UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY ijl urbana-cha.m?a:g^i /S4 OUTLINES OF A SYSTEM POLITICAL ECONOMY ; WRITTEN WITH A VIEW TO PROVE TO GOVEIIN3IENT AND THE COUNTRY, THAT THE CAUSE OF THE PRESENT AGRICULTURAL DISTRESS IS ENTIRELY ARTIFICIAL ; AND TO SUGGEST A PLAN FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF THE CURRENCY, BY WHICH IT MAY BE REMEDIED NOW, AND ANY RECURRENCE OF SIMILAR EVILS BE PREVENTED IN FUTURE: TOGETHER WITH THE FOURTH EDITION OF AN ESSAY ON THE PRINCIPLES OF BANKING. BY T. JOPLIN. ILontion : PUBLISHED BY BALDWIN, CRADOCK, AND JOY. 1823. EDWARD WALKER, PRINTER, PILGRIM-STEEKT, NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE. v.ZZ. PREFACE. As its title imports, this Essay is but the Outlines of the subject on which it treats. It has also been rather hastily written, and is not so perfect as the Author could have wished. As an apology for its imperfec- tions, therefore some account of its origin may not be unnecessary. Most writers imagine that they add something to the general stock of knowledge ; and the Author is not without his hopes, that there are views in this Volume, which may be useful. But it is the matter, and not the manner in which they are conveyed, upon which he founds any claim they may possess, to the reader's attention. He is a man of business, to which he was early brought up ; and he has not possessed those ad- vantages which are usually considered necessary to good writing ; nor is it probable, that in the present stage of his life, he would have written at all, except for a practical object. a His motive for writing the Essay on the Principles of Bankinjj, the fourth edition of which this Volume contains, was entirely interested. If the charter of the Bank of England is altered, and Joint Stock Com- panies, on the principles he recommends, are establish- ed, he proposes to take such a share in each of them as individuals are allowed to hold ; and requests each bank to open an account with him, hold his share as security, and charge him interest upon the advance required. He might open an account with some one or more banks, and get them to take up the shares for him, as they must upon the average be ample security for their original value; but if the banks which maybe established acknowledge auy obligation to him, he has not any apprehension that this will be necessary. Having thus, however, a practical object in view, the Author did not allow his pamphlet to sleep in the hands of the booksellers, but at once made a considerable distribution of it in Newcastle, the towns comprised in the plan, and in the counties of Durham and North- umberland, and sent copies to leading persons in other places. It was quite clear from what had been said by ministers upon the subject, that they only desired some plain business view of the question, by any one whose situation in life enabled him to give it, in order to make some change in the present system of Bank- ing. But the change recommended struck very deep at the interests of a powerful body ; and it appeared ex- tremely desirable, if it were pi'acticable, that the pub- lic should express their wishes on the subject, in order to shew ministers that if they did put their shoulders to the work, and procure an alteration of the charter of the Bank of England, Public Banks would actually be set up in consequence. The pamphlet made as great an impression as could have been wished, and the principal persons in New- castle seemed disposed to meet and petition Parlia- ment immediately; but a leader was wanting: no per- son seemed willing to do any thing but second. It was thought that some country gentleman ought to take the chair. Parliament, however, had assem- bled; most of the gentlemen were out of the county, and none that remained seemed willing to do so except one, and he afterwards declined. The argument against moving in the business, ge- nerally used by merchants is, that they are so intimate- ly connected with the Banks, that they cannot be seen in it, and that the subject ought to be taken up by the country gentlemen ; and with the country gentle- men, that it ought to be taken up by the mercantile men, who have so much to do with Banks, and are more innnediately interested in the question. In the county of Durham, however, there was less difficulty. Five Banks out of seven had failed within a few years, and Lord Barrington, though he in general declines to take any lead in public mat- ters, thought the establishments recommended so ob- viously desirable, and even so absolutely necessary in that part of the country, that on being applied to, he did not hesitate to take the chair at a meetintj of coun- ty gentlemen held on the subject. At this meeting a committee was appointed, and the resolutions were passed, which will be found in the Appendix. A few of the principal men in Liverpool were dis- posed to take up the question. By the accounts of eentlemen from Northumberland who were in Liver- pool after the pamphlet had been published there, it appears that it had produced a great sensation. Some meetings took place in consequence, and resolutions were passed and published, and ministers memorialized upon the subject. A gentleman of talents and great perseverance, though not of sufficient influence to take a lead, under- took to establish the principles of the pamphlet at Manchester. This he did so completely, that it seems if the bank charter had been altered last session, three Banks, by different classes of persons, would have been started immediately. No expres- sion of public opinion, however, took place. But were it necessary, more reliance might perhaps be placed on Manchester than any other town. The manufac- turers are in general rich and independent; and it has one of the best Chambers of Commerce in the kingdom. During the session of Parliament, this cham- ber meets regularly to discuss all questions relative to trade and commerce, but more especially those which relate to the trade of Manchester, and it takes steps to carry the result of its deliberations into ef- fect. A very important act of Parliament was obtain- ed by it last session, for the registering of warrants of attorney ; and the transactions of the Banks, so important to commerce, receive its particular at- tention. It resisted the issue of local notes, by calling the meeting of the inhabitants of Manchester for that purpose, mentioned in the Essay on Banking ; and it makes other regulations respecting them whenever it is necessary for the interests of commerce. A measure Vll of this importance, therefore, could not consistently be overlooked by it. Almost all of its members are known to think well of the scheme, and some of them to be very desirous of promoting it. It is therefore ex- pected by the people of Manchester, of whom they are the commercial representatives, that they will take such steps as might be expected from the town of Man- chester, in such a question. Although there is no place where a public Bank is more desired, yet this does not arise from any dissatisfaction with the existing Banks. Messrs Jones, Lloyd, and Co., and Messrs Heywood .and Co. are both liberal and wealthy bankers ; but the principle of the Scotch Banks is preferred by all commercial men, as well in Manchester as in every other place. The Author made some attempts to bring the sub- ject into notice in other commercial towns, but his endeavours were not successful. Banks, it was said, would be set up when there was liberty to do so, but no encouragement was held out that any public steps would be taken in order to procure that liberty. Ministers, however, soon rendered the exertions of the Author perfectly unnecessary. They made an arrangement with the Bank of England for an alteration of its charter ; and there seemed no doubt that it would be completed as a matter of course. During the dependance of the question, the Author was in London for a couple of months, and after his return, addressed the following Letter to the Editor of The Newcastle Courant, in order to ex- plain how the matter stood : — VIU THE PROPOSED PUBLIC BANK. SIR, — As this has become a question of considerable local interest with tliis part of the country, the following information respecting it, may, perhaps, not be unacceptable to the public : — Your readers, who have given attention to the matter, are, no doubt aware, that two or three months after the publication of the Essay on Banking, the question was taken up by government, without any petitions to parliament, which that Pamphlet recom- mended. It had been circulated yery freely in Lancashire, and had produced a considerable sensation there, as weU as here ; of this, the ministers were fully apprised, not only by communications constantly forwarded to them, but by a deputation of bankers interested in the matter, having waited upon the Chancellor of the Exchequer, to as- certain the views of government upon the subject. At the commencement of the session, ministers proposed, that four millions should be advanced by government to the agriculturists, but that plan was dropt, and the alteration of the bank charter, with a view to the establishment of public banks, adopted, as a much more eftectual application of that mode of relief, as well as being an im- provement imperatively required in the banking system of the coun- try. A bargain was made with the Bank of England, by which, in con- sequence of allowing the immediate establishment of public banks, in the country, at a distance exceeding 65 mUes from London, its char- ter was to be renewed for 10 years longer. This arrangement was confirmed by a general meeting of proprietors, and a bill was to have been submitted to parliament, by ministers, accordingly. In the mean time, however, considerable difficulties arose. It was contended, by the opposition, that the bargain with the bank was im. provident. It ought to have given up its privilege for nothing ; what was gamed by it was only worth having, but not worth paying for. Lord Grey stated, that " as far as he could learn, there was no call for the measure ; at least, in the part of the country with which he was more immediately connected, there was no complaint respecting the stability of banks, nor any distrust as to the property by which their credit was sustained." Truth, however, requires it to be stated, that, at this very time. Sir Francis Blake, Reeds, and Co.'s bank had stopped payment, for nearly half a million of money, and their notes were then at a discount of from 6s. to 7s. in the pound. There are, however, so many bankers, and such banking interest in parliament, that this doctrine went very well down with a great majority of both sides of the house. And it is extremely probable, that had ministers IX liTouglit the measure forward, they might have had some difficulty in can-ying it ; more especially, as they themselves thought that the bank ought to have consented to the alteration without purchase. At the same time, the bank directors also had as little relish for the matter, on theii* part, and would, by no means, consent that the arrangement should be concluded on any thing like a sensible basis. No public bank can be set up without a law to render it liable only for the acts of its directors. As the law of partnership now stands, any partner, if there were a thousand, could either raise money or in- dorse bills, or do any act of that kind, in its name ; and if fraud could not be legally proved and brought home to the holders of the bills or other securities, the bank would be bound to pay them. That the pri\alege, thus necessary, should be granted, however, the directors would not consejit, Avhicli put an end to the business, and rendered the meetmg of the bank proprietors and the whole proceedings, quite a nullity. A correspondence that took place m the Times paper, which exhi- bits the peculiar views or the apology of the directors in this extraor- dinary proceeding, you have I)elow ; and though long, it will probably possess interest to those who feel an interest in the subject. In consequence xif the representation of the merchants of Liver- ])ool, who had stated tlieir views in a memorial to Lord Liverpool, ministers thought it expedient that charters to a limited extent should be granted, to which the bank had previously objected ; and they proposed to the directors, tliat a more limited extension of their charter, with the power of conferring charters where it appeared ne- cessary, and the other regulations requii'ed, should be granted. This also fell to the ground ; and the Chancellor of the Exchequer stated in parliament, that when the bank applied for a renewal of its char- ter, the proposed extension of it would be made. That the bank directors should offer such opposition, seems almost incredible, and yet it is at least tacitly avowed in the subjomed cor- respondence. It is not unlikely, however, that finding the interested feeling raid probable difficulty the measure would encounter in par- liament, even amongst their own friends, ministers were disposed to wait until public oi^inion was more decidedly expressed in its favour. Besides the measure had assumed a new character, — merely throwing open the charter, so that banks might have whatever number of part- ners they thought proper, involved none of that time, attention, and consideration, which would be necessarily required, if charters were to be granted ; and at the late period of the session, when this altera- b 2 tion of the views of ministers took place, they probably could not, with the business they had on hand, give that attention to the subject it required. Hence any opposition or apology for putting it off would perhaps be the more readily embraced. Next session of parliament, it is probable that petitions from differ- ent places, will be set on foot, and the measure will be again brought forward by ministers, who are not only pledged to carry it, but have an honest conviction of its utility, and a sincere wish to see it adopt- ed, as friends to the true interests and welfare of their country. Of its necessity and advantage, the pubHc are universally convinc- ed ; and if Liord Grey will enquire, he wUl find that liis statement in parliament was not at all correct. It need not, howeA^er, be expected, that any petitions to parlia- ment, will be very generally signed by that class of persons who, having most to do with the banks, are most interested in the ques- tion. This class will much more readily subscribe to a bank when about to be set up, and they do not hesitate to say so, than do the slightest act that might seem to imply dissatisfaction with those at present established. But as this wUl be obvious to parliament, the very deficiency of such signatures wUl prove the trammels of the country, and be an argument for the alteration of the law which in- flicts them. There are some other circumstances also which render it extremely probable that the opposition of the bank directors will be considerably abated next session of parhament ; independent of which they wiU be under the necessity of applying early for a renewal of their charter, in order to keep up the value of the bank stock. Were any difficul- ties to arise respecting the renewal of the charter, the stock would necessarily fall. It is now at. 252, and its intrinsic value, were the charter not to be renewed, including any reserved fund or savings which the bank may possess, is not probably more than 110 or 120.* It is the soundest policy, as well as the practice of the bank, to get its charter renewed in good time. The present charter was granted in 1000, 12 years before the last expired, and this has now not more than 1 1 years to run. Any further delay in getting it renewed might be dangerous, and, on the part of the directors, inexcusable. Public opinion is making rapid inroads into the ten-itory of that prejudice, which, as a national institution, has run rather high in favour of the Bank of England ; and though the directors may be at the head of a * This value, it appears, is too low by at least twenty or thirty per cent. XI regiment of clerks, the nation would prove too strong for them, were they to provoke an encounter, or injudiciously court it, by leaving the poUcy of renewing their chai-ter open to that freedom of enquiry wluch is taking place on the subject. T. [The letters from The Times referred to, wiU be found in the Ap- pendix to the Essay on Banking.] The iiigli character of Lord Grey leaves no room to doubt the purity of his motives ; or the truth of the statement quoted from his speech in the above letter, so far as his lordship's knowledge went. The proba- bility is, that as Sir Francis Blake, Reeds and Co.'s bank, which had not been in tlie best credit for some time, had stopped payment, his lordship presumed that all the rest were now good. This presumption was perfectly correct. But when his lordship stated that there was no distrust as to the property by which their credit was sustained, he proved that he had not a very accurate local knowledge on the subject. It is one thijg to say that a bank has good credit, and another to say that it has property enough to sustain it. Its credit may depend upon the known prudence with which it is managed, more than upon the proper- ty with which it is sustained. It may be perfectly safe to take a single voyage in a bad ship well navi- gated, while it would be madness to engage to do so annually for twenty years, whether it was well navi- gated or not. The fair way to put the question is this : would Lord Grey, or any other person, think it prudent to guarantee the stability of all the present banks in Northumberland and Durham, for that time, re.spectable as they at present undoubtedly are ? The Author does not mean to say, that so far as he could learn, the opposition generally were against the principle of the measure ; he believes, on the contrary, xu that the majority were very decidedly in its favor. It is probable that even Lord Grey merely thought that the bank had too good a bargain ; but to contend that the country ought to be afflicted with the present sys- tem ten or twelve years longer, in order to punish the bank, was evidently pushing the argument too far. With respect however, to the present Essay : the Author, when in London, had an interview with Mr Huskisson, on the bank subject ; at which he ventured to state, that he entertained some opinions on the cause of the present agricultural distress, which he had ar- ranged in the form of propositions ; and that if Mr Huskisson wished it, he would leave them to be con- sidered at his leisure, should he find them worth his attention. He consequently left those which follow : — A fevo consecutive Propositions in Political Economy, 'which are capable of Proof. CONSUMPTION. 1. That the monied income of society is and must annually be spent. 2. That all income is derived from the soil. 3. That the produce of the soil, and the demand for it are upon the average equal. 4. That it is the supply which creates the demand, and not the demand which creates the supply. 5. That the cost of all commodities, though it may be nominally stated to consist of profits, taxes, &c. as well as materials and labour, does consist of materials and labour solely. 6. That the relative prices of the produce of the XIH soil are determined by labour, and if the soil was 20 times more productive than it is, it would preserve the same relative price to labour and other commodities which it does at present. From this chapter it ought to appear, as a matter of course, that with respect to the national prosperity, the taxes are neither an evil nor a good. CURRENCY. 7. That every state of prices which is average and general, is determined by the amount of currency in circulation. 8. That it is thrown into or abstracted from circula- tion throuoh the medium of an increased or diminished consumption. 9. That the total value of currency in the world can- not be altered by an alteration in its quantity. 10. That its value depends upon the exchanges it is required to perform. 1 1 . That the same is the case with any particular nation. By an importation or exportation of gold, the price of it is altered, but no difference is made in the total value of the money in the country. FOREIGN TRADE. 12. That the foreign trade of a country consists in an exchange of its commodities for those of other na- tions. 13. That the value of such commodities is computed in money. XIV 14. That if the commodities of any nation are supe- rior to those of others, the demand of the other coun- tries for its commodities will be superior to its demand for theirs, and the balance will be paid in money. That prices will in consequence be raised in the coun- try to which the balance is paid, and reduced in the countries by which it is paid, and by this means, the demand for commodities will be reduced on the one hand and increased on the other, until they are equal in money, though more imequal in quantity.' — That in proportion to this inequality in the amount of com- modities exchanged will be the advantage of the nation in which prices are high, over those with which it deals. 15. That if a country with great manufacturing su- periority, were to prevent the importation of provi- sions, and were to confine its foreign trade to the im- portation of such commodities as it required for the population which its own soil would support, the ex- change might be conducted on very advantageous principles. 16. That if the importation of foreign provisions were freely admitted, the effect would be merely an increase of manufacturing population. 17. That both an increase of population, and an ad- vantageous exchange may be produced by a tax upon foreign provisions judiciously imposed. 18. That the amount of this tax must be determined, not by an enquiry into the cost of production by our agriculturists, but into the extent of our manufacturing superiority. 19. That a tax upon foreign provisions would not in the least degree be a tax upon the people of this country, nor upon the countries where they are pro- duced, except to the extent of actual British labour or produce received in return for them; but upon the fo- XV reign consumers of the produce of British soil and la- bour all over the world. THE PRESENT SITUATION OF THIS COUNTRY. 20. That the corn bill alone would not have pro- duced the effects to which it has led, unconnected with other causes. 21. That the present state of the country is the effect of the want of consumption, produced by the sudden change in the value of property from the altered value of the currency ; and by the reduction of the expendi- ture of government. 22. That the reduction of the expenditure of go- vernment creates the evil which it is intended to cure. 23. That the present situation of the country could not have been brought about with a metallic currency, or with a paper currency upon different principles. 24. That the economy of the nation and govern- ment has no other effect at present than to contract the circulation, and instead of reducing the interest of money, to reduce the price of provisions. 25. That this might be prevented by such altera- tions in the principles upon which paper was issued, as would put it upon the footing of a metallic currency. These propositions appear to have been thought by Mr Huskisson to possess matter of some interest. He returned them in a few days with a note, which the author will crave his indulgence for inserting, as it will serve for a warrant to the reader that the following at- tempt to develope the principles they contain may be at least worth examination : — XVI *' Mr Huskisson presents his compliments to Mr *' Joplin, and having had an opportunity of looking " over the propositions on Political Economy, which " he left w^ith him for perusal when he had the plea- *' sure of seeing him a few days ago, now begs to re- " turn the several papers herewith. *' Mr H. is persuaded Mr Joplin must be aware ** that the propositions in question comprehend a very *' extensive and important range of subject, combined " with matter of great general interest, and will re- *' quire the utmost attention and consideration to " their developement ; but he is not prepared at pre- " sent to offer any conclusive opinion upon the points *' adverted to. « Whitehall Place, 6th July, 1822." It was not until two months after this, that the Au- thor determined upon undertaking the work at the present moment. It will be afterwards seen by the reader, that the arrangement of these propositions is imperfect. The first and second form the subject of the eighth and eleventh chapters of this work, and the fifth proposition is erroneous. Consequently his views were more obscure, and the undertaking more difficult, and likely to require much more time and attention than he could conveniently give to it. When, how- ever, the arrangement which has been adopted occur- red to him, and he discovered that deduction which he has termed the Fulcrum of the Argument, the diffi- culty seemed at once to vanish, and the undertaking become more practicable. In order to have it out before the ensuing session of Parliament, if possible, as well as for the purpose of forwarding it to Mr Huskisson, the chapters were xvu sent to the printer as they were written ; but owing to constant business interruptions, which tend to disturb the current of thought, and of course to retard a work of this description, at the end of two months not more than a third of it was completed. The Author, however, had, by this time, sent the first eleven chapters to Mr Huskisson. His object was to render his views, if they were true, as useful as possible; and as ministers, he was aware, were preparing some plans to submit to parliament the en- suing session, any light that could be thrown upon the subject would of course be desirable. Mr Hus- kisson, he had no doubt, would at once see whether or not his general principles were correct, and if so, de- duce from them measures of practical utility, and if not, no harm could arise from submitting them to his considei"ation. As, however, the Author got slowly on with his work, which, if his views were correct, ought to be out by the meeting of Parliament, he now absented himself from business altogether for a short time, and in six or seven weeks of perfect seclusion, was en- abled to complete it. The brevity with which he has discussed many of the principles laid down, renders it necessary for him to state, that he considers himself only addressing such as possess some previous knowledge of the sub- ject, or will take the trouble to understand him. The multitude can never be political economists. But if his general principles are approved by those who are capable of appreciating them, he will probably at some future period of leisure, endeavour to furnish a more enlarged and elementary work on the subject. This Essay, thereore, having been hastily written by c 2 XVllI an unpractised writer, and sent to the press as the chapters were completed, by which any corrections, alterations, or improvement that must always suggest themselves in the course of a work of this nature, were prevented, considerable allowances ought to be made by the critical reader. It is the author's object to show, that the present agricultural distress might have been prevented by a different system of currency, and may now be cured ; and if he has done that, he has done all he aimed to do ; though he may have deemed it requisite to go through a wider range of subject than might at first appear necessary. Since this work was completed, and even printed, all but three or four pages, the Author has read, for the first time, Mr Ricardo's Pamphlet on Currency, entitled " The high Price of Bullion, a Proof of the Depreciation of Bank Notes." He was not before, nor does he believe, that the world in general are suf- ficiently aware of the obligation they are under to that gentleman for this able little production. Treating merely of general principles, it has been smothered in the discussion to which it gave rise. He is anxious to explain that he had not before seen it, perchance it should be supposed that some of the ideas contained in the following work, had been taken, without ac- knowledgment, from that, so far as the subject is deve- loped, perfect theory, of the currency. CONTENTS. PAGE Preface ------- in Chap. I. Definition of a few Terms employed in the following Essay - 1 Chap. II. Use of Money. - - - - 6 Chap. III. Balance of Trade - - - 15 Chap. IV. The Fidcrum of the Argument - 32 Chap. V. National Wealth not increased by Na- tiojial Economy _ - - 34< Chap. VI. National Wealth composed of Annual Income - - - - 40 Chap. VII. Heal and Nominal Income of Society 42 Chap. VIII. The Income ofSociety'is consumed 4<4< Chap. IX. Capital - • - ~ - - 46 Chap. X. Principles which regulate the Saving of Money - - - - 57 Chap. XI. Corn creates its own Demand - 71 Chap. XII. Labour - - -^ - - 85 Chap. XIII. The Soil is the original Source of Wealth - - - - 101 Chap. XIV. Cost of Commodities in Profits of Capital - - - - 105 Chap. XV. Rent 113 XX PAGE Chap. XVI. Taxes - - - - - 129 Chap. XVII. Taxes upon Foreign Corn - - 133 Chap. XVIII. Monei/ - - - - - 153 Chap. XIX. Paper Currency - - - 189 Chap. XX. The Price of Corn not subject to material Fluctrmtions from tJie Supply - - - - 216 Chap. XXI. Probable Causes 'which have pro- duced the leading Changes in the Prices of Corn, during the last thirty Years - - _ 226 Chap. XXII. With a Paper Currency, Impu- tations of Foreign Corn cannot materially reduce Prices - 235 Chap. XXIII. The present Price of Stocks, a Proof of a Contraction of Cur- rency - - _ _ 243 Chap. XXIV. Sinking Fund - _ . 253 Chap. XXV. Plan for the Government of the Currency - - - -258 Chap. XXVI. Bank of England - - - 278 Appendix - - - - - - - 1 No. I. An Account of the Quantity of British Wheat and Wheat Flour, export- ed from Fnglajid, and of Foreign Wheat and Wheat Flour, imported into England from 1697 to 1812 - 3 No. II. Prices of Wheat, per Quarter, at Wind- sor Market, from 1646 to 1813 - 7 No. III. Yearly and Monthly Averages of Wheat from 1792 to 1822 - - - 12 XXI PAGE No. IV. Table of the Prices of three per cent. Stock from 1731 ^o 1822 - - 17 No. V. Amount of the National Funded Debt at the Revolution ,• and at the Com- mencement and Termination of each War, to 1812 - - - - 29 No. VI. Accou7it of the Amount of Bank of Eng- land Notes in Circulation, from 1 792 to 1819 30 No. VII. Account of the Duties on Promissory Notes re-issuable,from 1 805 to 1 808, inclusive - - - - - 32 No. VIII. A Table of the Issues of the Country Banks, calcidated from an Account of Stamps for their Promissory Notes, delivered from the Stamp Office, from 1810 to 1818, inclusive 33 No. IX. The Amount of Advances made by the Bank of England to Government, from 1792 to 1819 - - - 36 No. X. An Account of the aggregate Value of all Corn, Grain, Meal, and Flour, im- ported from Foreign Parts into Great Britain, from 1813 to 1818, inclusive - - - - - 39 No. XI. Account of the Finances of the Bank of England on the 26th Feb., 1797 - 40 No. XII. Ati Account of the total Amount of Outstanding Demands on the Bank of England, and likewise the Funds for discharging the same, SOth Jan., 1819 41 XXll PAGE No. XIII. Account of the Market Prices of Standard Gold, and rate of Ex- change xmth Hamburgh, from 1760 to 1809 42 No. XIV. Extract from the Evidence of David Hodgson, Esq. before the Agricul- tural Committee 0/^1821 - - 48 Essay on Banking. Supplementary Observations. Appendix to Essay on Banking. OUTLINES t^oWtical ^tonomv^ CHAPTER I. Definition of a Jew Terms employed in the following Essay. It is generally admitted that political econo- my is a science not yet fully understood. In which case, nothing is more natural than to sup- pose that terms may be required to express discriminations of meaning, which, in fact, may never before have been made. I trust, there- fore, that there can be no objection to my adopting language to express such distinctions, as it may appear in the course of this Essay either necessary or desirable to establish, or even, for the sake of precision, to define for myself the meaning in which I may employ words already in use. The following are a few terms that I shall take the liberty of using in th6 sense which they are explained to convey : B VALUE, in common language, has two meanings : it either refers to the price of a commodity, or its usefuhiess. Water, though not worth money, is valuable ; such a person is also a valuable man, &c. In this sense it has no reference to price. On the other hand, it is usually said, that the value of a thing is what it will bring : we value our goods at the price for which we think they will sell. In this case it is synonymous with price. Value, in use, however, is not a term required in political economy, which treats only of the exchange- able value of commodities, while price express- es exchangeable value as well as any other term. I shall, therefore, use the term value, to express the cost of a commodity, in labour, materials, profit of capital, &c. ; the price at which it can be produced to indemnify the cul- tivator or manufacturer, after paying for the labour, rent, profit, and other charges incident to it ; or in speaking of any thing not the pro- duce of materials and labour — such as land, I shall employ it, as it commonly is used, to express its price at par, or its average va- lue according to the interest of money, or by whatever general principles its value is deter- mined. A person will sometimes give more for an estate than it is worth, or may sometimes purchase it for less. Its value, however, by judges, is estimated according to the current price of land. If a person choose to give more, or take less for an estate than it is worth, that does not alter its real value. Also in mentioning money, value is used. We never speak of the price, but always of the value of money. PRICE. — Commodities are very seldom sold for their precise value in the market, according to the foregoing definition ; though they may be so upon the average. They are continually fluctuating, like the pendulum of a clock, on one side of their value or the other, and yet constantly gravitate towards it. The market value of a commodity we shall, therefore, term its price ; thus distinguishing it from value, the cost of its production : the price and value being the same only when the commodity is at par, and sells for the fair remunerating price necessary to pay its producer. By the same rule, the price of an estate is what it sells for ; its value, what it is worth j and only when it sells at its value, is its price and value the same. COMMERCIAL CONSUMPTION.— It is of no importance to the manufacturer or grow- er of a commodity what becomes of it after he sells it. It is, so far as regards the commodity sold, as much consumed to him if put into a warehouse as if it were put into the fire ; con- sequently all commodities in the hands of mer- chants, shopkeepers, &c. so far as he is affect- B 2 4 ed, are consumed. That demand which in- fluences his production has taken place ; and to distinguish this from actualy I have termed it commercial consumption. PRE-EXISTING MATERIAL PRO- DUCE. — 'The materials of which the manufac- tures and commodities that we consume are composed, are of two descriptions : those which are the produce of the soil, and those which pre-exist in nature, and are abstracted from it by labour or art. All experience points out that the former is the basis of wealth, and the latter its superstructure. The richest mineral productions are of no value in a country with a barren soil, except in so far as they will ex- change for the productions of one more fruitful. In political economy their value is of course determined by different principles j hence it will not be improper to give them separate de- signations. Those materials, therefore, which pre-exist in nature, and are by some mecha- nical or chemical application of labour or art, extracted from it, are termed pre-existing ma- terials, or pre-e>risting material produce, VICTUAL PRODUCE.— The produce of the soil may be divided into two descriptions : that which is used for food — such as corn, beef, rice, coffee, sugar, fruit, &c. and those materi- als which form the basis of manufactures, and other articles of convenience — such as hemp, flax, cotton, wool, wood, &c. In speaking of the former, it is not unusual for political eco- nomists to express them under the general head of corn. In doing this, however, a particular explanation is always necessary, to avoid which, the term victual produce is employed. MATERIAL PRODUCE consists of those materials, the produce of the soil, which form the base of manufactures as above described, and which are thus distinguished from victual produce on the one hand, and pre-existing ma- terial produce on the other. Material produce also naturally divides itself into animal and ve- getable. This distinction, however, is not ne- cessary for the purpose of our argument. CHAPTER 11. Use of Money. Money is not wealth. It only conveys the power of obtaining those things which compose it. Wealth consists in the necessaries, com- forts, conveniences, and enjoyments of life. This nation is the richest in the world, yet the principal part of its money consists of a paper currency, which is intrinsically not worth the ten-thousandth part of the value it represents. When in its greatest prosperity, it had the least amount of the precious metals in circulation. Paper, however, answered the purpose quite as well, and proves, if proofs were wanting, that wealth does not consist in gold and silver. This country was never more rich and flourish- ing than a few years ago, when it had the least of them. If wealth had consisted in gold and silver, instead of the richest, we must then have been one of the poorest nations in the world. No nation, not entirely barbarous, had at that time less of them than we had. We still, however, have an itching palm for gold ; we parted with what we had reluctantly, and are extremely desirous to have it back, though we are certainly not the richer since it became more plentiful. The wealth of a country consists in the a- bundance which it may possess, of those neces- saries and conveniences, the produce of land and labour, which furnish the support, and contribute to the enjoyments of life. That part of the aggregate wealth of a nation which forms the wealth or income of each individual, consists of some particular description of the la- bour or produce, of which the whole is compos- ed. The income of one person is derived from land which produces corn, another from land which produces cattle. One has a tin mine, another a mine of coal, one man makes nails, another shoes, &c. Thus the income of each individual is generally derived from contribut- ing to some particular want of a great many different persons. On the other hand, the ne- cessaries and luxuries which each individual requires, take some portion of the labour and produce of as great a variety of persons to sup- ply. And it is necessary for him to exchange that in which his income consists, with all those who may desire a part of it, in order that he may procure from them that portion of each of their labour or produce which he requires for himself. In order to facilitate these exchanges, money is necessary. " When 8 ** the division of labour" (says Smith, in his Wealth of Nations) " has been once tho- " roughly established, it is but a very small •* part of a man's wants, which the produce of ** his own labour can supply. He supplies the ** far greater part of them by exchanging that " surplus part of the produce of his own la- " bour which is over and above his own con- " sumption, for such parts of the produce of " other men's labour as he has occasion for. ** Every man thus lives by exchanging, or be- " comes in some measure a merchant, and the " society itself grows to be what is properly a " commercial society. " But when the division of labour first began " to take place, the power of exchanging must " frequently have been very much clogged and " embarrassed in its operations. One man, we ** shall suppose, has more of a certain commo- " dity than he himself has occasion for, while " another has less. The former consequently " would be glad to dispose of^ and the latter " to purchase a part of this superfluity. But " if the latter should chance to have nothing " that the former stands in need of, no ex- ** change can be made between them. The " butcher has more meat in his shop than he " himself can consume, and the brewer and " the baker would each of them be willing to " purchase a part of it. But they have nothing " to offer in exchange except the diiFerent pro- " ductions of their respective trades, and the " butcher is ah'eady provided with all the bread " and beer which he has immediate occasion *' for. No exchange can in this case be made be- " tweenthem. He cannot be their merchant, nor " they his customers, and they are all of them " thus mutually less serviceable to one another. " In order to avoid the inconveniency of such " situations, every prudent man, in every pe- *' riod of society after the first establishment " ol the division of labour, must naturally have *' endeavoured to manage his affairs in such a " manner as to have at all times by him, be- " sides the peculiar produce of his own indus- *' try, a certain quantity of some one commo- *' dity or other, such as he imagined few peo- " pie would be likely to refuse in exchange for " the produce of their industry. " Many different commodities, it is proba- " ble, were successively both thought of and *' employed for this purpose. In the rude " ages of society, cattle are said to have been " the common instrument of commerce ; and " though they must have been a most inconve- " nient one, yet, in old times, we find things '* were frequently valued according to the " number of cattle which had been given in " exchange for them. " The armour of Diomede, says Homer, c 10 cost only nine oxen ; but that of Glaucus cost an hundred oxen. Salt is said to be the common instrument of commerce and ex- changes in Abyssinia — a species of shells in some part of the coast of India — dried cod at Newfoundland — tobacco in Virginia — su- gar in some of the West India colonies — hides, or dressed leather, in some other coun- tries ; and there is at this day, a village in Scotland, where it is not uncommon, I am told, for a workman to carry nails instead of money to the baker's shop, or the alehouse." " In all countries, however, men seem at last to have determined, by irresistible rea- sons, to give the preference, for this employ- ment, to metals, above every other commo- dity. Metals can not only be kept with as little loss as any other commodity, scarce any thing being less perishable than they are ; but they can likewise, without any loss, be divided into any number of parts, or, by fusion, those parts can easily be united again, a quality which no other equally durable commodities possess, and which, more than any other quality, renders them fit to be the instruments of commerce and circulation. The man who wanted to buy salt, for exam- ple, and had nothing but cattle to give in exchange for it, must have been obliged to buy salt to the value of a whole ox, or a 11 ** whole sheep at a time. He could seldom ** buy less than this, because, what he was to " give for it, could seldom be divided without ** loss ; and if he had a mind to buy more, he ** must, for the same reasons, have been obli- " ged to buy double or triple tlie quantity, the ** value, to wit, of two or three oxen, or of two ** or three sheep. " li'y on the contrary, instead of sheep or " oxen, he had only metals to give in ex- ** change for it, he could easily proportion the ** quantity of the metal to the precise quantity " of the commodity, which he had immediate ** occasion for. Different metals have been " made use of by different nations for this pur- " pose. Iron was the common instrument of " commerce among the ancient Spartans — " copper among the ancient Romans — and " gold and silver among all rich and commer- " cial nations." By a modern improvement, however, in com- merce, a paper currency, founded upon pub- lic confidence, is found to answer the same purpose as the precious metals, and in this and other countries has been principally substitu- ted for them. The comparative value of commodities is de- termined through the medium of money, on the axiomatic principle, that things which are equal to the same thing are equal to each c 2 12 other. Thus if my labour or commodity be worth a pound, it is of equal value, and will, through the medium of the pound for which I sell it, exchange for any other commodity worth a pound, which I may require. The object of every individual, therefore, is to get as much money for his labour or commodity as he can, not that the money is of itself of any value, but that the exchangeable value of his commodity or labour is thereby determined. If it is equal to, or worth, a given sum of mo- ney, it is equal to, and will command any other quantity of labour or commodities of the same value in money, whether such quantity be great or small. Hence, as most people have a gene- ral idea of the present value in money, of such commodities or luxuries as they require, by as- certaining the value in money, of their own produce or labour, they can form a tolerably correct estimate of the share of the general wealth of society which they possess. Money is thus a scale by which wealth is es- timated, and though it is not wealth, more than a barometer is weather, yet it is cur only mode of computing it, and nothing, perhaps, is more natural than that the shadow should sometimes have been over-valued, or even taken for the substance. 13 The Money in the World is always stifficient for the Use of it. If there were twice the quantity that there is at present, it would not purchase more com- modities than the amount now in circulation ; or if tliere were but half the quantity, it would not purchase less. No alteration in the amount of money in the world, can alter its total value in that which composes wealth, the necessaries, comforts, and conveniences of life. If there were twice the quantity, the nominal price of commodities would be altered ; they would be twice the price all over the world. It would take double the sum of money to purchase the same quantity of wealth ; but that being the case, the whole money in circulation would only then be worth the same commodities as now. By the same rule, if there were but half the present money in the world, commodities would be half the price, and it would still com- mand precisely the same amount of the enjoy- ments of life. The world, in neither case, would in the slightest degree be either richer or poorer. What is the case w^ith the world at large, is also the case with any particular nation, in so far as the commodities of that particular nation are 14, concerned. As the quantity of money in- creases, the value of it depreciates, and the prices of the national commodities rise -, the additional quantity of money brought into circulation, merely altering its nominal value. In countries, also, where the quantity is re- duced, its nominal value is increased, and its total value, with respect to the commodities of the country, is the same. In neither case are the respective nations richer or poorer by the stock of money increas- ed or reduced, in so far as the value of the mo- ney itself is concerned. Such alterations, however, continually take place. They are generally produced by the foreign trade of nations, and though with re- spect to the produce of the respective coun- tries in which such changes take place, the effect is a mere alteration of prices, yet it is attended with important consequences, in re- gulating the trade of nations with each other, which will form the subject of the next chapter. 15 CHAPTER III. Balance of Trade. The monied price of the produce of a nation determined by the quantity of money in it, not only affects the price of that which is consumed at home, but that which is sent from home and consumed by foreign nations. In trading with each other, nations compute the value of their respective commodities in money the same as individuals. The commerce of nations is, in- deed, merely a number of individual transac- tions. In the international account, the value of commodities, whatever the respective quan- tities may be, is only known by their monied price. Dr Smith says, " though at distant places " there is no regular proportion betwixt the " real" (which he establishes to be their value " computed in labour) " and the money price " of commodities, yet the merchant who car- " ries goods from one to the other has nothing " to consider but the money price, or the dif- " ference between the quantity of silver for " which he buys them, and that for which he " is likely to sell them. Half an ounce of sil- 16 " ver at Canton, in China, may command a ** greater quantity both of the labour and of ** the necessaries and conveniences of life than ** an ounce in London. A commodity, there- " fore, which sells for half an ounce of silver at " Canton, may there be realiy dearer, or of " more real importance to the man who pos- *' sesses it there, than a commodity which " sells for an ounce at London, is to the man " who possesses it at London. If a London " merchant, however, can buy at Canton for " half an ounce of silver a commodity which he *' can afterwards sell at London for an ounce, " he gains a hundred per cent, by the bargain, " just as much as if an ounce of silver was at '* London exactly of the same value as at Can- " ton. It is of no importance to him that half " an ounce of silver at Canton would have ** given him the command of more labour, and " of a greater quantity of the necessaries and *' conveniences of life, than an ounce can do " at London. An ounce at London will al- " ways give him double the command of all " these, which half an ounce would have done " there, and this is precisely what he wants. " It is the nominal or monied price, there- " fore which finally determines the prudence " or imprudence of all purchases and sales." The profits of trade, however, are equal up- on the average, and are determined by the 17 capital employed, in importing the commodity, which is again determined by its original cost in money. If commodities, therefore, sell for little money at home, they sell proportionably low all over the world. The Trade of Nations, upon the Average, balances. The commodities which go out of a coun- try pay for those wliich come in. The value of its exports and imports are equal ; when they are not so, the balance is paid in money. By this means, as we have already stated, the price of commodities is raised in the country by which the balance is received, and reduced in that from which it is sent. The prices of commodities influence their consumption ; when they are high, their con- sumption is reduced ; when low, increased. Consequently by the diminished value of mo- ney and increase of prices on the one hand, and increased value of money and decrease of prices on the other, the demand is reduced on one hand, and increased on the other, until computed in money, they become equal. To illustrate this principle we shall imagine an ex- treme case, by way of example. Suppose a nation was to forbid, entirely, the importation of foreign goods, but to allow the D IS exportation of its own, for payments in money ; and the nations trading with it were still, un- der these circumstances, to allow the trade, on their parts, to be continued, the effect, it is obvious, would be, that, in time, the prices of all commodities would rise so high in the ex- porting country, that the trade woidd be put a stop to by their mere exorbitancy. The policy or impolicy of admitting a trade under such circumstances, would never enter into the calculations of the merchant. So long as the goods which could be bought in one country for money, could be sold for money in the other with a profit, he would continue the trade. While he could gain money by any one commodity, he would continue to export it from one country to the other. Such a trade, however, must come to an end at last, or in time the whole money of the one nation would be sent to the other. By the operation of this principle, the trade of all nations is brought to a balance. Should a country possess manufacturing superiority, and a greater demand exist for its commodities than it has for those of other nations, it creates a balance of trade in its favour. This balance is paid in money, by which a rise is produced in the price of its manufactures, and this rise progressively continues until they are sufficient- ly high to reduce the demand for them to a le- 19 \nel with that demand, which it has for the commodities of other nations. Thus the ma- nufacturing superiority of this country elevates its prices above those of every other. Our consumption of foreign commodities is restrict- ed to the wants of our own population, while the demand of all the world for our manufac- tures can hardly be said to have limits except those which are imposed by price. The general state of prices at which the fo- reign trade of a nation balances, we shall term its National PriceSy in contradistinction to Mar- ket Prices, The average market price of a com- modity is of course its national price. But ac- cording to the scarcity or abundance of the supply, the market price continually diverges from, and gravitates towards the national price, which has reference to the quantity of money in the country, and not to superabundance or scarcity in the markets. The Accounts of Nations^ and their National PriceSy have only Reference to Metallic Mo- ney. When the trade between countries balances, or those payments, when that is not the case, which are not made with the precious metals, are settled by means of bills of exchange, a D 2 20 merchant of one country, who ships goods to his correspondent in another, if he does not or- der his correspondent to ship for him goods to as great an amount in return, draws a bill upon him for the value of the commodities which he ships. This is sometimes done by the mer- chants of both nations. Bills are drawn indis- criminately at both ends, as with this country and Holland ; and sometimes it is the practice to draw from one end only, as in the trade with America. In the former case, there are foreign bankers or dealers in foreign bills, at both places, who have correspondence with each other. To these bankers the bills at both ends are sold, and remitted by them to each other to be received. If the bills drawn at both ends are of the same amount, saving the banker's profit for his trou- ble, they are worth the value in money for which they are drawn, and the price of bills, or exchange as it is called, is at par. But if the bills drawn in one country are of greater amount than those drawn in the other, the banker who purchases them will have to receive the balance in money. The expence of trans- porting this money, however, will amount in freight, insurance, &c. to 4, 5, 6, or 7 per cent. Independent, therefore, of the regular discount for liis trouble, he cannot purchase the bills, without he has them for as much less 21 as will cover the expence of importing the money to be received for them. The variation in the exchanges or price of bills can never, of coarse, much exceed the expence of transport- ing money from one country to the other. When there are, to any extent, more goods ordered of a nation than by it in return, bills upon it usually attain this premium. The ex- changes are stated to be in its favour, and money is remitted in settlement of the national balance, until from the increased price of com- modities, a check is given to that demand for them by which it was created, and bills fall be- low that price at which money can be remitted. When there are no regular bankers establish- ed in countries trading with each other, the bills are all drawn one way. In the trade be- tween this country and America, bills are all drawn upon Englaiid. In that case, one bill settles two transactions* A. in New York, ships a quantity of flour to A. in Liverpool, without ordering goods in return. B. in Liverpool, also, without receiving goods in return, ships an equal value of British manu- factures to B. in New York. The established practice being for all bills to be drawn upon England, A. in New York draws on Liverpool for his flour, and sells the bill to his neighbour B. who remits it to Liverpool, in payment for his goods. If bills are scarce, B. in New York might have to remit money at a certain ex- pence, in payment of his goods ; he will, there- fore, rather give as much extra price for a bill as this expence amounts to, than incur the trouble of sending money. If they are plenti- ful, and cannot be sold, A. may have to be at the expence of transporting the money from Liverpool to New York, for which his flour sells. Rather than do this, he will also take as much less for his bill, as the expence of trans- porting the money amounts to. If, however, the shippers at both ends were to draw bills, and there were no bankers to buy them, neither of the bills would sell. Wherever, therefore, bankers are not regularly established, all bills must necessarily be drawn only one way. Thus the exchange is the price of bills, and, the weight and fineness of the coins of different countries being determined, it is at par when a bill will sell in the country where it is drawn, for as many pieces of money of whatever de- nomination, as shall be equal or equivalent in weight and fineness, to the number of pieces of money for which it is payable in the country upon which it is drawn. Thus we shall say, if six silver rix dollars, current in St Petersburgh, have as much value of silver in them as one pound sterling, a bill drawn in St Petersburgh upon England for a^lOO, will sell, when the ex- change is at par, for 600 rix dollars. Should, however, the coin of St Petersburgh become 23 clipped or defaced, and reduced in weight by wear, it may take 6f or 7 rix dollars to make one pound sterling ; consequently, before a re- mittance of such money could be made to Eng- land, bills upon England must not only be at such a price as would cover the expence of transporting the money with a profit, but make up this deficiency in the weight of the rix dol- lar also. The real par of exchange would be 650 or 700 rix dollars for a^'lOO, as it would take that quantity coined into English money to make one hundred pounds sterling. The par of the exchange, however, having been previ- ously determined, before the rix dollars were defaced, at six to the pound sterling, in all tables of exchanges, the exchange would no- minally appear to be in favour of England, by the amount of this depreciated value of the Russian currency. The same is the case when the bills are drawn payable in a paper curren- cy, which does not bear the value it represents. During the existence of the bank of England restriction act, bank notes, in which all pay- ments were then made, became considerably de- preciated in value, compared with metallic mo- ney. The consequence of course was, that a bill upon England, drawn in St Petersburgh, would sell in St Petersburgh for as much less in metallic money, as the paper currency, in which it was payable, was depreciated below the value of metallic money in England. S4 By these means, the original par, as deter- mined in books, tables, &c. often ceases to be any measure of the actual par of exchange, and only serves to embarrass and confuse the sub- ject. The proper way to come at the true state of the exchange, is to ascertain what weight of gold and silver a bill is really worth in the coun- try where it is drawn, and the weight of gold and silver it is worth where it is payable ; and the comparison of its value will exhibit how the exchange really stands. In determining also the national prices, it is necessary to ascertain whether the currency, if paper, is worth the metallic money it represents, or if gold and sil- ver, whether it contains its original weight in bullion, and if not, to make an allowance ac- cordingly. The Effect of an Importation of Money into a Nation being merely to raise the Price of Commodities in that Nation^ until the De- mand for them is checked^ and the Trade brought to a Balance, this might be just as 'well done by the Price of Commodities being raised in any other Way, The Money of a country may altogether con- sist of a paper currency, though convertible into gold. As banks increase, the issue of their paper '25 they diminish the value of money generally. If a guinea note will answer the purpose of one guinea, two guinea notes will answer the pur- pose of two ; and if t?iere are two guineas in paper and gold in circulation before, by add- ing another, tlie vahie of money would be depreciated, and prices increased above the national standard, just the same by the issue being paper as if it were gold. A reduced foreign demand for commodities would follow, and the balance of payments would be deter- mined against the country, which would conti- nue until prices were again brought down to the national level, by gold being sent out of the country, equal to tlie increased issues of paper that had taken place. This might continue until almost all the gold was sent out of the na- tion ; but when it had nearly disappeared, the banks would be compelled to make their ad- vances with o'reater caution. Any demand which their issues might create for gold to be sent abroad, for want of gold they would be unable to supply. While there was plenty of it in the country, they might increase them with confidence. But when the principal part of the gold had left it, any increase of issues, which would elevate prices above the national level, would create a demand for gold in ex- change for their notes, which they could not answer without loss, and which would render a E 26 contraction of their issues, so as to reduce the prices to the national standard, necessary. With such a tendency in the banks to in- crease their issues as far as could be done with safety, a balance of trade, in favour of the country, would not be the means of bringing much money into it. The effect would be to allow the banks the opportunity of increasing their issues without producing a balance the other way. By elevating the standard of the national prices, it would admit and produce an increase of local currency. Prices would rise more rapidly, and the trade would be brought to a balance without any considerable, if any, addition to the precious metals in circulation ; or if such addition were made, in the first in- stance, it would be forced out of the country again, by a subsequent issue of bank paper, which would raise prices still higher. The same tendency in the banks to increase their issues, which would render gold unnecessary to the circulation of the country, would also ex- pel it. If in this manner the trade might be brought to a balance without the aid of the precious metals, or without their continuing in circu- lation, it might be much more easily done by the state of the exchanges. We will sup- pose, for example, that with all nations, the transit of money is so effectually prohibited. 27 that it could not be exported from one country to another. This being the case, any balance of trade would produce an excessive demand for bills. No transportation of the metals being allowed, the national prices would remain, in both na- tions trading with each other, unaltered. The respective demands, therefore, of the two coun- tries for the goods of each other, so far as their original cost determined it, would preponderate as before. This preponderance, however, would be checked, and the trade brought to a ba- lance by the price which the bills would attain ; and as any reduction in the price of bills, by which this check was produced, would again create the original preponderance of demand, the bills would remain at the price to which they had risen. Thus if, in the trade between this country and Russia, we suppose the demand for Bri- tish manufactures to far exceed our demand for Russian produce, instead of bills drawn in St. Petersburgh upon England being worth, upon the average, six silver roubles per pound sterling, they might rise to perhaps twice that, and remain at that price, so that a mer- chant in St. Petersburgh, importing goods which cost ^100 in England, would have to sell them for twelve hundred silver roubles in St. Petersburgh, independent of what would E 2 28 cover his profit and expences, in order to en- able him to purchase a bill upon England with which to pay for them. In this transaction there would be nationally no more gain or loss than with an interchange of payments in a me- tallic money ; for, if the inhabitants of Russia, or other parts of the world, would rather give such prices for British goods, as this state of the exchanges would bring tliem to, than want them, the national prices in Great Britain, from the balance of payments, produced by such a demand, would necessarily rise to pre- cisely a corresponding level. While by this state of the exchanges British goods would be double the price in St Peters- burgh which they cost in England, Russian produce would be half the price in England which it cost in St Petersburgh. A merchant shipping Russian produce to England, would be enabled to sell the bill he drew for it, for twice the money which the goods cost him. Consequently, if he got half the price in Eng- land which they cost in Russia, besides what was necessary to cover his profit and expences, it would pay him. In the case thus supposed, the national prices would not be altered, while the price of foreign commodities would. Instead of the national prices doubling in this country, the prices of foreign commodities would be reduced one 29 half. Whereas in Russia the consumers would, perhaps, know no perceptible difference, and it AYOuld be perfectly immaterial to them whether the high price of British goods arose from the price of bills upon England, or the general state of prices in it. When the national prices of any particular country are raised by an importation of gold and silver, they will be met by a corresponding reduction in the price of commodities in the countries trading with it. But, as with Eng- land, which trades with all the world, its na- tional prices might be raised very high, by the importation of the precious metals, without any perceptible reduction in the prices of all the world. Hence, it is probable, that in the case supposed, there would be no perceptible dif- ference between the prices at which British goods would be sold in Russia, whether they arose from the metallic currency of the rest of the world being poured into Great Britain, or from the state of the exchanges. If, by any improvement in the monied sys- tems of Europe, paper currencies were alto- gether substituted for metals, the commerce of the respective countries would be brought to a balance in the manner described. The nation- al prices would remain steady, and the fluctua- tions of foreign trade would merely affect the prices of foreign commodities. so By tlie foregoing, it at least clearly appears, that the foreign trade of nations always, upon the average, balances. The exports of every country pay for its imports. Now, if I were to make a piece of cloth, which took me the labour of a month, and ex- changed it with another person for any other commodity, having made the best exchange I could, it would be of no importance to me whether the commodity I purchased took six months, or six days labour, to produce it. Its cost to me would be one month's labour. The same with the produce of land. Were I to ex- change a given quantity of the produce of my land for a given quantity of any other produce of land, the cost to me would not consist in the land and labour which the commodities I purchased took to produce them, but of the land and labour which it cost me to produce those commodities which I gave in exchange for them. Did I make these exchanges through the intervention of money, it would be the same as if by direct barter of commodity for commodity. "What is the case with individuals is also the case with nations. The original cost of foreign commodities, in the land and labour which it took to produce them, is no part of their cost to the nation importing and consuming them. Their cost, to it, is the produce of its own land •1 and labour, with which they have been pur- chased. Consequently, in consuming foreign commodities, a nation does but indirectly con- sume its own. The expenditure of a country is regulated by its income in money, and every individual in this country who consumes one pound's worth of foreign commodities, consumes one pound's worth of British land and labour, which was given in exchange for them. Hence, in the reasonings of political econo- my, it is unnecessary, in computing the expen- diture and consumption of the income of a na- tion, to refer to its consumption of foreign pro- duce, which is only an indirect consumption of its own. In speaking, therefore, of the expen- diture of British income, we speak of the con- sumption of British produce, which, though in- directly, is, in reality, as much consumed when we consume foreign commodities as if we had no foreign trade and foreign luxuries, but con- sumed the produce of our own land and labour at home. CHAPTER IV. The Fulcrum of the Argument. It is tbe produce of the land and labour of a country, in which its wealth consists. Dr Colquhoun sums up the annual income of the nation, expressed in money, at a scale of value corresponding to 70s. 6d. per quarter for wheat, in the following table : — Property created in Great Britain and Ireland, in the Year 1812—13. Agriculture, in all its branches - ^216,817,624 Mines and minerals, including coals - 9,000,000 Manufactures, in every branch - 1 14,230,000 Inland trade, in all its branches - 31,500,000 Foreign commerce and shipping - 46,373,748 Coasting trade - - - 2,000,000 Fisheries, exclusive of the Colonial Fish- eries of Newfoundland - - 2,100,000 Chartered and private bankers - 3,500,000 Foreign income remitted - - 5,000,000 5^430,521,372 Without subscribing to the perfect correct- ness of this estimate, as we cannot see how 33 banking profits are a creation of national pro- perty, whatever they may be of individual, we shall, for the sake of argument, assume the statement to be true. Now, the first thing necessary to the an- nual production of any commodity is, that there should be an annual consumption and demand for it. Its production is, in fact, a proof of its consumption. Without consumption no demand could exist, and no production would take place. Demand, on the other hand, pro- ceeds from income. Without income, the in- clination to consume may be strong enough, but not being accompanied with the power of purchase, the inclination is not sufficient. It is, therefore, from the expenditure of income only, that this demand arises. This conclusion is, therefore, obvious, — that if to the existence of an annual income of 430 millions, an expenditure of 430 millions be ne- cessary, in order to cause that demand which gives rise to it, and there is no other source of income from whence this consumption can pro- ceed, every shilling of the 430 millions must be annually spent. CHAPTER V. National Wealth not increased by National Economy. If the whole income of society must be spent, and if the whole annual produce must be con- sumed, in order to its being produced, no in- crease of national wealth by mere accumulation can take place. There must, no doubt, at all times, be a stock of commodities in the hands of the merchant, manufacturer, and dealer, in or- der that consumption may be regularly suppli- ed. This stock, however, must have been accu- mulated previous to the establishment of that consumption to which it administers. Thus, cot- ton, which comes from the East and West In- dies, has to go through such various manufac- turing processes, that with the voyage, and the time occupied in preparing it for use, a se- cond crop, in all probability, will be off the ground before the first reaches the consu- mer. Hence, of necessity, there must be gene- rally a stock equal to one crop on hand, before consumption can take place. This stock may be sometimes larger, and sometimes less. But 35 it must always be sufficient to supply consump- tion, and can never, to any very great extent, exceed the amount necessary for that purpose. A merchant or manufacturer very soon disco- vers when his stock is too large, by his being unable to dispose of it. He consequently ceases either to import, or to manufacture what he cannot sell. It is the same with every other commodity. A stock of it must exist previous to consumption, and though it may vary in amount, can never very far exceed the limits that the object for which it exists prescribes to it. Not only will it not pay to have capital invested in an unsaleable stock, but most com- modities are perishable, and if they do not en- tirely spoil, lose their saleable value by keep- ing. Thus there can be no great accumulation of national wealth by the saving of stock on its way to consumption. Neither can there be any saving of buildings and machinery. They must also exist previous to the consumption which they aid in supplying. The manufacturing ma- chinery at any one time in use, is generally equal to supply the demand to which it admi- nisters, and if no improvement take place in it, no very considerable stock of machinery beyond what is wanted can accumulate. By an im- provement in machinery, an additional capital is sometimes rendered necessary. This, how- F 2 36 ever, is not the result of an accumulation of capital, but of ingenuity ; and sometimes by simplifying machinery, less capital is rendered necessary, as well as more. When, however, an additional capital, in consequence of any such improvements, is required, it must accu- nndate before consumption through the medium of the new machinery can be supplied, and when a sufficient quantity of it for that purpose is set agoing, no further increase can take place. The same may be said of almost every other description of what economists call productive capital. Its wear and tear will require to be kept up. This forms part of the annual expen- diture of a nation, but it never can materially increase beyond the demand for it. That this is the case will be sufficiently evi- dent upon an examination of the amount of productive capital which this country is esti- mated to possess. The following is from Dr Colquhoun's Tables, and includes Great Britain and Ireland : — Mines and Minerals. This valuation, I apprehend, not only includes the capital which they cost, but their value, accord- ing to the rent or profits which they yield, which, with the best mines, must far ex- ceed their cost, .... ^75,000,000 Carried forward - - ie75,000,000 37 Brought over ^75,000,000 Canals, tolls, and timber, estimated probably upon the same principles, ... 50,000,000 Dwelling-houses, including warehouses and manufactories, je400,000,()00, one quarter of which we shall suppose to constitute the value of the warehouses and manufactories, 100,000,000 Manufactured goods in a finished state, depo- sited in manufactories, warehouses, and shops for sale, 140,000,000 Foreign merchandise, deposited in ware- houses, shops, &c. either paid for, or vir- tually paid by debts owing to this country by foreigners, 40,000,000 British shipping of every description employ- ed in trade, including vessels on the stocks, 27,000,000 Agricultural property, consisting of grain, hay, straw, cheese, butter, and other pro- ductions of farms, including implements of husbandry, 45,000,000 Animals, viz. horses, horned cattle, sheep, hogs, goats, asses, deer, wild animals, and poultry, 183,000,000 ^660,000,000 This table contains all that description of ca- pital, by the accumulation of which, according to the theory of Dr Smith, the wealtli of society is, and may be increased ; yet it is little more, by Dr Colquhoun's calculation, than equal to one year and a half's amount of property annu- ally created, though it has been accumulating from the first dawn of civilization. That such capital is necessary and essentially conducive to national wealth, there can be no question. A spade is necessary and essentially conducive to the annual produce of the garden which is dug with it. But, that public wealth can be increased by any parsimonious savings of it, is quite impossible. When you have spades enough, and to spare, more would not be wealth but waste. If you build a mill upon your estate, it may improve its value. If you build another, with only employment for one, you throw away so much money. You do not increase your wealth by it. The same with a nation. A stock of goods, machin- ery, &c. is necessary, in order to the produc- tion and advantageous distribution of wealth, but no merely parsimonious increase of it can be of any service. This country has much more rapidly improved, and increased its stock of this description of wealth, during the last thirty years, than at any former period of our history ; yet during the principal part of that time, we have been engaged in expensive wars, which have drained the country of its surplus capital. Little or none was left to accumulate and spread over the land, to irrigate its agri- culture and commerce, according to existing theories. No deficiency of capital, however, has been observed : it has always been found where it has been wanted. And from this it may, 39 perhaps, not be incorrect to infer, that where the spirit of improvement and enterprise, (which are the children of freedom and intelli- gence,) exists, want of capital is seldom expe- rienced. It may, at least, be very safely as- sumed that it never can accumulate where it is not wanted ; and that national parsimony, to any extent, is neither particularly advantageous nor possible. 40 CHAPTER VI. National Wealth comjiosed of Annual Income. A FINE house, fine furniture, a good stock of cloatlis, and other consumable commodities, are the usual symptoms of wealth ; but we should not consider an individual rich who had no other property. We should think him, on the contrary, excessively poor, for the show he exhibited. He would only be rich in propor- tion to this appearance, if his annual income corresponded with it. A nobleman with a splendid house and no estate, would be an exceedingly poor nobleman. He would, in fact, be only worth what his house would sell for, and purchase him in annual income. II* he could not seU it, and purchase annual in- come with the produce, he would be worth nothing. What is the case with an individual, is the case also with a nation. Its buildings, furni- ture, stock in trade, manufactures, shipping, &c. though important instruments and undoubt- ed proofs of wealth, form but the surface of it. It is the annual amount of commodities produ- 41 ced for actual consumption in which the wealth of a nation principally consists. Though stock, manufactories, canals, &c. like a mill upon an estate for grinding its produce into flour, ware- houses for storing it, and conveyances for car- rying it, are necessary for preparing and distri- buting its w^ealth for consumption, yet as it is the corn, and not the mill, ^varehouses, carts, &c. which constitutes the value of the estate — for without the estate they would be worth no- tliing, — so is it the annual produce of a nation, which forms its wealth, and not the instruments by which that produce is fitted for consump- tion. 42 CHAPTER VII. Real and Nominal Income of Society. The income of society, as expressed in money, may be divided into two descriptions, the no- minal and the real. A person with an estate, which will yield him ten thousand pounds per annum, may have it mortgaged to half its va- lue : his income, however, will still be ten thousand pounds per annum, though the mort- gagee may receive one half of the rental for the interest of his mortgage. The two incomes united, in that case, would amount to fifteen thousand pounds per annum, while the income from which they were derived would only be ten thousand pounds. The proprietor might, with the remainder of his income, and the mort- gagee with his share of it, employ servants and labourers, purchase commodities which repre- sent labour, materials, and profits of manufactu- rers and tradesmen, hire teachers, reward play- ers, go journies, &;c. and those persons who thus received the money might in their turn do the same. By passing in this manner from hand to hand, it might entirely compose the 43 incomes of many, and form a part of the in- comes of many more ; and were the whole add- ed together, would present an enumeration of income to many times its original amount. The real income, however, from which the whole proceeded, would be that which was, in the first instance, derived by the owner of the estate from the produce of the soil. G^ 44 CHAPTER VIII. The Income of Society is consumed. In whatever way a person acquires the money he receives, he must do one of three things with it. He must either hoard it, lend it at interest to others, or expend it himself. If he hoard it, he contracts the amount of currency in circulation, and reduces the prices of commodities below the national standard. All changes of price are produced by an increased or diminished demand for commodities in the market, and the effect of hoarding is in the first instance to reduce the demand for commodities to the extent of the money hoarded. By this means their price is reduced ; and by this re- duction the foreign demand for them is in- creased, and the surplus quantity which the money hoarded left without a demand, is car- ried off. A balance of payments is thus cre- ated in favour of the nation, and a quantity of money brought into it equal to that which by hoarding was abstracted from circulation. When the money that has been hoarded is brought into circulation again, precisely the 45 opposite effects are produced. Hoarding mo- ney, therefore, does not diminisli tlie ultimate demand for commodities, it only alters the channel of their consumption. If he lend it to others at interest, they give him interest for it, either to expend it com- mercially or actually. They employ it either in building houses or ships, or digging mines, &c. from which an annual profit is expected, or in the manufacture of goods, or in the purchase and sale of them, or in some way in whicJi the transit of commodities from their first produc- tion to their final consumption is promoted, in all of which commercial or actual consumption is produced ; or otherwise they expend it in the actual purchase, consumption, and enjoyment of the necessaries, conveniences, and luxuries of life. If he expend it himself, it must either be in actual or commercial consumption as above de- scribed : so that whether he saves the money, or whether he spends it, consumption is equally produced. 46 CHAPTER IX. Capital, Capital, in common language, is understood to be money. By political economists it is defined to be not only money but stock, buildings, and machinery. Properly, however, it is neither money nor stock, buildings and machinery. In speaking of capital, we say that it is in- vested in stock, buildings, and machinery; but we equally say that it is invested in land. It would be evidently improper to say, of the latter, that capital was land, or land capital — and it is equally so with respect to the former. Neither is it proper to term money capital. We speak of a miser's money, but not of his capital. It is only capital when it bears inte- rest, or is otherwise profitably employed. Be- fore it can be so designated it must be spent, or lent to others who will spend and consume its value either commercially or actually. It is the power of acquiring the means of an- nual consumption which gives value to proper- ty, and money is the medium by which this 47 power is conveyed. Hence the value of all property is computed in money. If two persons wish to exchange properties, they each esti- mate how great a quantity of consumable com- modities they will command, that is, how much money they will sell for, and they regulate their bargain accordingly. The value of money varies both with respect to the commodities it will command, and the interest which is given for it ; the former being determined by the quantity of money in circu- lation, the latter by the demand- for it on the part of those who wish to borrow, compared with the supply by those who have it to lend. If property were subject to no chaiiges of va- lue, from alterations in its own powers of pro- duction or means of administering to the en- joyments of mankind, it v/ould be constantly subject to fluctuations in value, as computed in money from the variations in the value of money itself. When money will only com- mand 2 1 per cent, interest, an estate is worth twice the sum that it is when money will com- mand five ; and when money is depreciated in value, the price of the annual produce of the estate being increased, its total value in money is increased with it, and vice versa. Hence the value of money, and of property, the annual value of which is not regulated by the value of money, continually varies. Houses and pro- 48 perty created by the expenditure of money, progressively change tlieir vakie with it. Many of those who save money have no de- sire to purchase property ; partly because they do not wish to incur the trouble of managing propert}^ the nature of which they probably do not understand, and partly because they think they can get better interest for it than any pro- perty that they can purchase will afford. They prefer, therefore, lending their savings at a given rate of interest to those who will engage to repay them in money when it shall be re- quired ; and as they, at all times know the va- lue of money in property, by knowing the amount of the obligations which others are un- der to them, that is, the money which they have out at interest, they know the property they are worth. On the other hand, men of landed property are seldom willing to sell their estates until they are so much in debt that they cannot avoid it. They will rather pay a rate of inte- rest for money somewhat higher than the in- come of their estates will leave, compared with their value in money. For the repayment of this money when it is required, and the inte- rest of it in the mean time, they pledge their estates. By this means, though they have vir- tually disposed of as much of them, as at their value, would be required to discharge the mort- 49 gage,' yet they still retain them in their own hands, with the power of discharging it at their pleasure, possess the entire management of them, and lose or gain by any alteration which may take place in their value. The lender has no further concern with them than to know that they are a sufficient security for the princi- pal and interest of his loan. Dwelling-houses, buildings of different kinds, mines, and pro- perty of a commercial nature, generally possess a greater annual value than the common rate of interest ; and the owners of such property, rather than sell it, will often prefer borrowing money when in want of it, as they find it will be more profitable to do so. The money thus acquired amounts virtually, on the part of the borrower, to a sale of proper- ty to the value of the sum borrowed, and the lender of the money, if his security be good, is actual possessor of as much property as it would take, computing its value in money, to satisfy the debt. But it has no reference what- ever to the particular nature of the property pledged for its security. Mortgages are merely a precaution to which creditors think it neces- sary to resort, in order to prevent persons get- ting into more debt than their property wdll re- deem, or from the state of the laws, which make it difficult to compel a person to sur- render his estate for the payment of his debts, H 50 if he be not in trade, without he does so volun- tarily. If the lender has no particular security, the property of his debtor, to the value of his debt, is still virtually his. The debt which an individual contracts has reference to his property generally ; and it is not unfrequent in trade to credit individuals to considerable amounts, without a guarantee of any kind ; but it is always upon the presump- tion that they have property sufficient to meet their engagements. After the money is bor- rowed, it is spent and disappears, and the produce of it is either totally consumed, and the property of the party, to the value of the debt, is virtually sold to the lender, or an accumulation of stock, buildings, machinery, or some property of value takes place, which is pledged, with the general property of the borrower, for the repayment of the money when it is called for. But whether the money be spent in actual or commercial consumption, is quite immaterial to the lender, if there be only property of one kind or other to repay him. If his security be good, it is the same to him whe- ther the property of his creditor consists of stock, of buildings, or of land. Money thus lent, is, properly speaking, capi- tal. Capital is to property what a pound ster- ling is to money. Though there is no such coin as a pound sterling, its value in money is 51 clearly understood. An obligation to pay a pound sterling, is an obligation to pay its amount in British coin. In the same manner there is no such identical property as capital. It is the value of property expressed in money, and a person with capital possesses either di- rectly or indirectly property equal to its value. Capital, no doubt, often exists without re- presenting any property that is tangible, and yet is still capital. Thus tradesmen often have considerable sums in book debts, due by per- sons who depend upon their labour, or life in- comes alone, for the means of repaying them ; yet if these debts are safe and will be repaid, they are as much capital to the tradesman to whom they are owing, as if the amount of them were vested in lands, buildings, or stock, or rested on the most unquestionable securities* In this case, however, the laws give the trades- man a mortgage upon the future labour or in- comes of the persons thus credited. His capi- tal becomes vested in the lives of the parties he trusts ; the same as capital is vested in slaves, who out of their labour repay the principle and interest of their cost. He has a life interest in the labour or income of his debtors, the same as they may have in estates or other property. Money lent by banks in their own notes be- comes capital on the same principles. It is H 2 employed in actual or commercial consumption by those who borrow it, and their personal la- bour, stock in trade, debts, or property of what- ever description, is mortgaged for its repay- ment, independent of any particular mortgage or sureties which may be given. Tradesmen, merchants, manufacturers, mi- ners, &c. in estimating their capital, pay no respect to whether it consists of book debts, stock, buildings, machinery, money, or land, if land be necessary to their business. The value of each description of property in money is estimated, the whole is summed up together, and the total is the capital employed. Nothing, perhaps, has contributed to greater confusion of ideas, than the want of a proper definition of capital. To common observation, it appears to be a mixture of property and credit, which eludes description. It is one thing to- day, and another to-morrow. Its value is bet- ter understood than its nature. Upon looking into political economy, however, for an analysis, it is found to be stock, buildings, and machine- ry. Whereas it is very well known, that many great capitalists have neither stock nor machi- nery, nor even buildings. " It has been usual," says a political economist of great celebrity, to whom the world is under great obligations, " in speaking of that portion of the national " revenue which goes to the capitalist in re- 53 " turn for the employment of his capital, to " call it by the name of the profits of stock. " But stock is not so appropriate an expression " in this case as capital. Stock is a general " term, and may be defined to be all the mate- " rial possessions of a country, or all its actual " wealth, whatever may be its destination ; " while capital is that particular portion of " these possessions, or of this accumulated ** wealth, which is destined to be employed " with a view to profit. They are often, how- " ever, used indiscriminately ; and, perhaps, " no great error may arise from it, but it may " he useful to recollect that all stock is not, pro- " perly speakings capital^ though all capital is " stock:* This is the generally received definition of capital by political economists, and I only give it in the language of the author I have quoted, because it is briefly and clearly stated. No- thing, however, can be more erroneous. Stock is the particular, and capital the general term. The stock of a tradesman is the commodities he has for sale. The stock of a farmer is the produce which either is ready, or is preparing for sale. The stock of a manufacturer the same. A stock of cattle must be kept up, in order to consume the herbage of the land on which they are fed ; so must a stock of raw materials by the manufacturer, in order to keep 54, his men and machinery employed. In both cases, however, they are a stock preparing for consumption. When we speak of a per- son's stock simply, we always mean the stock which he has on hand, of the commodities he deals in, or produces for sale. It is also ap- plied to machinery, to implements of husband- ry, &c. but, in that case, the particular articles to which it refers, are mentioned. We thus say, his stock of implements of husbandry, his stock of machinery, his stock of carts and horses, &c. We also, no doubt, speak of a person's stock in trade, by which we mean his capital, or the va- lue of his property in trade, but this is an abuse of the term, which political economists have aided to perpetuate. Stock has reference to the quantity, capital to the value of the commodities. A trades- man's stock of commodities may be large, while the capital, which his stock is worth, is small ; whereas if a scarcity of the particular commo- dity he deals in, were to occur, his capital might be rendered comparatively large, while his stock was small. Thus stock is the term of particular application, while capital is the general term ; and so far from their being in the least degree synonymous, they are in di- rect opposition to each other. There is no manner in which the term capital is more cor- rectly applied than to the capital of a public 55 bank, while there is nothing unreasonable in the supposition, that such capital might be lent out altogether upon the security of land, in which case it could have no reference to stock of any description ; yet by an abuse of language we call the capital of such banks their capital stock, and instead of joint capital, we call them joint stock companies. It might not be improper to speak of the stock of capital possessed by a bank, but in that case stock would be synonymous with quantity. Capital is not usually applied to land, except it be to express the interest which the mort- gagee may possess in it. That, however, per- haps, principally arises from its not being so fre- quently bought and sold for money, as the pro- perty of tradesmen, and from the value of its annual produce not depending upon the rate of interest. But a person's capital in land, is the value of his land in money, the same as a tradesman's capital in stock is the value of his stock in money. A person may employ a ca- pital by speculating in land, the same as by spe- culating in stock, and some do so. In which case it is evident that the amount of their capi- tals must be determined by the value of their stock in land. Hence capital is an abstract term. When we speak of a person's capital, we speak of his pro- perty, but it is his property valued or expressed 56 in money. Money Itself is not capital until it is converted into property, or exchanged for it, by loans upon the security of annual income, or by the purchase of it. Neither is land, nor stock, buildings and machinery, capital. Capital is their value in money. It is merely the term by which their value is expressed ; and when we speak of any description of property, with respect to the capital it contains, we say that we have invest- ed so much capital in it. 57 CHAPTER X. Principles nsohich regulate the Saving of Money, As all the income of society is, and must be, annually consumed, all the money which is borrowed, in order to be spent by one person, class, or body of individuals, must be necessari- ly saved by another. If every person himself spent the share which he received of the 430 millions of national income, there would be no money to be lent. Those who are enabled to lend money, or pur- chase the property of others, are those who have first saved it out of their incomes ; and if nobody did save, to borrow would be impossible. On the other hand, if no one consumed more than his annual incom.e, to lend money, and acquire property by saving it, would be equally impossible. No person would dispose of his property, either by borrowing money upon it, or by selling it, if he did not want the money, which he thus gave up his annual means of sub- sistence to acquire ; and if he neither expend- ed, nor wished to expend more than his annual income, he could not want it. In this case, no I 58 person could acquire property by saving mo- ney. He could only hoard the produce of his economy. In all countries, however, possessing good laws ; where every person may do with his pro- perty as he thinks proper ; and where the fruits of every man's industry and economy are secur- ed to him, there always is a demand for money, more or less, and hoarding is very little prac- tised. As the whole income of society must be spent, it is, therefore, equally clear, that the demand for money on the one hand, and supply of it on the other, must be equal. The amount of the savings by those who do not spend their annual incomes, must be precisely equal to the wants of those whose expenditure exceeds them. A demand for money is produced by four different causes. By the necessity which exists in an improving country for an increased stock of buildings, machinery, commodities, &c. in order to supply the increased population and consumption which its increased fertility cre- ates. By losses in trade and commerce. By the excess of expenditure of those whose ex- pences exceed their incomes j and by the wants of government. .y,Jn the cases just supposed, in which we have stated that no demand for money could exist, we, of course, presume the fertility and popula- tion of the country not to be advancing, but 59 stationary. In an improving country, there al- ways is, however, a demand for money, for the purpose of increasing its stock of commodities, &c. by which to supply the consumption of its increasing population. But, comparatively speaking, this demand can never be very con- siderable. The productive capital, as it is termed, of this country, does not exceed, by Dr Colquhoun's calculation, six hundred and sixty millions : little more, as we have before stated, than a year and a half's income. When we consider the immense time that this stock has been in accumulating, we cannot suppose the annual demand for it to have been very considerable. Had this kingdom been a bar- ren waste six hundred and sixty years ago, and the whole had accumulated since then, it would still only prove a demand for money of one million per annum upon the average — equal to the saving of one pound a year in an income of four hundred and thirty. I apprehend, no in- dividual, whose demand for capital did not in- crease at a greater rate, would ever imagine that any great effort of saving would be neces- sary, in order to supply himself. Nor does it seem possible, that with a nation, any very mate- rial demand for capital can arise from this cause. A demand for money is produced by losses in trade. A stock of goods in the hands of the merchant, manufacturer, &c. is necessary, in I 2 drder to supply consumption, and this stock has its natural limits. If, however, a manufac- turer produce and sell his goods to a loss, or a merchant import and sell his commodities for less than they cost him, he reduces his capi- tal by increasing the consumption of the coun- try, and a demand for the savings of others, to make up his loss, is produced. If a person sell his commodities for half what they cost, the amount of his loss is saved by the purchaser, whose general consumption is increased in that proportion, or the saving is lent and consumed by others. The commodity, however, still costing the same to produce, requires twice the money to replace it for which it sold. Hence a demand arises for the savings of others equal to this deficiency ; which the losing party must either borrow, sell property to acquire, or other- wise, by reducing his trade, allow other persons who have saved money equal to his loss to step in with it, supply his customers, and increase their trade in proportion as he is compelled to reduce his. Losses in trade, therefore, which diminish the price of the commodity to the consumer, are indirectly an expenditure beyond income equal to the loss sustained, and a de- mand for money continually arises from this source. In the third place, a demand for money is produced by the expenditure of those, whose 61 expences exceed their income, and who are consequently compelled to borrow money, or dispose of their property for money, in order to supply this excess of expenditure ; and lastly, by government, who often raise money by loans, and pledge the property and annual in- come of the nation for the payment of the in- terest of them. On the other hand, the supply of money must arise from the inclination to save ; and the power to save by those who have the inclina- tion. By far the greater part of the community have no inclination to save. Those whose in- comes are derived from labour, find them in ge- neral too small to supply their customary wants j and those whose incomes are derived from pro- perty, being secure of the annual receipt of their incomes, and in consequence removed from any anxious cares respecting the future, live in ge- neral to the full extent of them. The econo- mists of society principally consist of the mer- cantile classes, who, being dependant upon trades of precarious profit for their support, learn the inclination of acquiring money from the habit of doing so. It is necessary for eveiy tradesman who means to do well, to save mo- ney, in order to provide against a future evil day, which the uncertainty of trade often pro- duces. This necessity, the desire of indepen- 6f dence, and the ambition to be rich, which the pursuits of trade usually generate, render this class, in general, economists, and the savingg of society are principally made by them. The amount of savings by this class must, however, altogether depend upon their power to save. When the interest of money, and pro- fits of trade are large, their power of saving is necessarily greater than when the profits of trade, and interest of money are small. When their income is great, they can of course save more than when it is little. Now, the profits of trade are regulated by the interest of money, and the interest of money by the demand for it. When the supply of money is greater than the demand, it falls in price ; and rises when it is less. If a person have money, and he cannot get five per cent, interest for it, he must take four ; if not four, three, &c. Any rate of inte- rest, with good security, will be better than hoarding it. On the other hand, if an unusual demand for money arises, the only way to pro- cure it, by those who have the means of doing so, is to give a higher rate for it ; and those who are willing to give most will have the pre- ference. Thus the rate of interest fluctuates with the supply and demand, upon the same principle as with other commodities. The effects are also precisely similar. An increased demand for other commodities pro- 63 duces an increased supply, and a reduced de- mand diminishes the supply. And with money, when the demand is reduced, the power of pro- duction, or of saving it, is also diminished ; and when the demand is increased, the power of production or of saving is increased with it. The interest of money and profits of trade, by which the power of saving is determined, rise and fall accordingly. '* As the market rate of interest varies in any country,*' says Dr Smith, " we may be as- " sured that the ordinary profits of stock must " vary with it, must sink as it sinks, and rise " as it rises." He also says, " As capitals increase in any " country, the profits which can be made by " employing them necessarily diminish. It be- " comes gradually more and more difficult to " find within the country a profitable method " of employing any new capital. There arises, '* in consequence, a competition between diffe- " rent capitals, the owner of one endeavouring " to get possession of that employment which " is occupied by another. But upon most oc- " casions he can hope to justle that other out " of his employment by no other means but " by dealing upon more reasonable terms." On the other hand, profits are raised with the demand for money, by part of that money being- lent for consumption, which would other- 64 wise have gone to replace the stock of the deal- er. By this means the consumptive demand is increased, and the prices of commodities raised ; while, by the diminished capital in trade, stocks are kept low, and the prices kept up. Much of the capital employed in trade is bor- rowed of bankers, and others, by persons in trade, at the market rate of interest ; and the first effect of any increased demand for money, is to induce these bankers to abstract it from its ordinary channels, in order to lend to those who offer better terms for it. Thus, with the increase or decrease of the demand for money, do interest and profits of trade rise and fall, by which the power of eco- nomizing, in order to supply the demand, is exactly proportioned to it. The savings of a nation, therefore, diminish the power to save. The incomes of those being reduced, who are the principal economists of the country, their power of economizing is re- duced with the excessive supply of money, by which the value of it is diminished. The Dutch are the most saving people in Europe ; and with them the profits of trade, and interest of money, are always at a very low ebb. When the bulk of a nation are economists, the difficulty of making money becomes excessive j and the commercial part of it are ground down to penuriousness by the national parsimony. e>5 Precisely opposite are the effects produced by an increase of national expenditure. The profits of trade are good, and a free stile of liv- ing pervades the mercantile classes ; they not on- ly save more money, but they also spend more. ■ Such an unusual increase of expenditure as to raise the interest of money, rarely, however, perhaps never, happens from the expenditure of individuals. It mostly, if not always, arises from the demands of governments. The government of this country has, during war, not unfrequently borrowed thirty or fojty millions of money, in one year j whereas during peace, instead of borrowing, it has been usual to discharge some part at least of the debt, which during the war had been contract- ed. The interest of money, and the profits of trade, have, of course, corresponded with this wide difference in the acts of government. Interest of money has been double at one time what it was at the other ; and the profits of trade even more than double. It is not unusu- al for 3 per cent, consols to be at from 95 to 100 during peace. They have been even at 106, as will be seen by a table in the Appendix ; while during the war, when these great loans were contracting, they have been at or under 50. That is, interest of money on the security of government, is often 3 per cent, in peace, and 6 per cent, in war. K 66 The average profits of trade are affected in even a greater degree. The legal rate of inte- rest in this country, is 5 per cent. ; above which individuals are not allowed to receive. When 3 per cent, stock is, therefore, under 60, and go- vernment pays more than the legal rate of inte- rest, individuals cannot give equal terms. The expectation of profit by the future rise in the funds also holds out temptations so great, that the country is almost drained of its capital, in stock, to supply the demands and consumption of government. When this is the case, trade is greatly carried on upon credit, and its profits far exceed that proportion to the interest of mo- ney which they regularly preserve when inte- rest is below the legal rate. Most persons who liave been in trade within the last dozen years, will be able to vouch for these facts. Government securities are not now so high as at any previous interval of peace of the same duration ; but this has arisen from a cause which we shall hereafter explain. At the same time that the power of saving is greater or less, the power of spending in those who have the means and inclination, will be affected in an inverse ratio. When the interest of money rises, the value of land falls. An estate which would be worth forty years purchase with the interest of money at ^1 per cent., would be worth only half that 67 with the interest of money at five, and would only have half the spending in it. For this reason, as the demand for government increas- ed, the power of spending by individuals would be diminished. On the contrary, when there is a superior tendency in a nation to save, either by the economy of its government, or of individu- als, temptations to expenditure are held out by the increased value of landed property. If a person will run through his estate, with money at ^ per cent, when it is comparatively so easily done, he will be much more disposed to do so when there is so much more spending in it, and his ruin is at so increased a distance : or if living to a small extent above his income will not materially affect it, many may be tempted to exceed a little, who would be restrained when the interest of money was high, and land of comparatively small value. With small pro- fits, the employment of a greater capital in trade also becomes necessary, and leaves room for a greater accumulation. When profits are high, credit is very generally given and received, and merchants are often enabled to make money on transactions in which no capital is employed. They will often be able to purchase on credit, and effect sales of the commodity so purchased in sufficient time to enable them to meet the payment with the proceeds of their sales. This credit, which is attended with jisk, must he K 2 '68 paid for, and must be recovered in the price for which the commodity finally sells. By -a general system of credit, which a universal scarcity of money is the means of establishing, a tradesman is thus enabled to conduct his bu^- siness with less capital than would be otherwise necessary. If he get four or six months credit upon all his goods ; in some trades wherein the sales are quick, and principally for moneys they may be almost carried on without any capital'; but in all trades less capital is necessary than where payment must be made in money. ,,inni When, however, capital becomes plentiful^ credit is neither required, nor can be afforded-. The profits are so small, that they will not co* ver the risk attending it ; while, fro m> the su* perabundance of capital in trade, which cannot be better employed, credit is not required. , The tradesman with capital finds it more to his inte- rest, by way of employing it, to pay money for his goods, which he gets cheaper in conse-. quence. He is disposed also to hold larger stocks. By these means he is able to undersell his poorer competitor, and in every respect has the advantage of him. Tradesmen without ca- pital are, therefore, finally superseded by those who have it. Very little business is done in Holland, upon" cf edit. Capitals are req uired iti every , trade ; ; and the experience of most persons iioW in 69 business will enable them to say, that, taking trade in all its branches, there is a greater quantity of capital employed for the value turned over, than there was a few years ago — larger stocks on hand, and less credit given, at least among merchants and traders, with each other. It is very usual to consider, that when the pro- fits of trade are good, the nation is flourishing ; and it cannot be denied, that to the superior education and intelligence which wealth has disseminated, and the spirit of speculation and improvement to which success in trade has giv- en rise, the advancement of this country to its recent state of commercial and agricultural prosperity must be attributed. But, it is evi- dent, that the profits of trade, which fall upon the price of commodities, must be nothing more than a tax paid by the ultimate consumers of them, and that just in proportion as the tradesman flourishes the consumer suflTers. If the whole income of society must be consum- ed, it is only a different mode of arranging that consumption, and nationally there is no greater prosperity with great profits than with small ones. Capitalists, however, principally reside in towns, and the profits of trade influ- ence every department of business. The news- papers, the organs of public opinion, feel the goodness of the times as well as any otlier 70 description of traders, and express them- selves accordingly. Both feeling and seeing the great difference which a change in the pro- fits of trade produces, they are apt to imagine that the nation is going to ruin when they are small, and that it is prosperous when they are high ; because, in the one case they, their friends, and neighbours are making money ; and in the other, a general depression exists, and they and their neighbours are losing it, or making less than before. 71 CHAPTER XL Corn creates its otvn Demand. In well-populated countries, the earth is made to produce to its utmost ability, by the best ma- nagement, which, according to their skill in agriculture, its inhabitants can apply to the cultivation of the soil : yet, if we, at each re- turning harvest, examine the barns, granaries, and stack-yards throughout the country, we shall generally find that the produce of the past year has been consumed. After a year of more than usual abundance, we may, no doubt, oc- casionally see here and there wealthy farmers holding their crops over to another season ; but, by taking an average of two or three years, we shall find that the annual produce is, upon the average, annually disposed of. When the harvest is an average one, this is more particularly the case. Provisions are then at an average price. There is no temptation to hold, unless there is a prospect of the ensu- ing harvest being particularly bad ; and as this is happily not very frequent, the farmer gene- rally disposes of one crop before the other is fit for the market. 72 In those seasons the prices of provisions are at that level to which the means of expenditure are accommodated. There is sufficient for all who enjoy their accustomed means of paying for it, according to the existing supply and wages of labour ; and while there is nothing deficient, there is nothing to spare. Those countries which regularly export or import corn may be said to afford an objection to this rule. They, however, always import or export a corresponding quantity of commo- dities representing labour, by which, as we shall hereafter more particularly show, the rule, as it affects the internal production and consump- tion of a country, is not infringed. But if we take inland countries, where exportation or im- portation is physically impossible, we shall find this proportion of the consumption to the sup- ply, with respect to the princijpal articles of food, uniformly preseaved. The provision of nature, by which this paral- lel is maintained, might, at first sight, appear wonderful. There are thousands and millions of people in every country, many of whom are not restrained by any pecuniary consideration from consuming what they think proper. They eat apd drink three or four times a day, with- ottt practically, at least, taking any thought whether the crop will last to the end of the year or not; and yet, when an average one, it 73 does last to the end of the year, without any material surplus, at least, and without any de- ficiency having been experienced. There are very few families that could previ- ously undertake to determine their consump- tion for the ensuing year with any such exact- ness ; yet if nature, in any country, were to make a mistake in its calculation of but one day's provision in twelve, that is, of one month in the year, and the country were to run short, the inconvenience that would result may be con- ceived, when it is considered that the greatest supply of provisions which was ever imported into this country in years of the severest scar- city, never exceeded a month's ordinary con- sumption of its inhabitants. With all commodities, however, the supply and demand must, upon the average, be equal. As we have already stated, production is a proof of demand, and would not take place without it. But between food and other com- modities there is this difference, that with the former the supply is produced without refer- ence to the demand, and yet the demand is exactly equal to it, while with the latter the supply is regulated by the demand. With all commodities, except food, great fluctuations in the quantities cultivated or ma- nufactured constantly take place. The sup- ply produced is sometimes much larger, and 74 sometimes much less than is required, and it is from the alteration in prices produced by this fluctuation that they are ultimately accommo- dated to each other. Of every article of general consumption there are naturally a great many growers or manufacturers, who have no connexion with each other, and no knowledge of the quantities which each intends to produce. Neither in general liave they much knowledge of the con- sumption ; their only mode of knowing the state of either, with any degree of practical certainty, being from the state of the market. When the market is too full, sales cannot be made, and when it is short in quantity, they can. By this criterion the producers regulate themselves. When there is a brisk demand, prices get up, and more land or more labour is turned to the production of the commodity, until the demand is satisfied and the market over-stocked. While this glut continues, that which is grown or made cannot be sold, the prices fall, and the quantity produced is again diminished until it is reduced below the regu- lar demand. The over stock is consequently again taken out of the market, and a brisk de- mand succeeds as before. From these fluctuations, it will be obvious that it is the supply which accommodates itself to the demand. But this cannot be the case 75 with corn, or similar effects would be observ- able. Sometimes without a particularly favour- able season, the supply would be too great, and sometimes without a bad season, the supply would be too small. Whereas we find the agri- culturist applies his utmost art and labour to the cultivation of the soil, which he renders as productive as he possibly can, and he always finds a demand equal to the supply which he is enabled to produce. It is, therefore, the supply which creates the demand, and not the demand as with other commodities, which cre- ates the supply. The skill with which the soil may be cultiva- ted in different countries, may not be the same, and one country, without greater natural ad- vantages, may be made to produce infinitely more than another : but this equality of demand with the supply, is the same, whatever the fruit- fulness of the soil may arise from. Any considerable variation from an average crop, is also accompanied by a corresponding alteration in the demand. When the crop is great, the demand is greater ; when it is small, the demand is less. This is produced by an alteration in prices, which the alteration in tlie supply creates. Wlien it is abundant, the prices fall ; when deficient, they rise ; and in every fully populated country, a corresponding variation in consumption takes place, with the L 2 76 variations of price. High prices compel its po- pulation to reduce their consumption, and low prices enable them to increase it. Unless, therefore, it is the pleasure of the growers or speculators to hold their stocks over to another season, it can always be consumed within the year. This the experience of every farmer and corn dealer will enable him to substantiate. Whatever theories he may entertain upon the subject, or however he may account for it, he will be enabled to state, that there never was a year in which he could not have sold at the market price ; or that he could, from his own observation, perceive any want of consumption, however he may have lamented the lowness of price. That the consumption is always equal to the supply, even when the demand for labour ap- pears to be considerably reduced, is evident from last year's experience. The necessities of the farmers, and the little prospect of advan- tage by holding, together with the prospect of an early and abundant harvest, could not but have the effect of inducing them to bring their corn to market ; and this it appears they have done. Messrs Cropper, Benson, and Co. of Liverpool, who possess the only information that can be relied upon respecting the crops, and who may be considered perfect authority upon the subject, in a most important circular 77 which they have lately issued on the state of the cotton trade, have stated with respect to corn, as follows : — *' Last year's crop of corn is generally esti- " mated not to have supplied the country more " than eleven months ; and though the present " crop is less than the preceding, and the con- " sumption going on at a greater rate than " ever known, still the price is lower than ever " remembered. If the present unmercantile " feeling of holding no stocks is to continue to ** prevail, we may be quite run out of all these " important articles before people are general- " ly aware.'* The reason, no doubt, for the consumption going on so rapidly, is, that the farmers cannot hold, and are forcing their corn into the mar- ket, and the consumption, on the principles stated, keeps pace with the supply. I do not mean from this to infer, that the present gene- ral low state of prices arises from abundance of supply : the above extract shews that not to be the case, but merely that there is always a de- mand equal to the supply at the existing prices, even though some may for want of employment be starving ; and if the prices are sufficiently reduced, the supply will be taken of. Thus while in average seasons the demand and supply are equal, the fluctuations in de- mand which abundance or scarcity produces, 78 by which to accommodate it to the supply, sup- port the general principle that it is the supply which creates the demand. This reasoning only applies of course to well populated countries. In new countries, such as the back settlements of America, where the population is thin, the production of corn is checked by the want of demand. But even then the demand steadily increases. There is no fluctuation similar to what is observed in other commodities, and when the supply be- comes stationary, the average demand will be- come so too. The agricultural committee of 1821, have laid down a principle in their report to which the above is in direct opposition, and proceed- ing from such authority, some notice of it be- comes necessary. The report says, — " In the article of corn, however, there is *' one consideration to be constantly borne in " mind, most material to enable the house and ** the country to arrive at a sound and safe ** conclusion on this important subject, name- " ly, that the price of corn fluctuates more " than that of any other commodity of exten- " sive consumption, in proportion to any ex- " cess or deficiency in the supply. " The cause which produces this greater *' susceptibility in the corn market, cannot be " better explained by your committee, than in 79 " the following extract from the answers of ** Mr Tooke, one of the witnesses who was " particularly examined on this point. Why " should a different principle apply to corn •* than to any other general production ? Be- " cause a fall in the price of any other commo- " dity not of general necessity, brings the ar- " tide within the reach of a greater number of *' individuals ; whereas in the case of corn the *' average quantity is sufficient for the supply *' of every individual ; all beyond that is an " absolute depression of the market, for a great *' length of time, and a succession of either " two or three abundant seasons, must evident- " ly produce an enormously inconvenient ac- " cumulation. Is there not a greater consump- " tion of corn when it is dear than when it is " clieap, as to quantity ? There may be, and " possibly must be a greater consumption ; but " it is very evident, that if the population was *' adequately fed, the increased consumption " from abundance, can amount to little more " than waste ; and this would be in a very " small proportion to the whole excess of a " good harvest or two. The whole population " of this country and others do not subsist up- " on wheat, therefore when wheat becomes ** cheap, those who were formerly fed upon " other corn, may take to feeding upon wheat : " my remark was general as applying to corn. 80 " There is no doubt that if there is one de- " scription of corn applicable to human food, " which is abundant, and another that is defi- ** cient, then the principle does not apply ; " my principle applies to corn generally as ap- " plicable to human food. It may be observ- " ed, that abundant seasons generally extend ** to the leading articles of consumption, and ** that it seldom happens in what are common- " ly called good years, there is a complete fail- " ure in any one great article." *' In the substance of this reasoning your " committee entirely concur ; and it appears " to them, that it cannot be called in question " without denying either that corn is an arti- ** cle of general necessity and universal con- ** sumption amongst the population of this '* country, or that the demand is materially ** varied by the amount of the supply. This " latter proposition, except within very narrow ** limits, altogether disproportioned to the fluc- " tuations in production, is not warranted by *• experience. The general truth of the ob- ** servation remains, therefore, unaltered by " any small degree of waste on the one side, ** or of economy on the other ; neither of " which are sufficient to counteract the effect ** which opinion and speculation must have " upon price, when it is felt how little demand 81 ** is increased by redundancy, or checked by " scantiness of supply." The first principle thus laid down is quite erroneous. Precisely the reverse is the truth. * Why should a different principle apply to ' corn,*' says the report, " than to any other * general production ? Because a fall in ' the price of any other commodity, not of * general necessity, brings the article within ' the reach of a greater number of indivi- * duals." Now the fact is, that there is no such differ- ence in the supply of other commodities, or the fluctuations would be greater. Our merely ac- quired habits of consumption do not so quickly change. The demand for commodities gene- rated by habit is pretty uniform, and the cost of their production is known. When, there- fore, the prices fall below it, it is common sense that those will hold who can, it being certain that a diminished supply must follow, since the prices will not pay for the produc- tion. If an increased quantity of some articles, which must be sold, as is the case with corn, were thrown into the market, they would sell for hardly any thing. " AVhereas in the case of corn," it is further stated " the average quantity is sufficient for " the supply of every individual." Now this means nothing, if it does not mean M 8^ that in average seasons every labourer has em- ployment, and wages sufficient to purchase food that will fully supply the wants of himself and every individual of his family. As this, how- ever, as much depends upon the supply of la- bour as of corn, it cannot go thus far, and therefore must go for nothing. " All beyond that," the report goes on to state, " is an absolute depression of the mar- *' ket for a great length of time, and a succes- " sion of even two or three abundant seasons " must evidently produce an enormously in- ** convenient accumulation." On this principle, therefore, whether the ex- isting low prices arose from excessive supply might have been at once determined, by as- certaining the fact of whether or not there was an enormously inconvenient accumulation. This, however, the committee neglected to do, or, it is probable, they would have disco- vered the error into which they and Mr Tooke had fallen. It next says, " Is there not a greater con- " sumption of corn when it is cheap, than when " it is dear, as to quantity ? There may be, " and possibly must be a greater consumption " of corn when it is cheap, than when it is " dear, but it is very evident that if the popu- " lation was before adequately fed, the increas- " ed consumption from abundance, can a- 83 *• mount to little more than waste ; and this ** would be in a very small proportion to the ** whole excess of a good harvest or two." This last clause widens the principle of in- convenient accumulation, by laying it down as impossible, that the excess of a good harvest or two, could be consumed. If Mr Tooke, and the committee, would pardon an attempt to smile at their expence, we have fairly a right to assume, that they never rise from table, un- til they are so satisfied that they can seldom take another mouthful themselves, and being, as they conceive, adequately fed, innocently imagine that the rest of the population have as iittle room left in their stomachs for more, as they have. Whether it might be waste or not, we shall not pretend to say. But this I think we may venture to state, that whatever may be the case with the committee, the labouring classes, including their families, can consume half as much more, if not twice as much, as they have the means of doing in average seasons, with the present redundancy of our population. And that in popidous countries, there never was a harvest so abundant, that it was not very easily consumed, without producing either surfeit or apoplexy. In the substance of Mr Tooke's reasoning, the committee, it will be seen, entirely concur- M 2 84 red, denying that the proposition, that the de- mand is materially varied by the amount of the supply, except within narrow limits, altogether disproportioned to the fluctuations in supply, is warranted by experience. What experience is here referred to, I am unable to discover. It is from our every-day experience, that we are compelled to draw the opposite conclusion. My object in making these observations is to eradicate an erroneous opinion which has the weight of authority with it ; not any wish ge- nerally to find fault with the report, which al- together is evidently far the most sensible and able document which has appeared upon the subject. From the foregoing, it will at least appear, that it is not the demand for food which creates and regulates the supply as with other commo- dities, but that it is the supply which creates and regulates the demand. In every country the supply has created an average demand equal to itself, and when any temporary varia- tion takes place in consequence of superabun- dant or deficient crops, consumption is increas- ed or diminished in equal proportion, by a rise or fall in prices. 85 CHAPTER XII. Labour. Com can only create its oxim Demand by fur- nishing Months to conswne it. Mr Malthus, in his admirable essay on the principles of population, has shewn, that it al- ways keeps pace with the means of subsistence. When labour is scarce, wages high, and fami- lies easily maintained, population increases ; and when population is too great, and labour too plentiful, wages fall below what is neces- sary to support a family, and population de- creases. These principles are perfectly natural ; but the genius of Mr Malthus has rendered them obvious. Without this, indeed, the right ap- plication of principles can seldom be either seen or safely adopted. Men are animals, and propagate their species in the same manner as other animals. Were all to marry at the age of puberty, each couple would, on the average, it has been calculated, produce not less than eight or ten children. If food and cloathing 86 were as plentiful, and acquired with the same ease at that age by men, as by other animals, it is probable that we should act like other animals in that respect. The feeling or sentiment of love is, perhaps as strong, if not stronger, at sixteen or seventeen, than at any other pe- riod ; and if, at that age, persons could pro- vide for themselves and families, plenty of food, shelter, and cloathing, without care or foresight, there can be little doubt but they would marry, and multiply as other animals do, under the same circumstances. At this rate, population would necessarily increase four or five fold, every twenty or thirty years. Men, however, do not marry at this age ; and for this very obvious reason, — they could not provide for themselves and families if they did. Though they are animals, they are en- dowed with reason, which has rendered this evident. In an advanced state of society, to provide for a family requires in general all the forecast and exertion of a mind and body at full maturity. In no state of society, however, could men marry so early as at the age mentioned. If the means of human subsistence were ever so plen- tiful, it is never acquired, as by other animals, without labour. Both labour, and the exercise of knowledge and experience in its application, are necessary to the production of the necessaries of 87 life ; for which, the strength, neither bodily nor mental, at the ages of sixteen or seventeen, is sufficiently matured. As it is, population, under favourable circumstances, will double it- self in twenty-five years, as has been proved in America, if not even in much less time. When population has arrived at that point beyond which it can advance no further, — when the world, or any particular nation, has as many people as it can produce food to support, more children cannot be reared, than are necessary to supply the waste of life among its existing in- habitants. Instead of eight or ten to each cou- ple, which mankind are capable of producing, there cannot be more than two brought to ma- turity, upon the average of the whole commu- nity. This renders a prudent restraint with respect to marriage absolutely necessary. Mr Malthus has shewn, that when this pru- dence is departed from, the children which are brought into the world, perish for want of pro- per nourishment. In many countries, where such restraint is not practised, disease, pesti- lence, and famine are the periodical consequen- ces J and in all countries, its neglect is attended with the most baneful effects. Having, on the other hand, shewn the bene- ficial results of a prudent restraint with respect to marriage, he recommends the practice of it j and condemns our present poor laws, the effects 88 of which are to create the evils which they are intended to cure. As the law now stands, if a man cannot pro- vide for his family, the parish must. This re- moves the fear of starving, the only check to early marriages which exists. The conse- quences of this are, that more children are brought into the world than can be supported — a great part of the lower classes is reduced to a state of pauperism — and the parishes are at a great annual expence in dealing out a scanty and insufficient support to those wretched be- ings, who are rendered so, by the miserable and mistaken system of laws, under which the cha- rity they receive is granted. " Poverty," Dr Smith states, " though it " no doubt discourages, does not always pre- " vent marriage. It seems even to be favour- " able to generation. A half-starved High- " land woman frequently bears more than 20 ** children, while a pampered fine lady is often " incapable of bearing any, and is generally " exhausted by two or three. Barrenness, so " frequent among women of fashion, is very " rare among those of inferior station. Lux- " ury in the fair sex, while it inflames perhaps " the passion for enjoyment, seems always to " weaken, and frequently to destroy altogether " the powers of generation. ** But poverty, though it does not prevent 89 " the generation, is extremely unfavourable to " the rearing of children. The tender plant " is produced, but in so cold a soil, and so se- " vere a climate, that it soon withers and dies. " It is not uncommon, I have been frequently *' told, in the highlands of Scotland, for a mo- " ther who has borne 20 children, not to have " two alive. Several officers of great experi- " ence liave assured me, that so far from re- " cruiting their regiment, they have never " been able to supply it with drummers and " fifers from the soldiers* children that were " born in it. A great number of finer chil- " dren, however, is seldom seen any where " than about a barrack of soldiers. Very few ** of them, it seems, arrive at the age of 13 or " 14. In some places, one half of the chil- ** dren born die before they are four years of ** age ; in many places before they are seven ; ** and in almost all places before they are 9 or " 10. This great mortality, however, will ** everywhere be found chiefly among the " children of the common people, who cannot " afford to tend them with the same care as " those of better station. Though their mar- " riages are generally more fruitful than those " of people of fashion, a smaller proportion " of their children arrive at maturity. In " foundling hospitals, and among the children " brought up by parish charities, the mortality N 90 " is still greater than among those of the com- " mon people. " Every species of animals naturally multi- " plies in proportion to the means of their sub- " sistence, and no species can ever multiply " beyond it. But in civilized society, it is " only among the inferior ranks of people that " the scantiness of subsistence can set limits to " the further multiplication of the human spe- *' cies ; and it can do so in no other way than " by destroying a great part of the children " which their fruitful marriages produce.'* When Dr Smith made this last remark, Mr Malthus had not written. By thus proving that improvident marriages are, in fact, nothing less than premeditated infanticide, such conse- quences ought to induce mankind to think, that prudence with respect to marriage, is as necessary as with any other act of their lives ; and that it is even in the highest degree crimi- nal to bring children into the world, for any personal gratification whatever, with the chance of starving them to death. The poor laws, as they now stand, in as much as they promote these dreadful effects, are little better than le- gal enactments for the encouragement of misery and child murder. In recommending restraint with respect to marriage, Mr Malthus only recommends that to be done a little longer from prudence, which 91 almost every one does more or less from neces- sity. It is not considered any hardship to exer- cise restraint in this respect, when a departure from it would not only be considered want of prudence but want of sanity. This restraint is exercised for 6 or 7 years, or longer, perhaps, upon the average, by every man, without its being thought any thing more than natural. If mankind would voluntarily add 6 or 7 years more to it, they would probably remove a great part of that misery produced by abject poverty at present in the world. This effect the laws ought surely rather to encourage than destroy. It is at least obvious, that there is a suffi- cient tendency in mankind, to increase up to the means of subsistence. This means, with the mass of mankind, consists of the wages of labour. " The liberal reward of labour" says Smith, "by enabling them to provide better " for their children, and consequently to bring " up a greater number, naturally tends to '• widen and extend those limits,'* that is, the limits to which population is confined. Now, it is the scarcity of labour which in- creases the wages of it, the same as the price of other commodities are enhanced by a dimi- nished supply, or improved demand for them. It is, likewise, the over supply by which its wages are reduced. When, therefore, labour is in demand, an additional supply is acquired, N 2 92 in the only way in which an additional supply of men, or any other animals, can be obtained — by more being produced and reared, from the encouragement and support which the increas- ed demand for labour gives. When, on the other hand, there is mo/e labour than demand for it, the supply is diminished in the only way in which the supply of men can be diminished, by fewer being born, or brought to maturity ; as well as from, the ranks of mankind being thinned by the diseases incident to poverty. The supply of labour is therefore governed by the demand, upon the same principles as every other commodity except food ; the supply of which, as it is our object to shew, creates the demand. In the present case, they cannot both be the cause, or both the effect. " It deserves to be remarked," says Dr Smith, " that it necessarily does this," that is, the liberal reward of labour, enables the labour- ers to provide better for their children, and bring up a greater number, " as nearly as possible in " the proportion which the demand for labour " requires. If this demand is continually in- " creasing, the reward of labour must necessari- " ly encourage in such a manner the marriages ** and multiplication of labourers, as may en- " able them to supply that continually increas- " ing demand by a continually increasing po- " pulation. If the reward should at any time 93 " be less than what was requisite for this pur- ** pose, the deficiency of hands would soon " raise it ; and if it should at any time be " more, their excessive multiplication would " soon restore it to this necessary rate. The " market would be so much understocked with " labour in the one case, and so much over- " stocked in the other, as would soon force " back its price to that proper rate which the " circumstances of society required. It is in " this manner that the demand for men, like " that of any other commodity, necessarily re- " gulates the production of men ; quickens it " when it goes on too slowly, and stops it when " it advances too fast." This of course does not refer to the money price, but to the wages of labour in the neces- saries of life. " The power of the labourer," says Mr Ricardo, " to support himself, and " the family which may be necessary to keep " up the number of labourers, does not depend ** upon the quantity of money which he may " receive for wages ; but on the quantity of " food, necessaries, and conveniences, become " essential to him from habit, which that mo- " ney will purchase.** Consequently, a reduction in the price of provisions, or of the necessaries and conveni- ences essential to him from habit, is as much 94 an increase of the wages of a labourer as the increase of his wages in money. Any increase in the money price of labour, which is accompanied with a corresponding in- crease in the monied price of provisions, makes no alteration in the real recompence of labour ; nor does any reduction in the price of provi- sions, which is accompanied by an equal reduc- tion in the wages of labour, in the least improve the situation of the working classes. It is on- ly when the money price of labour rises, and the necessaries of life remain the same, or do not increase in the same proportion ; or when the necessaries of life are reduced, and wages either remain as before, or do not fall in a cor- responding degree, that the wages of the la- bourer are improved. But they are just as much improved by the necessaries of life falling, and wages remaining the same, as by wages rising, while the necessaries of life continue unaltered. These effects, however, are produced by very different causes ; the one is the result of a di- minished supply of labour ; the other of an in- creased demand for it. Mr Maltlms has shewn, that when the ranks of mankind are thinned by war, pestilence, or famine, it is followed by a rise in the price of labour. This must necessarily be the case. These causes, though they may reduce the po- pulation, do not decrease the quantity of money £5 in a country ; and the money price of commo- dities depends upon the quantity of it in circu- lation. Neither do they, except in extreme cases, reduce the demand for provisions. They only increase the consumption of the existing inhabitants. The money in circulation, there- fore, being the same, a greater quantity of it is applied to the purchase of a smaller quantity of labour ; and this enables the labourer to pur- chase a larger supply of the necessaries of life. Thus the incomes of the proprietors of the soil continue to be the same in money, but become less in the produce of labour. The first and immediate effect of a diminished sup- ply of labour, therefore, is to increase the price of it. On the other hand, an increased demand for labour is produced by an increased supply of the means of subsistence. If the necessaries of life, produced in any country, were to be doubled, — if the soil was rendered twice as productive as before, all experience points out to us, that in time the population would double itself also. Now this is always done through the medium of a demand for labour, and it fol- lows that such an increase of the produce of the soil would produce this demand. It would produce it, however, not by an in- creased demand for the quantity of labour. The income from the soil would command no 96 more labour than before. But it would in- crease the recompence of labour in the neces- saries of life, and thereby increase the supply ; and as the supply increased, the power of com- manding it by means of the income from the soil, would increase in proportion. Though the money in the country would not command more labour than before, the price of provisions would be reduced one half at least, if not more, by which the real recompence of labour would be increased in nearly, though not quite the same proportion. Part of the necessaries required by every person, consists in the produce of labour, capi- tal, &c. not immediately dependant upon the price of provisions. The wages of labour, therefore, must not only be equal to the pur- chase of provisions, but of other articles, formed of materials which every individual con- sumes. That part of those commodities, the value of which was determined by labour and profits, would continue at the same price as be- fore. The recompence of labour would only be increased in proportion to the reduced price of provisions and commodities the produce of the soil. As the suppl)' of labour increased, the mo- nied price of it would fall. By this means the monied income from the soil would command a larger quantity. In all cases, as we have shewn, the whole income of society is spent j and it 97 will command labour, not in proportion to the supply of provisions, but in proportion to the price of labour ; and this price is regulated by the supply. If the produce of the soil was doubled, and the quantity of labour in the first instance was the same, as it commanded all there was before, it could not command more by this increase ; but there would be an in- creased natural demand for labour, the real wages of it would rise, and this would imme- diately have the effect of promoting an increase of supply. Although in the event of a war, pestilence, or famine thinning the ranks of mankind, the first effect would be an increase in the monied price of labour, this effect would be only temporary. The causes which reduce the supply, and in- crease the demand for labour, in any particular nation, do not operate in the same manner with the other nations that trade with it. It is of no consequence to them what a change in the price of labour arises from. If the wages of labour are increased, the price of commodities wiU rise with it, and their demand will be di- minished in proportion. The balance of trade will be determined against the country, and money will be abstracted from it, uritil the price of commodities fall so as to re.tore the balance of trade to its equiUbrium. This re- duced demand for commodities would reduce, 98 in the first instance, the demand for labour ; and this again would reduce the demand for pro- visions. The price of labour and of provisions would consequently both fall, but they would fall parallel with each other, and the real wages of labour, increased by the diminished supply of it, would remain the same. The same quantity of labour would still command the increased quantity of the necessaries of life, until an increase of population took place. As this, however, occurred, the money price of la- bour would fall, which would reduce, the price of commodities, increase the foreign demand for them, produce an influx of money into the country, and gradually restore, with the increas- ed^ supply of labour, the price of both in mo- ney to what they were previous to the loss of population which had been sustained. An increased demand for labour by an in- creased supply of provisions would, on the other hand, have no immediate effect upon fo- reign trade. The price of labour, and the price of commodities, the produce of labour, would remain as before. The foreign demand for commodities, by which the national prices and money in circulation are determined, would not be altfei'ed. As, however, the supply of labour increase'd, and the wages of it and the price of commodities fell, the balance of trade would be determined in favour of the country, and an 99 increased supply of money would be brought into it. This would continue until population had increased to its natural standard, when in the case supposed the monied income from the soil would be doubled, and its real income in the necessaries and luxuries of life would be doubled also. Thus corn creates its own demand. Popu- lation is necessary to wealth. No country can be rich until it is populous. When population is thin, as in the back settlements of America, the land is in reality not worth any thing. The present price which it bears is a speculative one, in anticipation of an increase of inhabi- tants. On the contrary, countries which are thickly populated are always rich. The advantage of increased fertility, how- ever, is always immediately felt. Population keeps so close upon the means of subsistence, that an increased demand for labour is very soon supplied. But individuals would, always immediately gain by any improvement which they might make in the fertility of their estates, even were this not the case ; unless all improved alike, which never happens. Suppose two per- sons are each in the habit of bringing a bushel of wheat to market, and selling it for one pound per bushel. If one of them is enabled to double his quantity, and the three bushels o 2 100 sell only for the same money that the two did before, on the aggregate they are not richer, but he who has the two bushels gains 6s. 8d. out of his neighbour's income. The wheat sells for 18s. 4d. per bushel, and the one is 6s, 8d. richer, and the other 6s. 8d. poorer by the increased supply. The condition of the con- sumer is, however, improved fifty per cent, in the quantity of provisions which his money will command. The present agricultural distress has been at- tributed to over production, while, at the same time, in part of its progress at least, it has been accompanied by a diminished demand for la- bour. This circumstance alone proves it could not have proceeded from that cause. Although the increased foreign demand for commodities has of late partly relieved the labouring classes from the depression under which they in the first instance suffered, yet still a reduced de- mand for labour is the subject of complaint. A general distress, in fact, such as the present, from over production, could never happen. In the case just supposed, where one party loses, another gains. But now there is a universal loss. It began, not by increasing the comforts of the poor, but by starving them in the midst of plenty, and ends in the ruin of the agricul- turists, with a consumption greater than the annual supply. That such are not the effects of over production, may be very safely assumed. 101 CHAPTER XIIL The Soil is the original Source of Wealth. If we admit the conclusions at which we at- tempted to arrive in the last two chapters, they will go far to establish the proposition which forms the title of this. Experience of itself, however, establishes it. Where was there ever a rich country with a barren soil ? Gold is valuable, but only in fer- tile districts, where it will exchange for labour, or commodities more useful. It is worth no- thing in a desolate country. Labour and art are necessary to wealth ; and gold, the produce of labour and art, in general forms part of it. But it possesses no inherent value. Its value is entirely an exchangeable one ; an alteration of fashion or opinion might reduce it below that of iron. The produce of the soil, on the contrary, possesses an inherent value — a value derived from itself. It produces men, and men pro- duce gold. It creates its own demand, which gold does not. Gold, no doubt, possesses in- trinsic value. As a commodity, it is actually 102 worth the value it represents ; which is not the case with Bank paper, though it answers the same purpose, and is, where it circulates, as va- luable to those who possess it. But the value of gold is not self derived. It is an exchangeable value, and therefore, dependant upon a demand, the result, not of necessity, but of fashion and convenience. It will, perhaps, not be an inap- propriate distinction to say, that gold possesses an intrinsic, but not an inherent value ; whereas the produce of the soil possesses both. If the soil was a hundred times more productive, it would be a hundred times more valuable to the proprietors ; it would support a hundred times the population, and command a hundred times the labour, and commodities, the produce of labour, which it did before. If gold mines were a hundred times more productive, gold would possess a hundred times less value in ex- change ; and, as it is not probable that the de- mand would increase in proportion, the mines would be probably much less profitable to the proprietors than they are at present. Wealth may be said to resolve itself into the produce of the soil, labour, and commodities the produce of both. Horses, dogs, and animals of every descrip-i tion, which contribute to the luxuries, and form part of the wealth of society, receive their sus- tenance exclusively from, and are in fact- the 103 produce of the soil. All persons who maintain them, miM either possess land, or acquire suffi- cient of its produce for that purpose. On the same principle, labour is also the pro- duce of the soil, which furnishes the necessaries of life for its support. The necessaries of life consist not only of food, but of cloathing, and other articles which are composed of materials, or pre-existing materials and labour. Now, ma- terials are the produce of the soil, and pre- existing materials are the produce of labour, which is derived from the soil, so that ulti- mately the wages of labour entirely resolve themselves into the produce of the soil. If you purchase the entire labour of one man, you must pay him in the produce of the soil, or in that which will command it, sufficient perhaps for the support of two. One half he consumes himself, and with the other half purchases such other necessaries, the produce of the labour of others, as he requires. The last half, though distributed in the purchase, in more or less minute proportions, of the labour of probably a hundred others, united, will perhaps, amount only to the labour of one ; and for the sake of illustration, we may suppose he employs only one individual. One man, therefore, by his labour, may acquire, as we have stated, pos- session of the produce of the soil, material, and victual, equal to the support of two, which he 104 divides with another, who, by his labour, ma- nufactures the cloathing, and furnishes the other necessaries required by both. Besides labour, the cost of all commodities is more or less composed of profits of capital, taxes, &c. and with pre-existing materials, not only of profits of capital and taxes, but pro- fits which are termed rents. The value, how- ever, which they thus acquire, may be consi- dered artificial, and only a mode, as we shall endeavour to explain in the next chapter, by which the original income derived from the soil is distributed amongst the class of persons who receive these profits, and paid to govern- ment, by whom the taxes are levied. 105 CHAPTER XIV. Cost of Commodities in Profits of Capital. A GREAT part of the value of all manufactured commodities, consists in the profits of capital, employed in manufacturing, and transferring them from the original producer, into the hands of those who finally consume them. Though this cost, for the sake of distinction, may be called artificial ; yet, by this employment of capital, the powers of labour are magnified, the facilities of transportation increased, and the price of such commodities reduced in a very extraordinary degree. Capitalists in con- sequence, however, acquire a very consider- able share in the income derived from the soil. We shall take the article of corn for example. A capital is employed in its production by the farmer; by the individual attention of whom, and the skilful application of which, the soil is rendered much more productive than it would otherwise have been. His average profits we shall state at 10 per cent, upon his capital. He sells his corn, we shall say, direct to the miller, whose profit, for the capital he has em- p 106 ployed in his mill and trade, we shall state at 7r per cent. Next it is sold to the baker, who charges, say, 10 per cent. From him it comes into the hands of the manufacturing labourer, and is consumed, and the value of his labour is added to the material which he is employed in manufacturing. By this operation it preserves the same value, but changes its nature, and is now represented by labour, added to some ma- terial which it is employed in manufacturing, the value of which is increased by the labour added to it. For the machinery and capital employed in the various processes of manufac- turing the commodity, of which the corn in the shape of labour, now forms a part, we shall say 25 per cent. The profit of the wholesale dealer we shall state at 7t per cent. ; of the re- tailer at 15 per cent. ; and it will stand thus : — Capital _ - - - Farmer's profit, 10 per cent. Miller's 7i per cent. Baker's 10 per cent. - ' Manufacturer's 25 per cent. Carried forward. £. s. D. 100 10 110 8 5 118 5 11 16 6 130 1 6 32 10 4 162 11 10 £. S. D. 162 11 10 12 3 10 174 15 8 26 4 3 ;e200 19 11 107 Brought over. Wholesale dealer 74 per cent. Retailer 15 per cent. - By processes similar to this, some longer and some shorter, all commodities come into the hands of the original proprietors, or those who in some way acquire a share of the income de- rived from the soil, surcharged with the profits of capital employed in carrying them through the different channels of trade, often times fully equal to the value of the materials and labour which the commodities contain, and when pro- fits are high, sometimes far exceeding it. In this country most commodities, in the process of their manufacture, are subject to taxation, which enhances their price, by in- creasing their cost in the same manner. To the consumer, therefore, there is no difference between taxes and the profits of trade. The profits of trade are just as much a tax upon them, as the imposts of government. They equally enhance the cost of the commodity, and are equally paid by the purchasers of it. The great amount of government imposts in this country, levied by taxing consumable com- p 2 108 modfties, sufficiently proves that they ultimate- ly fall upon the only source of income which could bear them, the soil. This, in fact, as a general principle, is hardly disputed. Those whose incomes are derived from trade, therefore, derive them from the soil also. In order to shew more clearly the manner in which this is done, we will suppose a case by way of example. We will imagine the soil to be re- presented by an income of 5^2000, the manu- facturing labourers to be represented by 100 men, and the capitalists by ten, each of whom has ten of the hundred men under him. That the necessaries of life, independent of food, consist of ten different articles, the produce of labour alone, one of which each of these capitalists manufactures. We shall suppose one quarter of the income from the soil to be spent in victualling the families of the proprietors, supporting their establishments of horses, &c. or in that part of the hire of personal labour or services, which is consumed in provisions, and immediately returned to the proprietor in a de- mand for them ; and the other ^1,500 to be spent either by the proprietors themselves, or by those who receive their wages, or by such as in some way come into possession of a share of this income, in consumption of those articles which these manufacturers produce. We shall suppose that ^1000 represents the pro- 109 visions necessary for the support of the 100 la- bourers, and the profits of the capitalists to be at least 100 per cent. That is, that their pro- fits, or the artificial value of the commodities manufactured to be equal, or more than equal, to their value in the labour bestowed upon them. In addition to this, we shall suppose that one third of these labourers were employed in ad- ministering to the wants of the other two- thirds ; or in other words, that they consumed one-third of the produce of their own labour themselves. Each man would therefore receive for his wages, besides a sum equal to the pur- chase of provisions for himself and family, a sum sufficient to purchase that share in the ten different commodities manufactured, which he required. As this share would be charged to him with the profits of capital upon it, we shall suppose that it would take as much money to purchase it as to buy provisions. Hence his wages must be twice the sum his provisions cost him. This would make the wages of the whole in money a^2000. Now we shall sup- pose that the commodities manufactured sold in the gross for ^4,500, with the profits of capital upon them. The ^^1,500 income from the soil applied to their purchase, would there- fore only command three-ninths of them ; two- ninths would be consumed by the labourers. 110 and the other five-ninths would be the profit of the capitalists. They would unitedly have an income of £'2,500, five hundred of which would be made in the commodities sold to the manu- facturino; labourers. Whatever share of income the capitalists received, they would directly or indirectly have to spend. The other j^SOOO of profit, therefore, would be made upon the com- modities sold to the proprietor of the soil and to each other. This £2,500 would go in sup- porting themselves and families ; in maintain- ing what is called unproductive labour, and in keeping horses, &c. Five hundred pounds of it would be spent in provisions, and the other two thousand in the consumption of the re- maining produce of the manufacturing labour- ers. The consumption of the produce of the soil, and the labour of the 100 men would therefore stand as follows : — PRODUCK OF THE SOIL. £. S. D. Consumed directly or indirectly by the pro- prietors themselves - - 500 By the manufacturing labourers - - 1,000 Direct or indirectly by the capitalists - 500 je2,000 Ill PRODUCE OF MANUFACIUIUKG LABOUR. £. S. D. Consumed by the labourers themselves - 1,000 Directly or indirectly by the proprietors of the soil .... 1,500 Directly or indirectly by the capitalists 2,000 £^,500 Thus the proprietors of the soil would com- paratively enjoy the consumption of but a small part of the produce of manufacturing labour to which it would give rise ; yet, nevertheless, its produce would be the foundation of the whole, and this accumulation of prices no more than the manner in which it and the labour it com- manded were distributed by nature amongst the different orders of the community. This case is a mere hypothesis for the sake of illustration. The produce of the soil con- sists of materials that are required to clothe and support labour, as well as food, of which every individual must either grow a portion himself, or if he does not, must, indirectly at least, exchange the produce of his estate, with either some home or foreign proprietor who does. This is generally effected through the medium of manufactured commodities. I have little doubt, however, that the proprietors of the soil get but a small part of its produce back, 112 in the labour which many of the commodities they purchase contain. Labour is now so eco- nomized, and machinery so much introduced in every branch of manufacture, that a great part of the cost of most commodities consists of the profits of capital. That part of the income of society which is gained by the capitalist in trade, is spent in the luxuries of life, and gives employment to what economists call unproduc- tive labour, instead of manufacturing labour, which this employment of capital has super- seded. Hence the quantity of unproductive labour in a country, is probably the best proof of its improvement and prosperity. 113 CHAPTER XV. Rent. The rent of land consists of that part of its pro- duce which is received by the landlord, after paying the expence of labour, materials, and profits of capital employed in its cultivation. The produce of the soil, as we have shewn, creates population, which multiplies with the increase of it. As the value of labour becomes less, the surplus produce of the soil becomes greater. Rent from mines is also their surplus pro- duce, after paying for the labour, materials, and profits of capital employed in working them. The principles, however, which govern the demand, by which rent from mines is cre- ated, are different from those which regulate the rent of land. There is always a given demand for every commodity of necessary, luxury, or conveni- ence, in use. This demand is regulated by its price. If a carriage could be had for six-pence, beggars would ride. It is only the high price of the luxury which confines it to comparative- ly so few. Q Beneath the cost of its production in labour, materials, profits of capital, &c. no commodity can, for any length of time, fall. If it could not be sold for what it cost, it would cease to be produced altogether. But if, on the contrary, the supply of any commodity is unlimited, ex- cept by the cost of production, as salt for in- stance from sea water, the price of it never can exceed that cost upon the average, as an increase of supply would always follow an in- crease of demands Should, however, the supply of any commo- dity be limited, and there is a demand for much more than can, by the application of labour and capital, be produced; this demand must be brought to an equality with the supply by an increase of price, which will reduce either the inclination, or confine the power of consuming it to a less number of persons. The difference between the cost of production, and this price, constitutes rent. Thus there is no limit to the rent of mines, the quantity of whose produce is beneath the demand at its cost price, but the inclination and power of purchase by the consumers. On the other hand, they may leave no rent at all, if they are so extremely productive, as to yield upon the application of materials, capital, and labour, as great a supply of their produce at their cost price, as there is a demand for. But the rent of land, which derives its value 115 from producing the necessaries of life, can never, in an old country, be any length of time, as we have shewn, below, nor yet above, its natural value in commodities. The rent of mines is also a consequence of the rent of land. It is not until the soil will command considerably more labour than is ne- cessary for its own cultivation, that a great de- mand arises for the luxuries of life ; and it is probable there will be seldom much rent from mines until there is a considerable rent from land ; unless it be for the purpose of exporting to richer countries, where rents are greater, and its inhabitants consequently more wealthy. Though the causes of the demand which creates the rent of land and mines, be differ- ent, the principles upon which the increase of it takes place and is determined, are the same with both. These principles, however, are so very clearly explained by Mr Ricardo, that I shall claim his indulgence for the liberty of co- pying the principal part of his chapters on the subject. " Rent* is that portion of the produce of the " earth, which is paid to the landlord for the " use of the original and indestructible powers " of the soil. It is often, however, confounded ** with the interest and profit of capital, and in " popular language the term is applied to what- • Principles of Political Economy, Chap. 2, on Rent. Q 2 116 " ever is annually paid by a farmer to his land- " lord. If, of two adjoining farms of the same " extent, and of the same natural fertility, one " had all the conveniences of farm buildings, " were, besides, properly drained and manured, " and advantageously divided by hedges, fences, " and walls, while the other had none of these " advantages, more remuneration would natu- " rally be paid for the use of one, than for the " use of the other ; yet in both cases this re- " muneration would be called rent. But it " is evident that a portion only of the mo- " ney annually to be paid for the improved " farm, would be given for the original and in- " destructible powers of the soil ; the other " portion would be paid for the use of the capi- " tal which had been employed in ameliorating " the quality of the land, and in erecting such " buildings as were necessary to secure and " preserve the produce. Adam Smith some- " times speaks of rent, in the strict sense to " which I am desirous of confining it, but more " often in the popular sense, in which the term " is usually employed. He tells us, that the " demand for timber, and its consequent high " price, in the more southern countries of Eu- ** rope, caused a rent to be paid for forests in **^ Norway, which could before afford no rent. " Is it not however evident, that the person ** who paid, what he thus calls rent, paid it in ** consideration of the valuable commodity " which was then standing on the land, and " that he actually repaid himself with a profit, " by the sale of the timber ? If, indeed, after " the timber was removed, any compensation " were paid to the landlord for the use of the " land, for the purpose of growing timber or " any other produce, with a view to future de- " mand, such compensation might justly be " called rent, because it would be paid for the " productive powers of the land j but in the " case stated by Adam Smith, the compensa- *' tion was paid for the liberty of removing and " selling the timber, and not for the liberty of " growing it. He speaks also of the rent of " coal mines, and of stone quarries, to which " the same observation applies — that the com- " pensation given for the mine or quarry, is " paid for the value of the coal or stone which " can be removed from them, and has no con- " nexion with the original and indestructible " powers of the land. This is a distinction of " great importance, in an inquiry concerning " rent and profits ; for it is found, that the '* laws which regulate the progress of rent, are *' widely different from those which regulate " the progress of profits, and seldom operate in " the same direction. In all improved coun- *' tries, that which is annually paid to the land- " lord, partaking of both characters, rent and 118 profit, is sometimes kept stationary by the effects of opposing causes, at other times ad- vances or recedes, as one or other of these causes preponderates. In the future pages of this work, then, whenever I speak of the rent of land, I wish to be understood as speaking of that compensation, which is paid to the owner of land for the use of its origi- nal and indestructible powers. " On the first settling of a country, in which there is an abundance of rich and fertile land, a very small proportion of which is required to be cultivated for the support of the actual population, or indeed can be cultivated with the capital which the population can com- mand, there will be no rent ; for no one would pay for the use of land,, when there was an abundant quantity not yet appropri- ated, and therefore at the disposal of who- soever might choose to cultivate it. " On the common principles of supply and demand, no rent could be paid for such land, for the reason stated why nothing is given for the use of air and water, or for any other of the gifts of nature which exist in boundless quantity. With a given quantity of mate- rials, and with the assistance of the pressure of the asmosphere, and the elasticity of steam, engines may perform work, and abridge hu- man labour to a very great extent ; but no 119 " charge is made for the use of these natural " aids, because they are inexhaustible, and at " every man's disposal. In the same manner " the brewer, the distiller, the dyer, make in- " cessant use of the air and water for the pro- " duction of their commodities ; but as the " supply is boundless, it bears no price. If " all land had the same properties, if it were " boundless in quantity, and uniform in qua- *' lity, no charge could be made for its use, " unless where it possessed peculiar advantages ** of situation. It is only then because land is " of different qualities with respect to its pro- " ductive powers, and because in the progress " of population, land of an inferior quality, or " less advantageously situated, is called into " cultivation, that rent is ever paid for the use " of it. When, in the progress of society, land " of the second degree of fertility is taken into " cultivation, rent immediately commences on " that of the first quality, and the amount of " that rent will depend on the difference in the " quality of these two portions of land. " When land of the third quality is taken in- '* to cultivation, rent immediately commences " on the second, and it is regulated as before, " by the difference in their productive powers. *' At the same time, the rent of the first quality " will rise, for that must always be above the " rent of the second, by the difference between 120 the produce which they yield with a given quantity of capital and labour. With every step in the progress of population, which shall oblige a country to have recourse to land of a worse quality, to enable it to raise its supply of food, rent, on all the more fer- tile land, will rise. " Thus suppose land — No. 1, % 3, — to yield, with an equal employment of capital and la- bour, a net produce of 100, 90, and 80 quar- ters of corn. In a new country, where there is an abundance of fertile land compared with the population, and where therefore it is only necessary to cultivate No. 1, the whole net produce will belong to the cultivator, and will be the profits of the stock which he ad- vances. As soon as population had so far increased as to make it necessary to cultivate No. 2, from which ninety quarters only can be obtained after supporting the labourers, rent would commence on No. 1 ; for either there must be two rates of profit on agricul- tural capital, or ten quarters, or the value of ten quarters must be withdrawn from the produce of No. 1, for some other purpose. Whether the proprietor of the land, or any other person, cultivated No. 1, these ten quarters would equally constitute rent ; for the cultivator of No. 2 would get the same result with his capital, whether he cultivated 121 No 1, paying ten quarters for rent, or conti- nued to cultivate No. 2, paying no rent. In the same manner it might be shewn, that when No. 3 is brought into cultivation, the rent of No. 2 must be ten quarters, or the value of ten quarters, whilst the rent of No. 1 would rise to twenty quarters ; for the cul- tivator of No. 3 would have the same profits whether he paid twenty quarters for the rent of No. 1 , ten quarters for the rent of No. 2, or cultivated No. 3 free of all rent. " It often, and indeed commonly happens, that before No. 2, 3, 4, or 5, or the inferior lands are cultivated, capital can be employed more productively on those lands which are already in cultivation. It may perhaps be found, that by doubling the original capital employed on No. 1, though the produce will not be doubled, will not be increased by 100 quarters, it may be increased by 85 quarters, and that this quantity exceeds what could be obtained by employing the same capital on land. No. 3. " In such case, capital will be preferably em- ployed on the old land, and will equally cre- ate a rent ; for rent is always the difference between the produce obtained by the em- ployment of two equal quantities of capital and labour. If with a capital of 1,000/. a tenant obtain 100 quarters of wheat from his R 122 * land, and by the employment of a second * capital of 1,000/., he obtain a further return * of eighty-five, his landlord would have the ' power at the expiration of his lease, of oblig- * ing him to pay fifteen quarters, or an equiva- * lent value, for additional rent ; for there ' cannot be two rates of profit. If he is satis- ' fied with a diminution of fifteen quarters in ' the return for his second 1,000/., it is be- ' cause no employment more profitable can be ' found for it. The common rate of profit ' would be in that proportion, and if the ori- ' ginal tenant refused, some other person would ' be found willing to give all which exceeded ' that rate of profit to the owner of the land ' from which he derived it. *' In this case, as well as in the other, the ' capital last employed pays no rent. For the ' greater productive powers of the first 1,000/., * fifteen quarters is paid for rent, for the em- ' ployment of the second 1,000/. no rent what- ' ever is paid. If a third 1,000/. be employed on the same land, with a return of seventy- five quarters, rent will then be paid for the second 1,000/. and will be equal to the dif- ference between the produce of these two, or ten quarters ; and at the same time the rent of the first 1,000/. will rise from fifteen to twenty-five quarters j while the last J ,000/. will pay no rent whatever. 123 *' If then good land existed in a quantity much more abundant than the production of food for an increasing population required, or if capital could be indefinitely employed without a diminished return on the old land, there could be no rise of rent ; for rent in- variably proceeds from the employment of an additional quantity of labour with a pro- portionally less return. *' The most fertile, and most favourably si- tuated land will be first cultivated, and the exchangeable value of its produce will be ad- justed in the same manner as the exchange- able value of all other commodities, by the total quantity of labour necessary in various forms, from first to last, to produce it, and bring it to market. When land of an infe- rior quality is taken into cultivation, the exchangeable value of raw produce will rise, because more labour is required to produce it. " The exchangeable value of all commodi- ties, whether they be manufactured, or the produce of the mines, or the produce of land, is always regulated, not by the less quantity of labour that will suffice for their produc- tion under circumstances highly favourable, and exclusively enjoyed by those who have peculiar facilities of production ; but by the greater quantity of labour necessarily bestow- R 2 1^4 " ed on their production by those who have no " such facilities ; by those who continue to " produce them under the most unfavourable " circumstances ; meaning — ^by the most un- " favourable circumstances, the most unfavour- " able under which the quantity of produce re- " quired renders it necessary to carry on the " production. '* Thus, in a charitable institution, where the " poor are set to work with the funds of bene- " factors, the general prices of the commodi- " ties, which are the produce of such work, ** will not be governed by the peculiar facilities " afforded to these workmen, but by the com- " mon, usual, and natural difficulties, which " every other manufacturer will have to en- " counter. The manufacturer enjoying none " of these facilities might indeed be driven al- " together from the market, if the supply af- " folded by these favoured workmen were " equal to all the wants of the community; " but if he continued the trade, it would be *' only on condition that he should derive from " it the usual and general rate of profits on " stock ; and that could only happen when his " commodity sold for a price proportioned to " the quantity of labour bestowed on its pro- " duction. " It is true, that on the best land, the same ** produce would still be obtained with the U5 " same labour as before, but its value would " be enhanced in consequence of the diminish- " ed returns obtained by those who employed " fresh labour and stock on the less fertile land. *' Notwithstanding then, that the advantages of " fertile over inferior lands are in no case lost, '* but only transferred from the cultivator, or *' consumer, to the landlord, yet since more " labour is required on the inferior lands, and " since it is from such land only that we are " enabled to furnish ourselves with the addi- " tional supply of raw produce, the compara- " tive value of that produce will continue per- " manently above its former level, and make " it exchange for more hats, cloth, shoes, &c. *' &c. in the production of which no such addi- " tional quantity of labour is required. " The reason then, why raw produce rises " in comparative value, is because more labour " is employed in the production of the last " portion obtained, and not because a rent is " paid to the landlord. The value of corn is " regulated by the quantity of labour bestowed " on its production on that quality of land, or " with that portion of capital, which pays no " rent. Corn is not high because a rent is " paid, but a rent is paid because corn is high ; " and it has been justly observed, that no re- *' duction would take place in the price of corn, " although landlords should forego the whole 126 " of their rent. Such a measure would only " enable some farmers to Jive like gentlemen, " but would not diminish the quantity of la- *' hour necessary to raise raw produce on the " least productive land in cultivation." *' The metals,* like other things, are obtain- " ed by labour. Nature, indeed, produces " them ; but it is the labour of man which ex- " tracts them from the bowels of the earth, and " prepares them for our service. " Mines, as well as land, generally pay a " rent to their owner ; and this rent, as well as " the rent of land, is the effect, and never the " c use of the high value of their produce. *' If there were abundance of equally fertile " mines, which any one might appropriate, " they could yield no rent ; the value of their " produce would depend on the quantity of " labour necessary to extract the metal from " the mine and bring it to market. *' But there are mines of various qualities, " affording very different results, with equal " quantities of labour. The metal produced *' from the poorest mine that is worked, must " at least have an exchangeable value, not on- ** ly sufficient to procure all the clothes, food, " and other necessaries consumed by those em- " ployed in working it, and bringing the pro- * On the Rent of Mines, Chap. iii. 127 duce to market, but also to afford the com- mon and ordinary profits to him who ad- vances the stock necessary to carry on the undertaking. The return for capital from the poorest mine paying no rent, would regu- late the rent of all the other more productive mines. This mine is supposed to yield the usual profits of stock. All that the other mines produce more than this, will necessa- rily be paid to the owners for rent. Since this principle is precisely the same as that which we have already laid dowai respecting land, it will not be necessary further to en- large on it. " It will be sufficient to remark, that the same general rule which regulates the value of raw produce and manufactured commodi- ties, is applicable also to the metals ; their value depending not on the rate of profits, nor on the rate of wages, nor on the rent paid for mines, but on the total quantity of labour necessary to obtain the metal, and to bring it to market. " Like every other commodity, the value of the metals is subject to variation. Improve- ments may be made in the implements and machinery used in mining, which may con- siderably abridge labour ; new and more pro- ductive mines may be discovered, in which, with the same labour, more metal may be ob- 128 tained ; or the facilities of bringing it to market may be increased. In either of these cases the metals would fall in value, and would therefore exchange for a less quantity of other things. On the other hand, from the increasing difficulty of obtaining the me- tal, occasioned by the greater depth at which the mine must be worked, and the accumu- lation of water, or any other contingency, its value, compared with that of other things, might be considerably increased. " It has, therefore, been justly observed, that however honestly the coin of a country may conform to its standard, money made of gold and silver is still liable to fluctuations in va- lue, not only to accidental and temporary, but to permanent and natural variations, in the same manner as other commodities." 129 CHAPTER XVI. Taxes. As the whole income of society must be spent, taxes can be no evil to a nation, in a commer- cial point of view. Those who supply the con- sum])tion of the country, or the goods that are exported in payment of those foreign commo- dities which the nation consumes, can do no more than supply it; and it has never been contended that the receivers of the taxes were in a different situation with respect to the ex- penditure of them, than those who derived their incomes from any other source. Both must spend them in one way or other, and neither can do more. It may be a very annoying circumstance to the ultimate payers of the taxes, to have their property, when there is no danger at hand, en- cumbered with the support of a great many persons who are of no present use to them ; even though these individuals may have spent the prime of their days in their service, or may have hazarded their lives in order to protect them, their families, and those properties out s ISO of which the taxes are paid, from oppression, spoliation, and plunder* It may be very pro- voking also to pay the interest of the debts, which they may have contracted, as without these incumbrances they would have so much more to spend in their own personal gratifica- tions. But, to those who supply the articles which are consumed, by means of the expendi- ture of the collective income of the nation, it is quite immaterial whether it is consumed by the pensioners and national mortgagees, or by the ultimate payers of the taxes, in administering to their own gratifications. To those who have the taxes ultimately to pay, they are of course an evil ; as much as an encumbered estate is worse than one which is not so. But the labouring classes, who are of- ten the most clamorous against taxes, have in fact, the least to do with them. The wages of labour are proportioned to the supply and de- mand for it, and are not at all affected by the average monied cost of commodities, whether high or low, or whether it proceeds from taxes, the balance of trade, profits of capital, or what- ever cause. If taxes are an evil to the lower classes, so are profits of trade. A certain de- mand for labour must be requited by a certain payment in commodities, by which it is sup- ported ; and though changes of price, by good or bad harvests, or other causes which often temporarily affect the price of every different commodity, have the effect of injuring or* im- proving for the moment the situation of the la- bourer ; yet all permanent changes in the gene- ral price of commodities, whether they proceed from taxes or any oth^r cause, are ultimately followed by a corresponding change in the wages of labour, as, we trust, has been already established. Taxes, in whatever manner they may be le- vied, fall ultimately upon real property; and when they are laid on gradually, in the manner in which they are generally imposed, they fall so imperceptibly and equally upon every one, that probably no ill effects are experienced from them. After absolute necessaries, the gratifi- cati-on derived from expenditure is the result of habit and ambition. The former may gradual- ly be changed without much violence, when the latter is not affected. There is no great diffi- culty in laying down a carriage, dispensing with a servant, &c. if every person in similar circum- stances does the same. It is the rank which for- tune gives that constitutes a great part of its value ; and as the imposts of government fall equally upon all, according to their incomes, though they may be the means of curtailing the gratification of some artificial wants, they leave the gradations of rank and fortune undis- turbed. s S 132 With respect to taxation on articles of foreign trade. The first effect of a tax upon a commodity, is to increase the price of it ; and the next, to reduce the consumption in a proportionate de- gree, of both the home and foreign consumer. This is intended by it ; it is an indirect way of taxing income, which thereby cannot com- mand the same quantity of consumable commo- dities as before. But it does not in the least di- minish the general demand for labour and com- modities. The object of the tax is to acquire income with a view to expenditure ; and if the foreign consumer, from having to pay more in price, consumes less in quantity, the power of consuming the difference is acquired by govern- ment, and the foreign consumer thus contri- butes his share to the expences of the state. 133 CHAPTER XVII. Tax upon Foreign Corn. When the foreign demand, for the commo- dities of this, or any other country, determines the balance of payments in its favour, there are two ways in which the trade may be brought to a balance : either by a general elevation of prices sufficient to curtail the demand ; or by an elevation sufficient to create an importation of the produce of the soil that will command labour and commodities enough to supply it. In the latter case, no great rise of the na- tional prices beyond those of the neighbouring countries trading with it would take place. In- stead of the increased demand for commodities being paid for in money, it would be paid for with food and materials, by which an additional quantity of commodities, corresponding to the increased demand, would be produced. It is of no importance to a British manufacturer, for instance, from whence the demand comes which he supplies ; or where the food is grown which he eats. If his bread be good, it is im- material to him, whether it is the produce of Yorkshire, or of Poland, 134> The advantages which Great Britain would gain by such an additional trade, would consist in the increased manufacturing population it would support, and the profits of capital which its merchants and manufacturers would gain. Not half, it is probable, of the food and mate- rials would be embodied in, and represented by the materials and labour which the commo- dities that were returned in payment for them contained. The rest would be retained as pro- fits of capital, &c. and be consumed by the merchant, manufacturer, and capitalist, in the necessaries, conveniences, and luxuries of life. In this case, however, no great advantage would be gained by the proprietors of British soil. The incomes from their estates would not, as with an elevated standard of prices, command a greater quantity of foreign commodities than before. The trade would be little more than a commercial extension of territory. A greater surface of soil would, in the support of labour and profits of capital, pay tribute to our manu- facturing superiority. If another county was added to Great Britain, it would confer no par- ticular advantage on the rest of the kingdom, so far as the interest of the landed proprietors were concerned ; neither by the same rule, does bringing the general produce of other soils to this country do so. Geographical situation is nothing in the eye of commerce. J. ConoUy, 135 Esq. one of the witnesses before the agricultu- ral committee of 1821, stated, that flour could be sent cheaper to Liverpool from America, than he could send it from his mills to Dub- lin, by only 44 miles of canal navigation. The American proprietor in the neighbourhood of a convenient place of shipment, is of course in that case as well situated for the trade of this country as the Irish proprietors in the neigh- bourhood of Mr Conolly's mills ; nor could the Irish proprietors gain any advantage by such trade.*" Very different, however, would be the case, were the importation of victual produce not al- lowed. Our demand for materials would then * *' James ConoUy, Esq. again called in and examined." " You were asked on your examination, respecting the " power of this country to compete with America in the " article of flour, in the general markets of the world ; have " you any thing to add to your answer upon that subject ? " My object is to shew the effect of the importations of " American flout" upon these countries ; America possesses " a prodigious advantage over us in respect of freight, so " much so, that at my mills, 44 miles from Dublin, which " are very extensive, and from which there is a water car- " riage the whole of the way from the mill door to Dublin, " and which water carriage, has cost at least 400,0001. (the " grand canal goes about 33 miles, and there is a barrow " navigation which takes up the remainder of it) notwith- " standing that, flour comes from America to Liverpool, at " a lower freight than it can be put on board ship (from " that mill) in DuhVm."— Report, page 319. 136 be necessarily confined to the consumption of that population which our own soil would sup- port ; the balance of trade in our favour would elevate the national prices; a less quantity, though an equal value of, British goods would be exported, and the rest would be consumed at home ; foreign commodities would become comparatively cheap, and the incomes of pro- prietors would go further, in commanding all the kixuries of life. The higher the national prices, the richer of course a nation becomes ; its income will command a greater quantity of foreign commodities. Almost all our luxuries are of foreign production, and would rather be reduced than increased in price, by any balance of payments which raised the general prices of the country. The situation of the labourer, v/ith a high state of national prices, would also be improved. Dearness and cheapness are relative terms, and only applicable to prices, which are raised above the national level, by scarcity, or reduced be- low it by abundance. When the average wages of labour, and prices of the necessaries of life, are rightly apportioned to each other, accord- ing to the existing supply of labour, the la- bourer is enabled to say when necessaries are dear and when they are cheap. But it is by comparison with a standard, determined by the quantity of money in circulation, that he is 137 enabled to make this deduction. This stand- ard is of course quite arbitrary, so far as the supply and demand for necessaries are concern- ed, and his wages, according to the supply of labour, are always accommodated to it, A la- bourer considers only those prices dear, and those cheap, which are above or below the national level, whatever that level may be. A state of prices which may mark scarcity in one country, may denominate plenty in an- other. If the inhabitant of a country with a low standard of prices, comes to spend his in- come in a country with the reverse, he consi- ders all the necessaries of life dear, because they are at prices which would betoken scar- city at home. On the other hand the inhabit- ant of a rich country, spending his income in a poor one, considers the necessaries of life cheap, because they are what he would consi- der cheap at home ; on the same principles that Gulhver found himself a giant in Lilliput and a dwarf in Brobdingnag. In neither case, however, would they be either dear or cheap, but only in both cases be measured by a wrong scale. Gulliver was neither a dwarf nor a giant in his own country ; and it would have been absurd to have considered him either the one or the other, because he was thought so in countries to which his natural standard of admeasure- ment did not apply. T 138 In countries with high national prices, it i^ found, in general, by experience, that the lower classes are in better circumstances than in countries where the national prices are low. Now the necessaries of life must always be the first and principal object with every labourer, and luxuries and conveniences only a matter of secondary consideration. When, however, the latter are easily acquired, and it takes no great quantity of labour, or sacrifice of articles of more absolute necessity, to purchase them, it is natural to suppose that more will be consumed than if they were of more difficult attainment. In a high state of national prices, therefore, to which wages are accommodated : when mo- ney will command a much greater proportion of luxuries than of food j or where luxuries are comparatively low, while the money price of food is high, — the lower classes will be able to increase their comforts by the comparative ease with which they can be procured. In countries, on the other hand, with a low state of national prices : where foreign luxuries are comparatively dear ; to acquire them will take a greater sacrifice of labour and the more absolute necessaries of life, than the working classes probably would make if they could, or could make if they would. They, therefore, learn to dispense with those articles of comfor^ which are common to the poor in richer coun- 139^ tries, or rather never acquire a taste for them, and often live in a miserable and degraded state of abject poverty. A high state of national prices, so far, in fact, from denominating dearness or scarcity, is the means and proof of abundance. A mere extension of trade, by the importation of corn, may increase the numbers, but high national prices increase the comforts of the poor, and are as much to be desired by them as by any class of the community. If, however, a great manufacturing country were entirely to prevent the importation of corn, prices would probably rise so high as to foster a competition by other countries, which, in the end, might rival and reduce its manufacturing superiority beneath what, by the exercise of better policy, it might continue to uninterrupt- edly maintain. By a total exclusion of victual produce it might have a greater advantage for a time, but in the end gain less than by pre- serving its national prices at a more moderate standard. That a country, however, should throw away its manufacturing superiority altogether, and by unlimitedly permitting the importation of corn, render itself dependant upon other na- tions for this principal necessary of life, merely for the sake of increasing its manufacturing po- pulation, will never, I should think, be con- T 2 140 tended. That it is entitled to make a fair ad- vantage of its manufacturing superiority, is too, reasonable a proposition to be denied. This may be done in a most advantageous manner, without going to either extremes, of a free importation, or an entire exclusion. A tax upon foreign corn, and other victual pro- duce, would have the effect of maintaining the national prices at any level that might be de- sired, beneath what would be attained by com- plete prohibition. If a tax were laid upon fo- reign corn in this country, our national prices must attain an elevation above those of the country from whence the corn came, sufficient to cover the tax upon it, before it could be im- ported. The tax would amount to prohibition un- til this were the case. But this level we should be certain to attain ultimately, if our manufac- turing superiority would command a favourable balance of trade at the elevation ; while at the same time the tax would possess the advantage of being no burden on this country, but exclu- sively a tax upon foreign nations : — To illus- trate this principle. If, for instance, corn imported from the Baltic, the prime cost of which, to the import- er, was one million, were subject to a tax of another, its selling price in this country must, at least, be two millions. The price of British 141 labour and commodities would consequently have to bear a price in proportion. It is unnecessary, perhaps, to remark, after what we have before said, that the price of corn governs the price of labour, and lice ver- sa ; and that the prices of corn and labour go- vern the price of every thing else. If they are doubled, the amount of capital in trade is doubled, and the profits expressed in money are necessaril}' twice as great as before, &c. ; although the merchants and manufacturers may be no richer, except in the additional command of foreign luxuries, which, by the altered state of the national prices, they acquire; and that con- sequently doubling the price of corn, doubles the price of all commodities so far as they re- present British labour and British produce. The prime cost, therefore, of this corn, would only command half the quantity of British la- bour and produce in return, that it would have done without the tax ; v/hile the million levied by government would command the other half, which would, either directly or indirectly, be consumed by those to whom the money thus levied was paid. Neither is it probable that the tax would fall in any great degree upon the nation from whence the corn came. The returns which are usually made to the Baltic for goods imported from thence, consist principally of tea, coffee, 14S sugar, cotton, and generally the produce of the East or West Indies, and of wines, gold, silver, &c. in the price of which there is but little Bri- tish labour or produce represented. The value of these commodities is only affected by the state of national prices in the countries from whence they come ; they are as cheap as they would be with any state of prices in England. The national prices in England, however high, have no other effect than to lower those of every other country. In the purchase of these commodities, British labour or produce, how- ever, has been exchanged ; and it is the con- sumers in those countries, or deriving their in- comes from those countries where these com- modities are produced, who pay the tax levied upon the corn, in the payment of which they are returned. By brandies imported into the Baltic direct from France, or tobacco from America, or tea from China, corn imported into England may also be paid for, the same as if they came through England. Goods, we shall say, are imported into France or America from Britain ; and France and America having exported goods to the Baltic, for which we shall suppose they do not import an equal value in return, draw bills upon the Baltic for the balance. In Eng- land, in consequence of the importation of corn, there is a demand for bills upon the Bal- us tic. America and France, therefore, pay their debts to Great Britain with the bills they have drawn upon the Baltic, and these again are re- mitted to the Baltic in payment of the corn. The result consequently is, that the tax up- on the corn is paid in the increased price of the goods sent to France and America, while the corn sent to England is paid for by the brandies and tobacco imported into the Baltic direct from those countries. Teas imported into the Baltic from China, are often paid for in gold and silver, to pur- chase which England ships goods to South America. The gold and silver thus received, may be sent to the Baltic in payment of the corn, and from thence to China, or be shipped to the order of Baltic merchants direct for China. By these means the South American consumer of British labour and produce pays the tax up- on the corn ; while the corn itself is paid for by the teas imported into the Baltic direct from China. If imported by way of America, or any other channel not British, the American mer- chant who imports the teas from China, and ships them to the Baltic, draws upon the Baltic for them, and sells his bills in England for gold and silver brought from South America. Thus British goods are sent to pay for the gold and silver, it is remitted to pay for the tea, and the bills are sent to pay for the corn. 144 The amount of the tax proper to be imposed upon corn, is altogether a question of mercan- tile superiority, and ought to be determined on precisely the same principles as would govern a prudent manufacturer in similar circumstances. It can never be correctly determined by en- quiries addressed to agriculturists. If it was too heavy, it would defeat its object as a tax by which to raise money. Were it to elevate the national prices so high as to enable other nations to undersell us, it would drive off into other channels that demand for commodities by which the demand for foreign corn was created. It must always be sufficiently low to preserve the demand for our labour and produce beyond what our own soil can support and furnish. Were the duty too high, as we have before stated, it would merely operate as a prohibi- tion. If a manufacturer could make so good and cheap a commodity as to prevent all competi- tion, he would be anxious to make as much of his manufacturing skill as possible, and yet not raise his prices so high as to foster competition. In determining the price which he would set upon his commodity, his first point would be to ascertain the extent in lowness of price, and goodness of quality, in which he could exceed his neighbours, in any attempt which they might make to rival him. Having done this. 145 he would next ascertain how much of this arose from local circumstances, in which they could not compete with him, such as in cheapness of coal, facilities of carriage, &c. A price ade- quate to this he would lay on without any hesi- tation, as he never could be rivalled in these advantages. That superiority, however, which merely depended upon skill and capital, he woukl perhaps not be disposed to build upon too far ; as if he did encourage his neigh- bours, by his high prices, to establish similar manufactures, practice might give them skill, and success might give them capital. Upon principles similar to these, ought a na- tion to determine the amount of the tax it im- poses upon foreign corn, if it be desirous to make the most of its manufacturing superiority ; and that this or any other country should not be so desirous, it is impossible to conceive. Although the parliamentary enquiries upon this subject have been upon the whole unsatis- factory, so far as they have gone they are ex- tremely useful. It is evident that with a high state of national prices, land can be cultivated which would have to be thrown into pasture were those prices not maintained ; and it is im- portant to ascertain the prices at which inferior land can be preserved in tillage. As nature has made us equally carnivorous as well as herbivo- rous animals, it is perhaps intended that a great u 146 part of the soil should be devoted to the rear- ing of cattle, in order to keep down its price to a level with that of grain, so that the labour- ing classes might be able to command a pro- portion of both. It is probably designed, there- fore, that a considerable part of the soil should not pay for cultivation, in order to secure this. We might at the same time remark, that as the improved system of farming consists in rearing turnips and green crops for cattle, where they had not been reared before, the proportion of each, which it is the design of nature to preserve between animal and vegetable produce, is pro- bably not at all altered by these improvements. There can perhaps be little doubt, that in order to maintain all that land in cultivation which had been brought into tillage during the war, 80s. per quarter would be necessary. But, in order more clearly to show how this effect is produced, let us, for example, assume that the price of one half of the materials employed in working the land, and one half the wages of the labouring population of this country are deter- mined by the price of foreign commodities. Let us also, in the first place, suppose, that foreign commodities are in all respects on a par with our own ; that in our trade with foreign countries, the exchanges are equal in quantity as well as price ; so that an acre of produce in Great Britain is only of equal value with an 147 acre of foreign produce. We should then hav6 no manufacturing superiority. In this state of prices, there would of course be land which would just clear the expence of its cultivation, and nothing more. We shall suppose the pro- duce of 50 acres of this to sell for £125, and the account of its produce and expence of cul- tivation to stand thus : — Rent, by rearing cattle £25 To the expence of its cultivation, de- termined by the price of British produce - 50 To ditto by the pri- ces of foreign pro- duce - 50 £125 By produce sold for jC125 £125 Gain for the trouble of tillage, nothing. But were our prices to rise to double those of our neighbours, the produce of an acre of land, would through the medium of our manu- facturing labour, by this means, command the produce of two acres of any other nation, and that land which would pay no additional rent in tillage before, would now leave a rent of £50. The account would stand thus : — u 2 148 To rent by rear- ing cattle, which would be dou- bled with the va- lue of cattle and other things £50 To expence of cul- tivation deter- mined by the price of British produce doubled also To ditto by the prices of foreign produce, redu- ced if any thing, but supposed to be the same To additional rent cleared By value of pro- duce doubled £250 100 50 50 £250 £250 Gained for the trouble of tillage, £50. It is upon this principle that land must be thrown out of cultivation, with a low state of national prices, which would leave a rent when prices were high. Our national prices were very much elevated during the late war, and land was brought into tillage which will not now pay for cultivation. The prices, however, at which the land in tillage would pay for cultivation, it 149 was important to ascertain. This has been done by the agricultural committee, and fixed at 80s. per quarter, and I have no doubt with great truth. But how far it may be proper to maintain the national prices at that standard, is another branch of inquiry. The particular cause of the high prices during the war, and the present low prices, we shall hereafter con- sider. Although we should thus gain such consi- derable advantages by our foreign trade, it would still be the interest of foreign nations to trade with us. The cold regions of the north of Europe, and British America, can never be- come manufacturing countries. The extreme of cold, and even of heat, to which they are subject, forbid it j while their climate is very favorable to the growth of corn. On the other hand, the excessive heat of the tropical cli- mates equally renders them unfavorable to ma- nufacturing industry, but superabundantly fer- tile in all the vegetable luxuries of life. The temperate regions less favoured with natural fertility, but infinitely more so in the manual energy of their inhabitants, seem destined by nature to supply the rest of the world with the produce of art and labour, and be the con- necting link by which the extremes of climate administer to the comforts of the population of each other. 150 The other nations of Europe, with climates equally temperate, and circumstances equally favourable for manufac^iring industry, may perhaps object to take our manufactures were a tax thus to be levied upon them, and endea- vour to improve their own ; at least to the ex- tent of supplying their own consumption. Any laws to this effect, however, it is extremely probable, if not certain, would be laws which would rather retard than promote this object. The first thing to stimulate a nation to indus- try, is to create a demand for its labour. The only way to do this is to provoke expenditure by the introduction of foreign luxuries. By this means a demand for commodities in order to pay for them is produced. The money made by the trade, and the knowledge gained of the demand, cost, and quality, of the foreign arti- cles consumed, foster attempts to produce them ; to which attempts, however, an exist- ing demand is necessary. Manufactures will seldom to any great extent, be set on foot, if the parties have not only to make the commo- dity, but create a market for it ; and this would have to be done if the habit of consumption be prevented by restrictions upon import. All experience has in fact shewn that foreign trade has proved the best mode of giving a taste for, and introducing domestic manufactures. It introduces both knowledge and enterprise. 151 When an individual has made money by the importation of any commodities, he is apt to acquire some knowledge respecting its manu- facture ; from this he is induced to attempt to manufacture it, and if the country is in that state to render the attempt practicable, he succeeds. In the mean time there is a demand for pro- duce in order to pay for these manufactures, until the nation is fit for producing them itself, which would otherwise not exist. All decrees to prevent the importation of fo- reign manufactures may be considered decrees of present poverty by the nation which en- forces them. They destroy the existing de- mand for those commodities that have been sent in exchange for the prohibited manufactures, as well as deprive the country of the power of con- suming the manufactures thus prohibited. They thus begin by paralizing the whole system ; and it is extremely probable that they retard rather than encourage the growth of that domestic in- dustry which they are intended to promote. If a nation possesses natural facilities for manu- facturing, with good laws and a free constitu- tion, by which a stimulus is given to industry and enterprise, it will become a manufacturing country in time. It seems, however, most probable, that prohibitory laws will not acce- lerate that time, while they are certain to involve the nation in poverty, if not distress. 152 No judicious government would therefore hasti- ly pass any laws of this kind. This, however, ought, I think, to be a matter of perfect indif- ference to the British nation. By properly en- couraging a trade with her own colonies, and those countries and nations who are her natural customers, and will at all times be glad to trade with her, she may be sufficiently inde- pendent to be entirely indifferent to the po- licy by which those nations may govern them- selves, who wish to be rich before their time. 153 CHAPTER XVIII. Money, There are two things necessary to the price of commodities, viz. money, and the commodities the value of which it expresses. Price knows no distinction of persons, but is formed by their conjunction alone. In the market, the demand is represented by money, the supply by commodities. If there is a smaller quantity of any particular commodity brought into the market for sale, but the same quantity of mo- ney brought to purchase it, its price rises ; the demand is greater than the supply. On the other hand, if with the same supply of the com- modity, a greater quantity of money is brought in demand for it, a rise in price takes place pre- cisely on the same principles ; except that in the one case, it is produced by a reduced quan- tity of commodities, in the other by an increas- ed quantity of money. Just, the reverse is the case when the supply of commodities is enlarg- ed, or the quantity of money in the market di- minished; in both instances, a declension of price is the consequence. 154, What is the case with any particular com- modity, is also the case with commodities gene- rally. Any alteration of prices that is universal, must be the result either of an alteration of the supply of commodities, or an alteration in the supply of money ; but it may equally result from either. Now, the supply of money may be perfectly arbitrary, and is at least as much determined by chance as rule ; whereas the supply of com- modities is not. Paper money may be created to any extent ; and the value of gold is acci- dental. Had the mines been twenty times more productive, the supply would have been twenty times greater ; and that commodity which is now worth a shilling would then have been worth a pound. The supply of commodi- ties, however, is less arbitrary. The soil will yield, upon the average, a given produce, and support a given quantity of labour, and united they will supply a given quantity of consuma- ble commodities. But as neither population nor the produce of the soil can be created like paper money, nor yet depend upon the acci- dental productiveness of mines, general varia- tions of price, resulting from variations in the supply of commodities are not so likely to hap- pen. Sudden general alterations in prices are there- fore more likely to proceed from an alteration 155 in the supply of money, at least when that money is paper, than by an alteration in the supply of commodities. But at the same time, if a nation is commercial, and in the habit of supplying its consumption by exchanging its commodities with those of other nations, great alterations in the supply cf commodities may be suddenly caused by political events. A great and general reduction of prices has of late taken place in this country, which must either be the consequence of an increased sup- ply of commodities, or a reduced supply of money. That this reduction is not a fall in our national prices resulting from a diminished fo- reign demand for our manufactures, is proved by the fact, that the foreign demand for our ma- nufactures has and is continually increasing, and at this moment the balance of trade and payments in our favour, and the influx of money into the country, are greater than perhaps were ever known. Nevertheless, prices, instead of rising above, have fallen below the national level, determined by the present corn law, and are not now more than half the amount at which that law has fixed them. i That this reduction does not proceed from the supply of foreign corn, is also evident from the simple fact, that though the prices are now lower than ever, there is no foreign corn in the market. Foreign corn might affect the X 2 156 market while it was in it, but after it was con- sumed, unless there was a reduced quantity of money in the market, as well as corn, the price of it must rise again. The present prices might also proceed, as some have supposed, from over-production ; but as we have already seen, it would in that case reduce the price of corn, but not the price of labour ; whereas the price of labour has been reduced as well as the price of corn. Hence we are brought to the inference that it must be a question of currency. This again presents considerable difficulties. Great fluctuations in prices have been known to take place without any, at least, apparently adequate alteration either in the quantity of money in circulation, or in the supply of corn by which to account for it ; and at present there does not seem a reduction in the circula- tion of London at least, that will at all explain the low prices to which agricultural produce has fallen. A proper acquaintance, there- fore, with the principles which govern the con- nection of money with commodities, and the laws which regulate its motions, and determine and restrain the issues of bank paper, become absolutely necessary to any sound conclusions on the subject ; and this and the following chap- ter contain what I am afraid is but a very im- 157 perfect attempt to develope those laws and prin- ciples. The money in circulation may be divided in- to two descriptions ; that which is employed in exchanges of consumable articles, and that which is employed in making transfers of capi- tal and property. The first may be termed its consumptive, the last its abstract circulation. Money in Consumptive Circulation composed oj Individual Currents, From that great lake, if it may be so termed, or mass of money in consumptive circulation, each individual has a stream of his own, that continually flows in to him, and from him. The magnitude of this stream is proportioned to his income and expenditure, which it forms. The stream that flows in is his income, the stream which flows out his expenditure ; or if he does not expend it himself, he lends it, which is the same, to others who do. This mass, or lake, is entirely formed of these streams, which are in continual motion. It is not all the money that passes through the hands of a merchant or trader, however, which forms his own particular stream of circulation. In general, only a very small part of it does so. That part alone which becomes his, in the 158 shape of profit, belongs to his own current. With the rest, he is only an agent, by which it is advanced forward in the respective streams to which it belongs. Thus, a manufacturer, who employs workmen, is the approximate me- dium between the ultimate consumer of the manufactured commodity, and his men, by which the money that composes their income comes into their hands. The manufacturer again receives the money I'rom the wholesale dealer, who is also his agent, as well ^s those of his men, to the amount of the profits that the goods sold contain, and which form part of his income. They are again sold to the retail- er, who, in his turn, becomes an agent in trans- mitting the money forward that forms the pro- fits and income of both wholesale dealer and manufacturer, as well as the workmen ; and he again sells them to the consumer, from whom he receives the profits which form his own stream of circulation as well as the rest. The streams of circulation may also be di- vided into superior and subordinate. A person of large property expends a great part of his income, not only in purchasing necessaries, but in commanding a higher description of la- bour, such as that of stewards, teachers, paint- ers, musicians, and in those innumerable modes of enjoying the superior elegancies of life, in which large fortunes are generally spent. This, 159 which forms the out-lay of one party, forms the income of another ; is again spent, and again forms part at least of the income of a third, who administers to those superior luxuries, &c. Thus it descends down, step by step, in the great channel of consumption, forming nume- rous subordinate currents, until it perhaps returns to the original proprietor at last, in the purchase of that produce from whence it was first derived. Money in consumptive Circulation the actual Representative of Commodities, Now the great and important feature of money in the channel of consumptive circulation is, that it must necessarily, and always does, re- present an equal value with itself of uncon- sumed commodities in the market. Every guinea or pound note which a person receives in the channel of consumptive circulation, may be said to be the shadow of an actual substance, or the representative of a constituent value, at the moment remaining in some shop or ware- house unconsumed. It is a check upon the storehouse of society for a particular value of goods, the possessor of which is virtually the owner of the goods it represents. " When the division of labour,*' says Smith, 160 as we have before quoted, " has been once " thoroughly established, it is but a very small " part of a man's wants which the produce of " his own labour can supply. He supplies the " far greater part of them by exchanging that " surplus produce of his own labour, which is " over and above his own consumption, for " such parts of the produce of other men's la- " hour as he has occasion for. Every man " thus lives by exchanging, or becomes in some " measure a merchant, and the society itself " grows to be what is properly termed a com- " mercial society." That part, we have also stated, of the aggre- gate wealth of a nation, which forms the wealth or income of each individual, consists of some particular description of labour or pro- duce of which the whole is composed. The income of one person is derived from land which produces corn, another from land which produces cattle ; one has a tin mine, another a mine of coal ; one man makes nails, ano- ther shoes, &c. Thus the income of each individual is generally derived from contribu- ting to some particular want of a great many different persons. On the other hand, the necessaries and luxuries which each individual requires, take some portion of the labour and produce of as great a variety of persons to sup- ply ; and it is necessary for him to exchange 161 that in which his income consists, with all those who may desire a part of it, in order that he may procure from them that portion of each of their labour or produce, which he requires for himself. In order to facilitate these exchanges money is necessary, &;c. Now, it is evident, that a person must actu- ally, before he can acquire the money necessary to enable him to command that portion of the produce or labour of others which he requires, dispose of his own labour or commodities for it. As every individual must do this before he can gain possession of money in the channel of con- sumptive circulation, it equally follows that every pound so acquired, represents the value which was given for it. This value is placed in the hands of the merchants, traders, &c. of society, who have furnished this money ; and, as this must have been done with every com- modity in the market, they cannot be con- sumed until the money returns in purchase of them. The original intention in selling them for money is merely to facilitate the exchange of one commodity for another ; the money, therefore, naturally must represent the commo- dities to be thus exchanged ; nor will the deal- er, who conducts these exchanges, dispose of them again without such money. Whenever that ^consumptive demand comes round, how- ever, which places the money again in the Y 16€ hands of the dealer, his stock l)eing reduced, he purchases more to supply its place. The mo- ney, therefore, goes again into the hands of the original producer, to replace the commodity consumed. It again becomes income ; again represents the commodity purchased by the dealer ; and is again returned in promoting a consumptive demand for those which are in the market. The money may not, perhaps seldom does, return in demand for the particular com- modity it represents 5 that is not the original intention. It goes in purchase of other commo- dities of equal value, and the money which re- presents them, comes in purchase of the com- modity which is represented by it. Thus, there must necessarily be, at all times, a stock on hand, of goods, equal to the value of the mo- ney in consumptive circulation. It never is spent in a consumptive demand, without repro- ducing in the market a commodity of equal value to what has been consumed. To make the explanation more clear, we shall suppose society to consist of ten persons^ besides merchants and dealers ; that the money in consumptive circulation be represented by 5^1,000; that each of these pei'sons furnish one hundred pounds worth of different commodi- ties for general consumption, and that the wants of society are confined to the commodi- ties thus furnished. The object of each indi- 16S vidual, of course, is to exchange his commodi- ties for those of his neighbours. In order to effect this, he first sells them to the dealer for a hundred pounds, and each individual does the same ; this absorbs the a^l,000 in circula- tion. The money thus received, therefore, re- presents the commodities sold to the dealer ; and as the wants of each individual, or those to whom he pays or lends the money, arise, they come to the dealer with it, and receive for it that portion of the commodities originally sold to him, which it will command. When the dealer receives the money in pur- chase of any particular commodity for con- sumption, he of course returns with it to the original producer of that commodity, purchases an equal quantity in order to replace it ; and the producer again puts forth the money into the market, either by lending or paying it to others, or in order to supply his own consump- tion. By these means, the supply in the market is always equal at least to the value of the mo- ney in consumptive circulation, and the money is an order upon this stock for the value it ex- presses. It is of no consequence what description of money it is ; its intrinsic value is totally unim- portant ; its value to those who receive it con- sists in its being the actual representative of a given quantity of consumable commodities. 164 Merchant Stock, If the whole income of society had always been spent in actual consumption, the stock of goods in the market could never have exceeded in amount the value of money in circulation, though it never could have been less. But shopkeepers, manufacturers, and others, find it convenient to keep larger stocks on hand than this would amount to. In order to increase ■them, therefore, instead of spending their pro- fits in actual, they usually spend a part of them in commercial consumption. They purchase the particular commodities in which they deal, with their profits or income, instead of purchas- ing commodities for their own consumption. By this, production is equally promoted, though consumption does not actually take place. The commodities thus laid up, however, cease to be represented by the money in consumptive cir- culation : so far as regards it, they appear to have been consumed ; the producer has placed a commodity in the market, and though that may not be consumed, money has been return- ed upon him for a fresh supply, to be placed there the same as if it had. For the sake of distinction, we have termed that stock which is represented by the money 165 in actual circulation, market stock ; and the stock which exceeds this, we have termed mer- chant stock. Commercial stock might at first, as it is an old term, appear the most proper to mark this distinction ; but, correctly speaking, commercial applies as much to one stock as the other. The object of the dealer in thus accumula- ting a merchant stock, is to provide against any falling off in the regular supply, or market stock of the commodity in which he deals. The production of all commodities, except victual produce, is regulated by the supply and the de- mand. When the original producer brings to market more goods than the community wants, the dealer will not give him the money for them which they are actually worth, and he ceases to produce so much as before. One extreme begets the other, and the supply then falls be- neath the regular demand. When this occurs, the dealer brings into the market his merchant stock, puts himself in the situation of the pro- ducer for the time being, and provides for the regular consumption, without any inconvenience having been suffered by society from th<5 want of supply, which would otherwise have been felt. This is the legitimate object of all stocks of commodities which are held by dealers. Be- yond what is sufficient for the attainment of 166 this purpose, they can never accumulate to any amount. In those commodities, the supply of which is certain and regular, and easily attain- ed, the stocks held are comparatively small. In foreign commodities, the supply of which is received from distant countries, or cannot be calculated upon with certainty, the stocks are generally large. With all foreign trade this must necessarily be the case. The foreign com- modities consumed, as we have before shewn, merely represent home commodities exchanged for them. When brought into the market, therefore, they are sold for money, which re- presents home commodities. As a foreign com- modity is placed in the market, a home commo- dity of equal value is taken out of it. The market stock is not increased in value by the exchange. The foreign commodity only re- presents the home commodity purchased for exportation with the money, or with an equal sum with that for which it sold. Both the fo- reign and the home market, however, must be regularly supplied with the respective commo- dities exchanged. In order to this, a very large merchant stock both in ships conveying the commodities between the two countries, and in warehouses and shops, at both ends, must be at all times on hand. The consumers know nothing of the com- mercial operations by which they are supplied ; 167 but in the price of the commodity, pay a profit to the dealers for their trouble, and the stocks which they thus continually hold. Effects of an increased Supply of Commodities, Should a producer bring an additional sup- ply of his particular commodity to market, when both the market stocks and merchant stocks, which the dealers think proper to hold, are full, if he is determined to sell, he must re- duce the price of the commodity in order to pro- cure a demand for it. In this way, he brings it within the reach or attraction of the m.oney in consumptive circulation, which has one of two effects, or perhaps both : it either increases the consumption of the commodity, or diminishes the supply of it by others. If it is an article of first necessity, such as food, it increases the consumption j if an article of less, but still of great necessity, such as cloathing, it may do so, but in a less degree. With most articles, how- ever, except food, its principal eifect is to di- minish the supply by others ; and, at the same time, induce the dealers, if they can command money, to increase their merchant stocks. They buy up the commodity sold beneath the cost price. Their stocks, however, being much larger than usual, they will not purchase more, 168 except upon the same or lower terms. The richer producers, in consequence, being unable to get the market price, or what they can sell their commodities at with a profit, hold back their supplies until the additional quantity is carried off by the regular demand, and the usual supply is again required. The same is the case when any particular dealer brings his •merchant stock into the market, by selling it off beneath its value ; other dealers cannot ef- fect sales, and therefore will not purchase of the producer until the stock thus sold is con- sumed. By this diminished market price of any particular commodity, the money in con- sumptive circulation will go further in the pur- chase of commodities generally, and the con- sumption will of course be increased ; but it is probable, that a principal share of the increased consumption will fall upon other commodities, and not altogether, as has been supposed, upon the particular commodity whose price is dimi- nished. Quantity of Commodities of which the Market Stock is composed. Now, the market stock of commodities must always be equal in quantity to supply consump- tion, during one revolution of the currency in 169 consumptive circulation. The ten persons, in the imaginary case stated, would furnish a stock sufficient to supply the consumption, until the money they received and expended came round to them again, in a demand for more. Had the ^100 of each individual been the representa- tive of double the quantity of goods, there would have been double the consumption, be- fore this revolution was performed ; or had it represented half the commodities, the consump- tion of them could not have exceeded that amount. The annual produce of a nation, however, and the annual consumption are equal. A per- son does not take his commodities to market be- fore they are wanted ; and as soon as he does so, his demand, directly or indirectly, for the commodities of others, becomes equal to their demand for his. Upon receiving the money for his goods, he sends it forth in a consumptive demand, by himself or those to whom he pays or lends it, to the extent of its value. Consumption is also regular. The consump- tion of one month is, on the average, equal to the consumption of another. A spendthrift may get rid of his fortune in a very short time, but he can only do so by purchasing the savings of others. He may waste his property by losing it at play, or by squandering it in different ways. But, in this manner, it only changes z 170 hands ; he cannot force consumption much be- yond its ordinary pace ; what he himself eats and drinks, forms but a small part of his expen- diture. Other people, though they may acquire his money, will not forget, if he has done it, that they have to live through the year, as well as at present ; or should they, they can only throw it away as he has done : it will come in- to the hands of more prudent people at last. The consumption being regular, the revolu- tions of the currency, on the average, must be equally so: thus if we take the income of the society, for the sake of example, at 432 mil- lions, and the currency at 7^, it must necessari- ly perform six revolutions in the year, or one every two months ; and the market stock of commodities would in that case always be equal to two months consumption. The Money in consumptive Circulation must aU 'ways be equal to the Value of the Market Stock of Commodities. Whatever be the quantity of money in con- sumptive circulation, it must always be equal to the value of the market stock of commodi- ties, let that stock be great or small. The ten persons in the supposed case, who sold their commodities, would acquire in the money they received*, the power of consumption equal to 171 the commodities placed in the market ; and by the expenditure of this money, the whole in the regular time would be consumed : and this is the case with society at large. But when money comes into a country by the balance of trade, it comes in a demand for commodities which their cheapness has caused, while the money previously in circulation, furnishes a demand equal to the supply. The foreign mo- ney thus introduced is not the representative of any commodities in the market. Hence a demand is created greater than the supply. This being the case, commodities must rise in price equivalent to this increased demand. The foreign money introduced has the same affinity for the commodities in the market, as that which was in previous circulation. But the supply of commodities being less than the de- mand, an elevation of prices must take place in order to bring them to a parallel ; and the con- sumption of the producers, or those who pos- sess the money in previous circulation, is of course proportionately reduced. Every rise in price is the consequence of increased demand by those who are willing to pay more, and the immediate effect is a reduced consumption on the part of those who are unable or unwilling to give the increased price. When, however, the money makes one revolution, the producers are placed on the same footing as before. The z 2 172 increased price of commodities has increased their incomes ; and the power of consumption derived from their income becomes equal to what it was previous to the foreign money coming into the market. A general rise in prices has taken place, by which room is made for the additional money introduced into the country, to circulate. It still therefore repre- sents the market stock of commodities, or two months consumptionn ; an alteration in the va- lue of money alone has taken place. Just the reverse is the case when money is exported. It is originally acquired by a quantity of commo- dities for consumption being placed in the market, which waits the return of it, or an equivalent value, in order to be consumed. The possessor of the money, however, either from inclination or cheapness, increases his con- sumption of foreign commodities; and this deter- mines the balance of trade against the country : by which means the money instead of pro- ducing the consumption of an equivalent value of commodities in that market where its con- stituent value is deposited, is transported to a foreign market, in order to replace those fo- reign commodities, the increased consumption of which has taken place; or, which is, in effect, the same, the dealer in consequence of a diminished foreign consumption, instead of purchasing as usual, home produce with the money he re- 173 ceives, with which to pay for the foreign com- modities imported, sends the money out of the country for that purpose. In this case, the demand for home commodities is reduced ; the dealers are under the necessity of selling them at a lower rate ; and the consumption of those who possess the money left in circulation is in- creased. But after one revolution, the income of the producers begins to fall in equal propor- tion, and a general reduction puts income and expenditure upon a par again ; and the chasm thus caused by the money exported is filled up. Hence the money in the world, or any particular nation, is always rendered sufficient for the use of it. Precisely the same are the effects produced by money which is issued by banks. It is ad- vanced upon the security of property or person- al sureties, and represents property or capital, but possesses, in the first instance, no constitu- ent value of commodities in the market. Those who borrow it, however, for consumptive circu- lation, expend it in consumption, and by a consequent increase of prices it makes way for itself. A contraction of currency produces the opposite effect : it leaves in the market commo- dities of equal value to itself, without the means of consumption at existing prices ; and it is only by a reduction of prices adequate to the de- 174 mand thus reduced, that the market stock can be carried off. Abstract Circulation, The abstract circulation of a country is that part of its money which is employed in making transfers of merchant stock, capital, and proper- ty. In every country the sales of property, transfers of capital, and transactions in merchant stock, must bear some proportion to the quan- tity of its consumable produce, in the power of commanding which their value consists ; and money is equally required to conduct them. In this use of it, however, it is an abstract mea- sure of value ; it represents no constituent com- modities in the market. Upon the average, a given quantity of the money in circulation must be thus required, and it must have been first taken out of consumptive circulation, in order to be so employed ; a reduction of prices must have consequently taken place. This, however, would only have the effect of determining the balance of trade in favour of the country j and the money thus absorbed, would be replaced by a foreign importation. If at any time the aver- age transactions in capital should be diminish- ed, or an economy in the use of money thus employed be introdiired, it would again descend 175 into consumptive circulation, increase prices, and determine the balance of trade the other way. Any variation in the quantity of money in consumptive circulation, must also vary the quantity in abstract circulation. It must draw it down as it diminishes, raise it up as it increases. As the value of money increases by the quanti- ty in circulation being reduced, the value of property must sooner or later fall likewise ; and less money be required to conduct the ex- changes of it ; it is the quantity of consumable commodities it will command that ultimately determines the value of all property. On the other hand, as the quantity of money in con- sumptive circulation increases, the value of property in money, for the same reason, must re-increase with it. With bank notes the difference is, that the money in abstract does not descend down into consumptive circulation, whereas with metallic money it is taken up from it. With the same State ofFriceSy the Quantity oj Money required 'varies. The quantity of money required to conduct the circulation of a country, even with the same level of national prices, is not always equal. 176 When there is a demand for money, and it becomes scarce, or when the interest of money and profits of trade rise, an economy in the use of it begins to take place. If a person can- not raise money, he will purchase goods upon credit ; by which they are taken out, as it were, from under the money which represents them. This has the effect of raising prices, the same as if an additional quantity of money had been brought into circulation. The diminished quan- tity of commodities which the money in circu- lation will command, raises the price of them, determines the balance of trade against tlie country, and part of it is remitted abroad, until the prices resume their usual level. Tradesmen, under these circumstances, often make large profits, and, instead of receiving payment in cash, not unfrequently take a mortgage, or other securities, for their debts. Being also in the habit of selling for credit, they are obliged, on the other hand, to require it. This leads to bill transactions, by which, knowing the day that their payments are to be made, they are satisfied if they can acquire the money neces- sary for the purpose, by the time it is wanted, and keep none idly by them. As money be- comes scarce and valuable, people are thus more economical in the use of it. If a profit is sure to be made, by turning it over, none of it is allowed to be unemployed. It, consequently, 177 performs its revolutions quicker, and a less quantity is necessary. Instead of performing six revolutions in the year, it may perform se- ven. In order, therefore, to represent a value of 432 millions, it would require, in that case, not quite 62 millions, instead of 72, which with only six revolutions, would be necessary. Whether the currency moves quickly or slow- ly, however, is of no importance to tlie foreign consumer ; therefore as soon as prices, by an ac- celerated motion, began to rise, the foreign de- mand would diminish, if prices were previously at the national level, until by an unfavourable balance of payments, the quantity of money in circulation was reduced, and prices resumed their former state. The only difference in this case would be, that the market stock on hand would be reduced in proportion as the motion increased : if it was increased one seventh, the market stock would be reduced in that amount : a greater market stock would not be necessary than what was equal to the consumption of be- tween six and seven weeks. A still greater differ- ence, however, would perhaps take place in the amount of money in abstract circulation. Bills of exchange, in the transactions of merchant stock, are very much substituted for money when it is scarce. I have heard that in Lancashire, during the war, there were five bills for one in 2 A 178 circulation at present ; and I have no doubt this was also very much the case in other places. On the other hand, property is also much more valuable, and there is a greater quantity of capital, when the interest of money is low ; and more exchanges of it are made, at least in this country : for when government securities pay the legal rate of interest, there is compara- tively very little borrowing and lending by in- dividuals : government itself borrows the bulk of what there is to lend. Thus both the number and value of such transactions being greater, a larger quantity of money in abstract circulation is required. When there is a difficulty of finding employ- ment for money, profits of trade also fall, and credits are neither given nor received as before ; the market stock becomes larger, and more money is required to represent it at the national standard ; there are not so many bills in circu- lation, and generally there is less economy in the use of money, for which it is difficult to find a profitable employment. Thus in times of peace, when the interest of money is low, much more money is required than in times of war, when the demands of government increase its value. With the increase of machinery and capital, a greater quantity of money in circulation will also become necessary. Suppose for instance, that by 179 the aid of capital and machinery, labour is ten times more productive than it used to be, and that for the use of this machinery and capital 100 per cent, profit is charged ; the produce of labour will be now one-fifth as cheap as it was before, but upon the aggregate, it will be worth twice the money, and will take twice the mo- ney to represent it in the market. The same with commodities which are taxed ; taxes in- crease their monied price, and render a greater quantity necessary to promote their consump- tion. When the foreign trade of a country is ex- tended or curtailed, a larger or a less supply of money also becomes necessary. At the time that we were shut out from all legitimate trade with Europe and the United States, and our supplies of foreign commodities were compara- tively small, less money must have been re- -quired, and, a smaller amount would then of course, express a higher state of prices than at present. The effect of good and had Seasoiis upon the Circulation of Money. " A French author," says Dr Smith, " of " great knowledge and ingenuity, Mr Mess- 2 A 2 180 " ance, receiver of the taillies in the election " of St Etienne, endeavours to shew that the " poor do more work in cheap than in dear *' years, by comparing the quantity and value '* of the goods made upon those different occa- " sions, in three different manufactures ; one " of coarse woollens, carried on at Elbeuf ; " one of linen, and another of silk, both of " which extend through the whole generality " of Rouen. It appears from his account,. " which is copied from the registers of the " public offices, that the quantity and value of " the goods made in those three manufactures, " has generally been greater in cheap than in " dear years ; and that it has always been " greatest in the cheapest, and least in the " dearest years. All the three seem to be sta- " tionary manufactures, or which, though their " produce may vary somewhat from year to " year, are upon the whole neither going back- " wards nor forwards. " It is because," observes Dr Smith, " the " demand for labour increases in years of sud- " den and extraordinary plenty, and diminishes " in those of sudden and extraordinary scarci- " ty, that the money price of labour sometimes " rises in the one and sinks in the other. ** In a year of sudden and extraordinary plen- " ty, there are funds in the hands of many of the " employers of industry, sufficient to employ 181 * and maintain a greater number of industrious * people then had been employed the year be- ' fore ; and this extraordinary number cannot * always be had. Those masters, therefore, ' who want more workmen, bid against one ' another in order to get them, which some- ' times raises both the real and the money * price of their labour. " The contrary of this happens in a year of * sudden and extraordinary scarcity. The ' funds destined for employing industry are * less than they had been the year before. A * considerable number of people are thrown out * of employment, who bid one against another ' in order to get it, which sometimes lowers * both the real and the money price of labour. ' In 1740, a year of extraordinary scarcity, * many people were willing to work for bare ' subsistence. In the succeeding years of * plenty, it was more difficult to get labourers ' and servants." Men may and will no doubt be excited to additional labour with the hope of making more money ; but not by the mere effect of cheap provisions. If at their ordinary rate of wages they can live better, and do not work less, they will not be induced, for the same money, to work more. They might be induced to work more, did wages fall with the price of provi- sions ; but it appears on the contrary that they 182 rise — that the fund for the employment of la- bour or the monied demand for it increases. A fall in the wages of labour, however, is the result of an additional supply of labour itself, and though it may be the ultimate, is never the immediate effect of abundance. The diffi- culty of procuring provisions, as Dr Smith states, may induce men to bid against each other, and lower their wages for the sake of additional employment, but abundance never produces that effect. At the time that Mr Messance wrote, as well as now, the currency of France was metallic, and as a good harvest does not grow money as well as provisions, the increased monied demand for labour must have been the result of an alteration in the movements of the currency. Were this not the case — did there not exist a greater monied demand for labour, there could only be the same monied demand for provisions : the increased supply would conse- quently have to be sold at a proportion ably less price, and the farmer would gain nothing by the quantity exceeding the average supply which he brought into market j while it is not improba- ble that the low prices of the necessaries of life would induce men to work less instead of more. This would probably convert a year of abun- dance, which is considered a blessing, into a curse : it would become a year of riot to the 183 poor, and of loss to the farmer : instead of be- ing an advantage to both, it might prove a moral evil to the one, and a pecuniary disad- vantasre to the other. Money, as we have already stated, in its pro- gress to consumption, has in general to pass through many hands. The proprietor, we shall say for example, pays it to his mortgagee ; his mortjrasee to his bookseller ; his bookseller to his shopman ; his shopman to his landlord ; his landlord to his house-painter j his house-painter to his colour-man ; his colour-man to a foreign merchant ; the foreign merchant to a British manufacturer ; the British manufacturer to his workmen ; from the w^orkmen, through the miller, baker, &c. it will come into the hands of the farmer j and from him again be paid to the proprietor. It may also be observed, that it would move much more quickly after it came into the hands of men of business ; and while it would not stop a day witli the labourer, it would, from the quick nature of their returns, proba- bly rest a shorter time with the baker and mil- ler, than in any part of its progress previous to its coming into the labourer's hands. Had this money, however, been lodged in a bank, in- stead of making the circuit through which we have traced it, it would have most likely been at once lent out to the manufacturer, and would have returned in demand for the commodities 184 placed in the market, in a tenth of the time. Now in a year of extraordinary abundance, this is the progress of that part which exceeds the farmer's average gains : — The price of corn does not fall in proportion to the increased sup- ply ; and the surplus above what is necessary for his rent is placed in banks, or lent to those who immediately expend it in the employment of labour ; by which means it makes shorter cir- cuits, more labour is employed, and a greater consumption is created. The poor thus enjoy all the advantages of the abundant season ; but it is in that way best suited to them, in a moral as well as in a physical pohit of view. Money being more abundant, creates itself employment, either by the increased facilities with which it is lent out, or by the reduced interest which is charged for it ; by which means traders are in- duced to increase their merchant stocks, and peo- ple in general to enter into undertakings in which the employment of labour is involved ; but which, with a greater scarcity of money, they would not have attempted. In years of scarcity, on the other hand, the very opposite effects are produced. As with an increased supply of food, nature thus pro- vides an increased demand for labour, so with a scarcity of food, the demand for labour is re- duced. By these means, when there is less food, less is required. A man with little work can 185 be supported upon a smaller quantity of provi- sions than with full employment. If there was the same employment for labour, and the same money brought into the market in demand for provisions, the consumption would have to be kept down to the supply by their excessive price, while the farmer would hardly be a suf- ferer ; his loss in quantity would be made up in price. In bad years, however, the farmer cannot get a price at all proportioned to the deficiency of his crop, and is unable to pay his rent in consequence. He is under the necessity, there- fore, of withdrawing money from bankers or others, which he has saved in better seasons, or his landlord is obliged to give him credit to another year, and borrow money to meet his expenditure until his rents can be paid him. Thus a demand for money is created, and bankers are obliged to reduce their accommo- dations to trade, in order to meet it. It can only, however, be acquired by placing commo- dities in the market. This renders it necessary for traders to reduce their merchant stocks, in order to be able to meet their engagements. The money, therefore, called in by the banks, and paid to the farmers, or lent on better terms to their landlords, now represents not the immediate productions of labour, but the merchant stocks of tradesmen, the production 2 B 186 of previous years. This necessity of reducing their stocks prevents them from purchasing their usual supplies, and labour is thrown out of employment adequate to the demand for money thus created and supplied. That money which represents previous labour will not create a fresh demand. It is only the money in cir- culation which represents food that can ever do so ; and there would only be a demand for la- bour in proportion to the food in the market for its support. Should the cheapness of la- bour in any particular trade induce wealthy in- dividuals to increase their stocks rather than diminish them, they can only do so by acqui- ring possession of that money which represents the market stock of provisions. Hence their demand for labour must reduce the demand for some other description, the employment of which does not hold out equal temptations. Individuals may alter the channel, but cannot increase that general demand for provisions which the failing crop has curtailed. Were this principle perfect in practice, there would be no rise in the price of provisions whatever. A portion of the wages of labour, however, and of income generally, which had hitherto been spent in other commodities, is in a scar- city exclusively appropriated to the purchase of food. Provisions consequently rise, and other commodities, the produce of previous labour. 187 fall ; but more present labour is in consequence turned out of employment. A failing crop, it is thus probable, has not so much the effect of raising prices, as of re- ducing employment ; and this seems a wise dis- position of Providence. If men are to have little food, it is evidently better that they should also have little work. Had they the same em- ployment, it would not increase the supply of provisions, while it would increase the necessity for them, and add to the evils of scarcity. That the demand for provisions is thus curtail- ed with the supply, and prices prevented from rising, is consistent with experience. In 174^0, which Dr Smith speaks of as a year of great scarcity, there was very little demand for la- bour, but the price of wheat does not appear to have risen above 30 per cent. : viz. from 84s. to 45s. per quarter ; and as it was then much more exclusively the food of the rich than now, other grain perhaps might not have risen in equal proportion. At that time the circulation of the country was principally metallic. With the power which the banks possess of making money or destroying it at pleasure, very different effects might be produced ; but this falls more proper- ly to be considered in the next chapter. 2 B 2 188 A small Addition to the Currency may 'produce a great Effect upon Prices. If the currency makes six revolutions in the year, it is evident that the addition of one mil- lion must make six in the annual income. But should it make on the average twelve, which I think is at least as probable, then an addition of one million would make a difference of twelve. The very great difference in prices which occa- sionally does take place, without any compara- tively great alteration in the amount of money in circulation, seems to warrant the inference, that the proportion of money in consumptive circulation is less, and the number of revolu- tions which it performs in the year greater, than might be at first supposed. But I am not aware of any correct data by which to come at certain conclusions on this subject. 189 CHAPTER XIX. Pajoer Currency. 1 HE principal circulation of this country is composed of the promissory notes, payable in metallic money on demand, of public and pri- vate banks. In England, this money is issued by one public bank, the Bank of England, and by several hundred private banks. In Ireland, it is also issued by one public bank, the Bank of Ireland, and a number of private banks ; and in Scotland, it is almost totally issued by pub- lic banks, or joint stock companies, constituted on the same principles, though not equal in magnitude to the public banks of Ireland and England. For a more particular inquiry with respect to the advantage which joint stock companies possess ov^er private banks, we must refer the reader to the Essay which he will find at the end of this treatise ; and as a proper under- standing of the present system of banking seems connected with, if not necessary to, the consi- deration of the branch of the subject at which we have arrived, we shall recommend the at- 190 tention of the reader to that Essay, before he proceeds further. It may not be improper, however, as an ad- ditional argument, to remark that the charters of the Banks of England and Ireland, by pre- venting more than six partners from entering into any banking concern, have the effect of still further contracting the number even below that amount. The business of banks, as we have shewn, is to deal in money, and they do not require capital for that purpose, but credit ; though capital is necessary, in order to give credit. The capital of private banks, however, not being known to the public, does not con- fer credit, and private bankers have no induce- ment to advance money. Private banks are in general, therefore, set up by men of property or credit, who join their respective credits to establish the concern, without any advance of capital. If we suppose, therefore, a private bank to commence with six partners, the full number allowed, it must either do well or ill, or neither well nor ill. If it is not doing well, however, it may be said to be doing ill ; for in that case it leaves no adequate compensation for the risk which a private banker runs. If it is doing well, it has probably got into good business and credit. In this case, should a partner die, the credit of the bank would be such as to render one to supply his place unnecessary 5 and 191 another would not be taken in, merely for the sake of receiving one-sixth of the profits of a flourishing business. The remaining partners would divide the share amongst them ; and this they would continue to do as the partners drop- ped off, until the number was as few as the credit of the bank (considered to be firmly established) could be supported with. If the bank was a bad concern, no new partner would join it. If it was neither good nor bad, there would be no temptation to do so. Hence with private banks, the number of partners under the present law gravitates downwards, until each bank presents the least security to the public with which it can possibly exist. Consequently, though six is allowed, there are not more than three partners to each bank on the average of the kingdom ; and as at least one of these is an acting partner, there does not appear to be more than two persons of property to support the credit of each concern, even presuming every partner in a bank but the acting partner to possess the fortune requisite for such an establishment. The effect of the present law, therefore, is to give each bank as little credit, instead of as much, as possible. Paper, as Moneys of the same Value as Gold. The. notes of these banks are issued in dis- 192 count of commercial bills, in loans upon per- sonal and other securities to individuals, and by the Bank of England, partly in discount of commercial bills, but principally upon bullion, and in advances to government. This paper, in its character of money, is of the same value as gold. Gold, as a commo- dity, possesses intrinsic value, which bank- notes do not ; it represents a value in materials, laboiu', and capital, which has been expended in procuring it ; but as money, it is only worth the commodities in the market that it repre- sents, whatever it may have cost ; and paper money is the same. Each individual who ori- ginally acquires paper in consumptive circula- tion, does so by placing commodities in the market. Paper and Metallic Money are introduced into Circulation in the first Instance upon different Principles^ but the Effect upon Prices is the same. Metallic money is introduced into circulation by a foreign demand for commodities, in con- sequence of their cheapness ; whereas paper money is introduced by the demand of indivi- duals for money itself. The metallic money which comes into a country, has been the re- ' 193 presentative of income in the country from whence it canie ; whereas paper money is made for the purpose of the demand which it sup- plies. Paper money, therefore, when first issued, represents no constituent vahie in the market: property, or personal sureties which are indi- rectly the same, have been j^ledged for its re- payment : the person who receives it, has depo- sited with the bank of which it is borrowed, a value of inconsumable property, equal to what he has received ; but he has placed no commo- dity which it represents, in the market, and a demand in the market is, therefore, created be- yond the supply. By this means, an elevation of prices takes place ; and the paper makes way for itself, in the same manner as metallic money in- troduced by a foreign demand, as previously described. Precisely the reverse is the case when notes are taken out of circulation. A certain value of commodities is left in the mar- ket, without the money which represents them, and prices, consequently, fall to a parallel with the quantity of money which remains. 194 The Effect upon Prices produced hy an Altera- tion in the Issues of Bank Notes, sufficiently proX)ed by Experience. The effect in elevating and depressing prices, produced by any alteration in the circulation of banks, is a fact now perfectly notorious, and to prove it, by a reference to particular instances, unnecessary. I shall, however, mention one, which occurred with the Bank of France. Mr Haldiman, in his evidence before the commit- tee of the House of Commons, appointed in 1819, to consider the expediency of the Bank of England resuming cash payments, gives the following particulars : — " I think there would be great distress occa- " sioned in the commercial world by the forced " reduction to which I have alluded. Prices " cannot be forcibly lowered without producing " very great mischief in trade ; we should all " feel the effects of it, some directly and some " indirectly. I express myself rather strongly " upon this point, because I happened to be in " Paris, in October last, when the bank reduced " its issues upon discounts very considerably " and suddenly ; the distress and failures which " took place, in consequence of this measure, " went much beyond what any merchant could 1^5 ** have anticipated. The issues of the Bank of " France upon discounts, at that period, were *' 130 miUions of francs, which was more than " double the highest amount that was ever " previously known. I believe the discounts ** usually were from ^5 to 35 and 40 millions.'* It must be observed, that a contraction of is- sues, by curtailing advances to trade, has a dou- ble eftect ; it not only reduces the demand for commodities, but it increases the supply of them. The merchants, by the liberal accommodations of the bank, had no doubt been induced to in- crease their merchant stocks, and- extend their transactions ; and when suddenly called upon to repay the money borrowed, their only mode of doing so would be, to force their stocks into the market. This, at any time, would be a great loss ; but as the money was not lent out again by the bank in promoting consumption, and did not return into the market, the demand would be reduced in equal proportion. Thus, therefore, in the same degree that the commodities in the market exceeded the average supply, the money in the market would present less than the aver- age demand. " This step on the part of the directors of " the Bank of France, was occasioned by the " following circumstances : — The metallic cur- *' rency was leaving the country in every direc- ** tion, owing, in all probability, in some trifling 2 c ^ 196 " degree, to the over issue of paper ; partly to " some large financial operations in Russia, and " partly to the enormous payments that France " had engaged to make to foreign powers, *' which amounted nearly to 20 millions ster- " ling. The Paris bankers, therefore, antici- *' pating a great demand for bills upon all fo- " reign countries, were remitting specie to meet " the drafts, which they intended to negociate " to the agents of all those foreign powers, with " a small advance upon their remittance. The " sudden diminution, however, of the discounts " of the bank, caused the exchange to turn in " favor of France, and immediately paralized all " their operations ; the metallic currency made " a retrograde movement, and was restored " to Paris and to those parts where the greatest " distress had been felt. I have stated these " circumstances thus minutely, because I think " them perfectly applicable in reasoning, though " not in extent, to the case of the Bank of " England." It appears also that the extension of issues was sudden as well as the contraction. Mr Haldiman states, that the great increase took place he believed in June, July, August, and September ; while the reduction took place in October. There is little doubt that the effect of the payments made by France to foreign powers, would have been to have determined 197 the balance of trade against the nation ; but as these payments were made gradually, and prin- cipally by loans contracted in other countries, we should hardly think that they were the cause. It is much more probable that the extent and suddenness of the issues made by the bank, had produced that effect which was so immedi- ately counteracted, but with such ruinous con- sequence to individuals, by its retracing the steps that had caused it. With a Metallic Cu7Tency, sudden Fluctuations in Prices coidd not liap2)en. As the philosopher's stone has not yet been discovered, neither individuals nor bodies have the power of making gold at pleasure, and we are pretty well assured that it is never their pleasure to destroy it. The directors of the Bank of France might desire to circulate its notes, but it is quite clear that they wished to keep the gold in the country also. No increase or reduction therefore in the amount of money in circulation could be made with a metallic curren- cy, except through the medium of trade : there would be no acquiring it except in the regular channel of circulation. If a person saved money, he would lend it out at one rate of interest or other ; and if he placed it in the hands of 198 bankers, they would do the same. A banker does not receive deposits to let them lie idle : whether he pays interest for them or not, he lends them out on the best terms he can get. A banker who issues his own notes, may, for dif- ferent reasons, be unwilling, or unable, to lend them at less than a given rate of interest ; but did he deal in metallic money the case would be different. If he paid nothing for his deposits, he would consider that no reason why he should get nothing for them ; and if he could not get a high rate of interest, however low it might be, he would take the highest he could get. If he paid interest for them, he could not af- ford to keep the money in his coffers ; but the less he could get, of course, the less he would give. Thus metallic money is always kept in circula- tion. Hoarding to a small extent perhaps is gene- rally practised, but not to be worth notice ; and there is perhaps upon the average an equal sum applied in that way: as one hoard accu- mulates, another is brought into circulation, from one cause or other. Principles which govern the Demand for Bank Paper, There are two principles which govern the 199 demand for bank paper : the value of money compared with the interest which banks charge, and the internal balance of trade. The Value of Money compared mth the Interest which Banks charge. There can be no question that if the banks at this moment were to lower the interest of money to one per cent, there would be a very extensive demand for bank paper upon the most unexceptionable securities. On the other hand, if they were to raise the rate of interest they charge to 10 or 15 per cent, there is as little doubt that all their creditors would pay off their debts as soon as possible, and they would find but very few new customers upon such terms. The legal rate of interest, however, in this country, is 5 per cent, above which banks are not allowed to take; while they perhaps cannot afford to charge less than four. Bank notes are sub- ject to a stamp duty which diminishes the profit of issuing them ; and it is found indeed by ex- perience, that private banks would rather con- tract their issues, than take even less than five. Now when money is worth more than 5 per cent, there is a great demand upon the banks for their notes, and when it is worth less, the demand declines ; in the first case they are 200 enabled to extend their issues ; in the last they contract of themselves. We have seen in a former chapter, that the value of money is determined by the demand for it, and that with the demand the rate of in- terest rises or falls. Previous to any general extension of bank issues, therefore, it will al- ways be found that a demand for money has arisen which has increased the value of it ; on the contrary, when the value of money has fallen below 5 per cent, we shall find that a con- traction of bank issues has been the conse- quence. Between the rate of interest paid by govern- ment and the value of money to individuals, there is probably about one per cent, difference : at least when government securities are above 60, and the usury law does not increase the distance : when they are beneath 60, the dif- ference may be 3 or 4 per cent. At present, individuals, however, give 5 per cent, and the funds pay four. Since 1793, until within these five years, mo- ney has always been worth 5 per cent, and up- wards to individuals ; and no involuntary con- traction of bank-issues has taken place : the banks have had as great a demand for their notes as they thought proper to supply, under the checks from other causes to which they were subject. The circulation of the Bank of England is 201 not so liable to contraction from an alteration in the value of money. It is principally issued, not in loans to individuals, but to government upon exchequer bills. The interest of these bills, by a bargain with the bank, government may reduce, but they are not paid off in conse- quence of a fall in the value of money, as is the case with debts due by individuals. Internal Balance of Trade. Each district has its balance of trade, as well as each nation : it is as necessary between two counties as two kingdoms : it is of no import- ance in what its circulating medium consists, whether in metallic money. Bank of England paper, or local notes, the principle is the same. A person whose property is in Northumber- land, may live and spend his income in Lon- don. But in this case, a quantity of raw or manufactured produce must, directly or indi- rectly, be remitted from Northumberland to him : the balance of payments must upon the average be equal. This, however, can only be preserved by an equality of prices. If the pri- ces of a district are above the general level, the balance of payments must be against it ; if be- low, in its favor. When banks first began to issue notes, the « D 202 money in circulation must have been entirely metallic, and sufficient to maintain the level of the national prices. The only check, which, at that time, existed to the issues of banks, consist- ed in their obligation to pay their notes with gold on demand. As, however, gold must then have been very plentiful, if the credit of a bank was good, this could be hardly considered a check of a very positive nature ; the principal would perhaps arise from the doubts which, at least private bankers might then feel in the prudence of rendering their issues too extensive. But each banker would be governed by his own ideas on that point. The first effect produced by the increased circulation of any particular bank, would be, of course, an elevation of prices in its own district; and this would determine the balance of trade against it. The consequence would, therefore, be, that metallic money equal ta such increase, would be remitted to other parts of the country* This would elevate the prices of those districts, render the elevation more general, and money would be ultimately sent out of the kingdom equal to the issue which had taken place. The limits, to which each bank would in the end be obliged to confine itself, would be the circulation, at the national prices, of that part •of the country in which its notes would pass* If it exceeded this, and still determined the ba- 203 lance of trade against its own district, being obliged to pay its notes in metallic money, it would be called upon for gold, in order to make the necessary remittances. But the gold having previously disappeared, it would be obliged to import it from other parts of tlie country to meet this demand. This importation of gold on the one hand, would neutralize the remittance of it on the other, and the balance of trade would continue just as unfavourable. The bank would consequently be put to an end- less expence until it reduced its circulation, and restored prices to the national level. The superior credit o£ the Scotch Banks enabled them to issue their notes with confi- dence, and very early to occupy the principal circulation of Scotland. The theory of money and banking being at that time very little un- derstood, they were not, at first, sufficiently •cautious in keeping their issues within the ne- cessary limits. The result was, that they had to purchase gold in London, and bring it to Scot- land at a great expence, from whence it disap- peared as soon as it was issued. They at last, however, discovered their mistake, and correct- ed it. Very interesting particulars, on this subject, will be found in Dr Smithes Chapter on Money* London is the bullion market of the king- doaip where the exports and imports of it are 2 D 2 204 made ; . iarid the Bank of England the mart of these transactions. When a demand for bullion to be sent abroad exists, the Bank of England is obliged to supply it; and when gold comes into the country, the bank generally replenishes its coffers for that purpose. By keeping its circulation, however, within the amount re- quired to sustain the national prices, it can al- ways prevent a demand which it is inconveni- ent to supply. ' When paper money came to completely oc- cupy the circulation of the kingdom, the issues of the Bank of England would govern those of the country banks. All the country banks have agents in London, and if a remittance is made from one part of the kingdom to the other, it is made by their drafts upon their London agents. When gold had disappeared from cir- culation, as the notes of each bank will only pass in its own district, there would be no other mode of remittance. The party wishing to remit, would take into a bank the notes cur- rent where he resided, and procure a bill upon London for them, which he would send to his correspondent. The bank would be obliged to furnish him this bill, or Bank of England notes. If it famished him with the latter, it would have to procure them from London, so that thei'e would be no advantage in refusing bitii a bill, were it so inclined. . .;. 205 The trade, however, between any particular district and London must balance. This ba- lance, as we have before stated, can be pre- served only by an equality of prices ; and this equality can only exist by the circulation of the district preserving a just proportion with that of the Bank of England. When the bills upon London received by a banker, and the demand for them are equal, he advances as many notes upon such bills on the one hand as he re- ceives in demand for them on the other ; but if the demand exceeds the supply, he receives more notes than he advances ; while if the sup- ply exceeds the demand, he advances more notes than he receives. When the balance of trade is therefore in favour of a district, the natural consequence is an extension of issues by the number of London bills presented for discount ; when against a district, a contraction of issues by the superior demand for London bills which the banks experience. Bankers never have any hesitation in advan- cing their notes upon London bills. They are enabled, with the proceeds of them, to pur- chase into the funds, or increase their deposits at interest in their London agents* hands ; and though they may get less interest for their advances, and make less in this case by the cir- culation of their paper than if it were lent upon home securities at d per cent, yet the money is ready to meet the payment of their 206 notes whenever they are returned, in demand either for those of the Bank of England, or London bills, without their suffering any ma- terial inconvenience. If by a reduced home demand for money, in consequence of a reduction in its value, the circu- lation of country banks should continue to con- tract, keep down prices, and thus determine the balance of trade in favour of their respective districts, they would in time be enabled to re- advance their whole circulation upon deposits in London. When, on the contrary, an excessive demand for London bills exists, a bank may have funds in London, from a previous favourable balance, or otherwise, with which to meet it, and if the demand for money at home is great, may re- advance its notes, and thus keep up the exces- sive circulation. In this case, the balance of trade would continue unfavourable, and fresh demands for bills on London would arise, and would continue until its funds in London were exhausted. It would then be obliged to allow its circulation to contract, or even to contract it forcibly, in order to reduce the demand for London bills upon it. This contraction would lower prices, restore the trade of the district to a balance, or probably determine the balance in its favour. A banker's deposits in London, more parti- cularly in his agent's hands, are usually termed 207 cash. They do not, however, consist of cash, but of capital or credits. The money is lent out by his agents, and exists only in the shape of debts, the value of which has been consumed either actually or commercially. Or otherwise it rests on government securities, either in his own name or that of his agents, and govern- ment or the parties from whom the securities were purchased have done the same. The de- posits which country banks have in London are considered money, because they can at any time be turned into it, not that they in reality consist of money, more than mortgages or any other description of capital. When the bankers increase or withdraw their deposits from London, no permanent increase or diminution of property takes place. Each bill they remit is drawn for money purchased with commodities deposited, or to be deposited in the London market. That reduction of prices in the country which has determined the balance of trade in favour of London, has produced an actual exportation of consumable commodities to the London market, for the proceeds of which the bill is drawn. Or should a person go from the country to London, and purchase a bill upon London with which to pay his ex- pences, by so doing he contracts the circulation of the district, reduces the prices below those of London, and an exportation of commodi- 208 ties to London is the consequence. Thus com- modities always follow, if they do not precede, every bill upon London which is drawn. Ac- commodation bills, or bills not founded upon real transactions, must be met by other bills to the same amount, so that they never affect the real balance of payments. Now when the balance of trade is in favour of the country, and bankers increase their de- posits in London, these effects are produced by it : the prices of commodities are reduced in London ; and so are the value of money and pro- fits of trade ; while the consumption is increas- ed. In the country, on the other hand, the pri- ces of commodities may have fallen, but the profits of trade and interest of money are kept up- ' The prices of commodities in London, are not determined by the circulation of London, but by the circulation of the district from whence they come, upon the same principle that foreign commodities are not determined by the state of prices in this country, but in the country where they are produced. If the foreign trade in corn was thrown open, the prices of corn in this would be reduced to near- ly a level with that of other countries, not by a reduced demand on our part, but by the redu- ced prices of the supply ; and the principle is the same with our internal trade. 209 The commodities sent to London, therefore, in consequence of a contraction of currency» which enabled the country banker to increase his deposits, would merely reduce the prices in London, and increase its consumption. It would be a ffain to London in consumable commodi- ties, and a loss to the country. The money which the banker drew in London, by holding the bill, would represent a certain quantity of consumable commodities in the London mar- ket. It would not, hovvcver, be spent by him or his agent, but would be thrown into the mo- ney market. This would reduce the interest of money and profits of trade in London, and keep down its general economy, in order to make room for the expenditure of the money thus saved. But no immediate loss would result to those whose incomes were thus forcibly dimi- nished ; from the reduced price of commodities they would command as great a quantity as be- fore. In the country, the value of money and pro- fits of trade would be kept up. If money was previously scarce, and the fall of prices pro- ceeded from a forced contraction, on the part of the banks, the value of money would, of course, become greater. If it proceeded from the interest charged by the banks, being too high, the economy of the country, instead of reducing the interest of money and profits of 2 E 210 trade, in order to reduce itself, would find vent in discharging the debts due to the banks, at the high rate of interest they imposed 5 and the value of money and profits of trade would thus be kept up to that level which rendered the ge- neral economy greater than the general expen- diture. Another effect, however, would also be pro- duced. The principle laid down by bankers in the conduct of their business, and it is a very safe principle for themselves, is not to advance money on any other than mercantile bills, at least to any extent. I^' a person wished for money on an estate, though the security would be better, they would not, for they could not, prudently lend it him. The effect, however, of their lodging their money in London, by means of the balance of trade, would be to raise the price of the funds ; whereas the effect of the contraction of their currency, would be to keep up the interest of money in the country. This would operate in two ways : while it raised the price of the funds on the one hand, it would on the other tempt the London capital- ist, by keeping up the interest of money in the country, to lend his money in the country up- on mortgage at this higher rate. The landed proprietor instead of borrowing of the banks, would therefore borrow of the London capital- ist. So far as this effect was produced, the 211 payments would balance. The notes of the banks wonld be virtually advanced to the land- ed proprietor, but it would be through the me- dium of the funds. A change of securities would take place between the banker and some fundholder. The banker would buy his stock, and he would advance the money to the coun- try proprietor, who, could the bank have ad- vanced it, would not have gone further. Any contraction of currency, however local, would have the general effect of determining the balance of -foreign trade in favour of the country. A contraction in one district would determine the balance of payments from other parts as well as London, in its favour. This would create in those places a demand for Lon- don bills to remit, which would curtail their respective circulations. Thus a general reduc- tion of prices below the national standard would take place, and a balance of foreign trade and an influx of the precious metals would consequently follow. This influx of ])recious metals would, how- ever, very materially contribute to restore the circulation of the country banks to its proper level again. All gold is either imported directly to Lon- don, or sent thither as soon as it is imported. A. country bank can only receive gold in one of three ways : in payment of a debt ; in exchange 2 E 2 212 for its notes ; or by way of deposit. If in pay- ment of a debt, the debt has been created by an advance of notes, and being repaid in gold, the notes extant represent the gold with which the debt is discharged. If in exchange for notes, the notes advanced represent the gold received ; or if by way of deposit, the deposit will be discharged with notes when it is with- drawn. Consequently gold cannot be received by a bank without giving currency to its value in paper. When received, it is not re-issued at home : the business of a bank is to issue its own notes. It is therefore sent to London, and purchases made with it into the funds. Or through the medium of the bank's agents it is advanced upon other securities, and the interest received in London ; and as with deposits by remittances of London bills, the gain of the bank by the notes put in circulation is the interest thus made. The gold thus sent to London is put in currency by means of these purchases or advances, or if it is sent to the Bank of England, it is in exchange for its notes to be so applied. In either case, cir- culation is extended, and prices increased in the London district. If it is imported by a country merchant, and sent to his own agents in London, in order to be coined or sold to the bank, he draws a bill upon his agent for the amount, and receives notes for the bill at a 213 bank where he resides ; which is the same to such bank as if the gold had passed through its hands. If, however, the gold is imported di- rectly to London, it gives no immediate increase of country circulation, but in the first place swells that of the metropolis. This has the im- mediate effect of still further increasing the balance of trade in favour of the country ; and of more speedily, in consequence, pro- ducing the re-issue of local paper to the extent necessary for restoring prices to their former level again. A contraction of local currency must conse- quently be followed by these effects : the ba- lance of foreign trade will be in our favour; the interest of money in London will be lower than in the country, and there will be more difficul- ty in finding employment for it ; the consump- tion of London will be increased ; and the quantity of money in circulation will be greater than usual ; it will no doubt be found that the country banks have increased their deposits : at the same time, the circulation in the manufac- turing districts will be less diminished, if it is not considerably extended ; the quantity of goods manufactured for exportation will be greater than usual ; while the consumption of those districts will be increased. If the present agricultural distress is the result of a contrac- tion of country bank circulation, these effects 214 will be, and I have no doubt are, experienced at the present moment. That some of them are, is a matter of perfect notoriety. The Effects, in good and bad Harvests, of our present System of Currency. As we have before shewn, in a good harvest money is plentiful, in a bad one it is scarce ; and that this is a wise disposition of Provi- dence, by which additional employment to la- bour is given in the one case, and less in the other. Now the effect of the present mode of issuing the currency, obviously is to entirely counteract this order of nature. The additional demand for money in a scar- city, only creates an extension of bank issues. Instead of merchants and manufacturers being prevented from giving employment to labour, by a contraction of bank accommodation, they are induced by the cheapness of labour, and the facility of raising money from the banks, to give increased employment to it. This additional employment of labour does not increase the supply of provisions, it only renders a greater quantity necessary ; while the demand must still be kept down to the reduced proportion there is for each individual, by an excess of price. The dearness of provisions, 215 by inducing men to work double work in order to acquire even the limited proportion there is for them, cheapens labour. Thus misery meets the labouring classes in a two-fold shape, — they are worked to death on the one hand, and starved to death on the other. In a plentiful season, on the contrary, unless the demand for money at the time exceed the supply, the effect is a contraction of currency, instead of a reduction of interest. The banks have already as much money lent as at the rate of interest they charge will be borrowed of them. The additional supply therefore will only contract their issues ; and instead of the farmer gaining by a good harvest, he stands a fair chance of losing by it. He places his corn in the market, and destroys its means of con- sumption by placing the money in a bank where it will be cancelled. By this means the party to whom it is sold loses by it, while from the reduced quantity of money in circulation, corn will not rise again, and the next he brings to market he must sell at a less price. 21G CHAPTER XX. The Price of Corn not subject to material Fluctuations from the Supply. I THINK this proposition will, without hesita- tion, be granted, — that if the price of corn de- pended upon the supply, it would be governed by it ; with an average crop it would be at an average price ; and as the crop was above or be- low the average, the price would fall or rise. By the evidence of Mr Hodgson, of the house of Cropper, Benson, and Co. of Liver- pool, before the agricultural committee of 1821, (an extract of which will be found in the Ap- pendix) it appears that crops are subject in quantity to considerable variations. That house is in the habit of taking an annual survey of the principal corn districts of the kingdom, at an expence, and with a pains and accuracy which leave the truth of their results perfectly un- questionable ; and these, for six years, have been as follows : — 217 1815, 37 Winchester bushels per acre, quality good. 1816, 25 ditto, very bad in quality, nearly rotten. 1817, 33 ditto, the quality not very good. 1818, S2 ditto, quality very good. 1819, 27 ditto, quality very good, but not so good as the year before. 1820, 37 ditto, sound and dry, but not so good as the two preceding years. 6)191 • 32 Average say of the 6 years. It is also understood that 1821 was an average crop, and this year rather less. It must, however, be observed, that their ob- ject being merely to obtain a comparative esti- mate for commercial purposes, they appear only to take the most productive districts — those which are most likely to affect the market ; while they make no allowance for furrows, hedges, loss by vermin, waste in har- vesting, &c. They compute that in order to get the real produce, one-sixth at least ought to be deducted from their calculations. This however, would be no average for the king- dom, as they do not take the hilly and poorer districts. The average actual produce of the whole kingdom is supposed to be about 20 bushels per acre ; and their surveys seem to support this supposition. Intelligent agricul- turalists, I find, generally concur in thinking 2 F 218 that the crops must at least be as variable in quantity as these surveys make them. I am further informed, that the variations must have been greater previous to the improvements which have taken place in agriculture : that gi'eat crops are now yielded upon soils which did not produce wheat before ; and that a year which produces a good crop on these soils, is not favourable to those upon which, alone, above thirty or forty years ago, corn was grown, and vice versa : so that a failure on one description of soil is in some measure balanced by the pro- ductiveness of the other ; and that there can- not be now such deficiencies as the crops must have been subject to in former times. Now the average price of wheat during the last century, appears to have been about 40s. per quarter. Had the variations of price in that time therefore corresponded to the varia- tions in supply, and had the difference in the crops only been equal to that exhibited by Messrs Cropper, Benson, and Co.'s surveys, taking 32 to be the average, the prices of that period must have presented fluctuations similar to the following : — 219 Price per qr. Ann. variaAont. ». d *. d. t. d. 1815, 37 Winchester bushels 34- 7 *34. 7 1816,25 ditto 51 2 a rise of 16 7 1817,33 ditto 38 9 a fall of 12 5 1818,32 ditto 40 a rise of 1 3 1819,27 ditto 47 4 a rise of 7 4 1820,37 ditto 34 7 a fall of 12 9*34 7 1821, 32 said to be an aver- 1 .„ ^„ •„„ ^r c > }■ 40 a rise or 5 4 age crop. j This presumes that the crop each season yielded alike. The quantity of flour however, would be greater per quarter in good seasons than in bad. Now if we refer to the prices of the last cen- tury (see Appendix) we shall find that there are no fluctuations at all corresponding to this. In ] 709, wheat was 69s. 9d. from whence it gradually declined with trifling exceptions un- til 1724, when it was 3'2s. lOd. then rose at once to 43s. Id. and then gradually declined again to 23s. 8d.. and 25s. 2d. in 1732 and 3. It then suddenly rose again to 34s. 6d. ; but ultimately fell, with the exception of a tempo- rary rise produced by the scarcity of 1740, to about the same prices in 17^3, 4, and 5, as in 1732 and 3 ; after which, in 1746, it expe- rienced another sudden elevation. The prices of this period are as follow : — * The 1st and 6th year, had the price been determined by the supply, must have agreed in price as well as in quantity. 2 F 2 220 Faria^tona ccery 5 Years, being 6, inclusive of the 2 ^ears enumerated. Price per qr. Ann. variations. s. d. s. d. a. d. 1709, 69 9 1710, 69 4 a fall of 5 1711, 48 4 a fall of 1 1 1712, 41 2 a fall of 7 2 1713, 45 4 a rise of 4 2 1714, 44 9 a fall of 7 a fall of 25 1715, 38 2 a fall of 6 7 1716, 42 8 a rise of 4 6 1717, 40 7 a fall of 2 1 1718, 34 6 a fall of 6 1 1719, 31 1 a fall of 3 5 a fall of 13 8 1720, 32 10 a rise of 1 9 1721, 33 4 a rise of 6 1722, 32 a fall of 1 4 1723, 30 10 a fall of 1 2 1724, 32 10 a rise of 2 a rise of 19 1725, 43 1 a rise of 10 3 After this rise in 1725, prices continued high for a few years and then declined again : 1726, 40 10 a fall of 2 3 1727, 37 4 a fall of 3 6 1728, 48 5 a rise of 11 1 1729, 41 7 a fall of 6 10 a rise of 8 9 1730, 32 5 a fall of 9 2 1731, 29 2 a fall of 3 3 1732, 23 8 a fall of 5 4 1733, 25 2 a rise of 1 6 They now experienced another considerable rise : 221 Variations every 5 yeart^ being 6, inclusive of the 2 years enumerated. Prices per qr. Ann. variations. s. d. s d. ». d. 1734., 3i 6 a rise of 9 4 a fall of 7 1 1735, 38 2 a rise of 3 8 1736, 35 10 a fall of 2 4. 1737, 33 9 a fall of 2 1 1738, 316 a fall of 2 3 1739, 34 2 a rise of 2 8 a fall of 4 1740 is the year of scarcity spoken of by Dr Smith, prices therefore now rose, but fell immediately after. 1740, 45 1 a rise of 10 11 1741, 41 5 a fall of 3 8 1742, 30 2 a fall of 11 3 1743, 22 1 a fall of 8 1 1744, 22 1 the same, a fall of 12 1 1745, 24 5 a rise of 2 4 They now suddenly rose again : 1746, 38 4 a rise of 10 3 1747, 30 11 a fall of 3 9 1748, 32 10 a rise of 1 11 1749, 32 10 the same, a rise of 10 9 1750, 28 10 a fall of 2 I need not go through the whole table, which the reader can refer to in the Appendix. I take the early part of the century, more par- ticularly, as there was then probably very little paper in circulation. Here may be said to be four periods, each of which commenced with a sudden rise, followed with trifling exceptions, by a gradual decline ; and it thus clearly appears, that though there were great changes in price, there were no such variations as would have been produced by prices depending upon the state of the crops, admitting them to be then as variable as now. Neither is it possible to account for these changes, on the theory of cycles of seasons referred to in the report of the agricultural committee of 1821. The changes are not sufficiently regular and periodical for the work of nature : Besides the principle of population would equally tend to destroy their effect upon prices; and as the crops of 1815 and 1820, were just of the same amount in quantity, those six years of accurate admea- surement upset the hypothesis. During the last century, there appears to have been two years which were years of scar- city, 1740 and 1767. The first is spoken of by Dr Smith, and is proved by the table of ex- ports and imports. The last is proved by the table of exports and imports, and by the fact that the expedient of suspending distillation from corn was resorted to that year for the first time. The stoppage of distillation has been repeatedly resorted to since when prices were high ; but under the presumption that high prices were always a proof of scarcity. That these were scarce years is also proved by the 223 fact, that in both instances the rise was tem- porary. The prices from I766 to I769, were as follow : — Prioe per Qr- Ann. Variatiofi. I. d ». d. 1766, 43 1 1767, 57 4 a rise of 14 3 1768, 53 9 a fall of 3 7 1769, 40 7 a fall of 13 2 I do not doubt, however, that this rise was aggravated by the present system of currency having become more general. In 1740, the rise was lis. per quarter; and in 1767 it appears to have been 14s. 9d. Now, if every rise in price during the last century had proceeded from want of suppily, every rise to an equal extent must have been the result of scarcity. That this was not the case, how- ever, is proved by the table of exports and im- ports. A rise, no doubt, in the countries to which our corn was exported, would have the effect of increasing both our prices and exports at the same time. But when it appears that a rise took place, and our exports continued to a limited extent, or suffered no material increase, it is a proof that such rise was neither the result of scarcity in other countries, nor in our own ; for in the first case, our exports would have been increased, in the last entirely suspended. 224 In 1702, 3, and 4, and also 1745, and subse- quent years, rises as great as in these years of scarcity took place, without our exports being materially affected. Sudden elevations of price, produced by an alteration in the value of money, may take place, however, with a metallic cur- rency, from increased demands for money by government, quickening its motions ; but all de- clensions of price must be gradual, produced through the medium of the balance of trade, unless government weie to take money out of circulation, and remit it abroad. The latter rises in price to which we have referred, were sudden, and just after the commencement, or during war ; whereas the reductions which followed were gradual. We may consequently infer, that these alterations in price were changes in the value of the currency, produced by the sudden demands of government for mo- ney J that they were not fluctuations from vari- ations in supply must be evident. I shall not attempt, however, to account for changes in price at so remote a distance, and with a metallic currency. The precious metals are regardless of lines of demarcation j and a change in the value of money in one country will equally affect its value in all those which trade with it. In order to account for such changes, it would be necessary to know the economical history of other countries as well as 225 our own ; while a correct knowledge, at this distance, is hardly possible of either. But with- in the last 30 years our currency has been prin- cipally paper, consequently the causes of the leading changes which have taken place in that time, may perhaps, in some measure at least, be accounted for. 2 G 226 CHAPTER XXI. Probable Causes tsohich have produced the leading Changes in the Prices of Corn^ during the last 30 Years. At the commencement of the late war, in 1793, there was a considerable quantity of metallic money in the country. The banks, however, had absorbed a considerable share of the circu- lation, and were very ready to occupy the re- mainder as soon as a sufficiently extensive de- mand for their notes should arise. At this period, the economy and expenditure of the country would of course be equal, and the loans which were contracted would create a demand in the money market, that would fall upon trade, and compel merchants, traders, and others to reduce their stocks. Thus, though by the increased value of money, an accele- rated motion would be given to the currency, yet a greater supply of commodities would be brought into the market, and until they were consumed, the more rapid movement of the money in circulation would not affect prices. In 1795, however, the price of corn began to rise, and became very high. This might 227 have happened from the increased motion of the currency alone, but to what extent, it would be difficult to say. The interest of money, how- ever, had risen, and an increased demand upon bankers would be the natural result. In the early part of the year, the Bank of England had in consequence extended its issues very consi- derably, and the country banks had no doubt done the same. As prices rose, the balance of trade would be determined against the country, and this would create a demand upon the Bank of England for gold, by which its notes would be run in upon it. Towards the end of the year, therefore, its issues appear to have been consi- derably contracted. This would not, perhaps, produce an equal contraction on the part of the country banks, as the balance of payments in favour of London would be met by remittances of gold then in circulation. The Bank of Eng- land, however, still continued to contract its issues, and this, together with the quantity of gold taken out of the circulation of London, in order to send abroad, or to supply the demands of the bank for the same purpose, would perhaps in the end check those of the country banks also. Towards the end of the following year, consequently, prices fell again to nearly their previous level, and the exchanges recovered. 2 G 2 228 It was thought at the time, that this rise was produced by a failing crop, as people were not then in the habit of thinking that money had any thing to do with price ; and perhaps the crop was worse than usual ; but as the exchanges fell immediately as the rise took place, this, to any extent at least, could not be the case. In a scarcity, the value of commodities, the pro- duce of labour, is rather reduced than increased, and the foreign demand for them more likely to improve than decline. In I667, as will be ob- served in the table of exchanges from the En- cyclopedia Britannica, in the Appendix, which it is probable was a year of scarcity, the ex- changes continued 8 per cent, in favour of London through the whole of it. In 1799, the price of corn again began to rise. It is probable the crop of this year was a very bad one. The Bank of England, how- ever, in 1797» had suspended cash payments, and was not now compelled to curtail its issues by any fear of demands upon it for gold ; and it had begun to increase them very considerably, in which it had no doubt been followed by the country banks. The price of wheat, which was 49s. in the beginning of 1799, rose in 1800 to 121s. and as the bank still continued to increase its issues, in April 1801 it had reached 156s. The scarcity of 1799 might probably have raised the price of wheat in 1800 ten or fifteen S^9 shillings per quarter upon the average, as in former years of scarcity. But that these very high prices Were the mere result of the extended circulation of the banks, is proved by the fact that prices were higher in 1801, after a good harvest, than they were in 1800, after a bad one. Towards the end of 1801, however, prices began to fall, and. in the following year nearly reached their former level. This does not seem to have been produced by any contraction of the bank issues. But peace with France took place the latter end of 1801 ; money became less valuable, and the funds rose. This would re- tard the motions of the currency, which would produce a reduction of prices. Perhaps the country banks might also have contracted their issues, from the sudden reduction in the value of money ; for it is the issues of country banks that regulate the price of corn. A principal cause, however, was no doubt an extension of trade, and an increase of commodities in circu- lation, which would just have the same effect in reducing prices as a diminished quantity of cur- rency would have. A great extension of til- lage, in consequence of the late rise, had also probably taken place. It must likewise be ob- served, that a considerable quantity of gold had no doubt been exported, for there was still a large amount in circulation. 230 War commenced again in the latter end of 1803, and about a year afterwards corn again began to rise. This rise woukl not take place until the stocks of commodities which had ac- cumulated in consequence of the diminished value of money during the peace, had been con- siderably reduced. When this happened, the increased motion of the currency, from the high rate of interest and profits, . together with the reduced demand for currency by the curtail- ment of our foreign trade, would be felt. At the same time, the issues of the bank had been rather increased. In August, 1805, wheat had therefore reached 100s. which was nearly dou- ble what it had been the August before. It after that declined to below 80s., and continued at and about that price the whole of the next year. In 1807, a contraction of country circulation seems to have taken place (see table in the Ap- pendix, of stamps issued to country banks, commencing the year 1805) and wheat declined to 73s. upon the average. At the peace of Tilsit, in the latter end of 1807, Bonaparte succeeded in shutting us out of all direct trade with the continent of Europe, which would curtail our demand for currency ; but the issues of the banks were not reduced, and prices towards the end of the year 1808 began to rise considerably. 231 They continued high from 1808 to 1812, va- rying with the circumstances of our trade, and the extent of the circulation. In 1813, a free trade took place with the north of Europe, and as no corresponding ex- tension of Bank issues were made, corn began to decline : wheat fell from 122s. in March to 73s. in December, and continued at that ave- rage throughout the following year. In 1815, a contraction of the circulation of the country banks took place, and wheat fell to an average of 64s. It continued low till the latter end of 1816, when probably the very bad harvest of that year had increased the demand for money in the country, as an extension of issues took place, and prices began to rise again. No extension of issues in the latter end of 1816 appears by the account of stamps j but it must be presumed, from the previous contraction, that there was a balance of notes on hand, which would be first issued before that increased demand for stamps, which appears in 1817, would occur. In 1817, the issues of the Bank of England were considerably extended, and the average price of wheat was Ql'S. In 1818, the Bank of England circulation ap- pears to have been curtailed. Money had be- come plentiful in London, and the 3 per cents, had rapidly risen to 80. This, however, had 232 not been the case in the country, for the banks increased their issues ; and if we allow that prices were affected 20s. per quarter by the very bad harvest of 1816, which on 94s. is perhaps a fair estimate, — as the prices this year were 84s, it ^ill make a national rise from the bank issues of 10s. per quarter. The rise in the funds, however, induced many to sell out, and transfer their money to the country, which would create a demand for London bills, and curtail the issues of the country banks. Prices would consequently fall. In 1819, therefore, wheat fell to the average of 73s. Since then, the diminished value of money has continued, no doubt, to contract the country bank circulation, upon which the price of agricultural produce depends, and it has continued falling until it has reached its present depression. For four or five years, commencing with 1809, the bullion and paper prices of corn were not the same. When gold had entirely disap- peared from circulation, the issues of paper not being regulated by the state of the exchanges as before, prices rose above that level at which our foreign trade balanced j and the price of bills upon England, or the exchanges, conse- quently fell to the extent of this difference. Corn may be said then to have had two prices governed by different principles : its price in Q33 paper governed by the quantity of it compared with the quantity of commodities in circulation ; and its price in gold, governed entirely by the circumstances of our trade at the moment. Daring the operation of Bonaparte's conti- nental system, it was much more easy to smug- gle our lighter and more valuable goods to the continent, than to receive those bulky commo- dities of which our imports generally consist in return. A cargo of our exports to the north of Europe is worth twenty or thirty of the imports with which we are paid. This trade, therefore, could only be brought to a balance by the ex- cessive price of our commodities. At the same time, as a very small quantity of gold would reduce its price where there was no demand for it, its price would be merely nominal, and would be determined by the demand for bills upon England, or the state of the Exchanges ; as this demand and the exchanges rose, the price of gold in bank paper would fall, and rice versa. At this time, therefore, the bullion price, as well as the paper price of corn was high. The following is a statement of the prices in both bullion and in paper, from 1809 to 181.5 inclusive: — H 234 Paper Price per Quarter. Bullion Price ptr i Quarter 1809, - 95s. 1809, - 82s. 1810, - 106s. 1810, - 95s. 1811, - 94s. 1811, - 83s. 1812, . 125s. 1812, - 97s. 1813, - 108s. 1813, - 808. 1814, - 74s. 1814, - 59s. 1815, - 64s. 1815, - 53s. That these prices were entirely governed by different principles, is proved by the fluctuations not being parallel. For instance in 1814, the price of wheat in paper fell from 78s. to 70s. ; whereas the price in bullion rose from 56s. 6d. to 65s., and in 1815, the price of wheat in January was 60s. in paper, and 54s. in bullion. May, 70s. ditto 52s. ditto. December, 55s. ditto 52s. ditto. So that while the price in bullion remained nearly stationary, the price in paper within the year fluctuated considerably. At that period of the war, when our foreign trade was so variable and uncertain, the bank restriction act would have been a great advan- tage, had the paper circulation been governed by any kind of principle. 235 CHAPTER XXn. With a Paper Currency, Importations of Foreign Corn cannot materially reditce Prices, During the high prices which have occurred in the last 30 years, great importations of corn have always taken place when the ports of Eu- rope were open to us, and as they always di- minished when corn fell, it has been supposed that these importations reduced its price. Great, however, as they may appear at differ- ent times to have been, they never could at any time have had any very material effect upon the market ; and that in fact they had no such effect, was proved in 1801, when, after a good harvest, and in the teeth of the greatest impor- tations at that time ever known, wheat rose to a higher price than it ever was before, or has been since. The principle however, will ap- pear more evident upon further examination. Dr Colquhoun, in 1812, estimates the quan- tity of grain produced in this kingdom as fol- lows : — 2 H 2 ^36 Quarters. Wheat, 9,170,000, at 70s. 6d £32,324,250 Barley, 6,335,000, at 37s. 6d..... 11,719,750 Oats, 16,950,000, at 29s. Od 24,577,500 Rye, 685,000, at 43s. lOd 1,501,291 Beans and Peas, 1,860,000, at 38s. lOd 3,611,500 5e73,734,291 Now the total imports from foreign ports from 1813 to 1818 inclusive, after which the ports were finally shut, are as follows : — 1813. At prices corresponding to 108s. per quarter for wheat, 5^2,192,592 In order to put it upon a par. , ^^ with Dr Colquhoun's calcula- tion at 70s. 6d. deduct say one third ... 730,864 £1,461,728 1814. At prices corresponding to 73s. lid. for wheat, from which we shall make no de- duction - - 2,815,319 1815. At prices corresponding to 64s. 4d. for wheat . 793,245 To which add one-tenth - 79,324 872,569 1816. At prices corresponding to 75s. lOd. for wheat, from which we shall make no de- duction . - - 942,497 Carried over £6,092,113 237 Brought forvrard i£ 6,092,1 13 1817. At prices corresponding to 94s. 9d. for wheat 6,403,893 From which deduct say two- ninths . - - . 1,423,086 4,980,807 1818. At prices corresponding to 84s. Id. for wheat - 10,908,140 From which deduct say one- eighth - - - 1,363,517 9,544,623 ^£20,617,543 Now the proportions which the imports each year bore to our average produce, are about as follows : — 1813 equal say to -~ 1814 ditto ^V 1815 ditto ^V 1816 ditto ^V 1817 ditto Vt or say -j\ 1818 ditto I or say -f^ And the whole together equal to about ^t* By comparing these importations with the dif- ference in quantity there is betw^een the crops of ordinary seasons, it will be seen how perfectly inadequate they are to produce any material effect upon prices. Altogether they do not amount to the difference between the harvests of 1819 and 1820, and these harvests were not, ^S8 we should imagine, either so remarkably defec- tive or abundant as naturally to produce any great effect upon prices. Presuming last year an average crop, the following gives the scale of produce and of prices since 1815. The crop of each year is of course sold the year after. 1815, Average price of wheat 64s. 1815, 37 quality good 1816 ditto 75s. 1816, 25 very bad in quality, near- ly rotten 1817 ditto 94s. 1817, 33 quality not very good 1818 ditto 83s. 1818, 32 quality very good 1819 ditto 72s. 1819, 27 quality very good, but not so good as the year before 1820 ditto 65s. 1820, 37 sound and dry, but not so good as the two preceding years 1821 ditto 54s. 1821, 32 1'822 ditto 43s. It will be observed that from 1817 to 1822, there has been an averge reduction of about ten shillings per quarter. Now adding the re- duction from 1819 to 1820, and from 1820 to 1821 together, it amounts to 18s. per quarter which is 9s. per year. The crop of 1819, how- ever, was -3^ below an average, and the fall only 7s. It appears therefore, to have been check- ed about two shillings per quarter ; while the crop of 1820 being ^ above an average crop, and the fall lis. per quarter, it appears to have 239 been increased in the same proportion. An increase of -3^ therefore seems to have reduced prices 2s. a decrease of ^ to have increased them to the same extent, making a difference between the two harvests of 4s. per quarter. Assuming, therefore, the fall to be a question of currency, and this variation to be produced by the differ- ence of the crops, we are led to conclude, that if all the importations for the six years enume- rated, had taken place in one, they would have reduced wheat about 4s. per quarter. But if we say that they could not have produced an effect exceeding twice that, the correctness of the position will hardly be doubted. We are willing, however, to allow it to be ex- tremely possible that sudden importations to a great extent might w^ith a metallic currency, have a considerable effect upon prices. It might determine the balance of trade against the country ; and as the corn came into the market, the money which represented it might go out : as the supply increased, the consump- tion might be diminished ; by which not only an immediate, but a permanent fall of prices would be the result. But in this case it would not be the importations of corn, but the exportation of money, that would produce the material effect. The depression of the markets would still be more a question of currency than supply. It is impossible, indeed, unless we sup- 240 pose that a supply of foreign corn will frighten a market out of its wits, that with a pa- per currency it can either affect the market after it is consumed and out of it, or can have a greater effect in reducing prices when in it, than a corresponding increase of supply by a good harvest. It is even very possible that importations of foreign corn may have the effect of raising its price, by giving rise to a demand for bank ac- commodation. If a merchant imports a thou- sand pounds worth of corn, and borrows a thou- sand pounds worth of notes in consequence, he puts as much money into circulation as per- haps would promote the consumption of ten times the quantity ; and I have no doubt that the late rise was at the moment rather increased than diminished by the importations which took place. This to a certain extent, at least, has evidently been the case with foreign corn in bond. The banks in Newcastle are at this time under considerable advances upon security of this description of corn ; and to the extent of that advance the currency must have been ex- tended, or prevented from contracting. If this corn was brought into the market, or all the bonded corn in the kingdom, it is hardly pro- bable that, so far as the additional supply opera- ted, it would affect prices one shilling per quarter. But if the money which it produced. 241 was taken out of consumptive circulation, and paid to the banks, or placed in their hands, which would probably be done, and the con- sumption in consequence diminished as the sup- ply was increased, a great reduction of price would no doubt be the result. The ports were closed against further impor- tations in February, 1819. Since then, of course, no more supplies of foreign corn have been brought into the market. Now admitting that one half of the foreign corn imported in 1818 was unconsumed when the harvest of that year was gathered, it would make the total supply for 1819, 34 by Messrs Cropper, Benson, and Co.'s scale. If we further assume 72s. the price of that year, to be proportioned to the supply and state of the currency at the time, had the prices since then been governed by the state of the crops alone, they must have been as follows : — Average of Wheat 1818. 34 bushels per acre. 1819, ... 72s. 1819. 27 ditto 1820, ... 90s. 1820. 37 ditto 1821, ... 66s. 1821. 32 ditto 1822, ... 76s. Whereas the actual prices were : — 1819, 73s. 1820, 65s. 7d. 1821, 54s. 1822, 44s. ^ I 242 Nothing can be more clear from the above statement, than that the present low prices are produced by alterations in the currency. I'he reduction never could proceed from the supply, when the supply within this year or two has fallen ofFj nor yet from importations of foreign corn, for there has been none. A good deal has been said about the effect produced by the large supplies of corn from Ireland ; but I do not see how an increase of growth in Ireland is to have a different effect from an increase of growth in Yorkshire or Northumberland. The reasoning which applies to the one applies to the other. If it is wished to lay an exclusive tax upon Ireland, tax her produce imported into tliis country, and keep down her national prices below the level of ours ; but if not, and she is to enjoy all the advantages of our manufacturing superiority, having a sea to cross does not affect the principles we have en- deavoured to establish. It is a shorter carriage, and less expensive, to send corn from Ireland to Liverpool, than from Berwick to London. 243 CHAPTER XXIII. The present Price of Stocks a Proof of a Contraction of Currency. That the present agricultural distress must be caused by a contraction of the circulation of the country banks, is a proposition which, I trust, is now almost self-evident ; but a further proof of it is afforded by the present low price of the funds. If we examine the stock table, in the Appen- dix, and compare it with the table of the rise of the national debt, since the revolution, from Dr Hamilton's Inquiry, we shall have sufficient reason to conclude that, without some particu- lar cause, the 3 per cents, ought, by this time, to have been far above 80. At the commencement of the war, in 174«0» they were about 100. The stock table com- mences 1731, and gives, up to that period, the following yearly averages:— 2 I 2 ^244 « 1731, 95 1732, 98 1733, 98 1734, 92 1735, 94 1736, 105 1737, 106 1738, 105 1739, 100 1740, 99 At the commencement of the war, in the year 174-0, the national debt appears to have been ^47,954,6 23, and at the peace of Aix- la-Chapelle, eight years afterwards, it had in- creased to ^79,193,313, that is about twenty-' one millions ; in which time, the prices of stock were as follow : — 1741, 97 1742, 100 1743, 101 1744, 94 1745, 89 1746, 83 1747, 84 1748, 86 It is not improbable that government had not begun to borrow until 174<4, as the funds did not fall until then. They were at the low- est, at the commencement of 1746, and, in that year, as we have before stated, wheat, without 245 any scarcity, rose veiy considerably. In the eight years of peace which followed, the debt was reduced between five and six millions, and the prices of stock were— 1749, 98 1750, 99 1751, 100 1752, 104 1753, 104 1754, 103 1755, 95 1756, 88 cUu /IV/ .(K- In the latter year, war commenced again, and, probably, preparations for it had begun the year before. It continued seven years, du- ring which the debt was increased sixty mil- lions. In this period, the prices of stock were — 1757, 89 1758, 93 1759, 82 1760, 81 1761, 77 1762, 75 1763, 89 From this time to the American war in 1775, a space of ttti years, ten millions of debt were discharged, in which interval stocks were,— 246 1764, 82 1765, 88 1766, 88 1767, 89 1768, 90 1769, 87 1770, 84. 1771, 85 1772, 89 1773, 86 1774, 87 1775, 88 The American war lasted eight years, and an addition of e^l 15,000,000. was made to the debt. In this war stocks were,^ — 1776, 85 1777, 78 1778, 64 1779, 60 1780, 61 1781, 57 1782, 57 1783, 53 Peace now continued to 1793, in which ten years the debt was reduced ten millions, and stocks were, — 1784, S5 ' 1785, 62 1786, 72 1787, 72 247 1788, 75 1789, 76 1790, 77 1791, 84 1792, 90 1793, 75 In 1792, they had attained 96, but fell in contemplation of the war which broke out the year following. Since the termination of the late war, the three per cents, have never risen except in a trifling degree above 80 ; yet from this brief review, it must be evident that with the im- mense reduction of expenditure by govern- ment which has taken place, stocks by this time ought to have been at much higher prices. It is not at all probable, that as government reduced its expenditure, individuals would in- crease theirs in exactly the same proportion, even keeping the sinking fund out of view. The consequence in that case would have been, that the economy of government would have re- duced the interest of money and profits of trade, and have raised the price of the funds, had it not contracted the currency. While the interest of money to individuals is kept up to five per cent, it is certain that the value of government securities will bear a de- terminate proportion to it : in the money mar- ket, the respective securities must, like other S48 commodities, the quality of which are known, have their relative prices ; and government securities, according to the present state of opi- nion, appear to be worth one per cent, per an- num more than those of individuals. It is pro- bable, therefore, that until the currency is principally re-issued upon deposits in London, the three per cents, will not rise much above 80. Up to this price, however, they have risen without difficulty, Even in 1809 and 1810, during the war, they were at 70. In 1817, eighteen months after the termination of hosti- lities, they were 80, and occasionally 1 or 2 per cent, above it ; from whence they declined in the latter part of 1818, probably in conse- quence of the foreign loans, until 1820, when they began to rise again ; and in Oct. 1821 they were at 78 ; between which and 80, or a trifle above it, they have continued ever since. By the contraction of the currency the value of money is kept up, while the prices of com- modities are reduced, and the balance of trade determined in favour of the country ; by which an importation of the precious metals to sup- ply the deficiency is caused. But though by this importation the currency will be re-extended, and the prices of commodities ultimately raised to what they were before, the value of money wiU not, of course, be reduced by the same 249 means. The money which comes into the country is received in payment for commodi- ties, and will be spent in consumption by those who receive it, the same as if it had been in pre- vious circulation. It will only be that propor- tion which is saved out of the incomes of those who receive it, that will tend to reduce the inte- rest of money, and that must be but a trifling part of the whole. If, therefore, the currency were to annually contract four or five millions, and four or five millions were received by the balance of trade, whatever the immediate effect upon prices might be, which we shall again speak of hereafter, the interest of money would still be kept up, and the contraction would still go on. Opinion, we have no doubt, has some effect in keeping the stocks at their present prices. I remember hearing that the Scotch banks sold out of the funds very largely when the 3 per cents, were at 80, in I8I7 and 1818, and it was thought a wonderful instance of financial sagacity; and it seems now a pretty general opinion that 80 is about their maximum. If they were expected to be higher, capitalists would not be desirous to place their money on mortgage, until they had attained the expect- ed price, and this would cause them to rise to it. What prices stocks might by this time have 2 K ^250 attained, with a metallic or an incontraetable paper currency, it js impossible to say with certainty. The value of money is different in different countries ; but it appears to be al- ways the lowest in the most commercial na- tions, and in the most advanced state of socie- ty. In Dr Smith's time, the government of Holland borrowed at 2 per cent.* I should imagine, however, that three per cent, was about the natural rate for this country, the rate which may be termed its par. Money never seems to have been worth much more than three per cent., whereas during peace, the funds have been oftener at or above 100, than below it. In the ten years of peace which preceded the American war, they did not indeed rise much above 90, and were often- er below than above that price ; but the high prices of corn in I767, and those which follow- ed in 1771, 2, 3, 4f, and 5, appear to have given a great stimulus to agriculture, which would absorb capital, and keep the funds from attaining that price to which they would other- wise have probably arrived. In 179% just be- fore the war broke out, they had very nearly reached 100 : they were at 96, when they be- gan to decline, in prospect of the war, which was declared the year following. * Wealth of Nations, Book I. Chap. 9. S51 If the capitalists of society are a counti'y's greatest economists, it must necessarily follow that the more society advances, and the greater is the proportion ofits income which capitalists enjoy, the greater will be the number of its economists, and the lower the interest of money. In Russia, where society is considerably behind, at least the commercial part of Europe, interest of money is high. The Commercial Bank of St. Petersburgh, I understand, gives 5 per cent, for deposits made with it, and discounts at from 6 to 10, according to the supply and de- mand for money at the time. This bank only deals in money ; it does not make it. It there- fore necessarily regulates its charge for dis- counts according to the state of its funds, and the demand for money at the moment ; which from some peculiarity in the trade of St Peters- burgh (if there is so great a difference in the interest charged at different times) is perhaps very variable. There is, however, no reason why money should be worth less in this country now than it was 100 years ago. The capitalists, in pro- portion, are more numerous than they were then, and our agricultural improvements are at a stand ; and when we take into account the forced economy produced by the sudden and enormous reduction of government expendi- ture, there seems little reason to doubt, that i^ K 2 252 with a different system of currency, the 3 per cents, must have been at 100 by this time ; even though they should have subsided after the effects of the economy of government had ceased to be felt in the market. Their present price is, however, a sufficient proof of a con- traction of currency, as without that they must at least before this have risen above 80. 253 CHAPTER XXIV. Sinking Tiind. It is not, I believe, until within these twelve months, or two years at most, that the actual receipts of government, since the return of peace, have exceeded its expenditure, that is, since the sinking fund began to operate. We now, however, have a sinking fund, and I have no doubt it has proved one to the agricul- turists. They were sunk low enough before, but since it was added to the general excess of economy, many of them I dare say, have found themselves entirely ruined. The fall was greater last year than in any year since the last declension of prices began. It was lis. upon 54>. A contraction numerically as great with wheat at 54 as at 84, must throw up- wards of half as much more in quantity into the market without its means of consumption, and in a similar proportion with any other price : so that there must have been a greater quantity of corn thrown into the market last year, with- out its means of consumption, than any year before. There can be little doubt indeed, that the 254 economy of the last session of parliament was most unfortunate for those it was intended to serve. It is not an impossible supposition that they might lose ten millions for every one add- ed to the sinking fund. But independent of the effects upon the cur- rency, under the present system, produced by government contracting large loans, and after- wards attempting to discharge them, the prin- ciples of which have been sufficiently illustrat- ed, the policy of this plan of finance is in other respects extremely questionable. It is, in fact, absurd on the one hand, and unjust on the other. More than the income of society cannot be spent, and a loan is nothing but a tax through the interest of money and profits of trade. It is even more — it is a double tax. For every mil- lion saved by the economist out of their increas- ed profit, it is probable that another, at least, is spent. When people make money with more ease, they naturally spend it with more free- dom; and the additional interests and profits created must not only be equal to furnish the loan, but^to cover this additional expenditure also. Consequently the borrowers furnish out of their own pockets, probably, twice the amount of the sum they borrow, and saddle themselves with an annual charge besides. It may be almost laid down as a principle, that a 255 nation which can regularly supply its govern- ment with loans, to any particular extent, could with half the ease pay, within the year, direct taxes to the same amount. On the other hand, with a proper currency, a sinking fund would be no loss but a gain to the ultimate payers of the taxes. If the whole inco/ne of society must be spent, the sinking fund cannot be saved, but must necessarily curtail the incomes of the economists. If not more than a certain amount of money is wanted, both the economists and government cannot save it. Indeed the idea of saving corn, cabbages, and other consumable commodities which the income of the sinking fund repre- sents, appears quite ridiculous, and would be nonsense were it possible. It may be good housewifery to economise by hoarding commo- dities for any thing I know, more especially if there be plenty of pigs and ducks to gobble up the victuals that spoil, and other equally thrifty means of disposing of the other descrip- tions of commodities that may be wasted ; but a nation cannot economise in this manner : the savings of one class or body must curtail those of another. Nothing indeed could be a finer speculation to the ultimate payers of taxes with a proper currency, than a sinking fund. It would not* merely curtail the interest of money and profits 256 of trade to the amount of itself, but probably to many times that amount. It would reduce, in fact, in an equal degree, all income throughout the kingdom, the value of which depended up- on that of capital : buildings, ships, mines, and every description of created property would be affected by it. So that every million thrown into the market would be felt from one end of the nation to the other. All those whose incomes depend upon the value of money, ought to resist by every means in their power the continuance of this fund, properly called sinking, so far as they are affect- ed. To continue it would be nothing but a a very ingenious method of taking so much money out of their pockets, by robbing them of that due share of the national income to which they are naturally entitled. Perhaps it may be said that they have had great gains during the war, and a sinking fund would now be but a fair retaliation. Would it, however, be fair to feed a servant on very rich food until he could not live without it, and then say. Now, Sir, you have for a long time been fed too well, and in order to balance accounts, you must be fed on turnips and car- rots ? No — the reply would naturally be, — You have given me habits which I cannot easily change, and if that is not an argument why the style of living is to be continued, it is none why 257 I should be starved to death. The great pro- fits enjoyed by the mercantile classes for so long a period during the war, is the very reason why they should not be artificially reduced now. The mercantile classes have acquired habits of expenditure which they cannot easily alter, and they will no doubt find them sufficiently low without the expedient of a sinking fund. And as to the debt, unless the mortgagees can be put in possession of that part of the property of the nation to which they are entitled, nothing can with justice to all parties be done, but al- low it to remain as it is. 2 L CHAPTER XXV. Plan for the Government of the Currency. It is at present a general opinion with all our political economists and statesmen, that there is a demand for money by the country, which as regularly presents itself to the banks in dis- count of good commercial bills, as the demand for any other commodity presents itself in the market, and is determined by the con- sumption of it ; and that the issues of bank paper are the consequence of high prices and not the cause. The fallacy of this opinion, it is, we trust, unnecessary further to illustrate. Money comes into the market by the balance of foreign trade, not in consequence of the high, but in consequence of the low price of commodities ; and from the banks, either from the same cause producing a balance of pay- ment in London bills to their respective dis- tricts, or in consequence not of a demand for currency, but of a demand for capital, deter- mined by the interest which the banks charge proportioned to the market rate. And in all cases the influx of money into the market,^ whether it proceed from the balance of fb- 259 reign trade, or the issues of banks, is not the effect, but the cause of high prices. It is also the general opinion, that the circu- lation of the bank of England controuls that of the country banks ; and it no doubt did so du- ring the war, when the issues of the country banks were made upon home bills, and they had no means of providing against an unfa- vourable balance of payments. But when their issues come to be founded upon deposits in London, at a low rate of interest, they will be glad to avail themselves of any demand for money, either from a bad harvest or otherwise, to withdraw their deposits from London and lend them out on better interest at home. It may consequently be two or three years or more before the balance of payments in favour of London, after a demand for money has ari- sen, exhausts their deposits. In the mean time an artificial scarcity might be caused, or a real one aggravated ; while probably before their deposits were exhausted, the sudden de- mand for money might cease ; a contraction of currency follow ; and prices fall as much below the national level until the deposits in Lon- don were restored, as they had been above it. Thus prices might be kept in a state of great vacillation without the issues of the country banks ever coming within the controul of the Bank of England's circulation* 2 L 2 ^60 Independent of this, every contraction of bank issues necessarily determines the balance of foreign payments in favour of the nation, and a spring tide of metallic currency, if we may so term it, flows to the metropolis. This the more eifectually of course determines the ba- lance of payments in favour of the country, and enables the country banks the more speedily to re-issue their notes upon deposits in London. But the balance of payments will continue in favour of the country until its circulation is upon a level with that of London, however much it may have been increased above the amount necessary, with its ordinary consump- tion, to maintain the national prices. Thus every low state of prices will be as necessarily followed by a state of prices proportionately high. Prices will rise as much above the na- tional level as they were previously below it, until the metallic money which has come into the country has again disappeared, and the cir- culation of London is brought to its proper level. The gold which is now flowing into the country in such abundance, is only a teniporary visitor : it will be ultimately re-ex- pelled, if the present system of currency con- tinues, by prices as high as they are now low ; and without some change, the lovers of gold and cheap corn will find themselves most sadly deceived. 261 With a metallic or a paper currency, which could not be issued by country banks at plea- sure, these effects would not be produced. When the circulation of London exceeded that of the country, and determined the balance of payments in its favour, if the country banks could not increase their issues, money, with which to pay the balance, would have to be sent from the metropolis, and its circulation would be diminished as that of the country increased. No mountain of currency would therefore rise in London to be re-expelled by excessive prices ; but by the internal balance of payments, the circulation would equalize itself, and when prices came to the national level, they would not rise above it. Now to put the currency on this footing, seems absolutely necessary, unless we wish corn to continue subject to those fluctuations in price which we have experienced during the last 30 years. It is perhaps unnecessary to contend that paper is a better circulating medium than gold. It is determined by practice, which at least in practical matters, is the only correct mode of coming at the truth. People in this country who have no theories upon the subject, univer- sally prefer paper. It is more portable, for- geries are more easily detected, at least with the notes of country banks, and it is in all re- ^62 spects more convenient ; while every plain man sees that bank notes answer the purpose of money just as well as a metallic currency. In Russia also, I understand, paper is preferred. Before it was issued in excess, and the precious metals were still in circulation, it bore a premi- um or agio of one per cent, and in this country I am persuaded that merchants would on the average rather give 5 or 10 shillings per cent, for paper, than submit to the inconvenience of receiving their payments in metallic money. Presuming, therefore, that the present notes of the country banks are found to be as good a description of money as need, for any useful purpose, to be invented, I venture to submit the following Plan for the government of the currency : — 1st. Let an enquiry be made by a committee of parliament into the circulation of all the banks in the kingdom, at different periods, in order to ascertain, as far as possible, the a- mount of currency necessary in different dis- tricts, to maintain any given level of prices. 2nd. Let public banks be established in dif- ferent parts of the country, with proper capi- tals, and to each bank a certain amount of cir- culation be assigned ; for which, let both the bank and the state be security to the public. 3rd. Let each bank pay government for this 263 currency, a per centage, say S per cent., lend it out in the manner most agreeable to its interests, and keep it in circulation or not at its own pleasure. 4th. Let a board of commissioners be esta- blished in London, under whose management the currency may be placed ; and to this board let every bank send weekly or monthly returns of the state of the circulation, the supply and demand for London bills, and such other infor- mation as the commissioners deem necessary for their government. 5th. Let these commissioners have an office for the deposit of bullion, and purchase all that comes into the country, at the mint price, or a little above the mint price. Let them pay for it by receipts or notes of not less, say, than a j^lOO each ; and let any bank, either in London or any other part of the country, to which these notes or bullion receipts may be presented, be obliged to discount them, not with old notes, but by an issue of new notes over and above their stated circulation, and then return them to the board of commissioners. 6th. When a demand for bills upon London, exceeding the supply, occurs in any dis- trict, let the demand be met by the drafts of its bank upon the commissioners for bullion, and let the notes received in demand for these bills be cancelled. If these drafts are present- 264 ed for payment in bullion to be exported, or for any other purpose, let them be paid ; but if they are remitted to any other part of the kingdom, let the banks, to whom they are pre- sented for discount, issue fresh notes to their amount. In the same manner, let the Bank of England, or such banks of circulation as may be established in London, pay their notes by drafts upon the commissioners for bullion when re- quired, and also issue fresh notes in discount of such drafts when presented, the same as the country establishments. Now by this plan, while banks could not manufacture money at pleasure, the currency would dilate and contract in the same manner as with a metallic circulation. But, however, we shall take the liberty of considering it more in detail. 1. Let an Enquiry be made hy a Committee of Parliament, into the Circulation, at different Periods, of all the Banks in the Kingdom, in order to ascertain, as far as possible, the Amount of Currency necessary in different Districts to maintain any given Level of Prices, The obvious necessity of some such preli- minary investigation by a committee of parlia- 365 ment, or by the commissioners intended to cany the measure into effect, renders any ar- gument on the subject superfluous. The pub- lic welfare requires that private banks should be called upon for the information necessary ; though justice will of course require that the information thus obtained, be kept secret, and only the general results be published. ^}id. Let Public Banks be established in different Parts of the Country, with proper Capitals, and to each Bank a certain Amount qfCircula' tion be assigned, for xchich let both the State and the Bank be Security to the Public, Public banks,- with proper encouragement, might be established in six months, in every part of the kingdom ; and that is as soon as any great national change could be expected to be made. National affairs, like great bodies, must necessarily move slowly. In the great com- mercial towns, such as Liverpool, it might be necessary to grant charters ; as in the minds of some there are prejudices against entering into banks, which charters would obviate. But go- vernment cannot possibly have any objection to meet a little prejudice with a little parchment : in fact it is understood that ministers have no such objection. The charters might be 2 M 2<56 granted for 21 years, and a fine levied upon their renewal. Let those banks that wish for the bauble pay for it. There never was a spe- culation proposed more to the public taste than these joint stock companies ; and I am enabled to say, that there will be no wanjt of subscrip- tions to them when they are allowed to be set up, even though charters should not be grant- ed. The currency should also be put upon the most stable footing, so that no demand for gold should ever arise from want of confidence. This would be most effectually done by both the bank and government being pledged to the public ; and as government would have an in- spection of the bank affairs, no possible loss could ever arise to the state from it ; while the bank being also pledged, no want of confidence in the faith of government could ever materially influence the credit of the currency. 3rd. Let the Bank pay Go'vernmentjor this Cur- rency a per Centage, say 3 per Cent, and lend it out in the Manner most agreeable to its In- terestSy and keep it in Circulation or not, at its own Pleasure. The currency belongs to no individual, and is therefore the property of the state. Go- 267 vernment ought to receive the profits deri- ved from that which is so properly its own. It is the object to make the taxes as little ob- jectionable to individuals as possible, and no tax could fall more imperceptibly upon the public than this would do. The proper busi- ness of banks is not to manufacture, but to trade in money. To take from banks, there- fore, either private or public, the precarious source of profit which they derive from the cir- culation of notes, and oblige them to charge a commission upon their discounts instead, would be doing them good and not harm. Experience has proved that those private banks have made the most money upon the average, that have had nothing to do with the circulation at all. I should imagine, that if the banks in Newcastle did not issue notes, but conducted their pre- sent business upon the same principles as the banks in Manchester, Livei'pool, or London, they would make twice the money. The per centage which government will be enabled to charge, will depend, in the first place, upon whether they allow more than one public bank in each place or not. If banks are allowed to be set up unlimitedly, of course the bank which conducts the circulation cannot afford to do it for nothing ; and the interest must be sufficiently below the common rate to pay with a profit, for the expence and trou- 2 M 2 ^6S ble incurred. In the next place, the per centage they can afford will in some mea- sure depend upon the size of the banks. If banks are of sufficiently moderate size to be en- abled to make their profits by the business of banking alone, they can pay more for the cur- rency. But if any magnificent scheme is enter- ed into of making wonderful grand banks, on the principle of the Bank of England, which shall perhaps embrace the circulation of a large county, government will have to support them, more or less, by charging them a lower rate of interest. The success and usefulness of a bank to commerce and agriculture, is determined by the knowledge which its directors may possess of the individuals who trade with it; and the more limited the business the more intimate that knowledge. As a bank increases in mag- nificence, therefore, it diminishes in utility. Two small banks in a county will be both more useful to the public, and profitable to their stock-holders, than one large one ; and the more profitable they are, the more interest they will be enabled to pay government. I do not mean to say, however, that there ought to be more than one bank in each town, even though it should be a large one. The greatest possible frauds are often committed upon the public, to which banks are sometimes the unconscious, and generally the unwilling 269 instruments, which I see no mode of prevent- ing, except by the existence of one bank only. Merchants are very often tempted to speculate beyond their depth by the facilities of raising money which too great banking competition generates ; while with more banks than one they are enabled to cloak their transactions. AVhen they get wTong, therefore, instead of stopping at once, which they seldom have courage to do, they by means of accommoda- tion bills, which carry fraud upon the face of them, are enabled through the banks, to support their credit and involve themselves deeper and deeper, until their debts become very large, while their means of paying them become very small ; and the public are dreadful sufferers. If there was, however, but one public bank, towards which all bills w^ould naturally gravi- tate, and where every merchant might be sure his transactions would be seen through, a sa- lutary check would be thus imposed, which would improve the general character of mercan- tile transactions, and prevent many a fraud of this description from even taking root. The banks ought also to be allowed to lend the money as they thought proper, the same as if it were the deposits of individuals. If they paid interest to government for the circulation, they would not let it lie idle, for their own sakes. If they could not lend it at one rate of interest, they would take another, and would 270 lend it upon any description of sufficient secu- rities that offered, rather than suffer the loss of keeping it unemployed. Money would some- times be plentiful, at other times scarce. At one period, they would be able to accommo- date all their friends, at another, would be ob- liged to curtail their accommodations. If they chose to purchase into the funds, they would do so. Their transactions in that respect would only produce the same effect as those of other individuals. But to compel them to invest their stock or money in the funds, on the same prin- ciples as the Bank of England, which I think has been suggested, it is evident would be of no advantage to government, would only dis- turb unnecessarily the internal balance of trade, and would be meddling to no good purpose. 4. Let a Board of Commissioners be established in London, under whose Management let the Currency be placed , and to this Board let every Bank send Weekly or Monthly Returns of the state of the Circulation, the Supply and Demand for London Bills, and such other In- formation as the Commissioners deem necessary for their Government. Little need be said in advocation of this mea- sure -, it is involved in the principle that an in- $71 terference on the part of government is neces- sary. Circulation is a science yet to be under- stood ; and no proper management could be exercised, except by proper persons devoted to the subject, who shall have proper accounts re- gularly sent them. They ought also to have the power of determining the amount of capital required for each bank ; to regulate their re- spective boundaries ; and be in fact a kind of board of controul, without whose approbation no vital changes at least, in any of the banks ought to be made. The proper duties of this board, however, it would be extremely difficult at once fully to determine ; but a principal duty, though it will be merely a mechanical one, is involved in the next proposition. 5. Let the Commissioners have an Office for the Deposit of Bullion^ and purchase all that comes into the Country at the Mint Price, or a little above the Mint Price. Let them pay for it by Receipts or Notes of not less, say, than 5^100 each ; and let any Bank either in London or any other Part of the Country, to 'which these Notes or Bullion Receipts may be presented, be ob- liged to discount them, by an Issue of Notes over and above their stated Circulation, and re- turn them to the Board of Commissioners, Gold ought not to be allowed to circulate j 272 though the best way to prevent it would be by giving for it the Mint price, or perhaps a tri- fle more than that price. It would always be put into circulation first in London, where it is coined, and under any system of currency would produce a considerable derangement of the ba- lance of trade. These bullion receipts, how- ever, making a convenient remittance, would at once be sent to those parts of the country where the circulation was most deficient, and discharge as it were an additional quantity of notes from the banks of those districts. If a merchant, for instance, with a metallic curren- cy, sent bullion up to London to be coined, he would draw a bill against it, and the gold would be put into circulation in payment of this bill. A temporary rise of prices would in consequence be produced, until the exchange with the coun- ty fell sufficiently to pay for the exporting this gold back to the country. But, by the present plan, a bullion receipt would be sent him at once, and the circulation would be increased only where it was wanted. Besides which, with a mixed currency of gold and paper, the com- missioners would not have that perfect know- ledge of the circulation which would be desi- rable. @73 6. When a Demand J or Bills upon London hy any of the Banks arises, exceeding the Supply , let the Demand he met hy Drafts upon the Commissioners for Bullion, and the Notes re- ceived in Demand for these Bills he cancelled. If these Drafts are presented for Payment in Bullion, for Ea:portation or any other Pur- pose, let them he paid ; but if they are remitted to any other Part of the Kingdom, let the Banks to xvhom they are presented for Dis- count, issue fresh Notes to their Amount. In the same Manner let the Bank of England, or such Banks of Circidation as may be establish- ed in Lo7idon, pay their Notes hy Drafts up- on the Commissioners for Bidlion *when re- quired, and also issue fresh Notes in Discount of such Drafts xvhen presented, the same as the Country Establishments, As long as the banks had bills on London, or funds in their agents' hands to meet the drafts for which there was a demand, they would, for the sake of their own interests, supply such demand by drafts upon their own agents. But when the demand for London bills in any dis- trict exceeded the supply, it would be a proof that its circulation to the extent of this de- mand was excessive. By the bank, therefore, drawing a bullion draft (at the same date, we shall say, as their S N 274 drafts upon their agents, by which they would make nothing, and would not in consequence be tempted to draw unnecessarily,) the circula- tion would be contracted to the extent required. If these drafts, instead of being sent to London, were sent to any other part of the country, it would be in consequence of a deficient circula- tion in the part to which they were sent, and an extension would immediately take place. If, however, they were presented for payment in bullion, and that bullion was exported, it would be in consequence of prices being above the national level, and they would be reduced ac- cordingly. In the chances of trade it would probably happen that a bank might have an excess of bills on London without any bullion drafts amongst them. Nevertheless, however, a quan- tity of bullion drafts equal to this excess m-ust have been drawn in that district from whence this balance of payment would have come. We shall suppose, therefore, that these drafts were sent to another part of the country where the balance of trade was equal, and where they were of course not wanted, but that they were presented for payment, and fresh issues took place upon them. There would, in conse- quence, immediately be a deficiency of London bills to their extent, and notes would necessa- rily be taken in again to purchase fresh drafts of equal value. These would be sent to London 275 as an ordinary remittance, and be discounted there, and fresh issues would be made upon them. But in the mean time, the country bank which had an excess of London bills, without any bullion drafts among them, must have sent these bills to its London agents for payment, but not wanting the money in London, would ne- cessarily order its agents to return the balance in bullion drafts, the same as it would have or- dered them to remit gold, had the circulation been metallic. Its agents would, therefore, take an equal amount of notes into the Bank of England to procure such drafts, and remit them accordingly. Thus with the Bank of England, the discount of bullion drafts on the one hand, and demand for them on the other, would ba- lance ; while the country district in whose fa- vour the balance of payment had been deter- mined, would experience an increase of circu- lation by the fresh issues which would be made upon the bullion drafts received from London in return for the other bills sent thither for pay- ment. To the extent that the balance of payments was in favour of London, the circulation of London would be increased in the same man- ner as other districts ; and when the circulation of London was excessive, the balance of pay- ments against it would create a demand for bullion drafts, which would be sent into the country, or be presented for payment in bulli- on to be sent out of it, according as the ba- 276 lance of payments was against the country ge- nerally, or against London, in favour of some particular district. The various bullion drafts thus drawn would never be presented in demand for bullion until it was wanted to be remitted abroad, and it would be hardly necessary for the commissioners to be put to the trouble of accepting them. They need know nothing of them except by the accounts remitted from the different banks, un- less presented for actual payment. Now this plan is the essence of simplicity ; and if it has any merit it is that of being strictly a co- py of nature. A paper circulation, by this system, would dilate and contract precisely in the same manner as a metallic currency. The demand for currency in different places is continually varying. We shall suppose for instance, that a gentleman who has been living in Northum- berland, goes to reside in London. His in- come would in consequence have to be remit- ted hira by his agent in London bills. This would determine the balance of payments in favour of London, and with a metallic circula- tion the balance would be settled by a remit- tance of money. The circulation of Northum- berland would be thereby contracted, while that of London would be increased to the same extent. The effect upon the price of commo- dities would be that they would be lowered in Northumberland and increased in London suffi- ciently to induce an exportation to London from Northumberland, equal to the consump- tion of the individual who had changed his re- sidence. A certain amount of currency would be transported to London first, and the pro- duce of his estate, or an equal value in other commodities the produce of Northumberland, would follow it. Now just the same effects would be produced by this plan. The balance of payments in favour of London, which with a metallic currency, would be followed by a remittance of money, would be met by a contraction of currency in Northumberland, and a remittance of bullion bills, upon which a corresponding issue would be made in London. As the currency contracted in the one place, it would be dilated in the other. At present whether these effects were pro- duced or not would be a mere chance. The currency might contract in Northumberland * without being at all extended in London. The tendency, in this case, would be to produce a balance of foreign payments, in favour of the country by lowering prices generally, and thus increase the circulation of London, by an im- portation of the precious metals. But this would be effecting, in an indirect and disadvantageous manner, what nature intended should be done in the simplest manner that can be conceived : viz. — By merely sending the money from where it was not wanted, to where it was. S78 CHAPTER XXVI. Bank of England. The charter of the Bank of England has to be altered before any steps can be taken either to improve our banks, as commercial business es- tablishments, or to adopt a new system, for the management of the currency, the necessity for which, at least, has been, we trust, sufficiently established. During the last session of parliament, the di- rectors gave considerable opposition to the views of government. They conceived that the alter- ation of the charter was a measure vitally inju- rious to the interests of the bank ; and that being the case, it was proper for them so to do. Any scheme, however, which diminishes the importance of the bank, in the monied system of the country, is injurious to its interests; and whatever may be the individual wishes of the bank directors, must officially be opposed by them, in discharge of their duty to their consti- tuents, unless an opposite conduct would be more advantageous. 279 But a person, with firm standing, may be confi- dent and at ease in his position, while if, when he conceives himself upon solid ground, you are enabled to shew him that he is upon very thin ice, you may be certain that at least he will cease to cut capers. I cannot help thinking that the Bank of Eng- land stands upon very thin ice, and that it would, therefore, be exceeding dangerous for the directors to caper. Perhaps, the follow- ing reasons, for this opinion, may not appear al- together absurd : — In the first place, the bank is too large for a commercial institution, and too expensive for a government establishment ; and, in the next, its charter is not, for the purpose of securing its monopoly, worth the parchment it is written upon. The proper use of a bank to trade, we have sufficiently pointed out in the Essay on the Principles of Banking, to which we have before referred, and which forms part of this volume. Human institutions must have their limits. One bank could not undertake the business of the world ; nor yet of a nation ; nor yet it appears of London. Experience proves that the Bank of England is too large for commercial purpo- ses. The only service which it is of to com- merce, is in discounting commercial bills. But a very small part of its issues are so applied, ex- 280 cept when money is very much in demand. Nor is it, probably, at any time, of much use in checking accommodation paper. Its observa- tion must necessarily be confined to a few lead- ing houses. The trade of London is too exten- sive for that kind of knowledge of the transac- tions of individuals, which country banks pos- sess. Besides in London, merchants receive less accommodation from banks. Their credit, in a great measure, depends upon their having capi- tal to spare, in their banker's hands. Their bankers are more obliged to them, than they are to their bankers. Therefore the Bank of England can, in no respect, be of the same use to commerce, as a similar establishment would be in a smaller place. The bank, properly, is a government esta- blishment, for the management of the national debt, keeping its cash accounts, and conducting the circulation of London. It is the bank of the state. Much has been said about the traf- ficking of government with the bank, as if it were criminal. It would, however, just be as proper to blame the trafficking of government with the exchequer, or the traffic of a person's hand with his pocket, or to blame a merchant for trafficking with his banker. If a merchant had business to require nearly a bank to him- self, he must have transactions with it daily. But it would never occur to him as a necessary 281 consequence, that if he only wanted one bank, there should be no more than one. No mer- chant would surely be so unwise, though he did transact with one bank alone, as to prevent, if he had the power, any other competitor, and render himseli' dependent upon it, both as to the amount of its charges, and the accommoda- tion it gave him. Butler, in his Hudibras, somewhere speaks of a man, who " catched the itch, on purpose to be scratched," and this con- duct would certainly be something like it, only we may add — and skinned into the bargain. This, however, is just what is done with respect to the Bank of England. A commercial monopo- ly is given to it, of which it can make no adequate use ; which is the cause of immense loss and inconvenience to the country ; and by which government is rendered dependent upon it, without either government or the country gain- ing any one advantage therefrom, that, at least with my limited perceptions, I can make out. The usual result of want of competition is dearness, and this the government feels in its transactions with the bank in no small degree. When interest of money in government secu- rities was at 5 per cent, by lending its capital of ^14,686,800 to the state at three, the bank may be said to have paid annually about 5^300,000 per annum for its monopoly and the business of the state. Now that interest is ^2 o 282 at 4 per cent, it does not pay more than half that sum. For this it enjoyed the circulation of London, which would amount since the present charter to, say ^25,000,000 upon the average, and this at 5 per cent, would leave j^*!, 250, 000 per annum. I have no means at this moment of estimating what it may have realized from the balances of government in its hands, or have cleared by the management of the national debt ; but if we state this at j€300,000 a year, it would leave a gain of ^1,250,000 from the circulation. Now, if instead of one public bank in Lon- don, there had been half a dozen, of size suffi- ciently extensive for security, but sufficiently limited for commercial business, and the go- vernment account had been subject to a fair competition, while the circulation had been di- vided amongst them, or given to those only who would give the most for it, there is no man of business can entertain a doubt, that when money was so scarce, 3f or 4> per cent, would have been given for both the circulation and the balances of government. I have no doubt also, that the national debt would have been managed for less money ; but as it is a mere matter of accounting, it would perhaps have been both better and cheaper to have put it at once into the hands of commissioners. If we, therefore, say that government must have 283 lost one million per annum for want of compe- tition, we shall not, perhaps, be far from the truth. Now, in addition to this, when we consider all the inconveniences to commerce and agri- culture that have resulted from the rickety sys- tem of banking to which the monopoly has given rise, and the number of failures that have been the consequence, we shall be surprised that in the present century any thing so ab- surd could have existed. The ingenuity of man may be defied to point out any peculiar advantage which is derived from the bank. Indeed the ingenuity of man has been most sadly puzzled upon the subject. Mr Mc'Cay, who has lately published a ge- neral view of the history and object of the bank of England, which is a very sensible publication, and who, as is perfectly natural, is very much disposed to say all that can be said for it ; after stating that it is a most valuable institution to commerce, thinks it necessary, for want of better arguments, to support his opinion by a reference to authorities. ** Many great authorities upon " the subject might," he says, *' be adduced in " support of this opinion ; among many, I shall " produce two writers of considerable cele- ** brity, Mr Rolt, in his Dictionary of Trade " and Commerce, under the head of Bank of *' England, finishes that article in these words : 2 o 2 ^84 " * Thus firmly established is this glorf- ** * ous superstructure of the national cre- " ' dit of Great Britain, having the legislative ** * power of the kingdom for its foundation ; " ' a security sufficient for so noble, so exten- " * sive a fund ; a security coeval with the li- *' * berties of the people, that cannot perish " * without the extinction of freedom, and " * which has so closely riveted the constitu- " ' tion of the bank with the common interests " ' of the country, that they should now co-ope- " ' rate against the extended arm of ambition, " * — the designing eye of avarice, — the envy *' * of surrounding enemies, — and the force of " * fiiture invasions/ " This, I dare say, may be depended upon as a very clear account of the matter, the whole of which is, no doubt, implicitly believed by the directors ; for I myself heard one of them, in his place in parliament, either quote some other great authority, or from himself gravely compare it to the sun in the hemisphere. But " Dr Adam Smith, in his Wealth of " Nations," alluding to the bank, " says, with " greater sobriety, that " The stability of the bank of England is " equal to that of the British government. ^ All ** that it has advanced to the public must be *' lost before its creditors can sustain any loss." This is certainly sober enough for a choice eulogium, out of so many great authorities j but 285 it is unfortunately not true. It is quite possible that the directors might ruin the bank, and the British government remain just as stable as ever. The eulogy, at the same time, is rather a doubtful one ; it amounts to this : — that the capital of the bank is lent to one creditor, with whom it consequently must either stand or fall ; and the sponge that wipes off the national debt, makes a clean sweep in Threadneedle-street. The quotation, however, shows that Dr Smith would have said something in favour of the bank, had it been possible. But the charter of the bank does not secure it the circulation of London : there is no law to prevent other banks competing with it ; and when I found the directors opposing the views of government, (see letters from the Times, in the Appendix to the Pamphlet on Banking,) it occurred to me that they might be brought to their senses in another way. T immediately drew out a plan for the establishment of a pri- vate bank, for the circulation of notes, in com- petition with the Bank of England ; and through a channel which gave it weight, submitted it to some of the leading monied men in London. They were unanimous in thinking that it would be a most advantageous speculation, as w^ell as a measure of public utility. The plan, or at least that which was thought practicable, was simply this : that five or six individuals should 286 subscribe a million of capital, establish a bank, and issue notes, in discount of commercial bills, &c. *, and that the affairs of the concern should be examined every six or twelve months, by gentlemen of known character and respectabili- ty, and published to the world. By these means, the credit of the bank would never be question- ed, and considerable profit would be realised, without any considerable risk. Its merits in the public estimation would be, that it possess- ed an actual subscribed capital, and publicity was given to its affairs. The above plan was thought the most simple and practicable. Mine, however, was originally much more involved. It was to form the outlines of a public bank, which was to be carried on as a private con- cern, until the bank charter was altered, and then resolve itself into a public establishment. I had proposed only half a million, but it was thought that if the plan was approved, there would be no difficulty whatever with respect to the amount of capital. As this would at once have brought the bank directors to reason, and have induced them to apply for an alteration of their charter, with a view to secure their monopoly, which would, I have no doubt, have been granted, the defect of the plan was, that after the expence of fitting up an office, preparing the establishment, &c. had been incurred, it might be rendered useless. 287 This, however, I proposed to obviate, by sug- gesting that when this happened, which would of course be immediately followed by the esta- blishment of joint stock companies in different parts of the country, the concern should im- mediately offer itself to undertake exclusively, without doing any other business, the agencies of these banks, and propose to submit annually to their directors, a statement of its affairs, inspected and verified by deputies from a few of them, annu- ally sent to London for the purpose, in the event of their not having a public bank to draw up- on. This I was aware would fall in with the ideas of the stock holders and directors of the proposed companies, and I even thought that as I should probably have some interest in the concern, the new banks might have pleasure on that account in giving it a preference, as they would perhaps readily acknowledge that they were under more obligations to me than to any person connected with any other establishment. Consequently there seemed little reason to doubt that these agencies, if gone properly about, might be se- cured ; and as I understand that the agencies of considerable banks are worth from one to three or four thousand pounds each, supposing tliem not to be worth more than a thousand up- on the average, forty or fifty of such, or even half the number, would form a valuable busi- ness to any concern, and would be unattended 288 with the usual risk and trouble of banking. I further would have proposed, that the capital of the bank should, as far as possible, be vested in country bank stock, by which 50 or even a 100 per cent, would, in all probability, be made. These plans and views, however, did not occur until other duties rendered my longer stay in London impossible, and as the gentle- man to whom I originally communicated them was about to leave it for six months, the matter was left to a future opportunity. I, however, was satisfied that proper people might be very easily found in London to enter into such an establishment, and this was what I was in the first instance desirous to ascertain. I had not long left London, however, until a still better idea presented itself. I saw that it would be perfect nonsense for such a bank to trouble itself with discounting commercial bills, with stocks at their present price. Its best plan would evidently be to purchase into the funds at once, by which as much interest might be made as by discounting bills, without any risk or trouble. Notes issued in purchase of stock could never be returned upon the bank, if it maintained its credit, until the balance of foreign trade was turned against the country. No payments, either in its own notes or any other, would be made to it. It would hold stock equal to the amount of its notes in circulation j and they 2S9 would never, be presented in a demand for gold until it was wanted to send out of the country ; by which time it was evident, at least to me, that the 3 per cents, would probably be a 100, or 90 at all events ; while as the stocks could not be lower than they are at present, the spe- culation would be perfectly safe. My views upon the subject generally, how- ever, had now so much improved, at least I could not help supposing so, that after some little hesitation, I determined to give them to the public. But as it will help to strengthen my argument, that the present charter is but a very slippery dependance for the bank, and the plan may not be in itself, perhaps, an entirely uninteresting speculation to men of business, I shall take the liberty of detailing the steps which it appears to me it would have been proper to have taken, and the measures which it would have been the best, with such a speculation, to have pursued. In order to prove, to a few individuals, the advantage of a private speculation, it would not have been necessary to have gone through the whole range of subject contained in this Essay. After the fourth chapter it might have been proved by a much shorter process of rea- soning, that the contraction of the currency kept down the funds, and that the exchanges must continue favourable until corn attained 2 p 290 the average of 80s. per quarter ; and that an issue of currency would produce this efFect» Only a very small pamphlet would have been necessary for the purpose. Having first proved the plan to be both ad- vantageous to the individuals who might engage in it, and the public, the following might have been submitted as the most judicious mode of carrying it into effect : — 1st. That the bank should commence with declaring, that it was the opinion of those who established it, that the present distress arose from the contraction of the issues of the bank of England and country banks, which they ex- pected in some measure to relieve. That it was not the intention to interfere with the business of the existing private banks ; and that in con- sequence no bills would be discounted except through them j and that whenever it appeared that the public good required it, this bank would at any time make arrangements for withdraw- ing its circulation and close its doors. That a million of capital had been subscribed, and that its affairs should be annually submitted to the inspection of proper persons chosen for that purpose. By these means, the other bankers would be conciliated, and this pledge to the public would inspire confidence, while it would be no loss to the concern. For the public good could not 291 require the bank to withdraw its notes, until it would be the interest of the establishment to realize its profits, and withdraw from the spe- culation. 2nd. That it should confine itself principally to the issue of ^100 notes, and to none less than £20. This would have several important advan- tages. First, it would keep the circulation in the hands of respectable people, put the bank out of all danger of a run, and enable it to issue ten millions with much more confidence than it could issue one in small notes. The large notes of the bank of England would in consequence be changed for small ones, the consumptive cir- culation would thus be occupied by the Bank of England, and the abstract circulation by the notes of this bank. In the second place, they would make a good remittance to the country, whither, in consequence, they would with great- er readiness be sent ; and in the third place, they would be both much cheaper and issued with less trouble. It would take 200,000 five pound notes to make a million of money, and the stamps would cost ^12,500, whereas it would take only 10,000 one hundred pound notes, and the stamps would cost only ^^4,2,50 j with twen- ty, thirty, and fifty pound notes, the stamps would cost £5,000. ; so that if upon the aver- age, including other expences, which would be 2 p 2 292 comparatively trifling, we say 5^,5000 per mil- lion, we should perhaps exceed the actual cost. A hundred pound note is as easily made as one of one pound ; consequently the trouble of keeping ten millions in circulation could not exceed that of a country bank with an issue of a hundred, or a hundred and twenty, thousand pounds in one pound notes, and might be done with the most perfect ease with two or three clerks. Six weeks interest in the funds, at 4 per cent, would pay the whole expence, while the trouble wxuld not be worth the naming. 3rd. That accounts should be opened with ten or a dozen principal banks, more or less, as it might be deemed expedient, in whose hands the notes should be placed, with which the stock was to be purchased, and checks given upon these banks for the purchases when they were made ; different brokers on the stock exchange should also be employed. By these means the extent of the purchases would not be discovered, and any expedient by which this could be prevented, as a matter of pru- dence ought to be adopted, to prevent any speculative rise founded upon a knowledge of the intentions of the concern. 4th. Having made these preparations, it would then be proper to purchase as largely as could be done, without affecting the funds more than three or four per cent. But whether 293 this would take one million, five millions, or ten, my practical knowledge does not enable me to surmise. AVe shall suppose, however, that the partners are fully possessed with both the safety and goodness of the speculation, are men of firm- ness of purpose, and clearness of head, and have made up their minds to purchase ten mil- lions of stock, if they find the scheme work well. We must also presume they have made up their minds that an addition of ten millions to the circulation of London, would have a very rapid effect in extending the circulation of the country banks, by determining the balance of payments against London, producing remit- tances of these notes into the country, upon which issues would be immediately made, and that they would then be returned to the Lon- don money market again, \vould further increase the price of the funds, would again travel down into the country, perform the same operation, and again return to London as before, that therefore, if ten millions of stock could be pur- chased under we shall say 85, it would be desira- ble to purchase at once to that extent, and put that quantity of notes in circulation. We shall therefore suppose that purchases of stock to the extent of ten millions, without raisinsf tlie funds above 85, could be and was 294 made. All that the partners would then have to do, would be to remain quiet until agricultural produce had nearly attained the national level, when the bank ought to sell out and realize at such price as the funds had attained, whatever that might be, before the demand for gold for exportation arose. If, however, the funds by this time had risen 20 per cent, the concern would have made 2 millions ; if 10 per cent. one. But we shall suppose that not more than a million could be thrown into the market with- out raising the funds to 85. In that case, they might conclude that if the funds, from such a supply of money, would quickly rise, they would quickly fall. It cannot be supposed that one million could raise the value of capital 5 per cent, throughout the whole country. After, therefore, purchasing a million, the bank would wait until the funds fell again, then purchase another million, &c. until they had permanent- ly risen as high as the partners chose to speculate further at. All these purchases, however, would be made at the lowest rates ; the funds w^ould rise in consequence of them ; not before, but after. When they had thus extended their purchases as far as they thought proper, they might then wait until the tim.e for selling out arrived. It must be observed, that the effect upon the funds by the issues of the Bank of England 295 form no criterion by which to judge of the effect which would be produced by the issues of this bank. When the bank of England ex- tends its circulation, it is in consequence of an increasing demand for money, and though it equally raises prices of agricultural produce, its effect upon the funds is to keep them from falling. But these issues would not be the result of an increased demand for money, and would therefore have the effect of raising the funds. The effect would also be infinitely greater than during the war, when the demand and supplyof money was so much more extensive. In a market with an actual demand for ten thou- sand bushels of wheat, an additional supply of one thousand must have less effect upon prices than if the demand and supply in that market were not more than three thousand j and upon the same principles, a greater effect would be produced in the stock market now, than would be produced by the same supply of money during the war, when the demands of government were great, and the annual economy, and supply of money in the market, so much greater than at present. Should the partners, however, think that wait- ing until the country circulation was extended, too slow an operation, they might quicken it in this manner : Having made all the purchases of stock they were disposed to do, they might then 296 throw as much money into the market as they could, by increasing their deposits with their bankers, and by discounting at a low rate of interest. They need have no hesitation as to the quantity of money they thus lent out upon good bills. The amount of interest they got would be of no importance. Their profit would arise from the speculation in the funds, and the lower the interest the better : it would have a greater effect in raising them. The se- curities, however, would have to be at short dates, and of course perfectly good. In this case they would perhaps have to employ bill brokers to purchase bills, as the bankers, from the previous issues in purchase of stock, would be overflowing with money, and would not dis- count with them. Tf they were to lower the rate of discount, say, to ^^ per cent, and glut the market with money, on these terras the 3 per cents must necessarily rise to a hundred. They might then sell out, taking care to push the money they received from the sale of the stock into the market again, by which to keep it up until they had sold out the whole. If they did not wish to speculate on so great a scale, and instead of making millions, they were willing to be content with hundreds of thousands, they might, we shall say, pur- chase, one, two, or three millions of stock, as they thought proper, then throw an equal 297 quantity of money, as already described, by way of discount, into the market, &c. They would have always to keep in mind, of course, that when they sold out, they would have still to keep the money in the market, if they even lent it without interest ; or by withdrawing it, they would both lower the price of the funds, and agricultural produce also. If they did good to themselves, they should take care to do as little harm to others as possible. If, however, they were not influenced by quite such liberal principles, they might play upon the market by taking all the money at once out of circulation after they had got rid of their stock. This would produce a corres- ponding reduction in the funds ; when they might buy in again, and do the same as before. In order to this it would not be necessary for them to withdraw their own notes ; the bills discounted, would be paid them perhaps principally in those of the bank of England, as it would have the greatest circulation. But if they locked up Bank of England notes, it would be just the same ; and by their own notes continuing in circulation, these opera- tions upon the market would not be so fully seen through ; which, with such Machiavelian policy, would at least be prudent. Without, however, losing sight of the interest of the country, (for to raise the funds quickly to what 2 Q 298 they will ultimately attain, could be no evil,) a considerable sum, there is no doubt, might have been made, even if the plan did not work so smoothly as we have laid down, and the bank was sometimes obliged to sell out against its inclination. It must be kept in view, that its selling out would always produce the fall, its buying in the rise in the funds that xvould foU low : as it would therefore come into the market before both the fall and the rise, it would al- ways have the advantage ; while at the same time, the extended circulation would produce a gradual permanent rise, and they would al- ways sell out more or less to a profit. In any case, therefore, the speculation must have been attended with gain, and that not incon- siderable. The whole of their circulation would be either in stock or short dated bills, and they consequently never could have been placed in any very auk ward situation. No run upon them could have taken place without actual fears of security, which at any moment might have been dissipated j while they would know and feel their credit as they went along, and govern themselves accordingly. It is probable, however, that two consequences would have resulted from such a speculation. First, that other banks would follow its exam- ple, and begin to issue large notes also ; and 299 next, that government would interfere. If other banks began to make issues, it would be done blindly, and without measure, by which the price of stock would be more rapidly in- creased ; and as upon the stability of their operations no reliance could be placed, it would be prudent to sell out, and realize as their issues increased, and terminate the spe- culation. Or, if government interfered, it would not be for the purpose of contracting the circulation. In this case, they ought to be ready and willing, conformably to their first declaration, to turn their issues over to the Bank of England, if required. The bank taking their stock at its existing value, or hold- ing it as security, and bringing it into the mar- ket at such periods, and in such a manner as, for making the most of the speculation, might be agreed upon. Both the principle and the plan of this spe- culation are sufficiently simple. There can be no doubt that the power of making money at pleasure, would give any house of sufficient credit the power of lowering its value by in- creasing the supply ; and as the supply in the country is now less than is wanted, they could with confidence for a limited time make issues to almost any extent. The trouble would be quite trivial, so far as making and issuing the notes, &c. went. The 300 principal management would lie in the opera- tions of the stock market. Tliat it is a specu- lation which would very much suit the tastes of many of the monied men in London, there can- not perhaps be a doubt ; and that consequently if it had been properly gone about, such a plan might have been carried into effect, I think ex- tremely possible, and by those also who would have carried it through to any extent practica- ble, great as the scheme is, without the vibra- tion of a nerve. That the plan is possible, however, is a sufficient argument both with the bank and go- vernment, for an immediate alteration of the present charter. If the law is left as it now stands, government cannot expect that indivi- duals will lose any fair opportunity of making money by establishing paper mints of this de- scription in London, as well as in other places. THE END. ZpptnUp. APPENDIX, No. I. An ACCOUNT of the Quantity of British Wheat and Wheat Flour, exported from England, and of Foreign Wheat and "Wheat Flour imported into England, in the following Years. (From Mr Hose's Pamphlet.) British ] Foreign YEARS. AMieat and Flour AVheat and Flour exported. imported. Quarters. Bushels. Quarters. Bushels. 1697 . . 14',698 6 400 1698 . . 6,857 1 845 1699 . . 557 2 486 3 1700 . . 49,056 5 4 6 1701 . . 98,323 7 1 1 1702 . . 90,230 4 1703 . . 106,615 4 50 1704 . . 90,313 5 1 6 1705 . . 96,185 1 1706 . . 188,332 3 77 1 1707 . . 74,155 1 1708 . . 85,406 3 86 4 1709 . . 169,679 7 1,552 3 1710 . . 13,924 1 400 1711 . . 76,949 1712 . . 145,191 1713 . . 176,227 1714 . . 174,821 1 15 7 1715 . . 166,490 2 4 1716 . . 74,926 1 1717 . . 22,953 7 1718 . . 71,800 1719 . . 127,762 4 20 1 1720 . . 83,084 2 1721 . . " 81,632 6 A 2 4 British 1 Foreign YEARS. Wheat and Flour | Wheat and Flour exported. imported. Quarters. Bushels. | Quarters. Bushels. 1722 . . 178,880 1 1723 . . 157,719 6 1724 . . 245,864 6 148 2 1725 , . 204,413 3 12 2 1726 . . 142,183 3 1727 . . 30,315 3 1728 . . 3,817 74,574 2 1729 . . 18,993 3 40,315 2 1730 . . 93,970 7 75 7 1731 . . 130,025 2 4 1732 . . 202,058 4 1733 . . 427,199 7 4 1734 . . 498,196 4 6 5 1735 . . 153,343 5 9 1 1736 . . 118,170 16 S 1737 . . 461,602 32 4> 1738 . . 580,596 4 2 5 1739 . . 279,542 4 22 7 1740 . . 54,390 4 5,468 5 1741 . . 45,416 7 7,540 2 1742 . . 293,259 6 7 1743 . . 371,431 3 2 5 1744 . . 231,984 5 2 1745 . . 324,839 5 5 6 1746 . . 130,646 2 . 1747 . . 266,906 7 1748 . . 543,387 5 385 1749 . . 629,049 382 1750 . . 947,602 1 279 5 1751 . . 661,416 4 3 1752 . . 429,279 4 1753 . . 299,608 7 1754 . . 356,270 1 201 1755 . . 237,459 2 1756 . . 101,936 4 5 1757 . . 11,226 130,343 2 1758 . . 9,233 6 19,039 7 1759 . . 226,426 82 1 1760 . . 390,710 4 1761 • . 440,746 2 ' 1762 . . 294,500 56 2 British Foreign 1 YEARS. "SVTieat and Flour AVheat and Flour | exported. imported. Quarters. Bushels. Quarters. Bushels.| 1763 . . 427,074 3 8 1 1764 . . 396,537 5 1 1 1765 . . 167,030 89,642 5 1766 . . 165,953 1 9,387 1767 . . 5,071 444,029 1768 . . 7,433 1 272,307 6 1769 . . 49,892 1 2,903 1 1770 . . 75,400 5 15 2 1771 . . 10,477 2,509 1772 . . 6,974 27,114 1773 . . 7,802 57,786 1774 . . 16,731 278,039 1775 . . 90,413 575,250 1776 . . 220,210 21,568 1777 . . 90,932 233,905 1778 . . 146,637 106,616 1779 . . 232,925 5,254 1780 . . 250,434 4,242 1781 . . 117,247 162,278 1782 . . 163,579 81,259 1783 . . 56,502 584,041 1784 . . 99,039 215,817 1785 . . 141,394 107,968 1786 . . 215,102 50,999 1787 . . 126,960 60,245 1788 . . 89,731 149,667 1789 . . 146,951 109,762 1790 . . 33,822 219,351 1791 . . 74,968 463,591 1792 . . 300,278 22,417 1793 . . 76,869 490,398 1794 . . 155,048 327,902 1795 . . 18,839 313,793 1796 . . 24,679 879,200 1797 . . 54,522 461,767 1798 . . 59,782 396,721 1799 . . 39,362 463,185 1800 . . 22,013 1,264,520 1801 . . 28,406 1,424,766 1802 . . 149,304 647,664 British Foreign YEARS. Wheat and Flour \^1ieat and Flour exported. imported. Quarters. Bushels. Quarters. Bushels. 1803 . . 76,580 373,725 1804 . . 63,073 461,140 1805 . . 77,959 920,834 1806 , . 29,566 310,342 1807 . . 24,365 400,759 1808 . . 77,567 81,466 1809 . . 31,278 448,487 1810 . . 75,785 1,530,691 1811 . . 97,765 292,038 1812 . . 46,325 129,866 No. 11. PRICES of WHEAT, per Quarter, at Windsor Market.* (From Mr Rosens Pamphlet.) Prices of Wheat! Average of 10 Prices ofWheat reduced to the Years, accord- YEARS. at Windsor, Winchester ing to the Win- 9 Gallons to Bushel of 8 chester Bushel the Bushel. Gallons. of 8 GaUons. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. 1646 . . 2 8 2 2 8 1647 . . 3 13 8 3 5 5-J- 164-8 . . 4 5 3 15 6i 1649 . . 4 3 11 H 1650 . . 3 16 8 3 8 H 1651 . . 3 1'^ 4 3 5 2i 1652 . . 2 9 6 2 4 1653 . . 1 15 6 1 11 6\ 1654 . . 1 1 3 U 1655 . . 1 13 4 1 9 7r 2 11 7i 1656 . . 2 3 1 18 2J: 1657 . . 2 6 8 2 1 5i 1658 . . 3 5 2 17 9i 1659 . . 3 6 2 18 8 1660 . . 2 16 6 2 10 2?: 1661 . . 3 10 3 2 2i 1662 . . 3 14 3 5 9i 1663 . . 2 17 2 10 8 1664 . . 2 6 1 16 1665 . , 2 9 4 2 3 10| 2 10 5| 1666 . . 1 iQ 1 12 1667 . . 1 16 1 12 1668 . . 2 1 15 6i 1669 . . 2 4 4 1 19 5 " These are the prices of ^Mealing A\Tieat \ which is understood, at Eton College, to be of a middling quality. Prices oi'Wheat Average of 10 Prices onVheat' reduced to the Years, accord- YEARS. at Windsor, AVinchester ing to the Win- 9 Gallons to Bushel of 8 Chester Bushel the BusheL Gallons. of 8 Gallons. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. 1670 . . 2 1 8 1 17 0| 1671 . . 2 2 1 17 4 1672 . . 2 10 1 16 5^ 1673 . . 2 6 8 2 1 5i- 1674 . . 3 8 8 3 1 Oi 1675 . . 3 4 8 2 17 5^ 2 Hi 1676 . . 1 18 1 13 9| 1677 . . 2 2 1 17 4 1678 . . 2 19 2 12 5^ 1679 . . 3 2 13 4 1680 . . 2 5 2 1681 . . 2 6 8 2 1 51 1682 . . 2 4 1 19 U 1683 . . 2 1 15 61 1684 . . 2 4 1 19 li 1685 . . 2 6 8 2 1 5\ 2 1 4| 1686 . . 1 14 1 10 21 1687 . . 1 5 2 1 2 44 1688 . . 2 6 2 101 1689 . . 1 10 1 6 8 1690 . . 1 14 8 1 10 91 1691 . . 1 14 1 10 21 1692 . . 2 6 8 2 1 5| 1693 . . 3 7 8 3 li 1694 . . 3 4 2 16 101: 1695 . . 2 13 2 7 H 1 19 61: 1696 . . 3 11 3 3 H 1697 . . 3 2 13 4 1698 . . 3 8 4 3 9 1699 . . 3 4 2 16 101 1700 . . 2 1 15 Q\ 1701 . . 1 17 8 1 13 .51 1702 . . 1 9 6 1 6 2| 1703 . . 1 16 1 12 1704 . . 2 6 6 2 1 4 1705 . . 1 10 1 6 8 2 2 11 1706 . . 1 6 1 3 1^ 1707 . . 1 8 6 1 5 4 1708 . . 2 1 6 1 16 10| 9' Prices of "N^Hieat Prices of Wheat Average of 10 at Windsor, reduced to the Years, accord- YEARS. !) Gallons to the Winchester ing to the Win- Bushel. Bushel of « chester Bushel Gallons. of a Gallons. £, s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. 1709 . . 3 18 6 3 9 9^ 1710 . . 3 18 3 9 4 1711 . . 2 14 2 8 1712 . . 2 6 4 2 1 2| 1713 . . 2 11 2 5 4 1714 . . 2 10 4 2 4 9 1715 . . 2 3 1 18 21 2 4 21 1716 . . 2 8 2 2 8 1717 . . 2 5 8 2 7^ 1718 . . 1 18 10 1 14 6i 1719 . . 1 15 1 11 U 1720 . . 1 17 1 12 \0\ 1721 . . 1 17 6 1 J3 4 1722 . . 1 16 1 12 1723 . . 1 14 8 1 10 \0\ 1724 . . 1 17 1 12 \0\ 1725 . . 2 8 6 2 3 U 1 15 4| 1726 . . 2 6 2 lOi 1727 . . 2 2 1 17 4 1728 . . 2 14 6 2 8 51 1729 . . 2 6 10 2 1 71 1730 , . 1 16 6 1 12 5i 1731 . . 1 12 10 1 9 21 1732 . . 1 6 8 1 3 81: 1733 . . 18 4 1 5 2i 1734 . . 1 18 10 1 14 6i 1735 . . 2 3 1 18 2\ 1 15 2 1736 . . 2 4 1 \5 IOt 1737 . . 1 18 1 13 9i 1738 . . 1 15 6 1 11 6\ 1739 . . 1 18 6 1 14 21 1740 . . 2 10 8 2 5 U 1741 . . 2 6 8 2 1 5\ 1742 . . 1 14 1 10 21 1743 . . 1 4 10 1 2 1 1744 . . 1 4 10 1 2 1 1745 . . 1 7 6 1 4 51 1 12 1 1746 . . 1 19 1 14 8 1747 . . 1 14 10 1 10 111 10 Prices of Wheat Average of 10 Prices ofWheat reduced to the Years, accord- YEARS. at Windsor, Winchester ng to the Win- 9 Gallons to Bushel of 8 chester Bushel the Bushel. Gallons. of Gallons. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. 1748 . . 1 17 1 12 101 1749 . . 1 17 1 12 lOi 1750 . . 1 12 6 1 8 101 1751 . . 1 18 6 1 14 21 1752 . . 2 1 10 1 17 2i 1753 . . 2 4 8 1 19 84^ 1754 . . 1 14 8 1 10 9l- 1755 . . 1 13 10 1 10 1 1 13 21: 1756 . . 2 5 2 2 H 1757 . . 3 2 13 4 1758 . . 2 10 2 4 5i 1759 . . 1 19 8 1 15 3 1760 . . 1 16 6 1 12 5t 1761 . . 1 10 2 1 6 9i 1762 . . 1 19 1 14 8 1763 . • 2 8 I 16 li 1764 . . 2 6 8 2 1 5i 1765 . . 2 14 2 8 1 19 3i 1766 . . 2 8 6 2 3 li 1767 . • 3 4 6 2 17 4 1768 . . 3 6 2 13 9i 1769 . • 2 5 8 2 7 1770 . . 2 9 2 3 61 1771 . . 2 17 2 10 8 1772 . . 3 6 2 18 8 1773 . . 3 6 6 2 19 H 1774 . . 3 2 2 15 H 1775 . . 2 17 8 2 11 3i 2 11 3|: 1776 . . 2 8 2 2 8 1777 . . 2 15 2 8 lOi 1778 . . 2 9 6 2 4 1779 . . 2 8 1 16 1| 1780 . . 2 8 6 2 3 li 1781 . . 2 19 2 12 5i 1782 . . 3 6 2 13 9i 1783 . . 3 10 2 14 21: 1784 . . 3 6 2 13 9i 1785 . . 2 14 2 8 2 7 84 1786 . . 2 7 6 2 2 2i 11 ^ 5*rices of Wheat! Average of 10 Prices ofWheat reduced to the | Years, accord- YEARS. at Windsor, Wincliester i ng to the Win- 9 Gallons to Bushel of 8 chester Bushel the Bushel. Gallons. of 8 Gallons. £, s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. 1787 . . 2 11 6 2 5 9i 1788 . . 2 15 6 2 9 4 1789 . . 3 3 2 2 16 1| 1790 . . 3 3 2 2 16 li 1791 . . 2 15 6 2 9 4 ' 1792* . . 2 13 1793 . . 2 15 8 1794. . . 2 14 1795 . . 4 1 6 2 14 31 1796 . . 4 2 1797 . . 3 2 1798 . . 2 14 1799 . . 3 15 8 1800 . . 6 7 1801 . . 6 8 6 1802 . . 3 7 2 1803 . . 3 1804- . . 3 9 6 1805 . . 4 8 4 1 21 1806 . . 4 3 1807 . . 3 18 1808 . . 3 19 2 1809 . . 5 6 1810 . . 5 12 1811 . . 5 8 1812 . . 6 8 Aver, of 8 years 1813 . . 6 5 1 '^\ " From this year, inclusive, the account at Eton College has been kept according to the bushel of eight gallons, under the provision of the act of 31 G. 3. c. 30. sect. 82. B 2 Ig No. III. TABLE of the YEARLY and MONTHLY AVERAGE PRICES of Corn in England and Wales, from 1792 to 1822 inclusive. YEARLY AVERAGES. 1792 43s. 1808 79s. 1793 49s. 1809 94s. 1794 51s. 1810 - 105s. 1795 71s. 1811 9Ss. 1796 76s. 1812 - 125s. 1797 52s. 1813 - 107s. 1798 50s, 1814 74s. 1799 69s. 1815 64s. 1800 105s. 1816 75s. 1801 120s. 1817 94s. 1802 67s. 1818 83s. 1803 56s 1819 72s. 1804 59s. 1820 65s, 1805 87s. 1821 54s. 1806 77s. 1822 43s. 1807 73s. IS MONTHI-Y AVERAGES. 1792. 1793. 1794. 1795. January 42s. 46s. 50s. 57s. February 41s. 46s. 50s. 58s. March 41s. • •■ 50s. 59s. April 39s. 50s. 51s. 62s. May 38s. ... 51s, 64s. June 39s. 51s. 51s. 67s. July - 39s. 51s. 51s. 81&. August 42s. 50s. 52s. 103s. September 44s. 49s. 51s. 75s. October 49s. ... 51s. 76s. November 49s. ... 52s. 73s. December 49s. ... 55s. 86s. 1706. 1797. 1798. 1799. January 92s. 54s. 51s. 49s. February 93s. 52s. 49s. 50s. March 101s. 49s. 50s. 50s. April - ... 49s. 51s. ... May 75s. 49s. 51s. 61s. June 80s. 50s. 50s. 64s. July 81s. 51s. 51s. 67s. August 75s. 52s. 51s. 73s, September 64s. 58s. 50s. 74s. October 61s. 59s. 48s. 86s. November 59s. 56s. 47s. 89s. December 57s. 52s. ... 93s. 14 1800. 1801. 1802. 1803. January 94s. 133s. 76s. 56s. February 95s. lS6s. 75s. 56s. March 103s. 145s. 72s. 56s. April - 108s. 156s. 68s. 56s. May 118s. 150s. 64s. 57s. June 121s. 91s. 67s. 64s. July - 121s. 129s. 67s. 59s. August - 76s. 136s. 69s. 55s. September 96s. 124s. 67s. 55s. October 107s. 88s. 61s. 54s. November 108s. 77s. 59s. 54s. December 119s. 74s. 58s. 53s. 1804. 1805. 1806. 1807. January 51s. 86s. 75s. 77s. February 50s. 89s. 74s. 75s. March 50s. 93s. 74s. 76s. April - 51s. 91s. 77s. 76s. May 51s. 87s. 84s. 75s. June - 51s. 89s. 84s. 74s. July 53s. 90s. 82s. 73s. August 60s. 100s. 81s. 74s. September 64s. 89s. 80s. ... October 67s. 81s. 78s. 68s. November 81s. 78s. 77s. 65s. December 84s. 76s. 77s. 68s. 1808. 1809. 1810. 1811. January 68s. 91s. lOls. 96s. February 69s. 92s. 99s. 95s. March 69s. 94s. 102s. 92s. April 71s. 92s. 104s. 88s. May 78s. 90s. 110s. 88s. June 80s. 88s. ••• 86s. 15 1808. 1809. 1810. 1811. July 81s. 88s. 114s. 87s. August 81s. 94s. 116s. 91s. September 84.S. 101s. 116s. 97s. October 87s. 103s. 101s. 100s. November 92s. 101s. 101s. 105s. December 90s. 102s. 95s. «•» 1812, 1813. 1814. 1815. January 105s. l]8s. 78s. 60s. February 105s. 120s. 78s. 64s. March 113s. 122s. 78s. 66s. April r 126s. 119s. 76s. 71s. May - 133s. 117s. 68s. 70s. June 133s. 117s. 69s. 69s. July - 146s. 116s. 67s. 67s. August 155s. 112s. 74s. 68s. September 132s. 98s. 77s. 64s. October 110s. 93s. 75s. 57s. November 122s. 85s. 73s. 56s. December 121s. 73s. 70s. 55s. 1816. 1817. 1818. 1819. January 52s. 103s. 85s. 79s. February 56s. 102s. 85s. 80s. March 54s. 102s. 84s. 79s. April 60s. 102s. 90s. 74s. May - 76s. 105s. 86s. 72s. June 74s. Ills. 84s. 68s. July - 73s. 100s. 87s. 75s. August 82s. 86s, 79s. 74s. September 85s. 76s. 81s. 72s. October 93s. 78s. Sis. 66s. November 98s. 80s. 82s. 67s. December 103s. 84s. 80s. 65s. 16 1820. 1821. 1822. January 63s. 54s. 49s. February 65s. 53s. 49s. March 7]s. 54s. 46s. April 69s. 54s. 44s. May - 70s. 51s. 47s. June 70s. 52s. 44s. July - 67s. 52s. 43s. August 72s. 56s. 43s. September - 68s. 61s. 39s. October 58s. 58s. 38s. November 57s. 55s. 39s. December 54s. 49s. 38s. 17 No. IV. TABLE of the PRICES of 3 PER CENT. STOCKS, from 1731 to 1822 inclusive. MPNTHI.Y PRICES. 1731. 1732. 1733. 1734. January 95 96 100 92 February - - 94. 97 ... ... March 90 ••• ... 90 April - ... ... 102 ... May - ... ... ... June - 99 ... 103 94 July 95 98 100 92 August - 96 99 97 93 September - ... 97 94 October - ■ . - 94 ... 92 92 November - 95 101, ... ... December - - 97 ... ••• 94 1735. 1736. 1737. 173S. Januaiy 94. 100 ... 106 February - 92 102 ... ... March - ' 94 104 ... 105 April - ... ... 105 ... May - ... ... ... June ... 105 107 ... July 97 113 105 102 August - 94 105 106 105 September - ... ... ... October - - ... ... • ■» November 98 ... ... ... December - 93 C ... ... 106 18 1739. 1740. 1741. 1742. January - 104 98 98 98 February - " " ••• 99 99 99 March - 105 100 ••• 100 April • " ••• 101 101 101 May ■ ••• ... ••• ••• June 100 100 ••■ 102 July 98 • •• 99 100 August - 99 101 98 101 September 98 100 99 100 October - 97 99 89 .M November 98 ••• 101 101 December 100 ••• 100 102 1743. 1744. 1745. 1746. January - 101 99 89 76 February - 100 96 ... 75 March ... 90 ... ••• April - 101 93 92 82 May - 103 ••• 93 •.* June - 102 ••• 92 83 July - 103 ••• 90 85 August 102 ... 87 89 September - 101 ••• 85 88 October 102 ... 86 85 November ■■ • ••• ... ... 83 December - ... ... 84 ... 1747. 1748. 1749. 1750. January 83 79 91 98 February - - 84 82 94. , 99 March 86 76 95 ... April - 85 80 «•• 100 May 86 88 100 • »• June • ■ • ••» 90 99 101 19 1747. 1748. 1749. 1750. July - • • ••• 89 100 «•• August - 82 90 100 100 September • • •«• 88 101 ••• October " ~ M» 91 102 101 November > ■ •»• 90 99 ... December . 81 89 100 99 1751. 1752. 1753. 1754. January - - 97 101 106 104. February - 98 102 104 102 March 99 ••• ••• ••• April 100 103 105 103 May 99 104 ... ..• June - 101 105 ... 104 July - 103 106 ... «» August - - 100 105 103 ... September 99 • f* 104 ... October - - 100 104. n» 103 November 101 ... ... 102 December - 102 106 105 *»• 1755. 1756. 1757. 1758. January 100 89 86 91 February - 101 ... 87 £4 March - 99 ••• 89 .M April - 98 90 88 93 May 97 89 89 94 June - 99 ... 90 95 July • * ••• 87 88 97 August 92 69 89 90 September - 90 88 91 89 October 93 ... ... 90 November - 91 89 89 91 December 92 C 2 SS 90 98 m ■•'■■ \ ' .ru;f 1759.T!v 1 1760. 1761. 1762. January o i - y-, 88 ... 82 - 74- 63, February ■ - 86 ■ 81 73 68. March - lUL- -: 82 ... 82 76. ; 67. April ■* .' -- 80 . ... 88 •: 70 May ■^ . ••• ... .. 87. • 73 June '-■! ' - 79 , ... 86 :" 72 July - 83 81 75 August ■ - ■' .'-V 82' ... 76 79 September^ • ' ^ - -^■S 81 "^ 82 - 74, V,' :.:-8^. October -^ - - ... 83 - 72 '.■■ 8CJ November— - - ' 84 ■ '■ 80 71 86' I>eeember' ''' ' - ... " 76 66 87 i : 17C3. 1764. 1765. 1766. January 90 82 85 89 February - f ; w 93 .,; 84 87 87. March -..1- T.. 96 :• 86 ... 88 April „■: •'(;4 92 i ;r 83 • •« 89 May 91 , ... ... 90 June r-/ • - 'ivr* ... 86 ■ ••• July - - - . 89 81 ... 88 August '- - 87 82 87 90 September* ^ - - 84. • 83 89 87- October ■■^ '■•- ••• ■ 80 91 89 November ^'"^ - - 83 82 92 • §• December - - ... 83 92 ... 17C7. 1768. 1769. 1770. January 88 , 91 88 85 February - 89 92 ... 87 March 88 93 ..• ••• April - ... ... •«• May - V . . - ... 89 86 June '''•>'. - 87 92 - 89 84 21 I7fi7. 1 7(i«. nao. 1770. July - - 90 ... 83 August - ... 89 ... 78 September . . 88 ... 88 ... October - 90 ... «.. .*• November 91 88 84- ... December .- 90 89 ... 8*. 1/71. 1772. 1773. 1774. January - 86 87 87 87 February - - 85 .... .... 86 March - - - . 87 .... ««•• April - 88 88 86 • •*• INIay 81 .... .... 87 June .i.^n ' - 86 .... 87 .... July -'5?. - 95 .... 88 August "- - .... 89 .... .... September 87 .... .... .... October - .... 88 86 .... November - • ••• 89 December . - 86 .... — .ui. 1775. 1770. 1777. 1778. January 90 90 80 72 February - - •— 89 78 70 March - - 87 87 79 64 April - 88 86 .... 61 May - 85 • «•• • ••• June - .... 84 76 62 July ■• .«•« 82 .... 61 August - 89 .... .... 63 September 83 78 64. October - .... 81 .... 66 November 88 .... - .... 63 December 82 76 62 n 1779. 1780. 1781. 1782. January 60 61 57 •«•• February - - 59 .... 58 S3 March - 61 .... 59 54 April - 64^ 60 .... 57 May 63 .... .... 59 June - 60 .... 57 60 July - - 59 63 .... 55 August - 61 .... .... 56 September ■• •••• ...» 56 57 October " ••«• 61 • ••• 58 November - • •t« .... 59 December 60 • •»• .... 61 1783. 1784. 1785. 1786. January 64< 57 56 70 February - - 66 56 55 69 March - 68 55 51 •••• April - .... 56 58 •••• May • •••• 57 .... 70 June - 66 .... .... 71 July - - - 67 55 .... 70 August 54- 59 73 September 66 • ••• 65 74 October - 63 •••• 66 76 November 62 55 70 78 December - 58 • ••• 71 74 1787. 1788. 1789. 1790. January 73 76 72 78 February - - 70 75 73 ••» March - 74 •••• 74 •••• April - 76 .... .... 80 May 77 .... 75 73 June - 73 76 77 •M. 23 1787. 1788. 1789. 1790. July 70 .... .... .... August - - 72 74. 78 77 September 69 .... 80 •••• October - 70 .... .... 74 November 72 .... 78 79 December - 75 73 .... 80 1 -.91. 1702. 1793. 1794. January 80 90 77 70 February - - .... 94 72 67 March - 81 96 75 .... April - 78 95 78 69 May 81 92 76 70 June - 82 91 77 .... July - 81 92 «... 67 August - 86 91 t*«» •••• September 89 90 74, 76 October - 88 .... 75 64 November 87 88 74, 67 December - 89 76 •••• 65 1795. 1796. 1797. 1798, January 63 69 54. 48 February - - 62 68 53 49 March - m m ♦«•• • •■• 50 50 April - 63 67 •••• 49 May 65 65 48 48 June . 67 63 50 49 July - 68 60 53 48 August • " •••• 59 52 49 September 69 56 50 50 October - 68 58 49 51 November 68 56 48 55 December - 70 57 49 52 24 1799. 1800. 1801. 1802. January 53 61 60 68 February - - .... .... 57 69 March - 54 62 56 .... April , - 54 63 59 76 May 55 .... 60 75 June . - - 59 62 61- .... July 62 63 60 73 August - 65 64 .... 69 September 64 65 .... ..« October - 60 64 67 68 November 61 .... 68 ... December - 62 63 67 * 1803. 1804. 1805. 1806. January 72 56 61 60 February - . - 71 55 58 60 March - 65 56 58 60 April 55 58 60 May 59 57 58 60 June - 57 55 59 63 July ^55 57 60 64 August - 54 56 57 62 September 54 57 ■ 58 63 October - 52 57 58 61 November 53 58 60 61 December - 54 59 62 60 I807. 1808. 1809. 1810. January 60 63 65 68 February - - 62 63' 67 67 March - 62 64 67 68 * Up to this date is taken from Sir John Sinclair's work upou the Revenue. The prices after this, are the prices, upon, or about the 20th of each month, exclusive of fractional parts. 25 1807. 1808. 1809. 1810. April 62 66 - 67 69 May - 63 68 68 70 June 61 70 69 71 July - 61 68 68 68 August 62 67 68 68 September - 62 66 68 65 October 62 66 68 66; November - 63 66 70 67' December 64 66 71 67 1811. 1812. 1813. 1814. January 66 • 62- -60 67 February - - 66 62 59 70 March - 65 60 59 71 April - 64 60 59 67 May 65 61 59 67 June . 64 .... .... .... July 63 56 56 68 August - 62 58 58 66 September 63 59 58 64 October - 63 58 58 65 November 64 59 59 65 December - .... .... .... • ••• 1815. 1816. 1817, 1818. January 66 60 62 80 February - - 65 62 66 79 March - 61 61 70 78 April - 57 61 72 80 May 58 62 73 79 June - .... .... .... • ••• July - - 57 64 82 77 August - 56 62 79 76 September - 57 D 62 80 74 26 1815. 1816. 1817. 1818. October 61 62- 82 77 November - 62 63 83 77 December • •••• .... .... 1 -'' 1819. 1820. 1821. 1 1822. January 78 77 69 76 February - - 77 68 72 78 March - 74 68 70 80 April - . 73 70 72 78 May 71 69 74 79 June - .... .... .... •••■ July - - 70 69 76 79 August - - 71 68 76 80 September - 70 66 76 81 October - - 77 67 78 81 November 67 69 78 81 December - .... «••• • •M 78 «7 YEARLY AVERAGES. 1731, 95 1732, 98 1733, 98 1734., 92 1735, 94 1736, 105 1737, 106 1738, 105 1739, 100 1740, 99 1741, 97 1742, 100 1743, 101 1744, 94 1745, 89 1746, 83 1747, 84 1748, 86 1749, 98 1750, 99 1751, 100 1752, 104 1753, 104 1754 103 1755 95 1756 , 88 1757 89 1758 , 93 1759 , 82 1760, 81 1761, 77 1762, 75 1763, 89 1764, 82 1765, 88 1766, 88 1767, 89 1768, 90 1769, 87 1770, 84 1771, 85 1772, 89 1773, 86 1774, 87 1775, 88 1776, 85 1777, 78 1778, 64 1779, 60 1780, 61 1781, 57 1782, 57 1783, 53 1784, 55 1785, 62 1786 72 1787 , 72 1788 75 D 2 eg 1789, 76 1790, 77 1791, 84 1792, 90 1793, 75 1794, 67 1795, 66 1796, 61 1797, 50 1798, 50 1799, 59 1800, 63 1801, 61 1802, 71 1803, 58 1804, 56 1805, 59 1806, 61 1807, 62 1808, 66 1809, 68 1810, 68 1811, 64 1812, 59 1813, 58 1814, 67 1815, 60 1816, 62 1817, 75 1818, 77 1819, 72 1S20, 68 1821, 74 1822, 79 29 No. V. AMOUNT of the NATIONAL FUNDED DEBT at the Revolution, and at the Commencement and Termi- nation of each War, to 1812. (From Dr Hamilton's Inquiry concerning the National Debt J. National debt at the Revolution - 1689 Funded debt at the peace of Ryswick, 1697 — at the commencement of the war, 1701 — at the peace of Utrecht, •. \1\^ including annuities afterwards sub- scribed to the South Sea stock. — at the commencement of the war, 1740 — at the peace of Aix-la-Chapelle, 1748 — at the commencement of the war, 1756 — at the peace of Paris, - 1763 including i 9,839,957, which was funded in the subsequent years. Besides this, tliere was about £'6,000,000 of debt paid off without being funded. — at the commencement of the Ameri- can war, - - - 1775 — at the peace of Versailles, - 1783 Besides this, there was a large unfund- ed debt, which being funded in the fol- lowing years, raised the amount to - And this was reduced by purchases for the redemption of the national debt, at the commencement of the war, 1793 Funded debt at the peace of Amiens, 1802, in- cluding the loan of that year, £'567,008,978 Of which redeemed, - 67,255,915 There was no reduction of the national debt in the short peace which followed the treaty of Amiens. Funded debt 1st Feb. 1812, £769,764,356 Of which redeemed, - 189,538,480 £1,054,925 21,515,772 16,394,701 55,282,978 47,954,623 79,193,313 73,289,673 133,959,270 123,644,500 211,363,524 238,231,248 227,989,148 499,753,063 580,225,876 so No. VI. An ACCOUNT of the AMOUNT of BANK NOTES in CIRCULATION on the under-mentioned Days. (From the Report of the Committee of the House of Commons, in 1819, on the Sank resuming Cash Payments.) Total. 1792 - February - 25 - a^l 1,149,809 August - - 25 - 11,006,969 1793 - February - 26 - 11,428,381 August - - 26 - 10,838,214 1794 - February - 26 - 10,697,924 August - - 26 - 10,628,220 1795 - February - 26 - 13,539,163 August - - 26 - 11,458,382 1796 - February - 26 - 10,909,694 August - - 26 - 9,531,335 1797 - February - 25 - 8,601,964 August - - 26 - 10,568,216 1798 - February - 26 - 12,850,085 August - - 25 - 12,191,025 1799 - February - 26 - 12,636,145 August - - 26 - 13,259,873 1800 - February - 25 - 15,236,676 August - - 26 - 14,735,378 1801 - February - 26 - 16,577,514 August - - 26 - 14,970,321 1802 - February - 26 - 15,458,876 August - - 26 - 16,887,113 1803 - February - 26 - 15,576,932 August - - 26 - 17,035,959 31 Total. 1804. - February - 25 - jgl 7,577,352 August - - 25 - 17,323,994? 1805 - February - 26 - 17,234,4-66 August - - 26 - 16,296,178 1806 - February - 25 - 17,H'8,446 August - - 26 - 19,072,893 1807 - February - 26 - 17,205,344 August - - 26 - 20,034,112 1808 - February - 26 - 18,593,054 August - - 26 - 17,365,266 1809 - February - 25 - 18,014,677 August - - 26 - 19,357,241 1810 - February - 26 - 20,429,281 August - - 25 - 24,446,175 1811 - February - 26 - 23,384,833 August - - 26 - 23,793,115 1812 - February - 26 - 22,998,197 August - - 26 - 23,482,910 181S - February - 26 - 23,307,471 August - - 26 - 24,024,869 1814) - February - 26 - 25,095,415 August - - 26 - 28,979,876 1815 - February - 25 - 26,673,370 August - - 26 - 27,024,049 1816 - February - 26 - 25,680,069 August - - 26 - 27,075,854 1817 - February - 26 - 27,058,578 August - - 26 - 30,099,908 1818 - February - 26 - 28,279,043 August - - 26 - 26,602,837 1819 - February - 11 - 25,947,637 1^ 3 (U •5 "^ bJD a lO ^ bi 3 o euDei- c ■n •(\ (S 2 3 cs JS C/J ^ W (1) H 4>> o O ;?; :< t^ t>* O pi CA o- o F 3 )— 1 o la Pu 0) S ^ Cm O O (LI n « en r' PM Ki ca :> C 1) o 73 S cc 03 0) W ,3 &: 4^ »-< O «*- o 4-3 T5 3 O H 3 D O 2 <" o m >— 1 3 «v > 05 c o 1— 1 ^ -3 1 ■?3 0000 0000 c to ^^ . bo ■* CD i> vo T? ^ r-i 00 I-H Oq rH vo W5 1^ s . =i f-H rH I-H r— 1 r— rH r-l ^^ ci i boS'"' 1^ 01 10 -* to CO CO CO 00 C?5 O) ^ C^ rH rH 05 ,-H ^ CO CO rH CO CO C5 10 -* rH r- Oi 1! ^ to 10 Q<9 CN CO CO r-; CD J> CD CD •'^ CO rH rH CO ^r-^ C^ rH rH rH cs ■* CO CN C^ C^ CO hH f' t3 . 1— ( s .S 1— ( S •« "« CO CD CO IN 05 CD C7 05 CO CO 00 CO C5 d IM Si 00 rH CN ^ 10 ^ ^ vo CO 0^ CM CM 05 r- -? !N 60 CO 1— ( >— t rH ^ ^ r-^ ^ '"''"' '"' rH rH r^ •^ ^ bo's 05 00 GO -^ 10 1— CXi 00 >* c:i G^ a> '* r- CJ5 05 10 00 CD Oi CO CO CM 00 vo CD 10 00 05 r^ I- CO =4 ^ r^ 10 lOCOCOCD iOOf-;t^ vo t:^ vo CO u 10 10 CO CO ' of CO CO CO vo 10 GO CO ^ LO vc? 09 -^ < — H rH S^ H rt ^ '^ ,/ •^ ^3 § '^o^-oo ^ CO 00 00 o • r1 65 t— 1 1— 1 rH r-{ rrt rH r-i 1-H -H -^ CO bc^ ^ ;£ hH H s 0) ^ vo CO CO ^r^CMOi 10— ii--ir ^ GO t^ 05 *4 OiCO'^t- ojoogoo" CO G -!?< CM P ^g "^ P H a o^ o (U in 13 COCOCOCO OiOiOOO COCOCTlcr Ci 05 CD ft? 00^--hO COOiCOVO OiOOOSQC 0-1 rH ,-H CO «) a> rt ,«^« 60 rH I-H I-H I-H rH •-H I-H ':^ S .^ •+.4 r-i-HOi-H cor^ooco lo^coc^ CO C5 GO s OC0r-lG<» COOi-*- H oj>-a>vo V0OC5O O 4-3 6|^ OOt^CO'-H OOO^CM OiCMi-H^ OOCOr-OI -^ fe^ ^ X>t-CO^ CNO>COI> CDt-"Oi^ COr--CDC0| v^ 1— ( 1-H 10 CD t^ 00 1 1 <^ I 1 <^ 1 1 ^ i i 1 00 1 1 00 1 1 00 1 1 00 1 1 1 rH 1-H -H 1-H _J ^^ _ _, -; 'C >^*j • 'C >~. . ''u >^^ • 'S >.^l ^<1h?0 ^<^h^o ^<1^0 ►^<5^0 ^^,3X ,3.^,3^ ^^,3^ ^^j:j3 > .,^^4^.1-1 .u.l_>'<->4.> ioujiOO io'^QU?'^ lOiOiJOO iQiOtOO t3 n3 ^"^ ""^ ^^ ^ QJ tlj 0) ^ &. c« CZ3 (U 0) W "t^ :S 2 = S <( O O M §-^ Z '-' ^ o •" .. ^ p^ a- O " Pi pq « Ph Q -5 S <5 5 H c C O Tc e C .2 »- ^ cS '-Hi 0) "3 "s t3 C C3 p .-S o ■S ^ .S2 O (u iS ■^ o -5 o o en /I i^ s O iH a '-2 CD 0) a cs o cs G U M M C Jii 3 rrt I— ( o ^ .2 ^ o •- ? c OS oj I— ( "Tj 0) OJ .22 '^ 5 S CO S <" .22 2 fco ^ ■^ cs ■" S "S O Q- C3 3 '« ^ "3 5C o ^ -S •« ^ J CO 2^ t-^ .^ 3 Oi 05 CD ^ O "iJ "^j "3 "S i-H »o lO o >o 00 r-( I-l M c C3 3 Of 34, 2^ Oi O o 00 l> 1^ CO KgQ' r- - — > r— -— > f ' ""■ " II 1 CO CO o o »-l O t- f-4 OT '^ WJ CO ^- O CO ir- CO lO ic —• t^ O C« lO CO 05 CD CO 00^U5 UJ '^f* iQ 00 TJH ^^ CO c>rcfrcN CO uf r-Tco 0?CD irf 00 00 W5 ■* CM '^ OJ l-H liO '"f* rfi CO O CM Ir- CO CO !-i rjH ao o CM -* -^ GO •* •* «« •% A *\ .s rN 4> 5 -T -a A ^ -J -J3 c a, <1 1-3 O . Apri July, Octo Jan. r>H |tr .41^ 4^ ■4-» C?4 'l^.«J4-J-4-JC^-4J.*J4J-4i^'^4^.4^ ^ .4_t 00 rHOO r-lOO ,-(00 _« l-H 00 t-H <— « r-( a c — 1 « o l> to C5 ^ •\ 0? W5 '^ SP Ci Ol G4 ©1 «^ rH t^ O y* l-H r- 00 CO o 00 00 Oi <^ CO ^^ CO ■* ^ •H t:r to <5 l-< ^ A PH 1^ ^ (y> ir~ » O 1^ o o 1— 1 OS ^- o •v #t «\ vv OC VQ O?'^ ^CN O O CO (N O Ol 1— 1 X> lO —1 O C=l 00 G^ CO (O ^ G t^ W5 tCJ '^ «3 CO ■* r^ O CO O 05 lO i^ —' O CJJ^G^vo >0 r-H CO 05 CO •« .N «V .V Oq r-t CN ,-, t-H r^l-To? oTcfo^ CO CO of c^ of ^ CO CO X l-H CO CO 05 l-H CO «5 -= ^, -c rf: Februar}' -. 26 August - - 26 1796 - February - 26 August - - 26 1797 - February - 25 ::< ""-' - • August - - 26 17^8 - February - 26 August - - 25 1799 - February - 26 August - - 26 1800 - February - 25 August - - 26 1801 - February - 26 August - - 26 Total. jg^l 0,968,306 11,684,484 10,529,828 11,851,388 10,816,867 . 8,737,806 13,118,013 . 13,460,144 12,717,239 10,454,614 10,181,862 7,145,134 9,807,814 9,444,976 10,082,739 8,986,439 13,201,639 12,899,239 15,289,439 11,948,539 37 m^: Total. 1802 - February - 26 - jgl 4,284,239 August - - 26 13,552,339 1803 - February . 26 9,595,939 A ugust - - 26 13,635,239 1804 - February - 25 14,715,239 August - - 25 15,304,439 1805 - February - 26 17,202,739 August - - 26 11,745,339 1806 - February - 25 14,663,339 August - - 26 14,445,339 1^07 - February - 26 13,763,539 August - - 26 13,665,339 1808 - February - 26 14,364,939 August - - 26 15,677,539 1809 - Februai-y - 25 ■ 15,400,139 August - - 26 16,009,339 ^^aho February - 26 15,017,839 0:- August - - 25 17,689,739 ^<^''i8ii - February - 26 18,068,439 August - - 26 22,696,239 1812 - February - 26 22,551,739 August - - 26 21,957,639 1813 - February - 26 25,893,939 August - - 26 25,731,239 1814. - February - 26 24,484,039 August - - 26 35,814,539 1815 - February - 25 28,032,739 August - - 26 24,955,839 1816 - February - 26 19,865,039 August - - 26 27,222,845 38 1817 1818 1819 February August - - 26 - 26 26,373,570 28,300,200 February August - - 26 - 26 28,035,523 28,087,865 February - 11 23,028,820 39 No. X. An ACCOUNT of the AGGREGATE VALUE (as calculated at the Average Market Prices in England and Wales) of all CORN, GRAIN, MEAL, and FLOUR, imported from Foreign Parts into Great Bri- tain during each of the last six Years. (Fr(mi the Report of the Committee of the Home of Commons, in 1819, on the Bank resuming Cash Payments.) £m s. d, 1813 - - - 2,192,592 3 6 1814. - - 2,815,319 4 1815 - - - 793,24-5 8 11 1816 - - 942,497 19 7 1817 - - - 6,403,893 10 6 1818 - - 10,908,140 2 40 CO <5^ o o o 00 o o o o o O CO u? t- CM «D rHI G<) oooooooo O— lOiiOCMiOOO OiOCOi— ICO— iCOO O >-i U5 CM Oi O o o o o o t- O CM tH lO CN O --1 J> <>> 0^ C£) X Tt^ — < t- go in IC CO K> 03 ■4-) c 3 O o pq a CO (U S G «H ^ s O >, ° I— 1 lU o CO UO ^ C5 o O faioS 3 O) ' 3 3 3 <1 I 3 ^ O o >^ u >- O E5 « S 05 Hh5« fe O 3 1 3 0) i'^ o-TS > r- -ri 3 OJ 3 C3 3 4> > fc. •!-> 3 w o 2^ O C s o Ci 00 CO o^ 00 GO 3 o o o o O O CO iQ CO o i> '-' CTCO GO lO CO t^ CO '^ GO CO Oi o o —I CO O'l CO O r-T o o o o CO CO O Oi O ^CD GO t-^ t-H 10 CO r-( CM 00 CO oq »-* o CO CM Oi lo >< ^.i o II I ^ed 3 3^ . i^Q 3 3 ■s-rs 3 ro a 3 ^ > c3 .2 S^^^ S & -3 "2 ji- o 3 ;2 3 C3 ea CO 1^ -I^ 5 Q M 5 I— < c»Q a, *- J3 QjcS ■^ "tS 3 3 "^ (U u t— I tr ■!-> ■—< 41 No. XII. An ACCOUNT of the Total Amount of OUT- STANDING DEMANDS on the Bank of England, and likewise the Funds for discharging the same, 30th Janu- ary, 1819. (From the Report of the Committee of the House of Commons, in 1819, on the Bank r.^suming Cash Payments. J DK. The Bank, 30th January, 1819. CR. TO Bank Notes out To other Debts, viz. Drawing Accounts Audit Roll - Exchequer Bills deposited - And various other Debts Balance of Sur])lus in favour of the Bank of England, exclusive of the Debt from Go- vernment, at £3. per cent. £11,686,800^ And the Advance to Government, per 56 Geo. III. cap. 96 at £3. per cent. ^3,000,000 £. 26,094,430 7,800,150 33,894,580 - 5,202,320 £39,096,900 BY Advances on Go- vernment Securi- ties, viz, £. On Exchequer Bills" on Malt, &c. 1818 Bank Loan, 1808 Supply, 1816, at £4 per cent. Growing Produce of the Consolidated}- 8,438,660 Fluid to 5th April, 18 19, and Interest due, and Loans to Government on unclaimed Divi- dends By aU other Credits, viz. Cash and BuIHon Exchequer Bills pur- chased & Interest Bills and Notes dis- counted Treasury Bills for the Service of Ire- land Money lent, and va- rious other Articles - 30,658,240 =^39,096,9(10 By the permanent Debt due from Government, for the Capital of the Bank at £3. per cent. j)cr Annum By the Advance to Government, per Act 56 Geo. III. cap. 96, at £3 per cent, per Annum 11,686,800 3,000,000 WILLIAM DAWES, Accountant GeneraL B(mJc of Eiifflandy 22nd Februart/, 1819. No. XIII. ACCOUNT of the Market Prices of STAND- ARD GOLD, the real par and course of exchange be- tween London and Hamburgh, and the per centage in favour of and against London.* (From the Ai-tkle Exchange, in the Supplement to the Ericj/clopcsdia Britannica.J Price of Par of Ex- Course of Per cent.)Per cent. Standard change exchange in favour against Gold with ■with of London. per oz. Hambro'. Hambro'. London. £. s. d. sch. gr. 1760 Jan. 1 3 18 6 32 9.9 36 4 10.6 May 2 3 19 1 33 3.7 35 6 6.5 Sept. 2 4 1 33 6.0 32 2 4 I Jan. 2 3 18 10 32 0.1 32 0.1 May 1 4 32 0.1 32 2 0.4 Sept. 1 4 6 33 0.9 32 5 2 2 Jan. 1 3 19 33 1.8 32 11 2.0 May 4 3 19 3 32 7.9 34 3 4.8 Sept. 3 3 19 4 33 11.2 35 3.6 3 Jan. 4 4 33 10.1 34 2 0.9 May 3 4 1 3 33 2.6 34 2 2.7 Sept. 2 4 1 6 34 4.0 34 7 0.7 4 Jan. 3 : 3 18 3 33 8.7 34 5 1.9 * " This table, with the exception of the column of the Bank of " England notes, from 1760 to 1809, is extracted from the second " edition of Mr Mushet's pamphlet. The last ten years have been " filled up from the accounts given in the Reports on the Expediency " of the Bank resuming Cash Payments, laid before parliament in 1819. " T!he fixed par is taken at 34 schillings, 11 grotes, and \, which is " esteemed the true par by the merchants, though it diSers about | " per cent, from the par (35s. Id. Hamburgh currency), as estimated " by Dr Kelly from the Mint regulations. The bills on Hamburgh " from the negociation of which tliis table has been formed, have " been mvariably drawn at 2\ usances." 43 Price of Par of Ex- Course of Per cent. Per cent. Standard change Exchange in favour against Gold with with of London. per 02 ■• Hamhro'. Hambro'. London. 1 £. s. rf. sch. gr. 1761' May 1 3 18 3 34 3.1 34 11 1.1 Sept. 4 3 18 34 2.0 35 2.4 5 Jan. 1 3 18 34 2.0 35 1 2.6 May 3 3 18 33 9.0 34 11 3.4 Sept. 3 3 18 8 33 7.9 34 4 2.0 6 Jan. 3 3 18 7 33 2.9 34 6 3.7 May 2 3 19 2 33 1.2 34 11 5.4 Sept. 2 3 19 32 9.6 35 3 8.2 7 Jan. 2 3 19 3 32 9.3 35 6 8.3 May 1 3 19 10 32 10.7 35 10 8.9 Sept. 1 3 19 5 33 2.6 35 11 8.1 8 Jan. 1 3 18 8 33 4.8 84 11 4.4 May 3 3 19 1 33 0.9 34 8 4.8 Sept. 2 3 19 6 33 4.6 34 5 3.0 9 Jan. 3 3 19 7 33 3.7 33 2 0.5 May 2 4 3 33 2.3 33 8 1.4 Sept. 1 4 4 33 1.2 33 6 1.2 1770 Jan. 2 4 6 33 0.4 33 2 0.4 May 1 4 4 32 10.1 33 3 1.3 Sept. 4 4 33 5.4 33 2 0.1 1 Jan. 1 3 18 9 32 8.2 33 8 .5 May 3 3 19 2 32 6.0 33 6 ,5 Sept. 3 4 8 33 4.3 33 11 1.4 2 Jan. 3 4 1 33 2.9 32 7 2.0 May 1 4 9 32 10.7 32 10 2 Sept. 1 3 19 33 9.6 33 5* 1.2 3 Jan. 5 3 18 33 7.5 34 1.1 May 4 3 17 11 33 10.1 34 9 2.6 Sept. 3 3 17 9 34 0.1 34 8 1.9 4 Jan. 4 3 17 9 34 7. 34 9 0.4 May 3 3 17 9 33 11. 34 7 1.9 Sept. 2 3 17 7 34 2.8 34 5 0.5 5 Jan. 3 3 17 7 33 8.5 34 3 1.6 May 2 3 17 7 33 2.3 34 4 3.4 Sept. 1 3 17 7 34 0.6 34 4 0.8 6 Jan. 5 3 17 7 33 3.7 34 1 4.8 May 3 3 17 7 32 8.2 33 8 3. Sept. 3 3 17 7 32 11.3 33 5 1.4 7 Jan. 3 3 17 7 31 11.6 33 2 3.7 May 2 3 17 7 32 2-9 32 10 1.8 F 2 44> Price of Par of Ex. Course of Per cent. Per cent. Standard change Exchange in favour against Gold with with of London. per 02 ;. Hambro'. Hambro'. London. £. s. rf. sch. gr. 1777 Sept. 2 3 17 7 32 7.5 32 2 1.4 8 Jan„ 2 3 17 7 31 3.2 32 4 3.4 May 1 3 17 7 32 11.3 34 2 3.7 Sept. 1 3 17 7 33 5.4 34 5 2.8 9 Jan. 1 3 17 7 34 9.5 35 6 2.9 May 4 3 17 6 34 5.9 36 2 4.8 Sept. 3 3 17 6 33 4.8 33 9 1. 1780 Jan. 4 3 17 6 34 2.5 34 6 0.8 May 2 3 17 6 32 7.9 35 2 7.6 Sept. 1 3 17 6 33 0.4 34 1 3.2 1 Jan. 2 3 17 6 32 10.7 34 1 3.6 May 1 3 17 6 31 11. 33 7 5.2 Sept. 4 3 17 6 31 S.S 32 2 2.2 2 Jan, 1 3 17 6 31 0.2 31 9 2.3 May 3 3 17 6 30 4.7 32 11 8.3 Sept. 3 3 17 9 31 1.3 32 6 4.4 S Jan. 3 3 17 9 31 9.6 32 7 2.4 May 2 3 18 30 10.5 31 9 2.8 Sept. 2 3 18 31 7.9 31 6 0.5 4 Jan. 2 3 18 33 1.5 33 6 1.1 May 4 3 17 101 34 2.8 34 4 0.2 Sept. 3 3 17 lOi 34 2.8 34 7 1.0 5 Jan. 7 3 17 104 34 6.2 35 1.4 May 3 3 17 101 34 7.9 34 11 0.7 Sept. 2 3 17 6 35 0.6 35 4 € Jan. 3 3 17 6 34 4.2 34 10 1.1 May 2 3 17 6 33 11.2 34 5 1.4 Sept. 1 3 17 6 34 2,5 34 3 0.1 7 Jan. 2 3 17 6 34 6.2 34 5 0.1 May 1 3 17^ 6 34 0.9 34 7 4.0 Sept. 4 3 17 6 33 9.6 ^S 3.5 8 Jan. 1 3 17 6 33 9.6 35 1 3.8 May ^ 3 17 6 33 9.6 35 4 4.5 Sept. 2 3 17 6 33 9.6 35 3.5 S Jan. 6 3 17 6 33 9.Q 34 10 3.0 May 1 3 17 6 34 0.9 35 6 4.1 Sept. 1 3 17 6 34 6.2 35 5 2.6 1790 Jan. 29 3 17 6 34 5.9 35 1.4 May 4 3 17 6 34 0.9 35 4 3.7 Sept. 3 3 17 6 34 5.9 35 6 2.9 45 Price of 1 Par of Ex- I!ourse of Per cent. Per cent. Standard change Exchange in favour against Gold with with of London. per oz. Hambro'. Hambro'. London. £. s. rf. sch. gr. 1791 Jan. 4 3 17 6 34 2.5 35 6 3.7 May 3 3 17 6 34 0.9 35 11 5.4 Sept. 2 3 17 6 34 7.6 35 6 2.5 2 Jan. 3 3 17 6 33 8.2 34 6 2.4 May 1 3 17 6 33 0.4 34 3 3.7 Sept. 4 3 17 6 33 1.8 34 2.5 3 Jan. 1 3 17 6 33 3.4 35 4 6.1 May 3 3 17 6 34 5.9 37 6 8.7 Sept. 3 3 17 6 35 0.6 36 2.7 4 Jan. 3 3 17 6 35 0.6 35 9 2.0 May 2 3 17 6 35 2.3 36 7 4.0 Sept. 2 3 17 6 35 3.9 35 1.0 5 Jan. 2 3 17 6 34 7.6 34 6 0.4 May 1 S 17 6 35 3.9 34 4 2.8 Sept. 1 * 32 6 6 Jan. 1 May 3 32 7 33 10 Sept. 2 3 17 6 33 11.2 33 7 1. 7 Jan. 3 3 17 6 33 1.8 35 6 7. May 2 S 17 6 32 7.9 36 10. Sept. 1 3 17 104 35 5,9 38 7. 8 Jan. 2 3 17 lOi 36 1.1 38 2 5.7 May I 3 17 lOi 35 2.5 37 8 7. Sept. 4 3 17 lOi 35 5.9 37 6 5.Q 9 Jan. 1 3 17 9 34 10.5 37 7 7.7 May 3 3 17 9 34 10.5 35 6 1.8 Sept. 3 3 17 9 33 4 1800 Jan.fS 32 May 2 4 5 34 0.4 32 5 5.3 Sept. 2 4 5 34 0.4 32 2 5,5 1 Jan. 2 4 6 33 11.2 29 8 12.6 May 1 4 3 31 10. 31 6 1. Sept. 1 31 7 * " Wherever a blank space is left, it shews that no prices of bul. " lion are quoted of that date, either at Lloyd's, or at the Bullion " Office in the Bank of England." ■|- " From 1800 to 1810, standard gold and silver in bars are not " regularly quoted. Portugal gold in coin, being nearly of the same " standard, has in several instances been quoted as standard gold." 46 1802 8 1810 11 12 13 14 15 Jan. May Sept, Jan. May Sept. 2 Jan. May Sept. 4 Jan. 1 May 3 Sept. 3 Jan. 3 May 2 Sept. 2 Jan. 2 May 1 Sept. 4 Jan. 1 May 3 Sept. 2 Jan. 3 May Sept, Jan. May Oct. Jan. 22 Mayl4 Aug 30 Jan. 31 May22 Oct. 2 Jan. 22 May21 Oct. 1 Feb. 8 May24 Oct. 4 Jan. 3 Price of Par of Ex- Course oi Per cent. Standard change Exchange in favour Gold with with of per oz. Hambro'. Hambro'. London. £. s. d. sch. gr. 4 3 6 32 2 32 8 33 3 34 34 4 32 10 34 10 35 9 4 34 9.3 35 10 3. 4 33 5.7 35 6 6.0 4 34 5.9 35 5 2.6 4 ' 35 5 33 3 33 8 34 4 34 8 34 10 34 3 34 4 34 9 34 8 31 3 4 11 38 0.8 30 6 4 9 \0\ 36 10.9 29 4 9 lOi 29 3 31 3 4 5. 31 4 7 6 34 9.9 26 24 25 6 4 18 6 27 6 4 17 35 6.2 29 5 7 28 5 4 29 5 3 34 11.2 28 5 8 36 2.3 26 6 5 8 35 6.8 29 5 3 28 4 5 34 9.3 32 10 4 6 6 34 10.4 32 4 Per cent, against London. 19.9 21.4 25.3 18.4 24.6 29.1 14.5 5.6 7.3 47 Price of Par of Ex- Course of Per cent. Per cent. Standard change Exchange in favour against Gold with with of London. per oz. Hambro'. Hambi-o'. London. £. s. d. sch. gr. ISlSMay 2 5 6 36 2.3 28 2 22.2 Sep. 15 4 9 35 10.6 32 9 8.7 16 Jan. 16 4. 2 36 2.8 34 4 5.2 May28 4 36 2.3 35 10 1.0 Oct. 1 S 19 36 7.5 36 11 0.8 17 Jan. 17 3 19 6 36 6.7 36 1 1.3 June 6 3 19 34 10.7 35 0.3 Sept. 5 4 35 3.9 35 2 0.5 18 Jan. 9 4 6 35 3.1 34 6 2.2 May26 4 1 6 34 7.3 33 11 2.0 Sep. 15 4 34 9.3 35 2 1.1 19 Jan. 8 4 3 35 2.9 33 9 1.9 Mar 23 4 1 34 1.5 34 4 0.6 48 No. XIV. EXTRACT from the EVIDENCE of David Hodgson, Esq. before the AGRICULTURAL COM- MITTEE of 1821. (From the Report of the Committee of the House of Commons on the Agriculture of the United Kingdojn, 1821.^ You are a partner in the house of Cropper, Benson, and Company, at Liverpool ? I am. In w^hat line of business are you engaged ? We are in various lines of business, the East India, the American, and the Irish corn trade. Have you been extensive dealers in foreign corn ? We have. And are now holders of foreign corn in bond ? We are. Have you, with a view to guide your commercial transac- tions in the article of corn, endeavoured, by any means, to ascertain what has been, of late years, the state of the wheat crops of this country ? We have. Have you any objection to state to the committee, the mode which you have adopted for ascertaining this point ? None ; but we should prefer, in giving a detail of it, that it was only used for the conviction of the committee, in order that they might decide what importance they might attach to the results ; we have been at very considerable expence, and consumed a great deal of time in obtaining the informa- tion, and we should prefer that the details of the manner were not made public. Have the goodness to state the results ? We have ex- amined, for the last several years, but more correctly since 1815, a district of the country, comprising about 1,000 miles, and we have endeavoured, as accurately as possible, to take a fair average of the fields examined. 4^ What are the districts of country generally included in this survey of 1,000 miles ? We have generally commenced in Kent, and gone down the whole of the east coast to Ber- wick, and once or twice to Edinburgh, as one part of the survey ; the others we have taken from Liverpool, through Cheshire, Shropshire, Worcestershire, Herefordshire, round by Birmingham, and taken in the whole of Warwickshire and Staffordshire, and come round in that circuit home again. This survey, of course, is taken about the time the har- vest is going to begin ? Yes ; just when we consider the wheat ripe. Has the result of this survey been such as to afford you satisfactory information for the guidance of your commercial speculations in corn ? We have been guided by it, though not always to the result we expected ; but latterly it has been becoming more perfect, at the same time there are va- rious contingencies that often disappoint any opinion con- nected with an article so extensively held, or otherwise, ac- cording to the spirit of speculation which may prevail. You consider the result of the survey to be a material in- gredient in forming your conclusions as to the state of the crop, and the probability of the country being in want, or not in want of a foreign supply ? Certainly. And of the probable price of corn in the year following your survey ? We do. Have you any objection to state to the committee, upon any scale you may have formed, what has been the compa- rative productiveness of the crops of the last six years ? None whatever; the crop of 1815, according to the method explained, gave a result of 37 Winchester bushels per acre ; 1816 gave 25xV; 1817 gave 33,*o; 1818 gave 32 and ,%; 1819, 27 f^; 1820, 37tV; this is the quantity reduced to Winchester bushels, at sixty pounds a bushel, but then it is supposing the whole surface of the acre to produce: we G 50 have not any accurate method of knowing what the real produce per acre is, but in making some attempt at a de- duction, we have been rather led to believe it would not fall much short of a sixth, but that is estimated entirely ; the loss by hedges, the loss in harvesting, the loss in furrows and by vermin, the waste in machining ; every thing goes out of the quantity stated. You are of opinion, then, that in order to get at the produce actually brought to market, a deduction of not less than a sixth ought to be made from this acreable return ? — I give it as a very vague estimate ; the data we have had to go upon have been so uncertain ; we had a very small quantity once tried, which made a deduction of about ten per cent, but this I should, myself, think was quite under the mark. Of course you are aware that the losses some years are much greater than in others ? — Unquestionably. You have now stated the quantities only, without refer- ence to the quality or state in which the grain is harvested ? — Certainly, I should state, that we have not weighed it wet ; we have reduced it all to what we esteemed the same state of dryness. But still supposing these to be the quantities, all reduced to an equal state of dryness, the quality or fitness of the produce for converting into flour for the use of the popula- tion of this country, must vary materially ?— Very materi- ally, I should think. And that, also, must be a main consideration in your cal- culations ? — That is always considered in our estimates ; but these figures are free from all estimate. Can you state, with respect to those six years, those in which the grain has been considerably injured, and those in which the produce has been generally of a good quality ?— That in 1815 was a very good crop, and we considered it above an average at the time, decidedly; in 1816 it was 51 very much worse than the survey. I ought to mention with regard to 1815 and 1816, that our examinations were not so perfect as they have been in the four years since, especially 1816 ; for, from the condition in which it was received, we were so thoroughly satisfied of the deficiency, that we were rather inattentive, and did not weigh nearly the same num- ber ; we had gained our point in respect of information, and did not pursue it further; but it was very much worse than the survey; it was nearly rotten. In 1817, the quality was not very good. In 1818? — In 1818, according to my recollection, the quality was good; I do not perceive that I have made a re- mark upon it ; but I am satisfied, on recollection, it was very good. In 1819, it was very good, not so good as 1818. The last crop ;— The last crop is not very good. Not so good in quality as in 1819 ? — No, nor nearly so good as 1818 ; there is a considerable mixture of mildew in the corn of 1820. It is generally sound and dry ? — Yes ; but not equally good with either of the preceding years. More mildewed than in 1819 ?— Yes, I think so. Can you state the average acreable produce of the six years of which you have given us the detail ? — The average acreable produce will be about thirty-two. You have stated, that your survey, though less perfectly carried on, embraced a period of nine years ? — It went back to the year 1809, embracing altogether a period of twelve years. Can you state, as far as your survey was then established, what was the crop of 1813? — We discovered in the year 1814, that the person we had employed in 1813, had made a very gross mistake, which was to take the crown of the ridge, and to select the best ears ; so that we reject it in our calculations : but we have every reason to believe it was the greatest crop we have ever known. 52 When you say, you have every reason to believe it was the greatest crop you have ever known, you have other rea- sons for that opinion ? — We have other reasons and general observation, from the time that the grain of that season re- mained, in considerable quantity, in the market; I think two or three years afterwards. Your survey not extending to Ireland and Scotland, have you any means of giving any information to the committee, as to the state of the crops of those two parts of the United Kingdom for the two last years ? — No, nothing but infer- ence, no survey. What is your impression ? — My impression is, that the crop of Ireland in 1820 was good; it appeared to be the course of the crop last year to improve towards the west ; and I think, there has been a very considerable extension of cultivation in Ireland last year, for a reason I will give by and by. Do you consider the crop of ] 820, as far as ascertained by your survey, to be above an average crop i — Certainly. How much do you imagine above an average crop ? — Upon the average of the six years which I have given, it would appear as about five in thirty-two, between a sixth and a seventh; but if we go further back, and include 1809, 1810, 1811, 1812, and 1814, rejecting 1813, on account of its being uncertain what the real figure was ; applying the data of the square yard as actually taken for the last six years, it would give a result for an average crop of 34 in place of 32 ; of course, in estimating the crop of last year with reference to the acreable produce, it will depend on whether it is called 32 or 34. Does it appear from the result of this survey, that taking the best year and the worst to which it applies, the fluctua- tion has been so much as a third ?— Nearly. NEWCASTLE : PRINTED BY EDW. WALKER. AN ON THE GENERAL PRINCIPLES AND PRESENT PRACTICE OF BANKING, IN (Cnglanti anD ^cotlanti j WITH OBSERVATIONS UPON THE JUSTICE AND POLICY OF AK IMMEDIATE ALTERATION IK 'E^e Cliactec of tfie Banfe of d^nglanti, AND THE MEASURES TO BE PURSUED IN ORDER TO EFFECT IT. BY T. JOPLIN. FOURTH EDITION. DeDicatiott* TO NONE CAN IT BE MORE PROPER TO DEDICATE A WORK OF ANY KIND THAN TO THOSE WHOM IT PRO- POSES TO SERVE, THEREFORE, TO THE MANUFACTURERS, MERCHANTS, AND TRADES- WEN, OF ENGLAND AND IRELAND, THIS ESSAY IS RE- SPECTFULLY DEDICATED BY THE AUTHOR. PREFACE. Ihe following Essay, though more immediately ad- dressed to the Gentlemen, Merchants, and Others, of Newcastle upon Tyne, Shields, Durham, and Sunder- land, and their respective neighbourhoods, is equally applicable to every part of England; and it is to be hoped, that the steps recommended to be pursued, in order to procure an alteration in the Charter of the Bank of England, or similar ones, will be immedately taken, wherever it may be intended to establish Banks on the principles recommended. A simultaneous movement in different quarters, and a general combi- nation in favour of the object proposed, would at once render nugatory any opposition from those who may expect to lose by it. An effectual opposition, however, in the present state of the public mind, need not be dreaded. The absolute necessity of a change in our Banking System VIU has long been felt, and is quite obvious ; but the pre- sent Bankers have great influence in Parliament, and might succeed, perhaps, in getting some half-measure adopted, if the public v^^ere to shew the least indiffer- ence or want of determination on the subject. A perfect freedom with respect to the System of Banking which it may choose to adopt, more espe- cially since this can be attained without injuring the Bank of England, the country ought to look for, and insist upon. Were the clause in its Charter, for in- stance, expunged with respect to Country Banks only, as has been done in Ireland, the same defective and insecure principle of Banking would be continued in the metropolis, and the System would still be bad where it ought to be best. In London, it is requisite that more confidence should be placed in Bankers than in any other part of the kingdom. The circumstances of individuals cannot there be known as in the country, by the ob- servation and report of their neighbours, hence they are obliged to make reference to their Bankers when it is necessary to verify their credit, who can or who will only know the credit they are entitled to, by the goodness of their accounts ; and consequently those IX who have any considerable credit to maintain, aie always obliged to keep large balances in their hands. Country Bankers are under the necessity of doing the same, in order to meet the bills upon London, which, in the way of their business they have to draw. A great number of noblemen and country gentlemen of large property, also keep their accounts with them, which together with the great money transactions of foreign nations and governments now negociated in London, with all of which the Bankers have more or less to do, necessarily render the business of the Lon- don Banks immense. The large balances which the merchants in London must keep with their Bankers, would not only with Public Companies be safe, but productive. At pre- sent they get nothing for them but their Banker's good word ; while with such Companies they would also be allowed three or four per cent, interest. The Plan recommended to the inhabitants of New- castle, it will, perhaps, be best to pursue every where. The Deputies of a Company will always have more weight than individuals, however respectable. There can, also, it is trusted, be little doubt of success ; and even should any serious opposition arise, by a rro- per union there need be no great fear of overcoming it. The present System can never be supported a- gainst the united convictiens of both government and the country. AN 6ssat» ott TBatikinS' JjANKS are by far the most important of all our commercial establishments. They are the fountains of our currency, the depositories of our capital, and at once the wheels and pillars of our trade. Business to any great extent could not be carried on without them. All who have cash transactions of any kind are more or less dependent upon them. The landed proprietor finds them a convenient place of de- posit for the ready money he possesses, or a useful resource in case of need. The capitalist, when he deems them safe, can lodge his money with them, receive interest for it, and have it ready when the chances of trade or changes of property may throw a desirable purchase in his B 2 way. Merchants and traders of every denomi- nation are enabled through them to send money to, and receive it from the most distant places, to raise money when in want of it upon the Bills which they receive from their customers, to have those Bills presented for payment through a channel which in general secures their being duly honoured, and to deposit in them those sums which any particular occasion, or the current demands of their business re- quire. Their Promissory Notes, also, furnish the country with a useful and convenient cir- culating medium, and are in the hands of every one. They are, therefore, intimately connected with every class of society. Every person who has any thing to do either with capital or mo- ney is interested in their stability. But the capitalist, merchant, manufacturer, and trades- man, and all who have large payments to make and receive, are continually under the necessity of trusting them in amounts, the loss of which might prove their utter ruin. They have besides daily to confide in them for the negotiation of Bills and advances of capital, which, in com- mercial transactions, are continually required. On this account, a very deep interest is felt in the welfare of Banks. Nothing can in any way affect them without exciting the immediate 3 attention of the public, and (if it involve their credit) without producing the greatest possible agitation and alarm. Thus when the slightest apprehension is entertained respecting their solvency, however groundless it may sometimes prove, a run upon them immediately takes place. That is, hundreds of people immediate- ly crowd the doors of the Banks, to demand payment of the Notes they hold, or to with- draw that money out of their hands, which they have deposited with them. This puts a stop to their usual Banking operations, and people in trade cannot receive that accommo- dation upon which they have relied, and upon which the regularity of their payments, and consequently their credit, depends. In the mean time, no person can make remittances without placing their money in a state of peril, which they can only ascertain to be groundless, by waiting until it is over. All is, therefore, confusion ; and the whole community is thrown into a state of apprehension and alarm, which may be better conceived than described. Upon such occasions the greatest exertions are always made to allay the fears, and restore the confidence of the public ; and very great risks are sometimes run in doing so. It is not unusual for the friends of a Bank so situated, to issue out Bills or Notices, pledging them- B 2 selves to the public, to take its Notes in pay- ment, to any amount. By this measure, should the Bank happen to stop, many of them would necessarily be ruined. Within these few years, pledges of this kind were repeatedly is- sued in favour of the Durham, Stockton, and Sunderland Banks, which* ultimately failed. But, as they were not attended with any serious consequences, it is probable that the Banks did not stop payment imm.ediately when they were issued, or perhaps ^he public might have overlooked the obligation contracted, and, from inadvertency, not have called upon the parties to redeem the pledge they had given. * I have to apologize to the very respectable Bank- ing House of Messrs Hutchinson, of Stockton, for a verbal inaccuracy, in the former Editions, at which they, (no doubt with great justice,) took umbrage, and publicly called for an explanation. Instead of "which ultimately failed," it was stated in the former Editions " all of whom ultimately failed," from whence it might have been inferred that Messrs H. had failed too. This inference, howevei*, could only have been made where, except by name, they were utterly unknown. The only reason, if I can assign any for the inaccuracy, was, that I had never heard of any pledges having been issued in their favour of the nature re- ferred to, which from Mr Hutchinson's public correspond, ence upon the subject, I infer must have been the case. In Newcastle, during all the stormy period of the failures that took place around them, their credit was never once doubt- ed. We may, however, form some idea of the in- conveniences in which the mercantile world are involved, when people are found wandering so far out of the tract of ordinary prudence as to guarantee the security of establishments with whose affairs they have no intimate acquaint- ance, and whose insolvency would involve them in certain destruction. Nothing, in fact, can affect the credit of the Banks witliout being immediately felt in a cor- responding degree by the public ; and the ac- tual stoppage of an extensive Banking concern deranges the whole frame of mercantile affairs, and carries confusion, misery, and ruin, into every department of society. Great, however, as the inconveniences are which the discredit of Banks, and consequent runs upon them occasion : and great as are the calamities by which their failures are uniformly attended, they are, both in this country and Ireland, of very common occurrence. By an account printed in the appendix to the Lords* Report upon the Bank resuming Cash Payments, it appears, that in the last twenty years, (that is, twenty years previous to 1818), no fewer than two hundred and thirty commissions of bankruptcy had been issued against Banks ;* an average of ffiilures, pro- * This statement, not having the Lords' report to refer to, I took from a newspaper, as I mentioned jn a note to my 6 portioned to the total number of them, in all probability far exceeding that of any other re- gular business. Sometimes, as if epidemically, the Banks of a whole district fail together, as was the case a year or two ago, in the south of Ireland. That part of the country was, in consequence, first Edition. I have since, however, procured the table re- ferred to, which I here give. APPENDIX, G 3. RETUaN OF THE PATENTEE TOR THE EXECUTION OF THE LAWS AKD STATUTES CONCERNING BANKRUPTS. „ . . against Years. Commissions. _g°„;ters. 1790 issued 747 none. 1791 769 1 1792 934 1 1795 1956 26 1794 1041 2 1795 879 7 1796 954 6 1797 1115 3 1798 911 5 1799 717 6 1800 951 8 1801 1199 5 1802 1090 8 1803 1214 8 1804 1117 6 Years. Commissions, * , Jiankers, 1805 issued 1129 9 1806 1268 5 1807 1362 1 1808 1435 5 1809 1S8£ 7 1810 2514 26 1811 2500 4 1812 2228 IT 1815 1953 8 1814 1612 29 1815 2284 26 1816 2731 37 1817 1927 5 1818 1245 6 JOSEPH DORIN, Deputy Patentee. Bankrupt Office, 15th February, 1819. involved in the greatest distress ; its trade was materially injured, and a shock given to its prosperity, from which it is said not yet to have recovered. The same event happened also in the county of Durham a few years back, when one Durham, two Sunderland, and two Stock- ton Banks failed within a short time of each other, being five out of the seven Banks then in the county. This part of the country, how- ever, was better able to endure it, though the inconveniences generally felt were great, and the sufferers numerous. Even in this town, to which the evil but partially extended, the want of confidence and the general state of alarm which it produced, must be fresh in the recol- lection of every one. Now, while England and Ireland are con- tinually subject to disasters of this kind, it seems an extraordinary fact, that Scotland is totally free from them : the Scotch Banks rare- ly, if ever, either failing or losing money. No one, I dare say, will, from this, imagine, that there is any thing different in the nature of their money transactions, or that trade is subject to fewer vicissitudes in Scotland than with us. I believe that trade is pretty much the same in both nations, or if there is any dif- ference, that the merchants of Scotland are the more speculative, and less stable of the two. But the true cause of the difference is to be 8 found in the nature of their respective Banking Establishments : the Scotch Banks being Joint Stock Companies, while the English Banks are private concerns. The Scotch Banks consist of a great number of Proprietors or Stock Holders, who contri- bute, some to the extent of one hundred pounds, some of a thousand, and some many thousands. By these means they form a joint capital, establish a Bank, and entrust the ma- nasrement of it to a Committee chosen from their body, called a Court of Directors. The Eng- lish Banks, on the contrary, never consist of more than six partners, though often fewer, and are for the most part, managed by one, or at the furthest by two of them. To the uniform success of Joint Stock Bank- ing Companies, history affords but one excep- tion, viz. : — The case of the Douglass, He- ron, and Co. (or Ayr) Bank, some account of which is given by Smith, page 58, vol. 2nd, of his Wealth of Nations, if, however, we exa- mine the circumstances which produced that failure, we shall find it attributable to causes which are not likely again to occur, and that as an exception, it merely establishes the rule. About fifty years ago, this Bank was formed in the West of Scotland, by a number of coun- try gentlemen, totally ignorant of business, and entertaining erroneous views of Banking. Their 9 object was not to make money, but to furnish capital, (which was then scarce,) to the country at large, in order to promote and improve the cultivation of land, &c. This they imagined could be done by means of a few reams of pa- per, manufactured into Notes. They were un- able to see that it was not in the power of any Bank to keep more Notes in circulation than are wanted as a circulating medium by the country, and that the surplus would inevitably be returned upon them for repayment. Con-, formably to the object of its establishment, the Bank therefore issued its Notes, with great free- dom, in permanent loans, which were immedi- ately expended in agricultural improvements, and when they were returned for payment (hav- ing been issued in advances which could not be recalled) it had nothing to pay them with ; and was compelled, in a short time, to raise money by improvident expedients, at eight or ten per cent, when it had lent it out to others at five. Such a mode of business was not likely, of course, to be long pursued. The Bank came to a stand in about two years, its proprietors lost money, and it now remains the only ex- ception to the success of such concerns. It must, however, be understood, that the uniform success of the Scotch Banks, applies only to the Joint Stock Companies. Private Bankers fail in Scotland, as well as in other c . 10 places. Tlie Private Banks in Scotland, how- ever, are but few, and only one or two of them at present issue notes. They keep the accounts of individuals, and transact business with the Public Banks in the same manner as the Bankers of London transact it with the Bank of Eng- land, But the credit requisite even to Private iBanks is much greater in Scotland than with us, in consequence of their having to compete with establishments of superior stability, which do business upon the same terms. The only Bank failures, however, that I have heard of in Scotland, with the exception of the Ayr Bank already spoken of, are the Mer- chant Banking Company of Stirling, Grace's Bank of Dumfries, and the Falkirk Union Bank. The first two were each of them carri- ed on by an individual, and the last had only three partners. To these must be also added, the Merchant Banking Com.pany of Glasgow, about twenty years ago, a very small concern, which must likewise, I think, have been a Pri- vate Bank, as but few particulars are generally known respecting it. Had it been a Public Establishment, a greater degree of publicity would have been given to its affairs. In consequence of the uniform success of the Public Banks of Scotland, the most unbounded confidence is felt and reposed in them, both by the stock-holders and the public. Every holder 11 of stock, (except with the chartered companies) however small the amount, incurs all the re- sponsibility of a partner, yet that responsibility having been proved by all experience to be merely nominal, has no effect whatever on the sale of it. A person buys a hundred pounds share of the stock of any of the Banks, with the same freedom that he would purchase the same amount of stock in the three per cent, consols, without the responsibility weighing with him one shilling in the purchase. In addition, however, to their success, some of the Scotch Banks have very considerable capitals, particularly the Edinburgh Banks, which have from five to fifteen hundred thou- sand pounds each. Hence their credit is al- most unbounded, being considered by the Scotch equal to that of the Bank of England itself. The evils, therefore, which we suffer from the feeble and fluctuating credit of most of our Banks, and the disastrous failures of many of them, are nearly unknown to the peo- ple of Scotland. From the very great credit enjoyed by the Scotch Banks, they are enabled to transact bu- siness to a much greater extent, and on very different principles, than with us. From this source, still more important, though less obvi- ous benefits arise, and these it may not be im- proper for us in the first place to consider, "c 2 12 The original and proper business of a Banker is to trade in capital. He ought to be that me- dium between the borrower and lender in the money market, which a merchant is in other commodities. It is the business of a merchant or trader to buy of the producer on the one hand, and to sell to the consumer or retailer on the other. He acquires a knowledge of both parties, and they of him, and for his credit, capital, labour, and knowledge, he charges a profit upon the commodity which, through his agency, is transferred from the party who has it to sell, to the party wanting to purchase it. Now, what a merchant is in other commodities, the Scotch Banks are in the money market. They borrow of those who have money to lend, and lend to those who want to borrow, acquire a knowledge of both parties, and charge a pro- fit of one per cent, upon the transaction. Any person opening an account with them, re- ceives four per cent.* upon the balance in their hands. He may pay money to the credit of his account when he chooses, and he receives inte- rest for it from the day it is deposited ; he may draw his money out of the Bank when and in such sums as he thinks proper, and only loses * Some of them have lately reduced the interest they give, but others continue to give four per cent, as before. Fourth Edition. They have now, I understand, reduced the interest they give, generally. IS interest upon the sum drawn, from the day of receiving it. On the contrary, any person giving proper securities, may open an account with them, and draw to the extent of the se- curity given, for which they will charge him five per cent, upon the fluctuating balance he owes. Consequently, a person who has money to lend is saved all the trouble, not unattended with risk, of mortgages, and may have his mo- ney, or any part of it, at any time, should a desirable purchase fall in his way ; whereas with a mortgage he cannot draw his money when he wants it — must take it altogether when he does draw it — or, if the borrower chooses, must take it whether he wants it or not. Their object, however, in borrowing, being to lend, the facilities given to borrowers, are equally great. In the first place, they will discount bills and other mercantile securities, that are perfectly regular and good, at any time, and to any amount. Thus merchants can calculate with certainty upon being accommodated in the course of regular transactions to any ex- tent, which is of infinite service to them, as it would be better for a merchant not to have such assistance at all, than to have any uncertainty respecting it. In the next place, they grant Cash Accounts, that is, any person in busi- ness, by giving two sufficient securities, may open an account with them, and overdraw 14 it to the extent of the security given, for which, as before stated, he is charged five per cent, upon the balance he owes. Very great advances, not to mercantile men only, but to all classes of persons, are made in this way; and in the last place, they make advances up- on real property, some of them to a very consi- derable extent. The plan they pursue, I believe, is, for the proprietor to pledge his estate, or other property^ with the Bank, for a given amount, open an account with it, and draw as his occasions may require, to the amount prescribed. Thus, when any persons wish to borrow, the facilities held out to bor- rowers induce them, equally with the lenders, to make application to the Bank. As individuals often call in the money they have lent out on mortgage when they can find better employment for it, or when the death of a party produces a division of his property, by which a great expence to the mortgagee is in- curred in procuring a fresh mortgage. Banks are therefore more to be depended upon, and borrowers being just as much wanted by them as lenders, and the money which they lend be- ing rarely, or in fact, never, called in again until it is the pleasure of the borrower to pay it off, people, in want of money, will prefer dealing with the Banks at even a higher per centage, while lenders, on their part, prefer 15 dealing with them at a per centage something less than individuals would give. Thus in con- sequence of the security of their property, and the readiness with which they can at all times obtain it when wanted, a difference of one per cent, is not found to be a sufficient inducement for the borrowers and lenders to pass by the Banks and to transact their business directly with each other. If they did, the gain would, of course, have to be divided between them, and a half per cent, would be no compensation to either party for the additional inconvenience, risk, and trouble, in which they would be in- volved. Whereas the Bank being open and ready at all times to meet the wants of each party, unless among particular friends, neither party ever thinks of making further enquiries upon the subject, but transacts the business with the Banks as a matter of course. They are, therefore, at once, the great depositories of the money capital of the country, and the source from whence the supplies of it are drawn. Although considerable advances are made by the Scotch Banks upon real property, it is rather a ground of complaint, that they have been too much in the habit of speculating in the funds, when it might have been more to the advautage of their country that they should have lent out their capital at home ; and while 16 lending their money at home appears to be pre- ferable for a Public Bank, to gambling in the funds, it seems also to be the duty of such an establishment to lend its money at home when- ever it can do so with safety. The failures which continually take place amongst the English, particularly the Country Banks, and the consequent discredit in which they are held, of course almost totally preclude them from trading in capital in the manner pursued by the Banks of Scotland. The Lon- don Bankers are the only Bankers, it is general- ly understood, who at all do so, and they are not considered good mortgagees. Their strictness in requiring powers of sale, &c. to be granted them, which their limited credit renders neces- sary, in order to be able to call in their money at the shortest notice, should the state of their credit at any time require it, places the mort- gager in a state of disagreeable dependence. The business of an English country bank is, however, principally confined to lending out that capital which it raises by the circulation of its Notes, and the comparatively small sums deposited with it, mostly without interest, (its customers seldom depositing more money with it, than their current occasions require) and to buying and selling Bills upon London. The advances of capital which it makes are, of necessity, principally confined to the discount- 17 ing of such short dated Bills of Exchange as through its London agents can be turned at any time into cash ; as it is always liable to be called upon to pay oft* its notes, and all the money in its hands, at the shortest notice, it should always be prepared to do so ; and the most prudently managed and best English Banks are those which confine themselves most strictly to the limits which their uncertain cre- dit prescribes to them. Credit is, in fact, the proper capital of a Bank, without which it is impossible for it to be carried on with any great advan- tage to the country. For w'ant of this the business of English Banks, extensive as it may appear, is quite inconsiderable compared with that of the Banks of Scotland, and far short of what it would be with a different system. Thus, then, it appears to be the result of ex- perience, that while our Banks are often de- structive, at all times dangerous, and at the very best totally inadequate, from want of sta- bility and credit, to perform their proper func- tions, the Scotch Banks never fail, nor is any danger ever apprehended from them ; and that, in consequence, Banking is carried an in that 18 kingdom to an extent unknown, and, of course,> with advantages totally unfelt in our own. We have stated that the superiority in the success, as well as in the stability and credit of the Scotch Banks, arises from their being pub- lic, and not private concerns, which is also proved by our own experience. We have but one Public Bank, the Bank of England, and it has uniformly done well since its first establish- hient. The same may be also inferred of the Bank of Ireland, the only Public Bank in that country. Lately, when applying for a re- newal of its charter, it appeared, that besides its annual divideffids, it had made and saved half a million of money, a sum much greater than the Stock-holders had any conception of. This at once proves, that successful manage- ment is not at all peculiar to Scotland, or any nation, but is inherent in the system itself. The cause 6f this difference proceeds from the charters of the Banks of England and Ire- land, which prevent, in their respective coun- tries, more than six persons from entering into a Banking concern, while in Scotland there is no such monopoly, and Banks can be esta- blished on the proper principles, and as many people become partners in them as choose. From the limited number, of partners in our Banks, their management has frequently fallen into hands totally incompetent to such a trust. 19 There is, perhaps, nothing in the theory of Banking very complicated. But to manage a Bank well, requires a degree of firmness, and judgment, which every individual does not possess. If a Banker be too safe and injudi- ciously cautious in his transactions, he is apt to ruin his business for want of liberality ; if too confident, to ruin himself for want of prudence ; while he must possess firmness sufii- cient to enable him to refuse the most pressing solicitation of even his friends, when necessary to do so. This knowledge, discrimination, and firmness, not only require natural talent in the person possessing them, but previous practice and experience in the business of the world. Whereas persons are often placed in the manage- ment of English Provincial Banks, by some con- nection or other chance, which usually deter- mines the lot of individuals in the common affairs of life. Or, if they are chosen express- ly for their presumed fitness for the trust, their fitness will then depend upon whether the part- ners who choose them, are themselves sufficient- ly competent to form such a choice ; inde- pendent of which, however, the energy and vi- gilance of every individual is at times apt to slumber, and we occasionally find the ablest men get very far wrong. Now, the true reason of the success of Pub- lic Banks may be ascribed to their never being D 'i 20 managed by any single person, but by a Court of Directors, periodically chosen by the holders of stock ; and their fitness for the trust not de- pending upon the opinion of an individual or two, but of hundreds, founded upon the clear evidence which their successful management of their own aifairs^ has afforded. No man is ever . chosen as the director of a joint stock compa- ny, where the choice is unbiassed by influence, who has not given sufficient proof in the eyes of the world of his ability for the management, and has not justly inspired his fellow proprie- tors with that confidence which they repose in him.* The principal causes which produce the ruin of private Banks may be stated to be, — first, a confusion in their accounts, arising from a bad or relaxed and careless management, so very frequently exhibited in common affairs ; but which, in Banking, must ever be fatal ; second- ly, speculations with the capital in the Bank ; and thirdly, and most frequently, accommoda- ting great houses, either from motives of pri- vate friendship, or the temptation of extra Banking profits, until they are so involved that they must stand or fall with them. The two great failures which have happened in this part * Since the publication of this Essay, I have understood that this is far from being always the case. 21 of the countiy were Surtees, Burdon, and Ca* and the Durham Bank. The first was produced by entering into private speculations with the capital in its liands, and the last by accommo- dating a great mining concern. But with Pub- lic Banks these causes, by which failures are generally produced, cannot exist. In the first place, the vigilant check necessarily kept upon the accountant, and those who have the charge of the books, which must at all times show, without trouble to the Directors, the state of the company's affairs, prevents the possibility of their getting back or into confusion. In the next place, the Directors could not appropriate the money of the Bank to views of private speculation, if they were wishful to do so, as they are a check upon each other. If they were respectable men, they would not at- tempt it, and if they were not, they would not be there : besides, there is no instance recorded of such a thing. In the third place, they have too little personal interest in the Bank to be tempt- ed by extra profit out of the path of safety, in accommodating great houses : or if any of them were influenced by private friendship to do so, it could never be the case with them all ; and they would be also in that respect a check upon each other. Independent of the general Court of Di- rectors, there is also a Managing Director, 2^ Cashier, Secretary, and Accountant, or some- times Cashier, Secretary, and Accountant, or Cashier and Accountant alone, according to the business done, either the Cashier or Secre- tary in the latter cases acting as Managing Di- rector, and taking all the practical management ; and if the Directors are careful to choose men fit for these stations, and see that they do their duty, the concern will generally succeed. The Directors having in general business of their own to attend to, cannot give their whole attention to the Bank affairs. Their part is more to deliberate, judge, and determine, than to con- trive. Consequently the Managing Director, or he who is at the head of the executive de- partment, sits with and joins the Directors in their deliberations, and proposes to them such views and opinions as his practical knowledge and undivided attention to the affairs of the Bank, suggest to him. These they take into consideration, and approve, alter, or otherwise direct, as they may think proper. The ener- getic and profitable management of such a con^ cern, therefore, greatly depends upon the abi- lity of its officers, who are expected to submit a variety of views and propositions to the Di- rectors, of which there is no fear that they adopt any which are too speculative. The errors of Public Banks are generally on the side of safety, but the concern is apt to flag when the 23 practical management is not in the hands of men possessed in some degree of ready appre- hension, practical energy, and talent for busi- ness ; and I understand, it is consistent with experience, that when the officers of a Bank are not of this description, the business of the concern is apt to fall off, and to become less profitable. The business, however, of such a Bank, though it may not be pushed, is seldom neg- lected. When the Directors can give no at- tention to the concern, they generally resign, or when it is their turn to go out, are not re-elected. On the other hand, they are not likely to get wrong in taking up sanguine views, by which individuals often mislead them- selves. They are responsible in the estimation of the Stock-holders for all that is done, and individually have but little to gain by success ; whereas, if their management produced any considerable loss to the concern, they would be turned out of office, and stand committed with the public in a manner that would render them ridiculous, and necessarily produce feelings the most disagreeable and painful. As, therefore, it thus appears, that the causes which operate in producing the failure of Pri- vate Banks are totally prevented by the consti- tution of Public Companies, we cease to wonder at the uniform success by which the latter are 24 attended. But the risk incurred by Bankers is not, perhaps, so great as we are apt to imagine. With loans on property, or on the personal se- curities required to establish a Cash account, there is no risk at all. Property is not taken, if not sufficient to cover the loan upon it, and the sureties accepted when a cash account is opened, are each of them required to be suffi- ciently able to fulfil the obligation of the bond they enter into. Should any thing happen to either of them, another name must be immedi- ately substituted. Independent therefore of the party with whom the account is opened, there are always two perfectly good and sufficient sureties, to make up any deficiency, even to the full amount of the debt, should it be called for. The greatest risk incurred by a Bank, is in the Discounting of Bills of Exchange, though it is, at the same time, its most desirable busi- ness, from being the principal means by which it keeps its Notes in circulation. But with this class of business also, the risk, under pro- per management, is much less than is sup- posed. It is said, that the Bank of England, in ordinary times, does not calculate upon a greater loss than one pound in three hundred thousand. Leith is quite a speculating town, and its merchants are subject, in consequence, to considerable vicissitudes. Yet the Branch of 25 the Commercial Bank there, during the first four years of its establishment, did not lose one pound out of many millions of discounts, al- thougli, in consequence of having entirely new connexions to form, it rejected no business that it could with any degree of prudence accept. The experience of those also, who live in coun- try towns, where the losses which the Banks sustain are generally known, will point out to them, if they have made the observation, that it is only very rarely that a well managed Bank suffers any loss at all. The Scotch Banks, in fact, in the arrange- ments which they make with their agents established in distant towns, assume that there is no risk whatever, and lay it down as a rule, that if they incur any loss, they are to suffer it themselves. The Directors, in general, select for Agents, tried men of business, who have proved, by the manner of conducting their own affairs, their capability of successfully transact- ing whatever may be confided to them. Secu- rities are required of them, in a town of any business, to the extent, I understand, of not less than ten thousand pounds, and they receive a fixed salary of (say) from two to four hundred per annum, according to the size of the place and business done in it. It is, I believe, gene- rally calculated by the Agent, that if he can make out a case of very unforeseen loss, it will E 26 be partly allowed him ; but the assumed princi- ple is, that there need be none at all. It is a most curious circumstance, however, and completely proves the insecurity of private management in Bank affairs, that the Banks lose more money through their agents than in any other way. The distance of the town, where the Agent is established, from the Bank, renders it impos- sible that any proper judgment can be formed by the Directors, of the stability of the persons with whom the Agent does business. The great sum, however, required as a security, the busi- ness character he possesses, and the risk he him- self runs, naturally remove all suspicion as to the prudence of his transactions. Should his affairs become involved, he is, perhaps, suffi- ciently clever to hide it for a considerable length of time. This he probably does with the hope of recovering himself, until the failure, perhaps of some house he has imprudently ac- commodated, or his deficiency is too great for further concealment, when his own ruin, the loss of the friends who are security for him, and the loss of the Bank besides, to perhaps three times the amount, prove his unfitness for the trust that has been reposed in him. This does not unfrequently happen, and no greater proof of the insecurity of private ma- nagement could well be afforded. If Agents, 27 without the temptation of profit, and under the control of their Banks, cannot keep right, how much more likely are Private Banks to get wrong, without any such control, and with all the usual temptations to influence them ? Although our Banking System has been so long in its present state, its effects seem not to have forced themselves on the consideration either of the government or the public, until lately, when the fliilures in Ireland, and the lamentable effects produced by them, attracted the notice of the whole kingdom, and called the attention of those interested in the welfare of Ireland, to the subject. In a conversation which, in consequence, took place in the House of Lords, upon the state of commercial credit in Ireland, the Mar- quis of Lansdowne stated, that the present dis- tress in Ireland was principally occasioned by the late failures amongst the Banks in that country, which failures were to be attributed to the law that limited the number of partners in Banking Firms, and he called upon Lord Liverpool, with reference to Ireland, to reme- dy the evil by an alteration in the law, in or- der that proper Banks might be established. E 2 S8 In answer to this. Lord Liverpool said, " that " not only did he agree in the suggestion of " the Noble Marquis, but it was his anxious " wish that the number of partners should be " extended not only in Ireland, but in Eng- " land,'* and instanced the hardship of Liver- pool, Bristol, &c. being prevented from estab- lishing Banks that would be instrumental to their prosperity and strength. Since that time a negociation has taken place between government and the Bank of Ireland, in which it has been stipulated, that the Bank shall give up the restrictive clause in its char- ter with respect to Country Banks, and it has done so without an objection. A bill has con- sequently passed through parliament, by which, in the country districts ^f Ireland, Public Banks may now be established. After what has been said by Lord Liverpool, as well as what has been done for Ireland, there can be no doubt of the disposition of govern- ment on the subject. It is the declared wish of Lord Liverpool, who expressed the gene- ral sentiment of ministers, (as their subsequent conduct with respect to Ireland has proved) that the impediment to the establishment of proper Banks ought to be removed, and that this coun- try should enjoy the advantages of a better system. To again call the attention of government 29 to the subject, is all that is now, therefore, ne- cessary ; and it will be creditable to the spirit and intelligence of the Gentlemen, Merchants, and others of the town and neighbourhood of Newcastle upon Tyne, to be the first to set the example. The proper plan to pursue is, in the first place to form a company, and then ap- point a deputation to wait upon ministers, and the Directors of the Bank of England, and ne- gociate with them respecting the alteration pro- posed, and at the same time, pursue such other steps as may prove necessary to the ultimate attainment of the object desired. That such an application must be made by a Company, to be made with proper effect, is evident. A Company will carry with it a weight which no individual can have, while it will prove how much alive the country is to the advantages of a better system, by its readi- ness to adopt it. It will also evince a proper confidence in the declaration of ministers, as made by Lord Liverpool, that they wished to see a better system of Banking introduced ; and there can be no doubt that the ministry will have every disposition to give to their own de- claration the earliest effect. There is in fact but little doubt that govern- ment will use all its influence to get the char- ter altered, on an application to it for that pur- pose. There can exist no reason why it should 30 not. Ministers have declared the clause a great evil, and are bound by their sense of duty to endeavour to remove it. They have done so with respect to Ireland ; and can have no mo- tive or apology for not doing so with respect to us. Ministers, I suppose, will occasionally be wrong as well as any other set of men. Yet so far as we can see, they are generally conscienti- ous. A sufficient ground may sometimes exist for their opinions and conduct being at vari- ance ; but there is evidently none in the pre- sent case, and their co-operation may therefore be relied upon. The charter of the Bank of England does not, however, expire until 1833, and the ob- noxious clause will require to be immediately expunged from it. But this can be done with- out injuring the Bank, and the wishes of minis- ters, with the directors of the Bank, must neces- sarily be imperative. Besides, we have nothing to fear from the directors themselves, who, in conducting the affairs of the Bank, have always acted upon disinterested and public spirited principles. Neither can it be supposed that any measure for the public welfare, which was con- ceded by the Bank of Ireland without an ob- jection, would be resisted by the Bank of Eng- land. The consent of the directors to any alteration which benefits the public without materially injuring the Bank, may, therefore. 31 also be relied upon. Yet, as to anticipate the worst, is sometimes the best policy, (viewing it as a possible case that the directors may not be at once disposed to accede to the wishes of the nation,) we will examine whether, in that case, parliament ought not to alter the clause with- out their consent. The Bank, though intimately connected with government in its transactions, is an indepen- dent establishment, governed by directors of its own choosing. It was commenced by indivi- duals as a speculation, and was chartered by government on the grounds of its public utility. Upon the same principle it has been continued a Bank by its proprietors, and the charter re- newed by government to the present day. It would be absurd to suppose that the Bank proprietors would have carried on the Bank merely to serve the public, had they not there- by served themselves, or that the public would have conferred upon them, A. B. and C. the holders of Bank Stock, any exclusive privilege from time to time, except upon the ground of public advantage. That the Bank is held to be as much a pub- lic institution as a private speculation, is evin- ced by the interference of Parliament in its affairs. This interference is quite oppos- ed to the common law of the land, yet it is perfectly justifiable with respect to the Bank 32 of England, in consequence of its enjoying pri- vileges as much for the public benefit as for that of its proprietors. The Bank is in fact an engine of the state ; and acts of parliament are continually made for regulating its affairs, without any reference to the proprietors, but solely for the public convenience ; and the right of parliamentary interference in its af- fairs, when the public good is involved, is clearly established by this usage. It must, however, be kept in view, that though the affairs of the Bank have been regu- lated by the independent authority of parlia- ment, its substantial interests have never been infringed upon. At each renewal of its charter a pecuniary fine, or loan at a reduced rate of interest, has generally been exacted, by which it has fairly purchased the profit to be made by its charter daring the term of it. Hence the pecuniary emoluments which were intended to be secured to it, have never been curtailed. Mr Pitt, when he persisted in drawing the spe- cie from the Bank, protected it from the conse- quences of his doing so, by an act of parliament to suspend the payment of its notes. From this restriction it derived great advantage ; and al- though when the Bank was ordered, by act of parliament, to return to cash payments, the measure was contrary to its interests, it only restored the contract to its original footing. S3 Now the exclusive right of Banking, as a Joint Stock Company, in this kingdom, is of no advantage whatev^er to the Bank, except in London and Lancashire, and the latter is pro- bably the result of chance. The advantage it derives from it, is the monopoly which it secures in those districts to the circulation of its notes. Private Bankers, in London, are not prevented, any more than Country Banks, from issuing notes, if they thought proper, but they would be continually liable to runs upon them, from the never-ending rumours of the metropolis. In the country, a Banker's proper- ty is seen ; his economical habits, and prudent management, if he possess those qualities, are generally known, and a run upon him without some cause, cannot so easily happen. In Lon- don, on the contrary, the public at large, or even the customers of a Bank, have hardly any means of forming a knowledge as to the manage- ment, prudence, or property of its partners. Hence its credit would be totally at the mercy of every offended or malignant individual, runs would continually happen upon one Bank or another, and the town would be in a continual commotion. No Bank, therefore, whatever may be its present credit, would find its interest in issuing notes, and it is probable that as the charter, and the present system of Private 34 Banking now stands, it is perfectly effectual in securing the Bank the monopoly of London, In the country, however, with the exception of Lancashire, Bank of England Notes have no circulation at all. Country Banks issue their Notes, in general, upon the same terms as the Bank of England ; making no other charge than the interest upon the Bills they discount* The Bank of England having no means of issu- ing its Notes out of London, the Country Banks entirely possess the country circulation. Independent of this. Bank of England Notes would not pass in most parts of the kingdom, as, where Local Notes can be had, no person in the more Northern Counties, will take a Bank of England Note if he can help it. The signatures of Country Notes are, gene- rally, written in a legible and distinct uni- form character, peculiar to the writer, and well known to the public. Hence every person can, at least, attempt, to form a judgment, whether a note is forged or not. Should his observation upon hand-writing not be sufficient to enable him to distinguish any discrepancies in it, or between it and a printed fac-simile, the notes have, in ge- neral, some little figure or etching, with which he is familiar, and in which he might discover any slight variation from the original. But, in con- sequence of the number of Bank of England Notes to be signed, from their not being more 35 than once issued, the signing clerks and signa- tures are so numerous, and the latter are written so hastily, that nothing can be ascertained from them; and the object of the signature is total- ly defeated. I never remember having once seen a person look at the signature of a Bank of England Note, in order to ascertain whether or not it was a forgery. The rest of the Note is also little more than a piece of plain printing, and presents (at least to a person in the country,) nothing by which a forgery can be dis- tinguished. Country Notes, therefore, are al- ways preferred. In Lancashire, however, there seems to be a prejudice in favour of Bank of England Notes, which is rather surprising. The Banks there do not, in consequence, issue their own, but Bank of England paper, and to compensate this sup- posed disadvantage, charge a commission up- on their discounts; which method must ren- der their business a great deal less hazard- ous, and more profitable. Hence also they are never subject to runs, and when they discount a Bill, are sure of their commission of 5 or 10s. per cent. Banks in other districts, on the con- trary, that charge no commission, constantly have their Notes returned upon them through other Banks, the next day after issuing them ; and, by this means, where the Lancashire Bank- ers would gain a handsome profit, they often do F 2 36 not make a farthing. By this prejudice, how- ever, the Bank of England also enjoys the al- most exclusive circulation of Lancashire. It has been very usual to consider the de- rangement and loss by the circulating medium, particularly to the poor, the greatest evil at- tending the failure of Banks. This is, however, an erroneous view of the matter ; for Country Notes are, upon the whole, a better currency than Bank of England paper. A good deal of present inconvenience may occasionally for a short time- be sustained where the Banks of a country fail all together (as was before mentioned of Ireland) 5 but the loss by the Notes in actual circulation is widely spread, and, comparatively speaking, little felt. The evil would be trifling if it extended no fur- ther than to the Notes which are in the hands of individuals ; that proportion which is held by the lower classes, even taking it in the aggregate, can never be considerable, more especially since the Savings' Banks were esta- blished J it will probably seldom exceed a pound to a hand, and even ift that case, the Bank ought to fail on Saturday, the day on which wages are generally both paid and spent. The circulation is principally in the hands of tradesmen, and the richer classes, few of whom would not prefer the risk attending Country Paper, if it were three times as great as it is. 37 rather than incur the plague, trouble, and in- convenience which they suffer from the fear of forgeries, so prevalent with Bank of England Paper, as well as the loss by them, which there is no avoiding. This is incontestably proved by the decided preference which is actually given to the paper of Country Banks wherever it is circulated. Upon considering the generally acknowledg- ed superiority of Country Notes, it seemed at first natural to think that the prejudice existing in Lancashire against them must have originat- ed with the Bankers in that part of the country themselves, as it was apparently their interest to support it. I had even formed a conjecture to this effect, until I observed in the papers of the day an account of the transactions and resolu- tions of a meeting, held on the 1st of September last, by the Merchants and Manufacturers of Manchester, on the subject. By the proceed- ings at this meeting, it seems that the Bankers of that town, not content with the present profits of their trade, have had it in contemplation to issue notes, expecting, no doubt, to enjoy their present commissions, and the advantage to be gained from the circulation of the country be- sides. This scheme, it is likely, in the end, they would have found impracticable ; for in the free competition of this country, the profits of no trade can be kept for any length of time 38 above their natural level, and the ruin of their commissions, from the competition of other Banks, would most probably have been the re- sult. But the merchants and manufacturers met for the purpose of resisting the attempt, and refused to take the notes which it was thus proposed to issue. A great deal of very ingenious arguments were used by the pro- posers of the resolutions entered into at this meeting. The statement, however, which pro- bably carried the most conviction and unanimi- ty along with it, was the fact, that fewer of those Banks fail which do not issue Notes, than of those which do. Now, as there is no reason why Banks that issue notes, and get smaller profits, should undertake greater risks than those who have more temptations of profit to influence them ; as also there can be nothing in the mere issuing of their own notes very ma- terially different from that of issuing those of any other establishment ; and lastly, since though they may stop payment by a run, they seldom become bankrupts when they are not insolvent : the difference mentioned must prin- cipally arise from the issuing of notes being attended with the same risk, but with much less profit. It is inconceivable that the issu- ing of notes should make any other difference than that which arises from reducing the com- mission upon discounts. Bankers who circu- 39 late notes may, from the fear of runs, be ob- liged to circumscribe their business, and with- out great profits, may indulge in great ex- pence ; or should they have lent out their money too freely, they may also, it is true, be brought to a stand by a run upon them ; but if they are solvent, any loss which may be thus caused will of course fall upon themselves. The superior safety of those Banks which do not issue notes, can, therefore, I apprehend, only arise. from their business paying them bet- ter ; and if the merchants and manufacturers of Manchester will continue to pay Messrs Jones and Co., or Messrs Heywood and Co., the same commission as before, they may be safely allowed to do as they think proper. But if the Bankers take the very sensible advice of Mr Wood, they will make no further attempt to alter their present system. The fear of runs might compel them to curtail their business, and they may be sure the profits of Banking in Manchester, as in other places, would find their level. The probability therefore is, that if they were to issue notes, they would discover, in the end, that in grasping at the circulation, they had only illustrated the fable of the Dog and the Shadow. The apprehensions expressed at this meeting, that persons of no property would issue notes, and maintain a circulation in competition with 40 Bankers of stability and credit, is supposing what is contrary to experience, and could never happen. But in this case there is lit- tle doubt that, in time, the trade of Bank- ing would not be so profitable in Manches- ter, and the business would be done upon more liberal terms ; if the Banks issued notes, the present bankers might go out of the business, others would not make so much money, and they would consequently not be so safe as the rich Bankers in question. In that view of the subject, therefore, the meeting was right in the resolutions it adopted. But to pay a Banker an extra profit, in order to render you safe in transacting with him, is the same as giv- ing a premium for insurance against a sea risk. It is prudent, at any rate, perhaps, to insure, though the premium may be high, but it be- comes a question for serious consideration, whether you cannot get your insurance effected at a cheaper rate. The circulation of the Bank of England notes in Lancashire, is evidently founded upon a view of the subject taken up by the manufac- turers and merchants in Manchester alone, and in consequence it is only enjoyed by a kind of chance. To give the Bank that circulation was evidently, therefore, not the intention of the charter, while the tenure by which it is held is too frail to be relied upon, and there- 44 fore can neither be argued upon as a matter of right conferred by the charter, nor depended upon as a source of profit. The right, consequently, of the Bank to pre- vent more than six partners entering into a Banking Concern, is, with respect to the whole kingdom except London, a right which confers no advantage upon it, while it loosens the whole frame of commercial credit, of which Banks are the pillars and support. To call it, therefore, a right, with respect to the country, is impro- per ; legally it may be so termed, but equi- tably it is nothing but a wrong. It seems also by the act which conferred it, that this privilege was first granted by a mis- take. By Stat. 6 Anne, c. 22, it was enacted that '■'■for securing ike credit of the Bank of *' England.,^' no other Banking Company in Eng- land should consist of more than six partners. Now it did not secure the credit of the Bank of England in the smallest degree. The credit of the Bank of England depended upon the a- mount of its capital and the state of its affairs. This act merely ruined the credit of every other Bank ; and it is almost certain that had the true object of the bill been stated, and had the preamble run thus ^^ for the intent and pur-^ pose of ruining the credit of all the unchartered Banks in England^ it was enacted^ t^c." it may be safely affirmed, that no such act would have G 4^ been passed by any British Parliament* at least since the Revolution. The error then commit- ted, has been continued to the present day ; but when the practical evils produced by it have been so severely felt, and are become so evi- dent, it is the duty of parliament to correct it. Parliamentary interference in the aifairs of the Bank, is, as we have endeavoured to shew, a right whicli practice has conferred ; but, admit- ting, for the sake of argument, our conclusions on that view of the subject to be erroneous, it must be obvious to the commonest apprehen- sion, that there is a right in any government to take from any body of men, a monopoly which does them no good, while it does the country a great deal of harm. An indefeasible right of inflicting a wrong, would be a new principle in our institutes. The only permanent and substantial good which the Bank derives from the clause in its charter is the monopoly of the circulation of London, and its neighbourhood. The circula- tion of Lancashire, as we have seen, cannot be depended upon. Now, a worse way of securing the circula- tion of London cannot be conceived. The ob- ject is to prevent the Bankers of London from issuing Notes ; and the manner of doing it is to weaken their credit, and keep it so low that they cannot. Nothing could be more simple. 43 nor more effectual, than to prevent them from issuing Notes, by enacting that they should not do so. Instead of that, the object is accom- plished by taking from them their credit, the vital principle of their trade. It would be just as proper to bleed a horse in order to diminish his speed ; to take from him his strength in or- der to reduce his action ; instead of an addition- al bridle and curb, to restrain his pace by the weakness produced from the frequent use of the lancet ; you would, no doubt, thereby effectually reduce his fire and check his speed, but you would also ruin his constitution, and the probability is, in such a case, that upon the slightest trip, both horse and rider would tumble into the ditch. Nothing, in fact, can be more absurd than the present man- ner in which the monopoly is secured, while its baneful influence extends to every part of the country. The constitutions of our Banks are unequal to the burthens they have to support ; and it may be truly said, that the Banks and the country are continually, in some part or other, tumbling together into a ditch, and often one so deep that they never get pro- perly out again. It must be admitted that the restriction is productive of less apparent ill consequences in London than in the country. The reason of this is, that ViQ business of Banking is more profit- G 2 44 able in London, (where all business is generally better managed) than it is in the country ; for it is principally in the hands of old houses, con- ducted by acting partners, who have been all their lives in the houses which they manage, and who have raised themselves by their in- dustry, experience, and talents. All, therefore, that the country requires is, that the monopoly of the Bank of England be se- cured to it, in a more simple and direct manner. That in lieu of the clause enacting, that not more than six partners shall enter into other Banking concerns, it be enacted that no Banks shall issue notes within the boundaries of the present monopoly. In doing this, there is no in- fringement of the rights of the Bank. The ob- ject of its charter is to give it an exclusive pri- vilege, which, by this alteration, will be the more effectually preserved j for it is merely in- cidentally secured by the present terms of it. Government have no right to do the Bank an injury, but they have surely a right to remove from its charter any impediment to the public welfare, upon granting it an equivalent. This is nothing more than the principle upon which all Acts of Parliament are passed, for making roads, canals, &c. through private pro- perty. The individual is fully compensated for the loss he sustains, and substantial justice 45 being done him, his inclinations are not con- sulted in the matter. If an argument in favour of the present sys- tem should be drawn from the circulation enjoyed by the Bank in Lancashire, the merchants and manufacturers of Manchester have it in their power, effectually to destroy its efficacy. They have but to encourage, instead of suppressing Local Notes ; and whether the present Banks issue them or not, they will, no doubt, by the competition of trade from other quarters, find their way into circulation. It is, however, equally the interest of the Bank, to have its monopoly secured in a more direct and less questionable manner. Any per- son may, at present, issue Notes in London, and nothing but want of credit, prevents Pri- vate Banks from doing it. If any plan, how- ever, should be thought of, to give the Notes of Private Banks sufficient credit, there would, doubtless, be found Banks to issue them, and there can also be little question that the public would, as in the country, give them a prefer- ence. Without entertaining any wish to deprive the Bank of its monopoly, but to show that it does not stand upon the securest footing, how easy would it be for Private Banks in London to a- dopt the plan proposed by the Chancellor of the Exchequer two or three years ago, with 46 respect to country establishments. If, for in- stance, a private Bank were to issue half a mil- lion of paper, it might purchase stock to that amount, and assign it to trustees, and these trus- tees might indorse and guarantee the notes, hold- ing the stock to meet their payment, should they be ever called upon by the failure of the Bank. There would then not only be value in the funds sufficient tb pay them with, which could not be applied to any other purpose, but the holders of the Notes, should it be necessary, would have a claim upon the estate of the Bank to the full amount of their value, and thus no apprehen- sion respecting them could possibly be enter- tained. A renewal would, of course, from time to time, be requisite, but the trustees would take care, for their own sakes, before they en- dorsed a new Note, that an old one of the same value should be cancelled. Many other plans might, I have no doubt, be contrived to attain the same object, and render the Notes of private Bankers perfectly safe to the public, by which they need not as now apply to the Bank of England for Notes, but issue their own, and in that case the charter of the Bank would be rendered almost useless. The alteration proposed, therefore, is as much the interest of the directors and proprietors of the Bank, as of any set of men in the kingdom. The charter of the Bank does not expressly con- 47 fer a monopoly, nor could it be discovered from the charter itself, that the monopoly of a circu- lation of Notes was intended. But if a mono- poly was intended, there needed to have been no fear of expressing it in words ; and it would now be desirable to the Bank for it to have that monopoly which it has paid for, clearly ex- pressed and secured to it. Thus there can be but little doubt that we shall meet with the ready co-operation as well of the directors as of parliament and ministers, in the measure. The only persons who will be injured by it, will be the present Bankers. But no set of men can expect a country to continue voluntarily to submit to an evil after it has discovered the cause and can apply the remedy. They must take the fate incident to all rights or institu- tions, founded in error : as soon as truth appears, the fabric, for want of its foundation, must be de- stroyed. But on none can a loss fall more light- ly. If a Banker be not independent of his trade, he ought not to be a Banker. He has gained a credit that he is not entitled to ; and to deprive him of a business he should not, and could not carry on, if the public were aware how little se- curity he afforded them, is nothing more than an act of justice. If he be independent of his bu- siness, which the great majority of Bankers are, he may lose, but cannot feel his loss very se- verely. 48 The Clerks and Managers of those Banks whose business may be curtailed, will find as good, if not better situations than they had before, with the New Companies, who will, as a matter of common sense, be anxious to em- ploy them, for the sake of their practical know- ledge. Hence we may safely calculate, that the amount of positive injury to individuals, produced by the loss of the means of support, from the proposed change, will not be great ; and by no means equal to what the failure of any one considerable Banking Concern would occa- sion, under the present system, if it be continued. In order that we may form an idea of the profit to be made by establishing a public Bank in this town, we will next examine the suc- cess that has attended those which we propose for our models. The stock of many of the Local Banks of Scotland has sold much higher than the stock of the Edinburgh Banks. The Edinburgh Banks, however, are those to which we shall more par- ticularly refer, as the business of this town and neighbourhood is sufficiently extensive to re- quire an establishment of equal magnitude. There are four Banks in Edinburgh : The Royal Bank of Scotland, The Bank of Scot- 49 land, The British Linen Company, and The Commercial Bank. The last established was the Commercial Bank, in 1810 ; it commenced with a subscribed capital of Six Hundred Thou- sand Pounds ; it has divided from 6 to 8 per cent., and its stock is at present at 50 per cent, premium. It has had to contend in a ground completely pre-occupied, and the most ruinous times in our mercantile history ; and in strug- gling to form connexions, it has been led into the midst of the failures that have happened, and has met with considerable losses. The Directors have, in consequence, reduced the dividend from 8, which they had paid the first few years, to 6 per cent. Its stock, however, has not fall- en in consequence. It has never, I under- stand, been higher than it is at present ; and there is little doubt, that had it continued to divide 8 per cent., the stock would by this time have doubled its original value. The Directors, it is supposed, will not again divide more than six per cent., until they have accumulated such a reserved fund as that, in future, when the dividends are increased, there may never be a necessity for their being reduced again. The success upon the whole of this concern, consi- dering the opposition it has encountered, which was very great, and the bad times it has met with, which were equally so, has not, I have heard, disappointed its Stock-holders. H 50 The Bank of Scotland, and Royal Bank Stock, are at a premium, I understand, upon the ori- ginal capital advanced, of from about 90 to 140 per cent. But their capitals are, I believe, a million and a half each, being unnecessarily large for the Trade of Edinburgh. Their cre- dit would be as good, and their business as ex- tensive, if they were to pay off half their capi- tals, each Stockholder would then get as much profit upon half his present stock as he now does upon the whole of it. All that a Bank can gain by capital is credit, and when its capital is sufficiently large to put that upon the most solid basis, it is as large as there is any occasion for. More only incumbers it, and would be as well in the hands of the origi- nal Stock-holders, many of whom would pro- bably turn it to better account. The most successful, however, of the four establishments, has been the British Linen Company. Tt commenced originally with one hundred thousand pounds, which afterwards, either by an accumulation of profits, or by a further advance of capital, was doubled. Upon this capital it annually made very handsome dividends, and also accumulated a reserved fund, which, about eight or nine years ago, amounted to nearly three hundred thousand pounds, making its capital, in all, nearly half a million. It was not then a Chartered Com- 51 pany, but it applied to Government for a char- ter, and got one, the proprietors having, it is understood, subscribed a small deficiency ne- cessary to raise their capital to five hundred thousand pounds. Since then they have gone on, notwithstanding the precarious and disastrous state of the mercantile world, with almost un- paralleled success, so that now their half mil- lion of stock is worth a million and a half; it meets a ready sale at not less than two hun- dred per cent, premium. I do not imagine that their charter has contributed much, if any thing, towards this increase of value. The only advantage the charter gives, is to free the Stock-holders from responsibility beyond their respective shares in the capital of the Bank. This, however, can be no advantage in Scot- land, where the very idea of danger, beyond a capital of half a million, would be considered as one of the absurdest chimeras that could be entertained. I do not suppose the stock of the Commercial Bank, which is not chartered, sells for a pound less on that account. It is, in pro- portion to the interest paid upon it, nearly about the same price as the 3 per cent, consols, and it is not likely a charter would raise it higher. I therefore imagine that the value of the British Linen Company's stock arises alto- gether from the ability with which the Bank is managed, and the amount of dividends it con- H 2 52 sequently makes. It must be also considered, that government could not, with justice to the public, and therefore would not, grant a char- ter, if it was really any thing more than a name. It would never agree to exonerate any set of men who enjoyed a certain gain, from the loss incident to it, and throw it upon the unsuspect- ing public. It is only when the capital of a Bank is sufficiently great to satisfy the most sceptical doubt with regard to the safety of the public, that a charter can ever be granted. Besides which, if the freedom from personal responsibility conferred by the charter on the Stock-holders of the British Linen Company, had been of any real use in freeing them from risk, it must have destroyed their trade. No- body would make permanent deposits in a Bank, whose partners, by any peculiar privi- lege, were freed from the loss which their own transactions involved. They would naturally have dealt with those that had no charter, in preference, or with the other Chartered Banks that had three times the capital. Had the charter not, in every respect been a mere dead letter, it must have injured the concern. It is evident, that if Banking is carried on at all, it must be with a profit more than adequate to the risk incurred ; and those who gain the profit must take the risk they are paid for. The reason why the charges of Bankers are so 53 small is, that they are found, with judicious management, to cover all risk, besides leaving a sufficient profit. The business for a Bank in this town and neighbourhood, I should think by no means in- ferior to that of either the Commercial Bank or the British Linen Company. In the present state of the country, however, as it is far from being certain that government may not be compelled to reduce the interest of the national debt,* it is not necessary to make out a case of extravagant profit, in order to induce capitalists to enter into such a concern. Equal interest with greater safety would of itself be a sufficient in- ducement. But with the chance, which expe- rience has reduced to a certainty, of increasing their capital at least 50 per cent, what proba- bility is there of capitalists turning their mo- ney at present to such account in any other way ? As this Bank will be the first of the kind, it will also, with equal management, be the best. There is no connexion more stable than the connexion of a Bank. When a person once opens an account with it, if he does his busi- ness creditably, he never has occasion to leave it ; and if he does not, he could gain nothing by the change. Hence it generally happens that merchants adhere through life to the Bank * Since the meeting of parliament all fears, on this head, seem to be removed. 54 they begin with, provided it stands. When, however, in addition to this, we consider the fine field which this great mining and commer- cial district presents, we may be a little more sanguine in our calculations. I should think we have a right to expect as great a profit as has ever been made by any public Bank yet established. Where public Banks have not been establish- ed, and I may say, also, where private Banks have, there appears always to have existed a prejudice on the subject of Banking. On this account, at the first formation of public Banks, we generally find it has been considered politic to encourage them, by granting charters. That there exists at present in this country a great prejudice against Banks and Banking, from the disasters they have produced both to the part- ners in them and the public, there can be no question. As also there can be little doubt that when the present impediment is removed, go- vernment will be disposed, for the benefit of commerce, and for the general convenience de- rived from public Banks, to encourage them, I should suppose that where a sufficient capital is subscribed, there will be no objection to grant- ing a charter, if it is required. I would there- fore propose, that the Bank in question be commenced with a capital sufficient to com- mand a charter, if one was desired, or to 55 make it a matter of perfect indifference in the event of government declining to grant char- ters, whether one was to be had or not. It is also reasonable to suppose, that in granting charters, government will only require such an amount of stock, to be possessed by each Bank, as the business of the place where they may be established, shall seem to render necessary. The capital required for a Bank in Manchester or Liverpool, where mercantile transactions are so large, could not be employed in a small town like Sunderland, and would never pay in a town like Newcastle. Considering the business of this town and neighbourhood, however, we should suppose that government would not grant us a char- ter under half a million of capital, if it would even grant a charter at all with a less sum ; and we should think, that with such a capital, it would be immaterial whether we had a char- ter or not. The most sceptical, whatever their prejudices on the subject might be, could never imagine any danger with such a security, either to the public with a charter, or to the private property of the Stock-holders without. So large a capital, however, would warrant a greater extension of business than our own town affords. The Edinburgh Banks have agencies, and do business to a great amount, in all the principal towns of Scotland, which 56 no doubt is on the aggregate found to pay them. In that respect it is proposed, with re- ference to the neighbouring towns at least, that we shall follow their example : but while we do this, we must also endeavour to improve by their experience. And the following is the plan we beg to submit : — 1. That a Bank with a capital of ^500,000 be established in Newcastle, with Branches at Durham, Sunderland, Shields, and any other place which may be hereafter determined upon. 2. That no individual shall be allowed to hold more stock than to the amount of two thou- sand pounds. 3. That the capital be subscribed as follows : — Two hundred thousand in Newcastle and neighbourhood ; one hundred thousand in Sun- derland ; fifty thousand in Durham ; fifty thou- sand in Shields, and their respective neighbour- hoods, and the other hundred thousand as may be hereafter determined upon. 4. That the Bank in Newcastle be governed by four Directors, three of them chosen by the Newcastle Stock-holders, and the fourth to be their Chairman, and be chosen by the other three. One of these Directors to go out an- nually, and not for one year be eligible to be re-elected. That the Chairman be elected an- nually, and be eligible to be re-elected. 57 5. That the Branches be governed by three Directors, chosen by their respective Stock- holders, and a Chairman chosen by the three Directors in the same manner as with the main branch in Newcastle. 6. That the Branches be under the general management and control of the Court of Di- rectors in Newcastle, who shall receive daily or weekly accounts of their transactions. 7. That the Chairman of the Branches form with the Newcastle Directors a Committee of General Management, and come into Newcas- tle every month to examine the affairs of the establishment, and consult and decide with the Newcastle Directors all questions and rules of General Management, which it may be neces- sary from time to time to lay down. 8. That none but the Chairman, and the Newcastle Directors, have any inspection of the particular transactions of each Branch ; but that a general meeting of the whole Directors shall be periodically held for the purpose of making laws, or may at any time be called to consult upon any given question, either with respect to the transactions of any Branch with an individual, or upon any specific point of management which may be proposed to it, and its decision to control and bind the Committee of General Management with respect to that 58 point ; and two Directors to have at any time the power of calling a general meeting. 9. That there also be a Governor and De- puty-Governor, the latter of whom to be chosen by the Committee of General Management, and the former either by the Directors at large, or the Stock-holders. The Governor to be principally an honorary appointment, and to be a member of one of the two houses of parlia- ment, and the Deputy-Governor some gentle- man resident in Newcastle, who has leisure and inclination to give his attention to the affairs of the Bank, and preside at the monthly meetings.^ 10. That the executive officers of the Esta- blishments consist of a Cashier and Accountant, with a Secretary, if required j and such other Clerks as are necessary for each Branch, and a Managing Director in Newcastle.* 11. That the division into Branches extend only to the division of the capital and manage- ment, and not to the profits, which shall be divided equally. This gives a general outline, and I need not go further. The first step that the Company will have to take must necessarily be to appoint * It seems also the general opinion, that there ought to be a couple of salaried Directors. 59 a Committee to procure all the laws and regu- lations of the Public Banks of England and Ire- land, and the leading Public Banks of Scotland. They must examine into their comparative suc- cess, and the cause of it, and from their rules draw out such a constitution, as, adapted to the peculiarities of our local situation, shall be the best fitted to secure both the safest and most profitable management. In proposing this out- line, my object is principally to suggest the en- quiry, and not by any means to presume that a better plan may not be adopted. That the constitutions of some of the present Public Banks are not so good as they might be, and not suited to such a town as this, I am pretty well convinced ; and as it is difficult to make a change after a constitution is once act- ed upon, it will be evidently proper to consider the subject well beforehand. The outline which I have given, I shall, however, take the liberty of illustrating by a few explanatory ob- servations. In the first place, the capital proposed will at once have the effect of giving the concern sta- bility, and of securing the unlimited confi- dence necessary to be reposed in it by the pub. lie, in order to render it equally profitable and useful. In the next place, limiting the amount of stock held by each individual, will keep the concern in the hands of the public. It is very I 2 60 usual with Private Bankers and other wealthy individuals, to buy largely of the Stock of the Public Banks in Scotland, which is a disadvan- tage to them, as the greater the number of per- sons interested in supporting such a concern, the better. There are two individuals who each hold upwards of a hundred thousand pounds of the British Linen Company's Stock, neither of whose accounts with it are so profitable, nor, in all probability, is their influence in its fa- vour nearly so advantageous as the transac- tions and influence of a respectable tradesman, or merchant, would be, who was in a situation to hold a^2000 Stock independent of the capi- tal of his trade. One of them is, in fact, him- self a Banker, and issues notes, so that he must be a rival, as far as his business extends, and not a friend to the Bank. By this means, it is deprived of at least a hundred interested sup- porters, which, by our plan, it would have, and the profit of the smaller Stock-holder is dimi- nished in a corresponding degree. There is also another practical evil, of still greater im- portance, which would be av^oided. The Pri- vate Bankers in Edinburgh who do not issue Notes, keep an account with one of the Public Banks, in the same manner as the London Bankers do with the Bank of England, and dis- count with it, or draw upon it for the cash they require. They have, generally, made it 61 their policy, to buy largely of the Stock of the Bank they do business with, so that by the amount of their stock, together with their pri- vate influence as Bankers, they might get themselves chosen Directors. By that means they not only gain an undue preference in their transactions with the Bank, but, as it has been proved, have, sometimes, for years together, contrived to render the Bank totally subservi- ent to the extension and profit of their own private business. Where great Public Banks are established, there will always be trade to a certain extent for such Bankers. They draw upon London, act as Bill Brokers, charging a commission upon their discounts, &c. and when capital is scarce, by their superior credit and influence in obtaining discounts, contrive sometimes to do business to considerable extent. We mav consequently expect that the same, in a great- er or less degree, will be the case in this town, and as sucli Bankers here will have the same interest to prompt them as in Edinburgh, they may be expected to endeavour to take the same steps. But by limiting the amount of Stock held by each individual to a6''2,000, no mono- poly can take place, and one Stock-holder can- not possess any advantage over another. Such persons generally, no doubt, get pos- session of the Stock by giving the best price 62 for it ; and by thus limiting the competition, individual sellers will not get, at the moment, quite as much as it would otherwise bring. By a strict adherence, however, to the rule, the profit of the concern will be improved, and in- stead of a holder having to sell his Stock with a dividend of 10 per cent., it may leave a divi- dend of 12^. Thus though he may not get so much for it when it comes into the market, as with a free competition, yet he will evidently get more for it than if, from the consequence of such competition, the dividends were ^^ P^r cent. less. It may be said that ^^2000 stock is not a sum large enough to give any Directors a suffi- cient interest in the management. To this it may be answered, nor yet would three times the amount, if they felt no interest in the ma- nagement independent of the profit of their stock. The Directors in general will be wealthy individuals, with whom that profit can be of little importance. With respect to the division into Branches, there can be no doubt that by thus effectually embracing the business of the different towns wherein they are established, the profit of the concern will be materially increased, and that capital, which might be too large for Newcas- tle alone, become only proportioned to a plan so much more comprehensive. But there will 6.3 be also great advantages derived from it in the system of management whicli it affords. There are two objects to be aimed at in planning the constitution of a Bank. First, its safety : and next, its success. And though safety is a natural consequence of success, yet there may be great safety where the success is but small. They are, in fact, partly opposed to each other. That constitution which would best secure the one might be very liable to di- minish the other. In a multitude of Directors there would be safety, but the chances would not be so much in favour of success. It is commonly said, and with truth, *' What is every body's business is nobody's ;" and this in some degree would be the case with a multi- tude of Directors. The common routine of transactions would be done by the officers of the institution ; but no able or energetic, and successful management, would be attempted. The responsibility lies with the Directors at large. No individual director would conse- quently take any step of the least importance himself. Nothing would be done without a ma- jority present, and too little interest would be felt by the majority for it ever to attend. Be- sides, when many people meet, they talk more than they act : and if they differ in opinion, are apt to do nothing, leaning always to the safe side. Little being therefore done, and 64 always that little with superlative safety, the business of the concern would be liable to flag, if not fall off altogether. It will sometimes hap- pen, as with the Bank of England, where a considerable business is necessarily done, that with a number of Directors a good arrange- ment may be adopted, and the management go on tolerably well. But the Bank of England derives its business from its monopoly, in spite of its Directors, and not from its superior ma- nagement. Four and twenty Directors could never successfully compete with the manage- ment of a smaller body. This is partly proved by its own experience. It does business upon the same principles as the Private Banks, yet notwithstanding its superior credit, it gets little or nothing to do, beyond the circulation of its notes, and keeping the accounts of government. On the contrary, were the Directors fewer, the interest they felt would be greater. The whole credit of the management would attach solely to them ; they would acquire a better know- ledge of it, do it with more ease and pleasure, and give that spirit and energy to the direction by which the business of the concern would be extended, and its profits increased. There is also another disadvantage arising from too many Directors. Few people like their cash transac- tions to be known, and none, that they should come under the review and cognizance of their 65 neighbours, who might sometimes even be their rivals in trade. This will always be particular- ly the case with borrowers, who are as good customers, and as necessary to a bank, as lend- ers : and when there is a great number of Di- rectors, people are apt to feel that privacy is al- most out of the question. This, I dare say, is one of the principal causes which gives business to the Private Bankers in Edinburgh ; and it will always induce many country gentlemen (more particularly those with whom a few shillings per cent, is less an object) to do their business with Private Banks in preference, if they possess the requisite credit, or can give them the accom- modation they require. Now, by the plan proposed, we shall com- bine all the advantages of both public and pri- vate management, without the drawbacks of either. For these reasons, the fewer the Directors the better : but there could not well be fewer than four ; and, indeed, perhaps no Bank could be safely trusted to the management of so small a number. By the Branches being under the control of the Newcastle Directors, however, while they will enjoy all the advantages of the most private management, they will have all the security of the most public. The same will be the case with the management at Newcas- tle : it will regularly come under the inspection K 66 and control of the Chairman of the Branch Directors, and any thing wrong in the manage- ment will immediately be discovered, and cor- rected or exposed. By this means, no doubt, the transactions of individuals with the Bank will be reviewed by more than four Directors. They will, however, generally be strangers ; and people have a much greater objection to be immediately under the cognizance of their neighbours, and those they are known to, in money matters, than they have to their affairs being reviewed by persons who do not know them, and who only stand in the relation to- wards them of A. to B. A declaration, however, if not an oath pub- licly made, ought to be required from every Director, that he would never make the trans- actions of the Bank a subject of conversation to any but those concerned in the management ; and from the Committee of General Manage- ment, that their individual communications to the Branch Directors, should embrace only points of general management, unless a gene- ral meeting is to be called, and any question to be discussed which shall involve the detail of any particular transactions. By this means the public might be continually reminded and as- sured that their transactions would have the greatest privacy possible, an assurance which 67 there can be little doubt, would be of consider- able benefit to the business of the Bank. Another great advantage of tliis plan is the superior activity which the comparing and in- specting of each others management will natu- rally produce. While the Directors at New- castle will require a good account of the ma- nagement of the Branches, they will naturally be anxious to give as good an account to the Branch Directors, in return. Thus by being poised against each other, an emulation will be excited, which, by keeping the interest and attention of all parties continually alive, must prove of incalculable service in promoting the interest of the establishment : for a falling off in the time, trouble, and attention given by those who are entrusted with the management, is the easily besetting sin of the Directors of all public concerns. If the public could be equally assured of the goodness of the management, it would be bet- ter that the Directors once chosen should never be changed. The secrets of the Bank ought to be kept in as small a compass as possible. The management of a Bank also requires a practical knowledge, which, of so great a busi- ness, must take some time to acquire. Of this the Scotch are aware, and though some of the Directors go out every year, they generally re- elect such as have been Directors before, so K 2 68 that the same set of persons, whom experience has rendered the most fit, are continually in the management. In order, therefore, not to have more changes than necessary, and to introduce no strange faces that can be dispensed with, it is proposed that but one Director shall go out each year by rotation, and that the order of rotation be not imperative. If to retain a Director, whose use- fulness is such, that his brother Directors think he ought not to retire, or if to permit one to go out who may have found that he cannot give the attention required, the Directors choose to alter it, so much the better. In so small a number, it would neither be desirable to lose a good Director, nor to retain a bad one ; and of their respective qualifications and usefulness, the Directors will themselves be the best judges.' It will also generally happen, that there is some one individual who has more time, takes more pleasure and interest in, and gives more atten- tion to, the management than the rest, and the object in giving the Directors the choice of the fourth member themselves is, that they may choose this person for their Chairman. He will always have the most knowledge of the trans- actions of his particular branch, and will be the fittest to give any explanations respecting it, at the monthly meetings of the Committee of General Management, and will have the most 69 tact and fitness for that inspection and judg- ment which he will be called upon to exercise on the transactions of the other branches, that will come under his review. The monthly meetings of the Chairmen of the Branches, with the Newcastle Directors, be- ing for the purpose of scrutinizing and control- ling each others management, it is possible that differences of opinion may sometimes arise. In order, however, to prevent such differences from ever producing any disunion (which varie- ties of opinion, when people are earnest in a pursuit, have been known to cause) it is pro- posed, that the Deputy Governor who presides at these meetings, shall have nothing to do with the particular management of any Branch. Be- ing chosen by the Committee, whose respect and confidence he will in consequence natural- ly enjoy, he will possess sufficient influence to prevent any such event from ever happening. It is likely, however, from the character and respectability of the parties, that a misunder- standing is merely a possible, but not at all a probable event. The Governor having merely an honorary sta- tion, should be chosen in a manner calculated to convey the greatest compliment, and should always be a member of one of the Houses of Parliament, both in order that he may be a man of undoubted rank, and in order to secure 70 a parliamentary interest and co-operation in promoting any measure, or procuring any act which may hereafter be wanted. The superior power of control possessed by the general court of Directors, does not involve its interference in the details of the concern, and will not, consequently, in the least degree, embarrass its operations, which might be the case if it were called upon to take a practical management. It will merely be a superior court of appeal, to which reference may be made upon any particular question or point, by the Committee of General Management, or any two of its members. Its judgment and interference will be merely occasional, and never exercised without being specially called for, which it is probable will rarely be the case. The existence of the power may be useful, however, though never exercised. Independent of these different checks, the Managing Director ought to make periodical visits, more particularly at the commencement of the concern, to aid, with his advice and as- sistance, the Directors of the Branches. By thus diffusing his practical knowledge into every department, a general uniformity and harmony in the direction of affairs, will subsist through- out, which will render the positive application of any one of the checks, an event rarely called for. 71 By this plan, therefore, I should imagine, that there would be every probability of the establishment being conducted both with safety and success. The whole management," in a short time, would become a very well under- stood routine. Any appeals would merely take place on particular occasions, by the Directors of the Branches requiring the additional autho- rity of the Committee of General Management; or by the Committee of General Management, on any important point, requiring the addition- al authority of the General Court of Directors, to relieve themselves from responsibility. Branches may also be established at Berwick, Carlisle, Stockton, &c. upon the same princi- ples, but the distance would be too great to re- quire the monthly attendance of their Chair- men. If they came once or twice a year, to ascertain, for the benefit of their constituents, the general state of the concern, it would be sufficient. In any large town, however, where an Agent was appointed, and any considerable business done, it would be better to have a Board of Directors. No business could be done to any extent, without a discretionary power exercised upon the spot ; and the experience of the Scotch Banks has proved, that it is not safe to entrust such a power to an Agent. With these few observations, we will leave the plan to the consideration of the public. SUPPLEMENTARY OBSERVATIONS TO THE THIRD EDITION OF li^ ^@^^¥ ON THE GENERAL PRINCIPLES AND PRESENT PRACTICE OF BANKING, &c. SUPPLEMENTARY OBSERVATIONS. X HE general conviction which this Essay has produced, and the active steps which, in other more important commercial towns, it has already given rise to, leave no room to doubt the accomplishment of the change in our Bank- ing system, which it recommends. No apolo- gy, I trust, will therefore be necessary for my hazarding a few observations on the mode of proceeding which it will be proper to adopt, both here and in other places similarly situated, in order to set the proposed Banks on foot. The objection to this, and almost every im- portant change in the general business of man- kind is, that some must lose by it. It cannot be denied that a great Public Bank, established in this town and neighbourhood, must materi- L 2 76 ally diminish the business of the very respect- able private establishments which we now have. The present system of Private Banking, how- ever, is opposed to the welfare of the whole community, and the interest of six or seven persons can never be maintained against that of sixty or seventy thousand. No Banks, on the present system, could stand higher in the estimation of the country than the Banks of this town, and there can be no doubt that they possess a great many friends, who would be very willing to exert themselves in opposing the establishment about to be form- ed, had they any reasonable grounds to go upon. Could it be maintained, for instance, that the existing Banks possessed sufficient credit to enable them to conduct the business of the country on the principles of the joint stock companies, so as to render them unnecessary ? Or, could it be contended, that they would always be as well managed as they are at pre- sent, whatever changes may take place in their partners ? Or, could any reasonable guarantee be held out that other Banks, less entitled to public confidence, would not set up in this town, force themselves into credit, and abuse it? Or even could all this be maintained, other places could not be prevented from taking those steps which they are about to take in order to procure the alteration proposed in the Bank of 77 England's Charter, and any such exertions Would consequently be useless. Opposition to a measure of this nature by the present Banks, would evidently be totally una- vailing. To expect their mercantile friends, therefore, out of mere compliment, to forego any advantage which may arise from purchasing the stock of the proposed concern, would be perfectly unreasonable. Such a compliment might even be subject to misconstructions. In carrying the proposed Bank into eifect, there are two points of view in which it will have to be considered : first, as a public institu- tion, and next, as a speculation to individuals. It has been said that half a million is too large a capital to be raised in this district ; but that can only be known by experiment, which re- mains to be tried. As a public institution, it is necessary that it should have a capital suffi- ciently large to secure it the credit it requires ; and it is of no consequence to the public whe- ther it be raised in this district or not, if it only be raised. When we want a machine or engine which cannot be made at home, we do not go without it on that account, but send for it to where it can be had. The same must be done with the capital of this Bank. If there are not people here sufficient to supply the amount required, let people at a distance be 78 invited to make up the deficiency. A man who deposits his money in such a Bank will consider the half million of security held out as good to him, if it comes from a distance, as if it were raised at home. The question then to be first determined is, whether half a million of capital is necessary to establish the unbounded credit required for a public Bank in this district or not ? If de- cided in the affirmative, which so far as I can gather, has already been done, then let those set up the Bank who can furnish it. I am, how- ever, very much disposed to think, that when subscriptions are opened, there will be found more capital in Newcastle, Shields, Sunder^ land, and Durham, than they have credit for possessing. As soon as this Bank divides six per cent, with the prospect of its permanently continuing to do so, its stock at the present value of mo- ney, will be at 50 per cent, premium ; and tHs will only be dividing five thousand per annum above the interest of its capital, out of the Banking Profits of four considerable towns, be- sides an extensive commercial and mining dis- trict, in which are two great shipping ports. We should suppose that in this district there are a very great many millions of capital at present not near so well employed. 79 But its capital will only be required by slow degrees. No Bank could take up half a million of money at once. If ten per cent, were paid down, and after that ten per cent, every six months, it would be advanced as quickly as it could perhaps with prudent management be required. Now the steps which it is proposed to pursue both in Newcastle and the neighbouring towns, are as follow. It is intended that two hundred thousand pounds be subscribed in Newcastle and the neighbourhood. It is also desirable that it should be subscribed by those who are likely to be the best supporters to the establishment. Although the respectability and character of our present Bankers is such, as to render any fears of ungentlemanly or splenetic conduct equally groundless and improbable, yet it must happen that many are so connected with them that they would not wish to run any risk of disobliging them by taking a share, however groundless such an idea may be. It is there- fore proposed to take subscriptions to the ex* tent of one half in the first instance, which will include those who are less dependent upon the Banks, and the other half after it is set on foot, when those who are more dependent upon them need not dread inconvenience from their dis- pleasure. If there should be a considerable demand for 80 the stock, it will be proper that the shares be the smaller, in order that all may be supplied. No set of persons ought to be allowed a mono- poly. If the amount which each is allowed to subscribe be too large to include all who are entitled to shares, those who come first only can be supplied ; whereas if they are too small, they can easily be increased upon. It is, therefore, on the safe side to take only mode- rate subscriptions at first. They may be in- creased afterwards, if necessary. It is conse- quently proposed that no person be allowed to subscribe in the first instance more than a thou- sand pounds. When the hundred thousand pounds are sub- scribed, or as large a sum as is likely, with the above limitation, a meeting will be called, and a committee of subscribers chosen to prosecute the measure, and one per cent, be paid down to meet the expences which will be incurred. If the hundred thousand pounds be not all subscribed, the committee will have to de- termine the proportions in which those who have taken shares may increase the amount of them ; or should there be found, as has been suggested, any difficulty in raising either the first or last half of the capital in this district, monied men from a distance might then be al- lowed to take up the surplus. There will be no risk, I presume, in engaging that such men SI will be readily found, though, for my part, I am disposed to think that no such men are at all likely to be wanted. In procuring the first subscribers, no great discrimination can be used, for no one is pro- perly entitled to make the selection. Any who are willing to subscribe must be allowed to do so. By this, no doubt, it may happen that the amount will be made up before many have the opportunity of putting down their names, who, from their business, are more particularly intitled to subscribe ; but this there is no avoid- ing. When, however, the second subscription comes to be taken, the committee will have the power of discriminating ; and it will be the interest of the first subscribers, and the duty of the committee, who represent them, to appor- tion out the remaining shares in the manner best calculated to further the interests of the establishment. I do not think, that if the shares are in de- mand, they should be sold to the highest bid- der ; that would be neither wise nor liberal. The shares will be principally retained for the benefit of those, whose connexion with the pre- sent establishments is such, that they would be good customers to any concern, and yet the na- ture of that very connexion prevents them run- ning the risk of being put to any inconvenience by incurring the displeasure of the old Banks, M 8£ before they have the new one to go to. As* however, the second subscribers are thus parti- cularly favoured, and are not called upon, in the first instance, either to subscribe to the ex- pence, or take any share in the trouble, of esta^ blishing the concern, I think it would be per- fectly fair that their shares should be subject to a small premium of, say 5 or 7t P^^ cent. This, I dare say, they will pay without any objection, as an acknowledgement for the con- sideration with which they will be treated. By this arrangement a sum will be raised suffi- cient to purchase offices, pay the expences which must be incurred in setting the Bank on foot, and enable it to begin its operations with a clear and untouched capital. It has been objected that the smallness of the shares does not hold out sufficient inducement for gentlemen and men of large property to enter into the concern. The private property of the share holders is, however, a matter of no importance. The capital ought to be sufficiently large to give the Bank the credit it requires, did none of the partners possess more property than the capital which they advance ; and it is presumed that half a million is sufficient for that purpose. No person of property will in fact enter into the concern, if his property be necessary to its credit. No man of common sense will put his fortune in danger for the 83 «ake of making a thousand pounds or two. It is only in consequence of the capital being so great that no danger can be apprehended, that he will subscribe at all. When, however, the capital of a Bank is suffi- ciently large to hold out the requisite security, its credit for any practical purpose cannot be improved either by enlarging the capital, or by taking into account the private property of its stock holders. A person who deposits money in a Bank gains nothing by the great wealth of its proprietors. All that he desires is to be satisfied that it is safe ; and capital enough to render that obvious and palpable, is all that is necessary. Of the four Edinburgh Banks, the British Linen Company holds out the least security. It has half a million of capital ; but is a charter- ed Bank, and the private property of its stock- holders is not liable to the public. The other two chartered Banks have three times the capi- tal, and the Commercial Bank, which has no charter, to a capital of six hundred thousand pounds, adds the further security of the proper- ty of its stock-holders, which probably amounts to many millions. The credit of the British Linen Company is, however, as good as any of the other three, and its business, if we may judge by the superior profits which it has made, a great deal better. Therefore I apprehend M 2 84. there can be no doubt that half a million of capital in this district is sufficiently great to render the property of individuals a matter of no importance whatever to the credit of the Bank. It must, at the same time, be equally obvious, that if the property of an individual can add nothing to its credit, by the same rule his property can never be endangered by it. The stock ought to be principally distributed with a view to the business of the parties. It will no doubt, however, be very desirable that the neighbouring country gentlemen, should give the Bank their countenance and support, by taking shares in it. This they will probably do upon principles of public spirit. They can never be tempted by the magnitude of their shares, to do so upon any other grounds ; other- wise many more efficient supporters of the con- cern would have to be left out. It appears to be a general opinion, that two thousand pounds stock is too small an amount for the Directors to be confined to. I beg, therefore, to suggest that after they are chosen they may be allowed to hold shares to the a- mount of five thousand pounds. The first Di- rectors will make the most benefit by this pri- vilege, but it will be a very cheap way of re- warding them, and it is unquestionable that having every thing to arrange from the com- mencement, they will have the most trouble. 85 I still, however, cannot help thinking that after the annual profits of the Bank have be- come stationary, and the stock attained its va- lue in the money market, the small difference which could be made on any stock that a Di- rector may be allowed to hold, would not be a consideration worth the attention of such men as it is most probable will be always at the head of this concern. If they do not undertake the office as a public trust, execute it as a public duty, and have a pleasure in doing so, they are not the proper persons to fill the important office to which they will be elected. A Direc- tor, whose strongest motive for the performance of his duty is 50 or 100 pounds per annum ex- tra, which he may gain by the stock he possess- es, holds a station he ought not to hold. In fact, if such men only were chosen Directors, there can be no doubt that the Bank would be totally neglected. They would soon find that they could make much more money by con- fining the attention required by the Bank, to their own private affairs. After the subscribers have chosen a Commit- tee, one of the first steps to be taken will be to promote a petition to parliament for an alte- ration in the charter of the Bank of England. In this almost every person not connected with the existing Banks, whether they are sub- scribers to this Bank or not, will feel interest- 86 ed, and join. It is a measure whieh will have the good wishes of every one, and the public voice will be unanimous in its favour. The most decided and fairest mode of giving expression to public opinion, is by a meeting of the town to petition parliament, held under the sanction of the magistrates, when the merits of the question might be fairly discussed, and the objections to it made known. By presenting a requisition to the mayor, such a meeting would no doubt be called. But in towns like this, where the Bankers are intimate with all the principal inhabitants, the proper persons to take a lead in such a meeting might feel a delicacy in doing so. It will perhaps, therefore, be as well to set a petition on foot without a meet- ing, and let it be numerously signed. It is a question that admits of but one opinion, and there can be no doubt that the petition will be held to convey the unanimous sentiments of the public. There will always be the most difficulty in setting a public Bank on foot in small towns : the influence of the Banks being always greater in proportion to the smallness of the place. The first, however, is the only difficult step in the business, and almost any one independent and respectable person is competent to under- take it. For instance, we will suppose Stock- ton, Darlington, Richmond, and Stokesley, 87 towns not far distant from each other, in each of which there are Banks, to form a proper district for a public company, with, say two hundred thousand pounds capital. In any one of those places, any respectable person might open a subscription for, say five and twenty thousand pounds stock, being half the propor- tion to be subscribed in the town where he re- sides. When the subscription is full, the sub- scribers might then meet, deposit a per centage on their shares, to cover the expences which may be incurred, and appoint a committee to stir up and co-operate with the other towns, or such other towns as are disposed to join them, in carrying the measure into effect. A commit- tee being thus appointed, whose interest and whose duty it is to bestir itself, there can be no doubt of such a Bank being speedily establish- ed. One of the Branches will have, like New- castle, to be the centre of the system. It is not, however, necessary that this Branch should be in the principal town, the most central and convenient would evidently be the best for it. Nor, is it necessary that the shares should be a thousand pounds each ; there can be no ob- jection to take subscriptions for a hundred pounds, and probably five hundred pound shares would be as far as subscribers in the first instance ought to be permitted to go. That is, however, altogether a local question, which 88 will have to be determined by the numbers and class of persons likely to give their support to the measure. No general rule can be laid down. What is a large subscription in one town may be a small one in another, and vice versa. That public Banks have not hitherto existed, more especially in London and Lancashire, seems to have arisen from the want of a proper knowledge of the principles of Banking, rather than from the charter of the Bank of England, which I find does not prevent public Banks for the deposit of capital from being established. I hope it will not be considered as an attempt to arrogate merit to myself, when I say that I have not been able to discover any correct views extant upon the subject. The disserta- tions which I have met with, have generally consisted, of what has been said by Smith in his Wealth of Nations, the History of the Trans- actions of the Bank of England with Govern- ment, and a Eulogy of the Present System. In the same manner as the rules for epic poetry have been deduced from the writings of Homer, so have the principles of Banking been deduced from the practice of the Bank of England. That Banks ought to be the permanent depo- sitories of the capital of the country, is an idea which no writer has hitherto entertained, and 89 the silent operations of the Scotch Banks have eluded observation. It has in fact always been hitherto considered, that the proper business of a Bank was to issue notes and discount bills at short dates. This is very strikingly exemplified, by the clause in the charter of the Bank of England, which re- stricts other Banks to six partners. 12 — " And to prevent any doubts that may " arise concerning the privilege or power given " by former acts of parliament, to the said gb- " vernor and company of ea^clusive Banking, " and also in regard to the erecting any other " Banlc or Banks by parliament, or restraining " any other persons Jrom Banking, during the " continuance of the said privilege, granted to " the governor and company of the Bank of " England, as before recited, It is hereby fur- " ther enacted and declared by the authority " aforesaid, that it is the true intent and mean- " ing of this act, that no other Bank shall be " erected, established, or allowed by parliament, " and that it shall not be lawful for any body " politic or corporate whatsoever, erected, or " to be erected, or for any other persons united " or to be united in covenants or partnerships, " exceeding the number of six persons, in that " part of Great Britain called England, to bar' ** row, owe, or take up, any sum or sums oj ** money on their bills, or notes payable on de- N 90 " mand, or at any less time than six months from " the borrowing thereof, during the continu- '* ance of such said privilege to the said go- " vernor and company ; who are hereby de- " Glared to be and remain a corporation with " the privilege of exclusive banking as before " recited, subject to redemption on the terms " and conditions before-mentioned." — 21 Geo, 3, c. 60. sec. 12. It is quite evident that the framers of the above clause considered the business pursued by the Bank of England, the only proper Banking. It appeared to them that preventing Banks with more than six partners, from issu- ing bills at short dates, or notes payable on de- mand, was altogether conferring on the Bank the privilege of exclusive Banking as a public company. This, it did, no doubt according to their definition of the term, but it still leaves the most important part of Banking open to the public. There is at this moment no legal impediment to the establishment of joint stock companies for trading in real capital. Both the letter and spirit of the charter has reference to the circu- lation of bills and notes alone. A Bank which traded only in capital, would not in the least touch upon the monopoly of the Bank of Eng- land, nor be any infringement of its charter. Now in London and Lancashire, the Banks do 91 principally trade in capital. In London, how- ever, they accept bills, and in Lancashire they draw them, which such Banks, without an al- teration in the charter, could not do. But I apprehend there is a great deal of drawing up- on London from Lancashire, and consequently of accepting in London, which woidd be quite unnecessary with a better system.* Such a Bank, though it could not draw upon London, coidd sell to those who wanted such bills as it had discounted for others, and as I should imagine the balance of trade would, on the average, be in favour of Lancashire, it would not be many Bankers bills that would be wanted. These could easily be procured from other Banks, or the London agents of the concern might appoint a person in Lancashire * I understand that most of the bills in Lancashire are made payable in London, which must arise from the demand for capital in that great manufacturing and commercial dis- trict, under the present system of Banking, being greater than the supply. By the bills being made payable in Lon- don, they can be discounted there ; and some of the Banks have branches in London, which, it is probable, were ori- ginally established to save the expence of agency. In- stead of saying that the Lancashire Ranks trade in capital, it would, perhaps, be more proper to designate them Bill Brokers, on a large scale. Public Banks would, of course, from the investments of capital made with them, be able to discount bills, payable at home, by which the present ex- pence of paying in London would be saved. 92 to draw such bills upon them as the Bank re- quired. As to accepting of bills, by the London Banks, it is a part of their business, which, I understand, is not much valued. It would, however, be needless to go into the details of management, which would have to be pursued by a public Bank established with the charter as it now stands. There is no reasonable ground of probability that the directors of the Bank of England will oppose the required alte- ration. Sufficient, therefore, for our argument, is it, that the establishment of Joint Stock Companies without such alteration is perfectly legal. KDWARD WAI-KER, PRINTER, NEWCASTLE. APPENDIX €sgap on Banfeins, APPENDIX. No. I. Letters from The Times Newspaper. JOINT STOCK BANKING COMPANIES. To the Editor of The Times. Sir, — As the important advantages to be derived from the alteration of the Bank Charter and the estab- lishment of Joint Stock Companies seem little under- stood, permit me to offer a few observations on the subject. Experience has shown, that Joint Stock Companies never fail, and from the nature of the management to which they are subject, have been rarely known to ever lose money. By the confidence which this secu- rity inspires, and their liberal mode of transacting bu- siness, they become permanently, to large amounts, the depositories of the actual capital of the country. This they lend out again, not only upon short dated bills, but in permanent advances, upon sufficient per- gonal and other securities, to merchants, manufactur- A 2 4 ers, and agriculturists, with great advantage, as has been proved in Scotland, to the agriculture and com- merce of the country. Provincial private banks (in London they are more stable) are unable, from the frail nature of their credit, to transact in this manner. Not only are people deterred from keej^ing capital in their hands, but the banks dare not re-issue that which is deposited with them, except upon short dated bills, and such available securities as, in the event of a run upon them, can, through their London agents, be turned into money at any time. Comparatively speaking, therefore, the accommodation afforded to trade by private banks is merely casual, while an en- couragement is given to bill transactions, which often leads to and is productive of the most fatal conse- quences. To agriculture, where bills are not current, they can give no accommodation at all. The proposed alteration of the Charter is, in fact, brought forward by ministers as a measure of agricul- tural relief: and when properly considered, it will be seen, that no proposition made this session of parlia- ment for that purpose, can in point of magnitude or efficacy, be compared with it. It is understood, that ministers are very serious in their intention of carrying it through, and will be supported on both sides of the house ; but it is also supposed, that on both sides of the house, from the great connexions of country bankers in parliament, a great deal of indirect influence will be opposed to it. This, it is reported, government have already met, even in the directors of the bank of England, who have admitted the principle, but wish to defeat it in practice. Not only have they stipulated that no Char- ters shall be granted, (a stipulation of not the slightest importance to the Bank of England,) but it is under- stood, that they wish to prevent any alteration of the law with respect to Joint Stock Banks, which renders a company liable for the obligations in the name of its firm entered into by any of its partners. This, of course, would completely prevent any such banks be- ing established, and can have nothing else for its ob- ject. By thus quibbling with the nation, the Direc- tors may serve their friends, but they most seriously commit the interests of their constituents. The Bank is founded upon public opinion, and, perhaps, it is not too much to say, even upon public prejudice. If, however, it is thus foolishly opposed to the interests of the nation, opinion and prejudice may take a turn, and it may never have its Charter renewed again. AN OBSERVER. TO THE DIRECTORS OF THE BANK OF ENGLAND. Gentlemen, — At a meeting of the Bank Proprie- tors, it was agreed to permit the establishment of Joint Stock Companies at the distance of sixty-five miles from London, upon having the Charter of the Bank renewed for ten years. This agreement was a favour- able one, inasmuch as for resigning a privilege worth nothing, you were to receive a valuable consideration. The circulation of Lancashire you have been for some 6 lime desirous of discontinuing : to give it up was, therefore, making no sacrifice. Now, it is the interest of the Company, and your duty, who are intrusted with the care of its interests, to get this agreement carried into effect. Report, however, states (how truly you best know,) that in- stead of doing so, you have attempted to defeat this measure. You must know what Joint Stock Companies are. The Bank of England is a Joint Stock Company. You must also know very well, that by the laws of this country, it is not practicable to establish these Com- panies without some bill, which shall free them from being responsible for the acts of individual partners, which shall also make their stock transferable without a formal dissolution of partnership, and contain other regulations of a similar nature. Now, when the Bank Proprietors agreed to their establishment, they agreed also to such regulations as a matter of course. If, however, you have quibbled about them, with a view to get rid of the arrangement, I leave it to your constituents and you to determine how far you have done your duty. AN OBSERVER. BANKING SYSTEM. To the Editor of The Times, Sir, — I have read with some surprise two letters that have appeared in your journal from a correspon- dent who signs himself " An Observer ;" and as you invited, in a former journal, discussion on the subject to which your correspondent has alluded, I trouble you with a few remarks. Your correspondent is evi- dently very angry with the Bank Directors, for not promoting this new scheme of Joint Stock Companies. Let me first ask, what is the object of these Joint Stock Companies? And I believe a fair answer to this in- quiry will be, that their design is to extend the circu- lating medium, and thereby enhance prices. Now, if your correspondent had taken a comprehensive view of the subject, he would see the unpleasant, and I may say dangerous, situation the Bank Directors will be placed in ; for it must be remembered, that the same paper which is issued, and will cause the rise of the price of corn, will also cause the rise of the price of gold ; and is it to be expected the Bank Directors can permit Joint Stock Companies to issue all over Eng- land their paper, and cause the rise of the prices of all commodities (remember, gold included), and yet the Bank Directors be bound by an act of parliament to supply the public with one commodity (gold) at a fixed price, viz. 31. 17s. lO^r/. per oz. ? One of two things must ensue : either ruin to the Bank of England from such an unequal trade, or a corresponding withdrawal of their paper to the extent of the issues of the Joint Stock Companies, to keep paper and gold at par. Where then will be the use of these new companies ? Should, however, any arrangement be made by a breaking in upon Mr Peel's bill, and making the bank note a legal tender, to increase the issue of pa- per, this would be nothing more than a complete rob- 8 bery of the 5 per cent, fund-holder. He has had 20 per cent, deducted from his income, and one principal arofument to reconcile him to it has been, " Never *« mind ; you can now purchase the same quantity of " commodities for 801. you used to do for lOOl., and ** therefore you are no worse off." But issue fresh pa- per, and let prices increase, and then the poor fund- holder will have again high prices, and 20 per cent, income less. That this will be the case, I appeal only to the ope- ration of the paper system in 1816, and I must say that any infraction whatever of Mr Peel's bill, after the arrangement that has just been made with the pub- lic creditor, is neither more nor less than a fraud upon the fund-holder, and all who have had deductions made from fixed salaries or rents, since the passing of that bill. Respecting the establishing of Joint Stock Compa- nies, I shall then say, that more evil is likely to arise to the community than good. One month a large is- sue of paper will be made, and prices will rise ; ano- ther month, a withdrawing by the Bank of England, and prices will fall ; it will keep property in a complete state of vacillation as to price, and the merchant will also be liable to great fluctuation in his commodities. There is no want of circulating medium, accordmg to the present value of property at this moment; why then make any alteration in the existing law, which we were told, when made, was " to set the question ** at rest for ever ?" Let it be remembered, that no- thing is more dangerous to the well-being of a country than tampering with the currency; and after the so- lemn engagement the legislature has entered into, by 9 unanimously passing a bill to return hona fide to cash payments, I should hope the integrity of our govern- ment will never be again compromised by allowing any new paper projects, although they may be called " Joint Stock Companies." J. F. May 23, 1S22. JOINT STOCK COMPANIES. To the Editm- of The Times. Sir, — In reply to the letter of J. F., in your paper of yesterday, I beg to say, that I have no wish to im- pute improper motives to the Directors of the Bank of England, yet their conduct cannot appear otherwise than extraordinary. The reasons against the establishment of Joint Stock Companies must either have been known before the meeting of proprietors took place, or have been disco- vered since. If they were known before, why was the meeting called, and the measure agreed to ? The di- rectors can have no faith in the soundness of their own arguments, or they never would have acted in such direct opposition to them. If, on the other hand, they have been discovered since, allow me to say they are mere lame apologies for equivocal conduct. The apprehensions professed to be entertained are, that by the establishment of these companies, the cir- 10 culation will be extended, and the relative price of gold and paper thereby altered — that is to say, while a note is worth twenty shillings, a sovereign may rise to twenty-two shillings ; and a demand be created for gold which must fall upon the Bank of England, and either ruin it or undermine its circulation. Now, without disputing about the unqualified as- sumption, first, that the circulation would be increas- ed to so great an extent ; and next, that it would, in the present state of the country and our exchanges, alter the relative prices of gold and paper, let us admit such to be the result of experience. Must it not then appear to be a marvellous circumstance, that the Bank of England, previous to the restriction act, had a note in circulation at all ? The principle laid down is, that the over issues of country banks contract those of the Bank of England ; yet, as country banks have always issued as much as they could, and often more than they found profitable, it is really quite surprising that the Bank of England has not, long ere this, ceased to exist. I am unable to say, at this moment, whether by the- law as it now stands, country banks will not be oblig- ed to pay in gold as well as the Bank of England. However, let the law be restored to the state in which it stood before the restriction act was passed, and the relative situation of the banks will be precisely the same. Each bank will enjoy the circulation of that district the business of which it transacts, and any im- providence in its issues will recoil upon itself. Your correspondent inquires, what is the object of these Joint Stock Companies ? It may be replied — ^to ir supply to the country, banks with capital, where there are now banks with none, and to give a security and steadiness to its money transactions which they do not now possess. How far they may contribute to extend the circulation, and counteract the ruinous consequen- ces which its great contraction has produced, I shall leave to more competent judges to determine. I trust it will in some degree assist the views of ministers in relieving the distresses of the country, though it may not altogether realise the apprehensions of the Bank Directors with regard to the holders of five per cent, stock. It does not, however, appear to me, that the ori- ginal promoters of these establishments had any such views as those with which their present advocates are charged. I quote the following from a paper publish- ing in Newcastle, where the idea of establishing these companies, founded upon the encouragement held out last year by government, originated : — *' It is the result of experience that public banks or ** Joint Stock Companies, in consequence of the un- *' bounded credit which they naturally possess, and ** their liberal mode of doing business, receive great ** permanent investments of capital. They are, in con- •* sequence enabled to re-issue it in permanent advan* ** ces to those who can give proper security. Where- •* as private banks, for want of the necessary credit, ** have not such large sums deposited with them ; nor ** dare they, for fear of runs, to which they are so "** subject, make advances, except upon bills, and such " available securities as can, in case of need, be turn- ** ed into money through their London correspondents ** at any time. b2 12 y I <*' The consequence is, that the latter principle of ^* banking is purely mercantile, and can afford no use- " ful assistance to agriculture whatever. An advance *' of money is of no use to the agriculturist without he <-^ . is allowed years to re-pay it* Whereas the dubious ff credit of private banks renders it necessary that they $f. should principally limit their advances to the dis- f.': counting of bills at two or three months. .';*'. With Joint Stock Companies, however, this is f not the case. If a farmer can produce two persons f in sufficient credit to be his securities, he can open *' a cash account, draw out of the bank the sum for " which he: gives security, and repay it by degrees, as " the returns of his farm, or success of the improve- *' ments in which he has expended it, may eJn able him. " It very often happens, that many valuable perma-r *' nent improvements are totally prevented from want *' of capital on the part of both landlord and tenant. *' The landlord is very willing to allow for such im- " provements by a . gradual deduction from the rent, *' and the tenant to make them if he had the means; <' but the want of this on both sides puts an entire stop " to the improvements contemplated. With a Joint «' Stock Bank, however, in the neighbourhood, this *' would not be the case ; the landlord would have no <' objection to become security to the bank for that " money which he had himself ultimately to pay. It ** could, therefore, be immediately raised for the *' purpose required, and would be discharged by de- " grees, as the rents came round. Even if the land- *' lord did not pay for the improvements himself, were ** a tenant to show how capital might be expended " with advantage, his landlord could have no object 13 ** tlon to become security for the money spent in the *' improvement of his own property, the tenant eri-* ** gaging to re-pay it before the expiration of his 1' lease. Thus, such a bank would be a source and " main-spring of improvement and fertility to the " neighbourhood in which it was placed, while the ** business thus done by it would be a source of great ** profit to the concern. " Hence the establishment of Joint Stock Compa- *' nies is a matter of great importance to the landed *' interest, independent of remedying the positive evils *' which have arisen out of the present system ; and *' most of the intelligent country gentlemen, who have *' been consulted upon the subject, are decidedly fa- *' vourable to the measure." The simple principle that these banks bring actual capital to the aid of the practical agriculturist, who can give security for it, is what is here proposed, and it must be obvious that no advance of exchequer bills, or any temporary expedient that can be devised, could be either so practicable or so extensively useful to the country. Not only, however, will the proposed change in our Banking System be of great service both to commerce and agriculture, but an extensive evil will be thereby remedied. During the last thirty years, nearly three hundred Private Banks, principally provincial, have failed. What an immense mass of misery does this present to the imagination. Each failure was an earth- quake to the neighbourhood where it took place. The savings of the labourer, the capital of the tradesman, the dependence of the widow, all swallowed up in its dreadful vortex. Could a spectator but see the gene- 14 ral alarm, the anxious inquiry, the frantic look, and the domestic misery produced, he would be disposed to class such an event amongst the greatest calamities to which mankind are subject. Can a desire possibly ex- ist in any quarter, then, of perpetuating that system from which these evils have sprung ? AN OBSERVER. London, May 5th. 15 No. II. Letter, from The Newcastle Courant, referred to in the last Letter from The Times. BANKING IN CONNECTION WITH AGRI- CULTURE. To the Editor of The Newcastle CouranU By the Pamphlet which you have more than once favoured with your notice, it is shewn to be the result of experience, that public Banks or Joint Stock Com- panies, in consequence of the unbounded credit which they naturally possess, and their liberal mode of do- ing business, receive great permanent investments of capital. They are, in consequence, enabled to re-issue it in permanent advances to those who can give pro- per security. Whereas private Banks, for want of the necessary credit, have not such large sums deposited with them ; nor dare they, for fear of runs, to which they are so subject, make advances, except upon bills, and such available securities, as can, in case of need, be turned into money, through their London corre- spondents, at any time. The consequence is, that the latter principle of banking is purely mercantile, and can afford no useful assistance to Agriculture whatever. An advance of mcney is of no use to the Agriculturist without he is allowed years to repair it. Whereas the dubious cre- dit of private Banks renders it necessary that they should principally limit their advances to the discount* ing of bills at two or three months. With Joint Stock Companies, however, this is not 16 the case. If a Farmer can produce two persons in sufficient credit to be his securities, he can open a cash account, draw out of the Bank the sum for which he gives security, and re-pay it by degrees, as the returns of his farm, or success of the improvements in which he has expended itj may enable him. It very often happens, that many valuable permanent improvements are totally prevented from want of capital on the part of both landlord and tenant. The landlord is very willing to allow for such improvements by a gradual deduction from the rent, and the tenant to make them if he had the means ; but the want thereof on both sides, puts an entire stop to the improvements contem- plated. With a Joint Stock Bank, however, in the neighbourhood, this would not be the case, the land- lord would have no objection to become security to the Bank for that money which he had himself ultimately to pay. It could therefore be immediately raised for the purpose required, and would be discharged by de- crees, as the rents came round. Even if the landlord did not pay for the improvements himself, were a tenant to shew how a few hundred pounds might be expended with advantage, his landlord could have no objection to become security for the money spent in the improvement of his own property, the tenant en- gaging to rei-pay it before the expiration of his lease. Thus such a Bank would be a source and main spring of improvement and fertility to the neighbourhood in which it was placed, while the business thus done by it would be a source of great profit to the concern. • Hence the establishment of Joint Stock Banking Companies, is a matter of great importance to the landed interest, independent of remedying the positive 17 evils which have arisen out of the present system ; and most of the intelligent country gentlemen who have been consulted upon the subject, are decidedly favour- able the measure. It has consequently been suggested that petitions from the counties of Northumberland and Durham, for the altei'ation of that clause in the charter of the Bank of England, which restricts Banks to six part- ners, ought to be set on foot, in order to permit the establishment of such Banks. By the Pamphlet above mentioned, it will be seen that the clause in question is a mere error in legisla- tion, and that error too a verbal one, and that the al- teration proposed not only offers no injury to the Bank of England, but puts its monopoly upon a better foot- ing. Consequently opposition on any rational princi- ple cannot be offered to the measure, admitting for a moment that the interests of a Bank could be main- tained against that of a kingdom. This point, how- ever, as well as the subject generally, is very fully dis- cussed in the Pamphlet alluded to, which has been very generally circulated, and may be also had in all the principal towns of the two neighbouring counties. Independent of the great national advantages to be derived from the system of banking recommended, the gentlemen of the county of Durham are particularly called upon to express themselves, by the positive in- juries from the present system which the county has, within these few years, sustained. It is but a short time since five banks, viz. two at Stockton, two at Sunderland, and one in the city of Durham, failed nearly together, by which at least a million of money was lost. No stronger argument than the evidence of 18 this fact could be offered, both for the necessity and duty of every gentleman in the county joining to pro- mote any steps that may be necessary to prevent the recurrence of evils so dreadful as these failures pro- duced to hundreds of individuals. Nor can it be less necessary for the gentlemen of the county of Northumberland to bestir themselves. They have recently had an indication of those evils which Durham has suffered, while the failure of Messrs Sur- tees, Burdon, and Co. cannot be forgotten. The cre- dit of the present Banks, it must be admitted, leave little room to doubt, that it will be some time before any more disasters can happen of a similar nature ; yet, the Banks referred to, and the latter in particular, had a credit as good as the present, or any private Bank, could possess. No one can feel a greater respect for our present bankers, both as gentlemen and men of business, than I do ; and I am very well assured, that even they will not contend, that if wc could discover (to speak allegorically) a clear and safe North West Passage, we ought to send our ships to China by the present route, and en- counter the hurricanes of the Indian ocean, merely that they might purchase their mutton at the Cape. T. 19 No. III. Resolutions at Durham. At a meeting of Gentry, Clergy, Magistrates, and others, of the county of Durham, held at the Grand Jury Room, on Wednesday the 1 7th of April, THE RIGHT HON. LORD VISCOUNT BAR- RINGTON, IN THE CHAIR, Resolved, — That this meeting are convinced of the superior security afforded by Joint Stock Banking Companies, beyond that derived from private Banks, as well as of their more extensive influence in promot- ing the Commercial and Agricultural prosperity of a country. Mesolved, — That for the purpose of promoting the establishment of Joint Stock Companies, a committee be appointed, to correspond with other persons im- pressed with the same sentiments. Resolved, — That Lord Viscount Barrington, Wil- liam Thomas Salvin, Francis Johnson, Edward Ship- perdson, John Ralph Fenwick, Richard Scruton, and John Ward, Esquires, be a committee for that pur- pose. Resolved, — That these resolutions be published in the Newcastle and Durham newspapers. BARRINGTON, Chairman. NEWCASTLE : PRINTED BY EDW. WALKER.