1. Jeff in his palmy days orders our starvino* prisoners back to Libby. 2 . Grant having slightly interfered with his glorious arrangements, he flies to Georgia, where he takes a touching farewell of his companions in treason. ‘ * V 3. Hearing an alarm lie escapes from his con¬ cealment in the guise of one of the gentler sex, and pursues liis journey prosperously till again being warned of the proximity of Northern Mudsills. 4. He assumes his congenial disguise. ? 73 , 7 ?/ Di') he- * * ✓ 5. But on this occasion is bawled out by a little Union Corporal who detects his “Boots.” ) TO PUBLISHERS. The attention of Publishers is respectfully called to the examination of the within six cuts drawn by the CELEBRATED ARTISI, FRANK BELLEW. ON THE CHEMICAL BLOCKS OF THE gtttijgWflhp and fepfootyjw (Sinropany, AND ENGRAVED BY THEM IN THE SHORT TIME OP TWO HOURS. Done by the usual method of engraving (wood) would have taken no less than CD Gb IL &3 THE VERY BEST MAGAZINE IN AMERICA. PRICE OF SUBSCRIPTION FOR ONE YEAR, Only $1.25. poosiso©! ^oamjSERaiKnri THOUSANDS OF TRICKS AND PARLOR GAMES; THRILLING STORIES; MERRY JESTS; EXCELLENT ESSAYS; BEAUTIFUL POEMS, TEN DAYS. to BY THIS PROCESS WE ARE ENABLED TO DO THE FINEST WORK Equal to any Wood Engraving, and at a greatly reduced cost. Office of INTAGLIOTYPE & GRAPHOTYPE CO. 40 PARK ROW, Room 8. TIMES BUILDING. NEW YORK by tele best white it s. ILLUSTRATED BY THE FIRST ARTISTS. We will cheerfully give One year’s Subscription gratis, to any one who will show us as good a Magazine at double the price. Address FRANK BELLEW, 39 Park Row. b. _Three specimen numbers sent by mail. PRICE 30 CENTS. JBPP. PETTICOATS. 100,000 copies for sale by the American News Company, 119 and 121 Nassau Street, New York. ~ ~ A large discount to the trade. Retail price, Ten Cents.