHEE-TRACTS 5II2E 8 5IOIE PLAN AND SECTIONS MILE 641.0 i I •;:i• ±L i ORDXE JULY 77 PLATE 49 9H«T i 6TF ICTOGRAPHY 0+00 digitized wcc-tion (m»*hoto) DIGITIZED OECTION (4-ZO-fci PMOTD)/ l®77 SOUNDINGS (FATHOMETER) / photograph location / SOIL SAMPLING »ITE 37X1 BANK EROSION STUDY CANNELTON POOL JOHN H. McGEHEE-TRACTS 5II2E 8 SIOIE PLAN AND SECTIONS MILE 641.0 ORDXE JULY 77 PLATE 4* SHEET S OP * OHIO RIVER DIVISION U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS SHEET 3 OF » CMtCWtQ l i : s 4- — 4 *io[ 4 44 4- ■ 4 • 4 444.J rr > 2>GQ aia r ~r —(— 1*1 -44- -4 r*:*T ■ft*rr 4.;. :4- U3 ;*a. -f-t -f -+-■ M ■ 4-4—- 4- 4- 4 4- ... • \ !!! kiu). Kwcxo »otc.t3»zJt ((It* 2A) .4. SAW)! SILTY CLAY, krmm-jtay, v/rootl*t«, vorv casta, plaatic 4 (lass IrajBaat, la 2/3, flna (raval, roodata 1 charcoal frajsaats ta lovar 1/3, tarn 2. GNAVZLLY SAJBD, light brown, graval roundad, i tag KANDY SILTY CLAY, rod-brown to brown, Iron •tain* 4 worm casta, dang i_A. SILTY SAND, rad-brown to brown, w/lron ataina, worn caata, 4 aaod latitaa 5. SILTY SAND 4 GAAVXL, light brown, lntarbaddad, w/rad-brown allt lanaas, graval rotaiUd, 4-P 4. SILTY SAND 4 GJtAVXL, light brown, layarad 4 lntarbaddad, Iron atalnad, graval roundad, charcoal fragnonta naar botton, dang 7. SANDY GAAVTL, brawn to light brown, Iron atalnad, tub-rounded, quarta-andaalts-granltlc, coal 4 chart, tub-angular liana too* bouldara naar botton, dang ta vat 4 % SANDY C1AVSL, light brown to brawn, racaatly dapoaltad, daag to vat U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY CANNELTON POOL JOHN H. MeGEHEE“TRACTS 5II2E 6 5101E SOIL PROFILE MILE 641.0 ORDXE PLATE 49 JULY 77 SHEET 4 0F8 m -,il3S . -1-1- 44- j42XJ ■ -t- :t*r .4 -;.. t-4 44. a,Q an ‘ T aeo J3Z5 r i < < o i g a SlZQ —- • - 1 - ► - ♦-f *i • [-4-1-1-1-1 • f ’ t * ♦ - • - + ~ t ■ T -rr-rr 44- ' 1 ~ 7' 4 * 4 * t-r :■] -t -4- -rf ■ + • -f----- - -1 r r 4 1■ 4- • ♦ ■■ « - 4 —f *• • * - * - - *-t * IT - +- >... ao. . . .7 t*f 4*i r::; secti t: ::f 4 TT : T T t • • 1- -i-l- •1 ■ i < • T 44 - 4 - t-rtT ' t ■ * — - ■ ’ t -I—i- 1* -—i—j—p—1- ,|ilo: 1 -t—i—i- :rrrr. lAa i« a TT-r f - 4 - 4 ■4—t- [ *XX€t3tt2SS. (Sit* 2A) 1444- SABOT SILTY CLAY, brown-gtay, w/rootlota, norm c«»t*. ylastlc 4 glass frigpxit* 2/3, fin* (r*v*l, rootlet* 4 charcoal fragments la lower 1/J, CIAVZLLY (AMO, light brown, graval roundad. daag SANDY SILTY CLAY, rad-brown to brown, Iron atala* 4 worn cast*. Am* SILTY SAND, rad-brown to brown, w/lron atalna, worn casta, 4 sand lausas SILTY SAW) 4 GtAVXL, light brown, intarbaddad, w/rad-brown allt lanaaa, grawal r 4—P 6. SILTY SAW) 4 GAAVTL, light brown, layered 4 Intarbaddad, Iron atalnad, graval rotated, charcoal fragsants naar bottoa, daap ■ 7. SANDY CgAVXL, brawn to light brown. Iron atalnad, aub-rounded. ^uarta-aadaslta-granlt 1c, coal 4 chart, sub-angular llaaston* bouldara naar bottoa, daag ta wat SANDY CKAVIL, light brown to brain, racantly daposltad, to wat E<50 1 ■ * £i 3 t • t £4a t1-:t rr • t • t • .tt! 4-4- ~ ii 4 — - T- — — — T j. , * ■4 T — • *5, as & £ 1^. . L. . (-H ii — L . 1 _ j 1 i L _ . 1 • ’ * ] r , _ _ r 4 r ■ rr^ • _ < 4 . , [ • * L - i • L ■ < “t I rna T T m r . • L J±L • i - ♦ • * - r ■ ■ - * ♦ r~^| t • t US. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY CANNELTON POOL JOHN H. MeGEHEE-TRACTS 5II2E 8 5I0IE SCXL PROFILE MILE 641.0 ORDXE PLATE 49 JULY 77 SHEET 4 OF 3 Jr ► » < 8 ! i . ; 3TA >*?•* U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY CANNELTON POOL JOHN H MeGEHEEXTRACTS 5112E a 5IOIE SOL PROFILE MILE 641.0 ORDXE JULY 77 1. 2 . J. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 . *. 10 . 11 . 12 . 11 . U. 15. 16. 17. 18. Tract 9101 I t 5112 I L Ulto 27 t«, nt SILTT CLAY, brown, tmt rootloto, aolot SILTT CLAT, brown, w/troco of ooaA, Tory fov rootloto, aolot CLAT1T SILT, brown, vary fow rootloto, aolst 8AITOT CLATIT SILT, krom, Tory fow rootloto, aolot SILTT CLAT, brown, w/troco of ooaA, occooloan1 rootloto, aolot SAKDT CLAYEY SILT, krowo to dork krown, oecooloaal rootloto, aolot CLAYEY SILTT SAMS, krown, occoolonol rootloto, aolot SILTT SAJCD, light to Aork brown, Soap SANDY CLATET SILT, krown. Ao^ SILTT SAND, Aork brown, wot SILTT CLAT, brown, 4o^ to aolot CLAYEY SANDY SILT', brown, doap SILTY SAND, brown, doap SILTY SAKS 6 CLAYEY SILT, cloooly lntorkoAAod, doap CLAYEY SAJfDY SILT, brown, doap to wot NO SAMPLE - aotorlol oluapod from obovo SAJfDY SILT, light brown to groy brown, w/orongo brown 0.1' thick oooa of cloy ZiiQ iLq X.JQ PLATE 49 SHEET 5 Of 5 NOTE book LEGEND DIGITIZED SECTION (II-23-T* PHOTO) 1961-62 MAPPING PHOTOGRAPHV 1977 SOUNDINGS (FATHOMETER) SOIL SAMPLE SITE WAVE. MEASUREMENT SITE ; - VELOCITY CROSS/) SECTION £/ i o s 9 * p * 5 •• r o 5 £o ^ 2-8=? ifH 1 3.S UJ O £ ' X O o m o o X X U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY NEWBURGH POOL ORDXE JOHN DICKENSON PLAN AND SECTIONS MILE 721.3 JULY 77 Im&tTWT 4od : ■HJ jaQ; .370 . jaoi 100 I 200 100 0 I i i i i—i MAPPING BASED ON 23 NCM 76 PHOTOGRAPHY i A PLATE 30 .*»*■ 338 J8 --4 - -Ml 3PM 41 : 7 - , _ • . . - . ' - L . * ~ — —4 • ■ * • ' f ‘ • • . .. . i . 1.1 7 ] Tj ill Dicnso* :-~ 4 - -t • ■:r:-r ) SANDY CLAYEY SILT, iut brown, rootlet*, traca of organlca, aoUt ) 8*MDY CLAYBY SILT, brown, few rootlet*, Hoist, thinly scattered chexcoel lift ) CLAYEY SANDY SILT, brown, int.rbeddod sandy t .il ty leans, newn. cherooel frags ) 8AMDY CLAYEY SILT, brown, w/few irregular sew. s lanaaa of .lit end .ilty .and few ecettered charcoal liu*>s, few rootlet* ) SAICY CLAYEY SILT, brown, ec_ Mottled ire*, staining, Moist no charcoal ) CARBON rRAOffiNTS, Many ch.rcoel or weathers! ooal fr.qwnt* to 1/2* in cI.ymv eilt eatrir ) CLAYEY SILT, ^ro-n, faintly -ottll. d«p to noiat. lower portion cloaaly jointed w/heave iron staining on joints ) CARBON TRAGNENTS, Many charcoal or weathered coal fragnwta to 1* in clayey Silt BMtriX 1 ’ * SANBY CLAYBY S1 LT, brown t eottled qray-brown, «oi.t to deep SILTY SAND, brown “*RBDY CLAYEY SILT, brown, d..p to wet SILTY SAND, light brown, deep CLAYEY SILT, Mottled brown to dark brown, R—p SILTY SAND, brown SILTY C1>Y, gray, w/brown ailty a and aaaau , deep SAMFLE LOST GRAVELLY SILTY SAND, brown 4 - 4 - . :s:sss: ::::::::::: ■ . t B .MA. r : ! -j- .j ia n -t - IAQ . tBQ T! eccw.; i IT •IT • •l-i N •IT U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY NEWBURGH POOL JOHN DICKENSON SOIL a VEGETATION PROFILE MILE 721.3 ORDXE JULY 77 PLATE 80 PLATE SHEET 2 OP t TT I ► s « i > t t * <1 ; 2 2 s r !• t ► < ' ' . [72071 t htrer Hawesville Cf Cloverport U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION BANK EROSION STUDY GENERAL SITE MAP - CANNELTON POOL ORDXE JULY 77 PLATE A-2 r» Ui X Q 1C o i PLATE A—3 BANK EROSION STUDY TRACT NUMBER 523E PLATE A-4 BANK EROSION STUDY TRACT NUMBER 527E1 & E2 PLATE A—5 BANK EROSION STUDY TRACT NUMBER 533E1 & E2 PLATE A—6 UJ < a tA 6 UJ X o s PLATE A—7 BANK EROSION STUDY TRACT NUMBER 1301E PLATE A—8 BANK EROSION STUDY TRACT NUMBER 1305E TRACT MAP PLATE A—9 ( i PLATE A— 10 PLATE A—11 PLATE A—12 C0 DC UJ Ui - Z o o 2 M Ui — V) CC CL UJ CC > o = o 1 > 2 i S < ui 6 r«. os CL < 2 > UJ Q 2 =s CO oc Z UJ OOQ |— cj cr z < UJ cc h- z< <£ 03 •“ UJ X a cc o Mtn 01 S3 nUN ^ 1 jOOBNN'® 0 U __—i UJ -I < & PLATE A—13 i PLATE A—14 PLATE A—15 (X> UJ PLATE A —16 I 8 17 o < a: < a 9 16 383 i i V) cc aj UJ ? Z a o 2 52 > (O CC Cl lit CC > 8 > 2 2 z CC O < V) D eg §« h- UJ CO 00 2 eg 1" CO cc O uj CC CD UJ 5 |i < I- CQ o < cc I- & 3 CL < h~ O < CC UJ X a oc o Ml L E I 6 94 8 CO UJ < 8 PLATE A—17 PLATfc A—17/1 PLATE A—18 TRACT NO. 3238 E PLATE A—20 r-. os >- . Ul X O oc o UJ < K PLATE A- 21 BANK EROSION STUDY TRACT NUMBER 3828E PLATE A—22 >.uj =>o h-w QC UJ O QQ 03 o < * o < 9 ih 31 IHl * PLATE A—23 BANK EROSION STUDY TRACT NUMBER 5101E PLATE A—23/1 U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OHIO RIVER DIVISION PLATE A—24 SCALE: 1 " = 600 ' APPENDIX B GEOLOGY AND SOILS DATA TABLE OF CONTENTS Geology and soils data Pages B-l to B-5 FIGURES Title_Figure No. Tract No. 523E - Photos B—1-1 Tract No. 527E - 1 & 2 Photos B-l-2 Tract No. 533E - 1 & 2 Photos B-l-3 Tract No. 1209E - Photos B-l-4 Tract No. 130 IE - Photos B-l-5 Tract No. 1305E - Photos B—1-6 Tract No. 1307E - Photos B-l-7 Tract No. 135 3E - 1 & 2 B-l-8 Tract No. 2102E - 1 & 2 - Photos B-l—9 Tract No. 410E - Photos B-l-10 Tract No. 640E - Photos B—1-11 Tract No. 719E - Photos B-l-12 Tract No. 1300E1 & E2 & 1318E - Photos B-l-13 Tract No. 2200E ■ - Photos B-l-14 Tract Nos . 2215E ; 2218E? 2410E - Photos B-l-15 Tract No. 3015E - flap B-l-16 Tract Nos . 3229E & 3238E - Photos B-l-17 Tract No. 370 3E - Photos B-l-18 Tract No. 3828E - Photos B-l-19 Tract No. 5018E - Photos B-l-20 Tract No. 5101E & 5112E - Photos B-l-21 J. Dickenson Site - Photos B-l-22 APPENDIX B GEOLOGY AND SOILS DATA The data in this appendix were obtained from a number of sources, inclusive of historical files, published reports, mapping, profiles and cross sections, aerial photography interpretations, field reconnaissance and sampling and testing of materials. The geomorphic setting for the study of streambank erosion conditions at the upper extent of the Newburgh Pool, within the Cannelton Pool, and within the Meldahl Pool reaches of the Ohio River is shown by Plate No. 1. The locations of pool-referenced reaches of the Ohio River studied are shown on Plate 5. The Cannelton Pool area between the Cannelton Locks and Dam in southern Indiana and the McAlpine Locks and Dam at Louisville, Kentucky, lies entirely within the Central Lowlands Physiographic Province, while the Meldahl Pool between the Meldahl Locks and Dam located upstream from Cincinnati, Ohio, and the Greenup Locks and Dam lies partially in Central Lowlands, Interior Plateaus, and Appalachian Highlands Provinces. The chaiacter of the Ohio River Valley changes between the physiographic provinces with adjacent uplands structures having significant effects within the upper reaches of the Meldahl Pool. The Cincinnati Arch structure and its extension southward into Kentucky form a dome centered at Lexington. This dome is ringed by an escarpment known variously as "The Knobs" in Kentucky, the "Knobstone Escarpment" in Indiana, and southwest of Louisville as "Muldraugh's Hill." This escarpment extends northeastward and defines by rock strata of different ages the various segments of the Meldahl Pool. Changes in landforms and realignment of drainage patterns during the Pleistocene Epoch are significant to the present study since these changes are associated with the forming of the Ohio River Valley and the deposition within that valley of materials which are presently undergoing erosion. A number of investigations have been conducted regarding the origin and characteristics of the bedrock defined Ohio River Valley and the alluvial materials which have been deposited in that valley. An example reference is "The Deep Channel and Alluvial Deposits of the Ohio Valley in Kentucky, by E. H. Walker, Geological Survey Water—Supply Paper 1411, United States Government Printing Office, Washington, 1957. Plates 2, 3, and 4 have been derived from this paper and indicate the extent of valley development and the characteristics of fill materials. The glacial lowerings of sea level resulted in erosion of bedrock to present depths, creating a gradient appreciably steeper than that of the present river. Alluvial materials were then deposited during the retreat of Illinoian glaciation. Wisconsin events removed most of these deposits, leaving only terrace remnants. During the Tazewll- Cary interval of glacial recession, sand and gravel outwash from melting Wisconsin glaciers was deposited. The meltwater volume and flow velocities were sufficient to move fine-grained materials such as clay, silt and fine sand downriver, leaving deposits of boulders, cobbles, pebbles and coarse sand. These coarse-grained deposits are generally continuous. Thin lenses or layers of silt or clay, indicative of temporary backwater conditions are also encountered. Thus the median grain size of materials deposited by glacial meltwaters generally decreases both in a downriver direction and with increasing elevation. The thickness of this alluvial fill increases from 25 feet at Ashland, Kentucky, to 110 feet at Paducah, Kentucky. However, the vertical extent of this coarse alluvium is extremely irregular, indicating that subsequent erosion events have occurred. During the final melting of the Wisconsin ice sheet, a thick layer of fine-grained alluvium was deposited over coarse basal materials. These fine-grained sediments are characteristic of the materials presently being eroded and transported within the valleys of the Ohio River and tributaries. Such deposition of fine alluvium has continued to occur whenever the river falls from major flood stages. These sediments were initially deposited as a result of rises in water levels alona the Mississippi River. These rises in water level occurred as a result of rises in sea level as glacial melting occurred, and as a result of delta formation in the downstream reach of the Mississippi River. In some of the tributary valleys adjacent to the river, lakes were formed as a result of the temporary damming of streams during glacial periods. Laminated silt and clay deposits have been encountered in many of these valleys in western Kentucky and southern Indiana. As mentioned previously, the advance of the glaciers into the area immediately to the north of the Ohio River Valley, and in some instances into the valley itself, caused significant physiographic alterations. Prior to the Pleistocene Epoch the Ohio River, according to the judgment of some geologists, originated in the vicinity of Cincinnati and flowed south and west along the general route of the present river. Many geologists are of the opinion that the Ohio River flowed south¬ westerly during pre-glacial times from the vicinity of West Point, Kentucky, with a drainage divide being located approximate to the Knobstone Escarpment. As a result of dammings of northerly flowing rivers during the advance of glacial ice, these waters were diverted from the pre-glacial Teays River, and its tributaries and joined with the Licking River, the Miami River, and the Kentucky River to flow southward and westward through the valley of the present Ohio River. Remnants of this ancient river valley in the vicinity of Cincinnati and southwestward toward Madison, Indiana, are observed to contain terraces approximately 200 to 300 feet above the level of the present Ohio River. To the east, a drainage divide existed at Manchester, Ohio, and in the vicinity of Portsmouth, Ohio, and a pre—glacial river flowed northward to the Teays River which then flowed north and west through Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. These dammed rivers filled pre-glacial valleys until the water level overtopped the elevation of drainage divides. After the glacial ice melted, the pre-glacial valley was filled with sediment, and the water courses which previously had flowed north and west in the Teays River system flowed westward within the new Ohio River system. ^•■^ erences °f opinion also exist as to the time sequence involved in rearrangements of drainage patterns in the central Ohio Valley, and the determination of which glacial advance first rearranged the drainage of the then northern-flowing tributaries of the Ohio River. These chronological controversies are not significant to the present studies, but the impacts of the rearrangements of drainage which occurred during the Pleistocene Epoch are of considerable importance. The characteristics of the present alluvial valley of the Ohio River are shown on Plate Nos. 2 and/ 3. These exhibits define valley widths and constrictions downriver from the confluence of the Salt River where more resistant rock was eroded. Bedrock controls exert a more significant effect on the present Ohio River in the Meldahl Pool and this central one-third reach of the Cannelton Pool than in the remainder of the Cannelton Pool. Also of importance are the valley characteristics downriver of Leavenworth, Indiana, where abandoned meanders are located. The post-glacial history of the river valley has been described by Walker: "Downcutting by the Ohio River and removal of much of the Wisconsin alluvial fill are the principal features of post-glacial history, . Along the course of the valley the bed of the Ohio River now lies 75 to 115 feet below the original level of the Wisconsin fill. In meandering from side to side during the lowering, the river eroded the alluvium B-3 throughout most parts of the valley, so that only at a few places is alluvium left as high as its original upper level. In its natural state, before the construction of locks and dams for navigation, the profile of the river probably attained a condition of near¬ equilibrium. There is no strong evidence that the river was neither aggrading or degrading its bed. The main activity of the river was the gradual shifting of the channel, in which cutting on one side was partly compensated by deposition on the other." Of particular importance to the present study of bank erosion are the sections taken through the river valley at ORM 471 and ORM 631 as shown on Plate 4. These sections shown on Plate 4 indicate that river valley width and depth vary considerably, depending on the circumstances of historical development and bedrock type. As has been noted, in the fleldahl Pool reach the river flows through a sequence of shales and shaly limestones, with the limited width of valley reflecting the relative resistance of these rocks to erosion. The river valley is also quite narrow where drainage divides previously existed, as at Manchester, and in the area immediately southwest of Cincinnati. The river valley is wider where significant tributaries or pre-glacial streams have flowed. In the upper section of the Cannelton Pool, the valley is wide where the river flows through a lowland eroded in soft shales of late Devonian and early Mississippian Ages. A few miles downstream from West Point, Kentucky, where the river flows on massive limestone of Mississippian Age, the valley narrows. Investigations of a number of sites during this study indicate that the characteristics of the bank materials are extremely variable from one site to the next, at various elevations and from point to point on the bank, some perhaps only inches apart. At some sites, the alluvial materials are found in layers of only a few hundredths of an inch. At others, the thickness of some strata approaches tens of inches. In many exposures examined during this study, the bank materials have been found to have slumped or to have been disarranged by mass movements. In many instances, slumped areas with jumbled and distorted layering have been covered by subsequent deposition. The irreqular interbedding of fine-grained clayey silts and silts with coarser layers of sand result in variations in the permeability characteristics of bank materials. In some areas, hydraulic connections occur between the river and the void spaces in materials within and underlying existing banks. In other areas, layers of impermeable clayey silts have been deposited or have B-4 slumped to form a barrier between more pervious materials and the river. The irregularity of hydraulic connections between these materials, especially the relatively pervious sandy lenses, and the river creates complex water flow and water pressure conditions, with resulting bank instability. The hillsides above the alluvial terrace deposits are qenerally mantled with displaced soils derived from weathering of the underlying shale, limestone and sandstone bedrock. These soils are termed colluvium, and differ markedly in properties and characteristics from the water- deposited alluvial valley fill. This colluvium consists of a clayey matrix with silts, sands and rock fragments. The steep hillsides and other conditions where the resistance of materials to sliding is reduced results in down-slope movements. The rate of movement is generally slow, but the margin of stability is seldom large and substantial slope fail lires are frequent. Geologic, physiographic, and geomorphic conditions have been described in detail in the Environmental Study Report of the Cannelton Locks, Dam and Pool on the Ohio River, prepared by the University of Louisville Interdisciplinary Environmental Study Team for the Louisville District Corps of Engineers. B-5 • ’■ • • < .1 ■ * E. Rice Tract 523E A Approximate to downstream boundary of tract. Note drift accumulations. 24 May 1977 Area of recent bank erosion and sample site. 24 May 1977 Figure B-l-1 E. Rice Tract 523E C Recent erosion at upper bank and benching within debris at toe 10 May 1977 D Sample site with excavated undisturbed sample in-situ. Figure B-l-1 E Rice Tract 523E Reach of bank approximate to Rice and Poston tract boundaries. 10 May 1977. F Drainway evidencing Ohio River backwater conditions. 10 May 1977 Figure B-l-1 E. .E. Poston Tract 527 E - 1 § 2 Looking downstream at Rice - Poston - Rice Tracts. 24 May 1977 Approximate to upstream tract boundary showing sample site. Note vegetation in shallows. 24 May 1977 Figure B-l-2 2 E. § E. Poston Tract 527 E - 1 § Sample site. Note exposed root systems. 10 May 1977 Approximate to downstream tract boundary. Note acquatic vegetation in shallows. 24 May 1977 Figure B-l-2 2 C. § J. Rice Tract 533 - 1 § Approximate to downstream tract boundary. Note fill and dumped rock. 24 May 1977 Approximate to upstream tract boundary showing erosion scarps and sample site. 24 May 1977 Figure B-l-3 C. 5 J. Rice Tract 533 E - 1 § 2 Bank area and drift at sample site. 10 May 1977 Mid-tract reach of bank showing erosion scarps and drift accumulations. 24 May 1977 Figure B-l-3 N. $ A. Wood Tract 1209 E Bank at sample site. Note colluvial debris. 24 May 1977 Sample site showing colluvium. 10 May 1977 Figure B-l-4 N. § A. Wood Tract 1209 E Dumped stone with colluvium derived rock debris. 10 May 1977 Reach of bank looking upstream from wood tract. 10 May 1977 Figure B-l-4 D. § M. McNelly Tract 1301 E Reach of bank looking upstream from McNelly tract at Chouinard and Schwab Tracts. 24 May 1977 Recent slumpage scarps in bank at sample site. 24 May 1977 Figure B-l-5 D. $ M. McNelly Tract 1301 E Preparation of undisturbed sample in-situ at sample site. 11 May 1977 Figure B-l-5 J. § C. Chouinard Tract 1305 E Upstream area of tract and at sample site approximate to confluence Ohio River and Three Mile Creek. 24 May 1977 Reach of bank approximate to structures and sample site. Note recent slumpage scarps at top of bank. 24 May 1977. Figure B-l-6 J. § C. Chouinard Tract 1305 E Sample site approximate to Three Mile Creek. Note bedded fine sand deposit exposed in treneh for upper five feet of bank. 12 May 1977 Figure B-l-6 J. § J. Schwab Tract 1307 E Upstream area of tract approximate to the confluence of Ohio River and Three Mile Creek. 24 May 1977 Three Mile Creek showing adjacent Schwab and Chouinald tracts. 24 Ma y 1977 Figure B-l-7 J. § J. Schwab Tract 1307 E Bank area approximate to upstream boundary of tract at sample site. 24 May 1977 D Bank area sample site. Note benching in slumpage derived debris. 12 May 1977 Figure B-l-7 B. Griffith Tracts 1353 E - 1 § 2 A Reach of bank and sample site. 24 May 1977 B Bank and erosion scarp at sample site. 12 May 1977 Figure B-l-8 B. Griffith Tracts 1353 E - 1 § 2 Reach of lower bank and toward limit of tract. slope looking upstream 12 May 1977 Reach of lower slope on tract along Three Mile Creek Ohio. 12 May 1977 Figure B-l-8 B. Cunningham Tract 2102 E - 1 § 2 Reach of slope approximate to upstream limit of tract. Note low terrace in tributary valley. Tributary stream at far left. 24 May 1977 Vicinity of sampling site in central portion of property. Only high terrace present. 24 May 1977 Figure B-l-9 B. Cunningham Tract 2102 E - 1 § 2 Downstream limit of property showing lower terrace. High terrace located behind tree line. 24 May 1977 -— tttf Looking upstream near limit of tract. Unnamed tributary enters Ohio River at left 10 May 1977 Figure B-l-9 B. Cunningham Tract 2102.E - 1 § 2 Lower terrace near upstream limit of 10 May 1977 tract. F Beginning of high terrace frontage along Ohio River at right. Downstream limit of lower terrace ■at left. 10 May 1977 Figure B-l-9 B. Cunningham Tract 2102 E - 1 § 2 Remnant of low terrace at downstream limit of tract,. High terrace visih^c through trees. 12 May 1977 Looking upstream from near downstream limit of tract. 12 May 1977 Figure B-l-9 G. R. Wagner Tract 410 E Slide area and structure. 23 May 1977 Toe of slide and sample site. 9 May 1977 Figure B-l-10 G. R. Wagner Tract 410 E Structure on tract evidencing slide related damage. 3 May 1977 Slide scarp at structure foundation. 3 May 1977 Figure B-l-10 H. Bynon Tract 640 E Lookina downstream from the Bynon property along Rt. 166 alignment* Uote bend in road at landslide area, 23 May 1977 Looking at the Bynon property. Note rock out crop and landslide area with fallen trees at lower left **-C ~ 1 — -C.C_ O -7 X 4 -LO n -7 _ H. Bynon Tract 640 E C Slide area and structure. 5 May 1977 Exposure of cobbles in soil matrix at toe of slide. 5 May 1977 Figure B-l-11 D. C. Leatherbury Tract 719 E Confluence of Pond Run with the Ohio River. Note sediment plume. 23 May 1977 B Bank area in central portion of tract. Pond Run located at left. 23 May 1977 Figure B-l-12 D. C. Leatherbury Tract 719 E Face of bank looking downstream from approximate the tract mid-point. 5 May 1977 D Sample site. 5 May 1977 Figure B-l-12 E, W. Loesch Tracts 1300 E - 1 § 2 & 1318 E General view of Loesch property looking up river 23 May 1977 Aerial view of mouth of unnamed tributary near upstream tract boundary. 23 May 1977 Figure B-l-13 E. W. Loesch Tracts 1300 E - 1§ 2 5 1318 E Lower bank and grass-covered terrace. 2 May 1977 Toe of bank. Note buried limb of tree 2 May 1977 Figure B-l-13 C. Eaton § G. Williams Tract 2200 E Approximate mid-point of property. Tree line follows Little Poison Creek. Past marks wave measure¬ ment station. 23 May 1977 Approximate upstream limit of property 23 May 1977 Figure B-l-14 C. Eaton § G. Williams Tract 2200 E Sampling location 4 May 1977 Looking downstream from sampling location. 4 May 1977 Figure B-l-14 B. C. Glenn Tracts 2215 E; 2218 E; 2410 E General view of Glenn property looking upstream. 23 May 1977 Bank area showing recent erosion and apparent scour areas. 23 May 1977 B Figure B-l-15 B. C. Glenn Tracts 2215 E; 2218 E; 2410 E Apparent scour area in bank downstream of large inplace stump. 5 May 1977 Tree with hawsers. 5 May 1977 Figure B-l-15 2410 E B. C. Glenn Tracts 2215 E; 2218 E; Sampling site located within the central portion of Glenn property. 5 May 1977 Worked flint in-situ at depth of 16.4' below top of bank near sampling site. Excavated bank at left. 5 May 1977 Figure B-l-15 B. C. Glenn Tracts 2215 E; 2218 E; 2410 E G Sampling site within downstream portion of Glenn property. 5 May 1977 Soft gray organic soil at a depth of 17.6' top of bank within area of sample site. below 5 May 1977 Figure B-l-15 C $ M Benner Tract 3015 E Bank area showing sample site. 23 May 1977 Bank area at sample site showinq recent erosion and drift deposition. 3 May 1977 Figure B-l-16 C. § M. Benner Tract 3015 E Bank erosion within upstream area of tract. Note toppled trees. 3. May 1977 Bench area approximate to upstream boundary of tract. Note rock outcrop. 3 May 1977 Figure B-l-16 N; Purcell Tracts 3229 E § 3238 E Slide area looking east, 23 May 1977 showing scarps. Slide area looking south, showing slumpage debris. 23 May 1977 Figure B-l-17 N. Purcell Tracts 3229 E § 3238 E Slope failure exposed scarps and slumpage debris. 23 May 1977 Area of slide below trailer at sample site. 4 May 1977 Figure B-l-17 R. Cox Tract 3703 E Reach of bank approximate to upstream boundary of tract showing bank and stone placed in drainway. 23 May 1977 Reach of bank and sample site 23 May 1977 Figure B-l-18 R. Cox Tract 3703 E Reach of bank showing recent erosion in upper slope area. 9 May 1977 Area evidencing recent erosion in toe of slope area. Note bench within upper bank areas. 9 May 1977 Figure B-l-18 J. H. McGehee Tract 3828F Sampling Site, 23 May 1977 B Bank near sampling site with slumpage scarp in foreground. 29 April 1977 Figure B-l-19 J. H. McGehee Tract 3828E Middle portion of bank with small erosion scarp. 29 April 1977 Lower portion of bank. Leaf fragments and multiple small erosion scams are evident. 29 Aoril 1977 Figure B-l-19 E. D. McGehee Tract 5018 Sample site near upstream tract boundary. 23 May 1977 Benchina of lower bank at samt>le site. 27 April 1977 Figure B-l-20 E. D. McGehee Tract 5018 Logging and sampling near top of bank. 27 April 1977 27 April 1977 Recent benching of bank area Figure B-l-20 J. H. McGehee Tracts 5101E § 5112E Looking downstream along J. H. McGehee Property. 23 May 1977 Area of transition from granular to fine-grained bank materials. 23 May 1977 Figure B-l-21 J. H. McGehee Tracts 5101E 5 5112E Bank at sampling site. 23 May 1977 Narrow beach downstream of sampling gray silt exposed at lower right. site. Note dense 23 May 1977 Figure B-l-21 J. H. McGehee Tracts 5101E § 5112E Fresh erosion scarp showing stratified sand, silt and gravel. 5 May 1977 F Fresh erosion scarp evidencing stratification. 29 April 1977 Figure B-l-21 J. H. McGehee Tracts 5101E 5 5112E Outcrop of dense gray silt overlain by iron-stained brown silt. 29 April 1977 Butt end of buried log in dense gray silt. Log was buried approximately 7,000 years B. P. 29 April 1977 Figure B-l-21 J. Dickenson Dickenson Property and portions 23 May 1977 of adjacent tracts. Looking upstream along top of bank. Weeds at left mark sewage seepage which could be related to area of deepest bank erosion as located at right. 3 May 1977 Figure B-l-22 J. Dickenson Bank area immediately downstream of sampling site. 3 May 1977 Layers of coal fragments within bank trowel levels (10.3' and 11.4' below respectively) 3 May 1977 at paper and top of bank. Figure B-l-22